Latvian – English Thesaurus Dictionary
Edited by Professor Philip M. Parker, Ph.D. Chaired Professor of Management Science INSEAD (Singapore and Fontainebleau, France)
Latvian – English Thesaurus Dictionary
PROCEEDS BENEFIT Webster’s Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
EDITED BY Philip M. Parker, Ph.D. INSEAD (Fontainebleau & Singapore)
Published by ICON Group International, Inc. 7404 Trade St San Diego, CA 92122 USA Phone: (858) 635-9410 Fax: (858) 635-9414
[email protected] www.icongrouponline.com This edition published by ICON Classics in 2008 Printed in the United States of America. Webster’s Latvian – English Thesaurus Dictionary Copyright ©2008 by ICON Group International, Inc. Copyright ©2008 by Philip M. Parker, INSEAD. All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Copying our publications in whole or in part, for whatever reason, is a violation of copyright laws and can lead to penalties and fines. Should you want to copy tables, graphs, or other materials, please contact us to request permission (E-mail:
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ISBN 0-497-83573-8
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
PREFACE This is an English thesaurus designed for Latvian speakers who wish to better understand the ambiguities and richness of the English language. The first chapter is a full English thesaurus organized by 5179 Latvian subject words. For each Latvian subject word, one or more corresponding English subject words (translations) are provided. Synonyms are then given for the English translations for all relevant parts of speech (even in cases where the Latvian subject word has a unique part of speech). This process results in over 19102 English synonyms. The second chapter gives an index of these English synonyms back to the Latvian subject words (a potentially useful chapter to English speakers interested in basic Latvian vocabulary). The third chapter has short vocabulary lists organized by parts-of-speech. English teachers or students can use these bilingual lists to create flash cards, basic lesson plans, and English as a Second Language (ESL) study lists. While creating an English thesaurus for Latvian speakers seems simple enough, it can be tricky. What’s the problem? Translations do not always follow strict transitivity. Normally, if a=b and b=c, then c=a. This is not necessarily true in linguistics when b is an English word that has more than one part of speech. For example, “test” is a verb, noun and adjective. What is the correct English synonym for “a” (in Latvian) when “b” (in English) has synonyms (“c”) having many parts of speech? Furthermore, what if “a” (in Latvian) is ambiguous and has several translations into English (“b”)? This thesaurus embraces this ambiguity by giving as much information to the reader as possible. This was accomplished in two phases. In the first phase, maximum-likelihood English translations of the Latvian subject words are given. For all the languages covered in Webster’s Online Dictionary translations are determined using rather massive content analyses of translations from various sources including translations of United Nations documents, translations of the Holy Bible (and similar sources), training manuals, popular works, and academic sources. An English translation having the highest probability of being used is reported first, then the second most probable is reported second, and so on. Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
In the second phase, English synonyms for all parts of speech, including those not related to the original Latvian subject, are given for each English translation generated by the first phase. If an English entry is most used as a certain part of speech (estimated based on an English language corpus), then English synonyms for that part of speech are listed first. This indicates to the speaker of Latvian how the English subject word is most used. Other parts of speech are listed based on their frequency of usage in English. Within each part of speech, synonyms most likely to be used in English are listed first. Readers who seek further information on any of the words in this book, including translations to other world languages, can freely refer to Webster’s Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org). The goal of Webster’s Online Dictionary is to give all people of the world free access to a complete mapping of all known words to and from all written languages. In fulfillment of this goal, Webster’s Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org) also offers as much information as possible for each word, including definitions, translations, images, trade name usage, quotations, and encyclopedic knowledge. The proceeds generated by the sale of this Latvian–English thesaurus dictionary as well as other books extracted from the project will be used to augment the contents of the Webster’s Online Dictionary. This book may be the first Latvian-English thesaurus ever published. All the errors and omissions are mine. I will certainly revise and improve this book at some later date, so if you wish to see better editions published in the future, please send any suggestions, corrections, or translations to
[email protected]. Thank you for purchasing this book and supporting Webster’s Online Dictionary. Philip M. Parker, Ph.D., editor Chair Professor of Management Science INSEAD (Singapore & Fontainebleau, France)
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
CONTENTS LATVIAN TO ENGLISH THESAURUS ............................................................ 1 A................................................................................................................................... 1 Â................................................................................................................................. 34 Ā................................................................................................................................. 34 B ................................................................................................................................. 35 C................................................................................................................................. 42 Č................................................................................................................................. 47 D................................................................................................................................. 47 E ................................................................................................................................. 59 Ē ................................................................................................................................. 62 F ................................................................................................................................. 63 G................................................................................................................................. 66 Ģ................................................................................................................................. 72 H ................................................................................................................................ 72 I .................................................................................................................................. 73 Ì .................................................................................................................................. 95 Î .................................................................................................................................. 95 Ī .................................................................................................................................. 95 J .................................................................................................................................. 96 K................................................................................................................................. 98 Ķ............................................................................................................................... 115 L ............................................................................................................................... 115 Ļ ............................................................................................................................... 126 M .............................................................................................................................. 126 N .............................................................................................................................. 137 O............................................................................................................................... 156 P ............................................................................................................................... 158 R ............................................................................................................................... 196 S................................................................................................................................ 206 Š................................................................................................................................ 234 T ............................................................................................................................... 236 U............................................................................................................................... 247 Ū............................................................................................................................... 251 V............................................................................................................................... 252 Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Contents Z ............................................................................................................................... 265 Ž ............................................................................................................................... 268
INDEX OF ENGLISH SUBJECTS TO LATVIAN SUBJECTS ............................ 271 A............................................................................................................................... 271 B ............................................................................................................................... 279 C............................................................................................................................... 283 D............................................................................................................................... 293 E ............................................................................................................................... 299 F ............................................................................................................................... 304 G............................................................................................................................... 309 H .............................................................................................................................. 311 I ................................................................................................................................ 313 J ................................................................................................................................ 318 K............................................................................................................................... 318 L ............................................................................................................................... 319 M .............................................................................................................................. 323 N .............................................................................................................................. 328 O............................................................................................................................... 330 P ............................................................................................................................... 332 Q............................................................................................................................... 341 R ............................................................................................................................... 341 S................................................................................................................................ 347 T ............................................................................................................................... 356 U............................................................................................................................... 361 V............................................................................................................................... 362 W.............................................................................................................................. 363 Y ............................................................................................................................... 366 Z ............................................................................................................................... 366
VOCABULARY STUDY LISTS .................................................................... 367 Verbs (Latvian - English) ...................................................................................... 367 Verbs (English - Latvian) ...................................................................................... 370 Nouns (Latvian - English) .................................................................................... 372 Nouns (English - Latvian) .................................................................................... 391 Adverbs (Latvian - English) ................................................................................. 408 Adverbs (English - Latvian) ................................................................................. 408 Adjectives (Latvian - English) .............................................................................. 408 Adjectives (English - Latvian) .............................................................................. 411
INDEX ...................................................................................................... 415
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
1 abstrakcija abstraction; synonyms (n) abstract,
Latvian to English Thesaurus A abinieks amphibian; synonyms (adj) amphibious, amphibial, aquatic, (n) amphibium, bird, mammal, reptile, arthropod, crustacean, fish, insect, microbe, mollusk, shellfish, worm. abonents subscriber; synonyms (n) contributor, donor, reader, endorser, ratifier, benefactor, proponent, drawer, indorser, lector, lecturer, maker, proofreader, referee, reviewer, support. abonēšana subscription; synonyms (n) contribution, donation, offering, gift, pledge, enrollment, obedience, submission, (v) allowance, subsidy, subvention. abonēt subscribe; synonyms (v) confirm, sign, contribute, ratify, agree, buy, underwrite, donate, accept, admit, endorse, autograph, consent, allow, assent, register, hold, support, take, clench. aborts 1. abortion; synonyms (n) miscarriage, failure, fiasco, abortive, aborsement, castling, freak, termination, aborting, blunder, disappointment, incompletion, misadventure, 2. miscarriage; synonyms (n) abortion, flop, defeat. abreviatūra abbreviation; synonyms (n) abridgement, abridgment, contraction, abstraction, summary, abbreviature, breviature, clipping, cutting, initialism, lessening, outline, précis, sketch, summarizing, syllabus, synopsis; antonym (n) expansion. abscisa abscissa; synonym (n) absciss. absolūts 1. complete; synonyms (adj) perfect, absolute, consummate, whole, full, stark, accomplished, all, finished, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, finish, execute, act, attain, cease, clear, conclude, effect; antonyms (adj) incomplete, partial, unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect, 2. absolute; synonyms (adj) downright, peremptory, total, unconditional, categorical, real, unqualified, utter, actual, arbitrary, authoritative, certain, complete, conclusive, dictatorial, extreme, flat, great, indisputable, (n) positive, 3. perfect; synonyms (adj) exact, entire, faultless, thorough, exquisite, integral, blameless, clean, correct, flawless, ideal, immaculate, pure, irreproachable, infallible, completed, (v) fulfill, mature, crown, better; antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty, flawed, 4. total; synonyms (adj) aggregate, gross, general, outright, overall, sheer, universal, (n) amount, sum, tally, entirety, quantity, (v) count, number, figure, add, score, tot, come, enumerate; absolūts balsu vairākums
absolute majority. absorbcija absorption; synonyms (n) assimilation, attention, concentration, inhalation, engrossment, ingestion, preoccupation, abstraction, amalgamation, interest.
abstractedness, reverie, engrossment, extraction, removal, withdrawal, abbreviation, deduction; antonyms (n) addition, attentiveness. acīmredzams evident; synonyms (adj) apparent, obvious, distinct, clear, conspicuous, discernible, manifest, patent, plain, noticeable, open, certain, bright, marked, palpable, perceptible, tangible, unequivocal, unmistakable, visible; antonyms (adj) unclear, concealed, obscure, unnoticed, hidden, inconspicuous. acs eye; synonyms (n) optic, opinion, peeper, ring, sight, center, centre, oculus, (v) behold, see, view, gaze, stare, look, watch, glance, glimpse, examine, eyeball, regard;
sadauzīta acs mouse; adatas acs eye. aculiecinieks eyewitness; synonyms (n) bystander, onlooker, spectator, witness, observer, beholder, watcher; antonym (n) participant. acumirklis instant; synonyms (adj) immediate, present, exigent, prompt, clamant, crying, current, imperative, insistent, instantaneous, (n) moment, flash, jiffy, minute, point, second, tick, time, (v) pressing, urgent; antonyms (adj) gradual, long-term. adapteris adapter; synonyms (n) adaptor, spider, attachment, arranger, transcriber, adopter, corbel, organizer, translator; tīkla adapteris network
interface card; adapteris XGA extended graphics array; adapteris VGA video graphics array. adata needle; synonyms (n) injection, pointer, awl, plunger, probe, rudder, spike, spine, spur, thorn, (v) annoy, goad, irritate, sting, rile, aggravate, gall, nag, tease, vex; aizzīmēšanas adata drawing point;
atspoles adata needle. adekvāts adequate; synonyms (adj) sufficient, acceptable, enough, right, condign, effectual, passable, satisfactory, agreeable, competent, decent, equal, fair, fit, full, good, qualified, able, ample, appropriate; antonyms (adj) inadequate, insufficient, unsatisfactory. administrācija 1. administration; synonyms (n) management, direction, organization, running, power, execution, executive, government, leadership, reign, rule, supervision, department, application, incumbency, ministry, authority, charge, command, control, 2. management; synonyms (n) administration, conduct, guidance, handling, treatment, behavior, steerage, disposition, arrangement, order, oversight, care, administer, disposal, adjustment, custody, (v) manage, bearing, (adj) managerial, administrative; valsts
administrācija public administration; publiskā administrācija public administration; ostas administrācija port authority; iestādes administrācija office management; centrālā administrācija central administration. administratīvs administrative; synonyms (adj) departmental, official, managerial, authoritative, (v) executive; administratīvs rīkojums
administrative order. administrators 1. executive; synonyms (n) administrator, manager, director, administration, boss, officer, official, supervisor, commissioner, governor, head, management, government, minister, (adj) administrative, managerial, (v) authoritative, 2.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
manager; synonyms (n) coach, executive, leader, chief, controller, handler, superintendent, superior, ruler, conductor, entrepreneur, guide, inspector, master, owner, trainer; antonym (n) underling. adopcija adoption; synonyms (n) acceptance, espousal, assumption, borrowing, cooptation, enactment, maintenance, affiliation, adaptation, use, employment, support, (adj) conversion, inspiration, justification, regeneration, salvation, sanctification, beatification, (v) passage; bērna adopcija adoption of a child. adresāts addressee; synonyms (n) receiver, beneficiary, heir, inhabitant, occupant, tenant. adrese 1. address; synonyms (n) accost, lecture, abode, discourse, residence, skill, speech, allocution, greeting, oration, sermon, talk, appeal, (v) greet, call, harangue, speak, aim, apply, approach; antonym (v) ignore, 2. direction; synonyms (n) administration, conduct, bearing, command, course, guidance, address, charge, control, instruction, rule, aspect, counsel, lead, order, prescription, care, dictate, hand, (v) management; grupas adrese group address; bāzes adrese base address; avota adrese source address; absolūtā adrese absolute address; instrukcijas adrese instruction address; izsaukuma adrese call address; netiešā adrese indirect address; reālā adrese machine address; relatīvā adrese relative address; saņēmēja adrese destination address. adresēt 1. direct; synonyms (adj) straight, blunt, immediate, transparent, (v) aim, channel, conduct, address, charge, control, dictate, head, administer, guide, lead, level, order, point, bend, (n) command; antonyms (adj) indirect, roundabout, circuitous, oblique, secondhand, sideways, unplanned, (v) request, 2. address; synonyms (n) accost, lecture, abode, discourse, residence, skill, speech, allocution, greeting, oration, sermon, talk, appeal, (v) greet, call, harangue, speak, apply, approach, direct; antonym (v) ignore. advokāts 1. attorney; synonyms (n) advocate, lawyer, agent, counsel, counselor, factor, solicitor, representative, auctioneer, underwriter, advisor, bailiff, clerk, go-between, investigator, secretary, beagle, beak, fixer, front, 2. barrister; synonyms (n) attorney, adviser, 3. advocate; synonyms (n) backer, champion, sponsor, defender, friend, supporter, adherent, follower, protagonist, advocator, (v) recommend, support, vindicate, back, defend, endorse, maintain, preach, urge, favor; antonyms (n) detractor, skeptic, (v) oppose, 4. solicitor; synonym (n) petitioner, 5. lawyer; synonyms (n) leguleian, brief, mouthpiece, pettifogger, proctor, shyster. aerodinamika aerodynamics; synonyms (n) aeromechanics, aviation, (adj) aerostatics, anemography. aerosols 1. spray; synonyms (n) jet, mist, froth, aerosol, atomizer, foam, branch, spirt, squirt, bouquet, bubble, (v) shower, splash, spout, spurt, dust, gush, scatter, spatter, sprinkle, 2. aerosol; synonyms (n) spray, vaporizer, can. afiša 1. placard; synonyms (n) advertisement, card, notice, poster, sign, handbill, posting, broadside, (v) bill, advertise, post, 2. poster; synonyms (n) placard, circular, ad, announcement, flyer, (v) affiche, 3. bill;
synonyms (n) account, beak, invoice, receipt, act, banknote, check, measure, program, reckoning, score, statement, ax, schedule, cost, declaration, draft, flier, (v) charge, list. aforisms aphorism; synonyms (n) adage, axiom, maxim, proverb, saying, truism, apothegm, byword, dictum, epigram, motto, saw. aģents 1. agent; synonyms (n) agency, broker, deputy, medium, factor, instrument, mediator, ambassador, attorney, channel, delegate, doer, envoy, intermediary, means, procurator, surrogate, spy, operator, (v) actor, 2. factor; synonyms (n) agent, component, divisor, element, ingredient, part, consideration, feature, parameter, point, item, steward, dividend, fact, (adj) constituent; apdrošināšanas aģents insurance
agent; apkārtceļojošs aģents commercial; direktorija lietotāja aģents directory user agent; direktorija sistēmas aģents directory system agent; eksporta aģents export agent; finanšu aģents fiscal agent; ziņojuma pārsūtīšanas aģents message transfer agent; lietotāja aģents user agent; tirdzniecības aģents commercial agent. aģentūra agency; synonyms (n) bureau, office, authority, commission, expedient, factor, instrument, means, organ, way, efficiency, activity, board, department, group, influence, instrumentality, (v) action, act, deed;
valsts aģentūra government agency; transporta aģentūra carrier; starpnieku aģentūra factor; reklāmas aģentūra advertising agency; preses aģentūra press agency; glabājumu aģentūra storage agency; federālā aģentūra federal agency; ceļojumu aģentūra travel agency. aglomerācija agglomeration; synonyms (n) accumulation, bunch, lump, agglutination, collection, conglomeration, briquetting, heap, conglomerate, aggregate, hoard, coagulation, conglutination, glomeration. aglomerāts agglomerate; synonyms (v) accumulate, assemble, concentrate, (n) conglomerate, aggregate, (adj) agglomerated, agglomerative, clustered, bunched, bunchy. agnostiķis agnostic; synonyms (n) skeptic, doubter, freethinker, atheist, nonbeliever, pagan; antonym (n) believer. agrāks prior; synonyms (adj) former, preceding, anterior, earlier, foregoing, past, previous, preliminary, advance, antecedent, before, introductory, (n) abbot, cenobite, conventual; antonym (adj) subsequent. agrārs agrarian; synonyms (adj) agricultural, rural, country, farming, rustic, wild, agrestic, natural, pastoral. agregāts 1. aggregate; synonyms (adj) sum, aggregative, all, collective, cumulative, (n) total, agglomerate, whole, complex, pile, combination, compound, conglomeration, gross, mass, aggregation, (v) accumulate, cluster, amount, collect; antonyms (n) individual, part, 2. assembly; synonyms (n) gathering, meeting, collection, congregation, convention, fabrication, multitude, assembling, body, chamber, company, conclave, concourse, congress, construction, convocation, council, flock, group, (v) assemblage, 3. unit; synonyms (n)
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English troop, element, squad, aggregate, cell, team, detachment, member, ace, component, section, system, crew, division, force, article, block, party, atom, (adj) one. agri early; synonyms (adj) initial, first, primitive, prompt, young, quick, embryonic, matutinal, old, original, past, precocious, preliminary, premature, prime, primeval, primordial, (adv) betimes, soon, earlier; antonyms (adj) delayed, last-minute, slow, (adv) late. agronomija agronomy; synonyms (n) agriculture, farming, tillage, gardening, vintage, cultivation, culture. Agrs early; synonyms (adj) initial, first, primitive, prompt, young, quick, embryonic, matutinal, old, original, past, precocious, preliminary, premature, prime, primeval, primordial, (adv) betimes, soon, earlier; antonyms (adj) delayed, last-minute, slow, (adv) late. aicinājums 1. call; synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name, shout, bid, summon, howl, address, baptize, cite, dub, entitle, invite, scream, (n) appeal, yell, appoint, command, demand, request; antonym (v) dismiss, 2. appeal; synonyms (n) plea, application, attraction, entreaty, lure, magnetism, prayer, recourse, temptation, allurement, (v) charm, sue, ask, attract, beseech, implore, interest, plead, advert, apply; antonyms (n) unpleasantness, (v) repel, 3. vocation; synonyms (n) calling, profession, occupation, business, career, job, trade, line, mission, office, pursuit, craft, lifework, call, duty, summons, work, specialty, walk, (v) employment. aicināt appeal; synonyms (n) plea, address, application, attraction, demand, entreaty, lure, magnetism, prayer, recourse, temptation, (v) charm, request, sue, ask, attract, beseech, implore, interest, plead; antonyms (n) unpleasantness, (v) repel. aile 1. aperture; synonyms (n) hole, breach, opening, puncture, slit, cleft, gap, mouth, perforation, hiatus, outlet, break, crack, crevice, fissure, slot, vent, door, 2. column; synonyms (n) pillar, procession, row, stanchion, file, line, obelisk, post, prop, support, series, monolith, buttress, article, convoy, editorial, feature, leg, (adj) tower, minaret. ainava landscape; synonyms (n) outlook, scene, scenery, sight, view, vista, ground, lookout, panorama, perspective, picture, (v) prospect; pilsētas ainava
urban landscape; lauku ainava rural landscape; jūras ainava marine; dabas ainava natural landscape. airētājs 1. oarsman; synonyms (n) oar, boatman, rower, 2. rower; synonym (n) oarsman. airis 1. oar; synonyms (n) sail, screw, blade, (v) row, 2. scull; synonyms (v) paddle, pull, steam, propel, (n) skull, noddle, pate, noggin. aita sheep; synonyms (n) mutton, goat, cattle, follower, stock, antelopes, bison, bleater, camels, chevrotains, cloud, deer, giraffes, goats, livestock, oxen, prostitute, traditionalist, horses, pigs. aiz behind; synonyms (prep) after, abaft, (adv) backward, backwards, late, later, aback, beyond, trailing, afterward, (n) backside, bottom, buttocks, can, posterior, rump, tail, arse, (adj) back, rear; antonyms (adv) ahead, early, fore;
satvert aiz apkakles collar; atstāt aiz sevis distance.
aizāķēt hook; synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw, crotchet, draw, lure, trap, anchor, (v) catch, bend, fasten, hitch, button, ensnare, attach, bag, cop, crochet, curve, entrap. aizbāznis stopper; synonyms (n) plug, stopple, top, closure, gate, (v) stop, block, clog, obstruct. aizbildināšanās pretence; synonyms (n) deceit, guise, deception, dissimulation, pretense, pretext, bluff, pretension, simulation, dissembling, feigning. aizbildināties allege; synonyms (v) affirm, maintain, plead, say, argue, assert, aver, claim, declare, pretend, accuse, lay, adduce, avow, charge, cite, contend, offer, present, (n) advance; antonym (v) deny. aizbildniecība wardship; synonyms (n) custody, protection, care, pupilage, (adj) guardianship, (v) guardage. aizbildnis guardian; synonyms (n) custodian, guard, defender, protector, champion, curator, warden, keeper, patron, shelter, steward, backer, parent, sponsor, superintendent, tutor, (adj) protective, custodial, tutelary, tutelar. aizbilstamais ward; synonyms (n) guard, charge, custody, protection, care, district, neighborhood, quarter, defense, keep, area, region, division, protege, pupil, constituency, (v) shelter, protect, defend, (adj) screen. aizbraukšana departure; synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, depart, deviation, divergence, parting, aberration, digression, going, leaving, passing, takeoff, variation, withdrawal, disappearance, dying, escape, (v) decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance. aizbraukt 1. leave; synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go, abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, lay, allow, bequeath, drop, (n) furlough, holiday, permission, permit, break, consent, (adj) empty; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, approach, change, come, 2. depart; synonyms (v) deviate, decease, die, diverge, leave, part, start, stray, vary, wander, deflect, digress, expire, move, pass, retire, withdraw, differ, away, blow. aizdedzinātājs igniter; synonyms (n) ignitor, lighter, barge, brightness, flatboat, hoy, light, squib, illumination, lighting, lightness, luminance, luminosity, luminousness, spark, sparkle. aizdevējs lender; synonyms (n) creditor, loaner, mortgagee. aizdevums loan; synonyms (n) credit, loanword, invest, mortgage, touch, liability, area, artery, ascribe, attribute, calling, condition, (v) advance, lend, trust, rent, add, bestow, bring, contribute; antonym (v) borrow;
tirdzniecības aizdevums trade credit; terminēts aizdevums term loan; nekustama īpašuma aizdevums real estate credit; naudas aizdevums accommodation; īstermiņa aizdevums shortterm loan; ilgtermiņa aizdevums long-term loan; hipotekārais aizdevums mortgage loan; bankas aizdevums bank loan. aizdomas suspicion; synonyms (n) apprehension, distrust, mistrust, inkling, fear, hunch, misgiving, qualm, scruple, surmise, supposition, hesitation, hint, intuition, guess, misdoubt, conjecture, feeling, idea, (v) doubt; antonyms (n) trust, certainty. aizdomīgs 1. suspicious; synonyms (adj) distrustful, questionable, suspect, doubtful, dubious, queer, shady,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
incredulous, fishy, funny, jealous, mistrustful, shy, leery, skeptical, apprehensive, wary, diffident, suspicion, doubting; antonyms (adj) trusting, aboveboard, aggressive, gullible, trustworthy, 2. suspect; synonyms (v) doubt, distrust, mistrust, suppose, conjecture, guess, surmise, believe, disbelieve, divine, assume, fear, consider, imagine, query, question, think, expect, presume, (adj) suspicious; antonym (v) trust. aiziešana departure; synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, depart, deviation, divergence, parting, aberration, digression, going, leaving, passing, takeoff, variation, withdrawal, disappearance, dying, escape, (v) decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance; aiziešana
pensijā retirement. aiziet 1. depart; synonyms (v) quit, deviate, go, decease, die, diverge, leave, part, start, stray, vary, wander, deflect, digress, expire, flee, move, pass, retire, withdraw; antonyms (v) stay, arrive, enter, come, 2. leave; synonyms (v) depart, forsake, abandon, desert, escape, lead, lay, allow, bequeath, drop, evacuate, let, (n) furlough, holiday, permission, permit, break, consent, liberty, (adj) empty; antonyms (v) remain, approach, change. aizkavēšana 1. prevention; synonyms (n) avoidance, bar, exclusion, interference, prohibition, restraint, prenotion; antonym (n) success, 2. delay; synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay, deferral, extension, holdup, interruption, (v) defer, check, postpone, reserve, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate, hinder, loiter, (adj) linger; antonyms (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance. aizkavēšanās delay; synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay, deferral, extension, holdup, interruption, (v) defer, check, postpone, reserve, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate, hinder, loiter, (adj) linger; antonyms (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance; piegādes aizkavēšanās delay in
delivery; maksājuma aizkavēšanās delay in payment. aizkavēt 1. delay; synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay, deferral, extension, holdup, interruption, (v) defer, check, postpone, reserve, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate, hinder, loiter, (adj) linger; antonyms (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance, 2. detain; synonyms (v) delay, confine, apprehend, capture, catch, imprison, incarcerate, jail, keep, restrain, retard, withhold, hold, impede, nail, retain, seize, slow, stop; antonyms (v) release, free. aizliegt 1. prohibit; synonyms (v) prevent, bar, disallow, enjoin, exclude, forbid, hinder, ban, outlaw, preclude, proscribe, veto, debar, inhibit, interdict, hamper, impede, frustrate, (n) prohibition, obstruct; antonyms (v) permit, allow, 2. bar; synonyms (n) barricade, band, stop, line, pub, snag, fence, barrier, (v) block, bolt, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose, confine, restrict, blockade, check, close, (conj) but, 3. forbid; synonyms (v) prohibit, deny, avert, forestall; antonyms (v) let, approve, 4. inhibit; synonyms (v) curb, encumber, withhold, constrain, refrain, conquer, contain, control, repress, restrain, stifle, suppress, discourage, thwart, hold, cramp, detain, limit, curtail, dampen, 5. ban; synonyms (n) anathema, restraint, command, curse, embargo, banning, exclusion,
execration, forbiddance, forbidding, imprecation, interdiction, malediction, proscription, restriction, (v) banish, expel, illegalize, reject, blackball; antonym (v) sanction, 6. interdict; synonyms (n) inhibition, taboo. aizliegums 1. prohibition; synonyms (n) ban, exclusion, forbiddance, inhibition, interdiction, banning, embargo, forbidding, injunction, proscription, enjoinment, forbid, impediment, interdict, restraint, restriction, taboo, veto, denial, noninclusion; antonym (n) entitlement, 2. veto; synonyms (n) bar, negative, prohibition, rejection, refusal, rebuff, negation, (v) disallow, prohibit, proscribe, reject, blackball, outlaw, exclude, kill; antonyms (n) approval, permission, (v) approve, permit, sanction, 3. ban; synonyms (n) anathema, command, curse, execration, imprecation, malediction, (v) banish, expel, enjoin, illegalize, deny, hinder, impede, prevent, stop, censor; antonym (v) allow. aizmugure background; synonyms (n) backdrop, groundwork, setting, basis, context, education, environment, scene, backcloth, panorama, atmosphere, experience, ground, information, preparation, record, scenery, situation, surroundings, accompaniment. aizņēmums loan; synonyms (n) credit, loanword, invest, mortgage, touch, liability, area, artery, ascribe, attribute, calling, condition, (v) advance, lend, trust, rent, add, bestow, bring, contribute; antonym (v) borrow;
terminēts aizņēmums term loan; piespiedu aizņēmums forced loan; īstermiņa aizņēmums short-term loan; ilgtermiņa aizņēmums longterm loan; bankas aizņēmums bank loan; ārējais aizņēmums foreign loan. aiznest remove; synonyms (v) oust, take, pull, eject, expel, deduct, discharge, strip, delete, erase, evacuate, extract, abolish, get, dislodge, draw, empty, eliminate, (n) displace, (adj) clear; antonyms (v) insert, install, place. aizraidīt dismiss; synonyms (v) discharge, cashier, cast, disband, discard, drop, bounce, can, cease, dispatch, banish, disallow, discount, displace, dissolve, eject, expel, reject, remove, sack; antonyms (v) hire, employ. aizsardzība 1. protection; synonyms (n) defense, care, conservation, cover, custody, defence, guardianship, security, shelter, aegis, auspices, preservation, shield, bulwark, hedge, escort, charge, keeping, lee, (v) guard; antonym (n) destruction, 2. defence; synonyms (n) vindication, denial, abnegation, demurrer, refutation, demur, demurral, disproof, falsification, falsifying, prohibition, whitewash; grāmatu aizsardzība care
of books; bērnu aizsardzība child protection; bioloģiskā aizsardzība biological defence; civilā aizsardzība civil defence; dabas aizsardzība conservation of nature; ķīmiskā aizsardzība chemical defence; datnes aizsardzība file protection; aizsardzība pret karstumu protection against heat; aizsardzība pret kodolieročiem nuclear defence; aizsardzība pret radiāciju radiation protection. aizsargāšana protection; synonyms (n) defense, care, conservation, cover, custody, defence, guardianship, security, shelter, aegis, auspices, preservation, shield, bulwark, hedge, escort, charge, keeping, lee, (v) guard; antonym (n) destruction.
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Latvian - English aizsargāt guard; synonyms (n) defend, defense, bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection, watchman, custody, convoy, defence, fender, guardsman, safeguard, vigilance, watch, fence, (v) shield, keep, ward. aizsargāties defend; synonyms (v) cover, guard, assert, justify, protect, advocate, champion, maintain, shield, support, apologize, hold, preserve, safeguard, shelter, uphold, vindicate, back, claim, excuse; antonyms (v) attack, prosecute. aizsargs shield; synonyms (n) screen, shelter, buffer, armor, protection, shade, defense, security, shell, (v) cover, guard, safeguard, preserve, secure, defend, hide, protect, buckler, harbor, patronize; antonym (v) expose. aizšaujamais bar; synonyms (n) barricade, band, stop, line, pub, snag, fence, barrier, (v) ban, block, bolt, exclude, obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose, confine, restrict, blockade; antonyms (v) permit, allow. aizsegs 1. defilade, 2. cover; synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, cloak, veil, wrap, comprise, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield, spread, coating; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover. aizšķērsot barrier; synonyms (n) barricade, bar, bulwark, dam, handicap, hurdle, obstruction, rampart, restraint, block, boundary, fence, hindrance, impediment, obstacle, partition, snag, wall, barrage, guard. aizslēgt lock; synonyms (n) curl, hook, padlock, strand, (v) bolt, bar, close, latch, engage, fasten, hug, hold, interlock, secure, shut, imprison, join, embrace, mesh, (adj) hair; antonyms (v) unlock, open. aizsniegt reach; synonyms (v) range, overtake, obtain, achieve, attain, extend, get, make, pass, accomplish, go, touch, equal, form, (n) fetch, compass, stretch, extent, gain, area. aizspriedums 1. prejudice; synonyms (n) bias, disadvantage, partiality, discrimination, hurt, preconception, bigotry, detriment, slant, inclination, racism, injustice, loss, (v) harm, influence, damage, predispose, injure, incline, spoil; antonyms (n) tolerance, fairness, 2. bias; synonyms (n) penchant, drift, turn, twist, favor, slope, angle, disposition, predilection, proclivity, propensity, tendency, affection, (v) prejudice, bent, dispose, sway, prepossess, (adj) diagonal, leaning; antonyms (n) impartiality, neutrality, 3. preconception; synonyms (n) anticipation, presumption, prenotion, prepossession, foresight. aizsprosts 1. weir; synonyms (n) dam, boom, penstock, barrier, block, gate, wall, wear, 2. dam; synonyms (n) barrage, barricade, dike, dyke, decameter, decametre, levee, mother, (v) prevent, bar, close, impede, obstruct. aizstājējs 1. deputy; synonyms (n) agent, surrogate, alternate, delegate, substitute, ambassador, assistant, replacement, representative, vicar, spokesman, envoy, help, lieutenant, reserve, standby, understudy, (adj) proxy, acting, 2. substitute; synonyms (adj) alternative, ersatz, makeshift, imitation, equivalent, (n) deputy, backup, double, relief, (v) shift, change, replace, exchange, sub, cover, alter, commute, deputise, deputize, switch, 3. replacement; synonyms (n) renewal, substitution, reinstatement, permutation, rehabilitation, return, successor, commutation, restoration, replacing,
replenishment, swap, transposition, refilling, 4. surrogate; synonyms (n) vice, (adj) foster. aizstāšana 1. change; synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation, move, adjustment, alternation, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, alternate, cash, convert, switch, transpose, turn, twist, affect, adjust; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain, 2. replacement; synonyms (n) substitute, deputy, renewal, substitution, surrogate, reinstatement, permutation, rehabilitation, relief, return, successor, backup, alternative, change, commutation, restoration, replacing, replenishment, (v) makeshift, ersatz, 3. substitution; synonyms (n) replacement, interchange, swap, transposition; aizstāšana uz vietas relief in place;
aizstāšana II replacement. aizstāt 1. change; synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation, move, adjustment, alternation, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, alternate, cash, convert,
switch, transpose, turn, twist, affect, adjust; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain, 2. substitute; synonyms (adj) replacement, alternative, ersatz, makeshift, imitation, (n) deputy, backup, delegate, agent, double, proxy, relief, (v) change, replace, surrogate, sub, cover, commute, deputise, deputize, 3. replace; synonyms (v) substitute, supersede, supplant, reinstate, displace, restore, renew, return, succeed, follow, place, put, refund, repay, trade, reestablish; meklēt un aizstāt
search and replace. aizstāvēt 1. uphold; synonyms (v) sustain, defend, maintain, preserve, continue, back, bolster, confirm, countenance, encourage, endorse, assert, buttress, advocate, corroborate, bear, hold, keep, prop, (n) support, 2. advocate; synonyms (n) backer, champion, counsel, sponsor, attorney, counselor, defender, friend, supporter, adherent, follower, protagonist, advocator, counsellor, (v) recommend, vindicate, preach, urge, favor, commend; antonyms (n) detractor, skeptic, (v) oppose. aizstāvis advocate; synonyms (n) backer, champion, counsel, sponsor, attorney, counselor, defender, friend, supporter, adherent, (v) recommend, support, vindicate, back, defend, endorse, maintain, preach, urge, favor; antonyms (n) detractor, skeptic, (v) oppose. aizturēšana 1. detention; synonyms (n) delay, arrest, custody, confinement, apprehension, captivity, detainment, constraint, capture, detain, hold, imprisonment, incarceration, internment, prison, restraint, seizure, (v) keep; antonyms (n) freedom, release, 2. apprehension; synonyms (n) alarm, comprehension, dread, foreboding, misgiving, trepidation, understanding, appreciation, anticipation, agitation, conception, concern, detention, dismay, fear, horror, notion, (adj) anxiety, care, (v) doubt; antonyms (n) reassurance, confidence, calmness, 3. arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt, standstill, stay, stoppage, glom, arrestation, cessation, (v) catch, apprehend, collar, get, hinder, inhibit, nail, obstruct, retard, hook, block; antonym (v) discharge; izsaukuma aizturēšana call
hold. aizturēt 1. apprehend; synonyms (v) appreciate, arrest, comprehend, catch, conceive, fathom, grasp, realize,
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Latvian - English
understand, follow, sense, anticipate, capture, detain, dig, fear, nail, seize, believe, recognize; antonym (v) release, 2. arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt, apprehension, custody, hold, detention, standstill, stay, stoppage, glom, (v) apprehend, collar, delay, get, hinder, inhibit, obstruct, retard, hook; antonym (v) discharge, 3. detain; synonyms (v) confine, imprison, incarcerate, jail, keep, restrain, withhold, defer, impede, retain, slow; antonym (v) free. aizturis latch; synonyms (n) catch, hasp, clasp, hook, (v) bar, bolt, lock. aizvainot 1. offend; synonyms (v) irritate, affront, insult, contravene, injure, disgust, infringe, abuse, anger, annoy, break, displease, wound, err, breach, hurt, infract, outrage, pique, revolt; antonym (v) please, 2. insult; synonyms (n) dishonor, contumely, disgrace, indignity, contempt, derision, harm, injury, jeer, mockery, offense, (v) flout, taunt, cut, mock, offend, slight, insolence, damage, deride; antonyms (v) compliment, praise. aizvākt remove; synonyms (v) oust, take, pull, eject, expel, deduct, discharge, strip, delete, erase, evacuate, extract, abolish, get, dislodge, draw, empty, eliminate, (n) displace, (adj) clear; antonyms (v) insert, install, place. aizvešana abduction; synonyms (n) rape, capture, seizure, ravishment, arrest, deduction, induction, apprehension, ecstasy, (v) ablation, abreption, expropriation, repulse; antonym (n) release. aizvest convey; synonyms (v) carry, communicate, bring, channel, conduct, bear, express, fetch, transfer, transmit, impart, take, transport, mean, cause, cede, consign, deliver, ferry, grant. aizvēsture prehistory; synonym (n) history. aizvietošana 1. replacement; synonyms (n) exchange, substitute, alternate, deputy, renewal, substitution, surrogate, reinstatement, permutation, rehabilitation, relief, return, successor, switch, backup, alternative, change, commutation, (v) makeshift, ersatz, 2. change; synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation, move, adjustment, alternation, amendment, (v) alter, adapt, cash, convert, transpose, turn, twist, affect, adjust, amend, commute; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain. aizvietot 1. replace; synonyms (v) change, exchange, substitute, supersede, supplant, reinstate, displace, restore, shift, deputize, renew, return, succeed, switch, deputise, follow, place, put, refund, repay, 2. substitute; synonyms (adj) replacement, alternative, ersatz, makeshift, imitation, (n) deputy, backup, delegate, agent, double, proxy, relief, representative, (v) alternate, replace, surrogate, sub, cover, alter, commute. aizvietotājs 1. substitute; synonyms (adj) replacement, alternative, ersatz, makeshift, (n) deputy, backup, delegate, agent, (v) alternate, shift, change, replace, surrogate, exchange, sub, cover, alter, commute, deputise, deputize, 2. deputy; synonyms (n) substitute, ambassador, assistant, representative, vicar, spokesman, envoy, help, lieutenant, reserve, standby, understudy, (adj) proxy, acting. aka well; synonyms (adv) right, easily, thoroughly, considerably, fully, good, correctly, amply, (adj) healthy,
fit, shaft, sound, robust, hale, (n) fountain, spring, pit, hollow, fountainhead, (v) gush; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick, unwell, dying, nauseous. akadēmiķis academic; synonyms (adj) theoretical, learned, pedantic, scholarly, speculative, studious, bookish, didactic, educational, erudite, conjectural, (n) intellectual, academician, scholar, professor, (v) scholastic, hypothetical; antonym (n) realist. akcents accent; synonyms (n) stress, dialect, emphasis, idiom, importance, speech, accentuation, articulation, intonation, pronunciation, tone, delivery, (v) emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accentuate, pronounce. akceptēšana acceptance; synonyms (n) acceptation, acknowledgment, adoption, recognition, accession, acquiescence, approval, assumption, confirmation, credence, ratification, receipt, welcome, belief, admission, agreement, assent, consent, espousal, popularity; antonyms (n) rejection, refutation, dispatch. akceptēt accept; synonyms (v) receive, acknowledge, admit, take, recognize, abide, accede, acquiesce, adopt, assume, believe, yield, agree, approve, assent, bear, consent, espouse, have, (n) embrace; antonyms (v) refuse, reject, deny, snub, oppose, renounce, resist. akcepts acceptance; synonyms (n) acceptation, acknowledgment, adoption, recognition, accession, acquiescence, approval, assumption, confirmation, credence, ratification, receipt, welcome, belief, admission, agreement, assent, consent, espousal, popularity; antonyms (n) rejection, refutation, dispatch. akcija 1. action; synonyms (n) act, accomplishment, activity, agency, battle, deed, effect, engagement, fight, movement, performance, play, behavior, case, lawsuit, measure, move, plot, (v) achievement, combat; antonyms (n) inaction, inactivity, 2. share; synonyms (n) piece, portion, deal, dole, lot, allotment, division, interest, proportion, ration, (v) participate, allot, apportion, distribute, part, partake, dispense, divide, partition, assign; antonym (v) control; bezmaksas
akcija bonus share; iekonservēta akcija treasury stock; parastā akcija common stock. akcionārs 1. stockholder; synonyms (n) shareholder, shareowner, 2. shareholder; synonyms (n) participant, stockholder, saver, depositor. akcīze excise; synonyms (n) duty, tax, custom, tariff, fee, levy, toll, (v) cut, edit, extirpate, remove, strike, abscind, operate. aklimatizācija acclimatization; synonyms (n) acclimation, acclimatisation, adjustment, adaptation, acclimatation, orientation, alteration, seasoning, change. akls blind; synonyms (adj) sightless, undiscerning, dark, (v) bedazzle, daze, dazzle, obscure, (n) screen, curtain, shutter, awning, drape, trick, veil, camouflage, cheat, cloak, concealment, cover, deceit; antonym (adj) sighted. akmeņogles coal; synonyms (n) ember, culm, firewood, oil, petroleum, energy, gas, (v) char, blacken, scorch, (adj) black. akmens stone; synonyms (n) jewel, rock, calculus, gem, pebble, concretion, gemstone, kernel, bullet, granite, hatchment, pitfall, plate, slug, (v) pit, lapidate, pelt, cake, clot; akmens laikmets stone age; dabiskais
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Latvian - English akmens natural stone; akmens sviediens put; mākslīgais akmens artificial stone. aknas liver; synonyms (n) denizen, resident. akreditēt accredit; synonyms (v) credit, authorize, ascribe, assign, attribute, certify, allow, empower, appoint, believe, delegate, impute, intrust, recognise, recognize, sanction, (n) ablegate. akrs acre; synonyms (n) acreage, grounds, manor, plot. aktivitāte activity; synonyms (n) action, activeness, exercise, liveliness, play, job, agency, agility, diligence, energy, enterprise, industry, life, movement, occupation, vigor, work, enthusiasm, excitement, line; antonyms (n) inactivity, inaction, inactiveness; darījumu
aktivitāte business activity. aktivizācija activation; synonyms (n) activating, start, initiation, launch, awakening, commencement, creation, energizing, establishment, foundation, inauguration, opening, spur, instigation, introduction. aktivizēt activate; synonyms (v) actuate, start, trigger, aerate, animate, incite, initiate, prompt, quicken, spark, stimulate. aktīvs 1. asset; synonyms (n) advantage, strength, benefit, forte, purchase, good, plus, possession, virtue, investment; antonyms (n) liability, vice, 2. active; synonyms (adj) energetic, alert, busy, diligent, effective, live, lively, nimble, strong, agile, alive, brisk, dynamic, forcible, healthy, mercurial, quick, spirited, sprightly, (v) smart; antonyms (adj) dormant, inactive, sluggish, idle, latent, lethargic, sedentary, slow, extinct, passive, quiet;
aktīvs tirgus active market; aktīvs tīkls active network. akts 1. statement; synonyms (n) account, declaration, affirmation, announcement, communication, instruction, assertion, command, description, proposition, enunciation, profession, argument, avowal, bill, expression, pronouncement, remark, word, bulletin; antonym (n) denial, 2. act; synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, decree, do, feat, law, performance, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go, perform, acquit, enact, feign, operate, pretend; antonym (v) refrain, 3. deed; synonyms (n) act, behavior, exploit, covenant, activity, document, doing, effort, fact, title, agency, certificate, job, measure, paper, proceeding, reality, thing, ownership, 4. report; synonyms (n) gossip, notice, name, fame, message, narration, narrative, news, notification, recital, record, story, intelligence, bang, (v) describe, communicate, recount, relate, notify, advise; izsniegšanas akts
transfer record; izmēģinājuma akts test certificate; izkraušanas akts certificate of discharge; apskates akts certificate of survey; brāķēšanas akts inspection certificate; avārijas akts accident report; noslēguma akts final act; pieņemšanas akts acceptance certificate; Nobeiguma akts final act; tiesību akts legislative act. akumulācija accumulation; synonyms (n) store, stock, accretion, mass, accrual, accruement, batch, hoard, pile, reserve, deposit, addition, aggregation, assemblage, assembly, collection, compilation, concentration, congestion, (v) gain; antonym (n) shortage.
akumulators accumulator; synonyms (n) collector, gatherer, store, saver, aggregator, magpie, miser, squirrel. akurāti accurately; synonyms (adv) truly, correctly, exactly, precisely, closely, faithfully, (adj) justly; antonyms (adv) inaccurately, falsely. akurātība accuracy; synonyms (n) fidelity, precision, truth, exactitude, exactness, reliability, care, closeness, correctness, faithfulness, meticulousness, veracity; antonyms (n) inaccuracy, vagueness, imprecision. akurāts 1. accurate; synonyms (adj) exact, precise, correct, faithful, true, authentic, close, detailed, literal, meticulous, nice, right, strict, truthful, scientific, careful, delicate, express, faultless, genuine; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, false, wrong, 2. precise; synonyms (adj) accurate, definite, minute, certain, neat, particular, ceremonious, clear, distinct, fastidious, formal, punctilious, specific, methodical, fixed, explicit, fine, just, orderly, (v) narrow; antonyms (adj) imprecise, vague, rough, 3. orderly; synonyms (adj) tidy, ordered, regular, systematic, coherent, logical, businesslike, normal, arranged, decent, prim, shipshape, trim, consistent, lawful, (n) attendant, hostler, jockey; antonyms (adj) unruly, disorganized, rowdy, unmanageable, untidy, wild, disorderly, confused. akvakultūra aquaculture; synonym (n) aquiculture. akvamarīns aquamarine; synonyms (adj) beryl, emerald, green, malachite, verdigris, (n) aqua, turquoise. akvārijs aquarium; synonyms (n) vivarium, (v) fishery. ala hole; synonyms (n) cavity, aperture, crack, den, pocket, breach, break, burrow, cave, corner, depression, fix, hollow, lair, pit, vent, cavern, cranny, cell, (adj) gap. alabastrs alabaster; synonyms (adj) alabastrine, chalk, ivory, lily, milk, milky, paper, snow, white. alauns alum; synonyms (n) graduate, alumen, alumna, alumnus, grad, grade, (v) aluminize, (adj) crab, verjuice, vinegar. albumīns albumin; synonyms (n) albumen, ovalbumin. albums album; synonyms (n) record, portfolio, recording, volume, anthology, disc, book, collection, compilation, set, vinyl, depository, index, memento, miscellany, notebook, omnibus, register, registry, release. aleja alley; synonyms (n) track, road, aisle, alleyway, lane, passage, avenue, path, pathway, street, walk. alerģija allergy; synonyms (n) antipathy, aversion. alfabēts alphabet; synonyms (n) letter, elements, grammar, rudiment, rudiments, outlines. alga 1. salary; synonyms (n) wage, pay, allowance, earnings, fee, income, remuneration, payment, emolument, compensation, gain, profit, revenue, hire, reward, stipend, wages, 2. pay; synonyms (v) compensate, liquidate, yield, afford, clear, expend, give, remunerate, indemnify, contribute, bear, repay, requite, return, settle, grant, (n) recompense, salary, devote, make; antonym (v) owe, 3. compensation; synonyms (n) amends, indemnification, price, atonement, redress, refund, reimbursement, reparation, satisfaction, settlement, bonus, consideration, penance, prize, ransom, repayment, retribution, (v) restitution, 4. wages; synonym (n) payoff, 5. wage; synonyms (v) fight,
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Latvian - English
engage, prosecute, pursue; darba alga pay; gada alga annual salary; laika alga salary; noteikta alga fixed salary; reālā darba alga real wage; vidējā alga average earnings. algot hire; synonyms (n) wage, employment, fee, pay, salary, fare, (v) employ, engage, charter, enlist, rent, retain, take, commission, compensation, select, book, get, lease, let; antonym (v) dismiss. alkoholiķis alcoholic; synonyms (adj) strong, spirituous, distilled, inebriating, airy, ardent, brewed, ethereal, fermented, (n) drunk, boozer, dipsomaniac, lush, soaker, souse, alky, cloudburst, deluge, downpour, drenching; antonym (adj) soft. alkoholisks 1. spirituous; synonyms (adj) alcoholic, spiritous, heady, airy, ardent, ethereal, gay, immaterial, lively, pure, spiritual, vivid, 2. alcoholic; synonyms (adj) strong, spirituous, distilled, inebriating, brewed, fermented, inebriant, (n) drunk, boozer, dipsomaniac, lush, soaker, souse, alky, cloudburst, deluge, downpour, drenching, soaking, sousing; antonym (adj) soft. alkohols alcohol; synonyms (n) drink, juice, intoxicant, drinkable, firewater, potable, essence, gas, gasohol, gasoline, inebriant, nitromethane, oil, petrol, petroleum, boozing, cocktail, crapulence, deglutition, (v) alcoholism. alksnis alder; synonym (adj) aller. almanahs almanac; synonyms (n) annual, calendar, ephemeris, schedule, book, booklet, brochure, encyclopedia, guide, index, journal, list, listing, manual, record, register, agenda, chart, chronicle, datebook. alnis 1. elk; synonyms (n) moose, caribou, coyote, sambar, 2. moose; synonyms (n) elk, wapiti. alopātija allopathy; synonyms (n) heteropathy, hydropathy, osteopathy, enantiopathy, homeopathy. alternatīva alternative; synonyms (adj) alternate, alternating, variant, (n) option, choice, preference, selection, substitute, variation. alternatīvs alternative; synonyms (adj) alternate, alternating, variant, (n) option, choice, preference, selection, substitute, variation. alumīnijs aluminium; synonym (n) aluminum. alus 1. beer; synonyms (n) cocktail, suds, bock, head, hops, lather, nip, oil, slops, snifter, soapsuds, stout, tipple, (v) wine, stingo, liqueur, spirits, 2. ale; synonyms (n) beer, eale; stiprs alus mum. alūvijs alluvium; synonyms (n) alluvion, deposit, flood, inundation, ooze, deluge, overflowing, (adj) slime, slosh, sludge, slush, sposh, mire, mud, quagmire. alva 1. tin; synonyms (n) can, canister, container, rhino, dust, blunt, cannister, mopus, mould, (v) pot, preserve, cure, bottle, embalm, kyanize, pickle, rear, salt, season, 2. pewter; synonyms (n) brass, chowchow. alvots tinned; synonyms (adj) canned, transcribed; alvots
trauks tin. amatieris amateur; synonyms (adj) amateurish, inexpert, unskilled, inexperienced, untrained, unqualified, (n) novice, beginner, fan, apprentice, aspirant, devotee, lover, greenhorn; antonyms (adj) practiced, (n) professional, expert.
amatnieks 1. craftsman; synonyms (n) artificer, artisan, artist, journeyman, worker, crafter, hand, armorer, armourer, builder, carpenter, employee, discoverer, inventor, 2. artificer; synonyms (n) craftsman, manufacturer, maker, (adj) mechanic, 3. artisan; synonyms (n) operative, workman. amatpersona official; synonyms (adj) formal, functional, regular, proper, sanctioned, magisterial, authorized, ceremonial, legal, (n) officer, minister, bureaucrat, executive, functionary, administrator, representative, staff, (v) authoritative, administrative, authentic; antonyms (adj) unofficial, private, illegal, informal. amats 1. position; synonyms (n) place, lay, attitude, condition, employment, opinion, placement, post, rank, set, arrangement, bearing, location, (v) grade, fix, locate, arrange, install, point, pose, 2. post; synonyms (n) function, office, position, pillar, stake, berth, column, job, appointment, assignment, beam, (v) mail, base, enter, seat, send, station, bill, hasten, express, 3. appointment; synonyms (n) date, designation, engagement, fitting, rendezvous, conference, election, assignation, commission, encounter, meeting, naming, selection, allotment, appointee, 4. office; synonyms (n) charge, agency, duty, division, authority, bureau, part, establishment, business, department, mission, occupation, role, service, situation, spot, force, lieu, care, (adj) clerical, 5. trade; synonyms (n) deal, barter, commerce, swap, switch, clientele, craft, interchange, profession, calling, custom, dealing, market, (v) change, exchange, merchandise, bargain, sell, swop, traffic; antonyms (n) purchase, (adj) charitable, 6. handicraft; synonyms (n) handcraft, handiwork, mystery, handwork, trade; amats valdiba government office; amats I
craft; ierēdņa amats desk. ambrazūra embrasure; synonyms (n) port, porthole, machicolation, recess, dent, embrace, interface, larboard.
amerīcijs americium; synonym (adj) am. ametists amethyst; synonyms (n) violet, mauve, blue, carbuncle, hyacinth, jacinth, (adj) lavender, amethystine, gridelin, lilac, plum, wine. amnestija amnesty; synonyms (n) pardon, absolution, forgiveness, remission, clemency, condonation, grace, mercy, reprieve, (v) forgive; antonym (n) blame. amorāls corrupt; synonyms (adj) bad, rotten, canker, dishonest, evil, impure, unscrupulous, abandoned, (n) poison, (v) adulterate, contaminate, taint, bribe, debase, defile, infect, buy, pervert, pollute, deteriorate; antonyms (adj) honest, moral, principled, pure. amorfs amorphous; synonyms (adj) shapeless, formless, unformed, amphibious, epicene, hybrid, mongrel, noncrystalline, unshaped, baggy, embryonic, heteroclite, heterogeneous, imprecise, inchoate, indistinct, nebulous, rough, tentative, unclear; antonyms (adj) distinct, defined. amortizācija 1. depreciation; synonyms (n) abatement, detraction, disparagement, derogation, deterioration, discount, aspersion, calumny, defamation, degradation, depression, slump, devaluation, fall, reduction, concession, deflation, (v) decrement, 2. amortization; synonyms (n) amortisation, payment.
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Latvian - English ampērs ampere; synonyms (n) amp, a, angstrom, axerophthol. amplitūda amplitude; synonyms (n) breadth, latitude, magnitude, width, mass, expanse, extent, fullness, measure, range, reach, scope, size, space. amulets amulet; synonyms (n) talisman, charm, fetish, mascot, periapt, philter, telesm, spell, keepsake, ornament, trinket, accessory, adornment, memento, object. analfabētisms illiteracy; synonyms (n) ignorance, illiterature; antonym (n) literacy. analītiķis analyst; synonyms (n) psychoanalyst, analyzer, expert, psychiatrist, examiner, commentator, accountant, authority, chemist, counselor, critic, detective, forecaster, investigator, observer, predictor, psychotherapist, reporter, specialist, therapist. analīze 1. test; synonyms (n) trial, audition, experiment, examination, measure, criterion, inspection, (v) assay, essay, examine, prove, quiz, sample, check, try, analyze, attempt, probe, proof, (adj) experimental, 2. analysis; synonyms (n) anatomy, breakdown, decomposition, inquiry, investigation, psychoanalysis, resolution, review, scrutiny, study, exploration, calculation, diagnosis, interpretation, research, search, survey, test, evaluation, therapy; antonym (n) synthesis; gāzu
analīze gas analysis; kristalogrāfiskā analīze crystal analysis; korelācijas analīze correlation analysis; ķīmiskā analīze chemical analysis; ekonomiskā analīze economic analysis; aprites cikla analīze life cycle analysis; saimnieciskās darbības analīze business analysis; tirgus analīze market analysis; tehniskā analīze technical analysis; sistēmas analīze system analysis. analizēt analyse; synonyms (v) analyze, canvass, dissect, examine, study, psychoanalyse, psychoanalyze, canvas, collapse, contemplate, crumble, crumple, crush, die, essay, fail, go, learn, meditate, (n) analyser. analoģija analogy; synonyms (n) semblance, agreement, correspondence, parity, resemblance, similarity, affinity, comparison, likeness, parallel; antonym (n) dissimilarity. anarhisms anarchism; synonyms (n) anarchy, disorder, chaos, lawlessness, riot, mayhem, rebellion, revolution. anatomija anatomy; synonyms (n) frame, morphology, physiology, body, chassis, dissection, flesh, structure, figure, form, (adj) skeleton. angārs shed; synonyms (v) cast, discard, drop, moult, scatter, exuviate, molt, dismiss, disgorge, emit, fling, radiate, remove, slough, (n) hut, shack, cabin, booth, hovel, shelter. anilīns aniline; synonyms (n) phenylamine, aminobenzine, crystalline, kyanol. anotācija annotation; synonyms (n) comment, gloss, note, remark, annotating, commentary, footnote, explanation, exposition, notation, observation. antagonisms antagonism; synonyms (n) animosity, enmity, resistance, aggression, antithesis, aversion, conflict, hate, hatred, hostility, opposition, contrariety, interference, antipathy, disagreement, discord,
resentment, rivalry, unfriendliness, anger; antonym (n) friendliness. antīks antique; synonyms (adj) ancient, old, antiquated, obsolete, aged, antiquarian, antediluvian, musty, outmoded, quaint, outdated, archaic, demode, oldfashioned, passe, (n) relic, antiquity, (v) antiquate; antonyms (n) new, modern. antilope antelope; synonyms (n) blackbucks, gerenuks, impalas, springboks, (adj) eagle, chickaree, chipmunk, courser, doe, greyhound, hackee, hare, ostrich, scorcher, squirrel. antoloģija anthology; synonyms (n) collection, compilation, garland, miscellany, compendium, treasury, album, flowers, posy, set, coronal, edition, wreath, (v) collectanea. antropoīds anthropoid; synonyms (adj) manlike, anthropoidal, human, apelike, apish, male, manful, manly, virile, (n) ape, aper, copycat, emulator, imitator. antropoloģija anthropology; synonyms (n) anthroposophy, entomology, helminthology, herpetology, ichthyology, malacology, mastology, ophiology, ornithology, oryctology, paleontology, vermeology, folklore, sociology. anulēšana 1. cancellation; synonyms (n) annulment, abolition, cancel, negation, recall, termination, retirement, annulling, omission, circumduction, receipt, renunciation, abandoning, abolishing, circumlocution, contradiction, dissolving, invalidating, overruling, recalling, 2. repeal; synonyms (n) abrogation, cancellation, revocation, (v) nullify, revoke, abolish, abrogate, countermand, invalidate, quash, rescind, overturn, overrule, lift, reverse, retract, annihilate, discard, negate, (adj) annul, 3. abatement; synonyms (n) remission, rebate, deduction, discount, reprieve, break, interruption, allowance, decline, decrease, diminution, ebb, mitigation, relief, respite, suspension, (v) reduction, 4. annulment; synonyms (n) repeal, breakup, avoidance, invalidation. anulēt 1. abate; synonyms (v) subside, allay, bate, decline, diminish, fade, flag, lessen, relax, relieve, remit, slack, slake, wane, weaken, qualify, abolish, annul, abrogate, (adj) slacken; antonym (v) increase, 2. repeal; synonyms (n) recall, abolition, abrogation, annulment, cancellation, revocation, (v) nullify, cancel, revoke, countermand, invalidate, quash, rescind, overturn, overrule, lift, reverse, retract, annihilate, discard, 3. annul; synonyms (v) repeal, void, undo, vacate, override, vitiate, withdraw, dissolve, delete, avoid, counteract, destroy, discharge, liquidate, negate, neutralize, supersede, upset, (adj) evacuate; antonym (v) validate, 4. cancel; synonyms (v) erase, expunge, abate, efface, eliminate, obliterate, drop, rase, terminate, overthrow, counterbalance, disallow, dispel, frustrate, abandon, balance, blot, end, offset, raze, 5. avoid; synonyms (v) shun, avert, parry, escape, evade, abstain, circumvent, duck, elude, forbear, fudge, ignore, prevent, shirk, fly, beware, balk, debar, flee, (adj) eschew; antonyms (v) confront, associate, face, tackle, 6. quash; synonyms (v) crush, quench, subdue, suppress, disannul, extinguish, conquer, repress, smother, squash, inhibit, curb, defeat, kill, overwhelm, quell, squelch, stifle, subjugate, overcome.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
ap 1. around; synonyms (adv) about, approximately, almost, round, roughly, nearly, some, somewhere, (prep) encompassing, encircling, circa, surrounding, (adj) near, nearby, throughout, (n) vicinity, 2. about; synonyms (prep) for, concerning, of, regarding, respecting, towards, (adv) around, most, in, nigh, virtually, (adj) practically; antonyms (prep) exactly, precisely; krist ap kaklu
neck. apakša bottom; synonyms (n) base, basis, backside, bed, behind, foot, footing, back, arse, ass, bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor, foundation, posterior, rear, root, (v) ground; antonyms (n) top, pinnacle, (adj) highest; pēdas
apakša sole. apakšā under; synonyms (adv) below, beneath, underneath, downstairs, infra, (adj) lower, down, nether, bottom, inferior, low, subject, subordinate, lowest; antonym (prep) over. apakšgrupa subdivision; synonyms (n) branch, section, segment, arm, episode, part, department, subsection, compartment, detachment, family, limb, wing, (v) division, break, caesura, fracture. apakšnoma sublease; synonyms (n) underlease, (v) sublet, let, hire. apakšvirsraksts subtitle; synonyms (n) caption, subhead, subheading, title, legend, slogan, description, footer, header, (v) entitle. apaļš round; synonyms (adv) about, around, (adj) circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, fat, rotund, (n) circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, cycle, orbit, patrol, (v) compass, turn, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp. aparāts 1. apparatus; synonyms (n) appliance, device, implement, instrument, plant, tackle, equipment, gadget, gear, machine, contrivance, machinery, mechanism, outfit, rig, rigging, setup, tool, tools, utensil, 2. set; synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, define, adjust, arrange, congeal, (n) class, bent, circle, lot, party, (adj) fixed, fast, secure, ready; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing, combout, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid, 3. device; synonyms (n) apparatus, artifice, emblem, contraption, figure, gimmick, invention, plan, trick, way, design, dodge, expedient, machination, plot, ruse, scheme, cipher, decoy, badge; kontroles aparāts monitor; kases
aparāts cash register; administratīvais aparāts administrative machinery; izdevuma aparāts back matter; administratīvais pārvaldes aparāts management personnel; skaitīšanas aparāts counter; partijas aparāts organization. aparatūra apparatus; synonyms (n) appliance, device, implement, instrument, plant, tackle, equipment, gadget, gear, machine, contrivance, machinery, mechanism, outfit, rig, rigging, setup, tool, tools, utensil; palaides
aparatūra starting equipment; ieraksta aparatūra recording equipment. apātisks languid; synonyms (adj) lazy, dull, feeble, indolent, faint, lackadaisical, lethargic, sluggish, torpid, apathetic, inert, infirm, listless, sickly, dreamy, remiss, insipid, idle, indifferent, bald; antonym (adj) energetic. apavi footwear; synonyms (n) footgear, boot. apbalvojums 1. reward; synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, payment, wage, bribe, fee, premium, award,
bonus, payoff, price, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, requite, compensate, honor; antonym (v) punish, 2. award; synonyms (n) judgment, accolade, decoration, medal, commendation, reward, scholarship, trophy, verdict, (v) accord, grant, bestow, confer, present, assign, give, allow, allot, offer, decide. apbalvot 1. award; synonyms (n) judgment, accolade, decoration, medal, prize, commendation, reward, scholarship, trophy, (v) accord, grant, bestow, confer, honor, present, assign, give, allow, allot, offer, 2. reward; synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, payment, wage, bribe, fee, premium, award, bonus, payoff, price, punishment, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, repay, requite, compensate, remunerate; antonym (v) punish. apbruņot arm; synonyms (n) branch, wing, bay, department, division, limb, might, offshoot, power, section, sleeve, weapon, endow, member, (v) equip, furnish, outfit, provide; antonym (v) disarm. apciemot visit; synonyms (n) chat, sojourn, trip, (v) see, frequent, attend, call, tour, view, gossip, haunt, inspect, jaw, impose, inflict, talk, understand, meet, travel, address. apcietināšana commitment; synonyms (n) dedication, charge, allegiance, appointment, committal, devotion, loyalty, promise, tie, commission, confinement, consignment, contract, debt, duty, engagement, faithfulness, obligation, interest. apcietināt arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt, apprehension, custody, hold, detention, standstill, (v) capture, catch, apprehend, collar, delay, detain, get, hinder, inhibit, nail, obstruct, retard; antonyms (v) release, discharge. apcirknis bin; synonyms (n) bunker, binful, box, case, container, silo, closet, locker, basket, casket, trashcan, carton, cellaret, commode, cupboard, (v) store, discard, fling, harvest, hurl. apdare finish; synonyms (v) end, complete, achieve, execute, accomplish, cease, determine, discontinue, consume, do, stop, (n) close, consummate, conclusion, death, conclude, ending, finale, glaze, accomplishment; antonyms (v) start, begin, continue, (n) beginning;
izdevuma apdare design. apdāvināt gift; synonyms (n) donation, faculty, award, flair, capacity, dower, charity, aptitude, bent, contribution, dowry, (v) present, boon, bestow, donate, endow, (adj) endowment, ability, talent, bounty; antonym (n) inability. apdomāšana consideration; synonyms (n) concern, respect, attention, care, reflection, thought, account, cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, thoughtfulness, advisement, consequence, caution, compassion, compensation, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration. apdomāt think; synonyms (v) consider, believe, reckon, estimate, guess, hold, imagine, muse, ponder, reflect, regard, suppose, cogitate, conjecture, contemplate, deliberate, expect, meditate, reason, study; antonym (v) forget. apdraudēt endanger; synonyms (v) imperil, hazard, menace, venture, chance, expose, jeopard, jeopardise,
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Latvian - English jeopardize, peril, queer, scupper, threaten, dare, gamble, (n) compromise, risk, danger; antonyms (v) defend, protect. apdrošināšana insurance; synonyms (n) assurance, guarantee, indemnity, coverage, policy, security, warranty; apdrošināšana ugunsnelaimes
gadījumiem fire insurance; apdrošināšana ugunsgrēka gadījumiem fire insurance; apdrošināšana nelaimes gadījumiem accident insurance; apdrošināšana nāves gadījumam death insurance; apdrošināšana darbnespējas gadījumiem disability insurance; veselības apdrošināšana health insurance; tiešā apdrošināšana direct insurance; sociālā apdrošināšana social insurance; sauszemes transporta apdrošināšana motor insurance; privātā apdrošināšana private insurance. apdrošinātājs insurer; synonyms (n) underwriter, ensurer, insurancer. apdzīvojams habitable; synonyms (adj) inhabitable, livable; antonym (adj) uninhabitable. apelācija appeal; synonyms (n) plea, address, application, attraction, demand, entreaty, lure, magnetism, prayer, recourse, temptation, (v) charm, request, sue, ask, attract, beseech, implore, interest, plead; antonyms (n) unpleasantness, (v) repel. apelēt appeal; synonyms (n) plea, address, application, attraction, demand, entreaty, lure, magnetism, prayer, recourse, temptation, (v) charm, request, sue, ask, attract, beseech, implore, interest, plead; antonyms (n) unpleasantness, (v) repel. apetīte appetite; synonyms (n) desire, appetence, appetency, relish, craving, gusto, inclination, liking, passion, stomach, taste, thirst, want, appetition, fondness, hunger, longing, lust, penchant, (v) demand; antonym (n) dislike. apgabals 1. area; synonyms (n) place, region, size, width, expanse, field, neighborhood, section, sphere, breadth, compass, district, domain, extent, land, range, room, scope, space, zone, 2. region; synonyms (n) country, area, part, realm, circuit, division, locality, province, quarter, territory, belt, department, ground, dominion, demesne, direction, position, kingdom, portion, soil, 3. province; synonyms (n) county, colony, duty, function, line, commonwealth, jurisdiction, office, responsibility, state, terrain, arena, possession; zvejas apgabals
fishing area; kara apgabals command; ievades apgabals input area; ģeogrāfisks apgabals geographical area; augšējās atmiņas apgabals high memory area; atmiņas apgabals HMA high memory area; atmiņas apgabals storage area; aizsargajams apgabals protected area. apgādājamais 1. dependant; synonyms (adj) dependent, aquiline, certified, hooked, qualified, moderated, restricted, (n) subject, subordinate, hanger-on, ward, dependancy, 2. dependent; synonyms (adj) contingent, addicted, tributary, relative, secondary, helpless, powerless, (n) dependant, charge, adjective, attendant, follower, servant, slave, vassal, client; antonyms (adj) independent, self-governing, self-sufficient.
apgādāšana equipment; synonyms (n) material, apparatus, facility, gear, outfit, furnishings, apparel, accoutrements, baggage, goods, belongings, device, kit, stuff, system, things, (v) furniture. apgādāt 1. supply; synonyms (n) provision, hoard, issue, (v) furnish, stock, afford, fill, store, feed, offer, provide, cater, contribute, deliver, equip, give, outfit, produce, nourish, supplement, 2. furnish; synonyms (v) accommodate, render, supply, yield, appoint, administer, assign, dispense, endow, present, extend, vest, fit, arm, establish, set, bestow, (n) dress, charge, allow, 3. provide; synonyms (v) nurture, donate, ensure, ply, prepare, purvey, serve, pander, lend, maintain, bear, bless, carry, satisfy, award, bring, confer, foresee, impart, make, 4. accommodate; synonyms (v) adapt, adjust, oblige, contain, fashion, hold, lodge, quarter, reconcile, harmonise, admit, conciliate, conform, gratify, help, loan, minister, please, receive, (adj) suit; antonym (v) evict; apgādāt ar zirgiem horse; apgādāt ar
rīkiem implement; apgādāt ar pārtiku provision; apgādāt ar kurināmo fuel; apgādāt ar dzīvokli house; apgādāt ar dzinējspēku power; apgādāt ar biļetēm ticket. apgāde 1. equipment; synonyms (n) material, apparatus, facility, gear, outfit, furnishings, apparel, accoutrements, baggage, goods, belongings, device, kit, stuff, system, things, (v) furniture, 2. supply; synonyms (n) provision, hoard, issue, (v) furnish, stock, afford, fill, store, feed, offer, provide, cater, contribute, deliver, equip, give, produce, nourish, supplement, accommodate; dzīvokļu
apgāde housing. apgaismojums 1. light (gaisma); synonyms (adj) fair, clear, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, airy, (n) flame, brightness, daylight, illumination, dawn, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite, dismount, illuminate, enkindle; antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy, 2. lighting; synonyms (n) light, firing, ignition, kindling, inflammation, discharge, dismissal, dismission, igniter, ignitor, installation, liberation, lighter, lightness, luminosity, luminousness, punk, release, sack, sacking;
tiešais apgaismojums direct lighting; samazināts apgaismojums reduced lighting; netiešais apgaismojums indirect lighting; mākslīgais apgaismojums artificial lighting; related translations gaisma fire (aizdedzināt). apgaita round; synonyms (adv) about, around, (adj) circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, fat, rotund, (n) circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, cycle, orbit, patrol, (v) compass, turn, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp. apgalvojums 1. affirmation; synonyms (n) assertion, statement, affirmance, admission, allegation, avowal, certificate, claim, declaration, evidence, profession, testimony, contention, acknowledgment, confirmation, deposition, endorsement, promise, pronouncement, (v) averment; antonym (n) denial, 2. assertion; synonyms (n) affirmation, argument, charge, accusation, position, announcement, asseveration, expression, predication, proclamation, speech, word. apgalvot 1. affirm; synonyms (v) confirm, assert, declare, prove, approve, avow, maintain, protest, accept, allege,
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Latvian - English
assure, aver, claim, profess, promise, say, state, substantiate, swear, verify; antonyms (v) deny, negate, 2. maintain; synonyms (v) continue, justify, affirm, conserve, defend, guard, hold, keep, preserve, bear, insist, support, sustain, uphold, endure, carry, argue, asseverate, contend, have; antonym (v) change, 3. allege; synonyms (v) plead, pretend, accuse, lay, adduce, charge, cite, offer, present, (n) advance. apģērbs 1. clothes; synonyms (n) apparel, attire, clothing, dress, garb, garment, wardrobe, thing, gown, toggery, vesture, wear, 2. apparel; synonyms (n) array, clothes, costume, finery, habit, garments, outfit, regalia, (v) adorn, clothe, raiment, robe, vest, dight, drape, embellish, enrobe, tog, 3. clothing; synonyms (n) gear, threads. apgrozība circulation; synonyms (n) dissemination, diffusion, distribution, currency, delivery, dispersal, dispersion, gyration, revolution, rotation, round, spread, spreading, turn, airing; pasažieru apgrozība
passenger traffic; papīrnaudas apgrozība paper currency; naudas apgrozība currency; darbaspēka apgrozība labour turnover; brīva apgrozība free circulation. apgrūtināt 1. encumber; synonyms (v) burden, saddle, clog, hamper, charge, lumber, tax, bound, constrain, cumber, embarrass, hinder, load, fetter, limit, restrict, throttle, delay, handicap, impede; antonym (v) free, 2. inconvenience; synonyms (n) bother, disadvantage, difficulty, nuisance, awkwardness, unsuitableness, encumbrance, ineptness, unwieldiness, annoyance, disturbance, drawback, hassle, (v) trouble, discommode, incommode, disoblige, annoy, disquiet, disturb; antonym (n) convenience. apgrūtinošs cumbersome; synonyms (adj) awkward, bulky, cumbrous, unwieldy, burdensome, clumsy, heavy, hefty, weighty, inconvenient, inept, massive, onerous, (v) lumpish, lumpy; antonyms (adj) compact, manageable. apiešanās treatment; synonyms (n) cure, conduct, handling, management, manipulation, therapy, medication, remedy, reception, attention, medicine, method, usage, use, discourse, discussion, execution, reading, (v) behavior, treat. apiet round; synonyms (adv) about, around, (adj) circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, fat, rotund, (n) circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, cycle, orbit, patrol, (v) compass, turn, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp. apieties 1. use; synonyms (n) custom, practice, benefit, habit, application, function, (v) exercise, employ, employment, expend, profit, advantage, exploit, occupy, operate, spend, exert, need, (adj) usage, service; antonym (v) conserve, 2. treat; synonyms (v) handle, deal, manage, process, heal, nurse, regale, doctor, conduct, dress, entertain, address, discourse, (n) feast, administer, delicacy, luxury, tidbit, banquet, entertainment; rupji apieties abuse. apjautāšanās inquiry; synonyms (n) examination, enquiry, investigation, exploration, hearing, inquest, query, question, research, trial, demand, analysis, inspection, probe, study, survey, review, inquisition, interrogation, (v) search.
apjautāties inquire; synonyms (v) ask, demand, examine, explore, enquire, inspect, question, research, investigate, pry, request, search, wonder, test, challenge, interrogate, probe, query, quiz, seek. apjēgt realize; synonyms (v) fulfill, achieve, perform, discover, attain, accomplish, appreciate, complete, execute, know, make, recognize, sense, obtain, effect, discharge, learn, apprehend, clear, comprehend. apjoms 1. bulk; synonyms (n) mass, size, amount, majority, volume, capacity, body, dimension, extent, magnitude, quantity, thickness, scale, aggregate, immensity, bigness, (v) bulge, pouch, protrude, (adj) lump; antonym (n) minority, 2. capacity; synonyms (n) capability, aptitude, capacitance, function, intelligence, talent, might, content, endowment, faculty, gift, measure, position, potential, power, reach, capableness, job, (adj) ability, forte; antonyms (n) inability, incapability, 3. measure; synonyms (n) criterion, beat, benchmark, degree, estimate, measurement, meter, act, allotment, action, bill, dose, pace, (v) grade, appraise, assess, evaluate, fathom, gauge, (adj) mete, 4. volume; synonyms (n) bulk, book, intensity, loudness, tome, journal, heap, strength, contents, plenty, dimensions, space, work, writing, batch, (adj) deal, pot, sight; antonym (n) quietness; ražošanas apjoms rate of
production; pilnvaru apjoms competence; nodokļa apjoms taxation; maksimāls apjoms cap; maksimālais apjoms ceiling. apkaime neighbourhood; synonyms (n) locality, neighborhood, vicinity. apkalpe 1. maintenance; synonyms (n) livelihood, alimony, care, keep, living, sustenance, charge, conservation, continuation, custody, preservation, service, support, sustainment, sustentation, upkeep, help, assertion, continuance, aid; antonym (n) end, 2. service; synonyms (n) assistance, avail, employment, ministration, ceremony, business, occupation, office, utility, agency, ministry, homage, rite, favor, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance, repair;
lielgabala apkalpe crew. apkalpošana 1. attendance; synonyms (n) presence, attending, audience, turnout, hearing, tendance, attendancy, bodyguard, crowd, gallery, tendment, assemblage, assembly, congregation, draw, gate, gathering, house, lifeguard, (v) expectation; antonyms (n) absence, nonattendance, 2. service; synonyms (n) help, aid, assistance, avail, employment, ministration, ceremony, business, occupation, office, utility, agency, ministry, homage, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance, repair. apkalpot 1. attend; synonyms (v) accompany, assist, escort, serve, advert, aid, conduct, follow, hear, help, listen, look, minister, see, keep, remain, view, (n) tend, doctor, nurse, 2. serve; synonyms (v) act, attend, benefit, do, function, operate, answer, facilitate, go, provide, accommodate, profit, make, perform, cover, dish, process, (n) avail, officiate, service, 3. service; synonyms (n) assistance, employment, ministration, ceremony, business, occupation, office, utility, agency, ministry, homage, rite, favor, devotion, ritual, duty, (v) overhaul, refit, attendance, repair.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English apkalums binding; synonyms (adj) necessary, obligatory, valid, mandatory, compulsory, effectual, requisite, (n) cover, band, dressing, bond, covering, wrapping, back, bandaging, hooping. apkārtceļš detour; synonyms (n) digression, deviation, circuit, diversion, arcuation, (v) turn, bypass, circumvent. apkārtne 1. environment; synonyms (n) circumstance, background, habitat, atmosphere, context, setting, surroundings, vicinity, ecology, element, circumstances, environs, medium, scene, home, nature, position, air, ambiance, milieu, 2. locality; synonyms (n) area, district, neighborhood, place, quarter, spot, point, region, section, territory, location, neighbourhood, site, situation, zone; operacionālā apkārtne operational
environment. apkārtraksts circular; synonyms (adj) round, annular, circinate, globular, orbicular, rotund, rounded, spherical, (n) advertisement, bill, handbill, brochure, publication, bulletin, flier, flyer, leaflet, newsletter, note, notice; antonym (adj) square. apklāt cover; synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, cloak, veil, wrap, comprise, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield, spread, coating; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover. apkope maintenance; synonyms (n) livelihood, alimony, care, keep, living, sustenance, charge, conservation, continuation, custody, preservation, service, support, sustainment, sustentation, upkeep, help, assertion, continuance, aid; antonym (n) end. apkure heating; synonyms (n) heat, warming, warm, thawing, burning, enchafing, estrus, fusion, hotness, oestrus, passion, rut, warmth, (adj) calefactive, calefactory, calorific, calefacient, stimulating. aplaušana make-up; synonyms (n) grain, composition, disposition, temperament, fabric, architecture, habit, nature, complexion, mettle, organization, paint, personality, body, examination, mentality. aplausi applause; synonyms (n) acclaim, acclamation, admiration, approval, eulogy, approbation, clap, clapping, commendation, compliment, kudos, ovation, plaudit, tribute, (v) praise; antonym (n) mocking. aplauzums make-up; synonyms (n) grain, composition, disposition, temperament, fabric, architecture, habit, nature, complexion, mettle, organization, paint, personality, body, examination, mentality. apliecība certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma, certification, credential, credentials, document, license, testimonial, warrant, authentication, deed, docket, bill, award, coupon, guarantee, paper, (v) certify, sanction, authorize; identifikācijas apliecība certificate of
identification; apdrošināšanas apliecība insurance certificate; autovadītāja apliecība driving licence; analīzes apliecība certificate of analysis; gatavības apliecība certificate; veselības apliecība health certificate; kvalitātes apliecība certificate of quality; laulības apliecība marriage certificate; medicīniskā apliecība medical certificate; miršanas apliecība death certificate. apliecinājums acknowledgement; synonyms (n) acceptance, acknowledgment, recognition, acclaim,
preferment, realisation, realization; rakstisks
apliecinājums note. apliecināšana 1. certification; synonyms (n) authentication, certificate, verification, accreditation, corroboration, proof, affirmation, authorization, confirmation, credential, credentials, endorsement, validation, 2. confirmation; synonyms (n) approval, ratification, sanction, testimony, demonstration, agreement, check, evidence, substantiation, averment, justification, visa, acknowledgment, admission, attestation, statement, support, settlement; antonym (n) contradiction. apliecināt 1. certify; synonyms (v) authenticate, attest, accredit, affirm, assure, endorse, warrant, ensure, confirm, corroborate, declare, guarantee, license, vouch, sanction, ratify, validate, recognize, acknowledge, allow, 2. certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma, certification, credential, credentials, document, testimonial, authentication, deed, docket, bill, award, coupon, paper, receipt, record, security, ticket, (v) certify, authorize, 3. confirm; synonyms (v) approve, establish, prove, verify, clinch, assert, demonstrate, justify, testify, uphold, seal, ascertain, aver, evidence, fortify, strengthen, substantiate, sustain, back, (adj) firm; antonyms (v) disprove, contradict, 4. verify; synonyms (v) check, support, control, test, audit, insure, collate, see, show, maintain, avow, determine, evince, settle. aploksne 1. cover; synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, cloak, veil, wrap, comprise, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield, spread, coating; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover, 2. envelope; synonyms (n) container, pack, case, jacket, vesicle, package, box, packet, wrapper, sachet, (v) cover. apmainīt change; synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation, move, adjustment, alternation, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, alternate, cash, convert, switch, transpose, turn, twist, affect, adjust; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain. apmale border; synonyms (n) margin, brink, extremity, fringe, bed, boundary, brim, limit, skirt, limits, barrier, rand, (v) edge, verge, abut, adjoin, hem, surround, approach, bound; antonyms (n) middle, (v) center;
priekšējā apmale front edge; loksnes apmale sheet edge. apmeklējums visit; synonyms (n) chat, sojourn, trip, (v) see, frequent, attend, call, tour, view, gossip, haunt, inspect, jaw, impose, inflict, talk, understand, meet, travel, address. apmeklēt 1. visit; synonyms (n) chat, sojourn, trip, (v) see, frequent, attend, call, tour, view, gossip, haunt, inspect, jaw, impose, inflict, talk, understand, meet, travel, address, 2. attend; synonyms (v) accompany, assist, escort, serve, advert, aid, conduct, follow, hear, help, listen, look, minister, keep, remain, appear, consort, (n) tend, doctor, nurse. apmeklētājs visitor; synonyms (n) guest, company, tourist, visitant, traveler, inspector, stranger, foreigner, alien, sightseer, arrival, husband, supercargo. apmērs bulk; synonyms (n) mass, size, amount, majority, volume, capacity, body, dimension, extent, magnitude,
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Latvian - English
quantity, thickness, scale, aggregate, immensity, bigness, (v) bulge, pouch, protrude, (adj) lump; antonym (n) minority. apmetne settlement; synonyms (n) decision, accommodation, colony, hamlet, payment, arrangement, conclusion, resolution, determination, contract, adjustment, agreement, colonization, establishment, liquidation, village, reconciliation, regulation, accord, colonisation. apmetnis 1. cape; synonyms (n) cloak, headland, ness, shawl, coat, mantle, point, promontory, 2. cloak; synonyms (n) mask, veil, camouflage, cape, masquerade, pall, screen, blind, blanket, curtain, guise, (v) cover, wrap, conceal, dissemble, hide, disguise, drape, envelop, shroud; antonyms (v) disclose, reveal, uncover. apmetums plaster; synonyms (n) mortar, cement, paste, gum, glue, bandage, cataplasm, attend, birdlime, doctor, (v) coat, daub, stucco, paint, affix, poultice, face, smear, whitewash, dab. apmierināšana satisfaction; synonyms (n) pleasure, amends, complacency, content, enjoyment, joy, reparation, atonement, compensation, delight, discharge, ease, expiation, fulfillment, happiness, recompense, redress, comfort, (v) contentment, gratification; antonyms (n) dissatisfaction, displeasure, aggravation, discontent. apmierināt satisfy; synonyms (v) please, content, fill, indulge, meet, persuade, sate, satiate, appease, answer, assuage, convince, delight, execute, fulfill, gratify, serve, perform, (adj) suffice, do; antonyms (v) dissatisfy, disappoint, displease, intensify. apmierinošs satisfactory; synonyms (adj) enough, adequate, competent, sufficient, acceptable, good, ample, decent, fair, tolerable, presentable, pleasing, plenty, respectable, commensurate, full, agreeable, passable, pleasant, reasonable; antonyms (adj) unsatisfactory, inadequate, unacceptable. apņemšanās determination; synonyms (n) decision, conclusion, definition, resolution, decisiveness, resolve, tenacity, will, appointment, assessment, constancy, courage, firmness, fortitude, grit, judgment, perseverance, purpose, sentence, (v) award; antonyms (n) indecision, weakness, compliance, indecisiveness. apņemties determine; synonyms (v) ascertain, decide, define, resolve, appoint, adjudicate, conclude, measure, set, specify, designate, assign, decree, arrange, assess, choose, detect, estimate, fix, judge. apogejs apogee; synonyms (n) apex, acme, culmination, pinnacle, summit, climax, height, peak, top, zenith. apoplektisks apoplectic; synonym (adj) motionless. apostrofs apostrophe; synonyms (n) address, interpellation, invocation, salutation, appeal, application, canvass, digression, monologue, motion, overture, soliloquy. apoteoze apotheosis; synonyms (n) deification, exaltation, ideal, paragon, canonization, angel, elevation, embodiment, epitome, honor, model, nonesuch, nonpareil, nonsuch, quintessence, reverence, saint, ecstasy, idol, perfection. aprakstīt describe; synonyms (v) define, delineate, depict, outline, report, represent, state, draw, relate, qualify, characterize, designate, explain, name, narrate,
recite, recount, sketch, adumbrate, demonstrate; aprakstīt loku describe. apraksts description; synonyms (n) account, type, brand, delineation, depiction, explanation, kind, picture, definition, narration, portrayal, recital, report, representation, sort, statement, story, portrait, (adj) class, character; nosaukuma apraksts title entry; datnes
apraksts file description; mērķa apraksts description of target; preču apraksts description of goods; saglabātības apraksts condition report; sīks apraksts specification; kolektīvā autora apraksts corporate entry. aprēķināšana calculation; synonyms (n) reckoning, account, analysis, arithmetic, computation, deliberation, discretion, estimate, forecast, anticipation, projection, count, expectation, figuring, guess, (v) estimation, (adj) circumspection, prudence; peļņas aprēķināšana
calculation of profits; cenu aprēķināšana calculation of prices. aprēķināt calculate; synonyms (v) count, estimate, account, add, appraise, cipher, compute, deem, enumerate, forecast, gauge, guess, make, reckon, consider, expect, figure, measure, number, budget;
precīzi aprēķināt laiku minute. aprēķins 1. estimation; synonyms (n) estimate, deference, assessment, appraisal, approximation, calculation, consideration, regard, credit, attention, admiration, appreciation, computation, evaluation, opinion, price, reckoning, respect, (v) esteem, reputation, 2. calculation; synonyms (n) account, analysis, arithmetic, deliberation, discretion, forecast, anticipation, projection, count, expectation, figuring, guess, (v) estimation, (adj) circumspection, prudence, 3. account; synonyms (n) bill, narrative, score, tale, description, explanation, history, narration, reason, recital, story, tab, tally, bulletin, check, chronicle, justification, (v) report, calculate, deem, 4. accounting; synonyms (adj) clerical, office, secretarial, (n) bookkeeping, accountancy, grounds;
robežšķērsošanas nodokļa aprēķins border tax adjustment. apretūra dressing; synonyms (n) bandage, bandaging, binding, fertilization, stuffing, scolding, castigation, coating, surfacing. aprikoze apricot; synonyms (n) peach, abricock, orange, beauty, dish, knockout, looker, lulu, mantrap, ravisher, smasher, stunner, sweetheart. aproce bracelet; synonyms (n) bangle, annulus, circlet, hoop, necklace, ring, wristband, annulet, areola, circle. apsardze 1. guard; synonyms (n) defend, defense, bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection, watchman, custody, convoy, defence, fender, guardsman, safeguard, vigilance, watch, fence, (v) shield, keep, ward, 2. watch; synonyms (v) observe, clock, look, see, regard, wake, protect, check, follow, mind, gaze, (n) guard, view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance, lookout, patrol, timepiece, vigil; ugunsdrošības apsardze fire
prevention. apšaubāms questionable; synonyms (adj) dubious, arguable, debatable, doubtful, equivocal, fishy, suspicious, uncertain, moot, controversial, disputable,
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Latvian - English problematic, queer, shaky, suspect, unlikely, unreliable, improbable, ambiguous, (v) fallible; antonym (adj) unquestionable. apšaubīt 1. query; synonyms (n) question, doubt, inquiry, interrogative, quiz, enquiry, interrogation, problem, dispute, uncertainty, (v) inquire, interrogate, ask, examine, challenge, wonder, impeach, suspect; antonym (v) answer, 2. question; synonyms (n) demand, matter, issue, doubtfulness, head, interrogatory, (v) query, distrust, investigate, contest, enquire, mistrust, argue, scruple, discredit, controvert, debate, disbelieve, impugn, interview; antonym (n) certainty. apse 1. asp; synonyms (n) aspick, rattlesnake, aspen, cobra, serpent, 2. aspen. apsegs cover; synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, cloak, veil, wrap, comprise, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield, spread, coating; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover. apskate 1. survey; synonyms (n) poll, review, measurement, inspection, digest, examination, inquiry, look, observation, (v) study, measure, view, appraise, canvass, prospect, assess, observe, evaluate, examine, inspect; antonym (v) neglect, 2. examination; synonyms (n) audit, check, exam, search, test, consideration, exploration, investigation, survey, testing, contemplation, analysis, appraisal, evaluation, inquest, interview, quiz, scrutiny, trial, (adj) examen, 3. visitation; synonyms (n) tribulation, calamity, annoyance, infliction, irritation, misfortune, (v) visit, 4. inspection; synonyms (n) surveillance, oversight, sight, supervision, watch, inquisition, reconnaissance, research, superintendence, dissection, face, scouting, (v) aspect; apskate uz vietas field survey; ārsta
apskate medical examination; fiziskā apskate physical check; ķermeņa apskate body search; teritorijas apskate site survey; otrreizēja apskate secondary examination; pamatīgāka apskate secondary examination; personiskā apskate body search; rūpīga apskate scrutiny; fiziska personu apskate physical control. apskatīt 1. visit; synonyms (n) chat, sojourn, trip, (v) see, frequent, attend, call, tour, view, gossip, haunt, inspect, jaw, impose, inflict, talk, understand, meet, travel, address, 2. examine; synonyms (v) assay, audit, consider, overhaul, try, check, control, search, survey, ascertain, ask, contemplate, compare, analyze, canvass, essay, investigate, probe, quiz, review, 3. inspect; synonyms (v) examine, overlook, explore, inquire, look, scrutinize, watch, monitor, observe, regulate, study, visit, case, behold, peruse, scan, scrutinise, dissect. apskats review; synonyms (n) examination, critique, inspection, retrospect, commentary, comment, parade, magazine, criticism, investigation, notice, (v) check, survey, criticize, examine, inspect, judge, reexamine, revise, recapitulate; īss apskats notice. apsmidzināt spray; synonyms (n) jet, mist, froth, aerosol, atomizer, foam, branch, spirt, squirt, bouquet, bubble, (v) shower, splash, spout, spurt, dust, gush, scatter, spatter, sprinkle. apspiešana 1. repression; synonyms (n) constraint, restraint, coercion, confinement, check, suppression,
cohibition, despotism, domination; antonyms (n) democracy, expression, 2. suppression; synonyms (n) inhibition, repression, crushing, quelling, stifling, extinction, abolition, subjugation, destruction, curtailment, purge, (v) overthrow, subversion; antonyms (n) freedom, emancipation. apspiest oppress; synonyms (v) persecute, afflict, harass, press, burden, pinch, depress, encumber, crush, repress, load, harry, harrow, distress, control, torture, bully, jam, (adj) aggrieve, wrong. apspriede 1. counsel; synonyms (n) caution, advocate, advisement, admonition, attorney, consultation, counselor, exhortation, guidance, recommendation, forethought, (v) advice, advise, consult, admonish, confer, exhort, urge, warn, direct, 2. council; synonyms (n) assembly, board, congress, convention, convocation, diet, legislature, meeting, cabinet, conclave, 3. conference; synonyms (n) colloquy, council, interview, negotiation, talk, discussion, gathering, session, sitting, audience, association, conversation, deliberation, dialogue, seance, huddle, league; starptautiska apspriede diet. apstādījumi 1. greenery; synonyms (n) verdure, scrub, shrubbery, underbrush, undergrowth, 2. parking. apstādināt stall; synonyms (n) booth, bench, barn, carrel, compartment, delay, stand, cabin, hut, kiosk, stalling, cubicle, chair, shed, cot, counter, (v) procrastinate, wait, hedge, halt. apstaigāt 1. round; synonyms (adv) about, around, (adj) circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, fat, rotund, (n) circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, cycle, orbit, patrol, (v) compass, turn, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp, 2. patrol; synonyms (n) protection, patrolman, scout, sentinel, spy, detachment, force, (v) watch, guard, prowl. apstākļi condition; synonyms (n) circumstance, position, provision, status, standing, attitude, circumstances, clause, predicament, rank, state, term, complaint, affection, ailment, assumption, case, class, (v) aspect, provide; ārējās vides apstākļi environmental
conditions; bāzes apstākļi reference conditions; dabas apstākļi natural conditions; darba apstākļi working conditions; darbības apstākļi operating conditions; dzīves apstākļi living conditions; dzīvokļu sadzīves apstākļi living conditions; normāli darbības apstākļi normal operating conditions; slikti laika apstākļi bad weather; vides apstākļi environmental conditions. apstāklis 1. circumstance; synonyms (n) affair, state, accident, chance, event, incident, matter, occasion, opportunity, adventure, casualty, fact, occurrence, juncture, crisis, phase, condition, context, episode, happening, 2. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, carton, action, cause, chest, crate, file, husk, (adj) patient. apstāšanās 1. stoppage; synonyms (n) hitch, arrest, block, closure, hindrance, interruption, obstruction, check, prevention, pause, breakdown, intermission, restraint, discontinuance, suspension, interference, blockage, halt, impediment, (v) stop, 2. stop; synonyms
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English (v) stand, close, delay, interrupt, obstruct, plug, catch, disrupt, dwell, finish, hinder, impede, intercept, (n) hold, stay, end, bar, cease, curb, (adj) quit; antonyms (v) continue, start, begin, encourage, permit, prolong;
pēkšņa apstāšanās check. apstāties stop; synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay, interrupt, obstruct, plug, catch, disrupt, dwell, finish, (n) halt, hold, stay, check, end, arrest, bar, cease, curb; antonyms (v) continue, start, begin, encourage, permit, prolong. apstiprinājums 1. acknowledgement; synonyms (n) acceptance, acknowledgment, recognition, acclaim, preferment, realisation, realization, 2. affirmation; synonyms (n) assertion, statement, affirmance, admission, allegation, avowal, certificate, claim, declaration, evidence, profession, testimony, contention, confirmation, deposition, endorsement, promise, pronouncement, proof, (v) averment; antonym (n) denial, 3. endorsement; synonyms (n) approbation, corroboration, sanction, approval, authorization, countenance, permission, authority, verification, authentication, authorisation, agreement, backing, certification, consent, guarantee, imprimatur, indorsement, ratification, recommendation, 4. confirmation; synonyms (n) affirmation, demonstration, check, substantiation, justification, visa, attestation, support, validation, settlement; antonym (n) contradiction; faktu apstiprinājums finding. apstiprināšana ratification; synonyms (n) approval, confirmation, endorsement, sanction, affirmation, authorization, seal. apstiprināt 1. certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma, certification, credential, credentials, document, license, testimonial, warrant, authentication, deed, docket, bill, award, coupon, guarantee, paper, (v) certify, sanction, authorize, 2. confirm; synonyms (v) affirm, approve, corroborate, establish, prove, validate, verify, clinch, assert, assure, authenticate, demonstrate, justify, testify, uphold, seal, acknowledge, ascertain, attest, (adj) firm; antonyms (v) disprove, contradict, 3. ratify; synonyms (v) confirm, endorse, pass, adopt, sign, substantiate, sustain, enact, (n) countersign, indorse, support, 4. validate; synonyms (v) ratify, formalize; antonyms (v) invalidate, cancel, nullify, overturn, 5. approve; synonyms (v) accept, allow, admit, agree, let, applaud, acquiesce, okay, approbate, recognize, esteem, assent, commend, concur, consent, countenance, favor, permit, praise, (adj) like; antonyms (v) reject, censure, condemn, disapprove, forbid, veto, 6. certify; synonyms (v) accredit, ensure, declare, vouch, evidence, licence, manifest, witness; dokumentāri apstiprināt
document; apstiprināt ar faktiem justify. apstiprinošs affirmative; synonyms (adj) affirmatory, optimistic, positive, assertive, declaratory, predicatory, (adv) yes; antonym (n) negative.
apstrādāšana treatment; synonyms (n) cure, conduct, handling, management, manipulation, therapy, medication, remedy, reception, attention, medicine, method, usage, use, discourse, discussion, execution, reading, (v) behavior, treat.
apstrādāt 1. treat; synonyms (v) handle, deal, manage, process, heal, nurse, regale, operate, doctor, conduct, dress, entertain, address, (n) feast, administer, delicacy, luxury, tidbit, banquet, entertainment, 2. work; synonyms (n) exercise, business, employment, function, task, action, act, book, composition, occupation, (v) labor, toil, cultivate, exploit, ferment, form, manipulate, operation, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction, 3. process; synonyms (n) proceeding, method, procedure, course, formula, outgrowth, means, mode, practice, writ, order, transaction, case, growth, (v) refine, litigate, treat, work, parade, go; apstrādāt
zemi farm; apstrādāt virsmu surface; apstrādāt mehāniski machine; apstrādāt dārzu garden. apstrīdams disputable; synonyms (adj) debatable, controversial, questionable, arguable, dubious, contentious, moot, controvertible, doubtful, problematic, suspicious, unsettled, (v) precarious, slippery; antonym (adj) indisputable. apstrīdēt challenge; synonyms (n) question, defiance, protest, contest, provocation, (v) defy, dare, brave, dispute, ask, call, charge, contradict, demur, deny, doubt, impeach, impugn, provoke, query; antonym (v) obey. apsudrabot plate; synonyms (n) dish, leaf, home, engraving, disc, armor, base, board, bowl, denture, plaque, plateful, sign, slab, tablet, (v) gild, sheet, cover, coat, veneer. apsūdzēt accuse; synonyms (v) impeach, charge, incriminate, arraign, criminate, defame, denounce, indict, fault, betray, accusation, admonish, censure, condemn, criticize, impute, inculpate, sue, (n) tax;
nepatiesi apsūdzēt frame. apsūdzētais defendant; synonyms (n) accused, litigant, party, plaintiff, prisoner, suspect, defender, perpetrator, (adj) defensive.
apsūdzība 1. accusation; synonyms (n) accusal, blame, charge, complaint, allegation, condemnation, insinuation, accuse, arraignment, censure, crimination, criticism, denunciation, impeachment, reprimand, 2. indictment; synonyms (n) accusation, lawsuit, attack, (v) care. apšuvums lining; synonyms (n) facing, liner, inside, cladding, padding, support, cribbing, doubling, face, flesher, interior, wad, wainscotting. apsveikt greet; synonyms (v) accost, address, acknowledge, cry, hail, salute, welcome, bid, meet, weep, approach, recognize, (n) receive. apsvēršana consideration; synonyms (n) concern, respect, attention, care, reflection, thought, account, cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, thoughtfulness, advisement, consequence, caution, compassion, compensation, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration. apsvērums consideration; synonyms (n) concern, respect, attention, care, reflection, thought, account, cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, thoughtfulness, advisement, consequence, caution, compassion, compensation, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration.
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Latvian - English aptieka pharmacy; synonyms (n) drugstore, pharmaceutics, dispensatory, medicine, fermacy. apturēšana arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt, apprehension, custody, hold, detention, standstill, (v) capture, catch, apprehend, collar, delay, detain, get, hinder, inhibit, nail, obstruct, retard; antonyms (v) release, discharge. apturēt arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt, apprehension, custody, hold, detention, standstill, (v) capture, catch, apprehend, collar, delay, detain, get, hinder, inhibit, nail, obstruct, retard; antonyms (v) release, discharge. aptuveni approximately; synonyms (adv) about, almost, around, roughly, some, just, generally, nearly, relatively; antonyms (adv) exactly, precisely. aptuvens 1. approximate; synonyms (adj) approximative, near, rough, general, inexact, (v) approach, approaching, estimate, judge, place, reckon; antonyms (v) exact, precise, 2. rough; synonyms (adj) coarse, hard, harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, hoarse, jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, indelicate, rocky, uneven, impolite, robust, (n) boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth, polished, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated, even, glossy, pleasant. aptverams realizable; synonyms (adj) achievable, doable, possible, attainable, feasible, accomplishable, marketable, available, liquid, obtainable, reachable, realistic. aptverošs comprehensive; synonyms (adj) capacious, broad, extensive, inclusive, complete, detailed, exhaustive, full, large, overall, sweeping, thorough, total, universal, wide, widespread, voluminous, ample, global, grand; antonyms (adj) narrow, partial, noncomprehensive, restricted. aptvert 1. incorporate; synonyms (v) comprise, contain, encompass, combine, embody, include, join, link, affiliate, consolidate, embrace, hold, integrate, involve, mix, unite, cover, add, amalgamate, (adj) corporate; antonym (v) exclude, 2. cover; synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, cloak, veil, wrap, bind, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield, spread, coating; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover, 3. include; synonyms (v) insert, comprehend, implicate, number, admit, enclose, have, incorporate, imply, allow, append, attach, inclose, introduce, surround, take, 4. comprise; synonyms (v) compose, constitute, carry, form, make, bear, consist, represent, be, 5. realize; synonyms (v) fulfill, achieve, perform, discover, attain, accomplish, appreciate, complete, execute, know, recognize, sense, obtain, effect, discharge, learn, apprehend, clear, do, earn. apūdeņošana irrigation; synonyms (v) affusion, humectation, immersion, infiltration, spargefaction. apvainojums 1. insult; synonyms (n) dishonor, abuse, affront, contumely, disgrace, indignity, outrage, contempt, wound, derision, harm, injury, (v) flout, taunt, cut, mock, offend, slight, insolence, damage; antonyms (v) compliment, praise, 2. offence; synonyms (n) guilt, infraction, infringement, misdemeanor, misdemeanour, offense, assault, offensive, umbrage, violation, discourtesy.
apvalks 1. encasement; synonym (n) incasement, 2. casing; synonyms (n) case, shell, box, jacket, skin, boxing, holder, coating, cover, covering, envelope, film, frame, housing, hull, top, 3. cover; synonyms (v) coat, conceal, bury, cloak, veil, wrap, comprise, bind, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, lid, mask, shield, spread, canopy, concealment; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover. apvedceļš bypass; synonyms (n) detour, diversion, shunt, (v) avoid, circumvent, evade, jump, skip, skirt. apveids configuration; synonyms (n) form, arrangement, conformation, shape, organization, outline, composition, constellation, contour, design, fashion, figure, formation, structure, class. apvidus 1. locality; synonyms (n) area, district, neighborhood, place, position, quarter, spot, vicinity, point, region, section, scene, environs, habitat, territory, location, neighbourhood, site, situation, zone, 2. region; synonyms (n) land, country, field, domain, part, realm, circuit, division, locality, province, belt, range, department, expanse, ground, dominion, demesne, direction, extent, kingdom; sārnīgs apvidus source
area; purvains apvidus fell; lauku apvidus rural area; apvidus aizsardzības organizēšana organization of the ground. apvienība 1. union; synonyms (n) coalition, connection, junction, association, combination, league, merger, alliance, coalescence, confederacy, coupling, fusion, marriage, matrimony, unification, conjunction, joint, bond, amalgamation, brotherhood; antonyms (n) separation, divergence, 2. association; synonyms (n) affiliation, assembly, affinity, company, fellowship, link, partnership, society, syndicate, congress, meeting, band, club, communication, conference, contact, gang, group, implication, (v) assemblage; tirdznieciska apvienība
company; slepena apvienība secret society; profesionālā apvienība professional association; aroda apvienība trade association. apvienošanās incorporation; synonyms (n) annexation, inclusion, union, amalgamation, consolidation, embodiment, merger, absorption, affiliation, integration, mixture, synthesis, unification. apvienot 1. unite; synonyms (v) combine, associate, blend, coalesce, connect, join, link, meet, amalgamate, attach, fuse, merge, tie, unify, converge, couple, agree, conjoin, league, mix; antonyms (v) separate, divide, 2. unify; synonyms (v) integrate, consolidate, unite, wed, marry, unitize, commix, mingle. apvienoties 1. unite; synonyms (v) combine, associate, blend, coalesce, connect, join, link, meet, amalgamate, attach, fuse, merge, tie, unify, converge, couple, agree, conjoin, league, mix; antonyms (v) separate, divide, 2. associate; synonyms (v) affiliate, company, relate, consort, unite, accompany, (n) ally, assistant, companion, fellow, partner, accomplice, adjunct, acquaintance, colleague, friend, mate, member, accessory, buddy; antonyms (v) avoid, dissociate, distance, (adj) chief, (n) stranger; tiesības apvienoties right of association. apvienots associate; synonyms (v) affiliate, connect, company, link, relate, consort, join, unite, (n) ally, assistant, companion, fellow, partner, accomplice,
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Latvian - English
adjunct, acquaintance, colleague, friend, mate, member; antonyms (v) avoid, dissociate, distance, (adj) chief, (n) stranger. apzeltīts gilded; synonyms (adj) aureate, gilt, rich, gold, golden, deluxe, advantageous, aurated, brassy, cheap, deaurate, epicurean, favorable, favored, flamboyant, flash, flashy, florid, fortunate, garish. apzīmējums 1. designation; synonyms (n) appointment, denomination, appellation, assignment, name, title, cognomen, description, appellative, identification, nomination, classification, denotation, designate, epithet, label, naming, 2. denomination; synonyms (n) class, communion, designation, sect, belief, church, faction, faith, manner, religion; pieņemtais apzīmējums
conventional sign; identificēšanas apzīmējums identification sign. apzīmēt mark; synonyms (n) brand, evidence, score, character, heed, impression, imprint, sign, feature, badge, check, emblem, indication, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish, grade, label, differentiate, (adj) notice. apzīmogot 1. seal; synonyms (n) mark, stamp, cachet, hallmark, imprint, impression, signet, print, brand, (v) plug, bar, close, shut, stop, clinch, lock, cement, fasten, settle, (adj) conclude; antonyms (v) open, unseal, 2. stamp; synonyms (n) seal, emblem, die, earmark, form, mold, mould, pestle, postage, (v) cast, impress, trample, punch, characterize, shape, note, emboss, mint, stomp, stump. apzināti knowingly; synonyms (adv) deliberately, wittingly, consciously, designedly, intentionally, purposely, (adj) advisedly; antonyms (adv) accidentally, innocently. ar with; synonyms (prep) by, for, alongside, among, plus, (adv) on, beside, (adj) including, (n) withe; aplikt ar
nodokli assess; aplikšana ar nodokli assessment; braukt ar laivu boat; braukt ar vilcienu rail; durt ar nazi knife; durt ar adatu needle; griezties ar aicinājumu appeal; draudēt ar vardarbību assault; iespert ar zābaku boot; eksperiments ar dzīvniekiem animal experiment. arājs ploughman; synonyms (n) plowman, plower, countryman. arbitrāža 1. arbitrage, 2. arbitration; synonyms (n) arbitrament, mediation, decision, intervention, judgment, arbitrement. arbitrs arbiter; synonyms (n) arbitrator, judge, mediator, referee, expert, adjudicator, umpire, authority, critic. arestēt 1. apprehend; synonyms (v) appreciate, arrest, comprehend, catch, conceive, fathom, grasp, realize, understand, follow, sense, anticipate, capture, detain, dig, fear, nail, seize, believe, recognize; antonym (v) release, 2. arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt, apprehension, custody, hold, detention, standstill, stay, stoppage, glom, (v) apprehend, collar, delay, get, hinder, inhibit, obstruct, retard, hook; antonym (v) discharge. arests 1. apprehension; synonyms (n) alarm, comprehension, dread, arrest, capture, foreboding, misgiving, trepidation, understanding, appreciation, anticipation, agitation, conception, concern, detention,
dismay, fear, (adj) anxiety, care, (v) doubt; antonyms (n) reassurance, release, confidence, calmness, 2. arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt, apprehension, custody, hold, standstill, stay, stoppage, (v) catch, apprehend, collar, delay, detain, get, hinder, inhibit, nail, obstruct, retard; antonym (v) discharge, 3. custody; synonyms (n) charge, confinement, captivity, security, protection, conservation, control, imprisonment, incarceration, keeping, maintenance, preservation, trust, ward, clasp, clutches, custodianship, (v) keep, (adj) tutelage; antonym (n) freedom. arguments argument; synonyms (n) controversy, debate, matter, proof, reason, hassle, altercation, arguing, brawl, clash, contention, difference, disagreement, discussion, fight, justification, quarrel, reasoning, subject, text; antonyms (n) agreement, harmony. arhaisks archaic; synonyms (adj) antique, antiquated, ancient, antediluvian, old, old-fashioned, primitive, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, quaint, bygone, passé, extinct, dated, medieval, prehistoric; antonym (adj) modern. arheoloģija archaeology; synonyms (n) archeology, palaetiology, paleology. arheoloģisks archaeological; synonyms (adj) archaeologic, archeologic, archeological. arheologs archaeologist; synonyms (n) archeologist, archaeologian, classicist, excavator, paleologist, paleontologist, prehistorian, scientist. arhitektonisks architectonic; synonym (adj) tectonic. arhitektūra architecture; synonyms (n) building, frame, constitution, construction, framework, structure, formation, composition, edification, design, carcass, shape, engineering, planning, style, workmanship, (v) organism; datora arhitektūra computer
architecture; arhitektūra EISA extended industry standard architecture; arhitektūra ISA industry standard architecture; arhitektūra SAA systems application architecture; arhitektūra SNA systems network architecture; atvērto sistēmu arhitektūra open systems architecture; tīkla arhitektūra network architecture; sistēmas arhitektūra architecture; sistēmu lietojumu arhitektūra systems application architecture; slēgtā arhitektūra closed architecture. aristokrātija aristocracy; synonyms (n) gentility, gentry, nobility, aristarchy, elite, society, aristocrats, government, grandeur, magnanimousness, oligarchy, patriciate. arka arch; synonyms (n) arc, acute, bend, curvature, dome, archway, (v) curve, bow, vault, (adj) shrewd, sly, wily, round, crafty, consummate, astute, chief, head, mischievous, pawky; antonym (v) straightness. arkebūza harquebus; synonyms (n) arquebus, hackbut, hagbut, harquebuse. arkls plough; synonyms (v) plow, hoe, delve, dibble, dig, manure. armija army; synonyms (n) legion, troop, host, battery, battalion, brigade, crowd, flock, force, multitude, service, swarm, war, (adj) military, array.
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Latvian - English arods 1. profession; synonyms (n) confession, declaration, employment, occupation, affirmation, calling, career, job, vocation, position, assertion, assurance, avowal, business, craft, testimony, trade, work, avocation, allegation, 2. trade; synonyms (n) deal, barter, commerce, swap, switch, clientele, interchange, profession, custom, dealing, market, (v) change, exchange, merchandise, bargain, sell, swop, traffic, peddle, (adj) commercial; antonyms (n) purchase, (adj) charitable, 3. occupation; synonyms (n) occupancy, place, affair, conquest, function, line, concern, activity, capture, invasion, office, pursuit, action, duty, labor, game, matter, engagement, field, hold; antonym (n) surrender. aromāts 1. perfume; synonyms (n) fragrance, aroma, essence, odor, bouquet, smell, cologne, incense, odour, fragrancy, redolence, (v) scent, embalm, aromatize, smoke, odorize, 2. odour; synonyms (n) flavour, flavor, feel, feeling, look, olfaction, smelling, spirit, tone. arsenāls arsenal; synonyms (n) armory, armoury, store, depository, arms, armaments, artillery, dump, factory, guns, inventory, missiles, plant, stockpile, storeroom, supply, warehouse, weaponry. arsēns arsenic; synonym (n) as. art plough; synonyms (v) plow, hoe, delve, dibble, dig, manure. arvien always; synonyms (adv) forever, continuously, whenever, eternally, ever, unceasingly, consistently, constantly, continually, e'er, everlastingly, evermore, hourly, incessantly, (adj) still, eternal; antonyms (adv) never, erratically; vēl arvien still. asaka fishbone; synonym (n) herringbone. asambleja assembly; synonyms (n) gathering, meeting, collection, congregation, convention, fabrication, multitude, assembling, body, chamber, cluster, company, conclave, concourse, congress, construction, convocation, council, flock, (v) assemblage. asamblēšana assemblage; synonyms (n) assembly, collection, meeting, congregation, crew, multitude, set, confluence, accumulation, aggregation, batch, bunch, cluster, company, concourse, convention, convocation, gang, gathering, group. asara tear; synonyms (n) split, rupture, rent, hole, (v) break, rip, crack, pull, rend, lacerate, race, run, rush, slit, rive, cleave, dash, fly, pluck, shred. asaris perch; synonyms (n) rod, covert, (v) roost, light, abide, lodge, alight, land, rest, settle, sit, squat, stay, inhabit, lie, balance, (adj) dwell, live, nestle, reside. asējums etching; synonyms (n) engraving, print, impression, drawing, silhouette, design, imprint, inscription, mezzotint, photoengraving, picture, reproduction, transferring. asfalts asphalt; synonyms (n) bitumen, asphaltus, road, (v) tar, (adj) tarmac, flags, macadam, macadamised, macadamized, tarmacadam, flagstone. asignējums 1. appropriation; synonyms (n) allotment, adoption, seizure, annexation, embezzlement, assumption, capture, requisition, theft, (v) abstraction, 2. allocation; synonyms (n) portion, allowance, quota, share, grant, apportioning, apportionment, appropriation,
assignment, distribution, measure, part, proportion, ration. asignēšana assignment; synonyms (n) allocation, allotment, appointment, assigning, mission, apportionment, stint, assignation, business, chore, charge, commission, consignment, designation, duty, job, post, transfer, conveyance, delivery. asignēt 1. assign; synonyms (v) allot, apportion, delegate, allow, apply, appoint, ascribe, consign, accredit, allocate, appropriate, attribute, award, dedicate, depute, distribute, grant, place, put, (n) give, 2. appropriate; synonyms (adj) pertinent, proper, true, agreeable, apposite, apt, congruous, correct, particular, peculiar, right, special, suitable, applicable, advantageous, apropos, (v) annex, adopt, seize, assign; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unsuitable, unrelated, untimely, wrong, (v) surrender, 3. allocate; synonyms (v) divide, set, dispense, ration, lay, split, attach, designate, earmark, portion, share, commit, 4. earmark; synonyms (v) mark, impress, destine, reserve, (n) brand, characteristic, hallmark, stamp, imprint, note. asimilācija assimilation; synonyms (n) absorption, acculturation, incorporation, integration, addition, amalgamation, apperception, combination, conversion, fitness, identification, mixing, mixture, orientation, recognition, reduction, resolution, transmutation, understanding, concentration. asinis blood; synonyms (n) ancestry, birth, gore, descent, family, kindred, lineage, origin, beau, bloodshed, consanguinity, coxcomb, exquisite, extraction, line, murder, parentage, (adj) humor, juice, lymph; nolaist
asinis blood. asistents assistant; synonyms (adj) ancillary, adjunct, (n) accessory, assist, subordinate, acolyte, accomplice, assistance, auxiliary, colleague, helper, adjutant, aide, associate, attendant, coadjutor, deputy, help, partner, (v) aid. asmens 1. edge; synonyms (n) boundary, margin, verge, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, bank, brim, butt, corner, limit, perimeter, periphery, rand, skirt, (v) border, bound, hem, line; antonyms (n) center, (v) middle, 2. blade; synonyms (n) vane, beau, knife, brand, foil, leaf, razor, shaft, steel, sword; taisns asmens straight
edge. asociācija association; synonyms (n) affiliation, alliance, connection, assembly, affinity, company, fellowship, link, partnership, society, syndicate, congress, meeting, band, brotherhood, club, coalition, combination, communication, (v) assemblage; Videoelektronikas
standartu asociācija video electronics standards association; krājaizdevu asociācija savings and loan association; augšņu asociācija soil association; asociācija VESA video electronics standards association. asociēt 1. associate; synonyms (v) affiliate, connect, company, link, relate, consort, join, unite, (n) ally, assistant, companion, fellow, partner, accomplice, adjunct, acquaintance, colleague, friend, mate, member; antonyms (v) avoid, dissociate, distance, (adj) chief, (n) stranger, 2. connect; synonyms (v) bind, associate, attach, bond, annex, conjoin, combine, knit, adjoin,
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Latvian - English
affix, communicate, fasten, fix, interconnect, interlink, involve, tie, yoke, articulate, consociate; antonyms (v) disconnect, separate. asociēties associate; synonyms (v) affiliate, connect, company, link, relate, consort, join, unite, (n) ally, assistant, companion, fellow, partner, accomplice, adjunct, acquaintance, colleague, friend, mate, member; antonyms (v) avoid, dissociate, distance, (adj) chief, (n) stranger. aspekts aspect; synonyms (n) appearance, look, surface, bearing, expression, manner, prospect, side, view, air, angle, face, facet, feature, quality, respect, scene, vista, shape, (v) regard. ass 1. sharp; synonyms (adj) acute, bitter, intelligent, acid, acrid, harsh, incisive, intense, penetrating, piercing, pointed, pungent, quick, severe, alert, caustic, (n) keen, (v) biting, brisk, clever; antonyms (adj) blunt, dull, mild, gentle, rounded, sweet, bland, blurred, naive, round, smooth, 2. keen; synonyms (adj) eager, sharp, enthusiastic, exquisite, discriminating, astute, desirous, ardent, bright, cutting, fervent, hungry, impatient, perceptive, smart, fine, earnest, (v) fresh, avid, active; antonyms (adj) apathetic, indifferent, unenthusiastic, 3. cutting; synonyms (v) dry, (adj) acrimonious, raw, sarcastic, satirical, acerbic, cruel, hurtful, scathing, bleak, wounding, ironic, (n) cut, clipping, slip, clip, carving, excavation, excerpt, abscission; antonyms (n) extension, freedom, 4. axle; synonyms (n) axis, hinge, pivot, bobbin, beam, pin, stalk, support, 5. axis; synonyms (n) axle, center, hub, spindle, stem; dvīņu
ass twin axis; horizontālā ass horizontal axis; galvenā ass principal axis; fotoaparāta ass camera axis; ass skatiens insight; fotoaparāta ass virziens camera axis direction; vertikālā ass vertical axis; štāba pārvietošanās ass command axis; nepatīkami ass harsh. aste tail; synonyms (n) rear, shadow, behind, butt, posterior, rump, stub, backside, bottom, buttocks, stern, (v) follow, pursue, track, trail, chase, dog, tag, bob, (adj) back; antonyms (v) head, front; rinda aste tail. astoņkājis octopus; synonyms (n) devilfish, alacran, alligator, crocodile, mosquito, mugger, manta, (adj) baboon, harridan, monkey, satyr, scarecrow, specter, toad. astronomija astronomy; synonyms (n) astrology, uranology. atalgojums 1. reward; synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, payment, wage, bribe, fee, premium, award, bonus, payoff, price, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, requite, compensate, honor; antonym (v) punish, 2. pay; synonyms (v) liquidate, yield, afford, clear, expend, give, remunerate, indemnify, contribute, bear, hire, settle, (n) earnings, salary, allowance, devote, income, remuneration, reward, make; antonym (v) owe, 3. allowance; synonyms (n) allotment, admission, discount, quota, tolerance, maintenance, abatement, acknowledgment, adjustment, allocation, concession, deduction, grant, indulgence, leave, margin, portion, rebate, share, aid, 4. fee; synonyms (n) commission, charge, consideration, due,
expense, toll, cost, duty, excise, fees, fief, figure, stipend, tariff, tax, (v) tip, contract. atalgot reward; synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, payment, wage, bribe, fee, premium, award, bonus, payoff, price, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, requite, compensate, honor; antonym (v) punish. atašejs attache; synonyms (n) bag, briefcase, consul, diplomat, domestic, employe, envoy, follower, help, henchman, internuncio, legate, menial, nuncio, representative, resident, retainer, servant, servitor. atbalss echo; synonyms (n) answer, repercussion, reaction, reflection, replication, reply, reverberation, (v) repeat, reproduce, resound, reverberate, rebound, ape, copy, imitate, reflect, reiterate, ring, duplicate, parallel. atbalstīt 1. favour; synonyms (v) favor, choose, prefer, privilege, 2. sustain; synonyms (v) support, bear, carry, keep, continue, hold, maintain, preserve, endure, suffer, abide, have, prop, relieve, stand, help, strengthen, affirm, assist, back, 3. encourage; synonyms (v) cheer, abet, advance, aid, boost, comfort, foster, further, promote, urge, advocate, cherish, advise, animate, countenance, cultivate, embolden, hearten, incite, stimulate; antonyms (v) discourage, dishearten, prevent, deter, hurt, obstruct, stop, 4. uphold; synonyms (v) sustain, defend, bolster, confirm, encourage, endorse, assert, buttress, corroborate, sanction, vindicate, prove, second, acknowledge, approve, forward, justify, shore, stay, (n) ratify, 5. back; synonyms (adv) before, backward, previously, (n) rear, reverse, spine, (adj) posterior, (v) recede, stake, vouch, guarantee, champion, finance, fund, gamble, sponsor, uphold, warrant, take, retract; antonyms (n) face, (v) front, oppose. atbalsts 1. assistance; synonyms (n) aid, assist, support, boost, encouragement, relief, backing, charity, hand, help, remedy, service, advantage, lift, second, benefit, collaboration, comfort, cooperation, (v) succor; antonym (n) hindrance, 2. backing; synonyms (n) patronage, approval, assistance, endorsement, accompaniment, championship, promotion, sanction, sponsorship, sustenance, funding, funds, investment; atbalsts
natūrā aid in kind; finansiālais atbalsts sponsorship; gaisa spēku atbalsts air support; ieguldījumu atbalsts investment aid; izlīdzinošais atbalsts front lay; vispārējs atbalsts general support; sakaru atbalsts signals support; savstarpējais atbalsts mutual support; savstarpējs atbalsts mutual support; tiešais atbalsts direct support. atbilde 1. answer; synonyms (n) reply, respond, retort, return, solution, defense, echo, reaction, response, riposte, (v) counter, resolve, serve, acknowledge, agree, correspond, do, suffice, suit, (adj) pay; antonyms (v) question, ask, 2. response; synonyms (n) answer, reception, effect, chant, chaunt, comeback, hymn, repartee, (v) rejoinder, endurance, experience, (adj) sympathy, cordiality, fraternization, rapprochement, 3. reply; synonyms (n) repay, replication, (v) react, rejoin, say. atbildēt 1. answer; synonyms (n) reply, respond, retort, return, solution, defense, echo, reaction, response,
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Latvian - English riposte, (v) counter, resolve, serve, acknowledge, agree, correspond, do, suffice, suit, (adj) pay; antonyms (v) question, ask, 2. respond; synonyms (v) answer, rejoin, react, say, (adj) tally; antonym (v) ignore, 3. reply; synonyms (n) rejoinder, repay, replication, repartee, comeback, 4. return; synonyms (n) yield, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income, revenue, profit, relapse, compensation, (v) recur, reimburse, render, restoration, restore, reinstate, requite, revert, recede, deliver; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep. atbildība 1. responsibility; synonyms (n) accountability, duty, care, charge, affair, fault, job, liability, obligation, onus, reliability, load, commitment, dependability, burden, function, province, debt, assignment, (v) office, 2. accountability; synonyms (n) blame, answerability, answerableness, accountableness, 3. liability; synonyms (n) trust, disadvantage, arrears, encumbrance, indebtedness, responsibility, exposure, susceptibility, jeopardy; antonym (n) asset; vecāku atbildība
parental responsibility; personiskā atbildība personal liability; ministru atbildība ministerial responsibility; ierobežota atbildība limited liability. atbildīgs 1. amenable; synonyms (adj) docile, accountable, yielding, answerable, compliant, obedient, responsible, submissive, tractable, acquiescent, approachable, biddable, conformable, liable, open, agreeable, receptive, willing; antonyms (adj) unwilling, obstinate, stubborn, 2. responsible; synonyms (adj) reliable, dependable, amenable, trustworthy, culpable, faithful, responsive, conscientious, creditworthy, guilty, (v) bound; antonyms (adj) irresponsible, innocent, 3. answerable; synonym (adj) subject, 4. liable; synonyms (adj) apt, disposed, exposed, inclined, likely, vulnerable, given, obnoxious, susceptible, blameworthy; antonym (adj) exempt; atbildīgs par responsible
for. atbilst fit; synonyms (v) agree, accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond, square, accord, dress, befit, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable, appropriate, becoming, decent, (n) adjust, convulsion, attack, burst; antonyms (adj) unfit, inappropriate, unwell. atbilstība 1. correspondence; synonyms (n) conformity, accord, agreement, communication, connection, coincidence, concord, affinity, analogy, congruity, equality, equivalence, parallel, parallelism, resemblance, similarity, symmetry, balance, consistency, association; antonyms (n) difference, asymmetry, dissimilarity, 2. conformity; synonyms (n) compliance, accordance, conformance, concordance, abidance, conformation, conformism, keeping, observance, parity, accommodation, acquiescence, concurrence, consonance, correspondence, deference, harmony, likeness, rapport, submission; antonyms (n) disobedience, nonconformity, 3. concordance; synonyms (n) concert, index, unison, 4. accordance. atbilstoši accordingly; synonyms (adv) consequently, therefore, thus, ergo, so, then. atbilstošs 1. corresponding; synonyms (adj) congruent, comparable, equal, same, similar, commensurate,
consonant, alike, analogous, correspondent, equivalent, like, matching, parallel, complementary, proportionate, accordant, congruous, opposite, adequate; antonym (adj) different, 2. appropriate; synonyms (adj) pertinent, proper, true, agreeable, apposite, apt, correct, particular, peculiar, right, special, suitable, applicable, advantageous, (v) annex, allocate, adopt, seize, apply, allot; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unsuitable, unrelated, untimely, wrong, (v) surrender; tradīcijām
atbilstošs conventional. atbraucējs arrival; synonyms (n) appearance, advent, entrance, incoming, newcomer, return, attainment, arriver, comer, reaching, homecoming; antonyms (n) departure, exit, leaving. atbraukšana arrival; synonyms (n) appearance, advent, entrance, incoming, newcomer, return, attainment, arriver, comer, reaching, homecoming; antonyms (n) departure, exit, leaving. atbrīvošana release; synonyms (n) discharge, issue, liberation, departure, ransom, exemption, disengagement, (v) exempt, free, liberate, pardon, absolve, acquit, deliver, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, clear, allow, (adj) disengage; antonyms (n) imprisonment, abduction, custody, involvement, preservation, (v) capture, confine, imprison, arrest, catch;
atbrīvošana no darba dismissal; atbrīvošana III dismissal; atbrīvošana II release. atbrīvot 1. liberate; synonyms (v) discharge, emancipate, clear, extricate, deliver, disengage, free, release, absolve, acquit, exempt, rescue, disentangle, save, excuse, disembarrass, turn, exonerate, loose, loosen; antonyms (v) confine, enslave, 2. free; synonyms (adj) frank, liberal, open, broad, empty, bountiful, autonomous, available, detached, easy, gratis, vacant, (v) liberate, relieve, ease, voluntary, divest, forgive, rid, (n) candid; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, dependent, engaged, married, (v) block, cage, condemn, encumber, 3. relieve; synonyms (v) assuage, comfort, allay, mitigate, calm, aid, assist, console, help, mollify, palliate, remedy, dispense, appease, cure, abate, (n) alleviate, redress, pacify, (adj) relax; antonyms (v) worsen, burden, 4. discharge; synonyms (n) dismissal, drain, explosion, ooze, escape, detonation, (v) complete, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce, detonate, disgorge, expel, flow, perform, leak, accomplish, disband; antonyms (v) capture, hire, 5. emancipate; synonyms (v) manumit, redeem, (adj) disburden. atbrīvots exempt; synonyms (adj) immune, released, clear, privileged, (v) absolve, excuse, discharge, free, dispense, forgive, relieve, justify, disengage, except, exonerate, release, spare; antonyms (adj) chargeable, liable, (v) nonexempt. atceļams revocable; synonyms (adj) reversible, revokable, abrogable, changeable, countermandable, repealable. atcelšana 1. abrogation; synonyms (n) abolition, repeal, annulment, cancellation, desertion, 2. repeal; synonyms (n) recall, abrogation, revocation, (v) nullify, cancel, revoke, abolish, abrogate, countermand, invalidate,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English quash, rescind, overturn, overrule, lift, reverse, retract, annihilate, discard, (adj) annul, 3. abolition; synonyms (n) abolishment, destruction, ending, annihilation, eradication; antonym (n) reinstatement, 4. revocation; synonyms (n) withdrawal, revokement, 5. removal; synonyms (n) transfer, dismissal, elimination, exclusion, expulsion, shift, ablation, remove, move, eviction, remotion, deposition, relocation, banishment, departure, displacement, moving, deduction, discharge, disposal; antonyms (n) addition, insertion, retention, 6. cancellation; synonyms (n) negation, termination, retirement, annulling, omission, circumduction, receipt, renunciation, abandoning, abolishing, circumlocution, contradiction, dissolving, invalidating, overruling, recalling, retracting, reversing, revoking, withdrawing, 7. abatement; synonyms (n) remission, rebate, discount, reprieve, break, interruption, allowance, decline, decrease, diminution, ebb, mitigation, relief, respite, suspension, (v) reduction; atcelšana no
amata suspension. atcelt 1. cancel; synonyms (v) annul, abrogate, erase, expunge, invalidate, remit, revoke, abate, avoid, efface, eliminate, obliterate, repeal, annihilate, counteract, delete, drop, negate, (adj) abolish, nullify; antonym (v) validate, 2. annul; synonyms (v) rescind, reverse, void, overturn, undo, vacate, cancel, countermand, lift, override, quash, vitiate, withdraw, dissolve, destroy, discharge, liquidate, neutralize, overrule, (adj) evacuate, 3. abolish; synonyms (v) end, eradicate, extinguish, terminate, exterminate, overthrow, purge, remove; antonym (v) establish, 4. revoke; synonyms (v) retract, recall, recant, deny, repudiate, renounce, disavow, invert, remember, (n) renege, 5. repeal; synonyms (n) abolition, abrogation, annulment, cancellation, revocation, invalidation, (v) discard, 6. abate; synonyms (v) subside, allay, bate, decline, diminish, fade, flag, lessen, relax, relieve, slack, slake, wane, weaken, qualify, alleviate, contract, cool, decrease, (adj) slacken; antonym (v) increase; atcelt ierobežojumus ease. atdalīšana separation; synonyms (n) detachment, disjunction, disunion, division, partition, disconnection, divorce, isolation, parting, rift, seclusion, break, breakup, demarcation, departure, disengagement, rupture, segregation, analysis, divorcement; antonyms (n) amalgamation, closeness, connection, marriage, unification, union, unity. atdalīt 1. separate; synonyms (adj) detached, individual, particular, single, (v) detach, divorce, part, insulate, scatter, cut, dissociate, disconnect, discrete, discriminate, disjoin, disperse, distinguish, divide, isolate, demarcate; antonyms (adj) connected, joined, simultaneous, (v) unite, merge, mix, combine, fuse, join, link, associate, 2. divide; synonyms (v) distribute, apportion, dismember, dispense, separate, share, split, deal, carve, disjoint, allot, class, classify, cleave, disunite, diverge, sever, calculate, (n) break, watershed. atdalīts separate; synonyms (adj) detached, individual, particular, single, (v) detach, divorce, part, insulate, scatter, cut, dissociate, disconnect, discrete, discriminate, disjoin, disperse, distinguish, divide, isolate, demarcate;
antonyms (adj) connected, joined, simultaneous, (v) unite, merge, mix, combine, fuse, join, link, associate. atdarināt copy; synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, forgery, reproduction, cast, book, counterpart, double, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake, mimic, record; antonym (n) original. atdarīt retaliate; synonyms (v) avenge, pay, repay, retort, revenge, reciprocate, reply, requite, answer, return, recompense, counter, defend, get, rebuke, refute, resist, retrospect, revive. atdošana return; synonyms (n) yield, pay, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income, revenue, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration, restore, retort, answer, reinstate, reply, requite, revert; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep;
parāda atdošana settlement of debt. atdot 1. return; synonyms (n) yield, pay, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income, revenue, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration, restore, retort, answer, reinstate, reply, requite, revert; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep, 2. restore; synonyms (v) mend, refresh, renew, renovate, fix, rehabilitate, rejuvenate, replace, heal, reconstruct, recover, reestablish, refurbish, regenerate, return, revive, reform, invigorate, amend, (adj) repair, 3. commit; synonyms (v) commend, assign, charge, consign, apply, confide, dedicate, entrust, submit, deliver, devote, give, intrust, leave, send, trust, commission, undertake, employ, order; atdot atpakal bring back. atdzesēšana refrigeration; synonyms (n) cooling, infrigidation, cold, preservation, refrigerium, ventilation. atdzīvināt 1. resuscitate; synonyms (v) resurrect, revive, refresh, renew, quicken, renovate, reanimate, revivify, animate, regenerate, reinvigorate, recover, 2. vitalize; synonyms (v) vitalise, enliven, invigorate, stimulate, energize, bolster, encourage, exhilarate, galvanize, hearten, stir, 3. revive; synonyms (v) restore, resuscitate, awake, repair, recreate, reinstate, rally, wake, arouse, awaken, rekindle, comfort, freshen, liven, boost, rejuvenate, relive, revitalize, vivify, accelerate. ateisms atheism; synonyms (n) godlessness, unbelief, agnosticism, disbelief, heresy, incredulity, nihilism, skepticism, doubt, iconoclasm, irreverence, nonbelief, ungodliness; antonym (n) faith. atestāts certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma, certification, credential, credentials, document, license, testimonial, warrant, authentication, deed, docket, bill, award, coupon, guarantee, paper, (v) certify, sanction, authorize. atgadījums 1. event; synonyms (n) affair, case, consequence, effect, occurrence, circumstance, contingency, fact, happening, incident, issue, result, aftermath, time, chance, accident, adventure, conclusion, episode, eventuality, 2. incident; synonyms (n) event, experience, instance, occasion, anecdote, development, incidence, matter, phenomenon, situation, condition, (adj) attendant, concomitant, accessory, incidental;
neparedzēts atgadījums chance event. atgādinājums reminder; synonyms (n) memento, note, hint, memorandum, memorial, prompt, suggestion,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English monument, memory, memo, cue, relic, sign, souvenir, token, admonisher, indication, message, monitor. atgādināt remind; synonyms (v) remember, recollect, prompt, recall, commemorate, hint, jog, think, consider, cue, (n) mind. atgriešanās return; synonyms (n) yield, pay, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income, revenue, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration, restore, retort, answer, reinstate, reply, requite, revert; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep;
atgriešanās robeža point of no return. atgriezties return; synonyms (n) yield, pay, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income, revenue, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration, restore, retort, answer, reinstate, reply, requite, revert; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep;
atgriezties mājās home. atgūšana recovery; synonyms (n) rally, convalescence, improvement, reclamation, rescue, resurrection, retrieval, cure, deliverance, healing, recuperation, restoration, revival, yield, regeneration, collection, recompense, redress, renewal, resurgence; antonyms (n) decline, loss, return; enerģijas resursu atgūšana
energy recovery. atgūt regain; synonyms (v) recover, retrieve, reclaim, recoup, recuperate, get, recapture, redeem, discover, feel, recall, resume, attain, find, obtain, recruit, salvage; antonym (v) lose. atiešana departure; synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, depart, deviation, divergence, parting, aberration, digression, going, leaving, passing, takeoff, variation, withdrawal, disappearance, dying, escape, (v) decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance. atiet depart; synonyms (v) quit, deviate, go, decease, die, diverge, leave, part, start, stray, vary, wander, deflect, digress, expire, flee, move, pass, retire, withdraw; antonyms (v) stay, arrive, enter, come. atjaunošana 1. rehabilitation; synonyms (n) reclamation, reinstatement, renewal, repair, replacement, improvement, redress, refilling, reformation, treatment, analysis, cure, healing, physiotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, remedy, replenishment, 2. renovation; synonyms (n) restoration, recovery, reconstruction, refurbishment, alteration, conversion, innovation, reproduction, rebuilding, redevelopment, 3. restoration; synonyms (n) restitution, renovation, restore, revival, regaining, return, rejuvenation, recession, recuperation, reform, regeneration, comeback, revitalization, indemnification, reappearance, restoral, (v) amends, reparation; antonyms (n) confiscation, reduction, 4. resumption; synonyms (n) recommencement, reinforcement, stimulation, resurgence, 5. renewal; synonyms (n) renaissance, rebirth, rehabilitation, repetition; pilsētas
atjaunošana urban renewal; līguma atjaunošana renewal of a contract; enerģijas atjaunošana energy recovery. atjaunot restore; synonyms (v) mend, refresh, reinstate, renew, renovate, fix, rehabilitate, rejuvenate, repay, replace, reimburse, heal, reconstruct, recover,
reestablish, refund, refurbish, regenerate, return, (adj) repair; antonym (v) keep. atkal again; synonyms (adv) afresh, more, anew, encore, repeatedly, then, also, further, often. atkarība dependence; synonyms (n) belief, confidence, reliance, addiction, dependance, dependency, faith, credence, hope, trust, habit, (adj) contingency; antonyms (n) independence, self-government, self-sufficiency. atkārtot repeat; synonyms (v) recite, copy, recapitulate, reduplicate, rehearse, reiterate, return, double, duplicate, iterate, recur, renew, reproduce, say, cite, multiply, echo, ingeminate, redouble, (n) repetition. atkārtotājs repeater; synonyms (n) recidivist, criminal, revolver, backslider, convict, reversionist, (v) floater, keener. atklājums 1. discovery; synonyms (n) detection, disclosure, breakthrough, finding, revelation, catching, revealing, development, exploration, find, invention, espial, recognition; antonym (n) concealment, 2. finding; synonyms (n) decision, determination, discovery, judgment, ruling, verdict, resolution, conclusion, analysis, 3. find; synonyms (v) catch, discover, detect, encounter, acquire, ascertain, attain, feel, procure, gather, acknowledge, chance, decide, determine, disclose, espy, establish, get, identify, (n) search; antonyms (v) lose, misplace. atklāšana 1. discovery; synonyms (n) detection, disclosure, breakthrough, finding, revelation, catching, revealing, development, exploration, find, invention, espial, recognition; antonym (n) concealment, 2. detection; synonyms (n) discovery, demodulation, detecting, uncovering, unearthing, spotting, spying, 3. disclosure; synonyms (n) exposure, declaration, confession, announcement, betrayal, divulgence, manifestation, publication, admission, apocalypse, ascertainment, 4. opening; synonyms (n) gap, mouth, aperture, break, beginning, cleft, commencement, crack, door, entrance, hole, occasion, chasm, onset, breach, chance, crevice, entry, (adj) preliminary, first; antonyms (n) end, closing, exit, finale, (adj) final. atklāt 1. disclose; synonyms (v) betray, declare, impart, detect, discover, divulge, reveal, convey, announce, air, communicate, bare, break, expose, show, tell, uncover, confide, develop, (adj) confess; antonyms (v) conceal, secrete, 2. discover; synonyms (v) ascertain, discern, disclose, see, find, perceive, catch, determine, hear, observe, trace, descry, behold, devise, identify, invent, locate, notice, strike, distinguish, 3. reveal; synonyms (v) display, exhibit, express, present, indicate, proclaim, instruct, explain, leak, manifest, open, publish, unearth, unfold, unveil, out, illuminate, notify, report, blab; antonyms (v) hide, cover, 4. open; synonyms (adj) frank, obvious, artless, exposed, free, honest, forthright, guileless, ingenuous, naked, direct, explicit, downright, easy, available, (v) expand, give, (n) candid, clear, loosen; antonyms (adj) devious, secretive, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, repressive, reserved, restricted, secret, blocked, cautious, closed, crafty, enigmatic, narrow, (v) shut, end, finish, (tr v) close, 5. detect; synonyms (v) spot, sniff, encounter, espy, learn, note.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
atklāti frankly; synonyms (adv) candidly, aboveboard, bluntly, directly, honestly, openly, sincerely, plainly, simply, straight, straightforwardly, truthfully, (adj) freely; antonyms (adv) dishonestly, hesitantly; atklāti
atzīts declared. atklātne postcard; synonyms (n) epistle, letter, mail. atklāts 1. direct; synonyms (adj) straight, blunt, immediate, transparent, (v) aim, channel, conduct, address, charge, control, dictate, head, administer, guide, lead, level, order, point, bend, (n) command; antonyms (adj) indirect, roundabout, circuitous, oblique, secondhand, sideways, unplanned, (v) request, 2. open; synonyms (adj) frank, obvious, artless, exposed, free, honest, bare, forthright, guileless, ingenuous, naked, direct, explicit, downright, easy, (v) expand, give, (n) candid, clear, loosen; antonyms (adj) devious, secretive, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, repressive, reserved, restricted, secret, blocked, cautious, closed, crafty, enigmatic, narrow, (v) shut, end, finish, (tr v) close, 3. public; synonyms (adj) common, national, overt, civic, general, communal, mutual, popular, ordinary, civil, joint, (n) folk, community, people, populace, audience, masses, (v) open, plebeian, government; antonyms (adj) private, confidential, personal. atkritumi 1. waste; synonyms (n) desert, refuse, damage, trash, dissipation, garbage, loss, (adj) spoil, desolate, barren, lavish, (v) consume, exhaust, ruin, squander, ravage, destruction, devastate, dissipate, languish; antonyms (v) conserve, save, 2. scrap; synonyms (n) fight, morsel, brawl, remnant, bit, chip, clash, end, junk, piece, remainder, conflict, crumb, fleck, waste, (v) quarrel, row, discard, reject, (adj) fragment; antonym (v) keep, 3. refuse; synonyms (v) deny, decline, disallow, dross, rebuff, disdain, dismiss, balk, dissent, defy, demur, disapprove, disavow, repel, (n) offal, debris, litter, leavings, dirt, recrement; antonym (v) accept, 4. garbage; synonyms (n) filth, hooey, rubbish, scrap, scraps, drivel, twaddle; antonym (n) sense; toksiskie
atkritumi toxic waste; rupnieciskie atkritumi industrial waste; lopkopības atkritumi animal waste; dzīvniekizcelsmes atkritumi animal waste; cietie atkritumi solid waste. atlaide 1. allowance; synonyms (n) allotment, admission, discount, quota, tolerance, maintenance, abatement, acknowledgment, adjustment, allocation, compensation, concession, deduction, fee, grant, indulgence, leave, margin, portion, rebate, 2. discount; synonyms (n) allowance, bargain, decrease, reduction, decrement, refund, (v) reduce, disregard, ignore, neglect, deduct, depreciate, cut, dismiss, reject, subtract, discredit, overlook, scoff; antonym (v) increase, 3. rebate; synonyms (n) rabbet, (v) abate; tirdzniecības atlaide
trade discount; realizācijas atlaide sales discount; noieta atlaide sales discount; mazumtirdzniecības atlaide trade discount. atlaišana 1. release; synonyms (n) discharge, issue, liberation, departure, ransom, exemption, disengagement, (v) exempt, free, liberate, pardon, absolve, acquit, deliver, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, clear, allow, (adj) disengage; antonyms (n) imprisonment, abduction, custody, involvement,
preservation, (v) capture, confine, imprison, arrest, catch,
2. discharge; synonyms (n) release, dismissal, drain, explosion, ooze, escape, (v) complete, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce, detonate, disgorge, empty, expel, flow, perform, leak, accomplish; antonym (v) hire, 3. dismissal; synonyms (n) conge, denial, dismission, expulsion, removal, deposition, acquittal, dissolution, exclusion, firing, refusal, rejection, sack, sacking. atlants atlas; synonyms (n) telamon, chart, book, plan, diagram, drawing, (adj) superman, (v) syntagma, table. atlase selection; synonyms (n) election, choice, option, alternative, extract, quotation, assortment, pick, preference, range, collection, appointment, excerpt, volition, voting, vote, adoption, picking, decision, indication; literatūras atlase book selection;
izsaukumu atlase call selection. atļauja 1. authorization; synonyms (n) authority, sanction, approval, license, permission, authorisation, certification, consent, delegation, mandate, permit, certificate, allowance, confirmation, charter, command, agreement, clearance, dominance, dominion, 2. grant; synonyms (n) concession, donation, present, subsidy, (v) give, allow, award, bestow, admit, afford, concede, confer, gift, acknowledge, accord, boon, endowment, cede, confess, (adj) deliver; antonyms (v) deny, reject, 3. permission; synonyms (n) leave, liberty, licence, assent, authorization, dispensation, pass, approbation, acquiescence, endorsement, dismissal, admission, blessing, concurrence, right, sufferance, warrant, entry, freedom, (v) grant; antonym (n) refusal, 4. permit; synonyms (v) let, bear, endure, have, agree, legalize, enable, suffer, tolerate, approve, authorize, countenance, empower, yield, accede, entitle, make, pay, acquiesce, (n) cause; antonyms (v) forbid, ban, prevent, prohibit, stop, 5. order; synonyms (n) decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition, edict, injunction, instruction, kind, form, genus, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 6. licence; synonyms (v) certify, endorse, evidence, attest, demonstrate, indorse, manifest, 7. leave; synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go, abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, lay, bequeath, drop, evacuate, relinquish, start, (n) furlough, holiday, break, part, (adj) empty; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, approach, change, come, 8. allowance; synonyms (n) allotment, discount, quota, tolerance, maintenance, abatement, acknowledgment, adjustment, allocation, compensation, deduction, fee, indulgence, margin, portion, rebate, share, wage, aid, alimony; medību
atļauja game licence; pagaidu atļauja temporary admission; pārvadājumu atļauja movement certificate; pārvietošanās atļauja movement credit; uzturēšanās atļauja green card. atļaut 1. permit; synonyms (v) allow, give, license, admit, leave, let, bear, endure, have, agree, assent, legalize, enable, sanction, (n) consent, licence, pass, permission, charter, (adj) grant; antonyms (v) forbid, ban, prevent, prohibit, stop, 2. allow; synonyms (v) acknowledge, accord, permit, accede, acquiesce, accept, afford,
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Latvian - English authorize, own, recognize, stand, suffer, abide, appropriate, brook, concede, confess, stomach, tolerate, yield; antonyms (v) deny, reject, 3. authorize; synonyms (v) approve, empower, assign, certify, commission, delegate, authorise, entitle, ratify, validate, appoint, authenticate, entrust, countenance, designate, order, accredit, clear, commit, confirm. atļauts authorized; synonyms (v) allowed, (adj) authoritative, authorised, official, competent, lawful, legal, legitimate, permissible, privileged; antonym (adj) informal. atlīdzība 1. reward; synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, payment, wage, bribe, fee, premium, award, bonus, payoff, price, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, requite, compensate, honor; antonym (v) punish, 2. recompense; synonyms (n) reward, amends, atonement, redress, consideration, indemnification, reparation, allowance, gratification, damages, retribution, satisfaction, salary, gratuity, punishment, recompensation, (v) indemnify, reimburse, remunerate, gratify, 3. quittance; synonyms (n) exoneration, acquittance, repayment, excuse, receipt, forgiveness, restitution, quittal, 4. consideration; synonyms (n) concern, respect, attention, care, reflection, thought, account, cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, thoughtfulness, advisement, consequence, caution, compassion, considerateness, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration; komisijas atlīdzība commission;
izpelnīta atlīdzība earnings; atlīdzība par zaudējumiem damages. atlīdzinājums remuneration; synonyms (n) compensation, pay, recompense, earnings, reward, wage, payment, salary, consideration, fee, restitution, profit, allowance, indemnification, premium, hire, reimbursement, reparation, repayment, (v) amends. atlīdzināšana 1. indemnification; synonyms (n) amends, atonement, restitution, satisfaction, damages, indemnity, redress, payment, recompense, reparation, correction, relief, (v) compensation, 2. remuneration; synonyms (n) pay, earnings, reward, wage, salary, consideration, fee, profit, allowance, indemnification, premium, hire, reimbursement, repayment, return, settlement, wages, 3. compensation; synonyms (n) price, emolument, refund, remuneration, bonus, penance, prize, ransom, retribution, stipend. atlīdzināt 1. recompense; synonyms (n) reward, pay, compensation, amends, atonement, payment, redress, consideration, indemnification, fee, reparation, allowance, gratification, damages, guerdon, (v) compensate, indemnify, reimburse, remunerate, return, 2. compensate; synonyms (v) balance, recompense, counterbalance, recoup, repay, cover, correct, expiate, offset, redeem, satisfy, countervail, equalise, equalize, recover, refund, requite, right, 3. reimburse; synonyms (v) replace, deduct. atliekas remainder; synonyms (n) excess, leftover, remain, remnant, end, overplus, residue, balance, oddment, rest, leftovers, relic, remains, remnants, residual, residuum, scrap, surplus, ease, relics;
mirstīgās atliekas remains.
atlikšana 1. delay; synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay, deferral, extension, holdup, interruption, (v) defer, check, postpone, reserve, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate, hinder, loiter, (adj) linger; antonyms (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance, 2. adjournment; synonyms (n) delay, dissolution, suspension, reprieve, respite, (v) postponement, 3. respite; synonyms (n) repose, intermission, recess, rest, remission, breather, cessation, lull, relief, abatement, hiatus, interval, quietus, vacation, breath, leisure, abeyance, ease, (v) adjournment, prorogation, 4.
deferment; maksājumu atlikšana suspension of payments; lietas izskatīšanas atlikšana stay of proceedings; izpildes atlikšana stay of execution. atlikt 1. defer; synonyms (v) adjourn, postpone, comply, bow, procrastinate, suspend, accede, protract, remit, retard, submit, table, tarry, stay, acquiesce, assent, prorogue, reschedule, shelve, (n) delay, 2. suspend; synonyms (v) defer, hang, interrupt, stop, dangle, break, debar, halt, swing, freeze, discontinue, dismiss, exclude, hover, bar, restrain, supersede, drape, expel, intermit; antonym (v) continue, 3. delay; synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, deferral, extension, holdup, interruption, postponement, cunctation, adjournment, (v) check, reserve, detain, hesitate, hinder, loiter, block, dally, (adj) linger; antonyms (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance; atlikt atpakaļ
replace; atlikt apšaudi rest. atlikums 1. balance; synonyms (n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder, account, complement, counterpoise, credit, equality, parity, proportion, (v) counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate, contrast, settle, audit, level, match; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) unbalance, 2. remainder; synonyms (n) leftover, remain, remnant, end, overplus, residue, balance, oddment, rest, leftovers, relic, remains, remnants, residual, residuum, scrap, surplus, ease, relics, 3. rest; synonyms (n) repose, pause, recess, relaxation, leisure, break, quiet, respite, halt, intermission, interval, (v) nap, sleep, lie, perch, abide, recline, relief, stay, dwell; antonym (v) work, 4. remains; synonyms (n) cadaver, corpse, debris, body, carcass, trace, clay, dregs, vestige, reliquiae, defunct, ruins, stiff, wreck, wreckage, 5. residue; synonyms (n) leavings, sediment, bottoms, oversize, 6. residual; synonyms (adj) remaining, residuary, (n) difference;
rīcībā esošais atlikums available balance; kredīta atlikums credit balance; konta atlikums account balance. atlikušais residual; synonyms (adj) remaining, leftover, residuary, (n) remnant, residue, balance, remainder, rest, difference, residuum. atloks flap; synonyms (n) fuss, slap, disturbance, pother, commotion, alarm, flapping, flaps, flurry, fluttering, lather, stir, (v) flop, beat, wave, brandish, flutter, shake, dither, agitate. atmaksa 1. retribution; synonyms (n) reprisal, vengeance, judgment, penalty, punishment, repayment, requital, recompense, retaliation, revenge, reward, compensation, restitution, atonement, reimbursement, return, payback, payment, 2. repayment; synonyms (n)
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Latvian - English
refund, remuneration, amends, rebate, retribution, reparation, settlement, (v) quittance, repay. atmaksāšana repayment; synonyms (n) recompense, payment, refund, compensation, remuneration, revenge, amends, rebate, reimbursement, retribution, return, reward, reparation, restitution, settlement, (v) quittance, repay. atmaksāt repay; synonyms (v) pay, recompense, reimburse, reward, compensate, refund, render, redeem, remunerate, requite, return, give, replace, restore, retort, reciprocate, recoup, repair, retaliate, (n) answer. atmešana abandonment; synonyms (n) renunciation, resignation, desertion, neglect, forsaking, leaving, rejection, relinquishment, surrender, withdrawal, departure, (v) abandon. atmest abandon; synonyms (v) quit, relinquish, renounce, resign, vacate, desert, evacuate, leave, waive, depart, abdicate, chuck, ditch, drop, forfeit, forgo, forsake, maroon, scrap, surrender; antonyms (v) keep, support, maintain, (n) restraint. atmiņa memory; synonyms (n) memento, recall, recollection, remembrance, reminiscence, commemoration, memorial, remembering, retention, retrospect, storage, store, recognition, retrospection, (v) mind; augšējā atmiņa high memory; dinamiskā
atmiņa dynamic storage; atmiņa magnētlentē tape memory; perifērijas atmiņa external storage; permanentā atmiņa permanent storage; primārā atmiņa primary storage; paplašinātā atmiņa extended memory; reālā atmiņa real storage; konvencionālā atmiņa conventional memory; divportu atmiņa dual port memory. atmosfēra atmosphere; synonyms (n) air, ambience, ambiance, aura, environment, feel, feeling, mood, background, quality, climate, medium, setting, situation, surroundings, atm. atnākt come; synonyms (v) approach, become, aggregate, appear, arise, arrive, fall, befall, amount, descend, get, go, hail, number, originate, reach, rise, spring, total, advance; antonym (v) leave. atņemt 1. subtract; synonyms (v) deduct, reduce, calculate, add, discount, diminish, subduct, withhold, deduce, withdraw, cipher, compute, figure, infer, score, 2. bereave; synonyms (v) deprive, divest, rob, strip, despoil, oust, lose, disinherit, widow, depose, destroy, dismantle, outstrip, pass, skin, uncover. atnest 1. fetch; synonyms (v) carry, bring, convey, draw, elicit, attract, catch, get, retrieve, transport, conduct, extract, earn, bear, cause, transmit, acquire, arrest, arrive, (adj) feint, 2. bring; synonyms (v) fetch, put, take, reduce, afford, bestow, deliver, land, move, provide, beget, accompany, contribute, escort, hold, impart, institute, lead, lend, make; atnest labumu
profit; atnest atpakal bring back. atoma nuclear; synonyms (adj) atomic, central, atomlike, inner, minute, nucleal, organic. atoms atom; synonyms (n) jot, grain, molecule, particle, speck, mite, bit, corpuscle, crumb, mote, ace, iota. atpakaļ back; synonyms (adv) before, backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, posterior, (v) support, advocate, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, aid, champion,
encourage, finance, fund, gamble, help; antonyms (n) face, (v) front, oppose, advance; atpakaļ nosūtītās
preces returned goods; atlikt atpakaļ replace; kāpties atpakaļ back; ņemt atpakaļ recall. atpakaļatkāpe backspace; synonym (n) backspacing. atpalicība backwardness; synonyms (n) slowness, reserve, diffidence, awkwardness, coyness, retardation, subnormality, clumsiness, coldness, deceleration, deliberateness, deliberation, exception, ineptitude, ineptness, limitation, maladroitness, modesty, reservation, reservedness. atprasīt reclaim; synonyms (v) domesticate, recover, reform, cultivate, claim, correct, recycle, redeem, regain, repossess, retrieve, salvage, reprocess, improve, mend, amend, recoup, recuperate, rescue, (n) revendicate; antonym (v) lose. atradne deposit; synonyms (n) charge, residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, lode, rest, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave, park, place, put; antonym (v) withdraw; ogļu atradne post. atradums 1. find; synonyms (v) catch, discover, detect, encounter, acquire, ascertain, attain, feel, procure, gather, acknowledge, chance, decide, determine, disclose, (n) detection, disclosure, discovery, search, breakthrough; antonyms (v) lose, misplace, 2. finding; synonyms (n) decision, determination, judgment, ruling, verdict, resolution, conclusion, find, analysis. atraisīt 1. untie; synonyms (v) undo, disentangle, unfasten, free, loosen, release, loose, disengage, open, unbind, unbrace, unlace, unravel, untangle, unfetter, clear, extricate, relax, untwine, untwist; antonym (v) fasten, 2. loosen; synonyms (v) detach, discharge, ravel, fluff, unbend, untie, liberate, slacken, unknot, unloose, unwind, (n) ease, divert; antonyms (v) tighten, compress. atraitnis widower; synonyms (n) widow, widowman. atrašana detection; synonyms (n) discovery, demodulation, detecting, uncovering, unearthing, spotting, spying, catching, recognition; vietas
atrašana location. atrast 1. detect; synonyms (v) catch, discover, find, ascertain, discern, notice, observe, see, spot, trace, determine, distinguish, identify, locate, descry, sniff, encounter, espy, learn, note, 2. discover; synonyms (v) disclose, perceive, detect, divulge, expose, hear, impart, behold, betray, declare, devise, invent, reveal, strike, tell, uncover, apprehend, contrive, debunk, establish, 3. find; synonyms (v) acquire, attain, feel, procure, gather, acknowledge, chance, decide, get, judge, obtain, come, arrive, bring, deliver, (n) detection, disclosure, discovery, search, breakthrough; antonyms (v) lose, misplace;
nejauši atrast hit. atražošana reproduction; synonyms (n) replica, propagation, duplicate, breeding, copy, generation, copying, facsimile, procreation, replication, reappearance, image, duplication, model, second, (adj) fake, imitation; antonym (adj) genuine; vienkāršā
atražošana simple reproduction. atriebība retaliation; synonyms (n) reprisal, retribution, revenge, requital, vengeance, payment, return, talion, (v) retortion.
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Latvian - English
atriebt retaliate; synonyms (v) avenge, pay, repay, retort,
atsaukties allege; synonyms (v) affirm, maintain, plead,
revenge, reciprocate, reply, requite, answer, return, recompense, counter, defend, get, rebuke, refute, resist, retrospect, revive. atrisinājums solution; synonyms (n) dissolution, resolution, answer, settlement, resolve, determination, explanation, key, result, remedy, definition, resolving, clarification, liquid, reply, cure, outcome, solvent, firmness, fluid. atrisināt settle; synonyms (v) fix, place, clarify, establish, pay, regulate, resolve, set, adjudicate, adjust, agree, conclude, decide, determine, drop, explain, fall, reconcile, (n) locate, (adj) confirm. atruna pretext; synonyms (n) pretense, excuse, pretension, cloak, color, pretence, mask, guise, plea, sham, appearance, alibi, justification, simulation, evasion, explanation, peg, reason, deception, dissembling. atsacīšanās abandonment; synonyms (n) renunciation, resignation, desertion, neglect, forsaking, leaving, rejection, relinquishment, surrender, withdrawal, departure, (v) abandon. atsacīties abandon; synonyms (v) quit, relinquish, renounce, resign, vacate, desert, evacuate, leave, waive, depart, abdicate, chuck, ditch, drop, forfeit, forgo, forsake, maroon, scrap, surrender; antonyms (v) keep, support, maintain, (n) restraint. atsaucams revocable; synonyms (adj) reversible, revokable, abrogable, changeable, countermandable, repealable. atsaukšana 1. recall; synonyms (v) retrieve, countermand, recognize, recollect, remember, repeal, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, cancel, recant, remind, think, (n) anamnesis, memory, return, annulment, recollection, reminiscence; antonym (v) forget, 2. withdrawal; synonyms (n) removal, retirement, retreat, secession, departure, defection, desertion, recession, backdown, retraction, recall, exit, exodus, extraction, cancellation, leaving, separation, withdrawment, (v) subtraction, (adj) abstraction, 3. revocation; synonyms (n) abolition, abrogation, withdrawal, revokement. atsaukšanās reference; synonyms (n) citation, mention, quotation, quote, allusion, bearing, connection, recommendation, innuendo, annotation, character, concern, consultation, denotation, hint, implication, (v) cite, refer, note, regard. atsauksme 1. reference; synonyms (n) citation, mention, quotation, quote, allusion, bearing, connection, recommendation, innuendo, annotation, character, concern, consultation, denotation, hint, implication, (v) cite, refer, note, regard, 2. account; synonyms (n) bill, narrative, reckoning, score, tale, description, explanation, history, narration, reason, recital, story, tab, tally, bulletin, check, chronicle, (v) report, calculate, count. atsaukt 1. revoke; synonyms (v) annul, repeal, nullify, cancel, quash, invalidate, abolish, abrogate, overturn, retract, overrule, countermand, recall, annihilate, recant, deny, repudiate, (n) renege, (adj) rescind, reverse, 2. cancel; synonyms (v) erase, expunge, remit, revoke, abate, avoid, efface, eliminate, obliterate, counteract, delete, drop, negate, neutralize, rase, terminate, void, lift, overthrow, counterbalance; antonym (v) validate.
say, argue, assert, aver, claim, declare, pretend, accuse, lay, adduce, avow, charge, cite, contend, offer, present, (n) advance; antonym (v) deny. atsaukums cancellation; synonyms (n) annulment, abolition, cancel, negation, recall, termination, retirement, annulling, omission, circumduction, receipt, renunciation, abandoning, abolishing, circumlocution, contradiction, dissolving, invalidating, overruling, recalling. atsavināšana expropriation; synonyms (n) dispossession, deprivation, appropriation, renunciation, (v) seizure, abreption, abduction, ablation. atsavināt alienate; synonyms (v) estrange, alien, transfer, cede, disaffect, abalienate, adapt, adjust, annoy, antagonize, disincline, dispose, dissociate, divide, fine, irritate, provoke, (adj) envenom, incense, repel. atsavināts forfeit; synonyms (v) abandon, forgo, sacrifice, lose, relinquish, waive, allow, cede, (n) fine, penalty, pawn, cost, forfeiture, mulct, (adj) confiscate, lost, forfeited. atsevišķi singly; synonyms (adv) individually, separately, independently, only, severally, solely, respectively, merely, (adj) alone, single, particularly; antonym (adv) together. atsevišķs 1. individual; synonyms (adj) distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain, characteristic, distinctive, especial, exclusive, singular, sole, solitary, special, (n) human, creature, fellow, man, mortal, person; antonyms (adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general, vague, (n) collective, 2. separate; synonyms (adj) detached, individual, (v) detach, divorce, part, insulate, scatter, cut, dissociate, disconnect, discrete, discriminate, disjoin, disperse, distinguish, divide, isolate, demarcate, break, differentiate; antonyms (adj) connected, joined, simultaneous, (v) unite, merge, mix, combine, fuse, join, link, associate; atsevišķs laidiens
special issue. atskaite 1. return; synonyms (n) yield, pay, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income, revenue, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration, restore, retort, answer, reinstate, reply, requite, revert; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep, 2. accounting; synonyms (adj) clerical, office, secretarial, (n) bookkeeping, account, accountancy, chronicle, explanation, grounds, history, story. atskaitīt deduct; synonyms (v) deduce, subtract, abate, allow, curtail, derive, discount, withhold, cut, infer, reason, recoup, reduce, take; antonym (v) add. atšķirība difference; synonyms (n) conflict, deviation, change, contention, controversy, disagreement, distinction, discord, discrepancy, dissimilarity, divergence, quarrel, departure, balance, breach, margin, contrariety, contrast, (v) differentiate, discriminate; antonyms (n) correspondence, resemblance, sameness, similarity, agreement, concurrence; kultūru
atšķirība cultural difference; atšķirība no unlike. atšķirīgs 1. different; synonyms (adj) another, assorted, dissimilar, unusual, various, alien, alternative, discrete, distinct, diverse, foreign, fresh, miscellaneous, new,
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Latvian - English
opposite, separate, several, strange, unlike, mixed; antonyms (adj) similar, corresponding, equal, identical, like, typical, 2. varied; synonyms (adj) different, diversified, sundry, heterogeneous, manifold, motley, many, versatile, odd; antonyms (adj) boring, dull, homogeneous, uniform, 3. differential; synonyms (adj) integral, totitive, exponential, logarithmic, logometric, numeric, obeisant, prejudicial, proportional, (n) derivative, difference, distinction, fluxion, fluent, children, descendants, determination, earmark, feature, mark, 4. diverse; synonyms (adj) divers, disparate, variant, divergent, varied, multiple, other, numerous, 5. distinct; synonyms (adj) clear, articulate, apparent, definite, distinctive, palpable, decided, marked, plain, tangible, clear-cut, audible, conspicuous, explicit, individual, intelligible, manifest, noticeable, obvious, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj) indistinct, unclear, vague, inaudible, shapeless. atšķirt 1. differentiate; synonyms (v) characterize, distinguish, discriminate, separate, tell, contrast, know, identify, classify, discern, mark, secern, severalize; antonym (v) integrate, 2. separate; synonyms (adj) detached, individual, particular, single, (v) detach, divorce, part, insulate, scatter, cut, dissociate, disconnect, discrete, disjoin, disperse, divide, isolate, demarcate, break, differentiate; antonyms (adj) connected, joined, simultaneous, (v) unite, merge, mix, combine, fuse, join, link, associate; spēja atšķirt
discrimination. atšķirties differ; synonyms (v) dissent, disagree, contradict, clash, deviate, diverge, depart, conflict, vary, dispute, diversify, quarrel, ablude; antonyms (v) agree, concur, conform, correspond. atšķirts separate; synonyms (adj) detached, individual, particular, single, (v) detach, divorce, part, insulate, scatter, cut, dissociate, disconnect, discrete, discriminate, disjoin, disperse, distinguish, divide, isolate, demarcate; antonyms (adj) connected, joined, simultaneous, (v) unite, merge, mix, combine, fuse, join, link, associate. atskrūvēt unscrew; synonyms (v) loosen, open, rotate, screw, turn, unfasten, unlock, (n) uncap, unstop. atslēga key; synonyms (adj) central, fundamental, basic, cardinal, essential, chief, important, principal, significant, (n) guide, handle, clue, legend, clef, password, solution, answer, bolt, note, (v) identify;
aparatūras atslēga hardware key; datu bāzes atslēga database key; fotogrāfijas interpretācijas atslēga photo interpretation key; jaunākā atslēga minor key; privātuma atslēga privacy key; sekundārā atslēga secondary key; kārtošanas atslēga sort key; publiskā atslēga public key; meklēšanas atslēga search key; privātā atslēga private key. atslogot relieve; synonyms (v) assuage, comfort, ease, allay, mitigate, calm, aid, assist, console, excuse, free, help, liberate, disengage, deliver, discharge, disembarrass, (n) alleviate, redress, (adj) absolve; antonyms (v) worsen, burden. atspoguļojums image; synonyms (n) figure, picture, fancy, conception, effigy, form, idea, impression, resemblance, design, double, epitome, icon, idol,
imagination, photograph, diagram, apprehension, (v) depict, envision; faktu atspoguļojums presē
coverage. atspoguļot reflect; synonyms (v) deliberate, ponder, cogitate, consider, contemplate, meditate, muse, mirror, mull, think, bethink, echo, excogitate, ruminate, shine, speculate, copy, imitate, brood, repeat. atspole shuttle; synonyms (n) shuttlecock, bird, birdie, rabbit, boo, chick, dame, doll, fowl, hiss, hoot, raspberry, razzing, shittle, airlift, run, skirt, snort, (v) ferry, exchange. atstarošana reflection; synonyms (n) consideration, contemplation, observation, cogitation, deliberation, meditation, musing, reflexion, thought, idea, notion, introspection, image, repercussion, animadversion, conception, echo, expression, likeness, manifestation;
pilnīga iekšējā atstarošana total internal reflection. atstarpe space; synonyms (n) length, gap, opening, period, place, scope, void, margin, distance, emptiness, extent, interval, latitude, location, range, room, field, volume, berth, (v) separate; starpkadru atstarpe
gap; mainīgā atstarpe variable space. atstāšana abandonment; synonyms (n) renunciation, resignation, desertion, neglect, forsaking, leaving, rejection, relinquishment, surrender, withdrawal, departure, (v) abandon; dienesta atstāšana
retirement. atstāstīt relate; synonyms (v) connect, narrate, recount, associate, link, tell, appertain, apply, describe, detail, pertain, recite, refer, rehearse, report, depict, concern, repeat, tie, affect. atstāt abandon; synonyms (v) quit, relinquish, renounce, resign, vacate, desert, evacuate, leave, waive, depart, abdicate, chuck, ditch, drop, forfeit, forgo, forsake, maroon, scrap, surrender; antonyms (v) keep, support, maintain, (n) restraint; atstāt aiz sevis distance;
atstāt glabāšanā deposit; atstāt rezervē margin. atstatums distance; synonyms (n) remove, space, way, gap, aloofness, interval, altitude, measure, period, place, range, reach, stretch, width, (v) dissociate, outdistance, outstrip, separate, (adj) length, farness; antonyms (n) nearness, proximity, closeness, intimacy, (v) associate. atsvars weight; synonyms (n) load, burden, charge, consequence, heaviness, importance, pressure, significance, stress, ballast, bias, import, influence, moment, emphasis, avoirdupois, force, validity, authority, (v) gravity; antonym (n) triviality. attaisnojums 1. acquittal; synonyms (n) absolution, discharge, acquitment, acquittance, justification, pardon, release, exoneration, forgiveness, fulfillment, liberation, performance, observance; antonym (n) conviction, 2. excuse; synonyms (n) apology, alibi, evasion, palliate, pretext, color, defense, explanation, (v) absolve, acquit, condone, exculpate, forgive, justify, apologise, apologize, dispensation, exempt, exonerate, explain; antonym (v) punish. attaisnošana justification; synonyms (n) apology, defense, account, reason, defence, cause, basis, explanation, grounds, vindication, foundation, authority,
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Latvian - English salvation, sanctification, support, argument, pardon, (v) excuse, absolution, acquittal. attaisnot 1. acquit; synonyms (v) absolve, exculpate, exonerate, release, clear, discharge, excuse, pardon, conduct, forgive, free, vindicate, hold, redeem, assoil, bear, behave, carry, comport, deliver; antonym (v) convict, 2. warrant; synonyms (n) guarantee, authority, vouch, authorization, security, certificate, commission, pledge, support, (v) permit, license, assure, justify, sanction, ensure, authorize, empower, endorse, warranty, promise, 3. justify; synonyms (v) explain, confirm, defend, deserve, apologize, claim, palliate, rationalize, exempt, acquit, assert, maintain, uphold, verify, apologise, gloss, merit, prove, (n) warrant. attāls distant; synonyms (adj) cold, aloof, remote, chill, cool, detached, far, reserved, long, faraway, icy, indifferent, removed, standoffish, unfriendly, abstracted, wide, (adv) apart, away, (n) chilly; antonyms (adj) close, adjacent, friendly, near, nearby, neighboring, warm, pending, alert, intimate, involved; attāls rajons
remote area; attāls procedūras izsaukums remote procedure call. attālums distance; synonyms (n) remove, space, way, gap, aloofness, interval, altitude, measure, period, place, range, reach, stretch, width, (v) dissociate, outdistance, outstrip, separate, (adj) length, farness; antonyms (n) nearness, proximity, closeness, intimacy, (v) associate;
minimālais kodoldrošības attālums minimum nuclear safe distance; drošs attālums safe distance; drošs atdalīšanās attālums safe separation distance; drošības attālums safety distance; attālums starp transportlīdzekļiem vehicle distance. atteikšanās denial; synonyms (n) negation, abnegation, renunciation, repulse, no, abjuration, contradiction, negative, refusal, rejection, forswearing, nay, abandonment, rebuff, rebuttal, refutation, repudiation, veto, defence, defense; antonyms (n) acceptance, affirmation, declaration, admission, confession. atteikt 1. reject; synonyms (v) refuse, decline, deny, disapprove, discard, dismiss, eliminate, exclude, rebuff, abandon, disallow, disown, ignore, renounce, repel, repudiate, spurn, eject, jettison, (n) cull; antonyms (v) accept, approve, choose, select, acknowledge, grant, 2. refuse; synonyms (v) reject, dross, disdain, balk, dissent, defy, demur, disavow, resist, (n) garbage, trash, waste, offal, debris, litter, leavings, dirt, junk, recrement, rubbish, 3. deny; synonyms (v) contradict, controvert, abnegate, gainsay, oppose, abjure, contravene, disclaim, disprove, traverse, withhold, retract, abdicate, veto, disaffirm, dispute, forbid, negate, rebut, recant; antonyms (v) admit, affirm, claim, declare, agree, maintain. atteikties 1. decline; synonyms (n) decay, declension, decrease, dip, declination, descent, deterioration, diminution, (v) wane, drop, reject, fall, abate, ebb, fail, refuse, sink, deny, deteriorate, (adj) fade; antonyms (n) improvement, recovery, development, growth, rebirth, (v) increase, rise, accept, flourish, improve, 2. abandon; synonyms (v) quit, relinquish, renounce, resign, vacate, desert, evacuate, leave, waive, depart, abdicate, chuck,
ditch, forfeit, forgo, forsake, maroon, scrap, surrender, yield; antonyms (v) keep, support, maintain, (n) restraint. atteikums 1. refusal; synonyms (n) declination, denial, negative, no, rebuff, rejection, ban, prohibition, repulse, negation, exclusion, preemption, disobedience, repudiation, resistance; antonym (n) permission, 2. rejection; synonyms (n) dismissal, refusal, abandonment, renunciation, exception, disavowal, censure, defection, desertion, effusion, ejection, abjuration, disclaimer, rebuttal, snub, check, emission, nonadmission, omission, slight; antonyms (n) acceptance, approval. attēlot describe; synonyms (v) define, delineate, depict, outline, report, represent, state, draw, relate, qualify, characterize, designate, explain, name, narrate, recite, recount, sketch, adumbrate, demonstrate. attēls 1. depiction; synonyms (n) picture, portrayal, characterization, delineation, depicting, description, likeness, portrait, drawing, illustration, image, representation, sketch, 2. picture; synonyms (n) photograph, effigy, paint, depiction, film, icon, landscape, painting, photo, scene, panorama, chart, (v) describe, draw, depict, fancy, imagine, copy, envision, figure, 3. image; synonyms (n) conception, form, idea, impression, resemblance, design, double, epitome, idol, imagination, diagram, apprehension, guise, appearance, emblem, ikon, metaphor, notion, perception, (v) cast, 4. illustration; synonyms (n) example, case, exemplification, instance, demonstration, explanation, model, sample, exemplar, exposition, plan, comparison, representative, table. attiecība relation; synonyms (n) connection, account, narration, recital, affinity, association, description, regard, rehearsal, kin, bearing, bond, narrative, reference, relationship, relative, alliance, history, (v) report, rapport; procentuālā attiecība percentage;
savstarpēja attiecība correlation. attiecīgs corresponding; synonyms (adj) congruent, comparable, equal, same, similar, commensurate, consonant, alike, analogous, correspondent, equivalent, like, matching, parallel, complementary, proportionate, accordant, congruous, opposite, adequate; antonym (adj) different. attiecināt attribute; synonyms (n) assign, quality, characteristic, emblem, feature, character, mark, peculiarity, dimension, qualification, (v) ascribe, blame, charge, credit, impute, accuse, lay, refer, (adj) property, faculty. attieksme attitude; synonyms (n) position, aspect, posture, behavior, mind, notion, air, approach, bearing, disposition, mentality, mood, opinion, outlook, perspective, pose, side, stance, view, viewpoint. attīrīšana purification; synonyms (n) defecation, purge, refinement, catharsis, refining, rectification, epuration, sublimation, baptism, civilization, cultivation, elegance, elevation, exaltation, februation, gentility, politeness, absolution, atonement, bathing; antonyms (n) ruining, debasement. attīrīt 1. refine; synonyms (v) cultivate, clear, purify, civilize, elaborate, improve, smelt, chasten, develop, better, distill, filter, perfect, process, educate, enhance, (adj) clarify, purge, edulcorate, expurgate, 2. purify;
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Latvian - English
synonyms (v) clean, disinfect, refine, sanctify, depurate, lustrate, bless, consecrate, defecate, rinse, hallow, strain, sublimate, freshen, fumigate, sterilize, (adj) cleanse; antonyms (v) contaminate, pollute. attīstība 1. expansion; synonyms (n) amplification, enlargement, development, dilatation, dilation, elaboration, growth, stretch, distention, evolution, increase, inflation, swelling, diffusion, space, advance, elongation, enhancement, (v) extension, augmentation; antonyms (n) contraction, decrease, reduction, abbreviation, 2. progress; synonyms (n) headway, improvement, furtherance, betterment, gain, course, advancement, movement, passage, process, (v) proceed, continue, develop, go, move, grow, improve, pass, prosper, way; antonyms (n) decline, deterioration, (v) regress, 3. development; synonyms (n) progress, spread, change, developing, effect, expansion, result, complication, maturity, accession, creation, state, alteration, consequence, construction, cultivation, discovery, emergence, event, exploitation; antonym (n) neglect, 4. evolution; synonyms (n) evolvement, mutation, modification, progression, innovation, (v) operation, elimination, eradication; ekonomikas
attīstība economic development; ekonomiskā attīstība economic development; lauku attīstība rural development; tehnoloģijas attīstība technological development; nepilnīga attīstība abortion; plānveidīga attīstība planned development; saimnieciskā attīstība economic development; sociālā attīstība social development. attīstīt develop; synonyms (v) advance, amplify, educate, expand, grow, breed, contract, acquire, bloom, blossom, break, bud, build, come, cultivate, elaborate, evolve, extend, flourish, increase; antonyms (v) decrease, erupt, neglect, regress. attīstītājs developer; synonyms (n) builder, constructor, pioneer. attīstīties advance; synonyms (n) progress, improvement, growth, headway, (v) further, proceed, promote, approach, encourage, raise, rise, boost, contribute, cultivate, develop, forward, gain, grow, improve, (phr) accelerate; antonyms (n) deterioration, (v) retreat, recede, delay, demote, regress. atturēšana prevention; synonyms (n) avoidance, bar, exclusion, interference, prohibition, restraint, prenotion; antonym (n) success. atturēšanās abstention; synonyms (n) abstinence, avoidance, renunciation, nonparticipation, celibacy, abstaining, cleansing, refraining, starvation. atturībnieks teetotaller; synonyms (n) teetotaler, teetotalist. atvaïinâjums 1. holiday; synonyms (n) feast, festival, sabbath, break, leisure, recess, rest, stay, (v) vacation, fete, (adj) festive, 2. leave; synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go, abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, lay, allow, bequeath, drop, evacuate, (n) furlough, holiday, permission, permit, consent, (adj) empty; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, remain, approach, change, come. atvainoties apologize; synonyms (v) apologise, regret, justify, repent, absolve, atone, compensate, rationalise,
rationalize, redress, retreat, confess, crawl, (n) excuse, extenuate, palliate, gloze, slur, varnish, soften. atvairīt repel; synonyms (v) nauseate, disgust, revolt, rebuff, repulse, sicken, decline, displease, refuse, reject, parry, drive, oppose, rebut, dismiss, combat, dispel, push, resist, shock; antonyms (v) attract, charm, draw. atvasinājums derivative; synonyms (adj) derived, unoriginal, copied, plagiarized, bland, boring, dull, formative, imitative, insipid, (n) derivate, derivation, differential, offshoot, expansion, extension, modification, branch, consequence, deduction; antonym (n) original. atvere 1. outlet; synonyms (n) shop, market, egress, exit, opening, store, drain, emporium, hole, issue, aperture, emission, escape, gap, release, vent, grip, 2. opening; synonyms (n) mouth, break, beginning, cleft, commencement, crack, door, entrance, occasion, chasm, onset, breach, chance, crevice, entry, fissure, hiatus, (adj) preliminary, first, initial; antonyms (n) end, closing, finale, (adj) final; liešanas katla atvere pot throat. atvērt open; synonyms (adj) frank, obvious, artless, exposed, free, honest, bare, forthright, guileless, ingenuous, naked, direct, explicit, downright, easy, (v) expand, give, (n) candid, clear, loosen; antonyms (adj) devious, secretive, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, repressive, reserved, restricted, secret, blocked, cautious, closed, crafty, enigmatic, narrow, (v) shut, end, finish, (tr v) close. atvērts open; synonyms (adj) frank, obvious, artless, exposed, free, honest, bare, forthright, guileless, ingenuous, naked, direct, explicit, downright, easy, (v) expand, give, (n) candid, clear, loosen; antonyms (adj) devious, secretive, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, repressive, reserved, restricted, secret, blocked, cautious, closed, crafty, enigmatic, narrow, (v) shut, end, finish, (tr v) close; atvērts konts open account. atvieglojums 1. privilege; synonyms (n) charter, immunity, liberty, prerogative, freedom, exemption, franchise, grant, concession, claim, due, permit, perquisite, right, empower, exception, indulgence, (v) license, favor, favour, 2. advantage; synonyms (n) behalf, privilege, profit, account, expediency, good, lead, preponderance, virtue, perk, boot, avail, convenience, gain, leverage, preference, reward, service, superiority, (v) benefit; antonyms (n) drawback, detriment, difficulty, (v) disadvantage, 3. relief; synonyms (n) comfort, aid, consolation, ease, help, relaxation, release, respite, solace, abatement, alleviation, encouragement, redress, rest, amends, assuagement, break, easing, (v) assistance, assist; maksājumu atvieglojums payment
facilities. atvieglošana facilitation; synonyms (n) assistance, enhancement. atvieglot 1. ease; synonyms (n) comfort, convenience, rest, aid, leisure, relief, repose, satisfaction, alleviation, composure, lightness, (v) alleviate, assuage, relieve, allay, facilitate, relax, appease, calm, (adj) smooth; antonyms (n) difficulty, discomfort, awkwardness, formality, (v) aggravate, worsen, 2. facilitate; synonyms (v) assist, ease, help, expedite, further, advance, abet, hasten, lighten, promote, serve, simplify, speed, support, (n) favor; antonyms (v) hinder, obstruct,
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Latvian - English 3. mitigate; synonyms (v) abate, lessen, moderate, palliate, diminish, extenuate, mollify, temper, modify, attenuate, loosen, commute, pacify, qualify, quell, reduce, (n) tranquilize, (adj) soften, compose, soothe; antonym (v) exacerbate, 4. aid; synonyms (n) assistance, encouragement, backing, boost, care, cure, hand, lift, patronage, recourse, second, service, facility, (v) benefit, minister, countenance, encourage, remedy, succor, accommodate; antonym (n) hindrance. atvilkšana 1. deduction; synonyms (n) allowance, conclusion, discount, abatement, decrease, rebate, subtraction, corollary, decrement, diminution, illation, implication, induction, inference, logic, reasoning, withdrawal, belief, guess, hypothesis; antonym (n) addition, 2. retirement; synonyms (n) retreat, resignation, departure, privacy, seclusion, secrecy, recession, solitude, cancellation. atvilkt deduct; synonyms (v) deduce, subtract, abate, allow, curtail, derive, discount, withhold, cut, infer, reason, recoup, reduce, take; antonym (v) add; ļaut
atvilkt elpu wind. atvilktne drawer; synonyms (n) draftsman, draughtsman, till, commode, engraver, case, locker, closet, bin, buffet, bunker, cellaret, clothespress, cupboard, draftsperson, limner, painter, press, safe, sideboard. atvilkums deduction; synonyms (n) allowance, conclusion, discount, abatement, decrease, rebate, subtraction, corollary, decrement, diminution, illation, implication, induction, inference, logic, reasoning, withdrawal, belief, guess, hypothesis; antonym (n) addition. atzīme 1. note; synonyms (n) comment, mention, remark, annotation, heed, indication, mark, attention, bill, distinction, epistle, letter, memorandum, report, (v) notice, mind, look, detect, record, discern; antonym (v) ignore, 2. mark; synonyms (n) brand, evidence, score, character, impression, imprint, sign, feature, badge, check, emblem, line, point, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish, grade, label, differentiate, note; augstākā
atzīme a; atzīme dokumentā check; adreses atzīme address mark. atzīmēt 1. record; synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, disk, document, history, deed, disc, (v) chronicle, file, enter, note, report, score, inscribe, mark, enrol, enroll, indicate, 2. mark; synonyms (n) brand, evidence, character, heed, impression, imprint, sign, feature, badge, check, emblem, indication, line, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish, grade, label, differentiate, (adj) notice, 3. note; synonyms (n) comment, mention, remark, annotation, attention, bill, distinction, epistle, letter, memorandum, importance, minute, observation, (v) mind, look, detect, record, discern, observe, perceive; antonym (v) ignore, 4. sign; synonyms (n) signal, motion, portent, manifestation, omen, poster, presage, wave, forerunner, attribute, augury, banner, ensign, hint, indicator, premonition, prognostic, (v) gesture, autograph, bless; atzīmēt uz kartes map; atzīmēt
kartē map; atzīmēt ar burtiem letter. atzinība 1. acknowledgement; synonyms (n) acceptance, acknowledgment, recognition, acclaim, preferment, realisation, realization, 2. recognition;
synonyms (n) appreciation, identification, perception, cognizance, acknowledgement, admission, approval, avowal, credit, remembrance, salute, understanding, commemoration, gratitude, recollection, knowledge, remembering, (adj) reception, greeting, (v) sense. atzinums conclusion; synonyms (n) closure, close, end, result, cessation, completion, sequel, termination, decision, dissolution, ending, epilogue, finale, finish, last, outcome, resolution, tail, coda, (v) closing; antonyms (n) beginning, start, opening, preface;
revīzijas atzinums audit report; padomdevēja atzinums advisory opinion; negatīvs atzinums adverse opinion; konsultatīvs atzinums advisory opinion; ekspertīzes atzinums expert opinion; eksperta atzinums expert opinion. atzīšana 1. recognition; synonyms (n) acknowledgment, appreciation, identification, perception, cognizance, acceptance, acknowledgement, admission, approval, avowal, credit, realization, remembrance, salute, understanding, commemoration, gratitude, recollection, knowledge, (adj) reception, 2. admission; synonyms (n) access, confession, admittance, declaration, recognition, confirmation, acquiescence, affirmation, allowance, concession, entrance, entree, entry, inclusion, introduction, pass, permission, receipt, ticket, accordance; antonym (n) denial, 3. approval; synonyms (n) applause, approbation, acclaim, agreement, admiration, acclamation, commendation, consent, praise, adoption, assent, backing, blessing, endorsement, plaudit, ratification, sanction, support, liking, accolade; antonyms (n) disapproval, rejection, condemnation, scorn, criticism, 4. allowance; synonyms (n) allotment, discount, quota, tolerance, maintenance, abatement, adjustment, allocation, compensation, deduction, fee, grant, indulgence, leave, margin, portion, rebate, share, wage, aid. atzīšanās 1. confession; synonyms (n) avowal, admission, acknowledgment, recognition, concession, divulgence, disclosure, penance, profession, apology; antonym (n) denial, 2. admission; synonyms (n) acceptance, access, confession, admittance, declaration, reception, confirmation, acquiescence, affirmation, allowance, entrance, entree, entry, inclusion, introduction, pass, permission, receipt, ticket, accordance. atzīt 1. acknowledge; synonyms (v) accept, avow, confess, recognize, own, profess, admit, appreciate, concede, declare, notice, affirm, agree, answer, confirm, grant, hail, know, observe, receipt; antonyms (v) deny, ignore, overlook, reject, 2. adjudge; synonyms (v) adjudicate, award, condemn, judge, convict, decide, sentence, (n) give, 3. declare; synonyms (v) announce, advertise, allege, assert, say, attest, acknowledge, aver, proclaim, call, divulge, express, promulgate, pronounce, speak, annunciate, promise, adjudge, claim, (adj) communicate, 4. accept; synonyms (v) receive, take, abide, accede, acquiesce, adopt, assume, believe, yield, approve, assent, bear, consent, espouse, have, reconcile, suffer, suppose, tolerate, (n) embrace; antonyms (v) refuse, snub, oppose, renounce, resist, 5. recognize; synonyms (v) discern, distinguish, identify, discover, allow, realize, descry, accredit, agnize, perceive, see,
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Latvian - English detect, agnise, comprehend, discriminate, espy, experience, recognise, recognition, (n) ken; atzīt par
labāku prefer; atzīt par likumīgu legitimate; piespiest atzīt convince. atzīties confess; synonyms (v) concede, avow, profess, disclose, divulge, recognize, reveal, declare, grant, shrive, tell, (adj) acknowledge, admit, allow, own; antonym (v) deny. aube 1. cap; synonyms (n) cover, bonnet, lid, capital, base, ceiling, crest, detonator, tip, closure, coif, cork, (v) top, beat, limit, surpass, better, complete, crown, culminate, 2. bonnet; synonyms (n) hood, cap, tile, wimple, castor, boater, decoy, fedora, goon, hoodlum, punk, sou'wester, thug, tough, toughie, wideawake, (v) uncover. audējs weaver; synonyms (n) cobweb, pterygium, texture, tissue, weaverbird, web, webeye. audekls canvas; synonyms (n) picture, duck, sail, sheet, (v) canvass, painting, tableau; rupjš linu audekls crash;
buru audekls duck. audi 1. weft; synonyms (n) filling, woof, pick, choice, cream, fill, grain, nap, option, pickax, pickaxe, picking, plectron, plectrum, selection, shute, 2. woof; synonyms (n) weft, texture, cry, growl, snarl, yelp, yowl, fiber, (v) bark, howl, wail, yap, bay. audums 1. cloth; synonyms (n) fabric, material, cover, rag, stuff, textile, calling, net, (v) napkin, 2. fabric; synonyms (n) building, cloth, composition, frame, construction, framework, fiber, performance, anatomy, organization, production, texture, work, (v) edifice, structure; kokvilnas audums cotton; kokvilna
audums cotton; zīda audums silk fabric; plāns audums tissue; rūtains audums check. audzēknis pupil; synonyms (n) follower, learner, student, scholar, apprentice, disciple, trainee, schoolchild, novice, adherent, tyro, ward, beginner, educatee. augļi fruit; synonyms (n) effect, crop, outgrowth, product, consequence, issue, produce, production, yield, development, (v) result, return, building, edifice, erection, fabric, flower; diskonta augļi discount
rate. auglība fertility; synonyms (n) fecundity, birthrate, productivity, affluence, uberty, abundance, natality, plenty, prolificacy, richness; antonyms (n) sterility, infertility; augsnes auglība soil fertility. auglis 1. fruit; synonyms (n) effect, crop, outgrowth, product, consequence, issue, produce, production, yield, development, (v) result, return, building, edifice, erection, fabric, flower, 2. foetus; synonyms (n) fetus, kitten, pup. augļošana usury; synonyms (n) usure, vigorish, (v) usance, accustom, application, custom, employ, employment, etc, habit, habituate, interest, inure, manner, necessity, practice, treat, usage, use, usefulness. augļotājs usurer; synonyms (n) moneylender, banker, cambist, financier, (adj) extortioner, churl, codger, crib, curmudgeon, harpagon, harpy, hunks, lickpenny, miser, muckworm, niggard, screw, scrimp, skinflint. augša head; synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive, chair, brain,
commander, director, end, forefront, (v) capital, direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate, (v) follow. augšāmcelšanās resurrection; synonyms (n) renewal, rebirth, regeneration, resurgence, revival, reanimation, renaissance, resuscitation, translation, reincarnation. augšana growth; synonyms (n) development, accretion, augmentation, evolution, gain, increase, enlargement, germination, accumulation, accession, addition, advance, improvement, increment, rise, bulge, extension, growing, outgrowth, (v) grow; antonyms (n) decrease, reduction, weakening, decline; monokristāla
augšana single crystal growth; kristāla augšana crystal growth. augšdaļa head; synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive, chair, brain, commander, director, end, forefront, (v) capital, direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate, (v) follow. augsne 1. land; synonyms (n) ground, country, soil, field, kingdom, domain, estate, nation, realm, state, empire, commonwealth, demesne, (v) disembark, debark, alight, get, drop, arrive, bring; antonym (adj) aquatic, 2. soil; synonyms (n) dirt, grime, land, dust, (v) smudge, blot, contaminate, dirty, pollute, mire, blemish, defile, foul, mould, smear, smirch, smutch, begrime, daub, (adj) blur; antonym (v) clean; viegla augsne light soil;
sablīvēta augsne hard pan; smaga augsne heavy soil. augšstilbs femur; synonyms (n) thighbone, femoris. augstāks superior; synonyms (adj) senior, dominant, better, exceptional, predominant, elder, great, arrogant, chief, eminent, excellent, high, higher, lofty, proud, select, commanding, admirable, distinctive, exalted; antonyms (adj) humble, worse, poor, (n) inferior, subordinate, subscript; augstāks vadītājs top
executive. augstprātība arrogance; synonyms (n) haughtiness, disdain, conceit, presumption, vanity, conceitedness, effrontery, hauteur, hubris, insolence, lordliness, pride, snobbery, superciliousness, swagger, airs, superiority; antonyms (n) humility, modesty. augsts high; synonyms (adj) eminent, elevated, great, expensive, distinguished, exalted, lofty, tall, heavy, arrogant, costly, dear, shrill, strong, drunk, gamy, (v) bad, fusty, rancid, steep; antonyms (adj) deep, short, sober, (n) low; augsts gaisa spiediens high. augstu high; synonyms (adj) eminent, elevated, great, expensive, distinguished, exalted, lofty, tall, heavy, arrogant, costly, dear, shrill, strong, drunk, gamy, (v) bad, fusty, rancid, steep; antonyms (adj) deep, short, sober, (n) low; augstu vērtēt appreciate; augstu
vêrtêt appreciate. augstums 1. height; synonyms (n) acme, apex, altitude, crest, culmination, peak, pinnacle, top, climax, degree, elevation, eminence, grade, high, level, summit, zenith, extent, length, measure; antonym (n) shortness, 2. altitude; synonyms (n) height, distance, stature, tallness, 3. pitch; synonyms (n) dip, slant, slope, angle, delivery, gradient, (v) fling, cast, chuck, lurch, tilt, toss, heave, hurl, throw, careen, launch, erect, fall, flip; absolūtais
augstums absolute height; nomešanas relatīvais Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English augstums drop height; nozīmīgs viļņu augstums significant wave height; relatīvais augstums height. augt grow; synonyms (v) advance, augment, develop, enlarge, expand, come, emerge, become, farm, get, rise, spring, turn, breed, accrue, arise, blossom, evolve, extend, flourish; antonyms (v) decrease, weaken, shrink. aukla 1. lace; synonyms (n) edging, lacing, net, galloon, trimming, (v) braid, enlace, entwine, interlace, bind, rope, tie, knot, tat, knit, mesh, plait, truss, twine, (adj) string, 2. band; synonyms (n) cluster, party, set, swathe, circle, collar, company, crew, faction, gang, lace, strap, strip, stripe, zone, list, area, association, (v) ring, combine; makšķeres aukla fishing line. auksts cold; synonyms (adj) chilly, frigid, aloof, callous, distant, icy, indifferent, apathetic, bleak, cool, dead, dull, freezing, frosty, hard, heartless, impassive, inhospitable, (n) chilliness, chill; antonyms (adj) warm, friendly, hot, burning, prepared, affectionate, loving, soporific, (n) heat, warmth. aušana weaving; synonyms (adj) lurching, staggering, stumbling, astonishing, astounding, irregular, stupefying, unstable, (n) braiding. auss ear; synonyms (n) auricle, handle, hearing, lug, spike, capitulum, heed, earing, notice, crown, pinna, appreciation, discrimination, favor, mark, observance, observation, perception, pinnule, (v) cultivate. austrumi east; synonyms (n) orient, e, einsteinium, tocopherol, (v) orientate. autentisks authentic; synonyms (adj) actual, genuine, accurate, real, right, straight, believable, true, trustworthy, valid, unfeigned, unsophisticated, credible, factual, honest, natural, original, pure, reliable, (v) authoritative; antonyms (adj) bogus, fake, unrealistic. autentiskums authenticity; synonyms (n) genuineness, legitimacy, reality, honesty, truth, validity, veracity. autobuss bus; synonyms (n) automobile, autobus, car, coach, vehicle, busbar, charabanc, motorbus, omnibus;
tālsatiksmes autobuss coach. automatizācija automation; synonyms (n) mechanization, automatization, mechanisation, computerization. automāts automaton; synonyms (n) golem, machine, robot, zombi, zombie; antonym (n) person; griešanas
automāts automatic cutting machine. automobilis motor; synonyms (n) engine, automobile, machine, car, locomotive, conductor, (adj) motive, (v) drive, ride, travel; smagais automobilis lorry;
vieglais preču automobilis delivery van; vieglais automobilis car; lielkravas automobilis heavy truck; furgontipa vieglais automobilis estate car; automobilis preču izvadāšanai delivery van. autonomija autonomy; synonyms (n) independence, freedom, autocracy, liberty, sovereignty; antonym (n) dependence. autorība authorship; synonyms (n) paternity, source, writing, composition, pencraft, authorism, bookcraft, penning, chirography, composing, constitution,
fathership, makeup, opus, origination, paper, penmanship, piece, report, (v) publication. autoritāte authority; synonyms (n) ascendancy, command, sanction, administration, authorization, dominance, domination, hold, judge, power, professional, rule, warrant, lordship, agency, approval, authorisation, bureau, commission, control. autors author; synonyms (n) writer, architect, creator, founder, inventor, originator, parent, producer, father, generator, maker, dramatist, playwright, poet, source, (v) compose, create, write; individuālais autors
personal author; apskata autors observer. auzas 1. oats; synonyms (n) oat, buckwheat, cereal, grain, holder, maize, millet, possessor, rice, rye, 2. oat; synonyms (n) ait, eyot. avanss advance; synonyms (n) progress, improvement, growth, headway, (v) further, proceed, promote, approach, encourage, raise, rise, boost, contribute, cultivate, develop, forward, gain, grow, improve, (phr) accelerate; antonyms (n) deterioration, (v) retreat, recede, delay, demote, regress; maksājuma avanss advance
payment. avārija 1. accident; synonyms (n) chance, casualty, coincidence, crash, fortune, circumstance, contingency, event, fortuity, hap, hazard, incident, luck, smash, catastrophe, destiny, disaster, emergency, fact, haphazard, 2. crash; synonyms (n) clash, collision, clank, clatter, fall, impact, slam, wreck, breakdown, roar, cannon, (v) bang, collapse, break, clang, crack, dash, plunge, ram, thunder; ražošanas avārija industrial
accident. aviācija 1. aircraft; synonyms (n) airplane, airliner, craft, plane, vessel, airship, blimp, boat, dirigible, hydroplane, jumbo, vehicle, zeppelin, jet, seaplane, spacecraft, 2. aviation; synonyms (n) air, flight, airwave, atmosphere, aura, ballooning, aerodynamics, breeze, line, melody, piloting, strain, tune, zephyr. aviolīnija airline; synonym (n) airway. avīze 1. newspaper; synonyms (n) journal, gazette, magazine, paper, news, periodical, print, publisher, newsprint, press, publication, 2. paper; synonyms (n) document, article, newspaper, discourse, certificate, essay, report, composition, form, ticket, dissertation, exposition, theme, thesis, writing, archive, pad, (v) wallpaper, case, face; dienas avīze daily. avots 1. source; synonyms (n) origin, root, cause, commencement, beginning, reason, head, parent, basis, derivation, germ, headspring, original, origination, reference, seed, spring, birth, base, reservoir, 2. spring; synonyms (n) jump, leap, bound, fountain, skip, source, dance, rise, jet, font, fount, (v) hop, caper, bounce, dive, originate, recoil, proceed, arise, (adj) elastic;
barošanas avots power supply; enerģijas avots energy source; ienākumu avots source of income; autoritātivs avots authority; piegādes avots source of supply; sekundārais avots secondary source; stacionārs piesārņojuma avots point source; strāvas avots power supply. avs ewe; synonyms (n) ram, tup, yowe. azbests asbestos; synonyms (n) asbestus, (adj) fireproof.
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Latvian - English
azimuts azimuth; synonym (v) rhumb; kartes azimuts grid bearing; īstais azimuts true bearing. ažio agio; synonyms (n) premium, agiotage, percentage, drawback, poundage, qualification, bounty.
 âtrs fast; synonyms (adj) dissolute, firm, agile, debauched, fixed, hurried, instant, quick, rapid, staunch, brisk, colorfast, dissipated, durable, expeditious, express, (adv) soon, hard, close, (n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose, (adv) slow, slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge.
Ā ābece primer; synonyms (n) manual, fuse, fuze, ground, grammar, priming, textbook, undercoat, abecedary, fusee, fuzee. āda 1. skin; synonyms (n) peel, hide, coating, fur, hull, rind, shell, crust, integument, pelt, case, coat, covering, cutis, (v) pare, bark, scrape, excoriate, flay, abrade, 2. leather; synonyms (n) fleece, skin, buckskin, fell, pigskin, (v) drub, thrash, thresh, hit, 3. hide; synonyms (v) conceal, disguise, obscure, bury, cloak, mask, shelter, ambush, muffle, camouflage, dissemble, enshroud, envelop, shade, shield, shroud, (n) cover, veil, cloud, (adj) darken; antonyms (v) reveal, show, expose, express. āķis hook; synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw, crotchet, draw, lure, trap, anchor, (v) catch, bend, fasten, hitch, button, ensnare, attach, bag, cop, crochet, curve, entrap;
makšķeres āķis angle. āmurs hammer; synonyms (n) pound, gavel, hammering, malleus, (v) strike, bang, beat, knock, tap, club, forge, hit, thrash, drive, drum, rap, batter, defeat, overwhelm, ram. āpsis badger; synonyms (v) pester, annoy, tease, bother, harass, beleaguer, bug, harry, hassle, hound, molest, plague, worry, disturb, aggravate, bait, beset, besiege, heckle, importune. ārējais outward; synonyms (adj) exterior, external, apparent, extrinsic, outer, outside, superficial, surface, foreign, ostensible, seeming, departing, outbound, (adv) out, outwards; antonym (adv) inward; ārējais parāds
external debt; ārējais faktors external factor; ārējais aizņēmums foreign loan. ārējs 1. outer; synonyms (adj) external, exterior, outside, outward, extrinsic, outdoor, outlying, peripheral, surface, utter; antonym (adj) middle, 2. external; synonyms (adj) extraneous, foreign, superficial, formal, exotic, objective, outer; antonyms (adj) inner, interior, internal, domestic, inmost, inside; ārējs spēks external force. āriene surface; synonyms (n) level, face, outside, superficies, facet, grain, side, finish, plane, (v) appear, emerge, coat, rise, cover, develop, (adj) exterior,
external, shallow, superficial, outward; antonyms (n) core, inside, interior, middle. ārprāts madness; synonyms (n) frenzy, furor, insanity, lunacy, delirium, folly, idiocy, insaneness, aberration, anger, craziness, derangement, distraction, foolishness, hydrophobia, mania, (adj) fury, rage, desperation, furore; antonyms (n) sanity, sense. ārpuse 1. surface; synonyms (n) level, face, outside, superficies, facet, grain, side, finish, plane, (v) appear, emerge, coat, rise, cover, develop, (adj) exterior, external, shallow, superficial, outward; antonyms (n) core, inside, interior, middle, 2. outside; synonyms (prep) past, (adj) out, outdoor, foreign, extraneous, outer, away, remote, slight, surface, distant, extrinsic, outlying, maximum, negligible, strange, (adv) outdoors, alfresco, beyond, (n) periphery; antonyms (prep) in, (adj) indoor, internal, (adv) indoors. ārstniecisks medicinal; synonyms (adj) curative, medical, medicative, healing, remedial, therapeutic. ārsts 1. doctor; synonyms (n) physician, doc, medico, scholar, (v) cure, adulterate, attend, fix, heal, mend, remedy, repair, cook, debase, falsify, leech, sophisticate, bushel; antonym (v) break, 2. physician; synonyms (n) doctor, medicine, healer, cathartic, curer, mendelevium, mv, physic, bones, specialist, teacher; kara ārsts
medical officer; praktiskais ārsts practitioner. ārzemnieks foreigner; synonyms (n) alien, stranger, outlander, outsider, unknown, barbarian, immigrant, newcomer; antonym (n) native. āte halibut; synonym (n) holibut. ātrs 1. prompt; synonyms (adj) agile, quick, nimble, punctual, dexterous, expeditious, immediate, fast, hasty, (v) actuate, incite, fleet, inspire, instigate, move, animate, cue, goad, impel, induce; antonyms (adj) slow, late, 2. expeditious; synonyms (adj) brisk, prompt, swift, rapid, speedy, ready; ātrs solis double. ātrums 1. rate; synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, percentage, charge, (v) assess, estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise, compute, count, calculate, merit, put, rank, esteem, gauge, prize, 2. speed; synonyms (n) race, rapidity, velocity, celerity, fastness, haste, promptness, (v) hasten, hurry, quicken, run, rush, accelerate, dash, dispatch, expedite, promote, shoot, dart, hurtle; antonym (n) slowness; ceļa ātrums ground
speed; deklarētais ātrums declared speed; drošs ātrums safe speed; kritiskais ātrums critical speed; līnijas ātrums line speed; zemes ātrums ground speed; papīra kustības ātrums paper speed; piekļuves ātrums access rate; pirmais ātrums low; sagraušanas ātrums failure rate. ātrvilciens express; synonyms (v) exhibit, articulate, convey, declare, demonstrate, display, mean, say, state, tell, (adj) explicit, direct, definite, distinct, especial, clear, exact, speedy, specific, (n) denote; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, (adj) slow, vague. āva halberd; synonyms (n) gisarme, tomahawk. āzis goat; synonyms (n) butt, lecher, satyr, chamois, fornicator, gallant, grasshopper, paillard, arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns, buttocks, can, cigaret, cigarette, derriere.
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Latvian - English
balsošana voting; synonyms (adj) elective, (n) vote, ballot, balloting, poll, election, suffrage, division, appointment, determination; parlamenta balsošana
B bagātība 1. wealth; synonyms (n) riches, abundance, affluence, opulence, treasure, capital, fortune, property, profusion, mammon, resources, assets, copiousness, excess, prosperity, possession, (v) money, gold, (adj) plenty, richness; antonyms (n) poverty, penury, scarcity, 2. riches; synonyms (n) wealth, exuberance, means, overflow, plenteousness; pieredzes bagātība
experience. bagātināšana refinement; synonyms (n) cultivation, culture, gentility, purification, civilization, courtesy, elaboration, finish, grace, nicety, politeness, refining, sophistication, style, subtlety, taste, breeding, discrimination, (adj) delicacy, elegance; antonyms (n) rudeness, vulgarity. bagāža 1. luggage; synonyms (n) baggage, bag, gear, thing, goods, stuff, pack, suitcase, things, case, 2. baggage; synonyms (n) luggage, bags, equipment. bailes fear; synonyms (n) apprehension, awe, alarm, dismay, doubt, anguish, care, consternation, foreboding, fright, trepidation, worry, anxiety, disquiet, fearfulness, (v) dread, concern, reverence, affright, apprehend; antonyms (n) bravery, confidence, fearlessness, reassurance. baits byte; synonyms (v) bit, doubleword, paragraph, segment, word. bāka beacon; synonyms (n) cairn, flare, buoy, light, lighthouse, pharos, signal, watchtower, (v) guide. baktericīds bactericide; synonyms (n) antiseptic, germicide, bacteriacide, disinfectant, antibacterial, sterilizer, purifier, sanitizer. bakterioloģisks bacteriological; synonym (adj) bacteriologic. balanss balance; synonyms (n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder, account, complement, counterpoise, credit, equality, parity, proportion, (v) counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate, contrast, settle, audit, level, match; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) unbalance. balasts ballast; synonyms (n) weight, ballasting, counterbalance, anchor, counterpoise, foundation, freight, lastage, barretter, brace, bracket, counterweight, equilibrium, support, (adj) aplomb, sobriety, (v) stabilize, load, poise. baļķi lumber; synonyms (n) timber, rubbish, wood, (v) log, plod, trail, roll, trudge, (adj) jumble, junk, litter, disarray, huddle. baļķis log; synonyms (n) journal, record, block, diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet, logarithm, bobbing, calendar, ephemeris, faggot, (v) enter, chronicle, lumber. ballistika ballistics; synonyms (n) projectiles, (v) gunnery. balodis pigeon; synonyms (n) gull, gudgeon, cully, cull, gobemouche, victim, (v) dupe, bilk, mulct.
parliamentary vote. balsot vote; synonyms (n) ballot, election, poll, suffrage, franchise, voting, choice, balloting, (v) voice, elect. balss 1. vote; synonyms (n) ballot, election, poll, suffrage, franchise, voting, choice, balloting, (v) voice, elect, 2. voice; synonyms (n) speech, sound, language, part, vote, vox, mouthpiece, representative, mouth, articulation, interpreter, (v) enunciate, express, pronounce, say, speak, utter, vocalize, articulate, state; balss kanāls voice
channel; balss izsaukuma signāls voice call sign; balss diapazons voice grade; balss apstrāde voice processing. balsts 1. bulwark; synonyms (n) fortification, rampart, shield, barrier, breakwater, wall, bastion, defense, buffer, groyne, jetty, mole, parapet, protection, ramparts, seawall, (v) safeguard, guard, defend, protect, 2. prop; synonyms (n) support, post, shore, fulcrum, property, mainstay, airscrew, column, pillar, stay, sustain, aid, (v) buttress, brace, bolster, hold, rest, uphold, help, buoy, 3. support; synonyms (n) stand, keep, comfort, maintenance, patronage, endorsement, (v) assist, prop, back, encourage, maintain, bear, boost, carry, confirm, corroborate, favor, lift, nourish, nurture; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, undermine, abandon, reject, weaken. balts white; synonyms (adj) fair, ashen, blank, clean, snowy, wan, achromatic, bloodless, livid, pallid, colorless, bright, good, light, hoary, blanched, (n) pale, whiteness, (v) whiten, whitewash; antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, (n) black. balva reward; synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, payment, wage, bribe, fee, premium, award, bonus, payoff, price, (v) recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, requite, compensate, honor; antonym (v) punish. balzams balsam; synonyms (n) balm, unguent, cordial, ptisan, theriac, cream, ointment, liniment. banda gang; synonyms (n) crew, band, circle, company, crowd, association, bunch, faction, mob, pack, team, assemblage, clique, club, group, horde, knot, ring, set, swarm. bandīts gangster; synonyms (n) criminal, crook, outlaw, felon, bandit, mobster, thug, tough, desperado. bandžo banjo; synonyms (n) bandurria, gittern, rebeck. banka bank; synonyms (n) dam, coast, slope, store, limit, stack, bluff, heap, hill, riverside, stock, inclination, pile, (v) embankment, gradient, deposit, mound, rely, acclivity, ascent; antonym (v) withdraw; atmiņas
banka memory bank; hipotēku banka mortgage bank; vietējā banka local bank; investīciju banka investment bank; zemes banka land bank; emisijas banka bank of issue; depozītu banka deposit bank; datu banka data bank; centrālā banka central bank. baņķieris banker; synonyms (n) cashier, cambist, teller, investor, capitalist, dealer, financier, goldsmith, moneyer, usurer, backer, broker, croupier, house,
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Latvian - English
manager, money-lender, officer, sponsor, supporter, treasurer. banknote note; synonyms (n) comment, mention, remark, annotation, heed, indication, mark, attention, bill, distinction, epistle, letter, memorandum, report, (v) notice, mind, look, detect, record, discern; antonym (v) ignore. bankrotēt fail; synonyms (v) abort, collapse, fade, cease, abandon, break, bust, default, deteriorate, die, disappoint, flag, want, droop, backfire, bomb, decay, (adj) decline, drop, abate; antonyms (v) succeed, triumph. bankrots 1. failure; synonyms (n) bankruptcy, failing, breakdown, decline, deficiency, debacle, defeat, disappointment, disaster, downfall, error, loser, loss, abortion, default, collapse, defect, dud, lapse, (v) decay; antonyms (n) success, achievement, hit, winner, victory, achiever, attainment, capability, growth, 2. bankruptcy; synonyms (n) failure, insolvency, smash, ruin, indebtedness, recession, closure, depression, poverty, defalcation, destituteness, exhaustion, indigence, nonpayment, nonperformance, omission, overdraft, pauperism, repudiation, ruination. baraka hut; synonyms (n) cabin, cot, booth, hovel, cottage, hutch, lodge, shanty, shed, shack, shelter, stall. barbarisms barbarism; synonyms (n) atrocity, barbarity, barbarousness, brutality, cruelty, savagery, uncivilizedness, heathenism, absurdity, atrociousness, impropriety, incivilization, misuse, outrage, solecism, catachresis, coarseness, corruption, heinousness, idolatry. barbars barbarian; synonyms (adj) savage, heathen, barbaric, barbarous, uncivilized, wild, foreign, rude, uncivilised, (n) vandal, brute, boor. bārenis orphan; synonyms (n) waif, caterpillar, cocoon, nymph, nympha, pupa, staddle, ragamuffin, soul, stray, thing, urchin, ward, (adj) orphaned. bargs severe; synonyms (adj) harsh, austere, rigid, biting, hard, inclement, rigorous, rough, arduous, bad, cutting, grim, heavy, intense, serious, strict, acute, atrocious, bitter, (v) poignant; antonyms (adj) gentle, mild, lenient, slight, easy, lax. barība food; synonyms (n) board, edible, fare, aliment, diet, dish, nourishment, sustenance, eating, fodder, meat, nurture, nutriment, nutrition, pabulum, victual, bread, menu, feeding, foodstuffs. bārijs barium; synonym (n) ab. barjera 1. barrier; synonyms (n) barricade, bar, bulwark, dam, handicap, hurdle, obstruction, rampart, restraint, block, boundary, fence, hindrance, impediment, obstacle, partition, snag, wall, barrage, guard, 2. gate; synonyms (n) entrance, door, entry, mouth, doorway, exit, port, approach, threshold, gateway, opening, porch, portal, way, turnout, 3. fence; synonyms (n) enclosure, barrier, pale, fencing, (v) hedge, contend, enclose, parry, quibble, evade, palisade, surround, argue, box, compete, debate, envelop, equivocate. bārkstis fringe; synonyms (n) brim, brink, edge, boundary, periphery, rim, bound, perimeter, frame, circumference, limit, flank, ornament, lace, (v) border, hem, skirt, verge, thrum, (adj) feather.
baroks baroque; synonyms (n) baroqueness, (adj) ornate, elaborate, rococo, outlandish, strange, fancy, quaint, barocco, churrigueresco, churrigueresque, flamboyant, florid, flowery, gaudy, intricate, overornamented, splendid, tawdry, convoluted; antonym (adj) plain. barometrs barometer; synonyms (n) baroscope, aeroscope, eudiometer, gauge, norm, (v) glass, especially, glaze, goblet, hourglass, lens, mirror, spyglass, tumbler. barons baron; synonyms (n) mogul, king, magnate, earl, tycoon, thane, ability, businessperson, dictator, executive, financier, notable, power, viscount, exponent, force, index, (v) man, consort, husband. barošana feeding; synonyms (adj) tributary, depascent, (n) feed, alimentation, eating, nourishment, aliment, farming, casting, loading, victuals; mākslīgā
barošana artificial feeding. barot nourish; synonyms (v) breed, foster, keep, cradle, aliment, cherish, cultivate, feed, maintain, nurture, sustain, supply, entertain, encourage, help, nurse, support, comfort, hold, bear. bars crowd; synonyms (n) huddle, swarm, collection, crew, press, circle, cluster, army, assembly, concourse, congregation, gang, group, herd, (v) bunch, flock, squeeze, compress, cram, jam; antonym (v) disperse;
lopu bars drove. bārs bar; synonyms (n) barricade, band, stop, line, pub, snag, fence, barrier, (v) ban, block, bolt, exclude, obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose, confine, restrict, blockade; antonyms (v) permit, allow. baseins 1. basin; synonyms (n) bowl, pot, depression, dock, hollow, tank, washbasin, washbowl, basinful, cavity, cup, lavatory, pool, sink, washstand, dip, 2. pool; synonyms (n) plash, lake, pond, mere, cartel, basin, kitty, syndicate, trust, billiards, lough, store, bank, jackpot, loch, (v) combine, merge, associate, consolidate, amalgamate. basketbols basketball; synonyms (n) baseball, football, hockey, soccer, hoops. bastions 1. bastion; synonyms (n) citadel, fortress, fortification, stronghold, bulwark, fort, (v) banquette, 2. bulwark; synonyms (n) rampart, shield, barrier, breakwater, wall, bastion, defense, buffer, groyne, jetty, mole, parapet, protection, ramparts, seawall, (v) safeguard, guard, defend, protect. bataljons battalion; synonyms (n) army, host, regiment, battalia, company, squadron, throng, unit, brigade, corps, detachment, garrison, barracks, column, division, force, fort, multitude, pack, (v) battle. baterija battery; synonyms (n) troop, army, barrage, company, collection, mugging, onslaught, sequence, squad, violence, group, regiment, squadron, ark, battalia, battalion, bombardment, brigade, bully, clot. bauda pleasure; synonyms (n) delight, contentment, delectation, enjoyment, fun, gratification, joy, content, comfort, happiness, mirth, inclination, amusement, bliss, entertainment, fruition, gladness, pleasance, satisfaction, desire; antonyms (n) anger, irritation, ache, boredom, nuisance. bāze 1. basis; synonyms (n) base, foundation, gist, bed, beginning, footing, fundamental, root, cause,
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Latvian - English cornerstone, derivation, ground, justification, nucleus, reason, motive, essence, argument, background, bottom, 2. base; synonyms (n) basis, leg, stand, support, alkali, bag, (adj) abject, mean, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad, contemptible, despicable, foul, infamous, ugly, basal, (v) found; antonyms (n) summit, top, (adj) noble;
dalītā datu bāze distributed database; bāze MIB management information base; nodokļu bāze tax base; tūristu bāze tourist centre; priekšējā atbalsta bāze advanced base; prēmiju bāze premium basis; pārvaldības informācijas bāze management information base; materiālā bāze resource base; koplietojamā datu bāze shared database; jūras kara bāze naval base. bazilisks basilisk; synonyms (n) cockatrice, reptile, urchin, cannon, carronade, culverin, howitzer, mortar, serpent, viper, wretch. baznīca church; synonyms (n) cathedral, temple, denomination, meetinghouse, minster, chantry, churchdom, oratory, shrine, cult, sect, communion, creed, faith, hall, persuasion, religion, (adj) pope, gospel, scripture. bebrs beaver; synonyms (n) castor, stovepipe, topper, caster, castorite, (adj) irrepressible. bēdas misery; synonyms (n) adversity, distress, affliction, agony, anguish, woe, hardship, evil, ill, infelicity, poverty, suffering, calamity, depression, desolation, difficulty, gloom, melancholy, misfortune, (adj) grief; antonyms (n) cheerfulness, ecstasy, happiness, joy, fun, hopefulness. bedre 1. pit; synonyms (n) cavity, dent, hole, depression, grave, colliery, excavation, mine, stone, dig, crater, fossa, indentation, kernel, (v) den, ditch, oppose, cave, mark, (adj) hollow, 2. hole; synonyms (n) aperture, crack, pocket, breach, break, burrow, corner, fix, lair, pit, vent, cavern, cranny, cell, crevice, jam, leak, opening, outlet, (adj) gap. bēglis 1. refugee; synonyms (n) fugitive, emigrant, exile, migrant, expatriate, outcast, 2. fugitive; synonyms (n) escapee, absconder, deserter, criminal, outlaw, refugee, renegade, (adj) runaway, ephemeral, fleeting, momentary, elusive, passing, short-lived, temporary, transient, volatile, (v) fugacious. bēgošs fugitive; synonyms (n) escapee, absconder, deserter, emigrant, criminal, outlaw, refugee, renegade, (adj) runaway, ephemeral, fleeting, momentary, elusive, passing, short-lived, temporary, transient, volatile, (v) fugacious. bēgšana 1. escape; synonyms (v) elude, break, dodge, avoid, evade, run, bolt, circumvent, leave, duck, bilk, abscond, desert, elope, (n) leak, avoidance, evasion, outlet, deliverance, egress; antonyms (v) capture, return, 2. flight; synonyms (n) escape, herd, flying, avolation, exodus, elopement, departure, aviation, flock, retreat, crossing, journey, passage, rout, trip, volitation, (adj) bevy, drove, cloud, swarm. beidzot finally; synonyms (adv) eventually, lastly, last, ultimately, definitely, completely, (adj) final, (v) definitively; antonym (adv) firstly. beigas 1. end; synonyms (n) close, aim, closure, destination, conclusion, death, cause, demise, object,
tail, effect, period, design, border, (v) cease, complete, finish, discontinue, conclude, (prep) consequence; antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, middle, (v) start, begin, continue, 2. finish; synonyms (v) end, achieve, execute, accomplish, determine, consume, do, stop, culminate, deplete, exhaust, expire, go, (n) consummate, ending, finale, glaze, accomplishment, coating, completion, 3. termination; synonyms (n) result, cessation, dissolution, expiration, abolition, issue, extinction, extremity, discontinuance, event, bound, cancellation, expiry, abortion, breakup, last, limit, consummation, terminal, boundary, 4. close; synonyms (adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, approximate, narrow, brief, airless, hot, immediate, intimate, parsimonious, (v) compact, bar, block, fold, (adv) by, about, nigh; antonyms (adj) distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v) open. beigt 1. end; synonyms (n) close, aim, closure, destination, conclusion, death, cause, demise, object, tail, effect, period, design, border, (v) cease, complete, finish, discontinue, conclude, (prep) consequence; antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, middle, (v) start, begin, continue, 2. cease; synonyms (v) end, break, quit, stop, terminate, abstain, drop, desist, expire, halt, lapse, leave, pause, block, abandon, cut, die, (n) termination, cessation, (adj) abate. beigties 1. terminate; synonyms (v) finish, close, end, cease, complete, conclude, stop, drop, discontinue, dismiss, dissolve, halt, can, result, abort, bound, cancel, ax, culminate, extinguish; antonyms (v) begin, start, establish, 2. end; synonyms (n) aim, closure, destination, conclusion, death, cause, demise, object, tail, effect, period, design, border, butt, completion, edge, goal, (v) closing, (prep) consequence, (adj) final; antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, middle, (v) continue, 3. conclude; synonyms (v) gather, accomplish, assume, deduce, determine, resolve, settle, terminate, decide, derive, do, generalize, judge, reason, understand, suppose, quit, achieve, dispatch, finalize, 4. finish; synonyms (v) execute, consume, deplete, exhaust, expire, go, drain, fulfill, (n) consummate, ending, finale, glaze, accomplishment, coating, last, cessation, coat, face, finis, gloss. beigu terminal; synonyms (adj) final, last, definitive, endmost, fatal, concluding, incurable, (n) depot, end, extremity, terminus, boundary, station, destination;
beigu sleja short column; beigu signāls recall; beigu saldo closing balance; beigu rinda end line; beigu kolumna short column. beisbols baseball; synonyms (n) ball, ballock, football, hockey, basketball, bollock, chunk, clod, clump, egg, glob, globe, lump, nut, orb, orchis, soccer, testicle, testis. beladonna belladonna; synonyms (n) henbane, hellebore, hemlock, nightshade, bittersweet. benzīns petrol; synonyms (n) gasoline, gas, gasolene, petroleum, oil, accelerator, flatulence, flatulency, gun, nitromethane, alcohol, ethanol, gasohol, methanol, naphtha, throttle, vapor, vapour. benzols 1. benzene; synonyms (n) benzol, benzine, phene, carcinogenic, 2. benzole, 3. benzol; synonyms (n) benzene, benzole.
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Latvian - English
bēres funeral; synonyms (n) burial, entombment, interment, pyre, wake, committal, (adj) funebrial. berilijs beryllium; synonyms (n) be, glucinium. bērns child; synonyms (n) baby, boy, babe, bairn, brat, girl, infant, juvenile, kid, minor, toddler, tot, youngster, innocent, imp, daughter, descendant, individual, nestling, offspring; antonym (n) adult; nevainīgs
bērns innocent; ārlaulības bērns bastard; apgādībā esošs bērns dependent child; adoptēts bērns adopted child. berzēt rub; synonyms (v) fray, grate, gall, chafe, abrade, caress, fret, furbish, graze, irritate, massage, scrape, scratch, shine, wipe, buff, file, (n) check, brush, hitch. bērzs birch; synonyms (n) stick, cudgel, (v) whip, lash, flog, scourge, bang, cob, comb, dress, larrup, lick, punish, strap, thrash, trim, tund, wallop, (adj) birchen, birken. bet but; synonyms (conj) while, (adv) alone, only, though, barely, however, merely, simply, yet, exclusively, if, just, nevertheless, nonetheless, solely, still, (prep) besides, except, excluding, save. betons concrete; synonyms (adj) actual, positive, physical, real, tangible, fixed, palpable, definite, firm, material, solid, substantial, brick, (n) cement, (v) coagulate, congeal, concretion, set; antonyms (adj) theoretical, intangible, abstract, hypothetical, incidental. bezatbildība irresponsibility; synonyms (n) irresponsibleness, exemption, freedom, liberty, release, renunciation, insanity, carelessness, childishness, failure, foolishness, hastiness, immaturity, impetuosity, license, negligence, rashness, recklessness, silliness, spontaneity; antonym (n) responsibility. bezatbildīgs irresponsible; synonyms (adj) careless, feckless, rash, reckless, unreliable, untrustworthy, imprudent, unwise; antonyms (adj) responsible, cautious, sensible. bezcerīgums hopelessness; synonyms (n) desperation, despair, despondency, discouragement, depression, desolation, sadness; antonym (n) hopefulness. bezdarbība 1. inaction; synonyms (n) lethargy, idleness, inactivity, abeyance, apathy, standstill, (adj) latency; antonym (n) action, 2. inactivity; synonyms (n) inaction, inertia, laziness, indolence, languor, passivity, phlegm, sluggishness, repose, sloth, torpor, depression, ease, inactiveness; antonym (n) activity. bezdarbnieks unemployed; synonyms (adj) idle, vacant, free, inactive, unexercised, (v) unoccupied; antonyms (adj) employed, working. bezdarbs unemployment; synonyms (n) idleness, depression, leisure, recession, redundancy; antonym (n) employment; masu bezdarbs mass
unemployment; hronisks bezdarbs chronic unemployment. bezdelīga swallow; synonyms (v) eat, bolt, gulp, consume, devour, accept, absorb, bear, endure, stomach, brook, gobble, gorge, engulf, abide, bury, (n) drink, sip, swig, taste; antonym (v) regurgitate. bezmaksas 1. gratuitous; synonyms (adj) free, complimentary, needless, unnecessary, costless, gratis, superfluous, unwarranted, unfounded, unpaid, clear,
baseless, groundless, pointless, unjustifiable, wanton, (v) voluntary; antonyms (adj) justifiable, necessary, 2. free; synonyms (adj) loose, frank, liberal, open, broad, empty, bountiful, (v) exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, disengage, ease, release, absolve; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, dependent, engaged, married, (v) confine, block, cage, condemn, encumber; bezmaksas paraugs free sample;
bezmaksas akcija bonus share. bezmēns steelyard; synonyms (n) trones, (adj) balance, scale, weighbridge. bezmugurkaulnieks invertebrate; synonyms (adj) spineless, invertebrated, (n) animal, coward, weakling.
bibliofils bibliophile; synonym (n) booklover. bibliogrāfija bibliography; synonym (n) bibliology. bibliotēka library; synonyms (n) bibliotheca, annals, archive, bibliotheke, den, documentation, documents, records, store; valsts bibliotēka national library;
sistēmas bibliotēka system library; publiskā bibliotēka public library; programmu bibliotēka program library; privātā bibliotēka private library; dokumentu bibliotēka record library; augstskolas bibliotēka university library. bibliotekārs librarian; synonyms (n) bibliothec, bibliothecary. biedrs 1. member; synonyms (n) limb, part, supporter, extremity, phallus, portion, appendage, employee, fellow, section, constituent, division, element, follower, associate, branch, link, organ, participant, partner, 2. comrade; synonyms (n) colleague, companion, chum, buddy, ally, brother, compeer, mate, familiar, friend, pal, cohort, confidante, peer, acquaintance, confrere, crony, equal, coadjutor, (adj) accomplice; sarunu biedrs
companion. biete beet; synonym (n) beetroot. biezoknis 1. bush; synonyms (n) shrub, bushing, wild, chaparral, hedge, jungle, plant, scrub, wilderness, 2. thicket; synonyms (n) copse, brake, brush, coppice, grove, brushwood, bush, cluster, bunch, shrubbery; krūmu biezoknis bush. biezs thick; synonyms (adj) dense, compact, stupid, crowded, dull, heavy, opaque, slow, stocky, close, deep, dim, familiar, fat, gross, intimate, muddy, obtuse, solid, (n) midst; antonyms (adj) thin, intelligent, bright, sparse, clever, diluted, fine, slight, transparent. biezums 1. thickness; synonyms (n) density, consistency, width, layer, heaviness, body, breadth, bulk, compactness, crassitude, diameter, substance, 2. density; synonyms (n) concentration, denseness, stupidity, firmness, solidity, massiveness, stand, frequency, weight, absorption, assiduity, assiduousness, certainty, coarseness, complication, corpulency, difficulty, hardness, intricacy, involvedness; antonym (n) looseness. biežums incidence; synonyms (n) occurrence, commonness, incidency, pervasiveness, attack, bout,
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Latvian - English event, existence, popularity, regularity, spell; biežums II density; biežums I frequency. bifurkācija bifurcation; synonyms (n) fork, forking, furcation, divergence, split, division, junction. bikses trousers; synonyms (n) pants, breeches, knickers, pantaloons, trowsers, drawers, bloomers, inexpressibles, smallclothes, trossers, trouse, unmentionables, underpants; buru audekla bikses duck. bilance balance; synonyms (n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder, account, complement, counterpoise, credit, equality, parity, proportion, (v) counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate, contrast, settle, audit, level, match; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) unbalance; tirdzniecības
bilance balance of trade; slēguma bilance closing balance; sākuma bilance opening balance; norēķinu bilance balance of payments; materiālā bilance material balance; maksājumu bilance balance of payment; grāmatvedības bilance balance sheet; gada bilance annual balance; enerģijas bilance energy balance. biļete ticket; synonyms (n) pass, card, label, certificate, ballot, check, slate, tag, warrant, mark, slip, voucher, plank, platform, price, vote, (v) fine; mēneša biļete
season ticket. bioenerģija bioenergy; synonym (n) biofuels. biogrāfija biography; synonyms (n) autobiography, history, life, memoirs, memoir, story, animation. bioloģija biology; synonyms (n) physiology, anatomy, biota. biologs biologist; synonym (n) environmentalist. birka 1. tag; synonyms (n) tail, shred, tab, catch, ticket, title, (v) label, dog, mark, name, chase, pursue, earmark, brand, shadow, append, designate, fasten, follow, track, 2. tally; synonyms (n) count, check, score, sum, account, reckoning, duplicate, (v) correspond, agree, fit, number, suit, match, accord, jibe, total, coincide, harmonize, square, consort. birojs 1. bureau; synonyms (n) agency, office, authority, chest, department, desk, dresser, box, 2. office; synonyms (n) charge, duty, function, position, commission, appointment, division, berth, bureau, job, part, place, post, engagement, employment, location, establishment, business, mission, occupation;
pakalpojumu birojs service bureau; nodarbinātības birojs employment service; konstruktoru birojs design office; izziņu birojs information desk; ieņēmumu birojs revenue centre; galvenais birojs head office; centrālais birojs head office. birokrātija bureaucracy; synonyms (n) bureaucratism, apparatus, cabinet, fascism, formalities, government, authority, beadledom, directorate, establishment, management, ministry, officials, paperwork, system. birža exchange; synonyms (n) commutation, swap, switch, commerce, conversion, substitute, trade, alteration, central, replacement, (v) change, barter, interchange, commute, counterchange, alternate, alter, cash, convert, market. biškopība apiculture; synonym (n) beekeeping.
bīstamība riskiness; synonyms (n) peril, danger, risk, hazard, jeopardy. bīstams 1. hazardous; synonyms (adj) dangerous, risky, perilous, unsafe, critical, chancy, dicey, insecure, precarious, uncertain, awkward, explosive, treacherous, venturesome, venturous, (n) daring, adventurous; antonym (adj) safe, 2. dangerous; synonyms (adj) grave, serious, severe, unhealthy, hazardous, hurtful, threatening, poisonous, desperate, fatal, hard, nasty, parlous, pernicious, reckless, terrible, unsound, acute, bad, deadly; antonyms (adj) secure, stable; bīstams
tuvums danger close. bite bee; synonyms (n) honeybee, ant, termite, caprice, fancy, freak, humor, mania, mosquito, notion, party, phobia, whim, (adj) barbecue, (v) fly; darba bite
nurse. bits bit; synonyms (n) crumb, morsel, piece, atom, drop, fleck, fragment, moment, part, portion, shred, snatch, taste, trace, whit, act, rein, (v) curb, scrap, scantling;
zīmes bits sign bit; pārbaudes bits check bit. blāvums tarnish; synonyms (v) defile, taint, smear, stain, blur, foul, corrupt, dirty, slander, blacken, daub, (adj) sully, darken, smudge, smutch, (n) blemish, blot, soil, spot, disgrace; antonym (v) praise. blīvums density; synonyms (n) compactness, consistency, concentration, denseness, stupidity, firmness, solidity, massiveness, stand, crassitude, frequency, weight, absorption, assiduity, assiduousness, certainty, coarseness, complication, corpulency, difficulty; antonym (n) looseness; satiksmes blīvums traffic
density; koda blīvums code density; iedzīvotāju blīvums population density; bitu blīvums bit density; apdzīvotības blīvums density of population; apdzīvojuma blīvums population density. bļoda 1. basin; synonyms (n) bowl, pot, depression, dock, hollow, tank, washbasin, washbowl, basinful, cavity, cup, lavatory, pool, sink, washstand, dip, 2. bowl; synonyms (n) basin, plate, container, stadium, arena, bowlful, trough, coliseum, (v) hurl, roll, toss, troll, trundle, twirl. blokāde blockade; synonyms (n) clog, closure, stop, barrier, obstruction, occlusion, (v) bar, barricade, block, beleaguer, besiege, hinder, obstruct, siege, surround, beset, intercept, oppose, impede, jam. bloknots notebook; synonyms (n) book, laptop, pad, album, computer, file, machine, mainframe, processor, supercomputer, workstation, block, notepaper. bloks 1. block; synonyms (n) bar, barricade, pad, clog, cluster, barrier, blocking, chock, (v) arrest, stop, hinder, encumber, halt, lock, obstruct, parry, plug, blockade, choke, (adj) lump; antonyms (v) free, unblock, open, 2. pulley; synonyms (n) block, crane, windlass, winch, wheel, hoist, blockage, closure, crank, cube, elevator, interference, occlusion, polyve, trochlea, lifter, stoppage, wharve, 3. bloc; synonyms (n) alliance, party, coalition, group, axis, combination, syndicate, cartel, faction, partnership, ring, section, affiliation, division, trust;
grāmatas bloks book block; barošanas bloks power supply; datnes vadības bloks file control
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Latvian - English
block; atmiņas pārvaldības bloks memory management unit; funkcionālais bloks functional unit; vizuālās informācijas bloks visual display unit; protokola datu bloks protocol data unit; servisa datu bloks service data unit. bluķis 1. log; synonyms (n) journal, record, block, diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet, logarithm, bobbing, calendar, ephemeris, faggot, (v) enter, chronicle, lumber, 2. block; synonyms (n) bar, barricade, pad, clog, cluster, barrier, blocking, chock, (v) arrest, stop, hinder, encumber, halt, lock, obstruct, parry, plug, blockade, choke, (adj) lump; antonyms (v) free, unblock, open. blusa flea; synonyms (n) chamois, frog, goat, grasshopper, lop, (adj) louse, vermin, (v) flay. boikots boycott; synonyms (n) ban, disapproval, exclusion, sanction, (v) ostracize, exclude, proscribe, strike, bar, blacklist, cut, denounce, picket, rebel, revolt, snub, avoid, outlaw, prohibit, refuse; antonym (v) patronize. bojājums 1. damage; synonyms (n) blemish, injury, wound, loss, cost, detriment, disadvantage, impairment, price, ruin, (v) harm, hurt, abuse, injure, afflict, disfigure, mar, mutilate, spoil, (adj) impair; antonyms (n) service, (v) conserve, enhance, repair, bolster, 2. flaw; synonyms (n) defect, crevice, fault, chink, demerit, blunder, break, chap, cranny, error, failing, interstice, vice, fissure, cleft, deficiency, drawback, (adj) blot, (v) crack, damage; antonym (n) strength, 3. injury; synonyms (n) disservice, grievance, ill, bruise, affront, contusion, evil, lesion, wrong, concussion, mischief, outrage, strain, indignity, cut, destruction, injustice, insult, laceration, (v) crime; antonyms (n) ability, reparation; paliekošs bojājums permanent fault. bojāt flaw; synonyms (n) defect, blemish, crevice, fault, chink, demerit, blunder, break, chap, cranny, error, failing, interstice, vice, fissure, cleft, deficiency, (adj) blot, (v) crack, damage; antonym (n) strength. bojāts defective; synonyms (adj) deficient, bad, faulty, imperfect, broken, incomplete, lacking, unsound, vicious, inaccurate, rotten, erroneous, flawed, inadequate, incorrect, insufficient, lame, sketchy, wanting, wrong; antonym (adj) perfect. boksīts bauxite; synonym (n) beauxite. bombardēšana 1. bombing; synonyms (n) bombardment, blitz, barrage, battery, battle, fire, intimidation, violence, 2. bombardment; synonyms (n) bombing, shelling, onslaught. bors boron; synonyms (n) bacilli, bacillus, barn, bel. borts board; synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court, embark, plank, administration, agency, bureau, card, cardboard, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate; antonym (v) disembark. botānika botany; synonyms (n) phytology, anatomy, cytology, dendrology, ecology, floristics, genetics, horticulture, morphology, pathology, physiology, phytogeography, taxonomy, (adj) acyclic, cyclic, chemistry, cyclical. botāniķis botanist; synonym (n) phytologist.
brāķis spoilage; synonyms (n) spoil, decay, damage, deterioration, despoliation, despoilment, spoiling, spoilation, spoliation; papīra brāķis refuse. brāļadēls nephew; synonyms (n) aunt, uncle. brāļameita niece; synonyms (n) nephew, aunt, uncle. brālēns cousin; synonyms (n) nephew, friend, companion, allied. brālība 1. fraternity; synonyms (n) association, company, club, fellowship, society, companionship, circle, clan, organization, family, league, partnership, sodality, union, frat, (adj) brotherhood, 2. brotherhood; synonyms (n) fraternity, friendliness, kinship, relationship, community, confraternity. brālis brother; synonyms (n) fellow, pal, associate, buddy, chum, companion, compeer, comrade, counterpart, crony, friend, mate, monk, peer, sidekick, equal; antonym (n) sister. brasls ford; synonyms (n) crossing, tunnel, carrefour, cleft, crossbreeding, crossover, crossroad, crosswalk, crossway, (v) cross, pass, care, character, circulate, come, condition, defile, depart, die, division. brauciens journey; synonyms (n) jaunt, excursion, expedition, passage, trip, way, course, flight, outing, pilgrimage, tour, voyage, (v) go, travel, cruise, fare, navigate, ramble, ride, walk; dienesta brauciens
business trip; brauciens tūristu grupā package tour; brauciens laiva row. braukšana 1. passage; synonyms (n) aisle, course, channel, corridor, gangway, hall, journey, entry, way, entrance, lobby, duct, opening, avenue, citation, excerpt, extract, lane, movement, paragraph, 2. driving; synonyms (adj) dynamic, energetic, enterprising, impulsive, pushing, driven, vigorous, torrential, virile, compulsive, heavy, lively, trenchant, ambitious, autocratic, (v) anxious, (n) drive, push, travel, aim. bremze brake; synonyms (n) bracken, bit, curb, constraint, snaffle, rein, forest, restriction, snag, chase, frith, (v) halt, retard, stop, slow, block, decelerate, delay, impede, dam; antonym (v) accelerate. brīdinājums 1. caveat; synonyms (n) caution, warning, notice, decree, forewarning, care, carefulness, cautiousness, command, law, circumspection, commonition, counsel, forethought, information, precaution, sign, (v) admonish, 2. warning; synonyms (n) advice, indication, example, lesson, admonition, caveat, hint, premonition, alarm, monition, notification, signal, threat, presage, rebuke, announcement, augury, intimation, (adj) monitory, cautionary; antonym (adj) encouraging, 3. notice; synonyms (n) advertisement, attention, declaration, mind, heed, message, observation, (v) note, look, attend, detect, discover, distinguish, find, mark, regard, remark, see, acknowledge, behold; antonyms (v) disregard, ignore; stratēģiskais
brīdinājums strategic warning; kodoluzbrukuma brīdinājums nuclear strike warning. brīdināt warn; synonyms (v) admonish, advise, caution, counsel, inform, alert, threaten, exhort, notify, reprove, tell, deter, discourage, dissuade, instruct, acquaint, bid, dehort, direct, expostulate.
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Latvian - English brīdis moment; synonyms (n) importance, consequence, flash, instant, jiffy, minute, import, bit, second, time, weight, hour, matter, juncture, magnitude, occasion, point, significance, trice, twinkling; vaļas brīdis
leisure; laika brīdis turn. briedis 1. deer; synonyms (n) stag, cervid, antelopes, bison, camels, cattle, chevrotains, fox, vixen, giraffes, goats, sheep, 2. stag; synonyms (n) hart, buck, dog, boar, cock, debtor, drake, gander, insolvent, (v) spy, betray, denounce, grass, peach, rat, shit, shop, snitch, snoop. briesmas 1. danger; synonyms (n) risk, hazard, peril, chance, jeopardy, threat, trouble, precariousness, slipperiness, difficulty, insecurity, exposure, hardship; antonyms (n) safety, security, 2. hazard; synonyms (n) venture, danger, fortune, bet, accident, lot, luck, fate, (v) endanger, adventure, gamble, wager, dare, stake, jeopardize, menace, undertake, expose, guess, pawn, 3. peril; synonyms (n) jeopard, riskiness, (v) imperil, compromise, jeopardise, queer, scupper, threaten. brigāde 1. team; synonyms (n) crew, company, gang, squad, organization, party, side, troop, couple, brigade, faction, group, (v) pair, band, (adj) rank, file, line, range, row, string, 2. brigade; synonyms (n) detachment, army, division, battalion, corps, legion, contingent, battalia, column, garrison, host, wing, battery, platoon, sotnia, subdivision. brikšņi spinney; synonyms (n) brush, coppice, copse, thicket, grove, brake, park, chase, frith, greenwood, spinet, tope, weald. briljants diamond; synonyms (n) adamant, lozenge, infield, rhombus, square, rectangle, (adj) jewel, bijou. brīnišķīgs 1. admirable; synonyms (adj) beautiful, excellent, fine, outstanding, commendable, creditable, good, grand, great, lovely, praiseworthy, worthy, valuable, exquisite, handsome, laudable, meritorious, noble, respectable, splendid; antonyms (adj) disgraceful, appalling, poor, unworthy, 2. marvelous; synonyms (adj) fantastic, wonderful, astonishing, extraordinary, fabulous, incredible, prodigious, terrific, tremendous, glorious, amazing, brilliant, cool, magnificent, marvellous, miraculous, phenomenal, strange, stupendous, super; antonym (adj) awful, 3. wonderful; synonyms (adj) marvelous, remarkable, astounding, awesome, delightful, stunning, superb, wondrous, magical, striking, admirable, heavenly, rattling, curious, charming, famous, exceptional, howling, (n) surprising, wonder; antonyms (adj) terrible, unpleasant, dreadful. brīnums 1. wonder; synonyms (v) admire, query, question, reflect, speculate, (n) marvel, prodigy, admiration, amazement, astonishment, miracle, surprise, muse, phenomenon, wonderment, appreciation, awe, curiosity, portent, oddity, 2. marvel; synonym (n) wonder. brīvi free; synonyms (adj) loose, frank, liberal, open, broad, empty, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, disengage, ease, release, voluntary; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, dependent, engaged, married, (v) confine, block, cage, condemn, encumber; brīvi domājošs liberal.
brīvība liberty; synonyms (n) freedom, immunity, license, independence, leave, autonomy, emancipation, latitude, exemption, permission, privilege, release, scope, familiarity, ease, permit, right, frankness, generosity, (adj) franchise; akadēmiskā brīvība academic
freedom. brīvprātīgs voluntary; synonyms (adj) spontaneous, optional, deliberate, gratuitous, intentional, unforced, willing, willful, elective, unpaid, (n) volunteer; antonyms (adj) involuntary, compulsory, forced, instinctive; brīvprātīgs ziedojums voluntary
contribution; brīvprātīgs darbs voluntary work. brīvs free; synonyms (adj) loose, frank, liberal, open, broad, empty, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, disengage, ease, release, voluntary; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, dependent, engaged, married, (v) confine, block, cage, condemn, encumber; brīvs apgrozījums free
circulation. brokastis breakfast; synonyms (n) banquet, dejeuner, feast, meal, mealtime, brunch, dinner, supper, (v) lunch, sup, dine, eat. broms bromine; synonym (n) brome. bronza bronze; synonyms (adj) bronzy, embrown, boldness, (n) tan, brown, bust, effigy, figure, figurine, head, iridescence, sculpture, statuette, brazen, brownish, burnished, chestnut, copper-colored, (v) marble, plate. brošūra 1. brochure; synonyms (n) booklet, leaflet, pamphlet, folder, handout, manual, book, 2. pamphlet; synonyms (n) brochure, flyer, magazine, tract, treatise, literature, writing, 3. booklet; synonyms (n) catalog, circular, guide, list, almanac, bookling, cusp, encyclopedia, notes; plāna brošūra leaflet. bruņas armour; synonym (v) armor; ietērpt bruņas
mail. brūnkaklis pochard; synonyms (n) canvasback, etc, poachard, redhead. bruņojums 1. armament; synonyms (n) arming, guard, protection, shield, (v) accouterment, equipment, outfit, 2. armour; synonym (v) armor. bruņošanās armament; synonyms (n) arming, guard, protection, shield, (v) accouterment, equipment, outfit. bruņots armed; synonyms (adj) equipped, military, fitted, aggressive, compulsory, fit, forcible, prepared, ready, violent, weaponed, martial, organized; antonyms (adj) unarmed, unprotected. brustvērs breastwork; synonyms (n) parapet, bastion, fortification, (v) curtain, mantlet, ravelin, redan. būda hut; synonyms (n) cabin, cot, booth, hovel, cottage, hutch, lodge, shanty, shed, shack, shelter, stall. budžets budget; synonyms (n) plan, sack, finance, portfolio, quiver, reckoning, score, bag, forecast, poke, amount, (v) calculate, compute, estimate, allocate, appropriate, allot, (adj) cheap, inexpensive, bargain;
reklāmas budžets advertising budget; kārtējais budžets operating budget; darbības budžets operating budget; bruto budžets gross budget.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
buferis buffer; synonyms (n) safeguard, pad, protection, bumper, fender, shield, block, (v) cushion. buklets booklet; synonyms (n) brochure, book, leaflet, folder, pamphlet, flyer, manual, catalog, circular, guide, handout, list, magazine, almanac, bookling, cusp, encyclopedia, notes. bullis bull; synonyms (n) bullshit, bunk, hogwash, rot, absurdity, bear, buck, buncombe, bunkum, cop, copper, crap, fuzz, guff, male, nonsense, pig, shit, (adj) blunder. bulta 1. arrow; synonyms (n) pointer, barb, bolt, dart, missile, gun, spear, javelin, jereed, jerid, lance, pike, projectile, spontoon, swallowtail, boomerang, gaff, (adj) rocket, hydrargyrum, quicksilver, 2. bar; synonyms (n) barricade, band, stop, line, pub, snag, fence, barrier, (v) ban, block, exclude, obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose, confine, restrict, blockade, (conj) but; antonyms (v) permit, allow. bumba 1. bomb; synonyms (n) grenade, shell, dud, rocket, bullet, explosive, fiasco, failure, (v) blast, bombard, fail, flop, explode, 2. ball; synonyms (n) bulb, globe, shot, bead, baseball, dance, football, lump, orb, party, pellet, projectile, sphere, blob, chunk, clod, clump, egg, missile, roll; ūdeņraža bumba hydrogen bomb; koka
bumba bowl; futbola bumba football. bumerangs boomerang; synonyms (n) backfire, arrow, backlash, bolt, boom, dart, javelin, jereed, jerid, lance, pike, reaction, reed, shaft, spear, (v) rebound, return, recoil, bounce, react. bura sail; synonyms (n) float, voyage, canvas, sheet, plane, ship, vessel, canvass, oar, (v) cruise, navigate, run, glide, cross, drift, sweep, travel, fly, soar, coast. būris cage; synonyms (n) jail, pen, hutch, cell, corral, crate, frame, gaol, enclosure, (v) confine, enclose, imprison, incarcerate; antonym (v) free. burtene case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, carton, action, cause, chest, condition, crate, (adj) patient; līniju burtene rule case; ciparu
burtene figure case. burti type; synonyms (n) pattern, character, kind, nature, sort, breed, category, stamp, brand, emblem, font, form, manner, print, style, mark, prototype, case, cast, (adj) model; drukātie burti block letters; izcēluma
burti display type; zīmētie burti design type; rokraksta burti script type; vidējie burti middle; lielie burti block letters. burtlicis compositor; synonyms (n) typesetter, typographer, printer, setter, reader, typo, compo. burts letter; synonyms (n) epistle, mail, character, communication, dispatch, memorandum, message, note, type, inscription, learning, memo, missive, ticket, writing, billet, label, (v) print; sākuma burts initial;
pirmais burts initial letter; likuma burts letter of the law; lielais burts block capital. butāns butane; synonyms (n) propane, hydrogen. bute plaice; synonyms (n) flounder, tonguefishes. būtība entity; synonyms (n) being, existence, object, thing, whole, article, creature, essence, individual, item, reality, part, piece; satura būtība substance.
būtisks 1. material; synonyms (n) body, cloth, matter, stuff, fabric, substance, information, (adj) bodily, corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete, important, physical, real, essential, momentous, solid, tangible, actual, 2. relevant; synonyms (adj) appropriate, pertinent, apt, apposite, material, crucial, related, suitable, pat, apropos, relative, significant, admissible, (n) germane, applicable, felicitous, happy; antonyms (adj) irrelevant, unrelated; ļoti būtisks priekšmets
critical item; būtisks pierādījums material evidence. būve structure; synonyms (n) form, building, arrangement, edifice, shape, constitution, construction, frame, framework, organization, architecture, establishment, conformation, composition, erection, fabric, system, formation, build, (v) make; miesas būve build; būve
II structure; būve I building. būvkoki timber; synonyms (n) wood, forest, lumber, beam, plank, girder, rafter, tree, timberland, woodland, board, joist, ore, quality, support, timbre.
C cālis chicken; synonyms (n) chick, cock, coward, fowl, hen, crybaby, nestling, poultry, weakling, wimp, (adj) yellow, chickenhearted. caur 1. via; synonyms (prep) by, with, toward, (adv) through, using, 2. through; synonyms (prep) for, per, along, because, throughout, (adv) thorough, via, (adj) finished, done, direct, straight, completed, complete, (prf) past; izlaist caur slūžām lock. cauri 1. over; synonyms (adv) beyond, across, more, by, o'er, on, too, crosswise, anew, again, (prep) above, during, (n) overs, (adj) finished, done, extra, odd, past, gone, out, 2. through; synonyms (prep) for, per, along, because, throughout, (adv) thorough, via, (adj) direct, straight, completed, complete. caurlaide 1. order; synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition, edict, injunction, instruction, kind, form, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 2. permit; synonyms (v) allow, give, license, admit, leave, let, bear, endure, have, agree, assent, legalize, enable, sanction, (n) consent, licence, pass, permission, charter, (adj) grant; antonyms (v) forbid, ban, prevent, prohibit, stop, 3. pass; synonyms (v) flow, deliver, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, live, advance, die, elapse, exceed, extend, lapse, proceed, surpass, make, (n) fare, (adj) go, run; antonym (v) fail. caurlaidība permeability; synonyms (n) perviousness, permeableness. caurs leaky; synonyms (adj) leaking, leak, cracked, permeable, holey, porous, blabbermouthed, absorbent, bigmouthed, blabby, faulty, talebearing, tattling, spongy, talkative.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
caurule pipe; synonyms (n) tube, conduit, channel, duct,
cēlonis 1. reason; synonyms (n) mind, account, intellect,
flue, hose, passage, pipage, drain, chimney, (v) cry, peep, screech, shriek, sing, squeak, creak, shrill, chirp, funnel. cauruļvads pipeline; synonyms (n) conduit, line, channel, pipe, tube, grapevine, action, air, ancestry, aqueduct, argumentation, blood, bloodline, business, cable, communication, contrast, course, crease, crinkle. cauruļveida tubular; synonyms (adj) cannular, tubulate, fistuliform, piped, tubeform, tubiform, fistular, tubulated, tubulous. caurumošana perforation; synonyms (n) hole, puncture, aperture, opening, pit, apertion, fissure. caurums 1. hole; synonyms (n) cavity, aperture, crack, den, pocket, breach, break, burrow, cave, corner, depression, fix, hollow, lair, pit, vent, cavern, cranny, cell, (adj) gap, 2. aperture; synonyms (n) hole, opening, puncture, slit, cleft, mouth, perforation, hiatus, outlet, crevice, fissure, slot, door, 3. gap; synonyms (n) chasm, clearance, difference, fracture, vacancy, blank, chink, disparity, disruption, interruption, interval, rift, split, discrepancy, chap, variance, fault, col, gape, margin, 4. break; synonyms (v) burst, fail, infringe, leak, tear, undo, beat, bust, chip, contravene, fold, (n) pause, rupture, stop, collapse, respite, suspension, breakage, chance, defeat; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, mend, (n) continuation, 5. cavity; synonyms (n) caries, chamber, void, crater, dent, dimple, excavation, hollowness, recess, sinus, space, indentation; melnais
occasion, argument, object, purpose, rationality, understanding, basis, explanation, grounds, incentive, (v) cause, argue, debate, conclude, deduce, discuss, ground, 2. cause; synonyms (n) case, action, campaign, excuse, lawsuit, origin, (v) make, breed, do, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, engender, inspire, let, motivate, prompt, provoke; antonym (n) consequence. ceļotājs 1. tourist; synonyms (n) traveler, holidaymaker, hiker, visitor, adventurer, explorer, vacationer, passenger, voyager, arrival, caller, guest, phaeton, rambler, tourer, victim, walker, stranger, backpacker, company, 2. traveller. ceļš 1. road; synonyms (n) course, passage, track, way, avenue, highway, line, route, approach, direction, roadway, street, thoroughfare, walk, access, artery, itinerary, means, method, (v) path, 2. passage; synonyms (n) aisle, channel, corridor, gangway, hall, journey, entry, entrance, lobby, duct, opening, citation, excerpt, extract, lane, movement, paragraph, pass, road, section, 3. route; synonyms (n) circuit, bearing, conduit, manner, pathway, run, trail, beat, (v) direct, conduct, guide, dispatch, send, 4. way; synonyms (n) custom, form, style, fashion, habit, mode, headway, progress, sort, system, trend, agency, distance, gait, kind, plan, process, technique, trick, (v) practice, 5. pass; synonyms (v) flow, deliver, give, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, live, advance, die, elapse, exceed, extend, lapse, leave, proceed, surpass, make, (adj) go; antonym (v) fail; jūras ceļš sea lane; grantēts ceļš
caurums black hole. cehs 1. workshop; synonyms (n) shop, factory, studio, workhouse, atelier, works, poorhouse, store, training, committee, induction, meeting, practicum, 2. department; synonyms (n) bureau, compartment, area, agency, class, faculty, section, arm, branch, division, domain, field, line, office, part, realm, subject, service, district, group; atlikšanas cehs distribution
department; apkalpojošais cehs service shop. ceļasoma 1. trunk; synonyms (n) stem, boot, torso, body, bole, proboscis, snout, stalk, box, stock, case, house, luggage, nose, stirps, 2. suitcase; synonyms (n) bag, grip, handbag, bagful, base, clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, dish, grasp, hairgrip, handgrip, handle, hold, package, pocketbook, purse, satchel, traction. ceļgals knee; synonyms (n) elbow, genu, scythe, sickle, zigzag, angle, hinge, junction, know, stifle. celis knee; synonyms (n) elbow, genu, scythe, sickle, zigzag, angle, hinge, junction, know, stifle. celofāns cellophane; synonyms (n) flimsy, (adj) transparent. ceļojums 1. tour; synonyms (n) journey, excursion, circuit, round, jaunt, voyage, passage, go, pilgrimage, ramble, tramp, trip, turn, walk, spell, circle, (v) expedition, travel, ride, visit, 2. journey; synonyms (n) way, course, flight, outing, tour, traverse, movement, route, exodus, journeying, progress, (v) cruise, fare, navigate, hike, move, proceed, roam, trail, wander, 3. travel; synonyms (n) pass, stroke, locomotion, traffic, motion, transfer, (v) run, sail, drive, range, track, advance, meander, rove, circulate, do, flow, (adj) spread, follow, ply, 4. travelling; synonym (n) traveling; īss
ceļojums trip.
gravel road; kustības ceļš course; loka ceļš ring road; nolaidens piekrastes ceļš hard; bremzēšanas ceļš stopping distance; apkalpojošais ceļš service road; vietējās nozīmes ceļš local road; vienjoslas ceļš single flow route; tirdzniecības ceļš trade route. celšana lift; synonyms (n) elevator, boost, heave, support, climb, (v) hoist, raise, rise, elevate, erect, filch, hike, advance, airlift, pilfer, pinch, rear, steal, swipe, enhance. celt 1. build; synonyms (v) make, erect, establish, raise, rise, base, construct, create, fabricate, fashion, found, produce, rear, formulate, (n) form, shape, frame, construction, figure, built; antonyms (v) demolish, destroy, 2. lift; synonyms (n) elevator, boost, heave, support, climb, ascent, (v) hoist, elevate, filch, hike, advance, airlift, pilfer, pinch, steal, swipe, enhance, heighten, annul, arise; celt sūdzību article. celtne 1. structure; synonyms (n) form, building, arrangement, edifice, shape, constitution, construction, frame, framework, organization, architecture, establishment, conformation, composition, erection, fabric, system, formation, build, (v) make, 2. building; synonyms (n) fabrication, house, assembly, creation, mansion, structure, (v) pile, (adj) augmentative, augmenting, 3. edifice; augsta celtne tall building. celtniecība 1. building; synonyms (n) architecture, establishment, construction, fabric, fabrication, house, assembly, creation, mansion, structure, (v) edifice, pile, (adj) augmentative, augmenting, 2. construction; synonyms (n) building, formation, frame, organization, production, arrangement, constitution, make, making, reading, anatomy, conformation, design, development,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English exposition, form, framework, interpretation, manufacture, translation; antonym (n) destruction;
rūpniecības celtniecība industrial engineering; pilsētu celtniecība town planning; kapitālā celtniecība capital construction. celtnieks 1. builder; synonyms (n) architect, constructor, founder, artificer, creator, developer, maker, manufacturer, artist, engineer, 2. constructor; synonyms (n) builder, structurist, constructer. celtnis 1. lift; synonyms (n) elevator, boost, heave, support, climb, (v) hoist, raise, rise, elevate, erect, filch, hike, advance, airlift, pilfer, pinch, rear, steal, swipe, enhance, 2. crane; synonyms (n) pulley, winch, ankle, fluke, kimbo, scythe, sickle, zigzag, crank, crotch, crutch, elbow, groin, knee, knuckle, windlass, lifter, (v) extend, stretch, unfold, 3. derrick; synonyms (n) oilrig, platform, rig, gantry, (v) crane. cements cement; synonyms (n) glue, adhesive, gum, paste, size, cementum, (v) fasten, fix, join, plaster, stick, adhere, affix, bind, secure, (adj) concrete. cena 1. price; synonyms (n) cost, worth, charge, expense, figure, damage, fee, payment, toll, expenditure, (v) appraise, estimate, amount, assess, evaluate, estimation, prize, (adj) merit, value, desert, 2. cost; synonyms (n) price, disbursement, rate, sacrifice, budget, forfeit, bill, expenses, loss, outlay, quotation, penalty, (v) be, 3. valuation; synonyms (n) appraisal, evaluation, appraisement, assessment, appreciation, rating, measurement, admeasurement, mensuration, reckoning, survey, 4. rate; synonyms (n) pace, percentage, frequency, gait, proportion, tax, (v) appreciate, compute, count, calculate, put, rank, esteem, gauge, deserve, measure, order, place, scold, class; kursa cena
exchange rate; eksporta cena export price; exporta cena export price; faktiskā cena actual price; fiksēta cena fixed price; galējā cena ceiling price; galīgā cena final price; cenrāža cena list price; iesaldētā cena controlled price; īstā cena actual price. cenšanās 1. effort; synonyms (n) attempt, exertion, application, drive, endeavor, struggle, trial, trouble, try, diligence, bid, push, campaign, cause, crusade, deed, essay, exploit, feat, go, 2. endeavour; synonyms (n) effort, enterprise, attack, enterprisingness, initiative, movement, sweat, travail, (v) strive, reach. censties endeavour; synonyms (n) attempt, effort, enterprise, try, drive, attack, campaign, cause, crusade, deed, enterprisingness, exploit, feat, initiative, movement, sweat, travail, (v) endeavor, strive, reach;
censties sasniegt aim. centralizācija centralization; synonyms (n) centralisation, concentration, absorption, amalgamation, blending, union, centralism, coalescence, crasis, embodiment, fusion, incorporation, synthesis, unification. centrāls central; synonyms (adj) basic, capital, cardinal, fundamental, chief, crucial, important, inner, key, main, pivotal, primary, centrical, core, critical, essential, focal, foremost, (n) umbilical, exchange; antonyms (adj) peripheral, minor, regional, tangential.
centrs centre; synonyms (n) core, middle, heart, midpoint, (v) center, centralize, concentrate, focus; informācijas centrs information centre; administratīvais centrs administrative centre; mācību centrs training centre; dokumentācijas centrs documentation centre; baterijas vadības centrs battery control centre; baterijas centrs battery centre; ugunsvadības centrs fire direction centre; smaguma centrs centre of gravity; ražošanas centrs industrial centre; lidojumu informācijas centrs flight information centre. cenzūra censorship; synonyms (n) censoring, ban, silence, blackout, control, forbidding, restriction, squashing, suppression, wraps. cept 1. roast; synonyms (adj) roasted, (n) ridicule, joint, knock, (v) broil, burn, bake, grill, joke, heat, quiz, cook, fry, scorch, tease, banter, chaff, slam, boil, twit, 2. bake; synonyms (v) fire, roast, parch, singe, toast. cepts roast; synonyms (adj) roasted, (n) ridicule, joint, knock, (v) broil, burn, bake, grill, joke, heat, quiz, cook, fry, scorch, tease, banter, chaff, slam, boil, twit. cepure 1. cap; synonyms (n) cover, bonnet, lid, capital, base, ceiling, crest, detonator, tip, closure, coif, cork, (v) top, beat, limit, surpass, better, complete, crown, culminate, 2. hat; synonyms (n) cap, chapeau, sou'wester, bonus, eyelid, palpebra, (adj) hot; salmu
cepure straw. cērte 1. adze; synonyms (n) adz, addice, (adj) hatchet, pick, pickax, gill, ax, mattock, 2. pick; synonyms (v) clean, gather, harvest, opt, break, choose, collect, cull, draw, nibble, peck, (n) alternative, elite, best, choice, option, selection, (adj) cream, select, flower. ceturksnis quarter; synonyms (n) area, part, district, division, mercy, neighborhood, region, direction, portion, quart, fourth, grace, (v) place, lodge, line, put, accommodate, billet, canton, divide. ceturtais fourth; synonyms (n) quarter, quartern, second, third, poop, stern, tail, (adv) fourthly, (adj) quaternary, quaternate. ceturtdaļpinte gill; synonyms (n) branchia, lamella, leech, sweetheart, (v) rivulet, gullet, rillet, rill, (adj) adze, ax, hatchet, mattock, pick, pickax. cēzijs caesium; synonym (n) cesium. cicero pica; synonyms (n) em, geophagia, geophagy, magpies, mut, mutton, chthonophagia. ciemats 1. place (vieta); synonyms (n) position, domicile, office, order, spot, attitude, base, job, location, (v) post, arrange, fix, lay, locate, rank, station, deposit, install, pitch, put; antonym (v) remove, 2. settlement; synonyms (n) decision, accommodation, colony, hamlet, payment, arrangement, conclusion, resolution, determination, contract, adjustment, agreement, colonization, establishment, liquidation, village, reconciliation, regulation, accord, colonisation; related translations vieta appointment (amats). ciems village; synonyms (n) hamlet, city, community, neighborhood, settlement, kraal, (adv) town. cieņa 1. respect; synonyms (n) honor, esteem, homage, worship, heed, notice, account, consideration, deference, connection, obeisance, admiration, (v) regard, observe,
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Latvian - English admire, appreciate, estimation, keep, prize, reverence; antonyms (n) cheek, insolence, impudence, (v) disrespect, scorn, despise, dishonor, disregard, humiliate, 2. regard; synonyms (v) attention, concern, estimate, attend, believe, consider, count, hold, reckon, gaze, see, view, judge, affect, (n) respect, look, note, value, interest, care, 3. esteem; synonyms (n) appreciation, credit, approval, awe, fame, repute, praise, rank, (v) deem, adore, reputation, revere, love, appraise, cherish, think, treasure, approve, calculate, affection, 4. worth; synonyms (n) merit, cost, price, virtue, importance, excellence, dignity, quality, benefit, goodness, import, good, substance, fortune, profit, use, wealth, worthiness, advantage, desert; antonym (n) worthlessness, 5. dignity; synonyms (n) decency, degree, grandeur, prestige, decorum, face, glory, majesty, eminence, solemnity, elegance, greatness, lordliness, magnificence, nobility, nobleness, position, pride, status, worth. ciešanas 1. suffering; synonyms (v) pain, (n) affliction, agony, anguish, distress, hurt, grief, hardship, misery, ordeal, sorrow, torment, torture, adversity, ill, injury, misfortune, sufferance, trial, (adj) miserable; antonym (n) content, 2. pain; synonyms (n) ache, bother, nuisance, harass, annoyance, discomfort, dolor, evil, plague, bite, cramp, difficulty, (v) afflict, grieve, trouble, agonize, inconvenience, annoy, injure, ail; antonym (n) pleasure. ciešs tight; synonyms (adj) close, compact, firm, mean, parsimonious, taut, secure, snug, tense, drunk, miserly, rigorous, sparing, stiff, strict, stringent, (v) narrow, fast, stingy, near; antonyms (adj) loose, baggy, generous, slack, wide, (adv) loosely; ciešs skatiens gaze. ciest suffer; synonyms (v) bear, encounter, abide, accept, brook, endure, experience, have, stand, undergo, permit, receive, smart, sustain, tolerate, pay, bide, feel, (adj) allow, ail; ciest trūkumu need. ciete starch; synonyms (n) amylum, vitality, stamina, mettle, vigor, durability, endurance, fire, fortitude, go, nerve, patience, pep, (v) stiffen, harden, (adj) stiff, glair, commonplace, everyday, mediocre. cietība hardness; synonyms (n) firmness, austerity, asperity, callousness, difficulty, rigor, consistency, cruelty, stiffness, arduousness, harshness, inclemency, inflexibility, insensibility, rigidity, rigour, severity, solidity, strength; antonym (n) softness. ciets 1. firm; synonyms (n) company, (adj) constant, hard, stable, close, compact, determined, fixed, resolute, solid, steadfast, steady, strong, decisive, dense, fast, rigid, stiff, (v) faithful, durable; antonyms (adj) irresolute, soft, weak, hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy, 2. hard; synonyms (adj) austere, bad, difficult, grave, severe, arduous, callous, cruel, grueling, knotty, tough, bitter, alcoholic, backbreaking, complicated, dour, dry, (adv) firm, (v) acute, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) easy, kind, merciful, simple, tender, yielding, (adv) gently, lightly; ciets
ūdens hard water; ciets papīrs hard paper; ciets ķermenis solid. cietums prison; synonyms (n) jail, calaboose, confinement, lockup, penitentiary, jug, confine, custody.
cietušais victim; synonyms (n) prey, quarry, object, sufferer, dupe, butt, gull, mug, sucker, target, cull, cully, fool, game, gobemouche, gudgeon. cigarete cigarette; synonyms (n) cigaret, fag, butt, arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns, buttocks, can, scroll, derriere, faggot, fagot, fairy, fanny, fundament, (adj) cigar. cigoriņi chicory; synonyms (n) succory, chiccory. cikls cycle; synonyms (n) bicycle, circle, round, ring, sequence, circuit, period, turn, bout, beat, run, age, interval, orbit, revolution, rhythm, (v) bike, motorcycle, wheel, pedal; udens cikls water cycle; sistēmas
dzīves cikls system life cycle; programmatūras dzīves cikls software life cycle; atmiņas cikls memory cycle. cildens sublime; synonyms (adj) dignified, grand, lofty, majestic, magnificent, elevated, exalted, noble, glorious, empyreal, empyrean, heroic, proud, superb, transcendent, chivalrous, (v) sacred, solemn, sublimate, distill. cilindrisks tubular; synonyms (adj) cannular, tubulate, fistuliform, piped, tubeform, tubiform, fistular, tubulated, tubulous. cilindrs cylinder; synonyms (n) barrel, roll, pipe, tube, column, container, spool, bottle, cask, reel, bolt, can, filling, flask, record, tin, channel, conduit, duct, (adj) cylindroid. cilpa loop; synonyms (n) coil, ring, bight, circuit, eyelet, eye, kink, noose, round, twist, bow, link, (v) curve, bend, circle, curl, entwine, knot, wind, meander. cilts tribe; synonyms (n) family, clan, house, folk, kin, kindred, nation, people, race, stock, lineage, breed, line, folks, kind, horde, stem, body, pedigree, stirps. ciltstēvs progenitor; synonyms (n) predecessor, ancestor, father, forerunner, antecedent, ascendant, forefather, primogenitor, genitor, parent. cilvēce 1. mankind; synonyms (n) man, humanity, humankind, world, humans, flesh, mortality, people, 2. humanity; synonyms (n) benevolence, compassion, kindness, mankind, human, gentleness, mercy, sympathy, civilization, humanness, philanthropy, pity, forbearance, tenderness, tolerance, (adj) clemency, charity, benignity, goodness; antonym (n) cruelty. cilvēks 1. person; synonyms (n) fellow, human, individual, man, being, body, character, creature, mortal, soul, life, homo, form, organism, personality, somebody, someone, substance, thing, (v) party; antonym (n) automaton, 2. man; synonyms (n) gentleman, guy, person, husband, humanity, humankind, humans, mankind, world, hand, servant, garrison, piece, serviceman, valet, (v) equip, arm, (obj) he, male, (pron) men; antonym (n) woman; mūsdienu cilvēks
modern; lieks cilvēks super; neievērojams cilvēks nobody; cienījams cilvēks worthy; vecs cilvēks ancient; veikls cilvēks file; persona cilvēks individual; pieaudzis cilvēks adult; rosīgs cilvēks driver. cīņa 1. fight; synonyms (v) combat, contest, quarrel, feud, argue, bicker, campaign, clash, contend, encounter, compete, (n) battle, dispute, engagement, conflict, contention, squabble, struggle, action, (adj) brawl;
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Latvian - English antonyms (v) agree, retreat, withdrawal, 2. struggle; synonyms (n) strain, effort, exertion, scramble, scuffle, strife, war, warfare, wrestle, competition, (v) fight, attempt, endeavor, labor, fighting, strive, aim, essay, grapple, oppose; antonyms (v) flourish, glide, 3. combat; synonyms (n) fray, hostility, affray, skirmish, altercation, (v) resist, tilt, attack, engage, withstand;
šķiru cīņa class struggle; konkurences cīņa competition. cīnīties 1. fight; synonyms (v) combat, contest, quarrel, feud, argue, bicker, campaign, clash, contend, encounter, compete, (n) battle, dispute, engagement, conflict, contention, squabble, struggle, action, (adj) brawl; antonyms (v) agree, retreat, withdrawal, 2. wage; synonyms (n) salary, pay, fee, payment, income, allowance, earnings, remuneration, stipend, (v) fight, engage, prosecute, pursue, hire. cinks zinc; synonym (n) spelter. cinobrs cinnabar; synonyms (n) cochineal, (adj) vermilion, vermillion. cipars 1. figure; synonyms (n) form, appearance, character, estimate, shape, cost, build, contour, emblem, fashion, image, number, dummy, configuration, (v) design, cast, count, calculate, cipher, expect, 2. digit; synonyms (n) figure, dactyl, finger, integer, numeral, symbol. cirksnis groin; synonyms (n) groyne, ankle, breakwater, bulwark, elbow, kimbo, scythe, sickle, zigzag, bulwarks, ceiling, counterspy, inguen, jetty, knee, knuckle, mole, seawall, mol, (v) murmur. cirkulācija circulation; synonyms (n) dissemination, diffusion, distribution, currency, delivery, dispersal, dispersion, gyration, revolution, rotation, round, spread, spreading, turn, airing. cirkulārs circular; synonyms (adj) round, annular, circinate, globular, orbicular, rotund, rounded, spherical, (n) advertisement, bill, handbill, brochure, publication, bulletin, flier, flyer, leaflet, newsletter, note, notice; antonym (adj) square. ciršana cutting; synonyms (adj) sharp, biting, keen, acute, bitter, caustic, acrimonious, acid, acrid, incisive, raw, sarcastic, satirical, severe, acerbic, (n) cut, clipping, slip, clip, carving; antonyms (adj) blunt, mild, (n) extension, freedom. cirtains curly; synonyms (adj) curled, kinky, crimped, frizzed, permed, curved, wiry, coiled, convoluted, corkscrew, crinkled, crinkling, looped, spiraled, waving; antonym (adj) straight. cīrulis lark; synonyms (n) escapade, frolic, joke, fun, trick, prank, antic, caper, game, play, adventure, (v) romp, gambol, disport, rollick, skylark, sport. cirvis axe; synonyms (n) knife, blade, (v) ax, chop, abort, destroy. cista cyst; synonyms (n) vesicle, blister, capsule, tumor, pod, utricle, carbuncle, cell, cist, growth, sore, spot, swelling, ulcer, lump, nodule. cisterna 1. cistern; synonyms (n) tank, container, reservoir, boiler, cisterna, hole, 2. tank; synonyms (n) cistern, cooler, belly, fermentor, jail, stomach, store,
tankful, thickener, tub, lake, cabinet, (v) fake; degvielas cisterna fuel tank. citadele citadel; synonyms (n) castle, bastion, fortification, fortress, bulwark, fort, stronghold, tower, (v) keep. citādi otherwise; synonyms (adv) else, besides, differently, other, alias, elsewise, otherways, diversely, elseways, instead, variously, (adj) different, (conj) before; tā vai
citādi anyway. citoloģija cytology; synonyms (n) anatomy, botany. citrons lemon; synonyms (n) automobile, gamboge, auto, buff, bum, car, clunker, corn, criticism, crumb, disappointment, dud, etc, failure, flop, (adj) cheap, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, inferior. cits other; synonyms (adj) additional, another, different, extra, further, more, new, second, distinct, dissimilar, fresh, else, opposite, added; antonym (adj) same; nekas
cits kā but. civilizācija civilization; synonyms (n) culture, refinement, civilisation, cultivation, enlightenment, humanity, (adj) civility. civilpersona civilian; synonyms (adj) civil, noncombative, nonmilitant, pacificist, (n) citizen, national, carpetmonger, chamberer, chambermaid, civilist, inhabitant, jurist, layman, legist, resident, voter, advocate, commoner, publicist, pundit; antonyms (adj) military, (n) serviceman. civils 1. civil; synonyms (adj) polite, courteous, civic, affable, gracious, mannerly, municipal, obliging, public, civilised, attentive, complaisant, considerate, courtly, domestic, friendly, genteel, kind, national, refined; antonyms (adj) rude, abrupt, 2. civilian; synonyms (adj) civil, noncombative, nonmilitant, pacificist, unhostile, (n) citizen, carpetmonger, chamberer, chambermaid, civilist, inhabitant, jurist, layman, legist, resident, voter, advocate, commoner, publicist, pundit; antonyms (adj) military, (n) serviceman. colla inch; synonyms (n) in, (v) edge, crawl, creep, ease. cūka 1. pig; synonyms (n) hog, boar, bull, cop, copper, fuzz, glutton, grunter, (v) farrow, devour, gulp, guttle, 2. swine; synonyms (n) pig, beast, barrow, brute, bully, fiend, monster, porker, thug, ogre. cūkāda pigskin; synonyms (n) buckskin, fleece, fur, pelt, rawhide, skin. cūkgaļa pork; synonyms (n) porc, beef, chicken, ham, lamb, mutton, veal, venison. cukurs sugar; synonyms (n) honey, darling, carbohydrate, saccharide, love, beloved, baby, (v) saccharify, sweeten, (adj) dear; baltais cukurs white sugar;
pievienotais cukurs added sugar.
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Latvian - English
dabūt 1. obtain; synonyms (v) gain, acquire, get, have,
Č čaula shell; synonyms (n) peel, rind, bullet, case, casing, sheath, bark, carcass, crust, shot, carapace, coat, eggshell, hull, scale, (v) bomb, bombard, husk, pod, blast; čaula Program Manager program
manager. čeks 1. cheque; synonyms (n) draft, arrest, assay, bridle, checkout, chip, chit, confirmation, crack, curb, halt, hitch, stay, stop, stoppage, substantiation, tab, verification, (v) check, trace, 2. check; synonyms (v) block, limit, agree, restrain, bar, dampen, delay, hinder, test, ascertain, audit, contain, detain, inhibit, (n) control, bill, cheque, hold, barrier, hindrance, 3. draft; synonyms (n) conscription, sketch, drawing, drink, gulp, muster, skeleton, wind, (v) draught, outline, design, blueprint, compose, enlist, plan, recruit, chart, delineate, draw, enroll; antonym (v) discharge, 4. receipt; synonyms (n) reception, acceptance, acknowledgment, acquittance, recipe, ticket, revenue, certificate, profit, account, invoice, voucher, contrivance, expedient, invention, nostrum, (v) acknowledge; antonym (n) dispatch; vārda čeks personal cheque; svītrotais
čeks crossed cheque; krustotais čeks crossed cheque; blanko čeks blank cheque; bagāžas čeks check. četri four; synonyms (n) quaternity, foursome, quadruplet, quaternary, quaternion, tetrad, quarter, square, ace, air, appearence, cast, casting, contrivance, direction, eight, five, form, jack, king. čīkstoņa creak; synonyms (n) creaking, (v) squeak, pipe, screech, jangle, skreigh, twang, confess, screak, skreak, sound, crepitate, shrill, speak, squawk, (adj) ancient. čūska snake; synonyms (n) ophidian, serpent, hydra, (v) meander, wind, twist, coil, creep, curl, sneak, weave.
D daba nature; synonyms (n) character, disposition, class, essence, creation, quality, breed, attribute, constitution, humor, manner, mettle, temperament, type, genus, characteristic, complexion, cosmos, habit, (adj) kind;
dzīvā daba wildlife. dabisks natural; synonyms (adj) inherent, innate, artless, instinctive, unaffected, congenital, essential, genuine, inborn, intrinsic, native, normal, crude, ingenuous, naive, pure, raw, simple, common, commonplace; antonyms (adj) artificial, affected, cultivated, false, refined, paranormal, supernatural, unnatural. dabūjams available; synonyms (adj) accessible, free, possible, attainable, convenient, handy, obtainable, open, ready, uncommitted, usable, vacant, valid, (adv) present, (n) applicable; antonyms (adj) unavailable, occupied, suppressed, concealed, engaged.
achieve, attain, earn, accomplish, derive, effect, buy, collect, extract, find, gather, make, prevail, procure, receive, take; antonym (v) lose, 2. receive; synonyms (v) accept, admit, assume, adopt, bear, obtain, welcome, acknowledge, embrace, greet, hear, own, realize, entertain, include, absorb, capture, catch, comprehend, contain; dabūt zināt learn; dabūt caurmērā
average. daïa part; synonyms (n) constituent, piece, article, character, component, cut, division, portion, section, share, allotment, bit, (v) branch, break, disjoin, divide, divorce, class, cleave, dissociate; antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) complete. daiļrade creation; synonyms (n) cosmos, production, world, composition, invention, conception, construction, creature, fabrication, formation, foundation, founding, piece, product, universe, work, innovation, beginning, building, design; antonyms (n) destruction, end. dakšas pitchfork; synonyms (n) shakefork, (v) fork, bolt, drive, fulminate, branch, sling, ramify, separate. dakšiņa fork; synonyms (n) crotch, branch, bifurcation, branching, turn, corner, angle, forking, junction, ramification, turning, arm, (v) diverge, divide, separate, split, bend, pitchfork, ramify. daļa 1. portion; synonyms (n) part, division, piece, constituent, allot, component, fragment, parcel, section, dole, allowance, deal, destiny, (v) lot, dividend, divide, allotment, assign, dispense, distribute, 2. part; synonyms (n) article, character, cut, portion, share, bit, element, factor, function, (v) branch, break, disjoin, divorce, class, cleave, dissociate, depart, detach, disconnect, disunite; antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) complete, 3. element; synonyms (n) ingredient, substance, fundamental, feature, matter, origin, unit, cause, module, point, body, detail, fire, streak, characteristic, environment, essence, material, medium, member, 4. share; synonyms (n) interest, proportion, ration, participation, contingent, helping, percentage, quota, dispensation, apportionment, contribution, dose, (v) participate, apportion, partake, partition, allocate, join, communicate, contribute; antonym (v) control, 5. section; synonyms (n) compartment, chapter, clause, department, episode, region, subdivision, quarter, area, arm, district, fraction, paragraph, passage, plot, neighborhood, detachment, category, length, (v) segment; apakšējā daļa bottom; kapitāla daļa
capital share; juridiskā daļa legal office; griezēja daļa head; galvenā daļa body; kapiteļa apakšējā daļa neck; karaspēka daļa unit; kuģa zemūdens daļa bottom; lielāka daļa bulk; lielākā daļa bulk. daļējs partial; synonyms (adj) incomplete, imperfect, fragmentary, unfair, sectional, inequitable, biased, part, unequal, halfway, partisan, prejudiced, unfinished, unjust, disparate, fond, (v) party; antonyms (adj) complete, impartial, total, absolute, comprehensive, unbiased. dalībnieks participant; synonyms (n) contestant, entrant, party, player, actor, partner, assistant, entry, applicant, candidate, contender, enemy, enthusiast, fighter,
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Latvian - English
follower, histrion, instrumentalist, musician, soldier, sportsperson; antonyms (n) onlooker, viewer. dalīšana division; synonyms (n) department, disagreement, allotment, branch, break, class, compartment, part, section, split, cleavage, classification, category, component, difference, discord, portion, cut, (adj) constituent, (v) distribution; antonyms (n) closeness, convergence, estimation, unification;
darba dalīšana division of labour; krāsu dalīšana colour separation. dalīties 1. divide; synonyms (v) cut, distribute, part, dissociate, apportion, detach, disconnect, dismember, dispense, separate, share, split, deal, distinguish, carve, disjoint, allot, class, classify, (n) break; antonyms (v) unite, join, 2. share; synonyms (n) piece, portion, dole, lot, allotment, division, interest, proportion, ration, section, participation, allowance, contingent, dividend, (v) participate, partake, divide, partition, assign, allocate; antonym (v) control. dambrete draughts; synonyms (n) checkers, solitaire. darba working; synonyms (adj) operative, practical, active, busy, acting, occupied, effective, engaged, operating, operational, brisk, (n) operation, running, functioning, play, agency, movement, performance, go, workings; antonyms (adj) passive, unemployed; darba
devējs employer; darba kārtība agenda; darba norīkojums work order; darba gaita agenda; darba grāmatiņa record of service; darba kategorija job category; darba koordinators task manager; darba kvalitātes rādītājs performance index; darba metode method of working; darba ņēmējs employed person. darbaspēks 1. manpower; synonyms (n) workforce, hands, custody, men, 2. labour (darbs); synonyms (n) effort, exertion, childbed, confinement, toil, proletariat, (v) grind, labor, travail, drive, drudge, fag, fatigue, moil,
push, tug, dig; related translations darbs act (ACT). darbîba activity; synonyms (n) action, activeness, exercise, liveliness, play, job, agency, agility, diligence, energy, enterprise, industry, life, movement, occupation, vigor, work, enthusiasm, excitement, line; antonyms (n) inactivity, inaction, inactiveness. darbība 1. activity; synonyms (n) action, activeness, exercise, liveliness, play, job, agency, agility, diligence, energy, enterprise, industry, life, movement, occupation, vigor, work, enthusiasm, excitement, line; antonyms (n) inactivity, inaction, inactiveness, 2. action; synonyms (n) act, accomplishment, activity, battle, deed, effect, engagement, fight, performance, behavior, case, lawsuit, measure, move, plot, process, transaction, step, (v) achievement, combat, 3. act; synonyms (n) statute, decree, do, feat, law, edict, fact, (v) behave, go, perform, acquit, enact, feign, operate, pretend, commit, conduct, fake, function, impersonate; antonym (v) refrain, 4. deed; synonyms (n) exploit, covenant, document, doing, effort, title, certificate, paper, proceeding, reality, thing, ownership, 5. operation; synonyms (n) execution, business, management, functioning, running, mission, task, employment, force, manipulation, operations, procedure, use, mechanism, administration, duty, treatment, campaign, assignment, undertaking;
ekonomiska darbība economic activity; finanšu darbība financial activity; kara darbība hostility; banku darbība banking; cilvēku darbība human activity; darbība ārvalstīs foreign operation; darbība I action; darbība II activity; saimnieciskā darbība economic activity; tiesiska darbība legal action. darbinieks 1. worker; synonyms (n) employee, hand, proletarian, workman, actor, doer, drudge, help, operator, practitioner, prole, 2. employee; synonyms (n) clerk, laborer, worker, apprentice, assistant, helper, labor, beginner, breadwinner, cog, convert, craftsman, flunky, lackey, newcomer, novice, peon, plug, punk, representative; antonym (n) employer, 3. functionary; synonyms (n) officer, official, agent, minister, 4. official; synonyms (adj) formal, functional, regular, proper, sanctioned, magisterial, authorized, ceremonial, legal, judicial, lawful, (n) bureaucrat, executive, functionary, administrator, staff, aga, (v) authoritative, administrative, authentic; antonyms (adj) unofficial, private, illegal, informal; pagaidu darbinieks
casual employee; ieņēmumu dienesta darbinieks revenue office; iestādes darbinieks officer; kantora darbinieks clerk; algots darbinieks employed person; zinātnes darbinieks man of science; pilnslodzes darbinieks full-time worker; policijas darbinieks police officer; sabiedrisks darbinieks public figure; vadošs darbinieks executive. darbnīca 1. shop; synonyms (n) business, store, factory, plant, emporium, market, workshop, house, outlet, workplace, (v) betray, purchase, grass, browse, denounce, frequent, patronize, peach, rat, shit, 2. workshop; synonyms (n) shop, studio, workhouse, atelier, works, poorhouse, training, committee, induction, meeting, practicum. darboties 1. act; synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, decree, do, feat, law, performance, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go, perform, acquit, enact, feign, operate, pretend; antonym (v) refrain, 2. work; synonyms (n) exercise, business, employment, function, task, act, book, composition, occupation, (v) labor, toil, cultivate, exploit, ferment, form, manipulate, operation, run, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction, 3. operate; synonyms (v) direct, employ, handle, manage, proceed, work, maneuver, fly, control, drive, engage, make, manoeuvre, serve, use, guide, influence, induce, hold, conduct, 4. run; synonyms (v) flow, rule, dash, gush, race, career, hasten, hurry, pour, progress, rush, dribble, walk, (n) pass, campaign, course, range, sequence, tide, (adj) stream, 5. proceed; synonyms (v) advance, originate, ensue, extend, arise, continue, emanate, happen, issue, result, stem, elapse, fare, depart, journey, keep, occur, rise, travel, lapse. darbs 1. labour; synonyms (n) effort, exertion, childbed, confinement, toil, proletariat, (v) grind, labor, travail, drive, drudge, fag, fatigue, moil, push, tug, dig, 2. work; synonyms (n) exercise, business, employment, function, task, action, act, book, composition, occupation, (v) operate, cultivate, exploit, ferment, form,
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Latvian - English manipulate, operation, run, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction, 3. job; synonyms (n) chore, position, work, assignment, career, duty, matter, post, concern, line, mission, office, profession, stint, vocation, appointment, berth, skill, spot, project, 4. place (vieta); synonyms (n) domicile, order, attitude, base, location, situation, circumstance, center, (v) arrange, fix, lay, locate, rank, station, deposit, install, pitch, put, set, lie; antonym (v) remove; literārs darbs thing; liels
darbs achievement; lauka darbs field work; laikietilpīgs darbs full-time job; darbs revidējamā objektā field work; darbs I labour; darbs divās maiņās double shift; darbs ar handling; brīvprātīgs darbs voluntary work; rakstu darbs paper; related translations vieta appointment (amats). dārgakmens 1. jewel; synonyms (n) gem, gemstone, bijou, darling, jewelry, ornament, treasure, trinket, cosset, dear, duck, favorite, honey, idol, pet, 2. gem; synonyms (n) jewel, stone, rock. dārglietas 1. jewellery; synonyms (n) jewel, jewelry, 2. jewelry; synonyms (n) jewellery, gem, locket, ornament, trinket, accessory, anklet, bauble, beads, brass, brooch, cameo, chain, charm, charms, choker, cross, crown, earrings, finery. Dârgs expensive; synonyms (adj) costly, sumptuous, dear, extravagant, luxurious, valuable, lavish, overpriced, exclusive, fine, high, precious, rich, exorbitant, invaluable, splendid; antonyms (adj) cheap, inexpensive, reasonable, worthless. dārgs 1. valuable; synonyms (adj) costly, estimable, precious, beneficial, expensive, helpful, useful, worthy, admirable, important, dear, invaluable, priceless, profitable, rich, choice, pricey, good, rewarding, (n) treasure; antonyms (adj) worthless, useless, 2. costly; synonyms (adj) valuable, extravagant, high, luxurious, sumptuous, beloved, plush, pricy, splendid; antonym (adj) cheap, 3. dear; synonyms (adj) close, lovely, near, adorable, affectionate, cherished, familiar, intimate, loved, pet, favorite, nigh, devout, (n) darling, love, honey, sweetheart, sugar, dearest, (adv) dearly, 4. precious; synonyms (adj) golden, inestimable, exquisite, cute, noble, goodly, sweet, valued, delicate, gorgeous, opulent, treasured, (adv) extremely, preciously. dārgums treasure; synonyms (n) gem, prize, fortune, riches, funds, valuable, pearl, capital, treasury, valuables, wealth, (v) cherish, esteem, hoard, appreciate, store, garner, value, (adj) jewel, bijou. darījums 1. transaction; synonyms (n) deal, business, dealing, dealings, proceeding, trade, concern, matter, action, affair, bargain, contract, negotiation, exchange, affairs, traffic, agreement, compact, covenant, process; antonym (n) purchase, 2. deal; synonyms (n) buy, arrangement, convention, quantity, (v) administer, allot, apportion, conduct, cope, distribute, truck, assign, accord, acquit, address, comport, contend, dispense, lot, portion; bankas darījums banking transaction;
finanšu darījums business deal; godīgs darījums fair deal; iepriekšējs darījums
advance; standartizēts nākotnes darījums futures; sekmīgs darījums coup. darva pitch; synonyms (n) degree, dip, slant, slope, measure, angle, delivery, (v) fling, cast, chuck, lurch, tilt, toss, heave, hurl, throw, careen, launch, erect, fall. dārzenis vegetable; synonyms (n) plant, vegetive, greens, artifice, cabbage, engender, establish, fix, generate, install, instate, plan, sapling, settle, swindle, trick, veggie, (adj) vegetal. dārzkopība 1. horticulture; synonyms (n) gardening, agriculture, botany, cultivation, gardenship, 2. gardening; synonyms (n) farming, horticulture, agronomy, vintage, culture, tillage, (adj) agricultural. datēt date; synonyms (n) age, appointment, assignation, engagement, epoch, meeting, period, era, time, year, boyfriend, (v) escort, determine, register, accompany, court, see. dati data; synonyms (n) information, facts, details, evidence, fact, figures, file, material, postulate, proof;
iegūtie dati findings; dienesta uzziņu dati service data; darbības dati operational data; statistiskie dati return; pieejamie dati data available; izmēģinājuma dati experimental data; medicīniskie dati medical data; lietotāja dati user data; lidojuma plāna dati flight plan data; personas dati personal data. dators computer; synonyms (n) calculator, mainframe, machine, reckoner, laptop, computist, estimator, figurer, workstation, analog, brain, clone, compatible, digital, micro, microcomputer, mini, minicomputer, (v) number, program; personālais dators personal computer;
lidojuma informācijas dators air data computer; paralēldarbības dators parallel computer; CISC dators complex instruction set computer; tīkla dators network computer; sašaurinātās instrukcijkopas dators reduced instruction set computer; sarežģītas instrukcijkopas dators complex instruction set computer; RISC dators reduced instruction set computer; personālais dators PC personal computer; zīmuļievades dators pen computer. datums date; synonyms (n) age, appointment, assignation, engagement, epoch, meeting, period, era, time, year, boyfriend, (v) escort, determine, register, accompany, court, see; pirmais datums first; pienākšanas
datums arrival date; piegādes datums delivery date; noteikts datums fixed date; izdošanas datums date of issue; deklarācijas iesniegšanas datums declaration date. daudz 1. many; synonyms (adj) manifold, abundant, countless, frequent, various, innumerable, much, multiple, numerous, plentiful, several, different, numberless, (n) number; antonym (n) few, 2. much; synonyms (adv) greatly, frequently, almost, awfully, considerably, far, most, often, pretty, highly, nearly, (n) lot, heap, multitude, plenty, (adj) great, considerable, practically, muckle, rag; antonym (adv) slightly; daudz
ceļojis travelled; daudz kas much; ļoti daudz numerous.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
daudzpusīgs miscellaneous; synonyms (adj) assorted,
dāvināt donate; synonyms (v) bestow, contribute, confer,
different, heterogeneous, mixed, general, diverse, indiscriminate, motley, sundry, varied, various, confused. daudzums 1. amount; synonyms (n) number, quantity, aggregate, measure, sum, total, degree, extent, figure, price, volume, body, bulk, cost, magnitude, mass, quantum, size, value, (v) come, 2. quantity; synonyms (n) amount, multitude, portion, heap, capacity, deal, dimension, measurement, piece, dose, length, part, percentage, plenty, quota, allowance, batch, bunch, bundle, matter, 3. number; synonyms (n) count, score, act, issue, character, company, digit, numeral, copy, troop, (v) calculate, enumerate, add, account, compute, list, reckon, tally, tell, include, 4. deal; synonyms (n) bargain, buy, agreement, arrangement, covenant, trade, convention, compact, (v) administer, allot, apportion, conduct, contract, cope, distribute, truck, assign, accord, acquit, address; antonym (n) purchase, 5. variety; synonyms (n) kind, sort, species, change, form, style, type, variation, breed, diversity, genus, miscellany, nature, range, strain, variance, assortment, brand, (adj) class, (v) difference; antonym (n) uniformity, 6. fund; synonyms (n) stock, store, capital, bank, reserve, savings, supply, cache, endowment, accumulation, money, (v) hoard, bankroll, finance, accumulate, back, sponsor, subsidize, amass, support; atskaites daudzums
give, grant, offer, present, endow, extend, gift, provide, supply, award, bequeath. dāvinātājs 1. donor; synonyms (n) contributor, giver, donator, presenter, bestower, source, supplier, angel, backer, benefactress, patroness, savior, (v) feoffer, settlor; antonyms (n) receiver, recipient, 2. grantor; synonym (n) donor. dažādība 1. diversity; synonyms (n) variety, dissimilarity, disparity, variation, difference, divergence, assortment, distinction, contrast, inequality, unevenness, change, disagreement, discrepancy, dissimilitude, miscellany, unlikeness, variance, diverseness, 2. variety; synonyms (n) kind, sort, species, form, style, type, breed, diversity, genus, nature, range, strain, brand, mixture, category, race, hodgepodge, (adj) class, description, manner; antonym (n) uniformity. dažāds 1. miscellaneous; synonyms (adj) assorted, different, heterogeneous, mixed, general, diverse, indiscriminate, motley, sundry, varied, various, confused, 2. various; synonyms (adj) several, many, divers, diversified, manifold, miscellaneous, separate, numerous, dissimilar, distinct, multiple, frequent, disparate, odd, unequal, versatile; antonyms (adj) few, homogeneous, 3. different; synonyms (adj) another, unusual, alien, alternative, discrete, foreign, fresh, new, opposite, strange, unlike, discrepant, specific, unalike, abnormal, contrary, discordant, divergent, exotic, individual; antonyms (adj) similar, corresponding, equal, identical, like, typical, 4. varied; antonyms (adj) boring, dull, uniform, 5. diverse; synonyms (adj) variant, other. daži some; synonyms (adv) nearly, rather, somewhat, about, approximately, around, roughly, round, almost, near, (adj) few, certain, several, sundry, extraordinary, quantitative, (det) any, (n) one. debates 1. discussion; synonyms (n) argument, conference, conversation, debate, discourse, controversy, consultation, dialogue, consideration, dispute, negotiation, talk, contention, contest, chat, colloquy, dissertation, huddle, meeting, parley, 2. debate; synonyms (n) argue, argumentation, disputation, difference, disagreement, discussion, palaver, question, (v) contend, altercation, controvert, discuss, canvass, altercate, consider, deliberate, moot, quarrel, reason, agitate; antonym (v) agree. debesis sky; synonyms (n) air, heaven, atmosphere, heavens, space, distance, (v) fling, flip, pitch, agitate, alternate, cant, chuck, convulse, deliver, discard, dispose, flick, gear, hawk; but septitajas debesis be
reference quantity; elektrības daudzums quantity of electricity; mākoņu daudzums cloud amount; vielas daudzums amount of substance; references daudzums reference quantity; siltuma daudzums quantity of heat; maksimālais daudzums ceiling. daudzveidīgs varied; synonyms (adj) assorted, diverse, miscellaneous, mixed, various, different, diversified, sundry, heterogeneous, manifold, motley, many, dissimilar, versatile, odd; antonyms (adj) boring, dull, homogeneous, uniform. dāvana 1. donation; synonyms (n) contribution, gift, benefaction, present, award, endowment, grant, charity, dole, gratuity, presentation, bequest, (v) boon, bounty, bestowal, bestowment, 2. gift; synonyms (n) donation, faculty, flair, capacity, dower, aptitude, bent, dowry, bonus, capability, (v) bestow, donate, endow, allowance, endue, give, (adj) ability, talent, cleverness, generosity; antonym (n) inability, 3. present; synonyms (adj) confer, current, contemporary, extant, (n) offering, (v) display, introduce, prefer, deliver, offer, perform, exhibit, serve, indicate, cede, largess, advance, hand, acquaint, appear; antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, future, history, (v) withdraw, (adv) absent. dāvinājums 1. endowment; synonyms (n) ability, talent, capacity, faculty, bequest, contribution, flair, foundation, genius, present, quality, award, bent, aptitude, dowry, capability, (v) donation, gift, benefaction, (adj) cleverness, 2. grant; synonyms (n) concession, permit, allowance, subsidy, (v) give, allow, bestow, admit, afford, concede, confer, acknowledge, accord, boon, endowment, cede, confess, furnish, (adj) deliver, consent; antonyms (v) deny, reject.
on cloud nine. debess 1. heaven; synonyms (n) paradise, bliss, glory, nirvana, sky, ecstasy, utopia; antonym (n) hell, 2. sky; synonyms (n) air, heaven, atmosphere, heavens, space, distance, (v) fling, flip, pitch, agitate, alternate, cant, chuck, convulse, deliver, discard, dispose, flick, gear, hawk. debets debit; synonyms (n) liability, debt, arrears, obligation, (v) charge, credit, bill, book. debitors debtor; synonyms (n) bankrupt, debitor, levanter, stag, welsher, delinquent, insolvent, nonpayer, cheat.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
dedzināt burn; synonyms (v) bite, glow, blaze, incinerate,
deguns nose; synonyms (n) beak, hooter, nozzle,
scorch, sting, bake, beam, boil, cremate, flare, ignite, sunburn, seethe, smolder, broil, (n) fire, burning, (adj) flush, smoke; antonym (v) dawdle. defekts 1. vice; synonyms (adj) defect, fault, imperfection, failing, acting, (n) blemish, corruption, depravity, evil, immorality, iniquity, sin, frailty, crime, weakness, deputy, substitute, (v) forceps, pincers, pliers; antonym (n) asset, 2. imperfection; synonyms (n) deficiency, flaw, disadvantage, drawback, foible, inadequacy, shortcoming, vice, blunder, error, failure, imperfectness, infirmity, spot, stain; antonym (n) perfection, 3. defect; synonyms (n) blot, scar, dearth, deformity, want, default, inaccuracy, disease, kink, lack, malformation, malfunction, mistake, speck, taint, decrement, (v) desert, 4. fault; synonyms (n) blame, delinquency, break, demerit, fracture, lapse, misdeed, offense, transgression, shift, crack, guilt, misdemeanor, oversight, responsibility, censure, mischief, (v) culpability, fail, charge; antonyms (n) merit, strength. deficīts deficit; synonyms (n) deficiency, failure, shortage, dearth, lack, arrears, absence, scarcity, shortfall, (adj) defect; antonym (n) excess; kases deficīts cash
proboscis, honker, bow, (v) pry, scent, sniff, wind, nuzzle, search, smell, snoop, poke. degustēt taste; synonyms (n) bit, flavor, liking, morsel, penchant, appetite, drink, drop, fondness, gusto, mouthful, predilection, preference, refinement, style, (v) relish, savor, sample, smack, discernment; antonyms (n) dislike, tastelessness. degviela fuel; synonyms (n) firewood, combustible, firing, (v) fire, arouse, encourage, excite, kindle, provoke, stimulate; dzinēja degviela motor fuel. deja dance; synonyms (n) dancing, party, (v) bound, caper, hop, bop, cavort, play, jump, shake, skip, step, beat, dandle, prance, ramp, spring, swing, trip, wave. dekāns dean; synonyms (n) doyen, elder, principal, senior, clergyman, father, leader, administrator, archbishop, bishop, diocesan, eminence, metropolitan, minister, pilot, prelate, primate, reverence, suffragan, archdeacon. deklarācija 1. manifest; synonyms (adj) apparent, evident, clear, conspicuous, distinct, patent, plain, discernible, obvious, overt, (v) demonstrate, display, evidence, exhibit, express, indicate, attest, certify, (n) declare, (adv) visible; antonym (adj) unclear, 2. declaration; synonyms (n) announcement, affirmation, assertion, allegation, avowal, claim, expression, pronouncement, statement, enunciation, acknowledgment, admission, decree, deposition, dictum, predication, proclamation, intimation, annunciation, confession; antonym (n) denial; vērtības deklarācija
deficit; budžeta deficīts budget deficit. definēt define; synonyms (v) specify, characterize, clarify, explain, bound, construe, interpret, limit, name, restrict, circumscribe, outline, delimit, delimitate, delineate, demarcate, describe, designate, fix, prescribe. definīcija definition; synonyms (n) description, account, explanation, interpretation, limitation, definiteness; antonym (n) bagginess; lauka definīcija field
definition. defise hyphen; synonyms (n) dash, copula, intermedium, line, bolt, dah, elan, flair, joint, panache, sprint, style, (v) hyphenate. deflācija deflation; synonyms (n) depression, reduction, depreciation, contraction, comedown, discouragement, recession, dejection, disheartenment, undermining; antonym (n) inflation. deformācija deformation; synonyms (n) contortion, strain, distortion, buckle, twist, aberration, bend, crookedness, injury, shaping, overrefinement, straining, torsion, tortuosity, tortuousness, torture, twisting. deģenerācija degeneration; synonyms (n) decay, corruption, decline, degeneracy, abasement, decadence, degradation, deterioration, lapse, debasement, decadency, dissolution, ebb, retrogression; antonyms (n) improvement, growth. degradācija degradation; synonyms (n) abasement, fall, degeneracy, corruption, abjection, debasement, decadence, degeneration, humiliation, deposition, decline, descent, disgrace, dishonor, disparagement, shame, declension, depravity, deterioration, diminution;
ūdens resursu degradācija water stress. degšana combustion; synonyms (n) burning, fire, burn, blaze, conflagration, (v) ambustion. degt burn; synonyms (v) bite, glow, blaze, incinerate, scorch, sting, bake, beam, boil, cremate, flare, ignite, sunburn, seethe, smolder, broil, (n) fire, burning, (adj) flush, smoke; antonym (v) dawdle.
declaration of value; procedūras deklarācija procedure declaration; ienākumu deklarācija income statement; ienākuma nodokļa deklarācija income tax return. deklinācija declination; synonyms (n) declension, descent, decay, decline, refusal, slope. dekodētājs decoder; synonym (n) decipherer. dekrēts 1. ordinance; synonyms (n) decree, command, edict, order, law, act, institution, observance, regulation, institute, enactment, ceremony, rite, ordination, prescription, rule, 2. decree; synonyms (n) decision, dictate, finding, judgment, verdict, bylaw, directive, mandate, pronouncement, ruling, statute, (v) award, decide, enact, ordain, will, enjoin, appoint, doom, pronounce. delegācija delegation; synonyms (n) commission, delegacy, deputation, delegating, devolution, mission, organization, group. delegāts delegate; synonyms (n) agent, deputy, ambassador, spokesman, envoy, representative, substitute, surrogate, minister, (v) assign, appoint, commission, depute, consign, send, transfer, constitute, trust, authorize, commit. deleģēšana delegation; synonyms (n) commission, delegacy, deputation, delegating, devolution, mission, organization, group; pilnvaru deleģēšana
delegation of authority. deleģēt delegate; synonyms (n) agent, deputy, ambassador, spokesman, envoy, representative, substitute, surrogate, minister, (v) assign, appoint, commission, depute, consign, send, transfer, constitute, trust, authorize, commit.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
dēlis board; synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court, embark, plank, administration, agency, bureau, card, cardboard, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate; antonym (v) disembark; mērķu statusa dēlis target status
board. dēls son; synonyms (n) offspring, boy, lad, child, descendant, logos, word, bible, countersign, discussion, intelligence, kid, news, parole, password, schoolboy, scripture, spawn, teenager, tidings. demodulators demodulator; synonyms (n) detector, demod, sensor. demokrātija democracy; synonyms (n) commonwealth, commonalty, nation, capitalism, country, democraty, freedom, oligarchy, republic, state, egalitarianism, emancipation, equalitarianism, equality, justice, land, suffrage, theocracy, (v) republicanism; antonyms (n) despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, autocracy, tyranny. demonstrācija demonstration; synonyms (n) parade, proof, argument, display, manifestation, presentation, demo, evidence, exhibition, illustration, show, testimony, showing, indication, explanation, presentment, protest, sign, token, (v) exposition; spēku
demonstrācija demonstration. demonstrēšana demonstration; synonyms (n) parade, proof, argument, display, manifestation, presentation, demo, evidence, exhibition, illustration, show, testimony, showing, indication, explanation, presentment, protest, sign, token, (v) exposition. demontēt dismantle; synonyms (v) demolish, destroy, strip, deprive, disassemble, disintegrate, dismember, disrobe, divest, level, raze, undress; antonyms (v) assemble, erect, raise. dendrārijs arboretum; synonyms (n) orchard, pinery, pinetum, avenue, parterre, plantation, shrubbery. dendroloģija dendrology; synonyms (n) botany, herborization, algology, fungology, mycology. departaments board; synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court, embark, plank, administration, agency, bureau, card, cardboard, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate; antonym (v) disembark; ugunsdzesibas departaments fire
department; Imigracijas departaments immigration. departments department; synonyms (n) bureau, compartment, area, agency, class, faculty, section, arm, branch, division, domain, field, line, office, part, realm, subject, service, district, group. depo depot; synonyms (n) store, depository, arsenal, station, storehouse, warehouse, dump, entrepot, stockroom, stop, storage, storeroom, terminal, terminus. deponents depositor; synonyms (n) investor, saver, shareholder, witness. deponēt deposit; synonyms (n) charge, residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, lode, rest, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave, park, place, put; antonym (v) withdraw. depresija depression; synonyms (n) basin, cavity, dejection, decline, dent, dip, hole, hollow, impression, slump, trench, trough, drop, recess, collapse, concavity,
despair, despondency, dimple, gloom; antonyms (n) cheerfulness, happiness, boom, elation, encouragement, inflation, outcrop. derēt fit; synonyms (v) agree, accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond, square, accord, dress, befit, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable, appropriate, becoming, decent, (n) adjust, convulsion, attack, burst; antonyms (adj) unfit, inappropriate, unwell. derīgs 1. useful; synonyms (adj) profitable, beneficial, handy, helpful, practical, advantageous, convenient, effective, valuable, functional, clever, constructive, efficient, gainful, serviceable, usable, good, suitable, comfortable, expedient; antonyms (adj) useless, worthless, ineffective, 2. suitable; synonyms (adj) appropriate, fit, apt, proper, right, eligible, apposite, correct, desirable, fitting, pertinent, due, decorous, respectable, fitted, adequate, befitting, compatible, (n) seasonable, (v) becoming; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unsuitable, wrong, improper, 3. advantageous; synonyms (adj) favorable, auspicious, useful, fortunate, lucky, worthwhile, lucrative, positive, propitious, prosperous, rewarding, salutary, enviable, 4. available; synonyms (adj) accessible, free, possible, attainable, obtainable, open, ready, uncommitted, vacant, valid, (adv) present, (n) applicable; antonyms (adj) unavailable, occupied, suppressed, concealed, engaged, 5. profitable; synonyms (adj) productive, fruitful, economic, fat, edifying, fertile, commercial, healthy, moneymaking; antonyms (adj) unprofitable, dependent, 6. applicable; synonyms (adj) relevant, germane, applicative, applicatory, apropos, available, relative, admissible, (n) felicitous, happy; antonym (adj) irrelevant, 7. fit; synonyms (v) agree, accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond, square, accord, dress, befit, assemble, dovetail, become, check, (adj) decent, able, (n) adjust, convulsion, attack, burst; antonyms (adj) unfit, unwell; derīgs karadienestam effective. derīgums 1. use; synonyms (n) custom, practice, benefit, habit, application, function, (v) exercise, employ, employment, expend, profit, advantage, exploit, occupy, operate, spend, exert, need, (adj) usage, service; antonym (v) conserve, 2. fitness; synonyms (n) ability, adequacy, appropriateness, aptness, capability, propriety, correspondence, competence, competency, convenience, correctness, fittingness, health, qualification, congruity, appositeness, capacity, consistency, expediency, opportunity; antonyms (n) unsuitability, inability, unfitness. desa sausage; synonyms (n) frankfurter, blimp, pudding, intestine. deskriptors descriptor; synonyms (n) anatomy, bod, build, cast, chassis, class, configuration, contour, form, keyword, figure, flesh, frame, grade, handle, kind, manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin. desmit ten; synonyms (n) tenner, decade, ace, break, breath, decennary, decennium, ecstasy, female, interim, intermission, interval, jack, (adj) perfect, comely, desirable, faultless, glamorous, good-looking, gorgeous. detaļa 1. part; synonyms (n) constituent, piece, article, character, component, cut, division, portion, section, share, allotment, bit, (v) branch, break, disjoin, divide,
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Latvian - English divorce, class, cleave, dissociate; antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) complete, 2. circumstance; synonyms (n) affair, state, accident, chance, event, incident, matter, occasion, opportunity, adventure, casualty, fact, occurrence, juncture, crisis, phase, condition, context, episode, happening, 3. detail; synonyms (n) report, point, feature, item, circumstance, respect, part, particular, (v) describe, enumerate, relate, appoint, assign, cast, itemize, recite, specify, define, name, recount; antonym (n) generalization; saderīgā detaļa
mate. detaļas hardware; synonyms (n) ironmongery, ironware, gun, armament, medal, gem, jewel, jewelry, trinket, accouterments, appliances, fasteners, fittings, fixtures, housewares, implements, kitchenware, metalware, plumbing, utensils; mašīnas detaļas machinery. detalizēts minute; synonyms (n) instant, flash, jiffy, note, memorandum, moment, second, (adj) little, delicate, microscopic, atomic, careful, circumstantial, diminutive, elaborate, fine, infinitesimal, miniature, particular, small; antonyms (adj) enormous, huge, big, gigantic. deva 1. dose; synonyms (n) potion, dosage, draught, medicine, share, batch, doctor, allotment, measure, portion, shot, contingent, dividend, pill, (v) drug, 2. ration; synonyms (n) allowance, helping, part, serving, percentage, quota, lot, quantum, allocation, slice, subsistence, (v) allocate, apportion, feed, provision, limit, provender, corn, fodder; lietojuma deva application
rate; ķīmisko vielu deva chemical dose; iespējamā apgādes deva available supply rate; ekvivalentā deva dose equivalent; bīstamā starojuma deva acute radiation dose; hroniskā starojuma deva chronic radiation dose; pieļaujamā diennakts deva acceptable daily intake; starojuma deva radiation dose. devējs 1. sensor; synonyms (n) detector, antenna, demodulator, tracer, (adj) sensory, 2. transducer; synonyms (n) sensor, transductor; darba devējs employer; rekomendācijas devējs reference; pilnvaras devējs principal. dezinfekcija disinfection; synonym (n) purification. dezinficēt disinfect; synonyms (v) cleanse, sterilize, clean, purify, antisepticize, bleach, clear, distil, filter, neutralize, wash, (adj) ventilate; antonyms (v) contaminate, infect. dezodorēt deodorize; synonyms (v) disinfect, clean, purify, deodorise, (adj) fumigate, ventilate. dežūra duty; synonyms (n) business, function, commitment, assignment, charge, chore, obligation, dues, job, must, office, part, responsibility, tax, work, post, custom, assessment, commission, debt. diadēma diadem; synonyms (n) crown, coronet, tiara, circlet, capitulum, crest, power, empire, headband, pate, peak, pennant, poll, summit, tip, top, treetop. diafragma diaphragm; synonyms (n) membrane, midriff, partition, pessary, septum, stop, contraceptive, arrest, block, blockage, catch, check, closure, equator, orifice, halt, hitch, layover, middle, midsection. diagramma 1. diagram; synonyms (n) design, chart, sketch, figure, graph, drawing, illustration, outline,
picture, plat, (adj) plan, (v) plot, 2. graph; synonyms (n) diagram, map, table, 3. chart; synonyms (n) graphic, schematic, schedule, scheme, (v) draw, list; virsmas
diagramma surface chart; stāvokļu diagramma state diagram; stabiņu diagramma column chart; sektoru diagramma pie chart; laukumu diagramma area chart; joslu diagramma bar chart; izvietojuma diagramma location diagram. diametrs diameter; synonyms (n) caliber, width, diam, radius, breadth, diametral, length, size, broadness, module; vidējais diametrs mean diameter. diapazons range; synonyms (n) area, array, compass, reach, scope, domain, distance, extent, (v) line, arrange, order, rank, roam, group, ramble, wander, align, gad, classify, dispose; jaudas diapazons power range;
iestatīšanas diapazons setting range; elastības diapazons plastic range; cenu diapazons price range; balss diapazons voice grade. diapozitīvs slide; synonyms (n) glide, chute, decline, transparency, gliding, recession, (v) drop, slip, fall, slither, run, slump, coast, skid, descend, sag, lapse, cut, tumble, (adj) shift. dibens bottom; synonyms (n) base, basis, backside, bed, behind, foot, footing, back, arse, ass, bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor, foundation, posterior, rear, root, (v) ground; antonyms (n) top, pinnacle, (adj) highest;
plakans dibens flat bottom. dibinātājs founder; synonyms (n) laminitis, patriarch, author, beginner, creator, father, inventor, originator, sink, ancestor, forefather, generator, drown, pioneer, (v) fail, flop, collapse, crumple, break, topple. dibināts just; synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly, newly, simply, exclusively, (adj) fair, right, correct, equitable, accurate, honest, impartial, barely, fit, good, reasonable, righteous, upright, appropriate, definite; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, wrong. diegs thread; synonyms (n) string, line, yarn, rope, twine, wire, cord, fiber, plot, ribbon, (v) file, range, penetrate, lace, pass, run, meander, permeate, (adj) rank, reed;
kokvilnas diegs cotton. diena day; synonyms (n) light, daylight, generation, age, daytime, epoch, time, crisis; antonyms (n) nighttime, night; dzimšanas diena birthday; atpūtas diena rest day; darba diena hours; svētku diena holiday; svinamā diena holiday; tirgus diena market day; kalendārā diena calendar day; Neatkaribas diena independence day; normēta darba diena fixed working hours. dienests 1. service; synonyms (n) help, aid, assistance, avail, employment, ministration, ceremony, business, occupation, office, utility, agency, ministry, homage, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance, repair, 2. duty; synonyms (n) function, commitment, assignment, charge, chore, obligation, dues, job, must, part, responsibility, tax, work, post, custom, assessment, commission, debt, deference, impost; lidojumu informācijas dienests
flight information service; informācijas dienests information service; Izlūkošanas dienests information service; brīvprātīgais dienests voluntary service; kustības dienests traffic
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Latvian - English
service; Medicīniskās aprūpes dienests medical service; nodarbinātības dienests employment service; palīdzības dienests help desk; policijas dienests police service; sakaru dienests communication service. dienvidi south; synonyms (n) southland, confederacy, s, confederation, conspiracy, federation, mho, sec, second, siemens, sulfur, sulphur, (adj) left, polar. dievība deity; synonyms (n) godhead, godhood, godship, idol, immortal, theology, creator, deva, devata, icon, statue, celestial, (adj) divinity. diezgan 1. quite; synonyms (adv) altogether, absolutely, all, completely, entirely, fully, sheer, exactly, enough, even, fairly, rather, right, stark, totally, well, wholly, awfully, far, (adj) just; antonym (adv) extremely, 2. enough; synonyms (adv) plenty, amply, adequately, satisfaction, only, sufficiently, considering, (n) adequacy, fill, sufficiency, (adj) ample, sufficient, adequate, competent, decent, satisfactory, (int) basta; antonym (adj) inadequate; diezgan liels considerable; diezgan
labs decent; būt diezgan last. diferencēšana differentiation; synonyms (n) difference, distinction, contrast, demarcation, discrimination, specialization, disparity, diorism, separation, dissimilarity, inactivation, (v) division, addition, approximation, equations, estimation, evolution, interpolation, involution, multiplication. difūzija diffusion; synonyms (n) dissemination, dispersion, dispersal, distribution, spread, circulation, dissipation, expansion, propagation, scattering, spreading. dīglis nucleus; synonyms (n) core, heart, kernel, center, essence, nub, root, basis, embryo, focus, germ, gist, marrow, bud, hub, meat, pivot, cream, egg. dīķis pond; synonyms (n) lake, mere, pool, loch, plash, reservoir, sea, tank, broad, lough. dīks idle; synonyms (adj) inactive, indolent, lazy, free, baseless, frivolous, fruitless, groundless, unfounded, empty, disengaged, flimsy, barren, dead, futile, jobless, light, (v) loaf, moon, slack; antonyms (adj) busy, active, employed, (v) change. diktatūra dictatorship; synonyms (n) absolutism, autocracy, despotism, tyranny, authoritarianism, oppression, totalitarianism; antonym (n) democracy. diletants amateur; synonyms (adj) amateurish, inexpert, unskilled, inexperienced, untrained, unqualified, (n) novice, beginner, fan, apprentice, aspirant, devotee, lover, greenhorn; antonyms (adj) practiced, (n) professional, expert. dilt diminish; synonyms (v) decrease, abate, decline, lessen, abridge, deduct, detract, dwindle, fall, reduce, depreciate, belittle, contract, curtail, retrench, shrink, alleviate, deflate, allay, (adj) degrade; antonyms (v) increase, grow. dimants diamond; synonyms (n) adamant, lozenge, infield, rhombus, square, rectangle, (adj) jewel, bijou. dimensija dimension; synonyms (n) degree, breadth, bulk, magnitude, size, attribute, length, proportion, range, dimensions, bigness, stretch, amount, extent, mass, measure, measurement, balance.
dinamika dynamics; synonyms (n) kinetics, motion, (v) statics. dinamīts dynamite; synonyms (n) explosive, lyddite, danger, defamation, hazard, scandal, (v) blast, plastique, gunpowder, raze, (adj) capable, competent, considerable, dangerous, experienced, grand, great, perilous, precarious, striking. dioptrija dioptre; synonym (n) dioptry. diorāma diorama; synonyms (n) panorama, cyclorama, georama, aspect, prospect, scene, view, vista. diploms diploma; synonyms (n) certificate, credential, sheepskin, brevet, warrant, authority, charge, credentials, docket, doquet, exequatur, permit, commission, errand, papers, qualifications, award, confirmation, documentation, fleece. direkcija management; synonyms (n) administration, conduct, guidance, command, control, direction, government, handling, leadership, charge, treatment, behavior, steerage, disposition, arrangement, order, organization, oversight, (v) manage, (adj) executive. direktīva directive; synonyms (n) decree, direction, edict, instruction, order, ruling, rule, pronouncement, bylaw, command, injunction, law, mandate, (adj) directing, directional, guiding; mācību plānošanas direktīva
exercise planning directive. direktīvas instruction; synonyms (n) charge, command, advice, counsel, direction, education, guidance, guideline, information, injunction, prescription, teaching, bidding, commission, doctrine, decree, drill, edification, lecture, order. direktors 1. manager; synonyms (n) director, administrator, coach, executive, head, leader, boss, chief, controller, governor, handler, superintendent, superior, supervisor, ruler, conductor, entrepreneur, guide, inspector, master; antonym (n) underling, 2. superintendent; synonyms (n) custodian, manager, overseer, keeper, caretaker, guardian, super, steward, janitor, examiner, surveyor, warden, (adj) curator, 3. director; synonyms (n) commander, chairman, principal, captain, officer, instructor, pilot, trainer, (v) direct; tehniskais direktors technical director;
teātra direktors producer; finanšu direktors chief financial officer. disciplīna discipline; synonyms (n) chastisement, correction, field, restraint, (v) control, castigate, chastise, train, chasten, exercise, correct, drill, educate, practice, breed, condition, cultivate, instruct, punish, reprimand;
profila disciplīna scientific discipline. disertācija dissertation; synonyms (n) discourse, thesis, discussion, disquisition, exposition, paper, speech, tract.
diskete diskette; synonym (n) floppy. diskonts discount; synonyms (n) deduction, rebate, allowance, bargain, decrease, reduction, decrement, refund, (v) reduce, disregard, ignore, neglect, deduct, depreciate, cut, dismiss, reject, subtract, discredit, overlook; antonym (v) increase. disks disk; synonyms (n) disc, discus, dial, circle, diskette, face, record, round, wheel, dish, platter, saucer; cietais
disks hard disk; fiksētais disks fixed disk; fiksētu galviņu disks fixed head disk; magnētiskais disks magnetic disk.
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Latvian - English dislokācija dislocation; synonyms (n) breakdown, interruption, confusion, disruption, luxation, break, contortion, commotion, depression, deterioration, misplacement, disconnection, discontinuity, disengagement, dislodgment, division, flutter, partitioning, (v) dismemberment. dispečers dispatcher; synonyms (n) courier, crank, messenger, starter, correspondent, entrant, fledgeling, fledgling, freshman, neophyte, newcomer. displejs display; synonyms (n) array, presentation, appearance, screen, demonstration, exhibition, ostentation, scene, showing, spectacle, (v) exhibit, show, disclose, parade, expose, produce, brandish, flaunt, indicate, reveal; antonym (v) conceal; pasīvās
matricas displejs passive matrix display; aktīvās matricas displejs active matrix display. dispozīcija disposition; synonyms (n) bent, attitude, character, disposal, tendency, arrangement, bias, inclination, predisposition, propensity, direction, aptitude, array, constitution, distribution, heart, humor, leaning, mettle, mood. disproporcija disproportion; synonyms (n) disparity, inequality, discrepancy, difference; antonyms (n) equality, proportion, symmetry. divdesmit twenty; synonym (adj) twice. divi two; synonyms (n) deuce, pair, binary, demon, devil, duality, (adj) tway. dividende dividend; synonyms (n) allotment, bonus, gain, division, portion, profit, balance, revenue, (v) share. divkāršošana duplication; synonyms (n) duplicate, copy, imitation, doubling, gemination, replication, reproduction, (v) repetition. divkāršot duplicate; synonyms (adj) dual, matching, same, (v) copy, double, twin, trace, redouble, reduplicate, repeat, replicate, reproduce, fake, (n) counterpart, equal, second, imitation, match, parallel, photocopy; antonym (n) original. divkāršs duplicate; synonyms (adj) dual, matching, same, (v) copy, double, twin, trace, redouble, reduplicate, repeat, replicate, reproduce, fake, (n) counterpart, equal, second, imitation, match, parallel, photocopy; antonym (n) original. divpadsmit twelve; synonym (n) dozen. divpusējs bilateral; synonyms (adj) mutual, joint, quadrilateral, trilateral, isobilateral, multilateral, multiparty, respective, zygomorphic, zygomorphous, (v) bicephalous, bicipital, bidental, bifold, biform, bilabiate, bivalve, bivalvular; antonym (adj) unilateral. dizains design; synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, copy, blueprint, (v) plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct, arrange, contemplate, intend; antonym (n) chance. dižciltīgs noble; synonyms (adj) dignified, imposing, magnificent, glorious, distinguished, elevated, exalted, generous, high, impressive, majestic, patrician, famous, aristocratic, elegant, eminent, (n) grand, excellent, aristocrat, (v) great; antonyms (adj) lower-class, selfish, shameful, humble, dishonorable, lowly. dobums 1. cavity; synonyms (n) cavern, cave, hole, hollow, pocket, caries, chamber, depression, pit, void,
cell, crater, dent, dimple, excavation, hollowness, opening, recess, sinus, space, 2. hollow; synonyms (adj) blank, concave, empty, false, insincere, cavernous, depressed, futile, (n) cavity, groove, trench, gap, basin, chasm, concavity, holler, impression, (v) excavate, scoop, dig; antonyms (adj) convex, (n) solid, hump. doks dock; synonyms (n) bob, berth, bobtail, harbor, pier, quay, sorrel, wharf, marina, dockage, jetty, port, (v) clip, cut, pare, curtail, deprive, land, prune, shorten; antonym (v) undock. doktrīna doctrine; synonyms (n) creed, belief, credo, dogma, philosophy, conviction, lesson, canon, faith, gospel, ism, principle, school, tenet. dokumentācija documentation; synonyms (n) proof, record, certificate, certification, corroboration, credential, credentials, evidence; programmatūras
dokumentācija software documentation; iekšējā dokumentācija work papers. dokumentārs documentary; synonyms (n) docudrama, infotainment, (adj) documental. dokumenti papers; synonyms (n) credentials, document, documents, identification, covenant, deed, id, pass, permit, affidavit, archive, bill, citation, contract, data, diaries, diploma, grant, indictment, order; darba
dokumenti work papers. dokuments 1. document; synonyms (n) charter, deed, credentials, papers, text, writing, declaration, enclosure, (v) record, file, list, prove, report, 2. paper; synonyms (n) document, article, newspaper, discourse, newsprint,
certificate, essay, journal, magazine, periodical, composition, form, ticket, publisher, dissertation, exposition, press, theme, thesis, (v) wallpaper, 3. act; synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, decree, do, feat, law, performance, (v) achievement, behave, go, perform, acquit, enact, feign, operate, pretend, work; antonym (v) refrain, 4. writing; synonyms (n) script, lettering, print, autograph, paper, authorship, book, inscription, style, words, correspondence, penning, 5. deed; synonyms (n) act, behavior, exploit, covenant, activity, doing, effort, fact, title, agency, job, measure, proceeding, reality, thing, ownership; attaisnojuma dokuments source
document; izceļošanas dokuments pass; juridisks dokuments legal instrument; oficiāls dokuments official document; apliecinošs dokuments certificate; parāda dokuments debt instrument; personas dokuments personal document; primārais dokuments primary document; privāts dokuments private document; rakstisks dokuments written document. dolārs dollar; synonyms (n) buck, greenback, note, bill, clam, dime, disme, nickel, quarter, ace, bone, certificate, cucumber, fish, frog, horse, one-spot, peso, piaster, sawbuck. doma 1. opinion; synonyms (n) judgment, feeling, notion, idea, belief, advice, conjecture, guess, impression, meaning, mind, view, counsel, comment, estimate, decision, conviction, attitude, estimation, hypothesis, 2. idea; synonyms (n) concept, opinion, apprehension, conception, consideration, design, fancy, plan, thought, suggestion, conceit, appearance, aim, image,
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Latvian - English imagination, inspiration, object, perception, purpose, reason, 3. thought; synonyms (v) observation, regard, look, notice, consider, (n) reflection, sentiment, attention, care, cogitation, thinking, heed, intention, cerebration, contemplation, intellection, meditation, whim, study, reasoning; antonym (n) fact; galvenā doma burden;
vispārēja doma hang; sabiedriskā doma public opinion. domāt 1. intend; synonyms (v) aim, design, destine, mean, determine, contemplate, denote, plan, purpose, consider, believe, import, calculate, conceive, designate, meditate, propose, signify, think, (n) purport, 2. think; synonyms (v) reckon, estimate, guess, hold, imagine, muse, ponder, reflect, regard, suppose, cogitate, conjecture, deliberate, expect, reason, study, suspect, assume, deem, envisage; antonym (v) forget. domstarpības disagreement; synonyms (n) difference, discrepancy, conflict, discord, dispute, dissidence, argument, contention, dissension, scrap, variance, battle, antagonism, altercation, clash, contradiction, contrariety, controversy, debate, dissent; antonyms (n) agreement, accord, harmony. domuzīme dash; synonyms (n) rush, sprint, animation, beat, bit, bolt, line, splash, tinge, knock, (v) dart, touch, strike, break, charge, crash, hurry, jog, race, run; antonym (n) lethargy. dot 1. give; synonyms (v) allow, bestow, extend, accord, commit, donate, contribute, convey, deliver, dispense, endow, grant, present, yield, administer, apply, bequeath, bring, cast, communicate; antonyms (v) withdraw, take, withhold, 2. render; synonyms (v) afford, interpret, explain, furnish, give, offer, pay, construe, depict, impart, make, provide, return, translate, cede, concede, exhibit, put, decipher, do; dot zīmi
sign; dot padomu advise; dot iznākumā amount; dot virsrakstu head; dot uzdevumu task; dot labumu benefit; dot zāļu devu dose; dot dzeramnaudu remember; dot dotāciju grant; dot darbu busy. dotācija 1. subsidy; synonyms (n) grant, aid, allowance, backing, support, endowment, (v) contribution, subscription, 2. grant; synonyms (n) concession, donation, permit, present, (v) give, allow, award, bestow, admit, afford, concede, confer, gift, acknowledge, accord, boon, cede, confess, (adj) deliver, consent; antonyms (v) deny, reject, 3. endowment; synonyms (n) ability, talent, capacity, faculty, bequest, flair, foundation, genius, quality, bent, aptitude, dowry, capability, dispensation, forte, property, qualification, (adj) cleverness, attribute, (v) benefaction; izglītības
dotācija education grant. dotības competence; synonyms (n) capacity, adequacy, ability, capability, efficiency, sufficiency, aptitude, expertise, fitness, skill, talent, competency, craft, dexterity, facility, faculty, flair, knack, qualification, (adj) proficiency; antonyms (n) incompetence, inability. draudēt threaten; synonyms (v) menace, bully, endanger, intimidate, loom, offer, imperil, jeopardize, peril, approach, foreshadow, portend, browbeat, impend, coerce, frighten, scare, terrorize, augur, (n) threat; antonym (v) help; draudēt ar vardarbību assault.
draudi danger; synonyms (n) risk, hazard, peril, chance, jeopardy, threat, trouble, precariousness, slipperiness, difficulty, insecurity, exposure, hardship; antonyms (n) safety, security; pasīvie draudi passive threat;
bojājumu draudi damage threat; aktīvi draudi active threat. draudzība friendship; synonyms (n) fellowship, association, affection, familiarity, amity, companionship, company, friendliness, intimacy, attachment, concord, comradeship, love, relationship, acquaintance, camaraderie, connection, partnership, peace, society; antonyms (n) enmity, hostility. draugs friend; synonyms (n) fellow, acquaintance, ally, colleague, crony, advocate, assistant, booster, buddy, mate, connection, wellwisher, attendant, cohort, partner, patron, proponent, (adj) associate, companion, comrade; antonyms (n) enemy, foe, stranger, rival; tuvs draugs
familiar; laulāts draugs husband; grāmatu draugs reader. drava apiary; synonyms (n) beehive, beehouse, (v) aviary. drēbes 1. clothes; synonyms (n) apparel, attire, clothing, dress, garb, garment, wardrobe, thing, gown, toggery, vesture, wear, 2. clothing; synonyms (n) clothes, gear, outfit, threads, habit; zilas drēbes blue. drēbnieks tailor; synonyms (n) snip, clothier, sartor, (v) adapt, fashion, sew, shape, accommodate, cut, design, adjust, fit, shoehorn, style. drena drain; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike, channel, sewer, tax, trench, (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed, leak, consume, finish, sap, tire, drip, (adj) cloaca, dissipate, spill; antonym (v) bolster. dromedārs dromedary; synonyms (n) camel, elephant, llama. drošība 1. protection; synonyms (n) defense, care, conservation, cover, custody, defence, guardianship, security, shelter, aegis, auspices, preservation, shield, bulwark, hedge, escort, charge, keeping, lee, (v) guard; antonym (n) destruction, 2. warrant; synonyms (n) guarantee, authority, vouch, authorization, certificate, commission, pledge, support, (v) permit, license, assure, justify, sanction, ensure, authorize, empower, endorse, warranty, promise, insure, 3. security; synonyms (n) protection, safety, hostage, insurance, collateral, secureness, strength, peace, assurance, bail, deposit, ease, gage, safeguard, stability, pawn, refuge, certainty, (v) bond, (adj) firmness; antonym (n) danger, 4. safeguard; synonyms (v) preserve, defend, protect, keep, convoy, save, screen, conserve, secure, (n) precaution, cushion, barrier, buffer, fortification, 5. safety; synonyms (n) bingle, safe, asylum, sanctuary, safeness, condom, prophylactic, rubber; antonym (n) hazard; aparatūras drošība hardware security;
datorsistēmas drošība computer security; datnes drošība file security; tīkla drošība network security; sakaru drošība communications security; ostas sistēmas drošība port security; fiziskā drošība physical security; ekonomiskā drošība economic security; ekoloģiskā drošība environmental safety.
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Latvian - English drošs 1. safe; synonyms (adj) secure, reliable, cautious, dependable, good, harmless, innocuous, sound, correct, innocent, inoffensive, certain, stable, steady, sure, unscathed, protected, (n) closet, coffer, strongbox; antonyms (adj) dangerous, unsafe, hurt, risky, unprotected, vulnerable, harmful, insecure, reckless, 2. reliable; synonyms (adj) firm, honest, authentic, faithful, safe, true, trusty, believable, solid, steadfast, truthful, infallible, reputable, accurate, assured, careful, consistent, devoted, (v) trustworthy, credible; antonyms (adj) unreliable, fallacious, inconsistent, 3. secure; synonyms (v) close, fix, preserve, fasten, acquire, assure, attain, ensure, fast, gain, get, guarantee, guard, lock, obtain, procure, protect, (adj) confident, attach, bind; antonyms (v) lose, detach, (adj) loose, 4. proof; synonyms (n) confirmation, demonstration, probation, argument, authentication, evidence, sign, substantiation, validation, verification, experiment, indication, essay, criterion, establishment, pull, reason, support, test, testimony; drošs atdalīšanās attālums safe
separation distance; drošs ātrums safe speed; drošs attālums safe distance; drošs dziļums safe depth. drudzis fever; synonyms (n) delirium, feverishness, frenzy, heat, pyrexia, febricity, excitement, restlessness, craze, enthusiasm, pain, rage, disease, fury, lather, outburst, anger, confusion, disorientation, ecstasy;
spekulācijas drudzis boom. drupas ruin; synonyms (v) break, ravage, bust, consume, defeat, demolish, desolate, destroy, devastate, blast, (n) devastation, downfall, fall, destruction, doom, damage, desolation, havoc, death, finish; antonyms (v) conserve, enhance. drupinātājs crusher; synonyms (n) grinder, pounder, argument, pestle, implement, rod, utensil. dublējums backup; synonyms (n) backing, substitute, surrogate, assistant, aid, congestion, jam, accompaniment, allayer, alleviation, associates, assuagement, boost, deputy, relief, (adj) alternate, spare, auxiliary, subsidiary, alternative. dublikāts duplicate; synonyms (adj) dual, matching, same, (v) copy, double, twin, trace, redouble, reduplicate, repeat, replicate, reproduce, fake, (n) counterpart, equal, second, imitation, match, parallel, photocopy; antonym (n) original. dubultošana duplication; synonyms (n) duplicate, copy, imitation, doubling, gemination, replication, reproduction, (v) repetition. dubultot duplicate; synonyms (adj) dual, matching, same, (v) copy, double, twin, trace, redouble, reduplicate, repeat, replicate, reproduce, fake, (n) counterpart, equal, second, imitation, match, parallel, photocopy; antonym (n) original. dubults 1. double; synonyms (adj) duplicate, dual, duple, twofold, doubled, (v) fold, reduplicate, bend, geminate, plait, copy, crease, crinkle, (n) twin, image, match, mate, substitute, alternate, doubling; antonym (n) single, 2. duplicate; synonyms (adj) matching, same, alike, (v) double, trace, redouble, repeat, replicate, reproduce, fake, emulate, ingeminate, (n) counterpart, equal, second,
imitation, parallel, photocopy, counterfeit, duplication; antonym (n) original. dumbrājs fen; synonyms (n) marsh, bog, morass, quagmire, swamp, mire, marish, marshland, moss, wash. dūmenis chimney; synonyms (n) stack, flue, shaft, smokestack, vent, gully, main, nostril, nozzle, tap, throat, trachea, weasand, aperture, escape, exhaust, opening, outlet, chase, duct. dūmi smoke; synonyms (n) fumes, fog, mist, perfume, smoking, smoulder, vapor, weed, (v) fume, reek, fumigate, puff, exhale, cure, burn, smolder, (adj) smudge, tobacco, blot, blur. dūmvads 1. funnel; synonyms (n) chimney, flue, shaft, tunnel, cone, (v) channel, move, pipe, 2. flue; synonyms (n) fluff, smokestack, vent, (adj) down, cobweb, dust, feather. duncis dagger; synonyms (n) bodkin, sword, blade, knife, obelisk, cutlass, saber, skean, anger, baselard, baudekin, brand, broadsword, cimeter, claymore, couteau, dag, dudgeon, falchion, fang. durklis bayonet; synonyms (n) sword, banger, baselard, brand, broadsword, cimeter, claymore, cutlass, dagger, dirk, dudgeon, falchion, glaive, knife, kris, (v) stab, spear, butt, eviscerate, penetrate. durt stab; synonyms (n) jab, pierce, dig, try, prick, shot, pang, attempt, crack, cut, (v) poke, thrust, impale, prod, gore, pink, spear, spike, stick, spit; durt ar adatu
needle; durt ar nazi knife. durvis 1. door; synonyms (n) gate, threshold, access, doorway, entrance, entry, mouth, opening, entryway, exit, hatch, inlet, porch, portal, wicket, chops, covercle, 2. entrance; synonyms (n) admission, admittance, arrival, door, accession, induction, advent, appearance, approach, (v) enchant, captivate, charm, bewitch, enrapture, fascinate, enthrall, delight, beguile, capture, enamor; antonyms (n) departure, (v) bore, 3. entry; synonyms (n) article, entree, hall, record, enrollment, entering, entranceway, gateway, incursion, note, register, incoming, ingress, introduction, posting, vestibule, debut; vienvērtnes durvis single door; uzlauzt
durvis force; divvērtņu durvis double door. dusmīgs cross; synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, check, crossing, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, bilk, dash, divide, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered. dusošs dormant; synonyms (adj) asleep, inactive, torpid, inert, smoldering, inoperative, suspended, fallow, latent, potential, quiescent, quiet, sluggish; antonym (adj) active. dvēsele soul; synonyms (n) man, creature, ghost, heart, human, individual, mind, person, personification, being, essence, life, mortal, psyche, self, marrow, bosom, (adj) core, quintessence, gist. dzeguze cuckoo; synonyms (n) fathead, goof, goose, jackass, nut, zany, booby, gawk, kook, lunatic, maniac, (v) cheep, chirp, chirrup, mime, monkey, parrot, (adj) crazy, mad, insane. dzeja poetry; synonyms (n) poem, poesy, verse, song, rhyme, style; antonym (n) prose.
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Latvian - English
dzejnieks poet; synonyms (n) bard, author, maker, lyricist, muse, manufacturer, meditate, muset, novelist, playwright, writer, artist, balladist, critic, dilettante, dramatist, essayist, journalist, librettist, lyrist. dzelonis 1. thorn; synonyms (n) spine, barb, bramble, prickle, spike, point, needle, pricker, sticker, bristle, fang, irritant, (adj) sting, cancer, 2. prickle; synonyms (n) thorn, (v) prick, itch, tingle, irritate, smart. dzeltens yellow; synonyms (adj) jaundiced, amber, chicken, chickenhearted, fearful, xanthous, craven, spineless, yellowish, flavous, golden, (n) coward, (adv) cowardly. dzelzceļš 1. railway; synonyms (n) railroad, line, tramway, 2. rail; synonyms (n) bar, balustrade, handrail, railing, fence, banister, track, path, pale, paling, bolt, barrier, course, rails, (v) inveigh, vituperate, fulminate, revile, scold, train; pilsētas dzelzceļš urban railway. dzelzs iron; synonyms (n) chain, irons, chains, (v) firm, flatten, press, smooth, (adj) hard, adamant, inflexible, steel, tenacious; dzelzs laikmets iron age; dzelzs
izstrādājumi hardware; dzelzs preparāts iron; tīrradņa dzelzs native iron. dzemdniecība obstetrics; synonyms (n) midwifery, tocology, dentistry, (v) delivery, accouchement, birth, childbirth, confinement, labor. džems jam; synonyms (n) crush, crowd, fix, squeeze, congestion, conserve, dilemma, hole, (v) block, cram, bar, fill, force, gorge, hinder, impede, pack, pile, ram, squash; antonym (v) free. dzenis woodpecker; synonyms (n) pecker, beak, bill, cock, nib, peckerwood, pick, prick, shaft, tool, woodpeck. dzēriens beverage; synonyms (n) drink, potable, alcohol, drinkable, potation, draft, draught, libation, brew, boozing, cocktail, crapulence, deglutition, drunkenness, inebriant, infusion, red-eye, sip, (v) broth, soup;
bezalkoholiskais dzēriens soft drink; augļu dzēriens cup. dzert drink; synonyms (n) beverage, alcohol, brew, potion, swallow, crapulence, intoxicant, nip, potation, tipple, (v) draught, booze, carouse, bib, absorb, down, gulp, pledge, swig, toast; kāri dzert lap; dzert vīnu wine. dziedāt sing; synonyms (v) chant, hymn, chirp, hum, drone, pipe, twitter, vocalize, carol, snitch, betray, harmonize, poetize, squeal, rat, talk, whistle, babble, blab, (n) squeak. dziedniecisks medicinal; synonyms (adj) curative, medical, medicative, healing, remedial, therapeutic. dziesma song; synonyms (n) melody, air, strain, cry, warble, poem, tune, call, chanson, canticle, poetry, rhyme, verse, birdcall, birdsong, (v) ditty, chant, sing, (adj) lay, ballad; putna dziesma lay. dzija yarn; synonyms (n) narrative, story, tale, thread, anecdote, narration, twine, string, fable, fiction, history, relation, legend, line, strand, account, chronicle, cord, cotton, fabrication; vilnas dzija wool. dziļums depth; synonyms (n) abyss, deepness, profoundness, intensity, profundity, abstruseness, wisdom, breadth, extent, height, strength, width, astuteness, draught, extremity; sabrukuma dziļums
collapse depth; maksimālais ekspluatācijas
dziļums maximum operating depth; izmēģinājuma dziļums test depth; drošs dziļums safe depth; aizsardzības dziļums defence in depth. dzimšana birth; synonyms (n) beginning, ancestry, descent, extraction, genesis, parturition, blood, labor, lineage, nascency, nativity, onset, origin, parentage, start, birthing, commencement, (v) delivery, bear, deliver; antonym (n) death. dzimstošs nascent; synonyms (adj) emergent, emerging, incipient, neonatal, developing, budding, enascent, inchoate, infant, initial, potential, promising, burgeoning, evolving, sprouting, (v) natal. dzimta family; synonyms (n) descent, household, name, breed, brood, clan, class, genus, house, kin, lineage, people, stock, species, birth, blood, category, (adj) home, ancestry, domestic. dzimtene 1. motherland; synonyms (n) fatherland, homeland, country, home, land, birthplace, kingdom, nation, realm, soil, state, 2. homeland; synonyms (n) motherland, place, property, reservation, territory, 3. home; synonyms (n) fireside, abode, domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, family, habitation, household, residence, shelter, asylum, habitat, lodging, lodge, environment, accommodation, (adj) domestic, internal. dzinējs 1. engine; synonyms (n) locomotive, machine, contrivance, implement, instrument, mechanism, organ, tool, utensil, 2. motor; synonyms (n) engine, automobile, car, conductor, (adj) motive, (v) drive, ride, travel. dzinējspēks propulsion; synonyms (n) actuation, momentum, push, thrust, power, impulse, force, cast, overflow, pulsion. džins gin; synonyms (n) snare, decoy, trap, machine, noose, pitfall, tool, engine. dzintars amber; synonyms (adj) ocher, orange, orangey, tawny, (n) succinite, yellow, electrum, brown, electron, gold, gum. dzirdēt hear; synonyms (v) attend, discover, apprehend, understand, catch, examine, learn, listen, overhear, see, try, find, get, comprehend, gather, hearken, heed, judge, receive, ascertain. dzirnakmens millstone; synonyms (n) burden, load, weight, liability, tax, encumbrance, albatross, handicap, hindrance, impediment, (adj) lead. dzīve 1. lifetime; synonyms (n) age, life, lifespan, day, decade, hour, time, animation, being, abode, aliveness, biography, century, cottage, minute, month, quarter, quinquennium, (adj) lifelong, enduring, 2. life; synonyms (n) energy, spirit, activity, dash, enthusiasm, existence, exuberance, live, briskness, career, autobiography, endurance, lifetime, liveliness, living, survival, vigor, vim, vitality, vivacity; antonym (n) lethargy; ekonomiskā dzīve economic life;
saimnieciskā dzīve economic life; sabiedriskā dzīve social life. dzīvnieks animal; synonyms (n) brute, creature, beast, organism, being, fauna, monster, (adj) bodily, carnal, brutal, corporeal, physical, sensual, primitive, (adv) fleshly; lauksaimniecības dzīvnieks farm animal;
nekastrēts dzīvnieks entire; nobeidzies
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Latvian - English dzīvnieks dead animal; vietējais dzīvnieks native; medījamais dzīvnieks game. dzīvojošs resident; synonyms (adj) native, inmate, local, nonmigratory, (n) inhabitant, occupant, dweller, tenant, citizen, lodger, occupier, representative, (v) resiant; antonyms (adj) migratory, (n) landlord, drifter. dzîvoklis 1. apartment; synonyms (n) flat, lodging, residence, chamber, dwelling, place, room, suite, abode, house, home, accommodation, domicile, housing, studio, 2. flat; synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even, plain, insipid, level, plane, tasteless, dreary, boring, absolute, dead, downright, equal, fixed, lifeless, monotonous, outright, (n) apartment, (v) uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high-pitched, bumpy. dzīvoklis 1. flat; synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even, plain, insipid, level, plane, tasteless, dreary, boring, absolute, dead, downright, equal, fixed, lifeless, monotonous, outright, (n) apartment, (v) uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high-pitched, bumpy, 2. apartment; synonyms (n) flat, lodging, residence, chamber, dwelling, place, room, suite, abode, house, home, accommodation, domicile, housing, studio. dzīvot 1. live; synonyms (v) exist, inhabit, reside, subsist, abide, be, dwell, endure, stay, survive, continue, experience, (adj) alive, active, animate, living, brisk, bouncy, breathing, (n) go; antonyms (adj) dead, inanimate, 2. reside; synonyms (v) live, occupy, remain, belong, lodge, populate, lie, people, repose, rest, consist, domicile, domiciliate, settle, shack, last, perch, (adj) roost; dzīvot nometnē camp; dzīvot teltī tent. Dzîvs alive; synonyms (adj) active, live, living, sensible, vivacious, animated, lively, responsive, aware, eager, acute, energetic, animate, awake, extant, keen, quick, intelligent; antonyms (adj) dead, deceased, inanimate. dzīvs 1. alive; synonyms (adj) active, live, living, sensible, vivacious, animated, lively, responsive, aware, eager, acute, energetic, animate, awake, extant, keen, quick, intelligent; antonyms (adj) dead, deceased, inanimate, 2. living; synonyms (adj) alive, fresh, vital, actual, lifelike, lives, surviving, (n) livelihood, being, life, aliveness, animation, benefice, existence, keep, maintenance, subsistence, support, lifetime, sustenance; antonym (n) death. džouls joule; synonym (n) j.
E ecēšas harrow; synonyms (v) afflict, harass, harry, rake, torment, torture, wring, delve, dibble, dig, disk, plow. efektīgs effective; synonyms (adj) beneficial, practical, effectual, efficacious, operative, strong, actual, fruitful, positive, active, forceful, important, influential, operational, powerful, useful, (n) competent, capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj) ineffective, useless, weak, inoperative. efektivitāte efficiency; synonyms (n) capability, effectiveness, ability, efficacy, effect, capacity, aptitude, energy, output, potency, proficiency, ease, (v) agency,
action; antonyms (n) inefficiency, incompetence, largeness; relatīvā bioloģiskā efektivitāte relative
biological effectiveness; degvielas efektivitāte fuel efficiency. efektīvs effective; synonyms (adj) beneficial, practical, effectual, efficacious, operative, strong, actual, fruitful, positive, active, forceful, important, influential, operational, powerful, useful, (n) competent, capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj) ineffective, useless, weak, inoperative. efekts effect; synonyms (n) consequence, product, result, sequel, aftermath, conclusion, impression, outgrowth, (v) accomplish, achieve, create, cause, complete, do, bring, carry, execute, induce, perform, use; antonym (n) reason; parastas iedarbības efekts normal impact
effect; nakts efekts night effect; apgrieztais efekts adverse effect. egle fir; synonym (adj) green. egoisms egoism; synonyms (n) egotism, selfishness, egocentrism, pride, egocentricity, egomism, insensitivity, introspection, solipsism, subjectivism, suicism, uniqueness, arrogance, assurance, boastfulness, boasting, bragging, conceitedness, distinctiveness, eccentricity; antonym (n) altruism. eifemisms euphemism; synonyms (n) circumlocution, delicacy, floridness, grandiloquence, inflation, ornateness, pomposity, pretense, purism, (adj) euphemistic, euphonious, euphuism. eja 1. passage; synonyms (n) aisle, course, channel, corridor, gangway, hall, journey, entry, way, entrance, lobby, duct, opening, avenue, citation, excerpt, extract, lane, movement, paragraph, 2. pass; synonyms (v) flow, deliver, give, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, live, advance, die, elapse, exceed, extend, lapse, leave, proceed, surpass, (adj) go, run; antonym (v) fail, 3. lane; synonyms (n) alley, road, passage, path, track, line, artery, passageway, pathway, route, street, trail, walk, stroll; bojā eja destruction; apakšzemes eja
gallery. ekoloģija ecology; synonyms (n) bionomics, botany, conservationism, network, system. ekonomija economy; synonyms (n) frugality, parsimony, saving, thrift, conservation, efficiency, husbandry, prudence, stinginess, thriftiness, brevity, cut, (adj) system, arrangement, array, disposition; antonym (n) extravagance; politiskā ekonomija economics. ekonomika 1. economy; synonyms (n) frugality, parsimony, saving, thrift, conservation, efficiency, husbandry, prudence, stinginess, thriftiness, brevity, cut, (adj) system, arrangement, array, disposition; antonym (n) extravagance, 2. economics; synonyms (n) finance, economy, commerce, money, backing, funding, investment, sponsorship; tirgus ekonomika market
economy; lauku ekonomika rural economy; rūpniecības ekonomika industrial economics. ekonomisks economical; synonyms (adj) cheap, economic, frugal, prudent, thrifty, careful, inexpensive, provident, sparing, cautious, saving, spare, stingy, chary, efficient, modest, scotch; antonyms (adj) expensive, extravagant, spendthrift, wasteful; ekonomisks
process economic process.
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Latvian - English
ekonomists economist; synonyms (n) cultivator, husband, husbandman, tiller. ekrāns screen; synonyms (n) shade, blind, riddle, disguise,
expansion; kredīta ekspansija credit expansion; ekonomikas ekspansija economic expansion. ekspedīcija expedition; synonyms (n) excursion,
partition, veil, guard, curtain, protection, (v) cover, shield, conceal, hide, mask, protect, shelter, cloak, filter, obscure, safeguard. eksāmens examination; synonyms (n) audit, check, exam, search, test, consideration, exploration, inquiry, investigation, study, survey, testing, contemplation, analysis, appraisal, evaluation, inquest, inspection, interview, (adj) examen; eksāmens mutvārdos oral. ekscentrs eccentric; synonyms (adj) bizarre, odd, wacky, abnormal, anomalous, crazy, erratic, irregular, outlandish, peculiar, strange, droll, comical, kinky, original, (n) character, case, nut, oddball, oddity; antonyms (adj) normal, ordinary, (n) conformist. ekscess excess; synonyms (adj) extra, additional, superfluous, unnecessary, (n) surplus, dissipation, extravagance, plethora, abundance, exaggeration, glut, overabundance, overindulgence, overplus, remainder, rest, superfluity, surfeit, surplusage, overmuchness; antonyms (n) lack, shortage, restraint, moderation, dearth, shortfall. ekselence excellency; synonyms (n) excellence, highness, merit, mightiness, adore, arrogance, boast, boastfulness, brilliancy, chastity, consideration, courage, credit, dignify, dignity, ennoble, exalt, glory, honor, quality. eksemplārs 1. copy; synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, forgery, reproduction, cast, book, counterpart, double, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake, mimic, record; antonym (n) original, 2. exemplar; synonyms (n) example, archetype, classic, case, ideal, paradigm, paragon, precedent, protoplast, prototype, representative;
dispatch, journey, travel, celerity, exploration, haste, outing, quest, readiness, speed, tour, trip, acceleration, alacrity, agility, despatch, (v) campaign, crusade, attack. eksperiments experiment; synonyms (n) test, attempt, essay, trial, tentative, try, examination, taste, experience, experimentation, (v) examine, venture, check;
tipisks eksemplārs type specimen; tipāls eksemplārs type specimen; tipa eksemplārs type specimen; obligātais eksemplārs deposit copy; dīvains eksemplārs caution. eksistence existence; synonyms (n) presence, being, entity, life, living, subsistence, essence, lifetime, occurrence, reality, time, world, beingness, cosmos, creation; antonyms (n) death, nonbeing, nonexistence. ekskrēcija excretion; synonyms (n) discharge, elimination, evacuation, excrement, excreta, excreting, secretion, emission, cathartic, dregs, emptying, flow, purgament, purge, sordes, sweat, voiding, liquidation, purgative, pus. ekskursija 1. tour; synonyms (n) journey, excursion, circuit, round, jaunt, voyage, passage, go, pilgrimage, ramble, tramp, trip, turn, walk, spell, circle, (v) expedition, travel, ride, visit, 2. trip; synonyms (n) tour, flight, lapse, run, drive, misstep, outing, break, course, (v) slip, stumble, fall, skip, tumble, err, dance, lurch, hop, (adj) blunder, fault; antonym (v) fix. ekspansija expansion; synonyms (n) amplification, enlargement, development, dilatation, dilation, elaboration, growth, stretch, distention, evolution, increase, inflation, swelling, diffusion, space, advance, elongation, enhancement, (v) extension, augmentation; antonyms (n) contraction, decrease, reduction, abbreviation; tirdzniecības ekspansija trade
eksperiments ar dzīvniekiem animal experiment. eksperts expert; synonyms (adj) adept, adroit, dexterous, skillful, able, clever, experienced, accomplished, ace, apt, deft, practiced, veteran, knowing, capable, (n) professional, proficient, critic, authority, connoisseur; antonyms (adj) unskilled, inept, inferior, untrained, (n) amateur, beginner. eksplozija explosion; synonyms (n) burst, blast, boom, detonation, eruption, bang, fulmination, outbreak, outburst, rush, crack, flash, gust, plosion, (v) discharge, salvo, firing, (adj) paroxysm, blow, fit. ekspluatācija exploitation; synonyms (n) abuse, development, misuse, employment, operation, use, using, ventilation, plunder, achievement, consumption, corruption, cruelty, damage, defacement, despoilment, destruction, developing, evolution, exploiture;
normāla ekspluatācija normal service. eksponāts exhibit; synonyms (v) evince, demonstrate, evidence, expose, disclose, announce, flaunt, parade, perform, present, produce, show, bear, indicate, manifest, reveal, attest, (n) display, proof, (adj) represent; antonym (v) conceal; izstādes eksponāts display
unit. eksponents exhibitor; synonyms (n) exhibitioner, cascade, guide, shower. eksportēšana exportation; synonyms (n) export, exporting, emission, effusion, ejection, expulsion, rejection, eviction, extrusion, trajection, (v) importation, transmission, transport, transportation, translation, transplantation, transumption. eksportēt export; synonyms (n) exportation, business, buying, exchange, retail, selling, wholesale, (v) import, trade, smuggle, market, port, sell, ship, consign, dump, freight, transport, transship. eksports export; synonyms (n) exportation, business, buying, exchange, retail, selling, wholesale, (v) import, trade, smuggle, market, port, sell, ship, consign, dump, freight, transport, transship; tiešais eksports direct
export. ekspozīcija exposition; synonyms (n) comment, display, exhibition, explanation, show, elucidation, clarification, demonstration, description, exhibit, dissertation, expo, fair, presentation, declaration, definition, illustration, showing, construction, discourse; vispārpieejama
ekspozīcija public exhibition; pastāvīgā ekspozīcija permanent exhibition; mākslas ekspozīcija art exhibition. ekspresis express; synonyms (v) exhibit, articulate, convey, declare, demonstrate, display, mean, say, state, tell, (adj) explicit, direct, definite, distinct, especial, clear,
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Latvian - English exact, speedy, specific, (n) denote; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, (adj) slow, vague. ekspropriācija expropriation; synonyms (n) dispossession, deprivation, appropriation, renunciation, (v) seizure, abreption, abduction, ablation. ekstrakts extract; synonyms (n) excerpt, essence, juice, quotation, quote, citation, passage, (v) draw, abstract, derive, educe, elicit, distill, express, get, extort, cull, distil, mine, pull. ekstrapolācija extrapolation; synonym (n) projection. ekvivalence 1. equivalence; synonyms (n) equality, correspondence, parity, balance, par, similitude, analogy, comparability, compare, comparison, correlation, likeness, tie, (v) equivalent; antonyms (n) difference, dissimilarity, 2. equipollence; synonym (n) equiponderance. ekvivalents equivalent; synonyms (adj) equal, comparable, alike, analogous, even, corresponding, identical, like, matching, same, equipollent, commensurate, akin, level, reciprocal, (n) counterpart, match, parallel, peer, (v) consideration; antonyms (adj) unlike, (n) different, dissimilar; piena ekvivalents
milk equivalent; ekvivalents tīkls equivalent network. elastība elasticity; synonyms (n) bounce, spring, flexibility, pliability, suppleness, tone, renitency, tonicity, elasticness, agility, consistency, elatery, litheness, limberness, malleability, movement, (adj) intensity, strength, tension, vigor; klasifikācijas
elastība flexibility. elastīgums flexibility; synonyms (n) pliability, spring, adaptability, elasticity, suppleness, litheness, malleability, tractability, versatility, bendability; antonyms (n) inflexibility, obstinacy, rigidity, stubbornness, severity. elegance elegance; synonyms (n) delicacy, daintiness, beauty, refinement, chic, flair, grace, style, courtliness, class, courtesy, gentility, grandeur, panache, purity, charm, civility, finesse, gracefulness, (adj) dainty; antonyms (n) clumsiness, awkwardness. Elegants elegant; synonyms (adj) graceful, courtly, delicate, splendid, beautiful, dainty, polite, refined, dressy, artistic, charming, chic, classy, cultured, debonair, fine, neat, pretty, smart, stately; antonyms (adj) clumsy, inelegant, scruffy, ugly, coarse, plain, tacky. elektrifikācija electrification; synonyms (n) electrization, exhilaration. elektrons electron; synonyms (n) electricity, molecule, negatron, amber. elektrotehniķis electrician; synonyms (n) lineman, linesman, juicer. elements element; synonyms (n) component, constituent, ingredient, factor, substance, fundamental, feature, matter, origin, part, unit, cause, module, point, article, body, detail, fire, streak, characteristic; ķīmiskais
elements chemical element; masīva elements array element; galvaniskais elements battery; izvēlnes elements menu item; konstrukcijas elements member; datu elements data element;
loģiskais elements gate; sistēmas elements system element; UN elements and gate; VAI-NE elements nor gate. elevators elevator; synonyms (n) lift, crane, rise, winch, elevation, silo, handle, heave, help, pulley, raise, raising, ride, uplift, (v) dumbwaiter, escalator. elkonis elbow; synonyms (n) bend, cubitus, angle, joint, (v) poke, jostle, nudge, push, shove, jolt, crowd, hustle. eļļa oil; synonyms (n) petroleum, fat, ointment, salve, cream, fuel, cerate, lotion, (v) lubricate, anoint, anele, glycerine; ēteriskā eļļa essential oil; kokvilnas
eļļa cotton seed oil; kukurūzas eļļa corn oil; smagā eļļa heavy oil. elpa breath; synonyms (n) spirit, wind, air, inspiration, puff, aspiration, breather, breeze, flash, flatus, gust, instant, jiffy, respite, trice, twinkling, whiff, intimation, suggestion, (adj) whisper. elpot 1. breathe; synonyms (v) blow, exhale, live, subsist, be, emit, exist, imply, rest, whisper, inspire, convey, heave, huff, puff, survive, utter, (n) respire, bespeak, argue, 2. respire; synonyms (v) breathe, inhale, sigh;
smagi elpot blow. emalja enamel; synonyms (n) paint, (v) coat, glaze, varnish, lacker, lacquer, cloisonne, plate. emancipācija emancipation; synonyms (n) release, rescue, deliverance, discharge, freedom, liberation, salvation, relief, disengagement, acquittal, independence, liberty; antonym (n) suppression. embargo embargo; synonyms (n) ban, prohibition, sanction, veto, inhibition, injunction, bar, prohibit, proscription, restraint, exclusion, (v) proscribe. embrijs embryo; synonyms (n) germ, bud, origin, nucleus, seed, conceptus, egg. emigrācija emigration; synonyms (n) departure, exodus, migration, demigration, expatriation, flight, (v) intermigration, remigration. emigrants emigrant; synonyms (n) immigrant, expatriate, emigre, emigree, migrant, refugee. emisija emission; synonyms (n) discharge, emanation, effusion, ejection, venting, vent, dismission; obligāciju
emisija bond issue. enciklopēdija 1. encyclopedia; synonyms (n) cyclopedia, cyclopaedia, encyclopaedia, book, almanac, booklet, brochure, calendar, directory, guide, handbook, index, list, listing, manual, reference, register, 2. encyclopaedia; synonym (n) encyclopedia. endēmisks endemic; synonyms (adj) autochthonous, indigenous, native, aboriginal, peculiar, autochthonal, autochthonic, (n) epidemic, disease. enerģija energy; synonyms (n) animation, dash, force, life, spirit, determination, drive, effort, might, strength, vigor, vitality, capability, action, activity, dynamism, go, impetus, potency, power; antonyms (n) lethargy, apathy, exhaustion, tiredness, weakness, idleness, sluggishness;
vēja enerģija wind energy; elektriskā enerģija electrical energy; aktīvā enerģija active energy; ekoloģiski tīra enerģija soft energy; ekoloģiski kaitīga enerģija hard energy; alternatīvā enerģija alternative energy; uzkrātā enerģija
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Latvian - English
stored energy; siltuma enerģija heat energy; saules enerģija solar energy; pieejamā enerģija available energy. eņģe hinge; synonyms (n) joint, axis, articulation, axle, spindle, pin, (v) pivot, depend, juncture. enkurs anchor; synonyms (n) mainstay, (v) tie, fasten, secure, fix, (adj) refuge, rest. entomoloģija entomology; synonyms (n) insectology, anthropology, mastology, oryctology, paleontology, vermeology, helminthology, herpetology, ichthyology, malacology, ophiology, ornithology, bugology. entropija entropy; synonyms (n) chaos, data, information, randomness, haphazardness, info, noise. epidēmija 1. pestilence; synonyms (n) plague, pest, epidemic, blight, disease, curse, (adj) murrain, 2. epidemic; synonyms (n) outbreak, infection, eruption, rash, (adj) contagious, infectious, catching, rife, prevailing, prevalent, taking, widespread; antonym (adj) endemic. epigrāfs epigraph; synonyms (n) posy, epitaph, legend. epigramma epigram; synonyms (n) quip, joke, witticism, crack, moral, meat. epilepsija epilepsy; synonyms (n) convulsion, (v) bustle, fits, fuss, hubbub, megrims, racket, rout, staggers, subsultus. ergonomika ergonomics; synonyms (n) bioengineering, biotechnology. erozija erosion; synonyms (n) attrition, abrasion, corrosion, corroding, eroding, friction, wear; vēja
izraisīta erozija wind erosion; vēja erozija wind erosion; ūdens izraisīta erozija water erosion; ūdens erozija water erosion; augsnes erozija soil erosion. ešelons echelon; synonyms (n) level, rank, section, branch, division, order, band, class, layer, category, grade, plane, stage, classification, estate, file, height, line, point, position. eskorts escort; synonyms (n) chaperon, guard, guide, attendant, conduct, suite, accompaniment, bodyguard, companion, guardian, safeguard, usher, beau, (v) attend, accompany, convoy, see, date, direct, follow. estētika aesthetics; synonyms (n) esthetics, philosophy, (adj) feeling, impressibility, perceptivity. etalonuzdevums benchmark; synonyms (n) criterion, measure, gauge, norm, landmark, decision, index, goal, hallmark, paradigm, pattern. etanols ethanol; synonyms (n) alcohol, gas, gasohol, gasoline, juice, nitromethane, oil, petrol, petroleum, kerosene, methanol, naphtha. etiķete 1. docket; synonyms (n) agenda, list, schedule, ticket, certificate, label, memorandum, voucher, agendum, authority, copy, credential, diploma, file, (v) summarize, 2. label; synonyms (n) name, brand, tag, title, designation, earmark, docket, group, denomination, card, (v) mark, call, classify, check, designate, distinguish, identify, denounce, entitle, grade, 3. tag; synonyms (n) tail, shred, tab, catch, flap, identification, pushball, rag, (v) dog, chase, pursue, shadow, append, fasten, follow, track, trail, assign, dub, point, 4. ticket; synonyms (n) pass, ballot, slate, warrant, slip, plank,
platform, price, vote, (v) fine; priekšmeta etiķete label; plaukta etiķete shelf label; grāmatas etiķete label. etiķis vinegar; synonyms (n) verjuice, acetum, brine. etnisks ethnic; synonyms (adj) national, ethnical, heathen, pagan, cultural, gentile, social, ancestral, clannish, family, indigenous, native, traditional. etnogrāfija ethnography; synonym (n) ethnology. etnoloģija ethnology; synonym (n) culture. ezers lake; synonyms (n) loch, pond, pool, puddle, carmine, crimson, lin, maroon, plash, slab, tank, basin, pink, red, scarlet, vermilion, creek, lakelet, lincture, millpond. ezis hedgehog; synonyms (n) porcupine, urchin, echinus, (adj) beard, thistle.
Ē ēka 1. house; synonyms (n) family, home, dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice, habitation, housing, establishment, structure, ancestry, company, address, audience, business, concern, (v) accommodate, lodge, 2. building; synonyms (n) architecture, construction, fabric, fabrication, house, assembly, creation, mansion, (v) pile, (adj) augmentative, augmenting;
administratīvā ēka administrative building; skolas ēka hall. ēra era; synonyms (n) age, period, time, epoch, date, cycle, style. ērglis eagle; synonyms (n) colors, labarum, oriflamb, oriflamme, aviator, flag, pilot, streamer, (adj) antelope, chickaree, chipmunk, courser, doe, gazelle, greyhound, hackee, hare, ostrich, scorcher, squirrel. ērkšķoga gooseberry; synonym (n) feaberry. ērti easy; synonyms (adj) comfortable, convenient, gentle, familiar, graceful, lenient, light, clear, contented, cozy, casual, comfy, cushy, easygoing, effortless, free, informal, leisurely, (adv) soft, easily; antonyms (adj) difficult, arduous, demanding, hard, laborious, burdensome, particular, strenuous, tough, awkward, formal, testing, uneasy. ēst eat; synonyms (v) devour, consume, bite, dine, munch, corrode, deplete, drink, feed, finish, gnaw, gobble, gorge, graze, nibble, swallow, down, exhaust, gulp, (adj) digest. ētika ethics; synonyms (n) morality, morals, conscience, behavior, philosophy, code, dignity, ethology, ideology, principle, principles, scruples, standards, tradition, values, belief, convention, conventionalities, criteria, doctrine. ēzelis 1. ass; synonyms (n) donkey, arse, anus, bottom, bum, fool, idiot, arsehole, backside, behind, butt, buttocks, dolt, dunce, fundament, hindquarters, posterior, prat, rear, rump, 2. donkey; synonyms (n) burro, ass, moke, jackass, simpleton, dizzard.
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Latvian - English
F fabrikants manufacturer; synonyms (n) maker, builder, artificer, creator, shaper, producer, artist. fabrikāts manufacture; synonyms (n) construction, fabrication, formation, production, creation, industry, assembly, (v) construct, make, frame, fabricate, produce, build, contrive, invent, form, forge, concoct, create, do. fabulists fabulist; synonyms (n) fabler, liar, (v) biographer, novelist. fails file; synonyms (n) archive, document, list, procession, rank, record, roll, series, string, line, range, row, tabulate, (v) order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade, arrange, grind. fajanss faience; synonyms (n) fayence, (v) cloisonne, enamel, satsuma. faksimils facsimile; synonyms (n) duplicate, copy, autotype, model, replica, reproduction, counterpart, imitation, print, effigy, (v) fax, telefax; antonym (n) original. fakss fax; synonyms (n) autotype, (v) facsimile, telefax. faktiski actually; synonyms (adv) really, truly, quite, absolutely, presently, correctly, literally, authentically, right, physically, bodily, easily, effectually, indisputably, truthfully, accurately, actively, definitely, directly, efficaciously. faktisks 1. actual; synonyms (adj) real, absolute, true, factual, genuine, authentic, existent, indisputable, literal, positive, precise, tangible, veritable, very, concrete, correct, direct, effective, exact, (n) accurate; antonyms (adj) false, hypothetical, supposed, 2. virtual; synonyms (adj) potential, practical, unreal, implicit, comparative, constructive, fake, imitation, pretend, qualified, quasi, replicated, simulated, basic, energizing, fundamental, indirect, tacit, unacknowledged, 3. effective; synonyms (adj) beneficial, effectual, efficacious, operative, strong, actual, fruitful, active, forceful, important, influential, operational, powerful, useful, working, clever, (n) competent, capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj) ineffective, useless, weak, inoperative;
faktisks valdījums actual possession. faktors factor; synonyms (n) agent, component, broker, divisor, element, ingredient, part, deputy, consideration, feature, parameter, point, delegate, item, actor, envoy, steward, dividend, fact, (adj) constituent; vides faktors
environmental factor; riska faktors risk factor; plānošanas faktors planning factor; ārējais faktors external factor. fakts thing; synonyms (n) matter, affair, event, object, occurrence, article, concern, happening, something, substance, being, occasion, incident, business, deed, entity, item, episode, fad, subject. fakultāte 1. department; synonyms (n) bureau, compartment, area, agency, class, faculty, section, arm, branch, division, domain, field, line, office, part, realm, subject, service, district, group, 2. faculty; synonyms (n) capacity, aptitude, capability, endowment, bent,
facility, power, staff, flair, efficiency, aptness, competence, dexterity, expertness, genius, (adj) ability, cleverness, talent, ingenuity, (v) gift; antonym (n) inability. falsificētājs falsifier; synonyms (n) forger, liar, fabricator, counterfeiter, enemy, falsificator. falsifikācija 1. falsification; synonyms (n) fake, falsehood, distortion, deceit, deception, disproof, forgery, misrepresentation, sham, falsifying, falsity, perversion, lie, (v) burlesque, 2. adulteration; synonyms (n) corruption, debasement, pollution, alloy, impurity, sophistication, contamination; antonym (n) purification. fantastisks fantastic; synonyms (adj) bizarre, extraordinary, antic, extravagant, grotesque, marvelous, strange, terrific, wonderful, capricious, chimerical, fabulous, fantastical, great, illusory, imaginary, odd, phenomenal, (n) fanciful, (v) fancy; antonyms (adj) awful, ordinary, real. farmaceits pharmacist; synonyms (n) apothecary, chemist, druggist, pharmaceutist, pharmacopolist. farmakoloģija pharmacology; synonym (n) pharmacy. fārvaters pass; synonyms (v) flow, deliver, give, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, live, advance, die, elapse, exceed, extend, lapse, leave, proceed, surpass, (adj) go, run; antonym (v) fail. fasete facet; synonyms (n) aspect, face, side, surface, part, plane, point, attribute, characteristic, feature, flat. fašisms fascism; synonyms (n) dictatorship, despotism, oppression, totalitarianism, tyranny, absolutism, bureaucracy, demagogy, racism, regimentation, repression; antonym (n) democracy. fasons make; synonyms (v) build, cause, construct, do, create, fashion, force, get, give, produce, let, compel, constitute, design, drive, erect, execute, fabricate, fetch, (n) form; antonyms (v) destroy, lose. fatālisms fatalism; synonyms (n) acceptance, destiny, passivity, predestinarianism, predestination, stoicism. fauna fauna; synonyms (n) animal, beast, brute, creature, puppet, savage, tool, wight, wildcat, wolf. fāze phase; synonyms (n) aspect, stage, facet, chapter, grade, circumstance, condition, degree, appearance, form, leg, level, period, side, situation, state, angle;
līdzsvara fāze equilibrium phase; cietā fāze solid phase. fenols phenol; synonyms (n) hydroxybenzene, oxybenzene. ferma farm; synonyms (n) property, grange, dairy, estate, farmhouse, (v) cultivate, raise, grow, hire, plant, produce, rear, rent. ferments enzyme; synonyms (n) catalyst, solution. fermeris farmer; synonyms (n) countryman, agriculturist, rustic, husbandman, granger, sodbuster, yeoman, producer, sower, woodcutter, agricultor, agronomist, breeder, cob, feeder, gleaner, grazer, harvester, hillbilly, homesteader. fetišisms fetishism; synonyms (n) fetichism, fetish, zoolatry, (adj) fetishistic. figūra figure; synonyms (n) form, appearance, character, estimate, shape, cost, build, contour, emblem, fashion,
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Latvian - English
image, number, dummy, configuration, (v) design, cast, count, calculate, cipher, expect. fiksēt record; synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, disk, document, history, deed, disc, (v) chronicle, file, enter, note, report, score, inscribe, mark, enrol, enroll, indicate. fiktīvs 1. fictive; synonyms (adj) fictional, fictitious, false, sham, assumed, fake, imaginative, unreal, fancied, invented, mythical, illusory, arrogated, assumptive, delusive, fabricated, fanciful, faux, narrative, pretended, 2. fictitious; synonyms (adj) bogus, counterfeit, artificial, fabulous, apocryphal, fantastic, feigned, untrue, phony, affected, ideal, lying, fallacious, chimerical, fictive, imaginary, spurious; antonym (adj) real. filiāle branch; synonyms (n) arm, jump, wing, affiliate, ramus, member, division, limb, offshoot, outgrowth, section, shoot, stem, stick, subdivision, (v) fork, diverge, divide, split, (adj) tributary; bankas filiāle branch of
a bank. filigrāns filigree; synonyms (n) filagree, decoration, filigrane, fillagree, lace, (v) reticle, fretwork, grating, gridiron, grille, lattice, plait, tracery, trellis, wattle, (adj) lacy, unsubstantial. filma movie; synonyms (n) film, flick, pic, picture, show, cinema, image, celluloid, characterisation, characterization, delineation, depiction, exposure, icon, ikon, impression, spectacle, adventure, painting, photo;
muzikāla filma musical. filoloģija philology; synonyms (n) linguistics, lexicology, criticism, glottology. filozofija philosophy; synonyms (n) doctrine, logic, stoicism, theory, attitude, ism, belief, beliefs, reasoning, thinking, view, viewpoint, culture, ethos, hypothesis, ideas, knowledge, morality, science, system. filtrācija filtration; synonyms (n) percolation, filtering. filtrs filter; synonyms (n) strainer, (v) percolate, sieve, drip, leak, filtrate, ooze, purify, refine, screen, strain, dribble, drop, clean, permeate, riddle, sift, trickle, besom, broom; antonym (v) contaminate; sadales filtrs separation
filter; optiskais filtrs light filter; absolūtais filtrs absolute filter. finanses finances; synonyms (n) assets, money, funds, resources, capital, means, purse, ability, budget, statement, affairs, burial, condition, cremation, income, property, rites, wake, wallet, wherewithal; uzņēmuma
finanses corporate finance. finansēt finance; synonyms (n) funding, support, credit, backing, investment, (v) back, fund, sponsor, bankroll, underwrite. finišs finish; synonyms (v) end, complete, achieve, execute, accomplish, cease, determine, discontinue, consume, do, stop, (n) close, consummate, conclusion, death, conclude, ending, finale, glaze, accomplishment; antonyms (v) start, begin, continue, (n) beginning. firma 1. firm; synonyms (n) company, (adj) constant, hard, stable, close, compact, determined, fixed, resolute, solid, steadfast, steady, strong, decisive, dense, fast, rigid, stiff, (v) faithful, durable; antonyms (adj) irresolute, soft, weak, hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy, 2. house; synonyms (n) family, home, dwelling, firm, abode, domicile,
building, edifice, habitation, housing, establishment, structure, ancestry, address, audience, business, concern, hall, (v) accommodate, lodge, 3. company; synonyms (n) companionship, society, association, band, cohort, collection, brigade, assemblage, bevy, caller, club, companion, corps, crew, fellowship, partnership, troop, community, army, (v) accompany; antonym (n) solitude;
tirdzniecības firma business firm; pievienotā firma acquired company; firma Apple Computer apple; firma Apple apple. fizisks physical; synonyms (adj) material, bodily, actual, corporeal, tangible, animal, carnal, concrete, corporal, real, palpable, earthly, manual, sensual, substantial, active, forceful, forcible, solid, (adv) fleshly; antonyms (adj) spiritual, mental, intangible. flakons bottle; synonyms (n) container, flask, jug, jar, pot, carboy, gourd, (v) preserve, can. flirtēt flirt; synonyms (v) coquette, dally, coquet, romance, toy, mash, philander, play, spoon, trifle, act, (n) dalliance, vamp, flirtation, flirting, minx, tease, coquetry. flote 1. fleet; synonyms (n) armada, float, marine, navy, (adj) swift, fast, expeditious, agile, quick, brisk, rapid, speedy, hasty, (v) flit, fly, hurry, pass, dart, evanesce, fade, 2. marine; synonyms (adj) maritime, nautical, saltwater, sea, aquatic, (n) bluejacket, galiongee, galionji, leatherneck; jūras kara flote naval forces. flotes naval; synonyms (adj) marine, nautical, maritime, (v) seafaring. fluors fluorine; synonyms (n) f, phthor. foliants folio; synonyms (n) leaf, page, number, sheet, octavo, quarto, book, foliage, pagination, paging, side, leafage. folija foil; synonyms (n) contrast, blade, sheet, hydrofoil, film, (v) frustrate, baffle, balk, defeat, thwart, bilk, cross, elude, avert, prevent, ruin, scotch, spoil, dash, fail. folio folio; synonyms (n) leaf, page, number, sheet, octavo, quarto, book, foliage, pagination, paging, side, leafage. folklora folklore; synonyms (n) legend, tradition, wisdom, anthropology, belief, convention, culture, custom, habit, institution, legends, mythology, myths, practice, ritual, ballad, fable, (v) lore, advice, counsel. fonds 1. fund; synonyms (n) stock, store, capital, bank, reserve, savings, supply, cache, endowment, accumulation, money, (v) hoard, bankroll, finance, accumulate, back, sponsor, subsidize, amass, support, 2. stock; synonyms (n) breed, lineage, goods, ancestry, descent, family, origin, race, backlog, birth, commodity, extraction, kind, house, broth, fund, (adj) regular, commonplace, (v) handle, furnish, 3. foundation; synonyms (n) base, basis, bottom, creation, establishment, foot, institution, principle, cause, cornerstone, footing, fundamental, nucleus, beginning, fundament, ground, grounds, groundwork, initiation, root; antonym (n) top; maiņas fonds exchange
fund; apdrošināšanas fonds insurance fund; attīstības fonds development fund; bibliotēkas fonds collection; brīvpieejas fonds shelf arrangement for open access; depozitārais fonds deposit collection; dzīvokļu fonds housing;
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Latvian - English garantijas fonds guarantee fund; grāmatu fonds book stock; zemes fonds land bank. fons background; synonyms (n) backdrop, groundwork, setting, basis, context, education, environment, scene, backcloth, panorama, atmosphere, experience, ground, information, preparation, record, scenery, situation, surroundings, accompaniment. forma 1. form; synonyms (n) figure, design, arrange, ceremony, shape, class, conformation, appearance, (v) cast, make, fashion, build, constitute, establish, carve, construct, create, do, compose, comprise, 2. mould; synonyms (n) mildew, form, molding, moulding, stamp, modeling, casting, set, fit, punch, (v) mold, model, frame, forge, knead, work, hurl, influence, 3. shape; synonyms (n) pattern, condition, configuration, outline, fitness, body, contour, guise, image, mode, profile, situation, (v) mould, determine, adjust, regulate, adapt, configure, cut, devise; valsts pārvaldīšanas forma
form of government; pārvaldības forma form of government; norēķinu forma form of payment. formaldehīds formaldehyde; synonyms (n) methanal, formalin. formāli formally; synonyms (adv) officially, distantly, solemnly, carelessly, coldly, coolly, frostily, inhospitably, perfunctorily, remotely, uncongenially, authoritatively, characteristically, essentially, expressly, legitimately, precisely, seriously; antonym (adv) informally. formalitāte formality; synonyms (n) form, ceremony, decorum, formalities, stiffness, custom, starch, formula, observance, rite, ritual, austerity, convention, conventionality, fashion, pomp; antonyms (n) informality, casualness. formāls formal; synonyms (adj) conventional, ceremonious, distant, ceremonial, courtly, elegant, official, prim, solemn, stately, cold, nominal, pedantic, precise, proper, stiff, dignified, dogmatic, established, frigid; antonyms (adj) informal, relaxed, unceremonious. formāts 1. format; synonyms (n) form, size, formatting, shape, organization, structure, template, mold, construction, system, method, (v) set, arrange, coif, coiffe, coiffure, do, dress, initialise, initialize, 2. size; synonyms (n) measure, bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions, extent, largeness, quantity, glue, amount, breadth, degree, magnitude, mass, measurement, sizing, proportion, (v) gauge, scale, (adj) gum; antonyms (n) length, slenderness; lapas formāts sheet size;
avīzes formāts newspaper size; datu formāts data format; dokumenta formāts document format; adreses formāts address format; instrukcijas formāts instruction format; ziņojuma formāts message format; lappuses formāts page size; liels formāts large format; loksnes formāts sheet size. formula formula; synonyms (n) form, law, convention, expression, formality, method, principle, rule, canon, fashion, figure, formulary, pattern, prescription, procedure, process, recipe, system, blueprint, conventionality; empīriskā formula empirical
formulēt word; synonyms (n) promise, news, tidings, advice, expression, intelligence, parole, password, report, statement, term, vocable, undertaking, assurance, command, (v) formulate, phrase, put, sentence, couch. forums forum; synonyms (n) agora, assembly, court, pulpit, square, ambo, amphitheater, symposium, platform, rostrum, state, conference, assemblage, seminar, auditorium, fabrication, lectern, organ, theater, congress. fosfāts phosphate; synonym (n) orthophosphate. fosforescence phosphorescence; synonyms (n) flash, glow, light, shimmer. fosfors phosphorus; synonyms (n) phosphor, daystar. fosilija fossil; synonyms (n) fogey, fogy, dodo, conservative, parent, relic, square, stick-in-the-mud, deposit, (adj) flint, obsolete, granite, preglacial, quartz, ancient, marble, old, pebble, rock, stone. fotogrāfija 1. photo; synonyms (n) photograph, picture, image, print, pic, portrait, exposure, 2. photography; synonyms (n) cinematography, heliography, photogeny, shooting. fragments 1. passage; synonyms (n) aisle, course, channel, corridor, gangway, hall, journey, entry, way, entrance, lobby, duct, opening, avenue, citation, excerpt, extract, lane, movement, paragraph, 2. fragment; synonyms (n) fraction, crumb, morsel, part, division, grain, piece, portion, rag, remnant, section, share, sherd, (v) bit, chip, scrap, shiver, splinter, break, crumble;
teksta fragments passage. frakcija group; synonyms (n) bunch, brigade, collection, crowd, flock, gang, association, clump, company, gathering, lump, muster, assembly, (v) assemblage, class, cluster, rank, sort, arrange, assemble. frizieris 1. barber; synonyms (n) hairdresser, foehn, khamsin, norther, vendaval, wuther, blizzard, tonsor, beautician, coiffeuse, cosmetologist, (v) shave, trim, 2. hairdresser; synonyms (n) barber, stylist, hairstylist, styler. fronte front; synonyms (adj) head, fore, anterior, preceding, forward, (n) countenance, forefront, appearance, disguise, facade, frontage, brow, audacity, battlefront, cover, forepart, (v) face, confront, look, breast; antonyms (n) rear, end, (v) back. fruktoze fructose; synonyms (n) levulose, laevulose. funkcija function; synonyms (n) position, office, place, role, service, work, agency, application, duty, employment, job, part, party, procedure, (v) act, exercise, run, serve, go, operate; loģiskā funkcija logical
function; Būla funkcija logical function. furgons 1. caravan; synonyms (n) train, carriage, van, column, conveyance, expedition, journey, parade, party, vehicle, camels, campers, gearing, gears, geartrain, line, (v) procession, cortege, file, cavalcade, 2. van; synonyms (n) caravan, front, truck, vanguard, car, bus, head, (v) automobile. futbols football; synonyms (n) soccer, hockey, note, baseball, basketball, footie. futrālis case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, carton, action, cause, chest, condition, crate, (adj) patient.
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Latvian - English gadskārtējs yearly; synonyms (adj) annual, perennial, anniversary, periodic, (adv) annually. gaidas 1. expectation; synonyms (n) anticipation,
G gabals 1. piece; synonyms (n) cut, division, fragment, part, article, component, composition, hunk, lump, patch, bit, block, chunk, coin, constituent, cutting, fraction, gun, item, lot, 2. lump; synonyms (n) heap, knot, clod, tumor, bulge, clump, knob, lummox, piece, nub, bunch, intumescence, pimple, ball, bump, hump, (v) clot, (adj) mass, lout, bulk, 3. plot; synonyms (n) conspiracy, plan, scheme, chart, design, graph, action, device, diagram, machination, (v) intrigue, cabal, plat, conspire, contrive, concoct, engineer, devise, machinate, brew; zemes gabals land; šaurs gabals strip;
nomāts zemes gabals holding; naudas gabals coin. gadadiena anniversary; synonyms (n) birthday, celebration, festival, holiday, anniverse, milestone, ceremony, feast, festivity, recurrence, (adj) annual. gadagrāmata annual; synonyms (adj) yearly, annuary, (n) almanac, yearbook, ephemeris, magazine. gadalaiks season; synonyms (n) opportunity, space, spell, time, age, hour, (prep) period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, salt, mellow, flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, spice, temper, (adj) harden, habituate. gadatirgus fair; synonyms (adj) equitable, clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate, fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet, candid, comely, considerable, decent, disinterested, elegant, (adv) clean, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, dark, exceptional, unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced, unwarranted. gadījums 1. occasion; synonyms (n) case, event, chance, episode, happening, incident, juncture, motive, opportunity, circumstance, matter, (v) cause, create, beget, breed, induce, make, raise, generate, inspire, 2. occurrence; synonyms (n) occasion, accident, instance, affair, contingency, experience, fact, adventure, eventuality, incidence, thing, development, situation, act, circumstances, conclusion, deed, example, outburst, 3. incident; synonyms (n) occurrence, time, anecdote, phenomenon, condition, (adj) attendant, concomitant, accessory, incidental, 4. circumstance; synonyms (n) state, casualty, crisis, phase, context, particular, 5. event; synonyms (n) consequence, effect, issue, result, aftermath, outcome, competition, contest, proceeding, egress, sequel, business, match, milestone, upshot, casing, change, (v) bout, 6. case; synonyms (n) box, bin, cover, jacket, shell, bag, briefcase, eccentric, suit, carton, action, chest, crate, file, husk, lawsuit, sample, slip, subject, (adj) patient; slimības gadījums case;
laimes gadījums luck. gads year; synonyms (n) twelvemonth, day, age, time, yr, class, hour, minute, month, quarter, second, week; ražas gads crop year; mācību gads session; lauksaimniecības gads crop year; kalendārais gads calendar year; finanšu gads fiscal year; akadēmiskais gads academic year.
expectancy, belief, hope, prospect, confidence, outlook, possibility, trust, faith, forecast, probability, suspense, thought, optimism; antonym (n) despair, 2. anticipation; synonyms (n) expectation, foresight, prevention, hopefulness, foretaste, forethought, precaution, prediction, presentiment, prevision. gaidīšana 1. wait; synonyms (v) expect, anticipate, stop, ambush, await, lurk, stay, linger, remain, abide, hesitate, watch, loiter, attend, (n) delay, pause, hold, rest, holdup, (adj) tarry, 2. waiting; synonyms (adj) ready, expectant, hesitant, (n) wait, abeyance, suspense, expectancy, postponement. gaidīt 1. await; synonyms (v) expect, anticipate, abide, bide, tarry, wait, attend, look, hope, approach, loom, 2. anticipate; synonyms (v) antedate, forecast, forestall, foretell, think, calculate, estimate, apprehend, divine, guess, predict, presume, prevent, intercept, trust, await, envision, forebode, foreknow, foresee, 3. expect; synonyms (v) assume, believe, demand, understand, suppose, conceive, call, mean, ask, bear, carry, conjecture, contemplate, reckon, require, deem, envisage, depend, count, appear, 4. wait; synonyms (v) stop, ambush, lurk, stay, linger, remain, hesitate, watch, loiter, keep, defer, cease, dawdle, (n) delay, pause, hold, rest, holdup, break, waiting. gailis cock; synonyms (n) rooster, chicken, stack, fowl, hammer, hand, pecker, pointer, prick, shaft, stopcock, tool, turncock, vane, beacon, cairn, (v) ruffle, swagger. gaisma light; synonyms (adj) fair, clear, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, airy, (n) flame, brightness, daylight, illumination, dawn, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite, dismount, illuminate, enkindle; antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy; saules gaisma
sunshine; tiešā gaisma direct light; saule gaisma sunshine; sarkana gaisma red light; netiešā gaisma indirect light; mākslīgā gaisma artificial light. gaiss air; synonyms (n) tune, appearance, manner, atmosphere, look, melody, strain, face, aspect, attitude, breeze, cast, (v) ventilate, broadcast, show, transmit, vent, weather, aerate, beam; tīrs gaiss clean air;
svaigs gaiss fresh air. gaišs light (gaisma); synonyms (adj) fair, clear, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, airy, (n) flame, brightness, daylight, illumination, dawn, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite, dismount, illuminate, enkindle; antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy; related translations gaisma fire (aizdedzināt). gaistamība volatility; synonyms (n) fickleness, instability, flightiness, buoyancy, capriciousness, frivolity, unpredictability, levity, fugacity, changeability, changeableness, excitability, excitableness, giddiness, unsteadiness, (adj) uncertainty, imponderability. gaita 1. course; synonyms (n) stream, flow, bearing, career, current, path, road, route, track, channel, circuit, class, method, race, way, approach, (v) run, chase, pour,
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Latvian - English (prep) tide, 2. process; synonyms (n) operation, proceeding, procedure, act, course, formula, outgrowth, means, mode, practice, writ, (v) action, function, refine, litigate, treat, work, parade, cultivate, operate, 3. gait; synonyms (n) pace, tread, walk, carriage, rate, stride, movement, manner, velocity, (v) step, footstep; darba
gaita agenda; ātra gaita career; attīstības gaita process; domu gaita clue; slinka gaita lounge. gaitenis 1. entry; synonyms (n) entrance, admission, article, door, accession, access, admittance, doorway, entree, hall, record, enrollment, entering, entranceway, entryway, gateway, incursion, note, opening, register; antonym (n) exit, 2. corridor; synonyms (n) aisle, lobby, hallway, lane, vestibule, artery, alley, alleyway, path, portico, way, (v) passage. gājiens procession; synonyms (n) parade, cavalcade, convoy, cortege, column, file, pageant, progress, sequence, series, string, caravan, advance, line, succession, train, exhibition, exposition; veikls
gājiens coup; tuvošanās gājiens approach march; miera gājiens peace march. gaļa 1. meat; synonyms (n) flesh, core, essence, food, gist, heart, kernel, marrow, substance, crux, matter, beef, brawn, stuff, content, inwardness, nub, nucleus, pith, center, 2. flesh; synonyms (n) mortality, anatomy, chassis, figure, form, frame, humanity, mankind, meat, muscle, pulp, shape, tissue, (adj) carnality, concupiscence, lust; liellopu gaļa beef; vērša gaļa
beef; jēla gaļa raw meat. galaktika galaxy; synonyms (n) constellation, beetleweed, bevy, cosmos, galax, bunch, coltsfoot, speckling, wandflower, (adj) array, army, sea, sight, star, sun. galdiņš stave; synonyms (v) box, fib, justle, (n) staff, round, rung, stanza, stick, verse, brace, lag. galds table; synonyms (n) board, chart, schedule, stand, list, plateau, console, platen, panel, header, mesa, (v) defer, postpone, shelve, slate, tablet, delay, foolscap, marble, (adj) plate; grozāmais galds turn table;
kases galds counter; pasūtījumu galds order department; uzziņu galds information desk. galerija gallery; synonyms (n) balcony, audience, drift, veranda, circle, porch, terrace, verandah, auditorium, auditory, boxes. galīgi fairly; synonyms (adv) completely, moderately, somewhat, clean, equitably, fair, justly, passably, pretty, quite, rather, reasonably, enough, middling, relatively, slightly, evenhandedly; antonyms (adv) unfairly, extremely, unjustly. galīgs complete; synonyms (adj) perfect, absolute, consummate, whole, full, stark, accomplished, all, finished, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, finish, execute, act, attain, cease, clear, conclude, effect; antonyms (adj) incomplete, partial, unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect. galoda 1. hone; synonyms (v) sharpen, perfect, whet, refine, edge, coach, consummate, develop, drill, enhance, exercise, improve, practice, rehearse, train, cultivate, long, pine, upgrade, (adj) sharpener, 2. whetstone; synonyms (n) rub, caoutchouc, chance, failing, fault, friction, hindrance, imperfection, joke,
pinch, rubber, rubstone, sarcasm, scythestone, unevenness, (adj) grindstone. galons gallon; synonyms (n) gal, congius. galotne top; synonyms (adj) maximum, superlative, (n) crown, peak, acme, apex, crest, cover, height, pinnacle, summit, surface, (v) best, cap, exceed, head, outdo, surpass, beat, better; antonyms (adj) worst, (n) bottom, base, nadir. gals end; synonyms (n) close, aim, closure, destination, conclusion, death, cause, demise, object, tail, effect, period, design, border, (v) cease, complete, finish, discontinue, conclude, (prep) consequence; antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, middle, (v) start, begin, continue; skrejceļa gals departure end. galva head; synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive, chair, brain, commander, director, end, forefront, (v) capital, direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate, (v) follow;
apraksta galva author heading; valdības galva head of government. galvanizācija galvanization; synonyms (n) zincing, galvanisation, exhilaration, zincification. galvaspilsēta capital; synonyms (n) principal, city, stock, assets, cash, funds, means, money, paramount, prime, resources, top, wealth, wherewithal, (adj) main, primary, chief, great, essential, basic. galvenais 1. main; synonyms (adj) chief, grand, great, head, leading, essential, principal, basic, capital, central, first, key, major, paramount, primary, prominent, vital, (n) cardinal, ocean, sea; antonyms (adj) minor, auxiliary, secondary, supplementary, 2. central; synonyms (adj) fundamental, crucial, important, inner, main, pivotal, centrical, core, critical, focal, foremost, halfway, intermediate, median, middle, primal, prime, inside, (n) umbilical, exchange; antonyms (adj) peripheral, regional, tangential, 3. primary; synonyms (adj) elementary, original, initial, preliminary, aboriginal, basal, dominant, primeval, primitive, primordial, highest, early, premier, base, overriding, direct, elemental, firsthand, opening, (n) radical, 4. staple; synonyms (n) pin, material, body, fastener, stuff, bazaar, brad, constitution, fair, (v) nail, tack, hook, button, fasten, fix, knob, (adj) stock, mass, bulk, interchangeable, 5. chief; synonyms (adj) arch, sovereign, especial, senior, supreme, (n) administrator, boss, captain, executive, leader, superior, top, chieftain, commander, director, master, patriarch, ruler, supervisor, header; antonym (adj) associate, 6. principal; synonyms (adj) big, predominant, staple, best, necessary, prevailing, eminent, significant, excellent, preeminent, star, (n) manager, corpus, general, lead, dealer, dean;
galvenais birojs head office; galvenais inženieris chief engineer; galvenais nodoms point; galvenais piegādes maršruts main supply route; galvenais punkts principal point; galvenais uzbrukums main attack; galvenais inspektors chief inspector. galvgalis head; synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive, chair, brain, commander, director, end, forefront, (v) capital,
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Latvian - English
direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate, (v) follow. galviņa head; synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive, chair, brain, commander, director, end, forefront, (v) capital, direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate, (v) follow; magnētiskā galviņa magnetic head. galvinieks voucher; synonyms (n) certificate, coupon, receipt, ticket, warrant, authority, diploma, credential, verification, slip, witness, authentication. galvojums 1. pledge; synonyms (n) bond, gage, assurance, engage, promise, plight, bet, bail, oath, security, (v) pawn, wager, covenant, guarantee, contract, assure, undertake, vow, warrant, ensure, 2. warranty; synonyms (n) guaranty, authority, deposit, sanction, pledge, authorization, deed, profession, 3. guaranty; synonym (n) warranty, 4. surety; synonyms (n) collateral, hostage, certainty, guarantor, sponsor, certitude, safeguard, safety, protection, confidence, bondsman, warranter, warrantor, patron, 5. guarantee; synonyms (n) undertaking, commitment, certificate, backing, indemnity, endorsement, insurance, support, (v) certify, endorse, secure, cover, insure, stipulate, underwrite, vouch, reassure, swear, affirm, 6. bail; synonyms (n) surety, handle, (v) deliver. galvot 1. certify; synonyms (v) authenticate, attest, accredit, affirm, assure, endorse, warrant, ensure, confirm, corroborate, declare, guarantee, license, vouch, sanction, ratify, validate, recognize, acknowledge, allow, 2. guarantee; synonyms (n) bail, guaranty, warranty, assurance, pledge, bond, collateral, deposit, security, undertaking, (v) certify, promise, engage, secure, sponsor, undertake, cover, contract, insure, stipulate, 3. warrant; synonyms (n) authority, authorization, certificate, commission, support, justification, mandate, surety, endorsement, power, uphold, (v) permit, justify, authorize, empower, deserve, merit, vindicate, entitle, enable. galvotājs 1. guarantor; synonyms (n) guarantee, backer, warranter, sponsor, surety, warrantor, fidejussor, patron, supporter, benefactor, champion, hostage, promoter, warranty, 2. security; synonyms (n) pledge, protection, safety, insurance, collateral, guard, secureness, strength, peace, assurance, bail, cover, defense, deposit, ease, gage, safeguard, shelter, (v) bond, (adj) firmness; antonym (n) danger, 3. surety; synonyms (n) security, certainty, guarantor, certitude, confidence, bondsman. ganāmpulks herd; synonyms (n) flock, swarm, drove, gang, crew, covey, mob, multitude, band, company, horde, pack, ruck, school, throng, (v) crowd, cluster, drive, (adj) bevy, shoal. gangsteris racketeer; synonyms (n) crook, gangster, outlaw, criminal, fraud, bandit, miscreant. ganības pasture; synonyms (n) grass, meadow, feed, pasturage, field, fodder, grassland, grazing, herbage, lea, ley, pastureland, eatage, (v) graze, browse, forage, crop, eat, range, drift. gar along; synonyms (adv) ahead, forward, lengthwise, on, onward, endlong, (prep) beside, (prf) by; antonym (adv) across; braukt gar krastu coast; notriekt gar
zemi grass.
garaiņi vapour; synonyms (n) vapor, evaporation, gas, vaporisation, vaporization, dehydration, desiccation, gasoline, petrol. garantēt 1. ensure; synonyms (v) assure, cover, ascertain, check, guarantee, insure, secure, control, determine, promise, safeguard, see, warrant, 2. guarantee; synonyms (n) bail, guaranty, warranty, assurance, pledge, bond, collateral, deposit, security, undertaking, (v) certify, engage, endorse, ensure, sponsor, undertake, contract, stipulate, underwrite, vouch, 3. warrant; synonyms (n) authority, authorization, certificate, commission, support, justification, mandate, surety, endorsement, power, (v) permit, license, justify, sanction, authorize, empower, confirm, deserve, merit, vindicate, 4. secure; synonyms (v) close, fix, preserve, fasten, acquire, attain, fast, gain, get, guard, lock, obtain, procure, protect, (adj) safe, firm, certain, confident, attach, bind; antonyms (v) lose, detach, (adj) insecure, vulnerable, loose, unsafe. garantija 1. warranty; synonyms (n) guarantee, guaranty, security, warrant, assurance, authority, deposit, sanction, bond, pledge, bail, authorization, gage, deed, profession, 2. security; synonyms (n) protection, safety, hostage, insurance, collateral, guard, secureness, strength, peace, cover, defense, ease, safeguard, shelter, stability, pawn, promise, refuge, certainty, (adj) firmness; antonym (n) danger, 3. safeguard; synonyms (v) preserve, ensure, defend, protect, keep, convoy, save, screen, conserve, secure, (n) shield, care, escort, precaution, cushion, barrier, buffer, bulwark, fortification, 4. guaranty; synonym (n) warranty, 5. guarantee; synonyms (n) assure, undertaking, vow, commitment, certificate, backing, indemnity, endorsement, support, (v) certify, engage, endorse, sponsor, undertake, contract, insure, stipulate, underwrite, vouch, reassure; papildu
garantija additional security; apdrošināšanas garantija insurance coverage. garīgs spiritual; synonyms (adj) ghostly, holy, immaterial, religious, incorporeal, pious, divine, ethereal, mental, psychic, metaphysical, intellectual, sacred, supernatural, unworldly, pure, inward, blessed, unearthly, apparitional; antonyms (adj) physical, worldly, secular, earthly. garlaicība boredom; synonyms (n) tedium, monotony, doldrums, dullness, ennui, tediousness, melancholy; antonyms (n) excitement, enjoyment. gārnis heron; synonyms (n) bomber, champion, fighter, grinder, hero, heronshaw, hoagie, hoagy, paladin, sub, submarine, torpedo, wedge, zep. gars spirit; synonyms (n) apparition, courage, ghost, life, mood, bravery, character, disposition, energy, enthusiasm, essence, heart, mind, phantom, soul, fortitude, dash, esprit, feeling, (adj) animation; antonyms (n) lethargy, body. garša taste; synonyms (n) bit, flavor, liking, morsel, penchant, appetite, drink, drop, fondness, gusto, mouthful, predilection, preference, refinement, style, (v) relish, savor, sample, smack, discernment; antonyms (n) dislike, tastelessness; salda garša sweet. garšviela spice; synonyms (n) condiment, sauce, seasoning, piquancy, dash, salt, smack, tang, bite, savor,
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Latvian - English aroma, spicery, tincture, tinge, touch, (v) flavor, zest, (adj) season. garums 1. height; synonyms (n) acme, apex, altitude, crest, culmination, peak, pinnacle, top, climax, degree, elevation, eminence, grade, high, level, summit, zenith, extent, length, measure; antonym (n) shortness, 2. length; synonyms (n) distance, range, duration, compass, depth, dimension, longness, measurement, size, quantity, breadth, height, longitude, period, piece, scope, span, (v) expanse, tract, area; antonyms (n) briefness, width; vārda garums word length; soļa
garums pace; rindiņas garums line length; pārrāvuma garums breaking length; maršruta garums route length; kolonnas garums column length; ieraksta garums record length. gatavība 1. maturity; synonyms (n) ripeness, adulthood, matureness, perfection, majority, age, development, readiness, prime; antonyms (n) childhood, youth, immaturity, 2. readiness; synonyms (n) facility, alacrity, ease, dexterity, eagerness, expedition, knack, preparation, promptness, quickness, fitness, maturity, aptitude, promptitude, rapidity, skill, speed, willingness, adroitness, (v) preparedness. gatavot prepare; synonyms (v) arrange, fix, form, plan, dress, coach, devise, lay, make, set, adjust, concoct, cook, equip, fit, groom, organize, qualify, discipline, contrive. gatavs 1. ready; synonyms (adj) fit, prompt, quick, nimble, apt, deft, disposed, finished, handy, present, instant, adroit, agile, alert, (v) prepare, fix, willing, (n) available, dexterous, eager; antonyms (adj) unprepared, unwilling, 2. finished; synonyms (v) done, (adj) complete, completed, ended, perfect, consummate, absolute, accomplished, polished, ripe, ruined, spent, round, capable, decided, final, elegant, concluded, exhausted, (adv) over; antonyms (adj) unfinished, incomplete, remaining, rough, 3. ready-made; synonym (adj) trite, 4. ripe; synonyms (adj) mature, adult, ready, advanced, good, prepared, matured, right, (v) mellow; antonym (adj) green; gatavs materiāls
end item. gatve mall; synonyms (n) center, hammer, plaza, promenade, walk, circus, crescent, square. gāze gas; synonyms (n) gasoline, petrol, air, fumes, accelerator, flatulence, petroleum, oil, gasolene, vapor, flatulency, (v) fuel, brag, vaunt, blague, blow, bluff, bluster, boast, crow; raktuvju gāze damp. gids guide; synonyms (n) escort, directory, attendant, control, usher, chief, command, director, pilot, rule, (v) direct, conduct, govern, drive, channel, bring, advise, cicerone, convey, head; antonym (v) follow. Gigantisks gigantic; synonyms (adj) colossal, enormous, mammoth, giant, huge, large, stupendous, big, gargantuan, immense, massive, monstrous, vast, monumental, monster, terrific, gigantean, great, infinite, prodigious; antonyms (adj) small, tiny. ginekoloģija gynaecology; synonym (n) gynecology. ginekologs gynecologist; synonym (n) gynaecologist. glabāšana 1. storage; synonyms (n) conservation, depot, memory, preservation, retention, stock, accumulation, entrepot, store, reposition, storehouse, warehousing, 2.
keeping; synonyms (n) custody, care, charge, guardianship, holding, maintenance, observance, protection, safekeeping, trust, ward, coloring; antonym (n) end; fonda glabāšana storage; īslaicīga
glabāšana short-term storage; pagaidu glabāšana temporary storage. glabātājs bailee; synonym (n) trustee. glabātava 1. warehouse; synonyms (n) store, storehouse, godown, depository, depot, repository, entrepot, promptuary, (v) magazine, shop, 2. storehouse; synonyms (n) arsenal, repertory, storage, treasury, warehouse, storeroom; dārgumu glabātava
treasury. glaimotājs flatterer; synonyms (n) cajoler, adulator, sycophant, toady, assentator, complimenter, cozener, deceiver, glozer, losenger, palaverer, toadeater, creep. glazūra glaze; synonyms (n) shine, coating, sheen, enamel, glazing, finish, gloss, luster, (v) burnish, glass, coat, varnish, calender, candy. gļēvulis coward; synonyms (n) craven, cur, sneak, weakling, cocktail, coistril, niding, alarmist, baby, deserter, invertebrate, jellyfish, lily-liver, malingerer, nerd, pessimist, punk, quitter, (adj) gutless, (v) frighten. glezna 1. painting; synonyms (n) picture, portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, coat, drawing, art, 2. canvas; synonyms (n) duck, sail, sheet, (v) canvass, painting, tableau, 3. picture; synonyms (n) photograph, effigy, paint, description, film, illustration, landscape, photo, scene, panorama, chart, (v) describe, draw, depict, fancy, imagine, copy, envision, figure, depicture; eļļas glezna oil painting. gleznains picturesque; synonyms (adj) graphic, striking, colorful, idyllic, lovely, quaint, scenic, vivid, romantic, (v) pictorial. glezniecība painting; synonyms (n) picture, portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, coat, drawing, art. gleznojums painting; synonyms (n) picture, portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, coat, drawing, art. gleznošana painting; synonyms (n) picture, portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, coat, drawing, art. glicerīns 1. glycerin; synonyms (n) glycerol, glycerine, 2. glycerine; synonyms (n) glycerin, (v) grease, oil. glikoze glucose; synonyms (n) caramel, damson. glosārijs glossary; synonyms (n) dictionary, gloss, lexicon, vocabulary, annotation, burnish, clavis, glossology, idioticon, glossiness, glottology, key, linguistics, rubric. gluds smooth; synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, liquid, mellow, polished, slick, peaceful, (v) quiet, facilitate, even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, grainy, jagged, spiky, (v) wrinkle, crease, disturb; gluds
griezums straight cut. goba elm; synonym (n) elmwood.
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Latvian - English
gobelēns tapestry; synonyms (n) arras, textile, embroidery, hanging, tapis, carpet, mending, needlecraft, needlework, sewing, stitching, tapet, basting, darning, drapery, hemming, needlepoint. godīgi fairly; synonyms (adv) completely, moderately, somewhat, clean, equitably, fair, justly, passably, pretty, quite, rather, reasonably, enough, middling, relatively, slightly, evenhandedly; antonyms (adv) unfairly, extremely, unjustly. Godîgs honest; synonyms (adj) fair, genuine, equitable, good, sincere, artless, candid, clean, decent, dependable, faithful, forthright, frank, guileless, heartfelt, just, reliable, righteous, straightforward, true; antonyms (adj) dishonest, corrupt, guarded, lying, misleading, disloyal, unwholesome. godīgs fair; synonyms (adj) equitable, clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate, fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet, candid, comely, considerable, decent, disinterested, elegant, (adv) clean, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, dark, exceptional, unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced, unwarranted; godīgs
darījums fair deal. godīgums integrity; synonyms (n) honesty, probity, completeness, fairness, entireness, fidelity, justice, morality, righteousness, unity, goodness, constancy, perfection, decency, (adj) candor, honor, equity, chastity, dignity, faithfulness; antonyms (n) dishonesty, wickedness. gods 1. honor; synonyms (n) award, fame, glory, reputation, accolade, compliment, reverence, reward, deference, celebrity, credit, (v) esteem, respect, celebrate, grace, worship, glorify, dignify, adore, (adj) chastity; antonyms (n) shame, humiliation, (v) dishonor, disgrace, break, ignore, 2. honour; synonyms (n) innocence, awarding, laurels, purity, pureness, sinlessness, (v) honor, observe, comply, detect, discover, find, follow, maintain, prise, reinforce, remark, remember, repay, watch. gorilla gorilla; synonyms (n) bloodsucker, ghoul, monkey, vulture, assassin, chimp, chimpanzee, ogre, player, vampire, primate, (adj) burly, muscular, strapping, sturdy. govs cow; synonyms (v) bully, intimidate, awe, browbeat, daunt, terrorize, discourage, frighten, overawe, threaten, abash; cietstāvoša govs dry cow. Graciozs graceful; synonyms (adj) beautiful, delicate, elegant, amiable, easy, fine, charming, fair, airy, becoming, comely, dainty, handsome, lithe, lovely, refined, supple, svelte, gracious, sophisticated; antonyms (adj) clumsy, inelegant, stocky. grāds degree; synonyms (n) class, extent, condition, level, order, place, rank, title, caliber, status, amount, caste, gradation, grade, height, measure, plane, point, quality, rate. grafika graphics; synonyms (n) drawing, art, artwork, artistry, scan, tracing, prowess, televideo; lietišķā
grafika graphics. grafiks 1. schedule; synonyms (n) list, agenda, catalog, program, calendar, catalogue, inventory, table, roll, index, chart, docket, plan, fare, arrangement, diagram,
record, (v) register, book, arrange, 2. curve; synonyms (n) bend, crook, bow, arc, curvature, kink, round, bender, loop, twist, coil, (v) curl, turn, arch, hook, wind, distort, meander, inflect, (adj) flex, 3. graph; synonyms (n) figure, drawing, illustration, map; tuvošanās grafiks
approach schedule; tīkla grafiks network diagram; slodzes ilguma grafiks load duration curve; slodzes grafiks load curve; slīdošais grafiks rolling schedule; piegādes grafiks delivery schedule; mērķu grafiks schedule of targets. grafīts graphite; synonym (n) plumbago. grâmata book; synonyms (n) bible, journal, pamphlet, tome, volume, writing, text, manuscript, textbook, copy, (v) order, reserve, apply, inscribe, list, record, arrest, hire, engage, enroll. grāmata book; synonyms (n) bible, journal, pamphlet, tome, volume, writing, text, manuscript, textbook, copy, (v) order, reserve, apply, inscribe, list, record, arrest, hire, engage, enroll; adrešu grāmata directory;
Dzeltenā grāmata yellow book; bilances grāmata balance book; Baltā grāmata white book; autogrāfu grāmata album; zemes grāmata land register; Zaļā grāmata green book; uzskaites grāmata journal; saldo grāmata balance book; reta grāmata rare book. gramatika grammar; synonyms (n) rudiments, elements, praxis, punctuation, outlines, (v) initiation. gramatisks grammatical; synonym (adj) grammatic. grāmatnīca bookshop; synonyms (n) bookstore, bookstall. grāmatsējējs binder; synonyms (n) ligature, bookbinder, cement, obligation, assurance, pledge, promise, specks, vow, bandage, header, jacket. grāmatsietuve bindery; synonyms (n) beehive, nailery, slip, usine, wharf, yard. grāmatvedība 1. bookkeeping; synonyms (n) reckoning, clerking, (adj) clerical, office, secretarial, 2. accountancy; synonyms (n) accounting, account, 3. accounting; synonyms (n) bookkeeping, accountancy, chronicle, explanation, grounds, history, story. grāmatvedis 1. accountant; synonyms (n) auditor, teller, cashier, controller, almoner, liquidator, clerk, accomptant, comptroller, logothete, questor, receiver, steward, trustee, analyst, calculator, control, restrainer, scholar, (adj) accountable, 2. bookkeeper; synonyms (n) accountant, actuary, amanuensis, babu, booker, remembrancer, scribe, secretary, reckoner. grāmatzīme bookmark; synonyms (n) bookmarker, tab, bookplate. granīts granite; synonyms (n) brickwork, limestone, mineral, sandstone, stonework, (adj) stone, crag, crystal, flint, fossil, marble, pebble, quartz, rock. grants gravel; synonyms (n) grit, chalk, clay, cledge, (v) bedevil, get, nonplus, rag, baffle, bewilder, flummox, mystify, perplex, puzzle, vex, annoy, (adj) bother, dirt, grating, gravelly; smalka grants fine gravel. grauds grain; synonyms (n) corn, crumb, bit, berry, cereal, fragment, atom, character, grist, kernel, scrap, speck,
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Latvian - English buckwheat, cast, iota, dash, molecule, particle, (v) granulate, (adj) seed. gravējums engraving; synonyms (n) etching, print, plate, picture, engravement, chasing, gravery, impression, model, design. gravieris graver; synonyms (n) burin, pointel, pointrel, (v) style, denominate, entitle, fashion, pen. gravīra 1. engraving; synonyms (n) etching, print, plate, picture, engravement, chasing, gravery, impression, model, design, 2. plate; synonyms (n) dish, leaf, home, engraving, disc, armor, base, board, bowl, denture, plaque, plateful, sign, slab, tablet, (v) gild, sheet, cover, coat, veneer, 3. print; synonyms (n) imprint, mark, copy, lettering, facsimile, letterpress, reproduction, type, brand, replica, duplicate, earmark, clue, photo, (v) impress, photograph, issue, engrave, stamp, (adj) printed. grāvis ditch; synonyms (n) trench, canal, channel, dike, drain, gutter, dugout, dyke, excavation, (v) abandon, chuck, desert, discard, dump, moat, cut, leave, scrap, drop, dig; antonym (v) keep. greblis gouge; synonyms (n) nick, rut, (v) excavate, swindle, deceive, dig, fleece, groove, scoop, dent, extort, cut, cheat, furrow, squeeze, stick. grēda 1. pile; synonyms (n) heap, stack, mass, congeries, mound, bunch, accumulation, bundle, collection, hoard, jam, nap, wad, lump, multitude, (v) pack, accumulate, amass, crowd, throng, 2. heap; synonyms (n) pile, group, lot, bulk, gathering, batch, mint, mountain, aggregation, assemblage, cumulus, deal, flock, (v) aggregate, bank, collect, gather, load, arrange, fill. gredzens ring; synonyms (n) encircle, band, gang, jingle, loop, rim, circuit, annulus, arena, clique, hoop, (v) circle, call, peal, echo, resound, reverberate, gird, buzz, ding;
loģiskais gredzens logical ring. grēks sin; synonyms (n) evil, fault, iniquity, crime, blunder, error, guilt, misdeed, offense, wickedness, mistake, immorality, peccancy, transgression, vice, (v) offend, blame, err, trespass, misbehave; antonyms (n) virtue, piety. grezns luxurious; synonyms (adj) voluptuous, costly, deluxe, lavish, sumptuous, epicurean, grand, luscious, comfortable, expensive, magnificent, opulent, rich, palatial, princely, sensual, sensuous, splendid, (n) lush, luxuriant; antonym (adj) cheap; grezns tērps array. greznums luxury; synonyms (adj) delicacy, luxurious, deluxe, gratification, indulgence, sumptuous, dainty, delight, (n) comfort, extravagance, lavishness, luxuriousness, elegance, luxe, opulence, wealth, ease, excess, grandeur, magnificence; antonyms (n) essential, paucity. grīda floor; synonyms (n) bed, level, base, layer, bottom, flooring, ground, platform, soil, apron, (v) deck, dump, fell, prostrate, stun, baffle, mystify, bewilder, puzzle, (adj) drub; antonym (n) top. griešana cutting; synonyms (adj) sharp, biting, keen, acute, bitter, caustic, acrimonious, acid, acrid, incisive, raw, sarcastic, satirical, severe, acerbic, (n) cut, clipping, slip, clip, carving; antonyms (adj) blunt, mild, (n) extension, freedom. griesti ceiling; synonyms (n) cap, limit, maximum, limitation, roof, top, thatch, tile, cover, bounds, restraint,
capital, check, constraint, control, curb, extreme, height, price, restriction; antonym (n) ground. griežamais cutter; synonyms (n) carver, cutlery, knife, pinnace, dandy, foist, hoy, ketch, lugger, yawl, reaper, harvester, trimmer, attendant, attender, bid, boat, clicker, (adj) billhook, cleaver. griezējs cutter; synonyms (n) carver, cutlery, knife, pinnace, dandy, foist, hoy, ketch, lugger, yawl, reaper, harvester, trimmer, attendant, attender, bid, boat, clicker, (adj) billhook, cleaver. grieziens cut; synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop, fashion, reduce, shorten, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow, gash, shape, slash; antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition, extension. griezt cut; synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop, fashion, reduce, shorten, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow, gash, shape, slash; antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition, extension. grieztuve 1. winch; synonyms (n) crank, windlass, hoist, pinion, (v) capstan, derrick, wince, crane, 2. windlass; synonyms (n) winch, stowce, windas, lifter, shift. griezums 1. edge; synonyms (n) boundary, margin, verge, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, bank, brim, butt, corner, limit, perimeter, periphery, rand, skirt, (v) border, bound, hem, line; antonyms (n) center, (v) middle, 2. section; synonyms (n) division, part, portion, compartment, percentage, piece, class, branch, chapter, clause, department, episode, partition, region, subdivision, quarter, area, arm, article, (v) segment;
gluds griezums straight cut; zelta griezums golden rule; nokrāsots griezums coloured edge. griķi buckwheat; synonyms (n) grain, branks, cereal, maize, millet, oats, rice, rye. gripa 1. influenza; synonyms (n) grippe, flu, plague, bug, infection, virus, (adj) grip, 2. grippe; synonym (n) influenza. grope groove; synonyms (n) furrow, rut, chamfer, ditch, cut, track, crease, custom, fissure, hollow, line, notch, rabbet, sulcus, wrinkle, dike, (v) channel, flute, score, gouge. grozīt 1. alter; synonyms (v) adapt, change, move, adjust, affect, amend, castrate, convert, correct, shift, transform, turn, vary, alternate, distort, diversify, edit, emasculate, exchange, fluctuate; antonym (v) maintain, 2. change; synonyms (n) alteration, barter, modification, variation, adjustment, alternation, amendment, commutation, conversion, development, difference, flux, (v) alter, cash, switch, transpose, twist, commute, interchange, invert; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, 3. revise; synonyms (v) emend, fix, retouch, reform, reconsider, modify, rectify, redress, remedy, repeat, update, mend, improve, redraft, rework, (n) review, revisal, revision, proof, (adj) overhaul. grozīties change; synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation, move, adjustment, alternation, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, alternate, cash, convert, switch, transpose, turn, twist, affect, adjust; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
grumbuļains scabrous; synonyms (adj) rough, obscene, rugged, uneven, licentious, scaly, scurrilous, lepidote, leprose. grunts ground; synonyms (n) base, cause, land, floor, reason, dirt, field, soil, account, country, basis, footing, foundation, argument, (v) bottom, found, establish, fix, rest, build; antonym (n) ceiling. grupa 1. group; synonyms (n) bunch, brigade, collection, crowd, flock, gang, association, clump, company, gathering, lump, muster, assembly, (v) assemblage, class, cluster, rank, sort, arrange, assemble, 2. batch; synonyms (n) band, lot, body, battery, charge, group, heap, mass, set, suite, consignment, bundle, clutch, pile, stack, stock, wad, (v) pack, 3. class; synonyms (n) category, form, grade, position, brand, department, kind, range, type, classification, course, denomination, division, elegance, (v) place, categorize, classify, order, assort, branch; grupa MPEG moving picture
experts group; izcelšanas grupa landing group; interešu grupa interest group; iekraušanas vadības grupa load control group; helikopteru atbalsta grupa helicopter support team; etniskā grupa ethnic group; centrālā plānošanas grupa central planning team; burtu grupa type family; armijas grupa army group; analītiskā grupa analysis staff. grupēt group; synonyms (n) bunch, brigade, collection, crowd, flock, gang, association, clump, company, gathering, lump, muster, assembly, (v) assemblage, class, cluster, rank, sort, arrange, assemble. Grûts difficult; synonyms (adj) arduous, awkward, demanding, burdensome, complicated, delicate, fastidious, hard, knotty, uphill, finicky, abstruse, ambitious, cantankerous, complex, contrary, crabby, disagreeable, exacting, fussy; antonyms (adj) easy, simple, straightforward, good-natured, rewarding, clear. gudrs 1. wise; synonyms (adj) judicious, reasonable, sensible, intelligent, knowing, prudent, rational, sagacious, sound, discreet, shrewd, sane, discerning, thoughtful, cunning, knowledgeable, sage, (n) method, clever, manner; antonyms (adj) foolish, unwise, stupid, 2. sagacious; synonyms (adj) wise, astute, acute, keen, perspicacious, politic, sapient, perceptive, deep, farsighted, provident, penetrating, canny, profound, sharp, wily, farseeing, (v) crafty, learned, 3. clever; synonyms (adj) adroit, capable, able, apt, smart, expert, ingenious, quick, skillful, artful, adept, brainy, bright, cagey, cagy, competent, dexterous, gifted, (v) brilliant, brisk; antonyms (adj) clumsy, unintelligent, dim, dull, inept, 4. sage; synonyms (n) philosopher, scholar, salvia, guru, master, rosemary, (adj) grave. gulbis swan; synonyms (n) cygnet, aberdevine, cushat, ringdove, siskin, (v) ramble, roam, rove, wander, affirm, assert, aver, avow, cast, drift, range, stray. gulsnis sleeper; synonyms (n) crosstie, tie, slumberer, affiliation, association, draw, link, linkup, necktie, nightgown, pajamas, spy, support, tetard, standoff, stringpiece. gulta bed; synonyms (n) couch, layer, base, basis, berth, bottom, flowerbed, foundation, crib, sack, rest, support,
pallet, understructure, setting, course, seam, seat, (v) embed, hump. gultnis bearing; synonyms (n) carriage, demeanor, appearance, approach, aspect, attitude, conduct, deportment, direction, manner, respect, air, aim, behavior, comportment, mien, pose, position, posture, presence. gumija rubber; synonyms (n) caoutchouc, condom, eraser, galosh, overshoe, prophylactic, arctic, golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize. guvums catch; synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, apprehend, get, acquire, ensnare, intercept, snatch, take, trap, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt, clasp, grab, pawl, snap, apprehension; antonym (v) release.
Ģ ģenealoģija 1. pedigree; synonyms (n) descent, lineage, extraction, ancestry, breed, family, origin, stock, line, parentage, house, blood, bloodline, derivation, filiation, genealogy, birth, variety, genesis, (adj) thoroughbred, 2. genealogy; synonyms (n) pedigree, (v) kindred. ģeogrāfija geography; synonyms (n) topography, geographics, backcloth, backdrop, background, countryside, land, landscape, panorama, position, scene, scenery, setting, site, view, environment, surroundings;
ekonomiskā ģeogrāfija economic geography. ģeogrāfisks geographical; synonyms (adj) geographic, biological, ecological, environmental, local, physical, geological; ģeogrāfisks apgabals geographical
area. ģeoloģija geology; synonyms (n) formation, mineralogy, geoscopy, constitution, establishment, organisation, organization, shaping. ģeologs geologist; synonyms (n) geognost, geologian, geophysicist. ģimene family; synonyms (n) descent, household, name, breed, brood, clan, class, genus, house, kin, lineage, people, stock, species, birth, blood, category, (adj) home, ancestry, domestic. ģipsis gypsum; synonym (n) plaster.
H haizivs shark; synonyms (n) cheat, fraud, swindler, charlatan, crook, harpy, trickster, thug, predator, wizard, expert, master, professional, scavenger, virtuoso, fraudster, (v) lend, shirk, trickery, (adj) shrewd. harmonija harmony; synonyms (n) accord, conformity, consonance, agreement, concord, correspondence, accordance, congruity, consistency, amity, concordance, tune, understanding, unity, friendship, coincidence, composition, consensus, (v) concert, peace; antonyms (n) dissonance, discord, argument, conflict, disagreement.
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Latvian - English harmonisks harmonic; synonyms (adj) harmonious, consonant, harmonical, sympathetic, concordant, compatible, accordant, agreeable, melodious, appealing, charitable, conformable, harmonised, harmonized, vocal, kindly, likable, likeable, sung, (n) pitch. harpūna harpoon; synonyms (n) dart, javelin, lance, spear, striker, arrow, bolt, boomerang, jereed, jerid, pike, reed, shaft, spontoon, wencher. hašišs hashish; synonyms (n) bhang, hash, hasheesh, banewort, ganja. hegemonija hegemony; synonyms (n) power, domination, jurisdiction, leadership, reign, rule, authority, sovereignty. hēlijs helium; synonym (n) he. heraldika heraldry; synonyms (n) arms, brand. herbārijs herbarium; synonym (n) herbal. herbicīds herbicide; synonym (n) weedkiller. heress sherry; synonyms (v) highball, peg, rum, rye, schnapps, sling, usquebaugh, whisky, xeres. hiacinte hyacinth; synonyms (n) jacinth, hyacine. hibrīds cross; synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, check, crossing, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, bilk, dash, divide, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered. hidrāts hydrate; synonym (n) hydroxide. hidroksīds hydroxide; synonym (n) hydrate. hidroloģija hydrology; synonym (adj) hydrostatics. hierarhija hierarchy; synonyms (n) order, rank, class, apparatus, executive, hagiocracy, hierocracy, scale, ladder, ranking, society, tree; datu hierarhija data
hierarchy. hieroglifs hieroglyph; synonyms (n) hieroglyphic, character. higiēna hygiene; synonyms (n) hygienics, sanitation, regimen, salutariness, spotlessness, wholesomeness. higiēnisks sanitary; synonyms (adj) hygienic, clean, healthful, pure, uncontaminated, unpolluted, antiseptic, disinfected, salubrious, spotless, sterile; antonyms (adj) dirty, unhygienic, unsanitary. himna 1. anthem; synonyms (n) song, hymn, chant, chaunt, motet, response, 2. hymn; synonyms (n) canticle, anthem, carol, (v) glorify, laud, sing, extol. hipotēka mortgage; synonyms (n) gage, plight, warranty, credit, loan, (v) bond, pawn, pledge, impawn. histoloģija histology; synonyms (n) anatomy, histiology. hlorīds chloride; synonyms (n) muriate, oxymuriate. hloroforms chloroform; synonyms (n) trichloromethane, (v) deaden, (adj) ether, opium. hlors chlorine; synonyms (n) centiliter, centilitre. holokausts holocaust; synonyms (n) carnage, conflagration, hecatomb, disaster, blaze, fire, flame, sacrifices, (v) immolation. homogenitāte homogeneity; synonyms (n) homogeneousness, affinity, alliance, consistency, unity, homology, relationship, similarity, simplicity, (adj) purity. horizonts horizon; synonyms (n) perspective, prospect, purview, reach, skyline, view, vista, amphitheater, arena,
boundary, circle, eyeshot, aspect, distance, panorama, setting, theater, opinion, persuasion, position;
redzamais horizonts apparent horizon; patiesais horizonts true horizon; mākslīgais horizonts artificial horizon. hroms chromium; synonym (n) chrome. hronika chronicle; synonyms (n) account, annals, story, history, narrative, roll, journal, tale, (v) record, register, list, date, log, report, enter, catalog, relate. hronoloģija chronology; synonyms (n) journal, narrative, time. hronometrs chronometer; synonyms (n) clock, timepiece, watch, metronome. humāns humane; synonyms (adj) benevolent, compassionate, beneficent, clement, charitable, kind, merciful, good, benignant, tender, nice, benign, humanistic, humanitarian, (n) gentle, gracious, kindly, sympathetic, caring, thoughtful; antonyms (adj) cruel, inhumane.
I ideālisms idealism; synonyms (n) impracticality, immaterialism, delusion, dream, fantasy, greatness, ideality, imaginationalism, optimism, perfection, imagery; antonyms (n) realism, reality. ideālists idealist; synonyms (n) visionary, dreamer, romanticist, seer, romantic, utopian; antonym (n) realist. ideja idea; synonyms (n) belief, concept, meaning, opinion, apprehension, conception, consideration, design, estimation, fancy, impression, notion, plan, thought, suggestion, feeling, conceit, appearance, guess, aim;
lieliska ideja hit. identificēšana identification; synonyms (n) designation, finding, id, identity, mark, naming, papers, remembering, badge, recognition, denomination;
novērotāja identificēšana observer identification; dzīvnieku identificēšana animal identification. identificēt 1. recognize; synonyms (v) acknowledge, know, discern, distinguish, identify, admit, discover, allow, appreciate, confess, realize, notice, descry, accredit, agnize, own, perceive, see, agree, detect, 2. identify; synonyms (v) name, ascertain, find, mark, pinpoint, place, recognize, spot, tell, describe, differentiate, understand, associate, characterize, key, label, link, locate, match, verify. identifikācija identification; synonyms (n) designation, finding, id, identity, mark, naming, papers, remembering, badge, recognition, denomination;
vizuālā identifikācija visual identification; dzīvnieku identifikācija animal identification. identisks identical; synonyms (adj) equal, corresponding, uniform, consistent, alike, equivalent, selfsame, similar, very, synonymous, congruent, duplicate, even, exact, like, tantamount, twin, indistinguishable, (v) same; antonyms (adj) different, incompatible, inconsistent.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
identitāte identity; synonyms (n) identicalness, unity, individuality, personality, sameness, character, equality, person, similarity, equivalence; kultūras identitāte
cultural identity. ideogramma ideogram; synonyms (n) ideograph, letter. idiots idiot; synonyms (n) fool, dolt, dunce, dimwit, moron, ass, cretin, imbecile, oaf, changeling, dumbbell, half-wit, innocent, jerk, natural. iebildums 1. exception; synonyms (n) exclusion, objection, exemption, anomaly, immunity, peculiarity, privilege, release, repudiation, condition, salvo, animadversion; antonym (n) inclusion, 2. objection; synonyms (n) dissent, protest, complaint, exception, grievance, gripe, disagreement, outcry, difficulty, disapproval, expostulation, criticism, challenge, disadvantage, drawback, question, scruple, argument, dispute, impediment. iebraukšana 1. entry; synonyms (n) entrance, admission, article, door, accession, access, admittance, doorway, entree, hall, record, enrollment, entering, entranceway, entryway, gateway, incursion, note, opening, register; antonym (n) exit, 2. arrival; synonyms (n) appearance, advent, incoming, newcomer, return, attainment, arriver, comer, reaching, homecoming; antonyms (n) departure, leaving. iebrukums incursion; synonyms (n) attack, assault, foray, inroad, invasion, raid, descent, influx, infringement, intrusion, irruption, onslaught, penetration. ieceļot immigrate; synonyms (v) emigrate, migrate, enter, arrive. ieceļotājs immigrant; synonyms (n) migrant, alien, foreigner, emigrant, newcomer, stranger, settler, pioneer. iecelšana 1. assignment; synonyms (n) allocation, allotment, appointment, assigning, mission, apportionment, stint, assignation, business, chore, charge, commission, consignment, designation, duty, job, post, transfer, conveyance, delivery, 2. appointment; synonyms (n) assignment, date, engagement, fitting, rendezvous, berth, conference, election, encounter, meeting, naming, office, position, selection, appointee; iecelšana amatā appointment. iecelt 1. appoint; synonyms (v) assign, nominate, accredit, delegate, designate, prescribe, set, create, choose, commission, constitute, depute, destine, elect, fix, institute, make, ordain, hire, (n) name, 2. assign; synonyms (v) allot, apportion, allow, apply, appoint, ascribe, consign, allocate, appropriate, attribute, award, dedicate, distribute, grant, place, put, accord, administer, (n) give, adjudge; iecelt amatā commission. iecere design; synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, copy, blueprint, (v) plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct, arrange, contemplate, intend; antonym (n) chance. iecirtums notch; synonyms (n) cut, gap, mark, nick, score, scratch, degree, grade, groove, hole, clove, gradation, (v) dent, hack, indent, nock, hollow, jag, engrave, chip. iedaļa head; synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive, chair, brain, commander, director, end, forefront, (v) capital,
direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate, (v) follow; bilances iedaļa budget section. iedalījums division; synonyms (n) department, disagreement, allotment, branch, break, class, compartment, part, section, split, cleavage, classification, category, component, difference, discord, portion, cut, (adj) constituent, (v) distribution; antonyms (n) closeness, convergence, estimation, unification;
klasifikācijas iedalījums classification; administratīvais iedalījums administrative division. iedalīšana 1. allotment; synonyms (n) portion, share, allocation, distribution, slice, proportion, quota, allowance, apportionment, dividend, division, part, percentage, ration, apportioning, appropriation, assignment, classification, contingent, dispensation, 2. allocation; synonyms (n) allotment, grant, measure;
resursu iedalīšana resource allocation; dinamiskā resursu iedalīšana dynamic resource allocation. iedalīt 1. apportion; synonyms (v) allot, allocate, assign, distribute, share, administer, award, deal, dispense, divide, ration, designate, partition, portion, split, (n) part, 2. allocate; synonyms (v) apportion, set, place, grant, lay, attach, allow, appoint, earmark, commit. iedarbība 1. influence; synonyms (n) force, authority, control, domination, charm, command, hold, impact, (v) affect, determine, dispose, effect, incline, bias, direct, govern, importance, induce, manipulate, persuade, 2. effect; synonyms (n) consequence, product, result, sequel, aftermath, conclusion, impression, outgrowth, (v) accomplish, achieve, create, cause, complete, do, bring, carry, execute, perform, use, win; antonym (n) reason. iedarbīgs effective; synonyms (adj) beneficial, practical, effectual, efficacious, operative, strong, actual, fruitful, positive, active, forceful, important, influential, operational, powerful, useful, (n) competent, capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj) ineffective, useless, weak, inoperative. iedarbināt actuate; synonyms (v) activate, impel, incite, move, motivate, drive, induce, stir, trigger, (n) instigate, animate, provoke; iedarbināt mehānismu gear. iedomājams imaginable; synonyms (adj) conceivable, possible, thinkable, plausible, believable, credible, earthly. iedomība vanity; synonyms (n) conceit, arrogance, egotism, emptiness, pride, futility, inanity, conceitedness, pretension, pomposity, egoism, uselessness; antonyms (n) modesty, selflessness. iedrošinājums encouragement; synonyms (n) comfort, aid, backing, incentive, promotion, support, cheer, consolation, advocacy, assistance, boost, fosterage, incitement, inducement, inspiration, provocation, stimulus, hope, exhortation, motivation; antonyms (n) discouragement, neglect. iedrošināt encourage; synonyms (v) cheer, abet, advance, aid, back, boost, comfort, foster, further, promote, urge, advocate, cherish, advise, animate, assist, countenance, cultivate, embolden, hearten; antonyms (v) discourage, dishearten, prevent, deter, hurt, obstruct, stop.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English iedvesma inspiration; synonyms (n) afflatus, infusion, breath, encouragement, idea, incentive, inhalation, revelation, genius, notion, aspiration, enthusiasm, impulse, stimulation, suggestion, thought, (v) illumination, impression, (adj) adoption, beatification. iedzīvotāji population; synonyms (n) inhabitants, people, nation, community, group, populace, public, society, folk, citizens, stock, universe. iedzīvotājs 1. inhabitant; synonyms (n) denizen, dweller, resident, citizen, occupant, occupier, tenant, indweller, native, (v) habitant, 2. resident; synonyms (adj) inmate, local, nonmigratory, (n) inhabitant, lodger, representative, (v) resiant; antonyms (adj) migratory, (n) landlord, drifter; vietējais iedzīvotājs local;
eiropas kontinenta iedzīvotājs continental; galvaspilsētas iedzīvotājs metropolitan; koloniju iedzīvotājs colonial; rietumu iedzīvotājs western. ieeja 1. entrance; synonyms (n) admission, access, entry, admittance, arrival, door, doorway, threshold, accession, induction, advent, appearance, (v) enchant, captivate, charm, bewitch, enrapture, fascinate, enthrall, delight; antonyms (n) departure, exit, (v) bore, 2. entry; synonyms (n) entrance, article, entree, hall, record, enrollment, entering, entranceway, entryway, gateway, incursion, note, opening, register, gate, incoming, ingress, introduction, posting, vestibule; ieeja no sētas
back entrance; datu ieeja data entry. ieelpošana inhalation; synonyms (n) breath, absorption, drag, gasp, inhalant, inspiration, immission, ingestion, ingurgitation. iegansts pretext; synonyms (n) pretense, excuse, pretension, cloak, color, pretence, mask, guise, plea, sham, appearance, alibi, justification, simulation, evasion, explanation, peg, reason, deception, dissembling. iegrime draught; synonyms (n) draft, potion, dose, potation, sketch, gulp, outline, plan, wind, drafting, delineation, draw, drawing, swig, traction, beverage, (v) design, blueprint, dram. iegrožot curb; synonyms (v) check, control, limit, restrict, confine, conquer, contain, restrain, suppress, gag, repress, stifle, bound, constrain, (n) bridle, kerb, restraint, brake, bit, (adv) moderate; antonym (v) intensify. ieguldījums 1. input; synonyms (n) contribution, incoming, data, advice, feed, arousal, comment, expression, foreplay, influence, stimulant, stimulation, stimulus, voice, involvement, membership, part, partaking, (v) accredit, key, 2. investment; synonyms (n) investing, investiture, clothing, siege, finance, venture, backing, obsession, property, installation, outlay, capital, covering, accession, assets, benefaction, business, buy, cash, cathexis, 3. contribution; synonyms (n) allowance, donation, gift, offering, share, tax, effort, dues, endowment, grant, investment, participation, payment, present; kapitāla
ieguldījums capital investment. iegūšana acquisition; synonyms (n) purchase, accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, achievement, conquest, buy, getting, learning, prize, profit,
assumption, (v) gain; datu iegūšana data
acquisition. iegūt 1. obtain; synonyms (v) gain, acquire, get, have, achieve, attain, earn, accomplish, derive, effect, buy, collect, extract, find, gather, make, prevail, procure, receive, take; antonym (v) lose, 2. gain; synonyms (v) benefit, catch, win, advance, reach, come, hit, merit, obtain, realize, clear, (n) profit, earnings, acquisition, advantage, addition, increase, prize, purchase, advancement; antonym (n) loss; iegūt punktus score;
iegūt kvalifikāciju qualify. ieguve extraction; synonyms (n) descent, ancestry, birth, origin, family, lineage, removal, blood, beginning, essence, extract, genealogy, line, parentage, stock, strain, withdrawal, declivity; antonym (n) insertion;
produkcijas ieguve output. ieguvums 1. acquisition; synonyms (n) purchase, accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, achievement, conquest, buy, getting, learning, prize, profit, assumption, (v) gain, 2. gain; synonyms (v) acquire, benefit, derive, attain, catch, earn, get, win, achieve, advance, make, reach, find, accomplish, come, effect, (n) earnings, acquisition, advantage, addition; antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss. ieiešana entrance; synonyms (n) admission, access, entry, admittance, arrival, door, doorway, threshold, accession, induction, advent, appearance, (v) enchant, captivate, charm, bewitch, enrapture, fascinate, enthrall, delight; antonyms (n) departure, exit, (v) bore. ieiet enter; synonyms (v) enlist, embark, enroll, book, chronicle, record, input, arrive, come, accede, attack, begin, board, enrol, insert, introduce, participate, penetrate, pierce, register; antonyms (v) leave, depart, delete, exit. ieinteresēts concerned; synonyms (adj) anxious, careful, interested, involved, thoughtful, apprehensive, considerate, nervous, solicitous, worried, affected, attentive, caring, fearful, troubled, uneasy, upset, distraught, paternal, sympathetic; antonyms (adj) unconcerned, uncaring, unfeeling. iejaukts concerned; synonyms (adj) anxious, careful, interested, involved, thoughtful, apprehensive, considerate, nervous, solicitous, worried, affected, attentive, caring, fearful, troubled, uneasy, upset, distraught, paternal, sympathetic; antonyms (adj) unconcerned, uncaring, unfeeling. iekārta 1. system; synonyms (n) method, arrangement, network, organization, plan, order, means, structure, process, form, frame, rule, establishment, mode, organisation, procedure, scheme, custom, design, course, 2. equipment; synonyms (n) material, apparatus, facility, gear, outfit, furnishings, apparel, accoutrements, baggage, goods, belongings, device, kit, stuff, system, things, (v) furniture, 3. order; synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition, edict, injunction, instruction, kind, genus, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 4. furniture; synonyms (n) equipment, appointments, fitting, movable, thing, movables, upholstery, commodity, appurtenances, attire, clothes,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English deed, event, furniment, furnishment, graith, (v) garniture, dress, embellishment, essence; fotoreprodukcijas
iekārta process equipment; istabas iekārta furniture; īpaša iekārta special equipment; lauksaimniecības iekārta agricultural equipment; esošā iekārta available equipment; elektroniskā iekārta electronic equipment; tirdzniecības iekārta shop equipment; televīzijas iekārta television equipment; signalizācijas iekārta alarm device; rūpniecības iekārta industrial equipment. ieķīlāt 1. pledge; synonyms (n) bond, gage, assurance, engage, promise, plight, bet, bail, oath, security, (v) pawn, wager, covenant, guarantee, contract, assure, undertake, vow, warrant, ensure, 2. bond; synonyms (n) association, tie, alliance, deed, agreement, cement, attachment, connection, joint, link, adhesion, chain, fetter, ligament, relationship, (v) bind, band, adhere, attach, fasten. iekļaut incorporate; synonyms (v) comprise, contain, encompass, combine, embody, include, join, link, affiliate, consolidate, embrace, hold, integrate, involve, mix, unite, cover, add, amalgamate, (adj) corporate; antonym (v) exclude. iekost bite; synonyms (n) taste, bit, cheat, morsel, nibble, pain, sample, tang, spice, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, eat, erode, gnaw, hurt, munch. iekraušana 1. lading; synonyms (n) cargo, freight, load, consignment, loading, shipment, (v) burden, 2. loading; synonyms (n) lading, encumbrance, filler, freightage; antonym (n) unloading. iekraut load; synonyms (n) charge, cargo, freight, stack, heap, pack, weight, consignment, lading, shipment, strain, anxiety, care, crowd, (v) burden, fill, encumber, pile, lade, stow; antonym (v) unload; iekraut ogles
coal; iekraut lidmašīnā employ; iekraut kuģī board; iekraut kuģi ship. iekšas guts; synonyms (n) bowels, backbone, boldness, bravery, courage, entrails, fortitude, gall, grit, audacity, daring, gumption, intestines, nerve, pluck, spirit, valor, belly, prowess, (adj) spunk; antonym (n) cowardice. iekšējs inward; synonyms (adj) inner, interior, internal, intrinsic, intestine, inherent, domestic, innermost, intimate, arriving, inbound, (adv) inwardly, in, inwards, (n) inside; antonyms (adj) outgoing, (adv) outward. iekšpuse inside; synonyms (adv) indoors, inwardly, within, (n) interior, middle, center, stomach, bosom, contents, (adj) inner, internal, indoor, inland, inward, private, privileged; antonyms (prep) outside, (n) exterior, (adj) free. iekšzemes 1. domestic; synonyms (adj) home, tame, civil, familiar, household, internal, native, domesticated, family, indigenous, indoor, inland, interior, intestine, inward, national, (n) homely, maid, servant, retainer; antonyms (adj) foreign, wild, external, 2. home; synonyms (n) fireside, abode, domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, habitation, place, residence, shelter, asylum, fatherland, habitat, lodging, lodge, land, environment, accommodation, (adj) domestic;
iekšzemes kopprodukts gross domestic product;
iekšzemes tūrisms domestic tourism; iekšzemes ražojumi domestic; iekšzemes produkts domestic product; iekšzemes patēriņš domestic consumption; iekšzemes nodoklis inland duty; iekšzemes likumi domestic legislation; iekšzemes likumdošana domestic legislation; iekšzemes ienākumu nodoklis inland duty; iekšzemes bruto produkts gross domestic product. iela street; synonyms (n) road, avenue, highway, way, route, lane, neighborhood, path, track, thoroughfare, walk, (v) roadway. ielāps 1. patch; synonyms (n) darn, fleck, mend, plot, bed, blot, freckle, bit, blotch, dapple, field, maculation, clout, lot, (v) piece, botch, fix, repair, cobble, vamp, 2. vamp; synonyms (n) coquette, flirt, minx, prickteaser, tease, (v) invent, revamp, coquet, modify, retouch; ādas ielāps
tap. ielaušanās burglary; synonyms (n) housebreaking, theft, felony, robbery, stealing, crime, thieving, depredation, holdup, appropriation, caper, filching, incident, mugging, pilferage, pilfering, pinching, pocketing, prowl, raid. ielūgums invitation; synonyms (n) call, bidding, temptation, lure, supplication, attraction, bid, request, entreaty, importunity, (v) invite, solicitation. iemaksa 1. payment; synonyms (n) pay, compensation, bonus, charge, cost, defrayal, expense, recompense, remuneration, installment, deposit, contribution, defrayment, duty, fee, money, price, refund, reparation, (adj) penalty; antonym (n) non-payment, 2. instalment; synonyms (n) episode, installation, installing, facility, induction, initiation, 3. deposit; synonyms (n) residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, lode, rest, sediment, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave, park, place, put; antonym (v) withdraw; skaidras
naudas iemaksa cash deposit; paju iemaksa share; drošības iemaksa margin; apdrošināšanas iemaksa insurance premium. iemaksāt 1. deposit; synonyms (n) charge, residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, lode, rest, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave, park, place, put; antonym (v) withdraw, 2. tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate, painful, loving, sensitive, soft, sore, compassionate, delicate, fond, gentle, mild, frail, caring, (v) proffer, present, propose, give, (n) offer, bid, overture; antonyms (adj) tough, hard, hardhearted, rubbery, rough. iemaukti bridle; synonyms (n) bit, curb, arrest, control, rein, brake, restraint, (v) check, inhibit, leash, snaffle, constrain, govern, harness, restrain, rule, bristle. iemesls 1. cause; synonyms (n) case, action, occasion, account, basis, campaign, excuse, lawsuit, (v) make, breed, do, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, engender, inspire, let, motivate; antonym (n) consequence, 2. reason; synonyms (n) mind, intellect, argument, object, purpose, rationality, understanding, explanation, grounds, incentive, motive, pretext, (v) cause, argue, debate, conclude, deduce, discuss, ground, infer, 3. occasion; synonyms (n) event, chance, episode, happening, incident, juncture, opportunity, circumstance, matter, affair, convenience, instance, moment,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English occurrence, opening, possibility, milestone, (v) create, raise, generate, 4. ground; synonyms (n) base, land, floor, reason, dirt, field, soil, country, footing, foundation, bed, area, background, region, (v) bottom, found, establish, fix, rest, build; antonym (n) ceiling. iemītnieks resident; synonyms (adj) native, inmate, local, nonmigratory, (n) inhabitant, occupant, dweller, tenant, citizen, lodger, occupier, representative, (v) resiant; antonyms (adj) migratory, (n) landlord, drifter. ienākšana entry; synonyms (n) entrance, admission, article, door, accession, access, admittance, doorway, entree, hall, record, enrollment, entering, entranceway, entryway, gateway, incursion, note, opening, register; antonym (n) exit. ienākt enter; synonyms (v) enlist, embark, enroll, book, chronicle, record, input, arrive, come, accede, attack, begin, board, enrol, insert, introduce, participate, penetrate, pierce, register; antonyms (v) leave, depart, delete, exit; ienākt prātā dream. ienākumi gain; synonyms (v) acquire, benefit, derive, attain, catch, earn, get, win, achieve, advance, make, reach, find, accomplish, come, (n) profit, earnings, acquisition, advantage, addition; antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss; naudas ienākumi cash income; gada
ienākumi annual earnings; ģimenes ienākumi family income; valsts ienākumi revenue; nodokļa ienākumi tax income; privātnodarbes ienākumi private income; tīrie pārdošanas ienākumi net sales. ienākums 1. revenue; synonyms (n) income, receipts, proceeds, profit, earnings, gain, interest, return, yield, gate, returns, incomings, resources, takings, taxation, gross, innings, profits, take, 2. yield; synonyms (n) produce, give, output, crop, furnish, harvest, (v) surrender, allow, concede, submit, cede, grant, relinquish, bow, accede, afford, bear, consent, provide, relent; antonyms (v) resist, persevere, 3. income; synonyms (n) revenue, means, pay, salary, allowance, wages, livelihood, living; antonym (n) loss, 4. return; synonyms (n) recompense, refund, restitution, relapse, comeback, compensation, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration, restore, retort, answer, reinstate, reply, requite, revert, recede, deliver; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep;
mantas ienākums property income; bruto ienākums gross income; gada ienākums annual income; kopējais ienākums total income; nacionālais ienākums national income; reālais ienākums real income; saimniecības bruto ienākums gross farm income; tīrais ienākums net income; tīrs ienākums net income. ieņēmums income; synonyms (n) earnings, proceeds, profit, revenue, gain, means, pay, return, salary, yield, allowance, profits, receipts, wages, livelihood, living, resources; antonym (n) loss; valūtas ieņēmums
foreign exchange earnings; gada ieņēmums annual income; bruto ieņēmums gross income. ienesīgs 1. gainful; synonyms (adj) profitable, beneficial, advantageous, lucrative, worthwhile, fruitful, helpful, paid, paying, productive, useful, 2. profitable;
synonyms (adj) good, gainful, desirable, economic, fat, valuable, expedient, handy, salutary, edifying, fertile, commercial, healthy, moneymaking, rewarding, serviceable, usable; antonyms (adj) unprofitable, dependent. iepakošana packing; synonyms (n) boxing, pack, pad, wadding, backpacking, filling, stuffing, content, contents, fisticuffs, collusion, pugilism, trick. iepakot 1. pack; synonyms (n) bundle, mob, bevy, bunch, company, herd, batch, backpack, box, gang, horde, package, knapsack, (v) crowd, compress, heap, cram, fill, jam, load; antonym (v) unpack, 2. package; synonyms (n) pack, packaging, packet, parcel, carton, container, collection, (v) wrap; antonym (v) unwrap; iepakot
kastēs box; iepakot kārbās box. iepirkums purchase; synonyms (n) acquisition, bargain, leverage, acquirement, grip, hold, (v) buy, get, obtain, contract, acquire, bribe, gain, procure, take, attain; antonyms (n) transaction, (v) sell. iepīšana involvement; synonyms (n) entanglement, concern, interest, implication, inclusion, connection, engagement, complicity, part, participation, affair, affaire, amour, intimacy; antonym (n) disconnection. ieplaka depression; synonyms (n) basin, cavity, dejection, decline, dent, dip, hole, hollow, impression, slump, trench, trough, drop, recess, collapse, concavity, despair, despondency, dimple, gloom; antonyms (n) cheerfulness, happiness, boom, elation, encouragement, inflation, outcrop. ieplānot schedule; synonyms (n) list, agenda, catalog, program, calendar, catalogue, inventory, table, roll, index, chart, docket, plan, fare, arrangement, diagram, record, (v) register, book, arrange. ieplūšana inflow; synonym (n) influx. ieradums habit; synonyms (n) custom, clothing, attire, character, convention, dress, garb, practice, ritual, use, addiction, clothes, disposition, apparel, constitution, costume, form, garment, routine, rut. ierakstīšana recording; synonyms (n) record, album, transcription, scan, disc, cartridge, cassette, cutting, footage, hearing, program, release, show, single, transmission, video, vinyl, announcement, copy, (adj) registering. ieraksts 1. record; synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, disk, document, history, deed, disc, (v) chronicle, file, enter, note, report, score, inscribe, mark, enrol, enroll, indicate, 2. entry; synonyms (n) entrance, admission, article, door, accession, access, admittance, doorway, entree, hall, record, enrollment, entering, entranceway, entryway, gateway, incursion, opening, arrival, gate; antonym (n) exit, 3. inscription; synonyms (n) entry, dedication, autograph, lettering, writing, legend, letter, memorandum, script, title, indorsement; vienreizējs ieraksts single entry;
slēguma ieraksts closing entry; skaņu ieraksts sound recording; ieraksts žurnālā journal entry; dubultais ieraksts double entry; divkāršais ieraksts double entry. ierāmēšana framing; synonyms (n) framework, frame, lattice, form, chassis, fabric, build, anatomy, bod, figure,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
flesh, scaling, inning, model, physique, shape, soma, tentering, underframe. ierāmēt frame; synonyms (n) design, border, build, fashion, anatomy, chassis, formation, stand, (v) form, construct, fabricate, draft, erect, make, forge, constitute, contrive, fabric, shape, create. ierašanās 1. appearance; synonyms (n) air, face, look, semblance, shape, show, advent, apparition, form, image, impression, manner, surface, view, appear, arrival, color, complexion, countenance, emergence; antonyms (n) disappearance, departure, vanishing, 2. arrival; synonyms (n) appearance, entrance, incoming, newcomer, return, attainment, arriver, comer, reaching, homecoming; antonyms (n) exit, leaving; ierašanās
osta port of arrival. ierasties arrive; synonyms (v) come, mature, attain, fall, land, reach, succeed, show, derive, emerge, enter, get, happen, issue, prosper, disembark, (n) appear; antonyms (v) leave, depart, go. ieraudzīt sight; synonyms (n) vision, glimpse, prospect, scene, show, view, aspect, eye, eyesight, outlook, spectacle, (v) aim, spot, see, appearance, descry, discern, perceive, behold, (adj) eyesore. ieraža custom; synonyms (n) tradition, habit, convention, practice, usage, use, fashion, impost, method, observance, order, rite, ritual, rule, tax, usance, wont, (v) accustom, trade, (adj) bespoke. ierēdnis 1. officer; synonyms (n) captain, administrator, commander, bureaucrat, executive, officeholder, official, agent, manager, leader, policeman, representative, skipper, supervisor, 2. official; synonyms (adj) formal, functional, regular, proper, sanctioned, magisterial, authorized, ceremonial, legal, judicial, lawful, legitimate, (n) officer, minister, functionary, staff, aga, (v) authoritative, administrative, authentic; antonyms (adj) unofficial, private, illegal, informal, 3. clerk; synonyms (n) writer, transcriber, accountant, employee, recorder, salesclerk, bailiff, cashier, (v) amanuensis, secretary, scribe, scrivener; valsts civildienesta
ierēdnis civil servant; civildienesta ierēdnis civil servant. ierīce 1. device; synonyms (n) contrivance, apparatus, appliance, artifice, emblem, contraption, figure, gimmick, invention, plan, trick, way, design, dodge, expedient, implement, instrument, machination, machine, mechanism, 2. appliance; synonyms (n) device, gadget, facility, application, convenience, tackle, use, resource, engine, gizmo, tool, utensil, widget, 3. contrivance; synonyms (n) plot, arrangement, devisal, excogitation, fraud, intrigue, means, projection, scheme, shift, stratagem; indikācijas ierīce indicating
device; atmiņas ierīce storage device; automātiska ierīce automatic; ceļamā ierīce lift; justēšanas ierīce adjustment device; sakriteņa ierīce register device; vadības ierīce control device; regulēšanas ierīce adjustment device. ierīkot establish; synonyms (v) confirm, erect, prove, appoint, base, build, constitute, demonstrate, settle, arrange, ascertain, create, determine, fix, found, institute, begin, certify, compose, construct; antonyms (v) disprove, abolish, terminate; ierīkot parku park.
ierindot rank; synonyms (n) range, place, file, gradation, line, degree, quality, rate, post, (adj) putrid, luxuriant, (v) arrange, order, class, classify, grade, position, array, group, estimate; antonym (adj) fresh. ierindoties rank; synonyms (n) range, place, file, gradation, line, degree, quality, rate, post, (adj) putrid, luxuriant, (v) arrange, order, class, classify, grade, position, array, group, estimate; antonym (adj) fresh. ierobežojošs restrictive; synonyms (adj) prohibitive, restraining, exclusive, restricted, astringent, binding, clannish, coactive, compulsory, conditional, costive, obligatory, opposed, preventive, provisional, restrictionary, stringent, warning, rigid, (v) limitary; antonym (adj) encouraging. ierobežojums 1. restraint; synonyms (n) bridle, constraint, control, hindrance, limit, moderation, modesty, reserve, containment, curb, restriction, obstacle, confinement, deterrent, discipline, inhibition, leash, (v) check, impediment, obstruction; antonyms (n) excess, abandon, decadence, incentive, 2. limitation; synonyms (n) circumscription, restraint, demarcation, condition, disadvantage, qualification, handicap, bound, boundary, ceiling, reservation, stipulation, demise; antonym (n) extension, 3. restriction; synonyms (n) limitation, embargo, ban, confine, prohibition, stricture, barrier, rule, cramp, repression, block, proviso, rein, stop, taboo, coarctation, constriction, provision, specification; antonym (n) freedom; lietošanas
tiesību ierobežojums adverse possession; laika ierobežojums time limit; izveduma ierobežojums export restriction; eksporta ierobežojums export restriction. ierobežot 1. restrict; synonyms (v) limit, restrain, circumscribe, confine, constrain, fetter, bound, curb, curtail, forbid, hamper, reduce, ration, bind, check, contain, cramp, modify, prohibit, qualify, 2. limit; synonyms (n) boundary, edge, brink, compass, demarcation, extremity, frontier, maximum, measure, restraint, barrier, (v) border, restrict, abridge, close, control, define, delimit, (prep) extent, end; antonyms (n) center, extension, minimum, (v) broaden, extend, 3. localize; synonyms (v) lay, localise, place, post, locate, set, situate, lodge, quarter, concentrate, allocate, fix, adjust, aim, allot, arrange, base, coif, coiffe, coiffure, 4. confine; synonyms (v) tie, hold, incarcerate, cage, detain, imprison, chain, arrest, stint, contract, demarcate, enclose, jail, straiten, trammel, suppress, catch, (n) bounds, brim, margin; antonyms (v) release, free, liberate. ierobežots 1. limited; synonyms (adj) finite, circumscribed, moderate, qualified, special, insular, bounded, narrow, scanty, slender, particular, specific, definite, conditional, constricted, insufficient, little, local, parochial, rare; antonyms (adj) boundless, infinite, limitless, open, complete, never-ending, unlimited, wide, 2. confined; synonyms (v) accurate, (adj) captive, close, cramped, imprisoned, limited, invalided, constrained, poky, restricted, strict, jailed; antonym (adj) free, 3. restricted; synonyms (adj) confined, exclusive, controlled, prohibited, classified, secret, private,
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Latvian - English reserved, tight, fixed, precise; antonyms (adj) unrestricted, far-reaching, liberated, unimpeded. ierocis weapon; synonyms (n) gun, arm, missile, artillery, blade, firearm, spear, steel, tool, implement, ordnance, bat, bludgeon, branch, club, cudgel, foil, limb, mace, rapier; konvencionālais ierocis conventional
weapon; bioloģiskais ierocis biological weapon; automātiskais ierocis machine gun; artilērijas ierocis gun. ierosināt initiate; synonyms (v) begin, found, commence, inaugurate, launch, activate, induct, institute, introduce, originate, start, enter, undertake, broach, create, establish, instigate, open, pioneer, (n) entrant; ierosināt
prasību claim. ieruna objection; synonyms (n) dissent, protest, complaint, exception, grievance, gripe, disagreement, outcry, difficulty, disapproval, expostulation, criticism, challenge, disadvantage, drawback, question, scruple, animadversion, argument, dispute. iesaiņojums package; synonyms (n) bundle, pack, packaging, packet, parcel, carton, container, collection, (v) box, wrap; antonym (v) unwrap. iesaiņošana packing; synonyms (n) boxing, pack, pad, wadding, backpacking, filling, stuffing, content, contents, fisticuffs, collusion, pugilism, trick. iesaiņot 1. parcel; synonyms (n) lot, bale, pack, bundle, division, package, packet, section, batch, plot, patch, allotment, group, share, bunch, (v) portion, distribute, apportion, divide, cluster, 2. package; synonyms (n) packaging, parcel, carton, container, collection, (v) box, wrap; antonym (v) unwrap, 3. pack; synonyms (n) mob, bevy, company, herd, backpack, gang, horde, knapsack, bag, flock, (v) crowd, compress, heap, cram, fill, jam, load, carry, compact, crush; antonym (v) unpack. iesaistīšana involvement; synonyms (n) entanglement, concern, interest, implication, inclusion, connection, engagement, complicity, part, participation, affair, affaire, amour, intimacy; antonym (n) disconnection. iesaistīt 1. implicate; synonyms (v) entangle, embroil, involve, entail, tangle, include, accuse, compromise, 2. involve; synonyms (v) imply, contain, affect, embrace, implicate, comprise, complicate, demand, encompass, engage, envelop, comprehend, exact, absorb, ask, concern, connect, cover, engross, have; antonym (v) exclude. iesakņojies established; synonyms (v) settled, (adj) conventional, accepted, firm, fixed, regular, set, decided, confirmed, secure, accomplished, customary, effected, orthodox, completed, constituted, official, recognized, stable, stated; antonym (adj) unproven. iesauka nickname; synonyms (n) alias, cognomen, moniker, sobriquet, soubriquet, surname, (v) name, dub, nick, call. iesējums binding; synonyms (adj) necessary, obligatory, valid, mandatory, compulsory, effectual, requisite, (n) cover, band, dressing, bond, covering, wrapping, back, bandaging, hooping; kombinēts iesējums
combined cover. ieslēgt include; synonyms (v) hold, comprise, contain, embody, encompass, insert, comprehend, embrace, implicate, involve, number, add, admit, enclose, have,
incorporate, imply, allow, append, attach; antonym (v) exclude. ieslodzījums 1. imprisonment; synonyms (n) captivity, custody, confinement, incarceration, durance, arrest, detention, immurement, internment, duress, (adj) bondage; antonyms (n) freedom, release, 2. custody; synonyms (n) charge, care, security, hold, protection, conservation, control, imprisonment, keeping, maintenance, preservation, trust, ward, clasp, clutches, custodianship, (v) keep, (adj) tutelage; mūža
ieslodzījums life imprisonment. ieslodzīšana commitment; synonyms (n) dedication, charge, allegiance, appointment, committal, devotion, loyalty, promise, tie, commission, confinement, consignment, contract, debt, duty, engagement, faithfulness, obligation, interest. ieslodzītais prisoner; synonyms (n) convict, captive, hostage, accused, criminal, defendant. iesniegšana presentation; synonyms (n) donation, exhibition, demonstration, display, introduction, performance, offer, appearance, exposition, gift, exposure, induction, intro, overture, presentment, production, recital, show, debut, endowment. iesniegt tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate, painful, loving, sensitive, soft, sore, compassionate, delicate, fond, gentle, mild, frail, caring, (v) proffer, present, propose, give, (n) offer, bid, overture; antonyms (adj) tough, hard, hardhearted, rubbery, rough; iesniegt
lūgumu petition; iesniegt sūdzību appeal; iesniegt prasību seek; iesniegt nodokļu deklarāciju file; iesniegt apspriešanai table. iesniegums application; synonyms (n) plea, appeal, appliance, concentration, demand, diligence, effort, exercise, petition, request, use, attention, administration, call, claim, coating, employment, exertion, function, industry. iespaids impression; synonyms (n) belief, conception, feeling, idea, imprint, depression, image, mark, notion, dent, appearance, effect, feel, impress, influence, opinion, printing, concept, copy, fancy. iespçja 1. possibility; synonyms (n) chance, feasibility, likelihood, opportunity, opening, probability, expectancy, eventuality, expectation, occasion, odds, potential, prospect, ability, danger, option, possibleness, conjecture, guess, hazard, 2. opportunity; synonyms (n) luck, crack, event, room, time, alternative, break, possibility, scope, shot, fortune, choice, leisure, instance, convenience, period, season, space, freedom, gap. iespēja opportunity; synonyms (n) chance, opening, luck, occasion, crack, event, room, time, alternative, break, option, possibility, scope, shot, fortune, choice, leisure, likelihood, instance, convenience. iespējams 1. feasible; synonyms (adj) practicable, possible, probable, fit, achievable, available, credible, doable, likely, practical, realizable, viable, attainable, executable, plausible, thinkable, workable; antonym (adj) impossible, 2. probable; synonyms (adj) potential, feasible, hopeful, convincing, believable, specious, conceivable, presumptive, verisimilar, apparent; antonyms (adj) unlikely, improbable, 3. possible; synonyms (adj) imaginable, earthly, maybe, eventual,
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Latvian - English prospective, reasonable, latent; antonym (adj) compulsory; iespējams iznīcināts probably
destroyed. iespiedkļūda misprint; synonyms (n) erratum, literal, mistake, typo, (adj) blunder, fault, oversight, slip. iespiest print; synonyms (n) imprint, mark, impression, engraving, copy, lettering, picture, facsimile, letterpress, reproduction, type, etching, brand, replica, duplicate, (v) impress, photograph, issue, engrave, stamp. iestāde 1. establishment; synonyms (n) business, company, constitution, institution, concern, creation, enactment, formation, organization, settlement, foundation, institute, introduction, administration, colonization, dwelling, footing, management, construction, enterprise; antonyms (n) elimination, end, 2. institution; synonyms (n) establishment, asylum, founding, academy, custom, initiation, tradition, induction, practice, college, organisation, convention, habit, ordinance, ordination, society, instauration, 3. office; synonyms (n) charge, agency, duty, function, position, commission, appointment, division, authority, berth, bureau, job, part, place, post, engagement, employment, location, department, mission; medicīnas
iestāde medical institution; labdarības iestāde charity; informācijas iegūšanas iestāde collection agency; policijas iestāde police department; centrālā iestāde central body; augstāka iestāde higher authority; arodmācību iestāde vocational school; tiesas iestāde resort; vietējā varas iestāde local government; varas iestāde authority. iet 1. go; synonyms (v) come, elapse, pass, break, crack, depart, disappear, drive, run, travel, fall, extend, function, operate, ride, turn, work, (n) fare, (adj) follow, move, 2. walk; synonyms (v) ramble, course, hike, roam, trek, go, promenade, track, foot, ambulate, ambulation, journey, (n) step, gait, pace, path, saunter, stroll, excursion, trip; iet uz priekšu proceed; iet
garām pass; iet gulet go to bed; iet pa follow; iet pakaļ follow; iet gulēt bed. ietaise device; synonyms (n) contrivance, apparatus, appliance, artifice, emblem, contraption, figure, gimmick, invention, plan, trick, way, design, dodge, expedient, implement, instrument, machination, machine, mechanism; kurināmā ietaise heating
system. ietaukot grease; synonyms (n) fat, bribe, butter, grime, lard, lubricant, soil, stain, cream, dirt, filth, recompense, (v) oil, boodle, anoint, graft, lubricate, glycerine. ietaupījums 1. savings; synonyms (n) reserve, saving, store, capital, cash, funds, resources; antonym (n) expenditure, 2. economy; synonyms (n) frugality, parsimony, thrift, conservation, efficiency, husbandry, prudence, stinginess, thriftiness, brevity, cut, (adj) system, arrangement, array, disposition; antonym (n) extravagance. ieteikt 1. recommend; synonyms (v) advise, advocate, counsel, propose, commend, offer, suggest, move, praise, urge, endorse, promote, introduce, approve, exhort, nominate, persuade, submit, warn, prompt, 2.
advise; synonyms (v) admonish, acquaint, inform, recommend, apprise, caution, forewarn, instruct, notify, tell, advertise, confer, proposition, apprize, brief, communicate, enlighten, guide, report; antonym (v) oppose, 3. present; synonyms (adj) grant, current, (n) gift, donation, offering, presentation, boon, (v) bestow, display, give, prefer, deliver, donate, perform, gratuity, award, exhibit, serve, indicate, cede; antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, future, history, (v) withdraw, (adv) absent. ieteikums recommendation; synonyms (n) praise, commendation, advice, counsel, suggestion, advocacy, reference, approval, proposal, admonition, endorsement, exhortation, testimonial. ietekme 1. hold; synonyms (v) keep, detain, endure, adhere, bear, comprise, contain, entertain, have, arrest, carry, confine, delay, maintain, retain, (n) grasp, grip, clasp, clutch, handle; antonym (v) release, 2. authority; synonyms (n) ascendancy, command, sanction, administration, authorization, dominance, domination, hold, judge, power, professional, rule, warrant, lordship, agency, approval, authorisation, bureau, commission, control, 3. influence; synonyms (n) force, authority, charm, impact, reach, efficacy, (v) affect, determine, dispose, effect, incline, bias, direct, govern, importance, induce, manipulate, persuade, sway, impel, 4. effect; synonyms (n) consequence, product, result, sequel, aftermath, conclusion, impression, outgrowth, (v) accomplish, achieve, create, cause, complete, do, bring, execute, perform, use, win, implement; antonym (n) reason; kaitīga ietekme adverse effect; ietekme
uz vidi environmental impact; būtiska ietekme significant influence. ietekmēt 1. affect; synonyms (v) touch, move, act, fake, feign, impress, pretend, strike, concern, dispose, dissemble, hit, influence, involve, lead, pertain, regard, sham, stir, (n) sentiment, 2. manipulate; synonyms (v) handle, control, fiddle, manage, operate, rig, wield, work, cook, direct, falsify, fix, fudge, maneuver, tamper, treat, feel, massage, exploit, juggle. ietilpība capacity; synonyms (n) capability, aptitude, capacitance, function, intelligence, talent, might, dimension, content, endowment, faculty, gift, measure, position, potential, power, quantity, reach, size, (adj) ability; antonyms (n) inability, incapability; krātuves
ietilpība storage capacity; krasta ietilpība beach capacity. ietvars 1. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, carton, action, cause, chest, condition, crate, (adj) patient, 2. casing; synonyms (n) case, skin, boxing, holder, coating, covering, envelope, film, frame, housing, hull, top, 3. framework; synonyms (n) fabric, framing, chassis, form, architecture, carcass, grating, rack, setting, skeleton, structure, anatomy, building, draft, composition, construction, edifice, makeup, organization, scaffold, 4. frame; synonyms (n) design, border, build, fashion, formation, stand, body, coin, (v) construct, fabricate, erect, make, forge, constitute, contrive, shape, create, cast, compose, couch.
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Latvian - English ietverošs inclusive; synonyms (adj) broad, comprehensive, overall, sweeping, extensive, general, total, whole, (adv) including; antonym (adj) exclusive. ietvert 1. imply; synonyms (v) connote, denote, allude, hint, involve, entail, intimate, mean, argue, betoken, convey, indicate, suggest, implicate, carry, conceive, comprise, embody, (n) signify, express, 2. include; synonyms (v) hold, contain, encompass, insert, comprehend, embrace, number, add, admit, enclose, have, incorporate, imply, allow, append, attach, inclose, introduce, surround, take; antonym (v) exclude, 3. contain; synonyms (v) accommodate, curb, include, bear, check, confine, control, restrain, restrict, suppress, accept, arrest, encircle, limit, retain, repress, conquer, envelop, apprehend, govern, 4. involve; synonyms (v) affect, complicate, demand, engage, tangle, embroil, exact, absorb, ask, concern, connect, cover, engross, mire, necessitate, need, occupy, require, (n) entangle, (adj) perplex. ievade input; synonyms (n) contribution, incoming, data, advice, feed, arousal, comment, expression, foreplay, influence, stimulant, stimulation, stimulus, voice, involvement, membership, part, partaking, (v) accredit, key; runas ievade voice input; darba attālā
ievade remote job entry. ievadīšana introduction; synonyms (n) induction, beginning, foreword, insertion, preface, presentation, entrance, initiation, preamble, preliminary, prelude, admission, entry, intro, opening, proem, prologue, prolusion, start, debut; antonyms (n) finale, export, postscript; datu ievadīšana data entry. ievadīt 1. institute; synonyms (n) academy, association, establishment, foundation, (v) establish, found, build, constitute, appoint, form, fix, begin, bring, create, erect, initiate, base, ground, inaugurate, (adj) enact, 2. introduce; synonyms (v) insert, interject, inject, acquaint, advance, enter, exhibit, implant, infuse, precede, present, instill, interpose, broach, induct, include, infix, innovate, institute, premise; antonym (v) end; ievadīt datus input. ievads introduction; synonyms (n) induction, beginning, foreword, insertion, preface, presentation, entrance, initiation, preamble, preliminary, prelude, admission, entry, intro, opening, proem, prologue, prolusion, start, debut; antonyms (n) finale, export, postscript. ievākt levy; synonyms (n) tax, duty, assessment, impost, draft, excise, gathering, toll, dues, collection, due, (v) charge, impose, raise, inflict, collect, enlist, recruit, fine, exact; ievākt nodokļus raise. ievedums import; synonyms (n) consequence, meaning, sense, effect, connotation, implication, importance, moment, purport, significance, value, betoken, intent, magnitude, (v) matter, denote, imply, introduce, mean, spell; antonym (v) export. ievērojams 1. outstanding; synonyms (adj) eminent, due, conspicuous, great, owing, famous, distinguished, excellent, exceptional, notable, noteworthy, prominent, unpaid, major, brilliant, extraordinary, magnificent, noticeable, obvious, overdue; antonyms (adj) ordinary, paid, inferior, 2. significant; synonyms (adj) important, material, momentous, grave, meaningful, serious, critical, emphatic, expressive, indicative, pregnant,
relevant, substantial, meaning, solemn, big, chief, crucial, (v) considerable, influential; antonyms (adj) insignificant, minor, unimportant, small, trivial, 3. important; synonyms (adj) essential, fundamental, significant, key, remarkable, earnest, authoritative, central, consequential, decisive, eventful, heavy, historic, large, monumental, vital, weighty, foremost, capital, celebrated; antonyms (adj) irrelevant, low, worthless; ievērojams skaitlis significant figure. ievērošana 1. consideration; synonyms (n) concern, respect, attention, care, reflection, thought, account, cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, thoughtfulness, advisement, consequence, caution, compassion, compensation, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration, 2. observance; synonyms (n) ceremony, commemoration, fulfillment, observation, rite, manner, obedience, ceremonial, compliance, conformity, custom, discharge, ritual, service, celebration, heed, note, form, ordinance, watching; antonyms (n) breaking, contravention, 3. allowance; synonyms (n) allotment, admission, discount, quota, tolerance, maintenance, abatement, acknowledgment, adjustment, allocation, concession, deduction, fee, grant, indulgence, leave, margin, portion, rebate, share. ievērot 1. notice; synonyms (n) advertisement, attention, declaration, information, mind, caution, heed, message, observation, (v) note, look, attend, detect, discover, distinguish, find, mark, regard, remark, see; antonyms (v) disregard, ignore, 2. spot; synonyms (n) blot, place, speck, stain, dot, dapple, dirty, location, position, space, defect, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, speckle, daub, flaw, mottle, freckle, blur, 3. observe; synonyms (v) celebrate, comment, notice, commemorate, guard, behold, follow, keep, mention, fulfill, comply, feel, discern, inspect, maintain, obey, perceive, watch, honor, eye, 4. note; synonyms (n) annotation, indication, bill, distinction, epistle, letter, memorandum, report, importance, line, minute, ticket, eminence, gloss, correspondence, draft, (v) record, label, observe, name. ievešana importation; synonyms (n) import, entree, importing, admission, admittance, introduction, entrance, consequence, implication, importee, meaning, moment, significance, (v) infusion, injection, inoculation, transmission, transport, transportation, exportation. ievest 1. import; synonyms (n) consequence, meaning, sense, effect, connotation, implication, importance, moment, purport, significance, value, betoken, intent, magnitude, (v) matter, denote, imply, introduce, mean, spell; antonym (v) export, 2. institute; synonyms (n) academy, association, establishment, foundation, (v) establish, found, build, constitute, appoint, form, fix, begin, bring, create, erect, initiate, base, ground, inaugurate, (adj) enact; ievest sarakstā register;
ievest katalogā catalogue. ievietot insert; synonyms (v) embed, enter, put, enclose, interject, introduce, inject, implant, graft, inclose, infix, plant, stick, enroll, inscribe, attach, include, (n) inset, supplement, addition; antonyms (v) remove, erase. iezemietis aboriginal; synonyms (adj) native, original, early, autochthonous, first, indigenous, primaeval,
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Latvian - English
primal, primary, primeval, primordial, (n) aborigine; antonym (adj) nonnative. ieziest grease; synonyms (n) fat, bribe, butter, grime, lard, lubricant, soil, stain, cream, dirt, filth, recompense, (v) oil, boodle, anoint, graft, lubricate, glycerine. iezīme feature; synonyms (n) article, aspect, character, characteristic, detail, lineament, peculiarity, facet, appearance, attribute, fact, mark, particular, quality, distinction, earmark, sign, (v) display, boast, characterize; sējuma iezīme volume label; datnes
iezīme file label. iezīmēt mark; synonyms (n) brand, evidence, score, character, heed, impression, imprint, sign, feature, badge, check, emblem, indication, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish, grade, label, differentiate, (adj) notice. iezīmēts marked; synonyms (adj) distinct, conspicuous, noticeable, pronounced, remarkable, distinguished, apparent, definite, notable, obvious, signal, striking, strong, clear, appreciable, palpable, visible, considerable, emphatic, outstanding; antonyms (adj) plain, unblemished. iezis rock; synonyms (n) boulder, calculus, pillar, (v) jar, sway, cradle, jolt, shake, toss, waver, quake, pitch, reel, roll, swing, totter, wobble, careen, (adj) pebble, stone;
kalnu iezis rock. iežogojums enclosure; synonyms (n) coop, cage, barrier, enclosing, pen, hedge, addition, sty, case, envelopment, fencing, inclosure, insert, railing, ring, supplement, chamber; iežogojums žogs closure. iežogot enclose; synonyms (v) bound, confine, contain, circumscribe, corral, cover, encircle, encompass, enfold, envelop, beset, border, circle, embrace, hold, include, ring, surround, (adv) compass, inclose; antonyms (v) expose, free, release. ikgadējs yearly; synonyms (adj) annual, perennial, anniversary, periodic, (adv) annually. ikona icon; synonyms (n) effigy, image, picture, figure, likeness, pictogram, idol, ikon, representation. ilgas longing; synonyms (v) craving, (n) desire, aspiration, nostalgia, wish, appetite, eagerness, hankering, inclination, urge, want, hope, ambition, hunger, itch, (adj) eager, wistful, yearning, desirous, nostalgic. ilgs long; synonyms (adj) extended, lengthy, dragging, far, oblong, diffuse, farseeing, (v) aspire, desire, hanker, languish, yearn, ache, hunger, wish, crave, pine, yen, (n) extensive, large; antonyms (adj) short, brief; ilgs laiks
age. ilgt last; synonyms (v) endure, continue, hold, exist, live, dwell, go, remain, (n) abide, conclusion, finale, finis, finish, (adj) extreme, closing, final, ultimate, conclusive, concluding, farthest; antonyms (n) opening, (adj) first. ilgtermiņa long-term; synonyms (adj) lasting, overall; antonyms (adj) temporary, short-lived; ilgtermiņa
noma long-term lease; ilgtermiņa līgums longterm contract; ilgtermiņa ieguldījumi long-term investment; ilgtermiņa deponēšana long-term loan; ilgtermiņa aizņēmums long-term loan; ilgtermiņa aizdevums long-term loan.
ilgums 1. duration; synonyms (n) length, continuation, continuance, period, standing, stretch, time, distance, age, permanency, span, continuity, endurance, course, space, existence, life, extent, 2. length; synonyms (n) range, duration, compass, depth, dimension, longness, measurement, size, quantity, degree, breadth, height, longitude, piece, scope, sweep, width, (v) expanse, tract, area; antonyms (n) briefness, shortness; darba dienas
ilgums working hours; izsaukuma ilgums call duration; aprites ilgums circulation time; lietderīgās darbības ilgums effective time; uzturēšanās ilgums residence. ilustrācija illustration; synonyms (n) example, case, chart, depiction, description, exemplification, figure, instance, demonstration, drawing, explanation, image, model, picture, sample, exemplar, sketch, diagram, exposition, likeness. imersija immersion; synonyms (n) dip, absorption, ducking, concentration, submergence, submersion, baptism, dousing, plunge, engrossment, attention, assiduity, assiduousness, captivation, compactness, denseness, density, engagement, (v) irrigation, spargefaction. imigrācija immigration; synonyms (n) migration, colonization, entrance, relocation, journey, movement, passage, resettlement, voyage, (v) emigration, intermigration. imigrants immigrant; synonyms (n) migrant, alien, foreigner, emigrant, newcomer, stranger, settler, pioneer. imigrēt immigrate; synonyms (v) emigrate, migrate, enter, arrive. imitācija imitation; synonyms (n) counterfeit, dummy, sham, copy, forgery, mockery, duplicate, mock, reproduction, caricature, impersonation, mimicry, (adj) fake, bogus, false, artificial, ersatz, phony, replica, (v) parody; antonyms (n) original, (adj) genuine, real. impērija empire; synonyms (n) dominion, kingdom, rule, domain, realm, reign, authority, nation, control, sway, command, government, monarchy, principality, state, territory, conglomerate, demesne. importēšana importation; synonyms (n) import, entree, importing, admission, admittance, introduction, entrance, consequence, implication, importee, meaning, moment, significance, (v) infusion, injection, inoculation, transmission, transport, transportation, exportation. importēt import; synonyms (n) consequence, meaning, sense, effect, connotation, implication, importance, moment, purport, significance, value, betoken, intent, magnitude, (v) matter, denote, imply, introduce, mean, spell; antonym (v) export. imports 1. importation; synonyms (n) import, entree, importing, admission, admittance, introduction, entrance, consequence, implication, importee, meaning, moment, significance, (v) infusion, injection, inoculation, transmission, transport, transportation, exportation, 2. import; synonyms (n) sense, effect, connotation, importance, purport, value, betoken, intent, magnitude, substance, weight, core, gist, (v) matter, denote, imply, introduce, mean, spell, carry; antonym (v) export. imunitāte immunity; synonyms (n) exemption, freedom, franchise, dispensation, privilege, exception,
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Latvian - English invulnerability, liberty, release, resistance, safety, security; antonym (n) vulnerability. incidents incident; synonyms (n) event, fact, adventure, case, circumstance, episode, experience, happening, instance, occasion, occurrence, affair, contingency, time, anecdote, development, incidence, (adj) attendant, concomitant, accessory; mācību incidents exercise
incident. inde poison; synonyms (n) bane, toxin, venom, contagion, (v) infect, contaminate, envenom, defile, drug, empoison, taint, intoxicate, canker, corrupt, pollute, disease, embitter, (adj) poisonous, toxic, venomous; antonym (n) antidote. indekss index; synonyms (n) catalogue, exponent, file, table, catalog, forefinger, roll, directory, subscript, enumeration, indication, indicator, indices, mark, record, register, power, (v) list, tabulate; cenu indekss price
index; ciparu indekss index number; dzīves dārdzības indekss cost of living index; struktūras indekss structural index; patēriņa cenu indekss consumer price index; pilnais indekss class number; plaukta indekss call number; saliktais indekss combined number; sastata indekss combined number; šifra indekss call number. indīgs 1. poisonous; synonyms (adj) deadly, toxic, mortal, malicious, noxious, venomous, fatal, baneful, lethal, noisome, malignant, pernicious, toxiferous, evil, pestilential, destructive, injurious, mischievous, nasty, toxicant; antonym (adj) harmless, 2. toxic; synonyms (adj) poisonous, harmful, virulent; antonym (adj) nontoxic. indijs indium; synonyms (n) in, inch. indikators indicator; synonyms (n) gauge, index, indication, arrow, indicant, pointer, signpost, sign, signal, symbol; reakcijas indikators response. indivīds 1. person; synonyms (n) fellow, human, individual, man, being, body, character, creature, mortal, soul, life, homo, form, organism, personality, somebody, someone, substance, thing, (v) party; antonym (n) automaton, 2. individual; synonyms (adj) distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain, characteristic, distinctive, especial, exclusive, singular, sole, solitary, special, independent, one, only, own, peculiar, (n) person; antonyms (adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general, vague, (n) collective; neparasts
indivīds caution. individualizēt individualize; synonyms (v) differentiate, individualise, designate, specify, realize, specialize, characterize, detail, itemize, mark, particularize, personalise, personalize, qualify. individuāls individual; synonyms (adj) distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain, characteristic, distinctive, especial, exclusive, singular, sole, solitary, special, (n) human, creature, fellow, man, mortal, person; antonyms (adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general, vague, (n) collective. indosaments endorsement; synonyms (n) approbation, corroboration, confirmation, sanction, approval, authorization, countenance, permission, authority, verification, authentication, certificate, authorisation,
agreement, backing, certification, consent, guarantee, imprimatur, indorsement. induktivitāte inductance; synonyms (n) inductor, induction, elicitation, evocation, generalisation, generalization, initiation, installation, trigger. industrializācija industrialization; synonym (n) industrialisation. inerce inertia; synonyms (n) inactivity, idleness, lethargy, inaction, apathy, inertness, laziness, passivity, lassitude, inactiveness; antonym (n) momentum. infekcija infection; synonyms (n) contagion, disease, contamination, taint, corruption, septicity, illness, inspiration, transmission, virus, bug, galvanism, (adj) pollution. inflācija inflation; synonyms (n) expansion, dilatation, increase, rise, boom, subtilization, appreciation, accumulation, augmentation, bombast, conceit, depression, euphemism, exaggeration, fanfare, fatness, jump, (adj) pretension, insufflation, (v) inflatus; antonym (n) deflation. informācija 1. information; synonyms (n) advice, communication, data, evidence, note, enlightenment, report, tidings, complaint, counsel, info, instruction, intelligence, material, warning, word, details, account, declaration, indication, 2. intelligence; synonyms (n) information, cleverness, intellect, news, understanding, acumen, brain, brains, capacity, comprehension, knowledge, mentality, notice, sharpness, wisdom, wit, genius, aptitude, quickness, apprehension; antonyms (n) stupidity, emotion, 3. notice; synonyms (n) advertisement, attention, mind, caution, heed, message, observation, admonition, announcement, (v) look, attend, detect, discover, distinguish, find, mark, regard, remark, see, acknowledge; antonyms (v) disregard, ignore;
atvasināta informācija derived information; ekonomikas informācija economic intelligence; operatīvā informācija operational data; slepena informācija confidential information; izlūkdienesta informācija intelligence information; konfidenciāla informācija confidential information. informatīvs informative; synonyms (adj) educational, enlightening, illuminating, instructive, edifying, informatory, explanatory, expository. informēt 1. inform; synonyms (v) communicate, acquaint, advise, impart, announce, enlighten, tell, familiarize, explain, advertise, apprise, educate, instruct, state, warn, describe, declare, animate, notify, report, 2. notify; synonyms (v) inform, alert, apprize, counsel, promulgate, reveal, call. inhalācija inhalation; synonyms (n) breath, absorption, drag, gasp, inhalant, inspiration, immission, ingestion, ingurgitation. iniciatīva initiative; synonyms (n) enterprise, gumption, opening, ambition, energy, drive, inventiveness, creativity, originality, enterprisingness, (adj) initial, inaugural, initiatory, incipient, first; privātā
iniciatīva private enterprise. iniciators initiator; synonyms (n) creator, originator, author, founder, father, architect, designer, firebrand,
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Latvian - English
forerunner, inciter, instigator, inventor, maker, producer, instigant, organizer, provoker. inkriminēt incriminate; synonyms (v) arraign, accuse, charge, impeach, denounce, criminate, indict, involve, implicate, inculpate, censure, imply. inkrustācija 1. inlay; synonyms (n) decoration, filling, parquet, emblem, (v) embed, insert, arrange, bed, conceal, couch, deface, destroy, enlay, express, injure, insulate, introduce, spill, kill, (adj) tattoo, 2. incrustation; synonyms (n) crust, encrustation, scale, obduction, superposition, callousness, cheekiness, crustation, encrustment, freshness, gall, hardness, impertinence, impudence, incrust, incrustment, petrifaction, sinter, insolence, obduracy. inspektors 1. surveyor; synonyms (n) inspector, assessor, visitor, engineer, husband, ranger, supercargo, auditor, traveler, voyager, 2. inspector; synonyms (n) examiner, supervisor, controller, investigator, superintendent, director, manager, overseer, reviewer, surveyor, administrator, (v) inquirer, inquisitor, 3. supervisor; synonyms (n) boss, chief, foreman, executive, head, superior, keeper, curator, custodian, steward, governor, guardian, leader, officer; sanitārais inspektors
medical office; galvenais inspektors chief inspector. inspicēšana inspection; synonyms (n) examination, check, review, surveillance, exploration, inquiry, scrutiny, search, study, survey, investigation, observation, oversight, sight, supervision, test, view, watch, inquisition, (v) inspect. instalācija installation; synonyms (n) establishment, induction, facility, inauguration, initiation, installment, investiture, plant, appointment, installing, introduction, settlement. institūts 1. institute; synonyms (n) academy, association, establishment, foundation, (v) establish, found, build, constitute, appoint, form, fix, begin, bring, create, erect, initiate, base, ground, inaugurate, (adj) enact, 2. institution; synonyms (n) creation, institute, formation, asylum, founding, custom, initiation, organization, tradition, induction, practice, college, organisation, constitution, convention, habit, introduction, ordinance, ordination, society; zinātniskās pētniecības
institūts research institute. instrukcija instruction; synonyms (n) charge, command, advice, counsel, direction, education, guidance, guideline, information, injunction, prescription, teaching, bidding, commission, doctrine, decree, drill, edification, lecture, order; uzstādīšanas instrukcija
installation instructions; netiešā instrukcija indirect instruction; loģiskā instrukcija logical instruction. instruktors instructor; synonyms (n) teacher, coach, trainer, educator, preceptor, tutor, lecturer, master, mentor, institutor. instruments 1. implement; synonyms (v) execute, fulfil, accomplish, apply, enforce, fulfill, complete, perform, discharge, realize, do, (n) tool, apparatus, utensil, appliance, device, instrument, gadget, organ, contrivance, 2. instrument; synonyms (n) channel, deed, agency, document, expedient, pawn, gear, agent, engine, means, medium, creature, intermediary,
machine, mechanism, muniment, puppet, way, conduit, 3. tool; synonyms (n) cock, animal, marionette, pecker, prick, shaft, (v) drive, joyride;
(v) implement,
parāda instruments debt instrument; finanšu instruments financial instrument. integrācija integration; synonyms (n) amalgamation, consolidation, embodiment, integrating, merger, fusion, synthesis, desegregation, (v) addition; antonym (n) segregation; sociālā integrācija social integration;
rūpniecības integrācija industrial integration; ekonomikas integrācija economic integration. intelekts 1. intelligence; synonyms (n) information, cleverness, intellect, news, tidings, understanding, acumen, brain, brains, capacity, comprehension, knowledge, mentality, notice, sharpness, wisdom, wit, genius, aptitude, communication; antonyms (n) stupidity, emotion, 2. intellect; synonyms (n) mind, intelligence, head, reason, apprehension, psyche, intellectual, nous, sense, wits, mastermind, thinker;
mākslīgais intelekts artificial intelligence. inteliģence intelligentsia; synonyms (n) clerisy, intellectual, class. inteliģents intellectual; synonyms (adj) cerebral, mental, rational, learned, spiritual, academic, ideal, cultured, brilliant, clever, intelligent, knowledgeable, noetic, quick, reflective, (n) intellect, brain, scholar, thinker, mind. intensifikācija intensification; synonyms (n) increase, aggravation, augmentation, rise, amplification, expansion, growth, climax, concentration, escalation; antonym (n) reduction. intensitāte intensity; synonyms (n) force, forcefulness, depth, volume, fierceness, emphasis, energy, ferocity, forte, fury, glow, might, passion, power, severity, vehemence, vigor, wildness, chroma, (adj) strength; antonyms (n) dullness, indifference, weakness;
enerģijas intensitāte energy intensity; atteices intensitāte failure rate; bitu kļūdu intensitāte bit error rate; gaismas intensitāte light intensity; zvejas intensitāte fishing effort; kļūdu intensitāte error rate; starojuma devas intensitāte radiation dose rate; toņa intensitāte tone value. Interesants interesting; synonyms (adj) entertaining, absorbing, amusing, attractive, charming, engaging, exciting, fascinating, readable, diverting, appealing, engrossing, gripping, captivating, provocative; antonyms (adj) uninteresting, boring, dull. interese interest; synonyms (n) concern, advantage, affair, account, gain, hobby, behalf, eagerness, enthusiasm, sake, good, consequence, (v) engage, care, benefit, appeal, affect, fascinate, occupy, (adj) claim; antonyms (n) indifference, apathy, (v) bore. interpunkcija punctuation; synonyms (n) accidence, grammar, praxis, interpunction, pointing, syntax. intervāls interval; synonyms (n) intermission, interruption, break, distance, interlude, hiatus, gap, interim, pause, period, respite, span, length, cessation, rest, space, time, delay, interstice, blank; vertikālais
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Latvian - English intervāls vertical interval; koordinātu tīkla intervāls grid interval. inventārs 1. inventory; synonyms (n) list, catalogue, index, stock, catalog, account, enumeration, roll, schedule, bill, table, inventorying, listing, record, stocktaking, store, armory, armoury, inspection, 2. stock; synonyms (n) breed, lineage, goods, ancestry, descent, family, hoard, origin, race, backlog, birth, commodity, extraction, kind, house, broth, cache, (adj) regular, (v) handle, supply; saimniecības inventārs
stock. investīcija 1. investment; synonyms (n) investing, investiture, clothing, siege, finance, venture, backing, obsession, property, installation, outlay, capital, covering, accession, assets, benefaction, business, buy, cash, cathexis, 2. input; synonyms (n) contribution, incoming, data, advice, feed, arousal, comment, expression, foreplay, influence, stimulant, stimulation, stimulus, voice, involvement, membership, part, partaking, (v) accredit, key. inženieris engineer; synonyms (n) architect, mastermind, machinist, mechanician, technologist, chauffeur, conductor, (v) devise, conduct, contrive, direct, organize, plan, construct, finagle, fix, guide, hatch, manage, manipulate; galvenais inženieris chief engineer. ironisks ironic; synonyms (adj) wry, sarcastic, cynical, ironical, mocking, sardonic, satirical, dry. istaba room; synonyms (n) chamber, latitude, occasion, apartment, hall, house, opening, opportunity, expanse, extent, flat, margin, area, cabin, field, leeway, office, place, scope, (v) board; bērnu istaba nursery;
vannas istaba bathroom. izaicinājums challenge; synonyms (n) question, defiance, protest, contest, provocation, (v) defy, dare, brave, dispute, ask, call, charge, contradict, demur, deny, doubt, impeach, impugn, provoke, query; antonym (v) obey. izaicināt 1. challenge; synonyms (n) question, defiance, protest, contest, provocation, (v) defy, dare, brave, dispute, ask, call, charge, contradict, demur, deny, doubt, impeach, impugn, provoke, query; antonym (v) obey, 2. face; synonyms (n) look, aspect, countenance, expression, side, top, exterior, appearance, facade, surface, boldness, brass, cheek, (v) confront, audacity, veneer, visage, affront, breast, (adj) front; antonyms (v) avoid, back. izārdīt dismantle; synonyms (v) demolish, destroy, strip, deprive, disassemble, disintegrate, dismember, disrobe, divest, level, raze, undress; antonyms (v) assemble, erect, raise. izbeigšana abatement; synonyms (n) remission, rebate, deduction, discount, reprieve, break, interruption, allowance, decline, decrease, diminution, ebb, mitigation, relief, respite, suspension, (v) reduction. izbraucams passable; synonyms (adj) tolerable, adequate, fair, indifferent, mediocre, acceptable, satisfactory, middling, decent, moderate, open, permeable, respectable, average, common, navigable, travelable, current, reasonable, apathetic; antonyms (adj) impassable, inadequate, unsatisfactory.
izceļošana emigration; synonyms (n) departure, exodus, migration, demigration, expatriation, flight, (v) intermigration, remigration. izcelšanās 1. background; synonyms (n) backdrop, groundwork, setting, basis, context, education, environment, scene, backcloth, panorama, atmosphere, experience, ground, information, preparation, record, scenery, situation, surroundings, accompaniment, 2. origin; synonyms (n) cause, lineage, base, beginning, birth, descent, ancestry, commencement, derivation, extraction, foundation, fountain, inception, root, source, well, head, cradle, fountainhead, genesis; antonym (n) end, 3. provenance; synonyms (n) birthplace, origin, acknowledgment, ascription, attribution, credit. izcenojums tariff; synonyms (n) duty, charge, excise, custom, tax, assessment, price, cost, fee, toll, benevolence, exactment, gavel, levy, octroi, ransom, salvage. izcilnis cam; synonyms (n) cleat, wedge, (adj) cockeyed, crooked. izcils 1. outstanding; synonyms (adj) eminent, due, conspicuous, great, owing, famous, distinguished, excellent, exceptional, notable, noteworthy, prominent, unpaid, major, brilliant, extraordinary, magnificent, noticeable, obvious, overdue; antonyms (adj) ordinary, paid, inferior, 2. eminent; synonyms (adj) celebrated, high, elevated, big, illustrious, noble, renowned, dignified, exalted, grand, important, noted, signal, sublime, first, chief, singular, well-known, famed, glorious; antonym (adj) unknown; izcils stāvoklis
prominent. izdalīt distribute; synonyms (v) allot, apportion, deal, dispense, spread, administer, assign, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, broadcast, circulate, dispose, dispel, portion, propagate, scatter, share, allocate, arrange; antonyms (v) accumulate, amass, collect, gather; izdalīt
gāzi gas. izdarīt 1. perform; synonyms (v) execute, accomplish, do, fulfill, achieve, complete, appear, behave, effect, make, play, enact, function, administer, operate, produce, carry, fill, manage, (n) act; antonym (v) neglect, 2. commit; synonyms (v) commend, assign, charge, consign, apply, confide, dedicate, entrust, submit, deliver, devote, give, intrust, leave, send, trust, commission, undertake, employ, order; izdarīt analīzi test; izdarīt
garantijas remontu service; izdarīt izlasi draft; izdarīt pakalpojumu accommodate; izdarīt revīziju audit; izdarīt rokādi castle; pagūt izdarīt manage. izdedži 1. dross; synonyms (n) scum, trash, rubbish, refuse, scoria, dregs, garbage, impurity, slag, waste, 2. slag; synonyms (n) cinder, clinker, dross, residue, bastard, impurities, rock, scoriae, (adj) recrement. izdevējs publisher; synonyms (n) newspaper, paper, bookseller, press, father. izdevība 1. occasion; synonyms (n) case, event, chance, episode, happening, incident, juncture, motive, opportunity, circumstance, matter, (v) cause, create, beget, breed, induce, make, raise, generate, inspire, 2. opportunity; synonyms (n) opening, luck, occasion, crack, room, time, alternative, break, option, possibility,
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Latvian - English
scope, shot, fortune, choice, leisure, likelihood, instance, convenience, period, probability. izdevīgs 1. advantageous; synonyms (adj) expedient, favorable, auspicious, useful, beneficial, convenient, fortunate, gainful, helpful, lucky, profitable, serviceable, worthwhile, handy, right, appropriate, effective, fit, good, lucrative; antonym (adj) useless, 2. favourable; synonyms (adj) advantageous, encouraging, opportune, prosperous, comfortable, easy, booming, flourishing, golden, halcyon, prospering, roaring, supporting, thriving, 3. gainful; synonyms (adj) fruitful, paid, paying, productive, 4. beneficial; synonyms (adj) healthy, propitious, salutary, wholesome, constructive, curative, genial, healing, kind, practical, rewarding, salubrious, valuable, healthful, nutritious, positive, therapeutic; antonyms (adj) disadvantageous, harmful. izdevumi 1. expenditure; synonyms (n) charge, cost, disbursement, consumption, expense, outlay, exhaustion, outgo, expenses, payment, price, spending, use, acquit, assets, disbursal, expending; antonyms (n) income, savings, 2. expenses; synonyms (n) expenditure, costs, fee, overheads, cut, financing, overhead, upkeep, outflow, payments, 3. outlay; synonyms (v) expend, spend; kancelejas izdevumi office expenses;
kapitālieguldījumu izdevumi capital expenditure; kopējie izdevumi total costs; militārie izdevumi military expenditure; noliktavu izdevumi storage costs; administratīvie pārvaldes izdevumi administrative expenses; pamatdarbības izdevumi operating expense; uzglabāšanas izdevumi storage costs; pārvaldes izdevumi management expenses; pastāvīgie izdevumi fixed expenses. izdevums 1. edition; synonyms (n) version, print, circulation, copy, issue, number, adaptation, book, rendering, translation, variation, compilation, run, anthology, collection, indiction, volume, installment, interpretation, issues, 2. issue; synonyms (n) aftermath, egress, consequence, effect, event, exit, progeny, result, conclusion, denouement, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release, discharge, gush, circulate, debouch, distribute, 3. publication; synonyms (n) announcement, newspaper, periodical, proclamation, journal, declaration, disclosure, promulgation, circular, magazine, issuance, bulletin, dissemination, handbook, notice, pronouncement, publishing, brochure, codex, (v) authorship, 4. impression; synonyms (n) belief, conception, feeling, idea, imprint, depression, image, mark, notion, dent, appearance, feel, impress, influence, opinion, printing, concept, fancy, impact, perception;
maztirāžas izdevums limited edition; kabatformāta izdevums pocket edition; jauns izdevums new edition; ilustrēts izdevums illustrated edition; ražošanas izdevums trade publication; nedēļas izdevums weekly; pārlabots izdevums revision; pirmais izdevums first edition. izdobt hollow; synonyms (adj) blank, concave, empty, false, insincere, cavernous, (n) cavity, hole, cave, depression, groove, excavation, trench, gap, sinus, basin,
(v) excavate, dent, scoop, dig; antonyms (adj) convex, (n)
solid, hump. izdomājums figment; synonyms (n) fancy, chimera, fabrication, fable, fantasy, invention, myth, conceit, shadow, delusion, phantom, falsehood, maggot, bubble, improvisation, nightmare, production. izdošana 1. publishing; synonyms (n) issue, publication, announcement, arraignment, denunciation, dissemination, proclamation, 2. publication; synonyms (n) book, newspaper, periodical, journal, declaration, disclosure, promulgation, volume, circular, magazine, issuance, bulletin, handbook, notice, pronouncement, publishing, brochure, codex, enchiridion, (v) authorship, 3. extradition; synonyms (n) exile, banishment, deportation, expulsion, relegation, transportation, expatriation. izdot 1. publish; synonyms (v) declare, announce, disclose, circulate, divulge, issue, proclaim, communicate, notify, advertise, broadcast, print, promulgate, spread, expose, post, herald, pronounce, edit, air, 2. expend; synonyms (v) consume, disburse, exhaust, spend, dissipate, squander, use, deplete, employ, absorb, occupy, lavish, lose, pay, scatter, drop, effuse; antonyms (v) conserve, save, 3. issue; synonyms (n) aftermath, egress, consequence, effect, event, exit, progeny, result, conclusion, denouement, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release, discharge, gush, debouch, distribute, emit; izdot skaņu speak; izdot
noteikumus rule. izdruka listing; synonyms (n) list, inventory, record, roll, catalog, index, bill, register, itemisation, itemization. izdzēst 1. delete; synonyms (v) cancel, erase, clear, expunge, raze, cut, destroy, edit, excise, obliterate, remove, scratch, redact, annul, omit, dele; antonyms (v) insert, record, 2. extinguish; synonyms (v) exterminate, quench, annihilate, douse, eradicate, consume, end, suppress, quash, devastate, crush, decimate, efface, eliminate, extirpate, ravage, stifle, subvert, choke, (adj) allay; antonyms (v) light, ignite. izeja 1. exit; synonyms (n) departure, door, egress, outlet, gate, going, passage, vent, death, entrance, exodus, expiration, issue, (v) depart, go, leave, decease, die, escape, expire; antonyms (n) arrival, entry, (v) enter, 2. egress; synonyms (n) egression, exit, emergence, emersion, (v) emerge. izgatavošana make; synonyms (v) build, cause, construct, do, create, fashion, force, get, give, produce, let, compel, constitute, design, drive, erect, execute, fabricate, fetch, (n) form; antonyms (v) destroy, lose. izglītība education; synonyms (n) training, discipline, instruction, teaching, breeding, background, culture, enlightenment, knowledge, learning, nurture, pedagogy, schooling, literacy, tuition, experience, preparation;
īpašā izglītība special education; obligātā izglītība compulsory education; augstākā izglītība higher education; pieaugušo izglītība adult education; praktiskā izglītība practical training; profesionālā izglītība vocational education; sporta izglītība physical education; tehniskā izglītība technical education; valsts
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Latvian - English izglītība public education; veselības izglītība health education. izglītošana schooling; synonyms (n) education, instruction, learning, training, school, coaching, edification, teaching, preparation; pieaugušo
izglītošana adult education; ekoloģiskā izglītošana environmental education. izglītots 1. cultured; synonyms (adj) refined, polite, civilized, cultivated, educated, elegant, erudite, genteel, learned, scholarly, sophisticated, urbane, gentle, suave, ladylike, nice, polished, artistic; antonyms (adj) coarse, ignorant, 2. educated; synonyms (v) instructed, (adj) cultured, enlightened, lettered, trained, informed, taught; antonym (adj) uneducated, 3. learned; synonyms (v) knowing, (adj) knowledgeable, wise, academic, bookish, intellectual, literary, studious, conversant, literate, sagacious, sage, skilled, skillful, versed, conditioned; antonym (adj) innate. izgudrojums invention; synonyms (n) contrivance, conception, fabrication, creation, fiction, imagination, discovery, artifice, design, device, excogitation, forgery, innovation, fable, creativity, falsehood, fantasy, idea, lie, breakthrough. izgudrot invent; synonyms (v) devise, fabricate, forge, form, coin, concoct, create, design, excogitate, imagine, construct, contrive, discover, formulate, frame, hatch, feign, fake, compose, mint. izgudrotājs inventor; synonyms (n) architect, artificer, creator, discoverer, founder, originator, builder, contriver, engineer, maker, producer. iziešana exit; synonyms (n) departure, door, egress, outlet, gate, going, passage, vent, death, entrance, exodus, expiration, issue, (v) depart, go, leave, decease, die, escape, expire; antonyms (n) arrival, entry, (v) enter. izjaukt dismantle; synonyms (v) demolish, destroy, strip, deprive, disassemble, disintegrate, dismember, disrobe, divest, level, raze, undress; antonyms (v) assemble, erect, raise. izkalkulēšana calculation; synonyms (n) reckoning, account, analysis, arithmetic, computation, deliberation, discretion, estimate, forecast, anticipation, projection, count, expectation, figuring, guess, (v) estimation, (adj) circumspection, prudence. izkapts scythe; synonyms (n) ankle, crane, crotch, crutch, elbow, fluke, groin, knee, knuckle, (v) sithe; izkapts
pēda foot. izkārnījumi faeces; synonyms (n) dejection, dung, excrement, feces, ordure, stool, evacuation. izkārtojums layout; synonyms (n) arrangement, composition, design, plan, array, order, outline, scheme, display; kaujas izkārtojums order of battle. izķēmojums disfigurement; synonyms (n) blemish, deformity, defacement, disfiguration, scar, mutilation. izklaidēšanās amusement; synonyms (n) distraction, diversion, entertainment, pastime, pleasure, recreation, sport, enjoyment, hobby, joy, laughter, play, dissipation, delight, festivity, game, glee, happiness, hilarity, leisure; antonyms (n) sadness, boredom.
izklāt line; synonyms (n) cord, file, house, breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry, border, boundary, cable, crease, row, stock, trace, way, birth, (v) order, wrinkle. izkliedēšana dispersal; synonyms (n) diffusion, dissipation, circulation, dispersion, dissemination, distribution, dissolution, breakup, airing, disappearance, evaporation, formation, spreading, flow. izkopšana perfection; synonyms (n) excellence, consummation, ideal, maturity, paragon, completeness, completion, finish, crown, development, flawlessness, ripeness, integrity, complete, perfect, idol, prime; antonym (n) imperfection. izkrāpt defraud; synonyms (v) cheat, con, bamboozle, deceive, swindle, trick, mislead, rob, victimize, circumvent, bluff, bilk, chouse, cozen, diddle, do, dupe, fiddle, fleece, gull. izkratīt ransack; synonyms (v) loot, pillage, plunder, comb, despoil, rifle, seek, rake, raid, foray, maraud, pry, rob, sack, search, strip, delve, steal, (n) rummage, explore. izkraušana discharge; synonyms (n) release, dismissal, drain, explosion, (v) acquit, clear, absolve, complete, deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce, detonate, disgorge, empty, exonerate, expel, flow; antonyms (v) capture, hire. izkraut 1. unload; synonyms (v) discharge, drop, empty, unlade, clear, tip, unburden, exonerate, free, dump, relieve, offload, acquit, deliver, disencumber, dismiss, (adj) disburden; antonyms (v) load, fill, 2. discharge; synonyms (n) release, dismissal, drain, explosion, ooze, escape, (v) absolve, complete, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce, detonate, disgorge, expel, flow, perform, leak, accomplish; antonyms (v) capture, hire. izkravāt unpack; synonyms (v) undo, unbind, discharge, remove, unchain, unload, unloose, unship, withdraw, clear, draw, dump, except, excerpt, exclude, extract, free, omit, pull, deliver. izkrāvums discharge; synonyms (n) release, dismissal, drain, explosion, (v) acquit, clear, absolve, complete, deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce, detonate, disgorge, empty, exonerate, expel, flow; antonyms (v) capture, hire. izkrist fail; synonyms (v) abort, collapse, fade, cease, abandon, break, bust, default, deteriorate, die, disappoint, flag, want, droop, backfire, bomb, decay, (adj) decline, drop, abate; antonyms (v) succeed, triumph. izkropļošana abuse; synonyms (n) affront, misuse, harm, outrage, reproach, invective, maltreatment, revilement, vilification, (v) insult, mistreat, injure, assault, censure, damage, exploit, hurt, pervert, (adj) maltreat, profane; antonyms (v) praise, respect. izlabot 1. redress; synonyms (n) remedy, indemnification, help, amends, atonement, compensation, correction, damages, indemnity, relief, (v) cure, compensate, correct, recompense, indemnify, expiate, atone, rectify, mend, adjust, 2. correct (pareizs); synonyms (adj) right, accurate, appropriate, becoming, nice, precise, proper, apt, befitting, decorous, exact, (v) amend, castigate, chastise, chasten, better, straighten, check, discipline, (n) true; antonyms (adj) incorrect, false, faulty,
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Latvian - English inappropriate, mistaken, improper, (v) wrong, spoil, 3.
amend; synonyms (v) ameliorate, improve, alter, emend, fix, reform, redress, repair, revise, advance, change, meliorate, modify, reclaim, rework, transform, vary; antonym (v) worsen; related translations pareizs accurate (akurāts). izlaide output; synonyms (n) crop, harvest, turnout, yield, outturn, product, expenditure, (v) outcome. izlaidums 1. number; synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act, issue, volume, character, company, digit, multitude, (v) calculate, aggregate, enumerate, figure, total, come, add, account, compute, list, 2. issue; synonyms (n) aftermath, egress, consequence, effect, event, exit, progeny, result, conclusion, denouement, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release, discharge, gush, circulate, debouch, distribute, 3. omission; synonyms (n) failure, error, exclusion, fault, ellipsis, inadvertence, mistake, neglect, oversight, flaw, default, deletion, pretermission, slip, disregard, exception, repudiation, inobservance, lapse, (adj) defect; antonyms (n) inclusion, adherence. izlaist omit; synonyms (v) fail, neglect, disregard, delete, forget, except, exclude, drop, ignore, leave, pretermit, expunge, erase, lose, eliminate, overlook, default, (adj) skip, jump, (n) forsake; antonym (v) include; izlaist
tvaiku steam; izlaist caur slūžām lock. izlase selection; synonyms (n) election, choice, option, alternative, extract, quotation, assortment, pick, preference, range, collection, appointment, excerpt, volition, voting, vote, adoption, picking, decision, indication; tipiska izlase representative sample. izlasīt sort; synonyms (n) kind, type, assortment, breed, description, form, rank, variety, pattern, fashion, nature, order, organize, range, (v) class, group, arrange, classify, divide, (adj) manner. izlaupīt sack; synonyms (n) pocket, pouch, sac, poke, purse, rape, (v) pillage, bag, plunder, discharge, dismiss, despoil, fire, ransack, rob, rifle, can, loot, eject, devastate; antonym (v) hire. izlemt 1. rule; synonyms (n) govern, order, decree, dominion, law, ordinance, principle, regulate, reign, authority, dictate, government, line, precept, (v) command, control, influence, direct, dominate, measure, 2. decide; synonyms (v) choose, determine, adjudicate, conclude, resolve, judge, settle, try, arbitrate, arrange, fix, purpose, rule, select, deem, define, appoint, consider, adjust, end; antonym (v) waver. izlietošana utilization; synonyms (n) use, application, employment, exercise, utilisation, usage, practice, consumption, function, purpose, service; ļaunprātīga
izlietošana abuse; papīra izlietošana paper consumption. izlietot utilize; synonyms (v) employ, use, apply, exert, exercise, utilise, take, harness, spend, expend, give, hire, implement, ply, resort, tap, (n) exploit; nepareizi
izlietot abuse. izlikšanās pretence; synonyms (n) deceit, guise, deception, dissimulation, pretense, pretext, bluff, pretension, simulation, dissembling, feigning. izlikt line; synonyms (n) cord, file, house, breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry, border, boundary, cable,
crease, row, stock, trace, way, birth, (v) order, wrinkle;
izlikt lamatas trap. izlikties counterfeit; synonyms (adj) mock, artificial, assumed, false, falsify, imitation, adulterate, bastard, bogus, deceitful, feigned, fictitious, (v) fake, sham, forge, ape, feign, (n) copy, duplicate, forgery; antonyms (adj) genuine, real, (n) original. izlocīšanās dodge; synonyms (v) circumvent, avoid, evade, maneuver, duck, elude, escape, fudge, hedge, parry, shirk, sidestep, (n) contrivance, stratagem, cheat, device, quibble, ruse, scheme, trick. izlocīties dodge; synonyms (v) circumvent, avoid, evade, maneuver, duck, elude, escape, fudge, hedge, parry, shirk, sidestep, (n) contrivance, stratagem, cheat, device, quibble, ruse, scheme, trick. izlūkošana reconnaissance; synonyms (n) exploration, examination, investigation, speculation, watch, foray, hunt, judgment, look, raid, reconnoissance, (v) reconnoitering; elektroniskā izlūkošana electronic
intelligence; tehniskā izlūkošana technical intelligence; ķīmiskā izlūkošana chemical survey; mērķa izlūkošana target intelligence. izlūkot explore; synonyms (v) delve, examine, search, research, discover, hunt, investigate, plumb, probe, prospect, scrutinize, view, do, detect, spy, feel, inquire, inspect, ransack, (n) reconnoiter. izmaksa payment; synonyms (n) pay, compensation, bonus, charge, cost, defrayal, expense, recompense, remuneration, installment, deposit, contribution, defrayment, duty, fee, money, price, refund, reparation, (adj) penalty; antonym (n) non-payment. izmaksas outlay; synonyms (n) cost, expenditure, expense, disbursement, charge, outgo, spending, fee, expenses, payment, disbursal, expending, (v) expend, spend; antonym (n) income; īpašuma kopējās
izmaksas total cost of ownership; administratīvās izmaksas administrative costs; kopējās izmaksas total costs; klientu piesaistes izmaksas acquisition costs; kārtējās izmaksas current cost; kārtējās darba izmaksas current service cost; kapitālieguldījumu izmaksas capital expenditure; maksimālās izmaksas marginal costs; neparedzētās izmaksas extraordinary expenses; ieguldījumu izmaksas investment costs. izmānīt defraud; synonyms (v) cheat, con, bamboozle, deceive, swindle, trick, mislead, rob, victimize, circumvent, bluff, bilk, chouse, cozen, diddle, do, dupe, fiddle, fleece, gull. izmantošana utilization; synonyms (n) use, application, employment, exercise, utilisation, usage, practice, consumption, function, purpose, service; ūdens
izmantošana water use; ļaunprātīga izmantošana abuse; izmantošana privātām vajadzībām private use; uzticības ļaunprātīga izmantošana abuse of trust. izmantot 1. use; synonyms (n) custom, practice, benefit, habit, application, function, (v) exercise, employ, employment, expend, profit, advantage, exploit, occupy, operate, spend, exert, need, (adj) usage, service;
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Latvian - English antonym (v) conserve, 2. employ; synonyms (v) apply, use, consume, engage, hire, wield, busy, ply, retain, take, utilize, work, commit, charter, put, appoint, enlist, harness, rent, (n) situation; antonyms (v) fire, dismiss, 3. utilize; synonyms (v) utilise, give, implement, resort, tap, 4. exercise; synonyms (n) discipline, play, movement, action, activity, example, operation, rehearsal, maneuver, assignment, (v) drill, train, educate, do, behave, habituate, accustom, act, execute, try, 5. exploit; synonyms (v) abuse, prey, capitalize, develop, manipulate, misuse, (n) deed, achievement, feat, accomplishment, adventure, effort, performance, doing, endeavor; nepareizi izmantot abuse; nelietīgi
izmantot strain; ļaunprātīgi izmantot abuse. izmçrs 1. measure; synonyms (n) amount, criterion, extent, beat, benchmark, degree, estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, act, allotment, action, bill, dose, (v) grade, appraise, assess, evaluate, fathom, 2. size; synonyms (n) measure, bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions, largeness, glue, breadth, magnitude, mass, sizing, proportion, content, bigness, compass, enormity, fatness, (v) gauge, scale, (adj) gum; antonyms (n) length, slenderness. izmēģinājums 1. trial; synonyms (n) test, examination, experiment, affliction, essay, hardship, hearing, adversity, audition, attempt, difficulty, distress, effort, endeavor, misery, proof, trouble, assay, misfortune, (adj) experimental, 2. test; synonyms (n) trial, measure, criterion, inspection, gauge, exam, experience, experimentation, tryout, (v) examine, prove, quiz, sample, check, try, analyze, probe, verify, screen, taste;
klīnisks izmēģinājums clinical trial. izmēģināt try; synonyms (v) attempt, test, struggle, prove, strive, assay, examine, experiment, judge, sample, strain, probe, seek, taste, (n) endeavor, essay, chance, effort, shot, go. izmeklēšana 1. inquiry; synonyms (n) examination, enquiry, investigation, exploration, hearing, inquest, query, question, research, trial, demand, analysis, inspection, probe, study, survey, review, inquisition, interrogation, (v) search, 2. investigation; synonyms (n) inquiry, scrutiny, check, investigating, audit, hunt, experiment, inquire, quest, test, indagation, surveillance;
nelaimes gadījumu izmeklēšana accident investigation. izmeklēt examine; synonyms (v) assay, audit, consider, overhaul, try, check, control, search, survey, ascertain, ask, contemplate, compare, analyze, canvass, essay, investigate, probe, quiz, review. izmērīt gauge; synonyms (n) criterion, caliber, gage, calibre, benchmark, indicator, (v) estimate, measure, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make, reckon, forecast, scale, appraise, evaluate, figure, guess;
izmērīt soļiem pace. izmērs 1. measure; synonyms (n) amount, criterion, extent, beat, benchmark, degree, estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, act, allotment, action, bill, dose, (v) grade, appraise, assess, evaluate, fathom, 2. size; synonyms (n) measure, bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions, largeness, glue, breadth, magnitude, mass, sizing, proportion, content, bigness, compass, enormity,
fatness, (v) gauge, scale, (adj) gum; antonyms (n) length, slenderness, 3. dimension; synonyms (n) size, attribute, range, stretch, balance; tabulas izmērs table size;
kolumnas izmērs page size; grauda izmērs grain size. izmete dump; synonyms (n) shit, (v) discard, ditch, abandon, drop, empty, tip, pour, renounce, cut, fling, floor, jettison, leave, scrap, toss, unload, coldcock, deck; antonym (v) keep. iznākums 1. outcome; synonyms (n) aftermath, consequence, effect, issue, product, fruit, development, end, event, result, decision, conclusion, corollary, outgrowth, purpose, sequel, upshot, offspring, answer, impact, 2. result; synonyms (n) outcome, produce, repercussion, resolution, deduction, finale, harvest, solution, termination, backwash, (v) ensue, follow, eventuate, arise, develop, lead, originate, occur, leave, proceed; antonym (v) cause; produkcijas iznākums
output. izņemot except; synonyms (conj) but, unless, (prep) save, excepting, excluding, (v) exclude, demur, omit, exempt, object, reserve, saving, (n) bar, without, (adv) besides; antonym (v) include. izņēmums exception; synonyms (n) exclusion, objection, exemption, anomaly, immunity, peculiarity, privilege, release, repudiation, condition, salvo, animadversion; antonym (n) inclusion. iznēsāt carry; synonyms (v) bear, bring, convey, conduct, take, acquit, behave, accept, comport, hold, pack, transport, load, assume, admit, adopt, act, capture, cart, channel. iznīcināšana elimination; synonyms (n) cancellation, discharge, excretion, annihilation, abolition, deletion, ejection, eradication, evacuation, exclusion, liquidation, omission, purge, riddance, segregation, separation, destruction, (v) removal; antonyms (n) addition, establishment; steidzama kodolieroču
iznīcināšana emergency destruction of nuclear weapons; mīnu iznīcināšana mine disposal. iznīcināt eliminate; synonyms (v) abolish, delete, rid, annihilate, cancel, dispel, eradicate, extinguish, obliterate, take, clear, destroy, discard, dismiss, erase, except, exclude, excrete, murder, omit. iznīcinošs destructive; synonyms (adj) baneful, deadly, hurtful, malign, baleful, evil, fatal, harmful, injurious, mischievous, noxious, pernicious, deleterious, calamitous, negative, vicious, slaughterous, corrosive, damaging, detrimental; antonyms (adj) harmless, constructive, creative. iznomāšana lease; synonyms (n) leasing, letting, rental, (v) hire, rent, charter, let, contract, demise, engage, take, give, employ, acquire, allow, buy, consider, convey, get. iznomāt lease; synonyms (n) leasing, letting, rental, (v) hire, rent, charter, let, contract, demise, engage, take, give, employ, acquire, allow, buy, consider, convey, get. iznomātājs lessor; synonyms (n) creditor, landlord, lender, mortgagee. izoderēt line; synonyms (n) cord, file, house, breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry, border,
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Latvian - English
boundary, cable, crease, row, stock, trace, way, birth, (v) order, wrinkle. izolācija insulation; synonyms (n) insularity, insulating, detachment, insulant, lining, isolation, insularism, blubber, breakup, casing, coat, cover, covering, disengagement, exclusiveness, flab, padding, sheath, sheathing, skin. izolēšana isolation; synonyms (n) alienation, estrangement, insulation, privacy, dissociation, loneliness, seclusion, secrecy, solitude, desolation, segregation, separation, disaffection; antonyms (n) closeness, companionship. izpārdošana sale; synonyms (n) fair, disposal, demand, market, vend, vendition, outlet, carnival, contract, dealings, emission, escape, festival, fête, inn, publication, purchase, transaction, vent, (adj) cheap. izpausme manifestation; synonyms (n) appearance, demonstration, display, exhibition, expression, indication, sign, advent, incarnation, demo, revelation, show, embodiment, form, look, apparition, evidence, mark, materialization, presence. izpeļņa earnings; synonyms (n) profit, salary, income, pay, profits, revenue, wage, compensation, gain, lucre, proceeds, receipts, remuneration, returns, takings, wages, yield; vidēja izpeļņa average earnings;
mēneša izpeļņa monthly earnings; izpeļņa pa mēnešiem monthly earnings. izpēte investigation; synonyms (n) examination, research, analysis, inquest, inquiry, inspection, scrutiny, check, review, search, exploration, investigating, study, trial, audit, interrogation, hunt, experiment, inquire, inquisition; tirgus izpēte market research; izpēte
II inspection; gadījumu izpēte case study; fonda izpēte stock analysis; ekonomiskā izpēte economic research; apmeklētāju izpēte audience research. izpētīšana investigation; synonyms (n) examination, research, analysis, inquest, inquiry, inspection, scrutiny, check, review, search, exploration, investigating, study, trial, audit, interrogation, hunt, experiment, inquire, inquisition. izpētīt explore; synonyms (v) delve, examine, search, research, discover, hunt, investigate, plumb, probe, prospect, scrutinize, view, do, detect, spy, feel, inquire, inspect, ransack, (n) reconnoiter. izpildāms feasible; synonyms (adj) practicable, possible, probable, fit, achievable, available, credible, doable, likely, practical, realizable, viable, attainable, executable, plausible, thinkable, workable; antonym (adj) impossible. izpilde 1. fulfilment; synonym (n) fulfillment, 2. execution; synonyms (n) performance, accomplishment, achievement, effect, enforcement, implementation, action, discharge, executing, doing, effectuation, administration, completion, murder, act, end, consummation, feat, killing, result; tūlītēja
izpilde immediate execution; likuma izpilde law enforcement; budžeta izpilde budget execution. izpildījums 1. performance; synonyms (n) act, discharge, achievement, execution, fulfillment, observance, accomplishment, deed, completion, exploit,
implementation, operation, recital, work, doing, fact, compliance, expression, (v) action, efficiency; antonyms (n) omission, practice, 2. accomplishment; synonyms (n) attainment, feat, performance, skill, acquisition, success, effort, record, finish, ability, acquirement, fruition, proficiency, qualification, triumph; antonym (n) failure; eksekūcija izpildījums execution. izpildīšana 1. pursuance; synonyms (n) performance, prosecution, pursuit, quest, search, chase, following, effect, hunt, perseverance, consequence, seeking, 2. performance; synonyms (n) act, discharge, achievement, execution, fulfillment, observance, accomplishment, deed, completion, exploit, implementation, operation, recital, work, doing, fact, compliance, expression, (v) action, efficiency; antonyms (n) omission, practice, 3. execution; synonyms (n) enforcement, executing, effectuation, administration, murder, end, consummation, feat, killing, result, acceptance, mechanism; likuma izpildīšana law
enforcement. izpildīt 1. effect; synonyms (n) consequence, product, result, sequel, aftermath, conclusion, impression, outgrowth, (v) accomplish, achieve, create, cause, complete, do, bring, carry, execute, induce, perform, use; antonym (n) reason, 2. accomplish; synonyms (v) compass, reach, attain, fulfill, make, perfect, realize, consummate, effect, finish, gain, get, implement, manage, succeed, work, operate, score, hit, act, 3. implement; synonyms (v) fulfil, apply, enforce, discharge, (n) tool, apparatus, utensil, appliance, device, instrument, gadget, organ, contrivance, machine, thing, rod, 4. fulfil; synonyms (v) fill, satisfy, meet, 5. administer; synonyms (v) dispense, distribute, deal, give, rule, administrate, allot, direct, handle, minister, oversee, run, supervise, supply, treat, apportion, furnish, govern, (n) command, control, 6. perform; synonyms (v) appear, behave, play, enact, function, administer, produce, comply, go, keep, observe, practice, represent, transact, declaim, display, portray, effectuate, obey, (n) manufacture; antonym (v) neglect; gatavas izpildīt
willing. izpildītājs performer; synonyms (n) actor, musician, artiste, doer, player, conjurer, juggler, magician, thespian, agent, stager, (v) affector; vietas pagaidu
izpildītājs acting; vietas izpildītājs acting; amata pagaidu izpildītājs acting; amata izpildītājs acting. izpildīts finished; synonyms (v) done, (adj) complete, completed, ended, perfect, consummate, absolute, accomplished, polished, ripe, ruined, spent, round, capable, decided, final, elegant, concluded, exhausted, (adv) over; antonyms (adj) unfinished, incomplete, remaining, rough. izpildvara executive; synonyms (n) administrator, manager, director, administration, boss, officer, official, supervisor, commissioner, governor, head, management, government, minister, (adj) administrative, managerial, (v) authoritative. izpirkšana redemption; synonyms (n) ransom, atonement, salvation, discharge, expiation, buyback, performance, repurchase, fulfillment, acquittal,
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Latvian - English observance, recompense, release, reparation, rescue, satisfaction. izplānot design; synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, copy, blueprint, (v) plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct, arrange, contemplate, intend; antonym (n) chance. izplatījums space; synonyms (n) length, gap, opening, period, place, scope, void, margin, distance, emptiness, extent, interval, latitude, location, range, room, field, volume, berth, (v) separate. izplatīšana circulation; synonyms (n) dissemination, diffusion, distribution, currency, delivery, dispersal, dispersion, gyration, revolution, rotation, round, spread, spreading, turn, airing. izplatīt 1. disseminate; synonyms (v) disperse, broadcast, circulate, diffuse, propagate, spread, distribute, popularize, scatter, sow, air, carry, dispel, promulgate, sprinkle, strew, transmit, circularise, circularize, continue, 2. spread; synonyms (v) reach, expand, extend, disseminate, increase, stretch, broaden, deploy, enlarge, dilate, open, range, smear, (n) span, dissemination, expanse, expansion, feast, propagation, scattering; antonym (adj) concentrated, 3. retail; synonyms (adj) commercial, (v) sell, issue, merchandise, trade, wholesale, utter, vend, handle, market, report, resell, (n) dispense, business, buying, exchange, export, import, price, selling. izplatīties spread; synonyms (v) scatter, reach, disperse, expand, extend, broadcast, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, increase, propagate, stretch, broaden, deploy, enlarge, dilate, distribute, (n) span, dissemination, expanse; antonym (adj) concentrated. izpostīt destroy; synonyms (v) break, demolish, blight, despoil, annihilate, blast, crush, dash, destruct, devastate, devour, dismantle, end, eradicate, extinguish, kill, (adj) desolate, abolish, consume, (n) murder; antonyms (v) build, preserve, create, make. izpratne realization; synonyms (n) execution, accomplishment, awareness, comprehension, fulfillment, implementation, actualization, fruition, realisation, completion, grasp, achievement, actualisation, attainment, consummation, performance, recognition, understanding, conception, consciousness. izprotams realizable; synonyms (adj) achievable, doable, possible, attainable, feasible, accomplishable, marketable, available, liquid, obtainable, reachable, realistic. izputēšana ruination; synonyms (n) devastation, ruin, desolation, downfall, destruction, ruining, decay, undoing, collapse; antonym (n) purification. izraisīt cause; synonyms (n) case, action, occasion, account, basis, campaign, excuse, lawsuit, (v) make, breed, do, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, engender, inspire, let, motivate; antonym (n) consequence. izraksts extract; synonyms (n) excerpt, essence, juice, quotation, quote, citation, passage, (v) draw, abstract, derive, educe, elicit, distill, express, get, extort, cull, distil, mine, pull; konta izraksts bank statement. izrakumi excavation; synonyms (n) mine, pit, dig, digging, hole, hollow, ditch, shaft.
izrēķināt cipher; synonyms (n) figure, zero, nothing, cypher, nil, number, code, cryptograph, digit, naught, nobody, nonentity, null, device, (v) calculate, compute, encode, encrypt, reckon, solve. izrietošs resultant; synonyms (adj) consequent, resulting, ensuant, subsequent, (n) consequence, event, eliminant, outcome, result. izrunāt pronounce; synonyms (v) enunciate, articulate, affirm, declare, say, assert, deliver, express, utter, announce, decree, judge, proclaim, rule, speak, vocalize, pass, (n) allege, give, maintain; izrunāt ar akcentu
accent. izsaiņot unpack; synonyms (v) undo, unbind, discharge, remove, unchain, unload, unloose, unship, withdraw, clear, draw, dump, except, excerpt, exclude, extract, free, omit, pull, deliver. Izsalcis hungry; synonyms (adj) avid, eager, esurient, famished, greedy, ravenous, starving, desirous, meager, starveling, barren, keen, peckish, thirsty, voracious, carnivorous, longing, predatory, (v) craving, (adv) empty; antonyms (adj) full, sated, satiated. izsalkums hunger; synonyms (n) desire, thirst, appetite, craving, wish, itch, eagerness, famine, longing, starvation, yen, greed, (v) crave, want, ache, long, lust, yearn, covet, famish; antonym (n) moderation. izsaukt page; synonyms (n) attendant, footboy, usher, note, pageboy, varlet, context, donzel, (v) paginate, summon. izsaukums call; synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name, shout, bid, summon, howl, address, baptize, cite, dub, entitle, invite, scream, (n) appeal, yell, appoint, command, demand, request; antonym (v) dismiss; procedūras
izsaukums procedure call; procedūras attālais izsaukums remote procedure call; pamestais izsaukums abandoned call; izsaukums RPC remote procedure call; gaidošais izsaukums call waiting; dienesta izsaukums service call; citmaksas izsaukums collect call; attāls procedūras izsaukums remote procedure call; ārkārtas izsaukums emergency call. izsekot track; synonyms (n) course, path, line, racetrack, road, route, circuit, orbit, (v) trace, trail, hunt, tail, chase, pursue, dog, follow, footprint, stalk, mark, footstep. izsēt disseminate; synonyms (v) disperse, broadcast, circulate, diffuse, propagate, spread, distribute, popularize, scatter, sow, air, carry, dispel, promulgate, sprinkle, strew, transmit, circularise, circularize, continue. izsijāšana screening; synonyms (n) screen, sieving, concealment, cover, covering, masking, viewing, showing, display. izsitumi rash; synonyms (adj) foolhardy, imprudent, heedless, impetuous, precipitate, reckless, audacious, careless, headlong, heady, impulsive, incautious, inconsiderate, indiscreet, sudden, thoughtless, precipitous, desperate, (n) hasty, eruption; antonyms (adj) cautious, careful, sensible, considered, deliberate, wise. izskaidrojams accountable; synonyms (adj) amenable, answerable, responsible, (v) liable.
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Latvian - English
izskaidrojums explanation; synonyms (n) account, annotation, commentary, definition, description, exposition, excuse, gloss, interpretation, justification, solution, key, answer, caption, apology, basis, clarification, comment, elucidation, explication; antonym (n) mystery. izskaidrošana interpretation; synonyms (n) version, construction, explanation, exposition, clarification, commentary, illustration, definition, interpreting, translation, analysis, description, performance, reading, understanding, explication, gloss, account, evaluation, meaning. izskaidrot explain; synonyms (v) comment, elucidate, interpret, account, clarify, decipher, define, describe, enlighten, excuse, explicate, expound, gloss, solve, denote, annotate, answer, demonstrate, expand, illuminate; antonym (v) confuse. izskatīt revise; synonyms (v) edit, amend, emend, alter, convert, correct, fix, retouch, reform, adapt, reconsider, modify, rectify, redress, remedy, (n) review, revisal, revision, proof, (adj) overhaul; no jauna izskatīt
review. izskatīties look; synonyms (v) seem, appear, expect, figure, attend, eye, (n) face, gaze, appearance, aspect, air, countenance, expression, glance, guise, view, cast, feel, front, (int) behold. izskats look; synonyms (v) seem, appear, expect, figure, attend, eye, (n) face, gaze, appearance, aspect, air, countenance, expression, glance, guise, view, cast, feel, front, (int) behold. izšķērdēšana devastation; synonyms (n) destruction, demolition, desolation, ruin, waste, catastrophe, damage, disaster, havoc, obliteration, wreck, annihilation, depredation, calamity, downfall, ravage, ravaging, bleakness; antonym (n) construction. izslēgšana elimination; synonyms (n) cancellation, discharge, excretion, annihilation, abolition, deletion, ejection, eradication, evacuation, exclusion, liquidation, omission, purge, riddance, segregation, separation, destruction, (v) removal; antonyms (n) addition, establishment; rindu izslēgšana justification;
izslēgšana no aprites disposal. izslēgt 1. exclude; synonyms (v) banish, bar, eject, except, expel, discharge, ban, debar, shut, disallow, eliminate, forbid, omit, ostracize, deny, dismiss, veto, discard, disqualify, (adj) excommunicate; antonyms (v) include, incorporate, admit, comprise, permit, 2. eliminate; synonyms (v) abolish, delete, rid, annihilate, cancel, dispel, eradicate, extinguish, obliterate, take, clear, destroy, erase, exclude, excrete, murder, pass, prune, reject, remove. izsludināšana promulgation; synonyms (n) announcement, annunciation, proclamation, publication, declaration, dissemination, pronouncement. izsmeļošs exhaustive; synonyms (adj) complete, comprehensive, detailed, profound, thorough, close, full, sweeping, thoroughgoing. izsniegšana 1. dispensation; synonyms (n) allotment, liberty, disposal, distribution, exemption, freedom, release, license, administration, part, endowment, excuse, exoneration, immunity, leave, permission, cession, favor, 2. delivery; synonyms (n) childbirth,
birth, consignment, discharge, rescue, communication, confinement, deliverance, elocution, issue, surrender, articulation, post, lecture, nativity, transferral, circulation, (v) address, parturition, obstetrics; antonyms (n) death, dispatch. izstāde 1. exhibition; synonyms (n) demonstration, display, exhibit, exposition, exposure, fair, manifestation, presentation, show, spectacle, scene, appearance, array, expo, expression, pageant, parade, performance, presentment, representation, 2. display; synonyms (n) screen, exhibition, ostentation, showing, view, flash, monitor, pomp, (v) disclose, expose, produce, brandish, flaunt, indicate, reveal, demonstrate, discover, manifest, present, unfold; antonym (v) conceal;
vispārpieejama izstāde public exhibition; mākslas izstāde art exhibition. izstrādājumi ware; synonyms (n) commodity, wares, (adj) merchandise, cautious, commodities, aware, (v) beware, consume, squander, blow, deplete, desolate, devastate, devour, down, eat, emaciate, exhaust, have, ingest; juvelieru izstrādājumi jewellery; gatavi
izstrādājumi hardware; dzelzs izstrādājumi hardware. izstrādājums article; synonyms (n) section, object, thing, chapter, clause, commodity, composition, discourse, entity, essay, feature, paper, report, review, story, ware, passage, condition, dissertation, literature; ādas
izstrādājums leather; vērtīgs izstrādājums valuable item; rūpniecības izstrādājums industrial product. izstrādāšana 1. manufacture; synonyms (n) construction, fabrication, formation, production, creation, industry, assembly, (v) construct, make, frame, fabricate, produce, build, contrive, invent, form, forge, concoct, create, do, 2. manufacturing; synonyms (adj) industrial, developed, industrialized, mechanized, modern, (n) output, business, engineering, trade, accomplishment, assembling, casting, commerce, completion, composing, composition, erection, forging, mass-production, preparing. izstrādāt 1. develop; synonyms (v) advance, amplify, educate, expand, grow, breed, contract, acquire, bloom, blossom, break, bud, build, come, cultivate, elaborate, evolve, extend, flourish, increase; antonyms (v) decrease, erupt, neglect, regress, 2. manufacture; synonyms (n) construction, fabrication, formation, production, creation, industry, assembly, (v) construct, make, frame, fabricate, produce, contrive, invent, form, forge, concoct, create, do, fashion; sīki izstrādāt
mature; rūpīgi izstrādāt elaborate. izšuvums embroidery; synonyms (n) embellishment, needlework, fancywork, ornamentation, sewing, adornment, decoration, ornament, broidery, work, act, book, business, composition, conduce, drapery, duty, exaggeration, flap, fringe. izsvītrot delete; synonyms (v) cancel, erase, clear, expunge, raze, cut, destroy, edit, excise, obliterate, remove, scratch, redact, annul, omit, dele; antonyms (v) insert, record. iztaisnošana rectification; synonyms (n) correction, amendment, improvement, redress, revision, reform.
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Latvian - English iztaujāt question; synonyms (n) inquiry, challenge, demand, matter, problem, interrogation, issue, (v) doubt, query, distrust, inquire, interrogate, investigate, contest, dispute, examine, enquire, mistrust, argue, ask; antonyms (n) certainty, (v) answer. izteiksme expression; synonyms (n) diction, phrase, voice, appearance, aspect, declaration, demonstration, manifestation, articulation, express, countenance, face, idiom, indication, language, look, saying, style, term, tone; antonym (n) repression; sejas izteiksme air;
loģiskā izteiksme logical expression. izteikt 1. express; synonyms (v) exhibit, articulate, convey, declare, demonstrate, display, mean, say, state, tell, (adj) explicit, direct, definite, distinct, especial, clear, exact, speedy, specific, (n) denote; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, (adj) slow, vague, 2. state; synonyms (n) nation, position, country, kingdom, show, place, circumstances, commonwealth, condition, estate, pomp, (v) expound, express, mention, affirm, allege, announce, assert, enunciate, (adj) national; antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private; īsi izteikt brief; izteikt atzinību
acknowledge; izteikt rājienu lecture. izteikties declare; synonyms (v) announce, advertise, affirm, allege, assert, say, attest, acknowledge, admit, aver, avow, proclaim, call, divulge, express, promulgate, pronounce, speak, confess, (adj) communicate; antonym (v) deny. izteikums utterance; synonyms (n) declaration, expression, pronunciation, speech, exclamation, articulation, remark, statement, observation, language, phrase, speaking, tongue, voice, comment, emission, prolation, strain. izteka source (avots); synonyms (n) origin, root, cause, commencement, beginning, reason, head, parent, basis, derivation, germ, headspring, original, origination, reference, seed, spring, birth, base, reservoir; related translations avots fount (burtlējiens). iztēle 1. fancy; synonyms (v) daydream, imagine, wish, consider, crotchet, envision, like, (adj) conceive, elaborate, extravagant, ween, (n) desire, caprice, fantasy, dream, conceit, conception, idea, imagination, thought; antonyms (adj) plain, unadorned, (n) reality, 2. imagination; synonyms (n) fancy, vision, imagery, invention, originality, imaginativeness, inventiveness, notion, reflection, resource, pretense, resourcefulness. iztīrīšana clearance; synonyms (n) clearing, clearage, disposal, headroom, settlement, acquittance, authorization, license, permit, room, acquittal; antonyms (n) blockage, retention. iztīt unwrap; synonyms (v) undo, unfold, open, loosen, uncover, untie, (adj) unbend, uncurl, unravel; antonym (v) wrap. iztrūkums deficit; synonyms (n) deficiency, failure, shortage, dearth, lack, arrears, absence, scarcity, shortfall, (adj) defect; antonym (n) excess; svara
iztrūkums short weight; iztrūkums preces piegādē short delivery. iztukšot 1. exhaust; synonyms (v) consume, drain, spend, empty, tire, deplete, expend, sap, use, dry, debilitate, enervate, evacuate, finish, harass, weary, eat, (adj) waste, dissipate, fatigue; antonyms (v) conserve, refresh,
invigorate, 2. empty; synonyms (adj) discharge, hollow, destitute, bare, blank, barren, abandoned, deserted, vain, airy, exhausted, (v) clear, desolate, pour, spill, void, devoid, dump, eject, exhaust; antonyms (adj) full, crowded, meaningful, packed, brimming, inhabited, occupied, swarming, cultivated, filled, laden, (v) fill. izturēšanās 1. dealing; synonyms (n) commerce, trade, transaction, deal, exchange, business, concern, conduct, dealings, distribution, handling, traffic, barter, 2. behaviour; synonyms (n) behavior, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, doings; stīva izturēšanās
ceremony; augstprātīga izturēšanās air. izturēties 1. treat; synonyms (v) handle, deal, manage, process, heal, nurse, regale, operate, doctor, conduct, dress, entertain, address, (n) feast, administer, delicacy, luxury, tidbit, banquet, entertainment, 2. act; synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, decree, do, feat, law, performance, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go, perform, acquit, enact, feign, pretend, work; antonym (v) refrain; izturēties labvēlīgi accept;
nekaunīgi izturēties cheek. izturība durability; synonyms (n) strength, continuity, durableness, longevity, stamina, endurance, firmness, hardiness, permanence, stability, toughness; antonym (n) frailty; mehāniskā izturība mechanical strength;
stiepes izturība breaking stress; termiskā izturība heat resistance. iztvaikošana vaporization; synonyms (n) evaporation, vapor, vaporisation, volatilization, condensation, dehydration, desiccation, distillation, humidity, rectification, vapour, diffusion, gassification. izvade output; synonyms (n) crop, harvest, turnout, yield, outturn, product, expenditure, (v) outcome; grafiskā
izvade graphics; datu izvade data output. izvaicāt question; synonyms (n) inquiry, challenge, demand, matter, problem, interrogation, issue, (v) doubt, query, distrust, inquire, interrogate, investigate, contest, dispute, examine, enquire, mistrust, argue, ask; antonyms (n) certainty, (v) answer. izvairīšanās 1. avoidance; synonyms (n) abstinence, escape, evasion, forbearance, cancellation, prevention, dodging, antipathy, desertion, distraction, diversion, escapism, evitation, pastime, phobia, shunning, anticipation, delay, departure, deterrence, 2. evasion; synonyms (n) avoidance, quibble, dodge, excuse, casuistry, shuffle, tergiversation, trick, (v) equivocation, subterfuge, prevarication, fencing, shift; antonym (n) payment, 3. dodge; synonyms (v) circumvent, avoid, evade, maneuver, duck, elude, fudge, hedge, parry, shirk, sidestep, beat, lurch, (n) contrivance, stratagem, cheat, device, ruse, scheme, wile. izvairīties 1. avoid; synonyms (v) shun, avert, parry, escape, evade, abstain, annul, circumvent, duck, elude, forbear, fudge, ignore, prevent, shirk, fly, beware, balk, debar, (adj) eschew; antonyms (v) confront, associate, face, tackle, 2. evade; synonyms (v) avoid, dodge, equivocate, hedge, sidestep, skirt, bilk, neglect, omit, prevaricate, quibble, block, deflect, fence, flee, baffle, 3. dodge; synonyms (v) maneuver, beat, lurch, blench, blink, (n) contrivance, stratagem, cheat, device, ruse, scheme, trick, wile, avoidance, feint, artifice, con,
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Latvian - English
deception, dodging, evasion, 4. shirk; synonyms (v) goldbrick, flinch, shy, slack, (n) truant, 5. shun; synonyms (v) refuse, banish, ostracize, reject, ban, blackball; izvairīties no atbildes fence. izveicība skill; synonyms (n) artifice, ability, capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse, accomplishment, address, adroitness, aptitude, cleverness, competence, cunning, expertise, facility, handicraft, (adj) dexterity, craft, art; antonyms (n) clumsiness, inability, incompetence. izveicīgs skilful; synonyms (adj) dexterous, cunning, expert, practised, adept, good, practiced, proficient, handy, artful, skillful. izveidošana creation; synonyms (n) cosmos, production, world, composition, invention, conception, construction, creature, fabrication, formation, foundation, founding, piece, product, universe, work, innovation, beginning, building, design; antonyms (n) destruction, end; veselā
izveidošana integration. izveidot 1. compose; synonyms (v) build, allay, compile, constitute, tranquilize, write, weave, adjust, arrange, compound, form, frame, pen, settle, (adj) assuage, appease, lull, pacify, soothe, (n) calm, 2. create; synonyms (v) cause, construct, make, produce, beget, breed, compose, do, establish, generate, institute, start, concoct, contrive, design, develop, devise, engender, erect, fashion; antonyms (v) destroy, terminate;
arrangement, location, posture, situation, stance, stand, status, case, disposition, (v) grade, locate, arrange, install, point, pose, 4. disposition; synonyms (n) bent, character, disposal, tendency, bias, inclination, predisposition, propensity, direction, aptitude, constitution, heart, humor, leaning, mettle, mood, nature, personality, proclivity, proneness; iedzīvotāju
izvietojums distribution of population. izvietot site; synonyms (n) place, position, locate, location, point, room, seat, situation, space, spot, area, ground, locality, setting, locale, settle, (v) post, set, lay, rank;
izvietot pa dzīvokļiem accommodate. izvilkt produce; synonyms (v) give, effect, cause, make, bring, present, procreate, breed, construct, create, form, frame, generate, fetch, prepare, bear, beget, develop, (n) gain, crop; izvilkt trumpi force; izvilkt krastā
beach. izvilkums extract; synonyms (n) excerpt, essence, juice, quotation, quote, citation, passage, (v) draw, abstract, derive, educe, elicit, distill, express, get, extort, cull, distil, mine, pull. izziņa reference; synonyms (n) citation, mention, quotation, quote, allusion, bearing, connection, recommendation, innuendo, annotation, character, concern, consultation, denotation, hint, implication, (v) cite, refer, note, regard; apdrošināšanas izziņa
cover note.
izveidot dīķi pond. izvēle 1. option; synonyms (n) choice, election, alternative, preference, possibility, selection, volition, refusal, opening, will, likelihood, opportunity, pick, wish, call, decision, pleasure, put; antonyms (n) essential, necessity, obligation, 2. alternative; synonyms (adj) alternate, alternating, variant, (n) option, substitute, variation, 3. selection; synonyms (n) extract, quotation, assortment, range, collection, appointment, excerpt, voting, vote, adoption, picking, indication, particularization, quote, stock, 4. preference; synonyms (n) inclination, liking, predilection, fondness, partiality, penchant, precedence, preferment, fancy, advantage, favoritism, priority, taste, desire, favorite, antecedence, leaning, promotion, tendency, discrimination, 5. choice; synonyms (n) elite, ballot, cream, top, (adj) best, excellent, select, exclusive, exquisite, superior, prize, admirable, dainty, delicious, elegant, fine, precious, rare, (v) chosen, judgment; antonym (adj) inferior; nejauša izvēle random
choice; burtu izvēle choice of type. izvest export; synonyms (n) exportation, business, buying, exchange, retail, selling, wholesale, (v) import, trade, smuggle, market, port, sell, ship, consign, dump, freight, transport, transship. izvietojums 1. location; synonyms (n) localization, orientation, position, berth, emplacement, fix, lieu, locale, locating, scene, setting, attitude, bearing, address, place, placement, positioning, post, rank, seat, 2. arrangement; synonyms (n) agreement, order, settlement, adjustment, array, classification, contract, design, distribution, method, plan, sequence, system, accommodation, appointment, accord, composition, construction, contrivance, covenant, 3. position; synonyms (n) lay, condition, employment, opinion, set,
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Latvian - English
īpašums 1. ownership; synonyms (n) control,
Ì ìimene family; synonyms (n) descent, household, name, breed, brood, clan, class, genus, house, kin, lineage, people, stock, species, birth, blood, category, (adj) home, ancestry, domestic.
Î îss short; synonyms (adj) brief, concise, scarce, brusque, close, curt, sharp, compendious, laconic, abrupt, deficient, diminutive, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, pithy, poor, scanty, small, blunt; antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy.
Ī īgns cross; synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, check, crossing, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, bilk, dash, divide, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered. īlens awl; synonyms (n) drill, gimlet, borer, auger, stiletto, broach, bit, chisel, perforator, piercer, stylet, tool, wimble, corkscrew, dibble, drift, lancet, owl, scoop, spit. īpašība 1. property; synonyms (n) characteristic, capital, peculiarity, feature, belongings, character, asset, estate, goods, nature, place, wealth, substance, faculty, thing, assets, fortune, (adj) attribute, quality, (v) possession, 2. quality; synonyms (n) class, condition, grade, distinction, description, mark, caliber, part, tone, worth, brand, value, goodness, excellence, ability, calibre, degree, endowment, lineament, merit; antonym (adj) shoddy; virsmas īpašība surface property;
mehāniskā īpašība mechanical property; magnētiskā īpašība magnetic property; laba īpašība asset; iedzimta īpašība strain. īpašnieks 1. possessor; synonyms (n) owner, holder, proprietor, occupant, landlord, tenant, beneficiary, carrier, oats, possessioner, controller, vendor, 2. owner; synonyms (n) master, possessor, landholder, landowner, boss, employer, host, manager, 3. proprietor, 4. holder; synonyms (n) bearer, case, stand, container, rack, handle, bracket, support, vessel; īres nama
īpašnieks landlord; zemes īpašnieks land owner; veikala īpašnieks merchant. īpašs special; synonyms (adj) particular, especial, individual, limited, rare, different, distinguished, distinct, express, certain, distinctive, exceptional, extra, extraordinary, peculiar, private, separate, personal, characteristic, (adv) apart; antonym (adj) ordinary.
proprietorship, occupancy, possession, tenure, title, hold, (adj) property, claim, right, 2. estate; synonyms (n) condition, land, demesne, order, rank, domain, acres, state, substance, category, class, fortune, ground, heritage, wealth, 3. possession; synonyms (n) occupation, ownership, keeping, goods, grasp, estate, asset, seizin, seizure, tenancy, colony, custody, monomania, (v) acquisition, purchase, (adj) inheritance, 4. tenure; synonyms (n) incumbency, administration, copyhold, holding, reign, 5. property; synonyms (n) characteristic, capital, peculiarity, feature, belongings, character, nature, place, faculty, thing, assets, means, possessions, prop, endowment, disposition, money, manner, (adj) attribute, quality; personisks īpašums
personal property; ieguldījuma īpašums investment property; intelektuālais īpašums intellectual property; kultūras īpašums cultural property; personiskais īpašums personal property; privāts īpašums private property; privāts zemes īpašums private land; rūpnieciskais īpašums industrial property; sabiedriskais īpašums public property; valsts īpašums public property. īpatnība peculiarity; synonyms (n) distinction, idiosyncrasy, oddity, abnormality, attribute, characteristic, distinctiveness, eccentricity, oddness, particularity, difference, curio, curiosity, feature, individuality, quality, anomaly, exception, foible, mannerism; antonym (n) normality. īre rent; synonyms (n) breach, cleft, fissure, lease, let, crevice, break, crack, tear, hole, flaw, fracture, gap, rift, rip, slit, split, (v) hire, charter, engage. īrēšana hire; synonyms (n) wage, employment, fee, pay, salary, fare, (v) employ, engage, charter, enlist, rent, retain, take, commission, compensation, select, book, get, lease, let; antonym (v) dismiss. īrēt hire; synonyms (n) wage, employment, fee, pay, salary, fare, (v) employ, engage, charter, enlist, rent, retain, take, commission, compensation, select, book, get, lease, let; antonym (v) dismiss. īrnieks tenant; synonyms (n) inhabitant, lodger, occupant, resident, holder, occupier, renter, inmate, dweller, householder, (v) inhabit, occupy; antonyms (n) landlord, proprietor. īslaicīgs temporary; synonyms (adj) ephemeral, passing, temporal, acting, momentary, fleeting, impermanent, provisional, transient, transitory, brief, fugitive, stopgap, irregular, substitute; antonyms (adj) permanent, continuous, enduring, eternal, everlasting, long-term. īss 1. summary; synonyms (n) abstract, compendium, abridgment, epitome, outline, digest, report, synopsis, precis, conspectus, condensation, gist, (adj) brief, compendious, concise, succinct, curt, short, laconic, compact, 2. short; synonyms (adj) scarce, brusque, close, sharp, abrupt, deficient, diminutive, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, pithy, poor, scanty, small, blunt, scant, brittle, crisp, (adv) abruptly, curtly; antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy; īss ceļojums trip; īss
kopsavilkums analysis; īss saturs argument; īss
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Latvian - English
apciemojums look; īss apskats notice; īss izklāsts abstract; īss patskanis short. īstenošana implementation; synonyms (n) execution, fulfillment, enforcement, accomplishment, effectuation, performance, exercise, executing, completion, doing, effect, acceptance, functioning, agreement, approval, assumption, completing, effecting, embracing, employment. īstenot realize; synonyms (v) fulfill, achieve, perform, discover, attain, accomplish, appreciate, complete, execute, know, make, recognize, sense, obtain, effect, discharge, learn, apprehend, clear, comprehend. īstermiņa short-term; synonyms (adj) short, transient, short-lived, brief; antonym (adj) permanent; īstermiņa
plānošana short-term planning; īstermiņa līgums short-term contract; īstermiņa kredīts short-term credit; īstermiņa ieguldījumi shortterm investment; īstermiņa aizņēmums shortterm loan; īstermiņa aizdevums short-term loan. īsts 1. authentic; synonyms (adj) actual, genuine, accurate, real, right, straight, believable, true, trustworthy, valid, unfeigned, unsophisticated, credible, factual, honest, natural, original, pure, reliable, (v) authoritative; antonyms (adj) bogus, fake, unrealistic, 2. real; synonyms (adj) material, physical, concrete, literal, positive, native, good, absolute, certain, just, sincere, substantial, tangible, hearty, essential, cordial, corporeal, effective, (adv) actually, (n) authentic; antonyms (adj) unreal, imaginary, apparent, artificial, deceptive, false, fantasy, imitation, insubstantial, mock, nominal, (v) pretend, 3. actual; synonyms (adj) existent, indisputable, precise, veritable, very, correct, direct, exact, existing, extant, immediate, present, bodily; antonyms (adj) hypothetical, supposed, 4. genuine; synonyms (adj) candid, faithful, artless, unaffected, earnest, intrinsic, legitimate, solid, clean, chaste, devout, authenticated, fair, veracious, guileless, inherent, rightful, sterling, straightforward, truthful; antonyms (adj) insincere, affected, dishonest, hypocritical, replica. īstums authenticity; synonyms (n) genuineness, legitimacy, reality, honesty, truth, validity, veracity. īve yew; synonyms (n) yam, zinnia, (v) yaw.
jahta yacht; synonyms (n) boat, vessel, ship, craft, dinghy, clipper, ferry, liner, schooner. jaka jacket; synonyms (n) casing, sheath, case, cover, covering, envelope, coat, skin, shield, wrap, (v) clothe. jards yard; synonyms (n) court, courtyard, garden, backyard, grounds, close, quadrangle, enclosure, beehive, bindery, chiliad, g, grand, m, nailery, pace, slip, terrace, thou, thousand. jašma jasper; synonyms (n) alexandrite, bloodstone, hematite, moonstone, sunstone, jasp. jātnieks cavalryman; synonyms (n) trooper, horseman, soldier. jau already; synonyms (adv) beforehand, previously, before, formerly, once, earlier, finally, (adj) erewhile, present. jauda 1. capacity; synonyms (n) capability, aptitude, capacitance, function, intelligence, talent, might, dimension, content, endowment, faculty, gift, measure, position, potential, power, quantity, reach, size, (adj) ability; antonyms (n) inability, incapability, 2. power; synonyms (n) force, potency, authority, control, energy, agency, domination, intensity, strength, effectiveness, effect, command, jurisdiction, mightiness, rule, vigor, (v) influence, dominion, capacity, efficacy; antonyms (n) powerlessness, helplessness, weakness; bruto jauda
gross output; dzinēja jauda engine power; ieejas jauda input power; instalētā jauda installed capacity; izejas jauda output power; aktīvā jauda actual capacity; uzstādītā jauda installed capacity; līnijas dabiskā jauda natural load of a line; neto jauda net output; nominālā jauda installed capacity. jauks 1. pleasant; synonyms (adj) bright, acceptable, agreeable, amiable, charming, jolly, kindly, nice, facetious, affable, attractive, cheerful, clear, comfortable, congenial, delightful, enjoyable, fair, fine, genial; antonyms (adj) unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, foul, gruesome, harsh, horrible, nasty, repugnant, shocking, terrible, unwelcome, appalling, discordant, frosty, grisly, rough, 2. nice; synonyms (adj) beautiful, dainty, fastidious, good, kind, lovely, neat, likable, delicious, correct, decent, delicate, difficult, exact, particular, precise, right, elegant, minute, suitable;
jauks laiks fine. jaukts 1. composite; synonyms (adj) aggregate, mixed, (n)
J ja if; synonyms (conj) provided, although, providing, whether, though, and, so, an, gin, (n) but, conditionally, condition, stipulation, proviso, rider, prerequisite, specification, (adv) peradventure, except, save; ja vien
but; ja nu gadijuma just in case; ja ne if not; pat ja although. Jâ yes; synonyms (int) surely, absolutely, (n) consent, acceptance, nod, (adv) ay, yea, certainly, positively, precisely, ye, yis, definitely, (v) acquiesce, agree, allow, grovel, subscribe, (adj) obedient, submissive. jaguārs jaguar; synonyms (n) catamount, cougar, puma, panther, cat, painter.
complex, amalgam, blend, mix, combination, alloy, complicated, mixture, synthesis, (v) compound, 2. miscellaneous; synonyms (adj) assorted, different, heterogeneous, general, diverse, indiscriminate, motley, sundry, varied, various, confused. jaunatne youth; synonyms (n) boy, juvenile, lad, young, youngster, adolescence, kid, juvenility, puberty, stripling, younker, child, puppy, infancy, childhood, guy, prime, youthfulness, fellow, (adj) adolescent; antonyms (n) adulthood, adult, ripeness. jaunievedums innovation; synonyms (n) change, alteration, invention, mutation, novelty, variation, creation, reform, improvement, vicissitude, conception, conversion, design, excogitation, feature, originality. jaunkundze miss; synonyms (v) lack, lose, fail, jump, omit, overlook, long, drop, escape, neglect, skip,
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Latvian - English misplace, (n) maid, girl, want, fille, missy, wench, (adj) fault, pretermit; antonym (v) perceive. jauns 1. new; synonyms (adj) green, modern, novel, original, additional, inexperienced, innovative, raw, recent, strange, unaccustomed, unprecedented, young, contemporary, current, different, newfangled, (adv) fresh, lately, freshly; antonyms (adj) old, familiar, outgoing, second-hand, traditional, used, less, old-fashioned, stale, (adv) past, 2. youthful; synonyms (adj) immature, juvenile, adolescent, vernal, childish, new, tender, beardless; antonym (adj) adult, 3. novel; synonyms (n) fiction, romance, book, narrative, story, tale, literature, (adj) curious, unfamiliar, unique, extraordinary, abnormal, foreign, uncommon, 4. young; synonyms (adj) baby, boyish, callow, early, unripe, youthful, childlike, infantile, little, small, budding, (n) offspring, progeny, issue, child, youth, brood; antonyms (adj) mature, (n) aged; jauns produkts new product;
jauns izdevums new edition; jauns iespiedums impression. jaunumi news; synonyms (n) advice, information, intelligence, message, tidings, story, communication, gossip, notice, report, bulletin, dispatch, rumor, word, (adj) new. jaunums novelty; synonyms (n) innovation, freshness, mutation, newness, change, trinket, curiosity, oddity, originality, bangle, bauble, difference, fallal, gaud, gewgaw, knickknack, variation, (adj) news. jautājums 1. query; synonyms (n) question, doubt, inquiry, interrogative, quiz, enquiry, interrogation, problem, dispute, uncertainty, (v) inquire, interrogate, ask, examine, challenge, wonder, impeach, suspect; antonym (v) answer, 2. affair; synonyms (n) matter, business, concern, event, job, occasion, occurrence, amour, duty, happening, incident, issue, party, subject, theme, thing, topic, transaction, meeting, affaire, 3. question; synonyms (n) demand, doubtfulness, head, interrogatory, motion, (v) query, distrust, investigate, contest, enquire, mistrust, argue, scruple, discredit, controvert, debate, disbelieve, impugn, interview, oppugn; antonym (n) certainty, 4. matter; synonyms (n) affair, material, substance, article, body, import, interest, item, instance, consequence, content, difficulty, fact, gist, regard, stuff, text, (v) case, count, weigh;
rakstisks jautājums written question; kutelīgs jautājums draw. jautāt demand; synonyms (n) claim, request, requirement, requisition, sale, call, want, (v) ask, command, need, require, appeal, beg, charge, expect, involve, necessitate, take, challenge, crave; antonym (v) supply. jautrs 1. cheerful; synonyms (adj) buoyant, breezy, blithe, bright, carefree, glad, merry, optimistic, pleasant, airy, animated, brisk, chipper, comfortable, contented, happy, hopeful, jolly, joyful, lighthearted; antonyms (adj) depressed, gloomy, sad, unhappy, dejected, depressing, grim, hopeless, miserable, morose, somber, unwelcoming, bleak, cheerless, dull, forlorn, melancholy, 2. merry; synonyms (adj) gay, lively, cheerful, jovial, facetious, frolicsome, festive, jocund, cheery, festal, gleeful, joyous, playful, rollicking, blithesome, amusing, funny, (n) convivial, fresh, good.
jeb or; synonyms (conj) otherwise, (n) operation, surgery, (prep) before, ere. jēdziens concept; synonyms (n) conception, notion, belief, idea, theory, view, vision, construct, impression, opinion, perception, thought; abstrakts jēdziens
abstract. jēga point; synonyms (n) place, grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, article, degree, dot, mark, spot, phase, apex, detail, end, height, hint, (v) head, direct, level. jēls crude; synonyms (adj) clumsy, coarse, raw, rough, rude, barbarous, immature, primitive, uncouth, vulgar, barbarian, abrupt, churlish, earthy, gross, impolite, indecent, natural, unprocessed, unrefined; antonyms (adj) refined, sophisticated. jērs lamb; synonyms (n) dear, kid, beef, beloved, child, darling, dearest, flockling, honey, pork, twagger, ham, love, veal, venison, (adj) innocent, naive. jo as; synonyms (conj) qua, because, since, considering, while, whilst, (prep) during, like, (adv) equally, from, (n) arsenic. jods iodine; synonyms (n) iodin, ace, one, single, unity. jogurts yoghurt; synonyms (n) yoghourt, yogurt. joks joke; synonyms (n) jest, banter, hoax, fun, caper, gag, game, quip, antic, farce, humor, jape, jocularity, pleasantry, prank, pun, trick, (v) chaff, tease, badinage; antonym (n) tragedy. jons ion; synonym (n) molecule. josla 1. belt; synonyms (n) ribbon, area, strap, knock, strip, zone, bang, stretch, stripe, (v) band, hit, wallop, whack, beat, smash, whip, thrash, flog, circle, gird, 2. zone; synonyms (n) district, region, section, belt, locality, quarter, realm, layer, territory, province, neighborhood, orbit, circuit, division, bed, climate, clime, course, cycle, orb; izvēļņu josla menu bar; helikopteru
lidojumu josla helicopter lane; frekvenču josla band; desantēšanās josla boat lane; ceļa braucamā josla lane; pieejas josla approach lane; zaļā josla green belt. josta belt; synonyms (n) ribbon, area, strap, knock, strip, zone, bang, stretch, stripe, (v) band, hit, wallop, whack, beat, smash, whip, thrash, flog, circle, gird; monētas
josta drove; drošības josta safety belt; auduma josta fabric belt; ādas josta leather belt. juceklis mess; synonyms (n) clutter, jumble, muddle, confusion, difficulty, disorder, hodgepodge, jam, scrape, bedlam, chaos, dilemma, dirt, disarray, mash, mayhem, miscellany, muss, (v) botch, soil; antonym (n) order. jūdze mile; synonyms (n) knot, burl, gnarl, grayback, slub, (v) cubit, ell, fathom, foot, furlong, hand, inch, line, nail, palm, rood, yard; pēdējā jūdze last mile; jūras
jūdze league. jumts roof; synonyms (n) crown, ceiling, housing, dome, shelter, back, house, (v) top, cover; vagona jumts deck; lēzens jumts flat roof; ekipāžas jumts imperial. jūra sea; synonyms (n) ocean, water, waves, (adj) marine, maritime, array, nautical, seagoing, army; atklāta jūra open sea. jūras nautical; synonyms (adj) marine, maritime, aquatic, oceangoing, yachting, nautic, abyssal, boating, cruising,
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Latvian - English deep-sea, oceanographic, rowing, sailorly, saltwater, salty, sea-loving, ship, (v) seafaring; jūras jūdze
league; jūras kara bāze naval base; jūras kara flote naval forces; jūras ainava marine; jūras apdrošināšana marine insurance; jūras ceļš sea lane; jūras tiesības law of the sea; jūras vide marine environment; jūras rajons sea area; vidējais jūras līmenis mean sea level. juridisks 1. juridical; synonyms (adj) judicial, juridic, forensic, legal, lawful, discriminative, legislative, 2. legal; synonyms (adj) sound, valid, juridical, constitutional, permissible, rightful, true, correct, sanctioned, official, right, authentic, effectual, healthy, heavy, (v) allowable, legitimate, licit, chartered; antonyms (adj) illegal, unlawful, bogus; juridisks
dokuments legal instrument. jurisdikcija jurisdiction; synonyms (n) power, authority, dominion, district, judicature, influence, control, domain, government, domination, rule, sovereignty, sphere, credit, field; teritoriālā jurisdikcija
territorial jurisdiction. jurisprudence law; synonyms (n) rule, canon, decree, act, edict, regulation, enactment, jurisprudence, justice, order, police, principle, ruling, axiom, directive, liberty, measure, prescription, tenet, command. jurists lawyer; synonyms (n) advocate, attorney, agent, representative, advisor, leguleian, beagle, brief, defender, fixer, mouthpiece, pettifogger, proctor, shyster. jūrmala seaside; synonyms (n) coast, seaboard, beach, seashore, shore, coastline, sand, (adj) seacoast. jūrniecība marine; synonyms (adj) maritime, nautical, saltwater, sea, aquatic, (n) navy, bluejacket, galiongee, galionji, leatherneck. jūrnieks 1. seaman; synonyms (n) mariner, seafarer, gob, sailor, tar, jack, tarpaulin, hole, maw, pitch, merman, trap, yap, 2. mariner; synonym (n) seaman. justīcija justice; synonyms (n) equity, fairness, impartiality, integrity, judge, right, judicature, jurist, justness, morality, correctness, court, reasonableness, uprightness, umpire, law, magistrate, (adj) honesty, just, principle; antonyms (n) injustice, unfairness.
K kā 1. as; synonyms (conj) qua, because, since, considering, while, whilst, (prep) during, like, (adv) equally, from, (n) arsenic, 2. how; synonyms (adv) whereby, however, whence, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, withal, yet; kaut kā anyway; kā nākas properly;
kā noteikts licencē under licence; kā redzams apparently; kā šķiet apparently; rūpēties kā mātei mother; vienalga kā anyway; tā kā as; nekas cits kā but; lai kā arī however. kabata pocket; synonyms (n) cavity, pouch, hole, hollow, poke, purse, sac, scoop, (v) bag, take, appropriate, sack,
steal, lift, catch, embezzle, misappropriate, pilfer, (adj) digest, swallow; ielikt kabata pocket. kabelis cable; synonyms (n) rope, line, cablegram, telegram, cord, guy, ribbon, twine, (v) wire, telegraph, report. kabīne booth; synonyms (n) stall, cubicle, stand, carrel, cabin, cell, chalet, hut, kiosk, shed, compartment; lifta
kabīne car. kad when; synonyms (adv) as, once, then, because, than, since, equally, erst, erstwhile, formerly, like, meanwhile, thus, (conj) although, while, immediately, (prep) during, (adj) following; tagad kad now; pēc tam kad after. kadiķis juniper; synonyms (n) raetam, retem. kadmijs cadmium; synonyms (n) candela, candle, (adj) ocher. kadrs frame; synonyms (n) design, border, build, fashion, anatomy, chassis, formation, stand, (v) form, construct, fabricate, draft, erect, make, forge, constitute, contrive, fabric, shape, create. kafija coffee; synonyms (n) brown, chocolate, cocoa, beige, tan, umber, (adj) auburn, brunette, russet. kails 1. naked; synonyms (adj) bald, bare, exposed, nude, open, barren, bleak, raw, unclothed, defenseless, defenceless, undraped, alone, denuded, destitute, mere, simple, stark, unaided, unvarnished; antonyms (adj) covered, concealed, 2. nude; synonyms (adj) uncovered, undressed, (v) naked. kaimiņš 1. neighbour; synonyms (n) neighbor, (adj) neighboring, neighbouring, 2. neighbor; synonyms (n) acquaintance, national, inhabitant, bystander, homebody, homegrown, (adj) neighbour, (v) abut, adjoin, touch, border, butt, join, line, verge, communicate, connect, surround. kaitīgs 1. harmful; synonyms (adj) baneful, destructive, detrimental, disadvantageous, hurtful, injurious, noxious, dangerous, damaging, deleterious, evil, maleficent, adverse, bad, baleful, malign, mischievous, nasty, pernicious, pestilent; antonyms (adj) harmless, healthy, safe, helpful, 2. noxious; synonyms (adj) harmful, deadly, inimical, lethal, noisome, poisonous, venomous, malignant, nocuous, toxic, unhealthy, insanitary, foul, ill, objectionable, fatal, insalubrious, pestilential, ruinous, unwholesome; antonyms (adj) innocuous, pleasant, 3. destructive; synonyms (adj) calamitous, negative, vicious, slaughterous, corrosive, disastrous, murderous, subversive, wasteful; antonyms (adj) constructive, creative. kaitniecība sabotage; synonyms (n) destruction, harm, (v) undermine, damage, destroy, subvert, wreck, break, counteract, countermine, weaken. kaitnieks saboteur; synonyms (n) wrecker, diversionist, enemy. kâja foot; synonyms (n) bottom, base, feet, foundation, basis, footing, measure, paw, pes, bed, butt, floor, ft, groundwork, infantry, meter, substructure, (v) hoof, pay, hand; antonym (n) top. kāja 1. leg; synonyms (n) stage, blackleg, branch, peg, post, arm, column, limb, member, phase, rook, shank, support, fork, 2. foot; synonyms (n) bottom, base, feet, foundation, basis, footing, measure, paw, pes, bed, butt,
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Latvian - English floor, ft, groundwork, infantry, meter, substructure, (v) hoof, pay, hand; antonym (n) top. kājāmgājējs pedestrian; synonyms (n) walker, footer, (adj) commonplace, humdrum, ordinary, banal, earthbound, hackneyed, prosaic, trite, dull, common, conventional, ponderous, stodgy, prosy, stale, uninteresting. kajīte cabin; synonyms (n) booth, hut, chamber, cot, lodge, room, shed, stall, apartment. kājnieks 1. infantryman; synonyms (n) infantry, footslogger, marcher, private, soldier, parader, 2. pedestrian; synonyms (n) walker, footer, (adj) commonplace, humdrum, ordinary, banal, earthbound, hackneyed, prosaic, trite, dull, common, conventional, ponderous, stodgy, prosy, stale, uninteresting. kaķis cat; synonyms (n) caterpillar, guy, lynx, bozo, hombre, puss, barge, (v) disgorge, puke, regorge, regurgitate, retch, spew, spue, upchuck, vomit; meža
kaķis wild cat. kakliņš neck; synonyms (n) throat, cervix, neckline, lapel, beard, col, (v) pet, cut, love, manage, kiss, behead, bang, bed, bonk, caress, come, complete, (adj) stricture, wasp. kakls neck; synonyms (n) throat, cervix, neckline, lapel, beard, col, (v) pet, cut, love, manage, kiss, behead, bang, bed, bonk, caress, come, complete, (adj) stricture, wasp. kalandrēt calender; synonyms (n) calendrer, (v) burnish, press, plate, tabby, water. kalandrs calender; synonyms (n) calendrer, (v) burnish, press, plate, tabby, water. kalējs blacksmith; synonyms (n) ironsmith, locksmith, sailmaker, wheelwright. kalendārs 1. almanac; synonyms (n) annual, calendar, ephemeris, schedule, book, booklet, brochure, encyclopedia, guide, index, journal, list, listing, manual, record, register, agenda, chart, chronicle, datebook, 2. calendar; synonyms (n) almanac, diary, program, timetable. kalibrs 1. gauge; synonyms (n) criterion, caliber, gage, calibre, benchmark, indicator, (v) estimate, measure, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make, reckon, forecast, scale, appraise, evaluate, figure, guess, 2. size; synonyms (n) bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions, extent, largeness, quantity, glue, amount, breadth, degree, magnitude, mass, measurement, sizing, proportion, content, bigness, (v) gauge, (adj) gum; antonyms (n) length, slenderness, 3. calibre; synonyms (n) bore, size, quality, aegir, dullard, eager, eagre, lineament, timber, timbre, tone. kālijs potassium; synonyms (n) kalium, chiliad, g, grand, green, jet, kelvin, kilobyte, m, thou, thousand, yard. kaļķains calcareous; synonyms (adj) chalky, favillous, calcified. kaļķakmens limestone; synonyms (n) chalk, mineral, sandstone, stone, granite, marble. kaļķi lime; synonyms (n) birdlime, basswood, calx, lemon, cement, linden, quicklime, (v) forelay, (adj) green. kalkulators calculator; synonyms (n) computer, estimator, reckoner, abacist, accountant, figurer, (v) counter, arithmetician, mathematician, coin, money, prison, telltale.
kalkulēt calculate; synonyms (v) count, estimate, account, add, appraise, cipher, compute, deem, enumerate, forecast, gauge, guess, make, reckon, consider, expect, figure, measure, number, budget. kalns mountain; synonyms (n) mount, heap, height, mass, peak, pile, stack, bundle, elevation, (v) mound, (adj) lead, millstone; antonym (n) dip. kalpot serve; synonyms (v) help, act, aid, assist, attend, benefit, do, function, operate, tend, answer, facilitate, go, provide, accommodate, minister, profit, (n) avail, officiate, service. kalpotājs 1. employee; synonyms (n) clerk, laborer, hand, worker, apprentice, assistant, helper, drudge, labor, beginner, breadwinner, cog, convert, craftsman, flunky, lackey, newcomer, novice, peon, plug; antonym (n) employer, 2. officer; synonyms (n) captain, administrator, commander, bureaucrat, executive, officeholder, official, agent, manager, leader, policeman, representative, skipper, supervisor. kalts chisel; synonyms (v) carve, cheat, cut, shape, beguile, beat, engrave, screw, sculpture, victimize, fashion, form, notch. kalve forge; synonyms (v) counterfeit, falsify, devise, fabricate, fake, fashion, coin, contrive, invent, mint, construct, excogitate, feign, form, hammer, mold, mould, shape, build, copy. kamanas 1. sledge; synonyms (n) sled, maul, sleigh, toboggan, bottom, jumper, (v) sledgehammer, 2. sleigh; synonyms (n) sledge, (adj) sly. kamera 1. camera, 2. chamber; synonyms (n) bedroom, hall, bedchamber, cavity, cell, council, compartment, committee, court, cubicle, room; karsēšanas kamera
heating cabinet; gaisa kamera air chamber. kamielis camel; synonyms (n) beige, elephant, llama, (adj) fawn, buff, taupe. kamols ball; synonyms (n) bulb, globe, shot, shell, bead, baseball, bullet, dance, football, lump, orb, party, pellet, projectile, sphere, blob, chunk, clod, clump, egg. kampaņa campaign; synonyms (n) crusade, battle, expedition, movement, struggle, war, cause, drive, effort, candidacy, (v) fight, course, canvass, run, advertize, agitate; vēlēšanu kampaņa election
campaign; sabiedrības informēšanas kampaņa public awareness campaign; jūras spēku kampaņa naval campaign. kanceleja office; synonyms (n) charge, agency, duty, function, position, commission, appointment, division, authority, berth, bureau, job, part, place, post, engagement, employment, location, establishment, business. kandidāts 1. applicant; synonyms (n) petitioner, aspirant, candidate, applier, contender, contestant, solicitor, hopeful, 2. candidate; synonyms (n) applicant, nominee, prospect, suitor, amateur, campaigner. kaņepes hemp; synonyms (n) cannabis, dope, ganja, grass, halter, rope, gage, (adj) marijuana, pot. kanna can; synonyms (v) tin, dismiss, fire, might, pickle, pot, sack, (n) bathroom, behind, buttocks, container, lavatory, posterior, rump, jar, jail, arse, backside, bottom, bum; antonym (v) hire.
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Latvian - English
kantoris 1. office; synonyms (n) charge, agency, duty, function, position, commission, appointment, division, authority, berth, bureau, job, part, place, post, engagement, employment, location, establishment, business, 2. bureau; synonyms (n) office, chest, department, desk, dresser, box. kantorists clerk; synonyms (n) writer, transcriber, accountant, employee, recorder, salesclerk, bailiff, cashier, (v) amanuensis, secretary, scribe, scrivener. kaolīns kaolin; synonyms (n) kaoline, clay, pipeclay. kapakmens gravestone; synonyms (n) headstone, tombstone, monument, stone, gem, harden, insensibility, keystone, mirror, testicle, torpidness. kapeika copeck; synonyms (n) kopeck, kopek. kapitāls capital; synonyms (n) principal, city, stock, assets, cash, funds, means, money, paramount, prime, resources, top, wealth, wherewithal, (adj) main, primary, chief, great, essential, basic; sākotnējais kapitāls
initial capital; piesaistītais kapitāls debt capital; aizdevu kapitāls loan capital. kaplis 1. hoe; synonyms (n) shovel, hod, adz, ladle, spatula, spool, (v) dig, delve, till, plow, rake, dibble, manure, tidy, turn, prepare, 2. mattock; synonyms (adj) pickax, ax, hatchet. kaps grave; synonyms (adj) austere, critical, serious, severe, solemn, earnest, bad, dangerous, deep, grand, important, sad, sedate, sober, material, great, calm, (n) cemetery, (v) acute, engrave; antonyms (adj) mild, frivolous, funny. kapsēta 1. graveyard; synonyms (n) cemetery, churchyard, necropolis, morgue, 2. cemetery; synonyms (n) graveyard, charnel, catacomb, crypt, garden, headstone, mortuary, ossuary, polyandrium, sepulcher, 3. churchyard; synonyms (n) cloisters, kirkyard. kapsula capsule; synonyms (n) abridgement, lozenge, condensation, pill, tablet, abridgment, alembic, bolthead, case, kettle, utricle, vesicle, ball, bit, container, drug, matrass, (v) encapsulate, capsulate, capsulize. karalis king; synonyms (n) emperor, mogul, sovereign, chief, baron, crown, magnate, ruler, tycoon, majesty, rex, monarch, power, ace. karamele caramel; synonyms (n) damson, glucose, afficionado, beige, buff, buffer, caromel, devotee, fan, lover, (adj) golden. karāts carat; synonyms (n) karat, siliqua, (adj) arroba, cwt, drachma, grain, hundredweight, lb, load, ounce, pound, quintal, scruple, stone, ton, pennyweight. karavāna caravan; synonyms (n) train, carriage, van, column, conveyance, expedition, journey, parade, party, vehicle, camels, campers, gearing, gears, geartrain, line, (v) procession, cortege, file, cavalcade. karavīrs soldier; synonyms (n) fighter, warrior, champion, swordsman, adventurer, assassin, bottle, cutthroat, fencer, gangster, murderer, recruit, sworder, warfarer, airman, cadet, commando, competitor, doughboy, doughfoot; kadru karavīrs regular. kārba 1. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, carton, action, cause, chest, condition, crate, (adj) patient, 2. box; synonyms (n) basket, cage,
package, booth, blow, case, container, envelope, rack, pyx, house, television, boxful, boxwood, (v) cuff, buffet, beat, fight, hit, smack; antonym (v) unbox; konservu
kārba can. kareivīgs militant; synonyms (adj) aggressive, belligerent, fighting, warlike, military, radical, pugnacious, combative, warring, competitive, (n) activist, fighter, campaigner, extremist. kareivisks warlike; synonyms (adj) martial, belligerent, military, aggressive, bellicose, combative, pugnacious, armigerous, hostile, unfriendly, unpacific; antonym (adj) peaceful. karkass 1. frame; synonyms (n) design, border, build, fashion, anatomy, chassis, formation, stand, (v) form, construct, fabricate, draft, erect, make, forge, constitute, contrive, fabric, shape, create, 2. framework; synonyms (n) frame, framing, shell, architecture, carcass, grating, rack, setting, skeleton, structure, building, composition, construction, edifice, hull, makeup, organization, scaffold, texture, background. kārkls osier; synonym (n) wicker. kārniņš tile; synonyms (n) bonnet, castor, ceiling, roof, thatch, wimple, inlay, parquet, strip, draintile, wideawake, (v) cover, floor, overlay, surface. karogs 1. flag; synonyms (n) banner, colors, ensign, sign, fall, iris, (v) decline, languish, sag, abate, signal, weary, wilt, tire, (adj) droop, fade, drop, fail, sink, fatigue, 2. banner; synonyms (n) flag, title, bunting, emblem, headline, pennant, pennon, streamer. karote spoon; synonyms (n) ladle, spoonful, shovel, trowel, (v) scoop, smooch, dip, snog. karpa carp; synonyms (v) complain, criticize, gripe, grumble, quibble, object, whine, cavil, censure, knock, moan; antonym (v) praise. karš war; synonyms (n) combat, battle, fight, warfare, conflict, fighting, antagonism, contest, struggle, opposition, contention, enmity, campaign, encounter, hostilities, hostility, skirmish, (v) clash, (adj) military; antonyms (n) peace, (v) ceasefire; pilsoņu karš civil
war. karsts hot; synonyms (adj) warm, ardent, boiling, burning, feverish, fiery, flaming, fresh, blistering, eager, enthusiastic, fast, peppery, pungent, spicy, angry, new, acrid, close, fervent; antonyms (adj) mild, cool, cold, freezing, airy, bland, chilly. kārta 1. turn; synonyms (v) revolve, deviate, get, revolution, spin, become, (n) bend, curve, roll, coil, go, twist, bout, change, round, bent, circle, shift, tour, curl, 2. layer; synonyms (n) coat, course, coating, cover, film, level, ply, stratum, crust, covering, floor, mantle, row, tier, blanket, slab, substratum, zone, deposit, (v) pile; ciešamā kārta passive; trešā kārta
commons; plāna kārta film. karte 1. map; synonyms (n) design, graph, plat, diagram, mapping, picture, correspondence, (v) chart, plan, plot, project, 2. card; synonyms (n) bill, board, ticket, label, carte, menu, notice, placard, postal, scorecard, wit, (v) tease; ierakstu karte record card; jūras karte
chart; karte NIC network interface card; garantijas karte guarantee card; biedra karte
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Latvian - English membership card; ģeogrāfijas karte geographical map; braukšanas karte passenger ticket; cietā karte hard card; dalībnieka karte membership card; ēdienu karte menu. kartelis cartel; synonyms (n) syndicate, trust, combine, compromise, ring, group, organization. kârtîba order; synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition, edict, injunction, instruction, kind, form, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request. kārtība 1. order; synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition, edict, injunction, instruction, kind, form, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 2. arrangement; synonyms (n) agreement, order, settlement, adjustment, classification, contract, design, distribution, method, plan, sequence, system, accommodation, appointment, accord, composition, construction, contrivance, covenant, deal; darba
kārtība agenda; sabiedriskā kārtība public order; pārvaldības kārtība administrative order; parasta kārtība ordinary; iekšējā kārtība regulations; dienas kārtība calendar. kārtīgs orderly; synonyms (adj) methodical, neat, tidy, exact, ordered, regular, systematic, coherent, logical, businesslike, formal, normal, arranged, decent, precise, prim, shipshape, trim, consistent, (n) attendant; antonyms (adj) unruly, disorganized, rowdy, unmanageable, untidy, wild, disorderly, confused. kartīte card; synonyms (n) bill, board, ticket, label, carte, menu, notice, placard, postal, scorecard, wit, (v) tease;
uzziņu kartīte reference card; reģistrācijas kartīte registration card; referatīvā kartīte abstract card; pārskata kartīte account card; norādes kartīte reference card; kartotēkas kartīte index card; abonementa kartīte season ticket. kartogrāfija cartography; synonyms (n) mapmaking, ichnography. kartons 1. board; synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court, embark, plank, administration, agency, bureau, card, cardboard, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate; antonym (v) disembark, 2. carton; synonyms (n) box, bundle, container, package, cartonful, case, pack, packet. kārtošana regulation; synonyms (n) rule, adjustment, law, order, government, arrangement, canon, decree, ordinance, management, direction, conduct, act, disposition, formula, restriction, administration, code, (adj) control, precept; antonym (n) chaos; kartīšu
kārtošana arrangement; uzskaites žurnāla kārtošana record keeping; reģistrācijas kārtošana record keeping. kārtot administer; synonyms (v) manage, dispense, distribute, deal, give, operate, rule, administrate, allot, apply, direct, handle, minister, oversee, run, supervise, supply, treat, (n) command, control; kārtot
finansiālus darījumus finance.
kārts pole; synonyms (n) perch, bar, picket, post, rod, support, terminal, axle, beam, axis, extremity, pin, baton, column, pillar, shaft, stake, stick, (v) punt, back. kas who; synonyms (pron) one, (adj) which, what; kas
apzinās conscious; kas darbojas active; kas ļoti vēlas anxious; kas pienākas due; kas nokarājas dependent; kas zina aware; daudz kas much; lai kas whatever; kaut kas pirmšķirīgs first; kaut kas līdzīgs like. kasete cassette; synonyms (n) tape, copy, demo, footage, record, recording, soundtrack, video, videocassette, videotape, collection, compilation. kasetne cartridge; synonyms (n) bullet, cassette, cartouch, ammunition, magazine, round, shell, case, shot, refill, pellet, filling, missile, projectile, pickup, slug, tape, video, videocassette, videotape. kasieris 1. cashier; synonyms (n) accountant, paymaster, receiver, teller, almoner, (v) depose, discard, reject, discharge, dismiss, displace, shed, 2. teller; synonyms (n) cashier, narrator, storyteller, banker, liquidator, questor, steward, (v) authority, informant. kaste 1. box; synonyms (n) basket, cage, chest, package, booth, blow, carton, case, container, crate, envelope, rack, pyx, house, (v) cuff, buffet, beat, fight, hit, smack; antonym (v) unbox, 2. chest; synonyms (n) bosom, bust, box, bureau, casket, dresser, chamber, thorax, treasury, trunk, 3. case; synonyms (n) example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, action, cause, condition, event, file, husk, lawsuit, (adj) patient; preču kaste tray; melnā kaste
black box; bagāžas kaste boot; atkritumu kaste waste disposal. kāstuve 1. strainer; synonyms (n) filter, sieve, stretcher, colature, mesh, 2. filter; synonyms (n) strainer, (v) percolate, drip, leak, filtrate, ooze, purify, refine, screen, strain, dribble, drop, clean, permeate, riddle, sift, trickle, besom, broom; antonym (v) contaminate. katalogs 1. list; synonyms (n) catalog, catalogue, file, inclination, index, schedule, calendar, enumeration, inventory, record, register, roll, like, book, (v) lean, tilt, enter, enumerate, incline, itemize, 2. catalogue; synonyms (n) list, bill, (v) sort; cenu katalogs price
list. katapulta catapult; synonyms (n) bricole, sling, launcher, slingshot, balister, bow, arbalest, arbalist, crossbow, onager, trebuchet, trebucket, ballista, mangonel, (v) shoot, fling, launch, throw, bombard. kategorija 1. class; synonyms (n) category, group, form, grade, position, arrange, brand, department, kind, range, type, classification, (v) sort, place, rank, categorize, classify, order, assort, branch, 2. rank; synonyms (n) file, gradation, line, degree, quality, rate, post, arrangement, condition, distinction, (adj) putrid, luxuriant, bad, egregious, fetid, flagrant, foul, (v) class, array, estimate; antonym (adj) fresh, 3. grade; synonyms (n) gradient, score, slope, division, plane, caliber, extent, inclination, incline, mark, pitch, ramp, rise, slant, status, value, (v) level, evaluate, appraise, even, 4. category; synonyms (n) denomination, variety, cohort, plight, breed, collection, estate, family, nature, predicament, section, set, species, strain, state; preču
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Latvian - English
kategorija product category; precizitātes kategorija accuracy class; maršruta kategorija route classification; darba kategorija job category. katls 1. kettle; synonyms (n) boiler, can, kettledrum, kettleful, timpani, urn, alembic, bolthead, capsule, pan, bucket, container, eardrum, matrass, receiver, retort, tympani, tympanum, myringa, tarpot, 2. pot; synonyms (n) caldron, belly, cannabis, commode, flowerpot, grass, heap, jug, pile, pool, kitty, pickle, basin, bowl, (v) bottle, cure, (adj) deal, marijuana, volume, hashish; vara katls
copper. katrs 1. each; synonyms (adv) apiece, (adj) every, any, singular, distinct, eche, ilk, eminent, exceptional, extraordinary, odd, same, strange, uncommon, unique, unusual, whimsical, 2. any; synonyms (adj) all, either, whichever, several, some, alone, few, ony, quantitative, only, (n) aught, part, (pron) who. kāts 1. shank; synonyms (n) handle, haft, hilt, cannon, shaft, stem, blade, heft, plinth, scale, serif, 2. handle; synonyms (v) administer, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal, direct, finger, manage, manipulate, touch, treat, govern, cope, grope, (n) grip, clutch, grasp, handgrip, hold. kaučuks rubber; synonyms (n) caoutchouc, condom, eraser, galosh, overshoe, prophylactic, arctic, golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize. kaudze 1. heap; synonyms (n) pile, stack, accumulation, collection, amass, group, lot, mass, mound, bulk, bunch, congeries, gathering, batch, bundle, (v) aggregate, bank, collect, gather, accumulate, 2. pile; synonyms (n) heap, hoard, jam, nap, wad, lump, multitude, fortune, edifice, down, flock, fur, mint, mountain, spile, (v) pack, crowd, throng, load, mob. kauja 1. battle; synonyms (n) combat, contest, struggle, clash, conflict, war, action, fighting, fray, scuffle, warfare, engagement, (v) fight, brawl, encounter, quarrel, scrap, wrestle, contend, dispute, 2. affair; synonyms (n) matter, business, concern, event, job, occasion, occurrence, amour, duty, happening, incident, issue, party, subject, theme, thing, topic, transaction, meeting, affaire; pēkšņa kauja meeting engagement. kaulgriezums carving; synonyms (n) sculpture, cut, cutting, engraving, statue, art, image, etching, figure, division, doll, dummy, figurine, model, monument, statuette, clipping, imitation, slip, thinning. kauls bone; synonyms (n) os, ivory, mouth, osmium, argument, bead, block, brick, debate, discord, (v) cartilage, swot, gristle, prepare, arise, attire, beat, bill, cram, debone; garais kauls long bone. kausējums melt; synonyms (v) fuse, dissolve, deliquesce, run, thaw, vanish, coalesce, combine, fade, heat, meld, mellow, relent, soften, flow, touch, blend, (n) warming, (adj) liquefy, go; antonyms (v) freeze, cool, solidify;
stikla kausējums metal. kausētājs founder; synonyms (n) laminitis, patriarch, author, beginner, creator, father, inventor, originator, sink, ancestor, forefather, generator, drown, pioneer, (v) fail, flop, collapse, crumple, break, topple. kauss 1. ladle; synonyms (n) dipper, spoon, trowel, tablespoon, thimble, spatula, spool, measure, (v) lade,
scoop, shovel, dip, laden, transfuse, serve, skim, dollop, infuse, load, siphon, 2. beaker; synonyms (n) goblet, mug, bail, canakin, container, flask, jar, carboy, flute, pipette, schooner, syringe, vial, wineglass; svaru
kauss scale; Pasaules kauss world cup. kavēklis 1. impediment; synonyms (n) hindrance, bar, hitch, barrier, check, drawback, encumbrance, obstruction, block, delay, blockage, deterrent, handicap, hurdle, obstacle, stop, snag, stoppage, clog, (v) difficulty, 2. hindrance; synonyms (n) impediment, inconvenience, disturbance, disadvantage, deterrence, discouragement, frustration, interference, interruption, prevention, restraint, rub, setback, trouble, burden, retardation, intervention, (v) arrest, curb, detention; antonym (n) help, 3. traverse; synonyms (n) range, crossing, crosspiece, transom, traversal, roam, (v) cross, travel, crisscross, walk, journey, track, thwart, contradict, contravene, deny, pass, bridge, cover, impugn, 4. barrier; synonyms (n) barricade, bulwark, dam, rampart, boundary, fence, partition, wall, barrage, guard, protection, hedge, roadblock, safeguard, screen, shield, fortification, 5. obstacle; synonyms (n) let, problem, blockade, entanglement, holdback, holdup, catch, impedimenta. kavēt 1. obstruct; synonyms (v) bar, block, check, choke, clog, delay, encumber, hamper, impede, screen, intercept, debar, arrest, blockade, counteract, dam, embarrass, frustrate, (n) hinder, barricade; antonyms (v) encourage, facilitate, free, 2. hinder; synonyms (adj) posterior, hind, (v) obstruct, resist, curb, detain, handicap, preclude, prevent, prohibit, restrain, stop, balk, confine, cramp, defer, deter, forbid, halt, hobble; antonyms (v) help, assist, 3. impede; synonyms (v) inhibit, interfere, jam, keep, restrict, retard, thwart, burden, occlude, discourage, ban, fetter, interrupt, shackle, slow, stymie, chain, control, obturate. kavētājs truant; synonyms (adj) loitering, (n) deserter, runaway, fugitive, nonattender, escapee, traveler, trivant, absconder, loiterer, malingerer, (v) shirk, waste; laika
kavētājs companion. kaza goat; synonyms (n) butt, lecher, satyr, chamois, fornicator, gallant, grasshopper, paillard, arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns, buttocks, can, cigaret, cigarette, derriere. kāzas wedding; synonyms (n) marriage, matrimony, nuptial, nuptials, wedlock, (adj) bridal, matrimonial; antonym (n) divorce. kazeīns casein; synonyms (n) paracasein, (v) crassamentum. kažokāda fur; synonyms (n) coat, down, pelt, skin, fell, hair, fleece, feathers, fuzz, hide, nap, (v) blanket, flannel, (adj) pile, wool, floss. keramika 1. pottery; synonyms (n) ceramic, clay, stoneware, clayware, terracotta, chinaware, container, (adj) earthenware, 2. ceramics; synonym (v) pottery. kilograms 1. kilogram; synonyms (n) key, kg, kilo, cay, paint, tonality, winder, (adj) centigram, gram, microgram, milligram, 2. kilo; synonym (n) kilogram. kilometrs kilometre; synonyms (n) kilometer, klick, km. kinētika kinetics; synonym (n) dynamics.
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Latvian - English kiosks stall; synonyms (n) booth, bench, barn, carrel, compartment, delay, stand, cabin, hut, kiosk, stalling, cubicle, chair, shed, cot, counter, (v) procrastinate, wait, hedge, halt. klase class; synonyms (n) category, group, form, grade, position, arrange, brand, department, kind, range, type, classification, (v) sort, place, rank, categorize, classify, order, assort, branch; servisa klase class of service;
precizitātes klase class of accuracy; pirma klase first class; otra klase second class. klasificēt 1. range; synonyms (n) area, array, compass, reach, scope, domain, distance, extent, (v) line, arrange, order, rank, roam, group, ramble, wander, align, gad, classify, dispose, 2. class; synonyms (n) category, form, grade, position, brand, department, kind, range, type, classification, course, denomination, division, elegance, family, (v) sort, place, categorize, assort, branch, 3. arrange; synonyms (v) adjust, appoint, dress, set, settle, pack, adapt, agree, compose, decorate, do, engineer, fix, provide, put, reconcile, straighten, display, design, distribute; antonyms (v) disturb, disarrange. klasifikācija classification; synonyms (n) arrangement, categorization, class, grading, assortment, categorisation, category, order, rank, analysis, breakdown, classifying, method, disposition, section, sorting, system, description, sequence; antonym (n) declassification;
dabishā klasifikācija natural classification; deskriptoriskā klasifikācija subject classification; detalizētā klasifikācija close classification; drošības klasifikācija security classification; arodu klasifikācija occupational classification; militāras kravas klasifikācija military load classification; speciālā klasifikācija special classification; profesiju klasifikācija occupational classification; paralēlā klasifikācija parallel classification; mākslīgā klasifikācija artificial classification. klātbūtne 1. presence; synonyms (n) appearance, front, attendance, bearing, manner, mien, carriage, air, comportment, figure, demeanor, company, aspect, look, being, existence, posture, spirit, (adj) breeding, comity; antonyms (n) absence, nonattendance, 2. attendance; synonyms (n) presence, attending, audience, turnout, hearing, tendance, attendancy, bodyguard, crowd, gallery, tendment, assemblage, assembly, congregation, draw, gate, gathering, house, lifeguard, (v) expectation. klātesošs present; synonyms (adj) grant, confer, current, (n) gift, donation, offering, presentation, (v) bestow, display, give, introduce, prefer, deliver, donate, offer, perform, gratuity, award, exhibit, serve; antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, future, history, (v) withdraw, (adv) absent. klavieres piano; synonyms (n) pianoforte, pianissimo, (adj) soft, gentle, cushy, delicate, easy, faint, indulgent, lax, lenient, nonalcoholic, (adv) gently, lightly, softly; antonym (adv) forte. kleita dress; synonyms (n) attire, costume, apparel, array, dressing, clothes, frock, vest, covering, (v) clothe, clothing, garb, rig, trim, adjust, adorn, bandage, cover, deck, decorate; antonym (v) undress.
klepus cough; synonyms (n) coughing, sneeze, (v) choke, convulse, vomit. klēts barn; synonyms (n) shed, store, stable, bawn, auditorium, bacilli, bacillus, lathe, bel, boron, shelter, (adj) foul, unclean. kliedziens call; synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name, shout, bid, summon, howl, address, baptize, cite, dub, entitle, invite, scream, (n) appeal, yell, appoint, command, demand, request; antonym (v) dismiss; modes
kliedziens rage. klients 1. customer; synonyms (n) consumer, buyer, patron, client, guest, purchaser, shopper, fellow, passenger, person, spender; antonym (n) seller, 2. client; synonym (n) customer; plānais klients thin
client. klijāns buzzard; synonyms (n) calf, chicken, colt, doodle, dullard, loon, lout, lown, oaf, block, blockhead, dunce, numps, put, stick, stock, (adj) senseless, stupid. klijas bran; synonyms (n) cellulose, fiber, roughage, (adj) farina, flour, paddy, rice, spore, sporule, meal. klinčs clinch; synonyms (v) clutch, clasp, grip, hold, clamp, fasten, gripe, cuddle, conclude, confirm, finalize, resolve, seize, (n) clench, hug, embrace, grasp, squeeze, (adj) bind, fix. klinkers clinker; synonyms (n) cinder, ember, gaffe, burr, clamor, discord, dissension, dissent, dissidence, failure, lapse, (v) brick, mug, pot, (adj) draff, fecula, imperfect, off-key, residuum, sprue. klubs club; synonyms (n) association, bat, circle, society, stick, baton, company, cudgel, fraternity, gang, group, guild, nightclub, order, truncheon, union, league, (v) beat, bludgeon, hit. klucis 1. log; synonyms (n) journal, record, block, diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet, logarithm, bobbing, calendar, ephemeris, faggot, (v) enter, chronicle, lumber, 2. block; synonyms (n) bar, barricade, pad, clog, cluster, barrier, blocking, chock, (v) arrest, stop, hinder, encumber, halt, lock, obstruct, parry, plug, blockade, choke, (adj) lump; antonyms (v) free, unblock, open; metāla klucis pig. kļūda 1. fault; synonyms (n) defect, blemish, error, failing, blame, blot, crime, delinquency, flaw, blunder, break, demerit, weakness, default, failure, fracture, imperfection, lapse, (v) deficiency, culpability; antonyms (n) merit, strength, 2. error; synonyms (n) deviation, fault, mistake, wrong, delusion, oversight, guilt, misunderstanding, falsehood, confusion, erroneousness, fallacy, inaccuracy, misprint, omission, sin, transgression, breakdown, discrepancy, gaffe; antonym (n) correctness, 3. mistake; synonyms (n) misapprehension, misconception, trip, foolishness, fail, impropriety, disaster, calamity, howler, misinterpretation, (v) err, misapprehend, slip, confuse, misjudge, misunderstand, misconstrue, confound, misinterpret, misconceive, 4. lapse; synonyms (n) fall, deterioration, indiscretion, (v) relapse, decline, expire, drop, elapse, collapse, degenerate, die, backslide, deteriorate, end, go, pass, regress, revert, sink, descend;
iespējamā kļūda probable error; kļūda horizontālā plaknē horizontal error; fatāla kļūda fatal error; varbūtīgā kļūda probable
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Latvian - English
error; sistēmas kļūda system error; semantiskā kļūda semantic error; novērošanas kļūda observation error. kļūdains 1. false; synonyms (adj) bastard, counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz, apocryphal, bad, bogus, delusive, incorrect; antonyms (adj) true, real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, truthful, honest, valid, 2. incorrect; synonyms (adj) improper, false, inaccurate, inappropriate, wrong, imprecise, faulty, amiss, fallacious, inexact, mistaken, error, imperfect, defective, flawed, unfit, unfitting, unsound, unsuitable, inconclusive; antonym (adj) right, 3. faulty; synonyms (adj) deficient, vicious, broken, damaged, poor, tainted, blamable, inadequate, insufficient, illogical; antonyms (adj) perfect, flawless, 4. erroneous; synonyms (adj) misguided, misleading, specious. kļūme miss; synonyms (v) lack, lose, fail, jump, omit, overlook, long, drop, escape, neglect, skip, misplace, (n) maid, girl, want, fille, missy, wench, (adj) fault, pretermit; antonym (v) perceive; programmatūras
kļūme software failure; aparatūras kļūme hardware failure. kluss 1. silent; synonyms (adj) motionless, dumb, mute, tacit, hush, inarticulate, inaudible, incommunicative, mum, noiseless, placid, reserved, reticent, still, taciturn, calm, implicit, soundless, speechless, (adv) quiet; antonyms (adj) noisy, spoken, loud, talkative, explicit, open, 2. quiet; synonyms (adj) lull, pacify, cool, gentle, peaceful, tranquil, tranquilize, collected, (v) appease, moderate, assuage, allay, silence, easy, repose, (n) compose, ease, peace, peacefulness, alleviate; antonyms (adj) vociferous, active, (n) noise. klusums silence; synonyms (n) quiet, calm, lull, mum, muteness, quietness, secrecy, stillness, calmness, peace, (v) still, allay, mute, pacify, gag, muffle, muzzle, quieten, (int) hush, (adj) appease; antonyms (n) noise, sound. kļūt become; synonyms (v) be, grow, suit, arise, get, match, sit, come, fall, fit, go, make, turn, wax, change, result, arrive, transpire, befit, (adj) behoove; kļūt
stiprākam strengthen; kļūt nevaldāmam bit; kļūt sārtam colour; kļūt valkanam rope. knaibles 1. tongs; synonyms (n) lifter, poker, trivet, jaws, stopper, ashpan, (v) clutches, 2. pincers; synonyms (v) forceps, tongs. kniede rivet; synonyms (n) bolt, stud, boss, (v) concentrate, focus, clinch, center, fascinate, absorb, engross, enthrall, fasten, fix, secure, transfix, centre, (adj) nail, pin, clamp, screw. koagulēt coagulate; synonyms (v) clot, set, condense, congeal, harden, freeze, solidify, stiffen, (n) curdle, (adj) consolidate, coagulated, concrete, grumous; antonym (v) liquefy. kobalts cobalt; synonyms (n) blue, (adj) cyanogen, azure, smalt, ultramarine, cerulean, indigo, navy, sapphire. kodeīns codeine; synonym (n) codeia. kodekss code; synonyms (n) cipher, charter, law, act, key, rule, codex, canon, constitution, regulation, (v) cypher,
encode, encipher, encrypt; uzvedības kodekss code of conduct; tiesību kodekss legal code. kodifikācija codification; synonyms (n) code, coding, classification, legislation, order, regulation, theory. kodola nuclear; synonyms (adj) atomic, central, atomlike, inner, minute, nucleal, organic. kodols kernel; synonyms (n) core, center, essence, gist, heart, content, grain, inwardness, marrow, nucleus, quintessence, substance, cream, centre, meat, nub, pip, pit, pith, seed. kodoltermisks thermonuclear; synonym (adj) atomic. kods code; synonyms (n) cipher, charter, law, act, key, rule, codex, canon, constitution, regulation, (v) cypher, encode, encipher, encrypt; apgabala kods area code;
bankas kods bank code; Greja kods gray code; identifikācijas kods identification code; adresāta kods destination code; kartes atsauces kods map reference code; telegrāfa kods cable code; lineārs kods linear code; operācijas kods operation code; paneļu kods panel code. koeficients 1. coefficient; synonyms (n) accessory, multiple, (adj) concomitant, cooperative, cooperating, 2. factor; synonyms (n) agent, component, broker, divisor, element, ingredient, part, deputy, consideration, feature, parameter, point, delegate, item, actor, envoy, steward, dividend, fact, (adj) constituent; jaudas koeficients
power factor; izmantošanas koeficients fill; iekšējās atdeves koeficients internal rate of return; drošības koeficients safety factor; darbgatavības koeficients availability factor; biežuma koeficients frequency ratio; slodzes koeficients load factor; šķirības koeficients quality factor; korelācijas koeficients correlation factor; pārveduma koeficients transfer factor. koeksistence coexistence; synonyms (n) appulse, companionship, company, coincidence, meeting, rencontre, rencounter, syzygy, accord, coetaneousness, coevality, concurrence, conformity, conjunction, contemporaneousness, harmony, order, peace, simultaneousness, synchronicity. kofeīns caffeine; synonym (n) caffein. kohēzija cohesion; synonyms (n) coherency, continuity, coherence, consistency, cohesiveness, unity, grasp, grip, harmony, integrity, stability, stickiness, camaraderie, commonality, consecutiveness, glueyness, gluiness, gumminess, ropiness, viscidity. kokaīns cocaine; synonyms (n) cocain, coke, snow, blow, carbon, centred, century, coulomb, hundred, snowfall, (adj) opium, heroin, morphine. kokgriezums carving; synonyms (n) sculpture, cut, cutting, engraving, statue, art, image, etching, figure, division, doll, dummy, figurine, model, monument, statuette, clipping, imitation, slip, thinning. kokmateriāli timber; synonyms (n) wood, forest, lumber, beam, plank, girder, rafter, tree, timberland, woodland, board, joist, ore, quality, support, timbre. koks 1. tree; synonyms (n) gallows, gibbet, stem, house, tribe, hierarchy, landmark, lentisk, ranking, trunk, filler, (v) corner, collar, 2. wood; synonyms (n) forest, timber, woods, tree, lumber, coppice, jungle; lauru koks bay;
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Latvian - English augļu koks fruit tree; apelsīnu koks orange; sānu koks side frame. kokvilna cotton; synonyms (n) thread, yarn, cord, fiber, string, affinity, bombace, packthread, rapport, strand, wire, filament, hemp, jute, line, oakum, (v) cater, coddle, fawn, (adj) exceptional; kokvilna audums cotton. kolba flask; synonyms (n) bottle, flasket, carafe, cask, container, decanter, jar, beaker, can, flaskful, tin, alembic, bag, carboy, caster, chalice, crock, cruel, crystal, cylinder. kolēģija board; synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court, embark, plank, administration, agency, bureau, card, cardboard, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate; antonym (v) disembark; tiesu kolēģija division of a court. kolekcija collection; synonyms (n) accumulation, assembly, assortment, bundle, gathering, set, bunch, cluster, compilation, heap, mass, pile, variety, batch, pack, aggregation, assembling, collecting, congregation, (v) assemblage; paraugu kolekcija sample
collection; mākslas kolekcija art collection; gravīru kolekcija print collection; estampu kolekcija print collection. kolofonijs 1. rosin; synonyms (n) resin, colophony, gum, 2. colophony; synonyms (n) rosin, colophany. kols colon; synonyms (n) bowel, (v) period, semicolon, comma. komanda 1. team; synonyms (n) crew, company, gang, squad, organization, party, side, troop, couple, brigade, faction, group, (v) pair, band, (adj) rank, file, line, range, row, string, 2. command; synonyms (n) control, instruction, behest, bidding, decree, direction, administration, ascendancy, authority, claim, demand, (v) charge, order, rule, call, commission, direct, bid, dominate, instruct; antonym (v) request; atlasītā
komanda selected command; kuģa komanda crew; nacionala komanda national team. komandējums mission; synonyms (n) commission, delegation, deputation, job, assignment, charge, duty, goal, legation, chore, delegacy, errand, task, function, business, calling, expedition, purpose, vocation, agendum; mācību komandējums study tour;
dienesta komandējums business trip. komandēt command; synonyms (n) control, instruction, behest, bidding, decree, direction, administration, ascendancy, authority, claim, demand, (v) charge, order, rule, call, commission, direct, bid, dominate, instruct; antonym (v) request. komandieris commander; synonyms (n) captain, chief, commandant, leader, head, governor, chieftain, conductor, master, skipper; zilo spēku komandieris
blue commander; sarkano spēku komandieris purple commander; rotas komandieris captain; pretgaisa aizsardzības komandieris air defence commander; nacionālo spēku komandieris national force commander; nacionālais komandieris national commander; mācību komandieris exercise commander. komats comma; synonyms (n) pause, interval, lull, virgule, (v) period, semicolon.
kombināts combine; synonyms (v) amalgamate, associate, blend, affiliate, fuse, attach, piece, aggregate, coalesce, incorporate, join, league, merge, mix, unite, alloy, band, bond, (n) cartel, combination; antonym (v) separate. komentārs commentary; synonyms (n) annotation, comment, exposition, note, observation, article, criticism, critique, explanation, footnote, gloss, remark, review. komercija 1. business; synonyms (n) employment, matter, subject, affair, calling, concern, corporation, deal, event, job, occupation, profession, trade, vocation, work, action, affairs, commerce, dealings, finance; antonyms (adj) charitable, housing, 2. commerce; synonyms (n) business, exchange, connection, intercourse, association, barter, communication, conversation, traffic, interchange. Komisija 1. commission; synonyms (n) board, mission, delegation, job, mandate, warrant, assignment, charge, committee, duty, errand, task, work, (v) assign, accredit, designate, appoint, authorize, delegate, empower, 2. committee; synonyms (n) council, commission, consignee, trustee, cabinet, bureau, staff, group, team, administration, assembly, class, commissioning, committal, conclave, congress, court, hearing, nominee, seminar; vēlēšanu komisija election committee;
padomdevēja komisija advisory committee; Eiropas Kopienu Komisija commission; Eiropas Komisija commission. komiteja 1. committee; synonyms (n) board, council, commission, consignee, trustee, cabinet, bureau, staff, group, team, administration, assembly, charge, class, commissioning, committal, conclave, congress, court, hearing, 2. commission; synonyms (n) mission, delegation, job, mandate, warrant, assignment, committee, duty, errand, task, work, chore, (v) assign, accredit, designate, appoint, authorize, delegate, empower, place; Tehniskā komiteja technical
committee; padomdevēja komiteja advisory committee; Izpildu komiteja executive committee; biržas komiteja stock exchange committee; apvienotā komiteja joint committee. kompanjons associate; synonyms (v) affiliate, connect, company, link, relate, consort, join, unite, (n) ally, assistant, companion, fellow, partner, accomplice, adjunct, acquaintance, colleague, friend, mate, member; antonyms (v) avoid, dissociate, distance, (adj) chief, (n) stranger. kompass compass; synonyms (n) range, scope, area, circle, circumference, extent, reach, room, breadth, ambit, boundary, capacity, circuit, (v) round, get, grasp, accomplish, achieve, apprehend, (adv) beset. kompensācija 1. recompense; synonyms (n) reward, pay, compensation, amends, atonement, payment, redress, consideration, indemnification, fee, reparation, allowance, gratification, damages, guerdon, (v) compensate, indemnify, reimburse, remunerate, return, 2. offset; synonyms (v) counteract, balance, neutralize, cancel, countervail, cover, redeem, distribute, invalidate, (n) counterbalance, beginning, branch, offshoot, outgrowth, outset, runner, setoff, start, commencement,
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Latvian - English
first, 3. indemnity; synonyms (n) restitution, excuse, exoneration, insurance, quittance, recompense, release, security, 4. remuneration; synonyms (n) earnings, wage, salary, profit, premium, hire, reimbursement, repayment, satisfaction, settlement, wages, 5. compensation; synonyms (n) price, emolument, refund, remuneration, bonus, penance, prize, ransom, retribution, stipend, 6. consideration; synonyms (n) concern, respect, attention, care, reflection, thought, account, cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, thoughtfulness, advisement, consequence, caution, compassion, considerateness, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration; kompensācija par zaudējumiem
damages. kompensēt recompense; synonyms (n) reward, pay, compensation, amends, atonement, payment, redress, consideration, indemnification, fee, reparation, allowance, gratification, damages, guerdon, (v) compensate, indemnify, reimburse, remunerate, return. kompetence 1. competence; synonyms (n) capacity, adequacy, ability, capability, efficiency, sufficiency, aptitude, expertise, fitness, skill, talent, competency, craft, dexterity, facility, faculty, flair, knack, qualification, (adj) proficiency; antonyms (n) incompetence, inability, 2. scope; synonyms (n) range, reach, domain, purview, room, expanse, area, compass, drift, extent, oscilloscope, gamut, chance, amplitude, breadth, dimension, field, latitude, play, (v) view; tiesas
kompetence jurisdiction; kompetence II authority; kompetence I competence. kompetents competent; synonyms (adj) able, capable, adequate, clever, effective, efficient, fit, sufficient, commensurate, accomplished, adept, appropriate, enough, experienced, good, professional, proficient, qualified, skillful, apt; antonyms (adj) incompetent, useless, inept. kompilācija compilation; synonyms (n) collection, anthology, compiling, digest, miscellany, ingathering, levy, omnibus, assembly, assemblage, corpus, building, cassette, compilement, construction, formation, pamphlet, record, tape, aggregating. kompilators compiler; synonyms (n) bookmaker, compilator, encyclopedist, encyclopaedist. kompilēšana compilation; synonyms (n) collection, anthology, compiling, digest, miscellany, ingathering, levy, omnibus, assembly, assemblage, corpus, building, cassette, compilement, construction, formation, pamphlet, record, tape, aggregating. kompilēt compile; synonyms (v) accumulate, amass, build, collect, assemble, edit, compose, construct, invent, make, write. komplekss 1. complex; synonyms (adj) composite, complicate, abstruse, difficult, elaborate, intricate, knotty, abstract, tricky, multifarious, complicated, compound, convoluted, deep, hard, involved, multiple, obscure, (n) obsession, combination; antonyms (adj) simple, basic, straightforward, clear, plain, 2. integrated; synonyms (adj) amalgamated, incorporated, combined, united, unified, entire, fused, merged, mixed, incorporate; mērķu komplekss target complex;
industriālais komplekss industrial complex; dzīvojamais komplekss residential complex; celtniecības komplekss building complex. komplekts 1. suite; synonyms (n) retinue, series, entourage, apartment, cortege, flat, train, court, battery, group, rooms, (adj) round, succession, 2. set; synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, define, adjust, arrange, congeal, (n) class, bent, circle, lot, party, (adj) fixed, fast, secure, ready; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid; plašu komplekts set of plates;
pilns komplekts complete round; kāršu komplekts deck; darbarīku komplekts set of tools. komplicētība complexity; synonyms (n) complication, intricacy, complex, convolution, complexness, confusion, muddle, character, combination, complexion, depth, embarrassment, imbroglio, insight, insightfulness, labyrinth, riddle, snarl, understanding, (adj) entanglement; antonyms (n) simplicity, clarity. komponents component; synonyms (n) constituent, factor, ingredient, part, detail, element, feature, member, unit, accessory, division, piece, portion, section, (adj) fundamental. komposts compost; synonyms (n) compound, dung, composite, soil, composture, refuse, trash, country, defile, dirty, droppings, faeces, foul, fusion, humus, junk, land, (v) fertilize, (adj) manure, guano; augļu
komposts sauce. kompromiss compromise; synonyms (n) agreement, arrangement, bargain, accommodation, concession, settlement, understanding, adjustment, accord, appeasement, deal, arbitration, (v) compound, endanger, imperil; antonym (v) dispute. kompromitēt compromise; synonyms (n) agreement, arrangement, bargain, accommodation, concession, settlement, understanding, adjustment, accord, appeasement, deal, arbitration, (v) compound, endanger, imperil; antonym (v) dispute. komūna commune; synonyms (n) community, county, arrondissement, district, (v) converse, communicate, talk, intercommunicate. komutators switchboard; synonyms (n) patchboard, plugboard. koncentrācija concentration; synonyms (n) absorption, concentrate, application, attention, engrossment, intensity, compactness, strength, thickness, aggregation, strengthening, condensation, convergence, denseness, density, diligence, gathering, immersion, power, assiduity; antonym (n) distraction; mērķu
koncentrācija target concentration; koncentrācija vidē environmental concentration. koncepcija conception; synonyms (n) notion, concept, idea, creation, thought, view, mind, apprehension, belief, comprehension, design, fancy, image, imagination, impression, invention, perception, understanding, initiation, appreciation; antonym (n) misconception;
operāciju koncepcija concept of operations; mākslinieciskā koncepcija design concept. koncerns concern; synonyms (n) business, affair, regard, attention, anxiety, bother, matter, company,
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Latvian - English apprehension, burden, disquiet, fear, firm, (v) worry, affect, care, interest, trouble, import, involve; antonym (v) unconcern; banku koncerns banking concern. koncesija concession; synonyms (n) admission, compliance, allowance, compromise, discount, grant, agreement, charter, conceding, license, yielding, acceptance, acknowledgment, abatement, assent, confession, consent, leave, liberty, (v) boon. koncesionārs concessioner; synonym (n) concessionaire. konfidenciāls confidential; synonyms (adj) close, classified, private, secret, clandestine, intimate, privileged, thick, inner, closet, bosom, familiar, hidden, inward, personal, privy, undercover; antonym (adj) public; konfidenciāls paziņojums confidence. konfigurācija configuration; synonyms (n) form, arrangement, conformation, shape, organization, outline, composition, constellation, contour, design, fashion, figure, formation, structure, class; elektrotīkla
konfigurācija system configuration. konfiscēt 1. seize; synonyms (v) capture, catch, grab, arrest, apprehend, clutch, get, grapple, receive, annex, assume, clasp, confiscate, conquer, grasp, grip, nail, carry, appropriate, commandeer; antonym (v) release, 2. confiscate; synonyms (v) seize, attach, distrain, take, condemn, expropriate, impound, levy, requisition, sequester, amerce, arrogate, attaint, cast, (adj) confiscated, forfeit, forfeited, seized, appropriated, condemned. konfiscēts forfeit; synonyms (v) abandon, forgo, sacrifice, lose, relinquish, waive, allow, cede, (n) fine, penalty, pawn, cost, forfeiture, mulct, (adj) confiscate, lost, forfeited. konfiskācija 1. forfeit; synonyms (v) abandon, forgo, sacrifice, lose, relinquish, waive, allow, cede, (n) fine, penalty, pawn, cost, forfeiture, mulct, (adj) confiscate, lost, forfeited, 2. confiscation; synonyms (n) seizure, appropriation, arrogation, premunire, amputation, capture, damages, deletion, deodand, elimination, escheat, exclusion, punishment, subtraction, abstraction, annexation, commandeering, deduction, ejection, (v) sequestration; antonyms (n) restoration, return. konflikts conflict; synonyms (n) clash, combat, fight, battle, contention, contest, dispute, encounter, action, antagonism, collision, difference, disagreement, engagement, fighting, scuffle, strife, struggle, war, (v) collide; antonyms (n) agreement, accord, harmony, peace, (v) agree; interešu konflikts conflict of
interest. konglomerāts conglomerate; synonyms (n) composite, group, complex, agglomerate, conglomeration, business, firm, (v) accumulate, amass, cumulate, gather, concentrate, concrete, concretion. konjunktūra conjuncture; synonyms (n) event, case, condition, emergency, accident, action, cause, circumstances, hour, joint, contingency, exigency, necessity, occurrence, pinch, plight, predicament, (adj) crisis, juncture, turn; augsta konjunktūra boom;
tirgus konjunktūra market situation. konkurējošs competitive; synonyms (adj) competitory, rival, cutthroat, athletic, belligerent, cheap, dog-eat-dog,
hostile, militant, spirited, unfriendly, bloodthirsty, fighting, killer, opposing, ruthless, streetwise, warring; antonym (adj) noncompetitive. konkurence competition; synonyms (n) contest, rivalry, bout, competitor, contention, game, match, race, rival, combat, battle, conflict, contender, emulation, event, feud, fixture, opposition, strife, struggle; antonym (n) cooperation; pilnīga konkurence perfect
competition; negodīga konkurence unfair competition; godīga konkurence fair competition; brīvā konkurence free competition; brīva konkurence free competition. konkurēt compete; synonyms (v) emulate, race, rival, strive, participate, oppose, contend, contest, struggle, vie, play, run. konosaments consignment; synonyms (n) cargo, commission, commitment, freight, load, assignment, committal, delivery, shipment, lot, delegation, lading, loading, allotment, apportionment. konservatīvisms conservatism; synonyms (n) maintenance, support, temperance. konservēšana 1. conservation; synonyms (n) maintenance, preservation, upkeep, keep, custody, protection; antonym (n) destruction, 2. preservation; synonyms (n) conservation, keeping, care, salvation, saving, security, creation; antonyms (n) extinction, release. konservēt can; synonyms (v) tin, dismiss, fire, might, pickle, pot, sack, (n) bathroom, behind, buttocks, container, lavatory, posterior, rump, jar, jail, arse, backside, bottom, bum; antonym (v) hire. konservēts 1. canned; synonyms (adj) tinned, drunk, intoxicated, capsule, pocket, transcribed, 2. tinned; synonym (adj) canned. konstatēt state; synonyms (n) nation, position, say, country, kingdom, show, place, circumstances, commonwealth, condition, (v) declare, expound, express, mention, affirm, allege, announce, articulate, assert, (adj) national; antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private. konstitūcija constitution; synonyms (n) composition, code, makeup, organization, temperament, build, foundation, character, charter, construction, disposition, formation, law, structure, architecture, arrangement, configuration, establishment, fabric, (adj) nature. konstruēt design; synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, copy, blueprint, (v) plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct, arrange, contemplate, intend; antonym (n) chance. konstrukcija design; synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, copy, blueprint, (v) plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct, arrange, contemplate, intend; antonym (n) chance. konsulāts consulate; synonyms (n) consulship, administration. konsultants 1. counsellor; synonyms (n) counsel, advocate, counselor, lawyer, mentor, pleader, counselling, advocator, counseling, leader, direction, exponent, guidance, proponent, 2. adviser; synonyms
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Latvian - English
(n) advisor, consultant, guide, prompter, teacher, agent,
assistant, confidante, dealer, dictator, herald, informer, instructor, barrister, guru, helper, negotiator, stockbroker, supporter, tutor. konsultatīvs advisory; synonyms (adj) consultative, instructive, consultatory, hortative, admonitory, clarifying, consultive, descriptive, deterrent, didactic, expounding, illuminating, illustrative, informative, prudential, reproving, warning, counseling, discreet, discretionary; konsultatīvs atzinums advisory
opinion. kontakts contact; synonyms (n) touch, connection, collision, communication, link, impact, tangency, acquaintance, interaction, juxtaposition, access, associate, (v) call, meet, adjoin, communicate, reach, butt, join, abut; sienas kontakts jack; kontakts
zaudēts contact lost. konteiners container; synonyms (n) box, jar, package, basket, carton, cylinder, envelope, pan, pot, vessel, bin, parcel, cistern, barrel, bottle, jug, pack, packet, reservoir, tank. kontrabanda contraband; synonyms (adj) bootleg, illicit, forbidden, prohibited, smuggled, black, illegal, illegitimate, (n) smuggling. kontrabandists smuggler; synonyms (n) contrabandist, runner, mooncurser, detective, messenger, offset, racer, stolon. kontrole 1. control; synonyms (n) rule, authority, care, hold, influence, sway, ascendancy, ascendency, dominance, regulation, (v) command, check, curb, bridle, conduct, handle, conquer, contain, order, reign; antonyms (n) freedom, weakness, (v) intensify, share, 2. check; synonyms (v) stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, bar, dampen, delay, hinder, test, ascertain, assay, audit, (n) control, arrest, bill, cheque, stay, barrier, 3. inspection; synonyms (n) examination, review, surveillance, exploration, inquiry, scrutiny, search, study, survey, investigation, observation, oversight, sight, supervision, view, watch, inquisition, contemplation, analysis, (v) inspect; grupālā kontrole
group control; administratīvā kontrole administrative control; kvalitātes kontrole quality control; kopīga kontrole joint control; konsultatīvā kontrole advisory control; iestatīšanas kontrole adjustment control; fiziska kontrole physical control; atbilstības kontrole register; ārējā kontrole external audit; apkārtnes kontrole environmental control. kontrolēt 1. inspect; synonyms (v) examine, overhaul, overlook, survey, explore, inquire, look, review, scrutinize, view, watch, monitor, analyze, audit, check, consider, investigate, observe, regulate, search, 2. check; synonyms (v) bridle, stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, bar, dampen, delay, hinder, test, ascertain, (n) control, arrest, curb, bill, cheque, hold, stay, 3. monitor; synonyms (v) eavesdrop, supervise, (n) admonisher, dame, ironclad, moderator. kontrolieris 1. inspector; synonyms (n) examiner, supervisor, auditor, controller, investigator, superintendent, assessor, director, manager, overseer, reviewer, surveyor, visitor, administrator, husband, (v)
inquirer, inquisitor, 2. controller; synonyms (n) accountant, comptroller, control, governor, regulator, ruler, leader, boss, head. konts account; synonyms (n) bill, narrative, reckoning, regard, score, tale, description, explanation, history, narration, reason, recital, story, tab, tally, bulletin, check, chronicle, (v) report, calculate; aktīva konts active
account; atvērts konts open account; bankas konts bank account; fondu konts stock account; kapitāla konts capital account; kontokorenta konts current account; aizdevumu konts loan account; lietotāja konts user account; nacionālais konts national account; norēķinu konts current account. konveijers conveyer; synonyms (n) carrier, conveyor, bearer, porter, transporter, tranter, cheat, juggler, thief. konvencija convention; synonyms (n) conference, congress, meeting, contract, assembly, convocation, council, custom, tradition, agreement, assemblage, bargain, gathering, habit, practice, fashion, compact, company, concord, bond. Konvents convention; synonyms (n) conference, congress, meeting, contract, assembly, convocation, council, custom, tradition, agreement, assemblage, bargain, gathering, habit, practice, fashion, compact, company, concord, bond; Eiropas Konvents
convention. konverģence convergence; synonyms (n) confluence, meeting, concentration, concourse, convergency, converging, junction, conflux, congregation, contesseration; antonyms (n) divergence, division. konversija conversion; synonyms (n) alteration, change, changeover, adaptation, exchange, transformation, adjustment, amendment, modification, passage, shift, transfer, transition, version, (adj) salvation, adoption, beatification. konvertēt convert; synonyms (v) alter, change, adapt, reform, commute, invert, exchange, modify, switch, transform, turn, become, replace, reverse, shape, substitute, swap, (n) proselyte, neophyte, (adj) believer. konvojs guard; synonyms (n) defend, defense, bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection, watchman, custody, convoy, defence, fender, guardsman, safeguard, vigilance, watch, fence, (v) shield, keep, ward. koordinācija coordination; synonyms (n) regulation, classification, organization, arrangement, orientation, running, scheme, structure, system, management, organism. kopējs common; synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, mutual, usual, vulgar, accustomed, base, ignoble, mean, mediocre, plebeian, public, trivial, banal, prosaic, poor, average, collective, (n) habitual; antonyms (adj) individual, uncommon, rare, unusual, characteristic, oneoff, specific, unique, aristocratic, exclusive, extraordinary, infrequent. kopēt copy; synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, forgery, reproduction, cast, book, counterpart, double, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake, mimic, record; antonym (n) original. kopētājs copyist; synonyms (n) scribe, clerk, scrivener, copier, (v) amanuensis, penman, writer.
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Latvian - English kopība community; synonyms (n) association, public, agreement, commune, nation, people, brotherhood, likeness, company, district, order, population, society, solidarity, (adj) communal, neighborhood, common, group, shared, social; antonym (adj) private. kopiena community; synonyms (n) association, public, agreement, commune, nation, people, brotherhood, likeness, company, district, order, population, society, solidarity, (adj) communal, neighborhood, common, group, shared, social; antonym (adj) private. kopīgs 1. joint; synonyms (adj) collective, common, communal, cooperative, mutual, bilateral, twin, (n) articulation, hinge, join, seam, connection, tie, joining, junction, juncture, (v) articulate, associate, concomitant, fellow; antonyms (adj) individual, unilateral, private, separate, 2. common; synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, usual, vulgar, accustomed, base, ignoble, mean, mediocre, plebeian, public, trivial, banal, prosaic, poor, average, commonplace, (n) habitual, commons; antonyms (adj) uncommon, rare, unusual, characteristic, one-off, specific, unique, aristocratic, exclusive, extraordinary, infrequent. kopija 1. transcript; synonyms (n) copy, transcription, duplicate, record, counterpart, facsimile, action, adaptation, arrangement, book, counterfeit, exscript, imitation, manuscript, notes, proceedings, report, content, dictation, log, 2. copy; synonyms (n) trace, forgery, reproduction, cast, double, image, likeness, picture, print, replica, (v) imitate, ape, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake, mimic, emulate, replicate; antonym (n) original, 3. duplicate; synonyms (adj) dual, matching, same, alike, identical, (v) twin, redouble, reduplicate, repeat, reproduce, ingeminate, recur, spare, (n) equal, second, match, parallel, photocopy, duplication, extra; cietā kopija hard copy;
krāsaina kopija colour print; zilā kopija blue key; negatīva kopija copy negative; pazemināta kopija reduction. kopojums digest; synonyms (n) resume, brief, collection, compendium, compilation, condensation, epitome, abridgement, precis, (v) abstract, absorb, apprehend, stomach, summarize, codify, assimilate, abridge, mature, swallow, (adj) brook. kopra copra; synonym (n) cobra. kopsavilkums 1. summary; synonyms (n) abstract, compendium, abridgment, epitome, outline, digest, report, synopsis, precis, conspectus, condensation, gist, (adj) brief, compendious, concise, succinct, curt, short, laconic, compact, 2. resume; synonyms (v) recover, continue, regain, restart, summarize, revert, adopt, renew, retake, summarise, (n) summary, recapitulation, review, sum, survey; īss kopsavilkums analysis. kopsumma total; synonyms (adj) aggregate, complete, all, absolute, entire, gross, downright, general, full, integral, outright, (n) whole, amount, sum, tally, entirety, (v) count, number, figure, add; antonyms (adj) partial, incomplete, qualified; zaudējumu kopsumma total
loss. kopums 1. totality; synonyms (n) aggregate, entirety, sum, total, whole, completeness, entireness, fullness, integrity, wholeness, amount, gross, complement, system, (adj) all, 2. aggregate; synonyms (adj)
aggregative, collective, cumulative, combined, complete, (n) agglomerate, complex, pile, combination, compound, conglomeration, mass, aggregation, bulk, (v) accumulate, cluster, collect, amass, combine, come; antonyms (n)
individual, part; pasākumu kopums campaign;
informācijas kopums information set; heterogēnu mīnu kopums mixed bag. korallis coral; synonyms (adj) rosy, (n) orange, red, roe. kore ridge; synonyms (n) crest, ledge, bank, hill, shelf, dune, swelling, peak, projection, ridgepole, wrinkle, button, peg, (v) crease, fold. korekti correctly; synonyms (adv) aright, exactly, right, accurately, appropriately, duly, justly, precisely, rightly, properly, rightfully, strictly, suitably, truly, well, actually, specifically; antonyms (adv) incorrectly, wrongly, wrong. korektīvs corrective; synonyms (adj) disciplinary, palliative, remedial, castigatory, penal, (n) antidote, remedy. korelācija correlation; synonyms (n) association, connection, relationship, bond, correspondence, correlativity, interrelation, link, comparison, equivalence, similarity, (adj) mutuality; multiplā
korelācija multiple correlation; lineārā korelācija linear correlation; daudzfaktoru korelācija multiple correlation. korespondence correspondence; synonyms (n) conformity, accord, agreement, communication, connection, coincidence, concord, affinity, analogy, congruity, equality, equivalence, parallel, parallelism, resemblance, similarity, symmetry, balance, consistency, association; antonyms (n) difference, asymmetry, dissimilarity; oficiālā korespondence official
correspondence. korespondents correspondent; synonyms (n) journalist, reporter, equivalent, writer, newsman, newspaperman, pressman, (adj) analogous, concordant, parallel, corresponding, equal, appropriate, alike, conformable, fit, suitable, (v) congruous, consonant, accordant. koridors corridor; synonyms (n) aisle, hall, lobby, hallway, lane, vestibule, artery, alley, alleyway, path, portico, way, (v) passage; gaisa koridors air
corridor. koriģēšana adjustment; synonyms (n) adaptation, accommodation, alteration, control, fit, settlement, allowance, arrangement, change, disposition, modification, standardization, agreement, amendment, compromise, conversion, disposal, fitting, improvement, (adj) adaption; valūtas vērtības koriģēšana
currency adjustment; uguns koriģēšana adjustment of fire. koriģēt 1. rectify; synonyms (v) amend, correct, improve, better, adjust, refine, reform, mend, emend, chasten, redress, remedy, right, reclaim, fix, meliorate, regulate, repair, restore, (adj) straighten, 2. correct (pareizs); synonyms (adj) accurate, appropriate, becoming, nice, precise, proper, apt, befitting, decorous, exact, fitting, neat, (v) castigate, chastise, atone, check, compensate, discipline, modify, (n) true; antonyms (adj) incorrect, false, faulty, inappropriate, mistaken, improper, (v)
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Latvian - English
wrong, spoil; related translations pareizs accurate (akurāts). korozija corrosion; synonyms (n) erosion, corroding, decay, deterioration, canker, rot, attrition, putrefaction, wear. korporācija corporation; synonyms (n) association, belly, business, company, concern, body, corp, firm, organization, partnership, club, agency, establishment, foundation, group, incorporation, municipality, potbelly, society, conglomerate. korpuss 1. body; synonyms (n) cadaver, corpse, matter, organization, carcass, cluster, consistency, figure, mass, set, aggregate, association, entity, amount, bulk, company, corps, creature, flesh, form; antonym (n) spirit, 2. corps; synonyms (n) brigade, army, battalion, detachment, regiment, troop, crew, party, band, column, force, garrison, host, battalia, division, faculty, personnel, wing, battery, contingent, 3. hull; synonyms (n) crust, shell, hulk, husk, structure, body, glume, (v) skin, (adj) torso, trunk, bole; zvārguļa korpuss body;
gultņa korpuss bearing housing; armijas korpuss army corps. kosmoss space; synonyms (n) length, gap, opening, period, place, scope, void, margin, distance, emptiness, extent, interval, latitude, location, range, room, field, volume, berth, (v) separate. kost bite; synonyms (n) taste, bit, cheat, morsel, nibble, pain, sample, tang, spice, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, eat, erode, gnaw, hurt, munch. kotēšana quotation; synonyms (n) citation, extract, mention, excerpt, passage, reference, quote, example, price, figure, instance, allusion, credit. kovārnis jackdaw; synonyms (n) daw, crow, caddow, chough, jay, magpie, raven, rook. krājums 1. store; synonyms (n) hoard, shop, market, business, emporium, heap, reserve, supply, accumulation, fund, (v) stock, accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache, keep, preserve, collect, pile, 2. digest; synonyms (n) resume, brief, collection, compendium, compilation, condensation, epitome, abridgement, precis, (v) abstract, absorb, apprehend, stomach, summarize, codify, assimilate, abridge, mature, swallow, (adj) brook, 3. fund; synonyms (n) store, capital, savings, endowment, money, (v) bankroll, finance, back, sponsor, subsidize, support, underwrite, 4. reserve; synonyms (n) backup, modesty, reservation, substitute, diffidence, order, provision, bashfulness, backlog, coldness, constraint, (v) save, book, maintain, appropriate, engage, hold, withhold, detain, allow; antonyms (n) openness, friendliness, informality, warmth, 5. collection; synonyms (n) assembly, assortment, bundle, gathering, set, bunch, cluster, mass, variety, batch, pack, aggregation, assembling, collecting, congregation, corpus, group, library, lot, (v) assemblage, 6. stock; synonyms (n) breed, lineage, goods, ancestry, descent, family, origin, race, birth, commodity, extraction, kind, house, broth, inventory, kin, (adj) regular, commonplace, (v) handle, furnish; rakstu
krājums magazine; nodrošinājuma krājums safety stock; krājums I stock; garantijas krājums safety stock.
kramplauzis burglar; synonyms (n) robber, thief, cracksman, prowler, plunderer, burglarer, impostor, interloper, intruder, raider, attacker, invader, marauder, owl, pilferer, safecracker, sneak, trespasser. krams flint; synonyms (adj) pebble, stone, fossil, granite, marble. krāns tap; synonyms (n) pat, dab, hit, bang, strike, stroke, touch, blow, faucet, hydrant, plug, slap, spigot, (v) knock, rap, broach, bug, beat, eavesdrop, exploit;
ceļamais krāns jenny. krāpniecisks fraudulent; synonyms (adj) deceitful, false, dishonest, fallacious, crooked, corrupt, deceptive, dishonorable, counterfeit, crafty, devious, mendacious, mock, underhand, fake, cunning, knavish, lying, (v) bogus, sham; antonym (adj) honest. krāpnieks 1. counterfeit; synonyms (adj) mock, artificial, assumed, false, falsify, imitation, adulterate, bastard, bogus, deceitful, feigned, fictitious, (v) fake, sham, forge, ape, feign, (n) copy, duplicate, forgery; antonyms (adj) genuine, real, (n) original, 2. cheat; synonyms (v) trick, beguile, betray, defraud, beat, deceive, fleece, fob, jockey, rook, bite, (n) swindle, con, fraud, bilk, impostor, charlatan, rogue, swindler, artifice, 3. counterfeiter; synonym (n) forger, 4. swindler; synonyms (n) cheat, knave, chiseler, crook, sharper, sharpie, rascal, fraudster, thief, trickster, chiseller, gouger, robber, sharpy. krāpšana 1. cheat; synonyms (v) trick, beguile, betray, defraud, fake, beat, deceive, fleece, fob, jockey, rook, (n) swindle, con, fraud, bilk, impostor, sham, charlatan, rogue, swindler, 2. fraud; synonyms (n) cheat, deceit, duplicity, counterfeit, deception, dishonesty, falsehood, cheating, faker, trickery, forgery, gouge, embezzlement, artifice, ruse, delusion, chicanery, crook, deceiver, dupery; antonym (n) honesty, 3. swindle; synonyms (n) imposture, hoax, racket, (v) do, bamboozle, bunco, diddle, dupe, gull, gyp, scam, cozen, fiddle, fool, hoodwink, mislead, mulct, nobble, victimize, rob, 4. deceit; synonyms (n) guile, craft, pretense, art, fabrication, fallacy, falsity, fraudulence, lie, gimmick, hypocrisy, dissimulation, feint, fiction, imposition, mendacity, treachery, treason, wile, (adj) cunning; antonym (n) sincerity, 5. circumvention; synonyms (n) avoidance, escape, evasion, collusion, ingannation, encompassment, detour, frustration, cozenage, excursion, obstruction, supercherie, stratagem, strife, 6. fraudulence; synonyms (n) misrepresentation, humbug, falseness. krāpt 1. deceive; synonyms (v) betray, cheat, bamboozle, circumvent, dupe, pretend, beguile, con, cozen, fool, hoax, mislead, sell, swindle, trick, befool, defraud, delude, gull, (n) fraud, 2. cheat; synonyms (v) fake, beat, deceive, fleece, fob, jockey, rook, bite, chisel, do, falsify, (n) bilk, impostor, sham, charlatan, rogue, swindler, artifice, deceiver, deception. krāsa 1. dye; synonyms (n) color, tint, hue, stain, colorant, dyestuff, paint, pigment, shade, (v) tinge, imbue, soil, blot, discolor, 2. colour; synonyms (n) coloration, coloring, colouring, semblance, vividness, (v) discolour, distort; balta krāsa white; brūna krāsa brown;
gruntējuma krāsa background colour; tumši
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Latvian - English brūna krāsa mummy; zaļa krāsa green; zila krāsa blue; melna krāsa black; oranža krāsa orange; sarkana krāsa red; paotējuma krāsa background colour. krāšana collection; synonyms (n) accumulation, assembly, assortment, bundle, gathering, set, bunch, cluster, compilation, heap, mass, pile, variety, batch, pack, aggregation, assembling, collecting, congregation, (v) assemblage. krāsns 1. oven; synonyms (n) kiln, furnace, stove, heater, range, boiler, 2. stove; synonyms (n) ambit, chain, compass, grasp, orbit, reach, scope, warmer. krāsojums painting; synonyms (n) picture, portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, coat, drawing, art. krāsošana painting; synonyms (n) picture, portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, coat, drawing, art. krāsot paint; synonyms (n) painting, tint, coating, pigment, (v) color, dye, daub, coat, decorate, depict, varnish, enamel, apply, lacquer, describe, draw, spread, stain, whitewash, cover; krāsot melnu black; krāsot zilu
blue. krasts coast; synonyms (n) bank, beach, seaside, shore, seashore, sand, seacoast, shoreline, (v) glide, slide, drift, cruise; antonym (n) interior. krāsviela dye; synonyms (n) color, tint, hue, stain, colorant, dyestuff, paint, pigment, shade, (v) tinge, imbue, soil, blot, discolor; pārtikas krāsviela food
colour. krāt collect; synonyms (v) assemble, accumulate, amass, gather, pick, accrue, acquire, aggregate, cluster, collate, congregate, convene, cull, harvest, hoard, raise, accept, catch, compile, derive; antonyms (v) disperse, distribute. krāteris crater; synonyms (n) hollow, cavity, hole, pit, basin, (adj) well. krātiņš cage; synonyms (n) jail, pen, hutch, cell, corral, crate, frame, gaol, enclosure, (v) confine, enclose, imprison, incarcerate; antonym (v) free. kratīšana 1. searching; synonyms (v) cutting, excruciating, consuming, corroding, racking, (adj) piercing, inquisitive, probing, acute, curious, inquiring, profound, exploratory, penetrating, trenchant, explorative, inquisitory, 2. search; synonyms (n) hunt, pursuit, examination, exploration, inquire, inquiry, inspection, study, hunting, investigation, (v) grope, ransack, rummage, pry, examine, explore, forage, inspect, look, nose; fiziskā kratīšana personal
search. krātuve storehouse; synonyms (n) store, magazine, depository, depot, repository, arsenal, repertory, entrepot, storage, treasury, warehouse, storeroom, shop;
ziņojumu krātuve message store; dārgumu krātuve treasury; ārējā krātuve external storage. krauklis raven; synonyms (adj) black, jet, charcoal, ebony, ink, (n) crow, plunder, (v) prey, devour, feed, gulp, guttle, gorge, pig. kraut load; synonyms (n) charge, cargo, freight, stack, heap, pack, weight, consignment, lading, shipment,
strain, anxiety, care, crowd, (v) burden, fill, encumber, pile, lade, stow; antonym (v) unload. krava 1. cargo; synonyms (n) burden, loading, freight, wares, consignment, freightage, goods, haul, lading, merchandise, payload, shipment, weight, (adj) load, bushel, 2. freight; synonyms (n) cargo, (v) carry, ship, lade, 3. load; synonyms (n) charge, stack, heap, pack, strain, anxiety, care, crowd, encumbrance, mass, onus, pressure, (v) fill, encumber, pile, stow, glut, cram, laden, overload; antonym (v) unload, 4. lading, 5. loading; synonym (n) filler; antonym (n) unloading, 6. goods; synonyms (n) belongings, commodity, product, estate, chattels, commodities, effects, produce, property, stuff, wealth, gear, materials, possession, possessions, products, stock, ware, (v) furniture, 7. burden; synonyms (n) bale, concern, core, essence, gist, imposition, liability, millstone, responsibility, worry, (v) bother, burthen, clog, trouble, afflict, force, handicap, impose, saddle, (adj) blow; antonyms (v) relieve, unburden; steidzama krava express; lidaparāta
krava aircraft store. krāvējs loader; synonyms (n) stevedore, docker, dockhand, filler, longshoreman, lumper. kreditēt credit; synonyms (n) credence, appreciation, belief, commendation, recognition, reputation, advance, account, acknowledgment, confidence, fame, honor, influence, loan, (v) believe, accredit, ascribe, assign, attribute, (adj) merit; antonyms (n) cash, (v) debit, discredit. kreditors creditor; synonyms (n) debtee, lienor. kredīts credit; synonyms (n) credence, appreciation, belief, commendation, recognition, reputation, advance, account, acknowledgment, confidence, fame, honor, influence, loan, (v) believe, accredit, ascribe, assign, attribute, (adj) merit; antonyms (n) cash, (v) debit, discredit; nodokļu kredīts tax credit; kredīts
skaidrā naudā cash credit; kārtējais kredīts current credit; īstermiņa kredīts short-term credit; eksporta kredīts export credit; diskonta kredīts discount credit; bankas kredīts bank credit. kreisais left; synonyms (adj) gone, absent, odd, port, remaining, larboard, sinister, unexpended, abandoned, remainder, corrupt, deserted, disastrous, dishonest, evil, inauspicious, injurious, liberal, lonely, (n) leftfield; antonym (n) right. krējums cream; synonyms (n) pick, ointment, prime, balm, top, liniment, elite, fat, salve, unguent, beige, lotion, (adj) flower, milk, albumen, (v) best, skim, ream, conquer, defeat; saldais krējums fresh cream. krekings cracking; synonyms (adj) bully, corking, great, keen, neat, nifty, peachy, smashing, swell, (n) breaking, crack, break, fracture; antonym (adj) smooth. krekls shirt; synonym (n) shirtwaist; bruņu krekls
mail. krelles beads; synonyms (n) rosary, censer, cross, crucifix, host, patera, pax, pyx, reliquary, rood, thurible, jewelry, lot, relics. kremācija cremation; synonyms (n) burning, incineration, burial, finances, incremation, means,
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Latvian - English
money, resources, rites, assets, cash, income, wake, (v) concremation. kreozots creosote; synonyms (n) creasote, kreosote. krēsla twilight; synonyms (n) dusk, nightfall, night, evening, gloaming, sunset, sundown, eventide, crepuscule, curfew, decline, evenfall, fall, (adj) aurora, dusky; antonyms (n) dawn, daybreak. krimināls criminal; synonyms (adj) guilty, illegal, sinful, wicked, condemnable, miscreant, unlawful, immoral, (n) convict, crook, culprit, hoodlum, malefactor, delinquent, felon, gangster, lawbreaker, outlaw, thug, (v) wrong; antonyms (adj) law-abiding, legal; krimināls
pārkāpums criminal offence. krišana 1. drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, deposit, dribble, droop, abandon, cast, dip, discard, dismiss, drip, ebb, jump, shed, sink, decay, die, (n) decline, collapse, spot; antonyms (v) rise, increase, lift, (n) growth, 2. fall; synonyms (v) descend, dive, rain, diminish, dwindle, alight, come, crash, fade, fail, (n) drop, descent, downfall, plunge, pitch, cascade, cut, declivity, deterioration, diminution; antonyms (v) ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent; cenu krišana fall in prices. krišanās decrease; synonyms (n) decline, cut, cutback, diminution, reduction, abatement, (v) abate, lessen, abridge, diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane, contract, decay, detract, ebb, shrink, allay; antonyms (n) growth, extension, (v) increase, rise, grow, intensify. kristalizācija crystallization; synonyms (n) crystallisation, crystal, crystallizing, condensation, crystallurgy, formation, frosting, lechatelierite, quartz, (adj) precipitation. kristāls crystal; synonyms (n) glass, quartz, gem, (adj) clear, bright, pebble, translucent, crag, rock, stone;
ideāls kristāls perfect crystal; adatveidīgs kristāls needle. kristies decrease; synonyms (n) decline, cut, cutback, diminution, reduction, abatement, (v) abate, lessen, abridge, diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane, contract, decay, detract, ebb, shrink, allay; antonyms (n) growth, extension, (v) increase, rise, grow, intensify. kritērijs 1. criterion; synonyms (n) benchmark, measure, norm, test, canon, mark, criterium, gauge, pattern, principle, proof, rule, touchstone, 2. gauge; synonyms (n) criterion, caliber, gage, calibre, indicator, (v) estimate, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make, reckon, forecast, scale, appraise, evaluate, figure, guess, judge, approximate; efektivitātes kritērijs performance
criterion. kritiens fall; synonyms (v) decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain, diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, come, crash, (n) drop, descent, downfall, plunge, pitch, cascade, collapse, cut; antonyms (v) rise, increase, ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent; brīvais kritiens free fall. kritiķis critic; synonyms (n) connoisseur, commentator, judge, censor, reviewer, evaluator, pundit, critique, censurer, criticiser, (adj) critical; antonym (n) supporter. kritisks marginal; synonyms (adj) borderline, border, peripheral, edge, fringe, bare, minor, negligible, unimportant, fringy, hardscrabble; kritisks stāvoklis
edge; kritisks raksts criticism.
krīts chalk; synonyms (n) score, trace, clod, clot, gravel, mold, subsoil, clay, cledge, dash, dot, favorite, (v) mark, pastel, whiten, charcoal, color, crayons, (adj) ivory, lily. krīze crisis; synonyms (n) exigency, conjuncture, difficulty, emergency, juncture, pinch, circumstance, dilemma, situation, strait, depression, extremity, head, pass, predicament, accident, adventure, casualty, contingency; ekonomikas krīze economic crisis. krogs pub; synonyms (n) bar, pothouse, barroom, inn, saloon, taphouse, ginmill, lounge, drinkery, gashouse. krokodils crocodile; synonyms (n) alligator, alacran, mosquito, octopus. krūmājs 1. scrub; synonyms (n) brush, bush, scouring, undergrowth, scrubbing, (v) scour, scratch, scrape, clean, mop, rub, wash, cleanse, flush, cancel, obliterate, abrade, sweep, (adj) rinse, swab, 2. undergrowth; synonyms (n) underbrush, brushwood, underwood, groundcover, coppice, copse, branches, bushes, flora, grove, jungle, plants, twigs, vegetation, wood, foliage, greenery, kindling, shrubbery, shrubs, 3. underbrush; synonym (n) scrub, 4. brush; synonyms (n) clash, collision, conflict, encounter, beard, argument, brushing, fight, (v) broom, graze, touch, kiss, glance, race, rencontre, shave, shine, (adj) rake, comb, pick. krustisks cross; synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, check, crossing, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, bilk, dash, divide, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered. krustojums 1. cross; synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, check, crossing, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, bilk, dash, divide, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered, 2. crossing; synonyms (n) cross, ford, transit, crossbreeding, hybridization, intersection, passage, voyage, crossroad, crosswalk, crossway, cruise, flight, interbreeding, junction, travel, carrefour, corner, journey. krustot cross; synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, check, crossing, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, bilk, dash, divide, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered. krusts cross; synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, check, crossing, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, bilk, dash, divide, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered. krūtis breast; synonyms (n) bosom, boob, chest, knocker, tit, titty, mammilla, bust, heart, mamma, nipple, pap, soul, spirit, teat, booby, (v) front. krūze 1. pitcher; synonyms (n) jug, ewer, jar, hurler, mug, pot, creamer, container, pail, bucket, tankard, twirler, bowl, mound, 2. jug; synonyms (n) vase, bottle, jugful, pitcher, tub, (v) jail, gaol, immure, imprison, lag, incarcerate. kūdra peat; synonyms (n) turf, bog, pet. kuģis 1. ship; synonyms (n) boat, ferry, craft, bottom, (v) dispatch, send, forward, transport, consign, carry, embark, move, transfer, post, charge, mail, convey, transmit, 2. vessel; synonyms (n) ship, container, duct,
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Latvian - English jar, vas, bowl, canal, pan, receptacle, basin, tube, watercraft, bottle, pipe, 3. boat; synonyms (n) yacht, scull, dinghy, vessel, vehicle, shallop, schooner, sailboat, bateau, sauceboat, truck, aircraft, baiter, bucket, catamaran, clipper, dory, dragger, hulk, (v) cruise;
lidmašīnu bāzes kuģis carrier; apgādes kuģis customer ship; transporta kuģis carrier; pretgaisa aizsardzības kuģis air defence ship; liels kuģis large ship; pasažieru kuģis passenger ship; okeāna bāzes kuģis ocean station ship; neatkarīgs militārais kuģis military independent; mazs kuģis small ship; zvejas kuģis fishing vessel. kuģojams navigable; synonyms (adj) passable, open, sailable, voyageable, crossable, traversable. kuģot navigate; synonyms (v) cruise, guide, sail, fly, pilot, voyage, cross, maneuver. kuilis boar; synonyms (n) pig, swine, dog, hog, hart, horse, sow, stallion, brawn, cock, drake, gander, flesh, grunter, muscle, squealer. kukuļdevējs briber; synonyms (n) suborner, bribe, thief. kukulis bribe; synonyms (n) bait, bribery, reward, lure, payment, douceur, inducement, payoff, (v) corrupt, fix, pervert, blackmail, buy, grease, tip, influence. kukuļošana bribery; synonyms (n) corruption, graft, blackmail, bait, coemption, dishonesty, incentive, invitation, lure, temptation, attraction, depravity, deterioration, draw, extortion, fraud, grafting, impurity, inducement, putrefaction. kukurūza maize; synonyms (n) corn, cereal, gamboge, lemon, grain, buckwheat, clavus, millet, oats, rice, rye, stinker, wheat. kulba caravan; synonyms (n) train, carriage, van, column, conveyance, expedition, journey, parade, party, vehicle, camels, campers, gearing, gears, geartrain, line, (v) procession, cortege, file, cavalcade. kulons coulomb; synonyms (n) carbon, centred, century, cocain, cocaine, coke, hundred, snow. kulstīkla 1. scutcher; synonyms (n) picker, beater, swingle, 2. swingle; synonyms (v) drub, scutch, dangle, (n) scutcher, (adj) single. kult churn; synonyms (v) boil, seethe, agitate, toss, bubble, eddy, roil, shake, stir, whirl, buffet; kult tukšus
salmus gas. kultivēšana cultivation; synonyms (n) agriculture, civilization, culture, farming, refinement, development, growth, breeding, education, gentility, sophistication, tillage, acculturation, finish; antonym (n) neglect. kults cult; synonyms (n) craze, persuasion, fad, faith, fashion, rage, religion, sect, denomination, creed, vogue, church, trend, camp, division, faction, furor, furore, party, whim. kultūra culture; synonyms (n) civilization, breeding, cultivation, acculturation, education, learning, tillage, erudition, courtesy, enlightenment, farming, instruction, refinement, agriculture, civilisation, elegance, finish, maturity, society; augkopības kultūra crop;
galvenā kultūra main crop; ilggadīgā kultūra permanent crop; svarīgākā kultūra main crop; tehniskā kultūra industrial crop.
kumoss lump; synonyms (n) heap, chunk, knot, block, clod, hunk, tumor, bit, bulge, clump, fragment, knob, lummox, piece, nub, bunch, intumescence, (v) clot, (adj) mass, lout. kundze lady; synonyms (n) dame, gentlewoman, female, ma'am, matron, wife, woman, noble, (v) squaw; antonym (n) man. kundzība rule; synonyms (n) govern, order, decree, dominion, law, ordinance, principle, regulate, reign, authority, dictate, government, line, precept, (v) command, control, influence, direct, dominate, measure. kungs 1. sir; synonyms (n) esquire, gentleman, master, man, don, signior, buck, dominus, effendi, magister, signore, 2. gentleman; synonyms (n) male, patrician, sir, laureate, squireen, noble, gentle, fellow, guy, valet, homo, human, humanity, humankind, humans, mankind, piece, serviceman, world, (adj) gentilhomme; antonym (n) woman. kupols dome; synonyms (n) cupola, arch, roof, cover, bean, noggin, arena, (adj) campanile, column. kupons coupon; synonyms (n) voucher, certificate, order, ticket, debenture, dividend, draft, warrant, advertisement, coin, verifier. kur where; synonyms (adv) there, here, wherever, whither, anywhere, wherein, anyplace, whereas, somewhere, everyplace, someplace, (conj) but, while, (pron) everywhere, whether, (n) point, spot, situation; kaut
kur anywhere; kaut kur citur elsewhere; kur vien wherever; lai vai kur everywhere; lai kur wherever. kurināmais fuel; synonyms (n) firewood, combustible, firing, (v) fire, arouse, encourage, excite, kindle, provoke, stimulate; šķidrais kurināmais fuel oil;
kurināmais mazuts fuel oil; gāzveida kurināmais fuel gas; cietais kurināmais solid fuel. kurjers courier; synonyms (n) messenger, emissary, herald, runner, envoy, carrier, gofer, intelligencer, showman, express, agent, billposter, dragoman, news, postboy, poster, representative, bagman, dispatcher, expression. kurmis mole; synonyms (n) breakwater, jetty, freckle, bulwark, groyne, mol, spy, blemish, counterspy, groin, growth, (adj) mound, barrow, hillock, hummock, knoll, (v) embankment. kurpe shoe; synonyms (n) boot, horseshoe, skid, clog, splint, spoke, sprit, base, stilts, stirrup, galoshes. kurpnieks shoemaker; synonyms (n) cobbler, dressmaker, cordwainer. kursīvs 1. cursive; synonyms (adj) running, easy, flowing, fluent, continuous, effortless, successive, (n) longhand,
2. italic. kurss 1. rate; synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, percentage, charge, (v) assess, estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise, compute, count, calculate, merit, put, rank, esteem, gauge, prize, 2. route; synonyms (n) course, path, road, direction, passage, avenue, channel, circuit, highway, itinerary, line, track, way, lane, means, method, bearing, (v) direct, conduct, guide, 3. quotation; synonyms (n) citation, extract, mention,
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Latvian - English
excerpt, reference, quote, example, figure, instance, allusion, credit, 4. course; synonyms (n) stream, flow, career, current, route, class, race, approach, curriculum, heading, layer, life, (v) run, chase, pour, aim, dish, gush, journey, (prep) tide; mācību kurss training course;
centralizētais maiņas kurss central rate; dienas kurss spot rate; esošais valūtas kurss current exchange rate; konversijas kurss conversion rate; biržas kurss exchange rate; vidējais kurss average heading; mainas kurss exchange rate; maiņas kurss exchange; naudas kurss exchange rate. kurtuve furnace; synonyms (n) heater, hearth, oven, stove, chimney, warmer. kustēties move; synonyms (v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, disturb, actuate, agitate, arouse, (n) motion, drive, transfer, advance; antonym (v) stay; strauji kustēties
dance. kustība 1. process; synonyms (n) operation, proceeding, method, procedure, act, course, formula, outgrowth, means, mode, practice, writ, (v) action, function, refine, litigate, treat, work, parade, cultivate, 2. move; synonyms (v) affect, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, disturb, actuate, agitate, arouse, (n) motion, drive, transfer, advance, change; antonym (v) stay, 3. movement; synonyms (n) move, activity, campaign, crusade, advancement, cause, passage, drift, inclination, effort, evolution, front, migration, play, progress, tendency, gesture, impulse, behavior, development; fonda kustība stock
changes; jaunatnes kustība youth movement; kapitāla kustība capital movement; kustība II traffic; kustība uz priekšu way; vilciena kustība train path; pasažieru kustība passenger traffic; sabiedriska kustība social movement. kustīgs 1. mobile; synonyms (adj) changeable, fluid, unsettled, mercurial, expressive, lively, migrant, motile, erratic, flying, nomadic, peregrine, roving, spirited, unstable, variable, versatile, vivacious, (v) movable, shifting; antonyms (adj) immobile, impassive, motionless, 2. moving; synonyms (adj) active, affecting, emotional, exciting, impressive, mobile, pitiful, poignant, touching, inspiring, imposing, distressing, pathetic, running, stirring, (n) movement, transport, advance, transfer, (adv) floating; antonyms (adj) still, depressing, stationary, unemotional. kustīgums mobility; synonyms (n) movableness, motion, movement, (adj) versatility. kustināt move; synonyms (v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, disturb, actuate, agitate, arouse, (n) motion, drive, transfer, advance; antonym (v) stay. kūts 1. byre; synonyms (n) sty, coop, cote, hutch, kennel, 2. cowshed; synonyms (n) cowhouse, cowbarn. kūtsmēsli manure; synonyms (n) compost, dung, fertilizer, (v) fertilize, muck, soil, (adj) guano. kvadrāts 1. quad; synonyms (n) court, quadrangle, courtyard, patio, quadriceps, quadruplet, square, place, 2. square; synonyms (adj) right, even, rectangular, fair,
quadrate, straight, equal, equitable, (n) area, foursquare, rectangle, quadrilateral, block, (v) settle, agree, correspond, adjust, balance, check, (adv) just. kvalificēt qualify; synonyms (v) modify, prepare, moderate, capacitate, characterize, confine, define, designate, determine, condition, enable, entitle, equip, fit, limit, modulate, narrow, restrict, adapt, form; antonym (v) disqualify. kvalificēts 1. qualified; synonyms (adj) competent, capable, eligible, efficient, conditional, fit, proficient, able, clever, expert, adequate, certified, limited, restricted, fitted, prepared, provisional, proper, accomplished, appropriate; antonyms (adj) unqualified, total, unofficial, definite, 2. skilled; synonyms (adj) adept, experienced, practiced, skillful, dexterous, old, adroit, learned, sophisticated, versed, gifted, deft, perfect, cunning, masterly, handy, crack, knowing, masterful, consummate; antonyms (adj) inept, incompetent, inexperienced; kvalificēts vairākums
qualified majority; kvalificēts balsu vairākums qualified majority. kvalifikācija 1. background; synonyms (n) backdrop, groundwork, setting, basis, context, education, environment, scene, backcloth, panorama, atmosphere, experience, ground, information, preparation, record, scenery, situation, surroundings, accompaniment, 2. qualification; synonyms (n) condition, capability, competence, fitness, limitation, prerequisite, provision, degree, ability, alteration, modification, requirement, reservation, capacity, power, (adj) faculty, endowment, property, attribute, gift. kvalitāte quality; synonyms (n) nature, character, characteristic, class, condition, feature, grade, distinction, faculty, description, mark, attribute, caliber, part, peculiarity, tone, worth, brand, value, goodness; antonym (adj) shoddy; augsta kvalitāte high grade;
dzīves kvalitāte quality of life; komerciālā kvalitāte commercial quality; pakalpojumu kvalitāte quality of service; tirdznieciskā kvalitāte commercial quality; zema kvalitāte low grade. kvantitāte 1. quantity; synonyms (n) amount, extent, measure, multitude, quantum, sum, total, portion, heap, bulk, capacity, deal, degree, magnitude, mass, value, volume, dimension, measurement, piece, 2. number; synonyms (n) count, score, act, issue, character, company, digit, numeral, quota, (v) calculate, aggregate, enumerate, figure, come, add, account, compute, list, reckon, tally. kvarcs quartz; synonyms (n) crystal, lechatelierite, crystallization, (adj) flint, crag, fossil, marble, pebble, rock, stone. kvartāls quarter; synonyms (n) area, part, district, division, mercy, neighborhood, region, direction, portion, quart, fourth, grace, (v) place, lodge, line, put, accommodate, billet, canton, divide. kvēpi soot; synonyms (n) smut, grime, lampblack, crock, coom, dirt, collow, dust, filth, soil, stain, grunge, (v) ash, cinder, embers, scoriae, (adj) smoke, ink, ebony, jet. kvieši wheat; synonyms (n) corn, clavus, maize, (adj) golden.
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Latvian - English
kvitēt receipt; synonyms (n) reception, acceptance,
ķieģelis brick; synonyms (n) block, lump, brown, clay,
acknowledgment, acquittance, check, recipe, ticket, revenue, certificate, profit, account, invoice, voucher, contrivance, expedient, invention, nostrum, (v) acknowledge; antonym (n) dispatch. kvīts 1. ticket; synonyms (n) pass, card, label, certificate, ballot, check, slate, tag, warrant, mark, slip, voucher, plank, platform, price, vote, (v) fine, 2. receipt; synonyms (n) reception, acceptance, acknowledgment, acquittance, recipe, ticket, revenue, profit, account, invoice, contrivance, expedient, invention, nostrum, (v) acknowledge; antonym (n) dispatch, 3. quittance; synonyms (n) exoneration, payment, recompense, repayment, excuse, compensation, receipt, amends, redress, reparation, forgiveness, restitution, quittal, (v) repay, requite; pasūtījuma kvīts order receipt;
element, red, slab, unit, bone, gem, jewel, prince, (v) mug, pot, (adj) trump, concrete, truepenny. ķīla 1. pledge; synonyms (n) bond, gage, assurance, engage, promise, plight, bet, bail, oath, security, (v) pawn, wager, covenant, guarantee, contract, assure, undertake, vow, warrant, ensure, 2. deposit; synonyms (n) charge, residue, heap, hoard, lees, lode, rest, sediment, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave, park, place, put; antonym (v) withdraw;
kvīts par saņemšanu notice of receipt; glabājuma kvīts deposit receipt; deponēšanas kvīts deposit receipt. kvota quota; synonyms (n) portion, proportion, share, contingent, allowance, allotment, measure, quantity, ratio, ration, slice, lot, rate, part, percentage, cut, helping, stint.
Ķ ķēde chain; synonyms (n) string, network, tether, rope, cable, band, bond, concatenation, handcuff, line, range, row, run, sequence, series, wire, (v) bind, fetter, shackle, (adj) tie; antonym (v) release; intensitātes mīnu ķēde
intensity mine circuit; barošanās ķēde food chain; elektriskā ķēde electrical circuit; trofiskā ķēde food chain; magnētiskā ķēde magnetic circuit; kombinētā ķēde combination circuit. ķēdīte chain; synonyms (n) string, network, tether, rope, cable, band, bond, concatenation, handcuff, line, range, row, run, sequence, series, wire, (v) bind, fetter, shackle, (adj) tie; antonym (v) release. Ķelne cologne; synonyms (n) perfume, scent, essence, fragrance. ķemme comb; synonyms (n) cockscomb, combing, crest, (v) brush, ransack, search, dress, groom, rake, scour, (adj) weed. ķēriens 1. haul; synonyms (n) freight, heave, catch, jerk, take, yank, cargo, (v) draw, drag, pull, tow, carry, cart, lug, draught, hale, transport, tug, raise, convey; antonym (v) push, 2. catch; synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, apprehend, get, acquire, ensnare, intercept, snatch, trap, attract, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt, clasp, grab, pawl, snap, apprehension; antonym (v) release. ķeršana catch; synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, apprehend, get, acquire, ensnare, intercept, snatch, take, trap, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt, clasp, grab, pawl, snap, apprehension; antonym (v) release. ķēve mare; synonyms (n) bitch, doe, hen, horse, jennet, boundary, genet, lady, mere, mount, roe, sow, stallion, charger, gelding, pony, steed.
līguma izpildes ķīla performance bond; garantijas ķīla security. ķīlis 1. wedge; synonyms (n) chock, slice, cuneus, stick, plug, bomber, (v) squeeze, compress, jam, pack, ram, stuff, lodge, crowd, crush, fasten, fix, press, compact, cram, 2. keel; synonyms (n) bottom, carina, foot, hoof, root, nadir, sole, (v) careen, pitch, tumble, distribute, droop, flag, flounder, gyrate, lurch, plunge, reel, stagger, swag; retināšanas ķīlis set piece; retinājuma
ķīlis set piece. ķīmija chemistry; synonyms (n) alchemy, attraction, charm, organization, (adj) acyclic, botany; rūpnieciskā ķīmija industrial chemistry. ķīmisks chemical; synonyms (adj) chemic, alchemical, alkaline, plastic, spagyrical, actinic, analytical, ersatz, synthesized, synthetic, synthetical, (n) ammunition, reagent. ķīpa 1. pack; synonyms (n) bundle, mob, bevy, bunch, company, herd, batch, backpack, box, gang, horde, package, knapsack, (v) crowd, compress, heap, cram, fill, jam, load; antonym (v) unpack, 2. bale; synonyms (n) calamity, cargo, pack, shipment, 3. parcel; synonyms (n) lot, bale, division, packet, section, plot, patch, allotment, group, share, dole, area, detachment, part, piece, (v) portion, distribute, apportion, divide, cluster, 4. package; synonyms (n) packaging, parcel, carton, container, collection, (v) wrap; antonym (v) unwrap. ķirurģija surgery; synonyms (n) operation, chirurgery, act, functioning, or, performance, procedure, process, treatment; plastiskā ķirurģija plastic surgery;
mutes dobuma ķirurģija oral surgery. ķirurgs surgeon; synonyms (n) doctor, physician, sawbones, chirurgeon. ķīsis ruff; synonyms (n) frill, collar, neckband, ruffle, choker, disturbance, (v) trump. ķīvīte lapwing; synonyms (n) peewit, peewee, pewee.
L labais right; synonyms (adj) correct, appropriate, due, just, proper, decent, good, even, perfect, accurate, exact, fair, faithful, fit, reasonable, (n) privilege, law, liberty, authority, (v) rectify; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unjustified, immoral, incorrect, (n) left, (v) wrong. labāks superior; synonyms (adj) senior, dominant, better, exceptional, predominant, elder, great, arrogant, chief, eminent, excellent, high, higher, lofty, proud, select,
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Latvian - English
commanding, admirable, distinctive, exalted; antonyms (adj) humble, worse, poor, (n) inferior, subordinate, subscript. Labdien hello; synonyms (n) greeting, hi, howdy, hullo, welcome, (v) hail. labi 1. well; synonyms (adv) right, easily, thoroughly, considerably, fully, good, correctly, amply, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft, sound, robust, hale, (n) fountain, spring, pit, hollow, fountainhead, (v) gush; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick, unwell, dying, nauseous, 2. good (Labs); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious, efficient, capable, excellent, fine, nice, superior, well, advantageous, agreeable, desirable, generous, gentle, admirable, beneficent, (n) benign, advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad; labi atbildot floor; labi gados aged;
labi pazīstams intimate; labi piestāvošs becoming; labi zināms familiar; related translations Labs benign (auglīgs). labība 1. corn; synonyms (n) maize, clavus, cereals, callus, wheat, grain, commonplace, (v) feed, keep, 2. crop; synonyms (n) fruit, harvest, craw, yield, (v) browse, graze, reap, top, cultivate, cut, lop, prune, shave, trim, reduce, gather, (adj) clip, shear, dock, mow. labirints 1. labyrinth; synonyms (n) maze, tangle, confusion, complication, network, (v) eel, 2. maze; synonyms (n) labyrinth, snarl, web, jungle, muddle, (adj) awkwardness, delicacy, knot. labklājība welfare; synonyms (n) prosperity, benefit, good, happiness, health, advantage, sake, interest, wellbeing, upbeat, (adv) weal; sociālā labklājība
welfare. labojošs corrective; synonyms (adj) disciplinary, palliative, remedial, castigatory, penal, (n) antidote, remedy. labojums 1. emendation; synonyms (n) amendment, correction, revision, castigation, chastisement, discipline, mend, punishment, reproof, 2. correction; synonyms (n) adjustment, alteration, redress, modification, emendation, improvement, editing, rebuke, rectification, reform, change, chastening; antonym (n) fabrication; tipogrāfijas labojums first proof. laboratorija laboratory; synonyms (n) lab, factory, course, elaboratory, operatory, (adj) experimental, alembic, stillatory; references laboratorija
reference laboratory. labošana repair; synonyms (n) fix, overhaul, renewal, (v) remedy, mend, patch, redress, correct, cure, compensate, doctor, renovate, restore, heal, amend, go, reclaim, recover, rectify, renew; antonym (v) break. labošanās amendment; synonyms (n) alteration, betterment, correction, redress, improvement, revision, transformation, adjustment, change, conversion, mend, modification, rectification, reform, variation. labot 1. rectify; synonyms (v) amend, correct, improve, better, adjust, refine, reform, mend, emend, chasten, redress, remedy, right, reclaim, fix, meliorate, regulate, repair, restore, (adj) straighten, 2. repair; synonyms (n) overhaul, renewal, renovation, fixing, mending, (v) patch, cure, compensate, doctor, renovate, heal, go, recover, rectify, renew, resort, redeem, refresh, reinstate,
bushel; antonym (v) break, 3. correct (pareizs); synonyms (adj) accurate, appropriate, becoming, nice, precise, proper, apt, befitting, decorous, exact, fitting, neat, perfect, (v) castigate, chastise, atone, check, discipline, modify, (n) true; antonyms (adj) incorrect, false, faulty, inappropriate, mistaken, improper, (v) wrong, spoil; related translations pareizs accurate (akurāts). Labs 1. good; synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious, right, efficient, capable, excellent, fine, nice, superior, well, advantageous, agreeable, desirable, generous, gentle, admirable, (n) benign, advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad, 2. fine; synonyms (adj) delicate, dainty, brave, capital, elegant, thin, delightful, acute, alright, beautiful, choice, exquisite, glorious, pleasant, polite, stunning, (n) penalty, amercement, (v) punish, mulct; antonyms (adj) thick, coarse, substantial, unsatisfactory, wide; diezgan labs
decent. labums 1. brand; synonyms (n) badge, blade, class, kind, stain, type, emblem, falchion, make, nature, slur, sort, sword, variety, (v) mark, denounce, stamp, (adj) stigma, blot, reproach, 2. good (Labs); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious, right, efficient, capable, excellent, fine, nice, superior, well, advantageous, agreeable, desirable, generous, gentle, admirable, (n) benign, advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad, 3. benefit; synonyms (n) good, assistance, favor, interest, reward, service, use, welfare, behalf, expediency, allowance, asset, blessing, (v) aid, assist, profit, avail, help, advance, pay; antonyms (n) disadvantage, drawback, loss, (v) harm, 4. use; synonyms (n) custom, practice, habit, application, function, consumption, enjoyment, (v) exercise, employ, employment, expend, exploit, occupy, operate, spend, exert, need, enjoy, apply, (adj) usage; antonym (v) conserve, 5. quality; synonyms (n) character, characteristic, condition, feature, grade, distinction, faculty, description, attribute, caliber, part, peculiarity, tone, worth, brand, value, goodness, excellence, ability, calibre; antonym (adj) shoddy; related translations Labs benign (auglīgs). labvēlība favour; synonyms (v) favor, choose, prefer, privilege. labvēlīgs 1. beneficial; synonyms (adj) advantageous, favorable, fruitful, handy, profitable, useful, expedient, gainful, good, healthy, productive, propitious, salutary, serviceable, wholesome, worthwhile, constructive, curative, genial, healing; antonyms (adj) useless, disadvantageous, harmful, 2. advantageous; synonyms (adj) auspicious, beneficial, convenient, fortunate, helpful, lucky, right, appropriate, effective, fit, lucrative, positive, prosperous, rewarding, usable, valuable, desirable, enviable, 3. favourable; synonyms (adj) encouraging, opportune, comfortable, easy, booming, flourishing, golden, halcyon, prospering, roaring, supporting, thriving; labvēlīgs stāvoklis advantage. labvēlis 1. patron; synonyms (n) backer, champion, advocate, friend, benefactor, client, customer, defender, helper, sponsor, frequenter, supporter, abettor, buyer, fautor, favorer, guarantor, booster, partisan, consumer, 2. sponsor; synonyms (n) patron, financier, guardian,
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Latvian - English presenter, promoter, (v) patronize, support, back, finance, promote, vouch, assist, fund, subsidize, frequent, help, shop. lācis bear; synonyms (v) carry, accept, abide, acquit, stand, take, afford, allow, apply, assume, behave, brook, comport, conduct, convey, digest, endure, hold, produce, suffer; Malajas lācis sun bear; brūnais lācis
brown bear. lādiņš projectile; synonyms (n) missile, bullet, shot, bolt, quoit, slug, bomb, buckshot; elektriskais lādiņš electric charge. lafete carriage; synonyms (n) attitude, transport, behavior, conveyance, air, coach, demeanor, deportment, gait, manner, mien, port, position, posture, walk, carrying, conduct, equipage, (v) bearing, pace. lai let; synonyms (v) allow, hire, admit, lease, leave, permit, charter, have, rent, grant, authorize, cause, countenance, demise, get, give, suffer, (n) check, hindrance, impediment; antonyms (v) forbid, prevent; lai kur
wherever; lai kas whatever; lai kā arī however; lai gan although; lai vai kur everywhere. laikā pending; synonyms (prep) during, awaiting, (adj) forthcoming, undecided, unresolved, unsettled, outstanding, hanging, looming, pendulous, suspended, considering, doubtful, inoperative, overhanging, pendant, withdrawn, (n) abeyance, (adv) while, whilst; antonym (adj) distant; tieši laikā just in time; tai
laikā while; paspēt laikā nick; nokļūt laikā catch. laikam probably; synonyms (adv) presumably, maybe, perhaps, belike, believably, credibly, apparently, possibly, plausibly, (adj) likely, doubtless, like; līdz šim
laikam hitherto; laika par laikam occasionally. laikmets 1. epoch; synonyms (n) age, era, date, day, period, time, cycle, crisis, 2. period; synonyms (n) dot, epoch, point, duration, generation, conclusion, interval, length, menstruation, stage, mark, course, lifetime, catamenia, flow, menses, phase, reign, season, space, 3. era; synonym (n) style, 4. age; synonyms (n) aeon, years, antiquity, eternity, dotage, (v) mature, grow, ripen, develop, mellow; dzelzs laikmets iron age;
akmens laikmets stone age. laikraksts 1. journal; synonyms (n) diary, book, magazine, newspaper, periodical, ephemeris, chronicle, log, record, annals, calendar, organ, paper, review, annual, autobiography, history, (adj) daybook, daily, diurnal, 2. newspaper; synonyms (n) journal, gazette, news, print, publisher, newsprint, press, publication, 3. paper; synonyms (n) document, article, discourse, certificate, essay, report, composition, form, ticket, dissertation, exposition, theme, thesis, writing, archive, pad, (v) wallpaper, case, face; dienas laikraksts
daily. laiks 1. time; synonyms (n) hour, moment, period, duration, epoch, era, measure, season, day, spell, age, instant, interval, space, tempo, sentence, beat, occasion, course, (v) clock; antonym (n) death, 2. weather; synonyms (v) endure, survive, resist, withstand, brave, stand, wear; kodolieroča pielietošanas laiks
nuclear weapon employment time; izlidošanas
laiks departure time; izpildes laiks execution time; jauks laiks fine; jautājumu izskatīšanas laiks question time; kalendārais laiks calendar time; amata laiks term of office; kara laiks wartime; cikla laiks cycle time; apdrošināšanas laiks insurance period. laiksakritība concurrency; synonym (n) fitness. laime 1. happiness; synonyms (n) delight, enjoyment, blessedness, bliss, cheerfulness, contentment, ecstasy, felicity, gladness, luck, merriment, welfare, beatitude, joy, rapture, satisfaction, success, exultation, festivity, amusement; antonyms (n) unhappiness, sadness, despair, grief, misery, dissatisfaction, 2. luck; synonyms (n) chance, fortune, accident, destiny, fate, hazard, lot, advantage, hap, portion, coincidence, circumstances; antonym (n) misfortune, 3. felicity; synonyms (n) happiness, felicitousness, pleasure. Laimîgs lucky; synonyms (adj) auspicious, favorable, propitious, prosperous, favourable, successful, flourishing, advantageous, blessed, chance, good, providential, encouraging, promising, (n) happy, favored, (v) fortunate; antonyms (adj) unlucky, hapless, ill-fated, unfortunate. laimīgs happy; synonyms (adj) fortunate, felicitous, contented, gay, buoyant, content, gleeful, gratified, blithe, bright, carefree, cheerful, cheery, convivial, delightful, favorable, festive, glad, (n) auspicious, blessed; antonyms (adj) unhappy, sad, dejected, depressed, miserable, sorrowful. laipns gracious; synonyms (adj) amiable, benign, genial, courteous, good, compassionate, benevolent, kind, accommodating, congenial, affable, benignant, civil, cordial, friendly, kindhearted, polite, propitious, beneficent, (n) gentle; antonyms (adj) boorish, ungracious. laiva boat; synonyms (n) yacht, scull, craft, dinghy, ship, vessel, vehicle, shallop, schooner, sailboat, bateau, bowl, sauceboat, truck, aircraft, baiter, bucket, catamaran, clipper, (v) cruise; brauciens laiva row; glābšanas
laiva rescue boat; maza divairu laiva funny; motora laiva launch. laivinieks boatman; synonyms (n) waterman, boater, lighterman, longshoreman, boatsman, shipman, leghorn, skimmer. laka varnish; synonyms (n) coat, lacquer, paint, veneer, palliate, cover, apologize, apology, coating, excuse, extenuate, garnish, soften, (v) gloss, color, gild, furbish, whitewash, seal, smarten. lakrica liquorice; synonym (n) licorice. lakta anvil; synonyms (n) incus, stithy, fulciment, prop, stand, stiddy, forge, smithery, smithy. laktoze lactose; synonym (n) galactose. lamatas catch; synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, apprehend, get, acquire, ensnare, intercept, snatch, take, trap, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt, clasp, grab, pawl, snap, apprehension; antonym (v) release; izlikt lamatas
trap. lampa lamp; synonyms (n) light, look, beacon, view, glance, alfalfa, glimpse, lucern, generator, (v) behold,
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Latvian - English
regard, perceive, gape, gaze, inspect, observe, recognize;
eļļas lampa oil lamp; elektronu lampa tube. lapa 1. leaf; synonyms (n) blade, page, foliage, folio, leafage, slip, (v) sheet, leave, flick, flip, 2. sheet; synonyms (n) board, layer, leaf, canvas, film, paper, coat, coating, blanket, cover, coverlet, newspaper, piece, plane, sail, mainsheet, pane, bill, covering, counterpane, 3. blade; synonyms (n) vane, beau, knife, brand, foil, razor, shaft, steel, sword, 4. list; synonyms (n) catalog, catalogue, file, inclination, index, schedule, calendar, enumeration, inventory, record, register, roll, like, book, (v) lean, tilt, enter, enumerate, incline, itemize;
ieliekamā lapa loose leaf; registracijas lapa registration form; mājas lapa home page; stila lapa style sheet. lāpa torch; synonyms (n) flashlight, brand, light, blowlamp, blowtorch, incendiary, teade, triggerman, (v) burn. lapiņa leaflet; synonyms (n) brochure, leaf, booklet, pamphlet, circular, folder, foliole, handout, newsletter, book, cusp. lappuse page; synonyms (n) attendant, footboy, usher, note, pageboy, varlet, context, donzel, (v) paginate, summon; apvērstā lappuse back page; divslejīga
lappuse double column page; divslejīgā lappuse double column page; humora lappuse funny; kodu lappuse code page; kreisā lappuse back page; aktīvā lappuse active page; pilna lappuse full page; pirmā lappuse opening column; sākuma lappuse opening column. lapsa fox; synonyms (n) dodger, slyboots, (v) confound, confuse, fob, bewilder, fuddle, bedevil, befuddle, discombobulate. lāpsta spade; synonyms (n) coon, nigger, jigaboo, nigra, spit, belch, eject, ringtail, saliva, sputum, (v) dig, grub, delve, scoop, excavate, spay. lasījums reading; synonyms (n) recital, learning, construction, interpretation, lection, study, version, erudition, lore, explanation, presentation, recitation, scholarship, translation, light, narration, (v) read. lasis salmon; synonyms (n) orange, red. lasīšana 1. reading; synonyms (n) recital, learning, construction, interpretation, lection, study, version, erudition, lore, explanation, presentation, recitation, scholarship, translation, light, narration, (v) read, 2. read; synonyms (v) interpret, construe, decipher, gather, indicate, learn, perceive, say, understand, demonstrate, comprehend, display, examine, explain, peruse, record, register, scan, show, take; salīdzināšanas lasīšana
reading for press; otrās korektūras lasīšana reading for press. lasītājs reader; synonyms (n) lecturer, professor, lector, proofreader, reviewer, subscriber, compositor, preacher, printer. laso lasso; synonyms (n) lariat, noose, cestus, garter, girdle, girth, halter, (v) rope, catch. laukakmens boulder; synonyms (n) bowlder, pebble, rock, gemstone, (adj) ball, globe, sphere. lauks 1. field; synonyms (n) arena, area, battlefield, domain, ground, place, battleground, compass, court,
department, discipline, range, realm, section, sphere, soil, bailiwick, champaign, expanse, land, 2. region; synonyms (n) country, field, district, part, circuit, division, locality, neighborhood, province, quarter, territory, belt, dominion, demesne, direction, extent, position, kingdom, portion, terrain; adreses lauks
address field; atlases lauks selection field; atslēgas lauks key field; datu lauks data field; ietekmes lauks influence field; indukcijas lauks influence field; kadra vadības lauks frame control field; piekļuves vadības lauks access control field; ziņojuma lauks message field; adresāta lauks destination field. lauksaimniecība farming; synonyms (n) agriculture, cultivation, husbandry, culture, tillage, land. lauksaimniecības agricultural; synonyms (adj) agrarian, rural, farming, rustic, undeveloped, unindustrialized, floricultural, gardening, horticultural, ranch;
lauksaimniecības politika agricultural policy; lauksaimniecības agregāti agricultural machine; lauksaimniecības aprīkojums agricultural equipment; lauksaimniecības dzīvnieks farm animal; lauksaimniecības gads crop year; lauksaimniecības iekārta agricultural equipment; lauksaimniecības iekārtas agricultural equipment; lauksaimniecības īpašumi agricultural property; lauksaimniecības lietojamplatība agricultural land; kopējā lauksaimniecības politika cap. lauksaimnieks farmer; synonyms (n) countryman, agriculturist, rustic, husbandman, granger, sodbuster, yeoman, producer, sower, woodcutter, agricultor, agronomist, breeder, cob, feeder, gleaner, grazer, harvester, hillbilly, homesteader; pilnas slodzes
lauksaimnieks full-time farmer. laukšpats feldspar; synonyms (n) felspar, feldspath, felspath. laukums 1. area; synonyms (n) place, region, size, width, expanse, field, neighborhood, section, sphere, breadth, compass, district, domain, extent, land, range, room, scope, space, zone, 2. square; synonyms (adj) right, even, rectangular, fair, quadrate, straight, equal, equitable, (n) area, foursquare, rectangle, quadrilateral, block, (v) settle, agree, correspond, adjust, balance, check, (adv) just, 3. ground; synonyms (n) base, cause, floor, reason, dirt, soil, account, country, basis, footing, foundation, argument, bed, background, (v) bottom, found, establish, fix, rest, build; antonym (n) ceiling, 4. place (vieta); synonyms (n) position, domicile, office, order, spot, attitude, job, location, situation, (v) post, arrange, lay, locate, rank, station, deposit, install, pitch, put, set; antonym (v) remove; ekspozīcijas laukums
exhibition area; futbola laukums pitch; golfa laukums links; apšaudes laukums impact area; sienu laukums wall area; soda laukums penalty area; related translations vieta appointment (amats). laulība marriage; synonyms (n) wedding, matrimony, espousal, nuptial, union, wedlock, alliance, coupling, bond, nuptials, (adj) bridal, (v) match; antonyms (n) divorce, separation; laulība dzimis legitimate.
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Latvian - English
laupījums loot; synonyms (n) plunder, booty, prey, prize,
lējums casting; synonyms (n) cast, molding, pouring, air,
bread, kale, haul, pickings, money, (v) pillage, despoil, rifle, foray, ransack, rob, sack, steal, gut, raid, ravage. laupīšana robbery; synonyms (n) rape, burglary, depredation, looting, pillage, plunder, theft, holdup, thieving, freebooting, pillaging, spoil, (v) despoliation, spoliation. laupīt loot; synonyms (n) plunder, booty, prey, prize, bread, kale, haul, pickings, money, (v) pillage, despoil, rifle, foray, ransack, rob, sack, steal, gut, raid, ravage. laupītājs robber; synonyms (n) thief, highwayman, bandit, outlaw, burglar, crook, pillager, pirate, plunderer, depredator, despoiler, spoiler, rifler. lauzties elbow; synonyms (n) bend, cubitus, angle, joint, (v) poke, jostle, nudge, push, shove, jolt, crowd, hustle. lava lava; synonyms (n) rock, (adj) pituite. lavīna avalanche; synonyms (n) landslide, deluge, cascade, plenty, barrage, earthquake, tremor, (v) debacle. lazda hazel; synonyms (n) filbert, cobnut, hazelnut, brown, auburn, cob. lçmums decision; synonyms (n) conclusion, determination, resolution, sentence, verdict, arbitration, ruling, choice, will, constancy, agreement, decisiveness, decree, discrimination, finality, finding, firmness, (v) judgment, award, doom. Lçns slow; synonyms (adj) dull, late, easy, sluggish, heavy, dense, dim, gradual, inactive, indolent, lazy, stupid, belated, boring, dilatory, (v) slack, check, delay, (adv) behind, behindhand; antonyms (adj) fast, intelligent, rapid, bright, alert, brisk, hasty, prompt, quick, speedy, hurried, observant, rushed, (v) accelerate. Lçts cheap; synonyms (adj) inexpensive, low, stingy, tacky, base, brassy, bum, cheesy, economical, flashy, mean, niggardly, reasonable, shabby, sleazy, vulgar, worthless, miserable, wretched, sorry; antonyms (adj) expensive, costly, generous, tasteful, first-rate, luxurious. ledains icy; synonyms (adj) frozen, cold, freezing, frigid, frosty, glacial, arctic, chill, chilly, wintry, aloof, distant, gelid, standoffish, hostile, bitter, cool, nippy, slippery, stony; antonyms (adj) warm, hot. ledus ice; synonyms (n) frosting, glass, hoarfrost, icing, sparkler, frappe, rime, (v) frost, cool, refrigerate, fan;
appearence, border, feeding, manufacturing, contrivance, direction, four, glance, lift, look, mien, modeling, modelling, pattern, roll, shade. lemesis ploughshare; synonyms (n) plowshare, share, contribution, parcel, part, percentage, portion. lēmums 1. ordinance; synonyms (n) decree, command, edict, order, law, act, institution, observance, regulation, institute, enactment, ceremony, rite, ordination, prescription, rule, 2. decision; synonyms (n) conclusion, determination, resolution, sentence, verdict, arbitration, ruling, choice, will, constancy, agreement, decisiveness, discrimination, finality, finding, firmness, resolve, (v) judgment, award, doom, 3. resolution; synonyms (n) decision, answer, purpose, solution, decomposition, analysis, dissolution, fortitude, perseverance, resoluteness, settlement, dissection, conversion, courage, explanation, breakdown, motion, result, steadfastness, declaration; antonym (n) indecisiveness, 4. act; synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, do, feat, performance, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go, perform, acquit, enact, feign, operate, pretend, work, commit; antonym (v) refrain; žūrijas lēmums award; galīgais lēmums
ledus vanna ice bath; ledus udens ice water. ledusskapis refrigerator; synonym (n) icebox. legalizēt validate; synonyms (v) corroborate, substantiate, confirm, sustain, ratify, affirm, pass, prove, support, verify, authenticate, approve, establish, formalize; antonyms (v) invalidate, cancel, nullify, overturn. legāls legal; synonyms (adj) lawful, sound, valid, juridical, constitutional, judicial, permissible, rightful, true, correct, sanctioned, official, right, authentic, effectual, healthy, (v) allowable, legitimate, licit, chartered; antonyms (adj) illegal, unlawful, bogus. leģenda legend; synonyms (n) caption, fable, fiction, tale, account, myth, story, title, tradition, chronicle, folklore, romance, narrative, saga, yarn, allegory, anecdote, annals. leģitimācija legitimation; synonyms (n) legalization, legalisation.
final decision. leņķis angle; synonyms (n) hook, incline, view, aspect, cant, corner, outlook, perspective, pitch, position, viewpoint, side, recess, turn, (v) slant, lean, tilt, fish, slope, trawl; drošības leņķis angle of safety;
konversijas leņķis conversion angle; zemais leņķis low angle; redzes leņķis field of vision; skata leņķis angle of view; slīpuma leņķis angle of depression; transversālais leņķis pitch angle. lente 1. ribbon; synonyms (n) band, riband, shred, strip, tape, decoration, medal, ribband, belt, fascia, thread, palm, fillet, string, stripe, laurels, medallion, 2. band; synonyms (n) cluster, party, set, swathe, circle, collar, company, crew, faction, gang, knot, lace, strap, zone, list, area, association, (v) ring, combine, tie, 3. belt; synonyms (n) ribbon, knock, bang, stretch, girdle, girth, rap, region, sash, swath, (v) hit, wallop, whack, beat, smash, whip, thrash, flog, gird, strike, 4. tape; synonyms (n) rope, cassette, seal, (v) record, videotape, video; magnētiskā lente magnetic tape. leopards leopard; synonyms (n) cat, marble, nacre, ocelot, opal, ophite, pard, libbard, pardale, zebra. lepns proud; synonyms (adj) arrogant, dignified, disdainful, haughty, lofty, exalted, conceited, egotistical, gallant, lordly, majestic, overbearing, pompous, imperious, elated, grand, magnificent, noble, presumptuous, sublime; antonyms (adj) humble, modest, ashamed, embarrassed. lepnums pride; synonyms (n) arrogance, boast, conceit, haughtiness, egotism, lordliness, vanity, assumption, insolence, disdain, hauteur, triumph, presumption, glory, pomp, pridefulness, gaud, joy, (v) plume, congratulate; antonyms (n) humility, modesty. lete counter; synonyms (n) buffet, bench, reverse, counterpunch, desk, heel, (v) reply, contradict, resist, answer, react, respond, retort, thwart, disprove, oppose, (adj) converse, antagonistic, contrary, opposite.
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Latvian - English
lēts cheap; synonyms (adj) inexpensive, low, stingy, tacky,
līdums clearance; synonyms (n) clearing, clearage,
base, brassy, bum, cheesy, economical, flashy, mean, niggardly, reasonable, shabby, sleazy, vulgar, worthless, miserable, wretched, sorry; antonyms (adj) expensive, costly, generous, tasteful, first-rate, luxurious. lētticīgs credulous; synonyms (adj) naive, gullible, unsuspecting, simple, unquestioning, unsuspicious, green, trusting, innocent, unwary; antonyms (adj) incredulous, disbelieving, suspicious, wary. liberālisms liberalism; synonyms (n) autonomy, tolerance, permissiveness, progressiveness, (adj) liberality; antonym (n) narrow-mindedness. liberalizācija liberalization; synonyms (n) liberalisation, ease, easiness, relaxation, loosening, repose, rest, slackening. licence licence; synonyms (v) license, certify, endorse, evidence, attest, demonstrate, indorse, manifest; zvejas
disposal, headroom, settlement, acquittance, authorization, license, permit, room, acquittal; antonyms (n) blockage, retention. līdz pending; synonyms (prep) during, awaiting, (adj) forthcoming, undecided, unresolved, unsettled, outstanding, hanging, looming, pendulous, suspended, considering, doubtful, inoperative, overhanging, pendant, withdrawn, (n) abeyance, (adv) while, whilst; antonym (adj) distant; līdz galam down; līdz šim
licence fishing licence; ieroča nēsāšanas licence gun licence. līcis gulf; synonyms (n) abyss, chasm, bay, cove, abysm, inlet, pit, ravine, rift, hollow; jūras līcis gulf. līdaka pike; synonyms (n) point, expressway, freeway, highway, motorway, mountain, (adj) peak, crest, arete, bluff, cliff, crag. lidaparāts aircraft; synonyms (n) airplane, airliner, craft, plane, vessel, airship, blimp, boat, dirigible, hydroplane, jumbo, vehicle, zeppelin, jet, seaplane, spacecraft;
vadošais lidaparāts lead aircraft; transporta lidaparāts transport aircraft. lidlauks aerodrome; synonyms (n) airport, airdrome. lidmašīna 1. aircraft; synonyms (n) airplane, airliner, craft, plane, vessel, airship, blimp, boat, dirigible, hydroplane, jumbo, vehicle, zeppelin, jet, seaplane, spacecraft, 2. plane; synonyms (n) face, aeroplane, aircraft, degree, stage, surface, facet, planer, sheet, incline, (v) flatten, shave, hover, trim, (adj) level, even, flat, horizontal, smooth, flush, 3. airplane; synonyms (n) helicopter, ramjet, (v) automobile, bus, train, autobus, locomotive, minivan, motorbike, omnibus, subway, trolley, van; reaktīva lidmašīna jet; pasažieru
lidmašīna bus. lidojums flight; synonyms (n) escape, herd, flying, run, avolation, exodus, elopement, evasion, departure, aviation, flock, retreat, crossing, journey, passage, rout, (adj) bevy, drove, cloud, (v) bolt; izmēģinājuma
lidojums flight test; instrumentālais lidojums instrument flight; grupas lidojums formation flight. lidosta airport; synonyms (n) aerodrome, airdrome, runway, airstrip, depot, destination, harbor, haven, port, station, hangar, helipad, installation, spaceport, strip;
muitas lidosta customs airport; izlidošanas lidosta airport of departure; ielidošanas lidosta airport of arrival; galapunkta lidosta airport of destination; galamērķa lidosta airport of destination; brīva lidosta free airport. lidot fly; synonyms (v) escape, dash, drive, flee, glide, elope, aviate, dart, flutter, hop, hover, hurry, jet, race, run, (n) flap, (adj) break, flit, burst, insect; likt lidot fly.
yet; līdz šim laikam hitherto. līdzāspastāvēšana coexistence; synonyms (n) appulse, companionship, company, coincidence, meeting, rencontre, rencounter, syzygy, accord, coetaneousness, coevality, concurrence, conformity, conjunction, contemporaneousness, harmony, order, peace, simultaneousness, synchronicity. līdzdalība 1. participation; synonyms (n) involvement, interest, contribution, attendance, complicity, communion, association, connection, affair, concert, concurrence, engagement, voice, 2. part; synonyms (n) constituent, piece, article, character, component, cut, division, portion, section, share, allotment, bit, (v) branch, break, disjoin, divide, divorce, class, cleave, dissociate; antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) complete;
sociālā līdzdalība social participation; politiskā līdzdalība political involvement. lîdzeklis means; synonyms (n) expedient, agency, instrument, assets, capital, channel, funds, income, manner, agent, contrivance, device, medium, method, process, property, resource, resources, substance, way. līdzeklis 1. agent; synonyms (n) agency, broker, deputy, medium, factor, instrument, mediator, ambassador, attorney, channel, delegate, doer, envoy, intermediary, means, procurator, surrogate, spy, operator, (v) actor, 2. medium; synonyms (adj) intermediate, fair, mid, middle, middling, moderate, (n) average, mediocre, mean, atmosphere, go-between, vehicle, environment, mediocrity, spiritualist, clairvoyant, instrumentality, midst, mediation, element, 3. weapon; synonyms (n) gun, arm, missile, artillery, blade, firearm, spear, steel, tool, implement, ordnance, bat, bludgeon, branch, club, cudgel, foil, limb, mace, rapier, 4. means; synonyms (n) expedient, assets, capital, funds, income, manner, agent, contrivance, device, method, process, property, resource, resources, substance, way, wealth, wherewithal, road, course, 5. measure; synonyms (n) amount, criterion, extent, beat, benchmark, degree, estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, act, allotment, action, bill, dose, (v) grade, appraise, assess, evaluate, fathom; transporta
līdzeklis vehicle; kuģošanas līdzeklis ship; līdzeklis I aid; līdzeklis II agent; uzskates līdzeklis visual aid; specifisks līdzeklis specific; satiksmes līdzeklis communication; metodisks līdzeklis guide. līdzens smooth; synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, liquid, mellow, polished, slick, peaceful, (v) quiet, facilitate, even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, grainy, jagged, spiky, (v) wrinkle, crease, disturb.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English līdzīgs 1. like; synonyms (v) corresponding, enjoy, identical, care, desire, fancy, wish, savor, (adj) equal, equivalent, alike, analogous, comparable, same, parallel, similar, such, (n) love, relish, counterpart; antonyms (prep) unlike, (v) dislike, (adj) different, 2. similar; synonyms (adj) like, related, akin, cognate, correspondent, conformable, resembling, even, kindred, twin, uniform, exchangeable, interchangeable, matching, synonymous; antonyms (adj) dissimilar, incompatible, opposing, opposite, 3. equal; synonyms (adj) agree, adequate, balanced, commensurate, coordinate, fair, candid, competent, (v) match, compare, correspond, rival, equalize, equate, fit, represent, touch, (n) compeer, peer, associate; antonyms (adj) unequal, repressive, disproportionate, inconsistent, uneven, (v) differ; kaut
kas līdzīgs like. līdzināties 1. resemble; synonyms (v) imitate, seem, compare, correspond, agree, look, match, simulate, approximate, echo, 2. amount; synonyms (n) number, quantity, aggregate, measure, sum, total, degree, extent, figure, price, volume, body, bulk, cost, magnitude, mass, quantum, size, value, (v) come. līdzstrādnieks associate; synonyms (v) affiliate, connect, company, link, relate, consort, join, unite, (n) ally, assistant, companion, fellow, partner, accomplice, adjunct, acquaintance, colleague, friend, mate, member; antonyms (v) avoid, dissociate, distance, (adj) chief, (n) stranger. līdzsvars 1. balance; synonyms (n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder, account, complement, counterpoise, credit, equality, parity, proportion, (v) counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate, contrast, settle, audit, level, match; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) unbalance, 2. equilibrium; synonyms (n) balance, equipoise, steadiness, counterweight, par; antonym (n) disequilibrium; fāžu līdzsvars phase equilibrium. līdzvērtība equivalence; synonyms (n) equality, correspondence, parity, balance, par, similitude, analogy, comparability, compare, comparison, correlation, likeness, tie, (v) equivalent; antonyms (n) difference, dissimilarity. līdzvērtīgs equivalent; synonyms (adj) equal, comparable, alike, analogous, even, corresponding, identical, like, matching, same, equipollent, commensurate, akin, level, reciprocal, (n) counterpart, match, parallel, peer, (v) consideration; antonyms (adj) unlike, (n) different, dissimilar. liecība 1. attestation; synonyms (n) testimony, affirmation, confirmation, evidence, attest, assertion, certificate, proof, affidavit, 2. witness; synonyms (n) spectator, bystander, eyewitness, onlooker, observer, testifier, beholder, testify, attestant, viewer, watcher, attestation, depose, (v) observe, notice, see, view, watch, certify, behold; antonym (n) participant, 3. evidence; synonyms (n) mark, data, argument, demonstration, sign, clue, deposition, indication, record, substantiation, (v) display, demonstrate, manifest, denote, establish, exhibit, indicate, prove, show, tell, 4. testimony; synonyms (n) declaration, testimonial, statement, profession, avowal, verification, authority, speech, (v) witness, 5. proof; synonyms (n) probation, authentication, validation, experiment, essay, criterion,
establishment, pull, reason, support, test, trial, impression, basis, examination, argumentation, testing, experience, manifestation, attempt; rakstiska liecība
certificate. liecināt 1. witness; synonyms (n) spectator, testimony, bystander, eyewitness, onlooker, evidence, observer, testifier, beholder, proof, testify, attestant, confirmation, viewer, (v) attest, observe, notice, see, view, watch; antonym (n) participant, 2. allege; synonyms (v) affirm, maintain, plead, say, argue, assert, aver, claim, declare, pretend, accuse, lay, adduce, avow, charge, cite, contend, offer, present, (n) advance; antonym (v) deny, 3. testify; synonyms (v) certify, protest, prove, demonstrate, manifest, express, show, vouch, indicate, tell, witness, swear. liecinieks witness; synonyms (n) spectator, testimony, bystander, eyewitness, onlooker, evidence, observer, testifier, beholder, proof, testify, attestant, confirmation, viewer, (v) attest, observe, notice, see, view, watch; antonym (n) participant. lieks unnecessary; synonyms (adj) superfluous, redundant, gratuitous, needless, dispensable, excessive, pointless, surplus, excess, spare, undue, useless, extra, unneeded; antonyms (adj) necessary, reasonable; lieks patēriņš
waste; lieks cilvēks super. liekulība hypocrisy; synonyms (n) cant, insincerity, dissimulation, deception, falsity, deceit, sanctimoniousness, unctuousness, double-dealing, sham, angle, auction, botchery, bungling, canting, corner, dishonesty, disingenuousness, imposition, (v) duplicity; antonym (n) sincerity. liekulīgs hypocritical; synonyms (adj) deceitful, false, insincere, dishonest, disingenuous, pharisaical, sanctimonious, hollow, (adv) counterfeit; antonyms (adj) genuine, sincere. liekuļots counterfeit; synonyms (adj) mock, artificial, assumed, false, falsify, imitation, adulterate, bastard, bogus, deceitful, feigned, fictitious, (v) fake, sham, forge, ape, feign, (n) copy, duplicate, forgery; antonyms (adj) genuine, real, (n) original. lielgabals cannon; synonyms (n) artillery, carom, clash, gun, shank, carambole, carronade, culverin, howitzer, firearm, handgun, pistol, collision, concussion, encounter, occursion, ordinance, percussion, revolver, order. lielībnieks 1. braggart; synonyms (n) boaster, blowhard, braggadocio, bragger, vaunter, swaggerer, talker, babbler, rodomont, vaporer, conversationist, prattler, pretension, (v) magniloquent, pretentious, flaming, gasconading, stilted, (adj) braggy, crowing, 2. boaster; synonyms (n) braggart, bouncer, huff, rage. lielisks excellent; synonyms (adj) choice, estimable, admirable, superior, capital, beautiful, distinctive, brilliant, fantastic, fine, good, great, magnificent, marvelous, outstanding, perfect, splendid, superb, terrific, (n) worthy; antonyms (adj) inferior, poor, abysmal, awful, mediocre. liellaiva barge; synonyms (n) lighter, boat, craft, flatboat, hoy, buss, cat, clipper, clump, corvette, cutter, dandy, foist, ketch, lugger, sloop, smack, (v) burst, jump, lumber.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
liellopi cattle; synonyms (n) beast, cows, stock, kine, livestock, oxen, sheep, antelopes, bison, camels, crowd, mob, public, barb, bidet, charger, chevrotains, cob, colt, courser; gaļas liellopi beef cattle. liels 1. big; synonyms (adj) ample, major, heavy, important, significant, thick, sturdy, generous, adult, bad, burly, considerable, great, hefty, high, liberal, magnanimous, momentous, noble, (adv) large; antonyms (adj) little, puny, (adv) small, (syn) tiny, 2. large; synonyms (adj) big, extensive, broad, bulky, handsome, abundant, capacious, gross, huge, roomy, stout, fat, bountiful, colossal, commodious, comprehensive, copious, enormous, expansive, fair; antonyms (adj) cramped, insignificant, 3. bulky; synonyms (adj) unwieldy, corpulent, cumbersome, substantial, awkward, clumsy, massive, ponderous, stocky, voluminous, weighty, brawny, (adv) portly; antonyms (adj) compact, manageable, 4. great; synonyms (adj) eminent, famous, gigantic, distinguished, extreme, grand, chief, capital, celebrated, dignified, fantastic, fine, glorious, good, spacious, stunning, vigorous, wide, admirable, almighty; antonyms (adj) awful, mild, 5. gross; synonyms (adj) crass, coarse, boorish, common, crude, blunt, disgusting, brutal, earthy, entire, flagrant, fulsome, glaring, indecent, rank, vulgar, whole, (v) foul, (n) aggregate, full; antonyms (adj) attractive, (v) net; diezgan liels
considerable; liels skaits more; liels raksts feature; liels karakuģis launch; liels formāts large format; liels darbs achievement; liels kuģis large ship; nedabiski liels monster. lieltirgotājs merchant; synonyms (n) dealer, seller, trader, merchandiser, retailer, shopkeeper, storekeeper, vendor, broker, trafficker, wholesaler, (v) chapman; antonym (n) buyer. lielums 1. size; synonyms (n) measure, bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions, extent, largeness, quantity, glue, amount, breadth, degree, magnitude, mass, measurement, sizing, proportion, (v) gauge, scale, (adj) gum; antonyms (n) length, slenderness, 2. dimension; synonyms (n) size, attribute, range, bigness, stretch, balance, 3. rate; synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, percentage, charge, (v) assess, estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise, compute, count, calculate, merit, put, rank, esteem, prize, deserve, 4. quantity; synonyms (n) multitude, quantum, sum, total, portion, heap, deal, volume, piece, body, dose, part, plenty, quota, aggregate, allowance, batch, bunch, bundle, matter; zaudējuma lielums amount of loss;
vidējais lielums average; soda naudas lielums amount of a fine; relatīvais lielums relative quantity; nenoteikts lielums n; negatīvs lielums minus; mērāmais lielums measured quantity; mainīgais lielums variable; graudu lielums grain size; datnes lielums file size. lielvalsts power; synonyms (n) force, ability, potency, authority, control, energy, agency, domination, intensity, strength, effectiveness, effect, aptitude, capability, (v) influence, might, dominion, faculty, capacity, efficacy; antonyms (n) powerlessness, helplessness, weakness.
liepa 1. linden; synonyms (n) basswood, lime, birdlime, calx, quicklime, 2. lime; synonyms (n) lemon, cement, linden, (v) forelay, (adj) green. liesa spleen; synonyms (n) anger, spite, resentment, rage, bitterness, lien, malice, huff, grudge, rancor, acerbity, dudgeon, fury, choler, hatred, temper, venom, virulence, wrath, acrimony. liešana 1. casting; synonyms (n) cast, molding, pouring, air, appearence, border, feeding, manufacturing, contrivance, direction, four, glance, lift, look, mien, modeling, modelling, pattern, roll, shade, 2. foundry; synonyms (n) factory, plant, metalworks, office, foundery. liesma flame; synonyms (n) blaze, fire, ardour, burning, combustion, enthusiasm, fervor, glare, fervour, darling, ardor, flaming, (v) burn, flash, flare, (adj) flush, glow, sweetheart, beau, lover. liess lean; synonyms (adj) emaciated, gaunt, thin, bony, lank, lanky, scrawny, flimsy, angular, (v) incline, bend, list, slant, bow, careen, pitch, slope, tip, (n) tilt, inclination; antonyms (adj) fat, plump. lieta 1. matter; synonyms (n) event, affair, business, concern, issue, material, substance, incident, article, body, import, interest, item, subject, topic, instance, consequence, (v) case, count, weigh, 2. cause; synonyms (n) action, occasion, account, basis, campaign, excuse, lawsuit, origin, (v) make, breed, do, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, engender, inspire, let, motivate, 3. thing; synonyms (n) matter, object, occurrence, happening, something, being, deed, entity, episode, fad, circumstance, act, person, question, device, gadget, habit, part, piece, point, 4. file; synonyms (n) archive, document, list, procession, rank, record, roll, series, string, line, range, row, tabulate, (v) order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade, arrange, grind, 5. object; synonyms (n) design, aim, cause, end, intent, intention, meaning, mark, drift, goal, motive, objective, reason, target, thing, (v) except, mind, complain, demur, remonstrate; antonym (v) agree, 6. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, suit, carton, chest, condition, crate, file, husk, sample, slip, (adj) patient, 7. affair; synonyms (n) job, amour, duty, party, theme, transaction, meeting, affaire, experience, fact, function, liaison, occupation, relationship, responsibility, romance, gathering, (v) collision, 8. point; synonyms (n) place, grade, peak, nib, edge, degree, dot, spot, phase, apex, detail, height, hint, moment, position, tip, top, (v) head, direct, level; lieta tērauda plātne mild steel plate;
konkrēta lieta entity; apelācijas lieta appeal proceedings; kauna lieta scandal; vērtīga lieta valuable item; tiesas lieta cause; nākamā lieta future property. lietas goods; synonyms (n) cargo, freight, belongings, commodity, merchandise, product, estate, chattels, commodities, effects, produce, property, stuff, wealth, load, consignment, gear, materials, possession, (v) furniture; lietas izskatīšana hearing; lietas
izskatīšanas atlikšana stay of proceedings; banku lietas banking; lietas nosaukums file title; pamats lietas ierosināšanai cause of
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English action; sabiedriskas lietas public affairs; lietas koki timber. lietošana 1. use; synonyms (n) custom, practice, benefit, habit, application, function, (v) exercise, employ, employment, expend, profit, advantage, exploit, occupy, operate, spend, exert, need, (adj) usage, service; antonym (v) conserve, 2. usage; synonyms (n) method, convention, consuetude, treatment, usance, wont, ritual, system, tradition, fashion, routine, rule, management, manipulation, utilization, accustom, prescription, (v) use, manner, treat, 3. application; synonyms (n) plea, appeal, appliance, concentration, demand, diligence, effort, petition, request, attention, administration, call, claim, coating, exertion, industry, motion, order, overture, program; nepareiza lietošana abuse;
datora lietošana computer application; ūdens lietošana water use. lietot 1. use; synonyms (n) custom, practice, benefit, habit, application, function, (v) exercise, employ, employment, expend, profit, advantage, exploit, occupy, operate, spend, exert, need, (adj) usage, service; antonym (v) conserve, 2. employ; synonyms (v) apply, use, consume, engage, hire, wield, busy, ply, retain, take, utilize, work, commit, charter, put, appoint, enlist, harness, rent, (n) situation; antonyms (v) fire, dismiss;
lietot narkotikas drug. lietotājs user; synonyms (n) consumer, buyer, exploiter, addict, customer, freeloader, idler, moocher, occupant, patron, scrounger, shopper, slacker, stealer, purchaser, beggar, use, (v) take; antonym (n) dealer; servisa
lietotājs service user; prasmīgs lietotājs power user; attālais lietotājs remote user. lietpratējs connoisseur; synonyms (n) authority, critic, cognoscenti, expert, specialist, savant, scholar, arbiter, epicurean, gourmet, (v) judge. lietpratīgs competent; synonyms (adj) able, capable, adequate, clever, effective, efficient, fit, sufficient, commensurate, accomplished, adept, appropriate, enough, experienced, good, professional, proficient, qualified, skillful, apt; antonyms (adj) incompetent, useless, inept. lietus rain; synonyms (n) precipitation, wet, pelting, flow, rainfall, rainwater, abound, exuberate, mist, teem, (v) pour, stream, hail, precipitate, shower, condense, pelt, sprinkle; lietus mežs cloud forest; skābais lietus
acid rain; lietus ūdens rain water. lifts lift; synonyms (n) elevator, boost, heave, support, climb, (v) hoist, raise, rise, elevate, erect, filch, hike, advance, airlift, pilfer, pinch, rear, steal, swipe, enhance. ligatūra ligature; synonyms (n) binder, ligament, bandage, link, (v) bond, tie, knot. līgava bride; synonyms (n) wife, mate, woman, helpmate. līgavainis bridegroom; synonyms (n) groom, husband, helpmate, hostler, mate, ostler, servant, stableboy, stableman, waiter, (v) bride. lignīts lignite; synonyms (n) browncoal, charcoal. līgums 1. agreement; synonyms (n) accord, acquiescence, concord, accordance, coincidence, contract, acceptance, appointment, arrangement, compliance, confirmation, conformity, correspondence, covenant, settlement, unison, deed, bargain, concordance, (v) assent; antonyms
(n) disagreement, argument, conflict, discord, rejection, dispute, resistance, 2. covenant; synonyms (n) compact, bond, pact, testament, convention, transaction, deal, stipulation, treaty, concordat, (v) agreement, promise, vow, agree, pledge, undertake, engage, stipulate, 3. treaty; synonyms (n) protocol, alliance, peace, armistice, charter, 4. convention; synonyms (n) conference, congress, meeting, assembly, convocation, council, custom, tradition, assemblage, gathering, habit, practice, fashion, company, congregation, conventionalism, conventionality, etiquette, form, formula, 5. contract; synonyms (n) guarantee, (v) concentrate, condense, narrow, catch, compress, constrict, shrink, wrinkle, abbreviate, diminish, lessen, bind, flex, cut, draw, dwindle, get, (adj) abridge, shorten; antonyms (v) expand, widen, stretch, 6. pact; synonyms (n) understanding, engagement, compromise;
administratīvais līgums administrative contract; laulības līgums marriage contract; komisijas līgums commission contract; komerctiesību līgums option; komerciāls līgums commercial contract; īstermiņa līgums short-term contract; ilgtermiņa līgums long-term contract; garantijas līgums guarantee agreement; ārvalstu valūtas līgums foreign exchange contract; apmaiņas līgums exchange agreement. ligzda nest; synonyms (n) den, lair, hole, burrow, home, herd, (v) nestle, (adj) brood, hive, litter; adatas ligzda catch. likme rate; synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, percentage, charge, (v) assess, estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise, compute, count, calculate, merit, put, rank, esteem, gauge, prize; pazemināta likme
reduced rate; algu likme rate of wages; cieta likme fixed rate; diskonta likme discount rate; konversijas likme conversion rate; maksimālā likme ceiling rate; norēķinu likme rate of payment; noteikta likme fixed rate; algas likme salary; vienota likme flat rate. līkne curve; synonyms (n) bend, crook, bow, arc, curvature, kink, round, bender, loop, twist, coil, (v) curl, turn, arch, hook, wind, distort, meander, inflect, (adj) flex; vajāšanas līkne curve of pursuit. likt 1. compel; synonyms (v) coerce, force, cause, command, constrain, enforce, make, necessitate, obligate, oblige, press, pressure, require, bind, drive, impel, impose, intimidate, push, urge, 2. put; synonyms (v) place, fix, lay, position, set, couch, locate, pose, charge, pitch, arrange, assign, commit, establish, express, install, post, plant, (n) deposit, invest; likt uz
spēles venture; likt pamatus establish; likt uz galda table; likt traukos dish; likt lidot fly; likt soli step; likt sliedes rail; likt saprast intimate; likt šķēršļus block up; likt pamatu base. liktenis 1. fate; synonyms (n) destiny, chance, luck, fatality, allotment, fortune, kismet, lot, portion, accident, end, future, hap, circumstances, (v) doom, destine, designate, destruction, 2. destiny; synonyms (n) fate, destination, weird.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
likumdošana legislation; synonyms (n) lawmaking, legislating, law, conduct, government, gubernation, passage, administration, constitution, nomology;
vietējā likumdošana domestic legislation; iekšzemes likumdošana domestic legislation. likumība 1. legality; synonyms (n) validity, justice, right, allowance, assure, authority, commission, correctness, fairness, guaranty, justify, truth, warrant, authenticity, impartiality, maintain, sanction, security, voucher, 2. legitimacy; synonym (n) genuineness. likumīgs 1. legitimate; synonyms (adj) legal, authentic, lawful, genuine, just, orthodox, valid, justifiable, licit, logical, real, true, correct, fair, actual, (v) legalize, legitimatize, legitimize, permissible, allowable; antonyms (adj) banned, illegal, informal, unlawful, bogus, illegitimate, invalid, 2. legal; synonyms (adj) sound, juridical, constitutional, judicial, rightful, sanctioned, official, right, effectual, healthy, heavy, (v) legitimate, chartered, 3. lawful; synonyms (adj) regular, equitable, admissible, innocent, due, honest, 4. juridical; synonyms (adj) juridic, forensic, discriminative, legislative, 5. valid; synonyms (adj) solid, forcible, substantial, good, powerful, strong, cogent, hard, competent, confirmed, adequate, convincing, hardy, persuasive, satisfactory, stout, sufficient, usable, reasonable, effective; antonyms (adj) unacceptable, annulled, illogical; likumīgs pārstāvis
legal representative. likumprojekts bill; synonyms (n) account, beak, advertisement, card, invoice, poster, receipt, act, banknote, check, measure, notice, program, reckoning, score, statement, (v) placard, advertise, charge, list;
valdības likumprojekts government bill. likums 1. law; synonyms (n) rule, canon, decree, act, edict, regulation, enactment, jurisprudence, justice, order, police, principle, ruling, axiom, directive, liberty, measure, prescription, tenet, command, 2. rule; synonyms (n) govern, dominion, law, ordinance, regulate, reign, authority, dictate, government, line, precept, sway, administration, code, constitution, (v) control, influence, direct, dominate, conduct, 3. act; synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, do, feat, performance, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go, perform, acquit, enact, feign, operate, pretend, work, commit; antonym (v) refrain; konstitutīvs
likums organic law; valsts iekšējais likums domestic law; tirgus likums market law; spēkā esošais likums law in force; parlamenta likums act of parliament; pastāvošais likums law in force; vispārējs likums framework law. likumsakarība regularity; synonyms (n) constancy, order, evenness, punctuality, orderliness, method, steadiness, uniformity, accuracy, system, balance, correspondence, exactness, symmetry; antonym (n) inconsistency. likvidācija liquidation; synonyms (n) settlement, bankruptcy, destruction, elimination, extermination, clearance, discharge, insolvency, purge, ruin. likvidēšana abolition; synonyms (n) abolishment, annulment, destruction, ending, annihilation, cancellation, eradication, repeal; antonym (n)
reinstatement; atkritumu likvidēšana waste disposal. likvidēt 1. liquidate; synonyms (v) slay, destroy, discharge, kill, annihilate, eliminate, clear, assassinate, cash, finish, fix, murder, pay, purge, remove, waste, (n) settle, 2. eliminate; synonyms (v) abolish, delete, rid, cancel, dispel, eradicate, extinguish, obliterate, take, discard, dismiss, erase, except, exclude, excrete, omit, pass, prune, reject, subtract, 3. abolish; synonyms (v) abrogate, revoke, end, invalidate, repeal, rescind, terminate, exterminate, liquidate, nullify, overthrow, (adj) annul; antonym (v) establish. līme glue; synonyms (n) adhesive, gum, mucilage, (v) cement, adhere, affix, fasten, fix, attach, bond, plaster, stick, bind, join, paste. līmenis 1. level; synonyms (n) grade, degree, category, class, (adj) even, equal, horizontal, (v) flat, flatten, floor, aim, demolish, destroy, dismantle, raze, bulldoze, balance, direct, equalize, fell; antonyms (adj) inclined, slanting, angled, unequal, (v) uneven, build, raise, 2. mark; synonyms (n) brand, evidence, score, character, heed, impression, imprint, sign, feature, badge, check, emblem, indication, line, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish, label, differentiate, (adj) notice; fona
līmenis background level; cenu līmenis price level; drošuma līmenis confidence level; iedarbības līmenis action level; inflācijas līmenis rate of inflation; izglītības līmenis educational level; atļautais lidojuma līmenis cleared flight level; viszemākais līmenis low; lidojuma līmenis flight level; maksimālais līmenis ceiling. līmēt 1. glue; synonyms (n) adhesive, gum, mucilage, (v) cement, adhere, affix, fasten, fix, attach, bond, plaster, stick, bind, join, paste, 2. paste; synonyms (n) glue, dough, cream, batter, pulp, spread, clinquant, finery, frippery, gewgaw, gimcrack, (v) hit, lute. limitēt limit; synonyms (n) bound, boundary, edge, brink, compass, (v) border, restrict, circumscribe, confine, curb, restrain, abridge, check, close, constrain, curtail, cramp, control, (prep) extent, end; antonyms (n) center, extension, minimum, (v) broaden, extend. limits limit; synonyms (n) bound, boundary, edge, brink, compass, (v) border, restrict, circumscribe, confine, curb, restrain, abridge, check, close, constrain, curtail, cramp, control, (prep) extent, end; antonyms (n) center, extension, minimum, (v) broaden, extend; parādu
limits debt ceiling. linga sling; synonyms (n) cast, bow, slingshot, balister, (v) catapult, pitch, fling, hurl, suspend, dangle, chuck, heave, throw, toss, shoot, drive, peg, dash, bolt, (adj) hang. lingvistika linguistics; synonyms (n) glossology, philology, glossary, glottology. lini flax; synonyms (n) linen, lint, boundary, clothesline, contour, direction, doctrine, feature, figure, flex, line, hawser, instruction, lineament, linseed, (v) best, defeat, flog, hit, trounce. līnija line; synonyms (n) cord, file, house, breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry, border, boundary, cable,
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Latvian - English crease, row, stock, trace, way, birth, (v) order, wrinkle;
kodoldrošības līnija nuclear safety line; komunikācijas līnija communication line; lappuses līnija column rule; līnija II feature; aplaušanas līnija make-up rule; aplauzuma līnija make-up rule; aptumšojuma līnija light line; asurē līnija cheque line; bumbu nomešanas līnija bomb release line; ceļa līnija track. līnis tench; synonyms (n) dace, roach, rudd. linotips linotype; synonyms (n) italics, justification, logotype. linsēklas linseed; synonyms (n) flaxseed, flax, lintseed. līst creep; synonyms (v) crawl, grovel, sneak, steal, fawn, lurk, cringe, sidle, slip, truckle, cower, edge, itch, pussyfoot, tingle, (n) crawling, creeping, sycophant, toady. literatūra literature; synonyms (n) learning, letters, science, writing, novel, writings, knowledge, advertisement, art, circular, erudition, fiction, letterure, pamphlet, text, abstract, biography, copy, critique, discourse. litogrāfija lithograph; synonyms (n) lithography, cerograph, cerography, chromolithography, glyphography, glyptograph, glyptography, lignography, photolithography, print, xylograph, xylography, zincography, chromolithograph, glyphograph, holograph, litho, zincograph, (v) engrave. litrs litre; synonyms (n) liter, l, fifty, lambert. loceklis member; synonyms (n) limb, part, supporter, extremity, phallus, portion, appendage, employee, fellow, section, constituent, division, element, follower, associate, branch, link, organ, participant, partner;
federācijas loceklis federal; fondu biržas loceklis dealer; ģimenes loceklis member of the family; internacionāles loceklis international; ķēdes loceklis link; koledžas loceklis academic; padomes loceklis councillor; parlamenta loceklis member of parliament; universitātes loceklis academic; valdes loceklis director. locītājs folder; synonyms (n) brochure, file, book, booklet, case, briefcase, pamphlet. lodalva solder; synonyms (n) glue, paste, gum, size, (v) cement, join, fuse, (adj) impact. lode bullet; synonyms (n) shot, round, missile, pellet, projectile, slug, carcass, grenade, stone, ammunition, arrow, fastball, heater, hummer, rocket, (adj) globule, spherule, bulb, drop, (v) hurry. lodīte pellet; synonyms (n) shot, granule, bead, missile, grain, projectile, (v) ball, (adj) spherule, bullet, globule. logaritms logarithm; synonyms (n) log, exponent, index, backlog, power, root, (adj) numeric. loģika logic; synonyms (n) argument, reason, reasoning, sense, order, logics, coherence, rationality, analysis, assumption, basis, brains, clarity, conclusion, consistency, contrivance, dialectic, foundation, grounds, inference; antonym (n) stupidity; pozitīvā loģika
positive logic; negatīvā loģika negative logic; formālā loģika formal logic.
logs window; synonyms (n) casement, porthole, pane, gap, embrasure, hole, opening, windowpane; dokumenta logs document window; atbildes logs response time window; atbildes laika logs response time window; sekundārais logs secondary window; primārais logs primary window; informācijas logs information box; aktīvais logs active window. lokalizācija allocation; synonyms (n) allotment, portion, allowance, quota, share, grant, apportioning, apportionment, appropriation, assignment, distribution, measure, part, proportion, ration. lokalizēt 1. localize; synonyms (v) lay, localise, place, post, locate, set, situate, lodge, quarter, concentrate, allocate, fix, adjust, aim, allot, arrange, base, coif, coiffe, coiffure, 2. position; synonyms (n) attitude, condition, employment, opinion, placement, rank, arrangement, bearing, location, posture, situation, stance, stand, status, case, disposition, (v) grade, install, point, pose, 3. allocate; synonyms (v) divide, apportion, assign, award, dispense, grant, ration, split, attach, allow, appoint, designate, distribute, earmark, portion, share, commit. lokāms flexible; synonyms (adj) elastic, adaptable, pliable, yielding, lissome, pliant, soft, supple, facile, adjustable, bendable, compliant, ductile, flexile, lithe, malleable, variable, versatile, conciliatory, easy; antonyms (adj) inflexible, rigid, fixed, obstinate, stiff, stubborn. lokans flexible; synonyms (adj) elastic, adaptable, pliable, yielding, lissome, pliant, soft, supple, facile, adjustable, bendable, compliant, ductile, flexile, lithe, malleable, variable, versatile, conciliatory, easy; antonyms (adj) inflexible, rigid, fixed, obstinate, stiff, stubborn. loks 1. circle; synonyms (n) round, association, band, compass, ring, field, range, beat, circuit, company, gang, scope, set, league, area, clique, (v) turn, whirl, encircle, circulate, 2. bow; synonyms (n) arc, curve, obeisance, curvature, stem, vault, (v) bend, arch, stoop, duck, buckle, crouch, incline, kowtow, crook, defer, kneel, nod, submit, bob, 3. arc; synonyms (n) bow, crescent, spark, sweep, 4. felloe; synonym (n) felly; aplis loks
o; redzes loks horizon. loksne sheet; synonyms (n) board, layer, leaf, canvas, film, paper, coat, coating, blanket, cover, coverlet, newspaper, piece, plane, sail, mainsheet, pane, slip, bill, covering;
formāta loksne size sheet; kartes loksne map sheet; korektūras loksne proof; metala loksne sheets; montāžas loksne lay sheet; reģistra loksne register sheet; sakriteņa loksne register sheet; uzvilkņa novilkšanas loksne draw sheet. loma role; synonyms (n) part, function, position, character, place, job, persona, post, purpose, use, guise, (v) office, duty; sociālā loma social role. loms haul; synonyms (n) freight, heave, catch, jerk, take, yank, cargo, (v) draw, drag, pull, tow, carry, cart, lug, draught, hale, transport, tug, raise, convey; antonym (v) push. lopbarība 1. fodder; synonyms (n) feed, food, fare, chow, foodstuff, cooking, cuisine, field, fuel, groceries, ground, meadow, pabulation, paddock, provisions, (v) provender,
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Latvian - English
corn, nurture, provision, ration, 2. forage; synonyms (n) pasture, foraging, grass, (v) ransack, hunt, plunder, prey, scrounge, search, rummage, gut, spoil, despoil, loot, maraud, pillage, ravage, scour, victual, cater. lops animal; synonyms (n) brute, creature, beast, organism, being, fauna, monster, (adj) bodily, carnal, brutal, corporeal, physical, sensual, primitive, (adv) fleshly. loterija lottery; synonyms (n) drawing, sweepstake, draft, chance, bet, brag, cassino, connections, drafting, draftsmanship, draught, gamble, put, quinze, speculation, commerce, pairs, patience. loze lot; synonyms (n) batch, destiny, fate, doom, fortune, portion, slice, allot, bunch, chance, circle, group, set, share, allotment, estate, band, caboodle, (v) deal, apportion; tukša loze blank. lucerna lucerne; synonym (n) alfalfa. lufa loofah; synonyms (n) luffa, loofa. lūgt request; synonyms (n) petition, bid, prayer, application, claim, entreaty, wish, invitation, asking, (v) demand, ask, invite, order, pray, appeal, beg, call, desire, entreat, beseech; antonym (v) command. lūgums 1. plea; synonyms (n) defense, justification, answer, apology, appeal, petition, pretext, claim, allegation, call, entreaty, excuse, prayer, argument, alibi, advocacy, explanation, demand, pretense, pretension, 2. request; synonyms (n) bid, application, wish, invitation, asking, command, quest, requisition, inquiry, (v) ask, invite, order, pray, beg, desire, entreat, beseech, inquire, seek, need, 3. application; synonyms (n) plea, appliance, concentration, diligence, effort, exercise, request, use, attention, administration, coating, employment, exertion, function, industry, motion, overture, program, study, suit, 4. petition; synonyms (n) invocation, address, supplication, orison, grace, adroitness, communion, (v) crave, apply, sue, plead, implore, invoke, solicit, supplicate, discourse. lūka 1. trapdoor; synonyms (n) gate, ostiary, pitfall, porch, portal, postern, wicket, 2. manhole; borta lūka port. lukss lux; synonyms (n) lx, sixty, (v) luxate. lūmens lumen; synonym (n) lm. lūsis lynx; synonyms (n) catamount, cat, cougar, painter, panther, puma. lūzums 1. fracture; synonyms (n) break, breach, cleft, fissure, breaking, crevice, disruption, breakage, chap, cracking, fault, flaw, gap, split, scissure, (v) crack, rupture, burst, bust, smash, 2. break; synonyms (v) fail, infringe, leak, tear, undo, beat, chip, contravene, fold, interrupt, (n) fracture, pause, stop, collapse, interruption, respite, suspension, chance, defeat, hiatus; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, mend, (n) continuation.
Ļ ļaunums evil; synonyms (adj) bad, corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, depraved, destructive, harmful, malign, sinister, vicious, (n) damage, adversity, detriment, disaster, depravity, malice, mischief, wickedness, (v) curse;
antonyms (adj) kindhearted, (n) good, goodness, righteousness.
M mācīšana teaching; synonyms (n) education, instruction, indoctrination, doctrine, pedagogy, precept, training, advice, edification, breeding, enlightenment, principle;
valodas mācīšana language teaching. mācīšanās learning; synonyms (n) erudition, acquisition, education, enlightenment, culture, scholarship, wisdom, acquirement, edification, letter, literature, lore, reading, science, eruditeness, learnedness, (v) knowledge, instruction. magma magma; synonyms (n) medley, melange, mess, miscellany, pasticcio, patchwork. magnetīts magnetite; synonyms (n) magnet, siderite. magnijs magnesium; synonyms (n) mg, chalk, milligram. magone poppy; synonyms (n) poop, poppyhead, (v) balm. maigs 1. mild; synonyms (adj) kindly, gracious, benign, easy, lenient, docile, humble, balmy, calm, clement, delicate, kind, meek, sweet, affable, fine, bland, indulgent, moderate, (n) gentle; antonyms (adj) intense, extreme, pungent, severe, sharp, spicy, barbed, fierce, great, hot, incisive, passionate, powerful, scathing, wintry, 2. gentle; synonyms (adj) friendly, soft, mild, tame, feeble, amiable, compassionate, fond, nice, quiet, tender, elegant, dainty, courteous, flexible, benignant, (n) benevolent, (v) appease, assuage, conciliate; antonyms (adj) caustic, cruel, harsh, loud, violent, rough, abrupt, hardhearted, heavy, sarcastic, sheer, steep, 3. soft; synonyms (adj) light, limp, slack, loose, faint, flabby, flaccid, frail, pliant, smooth, pleasant, temperate, downy, effeminate, fluffy, fragile, lax, mellow, melodious, (v) low; antonyms (adj) hard, firm, hoarse, solid, stiff, alcoholic, shrill, strong. maijs may; synonyms (v) can, could, get, might, acquire, aim, amaze, arrest, arrive, baffle, beat, become, beget, begin, bewilder, bring, capture, catch, cause, come. maiņa 1. shift; synonyms (n) interchange, turn, move, switch, conversion, spell, device, resource, expedient, movement, (v) change, exchange, remove, quibble, alter, budge, convert, displace, transfer, fluctuate, 2. relay; synonyms (n) relief, (v) broadcast, pass, transmit, convey, send, 3. exchange; synonyms (n) commutation, swap, commerce, substitute, trade, alteration, central, replacement, bazaar, give-and-take, (v) barter, commute, counterchange, alternate, cash, market, sell, traffic, transpose, truck, 4. change; synonyms (n) shift, modification, variation, adjustment, alternation, amendment, development, difference, flux, (v) adapt, twist, affect, adjust, amend, correct, invert, modify, replace, reverse, vary; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain; adreses maiņa change of address; cenas
maiņa change in price; I maiņa change; dienas maiņa day shift; naudas maiņa exchange; operatīvās vadības maiņa change of operational control; nakts maiņa night shift.
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Latvian - English mainīgums variability; synonyms (n) changeability, variableness, instability, variance, variation, flux, unevenness, disagreement, discrepancy, divergence, division, flightiness, oscillation, vacillation, flexibility, variant. mainīt 1. vary; synonyms (v) alter, change, differ, modify, alternate, deviate, diverge, diversify, modulate, depart, disagree, fluctuate, shift, variegate, contrast, exchange, dissent, turn, range, interchange, 2. change; synonyms (n) alteration, barter, modification, variation, move, adjustment, alternation, amendment, commutation, conversion, (v) adapt, cash, convert, switch, transpose, twist, affect, adjust, amend, commute; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain, 3. revise; synonyms (v) edit, emend, correct, fix, retouch, reform, reconsider, rectify, redress, remedy, repeat, update, mend, vary, improve, (n) review, revisal, revision, proof, (adj) overhaul, 4. exchange; synonyms (n) swap, commerce, substitute, trade, central, replacement, bazaar, give-and-take, business, discussion, permutation, substitution, (v) counterchange, market, sell, traffic, truck, bandy, permute, reverse. mainīties vary; synonyms (v) alter, change, differ, modify, alternate, deviate, diverge, diversify, modulate, depart, disagree, fluctuate, shift, variegate, contrast, exchange, dissent, turn, range, interchange. maisījums 1. composition; synonyms (n) arrangement, constitution, construction, texture, alloy, amalgam, article, combination, composing, compost, compound, compromise, harmony, makeup, organization, piece, production, structure, architecture, composite, 2. mixture; synonyms (n) mix, concoction, assortment, blend, hodgepodge, jumble, medley, miscellany, admixture, commixture, melange, brew, fusion, intermixture, mishmash, mixing, preparation, union, miscellanea, variety, 3. compound; synonyms (n) complex, mixture, composition, agree, enclosure, (v) amalgamate, combine, augment, commingle, coalesce, multiply, aggregate, compose, constitute, heighten, intensify, meld, merge, mingle, (adj) mixed; antonym (adj) simple, 4. mix; synonyms (n) cross, (v) intermingle, confound, intermix, join, admix, immingle, associate, confuse, consort, fuse, immix, incorporate, commix, integrate, socialize, stir, unify, adulterate, melt; antonym (v) separate. maiss 1. sack; synonyms (n) pocket, pouch, sac, poke, purse, rape, (v) pillage, bag, plunder, discharge, dismiss, despoil, fire, ransack, rob, rifle, can, loot, eject, devastate; antonym (v) hire, 2. bag; synonyms (n) package, briefcase, sack, case, container, knapsack, suitcase, backpack, (v) bulge, capture, catch, filch, hook, net, pilfer, steal, take, arrest, protrude, collar;
plastmasas maiss plastic bag; pasta maiss mail; papīra maiss paper bag; audekla maiss canvas bag. maize bread; synonyms (n) living, livelihood, cash, maintenance, currency, dough, food, kale, loot, money, pelf, sustenance; lauku maize country bread. māja house; synonyms (n) family, home, dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice, habitation, housing, establishment, structure, ancestry, company, address, audience, business, concern, (v) accommodate, lodge;
neliela lauku māja cottage; muižnieka māja hall; zemnieku māja cottage. mājlopi livestock; synonyms (n) stock, ancestry, blood, bloodline, breed, broth, caudex, descent, fund, gillyflower, gunstock, inventory, line, lineage, horses, neckcloth, origin, parentage, pedigree, pigs. mājputni poultry; synonyms (n) chicken, fowl, hen, bird, capon, chick, pullet, rooster. mājsaimniece housewife; synonyms (n) homemaker, wife, hussif, hussy, (v) housewive. mājsaimniecība 1. housekeeping; synonyms (n) housework, hospitality, (adj) domestic, 2. household; synonyms (n) folk, stock, menage, roof, (adj) family, home, house, common, (v) ordinary, everyday, usual, frequent, general. mājturība 1. housekeeping; synonyms (n) housework, hospitality, (adj) domestic, 2. household; synonyms (n) folk, stock, menage, roof, (adj) family, home, house, common, (v) ordinary, everyday, usual, frequent, general. mājvieta accommodation; synonyms (n) adjustment, compromise, loan, lodging, adaptation, agreement, apartment, appeasement, convenience, ease, facility, fitting, housing, (v) advance, (adj) adaption. makets 1. dummy; synonyms (adj) sham, spurious, bogus, mock, (n) counterfeit, model, puppet, boob, booby, dope, blank, dumbbell, doll, pinhead, substitute, 2. model; synonyms (n) form, fashion, example, image, dummy, figure, prototype, frame, lesson, archetype, design, epitome, exemplar, manikin, mannequin, (adj) ideal, (v) copy, pattern, imitate, shape; antonym (adj) atypical, 3. mock-up; antonym (n) original; oriģināla makets
copy. mākleris broker; synonyms (n) mediator, agent, gobetween, factor, middleman, dealer, attorney, intermediary, bailiff, merchant. mākonis cloud; synonyms (n) mist, blur, haze, steam, cloak, blind, crowd, curtain, (v) fog, becloud, obscure, befog, blacken, eclipse, overshadow, shadow, taint, hide, impair, (adj) swarm; antonym (v) sharpen;
radioaktīvais mākonis nuclear cloud. makroskopisks macroscopic; synonyms (adj) macroscopical, large, big, bombastic, declamatory, enceinte, expectant, gravid, influential, visible, magnanimous, orotund, prominent, tumid, turgid. maksa 1. pay; synonyms (v) compensate, compensation, liquidate, yield, afford, clear, expend, give, remunerate, indemnify, (n) recompense, wage, earnings, fee, salary, allowance, devote, income, remuneration, reward; antonym (v) owe, 2. fee; synonyms (n) commission, charge, premium, consideration, due, expense, payment, price, toll, cost, duty, excise, fees, fief, figure, pay, stipend, tariff, tax, (v) tip, 3. charge; synonyms (n) accusation, burden, care, command, bill, accusal, assail, demand, direction, mission, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid, load, arraign, assault, fill, order, rush; antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat; iestāšanās maksa entrance
fee; iestāju maksa entrance fee; ires maksa lease; maksa par pakalpojumu service fee; maksa par licenci licence fees; apdrošināšanas
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Latvian - English
maksa insurance payment; dzīvokļa īres maksa rent; piegādes maksa carriage; noteikta maksa fixed charge; nomas maksa II rent charge. maksājams payable; synonyms (adj) due, owing, collectable, outstanding, collectible, owed, unpaid; maksājams avansā payable in advance. maksājums payment; synonyms (n) pay, compensation, bonus, charge, cost, defrayal, expense, recompense, remuneration, installment, deposit, contribution, defrayment, duty, fee, money, price, refund, reparation, (adj) penalty; antonym (n) non-payment; neiekasēts
maksājums outstanding payment; apdrošināšanas maksājums insurance payment; avansa maksājums advance payment; galīgais maksājums final payment; ikmēneša maksājums monthly payment; kārtējais maksājums regular payment; maksājums skaidrā naudā cash payment; vienreizējs maksājums single payment; nenokārtots maksājums outstanding payment; pēdējais maksājums final payment. maksātājs payer; synonyms (n) buyer, client, consumer, customer, maker, procurer, purchaser, remunerator, financier; pilnvarotais maksātājs paying agent. maksātnespēja insolvency; synonyms (n) bankruptcy, ruin, poverty, hardship, impoverishment, need, nonsolvency, penury, deprivation, misery, privation, want; antonym (n) solvency. maksātnespējīgs insolvent; synonyms (n) bankrupt, failure, (adj) broke, destitute, impoverished, penniless, ruined, impecunious, nonsolvent, poor; antonym (adj) solvent. maksimāls maximum; synonyms (adj) extreme, maximal, top, greatest, highest, supreme, ultimate, topmost, uppermost, (n) limit, utmost, height, most, culmination, record, climax, peak, pinnacle, uttermost; antonyms (adj) least, (n) minimum; maksimāls apjoms cap. maksimums maximum; synonyms (adj) extreme, maximal, top, greatest, highest, supreme, ultimate, topmost, uppermost, (n) limit, utmost, height, most, culmination, record, climax, peak, pinnacle, uttermost; antonyms (adj) least, (n) minimum; satiksmes
maksimums peak traffic. māksla art; synonyms (n) know-how, skill, talent, trick, artistry, craft, dexterity, science, accomplishment, aptitude, artfulness, trade, work, address, adroitness, profession, expertise, graphics, handicraft, (adj) cunning;
gleznošanas māksla brush; grāmatu māksla art of the book; vizuālā māksla visual arts; tautas māksla folk art. mākslīgs false; synonyms (adj) bastard, counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz, apocryphal, bad, bogus, delusive, incorrect; antonyms (adj) true, real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, truthful, honest, valid. mākslinieks artist; synonyms (n) actor, artificer, master, player, musician, performer, artisan, creator, entertainer, maker, architect, stylist.
maksts case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, carton, action, cause, chest, condition, crate, (adj) patient. mala 1. edge; synonyms (n) boundary, margin, verge, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, bank, brim, butt, corner, limit, perimeter, periphery, rand, skirt, (v) border, bound, hem, line; antonyms (n) center, (v) middle, 2. rim; synonyms (n) edge, lip, confine, flange, ring, mouth, ridge, brow, circumference, edging, frame, side, projection, 3. edging; synonyms (n) fringe, lace, trimming, galloon, list, rim, brocade, brocatelle, flounce, 4. margin; synonyms (n) allowance, leeway, scope, borderline, frontier, freedom, play, room, shore, space, tolerance, demarcation, elbowroom, latitude, margent, 5. border; synonyms (n) bed, limits, barrier, marge, bounds, delimitation, extreme, outskirts, trim, (v) abut, adjoin, surround, approach, enclose, flank, bind, connect, encircle, hedge, touch. maldīgs false; synonyms (adj) bastard, counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz, apocryphal, bad, bogus, delusive, incorrect; antonyms (adj) true, real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, truthful, honest, valid. maldināšana deception; synonyms (n) deceit, illusion, trick, betrayal, delusion, fake, pretense, bluff, artifice, cheating, con, duplicity, fallacy, falsehood, fraud, guile, hoax, imposture, lie, (v) cheat; antonym (n) honesty. maldināt deceive; synonyms (v) betray, cheat, bamboozle, circumvent, dupe, pretend, beguile, con, cozen, fool, hoax, mislead, sell, swindle, trick, befool, defraud, delude, gull, (n) fraud. malka firewood; synonyms (n) fuelwood, lumber, peat, petroleum, timber, turf, coal, energy, gas, oil, sticks. mamma mummy; synonyms (n) mama, mamma, mammy, mom, momma, mommy, mum, mater, am, milliampere, secrecy, skeleton, (v) shrivel. mamuts mammoth; synonyms (adj) giant, gigantic, jumbo, huge, colossal, monster, immense, enormous, gargantuan, great, massive, monstrous, vast, big; antonyms (adj) tiny, small. man me; synonym (n) myself; no man alive. manāms noticeable; synonyms (adj) conspicuous, notable, apparent, discernible, evident, marked, noteworthy, appreciable, considerable, perceptible, remarkable, visible, eminent, salient, signal, arresting, clear, distinct, manifest, observable; antonyms (adj) imperceptible, obscure, inconspicuous, hidden, unobtrusive. mandāts mandate; synonyms (n) charge, injunction, authority, behest, command, bidding, instruction, authorization, commandment, commission, decree, dictate, order, edict, claim, dominion, directive, sanction, authorisation, (v) delegate. mandrils mandrill; synonyms (n) baboon, ape, langur, macaque, monkey, mangabey, patas, primate. manevrs manoeuvre; synonyms (n) tactic, (v) maneuver, control, direct, go, guide, operate, steer. mangāns manganese; synonym (n) manganium.
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Latvian - English mango mango; synonyms (v) chowder, chupatty, clam, compote, damper, fish, frumenty, grapes, lettuce, mangosteen, oatmeal, oyster, pineapple, porridge, salmis, sauerkraut, succotash, supawn, trepang, vanilla. manifests manifest; synonyms (adj) apparent, evident, clear, conspicuous, distinct, patent, plain, discernible, obvious, overt, (v) demonstrate, display, evidence, exhibit, express, indicate, attest, certify, (n) declare, (adv) visible; antonym (adj) unclear. mānīt deceive; synonyms (v) betray, cheat, bamboozle, circumvent, dupe, pretend, beguile, con, cozen, fool, hoax, mislead, sell, swindle, trick, befool, defraud, delude, gull, (n) fraud. mans mine; synonyms (n) dig, excavation, pit, fund, vein, shaft, well, bomb, (v) excavate, sap, burrow, exploit, bore, tunnel, undermine, devour, (adj) delve, gouge, dent, dint. manta 1. property; synonyms (n) characteristic, capital, peculiarity, feature, belongings, character, asset, estate, goods, nature, place, wealth, substance, faculty, thing, assets, fortune, (adj) attribute, quality, (v) possession, 2. thing; synonyms (n) matter, affair, event, object, occurrence, article, concern, happening, something, being, occasion, incident, business, deed, entity, item, episode, fad, subject, circumstance; atsevišķa manta
separate property; kopīga manta joint property; kustamâ manta effects; pārvaldīšanā nodotā manta trust; manta I estate. mantas goods; synonyms (n) cargo, freight, belongings, commodity, merchandise, product, estate, chattels, commodities, effects, produce, property, stuff, wealth, load, consignment, gear, materials, possession, (v) furniture; uzpirkt zagtas mantas fence;
pasažiera personiskās mantas personal effects; mantas sadale division of property; mantas nodošana transfer of property; mantas nodoklis property tax; mantas ienākums property income; mantas cenzs property qualification; mantas apdrošināšana property insurance. māņticība superstition; synonyms (n) myth, fallacy, fanaticism, folklore, lore, magic, religion, taboo, irrationality, notion, shibboleth. mantinieks 1. legatee; synonyms (n) beneficiary, legatary, recipient, inheritor, successor, owner, 2. heir; synonyms (n) offspring, descendant, heritor, progeny, receiver, scion. mantojums 1. inheritance; synonyms (n) heritage, heredity, heirloom, legacy, dowry, estate, appanage, acquisition, dower, genetics, (v) descent, 2. bequest; synonyms (n) endowment, will, inheritance, allowance, donation, gift, 3. legacy; synonyms (n) bequest, devise, leftover; literārais mantojums remains; kultūras
mantojums cultural heritage. mantošana inheritance; synonyms (n) heritage, heredity, heirloom, legacy, dowry, estate, appanage, acquisition, dower, genetics, (v) descent. manuskripts 1. copy; synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, forgery, reproduction, cast, book, counterpart, double, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake, mimic, record; antonym (n) original, 2. manuscript; synonyms
(n) codex, writing, handwriting, copy, text, document, holograph. mape folder; synonyms (n) brochure, file, book, booklet, case, briefcase, pamphlet. mārciņa pound; synonyms (n) cage, fold, (v) beat, pen, bang, crush, flap, grind, hammer, maul, palpitate, thump, mash, buffet, grate, baste, bruise, pulsate, pulse, ram;
mārciņa sterliņu quid. marcipāns marzipan; synonym (n) marchpane. marihuāna marijuana; synonyms (n) cannabis, ganja, grass, hemp, marihuana, pot, weed, dope, batch, boob, booby, bullet, bum, can, cola, commode, corporation, crapper, (adj) hashish, bhang. marka 1. stamp; synonyms (n) mark, seal, brand, impression, cachet, emblem, die, earmark, form, hallmark, (v) imprint, print, cast, impress, trample, punch, characterize, shape, note, emboss, 2. mark; synonyms (n) evidence, score, character, heed, sign, feature, badge, check, indication, line, point, scar, scratch, (v) blemish, distinguish, grade, label, differentiate, mind, (adj) notice; fabrikas marka
brand; tirdzniecibas marka brand. marķētājs marker; synonyms (n) brand, mark, label, token, pointer, sign, signpost, tag, buoy, pen, ticket. marmelāde jam; synonyms (n) crush, crowd, fix, squeeze, congestion, conserve, dilemma, hole, (v) block, cram, bar, fill, force, gorge, hinder, impede, pack, pile, ram, squash; antonym (v) free. marmors marble; synonyms (n) cheetah, granite, leopard, limestone, mineral, nacre, (v) foolscap, pillar, table, (adj) rock, flint, stone, quartz, pellet, bullet, globule, spherule, bulb, clew, drop. maršruts 1. itinerary; synonyms (n) course, route, path, track, way, journey, road, schedule, direction, 2. route; synonyms (n) passage, avenue, channel, circuit, highway, itinerary, line, lane, means, method, bearing, conduit, manner, pathway, run, (v) direct, conduct, guide, dispatch, send; noteikts maršruts approved route;
lielā loka maršruts great circle route; lidojuma maršruts air route; ierobežotas lietošanas maršruts limited access route; helikopteru izlidošanas maršruts helicopter retirement route; helikoptera pieejas maršruts helicopter approach route; galvenais piegādes maršruts main supply route; divjoslu maršruts double flow route; brīvais maršruts open route; apstiprināts maršruts approved route. marts march; synonyms (n) walk, hike, parade, demonstration, ramble, trek, course, protest, gait, (v) journey, tramp, advance, border, pace, process, stride, stroll, demo, demonstrate, bound. masa 1. mass; synonyms (adj) block, (n) bulk, heap, crowd, cluster, pile, bunch, collection, lump, magnitude, majority, accumulation, aggregate, amount, assembly, body, bundle, (v) flock, assemble, congregate, 2. bulk; synonyms (n) mass, size, volume, capacity, dimension, extent, quantity, thickness, scale, immensity, bigness, dimensions, freight, greatness, largeness, measure, proportion, (v) bulge, pouch, protrude; antonym (n) minority; bezveidīga masa mummy; bruto masa
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Latvian - English
gross mass; kausējamā masa fusion; kompakta masa solid; kopējā masa gross mass; maksimālā nosēšanās masa maximum landing weight; neto masa net mass. mâsa sister; synonyms (n) nun, nurse, brother, mate, twin, baby, counterpart, double, match, member, pair, pendant, sis. māsa sister; synonyms (n) nun, nurse, brother, mate, twin, baby, counterpart, double, match, member, pair, pendant, sis; medicīnas māsa nurse. masalas measles; synonyms (n) morbilli, rubeola, (adj) mumps, polio. māsasdēls nephew; synonyms (n) aunt, uncle. māsasmeita niece; synonyms (n) nephew, aunt, uncle. mašīna machine; synonyms (n) instrument, apparatus, device, implement, car, contrivance, auto, automobile, gadget, organization, tool, automaton, computer, mechanism, motorcar, organ, robot, scheme, utensil, contraption; lauksaimniecības mašīna farm
machine; līnijošanas mašīna ruling machine; lielbieznes mašīna display machine; griešanas mašīna cutting machine; štancēšanas mašīna drawing machine; skaitļojamā mašīna computer; viennaža griešanas mašīna cutting machine; tvaika mašīna engine; pavairošanas mašīna adding machine. mašīnas machinery; synonyms (n) apparatus, machine, enginery, equipment, plant, gear, mechanism, system, tackle, installation; mašīnas detaļas machinery;
lauksaimniecības mašīnas agricultural machine; mašīnas novilkums machine proof; rakstīt uz mašīnas type. mašīnists engineer; synonyms (n) architect, mastermind, machinist, mechanician, technologist, chauffeur, conductor, (v) devise, conduct, contrive, direct, organize, plan, construct, finagle, fix, guide, hatch, manage, manipulate. mašīnrakstītāja typist; synonyms (n) typewriter, (v) stenographer. masīvs 1. array; synonyms (n) arrangement, line, garment, army, assortment, bank, crowd, (v) attire, dress, adorn, apparel, arrange, clothe, deck, display, garb, range, ornament, align, dight; antonym (v) disarray, 2. bulky; synonyms (adj) big, large, unwieldy, ample, corpulent, cumbersome, fat, great, gross, heavy, huge, stout, substantial, awkward, clumsy, considerable, hefty, massive, ponderous, (adv) portly; antonyms (adj) small, compact, manageable; informācijas masīvs array;
dzīvojamais masīvs housing estate; datu masīvs array. maska 1. mask; synonyms (n) cover, conceal, veil, camouflage, screen, blind, guise, curtain, pretense, blanket, masque, facade, mantle, (v) cloak, disguise, hide, dissemble, masquerade, obscure, shield; antonym (v) disclose, 2. cover; synonyms (v) coat, top, bury, wrap, comprise, bind, cross, drape, enclose, encompass, (n) binding, cap, covering, lid, mask, spread, coating, canopy, case, concealment; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover; aktiera maska make-up.
maskarāde masquerade; synonyms (n) camouflage, disguise, masque, pretense, fake, cover, costume, imposture, (v) mask, pose, revel, pretend, conceal. maskēšana camouflage; synonyms (n) mask, blind, concealment, (v) disguise, cover, cloak, conceal, hide, masquerade, veil, dissemble; antonym (v) display. mastika mastic; synonyms (n) putty, copal, gelatin, ropy, mastich, glutenous, varnish. masts mast; synonyms (n) post, column, tower, aerial, prop, pillar, stick, support, timber, arm, mass, acorns, nuts, receiver, transmitter. māte mother; synonyms (n) mamma, parent, (v) father, beget, engender, generate, care, sire, fuss, get. matemātika mathematics; synonyms (n) math, arithmetic, maths, mathesis, sums, reckoning. materiāls 1. material; synonyms (n) body, cloth, matter, stuff, fabric, substance, information, (adj) bodily, corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete, important, physical, real, essential, momentous, solid, tangible, actual, 2. stuff; synonyms (n) material, force, gear, goods, stock, property, (v) cram, fill, jam, pack, pad, ram, squeeze, glut, gorge, load, shove, crowd, gobble, (adj) rubbish; antonym (v) unstuff, 3. cloth; synonyms (n) cover, rag, textile, calling, net, (v) napkin, 4. fabric; synonyms (n) building, composition, frame, construction, framework, fiber, performance, anatomy, organization, production, texture, work, (v) edifice, structure;
apdrukājamais materiāls print carrier; fona materiāls background material; fotoizlūkdatu salīdzinošais materiāls comparative cover; gatavs materiāls end item; izolācijas materiāls barrier material. mātes maternal; synonyms (adj) motherly, parental, paternal, agnate, agnatic, ancestral, protective, affectionate, caring, sympathetic, tender; mātes
uzņēmums holding company. Mati hair; synonyms (n) fuzz, coat, down, fleece, fur, hairbreadth, haircloth, locks, pile, coiffure, (adj) brush, clipping, driblet; TAisni mati straight hair. matriarhāts matriarchy; synonym (n) matriarchate. matrice matrix; synonyms (n) die, alembic, caldron, crucible, groundmass, uterus, matter, monotype, plasm, impression, mat, diagram, hyaloplasm, matrice, proplasm, (v) gangue, course, gang, go, going; metāla
matrice metal matrix. matrozis 1. mariner; synonyms (n) gob, sailor, seafarer, seaman, tar, hole, maw, merman, pitch, trap, yap, 2. seaman; synonyms (n) mariner, jack, tarpaulin. mats hair; synonyms (n) fuzz, coat, down, fleece, fur, hairbreadth, haircloth, locks, pile, coiffure, (adj) brush, clipping, driblet. mauzolejs mausoleum; synonyms (n) grave, vault, crypt, sepulcher, tomb, catacomb, monument. maz 1. little; synonyms (adj) small, diminutive, insignificant, brief, minute, petty, short, some, tiny, exiguous, light, baby, bantam, contemptible, fiddling, fine, humble, inconsiderable, (v) dash, bit; antonyms (adj) big, enormous, large, important, 2. few; synonyms (adj) infrequent, rare, scarce, occasional, sporadic, uncommon, erratic, imperceptible, inconsequential,
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Latvian - English intermittent, middling, negligible, paltry, piddling, scattered, semioccasional, straggling, unfrequent; antonyms (n) plenty, (adj) many, countless, innumerable, various; maz ticams off; maz iespejams unlikely. mazgāt 1. launder; synonyms (v) wash, cleanse, clean, bathe, rinse, scour, fence, (adj) lave, 2. wash; synonyms (v) paint, moisten, mop, scrub, color, tint, lap, gargle, dampen, launder, splash, (n) soak, ablution, washing, swamp, bath, laundry, lotion, marsh, swash; antonym (v) dirty. mazrunīgs taciturn; synonyms (adj) reticent, silent, quiet, reserved, uncommunicative, speechless, secretive, mute, withdrawn; antonyms (adj) talkative, wordy. mazs 1. small; synonyms (adj) little, minute, narrow, fine, inadequate, insignificant, low, minor, petty, slight, light, remote, cramped, young, limited, diminutive, faint, humble, miniature, minuscule; antonyms (adj) bulky, colossal, considerable, enormous, extra-large, great, huge, sizeable, giant, major, (syn) big, large, 2. little; synonyms (adj) small, brief, short, some, tiny, exiguous, baby, bantam, contemptible, fiddling, inconsiderable, inferior, piddling, trivial, wee, infinitesimal, (adv) somewhat, (v) dash, bit, (n) modicum; antonym (adj) important; ļoti mazs minimal; mazs metiens short
run; mazs kuģis small ship. mazulis baby; synonyms (n) babe, child, darling, young, honey, kid, minor, (v) coddle, indulge, pamper, cosset, mollycoddle, spoil, (adj) infant, miniature, small, babyish, dear, dwarf, little; antonym (adj) giant. mazumā retail; synonyms (adj) commercial, (v) sell, issue, merchandise, trade, wholesale, utter, vend, handle, market, report, resell, (n) dispense, business, buying, exchange, export, import, price, selling; pārdot
mazumā retail. mazumtirdzniecība retail; synonyms (adj) commercial, (v) sell, issue, merchandise, trade, wholesale, utter, vend, handle, market, report, resell, (n) dispense, business, buying, exchange, export, import, price, selling. mēbeles furniture; synonyms (n) equipment, appointments, goods, fitting, movable, thing, movables, upholstery, apparatus, apparel, commodity, appurtenances, attire, clothes, deed, (v) stuff, garniture, dress, embellishment, essence. medaljons medallion; synonyms (n) medal, decoration, laurels, badge, palm, ribbon, ornament, ornamentation, thenar, thread. medalus mead; synonyms (n) field, hydromel, metheglin, meadow, meathe, oenomel, aperitif, grassplat, greensward, heather, lawn, park, plat, plot, sod, turf. medības hunting; synonyms (n) hunt, chase, pursuit, search, cycling, lagging, lookup, pumping, (v) battue, race, (adj) predatory. medicīna medicine; synonyms (n) cure, drug, medicament, medication, physic, remedy, therapy, treatment, cathartic, potion, preparation, antidote, (v) medicate; vispārīgā medicīna general medicine;
tropu medicīna tropical medicine; sociālā medicīna social medicine; alternatīvā medicīna alternative medicine. medījums game; synonyms (n) amusement, fun, entertainment, competition, contest, diversion, match,
play, prey, quarry, sport, hunt, (adj) fearless, brave, gallant, crippled, (v) bet, gamble, wager, frolic. medikaments 1. medicament; synonyms (n) medicine, remedy, cure, drug, medication, music, (v) doctor, treat, 2. drug; synonyms (n) anesthetic, prescription, sedative, stimulant, (v) dose, medicate, potion, (adj) chaff. medīt hunt; synonyms (n) search, pursuit, quest, (v) chase, course, follow, hound, forage, rummage, prey, dog, persecute, pursue, seek, stalk, trace, track, trail, comb, dig. mednieks hunter; synonyms (n) chaser, huntsman, seeker, courser, woodman, driver, beast, cattle, charger, follower, forester, horse, nag, palfrey, racer, thoroughbred, barb, bidet, cob, colt. medus honey; synonyms (n) darling, dear, beloved, love, sweetheart, dearest, duck, baby, molasses, sugar, flame, (v) sweeten. mēģinājums 1. effort; synonyms (n) attempt, exertion, application, drive, endeavor, struggle, trial, trouble, try, diligence, bid, push, campaign, cause, crusade, deed, essay, exploit, feat, go, 2. try; synonyms (v) test, prove, strive, assay, examine, experiment, judge, sample, strain, probe, seek, taste, adjudicate, aim, hear, (n) chance, effort, shot, crack, endeavour, 3. attempt; synonyms (n) offer, attack, assault, adventure, stab, fling, enterprise, proffer, (v) undertake, tempt, venture, begin, intend, approach, gamble, hazard, risk, tackle. mēģināt attempt; synonyms (n) try, endeavor, assay, effort, essay, offer, trial, attack, assault, adventure, bid, exertion, go, shot, stab, (v) struggle, aim, chance, undertake, seek. mehānisms 1. machine; synonyms (n) instrument, apparatus, device, implement, car, contrivance, auto, automobile, gadget, organization, tool, automaton, computer, mechanism, motorcar, organ, robot, scheme, utensil, contraption, 2. gear; synonyms (n) equipment, outfit, tackle, dress, baggage, belongings, clothing, cogwheel, kit, luggage, stuff, thing, wheel, attire, garb, furniture, machinery, goods, (v) harness, equip, 3. mechanism; synonyms (n) appliance, machine, action, mechanics, agency, gear, vehicle, operation, means, medium, method; griešanas mehānisms cutting
mechanism; cenu mehānisms price mechanism. mehanizācija mechanization; synonyms (n) automation, mechanisation, computerization. meistardarbs masterpiece; synonyms (n) classic, achievement, model, composition, creation, design, dominion, gem, jewel, mastership, monument, opus, paragon, specialty, work, (adj) nonesuch, nonpareil, pick, prime, a. meistarība skill; synonyms (n) artifice, ability, capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse, accomplishment, address, adroitness, aptitude, cleverness, competence, cunning, expertise, facility, handicraft, (adj) dexterity, craft, art; antonyms (n) clumsiness, inability, incompetence. meistars 1. foreman; synonyms (n) boss, chief, gaffer, supervisor, leader, antique, honcho, manager, superintendent, hirer, mossback, pusher, rivet, stud, taskmaster, 2. master; synonyms (n) captain, instructor, head, gentleman, authority, employer, headmaster,
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Latvian - English
maestro, overlord, professional, (v) conquer, control, command, defeat, dominate, overcome, (adj) original, ace, expert, proficient, 3. craftsman; synonyms (n) artificer, artisan, artist, journeyman, worker, crafter, hand, armorer, armourer, builder, carpenter, employee, discoverer, inventor, 4. expert; synonyms (adj) adept, adroit, dexterous, skillful, able, clever, experienced, accomplished, apt, deft, practiced, veteran, knowing, capable, efficient, gifted, good, (n) critic, connoisseur, dab; antonyms (adj) unskilled, inept, inferior, untrained, (n) amateur, beginner; amata meistars master. meita daughter; synonyms (n) girl, child, son, lass, descendant, kid, offspring, schoolgirl, spawn, fille, girlfriend, teenager, youngster. meitene 1. girl; synonyms (n) damsel, lady, daughter, fille, lass, maid, wench, virgin, quean, female, girlfriend, woman, 2. maid; synonyms (n) amah, domestic, girl, housemaid, maiden, maidservant, servant, 3. lass; synonyms (n) lassie, drab, harlot, nymph, youngster, schoolgirl, strumpet, teenager, trollop. meklēšana 1. search; synonyms (n) hunt, pursuit, examination, exploration, inquire, inquiry, inspection, study, hunting, investigation, (v) grope, ransack, rummage, pry, examine, explore, forage, inspect, look, nose, 2. searching; synonyms (v) cutting, excruciating, consuming, corroding, racking, (adj) piercing, inquisitive, probing, acute, curious, inquiring, profound, exploratory, penetrating, trenchant, explorative, inquisitory; ātrā meklēšana quick search
procedure; meklēšana un glābšana search and rescue. meklēt search; synonyms (n) hunt, pursuit, examination, exploration, inquire, inquiry, inspection, study, hunting, investigation, (v) grope, ransack, rummage, pry, examine, explore, forage, inspect, look, nose; meklēt
un aizstāt search and replace. melase molasses; synonyms (n) treacle, syrup, cure, melasses, molosses, sugar, theriaca. meldri bulrush; synonyms (n) bullrush, nailrod, reedmace, chufa, (adj) doit, farthing, feather, halfpenny, jot, peppercorn, rap. mēle tongue; synonyms (n) language, dialect, idiom, lingua, speech, clapper, glossa, talk, knife, lingo, palate, parlance, spit, vernacular, (v) lick, (adj) flippancy, flowing, fluency; jūras mēle sole. mellene 1. huckleberry, 2. bilberry; synonyms (n) blaeberry, whortleberry, whinberry. melns black; synonyms (adj) dark, sable, blackamoor, bleak, darkie, dirty, ebony, evil, nigger, unclean, cheerless, squalid, desolate, dim, disconsolate, (n) blackness, darkness, (v) sinister, villainous, blacken; antonym (n) white; melns traips black; melns
tērps black. melot 1. fib; synonyms (n) lie, fable, falsehood, story, tale, fabrication, untruth, fiction, prevarication, whopper, invention, taradiddle, (v) fabricate, prevaricate, falsify; antonym (n) truth, 2. lie; synonyms (v) consist, repose, belong, couch, dwell, perjure, recline, sprawl, trick, bask, (n) falsity, fib, rest, bluff, counterfeit, deceit, deception, fake, sham, con; antonym (v) stand.
memorands memorandum; synonyms (n) memo, note, memorial, entry, letter, memoranda, notice, record. memoriāls memorial; synonyms (n) commemoration, remembrance, memento, cenotaph, headstone, monument, record, epitaph, memory, token, tombstone, (adj) commemorative. menca cod; synonyms (n) codfish, pod, husk, (v) befool, dupe, fool, gull, tease, bait, absorb, accept, adopt, annoy, apply, assimilate, assume, badger, bedevil, beleaguer, berate. mēnesis month; synonyms (n) moon, day, hour, minute, quarter, quinquennium, year, moneth, moonshine, second, time, week; pašreizējais mēnesis current
month; kalendārais mēnesis calendar month. mēnešraksts monthly; synonyms (adj) menstrual, mensal, periodic, (n) magazine, periodical, journal, bulletin, paper, publication, review, weekly, quarterly. mēness moon; synonyms (n) lunation, moonlight, moonshine, satellite, epoch, bootleg, posterior, (v) daydream, dream, fantasize, bemuse, gaze, glare, meditate, mope, mull, muse, ponder, (adj) quicksilver, weathercock; mēness vecums age of moon. mēraukla 1. measure; synonyms (n) amount, criterion, extent, beat, benchmark, degree, estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, act, allotment, action, bill, dose, (v) grade, appraise, assess, evaluate, fathom, 2. gauge; synonyms (n) caliber, gage, calibre, indicator, mark, (v) measure, calculate, compute, make, reckon, forecast, scale, figure, guess, judge, approximate. mērenība moderation; synonyms (n) temperance, abstinence, abstemiousness, moderateness, alleviation, measure, patience, restraint, sobriety, easing, soberness, sedateness, composure, degree, relief, caution, temper, (adj) mediocrity, (v) calmness; antonyms (n) gluttony, intemperance, overindulgence. merģelis marl; synonyms (n) clay, loam, soil, glebe, mold, subsoil. mērīšana 1. measurement; synonyms (n) dimension, gauge, magnitude, measure, proportion, observation, extent, mensuration, size, valuation, estimation, breadth, measuring, weight, appraisal, evaluation, 2. metering; synonym (n) yardage; attāluma mērīšana ranging. mērķis 1. purpose; synonyms (n) aim, plan, design, mind, effect, end, purport, resolve, motive, determination, function, goal, idea, intent, meaning, objective, (v) intention, project, object, intend, 2. target; synonyms (n) butt, mark, ambition, destination, focus, prey, limit, mug, quarry, sucker, (v) point, purpose, direct, level, address, grade, place, 3. end; synonyms (n) close, closure, conclusion, death, cause, demise, tail, period, border, completion, edge, (v) cease, complete, finish, discontinue, conclude, closing, halt, (prep) consequence, (adj) final; antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, middle, (v) start, begin, continue, 4. aim; synonyms (n) target, trend, will, bearing, direction, drift, reason, tendency, (v) endeavor, aspire, propose, strive, turn, attempt, drive, lay, mean, seek, try, (adj) tend, 5. object; synonyms (n) matter, subject, substance, thing, being, import, material, scope, something, victim, (v) except, complain, demur, remonstrate, argue, protest, carp, disagree, deprecate, dissent; antonym (v) agree, 6.
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Latvian - English effect; synonyms (n) product, result, sequel, aftermath, impression, outgrowth, sense, (v) accomplish, achieve, create, do, bring, carry, execute, induce, perform, use, win, implement, act, 7. goal; synonyms (n) basket, aspiration, home, mission, wish, (v) bound, 8. objective; synonyms (adj) dispassionate, fair, impartial, just, concrete, detached, accusative, impersonal, neutral, unbiased, unprejudiced, equitable, independent, substantial, clinical, disinterested, factual, rational, reasonable, subjective; antonym (adj) biased; ceļa mērķis destination; revīzijas mērķis audit objective; precīzs mērķis point target; plānots mērķis planned target. mērogs 1. gauge; synonyms (n) criterion, caliber, gage, calibre, benchmark, indicator, (v) estimate, measure, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make, reckon, forecast, scale, appraise, evaluate, figure, guess, 2. scale; synonyms (n) flake, gamut, degree, graduation, yardstick, rate, chip, fur, gradation, pitch, proportion, shell, (v) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, peel, (adj) balance; antonym (v) descend, 3. measure; synonyms (n) amount, extent, beat, measurement, meter, quantity, act, allotment, action, bill, dose, magnitude, pace, portion, proceeding, time, bulk, (v) grade, value, (adj) mete; militāro mācību mērogs extent of a
military exercise; cenu mērogs scale of prices. mērs 1. gauge; synonyms (n) criterion, caliber, gage, calibre, benchmark, indicator, (v) estimate, measure, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make, reckon, forecast, scale, appraise, evaluate, figure, guess, 2. measure; synonyms (n) amount, extent, beat, degree, measurement, meter, quantity, act, allotment, action, bill, dose, magnitude, pace, portion, proceeding, rate, (v) grade, gauge, (adj) mete; garuma mērs linear
measure; līnijas mērs line measure. mēsli dung; synonyms (n) compost, droppings, excrement, ordure, filth, muck, (adj) faeces, feces. mēslojums fertilizer; synonyms (n) dung, compost, manure, muck, droppings. mest throw; synonyms (v) cast, fling, shed, hurl, chuck, flip, heave, pass, deliver, drop, give, hurtle, jerk, make, project, bewilder, (n) pitch, push, shot, shy; mest
kauliņus lot; mest tīklu net; mest līkumu double. metālisks metallic; synonyms (adj) metal, harsh, metalline, absolute, actual, basic, certain, chalybeate, confident, decisive, dogmatic, indisputable, loud, metallical, nonacid, positive, shrill, antacid, clanging, grating. metalogrāfija metallography; synonym (n) metallurgy. metāls metal; synonyms (n) ore, admixture, aggregate, alloy, clemency, favor, grace, honor, mercy, rock, character, courage, temper. metanols methanol; synonyms (n) alcohol, ethanol, gas, gasohol, gasoline, juice, nitromethane, oil, petrol, petroleum, kerosene, naphtha. metiens edition; synonyms (n) version, print, circulation, copy, issue, number, adaptation, book, rendering, translation, variation, compilation, run, anthology, collection, indiction, volume, installment, interpretation,
issues; pilns metiens complete edition; neliels metiens short run; mazs metiens short run. metinātājs welder; synonym (n) manager. metode 1. method; synonyms (n) course, fashion, form, approach, arrangement, custom, formula, manner, order, plan, system, way, device, means, mode, organization, practice, procedure, routine, style; antonym (n) disorder, 2. process; synonyms (n) operation, proceeding, method, act, outgrowth, writ, conduct, transaction, case, growth, (v) action, function, refine, litigate, treat, work, parade, cultivate, operate, go, 3. way; synonyms (n) path, passage, road, route, track, direction, habit, pathway, bearing, channel, headway, lane, progress, sort, street, trail, run, trend, agency, avenue; ķēdes metode
chain procedure; darba metode method of working; tiešā metode direct method; mācību metode teaching method; momentnovērojumu metode method of moments; netiešā metode indirect method; pieejas metode access method; psiholoģisko operāciju metode psychological operations approach. metrs metre; synonyms (n) meter, measure, beat, rhythm, m, cadence, chiliad, g, grand, molarity, poem, thou, thousand, yard. mezgls node; synonyms (n) knob, connection, joint, knot, nodosity, nub, swelling, client, guest; ievades mezgls
input device. mežs forest; synonyms (n) timber, jungle, woodland, timberland, wood, woods, (v) afforest; lietus mežs cloud forest; dabiskais mežs natural forest. miegs sleep; synonyms (n) nap, doze, kip, slumber, lie, dream, siesta, quietus, (v) rest, repose, catnap, hibernate, nod, lodge, snooze, quiet, couch, perch, recline, (adj) abide. mierīgs smooth; synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, liquid, mellow, polished, slick, peaceful, (v) quiet, facilitate, even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, grainy, jagged, spiky, (v) wrinkle, crease, disturb. miers peace; synonyms (n) calm, harmony, serenity, hush, repose, ease, agreement, amity, accord, composure, concord, coolness, heartsease, order, pacification, rest, silence, truce, armistice, (adj) quiet; antonyms (n) noise, chaos, conflict, uproar, commotion. mieži barley; synonyms (n) barleycorn, bere. migla 1. fog; synonyms (n) cloud, haze, vapor, brume, confusion, daze, damp, smoke, cloudiness, fogginess, fogging, muddle, (v) mist, confuse, blur, dim, becloud, befog, darken, hide, 2. mist; synonyms (n) fog, film, steam, rain, (v) cover, obscure, drizzle, bedim, squirt;
viegla migla film. migrācija migration; synonyms (n) exodus, movement, journey, transmigration, departure, exile, colonization, metempsychosis, evacuation, flood, travel, (v) flit, flitting; lauku migrācija rural migration;
lauktieces migrācija rural migration. mīkla paste; synonyms (n) glue, dough, adhesive, plaster, cream, batter, pulp, spread, clinquant, finery, frippery,
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Latvian - English
gewgaw, gimcrack, (v) cement, gum, bond, affix, attach, fasten, stick. mikroautobuss minibus; synonyms (n) microbus, bus, minivan, van. mikrobioloģija microbiology; synonyms (n) bacteriology, mycology, virology. mikrobs microbe; synonyms (n) bug, germ, virus, pathogen, amphibian, arthropod, bird, crustacean, fish, glitch, hemipteran, hemipteron, insect, mammal, mollusk, reptile, shellfish, worm, aerobe, anaerobe. mikrofilma microfilm; synonym (v) photograph. mikroorganisms microorganism; synonyms (n) microbe, germ, bug, bacteria, virus, cell. mīlestība love; synonyms (n) desire, affection, dear, fondness, liking, benevolence, charity, attachment, beloved, darling, devotion, honey, sweetheart, favor, (v) cherish, enjoy, like, worship, adore, (adj) flame; antonyms (n) abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike, abhor. militārisms militarism; synonyms (n) militancy, warfare. miljonārs millionaire; synonyms (n) capitalist, millionnaire. miljons million; synonyms (n) meg, myriad, heap, mint. milti flour; synonyms (n) flower, (v) powder, (adj) meal, bran, paddy, rice, spore, sporule; rupja maluma
milti meal; gaļas milti meat meal. mīna mine; synonyms (n) dig, excavation, pit, fund, vein, shaft, well, bomb, (v) excavate, sap, burrow, exploit, bore, tunnel, undermine, devour, (adj) delve, gouge, dent, dint; kombinētā bezkontakta mīna combination
influence mine; ķīmiskā mīna chemical mine; kaujas mīna service mine; instruktāžas mīna practice mine; brīva mīna free mine; bezkontakta mīna influence mine; autonoma mīna independent mine; aktīvā mīna active mine; horizontālas iedarbības mīna horizontal action mine; uzvilkta mīna armed mine. mineraloģija mineralogy; synonyms (n) oryctognosy, mineragraphy. mineralogs mineralogist; synonym (n) mineralist. minerāls mineral; synonyms (adj) inanimate, (n) rock, petroleum, granite, limestone, marble, sandstone. minimāls minimal; synonyms (adj) minimum, least, minute, insignificant, marginal, depleted, down, dwindling, limited, nominal, plain, scanty, short, small, token, trifling, austere, basal, basic, clean; antonym (adj) maximal. minimums minimum; synonyms (adj) minimal, least, smallest, hint, trace, nominal, tiniest, meager, minim, modicum, negligible, basic, essential, (n) atom, minion, dab, depth, dot, gleam, grain; antonyms (n) maximum, most; iztikas minimums cost of living. ministrija 1. ministry; synonyms (n) cabinet, government, clergy, ministration, administration, clericals, prelacy, presbytery, aid, bureaucracy, channel, convenience, council, (v) attendance, attendants, attention, (adj) abandoned, conscience, depraved, depravity, 2. board; synonyms (n) bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court, embark, plank, agency, bureau, card, cardboard,
chamber, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate, commons; antonym (v) disembark. ministrs minister; synonyms (n) pastor, envoy, priest, deputy, divine, ambassador, churchman, clergyman, cleric, curate, ecclesiastic, agent, messenger, delegate, official, parson, preacher, presbyter, (v) supply, administer. minjons minion; synonyms (n) favorite, cosset, follower, servant, pet, underling, hanger-on, sycophant, tool, assistant, inferior, junior, messenger, minikin, minim, minum, nonentity, runner, aide, (adj) mignon. minūte minute; synonyms (n) instant, flash, jiffy, note, memorandum, moment, second, (adj) little, delicate, microscopic, atomic, careful, circumstantial, diminutive, elaborate, fine, infinitesimal, miniature, particular, small; antonyms (adj) enormous, huge, big, gigantic. mirgoņa flicker; synonyms (n) flare, glimmer, sparkle, gleam, spark, (v) flutter, waver, blaze, blink, flash, shake, shine, flick, flitter, glint, quiver, shimmer, twinkle, beam, falter. Miris dead; synonyms (adj) dull, lifeless, cold, defunct, inanimate, absolute, breathless, deceased, extinct, fallen, flat, gone, idle, numb, vapid, out, lost, asleep, (adv) right, absolutely; antonyms (adj) alive, animate, (n) living. mirklis moment; synonyms (n) importance, consequence, flash, instant, jiffy, minute, import, bit, second, time, weight, hour, matter, juncture, magnitude, occasion, point, significance, trice, twinkling. mirstība mortality; synonyms (n) fatality, death, flesh, humanity, mankind, deathrate, morbidity, (adj) caducity, fugacity, impermanence; antonym (n) immortality;
bērnu mirstība child mortality. mirt die; synonyms (v) decease, dead, death, depart, expire, fall, go, pass, conk, croak, break, cease, fail, perish, sink, starve, succumb, wither, (n) dice, matrix. misija mission; synonyms (n) commission, delegation, deputation, job, assignment, charge, duty, goal, legation, chore, delegacy, errand, task, function, business, calling, expedition, purpose, vocation, agendum;
diplomātiskā misija diplomatic mission; naudas misija issue. mistifikācija mystification; synonyms (n) bafflement, bewilderment, confusion, befuddlement, bemusement, puzzlement. Mistisks mystical; synonyms (adj) mystic, mysterious, esoteric, hidden, occult, secret, cryptic, cryptical, metaphysical. mitēties finish; synonyms (v) end, complete, achieve, execute, accomplish, cease, determine, discontinue, consume, do, stop, (n) close, consummate, conclusion, death, conclude, ending, finale, glaze, accomplishment; antonyms (v) start, begin, continue, (n) beginning. mitrs 1. humid; synonyms (adj) moist, wet, damp, dank, sultry, clammy, muggy, oppressive, soggy, steamy, sticky, watery, wettish, hot; antonyms (adj) dry, fresh, 2. damp; synonyms (adj) cool, humid, dampish, marshy, (v) break, check, chill, deaden, benumb, cut, dampen, depress, discourage, dishearten, dull, moisten, (n) dampness, moisture, clamminess, humidity; antonym (n) dryness, 3. wet; synonyms (adj) drenched, soaked, sodden, rainy, saturated, nasty, soppy, sloppy, (v) water,
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Latvian - English wash, douse, irrigate, drench, bedew, splash, humidify, saturate, soak, sprinkle, bathe; antonyms (adj) dehydrated, parched. mitrums 1. moisture; synonyms (n) humidity, damp, dampness, wet, moistness, vapor; antonym (n) dryness, 2. humidity; synonyms (n) moisture, wetness, humidness, dank, sogginess, steaminess, stickiness, wateriness, climate, cloud, dampen, deaden, dejection, depression, discourage, fog, fogginess, westness, airlessness, closeness. miza bark; synonyms (n) snarl, yelp, rind, bay, crust, peel, shout, boat, barque, coat, cortex, covering, (v) yap, skin, cry, growl, roar, bellow, cough, bawl; antonyms (v) mutter, whisper. mobilitāte mobility; synonyms (n) movableness, motion, movement, (adj) versatility; teritoriālā mobilitāte
geographical mobility; sociālā mobilitāte social mobility. mobilizācija mobilization; synonyms (n) mobilisation, draft, militarisation, militarization, muster, collection, movement, recruitment, use, enlistment. mobils mobile; synonyms (adj) changeable, fluid, unsettled, mercurial, expressive, lively, migrant, motile, erratic, flying, nomadic, peregrine, roving, spirited, unstable, variable, versatile, vivacious, (v) movable, shifting; antonyms (adj) immobile, impassive, motionless. mocīt excruciate; synonyms (v) rack, torment, torture, crucify, bedevil, agonize, discruciate, dun, hurt, pain, strike, try, extort, frustrate, gouge, rag, wring, (n) cruciate, (adj) excruciated, tortured. modalitāte modality; synonyms (n) mode, mood, manner, schesis, fashion, climate, humor, humour, temper. modelēšana modeling; synonyms (n) modelling, molding, moulding, model, art, assembly, border, cast, casting, example, exemplar, framework, manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin, mildew, mold, mould, poser. modelis 1. model; synonyms (n) form, fashion, example, image, dummy, figure, prototype, frame, lesson, archetype, design, epitome, exemplar, manikin, mannequin, (adj) ideal, (v) copy, pattern, imitate, shape; antonym (adj) atypical, 2. pattern; synonyms (n) model, mold, norm, order, paragon, cast, arrangement, configuration, formula, guide, make, original, paradigm, custom, device, kind, method, plan, routine, (v) mould, 3. make; synonyms (v) build, cause, construct, do, create, force, get, give, produce, let, compel, constitute, drive, erect, execute, fabricate, fetch, gain, generate, prepare; antonyms (v) destroy, lose; demonstrējams
modelis demonstration model; energosistēmas attīstības modelis target system; funkcionāls modelis utility model; funkcionējošs modelis demonstration model; datu modelis data model; tirdzniecības modelis pattern of trade; matemātiskais modelis mathematical model; mērogā darināts modelis scale model; kļūdu modelis error model.
modernizēt 1. update; synonyms (n) updating, briefing, conference, meeting, (v) inform, modernize, renovate, revise, instruct, refresh, improve, rationalize, restore, advise, alter, brief, change, develop, direct, enlighten, 2. modernize; synonyms (v) modernise, overhaul, refurbish, renew, update, civilize. modernizēts advanced; synonyms (adj) sophisticated, progressive, senior, higher, modern, new, precocious, late, cultured, developed, elevated, forward, liberal, ripe, superior, innovative; antonyms (adj) conservative, oldfashioned, inferior. moderns 1. fashionable; synonyms (adj) elegant, classy, current, popular, chic, stylish, trendy, dressy, dashing, genteel, modern, modish, newfangled, posh, rakish, smart, swanky, swell, accepted, conventional; antonyms (adj) unfashionable, unpopular, old-fashioned, 2. modern; synonyms (adj) fresh, new, fashionable, late, advanced, latest, recent, contemporary, novel, present, innovative, latter, up-to-date, existing, modernistic, young, groundbreaking, later, mod, (n) neoteric; antonyms (adj) ancient, antiquated, old, prehistoric, traditional, conservative, neurotic, old-time, primordial. modificēt modify; synonyms (v) alter, qualify, adapt, change, limit, adjust, amend, assuage, convert, moderate, restrict, vary, commute, fit, revise, soften, temper, mitigate, turn, condition. modifikācija modification; synonyms (n) alteration, change, adaptation, variation, adjustment, limitation, deviation, qualification, shift, accommodation, amendment, conversion, limiting, mutation, revision, correction, evolution, improvement, innovation, permutation. modifikators modifier; synonyms (n) qualifier, changer. modrība guard; synonyms (n) defend, defense, bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection, watchman, custody, convoy, defence, fender, guardsman, safeguard, vigilance, watch, fence, (v) shield, keep, ward. modrs alert; synonyms (adj) active, agile, quick, aware, intelligent, lively, vigilant, clever, alive, animated, attentive, bright, brisk, careful, cautious, discreet, (v) awake, caution, (n) alarm, alarum; antonyms (adj) drowsy, inattentive, absentminded, dazed, sleepy, tired, asleep, slow, unalert, unconscious. modulācija modulation; synonyms (n) accent, intonation, inflection, transition, passage, change, variation. modulis 1. module; synonyms (n) faculty, part, paradigm, subarray, bay, classes, constituent, course, diameter, lessons, program, protoplast, curriculum, piece, section, staff, 2. modulus; synonyms (n) module, base, parameter; atmiņas modulis storage module. molekula molecule; synonyms (n) atom, corpuscle, grain, iota, jot, particle, bit, mote, speck. mols 1. bulwark; synonyms (n) fortification, rampart, shield, barrier, breakwater, wall, bastion, defense, buffer, groyne, jetty, mole, parapet, protection, ramparts, seawall, (v) safeguard, guard, defend, protect, 2. mole; synonyms (n) freckle, bulwark, mol, spy, blemish, counterspy, groin, growth, (adj) mound, barrow, hillock, hummock, knoll, (v) embankment.
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Latvian - English
moments moment; synonyms (n) importance, consequence, flash, instant, jiffy, minute, import, bit, second, time, weight, hour, matter, juncture, magnitude, occasion, point, significance, trice, twinkling;
pašreizējais moments now. momentuzņēmums snapshot; synonyms (n) photograph, picture, photo, shot, snap, portrait. monēta coin; synonyms (n) cash, money, specie, currency, piece, (v) forge, invent, mint, originate, create, strike, cast, devise, fabricate, weave; zelta monēta angel;
sīka monēta bit. monitorings monitoring; synonym (n) observation. monitors monitor; synonyms (v) check, regulate, control, eavesdrop, observe, supervise, (n) admonisher, dame, ironclad, moderator. monogāmija monogamy; synonyms (n) marriage, monogamousness, chastity, monogyny, (v) polygamy, trigamy. monogrāfija monograph; synonyms (n) memoir, dissertation, book, description, discourse, exposition, monography, review, sketch, tract, tractate, tractation, (v) autograph. monogramma monogram; synonyms (n) cipher, character, diagram, nameplate, device, emblem, name, sketch. monopols monopoly; synonyms (n) impropriation, limitation, retention, business, cartel, industry, influence, organization, protection, restriction, ring, stranglehold, throttlehold, trust, consortium, copyright, holding, oligopoly, ownership, pool; fiskālais monopols
fiscal monopoly; finanšu monopols fiscal monopoly. monotips monotype; synonyms (n) matrix, matter, (adj) monotypic. montāža mounting; synonyms (n) mount, ascent, climb, frame, setting, ascension, flight, (adj) climbing, increasing, uphill, (adv) rising, growing; kadra
montāža frame assembly. montieris fitter; synonyms (n) flinder, flitter, (adj) better, healthier. monuments monument; synonyms (n) memorial, headstone, column, record, tombstone, shrine, slab, tablet, landmark, statue, (adj) obelisk, pillar. morēna moraine; synonym (n) ridge. morfijs morphia; synonym (n) morphine. motorollers scooter; synonyms (n) iceboat, icebreaker, scoter. motors 1. motor; synonyms (n) engine, automobile, machine, car, locomotive, conductor, (adj) motive, (v) drive, ride, travel, 2. engine; synonyms (n) contrivance, implement, instrument, mechanism, organ, tool, utensil. mozaīka mosaic; synonyms (n) tesserae, strigae, mixture, assortment, hodgepodge, mishmash, mixoploid, pastiche, tableau, (adj) tessellated, heterogeneous, complex, motley, speckled, variegated, (v) plaid, tesselated. muarē moire; synonyms (n) moiré, (adj) watered. muca 1. barrel; synonyms (n) drum, roll, vessel, barrelful, cask, container, vase, vat, jar, plug, much, pot, bbl, bushel, caldron, carton, charnier, eyepiece, (v) fly, hurry,
2. cask; synonyms (n) barrel, bucket, tub, coffin, caskful, flask, amphora, canteen, carboy, casket, crock, cruse, decanter, ewer, flagon, rundlet. mugura back; synonyms (adv) before, backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, posterior, (v) support, advocate, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, aid, champion, encourage, finance, fund, gamble, help; antonyms (n) face, (v) front, oppose, advance; atlēku mugura back strip; plakanā mugura flat back. mugurpuse back; synonyms (adv) before, backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, posterior, (v) support, advocate, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, aid, champion, encourage, finance, fund, gamble, help; antonyms (n) face, (v) front, oppose, advance. mugursoma haversack; synonyms (n) backpack, bag, knapsack, rucksack, packsack. muita 1. customs; synonyms (n) custom, duty, impost, civilization, mores, background, conduct, culture, ethnicity, etiquette, excise, habits, society, tradition, traditions, behavior, springer, usage, usance, 2. duty; synonyms (n) business, function, commitment, assignment, charge, chore, obligation, dues, job, must, office, part, responsibility, tax, work, post, assessment, commission, debt, deference. muklājs mire; synonyms (n) bog, filth, marsh, dirt, quagmire, muck, sludge, tangle, morass, ooze, slush, swamp, (v) involve, entangle, (adj) mud. muļķis fool; synonyms (n) blockhead, dunce, clown, ass, buffoon, dolt, idiot, joke, joker, (v) dupe, deceive, bamboozle, befool, cheat, con, defraud, delude, gull, beguile, (adj) absurd. munīcija 1. munition; synonyms (n) ammunition, arms, supplies, fortification, muniment, assistance, blazon, blazonry, explosive, weaponry, record, strengthening, stronghold, 2. ammunition; synonyms (n) ammo, munition, shot, bullet, armament, missile, bullets, fuel, narcotic, ball, bombs, buckshot, cannonball, chemical, confetti, fuse, grenade, grenades, gunpowder, materiel. municipalitāte municipality; synonyms (n) city, town, metropolis, shrievalty, commune, area, capital, region, conurbation, settlement. mūris wall; synonyms (n) partition, bar, barrier, bulwark, rampart, cliff, earthwork, fortification, screen, rail, barricade, block, blockade, bolt, breakwater, divider, embankment, groyne, hurdle, (v) fence; ķieģeļu mūris
brick wall; akmeņu mūris stone wall. murkšķis marmot; synonyms (v) dormouse, slumberer. muskete musket; synonyms (n) gun, arquebus, caliver, carbine, firelock, harquebuss, musketoon, musketry. mute mouth; synonyms (n) jaw, lip, aperture, lips, edge, entrance, brim, bill, inlet, firth, hole, nose, (v) grimace, articulate, pronounce, speak, utter, vocalize, blab, deliver. mutisks oral; synonyms (adj) spoken, vocal, unwritten, verbal, (n) examination; antonym (adj) written. muzejs museum; synonyms (n) gallery, depository, landmark, treasury. mūžība eternity; synonyms (n) infinity, aeon, forever, perpetuity, timelessness, everlastingness, everness, age, boundlessness, eviternity, future, glory, heaven,
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Latvian - English holiness, immutability, majesty, sovereignty, time, unity, immensity. mūzika music; synonyms (n) harmony, melody, chorus, musical, composition, sound, euphony, medicine, refrain, din, entertainment, gayety, glee, joy, medicament, medication, medium, merriment, (adj) decreasing, increasing; deju mūzika dance. mūžs 1. life; synonyms (n) animation, energy, spirit, activity, being, biography, dash, enthusiasm, existence, exuberance, live, briskness, career, autobiography, endurance, lifetime, liveliness, living, survival, vigor; antonym (n) lethargy, 2. lifetime; synonyms (n) age, life, lifespan, day, decade, hour, time, abode, aliveness, century, cottage, minute, month, quarter, quinquennium, second, week, year, (adj) lifelong, enduring.
N nabadzīgs indigent; synonyms (adj) destitute, poor, impoverished, needy, impecunious, penniless, miserable, necessitous, underprivileged, broke, (n) pauper; antonym (adj) rich. nabags poor; synonyms (adj) bad, low, miserable, paltry, deplorable, destitute, evil, inadequate, insufficient, needy, pathetic, penniless, piteous, pitiful, meagre, deficient, feeble, impecunious, (v) meager, (n) mean; antonyms (adj) rich, wealthy, excellent, first-rate, privileged, well-off, admirable, good. nācija nation; synonyms (n) state, country, kingdom, commonwealth, community, land, people, nationality, public, tribe, clan, folk, republic, race, territory, breed, federation, society. nacionālisms nationalism; synonyms (n) chauvinism, patriotism, loyalty, partisanship, xenophobia, devotion. nacionāls national; synonyms (adj) internal, domestic, home, civil, interior, ethnic, federal, native, public, civic, racial, inland, nationwide, social, human, (n) citizen, local, subject, inhabitant, resident; antonyms (adj) international, foreign, private, (n) foreigner. nafta 1. oil; synonyms (n) petroleum, fat, ointment, salve, cream, fuel, cerate, lotion, (v) lubricate, anoint, anele, glycerine, 2. petroleum; synonyms (n) crude, oil, petrol, alcohol, coal, energy, ethanol, firewood, gasohol, methanol, nitromethane. naftalīns naphthalene; synonym (n) naphthaline. nagainis ungulate; synonyms (adj) hoofed, hooved, ungulated. nagla nail; synonyms (n) arrest, pin, (v) catch, apprehend, collar, hook, strike, capture, cop, fasten, hit, nab, secure, spike, get, claws, grasp, attach, clutch, (adj) tack. nags 1. fingernail; synonym (n) claw, 2. nail; synonyms (n) arrest, pin, (v) catch, apprehend, collar, hook, strike, capture, cop, fasten, hit, nab, secure, spike, get, claws, grasp, attach, clutch, (adj) tack. naidīgums hostility; synonyms (n) aggression, animosity, antagonism, enmity, feud, aversion, bitterness, conflict, hatred, rancor, war, belligerence, antipathy, disaffection, disagreement, dislike, hate, opposition, resentment,
belligerency; antonyms (n) friendliness, closeness, goodwill. naids hate; synonyms (v) abhor, detest, abominate, loathe, despise, scorn, (n) dislike, enmity, abhorrence, animosity, detestation, hatred, abomination, antipathy, aversion, distaste, execration, hostility, loathing, odium; antonyms (v) love, like, adore. nākt come; synonyms (v) approach, become, aggregate, appear, arise, arrive, fall, befall, amount, descend, get, go, hail, number, originate, reach, rise, spring, total, advance; antonym (v) leave; nākt klajā appear. nakts night; synonyms (n) dark, evening, dusk, darkness, nighttime, twilight, (adj) nocturnal; antonyms (n) day, light; nakts maiņa night shift; šī nakts tonight;
nakts efekts night effect. namatēvs host; synonyms (n) crowd, army, flock, horde, mob, legion, troop, emcee, mass, multitude, swarm, throng, heap, array, battalion, bunch, group, innkeeper, landlord, pack. nams house; synonyms (n) family, home, dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice, habitation, housing, establishment, structure, ancestry, company, address, audience, business, concern, (v) accommodate, lodge. narkotika 1. narcotic; synonyms (adj) soporific, anodyne, (n) opiate, hypnotic, drug, sedative, stupefacient, 2. drug; synonyms (n) cure, medicine, anesthetic, medication, prescription, remedy, stimulant, (v) dose, medicate, potion, (adj) chaff. narkotisks narcotic; synonyms (adj) soporific, anodyne, (n) opiate, hypnotic, drug, sedative, stupefacient. nasta 1. load; synonyms (n) charge, cargo, freight, stack, heap, pack, weight, consignment, lading, shipment, strain, anxiety, care, crowd, (v) burden, fill, encumber, pile, lade, stow; antonym (v) unload, 2. burden; synonyms (n) load, bale, concern, core, encumbrance, essence, gist, imposition, liability, loading, millstone, onus, (v) bother, burthen, clog, trouble, afflict, force, handicap, impose; antonyms (v) relieve, unburden, 3. pack; synonyms (n) bundle, mob, bevy, bunch, company, herd, batch, backpack, box, gang, horde, package, knapsack, cluster, bag, (v) compress, cram, jam, carry, compact; antonym (v) unpack; nodokļu nasta
tax burden. nātre nettle; synonyms (n) sting, bramble, (v) fret, irritate, annoy, grate, irk, displease, gall, goad, provoke, ruffle, vex, aggravate, chafe, exasperate, rankle, rile, discompose, get. naturalizācija naturalization; synonyms (n) naturalisation, endenization, adaptation, denization. nauda 1. money; synonyms (n) capital, coin, currency, funds, means, lucre, assets, cash, pelf, purse, tin, dollar, pile, change, finances, payment, resources, (adj) monetary, financial, (v) gold, 2. cash; synonyms (n) ready, bread, money, coins, exchange, needful, wealth, wherewithal, income, (v) encash, liquidate, redeem; antonym (n) credit, 3. currency; synonyms (n) circulation, vogue, currentness, publicity; kabatas
nauda allowance; soda nauda fine; bankas nauda bank money; komisijas nauda commission; nauda kasē cash on hand;
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komandējuma nauda travel allowance; paju nauda share; starpniecības nauda commission; skaidrā nauda kasē cash balance; atkāpšanās nauda smart money. naudaszīme note; synonyms (n) comment, mention, remark, annotation, heed, indication, mark, attention, bill, distinction, epistle, letter, memorandum, report, (v) notice, mind, look, detect, record, discern; antonym (v) ignore. naudīgs moneyed; synonyms (adj) affluent, rich, wealthy, flush, loaded, monied, opulent, prosperous; antonym (adj) poor. nav no; synonyms (n) refusal, rejection, denial, number, nix, rebuff, nobelium, ordinal, (adv) nay, (adj) zero, naught, none, non, nul; nav redzami lost. nāve death; synonyms (n) demise, end, expiration, close, exit, cessation, decease, departure, dissolution, doom, dying, fate, loss, mortality, passing, conclusion, bereavement, extermination, fall, (adj) quietus; antonyms (n) birth, existence, delivery. navigācija navigation; synonyms (n) guidance, sailing, steering, seafaring, shipping, travel, flight, aviation, glide, gliding, pilotage, piloting, routing, sailplaning, soaring, tonnage. nazis knife; synonyms (n) dagger, tongue, whittle, clapper, couteau, cuttle, cuttlefish, glossa, (v) stab, wound, jab, slit, betray, dig, murder, penetrate, puncture, trinket, (adj) blade, cutlery. ne 1. not; synonyms (adv) no, nay, nor, nowise, never, (adj) shaven, shorn, 2. no; synonyms (n) refusal, rejection, denial, number, nix, rebuff, nobelium, ordinal, (adj) zero, naught, none, non, nul; ne viens neither; arī ne
neither; ja ne if not; tomēr ne never; taču ne never; vel ne not yet. neaizmirstams memorable; synonyms (adj) extraordinary, notable, signal, unforgettable, eventful, momentous, monumental, noteworthy, striking; antonym (adj) forgettable. neaizsargāts unprotected; synonyms (adj) exposed, vulnerable, naked, open, unguarded, defenseless, helpless, unshielded, uncovered, insecure; antonyms (adj) safe, armed, protected. neaizskarams inviolable; synonyms (adj) sacred, infrangible, sacrosanct, hallowed, inviolate, absolute, impenetrable, impregnable, inalienable, (v) imprescriptible; antonym (adj) violable. neapbruņots unarmed; synonyms (adj) defenseless, naked, unprotected, open, bare, destitute, inermis, manifest, mere, nude, plain, powerless, simple, unaided, direct, (v) weaponless, harmless, unfortified, untenable, vincible; antonym (adj) armed. neapdzīvots uninhabited; synonyms (adj) deserted, empty, desert, desolate, unoccupied, vacant, unpopulated, lonely, uninhabitable, untenanted; antonyms (adj) occupied, inhabited. neass dull; synonyms (adj) dim, blunt, dense, dreary, sluggish, bland, boring, cloudy, cold, dark, dismal, inactive, inert, obtuse, slack, slow, stupid, torpid, (v) deaden, dampen; antonyms (adj) bright, lively, sharp, exciting, interesting, lustrous, stimulating, amusing,
exhilarating, glittery, glossy, glowing, high-pitched, intense, luminous, shiny, sparkling, varied, brisk, bubbly. neatbilstība 1. incongruity; synonyms (n) dissonance, disharmony, contradiction, disagreement, discrepancy, disparity, incongruence, discord, unconformity, disproportion, absurdity, impropriety, incongruousness, inconsistency, paradox, variance, irony; antonyms (n) appropriateness, congruity, 2. inadequacy; synonyms (n) deficiency, imperfection, defect, inability, failure, fault, incompetence, shortage, deficit, dearth, inadequateness, insufficiency, lack, poverty, want, weakness; antonym (n) adequacy. neatgūstams irretrievable; synonyms (adj) irreparable, irrecoverable, irremediable, irreversible, incurable, irrevocable, remediless, desperate, lost, (v) indefeasible. neatkarība independence; synonyms (n) autonomy, freedom, liberty, independency, individuality, latitude, detachment, neutrality, sovereignty, inconsequence; antonyms (n) dependence, childhood; datu
neatkarība data independence. neatkarīgs independent; synonyms (adj) free, autonomous, separate, substantive, impartial, nonpartisan, sovereign, unallied, self-sufficient, detached, distinct, individual, irrespective, neutral, unbiased, unprejudiced, strong, (n) freelance, mugwump, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj) dependent, simultaneous;
neatkarīgs militārais kuģis military independent. neatļaut deny; synonyms (v) contradict, controvert, decline, disavow, rebuff, abnegate, disown, gainsay, oppose, refuse, reject, renounce, abjure, contravene, disallow, disclaim, disprove, repudiate, traverse, withhold; antonyms (v) admit, affirm, acknowledge, claim, declare, agree, maintain. neatļauts 1. unauthorized; synonyms (adj) illegal, illicit, unauthorised, illegitimate, wildcat, unofficial, abnormal, contraband, criminal, dishonest, fierce, forcible, furious, groundless, impetuous, informal, outrageous, severe, surreptitious, unendorsed; antonyms (adj) authorized, official, 2. illicit; synonyms (adj) forbidden, unlawful, wrong, immoral, shady, prohibited, wrongful, adulterous, clandestine, outlawed; antonyms (adj) licit, legal. neatliekams 1. urgent; synonyms (adj) pressing, importunate, imperative, instant, immediate, quick, earnest, critical, serious, vital, hasty, insistent, compelling, eager, burning, necessary, cogent, (v) important, clamorous, (n) breathless; antonym (adj) trivial, 2. immediate; synonyms (adj) close, prompt, direct, sudden, near, present, expeditious, fast, proximate, speedy, express, adjacent, firsthand, nearby, adjoining, early, imminent, instantaneous, momentary, rapid; antonyms (adj) slow, gradual, consecutive, deliberate. neatrisināts unsettled; synonyms (adj) uncertain, changeable, doubtful, undecided, unfixed, indefinite, uneasy, outstanding, disturbed, undetermined, unpaid, unresolved, unstable, variable, restless, indecisive, dubious, open, roving, debatable; antonyms (adj) settled, confident, definite.
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neatzīt deny; synonyms (v) contradict, controvert, decline,
nedrošs unsafe; synonyms (adj) dangerous, risky,
disavow, rebuff, abnegate, disown, gainsay, oppose, refuse, reject, renounce, abjure, contravene, disallow, disclaim, disprove, repudiate, traverse, withhold; antonyms (v) admit, affirm, acknowledge, claim, declare, agree, maintain. nebeidzams endless; synonyms (adj) constant, continual, ceaseless, continuous, interminable, perpetual, eternal, everlasting, incessant, uninterrupted, boundless, countless, dateless, infinite, limitless, persistent, unbroken, unending, unlimited, unrelenting; antonyms (adj) finite, temporary, intermittent, limited, restricted. nebojāts 1. flawless; synonyms (adj) faultless, perfect, ideal, complete, consummate, finished, good, blameless, correct, immaculate, impeccable, sound, spotless, unblemished, unflawed, unimpeachable, pure; antonym (adj) flawed, 2. intact; synonyms (adj) full, entire, whole, integral, unbroken, undamaged, uninjured, untouched, inviolate, safe, total, unharmed, unhurt, unscathed, virgin, (n) unabridged; antonym (adj) broken. nedabūt miss; synonyms (v) lack, lose, fail, jump, omit, overlook, long, drop, escape, neglect, skip, misplace, (n) maid, girl, want, fille, missy, wench, (adj) fault, pretermit; antonym (v) perceive. nedaudzi few; synonyms (adj) infrequent, rare, scarce, occasional, sporadic, uncommon, erratic, imperceptible, inconsequential, intermittent, middling, negligible, paltry, piddling, scattered, semioccasional, straggling, unfrequent; antonyms (n) plenty, (adj) many, countless, innumerable, various. nedēļa week; synonyms (n) hebdomad, day, hour, minute, second, year, sennight, sevennight, time, workweek. nederīgs 1. inapplicable; synonyms (adj) improper, irrelevant, unfit, inappropriate, unsuitable, extraneous, frivolous, immaterial, impertinent, impractical, unappliable, unapplicable, unrelated, garbage, inapropos, inattentive, irrelative, remote, unadapted, 2. useless; synonyms (adj) futile, pointless, unnecessary, needless, abortive, fruitless, hopeless, worthless, idle, barren, superfluous, bootless, incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inefficient, inutile, purposeless, unavailing; antonyms (adj) useful, helpful, competent, effective, convenient, necessary, valuable, 3. unfit; synonyms (adj) disqualify, incapacitate, inapt, unbecoming, unable, incapable, bad, inadequate, ineligible, inept, wrong, awkward, unmeet, unqualified, disarm, faulty, helpless, inadmissible, (v) disable, indispose; antonyms (adj) fit, appropriate, 4. invalid; synonyms (adj) false, unsound, illogical, null, unreasonable, void, weak, unhealthy, flawed, sick, expired, fallacious, (n) infirm, patient, (v) handicap; antonyms (adj) valid, legitimate. nederīgums invalidity; synonyms (n) disability, nullity, invalidness, fallacy, forfeiture, irritancy, weakness. nedrošība uncertainty; synonyms (n) doubt, doubtfulness, distrust, indecision, suspicion, suspense, hesitation, irresolution, dubiety, incertitude, question, dubiousness, indecisiveness, ambiguity, hesitancy, qualm, skepticism, uncertainness, confusion, (adj) instability; antonyms (n) certainty, confidence, decisiveness, clarity.
hazardous, insecure, perilous, treacherous, precarious, shaky, uncertain, chancy, harmful, wobbly, unsound, mad, vulnerable; antonyms (adj) safe, secure. nedzirdēts unprecedented; synonyms (adj) unparalleled, singular, unexampled, extraordinary, new, unique, exceptional, remarkable, uncommon, undescribed; antonyms (adj) precedented, usual. neefektīvs 1. ineffective; synonyms (adj) empty, incompetent, futile, impotent, inadequate, ineffectual, inefficient, null, fruitless, incapable, powerless, unable, useless, worthless, feckless, pointless, abortive, hopeless, unproductive, unsuccessful; antonyms (adj) effective, strong, successful, useful, 2. inefficient; synonyms (adj) ineffective, inefficacious, feeble, inactive, inept, insufficient, unfit, lame; antonym (adj) efficient. neērtība 1. inconvenience; synonyms (n) bother, disadvantage, difficulty, nuisance, awkwardness, unsuitableness, encumbrance, ineptness, unwieldiness, annoyance, disturbance, drawback, hassle, (v) trouble, discommode, incommode, disoblige, annoy, disquiet, disturb; antonym (n) convenience, 2. nuisance; synonyms (n) harassment, inconvenience, irritation, pain, pest, mischief, bore, botheration, plague, bane, bind, burden, hindrance, menace, trial, worry, fuss, (adj) grievance; antonym (n) pleasure. neērts cumbersome; synonyms (adj) awkward, bulky, cumbrous, unwieldy, burdensome, clumsy, heavy, hefty, weighty, inconvenient, inept, massive, onerous, (v) lumpish, lumpy; antonyms (adj) compact, manageable. negatīvs negative; synonyms (adj) minus, adverse, denying, damaging, destructive, contrary, unfavorable, negatory, privative, (n) denial, (v) gainsay, veto, deny, disavow, kill, negate, controvert, counteract, disprove, rebut; antonyms (adj) positive, optimistic, assenting, (n) affirmative; negatīvs lielums minus; negatīvs
atzinums adverse opinion; kontrastains negatīvs hard negative. negodīgs 1. unfair; synonyms (adj) partial, dishonest, unjust, foul, inequitable, deceitful, dishonorable, fraudulent, undeserved, wrongful, underhand, unsporting, mean, crooked, dirty, undue, unequal, unreasonable, unscrupulous, wrong; antonyms (adj) fair, just, reasonable, balanced, rightful, 2. dishonest; synonyms (adj) corrupt, crafty, deceptive, devious, disloyal, false, shifty, unfair, untruthful, cheating, immoral, sinister, tricky, unethical, designing, base, cunning, disingenuous, dodgy, faithless; antonyms (adj) honest, truthful, principled, sincere, aboveboard, sporting. neiecietība intolerance; synonyms (n) bigotry, impatience, discrimination, fanaticism, bias, insularity, annoyance, chauvinism, edginess, extremism, favoritism, inequity, intolerancy, intoleration, irritation, prejudice, racism, rigor, (adj) nonendurance, persecution; antonyms (n) tolerance, lenience, broadmindedness. neiedarbīgs 1. ineffective; synonyms (adj) empty, incompetent, futile, impotent, inadequate, ineffectual, inefficient, null, fruitless, incapable, powerless, unable, useless, worthless, feckless, pointless, abortive, hopeless, unproductive, unsuccessful; antonyms (adj)
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Latvian - English
effective, strong, successful, useful, 2. inefficient; synonyms (adj) ineffective, inefficacious, feeble, inactive, inept, insufficient, unfit, lame; antonym (adj) efficient. neierobežots 1. limitless; synonyms (adj) boundless, immeasurable, immense, endless, illimitable, infinite, measureless, unlimited, bottomless, interminable, vast, incalculable, unbounded, unmeasured, unrestricted, cosmic, countless; antonyms (adj) limited, restricted, 2. unlimited; synonyms (adj) limitless, unconditional, absolute, indefinite, total, unqualified, prodigious, unconfined, unending, broad, clear, complete, excessive, extensive, general, inexhaustible, outright, universal; antonym (adj) partial, 3. unrestricted; synonyms (adj) free, open, unrestrained, public, unreserved, entire, exempt, frank, loose, nonsensitive, optional, unabated, unconstrained, undiminished, unexclusive, unreduced; antonyms (adj) repressive, constrained, 4. absolute; synonyms (adj) downright, peremptory, categorical, full, real, utter, actual, arbitrary, authoritative, certain, conclusive, dictatorial, extreme, flat, great, indisputable, sheer, supreme, thorough, (n) positive; antonym (adj) qualified. neievērot 1. miss; synonyms (v) lack, lose, fail, jump, omit, overlook, long, drop, escape, neglect, skip, misplace, (n) maid, girl, want, fille, missy, wench, (adj) fault, pretermit; antonym (v) perceive, 2. omit; synonyms (v) disregard, delete, forget, except, exclude, ignore, leave, expunge, erase, eliminate, default, sink, contract, slip, overleap, pass, slight, discount, dismiss, (n) forsake; antonym (v) include. neiroloģija neurology; synonyms (n) myology, organography, osteology, splanchnology. neīsts fictitious; synonyms (adj) bogus, false, assumed, counterfeit, fictional, artificial, fake, fabricated, fabulous, sham, apocryphal, fanciful, fantastic, fancied, feigned, invented, mythical, pretended, unreal, untrue; antonym (adj) real. neitralizācija 1. neutralization; synonyms (n) neutralisation, counteraction, nullification, annulment, chagrin, gangrene, humiliation, mortification, negation, vexation, 2. counteraction; synonyms (n) neutralization, opposition, reaction, remedy, resistance, backlash, aid, assistance, competition, friction, cure, help, redress, relief, reparation, restorative. neitrāls neutral; synonyms (adj) disinterested, impartial, indifferent, dispassionate, impersonal, noncommittal, colorless, detached, fair, inert, objective, unbiased, apathetic, independent, nonpartisan, unconcerned, unprejudiced, electroneutral, (n) neuter; antonyms (adj) biased, aromatic, colorful. neizdevies abortive; synonyms (adj) fruitless, futile, stillborn, unsuccessful, useless, vain, ineffective, disastrous, embryonic, idle, rudimental; antonym (adj) successful. neizdošanās 1. miss; synonyms (v) lack, lose, fail, jump, omit, overlook, long, drop, escape, neglect, skip, misplace, (n) maid, girl, want, fille, missy, wench, (adj) fault, pretermit; antonym (v) perceive, 2. failure; synonyms (n) bankruptcy, failing, breakdown, decline, deficiency, debacle, defeat, disappointment, disaster, downfall, error, loser, loss, abortion, default, collapse,
defect, dud, lapse, (v) decay; antonyms (n) success, achievement, hit, winner, victory, achiever, attainment, capability, growth; neizdošanās gadījumā failing. neizdoties fail; synonyms (v) abort, collapse, fade, cease, abandon, break, bust, default, deteriorate, die, disappoint, flag, want, droop, backfire, bomb, decay, (adj) decline, drop, abate; antonyms (v) succeed, triumph. neizdzēšams indelible; synonyms (adj) ineffaceable, indestructible, memorable, fast, ingrained, irrevocable, lasting, unerasable, enduring, inerasable, inexpungible, inextirpable, rememberable, string, (v) imperishable, incorruptible, undying, (n) deep, impressive, profound. neizlemts pending; synonyms (prep) during, awaiting, (adj) forthcoming, undecided, unresolved, unsettled, outstanding, hanging, looming, pendulous, suspended, considering, doubtful, inoperative, overhanging, pendant, withdrawn, (n) abeyance, (adv) while, whilst; antonym (adj) distant. neizšķirts pending; synonyms (prep) during, awaiting, (adj) forthcoming, undecided, unresolved, unsettled, outstanding, hanging, looming, pendulous, suspended, considering, doubtful, inoperative, overhanging, pendant, withdrawn, (n) abeyance, (adv) while, whilst; antonym (adj) distant. nejaušība fortuity; synonyms (n) accident, chance, contingency, coincidence, luck, fortune. nejaušs random; synonyms (adj) accidental, aimless, irregular, patchy, fortuitous, arbitrary, casual, indiscriminate, incidental, unplanned, purposeless, erratic, sporadic, unselective, (n) haphazard, chance, accident, hazard, buggy, (adv) helter-skelter; antonym (adj) systematic. nekad never; synonyms (adv) ne'er, nevermore, nor, tomorrow; antonym (adv) always. nekārtība 1. mess; synonyms (n) clutter, jumble, muddle, confusion, difficulty, disorder, hodgepodge, jam, scrape, bedlam, chaos, dilemma, dirt, disarray, mash, mayhem, miscellany, muss, (v) botch, soil; antonym (n) order, 2. disorder; synonyms (n) ailment, complaint, disease, commotion, disarrangement, disturbance, anarchy, derangement, litter, riot, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, upset, (v) derange, confuse, perturb, disarrange, discompose, trouble; antonyms (n) orderliness, calm, peace, 3. disarray; synonyms (n) mess, disorderliness, disorganization, huddle, pandemonium, untidiness, (v) tumble, disorganize, shuffle, undress; antonym (n) neatness. nekas nothing; synonyms (n) zero, cipher, nobody, nihil, nonentity, aught, cypher, nix, null, trifle, nada, zilch, zip, oblivion, (adv) naught, (adj) nil, worthless; antonym (pron) something; nekas cits kā but. nekavējoties immediately; synonyms (adv) directly, forthwith, instantly, now, right, direct, readily, instantaneously, presently, rapidly, incontinently, momentarily, summarily, exactly, outright, promptly, quickly, soon, speedily, (adj) instanter; antonyms (adv) later, slowly. nekompetents incompetent; synonyms (adj) impotent, incapable, inadequate, inapt, unable, awkward, clumsy, feeble, inept, insufficient, powerless, unprofessional,
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Latvian - English unskilled, useless, inappropriate, feckless, hopeless, ineffective, inefficient, (n) bungler; antonyms (adj) competent, capable, skillful. nekonsekvence inconsistency; synonyms (n) discrepancy, disagreement, contradiction, incoherence, incompatibility, incongruity, discordance, disparity, contradictoriness, repugnance, variance, unconformity, changeability, clash, dissonance, divergence, fallacy, (adj) frivolity, irrationality, folly; antonyms (n) consistency, steadiness, equality. nekonsekvents inconsistent; synonyms (adj) incongruous, incoherent, incompatible, contrary, absurd, conflicting, inconsequent, discordant, discrepant, erratic, illogical, irreconcilable, abhorrent, changeable, opposite, repugnant, unstable, ridiculous, inappropriate, (n) contradictory; antonyms (adj) consistent, constant, reliable. nektarīns nectarine; synonyms (adj) nectareous, (n) brunion. nekur nowhere; synonyms (adv) minus, nowhither, without, (n) limbo, oblivion, (adj) tiresome, average, banal, emotionless, insipid, prosaic, tasteless, uninteresting, unsophisticated, vapid. nekvalificēts 1. unskilled; synonyms (adj) incompetent, inexperienced, inexpert, raw, amateurish, unprofessional, unqualified, awkward, untrained, amateur, bungling, clumsy, fresh, incapable, inept, unfit; antonyms (adj) expert, skilled, 2. unqualified; synonyms (adj) sheer, absolute, total, unconditional, complete, unmitigated, utter, perfect, pure, categorical, flat, ineligible, outright, positive, thorough, unlimited, consummate, unable, unentitled, downright; antonyms (adj) qualified, trained, prepared. nelaime 1. misfortune; synonyms (n) accident, adversity, calamity, disaster, hardship, misadventure, mischance, catastrophe, misery, mishap, affliction, evil, casualty, blow, distress, harm, trouble, disappointment, hurt, knock; antonym (n) luck, 2. unhappiness; synonyms (n) sadness, sorrow, melancholy, grief, infelicity, regret, woe, depression, sorrowfulness, displeasure, gloom, misfortune, dejection, discontent; antonyms (n) happiness, cheerfulness, 3. calamity; synonyms (n) plague, tragedy, bale, cataclysm, doom, havoc, curse, devastation, ill, ruin, annoy, (v) afflict, agitation, 4. disaster; synonyms (n) debacle, destruction, fiasco, bane, failure, flop, mess, crisis; antonyms (n) success, blessing, joy. nelaimīgs miserable; synonyms (adj) mean, poor, meager, abject, bad, deplorable, desolate, downcast, low, measly, unhappy, distressed, lamentable, cheerless, contemptible, dejected, depressed, despondent, (v) forlorn, wretched; antonyms (adj) happy, cheerful, generous. neļaut 1. prevent; synonyms (v) obstruct, anticipate, block, forbid, arrest, avert, avoid, bar, debar, exclude, forestall, hamper, impede, obviate, preclude, check, foil, foreclose, frustrate, (n) hinder; antonym (v) encourage, 2. prohibit; synonyms (v) prevent, disallow, enjoin, ban, outlaw, proscribe, veto, inhibit, interdict, deter, oppose, embargo, restrict, stop, command, disqualify, negative, (n) prohibition; antonyms (v) permit, allow.
nelegāls illegal; synonyms (adj) criminal, forbidden, prohibited, unauthorized, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit, lawless, taboo, wrongful; antonyms (adj) legal, lawful, honest, legitimate, official. nelīdzsvarotība imbalance; synonyms (n) asymmetry, disproportion, disparity, inequality, unbalance, unstableness, bias, derangement, discrimination, injustice, instability, lunacy, nerves, unfairness, inequity; antonym (n) balance. neliels small; synonyms (adj) little, minute, narrow, fine, inadequate, insignificant, low, minor, petty, slight, light, remote, cramped, young, limited, diminutive, faint, humble, miniature, minuscule; antonyms (adj) bulky, colossal, considerable, enormous, extra-large, great, huge, sizeable, giant, major, (syn) big, large; neliels
skaits few; neliels restorāns bar; neliels metiens short run. nelikumība illegitimacy; synonyms (n) bastardy, bastardizing, illegitimation, (adj) illegality, unlawfulness, informality; antonym (n) legitimacy. nelikumīgs 1. lawless; synonyms (adj) disorderly, illicit, anarchical, illegitimate, anarchic, illegal, unlawful, unruly, mutinous, wrongful, seditious, outlaw, turbulent, violent, wild, chaotic, tumultuous, uncontrolled; antonym (adj) orderly, 2. unlawful; synonyms (adj) lawless, prohibited, criminal, improper, unauthorized, irregular, unfair, contraband, crooked, outlawed, unconventional, wrong; antonyms (adj) lawful, legal, legitimate, 3. illegitimate; synonyms (adj) false, baseborn, fatherless, spurious, forged, (n) bastard, whoreson; antonym (adj) genuine, 4. unlicensed; synonyms (adj) unaccredited, unlicenced, (v) impermissible. nelokāms 1. proof; synonyms (n) confirmation, demonstration, probation, argument, authentication, evidence, sign, substantiation, validation, verification, experiment, indication, essay, criterion, establishment, pull, reason, support, test, testimony, 2. rigid; synonyms (adj) harsh, fixed, hard, inflexible, stiff, austere, firm, set, strict, exacting, formal, rigorous, severe, stern, tense, tight, tough, determined, resolute, immovable; antonyms (adj) flexible, elastic, soft. nemainīgs settled; synonyms (adj) definite, fixed, set, firm, permanent, calm, certain, decided, established, defined, formed, confirmed, finished, sedate, standing, determined, quiet, done, peaceful, assured; antonym (adj) uninhabited. nemainīgums invariability; synonyms (n) invariableness, invariance, evenness, consistency, monotony; antonym (n) variability. nemākulīgs inefficient; synonyms (adj) incompetent, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual, incapable, inefficacious, feeble, impotent, futile, inactive, inept, insufficient, unable, unfit, useless, lame; antonym (adj) efficient. nemiers unrest; synonyms (n) turmoil, agitation, disquiet, disorder, ferment, fermentation, revolution, tumult, turbulence, commotion, excitement, chaos, disturbance, restlessness, strife; antonyms (n) calm, rest. nemirstīgs immortal; synonyms (adj) deathless, eternal, everlasting, enduring, imperishable, undying, celebrated,
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Latvian - English
endless, monumental, indestructible, perennial, permanent, perpetual, timeless, unending, (n) deity, divinity, celebrity, (v) commemorative; antonym (adj) mortal. nenodarbināts idle; synonyms (adj) inactive, indolent, lazy, free, baseless, frivolous, fruitless, groundless, unfounded, empty, disengaged, flimsy, barren, dead, futile, jobless, light, (v) loaf, moon, slack; antonyms (adj) busy, active, employed, (v) change. nenokārtots unsettled; synonyms (adj) uncertain, changeable, doubtful, undecided, unfixed, indefinite, uneasy, outstanding, disturbed, undetermined, unpaid, unresolved, unstable, variable, restless, indecisive, dubious, open, roving, debatable; antonyms (adj) settled, confident, definite; nenokārtots maksājums
outstanding payment. nenoteiktība uncertainty; synonyms (n) doubt, doubtfulness, distrust, indecision, suspicion, suspense, hesitation, irresolution, dubiety, incertitude, question, dubiousness, indecisiveness, ambiguity, hesitancy, qualm, skepticism, uncertainness, confusion, (adj) instability; antonyms (n) certainty, confidence, decisiveness, clarity. nenoteikts vague; synonyms (adj) indeterminate, indistinct, obscure, ambiguous, faint, indefinite, uncertain, undefined, undetermined, feeble, dim, fuzzy, hazy, nebulous, shadowy, lax, general, intangible, (v) loose, equivocal; antonyms (adj) clear, definite, distinct, exact, particular, precise, specific, sure; nenoteikts
lielums n. nenovērtējams invaluable; synonyms (adj) priceless, incalculable, inestimable, valuable, costly, precious. nenozīmīgs negligible; synonyms (adj) inconsequential, insignificant, trifling, marginal, minor, paltry, petty, trivial, unimportant, slight, small, tiny, frivolous, little, outside, infinitesimal, microscopic; antonym (adj) significant. neobjektīvs partial; synonyms (adj) incomplete, imperfect, fragmentary, unfair, sectional, inequitable, biased, part, unequal, halfway, partisan, prejudiced, unfinished, unjust, disparate, fond, (v) party; antonyms (adj) complete, impartial, total, absolute, comprehensive, unbiased. neoloģisms neologism; synonyms (n) neology, coinage, jargon, mintage, neologianism, slang, specie. neons neon; synonym (n) northeast. nepabeigts incomplete; synonyms (adj) defective, deficient, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, halfway, lacking, short, unfinished, half, insufficient, fragmentary, sketchy, scarce, poor, broken, fractional, uncompleted, wanting, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) complete, finished, whole. nepacietība impatience; synonyms (n) annoyance, eagerness, anger, fidget, fidgetiness, nervousness, restlessness, enthusiasm, edginess, restiveness, haste, temper, agitation, anticipation, excitement, frustration, impatiency, keenness, stress, (adj) nonendurance; antonyms (n) patience, calmness. nepacietīgs impatient; synonyms (adj) eager, hasty, anxious, petulant, fidgety, keen, edgy, quick, avid,
enthusiastic, impetuous, irritable, restive, restless, testy, uneasy, weary, cross; antonyms (adj) patient, enduring. nepamatots 1. groundless; synonyms (adj) baseless, unfounded, gratuitous, unwarranted, false, idle, wanton, ungrounded, unjustifiable, unjustified, unreal, unsubstantiated, untrue, apocryphal, erroneous, fallacious, illogical, needless, 2. unfounded; synonyms (adj) groundless, unsound, unsupported; antonym (adj) valid, 3. unreasonable; synonyms (adj) foolish, absurd, excessive, extravagant, immoderate, undue, preposterous, exorbitant, inordinate, irrational, ridiculous, senseless, silly, unconscionable, unfair, impossible, invalid, outrageous, unjust, injudicious; antonyms (adj) reasonable, good-natured. neparasts 1. unusual; synonyms (adj) strange, peculiar, odd, quaint, uncommon, curious, eccentric, exceptional, exotic, extraordinary, irregular, rare, remarkable, special, unprecedented, abnormal, anomalous, bizarre, different, fantastic; antonyms (adj) usual, normal, common, customary, ordinary, typical, familiar, conventional, routine, 2. extraordinary; synonyms (adj) distinguished, amazing, astonishing, extra, phenomenal, unusual, famous, incredible, marvelous, memorable, notable, noteworthy, preternatural, prodigious, singular, tremendous, unfamiliar, unique, wonderful, outlandish; antonym (adj) everyday; neparasts indivīds caution. nepareizs 1. wrong; synonyms (adj) harm, evil, false, ill, improper, bad, inappropriate, incorrect, abuse, criminal, inaccurate, iniquitous, unjust, (v) erroneous, (n) damage, injure, injury, injustice, crime, hurt; antonyms (adj) correct, good, proper, honest, law-abiding, (adv) correctly, (v) right, (n) justice, 2. incorrect; synonyms (adj) wrong, imprecise, faulty, amiss, fallacious, inexact, mistaken, untrue, error, imperfect, defective, flawed, unfit, unfitting, unsound, unsuitable, inconclusive, 3. faulty; synonyms (adj) deficient, vicious, broken, damaged, poor, tainted, blamable, inadequate, insufficient, illogical; antonyms (adj) perfect, flawless, 4. false; synonyms (adj) bastard, counterfeit, deceitful, dishonest, artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz, apocryphal, bogus, delusive, insincere, mendacious, mock, pretended; antonyms (adj) true, real, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, truthful, valid, 5. improper; synonyms (adj) illicit, illegitimate, coarse, indecent, indecorous, undue, gross, impolite, inapt, incongruous, indelicate, lewd, nasty, unbecoming, unlawful, foolish, filthy, irregular, unworthy, (v) unseemly; antonyms (adj) suitable, fitting, polite, 6. unfair; synonyms (adj) partial, foul, inequitable, dishonorable, fraudulent, undeserved, wrongful, underhand, unsporting, mean, crooked, dirty, unequal, unreasonable, unscrupulous, baseless, biased, bigoted, discriminatory, disingenuous; antonyms (adj) fair, just, reasonable, balanced, rightful. nepārtrauktība continuity; synonyms (n) continuation, coherence, continuance, duration, persistence, concatenation, sequence, perseverance, run, series, chain, constancy, continency, course, flow, infinity, monotony, vitality, bridge, doggedness; antonym (n) discontinuity. nepateicība ingratitude; synonyms (n) unthankfulness, ungratefulness.
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Latvian - English nepatiess false; synonyms (adj) bastard, counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz, apocryphal, bad, bogus, delusive, incorrect; antonyms (adj) true, real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, truthful, honest, valid;
nepatiess pierādījums false evidence; nepatiess paziņojums false statement. nepatīkams unpleasant; synonyms (adj) disagreeable, harsh, nasty, obnoxious, offensive, ugly, sour, awkward, bad, forbidding, repulsive, hard, rude, abhorrent, bitter, horrible, objectionable, odious, painful, (n) difficult; antonyms (adj) pleasant, agreeable, delightful, attractive, comfortable, enjoyable, nice, wonderful, charming. nepieciešamība necessity; synonyms (n) demand, need, lack, essential, exigency, compulsion, emergency, constraint, distress, indigence, must, necessary, obligation, requirement, want, occasion, needfulness, pinch, poverty, (v) use; antonym (n) option; kara
nepieciešamība military necessity. nepieciešams requisite; synonyms (adj) essential, mandatory, required, compulsory, needful, obligatory, binding, indispensable, needed, vital, (n) necessary, need, necessity, prerequisite, requirement, must, condition, want, demand; antonym (n) option; nepieciešams
nosacījums necessary condition. nepiederīgs foreign; synonyms (adj) alien, extraneous, extrinsic, exotic, exterior, external, strange, oversea, adventitious, outlandish, peregrine, remote, unfamiliar, unknown, different, imported, irrelevant, outside, outward, tramontane; antonyms (adj) native, familiar, domestic, internal. nepiedienīgs improper; synonyms (adj) false, inappropriate, illicit, illegitimate, bad, coarse, indecent, indecorous, unsuitable, wrong, amiss, faulty, undue, gross, impolite, inapt, incongruous, incorrect, indelicate, lewd; antonyms (adj) proper, suitable, fitting, polite. nepiedzīvots unprecedented; synonyms (adj) unparalleled, singular, unexampled, extraordinary, new, unique, exceptional, remarkable, uncommon, undescribed; antonyms (adj) precedented, usual. nepieejams unavailable; synonyms (adj) busy, engaged, occupied, useless, absent, fruitless, inaccessible, ineffective, ineligible, off, unattainable, exclusive, confidential, taken; antonyms (adj) available, free. nepiekrist disagree; synonyms (v) differ, clash, argue, conflict, dissent, bicker, disaccord, discord, diverge, squabble, vary, collide, dispute, fight, jar, oppose, protest, quarrel, row, wrangle; antonyms (v) agree, consent, match. nepieļaujams inadmissible; synonyms (adj) ineligible, unacceptable, improper, inappropriate, inconvenient, unfit, unqualified, extraneous, inadequate, inapt, incompatible, incompetent, objectionable, unadmittable, unbearable, undesirable, unsuitable, unwelcome, (v) illtimed, unseasonable; antonym (adj) admissible. nepiemērots 1. improper; synonyms (adj) false, inappropriate, illicit, illegitimate, bad, coarse, indecent, indecorous, unsuitable, wrong, amiss, faulty, undue, gross, impolite, inapt, incongruous, incorrect, indelicate, lewd; antonyms (adj) proper, suitable, fitting, polite, 2.
inappropriate; synonyms (adj) improper, inapplicable, incompatible, awkward, irrelevant, unapt, unbecoming, unseemly, unbefitting, impertinent, ill-suited, inapposite, inconvenient, ineligible, inept, inopportune, mistaken, unfit, unfitting, unfortunate; antonyms (adj) appropriate, right, befitting, 3. inapplicable; synonyms (adj) extraneous, frivolous, immaterial, impractical, unappliable, unapplicable, unrelated, garbage, inapropos, inattentive, irrelative, remote, unadapted, 4. unsuitable; synonyms (adj) undesirable, unseasonable, unsatisfactory, untimely, incompetent, objectionable, unacceptable, uncouth, (v) unsuited; antonym (adj) applicable, 5. unfit; synonyms (adj) disqualify, incapacitate, unable, incapable, inadequate, inefficient, unmeet, unqualified, disarm, helpless, inadmissible, (v) disable, indispose, invalidate; antonym (adj) fit. nepieņemams inadmissible; synonyms (adj) ineligible, unacceptable, improper, inappropriate, inconvenient, unfit, unqualified, extraneous, inadequate, inapt, incompatible, incompetent, objectionable, unadmittable, unbearable, undesirable, unsuitable, unwelcome, (v) illtimed, unseasonable; antonym (adj) admissible. nepietiekamība 1. insufficiency; synonyms (n) imperfection, inadequacy, deficit, deficiency, shortage, absence, dearth, inability, inadequateness, lack, paucity, scarcity, exiguity, drought, incapacity, incompetence, incompetency, need, shortfall, want; antonyms (n) adequacy, abundance, sufficiency, 2. inadequacy; synonyms (n) defect, failure, fault, disproportion, insufficiency, poverty, weakness. nepietiekošs deficient; synonyms (adj) defective, inadequate, wanting, imperfect, scanty, scarce, short, bad, destitute, insufficient, lacking, less, low, meager, poor, unfinished, absent, secondary, subordinate, partial; antonyms (adj) adequate, sufficient. nepilngadība infancy; synonyms (n) babyhood, childhood, cradle, beginning, birth, genesis, adolescence, age, infanthood, nativity, upbringing. nepilngadīgais minor; synonyms (adj) little, inferior, insignificant, junior, lesser, lower, small, inconsequential, less, marginal, negligible, petty, secondary, slight, subordinate, trivial, unimportant, (n) child, juvenile, youngster; antonyms (adj) major, important, significant, basic, chief, fundamental, leading, main, overriding, superseding, serious, considerable, extensive, greater, senior. nepilnība 1. imperfection; synonyms (n) fault, frailty, blemish, defect, deficiency, flaw, weakness, disadvantage, drawback, foible, inadequacy, shortcoming, vice, blunder, error, failure, imperfectness, infirmity, spot, (adj) failing; antonym (n) perfection, 2. fault; synonyms (n) blame, blot, crime, delinquency, break, demerit, default, fracture, imperfection, lapse, misdeed, mistake, offense, transgression, shift, crack, guilt, inaccuracy, (v) culpability, fail; antonyms (n) merit, strength. nepilnīgs 1. partial; synonyms (adj) incomplete, imperfect, fragmentary, unfair, sectional, inequitable, biased, part, unequal, halfway, partisan, prejudiced, unfinished, unjust, disparate, fond, (v) party; antonyms (adj) complete, impartial, total, absolute, comprehensive, unbiased, 2. deficient; synonyms (adj) defective,
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Latvian - English
inadequate, wanting, scanty, scarce, short, bad, destitute, insufficient, lacking, less, low, meager, poor, absent, secondary, subordinate, partial, shy, devoid; antonyms (adj) adequate, sufficient, 3. incomplete; synonyms (adj) deficient, faulty, half, sketchy, broken, fractional, uncompleted, uncomplete, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) finished, whole. nepilns incomplete; synonyms (adj) defective, deficient, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, halfway, lacking, short, unfinished, half, insufficient, fragmentary, sketchy, scarce, poor, broken, fractional, uncompleted, wanting, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) complete, finished, whole. neprecizitāte inaccuracy; synonyms (n) error, fault, blunder, falsity, mistake, falseness, incorrectness, slip; antonyms (n) precision, accuracy, correctness. neprecīzs inaccurate; synonyms (adj) erroneous, faulty, incorrect, false, inexact, wrong, improper, loose, mistaken, untrue, fallacious, lax, misleading, slipshod, unsound, vague, careless, general; antonyms (adj) correct, exact, precise, accurate, truthful. neregularitāte irregularity; synonyms (n) disorder, abnormality, anomaly, eccentricity, inequality, deformity, deviation, aberration, constipation, exception, oddity, roughness, unevenness, variation, diversity, oddness; antonyms (n) normality, regularity, symmetry. neregulārs irregular; synonyms (adj) abnormal, atypical, anomalous, broken, eccentric, erratic, changeable, desultory, deviant, disorderly, guerilla, sporadic, strange, unequal, uneven, preternatural, indiscriminate, aberrant, capricious, (n) guerrilla; antonyms (adj) regular, constant, even, normal, smooth, symmetrical, compact, cyclic, equal, steady. nesakrist differ; synonyms (v) dissent, disagree, contradict, clash, deviate, diverge, depart, conflict, vary, dispute, diversify, quarrel, ablude; antonyms (v) agree, concur, conform, correspond. nesalasāms undecipherable; synonyms (adj) illegible, indecipherable, unaccountable, unclear, undiscoverable, unfathomable, complex, unintelligible, unreadable, unknowable. nesalauzts unbroken; synonyms (adj) continuous, entire, complete, constant, continual, endless, incessant, intact, integral, solid, undivided, uninterrupted, whole, total, perpetual, steady, continued, unhurt, nonstop, (v) uninjured; antonyms (adj) broken, intermittent. nesamaksāts unpaid; synonyms (adj) owing, unsettled, amateur, honorary, overdue, gratuitous, payable, recreational, unbought, voluntary; antonyms (adj) paid, professional, salaried. nesaprātīgs unreasonable; synonyms (adj) foolish, absurd, excessive, extravagant, immoderate, undue, preposterous, exorbitant, illogical, inordinate, irrational, ridiculous, senseless, silly, unconscionable, unfair, impossible, invalid, unwarranted, outrageous; antonyms (adj) reasonable, good-natured. nesaskaņa inconsistency; synonyms (n) discrepancy, disagreement, contradiction, incoherence, incompatibility, incongruity, discordance, disparity, contradictoriness, repugnance, variance, unconformity, changeability, clash, dissonance, divergence, fallacy,
(adj) frivolity, irrationality, folly; antonyms (n) consistency, steadiness, equality. nesaskanēt differ; synonyms (v) dissent, disagree, contradict, clash, deviate, diverge, depart, conflict, vary, dispute, diversify, quarrel, ablude; antonyms (v) agree, concur, conform, correspond. nesavienojamība incompatibility; synonyms (n) incongruity, inconsistency, disagreement, repugnance, antipathy, infertility, changeableness, contrast, discord, distaste, friction, horror, inappropriateness, inaptness, incompatibleness, unsuitability, repulsion, revulsion, unsteadiness, variableness; antonym (n) compatibility. nesavienojams 1. incompatible; synonyms (adj) contradictory, conflicting, discordant, discrepant, inappropriate, incongruous, inconsistent, antagonistic, irreconcilable, repugnant, hostile, clashing, unsuitable, unsuited, contrastive, disagreeable; antonyms (adj) compatible, consistent, identical, matching, 2. inconsistent; synonyms (adj) incoherent, incompatible, contrary, absurd, inconsequent, erratic, illogical, abhorrent, changeable, opposite, unstable, ridiculous, unreasonable, dissonant, volatile, irregular, preposterous, unequal, uneven, unpredictable; antonyms (adj) constant, reliable. nesējs carrier; synonyms (n) bearer, messenger, courier, mailman, porter, postman, vehicle, transport, envoy, bag, channel, container, emissary, newsboy, solvent, support, toter, tranter, doorkeeper, intelligencer; magnētiskais
nesējs magnetic medium; kodolieroča nesējs nuclear delivery vehicle; informācijas nesējs information medium; ieraksta nesējs recording medium; datu nesējs carrier. nesen recently; synonyms (adv) newly, freshly, lately, latterly, new, fresh, late, anew, (n) yesterday, (adj) afresh.
neskaidrs doubtful; synonyms (adj) ambiguous, debatable, dubious, disputable, distrustful, queer, questionable, suspicious, tentative, diffident, hesitant, indistinct, skeptical, uncertain, undecided, unlikely, unsettled, unsure, vague, suspensive; antonyms (adj) certain, trusting, convinced, reliable, confident, persuaded, provable, sure. neskarts 1. intact; synonyms (adj) complete, full, entire, whole, integral, perfect, unbroken, undamaged, uninjured, untouched, sound, inviolate, pure, safe, total, unharmed, unhurt, unscathed, virgin, (n) unabridged; antonym (adj) broken, 2. safe; synonyms (adj) secure, reliable, cautious, dependable, good, harmless, innocuous, correct, innocent, inoffensive, certain, stable, steady, sure, protected, chary, discreet, (n) closet, coffer, strongbox; antonyms (adj) dangerous, unsafe, hurt, risky, unprotected, vulnerable, harmful, insecure, reckless. nesodīts unpunished; synonyms (adj) impune, (v) uncondemned; antonym (adj) punished; iepriekš
nesodīts noziedznieks first offence. nespēcīgs impotent; synonyms (adj) powerless, helpless, feeble, barren, inadequate, incapable, ineffective, unable, weak, frigid; antonym (adj) potent. nespēja 1. incapacity; synonyms (n) disability, inability, impotence, disqualification, incapability, inadequacy, disablement, inefficiency, incompetency, insufficiency, powerlessness, feebleness, (adj) imbecility; antonym (n)
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Latvian - English power, 2. incapability; synonyms (n) incapacity, unfitness, incompetence, incapableness; antonym (n) capability, 3. inability; synonyms (n) helplessness, impotency, weakness; antonym (n) ability, 4. disability; synonyms (n) handicap, drawback, impairment, disadvantage, damage, deadening, deterioration, deterrent, detriment, illness, trouble, affliction, ailment, complaint, demoralization, disorder, enervation, enfeeblement, exhaustion, harm. nespodrums tarnish; synonyms (v) defile, taint, smear, stain, blur, foul, corrupt, dirty, slander, blacken, daub, (adj) sully, darken, smudge, smutch, (n) blemish, blot, soil, spot, disgrace; antonym (v) praise. nest carry; synonyms (v) bear, bring, convey, conduct, take, acquit, behave, accept, comport, hold, pack, transport, load, assume, admit, adopt, act, capture, cart, channel; nest augļus fruit. nestuves stretcher; synonyms (n) litter, cot, bed, berth, brancard, capstone, cradle, crate, crib, hammock, hurdle, pallet, shakedown. netaisnība 1. injustice; synonyms (n) inequity, iniquity, evil, unfairness, wrong, bigotry, crime, grievance, inequality, oppression, prejudice, wickedness, discrimination, disservice, (adj) injury, harm, damage; antonyms (n) justice, evenhandedness, fairness, 2. wrong; synonyms (adj) false, ill, improper, bad, inappropriate, incorrect, abuse, criminal, inaccurate, iniquitous, unjust, untrue, vicious, wicked, amiss, (v) erroneous, (n) injure, injustice, hurt, mischief; antonyms (adj) correct, good, proper, honest, law-abiding, (adv) correctly, (v) right. netaisns 1. unjust; synonyms (adj) unfair, partial, injurious, foul, inequitable, unrighteous, wicked, wrong, wrongful, improper, unjustified, unmerited, dishonest, iniquitous, undue, unreasonable, evil, hard, illegal, immoral; antonyms (adj) fair, just, equitable, reasonable, rightful, 2. unfair; synonyms (adj) unjust, deceitful, dishonorable, fraudulent, undeserved, underhand, unsporting, mean, crooked, dirty, unequal, unscrupulous, baseless, biased, bigoted, deceptive, discriminatory, disingenuous, intolerant, nasty; antonym (adj) balanced. neticams 1. fabulous; synonyms (adj) incredible, mythical, fabled, legendary, amazing, fab, imaginary, marvelous, mythological, spectacular, terrific, wonderful, unreal, brilliant, excellent, fantastic, fictitious, great, mythic, sensational; antonym (adj) awful, 2. incredible; synonyms (adj) astonishing, improbable, inconceivable, extraordinary, fabulous, implausible, unbelievable, preposterous, unlikely, absurd, bizarre, doubtful, impossible, magnificent, miraculous, prodigious, remarkable, stunning, stupendous, (v) staggering; antonym (adj) ordinary, 3. unbelievable; synonyms (adj) unthinkable, marvellous, tall, astounding, questionable, ridiculous, unconvincing, unimaginable; antonyms (adj) credible, plausible, believable. netīrs dirty; synonyms (adj) foul, dirt, contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy, impure, despicable, filthy, nasty, shabby, sordid, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil, contaminate, begrime, bemire, pollute, (n) defile;
antonyms (adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean. neto net; synonyms (adj) final, last, nett, (n) network, bag, lace, earnings, cobweb, lattice, meshwork, profit, reticule, (v) mesh, clear, gain, make, trap, catch, earn, knit; antonym (v) gross; neto vērtība net worth;
neto svars net weight; neto summa net amount; neto prēmija net premium; neto pārdošanas cena net selling price; neto masa net mass; neto jauda net output; neto cena net price. nevainojams 1. perfect; synonyms (adj) consummate, complete, exact, utter, entire, faultless, thorough, exquisite, integral, blameless, clean, correct, flawless, ideal, (v) achieve, accomplish, finish, fulfill, (n) absolute, full; antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty, flawed, 2. flawless; synonyms (adj) perfect, finished, good, immaculate, impeccable, sound, spotless, unblemished, unflawed, unimpeachable, pure. neveiksme 1. miss; synonyms (v) lack, lose, fail, jump, omit, overlook, long, drop, escape, neglect, skip, misplace, (n) maid, girl, want, fille, missy, wench, (adj) fault, pretermit; antonym (v) perceive, 2. failure; synonyms (n) bankruptcy, failing, breakdown, decline, deficiency, debacle, defeat, disappointment, disaster, downfall, error, loser, loss, abortion, default, collapse, defect, dud, lapse, (v) decay; antonyms (n) success, achievement, hit, winner, victory, achiever, attainment, capability, growth. neveiksmīgs abortive; synonyms (adj) fruitless, futile, stillborn, unsuccessful, useless, vain, ineffective, disastrous, embryonic, idle, rudimental; antonym (adj) successful. nevērība negligence; synonyms (n) neglect, carelessness, disregard, inattention, indifference, heedlessness, neglectfulness, inattentiveness, recklessness; antonym (n) attention; krimināli sodāma nevērība criminal
negligence. nevērtīgs 1. worthless; synonyms (adj) futile, vile, idle, cheap, empty, trifling, trivial, void, miserable, fruitless, ineffective, mean, null, trashy, valueless, abject, base, contemptible, (v) useless, vain; antonyms (adj) valuable, precious, useful, helpful, meaningful, priceless, worthwhile, 2. valueless; synonyms (adj) worthless, insignificant, meaningless. nevesels unwell; synonyms (adj) ill, sick, indisposed, poorly, ailing, sickly, unhealthy, bad, seedy, diseased, frail, menstruating, peaked; antonyms (adj) healthy, well, fit. nevienprātība dissidence; synonyms (n) discord, disagreement, dissonance, disaccord, variance, dissension, difference, dissent. neviens nobody; synonyms (n) cipher, naught, zero, nil, cypher, nonentity, nothing, zip, none, nullity, aught, nada; antonyms (pron) everyone, (n) celebrity, personality. neviltots genuine; synonyms (adj) actual, authentic, sincere, true, unsophisticated, candid, faithful, artless, factual, hearty, real, unaffected, unfeigned, very, absolute, accurate, certain, earnest, honest, intrinsic; antonyms (adj) bogus, fake, insincere, affected, artificial, dishonest, false, pretend, hypocritical, replica.
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Latvian - English
nevīžība negligence; synonyms (n) neglect, carelessness, disregard, inattention, indifference, heedlessness, neglectfulness, inattentiveness, recklessness; antonym (n) attention. nezāle weed; synonyms (n) grass, marijuana, pot, plant, ganja, marihuana, smoke, cannabis, (v) rake, eliminate, hoe, plow, delve, dibble, dig, harrow, manure, plough, (adj) pick, reduce. niecīgs negligible; synonyms (adj) inconsequential, insignificant, trifling, marginal, minor, paltry, petty, trivial, unimportant, slight, small, tiny, frivolous, little, outside, infinitesimal, microscopic; antonym (adj) significant. niedres reed; synonyms (n) triangle, xylophone, arrow, pipe, dart, stalk, fistula, javelin, jereed, jerid, lance, pen, pike, spear, spontoon, boomerang, gaff, harpoon, (adj) thread, red. nieks trifle; synonyms (n) nothing, bagatelle, detail, triviality, sport, trace, trivia, (v) play, dally, fiddle, flirt, fool, frivol, coquet, dawdle, monkey, (adj) toy, trinket, plaything, bauble. niķelis nickel; synonyms (n) moss, pile, quarter, rock, dime, disme, dollar, (v) plate. niknums fury; synonyms (n) rage, anger, ferocity, exasperation, force, delirium, frenzy, furor, indignation, resentment, choler, craze, fierceness, furiousness, furore, ire, vehemence, violence, outrage, (adj) wrath. niobijs niobium; synonyms (n) catnap, nazism. niša alcove; synonyms (n) recess, arbor, bay, bower, niche, summerhouse, compartment, channel, cubbyhole, hermitage, area, cell, chamber, conservatory, corner, den, greenhouse, hideaway, hole, lair. no off; synonyms (adv) by, forth, beyond, over, aside, gone, abreast, (adj) away, bad, putrid, remote, down, rotten, wide, cancelled, decayed, sour, (n) murder, (int) out, begone; antonyms (adj) fresh, on; atkāpšanās no
amata resignation; no ārienes outside; no jauna sanākt rally; no jauna pārbaudīt review; no kreisās puses left; no attāluma vadāms remote; no jauna izskatīt review; no sākuma initially; no šā brīža hence; no man alive. nobeigums conclusion; synonyms (n) closure, close, end, result, cessation, completion, sequel, termination, decision, dissolution, ending, epilogue, finale, finish, last, outcome, resolution, tail, coda, (v) closing; antonyms (n) beginning, start, opening, preface. noblēdīt embezzle; synonyms (v) appropriate, peculate, misappropriate, pilfer, rob, steal, filch, defalcate, thieve. nobriest mature; synonyms (adj) ripe, complete, adult, aged, developed, experienced, fledged, old, perfect, due, prime, (v) grow, ripen, develop, age, maturate, mellow, season, digest, elaborate; antonyms (adj) childish, naive, unripe, young, sophomoric, (v) immature. nocenot 1. price; synonyms (n) cost, worth, charge, expense, figure, damage, fee, payment, toll, expenditure, (v) appraise, estimate, amount, assess, evaluate, estimation, prize, (adj) merit, value, desert, 2. appraise; synonyms (v) measure, rate, calculate, consider, judge, survey, gauge, assay, compute, esteem, price, reckon, regard, tax, valuate, analyze, criticize, examine, praise, try.
nodaļa 1. division; synonyms (n) department, disagreement, allotment, branch, break, class, compartment, part, section, split, cleavage, classification, category, component, difference, discord, portion, cut, (adj) constituent, (v) distribution; antonyms (n) closeness, convergence, estimation, unification, 2. chapter; synonyms (n) episode, article, convocation, head, stage, caput, installment, 3. department; synonyms (n) bureau, area, agency, faculty, arm, division, domain, field, line, office, realm, subject, service, district, group, kingdom, organization, province, sphere, cutcherry, 4. branch; synonyms (n) jump, wing, affiliate, ramus, member, limb, offshoot, outgrowth, shoot, stem, stick, subdivision, twig, scion, stretch, chapter, (v) fork, diverge, divide, (adj) tributary; štāba
nodaļa branch; sanitārā nodaļa ambulance; reģionālā nodaļa regional branch; nodaļa I branch; grāmatas nodaļa chapter; gaisa pārvadājumu nodaļa air movement traffic section; bankas nodaļa branch bank. nodalījums compartment; synonyms (n) cell, division, cabin, cubicle, separation, bay, booth, cubbyhole, (v) apartment, partition. nodarbināt 1. employ; synonyms (v) apply, use, consume, engage, exercise, exploit, hire, wield, busy, exert, occupy, ply, retain, spend, take, utilize, work, commit, (n) employment, service; antonyms (v) fire, dismiss, 2. occupy; synonyms (v) hold, have, engross, fill, get, absorb, employ, inhabit, invade, possess, conquer, capture, keep, attack, dwell, enjoy, involve, live, (n) entertain, interest; antonym (v) leave. nodarbošanās 1. vocation; synonyms (n) calling, profession, occupation, business, career, job, trade, line, mission, office, pursuit, craft, lifework, call, duty, summons, work, specialty, walk, (v) employment, 2. trade; synonyms (n) deal, barter, commerce, swap, switch, clientele, interchange, custom, dealing, market, handicraft, (v) change, exchange, merchandise, bargain, sell, swop, traffic, peddle, (adj) commercial; antonyms (n) purchase, (adj) charitable, 3. employment; synonyms (n) use, engagement, service, exploitation, avocation, berth, exercise, function, labor, task, utilization, appointment, consumption, act, action, exertion, (v) application, employ, affair, (adj) occupational; antonym (n) unemployment, 4. occupation; synonyms (n) occupancy, place, conquest, vocation, concern, activity, capture, invasion, position, game, matter, field, hold, interest, possession, seizure, tenure, area, course, hobby; antonym (n) surrender, 5. business; synonyms (n) subject, corporation, event, affairs, dealings, finance, firm, house, organization, theme, topic, issue, question, obligation, company, enterprise, industry, performance, (adj) economic, mercantile; antonym (adj) housing. nodarījums offence; synonyms (n) guilt, infraction, infringement, misdemeanor, misdemeanour, offense, assault, offensive, umbrage, violation, discourtesy;
smags noziedzīgs nodarījums serious offence; noziedzīgs nodarījums criminal offence; nodarījums pret dzimumneaizskaramību sexual offence.
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Latvian - English
noderīgs 1. available; synonyms (adj) accessible, free,
nodoms 1. purpose; synonyms (n) aim, plan, design,
possible, attainable, convenient, handy, obtainable, open, ready, uncommitted, usable, vacant, valid, (adv) present, (n) applicable; antonyms (adj) unavailable, occupied, suppressed, concealed, engaged, 2. useful; synonyms (adj) profitable, beneficial, helpful, practical, advantageous, effective, valuable, functional, clever, constructive, efficient, gainful, serviceable, good, suitable, comfortable, expedient, important, lucrative, practicable; antonyms (adj) useless, worthless, ineffective. nodeva duty; synonyms (n) business, function, commitment, assignment, charge, chore, obligation, dues, job, must, office, part, responsibility, tax, work, post, custom, assessment, commission, debt;
mind, effect, end, purport, resolve, motive, determination, function, goal, idea, intent, meaning, objective, (v) intention, project, object, intend, 2. design; synonyms (n) purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, contrivance, copy, blueprint, pattern, destination, concept, (v) conceive, contrive, sketch, construct, arrange, contemplate, invent, model; antonym (n) chance, 3. intent; synonyms (adj) attentive, absorbed, engrossed, earnest, bent, fixed, rapt, eager, determined, ambitious, keen, purposeful, serious, set, steadfast, (n) import, spirit, drift, point, ambition, 4. intention; synonyms (n) cause, animus, target, motivation, contemplation, reason, scope, sense, thought, will, wish, destiny, (v) aspiration, 5. counsel; synonyms (n) caution, advocate, advisement, admonition, attorney, consultation, counselor, exhortation, guidance, recommendation, forethought, (v) advice, advise, consult, admonish, confer, exhort, urge, warn, direct; galvenais nodoms point. nodošana 1. delivery; synonyms (n) childbirth, birth, consignment, discharge, rescue, communication, confinement, deliverance, distribution, elocution, issue, surrender, articulation, post, freedom, lecture, nativity, (v) address, parturition, obstetrics; antonyms (n) death, dispatch, 2. transfer; synonyms (n) conveyance, assignment, transference, (v) convey, carry, change, remove, shift, exchange, send, transmit, transport, commit, consign, deliver, give, interchange, move, pass, transplant; antonyms (v) hold, keep, 3. commitment; synonyms (n) dedication, charge, allegiance, appointment, committal, devotion, loyalty, promise, tie, commission, contract, debt, duty, engagement, faithfulness, obligation, interest; pensijas tiesību
apdrošinājuma nodeva insurance fee; komisijas nodeva commission; licenču nodeva licence fee; pieteikuma nodeva application fee; muitas nodeva customs. nodibināšana establishment; synonyms (n) business, company, constitution, institution, concern, creation, enactment, formation, organization, settlement, foundation, institute, introduction, administration, colonization, dwelling, footing, management, construction, enterprise; antonyms (n) elimination, end. nodibināt establish; synonyms (v) confirm, erect, prove, appoint, base, build, constitute, demonstrate, settle, arrange, ascertain, create, determine, fix, found, institute, begin, certify, compose, construct; antonyms (v) disprove, abolish, terminate; nodibināt sakarus
contact. nodilums 1. wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear, fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, assume, break, don, have, last, (n) clothing, apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment; antonym (v) refresh, 2. abrasion; synonyms (n) attrition, excoriation, friction, graze, rubbing, scrape, scratch, wound, grinding, rub, injury, (v) detrition; antonym (n) smoothness. nodoklis 1. duty; synonyms (n) business, function, commitment, assignment, charge, chore, obligation, dues, job, must, office, part, responsibility, tax, work, post, custom, assessment, commission, debt, 2. toll; synonyms (n) duty, fee, price, cost, due, excise, impost, levy, tariff, damage, expense, bell, (v) ring, chime, peal, sound, clank, 3. tax; synonyms (n) burden, taxation, toll, imposition, weight, audit, (v) assess, task, accuse, impose, load, cess, strain, drain, appraise, encumber, rate, urge, beset, dun; dāvinājuma nodoklis gift
tax; ieņēmuma nodoklis revenue duty; ienākumu nodoklis income tax; ienākuma nodoklis income tax; iekšzemes nodoklis inland duty; iekšzemes ienākumu nodoklis inland duty; ārkārtējs nodoklis emergency tax; apgrozījuma nodoklis turnover tax; eksporta nodoklis export duty; vietējais nodoklis local tax. nodomāt design; synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, copy, blueprint, (v) plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct, arrange, contemplate, intend; antonym (n) chance.
nodošana transfer of pension rights; nodošana glabāšanā deposit; mantas nodošana transfer of property. nodot 1. betray; synonyms (v) bewray, deceive, disclose, dupe, grass, mislead, reveal, sell, accuse, misinform, blab, cheat, cuckold, denounce, display, divulge, expose, inform, peach, rat, 2. hand; synonyms (n) deal, aid, applause, employee, paw, worker, (v) deliver, give, pass, commit, bestow, afford, communicate, reach, grant, provide, devolve, line, gift, supply, 3. commit; synonyms (v) commend, assign, charge, consign, apply, confide, dedicate, entrust, submit, devote, intrust, leave, send, trust, commission, undertake, employ, order, (n) apprehend, attach. nodrose 1. reservation; synonyms (n) reserve, limitation, booking, condition, qualification, modesty, exception, constraint, order, doubt, misgiving, query, saving, uncertainty; antonym (n) certainty, 2. warrant; synonyms (n) guarantee, authority, vouch, authorization, security, certificate, commission, pledge, support, (v) permit, license, assure, justify, sanction, ensure, authorize, empower, endorse, warranty, promise. nodrošināt 1. ensure; synonyms (v) assure, cover, ascertain, check, guarantee, insure, secure, control, determine, promise, safeguard, see, warrant, 2. provide; synonyms (v) give, contribute, furnish, offer, accommodate, administer, afford, cater, equip, supply,
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Latvian - English
allow, fit, endow, outfit, nourish, nurture, arm, bestow, deliver, donate; nodrošināt ar personālu staff. nogādāšana delivery; synonyms (n) childbirth, birth, consignment, discharge, rescue, communication, confinement, deliverance, distribution, elocution, issue, surrender, articulation, post, freedom, lecture, nativity, (v) address, parturition, obstetrics; antonyms (n) death, dispatch. nogādāt convey; synonyms (v) carry, communicate, bring, channel, conduct, bear, express, fetch, transfer, transmit, impart, take, transport, mean, cause, cede, consign, deliver, ferry, grant. nogalināt kill; synonyms (v) assassinate, destroy, erase, annihilate, eliminate, extinguish, finish, blast, butcher, decimate, dispatch, eradicate, execute, behead, efface, defeat, liquidate, (n) murder, game, prey. nogaršot taste; synonyms (n) bit, flavor, liking, morsel, penchant, appetite, drink, drop, fondness, gusto, mouthful, predilection, preference, refinement, style, (v) relish, savor, sample, smack, discernment; antonyms (n) dislike, tastelessness. nogāze slope; synonyms (n) incline, declivity, dip, decline, descent, fall, grade, gradient, hill, inclination, brae, hillside, (v) pitch, slant, cant, lean, bank, tilt, tip, (adj) obliquity; priekšējā nogāze forward slope. nogludināt smooth; synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, liquid, mellow, polished, slick, peaceful, (v) quiet, facilitate, even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, grainy, jagged, spiky, (v) wrinkle, crease, disturb. noguldījums deposit; synonyms (n) charge, residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, lode, rest, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave, park, place, put; antonym (v) withdraw; skaidras naudas
noguldījums cash deposit; pieprasījuma noguldījums deposit at short notice; naudas noguldījums cash deposit; beztermiņa noguldījums demand deposit; bankas noguldījums bank deposit. noguldīt deposit; synonyms (n) charge, residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, lode, rest, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave, park, place, put; antonym (v) withdraw; noguldīt fondā fund;
noguldīt bankā bank. noguldītājs depositor; synonyms (n) investor, saver, shareholder, witness. nogulsnes 1. precipitate; synonyms (v) expedite, hurry, hasten, condense, (n) deposit, accelerate, (adj) hasty, headlong, impetuous, sudden, immediate, instant, abrupt, hurried, precipitant, precipitous, rash, foolhardy, clot, boisterous, 2. residue; synonyms (n) remainder, remnant, balance, rest, leftover, end, remnants, residuum, surplus, leavings, excess, relic, oddment, leftovers, sediment, bottoms, ease, oversize, (adj) remains, residual. noguris weary; synonyms (adj) tired, exhausted, fatigued, aweary, beat, languid, irksome, wearisome, (v) fatigue, tire, exhaust, bore, dull, irk, wear, depress, drain, harass, pall, (n) jade; antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh.
noiet cover; synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, cloak, veil, wrap, comprise, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield, spread, coating; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover. noindēt poison; synonyms (n) bane, toxin, venom, contagion, (v) infect, contaminate, envenom, defile, drug, empoison, taint, intoxicate, canker, corrupt, pollute, disease, embitter, (adj) poisonous, toxic, venomous; antonym (n) antidote. nojaust apprehend; synonyms (v) appreciate, arrest, comprehend, catch, conceive, fathom, grasp, realize, understand, follow, sense, anticipate, capture, detain, dig, fear, nail, seize, believe, recognize; antonym (v) release. nojume shed; synonyms (v) cast, discard, drop, moult, scatter, exuviate, molt, dismiss, disgorge, emit, fling, radiate, remove, slough, (n) hut, shack, cabin, booth, hovel, shelter. nokalne slope; synonyms (n) incline, declivity, dip, decline, descent, fall, grade, gradient, hill, inclination, brae, hillside, (v) pitch, slant, cant, lean, bank, tilt, tip, (adj) obliquity. nokārtot settle; synonyms (v) fix, place, clarify, establish, pay, regulate, resolve, set, adjudicate, adjust, agree, conclude, decide, determine, drop, explain, fall, reconcile, (n) locate, (adj) confirm; nokārtot rēķinu
clear. nokaut kill; synonyms (v) assassinate, destroy, erase, annihilate, eliminate, extinguish, finish, blast, butcher, decimate, dispatch, eradicate, execute, behead, efface, defeat, liquidate, (n) murder, game, prey. nokavēts overdue; synonyms (adj) belated, late, back, due, delayed, outstanding, owing, tardy, delinquent, slow, unpaid, unsettled, (adv) behind; antonym (adj) early. noklusēšana concealment; synonyms (n) cover, suppression, concealing, confidentiality, disguise, hiding, screen, secrecy, privacy, blind, camouflage, covert, silence, mask, stealth; antonym (n) discovery. noklusēt conceal; synonyms (v) cover, disguise, hide, bury, cloak, mask, obscure, screen, shield, smother, suppress, cloud, ensconce, muffle, cache, camouflage, dissemble, harbor, secrete, (n) veil; antonyms (v) reveal, show, expose, divulge, clarify, uncover. nolaidība 1. negligence; synonyms (n) neglect, carelessness, disregard, inattention, indifference, heedlessness, neglectfulness, inattentiveness, recklessness; antonym (n) attention, 2. neglect; synonyms (n) slight, delinquency, negligence, omission, mistake, abandonment, failure, oversight, evasion, (v) fail, forget, ignore, overlook, default, drop, omit, disdain, discount, pretermit, escape; antonyms (n) development, surveillance, (v) care, complete, do, protect; rupja nolaidība gross negligence;
noziedzīga nolaidība criminal negligence; liela nolaidība gross negligence. nolaišanās landing; synonyms (n) land, dock, touchdown, floor, platform, arrival, brow, approach, coming, dais, decking, harbor, model, plan, plat, sketch, soil;
piespiedu nolaišanās emergency landing.
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Latvian - English nolemt 1. decide; synonyms (v) choose, determine, adjudicate, conclude, resolve, judge, settle, try, arbitrate, arrange, decree, fix, purpose, rule, select, deem, define, appoint, consider, adjust; antonym (v) waver, 2. conclude; synonyms (v) close, complete, finish, gather, accomplish, assume, cease, deduce, end, terminate, decide, derive, do, generalize, reason, stop, understand, suppose, quit, achieve; antonyms (v) start, begin. nolīdzināt smooth; synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, liquid, mellow, polished, slick, peaceful, (v) quiet, facilitate, even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, grainy, jagged, spiky, (v) wrinkle, crease, disturb. noliegt 1. deny; synonyms (v) contradict, controvert, decline, disavow, rebuff, abnegate, disown, gainsay, oppose, refuse, reject, renounce, abjure, contravene, disallow, disclaim, disprove, repudiate, traverse, withhold; antonyms (v) admit, affirm, acknowledge, claim, declare, agree, maintain, 2. disclaim; synonyms (v) deny, abdicate, waive, disaffirm, refute, abandon, forego, forsake, forswear, recant, retract. noliegums negation; synonyms (n) denial, contradiction, negate, opposition, disavowal, rebuttal, refusal, refutation, rejection, repudiation; antonym (n) acceptance. nolietojums depreciation; synonyms (n) abatement, detraction, disparagement, derogation, deterioration, discount, aspersion, calumny, defamation, degradation, depression, slump, devaluation, fall, reduction, concession, deflation, (v) decrement. nolikt 1. lay; synonyms (v) place, put, fix, set, deposit, install, lie, rest, invest, bear, allay, arrange, bet, impose, impute, (adj) secular, calm, laic, (n) ballad, pitch, 2. place (vieta); synonyms (n) position, domicile, office, order, spot, attitude, base, job, location, situation, circumstance, center, abode, berth, (v) post, lay, locate, rank, station, commit; antonym (v) remove, 3. position; synonyms (n) condition, employment, opinion, placement, arrangement, bearing, posture, stance, stand, status, case, disposition, belief, character, circumstances, footing, function, (v) grade, point, pose; Nolikt
klausuli hang up; nolikt atpakal put back; nolikt prom house; related translations vieta appointment (amats). noliktava 1. warehouse; synonyms (n) store, storehouse, godown, depository, depot, repository, entrepot, promptuary, (v) magazine, shop, 2. storehouse; synonyms (n) arsenal, repertory, storage, treasury, warehouse, storeroom, 3. depot; synonyms (n) station, dump, stockroom, stop, terminal, terminus, 4. storage; synonyms (n) conservation, memory, preservation, retention, stock, accumulation, reposition, warehousing, 5. store; synonyms (n) hoard, market, business, emporium, heap, reserve, supply, fund, place, (v) accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache, keep, preserve, collect, pile, save, pack; atklāta noliktava ground
storage. nolikums 1. regulation; synonyms (n) rule, adjustment, law, order, government, arrangement, canon, decree,
ordinance, management, direction, conduct, act, disposition, formula, restriction, administration, code, (adj) control, precept; antonym (n) chaos, 2. statute; synonyms (n) constitution, charter, edict, enactment, regulation, ruling, bill, pandect, proclamation. nolūks 1. purpose; synonyms (n) aim, plan, design, mind, effect, end, purport, resolve, motive, determination, function, goal, idea, intent, meaning, objective, (v) intention, project, object, intend, 2. end; synonyms (n) close, closure, destination, conclusion, death, cause, demise, tail, period, border, butt, completion, edge, (v) cease, complete, finish, discontinue, conclude, closing, (prep) consequence; antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, middle, (v) start, begin, continue, 3. aim; synonyms (n) target, trend, will, ambition, bearing, direction, drift, (v) purpose, direct, point, address, endeavor, aspire, propose, strive, turn, attempt, drive, lay, (adj) tend; precību nolūks intention. noma 1. lease; synonyms (n) leasing, letting, rental, (v) hire, rent, charter, let, contract, demise, engage, take, give, employ, acquire, allow, buy, consider, convey, get, 2. rent; synonyms (n) breach, cleft, fissure, lease, crevice, break, crack, tear, hole, flaw, fracture, gap, rift, rip, slit, split, chasm, interstice, (v) mesh, (adj) torn;
ilgtermiņa noma long-term lease; operatīvā noma operating lease. nomainīt change; synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation, move, adjustment, alternation, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, alternate, cash, convert, switch, transpose, turn, twist, affect, adjust; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain. nomale outskirts; synonyms (n) suburb, edge, periphery, environs, border, fringe, boundary, skirt, precincts, frontier, distance, outpost, outside, slub, slurb, sticks. nomāšana hire; synonyms (n) wage, employment, fee, pay, salary, fare, (v) employ, engage, charter, enlist, rent, retain, take, commission, compensation, select, book, get, lease, let; antonym (v) dismiss. nomāt tenant; synonyms (n) inhabitant, lodger, occupant, resident, holder, occupier, renter, inmate, dweller, householder, (v) inhabit, occupy; antonyms (n) landlord, proprietor. nomenklatūra nomenclature; synonyms (n) terminology, language, classification, lyric, arrangement, categorization, organization, schedule, speech, words, (v) name. nometne encampment; synonyms (n) camp, bivouac, campground, campsite, camping, cantonment, barracks, anchorage, bivouacking; karagūstekņu nometne
prisoner of war camp. nomnieks 1. holder; synonyms (n) bearer, case, possessor, stand, container, proprietor, rack, tenant, handle, carrier, bracket, occupant, owner, support, vessel, 2. leaseholder; synonyms (n) lessee, renter, lodger, boarder, resident; antonym (n) landlord, 3. lessee; synonyms (n) leaseholder, (v) donee, feoffee, grantee, 4. tenant; synonyms (n) inhabitant, holder, occupier, inmate, dweller, householder, (v) inhabit, occupy; mūža nomnieks tenant for life. nomuitot bond; synonyms (n) association, tie, alliance, deed, agreement, cement, attachment, bail, connection,
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Latvian - English
joint, link, adhesion, chain, contract, fetter, (v) bind, band, adhere, attach, fasten. nonparelis nonpareil; synonyms (n) ideal, nonsuch, apotheosis, best, model, paragon, (adj) nonesuch, matchless, peerless, unequaled, unmatchable, unmatched, unrivaled, unrivalled, cream, elite, flower, masterpiece. nopelnīt 1. gain; synonyms (v) acquire, benefit, derive, attain, catch, earn, get, win, achieve, advance, make, reach, find, accomplish, come, (n) profit, earnings, acquisition, advantage, addition; antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss, 2. earn; synonyms (v) gain, deserve, bring, bear, merit, net, obtain, yield, clear, fetch, garner, gather, procure, realise, realize, receive, take, collect, gross; antonym (v) spend. nopietni seriously; synonyms (adv) badly, gravely, earnestly, severely, deeply, soberly, hard, critically, desperately, momentously, sincerely, solemnly, absolutely, decidedly, poorly, purely, sadly; antonyms (adv) cheerfully, frivolously, jokingly, playfully, goodhumoredly, slightly, teasingly. nopietnība seriousness; synonyms (n) gravity, earnest, earnestness, graveness, importance, solemnity, staidness, sincerity, consequence, austerity, severity, significance, soberness, sobriety, distressfulness, sedateness; antonyms (n) flippancy, insignificance, lightheartedness, frivolity, giddiness, jollity. nopietns serious; synonyms (adj) grave, heavy, sedate, austere, great, hard, considerable, critical, dangerous, earnest, grievous, sad, sober, bad, big, deep, major, severe, (v) important, momentous; antonyms (adj) frivolous, lighthearted, cheerful, flippant, humorous, mild, minor, playful, slight. nopratināšana hearing; synonyms (n) audition, earshot, ear, trial, consultation, sound, reach, examination, inquiry, interview, listening, earreach, (adj) audience, auditory; antonym (adj) deaf. norādījums 1. indication; synonyms (n) clue, evidence, index, designation, direction, mark, forerunner, herald, emblem, gesture, harbinger, hint, reference, cue, allusion, inkling, intimation, manifestation, portent, presage, 2. reference; synonyms (n) citation, mention, quotation, quote, bearing, connection, recommendation, innuendo, annotation, character, concern, consultation, denotation, implication, relation, (v) cite, refer, note, regard, respect; netiešs norādījums hint. norādīt point; synonyms (n) place, grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, article, degree, dot, mark, spot, phase, apex, detail, end, height, hint, (v) head, direct, level. norādošs indicative; synonyms (adj) expressive, significant, suggestive, meaningful, demonstrative, indicatory, reminiscent, significative, (n) declarative, (v) indicating. noraidījums 1. refusal; synonyms (n) declination, denial, negative, no, rebuff, rejection, ban, prohibition, repulse, negation, exclusion, preemption, disobedience, repudiation, resistance; antonym (n) permission, 2. rejection; synonyms (n) dismissal, refusal, abandonment, renunciation, exception, disavowal, censure, defection, desertion, effusion, ejection, abjuration, disclaimer, rebuttal, snub, check, emission,
nonadmission, omission, slight; antonyms (n) acceptance, approval. noraidīšana 1. refusal; synonyms (n) declination, denial, negative, no, rebuff, rejection, ban, prohibition, repulse, negation, exclusion, preemption, disobedience, repudiation, resistance; antonym (n) permission, 2. rejection; synonyms (n) dismissal, refusal, abandonment, renunciation, exception, disavowal, censure, defection, desertion, effusion, ejection, abjuration, disclaimer, rebuttal, snub, check, emission, nonadmission, omission, slight; antonyms (n) acceptance, approval. noraidīt 1. refuse; synonyms (v) deny, reject, decline, disallow, dross, rebuff, disdain, dismiss, balk, dissent, defy, demur, (n) garbage, trash, waste, offal, debris, litter, leavings, dirt; antonym (v) accept, 2. reject; synonyms (v) refuse, disapprove, discard, eliminate, exclude, abandon, disown, ignore, renounce, repel, repudiate, spurn, eject, jettison, disclaim, discount, proscribe, reprobate, repulse, (n) cull; antonyms (v) approve, choose, select, acknowledge, grant, 3. deny; synonyms (v) contradict, controvert, disavow, abnegate, gainsay, oppose, abjure, contravene, disprove, traverse, withhold, retract, abdicate, veto, disaffirm, dispute, forbid, negate, rebut, recant; antonyms (v) admit, affirm, claim, declare, agree, maintain. noraksts copy; synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, forgery, reproduction, cast, book, counterpart, double, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake, mimic, record; antonym (n) original. noregulēšana adjustment; synonyms (n) adaptation, accommodation, alteration, control, fit, settlement, allowance, arrangement, change, disposition, modification, standardization, agreement, amendment, compromise, conversion, disposal, fitting, improvement, (adj) adaption. noregulēt adjust; synonyms (v) temper, accommodate, adapt, align, acclimatize, balance, fit, fix, reconcile, regulate, set, alter, arrange, change, compose, conform, coordinate, dispose, (adj) dress, (n) square. norēķināties disburse; synonyms (v) pay, spend, expend, dispense, distribute, divide, partition, satisfy, administer, appropriate, deal, deburse, disperse, dispurse, manage, contribute, divvy, forfeit, use. norēķins account; synonyms (n) bill, narrative, reckoning, regard, score, tale, description, explanation, history, narration, reason, recital, story, tab, tally, bulletin, check, chronicle, (v) report, calculate. norīkojums appointment; synonyms (n) assignment, date, designation, engagement, fitting, post, rendezvous, berth, conference, election, assignation, commission, encounter, job, meeting, naming, office, position, selection, allotment; sadales norīkojums
distribution order; darba norīkojums work order. norīkot 1. order; synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition, edict, injunction, instruction, kind, form, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 2. detail; synonyms (n) report, point, feature, item,
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Latvian - English circumstance, respect, part, particular, (v) describe, enumerate, relate, appoint, assign, cast, itemize, recite, specify, define, name, recount; antonym (n) generalization, 3. appoint; synonyms (v) nominate, accredit, delegate, designate, prescribe, set, create, choose, constitute, depute, destine, elect, fix, institute, make, hire, allot, attach, allocate, consign; norīkot
darbā post. norise 1. procedure; synonyms (n) process, formula, practice, routine, fashion, approach, custom, method, rule, action, measure, course, function, operation, performance, plan, policy, proceeding, system, act, 2. process; synonyms (n) procedure, outgrowth, means, mode, writ, order, conduct, transaction, case, form, growth, (v) refine, litigate, treat, work, parade, cultivate, operate, go, transform. noritēt move; synonyms (v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, disturb, actuate, agitate, arouse, (n) motion, drive, transfer, advance; antonym (v) stay. norma 1. norm; synonyms (n) average, mean, measure, mode, criterion, model, median, gauge, par, pattern, principle, rule, 2. rate; synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, percentage, charge, (v) assess, estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise, compute, count, calculate, merit, put, rank, esteem, prize, deserve, 3. quota; synonyms (n) portion, proportion, share, contingent, allowance, allotment, quantity, ratio, ration, slice, lot, rate, part, cut, helping, stint, 4. standard; synonyms (adj) normal, regular, accepted, classic, common, conventional, customary, habitual, received, routine, stock, (n) degree, flag, norm, benchmark, example, prototype, canon, column, ideal; antonyms (adj) unusual, unconventional, special, 5. rule; synonyms (n) govern, order, decree, dominion, law, ordinance, regulate, reign, authority, dictate, government, line, precept, regulation, sway, (v) command, control, influence, direct, dominate;
ienākuma norma rate of return; laika norma time standard; peļņas norma margin of profit. normāls normal; synonyms (adj) regular, common, conventional, customary, general, ordinary, everyday, habitual, mean, natural, typical, just, average, commonplace, formal, medium, perpendicular, right, routine, sane; antonyms (adj) abnormal, unusual, creepy, eccentric, extraordinary, irregular, odd, strange, supernatural, unconventional, weird, irrational, phenomenal; normāls stāvoklis normal; normāls
šķīdums normal; normāls lietošanas režīms normal use. norobežošana delimitation; synonyms (n) border, definition, demarcation, borderline, confinement, edge, mete, molding, moulding, perimeter. norobežot terminate; synonyms (v) finish, close, end, cease, complete, conclude, stop, drop, discontinue, dismiss, dissolve, halt, can, result, abort, bound, cancel, ax, culminate, extinguish; antonyms (v) begin, start, establish. noruna 1. arrangement; synonyms (n) agreement, order, settlement, adjustment, array, classification, contract, design, distribution, method, plan, sequence, system, accommodation, appointment, accord, composition,
construction, contrivance, covenant, 2. agreement; synonyms (n) acquiescence, concord, accordance, coincidence, acceptance, arrangement, compliance, confirmation, conformity, correspondence, unison, deed, bargain, concordance, concurrence, consensus, consent, deal, decision, (v) assent; antonyms (n) disagreement, argument, conflict, discord, rejection, dispute, resistance. norunāt arrange; synonyms (v) adjust, appoint, dress, order, set, settle, pack, adapt, agree, classify, compose, decorate, do, engineer, fix, provide, put, reconcile, straighten, display; antonyms (v) disturb, disarrange. nosacījums condition; synonyms (n) circumstance, position, provision, status, standing, attitude, circumstances, clause, predicament, rank, state, term, complaint, affection, ailment, assumption, case, class, (v) aspect, provide; nepieciešams nosacījums
necessary condition. nosarkt blush; synonyms (n) flush, bloom, color, red, rosiness, redness, ruddiness, (v) glow, redden, crimson; antonym (n) pallor. nosaukt 1. term; synonyms (n) name, expression, period, style, title, boundary, limit, spell, stipulation, time, duration, phrase, tenure, appellation, bound, condition, (v) call, designate, entitle, denominate, 2. name; synonyms (n) epithet, address, denomination, designation, fame, mark, (v) appoint, baptize, describe, cite, enumerate, identify, list, mention, constitute, itemize, make, nominate, quote, invoke, 3. entitle; synonyms (v) dub, christen, authorize, empower, term, qualify, warrant, characterize, define, ennoble, (n) specify. nosaukums 1. title; synonyms (n) call, designation, caption, claim, designate, appellation, denomination, epithet, interest, championship, heading, pretension, rubric, deed, (v) name, style, term, entitle, (adj) right, ownership, 2. name; synonyms (n) title, address, fame, mark, (v) appoint, baptize, describe, cite, enumerate, identify, list, mention, constitute, denominate, itemize, make, nominate, quote, invoke, assign, 3. denomination; synonyms (n) cognomen, appellative, class, communion, sect, belief, church, classification, description, faction, faith, manner, religion, 4. designation; synonyms (n) appointment, assignment, identification, nomination, denotation, label, naming;
vāka nosaukums cover title; tipa nosaukums standard title; sērijas nosaukums series title; saīsinātais nosaukums short title; nosaukums II rank; lietas nosaukums file title; dokumenta nosaukums document title; čempiona nosaukums championship; avīzes nosaukums newspaper heading; amata nosaukums job title. noskaidrošana clarification; synonyms (n) illustration, clearing, elucidation, illumination, fining, account, definition, explanation, solution. noskrūvēt unscrew; synonyms (v) loosen, open, rotate, screw, turn, unfasten, unlock, (n) uncap, unstop. noslēgšana conclusion; synonyms (n) closure, close, end, result, cessation, completion, sequel, termination, decision, dissolution, ending, epilogue, finale, finish,
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Latvian - English
last, outcome, resolution, tail, coda, (v) closing; antonyms (n) beginning, start, opening, preface. noslēpums secret; synonyms (adj) concealed, covert, hidden, mysterious, confidential, furtive, obscure, occult, secrecy, clandestine, dark, esoteric, intimate, (n) privacy, arcanum, enigma, mystery, (v) private, secluded, close; antonyms (adj) open, (n) known, public. noslodze load; synonyms (n) charge, cargo, freight, stack, heap, pack, weight, consignment, lading, shipment, strain, anxiety, care, crowd, (v) burden, fill, encumber, pile, lade, stow; antonym (v) unload. nospiedums 1. imprint; synonyms (n) brand, impression, stamp, print, effect, feeling, depression, embossment, (v) impress, mark, engrave, inscribe, dent, cast, make, form, 2. impression; synonyms (n) belief, conception, idea, imprint, image, notion, appearance, feel, influence, opinion, printing, concept, copy, fancy, impact, perception, sense, suspicion, thought, (adj) sensation, 3. print; synonyms (n) engraving, lettering, picture, facsimile, letterpress, reproduction, type, etching, replica, duplicate, earmark, clue, photo, track, writing, (v) photograph, issue, publish, reproduce, (adj) printed. nostādīt place (vieta); synonyms (n) position, domicile, office, order, spot, attitude, base, job, location, (v) post, arrange, fix, lay, locate, rank, station, deposit, install, pitch, put; antonym (v) remove; nostādīt postenī
post; nostādīt muļķa lomā green; nostādīt kaujas ierindā array; nostādīt fokusā focus; related translations vieta appointment (amats). nostiprināšana consolidation; synonyms (n) amalgamation, unification, combination, fortification, union, condensation, joinder, coalition, integration. nostiprināt fasten; synonyms (v) attach, bind, connect, fix, tie, anchor, append, brace, clasp, clinch, determine, pin, secure, stick, tack, chain, hang, bar, bolt, (adj) affix; antonyms (v) unfasten, detach, undo, unlock;
nostiprināt ar gaiju guy. nosūtīt dispatch; synonyms (n) despatch, speed, consignment, celerity, expedition, haste, hurry, letter, quickness, rapidity, (v) accelerate, send, deliver, convey, discharge, forward, murder, quicken, rush, slay; antonyms (n) receiving, receipt; nosūtīt pa pastu
post; nosūtīt telegrammu cable; nosūtīt pēc piederības forward. nosūtītājs sender; synonyms (n) originator, transmitter, register, merchant, player, correspondent, vector; antonym (n) recipient. notācija notation; synonyms (n) annotation, memo, note, memorandum, register, annotating, banknote, bill, billet, digit, distinction, document, eminence, greenback, line, transcript, transcription, data, (v) addition, approximation. notaksēt 1. appraise; synonyms (v) evaluate, value, assess, estimate, measure, rate, calculate, consider, judge, survey, gauge, assay, charge, compute, esteem, price, prize, reckon, regard, tax, 2. tax; synonyms (n) duty, burden, excise, dues, impost, taxation, toll, imposition, weight, fee, (v) task, accuse, impose, load, cess, levy, strain, drain, appraise, encumber.
notārs notary; synonyms (n) clerk, lawyer, attorney, brief, copyist, draughtsman, greffier, recorder, scribe. noteicošs ruling; synonyms (adj) leading, regnant, reigning, prevailing, prevalent, dominant, supreme, (n) judgment, rule, decision, decree, edict, act, directive, judgement, law, opinion, pronouncement, verdict, instruction. noteikšana determination; synonyms (n) decision, conclusion, definition, resolution, decisiveness, resolve, tenacity, will, appointment, assessment, constancy, courage, firmness, fortitude, grit, judgment, perseverance, purpose, sentence, (v) award; antonyms (n) indecision, weakness, compliance, indecisiveness;
bojājuma vietas noteikšana fault location; maršrutu noteikšana track production; automātiska numura noteikšana automatic number identification. noteikt 1. prescribe; synonyms (v) ordain, order, enjoin, decree, dictate, assign, command, determine, fix, appoint, direct, establish, impose, recommend, require, set, define, instruct, place, (n) legalize, 2. define; synonyms (v) specify, characterize, clarify, explain, bound, construe, interpret, limit, name, restrict, circumscribe, outline, delimit, delimitate, delineate, demarcate, describe, designate, prescribe, term, 3. determine; synonyms (v) ascertain, decide, resolve, adjudicate, conclude, measure, arrange, assess, choose, detect, estimate, judge, provide, regulate, settle, destine, dispose, arbitrate, break, (adj) will; noteikt mērogu
scale; noteikt laiku time; noteikt nodokļa lielumu assess; noteikt vietu position. noteikti 1. certainly; synonyms (adv) assuredly, surely, necessarily, definitely, really, sure, truly, inevitably, absolutely, clearly, exactly, indeed, indubitably, positively, undeniably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, verily, (int) yes; antonyms (adv) doubtfully, questionably, 2. definitely; synonyms (adv) certainly, decidedly, specifically, completely, determinately, distinctly, emphatically, explicitly, finally, firmly, particularly, plainly, precisely, resolutely; antonyms (adv) perhaps, maybe, possibly, vaguely; noteikti nosacījumi
regulatory provision. noteiktība 1. accuracy; synonyms (n) fidelity, precision, truth, exactitude, exactness, reliability, care, closeness, correctness, faithfulness, meticulousness, veracity; antonyms (n) inaccuracy, vagueness, imprecision, 2. certainty; synonyms (n) assurance, confidence, sureness, trust, certain, certitude, conviction, fact, reality, security, surety, belief, authenticity, assuredness, definiteness, determination, faith, firmness, inevitability; antonyms (n) doubt, uncertainty, unpredictability. noteikts 1. set; synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, define, adjust, arrange, congeal, (n) class, bent, circle, lot, party, (adj) fixed, fast, secure, ready; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid, 2. definite; synonyms (adj) accurate, absolute, certain, clear, categorical, conclusive, concrete, decisive, distinct, exact, plain, precise, specific, reliable, actual, sharp, assured, decided, defined, (v) determinate; antonyms (adj) imprecise, uncertain, unclear, vague, doubtful,
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Latvian - English undefined, indeterminate, evasive, indefinite, indescribable, qualified, 3. firm; synonyms (n) company, (adj) constant, hard, stable, close, compact, determined, resolute, solid, steadfast, steady, strong, dense, rigid, stiff, stubborn, sturdy, enduring, (v) faithful, durable; antonyms (adj) irresolute, soft, weak, hesitant, limp, soggy, 4. fixed; synonyms (adj) definite, established, fastened, intent, permanent, set, standing, still, adamant, flat, given, immobile, immovable, immutable, inflexible, invariable, motionless, static, (adv) firm, tight; antonyms (adj) adaptable, adjustable, changeable, movable, separate, compliant, loose, moveable, portable, removable, temporary, 5. express; synonyms (v) exhibit, articulate, convey, declare, demonstrate, display, mean, say, state, tell, breathe, depict, connote, give, (adj) explicit, direct, especial, speedy, (n) denote, announce; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, (adj) slow, 6. settled; synonyms (adj) calm, formed, confirmed, finished, sedate, quiet, done, peaceful, lasting, regular, sober, staid, stated, colonized, occupied, ordinary, over, serious; antonym (adj) uninhabited, 7. determined; synonyms (adj) resolved, ambitious, bold, obstinate, tenacious, unyielding, definitive, earnest, brave, dogged, forceful, gritty, indomitable, inexorable, persistent, plucky, positive, purposeful, relentless, tough; antonyms (adj) feeble, unmotivated; oficiāli noteikts institutional;
noteikts valūtas kurss fixed exchange rate; noteikts maršruts approved route; noteikts datums fixed date; kā noteikts licencē under licence. noteikums 1. condition; synonyms (n) circumstance, position, provision, status, standing, attitude, circumstances, clause, predicament, rank, state, term, complaint, affection, ailment, assumption, case, class, (v) aspect, provide, 2. law; synonyms (n) rule, canon, decree, act, edict, regulation, enactment, jurisprudence, justice, order, police, principle, ruling, axiom, directive, liberty, measure, prescription, tenet, command, 3. term; synonyms (n) name, expression, period, style, title, boundary, limit, spell, stipulation, time, duration, phrase, tenure, appellation, bound, condition, (v) call, designate, entitle, denominate, 4. rule; synonyms (n) govern, dominion, law, ordinance, regulate, reign, authority, dictate, government, line, precept, sway, administration, code, constitution, (v) control, influence, direct, dominate, conduct, 5. regulation; synonyms (n) adjustment, arrangement, management, direction, disposition, formula, restriction, limitation, guidance, method, prescript, regulating, statute, organization, discipline, institution, legislation, check, form, rubric; antonym (n) chaos; līguma noteikums contract
provision. notiesāt sentence; synonyms (n) judgment, finding, decision, condemnation, conviction, phrase, penalty, punishment, verdict, ruling, determination, (v) condemn, convict, doom, judge, damn, adjudge, saying, decree, proscribe. notikt 1. occur; synonyms (v) arise, happen, befall, come, fall, betide, chance, appear, be, develop, materialize, arrive, go, ensue, pass, proceed, transpire, break, bechance, advance, 2. happen; synonyms (v) get, hap,
occur, encounter, find, result, supervene, fare, eventuate, elapse, become, begin, exist, grow, light, rise, bump, die, fell, give. notikums 1. event; synonyms (n) affair, case, consequence, effect, occurrence, circumstance, contingency, fact, happening, incident, issue, result, aftermath, time, chance, accident, adventure, conclusion, episode, eventuality, 2. occurrence; synonyms (n) event, occasion, instance, experience, incidence, matter, thing, juncture, development, situation, act, circumstances, deed, example, outburst, 3. incident; synonyms (n) anecdote, phenomenon, condition, (adj) attendant, concomitant, accessory, incidental; dīvains
notikums miracle. notīrīt clear; synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, apparent, distinct, empty, light, plain, pure, blameless, (v) bright, acquit, absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite, discharge, exculpate; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, dull, illegible, imperceptible, inarticulate, indistinct, (v) convict; notīrīt zvīņas scale; notīrīt
vilnu grain. noturēt hold; synonyms (v) keep, detain, endure, adhere, bear, comprise, contain, entertain, have, arrest, carry, confine, delay, maintain, retain, (n) grasp, grip, clasp, clutch, handle; antonym (v) release; noturēt parādi
review; noturēt dievkalpojumu celebrate. notvert detect; synonyms (v) catch, discover, find, ascertain, discern, notice, observe, see, spot, trace, determine, distinguish, identify, locate, descry, sniff, encounter, espy, learn, note. novads region; synonyms (n) land, country, field, area, district, domain, part, realm, circuit, division, locality, neighborhood, province, quarter, territory, belt, range, department, expanse, ground. novājināšana attrition; synonyms (n) friction, abrasion, contrition, corrosion, detrition, erosion, grinding, rub. novākt clear; synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, apparent, distinct, empty, light, plain, pure, blameless, (v) bright, acquit, absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite, discharge, exculpate; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, dull, illegible, imperceptible, inarticulate, indistinct, (v) convict. novecojis 1. obsolete; synonyms (adj) antiquated, dead, ancient, antique, archaic, outdated, extinct, oldfashioned, dated, disused, old, outmoded, musty, antediluvian, defunct, rococo, superannuated; antonyms (adj) current, contemporary, modern, 2. outdated; synonyms (adj) obsolete, dowdy, unfashionable, passé; antonym (adj) avant-garde. novele novel; synonyms (n) fiction, romance, book, narrative, (adj) new, curious, fresh, modern, different, unprecedented, original, newfangled, recent, strange, unfamiliar, unique, extraordinary, abnormal, foreign, innovative; antonym (adj) old. novēlējums bequest; synonyms (n) legacy, endowment, will, estate, heirloom, heritage, inheritance, allowance, donation, gift.
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Latvian - English
novērošana 1. observation; synonyms (n) comment, observance, remark, attention, inspection, notice, contemplation, conception, consideration, perception, reflection, idea, notion, insight, commentary, examination, judgment, look, (v) note, heed, 2. watch; synonyms (v) observe, clock, see, regard, wake, care, protect, defend, check, follow, mind, (n) guard, view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance, lookout, patrol, timepiece, (adj) vigilance; tirgus novērošana market
observation; tiešā novērošana direct observation. novērot watch; synonyms (v) observe, clock, look, see, regard, wake, care, protect, defend, check, follow, mind, (n) guard, view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance, lookout, patrol, (adj) vigilance.
novērst avert; synonyms (v) avoid, deflect, obviate, preclude, prevent, deter, stop, debar, deviate, distract, divert, forestall, inhibit, repel. novērtējums 1. evaluation; synonyms (n) appraisal, assessment, estimation, judgment, mark, rating, review, estimate, examination, opinion, valuation, analysis, choice, score, 2. estimation; synonyms (n) deference, approximation, calculation, consideration, regard, credit, attention, admiration, appreciation, computation, evaluation, price, reckoning, respect, figuring, appraisement, belief, (v) esteem, reputation, account, 3. account; synonyms (n) bill, narrative, tale, description, explanation, history, narration, reason, recital, story, tab, tally, bulletin, check, chronicle, justification, (v) report, calculate, count, deem, 4. assessment; synonyms (n) duty, tax, test, measurement, tariff, verdict, charge, cost, judgement, levy, rate, survey, toll, admeasurement, assay, dues, excise, 5. appraisal; synonym (n) value, 6.
appraisement; darbības novērtējums operational evaluation; izlūkošanas novērtējums intelligence estimate; izpildījuma novērtējums operational evaluation; kodolpostījumu novērtējums nuclear damage assessment; atzinīgs novērtējums approval; riska novērtējums risk assessment; postījumu novērtējums damage assessment; programmas novērtējums program evaluation. novērtēt 1. price; synonyms (n) cost, worth, charge, expense, figure, damage, fee, payment, toll, expenditure, (v) appraise, estimate, amount, assess, evaluate, estimation, prize, (adj) merit, value, desert, 2. tax; synonyms (n) duty, burden, excise, dues, impost, taxation, imposition, weight, assessment, (v) task,
accuse, impose, load, cess, levy, strain, drain, encumber, rate, urge, 3. gauge; synonyms (n) criterion, caliber, gage, calibre, benchmark, indicator, mark, (v) measure, calculate, compute, fathom, make, reckon, forecast, scale, guess, judge, approximate, 4. evaluate; synonyms (v) gauge, grade, rank, review, weigh, assay, esteem, regard, analyze, ponder, consider, examine, price, quantify, study, survey, tax, test, valuate, 5. appraise; synonyms (v) criticize, praise, try. novest land; synonyms (n) ground, country, soil, field, kingdom, domain, estate, nation, realm, state, empire, commonwealth, demesne, (v) disembark, debark, alight, get, drop, arrive, bring; antonym (adj) aquatic.
novietne booth; synonyms (n) stall, cubicle, stand, carrel, cabin, cell, chalet, hut, kiosk, shed, compartment; stacionāra novietne hard stand; mazbērnu novietne nursery; bagāžas novietne boot. novietojums 1. locality; synonyms (n) area, district, neighborhood, place, position, quarter, spot, vicinity, point, region, section, scene, environs, habitat, territory, location, neighbourhood, site, situation, zone, 2. site; synonyms (n) locate, room, seat, space, ground, locality, setting, locale, settle, office, berth, stance, station, base, grade, (v) post, set, lay, rank, invest, 3. location; synonyms (n) localization, orientation, emplacement, fix, lieu, locating, attitude, bearing, address, placement, positioning, localisation. novietot 1. position; synonyms (n) place, lay, attitude, condition, employment, opinion, placement, post, rank, set, arrangement, bearing, location, (v) grade, fix, locate, arrange, install, point, pose, 2. lodge; synonyms (n) house, club, cottage, hut, inn, hostel, hostelry, order, (v) cabin, live, accommodate, deposit, inhabit, quarter, board, charge, file, (adj) abide, dwell, reside, 3. place (vieta); synonyms (n) position, domicile, office, spot, base, job, situation, circumstance, center, abode, berth, dwelling, home, (v) station, pitch, put, lie, commit, dispose, establish; antonym (v) remove, 4. locate; synonyms (v) discover, find, localize, situate, determine, identify, settle, unearth, localise, send, ensconce, lodge, pinpoint, site, stand, uncover, (n) invest; novietot
automobili stāvvietā park; novietot garāžā garage; novietot stavvieta park; novietot telpās house; novietot vidū middle; novietot zināma attālumā distance; related translations vieta appointment (amats). novilcināšana delay; synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay, deferral, extension, holdup, interruption, (v) defer, check, postpone, reserve, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate, hinder, loiter, (adj) linger; antonyms (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance. novilcināt 1. defer; synonyms (v) adjourn, postpone, comply, bow, procrastinate, suspend, accede, protract, remit, retard, submit, table, tarry, stay, acquiesce, assent, prorogue, reschedule, shelve, (n) delay, 2. delay; synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, deferral, extension, holdup, interruption, postponement, cunctation, (v) defer, check, reserve, break, detain, hesitate, hinder, loiter, stop, (adj) linger; antonyms (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance. novirze deflection; synonyms (n) deviation, bend, deflexion, variation, bending, digression, diversion, curvature, departure, divergence, refraction, turn, warp;
koordinātu tīkla novirze grid variation. novirzīšanās deviation; synonyms (n) aberration, change, deflection, difference, diversion, variation, abnormality, alteration, anomaly, departure, detour, deviance, divergence, variance, inclination, aberrance, deflexion, digression, discrepancy, error; antonym (n) normality;
novirzīšanās no kursa sheer. novirzīt divert; synonyms (v) amuse, distract, entertain, beguile, deflect, delight, deviate, depart, disport,
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Latvian - English sidetrack, pervert, convert, relax, gratify, dissuade, occupy, please, recreate, sport, turn. nozare 1. field; synonyms (n) arena, area, battlefield, domain, ground, place, battleground, compass, court, department, discipline, range, realm, section, sphere, soil, bailiwick, champaign, expanse, land, 2. branch; synonyms (n) arm, jump, wing, affiliate, ramus, member, division, limb, offshoot, outgrowth, shoot, stem, stick, subdivision, twig, (v) fork, diverge, divide, split, (adj) tributary, 3. region; synonyms (n) country, field, district, part, circuit, locality, neighborhood, province, quarter, territory, belt, dominion, demesne, direction, extent, position, kingdom, portion, terrain, tract;
zinātnes nozare scientific discipline; viesnīcu nozare hotel industry; rupniecibas nozare industry; metalurģijas rūpniecības nozare steel industry; filmu nozare film industry; eksakto zinātņu nozare scientific discipline; apdrošināšanas nozare insurance industry. nožēlošana repentance; synonyms (n) contrition, penitence, compunction, penance, regret, remorse, sorrow, guilt; antonym (n) shamelessness. noziedzība criminality; synonyms (n) criminalness, criminalism, misdeed, criminousness, depravity, dishonesty, evil, piacularity, wickedness, (v) crime, guilt. noziedznieks criminal; synonyms (adj) guilty, illegal, sinful, wicked, condemnable, miscreant, unlawful, immoral, (n) convict, crook, culprit, hoodlum, malefactor, delinquent, felon, gangster, lawbreaker, outlaw, thug, (v) wrong; antonyms (adj) law-abiding, legal; iepriekš nesodīts noziedznieks first
offence. noziegums 1. crime; synonyms (n) offense, blame, guilt, injustice, transgression, villainy, evil, delinquency, fault, iniquity, misdemeanor, sin, vice, wickedness, wrong, misconduct, atrocity, murder, infringement, misdeed, 2. wrongdoing; synonyms (n) crime, error, misbehavior, trespass, indiscretion, outrage; noziegums pret
cilvēci crime against humanity; kara noziegums war crime. nozīme 1. significance; synonyms (n) import, sense, connotation, consequence, meaning, moment, purport, effect, intent, concern, implication, importance, point, weight, gist, matter, interest, content, emphasis, gravity; antonyms (n) insignificance, triviality, 2. sense; synonyms (n) intelligence, perception, sensation, logic, awareness, experience, feeling, idea, impression, notion, reason, understanding, comprehension, (v) feel, intellect, mind, perceive, scent, detect, brains; antonyms (n) garbage, ludicrousness, nonsense, stupidity, foolishness, gibberish, 3. importance; synonyms (n) greatness, account, dignity, prominence, stress, value, influence, magnitude, prestige, seriousness, significance, distinction, grandeur, impressiveness, merit, pith, power, reputation, standing, status; antonym (n) unimportance, 4. meaning; synonyms (n) design, essence, aim, intention, drift, interpretation, explanation, moral, overtone, plan, purpose, spirit, substance, tenor, construction, bearing, end, goal, intend, message, 5. badge; synonyms (n) emblem, insignia, mark, sign, medal, characteristic, decoration, device, identification,
indication, logo, symbol, token, card, crest; simboliskā
nozīme symbolic value. nozīmēt 1. copy; synonyms (n) imitation, trace, transcription, forgery, reproduction, cast, book, counterpart, double, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake, mimic, record; antonym (n) original, 2. mean; synonyms (v) intend, design, imply, denote, involve, (adj) middle, base, common, hateful, ignoble, medium, miserly, abject, beggarly, close, despicable, (n) average, contemptible, low, cheap; antonyms (adj) generous, kind, 3. imply; synonyms (v) connote, allude, hint, entail, intimate, mean, argue, betoken, convey, indicate, suggest, implicate, carry, conceive, comprise, embody, import, infer, (n) signify, express, 4. matter; synonyms (n) event, affair, business, concern, issue, material, substance, incident, article, body, interest, item, subject, topic, instance, consequence, content, (v) case, count, weigh. nozveja haul; synonyms (n) freight, heave, catch, jerk, take, yank, cargo, (v) draw, drag, pull, tow, carry, cart, lug, draught, hale, transport, tug, raise, convey; antonym (v) push. nu now; synonyms (adv) forthwith, here, immediately, currently, directly, instantly, presently, already, nowadays, straight, today, just, right, promptly, straightaway, (adj) current, present, trendy, immediate, (prep) because; antonyms (adv) later, soon; ja nu
gadijuma just in case; vai nu either. nūja stick; synonyms (n) bar, club, rod, bat, (v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff, cohere, affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold, impale, persist, pink; golfa nūja
driver. nulle 1. zero; synonyms (n) nil, nothing, nobody, cipher, naught, cypher, nought, null, nihil, nullity, aught, nix, root, zilch, zip, nonentity, 2. nought; synonyms (adj) no, (n) zero, nada, 3. nil, 4. cipher; synonyms (n) figure, number, code, cryptograph, digit, device, numeral, symbol, (v) calculate, compute, encode, encrypt, reckon, solve, count, encipher, estimate. numerācija numeration; synonyms (n) calculation, computation, count, counting, enumeration, reckoning, tally, numbering, figuring, run. numismātika numismatics; synonym (n) numismatology. numismāts numismatist; synonym (n) numismatologist. numurēt number; synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act, issue, volume, character, company, digit, multitude, (v) calculate, aggregate, enumerate, figure, total, come, add, account, compute, list; numurēt lappuses page. numurs 1. number; synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act, issue, volume, character, company, digit, multitude, (v) calculate, aggregate, enumerate, figure, total, come, add, account, compute, list, 2. issue; synonyms (n) aftermath, egress, consequence, effect, event, exit, progeny, result, conclusion, denouement, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release, discharge, gush, circulate, debouch, distribute, 3. item; synonyms (n) piece, detail, article, entry, object, point, subject, thing, affair, clause, component, entity, fact, feature, matter, part, particular, regard, factor, (adv) also, 4. size;
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Latvian - English
synonyms (n) measure, bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions, extent, largeness, quantity, glue, breadth, degree, magnitude, mass, measurement, sizing, proportion, content, (v) gauge, scale, (adj) gum; antonyms (n) length, slenderness; konta numurs
account number; nepareizi sastadits numurs wrong number; izsaucošais numurs calling number; izsaukuma numurs call number; koda numurs code number; mīnas izlikšanas numurs lay reference number; vienvietigs numurs single room; pazīšanas numurs identification number; reģistrācijas numurs identification number; rindas numurs line number. nupat just; synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly, newly, simply, exclusively, (adj) fair, right, correct, equitable, accurate, honest, impartial, barely, fit, good, reasonable, righteous, upright, appropriate, definite; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, wrong. Nutrija nutria; synonym (n) coypu.
O objektīvs objective; synonyms (adj) dispassionate, fair, impartial, just, concrete, detached, accusative, impersonal, neutral, (n) aim, mark, goal, object, ambition, design, end, intent, intention, target, purport; antonyms (adj) biased, subjective. objekts 1. object; synonyms (n) design, aim, cause, end, intent, intention, meaning, mark, matter, subject, substance, drift, goal, motive, objective, reason, (v) except, mind, complain, demur; antonym (v) agree, 2. subject; synonyms (n) citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif, question, point, area, content, discipline, field, national, study, (adj) liable, exposed, prone, subordinate, (v) subdue, enslave; antonym (adj) liberated; brivdienu objekts resort; kartogrāfisks
objekts feature; aktīvais datu objekts active data object; pievilkšanas objekts draw; saistītais objekts linked object. obligāts 1. compulsory; synonyms (adj) obligatory, required, binding, involuntary, mandatory, necessary, imperative, forcible, essential, requisite, unavoidable; antonyms (adj) optional, voluntary, 2. obligatory; synonyms (adj) compulsory, inevitable, forced, incumbent, crucial, prerequisite, vital, dutiful. odere lining; synonyms (n) facing, liner, inside, cladding, padding, support, cribbing, doubling, face, flesher, interior, wad, wainscotting. oficiāls 1. official; synonyms (adj) formal, functional, regular, proper, sanctioned, magisterial, authorized, ceremonial, legal, (n) officer, minister, bureaucrat, executive, functionary, administrator, representative, staff, (v) authoritative, administrative, authentic; antonyms (adj) unofficial, private, illegal, informal, 2. formal; synonyms (adj) conventional, ceremonious, distant, courtly, elegant, official, prim, solemn, stately, cold, nominal, pedantic, precise, stiff, dignified,
dogmatic, established, frigid, prescribed, civil; antonyms (adj) relaxed, unceremonious; oficiāls
ziņojums statement; oficiāls piedāvājums tender; oficiāls paziņojums formal notice; oficiāls dokuments official document. oforts etching; synonyms (n) engraving, print, impression, drawing, silhouette, design, imprint, inscription, mezzotint, photoengraving, picture, reproduction, transferring. oga berry; synonyms (n) fruit, drupe, drupelet, haw, hillock, hip, mound, pome. ogle coal; synonyms (n) ember, culm, firewood, oil, petroleum, energy, gas, (v) char, blacken, scorch, (adj) black; melnā ogle carbon black. ogleklis carbon; synonyms (n) coke, coal, anthracite, carbonado, duplicate, facsimile, replica, reproduction, culm, forgery, image, imitation, likeness, resemblance, (v) copy, counterfeit, imitate, reproduce, (adj) equivalent, same. ogles coal; synonyms (n) ember, culm, firewood, oil, petroleum, energy, gas, (v) char, blacken, scorch, (adj) black; ogles elektrods carbon; iekraut ogles coal. ogļūdeņradis hydrocarbon; synonyms (n) carbohydride, hydrocarbonate. okeāns sea; synonyms (n) ocean, water, waves, (adj) marine, maritime, array, nautical, seagoing, army. okers ochre; synonyms (adj) ocher, (n) brown, buff. oksīds oxide; synonym (n) oxid. oktets octet; synonyms (n) octette, eight, eighter, eightsome, octad, octonary, octuor, ogdoad. okulārs 1. ocular; synonyms (adj) visual, optical, ophthalmic, visible, optic, (n) eyepiece, 2. eyepiece; synonyms (n) ocular, barrel, platform, window. okupācija occupation; synonyms (n) employment, occupancy, business, craft, calling, job, place, affair, career, conquest, function, line, profession, vocation, work, concern, activity, avocation, capture, (v) trade; antonym (n) surrender. ola egg; synonyms (n) ball, rudiment, eggs, nut, testicle, testis, ballock, bollock, stock, bud, embryo, nucleus, addict, baseball, beginning, cell, chunk, clod, clump, crackpot. ondatra muskrat; synonyms (n) musquash, champak, horehound, mint, olibanum. opera opera; synonyms (n) play, drama, operetta, comedy, performance, piece, song, tragedy, afterpiece, ballet, burlesque, burletta, comedietta, divertissement, exode, extravaganza, farce, harlequinade, interlude, masque;
ziepju opera soap opera. operācija operation; synonyms (n) execution, movement, act, agency, effect, business, management, action, function, functioning, performance, running, mission, task, job, activity, employment, exercise, force, manipulation; ķīmiskā operācija chemical
operation; daudznacionālo spēku operācija combined operation; bioloģiska operācija biological operation; autonoma operācija autonomous operation; atvilkšanas operācija withdrawal operation; psiholoģiskā operācija
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Latvian - English psychological operation; kases operācija cash transaction; loģiskā operācija logical operation. operatīvs operational; synonyms (adj) operative, operating, functional, operable, effective, usable, working, available, functioning, prepared, ready, set, useable, going, outfitted, practicable. opijs opium; synonyms (n) meconium, (v) opiate, poppy, anodyne, balm, milk, (adj) heroin, morphine. opozīcija opposition; synonyms (n) contrast, conflict, antithesis, contrary, contrariety, antagonism, enemy, hostility, opponent, opposite, competition, contradiction, antagonist, antipathy, aversion, contrariness, disagreement, foe, negation, inverse; antonym (n) consent. optika optics; synonyms (n) vision, photology, orbs, sight. optimistisks optimistic; synonyms (adj) cheerful, affirmative, positive, upbeat, bright, carefree, happy, lighthearted, rosy, sanguine, confident, expectant; antonyms (adj) pessimistic, negative, disheartened. optimists optimist; synonyms (n) idealist, utopist, whitewasher, enthusiast, romantic, utopian, utopianist, visionary. orbīta orbit; synonyms (n) circle, cycle, field, orb, area, compass, domain, turn, expanse, course, ambit, circuit, range, reach, realm, scope, sphere, track, (v) revolve, rotate. orderis order; synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition, edict, injunction, instruction, kind, form, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request;
orderis I order; maksāšanas orderis draft; kases orderis cash order; izsniegšanas orderis delivery order. organisks organic; synonyms (adj) constitutional, natural, constitutive, fundamental, constituent, inherent, structural, whole, raw; antonym (adj) refined. organizācija 1. institution; synonyms (n) creation, establishment, institute, formation, asylum, founding, academy, custom, foundation, initiation, organization, tradition, induction, practice, college, organisation, constitution, convention, habit, introduction, 2. organization; synonyms (n) order, administration, arrangement, association, institution, structure, system, form, business, company, concern, enterprise, fabric, firm, group, management, method, organism, partnership, team, 3. entity; synonyms (n) being, existence, object, thing, whole, article, creature, essence, individual, item, reality, part, piece; Pasaules
tirdzniecības organizācija world trade organisation; augstāka organizācija higher authority; brīvprātīga organizācija voluntary organization; darba organizācija management; Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācija un; Vispasaules tirdzniecības organizācija world trade organization; sauszemes novērotāju organizācija ground observer organization. organizēšana organization; synonyms (n) order, establishment, administration, arrangement, formation, association, constitution, institution, structure, system,
form, business, company, concern, enterprise, fabric, firm, foundation, group, management; darba
zinātniskā organizēšana industrial engineering; darba organizēšana management; apvidus aizsardzības organizēšana organization of the ground. organizēt institute; synonyms (n) academy, association, establishment, foundation, (v) establish, found, build, constitute, appoint, form, fix, begin, bring, create, erect, initiate, base, ground, inaugurate, (adj) enact. orgāns organ; synonyms (n) instrument, member, limb, agency, harmonium, medium, part, means, journal, channel. orhideja orchid; synonyms (n) orchis, compliment. oriģinalitāte originality; synonyms (n) novelty, imagination, individuality, ingenuity, initiative, freshness, creativity, invention, innovation, (adj) idiosyncrasy; antonyms (n) triteness, normality, unoriginality. oriģināls original; synonyms (adj) first, authentic, native, new, primary, primitive, indigenous, aboriginal, creative, early, fresh, imaginative, inventive, primeval, primordial, initial, fundamental, (n) archetype, model, prototype; antonyms (adj) commonplace, banal, copied, corny, derivative, hackneyed, well-worn, conventional, resulting, unimaginative, (n) copy, counterfeit, fake, imitation, replica; svītru oriģināls line copy;
filmas oriģināls master film. orkāns hurricane; synonyms (n) gale, storm, tempest, cyclone, squall, tornado, twister, whirlwind. ornaments ornament; synonyms (n) decoration, garnish, adornment, embellishment, flourish, ornamentation, trimming, (v) beautify, adorn, deck, decorate, embellish, dress, grace, embroider, bedeck, enrich, enhance, gild, trim. ornitoloģija ornithology; synonyms (n) anthropology, oryctology, paleontology, vermeology. ornitologs ornithologist; synonym (n) birder. ortopēdija 1. orthopedics; synonyms (n) orthopaedics, orthopedy, orthopraxy, 2. orthopaedics; synonym (n) orthopedics. osa 1. ear; synonyms (n) auricle, handle, hearing, lug, spike, capitulum, heed, earing, notice, crown, pinna, appreciation, discrimination, favor, mark, observance, observation, perception, pinnule, (v) cultivate, 2. handle; synonyms (v) administer, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal, direct, finger, manage, manipulate, touch, treat, govern, cope, grope, (n) grip, clutch, grasp, haft, handgrip; spaiņa osa ear. osis ash; synonyms (n) jasmine, lilac, privet, spark, (v) cinder, scoriae, soot, (adj) gray. osta 1. port; synonyms (n) harbor, haven, asylum, carriage, demeanor, pier, mien, bearing, deportment, dock, embrasure, gate, harbour, interface, refuge, wharf, entrance, air, (adj) larboard, left; antonym (n) starboard, 2. haven; synonyms (n) port, shelter, retreat, destination, anchorage, cover, seaport, breakwater, 3. harbour; synonyms (v) entertain, contain, bear, hold, nurse, shield; iebraukšanas osta port of entry;
ierašanās osta port of arrival; kara osta naval
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Latvian - English
port; ievešanas osta port of entry; ārzemju osta foreign port; gaisa osta airport; galvenā osta major port; sekundāras nozīmes osta minor port; norādītā osta port of destination. ota brush; synonyms (n) brushwood, clash, collision, conflict, copse, encounter, undergrowth, beard, argument, brushing, (v) broom, graze, sweep, touch, clean, kiss, rub, scour, glance, (adj) rake. otrais second; synonyms (n) instant, moment, flash, jiffy, minute, sec, time, wink, bit, countenance, (v) back, endorse, support, encourage, forward, help, (adj) latter, further, secondary, (pron) additional; antonym (adj) first. oža smell; synonyms (n) odor, fragrance, savor, aroma, bouquet, odour, savour, stench, flavor, smack, feel, flavour, olfaction, relish, (v) reek, nose, perfume, scent, stink, sniff. ozols oak; synonyms (adj) oaken, adamant, iron, steel. ozons ozone; synonym (n) air.
P pa 1. during; synonyms (prep) within, on, by, for, of, pending, inside, about, amid, besides, concerning, adhering, meanwhile, mid, midst, onward, proceeding, (adj) throughout, (adv) while, whilst, 2. on; synonyms (prep) at, in, into, upon, above, over, regarding, (adv) forth, ahead, (adj) forward, aboard, (prf) along, against; antonym (adv) off, 3. along; synonyms (adv) lengthwise, endlong, (prep) beside; antonym (adv) across;
sūtīt pa pastu mail; nosūtīt pa pastu post; kurss pa joslu lap course; lejup pa down; lejup pa kāpnēm downstairs; pa to laiku during; pa lielākai daļai generally; pa daļai partly; augšup pa kāpnēm upstairs; izpeļņa pa mēnešiem monthly earnings. paātrināt 1. expedite; synonyms (v) accelerate, dispatch, advance, hasten, assist, hurry, quicken, speed, facilitate, forward, further, precipitate, rush, 2. accelerate; synonyms (v) expedite, heighten, increase, intensify, promote, (adj) vivify; antonyms (v) decelerate, stop;
paātrināt soli double. paātrināties accelerate; synonyms (v) quicken, advance, hurry, speed, dispatch, rush, expedite, forward, further, hasten, heighten, increase, intensify, precipitate, promote, (adj) vivify; antonyms (v) decelerate, stop. paaugstinājums 1. platform; synonyms (n) dais, floor, rostrum, stage, stand, plan, pulpit, ambo, arena, dock, base, pedestal, platforms, amphitheater, chopine, chopines, field, forum, (v) program, (adj) plain, 2. promotion; synonyms (n) furtherance, advance, advancement, advertising, boost, encouragement, hype, preferment, progress, advertisement, cultivation, exaltation, forwarding, publicity, support, advocacy, improvement, lift, preference, upgrading; antonyms (n) demotion, neglect; darba algas paaugstinājums
wage increase; cenu paaugstinājums price increase.
pabalsts 1. pay; synonyms (v) compensate, compensation, liquidate, yield, afford, clear, expend, give, remunerate, indemnify, (n) recompense, wage, earnings, fee, salary, allowance, devote, income, remuneration, reward; antonym (v) owe, 2. benefit; synonyms (n) advantage, gain, good, assistance, favor, interest, service, use, welfare, behalf, expediency, asset, blessing, (v) aid, assist, profit, avail, help, advance, pay; antonyms (n) disadvantage, drawback, loss, (v) harm, 3. allowance; synonyms (n) allotment, admission, discount, quota, tolerance, maintenance, abatement, acknowledgment, adjustment, allocation, concession, deduction, grant, indulgence, leave, margin, portion, rebate, share, alimony, 4. support; synonyms (n) stand, keep, comfort, patronage, endorsement, (v) prop, back, brace, encourage, maintain, bear, boost, carry, confirm, corroborate, defend, hold, lift, nourish, nurture; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, undermine, abandon, reject, weaken, 5. relief; synonyms (n) consolation, ease, relaxation, release, respite, solace, alleviation, encouragement, redress, rest, amends, assuagement, break, easing, embossment, ministration, mitigation, moderation, remedy, rescue; pabalsts
nāves gadījumā death allowance; pabalsts natūrā benefit in kind; invaliditātes pabalsts disability benefit; iekārtošanas pabalsts installation allowance; ģimenes pabalsts family allowance. pabeigšana completion; synonyms (n) close, accomplishment, achievement, attainment, consummation, finish, closing, conclusion, ending, fulfillment, performance, complement, end, execution, perfection, termination, windup, culmination; antonym (n) start. pabeigt 1. complete; synonyms (adj) perfect, absolute, consummate, whole, full, stark, accomplished, all, finished, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, finish, execute, act, attain, cease, clear, conclude, effect; antonyms (adj) incomplete, partial, unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect, 2. conclude; synonyms (v) complete, gather, assume, deduce, determine, end, resolve, settle, terminate, decide, derive, do, generalize, judge, reason, stop, understand, suppose, quit, dispatch; antonyms (v) start, begin, 3. accomplish; synonyms (v) compass, perform, reach, fulfill, make, realize, gain, get, implement, manage, succeed, work, operate, score, hit, effectuate, enforce, fulfil, obtain, satisfy. pabeigtība completeness; synonyms (n) entirety, fullness, thoroughness, entireness, unity, plenitude, perfection, wholeness, depth. pabeigts 1. accomplished; synonyms (adj) complete, able, proficient, adept, completed, experienced, finished, gifted, skillful, fine, capable, clever, competent, concluded, consummate, cultured, done, effected, efficient, excellent; antonyms (adj) inept, unfinished, 2. finished; synonyms (adj) ended, perfect, absolute, accomplished, polished, ripe, ruined, spent, round, decided, final, elegant, exhausted, fitted, fulfilled, gone, nice, past, positive, (adv) over; antonyms (adj)
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Latvian - English incomplete, remaining, rough; pabeigts rasējums
fair drawing. pacelšanās take-off; synonyms (n) departure, mockery, flight; augstumā pacelšanās režīms climb mode. pacelt 1. raise; synonyms (v) boost, lift, erect, hoist, increase, build, elevate, enhance, foster, grow, promote, prefer, augment, cultivate, exalt, excite, heave, heighten, (n) advance, hike; antonym (v) lower, 2. elevate; synonyms (v) raise, cheer, dignify, rear, aggrandize, uphold, animate, ennoble, upgrade, arouse, assign, elate, further, glorify, improve, praise, uplift, construct, deify, pump; antonym (v) demote, 3. lift; synonyms (n) elevator, support, climb, ascent, elevation, raising, (v) rise, filch, airlift, pilfer, pinch, steal, swipe, annul, arise, carry, countermand, haul, mount, plagiarize; pacelt ar
domkratu jack. pacēlums 1. rising; synonyms (adj) climbing, uphill, emergent, emerging, (n) ascending, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, ascension, ascent, climb, insurrection, outbreak, rise, advance, lift, upheaval, uprising, (adv) increasing, growing; antonyms (adj) plummeting, decreasing, plunging, 2. elevation; synonyms (n) altitude, height, exaltation, highness, advancement, aggrandizement, hill, improvement, promotion, raise, stature, swell, ridge, grade, side, eminence, grandeur, heave, level, prominence. paceplītis wren; synonym (n) female. pacifisms pacifism; synonyms (n) passivism, peace. pacifists pacifist; synonyms (n) pacificist, disarmer, peacemaker, radical, (adj) peaceable, antiwar, nonviolent, antiviolence. paciņa packet; synonyms (n) package, bundle, bale, container, parcel, carton, pack, wad, box, envelope, collection, fortune, mailboat. padevīgs submissive; synonyms (adj) humble, meek, obedient, passive, dutiful, compliant, docile, obsequious, resigned, lowly, subject, servile, subdued, acquiescent, mild, slavish, subservient, yielding, patient, conformable; antonyms (adj) domineering, assertive, resistant, disobedient, (adv) bossily. padomdevējs 1. adviser; synonyms (n) advisor, consultant, counselor, counsel, guide, prompter, teacher, agent, assistant, confidante, dealer, dictator, herald, informer, instructor, barrister, guru, helper, negotiator, stockbroker, 2. advocate; synonyms (n) backer, champion, sponsor, attorney, defender, friend, supporter, adherent, follower, protagonist, (v) recommend, support, vindicate, back, defend, endorse, maintain, preach, urge, favor; antonyms (n) detractor, skeptic, (v) oppose. Padome 1. council; synonyms (n) assembly, board, congress, consultation, convention, convocation, diet, legislature, meeting, cabinet, conclave, 2. board; synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, court, embark, plank, administration, agency, bureau, card, cardboard, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate; antonym (v) disembark;
Savienības Padome council; pilnvaroto padome board of trustees; Muitas sadarbības padome customs cooperation council; Ministru padome council; Eiropas Savienības Padome council; direktoru padome board of directors.
padoms 1. advice; synonyms (n) admonition, caution, counsel, warning, exhortation, instruction, intelligence, monition, notice, report, tidings, advisement, announcement, communication, direction, guidance, hint, information, news, tip, 2. counsel; synonyms (n) advocate, attorney, consultation, counselor, recommendation, forethought, consideration, counseling, counselling, (v) advice, advise, consult, admonish, confer, exhort, urge, warn, direct, inform, lead. padošanās surrender; synonyms (n) resign, resignation, capitulation, release, fall, submission, (v) concede, relinquish, abandon, render, capitulate, deliver, submit, forsake, forfeit, leave, cede, renounce, yield, abdicate; antonyms (v) conquer, resist, appropriate, fight, persevere, subdue, win. padot pass; synonyms (v) flow, deliver, give, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, live, advance, die, elapse, exceed, extend, lapse, leave, proceed, surpass, (adj) go, run; antonym (v) fail. padoties 1. submit; synonyms (v) comply, obey, acquiesce, present, resign, accede, bend, convey, defer, deliver, exhibit, give, offer, proffer, propose, relegate, render, return, succumb, (n) surrender; antonyms (v) withdraw, resist, 2. surrender; synonyms (n) resignation, capitulation, release, fall, submission, renunciation, (v) concede, relinquish, abandon, capitulate, submit, forsake, forfeit, leave, cede, renounce, yield, abdicate, abnegate, quit; antonyms (v) conquer, appropriate, fight, persevere, subdue, win. padots subject; synonyms (n) matter, citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif, question, point, area, content, discipline, field, national, study, (adj) liable, exposed, prone, subordinate, (v) subdue; antonym (adj) liberated. padziļinājums recess; synonyms (n) corner, break, holiday, intermission, niche, pause, alcove, hollow, nook, vacation, interval, adjournment, interruption, cessation, hole, bay, inlet, respite, interlude, (v) adjourn. pagaidu provisional; synonyms (adj) conditional, makeshift, tentative, probationary, interim, provisionary, temporary, experimental, acting, provisory, qualified, transient, given, probative, probatory, trial; antonyms (adj) permanent, definite; pagaidu izvešana
temporary export; pagaidu atļauja temporary admission; pagaidu atmiņa temporary storage; pagaidu darbinieks casual employee; pagaidu darbnespēja temporary disability; amata pagaidu izpildītājs acting; vietas pagaidu izpildītājs acting; pagaidu pārcelšana temporary transfer; pagaidu uzglabāšana temporary storage; pagaidu uzturēšanās temporary stay. pagājušais last; synonyms (v) endure, continue, hold, exist, live, dwell, go, remain, (n) abide, conclusion, finale, finis, finish, (adj) extreme, closing, final, ultimate, conclusive, concluding, farthest; antonyms (n) opening, (adj) first. pagale 1. billet; synonyms (n) position, note, berth, job, bar, housing, office, post, quarters, spot, ticket, barracks, letter, slug, (v) accommodate, quarter, house, lodge, canton, 2. log; synonyms (n) journal, record, block,
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Latvian - English
diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet, logarithm, bobbing, calendar, ephemeris, faggot, (v) enter, chronicle, lumber; apdegusi pagale brand. pagalms yard; synonyms (n) court, courtyard, garden, backyard, grounds, close, quadrangle, enclosure, beehive, bindery, chiliad, g, grand, m, nailery, pace, slip, terrace, thou, thousand. pagāns heathen; synonyms (adj) pagan, heathenish, giaour, godless, (n) gentile, ethnic, infidel. pagarināšana 1. prolongation; synonyms (n) continuation, continuance, elongation, extension, lengthening, production, perpetuation, duration, lengthiness, maintenance, (v) protraction, 2. extension; synonyms (n) augmentation, enlargement, expansion, addition, increase, annex, expanse, stretch, development, amplification, annexe, circulation, dissemination, growth, prolongation, reach, space, spread, dimension, addendum; antonyms (n) limitation, contraction, limit. pagarināt prolong; synonyms (v) continue, extend, delay, protract, elongate, expand, lengthen, maintain, procrastinate, defer, keep, postpone, produce, sustain, prolongate, renew, stretch, offer, preserve; antonyms (v) shorten, stop. pagasts parish; synonyms (n) district, community, congregation, region, province, township, borough, church, area, constituency, neighborhood, town, subdivision, (adj) local. pagrabs 1. basement; synonyms (n) cellar, base, bottom, vault, kitchen, offices, pantry, scullery, footing, catacomb, floor, sepulcher, stomach, tomb, 2. cellar; synonyms (n) basement, cellarage, winery, cockpit, hold, bound, cell, vineyard, chateau, curvet, estate, jump, leap, spring, tumble; pulvera pagrabs magazine. pagrimt decline; synonyms (n) decay, declension, decrease, dip, declination, descent, deterioration, diminution, (v) wane, drop, reject, fall, abate, ebb, fail, refuse, sink, deny, deteriorate, (adj) fade; antonyms (n) improvement, recovery, development, growth, rebirth, (v) increase, rise, accept, flourish, improve. pagrimums decline; synonyms (n) decay, declension, decrease, dip, declination, descent, deterioration, diminution, (v) wane, drop, reject, fall, abate, ebb, fail, refuse, sink, deny, deteriorate, (adj) fade; antonyms (n) improvement, recovery, development, growth, rebirth, (v) increase, rise, accept, flourish, improve. paipala quail; synonyms (n) quaver, quiver, (v) flinch, cower, cringe, funk, quake, recoil, shrink, wince, blench. pajautāt inquire; synonyms (v) ask, demand, examine, explore, enquire, inspect, question, research, investigate, pry, request, search, wonder, test, challenge, interrogate, probe, query, quiz, seek. pajumte accommodation; synonyms (n) adjustment, compromise, loan, lodging, adaptation, agreement, apartment, appeasement, convenience, ease, facility, fitting, housing, (v) advance, (adj) adaption. paka 1. package; synonyms (n) bundle, pack, packaging, packet, parcel, carton, container, collection, (v) box, wrap; antonym (v) unwrap, 2. parcel; synonyms (n) lot, bale, division, package, section, batch, plot, patch, allotment, group, share, bunch, dole, area, detachment, (v) portion, distribute, apportion, divide, cluster.
pakaiši bedding; synonyms (n) bedclothes, litter, paillasse, lamination, support, bedcovers, embedding, frame. pakaļējais back; synonyms (adv) before, backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, posterior, (v) support, advocate, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, aid, champion, encourage, finance, fund, gamble, help; antonyms (n) face, (v) front, oppose, advance. pakalpojums service; synonyms (n) help, aid, assistance, avail, employment, ministration, ceremony, business, occupation, office, utility, agency, ministry, homage, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance, repair;
pakalpojums SMS short message service; pakalpojums GPRS general packet radio service; īsziņu pakalpojums short message service; globālais pakalpojums global service; ārkārtas izsaukuma pakalpojums emergency call service. pakāpe 1. grade; synonyms (n) class, place, rank, degree, order, brand, category, gradient, score, form, group, quality, slope, division, plane, caliber, (v) level, classify, evaluate, range, 2. extent; synonyms (n) extension, amplitude, expanse, amount, bulk, compass, distance, boundary, breadth, dimension, gauge, length, measure, purview, quantity, reach, scope, space, spread, (v) area, 3. degree; synonyms (n) extent, condition, title, status, caste, gradation, grade, height, point, rate, scale, stage, deal, standing, stint, magnitude, notch, pitch, position, proportion; augstākā pakāpe high; cietības
pakāpe proof; dienesta pakāpe rank; izturības pakāpe proof; klasifikācijas pakāpe array; majora pakāpe majority; pārākā pakāpe comparative; salīdzināmā pakāpe degree; stipruma pakāpe proof; nodrošinājuma pakāpe coverage. pakārt hang; synonyms (v) dangle, depend, drape, float, append, cling, decorate, execute, fall, flow, hover, swing, adhere, hesitate, attach, loll, balance, (n) suspend, delay, knack. pakavs horseshoe; synonyms (n) shoe, arc, arcade, arch, bow, carve, crescent, loop, curve, lunule, vault. paklājs rug; synonyms (n) blanket, carpet, carpeting, mat, coverlet, counterpane, quilt, floor, sheet, tarpaulin, bathmat, doormat, flooring, runner, (v) plunder, spoil, tear. pakļaušana subjection; synonyms (n) conquest, oppression, captivity, bondage, confinement, dependence, servitude, slavery, subjugation, subordination, conquering, domination; pakļaušana
iedarbībai exposure. paklausība obedience; synonyms (n) compliance, meekness, deference, obeisance, submission, acquiescence, bow, loyalty, observance; antonyms (n) disobedience, defiance, naughtiness, resistance. paklausīt obey; synonyms (v) follow, comply, mind, heed, listen, keep, fulfill, hear, conform, serve, mark, observe, respect, submit; antonyms (v) disobey, break, defy. pakļaut 1. subordinate; synonyms (adj) subject, inferior, dependent, lower, secondary, subaltern, petty, junior,
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Latvian - English lesser, lowly, minor, less, ancillary, collateral, second, menial, (n) assistant, underling, auxiliary, sub; antonyms (adj) senior, (n) chief, superior, major, 2. subject; synonyms (n) matter, citizen, affair, issue, motif, question, point, area, content, discipline, field, national, study, (adj) liable, exposed, prone, subordinate, open, (v) subdue, enslave; antonym (adj) liberated. pakļautība 1. accountability; synonyms (n) blame, liability, fault, duty, obligation, burden, answerability, answerableness, accountableness, 2. subordination; synonyms (n) dependence, dependency, domination, control, hyponymy, mastery, reliance, discipline, colony, command, concatenation, connection, followership, subalternation, supremacy, trust, (adj) subordinacy, subordinancy. pakļauties submit; synonyms (v) comply, obey, acquiesce, present, resign, accede, bend, convey, defer, deliver, exhibit, give, offer, proffer, propose, relegate, render, return, succumb, (n) surrender; antonyms (v) withdraw, resist. pakļauts 1. liable; synonyms (adj) amenable, accountable, answerable, apt, disposed, exposed, inclined, responsible, likely, subject, culpable, vulnerable, given, obnoxious, susceptible, blameworthy, guilty; antonym (adj) exempt, 2. subject; synonyms (n) matter, citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif, question, point, area, content, discipline, field, national, study, (adj) liable, prone, subordinate, (v) subdue, enslave; antonym (adj) liberated; brīdināts un pakļauts warned
exposed. palags sheet; synonyms (n) board, layer, leaf, canvas, film, paper, coat, coating, blanket, cover, coverlet, newspaper, piece, plane, sail, mainsheet, pane, slip, bill, covering. palāta 1. chamber; synonyms (n) bedroom, hall, bedchamber, cavity, cell, council, compartment, committee, court, cubicle, room, 2. house; synonyms (n) family, home, dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice, habitation, housing, establishment, structure, ancestry, company, address, audience, business, concern, (v) accommodate, lodge;
tirdzniecības palāta chamber of commerce; Starptautiskā tirdzniecības palāta international chamber of commerce; Revīzijas palāta court. paļauties trust; synonyms (n) charge, confidence, credit, faith, reliance, rely, assurance, belief, cartel, responsibility, dependence, care, office, combine, (v) believe, hope, confide, commend, entrust, expect; antonyms (v) distrust, doubt, disbelieve, mistrust. palete palette; synonyms (n) pallet, pallette, battledore. palīdzēt 1. aid; synonyms (n) assist, help, assistance, encouragement, relief, backing, boost, care, cure, favor, (v) support, benefit, abet, ease, facilitate, minister, serve, comfort, countenance, encourage; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) hinder, 2. help; synonyms (v) aid, avail, alleviate, contribute, forward, back, befriend, further, amend, attend, cooperate, correct, gain, profit, promote, (n) assistant, remedy, advantage, patronage, prompt; antonyms (v) worsen, (n) detriment, 3. back; synonyms (adv) before, backward, (n) rear, reverse, spine, (adj) posterior, (v) advocate, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, champion, finance, fund, gamble,
sanction, sponsor, sustain; antonyms (n) face, (v) front, oppose, advance, 4. assist; synonyms (v) expedite, relieve, succor, rescue, accommodate, share, bolster, nourish, oblige, participate, patronize, uphold, (n) lift. palîdzîba aid; synonyms (n) assist, help, assistance, encouragement, relief, backing, boost, care, cure, favor, (v) support, benefit, abet, ease, facilitate, minister, serve, comfort, countenance, encourage; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) hinder. palīdzība 1. help; synonyms (v) aid, assist, avail, facilitate, favor, ease, alleviate, contribute, forward, back, befriend, further, (n) assistance, benefit, support, assistant, cure, boost, encouragement, backing; antonyms (v) hinder, worsen, (n) hindrance, detriment, 2. aid; synonyms (n) help, relief, care, hand, lift, patronage, recourse, second, service, facility, (v) abet, minister, serve, comfort, countenance, encourage, relieve, remedy, succor, accommodate, 3. assistance; synonyms (n) charity, advantage, collaboration, cooperation, prop, 4. relief; synonyms (n) consolation, relaxation, release, respite, solace, abatement, alleviation, redress, rest, amends, assuagement, break, easing, embossment, ministration, mitigation, moderation, rescue, substitute, breather, 5. succour; synonyms (n) backup, easement, reliever, relievo, rilievo; pirmā palīdzība first aid;
pārtikas palīdzība food aid; ārkārtas palīdzība muzejam emergency aid; finansiāla palīdzība financial assistance; finansiālā palīdzība financial aid; juridiska palīdzība legal aid; juridiskā palīdzība legal aid; palīdzība attīstības jomā development assistance; ārkārtas palīdzība emergency aid; valsts palīdzība government assistance. palielināšanās 1. increase; synonyms (n) gain, addition, augmentation, boom, expansion, extension, growth, progress, rise, accretion, (v) advance, accrue, extend, grow, aggrandize, expand, enhance, enlarge, deepen, (adj) augment; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction, decline, (v) decrease, reduce, diminish, drop, deteriorate, 2. increment; synonyms (n) increase, accession, boost, development, extra, aggrandizement, enlargement, raise, complement, enhancement. palielināt 1. enlarge; synonyms (v) amplify, expand, aggrandize, augment, dilate, distend, elaborate, increase, widen, boost, broaden, develop, enhance, extend, grow, magnify, exaggerate, inflate, rise, (adj) expatiate; antonyms (v) reduce, shrink, contract, decrease, 2. add; synonyms (v) calculate, include, join, total, figure, lend, mix, divide, subtract, gather, accumulate, adjoin, affix, annex, append, attach, compute, connect, impart, (n) addition; antonym (v) detach, 3. increase; synonyms (n) gain, augmentation, boom, expansion, extension, growth, progress, accretion, development, enlargement, growing, improvement, (v) advance, accrue, enlarge, deepen, benefit, elevate, improve, propagate; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction, decline, (v) diminish, drop, deteriorate, 4. augment; synonyms (v) add, reinforce, intensify, raise, mount, compound, heighten, multiply, supplement, swell, wax. palielināties increase; synonyms (n) gain, addition, augmentation, boom, expansion, extension, growth,
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Latvian - English
progress, rise, accretion, (v) advance, accrue, extend, grow, aggrandize, expand, enhance, enlarge, deepen, (adj) augment; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction, decline, (v) decrease, reduce, diminish, drop, deteriorate. palīgs 1. assistant; synonyms (adj) ancillary, adjunct, (n) accessory, assist, subordinate, acolyte, accomplice, assistance, auxiliary, colleague, helper, adjutant, aide, associate, attendant, coadjutor, deputy, help, partner, (v) aid, 2. aid; synonyms (n) encouragement, relief, backing, boost, care, cure, favor, hand, lift, patronage, (v) support, benefit, abet, ease, facilitate, minister, serve, comfort, countenance, encourage; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) hinder, 3. helper; synonyms (n) assistant, ally, supporter, companion, helpmate, patron, benefactor, second, friend, follower, collaborator, servant, confederate, humanitarian, sponsor; kapteiņa
palīgs mate. pālis pile; synonyms (n) heap, stack, mass, congeries, mound, bunch, accumulation, bundle, collection, hoard, jam, nap, wad, lump, multitude, (v) pack, accumulate, amass, crowd, throng. palisāde palisade; synonyms (n) paling, pale, barricade, post, (v) fence, palisado, wall. pallādijs palladium; synonym (n) safeguard. pamanīt 1. note; synonyms (n) comment, mention, remark, annotation, heed, indication, mark, attention, bill, distinction, epistle, letter, memorandum, report, (v) notice, mind, look, detect, record, discern; antonym (v) ignore, 2. notice; synonyms (n) advertisement, declaration, information, caution, message, observation, admonition, announcement, bulletin, consideration, critique, (v) note, attend, discover, distinguish, find, regard, see, acknowledge, behold; antonym (v) disregard. pamata 1. prime; synonyms (adj) main, chief, first, head, early, essential, fundamental, paramount, primary, excellent, exquisite, overriding, premier, grand, (n) best, cardinal, flower, bloom, blossom, (v) ground; antonym (adj) minor, 2. chief; synonyms (adj) principal, capital, arch, central, sovereign, basic, dominant, especial, foremost, important, (n) administrator, boss, captain, executive, leader, superior, top, chieftain, commander, director; antonyms (adj) associate, secondary. pamatiezis bedrock; synonyms (n) basis, basics, foundation, base, bed, bottom, footing, fundamentals, groundwork, rock, root. pamatīgs searching; synonyms (v) cutting, excruciating, consuming, corroding, racking, (adj) piercing, inquisitive, probing, acute, curious, inquiring, profound, exploratory, penetrating, trenchant, explorative, inquisitory. pamatojums substantiation; synonyms (n) confirmation, proof, evidence, validation, verification, testimony, demonstration, authentication, check; nodokļu
pamatojums tax base. pamatot 1. substantiate; synonyms (v) confirm, corroborate, establish, prove, support, verify, demonstrate, affirm, validate, strengthen, show, embody, attest, vouch, back, defend, certify, ratify, endorse, (n) authenticate; antonym (v) disprove, 2. ground; synonyms (n) base, cause, land, floor, reason, dirt, field, soil, account, country, basis, footing, foundation,
argument, bed, (v) bottom, found, fix, rest, build; antonym (n) ceiling. pamatotība validity; synonyms (n) force, truth, authority, legitimacy, soundness, certainty, cogency, effect, power, effectiveness, reality, authenticity, vigor, credibility, hardness, rigor, rigour, strength. pamatots just; synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly, newly, simply, exclusively, (adj) fair, right, correct, equitable, accurate, honest, impartial, barely, fit, good, reasonable, righteous, upright, appropriate, definite; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, wrong. pamats 1. basis; synonyms (n) base, foundation, gist, bed, beginning, footing, fundamental, root, cause, cornerstone, derivation, ground, justification, nucleus, reason, motive, essence, argument, background, bottom, 2. base; synonyms (n) basis, leg, stand, support, alkali, bag, (adj) abject, mean, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad, contemptible, despicable, foul, infamous, ugly, basal, (v) found; antonyms (n) summit, top, (adj) noble, 3. foundation; synonyms (n) creation, establishment, foot, institution, principle, origin, fundament, grounds, groundwork, initiation, substructure, warrant, construction, core, formation, founding, institute, keystone, launch, organization, 4. grounds; synonyms (n) dregs, account, evidence, field, rationale, deposit, explanation, land, motivation, occasion, park, premises, score, settlings, yard, data, facts, 5. cause; synonyms (n) case, action, campaign, excuse, lawsuit, suit, (v) make, breed, do, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, engender, inspire, let, motivate, prompt, provoke; antonym (n) consequence, 6. reason; synonyms (n) mind, intellect, object, purpose, rationality, understanding, incentive, pretext, intelligence, logic, talk, inducement, end, (v) argue, debate, conclude, deduce, discuss, infer, expostulate, 7. bottom; synonyms (n) backside, behind, back, arse, ass, bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor, posterior, rear, valley, depth, anus, minimum, can, derriere, (adj) underlying, (v) rest; antonyms (n) pinnacle, (adj) highest, 8. background; synonyms (n) backdrop, setting, context, education, environment, scene, backcloth, panorama, atmosphere, experience, information, preparation, record, scenery, situation, surroundings, accompaniment; pamats
lietas ierosināšanai cause of action; nodokļu aplikšanas pamats tax base; dalījuma pamats basis of division. pamest abandon; synonyms (v) quit, relinquish, renounce, resign, vacate, desert, evacuate, leave, waive, depart, abdicate, chuck, ditch, drop, forfeit, forgo, forsake, maroon, scrap, surrender; antonyms (v) keep, support, maintain, (n) restraint. pamests abandoned; synonyms (adj) forlorn, immoral, deserted, empty, profligate, shameless, stranded, wicked, lonely, corrupt, debauched, depraved, derelict, desolate, discarded, dissipated, dissolute, licentious, loose, neglected; antonyms (adj) restrained, inhabited, orderly, overcrowded. pamežs undergrowth; synonyms (n) underbrush, brush, brushwood, underwood, groundcover, coppice, copse, branches, bushes, flora, grove, jungle, plants, twigs, vegetation, wood, foliage, greenery, kindling, shrubbery.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English pamiers armistice; synonyms (n) truce, ceasefire, treaty, peace, break, lull, respite, suspension. pamina pedal; synonyms (n) treadle, bar, handle, knob, switch, (v) bicycle, cycle, bike, motorcycle, wheel, roll, (adj) pedalian, pedial. pamudinājums 1. incentive; synonyms (n) encouragement, impetus, cause, goad, impulse, motive, stimulus, fillip, inspiration, motivation, spur, whip, bait, bribe, catalyst, incitement, inducement, provocation, reason, stimulant; antonyms (n) deterrent, disincentive, constraint, 2. encouragement; synonyms (n) comfort, aid, backing, incentive, promotion, support, cheer, consolation, advocacy, assistance, boost, fosterage, hope, exhortation, favor, help, patronage, relief, stimulation, cultivation; antonyms (n) discouragement, neglect. pamudināt encourage; synonyms (v) cheer, abet, advance, aid, back, boost, comfort, foster, further, promote, urge, advocate, cherish, advise, animate, assist, countenance, cultivate, embolden, hearten; antonyms (v) discourage, dishearten, prevent, deter, hurt, obstruct, stop. panākums success; synonyms (n) conquest, achievement, hit, prosperity, passing, accomplishment, effectiveness, triumph, victory, achiever, fortune, luck, win, fruition, efficacy, attainment, happiness, wealth, welfare, winner; antonyms (n) failure, flop, debacle, defeat, disappointment, prevention. panegiriks panegyric; synonyms (adj) encomiastic, panegyrical, eulogistic, (n) eulogy, encomium, eloge, paean, (v) laud, praise, laudation, commendation, applause. panelis panel; synonyms (n) board, jury, defendant, committee, plank, set, sheet, wall, accused, window, (v) empanel, impanel. paņēmiens 1. way; synonyms (n) course, method, path, passage, road, route, track, custom, direction, form, manner, means, style, fashion, habit, mode, pathway, approach, bearing, (v) practice, 2. manner; synonyms (n) appearance, demeanor, air, carriage, look, way, aspect, attitude, conduct, deportment, expression, guise, category, behavior, class, gait, mien, (adj) kind, description, character, 3. expedient; synonyms (adj) fit, adequate, advisable, becoming, desirable, apt, appropriate, convenient, suitable, handy, meet, (n) contrivance, makeshift, artifice, device, resource, invention, recourse, resort, shift, 4. mode; synonyms (n) condition, wise, fad, modality, process, rage, system, type, vogue, model, garb, craze, brand, mood, nature, scheme, status, tone, trend, variety, 5. method; synonyms (n) arrangement, formula, order, plan, organization, procedure, routine, technique, disposition, measure, channel, design, mechanism, pattern, policy, regularity, regulation, rule, treatment, trick; antonym (n) disorder; veikls paņēmiens double. panika panic; synonyms (n) alarm, dismay, horror, scare, dread, fright, anxiety, fear, flap, hysteria, funk, apprehension, trepidation, (v) shock, terrify, worry, frighten, (adj) consternation, terror, awe; antonym (n) composure. panīkums decline; synonyms (n) decay, declension, decrease, dip, declination, descent, deterioration,
diminution, (v) wane, drop, reject, fall, abate, ebb, fail, refuse, sink, deny, deteriorate, (adj) fade; antonyms (n) improvement, recovery, development, growth, rebirth, (v) increase, rise, accept, flourish, improve. paniņas buttermilk; synonym (n) milk. panorāma panorama; synonyms (n) aspect, outlook, prospect, view, countryside, landscape, scene, vista, background, perspective, scenery, sight, cyclorama, diorama, picture. panoramēšana panning; synonyms (n) pan, criticism. panteisms pantheism; synonyms (n) polytheism, cosmotheism. pants 1. item; synonyms (n) piece, detail, article, entry, object, point, subject, thing, affair, event, clause, component, entity, fact, feature, matter, part, particular, regard, (adv) also, 2. article; synonyms (n) section, chapter, commodity, composition, discourse, essay, paper, report, review, story, ware, passage, condition, dissertation, literature, goods, item, merchandise, person, something; soda pants penalty clause; līguma
pants article of a treaty. paparde fern; synonyms (n) branch, brush, leaf, (adj) ancient. papēdis heel; synonyms (n) blackguard, counter, dog, cad, scoundrel, shoe, sole, villain, bounder, (v) list, lean. papildinājums 1. annex; synonyms (n) affix, addition, annexe, extension, wing, appendage, attachment, (v) add, affiliate, adjoin, append, appropriate, attach, join, seize, take, confiscate, assume, commandeer, subjoin, 2. addendum; synonyms (n) appendix, supplement, extra, postscript, adjunct, annex, complement; antonym (n) preface, 3. extra; synonyms (adj) additional, over, odd, auxiliary, other, redundant, spare, exceptional, second, unneeded, (adv) more, especially, above, (n) accessory, excess, plus, supernumerary, addendum, duplicate, (v) additive; antonyms (adj) basic, less, (n) lack, 4. addition; synonyms (n) accession, increase, accretion, afterthought, augmentation, gain, acquisition, amplification, annexation, enlargement, growth, increment, insert, rise, summation, totaling, (prep) accumulation; antonyms (n) subtraction, removal, estimation, 5. supplement; synonyms (n) accompaniment, continuation, appurtenance, counterpart, codicil, tack, (v) augment, accompany, complete, amplify; antonym (v) diminish. papildināt 1. supplement; synonyms (n) accessory, annex, accompaniment, addendum, addition, adjunct, appendix, increment, continuation, appendage, appurtenance, postscript, attachment, (v) add, append, affix, increase, augment, accompany, (adj) complement; antonym (v) diminish, 2. improve; synonyms (v) advance, heal, emend, help, ameliorate, amend, correct, reform, gain, educate, better, cultivate, develop, enhance, mend, perfect, restore, beautify, revise, proceed; antonyms (v) worsen, deteriorate, regress, spoil. papildināties improve; synonyms (v) advance, heal, emend, help, ameliorate, amend, correct, reform, gain, educate, better, cultivate, develop, enhance, mend, perfect, restore, beautify, revise, proceed; antonyms (v) worsen, deteriorate, regress, spoil.
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English
papildnodoklis surtax; synonyms (n) supertax, surcharge. papildu additional; synonyms (adj) added, extra, supplementary, accessory, ancillary, another, further, more, second, spare, increased, adscititious, adventitious, auxiliary, complementary, else, excess, farther, fresh, (pron) other; antonyms (adj) less, main;
papildu nodrošinājums additional security; papildu garantija additional security; papildu prēmija additional premium; papildu samaksa additional payment. papildu- supplementary; synonyms (adj) additional, extra, subsidiary, supplemental, auxiliary, secondary, more, accessory, added, ancillary, subordinate, further, new; antonyms (adj) main, less. papiross cigarette; synonyms (n) cigaret, fag, butt, arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns, buttocks, can, scroll, derriere, faggot, fagot, fairy, fanny, fundament, (adj) cigar. papīrs paper; synonyms (n) document, article, newspaper, discourse, newsprint, certificate, essay, journal, magazine, periodical, report, composition, form, ticket, publisher, dissertation, exposition, press, theme, thesis;
čaulīšu papīrs cigarette paper; kopējamais papīrs carbon; kopēšanas papīrs carbon paper; krāsains papīrs coloured paper; aizsardzības papīrs security paper; albumu papīrs album paper; apvāku papīrs cover paper; augstākās šķirnes papīrs fine paper; ciets papīrs hard paper; lokšņu papīrs flat paper. paplašināt enlarge; synonyms (v) amplify, expand, aggrandize, augment, dilate, distend, elaborate, increase, widen, boost, broaden, develop, enhance, extend, grow, magnify, exaggerate, inflate, rise, (adj) expatiate; antonyms (v) reduce, shrink, contract, decrease. paplāte tray; synonyms (n) plate, dish, basket, bassinet, case, corbeille, cradle, crate, creel, dorser, dosser, hamper, hopper, jardiniere, lapboard, maund, pannier, pottle, whisket, wisket. papuve fallow; synonyms (adj) barren, dormant, uncultivated, yellow, aureate, citrine, idle, unplanted, unseeded, untilled, unemployed, bare, flavous, golden, ley, sterile, unexploited, vacant, inert, neglected. par 1. for; synonyms (prep) because, behind, by, per, during, on, toward, (conj) considering, since, (adv) against, as, therefore, hence, 2. about; synonyms (prep) encircling, for, encompassing, circa, concerning, of, regarding, respecting, (adv) around, approximately, almost, nearly, most, roughly, in, nearby, nigh, (adj) some, near, practically; antonyms (prep) exactly, precisely; maksa par pakalpojumu service fee;
maksa par licenci licence fees; kompensācija par zaudējumiem damages; mazāk par under; laika par laikam occasionally; kvīts par saņemšanu notice of receipt; kronēt par karalieni queen; noderēt par pierādījumu evidence; būt par iemeslu cause; būt par cēloni cause. parādīt produce; synonyms (v) give, effect, cause, make, bring, present, procreate, breed, construct, create, form,
frame, generate, fetch, prepare, bear, beget, develop, (n) gain, crop; uzskatāmi parādīt demonstrate;
parādīt ceļu direct. parādnieks debtor; synonyms (n) bankrupt, debitor, levanter, stag, welsher, delinquent, insolvent, nonpayer, cheat. parāds 1. debt; synonyms (n) debit, score, due, liability, obligation, bill, commitment, indebtment, charge, amount, cost, damage, deduction, dette, dueness, dues, expense, fees, loss, post, 2. arrears; synonyms (n) debt, arrearage, default, deficit, shortage, shortfall, balance, claim, dearth, deficiency, delinquency, discrepancy, insufficiency, scarcity; valsts parāds national debt;
tīrais parāds net debt; nepiedzenams parāds bad debt; nedzēsts parāds active debt; bezizredzes parāds bad debt; bezcerīgais parāds bad debt; ārējais parāds external debt. paradums custom; synonyms (n) tradition, habit, convention, practice, usage, use, fashion, impost, method, observance, order, rite, ritual, rule, tax, usance, wont, (v) accustom, trade, (adj) bespoke. parādzīme bond; synonyms (n) association, tie, alliance, deed, agreement, cement, attachment, bail, connection, joint, link, adhesion, chain, contract, fetter, (v) bind, band, adhere, attach, fasten. parafīns paraffin; synonyms (n) alkane, spermaceti, (v) wax, (adj) unreactivity. paragrāfs 1. item; synonyms (n) piece, detail, article, entry, object, point, subject, thing, affair, event, clause, component, entity, fact, feature, matter, part, particular, regard, (adv) also, 2. article; synonyms (n) section, chapter, commodity, composition, discourse, essay, paper, report, review, story, ware, passage, condition, dissertation, literature, goods, item, merchandise, person, something. pārāks superior; synonyms (adj) senior, dominant, better, exceptional, predominant, elder, great, arrogant, chief, eminent, excellent, high, higher, lofty, proud, select, commanding, admirable, distinctive, exalted; antonyms (adj) humble, worse, poor, (n) inferior, subordinate, subscript. parakstīšanās subscription; synonyms (n) contribution, donation, offering, gift, pledge, enrollment, obedience, submission, (v) allowance, subsidy, subvention. parakstīt sign; synonyms (n) signal, indication, mark, motion, portent, brand, emblem, imprint, manifestation, omen, poster, presage, wave, forerunner, attribute, augury, badge, (v) gesture, indicate, autograph;
parakstīt ar iniciāļiem initial. paraksts signature; synonyms (n) autograph, mark, endorsement, earmark, ratification, stamp, acceptance, completion, imprint, indorsement, scale, seal, serif, shank, shoulder, sigil, (v) sign. pārākums 1. preference; synonyms (n) choice, inclination, liking, option, predilection, election, alternative, fondness, partiality, penchant, precedence, preferment, pleasure, fancy, advantage, favoritism, pick, priority, taste, volition, 2. advantage; synonyms (n) behalf, privilege, profit, account, expediency, good, lead, preponderance, virtue, perk, boot, avail, convenience, gain, leverage, preference, reward, service, superiority,
Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
Latvian - English (v) benefit; antonyms (n) drawback, detriment, difficulty, (v) disadvantage.
paralelograms parallelogram; synonyms (n) rectangle, rhomb, diamond, oblong, quadrangle, quadrilateral, lozenge, square. parametrs parameter; synonyms (n) argument, guideline, limit, directive, modulus, quality, rule, bound, bylaw, consideration, constraint, decree, instruction, issue, law, limitation, restriction, ruling. pārapdzīvotība overpopulation; synonyms (n) overspill, congestion, overflow, runoff. parasti usually; synonyms (adv) generally, commonly, mostly, normally, ordinarily, frequently, customarily, habitually, regularly, broadly, readily, unremarkably; antonyms (adv) unusually, rarely, exceptionally. parasts 1. ordinary; synonyms (adj) middling, average, familiar, mediocre, usual, commonplace, everyday, habitual, normal, mean, banal, conventional, frequent, indifferent, inferior, (n) common, customary, accustomed, (v) general, inconspicuous; antonyms (adj) extraordinary, unusual, incredible, outstanding, peculiar, strange, special, distinguished, famous, 2. habitual; synonyms (adj) chronic, confirmed, natural, constant, inveterate, ordinary, regular, typical, established, persistent, ingrained, routine, traditional, wonted, automatic, fixed, 3. normal; synonyms (adj) just, formal, medium, perpendicular, right, sane, true, legitimate, characteristic, innate, vertical, fair, mundane, sound, stock, unexceptional, upright, (v) healthy, (n) practice, rule; antonyms (adj) abnormal, creepy, eccentric, irregular, odd, supernatural, unconventional, weird, irrational, phenomenal, 4. common; synonyms (adj) coarse, cheap, mutual, vulgar, base, ignoble, plebeian, public, trivial, prosaic, poor, collective, communal, current, humble, joint, low, lowly, mere, (n) commons; antonyms (adj) individual, uncommon, rare, one-off, specific, unique, aristocratic, exclusive, infrequent, 5. usual; synonyms (adj) prevalent, prevailing, accepted, expected, set, universal. paraugs 1. sample; synonyms (n) example, instance, specimen, model, pattern, assay, case, illustration, exemplar, design, piece, precedent, representative, (v) taste, try, attempt, essay, prove, sip, (adj) test, 2. pattern; synonyms (n) fashion, form, mold, shape, figure, norm, order, paragon, cast, arrangement, configuration, copy, formula, guide, make, original, paradigm, custom, frame, (v) mould, 3. model; synonyms (n) image, dummy, prototype, lesson, archetype, epitome, manikin, mannequin, template, construct, idea, imitation, (adj) ideal, miniature, classic, exemplary, perfect, (v) imitate, carve, build; antonym (adj) atypical, 4. example; synonyms (n) lead, sample, quotation, exemplification, exercise, warning, citation, ensample, 5. specimen; synonyms (n) person, type, 6. standard; synonyms (adj) normal, regular, accepted, common, conventional, customary, habitual, mean, received, (n) degree, measure, average, criterion, flag, rate, gauge, benchmark, canon, column, principle; antonyms (adj) unusual, unconventional, special, 7. type; synonyms (n) character, kind, nature, sort, breed, category, stamp, brand, emblem, font, manner, print,
style, mark, class, device, genus, group, quality, sign; zemes paraugs soil sample; tipveida paraugs standard sample; tipāls paraugs type specimen; tipālais paraugs standard sample; tipa paraugs standard sample; reprezentatīvs paraugs rep