Czech – English Thesaurus Dictionary
Edited by Professor Philip M. Parker, Ph.D. Chaired Professor of Management Science INSEAD (Singapore and Fontainebleau, France)
Czech – English Thesaurus Dictionary
PROCEEDS BENEFIT Webster’s Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
EDITED BY Philip M. Parker, Ph.D. INSEAD (Fontainebleau & Singapore)
Published by ICON Group International, Inc. 7404 Trade St San Diego, CA 92122 USA Phone: (858) 635-9410 Fax: (858) 635-9414
[email protected] www.icongrouponline.com This edition published by ICON Classics in 2008 Printed in the United States of America. Webster’s Czech – English Thesaurus Dictionary Copyright ©2008 by ICON Group International, Inc. Copyright ©2008 by Philip M. Parker, INSEAD. All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Copying our publications in whole or in part, for whatever reason, is a violation of copyright laws and can lead to penalties and fines. Should you want to copy tables, graphs, or other materials, please contact us to request permission (E-mail:
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ISBN 0-497-83477-4
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
PREFACE This is an English thesaurus designed for Czech speakers who wish to better understand the ambiguities and richness of the English language. The first chapter is a full English thesaurus organized by 12082 Czech subject words. For each Czech subject word, one or more corresponding English subject words (translations) are provided. Synonyms are then given for the English translations for all relevant parts of speech (even in cases where the Czech subject word has a unique part of speech). This process results in over 27951 English synonyms. The second chapter gives an index of these English synonyms back to the Czech subject words (a potentially useful chapter to English speakers interested in basic Czech vocabulary). The third chapter has short vocabulary lists organized by parts-of-speech. English teachers or students can use these bilingual lists to create flash cards, basic lesson plans, and English as a Second Language (ESL) study lists. While creating an English thesaurus for Czech speakers seems simple enough, it can be tricky. What’s the problem? Translations do not always follow strict transitivity. Normally, if a=b and b=c, then c=a. This is not necessarily true in linguistics when b is an English word that has more than one part of speech. For example, “test” is a verb, noun and adjective. What is the correct English synonym for “a” (in Czech) when “b” (in English) has synonyms (“c”) having many parts of speech? Furthermore, what if “a” (in Czech) is ambiguous and has several translations into English (“b”)? This thesaurus embraces this ambiguity by giving as much information to the reader as possible. This was accomplished in two phases. In the first phase, maximum-likelihood English translations of the Czech subject words are given. For all the languages covered in Webster’s Online Dictionary translations are determined using rather massive content analyses of translations from various sources including translations of United Nations documents, translations of the Holy Bible (and similar sources), training manuals, popular works, and academic sources. An English translation having the highest probability of being used is reported first, then the second most probable is reported second, and so on. Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
In the second phase, English synonyms for all parts of speech, including those not related to the original Czech subject, are given for each English translation generated by the first phase. If an English entry is most used as a certain part of speech (estimated based on an English language corpus), then English synonyms for that part of speech are listed first. This indicates to the speaker of Czech how the English subject word is most used. Other parts of speech are listed based on their frequency of usage in English. Within each part of speech, synonyms most likely to be used in English are listed first. Readers who seek further information on any of the words in this book, including translations to other world languages, can freely refer to Webster’s Online Dictionary (www.webstersonline-dictionary.org). The goal of Webster’s Online Dictionary is to give all people of the world free access to a complete mapping of all known words to and from all written languages. In fulfillment of this goal, Webster’s Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org) also offers as much information as possible for each word, including definitions, translations, images, trade name usage, quotations, and encyclopedic knowledge. The proceeds generated by the sale of this Czech–English thesaurus dictionary as well as other books extracted from the project will be used to augment the contents of the Webster’s Online Dictionary. This book may be the first Czech-English thesaurus ever published. All the errors and omissions are mine. I will certainly revise and improve this book at some later date, so if you wish to see better editions published in the future, please send any suggestions, corrections, or translations to
[email protected]. Thank you for purchasing this book and supporting Webster’s Online Dictionary. Philip M. Parker, Ph.D., editor Chair Professor of Management Science INSEAD (Singapore & Fontainebleau, France)
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
CONTENTS CZECH TO ENGLISH THESAURUS ............................................................... 1 A................................................................................................................................... 1 B ................................................................................................................................. 10 C................................................................................................................................. 23 Č................................................................................................................................. 33 D................................................................................................................................. 34 Ď................................................................................................................................. 52 E ................................................................................................................................. 52 É ................................................................................................................................. 55 F ................................................................................................................................. 55 G................................................................................................................................. 59 H ................................................................................................................................ 62 I .................................................................................................................................. 74 J .................................................................................................................................. 78 K................................................................................................................................. 84 L ............................................................................................................................... 111 M .............................................................................................................................. 120 N .............................................................................................................................. 136 O............................................................................................................................... 171 Ó............................................................................................................................... 198 P ............................................................................................................................... 198 R ............................................................................................................................... 260 Ř ............................................................................................................................... 275 S................................................................................................................................ 277 Š................................................................................................................................ 313 T ............................................................................................................................... 319 U............................................................................................................................... 333 Ú............................................................................................................................... 341 V............................................................................................................................... 346 W.............................................................................................................................. 377 X ............................................................................................................................... 377 Z ............................................................................................................................... 377 Ž ............................................................................................................................... 404
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
INDEX OF ENGLISH SUBJECTS TO CZECH SUBJECTS ............................... 409 A............................................................................................................................... 409 B ............................................................................................................................... 420 C............................................................................................................................... 426 D............................................................................................................................... 440 E ............................................................................................................................... 447 F ............................................................................................................................... 454 G............................................................................................................................... 459 H .............................................................................................................................. 463 I ................................................................................................................................ 467 J ................................................................................................................................ 474 K............................................................................................................................... 475 L ............................................................................................................................... 475 M .............................................................................................................................. 479 N .............................................................................................................................. 484 O............................................................................................................................... 487 P ............................................................................................................................... 490 Q............................................................................................................................... 501 R ............................................................................................................................... 502 S................................................................................................................................ 509 T ............................................................................................................................... 522 U............................................................................................................................... 532 V............................................................................................................................... 535 W.............................................................................................................................. 538 X ............................................................................................................................... 540 Y ............................................................................................................................... 540 Z ............................................................................................................................... 541
VOCABULARY STUDY LISTS .................................................................... 543 Verbs (Czech - English)......................................................................................... 543 Verbs (English - Czech)......................................................................................... 549 Nouns (Czech - English) ....................................................................................... 556 Nouns (English - Czech) ....................................................................................... 592 Adverbs (Czech - English).................................................................................... 626 Adverbs (English - Czech).................................................................................... 627 Adjectives (Czech - English)................................................................................. 627 Adjectives (English - Czech)................................................................................. 640
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
1 absolutně absolutely (naprosto, úplně); synonyms
Czech to English Thesaurus A a 1. and (i); synonyms (conj) with, (adv) also, additionally, (prep) plus, including, (adj) more, 2. plus (kladný); synonyms (prep) besides, (n) extra, advantage, addition, asset, gain, increase, quality, (adv) and, (adj) positive; antonyms (prep) minus, (n) disadvantage. abatyše abbess; synonyms (n) prioress, canoness, nun. abdikace abdication (odstoupení); synonyms (n) resignation, abandonment, renunciation, retirement, surrender, waiver, withdrawal, delivery, (v) deposition, dethronement. abdikovat abdicate (odstoupit); synonyms (v) abandon, renounce, cede, desert, forgo, forsake, quit, relinquish, resign, yield. abeceda alphabet; synonyms (n) letter, elements, grammar, rudiment, rudiments, outlines. abecední 1. alphabetic; synonyms (adj) alphabetical, abecedary, rudimentary, 2. abecedarian (začátečník); synonyms (n) beginner, learner, alphabetarian, amateur, dabbler, dilettante, dominie, pedagogue, schoolmaster, (adj) elementary, 3. alphabetical; synonyms (adj) alphabetic, consecutive, graded, indexed, literal, logical, ordered, progressive. abnormalita abnormality; synonyms (n) aberration, anomaly, abnormalcy, deviation, eccentricity, irregularity, peculiarity, deformity, malformation, abnormity; antonym (n) normality. abnormální abnormal; synonyms (adj) aberrant, anomalous, atypical, irregular, monstrous, odd, perverted, strange, uncommon, unnatural; antonyms (adj) normal, typical, usual. abonent subscriber; synonyms (n) contributor, donor, reader, endorser, ratifier, benefactor, proponent, drawer, indorser, lector. absces abscess (hlíza); synonyms (n) blister, boil, gathering, pustule, growth, swelling, aposteme, blemish, (adj) sore, ulcer. absentér absentee; synonyms (n) deserter, discontinuer, escapee, fugitive, runaway, absconder, malingerer, (adj) truant, distant, oblivious. absolutismus absolutism; synonyms (n) dictatorship, despotism, tyranny, absoluteness.
(adv) surely, utterly, categorically, completely, dead, decidedly, definitely, entirely, (int) positively, certainly; antonyms (adv) partially, doubtfully, partly. absolutní absolute (naprostý, úplný); synonyms (adj) downright, peremptory, total, unconditional, categorical, full, real, unqualified, utter, (n) positive; antonyms (adj) partial, qualified.
absolvování graduation (maturita, promoce); synonyms (n) commencement, gradation, classification, ablaut, (adj) adaption, adjustment, (v) allotment, apportionment, assortment, organization. abstinent 1. abstainer; synonyms (n) abstinent, ascetic, nondrinker, 2. teetotaller; synonyms (n) teetotaler, teetotalist. abstinentní 1. abstinent (střídmý); synonyms (adj) abstemious, abstentious, sober, continent, moderate, temperate, (n) abstainer, 2. teetotal; synonyms (adj) dry, entire, ascetic, ironic, ironical, juiceless, abstinent, total, wry. abstrakce abstraction; synonyms (n) abstract, abstractedness, reverie, engrossment, extraction, removal, withdrawal, abbreviation, deduction; antonyms (n) addition, attentiveness. abstraktní abstract (resumé); synonyms (adj) theoretical, academic, (v) abridge, filch, (n) synopsis, abridgement, digest, epitome, summary, abridgment; antonym (adj) concrete. absurdita absurdity (nesmyslnost); synonyms (n) foolishness, nonsense, absurdness, silliness, meaninglessness, nonsensicality, fatuity, folly, idiocy, illogicality; antonym (n) sense. acetát acetate; synonym (n) ethanoate. acetylén acetylene; synonyms (n) alkyne, ethyne, ethine. achát agate; synonyms (n) heliotrope, achate, chalcedony, gagate, bargaining, bloodstone, purchase, ruby, (adv) agoing. achromatický achromatic (bezbarvý); synonyms (adj) colorless, white, neutral, aplanatic, snowy, achroous, black, faded, ashen, benevolent. ačkoli although (třebaže); synonyms (conj) albeit, whereas, (prep) however, (adv) notwithstanding, though, even. adaptér adapter; synonyms (n) adaptor, spider, attachment, arranger, transcriber, adopter, corbel, organizer, translator. adaptovat adapt (upravit); synonyms (v) adjust, accommodate, acclimate, fashion, alter, arrange, assimilate, change, edit, familiarize. adenoidní adenoid; synonyms (adj) adeniform, lymphoid.
adjektivum adjective (přídavné jméno); synonyms (adj) adjectival, procedural.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
administrativní administrative (správní);
aforismus aphorism; synonyms (n) adage, axiom,
synonyms (adj) departmental, official, managerial, authoritative, (v) executive. admirál admiral; synonyms (n) admiralty, administration. admiralita admiralty; synonym (n) admiral. adoptivní adoptive; synonym (adj) adopted. adoptování adoption (přijetí); synonyms (n) acceptance, espousal, assumption, borrowing, cooptation, enactment, maintenance, (adj) conversion, inspiration, justification. adoptovat adopt (osvojit si); synonyms (v) accept, admit, affiliate, assume, borrow, espouse, pass, take, acquire, choose; antonym (v) reject.
maxim, proverb, saying, truism, apothegm, byword, dictum, epigram. aforistický aphoristic; synonyms (adj) apothegmatic, axiomatic, epigrammatic, gnomical, short, terse, axiomatical, gnomonical, postulational. agentura agency; synonyms (n) bureau, office, authority, commission, expedient, factor, instrument, means, (v) action, act. agilní agile (hbitý); synonyms (adj) active, nimble, adroit, quick, spry, deft, lively, brisk, lithe, sprightly; antonym (adj) clumsy. agitátor 1. agitator; synonyms (n) troublemaker, demagogue, incendiary, fomenter, insurgent, ringleader, 2. canvasser; synonyms (n) campaigner, solicitor, pollster, researcher, scrutineer, examiner, headcounter, investigator. agitovat canvass; synonyms (n) canvas, review, (v) campaign, agitate, beg, discuss, examine, inspect, scrutinize, study. aglomerace agglomeration; synonyms (n) accumulation, bunch, lump, agglutination, collection, conglomeration, briquetting, heap, conglomerate, aggregate. agónie agony (muka); synonyms (n) anguish, torture, distress, misery, suffering, torment, grief, pain, pang, passion. agrární agrarian; synonyms (adj) agricultural, rural, country, farming, rustic, wild, agrestic, natural, pastoral.
adresa address (adresovat, projev, proslov); synonyms (n) accost, lecture, abode, discourse, residence, skill, speech, allocution, (v) greet, call; antonym (v) ignore. adresář directory; synonyms (n) catalogue, file, list, record, handbook, roll, catalog, guide, listing, register. adresát addressee; synonyms (n) receiver, beneficiary, heir, inhabitant, occupant, tenant.
adresovat address (adresa, projev, proslov); synonyms (n) accost, lecture, abode, discourse, residence, skill, speech, allocution, (v) greet, call; antonym (v) ignore. advokát 1. lawyer (právník); synonyms (n) advocate, attorney, agent, representative, advisor, leguleian, beagle, brief, defender, fixer, 2. advocate (obhajovat, zastánce); synonyms (n) backer, champion, counsel, sponsor, counselor, (v) recommend, support, vindicate, back, defend; antonyms (n) detractor, skeptic, (v) oppose, 3. attorney; synonyms (n) lawyer, factor, solicitor, auctioneer, underwriter, bailiff, clerk, go-between, investigator, secretary, 4. barrister (obhájce); synonym (n) adviser. aerodynamika aerodynamics; synonyms (n) aeromechanics, aviation, (adj) aerostatics, anemography. aeroplán aeroplane (letadlo); synonyms (n) airplane, plane, airship, sheet.
afektovaný affected (předstíraný, strojený); synonyms (adj) artificial, unnatural, pompous, pretentious, stilted, pedantic, assumed, concerned, contrived, exaggerated; antonyms (adj) unaffected, down-to-earth, natural, unchanged. afilace affiliation (přidružení); synonyms (n) association, alliance, coalition, connection, relationship, filiation, partnership, bond, federation, tie. afinita affinity; synonyms (n) sympathy, analogy, alliance, bond, kindred, propinquity, rapport, relation, relationship, semblance.
agregát aggregate (souhrn, souhrnný, úhrn); synonyms (adj) sum, aggregative, all, (n) total, agglomerate, whole, complex, pile, (v) accumulate, cluster; antonyms (n) individual, part. agrese aggression (útok); synonyms (n) hostility, incursion, offensive, onset, onslaught, aggressiveness, antagonism, assault, attack, invasion; antonym (n) friendliness. agresor aggressor; synonyms (n) assailant, assaulter, attacker, fighter, robber, thug, enemy, foe. agronom agriculturist; synonyms (n) farmer, agricultor, cultivator, agricolist, countryman, grower, raiser, tenant. agronomický 1. agronomic; synonyms (adj) agronomical, rural, 2. agronomical; synonyms (adj) agronomic, agricultural. agronomie agronomy; synonyms (n) agriculture, farming, tillage, gardening, vintage, cultivation, culture. ahoj 1. hello; synonyms (n) greeting, hi, howdy, hullo, welcome, (v) hail, 2. hi; synonyms (int) ciao, (n) hello.
akademický academic (akademik, teoretický, vysokoškolský); synonyms (adj) theoretical, learned, pedantic, scholarly, speculative, studious,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English (n) intellectual, academician, (v) scholastic, hypothetical; antonym (n) realist. akademie academy; synonyms (n) academe, school, college, institution, university, academia, campus, class, alliance, council. akademik 1. academician; synonyms (n) academic, academist, brain, intellectual, collegian, 2.
academic (akademický, teoretický, vysokoškolský); synonyms (adj) theoretical, learned, pedantic, scholarly, speculative, studious, bookish, (n) academician, (v) scholastic, hypothetical; antonym (n) realist. akce action (jednání); synonyms (n) act, accomplishment, activity, agency, battle, deed, effect, engagement, fight, (v) achievement; antonyms (n) inaction, inactivity. akcelerace acceleration (zrychlení); synonyms (n) speed, rapidity, rise, quickening, quickness, rush, speedup, swiftness. akcent accent (přízvuk); synonyms (n) stress, dialect, emphasis, idiom, importance, speech, (v) emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accentuate. akcentovat accentuate (zdůraznit); synonyms (v) emphasize, accent, stress, underline, emphasise, punctuate, underscore, highlight; antonym (v) deaden. akceptovat accept (přijmout, uznat); synonyms (v) receive, acknowledge, admit, take, recognize, abide, accede, acquiesce, adopt, assume; antonyms (v) refuse, reject, deny, snub, oppose, renounce, resist. akcie share (podíl); synonyms (n) piece, portion, deal, (v) participate, allot, apportion, distribute, part, partake, dispense; antonym (v) control. akcionář shareholder; synonyms (n) participant, shareowner, stockholder, saver, depositor. aklamace acclamation; synonyms (n) acclaim, applause, ovation, plaudit, praise, approval, cheer, eclat, commendation. aklimatizovat 1. acclimatize; synonyms (v) acclimate, acclimatise, adjust, train, adapt, domesticate, (adj) naturalize, 2. acclimate; synonyms (v) acclimatize, season, harden, toughen, weather, climatize, (n) condition, agree, attribute, character.
akomodace accommodation (ubytování); synonyms (n) adjustment, compromise, loan, lodging, adaptation, agreement, apartment, appeasement, (v) advance, (adj) adaption. akord chord; synonyms (n) cord, harmony, curve, flange, (v) accord, harmonise, harmonize, agree, consort, (adj) subtense. akr acre (pole); synonyms (n) acreage, grounds, manor, plot. akrobacie acrobatics; synonyms (n) aerobatics, tumbling, stunting.
akrobat acrobat; synonyms (n) tumbler, clown, charlatan, harlequin, mountebank, punch, scaramouch, buffoon, farceur, (adj) athlete. akrobatický acrobatic; synonyms (adj) athletic, gymnastic, energetic, flexible, lithe, supple. akronym acronym; synonyms (n) contraction, ellipsis. aktivita activity; synonyms (n) action, activeness, exercise, liveliness, play, job, agency, agility, diligence, energy; antonyms (n) inactivity, inaction, inactiveness. aktivní active; synonyms (adj) energetic, alert, busy, diligent, effective, live, lively, nimble, strong, agile; antonyms (adj) dormant, inactive, sluggish, idle, latent, lethargic, sedentary, slow, extinct, passive. aktivovat activate; synonyms (v) actuate, start, trigger, aerate, animate, incite, initiate, prompt, quicken, spark. aktivum asset; synonyms (n) advantage, strength, benefit, forte, purchase, good, plus, possession, virtue, investment; antonyms (n) liability, vice. aktovka briefcase; synonyms (n) bag, case, suitcase, baggage, dispatch. aktualizovat update; synonyms (n) updating, (v) inform, modernize, renovate, revise, instruct, refresh, improve, rationalize, restore. aktuální topical; synonyms (adj) current, contemporary, new, topic, modern, present, fresh, limited, (n) local, topographical.
akumulace accumulation (nahromadění); synonyms (n) store, stock, accretion, mass, accrual, accruement, batch, hoard, pile, reserve; antonym (n) shortage. akumulátor accumulator; synonyms (n) collector, gatherer, store, saver, aggregator, magpie, miser, squirrel.
akumulovat accumulate (nahromadit se); synonyms (v) amass, collect, gather, pile, store, accrue, assemble, compile, cumulate, heap; antonyms (v) disperse, distribute, dwindle. akustický acoustic; synonyms (adj) acoustical, aural, phonic, hearing, sensory, (v) auditory, auricular. akutní acute (náhlý); synonyms (adj) sharp, incisive, intense, keen, penetrating, critical, piercing, severe, shrewd, (v) high; antonyms (adj) dull, obtuse. akuzativ accusative (akuzativní); synonyms (adj) accusatory, accusing, accusive, objective, nonsubjective. akuzativní accusative (akuzativ); synonyms (adj) accusatory, accusing, accusive, objective, nonsubjective. akvamarín aquamarine; synonyms (adj) beryl, emerald, green, malachite, verdigris, (n) aqua, turquoise.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
akvárium aquarium; synonyms (n) vivarium, (v) fishery. alabastr alabaster; synonyms (adj) alabastrine, chalk, ivory, lily, milk, milky, paper, snow, white. albatros albatross; synonyms (n) hindrance, burden, load, weight, debt, millstone, mollymawk, pressure, responsibility, stress. albín albino; synonyms (n) blonde, (v) blinkard. alchymie alchemy; synonyms (n) chemistry, alchemist, alchemistic, alchemistry, alchymy, magic, sorcery. alchymista alchemist; synonyms (n) alchymy, chemic, philosopher, alchemistic, alchemy, chemist. ale 1. but (avšak); synonyms (conj) while, (adv) alone, only, though, barely, however, merely, simply, (prep) besides, except, 2. however (avšak, jakkoli, však); synonyms (adv) but, although, anyway, nevertheless, yet, how, nonetheless, notwithstanding, anyhow, (conj) albeit. alegorický 1. allegorical; synonyms (adj) allegoric, figurative, metaphorical, symbolic, parabolic; antonym (adj) literal, 2. allegoric; synonym (adj) allegorical. alegorie allegory (jinotaj); synonyms (n) fable, parable, apologue, emblem, metaphor, symbol, story, (adj) simile, type. alej avenue (bulvár); synonyms (n) channel, approach, passage, path, road, route, way, means, boulevard, course. alexandrín alexandrine; synonym (adj) macrology. algoritmus algorithm; synonyms (n) algorism, discovery, (v) dactylonomy, rhabdology. aliance alliance (spojenectví, svazek); synonyms (n) connection, league, affinity, association, combination, confederacy, union, affiliation, alignment, alinement; antonym (n) nonalignment. aligátor alligator; synonyms (n) alacran, mosquito, mugger, octopus, lagarto. aliterace alliteration; synonyms (n) rhyme, paronomasia, pun, agnomination, annomination, repetition, punning, surname, (adj) antithesis, inversion. alkalický alkaline (zásaditý); synonyms (adj) alkalic, alkalizate, caustic, salty, acrid, antacid, bitter, chemical, neutralizing, soluble; antonyms (adj) acidic, amphoteric. alkohol alcohol; synonyms (n) drink, juice, intoxicant, drinkable, firewater, potable, essence, gas, gasohol, (v) alcoholism. alkoholický 1. alcoholic (alkoholik); synonyms (adj) strong, spirituous, distilled, inebriating, (n) drunk, boozer, dipsomaniac, lush, soaker, souse; antonym (adj) soft, 2. spirituous; synonyms (adj) alcoholic, spiritous, heady, airy, ardent, ethereal, gay, immaterial, lively, pure.
alkoholik alcoholic (alkoholický); synonyms (adj) strong, spirituous, distilled, inebriating, (n) drunk, boozer, dipsomaniac, lush, soaker, souse; antonym (adj) soft. alkoholismus alcoholism; synonyms (n) dipsomania, drunkenness, potomania, boozing, crapulence, drink, inebriation, intoxication, tipsiness, (v) alcohol. almanach almanac; synonyms (n) annual, calendar, ephemeris, schedule, book, booklet, brochure, encyclopedia, guide, index. almužna alms; synonyms (n) charity, dole, benefaction, donation, gift, sportula, contribution, offering, almose, (v) largess. alpský alpine; synonyms (adj) mountainous, lofty, subalpine, high, tall, aerial, elevated, high-reaching, rangy, snowcapped. alt alto; synonyms (n) contralto, countertenor, (adj) falsetto, soprano, tenor, treble. alternativa alternative (alternativní); synonyms (adj) alternate, alternating, variant, (n) option, choice, preference, selection, substitute, variation. alternativní alternative (alternativa); synonyms (adj) alternate, alternating, variant, (n) option, choice, preference, selection, substitute, variation. altruismus altruism; synonyms (n) selflessness, benevolence, charity, unselfishness, generosity, kindness, tolerance; antonyms (n) self-interest, selfishness. altruista altruist; synonyms (n) benefactor, donor, humanitarian, philanthropist. aluminium aluminum; synonym (n) aluminium. aluvium alluvium; synonyms (n) alluvion, deposit, flood, inundation, (adj) slime, slosh, sludge, slush, sposh, mire. alveolární alveolar; synonyms (adj) alveolary, honeycombed. amalgám amalgam; synonyms (n) alloy, mix, compound, mixture, blend, combination, composite, fusion. amalgamace amalgamation; synonyms (n) amalgam, coalition, merger, synthesis, alliance, blend, combination, compound, fusion, incorporation; antonyms (n) separation, divergence, expulsion. amalgamovat amalgamate; synonyms (v) incorporate, blend, combine, mix, unite, alloy, affiliate, compound, fuse, intermingle; antonym (v) separate. amatér amateur (diletant, ochotník); synonyms (adj) amateurish, inexpert, unskilled, inexperienced, (n) novice, beginner, fan, apprentice, aspirant, devotee; antonyms (adj) practiced, (n) professional, expert.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English amatérský amateurish; synonyms (adj) amateur, awkward, inexpert, unprofessional, unskilled, dilettante, inept, inexperienced, incompetent. ambrózie ambrosia; synonyms (n) nectar, ragweed, beebread, bitterweed, delicacy, benweed, bugloss, oxtongue, ragwort. améba amoeba; synonyms (n) ameba, (adj) spineless. ametyst amethyst; synonyms (n) violet, mauve, blue, carbuncle, hyacinth, jacinth, (adj) lavender, amethystine, gridelin, lilac. amfiteátr amphitheatre; synonyms (n) amphitheater, arena, coliseum. amnestie amnesty; synonyms (n) pardon, absolution, forgiveness, remission, clemency, condonation, grace, mercy, reprieve, (v) forgive; antonym (n) blame. amorfní amorphous; synonyms (adj) shapeless, formless, unformed, amphibious, epicene, hybrid, mongrel, noncrystalline, unshaped, baggy; antonyms (adj) distinct, defined. amortizace amortization; synonyms (n) amortisation, payment. amortizovat amortize; synonyms (v) amortise, destroy. ampér ampere; synonyms (n) amp, a, angstrom, axerophthol. amplituda amplitude; synonyms (n) breadth, latitude, magnitude, width, mass, expanse, extent, fullness, measure, range. ampulka phial; synonyms (n) ampoule, bottle, vial, ampul, ampule, noggin, flask, stoup. amputace amputation; synonyms (n) deletion, elimination, exclusion, subtraction, abstraction, confiscation, deduction, ejection. amputovat amputate; synonyms (v) mutilate, cut, dismember, detach, detruncate, excise, garble, lessen, operate, remove. anachronismus anachronism; synonyms (n) metachronism, parachronism, prochronism, antichronism, misdating, mistiming, antedate, misdate, misplacement, postdate. anakonda anaconda; synonyms (n) asp, cobra, rattlesnake, serpent.
analfabetismus illiteracy (negramotnost); synonyms (n) ignorance, illiterature; antonym (n) literacy. analgetický analgetic (analgetikum); synonyms (adj) analgesic, anodyne. analgetikum analgetic (analgetický); synonyms (adj) analgesic, anodyne. anální anal; synonyms (adj) delicat, delicate, demanding, exacting, fastidious, finical, finicky, meticulous, nice, podical. analogický analogous; synonyms (adj) alike, similar, akin, analogical, comparable, corresponding,
equivalent, like, parallel, cognate; antonym (adj) dissimilar. analogie analogy; synonyms (n) semblance, agreement, correspondence, parity, resemblance, similarity, affinity, comparison, likeness, parallel; antonym (n) dissimilarity. analytik analyst; synonyms (n) psychoanalyst, analyzer, expert, psychiatrist, examiner, commentator, accountant, authority, chemist, counselor. analýza analysis (rozbor); synonyms (n) anatomy, breakdown, decomposition, inquiry, inspection, investigation, psychoanalysis, resolution, review, scrutiny; antonym (n) synthesis. analyzovat 1. analyse (rozebrat); synonyms (v) analyze, canvass, dissect, examine, study, psychoanalyse, psychoanalyze, canvas, collapse, (n) analyser, 2. analyze; synonyms (v) review, scrutinize, assay, consider, check, analyse, anatomize, investigate, resolve, test; antonym (v) synthesize. anamnéza anamnesis; synonyms (n) remembrance, memory, recall, recollection, commemoration, memorial. ananas pineapple; synonyms (n) ananas, pine, explosive, (v) chowder, chupatty, clam, compote, damper, fish, frumenty. anarchický anarchic; synonyms (adj) lawless, chaotic, anarchical, disorganized, confused, disordered, eccentric, frenzied, hectic, heretical. anarchie anarchy (zmatek); synonyms (n) muddle, chaos, confusion, disorder, pandemonium, riot, bedlam, disarray, lawlessness, mayhem; antonym (n) order. anarchismus anarchism; synonyms (n) anarchy, disorder, chaos, lawlessness, riot, mayhem, rebellion, revolution. anarchista anarchist; synonyms (n) rebel, nihilist, revolutionary, terrorist, agitator, mutineer, (adj) insurgent, radical, demagogue, mutinous. anatom anatomist; synonym (n) dissector. anatomický anatomical; synonyms (adj) anatomic, corporal, corporeal, organic. anděl angel; synonyms (n) seraph, backer, benefactor, messenger, patron, saint, darling, (v) sponsor, support; antonym (n) fiend. anebo or (nebo); synonyms (conj) otherwise, (n) operation, surgery, (prep) before, ere.
anekdota joke (šprým, vtip, žert, žertovat); synonyms (n) jest, banter, hoax, fun, caper, gag, game, quip, antic, (v) chaff; antonym (n) tragedy. anekdotický anecdotic; synonyms (adj) anecdotal, anecdotical, storied, descriptive.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
anestézie anaesthesia; synonyms (n) anesthesia,
antagonistický antagonistic; synonyms (adj) hostile,
stupor, anaesthesis, (adj) palsy, paralysis, paraesthesia. anexe annexation; synonyms (n) addition, annexion, seizure, takeover, conquest, junction, appropriation, commandeering, confiscation, (v) annexment. angažovanost involvement; synonyms (n) entanglement, concern, interest, implication, inclusion, connection, engagement, complicity, part, participation; antonym (n) disconnection. angína 1. angina; synonyms (v) gripe, headache, heartburn, twinge, twitch, 2. quinsy; synonyms (adj) necrosis, pertussis, phthisis, pneumonia, psora, pyaemia, pyrosis, rachitis, ringworm, rubeola, 3. tonsillitis; synonyms (n) amygdalitis, (adj) scabies, scarlatina, scrofula, seasickness, struma, syntexis, tetanus, tonsilitis, tracheocele. angrešt gooseberry; synonym (n) feaberry. ani nor; synonyms (conj) neither, nother, (adv) never. anilín aniline; synonyms (n) phenylamine, aminobenzine, crystalline, kyanol. animace animation; synonyms (n) life, liveliness, vitality, activity, dash, exhilaration, spirit, vivacity, buoyancy, (adj) alacrity; antonym (n) lethargy.
counter, averse, conflicting, opposed, opposite, antithetical, contradictory, contrary, (v) adverse; antonym (adj) friendly. antarktický antarctic; synonyms (adj) austral, southern, glacial. antedatovat antedate; synonyms (v) precede, predate, foredate, forego, antecede, overdate, postdate, misdate, prochronize, (n) anachronism. anténa 1. aerial (letecký, vzdušný); synonyms (adj) airy, aery, ethereal, unreal, insubstantial, aeriform, (n) antenna, 2. antenna (tykadlo); synonyms (n) aerial, feeler, advance, finger, forefinger, hand, nose, paw, snout, thumb. antibiotikum antibiotic; synonyms (n) analgesic, antifungal, antiviral, carminative, antiinflammatory, antitoxin, antitussive, emetic, medicine, (adj) antiseptic. anticipace anticipation (očekávání); synonyms (n) expectation, forecast, hope, foresight, prevention, hopefulness, expectancy, foretaste, (v) outlook, prospect; antonym (n) despair.
animální animal (živočich, zvíře, zvířecí); synonyms (n) brute, creature, beast, organism, being, (adj) bodily, carnal, brutal, corporeal, (adv) fleshly. ano yes; synonyms (int) surely, (n) consent, acceptance, (adv) ay, yea, certainly, positively, (v) acquiesce, agree, allow. anoda anode; synonym (n) zincode. anomálie anomaly; synonyms (n) abnormality, aberration, anomalousness, deviation, abnormity, peculiarity, exception, informality, irregularity. anomální anomalous (neobvyklý); synonyms (adj) abnormal, irregular, aberrant, atypical, deviant, eccentric, exceptional, peculiar, strange, unnatural; antonym (adj) normal. anonymita anonymity; synonyms (n) obscurity, namelessness, secrecy, ambiguity, inscrutability, insignificance, vagueness. anonymní anonymous; synonyms (adj) nameless, unknown, unnamed, unidentified, authorless, unacknowledged, undisclosed, unspecified, incognito, unfamiliar; antonym (adj) known.
antagonismus antagonism (nepřátelství); synonyms (n) animosity, enmity, resistance, aggression, antithesis, aversion, conflict, hate, hatred, hostility; antonym (n) friendliness. antagonista antagonist (protivník); synonyms (n) opponent, adversary, enemy, foe, rival, match, opposer, opposition, assailant, competitor; antonym (n) friend.
anticipovat anticipate (předejít, předvídat); synonyms (v) antedate, expect, forecast, forestall, foretell, think, calculate, estimate, apprehend, divine. antický antique; synonyms (adj) ancient, old, antiquated, obsolete, aged, antiquarian, antediluvian, musty, outmoded, quaint; antonyms (n) new, modern. antika antiquity (starověk); synonyms (n) antique, ancientness, age, ancientry, past, relic, ancestry, ancienty, history, hoar. antilopa antelope; synonyms (n) blackbucks, gerenuks, (adj) eagle, chickaree, chipmunk, courser, doe, greyhound, hackee, hare. antinomie antinomy (protiklad); synonyms (n) opposition, (adj) despotism, outlawry, violence. antipatie antipathy (odpor); synonyms (n) animosity, aversion, abomination, abhorrence, dislike, hatred, distaste, enmity, hate, odium. antiseptický antiseptic; synonyms (adj) clean, sterile, germicidal, unpolluted, (n) disinfectant, germicide, cleanser; antonym (adj) septic. antologie anthology; synonyms (n) collection, compilation, garland, miscellany, compendium, treasury, album, flowers, posy, (v) collectanea. antracit anthracite; synonyms (n) culm, carbon, charcoal, coke, coal. antropologie anthropology; synonyms (n) anthroposophy, entomology, helminthology, herpetology, ichthyology, malacology, mastology, ophiology, ornithology, oryctology. anuita annuity; synonyms (n) allowance, pension, rente, revenue, payment, acquisition.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English anulovat 1. annul (zrušit); synonyms (v) abrogate, abolish, repeal, rescind, reverse, revoke, void, annihilate, invalidate, (adj) nullify; antonym (v) validate, 2. cancel; synonyms (v) annul, erase, expunge, remit, abate, avoid, efface, eliminate, obliterate, counteract, 3. nullify; synonyms (v) cancel, negate, neutralize, countermand, destroy, dissolve, quash, evacuate, defeat, recall. anýz 1. anise; synonyms (n) aniseed, caraway, carrot, celery, dill, 2. aniseed; synonym (n) anise. apanáž 1. appanage; synonyms (n) apanage, heritage, appenage, dower, dowry, jointure, (v) bequest, devise, dot, dotation, 2. apanage; synonym (n) appanage.
aparát apparatus (přístroj, ústrojí, zařízení); synonyms (n) appliance, device, implement, instrument, plant, tackle, equipment, gadget, gear, machine. apatie apathy; synonyms (n) indifference, inactivity, inertia, lassitude, lethargy, emotionlessness, lukewarmness, passiveness, passivity, supineness; antonyms (n) enthusiasm, energy, keenness, drive, eagerness, inquisitiveness, interest, vitality. aperitiv 1. aperitif; synonyms (n) appetizer, honeysuckle, hydromel, liqueur, mead, metheglin, 2. appetizer (předkrm); synonyms (n) appetiser, relish, spice, sample, condiment, sauce, seasoning, taste, zest, canapé. aplikace application (použití, žádost); synonyms (n) plea, appeal, appliance, concentration, demand, diligence, effort, exercise, petition, request. aplikovaný applied; synonyms (adj) practical, useful, concrete, activated, adjusted, correlated, devoted, exercised, practiced, related; antonym (adj) theoretical. apokalypsa apocalypse; synonyms (n) revelation, acts, disclosure, revelations, vision, gospels, revealing. apokryfní apocryphal; synonyms (adj) false, untrue, questionable, fallacious, fictitious, spurious, antiscriptural, groundless, (v) hypothetical, problematical. apoštol apostle; synonyms (n) disciple, follower, propagandist, believer, missionary, advocate, munshi, proselyte, saint, evangelist. apoštolský apostolic; synonyms (adj) papal, apostolical, pontifical, clerical, theological. apostrof apostrophe; synonyms (n) address, interpellation, invocation, salutation, appeal, application, canvass, digression, monologue, motion. apostrofovat apostrophize; synonyms (v) accost, address, invoke, harangue, apostrophise. apozice apposition; synonyms (n) union, juxtaposition, consistency, contact, (prep) addition,
accompaniment, accord, accumulation, adaptation, antithesis. arabeska arabesque; synonyms (n) fret, coquillage, decoration, embroidery, fillet, flourish, listel, molding, strapwork, tracery. arašíd peanut (burský oříšek); synonyms (n) goober, groundnut, earthnut, dwarf, (adj) insignificant, little, petty, piddling, puny, stunted. arbitráž 1. arbitration; synonyms (n) arbitrament, mediation, decision, intervention, judgment, arbitrement, 2. arbitrage. arch sheet (list); synonyms (n) board, layer, leaf, canvas, film, paper, coat, coating, blanket, cover. archa ark; synonyms (n) broadhorn, bully, dory, droger, home, abode, address, apartment, asylum, berth. archaický archaic (zastaralý); synonyms (adj) antique, antiquated, ancient, antediluvian, old, oldfashioned, primitive, obsolete, outdated, outmoded; antonym (adj) modern. archeolog archaeologist; synonyms (n) archeologist, archaeologian, classicist, excavator, paleologist, paleontologist, prehistorian, scientist. archeologický archaeological; synonyms (adj) archaeologic, archeologic, archeological. archeologie archaeology; synonyms (n) archeology, palaetiology, paleology. architekt architect; synonyms (n) creator, designer, founder, inventor, maker, originator, producer, artificer, author, builder; antonym (n) destroyer. architektura architecture (stavitelství); synonyms (n) building, frame, constitution, construction, framework, structure, formation, composition, edification, design. arcibiskup archbishop; synonyms (n) metropolitan, bishop, clergyman, elder, eminence, minister, reverence, archdeacon, beneficiary, (adj) primate. arcivévoda archduke; synonyms (n) doge, elector. arcivévodství archduchy; synonyms (n) archdukedom, duchy. aréna 1. arena; synonyms (n) ring, battlefield, field, sphere, theater, amphitheater, area, platform, domain, region, 2. hippodrome; synonyms (n) circus, arena, gymnasium, lists, palestra, playground. argumentace argumentation; synonyms (n) argument, debate, discussion, disputation, dispute, reasoning, altercation, logic, air, ancestry.
argumentovat argue (diskutovat, hádat se); synonyms (v) contend, oppose, quarrel, reason, altercate, assert, attest, contest, convince, (n) dispute; antonyms (v) agree, deny. aristokracie aristocracy; synonyms (n) gentility, gentry, nobility, aristarchy, elite, society, aristocrats, government, grandeur, magnanimousness.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
aristokrat aristocrat (šlechtic); synonyms (n) noble,
arzenál 1. arsenal (zbrojnice); synonyms (n)
swell, magnate, patrician, blueblood, bluestockings, gentleperson, lady, ritzy, upper-cruster. aristokratický aristocratic; synonyms (adj) patrician, gentle, autocratic, refined, stylish, aloof, aristocratical, arrogant, blue, condescending; antonyms (adj) lower-class, blue-collar, popular. aritmetický arithmetical; synonyms (adj) arithmetic, statistical, mathematical, calculable, computable, numerable, numeric, geometric. aritmetika arithmetic; synonyms (adj) arithmetical, numerical, (n) calculation, reckoning, computation, arsmetrike, estimate, estimation, (v) fluxions, geometry. arkáda arcade; synonyms (n) arch, colonnade, piazza, portico, arc, bow, horseshoe, loop, lunule, peristyle. arktický arctic; synonyms (adj) freezing, icy, polar, north, frigid, frosty, frozen, northern, (v) glacial, boreal; antonym (adj) hot. arkýř bay (vavřín, výklenek, záliv); synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, cry, harbor, fiord, sound, (adj) brown, (v) yap, roar. armáda army (vojsko); synonyms (n) legion, troop, host, battery, battalion, brigade, crowd, flock, (adj) military, array.
armory, armoury, store, depository, arms, armaments, artillery, dump, factory, guns, 2. armoury (zbrojnice); synonyms (n) arsenal, inventory, inventorying, stock, stocktaking. asfalt asphalt (asfaltovat); synonyms (n) bitumen, asphaltus, road, (v) tar, (adj) tarmac, flags, macadam, macadamised, macadamized, tarmacadam. asfaltovat asphalt (asfalt); synonyms (n) bitumen, asphaltus, road, (v) tar, (adj) tarmac, flags, macadam, macadamised, macadamized, tarmacadam. asi about (o); synonyms (prep) encircling, for, encompassing, (adv) around, approximately, almost, nearly, most, roughly, (adj) some; antonyms (prep) exactly, precisely. asimilace assimilation; synonyms (n) absorption, acculturation, incorporation, integration, addition, amalgamation, apperception, combination, conversion, fitness. asimilovat assimilate; synonyms (v) absorb, compare, imbibe, incorporate, comprehend, conform, digest, engross. asistence assistance (podpora, pomoc); synonyms (n) aid, assist, support, boost, encouragement, relief, backing, charity, hand, help; antonym (n) hindrance. asistent assistant (pomocník); synonyms (n) accessory, assist, subordinate, acolyte, accomplice, assistance, auxiliary, colleague, helper, (v) aid. asketa ascetic; synonyms (adj) abstemious, austere, ascetical, severe, sober, (n) hermit, abstinent, monk, recluse, abstainer. askeze asceticism; synonyms (n) austerity, abstinence, temperance, abstemiousness, frugality, graveness, harshness, holiness, moderation, nonindulgence.
arogance arrogance (domýšlivost, nadutost); synonyms (n) haughtiness, disdain, conceit, presumption, vanity, conceitedness, effrontery, hauteur, hubris, insolence; antonyms (n) humility, modesty. arogantní 1. arrogant (domýšlivý); synonyms (adj) haughty, imperious, presumptuous, proud, dogmatic, boastful, conceited, condescending, disdainful, domineering; antonyms (adj) modest, self-effacing, (syn) humble, 2. uppish; synonyms (adj) bigheaded, snooty, snotty, persnickety, supercilious, snobbish, pernickety. aromatický aromatic (vonný); synonyms (adj) fragrant, spicy, balmy, odorous, perfumed, redolent, savory, scented, sweet, pungent; antonyms (adj) smelly, unscented, odorless. artefakt artifact; synonyms (n) artefact, creation, handicraft, product, antique, fabrication, invention, merchandise, produce, relic. artikulace articulation; synonyms (n) enunciation, joint, juncture, accent, diction, hinge, junction, delivery, expression, join. artikulovat articulate; synonyms (adj) eloquent, (v) pronounce, speak, utter, vocalize, voice, enunciate, express, joint, say; antonyms (adj) incoherent, (v) inarticulate. artista artiste; synonyms (n) artist, musician, performer, minstrel, conductor, expert, instrumentalist, master, player, professional. arzén arsenic; synonym (n) as.
asociace association (sdružení, sdružování, svaz); synonyms (n) affiliation, alliance, connection, assembly, affinity, company, fellowship, link, partnership, society. asociální asocial; synonyms (adj) antisocial, thoughtless. asonance assonance; synonyms (n) verse, crambo, foot, measure, meter, rhythm, strain, melody, poetry, rhyme.
aspekt aspect (hledisko, poloha, stránka, vzhled); synonyms (n) appearance, look, surface, bearing, expression, manner, prospect, side, view, air. aspirovat aspirate; synonyms (v) accentuate, articulate, deliver, mouth, enunciate, prolate, pronounce, vocalize, attract, (adj) aspirated. astma asthma; synonym (n) anhelation. astmatický asthmatic; synonyms (adj) wheezy, breathless, wheezing, asthmatical, reedy.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English astra aster; synonym (n) starwort. astrolog astrologer; synonyms (n) astronomer, astrologian, astrologist, clairvoyant, horoscopist, medium, oracle, psychic, seer, soothsayer. astrologický astrological; synonyms (adj) astrologic, mysterious. astrologie astrology; synonyms (n) astronomy, genethlialogy, magic, starcraft. astronautika astronautics; synonyms (n) aeronautics, rocketry, orbiting. astronom astronomer; synonyms (n) astrologer, stargazer, uranologist. astronomický 1. astronomic; synonyms (adj) astronomical, enormous, galactic, 2. astronomical; synonyms (adj) astronomic, vast, astrophysical, celestial, great, uranic, considerable, elevated, excessive, extraordinary. astronomie astronomy; synonyms (n) astrology, uranology. asymetrický asymmetric; synonyms (adj) asymmetrical, unbalanced, crooked, disproportionate, (v) unsymmetric, irregular, askew, awry, wry. asymetrie asymmetry; synonyms (n) irregularity, dissymmetry, imbalance, skewness, disproportion, deformity, difference, instability; antonym (n) symmetry. ateismus atheism; synonyms (n) godlessness, unbelief, agnosticism, disbelief, heresy, incredulity, nihilism, skepticism, doubt, iconoclasm; antonym (n) faith. ateista atheist; synonyms (n) agnostic, skeptic, infidel, pagan, disbeliever, doubter, (adj) deist, atheistic, pyrrhonist, atheistical. ateistický atheistic; synonyms (adj) atheist, atheistical, godless, unbelieving, atheological, atheous, heathen, heretical, impious, pagan. ateliér studio; synonyms (n) atelier, cabinet, accommodation, building, bungalow, cottage, den, farmhouse, igloo, manor. atentát assassination (vražda); synonyms (n) homicide, manslaughter, murder, killing, massacre. atentátník assassin (vrah); synonyms (n) murderer, assassinator, liquidator, assassinate, bravo, cutthroat, killer, (v) butcher, slayer. atlet athlete (sportovec); synonyms (n) player, gymnast, acrobat, contestant, jock, contender, hurdler, boxer, bruiser, competitor. atletický athletic (sportovní); synonyms (adj) muscular, brawny, gymnastic, robust, strong, vigorous, acrobatic, stalwart, healthy. atletika athletics (lehká atletika); synonyms (n) sport, contest, recreation, exercise, game, games, drill, events, exercises, fun.
atmosféra atmosphere (ovzduší); synonyms (n) air, ambience, ambiance, aura, environment, feel, feeling, mood, background, quality. atol atoll; synonyms (n) ait, isle, islet, breaker, eyot, reef. atomistický atomistic; synonym (adj) atomistical. atomizovat atomize; synonyms (v) spray, vaporize, nebulize, atomise, decompose, disintegrate, grind, nuke, zap, microwave. atomový atomic; synonyms (adj) minute, infinitesimal, nuclear, tiny, corpuscular, subatomic, thermonuclear, indivisible, minuscule, atomlike; antonyms (adj) conventional, gigantic. atrakce attraction (přitažlivost); synonyms (n) allure, enticement, invitation, affinity, allurement, appeal, charm, lure, attractiveness, bait; antonyms (n) repulsion, disgust, revulsion. atributivní attributive; synonyms (adj) prenominal, attributing. atrofie atrophy; synonyms (n) decay, withering, marasmus, (v) attenuation, emaciation, tabes, waste, wither. aukce auction (dražba); synonyms (n) bidding, vendue, angle, cant, portsale, bargain, corner, (v) auctioneer, sale, sell.
autentický 1. genuine (nefalšovaný, opravdový, pravý, ryzí, skutečný, upřímný); synonyms (adj) actual, authentic, sincere, true, unsophisticated,
candid, faithful, artless, factual, hearty; antonyms (adj) bogus, fake, insincere, affected, artificial,
dishonest, false, pretend, hypocritical, replica, 2. authentic (pravý); synonyms (adj) genuine, accurate, real, right, straight, believable, trustworthy, valid, unfeigned, (v) authoritative; antonym (adj) unrealistic. auto car (vůz); synonyms (n) automobile, auto, carriage, coach, truck, vehicle, tramcar, coupe, jalopy, gondola. autobiografie autobiography; synonyms (n) biography, memoir, memoirs, life, diary, journal, history, story, account, adventures. autobus 1. bus (sběrnice); synonyms (n) automobile, autobus, car, coach, vehicle, busbar, charabanc, motorbus, omnibus, 2. omnibus; synonyms (n) bus, collection, anthology, compilation, jitney, motorcoach. autogram autograph; synonyms (n) mark, autography, name, (v) signature, endorse, sign, subscribe. autokar coach (dostavník, trenér); synonyms (n) trainer, tutor, instructor, teacher, autobus, bus, carriage, charabanc, (v) train, (adj) prime. autokracie autocracy (samovláda); synonyms (n) absolutism, dictatorship, despotism, tyranny,
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Czech - English
autarchy, autonomy, oppression; antonym (n) democracy. automat automaton; synonyms (n) golem, machine, robot, zombi, zombie; antonym (n) person. automaticky automatically; synonyms (adv) mechanically, essentially, impulsively, inevitably, instinctively, necessarily, obediently, unavoidably, unthinkingly, certainly; antonyms (adv) deliberately, consciously, physically. automatický automatic; synonyms (adj) instinctive, involuntary, automated, mechanical, reflex, spontaneous, unconscious; antonyms (adj) manual, deliberate, voluntary. automatizace automation; synonyms (n) mechanization, automatization, mechanisation, computerization. automatizovat automate; synonyms (v) automatize, mechanize. automobil automobile; synonyms (n) auto, car, bus, machine, vehicle, jalopy, motorcar. autonomie autonomy; synonyms (n) independence, freedom, autocracy, liberty, sovereignty; antonym (n) dependence.
autonomní autonomous (samosprávný); synonyms (adj) independent, sovereign, autonomic, free, separate; antonym (adj) dependent. autor author (spisovatel); synonyms (n) writer, architect, creator, founder, inventor, originator, parent, producer, (v) compose, create. autorita authority (moc, pravomoc); synonyms (n) ascendancy, command, sanction, administration, authorization, dominance, domination, hold, judge, power. autoritářský authoritarian; synonyms (adj) authoritative, autocratic, dictatorial, overbearing, bossy, absolute, despotic, doctrinaire, (n) dictator, disciplinarian; antonyms (adj) democratic, liberal. autoritativní authoritative; synonyms (adj) official, absolute, authoritarian, authorized, commanding, imperious, influential, magistral, powerful, (n) authentic; antonym (adj) informal.
autorizovat authorize (oprávnit, schválit, zmocnit); synonyms (v) approve, empower, assign, certify, commission, delegate, license, pass, permit, sanction. autorka authoress (spisovatelka); synonym (n) penwoman. autorství authorship; synonyms (n) paternity, source, writing, composition, pencraft, authorism, bookcraft, penning, chirography, (v) publication. avšak 1. however (ale, jakkoli, však); synonyms (adv) but, although, anyway, nevertheless, yet, how, nonetheless, notwithstanding, (conj) albeit, though, 2. but (ale); synonyms (conj) while, (adv) alone,
only, barely, however, merely, simply, (prep) besides, except, excluding. až 1. when (kdy, když); synonyms (adv) as, once, then, because, than, since, equally, (conj) although, while, (prep) during, 2. till (až do, do, dokud ne); synonyms (prep) until, unto, (n) drawer, tiller, cashbox, (v) cultivate, plow, hoe, farm, dig. azbest asbestos; synonyms (n) asbestus, (adj) fireproof. azimut azimuth; synonym (v) rhumb. azur azure (blankyt); synonyms (n) cerulean, blue, sapphire, heaven, lazuline, (adj) azureous, azurine, azurn, cloudless, cobalt. azyl 1. asylum; synonyms (n) refuge, sanctuary, shelter, haven, home, institution, madhouse, retreat, cover, harbor, 2. haven (přístav, útulek); synonyms (n) asylum, port, harbour, destination, anchorage, seaport, breakwater, 3. sanctuary; synonyms (n) shrine, safety, reservation, chancel, protection, church, resort, security, temple, altar.
B babička 1. grandmother; synonyms (n) gran, grandma, granny, crone, grandam, grannie, mother, dam, grandmamma, beldame, 2. granny; synonyms (n) grandmother, fuddy-duddy, matriarch, senior, materfamilias, (adj) finicky. babizna hag; synonyms (n) beldame, witch, beldam, crone, enchantress, harridan, lamia, fury. bachor paunch; synonyms (n) abdomen, belly, stomach, fat, gut, ventricle, pouch. bachratý squab; synonyms (n) couch, dove, fauteuil, settle, (adj) fat, plump, dumpy, squabby, stout, corpulent. bacil bacillus; synonyms (n) bacilli, bug, microbe, barn, bel, boron. baculatý buxom; synonyms (adj) bosomy, chubby, bonny, plump, sonsy, curvaceous, shapely, voluptuous.
bádání research (bádat, vyšetřovat, výzkum, zkoumání, zkoumat); synonyms (n) exploration, inquiry, search, examination, investigation, hunt, inquisition, (v) check, explore, examine.
bádat research (bádání, vyšetřovat, výzkum, zkoumání, zkoumat); synonyms (n) exploration, inquiry, search, examination, investigation, hunt, inquisition, (v) check, explore, examine. badatel explorer; synonyms (n) adventurer, pioneer, traveler, scout, tourist, discoverer, excursionist. bagr excavator (exkavátor, rypadlo); synonyms (n) digger, shovel, miner, sapper, archaeologist, trencher, shovelful, spadeful.
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Czech - English
bagrovat dredge; synonyms (v) drag, sprinkle,
balet ballet; synonyms (n) choreography, afterpiece,
deepen, dust, dig, powder, clean, cart, delve, (n) dredger. bahno 1. mud (bláto); synonyms (n) dirt, filth, grime, ooze, sludge, soil, swamp, (adj) clay, (v) mire, muck, 2. sludge (kal); synonyms (n) mud, slime, slurry, goo, gook, guck, gunk, (adj) silt, quagmire, alluvium, 3. ooze (bláto, kal); synonyms (v) exude, leak, dribble, seep, drain, drop, bleed, emit, filter, secrete. bajka fable (výmysl); synonyms (n) allegory, fiction, legend, tale, fabrication, lie, myth, story, (adj) apologue, parable. bájný fabulous (nádherný); synonyms (adj) incredible, mythical, fabled, legendary, amazing, fab, imaginary, marvelous, mythological, spectacular; antonym (adj) awful. bajonet bayonet (bodák); synonyms (n) sword, banger, baselard, brand, broadsword, cimeter, (v) stab, spear, butt, eviscerate. bakalář bachelor (starý mládenec); synonyms (n) graduate, available, batch, eligible, misogamist, misogynist, (adj) single, unmarried, unattached, free. bakalaureát baccalaureate; synonyms (adj) caste, condition, order, (n) degree, graduate. baklažán 1. aubergine; synonyms (n) eggplant, brinjal, 2. eggplant; synonyms (n) aubergine, bittersweet, potato. bakterie germ (zárodek); synonyms (n) bug, beginning, bud, kernel, microbe, egg, nucleus, origin, root, seed. baktérie bacterium; synonyms (n) bacteria, microbe, rabbit, (adj) virus. bakteriologický bacteriological; synonym (adj) bacteriologic. bakteriologie bacteriology; synonyms (n) microbiology, virology, mycology. balada ballad; synonyms (n) lay, song, carol, poem, pastoral, recitative, recitativo, solfeggio, bravura, cantata. balast ballast; synonyms (n) weight, ballasting, counterbalance, anchor, counterpoise, foundation, (adj) aplomb, (v) stabilize, load, poise. baldachýn 1. canopy; synonyms (n) awning, cover, screen, shade, ceiling, pavilion, blind, bubble, shield, visor, 2. baldachin; synonyms (n) ambo, baldachino, confessional, credence, lectern, prothesis, pulpit, baudekin. balení packing; synonyms (n) boxing, pack, pad, wadding, backpacking, filling, stuffing, content, contents, fisticuffs. balerína ballerina; synonyms (n) danseuse, skimmer.
burlesque, burletta, comedietta, comedy, divertissement, drama, exode, extravaganza. balíček packet (balík); synonyms (n) package, bundle, bale, container, parcel, carton, pack, wad, box, envelope. balík 1. package; synonyms (n) bundle, pack, packaging, packet, parcel, carton, container, collection, (v) box, wrap; antonym (v) unwrap, 2. pack; synonyms (n) mob, bevy, bunch, company, herd, batch, backpack, (v) crowd, compress, heap; antonym (v) unpack, 3. parcel; synonyms (n) lot, bale, division, package, section, plot, patch, (v) portion, distribute, apportion, 4. bundle (ranec); synonyms (n) cluster, pile, sheaf, group, load, stack, wad, set, mass, (v) clump, 5. packet (balíček); synonyms (n) envelope, fortune, mailboat. balistika ballistics; synonyms (n) projectiles, (v) gunnery. balkón balcony; synonyms (n) loggia, porch, veranda, arch, terrace, eaves, portico, balcon, cupola, deck. balón balloon; synonyms (n) bubble, (v) ball, inflate, billow, bloat, bulge, distend, soar, swell, fly; antonym (v) deflate. balustráda balustrade; synonyms (n) paling, fence, banister, bannister, barrier, handrail, pale, balusters. balzám 1. balm; synonyms (n) ointment, salve, unguent, incense, aroma, perfume, liniment, unction, lotion, 2. balsam; synonyms (n) balm, cordial, ptisan, theriac, cream. bambus bamboo; synonyms (n) cane, stick, (adj) wicker, rush, woven. banální banal; synonyms (adj) hackneyed, stock, trite, commonplace, corny, pedestrian, stale, threadbare, tired, unoriginal; antonym (adj) original. banán banana; synonyms (n) comedian, comic, joker, nose, role, (v) atole, avocado, barbecue, beefsteak. bandita 1. bandit; synonyms (n) brigand, outlaw, robber, gangster, enemy, burglar, bushranger, desperado, freebooter, mosstrooper, 2. gangster; synonyms (n) criminal, crook, felon, bandit, mobster, thug, tough. banka bank (břeh, násep); synonyms (n) dam, coast, slope, store, limit, stack, bluff, (v) embankment, gradient, deposit; antonym (v) withdraw. bankéř banker; synonyms (n) cashier, cambist, teller, investor, capitalist, dealer, financier, goldsmith, moneyer, usurer. banket banquet (recepce); synonyms (n) feast, party, carousal, dinner, entertainment, spread, treat, (v) junket, regale, revel.
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Czech - English
bankovka bill (návrh zákona, plakát, účet); synonyms (n) account, beak, advertisement, card, invoice, poster, receipt, act, (v) placard, advertise. bankovní banking (bankovnictví); synonyms (n) finance, (adj) financial. bankovnictví banking (bankovní); synonyms (n) finance, (adj) financial. bankrot bankruptcy (úpadek); synonyms (n) failure, insolvency, smash, ruin, indebtedness, recession, closure, depression, poverty, defalcation. barbar barbarian (barbarský); synonyms (adj) savage, heathen, barbaric, barbarous, uncivilized, wild, foreign, rude, (n) vandal, brute. barbarský 1. barbarous; synonyms (adj) barbarian, barbaric, savage, brutal, cruel, fell, ferocious, fierce, heathen, inhuman, 2. barbaric; synonyms (adj) boorish, barbarous, graceless, uncivilized, uncouth, wild, rude, uncivilised, tasteless, 3. barbarian (barbar); synonyms (adj) foreign, (n) vandal, brute, boor. barbarství 1. barbarity; synonyms (n) barbarism, atrocity, barbarousness, brutality, cruelty, savagery, viciousness, inhumanity, atrociousness, 2. barbarism; synonyms (n) barbarity, uncivilizedness, heathenism, absurdity, impropriety, incivilization, misuse, outrage, solecism, catachresis. barel barrel (sud); synonyms (n) drum, roll, vessel, barrelful, cask, container, vase, vat, jar, plug. barevný coloured; synonyms (adj) biased, black, colorful, dyed, blue, aslant, aslope, benighted, bleached, closed. bariéra barrier (ohrada); synonyms (n) barricade, bar, bulwark, dam, handicap, hurdle, obstruction, rampart, restraint, block. barikáda barricade; synonyms (n) bar, barrier, obstruction, fence, rampart, (v) block, blockade, obstruct, dam, hinder. bárkař bargee; synonyms (n) bargeman, gondolier, lighterman. barokní baroque (baroko); synonyms (n) baroqueness, (adj) ornate, elaborate, rococo, outlandish, strange, fancy, quaint, barocco, churrigueresco; antonym (adj) plain. baroko baroque (barokní); synonyms (n) baroqueness, (adj) ornate, elaborate, rococo, outlandish, strange, fancy, quaint, barocco, churrigueresco; antonym (adj) plain. barometr barometer (tlakoměr); synonyms (n) baroscope, aeroscope, eudiometer, gauge, norm, (v) glass, especially, glaze, goblet, hourglass.
barometrický 1. barometric, 2. barometrical; synonym (adj) barometric. baronka baroness; synonym (n) lady. baronství barony; synonym (n) baronetcy.
barva 1. color; synonyms (n) blush, colour, stain, tinge, tint, complexion, (v) dye, flush, paint, redden; antonyms (n) colorlessness, (v) discolor, 2. colour
(barvit, barvitost, nabarvit, zabarvení); synonyms (n) coloration, coloring, colouring, semblance, vividness, (v) color, discolour, distort, 3. paint (lak, malovat, natírat); synonyms (n) painting, coating, (v) daub, coat, decorate, depict, varnish, enamel, apply, lacquer, 4. dye; synonyms (n) hue, colorant, dyestuff, pigment, shade, (v) imbue, soil, blot, 5. hue (odstín); synonyms (n) cast, chromaticity, form, shout, tone.
barvit colour (barva, barvitost, nabarvit, zabarvení); synonyms (n) coloration, coloring, colouring, semblance, vividness, (v) color, discolor, discolour, distort, tinge.
barvitost colour (barva, barvit, nabarvit, zabarvení); synonyms (n) coloration, coloring, colouring, semblance, vividness, (v) color, discolor, discolour, distort, tinge. barvitý colourful; synonyms (adj) colorful, coloured. baryton barytone; synonym (n) baritone. baryum barium; synonym (n) ab. bas bass (basový, okoun); synonyms (adj) deep, low, resonant, rich, sonorous, abstruse, booming, rumbling, (n) basso, (adv) accompaniment. báseň poem; synonyms (n) song, rhyme, verse, ballad, composition, sonnet, construction, fabrication, from, laughingstock. básnický 1. poetic; synonyms (adj) poetical, romantic, artistic, beauteous, fanciful, graphic, imaginative, anapestic, beautiful, dactylic, 2. poetical; synonyms (adj) poetic, figurative, inventive, poematic. básník poet; synonyms (n) bard, author, maker, lyricist, muse, manufacturer, meditate, muset, novelist, playwright. basový bass (bas, okoun); synonyms (adj) deep, low, resonant, rich, sonorous, abstruse, booming, rumbling, (n) basso, (adv) accompaniment. bašta 1. bulwark; synonyms (n) fortification, rampart, shield, barrier, breakwater, wall, bastion, defense, (v) safeguard, guard, 2. bastion; synonyms (n) citadel, fortress, stronghold, bulwark, fort, (v) banquette. baterie battery; synonyms (n) troop, army, barrage, company, collection, mugging, onslaught, sequence, squad, violence. baterka 1. torch (kapesní svítilna); synonyms (n) flashlight, brand, light, blowlamp, blowtorch, incendiary, teade, triggerman, (v) burn, 2. flashlight; synonyms (n) torch, spotlight. batoh 1. knapsack; synonyms (n) backpack, bag, haversack, rucksack, pack, packsack, wallet, 2.
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Czech - English
rucksack; synonyms (n) knapsack, bundle, daypack. batole toddler; synonyms (n) baby, child, infant, tot,
bečet baa (bekot); synonyms (v) bleat, blat, blate, kvetch, moan, whine, whinge. bedna chest (hruď, prsa); synonyms (n) bosom,
bambino, newborn, yearling, adolescent, babe, teen. batolení toddle (batolit se); synonyms (v) waddle, paddle, stroll, saunter, totter, walk, amble, coggle, (n) stride, bundle. batyskaf bathyscaphe; synonyms (n) bathyscaph, bathyscape. bauxit bauxite; synonym (n) beauxite. bavit 1. entertain; synonyms (v) amuse, divert, delight, bear, beguile, cherish, admit, accommodate, harbor, hold; antonym (v) bore, 2. amuse; synonyms (v) absorb, entertain, please, charm, disport, distract, occupy, recreate, sport, interest. bavlna cotton; synonyms (n) thread, yarn, cord, fiber, string, affinity, bombace, (v) cater, coddle, (adj) exceptional. bazar bazaar; synonyms (n) fair, market, exchange, bazar, emporium, marketplace. bazén 1. basin; synonyms (n) bowl, pot, depression, dock, hollow, tank, washbasin, washbowl, basinful, cavity, 2. pool (kaluž); synonyms (n) plash, lake, pond, mere, cartel, basin, kitty, syndicate, (v) combine, merge. bazický basic (základní); synonyms (adj) first, cardinal, initial, primary, primordial, basal, base, bottom, central, (n) essential; antonyms (adj) secondary, complex, extra, minor. bazilika basilica; synonyms (n) church, basilic, cathedral, chapel, conventicle, kirk, meetinghouse, minster, tabernacle, temple. bažina 1. marsh; synonyms (n) bog, fen, quagmire, marish, morass, swamp, marshland, mire, swampland, wash, 2. fen; synonyms (n) marsh, moss, 3. morass, 4. swamp; synonyms (v) flood, inundate, overwhelm, submerge, sink, deluge, drench, drown, overflow, engulf; antonym (n) desert, 5. quagmire; synonyms (n) quag, (adj) mud, scrape, slough, hobble, 6. quag. bažinatý 1. marshy; synonyms (adj) boggy, muddy, marsh, miry, quaggy, sloughy, swampy, paludal, moist, dirty, 2. boggy; synonym (adj) marshy; antonym (adj) dry. bázlivý 1. fearful (bojácný); synonyms (adj) afraid, cowardly, dreadful, anxious, apprehensive, awful, craven, terrible, timid, dire; antonyms (adj) brave, calm, rational, bold, confident, unimpressed, 2. timid (bojácný, plachý); synonyms (adj) fearful, diffident, shy, bashful, cautious, coy, nervous, frightened, modest, retiring; antonym (adj) fearless. bdící wakeful; synonyms (adj) vigilant, watchful, sleepless, awake, observant, light.
bust, box, bureau, case, casket, dresser, chamber, crate, thorax. bednářství cooperage; synonym (n) work. bědovat lament (nářek, naříkat); synonyms (n) cry, dirge, complaint, elegy, (v) bemoan, complain, deplore, grieve, bewail, keen; antonyms (n) celebration, (v) revel. begónie begonia; synonyms (adj) anemone, asphodel, buttercup, daffodil, lily, rose, tulip, geranium, marigold, ranunculus. běhna harlot; synonyms (n) prostitute, courtesan, strumpet, tart, whore, drab, bawd, cocotte, trollop, wanton. bekot baa (bečet); synonyms (v) bleat, blat, blate, kvetch, moan, whine, whinge. bendžo banjo; synonyms (n) bandurria, gittern, rebeck. Benedikt benedict; synonyms (n) benedick, bridegroom, husband, (v) mate, partner, spouse, yokemate, neogamist. beneficiární beneficiary; synonyms (n) heir, inheritor, receiver, recipient, successor, mortgagor, archbishop, archdeacon, bearer, bishop; antonym (n) donor. benevolentní benevolent; synonyms (adj) charitable, good, compassionate, generous, gracious, kind, kindly, philanthropic, loving, (n) beneficent; antonyms (adj) malevolent, malicious, unfeeling. benigní benign (laskavý); synonyms (adj) benevolent, kind, nice, affable, amiable, charitable, gentle, humane, merciful, soft; antonym (adj) harmful. benzen benzene; synonyms (n) benzol, benzine, phene, carcinogenic. benzín 1. gasoline; synonyms (n) gas, gasolene, fuel, oil, petrol, distillate, naphtha, petroleum, accelerator, flatulence, 2. petrol; synonyms (n) gasoline, flatulency, gun, nitromethane, alcohol, ethanol, gasohol, methanol, throttle, vapor. beran 1. tup; synonyms (n) ram, buck, greenback, hob, (v) cover, 2. ram (skopec); synonyms (n) tup, (v) beat, cram, crash, drive, jam, pack, push, force, fill. beránek lamb; synonyms (n) dear, kid, beef, beloved, child, darling, dearest, flockling, honey, (adj) innocent. berla crutch; synonyms (n) crotch, support, groin, prop, staff, stick, ankle, stilt, fluke, kimbo. beruška ladybird; synonyms (n) ladybug, ladybeetle. besídka bower; synonyms (n) arbor, alcove, arbour, pergola, grotto, hermitage, anchor, conservatory, (v) inclose, embower.
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Czech - English
bestialita bestiality; synonyms (n) cruelty, violence, zooerastia, zooerasty. bestiální bestial (zvířecí); synonyms (adj) animal, beastly, brute, brutish, brutal, cruel, inhuman, savage. bestie 1. brute (hovado); synonyms (n) beast, barbarian, savage, creature, fiend, monster, (adj) animal, brutal, bear, (adv) beastly, 2. beast (zvíře); synonyms (n) swine, (adj) brute. beton concrete (betonovat, konkrétní); synonyms (adj) actual, positive, physical, real, tangible, fixed, palpable, (n) cement, (v) coagulate, congeal; antonyms (adj) theoretical, intangible, abstract, hypothetical, incidental. betonovat concrete (beton, konkrétní); synonyms (adj) actual, positive, physical, real, tangible, fixed, palpable, (n) cement, (v) coagulate, congeal; antonyms (adj) theoretical, intangible, abstract, hypothetical, incidental. bez lilac (šeřík); synonyms (adj) lavender, mauve, purple, violet, puce, indigo, amethyst, blue, (n) ash, jasmine.
bezbarvý 1. achromatic (achromatický); synonyms (adj) colorless, white, neutral, aplanatic, snowy, achroous, black, faded, ashen, benevolent, 2. colourless; synonym (adj) clear. bezbolestný painless; synonyms (adj) easy, effortless, harmless, innocuous, pangless, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated, undemanding, (v) unalloyed; antonym (adj) sore. bezbožnost impiety; synonyms (n) disrespect, irreligion, blasphemy, unrighteousness, impiousness, irreverence, profanity, sacrilege, sin, desecration; antonym (n) piety. bezbožný 1. godless; synonyms (adj) impious, blasphemous, profane, ungodly, devoutless, unholy, atheistical, heathen, irreverent, agnostic, 2. impious; synonyms (adj) disrespectful, godless, iniquitous, sinful, unhallowed, wicked, atheistic, heretical, (adv) nefarious, atrocious; antonyms (adj) pious, reverent, 3. unholy; synonyms (adj) diabolic, fiendish, infernal, unsanctified, evil, foul, demonic, diabolical, hellish, satanic; antonym (adj) holy. bezbranný naked (holý, nahý); synonyms (adj) bald, bare, exposed, nude, open, barren, bleak, raw, unclothed, defenseless; antonyms (adj) covered, concealed. bezcenný 1. worthless; synonyms (adj) futile, vile, idle, cheap, empty, trifling, trivial, void, (v) useless, vain; antonyms (adj) valuable, precious, useful, helpful, meaningful, priceless, worthwhile, 2. nugatory (nicotný); synonyms (adj) invalid, ineffective, worthless, ineffectual, insignificant, inconsequential, null, 3. valueless; synonym (adj) meaningless.
bezcílný aimless; synonyms (adj) purposeless, random, capricious, desultory, meaningless, pointless, afloat, empty, haphazard, (adv) adrift.
bezcitný 1. unkind (nelaskavý, nevlídný); synonyms (adj) cruel, harsh, unfeeling, heartless, inconsiderate, pitiless, inhuman, hard, thoughtless, brutal; antonym (adj) kind, 2. ruthless (nemilosrdný); synonyms (adj) merciless, remorseless, ferocious, grim, inexorable, relentless, unsparing, barbarous, bitter, unmerciful; antonyms (adj) merciful, charitable, gentle, 3. unfeeling; synonyms (adj) callous, cold, hardhearted, impassive, ruthless, numb, insensible, insensitive, hardened, severe; antonyms (adj) caring, sympathetic, sensitive. bezdrátový wireless (rádio); synonyms (n) radio, radiocommunication, tuner, (v) radiotelephone, intercom, phone, radiophone, telephone. bezedný bottomless; synonyms (adj) abysmal, limitless, infinite, deep, unlimited, boundless, immeasurable, profound; antonym (adj) shallow. bezelstný 1. ingenuous; synonyms (adj) candid, frank, guileless, honest, naive, artless, downright, forthright, innocent, straight; antonyms (adj) intended, disingenuous, 2. artless; synonyms (adj) ingenuous, open, simple, childlike, genuine, natural, plain, rustic, sincere, unaffected; antonym (adj) artful, 3. guileless; synonyms (adj) pure, straightforward, transparent, truthful, unsophisticated. bezesný sleepless; synonyms (adj) restless, insomniac, lidless, vigilant, wakeful, watchful, disturbed. bezešvý seamless; synonyms (adj) faultless, flawless, textbook, unlined, unseamed, unspoiled. bezmocnost helplessness; synonyms (n) weakness, powerlessness, defenselessness, dependence, failing, impossibility, impuissance, incapability, incapacity, lameness; antonym (n) power. bezmocný 1. helpless (bezradný); synonyms (adj) forlorn, powerless, defenseless, weak, disabled, feeble, hopeless, impotent, unable, (v) destitute, 2. powerless; synonyms (adj) helpless, incapable, ineffective, ineffectual, nerveless, prostrate; antonyms (adj) powerful, strong.
bezmyšlenkovitý thoughtless (bezohledný); synonyms (adj) inconsiderate, heedless, inattentive, rash, reckless, hasty, improvident, unthinking, neglectful, (v) careless; antonyms (adj) thoughtful, considerate, considered. bezohledný 1. inconsiderate (nešetrný); synonyms (adj) careless, headlong, unadvised, unthinking, hasty, heedless, imprudent, incautious, indiscreet, (adv) thoughtless; antonyms (adj) thoughtful, considerate, 2. thoughtless (bezmyšlenkovitý); synonyms (adj) inconsiderate, inattentive, rash, reckless, improvident, neglectful, negligent,
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Czech - English mindless, regardless, (v) giddy; antonym (adj) considered, 3. reckless; synonyms (adj) foolhardy, extravagant, wanton, daring, brash, desperate, precipitate, audacious, irresponsible, madcap; antonyms (adj) careful, cautious, prudent, sensible, wise, 4. unscrupulous; synonyms (adj) corrupt, dishonest, unprincipled, crooked, dishonorable, immoral, unethical, unfair, unconscionable, cunning; antonyms (adj) scrupulous, principled. béžový beige; synonyms (adj) buff, camel, cream, mushroom, insipid, (n) ecru, tan, brown, fawn, biscuit. bezpáteřný spineless; synonyms (adj) gutless, weak, feeble, timid, soft, nerveless, craven, fearful, (adv) cowardly; antonym (adj) brave. bezpečnost safety; synonyms (n) protection, guard, refuge, security, bingle, safe, asylum, sanctuary, cover, preservation; antonyms (n) danger, hazard. bezpečný safe (trezor); synonyms (adj) secure, reliable, cautious, dependable, good, harmless, innocuous, sound, correct, (n) closet; antonyms (adj) dangerous, unsafe, hurt, risky, unprotected, vulnerable, harmful, insecure, reckless.
bezplatný free (svobodný, volný, zdarma); synonyms (adj) loose, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict, stuck, tangled. bezpracný unearned (nezasloužený); synonyms (adj) undeserved, unmerited, unfair, unjust, unjustified, unrealized, unwarranted, unjustifiable; antonym (adj) earned. bezpříkladný 1. unexampled; synonyms (adj) unprecedented, new, unique, unparalleled, novel, rare, undescribed, 2. unparalleled; synonyms (adj) unequaled, incomparable, unmatched, matchless, peerless, inimitable, unequalled, unexampled, alone, singular; antonym (adj) ordinary.
bezprostřední immediate (okamžitý, přímý); synonyms (adj) close, prompt, direct, sudden, near, present, quick, expeditious, fast, hasty; antonyms (adj) slow, gradual, consecutive, deliberate. bezradnost quandary; synonyms (n) dilemma, predicament, difficulty, plight, nonplus, puzzle, doubt, problem, embarrassment, fix. bezradný helpless (bezmocný); synonyms (adj) forlorn, powerless, defenseless, weak, disabled, feeble, hopeless, impotent, unable, (v) destitute.
bezstarostný careless (nedbalý, neopatrný); synonyms (adj) inconsiderate, cursory, forgetful, haphazard, inattentive, insouciant, reckless, hasty, (v) heedless, (adv) thoughtless; antonyms (adj) careful, cautious, prudent, attentive, diligent, meticulous, thorough, thoughtful, guarded, methodical.
beztrestnost impunity; synonyms (n) exemption, freedom, immunity, permission, forgiveness, dispensation, exception, license, nonliability, privilege. beztřídní classless; synonyms (adj) democratic, egalitarian, free, equal, open, uncensored, unrestricted; antonym (adj) repressive. beztvarý shapeless; synonyms (adj) formless, amorphous, misshapen, unformed, unstructured, nebulous, inchoate; antonyms (adj) distinct, tight. bezúhonný 1. irreproachable; synonyms (adj) blameless, guiltless, spotless, faultless, flawless, innocent, unimpeachable, inculpable, impeccable, immaculate, 2. unblemished; synonyms (adj) clean, perfect, pure, clear, irreproachable, unspotted, untarnished, uninjured, complete, sound; antonyms (adj) blemished, flawed, marked, 3. unimpeachable; synonyms (adj) unexceptionable, unquestionable, (n) creditable, estimable, meritorious, plausible, (v) imprescriptible, inviolable, 4. upstanding; synonyms (adj) solid, upright, erect, honorable, worthy, moral, noble, principled, honest, straightforward. bezvadný 1. impeccable; synonyms (adj) immaculate, faultless, flawless, perfect, blameless, correct, spotless, infallible, exquisite, complete, 2. faultless; synonyms (adj) clean, innocent, unblemished, absolute, consummate, sinless, accurate, exact, impeccable, irreproachable; antonyms (adj) flawed, blemished, 3. perfect (dokonalý, perfektní); synonyms (adj) utter, entire, thorough, integral, ideal, (v) achieve, accomplish, finish, fulfill, (n) full; antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty. bezvýrazný characterless; synonyms (adj) ordinary, commonplace, nondescript, boring, colorless, insipid. bezvýznamnost insignificance; synonyms (n) inconsequence, unimportance, insignificancy, indifference, inconsiderableness, meanness, slightness, smallness, littleness, anonymity; antonyms (n) significance, importance, seriousness, gravity. bezvýznamný 1. inconsiderable; synonyms (adj) insignificant, inconsequential, immaterial, negligible, petty, slight, small, trivial, fractional, minute, 2. insignificant; synonyms (adj) inconsiderable, humble, infinitesimal, light, little, poor, unimportant, diminutive, inappreciable, inferior; antonyms (adj) significant, considerable, enormous, great, huge, important, major, substantial, colossal, influential, 3. meaningless; synonyms (adj) empty, futile, hollow, pointless, stupid, useless, worthless, absurd, inane, needless; antonym (adj) meaningful.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
bezzásadový unprincipled; synonyms (adj) corrupt, abandoned, depraved, unscrupulous, dishonest, dissolute, profligate, unethical, shameless, unconscionable; antonyms (adj) principled, ethical. bible scripture; synonyms (n) bible, book, writ, countersign, discussion, fact, intelligence, logos, news, (adj) gospel. biblický biblical; synonyms (adj) scriptural, prophetic, sacred. bibliograf bibliographer; synonym (n) bibliograph. bibliografický bibliographic; synonym (adj) bibliographical. bibliografie bibliography; synonym (n) bibliology. bída 1. misery; synonyms (n) adversity, distress, affliction, agony, anguish, woe, hardship, evil, ill, (adj) grief; antonyms (n) cheerfulness, ecstasy, happiness, joy, fun, hopefulness, 2. poverty (chudoba); synonyms (n) lack, indigence, want, deprivation, impoverishment, pauperism, squalor, (v) destitution, need, penury; antonyms (n) wealth, riches. bidélko perch; synonyms (v) roost, light, abide, lodge, alight, land, rest, settle, sit, (adj) dwell. bídný 1. abject; synonyms (adj) contemptible, miserable, low, pitiful, base, despicable, forlorn, ignoble, (n) dirty, ignominious, 2. miserable (ubohý); synonyms (adj) mean, poor, meager, abject, bad, deplorable, desolate, downcast, measly, (v) wretched; antonyms (adj) happy, cheerful, generous, 3. wretched (ubohý); synonyms (adj) unfortunate, unhappy, sad, lamentable, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, sorry, woeful, hapless. biftek 1. beefsteak; synonyms (v) atole, avocado, banana, barbecue, 2. steak (řízek); synonyms (n) beefsteak, collop, fanfare, middle, tucket. bilaterální bilateral; synonyms (adj) mutual, joint, quadrilateral, trilateral, (v) bicephalous, bicipital, bidental, bifold, biform, bilabiate; antonyms (adj) unilateral, multilateral. bílek albumen; synonyms (n) albumin, ovalbumin, (adj) glair, cream, milk, gluten, starch. bílit whiten; synonyms (v) white, pale, whitewash, decolorize, dealbate, gloss, palliate, scour, (adj) bleach, blanch; antonym (v) blacken. bílkovina albumin; synonyms (n) albumen, ovalbumin. bílkovinný albuminous; synonyms (n) glutinous, mucilaginous, gelatinous, (adj) albugineous, proteinaceous, albuminose, proteid. bílý white; synonyms (adj) fair, ashen, blank, clean, snowy, wan, achromatic, bloodless, livid, (n) pale; antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, (n) black. binokulární binocular; synonyms (n) binoculars, spyglass.
binomický binomial; synonyms (adj) binary, binominal. biograf cinema (kino); synonyms (n) movies, film, show, celluloid. biolog biologist; synonym (n) environmentalist. biologie biology; synonyms (n) physiology, anatomy, biota. biosféra biosphere; synonyms (n) habitat, ecosphere. bipolární bipolar; synonym (adj) amphipathic. biskup bishop (střelec); synonyms (n) archbishop, primate, clergyman, elder, eminence, episcopant, (v) wassail, cup, flip, grog. biskupství bishopric; synonyms (n) diocese, episcopate, district. bít throb (bušit, pulzovat, tepat); synonyms (n) pulsation, (v) beat, quiver, ache, pulsate, pulse, pound, flutter, palpitate, shudder. bití whipping; synonyms (n) flagellation, beating, thrashing, flogging, lashing, licking, debacle, defeat, drubbing, overlocking. bitva battle; synonyms (n) combat, contest, struggle, clash, conflict, war, action, (v) fight, brawl, encounter. bivak bivouac; synonyms (n) campground, campsite, cantonment, encampment, castrametation, scout, (v) camp, encamp, tent, burrow. bivalentní bivalent; synonyms (adj) divalent, double, doubled, dual, duple, forked, threefold, treble, twofold, (v) dyad. bizarní bizarre; synonyms (adj) eccentric, fanciful, grotesque, singular, curious, extraordinary, fantastic, freakish, odd, outlandish; antonyms (adj) normal, ordinary. blaho 1. bliss; synonyms (n) happiness, rapture, joy, beatitude, blessedness, ecstasy, elation, felicity, heaven, paradise; antonym (n) misery, 2. welfare (prosperita); synonyms (n) prosperity, benefit, good, health, advantage, sake, interest, wellbeing, upbeat, (adv) weal. blahobyt prosperity (prosperita); synonyms (n) affluence, success, wealth, flourish, fortune, welfare, opulence, abundance, good, (adv) happiness; antonym (n) poverty. blahobytný affluent (bohatý); synonyms (adj) rich, wealthy, flush, exuberant, moneyed, opulent, prosperous, fat, monied, (n) tributary; antonyms (adj) poor, impoverished. blahopřání felicitation; synonyms (n) congratulation, compliment. blahopřát felicitate; synonyms (v) congratulate, compliment, bless, brandish, consecrate, pride, delight, guard, plume, preen. blahopřejný congratulatory; synonyms (adj) complimentary, gratulatory, congratulant, festive,
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Czech - English admiring, appreciative, commemorative, flattering, fulsome, glowing. blahosklonnost condescension; synonyms (n) arrogance, disparagement, lordliness, affability, patronage, contempt, disdain, pride, superciliousness; antonyms (n) humility, respect. blahosklonný condescending; synonyms (adj) cavalier, arrogant, snobbish, superior, gracious, haughty, patronizing, arch, supercilious; antonyms (adj) humble, down-to-earth. bláhový foolish (nerozumný, pošetilý); synonyms (adj) childish, crazy, fool, daft, dopey, dull, dumb, fatuous, preposterous, (n) absurd; antonyms (adj) wise, sensible, prudent, shrewd, visionary. blána 1. film; synonyms (n) membrane, coating, cloud, cinema, coat, covering, haze, layer, movie, (v) mist, 2. membrane (membrána); synonyms (n) diaphragm, film, skin, casing, crust. blankyt azure (azur); synonyms (n) cerulean, blue, sapphire, heaven, lazuline, (adj) azureous, azurine, azurn, cloudless, cobalt. blatník wing (křídlo); synonyms (n) annex, arm, fender, limb, pinion, flank, extension, pennon, (v) fly, soar. bláto 1. mud (bahno); synonyms (n) dirt, filth, grime, ooze, sludge, soil, swamp, (adj) clay, (v) mire, muck, 2. dirt (špína); synonyms (n) dust, crap, ground, scandal, contamination, smudge, dirtiness, foulness, impurity, land, 3. ooze (bahno, kal); synonyms (v) exude, leak, dribble, seep, drain, drop, bleed, emit, filter, (adj) mud. blaženost beatitude; synonyms (n) blessedness, bliss, beatification, benediction, felicity, happiness, benison, ecstasy, holiness, rapture. blažený 1. blissful; synonyms (adj) blessed, happy, cheerful, delighted, delightful, glad, heavenly, joyful, merry, beatified, 2. beatific; synonyms (adj) angelic, blissful, elysian, angelical, celestial, good, saintly. blázinec 1. madhouse; synonyms (n) bedlam, asylum, nuthouse, chaos, pandemonium, sanitarium, hell, hellhole, inferno, (adj) hectic, 2. bedlam; synonyms (n) madhouse, muddle, turmoil, havoc, disorder, anarchy, commotion, confusion, disarray, hubbub; antonym (n) order. bláznivý crazy; synonyms (adj) deranged, mad, madcap, wild, absurd, brainsick, cracked, crazed, demented, eccentric; antonyms (adj) sane, sensible. blbý idiotic (idiotský); synonyms (adj) absurd, foolish, fatuous, imbecile, crazy, mindless, ridiculous, silly, stupid, unwise; antonym (adj) sensible. blecha flea; synonyms (n) chamois, frog, goat, grasshopper, lop, (adj) louse, vermin, (v) flay. blednout fade (vadnout, zvadnout); synonyms (v) disappear, decline, dissolve, evaporate, wither, die,
discolor, droop, drop, (adj) vanish; antonyms (v) grow, increase, strengthen. bledý 1. pale (mdlý, zblednout); synonyms (adj) ghastly, faint, wan, dull, light, pallid, (v) dim, blanch, (n) boundary, confine; antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, strong, brown, 2. pallid; synonyms (adj) bloodless, cadaverous, ashen, pasty, sickly, white, livid, sallow, anemic, (v) pale, 3. wan; synonyms (v) rueful, (adj) haggard, colorless, lurid, weak, ashy, thin, deathly. blesk 1. lightning; synonyms (n) bolt, levin, bolter, dart, fetter, enlightenment, quarrel, (v) lightening, luminary, (adj) wind, 2. flash; synonyms (n) sparkle, blaze, shimmer, glitter, (v) flicker, twinkle, blink, flame, gleam, glimmer, 3. thunderbolt; synonyms (n) lightning, thunder, thunderclap, bombshell, surprise, dash, deadbolt, jolt, shackle, fulmination. blikat blink (mrkat, mrknutí); synonyms (v) wink, flash, twinkle, flicker, shirk, nictate, nictitate, (n) blinking, glimmer, instant. blízce nearly (skoro, téměř); synonyms (adv) almost, about, close, approximately, closely, virtually, around, intimately, (adj) near, most. blízko 1. near (blízký, u); synonyms (prep) about, by, around, (adv) close, almost, (adj) adjoining, adjacent, (v) familiar, approximate, approach; antonym (adj) distant, 2. nigh; synonyms (adv) near, most, closely, approximately, (adj) nearly, nearby, imminent, intimate, dear, contiguous. blízkost 1. propinquity; synonyms (n) proximity, nearness, closeness, neighborhood, vicinity, presence, 2. vicinity (sousedství); synonyms (n) region, district, place, environs, locality, neighbourhood, vicinage, area, outskirts, section, 3. proximity; synonyms (n) propinquity, contiguity, contact; antonym (n) distance. blízký near (blízko, u); synonyms (prep) about, by, around, (adv) close, almost, (adj) adjoining, adjacent, (v) familiar, approximate, approach; antonym (adj) distant. blok 1. bloc; synonyms (n) alliance, party, coalition, group, axis, combination, syndicate, cartel, faction, partnership, 2. block; synonyms (n) bar, barricade, pad, clog, (v) arrest, stop, hinder, encumber, halt, lock; antonyms (v) free, unblock, open. blokáda blockade; synonyms (n) clog, closure, (v) bar, barricade, block, beleaguer, besiege, hinder, obstruct, siege. bloudit 1. wander (putovat); synonyms (v) ramble, digress, stray, deviate, err, roam, travel, (n) saunter, stroll, tramp, 2. stray (zabloudit); synonyms (v) range, wander, depart, drift, meander, rove, straggle, gad, (n) vagabond, waif, 3. rove; synonyms (v) gallivant, prowl, walk, divagate, hike, roll, swan, cast, journey, plod.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
blud delusion; synonyms (n) illusion, hallucination, deception, cheat, chimera, error, fallacy, mirage, misunderstanding, trick; antonyms (n) reality, comprehension. blůza blouse (halenka); synonyms (n) shirtwaist, shirt, top, coat, frock, smock, chemise, tunic, gown, habit. blýskavý flashy; synonyms (adj) flamboyant, showy, cheap, gaudy, loud, brassy, glaring, bright, flash, garish; antonyms (adj) tasteful, restrained. bob bean (fazole); synonyms (n) dome, attic, bead, head, bonce, choke, noggin, noodle, (v) attack, strike. bobr beaver; synonyms (n) castor, stovepipe, topper, caster, castorite, (adj) irrepressible. bobule berry; synonyms (n) fruit, drupe, drupelet, haw, hillock, hip, mound, pome. bochník loaf; synonyms (v) dawdle, lounge, laze, linger, loiter, loll, lurk, (adj) block, lump, poke. bod 1. point (hrot, ukazovat); synonyms (n) place, grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, article, degree, (v) head, direct, 2. spot (poskvrnit); synonyms (n) blot, speck, stain, dot, dapple, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, speckle, daub, 3. item (položka); synonyms (n) piece, detail, entry, object, point, subject, thing, affair, event, (adv) also. bodák bayonet (bajonet); synonyms (n) sword, banger, baselard, brand, broadsword, cimeter, (v) stab, spear, butt, eviscerate. bodec 1. pricker; synonyms (n) bradawl, prickle, spine, sticker, thorn, stabber, back, backbone, dagger, irritant, 2. spike (hrot, klas); synonyms (n) pin, point, barb, ear, needle, (v) impale, pierce, nail, spear, transfix, 3. prong (vidle); synonyms (n) fork, arm, branch, claw, nib, tang, end, wedge, blade, (v) stab. bodnutí stab; synonyms (n) jab, pierce, dig, try, (v) poke, thrust, impale, prod, gore, pink. bohatství wealth; synonyms (n) riches, abundance, affluence, opulence, treasure, capital, fortune, (v) money, gold, (adj) plenty; antonyms (n) poverty, penury, scarcity.
bohatý 1. rich (drahý, úrodný, zámožný); synonyms (adj) abundant, copious, fertile, productive, fruitful, full, affluent, ample, deep, fat; antonyms (adj) poor, broke, destitute, impoverished, light, 2. wealthy (zámožný); synonyms (adj) rich, moneyed, flush, opulent, prosperous, loaded, substantial, generous, abounding, monied, 3. moneyed (zámožný); synonym (adj) wealthy, 4. affluent (blahobytný); synonyms (adj) exuberant, comfortable, flourishing, lavish, (n) tributary, feeder, 5. ample (hojný, prostorný); synonyms (adj) big, broad, large, plentiful, considerable, heavy, liberal, roomy,
sizable, spacious; antonyms (adj) inadequate, small, meager, insufficient, scarce. bohémský bohemian; synonyms (adj) far-out, offbeat, (n) nonconformist, hadji, palmer, pilgrim, unconventional, beatnik, maverick, nomad. bohužel unfortunately; synonyms (adv) regrettably, alas, unluckily, sadly, badly, adversely, athwart, contrariwise, crossly, disagreeably; antonyms (adv) fortunately, luckily. bohyně goddess; synonyms (n) deity, divinity, beauty, idol, nymph, deess, hero, (adj) angel, darling, duck. boj 1. fight (bít se, bojovat); synonyms (v) combat, contest, quarrel, feud, argue, bicker, (n) battle, dispute, engagement, (adj) brawl; antonyms (v) agree, retreat, withdrawal, 2. combat; synonyms (n) fight, encounter, action, conflict, fighting, fray, war, hostility, affray, (v) clash. bojácnost pusillanimity; synonyms (n) cowardice, poltroonery, pusillanimousness, fear. bojácný 1. fearful (bázlivý); synonyms (adj) afraid, cowardly, dreadful, anxious, apprehensive, awful, craven, terrible, timid, dire; antonyms (adj) brave, calm, rational, bold, confident, unimpressed, 2. timid (bázlivý, plachý); synonyms (adj) fearful, diffident, shy, bashful, cautious, coy, nervous, frightened, modest, retiring; antonym (adj) fearless, 3. pusillanimous; synonyms (adj) gutless, timorous, unmanly, weak, yellow. bóje buoy; synonyms (n) marker, signal, (v) prop, encourage, bolster, cheer, sustain, inspire, beckon, (adj) float. bojkot boycott (bojkotovat); synonyms (n) ban, disapproval, (v) ostracize, exclude, proscribe, strike, bar, blacklist, cut, denounce; antonym (v) patronize. bojkotovat boycott (bojkot); synonyms (n) ban, disapproval, (v) ostracize, exclude, proscribe, strike, bar, blacklist, cut, denounce; antonym (v) patronize. bojler boiler (kotel); synonyms (n) kettle, furnace, heater, banality, evaporator, seether, cistern, container, kettleful, kiln. bojovat 1. fight (bít se, boj); synonyms (v) combat, contest, quarrel, feud, argue, bicker, (n) battle, dispute, engagement, (adj) brawl; antonyms (v) agree, retreat, withdrawal, 2. struggle (zápas, zápasit); synonyms (n) conflict, strain, effort, exertion, scramble, scuffle, (v) fight, attempt, endeavor, labor; antonyms (v) flourish, glide. bojovník 1. fighter (zápasník); synonyms (n) combatant, battler, belligerent, champion, soldier, warrior, militant, activist, crusader, 2. combatant; synonyms (adj) military, (n) fighter, battailant, contestant, 3. warrior; synonyms (n) hero, boxer,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English captain, chieftain, defender, enemy, leader, mercenary, protagonist, protector. bojovný 1. militant; synonyms (adj) aggressive, belligerent, fighting, warlike, military, radical, pugnacious, combative, (n) activist, fighter, 2. combative; synonyms (adj) agonistic, argumentative, bellicose, agonistical, martial, quarrelsome, battleful, (v) contentious. bok 1. hip; synonyms (n) haunch, coxa, loin, pelvis, (adj) hep, stylish, chic, in, popular, 2. side (strana, stranit); synonyms (n) edge, rim, faction, border, brink, direction, face, part, hand, (v) party; antonym (adj) distant. bokem 1. edgewise; synonyms (adv) edgeways, barely, 2. edgeways; synonyms (adv) edgewise, sideways, (adj) lateral. bol grief (hoře, smutek, zármutek); synonyms (n) affliction, dolor, anguish, distress, agony, pain, regret, wound, chagrin, (adj) sore; antonyms (n) joy, happiness. bolák sore (bolavý, bolestivý); synonyms (adj) painful, sensitive, angry, raw, (n) injury, boil, cut, lesion, (v) hurt, acute; antonym (adj) painless. bolavý sore (bolák, bolestivý); synonyms (adj) painful, sensitive, angry, raw, (n) injury, boil, cut, lesion, (v) hurt, acute; antonym (adj) painless. bolehlav hemlock; synonyms (n) henbane, nightshade. bolest 1. pain (bolet); synonyms (n) distress, ache, bother, ill, torment, agony, (v) hurt, afflict, anguish, grieve; antonym (n) pleasure, 2. ache (bolet, toužit); synonyms (n) hunger, pain, twinge, thirst, (v) long, itch, pine, smart, yearn, yen. bolestivý 1. sore (bolák, bolavý); synonyms (adj) painful, sensitive, angry, raw, (n) injury, boil, cut, lesion, (v) hurt, acute; antonym (adj) painless, 2.
painful (bolestný, namáhavý, obtížný, trapný); synonyms (adj) difficult, hard, sore, afflictive, bad, grievous, harrowing, sharp, aching, (v) distressing; antonym (adj) content.
bolestný painful (bolestivý, namáhavý, obtížný, trapný); synonyms (adj) difficult, hard, sore, afflictive, bad, grievous, harrowing, sharp, aching, (v) distressing; antonyms (adj) painless, content. bolet 1. ache (bolest, toužit); synonyms (n) hunger, pain, twinge, thirst, (v) hurt, long, itch, pine, smart, yearn; antonym (n) pleasure, 2. ail (trápit); synonyms (v) afflict, suffer, trouble, worry, distress, disturb, upset, 3. hurt (poškodit, ublížit, zranit); synonyms (v) wound, injure, (adj) evil, (n) harm, damage, detriment, ache, disadvantage, abuse, lesion; antonyms (v) encourage, (adj) uninjured, unhurt, 4. pain (bolest); synonyms (n) bother, ill, torment, agony, nuisance, harass, annoyance, (v) anguish, grieve, agonize.
bomba bomb (bombardovat, puma); synonyms (n) grenade, shell, dud, rocket, bullet, (v) blast, bombard, fail, flop, explode. bombardér bomber; synonyms (n) counsel, counselor, fighter, grinder, hero, hoagie, hoagy, sub, submarine, torpedo. bombardování 1. bombardment; synonyms (n) barrage, bombing, shelling, onslaught, blitz, fire, battery, 2. bombing; synonyms (n) bombardment, battle, intimidation, violence. bombardovat 1. bombard; synonyms (v) bomb, attack, pelt, shell, barrage, pepper, raid, 2. bomb (bomba, puma); synonyms (n) grenade, dud, rocket, bullet, explosive, (v) blast, bombard, fail, flop, explode. bombastický sententious; synonyms (adj) pithy, concise, laconic, brief, aphoristic, short, terse, pointed.
bonbón 1. sweet (lahodný, sladkost, sladký, vlídný); synonyms (adj) beloved, delicious, fresh, lovely, mellow, dear, lovable, melodious, musical, pleasant; antonyms (adj) sour, acid, bitter, discordant, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty, 2. candy; synonyms (n) bonbon, sweet, confection, pastry, bait, (adj) cake, cohere, deposit, precipitate, (v) sweeten. borovice pine (smrk); synonyms (n) yearn, sink, (v) languish, long, ache, droop, flag, fade, suffer, (adj) peak. bosý 1. barefoot; synonyms (adj) shoeless, discalceate, (adv) barefooted, 2. bare (holý, nahý, prázdný); synonyms (adj) naked, austere, bald, stark, bleak, desolate, devoid, exposed, (v) empty, show; antonyms (adj) covered, cultivated, ornate, concealed, (v) cover, 3. barefooted; synonyms (adj) discalced, (adv) barefoot. bota 1. boot (zavazadlový prostor); synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang, charge, gain, kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill, 2. shoe (obout, střevíc); synonyms (n) boot, horseshoe, skid, clog, splint, spoke, sprit, base, stilts, stirrup. botanický botanical; synonyms (adj) botanic, phytological. botanik botanist; synonym (n) phytologist. botanika botany; synonyms (n) phytology, anatomy, cytology, dendrology, ecology, floristics, (adj) acyclic, cyclic, chemistry, cyclical. boty shoes; synonyms (n) place, position, situation, berth, home, lieu, office, piazza, plaza, post. bouchnout bang; synonyms (n) clap, beat, smack, knock, slap, smash, strike, (v) hit, slam, bash. bouda 1. hut (chata); synonyms (n) cabin, cot, booth, hovel, cottage, hutch, lodge, shanty, shed, shack, 2. booth; synonyms (n) stall, cubicle, stand, carrel, cell, chalet, hut, kiosk, compartment, 3. cabin
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
(chata, kabina, kajuta); synonyms (n) chamber, room, apartment. boule bulge (vyboulit se); synonyms (n) prominence, protuberance, swelling, bilge, bump, gibbosity, (v) belly, bag, balloon, bulk. bouře 1. storm (bouřka); synonyms (n) tempest, attack, shower, blizzard, (v) rage, rush, assault, fume, hail, charge, 2. tempest; synonyms (n) storm, gale, hurricane, gust, squall, agitation, tornado, typhoon, blast, (adj) story. bouřka 1. thunderstorm (hromobití); synonyms (n) storm, tempest, blizzard, cloudburst, deluge, downpour, gale, hurricane, rainstorm, (adj) earthquake, 2. storm (bouře); synonyms (n) attack, shower, burst, gust, (v) rage, rush, assault, fume, hail, charge. bouřlivý 1. tempestuous; synonyms (adj) furious, raging, wild, angry, turbulent, windy, fierce, (n) stormy, rough, boisterous; antonym (adj) calm, 2. boisterous (divoký); synonyms (adj) loud, noisy, rambunctious, raucous, rude, tumultuous, unruly, vociferous, (v) rampant, tempestuous; antonym (adj) quiet, 3. gusty; synonyms (adj) breezy, blustery, blowy, squally, blustering, blusterous, dirty; antonym (adj) still, 4. stormy; synonyms (adj) gusty, inclement, foul, passionate, impetuous, rugged, heavy, hot, intense, (n) severe. box 1. boxing; synonyms (n) pugilism, fisticuffs, packing, sparring, backpacking, fisticuff, handyfight, parcelling, fistfight, (adj) fighting, 2. pugilism; synonyms (n) boxing, slugfest. boxer pugilist; synonyms (n) boxer, bruiser, fighter, combatant, wrestler, bagger, packer, rebel, warrior. boží godly; synonyms (adj) devout, pious, religious, divine, devotional, holy, reverent, saintly, pure, heavenly. božský heavenly (nebeský); synonyms (adj) divine, celestial, blissful, delightful, ethereal, angelic, blessed, godlike, holy, lovely; antonym (adj) earthly. božství divinity (teologie); synonyms (n) deity, theology, divineness, godhead, godship, immortal, spirit. božstvo deity; synonyms (n) godhead, godhood, godship, idol, immortal, theology, creator, deva, devata, (adj) divinity. brada chin; synonyms (n) talk, jaw, jawbone, rap, mentum, button, cheek, (v) speak, confer, utter. bradavice wart; synonyms (n) verruca, bulge, growth, tit, swelling, blemish, caruncle, corn, flaw, papula. bradavka nipple; synonyms (n) mammilla, teat, breast, dug, mamilla, pap, boob, knocker, papilla, tit.
bradka beard (plnovous, vousy); synonyms (n) awn, hair, whiskers, disguise, sloven, (v) dare, defy, camouflage, mask, (adj) brave. brak trash (odpadky, šmejd, smetí); synonyms (n) nonsense, rubbish, junk, litter, garbage, refuse, rubble, scum, debris, (v) scrap. brambor potato; synonyms (n) murphy, spud, tater, bittersweet, countenance, eggplant, face, head. brána gate (branka, vrata, vrátka); synonyms (n) entrance, door, entry, mouth, doorway, exit, port, approach, threshold, gateway. bránice 1. midriff; synonyms (n) diaphragm, middle, midsection, equator, abdomen, center, centre, eye, heart, pessary, 2. diaphragm; synonyms (n) membrane, midriff, partition, septum, stop, contraceptive, arrest, block, blockage, catch. bránit 1. hinder (překážet); synonyms (adj) posterior, hind, (v) block, bar, impede, check, hamper, obstruct, resist, curb; antonyms (v) help, assist, facilitate, 2. impede (překážet, zdržovat); synonyms (v) clog, hinder, barricade, delay, preclude, debar, embarrass, encumber, forbid, stop. branka 1. gate (brána, vrata, vrátka); synonyms (n) entrance, door, entry, mouth, doorway, exit, port, approach, threshold, gateway, 2. wicket; synonyms (n) gate, lattice, grille, hoop, ostiary, porch, portal, postern, grill, basket. brankář goalkeeper; synonyms (n) goalie, goaltender, netkeeper, netminder. brány harrow; synonyms (v) afflict, harass, harry, rake, torment, torture, wring, delve, dibble, dig. brašna bag (kabelka, pytel, taška); synonyms (n) pocket, pouch, package, briefcase, purse, sack, case, (v) bulge, capture, catch. brát take (chytit, uchopit, vzít); synonyms (v) admit, get, hold, adopt, bear, carry, catch, (n) seize, (phr) accept, receive; antonyms (v) give, refuse, abstain, add, lose. bratr brother (kolega); synonyms (n) fellow, pal, associate, buddy, chum, companion, compeer, comrade, counterpart, crony; antonym (n) sister. bratranec cousin (sestřenice); synonyms (n) nephew, friend, companion, allied. bratrovražda fratricide; synonyms (v) infanticide, uxoricide, vaticide, matricide, parricide, regicide. bratrský fraternal; synonyms (adj) brotherly, brotherlike, biovular, hearty, kind, sympathetic, amicable, affectionate, friendly, harmonious; antonym (adj) sisterly. bratrství fraternity; synonyms (n) association, company, club, fellowship, society, companionship, circle, clan, organization, (adj) brotherhood.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English bratrstvo brotherhood; synonyms (n) fraternity, union, association, sodality, friendliness, kinship, relationship, community, confraternity, fellowship. brázda furrow (rýha); synonyms (n) fold, crinkle, channel, line, cut, ditch, (v) wrinkle, crease, groove, chamfer. břeh 1. coast (pobřeží); synonyms (n) bank, beach, seaside, shore, seashore, sand, seacoast, (v) glide, slide, drift; antonym (n) interior, 2. bank (banka, násep); synonyms (n) dam, coast, slope, store, limit, stack, bluff, (v) embankment, gradient, deposit; antonym (v) withdraw.
břemeno weight (tíže, váha, závaží, závažnost); synonyms (n) load, burden, charge, consequence, heaviness, importance, pressure, significance, stress, ballast; antonym (n) triviality. břevno beam (nosník, trám); synonyms (n) blaze, glow, ray, timber, flash, (v) glare, air, broadcast, gleam, (adj) shine. březen march (pochod, pochodovat); synonyms (n) walk, hike, parade, demonstration, ramble, trek, course, (v) journey, tramp, advance. březový birchen; synonyms (adj) birch, birken. břicho 1. belly; synonyms (n) abdomen, stomach, inside, bowels, intestines, waist, (v) balloon, swell, billow, bloat, 2. abdomen; synonyms (n) belly, venter, gut, breadbasket, guts, corporation, middle, midsection, pot, potbelly, 3. stomach (žaludek); synonyms (n) appetite, (v) accept, brook, abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer, take, (adj) digest. břidlice slate; synonyms (n) list, plank, platform, (v) condemn, foolscap, paper, papyrus, parchment, censure, schedule. břidlicovitý slaty; synonym (adj) slatey. briga brig; synonyms (n) bark, barque, snow, jail, ship. brigáda brigade; synonyms (n) detachment, army, division, battalion, corps, legion, contingent, battalia, column, garrison. brigádník brigadier; synonyms (n) captain, centurion, lieutenant, major, officer, skipper, sublieutenant, adjutant, cadet, cornet. briliant brilliant (zářivý); synonyms (adj) bright, splendid, glorious, illustrious, intelligent, luminous, magnificent, spectacular, sunny, (v) smart; antonyms (adj) dull, dim, awful, dark. bříško tummy; synonyms (n) abdomen, belly, stomach, breadbasket, corporation, pot, potbelly, tum. břišní 1. abdominal; synonyms (adj) ventral, endomorphic, intestinal, duodenal, hemal, stomachic, visceral, (n) ab, 2. ventral; synonyms (adj) abdominal, adaxial, front, forward. břitva razor; synonyms (n) rasour, (adj) blade, knife, cutlery, penknife, whittle.
bříza birch; synonyms (n) stick, (v) whip, lash, flog, scourge, bang, cob, comb, (adj) birchen, birken. brk quill; synonyms (n) barb, feather, pen, pinion, prick, calamus, thorn, shaft, spike, spine. brod ford (přebrodit); synonyms (n) crossing, tunnel, carrefour, cleft, (v) cross, pass, care, character, circulate, come. brok pellet; synonyms (n) shot, granule, bead, missile, grain, projectile, (v) ball, (adj) spherule, bullet, globule. brokát brocade; synonyms (n) brocatelle, edging, fringe, galloon, lace, trapping, trimming, embroidery. brokolice broccoli; synonym (n) cauliflower. brokovnice shotgun; synonyms (n) gun, hackbut, scattergun, shooter, (v) coerce, compel, constrain, force, guard, make. bróm bromine; synonym (n) brome. bromid bromide; synonyms (n) banality, commonplace, platitude, cliche, bore, bromuret, cliché. bronz bronze (bronzovat); synonyms (adj) bronzy, embrown, (n) tan, brown, bust, effigy, figure, figurine, head, iridescence. bronzovat bronze (bronz); synonyms (adj) bronzy, embrown, (n) tan, brown, bust, effigy, figure, figurine, head, iridescence. broskev peach (donášet); synonyms (n) apricot, beauty, stunner, (v) betray, denounce, grass, blab, declare, rat, snitch. brouk 1. beetle; synonyms (n) mallet, (v) overhang, project, jut, bulge, (adj) beetling, impend, bestride, mount, ride, 2. bug (hmyz, porucha); synonyms (n) beetle, disease, germ, (v) annoy, badger, pester, bother, harass, beleaguer, hassle. brož brooch; synonyms (n) breastpin, broach, jewelry, button, (v) clasp. brožovaný paperback (brožura); synonyms (n) book, manuscript, novel, softback, tome, volume, hardback, (adj) paperbacked. brožura 1. brochure; synonyms (n) booklet, leaflet, pamphlet, folder, handout, manual, book, 2. paperback (brožovaný); synonyms (n) manuscript, novel, softback, tome, volume, hardback, (adj) paperbacked. bruneta brunette; synonyms (adj) brunet, brown, dark, chocolate, russet, tan; antonym (n) blond. brus 1. grindstone; synonyms (n) occupation, (v) grinder, mill, arrastra, file, grater, kern, koniology, quern, gristmill, 2. rubber (guma); synonyms (n) caoutchouc, condom, eraser, galosh, overshoe, prophylactic, arctic, golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize. brusinka cranberry; synonyms (n) tomato, (adj) burgundy, claret, crimson, maroon, ruby.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
brusivo abrasive (brusný); synonyms (adj) rough, harsh, caustic, bristly, destructive, gritty, prickly, (n) abradant, abrader, cleanser; antonym (adj) smooth. bruslit skate; synonyms (v) glide, skim, slip, coast, slide, jade, plug, rackabones. brusný abrasive (brusivo); synonyms (adj) rough, harsh, caustic, bristly, destructive, gritty, prickly, (n) abradant, abrader, cleanser; antonym (adj) smooth. brutální 1. brutal (surový); synonyms (adj) beastly, barbaric, barbarous, bestial, hard, cruel, harsh, savage, truculent, unkind; antonyms (adj) gentle, kind, merciful, liberal, 2. beastly; synonyms (adj) abominable, animal, nasty, disgusting, brute, ghastly, offensive, unpleasant, atrocious, obnoxious. brýle 1. glasses; synonyms (n) spectacles, eyeglasses, specs, bifocals, monocle, 2. spectacles; synonyms (n) glasses, eyewear, visor, barnacle. brzda 1. brake (brzdit); synonyms (n) bracken, bit, curb, constraint, snaffle, (v) halt, retard, stop, slow, block; antonym (v) accelerate, 2. disincentive (zábrana); synonyms (n) deterrence, discouragement, deterrent, obstacle, restraint, determent, prevention, restriction, intimidation, limit; antonyms (n) incentive, inducement. brzdit brake (brzda); synonyms (n) bracken, bit, curb, constraint, snaffle, (v) halt, retard, stop, slow, block; antonym (v) accelerate. brzlík sweetbread; synonym (n) sweetbreads. brzo soon (brzy); synonyms (adv) shortly, early, presently, anon, immediately, directly, betimes, now, promptly, quickly. brzy 1. soon (brzo); synonyms (adv) shortly, early, presently, anon, immediately, directly, betimes, now, promptly, quickly, 2. presently; synonyms (adv) soon, currently, instantly, just, forthwith. buben drum; synonyms (n) barrel, cask, tympan, (v) beat, roll, bang, knock, pound, ram, thrum. bubeník drummer; synonyms (n) bagman, fiddler, fifer, harper, piper, touter, traveler, trumpeter, vendor. bublat 1. gurgle; synonyms (v) bubble, guggle, babble, burble, murmur, boil, foam, purl, ripple, breathe, 2. bubble (bublina, bublinka); synonyms (n) blister, bead, blob, (v) effervesce, fizz, froth, gurgle, seethe, churn, spray. bublina bubble (bublat, bublinka); synonyms (n) blister, (v) boil, babble, foam, burble, effervesce, fizz, froth, gurgle, seethe. bublinka bubble (bublat, bublina); synonyms (n) blister, (v) boil, babble, foam, burble, effervesce, fizz, froth, gurgle, seethe. buclatý plump (vykrmit); synonyms (adj) fat, chubby, corpulent, obese, overweight, round, stout,
gross, (v) fatten, (n) fleshy; antonyms (adj) thin, emaciated, skinny, slim, slender. budoucí 1. future (budoucnost); synonyms (adj) unborn, coming, prospective, intended, potential, approaching, forthcoming, (n) prospect, hereafter, fate; antonym (n) past, 2. prospective (případný); synonyms (adj) future, eventual, imminent, impending, likely, possible, probable, latent, budding, imaginable. budoucnost 1. futurity; synonyms (n) future, hereafter, futurition, afterlife, 2. future (budoucí); synonyms (adj) unborn, coming, prospective, intended, potential, approaching, forthcoming, (n) prospect, fate, futurity; antonym (n) past. budova building; synonyms (n) architecture, establishment, construction, fabric, fabrication, house, assembly, creation, (v) edifice, pile. bufet buffet; synonyms (n) blow, (v) beat, batter, cuff, buff, hit, knock, punch, smack, belabor. bujet thrive (prosperovat, vzkvétat); synonyms (v) prosper, flourish, grow, advance, blossom, succeed, bloom, increase, boom, (adj) luxuriate; antonym (v) decline. bujný 1. luxuriant; synonyms (adj) lush, abundant, lavish, exuberant, thick, fecund, fertile, flourishing, opulent, profuse; antonym (adj) barren, 2. lush; synonyms (adj) luscious, drunk, rich, green, juicy, plentiful, luxuriant, luxurious, (n) alcoholic, (v) drunkard; antonym (adj) infertile, 3. exuberant; synonyms (adj) copious, ample, ebullient, excessive, extravagant, bountiful, hearty, rank, rampant, effervescent. buk beech; synonym (n) beechwood. buldozer bulldozer; synonyms (n) dozer, hoodlum, hooligan, larrikin, roarer, bully, backhoe, tractor, caterpillar, grader. bulvár avenue (alej); synonyms (n) channel, approach, passage, path, road, route, way, means, boulevard, course. bumerang boomerang; synonyms (n) backfire, arrow, backlash, bolt, boom, dart, (v) rebound, return, recoil, bounce. bungalov bungalow; synonyms (n) cottage, hut, building, home, accommodation, kiosk, apartment, farmhouse, igloo, loft. bunkr bunker; synonyms (n) bin, dugout, trap, ambuscade, ambush, cellaret, closet, commode, container, cupboard. burgundské burgundy; synonyms (n) red, (adj) crimson, maroon, ruby, scarlet, cherry, claret, cranberry. buřinka bowler; synonyms (n) derby, batsman. burleska burlesque (burleskní); synonyms (adj) ludicrous, satire, (n) parody, caricature, farce, travesty, comedy, (v) lampoon, ridicule, spoof.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English burleskní burlesque (burleska); synonyms (adj) ludicrous, satire, (n) parody, caricature, farce, travesty, comedy, (v) lampoon, ridicule, spoof. buržoazie bourgeoisie; synonym (n) class. bušit 1. knock (klepat); synonyms (v) hit, blow, bump, cuff, punch, (n) rap, bang, tap, bash, crash; antonym (v) praise, 2. throb (bít, pulzovat, tepat); synonyms (n) pulsation, (v) beat, quiver, ache, pulsate, pulse, pound, flutter, palpitate, shudder, 3. palpitate (tepat); synonyms (v) throb, shake, shiver, pant, flicker, tremble, vibrate, (n) thrill, heave, tingle. bušl bushel; synonyms (n) basket, mountain, blackmailing, (adj) mass, cargo, block, (v) fix, mend, repair, affect. buvol buffalo; synonyms (n) bison, yak, zebu, buffalofish, bugle, (v) cow, bully, frighten, intimidate, baffle. bydlení 1. habitation; synonyms (n) abode, dwelling, domicile, residence, home, house, habitat, lodging, housing, inhabitancy, 2. housing; synonyms (n) habitation, casing, accommodation, caparison, apartment, accommodations, household, housings, place, quarters; antonym (adj) business. bydlet 1. dwell (přebývat); synonyms (v) abide, inhabit, reside, bide, live, stay, lodge, be, belong, brood, 2. live (bydlit, žít); synonyms (v) exist, subsist, dwell, endure, survive, (adj) alive, active, animate, living, (n) go; antonyms (adj) dead, inanimate.
bydlící resident (obyvatel, usedlík, usedlý); synonyms (adj) native, inmate, (n) inhabitant, occupant, dweller, tenant, citizen, lodger, occupier, (v) resiant; antonyms (adj) migratory, (n) landlord, drifter. bydliště domicile; synonyms (n) abode, dwelling, home, residence, house, address, lodging, place, habitat, (v) lodge. bydlit live (bydlet, žít); synonyms (v) exist, inhabit, reside, subsist, abide, be, dwell, (adj) alive, active, animate; antonyms (adj) dead, inanimate. býk bull; synonyms (n) bullshit, bunk, hogwash, rot, absurdity, bear, buck, buncombe, bunkum, (adj) blunder. bylina herb; synonyms (n) plant, seasoning, flavoring, flower, herbar, yerba, (v) bunch. bylinný herbaceous; synonyms (adj) floral, spicy. býložravý herbivorous; synonyms (adj) carnivorous, phytivorous, omnivorous, phytophagous, (n) herbivore. byrokracie bureaucracy; synonyms (n) bureaucratism, apparatus, cabinet, fascism, formalities, government, authority, beadledom, directorate, establishment. byrokrat bureaucrat; synonyms (n) officer, official, administrator, commissioner, functionary,
manager, minister, overseer, superintendent, executive. byrokratický bureaucratic; synonyms (adj) administrative, authoritative, bossy, impersonal, practical, technical, bureaucratical, ceremonial, fussy, interfering. bysta bust (poprsí); synonyms (n) bosom, arrest, tear, capture, flop, (v) bankrupt, break, burst, raid, (adj) broke; antonym (adj) solvent. bystřina torrent; synonyms (n) deluge, flood, cloudburst, downpour, overflow, stream, rain, shower, soaker, (adj) volley. bystrost acumen; synonyms (n) insight, intelligence, perception, intellect, understanding, acuteness, astuteness, cleverness, discernment, discrimination. bystrý 1. discerning; synonyms (adj) astute, acute, apprehensive, discriminating, perceptive, shrewd, discreet, judicious, penetrating, refined; antonym (adj) indiscriminate, 2. shrewd; synonyms (adj) calculating, crafty, knowing, sagacious, sharp, clever, cunning, keen, piercing, (v) prudent; antonyms (adj) stupid, foolish, gullible, 3. perspicacious; synonyms (adj) discerning, wise, incisive, intelligent. byt 1. apartment; synonyms (n) flat, lodging, residence, chamber, dwelling, place, room, suite, abode, house, 2. flat (plochý); synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even, plain, insipid, level, plane, tasteless, (n) apartment, (v) uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high-pitched, bumpy. být be (existovat); synonyms (v) exist, live, act, consist, constitute, represent, cost, follow, form, lie. bytí 1. being; synonyms (n) existence, person, animal, human, entity, essence, presence, matter, creature, (adj) present; antonyms (n) death, nonexistence, 2. existence; synonyms (n) being, life, living, subsistence, lifetime, occurrence, reality, time, world, beingness; antonym (n) nonbeing. bývalý former; synonyms (adv) before, (adj) antecedent, anterior, bygone, earlier, foregoing, previous, prior, original, deceased; antonym (adj) future.
C car 1. czar; synonyms (n) despot, king, mogul, sovereign, tsar, tzar, kaiser, dictator, magnate, authority, 2. tsar; synonyms (n) czar, caliph, cazique, imaum, lama, mikado, padishah, shah, sultan, tenno, 3. tzar. carevna czarina; synonyms (n) czaritza, queen, tsarina, tzarina, duchess, infanta, margravine, princess, empress, sultana.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
cecek tit (sýkorka); synonyms (n) nipple, teat, mammilla, pap, boob, bosom, breast, knocker, dug, titmouse. cech guild; synonyms (n) fraternity, association, club, corporation, company, society, brotherhood, gild, league, order. cedník colander; synonyms (n) cullender, sieve, strainer, sifter. cedr cedar; synonym (n) cedarwood. cejchovat calibrate (kalibrovat); synonyms (v) adjust, regulate, gauge, graduate, measure, align, program, scale, synchronize, (n) sizing. cela cell; synonyms (n) cage, jail, cadre, hole, cave, booth, chamber, compartment, coop, cubicle.
celek 1. whole (celý, neporušený, všechno); synonyms (adj) entire, total, all, complete, integral, aggregate, full, healthy, intact, (n) sum; antonyms (adj) incomplete, broken, imperfect, partial, (n) part,
2. all (celý, veškerý, vše, všechno, všichni); synonyms (adv) whole, purely, altogether, entirely, totally, wholly, (adj) universal, each, every, gross; antonyms (pron) none, (det) some. celer celery; synonyms (n) anise, caraway, carrot, dill. celibát celibacy; synonyms (n) chastity, virginity, celibate, maidenhood, virtue, modesty, singularity, abstention, chasteness, frigidity. celistvost entirety; synonyms (n) all, completeness, ensemble, entireness, sum, whole, aggregate, gross, amount, fullness; antonym (n) part. celkový 1. total (totální, úhrn, úhrnný); synonyms (adj) aggregate, complete, all, absolute, entire, (n) whole, amount, sum, tally, (v) count; antonyms (adj) partial, incomplete, qualified, 2. overall; synonyms (adj) total, broad, comprehensive, general, full, inclusive, (adv) generally, everywhere, (n) smock, boilersuit. celnice customs (clo); synonyms (n) custom, duty, impost, civilization, mores, background, conduct, culture, ethnicity, etiquette. celofán cellophane; synonyms (n) flimsy, (adj) transparent. celuloid celluloid; synonyms (n) cinema, film, zylonite, flick, movie, pic, picture, (adj) synthetic, semisynthetic, synthetical. celulóza cellulose; synonyms (n) fiber, bran, (adj) plastic.
celý 1. whole (celek, neporušený, všechno); synonyms (adj) entire, total, all, complete, integral, aggregate, full, healthy, intact, (n) sum; antonyms (adj) incomplete, broken, imperfect, partial, (n) part, 2. entire (úplný, veškerý); synonyms (adj) absolute, whole, perfect, utter, clean, gross, mere, (n) stallion, stark, unabridged, 3. all (celek, veškerý, vše, všechno, všichni); synonyms (adv) purely, altogether, entirely, totally, wholly, (adj)
universal, each, every, alone, (det) any; antonyms (pron) none, (det) some. cena 1. price; synonyms (n) cost, worth, charge, expense, figure, (v) appraise, estimate, amount, assess, (adj) merit, 2. cost (náklady, stát); synonyms (n) price, toll, damage, disbursement, expenditure, fee, payment, rate, sacrifice, (v) be, 3. merit (zasloužit si); synonyms (n) credit, desert, virtue, goodness, quality, significance, value, (v) deserve, earn, (adj) excellence, 4. worth (hodnota); synonyms (n) importance, dignity, benefit, import, good, substance, fortune, profit, use, wealth; antonym (n) worthlessness.
cenný valuable (drahocenný, hodnotný); synonyms (adj) costly, estimable, precious, beneficial, expensive, helpful, useful, worthy, admirable, important; antonyms (adj) worthless, useless. cent penny (pence); synonyms (n) cent, change, centime, groat, money, doit, mite, coinage, currency, denomination. centimetr centimetre; synonyms (n) centimeter, cm, curium.
centrála headquarters (hlavní stan, ústředí, velitelství); synonyms (n) seat, base, residence, center, office, abode, address. centralizace centralization; synonyms (n) centralisation, concentration, absorption, amalgamation, blending, union, centralism, coalescence, crasis, embodiment. centralizovat centralize; synonyms (v) centralise, concentrate, center, focus, consolidate, merge; antonyms (v) decentralize, disperse. centrální central (střední, ústřední); synonyms (adj) basic, capital, cardinal, fundamental, chief, crucial, important, inner, key, main; antonyms (adj) peripheral, minor, regional, tangential. centrování centering; synonyms (n) centring, concentration, focus, focusing, focussing, catch, snap, bending, cinch, direction. centrum centre (střed, středisko); synonyms (n) core, middle, heart, midpoint, (v) center, centralize, concentrate, focus. cenzor censor (cenzurovat); synonyms (n) censurer, critic, conscience, (v) ban, suppress, squelch, expurgate, muzzle, banish, blackball. cenzura censorship; synonyms (n) censoring, ban, silence, blackout, control, forbidding, restriction, squashing, suppression, wraps. cenzurovat censor (cenzor); synonyms (n) censurer, critic, conscience, (v) ban, suppress, squelch, expurgate, muzzle, banish, blackball.
ceremoniál ceremonial (obřad, obřadní); synonyms (adj) ritual, formal, solemn, official, (n) ceremony, observance, rite, service, liturgy.
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Czech - English ceremonie ceremony (obřad); synonyms (n) formality, courtesy, celebration, ceremonial, parade, pomp, rite, manners, custom, form. cesium caesium; synonym (n) cesium. cesmína holly; synonym (adv) wholly. cesta 1. road (silnice); synonyms (n) course, passage, track, way, avenue, highway, line, route, approach, (v) path, 2. path (stezka); synonyms (n) direction, orbit, lane, means, alley, corridor, itinerary, trace, walk, manner, 3. way (způsob); synonyms (n) method, road, custom, form, style, fashion, habit, mode, pathway, (v) practice, 4. route; synonyms (n) channel, circuit, bearing, conduit, journey, run, (v) direct, conduct, guide, dispatch, 5. journey; synonyms (n) jaunt, excursion, expedition, trip, flight, (v) go, travel, cruise, fare, navigate, 6. voyage; synonyms (n) tour, quest, outing, (v) sail, 7. travel (cestování, cestovat); synonyms (n) pass, stroke, voyage, (v) proceed, move, roam, ride, ramble, drive, range. cestování travel (cesta, cestovat); synonyms (n) journey, pass, stroke, (v) go, run, proceed, move, roam, ride, (adj) course. cestovat travel (cesta, cestování); synonyms (n) journey, pass, stroke, (v) go, run, proceed, move, roam, ride, (adj) course. cestovatel traveller; synonym (n) traveler. cetka 1. gimcrack; synonyms (n) gewgaw, (v) flimsy, (adj) cheap, garish, tawdry, trashy, frail, flash, flashy, gaudy, 2. bauble; synonyms (n) ornament, trinket, gaud, trifle, bangle, novelty, (adj) gimcrack, plaything, toy, 3. tinsel (pozlátko); synonyms (n) finery, frippery, clinquant, (adj) meretricious, trumpery, (v) gloss, 4. spangle; synonyms (n) sequin, decoration, (v) tinsel, shine, sparkle, bespangle, 5. trinket; synonyms (n) charm, jewel, bijou, bracelet, fallal, (adj) bauble, popgun. cévní vascular; synonyms (adj) cystic, vesicular, ventricular. chabý faint (mdlý, slabý); synonyms (adj) collapse, dim, dizzy, feeble, indistinct, weak, dull, gentle, (v) languish, swoon; antonyms (adj) distinct, strong, clear, obvious, considerable, loud, pungent. chalcedon chalcedony; synonym (n) calcedony. chalupa cottage (chata, domek); synonyms (n) cabin, bungalow, crib, hut, lodge, villa, chalet, house. chám sperm (sperma); synonyms (n) seed, semen, spermatozoon, germ, birth, bud, children, descendants, egg, embryo. chamtivost cupidity; synonyms (n) avarice, covetousness, greed, avariciousness, greediness, lust, acquisitiveness, cacoethes, (adj) avidity; antonym (n) generosity.
chamtivý 1. greedy (chtivý, hladový, hltavý, hrabivý, lačný, nenasytný); synonyms (adj) eager, avid, gluttonous, covetous, desirous, acquisitive, glutton, grasping, piggish, (v) avaricious; antonym (adj) generous, 2. covetous (žádostivý); synonyms (adj) envious, greedy, sordid, hungry, jealous, miserly, ravenous, voracious, selfish, (v) mercenary. chaotický chaotic; synonyms (adj) disorderly, confused, disorganized, hectic, messy, wild, topsyturvy, turbulent, untidy, cluttered; antonyms (adj) neat, orderly, organized. chápání apprehension (obava); synonyms (n) alarm, comprehension, dread, arrest, capture, foreboding, misgiving, trepidation, (adj) anxiety, (v) doubt; antonyms (n) reassurance, release, confidence, calmness.
chápat 1. understand (pochopit, rozumět, usuzovat); synonyms (v) interpret, recognize, catch, hear, learn, realize, see, appreciate, assume, believe; antonyms (v) misinterpret, misconstrue, misunderstand, 2. comprehend (obsahovat, pochopit); synonyms (v) apprehend, embrace, grasp, understand, comprise, feel, sense, apperceive, admit, compass. chápavost comprehension; synonyms (n) apprehension, conception, grasp, inclusion, intelligence, knowledge, understanding, wit, capacity, familiarity; antonyms (n) misunderstanding, incomprehension. chápavý apprehensive; synonyms (adj) afraid, anxious, fearful, nervous, uneasy, alarmed, timid, worried, doubtful, shy; antonym (adj) confident.
charakter character (písmeno, rys, znak); synonyms (n) kind, nature, note, part, quality, role, type, brand, constitution, description. charakteristický characteristic; synonyms (adj) distinctive, individual, typical, original, natural, (n) badge, attribute, sign, character, feature; antonyms (adj) uncharacteristic, common. charakterizace characterization; synonyms (n) characterisation, description, portrayal, depiction, portrait, definition, representation, acting, categorization, classification. charakterizovat characterize; synonyms (v) designate, distinguish, call, characterise, define, describe, differentiate, mark, typify, entitle. charta charter (stanovy); synonyms (n) hire, permit, authority, code, law, license, (v) let, rent, engage, lease. chartreuska chartreuse; synonym (adj) green. chata 1. hut (bouda); synonyms (n) cabin, cot, booth, hovel, cottage, hutch, lodge, shanty, shed, shack, 2. cabin (bouda, kabina, kajuta); synonyms (n) hut, chamber, room, stall, apartment, 3. cottage
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Czech - English (chalupa, domek); synonyms (n) bungalow, crib, villa, chalet, house, 4. shack; synonyms (n) shelter,
camp, dump, (v) reside, dwell, inhabit, live, be, occupy, people. chátra rabble; synonyms (n) mob, crowd, masses, trash, herd, people, gang, pack, ragtag, riffraff. chemický chemical; synonyms (adj) chemic, alchemical, alkaline, plastic, spagyrical, actinic, analytical, ersatz, (n) ammunition, reagent. chemie chemistry; synonyms (n) alchemy, attraction, charm, organization, (adj) acyclic, botany. chemik chemist; synonyms (n) apothecary, pharmacist, druggist, pharmaceutist, pharmacy, pharmacopolist, alchemist, chemic, dispensatory, laborant. chichot titter; synonyms (n) chuckle, laugh, snigger, chortle, twitter, gurgle, laughter, (v) giggle, snicker. chinin quinine; synonyms (n) quinquina, abuse, quinia. chirurg surgeon; synonyms (n) doctor, physician, sawbones, chirurgeon. chirurgický surgical; synonyms (adj) operative, chirurgical, effective, functional, key. chirurgie surgery (ordinace); synonyms (n) operation, chirurgery, act, functioning, or, performance, procedure, process, treatment.
chlad 1. cold (chladný, nachlazení, studený, zima); synonyms (adj) chilly, frigid, aloof, callous, distant, icy, indifferent, apathetic, (n) chilliness, chill; antonyms (adj) warm, friendly, hot, burning, prepared, affectionate, loving, soporific, (n) heat, warmth, 2. coldness; synonyms (n) coolness, indifference, distance, apathy, iciness, reserve, frost, frigidity, unconcern, (adj) cold; antonym (n) friendliness, 3. cool (chladivý, chladný, klidný, ochladit); synonyms (adj) collected, composed, fine, lukewarm, (v) calm, assuage, allay, pacify, (n) composure, poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, excited, enthusiastic, feverish, temperate, tepid. chladit refrigerate (mrazit); synonyms (v) cool, chill, refresh, freeze, fan, congeal, cheer, enliven, invigorate, preserve.
chladivý cool (chlad, chladný, klidný, ochladit); synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, collected, composed, fine, aloof, (v) calm, chill, assuage, allay; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, excited, enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v) warm, heat.
chladný 1. cool (chlad, chladivý, klidný, ochladit); synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, collected, composed, fine, aloof, (v) calm, chill, assuage, allay; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, excited, enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v) warm, heat,
2. cold (chlad, nachlazení, studený, zima); synonyms (adj) frigid, callous, distant, icy, indifferent, apathetic, bleak, cool, dead, (n)
chilliness; antonyms (adj) burning, prepared, affectionate, loving, soporific, (n) warmth, 3. chilly (mrazivý); synonyms (adj) unfriendly, algid, freezing, frosty, frozen, raw, crisp, fresh, glacial, (n) cayenne. chlap guy; synonyms (n) boy, lad, cat, fellow, man, bozo, hombre, male, person, (v) rib; antonym (n) woman. chlapec boy (hoch, kluk); synonyms (n) lad, fellow, kid, male, man, minor, servant, son, youngster, youth. chlapecký boyish; synonyms (adj) juvenile, puerile, young, adolescent, childish, youthful, girlish, kittenish, boylike, callow. chlapectví boyhood; synonyms (n) childhood, babyhood, adolescence, youth, youthhood, age, boyism, puberty, childishness, juniority. chlapík fellow (druh); synonyms (adj) comrade, (n) companion, associate, boy, equal, brother, chap, colleague, compeer, peer. chlastat swill; synonyms (n) pigwash, slops, waste, garbage, (v) guzzle, slop, drink, drench, potion, (adj) booze. chlazení 1. cooling; synonyms (adj) caller, refrigerant, refrigerative, refrigeratory, fresh, (n) chilling, crystallizing, 2. refrigeration; synonyms (n) cooling, infrigidation, cold, preservation, refrigerium, ventilation. chléb bread (chleba); synonyms (n) living, livelihood, cash, maintenance, currency, dough, food, kale, loot, money. chleba bread (chléb); synonyms (n) living, livelihood, cash, maintenance, currency, dough, food, kale, loot, money. chlebník haversack; synonyms (n) backpack, bag, knapsack, rucksack, packsack. chlípník lecher; synonyms (n) fornicator, rake, satyr, whoremonger, gallant, intrigant, wanton, paillard, lech, profligate. chlípnost lechery; synonyms (n) debauchery, lasciviousness, lubricity, lust, vice, desire, incontinency, exuberance, instability, (adj) pruriency. chlípný lecherous (smilný); synonyms (adj) lascivious, lewd, carnal, erotic, libidinous, licentious, lustful, rakish, (v) wanton, dissolute. chlor chlorine; synonyms (n) centiliter, centilitre. chlorid chloride; synonyms (n) muriate, oxymuriate. chlorofyl chlorophyll; synonyms (n) chlorophyl, fecula.
chlouba boast (chlubit se, vychloubání); synonyms (v) bluster, vaunt, blow, brag, crow, gasconade, pride, rodomontade, exult, (n) arrogance. chlubivý braggart (chvastoun); synonyms (n) boaster, blowhard, braggadocio, bragger, vaunter,
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Czech - English swaggerer, (v) magniloquent, pretentious, (adj) braggy, crowing. chlup hair (chlupy, vlas, vlasy, vous); synonyms (n) fuzz, coat, down, fleece, fur, hairbreadth, haircloth, locks, pile, (adj) brush. chlupatost hairiness; synonyms (n) hirsuteness, pilosity, crinosity, furriness, fuzziness, downiness, fleeciness, unkemptness, wooliness; antonym (n) baldness. chlupatý 1. furry; synonyms (adj) hairy, furred, hirsute, soft, downy, shaggy, velvety, bushy; antonym (adj) bald, 2. hairy (vlasatý); synonyms (adj) bearded, dangerous, woolly, bristly, fleecy, fuzzy, pilose, rough, fimbriated; antonym (adj) hairless. chlupy hair (chlup, vlas, vlasy, vous); synonyms (n) fuzz, coat, down, fleece, fur, hairbreadth, haircloth, locks, pile, (adj) brush. chmel hop; synonyms (n) jump, leap, bound, hops, (v) dance, gambol, bounce, caper, skip, spring. chmurný 1. dismal (ponurý); synonyms (adj) cheerless, dark, dejected, depressing, desolate, disconsolate, dreary, gloomy, melancholy, black; antonyms (adj) cheerful, bright, happy, 2. dreary; synonyms (adj) drab, dull, dismal, drear, miserable, stuffy, boring, humdrum, monotonous, somber; antonym (adj) interesting. chmýří fluff; synonyms (n) down, slip, fur, hair, lint, (v) botch, blunder, bungle, fumble, flub. chobotnice octopus; synonyms (n) devilfish, alacran, alligator, crocodile, mosquito, mugger, manta, (adj) baboon, harridan, monkey. chochol crest (hřeben); synonyms (n) apex, crown, peak, summit, top, brow, acme, pinnacle, (v) cap, climax. chod 1. motion (pohyb); synonyms (n) gesture, action, movement, wave, exercise, gesticulation, play, (v) sign, beckon, gesticulate, 2. dish (jídlo, mísa, pokrm); synonyms (n) bowl, beauty, disk, plate, platter, saucer, container, dishful, (v) hollow, serve. chodba 1. corridor (koridor); synonyms (n) aisle, hall, lobby, hallway, lane, vestibule, artery, alley, alleyway, (v) passage, 2. gallery (galerie); synonyms (n) balcony, audience, drift, veranda, circle, porch, terrace, verandah, auditorium, auditory, 3. passage (přechod); synonyms (n) course, channel, corridor, gangway, journey, entry, way, entrance, duct, opening. chodec 1. pedestrian; synonyms (n) walker, footer, (adj) commonplace, humdrum, ordinary, banal, earthbound, hackneyed, prosaic, trite, 2. goer; synonyms (n) departer, barb, beast, bidet, cattle, charger, cob, colt, courser, filly, 3. walker; synonyms (n) pedestrian, hiker, rambler, stroller, backpacker, perambulator.
chodidlo 1. foot (noha); synonyms (n) bottom, base, feet, foundation, basis, footing, measure, paw, (v) hoof, pay; antonym (n) top, 2. sole (jediný, podrážka, sám); synonyms (adj) lone, single, singular, one, alone, exclusive, individual, only, solitary, (n) flounder. chodit walk (procházet se, procházka); synonyms (v) ramble, course, hike, move, roam, (n) step, gait, pace, path, saunter. chodník 1. pavement (dlažba); synonyms (n) footpath, paving, walk, path, pathway, sidewalk, ground, trottoir, 2. sidewalk; synonyms (n) pavement, flags. chorál choral (sborový); synonyms (adj) vocal, lyric, operatic, choristic, instrumental, musical, singing, speaking, (n) chorale, hymn. choroba disease (nemoc); synonyms (n) ailment, condition, illness, sickness, complaint, infirmity, affection, affliction, bug, disorder. choulostivý 1. delicate (jemný, křehký); synonyms (adj) fine, accurate, breakable, dainty, fragile, refined, tender, beautiful, brittle, difficult; antonyms (adj) strong, inelegant, robust, heavy, sturdy, tough, 2. ticklish (lechtivý); synonyms (adj) delicate, precarious, sensitive, tricky, awkward, touchy, unsettled, unstable, (v) slippery, critical. chov breeding; synonyms (n) education, generation, manners, nurture, reproduction, upbringing, cultivation, culture, fosterage, fostering. chovanec inmate (nájemník); synonyms (n) inhabitant, captive, convict, con, gaolbird, prisoner, jailbird, lodger, occupant, patient. chování 1. behaviour; synonyms (n) behavior, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, doings, 2. demeanour; synonym (n) behaviour. chovatel breeder; synonyms (n) farmer, (v) trainer. chrabrý doughty; synonyms (adj) brave, dauntless, courageous, fearless, hardy, intrepid, audacious, daring, gallant, heroic. chrám 1. temple; synonyms (n) church, tabernacle, shrine, brow, synagogue, forehead, chapel, kirk, meetinghouse, basilica, 2. church (církev, kostel); synonyms (n) cathedral, temple, denomination, minster, chantry, churchdom, oratory, cult, sect, (adj) pope, 3. cathedral (katedrála); synonyms (n) conventicle, (adj) cathedralic, official, parochial. chránit 1. protect; synonyms (v) defend, keep, cover, preserve, hide, conceal, conserve, maintain, safeguard, (n) guard; antonyms (v) attack, expose, neglect, risk, 2. defend (hájit, obhajovat); synonyms (v) assert, justify, protect, advocate, champion, shield, support, apologize, hold, shelter; antonym (v) prosecute.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
chrápání snore (chrápat); synonyms (v) snort,
chrt greyhound; synonyms (n) grayhound, (adj)
breathe, coma, doze, dream, hibernation, nap, siesta, (n) snoring, stertor. chrápat snore (chrápání); synonyms (v) snort, breathe, coma, doze, dream, hibernation, nap, siesta, (n) snoring, stertor. chraplavý husky; synonyms (adj) hoarse, gruff, burly, big, beefy, dry, raucous, strapping, brawny, hefty; antonym (adj) slight. chrapot hoarseness; synonyms (n) harshness, huskiness, roughness, gruffness, abruptness, brusqueness, curtness, raucity, stridency, croakiness; antonym (n) softness. chraptivý raucous; synonyms (adj) harsh, hoarse, husky, loud, grating, rowdy, strident, boisterous, rough, disorderly; antonyms (adj) soft, quiet. chřástal crake; synonyms (v) boast, brag, puff, strut, swagger, trumpet, vapor, flourish, vaunt. chrastit rattle (rachotit); synonyms (n) roll, jangle, jingle, click, clack, clang, (v) clatter, bang, confuse, patter. chřest asparagus; synonym (n) sparrowgrass. chřipka 1. influenza; synonyms (n) grippe, flu, plague, bug, infection, virus, (adj) grip, 2. flu; synonyms (n) influenza, disease, sickness. chrlit disgorge (vyvrhnout, zvrátit); synonyms (v) vomit, spew, spill, cast, cat, eject, empty, puke, regorge, regurgitate. chróm chromium; synonym (n) chrome. chromatický chromatic; synonyms (adj) colorful, chromatical, (n) enharmonic, diatonic, measured, rhythmical, (v) prismatic. chromozóm chromosome; synonyms (n) antherozoid, bioplasm, biotaxy, dysmeromorph, gene. chromý lame; synonyms (adj) crippled, game, disabled, feeble, halt, halting, weak, (v) cripple, maim, paralyze. chronický chronic; synonyms (adj) confirmed, habitual, inveterate, constant, accustomed, continuous, frequent, persistent, prolonged, (v) permanent; antonym (adj) temporary. chronologický chronological; synonyms (adj) chronologic, chronometrical, sequential, historical, temporal, consecutive, narrative, past, activist, archival. chronologie chronology; synonyms (n) journal, narrative, time. chronometr chronometer; synonyms (n) clock, timepiece, watch, metronome. chroupat crunch; synonyms (v) crush, munch, chew, crackle, scrunch, craunch, champ, bite, grind, shatter.
antelope, courser, eagle, gazelle, chickaree, chipmunk, doe, hackee, hare. chřtán throat (hrdlo, jícen); synonyms (n) gullet, orifice, pharynx, gorge, mouth, muzzle, chimney, flue, funnel, nostril. chrup denture; synonyms (n) plate, catcher, home, plateful, scale, shell. chrupavka 1. gristle; synonyms (n) cartilage, (v) bone, 2. cartilage; synonym (n) gristle.
chtít 1. want (nedostatek, nouze, potřeba, potřebovat, přát si); synonyms (v) need, desire, (n) lack, poverty, wish, deficiency, deprivation,
famine, absence, dearth; antonyms (v) dislike, hate, 2. wish (přání, přát si, toužit); synonyms (v) hope, like, aspiration, choose, (n) want, inclination, longing, aim, pleasure, (adv) will. chtivý 1. eager (dychtivý); synonyms (adj) avid, desirous, ardent, earnest, agog, acute, ambitious, enthusiastic, keen, zealous; antonyms (adj) indifferent, apathetic, disinterested, unconcerned,
2. greedy (chamtivý, hladový, hltavý, hrabivý, lačný, nenasytný); synonyms (adj) eager, gluttonous, covetous, acquisitive, glutton, grasping, piggish, esurient, grabby, (v) avaricious; antonym (adj) generous, 3. avid; synonyms (adj) greedy, anxious, hungry, insatiable, voracious, craving, solicitous, impatient, fervent, rapacious. chudák wretch (ubožák); synonyms (n) rascal, victim, villain, scoundrel, martyr, miscreant, prey, sufferer. chudoba poverty (bída); synonyms (n) lack, distress, indigence, want, deprivation, impoverishment, pauperism, (v) destitution, need, penury; antonyms (n) wealth, riches. chudobinec workhouse; synonyms (n) poorhouse, workshop, almshouse, labor, workplace. chudokrevnost anaemia; synonyms (n) anemia, hydraemia, (adj) bloodlessness. chudokrevný anaemic; synonyms (adj) anemic, exsanguineous, exsanguious. chudý 1. poor (špatný, ubohý); synonyms (adj) bad, low, miserable, paltry, deplorable, destitute, evil, inadequate, insufficient, (v) meager; antonyms (adj) rich, wealthy, excellent, first-rate, privileged, welloff, admirable, good, 2. indigent (nuzný); synonyms (adj) poor, impoverished, needy, impecunious, penniless, necessitous, underprivileged, broke, (n) pauper, 3. needy (nuzný, potřebný); synonyms (adj) indigent, deficient, deprived, poverty-stricken, wanting. chuligán 1. hoodlum; synonyms (n) gangster, criminal, goon, delinquent, crook, hood, thug, tough, bully, mobster, 2. hooligan; synonyms (n)
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Czech - English hoodlum, rogue, rowdy, bandit, rascal, ruffian, rough, roughneck, yob, yobbo. chuligánství hooliganism; synonym (n) vandalism. churavost ailment (indispozice); synonyms (n) complaint, illness, affection, disease, trouble, condition, disorder, ill, sickness, (adj) infirmity. churavý ailing; synonyms (adj) sick, sickly, ill, poorly, unwell, bad, indisposed, unhealthy, invalid, diseased; antonyms (adj) well, healthy. chuť appetite; synonyms (n) desire, appetence, appetency, relish, craving, gusto, inclination, liking, passion, stomach; antonym (n) dislike. chutnat taste; synonyms (n) bit, flavor, liking, morsel, penchant, appetite, (v) relish, savor, sample, smack; antonyms (n) dislike, tastelessness. chutný 1. appetizing; synonyms (adj) appetising, delectable, delicious, luscious, tasty, tantalizing, palatable, savory, scrumptious, spicy; antonyms (adj) tasteless, unappetizing, 2. delicious (lahodný); synonyms (adj) delicate, appetizing, delightful, pleasing, agreeable, charming, dainty, enjoyable, lovely, sweet, 3. dainty; synonyms (adj) nice, fastidious, tidbit, elegant, exquisite, finicky, graceful, mincing, (n) delicacy, luxury; antonym (adj) clumsy, 4. tasty; synonyms (adj) tasteful, savoury, rich, flavorful, appreciate, criticise, cute, edible, judge; antonyms (adj) bland, inedible, 5. palatable (stravitelný); synonyms (adj) toothsome, eatable, good; antonym (adj) unpalatable. chvála commendation; synonyms (n) acclaim, applause, approval, approbation, citation, credit, plaudit, tribute, acclamation, (v) praise; antonym (n) disparagement. chválit praise; synonyms (n) compliment, acclaim, applause, (v) applaud, approve, commend, extol, honor, flatter, celebrate; antonyms (n) criticism, disparagement, (v) criticize, belittle, disparage, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, scold, chastise. chvalitebný 1. laudable; synonyms (adj) commendable, creditable, admirable, praiseworthy, worthy, deserving, good, meritorious, applaudable, estimable, 2. commendable; synonyms (adj) laudable, exemplary, (adv) laudably, praiseworthily, admirably; antonyms (adj) blameworthy, unworthy, 3. praiseworthy (chvályhodný); synonyms (adj) excellent, honorable; antonym (adj) lamentable.
chvályhodný praiseworthy (chvalitebný); synonyms (adj) commendable, admirable, meritorious, creditable, worthy, good, excellent, deserving, honorable, (v) laudable; antonym (adj) lamentable. chvástání 1. brag (chvástat se); synonyms (v) boast, bluster, pride, blow, gasconade, crow, (n) vaunt, boasting, bounce, bragging, 2. rodomontade; synonyms (n) braggadocio, rant, rhodomontade,
bravado, (v) brag, teratology, vaporing, venditation, (adj) rigmarole.
chvástavost rant; synonyms (n) harangue, spout, bombast, fustian, rage, (v) rave, jabber, declaim, mouth, fume. chvastoun 1. braggart (chlubivý); synonyms (n) boaster, blowhard, braggadocio, bragger, vaunter, swaggerer, (v) magniloquent, pretentious, (adj) braggy, crowing, 2. roisterer; synonyms (n) blusterer, reveler, rioter, bully, roister, vaporer, swashbuckler. chvat haste; synonyms (n) celerity, expedition, rapidity, rush, speed, bustle, hastiness, (v) hurry, dash, dispatch; antonym (n) slowness. chvátat speed (rychlost, urychlit); synonyms (n) race, (v) hasten, hurry, quicken, run, rush, accelerate, dash, dispatch, expedite; antonym (n) slowness. chvíle while (zatímco); synonyms (conj) as, whereas, although, though, (n) spell, time, period, moment, interval, (prep) during. chyba 1. error (omyl); synonyms (n) deviation, blunder, fault, mistake, wrong, delusion, lapse, oversight, crime, defect; antonym (n) correctness, 2. mistake (omyl, zmýlit se); synonyms (n) error, failure, misapprehension, misconception, demerit, inaccuracy, (v) err, misapprehend, slip, confuse, 3. fault (omyl, vina); synonyms (n) blemish, failing, blame, blot, delinquency, flaw, break, weakness, (v) deficiency, culpability; antonyms (n) merit, strength. chybějící missing; synonyms (v) lost, (adj) lacking, absent, gone, wanting, deficient, away, misplaced, nonexistent; antonym (adj) present.
chybný 1. wrong (nepravý, nesprávný, špatný, zlo); synonyms (adj) harm, evil, false, ill, improper, bad, inappropriate, incorrect, (n) damage, injure; antonyms (adj) correct, good, proper, honest, lawabiding, (adv) correctly, (v) right, (n) justice, 2. erroneous; synonyms (adj) wrong, inaccurate, mistaken, fallacious, untrue, amiss, deceptive, faulty, flawed, inexact, 3. incorrect (nesprávný); synonyms (adj) erroneous, imprecise, error, imperfect, defective, unfit, unfitting, unsound, unsuitable, inconclusive, 4. faulty (nedokonalý, vadný); synonyms (adj) deficient, vicious, broken, damaged, poor, tainted, blamable, inadequate, insufficient, illogical; antonyms (adj) perfect, flawless. chybovat err; synonyms (v) blunder, stray, stumble, deviate, misjudge, mistake, sin, slip, trip, wander. chytit 1. catch; synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, apprehend, get, acquire, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt; antonym (v) release, 2. clutch (sevřít, spojka, uchopit); synonyms (n) clasp, gripe, batch, (v) grip,
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Czech - English clench, clinch, grab, grasp, hold, catch, 3. take (brát, uchopit, vzít); synonyms (v) admit, adopt,
bear, carry, clutch, obtain, return, (n) seize, (phr) accept, receive; antonyms (v) give, refuse, abstain, add, lose. chytrost 1. cleverness; synonyms (n) ability, adroitness, ingenuity, wisdom, acumen, aptitude, astuteness, brightness, dexterity, faculty; antonyms (n) stupidity, slowness, 2. brightness (jas); synonyms (n) flash, clarity, illumination, light, luminance, lustre, shine, blaze, cleverness, glare; antonyms (n) dullness, cloudiness, darkness, dimness, murkiness, mistiness, softness. chytrý 1. clever; synonyms (adj) adroit, capable, acute, able, apt, intelligent, smart, astute, cunning, (v) brilliant; antonyms (adj) stupid, clumsy, unintelligent, dim, dull, inept, 2. knowing (znalý); synonyms (v) canny, wise, (adj) aware, conscious, crafty, bright, conversant, ingenious, understanding, (n) clever, 3. smart; synonyms (adj) dapper, quick, shrewd, sly, prompt, chic, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, sharp; antonyms (adj) scruffy, shabby, unkempt, slow. cibule onion; synonyms (n) caviare, pickle, leek, chive. cibulka bulb (hlíza, žárovka); synonyms (n) knob, lightbulb, corm, nodule, apophysis, condyle, elbow, eyeball, (adj) globule, drop. ciferník dial; synonyms (n) face, control, gnomon, hourglass, pendulum, clock, gauge, turntable, device, (v) telephone. cigareta cigarette; synonyms (n) cigaret, fag, butt, arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, (adj) cigar. cihla brick (cihlový); synonyms (n) block, lump, brown, clay, element, red, (v) mug, pot, (adj) trump, concrete. cihlový brick (cihla); synonyms (n) block, lump, brown, clay, element, red, (v) mug, pot, (adj) trump, concrete. cikáda cicada; synonym (n) cicala. cikcak zigzag (klikatý); synonyms (n) ankle, (v) meander, wind, bend, indirect, twist, (adj) forked, furcated, meandering, winding; antonym (adj) straight. cikorka chicory; synonyms (n) succory, chiccory. cíl 1. aim; synonyms (n) intent, objective, plan, target, (v) purpose, direct, object, point, address, endeavor, 2. destination; synonyms (n) goal, haven, doom, destiny, fate, finish, terminus, 3. goal (gól); synonyms (n) aim, butt, design, destination, end, basket, ambition, intention, aspiration, limit, 4. target; synonyms (n) mark, focus, prey, mug, quarry, sucker, (v) level, grade, place, 5. purpose (smysl, záměr); synonyms (n) mind, effect, purport, resolve, motive, determination, function,
idea, (v) project, intend, 6. objective; synonyms (adj) dispassionate, fair, impartial, just, concrete, detached, accusative, impersonal, neutral, unbiased; antonyms (adj) biased, subjective. cimbuří battlement; synonyms (n) crenellation, fortification, machicolation, parapet, embattlement, crenelation, earthwork, embrasure, (v) scarp, circumvallation. cín 1. tin (konzerva, plechovka); synonyms (n) can, canister, container, rhino, dust, blunt, (v) pot, preserve, cure, bottle, 2. pewter; synonyms (n) brass, chowchow. cinkot 1. jingle; synonyms (n) jangle, chime, chink, (v) ring, ding, clang, clank, clink, peal, rattle, 2. tinkle; synonyms (n) sound, (v) jingle, tink, ting, buzz. cíp tip; synonyms (n) top, hint, peak, point, pinnacle, apex, (v) incline, tilt, dump, lean. církev church (chrám, kostel); synonyms (n) cathedral, temple, denomination, meetinghouse, minster, chantry, churchdom, oratory, shrine, (adj) pope. cirkus circus; synonyms (n) carnival, arena, hippodrome, circle, ring, square, amphitheater. císař emperor; synonyms (n) sovereign, monarch, ruler, imperator, king, judge, majesty, potentate, president, protector. císařovna empress; synonyms (n) sovereign, infanta, margravine, sultana, crown, emperess, lady, monarch, noble, ruler. císařský imperial; synonyms (adj) majestic, royal, dignified, grand, imperious, noble, purple, regal, stately, (n) beard. císařství empire (říše); synonyms (n) dominion, kingdom, rule, domain, realm, reign, authority, nation, control, sway. cisterna 1. cistern; synonyms (n) tank, container, reservoir, boiler, cisterna, hole, 2. tank (nádrž); synonyms (n) cistern, cooler, belly, fermentor, jail, stomach, store, tankful, thickener, (v) fake. cit 1. feeling (pocit); synonyms (n) affection, feel, passion, emotion, atmosphere, belief, hunch, impression, intuition, mood; antonyms (n) numbness, indifference, 2. emotion (dojetí); synonyms (n) love, feeling, sensation, heart, agitation, commotion, excitement, pathos, sensibility, anger; antonym (n) intelligence. citace citation; synonyms (n) extract, mention, quotation, reference, allusion, passage, award, honor, source, call. citadela citadel; synonyms (n) castle, bastion, fortification, fortress, bulwark, fort, stronghold, tower, (v) keep. citát quotation; synonyms (n) citation, extract, mention, excerpt, passage, reference, quote, example, price, figure. citera zither; synonyms (n) cither, zithern.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
cítit feel; synonyms (v) experience, sense, consider,
civilizace civilization; synonyms (n) culture,
finger, handle, (n) touch, atmosphere, feeling, sound, texture; antonym (v) observe. citlivost 1. sensibility; synonyms (n) emotion, consciousness, sensitivity, sentiment, notion, awareness, (adj) feeling, (v) sensation, appreciation, sense, 2. tenderness; synonyms (n) fondness, kindness, love, soreness, affection, compassion, (adj) clemency, mildness, gentleness, softness, 3. sensitivity; synonyms (n) sensibility, sensitiveness, speed, acumen, deftness, dexterity, predisposition, receptiveness, sympathy, tact; antonym (n) insensitivity. citlivý 1. sensitive; synonyms (adj) delicate, excitable, sensible, sore, tender, painful, impressionable, emotional, gentle, irritable; antonyms (adj) insensitive, numb, hardhearted, tactless, thickskinned, 2. responsive; synonyms (adj) sensitive, amenable, receptive, susceptible, agreeable, responsible, antiphonal, conscious, interested, perceptive, 3. susceptible; synonyms (adj) responsive, subject, liable, pliable, susceptive, vulnerable, open, exposed, impressible, prone; antonyms (adj) resistant, unsusceptible. citoslovce interjection; synonyms (n) exclamation, ejaculation, interpolation, interposition, interlineation, interspersion, expletive, insertion, clamor, intercurrence. citovat 1. cite (uvést); synonyms (v) quote, excerpt, call, summon, allege, exemplify, mention, name, refer, (n) adduce, 2. quote (udat); synonyms (v) cite, retell, present, (n) extract, quotation, citation, passage, price, attest, (adj) illustrate. citový 1. emotional; synonyms (adj) dramatic, affecting, affective, effusive, moving, passionate, poignant, sensational, sensitive, warm; antonyms (adj) impassive, unemotional, unflappable, 2. sentimental (sentimentální); synonyms (adj) emotional, maudlin, mushy, romantic, tender, mawkish, schmaltzy, soft, sappy, bathetic. citron lemon (citrón); synonyms (n) automobile, gamboge, auto, buff, bum, car, clunker, corn, criticism, (adj) cheap. citrón 1. lemon (citron); synonyms (n) automobile, gamboge, auto, buff, bum, car, clunker, corn, criticism, (adj) cheap, 2. citron. civil civilian (civilista, civilní); synonyms (adj) civil, (n) citizen, national, carpetmonger, chamberer, chambermaid, civilist, inhabitant, jurist, layman; antonyms (adj) military, (n) serviceman. civilista civilian (civil, civilní); synonyms (adj) civil, (n) citizen, national, carpetmonger, chamberer, chambermaid, civilist, inhabitant, jurist, layman; antonyms (adj) military, (n) serviceman.
refinement, civilisation, cultivation, enlightenment, humanity, (adj) civility. civilizovat civilize; synonyms (v) cultivate, civilise, educate, improve, refine, train, foster, tame, enlighten, acquire. civilní 1. civilian (civil, civilista); synonyms (adj) civil, (n) citizen, national, carpetmonger, chamberer, chambermaid, civilist, inhabitant, jurist, layman; antonyms (adj) military, (n) serviceman, 2. civil (zdvořilý); synonyms (adj) polite, courteous, civic, affable, gracious, mannerly, municipal, obliging, public, civilised; antonyms (adj) rude, abrupt. cívka 1. coil; synonyms (n) spiral, roll, loop, reel, (v) curl, circle, round, twist, wind, tangle; antonym (v) uncoil, 2. bobbin; synonyms (n) spool, coil, arbor, spindle, axle, pin, 3. reel; synonyms (n) bobbin, (v) lurch, rock, spin, stagger, totter, waver, teeter, falter, fluctuate, 4. spool (špulka); synonyms (n) cylinder, tube, shovel. cizí 1. foreign; synonyms (adj) alien, extraneous, extrinsic, exotic, exterior, external, strange, oversea, adventitious, outlandish; antonyms (adj) native, familiar, domestic, internal, 2. alien (cizinec); synonyms (adj) foreign, unknown, remote, unfamiliar, unusual, (n) foreigner, outsider, stranger, (v) alienate, estrange; antonym (n) citizen, 3. strange (podivný); synonyms (adj) peculiar, abnormal, curious, extraordinary, irregular, mysterious, new, odd, rare, anomalous; antonyms (adj) normal, ordinary, typical. cizinec 1. foreigner; synonyms (n) alien, stranger, outlander, outsider, unknown, barbarian, immigrant, newcomer; antonym (n) native, 2. alien (cizí); synonyms (adj) foreign, strange, extrinsic, exotic, extraneous, remote, unfamiliar, (n) foreigner, (v) alienate, estrange; antonyms (adj) familiar, (n) citizen, 3. stranger; antonyms (n) associate, friend, pal. cizoložnice adulteress; synonyms (n) advoutress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, slut, strumpet, courtesan, hack, harlot, jadestone. cizoložník adulterer; synonyms (n) fornicator, intrigant, advoutrer, gallant, goat, lecher, paillard, philanderer, satyr, seducer. cizoložný adulterous; synonyms (adj) extramarital, illicit, unfaithful, cheating, disloyal, extracurricular, false, untrue, dirty, double-crossing; antonym (adj) faithful. cizoložství adultery; synonyms (n) fornication, infidelity, falseness, disloyalty, (adj) advoutry, crim, concubinage, cuckoldom, harlotry, prostitution; antonym (n) faithfulness.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
cizopasný parasitic; synonyms (adj) parasitical, bloodsucking, leechlike, epenthetic, fawning, obsequious, parasital, sycophantical. clo 1. duty (povinnost); synonyms (n) business, function, commitment, assignment, charge, chore, obligation, dues, job, must, 2. customs (celnice); synonyms (n) custom, duty, impost, civilization, mores, background, conduct, culture, ethnicity, etiquette. cokoliv 1. anything (něco); synonyms (pron) whatever, suchlike, (n) aught, thing, aucht, (adv) anywise, 2. whatever; synonyms (adj) any, whatsoever, (pron) what, partly, somewhat, whatso, whosoever, (adv) anyway, regardless. cop braid; synonyms (n) plait, pigtail, tress, band, (v) plat, twine, (adj) knit, string, embroider, lace; antonym (v) unbraid. coura trollop; synonyms (n) prostitute, hooker, streetwalker, harlot, slattern, tart, floozie, floozy, strumpet, bawd. couvnout flinch (ucuknout); synonyms (v) cower, quail, recoil, retreat, blench, funk, (n) wince, cringe, jump, start. Ctihodný 1. venerable; synonyms (adj) old, ancient, reverend, estimable, respectable, aged, distinguished, sacred, worthy, considerable, 2. honourable; synonyms (adj) honest, honorable, good, ethical, moral, 3. respectable (slušný, úctyhodný); synonyms (adj) reputable, decorous, decent, fair, proper, creditable, passable, becoming, goodish, goodly; antonym (adj) disreputable, 4. worshipful; synonyms (adj) reverent, great, reverential, adoring, godly, (v) dignified, noble, proud, 5. reverend; synonyms (adj) venerable, revered, (n) cleric, preacher, clergyman, parson, rector, priest, vicar, minister. ctít 1. respect (ohled, úcta); synonyms (n) honor, esteem, homage, worship, heed, notice, account, (v) regard, observe, admire; antonyms (n) cheek, insolence, impudence, (v) disrespect, scorn, despise, dishonor, disregard, humiliate, 2. revere; synonyms (v) adore, respect, idolize, prize, venerate, fear, glorify, reverence, treasure, (n) dignify. ctitel admirer (obdivovatel); synonyms (n) enthusiast, follower, devotee, fan, supporter, adorer, beau, buff, (adj) lover, suitor. ctižádost ambition (touha); synonyms (n) aspiration, aim, ambitiousness, dream, drive, goal, hope, objective, purpose, target; antonym (n) apathy. ctižádostivý ambitious; synonyms (adj) aspiring, difficult, eager, energetic, vaulting, challenging, competitive, desirous, enterprising, grandiose. ctnost 1. virtue; synonyms (n) chastity, honor, excellence, goodness, honesty, decency, morality,
quality, probity, (adj) merit; antonyms (n) wickedness, guilt, 2. morality (morálka, mravnost); synonyms (n) ethics, virtue, integrity, righteousness, rectitude, morals, propriety; antonyms (n) immorality, decadence. ctnostný virtuous; synonyms (adj) chaste, good, moral, pure, righteous, upright, honest, honorable, just, decent; antonyms (adj) wicked, bad, sinful. cudnost 1. chastity; synonyms (n) celibacy, honor, abstinence, purity, virtue, chasteness, continence, innocence, modesty, (adj) honesty, 2. purity; synonyms (n) holiness, cleanness, clearness, perfection, chastity, pureness, sanctity, elegance, integrity, blamelessness; antonyms (n) coarseness, guilt. cudný chaste; synonyms (adj) pure, virtuous, modest, moral, virgin, unsullied, austere, classic, continent, decent; antonyms (adj) corrupt, unchaste. cukr sugar; synonyms (n) honey, darling, carbohydrate, saccharide, love, beloved, baby, (v) saccharify, sweeten, (adj) dear. cukrátko goody; synonyms (n) delicacy, dainty, tidbit, kickshaw, dowager, treat, airiness, bonus, bribe, daintiness. cukrovinky confectionery; synonyms (n) confection, sweet, bakery, concoction, grocery, supermarket, bakeshop, confections, dairy, delicatessen. culení simper; synonyms (v) smirk, grin, smile, sneer, leer, laugh, glimmer, twinkle, (n) expression. cvaknout click (cvaknutí); synonyms (n) catch, chink, tick, clap, clink, (v) clack, snap, chatter, beat, cluck. cvaknutí click (cvaknout); synonyms (n) catch, chink, tick, clap, clink, (v) clack, snap, chatter, beat, cluck. cval gallop (trysk); synonyms (v) run, fly, speed, dart, trot, dash, race, spring, hasten, sprint.
cvičení exercise (písemný úkol, pohyb); synonyms (n) practice, employment, application, discipline, play, (v) drill, apply, employ, use, exert. cvrlikání chirp (cvrlikat); synonyms (n) chirrup, (v) cheep, peep, sing, trill, warble, carol. cvrlikat 1. chirp (cvrlikání); synonyms (n) chirrup, (v) cheep, peep, sing, trill, warble, carol, 2. twitter; synonyms (n) flutter, thrill, squeak, tingle, tremble, (v) chirp, quiver, chitter, tweet, giggle. cyklický cyclic; synonyms (adj) periodic, circular, cyclical, recurring, regular, repeated, intermittent, complete, daily, habitual; antonym (adj) irregular. cyklista cyclist; synonyms (n) bicyclist, bicycler, wheeler, wheelwright. cyklistika cycling; synonyms (n) wheeling, circling, hunting. cyklón cyclone; synonyms (n) hurricane, storm, tempest, tornado, gale, whirlwind.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
cyklus cycle (jet na kole, jízdní kolo, kolo);
černý black (tmavý); synonyms (adj) dark, sable,
synonyms (n) bicycle, circle, round, ring, sequence, circuit, period, (v) bike, motorcycle, wheel. cynický cynical; synonyms (adj) sarcastic, distrustful, cynic, satirical, ironic, contumelious, disbelieving, disenchanted, misanthropic, (v) sardonic. cynik cynic; synonyms (n) skeptic, doubter, critic, detractor, misanthrope; antonym (n) believer. cynismus cynicism; synonyms (n) sarcasm, mistrust, suspicion, irony, derision, disappointment, disbelief, disdain, disenchantment, distrust. cypřiš cypress; synonyms (adj) mourning, weeds, willow. cysta cyst; synonyms (n) vesicle, blister, capsule, tumor, pod, utricle, carbuncle, cell, cist, growth. cytologie cytology; synonyms (n) anatomy, botany.
blackamoor, bleak, darkie, dirty, ebony, evil, nigger, (v) sinister; antonym (n) white. čerstvý fresh; synonyms (adj) bracing, brisk, clean, novel, bright, original, recent, airy, bold, (adv) new; antonyms (adj) old, stale, decayed, exhausted, hot, humid, muggy, musty, off, oppressive. červ worm; synonyms (n) bird, (v) squirm, wriggle, twist, helix, spiral, writhe, buckle, (adj) insect, animalcule. červený red (rudý); synonyms (adj) crimson, flushed, carmine, glowing, rosy, ruby, sanguine, cherry, pink, radical. česnek garlic; synonyms (n) ail, caviare, pickle, onion, (adj) fungus. čest honour (pocta); synonyms (n) award, accolade, innocence, (v) esteem, honor, respect, celebrate, observe, reward, comply; antonym (v) dishonor. čestný honest (poctivý); synonyms (adj) fair, genuine, equitable, good, sincere, artless, candid, clean, decent, dependable; antonyms (adj) dishonest, corrupt, guarded, lying, misleading, disloyal, unwholesome. četný numerous; synonyms (adj) manifold, many, abundant, frequent, multiple, multitudinous, copious, innumerable, plentiful, populous; antonym (adj) few. číslice numeral; synonyms (n) number, figure, character, digit, amount, symbol, (adj) numeric, numerical.
Č čaj tea; synonyms (n) reception, meal, party, teatime, (v) chocolate, cocoa, coffee. čárka comma; synonyms (n) pause, interval, lull, virgule, (v) period, semicolon. čas time (takt); synonyms (n) hour, moment, period, duration, epoch, era, measure, season, day, spell; antonym (n) death. časopis 1. magazine (magazín); synonyms (n) journal, cartridge, newspaper, periodical, book, clip, entrepot, mag, comic, (v) store, 2. periodical (periodický); synonyms (n) magazine, review, organ, publication, (adj) periodic, intermittent, recurrent, annual. část part (podíl, rozejít se); synonyms (n) constituent, piece, article, character, component, cut, (v) branch, break, disjoin, divide; antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) complete. částka amount (množství, obnos); synonyms (n) number, quantity, aggregate, measure, sum, total, degree, extent, figure, price. často often; synonyms (adv) frequently, oft, much, oftentimes, ofttimes, repeatedly, commonly, (adj) frequent; antonyms (adv) rarely, seldom. čekat wait; synonyms (v) expect, anticipate, stop, ambush, await, lurk, (n) delay, pause, hold, (adj) tarry. čelo forehead; synonyms (n) brow, front, foreland, mut, phiz, physiognomy, visage, eyebrow, assurance, (adv) foremost. čepice cap; synonyms (n) cover, bonnet, lid, capital, base, ceiling, crest, detonator, (v) top, beat.
číslo number (množství, počet, spočítat); synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act, (v) calculate, aggregate, enumerate, figure, total, come. číst read; synonyms (v) interpret, construe, decipher, gather, indicate, learn, perceive, say, understand, demonstrate. čistit 1. clean (vyčistit); synonyms (adj) clear, fair, antiseptic, blank, pure, chaste, adroit, (v) brush, cleanse, bathe; antonyms (adj) filthy, unclean, muddy, unhygienic, full, syrupy, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute, 2. purify (očistit); synonyms (v) clean, disinfect, purge, distill, refine, sanctify, clarify, depurate, chasten, lustrate. člověk human (lidský); synonyms (adj) humane, corporeal, earthly, worldly, (n) mortal, man, person, homo, gay, (adv) fleshly. čočka lens (objektiv); synonyms (n) meniscus, sunglass, (v) glass, barometer, especially, glaze, goblet, hourglass, photograph, spyglass. čokoláda chocolate; synonyms (n) brown, bonbon, cocoa, coffee, candy, sweet, (adj) brunette, tan, auburn, (v) tea. čtení reading (přednáška, výklad); synonyms (n) recital, learning, construction, interpretation, lection, study, version, erudition, lore, (v) read.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
čtverec square (hranatý, náměstí); synonyms (adj) right, even, rectangular, fair, (n) area, foursquare, (v) settle, agree, correspond, (adv) just. čtvrt quarter; synonyms (n) area, part, district, division, mercy, neighborhood, region, direction, (v) place, lodge. čtyři four; synonyms (n) quaternity, foursome, quadruplet, quaternary, quaternion, tetrad, quarter, square, ace, air. čtyřicet forty; synonyms (n) forties, (adj) twoscore. čubka bitch (fena); synonyms (n) beef, moan, cunt, hen, kick, shrew, slut, (v) gripe, complain, (adj) botch.
D dabovat dub; synonyms (v) call, designate, christen, entitle, name, baptize, nickname, style, term, title. dále 1. further (další); synonyms (adv) farther, again, (adj) extra, additional, more, (v) advance, encourage,
forward, foster, (n) promote; antonym (adj) less, 2. farther; synonyms (adv) abroad, (adj) beyond, outside, (v) further, 3. forth; synonyms (adv) along, away, ahead, onward, off, on. daleko 1. far (daleký, vzdálený); synonyms (adv) wide, off, widely, well, (adj) distant, aloof, faraway, remote, much, (v) considerably; antonyms (adv) close, briefly, (adj) near, 2. away; synonyms (adv) apart, absent, aside, by, forth, way, hence, (adj) abroad, gone, (int) out. dalekohled 1. telescope; synonyms (n) scope, ambit, background, compass, orbit, oscilloscope, (v) condense, contract, disappear, fold, 2. binoculars; synonyms (n) binocular, spyglass. daleký far (daleko, vzdálený); synonyms (adv) wide, off, widely, well, (adj) distant, aloof, faraway, remote, much, (v) considerably; antonyms (adv) close, briefly, (adj) near. dálka distance (odstup, vzdálenost); synonyms (n) remove, space, way, gap, aloofness, interval, altitude, measure, (v) dissociate, (adj) length; antonyms (n) nearness, proximity, closeness, intimacy, (v) associate. dálnice 1. motorway; synonyms (n) expressway, freeway, superhighway, throughway, thruway, pike, 2. freeway; synonyms (n) motorway, turnpike, highway, interstate, thoroughfare, artery, road, (adv) clearly, explicitly, particularly. dálnopis teleprinter; synonyms (n) teletypewriter, telex.
další 1. next (následující, potom, příští); synonyms (adj) later, nearest, adjacent, contiguous, following, subsequent, future, coming, (adv)
afterward, then; antonyms (adj) distant, outgoing, (adv) previous, preceding, previously, 2. further (dále); synonyms (adv) farther, again, (adj) extra, additional, more, (v) advance, encourage, forward, foster, (n) promote; antonym (adj) less, 3. additional; synonyms (adj) added, supplementary, accessory, ancillary, another, further, second, spare, increased, (pron) other; antonym (adj) main, 4. other (druhý, jiný, ostatní); synonyms (adj) different, new, distinct, dissimilar, fresh, else, opposite; antonym (adj) same. daň tax (poplatek, zdanit); synonyms (n) charge, duty, burden, excise, dues, (v) assess, task, accuse, impose, load. daný given (dohodnutý); synonyms (adj) apt, disposed, prone, liable, granted, inclined, set, (n) assumption, particular, presumption. dar 1. gift (nadání, talent); synonyms (n) donation, faculty, award, flair, capacity, (v) present, boon, (adj) endowment, ability, talent; antonym (n) inability, 2.
present (dárek, představit, přítomnost); synonyms (adj) grant, confer, (n) gift, (v) bestow, display, give, introduce, prefer, deliver, donate; antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, future, history, (v) withdraw, (adv) absent, 3. donation; synonyms (n) contribution, benefaction, charity, dole, gratuity, presentation, bequest, (v) bounty, bestowal, bestowment. dárce giver; synonyms (n) donor, contributor, supporter, donator, conferrer, presenter, source, supplier, bestower, patron. dareba scapegrace; synonyms (n) scamp, scalawag, (adj) bravo, bully, daredevil, desperado, hotspur, madcap, rashling. darebácký knavish; synonyms (adj) crafty, dishonest, fraudulent, tricky, roguish, sly, cunning, dodgy, foxy, guileful. darebáctví 1. knavery; synonyms (n) dishonesty, swindle, trickery, knavishness, evil, guile, intrigue, 2. roguery; synonyms (n) mischief, devilment, devilry, mischievousness, rascality, roguishness, shenanigan, deviltry, (adj) knavery. darebák 1. villain (mizera, padouch); synonyms (n) rascal, rogue, scoundrel, knave, miscreant, bandit, criminal, crook, reprobate, felon, 2. rascal (lump, rošťák); synonyms (n) imp, monkey, rapscallion, scamp, villain, vagabond, varlet, brat, cad, cheat, 3. crook; synonyms (n) bend, curve, turn, bending, fraud, gangster, robber, thief, (v) bow, hook, 4. ruffian (surovec); synonyms (n) bully, hooligan, rowdy, brute, hoodlum, tough, desperado, roughneck, rough, hood, 5. scoundrel; synonym (n) blackguard.
dárek present (dar, představit, přítomnost); synonyms (adj) grant, confer, (n) gift, donation, (v) bestow, display, give, introduce, prefer, deliver;
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Czech - English antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, future, history, (v) withdraw, (adv) absent. darovat give (dát); synonyms (v) allow, bestow, extend, accord, commit, donate, contribute, convey, deliver, dispense; antonyms (v) withdraw, take, withhold. dát 1. give (darovat); synonyms (v) allow, bestow, extend, accord, commit, donate, contribute, convey, deliver, dispense; antonyms (v) withdraw, take, withhold, 2. put (klást, položit); synonyms (v) place, fix, lay, position, set, impose, couch, locate, pose, (n) deposit. databáze database; synonyms (n) chart, directory, folder, profile, record, report, spreadsheet, table, wallet, (v) file. datel woodpecker; synonyms (n) pecker, beak, bill, cock, nib, peckerwood, pick, prick, shaft, tool. datle date (datum, doba); synonyms (n) age, appointment, assignation, engagement, epoch, meeting, period, (v) escort, determine, register. datum date (datle, doba); synonyms (n) age, appointment, assignation, engagement, epoch, meeting, period, (v) escort, determine, register. dav 1. crowd (zástup); synonyms (n) huddle, swarm, collection, crew, press, circle, cluster, (v) bunch, flock, squeeze; antonym (v) disperse, 2. mob; synonyms (n) crowd, gang, pack, mass, horde, band, concourse, rabble, company, (v) throng. dávka 1. dose; synonyms (n) potion, dosage, draught, medicine, share, batch, doctor, allotment, measure, (v) drug, 2. batch (várka); synonyms (n) band, lot, body, battery, charge, group, heap, mass, set, suite, 3. ration; synonyms (n) portion, allowance, helping, part, serving, (v) allocate, apportion, feed, provision, limit. dávkování dosage; synonyms (n) dose, amount, quantity, capsule, drug, lozenge, pill. dcera daughter; synonyms (n) girl, child, son, lass, descendant, kid, offspring, schoolgirl, spawn, fille. debata 1. debate (diskuse); synonyms (n) argue, argumentation, contention, argument, controversy, (v) contest, dispute, contend, altercation, controvert; antonym (v) agree, 2. disputation (disputace); synonyms (n) debate, disceptation, contestation, disagreement, quarrel, 3. discussion (diskuse); synonyms (n) conference, conversation, discourse, consultation, dialogue, consideration, negotiation, talk, chat, colloquy. decentralizace decentralization; synonyms (n) decentralisation, delegation, transfer, transference. decentralizovat decentralize; synonyms (v) decentralise, deconcentrate, dissect, delegate, regionalize, transfer; antonym (v) centralize.
dech 1. breath; synonyms (n) spirit, wind, air, inspiration, puff, aspiration, breather, breeze, flash, (adj) whisper,
2. respiration (dýchání);
synonyms (n) breathing, delay, exercising, pause, intermission, interval, stop, utterance, vent, ventilation. decimetr decimetre; synonyms (n) decimeter, dm. dědeček grandfather; synonyms (n) gramps, grandad, granddad, grandpa, grandpapa, grandsire, granddaddy, patriarch. dedukce deduction (sleva); synonyms (n) allowance, conclusion, discount, abatement, decrease, rebate, subtraction, corollary, decrement, diminution; antonym (n) addition. definice definition; synonyms (n) description, account, explanation, interpretation, limitation, definiteness; antonym (n) bagginess. definitivní definitive; synonyms (adj) conclusive, decisive, definite, last, authoritative, eventual, final, explicit, (v) decided, absolute. definovat define (vymezit); synonyms (v) specify, characterize, clarify, explain, bound, construe, interpret, limit, name, restrict. deflace deflation; synonyms (n) depression, reduction, depreciation, contraction, comedown, discouragement, recession, dejection, disheartenment, undermining; antonym (n) inflation. deformovat deform (znetvořit); synonyms (v) distort, deface, bend, contort, disfigure, twist, turn, warp, convolute, mangle; antonym (v) straighten. defraudace embezzlement; synonyms (n) defalcation, peculation, misappropriation, theft, stealing, appropriation, larceny, robbery. defraudant embezzler; synonyms (n) defalcator, peculator, cheat, defrauder, thief. defraudovat embezzle; synonyms (v) appropriate, peculate, misappropriate, pilfer, rob, steal, filch, defalcate, thieve. degenerace degeneration; synonyms (n) decay, corruption, decline, degeneracy, abasement, decadence, degradation, deterioration, lapse, debasement; antonyms (n) improvement, growth. degradace degradation (ponížení); synonyms (n) abasement, fall, degeneracy, corruption, abjection, debasement, decadence, degeneration, humiliation, deposition. degradovat 1. degrade (ponížit); synonyms (v) debase, cheapen, demean, debauch, corrupt, decrease, dishonor, disparage, (n) disgrace, (adj) abase, 2. relegate; synonyms (v) demote, banish, consign, reduce, assign, break, deport, delegate, exile, degrade; antonym (v) promote. dehet tar (dehtovat); synonyms (n) pitch, seaman, bitumen, mariner, seafarer, gob, (v) asphalt, coat, dab, incrust.
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Czech - English
dehtovat tar (dehet); synonyms (n) pitch, seaman, bitumen, mariner, seafarer, gob, (v) asphalt, coat, dab, incrust. deka quilt (prošívat); synonyms (n) coverlet, blanket, comforter, bedding, cover, bedspread, counterpane, quilting, bedclothes, (v) embroider. dekagram decagram; synonyms (n) dag, dekagram, dkg, jag. deklamace declamation; synonyms (n) harangue, speech, elocution, oration, rhetoric, ranting, haranguing, (adj) teratology. deklamovat declaim; synonyms (v) harangue, recite, denounce, perform, discourse, lecture, (n) speechify. deklinace declination; synonyms (n) declension, descent, decay, decline, refusal, slope. dekódování decoding; synonyms (n) decipherment, decryption, translation. dekódovat decode; synonyms (v) decipher, crack, interpret, translate, decrypt, solve. dekorativní decorative (ozdobný); synonyms (adj) ornamental, fancy, ornate, artistic, cosmetic, embellishing, enhancing, diagrammatic, drawn, elaborate; antonym (adj) plain.
dekret decree (nařídit, usnesení, výnos); synonyms (n) command, act, edict, (v) order, award, decide, enact, ordain, rule, will. delegace 1. delegation; synonyms (n) commission, delegacy, deputation, delegating, devolution, mission, organization, group, 2. deputation (deputace); synonyms (n) delegation, legation. delegát delegate; synonyms (n) agent, deputy, ambassador, spokesman, envoy, (v) assign, appoint, commission, depute, consign. delfín dolphin; synonyms (n) dolphinfish, mahimahi, trident, pale. dělit divide (rozdělovat); synonyms (v) cut, distribute, part, dissociate, apportion, detach, disconnect, dismember, dispense, (n) break; antonyms (v) unite, join. délka length; synonyms (n) extent, distance, range, duration, compass, depth, dimension, longness, measurement, size; antonyms (n) briefness, shortness, width. děloha uterus; synonym (n) womb. dělostřelectvo artillery; synonyms (n) ordnance, gun, cannonry, dragoon, hussar, uhlan, voltigeur, accelerator, arm, armaments. demagogie demagogy; synonyms (n) demagoguery, democracy, fascism, oligarchy, theocracy. demilitarizovat demilitarize; synonyms (v) demilitarise, disarm, unarm. demobilizovat 1. demob; synonyms (n) dismissal, (v) discharge, demobilise, demobilize, release,
inactivate; antonym (v) mobilize, 2. demobilize; synonyms (v) demob, disarm, disorganize, free. demokracie democracy; synonyms (n) commonwealth, commonalty, nation, capitalism, country, democraty, freedom, oligarchy, republic, state; antonyms (n) despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, autocracy, tyranny. demokrat democrat; synonyms (n) commoner, plebeian, proletaire, proletary, republican, roturier, democratist, populist. demokratický democratic; synonyms (adj) egalitarian, classless, equal, broadminded, constitutional, democratical, free, humane, informal, permissive; antonyms (adj) authoritarian, despotic, tyrannical. démon 1. demon; synonyms (n) devil, ghost, daemon, fiend, incubus, monster, ogre, goblin, deuce, daimon, 2. daemon; synonyms (n) demon, demigod, demonology, demonry, fanatic, heller, hellion, superman, (adj) daemonic. demonstrace demonstration; synonyms (n) parade, proof, argument, display, manifestation, presentation, demo, evidence, exhibition, (v) exposition. demonstrovat demonstrate (ukázat); synonyms (v) prove, authenticate, attest, display, establish, exhibit, present, show, argue, certify; antonyms (v) disprove, conceal.
demontovat dismantle (odstranit, vyklidit); synonyms (v) demolish, destroy, strip, deprive, disassemble, disintegrate, dismember, disrobe, divest, level; antonyms (v) assemble, erect, raise. demoralizace demoralization; synonyms (n) demoralisation, confusion, corruption, retrogression, disability, discomfiture, (adj) backsliding, pollution, pravity, infamy. demoralizovat demoralize; synonyms (v) corrupt, debase, debauch, deject, demoralise, deprave, discourage, dispirit, bastardize, chill; antonym (v) elate. den day; synonyms (n) light, daylight, generation, age, daytime, epoch, time, crisis; antonyms (n) nighttime, night. deník 1. journal (noviny); synonyms (n) diary, book, magazine, newspaper, periodical, ephemeris, chronicle, log, (adj) daybook, daily, 2. diary (diář, zápisník); synonyms (n) journal, calendar, agenda, annals, autobiography, history, record. depo depot; synonyms (n) store, depository, arsenal, station, storehouse, warehouse, dump, entrepot, stockroom, stop. deportace deportation; synonyms (n) banishment, exile, expatriation, expulsion, dismissal, transfer, deportee, displacement, expatriate, extradition. deprese depression; synonyms (n) basin, cavity, dejection, decline, dent, dip, hole, hollow,
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Czech - English impression, slump; antonyms (n) cheerfulness, happiness, boom, elation, encouragement, inflation, outcrop. deprimovat dishearten; synonyms (v) daunt, depress, deject, sadden, deter, intimidate, disappoint, dismay, dispirit, (adj) discourage; antonyms (v) encourage, cheer. deputace deputation (delegace); synonyms (n) commission, delegation, delegacy, mission, legation, delegating. derivace derivative (odvozený); synonyms (adj) derived, unoriginal, copied, (n) derivate, derivation, differential, offshoot, expansion, extension, modification; antonym (n) original. desátek tithe; synonyms (n) tenth, assessment, benevolence, custom, excise, gavel, octroi, tax, (adj) decimal. desateronásobný tenfold; synonyms (adj) denary, decuple, decimal, tenth. desátník corporal (kaprál); synonyms (adj) corporeal, bodily, carnal, physical, animal, somatic, bodied, (adv) fleshly; antonyms (adj) mental, spiritual. desátý tenth (desetina); synonyms (n) tithe, disme, (adj) decimal, decuple, denary, tenfold. deset ten (desítka); synonyms (n) tenner, decade, ace, break, breath, decennary, decennium, (adj) perfect, comely, desirable. deseticent dime; synonyms (n) nickel, disme, dollar, quarter. desetiletí decade; synonyms (n) ten, decennary, decennium, tenner, day, generation, lifetime, quinquennium, decad, hour. desetina tenth (desátý); synonyms (n) tithe, disme, (adj) decimal, decuple, denary, tenfold. desetinný decimal; synonyms (adj) denary, aliquot, complementary, decuple, figurate, incommensurable, divisible, fractional, (n) repetend, number. desítka ten (deset); synonyms (n) tenner, decade, ace, break, breath, decennary, decennium, (adj) perfect, comely, desirable.
deska 1. board (lepenka, paluba, prkno, tabule); synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court; antonym (v) disembark, 2. slab (plát); synonyms (n) hunk, chunk, bar, block, layer, monument, board, flag, (adj) plate, tablet, 3. table (stůl, tabulka); synonyms (n) chart, schedule, stand, list, plateau, console, platen, (v) defer, postpone, shelve, 4. record (nahrát, zapsat, záznam); synonyms (n) register, account, book, disk, document, history, (v) chronicle, file, enter, note.
despota despot (tyran); synonyms (n) autocrat, dictator, monarch, disciplinarian, authoritarian, oppressor, stickler, (adj) tyrant, bashaw. despotický despotic; synonyms (adj) autocratic, arbitrary, dictatorial, tyrannical, authoritarian, absolute, imperious, oppressive, autocratical, domineering; antonyms (adj) democratic, liberal. déšť rain (pršet); synonyms (n) precipitation, wet, pelting, flow, rainfall, (v) pour, stream, hail, precipitate, shower. destilace distillation; synonyms (n) distillate, distillment, brew, purification, refinement, extract, exhalation, oozing, sublimination, essence. deštivý 1. rainy; synonyms (adj) wet, moist, pluvial, damp, pluvious, showery, stormy; antonym (adj) dry, 2. showery; synonyms (adj) rainy, drizzling, raining, bucketing, pouring, (v) streamy. deštník umbrella; synonyms (n) parasol, sunshade, shelter, canopy, cover, protection, screen, shield, tent, awning. detektiv detective; synonyms (n) investigator, scout, tec, officer, spy, policeman, snoop, (v) informer, delator, eavesdropper. detektivka thriller; synonyms (n) mystery, suspense, whodunit. detektor detector; synonyms (n) demodulator, sensor, detecter, selector. dětinský 1. babyish; synonyms (adj) childish, infantile, juvenile, immature, baby, boyish, infantine, puerile, silly, babish; antonym (adj) mature, 2. puerile; synonyms (adj) babyish, adolescent, jejune, callow, youthful. devadesát ninety; synonym (n) xc. devalvace devaluation; synonyms (n) depression, deterioration. devalvovat devalue; synonyms (v) depreciate, lower, debase, cheapen, devaluate, alloy, belittle, downgrade; antonym (v) appreciate. devateronásobný ninefold; synonyms (adj) ninth, nonuple. devátý ninth; synonym (adj) ninefold. děvče 1. lass; synonyms (n) girl, lassie, woman, drab, harlot, nymph, youngster, schoolgirl, strumpet, teenager, 2. girl (dívka, holka); synonyms (n) damsel, lady, daughter, fille, lass, maid, wench, virgin, quean, female. deviace deviation (odchylka, úchylka); synonyms (n) aberration, change, deflection, difference, diversion, variation, abnormality, alteration, anomaly, departure; antonym (n) normality. devítka nine; synonyms (n) niner, club, ennead, ace, cabaret, clubhouse, gild, golfclub, guild, jack. děvka 1. whore (kurva); synonyms (n) prostitute, harlot, trollop, courtesan, strumpet, tart, bawd, cocotte, advoutress, (v) debauch, 2. slut; synonyms
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Czech - English (n) drab, hussy, jade, slattern, floozy, hooker,
quean, bitch, tramp, (adj) dowdy. dezerce desertion; synonyms (n) abandonment, defection, apostasy, withdrawal, rejection, secession, leaving, departure, disappearance, (adj) depopulation; antonym (n) appearance. dezertovat 1. desert (opustit, poušť); synonyms (v) abandon, escape, defect, ditch, forsake, leave, (adj) waste, barren, desolate, merit; antonyms (n) bog, (v) stay, 2. defect (nedostatek, vada); synonyms (n) fault, blemish, blot, flaw, shortcoming, deficiency, failing, imperfection, scar, weakness. dezinfekce disinfection; synonym (n) purification. dezinfikovat disinfect; synonyms (v) cleanse, sterilize, clean, purify, antisepticize, bleach, clear, distil, filter, (adj) ventilate; antonyms (v) contaminate, infect. diagnostický diagnostic; synonyms (adj) characteristic, individual, peculiar, proper, symptomatic, (n) criterion, (v) demonstrative, diacritical. diagnostik diagnostician; synonym (n) pathologist. diagnóza diagnosis; synonyms (n) diagnosing, distinction, identification, examination, diorism, recognition, anatomy, breakdown, definition, differentiation. diagram chart (tabulka); synonyms (n) plan, plot, table, graphic, diagram, (v) map, graph, sketch, design, draw. diákon deacon (jáhen); synonyms (n) minister, warden, (v) fast, disguise, doctor, falsify, gloss. diakritický diacritical; synonyms (adj) diacritic, (v) diagnostic, emblematic, exponential, pantomimic, pathognomonic, representative, symbolic, symptomatic, typical. dialektický dialectical; synonyms (adj) dialectic, dialectal, forensic, argumental. dialektika dialectics; synonyms (n) generalization, induction, reason, reasoning. dialog dialogue; synonyms (n) talk, colloquy, conversation, interlocution, interview, chat, conference, dialog, discussion, talks. diamant diamond; synonyms (n) adamant, lozenge, infield, rhombus, square, rectangle, (adj) jewel, bijou. diapozitiv slide (klouzat, skluzavka); synonyms (n) glide, chute, decline, (v) drop, slip, fall, slither, run, slump, coast. diář 1. diary (deník, zápisník); synonyms (n) journal, calendar, agenda, daybook, annals, autobiography, chronicle, ephemeris, history, record, 2. notebook (notes, sešit, zápisník); synonyms (n) book, laptop, pad, album, computer, file, machine, mainframe, processor, supercomputer.
diecéze diocese; synonyms (n) bishopric, see, district, seat, site. dieta diet; synonyms (n) congress, convocation, council, convention, nurture, food, assembly, dieting, fare, nourishment; antonyms (v) binge, (adj) fattening. dietní dietary; synonyms (adj) dietetic, alimentary, dietetical, eatable, food, (n) diet, dietetics. diferenciál differential; synonyms (adj) integral, different, totitive, (n) derivative, difference, distinction, fluxion, fluent, children, descendants. difrakce diffraction; synonyms (n) deflection, deviation, inflection. dikce diction; synonyms (n) language, phraseology, style, articulation, phrasing, parlance, elocution, enunciation, expression, phrase. dikobraz porcupine; synonyms (n) hedgehog, porpentine, shrew, (adj) beard, thistle. diktátor dictator; synonyms (n) authoritarian, governor, head, oppressor, potentate, ruler, chief, pendragon, sachem, senior. diktatura dictatorship; synonyms (n) absolutism, autocracy, despotism, tyranny, authoritarianism, oppression, totalitarianism; antonym (n) democracy. diktovat dictate; synonyms (v) command, decree, order, bid, prescribe, direct, (n) charge, bidding, behest, edict; antonyms (v) follow, obey, request. díky thanks; synonyms (n) acknowledgment, appreciation, gratitude, blessing, grace, praise, benediction, credit, recognition. díl portion (podíl, porce); synonyms (n) part, division, piece, constituent, allot, component, fragment, parcel, (v) lot, dividend. dilema dilemma; synonyms (n) quandary, corner, fix, jam, mess, predicament, problem, crisis, difficulty, (adj) embarrassment. diletant amateur (amatér, ochotník); synonyms (adj) amateurish, inexpert, unskilled, inexperienced, (n) novice, beginner, fan, apprentice, aspirant, devotee; antonyms (adj) practiced, (n) professional, expert. dílna 1. workshop (seminář); synonyms (n) shop, factory, studio, workhouse, atelier, works, poorhouse, store, training, committee, 2. shop (krám, nakupovat, obchod); synonyms (n) business, plant, emporium, market, workshop, house, outlet, (v) betray, purchase, grass, 3. workroom; synonyms (n) study, chamber, hut, sanctum. dílo 1. work (práce, pracovat); synonyms (n) exercise, business, employment, function, task, (v) labor, operate, toil, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction, 2. production (produkce, výroba, výtvor); synonyms (n) output,
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Czech - English generation, product, manufacturing, performance, creation, formation, produce, staging, (v) exhibition. dimenze dimension; synonyms (n) degree, breadth, bulk, magnitude, size, attribute, length, proportion, range, dimensions. dinosaurus dinosaur; synonyms (n) deinosaur, dinosaurian, (adj) obsolete, outmoded, stale. dioptrie diopter; synonyms (n) dioptry, dioptra. diplom diploma; synonyms (n) certificate, credential, sheepskin, brevet, warrant, authority, charge, credentials, docket, doquet. diplomacie diplomacy; synonyms (n) finesse, tact, delicacy, politics, diplomatics, statecraft. diplomat diplomatist; synonyms (n) diplomat, embassy, diplomate, diplomatic, paleography. diplomatický diplomatic; synonyms (adj) tactful, careful, delicate, discreet, politic, suave, thoughtful, strategic; antonyms (adj) tactless, undiplomatic. díra 1. hole (jáma); synonyms (n) cavity, aperture, crack, den, pocket, breach, break, burrow, cave, (adj) gap, 2. pit (jáma); synonyms (n) dent, hole, depression, grave, colliery, excavation, mine, (v) ditch, oppose, (adj) hollow. dirigent conductor; synonyms (n) leader, chief, director, chauffeur, commander, manager, pilot, ringleader, (v) guard, guide; antonym (n) insulator. dirigentka conductress; synonym (n) directress. dírkování perforation (perforace); synonyms (n) hole, puncture, aperture, opening, pit, apertion, fissure. disciplína discipline; synonyms (n) chastisement, correction, (v) control, castigate, chastise, train, chasten, exercise, correct, drill. disciplinární disciplinary; synonyms (adj) disciplinal, corrective, disciplinarian, punitive, stern, strict, castigatory, penal, penalizing, retaliatory. disharmonie disharmony; synonyms (n) discord, dissonance, disagreement, clash, dissidence, division, breach, disarray, faction, friction; antonym (n) harmony. disident dissident; synonyms (adj) dissenting, dissentient, renegade, heretical, unorthodox, (n) nonconformist, dissenter, rebel, contestant, sectarian; antonym (n) conformist. disk 1. disc; synonyms (n) circle, disk, record, platter, round, book, saucer, 2. discus; synonyms (n) disc, quoit, ball, shot, horseshoes, missile, projectile, quoits, dish. diskant descant (soprán); synonyms (n) hymn, melody, song, strain, tune, (v) chant, sing, warble, discourse. diskotéka discotheque; synonyms (n) disco, nightclub, cabaret, club, casino, nightspot.
diskrétní discreet (taktní); synonyms (adj) circumspect, prudent, careful, cautious, chary, discerning, tactful, wise, diplomatic, considerate; antonyms (adj) conspicuous, elaborate, tactless, careless, indiscreet.
diskriminace discrimination (rozlišování); synonyms (n) discernment, difference, differentiation, distinction, taste, discretion, sense, prejudice, favoritism, (v) judgment; antonym (n) tolerance.
diskriminovat discriminate (rozlišovat); synonyms (v) differentiate, discern, distinguish, separate, severalize, isolate, secernate, tell, characterize, (adj) discriminating; antonym (v) indiscriminate. diskuse 1. discussion (debata); synonyms (n) argument, conference, conversation, debate, discourse, controversy, consultation, dialogue, consideration, dispute, 2. debate (debata); synonyms (n) argue, argumentation, contention, disputation, (v) contest, contend, altercation, controvert, discuss, canvass; antonym (v) agree. diskutovat 1. discuss (hovořit); synonyms (v) argue, debate, agitate, consult, deliberate, canvass, discourse, dispute, mention, moot, 2. argue (argumentovat, hádat se); synonyms (v) contend, oppose, quarrel, reason, altercate, assert, attest, contest, convince, declare; antonyms (v) agree, deny. diskvalifikace disqualification; synonyms (n) disability, inability, incapacity, incompetence, debarment, disentitlement, incapacitation, disarmament, invalidity, (adj) unproficiency. dispozice disposal; synonyms (n) disposition, administration, distribution, organization, sale, alienation, classification, adjustment, arrangement, control. disproporce disproportion; synonyms (n) disparity, inequality, discrepancy, difference; antonyms (n) equality, proportion, symmetry. disputace disputation (debata); synonyms (n) argument, contention, debate, controversy, argumentation, disceptation, altercation, contestation, disagreement, quarrel. distribuce distribution; synonyms (n) diffusion, dispensation, delivery, deal, allotment, apportionment, arrangement, dispersion, disposition, (v) dissemination; antonym (n) concentration. dítě 1. child; synonyms (n) baby, boy, babe, bairn, brat, girl, infant, juvenile, kid, minor; antonym (n) adult, 2. baby (nemluvně); synonyms (n) child, darling, (v) coddle, indulge, pamper, cosset, mollycoddle, spoil, (adj) miniature, small; antonym (adj) giant.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
div 1. marvel (žasnout, zázrak); synonyms (n)
dlažba pavement (chodník); synonyms (n) footpath,
wonder, prodigy, curiosity, phenomenon, amazement, miracle, portent, (v) admire, 2. wonder (zázrak); synonyms (v) query, question, reflect, speculate, (n) marvel, admiration, astonishment, surprise, muse, wonderment. divadelní theatrical (teatrální); synonyms (adj) affected, melodramatic, dramatic, histrionic, stagy, theatric, stilted, artificial, pedantic, (n) histrionics; antonym (adj) untheatrical. divadlo 1. theatre; synonyms (n) theater, house, arena, battleground, dramatics, dramaturgy, acting, airfield, area, bailiwick, 2. playhouse; synonyms (n) theatre, auditorium, toyhouse, 3. theater; synonyms (n) playhouse, ambo, field, pulpit. divák 1. onlooker; synonyms (n) beholder, bystander, observer, spectator, witness, viewer, watcher; antonym (n) participant, 2. spectator; synonyms (n) eyewitness, onlooker, looker; antonym (n) player. dividenda dividend; synonyms (n) allotment, bonus, gain, division, portion, profit, balance, revenue, (v) share. dívka 1. girl (děvče, holka); synonyms (n) damsel, lady, daughter, fille, lass, maid, wench, virgin, quean, female, 2. maid (panna, služka); synonyms (n) amah, domestic, girl, housemaid, maiden, maidservant, servant, woman. divokost 1. ferocity (dravost, zuřivost); synonyms (n) brutality, cruelty, violence, ferociousness, fury, rage, anger, fierceness, intensity, vehemence; antonym (n) gentleness, 2. fierceness; synonyms (n) ferocity, force, strength, wildness. divoký 1. wild; synonyms (adj) desert, waste, fierce, boisterous, violent, reckless, desolate, ferocious, furious, raging; antonyms (adj) calm, orderly, domestic, manageable, sane, cultivated, restrained, tame, 2. ferocious (zuřivý); synonyms (adj) cruel, brutal, barbarous, feral, savage, truculent, atrocious, fell, barbaric, brutish; antonym (adj) gentle, 3. boisterous (bouřlivý); synonyms (adj) rough, loud, noisy, rambunctious, raucous, rude, stormy, tumultuous, (v) rampant, tempestuous; antonym (adj) quiet, 4. fierce (lítý, prudký); synonyms (adj) bitter, acute, grim, nasty, angry, ardent, fervent, fervid, intense, (v) vehement; antonym (adj) mild. dlabat chisel (dláto); synonyms (v) carve, cheat, cut, shape, beguile, beat, engrave, screw, sculpture, victimize. dláto chisel (dlabat); synonyms (v) carve, cheat, cut, shape, beguile, beat, engrave, screw, sculpture, victimize.
paving, walk, path, pathway, sidewalk, ground, trottoir. dlaždice tile; synonyms (n) bonnet, castor, ceiling, roof, thatch, wimple, inlay, (v) cover, floor, overlay. dláždit pave; synonyms (v) pavement, case, face, impave, veneer. dlouho long (dlouhý, zdlouhavý); synonyms (adj) extended, lengthy, (v) aspire, desire, hanker, languish, yearn, ache, hunger, (n) extensive; antonyms (adj) short, brief. dlouhý long (dlouho, zdlouhavý); synonyms (adj) extended, lengthy, (v) aspire, desire, hanker, languish, yearn, ache, hunger, (n) extensive; antonyms (adj) short, brief. dluh 1. debt; synonyms (n) debit, score, due, liability, obligation, bill, commitment, indebtment, charge, amount, 2. debit; synonyms (n) debt, arrears, (v) credit, book. dluhopis debenture; synonyms (n) bond, coupon, hypothecation, pawn, pignoration, credit, debt, collateral, draft, gage. dlužník debtor; synonyms (n) bankrupt, debitor, levanter, stag, welsher, delinquent, insolvent, nonpayer, cheat. dna gout; synonyms (n) taste, relish, flavor, (v) cephalalgia, earache, lumbago, neuralgia, odontalgia, otalgia, sciatica. dnes today (dnešek); synonyms (adv) now, currently, nowadays, presently, immediately, directly, forthwith, (n) present, (adj) modern, recent. dnešek today (dnes); synonyms (adv) now, currently, nowadays, presently, immediately, directly, forthwith, (n) present, (adj) modern, recent. dno 1. bottom; synonyms (n) base, basis, backside, bed, behind, foot, footing, back, arse, ass; antonyms (n) top, pinnacle, (adj) highest, 2. floor (patro, podlaha, poschodí); synonyms (n) level, layer, bottom, flooring, ground, platform, (v) deck, dump, fell, prostrate. do 1. to (k, na); synonyms (prep) at, by, in, about, before, against, into, near, (prf) on, (v) till, 2. in (na, v, ve); synonyms (prep) during, between, through, inside, (adv) indoors, (adj) stylish, fashionable, inwards, trendy, within; antonyms (prep) out, outside, 3. till (až, až do, dokud ne); synonyms (prep) until, unto, (n) drawer, tiller, cashbox, (v) cultivate, plow, hoe, farm, dig. doba 1. date (datle, datum); synonyms (n) age, appointment, assignation, engagement, epoch, meeting, period, (v) escort, determine, register, 2. period (období, perioda, tečka); synonyms (n) dot, era, point, duration, generation, day, conclusion, cycle, interval, length.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English dobře 1. good (dobrý, hodný, laskavý); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious, right, efficient, capable,
excellent, fine, (n) benign, advantage; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad, 2. well; synonyms (adv) easily, thoroughly, considerably, fully, good, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft, sound, (n) fountain; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick, unwell, dying, nauseous. dobrodinec benefactor; synonyms (n) donor, patron, sponsor, backer, giver, supporter, contributor, philanthropist, helper, humanitarian. dobrodiní boon; synonyms (n) advantage, blessing, benefit, concession, gift, grant, mercy, asset, donation, (v) benefaction. dobrodruh adventurer; synonyms (n) explorer, venturer, traveler, daredevil, carpetbagger, excursionist, gent, hero, mushroom, pirate. dobrodružka adventuress; synonym (n) demirep. dobrodružný adventurous; synonyms (adj) adventuresome, audacious, bold, courageous, daring, enterprising, venturesome, brave, foolhardy, hazardous; antonym (adj) unadventurous. dobrodružství adventure; synonyms (n) venture, accident, chance, escapade, event, incident, undertaking, consequence, (v) hazard, risk. dobrota goodness; synonyms (n) generosity, excellence, good, kindness, benefit, benevolence, (adj) benignity, gentleness, favor, beneficence; antonyms (n) evil, wickedness. dobrovolník volunteer; synonyms (n) voluntary, (v) offer, proffer, tender, extend, propose, submit, (adj) unpaid. dobrovolný voluntary; synonyms (adj) spontaneous, optional, deliberate, gratuitous, intentional, unforced, willing, willful, elective, (n) volunteer; antonyms (adj) involuntary, compulsory, forced, instinctive. dobrý good (dobře, hodný, laskavý); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious, right, efficient, capable, excellent, fine, (n) benign, advantage; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad. dobýt conquer; synonyms (v) beat, capture, subdue, overcome, overpower, quell, subjugate, suppress, surmount, vanquish; antonyms (v) surrender, lose. dobytek 1. cattle; synonyms (n) beast, cows, stock, kine, livestock, oxen, sheep, antelopes, bison, camels, 2. livestock; synonyms (n) ancestry, blood, bloodline, breed, broth, caudex, descent, fund, gillyflower, gunstock. dobytí conquest; synonyms (n) victory, conquering, defeat, triumph, achievement, reduction, coup, rout, mastery, occupation; antonym (n) surrender.
dobývat extract; synonyms (n) excerpt, essence, (v) draw, abstract, derive, educe, elicit, distill, express, get. dobyvatel conqueror; synonyms (n) champion, subjugator, winner, vanquisher, hero, defeater, subduer, champ, colonist, explorer. docela 1. quite; synonyms (adv) altogether, absolutely, all, completely, entirely, fully, sheer, exactly, enough, (adj) just; antonym (adv) extremely, 2. throughout (všude); synonyms (prep) during, (adv) around, about, bodily, passim. docent lecturer (lektor, přednášející); synonyms (n) instructor, lector, professor, reader, teacher, coach, orator, preacher, speaker, trainer. docentura lectureship; synonyms (n) tutorship, professorship. dochvilnost punctuality; synonyms (n) promptness, exactness, promptitude, steadiness, punctualness, expedition, immediateness, reliability, (adj) rigor; antonyms (n) lateness, tardiness. docílení attainment (dosažení); synonyms (n) accomplishment, acquirement, achievement, gain, accession, completion, fulfillment, success, performance, (v) acquisition; antonym (n) failure. docílit achieve (dosáhnout); synonyms (v) accomplish, reach, complete, do, effect, execute, gain, perform, acquire, act; antonym (v) lose. dodat 1. add (přičíst, přidat, sčítat); synonyms (v) calculate, include, join, total, figure, lend, mix, divide, subtract, (n) addition; antonym (v) detach,
2. supply (dodávka, zásoba, zásobovat); synonyms (n) provision, (v) furnish, stock, afford, fill, store, feed, offer, provide, cater. dodatek 1. addition (sčítání); synonyms (n) accession, accessory, addendum, extension, increase, accretion, afterthought, annex, appendage, (prep) accumulation; antonyms (n) subtraction, removal, estimation, 2. appendix (příloha); synonyms (n) addition, adjunct, (v) supplement, 3. supplement; synonyms (n) accompaniment, appendix, increment, continuation, appurtenance, postscript, (v) add, append, affix, (adj) complement; antonym (v) diminish. dodavatel 1. supplier; synonyms (n) provider, vendor, contractor, dealer, benefactor, contributor, donor, freelancer, giver, informant, 2. contractor; synonyms (n) builder, entrepreneur, party, undertaker, affirmer, asserter, avower, declarer, outworker, broker. dodávka 1. delivery; synonyms (n) childbirth, birth, consignment, discharge, rescue, communication, confinement, deliverance, distribution, (v) address; antonyms (n) death, dispatch, 2. supply (dodat, zásoba, zásobovat); synonyms (n) provision, (v)
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Czech - English
furnish, stock, afford, fill, store, feed, offer, provide, cater. dodržování observance (zachovávání); synonyms (n) ceremony, notice, commemoration, fulfillment, observation, rite, manner, obedience, ceremonial, compliance; antonyms (n) breaking, contravention. dogmatický dogmatic; synonyms (adj) dictatorial, arbitrary, overbearing, absolute, authoritarian, authoritative, narrow, confident, doctrinaire, (v) formal; antonyms (adj) open-minded, flexible. dohad conjecture; synonyms (n) guess, supposition, assumption, speculation, hypothesis, (v) suppose, estimate, believe, anticipate, assume; antonym (n) fact. dohled surveillance (dozor); synonyms (n) oversight, supervision, vigilance, watch, observation, inspection, scrutiny, monitoring, lookout, examination; antonym (n) neglect. dohlížet 1. supervise (dozírat); synonyms (v) administer, manage, superintend, check, control, direct, monitor, oversee, run, conduct, 2. superintend; synonyms (v) supervise, govern, handle, overlook, inspect, observe, watch, 3. oversee; synonyms (v) head, regulate, guide, deal.
dohoda 1. agreement (shoda, smlouva, souhlas, úmluva); synonyms (n) accord, acquiescence, concord, accordance, coincidence, contract, acceptance, appointment, arrangement, compliance; antonyms (n) disagreement, argument, conflict, discord, rejection, dispute, resistance, 2. accord (shoda, souhlas); synonyms (n) agreement, assent, consensus, harmony, (v) agree, consent, give, bestow, grant, harmonize; antonym (n) strife, 3. arrangement (seřazení, uspořádání, zařízení); synonyms (n) order, settlement, adjustment, array, classification, design, distribution, method, plan, sequence, 4. stipulation (úmluva); synonyms (n) condition, provision, covenant, proviso, compact, promise, clause, qualification, requirement, restriction. dohodit procure (získat); synonyms (v) acquire, buy, get, obtain, earn, gain, win, have, attain, derive. dohodnutý given (daný); synonyms (adj) apt, disposed, prone, liable, granted, inclined, set, (n) assumption, particular, presumption.
dohromady 1. together (společně, spolu); synonyms (adv) jointly, conjointly, simultaneously, collectively, running, (adj) united, composed, stable, whole; antonyms (adv) individually, separately, independently, (adj) separate, 2. altogether (naprosto); synonyms (adv) absolutely, all, wholly, completely, entirely, perfectly, purely, simply, totally, ensemble; antonym (adv) partly. dojem 1. impression (otisk); synonyms (n) belief, conception, feeling, idea, imprint, depression, image, mark, notion, dent, 2. notion (pojem,
představa); synonyms (n) impression, caprice, concept, fancy, imagination, opinion, guess, hunch, conjecture, (v) judgment. dojemný 1. melting; synonyms (adj) liquescent, dissolving, (n) fusion, melt, thawing, dissolution, warming, liquefaction, thaw, 2. moving; synonyms (adj) active, affecting, emotional, exciting, impressive, mobile, pitiful, poignant, touching, (n) movement; antonyms (adj) motionless, still, depressing, stationary, unemotional, 3. touching; synonyms (adj) moving, pathetic, adjacent, adjoining, contiguous, near, (prep) concerning, about, (n) touch, contact. dojetí emotion (cit); synonyms (n) affection, love, feeling, passion, sensation, heart, agitation, commotion, excitement, (v) impression; antonym (n) intelligence. dojit milk (mléko); synonyms (v) exploit, squeeze, drain, tap, anodyne, balm, bleed, (adj) albumen, chalk, glair. dok dock; synonyms (n) bob, berth, bobtail, harbor, pier, quay, sorrel, wharf, (v) clip, cut; antonym (v) undock. dokař docker; synonyms (n) longshoreman, lumper, stevedore, dockhand, loader. dokázat prove; synonyms (v) demonstrate, attest, confirm, manifest, establish, evidence, examine, show, approve, assert; antonym (v) disprove. dokazující evidential; synonyms (adj) evidentiary, asserting, indicative, proving. doklad document (dokument, listina); synonyms (n) charter, deed, credentials, papers, text, (v) record, file, list, prove, report. dokola 1. around (kolem, okolo); synonyms (adv) about, approximately, almost, round, roughly, (prep) encompassing, encircling, circa, (adj) near, (n) vicinity, 2. round (kruh, kulatý); synonyms (adj) circular, plump, entire, (n) circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, (v) compass, turn; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp. dokonalost 1. perfection; synonyms (n) excellence, consummation, ideal, maturity, paragon, completeness, completion, finish, crown, development; antonym (n) imperfection, 2. excellence (znamenitost); synonyms (n) distinction, eminence, advantage, goodness, superiority, virtue, greatness, (adj) merit, worth, desert; antonym (n) inferiority. dokonalý perfect (bezvadný, perfektní); synonyms (adj) consummate, complete, exact, utter, entire, faultless, thorough, exquisite, (n) absolute, full; antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty, flawed. dokonce even (rovný, stejný, sudý); synonyms (adj) direct, equal, constant, equable, equivalent, flat, horizontal, identical, (v) level, balance; antonyms
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English (adj) uneven, inconsistent, irregular, jagged,
dokončit complete (doplnit, kompletní, naprostý, úplný, vyplnit); synonyms (adj) perfect, absolute, consummate, whole, full, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, finish, execute; antonyms (adj) incomplete, partial, unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect. doktor doctor (lékař); synonyms (n) physician, doc, (v) cure, adulterate, attend, fix, heal, mend, remedy, repair; antonym (v) break. doktrína doctrine; synonyms (n) creed, belief, credo, dogma, philosophy, conviction, lesson, canon, faith, gospel. dokument document (doklad, listina); synonyms (n) charter, deed, credentials, papers, text, (v) record, file, list, prove, report. dokumentace documentation; synonyms (n) proof, record, certificate, certification, corroboration, credential, credentials, evidence. dokumentární documentary; synonyms (n) docudrama, infotainment, (adj) documental. dolar dollar; synonyms (n) buck, greenback, note, bill, clam, dime, disme, nickel, quarter, ace. dole 1. below (níže, pod); synonyms (adv) beneath, under, down, infra, downstairs, (prep) underneath, (adj) low, after; antonyms (prep) above, over, 2. downstairs; synonyms (adv) below, downward, downhill, (n) floor, (adj) downstair; antonym (adv) upstairs. dolní 1. lower (spodní); synonyms (adj) debase, (v) degrade, diminish, frown, humble, dip, abase, cut, descend, (n) depress; antonyms (v) increase, raise, 2. nether; synonyms (adj) lower, inferior, down, under, low, chthonian, chthonic. doložka clause (klauzule); synonyms (n) article, paragraph, provision, rider, section, chapter, member, condition, prerequisite, (v) passage. domácí 1. domiciliary; synonyms (adj) domestic, household, 2. domestic; synonyms (adj) home, tame, civil, familiar, internal, native, domesticated, (n) homely, maid, servant; antonyms (adj) foreign, wild, external. domácnost 1. household; synonyms (n) folk, stock, menage, (adj) family, home, house, domestic, common, (v) ordinary, everyday, 2. house (dům); synonyms (n) dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice, habitation, housing, (v) accommodate, lodge. domek cottage (chalupa, chata); synonyms (n) cabin, bungalow, crib, hut, lodge, villa, chalet, house.
doména domain (oblast, panství, sféra); synonyms (n) country, department, realm, area,
kingdom, arena, field, land, province, ambit; antonym (n) range. domestikace domestication; synonyms (n) colonization, situation, discipline, tameness, training, jejuneness, jejunity, vapidity, vapidness. dominantní dominant (převládající); synonyms (adj) commanding, influential, leading, overriding, paramount, powerful, primary, principal, rampant, (v) prevalent; antonyms (adj) minor, submissive, subordinate. dominium dominion; synonyms (n) authority, control, domination, domain, command, kingdom, power, reign, rule, sway. domluva reproof (výtka); synonyms (n) reprimand, reproach, admonition, blame, reprehension, condemnation, objurgation, (v) censure, rebuke, lecture.
domorodec native (domorodý, přirozený, rodný); synonyms (adj) inborn, inherent, innate, natural, congenital, domestic, inbred, indigenous, (n) aboriginal, autochthon; antonyms (adj) foreign, learned, (n) stranger, immigrant, imported. domorodý 1. indigenous; synonyms (adj) aboriginal, autochthonous, native, domestic, endemic, vernacular, congenital, inherent, innate, autochthonal, 2. native (domorodec, přirozený, rodný); synonyms (adj) inborn, natural, inbred, indigenous, connatural, genuine, (n) autochthon, citizen, inhabitant, indigene; antonyms (adj) foreign, learned, (n) stranger, immigrant, imported. domov home (domovina, domů); synonyms (n) fireside, abode, domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, family, habitation, (adj) domestic. domovina home (domov, domů); synonyms (n) fireside, abode, domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, family, habitation, (adj) domestic. domovní indoor (krytý, sálový); synonyms (adj) domestic, (v) home, intramural; antonym (adj) outside. domovník 1. janitor; synonyms (n) doorkeeper, caretaker, concierge, gatekeeper, porter, warden, attendant, sitter, super, 2. caretaker; synonyms (n) janitor, superintendent, watchman, supervisor, nurse, babysitter, (adj) interim. domů home (domov, domovina); synonyms (n) fireside, abode, domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, family, habitation, (adj) domestic.
domýšlivost 1. arrogance (arogance, nadutost); synonyms (n) haughtiness, disdain, conceit, presumption, vanity, conceitedness, effrontery, hauteur, hubris, insolence; antonyms (n) humility, modesty, 2. conceit; synonyms (n) arrogance, pretension, pride, self-esteem, assumption, conception, egotism, fancy, caprice, quip.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
domýšlivý 1. conceited; synonyms (adj) arrogant,
dopravce carrier; synonyms (n) bearer, messenger,
cocky, egotistic, vain, boastful, proud, smug, affected, assuming, egotistical; antonyms (adj) humble, modest, 2. arrogant (arogantní); synonyms (adj) haughty, imperious, presumptuous, dogmatic, conceited, condescending, disdainful, domineering, insolent, overbearing; antonym (adj) self-effacing. donášet peach (broskev); synonyms (n) apricot, beauty, stunner, (v) betray, denounce, grass, blab, declare, rat, snitch. donkichotský quixotic; synonyms (adj) romantic, impractical, unrealistic, utopian, dreamy, visionary. donucovací coercive; synonyms (adj) forced, forcible, coercitive, domineering, obligatory, violent. donutit 1. compel (přinutit); synonyms (v) coerce, force, cause, command, constrain, enforce, make, necessitate, obligate, oblige, 2. coerce (přinutit); synonyms (v) compel, drive, impose, bulldoze, bully, dragoon, push, blackmail, extort, demand. doopravdy really (opravdu); synonyms (adv) actually, honestly, absolutely, genuinely, certainly, real, truly, very, (adj) indeed, sincerely. dopis letter (písmeno); synonyms (n) epistle, mail, character, communication, dispatch, memorandum, message, note, type, inscription. doplnit 1. amend; synonyms (v) ameliorate, improve, mend, rectify, alter, better, correct, emend, fix, reform; antonym (v) worsen, 2. complete
courier, mailman, porter, postman, vehicle, transport, envoy, bag. dopravit 1. convey; synonyms (v) carry, communicate, bring, channel, conduct, bear, express, fetch, transfer, transmit, 2. transport (doprava, přepravit, převézt); synonyms (n) rapture, (v) delight, enrapture, exile, banish, convey, enchant, ferry, ravish, send; antonyms (v) disenchant, remain. dopravné 1. freightage; synonyms (n) freight, cargo, transport, brokerage, consignment, wharfage, payload, 2. haulage; synonyms (n) traction, draw, haul, conveyance, transportation, attraction, shipping, carrying, moving, (v) towage, 3. portage; synonyms (n) carry, delivery, porthole, tonnage. doprovázet accompany; synonyms (v) attend, follow, associate, companion, company, guide, lead, walk, consort, (n) escort. doprovod accompaniment; synonyms (n) concomitant, part, backing, escort, support, companionship, coincidence, companion, (adv) bass, second. dorazit arrive (přijet, přijít); synonyms (v) come, mature, attain, fall, land, reach, succeed, show, derive, (n) appear; antonyms (v) leave, depart, go.
(dokončit, kompletní, naprostý, úplný, vyplnit); synonyms (adj) perfect, absolute, consummate, whole, full, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, finish, execute; antonyms (adj) incomplete, partial, unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect. dopoledne morning (jitro, ráno); synonyms (n) dawn, daybreak, sunrise, daylight, forenoon, morn, aurora, cockcrow, dawning, dayspring; antonym (n) dusk. doporučený registered (registrovaný); synonyms (adj) enrolled, booked, conscript, denoted, destined, indicated, measured. doporučit recommend; synonyms (v) advise, advocate, counsel, propose, commend, offer, suggest, move, praise, urge. doprava 1. transportation (přeprava); synonyms (n) deportation, banishment, exile, carriage, freight, shipping, transfer, transit, (v) transport, conveyance, 2. transport (dopravit, přepravit, převézt); synonyms (n) rapture, (v) transmit, bear, carry, delight, enrapture, banish, convey, enchant, ferry; antonyms (v) disenchant, remain, 3. traffic (provoz); synonyms (n) dealings, commerce, business, dealing, interchange, (v) exchange, trade, deal, barter, bargain.
dorozumívání communication (komunikace); synonyms (n) announcement, commerce, communicating, contact, conversation, discourse, epistle, intercourse, letter, message. dort cake (koláč); synonyms (n) bar, block, pastry, lump, pie, (v) harden, set, (adj) clot, fix. dosah 1. coverage; synonyms (n) area, scope, span, extent, insurance, reportage, reporting, compensation, range, size, 2. purview; synonyms (n) compass, horizon, view, eyeshot, reach, realm, animus, contemplation, mind, panorama, 3. range (dostřel, rozsah); synonyms (n) array, domain, (v) line, arrange, order, rank, roam, group, ramble, wander. dosáhnout 1. achieve (docílit); synonyms (v) accomplish, reach, complete, do, effect, execute, gain, perform, acquire, act; antonym (v) lose, 2. attain; synonyms (v) achieve, make, catch, find, obtain, strike, arrive, compass, earn, get; antonym (v) fail, 3. reach (sahat); synonyms (v) range, overtake, attain, extend, pass, go, touch, (n) fetch, stretch, extent. dosažení attainment (docílení); synonyms (n) accomplishment, acquirement, achievement, gain, accession, completion, fulfillment, success, performance, (v) acquisition; antonym (n) failure. dosažitelnost 1. attainability; synonyms (n) attainableness, achievability, 2. availability (dostupnost, použitelnost); synonyms (n)
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English accessibility, handiness, approachability, availableness, opening, supply. dosažitelný attainable; synonyms (adj) achievable, possible, available, gettable, obtainable, approachable, feasible, accessible, doable, realistic; antonym (adj) unrealistic. došek thatch (kštice); synonyms (n) thatching, ceiling, roof, teach, tile, hair, mop. doslov epilogue (epilog); synonyms (n) ending, epilog, finale, sequel, act, prologue, coda, followup, postlude, summation. doslovný literal; synonyms (adj) factual, exact, bare, accurate, genuine, verbal, actual, faithful, (n) erratum, misprint; antonyms (adj) figurative, symbolic.
dospívající adolescent (jinoch, mladistvý); synonyms (adj) immature, young, teen, youthful, boyish, childish, infantile, jejune, (n) juvenile, teenager; antonyms (n) adult, infant. dospívání 1. adolescence; synonyms (n) immaturity, boyhood, juvenility, puberty, youth, childhood, majority, minority, prime, age, 2. pubescence; synonyms (n) adolescence, down, fertility, pubes, pubescency. dost 1. enough; synonyms (adv) rather, plenty, (n) adequacy, fill, sufficiency, (adj) ample, sufficient, adequate, competent, decent; antonym (adj) inadequate, 2. rather (dosti, spíše, trochu); synonyms (adv) quite, enough, fairly, pretty, moderately, considerably, instead, kinda, preferably, relatively; antonym (adv) extremely. dostačující sufficient (dostatečný); synonyms (adj) adequate, enough, satisfactory, commensurate, competent, proper, good, acceptable, ample, full; antonyms (adj) inadequate, insufficient.
dostat 1. get (obdržet, obstarat, opatřit, sehnat, získat); synonyms (v) acquire, gain, attain, become, catch, earn, buy, come, fall, fetch; antonyms (v) lose, give, leave, 2. obtain (obdržet, získat); synonyms (v) get, have, achieve, accomplish, derive, effect, collect, extract, find, gather. dostatečný sufficient (dostačující); synonyms (adj) adequate, enough, satisfactory, commensurate, competent, proper, good, acceptable, ample, full; antonyms (adj) inadequate, insufficient. dostatek sufficiency; synonyms (n) adequacy, enough, fill, abundance, adequateness, fullness, capacity, (adj) plenty; antonym (n) insufficiency. dostavník coach (autokar, trenér); synonyms (n) trainer, tutor, instructor, teacher, autobus, bus, carriage, charabanc, (v) train, (adj) prime. dosti rather (dost, spíše, trochu); synonyms (adv) quite, enough, fairly, pretty, moderately, considerably, instead, kinda, preferably, relatively; antonym (adv) extremely.
dostihy racing; synonyms (adj) fast, (n) competition, overspeed. dostředivý centripetal; synonyms (adj) afferent, acropetal, receptive, sensory, unifying, consolidative, sensational, sensorial. dostřel range (dosah, rozsah); synonyms (n) area, array, compass, (v) line, arrange, order, rank, roam, group, ramble.
dostupnost availability (dosažitelnost, použitelnost); synonyms (n) accessibility, handiness, approachability, availableness, opening, supply. dostupný 1. available; synonyms (adj) accessible, free, possible, attainable, convenient, handy, obtainable, open, (adv) present, (n) applicable; antonyms (adj) unavailable, occupied, suppressed, concealed, engaged, 2. accessible (přístupný); synonyms (adj) approachable, available, amenable, easy, ready, sociable, (v) weak; antonyms (adj) inaccessible, out-of-the-way, 3. approachable (přístupný); synonyms (adj) affable, receptive, gracious, reachable; antonyms (adj) unapproachable, aloof, distant. dotaz 1. enquiry; synonyms (n) inquiry, query, question, research, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiousness, head, motion, 2. inquiry (vyšetřování); synonyms (n) examination, enquiry, investigation, exploration, hearing, inquest, trial, demand, analysis, (v) search, 3. query (otázka); synonyms (n) interrogative, quiz, interrogation, problem, (v) inquire, interrogate, ask, examine, challenge, wonder; antonym (v) answer. dotazník questionnaire; synonyms (n) form, document, enclosure, examination, paper, test, sheet. dotovat endow; synonyms (v) invest, give, clothe, contribute, bless, dower, furnish, supply, vest, empower. dotyk touch (dotýkat se, hmat); synonyms (n) feel, tinge, (v) affect, contact, hit, border, adjoin, strike, stroke, regard. doufat hope (naděje); synonyms (v) trust, anticipate, confide, (n) aspiration, belief, desire, expectation, faith, anticipation, confidence; antonyms (v) despair, (n) reality. doušek gulp; synonyms (n) drink, gasp, draft, draught, (v) bolt, devour, gobble, swig, gorge, down; antonyms (v) sip, nibble. doutnat smolder; synonyms (v) smoulder, burn, smoke, glow, fume, reek, simmer, blaze, (adj) lurk, underlie. dovádivý frolicsome; synonyms (adj) playful, frisky, frolic, waggish, coltish, gay, rollicking, frolicky, airy, gleeful.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
dovážet import (dovoz); synonyms (n) consequence,
recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee; antonyms
meaning, sense, effect, connotation, implication, importance, (v) matter, denote, imply; antonym (v) export. dovednost 1. craft (plavidlo, řemeslo); synonyms (n) boat, ability, art, cunning, trade, artfulness, guile, fraud, shift, artifice, 2. art (umění); synonyms (n) know-how, skill, talent, trick, artistry, craft, dexterity, science, accomplishment, aptitude, 3. skill (obratnost); synonyms (n) capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse, address, adroitness, cleverness, competence, expertise; antonyms (n) clumsiness, inability, incompetence. dovedný 1. able (nadaný, schopný); synonyms (adj) capable, clever, competent, dexterous, accomplished, adroit, consummate, effective, expert, (n) efficient; antonyms (adj) incapable, incompetent, inept, unable, untrained, weak, 2. skilful; synonyms (adj) cunning, practised, adept, good, practiced, proficient, handy, artful, skillful. dovnitř inwards; synonyms (adv) inward, in, indoors, arrived, here, (n) gut, (adj) inner, interior, domestic, intimate. dovolená 1. leave (opustit); synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go, abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, (n) furlough, holiday; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, approach, change, come, 2. vacation; synonyms (n) leave, leisure, recess, break, rest, sabbath.
(n) face, (v) front, oppose, advance,
dovolení permission (povolení, svolení); synonyms (n) consent, license, permit, approval, authority, leave, liberty, licence, agreement, (v) allowance; antonym (n) refusal. dovolit 1. allow; synonyms (v) acknowledge, accord, agree, give, grant, permit, accede, acquiesce, accept, (adj) admit; antonyms (v) forbid, prohibit, deny, reject, 2. let (nechat); synonyms (v) allow, hire, lease, leave, charter, have, rent, authorize, cause, (n) check; antonym (v) prevent, 3. permit (povolení, povolit, připustit); synonyms (v) license, let, bear, endure, assent, legalize, (n) consent, licence, pass, permission; antonyms (v) ban, stop. dovoz 1. import (dovážet); synonyms (n) consequence, meaning, sense, effect, connotation, implication, importance, (v) matter, denote, imply; antonym (v) export, 2. cartage; synonyms (n) carting, portage, porterage, traffic. dovršení consummation; synonyms (n) achievement, accomplishment, completion, execution, fruition, fulfillment, performance, culmination, end, perfection. dovršit accomplish (provést, vykonat); synonyms (v) achieve, compass, do, perform, reach, attain, complete, execute, fulfill, make. dozadu 1. back (hřbet, záda, zadní); synonyms (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, advocate, endorse,
2. backwards (pozpátku); synonyms (adv) back, backward,
rearward, rearwards, about, arrear, caudad, contrarily, reflexively, (adv, adj) topsy-turvy, 3. rearward; synonyms (adj) reverse, (adv) astern, backwards, abaft, aback, after, aft. dozírat supervise (dohlížet); synonyms (v) administer, manage, superintend, check, control, direct, monitor, oversee, run, conduct.
dozor 1. control (kontrola, kontrolovat, ovládat, řízení); synonyms (n) rule, authority, care, hold, (v) command, check, curb, bridle, conduct, handle; antonyms (n) freedom, weakness, (v) intensify, share, 2. surveillance (dohled); synonyms (n) oversight, supervision, vigilance, watch, observation, inspection, scrutiny, monitoring, lookout, examination; antonym (n) neglect, 3. supervision (inspekce); synonyms (n) charge, control, direction, management, superintendence, guidance, custody, administration, government, supervising, 4. survey (přehled, přehlédnout); synonyms (n) poll, review, measurement, (v) study, measure, view, appraise, canvass, prospect, assess. dozorce 1. inspector (inspektor); synonyms (n) examiner, supervisor, auditor, controller, investigator, superintendent, assessor, director, manager, overseer, 2. guardian (opatrovník); synonyms (n) custodian, guard, defender, protector, champion, curator, warden, keeper, (adj) protective, custodial, 3. overseer; synonyms (n) foreman, inspector, administrator, boss, governor, surveyor. dragoun dragoon; synonyms (n) cavalry, horse, artillery, (v) coerce, force, bulldoze, enforce, persecute, browbeat, bully. dráha railway (železnice); synonyms (n) railroad, line, tramway.
drahocenný 1. precious (drahý, vzácný); synonyms (adj) dear, beloved, cherished, costly, valuable, invaluable, expensive, golden, choice, (n) darling; antonym (adj) worthless, 2. valuable (cenný, hodnotný); synonyms (adj) estimable, precious, beneficial, helpful, useful, worthy, admirable, important, priceless, profitable; antonym (adj) useless.
drahokam jewel (klenot, skvost, šperk); synonyms (n) gem, gemstone, bijou, darling, jewelry, ornament, treasure, trinket, cosset, dear. drahota dearness; synonyms (n) costliness, preciousness, fondness, love, tenderness. drahoušek 1. ducky; synonyms (adj) nice, agreeable, acceptable, satisfactory, (n) darling, deary, favourite, pet, dearie, favorite, 2. sweetheart; synonyms (n) dear, girl, mistress, beloved, flame, boyfriend, love, steady, (adj) lover, beau.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English drahý 1. expensive (nákladný); synonyms (adj) costly, sumptuous, dear, extravagant, luxurious, valuable, lavish, overpriced, exclusive, fine; antonyms (adj) cheap, inexpensive, reasonable, worthless, 2. dear (milý); synonyms (adj) beloved, close, expensive, lovely, precious, near, adorable, affectionate, (n) darling, love, 3. costly (nákladný); synonyms (adj) high, pricey, rich, invaluable, plush, priceless, pricy, splendid, 4. precious (drahocenný, vzácný); synonyms (adj) cherished, golden, choice, inestimable, exquisite, cute, noble, good, goodly, (adv) extremely, 5. rich (bohatý, úrodný, zámožný); synonyms (adj) abundant, copious, fertile, productive, fruitful, full, affluent, ample, deep, fat; antonyms (adj) poor, broke, destitute, impoverished, light. drak dragon; synonyms (n) shrew, calculus, drake, earthdrake, firedrake, (adj) wyvern, cockatrice, madcap, scold, tiger. dramatický dramatic; synonyms (adj) spectacular, theatrical, impressive, scenic, exciting, sensational, striking, sudden, thespian; antonyms (adj) gradual, undramatic. dramatik 1. dramatist; synonyms (n) playwright, author, writer, mimographer, screenwriter, biographer, novelist, playwriter, poet, 2. playwright; synonyms (n) dramatist, playmaker, critic, essayist, journalist. dramatizovat dramatize; synonyms (v) dramatise, overstate, exaggerate, adopt, aggrandize, amplify, embroider, stage, show, acquire. dráp 1. claw; synonyms (n) chela, hook, nipper, pincer, (v) clutch, lacerate, rip, scratch, seize, tear, 2. pounce; synonyms (v) bounce, bound, leap, dive, swoop, stoop, charge, attack, (n) jump, descent. draslík potassium; synonyms (n) kalium, chiliad, g, grand, green, jet, kelvin, kilobyte, m, thou. drastický drastic; synonyms (adj) severe, desperate, extreme, sweeping, ultra, thorough, escharotic, harsh, stiff, tough. drát wire; synonyms (n) cable, telegram, line, rope, cord, string, thread, flex, (v) telegraph, electrify. dráteník tinker (fušovat, záplatovat); synonyms (n) mender, (v) monkey, fiddle, putter, toy, tamper, vamp, botch, potter, retouch. dravost ferocity (divokost, zuřivost); synonyms (n) brutality, cruelty, violence, ferociousness, fury, rage, anger, fierceness, intensity, vehemence; antonym (n) gentleness. dravý 1. predatory; synonyms (adj) marauding, predacious, rapacious, predal, raptorial, ravenous, vulturous, acquisitive, plundering, (v) predaceous, 2. predacious; synonyms (adj) predatory, raiding, ravening, vulturine, 3. rapacious; synonyms (adj) greedy, avid, voracious, avaricious, covetous,
edacious, gluttonous, ferocious, esurient, (v) extortionate. dražba auction (aukce); synonyms (n) bidding, vendue, angle, cant, portsale, bargain, corner, (v) auctioneer, sale, sell. dráždidlo irritant; synonyms (n) nuisance, bother, annoyance, pest, irritation, aggravation, exasperation, hate, pain, plague. dráždit irritate (popudit); synonyms (v) chafe, fret, gall, incense, harass, aggravate, anger, annoy, bother, displease; antonyms (v) soothe, pacify, please. dražitel bidder (nabízející); synonyms (n) tenderer, aspirant, candidate, claimant, competitor, offeror, opponent, postulant, suitor. drážka 1. groove (rýha, žlábek); synonyms (n) furrow, rut, chamfer, ditch, cut, track, crease, (v) channel, flute, score, 2. rabbet; synonyms (n) groove, rebate, notch, discount, (v) indent, hollow, (adj) wedge. drbna scandalmonger; synonyms (n) newsmonger, gossip, busybody, rumormonger, tattletale, gossipmonger. dřevák 1. clog; synonyms (v) bar, choke, obstruct, encumber, foul, hinder, (n) block, obstruction, burden, glut; antonym (v) unclog, 2. patten; synonyms (n) clog, sabot, boot, galoche, geta, galoshes, pastern, pump, sandal, shoe. dřevěný wooden; synonyms (adj) stiff, wood, stilted, expressionless, inept, dead, impassive. dřevo wood (dříví, les); synonyms (n) forest, timber, woods, tree, lumber, coppice, jungle. dřevoryt woodcut; synonym (n) cut. drhnout scour; synonyms (v) rub, scrub, ransack, burnish, abrade, cleanse, flush, furbish, search, graze. dřímat 1. drowse; synonyms (v) doze, snooze, catnap, nod, nap, rest, (n) sleep, slumber, repose, 2. slumber (dřímota, spánek); synonyms (n) siesta, (v) drowse, kip. dřímota 1. doze; synonyms (n) nap, drowse, slumber, (v) snooze, sleep, siesta, catnap, nod, coma, rest, 2. slumber (dřímat, spánek); synonyms (n) doze, (v) repose, kip. dřín cornel; synonym (n) dogwood. dřina drudgery; synonyms (n) labor, toil, work, grind, swink, slavery, travail, donkeywork, (v) sweat. dříve 1. formerly (kdysi, předtím); synonyms (adv) before, already, earlier, aforetime, first, erst, erstwhile, once, previously, afore, 2. previously (předtím); synonyms (adv) beforehand, antecedently, formerly, fore, ahead, 3. sooner; synonyms (adv) rather, preferably, instead.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
dříví wood (dřevo, les); synonyms (n) forest, timber, woods, tree, lumber, coppice, jungle. drmolit 1. gibber; synonyms (v) jabber, chatter, gabble, babble, blab, clack, piffle, prate, prattle, (n) gibberish, 2. sputter (prskat); synonyms (v) spit, sizzle, crackle, expectorate, fizz, (n) splutter, spatter, splatter, sputtering, splash. drn 1. sod; synonyms (n) lawn, turf, greensward, grass, ground, bugger, sward, meadow, 2. turf; synonyms (n) sod, field, peat, green, circus, hippodrome, jurisdiction, soil. drobek crumb; synonyms (n) morsel, fragment, grain, scrap, speck, seed, atom, iota, (adj) bit, (v) crumble. drobit crumble; synonyms (v) decay, collapse, crush, decompose, disintegrate, fragment, perish, rust, (adj) break, crack. drobivý crumbly; synonyms (adj) friable, breakable, shivery, crisp, brittle, fragile, powdery, dilapidated, dusty, fine. drobné change (změnit); synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, alternate, cash; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain. drobnost trifle; synonyms (n) nothing, bagatelle, detail, (v) play, dally, fiddle, flirt, fool, (adj) toy, trinket. drobný petty; synonyms (adj) insignificant, frivolous, little, paltry, trivial, light, mean, negligible, puny, minute; antonyms (adj) major, important. drobounký 1. teeny (malinký); synonyms (adj) little, bitty, small, tiny, infinitesimal, diminutive, wee, weeny, bittie, miniature; antonym (adj) enormous, 2. petite; synonyms (adj) bantam, minute, dainty, midget, 3. tiny (malinký, malý); synonyms (adj) petite, petty, puny, slight, teeny, exiguous, baby, insignificant, short, (phr) minuscule; antonyms (adj) huge, gigantic, vast, large. droga 1. drug (lék); synonyms (n) cure, medicine, anesthetic, medication, prescription, remedy, (v) dose, medicate, potion, (adj) chaff, 2. dope; synonyms (n) dolt, boob, booby, ass, dummy, dunce, fool, grass, information, (v) drug. drogerie drugstore (lékárna); synonyms (n) pharmacy, bookstore, market, store, tobacconists, florist, pharmaceutics, stationer. dromedár dromedary; synonyms (n) camel, elephant, llama. drozd thrush; synonyms (n) nightingale, philomel, prunella, prunello, sprew. drožka cab (kabina, taxi); synonyms (n) cabriolet, taxi, taxicab, car, fly, hack, droshki, drosky, growler, vehicle. drsný coarse (hrubý); synonyms (adj) barbarous, boorish, brutal, crude, gross, rough, vulgar, bawdy,
blunt, broad; antonyms (adj) refined, smooth, sophisticated. drtivý crushing; synonyms (adj) devastating, overpowering, overwhelming, (v) appalling, (n) flattening, quelling, stifling, suppression, pressure. druh 1. companion; synonyms (n) colleague, buddy, mate, peer, chum, comrade, fellow, partner, assistant, (adj) associate; antonym (n) enemy, 2. fellow (chlapík); synonyms (n) companion, boy, equal, brother, chap, compeer, dude, dog, counterpart, (v) concomitant, 3. kind (laskavý, milý); synonyms (n) form, helpful, sort, benign, brand, breed, class, gentle, (adj) friendly, generous; antonyms (adj) unkind, callous, cruel, hardhearted, mean, merciless, nasty, spiteful, uncaring, upsetting, 4. species; synonyms (n) kind, genus, appearance, character, type, variety, (adj) nature, description, race, manner. druhý 1. other (další, jiný, ostatní); synonyms (adj) additional, another, different, extra, further, more, new, second, distinct, dissimilar; antonym (adj) same, 2. second (sekunda, vteřina); synonyms (n) instant, moment, flash, jiffy, minute, sec, (v) back, endorse, support, (adj) latter; antonym (adj) first. družice satellite (satelit); synonyms (n) follower, moon, planet, attendant, orbiter, disciple, secondary, cohort, hanger-on, (adj) ancillary. družnost sociability; synonyms (n) friendliness, conviviality, affability, openness, camaraderie, civility, amicability, amiability, conversableness, (adj) sociality; antonyms (n) shyness, unfriendliness. družný 1. companionable; synonyms (adj) affable, sociable, social, convivial, gregarious, congenial, cordial, friendly, jovial, 2. convivial (veselý); synonyms (adj) companionable, happy, hilarious, genial, hospitable, pleasant, festive, gay, jolly, merry, 3. gregarious; synonyms (adj) outgoing, common, expansive, aggregative, collective, cosmopolitan, easy, gregarian, neighborly, extrovert, 4. sociable (společenský); synonyms (adj) amicable, amiable, gracious, agreeable, clubbable, conversable, courteous, polite, familiar, kind; antonym (adj) unsociable.
družstevní cooperative (družstvo, kooperativní); synonyms (adj) combined, joint, accommodating, concerted, helpful, obliging, united, (n) collective, association, commune; antonyms (adj) uncooperative, individual.
družstvo cooperative (družstevní, kooperativní); synonyms (adj) combined, joint, accommodating, concerted, helpful, obliging, united, (n) collective, association, commune; antonyms (adj) uncooperative, individual. držadlo 1. holder (držitel, majitel); synonyms (n) bearer, case, possessor, stand, container, proprietor,
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Czech - English rack, tenant, handle, carrier, 2. handle (ovládat); synonyms (v) administer, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal, direct, finger, (n) grip, clutch. držitel 1. holder (držadlo, majitel); synonyms (n) bearer, case, possessor, stand, container, proprietor, rack, tenant, handle, carrier, 2. bearer (posel); synonyms (n) holder, courier, messenger, porter, envoy, chokra, hamal, tranter, herald, emissary. drzost impudence (nestydatost); synonyms (n) boldness, brass, cheek, gall, audacity, impertinence, assurance, cheekiness, effrontery, face; antonyms (n) respect, cowardice. drzý 1. audacious (odvážný); synonyms (adj) adventurous, arrogant, barefaced, bold, brash, daring, impudent, brave, intrepid, shameless; antonyms (adj) cowardly, modest, 2. bold (výrazný); synonyms (adj) audacious, manly, resolute, courageous, fearless, heroic, spirited, stalwart, bluff, brazen; antonym (adj) timid, 3. brazen (mosazný); synonyms (adj) brassy, insolent, blatant, impertinent, cheeky, flagrant, forward, loud, pert, presumptuous; antonyms (adj) shy, abashed, 4. barefaced (nestoudný); synonyms (adj) bald, open, unconcealed, obvious. dub oak; synonyms (adj) oaken, adamant, iron, steel. duch 1. ghost (přízrak, strašidlo); synonyms (n) apparition, shade, spirit, soul, spectre, spook, appearance, manes, suggestion, (v) specter, 2. spirit (líh); synonyms (n) courage, ghost, life, mood, bravery, character, disposition, energy, enthusiasm, (adj) animation; antonyms (n) lethargy, body, 3. spectre (strašidlo, zjevení); synonyms (n) phantasm, phantom, shadow, wraith. duchaplnost ingenuity; synonyms (n) ability, adroitness, cunning, ingeniousness, imagination, acumen, creativity, genius, inventiveness, (adj) cleverness. duchaplný 1. spirited; synonyms (adj) lively, animated, frisky, bold, energetic, gritty, quick, racy, enthusiastic, active; antonyms (adj) passive, spiritless, 2. witty (vtipný); synonyms (adj) humorous, amusing, funny, facetious, intelligent, jocular, brilliant, (v) clever, smart, sharp; antonym (adj) serious. důchod pension (penze); synonyms (n) allowance, annuity, payment, stipend, endowment, inn, subsistence, hostel, tribute, (v) dismiss. duchovenský clerical; synonyms (adj) accounting, bookkeeping, theocratic, administrative, church, directorial, managerial, organizational, (n) minister, preacher. duchovenstvo clergy; synonyms (n) clericals, clerics, ecclesiastics, presbytery, canonicate, canonry, churchmen, conclave, deaconry, diaconate; antonym (n) laity.
duchovní 1. parson (farář); synonyms (n) minister, cleric, clergyman, rector, curate, pastor, preacher, priest, vicar, father, 2. ecclesiastic; synonyms (adj) clerical, ecclesiastical, (n) divine, churchman, 3. spiritual; synonyms (adj) ghostly, holy, immaterial, religious, incorporeal, pious, ethereal, mental, psychic, metaphysical; antonyms (adj) physical, worldly, secular, earthly, 4. priest (kněz); synonyms (n) ecclesiastic, parson, presbyter, chaplain, monk. dudák bagpiper; synonym (n) piper. dudlík dummy (maketa); synonyms (adj) sham, spurious, (n) counterfeit, model, puppet, boob, booby, dope, blank, dumbbell. duha rainbow; synonyms (n) iris, tulip, sunbow, chimera, dream, fantasy, illusion, (adj) colorful, motley, multicolored. duhovka iris; synonyms (n) diaphragm, flag, pupil, rainbow, comet, peacock, tulip, white, ensign, flagstone. dukát ducat; synonym (n) warrant. důkaz 1. evidence (svědectví); synonyms (n) confirmation, mark, proof, data, argument, attestation, (v) display, demonstrate, attest, certify, 2. proof; synonyms (n) demonstration, probation, authentication, evidence, sign, substantiation, validation, verification, experiment, indication.
důležitý important (významný, závažný); synonyms (adj) essential, grave, fundamental, significant, chief, crucial, key, remarkable, serious, earnest; antonyms (adj) unimportant, insignificant, trivial, minor, irrelevant, low, worthless. dům house (domácnost); synonyms (n) family, home, dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice, (v) accommodate, lodge. dumání muse (dumat, Múza); synonyms (v) contemplate, meditate, cogitate, consider, deliberate, ponder, reflect, brood, ruminate, speculate. dumat muse (dumání, Múza); synonyms (v) contemplate, meditate, cogitate, consider, deliberate, ponder, reflect, brood, ruminate, speculate. duna dune; synonyms (n) down, bank, hill, hump, mound, (adj) ridge. dupat 1. trample (pošlapat); synonyms (v) tramp, oppress, crush, squash, stamp, tread, defeat, flatten, (n) trampling, 2. thump; synonyms (n) beat, cuff, punch, strike, (v) bang, bump, knock, thud, hit, pound. duplikát duplicate; synonyms (adj) dual, matching, (v) copy, double, twin, trace, (n) counterpart, equal, second, imitation; antonym (n) original. duše soul; synonyms (n) man, creature, ghost, heart, human, individual, mind, person, personification, being.
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Czech - English
duševní 1. mental (mentální); synonyms (adj) intellectual, ideal, psychic, subjective, insane, psychical, psychological, spiritual, genial; antonyms (adj) physical, bodily, 2. psychic (psychický); synonyms (adj) clairvoyant, mental, immaterial, telekinetic, sensitive, divine, (n) medium, visionary, augur, forecaster. dusík nitrogen; synonyms (n) n, newton, normality, north. dusit suffocate (dusit se); synonyms (v) choke, stifle, strangle, smother, asphyxiate, throttle, drown, extinguish, gag, die.
důsledek result (následek, vyplývat, výsledek); synonyms (n) consequence, fruit, issue, outcome, aftermath, answer, conclusion, effect, end, (v) ensue; antonym (v) cause. dusný 1. muggy; synonyms (adj) close, damp, humid, moist, sticky, wet, airless, oppressive, stuffy, clammy; antonym (adj) fresh, 2. stuffy; synonyms (adj) musty, stodgy, muggy, stale, stifling, sultry, ponderous, sweltering, prim, boring; antonyms (adj) airy, relaxed, 3. sultry (parný); synonyms (adj) hot, ardent, sensual, torrid, warm, soggy, sulfurous, sulphurous. dutina 1. hollow (dutý); synonyms (adj) blank, concave, empty, false, (n) cavity, hole, cave, depression, (v) excavate, dent; antonyms (adj) convex, (n) solid, hump, 2. cavity; synonyms (n) cavern, hollow, pocket, caries, chamber, pit, void, cell, crater, dimple. dutý hollow (dutina); synonyms (adj) blank, concave, empty, false, (n) cavity, hole, cave, depression, (v) excavate, dent; antonyms (adj) convex, (n) solid, hump. důvěra 1. faith (víra); synonyms (n) confidence, belief, conviction, trust, credence, credit, assurance, creed, cult, allegiance; antonym (n) unbelief, 2. belief (víra); synonyms (n) faith, assumption, doctrine, feeling, idea, impression, opinion, supposition, thought, view; antonym (n) disbelief, 3. reliance (spolehnutí); synonyms (n) dependence, dependency, hope, expectation, presumption. důvěřivost credulity; synonyms (n) gullibility, credulousness, acceptance, faith, naïveté, unwariness. důvěřivý credulous; synonyms (adj) naive, gullible, unsuspecting, simple, unquestioning, unsuspicious, green, trusting, innocent, unwary; antonyms (adj) incredulous, disbelieving, suspicious, wary. dužina flesh (maso); synonyms (n) brawn, mortality, beef, anatomy, chassis, figure, form, frame, (adj) carnality, concupiscence. dva two (dvě, dvojka); synonyms (n) deuce, pair, binary, demon, devil, duality, (adj) tway.
dvacátý twentieth; synonym (adj) vigesimal. dvacet twenty; synonym (adj) twice. dvakrát twice; synonyms (adv) double, doubly, bis, (adj) twenty. dvanáct twelve (dvanáctka); synonym (n) dozen. dvanáctina twelfth (dvanáctý); synonyms (adj) duodecimal, dozenth. dvanáctka twelve (dvanáct); synonym (n) dozen. dvanáctý twelfth (dvanáctina); synonyms (adj) duodecimal, dozenth. dvě two (dva, dvojka); synonyms (n) deuce, pair, binary, demon, devil, duality, (adj) tway. dveře door; synonyms (n) gate, threshold, access, doorway, entrance, entry, mouth, opening, entryway, exit. dvojče twin; synonyms (adj) dual, (n) match, counterpart, mate, pair, fellow, (v) double, duplicate, equal, couple. dvojhláska diphthong; synonyms (n) triphthong, (v) diphthongize. dvojí dual; synonyms (adj) double, duplex, duple, twin, twofold, doubled, bivalent, combined, threefold, treble; antonyms (adj) individual, single. dvojice 1. couple (pár); synonyms (n) brace, yoke, duo, (v) pair, connect, associate, combine, attach, copulate, join; antonym (v) uncouple, 2. pair (pár); synonyms (n) match, duet, dyad, coupling, couplet, (v) couple, mate, link, equate, (adj) doublet. dvojitý double; synonyms (adj) duplicate, dual, duple, (v) fold, reduplicate, bend, geminate, (n) twin, image, match; antonym (n) single. dvojka two (dva, dvě); synonyms (n) deuce, pair, binary, demon, devil, duality, (adj) tway. dvojnásobný twofold; synonyms (adj) double, dual, duplicate, twin, doubled, threefold, treble. dvojplošník biplane; synonyms (n) monoplane, triplane. dvojsmysl ambiguity (dvojznačnost); synonyms (n) equivocation, doubt, uncertainty, unclearness, equivocalness, haziness, hesitation, obscurity, vagueness, loophole; antonyms (n) clearness, precision, unambiguity. dvojsmyslnost equivocation; synonyms (n) evasion, prevarication, ambiguity, quibble, casuistry, shuffling, hedging, misrepresentation, tergiversation, deception. dvojsmyslný equivocal (nejasný); synonyms (adj) ambiguous, doubtful, indefinite, dubious, questionable, elusive, cryptic, precarious, apocryphal, double; antonyms (adj) clear, unequivocal. dvojtečka colon (tlusté střevo); synonyms (n) bowel, (v) period, semicolon, comma.
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Czech - English dvojverší couplet; synonyms (n) couple, distich, verse, pair, stanza, twosome, canto, rhyme; antonym (n) prose. dvojznačnost ambiguity (dvojsmysl); synonyms (n) equivocation, doubt, uncertainty, unclearness,
equivocalness, haziness, hesitation, obscurity, vagueness, loophole; antonyms (n) clearness, precision, unambiguity. dvojznačný ambiguous (nejasný); synonyms (adj) equivocal, indistinct, indeterminate, uncertain, evasive, slippery, amphibolous, confused, cryptic, (v) vague; antonyms (adj) clear, definite, unambiguous, unequivocal. dvořan courtier; synonyms (n) sycophant, aristocrat. dvorec court (sál, soud); synonyms (n) forum, bar, close, field, tribunal, judicatory, (v) woo, attract, invite, romance; antonyms (v) avoid, shun. dvorek yard (ráhno); synonyms (n) court, courtyard, garden, backyard, grounds, close, quadrangle, enclosure, beehive, bindery. dvorný courteous; synonyms (adj) civil, polite, affable, attentive, chivalrous, decorous, gracious, bland, complaisant, considerate; antonyms (adj) discourteous, rude, boorish, impolite, insulting. dvouletý biennial (dvouletá rostlina); synonyms (adj) biannual, biyearly, semiannual, (v) triennial, (n) perennial. dvoupencový twopenny; synonyms (adj) threepenny, sixpenny, tuppeny. dýchání 1. breathing; synonyms (n) breath, (adj) animate, live, living, alive, 2. respiration (dech); synonyms (n) breathing, aspiration, inspiration, delay, exercising, pause, intermission, interval, stop, utterance. dýchat 1. breathe; synonyms (v) blow, exhale, live, subsist, be, emit, exist, imply, (n) respire, bespeak, 2. respire; synonyms (v) breathe, inhale, sigh. dychtivost eagerness (horlivost); synonyms (n) ardor, desire, aspiration, avidity, enthusiasm, cupidity, ambition, avidness, earnestness, (v) craving; antonyms (n) apathy, indifference. dychtivý 1. eager (chtivý); synonyms (adj) avid, desirous, ardent, earnest, agog, acute, ambitious, enthusiastic, keen, zealous; antonyms (adj) indifferent, apathetic, disinterested, unconcerned, 2. keen (nadšený, ostrý); synonyms (adj) eager, sharp, intense, intelligent, biting, brisk, exquisite, piercing, discriminating, (v) fresh; antonyms (adj) dull, unenthusiastic, blunt. dýha veneer (dýhovat, pozlátko); synonyms (n) face, facade, facing, coating, cover, pretense, (v) varnish, gloss, coat, plate. dýhovat veneer (dýha, pozlátko); synonyms (n) face, facade, facing, coating, cover, pretense, (v) varnish, gloss, coat, plate.
dýka dagger; synonyms (n) bodkin, sword, blade, knife, obelisk, cutlass, saber, skean, anger, baselard. dým smoke (kouř, kouřit); synonyms (n) fumes, fog, mist, (v) fume, reek, fumigate, puff, exhale, cure, burn. dýmka pipe (roura); synonyms (n) tube, conduit, channel, duct, flue, hose, passage, pipage, (v) cry, peep. dynamický dynamic; synonyms (adj) active, aggressive, dynamical, energetic, forceful, powerful, vigorous, lusty, animated, vibrant; antonyms (adj) dull, static. dynamika dynamics; synonyms (n) kinetics, motion, (v) statics. dynamit dynamite; synonyms (n) explosive, lyddite, danger, defamation, (v) blast, plastique, (adj) capable, competent, considerable, dangerous. dynastie dynasty; synonyms (n) family, reign, regime, house, dominion, government, sovereignty, ancestors, descendants, dynast. džbán jug; synonyms (n) jar, vase, bottle, container, pot, bucket, (v) jail, gaol, immure, imprison. džbánek mug; synonyms (n) countenance, pot, jug, chump, cup, face, kisser, (v) rob, grimace, attack. džber pail (kbelík); synonyms (n) bucket, bucketful, pailful, tub, pipkin, pot, skeel, tankard, cogue, container. džin gin; synonyms (n) snare, decoy, trap, machine, noose, pitfall, tool, engine. džíny jeans (texasky); synonyms (n) pants, chinos, khakis, slacks, dungarees. džíp jeep; synonyms (n) car, landrover, recruit, roadster, truck, vehicle, wheels, steamer. džungle jungle; synonyms (n) bush, forest, maze, tangle, snarl, wood, woodland, labyrinth, (adj) wilderness. džus juice; synonyms (n) extract, water, blood, gravy, liquid, succus, fluid, liquor, fuel, (adj) humor.
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Czech - English
Ď ďábel devil; synonyms (n) demon, fiend, ghost, daemon, deuce, monster, (v) rag, torment, harass, bedevil.
E eben ebony; synonyms (n) sable, (adj) black, ebon, dark, jet. egoismus egoism (sobectví); synonyms (n) egotism, selfishness, egocentrism, pride, egocentricity, egomism, insensitivity, introspection, solipsism, subjectivism; antonym (n) altruism.
ejakulát ejaculate (ejakulovat, vyhrknout, vykřiknout); synonyms (n) cum, (v) blurt, discharge, cry, exclaim, come, jaculate, excrete, blunder, climax.
ejakulovat ejaculate (ejakulát, vyhrknout, vykřiknout); synonyms (n) cum, (v) blurt, discharge, cry, exclaim, come, jaculate, excrete, blunder, climax. eklektický eclectic; synonyms (adj) discriminating, selective, assorted, broad, choosy, diverse, electic, extensive, free, (n) eclecticist. ekliptický ecliptic; synonyms (n) colures, orbit, circle, equator. ekologie ecology; synonyms (n) bionomics, botany, conservationism, network, system. ekonom economist; synonyms (n) cultivator, husband, husbandman, tiller. ekonomický economic (hospodářský); synonyms (adj) commercial, financial, profitable, efficient, economical, fiscal, industrial, mercantile, pecuniary, trade. ekonomie economics; synonyms (n) finance, economy, commerce, money, backing, funding, investment, sponsorship.
ekvivalent equivalent (ekvivalentní, protihodnota, rovnocenný); synonyms (adj) equal, comparable, alike, analogous, even, corresponding, identical, like, (n) counterpart, (v) consideration; antonyms (adj) unlike, (n) different, dissimilar.
ekvivalentní equivalent (ekvivalent, protihodnota, rovnocenný); synonyms (adj) equal, comparable, alike, analogous, even, corresponding, identical, like, (n) counterpart, (v)
consideration; antonyms (adj) unlike, (n) different, dissimilar. elán vim; synonyms (n) energy, vigor, vitality, verve, vigour, dynamism, dash, power, animation, (adj) snap. elegantní 1. graceful (uhlazený); synonyms (adj) beautiful, delicate, elegant, amiable, easy, fine, charming, fair, airy, becoming; antonyms (adj) clumsy, inelegant, stocky, 2. elegant (vkusný); synonyms (adj) graceful, courtly, splendid, dainty, polite, refined, dressy, artistic, chic, classy; antonyms (adj) scruffy, ugly, coarse, plain, tacky, 3. fashionable (moderní); synonyms (adj) current, popular, stylish, trendy, dashing, genteel, modern, modish, newfangled, posh; antonyms (adj) unfashionable, unpopular, old-fashioned, 4. dapper (upravený); synonyms (adj) smart, spruce, jaunty, neat, snappy, debonair, natty, prim, rakish, trim, 5. becoming (slušivý); synonyms (v) proper, (adj) appropriate, seemly, adequate, decent, decorous, agreeable, apposite, apt, befitting; antonym (adj) unbecoming. elegie elegy; synonyms (n) dirge, coronach, lament, nenia, ode, sonnet, (adj) requiem; antonym (n) prose. elektrický 1. electrical; synonyms (adj) electric, thrilling, automated, electrifying, galvanising, galvanizing, magnetic, 2. electric; synonyms (adj) exciting, electrical, galvanic, emotional, fidgety, fussy, hasty, hurried, (n) rapturous, (v) mercurial. elektrifikovat electrify; synonyms (v) excite, stagger, galvanize, rouse, shock, stir, thrill, amaze, astound, (adv) startle. elektrikář electrician (elektrotechnik); synonyms (n) lineman, linesman, juicer. elektřina electricity; synonyms (n) energy, flow, fuel, (adj) light, lightning, electromagnetism, magnetism, voltaism, wind, (v) electrize. elektroda electrode; synonym (n) rheophore. elektron electron; synonyms (n) electricity, molecule, negatron, amber. elektronický electronic; synonyms (adj) automated, automatic. elektropozitivní electropositive; synonyms (adj) cocksure, confirming, positive, favorable, incontrovertible, irrefutable, overconfident, plus, positivist, positivistic. elektrotechnik electrician (elektrikář); synonyms (n) lineman, linesman, juicer. elementární primary (primární); synonyms (adj) chief, basic, elementary, essential, first, foremost, major, original, (n) paramount, main; antonym (adj) secondary. elipsa ellipse; synonyms (n) ellipsis, oval, ovule, curve, orbit, omission.
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Czech - English eliptický 1. elliptic; synonyms (adj) elliptical, oval, ovate, oviform, ovoid, prolate, 2. elliptical; synonyms (adj) elliptic, oblong, epigrammatic, quaint, curved, round, terse, egg-shaped, ellipsoidal. elize elision; synonyms (n) omission, contraction, censure, ejection, exception, exclusion, excommunication, expulsion, riddance. emancipace emancipation; synonyms (n) release, rescue, deliverance, discharge, freedom, liberation, salvation, relief, disengagement, acquittal; antonym (n) suppression. embolie embolism; synonyms (n) embolus, clot, intercalation. embryologie embryology; synonym (n) anatomy. emigrace emigration; synonyms (n) departure, exodus, migration, demigration, expatriation, flight, (v) intermigration, remigration. emigrovat emigrate; synonyms (v) migrate, immigrate, transplant, demigrate, depart, leave, quit, remove, (adj) migratory, roving. emisar emissary; synonyms (n) envoy, ambassador, courier, agent, messenger, spy, delegate, representative, diplomat. emise emission (vysílání); synonyms (n) discharge, emanation, effusion, ejection, venting, vent, dismission. empatie empathy; synonyms (n) sympathy, compassion, affiliation, affinity, association, bond, compatibility, connection, consideration, emotion. empirický empirical; synonyms (adj) empiric, experimental, observational, observed, pragmatic, charlatanical, practical, experient, (v) tentative, probationary; antonym (adj) theoretical. empirismus empiricism; synonyms (n) quackery, charlatanism, charlatanry, discovery, experience, sensationalism, luridness, sensualism, wheedling. emulace emulation; synonyms (n) competition, contention, contest, rivalry, strife, ambition, conflict. emulovat emulate; synonyms (v) copy, compete, contend, imitate, rival, contest, echo, reproduce, ape, follow. emulze emulsion; synonyms (n) balm, cream, emulsification, liquid, mix, mixture, ointment, paint, solution, (adj) soup. encyklopedie 1. encyclopedia; synonyms (n) cyclopedia, cyclopaedia, encyclopaedia, book, almanac, booklet, brochure, calendar, directory, guide, 2. encyclopaedia; synonym (n) encyclopedia. energický 1. energetic (rázný); synonyms (adj) active, animated, brisk, busy, driving, dynamic, effective, powerful, strong, agile; antonyms (adj) lethargic, lazy, sluggish, exhausted, inactive, indolent, languid, weary, apathetic, dull, 2.
forceful; synonyms (adj) assertive, cogent, emphatic, pithy, strenuous, compelling, convincing, energetic, insistent, passionate; antonyms (adj) weak, unconvincing, lightweight, mild, 3. strong (silný, statný); synonyms (adj) intense, able, deep, firm, stable, steady, durable, forcible, good, hard; antonyms (adj) bland, delicate, faint, feeble, frail, pale, slight, cowardly, diluted, flimsy, 4. vigorous; synonyms (adj) robust, hardy, lively, athletic, hearty, mighty, healthy, smart, brawny, (n) brave; antonym (adj) unenergetic. energie 1. energy; synonyms (n) animation, dash, force, life, spirit, determination, drive, effort, might, strength; antonyms (n) lethargy, apathy, exhaustion, tiredness, weakness, idleness, sluggishness, 2. stamina; synonyms (n) vitality, endurance, energy, grit, muscle, toughness, perseverance, bottom, pluck, courage; antonym (n) frailty. enkláva enclave; synonyms (n) boundary, bounds, confine, pale, term, verge, commune, cooperative, dominion, farm. entropie entropy; synonyms (n) chaos, data, information, randomness, haphazardness, info, noise. enzym enzyme; synonyms (n) catalyst, solution. epický epic; synonyms (adj) epical, heroic, massive, descriptive, (n) epos, saga, verse; antonyms (n) flop, prose. epidemický epidemic (epidemie); synonyms (n) outbreak, plague, disease, infection, eruption, pest, (adj) contagious, infectious, catching, rife; antonym (adj) endemic. epidemie epidemic (epidemický); synonyms (n) outbreak, plague, disease, infection, eruption, pest, (adj) contagious, infectious, catching, rife; antonym (adj) endemic. epigraf epigraph; synonyms (n) posy, epitaph, legend. epileptik epileptic; synonym (adj) epileptical. epilog epilogue (doslov); synonyms (n) ending, epilog, finale, sequel, act, prologue, coda, followup, postlude, summation. epitaf epitaph (náhrobní nápis); synonyms (n) memorial, remembrance, epitaphic, legend, elegy, eulogy, monument, sentiment. epiteton epithet; synonyms (n) designation, cognomen, name, appellation, denomination, moniker, title, picture, byword. epocha epoch; synonyms (n) age, era, date, day, period, time, cycle, crisis. erb blazon (rozhlásit); synonyms (n) arms, blazonry, lionize, (v) proclaim, advertise, emblazon, herald, show, blaze, notify.
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Czech - English
erekce erection; synonyms (n) building, edifice,
eufonie euphony; synonyms (n) harmony, melody,
assembly, construction, structure, erecting, architecture, creation, composition, (adj) elevation. erotický 1. erotic; synonyms (adj) amorous, sexy, amatory, lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, passionate, sexual, voluptuous, lewd, 2. sexy; synonyms (adj) sensual, aphrodisiac, aphrodisiacal, sultry, adorable, desirable, irresistible, jazzy, pornographic, provocative. esej essay; synonyms (n) dissertation, article, disquisition, composition, effort, tentative, (v) endeavor, attempt, try, assay. eskadra squadron; synonyms (n) fleet, group, brigade, corps, flotilla, navy, armada, battalion, cavalry. eskalátor escalator; synonyms (v) dumbwaiter, elevator, lift. eso ace; synonyms (n) expert, one, virtuoso, wizard, adept, master, (adj) crack, dot, iota, jot. estét aesthete; synonyms (n) esthete, connoisseur, dilettante. estetický aesthetic; synonyms (adj) esthetic, aesthetical, esthetical, artistic, perceptive, sentient, affective, beauty, conscious, cultured. estráda vaudeville (varieté); synonyms (adj) theatrical, (n) extravaganza, comedy, drama, opera, piece, play, tragedy, afterpiece, ballet. etický ethical; synonyms (adj) ethic, decent, just, moral, right, upright, good, virtuous, honest, honorable; antonyms (adj) immoral, unethical. etika ethics; synonyms (n) morality, morals, conscience, behavior, philosophy, code, dignity, ethology, ideology, principle. etiketa etiquette; synonyms (n) ceremony, decorum, protocol, convention, form, decency, custom, manners, propriety, correctness. etnický 1. ethnic; synonyms (adj) national, ethnical, heathen, pagan, cultural, gentile, social, ancestral, clannish, family, 2. ethnical; synonyms (adj) ethnic, ethnological. etnografie ethnography; synonym (n) ethnology. etnologie ethnology; synonym (n) culture. etymologie etymology; synonyms (n) derivation, inflection, (v) absorb, acquisition, attainment, engross, engulf, misery, multiplied, occupies. eufemismus euphemism; synonyms (n) circumlocution, delicacy, floridness, grandiloquence, inflation, ornateness, pomposity, (adj) euphemistic, euphonious, euphuism. eufemistický euphemistic; synonyms (adj) euphemism, euphonious, flowery, inoffensive, savory, savoury, uncontroversial, unoffending, (v) euphuistic. eufonický euphonic; synonyms (adj) euphonious, euphonical, melodious, sweet.
euphonism, music, tune, medicine, (adj) concinnity, numerosity. eugenika eugenics; synonym (n) heredity. evakuace evacuation; synonyms (n) elimination, emptying, departure, excretion, retreat, voidance, egestion, (v) discharge, emission. evangelista evangelist; synonyms (n) gospeller, missionary, preacher, revivalist, apostle, saint, clergyman, gospeler. evangelium gospel; synonyms (n) belief, creed, doctrine, evangel, gospels, truth, credo, fact, faith, (adj) pope. eventualita contingency (nahodilost); synonyms (n) accident, chance, eventuality, possibility, circumstance, adventure, casualty, case, incident, occurrence. exaktní exact (precizní, přesný); synonyms (adj) detailed, precise, actual, (v) accurate, close, demand, require, claim, command, (n) correct; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, imprecise, vague, wrong, approximate, inexact. excentricita eccentricity (výstřednost); synonyms (n) oddity, abnormality, idiosyncrasy, oddness, peculiarity, anomaly, crankiness, irregularity, quirk, strangeness; antonym (n) normality. exegeze exegesis; synonyms (n) commentary, exposition, construction, annotation, epexegesis, expose, hermeneutics.
exemplární exemplary (příkladný, ukázkový); synonyms (adj) model, typical, representative, admonitory, classic, ideal, warning, commendable, worthy, excellent. exhumovat exhume; synonyms (v) disinter, dig, unearth, unbury, uncharnel, ungrave, untomb, disclose, disembalm, disinhume; antonym (v) bury. exil exile (vyhnanství); synonyms (n) banishment, deportation, expulsion, deportee, outcast, (v) banish, expatriate, deport, expel, eject; antonym (v) repatriate. existovat 1. exist; synonyms (v) dwell, lie, be, endure, abide, consist, belong, continue, live, occur; antonym (v) die, 2. be (být); synonyms (v) exist, act, constitute, represent, cost, follow, form, remain, rest, (n) stand, 3. subsist (živit se); synonyms (v) survive, last, reside, obtain, feed, maintain, outlive. existující 1. extant; synonyms (adj) existing, actual, current, present, surviving, alive, living, instant; antonym (adj) extinct, 2. existing; synonyms (adj) existent, real, contemporary, extant, modern, (v) being; antonym (adj) lost. exkavátor excavator (bagr, rypadlo); synonyms (n) digger, shovel, miner, sapper, archaeologist, trencher, shovelful, spadeful.
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Czech - English exkomunikace excommunication; synonyms (n) anathema, ban, exclusion, curse, excision, proscription, censure, denunciation. exlibris bookplate; synonym (n) bookmark. exotický 1. exotic; synonyms (adj) alien, foreign, strange, extraneous, outlandish, unusual, different, curious, extrinsic, unfamiliar; antonyms (adj) familiar, ordinary, 2. outlandish; synonyms (adj) bizarre, eccentric, exotic, freakish, odd, quaint, singular, flaky, freaky, fantastic.
expanze expansion (rozpínavost, rozšíření, rozvoj); synonyms (n) amplification, enlargement, development, dilatation, dilation, elaboration, growth, stretch, (v) extension, augmentation; antonyms (n) contraction, decrease, reduction, abbreviation.
experimentální experimental (pokusný); synonyms (adj) empirical, tentative, scientific, observational, pilot, test, trial. exploze explosion (výbuch); synonyms (n) burst, blast, boom, detonation, eruption, bang, fulmination, outbreak, outburst, (v) discharge. exponát exhibit; synonyms (v) evince, demonstrate, evidence, expose, disclose, announce, flaunt, parade, perform, (n) display; antonym (v) conceal. exponovat expose; synonyms (v) disclose, endanger, betray, detect, display, exhibit, air, bare, debunk, discover; antonyms (v) conceal, protect, cover, enclose. exportovat export (vyvážet, vývoz); synonyms (n) exportation, business, buying, (v) import, trade, smuggle, market, port, sell, ship. expozice exposure (odhalení, osvit); synonyms (n) display, exposition, detection, peril, danger, risk, expose, discovery, revealing, (v) disclosure. expres express (vyjádřit, vyslovit); synonyms (v) exhibit, articulate, convey, declare, demonstrate, (adj) explicit, direct, definite, distinct, especial; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, (adj) slow, vague. extáze ecstasy; synonyms (n) delight, rapture, bliss, joy, delirium, elation, enthusiasm, exaltation, happiness, (v) transport; antonyms (n) misery, desolation, gloom. exteriér exterior; synonyms (adj) external, surface, outer, outlying, superficial, extrinsic, (n) outside, outward, skin, facade; antonyms (adj) inner, (n) interior, inside. externí external; synonyms (adj) exterior, outside, extraneous, extrinsic, outward, foreign, outlying, peripheral, superficial, formal; antonyms (adj) inner, interior, internal, domestic, inmost, inside. extrapolace extrapolation; synonym (n) projection. extrémista extremist; synonyms (n) ultraist, diehard, (adj) radical, ultra, revolutionary.
extrémní extreme (krajní); synonyms (adj) deep, excessive, enormous, immoderate, intense, severe, supreme, terrible, ultimate, (n) edge; antonyms (adj) middle, reasonable, near, (n) mild, moderate, slight.
É éra era (letopočet); synonyms (n) age, period, time, epoch, date, cycle, style. éter ether; synonyms (n) aether, ethoxyethane, quintessence, (adj) air, flatus, fume, reek, steam, gas, opium. éterický ethereal; synonyms (adj) aerial, airy, celestial, unworldly, delicate, aeriform, intangible, spiritual, aery, vaporous; antonym (adj) substantial.
F fagot bassoon; synonyms (n) contrafagotto, serpent, hautboy, oboe. fakan brat (spratek); synonyms (n) child, imp, bairn, rogue, scamp, urchin, guttersnipe, jackanapes, pickaninny, whippersnapper. faksimile 1. facsimile; synonyms (n) duplicate, copy, autotype, model, replica, reproduction, counterpart, imitation, print, (v) fax; antonym (n) original, 2. replica (replika); synonyms (n) facsimile, double, duplication, (adj) fake; antonym (adj) genuine. fakt fact; synonyms (n) event, incident, detail, deed, particular, truth, actuality, circumstance, experience, (v) act; antonyms (n) guesswork, rumor, conjecture, fallacy, falsehood, report. faktický factual; synonyms (adj) actual, real, true, authentic, exact, existent, genuine, accurate, practical, literal; antonyms (adj) false, untrue, legendary. faktor factor; synonyms (n) agent, component, broker, divisor, element, ingredient, part, deputy, consideration, (adj) constituent. faktura invoice; synonyms (n) bill, account, list, reckoning, tab, receipt, score, (v) charge. fakturace billing (fakturování); synonyms (n) charge, advertising, accusation, bang, bearing, publicity, boot, burster, care, (adj) caressing. fakturování billing (fakturace); synonyms (n) charge, advertising, accusation, bang, bearing, publicity, boot, burster, care, (adj) caressing. fakulta faculty (schopnost); synonyms (n) capacity, aptitude, capability, endowment, bent, facility, (adj)
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Czech - English
ability, cleverness, talent, (v) gift; antonym (n) inability. falanga phalanx; synonyms (n) legion, horde, posse, internode, phalanstery. falešný 1. catty; synonyms (adj) bitchy, cattish, malicious, malevolent, spiteful, ill-natured, venomous, hateful, hostile, (n) cattie, 2. bogus (podvodný); synonyms (adj) counterfeit, fake, phony, sham, artificial, bastard, false, (v) mock, supposititious, snide; antonyms (adj) genuine, real,
3. false (klamný, nepravdivý, nesprávný); synonyms (adj) untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, fictitious, ersatz; antonyms (adj) true, correct, factual, faithful, natural, truthful, honest, valid. falšování adulteration; synonyms (n) corruption, debasement, pollution, alloy, impurity, sophistication, contamination; antonym (n) purification. falšovat 1. falsify (padělat); synonyms (v) adulterate, counterfeit, garble, misrepresent, cook, distort, fake, forge, fudge, (adv) belie; antonym (v) correct, 2. adulterate; synonyms (v) doctor, corrupt, defile, dilute, pollute, weaken, contaminate, (adj) alloy, adulterated, (n) bastard; antonyms (v) clean, purify, 3. fake; synonyms (adj) bogus, artificial, assumed, false, (v) sham, affect, (n) imitation, copy, cheat, deceit; antonyms (adj) genuine, (v) real, (n) original, 4. forge (kovárna, kovat); synonyms (v) falsify, devise, fabricate, fashion, coin, contrive, invent, mint, construct, excogitate, 5. tamper (porušovat); synonyms (v) meddle, interfere, monkey, bribe, buy, dabble, dally, disturb, make, (n) tamp. fanatický 1. fanatic (fanatik); synonyms (n) enthusiast, devotee, bigot, extremist, fiend, addict, sectarian, aficionado, buff, (adj) fanatical, 2. fanatical; synonyms (adj) enthusiastic, rabid, extreme, fanatic, zealous, immoderate, mad, (v) bigoted, besotted, impassioned; antonyms (adj) indifferent, moderate. fanatik 1. fanatic (fanatický); synonyms (n) enthusiast, devotee, bigot, extremist, fiend, addict, sectarian, aficionado, buff, (adj) fanatical, 2. zealot; synonyms (n) fanatic, partisan, freak, maniac, advocate, believer, visionary. fanatismus 1. fanaticism; synonyms (n) enthusiasm, bigotry, zeal, intolerance, monomania, zealotry, (v) ardor, passion; antonym (n) indifference, 2. zealotry; synonyms (n) fanaticism, zealotism. fanfára fanfare; synonyms (n) flourish, display, tucket, noise, illuminations, beauty, bobbery, bombilation, brandish, brandishing. fanoušek fan (ovívat, ventilátor); synonyms (n) admirer, buff, devotee, enthusiast, addict, adherent,
afficionado, fiend, follower, (v) air; antonym (n) detractor. fantastický fantastic; synonyms (adj) bizarre, extraordinary, antic, extravagant, grotesque, marvelous, strange, terrific, wonderful, (n) fanciful; antonyms (adj) awful, ordinary, real. fantazie 1. fantasy (představivost); synonyms (n) dream, fancy, illusion, delusion, mirage, desire, fad, fiction, hallucination, invention; antonyms (n) reality, (adj) real, 2. fancy (vrtoch, zalíbení); synonyms (v) daydream, imagine, wish, consider, crotchet, (adj) conceive, (n) caprice, fantasy, conceit, conception; antonyms (adj) plain, unadorned, 3.
imagination (obrazotvornost, představivost); synonyms (n) vision, imagery, originality, idea, imaginativeness, inventiveness, notion, reflection, resource, thought, 4. phantasy; synonyms (n) reverie, phantasm, deception, fondness, legerdemain, magic, partiality, semblance, trick. fantazírovat daydream; synonyms (n) dream, fantasy, reverie, revery, vision, daydreaming, (v) fantasize, fancy, envisage, imagine; antonym (n) reality. fara 1. parsonage; synonyms (n) rectory, vicarage, residence, 2. vicarage; synonym (n) parsonage, 3.
rectory. farář 1. parson (duchovní); synonyms (n) minister, cleric, clergyman, rector, curate, pastor, preacher, priest, vicar, father, 2. vicar (vikář); synonyms (n) parson, delegate, regent. farma farm (hospodářství, statek); synonyms (n) property, grange, dairy, estate, farmhouse, (v) cultivate, raise, grow, hire, plant. farmakologie pharmacology; synonym (n) pharmacy. farmář farmer (rolník, zemědělec); synonyms (n) countryman, agriculturist, rustic, husbandman, granger, sodbuster, yeoman, producer, sower, woodcutter. farní 1. parish (farnost); synonyms (n) district, community, congregation, region, province, township, borough, church, area, constituency, 2. parochial; synonyms (adj) narrow, insular, provincial, local, conventional, petty, narrowminded, parish, topical, sectarian. farník parishioner; synonyms (n) layman, parishen, parochian. farnost parish (farní); synonyms (n) district, community, congregation, region, province, township, borough, church, area, constituency. fascinující fascinating (úchvatný); synonyms (adj) enchanting, captivating, charming, absorbing, attractive, engaging, engrossing, delightful, alluring, (v) interesting; antonyms (adj) boring, uninteresting, dull.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English fašismus fascism; synonyms (n) dictatorship, despotism, oppression, totalitarianism, tyranny, absolutism, bureaucracy, demagogy, racism, regimentation; antonym (n) democracy. fašista fascist (fašistický); synonyms (n) dictator, radical, (adj) fascistic. fašistický fascist (fašista); synonyms (n) dictator, radical, (adj) fascistic. fatalismus fatalism; synonyms (n) acceptance, destiny, passivity, predestinarianism, predestination, stoicism. fáze phase; synonyms (n) aspect, stage, facet, chapter, grade, circumstance, condition, degree, appearance, form. fazole bean (bob); synonyms (n) dome, attic, bead, head, bonce, choke, noggin, noodle, (v) attack, strike. federace federation; synonyms (n) alliance, association, coalition, confederacy, combination, confederation, league, organization, union, commonwealth. federální federal; synonyms (adj) national, union, confederate, federative, central, public, united, (n) fed. fena bitch (čubka); synonyms (n) beef, moan, cunt, hen, kick, shrew, slut, (v) gripe, complain, (adj) botch. fenomén phenomenon (jev, úkaz); synonyms (n) event, appearance, marvel, miracle, incident, development, prodigy, wonder, occurrence, happening. fenykl fennel; synonyms (n) cinnamon, cloves, finocchio, mace, nutmeg, oregano. fermentace fermentation (kvašení); synonyms (n) ferment, agitation, excitement, effervescence, fermenting, zymosis, commotion, heat, unrest. feudalismus feudalism; synonyms (n) feodality, slavery. feudální feudal; synonyms (adj) feudalistic, medieval. fialka violet (fialový); synonyms (adj) purple, mauve, empurpled, lavender, lilac, purplish. fialový violet (fialka); synonyms (adj) purple, mauve, empurpled, lavender, lilac, purplish. fiasko fiasco; synonyms (n) debacle, disaster, failure, flop, disappointment, catastrophe, washout, (adj) mess. fík fig; synonyms (n) figure, anatomy, bod, build, chassis, design, digit, (adj) pin, straw, rush. fiktivní 1. fictive; synonyms (adj) fictional, fictitious, false, sham, assumed, fake, imaginative, unreal, fancied, invented, 2. fictitious; synonyms (adj) bogus, counterfeit, artificial, fabricated, fabulous, apocryphal, fanciful, fantastic, feigned, mythical; antonym (adj) real.
filharmonický philharmonic (filharmonie); synonym (n) band. filharmonie philharmonic (filharmonický); synonym (n) band. film movie; synonyms (n) film, flick, pic, picture, show, cinema, image, celluloid, characterisation, characterization. filolog philologist; synonyms (n) philologue, linguist, grammarian, philologian, glottologist, philologer. filologie philology; synonyms (n) linguistics, lexicology, criticism, glottology. filozof philosopher; synonyms (n) thinker, theorist, pundit, intellectual, mastermind, philosophaster, philosophe, scholar, academic, alchemist. filozofický 1. philosophical; synonyms (adj) philosophic, cool, (v) sedate, contemplative, deliberative, introspective, meditative, museful, pensive, platonic, 2. philosophic; synonyms (adj) philosophical, learned, patient, rational, thoughtful, (v) staid, stayed, stoical. filozofie philosophy; synonyms (n) doctrine, logic, stoicism, theory, attitude, ism, belief, beliefs, reasoning, thinking. filtr filter (filtrovat); synonyms (v) percolate, sieve, drip, leak, filtrate, ooze, purify, refine, screen, strain; antonym (v) contaminate. filtrace filtration; synonyms (n) percolation, filtering. filtrovat 1. filter (filtr); synonyms (v) percolate, sieve, drip, leak, filtrate, ooze, purify, refine, screen, strain; antonym (v) contaminate, 2. filtrate; synonyms (n) deposit, dregs, remainder, remains, rest, (v) filter, deform, distort, dribble, extend. finále finale; synonyms (n) conclusion, close, end, ending, finish, catastrophe, finis, last, termination, epilogue; antonyms (n) beginning, introduction, start. financovat finance; synonyms (n) funding, support, credit, backing, investment, (v) back, fund, sponsor, bankroll, underwrite.
firma 1. company (podnik, společnost); synonyms (n) companionship, society, association, band, business, cohort, collection, brigade, assemblage, (v) accompany; antonym (n) solitude, 2. firm (odhodlaný, pevný); synonyms (adj) constant, hard, stable, close, compact, determined, fixed, resolute, solid, steadfast; antonyms (adj) irresolute, soft, weak, hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy. fiskální fiscal; synonyms (adj) financial, monetary, pecuniary, crumenal, economic, numismatical, sumptuary, commercial, money, numismatic. fixní fixed (pevný); synonyms (adj) determined, definite, steady, constant, durable, certain, decided, determinate, (v) stable, (adv) firm; antonyms (adj) flexible, adaptable, adjustable, changeable, movable, separate, variable, compliant, loose, moveable.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
fízl nark; synonyms (n) informer, narc, (v) provoke,
formace formation; synonyms (n) constitution,
annoy, displease, irritate, rile, frustrate, exasperate, get. flám spree (pitka, veselí); synonyms (n) frolic, fling, revel, revelry, prank, orgy, bout, (v) splurge. flanel flannel; synonyms (n) washcloth, washrag, gabardine, tweed, white, whiteness, (v) blanket, fur. flegmatický phlegmatic; synonyms (adj) impassive, indifferent, listless, phlegmatical, stolid, unconcerned, lethargic, inert, passive, cold. flétna flute; synonyms (n) wineglass, fluting, furrow, groove, plow, (v) channel, crease, fold, chamfer, crinkle. flétnista flutist; synonym (n) flautist. flirtování flirtation; synonyms (n) dalliance, coquetry, flirt, flirting, tease, trifling, coquette, dawdling, hanky-panky, intrigue. flirtovat 1. flirt; synonyms (v) coquette, dally, coquet, romance, toy, mash, (n) dalliance, vamp, flirtation, flirting, 2. philander (koketovat); synonyms (v) flirt, bray, butterfly, comminute, court, crunch, crush, dawdle, effeminize, feminize. flok peg (kolík); synonyms (n) bolt, pin, hook, dowel, leg, nog, stake, grade, tack, (v) nail. flóra flora; synonyms (n) vegetation, plant, plants, verdure, foliage, undergrowth, works. flotila flotilla; synonyms (n) fleet, armada, navy, marine, convoy. fluktuovat fluctuate (kolísat); synonyms (v) waver, falter, change, vacillate, alternate, hesitate, oscillate, swing, vary, vibrate. fluorid fluoride; synonyms (n) fluate, hydrofluate. fólie foil; synonyms (n) contrast, (v) frustrate, baffle, balk, defeat, thwart, bilk, cross, elude, avert. fond fund; synonyms (n) stock, store, capital, bank, reserve, (v) hoard, bankroll, finance, accumulate, back. fonetický phonetic; synonyms (adj) vocal, oral, spoken, (v) lingual, unwritten. fonetika phonetics; synonyms (n) phonics, (adj) phonography. fontána fountain; synonyms (n) fount, font, jet, source, origin, well, derivation, root, spout, (v) spring.
creation, establishment, construction, genesis, arrangement, composition, organization, configuration, conformation; antonym (n) destruction. formalita formality; synonyms (n) form, ceremony, decorum, formalities, stiffness, custom, starch, formula, observance, rite; antonyms (n) informality, casualness. formální formal; synonyms (adj) conventional, ceremonious, distant, ceremonial, courtly, elegant, official, prim, solemn, stately; antonyms (adj) informal, relaxed, unceremonious. formát format; synonyms (n) form, size, formatting, shape, organization, structure, template, mold, (v) set, arrange. formativní formative; synonyms (adj) creative, inchoative, creant, demiurgic, flexible, inventive, juvenile, (v) genetic, genial, genital.
forma 1. form (formovat, formulář, podoba, tiskopis, tvar); synonyms (n) figure, design, arrange, ceremony, (v) cast, make, fashion, build, constitute, establish, 2. mould; synonyms (n) mildew, form, molding, moulding, stamp, (v) mold, model, frame, forge, knead, 3. mold; synonyms (n) matrix, mould, die, fungus, impression, (v) shape, carve, fit, cut, sculpture, 4. shape (tvar); synonyms (n) pattern, condition, configuration, outline, fitness, (v) determine, adjust, construct, influence, regulate.
formovat form (forma, formulář, podoba, tiskopis, tvar); synonyms (n) figure, design, arrange, ceremony, (v) cast, make, fashion, build, constitute, establish. formulace wording (stylizace); synonyms (n) diction, phraseology, phrasing, language, expression, verbiage, style, text.
formulář form (forma, formovat, podoba, tiskopis, tvar); synonyms (n) figure, design, arrange, ceremony, (v) cast, make, fashion, build, constitute, establish. formule formula (vzorec); synonyms (n) form, law, convention, expression, formality, method, principle, rule, canon, fashion. formulovat formulate; synonyms (v) devise, compose, contrive, develop, express, invent, form, enunciate, create, formularize. fosfát phosphate; synonym (n) orthophosphate. fosfor phosphorus; synonyms (n) phosphor, daystar. fosilní fossil; synonyms (n) fogey, fogy, dodo, conservative, (adj) flint, obsolete, granite, preglacial, quartz, ancient. fotbal 1. football (kopaná); synonyms (n) soccer, hockey, note, baseball, basketball, footie, 2. soccer (kopaná); synonyms (n) football, ball, gridiron. fotograf photographer; synonyms (n) photographist, press. fotografický photographic; synonyms (adj) graphic, pictorial, realistic, picturesque, tithonographic, cinematic, filmic, minute, natural, precise.
fotografie 1. photograph (fotografovat, vyfotografovat); synonyms (n) image, photo, picture, likeness, portrait, print, copy, pic, (v) film, shoot, 2. photography (fotografování); synonyms (n) cinematography, heliography, photogeny, shooting.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English fotografování photography (fotografie); synonyms (n) cinematography, heliography, photogeny, shooting.
fotografovat photograph (fotografie, vyfotografovat); synonyms (n) image, photo, picture, likeness, portrait, print, copy, pic, (v) film, shoot. fotokopie photocopy; synonyms (n) facsimile, (v) copy, duplicate. foukat blow (úder, vanout); synonyms (n) bang, beat, blast, knock, shock, wallop, (v) puff, bloom, blossom, (adj) gasp; antonyms (v) calm, save. fragmentace fragmentation; synonyms (n) atomisation, atomization, disintegration, fracture, destruction. frak tailcoat; synonym (n) tails. frakce faction; synonyms (n) cabal, crew, sect, band, dissension, division, feud, group, junto, party. fraška farce; synonyms (n) burlesque, comedy, joke, mockery, play, sham, travesty, caricature, charade, forcemeat; antonym (n) tragedy. fraškovitý farcical; synonyms (adj) facetious, ridiculous, comical, droll, absurd, comic, funny, humorous, laughable, ludicrous. fráze phrase; synonyms (n) expression, idiom, word, diction, locution, passage, (v) express, formulate, couch, articulate. fregata frigate; synonyms (n) gunboat, cruiser, destroyer. frekvence frequency; synonyms (n) frequence, incidence, commonness, prevalence, constancy, oftenness, abundance, oftness, pitch, density. freska fresco; synonyms (n) mural, (v) distemper, color, gouache, paint, tempera, (adj) frigidity, inclemency, coolness, duskiness. fretka ferret; synonyms (n) detective, snoop, ferreting, (v) rummage, grub, search, seek, ransack, root. fréza cutter; synonyms (n) carver, cutlery, knife, pinnace, dandy, foist, hoy, ketch, (adj) billhook, cleaver. frigidní frigid (mrazivý); synonyms (adj) cold, chilly, chill, arctic, cool, freezing, icy, bleak, (n) dull, distant; antonym (adj) warm. frivolitky tatting; synonyms (n) embroidery, lace. frkat snort; synonyms (n) hoot, snicker, bird, boo, (v) sniff, snore, huff, inhale, chuckle, giggle. fronta 1. front (předek); synonyms (adj) head, fore, (n) countenance, forefront, appearance, disguise, facade, frontage, (v) face, confront; antonyms (n) rear, end, (v) back, 2. queue (řada); synonyms (n) cue, rank, row, string, tail, wake, (v) line, align, adjust, aline. fuchsie fuchsia; synonyms (n) magenta, red. fuga fugue; synonyms (n) notturno, serenade, flight, forgetfulness, quodlibet.
fungovat operate (operovat, pracovat); synonyms (v) act, function, run, direct, employ, go, handle, manage, move, perform. fungující functional; synonyms (adj) practical, effective, handy, operational, operative, working, serviceable, official, operable, running; antonyms (adj) nonfunctional, useless. funkce function; synonyms (n) position, office, place, role, service, work, (v) act, exercise, run, serve. funkcionář functionary; synonyms (n) officer, official, agent, minister. fušovat tinker (dráteník, záplatovat); synonyms (n) mender, (v) monkey, fiddle, putter, toy, tamper, vamp, botch, potter, retouch. fúze 1. merger (splynutí); synonyms (n) amalgamation, combination, fusion, unification, coalition, consolidation, integration, annexation, alliance, association, 2. fusion; synonyms (n) coalescence, merger, union, compound, amalgam, blend, mixture, synthesis, embodiment, alloy; antonym (n) separation. fyzický physical (fyzikální); synonyms (adj) material, bodily, actual, corporeal, tangible, animal, carnal, concrete, corporal, (adv) fleshly; antonyms (adj) spiritual, mental, intangible. fyzikální physical (fyzický); synonyms (adj) material, bodily, actual, corporeal, tangible, animal, carnal, concrete, corporal, (adv) fleshly; antonyms (adj) spiritual, mental, intangible. fyziologický physiological; synonym (adj) physiologic. fyziologie physiology; synonyms (n) anatomy, bionomy, botany.
G galantní chivalrous (rytířský); synonyms (adj) chivalric, gallant, brave, courteous, knightly, courageous, gentlemanly, sublime, magnanimous, polite; antonym (adj) rude. galaxie galaxy; synonyms (n) constellation, beetleweed, bevy, cosmos, galax, bunch, coltsfoot, (adj) array, army, sea. galenit galena; synonyms (n) galenite, theriaca. galerie gallery (chodba); synonyms (n) balcony, audience, drift, veranda, circle, porch, terrace, verandah, auditorium, auditory. galoše 1. galosh; synonyms (n) golosh, rubber, arctic, caoutchouc, condom, gumshoe, hawkshaw, prophylactic, safe, safety, 2. golosh; synonym (n) galosh.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
galvanický galvanic; synonyms (adj) electric, hasty,
geneze genesis; synonyms (n) beginning, ancestry,
hurried, restless, electrical, driving, excitable, galvanising, galvanizing, mercurial. galvanismus galvanism; synonyms (n) electricity, infection, inspiration, piquancy, provocation, stimulation, suscitation, piquance, (adj) gravity, magnetism. galvanizace galvanization; synonyms (n) zincing, galvanisation, exhilaration, zincification. galvanizovat galvanize; synonyms (v) electrify, galvanise, stimulate, encourage, fire, zinc, excite, energize, shock, enliven. gama gamma; synonym (n) contrast. gardista guardsman; synonyms (n) guards, soldier. garnát shrimp; synonyms (n) prawn, runt, dwarf, (adj) midge, animalcule, emmet, fly, gnat, insect, mite. garnýž pelmet; synonyms (n) valance, cornice. gáza gauze; synonyms (n) film, bandage, blind, curtain, mantle, mask, daze, screen, shutter, veiling. gazela gazelle; synonyms (n) gazel, (adj) antelope, courser, eagle, chickaree, chipmunk, doe, greyhound, hackee, hare. gejzír geyser; synonyms (n) fountain, cloud, fog, haze, mist, spring, steam, vapor, well, (v) waterspout. gen gene; synonyms (n) chromosome, cistron. genealogie genealogy; synonyms (n) ancestry, descent, pedigree, birth, lineage, derivation, (v) family, kindred. generace generation (pokolení); synonyms (n) age, creation, epoch, era, genesis, contemporaries, formation, offspring, period, time. generál general (generální, všeobecný); synonyms (adj) common, comprehensive, national, universal, broad, commonplace, (n) chief, commander, (v) customary, frequent; antonyms (adj) specific, individual, narrow, (n) particular. generální general (generál, všeobecný); synonyms (adj) common, comprehensive, national, universal, broad, commonplace, (n) chief, commander, (v) customary, frequent; antonyms (adj) specific, individual, narrow, (n) particular. generátor generator; synonyms (n) author, creator, founder, boiler, originator, producer, source, father. generovat generate (vytvářet); synonyms (v) breed, develop, bear, beget, cause, engender, get, provoke, create, father. genetický genetic; synonyms (adj) hereditary, genetical, genic, familial, patrimonial, ancestral, biological, (v) genital, formative, genial. genetika genetics; synonyms (n) heredity, inheritance, anatomy, botany, evolution.
birth, origin, descent, cause, commencement, generation, creation, dawn; antonym (n) end. genitiv genitive; synonyms (adj) possessive, sexual. génius genius; synonyms (n) capacity, ability, flair, faculty, brain, gift, prodigy, bent, aptitude, (adj) endowment; antonym (n) stupidity. genocida genocide; synonym (n) massacre. geologický geological; synonyms (adj) geologic, biological, ecological, environmental, geognostical, geographical, physical. geologie geology; synonyms (n) formation, mineralogy, geoscopy, constitution, establishment, organisation, organization, shaping. geometr geometer; synonyms (n) geometrician, mathematician, spanworm, geometrid, (v) statistician. geometrický geometric; synonyms (adj) geometrical, arithmetic, arithmetical, mathematical, numerical, algebraic, statistical. geometrie geometry; synonyms (v) algebra, analysis, arithmetic, hypsometry, stereometry. gepard cheetah; synonyms (n) chetah, leopard, cat, marble, nacre, ocelot, opal, ophite, zebra. geriatrie geriatrics; synonyms (n) gerontology, (adj) nostology. gerontologie gerontology; synonym (n) geriatrics. gestikulace gesticulation; synonyms (n) gesture, motion, sign, signal, wave, movement, act, action, activity, agency. gestikulovat gesticulate; synonyms (v) gesture, motion, wave, beckon, sign, signal. gesto gesture; synonyms (n) signal, gesticulation, indication, movement, (v) sign, beckon, gesticulate, motion, wave. gilotina guillotine; synonyms (n) ax, block, (v) behead, decapitate, cut, execute, kill, murder. girlanda garland; synonyms (n) crown, anthology, coronal, wreath, festoon, bouquet, chaplet, decoration, ornament, (v) award. glazura glaze; synonyms (n) shine, coating, sheen, enamel, glazing, finish, gloss, (v) burnish, glass, coat. globální global; synonyms (adj) general, international, overall, cosmopolitan, universal, worldwide, comprehensive, earthly, ecumenical, total; antonyms (adj) local, national. glóbus globe (koule); synonyms (n) ball, world, orb, sphere, circle, eyeball, planet, round. glosa gloss; synonyms (n) burnish, annotation, brightness, shine, finish, (v) glaze, comment, annotate, veneer, color; antonym (n) dullness. glosář glossary; synonyms (n) dictionary, gloss, lexicon, vocabulary, annotation, burnish, clavis, glossology, idioticon, glossiness.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English glukóza glucose; synonyms (n) caramel, damson. glycerín glycerine; synonyms (n) glycerin, glycerol, (v) grease, oil. gnosticismus gnosticism; synonyms (n) gentilism, hylotheism. gnostický gnostic; synonyms (adj) heretical, discerning, gymnosophist, magi, perceptive, sagacious, shrewd, wise. gól goal (cíl); synonyms (n) aim, butt, design, destination, end, purpose, basket, ambition, intent, intention. gorila gorilla; synonyms (n) bloodsucker, ghoul, monkey, vulture, assassin, chimp, chimpanzee, ogre, (adj) burly, muscular. gotický gothic (gotika); synonyms (adj) medieval, mediaeval, doggerel, outlandish, rude, tramontane, unclassical, chivalric, primitive, quaint. gotika gothic (gotický); synonyms (adj) medieval, mediaeval, doggerel, outlandish, rude, tramontane, unclassical, chivalric, primitive, quaint. grácie grace; synonyms (n) elegance, favor, clemency, (v) bedeck, adorn, deck, garnish, beautify, decorate, embellish. gradace gradation; synonyms (n) grade, degree, ablaut, scale, progression, graduation, level, step, tier, form. graf graph; synonyms (n) figure, diagram, plan, drawing, illustration, map, table, (v) chart. grafika graphics; synonyms (n) drawing, art, artwork, artistry, scan, tracing, prowess, televideo. grafit 1. graphite (tuha); synonym (n) plumbago, 2. plumbago (tuha); synonyms (n) graphite, leadwort. gram gramme; synonyms (n) gram, gm, g, chiliad, gee, gigabyte, grand, m, thou, thousand. gramatik grammarian; synonym (n) syntactician. gramatika grammar (mluvnice); synonyms (n) rudiments, elements, praxis, punctuation, outlines, (v) initiation. gramofon 1. gramophone; synonyms (n) turntable, (v) phonograph, megaphone, phonorganon, 2. phonograph; synonym (n) gramophone. gramorádio radiogram; synonyms (n) radiograph, shadowgraph, radiotelegram, telegram, skiagram, skiagraph. gramotnost literacy; synonyms (n) education, scholarship, enlightenment, erudition, articulacy, articulateness, background, learning, proficiency, refinement; antonym (n) illiteracy. granát 1. grenade; synonyms (n) bomb, brickbat, bullet, rocket, ammunition, explosive, slug, stone, 2. garnet; synonyms (n) opal, peridot, allochroite, granate, red, tourmaline, (adj) claret.
granulovat granulate; synonyms (v) grain, triturate, comminute, grind, powder, corn, levigate, crumble, pound, crush. gratulovat congratulate; synonyms (v) compliment, felicitate, preen, pride, celebrate, applaud, joy, commemorate, salute, admire. gravitace gravitation; synonyms (n) attraction, gravity, graveness, habit, soberness, sobriety, solemnity, somberness. gril grill; synonyms (n) grid, grille, (v) fry, bake, broil, cook, examine, quiz, roast, burn. grimasa grimace (úšklebek); synonyms (n) frown, face, mop, sneer, smile, mouth, expression, (v) scowl, glower, cringe. grog toddy; synonyms (n) alcohol, (v) grog, wassail. groteskní 1. antic; synonyms (adj) grotesque, fantastic, fantastical, ludicrous, (n) clown, prank, jest, lark, joke, romp, 2. grotesque; synonyms (adj) bizarre, funny, antic, baroque, droll, strange, hideous, monstrous, ugly, weird. guláš goulash; synonyms (n) gulyas, hodgepodge, jumble, mixture, upset. guma 1. eraser, 2. rubber (brus); synonyms (n) caoutchouc, condom, eraser, galosh, overshoe, prophylactic, arctic, golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize, 3. gum; synonyms (n) gingiva, paste, mucilage, plaster, adhesive, (v) glue, cement, bond, bunko, chew. gumovitý gummy; synonyms (adj) adhesive, gluey, glutinous, viscous, gooey, sticky, thick, tenacious, mucilaginous, pasty. gurmán gourmand; synonyms (n) epicure, epicurean, glutton, gourmet, gastronome, trencherman. guturální guttural (hrdelní); synonyms (adj) croaky, gruff, hoarse, throaty, croaking, harsh, husky, (n) dental. guvernér governor; synonyms (n) director, chief, manager, regulator, administrator, controller, ruler, superintendent, leader, executive. gymnasta gymnast; synonyms (n) athlete, acrobat, gymnastic, pancratist, tumbler, entertainer. gymnastický gymnastic; synonyms (adj) athletic, acrobatic, gymnical, energetic, flexible, gymnastical, lithe, (v) palestric, herculean, (n) gymnast. gymnastika gymnastics; synonyms (n) aerobatics, bars, body-building, horse, trapeze, vaulting, workout, (v) gladiatorship. gynekolog gynaecologist; synonym (n) gynecologist. gynekologie gynaecology; synonym (n) gynecology.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
H had 1. snake; synonyms (n) ophidian, serpent, hydra, (v) meander, wind, twist, coil, creep, curl, sneak, 2. serpent; synonyms (n) snake, viper, reptile, bassoon, contrafagotto, hautboy, oboe, (v) goose. hádání guesswork; synonyms (n) guess, conjecture, theory, assumption, shot, speculation, supposition, surmise, suspicion, guessing; antonym (n) fact. hádanka 1. conundrum; synonyms (n) enigma, riddle, puzzle, mystery, problem, brainteaser, 2. puzzle; synonyms (n) maze, (v) bewilder, perplex, nonplus, baffle, confound, mystify, (adj) confuse, embarrass, pose; antonym (v) enlighten, 3. riddle (řešeto); synonyms (n) conundrum, screen, poser, sieve, cribble, strainer, (v) puncture, filter, sift, strain. hádat guess; synonyms (v) conjecture, surmise, forecast, believe, deem, divine, reckon, suppose, (n) estimate, assumption. hadice hose; synonyms (n) stocking, pipe, tights, hosepipe, hosiery, (v) water, wash. hádka 1. altercation; synonyms (n) dispute, quarrel, affray, scrap, squabble, argument, brawl, contention, contest, controversy, 2. argument; synonyms (n) debate, matter, proof, reason, hassle, altercation, arguing, clash, difference, disagreement; antonyms (n) agreement, harmony, 3. brawl (hádat se); synonyms (n) fight, disturbance, strife, broil, (v) wrangle, row, bicker, altercate, conflict, (adj) tumult. hadovitý snaky; synonyms (adj) serpentine, sinuous, curved, meandering, twisting, tortuous, zigzag, crooked, disloyal, (v) circling. hadr rag; synonyms (n) newspaper, tabloid, (v) banter, bedevil, tease, chaff, badger, bait, kid, (adj) shred. hadry stuff (materiál); synonyms (n) material, cloth, force, gear, matter, (v) cram, fill, jam, pack, pad; antonym (v) unstuff. háj grove; synonyms (n) copse, forest, coppice, orchard, thicket, wood, gardens, residences, park, bottom. hájit defend (chránit, obhajovat); synonyms (v) cover, guard, assert, justify, protect, advocate, champion, maintain, shield, support; antonyms (v) attack, prosecute. hajný gamekeeper; synonym (n) warden. hák hook; synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw, crotchet, draw, lure, (v) catch, bend, fasten, hitch. hala hall (sál); synonyms (n) corridor, foyer, lobby, mansion, vestibule, auditorium, anteroom, court, castle, (v) passage.
halapartna halberd; synonyms (n) gisarme, tomahawk. halapartník halberdier; synonym (n) lancer. halena smock; synonyms (n) duster, shirt, gaberdine, dress, dustcloth, dustrag, gabardine, smicket, pinafore. halenka blouse (blůza); synonyms (n) shirtwaist, shirt, top, coat, frock, smock, chemise, tunic, gown, habit. halucinace hallucination; synonyms (n) illusion, dream, apparition, vision, fantasy, phantom, aberration, delirium, mirage, (adj) delusion.
hanba 1. disgrace (nemilost, ostuda, potupa); synonyms (n) shame, blemish, stain, degradation, reproach, (v) dishonor, discredit, degrade, blot, debase; antonyms (v) honor, respect, credit, esteem, 2. ignominy (potupa); synonyms (n) disgrace, humiliation, odium, contempt, disrepute, infamy, scandal, disparagement, (adj) obloquy, opprobrium, 3. dishonour (zneuctít); synonyms (v) attaint, desecrate, outrage, rape, violate, 4. shame (ostuda, stud, zahanbit); synonyms (n) chagrin, insult, modesty, pity, embarrassment, humble, ignominy, mortification, (v) humiliate, abash. handicapovat handicap (znevýhodnit); synonyms (n) drawback, balk, hurdle, barrier, deterrent, disability, disablement, (v) block, hamper, embarrass; antonyms (v) advantage, benefit. hanebný nefarious; synonyms (adj) evil, heinous, bad, wicked, criminal, atrocious, impious, infamous, iniquitous, vile. hangár 1. hangar; synonyms (n) airdock, shed, airport, base, 2. shed; synonyms (v) cast, discard, drop, moult, scatter, exuviate, molt, (n) hut, shack, cabin. hanlivý 1. abusive; synonyms (adj) insulting, offensive, scurrilous, foul, insolent, opprobrious, rude, slanderous, harsh, (v) reproachful, 2. vituperative; synonyms (adj) abusive, scathing, (v) objurgatory, clamorous, condemnatory, damnatory, denunciatory, disparaging, 3. opprobrious; synonyms (adj) disgraceful, dishonorable, infamous, disreputable, black, ignominious, inglorious, scandalous, shameful, contemptuous. hanobení 1. defamation (pomluva); synonyms (n) aspersion, calumny, libel, scandal, slander, vilification, abuse, backbiting, denigration, detraction, 2. aspersion; synonyms (n) defamation, disparagement, slur, derogation, insult, obloquy, sprinkling. hanobit defame; synonyms (v) libel, malign, slander, vilify, calumniate, denigrate, smear, blacken, (adj) asperse, (n) disgrace; antonym (v) praise.
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Czech - English
hanopis libel; synonyms (n) slander, aspersion,
havarovat crash (pád, srážka); synonyms (n) clash,
defamation, denigration, (v) insult, denigrate, asperse, calumniate, defame, lampoon. hantýrka 1. argot; synonyms (n) cant, jargon, lingo, slang, vernacular, dialect, idiom, language, 2. jargon (slang, žargon); synonyms (n) gibberish, argot, babble, nonsense, patois, talk, speech, (adj) palaver, (v) jabber, 3. slang; synonyms (v) befool, cod, dupe, fool, gull, 4. parlance; synonyms (n) locution, diction, tongue. haraburdí junk; synonyms (n) debris, rubbish, scrap, heroin, horse, refuse, (v) trash, dump, discard, (adj) litter. harfa harp; synonyms (n) harmonica, constellation, (v) dwell, belong, brood, consist, domicile, domiciliate, inhabit, lie. harmonický 1. harmonious; synonyms (adj) congruous, congenial, consonant, musical, amicable, peaceful, consistent, gentle, compatible, friendly; antonyms (adj) discordant, dissonant, harsh, 2. harmonic; synonyms (adj) harmonious, harmonical, sympathetic, concordant, accordant, agreeable, melodious, appealing, charitable, conformable. harmonie harmony (soulad); synonyms (n) accord, conformity, consonance, agreement, concord, correspondence, accordance, congruity, (v) concert, peace; antonyms (n) dissonance, discord, argument, conflict, disagreement. harmonika 1. harmonica; synonyms (n) rattle, harp, 2. accordion; synonym (adj) plicate. harpuna harpoon (harpunovat); synonyms (n) dart, javelin, lance, spear, striker, arrow, bolt, boomerang, jereed, jerid. harpunovat harpoon (harpuna); synonyms (n) dart, javelin, lance, spear, striker, arrow, bolt, boomerang, jereed, jerid. harpyje harpy; synonyms (n) fury, mosstrooper, shark, siren, thug, (adj) bashaw, despot, disciplinarian, extortioner, churl. hašé hash (sekané maso); synonyms (n) mess, muddle, muss, hashish, (v) chop, mangle, mash, hackle, mince, discind. hašiš hashish; synonyms (n) bhang, hash, hasheesh, banewort, ganja.
collision, smash, clank, clatter, (v) bang, collapse, break, clang, crack. havíř pitman; synonym (n) collier. havran rook (věž); synonyms (n) castle, (v) con, defraud, bilk, cheat, diddle, fleece, gyp, nobble, swindle. hazardní 1. hazardous; synonyms (adj) dangerous, risky, perilous, unsafe, critical, chancy, dicey, insecure, (n) daring, adventurous; antonym (adj) safe, 2. venturous; synonyms (adj) venturesome, audacious, hazardous, bold, fearless, foolhardy, rash, reckless. házet throw (hodit, vrhat); synonyms (v) cast, fling, shed, hurl, chuck, flip, heave, (n) pitch, push, shot. hbitost 1. agility; synonyms (n) nimbleness, lightness, quickness, adroitness, activity, deftness, legerdemain, liveliness, rapidity, speed; antonym (n) clumsiness, 2. alacrity; synonyms (n) agility, promptness, briskness, celerity, expedition, haste, readiness, swiftness, (adj) life, promptitude; antonym (n) slowness. hbitý 1. agile (agilní); synonyms (adj) active, nimble, adroit, quick, spry, deft, lively, brisk, lithe, sprightly; antonym (adj) clumsy, 2. nimble (mrštný); synonyms (adj) agile, alert, clever, energetic, expeditious, lissome, fleet, dapper, diligent, (v) light. hebký 1. downy (ochmýřený); synonyms (adj) fluffy, flossy, fuzzy, soft, hairy, fleecy, furry, nappy, (v) flaccid, flocculent; antonym (adj) rough, 2. soft (měkký); synonyms (adj) gentle, easy, light, limp, balmy, delicate, quiet, slack, (v) feeble, low; antonyms (adj) hard, firm, harsh, loud, hoarse, solid, stiff, alcoholic, shrill, strong. hedvábí silk (hedvábný); synonyms (adj) silky, down, velure, velvet. hedvábný 1. silky; synonyms (adj) silken, sleek, glossy, satiny, smooth, soft, delicate, fine, downy, fluffy; antonym (adj) rough, 2. silken; synonyms (adj) silky, satin, shiny, slick, 3. silk (hedvábí); synonyms (adj) down, velure, velvet. hejno 1. flock; synonyms (n) bunch, crowd, cluster, band, bevy, congregation, covey, gang, (v) assemble, (adj) swarm, 2. bevy (houf); synonyms (n) horde, party, flock, group, array, crew, company, herd, set, (adj) shoal, 3. covey; synonyms (n) school, (adj) drove, flight, 4. gaggle; synonyms (n) throng, multitude, (v) guggle, honk, 5. drove; synonyms (n) mob, host, legion, pack, troop, (adj) cloud, 6. swarm (hemžit se, roj, rojit se); synonyms (n) assembly, gathering, mass, (v) pour, teem, abound, stream, infest, gather, overrun, 7. shoal; synonyms (n) shallow, shelf, bar, (adj) superficial, reefy, shelfy, shelvy.
hašteřivý 1. cantankerous (nevrlý, svárlivý); synonyms (adj) irascible, cranky, cross, crotchety, grumpy, irritable, moody, morose, peevish, quarrelsome; antonyms (adj) good-humored, goodnatured, 2. quarrelsome; synonyms (adj) argumentative, pugnacious, belligerent, contentious, combative, aggressive, cantankerous, disputatious, currish, (v) fretful; antonym (adj) peaceable.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
hejsek toff; synonyms (n) nob, fop. hektický hectic; synonyms (adj) feverish, frantic, frenzied, agitated, busy, hurried, exciting, (n) fever; antonyms (adj) calm, idle. hektograf hectograph; synonyms (n) heliotype, chromograph, hektograph. helikoptéra helicopter (vrtulník); synonyms (n) chopper, whirlybird, eggbeater, airliner, airplane, chop, cleaver, eggwhisk, jet, plane. heliograf heliograph; synonyms (n) beacon, (v) holograph, photograph. hélium helium; synonym (n) he. helma helmet (přilba); synonyms (n) casque, helm, hood, cowl, hat, (v) headpiece, pickelhaube, armor, aegis, apron. heraldický heraldic; synonym (adj) heraldist. heraldika heraldry; synonyms (n) arms, brand. herbicid herbicide; synonym (n) weedkiller. herda sock (ponožka); synonyms (n) hit, hose, (v) smash, knock, smack, punch, wallop, whack, bat, bash. herec 1. actor; synonyms (n) doer, player, agent, comedian, thespian, artist, artiste, entertainer, histrion, (v) performer, 2. player; synonyms (n) musician, actor, participant, contestant, instrumentalist, competitor, athlete, entrant. heřmánek camomile; synonym (n) chamomile. heslo 1. password; synonyms (n) countersign, catchword, parole, watchword, word, signal, bible, countersignature, discussion, (v) key, 2. motto; synonyms (n) cry, adage, epigraph, maxim, slogan, device, aphorism, axiom, catchphrase, proverb, 3. watchword (slogan); synonyms (n) password, motto, 4. slogan; synonyms (n) shibboleth, byword, expression, saying, (v) bugle, clarion, pibroch. heuristický heuristic; synonym (adj) inquiring. hexametr hexameter; synonym (n) pentameter. hezky nicely; synonyms (adv) well, gently, agreeably, exactly, pleasantly, pleasingly, subtly, correctly, daintily, delicately; antonym (adv) unpleasantly. hezký 1. nice (milý, pěkný); synonyms (adj) beautiful, dainty, fastidious, fine, good, kind, lovely, neat, likable, delicious; antonyms (adj) unpleasant, horrible, 2. attractive (přitažlivý); synonyms (adj) alluring, amiable, appealing, charming, engaging, good-looking, tempting, adorable, delightful, enchanting; antonyms (adj) unattractive, ugly, unappealing, disgusting, repellent, revolting, repulsive, straight, 3. handsome; synonyms (adj) elegant, fair, generous, attractive, bountiful, comely, bonny, big, bounteous, exquisite, 4. pretty; synonyms (adv) very, fairly, jolly, quite, (adj) graceful, handsome, picturesque, cute, pleasing, (n) nice.
hierarchický hierarchical; synonyms (adj) hierarchal, hierarchic, archiepiscopal. hierarchie hierarchy; synonyms (n) order, rank, class, apparatus, executive, hagiocracy, hierocracy, scale, ladder, ranking. hieroglyf hieroglyph; synonyms (n) hieroglyphic, character. histologie histology; synonyms (n) anatomy, histiology. historický 1. historic; synonyms (adj) important, momentous, historical, monumental, significant, past, traditional, aged, ancient, auspicious; antonym (adj) insignificant, 2. historical; synonyms (adj) historic, diachronic, chronological, genetic, historial, local, narrative, storial, actual, archival. historie history; synonyms (n) account, chronicle, story, annals, background, narrative, record, explanation, yesteryear, (v) tale; antonym (n) present. historik historian; synonyms (n) chronicler, historiographer, historier, storier. hlad hunger; synonyms (n) desire, thirst, appetite, craving, wish, itch, eagerness, (v) crave, want, ache; antonym (n) moderation. hladit fondle; synonyms (v) caress, dandle, pet, cuddle, stroke, cherish, pamper, pat, lick, touch. hladký 1. smooth; synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, (v) quiet, facilitate; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling, 2. unruffled; synonyms (adj) composed, still, tranquil, cool, peaceful, placid, serene, undisturbed, collected, sedate; antonym (adj) agitated. hladomor famine; synonyms (n) dearth, scarcity, deficiency, deficit, drought, hunger, shortage, starvation, poverty, lack. hladový 1. hungry; synonyms (adj) avid, eager, esurient, famished, greedy, ravenous, starving, desirous, meager, (v) craving; antonyms (adj) full, sated, satiated, 2. greedy (chamtivý, chtivý, hltavý, hrabivý, lačný, nenasytný); synonyms (adj) gluttonous, covetous, acquisitive, glutton, grasping, piggish, grabby, hungry, insatiable, (v) avaricious; antonym (adj) generous. hlahol peal (rachot); synonyms (n) ding, clang, noise, dingdong, (v) ring, chime, knell, toll, bang, (adj) swell. hlas 1. voice (vyjádřit); synonyms (n) speech, sound, (v) enunciate, express, pronounce, say, speak, utter, vocalize, articulate, 2. vote (hlasování); synonyms (n) ballot, election, poll, suffrage, franchise, voting, choice, balloting, (v) voice, elect.
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Czech - English hlasatel herald; synonyms (n) forerunner, harbinger, courier, (v) declare, announce, foretell, bode, augur, proclaim, acclaim.
hlásit report (přednést, referovat, zpráva); synonyms (n) description, gossip, notice, name, fame, message, narration, (v) account, describe, communicate; antonym (n) fact.
hlasitost volume (kapacita, objem, obsah, svazek); synonyms (n) bulk, size, book, magnitude, mass, quantity, dimension, amount, capacity, intensity; antonym (n) quietness. hlasitý loud (křiklavý, nápadný); synonyms (adj) flashy, garish, gaudy, blatant, boisterous, brassy, forte, high, brazen, jazzy; antonyms (adj) soft, gentle, quiet, tasteful, low, subdued, subtle. hláskovat spell (kouzlo, období); synonyms (n) magic, fascination, bout, conjuration, incantation, period, sorcery, enchantment, turn, (v) charm. hlasování 1. vote (hlas); synonyms (n) ballot, election, poll, suffrage, franchise, voting, choice, balloting, (v) voice, elect, 2. poll; synonyms (n) head, vote, crown, pate, (v) canvass, parrot, pollard, canvas, list, muster. hlasový vocal; synonyms (adj) oral, spoken, unwritten, outspoken, sonant, sonorous, vowel, eloquent, instrumental, sung; antonym (adj) quiet. hlava head (vedoucí); synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, point, boss, foam, froth, (v) capital, direct, lead; antonyms (n) end, subordinate, (v) follow. hlavní 1. main; synonyms (adj) chief, grand, great, head, leading, essential, principal, basic, capital, (n) cardinal; antonyms (adj) minor, auxiliary, secondary, supplementary, 2. cardinal (kardinál, základní); synonyms (adj) central, fundamental, main, paramount, vital, radical, key, primal, primary, prime, 3. essential (nezbytný, podstatný, základní); synonyms (adj) necessary, crucial, important, inherent, requisite, constituent, elementary, natural, (n) necessity, (v) imperative; antonyms (n) inessential, optional, option, unimportant, peripheral, luxury, 4. chief (předák, šéf); synonyms (adj) arch, first, sovereign, (n) administrator, boss, captain, executive, leader, superior, top; antonym (adj) associate. hledání 1. search (hledat); synonyms (n) hunt, pursuit, examination, exploration, inquire, inquiry, inspection, (v) grope, ransack, rummage, 2. quest; synonyms (n) investigation, chase, expedition, inquest, research, (v) search, probe, explore, demand, ask. hledat search (hledání); synonyms (n) hunt, pursuit, examination, exploration, inquire, inquiry, inspection, (v) grope, ransack, rummage. hledí visor; synonyms (n) mask, eyeshade, peak, vizor, bill, screen, shade, account, acme, apex.
hledisko 1. aspect (aspekt, poloha, stránka, vzhled); synonyms (n) appearance, look, surface, bearing, expression, manner, prospect, side, view, air, 2. standpoint (stanovisko); synonyms (n) stand, angle, outlook, position, viewpoint, attitude, perspective, slant, footing, notion, 3. viewpoint (stanovisko); synonyms (n) standpoint, opinion, idea, stance, light, philosophy. hlemýžď snail (šnek); synonyms (n) escargot, dodman, hodmandod, testudo, (v) sluggard, lingerer, loiterer, tortoise. hlen 1. phlegm; synonyms (n) apathy, impassiveness, impassivity, indifference, lethargy, inactivity, languor, sluggishness, sputum, (adj) mucus, 2. slime (sliz); synonyms (n) ooze, gook, muck, sludge, goo, gunk, filth, (adj) mire, mud, silt. hlídka 1. guard (stráž, střežit); synonyms (n) defend, defense, bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection, watchman, custody, (v) shield, 2.
watch (hodinky, pozorovat, sledovat, stráž); synonyms (v) observe, clock, look, see, regard, (n) guard, view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance, 3. patrol; synonyms (n) beat, patrolman, scout, spy, detachment, force, (v) watch, prowl, 4. sentry; synonyms (n) lookout, picket. hlína 1. loam; synonyms (n) clay, dirt, soil, land, glebe, ground, 2. clay (jíl); synonyms (n) remains, pottery, dust, loam, mud, ashes, cadaver, (adj) earthen. hliník aluminium; synonym (n) aluminum. hlíst helminth (cizopasný červ); synonyms (n) worm, mildew, moth, rust. hlíza 1. abscess (absces); synonyms (n) blister, boil, gathering, pustule, growth, swelling, aposteme, blemish, (adj) sore, ulcer, 2. bulb (cibulka, žárovka); synonyms (n) knob, lightbulb, corm, nodule, apophysis, condyle, elbow, eyeball, (adj) globule, drop. hlodavec rodent; synonyms (n) gnawer, (v) biting, corroding. hloh hawthorn; synonym (n) haythorn. hloubka depth (hlubina); synonyms (n) abyss, deepness, profoundness, intensity, profundity, abstruseness, wisdom, breadth, extent, height. hloupý 1. fatuous; synonyms (adj) asinine, foolish, inane, empty, idiotic, imbecile, mindless, senseless, silly, simple, 2. silly (pošetilý); synonyms (adj) absurd, ridiculous, childish, fatuous, fool, frivolous, irrational, preposterous, unreasonable, crazy; antonyms (adj) sensible, mature, wise. hlt swallow (polykat, vlaštovka); synonyms (v) eat, bolt, gulp, consume, devour, accept, absorb, bear, endure, (n) drink; antonym (v) regurgitate. hltan 1. pharynx; synonym (n) throat, 2. gullet (jícen); synonyms (n) esophagus, gorge, mouth,
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Czech - English
muzzle, oesophagus, orifice, nozzle, wizen, (v) gill, rillet. hltat raven; synonyms (adj) black, jet, (n) crow, plunder, (v) prey, devour, feed, gulp, guttle, gorge. hltavost greed (lakota); synonyms (n) cupidity, covetousness, avariciousness, desire, appetite, gluttony, hunger, insatiability, lust, (adj) avarice; antonyms (n) generosity, moderation.
hltavý 1. gluttonous (nenasytný, žravý); synonyms (adj) voracious, greedy, insatiable, ravenous, avid, edacious, hoggish, 2. greedy
(chamtivý, chtivý, hladový, hrabivý, lačný, nenasytný); synonyms (adj) eager, gluttonous, covetous, desirous, acquisitive, glutton, grasping, piggish, esurient, (v) avaricious; antonym (adj) generous. hltoun glutton (nenasyta, žrout); synonyms (n) epicure, wolverine, gormandizer, gourmand, trencherman, guttler, carcajou, beast, epicurean, gulch. hlubina 1. depth (hloubka); synonyms (n) abyss, deepness, profoundness, intensity, profundity, abstruseness, wisdom, breadth, extent, height, 2. deep (hluboký); synonyms (adj) thick, profound, absorbed, abstruse, broad, dark, rich, sound, strong, (v) intense; antonyms (adj) shallow, superficial, high, high-pitched, light, soft, weak. hluboce deeply; synonyms (adv) deep, profoundly, very, highly, thickly, badly, completely, fast, greatly, intensely; antonym (adv) superficially. hluboký 1. deep (hlubina); synonyms (adj) thick, profound, absorbed, abstruse, broad, dark, rich, sound, strong, (v) intense; antonyms (adj) shallow, superficial, high, high-pitched, light, soft, weak, 2. profound; synonyms (adj) deep, heavy, bottomless, important, solid, grave, obscure, utter, abysmal, (n) impressive; antonym (adj) trivial. hluchota deafness; synonym (n) surdity. hluchý deaf; synonyms (adj) earless, blind, indifferent, unhearing, aspirated, atonic, deve, inattentive, oblivious, (v) deafen; antonym (adj) hearing. hlučný noisy (rámusivý); synonyms (adj) disorderly, boisterous, clamorous, loud, vociferous, blatant, rowdy, shrill, strident, tumultuous; antonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful, silent, calm, tranquil.
hluk 1. noise (lomoz, rámus, šum, zvuk); synonyms (n) clatter, clamor, hubbub, racket, sound, din, disturbance, echo, uproar, buzz; antonyms (n) silence, quiet, 2. ado; synonyms (n) fuss, stir, bother, commotion, excitement, flurry, difficulty, hustle, (adj) bustle, imbroglio, 3. din (hřmot); synonyms (n) clamour, crash, noise, tumult, blare, ruckus, jangle, pandemonium, (v) boom, roar; antonym (n) peace. hlupák 1. blockhead (tupec); synonyms (n) ass, dunderhead, beetlehead, dolt, dunce, fool, idiot,
loggerhead, bonehead, (v) block, 2. dolt; synonyms (n) blockhead, dummy, clod, dullard, dumbbell, moron, numskull, oaf, stupid, clown, 3. dunce; synonyms (n) booby, ignoramus, hammerhead, knucklehead, muttonhead. hmat touch (dotyk, dotýkat se); synonyms (n) feel, tinge, (v) affect, contact, hit, border, adjoin, strike, stroke, regard. hmatatelný tangible (hmotný); synonyms (adj) material, substantial, actual, concrete, real, palpable, perceptible, physical, evident, corporeal; antonym (adj) intangible.
hmota 1. material (látka, materiál, materiální); synonyms (n) body, cloth, matter, stuff, fabric, (adj) bodily, corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete, 2. matter; synonyms (n) event, affair, business, concern, issue, material, substance, incident, article, (v) case, 3. mass; synonyms (adj) block, (n) bulk, heap, crowd, cluster, pile, bunch, collection, lump, (v) flock. hmotný tangible (hmatatelný); synonyms (adj) material, substantial, actual, concrete, real, palpable, perceptible, physical, evident, corporeal; antonym (adj) intangible. hmyz 1. insect; synonyms (n) bug, worm, bird, fish, louse, (adj) animalcule, maggot, midge, minnow, shrimp, 2. bug (brouk, porucha); synonyms (n) beetle, disease, germ, (v) annoy, badger, pester, bother, harass, beleaguer, hassle. hnát propel; synonyms (v) drive, impel, launch, actuate, force, motivate, move, prompt, throw, carry. hnědý brown; synonyms (adj) chocolate, swarthy, tanned, (n) brunette, brownness, tan, (v) sear, cook, fry; antonym (adj) pale. hnida nit; synonyms (n) louse, bug, tick, mite. hnijící putrefactive; synonyms (v) putrid, putrefied, (adj) putrefacient, rancid. hniloba rot (hnít, tlení, tlít); synonyms (n) decay, corruption, drivel, (v) decompose, canker, corrupt, disintegrate, fester, molder, perish. hnis pus; synonyms (n) matter, purulence, suppuration, festering, ichor, affair, amount, body, business, concern. hnisat 1. ulcerate; synonyms (v) fester, chafe, corrode, exulcerate, fret, inflame, ulcer, 2. fester; synonyms (v) rot, boil, ferment, decay, decompose, molder, (adj) rankle, abscess, putrefy, sore, 3. suppurate; synonyms (v) maturate, cry, digest, moan, sob, wail, bawl, blubber, howl, mature. hníst knead; synonyms (v) mix, rub, form, fashion, massage, mould, shape, work, (adj) mash. hnít 1. putrefy; synonyms (v) decay, rot, decompose, fester, corrupt, perish, disintegrate, spoil, taint, crumble, 2. rot (hniloba, tlení, tlít); synonyms (n) corruption, drivel, nonsense, blight, bullshit,
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Czech - English decomposition, (v) canker, molder, languish, degenerate. hnízdit nest (hnízdo); synonyms (n) den, lair, hole, burrow, home, herd, (v) nestle, (adj) brood, hive, litter. hnízdo nest (hnízdit); synonyms (n) den, lair, hole, burrow, home, herd, (v) nestle, (adj) brood, hive, litter. hnojit 1. fertilize; synonyms (v) impregnate, enrich, fecundate, feed, fertilise, fructify, cultivate, inseminate, 2. manure; synonyms (n) compost, dung, fertilizer, (v) fertilize, muck, soil, (adj) guano, 3. muck; synonyms (n) dirt, manure, filth, droppings, gook, grime, mud, ooze, sludge, (v) mire. hnojivo fertilizer; synonyms (n) dung, compost, manure, muck, droppings. hnus disgust (odpor); synonyms (n) antipathy, abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation, dislike, (v) sicken, nauseate, shock, distaste; antonyms (n) attraction, love, (v) delight, attract.
hnusný 1. disgusting (nechutný, odporný); synonyms (adj) abominable, detestable, disgustful, distasteful, execrable, foul, loathsome, nasty, odious, offensive; antonyms (adj) attractive, pleasant, appealing, 2. abominable (odporný, ohavný); synonyms (adj) hateful, abhorrent, awful, dreadful, contemptible, cursed, disgusting, hideous, horrible, (adv) beastly. hnutí movement (pohyb); synonyms (n) motion, move, action, activity, campaign, crusade, advancement, cause, drive, passage. hoblík plane (letadlo, plocha, rovina); synonyms (n) airplane, face, aeroplane, aircraft, (v) flatten, (adj) level, even, flat, horizontal, smooth. hoboj 1. oboe; synonyms (n) hautboy, hautbois, serpent, 2. hautboy; synonym (n) oboe. hoch boy (chlapec, kluk); synonyms (n) lad, fellow, kid, male, man, minor, servant, son, youngster, youth. hod cast (hodit, obsazení, vrhat); synonyms (v) hurl, throw, form, shed, stamp, fling, shape, chuck, (n) appearance, casting. hodina hour; synonyms (n) epoch, time, hr, moment, nonce, crisis, day, minute, lifetime, month. hodinář watchmaker; synonyms (n) horologer, horologist.
hodinky watch (hlídka, pozorovat, sledovat, stráž); synonyms (v) observe, clock, look, see, regard, (n) guard, view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance. hodinový hourly; synonyms (adj) horary, ephemeral, periodic, (adv) daily.
hodiny clock; synonyms (n) alarm, chronograph, knock, whack, punch, thump, (v) time, measure, stopwatch, attack. hodit 1. cast (hod, obsazení, vrhat); synonyms (v) hurl, throw, form, shed, stamp, fling, shape, chuck, (n) appearance, casting, 2. throw (házet, vrhat); synonyms (v) cast, flip, heave, pass, deliver, drop, give, (n) pitch, push, shot. hodlat intend (zamýšlet); synonyms (v) aim, design, destine, mean, determine, contemplate, denote, plan, purpose, consider. hodnost 1. degree (míra, stupeň); synonyms (n) class, extent, condition, level, order, place, rank, title, caliber, status, 2. rank (pořadí, řada); synonyms (n) range, file, gradation, line, degree, (v) arrange, classify, grade, position, array; antonym (adj) fresh. hodnostář dignitary; synonyms (n) notable, celebrity, dignity, grandee, officer, axiom, dean, figure, leader, luminary.
hodnota 1. value (cenit si, ocenit, ohodnotit); synonyms (n) merit, cost, appraise, importance, rate, (v) price, appreciate, assess, esteem, evaluate; antonyms (n) disadvantage, futility, uselessness, insignificance, 2. worth (cena); synonyms (n) value, virtue, excellence, dignity, quality, benefit, goodness, import, good, substance; antonym (n) worthlessness.
hodnotný valuable (cenný, drahocenný); synonyms (adj) costly, estimable, precious, beneficial, expensive, helpful, useful, worthy, admirable, important; antonyms (adj) worthless, useless. hodný good (dobře, dobrý, laskavý); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious, right, efficient, capable, excellent, fine, (n) benign, advantage; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad. hojivý 1. medicinal; synonyms (adj) curative, medical, medicative, healing, remedial, therapeutic, 2. sanative; synonyms (adj) sanatory, alterative. hojnost 1. affluence (nadbytek); synonyms (n) abundance, riches, wealth, fortune, ease, luxury, opulence, prosperity, richness, afflux; antonyms (n) poverty, shortage, 2. abundance (nadbytek); synonyms (n) amplitude, exuberance, plenitude, profusion, store, treasure, affluence, breadth, copiousness, (adj) plenty; antonyms (n) dearth, scarcity, aridity, insufficiency, lack. hojný 1. abundant; synonyms (adj) copious, generous, lush, luxuriant, thick, plenty, affluent, ample, fertile, fruitful; antonyms (adj) scarce, sparse, meager, 2. copious; synonyms (adj) abundant, bountiful, plentiful, plenteous, rich, much, diffuse, full, large, lavish; antonym (adj)
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Czech - English
small, 3. ample (bohatý, prostorný); synonyms (adj) big, broad, considerable, heavy, liberal, roomy, sizable, spacious, sufficient, voluminous; antonyms (adj) inadequate, insufficient, 4. plentiful; synonyms (adj) opulent, exuberant, abounding, extensive, bounteous, many, substantial, rife, handsome, numerous; antonym (adj) scanty. hokej hockey; synonyms (n) bandy, hookey, shindy, baseball, basketball, riot, row, shinney, soccer, spree.
hold obeisance (podrobení se, úcta, úklona); synonyms (n) bow, homage, curtsy, deference, bowing, reverence, obedience, (v) genuflection, genuflexion, kowtow. holení shaving; synonyms (v) shave, (adj) sliver, clipping, driblet, (n) chip, paring, cut, splinter, bit, grazing. holič barber; synonyms (n) hairdresser, foehn, khamsin, norther, vendaval, wuther, blizzard, tonsor, (v) shave, trim. holka girl (děvče, dívka); synonyms (n) damsel, lady, daughter, fille, lass, maid, wench, virgin, quean, female. holub 1. pigeon; synonyms (n) gull, gudgeon, cully, cull, gobemouche, victim, (v) dupe, bilk, mulct, 2. dove (holubice); synonyms (n) squab, culverin, dowve, peacenik, (adj) gray, innocent, lamb. holubice dove (holub); synonyms (n) squab, culverin, dowve, peacenik, (adj) gray, innocent, lamb. holý 1. bare (bosý, nahý, prázdný); synonyms (adj) naked, austere, bald, stark, bleak, desolate, devoid, exposed, (v) empty, show; antonyms (adj) covered, cultivated, ornate, concealed, (v) cover, 2. naked (bezbranný, nahý); synonyms (adj) bare, nude, open, barren, raw, unclothed, defenseless, defenceless, undraped, alone. homeopat homoeopath; synonym (n) homeopath. homonymum homonym; synonym (adj) homonymy. homosexuál homosexual; synonyms (adj) dykey, (n) gay, lesbian, homo, dyke, human, man, queen. hon hunt (lov); synonyms (n) search, (v) chase, course, follow, hound, forage, rummage, prey, dog, persecute. honák cowboy (kovboj); synonyms (n) cattleman, cowhand, cowherd, cowman, cowpoke, cowpuncher, gangster, puncher, (v) farrier, (adj) flyby-night. honit chase (štvát); synonyms (n) game, search, (v) hunt, pursue, expel, follow, stalk, track, trail, chamfer. hora mountain; synonyms (n) mount, heap, height, mass, peak, pile, stack, bundle, elevation, (v) mound; antonym (n) dip. hořák burner; synonyms (n) wick, fluxer.
hořčík magnesium; synonyms (n) mg, chalk, milligram. horda horde; synonyms (n) band, gang, crowd, crush, drove, mob, swarm, crew, cloud, company. hoře grief (bol, smutek, zármutek); synonyms (n) affliction, dolor, anguish, distress, agony, pain, regret, wound, chagrin, (adj) sore; antonyms (n) joy, happiness. horečka fever; synonyms (n) delirium, feverishness, frenzy, heat, pyrexia, febricity, excitement, restlessness, craze, enthusiasm. hořejší upper (vrchní); synonyms (adj) superior, higher, top, overhead, over, highest, (n) amphetamine, speed, stimulant; antonym (adj) inferior. hoření combustion (spalování); synonyms (n) burning, fire, burn, blaze, conflagration, (v) ambustion. hořet burn (popálit, propálit); synonyms (v) bite, glow, blaze, incinerate, scorch, sting, bake, beam, boil, (n) fire; antonym (v) dawdle. hořící burning (planoucí); synonyms (adj) ardent, ablaze, afire, blazing, boiling, flaming, hot, (n) combustion, firing, glowing; antonyms (adj) cold, cool, trivial. horizontální horizontal (vodorovný); synonyms (adj) even, flat, level, plane, straight, direct, prostrate, smooth; antonym (adj) vertical. horko heat (teplo, žár); synonyms (n) glow, fervor, summer, warmth, (v) bake, burn, anger, (adj) fever, excitement, passion; antonyms (n) cold, chill, (v) cool. horký hot; synonyms (adj) warm, ardent, boiling, burning, feverish, fiery, flaming, fresh, blistering, eager; antonyms (adj) mild, cool, cold, freezing, airy, bland, chilly. hořký bitter (trpký); synonyms (adj) acrimonious, biting, acrid, sharp, acerbic, acid, caustic, keen, malicious, resentful; antonyms (adj) mild, sweet, charitable, hot, kind, sugary. hořlavý inflammable (zápalný); synonyms (adj) combustible, flammable, burnable, ignitable, quicktempered, excitable, fiery, ignitible. horlivost 1. eagerness (dychtivost); synonyms (n) ardor, desire, aspiration, avidity, enthusiasm, cupidity, ambition, avidness, earnestness, (v) craving; antonyms (n) apathy, indifference, 2. assiduity (vytrvalost); synonyms (n) industry, application, assiduousness, attention, diligence, absorption, activity, concentration, continuation, compactness, 3. zeal (zápal); synonyms (n) eagerness, fervor, devotion, passion, vehemence, fire, fervency, heat, fervour, ardour. horlivý assiduous (pilný, vytrvalý); synonyms (adj) diligent, industrious, active, busy, careful,
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Czech - English painstaking, sedulous, thorough, devoted, conscientious; antonyms (adj) careless, lazy. hormon hormone; synonym (n) contraceptive. hornatý mountainous; synonyms (adj) colossal, gargantuan, alpine, giant, hilly, huge, enormous, large, rugged, cragged. horní overhead; synonyms (adj) upper, (adv) above, aloft, over, up, aloof, (n) expense. hornictví mining; synonyms (n) excavation, minelaying, digging, extraction, dig, removal, withdrawal. horník miner; synonyms (n) mineworker, sapper, excavator, groover. horolezec 1. alpinist, 2. mountaineer; synonyms (n) adventurer, excursionist, explorer, backpacker, hiker, mountainer, rustic, tourist, rambler, walker. horší worse; synonyms (adj) inferior, worser, impaired, junior, lesser, minor, poorer, subordinate, warre, waur; antonyms (adj) better, improved, healthier. hospoda pub (hostinec); synonyms (n) bar, pothouse, barroom, inn, saloon, taphouse, ginmill, lounge, drinkery, gashouse.
hospodaření economy (hospodárnost, hospodářství); synonyms (n) frugality, parsimony, saving, thrift, conservation, efficiency, husbandry, prudence, stinginess, (adj) system; antonym (n) extravagance.
hospodárnost economy (hospodaření, hospodářství); synonyms (n) frugality, parsimony, saving, thrift, conservation, efficiency, husbandry, prudence, stinginess, (adj) system; antonym (n) extravagance. hospodárný 1. economical (šetrný); synonyms (adj) cheap, economic, frugal, prudent, thrifty, careful, inexpensive, provident, sparing, cautious; antonyms (adj) expensive, extravagant, spendthrift, wasteful, 2. frugal (šetrný, skromný); synonyms (adj) economical, chary, abstemious, austere, moderate, parsimonious, slender, scarce, mean, (v) spare. hospodářský economic (ekonomický); synonyms (adj) commercial, financial, profitable, efficient, economical, fiscal, industrial, mercantile, pecuniary, trade. hospodářství 1. farm (farma, statek); synonyms (n) property, grange, dairy, estate, farmhouse, (v) cultivate, raise, grow, hire, plant, 2. economy (hospodaření, hospodárnost); synonyms (n) frugality, parsimony, saving, thrift, conservation, efficiency, husbandry, prudence, stinginess, (adj) system; antonym (n) extravagance. hospodyně housewife; synonyms (n) homemaker, wife, hussif, hussy, (v) housewive.
host 1. guest; synonyms (n) stranger, caller, alien, customer, visitor, foreigner, client, visitant, 2. visitor; synonyms (n) guest, company, tourist, traveler, inspector, sightseer, arrival, husband, supercargo. hosteska hostess (hostitelka); synonyms (n) stewardess, prostitute. hostie wafer (oplatka); synonyms (n) waffle, cement, glue, gum, paste, size, coke, chip. hostinec 1. inn; synonyms (n) hostel, hotel, hostelry, lodge, bar, house, lodging, pub, saloon, tavern, 2. pub (hospoda); synonyms (n) pothouse, barroom, inn, taphouse, ginmill, lounge, drinkery, gashouse. hostinská landlady; synonyms (n) owner, landlord, proprietor. hostinský innkeeper; synonyms (n) host, victualer, landlord, emcee, horde, innholder, legion, server. hostitel host; synonyms (n) crowd, army, flock, horde, mob, legion, troop, emcee, mass, multitude. hostitelka hostess (hosteska); synonyms (n) stewardess, prostitute. hoteliér hotelier; synonyms (n) hotelkeeper, hosteller, hotelman, landlord. hotovost cash (hotové peníze, peníze); synonyms (n) ready, bread, capital, change, funds, money, coin, coins, currency, (v) encash; antonym (n) credit. houba 1. mushroom; synonyms (n) fungus, parvenu, upstart, beige, gent, (v) expand, spread, burgeon, flourish, grow; antonym (v) decrease, 2. fungus; synonyms (n) rust, mushroom, growth, fungi, blight, caruncle, corn, furuncle, helminth, (adj) garlic, 3. sponge; synonyms (n) parasite, leech, sponger, (v) mop, cadge, scrounge, bum, mooch, soaker, (adj) wipe. houbovitý spongy (pórovitý); synonyms (adj) porous, soft, absorbent, fungous, soggy, squashy, yielding, permeable, (v) doughy; antonyms (adj) firm, hard, impermeable. houf bevy (hejno); synonyms (n) band, swarm, cluster, horde, party, bunch, gang, flock, group, array. houfnice howitzer; synonyms (n) mortar, cannon, gun, howitz, unicorn. housenka caterpillar; synonyms (n) cat, larva, worm, maggot, cocoon, nymph, nympha, orphan, pupa, staddle. houser gander; synonyms (n) drake, glance, glimpse, look, cock, hart, horse, stag, stallion, view. houska roll (rohlík, role, svitek); synonyms (n) list, revolution, catalogue, inventory, (v) coil, reel, curl, enfold, revolve, wheel. housle 1. violin; synonyms (n) fiddle, viol, kit, 2. fiddle (podfuk); synonyms (n) violin, fraud, (v) con, cheat, tamper, diddle, play, trick, defraud, meddle.
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Czech - English
houslista 1. fiddler; synonyms (n) violinist, fifer, trumpeter, harper, tinkerer, twiddler, 2. violinist; synonyms (n) fiddler, accompanist, accordionist, instrumentalist, organist, pianist. houževnatost tenacity (soudržnost); synonyms (n) perseverance, determination, persistence, resolution, doggedness, persistency, pertinacity, resolve, strength, (adj) obstinacy; antonym (n) compliance. houževnatý tenacious (soudržný); synonyms (adj) stubborn, adhesive, dogged, obstinate, firm, persistent, resolute, tough, (v) retentive, strong. hovado brute (bestie); synonyms (n) beast, barbarian, savage, creature, fiend, monster, (adj) animal, brutal, bear, (adv) beastly. hovězí beef; synonyms (n) gripe, grumble, moan, grouse, complaint, squawk, fuss, (v) complain, grouch, groan.
hovor 1. call (nazývat, volat, vyzvat, zavolat); synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name, shout, bid, summon, howl, address, (n) appeal, yell; antonym (v) dismiss, 2. conversation (konverzace, rozhovor); synonyms (n) chat, conference, talk, colloquy, communication, discourse, discussion, language, speech, talking, 3. talk (hovořit, mluvit); synonyms (v) gossip, converse, lecture, chatter, articulate, prattle, speak, (n) conversation, dialogue, palaver. hovořit 1. discuss (diskutovat); synonyms (v) argue, debate, agitate, consult, deliberate, canvass, discourse, dispute, mention, moot, 2. talk (hovor, mluvit); synonyms (v) gossip, converse, lecture, chatter, address, articulate, chat, prattle, speak, (n) language, 3. speak (mluvit, promluvit); synonyms (v) express, pronounce, deliver, say, utter, recite, talk, emit, mouth, state.
hovorný talkative (povídavý, tlachavý); synonyms (adj) loquacious, chatty, garrulous, gabby, verbose, gossipy, glib, communicative, talky, wordy; antonyms (adj) taciturn, reserved, mute, quiet, shy, silent. hovorový colloquial; synonyms (adj) conversational, informal, vernacular, common, fluent, natural, vulgar, dialectal, jive, popular; antonym (adj) formal. hra 1. game (utkání, zápas); synonyms (n) amusement, fun, entertainment, competition, contest, diversion, match, (adj) fearless, (v) bet, gamble, 2. play (hrát, hrát si); synonyms (v) act, pastime, enact, exercise, perform, joke, execute, (n) frolic, game, sport; antonym (v) work. hrabat rake; synonyms (n) profligate, debauchee, roue, slant, blood, (v) tilt, hoe, harrow, graze, (adj) comb.
hrabivý 1. greedy (chamtivý, chtivý, hladový, hltavý, lačný, nenasytný); synonyms (adj) eager,
avid, gluttonous, covetous, desirous, acquisitive, glutton, grasping, piggish, (v) avaricious; antonym (adj) generous, 2. avaricious (lakomý); synonyms (adj) greedy, miserly, sordid, grabby, parsimonious, penurious, (v) mercenary, extortionate, churlish, illiberal. hraboš vole; synonym (n) fieldmouse. hrabství 1. county (kraj); synonyms (n) region, state, area, district, shire, mofussil, constituency, kingdom, count, expanse, 2. shire; synonym (n) shier. hrách pea (hrášek); synonyms (n) pease, bead, coat, (adj) bulb, bullet, clew, drop, globule, green, marble. hračka 1. toy; synonyms (n) plaything, (adj) miniature, (v) play, coquet, dally, fiddle, flirt, sport, trifle, act, 2. plaything; synonyms (n) toy, amusement, knickknack, derision, device, dexterity, facility, gambler, knack, mock. hrad castle (zámek); synonyms (n) rook, citadel, fortification, fortress, castling, fort, keep, mansion, palace, stronghold. hřad roost; synonyms (n) perch, (v) lodge, rest, stay, abide, inhabit, settle, (adj) reside, dwell, live. hrana edge (kraj, lem, okraj, ostří); synonyms (n) boundary, margin, verge, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, (v) border, bound, hem; antonyms (n) center, (v) middle. hranatý 1. angular (kostnatý); synonyms (adj) angulate, bony, gaunt, lean, skinny, spare, scrawny, aquiline, bent, gangling; antonym (adj) rounded, 2. square (čtverec, náměstí); synonyms (adj) right, even, rectangular, fair, (n) area, foursquare, (v) settle, agree, correspond, (adv) just.
hranice 1. border (lemovat, obruba, okraj); synonyms (n) margin, brink, extremity, fringe, bed, boundary, (v) edge, verge, abut, adjoin; antonyms (n) middle, (v) center, 2. limit; synonyms (n) bound, (v) border, restrict, circumscribe, confine, curb, restrain, abridge, check, (prep) extent; antonyms (n) extension, minimum, (v) broaden, extend, 3. boundary (mez); synonyms (n) limit, area, end, perimeter, periphery, barrier, frontier, line, outskirts, rim, 4. frontier; synonyms (n) stint, backwoods, (adj) terminal. hranol prism; synonyms (n) pyramid, spectroscope, spectrograph, spectrometer. hrášek pea (hrách); synonyms (n) pease, bead, coat, (adj) bulb, bullet, clew, drop, globule, green, marble. hrát 1. play (hra, hrát si); synonyms (v) act, pastime, enact, exercise, perform, joke, (n) frolic, game, sport, bet; antonym (v) work, 2. perform (splnit, vykonat); synonyms (v) execute, accomplish, do, fulfill, achieve, complete, appear, behave, effect, make; antonym (v) neglect.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English hravý playful; synonyms (adj) jocular, frisky, humorous, impish, kittenish, mischievous, skittish, naughty, frivolous, frolicsome; antonyms (adj) serious, lethargic, solemn. hráz 1. dyke; synonyms (n) dam, ditch, channel, gutter, levee, trench, butch, (v) dike, (adj) lesbian, 2. dam (přehrada); synonyms (n) barrage, barricade, dyke, decameter, decametre, (v) block, prevent, bar, close, impede. hrb hump; synonyms (n) bump, bulge, hunch, bunch, gibbosity, knob, protuberance, swelling, (v) bang, bed; antonym (n) hollow. hrbatý humpbacked; synonyms (adj) crookback, gibbous, humped, hunchback, hunchbacked, crookbacked, deformed, gibbose, kyphotic. hřbet 1. back (dozadu, záda, zadní); synonyms (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, advocate, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee; antonyms (n) face, (v) front, oppose, advance, 2. ridge; synonyms (n) crest, ledge, bank, hill, shelf, dune, swelling, peak, projection, (v) crease. hřbitov 1. cemetery; synonyms (n) graveyard, churchyard, necropolis, charnel, catacomb, crypt, garden, headstone, mortuary, ossuary, 2. churchyard; synonyms (n) cemetery, cloisters, kirkyard, 3. graveyard; synonym (n) morgue. hrbolatý bumpy; synonyms (adj) rough, uneven, jagged, jolty, asymmetrical, bouncing, bouncy, coarse, crooked, eroded; antonym (adj) flat. hrdelní 1. guttural (guturální); synonyms (adj) croaky, gruff, hoarse, throaty, croaking, harsh, husky, (n) dental, 2. throaty; synonyms (adj) guttural, deep, thick, full, gravelly, gravely, rasping, rough, grating. hrdina hero (rek); synonyms (n) champion, character, leader, protector, worthy, protagonist, warrior, bomber, celebrity, combatant. hrdinka heroine; synonyms (n) hero, adventurer, champion, heroess, part, protagonist, role, angel, conqueror, demigod. hrdinství heroism; synonyms (n) gallantry, bravery, courage, valor, boldness, daring, chivalry, valiance, valiancy, (adj) prowess; antonym (n) cowardice. hrdlo throat (chřtán, jícen); synonyms (n) gullet, orifice, pharynx, gorge, mouth, muzzle, chimney, flue, funnel, nostril. hrdost pride (pýcha); synonyms (n) arrogance, boast, conceit, haughtiness, egotism, lordliness, vanity, assumption, insolence, (v) plume; antonyms (n) humility, modesty. hrdý proud (pyšný); synonyms (adj) arrogant, dignified, disdainful, haughty, lofty, exalted, conceited, egotistical, gallant, lordly; antonyms (adj) humble, modest, ashamed, embarrassed.
hřebec stallion; synonyms (n) entire, boar, buck, cock, dog, drake, gander, genet, hart, horse. hřeben 1. comb (hřebínek); synonyms (n) cockscomb, combing, crest, (v) brush, ransack, search, dress, groom, rake, scour, 2. crest (chochol); synonyms (n) apex, crown, peak, summit, top, brow, acme, pinnacle, (v) cap, climax. hřebík nail (nehet); synonyms (n) arrest, pin, (v) catch, apprehend, collar, hook, strike, capture, cop, (adj) tack. hřebínek comb (hřeben); synonyms (n) cockscomb, combing, crest, (v) brush, ransack, search, dress, groom, rake, scour. hřešit sin (hřích); synonyms (n) evil, fault, iniquity, crime, blunder, error, guilt, (v) offend, blame, err; antonyms (n) virtue, piety. hřib boletus; synonym (n) bolete. hřích sin (hřešit); synonyms (n) evil, fault, iniquity, crime, blunder, error, guilt, (v) offend, blame, err; antonyms (n) virtue, piety. hříšek peccadillo; synonyms (n) indiscretion, frailty, imperfection, lapse, misdeed, impropriety, injudiciousness, offense, sin, slip. hříšník sinner; synonyms (n) offender, criminal, culprit, miscreant, transgressor, trespasser, evildoer, rascal, villain, delinquent. hříšný 1. wicked; synonyms (adj) atrocious, bad, evil, sinful, vicious, depraved, immoral, mischievous, unholy, vile; antonyms (adj) good, innocent, kind, moral, pious, pure, 2. sinful; synonyms (adj) impious, wicked, iniquitous, ungodly, profane, criminal, unrighteous, wrong, pernicious, guilty; antonym (adj) virtuous. hřmot 1. din (hluk); synonyms (n) clamor, clamour, commotion, crash, noise, racket, tumult, blare, fuss, (v) boom; antonym (n) peace, 2. pother (rámus); synonyms (n) bustle, trouble, flurry, ado, (v) bother, flap, fret, plague, dither, (adj) bore. hrnec pot (konvice); synonyms (n) caldron, boiler, can, bucket, belly, cannabis, commode, (v) bottle, (adj) deal, marijuana. hrob 1. grave (vážný); synonyms (adj) austere, critical, serious, severe, solemn, earnest, bad, dangerous, (v) acute, engrave; antonyms (adj) mild, frivolous, funny, 2. tomb (hrobka); synonyms (n) grave, sepulchre, crypt, sepulcher, pit, sepulture, vault, monument, entomb, (v) bury. hrobka tomb (hrob); synonyms (n) grave, sepulchre, crypt, sepulcher, pit, sepulture, vault, monument, entomb, (v) bury. hrobník gravedigger; synonym (n) sexton. hroch hippopotamus; synonyms (n) hippo, pachyderm, zeekoe, rhinoceros, (adj) behemoth, cachalot, elephant, leviathan, porpoise, whale.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
hrom thunder; synonyms (n) boom, bang, roll, bellow, (v) roar, howl, rumble, (adj) peal, explode, detonate. hromada 1. heap; synonyms (n) pile, stack, accumulation, collection, amass, group, lot, (v) aggregate, bank, collect, 2. pile; synonyms (n) heap, mass, congeries, mound, bunch, bundle, hoard, (v) pack, accumulate, crowd. hromadit agglomerate; synonyms (v) accumulate, assemble, concentrate, (n) conglomerate, aggregate, (adj) agglomerated, agglomerative, clustered, bunched, bunchy. hromobití thunderstorm (bouřka); synonyms (n) storm, tempest, blizzard, cloudburst, deluge, downpour, gale, hurricane, rainstorm, (adj) earthquake. hrot 1. apex; synonyms (n) peak, top, vertex, acme, crown, apices, extremity, height, pinnacle, point; antonyms (n) base, nadir, 2. spike (bodec, klas); synonyms (n) pin, barb, ear, needle, prickle, (v) impale, pierce, nail, spear, transfix, 3. pike (kopí, štika); synonyms (n) expressway, freeway, highway, motorway, mountain, (adj) crest, arete, bluff, cliff, crag, 4. point (bod, ukazovat); synonyms (n) place, grade, nib, edge, aim, article, degree, dot, (v) head, direct. hrouda clod; synonyms (n) chunk, ball, glebe, lump, oaf, clay, yokel, clump, dolt, (adj) block. hrozba 1. threat; synonyms (n) menace, danger, hazard, peril, risk, coercion, jeopardy, omen, scourge, terror; antonym (n) safety, 2. imminence; synonyms (n) imminency, impendence, forthcomingness, immediacy, nearness, proximity, contact, convenience, impendency, imminentness. hrozící 1. impending (nastávající); synonyms (adj) imminent, forthcoming, close, coming, future, approaching, near, pending, prospective, menacing; antonym (adj) distant, 2. imminent; synonyms (adj) impending, oncoming, threatening, upcoming; antonym (adj) far-off. hrozinka raisin; synonym (n) plum. hrozit threaten (ohrožovat); synonyms (v) menace, bully, endanger, intimidate, loom, offer, imperil, jeopardize, peril, (n) threat; antonym (v) help. hrozivý 1. minatory; synonyms (adj) menacing, forbidding, minacious, ominous, threatening, sinister, ugly, baleful, 2. formidable (impozantní); synonyms (adj) arduous, appalling, grim, awful, difficult, dreadful, fearful, heavy, dread, onerous. hrozný 1. terrible (strašný); synonyms (adj) atrocious, dreadful, horrible, horrid, monstrous, abominable, appalling, awful, dire, fearful; antonyms (adj) wonderful, lovely, pleasant, 2. horrible (strašný); synonyms (adj) frightful, fearsome, formidable, ghastly, grisly, cruel, dismal,
hideous, terrible, forbidding; antonym (adj) nice, 3. awful (strašný); synonyms (adj) awesome, bad, nasty, alarming, amazing, deplorable, detestable, direful, disgusting, (adv) beastly; antonyms (adj) excellent, great, marvelous, 4. terrific; synonyms (adj) tremendous, fantastic, shocking, brilliant, enormous, fabulous, magnificent, marvellous, splendid, super. hroznýš 1. boa, 2. python; synonym (n) pythoness. hrtan larynx; synonyms (n) spiracle, tonsils, windpipe. hrubnout coarsen; synonyms (v) harden, toughen, erode, fatten, season. hrubost coarseness; synonyms (n) grossness, vulgarity, indelicacy, inelegance, commonness, crudeness, crudity, indecency, rudeness, vulgarism; antonyms (n) politeness, delicacy, purity. hrubý 1. coarse (drsný); synonyms (adj) barbarous, boorish, brutal, crude, gross, rough, vulgar, bawdy, blunt, broad; antonyms (adj) refined, smooth, sophisticated, 2. rough (nerovný); synonyms (adj) coarse, hard, harsh, raw, cruel, grating, hoarse, jagged, approximate, (n) boisterous; antonyms (adj) gentle, polished, precise, silky, soft, even, exact, glossy, pleasant. hruď 1. breast (prs, prsa); synonyms (n) bosom, boob, chest, knocker, tit, titty, mammilla, bust, heart, (v) front, 2. chest (bedna, prsa); synonyms (n) box, bureau, case, casket, dresser, chamber, crate, thorax, treasury, trunk. hrudní pectoral (prsní); synonyms (adj) thoracic, (n) pecs, pectoralis. hrudník thorax; synonyms (n) chest, pectus, bosom, bust, bureau, dresser. hrůza terror (postrach, teror); synonyms (n) alarm, dread, fright, awe, dismay, fear, scare, consternation, horror, panic. hryzat gnaw; synonyms (v) bite, chew, fret, crunch, corrode, eat, erode, nibble, masticate, (n) chafe. huba mouth (pusa, tlama, ústa, ústí); synonyms (n) jaw, lip, aperture, lips, edge, entrance, (v) grimace, articulate, pronounce, speak. hubený thin (řídký, tenký); synonyms (adj) flimsy, gaunt, lean, light, slight, tenuous, emaciated, fine, (v) slender, dilute; antonyms (adj) thick, fat, concentrated, chubby, plump, wide, broad, heavy, (v) thicken. hubice nozzle (tryska); synonyms (n) nose, beak, hooter, jet, muzzle, snout, mouth, orifice, proboscis, snoot. hubička kiss (líbat, polibek, pusa); synonyms (n) buss, brush, osculation, salute, touch, (v) caress, embrace, osculate, love.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
hudba music; synonyms (n) harmony, melody,
hustý 1. dense; synonyms (adj) compact, thick, close,
chorus, musical, composition, sound, euphony, medicine, refrain, din. hudební musical; synonyms (adj) melodious, harmonious, melodic, canorous, sweet, tuneful, pleasing; antonym (adj) discordant. hudebník musician; synonyms (n) player, instrumentalist, minstrel, singer, actor, artiste, virtuoso. hůl stick (nalepit, přilepit); synonyms (n) bar, (v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff, cohere, affix. hulákat 1. bawl (řvát); synonyms (v) roar, bellow, bark, call, howl, scream, wail, (n) shout, cry, yell, 2. vociferate; synonyms (v) bawl, exclaim. hůlka wand; synonyms (n) scepter, verge, mace, fasces, sceptre, (v) rod, stick, staff. hulvát churl; synonyms (n) boor, niggard, peasant, clown, countryman, crosspatch, curmudgeon, scrooge, skinflint, (adj) miser. humanitární humanitarian; synonyms (adj) philanthropic, compassionate, humanist, humanistic, altruistic, benevolent, charitable, merciful, (n) humane, kindly. humánní humane; synonyms (adj) benevolent, compassionate, beneficent, clement, charitable, kind, merciful, good, (n) gentle, gracious; antonyms (adj) cruel, inhumane. humbuk humbug; synonyms (n) cheat, deceit, hoax, claptrap, fake, faker, deception, (v) cant, duplicity, hum. humor humour (nálada); synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit, witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card, climate, (v) humor. humorista 1. humorist; synonyms (n) comic, comedian, clown, wit, humourist, jester, joker, zany, buffoon, (v) wag, 2. humourist; synonym (n) humorist. humorný humorous; synonyms (adj) amusing, comical, facetious, funny, comic, droll, witty, farcical, hilarious, jocose; antonyms (adj) serious, tragic. hurikán hurricane (uragán, vichřice); synonyms (n) gale, storm, tempest, cyclone, squall, tornado, twister, whirlwind. husa goose; synonyms (n) cuckoo, fathead, goof, fool, jackass, goosecap, moron, (v) spur, serpent, prod. husar hussar; synonyms (n) artillery, cavalry, dragoon, horse, uhlan, voltigeur. hustota 1. density; synonyms (n) compactness, consistency, concentration, denseness, stupidity, firmness, solidity, massiveness, stand, crassitude; antonym (n) looseness, 2. thickness; synonyms (n) density, width, layer, heaviness, body, breadth, bulk, diameter, substance.
crowded, deep, crass, dim, dull, heavy, impenetrable; antonyms (adj) bright, insightful, loose, clever, intelligent, readable, simple, sparse, 2. thick (tlustý); synonyms (adj) dense, stupid, opaque, slow, stocky, familiar, fat, gross, intimate, (n) midst; antonyms (adj) thin, diluted, fine, slight, transparent. hvězda star; synonyms (n) asterisk, celebrity, ace, principal, headliner, leading, luminary, personality, champion, idol; antonym (n) nobody. hvízdat whistle (pískat); synonyms (n) whistling, (v) pipe, sing, twitter, hiss, cry, warble, cheep, tweet, chirp. hyacint hyacinth; synonyms (n) jacinth, hyacine. hybnost momentum; synonyms (n) impetus, impulse, force, drive, impulsion, pace, thrust, velocity, moment, power; antonym (n) inertia. hydrát hydrate; synonym (n) hydroxide. hydrofobie hydrophobia; synonyms (n) rabies, lyssa, madness, fury, hydrophoby, insaneness, lunacy, rage. hydrologie hydrology; synonym (adj) hydrostatics. hydroplán 1. hydroplane; synonyms (n) hydrofoil, airplane, airboat, catamaran, foil, aircraft, caravel, carvel, coracle, (v) seaplane, 2. seaplane; synonyms (n) plane, jet, (v) hydroplane. hyena hyaena; synonym (n) hyena. hygiena hygiene; synonyms (n) hygienics, sanitation, regimen, salutariness, spotlessness, wholesomeness. hymna anthem; synonyms (n) song, hymn, chant, chaunt, motet, response. hymnus hymn; synonyms (n) song, canticle, anthem, chant, carol, (v) glorify, laud, sing, extol. hyperbola hyperbole (nadsázka); synonyms (n) exaggeration, amplification, overstatement, magnification, strain, stretch, auxesis, embellishment, lie, rhetoric; antonym (n) understatement. hyperbolický hyperbolic; synonyms (adj) exaggerated, inflated, enlarged, rhetorical, magnified, overdone, overstated. hypermoderní ultramodern; synonyms (adj) advanced, contemporary, innovative, new, revolutionary, state-of-the-art, futuristic, activist. hypnotický hypnotic; synonyms (adj) magnetic, mesmeric, narcotic, sleepy, mesmerizing, (n) soporific, sedative. hypnotizovat hypnotize; synonyms (v) entrance, mesmerize, captivate, charm, enchant, enthrall, hypnotise, bewitch, fascinate, mesmerise. hypnóza hypnosis; synonyms (n) anesthetic, stupor. hypochondr hypochondriac; synonyms (adj) hypochondriacal, afflictive, calamitous,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, doleful, downhearted, gloomy, (n) atrabilarian. hypotéka mortgage; synonyms (n) gage, plight, warranty, credit, loan, (v) bond, pawn, pledge, impawn. hypotetický suppositional; synonyms (adj) conjectural, hypothetical, supposed, supposititious, suppositious, theoretical, assumed, counterfeit, divinatory, putative. hypotéza hypothesis; synonyms (n) assumption, conjecture, supposition, guess, theory, speculation, belief, condition, idea, opinion. hýření 1. debauchery (prostopášnost); synonyms (n) debauch, depravity, dissipation, revel, dissoluteness, excess, orgy, revelry, riot, vice, 2. revel (hýřit); synonyms (v) carouse, frolic, drink, celebrate, exult, rejoice, wallow, bask, (n) carousal, (adj) luxuriate; antonym (v) lament. hýřit revel (hýření); synonyms (v) carouse, frolic, drink, celebrate, exult, rejoice, wallow, bask, (n) carousal, (adj) luxuriate; antonym (v) lament. hýřivý riotous; synonyms (adj) boisterous, disorderly, noisy, turbulent, insubordinate, lawless, insurgent, dissolute, exuberant, luxuriant; antonym (adj) orderly. hysterický hysterical; synonyms (adj) hysteric, eccentric, emotional, erratic, febrile, fitful, frenzied, violent, (n) feverish, fanatical; antonym (adj) calm. hysterie hysteria; synonyms (n) hysterics, delirium, frenzy, madness, craze, furor, fury, panic.
I i and (a); synonyms (conj) with, (adv) also, additionally, (prep) plus, including, (adj) more. ideál ideal (ideální, vzor); synonyms (adj) fanciful, perfect, consummate, abstract, classic, (n) model, paragon, example, apotheosis, archetype. idealismus idealism; synonyms (n) impracticality, immaterialism, delusion, dream, fantasy, greatness, ideality, imaginationalism, optimism, perfection; antonyms (n) realism, reality. idealista idealist; synonyms (n) visionary, dreamer, romanticist, seer, romantic, utopian; antonym (n) realist. idealistický idealistic; synonyms (adj) dreamy, romantic, exalted, ideal, impractical, optimistic, utopian; antonym (adj) practical. idealizovat idealize; synonyms (v) idealise, deify, realize, civilize, decorate, dream, intellectualize, perfect, poetize, unrealize.
ideální ideal (ideál, vzor); synonyms (adj) fanciful, perfect, consummate, abstract, classic, (n) model, paragon, example, apotheosis, archetype. identifikace identification; synonyms (n) designation, finding, id, identity, mark, naming, papers, remembering, badge, recognition. identifikátor identifier; synonym (n) qualifier. identifikovat identify; synonyms (v) distinguish, detect, discover, name, ascertain, find, know, mark, pinpoint, place. identita identity; synonyms (n) identicalness, unity, individuality, personality, sameness, character, equality, person, similarity, equivalence. ideologický ideological; synonyms (adj) ideologic, mental, theoretical, utopian. ideologie ideology; synonyms (n) philosophy, belief, theory, opinion, approach, attitude, creed, method, partisanship, policy. idiomatický idiomatic; synonyms (adj) colloquial, idiomatical, informal, vernacular, conversational, everyday, slang, spoken. idiotský idiotic (blbý); synonyms (adj) absurd, foolish, fatuous, imbecile, crazy, mindless, ridiculous, silly, stupid, unwise; antonym (adj) sensible. idyla idyll; synonyms (n) bucolic, eclogue, pastoral, haven, heaven, interlude, paradise, pastorale, romance, peasant. idylický idyllic; synonyms (adj) pastoral, rural, bucolic, perfect, peaceful, countrified, delightful, heavenly, model, poetic. ignorovaný unheeded; synonyms (adj) unnoticed, disregarded, ignored, neglected, (v) unmarked, unmissed, unnoted, unobserved, unperceived, unseen. ignorovat ignore (nevšímat si); synonyms (v) fail, neglect, cut, discount, disregard, forget, omit, snub, overrule, dismiss; antonyms (v) acknowledge, observe, honor, react. ihned immediately; synonyms (adv) directly, forthwith, instantly, now, right, direct, readily, instantaneously, presently, rapidly; antonyms (adv) later, slowly. ikona icon; synonyms (n) effigy, image, picture, figure, likeness, pictogram, idol, ikon, representation. ilegální illegal (nezákonný); synonyms (adj) criminal, forbidden, prohibited, unauthorized, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit, lawless, taboo, wrongful; antonyms (adj) legal, lawful, honest, legitimate, official. ilustrace illustration; synonyms (n) example, case, chart, depiction, description, exemplification, figure, instance, demonstration, drawing.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English ilustrovat illustrate; synonyms (v) elucidate, explain, demonstrate, depict, describe, explicate, clarify, adorn, cite, (adj) exemplify. iluze illusion; synonyms (n) delusion, hallucination, fantasy, apparition, deception, fancy, magic, chimera, deceit, dissimulation; antonym (n) reality. imaginární imaginary; synonyms (adj) fanciful, fictitious, false, ideal, illusory, mythical, unreal, hypothetical, chimerical, fantastic; antonyms (adj) real, palpable. imanentní immanent; synonyms (adj) inherent, hereditary, incarnate, inherited, radical, subjective, thoroughbred. imatrikulace matriculation; synonyms (n) matric, enrollment, course, novitiate, tutelage. imatrikulovat matriculate; synonyms (v) enroll, pass, record, learn, (adj) matriculated. imbecilní imbecile; synonyms (adj) foolish, idiotic, fatuous, imbecilic, (n) fool, idiot, moron, cretin, ass, oaf. imitace imitation (napodobení); synonyms (n) counterfeit, dummy, sham, copy, forgery, mockery, (adj) fake, bogus, false, (v) parody; antonyms (n) original, (adj) genuine, real. imperialista imperialist; synonym (adj) imperialistic. imperialistický imperialistic; synonym (adj) imperialist. implementace implementation; synonyms (n) execution, fulfillment, enforcement, accomplishment, effectuation, performance, exercise, executing, completion, doing. implicitní implicit; synonyms (adj) silent, tacit, understood, undeclared, unsaid, implied, inherent, unquestioning, virtual, practical; antonyms (adj) explicit, direct. implikace implication; synonyms (n) allusion, hint, significance, consequence, deduction, entailment, import, innuendo, meaning, sense. impotentní impotent; synonyms (adj) powerless, helpless, feeble, barren, inadequate, incapable, ineffective, unable, weak, frigid; antonym (adj) potent. impozantní 1. formidable (hrozivý); synonyms (adj) arduous, appalling, grim, awful, difficult, dreadful, fearful, forbidding, heavy, dread, 2. imposing; synonyms (v) impressive, (adj) grand, dignified, noble, grandiose, stately, distinguished, baronial, lofty, (n) commanding; antonym (adj) humble, 3. impressive; synonyms (adj) forcible, effective, imposing, powerful, striking, awesome, efficacious, exciting, formidable, influential; antonyms (adj) unimpressive, ordinary, weak. impregnovat impregnate (napustit); synonyms (v) imbue, fertilize, fecundate, fill, infuse, instill, charge, drench, saturate, generate.
improvizace improvisation; synonyms (n) extemporization, impromptu, extemporisation, invention, construction, device, fiction, figment, stopgap.
improvizovaný offhand (bez přípravy, pohotový, spatra); synonyms (adj) curt, casual, extemporaneous, impromptu, extemporary, careless, cavalier, nonchalant, brusque, (adv) extempore. improvizovat improvise; synonyms (v) extemporize, extemporise, concoct, devise, contrive, improvisate, interpret, invent, assemble, (adj) ad-lib. imunita immunity (odolnost); synonyms (n) exemption, freedom, franchise, dispensation, privilege, exception, invulnerability, liberty, release, resistance; antonym (n) vulnerability. imunní 1. immune; synonyms (adj) exempt, free, impervious, resistant, sacred, secure, privileged, allowed, excused, favored, 2. resistant (odolný); synonyms (adj) immune, durable, tough, defiant, proof, rebellious, hardy, fast, solid, (v) resistive; antonyms (adj) fragile, permeable, submissive, agreeable. indikace indication; synonyms (n) clue, evidence, index, designation, direction, mark, forerunner, herald, emblem, gesture. indikátor indicator (ukazatel); synonyms (n) gauge, index, indication, arrow, indicant, pointer, signpost, sign, signal, symbol. indisponovaný indisposed; synonyms (adj) disinclined, ailing, ill, averse, loath, poorly, sick, reluctant, sickly, unwell. indispozice ailment (churavost); synonyms (n) complaint, illness, affection, disease, trouble, condition, disorder, ill, sickness, (adj) infirmity. individualismus individualism; synonyms (n) individuality, uniqueness, identity, autonomy, complexion, disposition, freedom, humor, independence, laissez-faire. individualista individualist; synonyms (adj) individualistic, egocentric, (n) maverick, nonconformist, radical, rebel, dissenter, eccentric, atheist, nonbeliever; antonym (n) conformist. individualizovat individualize; synonyms (v) differentiate, individualise, designate, specify, realize, specialize, characterize, detail, itemize, mark. indukce induction; synonyms (n) inauguration, deduction, initiation, beginning, elicitation, inductance, installation, introduction, presentation, analysis. induktivní inductive; synonyms (adj) inducive, epagogic, inductional, introductory, preliminary, preparatory, persuasive, tempting. induktor inductor; synonyms (n) inductance, induction.
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Czech - English
industrializovat industrialize; synonym (v) industrialise. inertní inert (nehybný); synonyms (adj) idle, dead, dull, inactive, indolent, sluggish, dormant, flat, inanimate, lifeless; antonyms (adj) moving, active, animate. infantilní infantile; synonyms (adj) childish, immature, infant, babyish, infantine, juvenile, young, baby, adolescent, puerile; antonym (adj) mature. infarkt infarct; synonyms (n) infarction, blockade. infekce infection (nákaza); synonyms (n) contagion, disease, contamination, taint, corruption, septicity, illness, inspiration, transmission, (adj) pollution. infikovat infect (nakazit); synonyms (v) taint, contaminate, corrupt, affect, inspire, defile, foul, poison, pollute, touch; antonyms (v) disinfect, purify. infiltrovat infiltrate; synonyms (v) soak, enter, penetrate, permeate, inculcate, indoctrinate, instill. infinitiv infinitive; synonym (n) undefined. inflace inflation (nafouknutí); synonyms (n) expansion, dilatation, increase, rise, boom, subtilization, appreciation, accumulation, augmentation, (adj) pretension; antonyms (n) deflation, depression. informace information (zpráva); synonyms (n) advice, communication, data, evidence, note, enlightenment, report, tidings, complaint, counsel. informativní informative (poučný); synonyms (adj) educational, enlightening, illuminating, instructive, edifying, informatory, explanatory, expository. informátor informant; synonyms (n) source, informer, sneak, attestant, author, snitch, tattletale, attestator, (v) mouthpiece, teller. informovaný informed; synonyms (adj) aware, cognizant, educated, conscious, knowledgeable, familiar, apprised, wise, conversant, experienced; antonym (adj) ignorant. informovat enlighten (osvítit); synonyms (v) elucidate, advise, clarify, edify, educate, inform, apprise, clear, illuminate, instruct; antonyms (v) confuse, puzzle. infrastruktura infrastructure; synonyms (n) base, foundation, basis, groundwork, substructure, alkali, bag, cornerstone, fabric, floor. inhalace inhalation (vdechování); synonyms (n) breath, absorption, drag, gasp, inhalant, inspiration, immission, ingestion, ingurgitation. inhalátor inhaler; synonyms (n) inhalator, respirator. inhalovat inhale (vdechovat); synonyms (v) breathe, absorb, imbibe, draw, suck, drag, drink, attract, inspire, (n) sniff; antonym (v) exhale.
iniciativa initiative; synonyms (n) enterprise, gumption, opening, ambition, energy, drive, (adj) initial, inaugural, initiatory, incipient. iniciátor initiator; synonyms (n) creator, originator, author, founder, father, architect, designer, firebrand, forerunner, inciter. injekce injection; synonyms (n) shot, clyster, enema, inoculation, jab, vaccination, injectant, medicine. inkarnace incarnation; synonyms (n) avatar, embodiment, personification, byword, (adj) quintessence, lifeblood, marrow, pith, quiddity, sap. inkaso collection (sbírka, vybírání); synonyms (n) accumulation, assembly, assortment, bundle, gathering, set, bunch, cluster, compilation, (v) assemblage. inkoust ink; synonyms (n) mark, (v) sign, subscribe, autograph, blacken, contract, employ, (adj) raven, sloe, smut. inkubace incubation; synonyms (n) gestation, brooding, incubiture, incumbition, preparation, pensiveness, (v) batching. inkvizice inquisition (výslech); synonyms (n) examination, inquest, inquiry, exploration, probe, quest, investigation, inspection, research. inkvizitor inquisitor; synonyms (n) interrogator, analyst, (v) inquirer, investigator, inspector, querist, (adj) bashaw, despot, disciplinarian, vulture. inspekce 1. inspection; synonyms (n) examination, check, review, surveillance, exploration, inquiry, scrutiny, search, study, survey, 2. supervision (dozor); synonyms (n) oversight, charge, control, direction, management, superintendence, guidance, custody, observation, (v) inspection. inspektor inspector (dozorce); synonyms (n) examiner, supervisor, auditor, controller, investigator, superintendent, assessor, director, manager, overseer. inspirace inspiration; synonyms (n) afflatus, infusion, breath, encouragement, idea, incentive, inhalation, revelation, genius, (v) illumination. inspirovat prepossess; synonyms (v) prejudice, bias, preoccupy, influence, anticipate, preoccupate. instalace installation; synonyms (n) establishment, induction, facility, inauguration, initiation, installment, investiture, plant, appointment, installing. instalatér plumber; synonym (n) investigator. instalatérství plumbing (klempířství); synonyms (n) plumbery, bathymetry, hardware. instalovat install (nastolit); synonyms (v) establish, fix, inaugurate, appoint, erect, crown, induct, instal, invest, lodge; antonym (v) overthrow. instinkt instinct; synonyms (n) intuition, impulse, aptitude, urge, gift, feeling.
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Czech - English instinktivní instinctive; synonyms (adj) automatic, inborn, inherent, innate, natural, intuitive, mechanical, spontaneous, unconscious, (v) involuntary; antonyms (adj) voluntary, learned. instituce institution (ústav); synonyms (n) creation, establishment, institute, formation, asylum, founding, academy, custom, foundation, initiation. institut institute (ustanovit, ústav); synonyms (v) establish, found, build, constitute, appoint, form, fix, begin, bring, (adj) enact. instrukce instruction (návod, pokyn); synonyms (n) charge, command, advice, counsel, direction, education, guidance, guideline, information, injunction. instruktážní instructional; synonyms (adj) informative, (v) instructive, didactic. instruktor 1. instructor; synonyms (n) teacher, coach, trainer, educator, preceptor, tutor, lecturer, master, mentor, institutor, 2. trainer (trenér); synonyms (n) instructor, professor, cavalier, don, equestrian, horseman, jockey, rider, roughrider, (v) preparer. instrumentace instrumentation; synonyms (n) orchestration, arrangement, instrumentality, channel, means, agency. integrace integration; synonyms (n) amalgamation, consolidation, embodiment, integrating, merger, fusion, synthesis, desegregation, (v) addition; antonym (n) segregation. integrální integral (nedílný); synonyms (adj) complete, entire, inherent, full, constitutional, inbuilt, intact, total, (n) whole, differential. integrita integrity; synonyms (n) honesty, probity, completeness, fairness, entireness, fidelity, justice, morality, (adj) candor, honor; antonyms (n) dishonesty, wickedness. integrovaný integrated; synonyms (adj) amalgamated, incorporated, combined, united, unified, entire, fused, merged, mixed, incorporate. integrovat integrate; synonyms (v) incorporate, blend, combine, consolidate, fuse, amalgamate, embody, merge, unify, unite; antonyms (v) separate, exclude, segregate. intelekt intellect; synonyms (n) brain, mind, intelligence, brains, head, reason, understanding, apprehension, psyche, acumen. intelektuál intellectual (intelektuální); synonyms (adj) cerebral, mental, rational, learned, spiritual, academic, (n) intellect, brain, scholar, thinker. intelektuální intellectual (intelektuál); synonyms (adj) cerebral, mental, rational, learned, spiritual, academic, (n) intellect, brain, scholar, thinker. inteligence 1. intelligentsia; synonyms (n) clerisy, intellectual, class, 2. intelligence (rozum); synonyms (n) information, cleverness, intellect,
news, tidings, understanding, acumen, brain, brains, capacity; antonyms (n) stupidity, emotion. inteligentní 1. intelligent (rozumný); synonyms (adj) clever, alert, astute, bright, intellectual, quickwitted, rational, sensible, cunning, brilliant; antonyms (adj) unintelligent, dim, dull-witted, thick, slow, stupid, 2. brainy; synonyms (adj) intelligent, smart, knowledgeable, acute, sharp, alive. intenzita intensity; synonyms (n) force, forcefulness, depth, volume, fierceness, emphasis, energy, ferocity, forte, (adj) strength; antonyms (n) dullness, indifference, weakness. intenzivní intense; synonyms (adj) bright, acute, ardent, brilliant, deep, fervent, fierce, burning, energetic, (v) vivid; antonyms (adj) mild, calm, dull, weak, imperceptible, slight. interakce interaction; synonyms (n) interplay, contact, correlation, communication, mutuality, affairs, associations, dealings, interworking, relations. internace internment; synonyms (n) captivity, confinement, detention, imprisonment, arrest, custody, incarceration, seizure, immurement, impounding; antonym (n) freedom. internovat intern; synonyms (n) houseman, interne, doctor, (v) detain, imprison, incarcerate, confine, jail. interpolace interpolation; synonyms (n) interjection, interposition, interspersion, aside, cry, ejaculation, (v) addition, approximation, division, equations. interpretace interpretation (výklad); synonyms (n) version, construction, explanation, exposition, clarification, commentary, illustration, definition, interpreting, translation.
interpretovat interpret (tlumočit, vyložit); synonyms (v) clarify, construe, elucidate, illustrate, read, understand, comment, gloss, decipher, explain. interpunkce punctuation; synonyms (n) accidence, grammar, praxis, interpunction, pointing, syntax.
intervence intervention (zákrok, zásah); synonyms (n) intercession, interference, intermediation, intervene, arbitration, hindrance, intermission, (adj) mediation, interposition. intimní intimate; synonyms (adj) close, confidential, informal, (v) express, allude, hint, imply, indicate, (n) familiar, (adv) dear; antonym (adj) distant. intonace intonation; synonyms (n) accent, inflection, tone, expression, timbre, chanting.
intrikovat intrigue (pleticha, pletichařit); synonyms (n) cabal, conspiracy, trick, contrivance, plot, scheme, (v) connive, fascinate, interest, captivate. introspekce introspection; synonyms (n) rumination, discernment, insight, look, thought,
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Czech - English
brooding, egoism, heart-searching, penetration, (v) study. intuice intuition; synonyms (n) feeling, hunch, insight, instinct, notion, premonition, presentiment, sense, suspicion, vision. intuitivní intuitive; synonyms (adj) instinctive, inborn, innate, automatic, impulsive, natural, perceptive. invalida invalid; synonyms (adj) false, unsound, illogical, null, unreasonable, void, weak, unhealthy, (n) infirm, (v) disable; antonyms (adj) valid, legitimate. invalidita 1. disablement; synonyms (n) disability, handicap, imbecility, impuissance, damage, deadening, deterioration, deterrent, disarmament, disqualification, 2. disability (neschopnost); synonyms (n) inability, disablement, drawback, impairment, incapacity, disadvantage, detriment, illness, trouble, affliction. invaze invasion (vpád); synonyms (n) attack, assault, aggression, incursion, inroad, descent, foray, influx, intrusion, encroachment; antonyms (n) retreat, surrender. inventář inventory; synonyms (n) list, catalogue, index, stock, catalog, account, enumeration, roll, schedule, bill. inverze inversion; synonyms (n) antithesis, reversal, transposition, anastrophe, eversion, everting, retroversion, subversion, upending, (adj) paronomasia. investice investment; synonyms (n) investing, investiture, clothing, siege, finance, venture, backing, obsession, property, installation. investovat invest; synonyms (v) install, clothe, empower, endow, adorn, commit, crown, dress, endue, enthrone.
inženýr engineer (strojvedoucí, strojvůdce, technik); synonyms (n) architect, mastermind, (v) devise, conduct, contrive, direct, organize, plan, construct, finagle.
inženýrství engineering (strojírenství, technika); synonyms (n) mechanism, technology, architecture, business, commerce, complicity, machinery, trade, production, (adj) manufacturing. inzerát 1. advertisement (reklama); synonyms (n) announcement, declaration, ad, advert, advertising, bill, circular, notice, publication, advertizement, 2. ad; synonyms (n) advertisement, advertizing, clip, preview, promo, sketch, billboard, infomercial, publicizing, (v) manifesto. inzerce advertising (reklama); synonyms (n) ad, advert, advertisement, advertizement, advertizing, promotion, propaganda, publicity, exposure, buildup. inzerent advertiser; synonyms (n) advertizer, adman, advocate, forerunner, supporter.
inzerovat advertise; synonyms (v) announce, promote, publicize, broadcast, plug, push, advertize, communicate, display, herald; antonym (v) buy. iracionální 1. irrational; synonyms (adj) foolish, absurd, inconsistent, silly, blind, illogical, preposterous, senseless, unreasonable, imprudent; antonyms (adj) rational, logical, 2. surd; synonyms (adj) voiceless, atonic, irrational, sharp, unvoiced, deaf, earless, mute, dumb, silent. irelevance irrelevance; synonyms (n) insignificance, impertinence, inconsequentiality, irrelevancy, inconsequence, incivility, pettiness, slightness, triviality, unimportance; antonym (n) relevance. irelevantní irrelevant; synonyms (adj) inappropriate, extraneous, inapplicable, insignificant, impertinent, inapposite, inconsequential, trivial, unimportant, unrelated; antonyms (adj) relevant, admissible. ironický 1. ironic; synonyms (adj) wry, sarcastic, cynical, ironical, mocking, sardonic, satirical, dry, 2. ironical; synonyms (adj) ironic, burlesque, (n) humorous. ironie irony; synonyms (n) sarcasm, ridicule, banter, humor, raillery, derision, mockery, quiz, (adj) satire, burlesque; antonym (n) exaggeration. ischias sciatica; synonyms (v) lumbago, cephalalgia, earache, gout, neuralgia, odontalgia, otalgia, podagra, rheumatism. izobara isobar; synonyms (n) climate, weather. izolace 1. isolation; synonyms (n) alienation, estrangement, insulation, privacy, dissociation, loneliness, seclusion, secrecy, solitude, desolation; antonyms (n) closeness, companionship, 2. insulation; synonyms (n) insularity, insulating, detachment, insulant, lining, isolation, insularism, blubber, breakup, casing. izolátor insulator; synonyms (n) dielectric, nonconductor, insulation, diehard, pad, traditionalist. izolovat insulate; synonyms (v) isolate, segregate, cushion, sequester, protect, separate, wrap, cocoon, coat, cosset.
J jablko apple; synonyms (n) city, world, (v) ball, (adj) green. jachta yacht; synonyms (n) boat, vessel, ship, craft, dinghy, clipper, ferry, liner, schooner. jaderník core (jádro, ohryzek); synonyms (n) bosom, center, essence, gist, heart, kernel, marrow, quintessence, stone, mind; antonym (adj) minor.
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Czech - English jaderný nuclear (nukleární); synonyms (adj) atomic, central, atomlike, inner, minute, nucleal, organic. jadrný pithy; synonyms (adj) concise, brief, laconic, compact, curt, forceful, sententious, short, succinct, meaty. jádro 1. core (jaderník, ohryzek); synonyms (n) bosom, center, essence, gist, heart, kernel, marrow, quintessence, stone, mind; antonym (adj) minor, 2. substance (látka, podstata); synonyms (n) body, import, material, matter, meaning, significance, subject, amount, core, means; antonym (n) triviality, 3. nucleus; synonyms (n) nub, root, basis, embryo, focus, germ, bud, hub, meat, pivot, 4. nub (podstata); synonyms (n) crux, knob, substance, content, inwardness, nucleus, pith, point, sum, 5. pip; synonyms (n) pit, beep, blip, spot, (v) hit, shoot, whip, worst. jaguár jaguar; synonyms (n) catamount, cougar, puma, panther, cat, painter. jáhen deacon (diákon); synonyms (n) minister, warden, (v) fast, disguise, doctor, falsify, gloss. jahoda strawberry; synonym (n) blonde. jak 1. how; synonyms (adv) whereby, however, whence, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, withal, yet, 2. as (jako, protože); synonyms (conj) qua, because, since, considering, while, (prep) during, like, (adv) equally, from, (n) arsenic. jakkoli however (ale, avšak, však); synonyms (adv) but, although, anyway, nevertheless, yet, how, nonetheless, notwithstanding, (conj) albeit, though. jako 1. like (mít rád, podobný, stejný); synonyms (v) corresponding, enjoy, identical, (adj) equal, equivalent, alike, analogous, comparable, same, (n) love; antonyms (prep) unlike, (v) dislike, (adj) different, 2. as (jak, protože); synonyms (conj) qua, because, since, considering, while, (prep) during, like, (adv) equally, from, (n) arsenic. jakost quality (kvalita, vlastnost); synonyms (n) nature, character, characteristic, class, condition, feature, grade, distinction, faculty, description; antonym (adj) shoddy. jalovice heifer; synonyms (n) calf, cow, shorthorn, quey. jáma 1. hole (díra); synonyms (n) cavity, aperture, crack, den, pocket, breach, break, burrow, cave, (adj) gap, 2. pit (díra); synonyms (n) dent, hole, depression, grave, colliery, excavation, mine, (v) ditch, oppose, (adj) hollow. jamb iambus; synonyms (n) iamb, iambic, lampoon, satire. jambický iambic; synonyms (adj) iambical, poetic, (n) elegiac, trochaic, lampoon, satire.
jantar amber; synonyms (adj) ocher, orange, orangey, (n) succinite, yellow, electrum, brown, electron,
gold, gum. jařmo yoke (jho); synonyms (n) pair, coupling, tie, (v) couple, link, connect, join, bind, attach, (adj) brace. jarní vernal; synonyms (adj) youthful, young, springlike, juvenile, tender, vernant. jaro spring (pramen, skákat); synonyms (n) jump, leap, bound, fountain, skip, source, (v) hop, caper, bounce, dive. jas brightness (chytrost); synonyms (n) flash, clarity, illumination, light, luminance, lustre, shine, blaze, cleverness, glare; antonyms (n) dullness, cloudiness, darkness, dimness, murkiness, mistiness, softness. jasan ash (popel); synonyms (n) jasmine, lilac, privet, spark, (v) cinder, scoriae, soot, (adj) gray. jásat 1. exult; synonyms (v) delight, rejoice, cheer, triumph, chuckle, crow, glory, jubilate, boast, brag, 2. jubilate; synonyms (v) exult, celebrate, gloat, joy, prevail, wallow. jásavý jubilant; synonyms (adj) elated, exultant, joyful, delighted, gleeful, joyous, happy, overjoyed, triumphant, exulting. jasnost 1. lucidity; synonyms (n) clarity, clearness, limpidity, perspicuity, pellucidity, (adj) rationality; antonyms (n) ambiguity, vagueness, 2. clarity; synonyms (n) comprehensibility, precision, purity, coherence, lucidity, simplicity; antonyms (n) cloudiness, obscurity, haziness, mistiness, opacity, uncertainty, unclearness. jasnovidec clairvoyant (jasnovidný); synonyms (adj) prophetic, mystic, perceptive, intuitive, (n) psychic, seer, soothsayer, medium, sibyl, astrologer. jasnovidnost clairvoyance; synonyms (n) foresight, intuition, electrobiology, telepathy, feeling, omen, perception, premonition, psyche, sign. jasnovidný clairvoyant (jasnovidec); synonyms (adj) prophetic, mystic, perceptive, intuitive, (n) psychic, seer, soothsayer, medium, sibyl, astrologer. jasný 1. clear; synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, apparent, (v) bright, acquit, absolute, free, net, absolve; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague, 2. bright; synonyms (adj) clear, alive, apt, intelligent, vivid, beaming, brainy, brilliant, light, luminous; antonyms (adj) dull, dim, dreary, gloomy, stupid, unintelligent, overcast, shadowy, leaden, slow, 3. lucid; synonyms (adj) intelligible, transparent, coherent, limpid, distinct, evident, crystalline, diaphanous, explicit, logical; antonyms (adj) muddled, unintelligible, 4. broad (široký); synonyms (adj) wide, ample, comprehensive, extensive, general, large,
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Czech - English
sweeping, vast, big, (n) female; antonyms (adj) narrow, specific, thin, 5. fair (světlý, trh, veletrh); synonyms (adj) equitable, beautiful, average, dispassionate, fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet, (n) bazaar, blonde; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, exceptional, unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced, unwarranted. jásot jubilation; synonyms (n) exultation, triumph, celebration, elation, joy, jubilance, rejoicing, euphoria, happiness, jubilee. jaspis jasper; synonyms (n) alexandrite, bloodstone, hematite, moonstone, sunstone, jasp. jaterní hepatic; synonym (adj) hepatical. jatky abattoir; synonyms (n) slaughterhouse, shambles, butchery, butchering. játra liver; synonyms (n) denizen, resident. jazyk 1. language; synonyms (n) dialect, expression, speech, diction, idiom, lingo, tongue, conversation, jargon, terminology, 2. tongue; synonyms (n) language, lingua, clapper, glossa, talk, knife, (v) lick, (adj) flippancy, flowing, fluency. jazykověda linguistics (lingvistika); synonyms (n) glossology, philology, glossary, glottology. jdoucí going; synonyms (v) go, course, (n) departure, exit, leaving, parting, disappearance, expiration, (adj) running, working. ječmen barley; synonyms (n) barleycorn, bere. jed 1. poison (otrava, otrávit); synonyms (n) bane, (v) infect, contaminate, envenom, defile, drug, empoison, taint, (adj) poisonous, toxic; antonym (n) antidote, 2. venom (zloba); synonyms (n) poison, malice, spite, gall, malevolence, maliciousness, malignity, rancor, bitterness, hate. jeden one (jedna, jednotka); synonyms (pron) any, man, (n) anybody, single, somebody, (adj) certain, individual, lone, only, (adv) once. jedenáct eleven (jedenáctka); synonyms (n) eight, team. jedenáctka eleven (jedenáct); synonyms (n) eight, team.
jedinec individual (jednotlivec, jednotlivý); synonyms (adj) distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain, characteristic, distinctive, (n) human, creature; antonyms (adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general, vague, (n) collective. jediný 1. only (jen, jenom, pouze); synonyms (adv) alone, but, exclusively, just, merely, barely, entirely, (adj) exclusive, individual, lone, 2. single
(jednoduchý, jednotlivý, svobodný); synonyms (adj) only, celibate, one, odd, particular, distinct, isolated, lonely, separate, simple; antonyms (adj) married, double, multiple, 3. sole (chodidlo, podrážka, sám); synonyms (adj)
single, singular, solitary, (n) bottom, base, flounder, shoe, foot, plaice, (v) resole. jedle fir; synonym (adj) green. jedlík trencherman; synonyms (n) gourmand, glutton, wolverine. jedlý 1. eatable; synonyms (adj) esculent, palatable, (n) comestible, edible, food, pabulum, victual, victuals; antonym (adj) inedible, 2. edible; synonym (n) eatable; antonym (adj) indigestible. jedna one (jeden, jednotka); synonyms (pron) any, man, (n) anybody, single, somebody, (adj) certain, individual, lone, only, (adv) once. jednání 1. action (akce); synonyms (n) act, accomplishment, activity, agency, battle, deed, effect, engagement, fight, (v) achievement; antonyms (n) inaction, inactivity, 2. act (jednat, skutek, úkon, zákon); synonyms (n) action, move, play, statute, decree, do, (v) behave, go, perform, acquit; antonym (v) refrain, 3. dealing; synonyms (n) commerce, trade, transaction, deal, exchange, business, concern, conduct, dealings, distribution, 4. negotiation (vyjednávání); synonyms (n) mediation, bargain, parley, arbitration, diplomacy, dealing, talks, 5. proceeding; synonyms (v) measure, (n) matter, affair, procedure, happening, proceedings, suit, event, occurrence, practice. jednat 1. deal; synonyms (n) bargain, buy, agreement, arrangement, (v) administer, allot, apportion, conduct, contract, cope; antonym (n) purchase, 2. act (jednání, skutek, úkon, zákon); synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go, perform; antonym (v) refrain. jednoduchost simplicity; synonyms (n) innocence, ease, easiness, plainness, simpleness, clarity, artlessness, austerity, gullibility, severity; antonyms (n) difficulty, complexity, ambiguity. jednoduchý 1. simple (prostoduchý); synonyms (adj) plain, homely, pure, elementary, humble, innocent, mere, natural, rustic, (v) clear; antonyms (adj) complex, complicated, compound, elaborate, difficult, multiple, obscure, ornate, confused, confusing, 2. single (jediný, jednotlivý, svobodný); synonyms (adj) only, celibate, one, odd, particular, distinct, individual, isolated, lone, lonely; antonyms (adj) married, double, 3. homely; synonyms (adj) common, artless, home, comfortable, domestic, homelike, snug, ugly, unhandsome, homey; antonym (adj) attractive, 4. singular; synonyms (adj) extraordinary, exceptional, peculiar, phenomenal, quaint, queer, rare, single, separate, curious; antonym (n) plural. jednoplošník monoplane; synonyms (n) biplane, triplane.
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Czech - English jednorožec unicorn; synonyms (n) buggy, dogcart, trap, monoceros, howitzer. jednostranný unilateral; synonyms (adj) biased, coloured, lopsided, nonreversible, slanted, unilateralist; antonyms (adj) bilateral, joint, twosided. jednota 1. oneness; synonyms (n) identity, unity, individuality, sameness, harmony, integrity, one, identicalness, 2. unity (svornost); synonyms (n) union, agreement, concord, oneness, unison, completeness, consistency, single, consensus, entirety; antonyms (n) discord, separation. jednotka 1. unit; synonyms (n) troop, element, group, squad, aggregate, cell, team, detachment, member, (adj) one, 2. one (jeden, jedna); synonyms (pron) any, man, (n) anybody, single, somebody, (adj) certain, individual, lone, only, (adv) once.
jednotlivec individual (jedinec, jednotlivý); synonyms (adj) distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain, characteristic, distinctive, (n) human, creature; antonyms (adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general, vague, (n) collective.
jednotlivý 1. individual (jedinec, jednotlivec); synonyms (adj) distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain, characteristic, distinctive, (n) human, creature; antonyms (adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general, vague, (n) collective, 2. single (jediný, jednoduchý, svobodný); synonyms (adj) only, celibate, one, odd, individual, isolated, lone, lonely, separate, simple; antonyms (adj) married, double, multiple, 3. particular (podrobnost); synonyms (adj) special, fastidious, careful, definite, delicate, exact, finicky, fussy, (n) detail, item; antonyms (adj) careless, easy, ordinary. jednotnost uniformity; synonyms (n) consistency, constancy, evenness, sameness, equality, monotony, regularity, similarity, order, identity; antonym (n) difference. jednotvárnost monotony (monotonie); synonyms (n) boredom, tedium, dullness, evenness, sameness, dreariness, tediousness; antonyms (n) excitement, variety. jednotvárný 1. drab; synonyms (adj) cheerless, dingy, dismal, dreary, gloomy, somber, boring, dowdy, dark, colorless; antonym (adj) bright, 2. monotonous (monotónní); synonyms (adj) humdrum, dull, dry, flat, even, insipid, monotone, monotonic, stupid, (v) uninteresting; antonyms (adj) interesting, exciting, varied, 3. humdrum (nudný); synonyms (adj) banal, commonplace, monotonous, prosaic, tedious, everyday, stodgy, conventional, ordinary, (v) bald, 4. uneventful; synonyms (adj) eventless, slow, apathetic, general, inconclusive, indecisive, lackluster, lifeless, monotomous, smooth; antonym (adj) eventful.
jednou 1. once (kdysi); synonyms (adv) formerly, before, erstwhile, previously, already, erst, sometime, when, (n) whilom, (adj) former, 2. sometime (kdysi); synonyms (adv) someday, once, sometimes, (adj) quondam, old, late. jedovatost virulence; synonyms (n) rancor, acerbity, animosity, hostility, bitterness, pique, malice, (adj) acrimony, venom, gall. jedovatý 1. poisonous; synonyms (adj) deadly, toxic, mortal, malicious, noxious, venomous, fatal, baneful, lethal, noisome; antonym (adj) harmless, 2. venomous; synonyms (adj) poisonous, bitter, spiteful, virulent, caustic, vicious, corrosive, acrimonious, biting, maleficent; antonym (adj) kind, 3. virulent; synonyms (adj) sharp, pernicious, malignant, hostile, acerbic, acrid, infectious, acerb, envenomed, (v) harsh. jehla needle; synonyms (n) injection, pointer, awl, plunger, (v) annoy, goad, irritate, sting, rile, aggravate. jekot yell; synonyms (n) shout, roar, scream, call, outcry, (v) cry, howl, bellow, whoop, shriek. jelen 1. deer (srnec); synonyms (n) stag, cervid, antelopes, bison, camels, cattle, chevrotains, fox, vixen, giraffes, 2. stag; synonyms (n) hart, buck, dog, boar, cock, debtor, drake, (v) spy, betray, denounce, 3. buck (srnec); synonyms (n) dollar, beau, greenback, cash, clam, coxcomb, deer, exquisite, (v) jump, charge. jelenice buckskin; synonyms (n) leather, doeskin, fleece, fur, pelt, rawhide, skin, buck, pigskin. jemný 1. gentle; synonyms (adj) clement, calm, easy, friendly, soft, affable, balmy, kind, mild, tame; antonyms (adj) caustic, cruel, fierce, harsh, loud, violent, rough, abrupt, hardhearted, heavy, 2. delicate (choulostivý, křehký); synonyms (adj) fine, accurate, breakable, dainty, fragile, refined, tender, beautiful, brittle, difficult; antonyms (adj) strong, inelegant, robust, sturdy, tough, 3. fine (krásný, pokuta, pokutovat); synonyms (adj) delicate, agreeable, brave, capital, elegant, excellent, nice, thin, (n) penalty, (v) punish; antonyms (adj) poor, thick, coarse, substantial, unsatisfactory, wide, 4. subtle; synonyms (adj) sharp, acute, astute, elusive, exquisite, insidious, sly, discerning, (v) shrewd, crafty; antonym (adj) obvious, 5. tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate, painful, loving, sensitive, sore, compassionate, fond, (v) proffer, (n) offer, bid; antonyms (adj) hard, rubbery. jen 1. just (jenom, právě, spravedlivý); synonyms (adv) exactly, (adj) fair, right, correct, equitable, accurate, honest, impartial, barely, fit; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, wrong, 2. only (jediný, jenom, pouze); synonyms (adv) alone, but,
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Czech - English
exclusively, just, merely, entirely, (adj) exclusive, individual, lone, one. jenom 1. only (jediný, jen, pouze); synonyms (adv) alone, but, exclusively, just, merely, barely, entirely, (adj) exclusive, individual, lone, 2. just (jen, právě, spravedlivý); synonyms (adv) exactly, (adj) fair, right, correct, equitable, accurate, honest, impartial, fit, good; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, wrong. jenž who (kdo, který); synonyms (pron) one, (adj) which, what. jeptiška nun (řádová sestra); synonyms (n) postulant, religious, sister, cleric, cloistress, monk, parson, preacher, priest, rector. jeřáb crane; synonyms (n) hoist, pulley, winch, ankle, elevator, fluke, kimbo, scythe, (v) extend, stretch. ješitnost vanity (marnivost); synonyms (n) conceit, arrogance, egotism, emptiness, pride, futility, inanity, conceitedness, pretension, pomposity; antonyms (n) modesty, selflessness. jeskyně cave; synonyms (n) cavern, hole, lair, cove, den, grotto, hollow, cell, (v) undermine. jesle 1. creche; synonyms (n) nursery, reformatory, kindergarten, 2. crib (tahák); synonyms (n) cot, pony, bed, cradle, cribbing, trough, hut, (v) pilfer, steal, bag. ještě still (stále, tichý); synonyms (adv) however, (adj) calm, pacify, peaceful, silence, (n) hush, (v) quiet, assuage, compose, lull; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, fizzy, windy, (n) noisy. jestliže if (kdyby, zdali); synonyms (conj) provided, although, providing, whether, though, and, so, (n) but, conditionally, condition. jestřáb hawk (sokol); synonyms (n) eagle, (v) peddle, cough, expectorate, huckster, hunt, monger, sell, spit, vend. jet ride (jezdit, jízda); synonyms (n) outing, run, lift, jaunt, (v) drive, bait, float, mount, rag, (adj) bestride. jetel 1. clover; synonyms (n) trefoil, chattering, claver, prosperity, riches, success, wealth, medic, medick, (adj) velvet, 2. trefoil; synonyms (n) clover, shamrock, tierce, 3. shamrock. jev phenomenon (fenomén, úkaz); synonyms (n) event, appearance, marvel, miracle, incident, development, prodigy, wonder, occurrence, happening. jez weir; synonyms (n) dam, boom, penstock, barrier, block, gate, wall, wear. jezdec 1. equestrian; synonyms (n) horseman, rider, trainer, 2. horseman; synonyms (n) equestrian, chevalier, 3. slider; synonyms (n) slide, skidder, (adj) slidder, 4. rider; synonyms (n) appendix, passenger, codicil, supplement, clause, provision, addition, condition, horse, proviso.
jezdectví horsemanship; synonyms (n) equitation, equestrianism, (adj) airmanship, marksmanship, seamanship. jezdectvo cavalry; synonyms (n) horse, hussar, uhlan, voltigeur, army, buck, chivalry, bowlegs, chasseurs, cuirassiers. jezdit ride (jet, jízda); synonyms (n) outing, run, lift, jaunt, (v) drive, bait, float, mount, rag, (adj) bestride. ježek hedgehog; synonyms (n) porcupine, urchin, echinus, (adj) beard, thistle. jezero 1. lake; synonyms (n) loch, pond, pool, puddle, carmine, crimson, lin, maroon, plash, slab, 2. loch; synonyms (n) bay, lake, inlet, tarn, well, looch, lincture. jezevčík dachshund; synonyms (n) dachsie, hound. jezevec badger; synonyms (v) pester, annoy, tease, bother, harass, beleaguer, bug, harry, hassle, hound. jho yoke (jařmo); synonyms (n) pair, coupling, tie, (v) couple, link, connect, join, bind, attach, (adj) brace. jícen 1. gullet (hltan); synonyms (n) esophagus, gorge, mouth, muzzle, oesophagus, orifice, throat, nozzle, (v) gill, rillet, 2. oesophagus; synonyms (n) gullet, defile, (adj) oesophageal, 3. throat (chřtán, hrdlo); synonyms (n) pharynx, chimney, flue, funnel, nostril, quarl, shaft, sucker. jídlo 1. meal; synonyms (n) food, feed, flour, repast, banquet, spread, bite, 2. food (potrava, strava); synonyms (n) board, edible, fare, aliment, diet, dish, nourishment, sustenance, eating, fodder, 3. dish (chod, mísa, pokrm); synonyms (n) bowl, beauty, disk, plate, platter, saucer, container, dishful, (v) hollow, serve, 4. repast; synonyms (n) meal, feast, dinner, lunch, refection. jih south (jižní); synonyms (n) southland, confederacy, s, confederation, conspiracy, federation, mho, sec, (adj) left, polar. jikry spawn; synonyms (v) engender, generate, cause, make, spat, (n) egg, offspring, breed, progeny, seed. jíl clay (hlína); synonyms (n) soil, remains, pottery, dirt, dust, loam, mud, ashes, cadaver, (adj) earthen. jilm elm; synonym (n) elmwood. jílovitý clayey; synonyms (adj) argillaceous, heavy, ponderous, strong, weighty, accented, arduous, argillous, backbreaking, burdened. jinak otherwise; synonyms (adv) else, besides, differently, other, alias, elsewise, otherways, diversely, (adj) different, (conj) before. jíní hoarfrost (jinovatka); synonyms (n) frost, rime, hoar, freeze, chink, crack, fissure, ice, icing, rhyme.
jinoch adolescent (dospívající, mladistvý); synonyms (adj) immature, young, teen, youthful, boyish, childish, infantile, jejune, (n) juvenile, teenager; antonyms (n) adult, infant.
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Czech - English
jinotaj allegory (alegorie); synonyms (n) fable,
již 1. already (už); synonyms (adv) beforehand,
parable, apologue, emblem, metaphor, symbol, story, (adj) simile, type. jinovatka 1. hoarfrost (jíní); synonyms (n) frost, rime, hoar, freeze, chink, crack, fissure, ice, icing, rhyme, 2. rime; synonyms (n) hoarfrost, cleft, rift. jiný 1. other (další, druhý, ostatní); synonyms (adj) additional, another, different, extra, further, more, new, second, distinct, dissimilar; antonym (adj) same, 2. else; synonyms (adv) besides, also, moreover, (n) threat, (adj) other, fresh. jiřina dahlia; synonym (n) red. jiskra 1. spark (jiskřit); synonyms (n) flicker, light, glimmer, arc, (v) flash, sparkle, gleam, glint, glitter, activate, 2. sparkle; synonyms (n) spark, blaze, beam, glance, brightness, (v) shimmer, blink, fizz, shine, glare; antonym (n) lethargy. jiskřit spark (jiskra); synonyms (n) flicker, light, glimmer, arc, (v) flash, sparkle, gleam, glint, glitter, activate. jiskřivý sparkling; synonyms (adj) lively, effervescent, bright, brilliant, radiant, bubbly, glittering, glittery, scintillant, (n) sparkle; antonyms (adj) still, dull. jíst eat; synonyms (v) devour, consume, bite, dine, munch, corrode, deplete, drink, feed, (adj) digest. jistota 1. certainty; synonyms (n) assurance, confidence, sureness, trust, certain, certitude, conviction, fact, reality, security; antonyms (n) doubt, uncertainty, unpredictability, 2. assurance (záruka); synonyms (n) belief, guarantee, pledge, affiance, faith, nerve, poise, promise, reliance, vow; antonym (n) insecurity. jistý 1. certain; synonyms (adj) actual, definite, sure, absolute, assured, dependable, indisputable, reliable, categorical, (v) bound; antonyms (adj) uncertain, doubtful, unsure, questionable, 2. sure; synonyms (adj) certain, secure, safe, firm, confident, infallible, positive, (adv) certainly, (v) steady, convinced; antonym (adj) hesitant, 3. unerring (neomylný); synonyms (adj) inerrant, inerrable, accurate, exact, faithful, perfect, constant, unblemished; antonym (adj) erring, 4. some (nějaký, trochu); synonyms (adv) nearly, rather, somewhat, about, approximately, around, roughly, (adj) few, several, (det) any. jít 1. go; synonyms (v) come, elapse, pass, break, crack, depart, disappear, drive, run, travel, 2. wend; synonyms (v) go, repair, proceed, cruise, journey, (n) pace, step, tread, walk, plod. jitro morning (dopoledne, ráno); synonyms (n) dawn, daybreak, sunrise, daylight, forenoon, morn, aurora, cockcrow, dawning, dayspring; antonym (n) dusk.
previously, before, formerly, once, earlier, finally, (adj) erewhile, present, 2. yet (přece); synonyms (adv) however, but, notwithstanding, even, nonetheless, though, besides, (conj) nevertheless, (n) already, (v) still. jízda 1. drive (řídit); synonyms (n) ride, force, campaign, crusade, thrust, (v) push, actuate, chase, compel, urge; antonyms (n) apathy, inertia, 2. ride (jet, jezdit); synonyms (n) outing, run, lift, jaunt, (v) drive, bait, float, mount, rag, (adj) bestride. jízdenka ticket (lístek, vstupenka); synonyms (n) pass, card, label, certificate, ballot, check, slate, tag, warrant, mark. jízdné fare; synonyms (n) diet, aliment, food, board, table, charge, (v) do, come, eat, go. jižní 1. southern; synonyms (adj) south, southerly, meridional, (n) austral, austrine, 2. meridional (poledníkový); synonyms (adj) midday, noonday, noon, (v) meridian, 3. austral; synonyms (adj) southern, torrid, 4. south (jih); synonyms (n) southland, confederacy, s, confederation, conspiracy, federation, mho, sec, (adj) left, polar, 5. southerly; synonym (adv) southly. jizva 1. scar; synonyms (n) mark, cicatrix, blemish, seam, cicatrice, defect, scratch, stain, (v) disfigure, brand, 2. seam (šev); synonyms (n) joint, layer, bed, furrow, line, junction, juncture, (v) crinkle, joining, articulation.
jmenný nominal (jmenovitý, nominální); synonyms (adj) titular, formal, token, minimal, minimum, nominative, (v) cognominal; antonym (adj) real.
jméno 1. name (jmenovat, název, pojmenovat, vyjmenovat); synonyms (n) call, title, epithet, (v) appoint, baptize, describe, cite, designate, entitle, enumerate, 2. appellation; synonyms (n) designation, denomination, name, nickname, appellative, term.
jmenování 1. appointment (schůzka, úmluva); synonyms (n) assignment, date, designation, engagement, fitting, post, rendezvous, berth, conference, election, 2. nomination; synonyms (n) appointment, return, delegation, (v) nuncupation.
jmenovat 1. appoint (sjednat, ustanovit); synonyms (v) assign, nominate, accredit, delegate, designate, prescribe, set, create, choose, (n) name, 2. designate; synonyms (v) call, denominate, allocate, appoint, note, define, denote, allot, direct, mark, 3.
name (jméno, název, pojmenovat, vyjmenovat); synonyms (n) title, epithet, (v) baptize, describe, cite, entitle, enumerate, identify, list, mention, 4. nominate (nominovat); synonyms (v) constitute, establish, institute, make, charge, propose, found, take, commission, elect.
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Czech - English
jmenovec namesake; synonym (n) cognominal. jmenovitý nominal (jmenný, nominální); synonyms (adj) titular, formal, token, minimal, minimum, nominative, (v) cognominal; antonym (adj) real. jmenovka label (nálepka, štítek); synonyms (n) name, brand, tag, title, designation, earmark, (v) mark, call, classify, check. jód iodine; synonyms (n) iodin, ace, one, single, unity. jodid iodide; synonym (n) ioduret. jogín yogi; synonyms (n) cynic, puritan, sanyasi, ascetic. jogurt 1. yoghurt; synonyms (n) yoghourt, yogurt, 2. yogurt; synonym (n) yoghurt. jubileum jubilee; synonyms (n) anniversary, celebration, carnival, triumph, holiday, festival, paean, solemnization.
jurisdikce 1. jurisdiction (soudní pravomoc); synonyms (n) power, authority, dominion, district, judicature, influence, control, domain, government, domination, 2. judicature; synonyms (n) court, judgeship, jurisdiction, justice, judiciary, tribunal, judgship, judicatory. juta jute; synonyms (n) hemp, cord, cotton, oakum, packthread, ribbon, rope, string, tape, thread.
K k to (do, na); synonyms (prep) at, by, in, about, before, against, into, near, (prf) on, (v) till. kabala 1. cabbala; synonyms (n) cabala, kabala, kabbala, cabbalah, kabbalah, qabalah, qabbala, qabbalah, 2. cabala; synonyms (n) cabbala, charm, exorcism, incantation, mystery, occultness, spell, weird, abracadabra, cantrap. kabaret cabaret; synonyms (n) nightclub, chophouse, burlesque, club, extravaganza, floorshow, musical, nightspot, performance, revue. kabát 1. coat; synonyms (n) cover, coating, crust, film, fur, jacket, layer, (v) cloak, sheath, blanket, 2. overcoat (svrchník, zimník); synonyms (n) greatcoat, coat, surcoat, topcoat, overcoating, paletot, surtout. kabel cable (kabelogram, lano); synonyms (n) rope, line, cablegram, telegram, cord, guy, ribbon, twine, (v) wire, telegraph. kabelka 1. handbag; synonyms (n) bag, purse, pocketbook, grip, bagful, base, billfold, dish, ornament, belt, 2. bag (brašna, pytel, taška); synonyms (n) pocket, pouch, package, briefcase, sack, case, container, (v) bulge, capture, catch. kabelogram 1. cable (kabel, lano); synonyms (n) rope, line, cablegram, telegram, cord, guy, ribbon,
twine, (v) wire, telegraph, 2. cablegram; synonym (n) cable.
kabina 1. cab (drožka, taxi); synonyms (n) cabriolet, taxi, taxicab, car, fly, hack, droshki, drosky, growler, vehicle, 2. cabin (bouda, chata, kajuta); synonyms (n) booth, hut, chamber, cot, lodge, room, shed, stall, apartment. kabinet cabinet; synonyms (n) case, closet, locker, press, cupboard, chamber, console, sideboard, board, council. kabriolet convertible; synonyms (adj) exchangeable, adaptable, interchangeable, transmutable, changeable, analogous, equivalent, indorsable, (n) automobile, car. kachna duck; synonyms (n) darling, (v) dip, douse, plunge, dodge, circumvent, dive, evade, souse, bob. kacíř heretic; synonyms (n) apostate, schismatic, pagan, misbeliever, nonconformist, dissident, sectarian, agitator, eccentric, rebel. kacířský heretical; synonyms (adj) unorthodox, heterodox, dissident, gnostic, gymnosophist, magi, nonconformist; antonym (adj) orthodox. kacířství heresy; synonyms (n) heterodoxy, nonconformity, revisionism, fallacy, atheism, blasphemy, cacodoxy, dissent, dissidence, (adj) circumstantial; antonym (n) orthodoxy. kadeř 1. curl; synonyms (n) kink, lock, roll, (v) coil, crimp, loop, bow, wave, crinkle, fold; antonym (v) uncoil, 2. tress; synonyms (n) plait, pigtail, braid, curl, (adj) hair, beard, brush, imperial, mane, moustache. kadeřavý curly (kudrnatý, vlnitý); synonyms (adj) curled, kinky, crimped, frizzed, permed, curved, wiry, coiled, convoluted, corkscrew; antonym (adj) straight. kadeřník hairdresser; synonyms (n) barber, stylist, hairstylist, styler. kadet cadet; synonyms (n) apprentice, boy, recruit, adjutant, brigadier, callant, captain, centurion, conscript, cornet. kadidelnice censer; synonyms (n) thurible, incensory, beads, patera, cross, crucifix, host, pax, pyx, relics. kadidlo incense (popudit); synonyms (n) fragrance, aroma, (v) exasperate, anger, enrage, aggravate, infuriate, irritate, provoke, cense. kadmium cadmium; synonyms (n) candela, candle, (adj) ocher. kádr cadre (rámec); synonyms (n) cell, staff, personnel, cubicle. kafr camphor; synonym (v) camphorate. kajak kayak; synonym (n) pirogue. kajícnost 1. contrition; synonyms (n) penitence, compunction, repentance, regret, remorse, contriteness, penance, sorrow, abrasion, attrition,
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Czech - English 2. penitence (pokání); synonyms (n) contrition, atonement. kajícný 1. remorseful; synonyms (adj) contrite, penitent, regretful, apologetic, repentant, sorry, sad, rueful, bad; antonym (adj) unrepentant, 2. penitent; synonym (adj) remorseful, 3.
penitential. kajman 1. cayman; synonym (n) caiman, 2. caiman; synonym (n) cayman. kajuta cabin (bouda, chata, kabina); synonyms (n) booth, hut, chamber, cot, lodge, room, shed, stall, apartment. kakao cocoa; synonyms (n) chocolate, brown, umber, (v) tea, coffee. kal 1. sludge (bahno); synonyms (n) mud, ooze, slime, muck, slurry, goo, (adj) silt, mire, quagmire, alluvium, 2. ooze (bahno, bláto); synonyms (v) exude, leak, dribble, seep, drain, drop, bleed, emit, filter, secrete. kalafuna rosin; synonyms (n) resin, colophony, gum. kalamita calamity (pohroma); synonyms (n) accident, disaster, adversity, affliction, catastrophe, misfortune, plague, tragedy, blow, (v) trouble. kaleidoskop kaleidoscope; synonyms (n) polyscope, pseudoscope, stereoscope. kalendář calendar; synonyms (n) almanac, agenda, schedule, diary, journal, program, timetable, (v) list. kalhotky knickers; synonyms (n) bloomers, breeches, drawers, knickerbockers, trousers, pants, boxers, underdrawers. kalhoty 1. pants; synonyms (n) breeches, knickers, drawers, trousers, knickerbockers, underpants, bloomers, short, boxers, (v) bricks, 2. trousers; synonyms (n) pants, pantaloons, trowsers, inexpressibles, smallclothes, trossers, trouse, unmentionables. kalibr 1. calibre (ráže); synonyms (n) caliber, bore, size, quality, aegir, dullard, eager, eagre, lineament, timber, 2. gauge (míra, rozchod); synonyms (n) criterion, gage, calibre, (v) estimate, measure, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make. kalibrovat calibrate (cejchovat); synonyms (v) adjust, regulate, gauge, graduate, measure, align, program, scale, synchronize, (n) sizing. kalich 1. calyx; synonyms (n) cancelli, utricle, capsule, cyst, pod, vesicle, eye, 2. chalice; synonyms (n) cup, goblet, grail, bowl, glass, trophy, jar, basin, flask, jorum. kalif caliph; synonyms (n) kalif, kaliph, khalif, czar, dictator, kaiser, king, sultan, tsar, cazique. kaliko calico; synonyms (n) cambric, cashmere, cheesecloth, (adj) motley, assorted, miscellaneous, mixed, multicolor, multicolored, multicolour. kalný 1. murky (šerý, temný); synonyms (adj) dismal, dark, gloomy, cloudy, dusky, dingy, misty,
dim, muddy, opaque; antonyms (adj) clear, bright, 2. dim (matný, nejasný); synonyms (adj) obscure, dull, bleak, (v) blur, darken, cloud, pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj) brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v) brighten, 3. turbid; synonyms (adj) thick, murky, dirty, mirky. kalorie calorie; synonym (n) kilocalorie. kalorimetr calorimeter; synonym (n) pyrometer. kaluž 1. pool (bazén); synonyms (n) plash, lake, pond, mere, cartel, basin, kitty, syndicate, (v) combine, merge, 2. puddle (louže); synonyms (n) pool, slop, broad, lin, loch, lough, (v) muddle, addle, make. kam where (kde); synonyms (adv) there, here, wherever, whither, anywhere, wherein, anyplace, (pron) everywhere, (n) point, spot. kamarád 1. friend (přítel, známý); synonyms (n) fellow, acquaintance, ally, colleague, crony, advocate, assistant, (adj) associate, companion, comrade; antonyms (n) enemy, foe, stranger, rival, 2. chum; synonyms (n) buddy, brother, pal, friend, mate, partner, intimate, playmate, sidekick, 3. buddy; synonym (n) chum, 4. comrade (soudruh); synonyms (n) compeer, familiar, cohort, confidante, peer, confrere, equal, coadjutor, (adj) accomplice. kamarádský chummy; synonyms (adj) friendly, familiar, intimate, thick, close, matey, pally, pleasant. kamarádství fellowship; synonyms (n) brotherhood, community, companionship, company, communion, familiarity, camaraderie, association, society, acquaintance. kamélie camellia; synonym (n) camelia. kamelot newsboy; synonyms (n) carrier, bearer, fickleness, flattop, mailman, messenger, mutability, postman, spirit, toter. kámen 1. stone (kamenný); synonyms (n) jewel, rock, calculus, gem, pebble, concretion, gemstone, (v) pit, lapidate, pelt, 2. calculus; synonyms (n) stone, calculi, tartar, clot, coalescence, coalescency, coalition, compaction, compression, (v) calculation. kamenec alum; synonyms (n) graduate, alumen, alumna, alumnus, grad, grade, (v) aluminize, (adj) crab, verjuice, vinegar. kameník 1. mason (zedník); synonyms (n) builder, freemason, stonemason, architect, artificer, artist, maker, manufacturer, smith, carpenter, 2. stonemason; synonym (n) mason. kamenina earthenware; synonyms (n) crockery, (adj) ceramic, earthen, terracotta, (v) porcelain, pottery. kamenný stone (kámen); synonyms (n) jewel, rock, calculus, gem, pebble, concretion, gemstone, (v) pit, lapidate, pelt.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
kamenotisk lithography (litografie); synonyms (n) cerography, glyptography, lignography, xylography, cerograph, chromolithograph, glyphograph, glyphography, glyptograph, holograph. kamenouhelný carboniferous; synonyms (adj) carbonaceous, carbonic, carbonous. kameraman cameraman; synonyms (n) cinematographer, photographer, lensman. kamínka stove (kamna, sporák); synonyms (n) range, furnace, heater, ambit, chain, compass, grasp, orbit, reach, scope. kamna stove (kamínka, sporák); synonyms (n) range, furnace, heater, ambit, chain, compass, grasp, orbit, reach, scope. kamufláž camouflage (maskovat); synonyms (n) mask, blind, (v) disguise, cover, cloak, conceal, hide, masquerade, veil, dissemble; antonym (v) display. kamzík chamois; synonyms (n) shammy, chammy, flea, frog, goat, grasshopper, butt, gorals, serows. kanál 1. canal; synonyms (n) aqueduct, channel, conduit, duct, sound, adit, culvert, trench, ditch, (v) canalize, 2. channel; synonyms (n) canal, groove, drain, line, passage, trough, waterway, (v) carry, conduct, convey, 3. sewer (stoka); synonyms (n) cloaca, gully, dike, sewerage, main, moat, (adj) latrines. kanalizace sewerage; synonyms (n) sewage, cloaca, sewer, sanitation, (v) drainage. kanár canary (kanárek); synonyms (n) informer, singer, snitch, warbler, buff, girl, sneak, (v) fink, tattletale, sing. kanárek canary (kanár); synonyms (n) informer, singer, snitch, warbler, buff, girl, sneak, (v) fink, tattletale, sing. kanasta canasta; synonym (n) meld. kancelář 1. office (úřad); synonyms (n) charge, agency, duty, function, position, commission, appointment, division, authority, berth, 2. bureau; synonyms (n) office, chest, department, desk, dresser, box. kancléř chancellor; synonyms (n) premier, consul, lieutenant, magistrate, proconsul, syndic, judge, justice, official, prefect. kancléřství chancellery; synonyms (n) chancery, chancellorship. kandidát candidate; synonyms (n) applicant, aspirant, contestant, contender, hopeful, nominee, prospect, suitor, amateur, campaigner. kandidatura 1. candidature; synonyms (n) candidacy, campaign, campaigning, application, contention, electioneering, entry, submission, canvassing, run, 2. candidacy; synonyms (n) candidature, candidateship, competition. káně buzzard; synonyms (n) calf, chicken, colt, doodle, dullard, loon, lout, lown, oaf, block.
kanec boar; synonyms (n) pig, swine, dog, hog, hart, horse, sow, stallion, brawn, cock. kanibal cannibal; synonyms (n) anthropophagite, savage, anthropophagus, barbarian, brute, aborigine, anthropophaginian, islander, (adj) anthropophagous, carnivorous. kanibalismus cannibalism; synonyms (n) anthropophagy, barbarity. kánoe canoe; synonyms (n) boat, caique, felucca, (adj) self-sufficient. kánon canon (kanovník); synonyms (n) rule, doctrine, law, principle, regulation, code, criterion, formula, statute, creed. kanonický canonical; synonyms (adj) canonic, orthodox, basic, positive, rigid, strict, uncompromising, legitimate, classical, clerical. kanovník canon (kánon); synonyms (n) rule, doctrine, law, principle, regulation, code, criterion, formula, statute, creed. kantáta cantata; synonyms (n) carol, ditty, lay, pastoral, recitative, recitativo, solfeggio, canticle, canzonet, oratorio. kanton canton; synonyms (n) compartment, (v) quarter, billet, board, lodge, draw. kantýna canteen; synonyms (n) flask, bottle, estaminet, posada, cafeteria, hall, amphora, bar, barrel, butt. kaolín kaolin; synonyms (n) kaoline, clay, pipeclay. kapacita 1. capacity; synonyms (n) capability, aptitude, capacitance, function, intelligence, talent, might, dimension, content, (adj) ability; antonyms (n) inability, incapability, 2. volume (hlasitost, objem, obsah, svazek); synonyms (n) bulk, size, book, magnitude, mass, quantity, amount, capacity, intensity, (adj) deal; antonym (n) quietness. kapalina liquid (kapalný, tekutý); synonyms (adj) flowing, fluent, fluid, juicy, limpid, watery, sappy, succulent, (n) liquor, drink; antonyms (adj) firm, (n) solid, gaseous. kapalný liquid (kapalina, tekutý); synonyms (adj) flowing, fluent, fluid, juicy, limpid, watery, sappy, succulent, (n) liquor, drink; antonyms (adj) firm, (n) solid, gaseous. kapat dribble; synonyms (n) trickle, (v) drip, drool, drop, drivel, slobber, distill, flow, ooze, spout. kapátko dropper; synonym (n) hanger. kapavka gonorrhoea; synonyms (n) gonorrhea, clap, bang, blast, blowup, clack, eruption. kapesník handkerchief; synonyms (n) hankie, napkin, cravat, hanky, wipe, collar, (v) cloth. kapilární capillary; synonyms (adj) capilliform, hairlike, fine, minute, (n) artery, vein, aorta. kapitál capital (velké písmeno); synonyms (n) principal, city, stock, assets, cash, funds, (adj) main, primary, chief, great.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English kapitalismus capitalism; synonyms (n) democracy, commercialism, competition, entrepreneurship, industrialism, mercantilism; antonyms (n) collectivism, communism, socialism. kapitalista capitalist; synonyms (adj) capitalistic, (n) financier, banker, businessman, businessperson, businesswoman, employer, entrepreneur, magnate, manufacturer; antonym (adj) collective. kapitalistický capitalistic; synonym (adj) capitalist. kapitán 1. captain; synonyms (n) chief, head, leader, master, boss, chieftain, commander, commodore, guide, (v) govern, 2. skipper; synonyms (n) captain, lieutenant, (v) navigate. kapitola chapter; synonyms (n) episode, branch, article, convocation, head, part, section, stage, caput, installment. kapitulace capitulation; synonyms (n) surrender, submission, yielding, cession, deference, fall. kapitulovat 1. capitulate; synonyms (v) cede, submit, yield, succumb, surrender, bow, resign, retreat, acquiesce, concede, 2. surrender (vzdát); synonyms (n) resignation, capitulation, release, (v) relinquish, abandon, render, capitulate, deliver, forsake, forfeit; antonyms (v) conquer, resist, appropriate, fight, persevere, subdue, win. kapka 1. drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, deposit, dribble, droop, abandon, cast, dip, (n) decline, collapse; antonyms (v) rise, increase, lift, (n) growth, 2. blob; synonyms (n) drip, bubble, drop, globule, bulge, dab, droplet, (v) blot, fleck, spot. kaplan 1. chaplain; synonyms (n) clergyman, parson, minister, rector, chaplaincy, chaplainship, vicar, altarist, archbishop, archdeacon, 2. padre; synonyms (n) father, pastor, priest, preacher, begetter, beginner, fatherhood, forefather, founder, missionary. kaple chapel (modlitebna); synonyms (n) church, worship, kirk, shrine, temple, cathedral, kapelle, minster, basilica, conventicle. kapota hood (kapuce); synonyms (n) cap, bonnet, cowl, cover, hat, coif, headdress, hoodlum, thug, malefactor. kapoun capon; synonyms (n) chicken, gelding, ox, steer, stot, fowl, hen, pullet, rooster, (v) castrate. kapr carp; synonyms (v) complain, criticize, gripe, grumble, quibble, object, whine, cavil, censure, knock; antonym (v) praise. kapradí bracken; synonyms (n) brake, fern, brush, cosmopolitan. kapradina fern; synonyms (n) branch, brush, leaf, (adj) ancient. kapradinový ferny; synonyms (adj) ferned, fernlike. kaprál corporal (desátník); synonyms (adj) corporeal, bodily, carnal, physical, animal, somatic,
bodied, (adv) fleshly; antonyms (adj) mental, spiritual. kapsa pocket; synonyms (n) cavity, pouch, hole, (v) bag, take, appropriate, sack, steal, lift, catch. kapsář pickpocket; synonyms (n) cutpurse, dip, thief, robber, burglar, inclination, miscreant, nipper, shoplifter, bandit. kapsle capsule (tobolka); synonyms (n) abridgement, lozenge, condensation, pill, tablet, abridgment, alembic, bolthead, case, (v) encapsulate. kapuce hood (kapota); synonyms (n) cap, bonnet, cowl, cover, hat, coif, headdress, hoodlum, thug, malefactor. kapusta 1. kale; synonyms (n) borecole, bread, cabbage, chou, dough, gelt, kail, loot, lucre, pelf, 2. cabbage (zelí); synonyms (n) kale, (v) pilfer, filch, crib, nim, prig, swipe, bag, pinch, purloin. kára 1. handcart; synonyms (n) cart, pushcart, perambulator, pram, pushchair, pusher, stroller, walker, 2. cart (vozík); synonyms (n) car, handcart, (v) carry, haul, drag, bear, take, transfer, convey, draw, 3. tumbril; synonym (n) tumbrel. karafa 1. cruet; synonyms (n) bottle, crewet, phial, vial, jar, noggin, stoup, 2. carafe; synonyms (n) decanter, jug, container, flask. karafiát carnation; synonyms (n) crimson, gillyflower, pink, red, scarlet, carmine, incarnation, lake, maroon, vermilion. karamel caramel; synonyms (n) damson, glucose, afficionado, beige, buff, buffer, caromel, devotee, fan, (adj) golden. karamela 1. toffee; synonyms (n) toffy, brittle, bonbon, chocolate, sweetie, 2. taffy; synonyms (n) mithai, sorghum. karanténa quarantine; synonyms (n) detention, seclusion, solitude, (v) isolate, segregate, seal. kárat 1. animadvert; synonyms (v) censure, comment, study, fulminate, observe, opine, remonstrate, complain, guess, imagine, 2. castigate; synonyms (v) chastise, chasten, reprimand, berate, chide, correct, penalize, punish, rebuke, scold; antonym (v) praise, 3. reprehend; synonyms (v) blame, criticize, condemn, charge, decry, reproach, reprove. karavana caravan; synonyms (n) train, carriage, van, column, conveyance, expedition, (v) procession, cortege, file, cavalcade. káravý reproachful; synonyms (adj) abusive, admonitory, opprobrious, contumelious, disgraceful, infamous, (v) condemnatory, disparaging, denunciatory, vituperative. karbid carbide; synonym (n) carbonide. karburátor carburettor; synonym (n) carburetor.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
kardinál cardinal (hlavní, základní); synonyms (adj) capital, central, fundamental, main,
paramount, essential, vital, radical, chief, key. kariéra career (povolání); synonyms (n) calling, race, profession, vocation, business, (adj) job, occupational, (v) course, dash, speed.
karikatura 1. cartoon (kreslený film, kreslený vtip); synonyms (n) caricature, sketch, picture, representation, drawing, parody, 2. caricature; synonyms (n) burlesque, lampoon, satire, cartoon, charade, (v) ape, travesty, mimic, spoof, exaggerate. karikaturista caricaturist; synonyms (n) cartoonist, grimacier, critic, mimic, witling. karmín carmine; synonyms (n) vermilion, cardinal, carnation, lake, maroon, pink, cochineal, (adj) red, scarlet, crimson. karneol cornelian; synonym (n) carnelian. karneval carnival (masopust); synonyms (n) fair, feast, festival, fiesta, funfair, show, bazaar, gala.
karta card (lístek, navštívenka, pohlednice); synonyms (n) bill, board, ticket, label, carte, menu, notice, placard, postal, (v) tease. kartáč brush (smeták); synonyms (n) brushwood, clash, collision, conflict, copse, (v) broom, graze, sweep, touch, clean. kartel cartel; synonyms (n) syndicate, trust, combine, compromise, ring, group, organization. kaše 1. mash; synonyms (v) crush, grind, squash, beat, bray, comminute, crunch, flirt, press, pulp, 2. mush; synonyms (n) paste, batter, countenance, flattery, flesh, mouth, nostalgia, supawn, talk, (v) kiss, 3. pap; synonyms (n) nipple, mammilla, teat, breast, dug, mamilla, mush, tit, papilla, boob, 4. pulp; synonyms (n) puree, magazine, anatomy, bod, build, chassis, (v) mash, squeeze, (adj) rob, taste. kasein casein; synonyms (n) paracasein, (v) crassamentum. kašel cough (kašlat); synonyms (n) coughing, sneeze, (v) choke, convulse, vomit. kaskáda cascade; synonyms (n) waterfall, torrent, deluge, shower, cataract, falls, (v) fall, gush, stream, spout; antonyms (v) trickle, dribble. kašlat cough (kašel); synonyms (n) coughing, sneeze, (v) choke, convulse, vomit. kašmír cashmere; synonyms (n) calico, cambric. kašpar zany; synonyms (adj) wacky, foolish, silly, clownish, crazy, fool, (n) buffoon, clown, fathead, jackass. kaštan chestnut; synonyms (n) commonplace, anecdote, joke, banality, bronze, cliché, (adj) auburn, brown, bay, castaneous. kastrol casserole; synonyms (n) pan, bowl, plate, cocotte.
kat executioner; synonyms (n) assassin, killer, murderer, executor, deathsman, doer, slaughterer, slayer, tormenter, destroyer. katafalk catafalque; synonyms (n) bier, hearse, coffin, catafalco, pall, sarcophagus, shell, urn. katalog catalogue (katalogizovat); synonyms (n) catalog, list, bill, schedule, roll, inventory, (v) register, sort. katalogizovat catalogue (katalog); synonyms (n) catalog, list, bill, schedule, roll, inventory, (v) register, sort. katalýza catalysis; synonyms (n) dissolution, analysis, decomposition, dissection, resolution, decay, degeneration. katalyzátor catalyst; synonyms (n) accelerator, goad, incentive, stimulus, spur, impulse. katapult catapult (katapultovat, prak); synonyms (n) bricole, sling, launcher, slingshot, balister, bow, (v) shoot, fling, launch, throw. katapultovat catapult (katapult, prak); synonyms (n) bricole, sling, launcher, slingshot, balister, bow, (v) shoot, fling, launch, throw. katar catarrh; synonyms (n) cold, pose, ptyalism, salivation, chilly, disagreeable, distant, dull, frigid, gelid. katarze catharsis; synonyms (n) abreaction, katharsis, purge, purification, expurgation, release. katastrofa disaster; synonyms (n) calamity, catastrophe, accident, adversity, blow, casualty, cataclysm, debacle, destruction, fiasco; antonyms (n) success, blessing, joy. katastrofální disastrous; synonyms (adj) calamitous, destructive, dire, fateful, deplorable, bad, catastrophic, fatal, sad, (v) ruinous; antonyms (adj) fortunate, successful. katechismus catechism; synonyms (n) examination, creed, education, question, test, (v) challenge. katedrála 1. cathedral (chrám); synonyms (n) church, minster, temple, basilica, chantry, chapel, conventicle, (adj) cathedralic, official, parochial, 2. minster; synonyms (n) cathedral, kirk, meetinghouse, oratory, tabernacle. kategorický categorical (rozhodný); synonyms (adj) absolute, definite, distinct, flat, categoric, dogmatic, downright, (v) definitive, unqualified, decided; antonym (adj) qualified. kategorie category; synonyms (n) class, denomination, division, kind, type, variety, form, group, level, sort. katoda cathode; synonym (n) platinode. kauce bail; synonyms (n) pledge, security, surety, bond, guarantee, handle, (v) deliver. kauzativní causative; synonyms (adj) causal, factitive, inventive, original, contributing.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English káva coffee; synonyms (n) brown, chocolate, cocoa, beige, tan, umber, (adj) auburn, brunette, russet. kavalec bunk (palanda); synonyms (n) berth, nonsense, bed, bullshit, drivel, hogwash, cradle, bull, buncombe, bunkum. kavalerista 1. cavalryman; synonyms (n) trooper, horseman, soldier, 2. trooper; synonyms (n) cavalryman, peon, warrior. kavalír cavalier; synonyms (adj) overbearing, arrogant, haughty, offhand, supercilious, domineering, bumptious, adventurous, casual, (n) beau. kavárna cafe; synonyms (n) buffet, canteen, coffeehouse, diner, restaurant, posada, cabaret, nightclub. kaviár 1. caviar; synonym (n) caviare, 2. caviare; synonyms (n) caviar, garlic, onion, pickle, (adj) cayenne, mustard. kaz flaw; synonyms (n) defect, blemish, crevice, fault, chink, demerit, blunder, break, (adj) blot, (v) crack; antonym (n) strength. kázání 1. homily; synonyms (n) sermon, discourse, lecture, speech, preachment, disquisition, oration, 2. sermon; synonyms (n) address, homily, harangue, preaching, exhortation, predication, talk, delivery, dissertation, (v) lesson. kázat 1. preach; synonyms (v) exhort, lecture, advocate, sermonize, urge, prophesy, 2. sermonize; synonyms (v) moralise, moralize, preach, address, discourse, preachify, (n) declaim, harangue, flourish, recite. kazatel preacher; synonyms (n) minister, missionary, clergyman, lecturer, parson, priest, sermonizer, vicar, chaplain, cleric. kazatelna pulpit; synonyms (n) podium, ambo, dais, platform, rostrum, stump, stand, state, theater, stage. každodenní everyday (všední); synonyms (adj) common, usual, customary, familiar, routine, accustomed, average, casual, commonplace, (v) ordinary; antonyms (adj) extraordinary, unusual, exquisite. každý each; synonyms (adv) apiece, (adj) every, any, singular, distinct, eche, ilk, eminent, exceptional, extraordinary. kazeta 1. cassette; synonyms (n) tape, copy, demo, footage, record, recording, soundtrack, video, videocassette, videotape, 2. casket (rakev); synonyms (n) case, box, coffin, chest, sarcophagus, coffer, caddy. kazit mar; synonyms (v) disfigure, spoil, blemish, deface, harm, impair, injure, corrupt, hurt, (adj) damage; antonym (v) enhance. káznice penitentiary; synonyms (n) jail, prison, pen, confessor, dungeon, (v) penitential.
kbelík pail (džber); synonyms (n) bucket, bucketful, pailful, tub, pipkin, pot, skeel, tankard, cogue, container. kdákat cackle; synonyms (n) chuckle, laugh, (v) giggle, snicker, chatter, crow, gaggle, chortle, (adj) prate, prattle. kde where (kam); synonyms (adv) there, here, wherever, whither, anywhere, wherein, anyplace, (pron) everywhere, (n) point, spot. kdekoli wherever; synonyms (adv) where, anywhere, everywhere, wheresoever, where'er, everyplace, someplace, (n) anyplace. kdežto whereas (zatímco); synonyms (conj) though, while, whenas, where, (adv) although, when, then, (prep) because. kdo who (jenž, který); synonyms (pron) one, (adj) which, what. kdosi 1. somebody (někdo); synonyms (pron) someone, anybody, (n) individual, person, personage, creature, man, mortal, body, (adj) celebrity; antonym (pron) nobody, 2. someone; synonyms (pron) somebody, anyone, (n) human, self, party, one, soul, homo. kdoule quince; synonym (n) melocotoon. kdy when (až, když); synonyms (adv) as, once, then, because, than, since, equally, (conj) although, while, (prep) during. kdyby if (jestliže, zdali); synonyms (conj) provided, although, providing, whether, though, and, so, (n) but, conditionally, condition. kdysi 1. formerly (dříve, předtím); synonyms (adv) before, already, earlier, aforetime, first, erst, erstwhile, once, previously, afore, 2. sometime (jednou); synonyms (adv) someday, sometimes, formerly, (adj) former, quondam, old, late, 3. once (jednou); synonyms (adv) sometime, when, (n) whilom. když when (až, kdy); synonyms (adv) as, once, then, because, than, since, equally, (conj) although, while, (prep) during. kejklíř juggler; synonyms (n) conjuror, performer, magician, cheat, conjurer, prestidigitator, conveyer, prestigiator, thief. keks 1. cracker (suchar); synonyms (n) banger, firecracker, favor, center, redneck, snapper, (v) squib, doughnut, gun, popgun, 2. biscuit (suchar, sušenka); synonyms (n) cookie, cooky, beige, head, tan, slug, spray, (adj) glamorous. kel tusk; synonyms (n) ivory, bone, pearl, tush, (v) detusk, horn, (adj) tooth, nib. kelímek crucible; synonyms (n) pot, retort, calabash, matrix, pix, reagent, still, touchstone, ordeal, crosslet.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
kempink camping (táboření); synonyms (n) bivouac, camp, encampment, bivouacking, campground, tenting, cantonment. kenotaf cenotaph; synonyms (n) monument, shrine, cenotaphy, commemorative, remembrance, tomb. kentaur centaur; synonym (n) monster. kepr twill; synonyms (n) cloth, (v) braid, felt, mat, mesh, net, (adj) curl, corded, crisp, pique. keř 1. bush; synonyms (n) shrub, bushing, wild, chaparral, hedge, jungle, plant, scrub, wilderness, 2. shrub; synonyms (n) bush, frutex, bramble, tree, (v) lop, prune. keramický ceramic; synonyms (adj) terracotta, clay, earthen, (n) pottery, stoneware, (v) anaglyptic, ceroplastic. kibic kibitzer; synonyms (n) bystander, spectator, advisor, busybody, counselor, jester, joker, nuisance, pest, wit. kiks howler; synonyms (n) blunder, mistake, gaffe, error, slip, bacchanal, bungle, debauch, debauchery, guffaw. kilometr kilometre; synonyms (n) kilometer, klick, km. kinematika kinematics; synonyms (n) phoronomics, cinematics. kinematografie cinematography; synonyms (n) cinema, movies, filming, photography, shooting. kinetický kinetic; synonyms (adj) energising, energizing, energetic, bracing, brisk, fresh, unsettled, refreshful, refreshing, tonic. kino cinema (biograf); synonyms (n) movies, film, show, celluloid. kivi kiwi; synonym (n) apteryx. klacek 1. cudgel (palice); synonyms (n) club, bludgeon, truncheon, stick, mace, staff, (v) beat, bat, drub, hit, 2. club (klub, kyj, palice); synonyms (n) association, circle, society, baton, company, cudgel, fraternity, gang, group, guild. kláda log (poleno); synonyms (n) journal, record, block, diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet, (v) enter. kladivo hammer; synonyms (n) pound, gavel, (v) strike, bang, beat, knock, tap, club, forge, hit. kladka pulley; synonyms (n) block, crane, windlass, winch, wheel, hoist, blockage, blocking, closure, crank. kladný 1. positive (pozitiv, pozitivní); synonyms (adj) absolute, certain, affirmative, confident, decisive, definite, direct, explicit, favorable, (n) actual; antonyms (adj) negative, derogatory, uncertain, unsure, pessimistic, sad, 2. affirmative; synonyms (adj) affirmatory, optimistic, positive, assertive, declaratory, predicatory, (adv) yes, 3. plus (a); synonyms (prep) besides, (n) extra, advantage, addition, asset, gain, increase, quality,
(adv) more, also; antonyms (prep) minus, (n) disadvantage. klakson horn (roh, rohovina, tykadlo); synonyms (n) hooter, cornet, klaxon, alarm, trumpet, aparejo, arm, faldstool, ophicleide, trombone. klam fallacy; synonyms (n) error, delusion, deception, illusion, misconception, falsehood, inaccuracy, falsity, idol, (adj) subterfuge; antonyms (n) fact, truth. klamný 1. deceptive; synonyms (adj) deceitful, dishonest, deceiving, fallacious, false, insidious, lying, misleading, spurious, untrue; antonyms (adj) honest, real, truthful, 2. false (falešný, nepravdivý, nesprávný); synonyms (adj) bastard, counterfeit, erroneous, artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, fake, fictitious; antonyms (adj) true, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, valid, 3. fallacious; synonyms (adj) wrong, delusive, inaccurate, incorrect, unsound, illusory, specious, ungrounded, faulty, fraudulent; antonym (adj) reliable. klan clan (rod); synonyms (n) family, tribe, breed, house, kin, kindred, lineage, race, stock, genus. klapat clatter (klapot); synonyms (n) clang, noise, (v) rattle, jingle, bang, clank, clash, roll, chatter, clack; antonym (n) silence. klapot clatter (klapat); synonyms (n) clang, noise, (v) rattle, jingle, bang, clank, clash, roll, chatter, clack; antonym (n) silence. klarinet clarinet; synonym (n) clarionet. klarinetista clarinettist; synonym (n) clarinetist. klas 1. ear (ucho); synonyms (n) auricle, handle, hearing, lug, spike, capitulum, heed, earing, notice, crown, 2. spike (bodec, hrot); synonyms (n) pin, point, barb, ear, needle, prickle, (v) impale, pierce, nail, spear. klasicismus classicism; synonyms (n) balance, clarity, class, dignity, elegance, eloquence, excellence, finish, formality, (adj) classicalism; antonym (n) romanticism. klasický 1. classic (klasik); synonyms (adj) classical, model, archetypal, exemplary, ideal, typical, representative, traditional, archaic, (n) masterpiece; antonym (n) second-rate, 2. classical; synonyms (adj) correct, attic, authoritative, chaste, perfect, (n) classic, refined. klasifikovat classify (třídit); synonyms (v) arrange, class, assort, categorize, order, separate, distinguish, group, rank, (n) sort; antonym (v) declassify. klasik classic (klasický); synonyms (adj) classical, model, archetypal, exemplary, ideal, typical, representative, traditional, archaic, (n) masterpiece; antonym (n) second-rate.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
klást put (dát, položit); synonyms (v) place, fix, lay,
klepadlo knocker; synonyms (n) boob, breast,
position, set, impose, couch, locate, pose, (n) deposit. klášter 1. monastery; synonyms (n) friary, (v) abbey, cloister, convent, 2. cloister; synonyms (n) priory, monastery, arcade, nunnery, piazza, circus, 3.
doorknocker, tit, nipple, bosom, depreciator, detractor, disparager, titty. klepat knock (bušit); synonyms (v) hit, blow, bump, cuff, punch, (n) rap, bang, tap, bash, crash; antonym (v) praise. klepna telltale; synonyms (n) talebearer, taleteller, tattler, tattletale, gossip, blabbermouth, check, (adj) revealing, telling. klepnout rap; synonyms (n) hit, blow, bang, bump, cuff, (v) knock, tap, blame, chat, knap. klepy gossip (pomluvy); synonyms (n) rumor, chitchat, gab, chatterbox, conversation, babble, comment, (v) chat, chatter, natter; antonym (n) fact. klerikalismus clericalism; synonyms (n) sacerdotalism, ultramontanism. klesající decreasing; synonyms (adj) declining, amortizing, decrescent, deteriorating, music, (n) contraction; antonym (adj) rising. klesat 1. decline (ubývání); synonyms (n) decay, declension, decrease, dip, (v) wane, drop, reject, fall, abate, ebb; antonyms (n) improvement, recovery, development, growth, rebirth, (v) increase, rise, accept, flourish, improve, 2. descend (sestoupit); synonyms (v) alight, condescend, settle, deign, derive, dismount, down, subside, tumble, come; antonyms (v) ascend, climb. kletba curse (klít, proklínat); synonyms (n) bane, anathema, blasphemy, malediction, (v) beshrew, blight, ban, damn, plague, swear. klíč key (klávesa); synonyms (adj) central, fundamental, basic, cardinal, essential, chief, (n) guide, handle, clue, legend.
convent. klášterní 1. cloistral; synonyms (adj) cloistered, conventual, monastic, monastical, claustral, cloisteral, recluse, reclusive, secluded, sequestered, 2. monastic; synonyms (adj) cloistral, monachal, monkish, clerical, (n) monk. klatba anathema; synonyms (n) malediction, curse, execration, imprecation, abomination, commination, taboo, ban, malison. klaun clown (šašek); synonyms (n) buffoon, fool, boor, comedian, comic, harlequin, jester, joke, joker, (v) antic. klauzule clause (doložka); synonyms (n) article, paragraph, provision, rider, section, chapter, member, condition, prerequisite, (v) passage. klávesa key (klíč); synonyms (adj) central, fundamental, basic, cardinal, essential, chief, (n) guide, handle, clue, legend. klávesnice keyboard (klaviatura); synonym (n) upright. klaviatura keyboard (klávesnice); synonym (n) upright. klavír piano; synonyms (n) pianoforte, pianissimo, (adj) soft, gentle, cushy, delicate, easy, faint, indulgent, (adv) gently; antonym (adv) forte. klavírista pianist (pianista); synonyms (n) accompanist, accordionist, instrumentalist, organist, violinist. klec cage; synonyms (n) jail, pen, hutch, cell, corral, crate, frame, gaol, (v) confine, enclose; antonym (v) free. klempířství plumbing (instalatérství); synonyms (n) plumbery, bathymetry, hardware. klenba vault; synonyms (n) leap, bound, jump, spring, arch, hurdle, cellar, crypt, grave, (v) hop.
klenot 1. jewel (drahokam, skvost, šperk); synonyms (n) gem, gemstone, bijou, darling, jewelry, ornament, treasure, trinket, cosset, dear, 2. gem; synonyms (n) jewel, stone, rock. klenotník jeweller; synonym (n) jeweler. klenoty 1. jewellery (šperky); synonyms (n) jewel, jewelry, 2. jewelry; synonyms (n) jewellery, gem, locket, ornament, trinket, accessory, anklet, bauble, beads, brass. klenutí vaulting; synonyms (n) curvet, gymnastics, (adj) ambitious, overreaching, (v) aspiring. klenutý arched; synonyms (adj) bowed, curved, arcuate, bent, vaulted, convex, arciform, arced.
klid calm (klidný, ticho, tichý, uklidnit); synonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful, (v) assuage, appease, cool, still, allay, pacify, easy, (n) lull; antonyms (adj) agitated, angry, nervous, stormy, wild, annoyed, anxious, (v) agitate, upset, (n) agitation. klidnost placidity; synonyms (n) peace, calm, calmness, equanimity, serenity, tranquility, placidness, quiet, repose, (adj) composure. klidný 1. composed (vyrovnaný); synonyms (adj) collected, calm, cool, dispassionate, peaceable, easy, equable, impassive, imperturbable, peaceful; antonyms (adj) agitated, distressed, trembling, nervous, 2. cool (chlad, chladivý, chladný, ochladit); synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, composed, fine, aloof, apathetic, (v) chill, assuage, allay, (n) composure; antonyms (adj) hot, excited, enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v) warm, heat, 3. calm (klid, ticho, tichý, uklidnit); synonyms (adj) quiet, tranquil, (v) appease, still, pacify, moderate, mollify, steady, (n) lull, equanimity; antonyms (adj) angry, stormy, wild, annoyed, anxious, enraged, frantic, (v) agitate, upset, (n) agitation, 4. quiet (ticho, tichý);
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
synonyms (adj) gentle, motionless, placid, tranquilize, (v) silence, repose, (n) hush, compose, ease, peace; antonyms (adj) loud, noisy, talkative, vociferous, active, (n) noise. klientela clientele; synonyms (n) patronage, client, customer, trade, business, customers, patron, practice. klihovitý glutinous (lepkavý); synonyms (adj) adhesive, sticky, viscous, gelatinous, gluey, clammy, gooey, gummy, pasty, (n) mucilaginous; antonym (adj) runny. klika 1. clique; synonyms (n) clan, faction, circle, gang, set, band, coterie, group, ring, knot, 2. cabal; synonyms (n) conspiracy, junto, scheme, intrigue, plot, camarilla, combination, (v) conspire, complot, machinate. klikatý 1. tortuous; synonyms (adj) crooked, indirect, intricate, circuitous, complex, convoluted, involved, knotty, sinuous, winding; antonyms (adj) direct, straightforward, 2. zigzag (cikcak); synonyms (n) ankle, astragal, (v) meander, wind, bend, twist, (adj) forked, furcated, meandering, bifurcate; antonym (adj) straight. klimatický climatic; synonyms (adj) climatical, climatal, crucial. klín 1. lap; synonyms (n) circle, circuit, fold, coil, knee, (v) lick, overlap, bind, (adv) compass, encircle, 2. wedge (zaklínovat); synonyms (n) chock, slice, cuneus, (v) squeeze, compress, jam, pack, ram, stuff, lodge. klinický clinical; synonyms (adj) neutral, antiseptic, emotionless, scientific. klinika clinic; synonyms (n) infirmary, hospital, workshop, clinique, faculty, hospice, institution, class, meeting, (v) clinical. klínový cuneiform; synonyms (adj) cuneate, arrowheaded, cuneal, cuneatic, fusiform, (v) runic, hieroglyphical, uncial, (n) cuniform. klisna mare (kobyla); synonyms (n) bitch, doe, hen, horse, jennet, boundary, genet, lady, mere, mount. klít 1. curse (kletba, proklínat); synonyms (n) bane, anathema, blasphemy, malediction, (v) beshrew, blight, ban, damn, plague, swear, 2. swear (nadávat, přísahat); synonyms (v) affirm, assert, assure, curse, declare, avow, depone, depose, (n) promise, aver. klobása sausage; synonyms (n) frankfurter, blimp, pudding, intestine. klobouk hat; synonyms (n) cap, chapeau, lid, sou'wester, bonus, eyelid, palpebra, (adj) hot. kloktadlo gargle (kloktat); synonyms (n) mouthwash, bath, gargarism, gargoyle, (v) rinse, drink, gargalize, gargarize, (adj) inject, syringe.
kloktat gargle (kloktadlo); synonyms (n) mouthwash, bath, gargarism, gargoyle, (v) rinse, drink, gargalize, gargarize, (adj) inject, syringe. klopa lapel; synonyms (n) flap, corrugation, crankle, crinkle, crumple, double, doubling, duplicature, elbow, flexion. klopýtnout stumble; synonyms (v) slip, fall, flounder, fumble, err, falter, (n) trip, lurch, misstep, (adj) blunder. kloub joint; synonyms (adj) collective, common, communal, cooperative, (n) articulation, hinge, join, seam, connection, (v) articulate; antonyms (adj) individual, unilateral, private, separate. klouzání sliding; synonyms (adj) gliding, down, downhill, descending, downward, labent, elusory, (n) slipping, skating, shifting. klouzat 1. glide (plachtit); synonyms (n) slip, gliding, (v) slide, coast, float, flow, fly, run, drift, lapse; antonym (v) struggle, 2. slide (diapozitiv, skluzavka); synonyms (n) glide, chute, decline, transparency, (v) drop, fall, slither, slump, skid, (adj) shift. klozet toilet (toaleta, záchod); synonyms (n) bathroom, lavatory, attire, can, dress, lav, privy, stool, costume, bath. klub club (klacek, kyj, palice); synonyms (n) association, bat, circle, society, stick, baton, company, cudgel, (v) beat, bludgeon. kluk boy (chlapec, hoch); synonyms (n) lad, fellow, kid, male, man, minor, servant, son, youngster, youth. klusák trotter; synonyms (adv) falter, flag. klusat trot (poklus); synonyms (n) crib, canter, pony, drive, (v) jog, run, gallop, clip, common, everyday. kluzák glider; synonym (n) sailplane. kluzkost lubricity; synonyms (n) corruption, dirt, obscenity, vice, incontinency, slipperiness, (adj) lechery, lasciviency, pruriency, unctuosity. kluzký slippery; synonyms (adj) cunning, crafty, glib, elusive, glossy, oily, shifty, slick, (v) precarious, questionable. kmen 1. tribe (rod); synonyms (n) family, clan, house, folk, kin, kindred, nation, people, race, stock, 2. bole; synonyms (n) trunk, shaft, body, clay, boot, dose, proboscis, (adj) hulk, hull, torso, 3. trunk (kufr); synonyms (n) stem, bole, snout, stalk, box, case, luggage, nose, stirps. kmenový tribal; synonyms (adj) racial, ethnic, ancestral, cultural, national, tribular. kmín 1. cumin, 2. caraway; synonyms (n) anise, carrot, celery, dill. kmit vibration; synonyms (n) quiver, shudder, tremor, beat, pulse, oscillation, shiver, pulsation, movement, palpitation.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English kmitání oscillation; synonyms (n) beat, pulse, swing, vibration, quiver, vacillation, variation, impulse. kmitat oscillate (oscilovat); synonyms (v) fluctuate, swing, vibrate, hesitate, wag, alternate, quiver, shake, sway, tremble. kmitavý vibratory; synonyms (adj) vibratile, vibrating, oscillatory, vibrative, oscillating, oscillative, swinging. kmotr godfather; synonyms (n) godchild, executive, gangster, (v) christen. kmotra godmother; synonyms (n) godfather, godchild. kmotřenec godchild; synonyms (n) godfather, godmother, ward. knedlík dumpling; synonyms (n) dumplings, baby. kněz priest (duchovní); synonyms (n) clergyman, minister, ecclesiastic, churchman, cleric, parson, pastor, presbyter, chaplain, (adj) divine. kniha book; synonyms (n) bible, journal, pamphlet, tome, (v) order, reserve, apply, inscribe, list, record. knihař bookbinder; synonym (n) bibliopegist. knihkupectví 1. bookshop; synonyms (n) bookstore, bookstall, 2. bookstore; synonyms (n) bookshop, tobacconists, drugstore, florist, stationer. knihomol bookworm; synonyms (n) booklover, learner, pedant, pundit, pupil, scholar, scholastic, (adj) studious. knihovna 1. library; synonyms (n) bibliotheca, annals, archive, bibliotheke, den, documentation, documents, records, store, 2. bookcase; synonyms (n) cupboard, closet, bin, buffet, bunker, cellaret, clothespress, commode, davenport, drawer. knihovník librarian; synonyms (n) bibliothec, bibliothecary. knír moustache; synonyms (n) hair, mustache, (adj) beard, whisker, brush, mane, ringlet, tress, shag. kníže prince (princ); synonyms (n) monarch, potentate, duke, sovereign, king, chief, ruler, magnate. knížectví principality; synonyms (n) kingdom, princedom, realm, protectorate, principate, area, nation, satrapy, settlement, state. knižní bookish; synonyms (adj) academic, scholarly, studious, learned, literary, intellectual, (v) blue. knoflík 1. button; synonyms (n) knop, buckle, bud, clasp, fastening, key, (v) knob, fasten, (adj) pin, tie, 2. stud; synonyms (n) boss, rivet, scantling, peg, (v) button, dot, nail, sprinkle, constellate, hook. knot wick; synonyms (n) taper, candle, wich. koagulace coagulation; synonyms (n) clotting, clot, flocculation, curdling, mass, agglomeration, caseation, concentration, consolidation, (adj) concretion. koagulovat coagulate; synonyms (v) clot, set, condense, congeal, harden, freeze, (n) curdle, (adj)
consolidate, coagulated, concrete; antonym (v) liquefy. koalice coalition; synonyms (n) alliance, association, combination, league, union, affiliation, alignment, alinement, coalescence, confederation; antonym (n) nonalignment. kobalt cobalt; synonyms (n) blue, (adj) cyanogen, azure, smalt, ultramarine, cerulean, indigo, navy, sapphire. koberec 1. carpet; synonyms (n) blanket, rug, carpeting, runner, (v) cover, drape, encase, rebuke, attack, criticize, 2. rug; synonyms (n) carpet, mat, coverlet, counterpane, quilt, floor, sheet, tarpaulin, bathmat, doormat. kobliha doughnut; synonyms (n) donut, sinker, annulus, anulus, toroid, aura, band, halo, pastry, (v) cracker. kobra cobra; synonyms (n) rattlesnake, serpent, copra. kobyla mare (klisna); synonyms (n) bitch, doe, hen, horse, jennet, boundary, genet, lady, mere, mount. kobylka locust; synonyms (v) losel, squanderer. kočka cat; synonyms (n) caterpillar, guy, lynx, bozo, hombre, puss, (v) disgorge, puke, regorge, regurgitate. kocovina hangover; synonyms (n) holdover, katzenjammer, remnant, remainder, brouhaha, aftereffect, drunkenness, feebles, head, headache. kód code (kodex, zákoník); synonyms (n) cipher, charter, law, act, key, rule, codex, canon, (v) cypher, encode. kodein codeine; synonym (n) codeia. kodex 1. codex; synonyms (n) code, brochure, enchiridion, manual, publication, book, handbook, libretto, pamphlet, 2. code (kód, zákoník); synonyms (n) cipher, charter, law, act, key, rule, codex, canon, (v) cypher, encode. kodifikace codification; synonyms (n) code, coding, classification, legislation, order, regulation, theory. kodifikovat codify; synonyms (v) classify, digest, organize, class, embody, order, formulate, legalize, tabulate, collect. koeficient coefficient; synonyms (n) accessory, multiple, (adj) concomitant, cooperative, cooperating. koexistence coexistence; synonyms (n) appulse, companionship, company, coincidence, meeting, rencontre, rencounter, syzygy, accord, coetaneousness. kofein caffeine; synonym (n) caffein. kohout 1. rooster; synonyms (n) chicken, cock, chanticleer, fowl, hen, partlet, poultry, prick, 2. cock (kohoutek); synonyms (n) rooster, stack, hammer, hand, pecker, pointer, shaft, stopcock, tool, (v) ruffle.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
kohoutek 1. faucet (pípa); synonyms (n) tap, valve, bar, fosset, pat, taproom, 2. tap; synonyms (n) dab, hit, bang, strike, stroke, touch, (v) knock, rap, broach, bug, 3. cock (kohout); synonyms (n) rooster, chicken, stack, fowl, hammer, hand, pecker, pointer, prick, (v) ruffle. kojenec 1. infant; synonyms (n) baby, babe, child, minor, nursling, kid, toddler, (adj) juvenile, young, 2. nursling; synonyms (n) nurseling, suckling, lactation, fondling, 3. suckling; synonyms (n) infant, sucker, weanling, yearling, greenhorn, bagre, parasite, soaker, (adj) lactant, 4. sucker; synonyms (n) dupe, fool, sap, jay, lollipop, patsy, chump, mark, pushover, (v) sponger. kojit suckle; synonyms (v) nurse, lactate, breastfeed, suck, foster, raise, nourish, draw, harbour, (n) nurture. kojot coyote; synonyms (n) caribou, elk, moose, sambar. koka coca; synonym (n) cuca. kokain cocaine; synonyms (n) cocain, coke, snow, blow, carbon, centred, century, coulomb, (adj) opium, heroin. kokarda cockade; synonyms (n) colors, epaulet, epaulette. koketa coquette; synonyms (n) vamp, jilt, minx, (v) flirt, coquet, dally, romance. koketovat 1. coquet; synonyms (v) flirt, dally, coquette, philander, toy, trifle, romance, 2. philander (flirtovat); synonyms (v) coquet, mash, bray, butterfly, comminute, court, crunch, crush, dawdle, effeminize. kokrhání crow (kokrhat, vrána); synonyms (n) gasconade, crowing, (v) boast, brag, cackle, chuckle, cry, exult, triumph, (adj) raven. kokrhat crow (kokrhání, vrána); synonyms (n) gasconade, crowing, (v) boast, brag, cackle, chuckle, cry, exult, triumph, (adj) raven. koks coke; synonyms (n) carbon, cocain, cocaine, snow, coal, anthracite, wafer, centred, century, culm. koktat stammer; synonyms (v) stutter, falter, hesitate, bumble, stumble. koktejl cocktail; synonyms (n) appetizer, mixture, combination, blend, concoction, mix, alcohol, beverage, brew, (v) champagne. kokus coccus; synonym (n) cocci. kola cola; synonyms (n) boob, booby, cannabis, dope, dumbbell, dummy, gage, ganja, grass, marihuana. kolaborant 1. collaborationist; synonyms (n) collaborator, quisling, confederate, henchman, pardner, partner, 2. collaborator (spolupracovník); synonyms (n) associate, accomplice, assistant, collaborationist, colleague, contributor, cooperator, coworker, accessory, ally.
koláč cake (dort); synonyms (n) bar, block, pastry, lump, pie, (v) harden, set, (adj) clot, fix. kolář wheeler; synonyms (n) wheelwright, bicycler, bicyclist, cyclist. kolébka cradle; synonyms (n) bed, cot, birthplace, nursery, berth, crib, hammock, nest, (v) groundwork, hold. koleda carol; synonyms (n) chant, canticle, song, ballad, canzonet, strain, hymn, bravura, cantata, (v) warble. kolega 1. colleague; synonyms (n) associate, buddy, assistant, collaborator, friend, partner, brother, acquaintance, ally, companion, 2. brother (bratr); synonyms (n) fellow, pal, chum, compeer, comrade, counterpart, crony, mate, monk, peer; antonym (n) sister. kolegium college (vysoká škola); synonyms (n) faculty, school, academy, association, institute, society, institution, university, (adj) academic. kolej rail (zábradlí); synonyms (n) bar, balustrade, handrail, railing, fence, banister, track, (v) inveigh, vituperate, fulminate. kolektiv collective (kolektivní); synonyms (adj) aggregate, general, joint, common, cumulative, generic, mutual, communal, community, (n) commune; antonyms (adj) capitalist, distributive, private. kolektivizace collectivization; synonym (n) collectivisation. kolektivní collective (kolektiv); synonyms (adj) aggregate, general, joint, common, cumulative, generic, mutual, communal, community, (n) commune; antonyms (adj) capitalist, distributive, private. kolem 1. around (dokola, okolo); synonyms (adv) about, approximately, almost, round, roughly, (prep) encompassing, encircling, circa, (adj) near, (n) vicinity, 2. past (mimo, minulost, minulý, po); synonyms (adj) beyond, bygone, former, old, back, earlier, (n) history, (adv) by, before, (prf) along; antonyms (adj) contemporary, current, (prep) within, (n) future, present, prospect. koleno knee; synonyms (n) elbow, genu, scythe, sickle, zigzag, angle, hinge, junction, know, stifle. kolidovat clash; synonyms (n) bang, battle, brush, clang, (v) jar, fight, impact, brawl, clank, collide; antonyms (n) agreement, (v) agree. kolík peg (flok); synonyms (n) bolt, pin, hook, dowel, leg, nog, stake, grade, tack, (v) nail. kolika colic; synonyms (n) bellyache, mulligrubs, enteralgia, cramp, heartburn, indigestion, stitch, sullenness. kolísání fluctuation; synonyms (n) variation, vicissitude, wavering, deviation, hesitation, instability, modification, oscillation, swing, undulation.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
kolísat 1. fluctuate (fluktuovat); synonyms (v)
Koloseum coliseum; synonyms (n) amphitheater,
waver, falter, change, vacillate, alternate, hesitate, oscillate, swing, vary, vibrate, 2. vary (lišit se); synonyms (v) alter, differ, modify, deviate, diverge, diversify, modulate, depart, disagree, fluctuate, 3. stagger (potácet se, vrávorat); synonyms (v) astonish, lurch, startle, flabbergast, flounder, hobble, reel, shake, shock, pitch. kolo 1. wheel (kruh); synonyms (n) circle, cycle, bicycle, gear, (v) roll, revolve, turn, bike, spin, trundle, 2. bike; synonyms (n) motorbike, motorcycle, (v) wheel, 3. bicycle (jízdní kolo); synonyms (n) machine, vehicle, coach, rack, (v) pedal, drive, 4. cycle (cyklus, jet na kole, jízdní kolo); synonyms (n) round, ring, sequence, circuit, period, bout, beat, run, age, interval. koloběžka scooter (skútr); synonyms (n) iceboat, icebreaker, scoter. koloid colloid; synonyms (adj) colloidal, gelatinous. koloidní colloidal; synonym (adj) colloid. kolona 1. convoy (konvoj); synonyms (n) guard, column, fleet, procession, safeguard, (v) accompany, conduct, guide, attend, (adj) escort, 2. column (rubrika, sloup, sloupec); synonyms (n) pillar, row, stanchion, file, line, obelisk, post, prop, support, (adj) tower. kolonáda colonnade (sloupořadí); synonyms (n) arcade, circus, arcades, column, crescent, mall, piazza, pillar, polygon, square. koloniální colonial; synonyms (adj) antebellum, precolumbian, compound, grand, imposing, majestic, quaint, regal, royally, crude. kolonie colony; synonyms (n) settlement, community, plantation, dependency, village, mandate, possession, protectorate, assembly, closure. kolonista colonist; synonyms (n) settler, colonizer, immigrant, pioneer, migrant, backwoodsman, squatter. kolonizace colonization; synonyms (n) settlement, colonisation, establishment, domestication, populating, situation, adjustment, arrangement, closure, migration. kolonizátor colonizer; synonyms (n) colonist, settler, migrant, émigré, pioneer, refugee. kolonizovat colonize; synonyms (v) colonise, people, inhabit, immigrate, pioneer, domesticate, (n) settle, balance, bench, calm. koloratura coloratura; synonym (n) colorature. kolos colossus; synonyms (n) behemoth, giant, monster, heavyweight, demon, devil, fiend, freak, monstrosity, teras. kolosální colossal; synonyms (adj) gargantuan, huge, large, prodigious, enormous, giant, gigantic, great, immense, mammoth; antonyms (adj) small, tiny, insignificant.
stadium, amphitheatre, arena, enclosure, gymnasium, theater. kolouch fawn; synonyms (v) crawl, creep, cringe, grovel, cower, crouch, bootlick, kowtow, flatter, sneak. kolovat circulate; synonyms (v) spread, broadcast, circle, disseminate, disperse, distribute, propagate, circularize, diffuse, issue. kolumbárium columbarium; synonyms (n) dovecote, birdhouse, columbary, stable. komár 1. mosquito (moskyt); synonyms (n) fly, alacran, alligator, crocodile, mugger, octopus, ant, bloodsucker, bug, (v) bee, 2. gnat; synonyms (adj) midge, animalcule, emmet, maggot, minnow, shrimp, worm, insect, mite, monad. komatózní comatose; synonyms (adj) unconscious, dormant, drowsy, insensible, lethargic, lifeless, numb, sleepy, torpid, asleep; antonyms (adj) awake, conscious. kombajn 1. harvester; synonyms (n) reaper, farmer, picker, thresher, 2. combine (spojit); synonyms (v) amalgamate, associate, blend, affiliate, fuse, attach, piece, aggregate, coalesce, (n) cartel; antonym (v) separate. kombinace combination; synonyms (n) alliance, blend, union, association, coalition, league, merger, amalgam, aggregate, amalgamation; antonyms (n) separation, (adj) simple. komedie comedy; synonyms (n) farce, play, humor, drollery, clowning, drama, show; antonym (n) tragedy. komentář 1. commentary; synonyms (n) annotation, comment, exposition, note, observation, article, criticism, critique, explanation, footnote, 2. comment (komentovat, poznámka); synonyms (n) commentary, censure, mention, reflection, animadversion, account, (v) annotate, remark, gloss, notice. komentátor commentator; synonyms (n) annotator, announcer, critic, reviewer, expositor, newscaster, reporter, scholiast.
komentovat comment (komentář, poznámka); synonyms (n) annotation, commentary, critique, note, censure, criticism, explanation, (v) annotate, remark, gloss. kometa comet; synonym (n) iris. komický 1. droll; synonyms (adj) amusing, comic, comical, funny, humorous, laughable, witty, burlesque, ludicrous, (n) buffoon, 2. comic; synonyms (adj) absurd, droll, entertaining, facetious, (n) clown, comedian, joker, jester, zany, magazine. komik comedian; synonyms (n) clown, buffoon, actor, comic, joker, entertainer, jester, performer, zany.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
komín chimney; synonyms (n) stack, flue, shaft,
kompetentní competent; synonyms (adj) able,
smokestack, vent, gully, main, nostril, nozzle, tap. komisař commissioner; synonyms (n) commissary, delegate, agent, executive, official, representative, collector. komise 1. committee (výbor); synonyms (n) board, council, commission, consignee, trustee, cabinet, bureau, staff, group, team, 2. commission (provize); synonyms (n) mission, delegation, job, mandate, warrant, assignment, (v) assign, accredit, designate, appoint. komodor commodore; synonyms (n) lieutenant, master, mate, skipper, ensign, od. komora chamber; synonyms (n) bedroom, hall, bedchamber, cavity, cell, council, compartment, committee, court, cubicle. kompaktní compact (pevný); synonyms (adj) close, dense, compendious, concise, (n) agreement, arrangement, contract, covenant, bargain, (v) compress; antonyms (adj) loose, sprawling, bulky, sparse. komparativ comparative (srovnávací); synonyms (adj) relative, qualified, proportionate, approximate, illustrative, near, allusive, analogous, approaching, (n) compeer. kompas compass; synonyms (n) range, scope, area, circle, circumference, extent, reach, (v) round, get, grasp. kompatibilita compatibility; synonyms (n) rapport, agreement, accord, harmony, propriety, sympathy, consistency, fitness, (adj) admissibility, applicability; antonym (n) incompatibility. kompatibilní compatible; synonyms (adj) agreeable, congruent, accordant, congenial, sympathetic, becoming, congruous, consonant, harmonious, (n) consistent; antonym (adj) incompatible. kompendium compendium (přehled); synonyms (n) abstract, abridgement, compend, digest, epitome, manual, synopsis, anthology, abbreviation, sum.
capable, adequate, clever, effective, efficient, fit, sufficient, commensurate, accomplished; antonyms (adj) incompetent, useless, inept. kompilovat compile (sestavit); synonyms (v) accumulate, amass, build, collect, assemble, edit, compose, construct, invent, make. komplementární complementary; synonyms (adj) complemental, additional, auxiliary, supplementary, reciprocal, correlative, decimal, divisible, figurate, fractional.
kompenzace compensation (náhrada, vyrovnání); synonyms (n) amends, recompense, allowance, indemnification, reward, price, atonement, emolument, fee, (v) wage.
kompenzovat 1. compensate (nahradit); synonyms (v) balance, pay, recompense, reimburse, counterbalance, recoup, remunerate, repay, reward, cover, 2. recoup; synonyms (v) recover, compensate, deduct, reclaim, regain, retrieve, recuperate, redeem, refund, repossess; antonym (v) lose. kompetence competence; synonyms (n) capacity, adequacy, ability, capability, efficiency, sufficiency, aptitude, expertise, fitness, (adj) proficiency; antonyms (n) incompetence, inability.
kompletní complete (dokončit, doplnit, naprostý, úplný, vyplnit); synonyms (adj) perfect, absolute, consummate, whole, full, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, finish, execute; antonyms (adj) incomplete, partial, unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect.
komplex complex (komplexní, komplikovaný, složitý); synonyms (adj) composite, complicate, abstruse, difficult, elaborate, intricate, knotty, abstract, tricky, (n) obsession; antonyms (adj) simple, basic, straightforward, clear, plain.
komplexní complex (komplex, komplikovaný, složitý); synonyms (adj) composite, complicate, abstruse, difficult, elaborate, intricate, knotty, abstract, tricky, (n) obsession; antonyms (adj) simple, basic, straightforward, clear, plain. komplikace complication; synonyms (n) complexity, confusion, difficulty, intricacy, labyrinth, tangle, muddle, problem, development, disorder.
komplikovaný 1. elaborate (propracovaný); synonyms (adj) detailed, careful, complex, complicated, involved, (v) develop, specify, amplify, expand, expound; antonyms (adj) plain, simple, modest, 2. complex (komplex, komplexní, složitý); synonyms (adj) composite, complicate, abstruse, difficult, elaborate, intricate, knotty, abstract, tricky, (n) obsession; antonyms (adj) basic, straightforward, clear. komplikovat complicate; synonyms (v) involve, confuse, perplex, aggravate, entangle, muddle, puzzle, snarl, tangle, complexify; antonyms (v) clarify, simplify. komponovat compose (skládat); synonyms (v) build, allay, compile, constitute, tranquilize, write, weave, (adj) assuage, appease, (n) calm. kompost compost; synonyms (n) compound, dung, composite, soil, composture, refuse, trash, (v) fertilize, (adj) manure, guano. kompot compote; synonyms (n) preserve, creamer, (v) chowder, chupatty, clam, damper, fish, frumenty, grapes, lettuce. komprese compression; synonyms (n) compaction, condensation, pressure, compressing,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English concentration, consolidation, contraction, squeezing, concretion. kompresor compressor; synonym (n) supercharger. kompromis compromise; synonyms (n) agreement, arrangement, bargain, accommodation, concession, settlement, understanding, adjustment, accord, (v) compound; antonym (v) dispute. komuna commune; synonyms (n) community, county, arrondissement, district, (v) converse, communicate, talk, intercommunicate. komunální communal; synonyms (adj) common, civic, joint, mutual, public, social, national, community, shared; antonyms (adj) private, individual.
komunikace communication (dorozumívání); synonyms (n) announcement, commerce, communicating, contact, conversation, discourse, epistle, intercourse, letter, message. komunismus communism; synonyms (n) collectivism, socialism, phalansterianism, communalism, dictatorship, (v) statism; antonym (n) capitalism. komunista communist; synonyms (adj) communistic, carbonaro, frondeur, collective, insurgent, intolerant, (n) commie, cosmopolite, terrorist, anarchist. komunistický communistic; synonyms (adj) communist, common, communal, radical. komutátor commutator; synonyms (n) break, electrepeter. konat do; synonyms (v) act, cheat, commit, accomplish, complete, conduct, perform, achieve, make, (n) function; antonyms (v) neglect, unmake. koncentrace concentration; synonyms (n) absorption, concentrate, application, attention, engrossment, intensity, compactness, strength, thickness, aggregation; antonym (n) distraction.
koncepce conception (nápad, pojetí, představa); synonyms (n) notion, concept, idea, creation, thought, view, mind, apprehension, belief, comprehension; antonym (n) misconception. koncept draft (nárys, návrh); synonyms (n) bill, conscription, sketch, check, drawing, (v) draught, outline, design, blueprint, compose; antonym (v) discharge. koncert concert; synonyms (n) accord, agreement, consonance, tune, performance, recital, concord, concordance, (v) arrange, contrive. koncil council (rada); synonyms (n) assembly, board, congress, consultation, convention, convocation, diet, legislature, meeting, cabinet. koncovka ending; synonyms (n) conclusion, end, close, closure, closing, completion, finish, termination, dissolution, (adj) last; antonyms (n) start, beginning, middle.
kondenzace condensation; synonyms (n) abridgement, digest, abridgment, capsule, compression, contraction, synopsis, abstract, abbreviation, epitome. kondenzátor capacitor; synonyms (n) condenser, capacitance, capacity. kondenzovat condense; synonyms (v) abridge, abbreviate, compact, compress, concentrate, congeal, contract, cut, set, shorten; antonyms (v) expand, lengthen. kondom sheath (pochva); synonyms (n) case, envelope, blanket, scabbard, vagina, casing, skin, covering, jacket, (v) cover. kondominium condominium; synonyms (n) condo, domicile, habitat, home, house, housing. konec 1. end; synonyms (n) close, aim, closure, destination, conclusion, (v) cease, complete, finish, discontinue, conclude; antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, middle, (v) start, begin, continue, 2. finish (skončit, ukončit); synonyms (v) end, achieve, execute, accomplish, determine, consume, do, (n) consummate, death, ending, 3. termination (ukončení); synonyms (n) result, cessation, dissolution, expiration, finale, completion, abolition, issue, stop, extinction, 4. tail (ocas); synonyms (n) rear, shadow, behind, butt, (v) follow, pursue, track, trail, chase, (adj) back; antonyms (v) head, front. konejšit soothe; synonyms (v) lull, comfort, allay, alleviate, calm, ease, mitigate, (n) console, (adj) appease, assuage; antonyms (v) aggravate, irritate, upset, annoy, intensify, worry. konejšivý soothing; synonyms (adj) calming, soft, smooth, pacifying, quiet, restful, assuasive, bland, calm, softening; antonyms (adj) disturbing, hostile, upsetting, annoying, exasperating, invigorating, scary, stimulating, worrying. konev can (konzerva, plechovka); synonyms (v) tin, dismiss, fire, might, pickle, (n) bathroom, behind, buttocks, container, lavatory; antonym (v) hire.
konfederace union (sjednocení, svaz, unie); synonyms (n) coalition, connection, junction, association, combination, league, merger, alliance, coalescence, confederacy; antonyms (n) separation, divergence. konfederovaný confederate; synonyms (adj) allied, (n) accomplice, ally, accessory, partner, assistant, auxiliary, (v) associate, conspire, league. konference conference; synonyms (n) assembly, colloquy, meeting, council, consultation, interview, negotiation, talk, congress, discussion. konferenciér 1. entertainer; synonyms (n) actor, comedian, host, performer, player, artist, musician, 2. compere; synonym (v) emcee.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
konfety confetti; synonym (n) ammunition. konfigurace configuration; synonyms (n) form, arrangement, conformation, shape, organization, outline, composition, constellation, contour, design. konfiskace confiscation (zabavení); synonyms (n) seizure, appropriation, arrogation, premunire, amputation, capture, damages, deletion, deodand, (v) sequestration; antonyms (n) restoration, return. konfiskovat confiscate (zabavit); synonyms (v) appropriate, seize, attach, commandeer, distrain, take, condemn, expropriate, (adj) confiscated, forfeit. konflikt conflict (rozpor, spor); synonyms (n) clash, combat, fight, battle, contention, contest, dispute, encounter, action, antagonism; antonyms (n) agreement, accord, harmony, peace, (v) agree. konfrontace confrontation; synonyms (n) clash, encounter, conflict, fight, disagreement, resistance, engagement, fighting, meeting, opposition; antonym (n) cooperation.
kongeniální congenial (příjemný, sympatický); synonyms (adj) agreeable, concordant, affable, compatible, delightful, genial, kind, kindred, pleasant, (v) consonant; antonyms (adj) disagreeable, uncongenial, unfriendly. konglomerát conglomerate; synonyms (n) composite, group, complex, agglomerate, conglomeration, business, (v) accumulate, amass, cumulate, gather. kongres congress; synonyms (n) assembly, convention, convocation, council, conference, intercourse, meeting, congregation, confluence, association. konipas wagtail; synonyms (n) motacil, quaketail. konjunktura boom; synonyms (n) bang, roar, noise, bar, (v) blast, blare, flourish, sound, thrive, thunder; antonyms (n) depression, (v) collapse, decline. konkávní concave (vydutý); synonyms (adj) hollow, cavernous, crescent, biconcave, cupped, dipped, arched, depress, (v) curve, dig; antonyms (adj) convex, curved. konkláve conclave; synonyms (n) assembly, congress, caucus, convocation, meeting, consistory, conventicle, convention, synod, vestry. konkordát concordat; synonyms (n) compact, treaty, protocol, agreement, concord, contract, covenant. konkrétní concrete (beton, betonovat); synonyms (adj) actual, positive, physical, real, tangible, fixed, palpable, (n) cement, (v) coagulate, congeal; antonyms (adj) theoretical, intangible, abstract, hypothetical, incidental. konkurence competition (soutěž); synonyms (n) contest, rivalry, bout, competitor, contention, game, match, race, rival, combat; antonym (n) cooperation.
konkurent competitor (závodník); synonyms (n) rival, antagonist, adversary, candidate, challenger, match, competition, contender, opponent, enemy. konkurovat compete; synonyms (v) emulate, race, rival, strive, participate, oppose, contend, contest, struggle, vie. konopí hemp; synonyms (n) cannabis, dope, ganja, grass, halter, rope, gage, (adj) marijuana, pot. konopný hempen; synonyms (adj) fibrous, cannabine, sinewy, stringy, unchewable. konsolidace consolidation; synonyms (n) amalgamation, unification, combination, fortification, union, condensation, joinder, coalition, integration. konsolidovat consolidate (upevnit); synonyms (v) combine, compact, amalgamate, fuse, coagulate, coalesce, concentrate, incorporate, merge, (adj) set. konsorcium 1. consortium; synonyms (n) syndicate, cartel, association, combination, organization, pool, alliance, federation, league, band, 2. syndicate; synonyms (n) consortium, ring, union, group, caput, chapter, company, conglomerate, consistory, gang. konspekt conspectus; synonyms (n) abstract, synopsis, compendium, brief, epitome, summary. konstanta constant (konstantní); synonyms (adj) ceaseless, incessant, perpetual, steady, continual, abiding, changeless, consistent, continuous, eternal; antonyms (adj) changeable, intermittent, irregular, sporadic, variable, episodic, erratic, inconstant, disloyal, fickle. konstantní constant (konstanta); synonyms (adj) ceaseless, incessant, perpetual, steady, continual, abiding, changeless, consistent, continuous, eternal; antonyms (adj) changeable, intermittent, irregular, sporadic, variable, episodic, erratic, inconstant, disloyal, fickle. konstituce constitution (ústava); synonyms (n) composition, code, makeup, organization, temperament, build, foundation, character, charter, construction. konstrukce 1. frame (rám, rámec); synonyms (n) design, border, build, fashion, (v) form, construct, fabricate, draft, erect, make, 2. construction; synonyms (n) building, fabrication, formation, structure, assembly, fabric, frame, organization, production, arrangement; antonym (n) destruction, 3. structure (stavba, struktura); synonyms (n) edifice, shape, constitution, construction, framework, architecture, establishment, conformation, composition, erection. konstruktér designer (návrhář); synonyms (n) architect, couturier, creator, drawer, engineer, inventor, maker, decorator, (v) artist, projector; antonym (adj) off-the-rack.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English konstruktivní constructive; synonyms (adj) positive, beneficial, helpful, productive, useful, worthwhile, practical; antonyms (adj) negative, unhelpful, destructive. kontakt contact (styk); synonyms (n) touch, connection, collision, communication, link, impact, (v) call, meet, adjoin, communicate. kontaminace contamination; synonyms (n) contagion, pollution, contaminant, infection, dirtying, corruption, taint, vitiation, adulteration, (v) defilement; antonym (n) decontamination. kontejner container; synonyms (n) box, jar, package, basket, carton, cylinder, envelope, pan, pot, vessel. kontext context (souvislost); synonyms (n) circumstance, environment, setting, surroundings, background, atmosphere, note, page, backdrop, condition.
kontinent continent (pevnina, světadíl); synonyms (n) land, delta, peninsula, (adj) chaste, celibate, abstemious, pure, temperate, abstinent, sober; antonym (adj) incontinent. kontinentální continental (pevninský); synonyms (adj) littoral, midland, riparian, earthy. kontingent contingent; synonyms (adj) accidental, casual, adventitious, conditional, fortuitous, incidental, chance, eventual, random, (n) team.
kontinuita continuity (nepřetržitost, souvislost); synonyms (n) continuation, coherence, continuance, duration, persistence, concatenation, sequence, perseverance, run, series; antonym (n) discontinuity. konto account (účet, zpráva); synonyms (n) bill, narrative, reckoning, regard, score, tale, description, explanation, history, (v) report. kontraalt contralto; synonyms (n) countertenor, contratenor, (adj) alto. kontraband contraband; synonyms (adj) bootleg, illicit, forbidden, prohibited, smuggled, black, illegal, illegitimate, (n) smuggling. kontrakce contraction (stažení); synonyms (n) abbreviation, constriction, abridgement, abridgment, condensation, shrink, compression, convulsion, decrease, shrinkage; antonym (n) expansion. kontrakt contract (smlouva); synonyms (n) compact, charter, (v) covenant, bargain, concentrate, condense, narrow, catch, compress, (adj) abridge; antonyms (v) expand, widen, stretch. kontrapunkt counterpoint; synonyms (n) coverlet, harmony, (v) contrast. kontrapunktik contrapuntist; synonyms (n) polyphonist, ventriloquist. kontrast contrast; synonyms (n) contrariety, antithesis, comparison, distinction, difference,
variation, collation, (v) differ, conflict, oppose; antonym (n) similarity.
kontrola 1. control (dozor, kontrolovat, ovládat, řízení); synonyms (n) rule, authority, care, hold, (v) command, check, curb, bridle, conduct, handle; antonyms (n) freedom, weakness, (v) intensify, share, 2. check (kontrolovat, zkontrolovat); synonyms (v) stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, bar, (n) control, arrest, bill. kontrolor 1. checker; synonyms (n) examiner, counter, block, (v) check, chequer, agree, arrest, ascertain, assure, (adj) variegate, 2. controller (revizor); synonyms (n) administrator, superintendent, accountant, comptroller, control, director, governor, manager, regulator, ruler.
kontrolovat 1. check (kontrola, zkontrolovat); synonyms (v) bridle, stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, (n) control, arrest, curb, 2. audit; synonyms (n) survey, examination, review, scrutiny, (v) check, balance, inspect, examine, prove, scrutinize, 3. control (dozor, kontrola, ovládat, řízení); synonyms (n) rule, authority, care, hold, influence, sway, ascendancy, (v) command, conduct, handle; antonyms (n) freedom, weakness, (v) intensify, share. kontura outline (nastínit, obrys); synonyms (n) sketch, design, edge, abstract, contour, digest, (v) draft, line, form, describe. konvence convention; synonyms (n) conference, congress, meeting, contract, assembly, convocation, council, custom, tradition, agreement. konvergence convergence; synonyms (n) confluence, meeting, concentration, concourse, convergency, converging, junction, conflux, congregation, contesseration; antonyms (n) divergence, division.
konverzace conversation (hovor, rozhovor); synonyms (n) chat, conference, talk, colloquy, communication, discourse, discussion, language, speech, talking. konverze conversion; synonyms (n) alteration, change, changeover, adaptation, exchange, transformation, adjustment, amendment, modification, (adj) salvation. konverzovat converse (rozmlouvat); synonyms (n) conversation, colloquy, argue, (v) chat, discourse, confer, chatter, (adj) contrary, opposite, counter; antonyms (n) equal, same. konvexní convex; synonyms (adj) bulging, gibbous, biconvex, hunched, bulgy, bellied, bellying, bent, (n) crescent, (v) projecting; antonym (adj) concave. konvice 1. kettle; synonyms (n) boiler, can, kettledrum, kettleful, timpani, urn, alembic, bolthead, capsule, pan, 2. tankard (korbel); synonyms (n) bucket, pail, pot, skeel, tub, 3. pot (hrnec); synonyms (n) caldron, belly, cannabis,
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Czech - English
commode, container, flowerpot, grass, (v) bottle, (adj) deal, marijuana. konvoj convoy (kolona); synonyms (n) guard, column, fleet, procession, safeguard, (v) accompany, conduct, guide, attend, (adj) escort. konzerva 1. can (konev, plechovka); synonyms (v) tin, dismiss, fire, might, pickle, (n) bathroom, behind, buttocks, container, lavatory; antonym (v) hire, 2. tin (cín, plechovka); synonyms (n) can, canister, rhino, dust, blunt, cannister, (v) pot, preserve, cure, bottle. konzervárna cannery; synonym (n) stillroom. konzervatismus conservatism; synonyms (n) maintenance, support, temperance.
konzervativec conservative (konzervativní); synonyms (adj) moderate, bourgeois, conventional, cautious, reactionary, unprogressive, careful, right, hidebound, (n) square; antonyms (adj) activist, wide-ranging, (n) liberal, radical.
konzervativní conservative (konzervativec); synonyms (adj) moderate, bourgeois, conventional, cautious, reactionary, unprogressive, careful, right, hidebound, (n) square; antonyms (adj) activist, wide-ranging, (n) liberal, radical. konzervatoř 1. conservatoire; synonyms (n) conservatory, hothouse, 2. conservatory (skleník); synonyms (n) conservatoire, glasshouse, greenhouse, orangery, grotto, hermitage, porch, summerhouse, addition, college. konzistence consistency; synonyms (n) consistence, agreement, body, coherence, consonance, conformity, congruence, congruity, density, uniformity; antonyms (n) inconsistency, discrepancy. konzistoř consistory; synonyms (n) caput, conclave, syndicate, vestry, convocation, synod, volksraad, witan. konzola console; synonyms (n) cabinet, allay, (v) comfort, cheer, solace, soothe, quiet, relieve, encourage, hearten. konzul consul; synonyms (n) archon, diplomat, chancellor, internuncio, legate, nuncio, proconsul, ambassador, envoy, administrator. konzulární consular; synonym (adj) consulary. konzulát consulate; synonyms (n) consulship, administration. konzultace consultation (porada); synonyms (n) advice, conference, interview, negotiation, counsel, discussion, talk, audience, advisement, council. konzultant consultant (poradce); synonyms (n) advisor, adviser, expert, authority, specialist, professional, analyst, psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, shrink. konzultovat consult (poradit se); synonyms (v) confer, consider, negotiate, advise, deliberate, refer, discuss, reason, canvass, (n) talk.
konzument consumer (spotřebitel); synonyms (n) buyer, client, customer, patron, purchaser, shopper, (adj) capitalist, consumerist, entrepreneurial, industrial; antonym (n) seller.
konzumovat consume (spotřebovat, strávit); synonyms (v) absorb, exhaust, spend, dissipate, use, waste, burn, eat, expend, fritter; antonyms (v) save, abstain.
kooperativní cooperative (družstevní, družstvo); synonyms (adj) combined, joint, accommodating, concerted, helpful, obliging, united, (n) collective, association, commune; antonyms (adj) uncooperative, individual. kopa threescore; synonyms (adj) sixty, lx. kopaná 1. football (fotbal); synonyms (n) soccer, hockey, note, baseball, basketball, footie, 2. soccer (fotbal); synonyms (n) football, ball, gridiron. kopání digging; synonyms (n) dig, excavation, barb, gibe, jab, jibe, region, shaft, shot, slam. kopat 1. dig; synonyms (v) jab, delve, prod, burrow, comprehend, excavate, investigate, (n) poke, excavation, gibe; antonym (n) compliment, 2. kick; synonyms (n) beef, bitch, gripe, thrill, bang, (v) boot, grumble, recoil, spurn, protest. kopcovitý hilly (pahorkatý); synonyms (adj) craggy, mountainous, rugged, steep, cragged, knobby, prominent, tumulous, high, precipitous. kopec hill (pahorek, vrch); synonyms (n) height, bank, gradient, mound, ascent, elevation, acclivity, embankment, (v) declivity, dip; antonym (n) vale. kopejka copeck; synonyms (n) kopeck, kopek. kopí 1. pike (hrot, štika); synonyms (n) point, expressway, freeway, highway, (adj) peak, crest, arete, bluff, cliff, crag, 2. spear; synonyms (n) harpoon, lance, pike, fizgig, gig, prick, shaft, (v) impale, spike, stab. kopie 1. copy (kopírovat, opis); synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow; antonym (n) original, 2. transcript (opis); synonyms (n) copy, record, counterpart, facsimile, action, adaptation, arrangement, book, exscript, manuscript. kopiník lancer; synonyms (n) halberdier, lance, lancet. kopírka copier; synonyms (n) copyist, duplicator, imitator, transcriber, copycat, mimic, adherent, attendant, copist, copyer. kopírovat copy (kopie, opis); synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow; antonym (n) original. kopr dill; synonyms (n) anise, caraway, carrot, celery, dillseed, (adj) calm, still. kopra copra; synonym (n) cobra.
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Czech - English
kopřiva nettle; synonyms (v) fret, irritate, annoy,
korespondent correspondent; synonyms (n)
grate, irk, displease, gall, goad, provoke, ruffle. kopule cupola; synonyms (n) dome, eaves, lookout, (adj) turret, campanile, column, minaret, monument, obelisk, pillar. kopytnatec ungulate; synonyms (adj) hoofed, hooved, ungulated. kopyto hoof; synonyms (n) sole, toe, bottom, keel, root, nadir, (v) foot, step, hike, pace. korál coral; synonyms (adj) rosy, (n) orange, red, roe. korálek bead; synonyms (n) drop, astragal, beading, pearl, dot, beadwork, bubble, drip, droplet, (v) beautify. korbel tankard (konvice); synonyms (n) bucket, pail, pot, skeel, tub. kordón cordon; synonyms (n) belt, ribbon, zone, barricade, barrier, bays, blockade, circle, cycle, decoration. korek cork (zátka, zazátkovat); synonyms (n) bung, stopper, phellem, bob, bobber, bobfloat, (v) plug, cap, stop, close. korektnost 1. correctness; synonyms (n) accuracy, appropriateness, exactness, precision, rightness, truth, properness, decency, exactitude, fitness; antonyms (n) incorrectness, vagueness, 2. propriety (slušnost); synonyms (n) decorum, etiquette, correctitude, grace, justice, manners, reason, (adj) modesty, correctness, aptitude; antonyms (n) impropriety, rudeness. korelace correlation; synonyms (n) association, connection, relationship, bond, correspondence, correlativity, interrelation, link, comparison, (adj) mutuality. korelát correlate; synonyms (v) associate, connect, relate, compare, correspond, (n) correlative, parallel, match. kořen root; synonyms (n) base, foundation, origin, basis, radical, radix, cause, derivation, reason, (v) establish. koření 1. spice; synonyms (n) condiment, sauce, seasoning, piquancy, dash, salt, smack, tang, (v) flavor, (adj) season, 2. condiment; synonyms (n) relish, dressing, flavoring, appetite, castigation, dress, fondness, forcemeat, liking, quality, 3. seasoning; synonyms (n) flavouring, seasoner, spice, zest, flavorer, flavourer, 4. zest (nadšení, říz); synonyms (n) gusto, taste, savor, enthusiasm, energy, enjoyment, zeal, savour, flavour, passion; antonym (n) apathy. korespondence correspondence; synonyms (n) conformity, accord, agreement, communication, connection, coincidence, concord, affinity, analogy, congruity; antonyms (n) difference, asymmetry, dissimilarity.
journalist, reporter, (adj) analogous, concordant, parallel, corresponding, equal, (v) congruous, consonant, accordant. koridor corridor (chodba); synonyms (n) aisle, hall, lobby, hallway, lane, vestibule, artery, alley, alleyway, (v) passage.
korigovat correct (opravit, opravovat, správný); synonyms (adj) right, accurate, appropriate, becoming, (v) adjust, amend, castigate, chastise, chasten, better; antonyms (adj) incorrect, false, faulty, inappropriate, mistaken, improper, (v) wrong, spoil. kořínek rootlet; synonyms (n) radicle, radicel. kořist 1. loot; synonyms (n) plunder, booty, prey, prize, bread, kale, (v) pillage, despoil, rifle, foray, 2. prey (okrádat); synonyms (n) chase, game, victim, quarry, raven, target, mark, capture, (v) feed, eat; antonym (n) hunter, 3. plunder (loupit, plenit); synonyms (v) loot, harry, spoil, devastate, destroy, maraud, ransack, strip, divest, (n) depredation, 4. quarry (lom); synonyms (n) mine, dig, pit, butt, excavation, fund, lode, objective, (v) excavate. kormidelník 1. helmsman; synonyms (n) pilot, steerer, steersman, wheelman, decoy, timoneer, 2. coxswain; synonyms (n) cox, cyclooxygenase, (v) guide, 3. cox; synonyms (n) coxswain, coxcomb, gull, simpleton, 4. steerer; synonyms (n) helmsman, runner, tout, touter, bait, lure, 5. steersman; synonyms (n) director, governor, guardian, helm, helmet, helve, steersmate, tutor. kormidlo 1. helm; synonyms (n) wheel, haft, handle, hilt, rudder, shaft, shank, tiller, blade, (v) helmet, 2. rudder; synonyms (n) helm, guide, tail, controls. kormidlovat steer; synonyms (v) guide, navigate, direct, drive, aim, conduct, manage, maneuver, (n) lead, point. kormorán cormorant; synonyms (n) corvorant, scarf, neckcloth, (adj) glutton, gastronome. kornet cornet; synonyms (n) horn, bugle, trumpet, ophicleide, trombone, ensign, adjutant, brigadier, captain, centurion. korodovat corrode; synonyms (v) canker, consume, eat, gnaw, erode, fret, impair, damage, decay, rust. koróna corona; synonyms (n) crown, radiance, halo, aureole, necklace, snood, circle, chandelier, corposant, aura. koroptev partridge; synonyms (n) bobwhite, tinamou. koroze corrosion; synonyms (n) erosion, corroding, decay, deterioration, canker, rot, attrition, putrefaction, wear. korozivní corrosive; synonyms (adj) caustic, acid, acrid, erosive, biting, sarcastic, destructive, vitriolic, acerbic, bitter.
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Czech - English
korporace corporation (sdružení); synonyms (n)
košík basket (koš); synonyms (n) basketful, bassinet,
association, belly, business, company, concern, body, corp, firm, organization, partnership. korpuskulární corpuscular; synonyms (adj) atomic, microscopic, molecular, corpuscularian, corpusculous, subatomic. kortikální cortical; synonyms (adj) superficial, (v) cuticular, scaly, squamous, cutaneous, dermal.
cradle, gondola, case, coffin, handbasket, hoop, leap, ped. košíková basketball; synonyms (n) baseball, football, hockey, soccer, hoops. košile shirt; synonym (n) shirtwaist. kosinus cosine; synonyms (n) cos, romaine. kosit scythe (kosa); synonyms (n) ankle, crane, crotch, crutch, elbow, fluke, groin, knee, knuckle, (v) sithe. kosmetický cosmetic; synonyms (adj) superficial, augmentative, decorative, enhancive, (n) cosmetics, cerate, cream, lotion, paint, lenitive. kosmetika cosmetics; synonym (n) cosmetic. kosmický cosmic (vesmírný); synonyms (adj) universal, infinite, limitless, global, enormous, huge, immense, worldwide, ecumenical, gigantic. kosmogonie cosmogony; synonyms (n) cosmology, cosmogeny, cosmography. kosmografie cosmography; synonym (n) cosmology. kosmologie cosmology; synonyms (n) cosmogony, cosmogeny. kosmonaut 1. astronaut; synonyms (n) cosmonaut, spaceman, astro, moonman, pilot, rocketeer, 2. cosmonaut; synonym (n) astronaut. kosmopolitní cosmopolitan; synonyms (adj) international, universal, sophisticated, global, ecumenical, (n) cosmopolite; antonym (adj) provincial. kosmos cosmos; synonyms (n) nature, universe, creation, world, macrocosm, space. kosodélník rhomboid; synonyms (n) cube, rhomboides, (adj) rhomboidal. kost bone (vykostit); synonyms (n) os, ivory, mouth, osmium, argument, (v) cartilage, swot, gristle, prepare, arise. koště broom; synonyms (n) besom, brush, heather, (v) sweep, filter, rake, riddle, screen, shovel, sieve. kostel 1. church (chrám, církev); synonyms (n) cathedral, temple, denomination, meetinghouse, minster, chantry, churchdom, oratory, shrine, (adj) pope, 2. kirk; synonyms (n) church, basilica, conventicle, tabernacle. kostelník 1. sexton; synonyms (n) sacristan, beadle, verger, almoner, 2. verger; synonym (n) virger. kostice whalebone; synonyms (n) baleen, caoutchouc, latex, rubber, bone, dice. kostka 1. cube (krychle, třetí mocnina); synonyms (n) block, rhomboid, blockage, blocking, closure, quadrangle, quadrantal, (v) dice, chop, multiply, 2. die (umřít, zemřít); synonyms (v) decease, dead, death, depart, expire, fall, go, pass, conk, croak. kostkovaný 1. checked; synonyms (adj) checkered, chequered, plaid, backward, curbed, intermittent,
koruna crown (korunka, korunovat, temeno); synonyms (n) top, apex, cover, crest, peak, pinnacle, summit, kingdom, acme, (v) cap. korund corundum; synonyms (n) corundom, sapphire. korunka 1. coronet; synonyms (n) crown, corona, tiara, necklace, snood, circlet, wreath, bays, cordon, coronamen, 2. crown (koruna, korunovat, temeno); synonyms (n) top, apex, cover, crest, peak, pinnacle, summit, kingdom, acme, (v) cap. korunovace coronation; synonyms (n) accession, enthronement, enthronisation, enthronization, installation, investiture.
korunovat crown (koruna, korunka, temeno); synonyms (n) top, apex, cover, crest, peak, pinnacle, summit, kingdom, acme, (v) cap. korupce 1. jobbery; synonyms (n) corruption, (adj) jobbing, 2. corruption; synonyms (n) contamination, depravity, adulteration, pollution, bribery, filth, infection, taint, vitiation, canker; antonyms (n) purification, decency, honesty, incorruptness. korveta corvette; synonyms (n) frigate, dandy, foist, gunboat, hoy, ketch, lugger, smack, yawl, corvet. korýš crustacean; synonyms (adj) crustaceous, (n) arthropod, amphibian, bird, fish, mammal, reptile, insect, microbe, mollusk. koryto trough (žlab); synonyms (n) trench, channel, chute, gutter, manger, conduit, canal, ditch, valley, adit; antonym (n) peak. korzár corsair; synonyms (n) picaroon, pirate, robber, marauder, sharper. korzet corset; synonyms (n) bodice, corsage, stays, girdle, brassiere, cincture, slip, underwear, waistband, waistcloth. kos blackbird; synonyms (n) merle, ousel, ouzel, merl. koš 1. basket (košík); synonyms (n) basketful, bassinet, cradle, gondola, case, coffin, handbasket, hoop, leap, ped, 2. bin (zásobník); synonyms (n) bunker, binful, box, container, silo, closet, locker, basket, casket, (v) store. kosa scythe (kosit); synonyms (n) ankle, crane, crotch, crutch, elbow, fluke, groin, knee, knuckle, (v) sithe.
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Czech - English limited, numbered, pent-up, safe, 2. chequered (pestrý); synonym (adj) checked. kostnatý 1. angular (hranatý); synonyms (adj) angulate, bony, gaunt, lean, skinny, spare, scrawny, aquiline, bent, gangling; antonym (adj) rounded, 2. bony; synonyms (adj) osseous, thin, angular, emaciated, lanky, meager, boney. kostra skeleton; synonyms (n) carcass, frame, framework, sketch, bones, anatomy, body, outline, scaffold, cadaver. kostrbatý crabbed; synonyms (adj) abstruse, crabby, crusty, grumpy, morose, sour, surly, churlish, moody, (n) austere. kostým costume; synonyms (n) attire, clothing, apparel, clothes, dress, garb, suit, outfit, uniform, (v) clothe. kosý 1. sidelong; synonyms (adj) lateral, indirect, oblique, side, askance, askant, asquint, (adv) obliquely, sideways, askew, 2. oblique (šikmý); synonyms (adj) circuitous, devious, collateral, diagonal, evasive, inclined, roundabout, slanting, sloping, tortuous; antonyms (adj) direct, level. kotangens cotangent; synonym (n) cotan. kotě kitten; synonyms (n) cat, foal, kitty, calf, colt, (v) pup, teem, drop, farrow, flower. kotec hutch (králíkárna); synonyms (n) hut, cage, coop, cote, hovel, pen, kennel, shack, shanty, enclosure. kotel boiler (bojler); synonyms (n) kettle, furnace, heater, banality, evaporator, seether, cistern, container, kettleful, kiln. kotérie coterie; synonyms (n) circle, band, clique, company, faction, gang, group, pack, party, ring. kotevné anchorage; synonyms (n) berth, port, roadstead, encampment, roads, harbor, dock, bay, cove, refuge. kotleta 1. cutlet; synonyms (n) crenation, crenature, crenel, crenelle, escallop, scallop, scollop, 2. chop (sekat, štípat); synonyms (v) ax, chip, cleave, cut, hack, hash, hew, mince, slash, slice. kotník ankle; synonyms (n) knuckle, crane, crotch, crutch, fluke, groin, kimbo, scythe, sickle, zigzag. kotva anchor (zakotvit); synonyms (n) mainstay, (v) tie, fasten, secure, fix, (adj) refuge, rest. koudel oakum; synonyms (n) hemp, cord, cotton, packthread, ribbon, rope, string, tape, thread, twine. koule 1. ball (míč, ples); synonyms (n) bulb, globe, shot, shell, bead, baseball, bullet, dance, football, lump, 2. globe (glóbus); synonyms (n) ball, world, orb, sphere, circle, eyeball, planet, round, 3. orb; synonyms (n) cycle, circuit, field, area, encircle, inclose, realm, region, star, wheel, 4. sphere (sféra); synonyms (n) range, domain, province,
department, ring, arena, compass, rank, extent, capacity. koupání bathing; synonyms (n) ablution, dip, purification, washup.
koupat bathe (koupat se, vykoupat, vykoupat se); synonyms (v) wash, steep, tub, bath, clean, immerse, rinse, soak, (n) swim, (adj) lave. koupel bath (vana); synonyms (n) wash, bathroom, tank, bathtub, dip, tub, (v) bathe, immersion, affusion, balneation. koupelna bathroom; synonyms (n) bath, lavatory, can, lav, privy, toilet, arse, ass, backside, basin. koupit buy (kupovat, nakupovat); synonyms (v) acquire, bribe, take, shop, accept, believe, get, (n) bargain, purchase, acquisition; antonym (v) sell. kouř 1. smoke (dým, kouřit); synonyms (n) fumes, fog, mist, (v) fume, reek, fumigate, puff, exhale, cure, burn, 2. fume; synonyms (n) smoke, foam, choler, (v) chafe, rage, seethe, storm, evaporate, fret, (adj) boil. kouření smoking; synonyms (v) candent, ebullient, glowing, (n) smoke, fume, bullet, cannabis, dope, drag, (adj) burning. kouřit smoke (dým, kouř); synonyms (n) fumes, fog, mist, (v) fume, reek, fumigate, puff, exhale, cure, burn. kousat bite (sousto, uštknout); synonyms (n) taste, bit, cheat, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, eat. kousavý 1. snappy; synonyms (adj) racy, sharp, animated, brisk, crisp, live, lively, quick, smart, sprightly, 2. scathing; synonyms (adj) biting, caustic, cutting, mordant, sarcastic, severe, incisive, ironic, abusive; antonym (adj) mild. kousek 1. piece (kus); synonyms (n) cut, division, fragment, part, article, component, composition, hunk, lump, patch, 2. bit; synonyms (n) crumb, morsel, piece, atom, drop, fleck, moment, portion, (v) curb, scrap, 3. scrap (odpad); synonyms (n) fight, brawl, remnant, bit, chip, clash, end, junk, remainder, (v) quarrel; antonym (v) keep. kout 1. corner (koutek, roh); synonyms (n) bend, angle, turn, coign, dilemma, hole, niche, nook, predicament, quandary, 2. nook (koutek); synonyms (n) corner, recess, bay, compartment. koutek 1. corner (kout, roh); synonyms (n) bend, angle, turn, coign, dilemma, hole, niche, nook, predicament, quandary, 2. nook (kout); synonyms (n) corner, recess, bay, compartment. kouzelnictví sorcery; synonyms (n) charm, incantation, enchantment, magic, witchcraft, necromancy, witchery, fascination, spell, wizardry. kouzelník 1. magician; synonyms (n) conjurer, enchanter, sorcerer, conjuror, illusionist, wizard, thaumaturge, performer, necromancer, prestidigitator, 2. magus (mág), 3. conjuror;
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Czech - English
synonyms (n) magician, seer, jockey, visionary, 4. conjurer; synonym (n) juggler.
kouzelný charming (okouzlující, roztomilý); synonyms (adj) amiable, beautiful, attractive, captivating, delightful, enchanting, lovely, pleasing, winning, nice; antonyms (adj) repellent, unappealing, unpleasant. kouzlit conjure; synonyms (v) adjure, arouse, entreat, invoke, juggle, beseech, bid, evoke, implore. kouzlo 1. magic (magie); synonyms (adj) magical, charming, (n) conjuration, incantation, charm, enchantment, legerdemain, sorcery, glamour, fascination, 2. spell (hláskovat, období); synonyms (n) magic, bout, period, turn, span, bewitchment, space, captivation, attack, (v) bewitch. kov metal; synonyms (n) ore, admixture, aggregate, alloy, clemency, favor, grace, honor, mercy, rock. kovadlina anvil; synonyms (n) incus, stithy, fulciment, prop, stand, stiddy, forge, smithery, smithy. kování forging; synonyms (n) manufacturing, origin. kovář blacksmith; synonyms (n) ironsmith, locksmith, sailmaker, wheelwright. kovárna forge (falšovat, kovat); synonyms (v) counterfeit, falsify, devise, fabricate, fake, fashion, coin, contrive, invent, mint. kovat forge (falšovat, kovárna); synonyms (v) counterfeit, falsify, devise, fabricate, fake, fashion, coin, contrive, invent, mint. kovboj cowboy (honák); synonyms (n) cattleman, cowhand, cowherd, cowman, cowpoke, cowpuncher, gangster, puncher, (v) farrier, (adj) flyby-night. kovový metallic; synonyms (adj) metal, harsh, metalline, absolute, actual, basic, certain, chalybeate, confident, decisive. koza goat; synonyms (n) butt, lecher, satyr, chamois, fornicator, gallant, grasshopper, paillard, arse, ass. koželuh tanner; synonym (n) sixpence. koželužna tannery; synonym (n) tanyard. kožešina pelt; synonyms (n) fur, hide, skin, fell, coat, (v) bombard, hurry, pepper, beat, hit. kožešník furrier; synonym (n) cloakmaker. kožní cutaneous; synonyms (adj) cutaneal, (v) cuticular, scaly, skinny, squamous, tegumentary. kozorožec ibex; synonym (n) steinbok. krab crab; synonyms (n) cancer, grouch, crabmeat, freshman, (v) gripe, beef, bellyache, complain, cross, foil. krabice box; synonyms (n) basket, cage, chest, package, booth, blow, carton, (v) cuff, buffet, beat; antonym (v) unbox.
krádež theft; synonyms (n) robbery, larceny, stealing, burglary, thievery, embezzlement, thieving, depredation, latrociny, stealth. kradmý surreptitious; synonyms (adj) clandestine, furtive, secret, stealthy, covert, sneaky, sly, undercover, underground, hidden; antonym (adj) open. kraj 1. region (krajina, oblast, sféra); synonyms (n) land, country, field, area, district, domain, part, realm, circuit, division, 2. brink (okraj, pokraj); synonyms (n) verge, border, edge, boundary, brim, hem, shore, threshold, periphery, lip, 3. edge (hrana, lem, okraj, ostří); synonyms (n) margin, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, bank, butt, corner, limit, (v) bound; antonyms (n) center, (v) middle, 4. country (venkov, vlast, země); synonyms (n) state, nation, home, commonwealth, kingdom, place, region, soil, (adj) rural, rustic; antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban, 5. county (hrabství); synonyms (n) shire, mofussil, constituency, count, expanse. krajan compatriot; synonyms (n) countryman, friend, associate, colleague, comrade, loyalist, nationalist, partisan, jingoist, rustic. krájet slice (krajíc, plátek); synonyms (n) share, part, section, bit, chip, gash, morsel, (v) cut, slash, carve. krajíc slice (krájet, plátek); synonyms (n) share, part, section, bit, chip, gash, morsel, (v) cut, slash, carve. krajina 1. landscape; synonyms (n) outlook, scene, scenery, sight, view, vista, ground, lookout, panorama, (v) prospect, 2. scenery (scenérie); synonyms (n) landscape, nature, perspective, picture, set, 3. countryside (venkov); synonyms (n) land, suburb, geography, grassland, meadow, outdoors, (adj) country, rustic, bucolic, pastoral, 4. region (kraj, oblast, sféra); synonyms (n) field, area, district, domain, part, realm, circuit, division, locality, neighborhood. krajka lace (lemovka); synonyms (n) edging, lacing, net, (v) braid, enlace, entwine, interlace, bind, rope, (adj) string. krajní 1. extreme (extrémní); synonyms (adj) deep, excessive, enormous, immoderate, intense, severe, supreme, terrible, ultimate, (n) edge; antonyms (adj) middle, reasonable, near, (n) mild, moderate, slight, 2. ultra; synonyms (adv) extremely, (adj) radical, extremist, extreme, utmost, (v) distinguished. krajnost extremity; synonyms (n) end, extreme, member, boundary, bound, close, appendage, ending, limit, conclusion; antonym (n) middle.
krajový regional (krajský, oblastní, regionální); synonyms (adj) district, local, parochial, sectional, neighborhood, topical, native, community, home, neighboring; antonym (adj) central.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English krajský regional (krajový, oblastní, regionální); synonyms (adj) district, local, parochial, sectional, neighborhood, topical, native, community, home, neighboring; antonym (adj) central. krakorec corbel; synonyms (n) truss, adapter, flange. král king; synonyms (n) emperor, mogul, sovereign, chief, baron, crown, magnate, ruler, tycoon, majesty. králík rabbit; synonyms (n) coney, cony, hare, lapin, shuttle, coward, bacterium, das, dassie, (adj) warren. králíkárna hutch (kotec); synonyms (n) hut, cage, coop, cote, hovel, pen, kennel, shack, shanty, enclosure. královna queen; synonyms (n) empress, king, lady, sovereign, monarch, fag, faggot, fairy, pansy, queer. královražda regicide; synonyms (v) uxoricide, vaticide. královský 1. kingly; synonyms (adj) kinglike, imperial, noble, regal, stately, majestic, royal, sovereign, 2. regal; synonyms (adj) grand, purple, dignified, imposing, kingly, magnificent, lofty, princely, lordly, pompous, 3. royal; synonyms (adj) grandiose, great, monarchical, splendid. království 1. kingdom; synonyms (n) country, domain, realm, dominion, empire, state, nation, territory, area, department, 2. realm (říše); synonyms (n) kingdom, field, region, arena, land, ground, commonwealth, province, demesne, district.
krám 1. shop (dílna, nakupovat, obchod); synonyms (n) business, store, factory, plant, emporium, market, workshop, (v) betray, purchase, grass, 2. store (obchod, sklad); synonyms (n) hoard, shop, heap, (v) stock, accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache, keep. krása beauty (krasavice, kráska); synonyms (n) splendor, attractiveness, beaut, charm, loveliness, pulchritude, dish, elegance, grace, grandeur; antonym (n) ugliness. krasavice beauty (krása, kráska); synonyms (n) splendor, attractiveness, beaut, charm, loveliness, pulchritude, dish, elegance, grace, grandeur; antonym (n) ugliness. kráska beauty (krása, krasavice); synonyms (n) splendor, attractiveness, beaut, charm, loveliness, pulchritude, dish, elegance, grace, grandeur; antonym (n) ugliness. krásný 1. beautiful; synonyms (adj) attractive, goodlooking, bright, beauteous, fine, handsome, lovely, picturesque, pleasant, pretty; antonyms (adj) ugly, unattractive, 2. fine (jemný, pokuta, pokutovat); synonyms (adj) delicate, agreeable, dainty, brave, capital, elegant, excellent, nice, (n) penalty, (v) punish; antonyms (adj) poor, thick,
coarse, substantial, unsatisfactory, wide, 3. lovely (roztomilý); synonyms (adj) beautiful, charming, delightful, enchanting, lovable, alluring, adorable, endearing, exquisite, fair; antonyms (adj) hideous, terrible, unpleasant. krasopis calligraphy; synonyms (n) hand, penmanship, script, writing, lettering, print, inscription, scrawl, scribble, words. krasopisec penman; synonyms (n) copyist, scribe, scribbler, scrawler, (v) amanuensis, clerk, scrivener, secretary, writer, transcriber. krást steal; synonyms (v) abstract, lift, purloin, creep, filch, misappropriate, pilfer, pinch, plunder, (n) bargain. kráter crater; synonyms (n) hollow, cavity, hole, pit, basin, (adj) well. krátkozraký shortsighted; synonyms (adj) improvident, myopic, nearsighted, purblind, short, blind, ametropic, astigmatic, brusk, brusque. krátký 1. short (malý); synonyms (adj) brief, concise, scarce, brusque, close, curt, sharp, compendious, laconic, abrupt; antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy, 2. brief; synonyms (adj) short, abridge, little, summary, transient, short-lived, abbreviated, (n) abstract, digest, (v) compact; antonyms (adj) long-drawn-out, long-winded, permanent, timeconsuming. kráva cow; synonyms (v) bully, intimidate, awe, browbeat, daunt, terrorize, discourage, frighten, overawe, threaten. kravál 1. shindy; synonyms (n) shindig, argument, hockey, shinney, spree, 2. rumpus; synonyms (n) hubbub, commotion, disturbance, brawl, din, fuss, riot, ruckus, (v) fracas, (adj) row.
kravata 1. tie (svázat, vázanka, zavázat); synonyms (n) band, connection, draw, lace, (v) link, bond, attach, bind, join, knot; antonyms (v) disconnect, untie, undo, 2. necktie (vázanka); synonyms (n) tie, affiliation, association, crosstie, linkup, sleeper, standoff. kravín cowshed; synonyms (n) cowhouse, cowbarn. krb fireplace; synonyms (n) chimney, fire, hearth, fireside, ingle, barbecue, blaze, favourite, flame, paramour. kredenc cupboard; synonyms (n) closet, cabinet, buffet, commode, compartment, cranny, cub, nook, pigeonhole, bin. kredit credit; synonyms (n) credence, appreciation, belief, commendation, recognition, reputation, advance, account, (v) believe, accredit; antonyms (n) cash, (v) debit, discredit. krédo 1. creed; synonyms (n) belief, conviction, gospel, religion, credo, faith, denomination, doctrine, persuasion, credenda, 2. credo; synonyms (n) creed, dogma, beliefs, declaration,
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Czech - English
formula, ideas, justice, philosophy, principle, principles. křehkost fragility; synonyms (n) delicacy, brittleness, weakness, daintiness, feebleness, flimsiness, breakability, (adj) frailty.
křehký 1. delicate (choulostivý, jemný); synonyms (adj) fine, accurate, breakable, dainty, fragile, refined, tender, beautiful, brittle, difficult; antonyms (adj) strong, inelegant, robust, heavy, sturdy, tough, 2. brittle; synonyms (adj) crisp, crumbly, crispy, short, brickle, crunchy, delicate, flimsy, frail, frangible; antonyms (adj) soggy, solid, 3. crisp; synonyms (adj) fresh, terse, brisk, crusty, curl, sharp, (n) chip, (v) wrinkle, crease, crinkle, 4. frail; synonyms (adj) light, rickety, slender, slim, decrepit, puny, sick, (v) weak, feeble, faint; antonym (adj) substantial, 5. fragile; synonyms (adj) insubstantial, shaky, brash, infirm, slight, thin; antonyms (adj) unbreakable, permanent. krejčí tailor; synonyms (n) snip, (v) adapt, fashion, sew, shape, accommodate, cut, design, adjust, fit. krém cream (smetana); synonyms (n) pick, ointment, prime, balm, top, liniment, (adj) flower, milk, (v) best, skim. kremace cremation; synonyms (n) burning, incineration, burial, finances, incremation, means, money, resources, rites, (v) concremation. krematorium 1. crematorium; synonym (n) crematory, 2. crematory; synonym (n) crematorium. křemen quartz; synonyms (n) crystal, lechatelierite, crystallization, (adj) flint, crag, fossil, marble, pebble, rock, stone. křemík silicon; synonyms (n) silicium, si, ti. kreol creole; synonym (n) creolian. kreozot creosote; synonyms (n) creasote, kreosote. krep 1. crepe; synonyms (v) crape, frizzly, wreathy, crimp, frizz, frizzle, kink, 2. crape; synonyms (n) curl, friz, (v) crepe, curve, (adj) cypress, mourning, weeds, willow, indent, intort. křepelka quail; synonyms (n) quaver, (v) flinch, cower, cringe, funk, quake, recoil, shrink, wince, blench. kresba 1. drawing; synonyms (n) draft, drafting, delineation, picture, plan, cartoon, depiction, draftsmanship, draught, draw, 2. design (návrh); synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, idea, (v) conceive, contrive; antonym (n) chance. křeslo 1. armchair (lenoška); synonyms (n) fauteuil, elbowchair, 2. chair (židle); synonyms (n) chairman, bench, chairperson, president, throne, couch, chairwoman, (v) moderate, conduct, lead. křest 1. baptism; synonyms (n) christening, chrism, blessing, designation, entrance, identification,
initiation, introduction, (v) nomination, nuncupation, 2. christening; synonym (n) baptism. křestní baptismal; synonyms (adj) eucharistical, (n) baptism. kretén cretin; synonyms (n) idiot, moron, fool, imbecile, changeling, dimwit, retard, zany, doofus. krev blood; synonyms (n) ancestry, birth, gore, descent, family, kindred, lineage, origin, beau, bloodshed. kreveta prawn; synonyms (n) shrimp, peewee, runt. křičet shout (pokřikovat); synonyms (v) cry, clamor, scream, bellow, bawl, exclaim, (n) call, roar, yell, cheer; antonym (v) whisper. křída chalk; synonyms (n) score, trace, clod, clot, gravel, mold, (v) mark, pastel, (adj) ivory, lily. křidélko aileron; synonyms (n) canvas, oar, paddle, sail, screw. křídlo wing (blatník); synonyms (n) annex, arm, fender, limb, pinion, flank, extension, pennon, (v) fly, soar. křídový cretaceous; synonyms (adj) chalky, canescent, lactescent, quaternary, tertiary. křik clamour; synonyms (n) clamoring, clamouring, blare, blaring, cacophony, (v) clamor. kriket cricket; synonyms (n) tennis, (adj) equitable. křiklavý 1. loud (hlasitý, nápadný); synonyms (adj) flashy, garish, gaudy, blatant, boisterous, brassy, forte, high, brazen, jazzy; antonyms (adj) soft, gentle, quiet, tasteful, low, subdued, subtle, 2. flagrant; synonyms (adj) conspicuous, crying, egregious, glaring, atrocious, flagitious, gross, heinous, obvious, rank, 3. gaudy; synonyms (adj) flamboyant, loud, showy, colorful, tacky, tasteless, cheap, flash, florid, meretricious; antonym (adj) restrained. křikloun squeaker (pískle); synonyms (n) squeak, tattletale. kriminální criminal; synonyms (adj) guilty, illegal, sinful, wicked, (n) convict, crook, culprit, hoodlum, malefactor, (v) wrong; antonyms (adj) law-abiding, legal. krinolína crinoline; synonyms (n) skirt, farthingale, panier, pinafore, hoop, hoopskirt, jupe, kilt, ring, shout. křišťál crystal (krystal, krystalový); synonyms (n) glass, quartz, gem, (adj) clear, bright, pebble, translucent, crag, rock, stone. kritérium criterion; synonyms (n) benchmark, measure, norm, test, canon, mark, criterium, gauge, pattern, principle. kritický 1. critical; synonyms (adj) acute, decisive, delicate, important, pressing, severe, ticklish, urgent, vital, (v) censorious; antonyms (adj) complimentary, trivial, positive, flattering,
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Czech - English insignificant, approving, unimportant, 2. crucial (rozhodující); synonyms (adj) critical, essential, deciding, fundamental, indispensable, key, main, major, (v) categorical, cross. kritik 1. critic; synonyms (n) connoisseur, commentator, judge, censor, reviewer, evaluator, pundit, critique, censurer, (adj) critical; antonym (n) supporter, 2. reviewer (recenzent); synonyms (n) critic, observer, inspector, reader, reporter, referee. kritika 1. critique; synonyms (n) review, criticism, commentary, notice, judgment, analysis, critic, report, article, 2. criticism; synonyms (n) critique, blame, animadversion, attack, censure, comment, denunciation, disapproval, knock, rebuke; antonyms (n) praise, approval, admiration, compliment. křivka curve (zakřivit); synonyms (n) bend, crook, bow, arc, curvature, kink, (v) curl, turn, arch, hook.
křivý 1. crooked (nepoctivý, ohnutý, pokřivený); synonyms (adj) bent, awry, corrupt, irregular, askew, curved, deformed, dishonest, indirect, lopsided; antonyms (adj) straight, honest, even, principled, 2. wry; synonyms (adj) ironic, ironical, twisted, dry, sardonic, twist, writhe, another, (v) unsymmetric, asymmetric. kříž 1. crucifix (krucifix); synonyms (n) cross, rood, beads, patera, pax, pyx, thurible, host, relics, reliquary, 2. cross (přejít); synonyms (n) crisscross, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered. křižák crusader; synonyms (n) activist, fighter, croise, meliorist, radical, reformer, reformist, promoter, supporter. krize crisis; synonyms (n) exigency, conjuncture, difficulty, emergency, juncture, pinch, circumstance, dilemma, situation, strait. křížem across (přes); synonyms (prep) athwart, cross, overthwart, (adv) over, crossways, crosswise, (adj) crossed; antonyms (adv) along, (adj) uncrossed.
kříženec bastard (levoboček, nemanželský); synonyms (n) whoreson, scoundrel, (adj) illegitimate, spurious, fake, misbegotten, phony, adulterate, bastardly, bogus; antonym (n) legitimate. křižník cruiser; synonyms (n) yacht, destroyer, flagship, liner, philanderer, ship, vessel, visitor, craft, dinghy. křižovat cruise (plavit se); synonyms (n) journey, voyage, trip, expedition, (v) sail, navigate, travel, coast, cross, course. křižovatka 1. junction; synonyms (n) confluence, joint, connection, meeting, interchange, articulation, combination, join, conjunction, crossroads, 2. intersection; synonyms (n) cross,
crossing, crossroad, intersect, crossway, junction, cutting, overlap, carrefour, convergence. křížovka crossword; synonyms (n) conundrum, puzzle, enigma, jigsaw, mystery, poser, riddle. krk neck (šíje); synonyms (n) throat, cervix, neckline, (v) pet, cut, love, manage, kiss, (adj) stricture, wasp. krkolomný breakneck; synonyms (adj) dangerous, fast, hasty, hurried, quick, rapid, swift. krmit feed (krmivo); synonyms (v) eat, dine, nurture, browse, board, diet, encourage, nourish, (n) aliment, food; antonym (v) starve. krmivo 1. feed (krmit); synonyms (v) eat, dine, nurture, browse, board, diet, encourage, nourish, (n) aliment, food; antonym (v) starve, 2. fodder; synonyms (n) feed, fare, chow, foodstuff, cooking, cuisine, (v) provender, corn, provision, ration. krocan turkey (krůta, Turecko); synonyms (n) dud, failure, bomb, flop, joker, butt, coward, fiasco, fool, (adj) imperfect. krok 1. step; synonyms (n) degree, measure, stage, walk, gait, gradation, level, rank, act, (v) pace, 2. pace (rychlost, tempo); synonyms (n) rate, footstep, rapidity, speed, tempo, tread, celerity, fastness, (v) step, stride; antonym (n) slowness, 3. tread; synonyms (v) trample, crush, plod, (n) tramp, rung, track. kroket croquet; synonyms (n) curling, golf, pallone, polo, tipcat. krokev rafter; synonyms (n) beam, balk, girder, raftsman, timber, baulk, summer, trave, brace, raftman. krokodýl crocodile; synonyms (n) alligator, alacran, mosquito, octopus. krokus crocus (šafrán); synonyms (n) saffron, (adj) topaz. kronika chronicle (letopis); synonyms (n) account, annals, story, history, narrative, (v) record, register, list, date, log. krotit restrain; synonyms (v) bridle, confine, control, curb, hold, rein, bind, arrest, bound, (n) check. krotký tame; synonyms (adj) docile, meek, bland, boring, domestic, (v) dull, break, subdue, chasten, discipline; antonyms (adj) exciting, wild. kroucení 1. tortuosity; synonyms (n) crookedness, torsion, contortion, deviousness, deformation, torque, tortuousness, (v) undulation, wave, 2. torsion; synonyms (n) tortuosity, maze, torsibility. kroupa hailstone; synonym (adj) hail. kroupy hail (krupobití); synonyms (n) greet, call, (v) address, cry, acclaim, applaud, summon, accost, cheer, come. kroutit twiddle; synonyms (v) swirl, twirl, whirl, fidget, spin, reel, birl, chatter, dabble, eddy.
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Czech - English
kroužení gyration; synonyms (n) revolution, roll,
krutý cruel (surový); synonyms (adj) barbarous,
rotation, twirl, circulation, spin, turn, wheel, whirl, whirling. kroužit 1. gyrate; synonyms (v) spin, whirl, circle, gyre, revolve, roll, turn, wheel, circulate, reel, 2. circle (kruh, kružnice); synonyms (n) round, association, band, compass, ring, field, range, beat, circuit, company, 3. whirl; synonyms (n) twist, crack, fling, go, vortex, commotion, (v) twirl, eddy, swirl, gyrate. křovinatý shrubby; synonyms (adj) fruticose, fruticulose, shrublike. krtek mole; synonyms (n) breakwater, jetty, freckle, bulwark, groyne, mol, spy, blemish, (adj) mound, (v) embankment. krtina molehill; synonym (n) molecast. krucifix 1. crucifix (kříž); synonyms (n) cross, rood, beads, patera, pax, pyx, thurible, host, relics, reliquary, 2. rood; synonyms (n) crucifix, (v) cubit, ell, fathom, foot, hand, inch, line, nail, palm. kruh 1. circle (kroužit, kružnice); synonyms (n) round, association, band, compass, ring, field, range, beat, (v) turn, whirl, 2. ring (prsten); synonyms (n) encircle, gang, jingle, loop, (v) circle, call, peal, echo, resound, reverberate, 3. round (dokola, kulatý); synonyms (adv) about, around, (adj) circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, (n) bout, circuit, (v) gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp, 4. wheel (kolo); synonyms (n) cycle, bicycle, gear, (v) roll, revolve, bike, spin, trundle, gyrate, rotate. kruhový circular; synonyms (adj) round, annular, circinate, globular, orbicular, rotund, rounded, (n) advertisement, bill, handbill; antonym (adj) square. krumpáč pickaxe; synonyms (n) pick, pickax, choice, cream, filling, option, picking, plectron, plectrum, selection. křupan yokel; synonyms (n) bumpkin, hayseed, hick, rube, rustic, clod, hobnail, chawbacon, yahoo. krupice semolina; synonyms (n) semolella, grit. krupobití 1. hailstorm; synonyms (n) hail, precipitation, 2. hail (kroupy); synonyms (n) greet, call, (v) address, cry, acclaim, applaud, summon, accost, cheer, come. krůta turkey (krocan, Turecko); synonyms (n) dud, failure, bomb, flop, joker, butt, coward, fiasco, fool, (adj) imperfect. krutihlav wryneck; synonym (n) torticollis. krutost 1. atrocity; synonyms (n) enormity, brutality, abomination, atrociousness, barbarism, barbarity, flagrancy, inhumaneness, crime, (adj) outrage, 2. cruelty; synonyms (n) cruelness, oppression, ferociousness, ferocity, harshness, mercilessness, ruthlessness, tyranny, violence, sadism; antonyms (n) compassion, kindness, friendliness, gentleness.
brutal, hard, harsh, heartless, unkind, bitter, bloody, atrocious, biting; antonyms (adj) gentle, kind, merciful, humane, liberal, sympathetic. kružnice circle (kroužit, kruh); synonyms (n) round, association, band, compass, ring, field, range, beat, (v) turn, whirl. krvácení 1. hemorrhage; synonyms (v) bleed, (n) bleeding, haemorrhage, disease, injury, loss, rage, tantrum, depletion, drop, 2. haemorrhage; synonyms (n) hemorrhage, bruising. krvácet bleed; synonyms (v) ooze, phlebotomize, run, leak, drain, extort, fleece, hemorrhage, (n) bleeding, ache. krvavý 1. bloody; synonyms (adj) gory, bleeding, bloodthirsty, damned, murderous, raw, sanguinary, sanguine, sanguineous, (adv) damn; antonym (adj) bloodless, 2. sanguinary; synonyms (adj) bloody, butcherly, cruel, slaughterous. krveprolití 1. bloodshed; synonyms (n) carnage, blood, bloodletting, massacre, slaughter, gore, homicide, killing, murder, battue, 2. carnage (masakr); synonyms (n) butchery, bloodshed, havoc, slaying, 3. massacre (masakr); synonyms (n) defeat, destruction, (v) exterminate, kill, annihilate, butcher, slay, assassinate, decimate. krvesmilstvo incest; synonyms (n) fornication, adultery, idolatry. krychle cube (kostka, třetí mocnina); synonyms (n) block, rhomboid, blockage, blocking, closure, quadrangle, quadrantal, (v) dice, chop, multiply. krychlový 1. cubical; synonyms (adj) cubic, cubelike, cubiform, cuboid, cuboidal, 2. cubic; synonyms (adj) solid, compact, dense, firm, genuine, hard, impenetrable, just, sound, stable. krypta crypt; synonyms (n) vault, tomb, mausoleum, cellar, sepulcher, aisle, chancel, choir, closet, grave. kryptogram cryptogram; synonyms (n) cipher, cryptograph, coding, enigma, mystery, riddle, signs, symbols. krysa rat (potkan); synonyms (n) grass, informer, apostate, betrayer, scab, (v) blackleg, denounce, betray, peach, sing. krystal crystal (křišťál, krystalový); synonyms (n) glass, quartz, gem, (adj) clear, bright, pebble, translucent, crag, rock, stone. krystalický crystalline; synonyms (adj) clear, limpid, crystal, lucid, transparent, pellucid, serene. krystalový crystal (křišťál, krystal); synonyms (n) glass, quartz, gem, (adj) clear, bright, pebble, translucent, crag, rock, stone. kryt 1. covering; synonyms (n) coating, cover, clothing, blanket, coat, casing, apparel, case, concealment, wrapper, 2. bonnet; synonyms (n) hood, cap, tile, wimple, castor, boater, decoy,
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Czech - English fedora, goon, hoodlum, 3. shield (štít); synonyms (n) screen, shelter, buffer, armor, (v) guard, safeguard, preserve, secure, defend, hide; antonym (v) expose. krytý indoor (domovní, sálový); synonyms (adj) domestic, (v) home, intramural; antonym (adj) outside. kštice thatch (došek); synonyms (n) thatching, ceiling, roof, teach, tile, hair, mop. který who (jenž, kdo); synonyms (pron) one, (adj) which, what. kuchař cook (kuchařka, vařit); synonyms (n) chef, (v) boil, bake, brew, make, prepare, concoct, falsify, grill, poach. kuchařka cook (kuchař, vařit); synonyms (n) chef, (v) boil, bake, brew, make, prepare, concoct, falsify, grill, poach. kuchařství cookery; synonyms (n) cooking, cuisine, food, catering, dainty, delicacy, fare. kuchyně kitchen; synonyms (n) cookroom, basement, offices, pantry, scullery, stomach. kudrnatý curly (kadeřavý, vlnitý); synonyms (adj) curled, kinky, crimped, frizzed, permed, curved, wiry, coiled, convoluted, corkscrew; antonym (adj) straight. kufr 1. suitcase; synonyms (n) bag, case, grip, luggage, handbag, bagful, base, clasp, clench, clutch, 2. trunk (kmen); synonyms (n) stem, boot, torso, body, bole, proboscis, snout, stalk, box, stock. kujný ductile; synonyms (adj) elastic, flexible, malleable, pliable, supple, tensile, yielding, limp, plastic, pliant. kukačka cuckoo; synonyms (n) fathead, goof, goose, jackass, nut, zany, (v) cheep, chirp, chirrup, (adj) crazy. kukuřice 1. maize; synonyms (n) corn, cereal, gamboge, lemon, grain, buckwheat, clavus, millet, oats, rice, 2. corn (kuří oko); synonyms (n) maize, cereals, callus, wheat, commonplace, (v) feed, keep. kulatý round (dokola, kruh); synonyms (adv) about, (adj) circular, plump, (n) circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, (v) compass, turn; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp. kulhání limp (kulhat, schlíplý); synonyms (adj) flabby, flaccid, slack, flexible, drooping, flimsy, floppy, (n) hobble, (v) halt, hitch; antonyms (adj) taut, firm, (n) energetic. kulhat 1. hobble; synonyms (v) limp, fetter, hamper, hitch, hopple, handcuff, bridle, manacle, (adv) halt, (adj) scrape, 2. limp (kulhání, schlíplý); synonyms (adj) flabby, flaccid, slack, flexible, drooping, flimsy, floppy, lax, (n) hobble, (v) hop; antonyms (adj) taut, firm, (n) energetic. kuličky marbles; synonyms (n) cods, jacks, jackstones, mind, reason, sanity, wit, wits.
kulka bullet; synonyms (n) shot, round, missile, pellet, projectile, slug, carcass, grenade, stone, (adj) globule. kulminovat culminate (vrcholit); synonyms (v) climax, end, finish, close, conclude, peak, cease, (adj) cap; antonym (v) start. kulovitý spherical (kulový); synonyms (adj) round, circular, global, globose, globular, orbicular, rotund, rounded, spheric, orbiculate. kulový spherical (kulovitý); synonyms (adj) round, circular, global, globose, globular, orbicular, rotund, rounded, spheric, orbiculate. kult cult; synonyms (n) craze, persuasion, fad, faith, fashion, rage, religion, sect, denomination, creed. kultivovaný 1. cultured (vzdělaný); synonyms (adj) refined, polite, civilized, cultivated, educated, elegant, erudite, genteel, learned, scholarly; antonyms (adj) coarse, ignorant, 2. accomplished; synonyms (adj) complete, able, proficient, adept, completed, experienced, finished, gifted, skillful, fine; antonyms (adj) inept, unfinished, 3. polite (zdvořilý); synonyms (adj) courteous, cultured, civil, courtly, gentle, proper, attentive, kind, friendly, chivalrous; antonyms (adj) impolite, rude, bad-mannered, discourteous, boorish, 4.
sophisticated (náročný, rafinovaný); synonyms (adj) complicated, complex, urbane, involved, intricate, advanced, polished, suave, cosmopolitan, knowledgeable; antonyms (adj) naive, unsophisticated, inexperienced, insular, simple. kultivovat reclaim (napravit); synonyms (v) domesticate, recover, reform, cultivate, claim, correct, recycle, redeem, regain, repossess; antonym (v) lose. kultura culture; synonyms (n) civilization, breeding, cultivation, acculturation, education, learning, tillage, erudition, courtesy, enlightenment. kulturní cultural; synonyms (adj) ethnic, educational, enriching, racial, adorning, advancing, artistic, beautifying, beneficial, broadening. kumulativní accumulative; synonym (adj) cumulative. kůň horse; synonyms (n) cavalry, mount, buck, heroin, junk, knight, boar, cock, dog, drake. kupec 1. buyer (kupující); synonyms (n) purchaser, client, customer, consumer, emptor, shopper, user, vendee, patron; antonyms (n) seller, vendor, 2. purchaser (zákazník); synonyms (n) buyer, punter. kuplíř 1. bawd; synonyms (n) prostitute, cocotte, harlot, tart, trollop, whore, purveyor, ribibe, caterer, mistress, 2. pander; synonyms (v) pimp, indulge, provide, procure, gratify, (n) pandar, procurer, panderer, 3. procurer; synonyms (n) pander, bawd, broker, buyer, fleshmonger, lecher,
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Czech - English
paramour, securer, client, consumer, 4. pimp (pasák); synonyms (n) cutthroat, mackerel, pinnace, ruffian, victualer, (v) broke, sing, squeal, secure. kuplířka procuress; synonyms (n) pimp, cut, drudge, hack, hacking, notch, pinnace. kupón coupon (tiket); synonyms (n) voucher, certificate, order, ticket, debenture, dividend, draft, warrant, advertisement, coin. kupovat buy (koupit, nakupovat); synonyms (v) acquire, bribe, take, shop, accept, believe, get, (n) bargain, purchase, acquisition; antonym (v) sell. kupředu 1. forwards; synonyms (adv) ahead, forward, forth, onward, onwards, before, fore, forrad, forrader, forrard, 2. onward; synonyms (adv) forwards, on, along, frontward. kupující buyer (kupec); synonyms (n) purchaser, client, customer, consumer, emptor, shopper, user, vendee, patron; antonyms (n) seller, vendor. kůra bark; synonyms (n) snarl, yelp, rind, bay, crust, peel, (v) yap, skin, cry, growl; antonyms (v) mutter, whisper. kurátor curator (kustod); synonyms (n) warden, conservator, custodian, guardian, superintendent, steward, supervisor. kurděje scurvy; synonyms (adj) contemptible, miserable, paltry, abject, low, sordid, ignoble, dirty, mean, (v) base. kuře chicken (slepice); synonyms (n) chick, cock, coward, fowl, hen, crybaby, nestling, poultry, (adj) yellow, chickenhearted. kurník coop; synonyms (n) cage, birdcage, cell, enclosure, hutch, jail, cote, gaol, hencoop, (v) pen. kurs course; synonyms (n) stream, flow, bearing, career, current, path, road, route, track, (v) run. kurtizána courtesan; synonyms (n) mistress, paramour, prostitute, whore, advoutress, concubine, punk, adulteress, amorosa, blowess. kurva whore (děvka); synonyms (n) prostitute, harlot, trollop, courtesan, strumpet, tart, bawd, cocotte, advoutress, (v) debauch. kurýr courier; synonyms (n) messenger, emissary, herald, runner, envoy, carrier, gofer, intelligencer, showman, express. kurzíva 1. italic, 2. italics; synonyms (n) justification, linotype, logotype, sublineation, underlining. kurzor cursor; synonyms (n) indicator, pointer, needle, arrow, hand. kus piece (kousek); synonyms (n) cut, division, fragment, part, article, component, composition, hunk, lump, patch. kustod 1. curator (kurátor); synonyms (n) warden, conservator, custodian, guardian, superintendent, steward, supervisor, 2. keeper; synonyms (n)
curator, guard, warder, caretaker, owner, protector, watchman, custos. kutna cowl; synonyms (n) hood, bonnet, cowling, chock, condition, cow, soe, tonsure, deflector, goon. kůže 1. skin (slupka); synonyms (n) peel, hide, coating, fur, hull, rind, shell, (v) pare, bark, scrape, 2. leather; synonyms (n) fleece, skin, buckskin, fell, pelt, pigskin, (v) drub, thrash, thresh, hit. kužel 1. cone (šiška); synonyms (n) strobile, pyramid, roll, conoid, pinnacle, strobilus, conduit, shaft, 2. taper (zúžení, zužovat); synonyms (n) candle, bougie, (adj) narrow, (v) point, sharpen, acuminate, diminish, lessen, reduce. kuželka skittle; synonym (n) ninepin. kuželovitý conic; synonyms (adj) conical, conelike. kvadratický quadratic; synonym (adj) square. kvadratura quadrature; synonyms (n) quadruplet, quadrifoil, quadriform, (adj) quadrate, square. kvadrilion quadrillion; synonym (n) septillion. kvalifikace qualification; synonyms (n) condition, capability, competence, fitness, limitation, preparation, prerequisite, provision, degree, (adj) faculty. kvalifikovaný 1. skilled; synonyms (adj) adept, experienced, expert, practiced, skillful, able, accomplished, clever, competent, dexterous; antonyms (adj) inept, incompetent, inexperienced, 2. qualified; synonyms (adj) capable, eligible, efficient, conditional, fit, proficient, adequate, certified, limited, restricted; antonyms (adj) unqualified, total, unofficial, definite. kvalifikovat qualify (oprávnit); synonyms (v) modify, prepare, moderate, capacitate, characterize, confine, define, designate, determine, condition; antonym (v) disqualify. kvalita quality (jakost, vlastnost); synonyms (n) nature, character, characteristic, class, condition, feature, grade, distinction, faculty, description; antonym (adj) shoddy. kvantita quantity (množství); synonyms (n) amount, extent, measure, multitude, quantum, sum, total, portion, heap, bulk. kvantitativní quantitative; synonyms (adj) some, measurable, quantitive, wholesale. kvantum quantum; synonyms (n) amount, measure, magnitude, quantity, mass, measurement, sum, total, amplitude. kvap precipitance; synonyms (n) hurry, haste, precipitancy, rush, abruptness, dispatch, expedition, brusqueness, curtness, gruffness. kvartérní quaternary; synonyms (adj) quaternate, fourth, cretaceous, (n) four, foursome, quadruplet, quaternion, tetrad, quad, quartet. kvartet quartet; synonyms (n) quaternity, foursome, four, quadruplet, quartette, quaternion, tetrad.
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Czech - English kvas ferment; synonyms (n) agitation, excitement, barm, tumult, unrest, disturbance, (v) effervesce, stew, turn, (adj) pother. kvašení fermentation (fermentace); synonyms (n) ferment, agitation, excitement, effervescence, fermenting, zymosis, commotion, heat, unrest. kvasnice 1. leaven; synonyms (n) leavening, constituent, (v) ferment, lift, raise, temper, (adj) contaminate, debase, defile, denaturalize, 2. yeast; synonyms (n) barm, leaven, foam, froth, spume, bubble, fungus, head, lather, spray. kvést 1. bloom; synonyms (n) blush, bud, flush, prime, (v) flourish, prosper, thrive, (adj) blossom, flower, blow; antonyms (v) wither, shrivel, 2. blossom; synonyms (n) bloom, blooming, efflorescence, heyday, peak, (v) progress, develop, grow, unfold. květ flower (květina); synonyms (n) bouquet, cream, efflorescence, elite, floret, (v) bloom, blossom, blow, flourish, (adj) prime. květen may (máj); synonyms (v) can, could, get, might, acquire, aim, amaze, arrest, arrive, baffle. květina flower (květ); synonyms (n) bouquet, cream, efflorescence, elite, floret, (v) bloom, blossom, blow, flourish, (adj) prime. kvetoucí blooming; synonyms (adj) rosy, flourishing, healthy, thriving, prosperous, blossoming, booming, ruddy, cherry, (n) bloom; antonym (adj) failing. kvinta quint; synonyms (n) five, quin, cinque, quintuplet, fin, fins, fivesome, flipper, flippers, louver. kvintesence quintessence; synonyms (n) essence, heart, epitome, core, gist, marrow, model, paragon, archetype, soul. kvintet quintet; synonyms (n) quintette, five, cinque, ensemble, fin, fins, fivesome, flipper, flippers, louver. kvíz quiz; synonyms (n) test, examination, (v) interrogate, examine, question, chaff, inquire, joke, ask, banter. kvokat cluck; synonyms (n) cry, (v) cackle, clack, click, chuckle, chuck, blab, blabber, brattle, chatter. kvóta quota; synonyms (n) portion, proportion, share, contingent, allowance, allotment, measure, quantity, ratio, ration. kýchnutí sneeze; synonyms (v) arrest, (n) sneezing, sternutation. kyj club (klacek, klub, palice); synonyms (n) association, bat, circle, society, stick, baton, company, cudgel, (v) beat, bludgeon. kýl keel; synonyms (n) bottom, carina, foot, hoof, root, (v) careen, pitch, tumble, distribute, droop.
kýla hernia; synonyms (n) herniation, break, assault, (adj) rupture, heartburn, heaves, herpes, itch,
lockjaw, piles. kypící ebullient; synonyms (adj) exuberant, effervescent, effusive, enthusiastic, vivacious, excited, (v) fiery, hot, candent, smoking. kyrys cuirass; synonyms (v) armor, fender, aegis, apron, backplate, breastplate, buckler, buffer, carapace, cowcatcher. kyselina acid (kyselý); synonyms (adj) acerbic, acidic, bitter, caustic, sharp, sour, acerb, acrid, cutting, pointed; antonym (adj) sweet. kyselost acidity; synonyms (n) acerbity, bitterness, sourness, sharpness, sour, acidness, acidulousness, flavor, spiciness, (adj) acid; antonym (n) sweetness. kyselý 1. acid (kyselina); synonyms (adj) acerbic, acidic, bitter, caustic, sharp, sour, acerb, acrid, cutting, pointed; antonym (adj) sweet, 2. sour; synonyms (adj) morose, acid, rancid, severe, gruff, dour, (v) acidify, ferment, (n) harsh, acidity; antonym (adj) kindly. kyslík oxygen; synonym (n) o. kyt putty (tmel); synonyms (n) cement, paste, glue, lute, mastic, solder, gum, stucco, (adj) adaptable, pliable. kytice bouquet; synonyms (n) aroma, fragrance, nosegay, perfume, smell, bunch, odor, posy, redolence, scent. kyvadlo pendulum; synonyms (n) dial, gnomon, horologe, pendant, clock, counterpart, pendule, (v) flap, pigtail, skirt.
L laboratoř 1. laboratory; synonyms (n) lab, factory, course, elaboratory, operatory, (adj) experimental, alembic, stillatory, 2. lab; synonyms (n) laboratory, blabber, telltale, (v) babble, blab, gossip, prate. labuť swan; synonyms (n) cygnet, aberdevine, (v) ramble, roam, rove, wander, affirm, assert, aver, avow. labužník gourmet; synonyms (n) epicure, epicurean, gastronome, gourmand, connoisseur. labyrint labyrinth; synonyms (n) maze, tangle, confusion, complication, network, (v) eel. laciný 1. inexpensive (levný); synonyms (adj) cheap, economical, reasonable, low, gimcrack, reduced, cheesy, flashy, brassy, bum; antonym (adj) expensive, 2. cheap (levný); synonyms (adj) inexpensive, stingy, tacky, base, mean, niggardly, shabby, sleazy, vulgar, worthless; antonyms (adj) costly, generous, tasteful, first-rate, luxurious.
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Czech - English
lačný greedy (chamtivý, chtivý, hladový, hltavý, hrabivý, nenasytný); synonyms (adj) eager, avid, gluttonous, covetous, desirous, acquisitive, glutton, grasping, piggish, (v) avaricious; antonym (adj) generous. laguna lagoon; synonyms (n) lagune, lake, bay, mere, pond, basin, cove, sea, tarn, water. láhev bottle; synonyms (n) container, flask, jug, jar, pot, carboy, gourd, (v) preserve, can. lahodný 1. delicious (chutný); synonyms (adj) delicate, appetizing, delightful, pleasing, agreeable, charming, dainty, delectable, enjoyable, lovely; antonym (adj) tasteless, 2. nutty (oříškový); synonyms (adj) crazy, balmy, daft, nuts, wacky, barmy, batty, cracked, crackers, dotty; antonyms (adj) sane, sensible, 3. sweet (bonbón, sladkost, sladký, vlídný); synonyms (adj) beloved, delicious, fresh, mellow, dear, lovable, melodious, musical, pleasant, sugary; antonyms (adj) sour, acid, bitter, discordant, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty. laik 1. laic; synonyms (adj) secular, lay, bad, dissolute, lewd, libidinous, lustful, simple, unlearned, (n) layman, 2. layman (neodborník); synonyms (n) amateur, layperson, laic, follower, member, neophyte, nonprofessional, novice, parishioner, proselyte. lak 1. varnish; synonyms (n) coat, lacquer, paint, veneer, palliate, cover, (v) gloss, color, gild, furbish, 2. lacquer; synonyms (n) glaze, lacker, japanning, copal, garnish, (v) varnish, finish, enamel, 3. paint (barva, malovat, natírat); synonyms (n) painting, tint, coating, (v) dye, daub, decorate, depict, apply, describe, draw. lákat 1. allure; synonyms (n) charm, appeal, attraction, (v) tempt, decoy, lure, attract, draw, entice, seduce; antonym (n) repulsion, 2. entice; synonyms (v) bait, cajole, allure, coax, captivate, persuade, call, beguile, bewitch, entrap, 3. lure; synonyms (n) enticement, fascinate, inducement, fascination, hook, magnetism, (v) bribe, invite, inveigle, ensnare. lákavý 1. inviting; synonyms (adj) attractive, alluring, appealing, engaging, enticing, tempting, magnetic, captivating, prepossessing, seductive, 2. seductive; synonyms (adj) seducing, inviting, desirable, sexy, irresistible, persuasive. lakmus litmus; synonyms (n) lacmus, (adj) turnsole, heliotrope. lakomec 1. miser; synonyms (n) churl, curmudgeon, hunks, muckworm, niggard, skinflint, accumulator, collector, magpie, muckerer, 2. skinflint; synonyms (n) miser, scrooge, screw. lakomství avarice (lakota); synonyms (n) greed, cupidity, covetousness, avariciousness, rapacity, (adj) greediness; antonym (n) generosity.
lakomý 1. avaricious (hrabivý); synonyms (adj) greedy, grasping, acquisitive, avid, miserly, sordid, (v) covetous, mercenary, extortionate, churlish;
antonym (adj) generous, 2. parsimonious (šetrný, skoupý); synonyms (adj) frugal, mean, stingy, illiberal, avaricious, penurious, (v) close, near, niggardly, chary; antonyms (adj) extravagant, spendthrift, 3. stingy (skoupý); synonyms (adj) parsimonious, low, skimpy, niggard, cheap, closefisted, measly, scanty, scarce, (v) narrow. lakota 1. avarice (lakomství); synonyms (n) greed, cupidity, covetousness, avariciousness, rapacity, (adj) greediness; antonym (n) generosity, 2. greed (hltavost); synonyms (n) desire, appetite, gluttony, hunger, insatiability, lust, meanness, miserliness, ravenousness, (adj) avarice; antonym (n) moderation. lakýrník painter (malíř); synonyms (n) artist, limner, cable, catamount, cougar, guy, halser, hawser, line. lalok 1. lobe; synonyms (n) division, flap, limb, member, arm, bough, bush, joint, link, offshoot, 2. dewlap; synonym (n) palea. lampa lamp; synonyms (n) light, look, beacon, view, glance, alfalfa, (v) behold, regard, perceive, gape. lano 1. rope (provaz); synonyms (n) cable, lasso, lariat, noose, cord, hawser, leash, line, string, (v) tie, 2. cable (kabel, kabelogram); synonyms (n) rope, cablegram, telegram, guy, ribbon, twine, (v) wire, telegraph, report. lanoví cordage; synonyms (n) cord, rope, twine. larva grub; synonyms (n) drudge, food, chow, chuck, eats, (v) excavate, dig, feed, delve, eat. láska 1. love (milovat); synonyms (n) desire, affection, dear, fondness, liking, benevolence, charity, attachment, (v) cherish, enjoy; antonyms (n) abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike, abhor, 2. affection (náklonnost, záliba); synonyms (n) affect, affectionateness, disease, feeling, heart, kindness, love, tenderness, admiration, (v) regard. laskání caress (mazlení, pohlazení); synonyms (n) rub, touch, endearment, (v) fondle, stroke, pat, pet, tickle, coddle, cuddle. laskavost 1. favour; synonyms (v) favor, choose, prefer, privilege, 2. benevolence (shovívavost); synonyms (n) charity, affection, beneficence, benefaction, compassion, generosity, goodness, kindliness, kindness, mercy; antonyms (n) unkindness, malevolence, 3. benignity; synonyms (n) benevolence, benignancy, humanity, graciousness, tenderness. laskavý 1. good (dobře, dobrý, hodný); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious, right, efficient, capable, excellent, fine, (n) benign, advantage; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil,
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Czech - English bad, 2. benignant; synonyms (adj) beneficent, benevolent, gracious, humane, kind, kindly, merciful, good, charitable, clement, 3. kind (druh, milý); synonyms (n) form, helpful, sort, brand, breed, class, gentle, type, (adj) friendly, generous; antonyms (adj) unkind, callous, cruel, hardhearted, mean, merciless, nasty, spiteful, uncaring, upsetting, 4. benign (benigní); synonyms (adj) nice, affable, amiable, soft, beneficial, thoughtful, sympathetic, considerate, (n) compassionate, caring; antonym (adj) harmful, 5. amiable (roztomilý); synonyms (adj) agreeable, complaisant, genial, charming, cordial, likable, lovely, pleasant, sweet, adorable; antonyms (adj) unfriendly, disagreeable, aggressive, argumentative. laso lasso; synonyms (n) lariat, noose, cestus, garter, girdle, girth, halter, (v) rope, catch. lastura scallop; synonyms (n) scollop, cutlet, escallop, crenelle, dent, saw, (v) indent, crimp, notch. latence latency; synonyms (n) suspension, abeyance, intermission, interruption, latence, presence.
látka 1. material (hmota, materiál, materiální); synonyms (n) body, cloth, matter, stuff, fabric, (adj) bodily, corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete, 2. fabric (struktura); synonyms (n) building, composition, frame, construction, framework, material, fiber, performance, (v) edifice, structure, 3. cloth; synonyms (n) cover, rag, textile, calling, net, (v) napkin, 4. substance (jádro, podstata); synonyms (n) essence, import, meaning, significance, subject, amount, core, gist, means, quintessence; antonym (n) triviality. latrína latrine; synonym (n) can. laureát laureate; synonyms (n) gentleman, patrician, squire, squireen, (adj) celebrated, immortal, laureled, (v) decorate, grace. láva lava; synonyms (n) rock, (adj) pituite. lavice 1. bench; synonyms (n) settle, chair, court, terrace, workbench, bank, bar, judicatory, board, couch, 2. desk; synonyms (n) bench, box, coffer, table, caddy, caisson, case, casket, chest. lavina avalanche; synonyms (n) landslide, deluge, cascade, plenty, barrage, earthquake, tremor, (v) debacle. laxní lax (nedbalý); synonyms (adj) slack, careless, flaccid, loose, flabby, easy, free, negligent, permissive, (v) frail; antonyms (adj) strict, careful, severe. lebka 1. skull; synonyms (n) pate, noddle, head, noggin, shell, intellectual, pupil, (adj) exceptional, smart, 2. cranium; synonyms (n) skull, braincase, brainpan, pericranium, cerebrum. lechtat tickle (šimrat); synonyms (v) itch, titillate, indulge, thrill, prickle, please, tingle, flatter, humor, (n) titillation.
lechtivý ticklish (choulostivý); synonyms (adj) delicate, difficult, precarious, sensitive, tricky, tender, awkward, touchy, unsettled, (v) slippery. led ice (zmrzlina); synonyms (n) frosting, glass, hoarfrost, icing, sparkler, frappe, (v) frost, cool, refrigerate, fan. ledek 1. nitre; synonyms (n) niter, saltpeter, saltpetre, natron, 2. saltpeter; synonyms (n) nitre, anatron, brine. lednička fridge; synonyms (n) fray, rub. ledový 1. gelid; synonyms (adj) cold, frigid, arctic, freezing, glacial, icy, frosty, chill, frozen, 2. icy; synonyms (adj) chilly, wintry, aloof, distant, gelid, standoffish, hostile, bitter, cool, nippy; antonyms (adj) warm, hot. ledvina kidney; synonyms (n) class, variety, feather, kind, nature, stripe, mettle, type, description, order. legalizovat legalize; synonyms (v) legalise, ordain, authorize, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimize, decriminalize, justify. legální legal (právní, soudní, zákonný); synonyms (adj) lawful, sound, valid, juridical, constitutional, judicial, permissible, rightful, (v) allowable, legitimate; antonyms (adj) illegal, unlawful, bogus. legenda legend; synonyms (n) caption, fable, fiction, tale, account, myth, story, title, tradition, chronicle. legendární 1. legendary; synonyms (adj) fabulous, fabled, mythical, mythological, proverbial, celebrated, famed, famous, fanciful, imaginary; antonyms (adj) factual, unknown, 2. fabled (proslulý); synonyms (adj) legendary, unreal, enchanted, magic, magical, storybook. legie legion; synonyms (n) host, crowd, troop, mass, army, cohort, force, horde, multitude, (adj) many. legionář legionary; synonyms (adj) legioned, (n) legionnaire, peon, sepoy, trooper. legitimní legitimate; synonyms (adj) legal, authentic, lawful, genuine, just, orthodox, valid, justifiable, (v) legalize, legitimatize; antonyms (adj) banned, illegal, informal, unlawful, bogus, illegitimate, invalid. legrace 1. fun; synonyms (adj) amusing, (n) amusement, enjoyment, frolic, entertainment, play, recreation, comedy, delight, (v) banter; antonym (n) misery, 2. lark (skřivan); synonyms (n) escapade, joke, fun, trick, prank, antic, caper, game, (v) romp, gambol.
lehkomyslný frivolous (lehkovážný, pošetilý); synonyms (adj) empty, foolish, dizzy, idle, petty, childish, facetious, flighty, flippant, light; antonyms (adj) serious, important.
lehkovážný frivolous (lehkomyslný, pošetilý); synonyms (adj) empty, foolish, dizzy, idle, petty,
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Czech - English
childish, facetious, flighty, flippant, light; antonyms (adj) serious, important. lehký light (světlo, světlý); synonyms (adj) fair, clear, facile, (n) flame, brightness, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite; antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy.
lék 1. medicine (lékařství, podávat léky); synonyms (n) cure, drug, medicament, medication, physic, remedy, therapy, treatment, cathartic, (v) medicate, 2. drug (droga); synonyms (n) medicine, anesthetic, prescription, sedative, stimulant, (v) dose, potion, (adj) chaff, 3. remedy (napravit, prostředek); synonyms (n) redress, relief, antidote, (v) heal, help, amend, rectify, correct, relieve, aid, 4. medicament (medikament); synonyms (n) music, (v) doctor, treat, 5. cure; synonyms (n) salve, curative, curing, healing, restorative, (v) pickle, preserve, restore, keep, mend. lékař 1. doctor (doktor); synonyms (n) physician, doc, (v) cure, adulterate, attend, fix, heal, mend, remedy, repair; antonym (v) break, 2. physician; synonyms (n) doctor, medico, medicine, healer, cathartic, curer, mendelevium, mv, physic, bones. lékárna 1. pharmacy; synonyms (n) drugstore, pharmaceutics, dispensatory, medicine, fermacy, 2. drugstore (drogerie); synonyms (n) pharmacy, bookstore, market, store, tobacconists, florist, stationer. lékárník druggist; synonyms (n) apothecary, pharmacist, chemist, pharmaceutist, pharmacy, dispensatory, pharmacopolist, drugger, drugster. lékařský medical; synonyms (adj) aesculapian, medicinal, medic, therapeutic, scientific, experimental, irrefutable, proven, (n) checkup, examination. lékařství medicine (lék, podávat léky); synonyms (n) cure, drug, medicament, medication, physic, remedy, therapy, treatment, cathartic, (v) medicate. lekce lesson; synonyms (n) exercise, example, instruction, class, learning, message, moral, reading, sermon, (v) rebuke. leknutí 1. fright; synonyms (n) awe, dismay, dread, fear, apprehension, consternation, horror, scare, (v) alarm, affright, 2. scare (polekat); synonyms (n) menace, anxiety, (v) fright, intimidate, daunt, frighten, appall, horrify, startle, (adj) panic, 3. shock (otřes, úder); synonyms (n) blow, daze, impact, collision, outrage, surprise, (v) jar, offend, revolt, clash; antonym (v) comfort. lékořice 1. licorice; synonyms (n) liquorice, lollipop, marmalade, plum, sweetmeat, sweetroot, 2. liquorice; synonym (n) licorice.
lektor lecturer (docent, přednášející); synonyms (n) instructor, lector, professor, reader, teacher,
coach, orator, preacher, speaker, trainer. lelkovat dawdle; synonyms (v) dally, linger, delay, lag, amble, procrastinate, hesitate, idler, loiter, lounge; antonyms (v) hurry, rush. lem 1. hem (obruba); synonyms (n) edging, border, brim, frame, skirt, verge, seam, (v) fringe, edge, envelop, 2. edge (hrana, kraj, okraj, ostří); synonyms (n) boundary, margin, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, bank, butt, (v) bound, hem; antonyms (n) center, (v) middle.
lemovat border (hranice, obruba, okraj); synonyms (n) margin, brink, extremity, fringe, bed, boundary, (v) edge, verge, abut, adjoin; antonyms (n) middle, (v) center. lemovka lace (krajka); synonyms (n) edging, lacing, net, (v) braid, enlace, entwine, interlace, bind, rope, (adj) string. len flax; synonyms (n) linen, lint, boundary, clothesline, contour, direction, doctrine, feature, (v) best, defeat. lenivý lazy (líný); synonyms (adj) indolent, idle, inert, drowsy, inactive, shiftless, dull, faineant, remiss, slothful; antonyms (adj) energetic, diligent, active. lenoch 1. idler; synonyms (n) dawdler, bum, laggard, lazybones, loafer, layabout, loiterer, vagabond; antonym (n) leader, 2. sluggard; synonyms (n) slug, idler, slugabed, (v) drone, lag, lingerer, (adj) sluggish. lenochod sloth (lenost); synonyms (n) laziness, idleness, indolence, lethargy, acedia, inactivity, inaction, inertia, listlessness, slothfulness. lenoška armchair (křeslo); synonyms (n) fauteuil, elbowchair. lenost 1. laziness; synonyms (n) idleness, indolence, acedia, inactivity, inertia, sloth, slowness, lethargy, lassitude; antonym (n) energy, 2. sloth (lenochod); synonyms (n) laziness, inaction, listlessness, slothfulness. lépe better (lepší, zlepšit); synonyms (n) bettor, (v) amend, improve, best, mend, recover, advance, ameliorate, emend, reform; antonyms (adj) lesser, (adv) worse, (n) inferior, (v) worsen. lepenka 1. cardboard; synonyms (n) card, (adj) flimsy, paper, ponderous, unlifelike, fragile, light, slight, tenuous, thin, 2. board (deska, paluba, prkno, tabule); synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court; antonym (v) disembark. lepidlo 1. glue (lepit); synonyms (n) adhesive, gum, (v) cement, adhere, affix, fasten, fix, attach, bond, plaster, 2. mucilage; synonyms (n) glue, paste, gingiva, gumwood, (adj) jelly, 3. adhesive; synonyms (adj) tacky, clingy, gummy, sticky,
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Czech - English tenacious, agglutinative, gluey, glutinous, gooey, (v) cohesive; antonym (adj) nonadhesive, 4. paste (pasta); synonyms (n) dough, cream, batter, pulp, spread, clinquant, finery, frippery, gewgaw, (v) stick. lepit glue (lepidlo); synonyms (n) adhesive, gum, (v) cement, adhere, affix, fasten, fix, attach, bond, plaster. lepkavý 1. gluey; synonyms (adj) sticky, adhesive, glutinous, viscous, gelatinous, gooey, gummy, pasty, mucilaginous, tacky, 2. glutinous (klihovitý); synonyms (adj) gluey, clammy, tenacious, viscid, slimy, thick, (n) albuminous; antonym (adj) runny, 3. sticky; synonyms (adj) awkward, muggy, embarrassing, humid, difficult, hard, sultry, sweltering, troublesome, persistent; antonyms (adj) dry, fresh, easy. lepra leprosy (malomocenství); synonyms (n) measles, lepra, lepry, meselry, (adj) caries, corruption, gangrene, mortification, sphacelation, sphacelus. lepší better (lépe, zlepšit); synonyms (n) bettor, (v) amend, improve, best, mend, recover, advance, ameliorate, emend, reform; antonyms (adj) lesser, (adv) worse, (n) inferior, (v) worsen. lept etching; synonyms (n) engraving, print, impression, drawing, silhouette, design, imprint, inscription, mezzotint, photoengraving. leptat etch; synonyms (n) etching, incise, (v) engrave, carve, cut, inscribe, bite, grave, scrape, scratch. leptavý caustic (žíravý); synonyms (adj) biting, acrid, bitter, acrimonious, sharp, acerbic, corrosive, sarcastic, (v) acute, pungent; antonyms (adj) mild, gentle. les 1. forest; synonyms (n) timber, jungle, woodland, timberland, wood, woods, (v) afforest, 2. wood (dřevo, dříví); synonyms (n) forest, tree, lumber, coppice. lešení 1. scaffolding; synonyms (n) frame, skeleton, beam, racking, 2. scaffold; synonyms (n) platform, framework, scaffolding, foundation, gallows, stand, summer, transom, trave, stage. lesk brilliance (záře); synonyms (n) blaze, grandeur, splendor, brightness, genius, glare, glory, gloss, glow, light; antonym (n) dullness. lesklý 1. shiny; synonyms (adj) bright, lustrous, glossy, brilliant, clear, glistening, sheeny, shining, sleek, slick; antonyms (adj) dull, rough, 2. glossy; synonyms (adj) shiny, smooth, glazed, flat, burnished, glassy, resplendent, satiny, silky, even, 3. tawdry; synonyms (adj) gaudy, cheap, meretricious, shoddy, showy, flashy, garish, loud, tasteless, tacky; antonyms (adj) first-rate, tasteful.
lesnatý woody; synonyms (adj) wooded, arboreous, ligneous, wooden, arboraceous, forested, woodsy, arboreal, arborescent, arboresque. lesnictví 1. forestry; synonyms (n) sylviculture, arboriculture, 2. woodcraft. lesník woodman; synonyms (n) woodsman, woodworker, sportsman. leštit burnish; synonyms (v) rub, brighten, buff, furbish, glaze, scour, (n) gloss, sheen, glossiness, luster. let flight; synonyms (n) escape, herd, flying, run, avolation, exodus, elopement, evasion, (adj) bevy, drove. letadlo 1. airplane (letoun); synonyms (n) aeroplane, plane, jet, seaplane, craft, jumbo, airship, (v) automobile, bus, train, 2. aeroplane (aeroplán); synonyms (n) airplane, sheet, 3. plane (hoblík, plocha, rovina); synonyms (n) face, aircraft, degree, (v) flatten, (adj) level, even, flat, horizontal, smooth, flush, 4. aircraft; synonyms (n) airliner, vessel, blimp, boat, dirigible, hydroplane, vehicle, zeppelin, spacecraft. létající flying (letmý); synonyms (adj) fast, fluttering, quick, rapid, swift, aflare, flaring, moving, (n) fly, flight. leták leaflet; synonyms (n) brochure, leaf, booklet, pamphlet, circular, folder, foliole, handout, newsletter, book. létat fly (moucha); synonyms (v) escape, dash, drive, flee, glide, elope, aviate, (n) flap, (adj) break, flit. letec 1. aviator; synonyms (n) airman, aeronaut, pilot, flier, flyer, aeroplanist, navigator, ace, barnstormer, bill, 2. flier; synonyms (n) aviator, circular, aviatrix, handbill, throwaway, broadsheet, broadside, 3. airman; synonyms (n) soldier, crew, steward, stewardess. letecký aerial (anténa, vzdušný); synonyms (adj) airy, aery, ethereal, unreal, insubstantial, aeriform, (n) antenna. letectví aviation; synonyms (n) air, flight, airwave, atmosphere, aura, ballooning, aerodynamics, breeze, line, melody. letiště airport; synonyms (n) aerodrome, airdrome, runway, airstrip, depot, destination, harbor, haven, port, station. letmý flying (létající); synonyms (adj) fast, fluttering, quick, rapid, swift, aflare, flaring, moving, (n) fly, flight. letní summery; synonyms (adj) balmy, hot, leafy, sunny, warm. léto 1. summer; synonyms (n) summertime, beam, joist, lintel, rafter, scaffold, season, skeleton, transom, girder, 2. summertime; synonym (n) summer.
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Czech - English
letopis chronicle (kronika); synonyms (n) account, annals, story, history, narrative, (v) record, register, list, date, log. letopisec annalist; synonym (n) historian. letopočet era (éra); synonyms (n) age, period, time, epoch, date, cycle, style. letoun airplane (letadlo); synonyms (n) aeroplane, plane, jet, seaplane, craft, jumbo, airship, (v) automobile, bus, train. letuška stewardess; synonyms (n) hostess, steward, aeroplanist, airman, attendant, aviator, aviatrix, birdman, flier, navigator. lev lion; synonyms (n) celebrity, cat, curiosity, luminary, spectacle, name, (adj) hero, worthy, somebody, tiger. levicový leftist; synonyms (n) collectivist, radical, agitator, (adj) left. levitace levitation; synonyms (n) elevation, buoyancy, lightness. levný 1. cheap (laciný); synonyms (adj) inexpensive, low, stingy, tacky, base, brassy, bum, cheesy, economical, flashy; antonyms (adj) expensive, costly, generous, tasteful, first-rate, luxurious, 2. inexpensive (laciný); synonyms (adj) cheap, reasonable, gimcrack, reduced, chinchy, chintzy, crummy, flash, garish, gaudy, 3. moderate (mírný, umírněný); synonyms (adj) temperate, abstemious, middling, mild, (v) calm, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish, (adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme, immoderate, radical, (v) increase, intensify.
levoboček bastard (kříženec, nemanželský); synonyms (n) whoreson, scoundrel, (adj) illegitimate, spurious, fake, misbegotten, phony, adulterate, bastardly, bogus; antonym (n) legitimate. levý left (vlevo); synonyms (adj) gone, absent, odd, port, remaining, larboard, sinister, unexpended, abandoned, remainder; antonym (n) right. lež 1. lie (ležet, lhát); synonyms (v) consist, repose, (n) fabrication, falsehood, falsity, fib, fiction, rest, untruth, bluff; antonyms (v) stand, (n) truth, 2. falsehood; synonyms (n) fable, deceit, deception, lie, invention, dishonesty, forgery, story, misrepresentation, fallacy; antonyms (n) fact, honesty. lezec climber; synonyms (n) backpacker, crampon, crampoon, hiker, mounter, trekker, walker, liana, (v) climb. ležet lie (lež, lhát); synonyms (v) consist, repose, (n) fabrication, falsehood, falsity, fib, fiction, rest, untruth, bluff; antonyms (v) stand, (n) truth. ležící 1. incumbent; synonyms (n) official, householder, occupant, parson, sojourner, beneficiary, (v) superimposed, superincumbent, overlying, supernatant, 2. recumbent; synonyms
(adj) decumbent, prostrate, accumbent, lying,
reclining, flat, horizontal, prone. lézt climb (stoupat, vylézt); synonyms (v) ascend, arise, clamber, escalate, (n) rise, mount, ascent, acclivity, advance, ascending; antonyms (v) descend, drop. lhář liar; synonyms (n) deceiver, falsifier, trickster, prevaricator, phony, fake, fraud, gabber, leaser, pseudologist. lhát 1. lie (lež, ležet); synonyms (v) consist, repose, (n) fabrication, falsehood, falsity, fib, fiction, rest, untruth, bluff; antonyms (v) stand, (n) truth, 2. fib; synonyms (n) lie, fable, story, tale, prevarication, whopper, invention, taradiddle, (v) fabricate, prevaricate. lhostejný indifferent; synonyms (adj) apathetic, callous, cold, cool, fair, impassive, insensible, unconcerned, careless, dull; antonyms (adj) caring, enthusiastic, fervent, keen, obsessive, eager, energetic, involved, surprised. líbánky honeymoon (svatební cesta); synonyms (n) pleasure, (adj) marriage, nuptial, wedding, celebratory. líbat kiss (hubička, polibek, pusa); synonyms (n) buss, brush, osculation, salute, touch, (v) caress, embrace, osculate, love. liberalismus liberalism; synonyms (n) autonomy, tolerance, permissiveness, progressiveness, (adj) liberality; antonym (n) narrow-mindedness. liberální liberal; synonyms (adj) generous, bountiful, free, handsome, abundant, benevolent, big, large, kind, ample; antonyms (adj) strict, oppressive, totalitarian, intolerant, (n) conservative. libovolný arbitrary (svévolný); synonyms (adj) absolute, capricious, dictatorial, optional, erratic, random, peremptory, masterful, haphazard, autocratic. libra pound; synonyms (v) beat, pen, bang, crush, flap, grind, hammer, maul, palpitate, thump. líce cheek (tvář); synonyms (n) audacity, boldness, brass, face, impertinence, nerve, gall, impudence, insolence, lip; antonym (n) respect. licence license; synonyms (n) permit, allowance, freedom, liberty, permission, authority, authorization, certificate, (v) charter, allow. lichocení flattery (pochlebování); synonyms (n) cajolery, adulation, blarney, compliment, palaver, taffy, gloze, praise, sycophancy. lichotit blandish; synonyms (v) flatter, fawn, cajole, coax, wheedle, ingratiate, entreat, grovel, inveigle, persuade. lichotník flatterer (pochlebovač); synonyms (n) cajoler, adulator, sycophant, toady, assentator, complimenter, cozener, deceiver, glozer, losenger.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
lichva usury; synonyms (v) usance, accustom,
líh spirit (duch); synonyms (n) apparition, courage,
application, custom, employ, employment, etc, habit, habituate, interest. lichvář usurer; synonyms (n) moneylender, banker, cambist, financier, (adj) extortioner, churl, codger, crib, curmudgeon, harpagon. lichvářský usurious; synonyms (adj) exorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, steep, (v) churlish, covetous, hidebound, illiberal, mercenary, sordid. lichý odd; synonyms (adj) grotesque, exceptional, funny, abnormal, curious, droll, eccentric, extraordinary, singular, strange; antonyms (adj) normal, ordinary, even, typical. lícní facial; synonyms (adj) front, forward, surface, subcranial. lid populace; synonyms (n) people, multitude, commonalty, inhabitants, mob, public, crowd, nation, population, man. lidé people (lidi, národ); synonyms (n) nation, community, family, folk, multitude, populace, clan, (v) inhabit, occupy, reside. lidi people (lidé, národ); synonyms (n) nation, community, family, folk, multitude, populace, clan, (v) inhabit, occupy, reside. lidnatý populous; synonyms (adj) multitudinous, crowded, multiple, teeming, numerous, thick, large, manifold, multinominal, (v) dense; antonym (adj) deserted. lidový popular (oblíbený, populární); synonyms (adj) common, general, current, fashionable, democratic, customary, known, plain, pop, (v) favorite; antonyms (adj) unpopular, aristocratic, disliked. lidský human (člověk); synonyms (adj) humane, corporeal, earthly, worldly, (n) mortal, man, person, homo, gay, (adv) fleshly. lidstvo 1. mankind; synonyms (n) man, humanity, humankind, world, humans, flesh, mortality, people, 2. humankind; synonyms (n) human, mankind, cosmos, creation, domain, existence, gentleman, globe, homo, civilization, 3. humanity; synonyms (n) benevolence, compassion, kindness, gentleness, mercy, sympathy, (adj) clemency, charity, benignity, goodness; antonym (n) cruelty. lidumil philanthropist; synonyms (n) humanitarian, donor, benefactor, philanthrope, altruist, patron, socialist, utilitarian, contributor, provider. lidumilnost philanthropy; synonyms (n) benevolence, charity, generosity, humanity, kindness, donation, gift, largesse, pity, selflessness. liga league (svaz); synonyms (n) alliance, association, coalition, confederacy, federation, class, combination, confederation, union, connection. ligatura ligature; synonyms (n) binder, ligament, bandage, link, (v) bond, tie, knot.
ghost, life, mood, bravery, character, disposition, energy, (adj) animation; antonyms (n) lethargy, body. lihovar distillery; synonyms (n) still, stillhouse, hush, stillness. liják downpour; synonyms (n) cloudburst, deluge, torrent, storm, flood, rainstorm, shower, soaker, waterspout. likér liqueur; synonyms (n) cordial, honeysuckle, hydromel, mead, metheglin, aperitif, (v) spirits, stingo, wine. likvidace liquidation; synonyms (n) settlement, bankruptcy, destruction, elimination, extermination, clearance, discharge, insolvency, purge, ruin. likvidovat liquidate; synonyms (v) slay, destroy, discharge, kill, annihilate, eliminate, clear, assassinate, cash, finish. lilie lily; synonyms (adj) chalk, effeminate, milk, paper, rose, snow, anemone, asphodel, begonia, buttercup. límec collar; synonyms (n) arrest, choker, pinch, ruff, (v) catch, apprehend, capture, clutch, grab, nail. limuzína limousine; synonyms (n) limo, automobile, car, clunker, coupe, flivver, jalopy, lemon. lineární linear; synonyms (adj) lineal, rectilinear, running, additive, analog, analogue, ancestral, elongate, family, patriarchal. lingvista linguist; synonyms (n) polyglot, glottologist. lingvistika linguistics (jazykověda); synonyms (n) glossology, philology, glossary, glottology. linka line (přímka); synonyms (n) cord, file, house, breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry, border. linoleum lino; synonym (n) linoleum. líný 1. lazy (lenivý); synonyms (adj) indolent, idle, inert, drowsy, inactive, shiftless, dull, faineant, remiss, slothful; antonyms (adj) energetic, diligent, active, 2. truant; synonyms (n) deserter, runaway, fugitive, nonattender, escapee, traveler, trivant, absconder, loiterer, (v) shirk. lípa lime (vápno); synonyms (n) birdlime, basswood, calx, lemon, cement, linden, quicklime, (v) forelay, (adj) green. lišácký foxy; synonyms (adj) artful, crafty, cunning, astute, clever, russet, vulpine, canny, dodgy, slick. lišejník lichen; synonym (n) mold. liška 1. fox; synonyms (n) dodger, slyboots, (v) confound, confuse, fob, bewilder, fuddle, bedevil, befuddle, discombobulate, 2. vixen; synonyms (n) shrew, termagant, virago, fury, fox, hag, harpy, hellcat, impetuosity, rage. líska hazel; synonyms (n) filbert, cobnut, hazelnut, brown, auburn, cob.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
list 1. leaf; synonyms (n) blade, page, foliage, folio, leafage, slip, (v) sheet, leave, flick, flip, 2. sheet (arch); synonyms (n) board, layer, leaf, canvas, film, paper, coat, coating, blanket, cover. lišta ledge (římsa); synonyms (n) edge, projection, bulge, board, jetty, rack, shelf, bench, hummock, (adj) escarpment.
lístek 1. ticket (jízdenka, vstupenka); synonyms (n) pass, card, label, certificate, ballot, check, slate, tag, warrant, mark, 2. card (karta, navštívenka, pohlednice); synonyms (n) bill, board, ticket, carte, menu, notice, placard, postal, scorecard, (v) tease. listina document (doklad, dokument); synonyms (n) charter, deed, credentials, papers, text, (v) record, file, list, prove, report. listnatý leafy; synonyms (adj) green, verdant, foliate, foliose, lush, leafed, luxuriant, abundant, blossoming, bushy. listonoš postman; synonyms (n) carrier, mailman, bearer, debt, express, flattop, newsboy, pillar, post, station. lít pour (sypat); synonyms (v) gush, shed, decant, flow, pelt, scatter, stream, discharge, emit, (n) overflow; antonym (v) drizzle. literární literary; synonyms (adj) learned, bookish, cultured, educated, erudite, artistic, blue, civilizing, classical, edifying. literatura literature; synonyms (n) learning, letters, science, writing, novel, writings, knowledge, advertisement, art, circular. litografie lithography (kamenotisk); synonyms (n) cerography, glyptography, lignography, xylography, cerograph, chromolithograph, glyphograph, glyphography, glyptograph, holograph. lítost 1. regret (litovat, žal); synonyms (v) bewail, grieve, bemoan, deplore, lament, mourn, (n) grief, compunction, contrition, penitence, 2. remorse; synonyms (n) repentance, guilt, regret, penance, sorrow, qualm, ruefulness, compassion, 3. repentance (pokání); synonym (n) remorse; antonym (n) shamelessness. lítostivý regretful; synonyms (adj) apologetic, contrite, penitent, sorry, remorseful, bad, nostalgic, melancholy, repentant, sad; antonym (adj) unrepentant. litovat 1. rue; synonyms (n) regret, penitence, repentance, (v) deplore, mourn, bewail, lament, repent, grieve, bemoan, 2. regret (lítost, žal); synonyms (v) sorrow, rue, (n) grief, compunction, contrition, remorse, disappointment, woe, mourning, qualm, 3. repent; synonym (v) atone. litr litre; synonyms (n) liter, l, fifty, lambert.
litující sorry; synonyms (adj) pathetic, contrite, paltry, penitent, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, remorseful, sorrowful, base; antonym (adj) unrepentant. liturgie liturgy; synonyms (n) ceremony, ritual, sacrament, rite, service, cult, formality, observance, form, services. lítý fierce (divoký, prudký); synonyms (adj) bitter, violent, acute, cruel, ferocious, brutal, furious, grim, savage, nasty; antonyms (adj) gentle, mild. lívanec 1. pancake; synonyms (n) griddlecake, flapjack, battercake, flannelcake, flapcake, hotcake, (v) ashcake, crash, 2. crumpet. lízat lick (zbít); synonyms (v) lap, clobber, bat, beat, drub, thrash, defeat, (n) biff, jab, speed. lízátko lollipop; synonyms (n) lolly, sucker, licorice, sweetmeat, chump, fool, gull, marmalade, plum, popsicle. lnout adhere; synonyms (v) cohere, abide, accede, attach, bond, cleave, cling, stick, bind, (adj) agree. loajalita allegiance; synonyms (n) loyalty, dedication, devotion, commitment, faith, faithfulness, constancy, duty, fealty, fidelity; antonyms (n) disloyalty, sedition. loajální loyal; synonyms (adj) unwavering, fast, constant, devoted, reliable, steady, true, dependable, (n) faithful, (v) firm; antonyms (adj) disloyal, unfaithful, unreliable. loď 1. boat (loďka); synonyms (n) yacht, scull, craft, dinghy, ship, vessel, vehicle, shallop, schooner, sailboat, 2. ship; synonyms (n) boat, ferry, (v) dispatch, send, forward, transport, consign, carry, embark, move. lodivod pilot; synonyms (n) guide, leader, aviator, (v) manage, lead, conduct, direct, director, fly, (adj) experimental. loďka boat (loď); synonyms (n) yacht, scull, craft, dinghy, ship, vessel, vehicle, shallop, schooner, sailboat. lodyha 1. stem (stonek); synonyms (n) root, bow, branch, shank, stalk, stick, (v) originate, block, arrest, halt, 2. stalk (stopka); synonyms (n) stem, pursuit, (v) pursue, follow, walk, shadow, tail, haunt, hunt, stride. logaritmický logarithmic; synonyms (adj) exponential, logometric, totitive, logarithmetical, numeric, proportional. logaritmus logarithm; synonyms (n) log, exponent, index, backlog, power, root, (adj) numeric. logicky logically; synonyms (adv) rationally, acceptably, clearly, coherently, comprehensibly, consecutively, consequentially, continuously, convincingly, diligently; antonyms (adv) illogically, foolishly, imaginatively. logický logical; synonyms (adj) coherent, consistent, legitimate, rational, reasonable, sensible, justifiable,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English valid, arranged, lucid; antonyms (adj) illogical, confused, imaginative, irrational, unintelligible. logik logician; synonyms (n) dialectician, academic, logistician, philosopher, reasoner, theorist, thinker, dreamer. logika logic; synonyms (n) argument, reason, reasoning, sense, order, logics, coherence, rationality, analysis, assumption; antonym (n) stupidity. lokaj 1. henchman; synonyms (n) follower, accomplice, disciple, cohort, partisan, retainer, servant, collaborator, confederate, 2. lackey; synonyms (n) flunky, flunkey, sycophant, butler, attendant, toady, waiter, crawler. lokalita locality; synonyms (n) area, district, neighborhood, place, position, quarter, spot, vicinity, point, region. lokalizovat localize; synonyms (v) lay, localise, place, post, locate, set, situate, lodge, quarter, concentrate. lokální local (místní); synonyms (adj) native, sectional, topical, home, indigenous, municipal, nearby, civic, limited, (n) resident; antonyms (adj) national, foreign, universal, worldwide. lokat quaff; synonyms (v) drink, gulp, imbibe, swig, guzzle, drain, sup, sip, swallow, swill. loket elbow; synonyms (n) bend, cubitus, angle, (v) poke, jostle, nudge, push, shove, jolt, crowd. lokomotiva 1. locomotive; synonyms (n) engine, conductor, (adj) locomotor, mobile, (v) train, airplane, autobus, automobile, bus, minivan, 2. engine (motor, stroj); synonyms (n) locomotive, machine, contrivance, implement, instrument, mechanism, organ, tool, utensil. lom quarry (kořist); synonyms (n) mine, prey, game, dig, pit, target, victim, butt, excavation, (v) excavate. lomoz noise (hluk, rámus, šum, zvuk); synonyms (n) clatter, clamor, hubbub, racket, sound, din, disturbance, echo, uproar, buzz; antonyms (n) silence, quiet. lopata shovel; synonyms (n) digger, excavator, shovelful, (v) dig, scoop, rake, besom, broom, delve, mop. lopatka 1. scoop; synonyms (n) ladle, spade, exclusive, pocket, scoopful, shovel, (v) draw, dig, excavate, hollow, 2. vane; synonyms (n) blade, beacon, cairn, fan, flagstaff, hand, pointer, post, staff, (adj) weathercock, 3. paddle (pádlo, pádlovat); synonyms (n) oar, vane, (v) dabble, dodder, row, pull, spank, toddle, totter, coggle. lopuch 1. burdock; synonym (n) clotbur, 2. bur; synonyms (v) burr, remora, (adj) awn, byssus, moss, catchweed, cleavers, clivers, goose, grass.
lordstvo lordship; synonyms (n) dominion, ownership, supremacy, dynasty, grandeeship, judge, proprietorship, seigniory, sovereignty. los elk; synonyms (n) moose, caribou, coyote, sambar. losos salmon; synonyms (n) orange, red. loterie lottery; synonyms (n) drawing, sweepstake, draft, chance, bet, brag, cassino, connections, drafting, draftsmanship. loudal slowcoach; synonyms (n) laggard, slowpoke, dawdler, plodder, slogger, straggler, idler, lazybones, shirker, slacker. louh lye; synonyms (n) fable, fiction, law, lea, ley, lie, falsehood, siding, untruth. louka meadow; synonyms (n) field, hayfield, grassland, mead, plain, lawn, hydromel, park, countryside, fodder. loupat peel (loupat se, slupka); synonyms (n) skin, hide, (v) hull, bark, flake, flay, pare, decorticate, excoriate, husk. loupež robbery; synonyms (n) rape, burglary, depredation, looting, pillage, plunder, theft, holdup, thieving, (v) despoliation. loupežník robber; synonyms (n) thief, highwayman, bandit, outlaw, burglar, crook, pillager, pirate, plunderer, depredator. loupit plunder (kořist, plenit); synonyms (v) loot, pillage, despoil, harry, spoil, devastate, destroy, maraud, (n) booty, depredation. loutka 1. puppet (panenka); synonyms (n) doll, pawn, creature, instrument, marionette, tool, hireling, mammet, mercenary, protege, 2. marionette; synonyms (n) puppet, figurine, aglet, manikin, waxwork, model, 3. doll (panenka); synonyms (n) baby, chick, dummy, girl, toy, bird, dame. loutna lute; synonyms (n) glue, harp, luting, solder, gum, mortar, plaster, stucco, (v) cement, enlute. louže puddle (kaluž); synonyms (n) plash, pool, pond, lake, slop, broad, lin, loch, (v) muddle, addle. lov 1. hunting; synonyms (n) hunt, chase, pursuit, search, cycling, lagging, lookup, (v) battue, race, (adj) predatory, 2. hunt (hon); synonyms (n) quest, (v) course, follow, hound, forage, rummage, prey, dog, persecute, pursue. lovec hunter; synonyms (n) chaser, huntsman, seeker, courser, woodman, driver, beast, cattle, charger, follower. lóže lodge; synonyms (n) house, club, cottage, (v) cabin, live, place, accommodate, deposit, (adj) abide, dwell. ložisko deposit (vklad, záloha); synonyms (n) charge, residue, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file; antonym (v) withdraw.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
ložnice bedroom; synonyms (n) chamber, bedchamber, assembly, berth, compartment, cubicle, (adj) sexy. lstivost slyness; synonyms (n) craft, craftiness, cunning, artifice, astuteness, foxiness, guile, deceit, deceitfulness, stealth; antonym (n) openness. lstivý tricky; synonyms (adj) crafty, cunning, artful, deceitful, sly, delicate, difficult, foxy, shifty, slippery; antonyms (adj) easy, straightforward, honest. lucerna lantern; synonyms (n) lamp, beacon, light, dormer, buat, cupola, lanthorn. luh mead; synonyms (n) field, hydromel, metheglin, meadow, meathe, oenomel, aperitif, grassplat, greensward, heather. luk bow (oblouk, ohýbat, uklonit se); synonyms (n) arc, curve, (v) bend, arch, stoop, duck, buckle, crouch, incline, kowtow. lukostřelba archery; synonyms (n) ballistics, projectiles. lukostřelec archer; synonyms (n) bowman, fan, turfman. lukrativní lucrative (výnosný); synonyms (adj) gainful, fat, fruitful, moneymaking, remunerative, beneficial, helpful, (v) advantageous, profitable, paying; antonym (adj) unprofitable. lump rascal (darebák, rošťák); synonyms (n) imp, knave, miscreant, monkey, rapscallion, rogue, scamp, scoundrel, villain, vagabond. lumpárna rascality; synonyms (n) devilment, devilry, deviltry, dishonesty, naughtiness, roguery, mischief, roguishness, badness, (adj) knavery. lupovitý scurfy; synonyms (adj) scaly, scabrous, furfuraceous, lepidote, leprose, (n) scabby, scurvy. lupy 1. scurf; synonyms (n) dandruff, scale, scruff, dartre, exfoliation, furfur, plate, scurfiness, shell, 2. dandruff; synonyms (n) scurf, dandriff, (adj) tartar. lusk 1. pod (tobolka); synonyms (n) capsule, hull, case, husk, cod, pouch, cyst, (v) shell, 2. husk (slupka); synonyms (n) bark, crust, skin, cortex, chaff, coat, covering, peel, rind, shuck. lustr chandelier; synonyms (n) electrolier, pendant, sconce, gaselier, candleholder, corona, crown, fixture, gasolier. luxovat vacuum (vakuum, vysávat); synonyms (n) emptiness, void, vacancy, vacuity, gap, nothingness, blank, inanity, chasm, (v) clean. luxusní luxurious (přepychový); synonyms (adj) voluptuous, costly, deluxe, lavish, sumptuous, epicurean, grand, luscious, comfortable, (n) lush; antonym (adj) cheap. lvice lioness; synonym (n) tigress. lýko bast; synonym (n) phloem. lymfa lymph; synonyms (n) crystal, glass, vitrite, water, (adj) rheum, sanies, serosity.
lynčování lynching; synonyms (n) execution, murder. lyra lyre; synonym (n) harp. lyrický 1. lyrical; synonyms (adj) lyric, musical, poetic, elegiac, flowing, graceful, prosaic, rhythmical, (n) tuneful, 2. lyric; synonyms (adj) lyrical, choral, instrumental, vocal, (n) ode, poem, song, language. lýtko calf (tele); synonyms (n) calfskin, sura, colt, foal, kitten, pup, shorthorn, kid, cow, doodle. lyže ski (lyžovat); synonym (n) skis. lyžovat ski (lyže); synonym (n) skis. lžíce spoon; synonyms (n) ladle, spoonful, shovel, trowel, (v) scoop, smooch, dip, snog. lživost mendacity; synonyms (n) dishonesty, falsehood, falsity, deceit, deception, lie, fabrication, double-dealing, fib, (v) perjury; antonym (n) honesty. lživý 1. mendacious; synonyms (adj) false, lying, deceitful, fraudulent, untruthful, dishonest, insincere; antonym (adj) truthful, 2. untrue (nepravdivý, nesprávný); synonyms (adj) erroneous, unfaithful, disloyal, incorrect, sham, mistaken, faithless, fallacious, inaccurate, treacherous; antonyms (adj) faithful, true, factual, valid.
M macecha stepmother (nevlastní matka); synonym (n) stepdame. maceška pansy; synonyms (n) fag, faggot, fagot, fairy, pantywaist, poof, poove, pouf, queen, queer. machinace machination; synonyms (n) intrigue, conspiracy, device, plot, cabal, scheme, artifice, plan, complot. magazín magazine (časopis); synonyms (n) journal, cartridge, newspaper, periodical, book, clip, entrepot, mag, comic, (v) store. magický magical; synonyms (adj) magic, charming, supernatural, mystic, miraculous, mysterious, occult, sorcerous, witching, wizard. magie magic (kouzlo); synonyms (adj) magical, charming, (n) conjuration, incantation, charm, enchantment, legerdemain, sorcery, glamour, fascination. magnát 1. baron; synonyms (n) mogul, king, magnate, earl, tycoon, thane, ability, businessperson, (v) man, consort, 2. magnate; synonyms (n) baron, celebrity, bigwig, power. magnetický magnetic; synonyms (adj) attractive, charismatic, fascinating, inviting, magnetized,
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Czech - English tempting, captivating, enchanting, glamorous, prepossessing. magnetismus magnetism; synonyms (n) allure, attraction, charisma, charm, fascination, magnetics, appeal, glamour, magic, (adj) gravity. magnetizovat magnetize; synonyms (v) enchant, charm, fascinate, entrance, bewitch, magnetise, hypnotize, attract, captivate, (n) mesmerize. magnetovec lodestone; synonyms (n) loadstone, adamant, loadstar, lodestar. magnólie magnolia; synonym (n) manglietia. mahagon mahogany; synonym (n) brown. máj may (květen); synonyms (v) can, could, get, might, acquire, aim, amaze, arrest, arrive, baffle. maják 1. beacon; synonyms (n) cairn, flare, buoy, light, lighthouse, pharos, signal, watchtower, (v) guide, 2. lighthouse; synonyms (n) beacon, faro. majestát majesty; synonyms (n) glory, grandeur, dignity, loftiness, splendor, greatness, magnificence, nobility, stateliness, king.
majetek 1. property (vlastnictví, vlastnost); synonyms (n) characteristic, capital, peculiarity, feature, belongings, character, asset, estate, (adj) attribute, quality, 2. possession; synonyms (n) occupancy, occupation, ownership, keeping, goods, property, tenure, grasp, seizin, (v) acquisition, 3. estate (statek); synonyms (n) condition, land, demesne, order, rank, domain, acres, state, substance, category. majetkový possessive (vlastnický); synonyms (adj) genitive, protective, tenacious. majetný propertied; synonym (adj) rich. majitel 1. owner (vlastník); synonyms (n) master, proprietor, possessor, holder, landholder, landowner, boss, landlord, employer, occupant; antonym (n) tenant, 2. holder (držadlo, držitel); synonyms (n) bearer, case, stand, container, rack, handle, carrier, bracket, owner, support, 3. proprietor (vlastník); synonyms (n) manager, host, 4. possessor (vlastník); synonyms (n) beneficiary, oats, possessioner, controller, vendor. majitelka proprietress; synonyms (n) proprietor, owner. majoránka marjoram; synonyms (n) oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme. mák poppy; synonyms (n) poop, poppyhead, (v) balm. makadam macadam; synonyms (n) tarmac, tarmacadam, (adj) asphalt, macadamised, macadamized. makaróny macaroni; synonyms (n) coxcomb, fop, beau, exquisite, dude, medley. maketa dummy (dudlík); synonyms (adj) sham, spurious, (n) counterfeit, model, puppet, boob, booby, dope, blank, dumbbell.
makléř stockbroker; synonyms (n) broker, agent, financier, dealer, negotiator, adviser. makrela mackerel; synonyms (n) bass, muskelunge, sailfish, sardine, trout, tuna, pimp. makro macro; synonyms (adj) comprehensive, inclusive, international, overall, total, universal, worldwide, (n) macroinstruction, macrocommand. makrokosmos macrocosm; synonyms (n) cosmos, universe, world, creation, existence, nature. malachit malachite; synonyms (adj) emerald, green, verdigris. malárie malaria; synonyms (n) miasma, mephitis, miasm. malátný languid (mdlý); synonyms (adj) lazy, dull, feeble, indolent, faint, lackadaisical, lethargic, sluggish, torpid, apathetic; antonym (adj) energetic. malba 1. painting (malířství, obraz); synonyms (n) picture, portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, coat, drawing, art, 2. picture (obraz, obrázek); synonyms (n) photograph, effigy, paint, description, (v) describe, draw, depict, fancy, imagine, copy. malebný picturesque; synonyms (adj) graphic, striking, colorful, idyllic, lovely, quaint, scenic, vivid, romantic, (v) pictorial. malicherný 1. peddling; synonyms (adj) mean, piddling, shabby, miserly, parsimonious, scrubby, penurious, (n) hawking, vendition, hucksterage, 2. pettifogging; synonyms (adj) paltry, nitpicking, abject, dirty, frivolous, quibbling, carping, caviling, contemptible, groveling. malina raspberry; synonyms (n) hiss, razzing, bird, boo, hoot, birdie, chick, dame, damn, darn. malinký 1. tiny (drobounký, malý); synonyms (adj) little, minute, diminutive, infinitesimal, midget, petite, petty, puny, (phr) minuscule, small; antonyms (adj) enormous, huge, gigantic, vast, large, 2. teeny (drobounký); synonyms (adj) bitty, tiny, wee, weeny, bittie, miniature, teensy, teentsy. malíř painter (lakýrník); synonyms (n) artist, limner, cable, catamount, cougar, guy, halser, hawser, line. malířství painting (malba, obraz); synonyms (n) picture, portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, coat, drawing, art. málo 1. few; synonyms (adj) infrequent, rare, scarce, occasional, sporadic, uncommon, erratic, imperceptible, inconsequential, intermittent; antonyms (n) plenty, (adj) many, countless, innumerable, various, 2. little (malý); synonyms (adj) small, diminutive, insignificant, brief, minute, petty, short, some, tiny, exiguous; antonyms (adj) big, enormous, large, important.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
malomocenství leprosy (lepra); synonyms (n)
mandl mangle (mandlovat); synonyms (v) deface,
measles, lepra, lepry, meselry, (adj) caries, corruption, gangrene, mortification, sphacelation, sphacelus. malomocný 1. leper; synonyms (n) lazar, outcast, derelict, invalid, measle, mesel, refugee, 2. leprous; synonyms (adj) corrupting, infectious, itchy, lazarly, scabious, (v) contaminated, mangy, morbid, peccant, poisoned. maloobchod retail; synonyms (v) sell, issue, merchandise, trade, wholesale, utter, vend, (n) dispense, business, buying. maloobchodník retailer; synonyms (n) merchant, dealer, seller, shopman, vendor, market, salesperson, shop, store, broker; antonym (n) buyer. malost smallness; synonyms (n) littleness, diminutiveness, minuteness, slightness, insignificance, scantiness, narrowness, scantness, (adj) meagerness, slenderness; antonym (n) largeness. malovat paint (barva, lak, natírat); synonyms (n) painting, tint, (v) color, dye, daub, coat, decorate, depict, varnish, enamel. malta mortar (minomet); synonyms (n) howitzer, plaster, birdlime, cannon, glue, gum, gun, lute, (v) cement. malý 1. small (nepatrný); synonyms (adj) little, minute, narrow, fine, inadequate, insignificant, low, minor, petty, slight; antonyms (adj) bulky, colossal, considerable, enormous, extra-large, great, huge, sizeable, (syn) big, large, 2. little (málo); synonyms (adj) small, diminutive, brief, short, some, tiny, exiguous, light, baby, (v) dash; antonym (adj) important, 3. short (krátký); synonyms (adj) concise, scarce, brusque, close, curt, sharp, compendious, laconic, abrupt, deficient; antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy, 4. tiny (drobounký, malinký); synonyms (adj) infinitesimal, midget, petite, puny, teeny, miniature, bantam, trifling, trivial, (phr) minuscule; antonyms (adj) gigantic, vast. maminka mom; synonyms (n) mama, mamma, mammy, momma, mommy, mother, mum, mummy, mater, am. mamon 1. mammon; synonym (n) pelf, 2. pelf; synonyms (n) lucre, bread, dough, gelt, kale, cabbage, dinero, loot, moolah. mamut mammoth; synonyms (adj) giant, gigantic, jumbo, huge, colossal, monster, immense, enormous, gargantuan, great; antonyms (adj) tiny, small. mandarinka tangerine; synonym (n) orange. mandát mandate; synonyms (n) charge, injunction, authority, behest, command, bidding, instruction, authorization, commandment, commission.
lacerate, blemish, disfigure, distort, murder, twist, batter, (adj) maim, cripple. mandlovat mangle (mandl); synonyms (v) deface, lacerate, blemish, disfigure, distort, murder, twist, batter, (adj) maim, cripple. manévr manoeuvre; synonyms (n) tactic, (v) maneuver, control, direct, go, guide, operate, steer. mangan manganese; synonym (n) manganium. maniak maniac; synonyms (n) lunatic, madman, madcap, freak, fanatic, nut, bigot, (adj) maniacal. mánie mania; synonyms (n) craze, delirium, passion, fad, madness, cacoethes, enthusiasm, (adj) frenzy, insanity, lunacy. manifest manifesto; synonyms (n) declaration, pronouncement, pronunciamento, statement, notice, edict, policy, proposal, program. manikúra manicure; synonyms (v) cut, trim, clip, crop, dress, garnish, lop, reduce, shave, snip. manipulace manipulation; synonyms (n) handling, management, treatment, use, control, intrigue, touch, execution, massage. manipulovat manipulate; synonyms (v) handle, control, fiddle, influence, manage, operate, rig, wield, work, touch. manko deficiency (nedostatek); synonyms (n) defect, dearth, want, absence, deficit, failing, inadequacy, lack, (adj) blemish, imperfection; antonyms (n) excess, sufficiency. manšestr corduroy; synonym (n) cord. manuál manual (manuální, ruční); synonyms (n) handbook, guide, guidebook, brochure, primer, text, textbook, compendium, grammar, abecedary; antonyms (adj) automatic, mechanized. manuální manual (manuál, ruční); synonyms (n) handbook, guide, guidebook, brochure, primer, text, textbook, compendium, grammar, abecedary; antonyms (adj) automatic, mechanized. manžel 1. husband (muž); synonyms (n) consort, wife, hubby, man, master, mate, partner, (v) conserve, economize, preserve, 2. man (muž, osoba); synonyms (n) fellow, gentleman, guy, person, husband, homo, human, humanity, humankind, (obj) he; antonym (n) woman. manželka 1. wife (žena); synonyms (n) matron, missis, partner, spouse, consort, helpmate, lady, woman, mistress, concubine; antonym (n) husband, 2. woman (žena); synonyms (n) wife, girl, maid, womanhood, char, charwoman, soul, (obj) female, she; antonyms (n) man, gentleman. manželský 1. conjugal; synonyms (adj) matrimonial, connubial, marital, nuptial, bridal, married, spousal, wedded; antonym (adj) unmarried, 2. connubial; synonyms (v) conjugal, (adv) conjugally, 3. marital; synonyms (adj) marriage, wedding.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English manželství 1. marriage; synonyms (n) wedding, matrimony, espousal, nuptial, union, wedlock, alliance, coupling, (adj) bridal, (v) match; antonyms (n) divorce, separation, 2. matrimony; synonyms (n) marriage, nuptials, alloyage, commixion, intermixture, 3. wedlock. manžeta cuff; synonyms (n) smack, hit, manacle, (v) knock, beat, box, buffet, clout, punch, slap. mapa map; synonyms (n) design, graph, plat, diagram, mapping, picture, (v) chart, plan, plot, project. marcipán marchpane; synonym (n) marzipan. margarín margarine; synonyms (n) margarin, marge, oleomargarine, butter, fat, lard, oleo, grease. marihuana marijuana; synonyms (n) cannabis, ganja, grass, hemp, marihuana, pot, weed, dope, (adj) hashish, bhang. markýz 1. marquess; synonym (n) marquis, 2. marquis; synonyms (n) marquess, marquisate, margrave. markýza marchioness; synonyms (n) marquise, duchess, begum, princess. marmeláda jam (ucpat); synonyms (n) crush, crowd, fix, squeeze, congestion, conserve, dilemma, (v) block, cram, bar; antonym (v) free. márnice 1. mortuary; synonyms (adj) ghastly, lethal, deadhouse, (n) morgue, mute, undertaker, cemetery, heirloom, principal, principle, 2. morgue; synonyms (n) mortuary, pride, disdain, graveyard. marnivost vanity (ješitnost); synonyms (n) conceit, arrogance, egotism, emptiness, pride, futility, inanity, conceitedness, pretension, pomposity; antonyms (n) modesty, selflessness. marnivý vain (marný); synonyms (adj) futile, proud, arrogant, conceited, fruitless, useless, empty, idle, abortive, ineffectual; antonym (adj) modest. marnost futility; synonyms (n) emptiness, inefficacy, inanity, uselessness, vanity, worthlessness, fruitlessness, hollowness, purposelessness, insignificance; antonym (n) value. marnotratník 1. waster; synonyms (n) prodigal, spendthrift, profligate, wastrel, waste, destroyer, devourer, idler, loafer, opener, 2. squanderer; synonyms (n) rip, blood, rake, roue, (v) losel. marnotratnost prodigality; synonyms (n) dissipation, extravagance, lavishness, waste, exuberance, excess, extravagancy, profligacy. marnotratný wasteful (nehospodárný); synonyms (adj) extravagant, improvident, lavish, prodigal, profuse, profligate, ruinous, spendthrift, uneconomical, thriftless; antonyms (adj) thrifty, economical. marný 1. vain (marnivý); synonyms (adj) futile, proud, arrogant, conceited, fruitless, useless,
empty, idle, abortive, ineffectual; antonym (adj) modest, 2. futile (nicotný); synonyms (adj) frivolous, ineffective, bootless, hollow, hopeless, meaningless, pointless, vain, worthless, barren; antonym (adj) successful, 3. fruitless (neplodný); synonyms (adj) sterile, unproductive, infertile, poor, profitless, unfruitful, unprofitable, unsuccessful, void, wasted; antonym (adj) fertile, 4. useless; synonyms (adj) unnecessary, needless, superfluous, incompetent, inefficacious, inefficient, inutile, purposeless, unavailing, redundant; antonyms (adj) useful, helpful, competent, effective, convenient, necessary, valuable. maršál marshal; synonyms (v) gather, dispose, arrange, collect, group, guide, mobilize, muster, order, organize. máry 1. bier; synonyms (n) coffin, urn, bear, bere, pall, sarcophagus, shell, 2. hearse; synonym (n) bier. masakr 1. massacre (krveprolití); synonyms (n) slaughter, carnage, butchery, bloodshed, killing, (v) murder, exterminate, kill, annihilate, butcher, 2. carnage (krveprolití); synonyms (n) massacre, havoc, slaying, 3. slaughter (masakrovat, porážka); synonyms (n) drubbing, homicide, thrashing, destruction, beating, butchering, (v) defeat, assassinate, slay, gore. masakrovat 1. butcher (řezník); synonyms (n) assassin, botch, bungler, meatman, (v) assassinate, slaughter, kill, massacre, murder, slay, 2. slaughter (masakr, porážka); synonyms (n) carnage, bloodshed, butchery, drubbing, homicide, killing, thrashing, (v) butcher, defeat, exterminate. masařka bluebottle; synonyms (n) cornflower, strawflower. masáž massage (masírovat); synonyms (n) manipulation, friction, (v) rub, knead, manipulate, press, caress, touch, abrade, abrase. masérka masseuse; synonym (n) masseur. masírovat massage (masáž); synonyms (n) manipulation, friction, (v) rub, knead, manipulate, press, caress, touch, abrade, abrase. masitý 1. meaty; synonyms (adj) fleshy, pithy, substantive, essential, compact, fat, pointed, epigrammatic, factual, interesting, 2. fleshy; synonyms (adj) corpulent, brawny, chubby, obese, overweight, heavy, gross, round, (adv) plump, portly; antonym (adj) skinny. maska 1. mask; synonyms (n) cover, conceal, veil, camouflage, screen, blind, (v) cloak, disguise, hide, dissemble; antonym (v) disclose, 2. masque; synonyms (n) mask, masquerade, guisard, guiser, afterpiece, ballet, burlesque, burletta, comedietta, comedy.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
maškaráda masquerade; synonyms (n) camouflage,
matematik mathematician; synonyms (n) geometer,
disguise, masque, pretense, fake, cover, (v) mask, pose, revel, pretend. maskot mascot; synonyms (n) charm, amulet, fetish, object, trinket. maskování masking; synonyms (n) cover, covering, concealment, mask, screening, camouflage, masquerade, application, back, binding. maskovat camouflage (kamufláž); synonyms (n) mask, blind, (v) disguise, cover, cloak, conceal, hide, masquerade, veil, dissemble; antonym (v) display. máslo butter (mazat máslem); synonyms (n) fat, oil, cement, (v) blarney, gloze, slaver, apply, cajole, (adj) dough, pudding. maso 1. meat; synonyms (n) flesh, core, essence, food, gist, heart, kernel, marrow, substance, crux, 2. flesh (dužina); synonyms (n) brawn, mortality, beef, anatomy, chassis, figure, form, frame, (adj) carnality, concupiscence. masopust carnival (karneval); synonyms (n) fair, feast, festival, fiesta, funfair, show, bazaar, gala. masožravý carnivorous; synonyms (adj) predatory, graminivorous, granivorous, herbivorous, phytivorous, insectivorous, greedy, hungry, omnivorous, sarcophagous. mast 1. ointment; synonyms (n) cream, balm, salve, lotion, oil, unction, unguent, emollient, 2. unguent; synonyms (n) ointment, balsam, liniment. mást baffle; synonyms (v) discomfit, astonish, bewilder, confound, foil, frustrate, mystify, nonplus, perplex, puzzle; antonym (v) enlighten. mastek 1. talcum; synonym (n) talc, 2. soapstone; synonyms (n) soaprock, steatite, 3. talc; synonym (n) talcum. mastný 1. greasy; synonyms (adj) fat, fatty, dirty, oily, tallowy, oleaginous, sebaceous, slick, slippery, unctuous; antonym (adj) dry, 2. fatty; synonyms (adj) adipose, greasy, rich, heavy, (n) fatso, 3. unctuous; synonyms (adj) smooth, buttery, fulsome, ingratiating, obsequious, smarmy, (v) sanctimonious, soapy, canting, pietistical. masturbace masturbation; synonyms (n) onanism, delusion, wanking. masturbovat masturbate; synonyms (v) wank, get, loaf, loll, scram, toss. mat 1. mate; synonyms (n) match, companion, partner, associate, compeer, consort, fellow, friend, (v) equal, (adj) comrade, 2. checkmate; synonyms (n) deadlock, failure, standstill, (v) mate, check, defeat, foil, (adj) nonplus, trump, upset. matematický mathematical; synonyms (adj) mathematic, punctual, algebraic, arithmetical, numeric, numerical, scientific, algorithmic, analytical, arithmetic.
geometrician, geometrid, (v) algebraist, arithmetician, abacist, calculator. matematika mathematics; synonyms (n) math, arithmetic, maths, mathesis, sums, reckoning.
materiál 1. material (hmota, látka, materiální); synonyms (n) body, cloth, matter, stuff, fabric, (adj) bodily, corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete, 2. stuff (hadry); synonyms (n) material, force, gear, (v) cram, fill, jam, pack, pad, ram, squeeze; antonym (v) unstuff. materialismus materialism; synonyms (n) acquisitiveness, anabaptism, avarice, corporealism, covetousness, deism, greed, greediness, hoarding, philistinism; antonym (n) generosity. materialista materialist; synonyms (adj) nihilist, theophobist, (n) irreligionist, corporealist, materiarian, positivist, skeptic, somatist. materialistický materialistic; synonyms (adj) bourgeois, mercenary, commercial, conservative, worldly, unspiritual, acquisitive, avaricious, avid, cautious.
materiální 1. material (hmota, látka, materiál); synonyms (n) body, cloth, matter, stuff, fabric, (adj) bodily, corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete, 2. ponderable (zvažitelný); synonyms (adj) tangible, cogitable, physical, sensible, (v) appreciable, detectable, measurable, noticeable, perceptible, ponderous. mateřský 1. maternal; synonyms (adj) motherly, parental, paternal, agnate, agnatic, ancestral, protective, affectionate, caring, sympathetic, 2. motherly; synonyms (adj) maternal, tender, fatherly, (v) ardent, devoted, erotic, fond, (adv) maternally. mateřství 1. motherhood; synonyms (n) maternity, parenthood, fatherhood, fatherliness, motherliness, paternity, 2. maternity; synonyms (n) motherhood, gestation, pregnancy, maternalism, origin, maternology, mothership. matice 1. nut (ořech, oříšek); synonyms (n) lunatic, crackpot, crank, eccentric, egg, freak, fruitcake, kernel, head, fruit, 2. matrix (matrice); synonyms (n) die, alembic, caldron, crucible, groundmass, uterus, matter, monotype, plasm, (v) gangue. matka 1. mother; synonyms (n) mamma, parent, (v) father, beget, engender, generate, care, sire, fuss, get, 2. parent (otec, rodič, zdroj); synonyms (n) mother, origin, source, forefather, prototype, precursor, (v) foster, rear, nurture, advance; antonym (n) child. matný 1. dim (kalný, nejasný); synonyms (adj) dark, obscure, cloudy, dull, (v) blur, darken, cloud, pale, tarnish, blear; antonyms (adj) bright, brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v) clear, brighten, 2.
vague (nejasný, neurčitý, nezřetelný, vágní);
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English synonyms (adj) indeterminate, indistinct, ambiguous, faint, indefinite, uncertain, undefined, undetermined, (v) loose, equivocal; antonyms (adj) definite, distinct, exact, particular, precise, specific, sure, 3. opaque; synonyms (adj) dense, muddy, hazy, milky, murky, thick, unintelligible, misty, solid, incomprehensible; antonyms (adj) transparent, see-through. mátoha zombie; synonyms (n) zombi, automaton, robot, character, eccentric, ghost, golem, machine, oddity, original. matrace mattress; synonyms (n) bedding, bed. matriarchát matriarchy; synonym (n) matriarchate. matrice matrix (matice); synonyms (n) die, alembic, caldron, crucible, groundmass, uterus, matter, monotype, plasm, (v) gangue. matrikář registrar (registrátor); synonyms (n) recorder, clerk, register, enroll, registrary, schedule, telltale.
maturita graduation (absolvování, promoce); synonyms (n) commencement, gradation, classification, ablaut, (adj) adaption, adjustment, (v) allotment, apportionment, assortment, organization. maximalizace maximization; synonyms (n) maximisation, increase, maximation. maximalizovat maximize; synonyms (v) increase, maximise, intensify, improve, inflate, overplay, accelerate, boost; antonym (v) minimize. mazadlo 1. lubricant; synonyms (n) lubricator, fat, oil, (adj) oily, 2. grease (namazat, sádlo, tuk); synonyms (n) bribe, butter, grime, lard, lubricant, soil, (v) boodle, anoint, graft, lubricate. mazání lubrication; synonyms (n) lubrification, (adj) lubricity. mazaný 1. canny; synonyms (adj) adroit, astute, clever, wary, circumspect, cagey, cagy, crafty, cunning, sharp, 2. cunning (prohnaný, zchytralost); synonyms (adj) canny, sly, wily, artful, shrewd, tricky, (n) craft, craftiness, cleverness, guile; antonyms (adj) naive, honest, simple, 3. nifty; synonyms (adj) dandy, swell, smart, cool, hot, bully, cracking, great, groovy, keen. mazat 1. daub (zamazat); synonyms (n) smear, splotch, blot, (v) spread, besmear, bedaub, blur, coat, plaster, smudge, 2. lubricate; synonyms (v) bribe, grease, lube, buy, fix, lubricitate, overreach. mazlení caress (laskání, pohlazení); synonyms (n) rub, touch, endearment, (v) fondle, stroke, pat, pet, tickle, coddle, cuddle. mdloba swoon; synonyms (n) fainting, syncope, deliquium, (v) faint, conk, die, (adj) collapse, blow, drop, gasp. mdlý 1. languid (malátný); synonyms (adj) lazy, dull, feeble, indolent, faint, lackadaisical, lethargic,
sluggish, torpid, apathetic; antonym (adj) energetic, 2. dull (tupý); synonyms (adj) dim, blunt, dense, dreary, bland, boring, cloudy, cold, (v) deaden, dampen; antonyms (adj) bright, lively, sharp, exciting, interesting, lustrous, stimulating, amusing, exhilarating, glittery, 3. faint (chabý, slabý); synonyms (adj) collapse, dizzy, indistinct, weak, gentle, soft, vague, delicate, (v) languish, swoon; antonyms (adj) distinct, strong, clear, obvious, considerable, loud, pungent, 4. pale (bledý, zblednout); synonyms (adj) ghastly, wan, light, pallid, watery, (v) blanch, (n) boundary, confine, border, bound; antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, brown. meč sword; synonyms (n) blade, rapier, brand, steel, glaive, knife, brond, firebrand, fox, intoxicate. mech moss; synonyms (n) lichen, marsh, bog, morass, marish, quagmire, swamp, nickel, pile, (adj) byssus. mechanický mechanical; synonyms (adj) automatic, instinctive, unthinking, automated, habitual, mechanic, mechanized, perfunctory, routine, (v) involuntary; antonym (adj) manual. mechanik mechanic; synonyms (n) craftsman, artificer, artisan, journeyman, machinist, mechanical, artist, worker, fraud, manufacturer. mechanika mechanics; synonyms (n) mechanism, workings, procedure. mechanizace mechanization; synonyms (n) automation, mechanisation, computerization. mechanizovat mechanize; synonyms (v) mechanise, motorize, motorise, computerize. med honey (medový); synonyms (n) darling, dear, beloved, love, sweetheart, dearest, duck, baby, molasses, sugar. měď copper; synonyms (n) bronze, bull, cop, fuzz, gold, pig, cent, coin, ingot, nugget. medaile medal; synonyms (n) decoration, award, prize, medallion, title, honor, laurels, palm. medikament medicament (lék); synonyms (n) medicine, remedy, cure, drug, medication, music, (v) doctor, treat. medový honey (med); synonyms (n) darling, dear, beloved, love, sweetheart, dearest, duck, baby, molasses, sugar. medvěd bear; synonyms (v) carry, accept, abide, acquit, stand, take, afford, allow, apply, assume. megafon megaphone; synonyms (v) gramophone, phonorganon, phonograph. měkký soft (hebký); synonyms (adj) gentle, easy, light, limp, balmy, delicate, quiet, slack, (v) feeble, low; antonyms (adj) hard, firm, harsh, loud, hoarse, rough, solid, stiff, alcoholic, shrill.
melancholický melancholy (melancholie); synonyms (adj) dreary, depressed, dejected, dismal, doleful, gloomy, (n) gloom, depression, gloominess,
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melancholic; antonyms (adj) cheerful, happy, (n) happiness.
melancholie 1. gloom (šero, smutek, tma); synonyms (n) desolation, blackness, dark, darkness, depression, dimness, dusk, cloud, dreariness, dejection; antonyms (n) light, brightness, happiness, cheerfulness, 2. melancholy (melancholický); synonyms (adj) dreary, depressed, dejected, dismal, doleful, gloomy, blue, (n) gloom, gloominess, melancholic; antonyms (adj) cheerful, happy. melasa 1. molasses; synonyms (n) treacle, syrup, cure, melasses, molosses, sugar, theriaca, 2. treacle (sirup); synonyms (n) molasses, mush. melodický 1. melodic; synonyms (adj) melodious, musical, sweet, harmonious, tuneful; antonyms (adj) discordant, harsh, 2. melodious; synonyms (adj) melodic, mellow, dulcet, soft, gentle, full, canorous, mellifluous, rich. melodie 1. melody; synonyms (n) air, tune, music, harmony, measure, aria, song, strain, line, (v) chant, 2. tune (naladit); synonyms (n) melody, concord, note, consonance, sound, tone, (v) adjust, regulate, attune, string. meloun melon; synonyms (n) dividend, cantaloupes, cucumbers, earnings, income, profit, receipts, revenue, share, watermelons. membrána membrane (blána); synonyms (n) diaphragm, film, skin, coat, covering, casing, coating, crust. měna currency; synonyms (n) cash, money, coin, circulation, vogue, dollar, currentness, publicity. méně less (menší); synonyms (adv) lesser, (adj) inferior, wanting, lower, minor, secondary, subordinate, minus; antonyms (adv) more, (adj) additional. menší 1. minor (moll); synonyms (adj) little, inferior, insignificant, junior, lesser, lower, small, inconsequential, (n) child, juvenile; antonyms (adj) major, important, significant, basic, chief, fundamental, leading, main, overriding, superseding, 2. less (méně); synonyms (adj) wanting, minor, secondary, subordinate, minus; antonyms (adv) more, (adj) additional. menšina minority (nezletilost); synonyms (n) nonage, infancy, adolescence, inferiority, subordinacy, teens, childhood, faction, youth, (adj) few. menstruace menstruation; synonyms (n) menses, catamenia, flow, period, current, flowing, menstruum, point, stop, stream. mentalita mentality; synonyms (n) brain, intelligence, intellect, wit, brainpower, head, mind, mindset, psyche.
mentální mental (duševní); synonyms (adj) intellectual, ideal, psychic, subjective, insane, psychical, psychological, spiritual, genial; antonyms (adj) physical, bodily. měření measurement (míra); synonyms (n) dimension, gauge, magnitude, measure, proportion, observation, extent, mensuration, size, valuation. meruňka apricot; synonyms (n) peach, abricock, orange, beauty, dish, knockout, looker, lulu, mantrap, ravisher. měsíc 1. moon; synonyms (n) lunation, moonlight, moonshine, satellite, epoch, (v) daydream, dream, fantasize, (adj) quicksilver, weathercock, 2. month; synonyms (n) moon, day, hour, minute, quarter, quinquennium, year, moneth, second, time. mešita mosque; synonyms (n) masjid, temple, church, dome, mosk, musjid. město town; synonyms (n) city, borough, township, village, community, burgh, townspeople, civilization, (adj) municipal, urban. městský urban; synonyms (adj) city, civic, metropolitan, municipal, public, citified, community, urbanized, urbicolous, oppidan; antonyms (adj) rural, country, rustic. metabolismus metabolism; synonyms (n) metamorphosis, metastasis, transformation, conversion, life, transmutation. metafora metaphor; synonyms (n) allegory, analogy, parable, trope, fable, figure, comparison, metonymy, symbol, hyperbole. metafyzika metaphysics; synonyms (n) metaphysic, philosophy, psychology. metamorfický metamorphic; synonyms (adj) metamorphous, changeable, variable. metamorfóza metamorphosis; synonyms (n) alteration, metabolism, change, conversion, transformation, metamorphism, translation, transmutation. metař sweeper; synonyms (n) broom, sweep, janitor, brush, mop, slam. meteorologický meteorologic; synonyms (adj) meteorological, meteoric. metla scourge; synonyms (n) curse, affliction, bane, blight, plague, calamity, (v) flog, castigate, flagellate, lash. metoda method; synonyms (n) course, fashion, form, approach, arrangement, custom, formula, manner, order, plan; antonym (n) disorder. metodický methodical; synonyms (adj) tidy, formal, methodic, businesslike, neat, organized, regular, systematic, correct, exact; antonyms (adj) disorganized, careless.
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metodologie methodology; synonyms (n) method,
míchat 1. blend (mísit, smísit); synonyms (n) alloy,
attitude, line, organization, slant, style, system, tactic. metr metre; synonyms (n) meter, measure, beat, rhythm, m, cadence, chiliad, g, grand, molarity. metrický 1. metric; synonyms (adj) metrical, measured, calculated, careful, deliberate, 2. metrical; synonyms (adj) metric, cadenced, even, intermittent, musical, poetic.
mix, amalgam, composite, (v) amalgamate, combine, commingle, fuse, merge, incorporate; antonyms (v) separate, divide, 2. stir; synonyms (v) arouse, budge, move, rouse, affect, agitate, (n) movement, commotion, disturbance, (adj) bustle. migréna 1. migraine; synonyms (n) hemicrania, megrim, 2. megrim (rozmar, vrtoch); synonyms (n) freak, migraine, humor. mihotání flicker; synonyms (n) flare, glimmer, sparkle, (v) flutter, waver, blaze, blink, flash, shake, shine. mikrob microbe; synonyms (n) bug, germ, virus, pathogen, amphibian, arthropod, bird, crustacean, fish, glitch. mikrofilm microfilm; synonym (v) photograph. mikrofon microphone; synonym (n) mike. mikrokosmos microcosm; synonyms (n) world, (adj) epitome. mikrometr micrometer; synonyms (n) micron, megameter, megametre, (v) nanometer, centimeter, cm, kilometer, km, meter, millimeter. mikroskopický microscopical; synonyms (adj) microscopic, infinitesimal, belittled, diminished, humble, little, low, lowercase, lowly, small. míle mile; synonyms (n) knot, burl, gnarl, grayback, (v) cubit, ell, fathom, foot, furlong, hand. milenec lover (milovník); synonyms (n) dear, darling, beau, devotee, fan, admirer, buff, love, beloved, amorist. milenka 1. mistress (paní); synonyms (n) dame, concubine, inamorata, madame, lady, lover, missis, master, owner, schoolmarm, 2. inamorata; synonyms (n) mistress, woman, idol, love, sweetheart, flame. miliarda 1. milliard, 2. billion; synonym (v) milliard. milice militia; synonyms (n) military, milice, regulars, reserves, soldiery, troops, fencible, soldiers, volunteers, warfare. milimetr millimetre; synonym (n) millimeter. milión million; synonyms (n) meg, myriad, heap, mint. milionář millionaire; synonyms (n) capitalist, millionnaire. militarismus militarism; synonyms (n) militancy, warfare. militarista militarist; synonym (n) warmonger. milosrdný merciful; synonyms (adj) compassionate, gracious, humane, lenient, clement, kind, benign, kindly, gentle, beneficent; antonyms (adj) cruel, pitiless, merciless. milost pardon (odpustit, prominout); synonyms (n) amnesty, forgiveness, (v) absolve, condone,
metro 1. subway (podchod, podzemní dráha); synonyms (n) metro, underground, tube, tunnel, underpass, channel, (v) airplane, autobus, automobile, bus, 2. underground (pod zemí, podzemní, podzemní dráha); synonyms (adj) clandestine, secret, covert, hidden, undercover, surreptitious, furtive, stealthy, (n) subway, (v) buried. metronom metronome; synonyms (n) chronometer, timekeeper. metropole metropolis; synonyms (n) city, capital, town, municipality, borough, burgh, megalopolis. mez boundary (hranice); synonyms (n) border, bound, limit, edge, area, end, perimeter, periphery, barrier, brink. mezanin mezzanine (mezipatro); synonyms (n) entresol, balcony, floor, lounge. mezek mule; synonyms (n) ass, donkey, jackass, mules, scuff, bigot, courier, (adj) hybrid, crossbreed, headstrong. mezera 1. gap (trhlina); synonyms (n) break, cleft, crack, crevice, fissure, aperture, chasm, clearance, difference, (v) breach, 2. space (místo, prostor, vesmír); synonyms (n) length, gap, opening, period, place, scope, void, margin, distance, emptiness. mezi between; synonyms (prep) amid, among, amidst, amongst, connecting, concerning, (adv) betwixt, atween, (adj) middle, intermediate. mezinárodní international; synonyms (adj) worldwide, global, intercontinental, universal, external, away, broad, comprehensive, extensive, extraneous; antonyms (adj) national, insular, local. mezipatro mezzanine (mezanin); synonyms (n) entresol, balcony, floor, lounge. mezistátní interstate; synonyms (n) expressway, freeway, highway, parkway, throughway, thruway, (adj) national. míč ball (koule, ples); synonyms (n) bulb, globe, shot, shell, bead, baseball, bullet, dance, football, lump. míchání agitation (rozruch); synonyms (n) disturbance, excitement, tumult, commotion, convulsion, emotion, shake, stir, stirring, turmoil; antonyms (n) calmness, calm, serenity.
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excuse, forgive, justify, acquit, exonerate, (adj) exculpate; antonym (v) blame. milostivý gracious (vlídný); synonyms (adj) amiable, benign, genial, courteous, good, compassionate, benevolent, kind, accommodating, congenial; antonyms (adj) boorish, ungracious. milostný amatory; synonyms (adj) amorous, amative, erotic, loving, amatorial, amatorian, amatorious, erotical, romantic, admiring. milovat love (láska); synonyms (n) desire, affection, dear, fondness, liking, benevolence, charity, attachment, (v) cherish, enjoy; antonyms (n) abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike, abhor. milovník lover (milenec); synonyms (n) dear, darling, beau, devotee, fan, admirer, buff, love, beloved, amorist. milující fond; synonyms (adj) affectionate, amorous, caring, devoted, loving, tender, adoring, ardent, doting, attached; antonym (adj) uncaring. milý 1. dear (drahý); synonyms (adj) beloved, close, costly, expensive, lovely, precious, near, adorable, (n) darling, love; antonyms (adj) cheap, worthless, 2. nice (hezký, pěkný); synonyms (adj) beautiful, dainty, fastidious, fine, good, kind, neat, likable, delicious, agreeable; antonyms (adj) unpleasant, horrible, 3. kind (druh, laskavý); synonyms (n) form, helpful, sort, benign, brand, breed, class, gentle, (adj) friendly, generous; antonyms (adj) unkind, callous, cruel, hardhearted, mean, merciless, nasty, spiteful, uncaring, upsetting. mim mime; synonyms (n) buffoon, clown, pantomime, (v) mimic, ape, act, imitate, mock, echo, impersonate.
mimo 1. past (kolem, minulost, minulý, po); synonyms (adj) beyond, bygone, former, old, back, earlier, (n) history, (adv) by, before, (prf) along; antonyms (adj) contemporary, current, (prep) within, (n) future, present, prospect, 2. outside (ven, venek, venku); synonyms (adj) external, out, outdoor, foreign, extraneous, outer, away, (adv) outdoors, alfresco, (n) exterior; antonyms (prep) inside, in, (adj) indoor, internal, (adv) indoors. mimořádný 1. extraordinary (zvláštní); synonyms (adj) distinguished, curious, exceptional, odd, abnormal, amazing, astonishing, bizarre, extra, phenomenal; antonyms (adj) ordinary, normal, everyday, 2. exceptional; synonyms (adj) special, excellent, extraordinary, particular, prodigious, singular, uncommon, exceeding, outstanding, rare; antonyms (adj) common, mediocre, average, usual, abysmal, inferior, poor. mimoto 1. furthermore; synonyms (adv) also, besides, further, moreover, again, more, additionally, likewise, too, (conj) and, 2. moreover;
synonyms (adv) beyond, therewith, (conj) furthermore. mince coin (razit); synonyms (n) cash, money, specie, (v) forge, invent, mint, originate, create, strike, cast. mincíř coiner; synonyms (n) forger, minter, moneyer, mintman. mincovna mint (máta peprná); synonyms (n) fortune, heap, pile, lot, mass, peck, stack, (v) coin, invent, manufacture. minerálka seltzer; synonyms (n) pop, tonic. minerální mineral; synonyms (adj) inanimate, (n) rock, petroleum, granite, limestone, marble, sandstone. mineralog mineralogist; synonym (n) mineralist. mineralogie mineralogy; synonyms (n) oryctognosy, mineragraphy. miniatura miniature; synonyms (adj) little, diminutive, tiny, slight, minute, model, small, wee, midget, dwarf; antonyms (adj) enormous, extralarge, full-scale, full-size, large, (n) huge. minimalizovat minimize; synonyms (v) belittle, disparage, diminish, decrease, derogate, lessen, minimise, downplay, lower, contract; antonyms (v) exaggerate, maximize. minimální minimum; synonyms (adj) minimal, least, smallest, hint, trace, nominal, tiniest, meager, minim, (n) atom; antonyms (n) maximum, most. ministerský ministerial; synonyms (adj) clerical, pastoral, priestly, sacerdotal, subservient, theocratic, ministral, prelatical, religious, attendant. ministerstvo ministry; synonyms (n) cabinet, government, clergy, ministration, administration, clericals, prelacy, presbytery, (v) attendance, (adj) abandoned. ministr minister (vyslanec); synonyms (n) pastor, envoy, priest, deputy, divine, ambassador, churchman, clergyman, cleric, curate. mínit 1. deem (pokládat, považovat); synonyms (v) believe, assume, consider, count, hold, feel, regard, suppose, think, view, 2. mean (střední, zamýšlet, znamenat); synonyms (v) intend, design, imply, denote, (adj) middle, base, common, (n) average, contemptible, low; antonyms (adj) generous, kind. minomet mortar (malta); synonyms (n) howitzer, plaster, birdlime, cannon, glue, gum, gun, lute, (v) cement. minout pass; synonyms (v) flow, deliver, give, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, (adj) go, run; antonym (v) fail.
minulost past (kolem, mimo, minulý, po); synonyms (adj) beyond, bygone, former, old, back, earlier, (n) history, (adv) by, before, (prf) along; antonyms (adj) contemporary, current, (prep) within, (n) future, present, prospect.
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Czech - English minulý 1. last (poslední, trvat); synonyms (v) endure, continue, hold, exist, live, (n) abide, (adj) extreme, closing, final, ultimate; antonyms (n) opening, (adj) first, 2. past (kolem, mimo, minulost, po); synonyms (adj) beyond, bygone, former, old, back, earlier, (n) history, (adv) by, before, (prf) along; antonyms (adj) contemporary, current, (prep) within, (n) future, present, prospect, 3. bygone; synonyms (adj) past, ancient, gone, obsolete, outmoded, archaic, bypast, dead, departed, (n) antique. minuta minute; synonyms (n) instant, flash, jiffy, note, memorandum, moment, second, (adj) little, delicate, microscopic; antonyms (adj) enormous, huge, big, gigantic. minuty minutes; synonyms (n) proceedings, record, transactions, records, journal, account. mír peace (pokoj); synonyms (n) calm, harmony, serenity, hush, repose, ease, agreement, amity, accord, (adj) quiet; antonyms (n) noise, chaos, conflict, uproar, commotion. míra 1. measure (změřit); synonyms (n) amount, criterion, extent, beat, benchmark, degree, estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, 2. gauge (kalibr, rozchod); synonyms (n) caliber, gage, calibre, (v) measure, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make, reckon, 3. extent (rozloha, rozsah); synonyms (n) extension, amplitude, expanse, bulk, compass, distance, boundary, breadth, dimension, (v) area, 4. degree (hodnost, stupeň); synonyms (n) class, condition, level, order, place, rank, title, status, caste, gradation, 5. measurement (měření); synonyms (n) gauge, magnitude, proportion, observation, mensuration, size, valuation, estimation, measuring, weight. mírný 1. balmy; synonyms (adj) aromatic, fragrant, mild, clement, sweet, temperate, savory, barmy, batty, benign, 2. moderate (levný, umírněný); synonyms (adj) abstemious, middling, easy, (v) calm, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish, lessen, (adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme, immoderate, radical, (v) increase, intensify, 3. mild; synonyms (adj) kindly, gracious, lenient, docile, humble, balmy, delicate, kind, meek, (n) gentle; antonyms (adj) intense, pungent, severe, sharp, spicy, barbed, fierce, great, hot, incisive. mírumilovný 1. peaceable; synonyms (adj) gentle, mild, calm, amicable, quiet, friendly, inoffensive, moderate, meek, (v) peaceful; antonyms (adj) aggressive, argumentative, 2. pacific (pokojný); synonyms (adj) conciliatory, peaceable, bland, easy, sober, still, tranquil. mísa 1. bowl (miska); synonyms (n) basin, pot, plate, container, hollow, stadium, arena, depression, bowlful, (v) hurl, 2. dish (chod, jídlo, pokrm);
synonyms (n) bowl, beauty, disk, platter, saucer, dishful, bag, (v) serve. misantrop misanthrope; synonyms (n) misanthropist, cynic, pessimist, hermit, misanthropos, skeptic, doubter, egoist, hater, isolate. mise mission (poslání, úkol); synonyms (n) commission, delegation, deputation, job, assignment, charge, duty, goal, legation, chore. misionář missionary; synonyms (n) apostle, missioner, propagandist, revivalist, teacher, preacher. mísit blend (míchat, smísit); synonyms (n) alloy, mix, amalgam, composite, (v) amalgamate, combine, commingle, fuse, merge, incorporate; antonyms (v) separate, divide. miska 1. bowl (mísa); synonyms (n) basin, pot, plate, container, hollow, stadium, arena, depression, bowlful, (v) hurl, 2. tray (podnos, tác, tácek); synonyms (n) dish, basket, bassinet, case, corbeille, cradle, crate, creel, dorser, dosser, 3. porringer; synonyms (n) calabash, platter, saucer, posnet, potager, trencher, skillet. místní local (lokální); synonyms (adj) native, sectional, topical, home, indigenous, municipal, nearby, civic, limited, (n) resident; antonyms (adj) national, foreign, universal, worldwide. místnost room (místo, pokoj, prostor); synonyms (n) chamber, latitude, occasion, apartment, hall, house, opening, opportunity, expanse, (v) board. místo 1. place (prostor, umístit); synonyms (n) position, domicile, (v) post, arrange, fix, lay, locate, rank, station, deposit; antonym (v) remove, 2. space (mezera, prostor, vesmír); synonyms (n) length, gap, opening, period, place, scope, void, margin, distance, emptiness, 3. venue; synonyms (n) locale, site, locus, location, seat, 4. room (místnost, pokoj, prostor); synonyms (n) chamber, latitude, occasion, apartment, hall, house, opportunity, expanse, extent, (v) board, 5.
situation (poloha, postavení, situace); synonyms (n) employment, job, matter, circumstance, circumstances, condition, office, point, aspect, attitude. místokrál viceroy; synonyms (n) vicereine, delegate, exarch, regent, nabob, bashaw, beg, beglerbeg, bey, hospodar. mistr 1. master (pán); synonyms (n) captain, instructor, head, (v) conquer, control, command, defeat, dominate, (adj) chief, original, 2. foreman (předák); synonyms (n) boss, gaffer, supervisor, leader, antique, honcho, manager, superintendent, hirer, mossback. mistrovský masterful; synonyms (adj) domineering, consummate, imperious, dictatorial, masterly, overbearing, proficient, skillful, adept, perfect.
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Czech - English
mistrovství 1. mastery; synonyms (n) ascendancy, ascendency, command, control, dominance, domination, dominion, authority, ascendance, mastership, 2. mastership; synonyms (n) mastery, skill, knack, masterpiece, (adj) panurgy, 3. championship; synonyms (n) backing, patronage, support, title. mít 1. have; synonyms (v) contain, gain, bear, carry, get, hold, possess, accept, acquire, eat, 2. possess (ovládat, posednout, vlastnit); synonyms (v) have, occupy, wield, enjoy, keep, maintain, obsess, retain, consume, (adj) own. mitra mitre; synonym (n) miter. mizera villain (darebák, padouch); synonyms (n) rascal, rogue, scoundrel, knave, miscreant, bandit, criminal, crook, reprobate, felon. mizerný rotten (shnilý, zkažený); synonyms (adj) bad, foul, poor, fetid, lousy, musty, off, putrid, ill, (v) decayed; antonym (adj) fresh. mladík youngster; synonyms (n) boy, lad, child, juvenile, kid, urchin, toddler, adolescent, youth, baby; antonym (n) adult. mladistvost juvenility; synonyms (n) adolescence, jejuneness, youth, youthfulness, callowness, childhood, jejunity, juvenileness, prime, puberty. mladistvý 1. juvenile; synonyms (adj) childish, immature, puerile, young, youthful, babyish, boyish, (n) adolescent, child, youngster; antonym (n) adult, 2. adolescent (dospívající, jinoch); synonyms (adj) teen, infantile, jejune, teenage, (n) juvenile, teenager, minor, stripling, youth; antonym (n) infant. mladší junior; synonyms (adj) subordinate, juvenile, minor, young, associate, puisne, lesser, (n) inferior, boy, assistant; antonyms (adj) senior, chief. mladý young; synonyms (adj) green, juvenile, immature, adolescent, fresh, new, raw, baby, (n) offspring, progeny; antonyms (adj) old, mature, adult, (n) aged. mlátit 1. thrash; synonyms (v) flog, lash, beat, defeat, pound, whip, baste, clobber, drub, lam, 2. thresh; synonyms (v) thrash, flail, trounce, agitate, convulse, flap, slash. mlází copse (podrost); synonyms (n) brush, coppice, brake, brushwood, forest, grove, thicket. mlčící silent (tichý); synonyms (adj) motionless, dumb, mute, tacit, hush, inarticulate, inaudible, incommunicative, mum, (adv) quiet; antonyms (adj) noisy, spoken, loud, talkative, explicit, open. mlékárna dairy; synonyms (n) farm, laundry, bakery, bakeshop, confectionery, delicatessen, greengrocer, grocery, supermarket, buttery. mléko milk (dojit); synonyms (v) exploit, squeeze, drain, tap, anodyne, balm, bleed, (adj) albumen, chalk, glair.
mlha 1. fog; synonyms (n) cloud, haze, vapor, brume, (v) mist, confuse, blur, dim, becloud, befog, 2. haze (opar); synonyms (n) fog, confusion, daze, film, cloudiness, haziness, smog, steam, turbidity, (v) shadow, 3. mist (zamlžení); synonyms (n) smoke, rain, (v) cover, obscure, drizzle, bedim, hide, squirt. mlhavý 1. foggy; synonyms (adj) cloudy, hazy, misty, brumous, bleary, blurred, fuzzy, murky, opaque, thick; antonym (adj) clear, 2. misty; synonyms (adj) foggy, dim, indistinct, nebulous, dark, dull, wet, gloomy, damp, clouded, 3. nebulous; synonyms (adj) muddy, indefinite, vague, nebulose, formless, shapeless, equivocal, imprecise, obscure, overcast. mlhovina nebula; synonyms (n) cloud, fog, nebulosity, cloudiness, film, mistiness, nubecula, nebulousness. mlít 1. grind; synonyms (v) labor, toil, comminute, crunch, drudge, grate, abrade, chew, crush, (n) mill, 2. mill (mlýn, továrna, válcovna); synonyms (n) grind, factory, grinder, manufactory, machine, plant, engine, gin, notch, (v) pulverize.
mlok 1. newt, 2. salamander (salamandr); synonyms (n) bear, brasier, poker, sow, tuyere.
mluvení talking; synonyms (n) talk, speech, articulation, communication, explanation, (adj) sound, good, healthy, heavy, intelligent. mluvit 1. speak (hovořit, promluvit); synonyms (v) express, converse, pronounce, articulate, deliver, say, utter, discourse, recite, talk, 2. talk (hovor, hovořit); synonyms (v) gossip, lecture, chatter, address, chat, prattle, speak, (n) language, colloquy, conversation. mluvka windbag; synonyms (n) gasbag, envelope, tattletale, (adj) boastful, bombastic, conceited, effusive. mluvnice grammar (gramatika); synonyms (n) rudiments, elements, praxis, punctuation, outlines, (v) initiation. mlýn mill (mlít, továrna, válcovna); synonyms (n) grind, factory, grinder, manufactory, machine, plant, engine, gin, notch, (v) crush. mlynář miller; synonym (n) muller. mnich 1. monk; synonyms (n) monastic, hermit, conventual, priest, cenobite, abbot, monkey, palmer, pilgrim, cleric, 2. friar; synonyms (n) monk, beggar, mendicant, prior. mnišský monkish; synonym (adj) clerical. mnoho many; synonyms (adj) manifold, abundant, countless, frequent, various, innumerable, much, multiple, numerous, (n) number; antonym (n) few. mnohobožství polytheism; synonyms (n) pantheism, tritheism. mnohomluvnost verbiage; synonyms (n) diction, verbosity, wordiness, wording, circumlocution, phraseology, phrasing.
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Czech - English
mnohomluvný verbose; synonyms (adj) wordy,
moč urine; synonyms (n) piss, pee, water, piddle,
prolix, tedious, redundant, garrulous, lengthy, talkative, windy, copious, diffuse; antonym (adj) concise. mnohonásobný multiple; synonyms (adj) manifold, many, complex, diverse, populous, compound, multiplex, multiplied, multitudinous, various; antonym (adj) simple. mnohostranný 1. versatile; synonyms (adj) changeable, adaptable, variable, various, mobile, fickle, capricious, inconstant, unsteady, clever, 2. multilateral; synonyms (adj) quadrilateral, trilateral, multifaceted, multifarious, rectangular, square. mnohotvarý multiform; synonyms (adj) diverse, different, polymorphous, multigenerous, manifold, miscellaneous, multiple, complex, dissimilar, distinct. mnohoženství polygamy (polygamie); synonyms (n) polygyny, (v) bigamy, deuterogamy, digamy, monogamy, trigamy. množství 1. amount (částka, obnos); synonyms (n) number, quantity, aggregate, measure, sum, total, degree, extent, figure, price, 2. lot; synonyms (n) batch, destiny, fate, doom, fortune, portion, slice, allot, bunch, chance, 3. number (číslo, počet, spočítat); synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act, issue, volume, (v) calculate, enumerate, come, add, 4. quantity (kvantita); synonyms (n) multitude, quantum, heap, bulk, capacity, deal, magnitude, mass, value, dimension. mobilizace mobilization; synonyms (n) mobilisation, draft, militarisation, militarization, muster, collection, movement, recruitment, use, enlistment. mobilizovat mobilize; synonyms (v) circulate, marshal, gather, mobilise, rally, muster, call, summon; antonym (v) demobilize. moc 1. authority (autorita, pravomoc); synonyms (n) ascendancy, command, sanction, administration, authorization, dominance, domination, hold, judge, power, 2. too (příliš, přílišný, také, též); synonyms (adv) also, likewise, besides, excessively, over, overly, further, furthermore, moreover, extremely, 3. power (mocnost, síla); synonyms (n) force, ability, potency, authority, control, energy, (v) influence, might, dominion, faculty; antonyms (n) powerlessness, helplessness, weakness, 4. much; synonyms (adv) greatly, frequently, almost, awfully, considerably, far, most, (n) lot, (adj) great, considerable; antonym (adv) slightly, 5. very (velmi); synonyms (adv) highly, really, completely, entirely, quite, truly, actually, (adj) much, identical, (n) self; antonyms (adv) abysmally, somewhat.
emiction, lanterloo, netting, peeing, pissing, weewee. mocenství 1. valence; synonyms (n) valency, atomicity, quantivalence, equivalence, (v) unsaturation, 2. valency; synonym (n) valence. mocnitel exponent; synonyms (n) advocate, champion, power, proponent, protagonist, expositor, expounder, index, sponsor, (v) authority. mocnost power (moc, síla); synonyms (n) force, ability, potency, authority, control, energy, (v) influence, might, dominion, faculty; antonyms (n) powerlessness, helplessness, weakness. mocný 1. mighty (mohutný, silný); synonyms (adj) enormous, immense, huge, grand, powerful, intense, high, big, forcible, great, 2. potent; synonyms (adj) cogent, forceful, influential, hard, mighty, persuasive, strong, efficacious, (n) effective, effectual; antonyms (adj) weak, impotent, 3. powerful (vlivný); synonyms (adj) able, brawny, muscular, potent, energetic, lusty, vigorous, hardy, full, (n) fierce; antonyms (adj) powerless, mild. móda 1. fashion; synonyms (n) cut, mode, craze, fad, manner, method, way, (v) form, construct, contrive, 2. vogue; synonyms (n) fashion, style, rage, trend, popularity, currency, custom, eclat, notability, note. modalita modality; synonyms (n) mode, mood, manner, schesis, fashion, climate, humor, humour, temper. modelka model (vzor); synonyms (n) form, fashion, example, image, dummy, figure, prototype, (v) copy, pattern, imitate; antonym (adj) atypical. moderátor moderator; synonyms (n) chairman, mediator, arbitrator, intermediary, negotiator, umpire, diplomat. moderní 1. modern; synonyms (adj) fresh, new, fashionable, late, advanced, current, latest, recent, contemporary, novel; antonyms (adj) old-fashioned, ancient, antiquated, old, prehistoric, traditional, conservative, neurotic, old-time, primordial, 2. fashionable (elegantní); synonyms (adj) elegant, classy, popular, chic, stylish, trendy, dressy, dashing, genteel, modern; antonyms (adj) unfashionable, unpopular. modernizovat modernize; synonyms (v) modernise, overhaul, renovate, develop, refurbish, renew, restore, update, alter, change. modla idol; synonyms (n) fetish, deity, effigy, divinity, image, favorite, hero, star, simulacrum, beloved. modlářský idolatrous; synonyms (adj) loving, heathen, heretical, idolatrical, idolish, idolous, pagan, profane. modlářství idolatry; synonyms (n) adoration, devotion, veneration, worship, (adj) infatuation, enchantment, enthusiasm, fervor, flame, gallantry.
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Czech - English
modlitba 1. prayer (prosba); synonyms (n) petition, invocation, appeal, entreaty, plea, orison, request, suit, litany, devotion, 2. rogation; synonyms (n) prayer, supplication. modlitebna chapel (kaple); synonyms (n) church, worship, kirk, shrine, temple, cathedral, kapelle, minster, basilica, conventicle. módní 1. modish; synonyms (adj) fashionable, chic, elegant, stylish, modern, smart, trendy, cool, new, 2. stylish (stylový); synonyms (adj) dapper, dressy, classy, dashing, in, neat, popular, snappy, swanky, (n) modish; antonym (adj) unfashionable. modř blue (modrý); synonyms (adj) azure, depressed, down, gloomy, low, cheerless, dejected, dispirited, downcast, downhearted.
modřina bruise (podlitina, pohmoždit); synonyms (n) blow, contusion, break, buffet, (v) crush, hurt, wound, beat, bray, contuse. modrý blue (modř); synonyms (adj) azure, depressed, down, gloomy, low, cheerless, dejected, dispirited, downcast, downhearted. modul module; synonyms (n) faculty, part, paradigm, subarray, bay, classes, constituent, course, diameter, lessons. modulace modulation; synonyms (n) accent, intonation, inflection, transition, passage, change, variation. modulovat modulate; synonyms (v) moderate, modify, change, inflect, qualify, regulate, temper. mohutný mighty (mocný, silný); synonyms (adj) enormous, immense, huge, grand, powerful, intense, high, big, forcible, great. mokrý wet (vlhký); synonyms (adj) damp, humid, drenched, moist, soaked, sodden, (v) moisten, water, dampen, (n) moisture; antonyms (adj) dehydrated, parched, (v) dry. mol moth; synonyms (n) worm, helminth, rust, slow, mote. molekula molecule; synonyms (n) atom, corpuscle, grain, iota, jot, particle, bit, mote, speck. molekulární molecular; synonyms (adj) atomic, corpuscular, microscopic, least, minute, subatomic. moll minor (menší); synonyms (adj) little, inferior, insignificant, junior, lesser, lower, small, inconsequential, (n) child, juvenile; antonyms (adj) major, important, significant, basic, chief, fundamental, leading, main, overriding, superseding. molo 1. pier; synonyms (n) dock, wharf, jetty, pillar, quay, column, mole, harbor, 2. jetty; synonyms (n) groyne, breakwater, pier, bulwark, berth, jutty, seawall, (adj) atramentous, black, dark. momentka snapshot; synonyms (n) photograph, picture, photo, shot, snap, portrait.
monarchický 1. monarchic; synonyms (adj) monarchial, monarchal, monarchical, 2. monarchical; synonyms (adj) monarchic, royal, kingly, grand, illustrious, imperial, kinglike, magnanimous, majestic, regal. monarchie monarchy; synonyms (n) kingdom, empire, autocracy, realm, domain, crown, department, dominion, nation, reign. monarchista royalist (roajalista); synonyms (adj) royal, (n) monarchist, reactionary, regian. monogamie monogamy; synonyms (n) marriage, monogamousness, chastity, monogyny, (v) polygamy, trigamy. monokl monocle; synonyms (n) eyeglass, goggles, specs, spectacles, barnacles, bifocals, eyeglasses, glasses. monolit monolith; synonyms (n) column, block, monument, obelisk, pillar. monolog 1. monologue; synonyms (n) soliloquy, discourse, 2. soliloquy (samomluva); synonym (n) monologue. monopol monopoly; synonyms (n) impropriation, limitation, retention, business, cartel, industry, influence, organization, protection, restriction. monopolizovat monopolize; synonyms (v) engross, control, forestall, absorb, consume, monopolise, occupy. monotonie monotony (jednotvárnost); synonyms (n) boredom, tedium, dullness, evenness, sameness, dreariness, tediousness; antonyms (n) excitement, variety. monotónní monotonous (jednotvárný); synonyms (adj) humdrum, dull, dry, flat, boring, dreary, even, insipid, monotone, (v) uninteresting; antonyms (adj) interesting, exciting, varied. montáž assembly (shromáždění); synonyms (n) gathering, meeting, collection, congregation, convention, fabrication, multitude, assembling, body, (v) assemblage. mop swab (vytírat); synonyms (n) muff, (v) mop, clean, swob, wipe, rinse, wash, duster, (adj) sponge, flush. mor 1. plague (pohroma); synonyms (v) bother, harass, molest, worry, afflict, annoy, badger, hassle, pester, disturb, 2. pestilence; synonyms (n) plague, pest, epidemic, blight, disease, curse, (adj) murrain. moralista moralist; synonyms (n) disciplinarian, martinet. moralizovat moralize; synonyms (v) sermonize, moralise, preach, lecture, moral, preachify, sermonise, urge. morálka 1. morality (ctnost, mravnost); synonyms (n) ethics, goodness, honesty, virtue, decency, integrity, righteousness, chastity, rectitude, morals;
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Czech - English antonyms (n) immorality, decadence, 2. morals; synonyms (n) morality, behavior, honor, principles, standards, beliefs. morální moral (mravní, mravný); synonyms (adj) ethical, decent, good, honest, right, chaste, proper, righteous, (n) lesson, meaning; antonyms (adj) immoral, bad, unwholesome. moře sea; synonyms (n) ocean, water, waves, (adj) marine, maritime, array, nautical, seagoing, army. morek marrow; synonyms (n) essence, heart, kernel, pith, quintessence, substance, backbone, center, content, (adj) gist. moréna moraine; synonym (n) ridge. morfologie morphology; synonyms (n) accidence, anatomy, geomorphology, taxonomy, botany, structure. mořský marine; synonyms (adj) maritime, nautical, saltwater, sea, aquatic, (n) navy, bluejacket, galiongee, galionji, leatherneck. mosaz brass (mosazný); synonyms (n) boldness, face, cheek, nerve, administration, arrogance, insolence, (v) audacity, assurance, (adj) bronze. mosazný 1. brass (mosaz); synonyms (n) boldness, face, cheek, nerve, administration, arrogance, insolence, (v) audacity, assurance, (adj) bronze, 2. brassy; synonyms (adj) bold, audacious, barefaced, brazen, garish, loud, arrogant, brash, impertinent, insolent, 3. brazen (drzý); synonyms (adj) brassy, impudent, blatant, cheeky, flagrant, forward, pert, presumptuous, saucy, shameless; antonyms (adj) shy, abashed. moskyt mosquito (komár); synonyms (n) fly, alacran, alligator, crocodile, mugger, octopus, ant, bloodsucker, bug, (v) bee. most bridge; synonyms (n) span, viaduct, pontoon, tie, crossing, nosepiece, (v) stretch, connect, link, traverse. mošt must (muset, musit); synonyms (v) have, need, mold, demand, (n) essential, necessity, requirement, obligation, necessary, mustiness; antonym (n) option. motiv 1. motif; synonyms (n) design, idea, motive, pattern, subject, theme, figure, text, matter, tune, 2. motive (pohnutka); synonyms (n) cause, ground, account, impulse, incentive, incitement, inducement, motif, motivation, reason. motivovat motivate; synonyms (v) impel, inspire, cause, incite, raise, goad, drive, encourage, prompt, provoke. motocykl motorcycle (motorka); synonyms (n) motorbike, vehicle, (v) bike, cycle, bicycle, wheel, pedal. motor engine (lokomotiva, stroj); synonyms (n) locomotive, machine, contrivance, implement, instrument, mechanism, organ, tool, utensil.
motorista motorist; synonym (n) automobilist. motorka motorcycle (motocykl); synonyms (n) motorbike, vehicle, (v) bike, cycle, bicycle, wheel, pedal. motouz string (provázek, struna); synonyms (n) chain, file, row, strand, twine, range, cord, filament, (v) run, (adj) line. motyka hoe; synonyms (n) shovel, hod, adz, ladle, (v) dig, delve, till, plow, rake, dibble. motýl butterfly; synonyms (n) chameleon, girl, iris, (adj) peacock, (v) bray, coquet, coquette, dally, flirt, kiss. moucha fly (létat); synonyms (v) escape, dash, drive, flee, glide, elope, aviate, (n) flap, (adj) break, flit. moudrost wisdom; synonyms (n) discretion, judiciousness, knowledge, prudence, sagacity, sapience, sense, discernment, insight, learning; antonyms (n) foolishness, stupidity. moudrý 1. sage (mudrc); synonyms (n) philosopher, (adj) wise, sagacious, discerning, intelligent, grave, judicious, learned, prudent, profound, 2. wise (rozumný); synonyms (adj) reasonable, sensible, knowing, rational, sound, discreet, shrewd, sane, thoughtful, (n) method; antonyms (adj) foolish, unwise, stupid, 3. judicious (rozvážný, soudný); synonyms (adj) careful, cautious, advisable, circumspect, logical, sage, tactful, considerate, politic, (n) clever; antonym (adj) illadvised. mouka flour; synonyms (n) flower, (v) powder, (adj) meal, bran, paddy, rice, spore, sporule. mozaika mosaic; synonyms (n) tesserae, strigae, mixture, (adj) tessellated, heterogeneous, complex, motley, speckled, (v) plaid, tesselated. mozaikový tessellated; synonyms (adj) mosaic, tessellate, tesseraic, checkered, variegated. mozek brain; synonyms (n) mastermind, genius, head, mind, reason, brainpower, brains, encephalon, intelligence, mentality. mozkový cerebral; synonyms (adj) intellectual, mental, rational, cacuminal, academic, bookish, branular, educated, erudite, learned. možná 1. maybe (snad); synonyms (adv) perhaps, possibly, peradventure, perchance, probably, debatably, questionably, conceivable, credible, feasible; antonym (adv) definitely, 2. perhaps (snad); synonyms (adv) maybe, mayhap, 3. possibly (snad); synonyms (adv) conceivably, potentially; antonyms (adv) impossibly, unimaginably. možnost possibility; synonyms (n) chance, feasibility, likelihood, opportunity, opening, probability, expectancy, eventuality, expectation, occasion. možný possible; synonyms (adj) conceivable, imaginable, likely, feasible, practicable, earthly,
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Czech - English
maybe, potential, practical, probable; antonyms (adj) impossible, unlikely, compulsory. mozolovitý callous (tvrdý); synonyms (adj) heartless, insensible, unfeeling, relentless, brutal, cruel, hard, hardened, hardhearted, indifferent; antonyms (adj) kind, caring, merciful, compassionate. mrak cloud (oblak); synonyms (n) mist, blur, haze, (v) fog, becloud, obscure, befog, blacken, eclipse, overshadow; antonym (v) sharpen. mrakodrap skyscraper; synonyms (n) edifice, structure. mramor marble; synonyms (n) cheetah, granite, leopard, (v) foolscap, pillar, table, (adj) rock, flint, stone, quartz. mravenec 1. ant; synonyms (n) emmet, pismire, aerial, bee, mire, honeybee, mosquito, (adj) anti, 2. emmet; synonyms (n) ant, (adj) animalcule, entozoon, fly, gnat, maggot, midge, minnow, shrimp, worm. mravní moral (morální, mravný); synonyms (adj) ethical, decent, good, honest, right, chaste, proper, righteous, (n) lesson, meaning; antonyms (adj) immoral, bad, unwholesome. mravnost morality (ctnost, morálka); synonyms (n) ethics, goodness, honesty, virtue, decency, integrity, righteousness, chastity, rectitude, morals; antonyms (n) immorality, decadence. mravný moral (morální, mravní); synonyms (adj) ethical, decent, good, honest, right, chaste, proper, righteous, (n) lesson, meaning; antonyms (adj) immoral, bad, unwholesome. mráz frost; synonyms (n) cold, freeze, freezing, rime, hoar, hoarfrost, icing, (v) chill, ice. mrazit refrigerate (chladit); synonyms (v) cool, chill, refresh, freeze, fan, congeal, cheer, enliven, invigorate, preserve. mrazivý 1. chilly (chladný); synonyms (adj) chill, bleak, cool, unfriendly, algid, freezing, frosty, frozen, icy, (n) cold; antonyms (adj) warm, hot, 2. frosty; synonyms (adj) frigid, arctic, glacial, wintry, chilly, crisp, frosted, nippy, rimy, aloof; antonyms (adj) friendly, pleasant, 3. freezing; synonyms (adj) bitter, gelid, polar, (n) freeze, congelation; antonyms (adj) boiling, sweltering, red-hot, 4. frigid (frigidní); synonyms (adj) dead, chilling, stony, feeble, indifferent, reserved, tame, vapid, (n) dull, distant. mrholení drizzle (mrholit); synonyms (n) rainfall, wet, (v) mizzle, rain, mist, spray, drip; antonym (v) pour. mrholit 1. mizzle (mžít); synonyms (n) plash, downpour, precipitation, rainfall, rainwater, shower, (v) drizzle, mist, go, moisten, 2. drizzle (mrholení); synonyms (n) wet, (v) mizzle, rain, spray, drip; antonym (v) pour.
mřížka 1. grating; synonyms (adj) rough, harsh, hoarse, strident, discordant, gravelly, gruff, (n) grate, grid, (v) lattice; antonyms (adj) soft, pleasing, 2. grid; synonyms (n) gridiron, grating, mesh, netting, network, web, chart, diagram, template, framework. mrkat 1. blink (blikat, mrknutí); synonyms (v) wink, flash, twinkle, flicker, shirk, nictate, nictitate, (n) blinking, glimmer, instant, 2. wink (mrknutí, mžiknutí); synonyms (n) twinkling, jiffy, moment, trice, (v) blink, sparkle, leer, flutter, scintillate, gleam. mrkev carrot; synonyms (n) inducement, reward, incentive, lure, prize, anise, backhander, bribe, caraway, dividend. mrknutí 1. blink (blikat, mrkat); synonyms (v) wink, flash, twinkle, flicker, shirk, nictate, nictitate, (n) blinking, glimmer, instant, 2. wink (mrkat, mžiknutí); synonyms (n) twinkling, jiffy, moment, trice, (v) blink, sparkle, leer, flutter, scintillate, gleam. mrož walrus; synonyms (n) seahorse, waltron, (adj) lumbering. mršina carcass; synonyms (n) body, carcase, frame, cadaver, corpse, framework, shell, remains, skeleton, bomb. mrskání flogging; synonyms (n) beating, drubbing, flagellation, whipping, trouncing, hiding, lashing, tanning. mrskat flog; synonyms (v) beat, chastise, lash, whip, lick, birch, flagellate, trounce, castigate, cane. mrštit 1. hurl; synonyms (v) cast, chuck, dash, fling, pitch, throw, dart, pelt, heave, send, 2. sling; synonyms (n) bow, (v) catapult, hurl, suspend, dangle, toss, shoot, drive, peg, (adj) hang, 3. toss (přehazovat); synonyms (n) pass, (v) agitate, flip, shake, convulse, discard, project, roll, jerk, lob. mrštný nimble (hbitý); synonyms (adj) active, adroit, agile, lively, brisk, spry, alert, clever, energetic, (v) light; antonym (adj) clumsy. mrtvice apoplexy; synonyms (n) stroke, apoplex, (adj) palsy, paralysis, collapse, deliquium, exhaustion, inanition, sideration, syncope. mrtvicový apoplectic; synonym (adj) motionless. mrtvola 1. corpse; synonyms (n) cadaver, carcass, body, corse, remains, stiff, clay, 2. body (tělo); synonyms (n) corpse, matter, organization, cluster, consistency, figure, mass, set, aggregate, association; antonym (n) spirit. mrtvolný cadaverous; synonyms (adj) emaciated, gaunt, ghastly, wan, thin, ashen, deathly, haggard, pale, atrophied. mrtvý dead (uschlý); synonyms (adj) dull, lifeless, cold, defunct, inanimate, absolute, breathless,
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Czech - English deceased, (adv) right, absolutely; antonyms (adj) alive, animate, (n) living. mrzák cripple; synonyms (n) invalid, (v) lame, maim, mutilate, damage, enfeeble, incapacitate, injure, weaken, (adj) paralyze. mrznout freeze (zmrazit); synonyms (n) frost, (v) congeal, chill, arrest, cool, block, harden, solidify, stop, set; antonyms (v) melt, thaw, boil. mrzutost annoyance (obtíž); synonyms (n) aggravation, anger, harassment, irritation, bother, botheration, displeasure, disturbance, inconvenience, pain. mrzutý annoying (nepříjemný); synonyms (adj) galling, irritating, troublesome, vexatious, aggravating, awkward, bothersome, disagreeable, grating, (n) annoyance; antonyms (adj) pleasing, soothing. msta vengeance (pomsta); synonyms (n) revenge, reprisal, retribution, retaliation, avenge, avengement, requital, wrath, resentment. mstitel avenger; synonyms (n) vindicator, retaliator, venger, wreaker. mstivý vindictive; synonyms (adj) spiteful, vengeful, malicious, revengeful, unforgiving, punitive, despiteful, implacable, malevolent, remorseless. mučení torture; synonyms (n) torment, distress, pain, agony, anguish, suffering, excruciation, (v) rack, afflict, agonize. mudrc sage (moudrý); synonyms (n) philosopher, (adj) wise, sagacious, discerning, intelligent, grave, judicious, learned, prudent, profound. muka 1. agony (agónie); synonyms (n) anguish, torture, distress, misery, suffering, torment, grief, pain, pang, passion, 2. anguish (úzkost); synonyms (n) agony, ache, affliction, desolation, despair, sadness, sorrow, bitterness, dolor, (v) fret; antonyms (n) joy, pleasure. mulat mulatto; synonyms (adj) crossbreed, hybrid, hinny, mule. mumie mummy; synonyms (n) mama, mamma, mammy, mom, momma, mommy, mum, mater, am, milliampere. mumlat 1. mumble; synonyms (v) grumble, maunder, murmur, whisper, hum, chew, mutter, jabber, rumble, talk, 2. maunder; synonyms (v) chatter, mumble, croak, babble, gabble, palaver, prattle, ramble, wander, clamor, 3. hum; synonyms (n) humming, noise, purr, (v) buzz, croon, drone, sing, chant, trill, intone, 4. mutter; synonyms (v) growl, grouch, complain, snarl, gnarl, groan, (n) complaint, grumbling, murmuration, murmuring. mušelín muslin; synonyms (n) gauze, crash, mousseline, burlap, (v) cloth, linen. muset must (mošt, musit); synonyms (v) have, need, mold, demand, (n) essential, necessity, requirement,
obligation, necessary, mustiness; antonym (n) option. musit must (mošt, muset); synonyms (v) have, need, mold, demand, (n) essential, necessity, requirement, obligation, necessary, mustiness; antonym (n) option. mušketa musket; synonyms (n) gun, arquebus, caliver, carbine, firelock, harquebuss, musketoon, musketry. mušketýr musketeer; synonyms (n) rifleman, sharpshooter, skirmisher, yager, soldier. muž 1. man (manžel, osoba); synonyms (n) fellow, gentleman, guy, person, husband, homo, human, humanity, humankind, (obj) he; antonym (n) woman, 2. husband (manžel); synonyms (n) consort, wife, hubby, man, master, mate, partner, (v) conserve, economize, preserve, 3. male (mužský); synonyms (adj) masculine, manly, virile, manful, manlike, (n) chap; antonyms (adj) feminine, (n) female. Múza muse (dumání, dumat); synonyms (v) contemplate, meditate, cogitate, consider, deliberate, ponder, reflect, brood, ruminate, speculate. muzeum museum; synonyms (n) gallery, depository, landmark, treasury. mužnost 1. manliness; synonyms (n) virility, manfulness, manhood, masculinity, energy, maleness, courage, gallantry, valor, civility, 2. virility; synonyms (n) manliness, potency, fertility, strength, vitality, prime. mužný manly; synonyms (adj) male, manlike, brave, manful, masculine, virile, gallant, courageous, strong, (adv) manfully. mužský 1. male (muž); synonyms (adj) masculine, manly, virile, manful, manlike, (n) chap, guy, man, (obj) he; antonyms (adj) feminine, (n) female, woman, 2. masculine (mužský rod); synonyms (adj) mankind, bold, cruel, adult, ape, beefcake, caveman, gallant, generative, (v) male. mužství manhood; synonyms (n) adulthood, majority, maturity, resolution, humanity, humanness, manhead, sex, boldness, (adj) manliness.
mužstvo crew (obsluha, osazenstvo, posádka); synonyms (n) company, cluster, band, bunch, gang, party, assemblage, crowd, faction, group. mydlit soap (mýdlo); synonyms (n) cleanser, (v) lather, bribe, grease, oil, wheedle, cajole, bathe, clean, (adj) episodic. mýdlo soap (mydlit); synonyms (n) cleanser, (v) lather, bribe, grease, oil, wheedle, cajole, bathe, clean, (adj) episodic.
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Czech - English
mýdlový soapy; synonyms (adj) saponaceous, oily,
mýt wash (mýt se, prát); synonyms (v) rinse, paint,
frothy, slick, foamy, bubbly, butyraceous, cleansing, detersive, (v) specious. myrha myrrh; synonyms (n) incense, balm, frankincense. myriáda myriad; synonyms (n) legion, (adj) countless, innumerable, multitudinous, numberless, numerous, untold, many. mys 1. headland; synonyms (n) cape, promontory, head, foreland, point, ness, bluff, 2. cape; synonyms (n) cloak, headland, shawl, coat, mantle, 3. promontory; synonym (n) mull. myš mouse; synonyms (n) track, trail, hunt, trace, coward, (v) sneak, creep, steal, snoop, seek. mysl mind; synonyms (n) intellect, brain, (v) care, look, attend, beware, keep, listen, notice, (adj) heed; antonym (v) forget. myšlení thought (myšlenka); synonyms (n) notion, idea, opinion, conception, consideration, impression, belief, feeling, reflection, sentiment; antonym (n) fact. myšlenka 1. idea (nápad); synonyms (n) belief, concept, meaning, opinion, apprehension, conception, consideration, design, estimation, fancy, 2. thought (myšlení); synonyms (v) observation, (n) notion, idea, impression, feeling, reflection, sentiment, judgment, attention, care; antonym (n) fact. myslet think (myslit, uvažovat); synonyms (v) consider, believe, reckon, estimate, guess, hold, imagine, muse, ponder, reflect; antonym (v) forget. myslit think (myslet, uvažovat); synonyms (v) consider, believe, reckon, estimate, guess, hold, imagine, muse, ponder, reflect; antonym (v) forget. myslitel thinker; synonyms (n) philosopher, intellect, mind, head, intellectual, longhead, theorist; antonym (n) realist. myslitelný 1. conceivable; synonyms (adj) imaginable, possible, thinkable, believable, comprehensible, earthly, likely, potential, credible; antonym (adj) inconceivable, 2. cogitable; synonym (adj) ponderable, 3. thinkable; synonyms (adj) conceivable, cogitable, presumable, comprehendible, convincing, practicable, practical, reasonable. mysticismus mysticism; synonyms (n) bewitchery, enchantment, exorcism, divinity, optimism, religion, spirituality, theology, holiness. mystifikace mystification; synonyms (n) bafflement, bewilderment, confusion, befuddlement, bemusement, puzzlement. mystik mystic; synonyms (adj) dark, mysterious, secret, cryptical, occult, cryptic, esoteric, inscrutable, (n) psychic, (v) recondite.
bathe, clean, lave, moisten, mop, scour, (n) soak, ablution; antonym (v) dirty. mytí washing (praní); synonyms (n) laundry, wash, laundering, lavation, cleaning, purification, airstream, backwash, bucking, (adj) cleansing. mýtina glade; synonyms (n) clearing, aisle, alley, vista, swamp, bottom, clarification, dale, dell, dingle. mytologie mythology; synonyms (n) myths, legend, folklore, lore, religion, tradition, legends. mýtus myth; synonyms (n) fable, legend, story, tale, allegory, fiction, fabrication, figment, tradition, conceit. mzda wages; synonyms (n) salary, pay, wage, earnings, reward, stipend, allowance, hire, income, payoff. mžiknutí wink (mrkat, mrknutí); synonyms (n) flash, instant, twinkling, jiffy, (v) twinkle, blink, sparkle, flicker, nictate, nictitate. mžít mizzle (mrholit); synonyms (n) plash, downpour, precipitation, rainfall, rainwater, shower, (v) drizzle, mist, go, moisten.
N na 1. on (v); synonyms (prep) at, about, concerning, in, by, into, upon, (adj) forward, aboard, (prf) along; antonym (adv) off, 2. for (pro, za); synonyms (prep) because, behind, per, during, on, (conj) considering, (adv) against, as, therefore, hence,
3. at (při, u, v);
synonyms (prep) a, (n) astatine, (prf) all, completely, (adj) entertainment, levee, party, reception, conversazione, home, 4. in (do, v, ve); synonyms (prep) between, through, inside, (adv) indoors, (n) inch, (adj) stylish, fashionable, inwards, trendy, within; antonyms (prep) out, outside, 5. to (do, k); synonyms (prep) before, near, toward, towards, until, unto, (adv) versus, (v) till. nabádání exhortation; synonyms (n) advice, warning, admonition, counsel, incitement, persuasion, sermon, suggestion, exhort, hortation. nabádat exhort; synonyms (v) admonish, advise, urge, advocate, caution, counsel, press, entreat, bid, goad.
nabarvit colour (barva, barvit, barvitost, zabarvení); synonyms (n) coloration, coloring, colouring, semblance, vividness, (v) color, discolor, discolour, distort, tinge. nabídka 1. offer (nabídnout); synonyms (v) give, bestow, put, advance, extend, impart, introduce, (n) bid, proposal, go; antonyms (v) withdraw, refuse, 2. menu (jídelní lístek); synonyms (n) fare, bill,
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Czech - English card, carte, list, table, food, (v) cuisine, 3. offering; synonyms (v) gift, grant, (n) contribution, donation, oblation, offer, present, presentation, endowment, bestowal, 4. bid (nabízet); synonyms (n) tender, attempt, (v) ask, call, command, invite, adjure, beseech, charge, direct, 5. proposal (návrh); synonyms (n) motion, advice, proposition, suggestion, overture, plan, proffer, hypothesis, design, idea. nabídnout 1. offer (nabídka); synonyms (v) give, bestow, put, advance, extend, impart, introduce, (n) bid, proposal, go; antonyms (v) withdraw, refuse, 2. proffer; synonyms (v) offer, present, propose, provide, submit, supply, tender, (n) overture, proposition, suggestion. nabít charge (náboj, nálož, poplatek); synonyms (n) accusation, burden, care, command, commission, bill, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid; antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat. nabízející bidder (dražitel); synonyms (n) tenderer, aspirant, candidate, claimant, competitor, offeror, opponent, postulant, suitor. nabízet bid (nabídka); synonyms (n) offer, tender, attempt, (v) ask, call, command, invite, adjure, beseech, charge. náboj 1. cartridge (patrona); synonyms (n) bullet, cassette, cartouch, ammunition, magazine, round, shell, case, shot, refill, 2. charge (nabít, nálož, poplatek); synonyms (n) accusation, burden, care, command, commission, bill, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid; antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat. nábor intake (vtok); synonyms (n) absorption, consumption, ingestion, drinking, eating, uptake, expenditure, receipt, harvest, ingesta. náboženský religious; synonyms (adj) pious, devout, divine, sacred, devoted, godly, holy, saintly, scrupulous, (n) monk; antonym (adj) secular. náboženství religion; synonyms (n) piety, creed, faith, cult, denomination, sect, church, devotion, holiness, persuasion. nábřeží embankment; synonyms (n) dam, bank, bulwark, wall, jetty, mound, pier, fortification, defense, edge. nabýt acquire (získat); synonyms (v) get, achieve, find, gain, take, accept, attain, buy, collect, contract; antonyms (v) lose, sell. nábytek furniture; synonyms (n) equipment, appointments, goods, fitting, movable, thing, movables, upholstery, apparatus, (v) stuff.
nabytí acquisition (přínos, získání, získávání); synonyms (n) purchase, accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, achievement, conquest, buy, getting, learning, (v) gain. nach purple (nachový, purpur); synonyms (adj) mauve, violet, imperial, lilac, regal, royal, (n) empurpled, magenta, purpleness, (v) empurple.
nachlazení cold (chlad, chladný, studený, zima); synonyms (adj) chilly, frigid, aloof, callous, distant, icy, indifferent, apathetic, (n) chilliness, chill; antonyms (adj) warm, friendly, hot, burning, prepared, affectionate, loving, soporific, (n) heat, warmth. nachový purple (nach, purpur); synonyms (adj) mauve, violet, imperial, lilac, regal, royal, (n) empurpled, magenta, purpleness, (v) empurple. náchylný prone; synonyms (adj) liable, apt, disposed, inclined, flat, predisposed, subject, likely, procumbent, prostrate; antonym (adj) upright.
nacionalismus nationalism (vlastenectví); synonyms (n) chauvinism, patriotism, loyalty, partisanship, xenophobia, devotion. nacionalista nationalist; synonyms (adj) nationalistic, chauvinistic, jingoistic, separatist, superpatriotic, ultranationalistic, (n) patriot, loyalist, compatriot, partisan. nacionalistický nationalistic; synonyms (adj) nationalist, loyal, chauvinistic, jingoistic, superpatriotic, ultranationalistic, xenophobic, devoted, partisan. nacismus nazism; synonyms (n) fascism, catnap, dictatorship, niobium. nacpaný crowded; synonyms (adj) close, compact, congested, busy, dense, full, packed, populous, jammed, (n) thronged; antonyms (adj) empty, sparse.
nad 1. above (nahoře, nahoru, shora, výše); synonyms (prep) on, past, surpassing, (adv) over, beyond, aloft, supra, up, (adj) preceding, former; antonym (prep) below, 2. over (přes); synonyms (adv) across, more, by, (prep) above, during, (n) overs, (adj) finished, done, extra, odd.
nadace foundation (základ, založení, zřízení); synonyms (n) base, basis, bottom, creation, establishment, foot, institution, principle, cause, cornerstone; antonym (n) top. nadále henceforward; synonym (adv) henceforth. nadání 1. gift (dar, talent); synonyms (n) donation, faculty, award, flair, capacity, (v) present, boon, (adj) endowment, ability, talent; antonym (n) inability, 2. talent; synonyms (n) gift, genius, aptitude, cleverness, knack, skill, capability, ingenuity, proficiency, power. nadaný 1. gifted; synonyms (adj) clever, able, accomplished, capable, talented, apt, brilliant, ingenious, proficient, adept, 2. able (dovedný, schopný); synonyms (adj) competent, dexterous, adroit, consummate, effective, expert, fit, gifted, endowed, (n) efficient; antonyms (adj) incapable, incompetent, inept, unable, untrained, weak, 3. talented (talentovaný); synonyms (adj) versatile, promising, bright, intelligent, skilled, artistic, cute, felicitous, qualified, skillful.
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Czech - English
nadávat 1. abuse (nadávka, týrat, zneužívání, zneužívat); synonyms (n) affront, misuse, harm, outrage, reproach, (v) insult, mistreat, injure, assault, (adj) maltreat; antonyms (v) praise, respect, 2. berate; synonyms (v) abuse, vituperate, castigate, censure, chide, jaw, rebuke, scold, admonish, attack, 3. revile; synonyms (v) rail, blaspheme, taunt, vilify, denounce, libel, damn, execrate, (n) malign, (adj) profane, 4. swear (klít, přísahat); synonyms (v) affirm, assert, assure, curse, declare, avow, depone, depose, (n) promise, aver.
nadávka abuse (nadávat, týrat, zneužívání, zneužívat); synonyms (n) affront, misuse, harm, outrage, reproach, (v) insult, mistreat, injure, assault, (adj) maltreat; antonyms (v) praise, respect. nadbytek 1. abundance (hojnost); synonyms (n) wealth, amplitude, exuberance, plenitude, profusion, richness, store, treasure, (adj) plenty, riches; antonyms (n) dearth, scarcity, aridity, insufficiency, lack, shortage, 2. affluence (hojnost); synonyms (n) abundance, fortune, ease, luxury, opulence, prosperity, afflux, copiousness, means; antonym (n) poverty, 3. surplus (přebytek); synonyms (adj) extra, superfluous, (n) excess, remainder, balance, overabundance, surfeit, glut, remnant, (adv) over; antonym (n) necessary. nádech tint; synonyms (n) color, tinge, hue, dye, stain, shade, tincture, tone, cast, (v) tinct. naděje hope (doufat); synonyms (v) trust, anticipate, confide, (n) aspiration, belief, desire, expectation, faith, anticipation, confidence; antonyms (v) despair, (n) reality. nádhera 1. glory (sláva); synonyms (n) fame, celebrity, brightness, honor, pride, distinction, credit, (v) halo, exult, boast, 2. finery; synonyms (n) array, regalia, clothing, gewgaw, tinsel, attire, decoration. nádherný 1. gorgeous; synonyms (adj) beautiful, attractive, gaudy, luxurious, rich, wonderful, glorious, gay, costly, delicious; antonym (adj) ugly, 2. glorious (slavný); synonyms (adj) famous, distinguished, bright, brilliant, celebrated, illustrious, eminent, great, magnificent, splendid, 3. fabulous (bájný); synonyms (adj) incredible, mythical, fabled, legendary, amazing, fab, imaginary, marvelous, mythological, spectacular; antonym (adj) awful. nádivka stuffing (vycpávka); synonyms (n) padding, filling, pad, forcemeat, farce, dressing, fill, wadding, contents, inside. nadlidský superhuman; synonyms (adj) divine, supernatural, heavenly, brave, celestial, daring, epic, gallant, godlike, holy. nádoba 1. vessel (plavidlo); synonyms (n) ship, boat, container, craft, duct, jar, vas, bowl, canal,
pan, 2. receptacle; synonyms (n) box, case, can, pocket, envelope, nest, purse, cell, closet, (adj) chaste. nádobí crockery; synonyms (n) dishes, bowls, cutlery, dishware, plates, tableware, (v) ceramics, pottery. nádor 1. tubercle; synonyms (n) nodule, tuberosity, tuber, distinction, eminence, note, preeminence, tuberculum, 2. tuber; synonyms (n) root, corm, bulb, fruit, rhizome, 3. polypus; synonyms (n) polyp, growth, caruncle, corn, furuncle, papula, pock, pustule, sarcoma, wart, 4. tumour; synonyms (n) tumor, neoplasm, gall. nádorový tubercular (tuberkulózní); synonyms (adj) tuberculous, tubercled, tuberculated, tuberculate. nadpis 1. heading (záhlaví); synonyms (n) caption, bearing, drift, head, title, course, direction, tack, name, chief, 2. title (název, titul); synonyms (n) call, designation, claim, designate, appellation, denomination, epithet, (v) style, term, entitle, 3. superscription; synonyms (n) address, administration, aim, command, endorsement, guidance, image, management, moniment, monument.
nadpozemský unearthly (nadpřirozený); synonyms (adj) supernatural, weird, ghostly, uncanny, ethereal, eerie, preternatural, spectral, unworldly, spiritual; antonym (adj) earthly. nadpřirozený 1. supernatural; synonyms (adj) miraculous, mystical, preternatural, weird, superhuman, eerie, mysterious, uncanny, unnatural, (n) occult; antonyms (adj) normal, (syn) natural, 2. preternatural; synonyms (adj) supernatural, unearthly, outlandish, abnormal, transcendental, exotic, nonnatural, otherworldly, 3. unearthly (nadpozemský); synonyms (adj) ghostly, ethereal, spectral, unworldly, spiritual, heavenly, hyperphysical, strange, celestial, spooky; antonym (adj) earthly, 4. weird (tajuplný); synonyms (adj) bizarre, curious, odd, peculiar, unusual, quaint, eccentric, extraordinary, fantastic, funny; antonyms (adj) ordinary, real, typical.
nadprodukce overproduction (nadvýroba); synonyms (n) depression, overflow, overrun. nadřazenost superiority; synonyms (n) advantage, predominance, excellence, mastery, odds, precedence, priority, preference, distinction, domination; antonyms (n) inferiority, humility. nádraží station (postavení, stanice); synonyms (n) rank, position, seat, standing, base, (v) place, locate, post, stand, lay. nádrž 1. tank (cisterna); synonyms (n) cistern, reservoir, container, cooler, belly, boiler, fermentor, jail, stomach, (v) fake, 2. reservoir; synonyms (n)
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Czech - English fountain, well, lake, store, bank, hoard, reserve, stock, supply, tank. nadsázka 1. hyperbole (hyperbola); synonyms (n) exaggeration, amplification, overstatement, magnification, strain, stretch, auxesis, embellishment, lie, rhetoric; antonym (n) understatement, 2. exaggeration; synonyms (n) distortion, enlargement, hyperbole, caricatura, misrepresentation; antonym (n) irony. nadšenec enthusiast; synonyms (n) devotee, addict, fanatic, admirer, fan, fiend, zealot, freak, advocate, aficionado. nadšení 1. enthusiasm; synonyms (n) eagerness, ardor, devotion, passion, animation, craze, zeal, ebullience, ecstasy, (adj) fervor; antonyms (n) apathy, indifference, lethargy, 2. zest (koření, říz); synonyms (n) relish, gusto, taste, savor, flavor, enthusiasm, energy, piquancy, appetite, (v) spice. nadšený 1. dedicated; synonyms (adj) consecrated, consecrate, committed, devoted, sacred, zealous, eager, fervent, holy, (prep) dedicate; antonyms (adj) indifferent, desecrated, 2. enthusiastic; synonyms (adj) ardent, hearty, active, cordial, anxious, avid, excited, fiery, passionate, (n) buoyant; antonyms (adj) unenthusiastic, apathetic, lukewarm, lethargic, 3. keen (dychtivý, ostrý); synonyms (adj) acute, sharp, intense, intelligent, biting, brisk, enthusiastic, exquisite, piercing, (v) fresh; antonyms (adj) dull, blunt, 4. zealous; synonyms (adj) keen, strenuous, vehement, burning, earnest, glowing, impassioned, strong, warm, dedicated. nadstavba superstructure; synonyms (n) building, edifice, pavement, superstruction.
nadutost arrogance (arogance, domýšlivost); synonyms (n) haughtiness, disdain, conceit, presumption, vanity, conceitedness, effrontery, hauteur, hubris, insolence; antonyms (n) humility, modesty. nadváha overweight; synonyms (adj) heavy, corpulent, fat, fleshy, obese, portly, plump, stout, (n) corpulence, adiposis; antonyms (adj) skinny, slim. nadvláda 1. domination; synonyms (n) control, authority, command, ascendancy, ascendency, dominance, dominion, mastery, power, rule, 2. ascendancy (převaha); synonyms (n) ascendance, supremacy, influence, advantage, domination, preponderance, reign, sovereignty, superiority; antonyms (n) inferiority, weakness.
nadvýroba overproduction (nadprodukce); synonyms (n) depression, overflow, overrun. nadýmání flatulence; synonyms (n) flatulency, gas, turgidity, wind, windiness, brag, breath, accelerator, bend, boasting.
nadýmavý flatulent; synonyms (adj) windy, pompous, empty, gassy, inflated, airy, colicky, ostentatious, boisterous, flative. nadzvukový 1. hypersonic; synonym (adj) fast, 2. ultrasonic; synonyms (adj) supersonic, speedy, 3. supersonic; synonyms (adj) ultrasonic, swift, (n) jet. nafoukaný cocky; synonyms (adj) arrogant, proud, conceited, supercilious, vain, brash, flippant, insolent, overbearing, impudent. nafouklý bloated; synonyms (adj) puffy, swollen, distended, inflated, turgid, proud, pompous, puffed, tumescent, tumid; antonym (adj) wasted. nafouknutí inflation (inflace); synonyms (n) expansion, dilatation, increase, rise, boom, subtilization, appreciation, accumulation, augmentation, (adj) pretension; antonyms (n) deflation, depression. nafta 1. naphtha; synonyms (n) kerosene, oil, distillate, gasoline, petroleum, gas, alcohol, ethanol, gasohol, juice, 2. oil (olej); synonyms (n) fat, ointment, salve, cream, fuel, cerate, (v) lubricate, anoint, anele, glycerine. nahlas aloud; synonyms (adv) loud, loudly, clamorously, clearly, distinctly, intelligibly, obstreperously, plainly, vociferously. náhle suddenly; synonyms (adv) abruptly, short, sudden, presto, dead, hastily, rapidly, fast, instantly, (adj) quickly; antonyms (adv) gradually, increasingly, predictably, slowly. náhlý 1. acute (akutní); synonyms (adj) sharp, incisive, intense, keen, penetrating, critical, piercing, severe, shrewd, (v) high; antonyms (adj) dull, obtuse, 2. abrupt (příkrý, prudký, strohý); synonyms (adj) sudden, brusque, precipitous, steep, disconnected, discourteous, gruff, hasty, immediate, (n) bold; antonyms (adj) civil, gentle, gradual, gracious, rambling, 3. precipitous (překotný, srázný); synonyms (adj) abrupt, precipitate, perpendicular, headlong, precipitant, sheer, impetuous, acute, discontinuous, harsh, 4. sudden (nenadálý); synonyms (adj) quick, rash, unexpected, dramatic, swift, unforeseen, impulsive, instantaneous, fleeting, hurried; antonym (adj) considered.
náhoda 1. accident (nehoda, neštěstí, úraz); synonyms (n) chance, casualty, coincidence, crash, fortune, circumstance, contingency, event, fortuity, hap, 2. hap; synonyms (n) accident, luck, occurrence, (v) befall, come, happen, occur, pass, transpire, bechance, 3. chance (příležitost); synonyms (n) hazard, opportunity, probability, venture, break, (adj) accidental, (v) gamble, adventure, risk, bet; antonyms (n) predictability, (adj) deliberate, intentional, (v) design, plan, 4. hazard (riskovat, riziko); synonyms (n) danger,
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Czech - English
peril, jeopardy, difficulty, insecurity, (v) endanger, wager, dare, stake, jeopardize; antonym (n) safety. nahodilost contingency (eventualita); synonyms (n) accident, chance, eventuality, possibility, circumstance, adventure, casualty, case, incident, occurrence. náhodný 1. fortuitous; synonyms (adj) casual, accidental, contingent, chance, adventitious, fortunate, coincidental, lucky, unintentional, incidental, 2. accidental; synonyms (adj) fortuitous, unintended, haphazard, inadvertent, involuntary, random, unexpected, unforeseen; antonyms (adj) intentional, deliberate.
nahoře 1. above (nad, nahoru, shora, výše); synonyms (prep) on, past, surpassing, (adv) over, beyond, aloft, supra, up, (adj) preceding, former; antonym (prep) below, 2. upstairs (nahoru); synonyms (n) administration, authority, board, eternity, executive, floor, head, heaven, paradise, (adj) upstair; antonym (adv) downstairs, 3. aloft; synonyms (adv) above, overhead, aloof, uphill, aheight, completely, quite, standing, wholly. nahoru 1. up; synonyms (adv) aloft, upward, upwardly, (v) raise, mount, rise, boost, advance, (adj) over, uphill; antonym (adj) asleep, 2. above (nad, nahoře, shora, výše); synonyms (prep) on, past, surpassing, (adv) beyond, supra, up, (adj) preceding, former, upper, foregoing; antonym (prep) below, 3. upstairs (nahoře); synonyms (n) administration, authority, board, eternity, executive, floor, head, heaven, paradise, (adj) upstair; antonym (adv) downstairs, 4. upward; synonyms (adj) overhead, rising, increasing, improving, mounting, open, upright, vertical, (adv) upwards, airwards; antonym (adj) descending. nahota 1. bareness; synonyms (n) desolation, nakedness, nudity, austerity, starkness, emptiness, bleakness, cheerlessness, desolateness, drabness, 2. nakedness; synonyms (n) bareness, nudeness, openness, blatancy, cleanness, defenselessness, exposure, whiteness, obviousness, paleness, 3.
nudity. náhrada 1. compensation (kompenzace, vyrovnání); synonyms (n) amends, recompense, allowance, indemnification, reward, price, atonement, emolument, fee, (v) wage, 2. substitute (náhradní); synonyms (adj) replacement, alternative, (n) deputy, backup, delegate, (v) alternate, shift, change, replace, surrogate, 3.
recovery (obnova, znovunabytí, zotavení); synonyms (n) rally, convalescence, improvement, reclamation, rescue, resurrection, retrieval, cure, deliverance, healing; antonyms (n) decline, loss, return, 4. surrogate; synonyms (n) substitute, proxy, agent, substitution, representative, understudy, vice, (adj) acting, foster.
nahradit 1. replace (vyměnit); synonyms (v) change, exchange, substitute, supersede, supplant, reinstate, displace, restore, shift, deputize, 2. compensate (kompenzovat); synonyms (v) balance, pay, recompense, reimburse, counterbalance, recoup, remunerate, repay, reward, cover, 3. supersede; synonyms (v) replace, succeed, annul, follow, overrule, (n) remove, 4. refund; synonyms (n) payment, repayment, compensation, reimbursement, restitution, settlement, (v) compensate, return. náhradní 1. substitute (náhrada); synonyms (adj) replacement, alternative, (n) deputy, backup, delegate, (v) alternate, shift, change, replace, surrogate, 2. spare (spořivý, ušetřit, uspořit); synonyms (adj) reserve, slender, excess, save, slight, additional, (v) free, meager, exempt, (n) extra. náhradník understudy; synonyms (n) alternate, double, substitute, surrogate, actor, standby, proxy, alternative, attendant, deputy. nahrát record (deska, zapsat, záznam); synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, disk, document, history, (v) chronicle, file, enter. nahrávka recording (záznam); synonyms (n) record, album, transcription, scan, disc, cartridge, cassette, cutting, footage, (adj) registering. náhrdelník necklace; synonyms (n) choker, collar, chaplet, necklet, corona, coronet, crown, jewelry, snood, band. náhrobek gravestone; synonyms (n) headstone, tombstone, monument, stone, gem, harden, insensibility, keystone, mirror, testicle.
nahromadění accumulation (akumulace); synonyms (n) store, stock, accretion, mass, accrual, accruement, batch, hoard, pile, reserve; antonym (n) shortage. náhubek muzzle; synonyms (n) mouth, gunpoint, nose, lip, orifice, (v) gag, muffle, hush, silence, curb. nahý 1. naked (bezbranný, holý); synonyms (adj) bald, bare, exposed, nude, open, barren, bleak, raw, unclothed, defenseless; antonyms (adj) covered, concealed, 2. nude (obnažený); synonyms (adj) stark, uncovered, undressed, (v) naked, 3. bare (bosý, holý, prázdný); synonyms (adj) austere, desolate, devoid, mere, plain, vacant, vacuous, (v) empty, show, disclose; antonyms (adj) cultivated, ornate, (v) cover. nájem 1. lease (pronájem); synonyms (n) leasing, letting, rental, (v) hire, rent, charter, let, contract, demise, engage, 2. tenancy; synonyms (n) occupancy, occupation, tenure, possession, tenantry, ownership, (adj) shaky, weak, feeble, fragile. nájemce 1. tenant (nájemník); synonyms (n) inhabitant, lodger, occupant, resident, holder, occupier, renter, inmate, (v) inhabit, occupy;
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Czech - English antonyms (n) landlord, proprietor, 2. lessee; synonyms (n) leaseholder, tenant, (v) donee, feoffee, grantee, 3. leaseholder; synonyms (n) lessee, boarder.
nájemné 1. rent (najmout, pronajmout); synonyms (n) breach, cleft, fissure, lease, let, crevice, break, crack, (v) hire, charter, 2. rental; synonyms (n) letting, renting, apartment, flat, occupancy, suite, chartering, contract. nájemník 1. inmate (chovanec); synonyms (n) inhabitant, captive, convict, con, gaolbird, prisoner, jailbird, lodger, occupant, patient, 2. tenant (nájemce); synonyms (n) resident, holder, occupier, renter, inmate, dweller, householder, (v) inhabit, occupy; antonyms (n) landlord, proprietor, 3. renter; synonyms (n) tenant, underlessee, distributor, guest, (v) finedraw. nájezd raid (nálet, razie); synonyms (n) attack, inroad, incursion, invasion, onset, (v) foray, bust, maraud, assault, pillage; antonym (n) retreat. nájezdník invader (vetřelec); synonyms (n) aggressor, assailant, encroacher, intruder, attacker, conqueror, alien, burglar, colonist, enemy. najít find (nalézt); synonyms (v) catch, discover, detect, encounter, acquire, ascertain, attain, (n) detection, disclosure, discovery; antonyms (v) lose, misplace. najmout rent (nájemné, pronajmout); synonyms (n) breach, cleft, fissure, lease, let, crevice, break, crack, (v) hire, charter. nakapat instill; synonyms (v) inculcate, infuse, impress, indoctrinate, imbue, impregnate, infix, inoculate, inspire, instil. nákaza 1. infection (infekce); synonyms (n) contagion, disease, contamination, taint, corruption, septicity, illness, inspiration, transmission, (adj) pollution, 2. contagion; synonyms (n) infection, plague, conduction, 3. taint (skvrna); synonyms (n) blemish, (v) stain, corrupt, defile, disgrace, blot, contaminate, pollute, spot, sully; antonyms (v) enhance, purify. nakazit infect (infikovat); synonyms (v) taint, contaminate, corrupt, affect, inspire, defile, foul, poison, pollute, touch; antonyms (v) disinfect, purify. nakažlivý 1. contagious; synonyms (adj) infectious, catching, communicable, pestiferous, transmissible, epidemic, transmittable, 2. infectious; synonyms (adj) contagious, infective, taking. náklad 1. load (zatížení); synonyms (n) charge, cargo, freight, stack, heap, pack, (v) burden, fill, encumber, pile; antonym (v) unload, 2. cargo; synonyms (n) loading, wares, consignment, freightage, goods, haul, lading, merchandise, payload, (adj) load.
nakládání 1. loading; synonyms (n) cargo, freight, load, burden, consignment, lading, encumbrance, filler, freightage, shipment; antonym (n) unloading,
2. treatment (ošetření, zacházení, zpracování); synonyms (n) cure, conduct, handling, management, manipulation, therapy, medication, remedy, reception, (v) behavior. nakladatel publisher (vydavatel); synonyms (n) newspaper, paper, bookseller, press, father. nákladný 1. costly (drahý); synonyms (adj) expensive, dear, precious, valuable, extravagant, high, luxurious, pricey, rich, sumptuous; antonyms (adj) cheap, worthless, 2. expensive (drahý); synonyms (adj) costly, lavish, overpriced, exclusive, fine, exorbitant, invaluable, splendid; antonyms (adj) inexpensive, reasonable. náklady cost (cena, stát); synonyms (n) price, charge, amount, expense, toll, damage, disbursement, expenditure, fee, (v) be. naklonit tilt (převrhnout); synonyms (n) slope, list, bend, (v) incline, lean, pitch, slant, careen, rock, cant; antonyms (v) straighten, surrender. náklonnost 1. inclination (sklon); synonyms (n) disposition, desire, bent, fancy, affection, leaning, tendency, drift, appetite, bias; antonyms (n) disinclination, reluctance, 2. affection (láska, záliba); synonyms (n) affect, charity, attachment, fondness, affectionateness, disease, feeling, heart, kindness, liking; antonym (n) hatred. nakonec eventually; synonyms (adv) finally, even, someday, afterward, consecutively, consequentially, (conj) yet, however, nevertheless, notwithstanding; antonyms (adv) instantly, promptly. nákres layout; synonyms (n) arrangement, composition, design, plan, array, order, outline, scheme, display. nakřivo 1. aslant; synonyms (adv) athwart, obliquely, (adj) askew, inclined, oblique, aslope, diagonal, slanting, sloping, awry, 2. awry; synonyms (adv) amiss, asquint, (adj) crooked, erroneous, bent, deformed, cockeyed, distorted, lopsided, (v) irregular. nákup purchase; synonyms (n) acquisition, bargain, leverage, acquirement, grip, (v) buy, get, obtain, contract, acquire; antonyms (n) transaction, (v) sell. nakupování shopping; synonyms (n) buying, purchasing, business, traffic, custom, nundination, patronage. nakupovat 1. buy (koupit, kupovat); synonyms (v) acquire, bribe, take, shop, accept, believe, get, (n) bargain, purchase, acquisition; antonym (v) sell, 2. shop (dílna, krám, obchod); synonyms (n) business, store, factory, plant, emporium, market, workshop, house, (v) betray, grass.
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Czech - English
nákyp pudding (pudink); synonyms (n) pud, sweet,
nálezce finder; synonyms (n) viewfinder, discoverer,
gut, (adj) butter, clay, curd, dough, jam, pap, gelatinous. nakyslý acidulated; synonyms (adj) acid, acidulous, sour. nálada 1. cheer; synonyms (v) encourage, animate, applaud, amuse, comfort, hearten, inspire, lighten, (n) delight, cry; antonyms (v) dishearten, depress, (n) sadness, 2. humour (humor); synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit, witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card, climate, (v) humor, 3. mood; synonyms (n) atmosphere, disposition, air, attitude, feeling, mode, character, condition, humour, modality, 4. temper; synonyms (n) nature, anger, (v) moderate, soften, harden, mitigate, modify, season, qualify, anneal; antonyms (v) intensify, upset. naladit 1. attune; synonyms (v) adjust, tune, accommodate, modulate, reconcile, coordinate, harmonize, conform, agree, balance, 2. tune (melodie); synonyms (n) melody, song, strain, air, concord, harmony, note, (v) regulate, chant, attune. náladový moody; synonyms (adj) gloomy, dark, irritable, capricious, glum, morose, grumpy, dour, melancholy, sullen. naléhat urge; synonyms (n) goad, spur, drive, impulse, (v) push, advocate, press, force, impel, incite; antonym (v) discourage. naléhavost urgency; synonyms (n) pressure, haste, necessity, hurry, press, insistence, stress, exigency, instancy, compulsion. naléhavý 1. urgent (nutný); synonyms (adj) pressing, importunate, imperative, instant, immediate, quick, earnest, critical, serious, (v) important; antonym (adj) trivial, 2. dire (strašný); synonyms (adj) awful, desperate, extreme, appalling, awesome, direful, dreadful, forbidding, formidable, terrible; antonym (adj) wonderful, 3. pressing; synonyms (v) exigent, anxious, (adj) imperious, insistent, burning, grave, (n) urgent, dishing, press, pressure. nalepit stick (hůl, přilepit); synonyms (n) bar, (v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff, cohere, affix. nálepka 1. label (jmenovka, štítek); synonyms (n) name, brand, tag, title, designation, earmark, (v) mark, call, classify, check, 2. sticker; synonyms (n) label, ticket, pricker, prickle, spine, thorn, price. nálet raid (nájezd, razie); synonyms (n) attack, inroad, incursion, invasion, onset, (v) foray, bust, maraud, assault, pillage; antonym (n) retreat. nálev infusion; synonyms (n) extract, infuse, influx, dash, brew, smack, touch, transfusion, (v) injection, inoculation. nálevka funnel (trychtýř); synonyms (n) chimney, flue, shaft, tunnel, cone, (v) channel, move, pipe.
artificer, spotter, lookout, picket, scout, sentinel, sentry, watch. nalezenec waif; synonyms (n) orphan, godsend, nuts, prize, ragamuffin, urchin, weft, (adj) jetsam, (v) abandon, castaway. nalezení retrieval (znovunabytí); synonyms (n) recovery, reclamation, redress, recuperation, acquisition, convalescence, recompense, retrievement, recouping, (v) revendication; antonym (n) loss. náležet belong (patřit); synonyms (v) appertain, pertain, go, lie, consist, dwell, rank, become, stand, vest. náležitý befitting; synonyms (v) correct, (adj) appropriate, apt, becoming, proper, suitable, apropos, decent, fit, fitting; antonym (adj) inappropriate. nalézt find (najít); synonyms (v) catch, discover, detect, encounter, acquire, ascertain, attain, (n) detection, disclosure, discovery; antonyms (v) lose, misplace. nálož charge (nabít, náboj, poplatek); synonyms (n) accusation, burden, care, command, commission, bill, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid; antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat. naložený laden; synonyms (v) lade, load, (adj) fraught, burdened, full, loaded, ladened, filled; antonym (adj) empty. naložit lade; synonyms (v) load, burden, charge, fill, dip, laden, ladle, scoop. nám us (nás); synonyms (n) aurochs, demigod, superman. námaha 1. effort (snaha, úsilí); synonyms (n) attempt, exertion, application, drive, endeavor, struggle, trial, trouble, try, diligence, 2. exertion; synonyms (n) effort, exercise, essay, labor, pull, strain, toil, employment, endeavour, energy, 3. labour; synonyms (n) childbed, confinement, proletariat, (v) grind, travail, drudge, fag, fatigue, moil, push.
namáhavý painful (bolestivý, bolestný, obtížný, trapný); synonyms (adj) difficult, hard, sore, afflictive, bad, grievous, harrowing, sharp, aching, (v) distressing; antonyms (adj) painless, content. namazat grease (mazadlo, sádlo, tuk); synonyms (n) fat, bribe, butter, grime, lard, lubricant, (v) oil, boodle, anoint, graft. náměstí square (čtverec, hranatý); synonyms (adj) right, even, rectangular, fair, (n) area, foursquare, (v) settle, agree, correspond, (adv) just. námět theme (téma); synonyms (n) matter, motif, subject, base, composition, question, stem, substance, text, motive.
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Czech - English námezdník hireling; synonyms (n) employee, pensionary, hackney, puppet, hack, inferior, labor, protege, (adj) mercenary, hired. namítat demur (námitka); synonyms (v) oppose, boggle, dissent, doubt, object, refuse, scruple, (n) protest, (adj) hesitate, stickle. námitka 1. demur (namítat); synonyms (v) oppose, boggle, dissent, doubt, object, refuse, scruple, (n) protest, (adj) hesitate, stickle, 2. remonstrance (protest); synonyms (n) expostulation, objection, dissuasion, censure, remonstration, reprehension, dehortation, intercession, mediation, 3. plea; synonyms (n) defense, justification, answer, apology, appeal, petition, pretext, claim, allegation, call, 4. objection; synonyms (n) complaint, exception, grievance, gripe, disagreement, outcry, difficulty, disapproval, criticism, challenge, 5. question (otázka); synonyms (n) inquiry, demand, (v) query, distrust, inquire, interrogate, investigate, contest, dispute, examine; antonym (n) certainty. námluvy courtship (známost); synonyms (n) suit, courting, love, wooing, affection, case, causa, cause, druery, romance. námořní 1. maritime; synonyms (adj) marine, nautical, sea, (v) seafaring, 2. naval; synonym (adj) maritime, 3. nautical; synonyms (adj) aquatic, oceangoing, yachting, nautic, abyssal, boating, cruising, deep-sea, oceanographic, rowing. námořník 1. sailor; synonyms (n) mariner, seaman, bluejacket, seafarer, tar, boatman, boater, crewman, leghorn, antiseptic, 2. mariner; synonyms (n) gob, sailor, hole, maw, merman, pitch, trap, yap, 3. seaman; synonyms (n) jack, tarpaulin, 4. seafarer; synonyms (n) navigator, traveler. naondulovat perm; synonym (n) permanent. nápad 1. idea (myšlenka); synonyms (n) belief, concept, meaning, opinion, apprehension, conception, consideration, design, estimation, fancy, 2. conception (koncepce, pojetí, představa); synonyms (n) notion, idea, creation, thought, view, mind, comprehension, image, imagination, impression; antonym (n) misconception. nápadník suitor; synonyms (n) lover, admirer, beau, candidate, suer, wooer, gallant, boyfriend, applicant, petitioner.
napadnout attack (útočit, útok, zaútočit); synonyms (n) incursion, thrust, aggression, fit, (v) assault, assail, attempt, aggress, charge, invade; antonyms (n) defense, (v) defend, protect, retreat. nápadný 1. conspicuous; synonyms (adj) clear, apparent, blatant, manifest, marked, obvious, visible, blazing, bold, distinct; antonyms (adj) inconspicuous, unobtrusive, 2. glaring; synonyms (adj) flagrant, bright, conspicuous, egregious,
flaming, plain, crying, garish, blinding, dazzling; antonyms (adj) dim, soft, 3. loud (hlasitý, křiklavý); synonyms (adj) flashy, gaudy, boisterous, brassy, forte, high, brazen, jazzy, clamorous, (adv) aloud; antonyms (adj) gentle, quiet, tasteful, low, subdued, subtle, 4. showy (okázalý); synonyms (adj) ostentatious, brilliant, magnificent, loud, fine, dashing, flamboyant, gay, grand, (v) pretentious; antonyms (adj) modest, restrained. napálit dupe (oklamat, podvést); synonyms (n) con, gull, victim, (v) cheat, defraud, fool, bamboozle, beguile, deceive, kid. napětí tension; synonyms (n) tenseness, pressure, strain, nervousness, stress, tautness, tensity, tone, nerves, suspense; antonyms (n) calmness, looseness. napínavý thrilling; synonyms (adj) electric, exciting, sensational, impressive, electrifying, exhilarating, emotional, rousing, breathtaking, (n) swelling; antonyms (adj) boring, dull. nápis 1. inscription; synonyms (n) entry, dedication, autograph, lettering, record, writing, legend, letter, memorandum, script, 2. lettering; synonyms (n) inscription, print, type, font, typeface, handwriting, letters, characters, marks, symbols. napjatý tense; synonyms (adj) strained, edgy, nervous, taut, stiff, uptight, jumpy, wired, (v) overwrought, strain; antonyms (adj) relaxed, calm, comfortable, tranquil, loose, (v) relax. náplast plaster (omítka); synonyms (n) mortar, cement, paste, gum, glue, bandage, (v) coat, daub, stucco, paint. naplnit 1. fill (vyplnit); synonyms (v) block, clog, charge, line, stuff, accomplish, execute, complete, brim, close; antonyms (v) empty, free, 2. fulfil (splnit, vykonat, vyplnit); synonyms (v) achieve, do, fill, perform, satisfy, fulfill, meet. napnout tighten; synonyms (v) contract, strain, brace, compress, constrict, fasten, narrow, reduce, squeeze, stiffen; antonyms (v) loosen, relax. napnutí strain; synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort, stretch, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, exert; antonym (v) relax. napodobení imitation (imitace); synonyms (n) counterfeit, dummy, sham, copy, forgery, mockery, (adj) fake, bogus, false, (v) parody; antonyms (n) original, (adj) genuine, real. napodobit mimic; synonyms (v) mock, imitate, copy, counterfeit, mime, emulate, impersonate, (n) ape, imitator, mimicker. napodobitel imitator; synonyms (n) mimic, follower, ape, copycat, impersonator, copier, emulator, aper. napodobující imitative; synonyms (adj) counterfeit, mock, derivative, artificial, onomatopoeic, copied,
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Czech - English
echoic, onomatopoetic; antonyms (adj) original, genuine. nápoj 1. drink (pít, pití); synonyms (n) beverage, alcohol, brew, potion, swallow, (v) draught, booze, carouse, bib, absorb, 2. beverage; synonyms (n) drink, potable, drinkable, potation, draft, libation, boozing, cocktail, (v) broth, soup. napomínající hortatory; synonyms (adj) hortative, exhortatory, encouraging, exhortative, advisory, affable, companionable, conversable, homiletical, persuasive. náprava 1. axle; synonyms (n) axis, hinge, pivot, bobbin, beam, pin, stalk, support, 2. redress; synonyms (n) remedy, indemnification, help, amends, (v) cure, compensate, correct, recompense, indemnify, expiate.
napravit 1. reform (reforma, reformovat); synonyms (n) amendment, (v) amend, better, change, correct, rectify, modify, transform, ameliorate, emend, 2. reclaim (kultivovat); synonyms (v) domesticate, recover, reform, cultivate, claim, recycle, redeem, regain, repossess, retrieve; antonym (v) lose, 3. remedy (lék, prostředek); synonyms (n) cure, redress, medicine, drug, relief, antidote, (v) heal, help, relieve, aid, 4. rectify (opravit); synonyms (v) improve, adjust, refine, mend, chasten, remedy, right, reclaim, fix, (adj) straighten. napravitelný reparable; synonyms (adj) repairable, rectifiable, restorable. nápravný corrective; synonyms (adj) disciplinary, palliative, remedial, castigatory, penal, (n) antidote, remedy. naprosto 1. altogether (dohromady); synonyms (adv) absolutely, all, wholly, completely, entirely, perfectly, purely, simply, totally, ensemble; antonym (adv) partly, 2. entirely (zcela); synonyms (adv) altogether, clean, fully, solely, bodily, alone, exclusively, only, quite, right; antonym (adv) partially, 3. absolutely (absolutně, úplně); synonyms (adv) surely, utterly, categorically, dead, decidedly, definitely, exactly, just, (int) positively, certainly; antonym (adv) doubtfully. naprostý 1. downright (přímý); synonyms (adv) absolutely, thoroughly, (adj) complete, absolute, clear, dead, blunt, candid, plain, (v) sheer, 2. absolute (absolutní, úplný); synonyms (adj) downright, peremptory, total, unconditional, categorical, full, real, unqualified, utter, (n) positive; antonyms (adj) partial, qualified, 3. complete
(dokončit, doplnit, kompletní, úplný, vyplnit); synonyms (adj) perfect, consummate, whole, stark, accomplished, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, finish, execute; antonyms (adj) incomplete,
unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking, narrow, (v) neglect. naproti opposite (opak, protilehlý); synonyms (adj) adverse, contradictory, diametric, different, hostile, opposing, (adv) counter, (n) contrary, opponent, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar. náprstek thimble; synonyms (n) dipper, ladle, shovel, spatula, spoon, tablespoon, stirrer, (v) apron, buffer, fender. napsaný written (psaný); synonyms (adj) scripted, registered, clerical, conscript, enrolled, hard-andfast, literal, (n) examination; antonym (adj) spoken. napsat write (psát); synonyms (v) compose, indite, pen, correspond, compile, draw, publish, record, spell, outline. napustit impregnate (impregnovat); synonyms (v) imbue, fertilize, fecundate, fill, infuse, instill, charge, drench, saturate, generate. nářadí gear (rychlost); synonyms (n) equipment, outfit, tackle, apparatus, device, dress, baggage, belongings, clothing, cogwheel. náramek bracelet; synonyms (n) bangle, annulus, circlet, hoop, necklace, ring, wristband, annulet, areola, circle. náraz impact; synonyms (n) hit, shock, blow, clash, collision, crash, force, effect, (v) affect, contact. narážka 1. insinuation; synonyms (n) allusion, hint, innuendo, implication, suggestion, intimation, reference, accusation, indication, sarcasm, 2. innuendo; synonyms (n) cue, inkling, insinuation, slur, 3. hint (pokyn); synonyms (n) clue, trace, lead, (v) suggest, dash, tip, touch, allude, imply, (adj) intimate; antonym (n) overtone, 4. allusion; synonym (n) mention. nárazník 1. bumper; synonyms (n) buffer, cushion, shield, barrier, bulwark, (v) fill, load, (adj) plentiful, jumbo, mammoth, 2. buffer; synonyms (n) safeguard, pad, protection, bumper, fender, block, 3. fender; synonyms (n) wing, guard, cowcatcher, annex, annexe, archetype, backstage, buff, extension, pilot. narcis 1. daffodil; synonyms (n) aphorism, axiom, (adj) asphodel, anemone, buttercup, geranium, ranunculus, rhododendron, windflower, lily, 2. narcissus; synonyms (n) daffodil, snowdrop, (adj) houri, peri. nářek 1. lament (bědovat, naříkat); synonyms (n) cry, dirge, complaint, elegy, (v) bemoan, complain, deplore, grieve, bewail, keen; antonyms (n) celebration, (v) revel, 2. wail; synonyms (n) lament, moan, scream, lamentation, plaint, (v) howl, ululate, bellow, bawl, mewl.
nařídit 1. command (ovládat, příkaz, přikázat, rozkázat); synonyms (n) control, instruction, behest, bidding, decree, (v) charge, order, rule, call, commission; antonym (v) request, 2. decree
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Czech - English (dekret, usnesení, výnos); synonyms (n) command, act, edict, decision, dictate, (v) award, decide, enact, ordain, will, 3. order (objednat, pořádek, řád); synonyms (n) array, rank, sort, class, condition, disposition, injunction, kind, (v) direct, arrange; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, 4. prescribe (předepsat); synonyms (v) enjoin, assign, determine, fix, appoint, establish, impose, recommend, require, set. naříkat lament (bědovat, nářek); synonyms (n) cry, dirge, complaint, elegy, (v) bemoan, complain, deplore, grieve, bewail, keen; antonyms (n) celebration, (v) revel. narkotický narcotic (narkotikum); synonyms (adj) soporific, anodyne, (n) opiate, hypnotic, drug, sedative, stupefacient. narkotikum narcotic (narkotický); synonyms (adj) soporific, anodyne, (n) opiate, hypnotic, drug, sedative, stupefacient. narkóza narcosis; synonyms (n) narcotism, daze, stupor.
náročný sophisticated (kultivovaný, rafinovaný); synonyms (adj) complicated, refined, complex, cultured, experienced, urbane, involved, intricate, advanced, polished; antonyms (adj) naive, unsophisticated, coarse, inexperienced, insular, simple. národ 1. nation; synonyms (n) state, country, kingdom, commonwealth, community, land, people, nationality, public, tribe, 2. people (lidé, lidi); synonyms (n) nation, family, folk, multitude, populace, clan, mob, (v) inhabit, occupy, reside. národní national; synonyms (adj) internal, domestic, home, civil, interior, ethnic, federal, native, (n) citizen, local; antonyms (adj) international, foreign, private, (n) foreigner.
národnost nationality (státní příslušnost); synonyms (n) nation, nationalism, patriotism, people, civism, race, folk, nationalness, birth, origin. narovnat 1. straighten; synonyms (v) tidy, unbend, neaten, extend, dress, adjust, stretch, unwind, right, straight; antonyms (v) bend, deform, 2. unbend; synonyms (v) relax, loose, loosen, slacken, straighten, unstrain, decompress, 3. uncurl; synonyms (v) unfold, displat, flatten, unplat, untwist, (adj) unravel, unwrap. narozen born; synonyms (v) deliver, (adj) native, natural, elder, uneducated, untrained, untutored, built-in, cognate, deep-seated. narození 1. birth (porod, vznik); synonyms (n) beginning, ancestry, descent, extraction, genesis, parturition, blood, (v) delivery, bear, deliver; antonym (n) death, 2. nativity; synonyms (n) birth,
horoscope, nascency, cradle, nascence, birthing, origin, childbirth, creation, labor. narozeniny birthday; synonyms (n) bicentennial, celebration, bicentenary, bissextile, centenary, centennial.
narušit 1. impair (oslabit, poškodit, zhoršit); synonyms (v) blemish, damage, mar, degrade, corrupt, hurt, disfigure, deface, debase, destroy, 2.
corrupt (podplatit, úplatný, zkažený); synonyms (adj) bad, rotten, canker, (n) poison, (v) adulterate, contaminate, taint, bribe, defile, infect; antonyms (adj) honest, moral, principled, pure. narůstat accrue (přibýt, připadnout); synonyms (v) accumulate, collect, fall, grow, result, yield, accresce, hoard, make, stockpile. nárys 1. draft (koncept, návrh); synonyms (n) bill, conscription, sketch, check, drawing, (v) draught, outline, design, blueprint, compose; antonym (v) discharge, 2. plan (plán, plánovat); synonyms (n) aim, map, figure, chart, intent, pattern, scheme, (v) devise, intend, plot. nás us (nám); synonyms (n) aurochs, demigod, superman. násada helve; synonyms (n) haft, handle, helm, director, helmet, steersman. našedlý greyish; synonyms (adj) grayish, grey, gray, dull, livid, hoary, leaden. násep bank (banka, břeh); synonyms (n) dam, coast, slope, store, limit, stack, bluff, (v) embankment, gradient, deposit; antonym (v) withdraw. násilí 1. violence; synonyms (n) rage, fierceness, force, fury, ferocity, intensity, strength, vehemence, impetuosity, might; antonyms (n) gentleness, peacefulness, 2. force (platnost, síla); synonyms (n) energy, agency, (v) drive, coerce, pressure, squeeze, thrust, compel, cram, (adj) constrain; antonyms (n) weakness, persuasion. násilník bully; synonyms (n) browbeat, rowdy, tough, bravo, hooligan, (v) bluster, bulldoze, ballyrag, coerce, (adj) domineer. násilný violent; synonyms (adj) fierce, rough, tempestuous, intense, raging, severe, turbulent, vehement, sharp, (n) furious; antonyms (adj) gentle, peaceful, calm, nonviolent. našíř breadthwise; synonyms (adv) breadthways, broadwise. naškrobit stiffen (vyztužit, ztuhnout); synonyms (v) harden, set, indurate, ossify, tighten, brace, congeal, reinforce, fortify, intensify.
následek 1. result (důsledek, vyplývat, výsledek); synonyms (n) consequence, fruit, issue, outcome, aftermath, answer, conclusion, effect, end, (v) ensue; antonym (v) cause, 2. consequence; synonyms (n) import, importance, product, result, account, concern, corollary, event,
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Czech - English
moment, weight; antonyms (n) inconsequence, insignificance. následky aftermath; synonyms (n) consequence, backwash, effect, result, event, outcome, rowen, sequel, upshot, wake.
následnictví succession (pořadí, posloupnost); synonyms (n) sequence, round, run, series, chain, lineage, row, string, continuation, concatenation. následník successor (nástupce); synonyms (n) heir, substitute, beneficiary, inheritor, offspring, replacement, scion, sequel; antonyms (n) forerunner, ancestor, precursor, predecessor. následný 1. consecutive; synonyms (adj) successive, sequential, continuous, serial, straight, uninterrupted, continual, following, sequent; antonym (adj) concurrent, 2. successive; synonyms (adj) consecutive, succeeding, subsequent, consequent, ensuing, next, running. následovat 1. ensue; synonyms (v) follow, arise, happen, result, occur, succeed, transpire, befall, eventuate, issue, 2. follow; synonyms (v) chase, pursue, adhere, adopt, accompany, comprehend, continue, ensue, grasp, (adj) catch; antonyms (v) precede, guide, head, lead, 3. succeed (podařit se); synonyms (v) replace, arrive, manage, prevail, prosper, supersede, supplant, do, achieve, flourish; antonyms (v) fail, lose.
následovník follower (přívrženec, stoupenec); synonyms (n) disciple, backer, devotee, fan, adherent, admirer, cohort, apostle, attendant, believer; antonyms (n) detractor, opponent. následující 1. subsequent; synonyms (adj) next, after, consequent, following, later, ensuing, second, coming, latter, (n) posterior; antonyms (adj) previous, preceding, 2. following; synonyms (adj) subsequent, consecutive, succeeding, deducible, (v) consequential, (n) entourage, chase, followers, pursuit, (adv) under, 3. sequent; synonyms (adj) sequential, serial, successive, ensuant, resultant, resulting, 4. next (další, potom, příští); synonyms (adj) nearest, adjacent, contiguous, future, close, near, adjoining, closest, (adv) afterward, then; antonyms (adj) distant, outgoing, (adv) previously. naslouchat 1. hearken; synonyms (v) hark, harken, attend, hear, listen, heed, 2. hark; synonyms (n) look, (v) hearken. násobení multiplication; synonyms (n) growth, augmentation, generation, increase, addition, expansion, rise, propagation, reproduction, (adj) pullulation; antonym (n) estimation. násobit multiply; synonyms (v) breed, expand, increase, propagate, augment, duplicate, procreate, proliferate, reproduce, calculate; antonym (v) decrease.
násobitel multiplier; synonyms (n) multiplicator, multiplicand, multiple. nastávající impending (hrozící); synonyms (adj) imminent, forthcoming, close, coming, future, approaching, near, pending, prospective, menacing; antonym (adj) distant. nastavení 1. setup; synonyms (n) apparatus, arrangement, setting, system, scheme, plot, form, business, venture, 2. adjustment (úprava); synonyms (n) adaptation, accommodation, alteration, control, fit, settlement, allowance, change, disposition, (adj) adaption, 3. setting; synonyms (n) frame, scene, adjustment, scenery, backdrop, background, mount, position, environment, environs. nastavitelný adjustable (posuvný); synonyms (adj) adaptable, flexible, movable, variable, changeable, alterable, elastic, fluid, malleable, mutable; antonym (adj) fixed. nastínit 1. adumbrate; synonyms (v) outline, sketch, shadow, describe, draw, cloud, draft, foretell, hint, insinuate, 2. outline (kontura, obrys); synonyms (n) design, edge, abstract, contour, digest, figure, frame, synopsis, (v) line, form. nastolit install (instalovat); synonyms (v) establish, fix, inaugurate, appoint, erect, crown, induct, instal, invest, lodge; antonym (v) overthrow. nastoupení accession; synonyms (n) addition, acceptance, augmentation, increase, access, accretion, acquisition, agreement, arrival, assent. nástroj 1. tool; synonyms (n) instrument, implement, machine, puppet, pawn, device, gadget, apparatus, appliance, cock, 2. instrument (přístroj); synonyms (n) channel, deed, agency, document, expedient, tool, gear, agent, engine, means. nástupce successor (následník); synonyms (n) heir, substitute, beneficiary, inheritor, offspring, replacement, scion, sequel; antonyms (n) forerunner, ancestor, precursor, predecessor. nástupiště platform (plošina); synonyms (n) dais, floor, rostrum, stage, stand, plan, pulpit, ambo, arena, (v) program. naštvat aggravate (zhoršit); synonyms (v) exacerbate, exasperate, enrage, increase, irritate, provoke, worsen, anger, annoy, bother; antonyms (v) appease, pacify, ease, improve, please, soothe. nasytit saturate; synonyms (v) drench, imbue, infuse, satiate, charge, fill, permeate, impregnate, sate, soak.
natáhnout 1. stretch (natažení, roztažení); synonyms (n) extent, run, (v) extend, reach, strain, elongate, lengthen, prolong, spread, draw; antonym (v) shorten, 2. extend (prodloužit, rozšířit); synonyms (v) expand, enlarge, amplify, broaden, dilate, widen, augment, continue, go, (adj)
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Czech - English stretch; antonyms (v) withdraw, limit, narrow, shrink. natažení stretch (natáhnout, roztažení); synonyms (n) extent, run, (v) extend, reach, strain, elongate, lengthen, prolong, spread, draw; antonym (v) shorten. natírat paint (barva, lak, malovat); synonyms (n) painting, tint, (v) color, dye, daub, coat, decorate, depict, varnish, enamel. nátlak 1. constraint; synonyms (n) coercion, compulsion, force, restraint, confinement, duress, enforcement, limitation, obligation, pressure; antonym (n) incentive, 2. pressure (tlak); synonyms (n) constraint, exigency, influence, insistence, load, pinch, urge, (v) drive, press, coerce; antonym (n) persuasion. nato thereupon; synonyms (adv) hereupon, thereafter, next, then, immediately, therefore, therewith, early. náušnice earring; synonyms (n) eardrop, earlet, jewelry. navádět abet (ponoukat); synonyms (v) foment, assist, countenance, help, support, aid, back, encourage, favor, incite. nával surge (dmout se); synonyms (v) billow, flood, rise, rush, stream, flow, gush, heave, jet, swell. navenek outwardly; synonyms (adv) externally, exteriorly, without, apparently, ostensibly, superficially, seemingly, evidently, supposedly, officially; antonym (adv) inwardly. navést suborn; synonyms (v) bribe, corrupt, buy, entice, induce, persuade. navíc extra; synonyms (adj) additional, over, odd, (adv) more, especially, (n) supplement, accessory, excess, plus, supernumerary; antonyms (adj) basic, less, (n) lack. navigace navigation (plavba); synonyms (n) guidance, sailing, steering, seafaring, shipping, travel, flight, aviation, glide, gliding. navigátor navigator; synonyms (n) pilot, mariner, sailor, aviator, aeroplanist, airman, aviatrix, birdman, flier, traveler. naviják winch; synonyms (n) crank, windlass, hoist, pinion, (v) capstan, derrick, wince, crane. návnada decoy (vnadidlo); synonyms (n) lure, trap, bait, (v) entice, tempt, attract, allure, entrap, seduce, coax.
návod 1. instruction (instrukce, pokyn); synonyms (n) charge, command, advice, counsel, direction, education, guidance, guideline, information, injunction, 2. recipe (recept); synonyms (n) receipt, method, formula, prescription, secret, nostrum, means, answer, amalgamation, basis. návrat 1. regression; synonyms (n) regress, lapse, setback, degeneration, deterioration, decay, relapse,
retreat, retrogression, reverse, 2. return (vrátit se); synonyms (n) yield, pay, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep. návrh 1. design (kresba); synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, (v) plan, conceive, contrive; antonym (n) chance, 2. suggestion; synonyms (n) hint, advice, intimation, proposal, allusion, counsel, dash, proposition, recommendation, sign, 3. proposal (nabídka); synonyms (n) motion, suggestion, offer, overture, proffer, hypothesis, presentation, bid, design, idea, 4. draft (koncept, nárys); synonyms (n) bill, conscription, sketch, check, (v) draught, outline, blueprint, compose, enlist, recruit; antonym (v) discharge. návrhář designer (konstruktér); synonyms (n) architect, couturier, creator, drawer, engineer, inventor, maker, decorator, (v) artist, projector; antonym (adj) off-the-rack. navrhnout 1. devise (vymyslet); synonyms (v) bequeath, contrive, conceive, concoct, create, invent, plan, design, arrange, excogitate, 2. suggest; synonyms (v) allude, imply, indicate, offer, advise, hint, intimate, propose, submit, counsel; antonym (v) withdraw, 3. propose; synonyms (v) bid, nominate, proffer, aim, intend, mean, move, suggest, advocate, (n) advance. navrhovatel plaintiff (žalobce); synonyms (n) complainant, accuser, prosecutor, pursuer, applicant, inquirer, party, querent, appellant, defendant. návštěva visit (navštívit); synonyms (n) chat, sojourn, (v) see, frequent, attend, call, tour, view, gossip, haunt.
navštívenka card (karta, lístek, pohlednice); synonyms (n) bill, board, ticket, label, carte, menu, notice, placard, postal, (v) tease. navštívit 1. visit (návštěva); synonyms (n) chat, sojourn, (v) see, frequent, attend, call, tour, view, gossip, haunt, 2. see (spatřit, vidět); synonyms (v) look, feel, discover, appreciate, behold, consider, deem, discern, (adj) observe, perceive. návyk 1. habit (zvyk); synonyms (n) custom, clothing, attire, character, convention, dress, garb, practice, ritual, use, 2. habitude; synonyms (n) habit, trick, constitution, habitus, habiture, schesis. navyklý 1. accustomed (obvyklý); synonyms (adj) customary, habitual, familiar, normal, usual, wonted, natural, common, everyday, habituated; antonyms (adj) unaccustomed, unusual, 2. habitual (obvyklý); synonyms (adj) chronic, frequent, accustomed, confirmed, conventional, commonplace, constant, inveterate, ordinary, general.
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Czech - English
navyknout inure; synonyms (v) habituate, harden, accustom, exercise, indurate, season, enure, toughen, train, use. navždy forever; synonyms (adv) ever, always, eternally, everlastingly, evermore, continually, interminably, (adj) eternal, permanent, (n) eternity; antonym (adv) temporarily.
název 1. name (jméno, jmenovat, pojmenovat, vyjmenovat); synonyms (n) call, title, epithet, (v) appoint, baptize, describe, cite, designate, entitle, enumerate, 2. title (nadpis, titul); synonyms (n) designation, caption, claim, appellation, denomination, interest, (v) name, style, term, (adj) right. nažloutlý yellowish; synonyms (adj) yellow, sallow, chicken, chickenhearted, flavescent, jaundiced, luteous, saffrony, scandalmongering, (n) buff. náznakový significative; synonyms (adj) indicative, suggestive, declarative, implicational, implicative, implied, indicatory, revelatory, (v) significant, significatory. názor 1. opinion (posudek, úsudek); synonyms (n) judgment, feeling, notion, idea, belief, advice, conjecture, guess, impression, meaning, 2.
outlook (rozhled, výhled, vyhlídka); synonyms (n) aspect, expectation, lookout, anticipation, hope, expectancy, angle, attitude, (v) prospect, landscape, 3. theory (teorie); synonyms (n) supposition, assumption, hypothesis, speculation, opinion, surmise, presumption, thought, concept, postulation; antonym (n) fact. názorný graphic; synonyms (adj) vivid, descriptive, clear, picturesque, realistic, (n) picture, diagram, image, schematic, (v) pictorial.
názvosloví 1. terminology (terminologie); synonyms (n) language, nomenclature, terms, vocabulary, phraseology, definition, dialect, expressions, lyric, phrasing, 2. nomenclature (nomenklatura); synonyms (n) terminology, classification, arrangement, categorization, organization, schedule, speech, words, (v) name.
nazývat call (hovor, volat, vyzvat, zavolat); synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name, shout, bid, summon, howl, address, (n) appeal, yell; antonym (v) dismiss. ne 1. no (nikoliv, žádný); synonyms (n) refusal, rejection, denial, number, nix, (adv) nay, (adj) zero, naught, none, non, 2. not; synonyms (adv) no, nor, nowise, never, (adj) shaven, shorn. nebe 1. sky (obloha); synonyms (n) air, heaven, atmosphere, heavens, space, (v) fling, flip, pitch, agitate, alternate, 2. heaven (nebesa); synonyms (n) paradise, bliss, glory, nirvana, sky, ecstasy, utopia; antonym (n) hell.
nebesa heaven (nebe); synonyms (n) paradise, bliss, glory, nirvana, sky, ecstasy, utopia; antonym (n) hell. nebeský 1. celestial; synonyms (adj) heavenly, divine, ethereal, supernal, angelic, holy, sacred, astronomical, 2. heavenly (božský); synonyms (adj) celestial, blissful, delightful, blessed, godlike, lovely, unearthly, adorable, hallowed; antonym (adj) earthly. nebezpečí 1. risk (riskovat, riziko); synonyms (n) hazard, peril, chance, danger, gamble, jeopardy, adventure, bet, venture, (v) endanger; antonyms (n) safety, (v) protect, 2. peril (riziko); synonyms (n) menace, risk, exposure, insecurity, threat, jeopard, (v) expose, imperil, compromise, jeopardize. nebezpečný dangerous; synonyms (adj) critical, grave, serious, severe, adventurous, unhealthy, chancy, dicey, hazardous, hurtful; antonyms (adj) safe, secure, stable. neblahý 1. baleful (zhoubný); synonyms (adj) baneful, ominous, destructive, harmful, pernicious, sinister, threatening, fatal, hurtful, inauspicious, 2. calamitous; synonyms (adj) disastrous, evil, deplorable, fateful, ruinous, sad, unfortunate, wretched, black, cataclysmic, 3. inauspicious (nepříznivý); synonyms (adj) unlucky, adverse, ill, untoward, unfavorable, bad, ill-fated, inopportune; antonyms (adj) auspicious, favorable, 4. sinister; synonyms (adj) dark, baleful, forbidding, menacing, malevolent, malign, grim, minacious, minatory, ugly. nebo or (anebo); synonyms (conj) otherwise, (n) operation, surgery, (prep) before, ere. nebojácný fearless; synonyms (adj) bold, daring, brave, courageous, dauntless, audacious, heroic, intrepid, undaunted, confident; antonyms (adj) cowardly, afraid, frightened, scared. nebozez 1. gimlet; synonyms (n) auger, borer, drill, wimble, chisel, gimblet, perforator, piercer, bodkin, bradawl, 2. auger; synonyms (n) gimlet, pundit, scholar, corkscrew, dibble, lancet, needle, scoop, stiletto, stylet. nebytí nonentity; synonyms (n) cipher, nobody, nothing, naught, cypher, nil, nonexistence, aught, zero. nebývalý 1. novel (nový, román); synonyms (n) fiction, romance, (adj) new, curious, fresh, modern, different, unprecedented, original, newfangled; antonym (adj) old, 2. unprecedented (neslýchaný); synonyms (adj) unparalleled, singular, unexampled, extraordinary, unique, exceptional, remarkable, uncommon, undescribed; antonyms (adj) precedented, usual.
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Czech - English nechat let (dovolit); synonyms (v) allow, hire, admit, lease, leave, permit, charter, have, rent, grant; antonyms (v) forbid, prevent. nechutný 1. disgusting (hnusný, odporný); synonyms (adj) abominable, detestable, disgustful, distasteful, execrable, foul, loathsome, nasty, odious, offensive; antonyms (adj) attractive, pleasant, appealing, 2. unpalatable; synonyms (adj) disagreeable, unpleasant, unsavory, insipid, unappetizing, disgusting, bitter; antonym (adj) palatable. nečinnost idleness; synonyms (n) ease, laziness, lethargy, torpor, idling, inaction, inactivity, inertia, sloth, unemployment; antonyms (n) employment, energy. necitlivý 1. insensitive; synonyms (adj) callous, numb, heartless, unconcerned, unfeeling, dead, hardhearted, cold, cruel, gross; antonyms (adj) sensitive, intelligent, 2. insensible; synonyms (adj) imperceptible, unconscious, apathetic, dull, impassive, indiscernible, unaware, comatose, inert, ignorant; antonym (adj) sensible. něco 1. something; synonyms (pron) anything, (n) what, object, somewhat, thing, article, entity, (adv) rather, 2. anything (cokoliv); synonyms (pron) whatever, suchlike, (n) aught, aucht, (adv) anywise. nedávno 1. latterly; synonyms (adv) lately, late, recently, newly, freshly, afterward, later, subsequently, fresh, belatedly, 2. newly (znovu); synonyms (adv) new, anew, again, latterly, (adj) afresh. nedávný 1. recent; synonyms (adj) late, modern, new, novel, latest, contemporary, fresh, green, past, current; antonym (adj) old, 2. latter; synonyms (adj) ultimate, last, later, terminal, final, following, posterior, recent, eventual, concluding; antonym (n) former. nedbající regardless (nemající ohled); synonyms (adv) anyhow, irregardless, irrespective, (adj) careless, heedless, inattentive, thoughtless, reckless, mindless, indifferent. nedbale anyhow; synonyms (adv) somehow, whatever, regardless, though, besides, nonetheless, about, helter-skelter, irregularly, (int) anyway. nedbalost 1. negligence; synonyms (n) neglect, carelessness, disregard, inattention, indifference, heedlessness, neglectfulness, inattentiveness, recklessness; antonym (n) attention, 2. carelessness; synonyms (n) negligence, nonchalance, abandon, forgetfulness, imprudence, laxity, omission, thoughtlessness, haste; antonyms (n) alertness, care, caution, vigilance.
nedbalý 1. careless (bezstarostný, neopatrný); synonyms (adj) inconsiderate, cursory, forgetful, haphazard, inattentive, insouciant, reckless, hasty, (v) heedless, (adv) thoughtless; antonyms (adj)
careful, cautious, prudent, attentive, diligent, meticulous, thorough, thoughtful, guarded, methodical, 2. lax (laxní); synonyms (adj) slack, careless, flaccid, loose, flabby, easy, free, negligent, permissive, (v) frail; antonyms (adj) strict, severe, 3. slack; synonyms (adj) lax, idle, indolent, baggy, limp, neglectful, dilatory, (v) remiss, dull, slow; antonyms (adj) tight, taut, 4. negligent; synonyms (adj) inadvertent, indifferent, regardless, improvident, neglect, incautious, mindless, disregardful, imprudent, unwary, 5. remiss; synonyms (adj) delinquent, derelict, lazy, backward, laggard, inactive, slipshod, slothful, tardy, (v) perfunctory. nedbání disregard; synonyms (n) carelessness, contempt, slight, (v) neglect, disdain, discount, defy, despise, cut, flout; antonyms (n) respect, (v) notice, regard. nedbat overlook (přehlédnout); synonyms (v) disregard, neglect, excuse, forget, ignore, omit, fail, command, control, dominate; antonym (v) remember. nedefinovatelný indefinable; synonyms (adj) indescribable, ineffable, unspeakable, vague, inexpressible, undefinable, elusive. nedílný integral (integrální); synonyms (adj) complete, entire, inherent, full, constitutional, inbuilt, intact, total, (n) whole, differential. nediskrétní indiscreet (netaktní); synonyms (adj) foolish, careless, imprudent, incautious, ill-advised, rash, unadvised, unwise, impolitic, hasty; antonym (adj) discreet. nedobrovolný involuntary; synonyms (adj) automatic, instinctive, forced, mechanical, unconscious, unintentional, unthinking, accidental, inadvertent, reluctant; antonyms (adj) deliberate, voluntary, intentional.
nedodržení breach (porušení, přestoupení, trhlina); synonyms (n) aperture, chink, crack, crevice, fracture, gap, (v) break, rupture, contravene, fissure; antonym (n) observance. nedokonalost imperfection; synonyms (n) fault, frailty, blemish, defect, deficiency, flaw, weakness, disadvantage, drawback, (adj) failing; antonym (n) perfection. nedokonalý 1. faulty (chybný, vadný); synonyms (adj) erroneous, deficient, defective, false, vicious, bad, broken, inaccurate, incorrect, wrong; antonyms (adj) correct, perfect, flawless, 2. imperfect; synonyms (adj) faulty, incomplete, unfinished, flawed, inadequate, partial, poor, damaged, fallible, frail. nedorozumění misunderstanding; synonyms (n) misapprehension, mistake, disagreement, misconception, dissension, error, misconstruction,
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Czech - English
misinterpretation, dispute, (v) difference; antonym (n) comprehension. nedostatek 1. drawback; synonyms (n) disadvantage, catch, defect, hitch, shortcoming, snag, detriment, failing, disability, inconvenience; antonyms (n) advantage, benefit, 2. defect (dezertovat, vada); synonyms (n) fault, blemish, blot, flaw, deficiency, imperfection, scar, weakness, dearth, deformity, 3. lack (postrádat); synonyms (n) want, need, absence, default, deficit, famine, insufficiency, poverty, (v) destitution, fail; antonyms (n) abundance, excess, provision, (v) have, 4. absence (nepřítomnost); synonyms (n) absenteeism, lack, nonattendance, paucity, scarcity, shortage; antonyms (n) presence, attendance, 5. deficiency (manko); synonyms (n) inadequacy, failure, scarceness, shortness, drought, defection, drawback, frailty, infirmity, wantage; antonym (n) sufficiency, 6. scarcity; synonyms (n) rarity, infrequency, shortfall; antonyms (n) plethora, surplus, 7. want (chtít, nouze, potřeba, potřebovat, přát si); synonyms (v) desire, require, like, (n) wish, deprivation, demand, indigence, necessity, penury, privation; antonyms (v) dislike, hate, 8. shortage; synonym (n) scantiness; antonyms (n) overabundance, affluence, glut. nedotknutelný untouchable; synonyms (adj) inaccessible, unassailable, sacred, inviolable, invulnerable, unobtainable, unprocurable, (n) outcast; antonym (adj) vulnerable. nedovařený 1. underdone; synonyms (adj) rare, raw, undercooked, bloody, crazy, dispersed, juicy, meshuga, meshugge, pink; antonyms (adj) overcooked, overdone, 2. rare (řídký, vzácný); synonyms (adj) extraordinary, uncommon, exceptional, infrequent, precious, scarce, seldom, thin, unusual, few; antonyms (adj) common, frequent, ordinary. nedovolit disallow (neuznat); synonyms (v) ban, forbid, bar, deny, exclude, outlaw, prohibit, veto, decline, disapprove; antonyms (v) permit, allow. nedvojsmyslný unambiguous; synonyms (adj) straightforward, clear, explicit, plain, definite, specific, unequivocal, absolute, categorical, express; antonym (adj) ambiguous.
nefalšovaný genuine (autentický, opravdový, pravý, ryzí, skutečný, upřímný); synonyms (adj) actual, authentic, sincere, true, unsophisticated,
candid, faithful, artless, factual, hearty; antonyms (adj) bogus, fake, insincere, affected, artificial,
dishonest, false, pretend, hypocritical, replica. neformální informal; synonyms (adj) colloquial, familiar, casual, easy, free, cozy, unofficial, chatty, cosy, homely; antonyms (adj) formal, authorized, official.
nefrit jade; synonyms (n) hussy, hack, horse, (v) fatigue, exhaust, tire, weary, bore, fag, harass. negace negation; synonyms (n) denial, contradiction, negate, opposition, disavowal, rebuttal, refusal, refutation, rejection, repudiation; antonym (n) acceptance.
negativ negative (negativní, zápor, záporný); synonyms (adj) minus, adverse, (n) denial, (v) gainsay, veto, deny, disavow, kill, negate, controvert; antonyms (adj) positive, optimistic, assenting, (n) affirmative.
negativní negative (negativ, zápor, záporný); synonyms (adj) minus, adverse, (n) denial, (v) gainsay, veto, deny, disavow, kill, negate, controvert; antonyms (adj) positive, optimistic, assenting, (n) affirmative. negovat negate; synonyms (v) contradict, invalidate, deny, annul, belie, contravene, confute, disprove, cancel, nullify; antonym (v) confirm. negr nigger; synonyms (n) coon, spade, jigaboo, nigra, ringtail, (adj) blackamoor, buck.
negramotnost illiteracy (analfabetismus); synonyms (n) ignorance, illiterature; antonym (n) literacy. negramotný 1. illiterate; synonyms (adj) ignorant, uneducated, rude, unlearned, unschooled, untaught, empty, green, (n) analphabetic; antonym (adj) literate, 2. unlettered; synonyms (adj) illiterate, unenlightened, uninformed, unread, nescient, uninstructed. neharmonický inharmonic; synonyms (adj) dissonant, discordant, disharmonious, inharmonical, nonmusical, unmusical, unresolved. nehet 1. fingernail; synonym (n) claw, 2. nail (hřebík); synonyms (n) arrest, pin, (v) catch, apprehend, collar, hook, strike, capture, cop, (adj) tack. nehlučný noiseless; synonyms (adj) quiet, still, silent, soundless, hushed, dumb, mute, stealthy; antonym (adj) noisy. nehmatatelný impalpable; synonyms (adj) intangible, imperceptible, shadowy, invisible, efflorescent, gritty; antonyms (adj) palpable, tangible. nehmotný 1. incorporeal; synonyms (adj) immaterial, disembodied, spiritual, bodiless, ethereal, insubstantial, intangible, impalpable, incorporal; antonym (adj) corporeal, 2. immaterial (nepodstatný); synonyms (adj) insignificant, inconsequential, incorporeal, irrelevant, trivial, unimportant, extraneous, psychic, petty, indifferent; antonym (adj) relevant, 3. unsubstantial; synonyms (adj) unreal, airy, imaginary, thin, flimsy, light, shadowy, empty, vaporous, aerial; antonym (adj) substantial.
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Czech - English nehoda 1. accident (náhoda, neštěstí, úraz); synonyms (n) chance, casualty, coincidence, crash, fortune, circumstance, contingency, event, fortuity, hap, 2. misadventure; synonyms (n) accident, calamity, disaster, mischance, ill, misfortune, mishap, catastrophe, woe, reverse, 3. mishap; synonyms (n) adversity, misadventure, misery, disappointment, tragedy, blow, hazard. nehospodárný wasteful (marnotratný); synonyms (adj) extravagant, improvident, lavish, prodigal, profuse, profligate, ruinous, spendthrift, uneconomical, thriftless; antonyms (adj) thrifty, economical. nehostinný inhospitable; synonyms (adj) unsociable, cold, hostile, unfriendly, cool, austere, barren, bleak, frosty, harsh; antonyms (adj) friendly, hospitable, welcoming. nehotový undone; synonyms (v) accursed, devoted, (adj) lost, ruined, sunk, unfinished, doomed, behindhand, decayed, destroyed. nehybný 1. inert (inertní); synonyms (adj) idle, dead, dull, inactive, indolent, sluggish, dormant, flat, inanimate, lifeless; antonyms (adj) moving, active, animate, 2. immovable (nemovitý); synonyms (adj) immobile, firm, fixed, adamant, imperturbable, inflexible, set, steadfast, unmovable, (v) fast; antonym (adj) compliant, 3. motionless; synonyms (adj) still, inert, calm, stationary, unmoving, moveless, passive, quiet, stagnant, static; antonym (adj) mobile. nehynoucí imperishable; synonyms (adj) everlasting, immortal, undying, abiding, deathless, enduring, eternal, permanent, incorruptible, (v) indestructible; antonym (adj) perishable.
neinformovanost ignorance (nevědomost, neznalost); synonyms (n) darkness, illiteracy, nescience, folly, innocence, unwisdom, denseness, stupidity, obtuseness, unawareness; antonyms (n) knowledge, intelligence. nějak somehow; synonyms (adv) someway, someways. nějaký some (jistý, trochu); synonyms (adv) nearly, rather, somewhat, about, approximately, around, roughly, (adj) few, certain, (det) any. nejasný 1. ambiguous (dvojznačný); synonyms (adj) equivocal, indistinct, indeterminate, uncertain, evasive, slippery, amphibolous, confused, cryptic, (v) vague; antonyms (adj) clear, definite, unambiguous, unequivocal, 2. equivocal (dvojsmyslný); synonyms (adj) ambiguous, doubtful, indefinite, dubious, questionable, elusive, precarious, apocryphal, double, loose, 3. hazy; synonyms (adj) cloudy, fuzzy, blurred, blurry, faint, foggy, misty, nebulous, dull, bleary; antonyms (adj) bright, distinct, precise, 4. dim (kalný, matný); synonyms (adj) dark, obscure, bleak, (v) blur,
darken, cloud, pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj) brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v) brighten,
5. vague (matný, neurčitý, nezřetelný, vágní); synonyms (adj) undefined, undetermined, feeble, dim, hazy, shadowy, lax, general, intangible, imprecise; antonyms (adj) exact, particular, specific, sure. nejbližší proximate; synonyms (adj) near, close, immediate, next, approximate, direct, proximal, subsequent, nearby, adjacent. nejdále farthest; synonyms (adj) extreme, farthermost, ultimate, last, utmost, uttermost, remotest, furthermost, (adv) furthest; antonym (adj) innermost. nejhořejší uppermost; synonyms (adj) top, topmost, upmost, highest, upper, chief, maximum. nejistota 1. insecurity; synonyms (n) danger, doubt, instability, peril, insecureness, jeopardy, suspense; antonyms (n) confidence, self-assurance, 2. doubt (pochyba, pochybovat); synonyms (n) disbelief, misgiving, question, dispute, apprehension, incertitude, (v) distrust, query, suspicion, mistrust; antonyms (n) certainty, conclusiveness, (v) trust, 3. uncertainty; synonyms (n) doubtfulness, indecision, hesitation, irresolution, dubiety, dubiousness, indecisiveness, ambiguity, hesitancy, qualm; antonyms (n) decisiveness, clarity. nejistý 1. dubious; synonyms (adj) doubtful, debatable, questionable, uncertain, ambiguous, vague, incredulous, precarious, shady, skeptical; antonyms (adj) indisputable, trustworthy, certain, definite, 2. insecure; synonyms (adj) dangerous, slippery, unsound, bad, hazardous, rickety, risky, shaky, unsafe, (v) unstable; antonyms (adj) secure, confident, self-assured, self-confident, overconfident, safe, 3. afloat; synonyms (adj) buoyant, floating, current, aimless, directionless, flooded, inundated, overflowing, (adv) adrift, (v) afoot, 4. precarious; synonyms (adj) perilous, insecure, delicate, chancy, critical, disputable, parlous, ticklish, treacherous, tricky; antonym (adj) stable. nejlépe best (nejlepší); synonyms (adj) better, superior, supreme, choice, great, leading, (v) beat, (n) top, elite, most; antonym (n) worst. nejlepší best (nejlépe); synonyms (adj) better, superior, supreme, choice, great, leading, (v) beat, (n) top, elite, most; antonym (n) worst. nejprve first (první); synonyms (adv) foremost, before, rather, early, (adj) best, beginning, chief, primitive, former, (n) commencement; antonyms (adj) last, final, (n) end. nejstarší eldest; synonyms (adj) elder, older, eigne, entailed, (n) firstborn.
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Czech - English
nejvíce most (většina); synonyms (adv) nearly, greatly, (adj) almost, about, best, utmost, indeed, much, (n) majority, maximum; antonym (adv) least. nejvyšší 1. highest; synonyms (adj) greatest, most, best, chief, foremost, first, extreme, supreme, topmost, utmost; antonym (adj) worst, 2. topmost; synonyms (adj) top, highest, maximum, upmost, upper, uppermost, head, 3. paramount (svrchovaný); synonyms (adj) dominant, main, overriding, capital, cardinal, crowning, leading, predominant, principal, sovereign; antonym (adj) minor, 4. supreme (svrchovaný); synonyms (adj) paramount, consummate, preeminent, superlative, prime, absolute, almighty, perfect, ultimate, ideal. někdo somebody (kdosi); synonyms (pron) someone, anybody, (n) individual, person, personage, creature, man, mortal, body, (adj) celebrity; antonym (pron) nobody. někdy sometimes; synonyms (adv) occasionally, once, formerly, sometime, seldom, periodically, off-andon, (n) exemplar, meantime, meanwhile. neklamný unmistakable (neomylný); synonyms (adj) clear, obvious, evident, plain, manifest, decided, definite, palpable, (v) unequivocal, positive. neklid 1. alarm (poplach, úzkost); synonyms (n) dismay, alert, consternation, affright, apprehension, fright, (v) awe, scare, agitate, horrify; antonyms (v) calm, comfort, 2. anxiety (starost, úzkost); synonyms (n) alarm, care, disquiet, fear, solicitude, trouble, anguish, anxiousness, concern, uneasiness; antonyms (n) calmness, bravery, confidence. neklidný restless (nepokojný); synonyms (adj) fidgety, nervous, uneasy, unquiet, agitated, apprehensive, fretful, impatient, restive, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj) calm, relaxed.
nekrolog obituary (parte, úmrtní oznámení); synonyms (n) necrology, obit. nekrvavý bloodless; synonyms (adj) ashen, dead, livid, white, pale, pasty, wan, blanched, exsanguine. nektar nectar; synonyms (n) ambrosia, delicacy, juice, beebread, bitterweed, liquid, ragweed. nektarinka nectarine; synonyms (adj) nectareous, (n) brunion. nelaskavý unkind (bezcitný, nevlídný); synonyms (adj) cruel, harsh, unfeeling, heartless, inconsiderate, pitiless, inhuman, hard, thoughtless, brutal; antonym (adj) kind. nelegitimní illegitimate (nemanželský); synonyms (adj) illegal, unlawful, illicit, false, baseborn, fatherless, outlaw, spurious, (n) bastard, whoreson; antonyms (adj) legitimate, genuine. nelibost displeasure; synonyms (n) anger, discomfort, discontent, dislike, dissatisfaction,
resentment, annoyance, disfavor, exasperation, offense; antonyms (n) satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure. nelidskost inhumanity; synonyms (n) barbarity, brutality, atrocity, barbarism, cruelty, barbarousness, atrociousness, heinousness, inhumaneness, outrage. nelidský inhuman; synonyms (adj) heartless, atrocious, brutal, cruel, barbarous, cold, ferocious, harsh, remorseless, relentless.
nelítostný 1. remorseless (nemilosrdný); synonyms (adj) pitiless, merciless, relentless, cruel, brutal, callous, inexorable, ruthless, unmerciful, unrelenting, 2. pitiless; synonyms (adj) harsh, implacable, remorseless, hard, heartless, inhuman, hardhearted, obdurate, savage, severe; antonyms (adj) kind, merciful, charitable. neloajální disloyal; synonyms (adj) faithless, false, unfaithful, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, treacherous, treasonable, disaffected, rebellious; antonyms (adj) loyal, faithful, honest. neloajálnost disloyalty; synonyms (n) disaffection, treason, betrayal, treachery, dishonesty, faithlessness, infidelity, sedition, unfaithfulness, deceitfulness; antonyms (n) loyalty, faithfulness, honesty. nelogický illogical; synonyms (adj) absurd, inconsistent, unreasonable, confused, disconnected, disjointed, fallacious, incoherent, senseless, inconsequent; antonyms (adj) logical, rational.
nemanželský 1. bastard (kříženec, levoboček); synonyms (n) whoreson, scoundrel, (adj) illegitimate, spurious, fake, misbegotten, phony, adulterate, bastardly, bogus; antonym (n) legitimate, 2. illegitimate (nelegitimní); synonyms (adj) illegal, unlawful, illicit, false, baseborn, fatherless, outlaw, wrongful, forged, (n) bastard; antonym (adj) genuine. nemilosrdný 1. heartless; synonyms (adj) callous, hardhearted, cruel, ruthless, insensitive, merciless, obdurate, pitiless, stony, unfeeling; antonym (adj) kind, 2. ruthless (bezcitný); synonyms (adj) inhuman, remorseless, heartless, ferocious, brutal, grim, harsh, inexorable, relentless, unsparing; antonyms (adj) merciful, charitable, gentle, 3. remorseless (nelítostný); synonyms (adj) unmerciful, unrelenting, implacable, savage, unkind, unpitying.
nemilost disgrace (hanba, ostuda, potupa); synonyms (n) shame, blemish, stain, degradation, reproach, (v) dishonor, discredit, degrade, blot, debase; antonyms (v) honor, respect, credit, esteem. nemluvně baby (dítě); synonyms (n) babe, child, darling, (v) coddle, indulge, pamper, cosset, mollycoddle, (adj) infant, miniature; antonym (adj) giant.
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Czech - English nemoc 1. disease (choroba); synonyms (n) ailment, condition, illness, sickness, complaint, infirmity, affection, affliction, bug, disorder, 2. illness; synonyms (n) disease, distemper, malady, attack, pain, trouble, 3. sickness; synonyms (n) indisposition, qualm, nausea, disgust, loathing, ill, derangement, 4. complaint (reklamace, stížnost, žaloba); synonyms (n) accusation, charge, lament, plaint, protest, wail, whine, claim, quarrel, criticism. nemocnice hospital; synonyms (n) infirmary, home, institution, sanitarium, sickroom, spital, inn, sickbay, (adj) hospitable. nemocný 1. ill; synonyms (adj) bad, sick, ailing, (adv) badly, poorly, (n) evil, harm, complaint, hurt, ailment; antonyms (adj) healthy, (adv) well, 2. sick; synonyms (adj) ill, queasy, indisposed, weary, invalid, diseased, morbid, sickly, nauseous, (v) unwell. nemohoucnost impotence; synonyms (n) disability, inability, weakness, feebleness, debility, impotency, powerlessness, imbecility, disqualification, agennesis. nemorální immoral; synonyms (adj) wicked, bad, evil, corrupt, depraved, dissolute, indecent, criminal, unprincipled, dirty; antonyms (adj) moral, decent, honest, ethical, good, principled, restrained. nemotora lubber; synonyms (adj) gawk, goon, (n) lout, looby, oaf, clod, klutz, muff, flat, fumbler.
nemotorný 1. clumsy (neobratný, neohrabaný); synonyms (adj) bumbling, bungling, cumbersome, unwieldy, gawky, inapt, inept, maladroit, rude, (n) awkward; antonyms (adj) graceful, nimble, clever, dexterous, skillful, adroit, deft, 2. awkward
(neohrabaný, nepříjemný, nešikovný); synonyms (adj) clumsy, inconvenient, crude, embarrassing, sticky, uncomfortable, ungainly, untoward, left-handed, annoying; antonyms (adj) easy, manageable, straightforward, convenient, helpful, rotund, simple. nemovitost realty; synonyms (n) property, land, faithfulness, loyalty, reality, royalty. nemovitý immovable (nehybný); synonyms (adj) immobile, firm, fixed, adamant, imperturbable, inflexible, set, steadfast, unmovable, (v) fast; antonym (adj) compliant. nemožnost impossibility; synonyms (n) impossible, impossibleness, absurdity, contradiction, doubtfulness, dubiousness, implausibility, inconsistency, irony, questionability. nemožný 1. absurd (nesmyslný); synonyms (adj) foolish, preposterous, ridiculous, unreasonable, irrational, crazy, derisory, illogical, incredible, inept; antonym (adj) sensible, 2. impossible; synonyms (adj) insufferable, unimaginable, hopeless, impracticable, impractical, inconceivable,
unbelievable, unlikely, unthinkable, intolerable; antonyms (adj) possible, achievable, feasible. nemravnost immorality; synonyms (n) depravity, corruption, degeneracy, evil, iniquity, vice, sin, evilness, wickedness, debauchery; antonyms (n) righteousness, decency.
nemravný indecent (neslušný, sprostý); synonyms (adj) improper, filthy, indelicate, unseemly, dirty, gross, immodest, immoral, inappropriate, indecorous; antonyms (adj) decent, proper. nemyslící unthinking; synonyms (adj) thoughtless, inconsiderate, heedless, careless, mindless, incautious, negligent, imprudent, rash, (v) unconscious; antonyms (adj) thoughtful, cautious, considered, deliberate. nemytý unwashed; synonyms (adj) plebeian, dirty, grubby, filthy, common, coarse, crude, earthy, (v) unscoured, unswept. nenadálý sudden (náhlý); synonyms (adj) abrupt, hasty, precipitous, quick, rash, unexpected, steep, dramatic, headlong, immediate; antonyms (adj) gradual, considered. nenahraditelný irrecoverable; synonyms (adj) incurable, irreparable, irretrievable, irremediable, remediless, unrecoverable, desperate, forgotten, lost; antonym (adj) recoverable. nenápadný 1. inconspicuous; synonyms (adj) invisible, imperceptible, unassuming, obscure, subtle, unobtrusive, (v) ordinary; antonyms (adj) conspicuous, obvious, elaborate, 2. unobtrusive; synonyms (adj) modest, discreet, inconspicuous, restrained, unnoticeable, humble, unostentatious, diffident, reserved, unpretentious; antonym (adj) obtrusive. nenapodobitelný inimitable; synonyms (adj) incomparable, unique, matchless, particular, unparalleled, unrivaled, special, supreme, unparagoned, exclusive. nenapravitelný irreparable; synonyms (adj) incurable, hopeless, incorrigible, irrecoverable, irremediable, irretrievable, remediless, unalterable, cureless, desperate; antonym (adj) reparable. nenarozený unborn; synonyms (adj) future, unconceived, uncreated, unmade, unproduced, unbred, (n) posterity; antonym (adj) born. nenasyta glutton (hltoun, žrout); synonyms (n) epicure, wolverine, gormandizer, gourmand, trencherman, guttler, carcajou, beast, epicurean, gulch. nenasytnost 1. gluttony (žravost); synonyms (n) greed, greediness, excess, appetite, debauchery, gormandism, hedonism, hunger, intemperance, license; antonym (n) moderation, 2. greediness; synonyms (n) avarice, covetousness, cupidity, eagerness, gluttony, selfishness, avidity,
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miserliness, stinginess, voracity; antonym (n) generosity.
nenasytný 1. greedy (chamtivý, chtivý, hladový, hltavý, hrabivý, lačný); synonyms (adj) eager, avid, gluttonous, covetous, desirous, acquisitive, glutton, grasping, piggish, (v) avaricious; antonym (adj) generous, 2. gluttonous (hltavý, žravý); synonyms (adj) voracious, greedy, insatiable, ravenous, edacious, hoggish, 3. insatiable; synonyms (adj) insatiate, unsatiable, 4. insatiate; synonyms (adj) hungry, unsatiate; antonym (adj) satiate, 5. voracious (žravý); synonyms (adj) rapacious, esurient, ravening, famished, predatory, devouring, starved. nenávist 1. hate; synonyms (v) abhor, detest, abominate, loathe, (n) dislike, enmity, abhorrence, animosity, detestation, hatred; antonyms (v) love, like, adore, 2. hatred (zášť); synonyms (n) antipathy, aversion, disgust, grudge, anger, abomination, antagonism, hostility, odium, (v) hate; antonyms (n) adoration, liking.
nenucenost spontaneity (samovolnost, spontánnost); synonyms (n) spontaneousness, abandon, freedom, energy, facility, hastiness, hotheadedness, impetuosity, impulse, impulsiveness. nenucený 1. easy (snadný); synonyms (adj) comfortable, convenient, gentle, familiar, graceful, lenient, light, clear, contented, (adv) soft; antonyms (adj) difficult, arduous, demanding, hard, laborious, burdensome, particular, strenuous, tough, awkward, 2. unstudied; synonyms (adj) spontaneous, natural, careless, uncontrived, unaffected, informal, unsophisticated, colloquial, (v) unexamined, unweighed; antonym (adj) studied. neobhajitelný indefensible; synonyms (adj) inexcusable, untenable, unwarrantable, defenseless, insupportable, unforgivable, unjustifiable, unpardonable, unwarranted, (v) harmless; antonyms (adj) justifiable, understandable, excusable, watertight. neobratný 1. ungainly; synonyms (adj) awkward, clumsy, gawky, unwieldy, inelegant, graceless, inept, maladroit, uncouth, stiff; antonym (adj) graceful, 2. maladroit; synonyms (adj) lubberly, bungling, tactless, ungainly, incompetent, lumbering, (v) gauche, unhandy; antonym (adj) adroit, 3. clumsy (nemotorný, neohrabaný); synonyms (adj) bumbling, cumbersome, inapt, rude, unskilled, wooden, boorish, crude, gross, heavy; antonyms (adj) nimble, clever, dexterous, skillful, deft.
neobsazený vacant (neobydlený, prázdný); synonyms (adj) empty, blank, hollow, bare, devoid, free, idle, unfilled, unoccupied, void; antonyms (adj) full, occupied.
neobvyklý 1. unusual (neobyčejný); synonyms (adj) strange, peculiar, odd, quaint, uncommon, curious, eccentric, exceptional, exotic, extraordinary; antonyms (adj) usual, normal, common, customary, ordinary, typical, familiar, conventional, routine, 2. anomalous (anomální); synonyms (adj) abnormal, irregular, aberrant, atypical, deviant, unnatural, unusual. neobyčejný unusual (neobvyklý); synonyms (adj) strange, peculiar, odd, quaint, uncommon, curious, eccentric, exceptional, exotic, extraordinary; antonyms (adj) usual, normal, common, customary, ordinary, typical, familiar, conventional, routine.
neobydlený 1. vacant (neobsazený, prázdný); synonyms (adj) empty, blank, hollow, bare, devoid, free, idle, unfilled, unoccupied, void; antonyms (adj) full, occupied, 2. uninhabited; synonyms (adj) deserted, desert, desolate, vacant, unpopulated, lonely, uninhabitable, untenanted; antonym (adj) inhabited. neobyvatelný uninhabitable; synonyms (adj) uninhabited, undwellable; antonyms (adj) habitable, inhabitable. neocenitelný 1. invaluable; synonyms (adj) priceless, incalculable, inestimable, valuable, costly, precious, 2. priceless; synonyms (adj) invaluable, rare, best, choice, elect, expensive, picked; antonym (adj) worthless. neochotný 1. disobliging; synonyms (adj) unaccommodating, harsh, uncooperative, unwilling, awkward, contrary, disagreeable, illnatured, obstructive, unhelpful, 2. reluctant; synonyms (adj) disinclined, loath, averse, hesitant, indisposed, loth, involuntary, backward, diffident, shy; antonyms (adj) inclined, willing, eager, 3. unwilling; synonyms (adj) reluctant, recalcitrant, adverse, forced. neodborník layman (laik); synonyms (n) amateur, layperson, laic, follower, member, neophyte, nonprofessional, novice, parishioner, proselyte. neodbytnost importunity; synonyms (n) entreaty, urgency, appeal, (v) supplication, solicitation, instance, interpellation, invocation, obsecration, obtestation. neodolatelný 1. irresistible; synonyms (adj) resistless, uncontrollable, invincible, irrefragable, irrefutable, overpowering, overwhelming, charming, fascinating, (v) inevitable; antonym (adj) resistible, 2. resistless; synonyms (adj) irresistible, unconquerable, unquenchable, supine, unresisted, unresisting, resupine, unopposed, (v) avoidless. neodpustitelný unpardonable; synonyms (adj) inexcusable, irremissible, unforgivable, indefensible, appalling, awful, baseless, dreadful, impardonable, (v) inexpiable; antonyms (adj) understandable, pardonable.
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neodstranitelný irremovable; synonyms (adj) immovable, riveted, rooted, inflexible; antonym (adj) removable. neodvolatelný irrevocable; synonyms (adj)
(jistý); synonyms (adj) infallible, inerrant, accurate, exact, faithful, perfect, constant, unblemished; antonym (adj) erring, 3. unmistakable (neklamný); synonyms (adj) clear, obvious,
irreversible, irrecoverable, final, irreparable, irredeemable, irremediable, conclusive, irreclaimable, (v) irretrievable, inevitable; antonyms (adj) revocable, temporary. neohebný inflexible; synonyms (adj) firm, fixed, rigid, stiff, uncompromising, harsh, immovable, inexorable, rigorous, (n) hard; antonyms (adj) flexible, compliant, accommodating, adaptable, irresolute, stretchy. neoholený unshaven; synonyms (adj) unshaved, bearded, bristly, hairy, rough, stubbly, unkempt; antonym (adj) shaven.
evident, plain, manifest, decided, definite, palpable, apparent, (v) unequivocal.
neohrabaný 1. awkward (nemotorný, nepříjemný, nešikovný); synonyms (adj) clumsy, inconvenient, crude, embarrassing, inept, sticky, uncomfortable, ungainly, untoward, left-handed; antonyms (adj) graceful, easy, adroit, manageable, straightforward, convenient, dexterous, helpful, rotund, simple, 2. clumsy (nemotorný, neobratný); synonyms (adj) bumbling, bungling, cumbersome, unwieldy, gawky, inapt, maladroit, rude, unskilled, (n) awkward; antonyms (adj) nimble, clever, skillful, deft. neohroženost hardihood; synonyms (n) courage, boldness, daring, face, brass, fearlessness, fortitude, temerity, (v) audacity, (adj) guts. neohrožený intrepid; synonyms (adj) bold, brave, courageous, daring, fearless, audacious, dauntless, gallant, hardy, adventurous; antonym (adj) cowardly. neologismus neologism; synonyms (n) neology, coinage, jargon, mintage, neologianism, slang, specie. neomezený 1. boundless; synonyms (adj) limitless, endless, infinite, unlimited, bottomless, immeasurable, immense, incalculable, interminable, unbounded; antonyms (adj) limited, restricted, 2. unlimited; synonyms (adj) boundless, unconditional, absolute, indefinite, total, measureless, illimitable, unqualified, unrestricted, prodigious; antonym (adj) partial. neomluvitelný inexcusable; synonyms (adj) unpardonable, reprehensible, unforgivable, unwarrantable, unfair, unwarranted, (v) indefensible; antonyms (adj) excusable, understandable. neomylnost infallibility; synonyms (n) inerrability, inerrableness, infallibleness, truth; antonym (n) fallibility. neomylný 1. infallible; synonyms (adj) certain, sure, unerring, inevitable, inerrable, positive, unfailing, absolute; antonym (adj) fallible, 2. unerring
neopatrný 1. imprudent (nerozumný, nerozvážný); synonyms (adj) careless, foolish, foolhardy, hasty, improvident, indiscreet, heedless, impolitic, unadvised, ill-advised; antonyms (adj) sensible, prudent, cautious, wise, deliberate, 2. careless (bezstarostný, nedbalý); synonyms (adj) inconsiderate, cursory, forgetful, haphazard, inattentive, insouciant, reckless, imprudent, inadvertent, (adv) thoughtless; antonyms (adj) careful, attentive, diligent, meticulous, thorough, thoughtful, guarded, methodical, strict, wary. neopeřený callow; synonyms (adj) immature, inexperienced, green, juvenile, unsophisticated, young, youthful, naive, (v) bald, (n) cub; antonym (adj) experienced. neosobní impersonal; synonyms (adj) disinterested, neutral, objective, detached, cold, impartial, indifferent, aloof; antonym (adj) personal. neostříhaný unshorn; synonyms (adj) hairy, shaggy, unbroken, uncut, undivided, unsevered, unsheared, bushy, disheveled, intact. neotesanec boor; synonyms (n) churl, clown, countryman, peasant, barbarian, lout, rustic, tike, tyke. neovladatelný ungovernable; synonyms (adj) unruly, uncontrollable, headstrong, irrepressible, intractable, licentious, violent, wild, indocile, turbulent. neozbrojený unarmed; synonyms (adj) defenseless, naked, unprotected, open, bare, (v) weaponless, harmless, unfortified, untenable, vincible; antonym (adj) armed. nepatrný 1. imperceptible; synonyms (adj) impalpable, intangible, invisible, faint, insensible, evanescent, inaudible, indiscernible, negligible, unnoticeable; antonyms (adj) obvious, overwhelming, clear, visible, 2. small (malý); synonyms (adj) little, minute, narrow, fine, inadequate, insignificant, low, minor, petty, slight; antonyms (adj) bulky, colossal, considerable, enormous, extra-large, great, huge, sizeable, (syn) big, large, 3. slight (štíhlý); synonyms (adj) flimsy, slender, thin, fragile, (n) scorn, (v) disregard, insult, neglect, ignore, (adv) light; antonyms (adj) major, fat, heavy, intense, severe, thickset, wide. neplatnost nullity; synonyms (n) nothing, naught, nil, cipher, nobody, nothingness, void, invalidity, zero. neplatný 1. void (prázdno, prázdný); synonyms (adj) empty, null, vacant, invalid, (n) hollow, blank, emptiness, vacancy, (v) nullify, quash; antonyms
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(adj) valid, full, (v) validate, 2. null (nula, nulový); synonyms (adj) ineffective, ineffectual,
nugatory, void, (n) naught, nil, nought, aught, cipher, cypher. neplodnost infertility; synonyms (n) sterility, dysgenesis, incompatibility, unproductiveness, antisepsis, asepsis, drought, dryness, waterlessness, sterileness; antonyms (n) fertility, fruitfulness. neplodný 1. sterile; synonyms (adj) infertile, barren, fruitless, effete, antiseptic, futile, poor, vain, arid, (v) abortive; antonyms (adj) fertile, unhygienic, 2. barren (neúrodný); synonyms (adj) sterile, deserted, dry, meagre, stark, void, bleak, dead, desert, (v) bare; antonyms (adj) lush, productive, 3. fruitless (marný); synonyms (adj) empty, useless, bootless, idle, ineffective, pointless, unproductive, ineffectual, profitless, unfruitful. nepochopit misapprehend; synonyms (v) misconstrue, misinterpret, misunderstand, misconceive, mistake, misread, err, misjudge; antonym (v) understand. nepochopitelný incomprehensible; synonyms (adj) mysterious, inapprehensible, inarticulate, inscrutable, abstruse, cryptic, impenetrable, inconceivable, inexplicable, obscure; antonyms (adj) clear, comprehensible. nepochybný 1. indubitable; synonyms (adj) assured, certain, incontrovertible, indisputable, evident, unquestionable, apparent, conclusive, sure, (v) incontestable, 2. undoubted; synonyms (adj) undisputed, undeniable, positive, true, definite, indubitable, unquestioned, unchallenged. nepoctivost dishonesty; synonyms (n) deceit, corruption, betrayal, crookedness, deceitfulness, deviousness, duplicity, falsehood, treachery, racket; antonyms (n) honesty, frankness, sincerity, truthfulness.
nepoctivý 1. crooked (křivý, ohnutý, pokřivený); synonyms (adj) bent, awry, corrupt, irregular, askew, curved, deformed, dishonest, indirect, lopsided; antonyms (adj) straight, honest, even, principled, 2. dishonest; synonyms (adj) crooked, deceitful, crafty, fraudulent, underhand, deceptive, devious, disloyal, false, shifty; antonyms (adj) truthful, sincere, aboveboard, sporting. nepodepsaný unsigned; synonyms (adj) anonymous, nameless, unidentified, unnamed, mysterious, secret, shadowy, unknown, unspecified; antonym (adj) signed. nepodnikavý unenterprising; synonym (adj) nonenterprising; antonym (adj) enterprising. nepodstatný immaterial (nehmotný); synonyms (adj) insignificant, bodiless, inconsequential, incorporeal, irrelevant, spiritual, trivial, unimportant, extraneous, psychic; antonym (adj) relevant.
nepohnutý unmoved; synonyms (adj) apathetic, impassive, unaffected, indifferent, unconcerned, unimpressed, uninspired, dispassionate, imperturbable, calm; antonym (adj) affected. nepohodlí 1. discomfort; synonyms (n) pain, uneasiness, annoyance, anxiety, unease, agitation, displeasure, disquiet, distress, hurt; antonyms (v) ease, comfort, 2. inconvenience (nesnáz); synonyms (n) bother, disadvantage, difficulty, nuisance, (v) trouble, discommode, incommode, disoblige, annoy, disturb; antonym (n) convenience. nepohodlný 1. incommodious; synonyms (adj) inconvenient, awkward, cumbersome, embarrassing, cramped, troublesome, uncomfortable, discommodious; antonym (adj) commodious, 2. uncomfortable; synonyms (adj) troubled, difficult, discomfited, anxious, uneasy, cheerless, embarrassed, painful, (v) untoward; antonyms (adj) comfortable, relaxed, comfy. nepohyblivý immobile; synonyms (adj) fixed, firm, fast, inactive, inert, motionless, stagnant, stationary, static, steadfast; antonyms (adj) moving, mobile. nepokoj commotion; synonyms (n) bustle, ado, agitation, tumult, din, disturbance, flurry, fuss, stir, turmoil; antonyms (n) peace, calm, order. nepokojný restless (neklidný); synonyms (adj) fidgety, nervous, uneasy, unquiet, agitated, apprehensive, fretful, impatient, restive, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj) calm, relaxed. nepolitický unpolitical; synonym (adj) apolitical. nepopsatelný indescribable; synonyms (adj) indefinable, ineffable, unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible, nameless, vague; antonym (adj) definite. nepopulární unpopular; synonyms (adj) unwelcome, undesirable, detested, ostracized, unattractive, abominable, companionless, detestable, disagreeable, (v) unacceptable; antonyms (adj) popular, well-liked. nepořádek 1. mess; synonyms (n) clutter, jumble, muddle, confusion, difficulty, disorder, hodgepodge, jam, scrape, (v) botch; antonym (n) order, 2. disarray; synonyms (n) chaos, mess, disorderliness, disorganization, anarchy, (v) derange, tumble, litter, disorganize, confuse; antonyms (n) neatness, orderliness, 3. disorder; synonyms (n) ailment, complaint, disease, commotion, disarrangement, disturbance, derangement, (v) disarray, perturb, disarrange; antonyms (n) calm, peace. nepořádný 1. disorderly; synonyms (adj) confused, chaotic, disordered, wild, boisterous, disobedient, disorganized, irregular, jumbled, (v) lawless; antonyms (adj) orderly, well-behaved, neat,
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Czech - English arranged, 2. untidy (neupravený); synonyms (adj) slovenly, disheveled, disorderly, messy, sloppy, unkempt, frowzy, scruffy, sluttish, slipshod; antonyms (adj) tidy, elegant, 3. mussy; synonyms (adj) untidy, tousled, disarranged, rumpled. neporušený 1. intact; synonyms (adj) complete, full, entire, whole, integral, perfect, unbroken, undamaged, uninjured, untouched; antonym (adj) broken, 2. whole (celek, celý, všechno); synonyms (adj) total, all, aggregate, healthy, intact, well, gross, (n) sum, sound, hale; antonyms (adj) incomplete, imperfect, partial, (n) part. neposedný fidgety; synonyms (adj) restless, fretful, fussy, unquiet, anxious, hasty, jumpy, mercurial, (n) nervous, apprehensive. neposlušnost insubordination; synonyms (n) disobedience, defiance, mutiny, noncompliance, rebellion, rebelliousness, revolt, unruliness, insolence; antonym (n) subordination. neposlušný disobedient; synonyms (adj) contrary, insubordinate, intractable, defiant, disorderly, naughty, rebellious, unruly, wayward, headstrong; antonyms (adj) obedient, compliant, good, wellbehaved, orderly. nepostradatelný indispensable; synonyms (adj) essential, necessary, obligatory, fundamental, mandatory, required, vital, urgent, (v) imperative, requisite; antonym (adj) dispensable. nepoužitý unused (nepoužívaný); synonyms (adj) new, unaccustomed, idle, fresh, extra, uncommon, unfamiliar, clean, inactive, leftover; antonym (adj) used. nepoužívaný unused (nepoužitý); synonyms (adj) new, unaccustomed, idle, fresh, extra, uncommon, unfamiliar, clean, inactive, leftover; antonym (adj) used. nepovinný optional (volitelný); synonyms (adj) discretionary, arbitrary, voluntary, nonobligatory, unrestricted, additional, supplementary, external, extracurricular, extramural; antonyms (adj) obligatory, compulsory, required, essential, necessary, mandatory. nepovolný 1. stubborn (tvrdohlavý); synonyms (adj) obstinate, contrary, hard, intractable, perverse, determined, obdurate, persistent, refractory, rigid; antonyms (adj) compliant, flexible, irresolute, amenable, 2. relentless; synonyms (adj) inexorable, implacable, cruel, inflexible, stern, pitiless, harsh, merciless, grim, unrelenting; antonym (adj) intermittent. nepovšimnutý unnoticed; synonyms (adj) unseen, disregarded, unremarked, hidden, unobserved, (v) unheeded; antonyms (adj) evident, noticed. nepozornost inattention; synonyms (n) disregard, neglect, carelessness, heedlessness, forgetfulness,
negligence, indifference, oversight, slight; antonym (n) attention. nepozorný 1. heedless; synonyms (adj) careless, reckless, inattentive, neglectful, negligent, rash, thoughtless, blind, forgetful, inadvertent; antonym (adj) heedful, 2. inattentive; synonyms (adj) heedless, remiss, unaware, inconsiderate, indifferent, mindless, regardless, slack, distracted, lax; antonyms (adj) attentive, alert, observant. nepraktický impractical; synonyms (adj) unpractical, airy, impossible, impracticable, romantic, unrealistic, visionary, dreamy, useless, unworkable; antonyms (adj) practical, sensible, viable. nepřátelský 1. hostile; synonyms (adj) unfriendly, aggressive, contrary, adverse, belligerent, warlike, averse, unfavorable, antagonistic, chilly; antonyms (adj) friendly, soothing, warm, 2. inimical; synonyms (adj) hostile, harmful, detrimental, malign, repugnant, hurtful, prejudicial, enemy, untoward, 3. unfriendly; synonyms (adj) inimical, distant, cold, inhospitable, unkind, aloof, icy, disagreeable, frosty, antisocial; antonyms (adj) welcoming, amiable. nepřátelství 1. enmity; synonyms (n) animosity, antagonism, hostility, aggression, antipathy, hatred, rancor, war, aversion, dislike; antonym (n) friendship, 2. hostility; synonyms (n) enmity, feud, bitterness, conflict, belligerence, disaffection, disagreement, hate, opposition, resentment; antonyms (n) friendliness, closeness, goodwill, 3. animosity; synonyms (n) anger, malice, spite, abhorrence, animus, gall, grudge, unfriendliness, acrimony, 4. antagonism (antagonismus); synonyms (n) resistance, antithesis, contrariety, interference, discord, rivalry, tension. nepravda untruth; synonyms (n) fabrication, falsehood, fiction, falsity, lie, deception, fable, deceit, story, tale; antonym (n) truth.
nepravdivý 1. false (falešný, klamný, nesprávný); synonyms (adj) bastard, counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal; antonyms (adj) true, real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, truthful, honest, valid, 2. untrue (lživý, nesprávný); synonyms (adj) false, unfaithful, incorrect, sham, mistaken, faithless, fallacious, inaccurate, treacherous, wrong. nepravidelnost irregularity; synonyms (n) disorder, abnormality, anomaly, eccentricity, inequality, deformity, deviation, aberration, constipation, exception; antonyms (n) normality, regularity, symmetry. nepravidelný irregular; synonyms (adj) abnormal, atypical, anomalous, broken, eccentric, erratic, changeable, desultory, deviant, disorderly;
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Czech - English
antonyms (adj) regular, constant, even, normal, smooth, symmetrical, compact, cyclic, equal, steady. nepravý 1. pinchbeck (tombak); synonyms (n) clinquant, finery, frippery, gewgaw, gimcrack, spangle, (v) tinsel, meretricious, plated, (adj) unreal, 2. spurious (předstíraný); synonyms (adj) counterfeit, sham, fake, phony, illegitimate, bogus, pseudo, bastardly, (n) bastard, (adv) false; antonym (syn) genuine, 3. wrong (chybný, nesprávný, špatný, zlo); synonyms (adj) harm, evil, ill, improper, bad, inappropriate, incorrect, (n) damage, injure, injury; antonyms (adj) correct, good, proper, honest, law-abiding, (adv) correctly, (v) right, (n) justice. nepřechodný intransitive; synonyms (adj) neuter, impartial, detained, kept, neutral, (v) intransient; antonym (adj) transitive. nepředpojatý unprejudiced; synonyms (adj) fair, impartial, unbiased, dispassionate, neutral, objective, detached, disinterested, equitable, liberal; antonyms (adj) prejudiced, biased. nepředstavitelný unimaginable; synonyms (adj) inconceivable, impossible, unthinkable, incredible, inimaginable, unbelievable, unspeakable; antonym (adj) imaginable. nepředvídaný unforeseen; synonyms (adj) unexpected, unanticipated, sudden, accidental, contingent, casual, surprising, chance, incidental; antonym (adj) foreseen. nepřekonatelný 1. insuperable; synonyms (adj) insurmountable, unconquerable, indomitable, impassable, invincible, 2. insurmountable; synonyms (adj) insuperable, unsurmountable, impossible, unbeatable; antonym (adj) surmountable. nepřemožitelnost invincibility; synonyms (n) indomitability, impregnability, valor. nepřemožitelný 1. invincible; synonyms (adj) indomitable, insurmountable, impregnable, insuperable, irresistible, unbeatable, unconquerable; antonym (adj) vulnerable, 2. inexpugnable; synonyms (adj) inviolable, secure, strong, unattackable.
nepřerušený uninterrupted (nepřetržitý); synonyms (adj) ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, incessant, perpetual, unbroken, endless, nonstop, (adv) straight; antonyms (adj) discontinuous, intermittent, temporary. nepřesnost 1. inaccuracy; synonyms (n) error, fault, blunder, falsity, mistake, falseness, incorrectness, slip; antonyms (n) precision, accuracy, correctness, 2. inexactitude; synonyms (n) inexactness, uncertainty. nepřesný 1. inaccurate; synonyms (adj) erroneous, faulty, incorrect, false, inexact, wrong, improper,
loose, mistaken, untrue; antonyms (adj) correct, exact, precise, accurate, truthful, 2. inexact; synonyms (adj) inaccurate, indefinite, indeterminate, imprecise, approximate, vague, imperfect, rough.
nepřetržitost continuity (kontinuita, souvislost); synonyms (n) continuation, coherence, continuance, duration, persistence, concatenation, sequence, perseverance, run, series; antonym (n) discontinuity. nepřetržitý 1. continuous; synonyms (adj) constant, continual, ceaseless, endless, perpetual, running, chronic, consecutive, continued, eternal; antonyms (adj) intermittent, temporary, discontinuous, sporadic, 2. continual; synonyms (adj) incessant, continuous, everlasting, frequent, uninterrupted, lasting, perennial, permanent, persistent, unending, 3. uninterrupted (nepřerušený); synonyms (adj) unbroken, nonstop, unceasing, steady, sustained, unremitting, direct, extended, interminable, (adv) straight. nepřijatelný unacceptable; synonyms (adj) impossible, insufferable, objectionable, unsatisfactory, inadmissible, disagreeable, distasteful, ineligible, intolerable, offensive; antonyms (adj) acceptable, satisfactory, allowable, admissible, permissible, suitable, valid. nepříjemnost nuisance (obtíž); synonyms (n) annoyance, bother, harassment, hassle, inconvenience, irritation, pain, pest, mischief, bore; antonym (n) pleasure.
nepříjemný 1. awkward (nemotorný, neohrabaný, nešikovný); synonyms (adj) clumsy, inconvenient, crude, embarrassing, inept, sticky, uncomfortable, ungainly, untoward, left-handed; antonyms (adj) graceful, easy, adroit, manageable, straightforward, convenient, dexterous, helpful, rotund, simple, 2. annoying (mrzutý); synonyms (adj) galling, irritating, troublesome, vexatious, aggravating, awkward, bothersome, disagreeable, grating, (n) annoyance; antonyms (adj) pleasing, soothing, 3. objectionable (nežádoucí, problematický); synonyms (adj) unpleasant, distasteful, exceptionable, nasty, offensive, undesirable, disgusting, obnoxious, repugnant, repulsive; antonyms (adj) agreeable, desirable, pleasant. nepřímý indirect; synonyms (adj) circuitous, collateral, incidental, crooked, devious, oblique, roundabout, secondary, side, tortuous; antonyms (adj) direct, overt. nepřipravený unprepared; synonyms (adj) impromptu, offhand, extemporaneous, raw, unrehearsed, crude, improvised; antonyms (adj) prepared, ready.
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Czech - English nepřípustný inadmissible; synonyms (adj) ineligible, unacceptable, improper, inappropriate, inconvenient, unfit, unqualified, extraneous, inadequate, (v) illtimed; antonym (adj) admissible. nepřirozený unnatural; synonyms (adj) strained, affected, artificial, grotesque, supernatural, forced, abnormal, eccentric, stilted, uncanny; antonyms (adj) natural, normal. nepřístupnost inaccessibility; synonyms (n) distance, aloofness, detachment, isolation, reserve, seclusion, solitude, unavailability, coolness, diffidence. nepřístupný unapproachable; synonyms (adj) inaccessible, aloof, distant, remote, illimitable, immeasurable, incalculable, inexhaustible, innumerable, interminable; antonyms (adj) approachable, accessible. nepřítel 1. enemy; synonyms (n) adversary, antagonist, foe, opponent, opposition, competitor, assailant, foeman, hostile, (adj) rival; antonyms (n) ally, friend, supporter, 2. foe; synonyms (n) enemy, challenger, contender. nepřítomnost absence (nedostatek); synonyms (n) absenteeism, dearth, default, deficiency, lack, want, nonattendance, paucity, scarcity, shortage; antonyms (n) presence, attendance. nepřítomný absent; synonyms (adj) off, wanting, inattentive, absentminded, abstracted, faraway, lost, missing, nonexistent, (adv) away; antonym (adj) present. nepříznivý 1. adverse; synonyms (adj) contrary, unfavorable, harmful, hostile, untoward, adversary, averse, counter, inimical, negative; antonym (adj) favorable, 2. inauspicious (neblahý); synonyms (adj) ominous, unlucky, adverse, ill, sinister, unfortunate, bad, evil, fateful, ill-fated; antonym (adj) auspicious, 3.
unfavourable. neprodejný unsaleable; synonym (adj) unsalable. neproduktivní unproductive; synonyms (adj) barren, fruitless, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, ineffective, vain, poor, unprofitable, useless; antonyms (adj) productive, fruitful, successful. nepromokavý 1. waterproof; synonyms (adj) rainproof, impervious, waterproofed, proof, bombproof, (n) mackintosh, raincoat, slicker, (v) weatherproof, seal; antonym (adj) permeable, 2. rainproof; synonyms (adj) waterproof, impermeable, resistant, solid. neproniknutelný impenetrable; synonyms (adj) dense, impassable, incomprehensible, thick, hard, heavy, impervious, mysterious, obscure, opaque; antonyms (adj) clear, penetrable, readable. neproveditelný impracticable; synonyms (adj) impossible, impractical, infeasible, unfeasible,
unrealistic, unworkable, impervious, unusable, (v) crotchety, fussy; antonym (adj) practical. nepublikovaný unpublished; synonyms (adj) inedited, secret, (v) unsung, untold, unsaid, unwritten; antonym (adj) published. neřešitelný 1. insoluble (nerozpustný); synonyms (adj) indissoluble, inextricable, insolvable, irresoluble, firm, inaccessible, inexplicable, intractable, mysterious, (n) insuperable; antonym (adj) soluble, 2. unsolvable; synonyms (adj) insoluble, unresolvable, unsoluble, enigmatic, hidden, impenetrable, incomprehensible, indecipherable, inscrutable, obscure. neřest vice; synonyms (adj) defect, fault, imperfection, failing, (n) blemish, corruption, depravity, evil, immorality, iniquity; antonym (n) asset. nerovnoprávný underprivileged; synonyms (adj) poor, disadvantaged, needy, deprived, destitute, indigent, backward, bankrupt, broke, depressed; antonym (adj) privileged. nerovnost 1. disparity (rozdílnost); synonyms (n) disagreement, disproportion, contrast, difference, discrepancy, inequality, odds, dissonance, dissimilarity, divergence; antonyms (n) equality, parity, similarity, 2. inequality; synonyms (n) disparity, dissimilitude, injustice, variance, variation, imbalance, inequity, unevenness, unfairness; antonym (n) justice. nerovný 1. rough (hrubý); synonyms (adj) coarse, hard, harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, hoarse, jagged; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth, polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated, even, exact, 2. unequal (nestejný); synonyms (adj) dissimilar, different, unlike, inadequate, lopsided, rough, uneven, unfair, disparate, disproportionate; antonym (adj) equal, 3. uneven; synonyms (adj) unequal, irregular, erratic, patchy, rugged, spotty, ragged, craggy, crooked, (v) broken; antonyms (adj) straight, symmetrical. nerozbitný unbreakable; synonyms (adj) indestructible, permanent, rigid, tough, armored, everlasting, resistant, shatterproof, toughened, adamant; antonyms (adj) fragile, breakable. nerozbitý unbroken; synonyms (adj) continuous, entire, complete, constant, continual, endless, incessant, intact, integral, solid; antonyms (adj) broken, intermittent. nerozeznatelný 1. indiscernible; synonyms (adj) imperceptible, invisible, unseen, insensible, undiscernible, unnoticeable, impalpable, indistinguishable, faint, hidden; antonym (adj) discernible, 2. indistinguishable; synonyms (adj) indistinct, identical, alike, obscure, undistinguishable, equal, equivalent, same; antonyms (adj) distinguishable, different.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
nerozhodnost 1. indecision; synonyms (n) doubt, hesitation, irresolution, indecisiveness, uncertainty, qualm, (adj) suspense; antonyms (n) decisiveness, determination, resolve, 2. irresolution; synonyms (n) indecision, irresoluteness, indetermination. nerozhodný 1. indecisive; synonyms (adj) doubtful, hesitant, inconclusive, undecided, unsure, weak, dubious, irresolute, precarious, vague; antonyms (adj) decisive, conclusive, resolute, 2. irresolute (váhavý); synonyms (adj) indecisive, hesitating, uncertain, infirm, spineless, fickle, fluctuating, feeble, giddy, insecure; antonyms (adj) determined, firm, stubborn, unyielding, decided. nerozpustný insoluble (neřešitelný); synonyms (adj) indissoluble, inextricable, insolvable, irresoluble, firm, inaccessible, inexplicable, intractable, mysterious, (n) insuperable; antonym (adj) soluble. nerozum unreason; synonyms (n) irrationality, hysteria, unreasonableness.
nerozumný 1. imprudent (neopatrný, nerozvážný); synonyms (adj) careless, foolish, foolhardy, hasty, improvident, indiscreet, heedless, impolitic, unadvised, ill-advised; antonyms (adj) sensible, prudent, cautious, wise, deliberate, 2. foolish (bláhový, pošetilý); synonyms (adj) childish, crazy, fool, daft, dopey, dull, dumb, fatuous, preposterous, (n) absurd; antonyms (adj) shrewd, visionary, 3. unreasonable (nesmyslný); synonyms (adj) excessive, extravagant, immoderate, undue, exorbitant, illogical, inordinate, irrational, ridiculous, senseless; antonyms (adj) reasonable, good-natured. nerozvážný 1. injudicious; synonyms (adj) imprudent, foolish, unwise, indiscreet, unadvised, careless, hasty, improper, incautious, rash; antonyms (adj) wise, sensible, 2. imprudent (neopatrný, nerozumný); synonyms (adj) foolhardy, improvident, heedless, impolitic, illadvised, injudicious, reckless, silly, thoughtless, unwary; antonyms (adj) prudent, cautious, deliberate. nerušený undisturbed; synonyms (adj) calm, peaceful, quiet, tranquil, placid, serene, easy, still, smooth, uninterrupted; antonyms (adj) anxious, tense. nerv nerve; synonyms (n) audacity, cheek, impertinence, boldness, brass, courage, daring, face, fortitude, heart; antonym (n) cowardice. nervový neural; synonyms (adj) nervous, dorsal, aflutter, anxious, neuronal, neuronic, sensory, notal, skittish, spooky. nervózní 1. jittery; synonyms (adj) fidgety, edgy, jumpy, tense, anxious, restive, uneasy, nervy, (v) nervous, twitchy; antonym (adj) relaxed, 2.
nervous; synonyms (adj) excitable, cowardly, afraid, apprehensive, fearful, shy, firm, neurotic, (adv) excited, agitated; antonyms (adj) calm, brave,
3. nervy; synonyms (adj) brash, jittery, forward, cheeky, uptight, bold, overstrung. neschopnost 1. disability (invalidita); synonyms (n) handicap, inability, disablement, disqualification, drawback, impairment, incapacity, disadvantage, damage, deadening, 2. incapability; synonyms (n) disability, impotence, unfitness, incompetence, incapableness; antonym (n) capability, 3. inability; synonyms (n) insufficiency, feebleness, helplessness, impotency, inadequacy, powerlessness, weakness; antonyms (n) ability, power, 4. incapacity; synonyms (n) incapability, inefficiency, incompetency, (adj) imbecility. neschopný 1. inefficient; synonyms (adj) incompetent, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual, incapable, inefficacious, feeble, impotent, futile, inactive; antonym (adj) efficient, 2. incapable; synonyms (adj) unable, helpless, powerless, inept, insufficient, unqualified, inefficient, unfit, weak; antonyms (adj) capable, able, 3. ineffective; synonyms (adj) empty, null, fruitless, useless, worthless, feckless, pointless, abortive, hopeless, unproductive; antonyms (adj) effective, strong, successful, useful, 4. unable; synonym (adj) disqualified. neschválit disapprove; synonyms (v) condemn, object, blame, censure, deny, disallow, discountenance, refuse, reject, repudiate; antonyms (v) approve, endorse. neschvalovat resent; synonyms (v) dislike, begrudge, envy, grudge, antagonize, brook, combat, covet, miff, mind. nesdílný uncommunicative; synonyms (adj) reserved, silent, incommunicative, taciturn, quiet, secretive, closemouthed, unsociable, withdrawn, (v) reticent; antonyms (adj) communicative, talkative. nešetrný inconsiderate (bezohledný); synonyms (adj) careless, headlong, unadvised, unthinking, hasty, heedless, imprudent, incautious, indiscreet, (adv) thoughtless; antonyms (adj) thoughtful, considerate. neshoda dissension; synonyms (n) discord, dispute, conflict, contention, difference, disagreement, variance, dissonance, division, faction; antonym (n) agreement. nešikovný 1. inept; synonyms (adj) incompetent, awkward, clumsy, inappropriate, inapt, inefficient, cumbersome, feckless, foolish, gauche; antonyms (adj) competent, skilled, skillful, capable, accomplished, relaxed, 2. awkward
(nemotorný, neohrabaný, nepříjemný); synonyms (adj) inconvenient, crude, embarrassing, inept, sticky, uncomfortable, ungainly, untoward,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English left-handed, annoying; antonyms (adj) graceful, easy, adroit, manageable, straightforward, convenient, dexterous, helpful, rotund, simple. nesjízdný impassable; synonyms (adj) impervious, insurmountable, impenetrable, insuperable, invincible, inaccessible, unpassable; antonym (adj) passable. neskladný bulky (objemný); synonyms (adj) big, large, unwieldy, ample, corpulent, cumbersome, fat, great, gross, heavy; antonyms (adj) small, compact, manageable. neškodný 1. harmless; synonyms (adj) innocuous, safe, benign, inoffensive, hurtless, innocent, innoxious, intact, simple, (n) silly; antonyms (adj) harmful, damaging, destructive, lethal, poisonous, toxic, 2. innocuous; synonyms (adj) harmless, guiltless, 3. innoxious; synonyms (adj) artless, blameless, faultless, foolish, guileless, immaculate, lawful, permitted, pure, spotless, 4. inoffensive; synonyms (adj) unoffending, euphemistic; antonym (adj) offensive. neškolený unschooled; synonyms (adj) uneducated, illiterate, untaught, untutored, ignorant, inexperienced, uncultivated, uninformed, uninitiated, uninstructed. neskromný immodest; synonyms (adj) brazen, bold, shameless, barefaced, impudent, indecent, coarse, impure, indelicate, lewd; antonym (adj) modest. neslavný inglorious; synonyms (adj) dishonorable, disgraceful, dishonourable, black, disreputable, ignominious, obscure, opprobrious, shameful. neslušnost indecency; synonyms (n) impropriety, immodesty, obscenity, coarseness, dirtiness, nastiness, rudeness, unseemliness, improperness, (adj) indelicacy; antonym (n) decency. neslušný 1. indecorous; synonyms (adj) improper, indecent, unbecoming, coarse, impolite, indelicate, unseemly, inappropriate, untoward, immodest, 2. indecent (nemravný, sprostý); synonyms (adj) filthy, dirty, gross, immoral, indecorous, shameful, bawdy, crude, impure, scurrilous; antonyms (adj) decent, proper, 3. obscene (obscénní, oplzlý); synonyms (adj) lewd, licentious, nasty, foul, ribald, lascivious, fulsome, abhorrent, detestable, smutty. neslýchaný unprecedented (nebývalý); synonyms (adj) unparalleled, singular, unexampled, extraordinary, new, unique, exceptional, remarkable, uncommon, undescribed; antonyms (adj) precedented, usual. neslyšitelný inaudible; synonyms (adj) indistinct, imperceptible, inarticulate, noiseless, quiet, faint, muffled, invisible, undetectable, unhearable; antonym (adj) distinct. nesmazatelný indelible; synonyms (adj) ineffaceable, indestructible, memorable, fast, ingrained,
irrevocable, (v) imperishable, incorruptible, (n) deep, impressive. nesmiřitelný implacable; synonyms (adj) inexorable, cruel, remorseless, grim, irreconcilable, merciless, pitiless, unappeasable, deadly, mortal; antonyms (adj) charitable, placable.
nesmírný 1. enormous (obrovský, ohromný); synonyms (adj) big, colossal, huge, immense, vast, excessive, exorbitant, great, large, prodigious; antonyms (adj) minute, small, tiny, insignificant, miniature, 2. immense (ohromný); synonyms (adj) enormous, gigantic, immeasurable, boundless, giant, infinite, endless, extensive, extreme, gargantuan, 3. prodigious (úžasný); synonyms (adj) monstrous, exceptional, phenomenal, portentous, stupendous, exceeding, incredible, marvelous, mighty, towering, 4. vast (rozsáhlý); synonyms (adj) spacious, wide, unlimited, broad, massive, monumental, unbounded, limitless, ample, roomy; antonyms (adj) limited, narrow, cramped. nesmrtelnost immortality; synonyms (n) eternity, perpetuity, sempiternity, aye, everness, fame, glory, heaven; antonym (n) mortality. nesmrtelný 1. immortal; synonyms (adj) deathless, eternal, everlasting, enduring, imperishable, undying, celebrated, endless, (n) deity, divinity; antonym (adj) mortal, 2. deathless; synonyms (adj) immortal, perennial, indestructible, almighty, ceaseless, continual. nesmysl balderdash; synonyms (n) nonsense, jargon, rot, drivel, gibberish, piffle, rubbish, trash. nesmyslnost absurdity (absurdita); synonyms (n) foolishness, nonsense, absurdness, silliness, meaninglessness, nonsensicality, fatuity, folly, idiocy, illogicality; antonym (n) sense. nesmyslný 1. absurd (nemožný); synonyms (adj) foolish, preposterous, ridiculous, unreasonable, irrational, crazy, derisory, illogical, incredible, inept; antonym (adj) sensible, 2. unreasonable (nerozumný); synonyms (adj) absurd, excessive, extravagant, immoderate, undue, exorbitant, inordinate, senseless, silly, unconscionable; antonyms (adj) reasonable, good-natured, 3. nonsensical; synonyms (adj) meaningless, ludicrous, pointless, farcical, insensate, laughable, cockeyed, nonsense, mad, stupid, 4. preposterous; synonyms (adj) nonsensical, inconsistent, monstrous, outrageous, fantastic, comical, insane, incongruous, droll, (v) fabulous, 5. pointless; synonyms (adj) flat, aimless, blunt, futile, needless, purposeless, worthless, dull, fruitless, inane; antonyms (adj) meaningful, worthwhile. nesnadný difficult (obtížný); synonyms (adj) arduous, awkward, demanding, burdensome,
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Czech - English
complicated, delicate, fastidious, hard, knotty, uphill; antonyms (adj) easy, simple, straightforward, good-natured, rewarding, clear. nesnášenlivost intolerance; synonyms (n) bigotry, impatience, discrimination, fanaticism, bias, insularity, annoyance, chauvinism, (adj) nonendurance, persecution; antonyms (n) tolerance, lenience, broadmindedness. nesnášenlivý intolerant; synonyms (adj) impatient, bigoted, illiberal, dogmatic, racist, narrow-minded, contumelious, (v) confined; antonyms (adj) tolerant, broadminded, liberal. nesnáz 1. inconvenience (nepohodlí); synonyms (n) bother, disadvantage, difficulty, (v) trouble, discommode, incommode, disoblige, annoy, disquiet, disturb; antonym (n) convenience, 2. trouble; synonyms (n) distress, pain, anxiety, (v) inconvenience, disorder, worry, afflict, agitate, burden, distract; antonyms (v) calm, please, 3. predicament; synonyms (n) dilemma, condition, fix, plight, crisis, mess, quandary, case, category, impasse. nesnesitelný 1. unbearable; synonyms (adj) intolerable, insufferable, excruciating, insupportable, unendurable, hateful; antonyms (adj) bearable, manageable, imperceptible, 2. intolerable; synonyms (adj) unbearable, painful, obnoxious, deplorable, detestable, inexcusable; antonym (adj) tolerable, 3. insupportable; synonyms (adj) indefensible, unjustifiable, 4. insufferable; synonyms (adj) impossible, abhorrent, unsufferable, 5. unendurable. nesobecký unselfish; synonyms (adj) generous, selfless, altruistic, disinterested, liberal, magnanimous, beneficent, charitable, considerate, kind; antonym (adj) selfish. nesouhlas disapproval; synonyms (n) censure, condemnation, disapprobation, blame, criticism, dislike, disfavor, dissent, objection, disfavour; antonyms (n) approval, blessing. nesouhlasit 1. disagree; synonyms (v) differ, clash, argue, conflict, dissent, bicker, disaccord, discord, diverge, squabble; antonyms (v) agree, consent, match, 2. disaccord; synonyms (v) disagree, jar, (n) disagreement, dissidence, dissonance. nesouvisející unrelated; synonyms (adj) different, irrelevant, irrelative, dissimilar, extraneous, irrespective, unconnected, unlike; antonyms (adj) related, relevant, connected, linked, similar, pertinent, appropriate. nesouvislost 1. incoherence; synonyms (n) incoherency, incoherentness, disorganization, unintelligibility, (adj) frenzy, wandering, phrenitis, phrensy, raving; antonym (n) coherence, 2. discontinuity; synonyms (n) break, gap, hiatus,
breach, crack, opening, cleavage, dislocation, fracture, unsteadiness; antonym (n) continuity. nesouvislý 1. disconnected (odpojený); synonyms (adj) broken, abrupt, desultory, disjointed, fragmentary, confused, incoherent, separate, unconnected, discontinuous; antonym (adj) attached, 2. desultory (povrchní); synonyms (adj) irregular, aimless, indiscriminate, spasmodic, capricious, purposeless, cursory, discursive, erratic, fitful, 3. discontinuous; synonyms (adj) discrete, intermittent, noncontinuous, gaping, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, unsuccessive, alternating, blinking; antonyms (adj) constant, continuous. nespavost insomnia; synonyms (n) sleeplessness, restlessness, indisposition, insomnolence, restiveness, stress, tension. nespokojenost 1. dissatisfaction; synonyms (n) displeasure, disappointment, disaffection, dislike, discontent, distaste, disquiet, disapproval, disapprobation, regret; antonyms (n) satisfaction, contentment, 2. discontent; synonyms (n) dissatisfaction, discontentment, discontentedness, annoyance, unrest, (adj) discontented, disgruntled, dissatisfied, melancholy; antonym (v) content. nespokojený 1. malcontent; synonyms (adj) disaffected, disgruntled, rebellious, (n) dissatisfaction, discontent, rebel, (v) discontented, dissatisfied, 2. unsatisfied; synonyms (adj) restless, ungratified, unsated, unsatiated, dejected, disappointed, due, fidgety, fretful, (v) unslaked. nespolehlivý unreliable; synonyms (adj) irresponsible, treacherous, uncertain, undependable, precarious, dubious, erratic, unsafe, unsound, untrustworthy; antonyms (adj) reliable, consistent, dependable, honest, constant, faithful. nesporný 1. indisputable; synonyms (adj) certain, incontestable, incontrovertible, sure, irrefutable, undeniable, firm, absolute, actual, decided; antonym (adj) dubious, 2. unquestionable; synonyms (adj) indisputable, indubitable, unequivocal, definite, undoubted, clear, assured, positive, undisputed, (v) unimpeachable; antonyms (adj) questionable, uncertain. nespravedlivý 1. inequitable; synonyms (adj) unjust, unfair, unequal, biased, undeserved, unreasonable, bigoted, foul, incompatible, prejudiced; antonyms (adj) fair, equitable, 2. iniquitous; synonyms (adj) wicked, immoral, sinful, evil, impious, bad, heinous, injurious, (adv) infamous, nefarious, 3. unfair; synonyms (adj) partial, dishonest, inequitable, deceitful, dishonorable, fraudulent, wrongful, underhand, unsporting, mean; antonyms (adj) just, reasonable, balanced, rightful, 4. unrighteous; synonyms (adj) criminal, iniquitous, unholy, wrong; antonym (adj) righteous, 5. unjust; synonyms (adj) unrighteous, improper,
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Czech - English unjustified, unmerited, undue, hard, illegal, oppressive, rough, uneven. nespravedlnost 1. injustice; synonyms (n) inequity, iniquity, evil, unfairness, wrong, bigotry, crime, (adj) injury, harm, damage; antonyms (n) justice, evenhandedness, fairness, 2. inequity; synonyms (n) inequality, injustice, partiality, discrimination, favoritism, 3. iniquity; synonyms (n) depravity, immorality, sin, wickedness, darkness, vice, sinfulness, corruption, transgression, trespass.
nesprávný 1. wrong (chybný, nepravý, špatný, zlo); synonyms (adj) harm, evil, false, ill, improper, bad, inappropriate, incorrect, (n) damage, injure; antonyms (adj) correct, good, proper, honest, lawabiding, (adv) correctly, (v) right, (n) justice, 2. incorrect (chybný); synonyms (adj) erroneous, inaccurate, wrong, imprecise, faulty, amiss, fallacious, inexact, mistaken, untrue, 3. false (falešný, klamný, nepravdivý); synonyms (adj) bastard, counterfeit, deceitful, dishonest, artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, fake; antonyms (adj) true, real, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, truthful, valid, 4. untrue (lživý, nepravdivý); synonyms (adj) unfaithful, sham, treacherous, fictitious, unfounded, hollow, invalid, insincere, phony, pretended. nesrovnatelný incomparable; synonyms (adj) matchless, rare, unequaled, unique, unparalleled, excellent, sovereign, peerless, transcendent, (v) superlative; antonyms (adj) comparable, ordinary. nesrozumitelný unintelligible; synonyms (adj) incomprehensible, opaque, inarticulate, impenetrable, unaccountable, unfathomable, ambiguous, indistinct, obscure, inconceivable; antonyms (adj) understandable, clear, comprehensible, intelligible. nést carry (nosit); synonyms (v) bear, bring, convey, conduct, take, acquit, behave, accept, comport, hold. nestabilní unstable; synonyms (adj) changeable, precarious, insecure, shaky, unsettled, unsound, erratic, fickle, fluid, inconstant; antonyms (adj) stable, steady, constant. nestálý inconstant (vrtkavý); synonyms (adj) capricious, erratic, changeable, flighty, fickle, variable, faithless, fitful, giddy, inconsistent. nestejný unequal (nerovný); synonyms (adj) dissimilar, different, unlike, inadequate, lopsided, rough, uneven, unfair, disparate, disproportionate; antonyms (adj) equal, even.
neštěstí accident (náhoda, nehoda, úraz); synonyms (n) chance, casualty, coincidence, crash, fortune, circumstance, contingency, event, fortuity, hap.
nestoudnost effrontery; synonyms (n) cheek, audacity, brass, face, presumption, boldness, impertinence, impudence, insolence, nerve. nestoudný barefaced (drzý); synonyms (adj) brazen, audacious, bald, blatant, bold, brassy, insolent, open, impudent, shameless. neštovice 1. smallpox; synonym (n) variola, 2. pox; synonyms (n) syphilis, syph, (adj) murrain, pestilence, plague, 3. pock; synonyms (n) pustule, blemish, (v) pit, mark, brand, check, commemorate, denounce, differentiate, distinguish. nestrannost impartiality; synonyms (n) fairness, disinterestedness, candor, honesty, equality, indifference, detachment, evenhandedness, (adj) equity, justice; antonyms (n) bias, injustice. nestranný impartial; synonyms (adj) fair, just, disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, unbiased, unprejudiced, even-handed, candid, even; antonyms (adj) biased, partial. nestravitelný indigestible; synonyms (adj) ungenial, filling, heavy, incocted, inedible, innutritious, starchy, tough, undigestible, bad; antonyms (adj) edible, light. nestřídmost intemperance; synonyms (n) excess, dissipation, drunkenness, debauchery, indulgence, immoderateness, insobriety, intemperateness, overindulgence; antonyms (n) self-denial, moderation, temperance. nestřídmý intemperate; synonyms (adj) excessive, immoderate, inordinate, dissipated, extreme, disorderly, inclement, undue, unreasonable, unruly; antonym (adj) calm. nestydatost impudence (drzost); synonyms (n) boldness, brass, cheek, gall, audacity, impertinence, assurance, cheekiness, effrontery, face; antonyms (n) respect, cowardice. nestydatý 1. impudent; synonyms (adj) forward, audacious, brassy, disrespectful, impertinent, barefaced, daring, brazen, insolent, (n) bold; antonym (adj) respectful, 2. shameless; synonyms (adj) immodest, graceless, depraved, profligate, blatant, unscrupulous, abandoned, impudent, indecent, obscene. netaktní 1. indelicate; synonyms (adj) indecent, indecorous, crude, immodest, coarse, gross, improper, crass, bawdy, broad, 2. indiscreet (nediskrétní); synonyms (adj) foolish, careless, imprudent, incautious, ill-advised, rash, unadvised, unwise, impolitic, hasty; antonym (adj) discreet, 3. tactless; synonyms (adj) inconsiderate, clumsy, tasteless, blunt, awkward, inept, insensitive, thoughtless; antonyms (adj) tactful, diplomatic, thoughtful. netaktnost indiscretion; synonyms (n) foolishness, fault, inconsideration, rashness, carelessness,
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Czech - English
injudiciousness, hastiness, indiscreetness, (adj) imprudence, temerity. neteř niece; synonyms (n) nephew, aunt, uncle. netopýr bat (pálka); synonyms (n) club, rapidity, blow, cudgel, flittermouse, punch, (v) hit, beat, blink, lick. netrpělivost impatience; synonyms (n) annoyance, eagerness, anger, fidget, fidgetiness, nervousness, restlessness, enthusiasm, edginess, (adj) nonendurance; antonyms (n) patience, calmness. netvor monster (obluda, příšera); synonyms (n) giant, beast, brute, demon, devil, fiend, freak, behemoth, colossus, (adj) huge. neúcta disrespect; synonyms (n) cheek, contempt, discourtesy, insult, impertinence, neglect, blasphemy, disdain, (v) slight, disesteem; antonyms (n) admiration, regard, (v) respect. neuctivý 1. disrespectful (nezdvořilý); synonyms (adj) discourteous, impertinent, impious, impolite, insolent, irreverent, contemptuous, sacrilegious, audacious, bold; antonyms (adj) respectful, deferential, 2. irreverent; synonyms (adj) profane, blasphemous, disrespectful, irreligious, impudent, pert, saucy, aweless, godless; antonyms (adj) pious, reverent. neudržitelný untenable; synonyms (adj) indefensible, illogical, inexcusable, unjustifiable, (v) defenseless, harmless, pregnable, unarmed, unfortified. neuhasitelný 1. inextinguishable; synonyms (adj) dominating, impregnable, indomitable, quenchless, (v) irrepressible, incommutable, indefeasible, irreducible, simmering, volcanic; antonym (adj) extinguishable, 2. quenchless; synonyms (adj) insatiable, unquenchable. neúmyslný 1. unintentional; synonyms (adj) involuntary, unconscious, inadvertent, undesigned, unwitting, accidental, chance, coincidental, spontaneous, unthinking; antonyms (adj) deliberate, intentional, 2. unconscious (nevědomý); synonyms (adj) unaware, ignorant, subconscious, oblivious, automatic, insensible, instinctive, senseless, unintentional, innocent; antonyms (adj) conscious, awake. neúnavný 1. indefatigable; synonyms (adj) diligent, tireless, assiduous, unflagging, untiring, energetic, unremitting, indomitable, laborious, unwearied, 2. tireless (vytrvalý); synonyms (adj) indefatigable, industrious, unwearying, busy, hardworking. neúplatný incorrupt; synonyms (adj) immaculate, pure, uncorrupt, clean, fair, chaste, clear, good, genuine, guileless; antonym (adj) corrupt. neúplný incomplete; synonyms (adj) defective, deficient, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, halfway, lacking, short, unfinished, half; antonyms (adj) complete, finished, whole.
neuposlechnout disobey; synonyms (v) break, contravene, defy, disregard, infringe, violate, ignore, breach, rebel, transgress; antonym (v) obey. neupravený untidy (nepořádný); synonyms (adj) slovenly, disheveled, disordered, disorderly, messy, sloppy, unkempt, confused, disorganized, frowzy; antonyms (adj) tidy, neat, elegant. neupřímný insincere; synonyms (adj) deceitful, artificial, false, feigned, hollow, hypocritical, affected, empty, devious, dishonest; antonyms (adj) sincere, genuine, natural. neúprosný inexorable; synonyms (adj) implacable, adamant, stern, unrelenting, inevitable, cruel, adamantine, austere, grim, inflexible. neuralgie neuralgia; synonyms (n) neuralgy, (v) cephalalgia, earache, gout, lumbago, odontalgia, otalgia, podagra, rheumatism.
neurčitý vague (matný, nejasný, nezřetelný, vágní); synonyms (adj) indeterminate, indistinct, obscure, ambiguous, faint, indefinite, uncertain, undefined, (v) loose, equivocal; antonyms (adj) clear, definite, distinct, exact, particular, precise, specific, sure. neúrodný barren (neplodný); synonyms (adj) infertile, sterile, deserted, abortive, arid, dry, fruitless, meagre, stark, (v) bare; antonyms (adj) fertile, lush, productive. neurotický neurotic (neurotik); synonyms (adj) nervous, unstable, jittery, disturbed, excitable, (n) psychoneurotic; antonym (adj) modern. neurotik neurotic (neurotický); synonyms (adj) nervous, unstable, jittery, disturbed, excitable, (n) psychoneurotic; antonym (adj) modern. neuróza neurosis; synonyms (n) breakdown, complex, fixation, insanity, neuroticism, obsession, phobia, problem, psychoneurosis, psychosis. neuspokojit dissatisfy; synonyms (n) mortify, (v) displease, discontent, disappoint, disgruntle, chagrin, affront, anger, annoy, chafe; antonym (v) satisfy. neuspokojivý unsatisfactory; synonyms (adj) inadequate, insufficient, poor, deficient, bad, lame, dissatisfactory, empty, limited, mediocre; antonyms (adj) satisfactory, acceptable, reasonable, first-rate. neustále constantly (stále); synonyms (adv) always, forever, perpetually, continually, ceaselessly, endlessly, eternally, ever, incessantly, persistently; antonyms (adv) sporadically, inconsistently. neustálý 1. incessant; synonyms (adj) ceaseless, constant, continual, endless, eternal, everlasting, continuous, frequent, perpetual, unremitting; antonym (adj) intermittent, 2. eternal; synonyms (adj) lasting, aeonian, boundless, deathless, enduring, immortal, unending, ageless, durable,
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Czech - English eonian; antonyms (adj) temporary, mortal, shortlived, finite. neústupný 1. refractory; synonyms (adj) intractable, disobedient, obstinate, perverse, recalcitrant, contumacious, fractious, headstrong, stubborn, unruly, 2. pertinacious (tvrdošíjný); synonyms (adj) persistent, dogged, dour, tenacious, unyielding, stiff, firm, inflexible, willful, bulldog. neutrál neutral (neutrální); synonyms (adj) disinterested, impartial, indifferent, dispassionate, impersonal, noncommittal, colorless, detached, fair, (n) neuter; antonyms (adj) biased, aromatic, colorful. neutralita neutrality; synonyms (n) impartiality, indifference, detachment, fairness, independence, objectivity, disinterest, disinterestedness, justice, laissez-faire; antonym (n) bias. neutralizovat neutralize; synonyms (v) counteract, cancel, counterbalance, countervail, neutralise, nullify, offset, undo, annul, antagonize. neutrální neutral (neutrál); synonyms (adj) disinterested, impartial, indifferent, dispassionate, impersonal, noncommittal, colorless, detached, fair, (n) neuter; antonyms (adj) biased, aromatic, colorful. neuznat disallow (nedovolit); synonyms (v) ban, forbid, bar, deny, exclude, outlaw, prohibit, veto, decline, disapprove; antonyms (v) permit, allow. nevábný uninviting; synonyms (adj) unattractive, distasteful, disagreeable, ugly, undesirable; antonym (adj) inviting. nevázaný 1. licentious (prostopášný); synonyms (adj) dissolute, immoral, lewd, filthy, abandoned, debauched, lascivious, depraved, lecherous, fast, 2. unrestrained; synonyms (adj) loose, unconstrained, uncontrolled, wild, extravagant, immoderate, unconfined, mad, open, (v) free; antonyms (adj) restrained, self-denying, 3. unbound; synonyms (adj) untied, untrammeled, exempt, indeterminate, interminable, lax, liberated, rambling, unbuttoned, (v) unencumbered; antonym (adj) bound. nevděk ingratitude; synonyms (n) unthankfulness, ungratefulness.
nevědomost ignorance (neinformovanost, neznalost); synonyms (n) darkness, illiteracy, nescience, folly, innocence, unwisdom, denseness, stupidity, obtuseness, unawareness; antonyms (n) knowledge, intelligence. nevědomý unconscious (neúmyslný); synonyms (adj) involuntary, unaware, ignorant, subconscious, unwitting, oblivious, automatic, insensible, instinctive, senseless; antonyms (adj) conscious, awake, deliberate. nevěřící infidel; synonyms (adj) skeptic, (n) atheist, heathen, pagan, gentile, unbeliever, deist, freethinker.
nevhodnost inaptitude; synonyms (n) inability, ineptitude, absurdity, foolishness, nonsense, unproductivity, unsuitableness; antonym (n) aptitude. nevhodný 1. improper; synonyms (adj) false, inappropriate, illicit, illegitimate, bad, coarse, indecent, indecorous, unsuitable, wrong; antonyms (adj) proper, suitable, fitting, polite, 2. inappropriate; synonyms (adj) improper, inapplicable, incompatible, incongruous, awkward, undue, incorrect, irrelevant, unapt, (v) inapt; antonyms (adj) appropriate, right, befitting, 3. inapt; synonyms (adj) inadequate, unbecoming, inapposite, clumsy, inept, unseemly, unsuited, cumbersome, inadmissible. neviditelný invisible; synonyms (adj) imperceptible, hidden, inconspicuous, obscure, intangible, sightless, concealed, impalpable, occult, unseeable; antonyms (adj) obvious, visible, conspicuous. nevidomý sightless; synonyms (adj) eyeless, unseeing, viewless, visionless, unobservant, unsightly. nevinnost innocence; synonyms (n) cleanness, blamelessness, chastity, ignorance, artlessness, gullibility, ingenuousness, purity, innocency, simplicity; antonyms (n) guilt, sophistication. nevinný 1. innocent; synonyms (adj) harmless, chaste, artless, clear, ingenuous, innocuous, guileless, guiltless, ignorant, blameless; antonyms (adj) guilty, culpable, responsible, wary, wicked, 2. guiltless; synonyms (adj) innocent, clean, irreproachable, faultless, stainless, unsullied, immaculate, pure, spotless, 3. blameless; synonyms (adj) perfect, inculpable, unimpeachable, flawless, impeccable, good, just, moral, upright, virtuous. nevítaný unwelcome; synonyms (adj) undesirable, unwanted, disagreeable, objectionable, unpopular, unasked, unwished, unintroduced, uninvited, (n) unsatisfactory; antonyms (adj) welcome, desirable, longed-for. nevkusný tasteless (bez chuti); synonyms (adj) insipid, bland, flavorless, flat, dull, flashy, flavourless, gaudy, vulgar, weak; antonyms (adj) tasteful, tasty, strong, delicious. nevlídný 1. inclement; synonyms (n) austere, rugged, (adj) hard, harsh, bitter, bleak, boisterous, rigorous, rough, turbulent; antonyms (adj) clement, mild, 2. unkind (bezcitný, nelaskavý); synonyms (adj) cruel, unfeeling, heartless, inconsiderate, pitiless, inhuman, thoughtless, brutal, mean, merciless; antonym (adj) kind. nevolnictví serfdom; synonyms (n) bondage, serfage, captivity, serfhood, servitude, slavery, thraldom, thrall, vassalage, enthrallment. nevolník 1. bondman; synonyms (n) bondsman, thrall, slave, bondage, captive, bondswoman,
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dependent, henchman, servitude, shelf, 2. bondsman; synonyms (n) bondman, surety, bail, bondmaid, bondwoman, certainty, confirmation, evidence, hostage, warrant, 3. serf; synonyms (n) helot, servant, villein, tike, tyke, assistant, domestic, inferior, labor, subordinate. nevolnost qualm; synonyms (n) scruple, misgiving, doubt, nausea, suspicion, distrust, compunction, hesitation, regret, uncertainty.
nevrlý cantankerous (hašteřivý, svárlivý); synonyms (adj) irascible, cranky, cross, crotchety, grumpy, irritable, moody, morose, peevish, quarrelsome; antonyms (adj) good-humored, goodnatured. nevychovanec lout; synonyms (n) clod, goon, oaf, clown, boor, loon, klutz, lubber, lump, (adj) gawk. nevyhnutelnost inevitability; synonyms (n) certainty, inevitableness, necessity, unavoidability, destiny, fatality, conclusiveness, decisiveness, definiteness, need; antonym (n) unpredictability. nevyhnutelný 1. inevitable; synonyms (adj) certain, ineluctable, unavoidable, inescapable, destined, fatal, fated, irresistible, irrevocable, necessary; antonyms (adj) uncertain, evitable, 2. unavoidable; synonyms (adj) obligatory, indispensable, essential, avoidless, required, sure, (v) inevitable. nevýhoda disadvantage; synonyms (n) deprivation, inconvenience, limitation, loss, damage, detriment, failing, fault, flaw, harm; antonyms (n) benefit, bonus, value, (v) advantage. nevýhodný disadvantageous; synonyms (adj) detrimental, adverse, harmful, damaging, inconvenient, prejudicial, unfavorable, inexpedient, injurious, inopportune; antonym (adj) advantageous. nevýnosný unprofitable; synonyms (adj) fruitless, profitless, useless, futile, inutile, disadvantageous, unfruitful, barren, idle, unproductive; antonym (adj) profitable. nevýrazný featureless; synonyms (adj) lackluster, nondescript, plain, monotonous, colorless, uninteresting, bland, boring, derivative, dingy. nevyřízený pending; synonyms (prep) during, awaiting, (adj) forthcoming, undecided, unresolved, unsettled, outstanding, hanging, (n) abeyance, (adv) while; antonym (adj) distant. nevyrovnaný unsettled; synonyms (adj) uncertain, changeable, doubtful, undecided, unfixed, indefinite, uneasy, outstanding, disturbed, undetermined; antonyms (adj) settled, confident, definite. nevyslovený 1. unsaid; synonyms (adj) unspoken, implicit, unvoiced, tacit, understood, unexpressed; antonym (adj) said, 2. unspoken; synonyms (adj) mute, unsaid, silent, implied, inarticulate,
tongueless; antonyms (adj) explicit, spoken, 3. unvoiced; synonyms (adj) voiceless, surd, unstated, unuttered, unverbalized; antonym (adj) voiced. nevýslovný 1. ineffable; synonyms (adj) indescribable, unspeakable, unutterable, indefinable, inexpressible, unimaginable, 2. untold; synonyms (adj) countless, infinite, incalculable, innumerable, vast, endless, unlimited, (v) unsaid, unbreathed, undisclosed, 3. unspeakable; synonyms (adj) ineffable, awful, dreadful, terrible, horrible, nasty, atrocious, shocking, fearful, frightful, 4. unutterable; synonyms (adj) unpronounceable, unapproachable, unnameable, untellable. nevyvratitelný irrefutable; synonyms (adj) incontrovertible, indisputable, undeniable, conclusive, incontestable, irrefragable, unquestionable, indubitable, unanswerable, (v) irresistible. nevyzkoušený untried; synonyms (adj) inexperienced, new, raw, untested, fresh, unseasoned, (v) undetermined; antonym (adj) proven. nevzhledný unsightly; synonyms (adj) ugly, repulsive, hideous, unpleasant, unattractive, disagreeable. nezadlužený unencumbered; synonyms (adj) disburdened, disencumbered, unburdened, unembarrassed, agile, artless, candid, clear, common, (v) unbound; antonym (adj) encumbered. nežádoucí 1. undesirable; synonyms (adj) unpleasant, unwelcome, inexpedient, distasteful, objectionable, undesired, unsuitable, unwanted, improper, intolerable; antonyms (adj) desirable, wanted, welcome, 2. objectionable (nepříjemný, problematický); synonyms (adj) exceptionable, nasty, offensive, undesirable, disagreeable, disgusting, obnoxious, repugnant, repulsive, unacceptable; antonyms (adj) agreeable, pleasant. nezájem unconcern; synonyms (n) indifference, apathy, nonchalance, coldness, insouciance, detachment, impassiveness. nezajímavý uninteresting; synonyms (adj) dull, insipid, monotonous, dreary, bland, commonplace, flat, tedious, stupid, humdrum; antonyms (adj) interesting, exciting, fascinating, scandalous. nezákonnost illegality; synonyms (n) irregularity, crime, misdemeanor, racket, violation, blunder, indiscretion, misconduct, misdeed, (adj) informality; antonym (n) legality. nezákonný 1. illegal (ilegální); synonyms (adj) criminal, forbidden, prohibited, unauthorized, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit, lawless, taboo, wrongful; antonyms (adj) legal, lawful, honest,
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Czech - English legitimate, official, 2. illicit (zakázaný); synonyms (adj) illegal, contraband, wrong, immoral, shady, adulterous, clandestine, outlawed; antonym (adj) licit, 3. unlawful; synonyms (adj) improper, irregular, outlaw, unfair, crooked, unconventional. nezaměstnanost unemployment; synonyms (n) idleness, depression, leisure, recession, redundancy; antonym (n) employment. nezapomenutelný unforgettable; synonyms (adj) memorable, indelible, distinguished, immortal, lingering, monumental, timeless, abiding, ageless, brilliant; antonym (adj) forgettable. nezařízený unfurnished; synonyms (adj) empty, unarranged, unbegun, unequipped, unoccupied, untrimmed, bare, blank, clean, (v) unprovided; antonym (adj) furnished. nezasloužený 1. unearned (bezpracný); synonyms (adj) undeserved, unmerited, unfair, unjust, unjustified, unrealized, unwarranted, unjustifiable; antonym (adj) earned, 2. undeserved; synonyms (adj) unearned, inequitable, undue, excessive, iniquitous, unreasonable, wrong; antonyms (adj) well-deserved, rightful. nezaujatý 1. disinterested; synonyms (adj) impartial, detached, fair, indifferent, dispassionate, equitable, neutral, objective, unbiased, evenhanded; antonyms (adj) involved, biased, interested, 2. dispassionate; synonyms (adj) cool, calm, disinterested, apathetic, composed, impassive, unprejudiced, sober, unconcerned, unflappable; antonym (adj) passionate. nezávadný unobjectionable; synonyms (adj) harmless, innocuous, acceptable, unexceptionable, bearable, clean, good, innocent, inoffensive.
nezávislost independence (samostatnost); synonyms (n) autonomy, freedom, liberty, independency, individuality, latitude, detachment, neutrality, sovereignty, inconsequence; antonyms (n) dependence, childhood. nezávislý independent (samostatný); synonyms (adj) free, autonomous, separate, substantive, impartial, nonpartisan, sovereign, unallied, (n) freelance, mugwump; antonyms (adj) dependent, simultaneous. nezbedný naughty (rozpustilý); synonyms (adj) bad, blue, impish, mischievous, improper, disobedient, insubordinate, wicked, evil, lewd; antonyms (adj) well-behaved, good. nezbytnost necessity (nutnost); synonyms (n) demand, need, lack, essential, exigency, compulsion, emergency, constraint, distress, indigence; antonym (n) option.
nezbytný 1. necessary (nutný, potřebný); synonyms (adj) essential, compulsory, important, inevitable, basic, mandatory, fundamental, (n) requisite, necessity, demand; antonyms (adj)
unnecessary, optional, surplus, needless, unjustified, 2. essential (hlavní, podstatný, základní); synonyms (adj) necessary, crucial, inherent, constituent, elementary, natural, central, constitutional, (n) base, (v) imperative; antonyms (adj) minor, secondary, (n) inessential, option, unimportant, peripheral, luxury. nezcizitelný inalienable; synonyms (adj) unalienable, absolute, inviolable, unassailable, untransferable, inseparable, inherent, unforfeitable, basic, (v) incommunicable; antonym (adj) alienable. nezdravý 1. insalubrious; synonyms (adj) noxious, unhealthy, noisome, unhealthful, unwholesome, harmful, injurious, insanitary, 2. unsound; synonyms (adj) defective, false, fallacious, shaky, faulty, invalid, rotten, unreliable, unsafe, imperfect; antonyms (adj) sound, valid, 3. unhealthy; synonyms (adj) morbid, sickly, ailing, ill, insalubrious, sick, unsound, diseased, delicate, feeble; antonyms (adj) healthy, fit, hygienic. nezdvořilost 1. impoliteness; synonyms (n) disrespect, discourtesy, incivility, insolence, rudeness, impertinence, impudence, audacity, cheek, cheekiness; antonyms (n) politeness, gallantry, 2. incivility; synonym (n) impoliteness. nezdvořilý 1. impolite; synonyms (adj) coarse, discourteous, gruff, brusque, churlish, disrespectful, impertinent, improper, insolent, rude; antonyms (adj) polite, respectful, courteous, 2. disrespectful (neuctivý); synonyms (adj) impious, impolite, irreverent, contemptuous, sacrilegious, audacious, bold, cheeky, flippant, impudent; antonym (adj) deferential, 3. uncivil; synonyms (adj) rough, blunt, curt, harsh, barbarous, short, brutal, unmannerly, tactless, (n) boisterous; antonym (adj) civil. neživý inanimate; synonyms (adj) dead, defunct, breathless, dull, inactive, inorganic, lifeless, exanimate, deceased, extinct; antonyms (adj) living, animate. nezkažený pure (ryzí); synonyms (adj) just, absolute, genuine, natural, artless, clean, clear, faultless, fresh, (n) chaste; antonyms (adj) impure, contaminated, diluted, dishonored, tainted, wicked. nezkazitelný incorruptible; synonyms (adj) immortal, indestructible, upright, perpetual, trustworthy, deathless, upstanding, (v) imperishable, indeciduous, indelible. nezkrácený unabridged; synonyms (adj) complete, full, whole, absolute, unmitigated, uncensored, (adv) completely, (n) uncondensed, unexpurgated, unshortened; antonym (n) abridged. nezkrocený unmitigated; synonyms (adj) complete, absolute, thorough, total, consummate, sheer,
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unconditional, unqualified, regular, perfect; antonym (adj) mitigated. nezkrotný indomitable; synonyms (adj) unconquerable, firm, dogged, inflexible, invincible, tough, gritty, dauntless, irresistible, (v) iron; antonym (adj) vulnerable. nezkušenost inexperience; synonyms (n) greenness, freshness, innocence, (adj) simplicity, inability, incomprehension, indexterity. nezkušený 1. inexperienced; synonyms (adj) immature, naive, young, callow, raw, ignorant, new, unsophisticated, unexperienced, (v) green; antonyms (adj) experienced, trained, skilled, sophisticated, 2. raw (nezpracovaný, odřený, syrový); synonyms (adj) crude, fresh, bleak, coarse, cutting, piercing, sore, cold, biting, chilly; antonyms (adj) refined, cooked. nezlepšený unimproved; synonyms (adj) dilapidated, unkempt; antonym (adj) improved. nezletilost 1. minority (menšina); synonyms (n) nonage, infancy, adolescence, inferiority, subordinacy, teens, childhood, faction, youth, (adj) few, 2. nonage; synonym (n) minority. nezlomitelný infrangible; synonyms (adj) inviolable, absolute, unbreakable, conclusive, downright, impregnable, unfrangible, (v) inextricable, inseparable, united.
neznalost ignorance (neinformovanost, nevědomost); synonyms (n) darkness, illiteracy, nescience, folly, innocence, unwisdom, denseness, stupidity, obtuseness, unawareness; antonyms (n) knowledge, intelligence. neznalý 1. ignorant; synonyms (adj) unconscious, illiterate, rude, uneducated, unwitting, blind, dull, innocent, naive, unaware; antonyms (adj) knowledgeable, conscious, 2. unknowing; synonyms (adj) ignorant, unweeting, nescient, unenlightened, oblivious, inexperienced, unadvised, (n) ignorantness, nescience, unawareness. neznámá unknown (neznámý); synonyms (adj) secret, strange, hidden, unfamiliar, nameless, obscure, unidentified, anonymous, foreign, (n) stranger; antonyms (adj) known, familiar, famous, recognized, well-known. neznámý 1. unfamiliar; synonyms (adj) strange, new, unaccustomed, unacquainted, uncommon, foreign, mysterious, novel, unidentified, inexperienced; antonyms (adj) familiar, recognizable, 2. unknown (neznámá); synonyms (adj) secret, hidden, unfamiliar, nameless, obscure, anonymous, undiscovered, (n) stranger, alien, foreigner; antonyms (adj) known, famous, recognized, wellknown.
nezpracovaný raw (nezkušený, odřený, syrový); synonyms (adj) crude, fresh, immature, bleak,
coarse, cutting, green, piercing, sore, cold; antonyms (adj) refined, cooked. nezralost immaturity; synonyms (n) greenness, immatureness, childhood, adolescence, babyhood, juvenility, youth; antonym (n) maturity. nezralý 1. immature; synonyms (adj) adolescent, green, childish, crude, raw, tender, unripe, callow, childlike, early; antonyms (adj) mature, adult, developed, full-grown, grown-up, ripe, 2. unripe; synonyms (adj) immature, premature, young, juvenile. nezranitelný invulnerable; synonyms (adj) invincible, impregnable, impervious, impenetrable, safe, secure, unassailable, indomitable, (v) defensible; antonym (adj) vulnerable.
nezřetelný 1. obscure (temný, zatemnit); synonyms (adj) cloudy, dim, dark, gloomy, ambiguous, concealed, darken, hidden, incomprehensible, (v) hide; antonyms (adj) clear, noticeable, simple, obvious, distinct, mainstream, (v) clarify, 2. indistinct; synonyms (adj) confused, faint, inarticulate, indefinite, dull, fuzzy, hazy, indeterminate, neutral, blurred, 3. vague (matný, nejasný, neurčitý, vágní); synonyms (adj) indistinct, obscure, uncertain, undefined, undetermined, feeble, nebulous, shadowy, (v) loose, equivocal; antonyms (adj) definite, exact, particular, precise, specific, sure. nezvratný 1. conclusive; synonyms (adj) absolute, decisive, cogent, undeniable, certain, definite, definitive, determinate, determinative, indisputable; antonyms (adj) inconclusive, indecisive, 2. irreversible; synonyms (adj) irreparable, unchangeable, irrecoverable, fixed, irremediable, (v) irrevocable, irretrievable, indefeasible, incommutable, intransmutable; antonym (adj) reversible. nezvyklý 1. uncommon; synonyms (adj) extraordinary, rare, exceptional, infrequent, odd, peculiar, scarce, singular, special, strange; antonyms (adj) common, typical, 2. unaccustomed; synonyms (adj) new, unusual, inexperienced, untrained, unacquainted, uncustomary, unseasoned, uncommon, unfamiliar, unused; antonyms (adj) accustomed, familiar. nic 1. nothing; synonyms (n) zero, cipher, nobody, nihil, nonentity, aught, cypher, nix, (adv) naught, (adj) nil; antonym (pron) something, 2. naught (nula); synonyms (n) nothing, null, zilch, nought, zip, nada. nicméně nevertheless (přesto); synonyms (adv) however, but, still, though, anyway, anyhow, even, nonetheless, (conj) yet, although. nicota nothingness; synonyms (n) nonexistence, nothing, void, nihility, nullity, emptiness, insignificance, blankness, nonentity, vacuum.
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Czech - English
nicotný 1. futile (marný); synonyms (adj) fruitless,
noc night; synonyms (n) dark, evening, dusk,
useless, empty, abortive, frivolous, idle, ineffective, bootless, hollow, hopeless; antonym (adj) successful, 2. nugatory (bezcenný); synonyms (adj) invalid, worthless, futile, ineffectual, insignificant, trifling, inconsequential, null, trivial, vain. nihilismus nihilism; synonyms (n) anarchy, atheism, disbelief, abnegation, agnosticism, denial, disorder, nonbelief, nothingness, (adj) nihility. nijak nowise (nikterak); synonyms (adv) no, nay, noways, not. nikam nowhere (nikde); synonyms (adv) minus, nowhither, (n) limbo, oblivion, (adj) tiresome, average, banal, emotionless, insipid, prosaic. nikde nowhere (nikam); synonyms (adv) minus, nowhither, (n) limbo, oblivion, (adj) tiresome, average, banal, emotionless, insipid, prosaic. nikdo 1. nobody; synonyms (n) cipher, naught, zero, nil, cypher, nonentity, nothing, zip, none, nullity; antonyms (pron) everyone, (n) celebrity, personality, 2. none (žádný); synonym (adj) no. nikdy never; synonyms (adv) ne'er, nevermore, nor, tomorrow; antonym (adv) always. nikl nickel (poniklovat); synonyms (n) moss, pile, quarter, rock, dime, disme, dollar, (v) plate. nikoliv no (ne, žádný); synonyms (n) refusal, rejection, denial, number, nix, (adv) nay, (adj) zero, naught, none, non. nikotin nicotine; synonyms (n) strychnine, (adj) quid, snuff, tobacco, smoke. nikterak nowise (nijak); synonyms (adv) no, nay, noways, not. nit thread (vlákno); synonyms (n) string, line, yarn, rope, twine, wire, (v) file, range, penetrate, lace. niternost inwardness; synonyms (n) content, essence, familiarity, gist, heart, kernel, marrow, meat, nub, pith. níže 1. below (dole, pod); synonyms (adv) beneath, under, down, infra, downstairs, (prep) underneath, (adj) low, after; antonyms (prep) above, over, 2. hereinafter; synonym (adv) hereafter. nížina lowland; synonyms (n) plain, bog, fen, grassland, marsh, pampas, prairie, valley, wetland. nízkost baseness; synonyms (n) contemptibility, meanness, depravity, despicability, evil, wickedness, dirtiness, iniquity, abasement, degradation. nízký low; synonyms (adj) contemptible, abject, humble, ignoble, base, blue, common, deep, dejected, (adv) gentle; antonyms (adj) cheerful, happy, high-pitched, loud, important, piercing, (n) high.
darkness, nighttime, twilight, (adj) nocturnal; antonyms (n) day, light. noclehárna hostel; synonyms (n) inn, lodge, hostelry, hotel, home, club, gild, guild, pension, order. noha 1. leg; synonyms (n) stage, blackleg, branch, peg, post, arm, column, limb, member, phase, 2. foot (chodidlo); synonyms (n) bottom, base, feet, foundation, basis, footing, measure, paw, (v) hoof, pay; antonym (n) top, 3. shank; synonyms (n) handle, haft, hilt, cannon, shaft, stem, blade, heft, plinth, scale.
nomenklatura nomenclature (názvosloví); synonyms (n) terminology, language, classification, lyric, arrangement, categorization, organization, schedule, speech, (v) name.
nominální nominal (jmenný, jmenovitý); synonyms (adj) titular, formal, token, minimal, minimum, nominative, (v) cognominal; antonym (adj) real. nominovat nominate (jmenovat); synonyms (v) appoint, name, constitute, establish, institute, make, assign, charge, (n) designate, call. nonšalantní nonchalant; synonyms (adj) negligent, careless, indifferent, insouciant, unconcerned, carefree, casual, calm, cool, offhand; antonym (adj) anxious. nora burrow; synonyms (n) den, hole, lair, (v) delve, dig, excavate, tunnel, mine, nestle, (adj) gouge. norek mink; synonyms (n) coat, (adj) desirable, irresistible, lovely, pretty. norma 1. standard (standardní, vzor); synonyms (adj) model, normal, regular, (n) degree, measure, average, criterion, flag, norm, rate; antonyms (adj) unusual, unconventional, special, 2. rule
(pravidlo, předpis, vláda, vládnout); synonyms (n) govern, order, decree, dominion, law, ordinance, principle, (v) command, control, influence, 3. norm; synonyms (n) mean, mode, median, gauge, par, pattern, rule. normála normal (normální); synonyms (adj) regular, common, conventional, customary, general, ordinary, everyday, habitual, mean, natural; antonyms (adj) abnormal, unusual, creepy, eccentric, extraordinary, irregular, odd, strange, supernatural, unconventional.
normalizace 1. standardization (standardizace); synonyms (n) standardisation, calibration, normalisation, normalization, adjustment, regularisation, regularization, consistency, order, organization, 2. normalization; synonym (n) standardization.
normalizovat 1. standardize (standardizovat); synonyms (v) normalize, regulate, order, standardise, adjust, organize, regularize, 2.
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Czech - English
normalize; synonyms (v) normalise, standardize, anneal, control, legalize, renormalise, renormalize, stereotype, homogenize, police. normální normal (normála); synonyms (adj) regular, common, conventional, customary, general, ordinary, everyday, habitual, mean, natural; antonyms (adj) abnormal, unusual, creepy, eccentric, extraordinary, irregular, odd, strange, supernatural, unconventional. nos nose; synonyms (n) beak, hooter, nozzle, proboscis, honker, bow, (v) pry, scent, sniff, wind. nosatý 1. nosey (páchnoucí); synonyms (adj) nosy, prying, snoopy, pungent, 2. nosy; synonyms (adj) curious, inquisitive, inquiring, nosey, meddlesome, meddling, intrusive; antonym (adj) apathetic. nosit 1. carry (nést); synonyms (v) bear, bring, convey, conduct, take, acquit, behave, accept, comport, hold, 2. wear (opotřebovat); synonyms (v) dress, endure, fatigue, tire, waste, (n) clothing, apparel, attire, clothes, garb; antonym (v) refresh. nosítka stretcher; synonyms (n) litter, cot, bed, berth, brancard, capstone, cradle, crate, crib, hammock. nosní nasal (nosový); synonyms (adj) rhinal, adenoidal, bony, cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, haggard, impecunious, (v) guttural, inarticulate. nosník 1. girder (trám); synonyms (n) beam, bar, joist, plank, rafter, support, timber, brace, 2. beam (břevno, trám); synonyms (n) blaze, glow, ray, flash, (v) glare, air, broadcast, gleam, grin, (adj) shine. nosorožec rhinoceros; synonyms (n) rhino, hippopotamus, pachyderm, rhinocerote, tapirs. nosový nasal (nosní); synonyms (adj) rhinal, adenoidal, bony, cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, haggard, impecunious, (v) guttural, inarticulate. nostalgický homesick; synonyms (adj) nostalgic, lonesome, evocative, melancholy, reflective, regretful. nostalgie 1. nostalgia; synonyms (n) homesickness, longing, wistfulness, craving, hunger, ache, desire, regret, romance, thirst, 2. homesickness; synonyms (n) nostalgia, melancholy, reminiscence. nota note (poznámka); synonyms (n) comment, mention, remark, annotation, heed, indication, mark, (v) notice, mind, look; antonym (v) ignore. notář notary; synonyms (n) clerk, lawyer, attorney, brief, copyist, draughtsman, greffier, recorder, scribe. notes notebook (diář, sešit, zápisník); synonyms (n) book, laptop, pad, album, computer, file, machine, mainframe, processor, supercomputer. nouze 1. distress (úzkost, zármutek); synonyms (n) agony, anguish, pain, trouble, anxiety, calamity, (v) afflict, torment, concern, bother; antonyms (v) comfort, please, 2. indigence; synonyms (n) distress, need, poverty, want, beggary, neediness,
pauperism, penury, misery, (v) destitution, 3. want
(chtít, nedostatek, potřeba, potřebovat, přát si); synonyms (v) desire, (n) lack, wish, deficiency, deprivation, famine, absence, dearth, demand, indigence; antonyms (v) dislike, hate. novela novelette; synonyms (n) novel, novella. novicka novice; synonyms (n) apprentice, beginner, fledgling, learner, amateur, greenhorn, neophyte, newcomer, freshman, initiate. novinář journalist; synonyms (n) reporter, writer, author, chronicler, diarist, newscaster. novinka novelty; synonyms (n) innovation, freshness, mutation, newness, change, trinket, curiosity, oddity, originality, (adj) news. noviny 1. newspaper; synonyms (n) journal, gazette, magazine, paper, news, periodical, print, publisher, newsprint, press, 2. journal (deník); synonyms (n) diary, book, newspaper, ephemeris, chronicle, log, record, annals, (adj) daybook, daily, 3. gazette; synonyms (n) gazetteer, catalogue, list, tract, publication. novost recency; synonyms (n) novelty, recentness. nový 1. new; synonyms (adj) green, modern, novel, original, additional, inexperienced, innovative, raw, recent, (adv) fresh; antonyms (adj) old, familiar, outgoing, second-hand, traditional, used, less, oldfashioned, stale, (adv) past, 2. novel (nebývalý, román); synonyms (n) fiction, romance, book, (adj) new, curious, different, unprecedented, newfangled, strange, unfamiliar. nozdra nostril; synonyms (n) chimney, flue, funnel, nozzle, port, throat, trachea, weasand, nare, shaft. nuda 1. boredom; synonyms (n) tedium, monotony, doldrums, dullness, ennui, tediousness, melancholy; antonyms (n) excitement, enjoyment, 2. ennui; synonyms (n) boredom, fatigue, dissatisfaction, 3. tedium; synonym (n) sameness. nudismus nudism; synonym (n) naturism. nudista nudist; synonyms (n) naturist, (adj) naturistic. nudle noodle; synonyms (n) booby, dolt, noggin, noddy, looby, attic, bean, nonny, owl, head. nudný 1. boring; synonyms (adj) dull, tedious, tiresome, annoying, arid, bland, dreary, monotonous, prosaic, (n) drilling; antonyms (adj) exciting, fascinating, interesting, gripping, original, thrilling, varied, 2. tedious (zdlouhavý); synonyms (adj) boring, slow, heavy, dry, flat, humdrum, irksome, lifeless, uninteresting, deadly; antonym (adj) easy, 3. humdrum (jednotvárný); synonyms (adj) banal, commonplace, everyday, stodgy, conventional, ordinary, uninspired, insipid, (v) stupid, bald, 4. tiresome (únavný); synonyms (adj) laborious, bothersome, difficult, fatiguing, trying, exhausting, irritating, tiring, (v) troublesome, wearisome, 5. prosy; synonyms (adj) pedestrian, earthbound, proposing, prosal.
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Czech - English nukleární nuclear (jaderný); synonyms (adj) atomic, central, atomlike, inner, minute, nucleal, organic. nula 1. zero; synonyms (n) nil, nothing, nobody, cipher, naught, cypher, nought, null, nihil, nullity, 2. nought; synonyms (adj) no, (n) zero, aught, nix, nada, 3. naught (nic); synonyms (n) zilch, zip, 4. null (neplatný, nulový); synonyms (adj) invalid, ineffective, ineffectual, nugatory, void, worthless; antonym (adj) valid, 5. nil; synonym (n) nonentity. nulový null (neplatný, nula); synonyms (adj) invalid, ineffective, ineffectual, nugatory, void, (n) naught, nil, nought, aught, cipher; antonym (adj) valid. numizmatika numismatics; synonym (n) numismatology. nutit oblige (zavázat); synonyms (v) coerce, compel, force, bind, constrain, drive, make, accommodate, enforce, necessitate. nutnost necessity (nezbytnost); synonyms (n) demand, need, lack, essential, exigency, compulsion, emergency, constraint, distress, indigence; antonym (n) option. nutný 1. urgent (naléhavý); synonyms (adj) pressing, importunate, imperative, instant, immediate, quick, earnest, critical, serious, (v) important; antonym (adj) trivial, 2. necessary (nezbytný, potřebný); synonyms (adj) essential, compulsory, inevitable, basic, mandatory, fundamental, indispensable, (n) requisite, necessity, demand; antonyms (adj) unnecessary, optional, surplus, needless, unjustified, 3. requisite (potřeba); synonyms (adj) required, needful, obligatory, binding, (n) necessary, need, prerequisite, requirement, must, condition; antonym (n) option, 4. needful (potřebný); synonym (adj) needed. nůž knife; synonyms (n) dagger, tongue, whittle, (v) stab, wound, jab, slit, betray, (adj) blade, cutlery. nůžky scissors; synonyms (n) clippers, shears, (adj) cutters. nuzný 1. indigent (chudý); synonyms (adj) destitute, poor, impoverished, needy, impecunious, penniless, miserable, necessitous, underprivileged, (n) pauper; antonym (adj) rich, 2. needy (chudý, potřebný); synonyms (adj) indigent, deficient, deprived, poverty-stricken, wanting, broke; antonym (adj) well-off. nyní 1. now (teď); synonyms (adv) forthwith, here, immediately, currently, directly, instantly, presently, already, nowadays, (adj) current; antonyms (adv) later, soon, 2. nowadays; synonyms (adv) now, today, (n) present. nýt rivet; synonyms (n) bolt, (v) concentrate, focus, clinch, center, fascinate, absorb, engross, (adj) nail, pin.
O o 1. about (asi); synonyms (prep) encircling, for, encompassing, (adv) around, approximately, almost, nearly, most, roughly, (adj) some; antonyms (prep) exactly, precisely, 2. by (vedle, vedlejší); synonyms (prep) beside, at, of, about, (adv) aside, away, past, through, apart, (adv, prep) alongside. oáza oasis; synonyms (n) haven, isthmus, harbor, harbour, seaport. oba either; synonyms (det) any, (conj) other. obal 1. wrap; synonyms (v) cloak, cover, envelop, enfold, roll, shroud, swathe, wind, enclose, bind; antonyms (v) unwrap, uncover, 2. casing; synonyms (n) case, shell, box, jacket, skin, boxing, holder, coating, covering, envelope, 3. cover (obálka, pokrýt, pokrývka); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, cap; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, 4. wrapper; synonyms (n) wrap, housecoat, neglige, peignoir, wrapping, mantle, negligee, pall, pelisse, shawl. obálka 1. envelope; synonyms (n) container, pack, case, jacket, blanket, vesicle, package, (v) cover, covering, cloak, 2. cover (obal, pokrýt, pokrývka); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, (n) blind, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, lid; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover. obava 1. apprehension (chápání); synonyms (n) alarm, comprehension, dread, arrest, capture, foreboding, misgiving, trepidation, (adj) anxiety, (v) doubt; antonyms (n) reassurance, release, confidence, calmness, 2. misgiving; synonyms (n) fear, distrust, hesitation, mistrust, qualm, scruple, suspicion, uncertainty, (adj) apprehension, care, 3.
fear (bát se, mít strach, obávat se, strach); synonyms (n) awe, dismay, anguish, consternation, fright, worry, (v) concern, reverence, affright, apprehend; antonyms (n) bravery, fearlessness. občan citizen; synonyms (n) civilian, denizen, inhabitant, national, resident, native, subject, voter; antonym (n) foreigner. obchod 1. business (povolání); synonyms (n) employment, matter, subject, affair, calling, concern, corporation, deal, event, job; antonyms (adj) charitable, housing, 2. shop (dílna, krám, nakupovat); synonyms (n) business, store, factory, plant, emporium, market, workshop, (v) betray, purchase, grass, 3. store (krám, sklad); synonyms (n) hoard, shop, heap, (v) stock, accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache, keep, 4. commerce; synonyms (n) exchange, connection,
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dealings, intercourse, association, barter, communication, conversation, traffic, (v) trade, 5. trade; synonyms (n) commerce, swap, switch, clientele, craft, interchange, occupation, (v) change, merchandise, bargain. obchodní 1. mercantile; synonyms (adj) commercial, business, mercenary, trade, economic, industrial, lucrative, materialistic, moneymaking, remunerative; antonym (adj) charitable, 2. commercial; synonyms (adj) mercantile, merchant, profitable, (n) advertisement, ad, publicity, announcement; antonym (adj) noncommercial.
obchodník 1. businessman (podnikatel); synonyms (n) entrepreneur, dealer, merchant, magnate, tycoon, executive, employer, manufacturer, vendor, broker, 2. merchant; synonyms (n) seller, trader, merchandiser, retailer, shopkeeper, storekeeper, trafficker, wholesaler, (v) chapman; antonym (n) buyer, 3. dealer; synonyms (n) monger, marketer, agent, salesperson, bargainer; antonym (n) user, 4. tradesman; synonyms (n) tradespeople, businessperson, defender, supporter, sustainer, upholder, worker, upholsterer, 5.
trader. obchodovatelný negotiable; synonyms (adj) alienable, assignable, passable, transferable, conveyable, movable, liquid, moveable, transferrable, crossable. obdélník 1. rectangle (pravoúhelník); synonyms (n) quadrangle, tetragon, tetract, cube, rhombus, 2. oblong (obdélníkový); synonyms (adj) oval, elliptical, ellipsoidal, ovaliform, ovaloid, (n) rectangle, block, diamond, lozenge, (v) longitudinal. obdélníkový 1. rectangular; synonyms (adj) orthogonal, oblong, square, rectangled, rectangle, 2. oblong (obdélník); synonyms (adj) oval, elliptical, ellipsoidal, ovaliform, ovaloid, (n) block, quadrangle, diamond, lozenge, (v) longitudinal. obdiv admiration; synonyms (n) wonder, adoration, appreciation, esteem, reverence, amazement, estimation, regard, awe, liking; antonyms (n) disrespect, disdain, criticism. obdivovatel admirer (ctitel); synonyms (n) enthusiast, follower, devotee, fan, supporter, adorer, beau, buff, (adj) lover, suitor.
období 1. period (doba, perioda, tečka); synonyms (n) age, dot, epoch, era, point, duration, generation, day, conclusion, cycle, 2. season (sezóna); synonyms (n) opportunity, (prep) period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, salt, mellow, flavour, (adj) harden, habituate, 3. spell (hláskovat, kouzlo); synonyms (n) magic, fascination, bout, conjuration, incantation, sorcery, enchantment, turn, span, (v) charm.
obdržet 1. get (dostat, obstarat, opatřit, sehnat, získat); synonyms (v) acquire, gain, attain, become, catch, earn, buy, come, fall, fetch; antonyms (v) lose, give, leave, 2. obtain (dostat, získat); synonyms (v) get, have, achieve, accomplish, derive, effect, collect, extract, find, gather. obec 1. municipality; synonyms (n) city, town, metropolis, shrievalty, commune, area, capital, region, conurbation, settlement, 2. community (veřejnost); synonyms (n) association, public, agreement, nation, people, brotherhood, likeness, (adj) communal, neighborhood, common; antonym (adj) private. obecenstvo 1. audience (publikum); synonyms (n) hearing, interview, attendance, house, meeting, turnout, audition, congregation, crowd, (v) auditory, 2. public (publikum, veřejnost, veřejný); synonyms (adj) common, national, overt, civic, general, communal, mutual, (n) folk, community, (v) open; antonyms (adj) private, confidential, personal. obecní municipal; synonyms (adj) city, civic, civil, public, urban, national, metropolitan, town, administrative, community; antonym (adj) rural.
obecný 1. universal (univerzální, všeobecný); synonyms (adj) general, ecumenical, global, common, international, worldwide, public, ubiquitous, comprehensive, oecumenical; antonyms (adj) local, specific, 2. common; synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, mutual, usual, vulgar, accustomed, base, ignoble, (n) habitual; antonyms (adj) individual, uncommon, rare, unusual, characteristic, one-off, unique, aristocratic, exclusive, extraordinary. oběd lunch; synonyms (n) breakfast, luncheon, meal, tiffin, dejeuner, brunch, refection, (v) dine, eat, sup. obehnat surround; synonyms (v) encircle, circle, gird, border, compass, inclose, ring, round, skirt, beset. obejít circumvent; synonyms (v) baffle, avoid, besiege, elude, evade, surround, cheat, beat, beleaguer, bypass. obejmout 1. hug (objetí); synonyms (n) embrace, hold, clinch, (v) clasp, cuddle, squeeze, cling, cherish, clutch, grasp, 2. embrace (objetí); synonyms (v) comprise, hug, admit, adopt, comprehend, contain, cover, encompass, espouse, (n) bosom; antonym (v) reject, 3. clasp (objetí, sevření, sevřít, spona); synonyms (n) grip, buckle, brooch, clamp, clench, (v) catch, stick, grapple, gripe, (adj) pin. obelstít wheedle; synonyms (v) coax, entice, cajole, inveigle, persuade, tempt, blarney, flatter, (n) seduce, allure. obeplout circumnavigate; synonyms (v) circle, circumvent, round, bypass, accomplish, apprehend, avoid, compass, evade, fly.
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Czech - English
oběsit hang (pověsit, viset); synonyms (v) dangle,
objekt object; synonyms (n) design, aim, cause, end,
depend, drape, float, append, cling, decorate, execute, (n) suspend, delay. obeznámit familiarize; synonyms (v) acquaint, accustom, adapt, familiarise, habituate, introduce, present.
intent, intention, meaning, mark, matter, (v) except; antonym (v) agree. objektiv lens (čočka); synonyms (n) meniscus, sunglass, (v) glass, barometer, especially, glaze, goblet, hourglass, photograph, spyglass. objektivnost 1. objectiveness; synonyms (n) objectivity, extrinsicality, 2. objectivity; synonyms (n) objectiveness, detachment, impartiality, indifference, neutrality, outness, aloofness, classicism, disinterestedness, externality; antonym (n) bias.
obezřelost caution (opatrnost, varování, výstraha); synonyms (n) advice, carefulness, precaution, vigilance, wariness, warning, admonition, (v) care, warn, admonish; antonyms (n) recklessness, carelessness, rashness. obezřetnost circumspection; synonyms (n) caution, care, prudence, wariness, chariness, cautiousness, calculation, precaution, vigilance, (adj) discretion. obezřetný cautious (opatrný); synonyms (adj) careful, conservative, guarded, prudent, watchful, attentive, cagey, chary, circumspect, discreet; antonyms (adj) rash, reckless, careless, impetuous, impulsive, open, incautious, irresponsible, wasteful. obhájce 1. barrister (advokát); synonyms (n) attorney, counsel, lawyer, counselor, adviser, 2. pleader; synonyms (n) advocate, counsellor, conveyancer. obhájit vindicate (ospravedlnit); synonyms (v) absolve, excuse, acquit, defend, exonerate, assert, maintain, (adj) justify, clear, exculpate. obhajoba advocacy; synonyms (n) encouragement, patronage, recommendation, championship, countenance, promotion, sanction. obhajovat 1. defend (chránit, hájit); synonyms (v) cover, guard, assert, justify, protect, advocate, champion, maintain, shield, support; antonyms (v) attack, prosecute, 2. advocate (advokát, zastánce); synonyms (n) backer, counsel, sponsor, attorney, counselor, defender, (v) recommend, vindicate, back, defend; antonyms (n) detractor, skeptic, (v) oppose. obilí grain (zrnitost); synonyms (n) corn, crumb, bit, berry, cereal, fragment, atom, character, grist, kernel. obilní cereal (obilnina); synonyms (n) grain, buckwheat, caryopsis, oats, (adj) cibarious. obilnina cereal (obilní); synonyms (n) grain, buckwheat, caryopsis, oats, (adj) cibarious. objasnit clarify (ujasnit, vyjasnit); synonyms (v) clear, clean, elaborate, elucidate, explain, purge, defecate, expound, illuminate, refine; antonyms (v) confuse, obscure, complicate, blur, obfuscate. objednat order (nařídit, pořádek, řád); synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request.
objem 1. volume (hlasitost, kapacita, obsah, svazek); synonyms (n) bulk, size, book, magnitude, mass, quantity, dimension, amount, capacity, intensity; antonym (n) quietness, 2. bulk; synonyms (n) majority, volume, body, extent, thickness, scale, aggregate, immensity, (v) bulge, (adj) lump; antonym (n) minority. objemný 1. bulky (neskladný); synonyms (adj) big, large, unwieldy, ample, corpulent, cumbersome, fat, great, gross, heavy; antonyms (adj) small, compact, manageable, 2. voluminous; synonyms (adj) bulky, extensive, roomy, vast, spacious, capacious, considerable, full, copious; antonyms (adj) tight, cramped. objetí 1. hug (obejmout); synonyms (n) embrace, hold, clinch, (v) clasp, cuddle, squeeze, cling, cherish, clutch, grasp, 2. embrace (obejmout); synonyms (v) comprise, hug, admit, adopt, comprehend, contain, cover, encompass, espouse, (n) bosom; antonym (v) reject, 3. clasp (obejmout, sevření, sevřít, spona); synonyms (n) grip, buckle, brooch, clamp, clench, (v) catch, stick, grapple, gripe, (adj) pin. objev discovery; synonyms (n) detection, disclosure, breakthrough, finding, revelation, catching, revealing, development, exploration, find; antonym (n) concealment. objevit 1. detect (odhalit, zjistit); synonyms (v) catch, discover, find, ascertain, discern, notice, observe, see, spot, trace, 2. discover; synonyms (v) disclose, perceive, detect, determine, divulge, expose, hear, impart, descry, behold. objímka socket (zásuvka); synonyms (n) cavity, alveolus, sleeve, hollow, pocket, slot, recess, sheath, compass, employment. oblafnout hoodwink (oklamat); synonyms (v) bamboozle, beguile, cheat, deceive, dupe, fool, delude, betray, con, cozen. oblak cloud (mrak); synonyms (n) mist, blur, haze, (v) fog, becloud, obscure, befog, blacken, eclipse, overshadow; antonym (v) sharpen. oblast 1. area (plocha, prostor); synonyms (n) place, region, size, width, expanse, field, neighborhood, section, sphere, breadth, 2. domain (doména,
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Czech - English
panství, sféra); synonyms (n) country, department, realm, area, kingdom, arena, land, province, ambit, demesne; antonym (n) range, 3. district (obvod); synonyms (n) quarter, community, territory, circuit, county, jurisdiction, domain, constituency, (adj) local, (v) zone, 4. territory (území); synonyms (n) district, dominion, state, possession, terrain, environment, habitat, space, ground, nation, 5. region (kraj, krajina, sféra); synonyms (n) part, division, locality, belt, direction, extent, position, portion, soil, tract. oblastní regional (krajový, krajský, regionální); synonyms (adj) district, local, parochial, sectional, neighborhood, topical, native, community, home, neighboring; antonym (adj) central. oblázek pebble; synonyms (n) stone, rock, scree, calculus, pebblestone, gemstone, (adj) quartz. oblečení clothing; synonyms (n) clothes, apparel, attire, dress, gear, outfit, threads, habit, wear, (v) vesture. obléhání siege; synonyms (n) blockade, besieging, assiege, beleaguering, estimation, grade, (v) surround, beleaguer, hedge, overwhelm. obléhat 1. beleaguer; synonyms (v) besiege, harass, pester, badger, plague, surround, tease, annoy, rag, worry, 2. besiege; synonyms (v) beleaguer, beset, siege, attack, blockade, compass, bombard, circumvent, importune, press. oblek suit; synonyms (n) lawsuit, plea, action, (v) agree, fit, correspond, accommodate, adapt, answer, become. obliba popularity (popularita); synonyms (n) celebrity, fame, renown, repute, vogue, account, appreciation, prevalence, prestige, popularness. oblíbený 1. favourite; synonyms (adj) favored, (n) favorite, darling, ducky, pet, dearie, deary, blaze, ingle, fire, 2. popular (lidový, populární); synonyms (adj) common, general, current, fashionable, democratic, customary, known, plain, pop, celebrated; antonyms (adj) unpopular, aristocratic, disliked. obličej face (tvář); synonyms (n) look, aspect, countenance, expression, side, top, exterior, appearance, (v) confront, (adj) front; antonyms (v) avoid, back. obloha 1. sky (nebe); synonyms (n) air, heaven, atmosphere, heavens, space, (v) fling, flip, pitch, agitate, alternate, 2. firmament; synonyms (n) empyrean, sphere, welkin, area, arena, domain, field, orbit, sector. oblost rotundity; synonyms (n) fatness, globosity, globularness, circularity, roundness, plumpness, fullness, cylindricity, globularity, orbicularness. oblouk 1. arc; synonyms (n) arch, bow, bend, crescent, curvature, spark, sweep, (v) curve, 2. bow (luk,
ohýbat, uklonit se); synonyms (n) arc, obeisance, turn, (v) stoop, duck, buckle, crouch, incline, kowtow, crook, 3. arch; synonyms (n) acute, dome, archway, (v) vault, (adj) shrewd, sly, wily, round, crafty, consummate; antonym (v) straightness. obložení facing; synonyms (n) face, revetment, cladding, coating, lining, veneer, front, (prep) opposite, against, before. obluda monster (netvor, příšera); synonyms (n) giant, beast, brute, demon, devil, fiend, freak, behemoth, colossus, (adj) huge. obludný monstrous; synonyms (adj) enormous, atrocious, grotesque, heinous, huge, monster, immense, dreadful, flagitious, gigantic; antonym (adj) tiny. obnažený nude (nahý); synonyms (adj) bare, bald, raw, stark, uncovered, undressed, defenseless, (v) naked. obnažit denude; synonyms (v) bare, strip, denudate, deprive, despoil, dismantle, disrobe, divest, expose, uncover. obnos amount (částka, množství); synonyms (n) number, quantity, aggregate, measure, sum, total, degree, extent, figure, price. obnova 1. recovery (náhrada, znovunabytí, zotavení); synonyms (n) rally, convalescence, improvement, reclamation, rescue, resurrection, retrieval, cure, deliverance, healing; antonyms (n) decline, loss, return, 2. resurgence; synonyms (n) revival, rebirth, regeneration, revitalization, revivification, renaissance, recovery, renewal, 3. renewal (prolongace); synonyms (n) rehabilitation, renovation, restoration, reform, innovation, refurbishment, rebuilding, reconstruction, reformation, repair, 4. renaissance (renesance); synonyms (n) renascence, instauration, conversion, metempsychosis, reincarnation, reappearance, rejuvenation. obnovit 1. restore (restaurovat); synonyms (v) mend, refresh, reinstate, renew, renovate, fix, rehabilitate, rejuvenate, repay, (adj) repair; antonym (v) keep, 2. renew; synonyms (v) regenerate, restore, refurbish, modernize, overhaul, revive, reiterate, invigorate, recover, reform. obohacení enrichment; synonyms (n) decoration, embellishment, reinforcement, augmentation, improvement, enhancement, strengthening, accompaniment, adornment, advance. obohatit enrich; synonyms (v) embellish, adorn, decorate, beautify, fertilize, ornament, develop, fatten, better, cultivate; antonyms (v) deprive, impoverish. obojživelník amphibian; synonyms (adj) amphibious, amphibial, aquatic, (n) amphibium, bird, mammal, reptile, arthropod, crustacean, fish.
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Czech - English
obojživelný amphibious; synonyms (adj) amphibian,
obratlovec vertebrate; synonyms (adj) backboned,
amorphous, epicene, hybrid, aquatic, heteroclite, heterogeneous, mongrel. obouruký ambidextrous; synonyms (adj) ambidextral, timeserving, bisexual, deceitful, double-dealing, ductile, duplicitous, insincere, lefthanded, trimming. obout shoe (bota, střevíc); synonyms (n) boot, horseshoe, skid, clog, splint, spoke, sprit, base, stilts, stirrup. obr giant (obří, obrovský); synonyms (adj) colossal, gargantuan, gigantic, jumbo, elephantine, enormous, huge, (n) monster, behemoth, colossus; antonyms (adj) small, tiny, miniature. obrácený reverse (opak); synonyms (adj) opposite, converse, (v) annul, repeal, rescind, countermand, overturn, revoke, rear, (n) contrary; antonym (n) front.
rachidian, spinal, (n) mammal, vertebral, craniate, animal. obratlový vertebral; synonyms (adj) spinal, rachidian, spondylous. obratník tropic; synonyms (adj) tropical, hot, torrid. obratnost 1. dexterity; synonyms (n) craft, agility, ability, adroitness, art, cleverness, address, aptitude, cunning, skill; antonym (n) clumsiness, 2. finesse; synonyms (n) artifice, delicacy, diplomacy, refinement, dexterity, maneuver, daintiness, elegance, tact, (adj) intrigue, 3. skill (dovednost); synonyms (n) capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse, accomplishment, competence, expertise, facility, handicraft; antonyms (n) inability, incompetence. obratný 1. dexterous; synonyms (adj) adroit, adept, crafty, deft, skillful, able, clever, expert, agile, cunning; antonym (adj) clumsy, 2. deft; synonyms (adj) dexterous, apt, handy, neat, quick, dextrous, nimble, ready, slick, (n) appropriate, 3. adroit (pohotový); synonyms (adj) ingenious, artful, intelligent, politic, sharp, astute, masterful, brisk, canny, clean; antonyms (adj) awkward, dim, maladroit. obraz 1. picture (malba, obrázek); synonyms (n) photograph, effigy, paint, drawing, likeness, depiction, (v) image, describe, draw, depict, 2. painting (malba, malířství); synonyms (n) picture, portrait, icon, design, coat, art, 3. image; synonyms (n) figure, fancy, conception, form, idea, impression, resemblance, double, epitome, (v) envision. obrazec figure (tvar); synonyms (n) form, appearance, character, estimate, shape, cost, build, (v) design, cast, count. obrázek picture (malba, obraz); synonyms (n) photograph, effigy, paint, drawing, likeness, depiction, (v) image, describe, draw, depict. obrazný figurative; synonyms (adj) allegorical, emblematic, figural, metaphorical, florid, flowery, representative, symbolic, allusive, (n) tropical; antonym (adj) literal.
obřad 1. ceremonial (ceremoniál, obřadní); synonyms (adj) ritual, formal, solemn, official, (n) ceremony, observance, rite, service, liturgy, 2. ceremony (ceremonie); synonyms (n) formality, courtesy, celebration, ceremonial, parade, pomp, manners, custom, form, magnificence, 3. rite; synonyms (n) practice, sacrament, worship, performance.
obřadní ceremonial (ceremoniál, obřad); synonyms (adj) ritual, formal, solemn, official, (n) ceremony, observance, rite, service, liturgy. obřadný ceremonious; synonyms (adj) formal, solemn, precise, stately, stiff, prim, punctilious, majestic, (v) decorous. obrana 1. defence; synonyms (n) defense, vindication, denial, abnegation, demurrer, refutation, demur, demurral, disproof, falsification, 2. defense; synonyms (n) apology, defence, excuse, fortification, justification, protection, safeguard, security, shield, advocacy; antonyms (n) attack, criticism, offense. obránce defender; synonyms (n) advocate, champion, guard, guardian, patron, protector, exponent, keeper, proponent, upholder; antonyms (n) assailant, attacker. obranný defensive; synonyms (adj) protective, preventive, protecting, safeguarding, anticipatory, blocking, defendant, defensory, excusatory, fenceful; antonym (adj) offensive. obratel vertebra; synonyms (n) osteocomma, osteomere, spondyle, vertebre. obrátka 1. revolution (revoluce); synonyms (n) change, gyration, insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, rotation, turn, alteration, (v) circuit, 2. rev; synonyms (n) pastor, rpm, (v) accelerate, cause, institute.
obrazotvornost imagination (fantazie, představivost); synonyms (n) fantasy, fancy, vision, dream, conceit, imagery, invention, originality, caprice, conception; antonym (n) reality. obrazovka screen; synonyms (n) shade, blind, riddle, (v) cover, shield, conceal, hide, mask, protect, shelter. obří giant (obr, obrovský); synonyms (adj) colossal, gargantuan, gigantic, jumbo, elephantine, enormous, huge, (n) monster, behemoth, colossus; antonyms (adj) small, tiny, miniature. obřízka circumcision; synonym (n) posthetomy.
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Czech - English
obrna polio; synonyms (n) poliomyelitis, (adj) measles, mumps. obrnit armour (pancéřování); synonym (v) armor. obrousit abrade (odřít); synonyms (v) scrape, file, skin, chafe, rub, scour, graze, abrase, erode, gall. obrovský 1. enormous (nesmírný, ohromný); synonyms (adj) big, colossal, huge, immense, vast, excessive, exorbitant, great, large, prodigious; antonyms (adj) minute, small, tiny, insignificant, miniature, 2. huge (ohromný); synonyms (adj) enormous, gigantic, extensive, elephantine, ample, considerable, gargantuan, giant, jumbo, massive, 3. giant (obr, obří); synonyms (adj) mammoth, monstrous, whopping, high, (n) monster, behemoth, colossus, ogre, fiend, 4. gigantic; synonyms (adj) stupendous, monumental, terrific, gigantean, infinite, tremendous, brawny. obrtlík swivel; synonyms (n) hinge, axis, falconet, jingal, (v) pivot, turn, rotate, roll, twirl, wheel.
obruba 1. border (hranice, lemovat, okraj); synonyms (n) margin, brink, extremity, fringe, bed, boundary, (v) edge, verge, abut, adjoin; antonyms (n) middle, (v) center, 2. hem (lem); synonyms (n) edging, border, brim, frame, skirt, seam, list, rim, (v) envelop, hum, 3. list (seznam); synonyms (n) catalog, catalogue, file, inclination, index, schedule, calendar, (v) lean, tilt, enter. obrubník kerb; synonyms (n) curb, edge, ribband, bridle, check, curbing. obrušování abrasion (odřenina); synonyms (n) attrition, excoriation, erosion, friction, graze, rubbing, scrape, scratch, wound, (v) detrition; antonym (n) smoothness. obrýlený bespectacled; synonyms (adj) spectacled, monocled. obrys outline (kontura, nastínit); synonyms (n) sketch, design, edge, abstract, contour, digest, (v) draft, line, form, describe. obsadit 1. annex (přístavek); synonyms (n) affix, addition, annexe, extension, (v) add, affiliate, adjoin, append, appropriate, attach, 2. occupy (okupovat, zabrat); synonyms (v) hold, have, engage, engross, fill, get, absorb, employ, inhabit, invade; antonym (v) leave. obsah 1. content; synonyms (n) capacity, contentment, matter, meaning, subject, (adj) contented, happy, (v) appease, please, satisfy; antonyms (adj) tormented, unhappy, discontented, dissatisfied, rebellious, (v) discontent, upset, 2. contents; synonyms (n) substance, inside, list, synopsis, volume, cargo, conspectus, 3. purport (význam); synonyms (v) aim, mean, amount, (n) import, drift, intent, effect, end, intention, design,
4. volume (hlasitost, kapacita, objem, svazek); synonyms (n) bulk, size, book,
magnitude, mass, quantity, dimension, intensity, loudness, (adj) deal; antonym (n) quietness.
obsáhlý 1. comprehensive (obsažný, zevrubný); synonyms (adj) capacious, broad, extensive, inclusive, complete, detailed, exhaustive, full, large, overall; antonyms (adj) narrow, partial, noncomprehensive, restricted, 2. expansive (širý); synonyms (adj) comprehensive, effusive, communicative, ample, open, outgoing, spacious, demonstrative, elastic, diffusive. obsahovat 1. comprise (zahrnovat); synonyms (v) contain, compose, comprehend, constitute, include, carry, encompass, form, make, bear; antonym (v) exclude, 2. comprehend (chápat, pochopit); synonyms (v) apprehend, catch, embrace, grasp, understand, appreciate, comprise, feel, see, sense, 3. contain; synonyms (v) accommodate, curb, admit, check, confine, control, hold, restrain, restrict, suppress; antonym (v) express, 4. imply; synonyms (v) connote, denote, allude, hint, involve, entail, intimate, mean, argue, betoken, 5. include (zahrnovat); synonyms (v) embody, insert, implicate, number, add, enclose, have, incorporate, imply, allow. obsazení cast (hod, hodit, vrhat); synonyms (v) hurl, throw, form, shed, stamp, fling, shape, chuck, (n) appearance, casting. obsazený engaged (zasnoubený); synonyms (adj) busy, occupied, betrothed, affianced, employed, engrossed, reserved, absorbed, working, pledged; antonyms (adj) available, free.
obsažný comprehensive (obsáhlý, zevrubný); synonyms (adj) capacious, broad, extensive, inclusive, complete, detailed, exhaustive, full, large, overall; antonyms (adj) narrow, partial, noncomprehensive, restricted. obscénní obscene (neslušný, oplzlý); synonyms (adj) indecent, dirty, gross, coarse, filthy, lewd, licentious, nasty, bawdy, foul. obscénnost smut (saze); synonyms (n) filth, smudge, dirt, obscenity, grime, pornography, (v) blot, (adj) ribaldry, soot, smoke. observatoř observatory; synonyms (n) lookout, picket, scout, sentinel, sentry, spotter, watch. obšírný wide (široký); synonyms (adj) broad, spacious, roomy, comprehensive, extensive, large, ample, vast, capacious, expanded; antonyms (adj) narrow, thin, restricted. obsluha 1. service (služba); synonyms (n) help, aid, assistance, avail, employment, ministration, ceremony, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, 2. crew (mužstvo, osazenstvo, posádka); synonyms (n) company, cluster, band, bunch, gang, party, assemblage, crowd, faction, group.
obstarat get (dostat, obdržet, opatřit, sehnat, získat); synonyms (v) acquire, gain, attain, become,
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Czech - English catch, earn, buy, come, fall, fetch; antonyms (v) lose, give, leave. obtíž 1. annoyance (mrzutost); synonyms (n) aggravation, anger, harassment, irritation, bother, botheration, displeasure, disturbance, inconvenience, pain, 2. nuisance (nepříjemnost); synonyms (n) annoyance, hassle, pest, mischief, bore, plague, trouble, drawback, bane, (adj) grievance; antonym (n) pleasure. obtížný 1. difficult (nesnadný); synonyms (adj) arduous, awkward, demanding, burdensome, complicated, delicate, fastidious, hard, knotty, uphill; antonyms (adj) easy, simple, straightforward, good-natured, rewarding, clear, 2. onerous; synonyms (adj) difficult, laborious, heavy, cumbersome, tough, formidable, oppressive, taxing, weighty, unwieldy, 3. painful (bolestivý, bolestný, namáhavý, trapný); synonyms (adj) sore, afflictive, bad, grievous, harrowing, sharp, aching, bitter, dolorous, (v) distressing; antonyms (adj) painless, content. obušek 1. baton (taktovka); synonyms (n) stick, club, staff, wand, cudgel, rod, alpenstock, 2. truncheon; synonyms (n) baton, nightstick, mace, bat, billystick, ferule, switch. obuv footwear; synonyms (n) footgear, boot. obuvník shoemaker (švec); synonyms (n) cobbler, dressmaker, cordwainer. obvaz bandage; synonyms (n) band, swathe, tie, (v) bind, wrap, dress, (adj) truss. obvinit 1. indict; synonyms (v) accuse, impeach, blame, charge, denounce, prosecute, sue, censure, criminate, (n) arraign, 2. accuse (obžalovat, vinit); synonyms (v) incriminate, defame, indict, fault, betray, accusation, admonish, condemn, criticize, impute, 3. inculpate; synonyms (v) implicate, imply, connote, entail, inculp, involve, mean. obvod 1. circumference; synonyms (n) circuit, border, boundary, perimeter, brim, circle, compass, outline, periphery, edge, 2. district (oblast); synonyms (n) area, quarter, region, community, neighborhood, territory, county, field, jurisdiction, (adj) local, 3. circuit (okruh); synonyms (n) beat, excursion, cycle, district, loop, round, route, (v) tour, trip, journey, 4. periphery; synonyms (n) fringe, bound, circumference, limit, margin, rim, contour, edging, outskirts, side; antonym (n) center, 5. perimeter; synonyms (n) frontier, borderline; antonym (n) middle. obvodový circumferential; synonyms (adj) circuitous, encircling, encompassing, (n) bypass, shunt, (v) suburban. obvykle usually; synonyms (adv) generally, commonly, mostly, normally, ordinarily, frequently, customarily, habitually, regularly,
broadly; antonyms (adv) unusually, rarely, exceptionally. obvyklý 1. accustomed (navyklý); synonyms (adj) customary, habitual, familiar, normal, usual, wonted, natural, common, everyday, habituated; antonyms (adj) unaccustomed, unusual, 2. customary; synonyms (adj) accustomed, conventional, commonplace, ordinary, traditional, average, regular, routine, current, frequent, 3. usual; synonyms (adj) general, public, prevalent, prevailing, stock, typical, accepted, chronic, expected, (v) plebeian; antonyms (adj) unconventional, abnormal, extraordinary, 4. habitual (navyklý); synonyms (adj) confirmed, constant, inveterate, established, persistent, ingrained, automatic, fixed. obydlí dwelling; synonyms (n) abode, domicile, home, house, residence, place, address, lodge, apartment, (adj) dwell. obývat inhabit; synonyms (v) dwell, reside, abide, occupy, live, lodge, people, settle, be, bide. obyvatel 1. dweller; synonyms (n) denizen, inhabitant, occupant, resident, tenant, liver, occupier, citizen, native, 2. inhabitant; synonyms (n) dweller, indweller, (v) habitant, 3. resident (bydlící, usedlík, usedlý); synonyms (adj) inmate, local, nonmigratory, (n) lodger, representative, (v) resiant; antonyms (adj) migratory, (n) landlord, drifter. obyvatelný 1. livable; synonyms (adj) bearable, endurable, habitable, inhabitable, liveable, tolerable, adequate, cozy, homey, lodgeable, 2. habitable; synonym (adj) livable; antonym (adj) uninhabitable. obyvatelstvo population (populace); synonyms (n) inhabitants, people, nation, community, group, populace, public, society, folk, citizens. obžaloba 1. indictment; synonyms (n) charge, accusation, allegation, lawsuit, blame, attack, (v) care, 2. arraignment; synonyms (n) indictment, impeachment, arraign, challenge, prosecution. obžalovaný defendant; synonyms (n) accused, litigant, party, plaintiff, prisoner, suspect, defender, perpetrator, (adj) defensive. obžalovat 1. accuse (obvinit, vinit); synonyms (v) impeach, charge, incriminate, arraign, criminate, defame, denounce, indict, fault, betray, 2. arraign; synonyms (v) accuse, cite, prosecute, (n) apprehend. obzor horizon; synonyms (n) perspective, prospect, purview, reach, skyline, view, vista, amphitheater, arena, boundary. ocas tail (konec); synonyms (n) rear, shadow, behind, butt, (v) follow, pursue, track, trail, chase, (adj) back; antonyms (v) head, front.
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Czech - English
ocasní caudal; synonyms (adj) posterior, lumbar, postaxial, taillike, hinder, (adv) caudally. oceán ocean; synonyms (n) sea, deep, brine, waves, multitude, lot, heap, pile, (adj) oceanic, marine. oceánský oceanic; synonyms (adj) marine, nautical, maritime, sea, pelagic, aquatic, naval, subaquatic. očekávání 1. anticipation (anticipace); synonyms (n) expectation, forecast, hope, foresight,
prevention, hopefulness, expectancy, foretaste, (v) outlook, prospect; antonym (n) despair, 2. expectation; synonyms (n) anticipation, belief, confidence, possibility, trust, faith, probability, suspense, thought, optimism. ocel steel (ocelový, zatvrdit, zocelit); synonyms (n) harden, blade, brand, brace, foil, fortify, (adj) iron, adamant, (v) nerve, temper. ocelový 1. steely; synonyms (adj) hard, stern, stony, icy, unbending, iron, stiff, inflexible, obdurate, pitiless, 2. steel (ocel, zatvrdit, zocelit); synonyms (n) harden, blade, brand, brace, foil, fortify, sword, (adj) adamant, (v) nerve, temper. ocenit 1. evaluate (ohodnotit); synonyms (v) appraise, assess, calculate, gauge, estimate, value, grade, measure, rank, reckon, 2. assess (odhadnout); synonyms (v) evaluate, appreciate, mark, review, tax, demand, regard, analyze, assay, compute, 3. appreciate; synonyms (v) esteem, prize, treasure, fathom, acknowledge, admire, apprize, cherish, comprehend, (adj) understand; antonyms (v) depreciate, scorn, 4. appraise (odhadnout); synonyms (v) rate, consider, judge, survey, charge, price, valuate, criticize, examine, praise, 5. value (cenit si, hodnota, ohodnotit); synonyms (n) merit, cost, importance, consequence, usefulness, account, import, utility, (v) respect, revere; antonyms (n) disadvantage, futility, uselessness, insignificance. ocet vinegar; synonyms (n) verjuice, acetum, brine. ochablost inertia; synonyms (n) inactivity, idleness, lethargy, inaction, apathy, inertness, laziness, passivity, lassitude, inactiveness; antonym (n) momentum. ochablý flabby; synonyms (adj) loose, feeble, flaccid, baggy, drooping, limp, heavy, lax, slack, soft; antonyms (adj) firm, slim.
ochladit cool (chlad, chladivý, chladný, klidný); synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, collected, composed, fine, aloof, (v) calm, chill, assuage, allay; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, excited, enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v) warm, heat. ochmýřený downy (hebký); synonyms (adj) fluffy, flossy, fuzzy, soft, hairy, fleecy, furry, nappy, (v) flaccid, flocculent; antonym (adj) rough. ochotník amateur (amatér, diletant); synonyms (adj) amateurish, inexpert, unskilled, inexperienced, (n) novice, beginner, fan, apprentice, aspirant,
devotee; antonyms (adj) practiced, (n) professional, expert. ochotný 1. accommodating (úslužný); synonyms (adj) helpful, obliging, cooperative, yielding, docile, submissive, willing, accommodative, complaisant, compliant; antonyms (adj) strict, unhelpful, 2. ungrudging; synonyms (adj) generous, unsparing, magnanimous, 3. willing; synonyms (adj) agreeable, disposed, ready, spontaneous, voluntary, amenable, inclined, prepared, enthusiastic, unforced; antonyms (adj) unwilling, reluctant. ochrana 1. protection; synonyms (n) defense, care, conservation, cover, custody, defence, guardianship, security, shelter, (v) guard; antonym (n) destruction, 2. patronage; synonyms (n) support, backing, clientele, condescension, favor, trade, assistance, aid, auspices, championship. ochránce protector; synonyms (n) defender, guard, guardian, champion, custodian, patron, conservator, escort, hero, benefactor. ochranný 1. preservative; synonyms (adj) preservatory, protective, conservative, defensive, conservational, stabilizer, (n) preserver, antiseptic, additive, brine, 2. protective; synonyms (adj) preventive, caring, maternal, motherly, paternal, shielding, sheltering, affectionate, (adv) fatherly, (v) protecting. ochrnutí 1. paralysis (paralýza); synonyms (n) palsy, disability, depression, inertia, (adj) consumption, decline, sideration, syncope, prostration, 2. palsy; synonyms (n) paralysis, (v) cripple, paralyze, transfix, deaden, impalsy, (adj) paraesthesia, companionable. ochromit hamstring; synonyms (v) cripple, disable, maim, hock, mangle, (adj) lame, paralyze, becripple. ochudit impoverish; synonyms (v) beggar, reduce, bankrupt, break, ruin, exhaust, deplete, deprive, despoil, (adj) dilute. očistit purify (čistit); synonyms (v) clean, disinfect, purge, distill, refine, sanctify, clarify, depurate, (adj) clear, cleanse; antonyms (v) contaminate, pollute. očkování vaccination; synonyms (n) inoculation, immunization, prevention, shot, injection, jab, medicine. oční ocular (okulár, vizuální, zrakový); synonyms (adj) visual, optical, ophthalmic, visible, optic, (n) eyepiece. odbojný rebellious; synonyms (adj) insubordinate, defiant, disaffected, mutinous, contrary, contumacious, disobedient, insurgent, malcontent, (v) rebel; antonyms (adj) compliant, docile, conformist, content, conventional, obedient. odbor 1. department; synonyms (n) bureau, compartment, area, agency, class, faculty, section, arm, branch, division, 2. division; synonyms (n)
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Czech - English department, disagreement, allotment, break, part, split, cleavage, classification, (adj) constituent, (v) distribution; antonyms (n) closeness, convergence, estimation, unification. odborník 1. expert (odborný, znalec); synonyms (adj) adept, adroit, dexterous, skillful, able, clever, experienced, (n) professional, proficient, critic; antonyms (adj) unskilled, inept, inferior, untrained, (n) amateur, beginner, 2. specialist (specialista); synonyms (adj) expert, specialized, specialistic, choice, luxury, (n) authority, connoisseur, craftsman, doctor, epicurean. odbornost expertise; synonyms (n) ability, capability, competence, competency, dexterity, knowledge, proficiency, skill, art, command. odborný 1. technical (technický); synonyms (adj) technological, industrial, shipshape, technic, complex, mysterious, obscure, perplexing, profound, puzzling, 2. expert (odborník, znalec); synonyms (adj) adept, adroit, dexterous, skillful, able, clever, experienced, (n) professional, proficient, critic; antonyms (adj) unskilled, inept, inferior, untrained, (n) amateur, beginner. odbyt sales; synonyms (n) business, trade, (adj) commercial. odchod departure (odjezd); synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, depart, deviation, divergence, parting, aberration, (v) decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance. odchýlit 1. divert; synonyms (v) amuse, distract, entertain, beguile, deflect, delight, deviate, depart, disport, sidetrack, 2. deflect (odklonit); synonyms (v) bend, avert, divert, parry, swerve, avoid, dodge, evade, swing, switch, 3. swerve; synonyms (v) sheer, stray, turn, veer, wander, diverge, shift, digress, slew, (n) curve. odchylka 1. aberration; synonyms (n) aberrance, aberrancy, abnormality, deviation, diversion, frenzy, insanity, mistake, mania, derangement, 2. deviation (deviace, úchylka); synonyms (n) aberration, change, deflection, difference, variation, alteration, anomaly, departure, detour, deviance; antonym (n) normality, 3. deflection; synonyms (n) bend, deflexion, bending, digression, curvature, divergence, refraction, turn, warp, 4. variance; synonyms (n) disagreement, discrepancy, dissension, division, discord, misunderstanding, diversity, dissimilarity, dissonance, conflict. odčítání subtraction; synonyms (n) deduction, minus, withdrawal, addition, discount, division, multiplication, abatement, elimination, exclusion. odčítat subtract; synonyms (v) deduct, reduce, calculate, add, discount, diminish, subduct, withhold, deduce, withdraw. odcizení 1. alienation; synonyms (n) estrangement, abalienation, disaffection, dislike, separation,
assignment, breach, conveyance, disunion, frenzy,
2. estrangement; synonyms (n) alienation, rift, break, rupture, split; antonym (n) closeness. odcizit 1. alienate; synonyms (v) estrange, alien, transfer, cede, disaffect, abalienate, adapt, (adj) envenom, incense, repel, 2. purloin; synonyms (v) filch, pilfer, pinch, steal, abstract, lift, rob, swipe, embezzle, pocket. oddanost 1. devotion; synonyms (n) adoration, allegiance, attachment, dedication, loyalty, passion, worship, affection, consecration, (adj) veneration; antonyms (n) indifference, disloyalty, 2. loyalty (věrnost); synonyms (n) faith, devotion, honesty, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, commitment, integrity, constancy, homage. oddaný 1. devoted; synonyms (adj) addicted, affectionate, ardent, consecrated, constant, faithful, fond, loyal, pious, (prep) dedicated; antonyms (adj) uncommitted, disloyal, indifferent, 2. dutiful (poslušný); synonyms (adj) obedient, duteous, compliant, deferential, devoted, docile, good, kind, meek, respectful; antonym (adj) disobedient. oddat marry; synonyms (v) join, link, conjoin, splice, tie, unite, wive, couple, (n) espouse, wed; antonym (v) divorce. odebírat subscribe (předplatit si); synonyms (v) confirm, sign, contribute, ratify, agree, buy, underwrite, donate, accept, admit. odejít depart; synonyms (v) quit, deviate, go, decease, die, diverge, leave, part, start, stray; antonyms (v) stay, arrive, enter, come. odemknout unlock; synonyms (v) open, undo, unfasten, disclose, unbar, reveal, unclose, loosen, begin, discover; antonym (v) fasten. odepnout 1. unpin (odšpendlit); synonyms (v) loosen, unfasten; antonym (v) pin, 2. unclasp; antonym (v) clasp. odepření refusal (odmítnutí); synonyms (n) declination, denial, negative, no, rebuff, rejection, ban, prohibition, repulse, negation; antonym (n) permission. odepřít withhold; synonyms (v) deny, keep, reserve, retain, suppress, hold, detain, restrain, abstain, stint. odesílatel 1. dispatcher; synonyms (n) courier, crank, messenger, starter, correspondent, entrant, fledgeling, fledgling, freshman, neophyte, 2. sender; synonyms (n) originator, transmitter, register, merchant, player, vector; antonym (n) recipient. odeslání 1. dispatch (odeslat); synonyms (n) despatch, speed, consignment, celerity, expedition, (v) accelerate, send, deliver, convey, discharge; antonyms (n) receiving, receipt, 2. remittance; synonyms (n) payment, remission, allowance,
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Czech - English
remitment, remittal, remit, compensation, abatement, absolution, answer. odeslat 1. send (poslat); synonyms (v) despatch, pass, convey, deliver, dispatch, forward, give, mail, post, carry, 2. dispatch (odeslání); synonyms (n) speed, consignment, celerity, expedition, haste, hurry, letter, (v) accelerate, send, discharge; antonyms (n) receiving, receipt. odevzdat consign; synonyms (v) commit, confide, assign, forward, commission, abandon, charge, commend, delegate, devote; antonym (v) keep. odhad 1. estimation; synonyms (n) estimate, deference, assessment, appraisal, approximation, calculation, consideration, regard, (v) esteem, reputation, 2. estimate (odhadnout); synonyms (v) compute, consider, count, guess, weigh, account, appraise, assess, computation, conjecture; antonym (v) calculate, 3. assessment (ohodnocení, stanovení); synonyms (n) estimation, evaluation, judgment, review, valuation, appreciation, appraisement, duty, opinion, price, 4. appraisal; synonyms (n) value, examination, assay, check. odhadnout 1. estimate (odhad); synonyms (n) calculation, appraisal, (v) compute, consider, count, esteem, guess, weigh, account, appraise; antonym (v) calculate, 2. appraise (ocenit); synonyms (v) evaluate, value, assess, estimate, measure, rate, judge, survey, gauge, assay, 3. assess (ocenit); synonyms (v) appreciate, mark, review, tax, demand, regard, analyze, determine, examine, lay. odhadovat reckon; synonyms (v) deem, count, enumerate, estimate, judge, hold, calculate, compute, guess, number. odhalení 1. detection; synonyms (n) discovery, demodulation, detecting, uncovering, unearthing, spotting, spying, catching, recognition, 2. disclosure (prozrazení); synonyms (n) exposure, revelation, declaration, confession, announcement, betrayal, divulgence, manifestation, publication, admission, 3. exposure (expozice, osvit); synonyms (n) display, exposition, detection, peril, danger, risk, expose, revealing, jeopardy, (v) disclosure, 4. revelation (zjevení); synonyms (n) apocalypse, inspiration, exhibition, vision, find, giveaway, apparition, surprise, ascertainment, (v) revealment. odhalit 1. detect (objevit, zjistit); synonyms (v) catch, discover, find, ascertain, discern, notice, observe, see, spot, trace, 2. reveal (prozradit); synonyms (v) disclose, divulge, expose, betray, convey, detect, display, exhibit, express, impart; antonyms (v) conceal, hide, cover. odhodlaný 1. firm (firma, pevný); synonyms (adj) constant, hard, stable, close, compact, determined, fixed, resolute, solid, steadfast; antonyms (adj) irresolute, soft, weak, hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy,
2. determined (rozhodný); synonyms (adj) decided, definite, certain, decisive, determinate, inflexible, resolved, stubborn, ambitious, adamant; antonyms (adj) uncertain, feeble, unmotivated, 3. resolved; synonyms (adj) firm, set, conclusive, intent, final, positive, solved, unyielding, bent, clear. odjezd departure (odchod); synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, depart, deviation, divergence, parting, aberration, (v) decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance. odkaz 1. bequest; synonyms (n) legacy, endowment, will, estate, heirloom, heritage, inheritance, allowance, donation, gift, 2. legacy; synonyms (n) bequest, devise, leftover, 3. reference; synonyms (n) citation, mention, quotation, quote, allusion, bearing, connection, recommendation, (v) cite, refer. odkázat bequeath; synonyms (v) will, give, leave, demise, entrust, devise, endow, transmit, bestow, contribute; antonym (v) disinherit. odklad 1. adjournment (odložení, odročení); synonyms (n) deferment, delay, dissolution, suspension, reprieve, respite, stay, (v) postponement, 2. postponement; synonyms (n) adjournment, extension, deferral, pause, abeyance, detention, cessation, hold, holdup, 3. suspension (suspenze); synonyms (n) interruption, break, intermission, recess, suspense, rest, abatement, hanging, hiatus, remission. odkládat 1. postpone (odložit); synonyms (v) defer, delay, adjourn, procrastinate, retard, suspend, remit, shelve, extend, (adj) waive, 2. procrastinate; synonyms (v) linger, postpone, tarry, dawdle, protract, stall. odklonit deflect (odchýlit); synonyms (v) bend, avert, deviate, divert, parry, swerve, avoid, distract, dodge, evade. odkrýt uncover; synonyms (v) disclose, expose, unveil, discover, reveal, find, show, divulge, strip, bare; antonyms (v) cover, conceal.
odlišnost distinction (rozdíl, vyznamenání); synonyms (n) contrast, difference, discrimination, eminence, rank, dissimilarity, demarcation, celebrity, prestige, reputation; antonym (n) similarity. odlišný 1. different (rozdílný); synonyms (adj) another, assorted, dissimilar, unusual, various, alien, alternative, discrete, distinct, diverse; antonyms (adj) similar, corresponding, equal, identical, like, typical, 2. discrepant; synonyms (adj) inconsistent, incompatible, irreconcilable, different, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, disagreeing, dissonant, (v) discordant, 3. distinct (zřetelný); synonyms (adj) clear, articulate, apparent, definite, distinctive, palpable, decided,
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Czech - English marked, (prep) separate, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj) indistinct, unclear, vague, inaudible, shapeless. odliv ebb (ubývat); synonyms (n) wane, retreat, reflux, (v) dwindle, abate, decline, decrease, collapse, fall, flow; antonym (v) tide.
odložení adjournment (odklad, odročení); synonyms (n) deferment, delay, dissolution, suspension, reprieve, respite, stay, (v) postponement. odložit 1. defer; synonyms (v) adjourn, postpone, comply, bow, procrastinate, suspend, accede, protract, remit, (n) delay, 2. delay (prodlení, zpoždění); synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay, deferral, (v) defer, check, reserve, break; antonyms (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance, 3. postpone (odkládat); synonyms (v) retard, shelve, extend, hinder, prorogue, reschedule, table, (adj) waive, prolong, 4. reprieve; synonyms (n) postponement, relief, abatement, remission, grace, amnesty, (v) respite, pardon, adjournment, prorogation. odměna 1. award; synonyms (n) judgment, accolade, decoration, (v) accord, grant, bestow, confer, honor, present, assign, 2. reward (odměnit, odplata); synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, payment, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, requite; antonym (v) punish, 3. remuneration (plat); synonyms (n) earnings, reward, wage, salary, consideration, fee, restitution, profit, allowance, (v) amends. odměnit reward (odměna, odplata); synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, payment, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, requite; antonym (v) punish. odmítavý deprecatory; synonyms (adj) deprecative, deprecating, depreciatory, belittling, expostulatory, intercessory, mediatorial, depreciative, (v) derogatory, defamatory. odmítnout 1. reject; synonyms (v) refuse, decline, deny, disapprove, discard, dismiss, eliminate, exclude, rebuff, (n) cull; antonyms (v) accept, approve, choose, select, acknowledge, grant, 2. refuse (odpad, odpadky); synonyms (v) reject, disallow, dross, disdain, (n) garbage, trash, waste, offal, debris, litter, 3. repulse (odmítnutí); synonyms (v) repel, nauseate, disgust, revolt, drive, rebut, snub, sicken, (n) defeat, refusal; antonyms (v) attract, welcome, 4. rebuff (odmítnutí); synonyms (n) denial, rebuke, rejection, repulsion, (v) check, cut, ignore, slight, parry, (adj) repulse; antonym (n) acceptance. odmítnutí 1. refusal (odepření); synonyms (n) declination, denial, negative, no, rebuff, rejection, ban, prohibition, repulse, negation; antonym (n) permission, 2. rejection (zamítnutí, zavržení); synonyms (n) exclusion, dismissal, refusal,
abandonment, renunciation, exception, disavowal, repudiation, censure, defection; antonyms (n) acceptance, approval, 3. denial (popření); synonyms (n) abnegation, abjuration, contradiction, forswearing, nay, rebuttal, refutation, veto, defence, defense; antonyms (n) affirmation, declaration, admission, confession, 4. rebuff (odmítnout); synonyms (n) defeat, rebuke, (v) snub, check, cut, reject, decline, disallow, ignore, refuse; antonym (v) accept, 5. repulse (odmítnout); synonyms (v) repel, nauseate, disgust, revolt, dismiss, drive, rebut, sicken, force, push; antonyms (v) attract, welcome. odmontovat dismount (sestoupit); synonyms (v) alight, descend, light, dismantle, disembark, fall, unhorse, (adj) dismast. odmotat unwind (odvinout, rozmotat); synonyms (v) relax, disentangle, unbend, unroll, unfold, unravel, untangle, straighten, loose, rest; antonym (v) wind. odnož offshoot (výhonek); synonyms (n) branch, arm, limb, outgrowth, bough, offset, derivative, descendant, division, wing. odolat withstand (odporovat); synonyms (v) endure, stand, bear, defy, resist, survive, weather, confront, sustain, (n) oppose; antonyms (v) surrender, yield. odolnost immunity (imunita); synonyms (n) exemption, freedom, franchise, dispensation, privilege, exception, invulnerability, liberty, release, resistance; antonym (n) vulnerability. odolný resistant (imunní); synonyms (adj) immune, impervious, durable, tough, defiant, proof, rebellious, hardy, fast, (v) resistive; antonyms (adj) fragile, permeable, submissive, agreeable.
odpad 1. waste (odpadový, plýtvání, plýtvat); synonyms (n) desert, refuse, damage, (adj) spoil, desolate, (v) consume, exhaust, ruin, squander, ravage; antonyms (v) conserve, save, 2. refuse (odmítnout, odpadky); synonyms (v) deny, reject, decline, disallow, dross, (n) garbage, trash, waste, offal, debris; antonym (v) accept, 3. scrap (kousek); synonyms (n) fight, morsel, brawl, remnant, bit, chip, clash, end, junk, (adj) fragment; antonym (v) keep. odpadky 1. garbage (smetí); synonyms (n) debris, filth, waste, litter, refuse, hooey, rubbish, scrap, scraps, (adj) trash; antonym (n) sense, 2. rubbish (smetí); synonyms (n) garbage, nonsense, junk, offal, drivel, hogwash, trumpery, dirt, falderal, (adj) bosh, 3. refuse (odmítnout, odpad); synonyms (v) deny, reject, decline, disallow, dross, rebuff, disdain, dismiss, balk, (n) leavings; antonym (v) accept, 4. litter; synonyms (n) brood, bedding, stretcher, mess, issue, breed, (v) clutter, (adj) jumble, disarray, huddle, 5. trash (brak, šmejd, smetí);
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Czech - English
synonyms (n) rubble, scum, tripe, (v) destroy, stuff, wreck, devastate, break, spoil, demolish. odpadlík 1. renegade; synonyms (n) deserter, turncoat, pervert, defector, traitor, runaway, (v) apostate, rebel, rat, (adj) recreant, 2. pervert (převrátit, svést, zvrhlík); synonyms (n) bend, (v) distort, debase, deprave, misuse, abuse, corrupt, debauch, misrepresent, twist. odpadnutí apostasy; synonyms (n) defection, desertion, heresy, tergiversation, abandonment, backsliding, disloyalty, rebellion, recusancy, renunciation.
odpadový waste (odpad, plýtvání, plýtvat); synonyms (n) desert, refuse, damage, (adj) spoil, desolate, (v) consume, exhaust, ruin, squander, ravage; antonyms (v) conserve, save. odplata 1. retaliation (odveta); synonyms (n) reprisal, retribution, revenge, requital, vengeance, payment, return, talion, (v) retortion, 2. reward (odměna, odměnit); synonyms (n) pay, guerdon, wage, bribe, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, requite; antonym (v) punish, 3. retribution (pomsta); synonyms (n) judgment, penalty, punishment, repayment, retaliation, reward, restitution, atonement, reimbursement, payback, 4. requital; synonyms (n) amends, reckoning. odpojený disconnected (nesouvislý); synonyms (adj) broken, abrupt, desultory, disjointed, fragmentary, confused, incoherent, separate, unconnected, discontinuous; antonym (adj) attached. odpojit 1. detach (odvelet); synonyms (v) disengage, divide, part, disconnect, disentangle, dissociate, remove, separate, unhook, (n) detail; antonyms (v) attach, fasten, add, associate, 2. disconnect (rozpojit); synonyms (v) detach, abstract, deactivate, disjoin, divorce, sever, stop, uncouple, undo, cleave; antonym (v) connect, 3. uncouple (rozpojit); synonyms (v) unfasten, untie, release, unbutton, unlock, free, decouple, unbolt; antonym (v) couple. odpoledne afternoon; synonyms (n) day, daylight, morning, siesta, teatime. odpor 1. aversion; synonyms (n) antipathy, distaste, abhorrence, disgust, disinclination, dislike, aversation, grudge, enmity, (v) abomination; antonyms (n) liking, attraction, love, 2. disgust (hnus); synonyms (n) aversion, detestation, repugnance, hate, hatred, horror, (v) sicken, nauseate, shock, displease; antonyms (v) delight, attract, 3. dislike; synonyms (n) disapproval, disaffection, disdain, disfavor, disfavour, displeasure, dissatisfaction, (v) detest, abhor, loathe; antonyms (n) fondness, taste, enjoyment, (v) like, enjoy, 4. antipathy (antipatie); synonyms
(n) animosity, odium, repulsion, antagonism,
hostility, malice, opposition, rancor, revulsion, 5. resistance; synonyms (n) endurance, friction, immunity, impedance, obstacle, renitency, confrontation, (v) rebellion, interference, mutiny; antonyms (n) smoothness, agreement, obedience, susceptibility.
odporný 1. abominable (hnusný, ohavný); synonyms (adj) hateful, abhorrent, odious, awful, detestable, dreadful, execrable, foul, contemptible, (adv) beastly; antonym (adj) pleasant, 2. abhorrent; synonyms (adj) offensive, repulsive, repugnant, abominable, horrible, loathsome, obnoxious, revolting, unpleasant, forbidding, 3. loathsome; synonyms (adj) disgusting, distasteful, hideous, despicable, gruesome, loathly, nauseous, sickening, vile, filthy, 4. disgusting (hnusný, nechutný); synonyms (adj) disgustful, nasty, disagreeable, dirty, noisome, obscene, rank, repellent, shocking, fetid; antonyms (adj) attractive, appealing, 5. detestable; synonyms (adj) damnable, accursed, infamous, insufferable, damned, hellish, invidious, (v) cursed, (adv) atrocious, nefarious, 6. hateful (protivný); synonyms (adj) heinous, evil, mean, spiteful, base; antonyms (adj) lovable, delightful, 7. distasteful; synonyms (adj) unwelcome, ugly, undesirable, displeasing, objectionable, unsavory, bitter, tasteless, painful, (v) unpalatable; antonym (adj) tasteful, 8. odious (protivný); synonyms (adj) frightful, monstrous, terrible. odporovací adversative; synonyms (adj) contrary, hostile, opposing, oppositive, negating. odporovat 1. contravene; synonyms (v) contradict, break, infringe, breach, conflict, deny, disobey, violate, defy, (n) traverse; antonym (v) obey, 2. antagonize; synonyms (v) antagonise, counteract, resist, anger, block, repel, combat, disaffect, displease, estrange, 3. contradict (popírat); synonyms (v) oppose, belie, confute, contravene, controvert, disprove, dissent, impugn, invalidate, refute; antonyms (v) confirm, agree, match, 4. resist; synonyms (v) rebel, revolt, endure, balk, impede, protest, refuse, reject, withstand, (n) confront; antonyms (v) surrender, yield, assent, 5. withstand (odolat); synonyms (v) stand, bear, survive, weather, sustain, brave, hold, suffer, take, abide.
odpověď answer (odpovědět, odpovídat); synonyms (n) reply, respond, retort, return, solution, (v) counter, resolve, serve, acknowledge, agree; antonyms (v) question, ask.
odpovědět 1. answer (odpověď, odpovídat); synonyms (n) reply, respond, retort, return, solution, (v) counter, resolve, serve, acknowledge, agree; antonyms (v) question, ask, 2. reply; synonyms (n) answer, echo, rejoinder, response,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English reaction, repay, replication, defense, (v) react, rejoin.
odpovědnost responsibility (zodpovědnost); synonyms (n) accountability, duty, care, charge, affair, fault, job, liability, obligation, onus.
odpovídající 1. appropriate (patřičný, přiměřený, příslušný, vhodný); synonyms (adj) pertinent, proper, true, agreeable, apposite, apt, congruous, (v) annex, allocate, adopt; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unsuitable, unrelated, untimely, wrong, (v) surrender, 2. corresponding; synonyms (adj) congruent, comparable, equal, same, similar, commensurate, consonant, alike, analogous, correspondent; antonym (adj) different.
odpovídat 1. answer (odpověď, odpovědět); synonyms (n) reply, respond, retort, return, solution, (v) counter, resolve, serve, acknowledge, agree; antonyms (v) question, ask, 2. respond (reagovat); synonyms (v) answer, rejoin, echo, react, say, (adj) correspond, tally, (n) response; antonym (v) ignore. odpřisáhnout abjure; synonyms (v) recant, renounce, retract, abdicate, deny, disavow, forswear, abandon, discard, disclaim. odpudivý repellent (odpuzující); synonyms (adj) nasty, offensive, hateful, disgusting, distasteful, foul, loathsome, repugnant, repulsive, (v) odious; antonyms (adj) alluring, appealing, attractive, charming, pleasant.
odpustek indulgence (požitek, shovívavost, záliba); synonyms (n) clemency, allowance, gratification, extravagance, debauchery, delight, enjoyment, leniency, luxury, pardon. odpuštění forgiveness; synonyms (n) amnesty, mercy, pardon, clemency, kindness, compassion, grace, leniency, pity, remission. odpustit 1. forgive; synonyms (v) condone, absolve, excuse, acquit, pardon, remit, exonerate, justify, clear, overlook, 2. pardon (milost, prominout); synonyms (n) amnesty, forgiveness, grace, (v) forgive, spare, absolution, acquittal, discharge, pity, (adj) exculpate; antonym (v) blame. odpuzovat repel (zahnat); synonyms (v) nauseate, disgust, revolt, rebuff, repulse, sicken, decline, displease, refuse, reject; antonyms (v) attract, charm, draw. odpuzující repellent (odpudivý); synonyms (adj) nasty, offensive, hateful, disgusting, distasteful, foul, loathsome, repugnant, repulsive, (v) odious; antonyms (adj) alluring, appealing, attractive, charming, pleasant. odraz 1. reflection (zrcadlení); synonyms (n) consideration, contemplation, observation, cogitation, deliberation, meditation, musing, reflexion, thought, idea, 2. ricochet; synonyms (n) carom, (v) bounce, rebound, recoil, bound, glance,
jump, kick, reverberate, skip, 3. rebound; synonyms (n) backlash, repercussion, return, echo, reaction, (v) ricochet, rally, boomerang, backfire, recover, 4. reflexion; synonyms (n) reflection, reflectivity, reflex, rumination, expression, manifestation, (v) luster. odrážet reflect (zrcadlit); synonyms (v) deliberate, ponder, cogitate, consider, contemplate, meditate, muse, mirror, mull, think. odrazit fend; synonyms (v) defend, resist, guard, protect, safeguard, shield, abide, balk, baulk, bear. odrazovat discourage (zastrašit); synonyms (v) deter, daunt, demoralize, depress, dishearten, deject, dismay, intimidate, dampen, (n) abash; antonyms (v) encourage, promote. odreagování abreaction; synonyms (n) catharsis, purgation, katharsis. odřenina abrasion (obrušování); synonyms (n) attrition, excoriation, erosion, friction, graze, rubbing, scrape, scratch, wound, (v) detrition; antonym (n) smoothness.
odřený raw (nezkušený, nezpracovaný, syrový); synonyms (adj) crude, fresh, immature, bleak, coarse, cutting, green, piercing, sore, cold; antonyms (adj) refined, cooked. odřít abrade (obrousit); synonyms (v) scrape, file, skin, chafe, rub, scour, graze, abrase, erode, gall.
odročení adjournment (odklad, odložení); synonyms (n) deferment, delay, dissolution, suspension, reprieve, respite, stay, (v) postponement. odrůda variety (rozmanitost); synonyms (n) kind, sort, species, change, form, style, type, variation, breed, (adj) class; antonym (n) uniformity. odseknout 1. sever; synonyms (v) divide, break, detach, part, rupture, separate, rend, disconnect, crack, (n) cut, 2. retort; synonyms (n) reply, answer, return, rejoinder, response, riposte, comeback, (v) respond, alembic, rejoin. odškodnit indemnify; synonyms (v) compensate, reimburse, cover, recompense, assure, recoup, refund, remunerate, repay, requite. odsoudit 1. condemn; synonyms (v) blame, censure, reproach, castigate, criticize, decry, deplore, doom, excoriate, knock; antonyms (v) praise, approve, commend, free, pardon, 2. sentence (rozsudek); synonyms (n) judgment, finding, decision, condemnation, conviction, phrase, (v) condemn, convict, judge, damn. odšpendlit unpin (odepnout); synonyms (v) loosen, unfasten; antonym (v) pin. odstavec 1. paragraph (paragraf); synonyms (n) article, item, section, chapter, head, division, part, piece, (v) clause, passage, 2. rubric; synonyms (n) title, law, rule, statute, act, canon, code, gloss, (v) heading.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
odstavit wean; synonyms (v) estrange, alienate, disaffect, ablactate, clear, detach, disengage, disentangle, extricate, (n) weanling. odstín 1. hue (barva); synonyms (n) color, complexion, cast, chromaticity, dye, shade, tint, form, (v) colour, tinge, 2. shade (stín); synonyms (n) screen, ghost, hue, blind, cloud, apparition, conceal, (v) darken, shadow, cover; antonyms (n) light, brightness. odstoupení 1. abdication (abdikace); synonyms (n) resignation, abandonment, renunciation, retirement, surrender, waiver, withdrawal, delivery, (v) deposition, dethronement, 2. cession; synonyms (n) ceding, dispensation, compliance. odstoupit abdicate (abdikovat); synonyms (v) abandon, renounce, cede, desert, forgo, forsake, quit, relinquish, resign, yield. odstranit 1. eliminate; synonyms (v) abolish, delete, rid, annihilate, cancel, dispel, eradicate, extinguish, obliterate, take, 2. dismantle (demontovat, vyklidit); synonyms (v) demolish, destroy, strip, deprive, disassemble, disintegrate, dismember, disrobe, divest, level; antonyms (v) assemble, erect, raise. odstranitelný removable; synonyms (adj) detachable, obliterable, movable, amovable, dispensable, remuable, retractable, attachable, separable, separate; antonym (adj) fixed. odstrašit deter; synonyms (v) dissuade, bar, check, keep, cow, block, discourage, hinder, impede, (n) daunt; antonyms (v) encourage, persuade. odstředivka centrifuge; synonyms (n) separator, ultracentrifuge, extractor, (v) centrifugate. odstředivý centrifugal; synonyms (adj) efferent, motor, deviating, diffusive, diverging, outward, radial, (n) reel, (v) divergent, radiant; antonym (adj) centripetal. odstrojit unclothe; synonyms (v) disrobe, strip, divest, undress, deprive, discase, dispossess, expose, uncase. odstup distance (dálka, vzdálenost); synonyms (n) remove, space, way, gap, aloofness, interval, altitude, measure, (v) dissociate, (adj) length; antonyms (n) nearness, proximity, closeness, intimacy, (v) associate. odsuzující condemnatory; synonyms (adj) censorious, damnatory, captious, carping, caviling, condemning, critical, disapproving, (v) vituperative, disparaging. odtok 1. drain; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike, (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed, leak, (adj) cloaca, dissipate; antonym (v) bolster, 2. outfall (ústí řeky); synonyms (n) overfall, quarrel. odvaha 1. courage; synonyms (n) bravery, audacity, fortitude, backbone, boldness, gallantry, heroism, mettle, nerve, spirit; antonym (n) cowardice, 2.
mettle; synonyms (n) heart, courage, pluck, spunk, guts, character, valor, grain, humor, grit. odvážný 1. mettlesome; synonyms (adj) spirited, gritty, courageous, game, gamey, gamy, enthusiastic, fiery, racy, spunky, 2. daring; synonyms (adj) brave, bold, audacious, heroic, (n) adventurous, audacity, boldness, bravery, courage, adventurousness; antonyms (adj) cowardly, cautious, dull, timid, (n) cowardice, 3. audacious (drzý); synonyms (adj) arrogant, barefaced, brash, daring, impudent, intrepid, shameless, blatant, brazen, enterprising; antonym (adj) modest, 4. courageous; synonyms (adj) fearless, gallant, valiant, undaunted, manly, confident, plucky, resolute, stalwart, valorous. odvelet detach (odpojit); synonyms (v) disengage, divide, part, disconnect, disentangle, dissociate, remove, separate, unhook, (n) detail; antonyms (v) attach, fasten, add, associate. odveta 1. revenge (pomsta); synonyms (n) reprisal, retaliation, retribution, vengeance, grudge, (v) avenge, retaliate, repay, requite, vindicate, 2. retaliation (odplata); synonyms (n) revenge, requital, payment, return, talion, (v) retortion, 3. reprisal; synonyms (n) restitution, amends, (v) reprise. odvetný 1. retaliatory; synonyms (adj) retaliative, vengeful, vindictive, castigatory, corrective, disciplinary, penal, penalizing, punitive, retributory, 2. retributive; synonyms (adj) avenging, compensatory, munerary, retaliatory, justificative, justificatory, vindicatory, revengeful.
odvinout 1. unwind (odmotat, rozmotat); synonyms (v) relax, disentangle, unbend, unroll, unfold, unravel, untangle, straighten, loose, rest; antonym (v) wind, 2. unreel; synonym (v) unwind. odvodit derive (odvozovat); synonyms (v) deduce, stem, come, deduct, draw, result, conclude, descend, educe, elicit. odvolání 1. repeal (zrušení); synonyms (n) recall, abolition, (v) nullify, cancel, revoke, abolish, abrogate, countermand, invalidate, (adj) annul, 2. abrogation (zrušení); synonyms (n) repeal, annulment, cancellation, desertion, 3. revocation; synonyms (n) abrogation, withdrawal, revokement, 4. rescission (zrušení); synonyms (n) recission, rescindment, 5. withdrawal; synonyms (n) removal, retirement, retreat, secession, departure, defection, recession, backdown, retraction, (v) subtraction. odvolat 1. countermand; synonyms (v) annul, abrogate, cancel, revoke, lift, overrule, repeal, rescind, reverse, abolish, 2. recall; synonyms (v) retrieve, countermand, recognize, recollect, remember, retract, (n) anamnesis, memory, return, annulment; antonym (v) forget.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English odvolatel appellant; synonyms (n) litigant, accuser, appealant, applicant, claimant, complainant, petitioner, plaintiff, pursuer, (adj) appellate. odvolatelný revocable; synonyms (adj) reversible, revokable, abrogable, changeable, countermandable, repealable. odvození inference; synonyms (n) deduction, corollary, implication, assumption, conclusion, illation, judgment, surmise, guess, conjecture. odvozený 1. derivative (derivace); synonyms (adj) derived, unoriginal, copied, (n) derivate, derivation, differential, offshoot, expansion, extension, modification; antonym (n) original, 2. derived; synonyms (adj) derivative, secondary, calculated, deliberate, foreign, imitative, plagiaristic, resultant, resulting, variant. odvozovat derive (odvodit); synonyms (v) deduce, stem, come, deduct, draw, result, conclude, descend, educe, elicit. odvrátit avert (zabránit); synonyms (v) avoid, deflect, obviate, preclude, prevent, deter, stop, debar, deviate, distract. Odysea odyssey; synonym (n) journey. odzbrojení disarmament; synonyms (n) disarming, conquest, crippling, de-escalation, demilitarization, disablement, disqualification, freeze, neutralizing, occupation. odzbrojit disarm; synonyms (v) unarm, disable, disqualify, invalidate, demilitarise, demilitarize, (n) propitiate, (adj) conciliate; antonym (v) arm. odznak badge; synonyms (n) emblem, insignia, mark, sign, medal, characteristic, decoration, device, identification, indication. oficiální official (úřední, úředník); synonyms (adj) formal, functional, regular, (n) officer, minister, bureaucrat, executive, functionary, administrator, (v) authoritative; antonyms (adj) unofficial, private, illegal, informal. ofina fringe (třepení); synonyms (n) brim, brink, edge, boundary, periphery, rim, bound, (v) border, hem, (adj) feather. ohavnost abomination; synonyms (n) abhorrence, disgust, atrocity, detestation, execration, hate, hatred, loathing, revulsion, anathema.
ohavný 1. abominable (hnusný, odporný); synonyms (adj) hateful, abhorrent, odious, awful, detestable, dreadful, execrable, foul, contemptible, (adv) beastly; antonym (adj) pleasant, 2. despicable (opovrženíhodný); synonyms (adj) base, vile, abominable, mean, abject, dirty, dishonorable, filthy, ignoble, lousy. ohebnost pliability; synonyms (n) flexibility, pliancy, elasticity, flexibleness, malleability, bendability, submission, consistency, impressionability, pliantness; antonyms (n) rigidity, inflexibility.
ohebný floppy (poddajný); synonyms (adj) flabby, flaccid, drooping, loose, slack, soft, baggy, droopy, (n) limp, diskette; antonyms (adj) stiff, taut.
oheň fire; synonyms (n) discharge, ardor, conflagration, explode, fervor, flame, (v) excite, eject, blaze, dismiss; antonym (v) hire. ohlášení notification (oznámení); synonyms (n) notice, advice, information, declaration, note, advertisement, intelligence, communication, announcement, warning. ohlásit announce (oznámit); synonyms (v) advertise, herald, declare, enunciate, proclaim, return, affirm, annunciate, broadcast, communicate. ohlávka 1. halter (oprátka); synonyms (n) hackamore, gibbet, bridle, gallows, rein, noose, rope, balancer, cestus, collar, 2. snaffle; synonyms (n) bit, curb, brake, gag, muzzle, (v) grab, catch, seize. ohled 1. respect (ctít, úcta); synonyms (n) honor, esteem, homage, worship, heed, notice, account, (v) regard, observe, admire; antonyms (n) cheek, insolence, impudence, (v) disrespect, scorn, despise, dishonor, disregard, humiliate, 2. regard; synonyms (v) attention, concern, estimate, attend, believe, consider, count, hold, (n) respect, deference. ohleduplný considerate; synonyms (adj) benevolent, sympathetic, magnanimous, humane, attentive, careful, caring, (n) thoughtful, gentle, nice; antonyms (adj) unfeeling, inconsiderate, tactless, thoughtless, uncaring. ohlušit deafen; synonyms (v) deaf, muffle, blindfold, deave, envelop, inclose, muff, (adj) stun. ohniskový focal; synonyms (adj) central, pivotal, axial, azygous, chief, core, critical, crucial, essential, foremost. ohnivý inflammatory (pobuřující); synonyms (adj) incendiary, provocative, seditious, incitive, phlogistic, insurgent, aggressive, incendious, incensive, inflammative. ohnivzdorný fireproof; synonyms (adj) asbestos, concrete, noncandescent, steel, (v) waterproof, weatherproof; antonym (adj) combustible. ohňostroj fireworks; synonyms (n) bonfire, dispute, exhibition, explosive, noise, rage, show, stimulus, thrill. ohnout flex; synonyms (n) cord, wire, cable, (v) bend, crook, bow, crouch, deflect, give, (adj) stretch; antonym (v) straighten.
ohnutý crooked (křivý, nepoctivý, pokřivený); synonyms (adj) bent, awry, corrupt, irregular, askew, curved, deformed, dishonest, indirect, lopsided; antonyms (adj) straight, honest, even, principled.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
ohodnocení 1. evaluation; synonyms (n) appraisal, assessment, estimation, judgment, mark, rating, review, estimate, examination, opinion, 2. assessment (odhad, stanovení); synonyms (n) evaluation, valuation, appreciation, appraisement, duty, price, tax, test, measurement, tariff, 3. valuation; synonyms (n) prize, value, worth, admeasurement, mensuration, reckoning, survey. ohodnotit 1. evaluate (ocenit); synonyms (v) appraise, assess, calculate, gauge, estimate, value, grade, measure, rank, reckon, 2. value (cenit si, hodnota, ocenit); synonyms (n) merit, cost, importance, rate, consequence, (v) price, appreciate, esteem, evaluate, cherish; antonyms (n) disadvantage, futility, uselessness, insignificance. oholení shave; synonyms (v) prune, clip, pare, reduce, scrape, cut, brush, chip, crop, shear. ohrada 1. barrier (bariéra); synonyms (n) barricade, bar, bulwark, dam, handicap, hurdle, obstruction, rampart, restraint, block, 2. fence (oplotit, plot); synonyms (n) enclosure, barrier, pale, boundary, (v) hedge, wall, contend, enclose, parry, quibble, 3. enclosure (příloha); synonyms (n) coop, cage, enclosing, pen, addition, sty, case, envelopment, fencing, inclosure. ohromení consternation; synonyms (n) dismay, alarm, apprehension, astonishment, dread, fear, fright, (adj) terror, awe, horror. ohromený thunderstruck; synonyms (adj) astonished, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, dumfounded, speechless, stunned, stupefied, (v) awestruck. ohromit 1. amaze (udivit); synonyms (v) astonish, astound, baffle, dazzle, dumbfound, puzzle, stagger, discombobulate, alarm, (adj) surprise, 2. flabbergast; synonyms (v) confound, amaze, bewilder, boggle, stun, daze, shock, (adj) petrify, stupefy, 3. dumbfound; synonyms (v) flabbergast, perplex, befuddle, nonplus, stump, 4. confound (splést si, zmást); synonyms (v) confuse, bamboozle, mistake, mystify, complicate, dash, bedevil, bemuse, defeat, (adj) checkmate; antonym (v) enlighten, 5. astound; synonyms (v) frighten, startle, electrify, 6. stun; synonyms (v) deaden, numb, floor, galvanize, paralyze, overwhelm, flummox, shake, (n) benumb, (adj) deafen.
ohromný 1. enormous (nesmírný, obrovský); synonyms (adj) big, colossal, huge, immense, vast, excessive, exorbitant, great, large, prodigious; antonyms (adj) minute, small, tiny, insignificant, miniature, 2. immense (nesmírný); synonyms (adj) enormous, gigantic, immeasurable, boundless, giant, infinite, endless, extensive, extreme, gargantuan, 3. huge (obrovský); synonyms (adj) elephantine, ample, considerable, jumbo, massive,
monstrous, monumental, tremendous, heavy, untold. ohrožení jeopardy; synonyms (n) danger, hazard, peril, risk, menace, chance, precariousness, exposure, insecurity, threat; antonym (n) safety. ohrozit 1. jeopardize; synonyms (v) imperil, chance, endanger, hazard, venture, gamble, adventure, jeopardise, menace, (n) jeopard, 2. imperil; synonyms (v) expose, jeopardize, risk, threaten, compromise, peril, stake, 3. endanger; synonyms (v) queer, scupper, dare, (n) danger; antonyms (v) defend, protect. ohrožovat threaten (hrozit); synonyms (v) menace, bully, endanger, intimidate, loom, offer, imperil, jeopardize, peril, (n) threat; antonym (v) help. ohryzek core (jaderník, jádro); synonyms (n) bosom, center, essence, gist, heart, kernel, marrow, quintessence, stone, mind; antonym (adj) minor. ohyb bend; synonyms (n) bow, arch, arc, elbow, (v) curve, turn, crouch, stoop, crook, curl; antonyms (v) straighten, square. ohýbat bow (luk, oblouk, uklonit se); synonyms (n) arc, curve, (v) bend, arch, stoop, duck, buckle, crouch, incline, kowtow. ohyzdný ugly (ošklivý, šeredný); synonyms (adj) nasty, disagreeable, forbidding, frightful, gruesome, hideous, homely, repulsive, surly, evil; antonyms (adj) beautiful, attractive, good-looking, flowing, ornamental. oj pole (pól, Polák, tyč); synonyms (n) perch, bar, picket, post, rod, support, terminal, axle, beam, axis. okamžik 1. moment; synonyms (n) importance, consequence, flash, instant, jiffy, minute, import, bit, second, time, 2. instant (okamžitý); synonyms (adj) immediate, present, exigent, prompt, clamant, (n) moment, point, tick, (v) pressing, urgent; antonyms (adj) gradual, longterm, 3. trice; synonyms (n) twinkling, wink.
okamžitý 1. immediate (bezprostřední, přímý); synonyms (adj) close, prompt, direct, sudden, near, present, quick, expeditious, fast, hasty; antonyms (adj) slow, gradual, consecutive, deliberate, 2. momentary; synonyms (adj) fleeting, brief, fugitive, short, transient, instantaneous, ephemeral, momentaneous, passing, temporary; antonyms (adj) permanent, lasting, 3. instant (okamžik); synonyms (adj) immediate, exigent, (n) moment, flash, jiffy, minute, point, second, (v) pressing, urgent; antonym (adj) long-term, 4. instantaneous; synonyms (adj) instant, precipitate, momentary, 5. prompt (pohotový); synonyms (adj) agile, nimble, punctual, dexterous, (v) actuate, incite, fleet, inspire, instigate, move; antonym (adj) late.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
okap 1. gutter; synonyms (n) channel, groove, ditch,
okořenit flavour; synonyms (n) aroma, savor, smell,
drain, trough, chute, canal, conduit, furrow, trench, 2. eaves; synonyms (n) arch, balcony, cupola, dome, attic, loft, projection, brow, ridge. okázalost 1. pomposity (pompéznost); synonyms (n) ostentation, haughtiness, arrogance, glitter, conceit, pompousness, pretension, strut, vanity, dash; antonym (n) humility, 2. ostentation; synonyms (n) display, bravado, flourish, parade, pomp, showiness, bluster, splendor, state, pomposity. okázalý 1. flamboyant; synonyms (adj) loud, extravagant, pretentious, aureate, colorful, florid, ostentatious, showy, brilliant, elaborate; antonyms (adj) modest, restrained, 2. showy (nápadný); synonyms (adj) flashy, garish, gaudy, magnificent, fine, dashing, flamboyant, gay, grand, (v) bright; antonym (adj) tasteful, 3. spectacular; synonyms (adj) dramatic, sensational, amazing, fabulous, salient, striking, stunning, prodigious, stupendous, scenic. okenice shutter; synonyms (n) close, curtain, blind, shut, (v) screen, shade. oklamat 1. befool; synonyms (v) dupe, fool, gull, absorb, accept, adopt, annoy, apply, assimilate, assot, 2. dupe (napálit, podvést); synonyms (n) con, victim, (v) cheat, defraud, bamboozle, beguile, deceive, kid, befool, betray, 3. hoodwink (oblafnout); synonyms (v) delude, cozen, mislead, swindle, trick, blindfold, victimize, circumvent, take, juggle. oklika 1. detour; synonyms (n) digression, deviation, circuit, diversion, arcuation, (v) turn, bypass, circumvent, 2. roundabout; synonyms (adj) circuitous, indirect, oblique, devious, circumlocutory, winding, (n) carousel, circle, rotary, circumlocution; antonyms (adj) direct, straight. okno window; synonyms (n) casement, porthole, pane, gap, embrasure, hole, opening, windowpane. oko eye; synonyms (n) optic, (v) behold, see, view, gaze, stare, look, watch, glance, glimpse. okolí neighbourhood (sousedství); synonyms (n) locality, neighborhood, vicinity. okolní ambient; synonyms (adj) circumfused, investing, (n) ambience, medium. okolnost circumstance; synonyms (n) affair, state, accident, chance, event, incident, matter, occasion, opportunity, adventure. okolo around (dokola, kolem); synonyms (adv) about, approximately, almost, round, roughly, (prep) encompassing, encircling, circa, (adj) near, (n) vicinity. okoralý stale; synonyms (adj) musty, old, commonplace, hackneyed, banal, corny, flat, insipid, moldy, (v) dry; antonyms (adj) fresh, original, innovative.
feel, feeling, relish, sapidity, savour, (v) flavor, season. okoun bass (bas, basový); synonyms (adj) deep, low, resonant, rich, sonorous, abstruse, booming, rumbling, (n) basso, (adv) accompaniment. okouzlení 1. enchantment; synonyms (n) fascination, attraction, captivation, charm, conjuration, bewitchment, incantation, rapture, sorcery, spell, 2. fascination; synonyms (n) enchantment, glamor, glamour, allure, charisma, enthrallment, magic, magnetism, trance, allurement; antonym (n) distraction. okouzlený spellbound; synonyms (adj) fascinated, rapt, enchanted, captivated, mesmerized, bewitched, hypnotised, hypnotized, mesmerised. okouzlit 1. enrapture; synonyms (v) captivate, enchant, bewitch, delight, entrance, fascinate, ravish, enamor, (adj) charm, attract; antonym (v) disenchant, 2. fascinate; synonyms (v) allure, enrapture, enthrall, entice, enthral, beguile, capture, engross, absorb, engage; antonym (v) bore, 3. enamour, 4. enthral; synonyms (v) transport, inthral, please, enamour, becharm, carry, catch, channel, channelize, dishonor, 5. bewitch; synonyms (v) spell, witch, influence, conjure, glamour, hex, lure, magnetize, mesmerize, (n) seduce, 6. charm; synonyms (n) amulet, appeal, attraction, incantation, tempt, attractiveness, beauty, draw, elegance, (v) amuse; antonyms (n) repulsion, ugliness, (v) repel.
okouzlující 1. charming (kouzelný, roztomilý); synonyms (adj) amiable, beautiful, attractive, captivating, delightful, enchanting, lovely, pleasing, winning, nice; antonyms (adj) repellent, unappealing, unpleasant, 2. enchanting; synonyms (adj) charming, bewitching, fascinating, alluring, engaging, magical, glamorous, adorable, absorbing, amusing. okr ochre; synonyms (adj) ocher, (n) brown, buff. okrádat prey (kořist); synonyms (n) chase, game, plunder, victim, quarry, raven, target, mark, capture, (v) feed; antonym (n) hunter.
okraj 1. border (hranice, lemovat, obruba); synonyms (n) margin, brink, extremity, fringe, bed, boundary, (v) edge, verge, abut, adjoin; antonyms (n) middle, (v) center, 2. edge (hrana, kraj, lem, ostří); synonyms (n) blade, advantage, bank, brim, butt, corner, limit, (v) border, bound, hem, 3. margin; synonyms (n) circumference, perimeter, skirt, allowance, confine, leeway, periphery, scope, side, lip, 4. brim; synonyms (n) rim, mouth, shore, brow, (v) flow, overflow, 5. brink (kraj, pokraj); synonym (n) threshold. okrájet pare; synonyms (v) clip, cut, peel, trim, truncate, shave, skin, whittle, crop, scalp.
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Czech - English
okrajový 1. marginal; synonyms (adj) borderline,
olovnice 1. lead (olovo, vést); synonyms (v) head,
border, peripheral, edge, fringe, bare, minor, negligible, unimportant, fringy, 2. peripheral (periferní); synonyms (adj) exterior, outer, external, marginal, extraneous, outlying, outside, nonessential, outdoor, (n) component; antonyms (adj) central, vital. okřídlený winged; synonyms (adj) fast, rapid, swift, speedy, quick, agile, alated, aligerous, composed, fleet. okruh circuit (obvod); synonyms (n) beat, area, excursion, compass, cycle, district, (v) circle, tour, trip, journey. oktáva octave; synonyms (n) tetrachord, (adj) eight. oktet octet; synonyms (n) octette, eight, eighter, eightsome, octad, octonary, octuor, ogdoad. okulár 1. eyepiece; synonyms (n) ocular, barrel, platform, window, 2. ocular (oční, vizuální, zrakový); synonyms (adj) visual, optical, ophthalmic, visible, optic, (n) eyepiece. okultismus occultism; synonyms (n) magic, witchcraft, hocus-pocus. okultní occult; synonyms (v) mystic, (adj) hidden, obscure, cryptic, mysterious, secret, cryptical, dark, esoteric, magical. okupace occupation (povolání); synonyms (n) employment, occupancy, business, craft, calling, job, place, affair, career, conquest; antonym (n) surrender. okupant occupant; synonyms (n) inhabitant, resident, tenant, denizen, dweller, occupier, holder, citizen; antonym (n) landlord. okupovat occupy (obsadit, zabrat); synonyms (v) hold, have, engage, engross, fill, get, absorb, employ, inhabit, invade; antonym (v) leave. okurka cucumber; synonyms (n) cuke, dollar. okusovat nibble; synonyms (v) eat, munch, chew, browse, gnaw, nip, pick, crunch, champ, (n) bite; antonyms (v) gobble, guzzle. okyselení acidification; synonyms (n) souring, acidizing. okyselit acidify; synonyms (v) acetify, sour, acidulate, turn, ferment, imbitter, work, (n) curdle. olej oil (nafta); synonyms (n) petroleum, fat, ointment, salve, cream, fuel, cerate, (v) lubricate, anoint, anele. olejnatý oily; synonyms (adj) greasy, fat, fatty, oleaginous, unctuous, buttery, slick, fulsome, (v) bland, soapy. oligarchie oligarchy; synonyms (n) aristocracy, theocracy. oliva olive; synonyms (adj) glaucous, green, emerald, jade, sallow, (n) cherry, drupe, elderberry, jujube, tan.
guide, conduct, contribute, direct, chair, conduce, control, go, govern; antonym (v) follow, 2. plumb; synonyms (v) fathom, measure, (adj) perpendicular, vertical, upright, erect, (adv) clean, plum, completely, exactly. olovo lead (olovnice, vést); synonyms (v) head, guide, conduct, contribute, direct, chair, conduce, control, go, govern; antonym (v) follow. olše alder; synonym (adj) aller. oltář altar; synonyms (n) shrine, sacristy, sanctuary. omáčka sauce; synonyms (n) condiment, seasoning, garnish, impertinence, billingsgate, salad, cheek, insolence, effrontery, juice. omakat thumb (palec, pošpinit); synonyms (n) pollex, forefinger, hand, (v) finger, feel, flip, handle, leaf, flick, hitch. omeleta 1. omelet; synonyms (n) omelette, (v) pudding, 2. omelette; synonym (n) omelet. omezení 1. limitation; synonyms (n) circumscription, limit, restraint, restriction, check, constraint, control, curb, demarcation, condition; antonym (n) extension, 2. circumscription; synonyms (n) confinement, inclosure, boundary, compass, cramp, reservation, circuit, shape, periphery, 3. restriction; synonyms (n) limitation, qualification, embargo, bridle, ban, confine, impediment, prohibition, stipulation, (v) hindrance; antonym (n) freedom. omezený 1. limited; synonyms (adj) finite, circumscribed, moderate, qualified, special, insular, bounded, narrow, scanty, slender; antonyms (adj) boundless, infinite, limitless, open, complete, never-ending, unlimited, wide, 2. narrow (úzký); synonyms (adj) close, limited, little, cramped, illiberal, (v) confined, contract, limit, lessen, constrict; antonyms (adj) broad, comprehensive, extensive, (v) widen, extend. omezit 1. curtail (zkrátit); synonyms (v) contract, abridge, clip, condense, abate, confine, crop, curb, diminish, (adj) shorten; antonyms (v) extend, lengthen, 2. confine; synonyms (v) bound, limit, bind, circumscribe, restrain, tie, hold, (n) border, boundary, bounds; antonyms (v) release, free, liberate, 3. circumscribe (vymezit); synonyms (v) restrict, delimit, demarcate, circle, define, enclose, encompass, narrow, ring, surround, 4. restrict; synonyms (v) constrain, fetter, curtail, forbid, hamper, reduce, ration, check, contain, cramp, 5. retrench; synonyms (v) bate, save, economize, slash. omezující restrictive; synonyms (adj) prohibitive, restraining, exclusive, restricted, astringent, binding, clannish, coactive, compulsory, (v) limitary; antonym (adj) encouraging.
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Czech - English omítka plaster (náplast); synonyms (n) mortar, cement, paste, gum, glue, bandage, (v) coat, daub, stucco, paint. omladit rejuvenate; synonyms (v) regenerate, refresh, renew, invigorate, restore, revive, revitalize, enliven, recommence. omlazení rejuvenation; synonyms (n) restoration, revival, greening, innovation, rebirth, reconstruction, regeneration, rekindling, renaissance, renewal. omluva 1. apology; synonyms (n) excuse, plea, amends, defense, justification, regret, reason, alibi, explanation, vindication, 2. excuse (omluvit, prominout, výmluva, záminka); synonyms (n) apology, evasion, palliate, (v) pardon, absolve, acquit, condone, exculpate, forgive, justify; antonym (v) punish, 3. exculpation; synonyms (n) exoneration, absolution, clearance, acquittal, amnesty, clemency, disculpation, forgiveness, mercy, pity.
omluvit 1. excuse (omluva, prominout, výmluva, záminka); synonyms (n) apology, alibi, evasion, (v) pardon, absolve, acquit, condone, exculpate, forgive, justify; antonym (v) punish, 2. exculpate; synonyms (v) clear, exonerate, discharge, excuse, release, vindicate, assoil, defend, disculpate; antonym (v) convict. omluvný apologetic; synonyms (adj) contrite, penitent, regretful, remorseful, sorry, rueful, alleged, ashamed; antonym (adj) unrepentant. omrzlina chilblain; synonyms (n) pernio, chilblains. omyl 1. error (chyba); synonyms (n) deviation, blunder, fault, mistake, wrong, delusion, lapse, oversight, crime, defect; antonym (n) correctness, 2. mistake (chyba, zmýlit se); synonyms (n) error, failure, misapprehension, misconception, demerit, inaccuracy, (v) err, misapprehend, slip, confuse, 3. fault (chyba, vina); synonyms (n) blemish, failing, blame, blot, delinquency, flaw, break, weakness, (v) deficiency, culpability; antonyms (n) merit, strength, 4. lapse (poklesek); synonyms (n) fall, omission, (v) relapse, decline, expire, drop, elapse, collapse, degenerate, die. omylný fallible; synonyms (adj) fallacious, unreliable, human, erring, untrustworthy, weak, (v) questionable, precarious, slippery, ticklish; antonyms (adj) perfect, infallible. on he; synonyms (pron) cestui, (n) male, man, helium. onen yon; synonyms (adv) farther, (adj) yonder. ontologie ontology; synonyms (n) metaphysics, philosophy, psychology. opadavý deciduous; synonyms (adj) caducous, transient, short-lived, (v) labent, undermined. opak 1. opposite (naproti, protilehlý); synonyms (adj) adverse, contradictory, diametric, different, hostile, opposing, (adv) counter, (n) contrary,
opponent, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar, 2. reverse (obrácený); synonyms (adj) opposite, converse, (v) annul, repeal, rescind, countermand, overturn, revoke, rear, nullify; antonym (n) front. opakování 1. recurrence; synonyms (n) iteration, repetition, return, frequency, comeback, reappearance, reiteration, relapse, harping; antonym (n) disappearance, 2. reiteration; synonyms (n) repeat, recurrence, reduplication, duplication, run, succession, replication, ingemination, echo, loop, 3. rehearsal (zkouška); synonyms (n) narration, recital, practice, preparation, description, account, explanation, narrative, 4. repetition; synonyms (n) gemination, rehearsal, repeating, doubling, duplicate, tautology, drill. opakovat 1. repeat; synonyms (v) recite, copy, recapitulate, reduplicate, rehearse, reiterate, return, double, duplicate, iterate, 2. reiterate; synonyms (v) repeat, echo, ingeminate, recur, reaffirm, replicate, restate, retell, summarize. opál opal; synonyms (n) cheetah, garnet, leopard, nacre, ocelot, peridot, menilite, ophite, zebra, tourmaline. opálení tan; synonyms (n) sunburn, brown, beige, buff, suntan, burn, (adj) russet, tawny, chocolate, (v) bronze. opar 1. herpes; synonyms (n) fret, frith, irritation, (adj) heartburn, heaves, hemorrhoids, hernia, lockjaw, piles, rupture, 2. haze (mlha); synonyms (n) fog, cloud, blur, confusion, vapor, daze, film, cloudiness, (v) mist, dim. opařenina scald; synonyms (v) burn, cook, scorch, boil, char, heat, sear, seethe, singe, (n) blister. opásat gird; synonyms (v) environ, begird, circle, jest, fortify, (adv) encompass, encircle, (n) jeer, scoff, deride. opasek 1. belt (pás, pásek, řemen); synonyms (n) ribbon, area, strap, knock, strip, (v) band, hit, wallop, whack, beat, 2. girdle (pás); synonyms (n) belt, cincture, zone, (v) encircle, circle, compass, encompass, gird, ring, beset. opat abbot; synonyms (n) archimandrite, beadsman, friar, mendicant, palmer, pilgrim, cenobite, conventual, minister, monk. opatření provision (ustanovení); synonyms (n) arrangement, condition, clause, proviso, stock, article, board, (v) preparation, feed, cater; antonym (n) lack.
opatřit 1. provide (poskytnout, připravit); synonyms (v) give, contribute, furnish, offer, accommodate, administer, afford, cater, equip, supply, 2. furnish (vybavit, zařídit); synonyms (v) provide, outfit, render, yield, deliver, appoint, assign, dispense, endow, (n) dress, 3. get (dostat, obdržet, obstarat, sehnat, získat); synonyms (v)
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Czech - English
acquire, gain, attain, become, catch, earn, buy, come, fall, fetch; antonyms (v) lose, leave.
opatrnost 1. caution (obezřelost, varování, výstraha); synonyms (n) advice, carefulness, precaution, vigilance, wariness, warning, admonition, (v) care, warn, admonish; antonyms (n) recklessness, carelessness, rashness, 2. precaution; synonyms (n) forethought, foresight, discretion, prevention, anticipation, caution, circumspection, protection, prudence, safeguard. opatrný 1. careful; synonyms (adj) accurate, attentive, thrifty, alert, deliberate, economical, frugal, mindful, prudent, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj) careless, reckless, slapdash, neglectful, 2. prudent; synonyms (adj) cautious, circumspect, discreet, judicious, careful, chary, reasonable, advisable, canny, politic; antonyms (adj) foolish, imprudent, spendthrift, stupid, 3. cagey; synonyms (adj) clever, wary, secretive, shifty, cagy, cunning, guarded, wily, distrustful, elusive; antonym (adj) open, 4. cautious (obezřetný); synonyms (adj) conservative, watchful, cagey, provident, reserved, shy, thoughtful, moderate, tactful, sly; antonyms (adj) rash, impetuous, impulsive, incautious, irresponsible, wasteful, 5. wary (ostražitý); synonyms (adj) vigilant, suspicious, leery, wakeful, heedful, mistrustful, safe, scrupulous, aware, (v) calculating; antonyms (adj) unwary, trusting. opatrovat cherish; synonyms (v) appreciate, entertain, foster, hug, nurture, treasure, cultivate, bosom, adore, (n) embrace; antonym (v) hate. opatrovnictví trusteeship; synonyms (n) custody, trust, foundation. opatrovník guardian (dozorce); synonyms (n) custodian, guard, defender, protector, champion, curator, warden, keeper, (adj) protective, custodial. opatství 1. abbey; synonyms (n) convent, monastery, church, priory, clergyman, (v) cloister, 2. abbacy; synonym (n) presbytery. operace operation; synonyms (n) execution, movement, act, agency, effect, business, management, action, function, functioning. operátor operator (telefonista); synonyms (n) driver, hustler, manipulator, agent, doer, speculator, actor, employee, clerk, businessperson. opeření feathering; synonyms (n) feather, bevelling. opeřený plumy (pernatý); synonyms (adj) feathered, feathery, plumose, plumed, plumelike, crested, featherlike, plumate. opereta operetta; synonyms (n) opera, operette. operovat operate (fungovat, pracovat); synonyms (v) act, function, run, direct, employ, go, handle, manage, move, perform. opět again (zas, zase, znovu); synonyms (adv) afresh, more, anew, encore, repeatedly, then, also, further, often.
opevnit fortify (posílit); synonyms (v) strengthen, confirm, consolidate, secure, buttress, encourage, reinforce, fort, harden, (n) brace; antonym (v) weaken. opiát opiate; synonyms (n) hypnotic, drug, sedative, (v) poppy, balm, (adj) narcotic, anodyne, soporific. opice 1. ape; synonyms (n) anthropoid, imitator, monkey, (v) mimic, mock, copy, echo, emulate, imitate, impersonate, 2. monkey; synonyms (n) ape, imp, primate, rascal, scamp, (v) tinker, meddle, tamper, trifle, cuckoo. opilec drunkard; synonyms (n) drunk, alcoholic, drinker, inebriate, rummy, sot, toper, tosspot, fuddler, miscreant. opilost intoxication (opojení); synonyms (n) drunkenness, inebriation, inebriety, poisoning, tipsiness, fascination. opilý 1. drunken; synonyms (adj) drunk, boozy, sottish, intoxicated, tight, tipsy, bibulous, 2. drunk; synonyms (adj) wet, inebriated, delirious, high, (n) inebriate, drunkard, rummy, sot; antonym (adj) sober, 3. soused; synonyms (adj) loaded, besotted, dunked, addlebrained, addlepated, affluent, annoyed, blotto, buckram, close, 4. tipsy; synonyms (adj) soused, fuddled, stringent, taut. opis 1. copy (kopie, kopírovat); synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow; antonym (n) original, 2. periphrasis; synonyms (n) circumlocution, ambage, verbiage, (v) periphrase, 3. transcript (kopie); synonyms (n) copy, record, counterpart, facsimile, action, adaptation, arrangement, book, exscript, manuscript. opisný periphrastic; synonyms (adj) circumlocutory, indirect, roundabout, ambagious, circumlocutious, circuitous, circumlocutional, rambling, redundant, verbose. opít 1. intoxicate (opojit); synonyms (v) fuddle, inebriate, befuddle, elate, disguise, apprehend, arrest, catch, collar, collect, 2. inebriate; synonyms (n) drunk, drunkard, rummy, sot, (v) intoxicate, soak, souse, exhilarate, (adj) inebriated. oplakávat bewail; synonyms (v) bemoan, lament, deplore, mourn, complain, grieve, regret, wail, weep, cry. oplatit 1. repay (splatit); synonyms (v) pay, recompense, reimburse, reward, compensate, refund, render, redeem, remunerate, requite, 2. reciprocate; synonyms (v) exchange, repay, interchange, return, bandy, accord, coincide, concur, swap, accede. oplatka 1. wafer (hostie); synonyms (n) waffle, cement, glue, gum, paste, size, coke, chip, 2. waffle (vafle); synonyms (v) vacillate, waver,
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Czech - English
drivel, falter, hesitate, chowder, chupatty, clam, compote, damper. oplocení fencing; synonyms (n) fence, swordplay, grille, lattice, trellis, (v) prevarication, equivocation, fraud, shuffling, (adj) fighting. oplotit fence (ohrada, plot); synonyms (n) enclosure, barrier, hurdle, pale, (v) hedge, wall, contend, enclose, parry, quibble. oplývat abound (hemžit se); synonyms (n) exuberate, (v) swarm, flow, teem, burst, overflow. oplzlost 1. lewdness; synonyms (n) obscenity, bawdiness, indecency, debauchery, lasciviousness, sensuality, lechery, lubricity, lust, salaciousness, 2. obscenity; synonyms (n) bawdry, lewdness, dirtiness, impurity, vulgarity, immodesty, profanity, ribaldry, salacity, (v) smut, 3. ribaldry; synonyms (n) gaminess, raciness, harlotry, baggage, balderdash, billingsgate, buffoonery, coarseness, harlot, (v) blacken. oplzlý 1. salacious; synonyms (adj) lascivious, libidinous, lecherous, lewd, lustful, obscene, erotic, ruttish, dirty, licentious, 2. lewd; synonyms (adj) indecent, bawdy, dissolute, filthy, abandoned, carnal, debauched, immoral, impure, sensual; antonym (adj) decent, 3. obscene (neslušný, obscénní); synonyms (adj) gross, coarse, nasty, foul, ribald, fulsome, improper, immodest, abhorrent, detestable. opodál aloof (stranou); synonyms (adj) distant, reserved, cool, indifferent, standoffish, unconcerned, unfriendly, frigid, arrogant, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj) friendly, warm, approachable, involved. opojení intoxication (opilost); synonyms (n) drunkenness, inebriation, inebriety, poisoning, tipsiness, fascination. opojit intoxicate (opít); synonyms (v) fuddle, inebriate, befuddle, elate, disguise, apprehend, arrest, catch, collar, collect. opojný heady; synonyms (adj) hot, intoxicating, exciting, headstrong, strong, firm, forceful, obstinate, stubborn.
oponent opponent (protivník); synonyms (n)
opominout neglect (zanedbání, zanedbat);
opravdový 1. genuine (autentický, nefalšovaný, pravý, ryzí, skutečný, upřímný); synonyms
synonyms (n) disregard, slight, carelessness, delinquency, (v) fail, forget, ignore, overlook, default, drop; antonyms (n) development, surveillance, (v) attention, care, complete, do, protect. opominutí omission (vynechání); synonyms (n) failure, error, exclusion, fault, ellipsis, inadvertence, mistake, neglect, oversight, (adj) defect; antonyms (n) inclusion, adherence. opona curtain (záclona); synonyms (n) veil, cover, barrier, blind, drapery, screen, drape, mantle, mask, (v) hide.
enemy, antagonist, adversary, competitor, foe, contrary, contestant, foeman, opposition, match; antonyms (n) ally, supporter, follower. opora prop (podepřít); synonyms (n) support, post, shore, fulcrum, property, (v) buttress, brace, bolster, hold, rest. oportunismus opportunism; synonyms (n) expedience, expediency, egocentrism, egoism. oportunista opportunist; synonyms (n) adventurer, entrepreneur, investor, pioneer, rascal, speculator, trailblazer, (adj) opportunistic, timeserving. opotřebovat wear (nosit); synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear, fatigue, tire, (n) clothing, apparel, attire, clothes, garb; antonym (v) refresh. opovržení contempt; synonyms (n) disdain, scorn, derision, disrespect, disregard, mockery, ridicule, shame, slight, reproach; antonyms (n) respect, approval. opovrženíhodný despicable (ohavný); synonyms (adj) contemptible, base, vile, abominable, mean, abject, detestable, dirty, dishonorable, filthy. opozice opposition; synonyms (n) contrast, conflict, antithesis, contrary, contrariety, antagonism, enemy, hostility, opponent, opposite; antonym (n) consent. oprátka 1. halter (ohlávka); synonyms (n) hackamore, gibbet, bridle, gallows, rein, noose, rope, balancer, cestus, collar, 2. noose; synonyms (n) halter, loop, gin, lasso, trap, net, snare, drop, garter, (v) hang. oprava 1. correction; synonyms (n) amendment, adjustment, alteration, castigation, chastisement, discipline, redress, modification, emendation, improvement; antonym (n) fabrication, 2. repair (opravit, spravit); synonyms (n) fix, overhaul, (v) remedy, mend, patch, correct, cure, compensate, doctor, renovate; antonym (v) break, 3. amendment; synonyms (n) betterment, correction, revision, transformation, change, conversion, rectification, reform, variation. opravář repairman; synonyms (n) repairer, fixer.
(adj) actual, authentic, sincere, true, unsophisticated,
candid, faithful, artless, factual, hearty; antonyms (adj) bogus, fake, insincere, affected, artificial,
dishonest, false, pretend, hypocritical, replica, 2. real (pravý, reálný, skutečný); synonyms (adj) genuine, material, physical, concrete, literal, natural, positive, pure, native, right; antonyms (adj) unreal, imaginary, apparent, deceptive, fantasy, imitation, insubstantial, mock, nominal, 3. veritable; synonyms (adj) real, unquestionable, truthful, (v) very.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
opravdu 1. really (doopravdy); synonyms (adv) actually, honestly, absolutely, genuinely, certainly, real, truly, very, (adj) indeed, sincerely, 2. indeed (vskutku); synonyms (adv) exactly, much, really, surely, greatly, clearly, definitely, positively, precisely, (int) forsooth; antonym (adv) possibly, 3. truly; synonyms (adv) right, legitimately, correctly, loyally, truthfully, authentically, awfully, completely, extremely, fully; antonym (adv) falsely.
opravit 1. correct (korigovat, opravovat, správný); synonyms (adj) right, accurate, appropriate, becoming, (v) adjust, amend, castigate, chastise, chasten, better; antonyms (adj) incorrect, false, faulty, inappropriate, mistaken, improper, (v) wrong, spoil, 2. mend (spravit); synonyms (v) repair, improve, correct, cure, doctor, heal, restore, (n) fix, patch, botch; antonym (v) break, 3. emend; synonyms (v) ameliorate, mend, reform, edit, redress, rectify, revise, 4. repair (oprava, spravit); synonyms (n) overhaul, renewal, renovation, (v) remedy, compensate, renovate, go, reclaim, recover, renew, 5. revise; synonyms (v) emend, alter, convert, retouch, adapt, reconsider, (n) review, revisal, revision, proof, 6. rectify (napravit); synonyms (v) refine, meliorate, regulate, discipline, distill, (adj) straighten.
oprávnit 1. authorize (autorizovat, schválit, zmocnit); synonyms (v) approve, empower, assign, certify, commission, delegate, license, pass, permit, sanction, 2. justify; synonyms (v) excuse, explain, absolve, confirm, defend, exonerate, vindicate, deserve, apologize, (n) warrant, 3. qualify (kvalifikovat); synonyms (v) modify, prepare, moderate, capacitate, characterize, confine, define, designate, determine, condition; antonym (v) disqualify.
opravovat correct (korigovat, opravit, správný); synonyms (adj) right, accurate, appropriate, becoming, (v) adjust, amend, castigate, chastise, chasten, better; antonyms (adj) incorrect, false, faulty, inappropriate, mistaken, improper, (v) wrong, spoil. opřít support (podepřít, podpora); synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, keep, comfort, (v) assist, prop, back, brace, encourage; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, undermine, abandon, reject, weaken. optický 1. optical; synonyms (adj) optic, visual, ocular, opthalmic, eye, eyeglass, (n) perspective, 2. optic; synonyms (adj) optical, (n) peeper, oculus. optika optics; synonyms (n) vision, photology, orbs, sight. optimalizovat optimize; synonym (v) optimise. optimální optimum; synonyms (adj) best, optimal, superlative, all-out, handpicked, premium, superb, baddest, capital, (n) acme.
optimismus optimism; synonyms (n) hopefulness, hope, buoyancy, cheer, cheerfulness, expectation, happiness; antonym (n) pessimism. optimista optimist; synonyms (n) idealist, utopist, whitewasher, enthusiast, romantic, utopian, utopianist, visionary. optimistický optimistic; synonyms (adj) cheerful, affirmative, positive, upbeat, bright, carefree, happy, lighthearted, rosy, sanguine; antonyms (adj) pessimistic, negative, disheartened. opuchlý turgid; synonyms (adj) bombastic, swollen, inflated, puffy, tumid, declamatory, large, (prep) pompous, (v) bloated, dropsical. opustit 1. abandon; synonyms (v) quit, relinquish, renounce, resign, vacate, desert, evacuate, leave, waive, depart; antonyms (v) keep, support, maintain, (n) restraint, 2. forsake; synonyms (v) abandon, ditch, abdicate, fail, chuck, forgo, disclaim, desolate, discard, (n) drop, 3. leave (dovolená); synonyms (v) forsake, go, escape, flee, lead, (n) furlough, holiday, permission, permit, break; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, approach, change, come, 4. desert (dezertovat, poušť); synonyms (n) wilderness, (v) defect, abscond, maroon, (adj) waste, barren, merit, wild, worth, bleak; antonym (n) bog, 5. quit; synonyms (v) discharge, part, cease, discontinue, end, desist, exit, free, halt, (n) release; antonym (v) continue, 6. relinquish (zanechat); synonyms (v) cede, concede, give, surrender, yield, deliver, forfeit, pass, reject, abjure; antonym (v) retain. opylit pollinate; synonyms (v) fertilize, pollenate, (adj) pollinose. oř 1. courser; synonyms (n) charger, beast, cattle, horse, nag, palfrey, thoroughbred, barb, (adj) antelope, eagle, 2. steed; synonyms (n) mount, mare, pony, stallion. oranžáda orangeade; synonym (n) orangeat. oranžový orange (pomeranč); synonyms (adj) amber, ocher, orangey, orangish, tawny, (n) orangeness, lemon, etc, lime, apricot. orat 1. plough (pluh); synonyms (v) plow, hoe, delve, dibble, dig, manure, 2. plow (pluh); synonyms (n) plough, furrow, flute, (v) farm, cultivate, rake, till, address, cover, deal. oratoř oratory; synonyms (n) eloquence, elocution, rhetoric, speech, church, chapel, tabernacle, basilica, cathedral, chantry. oratorium oratorio; synonyms (n) cantata, hymn. orba 1. tillage; synonyms (n) agriculture, cultivation, farming, husbandry, tilth, culture, land, 2. tilth; synonyms (n) tillage, farmland, ploughland, plowland. orchestr orchestra; synonyms (n) band, minstrelsy, ensemble, group, orchester, orchestre.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English orchestrální orchestral; synonyms (adj) musical, orchestric. orchidej orchid; synonyms (n) orchis, compliment. ordinace surgery (chirurgie); synonyms (n) operation, chirurgery, act, functioning, or, performance, procedure, process, treatment. ořech nut (matice, oříšek); synonyms (n) lunatic, crackpot, crank, eccentric, egg, freak, fruitcake, kernel, head, fruit. orel eagle; synonyms (n) colors, labarum, oriflamb, oriflamme, aviator, flag, pilot, streamer, (adj) antelope, chickaree. ořezávat whittle; synonyms (v) pare, cut, carve, fashion, sculpt, hew, (adj) knife, blade, cutlery, penknife. organický organic; synonyms (adj) constitutional, natural, constitutive, fundamental, constituent, inherent, structural, whole, raw; antonym (adj) refined. organismus organism; synonyms (n) being, organization, constitution, animal, life, beast. organizace organization; synonyms (n) order, establishment, administration, arrangement, formation, association, constitution, institution, structure, system. organizátor organizer; synonyms (n) arranger, organiser, administrator, manager, founder, mastermind, adapter, architect, brain, brains. organizovat organize; synonyms (v) establish, coordinate, constitute, devise, direct, fix, form, institute, regulate, (n) arrange; antonym (v) disorganize. orgasmus orgasm; synonyms (n) climax, coming, advent, approach, approaching, culmination, enthusiasm, ejaculation, erethism. orgie orgy; synonyms (n) debauchery, binge, debauch, bacchanal, riot, splurge, party, bacchant, carnival, carouser. orientace orientation; synonyms (n) bearing, direction, adjustment, course, introduction, instruction, druthers, information, initiation, predilection. orientalista orientalist; synonym (n) oriental. orientální 1. eastern (východní); synonyms (adj) easterly, orient, oriental, bright, ortive, lustrous, pellucid, perfect, pure, superior, 2. oriental; synonyms (adj) eastern, (n) orientalist. originál original (originální); synonyms (adj) first, authentic, native, new, primary, primitive, indigenous, aboriginal, creative, (n) archetype; antonyms (adj) commonplace, banal, copied, corny, derivative, hackneyed, (n) copy, counterfeit, fake, imitation. originální original (originál); synonyms (adj) first, authentic, native, new, primary, primitive, indigenous, aboriginal, creative, (n) archetype;
antonyms (adj) commonplace, banal, copied, corny, derivative, hackneyed, (n) copy, counterfeit, fake, imitation. oříšek nut (matice, ořech); synonyms (n) lunatic, crackpot, crank, eccentric, egg, freak, fruitcake, kernel, head, fruit. oříškový nutty (lahodný); synonyms (adj) crazy, balmy, daft, nuts, wacky, barmy, batty, cracked, crackers, dotty; antonyms (adj) sane, sensible. ornitologie ornithology; synonyms (n) anthropology, oryctology, paleontology, vermeology. orný arable; synonyms (adj) tillable, cultivable, cultivatable, country, predial, rural, rustic, earable, fertile, ploughable. orosený dewy; synonyms (adj) wet, dank, bedewed, humid, moist, damp, fresh, new, roric, irriguous. orosit bedew; synonyms (v) moisten, dampen, dew, damp, irrigate, irrorate, sponge, water. ortodoxní orthodox; synonyms (adj) canonical, conventional, accepted, sound, faithful, conservative, customary, devout, legitimate, regular; antonyms (adj) unconventional, unorthodox. osa axis; synonyms (n) axle, pivot, hinge, center, hub, spindle, stem, pin. osadník settler; synonyms (n) pioneer, colonist, immigrant, migrant, inhabitant, planter, newcomer, alien, citizen, peopler.
osazenstvo 1. crew (mužstvo, obsluha, posádka); synonyms (n) company, cluster, band, bunch, gang, party, assemblage, crowd, faction, group, 2. personnel (personál); synonyms (n) employees, staff, workers, workforce, force, troops, effect, faculty, forcefulness, organization. oscilátor oscillator; synonym (n) exciter. osciloskop oscilloscope; synonyms (n) scope, ambit, background, compass, orbit, range, reach, setting, telescope. oscilovat oscillate (kmitat); synonyms (v) fluctuate, swing, vibrate, hesitate, wag, alternate, quiver, shake, sway, tremble. osedlat saddle (sedlo); synonyms (n) saddleback, seat, (v) charge, burden, load, encumber, blame, burthen, lumber. osel 1. donkey; synonyms (n) burro, ass, fool, idiot, moke, jackass, simpleton, dizzard, 2. ass; synonyms (n) donkey, arse, anus, bottom, bum, arsehole, backside, behind, butt, buttocks, 3. jackass; synonyms (n) jack, cuckoo, fathead, goof, goose, dunce, jerk, zany.
ošetření treatment (nakládání, zacházení, zpracování); synonyms (n) cure, conduct, handling, management, manipulation, therapy, medication, remedy, reception, (v) behavior.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
ošetřovatelka nurse; synonyms (n) nurture, (v) nourish, attend, cherish, entertain, foster, harbor, lactate, cradle, cultivate. ošidit diddle; synonyms (v) defraud, cheat, do, fool, con, swindle, cozen, dally, jockey, fiddle. osídlení settlement (vyrovnání); synonyms (n) decision, accommodation, colony, hamlet, payment, arrangement, conclusion, resolution, determination, contract. osídlit settle (urovnat, usadit); synonyms (v) fix, place, clarify, establish, pay, regulate, resolve, set, adjudicate, (adj) confirm. osina awn; synonyms (n) arista, point, (adj) bur, burr, catchweed, cleavers, clivers, goose, grass, hackle. osít sow (rozsévat, sít, zasít); synonyms (n) pig, (v) scatter, disperse, broadcast, inseminate, seed, disseminate, plant, sough, farm. ošklivý 1. ugly (ohyzdný, šeredný); synonyms (adj) nasty, disagreeable, forbidding, frightful, gruesome, hideous, homely, repulsive, surly, evil; antonyms (adj) beautiful, attractive, good-looking, flowing, ornamental, 2. nasty; synonyms (adj) dirty, loathsome, disgusting, filthy, foul, awful, mean, abominable, coarse, distasteful; antonyms (adj) agreeable, kind, pleasant, nice, charitable, lovely. oškubat pluck (škubnutí, trhnutí); synonyms (v) cull, jerk, fleece, gather, pick, pull, (n) courage, grit, boldness, (adj) nerve.
oslabit 1. impair (narušit, poškodit, zhoršit); synonyms (v) blemish, damage, mar, degrade, corrupt, hurt, disfigure, deface, debase, destroy, 2. enfeeble; synonyms (v) debilitate, enervate, weaken, attenuate, impair, unnerve, waste, break, cripple, diminish; antonym (v) fortify, 3. debilitate; synonyms (v) enfeeble, exhaust, drain, depress, injure, undermine, prostrate, sap, (adj) eviscerate; antonym (v) enable, 4. weaken (slábnout); synonyms (v) dilute, lessen, relax, thin, dull, blunt, damp, deaden, decrease, (adj) reduce; antonyms (v) strengthen, bolster, grow. osladit sweeten; synonyms (v) dulcify, edulcorate, sugar, dulcorate, mollify, appease, pacify, popularize; antonym (v) sour. oslava celebration; synonyms (n) gala, anniversary, commemoration, fair, feast, festival, festivity, holiday, merrymaking, (adj) dedication; antonym (n) lament. oslavovat rejoice (radovat se); synonyms (v) cheer, delight, gladden, glory, joy, jubilate, revel, triumph, gratify, (n) exult; antonyms (v) lament, mourn. oslnit dazzle; synonyms (n) sparkle, brightness, (v) bedazzle, shine, blind, flash, glare, awe, (adj) daze, confuse. osm eight; synonyms (n) eighter, eleven, ace, jack, king, knave, nine, octad, octet, (adj) octave.
osmdesát eighty; synonym (n) fourscore. osmiúhelník octagon; synonyms (n) heptagon, hexagon, oxygon, pentagon, polygon. osmóza osmosis; synonym (n) absorption. osnova warp; synonyms (n) twist, buckle, distortion, (v) bend, distort, deform, contort, turn, bias, falsify;
antonym (v) straighten. osnovy curriculum (studijní plán); synonyms (n) course, program, syllabus, discipline, class, broadcast, classes, lessons, module, prospectus. osoba 1. person; synonyms (n) fellow, human, individual, man, being, body, character, creature, mortal, (v) party; antonym (n) automaton, 2. man (manžel, muž); synonyms (n) gentleman, guy, person, husband, homo, humanity, humankind, humans, (obj) he, male; antonym (n) woman. osobní personal; synonyms (adj) individual, own, particular, human, intimate, peculiar, private, direct, proper, subjective; antonyms (adj) public, general. osobnost 1. personality; synonyms (n) individuality, person, celebrity, character, identity, nature, characteristic, disposition, temperament, essence; antonym (n) nobody, 2. celebrity; synonyms (n) renown, fame, luminary, notable, bigwig, distinction, notability, notoriety, personality, star; antonym (n) obscurity, 3. personage; synonyms (n) individual, figure, being, creature, human, mortal, party, somebody, soul, magnate. ospalost drowsiness; synonyms (n) sleepiness, somnolence, dullness, lethargy, doziness, inertia, laziness, somnolency, bluntness, coma. ospalý 1. drowsy; synonyms (adj) dozy, comatose, lazy, lethargic, slow, somnolent, dull, indolent, listless, (n) sleepy; antonyms (adj) alert, energetic, 2. somnolent; synonyms (adj) soporific, slumberous, slumbrous, asleep, dreamy, slumbery, (v) drowsy, 3. sleepy; synonyms (adj) hypnotic, inactive, heavy, tired, weary; antonym (adj) awake. ospravedlnit vindicate (obhájit); synonyms (v) absolve, excuse, acquit, defend, exonerate, assert, maintain, (adj) justify, clear, exculpate. ostatek remainder (zbytek); synonyms (n) excess, leftover, remain, remnant, end, overplus, residue, balance, oddment, rest. ostatní other (další, druhý, jiný); synonyms (adj) additional, another, different, extra, further, more, new, second, distinct, dissimilar; antonym (adj) same. osten 1. spine (páteř, trn); synonyms (n) backbone, thorn, point, prickle, quill, spike, back, barb, rachis, pricker, 2. thorn (trn, trní); synonyms (n) spine, bramble, needle, sticker, bristle, fang, irritant, (adj) sting, cancer.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English oštěp javelin; synonyms (n) lance, spear, pike, dart, bayonet, fish, spike, spontoon, weapon, arrow. ostnatý spiny; synonyms (adj) prickly, thorny, bristly, barbed, briery, sharp, barbellate, briary, bristled, burred. ostražitost alertness; synonyms (n) vigilance, watchfulness, agility, alacrity, attention, liveliness, nimbleness, quickness, wariness, alerting; antonym (n) carelessness. ostražitý 1. vigilant; synonyms (adj) alert, attentive, observant, watchful, cautious, circumspect, guarded, wakeful, careful, (v) awake; antonym (adj) inattentive, 2. wary (opatrný); synonyms (adj) prudent, vigilant, suspicious, chary, leery, shy, distrustful, discreet, thoughtful, cagey; antonyms (adj) unwary, careless, trusting, reckless. ostří edge (hrana, kraj, lem, okraj); synonyms (n) boundary, margin, verge, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, (v) border, bound, hem; antonyms (n) center, (v) middle. ostřice sedge; synonyms (n) weed, brush, reit, seaweed. ostříhat shear (střih, stříhat); synonyms (v) clip, cut, fleece, lop, pare, prune, shave, chop, chip, crop. ostrost 1. acuteness; synonyms (n) acuity, acumen, discrimination, sharpness, gravity, discernment, insight, intensity, keenness, penetration, 2.
pungency (pichlavost, pronikavost); synonyms (n) acridity, bite, bitterness, odor, acuteness, edge, race, twang, asperity, zest. ostrov 1. island; synonyms (n) reef, aisle, egg, inch, (v) isle, insulate, isolate, segregate, sequester, separate, 2. isle; synonyms (n) islet, ile. ostrovan islander; synonyms (n) insular, cannibal. ostrovní insular; synonyms (adj) provincial, parochial, secluded, blinkered, isolated, narrow, adrift, circumscribed, seagirt, (v) loose; antonym (adj) international. ostruha spur; synonyms (n) inducement, incentive, impulse, prick, (v) goad, incite, prod, prompt, provoke, animate. ostrý 1. keen (dychtivý, nadšený); synonyms (adj) acute, eager, sharp, intense, intelligent, biting, brisk, enthusiastic, (v) fresh, avid; antonyms (adj) dull, apathetic, indifferent, unenthusiastic, blunt, 2. sharp (rázný); synonyms (adj) bitter, acid, acrid, harsh, incisive, penetrating, piercing, pointed, pungent, (n) keen; antonyms (adj) mild, gentle, rounded, sweet, bland, blurred, naive, round, smooth. ostuda 1. discredit; synonyms (v) degrade, disbelieve, decry, impeach, (n) disgrace, disrepute, dishonor, doubt, reproach, shame; antonyms (v) honor, believe, credit, dignify, praise, 2. disgrace (hanba, nemilost, potupa); synonyms (n)
blemish, stain, degradation, slur, abuse, (v) discredit, blot, debase, attaint, defame; antonyms (v) respect, esteem, 3. shame (hanba, stud, zahanbit); synonyms (n) humiliation, chagrin, insult, modesty, pity, scandal, contempt, embarrassment, (v) humiliate, abash. ostýchavý 1. shy (plachý); synonyms (adj) diffident, fearful, timid, abashed, reserved, ashamed, coy, modest, (v) fling, cast; antonyms (adj) brash, bold, confident, demonstrative, forward, outgoing, 2. diffident; synonyms (adj) bashful, shy, hesitant, retiring, tentative, unassuming, backward, selfconscious, distrustful, humble. osud 1. fate; synonyms (n) destiny, chance, luck, fatality, allotment, fortune, kismet, (v) doom, destine, designate, 2. destiny; synonyms (n) fate, destination, lot, portion, weird, accident, circumstances, 3. doom (záhuba); synonyms (n) condemnation, death, doomsday, (v) sentence, condemn, convict, damn, judge, curse, determine. osudný fateful; synonyms (adj) decisive, crucial, disastrous, fatal, black, calamitous, foreboding, ominous, important, inauspicious. osudovost fatality; synonyms (n) casualty, death, lethality, loss, mortality, catastrophe, lot, end, foredoom, necessity. osvícení enlightenment; synonyms (n) edification, light, education, information, civilization, culture, illumination, instruction, notice, wisdom; antonym (n) unenlightenment. osvícenost liberality; synonyms (n) generosity, munificence, almsgiving, benevolence, beneficence, bounteousness, (adj) bounty, largesse, gift, (v) charity. osvit exposure (expozice, odhalení); synonyms (n) display, exposition, detection, peril, danger, risk, expose, discovery, revealing, (v) disclosure. osvítit 1. illumine; synonyms (v) illume, illuminate, enlighten, light, shine, brighten, 2. enlighten (informovat); synonyms (v) elucidate, advise, clarify, edify, educate, inform, apprise, clear, instruct, (adj) lighten; antonyms (v) confuse, puzzle. osvobodit 1. liberate; synonyms (v) discharge, emancipate, clear, extricate, deliver, disengage, free, release, absolve, acquit; antonyms (v) confine, enslave, 2. affranchise; synonym (v) enfranchise. osvoboditel liberator; synonyms (n) savior, champion, rescuer, redeemer, salvation. osvobození 1. exemption; synonyms (n) dispensation, acquittal, immunity, exception, franchise, freedom, impunity, liberty, privilege, (v) excuse; antonym (n) liability, 2. liberation; synonyms (n) release, emancipation, deliverance, dismissal, rescue, delivery, freeing, relief, (v) discharge, dismission, 3. deliverance
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
(vysvobození); synonyms (n) salvation, escape, liberation, ransom, saving. osvobozený exempt; synonyms (adj) immune, released, (v) absolve, excuse, discharge, free, dispense, forgive, relieve, justify; antonyms (adj) chargeable, liable, (v) nonexempt. otáčet rotate; synonyms (v) revolve, reel, roll, alternate, gyrate, spin, swing, wheel, orbit, pivot. otázka 1. question (námitka); synonyms (n) inquiry, challenge, demand, (v) doubt, query, distrust, inquire, interrogate, investigate, contest; antonyms (n) certainty, (v) answer, 2. query (dotaz); synonyms (n) question, interrogative, quiz, enquiry, interrogation, problem, dispute, (v) ask, examine, wonder. otcovský 1. fatherly; synonyms (adj) fatherlike, paternal, kind, motherly, sisterly, protective, careful, caring, (adv) indulgent, patriarchal, 2. paternal; synonyms (adj) fatherly, agnate, parental, maternal, agnatic, concerned, patrimonial, solicitous, ancestral, enate. otcovství 1. paternity; synonyms (n) fatherhood, parenthood, source, authorship, origin, composition, consanguinity, family, fatherliness, fathership, 2. fatherhood; synonyms (n) paternity, begetter, beginner, father, forefather, founder, maternity, motherhood, motherliness, padre. otec 1. father; synonyms (n) begetter, dad, sire, creator, abba, beginner, forefather, (v) beget, engender, create; antonym (n) mother, 2. parent (matka, rodič, zdroj); synonyms (n) origin, source, prototype, precursor, (v) father, foster, rear, nurture, generate, advance; antonym (n) child. oteklý swollen; synonyms (adj) bloated, inflated, bombastic, puffed, puffy, turgid, egotistic, high, (v) distended, blown. otevírací opening (otvor, zahájení); synonyms (n) gap, mouth, aperture, break, beginning, cleft, commencement, crack, door, entrance; antonyms (n) end, closing, exit, finale, (adj) final. otevřený open (otevřít); synonyms (adj) frank, obvious, artless, exposed, free, honest, bare, (v) expand, (n) candid, clear; antonyms (adj) devious, secretive, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, repressive, (v) shut, end, (tr v) close. otevřít open (otevřený); synonyms (adj) frank, obvious, artless, exposed, free, honest, bare, (v) expand, (n) candid, clear; antonyms (adj) devious, secretive, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, repressive, (v) shut, end, (tr v) close. otisk 1. imprint; synonyms (n) brand, impression, stamp, print, effect, (v) impress, mark, engrave, inscribe, dent, 2. impression (dojem); synonyms (n) belief, conception, feeling, idea, imprint, depression, image, notion, appearance, feel, 3. print (tisk, tisknout); synonyms (n) engraving,
copy, lettering, picture, facsimile, letterpress, reproduction, type, (v) photograph, issue. otok 1. intumescence; synonyms (n) bulge, swelling, tumefaction, dropsy, tumor, intumescency, 2. swelling; synonyms (n) growth, intumescence, lump, protuberance, swell, projection, prominence, bump, (v) inflated, (adj) growing. otřást shatter; synonyms (v) break, fragment, burst, destroy, ruin, smash, dash, rupture, crash, blast. otrava poison (jed, otrávit); synonyms (n) bane, (v) infect, contaminate, envenom, defile, drug, empoison, taint, (adj) poisonous, toxic; antonym (n) antidote. otrávit 1. poison (jed, otrava); synonyms (n) bane, (v) infect, contaminate, envenom, defile, drug, empoison, taint, (adj) poisonous, toxic; antonym (n) antidote, 2. envenom; synonyms (v) poison, embitter, acerbate, canker, (adj) alienate.
otravovat annoy (zlobit, znepokojovat); synonyms (v) anger, displease, harass, irritate, pester, afflict, aggravate, bother, grate, (n) annoyance; antonyms (v) please, pacify, soothe. otřepaný 1. hackneyed; synonyms (adj) banal, commonplace, trite, common, corny, stock, conventional, stale, threadbare, tired; antonym (adj) original, 2. trite; synonyms (adj) hackneyed, prosaic, timeworn, ordinary, stereotyped, dull, musty, trivial, clichéd, (v) familiar, 3. threadbare; synonyms (adj) shabby, worn, tattered, bald, frayed, ragged, flimsy, decrepit, (v) dilapidated, faded; antonym (adj) elegant. otřes shock (leknutí, úder); synonyms (n) blow, daze, impact, collision, outrage, surprise, (v) jar, offend, revolt, startle; antonym (v) comfort. otřesení shudder; synonyms (n) shake, quake, quivering, shivering, chill, (v) shiver, quiver, tremble, dither, flicker. otrhanec ragamuffin; synonyms (n) tatterdemalion, waif, vagabond, raff, rag, beggar, caitiff, fragment, gaberlunzie, muckworm. otřít wipe (utírat, utření); synonyms (v) rub, clean, mop, towel, brush, scour, scrub, clear, dry, (adj) sponge. otrocký servile; synonyms (adj) menial, abject, obsequious, base, fawning, ignoble, slavish, sordid, (n) mean, low. otroctví 1. bondage (poddanství); synonyms (n) servitude, thraldom, thrall, captivity, slavery, thralldom, duress, enslavement, 2. slavery; synonyms (n) bondage, drudgery, yoke, toil, travail, vassalage, labor, work, 3. enslavement; synonym (n) addiction, 4. thraldom. otrok slave; synonyms (n) serf, servant, bondman, inferior, thrall, bondsman, captive, (v) labor, drudge, fag.
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Czech - English otrokář slaver; synonyms (n) slabber, slaveholder, (v) drivel, dribble, drool, slobber, salivate, gloze, soothe, spit. otruby 1. bran; synonyms (n) cellulose, fiber, roughage, (adj) farina, flour, paddy, rice, spore, sporule, meal, 2. pollard; synonyms (n) pollards, (v) poll, crop, canvas, canvass, top, (adj) truncate, stunt. otupit deaden (umrtvit); synonyms (v) dampen, blunt, damp, muffle, mute, obtund, (n) benumb, stun, (adj) quell, allay; antonyms (v) accentuate, amplify, enliven. otužilý hardy; synonyms (adj) courageous, sturdy, audacious, brave, fearless, hard, manly, strong, (n) bold, daring; antonym (adj) weak. otvor 1. aperture; synonyms (n) hole, breach, opening, puncture, slit, cleft, gap, mouth, perforation, hiatus, 2. orifice; synonyms (n) aperture, vent, port, inlet, lips, 3. vent (ventil); synonyms (n) outlet, exit, discharge, flue, chimney, blowhole, escape, (v) air, emit, release, 4. opening (otevírací, zahájení); synonyms (n) break, beginning, commencement, crack, door, entrance, occasion, chasm, onset, (adj) preliminary; antonyms (n) end, closing, finale, (adj) final. otylost obesity; synonyms (n) fatness, fleshiness, corpulency, fat, chubbiness, compactness, density, obeseness, pinguitude, (adj) corpulence; antonym (n) slenderness. otylý obese; synonyms (adj) fat, corpulent, gross, fleshy, heavy, stout, chubby, overweight, plump, portly; antonym (adj) slim. ovace ovation; synonyms (n) applause, acclamation, cheering, clapping, jubilee, celebration, commemoration, paean, triumph, cheer. ovál oval; synonyms (adj) elliptical, elliptic, ovate, oviform, ovoid, oblong, prolate, round, (n) ellipse, ovule. ovce 1. sheep; synonyms (n) mutton, goat, cattle, follower, stock, antelopes, bison, bleater, camels, chevrotains, 2. ewe; synonyms (n) ram, tup, yowe. oves oats; synonyms (n) oat, buckwheat, cereal, grain, holder, maize, millet, possessor, rice, rye. ovinout wreathe; synonyms (v) twine, twist, entwine, wind, weave, encircle, coil, infold, curve, inweave. ovívat fan (fanoušek, ventilátor); synonyms (n) admirer, buff, devotee, enthusiast, addict, adherent, afficionado, fiend, follower, (v) air; antonym (n) detractor. ovládat 1. handle (držadlo); synonyms (v) administer, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal, direct, finger, (n) grip, clutch, 2. dominate; synonyms (v) command, prevail, reign, rule, manage, overlook, possess, predominate, crush, (adj) preponderate, 3. manage (řídit, spravovat,
vést); synonyms (v) do, govern, accomplish, arrange, cope, handle, lead, work, maintain, (n) guide, 4. command (nařídit, příkaz, přikázat, rozkázat); synonyms (n) instruction, behest, bidding, decree, direction, administration, (v) charge, order, call, commission; antonym (v) request, 5. govern (vládnout); synonyms (v) dictate, dominate, check, bridle, determine, regulate, oversee, run, sway, adjust, 6. control (dozor, kontrola, kontrolovat, řízení); synonyms (n) authority, care, hold, influence, ascendancy, ascendency, dominance, (v) curb, conquer, contain; antonyms (n) freedom, weakness, (v) intensify, share, 7. possess (mít, posednout, vlastnit); synonyms (v) have, occupy, bear, enjoy, keep, obsess, retain, consume, feature, (adj) own. ovlivnit affect; synonyms (v) touch, move, act, fake, feign, impress, pretend, strike, concern, dispose. ovoce fruit; synonyms (n) effect, crop, outgrowth, product, consequence, issue, produce, production, (v) result, return. ovocnář fruiterer; synonym (n) costermonger. ovocný fruity; synonyms (adj) balmy, nutty, crazy, alligatored, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, chapped. ovzduší 1. atmosphere (atmosféra); synonyms (n) air, ambience, ambiance, aura, environment, feel, feeling, mood, background, quality, 2. air (vzduch); synonyms (n) tune, appearance, manner, atmosphere, look, melody, strain, (v) ventilate, broadcast, show. ozářit irradiate; synonyms (v) illuminate, enlighten, radiate, lighten, ray, shine.
ozdoba 1. decoration (řád, výzdoba, vyznamenání); synonyms (n) adornment, award, garnish, medal, ornament, embellishment, finery, insignia, ornamentation, trimming, 2. adornment; synonyms (n) jewelry, decoration, accessory, trim, embroidery. ozdobený ornate; synonyms (adj) baroque, elaborate, embellished, fancy, flamboyant, florid, flowery, showy, extravagant, lush; antonym (adj) plain. ozdobit 1. decorate (vyzdobit); synonyms (v) beautify, deck, adorn, bedeck, dress, embellish, grace, apparel, bedight, arrange; antonym (v) strip, 2. adorn; synonyms (v) decorate, ornament, enrich, garnish, trim, gild, blazon, invest, crown, attire, 3. embellish; synonyms (v) embroider, array, aggrandize, color, broider, dramatize, elaborate, flourish, enhance, lard. ozdobný 1. decorative (dekorativní); synonyms (adj) ornamental, fancy, ornate, artistic, cosmetic, embellishing, enhancing, diagrammatic, drawn, elaborate; antonym (adj) plain, 2. ornamental;
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Czech - English
synonyms (adj) decorative, extravagant, florid; antonym (adj) ugly. ozdravovna sanatorium; synonyms (n) sanitarium, bedlam, hospital, madhouse, nuthouse, sanatarium, chaos, hell, hellhole, inferno. oživit 1. enliven; synonyms (v) animate, encourage, inspire, refresh, brighten, elate, energize, exhilarate, inspirit, (adj) cheer, 2. inspirit; synonyms (adj) enliven, embolden, (v) hearten, comfort, spirit, gladden, incite, goad, fire, invigorate, 3. liven; synonyms (v) quicken, animize, exalt, reinvigorate, renovate, repair, revivify, 4. animate; synonyms (adj) alive, live, spirited, quick, vivacious, (v) actuate, revive, stimulate, elevate, excite; antonyms (adj) lifeless, (v) deaden, 5. vitalize; synonyms (v) vitalise, bolster, galvanize, stir. oznámení 1. announcement; synonyms (n) annunciation, notice, advertisement, declaration, communication, proclamation, promulgation, pronouncement, release, report, 2. notice; synonyms (n) attention, information, mind, caution, (v) note, look, attend, detect, discover, distinguish; antonyms (v) disregard, ignore, 3. notification (ohlášení); synonyms (n) advice, intelligence, announcement, warning, bulletin, apprisal, memorandum. oznámit 1. announce (ohlásit); synonyms (v) advertise, herald, declare, enunciate, proclaim, return, affirm, annunciate, broadcast, communicate, 2. notify; synonyms (v) acquaint, advise, instruct, announce, inform, apprise, warn, alert, apprize, enlighten. ozón ozone; synonym (n) air. ozvěna echo; synonyms (n) answer, repercussion, reaction, (v) repeat, reproduce, resound, reverberate, rebound, ape, copy.
Ó óda ode; synonyms (n) verse, poem, rhyme, song, elegy, epopee, hymn, limerick, bucolic, canzonet; antonym (n) prose.
P pachatel 1. culprit (viník); synonyms (n) criminal, delinquent, malefactor, perpetrator, (adj) convict, felon, 2. perpetrator; synonyms (n) culprit, offender, doer, actor, agent, performer. páchnoucí 1. malodorous; synonyms (adj) fetid, foul, putrid, smelly, noisome, odorous, stinking;
antonym (adj) fragrant, 2. fetid; synonyms (adj) malodorous, rank, disgusting, rotten, foetid, rancid, decayed, dirty, unclean; antonym (adj) fresh, 3. nosey (nosatý); synonyms (adj) nosy, prying, snoopy, pungent. páchnout reek (zápach); synonyms (n) smoke, stench, fetor, malodor, malodour, (v) fume, stink, emit, exhale, fumigate. pacholek varlet; synonyms (n) knave, page, rascal, rogue, cullion, rapscallion, scalawag, scallywag, scamp, imp. pacient patient; synonyms (adj) invalid, forbearing, passive, calm, enduring, resigned, tolerant, uncomplaining, stoical, lenient; antonym (adj) impatient. pacifismus pacifism; synonyms (n) passivism, peace. pacifista pacifist; synonyms (n) pacificist, disarmer, peacemaker, radical, (adj) peaceable, antiwar, nonviolent, antiviolence. pád 1. crash (havarovat, srážka); synonyms (n) clash, collision, smash, clank, clatter, (v) bang, collapse, break, clang, crack, 2. fall (padat, podzim, pokles, spadnout); synonyms (v) decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain, (n) drop, descent, downfall, plunge; antonyms (v) rise, increase, ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent, 3. downfall; synonyms (n) ruin, debacle, defeat, destruction, decadence, bane, decay, devastation, failure, (v) fall; antonym (n) making. padák parachute; synonyms (n) chute, kite, plank, steppingstone, slide, slideway, (v) jump, glide, skydive.
padat fall (pád, podzim, pokles, spadnout); synonyms (v) decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain, (n) drop, descent, downfall, plunge; antonyms (v) rise, increase, ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent. padělat falsify (falšovat); synonyms (v) adulterate, counterfeit, garble, misrepresent, cook, distort, fake, forge, fudge, (adv) belie; antonym (v) correct. padělek 1. forgery; synonyms (n) counterfeit, counterfeiting, fake, fabrication, falsehood, invention, sham, copy, imitation, phony, 2. counterfeit; synonyms (adj) mock, artificial, assumed, false, falsify, adulterate, bastard, (v) forge, ape, (n) duplicate; antonyms (adj) genuine, real, (n) original. padesát fifty; synonyms (n) l, lambert, liter, litre. pádlo paddle (lopatka, pádlovat); synonyms (n) blade, oar, vane, (v) dabble, dodder, row, pull, spank, toddle, totter. pádlovat paddle (lopatka, pádlo); synonyms (n) blade, oar, vane, (v) dabble, dodder, row, pull, spank, toddle, totter.
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Czech - English padlý fallen; synonyms (adj) dead, prostrate, destroyed, flat, degenerate, absolute, clear, depressed, downfallen, downright. padouch villain (darebák, mizera); synonyms (n) rascal, rogue, scoundrel, knave, miscreant, bandit, criminal, crook, reprobate, felon. padoucnice epilepsy; synonyms (n) convulsion, (v) bustle, fits, fuss, hubbub, megrims, racket, rout, staggers, subsultus. pahorek 1. hummock; synonyms (n) hill, hillock, knoll, mound, hammock, 2. hill (kopec, vrch); synonyms (n) height, bank, gradient, ascent, elevation, acclivity, embankment, grade, (v) declivity, dip; antonym (n) vale. pahorkatý hilly (kopcovitý); synonyms (adj) craggy, mountainous, rugged, steep, cragged, knobby, prominent, tumulous, high, precipitous. pahýl 1. stump; synonyms (n) stub, end, (v) confuse, baffle, bewilder, mystify, nonplus, perplex, puzzle, stamp, 2. stub (pařez); synonyms (n) butt, counterfoil, ticket, base, tail, nub, receipt, (v) stump, abrade, scrape. pájení soldering; synonyms (n) bonding, brazing, (v) sticking. pájka solder; synonyms (n) glue, paste, gum, size, (v) cement, join, fuse, (adj) impact. pak then (potom, tehdy, tenkrát); synonyms (adv) so, accordingly, afterward, again, consequently, later, (conj) therefore. páka lever (sochor); synonyms (n) knob, key, bar, pivot, (v) pry, raise, jimmy, prize, prise, wrench. pakt pact (smlouva); synonyms (n) accord, agreement, contract, bargain, bond, convention, deal, alliance, compact, covenant. palác palace; synonyms (n) court, castle, mansion, hall, chateau. palanda bunk (kavalec); synonyms (n) berth, nonsense, bed, bullshit, drivel, hogwash, cradle, bull, buncombe, bunkum. palec 1. thumb (omakat, pošpinit); synonyms (n) pollex, forefinger, hand, (v) finger, feel, flip, handle, leaf, flick, hitch, 2. inch; synonyms (n) in, (v) edge, crawl, creep, ease. paleta 1. palette; synonyms (n) pallet, pallette, battledore, 2. pallet (slamník); synonyms (n) palette, bed, berth, stillage, shakedown, stretcher, tester, bunk, bundle, brace. palice 1. club (klacek, klub, kyj); synonyms (n) association, bat, circle, society, stick, baton, company, cudgel, (v) beat, bludgeon, 2. cudgel (klacek); synonyms (n) club, truncheon, mace, staff, switch, (v) drub, hit, 3. mace; synonyms (n) shillelah, sprig, nutmeg, macebearer, macer, cinnamon, cloves, fennel, oregano, weapon.
palisáda 1. palisade; synonyms (n) paling, pale, barricade, post, (v) fence, palisado, wall, 2. stockade; synonyms (n) fortification, enclosure, penitentiary, prison, battlements, bulwark, defense, fortifications, (v) palisade, haha. palivo fuel (pohonná hmota); synonyms (n) firewood, combustible, firing, (v) fire, arouse, encourage, excite, kindle, provoke, stimulate. pálka bat (netopýr); synonyms (n) club, rapidity, blow, cudgel, flittermouse, punch, (v) hit, beat, blink, lick. pálkař batman; synonyms (v) comprador, grocer, restaurateur, victualer, caterer, commissary, feeder, manciple, purveyor, quartermaster. palma palm; synonyms (n) decoration, medal, prize, thenar, victory, (v) hand, filch, bag, cabbage, crib. paluba 1. deck; synonyms (v) adorn, beautify, clothe, embellish, floor, array, bedeck, ornament, attire, bedight, 2. board (deska, lepenka, prkno, tabule); synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court; antonym (v) disembark.
památka 1. remembrance (vzpomínka); synonyms (n) memory, recollection, commemoration, memorial, mind, recall, memento, relic, monument, anamnesis, 2. memory (paměť, vzpomínka); synonyms (n) remembrance, reminiscence, remembering, retention, retrospect, storage, store, recognition, retrospection, 3. relic (relikvie); synonyms (n) souvenir, token, antique, remainder, remains, trace, relict, remnant, rest, (v) keepsake. památník 1. monument (pomník); synonyms (n) memorial, headstone, column, record, tombstone, shrine, slab, tablet, landmark, (adj) obelisk, 2. memorial (pomník); synonyms (n) commemoration, remembrance, memento, cenotaph, monument, epitaph, memory, token, (adj) commemorative. památný memorable; synonyms (adj) extraordinary, notable, signal, unforgettable, eventful, momentous, monumental, noteworthy, striking; antonym (adj) forgettable. pamatovat remember (pamatovat si); synonyms (v) commemorate, recognize, recall, recollect, consider, record, remind, retain, think, review; antonym (v) forget.
paměť memory (památka, vzpomínka); synonyms (n) memento, recall, recollection, remembrance, reminiscence, commemoration, memorial, remembering, retention, (v) mind. pamlsek tidbit; synonyms (n) delicacy, titbit, morsel, bit, appetizer, nibble, scrap, taste, treat, bite.
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Czech - English
pampeliška dandelion; synonyms (n) blowball,
panna 1. virgin (panenský, panic); synonyms (adj)
daisy, goldenrod, lettuces, marigold, ragweed, sunflower, thistle, zinnia. pán 1. lord; synonyms (n) chief, master, noble, sir, seignior, almighty, creator, gentleman, maker, mistress, 2. master (mistr); synonyms (n) captain, instructor, head, (v) conquer, control, command, defeat, dominate, (adj) original, ace, 3. gentleman; synonyms (n) man, male, patrician, laureate, squireen, gentle, fellow, guy, valet, (adj) gentilhomme; antonym (n) woman. panák puppy (štěně); synonyms (n) pup, cub, youth, whelp, boy, brat, child, frankfurter, youngster. pancéřování armour (obrnit); synonym (v) armor. pane sir; synonyms (n) esquire, gentleman, master, man, don, signior, buck, dominus, effendi, magister. panenka 1. doll (loutka); synonyms (n) puppet, baby, chick, figurine, dummy, girl, marionette, toy, bird, dame, 2. dolly; synonyms (n) doll, bob, bobbin, cart, die, punch, jeep, skirt, stirrer, wench, 3. puppet (loutka); synonyms (n) pawn, creature, instrument, tool, hireling, mammet, mercenary, protege. panenský 1. virginal; synonyms (adj) pure, virgin, chaste, vestal, virtuous, innocent, intact, spotless, fresh, celibate, 2. virgin (panic, panna); synonyms (adj) new, untouched, unmixed, virginal, unmarried, (n) maiden, maid, girl. panenství 1. virginity; synonyms (n) celibacy, maidenhood, pucelage, chastity, purity, maidenhead, pudicity, virtue, 2. maidenhead; synonyms (n) hymen, freshness. pánev pan; synonyms (n) dish, knock, rap, panning, plate, platter, porringer, pot, saucer, (v) slam. paní 1. lady; synonyms (n) dame, gentlewoman, female, ma'am, matron, wife, woman, noble, (v) squaw; antonym (n) man, 2. mistress (milenka); synonyms (n) concubine, inamorata, madame, lady, lover, missis, master, owner, schoolmarm, schoolmistress. panic virgin (panenský, panna); synonyms (adj) pure, vestal, chaste, innocent, new, fresh, intact, (n) maiden, maid, girl. panický panic (panika); synonyms (n) alarm, dismay, horror, scare, dread, fright, anxiety, fear, (adj) consternation, terror; antonym (n) composure. panika 1. stampede; synonyms (v) rush, panic, dash, charge, hurtle, (n) run, departure, exit, commotion, 2. panic (panický); synonyms (n) alarm, dismay, horror, scare, dread, fright, anxiety, fear, (adj) consternation, terror; antonym (n) composure. panikář 1. alarmist; synonyms (n) coward, (adj) pessimist, terrorist, 2. scaremonger; synonym (n) stirrer.
pure, vestal, chaste, innocent, new, fresh, intact, (n) maiden, maid, girl, 2. maid (dívka, služka); synonyms (n) amah, domestic, housemaid, virgin, maidservant, servant, woman. panoramatický panoramic; synonyms (adj) scenic, general, periscopic, panoramical.
panování reign (panovat, vláda, vládnout); synonyms (n) dominance, control, dominion, government, (v) rule, command, govern, dominate, predominate, prevail.
panovat reign (panování, vláda, vládnout); synonyms (n) dominance, control, dominion, government, (v) rule, command, govern, dominate, predominate, prevail. panský lordly; synonyms (adj) dignified, grand, haughty, proud, arrogant, disdainful, domineering, imperious, lofty, (v) noble. panství 1. manor; synonyms (n) domain, land, mansion, castle, residence, seigniory, 2. domain (doména, oblast, sféra); synonyms (n) country, department, realm, area, kingdom, arena, field, province, ambit, demesne; antonym (n) range. pant hinge; synonyms (n) joint, axis, articulation, axle, spindle, pin, (v) pivot, depend, juncture. panter panther (pardál); synonyms (n) catamount, cougar, jaguar, leopard, puma, cat, painter, lynx, (adj) lion, tiger. pantofel slipper (trepka); synonyms (n) shoe, boot, pump, slider, skidder, slipshoe, galoshes, (adj) slippery. pantograf pantograph; synonyms (n) omnigraph, pantagraph. pantomima pantomime; synonyms (n) mime, gesture, acting, pantomimist, mummer, afterpiece, burletta, charade, comedietta, (v) mimic. papež 1. pope; synonyms (n) pontiff, cardinal, fish, (adj) church, gospel, scripture, 2. pontiff; synonyms (n) pope, papa, priest, clergyman, pontifex. papeženec papist; synonyms (n) papalist, (adj) papistic, papistical, popish. papežský 1. papal; synonyms (adj) apostolic, pontifical, apostolical, clerical, pontific, pontificial, 2. popish; synonyms (adj) papistical, papist, papistic, papal, 3. pontifical; synonyms (adj) pompous, portentous, grandiloquent, overblown, fateful, judicial, magniloquent, religious, prodigious, tall. papežství papacy; synonym (n) pontificate. papír paper; synonyms (n) document, article, newspaper, discourse, newsprint, certificate, essay, journal, magazine, periodical. papírnictví stationery; synonym (n) notepaper.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English papírník stationer; synonyms (n) bookstore, drugstore, florist, tobacconists. papoušek parrot; synonyms (n) poll, popinjay, (v) echo, mimic, ape, cuckoo, imitator, jay, magpie. paprika pepper (pepř); synonyms (n) capsicum, peppercorn, (v) pelt, bombard, sprinkle, (adj) salt, season, spice. paprsek ray; synonyms (n) beam, light, flash, glow, gleam, glimmer, brightness, irradiation, (v) irradiate, radiate. paprskovitý radial; synonyms (adj) angelic, centrifugal, spiral, stellate, radiated. pár 1. pair (dvojice); synonyms (n) match, brace, duet, duo, dyad, (v) couple, join, mate, copulate, link, 2. couple (dvojice); synonyms (n) yoke, twosome, (v) pair, connect, associate, combine, attach, tie, fasten, (adj) hook; antonym (v) uncouple. pára 1. steam (pařit, vařit v páře); synonyms (n) mist, fog, haze, vapor, cloud, (v) reek, evaporate, exhale, smoke, fume, 2. vapour (výpar); synonyms (n) evaporation, gas, vaporisation, vaporization, dehydration, desiccation, gasoline, petrol. paradigma paradigm (vzor); synonyms (n) example, exemplar, epitome, model, archetype, pattern, prototype, ideal, paragon, type. paragraf paragraph (odstavec); synonyms (n) article, item, section, chapter, head, division, part, piece, (v) clause, passage. paralelní parallel; synonyms (adj) equivalent, even, comparable, level, (n) equal, analogy, likeness, (v) compare, match, duplicate; antonyms (adj) conflicting, dissimilar, (n) perpendicular, skew. paralýza paralysis (ochrnutí); synonyms (n) palsy, disability, depression, inertia, (adj) consumption, decline, sideration, syncope, prostration. parametr parameter; synonyms (n) argument, guideline, limit, directive, modulus, quality, rule, bound, bylaw, consideration. parašutista parachutist (výsadkář); synonym (n) parachuter. parcela 1. allotment; synonyms (n) portion, share, allocation, distribution, slice, proportion, quota, allowance, apportionment, dividend, 2. plot; synonyms (n) conspiracy, plan, lot, scheme, chart, design, (v) intrigue, cabal, plat, conspire. pardál panther (panter); synonyms (n) catamount, cougar, jaguar, leopard, puma, cat, painter, lynx, (adj) lion, tiger. párek frankfurter; synonyms (n) frank, weenie, wiener, wienerwurst, dog, hotdog, balloon, bowwow, footlong, link. pařez stub (pahýl); synonyms (n) butt, counterfoil, end, ticket, base, tail, nub, receipt, (v) stump, abrade.
pária pariah; synonyms (n) castaway, derelict, outlaw, anathema, beggar, caitiff, exile, gaberlunzie, (adj) outcast, pilgarlic. pařit steam (pára, vařit v páře); synonyms (n) mist, fog, haze, vapor, cloud, (v) reek, evaporate, exhale, smoke, fume. parita parity; synonyms (n) par, equality, resemblance, balance, equivalence, correspondence, sameness, similarity, homoiousia; antonym (n) inequality. parkety parquet; synonyms (n) pit, auditorium, auditory, boxes, gallery, stalls, strip, tile. parkovat park (sad); synonyms (n) garden, common, green, parkland, arena, (v) deposit, locate, place, put, set. parlament parliament (sněm); synonyms (n) congress, council, diet, assembly, legislature, house, convention, convocation, senate, fantan. parlamentní parliamentary; synonyms (adj) congressional, legislative, parliamental. parník 1. steamboat; synonyms (n) boat, steamer, 2. liner; synonyms (n) lining, airliner, craft, ship, steamboat, steamship, facing, 3. steamer; synonyms (n) jeep, roadster, wheels, line. parný sultry (dusný); synonyms (adj) close, hot, humid, muggy, oppressive, sticky, stifling, ardent, sensual, stuffy; antonym (adj) fresh. parodie 1. travesty; synonyms (n) parody, burlesque, mockery, farce, spoof, charade, lampoon, sham, takeoff, (v) caricature, 2. skit; synonyms (n) satire, libel, personality, (v) squib, 3. parody; synonyms (n) imitation, travesty, cartoon, skit, (v) mimic, mock, imitate, ridicule, act, counterfeit. paroh antler; synonym (adj) horn. parta 1. bunch (svazek, trs); synonyms (n) cluster, clump, crowd, batch, band, gang, group, lot, (v) bundle, huddle; antonym (v) disperse, 2. gang; synonyms (n) crew, circle, company, association, bunch, faction, mob, pack, team, assemblage.
parte obituary (nekrolog, úmrtní oznámení); synonyms (n) necrology, obit. partner pal; synonyms (n) associate, buddy, friend, brother, chum, comrade, crony, mate, companion, (v) consort; antonyms (n) enemy, stranger.
partyzán 1. guerrilla; synonyms (n) guerilla, irregular, rebel, bushwhacker, enemy, insurgent, revolutionary, soldier, insurrectionary, (adj) underground, 2. guerilla; synonyms (n) guerrilla, criminal, insurrectionist, second. paruka 1. periwig; synonyms (n) peruke, wig, chignon, front, pelt, shako, turban, 2. wig; synonyms (n) periwig, toupee, wigging, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, hair, head, intellectual, (v) aggravate.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
pas passport (cestovní pas); synonyms (n) pass,
pat stalemate; synonyms (n) deadlock, impasse,
permit, protection, identification, safeguard, warrant. pás 1. belt (opasek, pásek, řemen); synonyms (n) ribbon, area, strap, knock, strip, (v) band, hit, wallop, whack, beat, 2. band; synonyms (n) cluster, party, set, swathe, circle, collar, company, crew, (v) ring, combine, 3. girdle (opasek); synonyms (n) belt, cincture, zone, cestus, corset, (v) encircle, compass, encompass, gird, beset, 4. strip; synonyms (n) slip, (v) deprive, despoil, divest, peel, plunder, rifle, denude, ransack, pillage; antonyms (v) dress, decorate, 5. waist; synonyms (n) waistline, shank, middle, belly, blouse, cannon, stem, (adj) neck, stricture, wasp. pasák pimp (kuplíř); synonyms (n) pander, panderer, procurer, pandar, bawd, caterer, cutthroat, (v) procure, broke, gratify. pasažér passenger; synonyms (n) traveler, wayfarer, itinerant, rider, voyager, passer, arrival, passager, client, drop. pásek belt (opasek, pás, řemen); synonyms (n) ribbon, area, strap, knock, strip, (v) band, hit, wallop, whack, beat. pašerák smuggler; synonyms (n) contrabandist, runner, mooncurser, detective, messenger, offset, racer, stolon. pásmo zone; synonyms (n) area, district, region, section, belt, locality, quarter, realm, layer, territory. pašovat smuggle; synonyms (v) export, insinuate, poach, run, contraband, sneak, cast, conduct, determine, discharge. past 1. snare; synonyms (n) trap, lure, (v) mesh, catch, gin, ambush, ensnare, entrap, hook, capture, 2. pitfall; synonyms (n) pit, snare, danger, peril, stone, trapdoor, cavity, colliery, endocarp, flaw, 3. trap; synonyms (n) net, noose, entanglement, ambuscade, bait, hole, (v) trick, entangle, decoy, immobilize. pasta paste (lepidlo); synonyms (n) glue, dough, adhesive, plaster, cream, batter, (v) cement, gum, bond, affix. pastvina pasture; synonyms (n) grass, meadow, feed, pasturage, field, (v) graze, browse, forage, crop, eat. pastýř 1. herdsman; synonyms (n) herder, drover, cad, gillie, herd, stockman, hostler, jockey, messenger, orderly, 2. shepherd; synonyms (n) pastor, clergyman, minister, sheepherder, sheepman, priest, (v) conduct, guide, lead, guard. pastýřka shepherdess; synonym (n) herdess. pastýřský pastoral; synonyms (adj) bucolic, clerical, idyllic, rural, rustic, countrified, country, (n) eclogue, idyll, idyl; antonym (adj) urban.
standstill, draw, (adj) checkmate, nonplus, confound, nonsuit, quell, silence. pata heel (podpatek); synonyms (n) blackguard, counter, dog, cad, scoundrel, shoe, sole, villain, (v) list, lean. páteř 1. backbone; synonyms (n) back, guts, strength, bottom, courage, grit, mainstay, nerve, pluck, spine, 2. spine (osten, trn); synonyms (n) backbone, thorn, point, prickle, quill, spike, barb, rachis, pricker, ridge. páteřní spinal; synonyms (adj) vertebral, rachidian, (n) anesthetic. patetický pathetic; synonyms (adj) deplorable, miserable, touching, affecting, pitiful, sad, wretched, forlorn, lamentable, tragic; antonym (adj) brave. patolízal sycophant (pochlebník); synonyms (n) toady, flatterer, lackey, fawner, parasite, crawler, follower. patologie pathology; synonym (n) botany. patos pathos; synonyms (n) pity, poignancy, commiseration, poignance, compassion, condolence, (v) emotion, affection, impression, inspiration.
pátrání investigation (vyšetřování, zkoumání); synonyms (n) examination, research, analysis, inquest, inquiry, inspection, scrutiny, check, review, search. pátrat 1. inquire; synonyms (v) ask, demand, examine, explore, enquire, inspect, question, research, investigate, pry, 2. pry (slídit); synonyms (v) peep, prize, inquire, jimmy, nose, peer, snoop, prise, (n) lever, crowbar. patriarcha patriarch; synonyms (n) father, forefather, paterfamilias, elder, founder, senior, creator, master, ruler, seer. patricij patrician; synonyms (n) noble, aristocrat, gentleman, titled, (adj) aristocratic, aristocratical, blue, gentle.
patřičný appropriate (odpovídající, přiměřený, příslušný, vhodný); synonyms (adj) pertinent, proper, true, agreeable, apposite, apt, congruous, (v) annex, allocate, adopt; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unsuitable, unrelated, untimely, wrong, (v) surrender. patřit belong (náležet); synonyms (v) appertain, pertain, go, lie, consist, dwell, rank, become, stand, vest. patrný 1. evident (zřejmý); synonyms (adj) apparent, obvious, distinct, clear, conspicuous, discernible, manifest, patent, plain, noticeable; antonyms (adj) unclear, concealed, obscure, unnoticed, hidden, inconspicuous, 2. manifest (projevit, zjevný); synonyms (adj) evident, (v) demonstrate, display, evidence, exhibit, express,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English indicate, attest, certify, (n) declare, 3. patent (zjevný, zřejmý); synonyms (n) charter, (adj) overt, open, palpable, explicit, marked, transparent, unmistakable, visible, blatant. patro floor (dno, podlaha, poschodí); synonyms (n) bed, level, base, layer, bottom, flooring, ground, (v) deck, dump, fell; antonym (n) top. patrona cartridge (náboj); synonyms (n) bullet, cassette, cartouch, ammunition, magazine, round, shell, case, shot, refill. patrový palatal; synonyms (adj) palatine, palatalized, magnificent, palatalised, palatial, royal, (n) palatic. pauza pause; synonyms (n) break, intermission, interruption, rest, gap, (v) halt, adjournment, delay, hesitate, (adj) discontinue; antonyms (n) decisiveness, (v) continue. páv peacock; synonyms (n) iris, fop, pajock, rainbow, spectrum, tulip, (v) strut, swagger, pose, (adj) green. pavián baboon; synonyms (n) monkey, babion, oaf, langur, (adj) harridan, octopus, satyr, scarecrow, specter, toad. pavilón pavilion (velký stan); synonyms (n) marquee, kiosk, box, castle, chateau, cottage, culasse, folly, hermitage, house. pavouk spider; synonyms (n) lota, mussuk, schooner, spinner, adapter, terrine, toby, urceus, araneidan, cob. pavučina web (tkanivo); synonyms (n) mesh, network, tissue, lattice, texture, blade, entanglement, maze, film, (v) net. pažba butt; synonyms (n) push, extremity, stump, grip, barrel, base, bottom, (v) bunt, abut, border. paže arm (ruka); synonyms (n) branch, wing, bay, department, division, limb, might, offshoot, (v) equip, furnish; antonym (v) disarm. páže page (strana, stránka); synonyms (n) attendant, footboy, usher, note, pageboy, varlet, context, donzel, (v) paginate, summon. pažitka chive; synonyms (n) chives, cive, schnittlaugh, leek, onion. pazourek flint; synonyms (adj) pebble, stone, fossil, granite, marble. pec 1. furnace; synonyms (n) heater, hearth, oven, stove, chimney, warmer, 2. oven (trouba); synonyms (n) kiln, furnace, range, boiler. pečeně roast (pražit); synonyms (n) ridicule, (v) broil, burn, bake, grill, joke, heat, quiz, cook, fry. pedagog 1. educationalist; synonyms (n) educator, educationist, coach, governess, instructor, lecturer, professor, teacher, trainer, tutor, 2. pedagogue; synonyms (n) dominie, pedant, schoolmaster, pedagog, master, usher, (v) purist. pedagogický 1. pedagogic; synonyms (adj) educational, pedagogical, academic, didactic, pedantic, dogmatic, instructive, learned,
pedagogics, professorial, 2. pedagogical; synonym (adj) pedagogic. pedagogika pedagogy (vychovatelství); synonyms (n) education, pedagogics, instruction, teaching, breeding, command, commandment, direction, pedagogism, precept. pedál pedal; synonyms (n) treadle, bar, handle, knob, (v) bicycle, cycle, bike, motorcycle, (adj) pedalian, pedial. pedikúra 1. chiropody; synonym (n) podiatry, 2.
pedicure. pekař baker; synonyms (n) cook, chef, doughboy. pekárna bakery (pekařství); synonyms (n) bakehouse, bakeshop, confectionery, grocery, supermarket, dairy, delicatessen, greengrocer. pekařství bakery (pekárna); synonyms (n) bakehouse, bakeshop, confectionery, grocery, supermarket, dairy, delicatessen, greengrocer. pekelný 1. hellish; synonyms (adj) devilish, diabolic, infernal, demonic, diabolical, fiendish, beastly, detestable, unholy, (v) satanic, 2. infernal; synonyms (adj) hellish, damned, cursed, blasted, blessed, damn, deuced, nefarious, (v) mephistophelian. peklo 1. hell; synonyms (n) blaze, inferno, netherworld, perdition, underworld, anguish, ordeal, trial, pit, limbo; antonym (n) heaven, 2. inferno; synonyms (n) conflagration, hell, fire, 3. pandemonium; synonyms (n) bedlam, chaos, confusion, commotion, disorder, hubbub, racket, turmoil, noise, mayhem; antonym (n) order. pěkný nice (hezký, milý); synonyms (adj) beautiful, dainty, fastidious, fine, good, kind, lovely, neat, likable, delicious; antonyms (adj) unpleasant, horrible. pelerína tippet; synonyms (n) cape, flap, muffler, burnoose, burnous, chlamys, comforter, haik, housing, huke. pelikán pelican; synonyms (n) glutton, pelecan, (v) jackal. pemza pumice; synonyms (v) scour, buff. pence penny (cent); synonyms (n) cent, change, centime, groat, money, doit, mite, coinage, currency, denomination. peníze 1. money; synonyms (n) capital, coin, currency, funds, means, lucre, assets, cash, pelf, (adj) monetary, 2. cash (hotové peníze, hotovost); synonyms (n) ready, bread, change, money, coins, exchange, needful, wealth, (v) encash, liquidate; antonym (n) credit. pentle ribbon (stuha, stužka); synonyms (n) band, riband, shred, strip, tape, decoration, medal, ribband, belt, fascia.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English
penze pension (důchod); synonyms (n) allowance,
perník gingerbread; synonyms (n) decoration,
annuity, payment, stipend, endowment, inn, subsistence, hostel, tribute, (v) dismiss. penzista pensionary; synonyms (n) pensioner, hireling. pepř pepper (paprika); synonyms (n) capsicum, peppercorn, (v) pelt, bombard, sprinkle, (adj) salt, season, spice. peprný peppery; synonyms (adj) hot, spicy, poignant, fiery, gingery, passionate, piquant, pungent, racy, sharp; antonym (adj) mild.
embellishment, frill, garnish, (v) flimsy, gimcrack, insubstantial, (adj) bedizened, extra, fancy. pero 1. pen; synonyms (n) corral, cage, ballpoint, enclosure, fold, jail, coop, (v) enclose, confine, compose, 2. feather (peří); synonyms (n) pen, pinion, plume, feathering, kind, plumage, spline, (v) fringe, cover, fledge. personál 1. staff; synonyms (n) cane, club, post, employees, faculty, personnel, rod, (v) crutch, prop, stick, 2. personnel (osazenstvo); synonyms (n) staff, workers, workforce, force, troops, effect, forcefulness, organization, people, body. personifikovat personify; synonyms (v) personate, incarnate, embody, represent, typify, exemplify, impersonate, materialize, body, symbolize. perspektiva perspective (perspektivní); synonyms (n) attitude, aspect, angle, outlook, prospect, view, lookout, panorama, horizon, opinion. perspektivní perspective (perspektiva); synonyms (n) attitude, aspect, angle, outlook, prospect, view, lookout, panorama, horizon, opinion.
perfektní perfect (bezvadný, dokonalý); synonyms (adj) consummate, complete, exact, utter, entire, faultless, thorough, exquisite, (n) absolute, full; antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty, flawed. perforace perforation (dírkování); synonyms (n) hole, puncture, aperture, opening, pit, apertion, fissure. perforovat perforate (provrtat); synonyms (v) penetrate, bore, drill, cut, pierce, prick, puncture, impale, punch, (adj) perforated. pergamen parchment; synonyms (n) sheepskin, lambskin, diploma, settlement, (v) paper, foolscap, pillar, slate, table, tablet. peří feather (pero); synonyms (n) pen, pinion, plume, feathering, kind, plumage, spline, (v) fringe, cover, fledge. periferní peripheral (okrajový); synonyms (adj) exterior, outer, external, marginal, extraneous, outlying, outside, nonessential, outdoor, (n) component; antonyms (adj) central, vital. perioda period (doba, období, tečka); synonyms (n) age, dot, epoch, era, point, duration, generation, day, conclusion, cycle. periodický 1. periodical (časopis); synonyms (n) journal, magazine, newspaper, review, organ, publication, (adj) periodic, intermittent, recurrent, annual, 2. periodic; synonyms (adj) regular, periodical, frequent, alternate, recurring, routine, spasmodic, alternating, daily, fitful. perla pearl; synonyms (n) drop, jewel, bead, gem, bone, ivory, (adj) bijou, flower. permanentní permanent (stálý, trvalý); synonyms (adj) durable, lasting, fixed, eternal, everlasting, fast, perennial, enduring, (v) constant, continuous; antonyms (adj) fleeting, temporary, brief, impermanent, provisional, transitory, fragile, superficial. permutace permutation; synonyms (n) change, commutation, exchange, modification, transposition, alteration, mutation, replacement, shift, substitution. pernatý plumy (opeřený); synonyms (adj) feathered, feathery, plumose, plumed, plumelike, crested, featherlike, plumate.
perverzní perverse (úchylný, zvrácený); synonyms (adj) contrary, fractious, obdurate, obstinate, bad, corrupt, headstrong, disobedient, intractable, sinister. pes dog; synonyms (n) cur, andiron, blackguard, click, detent, (v) chase, hound, beset, hunt, tail. pesimismus pessimism; synonyms (n) gloom, dejection, depression, despair, despondency, melancholy, (adj) horrors, hypochondriasis, megrims, (v) optimism; antonym (n) resilience. pesimista pessimist; synonyms (n) cynic, defeatist, skeptic, (v) pessimism, optimism, (adj) croaker, alarmist; antonym (n) optimist. peskovat chide (plísnit); synonyms (v) censure, admonish, blame, rebuke, reprimand, chasten, lecture, reproach, scold, chastise; antonym (v) praise. pestík pistil; synonyms (n) gynoecium, epistle. pěstovat grow (přibývat, růst); synonyms (v) advance, augment, develop, enlarge, expand, come, emerge, become, farm, get; antonyms (v) decrease, weaken, shrink. pestrobarevný variegated; synonyms (adj) motley, mottled, dappled, piebald, varicolored, varicoloured, various, assorted, speckled, different. pestrý 1. chequered (kostkovaný); synonyms (adj) checked, checkered, curbed, 2. multifarious (rozmanitý); synonyms (adj) heterogeneous, manifold, complex, multifaceted, varied, miscellaneous, multiple, many, (v) diverse, different, 3. pied (strakatý); synonyms (adj) mottled, piebald, motley, multicolored, mixed, multicolour, multicoloured, particoloured, varicolored, varicoloured.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Czech - English pět five; synonyms (n) cinque, quint, quintuplet, fin, ace, eight, fins, fivesome, interim, (adj) quinary. petice petition; synonyms (n) appeal, application, entreaty, invocation, (v) demand, ask, request, desire, beg, claim. petlice latch; synonyms (n) catch, hasp, clasp, hook, (v) bar, bolt, lock. petrolej kerosene; synonyms (n) petroleum, kerosine, oil, petrol, distillate, gas, alcohol, ethanol, gasohol, (v) gasoline. petržel parsley; synonyms (n) herb, basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, marjoram.
pevnina 1. continent (kontinent, světadíl); synonyms (n) land, delta, peninsula, (adj) chaste, celibate, abstemious, pure, temperate, abstinent, sober; antonym (adj) incontinent, 2. mainland; synonym (n) continent. pevninský continental (kontinentální); synonyms (adj) littoral, midland, riparian, earthy. pevnost 1. fortress; synonyms (n) bulwark, fort, fortification, castle, citadel, stronghold, alcazar, tower, presidio, (v)