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Lysistrata Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition
for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, and AP® Test Preparation
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ii ICON CLASSICS Published by ICON Group International, Inc. 7404 Trade Street San Diego, CA 92121 USA Lysistrata: Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, and AP® Test Preparation This edition published by ICON Classics in 2005 Printed in the United States of America. Copyright ©2005 by ICON Group International, Inc. Edited by Philip M. Parker, Ph.D. (INSEAD); Copyright ©2005, all rights reserved. All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Copying our publications in whole or in part, for whatever reason, is a violation of copyright laws and can lead to penalties and fines. Should you want to copy tables, graphs, or other materials, please contact us to request permission (E-mail:
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Contents PREFACE FROM THE EDITOR ........................................................................................ 1 FOREWORD ................................................................................................................... 2 THE PERSONS OF THE DRAMA ...................................................................................... 9 LYSISTRATA ................................................................................................................. 10 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................... 81
PREFACE FROM THE EDITOR Webster’s paperbacks take advantage of the fact that classics are frequently assigned readings in English courses. By using a running English-to-Spanish thesaurus at the bottom of each page, this edition of Lysistrata by Aristophanes was edited for three audiences. The first includes Spanishspeaking students enrolled in an English Language Program (ELP), an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) program, an English as a Second Language Program (ESL), or in a TOEFL® or TOEIC® preparation program. The second audience includes English-speaking students enrolled in bilingual education programs or Spanish speakers enrolled in English speaking schools. The third audience consists of students who are actively building their vocabularies in Spanish in order to take foreign service, translation certification, Advanced Placement® (AP®)1 or similar examinations. By using the Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition when assigned for an English course, the reader can enrich their vocabulary in anticipation of an examination in Spanish or English. Webster’s edition of this classic is organized to expose the reader to a maximum number of difficult and potentially ambiguous English words. Rare or idiosyncratic words and expressions are given lower priority compared to “difficult, yet commonly used” words. Rather than supply a single translation, many words are translated for a variety of meanings in Spanish, allowing readers to better grasp the ambiguity of English, and avoid them using the notes as a pure translation crutch. Having the reader decipher a word’s meaning within context serves to improve vocabulary retention and understanding. Each page covers words not already highlighted on previous pages. If a difficult word is not translated on a page, chances are that it has been translated on a previous page. A more complete glossary of translations is supplied at the end of the book; translations are extracted from Webster’s Online Dictionary. Definitions of remaining terms as well as translations can be found at Please send suggestions to
[email protected] The Editor Webster’s Online Dictionary
1 TOEFL®, TOEIC®, AP® and Advanced Placement® are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved.
FOREWORD Lysistrata %is the greatest work by Aristophanes. This blank and rash statement is made that it may be rejected. But first let it be understood that I do not mean it is a better written work than the Birds or the Frogs, or that (to descend to the scale of values that will be naturally imputed to me) it has any more appeal to the collectors of "curious literature" than the Ecclesiazusae or the Thesmophoriazusae. On the mere grounds of taste I can see an at least equally good case made out for the Birds. That brightly plumaged fantasy has an aerial wit and colour all its own. But there are certain works in which a man finds himself at an angle of vision where there is an especially felicitous union of the aesthetic and emotional elements which constitute the basic qualities of his uniqueness. We recognize these works as being welded into a strange unity, as having a homogeneous texture of ecstasy over them that surpasses any aesthetic surface of harmonic colour, though that harmony also is understood by the deeper welling of imagery from the core of creative exaltation. And I think that this occurs in Lysistrata. The intellectual and spiritual tendrils of the poem are more truly interwoven, the operation of their centres more nearly unified; and so the work goes deeper into life. It is his greatest play because of this, because it holds an intimate perfume of femininity and gives the finest sense of the charm of a cluster of girls, the sweet sense of their chatter, and the contact of their bodies, that is to be found before Shakespeare, because that mocking gaiety we call Aristophanies reaches here its most positive acclamation of life, vitalizing sex with a deep delight, a rare happiness of the spirit.
Spanish acclamation: aclamación, aplauso. aerial: antena, aéreo. brightly: brillantemente. chatter: charlar, charla, castañetear, parlotear. descend: descender, descendéis, desciendo, desciendes, descienden, desciende, desciendan, descendemos, descended, descienda, bajar. ecstasy: éxtasis. exaltation: exaltación. felicitous: oportuno, feliz.
femininity: feminidad. gaiety: alegría. harmonic: armónico. homogeneous: homogéneo. imagery: imaginería. imputed: imputado. interwoven: entretejido. mocking: burlarse, falso, imitar, burlas, burlador, burlón, burla, fingido, escarnecer, engañar, imitado. perfume: perfume, el perfume, perfumar.
rash: sarpullido, erupción, precipitado, salpullido, erupción cutánea. surpasses: aventaja, sobrepuja. tendrils: zarcillos. texture: textura. unified: unificado. uniqueness: unicidad. vitalizing: vitalizar, vitalizando, vivificando. welded: soldado. welling: asciende.
Indeed it is precisely for these reasons that it is not considered Aristophanes' greatest play.% To take a case which is sufficiently near to the point in question, to make clear what I mean: the supremacy of Antony and Cleopatra in the Shakespearean aesthetic is yet jealously disputed, and it seems silly to the academic to put it up against a work like Hamlet. But it is the comparatively more obvious achievement of Hamlet, its surface intellectuality, which made it the favourite of actors and critics. It is much more difficult to realize the complex and delicately passionate edge of the former play's rhythm, its tides of hugely wandering emotion, the restless, proud, gay, and agonized reaction from life, of the blood, of the mind, of the heart, which is its unity, than to follow the relatively straightforward definition of Hamlet's nerves. Not that anything derogatory to Hamlet or the Birds is intended; but the value of such works is not enhanced by forcing them into contrast with other works which cover deeper and wider nexus of aesthetic and spiritual material. It is the very subtlety of the vitality of such works as Antony and Cleopatra and Lysistrata that makes it so easy to undervalue them, to see only a phallic play and political pamphlet in one, only a chronicle play in a grandiose method in the other. For we have to be in a highly sensitized condition before we can get to that subtle point where life and the image mix, and so really perceive the work at all; whereas we can command the response to a lesser work which does not call so finely on the full breadth and depth of our spiritual resources. I amuse myself at times with the fancy that Homer, Sappho, and Aristophanes are the inviolable Trinity of poetry, even to the extent of being reducible to One. For the fiery and lucid directness of Sappho, if her note of personal lyricism is abstracted, is seen to be an element of Homer, as is the profoundly balanced humour of Aristophanes, at once tenderly human and cruelly hard, as of a god to whom all sympathies and tolerances are known, but who is invulnerable somewhere, who sees from a point in space where the pressure of earth's fear and pain, and so its pity, is lifted. It is here that the Shakespearean and Homeric worlds impinge and merge, not to be separated by
Spanish abstracted: distraído, abstraído, abstracto. agonized: agonizado. amuse: divertir, diviértete, diviértase, diviértanse, divértidos, me divierto, nos divertimos, os divertís, se divierte, se divierten, te diviertes. cruelly: desalmadamente, cruelmente, con crueldad. delicately: delicadamente. derogatory: derogatorio, despectivo. directness: franqueza.
grandiose: grandioso. hugely: enormemente, inmensamente, muy. impinge: chocar. intellectuality: intelectualidad. inviolable: inquebrantable. invulnerable: invulnerable. jealously: celosamente. lucid: lúcido. lyricism: lirismo. nexus: nexo. pamphlet: folleto, panfleto.
phallic: fálico. sensitized: sensibilizado. subtlety: sutileza. supremacy: supremacía. tenderly: con ternura, tiernamente, endeblemente, delicado. tides: mareas. undervalue: infravalorar, infravalore, subestimar, infravaloramos, infravaloren, infravaloran, infravaloráis, infravalorad, infravalora, infravaloro, infravaloras.
any academic classifications. They meet in this sensitivity equally involved and aloof, sympathetic and arrogant, suffering and joyous; and in this relation we see Aristophanes as the forerunner of Shakespeare, his only one. We see also that the whole present aesthetic of earth is based in Homer. We live and grow in the world of consciousness bequeathed to us by him; and if we grow beyond it through deeper Shakespearean ardours, it is because those beyond are rooted in the broad basis of the Homeric imagination. To shift that basis is to find the marshes of primitive night and fear alone beneath the feet: Christianity.% And here we return to the question of the immorality of Lysistrata. First we may inquire: is it possible for a man whose work has so tremendous a significance in the spiritual development of mankind--and I do not think anyone nowadays doubts that a work of art is the sole stabilizing force that exists for life--is it possible for a man who stands so grandly at head of an immense stream of liberating effort to write an immoral work? Surely the only enduring moral virtue which can be claimed is for that which moves to more power, beauty and delight in the future? The plea that the question of changing customs arises is not valid, for customs ratified by Aristophanes, by Rabelais, by Shakespeare, have no right to change. If they have changed, let us try immediately to return from our disgraceful refinements to the nobler and more rarefied heights of lyric laughter, tragic intensity, and wit, for we cannot have the first two without the last. And anyhow, how can a social custom claim precedence over the undying material of the senses and the emotions of man, over the very generating forces of life? How could the humanistic emotions, such as pity, justice, sympathy, exist save as pacifistic quietings of the desire to slay, to hurt, to torment. Where the desire to hurt is gone pity ceases to be a significant, a central emotion. It must of course continue to exist, but it is displaced in the spiritual hierarchy; and all that moves courageously, desirously, and vitally into the action of life takes on a deeper and subtler intention. Lust, then, which on the lower plane was something to be very frightened of, becomes a symbol of the highest spirituality. It is right for Paul to be terrified of sex and so to hate it, because he has so freshly
Spanish aloof: apartado. bequeathed: Legado. cannot: presente de no poder. ceases: cesa. courageously: valientemente. desirously: ganoso, deseosamente, anhelosamente. disgraceful: vergonzoso, deshonroso. forerunner: precursor. grandly: grandiosamente, grandemente. humanistic: humanístico.
immoral: inmoral. immorality: inmoralidad. inquire: preguntar, inquirís, inquieran, inquiere, inquieren, inquieres, inquiero, inquirid, inquirimos, inquiera, inquirir. joyous: jubiloso, gozoso, de jubiloso, alegre. liberating: liberando. lyric: texto. pacifistic: pacifista. rarefied: rarefacido, refinado,
rarificarse, rarificar, rarificado, rarefacer, enrarecido. ratified: ratificado, revalidado. slay: matar, matad, matáis, matamos, matan, maten, mato, mate, matas, mata. spirituality: espiritualidad. stabilizing: estabilizando. torment: tormento. undying: eterno, imperecedero. vitally: sumamente, vitalmente, esencialmente.
escaped a bestial condition of life that it threatens to plunge him back if he listens to one whisper But it is also right for a Shakespeare to suck every drop of desire from life, for he is building into a higher condition, one se1f-willed, selfresponsible, the discipline of which comes from joy, not fear.% Sex, therefore, is an animal function, one admits, one insists; it may be only that. But also in the bewildering and humorous and tragic duality of all life's energies, it is the bridge to every eternity which is not merely a spectral condition of earth disembowelled of its lusts. For sex holds the substance of the image. But we must remember with Heine that Aristophanes is the God of this ironic earth, and that all argument is apparently vitiated from the start by the simple fact that Wagner and a rooster are given an analogous method of making love. And therefore it seems impeccable logic to say that all that is most unlike the rooster is the most spiritual part of love. All will agree on that, schisms only arise when one tries to decide what does go farthest from the bird's automatic mechanism. Certainly not a Dante-Beatrice affair which is only the negation of the rooster in terms of the swooning bombast of adolescence, the first onslaught of a force which the sufferer cannot control or inhabit with all the potentialities of his body and soul. But the rooster is troubled by no dreams of a divine orgy, no carnival-loves like Beethoven's Fourth Symphony, no heroic and shining lust gathering and swinging into a merry embrace like the third act of Siegfried. It is desire in this sense that goes farthest from the animal. Consciously, no one can achieve the act of love on earth as a completed thing of grace, with whatever delirium of delight, with whatever ingenious preciosity, we go through its process. Only as an image of beauty mated in some strange hermaphroditic ecstasy is that possible. I mean only as a dream projected into a hypothetical, a real heaven. But on earth we cannot complete the cycle in consciousness that would give us the freedom of an image in which two identities mysteriously realize their separate unities by the absorption of a third thing, the constructive rhythm of a work of art. It is thus that Tristan and Isolde become wholly distinct individuals, yet wholly submerged in the unity that is Wagner; and so reconcile life's duality by balancing its opposing laughters in a
Spanish adolescence: adolescencia. bestial: bestial. bewildering: desconcertando, desconcierto. bombast: ampulosidad. delirium: delirio. disembowelled: desentrañó. duality: dualidad, dos existencias. eternity: eternidad. farthest: más lejanamente, a distancia, a lo lejos, a lo más, lejano, lejos, a la mayor distancia, más, más lejano,
más lejos, remotamente. hermaphroditic: hermafrodita. humorous: humorístico, cómico. hypothetical: hipotético. impeccable: impecable. ingenious: ingenioso. inhabit: habitar, habite, habitan, habito, habitas, habitamos, habitáis, habitad, habita, habiten. listens: escucha. lust: lujuria. mated: apareado.
mysteriously: misteriosamente. negation: negación. onslaught: asalto. orgy: orgía. preciosity: amaneramiento, preciosismo. rooster: gallo, el gallo. spectral: espectral. submerged: sumergido. suck: chupar, mamar, libar, chupas. swooning: desmayándose. vitiated: viciado.
definite form--thereby sending out into life a profounder duality than existed before. A Platonic equipoise, Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence--the only real philosophic problem, therefore one of which these two philosophers alone are aware.% But though Wagner with Mathilde Wesendonck in his arms was Tristan in the arms of Isolde, he did not find a melody instead of a kiss on his lips; he did not find a progression of harmonies melting through the contours of a warm beauty with a blur of desperate ecstasies, semitones of desire, he found only the anxious happiness of any other lover. Nevertheless, he was gathering the substance of the second act of Tristan und Isolde. And it is this that Plato means when he says that fornication is something immortal in mortality. He does not mean that the act itself is a godlike thing, a claim which any bedroom mirror would quickly deride. He means that it is a symbol, an essential condition, and a part of something that goes deeper into life than any geometry of earth's absurd, passionate, futile, and very necessary antics would suggest. It is a universal fallacy that because works like the comedies of Aristophanes discuss certain social or ethical problems, they are inspired by them. Aristophanes wrote to express his vision on life, his delight in life itself seen behind the warping screen of contemporary event; and for his purposes anything from Euripides to Cleon served as ground work. Not that he would think in those terms, naturally: but the rationalizing process that goes on in consciousness during the creation of a work of art, for all its appearance of directing matters, is the merest weathercock in the wind of the subconscious intention. As an example of how utterly it is possible to misunderstand the springs of inspiration in a poem, we may take the following remark of B. B. Rogers: It is much to be regretted that the phallus element should be so conspicuous in this play.... (This) coarseness, so repulsive to ourselves, was introduced, it is impossible to doubt, for the express purpose of counter-balancing the extreme earnestness and gravity of the play. It seems so logical, so irrefutable; and so completely misinterprets every creative force of Aristophanes' Psyche that it certainly deserves a little admiration. It is in the best academic tradition, and everyone respects a man for writing so mendaciously. The effort of these castrators is
Spanish antics: estrafalario, travesuras, bufonadas, grotesco, payasadas. aristophanes: aristófanes. blur: borrón. coarseness: grosería. deride: burlar. directing: dirigente, dirigir. earnestness: seriedad. equipoise: sobrepeso, contrapesar, contrapeso, equilibrio, sobrepesar. fallacy: falacia. fornication: fornicación.
futile: fútil. geometry: geometría. godlike: divino. immortal: inmortal, imperecedero. irrefutable: irrefutable, irrebatible, irrefragable. melody: melodía. melting: deshielo, fusión, derretirse, fundición. mendaciously: mendazmente, deshonestamente, falsamente, mentirosamente.
misinterprets: malinterpreta. misunderstand: entender mal. phallus: falo. philosophic: filosófico. progression: progresión. rationalizing: racionalizando. regretted: Lamentado. repulsive: repulsivo. subconscious: subconsciente. warping: deformación, alabeo. weathercock: a veleta, giraldilla, veleta.
always to show that the parts considered offensive are not the natural expression of the poet, that they are dictated externally. They argue that Shakespeare's coarseness is the result of the age and not personal predilection, completely ignoring the work of men like Sir Philip Sidney and Spenser, indeed practically all the pre-Shakespearean writers, in whom none of this so-called grossness exists. Shakespeare wrote sculduddery because he liked it, and for no other reason; his sensuality is the measure of his vitality. These liars pretend similarly that because Rabelais had a humanistic reason for much of his work-the destructior Mediaevalism, and the Church, which purpose they construe of course as an effort to purify, etc.--therefore he only put the lewdery to make the rest palatable, when it should be obvious even to an academic how he glories in his wild humour.% What the academic cannot understand is that in such works, while attacking certain conditions, the creative power of the vigorous spirits is so great that it overflows and saturates the intellectual conception with their own passionate sense of life. It is for this reason that these works have an eternal significance. If Rabelais were merely a social reformer, then the value of his work would not have outlived his generation. If Lysistrata were but a wise political tract, it would have merely an historical interest, and it would have ceased spiritually at 4O4 B.C. But Panurge is as fantastic and fascinating a character now as he was 3OO years ago, Lysistrata and her girls as freshly bodied as any girl kissed to-day. Therefore the serious part of the play is that which deals with them, the frivolous part that in which Rogers detects gravity and earnestness. Aristophanes is the lord of all who take life as a gay adventure, who defy all efforts to turn life into a social, economic, or moral abstraction. Is it therefore just that the critics who, by some dark instinct, unerringly pick out the exact opposite of any creator's real virtues as his chief characteristics, should praise him as an idealistic reformer? An "ideal" state of society was the last thing Aristophanes desired. He wished, certainly, to eliminate inhumanities and baseness; but only that there might be free play for laughter, for individual happiness.
Spanish abstraction: abstracción, robo, sustracción. attacking: agredir, atentado, acometer, atacante, agresor, atacar, ataque. baseness: bajeza. construe: interpretar. defy: desafiar, desafiáis, desafío, desafíen, desafías, desafiamos, desafiad, desafía, desafían, desafíe. detects: detecta. dictated: dictado. eternal: eterno.
externally: externamente. freshly: no hace mucho tiempo, recién, frescamente. frivolous: frívolo, hueco. grossness: grosería. idealistic: idealista. offensive: ofensiva, ofensivo. outlived: sobrevivido. palatable: sabroso. passionate: apasionado. predilection: predilección. purify: purificar, purifica, purificad,
purifiquen, purifico, purificas, purifican, purificamos, purificáis, purifique, depurar. reformer: reformador. saturates: satura. sensuality: sensualidad. spiritually: espiritualmente. to-day: hoy. tract: tracto. unerringly: infaliblemente, certeramente. vitality: vitalidad.
Consequently the critics lay the emphasis on the effort to cleanse society, not the method of laughter. Aristophanes wished to destroy Cleon because that demagogue failed to realize the poet's conception of dignified government and tended to upset the stability of Hellas. But it was the stability of life, the vindication of all individual freedoms, in which he was ultimately interested.% JACK LINDSAY.
Spanish aristophanes: aristófanes. cleanse: limpiar, limpian, limpio, limpia, limpias, limpiamos, limpiáis, limpiad, limpien, limpie. conception: concepción, concepto. demagogue: demagogo. destroy: destruir, destruid, destruimos, destruís, destruyan, destruye, destruyen, destruyes, destruyo, destruya. dignified: dignificado, digno. effort: esfuerzo, afán.
emphasis: énfasis, realce. failed: fracasado, no satisfactorio, fallado. individual: individuo, individual. laughter: risa, la risa, carcajada. lay: poner, colocar, coloque, colocamos, pongan, ponga, pones, ponen, ponemos, ponéis, poned. method: método, procedimiento. realize: comprender, entender, darse cuenta de, entended, entiendo, entiendes, entienden, entiende,
entiendan, entienda, entendemos. stability: estabilidad. tended: cuidado, Tendido. ultimately: finalmente, por fin, al fin, ultimadamente. upset: trastornar, indispuesta, trastorno. vindication: reivindicación. wished: deseado.
LYSISTRATA [LYSISTRATA%stands alone with the Propylaea at her back.] LYSISTRATA. If they were trysting for a Bacchanal, A feast of Pan or Colias or Genetyllis, The tambourines would block the rowdy streets, But now there's not a woman to be seen Except--ah, yes--this neighbour of mine yonder. [Enter CALONICE.] Good day Calonice. CALONICE. Good day Lysistrata. But what has vexed you so? Tell me, child. What are these black looks for? It doesn't suit you To knit your eyebrows up glumly like that. LYSISTRATA. Calonice, it's more than I can bear, I am hot all over with blushes for our sex. Men say we're slippery rogues—
Spanish alone: solo, único, solamente, sólo. bear: oso, llevar, el oso, bajista, producir, dar a luz, parir, portar, soportar. block: bloque, manzana, bloquear, bloqueo, motón, polea, taco. eyebrows: las cejas. feast: banquete, fiesta. glumly: displicentemente, sombríamente. hot: caliente, picante, caluroso. knit: tejer.
looks: mira. mine: mina, mío, minar. neighbour: vecino. rogues: pícaros. rowdy: camorrista. sex: sexo, el sexo, tener sexo. slippery: resbaladizo, escurridizo. streets: calles, las calles. suit: traje, convenir, el traje, pleito. vexed: enfadado. yonder: allí, ahí, aquel.
CALONICE. And aren't they right? LYSISTRATA. Yet summoned on the most tremendous business For deliberation, still they snuggle in bed.% CALONICE. My dear, they'll come. It's hard for women, you know, To get away. There's so much to do; Husbands to be patted and put in good tempers; Servants to be poked out; children washed; Or soothed with lullays or fed with mouthfuls of pap. LYSISTRATA. But I tell you, here's a far more weighty object. CALONICE. What is it all about, dear Lysistrata, That you've called the women hither in a troop? What kind of an object is it? LYSISTRATA. A tremendous thing! CALONICE. And long? LYSISTRATA. Indeed, it may be very lengthy. CALONICE. Then why aren't they here? LYSISTRATA. No man's connected with it; If that was the case, they'd soon come fluttering along. No, no. It concerns an object I've felt over And turned this way and that for sleepless nights.
Spanish along: a lo largo de, por. concerns: concierne. connected: conectado, conexo. dear: caro, querido, estimado. deliberation: reflexión, deliberación, consideración, contemplación. fed: alimentado, cebado. fluttering: revolotear. hard: duro, difícil, tieso. hither: acá. lengthy: largo. object: objeto, el objeto, objetar.
pap: papilla. patted: tocado. poked: metido. sleepless: insomne. snuggle: acurrucarse. soon: pronto, luego. soothed: calmado. summoned: convocado. tremendous: tremendo. troop: tropa. turned: girado, vuelto, trastornado. washed: lavado, lavo.
weighty: pesado, importante, grave, ponderoso, de mucho peso.
CALONICE. It must be fine to stand such long attention.% LYSISTRATA. So fine it comes to this--Greece saved by Woman! CALONICE. By Woman? Wretched thing, I'm sorry for it. LYSISTRATA. Our country's fate is henceforth in our hands. To destroy the Peloponnesians root and branch— CALONICE. What could be nobler! LYSISTRATA. Wipe out the Bœotians— CALONICE. Not utterly. Have mercy on the eels! LYSISTRATA. But with regard to Athens, note I'm careful Not to say any of these nasty things; Still, thought is free.... But if the women join us From Peloponnesus and Bœotia, then Hand in hand we'll rescue Greece. CALONICE. How could we do Such a big wise deed? We women who dwell Quietly adorning ourselves in a back-room With gowns of lucid gold and gawdy toilets Of stately silk and dainty little slippers.... LYSISTRATA. These are the very armaments of the rescue. These crocus-gowns, this outlay of the best myrrh,
Spanish adorning: decorando. armaments: armamento. back-room: trastienda. comes: Viene. dainty: fino, amable, delicado, poquita. deed: escritura, acto, hecho, hazaña. dwell: morar, morad, moren, moras, moráis, moran, moramos, mora, more, moro, habitar. fate: destino, suerte, sino, hado. gold: oro, el oro, de oro.
henceforth: de aquí en adelante. mercy: misericordia, compasión. myrrh: mirra. nasty: feo, sucio, horrible, malo, deshonesto, astuto, horroroso, desagradable, lúgubre. ourselves: nosotros mismos. outlay: desembolso. regard: mirar, considerar, mira, miran, miráis, miro, miramos, mirad, miras, mire, miren. rescue: salvar, rescate, rescatar,
socorro, salvamento. root: raíz. saved: guardado, salvado, ahorrado. silk: seda, la seda. stately: majestuoso. toilets: servicios, aseos, inodoros. utterly: absolutamente. we'll: Haremos. wise: sabio, sensato, guisa. wretched: miserable, menesteroso, pobre, infeliz, necesitado, desdichado.
Slippers, cosmetics dusting beauty, and robes With rippling creases of light.% CALONICE. Yes, but how? LYSISTRATA. No man will lift a lance against another— CALONICE. I'll run to have my tunic dyed crocus. LYSISTRATA. Or take a shield— CALONICE. I'll get a stately gown. LYSISTRATA. Or unscabbard a sword— CALONICE. Let me buy a pair of slipper. LYSISTRATA. Now, tell me, are the women right to lag? CALONICE. They should have turned birds, they should have grown wings and flown. LYSISTRATA. My friend, you'll see that they are true Athenians. Always too late. Why, there's not a woman From the shoreward demes arrived, not one from Salamis. CALONICE. I know for certain they awoke at dawn, And got their husbands up if not their boat sails.
Spanish arrived: llegado. awoke: pret y pp de awake. beauty: belleza, la belleza. birds: aves. boat: barco, bote, barca, el barco. buy: comprar, compra, procurarse, adquisición. cosmetics: cosméticos. crocus: azafrán. dawn: amanecer, alba, madrugada, aurora. dusting: desempolvamiento, quitar o
sacudir el polvo, polvo, desempolvar, espolvereo. dyed: colorado, teñido. flown: volado. friend: amigo, amiga, el amigo. gown: vestido, toga. grown: crecido, aumentado, adulto. lag: atrasarse, retraso, retardo. lance: lanza, lanzar. late: tarde, tardío, tardo. lift: ascensor, levantar, subir, alzar, elevar, elevación, levante, desnivel
entre tramos, sustentación. pair: par, pareja, emparejar. rippling: ondulación, rizar. robes: ropaje. sails: paño. shield: escudo, blindaje, pantalla, blindar, proteger. shoreward: hacia la costa. slipper: zapatilla, pantufla. sword: espada. tunic: túnica. wings: bastidores, alas.
LYSISTRATA. And I'd have staked my life the Acharnian dames Would be here first, yet they haven't come either! CALONICE. Well anyhow there is Theagenes' wife We can expect--she consulted Hecate. But look, here are some at last, and more behind them. See ... where are they from? CALONICE. From Anagyra they come.% LYSISTRATA. Yes, they generally manage to come first. [Enter MYRRHINE.] MYRRHINE. Are we late, Lysistrata? ... What is that? Nothing to say? LYSISTRATA. I've not much to say for you, Myrrhine, dawdling on so vast an affair. MYRRHINE. I couldn't find my girdle in the dark. But if the affair's so wonderfull, tell us, what is it? LYSISTRATA. No, let us stay a little longer till The Peloponnesian girls and the girls of Bocotia Are here to listen. MYRRHINE. That's the best advice. Ah, there comes Lampito. [Enter LAMPITO.]
Spanish advice: consejo, noticias, asesoramiento, publicación, noticia, el consejo. affair: asunto, caso, particular, aventura. ah: ay. anyhow: sin embargo. consulted: consultado. couldn't: no fue posible. dark: oscuro, tenebroso. dawdling: holgazaneando, malgastando.
generally: generalmente. girdle: cinto, cinturón, pretina, faja. girls: las muchachas. haven't: no tener. late: tarde, tardío, tardo. listen: escuchar, escuche, escucha, escuchas, escuchad, escuchen, escucho, escucháis, escuchamos, escuchan, oír. longer: más, más tiempo. manage: administrar, administras, administro, administren, administre,
administrad, administráis, administramos, administra, administran, mandar. staked: se emplea una contratuerca de 12 puntos que se apuntala para asegurarse de que, estacado. stay: quedarse, quedar, queden, quede, quedas, quedan, quedamos, quedáis, quedad, queda, quedo. till: caja, hasta que, hasta, a que. vast: vasto. wife: esposa, mujer, la esposa.
LYSISTRATA. Welcome Lampito! Dear Spartan girl with a delightful face, Washed with the rosy spring, how fresh you look In the easy stride of your sleek slenderness, Why you could strangle a bull! LAMPITO. I think I could. It's frae exercise and kicking high behint.% LYSISTRATA. What lovely breasts to own! LAMPITO. Oo ... your fingers Assess them, ye tickler, wi' such tender chucks I feel as if I were an altar-victim. LYSISTRATA. Who is this youngster? LAMPITO. A Bœotian lady. LYSISTRATA. There never was much undergrowth in Bœotia, Such a smooth place, and this girl takes after it. CALONICE. Yes, I never saw a skin so primly kept. LYSISTRATA. This girl? LAMPITO. A sonsie open-looking jinker! She's a Corinthian.
Spanish breasts: pecho, pechos, seno. bull: toro, alcista, el toro. chucks: bota. delightful: bonito, lindo, delicioso, encantador, deleitoso. fingers: los dedos. kicking: patear. lovely: hermoso, bonito, encantador, agradable, magnífico, adorable, caro, lindo. primly: estiradamente, estrictamente. rosy: rosado.
sleek: alisar. slenderness: afilamiento, delgadez, esbeltez, lo remoto. smooth: liso, plano, alisar, suavizar, suave. spring: fuente, muelle, saltar, primavera, resorte, la primavera, manantial, brincar. strangle: estrangular, estranguláis, estrangulen, estrangulamos, estrangulan, estrangulo, estrangula, estrangulas, estrangulad, estrangule.
stride: paso, paso largo, zancada. tender: tierno, oferta, dulce, subasta, proposición, ofrecer, destajo, licitación, presentar, reproducir, retratar. tickler: libro de vencimientos, vademécum. undergrowth: maleza. ye: usted, vosotros, ustedes, vosotras, tú, los, lo, las, la, el, vos. youngster: joven, jovencito, jovenzuelo.
LYSISTRATA. Yes, isn't she Very open, in some ways particularly.% LAMPITO. But who's garred this Council o' Women to meet here? LYSISTRATA. I have. LAMPITO. Propound then what you want o' us. MYRRHINE. What is the amazing news you have to tell? LYSISTRATA. I'll tell you, but first answer one small question. MYRRHINE. As you like. LYSISTRATA. Are you not sad your children's fathers Go endlessly off soldiering afar In this plodding war? I am willing to wager There's not one here whose husband is at home. CALONICE. Mine's been in Thrace, keeping an eye on Eucrates For five months past. MYRRHINE. And mine left me for Pylos Seven months ago at least. LAMPITO. And as for mine No sooner has he slipped out frae the line He straps his shield and he's snickt off again.
Spanish afar: lejos. amazing: asombrando, asombroso, maravilloso, maravillando, pasmando, pasmoso. answer: respuesta, responder, contestar, contestación, responder a, corresponder al, contestar a, la respuesta, réplica. endlessly: interminablemente, inacabablemente, sin fin, eternamente. eye: ojo, el ojo, ojear, mirar.
husband: marido, esposo, el esposo. keeping: guardando, vigilando, custodia, cuidado, conservando, preservando. least: menos, mínimo, menor. meet: encontrar, encontrad, encuentro, encuentren, encuentre, encuentras, encuentran, encontramos, encontráis, encuentra, quedar. news: noticias, noticia, nueva, las noticias. o: oxígeno.
plodding: trabajando, extrusión, laborioso. sad: triste, afligido. shield: escudo, blindaje, pantalla, blindar, proteger. slipped: resbalado. sooner: más pronto. straps: abrazaderas, cintas. wager: apuesta, apostar, la apuesta. ways: maneras. willing: dispuesto, deseoso.
LYSISTRATA. And not the slightest glitter of a lover! And since the Milesians betrayed us, I've not seen The image of a single upright man To be a marble consolation to us. Now will you help me, if I find a means To stamp the war out. MYRRHINE. By the two Goddesses, Yes! I will though I've to pawn this very dress And drink the barter-money the same day.% CALONICE. And I too though I'm split up like a turbot And half is hackt off as the price of peace. LAMPITO. And I too! Why, to get a peep at the shy thing I'd clamber up to the tip-top o' Taygetus. LYSISTRATA. Then I'll expose my mighty mystery. O women, if we would compel the men To bow to Peace, we must refrain— MYRRHINE. From what? O tell us! LYSISTRATA. Will you truly do it then? MYRRHINE. We will, we will, if we must die for it. LYSISTRATA. We must refrain from every depth of love....
Spanish betrayed: traicionado. bow: proa, arco, reverencia, inclinarse, lazo. clamber: trepar. compel: obligar, obligas, obliga, obligad, obligáis, obligan, obligo, obliguen, obligamos, obligue, forzar. consolation: consuelo. depth: profundidad, hondura, puntal, fondo. expose: exponer, exponen, expongo, expongan, expones, exponemos,
exponéis, exponed, expon, expone, exponga. glitter: lustre. lover: querido, amante, novio. marble: mármol, canica, jaspear. mighty: poderoso. mystery: misterio, el misterio. pawn: empeñar, peón, prenda, pignorar. peace: paz, la paz. peep: ojeada, pie, piara, piar, pío pío, pío, mirar furtivamente, mirar de
reojo, mirar, mirada furtiva, mirada. refrain: estribillo, abstenerse. shy: tímido, vergonzoso. split: dividir, partir, ofender, henderse, división, separarse, grieta, resquebrajarse, raja, separar, partido. stamp: sello, timbrar, sellar, cuño, estampilla, sello de correos, marca, estampillar, estampa, estampar, el sello. turbot: rodaballo. upright: vertical, montante, derecho.
Why do you turn your backs? Where are you going? Why do you bite your lips and shake your heads? Why are your faces blanched? Why do you weep? Will you or won't you, or what do you mean? MYRRHINE. No, I won't do it. Let the war proceed.% CALONICE. No, I won't do it. Let the war proceed. LYSISTRATA. You too, dear turbot, you that said just now You didn't mind being split right up in the least? CALONICE. Anything else? O bid me walk in fire But do not rob us of that darling joy. What else is like it, dearest Lysistrata? LYSISTRATA. And you? MYRRHINE. O please give me the fire instead. LYSISTRATA. Lewd to the least drop in the tiniest vein, Our sex is fitly food for Tragic Poets, Our whole life's but a pile of kisses and babies. But, hardy Spartan, if you join with me All may be righted yet. O help me, help me. LAMPITO. It's a sair, sair thing to ask of us, by the Twa, A lass to sleep her lane and never fill Love's lack except wi' makeshifts.... But let it be. Peace maun be thought of first.
Spanish babies: criaturas, bebes. backs: espaldas. bid: ofrecer, licitación, postura, oferta, solicitar, licitar, pedir, demandar, rogar, puja. bite: morder, mordisco, mordedura, bocado, picar, mordida, picadura, picada. blanched: blanqueado. darling: querido, amado. faces: Caras. fill: llenar, relleno, rellenar, ocupar,
llenado. fitly: convenientemente, adecuadamente. hardy: robusto, fuerte, resistente, audaz. heads: cabezas, administradores. joy: alegría. kisses: besos. lane: calleja, senda, carril, pista, camino. lass: muchacha, chica, la muchacha. lips: labios, los labios.
pile: montón, pilote, pila, pelo, amontonar, estaca. proceed: proceder, actuar. rob: robar, robo, robe, robamos, roba, robáis, roban, robas, roben, robad, despojar. shake: sacudir, sacuda, sacudimos, sacudís, sacudid, sacudes, sacuden, sacude, sacudan, sacudo, sacudida. vein: vena, veta, filón. weep: llorar, llore, lloren, llora, lloro, lloras, lloran, lloramos, lloráis, llorad.
LYSISTRATA. My friend, my friend! The only one amid this herd of weaklings.% CALONICE. But if--which heaven forbid--we should refrain As you would have us, how is Peace induced? LYSISTRATA. By the two Goddesses, now can't you see All we have to do is idly sit indoors With smooth roses powdered on our cheeks, Our bodies burning naked through the folds Of shining Amorgos' silk, and meet the men With our dear Venus-plats plucked trim and neat. Their stirring love will rise up furiously, They'll beg our arms to open. That's our time! We'll disregard their knocking, beat them off— And they will soon be rabid for a Peace. I'm sure of it. LAMPITO. Just as Menelaus, they say, Seeing the bosom of his naked Helen Flang down the sword. CALONICE. But we'll be tearful fools If our husbands take us at our word and leave us. LYSISTRATA. There's only left then, in Pherecrates' phrase, To flay a skinned dog--flay more our flayed desires. CALONICE. Bah, proverbs will never warm a celibate.
Spanish amid: en medio de, entre. beg: mendigar, mendigas, mendiguen, mendigan, mendigáis, mendiga, mendigad, mendigamos, mendigo, mendigue, pedir limosna. bosom: pecho, seno. can't: no puede. celibate: célibe. cheeks: mejillas. disregard: desatender, descuido. flay: desollar, desuella, desuellen, desuelle, desuellas, desuellan,
desollad, desollamos, desolláis, desuello. flayed: desollado. furiously: sañudo, reñidamente, rabiosamente, furiosamente. herd: manada, grupo, rebaño. idly: ociosamente. i'm: soy. indoors: dentro, dentro de. induced: inducido. plucked: arrancado. powdered: empolvar, empolvarse, en
polvo, pólvora, polvo, polvorear, pulverizado, pulverizar. proverbs: proverbios. rabid: rabioso. shining: brillante, luminoso. skinned: descortezado, pelado. stirring: agitación, conmovedor, emocionante, inspirador, removida, turbulento. tearful: lloroso, lacrimoso. trim: en buen estado, recortar, adornar, guarnecer.
But what avail will your scheme be if the men Drag us for all our kicking on to the couch? LYSISTRATA. Cling to the doorposts.% CALONICE. But if they should force us? LYSISTRATA. Yield then, but with a sluggish, cold indifference. There is no joy to them in sullen mating. Besides we have other ways to madden them; They cannot stand up long, and they've no delight Unless we fit their aim with merry succour. CALONICE. Well if you must have it so, we'll all agree. LAMPITO. For us I ha' no doubt. We can persuade Our men to strike a fair an' decent Peace, But how will ye pitch out the battle-frenzy O' the Athenian populace? LYSISTRATA. I promise you We'll wither up that curse. LAMPITO. I don't believe it. Not while they own ane trireme oared an' rigged, Or a' those stacks an' stacks an' stacks O' siller. LYSISTRATA. I've thought the whole thing out till there's no flaw. We shall surprise the Acropolis today. That is the duty set the older dames.
Spanish avail: aprovechar. besides: además, demás, además de, amén de. couch: canapé, dyschatell, cama, sofá, sofá cama. curse: maldecir, maldición, jurar. decent: decente, conveniente. delight: deleitar, delicia, encantar. don't: no. flaw: grieta, falla, quebraja, hendidura, desperfecto, imperfección.
ha: ah, decir ah, ja. indifference: indiferencia. madden: enloquecer, enloquezco, enloquece, enloqueced, enloquecéis, enloquecemos, enloquecen, enloqueces, enloquezca, enloquezcan. mating: unión, apareamiento. merry: alegre. oared: provisto de remos. persuade: convencer, convences, convence, convenzan, convenzo, convenza, convencemos, convenced,
convencéis, convencen, persuadir. populace: populacho. rigged: aparejado. sluggish: lento, flojo. succour: prestar ayuda, socorrer, asistir, acudir, socorro. sullen: malhumorado, triste. trireme: trirreme. wither: marchitarse, marchitar, marchite, marchito, marchitas, marchiten, marchitan, marchita, marchitáis, marchitamos, marchitad.
While we sit here talking, they are to go And under pretence of sacrificing, seize it.% LAMPITO. Certie, that's fine; all's warking for the best. LYSISTRATA. Now quickly, Lampito, let us tie ourselves To this high purpose as tightly as the hemp of words Can knot together. LAMPITO. Set out the terms in detail And we'll a' swear to them. LYSISTRATA. Of course.... Well then Where is our Scythianess? Why are you staring? First lay the shield, boss downward, on the floor And bring the victim's inwards. CAILONICE. But, Lysistrata, What is this oath that we're to swear? LYSISTRATA. What oath! In Aeschylus they take a slaughtered sheep And swear upon a buckler. Why not we? CALONICE. O Lysistrata, Peace sworn on a buckler! LYSISTRATA. What oath would suit us then? CALONICE. Something burden bearing Would be our best insignia.... A white horse! Let's swear upon its entrails.
Spanish bearing: cojinete, abolas, rodamiento. boss: jefe, caudillo, patrón, dueño, comandante, amo, capitán, el jefe, protuberancia. buckler: Defensa, Escudo, Rodela, tapa de escobén. burden: carga, cargar, peso, gravamen, agobio, gravar. detail: detalle, pormenor. downward: descendente, hacia abajo, de arriba hacia abajo. entrails: entrañas.
floor: piso, suelo, el suelo, pavimento. hemp: cáñamo. horse: caballo, el caballo, potro, cabio. inwards: tripas, hacia el centro, hacia adentro. knot: nudo, correlimos gordo, lazo. oath: juramento. pretence: pretensión, derecho. sacrificing: sacrificar. seize: agarrar, coger, agarro, agarre, agarras, agarra, agarren, agarran, agarramos, agarráis, agarrad.
sheep: oveja, la oveja. sit: sentarse, estar sentado, sentar. slaughtered: matado. staring: llamativo. swear: jurar, jura, jurad, juráis, juramos, juran, juras, juren, juro, jure, maldecir. sworn: jurado. tie: corbata, atar, liar, lazo, ligar, cinta, tirante, ligadura, atadura. tightly: apretadamente, herméticamente.
LYSISTRATA. A horse indeed! CALONICE. Then what will symbolise us? LYSISTRATA. This, as I tell you— First set a great dark bowl upon the ground And disembowel a skin of Thasian wine, Then swear that we'll not add a drop of water.% LAMPITO. Ah, what aith could clink pleasanter than that! LYSISTRATA. Bring me a bowl then and a skin of wine. CALONICE. My dears, see what a splendid bowl it is; I'd not say No if asked to sip it off. LYSISTRATA. Put down the bowl. Lay hands, all, on the victim. Skiey Queen who givest the last word in arguments, And thee, O Bowl, dear comrade, we beseech: Accept our oblation and be propitious to us. CALONICE. What healthy blood, la, how it gushes out! LAMPITO. An' what a leesome fragrance through the air. LYSISTRATA. Now, dears, if you will let me, I'll speak first. CALONICE. Only if you draw the lot, by Aphrodite!
Spanish add: sumar, sumad, sumáis, sumamos, suman, sumas, sume, sumen, suma, sumo, agregar. blood: sangre, la sangre. bowl: tazón, cuenco, escudilla, fuente, pelvis, palangana, copa. clink: tintín. comrade: amigo, camarada. dears: estimado. disembowel: desentrañen, destripen, destripe, destripas, destripan, destripamos, destripáis, destripo,
destripad, desentrañas, desentrañan. draw: dibujar, dibujáis, dibujad, dibujen, dibuje, dibujas, dibujamos, dibuja, dibujan, dibujo, tirar. drop: gota, caer, disminuir, amainar, decrecer, menguar, caída, descenso, dejar caer. fragrance: fragancia. hands: las manos. healthy: sano, saludable. la: la, Loisiana. lot: lote, porción, solar.
oblation: oblación, oblada, ofrenda, sacrificio, oblata. propitious: propicio, favorable. sip: sorber, sorbo. skin: piel, cáscara, la piel, cutis, pelar. speak: hablar, hablamos, hablo, hablas, habláis, hablad, hablen, habla, hablan, hable. splendid: espléndido. symbolise: simbolice. thee: ustedes, te, vosotros, usted, tú. wine: vino, el vino.
LYSISTRATA. SO, grasp the brim, you, Lampito, and all. You, Calonice, repeat for the rest each word I say. Then you must all take oath And pledge your arms to the same stern conditions— LYSISTRATA. To husband or lover I'll not open arms CALONICE. To husband or lover I'll not open arms LYSISTRATA. Though love and denial may enlarge his charms.% CALONICE. Though love and denial may enlarge his charms. O, O, my knees are failing me, Lysistrata! LYSISTRATA. But still at home, ignoring him, I'll stay, CALONICE. But still at home, ignoring him, I'll stay, LYSISTRATA. Beautiful, clad in saffron silks all day. CALONICE. Beautiful, clad in saffron silks all day. LYSISTRATA. If then he seizes me by dint of force, CALONICE. If then he seizes me by dint of force, LYSISTRATA. I'll give him reason for a long remorse.
Spanish arms: brazos, los brazos, armas. brim: borde, ala, baranda. charms: amuletos. clad: vestido, pret y pp de clothe. conditions: condiciones. denial: negación, denegación. dint: esfuerzo grande, abolladura, abollar, abollarse, chichón, golpe, mellar, mella, fuerza, fuerza de. enlarge: ampliar, amplíe, amplía, amplíen, amplías, amplían, ampliamos, ampliáis, ampliad,
amplío, agrandar. failing: fracaso, falta. force: fuerza, forzar, obligar, virtud. grasp: agarrar, asir, coger, empuñar, asimiento, aferrar. ignoring: ignorando. knees: rodillas. oath: juramento. pledge: prenda, dinero del envase, prometer, pignoración, empeñar. reason: motivo, causa, razón, lugar, razonar.
remorse: remordimiento. repeat: repetir, repita, repitan, repito, repites, repetid, repite, repetís, repetimos, repiten, reiterar. rest: descansar, descanso, resto, detrito, desechos, reposar, reposo. saffron: azafrán. seizes: agarra, ase. silks: gorra y chaquetilla de jockey. stern: popa, severo. word: palabra, la palabra, vocablo, término, formular.
CALONICE. I'll give him reason for a long remorse.% LYSISTRATA. I'll never lie and stare up at the ceiling, CALONICE. I'll never lie and stare up at the ceiling, LYSISTRATA. Nor like a lion on all fours go kneeling. CALONICE. Nor like a lion on all fours go kneeling. LYSISTRATA. If I keep faith, then bounteous cups be mine. CALONICE. If I keep faith, then bounteous cups be mine. LYSISTRATA. If not, to nauseous water change this wine. CALONICE. If not, to nauseous water change this wine. LYSISTRATA. Do you all swear to this? MYRRHINE. We do, we do. LYSISTRATA. Then I shall immolate the victim thus. [She drinks.] CALONICE. Here now, share fair, haven't we made a pact? Let's all quaff down that friendship in our turn. LAMPITO. Hark, what caterwauling hubbub's that?
Spanish bounteous: abundante. caterwauling: maullidos, aullidos, maullido, maullar, chillidos. ceiling: techo, el techo, tope, cielo raso. cups: taza. fair: justo, rubio, mercado, feria, verbena, bazar, equitativo, hermoso. faith: fe, la fe. fours: cuatros. friendship: amistad. haven't: no tener.
immolate: inmolar, inmole, inmolen, inmolan, inmolo, inmolas, inmoláis, inmolad, inmola, inmolamos. kneeling: arrodillar, arrodillarse, estar de rodillas, arrodillado, de rodillas, arrodillando. let's: permitanos. lie: mentir, mentira, yacer, estar tendido, embuste, echarse. lion: león. mine: mina, mío, minar. nauseous: nauseabundo.
pact: pacto. quaff: beber a grandes tragos. share: compartir, acción, parte, dividir, ración, cuota, lote. stare: mirar fijamente, mirada fija. swear: jurar, jura, jurad, juráis, juramos, juran, juras, juren, juro, jure, maldecir. turn: girar, gira, giro, giráis, giramos, giran, giras, gire, giren, girad, vuelta. victim: víctima. wine: vino, el vino.
LYSISTRATA. As I told you, The women have appropriated the citadel. So, Lampito, dash off to your own land And raise the rebels there. These will serve as hostages, While we ourselves take our places in the ranks And drive the bolts right home.% CALONICE. But won't the men March straight against us? LYSISTRATA. And what if they do? No threat shall creak our hinges wide, no torch Shall light a fear in us; we will come out To Peace alone. CALONICE. That's it, by Aphrodite! As of old let us seem hard and obdurate. [LAMPITO and some go off; the others go up into the Acropolis. Chorus of OLD MEN enter to attack the captured Acropolis.] Make room, Draces, move ahead; why your shoulder's chafed, I see, With lugging uphill these lopped branches of the olive-tree. How upside-down and wrong-way-round a long life sees things grow. Ah, Strymodorus, who'd have thought affairs could tangle so? The women whom at home we fed, Like witless fools, with fostering bread, Have impiously come to this— They've stolen the Acropolis, With bolts and bars our orders flout And shut us out. Come, Philurgus, bustle thither; lay our faggots on the ground, In neat stacks beleaguering the insurgents all around;
Spanish appropriated: apropiado. bars: cerca, impide. beleaguering: asediando, cercando, sitiando. bolts: pernos. branches: ramas. bread: pan, el pan. bustle: bullicio, polisón. captured: capturado. chorus: coro. citadel: ciudadela. creak: chirriar, chirrido, crujir,
chirriad, chirrio, chirrien, chirrie, chirrias, chirrian, chirriáis, chirria. dash: raya, guión, arremetida, corre. flout: burlen, escarnezcan, escarnezca, escarneces, escarnecen, escarnecemos, escarnecéis, escarneced, burlo, escarnezco, burle. fostering: criado, fomentar. hinges: goznes, bisagras. impiously: impíamente. lopped: demochado, cercenado, podado, desmochado, cortado.
lugging: Arrastrar, llevando. neat: pulcro, ordenado. olive-tree: olivo. sees: Ve, serra. shut: cerrar, cerrado. stolen: robado. tangle: enredo, caos. thither: allá. torch: antorcha, linterna, soplete. uphill: cuesta arriba. upside-down: al revés. witless: bobo, estúpido, tonto, necio.
And %the vile conspiratresses, plotters of such mischief dire, Pile and burn them all together in one vast and righteous pyre: Fling with our own hands Lycon's wife to fry in the thickest fire. By Demeter, they'll get no brag while I've a vein to beat! Cleomenes himself was hurtled out in sore defeat. His stiff-backed Spartan pride was bent. Out, stripped of all his arms, he went. A pigmy cloak that would not stretch To hide his rump (the draggled wretch), Six sprouting years of beard, the spilth Of six years' filth. That was a siege! Our men were ranged in lines of seventeen deep Before the gates, and never left their posts there, even to sleep. Shall I not smite the rash presumption then of foes like these, Detested both of all the gods and of Euripides— Else, may the Marathon-plain not boast my trophied victories! Ah, now, there's but a little space To reach the place! A deadly climb it is, a tricky road With all this bumping load. A pack-ass soon would tire.... How these logs bruise my shoulders! further still Jog up the hill, And puff the fire inside, Or just as we reach the top we'll find it's died. Ough, phew! I choke with the smoke. Lord Heracles, how acrid-hot Out of the pot This mad-dog smoke leaps, worrying me And biting angrily.... 'Tis Lemnian fire that smokes,
Spanish biting: mordaz, punzante, penetrante. boast: jactarse. brag: jactarse, fanfarronear. bruise: cardenal, magulladura, contusión, magullar. bumping: golpear, combustión pulsante. choke: sofocar, estrangular, choque, estrangulación, ahogar. cloak: abrigo, capa. dire: horrible. hurtled: lanzado.
logs: bloques, libros de control, troncos. mischief: travesura. phew: uf. plotters: trazador. presumption: presunción, derecho, pretensión. puff: bollo esponjado, bocanada, soplo. pyre: pira. ranged: recorrido. righteous: virtuoso, honrado.
rump: anca, rabadilla. siege: sitio, asedio. smite: golpear con violencia. smokes: fuma, humea. sprouting: brotante, brotar, brote. stripped: pelado, desarmado, desencofrado. tricky: tramposo, trapacero, engorroso, espinoso, intrincado, marrullero, difícil, delicado, complicado, astuto, artero. vile: vil.
Or %else it would not sting my eyelids thus.... Haste, all of us; Athene invokes our aid. Laches, now or never the assault must be made! Ough, phew! I choke with the smoke… Thanked be the gods! The fire peeps up and crackles as it should. Now why not first slide off our backs these weary loads of wood And dip a vine-branch in the brazier till it glows, then straight Hurl it at the battering-ram against the stubborn gate? If they refuse to draw the bolts in immediate compliance, We'll set fire to the wood, and smoke will strangle their defiance. Phew, what a spluttering drench of smoke! Come, now from off my back.... Is there no Samos-general To help me to unpack? Ah there, that's over! For the last time now it's galled my shoulder. Flare up thine embers, brazier, and dutifully smoulder, To kindle a brand, that I the first may strike the citadel. Aid me, Lady Victory, that a triumph-trophy may tell How we did anciently this insane audacity quell! CHORUS OF WOMEN. What's that rising yonder? That ruddy glare, that smoky skurry? O is it something in a blaze? Quick, quick, my comrades, hurry! Nicodice, helter-skelter! Or poor Calyce's in flames And Cratylla's stifled in the welter. O these dreadful old men And their dark laws of hate!
Spanish anciently: antiguamente, antigüedadmente. audacity: audacia. brazier: latonero, brasero. crackles: cruje. drench: empapar. dutifully: respetuosamente. embers: rescoldo, ascuas, ascua. helter-skelter: tobogán, desbandada general, a la desbandada, a trochemoche, ajetreadamente, ajetreado, atropelladamente.
invokes: invoca, suplica. kindle: encender, encienda, enciendo, enciendan, encendéis, encendemos, encended, enciende, enciendes, encienden, inflamar. laches: tardanza, prescripción negativa. peeps: píos. quell: sofocar, sofoca, sofocas, sofoque, sofoquen, sofoco, sofocamos, sofocad, sofocáis, sofocan. ruddy: rojo.
smoulder: arder sin llama. spluttering: farfullar. thine: tuyo, tuyos, tuyas, tuya, tus. unpack: desembalar, desembale, desempaquetar, desembalen, desembalas, desembalan, desembalamos, desembaláis, desembalad, desembala, desembalo. welter: tomar un baño, confusión, bañarse, maremágnum, mezcla confusa, mezcolanza, revolcarse por, revoltijo, agitación.
There, %I'm all of a tremble lest I turn out to be too late. I could scarcely get near to the spring though I rose before dawn, What with tattling of tongues and rattling of pitchers in one jostling din With slaves pushing in!… Still here at last the water's drawn And with it eagerly I run To help those of my friends who stand In danger of being burned alive. For I am told a dribbling band Of greybeards hobble to the field, Great faggots in each palsied hand, As if a hot bath to prepare, And threatening that out they'll drive These wicked women or soon leave them charring into ashes there. O Goddess, suffer not, I pray, this harsh deed to be done, But show us Greece and Athens with their warlike acts repealed! For this alone, in this thy hold, Thou Goddess with the helm of gold, We laid hands on thy sanctuary, Athene…. Then our ally be And where they cast their fires of slaughter Direct our water! STRATYLLIS. [caught] Let me go! WOMEN. You villainous old men, what's this you do? No honest man, no pious man, could do such things as you. MEN. Ah ha, here's something most original, I have no doubt. A swarm of women sentinels to man the walls without.
Spanish ally: aliado. ashes: cenizas. burned: quemó. charring: trabajo por horas, trabajar por horas, carbonizar, carbonización. din: ruido, fragor. dribbling: gotear, regate. eagerly: ansiosamente, ávidamente. fires: incendios. helm: timón, volante, yelmo. hobble: cojera, cojear. jostling: empellar, empellones,
empujar, empujones. lest: para que no, a no ser que, con el fin de, no sea que, si es necesario. palsied: paralítico, paralizado, temblante, tembloroso. pious: piadoso, pío, beato. rattling: zumbar, muy, rápido, vaivén, realmente, estupendo. repealed: Revocado. sanctuary: santuario. slaughter: matar, matanza, sacrificar, sacrificio, carnear.
swarm: enjambre, pulular, hormiguear. tattling: divulgar. threatening: amenazando, amenazador, conminando, amenazante. thy: tu. tongues: lenguas. tremble: temblar, temblor. villainous: villano. warlike: belicoso. wicked: malo, malvado.
WOMEN. So then we scare you, do we? Do we seem a fearful host? You only see the smallest fraction mustered at this post.% MEN. Ho, Phaedrias, shall we put a stop to all these chattering tricks? Suppose that now upon their backs we splintered these our sticks? WOMEN. Let us lay down the pitchers, so our bodies will be free, In case these lumping fellows try to cause some injury. MEN. O hit them hard and hit again and hit until they run away, And perhaps they'll learn, like Bupalus, not to have too much to say. WOMEN. Come on, then--do it! I won't budge, but like a dog I'll bite At every little scrap of meat that dangles in my sight. MEN. Be quiet, or I'll bash you out of any years to come. WOMEN. Now you just touch Stratyllis with the top-joint of your thumb. MEN. What vengeance can you take if with my fists your face I beat? WOMEN. I'll rip you with my teeth and strew your entrails at your feet. MEN. Now I appreciate Euripides' strange subtlety. Woman is the most shameless beast of all the beasts that be. WOMEN. Rhodippe, come, and let's pick up our water-jars once more.
Spanish bash: asestar un golpe. beast: bestia, animal. beasts: ganado. budge: mover, mueve, muevan, muevo, mueves, mueva, moved, movemos, movéis, mueven, moverse. chattering: parlotear, castañetear los dientes, charlar, parloteo, vibrar, charla, vibración. dangles: balancea, pende, se bambolea, cuelga. fearful: temeroso, medroso,
angustioso. lumping: Amontonar. mustered: Congregó. rip: descoser, descosido, desgarrón, Protocolo de información de enrutamiento, raja, rasgón, rasgadura, rasgar, rasgarse, rasgo, agua revuelta. scare: espantar, asustar, susto, amedrentar. scrap: chatarra, recorte, desechar, sobras, desguazar, de desecho.
shameless: desvergonzado. smallest: menor. splintered: astilló. sticks: leño, vara, palillo, adherir, batuta, palo, pegar, ramitas, punzar, picar. strew: esparcir, esparzan, esparza, esparcís, esparcimos, esparcid, esparces, esparcen, esparzo, esparce. thumb: pulgar, el pulgar, dedo pulgar. tricks: engaños. vengeance: venganza.
MEN. Ah cursed drab, what have you brought this water for? WOMEN. What is your fire for then, you smelly corpse? Yourself to burn? MEN. To build a pyre and make your comrades ready for the urn.% WOMEN. And I've the water to put out your fire immediately. MEN. What, you put out my fire? WOMEN. Yes, sirrah, as you soon will see. MEN. I don't know why I hesitate to roast you with this flame. WOMEN. If you have any soap you'll go off cleaner than you came. MEN. Cleaner, you dirty slut? WOMEN. A nuptial-bath in which to lie! MEN. Did you hear that insolence? WOMEN. I'm a free woman, I. MEN. I'll make you hold your tongue. WOMEN. Henceforth you'll serve in no more juries.
Spanish brought: Traído. build: construir, edificar, tipo. burn: arder, quemar, quemadura, quemarse, encender, la quemadura, abrasar. cleaner: limpiador. corpse: cadáver. cursed: maldito. dirty: sucio, ensuciar, verde, manchar. drab: pardusco. fire: fuego, incendio, despedir, disparar, el fuego, tirar, animar,
incitar, lumbre, hacer fuego, encender. flame: llama, flamear, la flama. hesitate: vacilar, vacile, vacilan, vacila, vacilad, vacilamos, vacilo, vacilas, vacilen, vaciláis, titubear. hold: tener, sujetar, continuar, retención, sostener, contener, mantener, retenido, presa, bodega. immediately: inmediatamente, ahora mismo, directamente, en seguida, en el acto.
insolence: insolencia. ready: listo, preparado, propenso, disponible. roast: asar, asado, tostar, carne asada. serve: servir, sirva, sirvo, servimos, servid, servís, sirvan, sirve, sirven, sirves. slut: mujerzuela. smelly: apestoso, maloliente. soap: jabón, enjabonar. tongue: lengua, la lengua, lengüeta. yourself: tú mismo, se.
MEN. Burn off her hair for her.% WOMEN. Now forward, water, quench their furies! MEN. O dear, O dear! WOMEN. So ... was it hot? MEN. Hot! ... Enough, O hold. WOMEN. Watered, perhaps you'll bloom again--why not? MEN. Brrr, I'm wrinkled up from shivering with cold. WOMEN. Next time you've fire you'll warm yourself and leave us to our lot. [MAGISTRATE enters with attendant SCYTHIANS.] MAGISTRATE. Have the luxurious rites of the women glittered Their libertine show, their drumming tapped out crowds, The Sabazian Mysteries summoned their mob, Adonis been wept to death on the terraces, As I could hear the last day in the Assembly? For Demostratus--let bad luck befoul him— Was roaring, "We must sail for Sicily," While a woman, throwing herself about in a dance Lopsided with drink, was shrilling out "Adonis, Woe for Adonis." Then Demostratus shouted, "We must levy hoplites at Zacynthus," And there the woman, up to the ears in wine,
Spanish attendant: asistente, sirviente, acompañante. befoul: ensuciar, manchar. bloom: flor, florecer, veladura, floración, florecimiento. cold: frío, resfriado, catarro, constipado. dance: bailar, baile, danza, danzar, el baile. drink: beber, bebida, tomar, el refresco, trago, copa. drumming: envasado en bidones.
ears: orejas, las orejas, oídos. enters: entra, inscribe, monta. glittered: brillado. levy: exigir. libertine: libertino. luck: suerte, la suerte. luxurious: lujoso, suntuoso. mob: chusma, turba, canalla. quench: extingan, sofocad, sofoca, extinguís, extinguimos, extinguid, extingues, extinguen, sofocáis, extingo, aplacáis.
roaring: rugiente, rugido, rugir, clamoroso. sail: vela, navegar, la vela. shivering: tiritar. shouted: gritado. tapped: utilizado. terraces: gradas, graderío. throwing: lanzamiento. warm: caliente, caluroso, calentar, cálido. wept: Llorado. wrinkled: arrugado.
Was screaming "Weep for Adonis" on the house-top, The scoundrelly politician, that lunatic ox, Bellowing bad advice through tipsy shrieks. Such are the follies wantoning in them.% MEN. O if you knew their full effronery! All of the insults they've done, besides sousing us With water from their pots to our public disgrace For we stand here wringing our clothes like grown-up infants. MAGISTRATE. By Poseidon, justly done! For in part with us The blame must lie for dissolute behaviour And for the pampered appetites they learn. Thus grows the seedling lust to blossoming. We go into a shop and say, "Here, goldsmith, You remember the necklace that you wrought my wife; Well, the other night in fervour of a dance Her clasp broke open. Now I'm off for Salamis; If you've the leisure, would you go tonight And stick a bolt-pin into her opened clasp." Another goes to a cobbler; a soldierly fellow, Always standing up erect, and says to him, "Cobbler, a sandal-strap of my wife's pinches her, Hurts her little toe in a place where she's sensitive. Come at noon and see if you can stretch out wider This thing that troubles her, loosen its tightness." And so you view the result. Observe my case— I, a magistrate, come here to draw Money to buy oar-blades, and what happens? The women slam the door full in my face. But standing still's no use. Bring me a crowbar,
Spanish blossoming: abrirse, cierne, florecer, florecimiento, lozanía, prosperar, flor. clasp: broche. cobbler: zapatero remendón. crowbar: palanca. disgrace: vergüenza, desgracia, deshonrar. dissolute: disoluto. erect: edificar, erguido, erecto, fundar. fervour: celo. goldsmith: orfebre.
grown-up: adulto, mayor, persona mayor, crecido. justly: justamente. loosen: aflojar, afloje, aflojas, aflojen, aflojan, aflojamos, aflojáis, aflojad, afloja, aflojo, desatar. lunatic: lunático. magistrate: magistrado. necklace: collar, el collar. noon: mediodía. ox: buey. pampered: mimado.
scoundrelly: bribónmente. seedling: planta de semillero, plántula, plantón, arbolillo. slam: golpe. soldierly: soldadesco. tipsy: achispado. toe: dedo del pie, dedo de pie, el dedo del pie. troubles: nubes. wantoning: Jugetear. wringing: arrancando, retorciendo. wrought: forjado.
And I'll chastise this their impertinence. What do you gape at, wretch, with dazzled eyes? Peering for a tavern, I suppose. Come, force the gates with crowbars, prise them apart! I'll prise away myself too.... [LYSISTRATA appears.] LYSISTRATA. Stop this banging. I'm coming of my own accord.... Why bars? It is not bars we need but common sense.% MAGISTRATE. Indeed, you slut! Where is the archer now? Arrest this woman, tie her hands behind. LYSISTRATA. If he brushes me with a finger, by Artemis, The public menial, he'll be sorry for it. MAGISTRATE. Are you afraid? Grab her about the middle. Two of you then, lay hands on her and end it. CALONICE. By Pandrosos I if your hand touches her I'll spread you out and trample on your guts. MAGISTRATE. My guts! Where is the other archer gone? Bind that minx there who talks so prettily. MYRRHINE. By Phosphor, if your hand moves out her way You'd better have a surgeon somewhere handy.
Spanish apart: aparte, por separado, particular, separado. archer: arquero. arrest: detención, detener, arrestar, arresto, prender. bind: liar, ligar, encuadernar, enlazar, obligar, comprometer, lazo. brushes: escobillas. chastise: castigar, castigáis, castiguen, castigas, castigamos, castigad, castiga, castigan, castigo, castigue. dazzled: deslumbrado.
finger: dedo, el dedo, tocar, manga. gape: bostezo. grab: asir, coger, agarrar, arrebatar. guts: intestinos. handy: hábil, manuable. impertinence: impertinencia. menial: criado. middle: medio, centro. minx: bribona. moves: mueve. peering: mirar. prettily: bonitamente.
prise: palanca, apalancamiento. somewhere: en alguna parte. spread: propagar, extender, difundir, extensión, untar, diferencial, extenderse, cobertor. surgeon: cirujano, el cirujano. talks: habla, charla. tavern: taberna. touches: alcanza, toca, conmueve, palpa. trample: pisotear. wretch: desgraciado.
MAGISTRATE. You too! Where is that archer? Take that woman. I'll put a stop to these surprise-parties.% STRATYLLIS. By the Tauric Artemis, one inch nearer My fingers, and it's a bald man that'll be yelling. MAGISTRATE. Tut tut, what's here? Deserted by my archers.... But surely women never can defeat us; Close up your ranks, my Scythians. Forward at them. LYSISTRATA. By the Goddesses, you'll find that here await you Four companies of most pugnacious women Armed cap-a-pie from the topmost louring curl To the lowest angry dimple. MAGISTRATE. On, Scythians, bind them. LYSISTRATA. On, gallant allies of our high design, Vendors of grain-eggs-pulse-and-vegetables, Ye garlic-tavern-keepers of bakeries, Strike, batter, knock, hit, slap, and scratch our foes, Be finely imprudent, say what you think of them.... Enough! retire and do not rob the dead. MAGISTRATE. How basely did my archer-force come off. LYSISTRATA. Ah, ha, you thought it was a herd of slaves You had to tackle, and you didn't guess The thirst for glory ardent in our blood.
Spanish allies: aliados, instituciones que cooperan con el UNICEF. ardent: ardiente. await: esperar, esperen, espere, esperas, esperan, esperamos, esperáis, espero, esperad, espera, aguardar. bald: calvo, pelado. basely: vilmente, despreciablemente, bajamente. batter: pasta. curl: rizo, bucle, rizar, rizarse,
rotacional, encrespar. deserted: desierto. dimple: hoyuelo, el hoyuelo. finely: finamente, en trozos menudos. gallant: galante, galán, valeroso. glory: gloria. imprudent: imprudente. inch: pulgada. knock: llamar, golpear, golpe, topar, tocar, llamar a la puerta. louring: oscurecer. pugnacious: belicoso.
retire: retirarse. scratch: rascar, arañar, rasguño, arañazo, rascadura, cancelar, raya, rasguñar. slap: palmada, bofetada, abofetear. thirst: sed, la sed. topmost: más alto. tut: eso no, vamos, pche, hacer un gesto de desaprobación, gesto de desaprobación, qué horror, Vaya. yelling: grito, gritos, gritar, gritante, dar alaridos, aullido, aullar, alarido.
MAGISTRATE. By Apollo, I know well the thirst that heats you— Especially when a wine-skin's close.% MEN. You waste your breath, dear magistrate, I fear, in answering back. What's the good of argument with such a rampageous pack? Remember how they washed us down (these very clothes I wore) With water that looked nasty and that smelt so even more. WOMEN. What else to do, since you advanced too dangerously nigh. If you should do the same again, I'll punch you in the eye. Though I'm a stay-at-home and most a quiet life enjoy, Polite to all and every (for I'm naturally coy), Still if you wake a wasps' nest then of wasps you must beware. MEN. How may this ferocity be tamed? It grows too great to bear. Let us question them and find if they'll perchance declare The reason why they strangely dare To seize on Cranaos' citadel, This eyrie inaccessible, This shrine above the precipice, The Acropolis. Probe them and find what they mean with this idle talk; listen, but watch they don't try to deceive. You'd be neglecting your duty most certainly if now this mystery unplumbed you leave. MAGISTRATE. Women there! Tell what I ask you, directly.... Come, without rambling, I wish you to state What's your rebellious intention in barring up thus on our noses our own temple-gate.
Spanish answering: contestar, respuesta. barring: salvo, cercando, impidiendo, excepto. beware: tener cuidado con. dangerously: peligrosamente. deceive: engañar, engaño, engañe, engaña, engañamos, engañen, engañan, engañáis, engañad, engañas, embaucar. declare: declarar, declaras, declaren, declare, declarad, declaro, declaran, declaráis, declara, declaramos.
eyrie: aguilera, nido de aguilas. ferocity: ferocidad, la ferocidad. heats: eliminatorias preliminares, acalorado. idle: ocioso, haraganear, perezoso, inactivo, en reposo. inaccessible: inaccesible. neglecting: Descuidar. nigh: cercano. perchance: quizás, tal vez. precipice: precipicio, despeñadero, abismo, derrumbadero.
probe: sonda, sondear, sensor, examinar. rambling: vagaroso. rampageous: furioso. rebellious: rebelde. shrine: santuario. smelt: eperlano. stay-at-home: muy casera. strangely: extrañamente. tamed: domado. unplumbed: insondable. wasps: avispas.
LYSISTRATA. To take first the treasury out of your management, and so stop the war through the absence of gold.% MAGISTRATE. Is gold then the cause of the war? LYSISTRATA. Yes, gold caused it and miseries more, too many to be told. 'Twas for money, and money alone, that Pisander with all of the army of mob-agitators. Raised up revolutions. But, as for the future, it won't be worth while to set up to be traitors. Not an obol they'll get as their loot, not an obol! while we have the treasurechest in our command. MAGISTRATE. What then is that you propose? LYSISTRATA. Just this--merely to take the exchequer henceforth in hand. MAGISTRATE. The exchequer! LYSISTRATA. Yes, why not? Of our capabilities you have had various clear evidences. Firstly remember we have always administered soundly the budget of all home-expenses. MAGISTRATE. But this matter's different. LYSISTRATA. How is it different? MAGISTRATE. Why, it deals chiefly with war-time supplies.
Spanish absence: ausencia, falta. administered: administrado. army: ejército. budget: presupuesto, presupuestar. capabilities: capacidades. cause: causa, causar, ocasionar, dar lugar a, instigar, producir, maquinar, provocar. caused: causado. chiefly: principalmente, sobretodo. command: mando, orden, mandato, comando, instrucción, capitanear,
acaudillar. exchequer: fisco. firstly: primeramente, primero, en primer lugar, al principio, antes. future: futuro, porvenir, próximo, entrante, el futuro. loot: botín, saquear. propose: proponer, propon, proponed, propongo, propongan, propones, proponen, proponéis, propone, proponemos, proponga. raised: alzado, elevado, en relieve,
levantado, peraltada, recrecido. soundly: sanamente, solventemente, sólidamente, razonablemente, profundamente, firmemente, vigorosamente. stop: parar, paran, paras, paren, paráis, parad, paramos, pare, para, paro, parada. supplies: suministros. traitors: traidores. treasury: tesorería, erario. worth: valor.
LYSISTRATA. But we abolish war straight by our policy.% MAGISTRATE. What will you do if emergencies arise? LYSISTRATA. Face them our own way. MAGISTRATE. What you will? LYSISTRATA. Yes we will! MAGISTRATE. Then there's no help for it; we're all destroyed. LYSISTRATA. No, willy-nilly you must be safeguarded. MAGISTRATE. What madness is this? LYSISTRATA. Why, it seems you're annoyed. It must be done, that's all. MAGISTRATE. Such awful oppression never, O never in the past yet I bore. LYSISTRATA. You must be saved, sirrah--that's all there is to it. MAGISTRATE. If we don't want to be saved? LYSISTRATA. All the more.
Spanish abolish: abolir, abolan, abolo, abolís, abolimos, abolid, aboles, abole, abolen, abola, abrogar. annoyed: fastidiado, molestado, enojado, enfadado. arise: subir, nacer, nacéis, suban, suba, nace, naced, nacemos, nacen, sube, nazca. awful: horrible, abominable, horroroso, atroz, tremendo. bore: aburrir, barrena, taladrar, calibre, perforar, barrenar, barreno,
perforación. willy-nilly: al azar, de buena o de destroyed: destruido. mala gana. don't: no. emergencies: emergencias. madness: locura, demencia, chifladura. oppression: opresión. safeguarded: asegurado, salvaguardado. saved: guardado, salvado, ahorrado. straight: derecho, recto, directamente, recta.
MAGISTRATE. Why do you women come prying and meddling in matters of state touching war-time and peace? LYSISTRATA. That I will tell you.% MAGISTRATE. O tell me or quickly I'll-LYSISTRATA. Hearken awhile and from threatening cease. MAGISTRATE. I cannot, I cannot; it's growing too insolent. WOMEN. Come on; you've far more than we have to dread. MAGISTRATE. Stop from your croaking, old carrion-crow there.... Continue LYSISTRATA. Be calm then and I'll go ahead. All the long years when the hopeless war dragged along we, unassuming, forgotten in quiet, Endured without question, endured in our loneliness all your incessant child's antics and riot. Our lips we kept tied, though aching with silence, though well all the while in our silence we knew How wretchedly everything still was progressing by listening dumbly the day long to you. For always at home you continued discussing the war and its politics loudly, and we Sometimes would ask you, our hearts deep with sorrowing though we spoke lightly, though happy to see,
Spanish aching: dolor, que duele. awhile: durante un rato, por un rato, un momento, un rato. calm: tranquilo, calma, calmar, quieto, silencio, sosegado, sosegar, aquietar, sereno. cease: cesar, parar, cese. discussing: discutiendo, debatiendo. dragged: arrastrado, remolcado. dread: miedo. dumbly: mudamente, silenciosamente. endured: durado, soportado.
forgotten: olvidado. hearts: corazones, copas. hopeless: desesperado. incessant: incesante. insolent: insolente, procaz. lightly: ligeramente. listening: escuchando. loneliness: soledad, la soledad. loudly: en alta voz, ruidosamente. meddling: entretenimiento. prying: entrometido. quiet: quieto, silencio, tranquilo,
calmar, silencioso, sosegar, callado. riot: disturbio, alboroto, ruido. silence: silencio, acallar, hacer callar, el silencio. tied: atado. touching: conmovedor. unassuming: sin pretensiones, inasumido, modesto, no pretencioso, sin presunción. wretchedly: abyectamente, miserablemente, endemoniadamente, despreciablemente.
"What's to be inscribed on the side of the Treaty-stone What, dear, was said in the Assembly today?" "Mind your own business," he'd answer me growlingly "hold your tongue, woman, or else go away." And so I would hold it.% WOMEN. I'd not be silent for any man living on earth, no, not I! MAGISTRATE. Not for a staff? LYSISTRATA. Well, so I did nothing but sit in the house, feeling dreary, and sigh, While ever arrived some fresh tale of decisions more foolish by far and presaging disaster. Then I would say to him, "O my dear husband, why still do they rush on destructlon the faster?" At which he would look at me sideways, exclaiming, "Keep for your web and your shuttle your care, Or for some hours hence your cheeks will be sore and hot; leave this alone, war is Man's sole affair!" MAGISTRATE. By Zeus, but a man of fine sense, he. LYSISTRATA. How sensible? You dotard, because he at no time had lent His intractible ears to absorb from our counsel one temperate word of advice, kindly meant? But when at the last in the streets we heard shouted (everywhere ringing the ominous cry) "Is there no one to help us, no saviour in Athens?" and, "No, there is no one," come back in reply. At once a convention of all wives through Hellas here for a serious purpose
Spanish absorb: absorber, absorben, absorbes, absorbemos, absorbéis, absorbe, absorban, absorbed, absorbo, absorba. counsel: consejo, aconsejar, abogado, anunciar. disaster: desastre, el desastre. dotard: viejo loco, viejo chocho. dreary: triste, lúgubre, árido, horroroso, horrible, afligido. exclaiming: exclamando. foolish: zote, tonto, necio, bobo.
growlingly: gruñir. inscribed: inscrito. kindly: amablemente, bondadosamente, amable. lent: prestado, cuaresma. ominous: ominoso, siniestro. presaging: presintiendo, pronosticando, presagioso, presagiando. ringing: zumbido, sonando, sobreoscilación. rush: apresurarse, junco, prisa.
saviour: salvador, redentor. sensible: sensato, razonable. shuttle: lanzadera. sideways: de lado. sigh: suspirar, suspiro. sole: lenguado, suela, único, solo, planta. sore: dolorido, úlcera, herida, llaga. tale: cuento. temperate: templado, moderado. web: telaraña, red, tejido tela telaraña enredo red trama.
was held, To determine how husbands might yet back to wisdom despite their reluctance in time be compelled. Why then delay any longer? It's settled. For the future you'll take up our old occupation. Now in turn you're to hold tongue, as we did, and listen while we show the way to recover the nation.% MAGISTRATE. You talk to us! Why, you're mad. I'll not stand it. LYSISTRATA. Cease babbling, you fool; till I end, hold your tongue. MAGISTRATE. If I should take orders from one who wears veils, may my neck straightaway be deservedly wrung. LYSISTRATA. O if that keeps pestering you, I've a veil here for your hair, I'll fit you out in everything As is only fair. CALONICE. Here's a spindle that will do. MYRRHINE. I'll add a wool-basket too. LYSISTRATA. Girdled now sit humbly at home, Munching beans, while you card wool and comb. For war from now on is the Women's affair. WOMEN. Come then, down pitchers, all, And on, courageous of heart,
Spanish babbling: balbuceando, balbuceo. beans: alubias, judías, frijoles. comb: peine, peinar, el peine. compelled: obligado, forzado. courageous: bravo, valeroso, valiente. delay: retraso, retardo, demora, retrasar, demorar, retardar. deservedly: merecidamente. determine: determinar, determinamos, determine, determina, determinan, determino, determináis, determinad, determinen, determinas,
fijar. fool: engañar, necio, tonto. humbly: humildemente. keeps: guarda, vigila, conserva, preserva. mad: loco, enojado, chiflado, majara, majareta, demente, enfadado. occupation: ocupación, oficio, profesión, empleo, trabajo. pestering: importunando. recover: recuperar, sanar, recupere, sanad, recuperad, recuperáis,
recuperamos, recuperan, recuperas, recuperen, recupero. reluctance: reluctancia, renuencia, desgana. settled: despachado. spindle: huso, eje, husillo. straightaway: en seguida. veil: velo. wears: lleva, usa. wisdom: sabiduría, sapiencia. wool: lana, la lana. wrung: arrancado, Retorcido.
In our comradely venture Each taking her due part. I could dance, dance, dance, and be fresher after, I could dance away numberless suns, To no weariness let my knees bend. Earth I could brave with laughter, Having such wonderful girls here to friend. O the daring, the gracious, the beautiful ones! Their courage unswerving and witty Will rescue our city. O sprung from the seed of most valiant-wombed grand- mothers, scions of savage and dangerous nettles! Prepare for the battle, all. Gird up your angers. Our way the wind of sweet victory settles.% LYSISTRATA. O tender Eros and Lady of Cyprus, some flush of beauty I pray you devise To flash on our bosoms and, O Aphrodite, rosily gleam on our valorous thighs! Joy will raise up its head through the legions warring and all of the farserried ranks of mad-love Bristle the earth to the pillared horizon, pointing in vain to the heavens above. I think that perhaps then they'll give us our title— Peace-makers. MAGISTRATE. What do you mean? Please explain. LYSISTRATA. First, we'll not see you now flourishing arms about into the Marketing-place clang again. WOMEN. No, by the Paphian.
Spanish bosoms: seno. clang: sonar, sonido metálico, sonido metálico resonante, resonar, estruendo, hacer sonar, hacer estruendo. comradely: amable, cordial, camarada, amistoso. daring: atrevido. devise: idear, disposiciones testamentarias. flourishing: floreciendo, floreciente. flush: rubor, enjuagar.
fresher: estudiante de primer año, fresco, mechón, novato, nuevo, puro, tierno. gird: sarcasmo, ceñir. gleam: destello. gracious: cortés. heavens: cielo, cielos. horizon: horizonte. nettles: molesta, provoca, irrita, Ortigas. numberless: innumerable. rosily: agradablemente, rosadamente,
rosáceamente. savage: fiero, salvaje. sprung: pp de spring, de muelles, brotado, saltado. thighs: muslos. unswerving: firme. vain: vano, hueco, vanidoso. valorous: valeroso. warring: belicoso. weariness: cansancio, aburrimiento, fatiga. witty: ingenioso.
LYSISTRATA. Still I can conjure them as past were the herbs stand or crockery's sold Like Corybants jingling (poor sots) fully armoured, they noisily round on their promenade strolled.% MAGISTRATE. And rightly; that's discipline, they-LYSISTRATA. But what's sillier than to go on an errand of buying a fish Carrying along an immense. Gorgon-buckler instead the usual platter or dish? A phylarch I lately saw, mounted on horse-back, dressed for the part with long ringlets and all, Stow in his helmet the omelet bought steaming from an old woman who kept a food-stall. Nearby a soldier, a Thracian, was shaking wildly his spear like Tereus in the play, To frighten a fig-girl while unseen the ruffian filched from her fruit-trays the ripest away. MAGISTRATE. How, may I ask, will your rule re-establish order and justice in lands so tormented? LYSISTRATA. Nothing is easier. MAGISTRATE. Out with it speedily--what is this plan that you boast you've invented? LYSISTRATA. If, when yarn we are winding, It chances to tangle, then, as perchance you may know, through the skein This way and that still the spool we keep passing till it is finally clear all again. So to untangle the War and its errors, ambassadors out on all sides we will
Spanish armoured: blindado. conjure: conjurar. errand: recado, mensaje, mandado, encargo. filched: birlado, hurtado, rapiñado, rateado, sisado, sisó. frighten: espantar, espantad, espanta, espantáis, espantamos, espantan, espantas, espanten, asustar, espante, espanto. jingling: tintineando, cascabeleo. noisily: ruidosamente,
clamorosamente, alborotadamente. omelet: tortilla. platter: plato. promenade: paseo. re-establish: restableza, restablecer, restablezca, restablecen, restablezcan, restableces, restablecéis, restablece, restableced, restablezco, restablecemos. ruffian: rufián. skein: madeja. sots: borrachos.
spear: lanza. spool: bobina, carrete, canilla. steaming: humeante. tormented: atormentado. unseen: no visto. untangle: desenredar, desenmarañe, desenredáis, desenredo, desenreden, desenrede, desenredas, desenredamos, desenredad, desenreda, desenredan. winding: devanado, arrollamiento, bobinado.
send This way and that, here, there and round about--soon you will find that the War has an end.% MAGISTRATE. So with these trivial tricks of the household, domestic analogies of threads, skeins and spools, You think that you'll solve such a bitter complexity, unwind such political problems, you fools! LYSISTRATA. Well, first as we wash dirty wool so's to cleanse it, so with a pitiless zeal we will scrub Through the whole city for all greasy fellows; burrs too, the parasites, off we will rub. That verminous plague of insensate place-seekers soon between thumb and forefinger we'll crack. All who inside Athens' walls have their dwelling into one great common basket we'll pack. Disenfranchised or citizens, allies or aliens, pell-mell the lot of them in we will squeeze. Till they discover humanity's meaning.... As for disjointed and far colonies, Them you must never from this time imagine as scattered about just like lost hanks of wool. Each portion we'll take and wind in to this centre, inward to Athens each loyalty pull, Till from the vast heap where all's piled together at last can be woven a strong Cloak of State. MAGISTRATE. How terrible is it to stand here and watch them carding and winding at will with our fate, Witless in war as they are.
Spanish aliens: extranjeros. basket: cesto, cesta, la cesta, canasta, barquilla, canasto. burrs: rebaba. carding: cardadura. crack: grieta, hendedura, crujido, quebraja, hendidura, crujir, raja. disjointed: desarticulado. dwelling: morando, vivienda, morada. forefinger: dedo índice. greasy: grasiento, gordo, grueso, untuoso.
heap: montón, grupo, cúmulo, amontonar, pila. insensate: sin sensato, inconsciente, insensible, insensato. inward: interior, interno. loyalty: lealtad, fidelidad. pell-mell: atropelladamente. piled: amontonado. pitiless: despiadado. plague: plaga, peste, atormentar. portion: porción, parte, ración. rub: frotar, refregar, friccionar.
scattered: disperso, esparcido. scrub: matorral, fregado, maleza. squeeze: apretar, exprimir, apretón, oprimir, presión, estrujar. threads: hilos. trivial: trivial. unwind: devanar, devanan, devano, devanen, devanas, devanamos, devanáis, devanad, devana, devane. verminous: verminoso. woven: tejido. zeal: celo, ahínco.
LYSISTRATA. What of us then, who ever in vain for our children must weep Borne but to perish afar and in vain? MAGISTRATE. Not that, O let that one memory sleep! LYSISTRATA. Then while we should be companioned still merrily, happy as brides may, the livelong night, Kissing youth by, we are forced to lie single.... But leave for a moment our pitiful plight, It hurts even more to behold the poor maidens helpless wrinkling in staler virginity.% MAGISTRATE. Does not a man age? LYSISTRATA. Not in the same way. Not as a woman grows withered, grows he. He, when returned from the war, though grey-headed, yet if he wishes can choose out a wife. But she has no solace save peering for omens, wretched and lonely the rest of her life. MAGISTRATE. But the old man will often select-LYSISTRATA. O why not finish and die? A bier is easy to buy, A honey-cake I'll knead you with joy, This garland will see you are decked. CALONICE. I've a wreath for you too.
Spanish behold: tenga. bier: féretro, andas. decked: engalanado. die: morir, morid, mueran, muere, morís, mueren, mueres, muero, morimos, muera, molde. finish: acabar, acabas, acabo, acabe, acaban, acabamos, acabáis, acabad, acaba, acaben, terminar. garland: guirnalda. grows: crece, aumenta. helpless: desvalido, impotente.
knead: amasar, amase, amasad, amaso, amasen, amasas, amasan, amasáis, amasa, amasamos. livelong: durante el día, entero, todo, de todo el día. lonely: solitario, solo. maidens: doncellas. merrily: alegremente. omens: agüeros. perish: perecer, perecéis, perezco, perezcan, pereces, perecemos, pereced, perece, perecen, perezca.
pitiful: lastimoso, deplorable. plight: situación. solace: solaz, consolar, consuelo. wishes: anhelar, anhelo, ansiar, desear, deseo, deseos, querer, votos. withered: marchito, marchitado. wreath: guirnalda, corona. wrinkling: formación de pliegues, fruncir, arrugar, arrugamiento, arrugación, arruga. youth: juventud, joven, jóvenes, adolescencia.
MYRRHINE. I also will fillet you.% LYSISTRATA. What more is lacking? Step aboard the boat. See, Charon shouts ahoy. You're keeping him, he wants to shove afloat. MAGISTRATE. Outrageous insults! Thus my place to flout! Now to my fellow-magistrates I'll go And what you've perpetrated on me show. LYSISTRATA. Why are you blaming us for laying you out? Assure yourself we'll not forget to make The third day offering early for your sake. [MAGISTRATE retires, LYSISTRATA returns within.] OLD MEN. All men who call your loins your own, awake at last, arise And strip to stand in readiness. For as it seems to me Some more perilous offensive in their heads they now devise. I'm sure a Tyranny Like that of Hippias In this I detect.... They mean to put us under Themselves I suspect, And that Laconians assembling At Cleisthenes' house have played A trick-of-war and provoked them Madly to raid The Treasury, in which term I include The Pay for my food. For is it not preposterous
Spanish aboard: a bordo, a bordo de. afloat: a flote, flotante. ahoy: ah del barco, ah. assembling: ensamblando, ensamblaje, congregando. assure: asegurar, asegura, aseguren, aseguras, aseguran, aseguramos, aseguráis, asegurad, aseguro, asegure, garantizar. awake: despierto, despertar, despertarse. blaming: culpar.
fillet: filete, filetear. lacking: carente, faltar. laying: colocando, poniendo. loins: los lomos. offering: ofrenda, oferta, ofrecer. perilous: peligroso. perpetrated: perpetrado. preposterous: absurdo. provoked: provocado. raid: correría, incursión, batida. readiness: prontitud. retires: dimite, jubila, recoge, retira,
abandona. returns: devolver, reembolso, ganancias, devoluciones, cheques y letras devueltos, retorno, rendimiento, remuneración, regreso, ingresos, volver. sake: motivo, fin, bien, causa. shove: empujar, empujón. strip: tira, raya, faja, desnudarse, franja, desmontar, banda. suspect: sospechar, dudar, sospechoso.
They should talk this way to us On a subject such as battle! And, women as they are, about bronze bucklers dare prattle— Make alliance with the Spartans--people I for one Like very hungry wolves would always most sincere shun.... Some dirty game is up their sleeve, I believe. A Tyranny, no doubt... but they won't catch me, that know. Henceforth on my guard I'll go, A sword with myrtle-branches wreathed for ever in my hand, And under arms in the Public Place I'll take my watchful stand, Shoulder to shoulder with Aristogeiton. Now my staff I'll draw And start at once by knocking that shocking Hag upon the jaw.% WOMEN. Your own mother will not know you when you get back to the town. But first, my friends and allies, let us lay these garments down, And all ye fellow-citizens, hark to me while I tell What will aid Athens well. Just as is right, for I Have been a sharer In all the lavish splendour Of the proud city. I bore the holy vessels At seven, then I pounded barley At the age of ten, And clad in yellow robes, Soon after this, I was Little Bear to Brauronian Artemis; Then neckletted with figs, Grown tall and pretty, I was a Basket-bearer,
Spanish alliance: alianza. barley: cebada. bronze: bronce, bronceado, broncear. dare: atreverse, reto, cariño. figs: higos. garments: ornamentos. guard: guardia, guardar, vigilar, cobrador, guarda, revisor, defender, proteger, amparar. hark: escuchar con atención, prestar oído a, escuche, escuchar, escucha, oye.
holy: santo, sagrado. hungry: hambriento. knocking: llamar a la puerta, llamada, golpeteo, golpes, golpeo, golpear, golpe, choque, chocar, aldabonazo, topar. lavish: pródigo. pounded: golpeado. proud: orgulloso. sharer: partícipe. shocking: chocante. shoulder: hombro, el hombro, espalda,
lisera, banquina, reborde, espaldilla. sincere: sincero. sleeve: manga, manguito, la manga, camisa. splendour: fausto, pomposidad, fulgor, esplendor, lujo. tall: alto. vessels: embarcaciones. watchful: vigilante, en vela. wreathed: ceñido, envuelto, enguirnaldado, trenzado, enroscado. yellow: amarillo.
And so it's obvious I should Give you advice that I think good, The very best I can. It should not prejudice my voice that I'm not born a man, If I say something advantageous to the present situation. For I'm taxed too, and as a toll provide men for the nation While, miserable greybeards, you, It is true, Contribute nothing of any importance whatever to our needs; But the treasure raised against the Medes You've squandered, and do nothing in return, save that you make Our lives and persons hazardous by some imbecile mistakes What can you answer? Now be careful, don't arouse my spite, Or with my slipper I'll take you napping, faces slapping Left and right.% MEN. What villainies they contrive! Come, let vengeance fall, You that below the waist are still alive, Off with your tunics at my call— Naked, all. For a man must strip to battle like a man. No quaking, brave steps taking, careless what's ahead, white shoed, in the nude, onward bold, All ye who garrisoned Leipsidrion of old.... Let each one wag As youthfully as he can, And if he has the cause at heart Rise at least a span. We must take a stand and keep to it, For if we yield the smallest bit
Spanish advantageous: ventajoso, favorable, provechoso. alive: vivo, viviente. arouse: despertar, despiertas, despierten, despiertan, despierta, despertamos, despertáis, despertad, despierto, despierte. bold: grueso, negrita, audaz. brave: valiente, bravo, animoso. careless: descuidado, sin cuidado, negligente. contrive: idear.
hazardous: arriesgado, peligroso. imbecile: imbécil. miserable: pobre, deplorable, malo, triste, indigente, menesteroso, afligido, necesitado, desgraciado, miserable. mistakes: errores. napping: perchado, dormitar. nation: nación, pueblo, población. nude: desnudo. onward: adelante, hacia adelante. prejudice: prejuicio.
quaking: temblar, temblante. slapping: rápido, abofeteamiento, abofetear, batiente. spite: rencor. squandered: malgastado, derrochado. taxed: Tasado, gravado. toll: peaje, tañer. treasure: tesoro, atesorar. wag: menear, meneo, mover. waist: cintura, la cintura, talle. youthfully: frescamente, jovenmente, juvenilmente.
To their importunity. Then nowhere from their inroads will be left to us immunity. But they'll be building ships and soon their navies will attack us, As Artemisia did, and seek to fight us and to sack us. And if they mount, the Knights they'll rob Of a job, For everyone knows how talented they all are in the saddle, Having long practised how to straddle; No matter how they're jogged there up and down, they're never thrown. Then think of Myron's painting, and each horse-backed Amazon In combat hand-to-hand with men.... Come, on these women fall, And in pierced wood-collars let's stick quick The necks of one and all.% WOMEN. Don't cross me or I'll loose The Beast that's kennelled here.... And soon you will be howling for a truce, Howling out with fear. But my dear, Strip also, that women may battle unhindered.... But you, you'll be too sore to eat garlic more, or one black bean, I really mean, so great's my spleen, to kick you black and blue With these my dangerous legs. I'll hatch the lot of you, If my rage you dash on, The way the relentless Beetle Hatched the Eagle's eggs. Scornfully aside I set Every silly old-man threat While Lampito's with me. Or dear Ismenia, the noble Theban girl. Then let decree Be hotly piled upon decree; in vain will be your labours, You futile rogue abominated by your suffering neighbour
Spanish abominated: detestado, Abominado. combat: combate, combatir. decree: decreto, edicto. garlic: ajo, el ajo. hand-to-hand: de mano a mano. hatch: escotilla, incubar. hotly: calurosamente. howling: aullido, lamentarse, clamoroso, aullador, alarido, aullar, lamento, gritar, rugir, grito, dar alaridos. immunity: inmunidad.
importunity: importunidad. jogged: Corrido. kick: patada, patear, puntapié, cocear, dar patadas, coz. loose: suelto, flojo. mount: montar, acomodar, montaña, adaptar. noble: hidalgo, noble. pierced: agujereado. practised: experto, hábil. rage: rabia, furia, furor, ira. relentless: implacable.
rogue: pícaro. sack: saco, despedir, bolso. saddle: montura. spleen: bazo. straddle: cabalgue, de forma que la cinta quede entre sus piernas, encuadrar, esparrancarse encima de, no comprometerse, alcance, montar, montar a horcajadas, montura, especulación mixta, opción doble. talented: talentoso, dotado. truce: tregua.
To Hecate's feast I yesterday wentOff I sent To our neighbours in Bœotia, asking as a gift to me For them to pack immediately That darling dainty thing ... a good fat eel I meant of course; But they refused because some idiotic old decree's in force. O this strange passion for decrees nothing on earth can check, Till someone puts a foot out tripping you, and slipping you Break your neck.% [LYSISTRATA enters in dismay.] WOMEN. Dear Mistress of our martial enterprise, Why do you come with sorrow in your eyes? LYSISTRATA. O 'tis our naughty femininity, So weak in one spot, that hath saddened me. WOMEN. What's this? Please speak. LYSISTRATA. Poor women, O so weak! WOMEN. What can it be? Surely your friends may know. LYSISTRATA. Yea, I must speak it though it hurt me so. WOMEN. Speak; can we help? Don't stand there mute in need. LYSISTRATA. I'll blurt it out then--our women's army's mutinied.
Spanish asking: preguntando, pidiendo, solicitando. blurt: decir bruscamente. check: cheque, comprobar, revisar, control, controlar, cuenta, talón, verificación, contener, verificar, reprimir. decrees: decreta. eel: anguila. enterprise: empresa, negocio. fat: gordo, grasa, grueso, manteca. foot: pie, pata, el pie, pujamen.
gift: regalo, donación, el regalo, don, talento. hurt: doler, herir, dañar, herida, lastimar. idiotic: idiota, tonto. martial: marcial. meant: pret de mean. mute: mudo, muda, sordina. naughty: travieso, malo. pack: paquete, empacar, embalar, empaquetar, manada, envolver. passion: pasión.
puts: pone, mete, coloca. refused: rehusado. saddened: entristecido. sent: enviado, mandado, despachado. slipping: corrimiento, resbalar. sorrow: tristeza, pena, dolor. spot: mancha, punto, sitio, verrugato croca, manchar, mancilla, lugar. strange: extraño, raro, ajeno. surely: seguramente, ciertamente. tripping: desconexión. weak: débil, flojo.
WOMEN. O%Zeus! LYSISTRATA. What use is Zeus to our anatomy? Here is the gaping calamity I meant. I cannot shut their ravenous appetites A moment more now. They are all deserting. The first I caught was sidling through the postern Close by the Cave of Pan: the next hoisting herself With rope and pulley down: a third on the point Of slipping past: while a fourth malcontent, seated For instant flight to visit Orsilochus On bird-back, I dragged off by the hair in time.... They are all snatching excuses to sneak home. Look, there goes one.... Hey, what's the hurry? 1ST WOMAN. I must get home. I've some Milesian wool Packed wasting away, and moths are pushing through it. LYSISTRATA. Fine moths indeed, I know. Get back within. 1ST WOMAN. By the Goddesses, I'll return instantly. I only want to stretch it on my bed. LYSISTRATA. You shall stretch nothing and go nowhere either. 1ST WOMAN. Must I never use my wool then? LYSISTRATA. If needs be.
Spanish anatomy: anatomía. calamity: calamidad. caught: cogido, asido, acertado. deserting: desertar. excuses: deshechas. flight: vuelo, huida, escape. fourth: cuarto, el cuarto. gaping: abertura, hueco, abrir la boca, abrir boquete en, boquete, vacío, boquiabierto, bostezar, intervalo, abrir brecha en, bostezo. hey: eh, hola.
hoisting: elevación, Levantar. hurry: apresurarse, prisa. instant: momento, instante, momentito, instantáneo. instantly: al instante, directamente, instantáneamente, en seguida. i've: he, Tengo. malcontent: descontento, malcontento, disgustado, desafecto. nowhere: en ninguna parte. postern: poterna. pulley: polea.
pushing: emprendedor, molesto, empujar, ambicioso, empuje. ravenous: voraz, hambriento. rope: cuerda, soga, la cuerda, cabo. seated: sentado. snatching: arrebatimiento, arrebatar. sneak: chivato. st: santo, SAN, sto, sta, santa, estación, calle. stretch: estiramiento, estirar, extender, tramo. wasting: acabando, gastando.
2ND WOMAN. How unfortunate I am! O my poor flax! It's left at home unstript.% LYSISTRATA. So here's another That wishes to go home and strip her flax. Inside again! 2ND WOMAN. No, by the Goddess of Light, I'll be back as soon as I have flayed it properly. LYSISTRATA. You'll not flay anything. For if you begin There'll not be one here but has a patch to be flayed. 3RD WOMAN. O holy Eilithyia, stay this birth Till I have left the precincts of the place! LYSISTRATA. What nonsense is this? 3RD WOMAN. I'll drop it any minute. LYSISTRATA. Yesterday you weren't with child. 3RD WOMAN. But I am today. O let me find a midwife, Lysistrata. O quickly! LYSISTRATA. Now what story is this you tell? What is this hard lump here? 3RD WOMAN. It's a male child.
Spanish begin: empezar, empiecen, empezad, empezáis, empiece, empieza, empiezan, empiezas, empiezo, empezamos, comenzar. birth: nacimiento, parto, el nacimiento. flax: lino. flay: desollar, desuella, desuellen, desuelle, desuellas, desuellan, desollad, desollamos, desolláis, desuello. flayed: desollado.
inside: dentro, dentro de, interior, adentro, en, por, interna. lump: pedazo, masa, terrón, pieza, bola, tela, grumo, bulto, chichón, pella. male: masculino, macho, varón. midwife: comadrona, partera. minute: minuto, el minuto, minuta, menudo. nd: neutral density. nonsense: tontería. patch: remendar, parche.
precincts: alrededores. properly: correctamente, como es debido, debidamente. quickly: rápidamente, de prisa, aprisa, pronto. story: historia, piso, cuento, relato, el cuento. strip: tira, raya, faja, desnudarse, franja, desmontar, banda. unfortunate: desgraciado, infortunado.
LYSISTRATA. By Aphrodite, it isn't. Your belly's hollow, And it has the feel of metal.... Well, I soon can see. You hussy, it's Athene's sacred helm, And you said you were with child.% 3RD WOMAN. And so I am. LYSISTRATA. Then why the helm? 3RD WOMAN. So if the throes should take me Still in these grounds I could use it like a dove As a laying-nest in which to drop the child. LYSISTRATA. More pretexts! You can't hide your clear intent, And anyway why not wait till the tenth day Meditating a brazen name for your brass brat? WOMAN. And I can't sleep a wink. My nerve is gone Since I saw that snake-sentinel of the shrine. WOMAN. And all those dreadful owls with their weird hooting! Though I'm wearied out, I can't close an eye. LYSISTRATA. You wicked women, cease from juggling lies. You want your men. But what of them as well? They toss as sleepless in the lonely night, I'm sure of it. Hold out awhile, hold out, But persevere a teeny-weeny longer. An oracle has promised Victory If we don't wrangle. Would you hear the words?
Spanish brass: latón, metal. brat: mocoso. brazen: de latón, descarado. dove: pichón, paloma, la palomita. dreadful: terrible, espantoso. grounds: terreno. hide: ocultar, oculto, oculta, oculte, ocultas, ocultan, ocultamos, ocultáis, ocultad, oculten, piel. hollow: hueco, cavidad, hondonada, vacuo. hooting: Silbar.
hussy: follador, desvergonzada, pícara, descarado. intent: intento, intención, propósito. juggling: hacer malabares, hacer malabarismos, juglaria, malabar, malabarismo, malabares. nerve: nervio. oracle: oráculo. persevere: perseverar, perseveramos, persevero, perseveren, persevere, perseveran, perseveráis, perseverad, persevera, perseveras.
promised: prometido. sacred: sagrado, sacro. tenth: décimo. throes: agonía, ansias, angustia. toss: arrojar, tirada. wait: esperar, espera, espere, esperad, espero, esperen, esperas, esperan, esperamos, esperáis, aguardar. weird: raro, misterioso, extraño. wink: guiño, pestañeo, parpadeo, guiñar. wrangle: disputa, disputar, reñir.
WOMEN. Yes, yes, what is it? LYSISTRATA. Silence then, you chatterboxes. Here— Whenas the swallows flocking in one place from the hoopoes Deny themselves love's gambols any more, All woes shall then have ending and great Zeus the Thunderer Shall put above what was below before.% WOMEN. Will the men then always be kept under us? LYSISTRATA. But if the swallows squabble among themselves and fly away Out of the temple, refusing to agree, Then The Most Wanton Birds in all the World They shall be named for ever. That's his decree. WOMAN. It's obvious what it means. LYSISTRATA. Now by all the gods We must let no agony deter from duty, Back to your quarters. For we are base indeed, My friends, if we betray the oracle. [She goes out.] OLD MEN. I'd like to remind you of a fable they used to employ, When I was a little boy. How once through fear of the marriage-bed a young man, Melanion by name, to the wilderness ran, And there on the hills he dwelt.
Spanish agony: agonía, angustia, miedo. betray: traicionar, traicionas, traiciono, traicionen, traiciona, traicionan, traicionamos, traicionad, traicionáis, traicione. deter: espantar, espanten, espantad, espantáis, espantamos, espanto, espantan, espante, espanta, espantas, disuadir. dwelt: pret de dwell, pp de dwell. employ: emplear, usar, hacer uso de. ending: final, fin, término,
terminación, conclusión. fable: fábula. flocking: flocado, congregar. fly: volar, voláis, vuelen, vuele, vuelas, volamos, vuela, volad, vuelan, vuelo, mosca. gambols: brinca. gods: paraíso, gallinero. named: denominado. obvious: obvio, evidente. quarters: cuarta, cuartel, cuarteles, cuarto, alojamiento, cuartos traseros,
domicilio, puesto de combate, trasero. refusing: Rehusar. remind: recordar, recuerdo, recuerde, recuerdas, recuerdan, recuerda, recordamos, recordáis, recordad, recuerden. squabble: disputa. swallows: traga. temple: templo, sien, el templo. wilderness: desierto. woes: dolencia.
For hares he wove a net Which with his dog he set— Most likely he's there yet. For he never came back home, so great was the fear he felt. I loathe the sex as much as he, And therefore I no less shall be As chaste as was Melanion.% MAN. Grann'am, do you much mind men? WOMAN. Onions you won't need, to cry. MAN. From my foot you shan't escape. WOMAN. What thick forests I espy. MEN. So much Myronides' fierce beard And thundering black back were feared, That the foe fled when they were shown— Brave he as Phormion. WOMEN. Well, I'll relate a rival fable just to show to you A different point of view. There was a rough-hewn fellow, Timon, with a face That glowered as through a thorn-bush in a wild, bleak place. He too decided on flight, This very Furies' son, All the world's ways to shun And hide from everyone, Spitting out curses on all knavish men to left and right. But though he reared this hate for men,
Spanish beard: barba, la barba, arista. bleak: frío, triste, yermo, afligido, lúgubre, horrible. chaste: casto. cry: llorar, grito, gritar, lamento. escape: escaparse, escapar, huida, fuga, escape, evadir, escapada, huir. espy: divisar, divise, encontrar. feared: temido. fellow: compañero, hombre, socio, tipo, becario. fierce: feroz.
fled: huido. foe: enemigo. hares: liebres. hate: odiar, odio, aborrecer, detestar. knavish: bribón, bellaco. loathe: detestar, aborrecer, detestamos, detesto, detesten, deteste, detestan, detestáis, detestad, detesta, detestas. net: red, neto, la red. reared: criado. relate: contar, relacionar, cuentan,
cuento, cuenten, cuentas, cuenta, contamos, contáis, contad, cuente. rival: competidor, competir. shun: rehuir, rehuyo, rehuid, rehuimos, rehuís, rehuyan, rehuye, rehuyen, rehuyes, rehuya. thick: grueso, espeso, gordo, denso. thundering: estruendo, trueno, de trueno, tronar, tremendo, imponente, enorme. wild: fiero, salvaje, silvestre. wove: Tejió, pret de weave.
He loved the women even then, And never thought them enemies.% WOMAN. O your jaw I'd like to break. MAN. That I fear do you suppose? WOMAN. Learn what kicks my legs can make. MAN. Raise them up, and you'll expose-WOMAN. Nay, you'll see there, I engage, All is well kept despite my age, And tended smooth enough to slip From any adversary's grip. [LYSISTRATA appears.] LYSISTRATA. Hollo there, hasten hither to me Skip fast along. WOMAN. What is this? Why the noise? LYSISTRATA. A man, a man! I spy a frenzied man! He carries Love upon him like a staff. O Lady of Cyprus, and Cythera, and Paphos, I beseech you, keep our minds and hands to the oath. WOMAN. Where is he, whoever he is? LYSISTRATA. By the Temple of Chloe.
Spanish beseech: supliquen, rogáis, rogamos, ruega, ruegan, ruegas, ruegue, rueguen, suplica, suplicamos, rogad. break: romper, descanso, interrupción, rotura, quebrar, corte, pausa, adiestrar, fractura, interrumpir. carries: Lleva, carga, transporta. despite: a pesar de. engage: comprometer, compromete, comprometed, comprometan, comprometéis, comprometemos, comprometen, comprometes,
comprometo, comprometa, engranar. fast: rápido, ayunar, fijo, de prisa, pronto, veloz, ligero, firme, ayuno. fear: temer, miedo, temor, angustia, recelar. frenzied: frenético. grip: gripe, asir, agarrar, coger, agarre, apretar, empuñar. hasten: acelerar, apresurar. jaw: mandíbula, mordaza, quijada. kept: guardado, vigilado, conservado, preservado.
legs: las piernas. loved: amado, estimado, querido, considerado. noise: ruido, alboroto, el ruido. slip: deslizamiento, resbalar, desliz, deslizar, combinación. spy: espiar, espía, acechar. suppose: suponer, suponéis, supongo, supon, suponed, suponemos, suponen, supones, supongan, supone, suponga. whoever: quien.
WOMAN. Yes, now I see him. but who can he be? LYSISTRATA. Look at him. Does anyone recognise his face? MYRRHINE. I do. He is my husband, Cinesias.% LYSISTRATA. You know how to work. Play with him, lead him on, Seduce him to the cozening-point--kiss him, kiss him, Then slip your mouth aside just as he's sure of it, Ungirdle every caress his mouth feels at Save that the oath upon the bowl has locked. MYRRHINE. You can rely on me. LYSISTRATA. I'll stay here to help In working up his ardor to its height Of vain magnificence.... The rest to their quarters. [Enter CINESIAS.] Who is this that stands within our lines? CINESIAS. I. LYSISTRATA. A man? CINESIAS. Too much a man! LYSISTRATA. Then be off at once. CINESIAS. Who are you that thus eject me?
Spanish anyone: alguien, cualquiera. ardor: ardor, celo, celos, exaltación, Entusiasmo, Vehemencia, pasión. aside: aparte, al lado. bowl: tazón, cuenco, escudilla, fuente, pelvis, palangana, copa. caress: acariciar, caricia. eject: expulsar, expulsad, expulsa, expulsáis, expulsamos, expulsan, expulsas, expulsen, expulso, expulse, expeler. feels: siente, palpa.
height: altura, altitud, elevación, la altura, estatura, cerro. kiss: besar, beso, besarse. lead: plomo, guiar, guía, conducir, guiáis, guiamos, guían, guías, guíe, guíen, guío. lines: partida de matrimonio, destino, pauta, especificado de líneas, líneas, papel. locked: estén aseguradas, cerrado, bloqueado, protegido. mouth: boca, desembocadura, la boca.
oath: juramento. recognise: reconozca, reconocer. rely: confiar, confíe, confías, confían, confíen, confiáis, confío, confiad, confía, confiamos. slip: deslizamiento, resbalar, desliz, deslizar, combinación. stands: tenderetes, jaulas. sure: seguro, cierto. vain: vano, hueco, vanidoso.
LYSISTRATA. Guard for the day.% CINESIAS. By all the gods, then call Myrrhine hither. LYSISTRATA. So, call Myrrhine hither! Who are you? CINESIAS. I am her husband Cinesias, son of Anthros. LYSISTRATA. Welcome, dear friend! That glorious name of yours Is quite familiar in our ranks. Your wife Continually has it in her mouth. She cannot touch an apple or an egg But she must say, "This to Cinesias!" CINESIAS. O is that true? LYSISTRATA. By Aphrodite, it is. If the conversation strikes on men, your wife Cuts in with, "All are boobies by Cinesias." CINESIAS. Then call her here. LYSISTRATA. And what am I to get? CINESIAS. This, if you want it.... See, what I have here. But not to take away.
Spanish apple: manzana, la manzana. boobies: tetitas. call: llamada, llamar, llaman, llamen, llamad, llamas, llamo, llamamos, llamáis, llame, llama. cannot: presente de no poder. conversation: conversación. dear: caro, querido, estimado. egg: huevo, el huevo. familiar: conocido. friend: amigo, amiga, el amigo. glorious: glorioso, famoso.
gods: paraíso, gallinero. hither: acá. husband: marido, esposo, el esposo. mouth: boca, desembocadura, la boca. son: hijo, el hijo. strikes: golpea. touch: tocar, toque, tacto, palpar, contacto, rozar. true: verdadero, cierto. wife: esposa, mujer, la esposa. yours: vuestro, suyo, el tuyo.
LYSISTRATA. Then I'll call her CINESIAS. Be quick, be quick. All grace is wiped from life Since she went away. O sad, sad am I When there I enter on that loneliness, And wine is unvintaged of the sun's flavour. And food is tasteless. But I've put on weight.% MYRRHINE. [above] I love him O so much! but he won't have it. Don't call me down to him. CINESIAS. Sweet little Myrrhine! What do you mean? Come here. MYRRHINE. O no I won't. Why are you calling me? You don't want me CINESIAS. Not want you! with this week-old strength of love MYRRHINE. Farewell. CINESIAS. Don't go, please don't go, Myrrhine. At least you'll hear our child. Call your mother, lad. CHILD. Mummy ... mummy ... mummy! CINESIAS. There now, don't you feel pity for the child? He's not been fed or washed now for six days.
Spanish call: llamada, llamar, llaman, llamen, llamad, llamas, llamo, llamamos, llamáis, llame, llama. calling: llamando, llamada. don't: no. enter: entrar, entro, entra, entrad, entráis, entramos, entran, entras, entren, entre, inscribir. fed: alimentado, cebado. flavour: olor, sabor, gusto. food: comida, alimento, comestibles, alimentos, plato.
grace: gracia, garbo, honrar. hear: oír, oigan, oyes, oyen, oye, oís, oigo, oíd, oímos, oiga. lad: muchacho, chico. least: menos, mínimo, menor. loneliness: soledad, la soledad. mummy: momia. o: oxígeno. pity: dolerse por, piedad, compadecer a, lástima, compasión. please: por favor, agradar, gustar, complacer, haz el favor, contentar,
haz favor. quick: rápido, pronto. sad: triste, afligido. strength: fuerza, resistencia, virtud, potencia, fortaleza. tasteless: insípido, sin gusto, soso. washed: lavado, lavo. wine: vino, el vino. wiped: limpiado, Enjugado.
MYRRHINE. I certainly pity him with so heartless a father.% CINESIAS. Come down, my sweetest, come for the child's sake. MYRRHINE. A trying life it is to be a mother! I suppose I'd better go. [She comes down.] CINESIAS. How much younger she looks, How fresher and how prettier! Myrrhine, Lift up your lovely face, your disdainful face; And your ankle ... let your scorn step out its worst; It only rubs me to more ardor here. MYRRHINE. [playing with the child] You're as innocent as he's iniquitous. Let me kiss you, honey-petling, mother's darling. CINESIAS. How wrong to follow other women's counsel And let loose all these throbbing voids in yourself As well as in me. Don't you go throb-throb? MYRRHINE. Take away your hands. CINESIAS. Everything in the house Is being ruined. MYRRHINE. I don't care at all.
Spanish ankle: tobillo, el tobillo. ardor: ardor, celo, celos, exaltación, Entusiasmo, Vehemencia, pasión. counsel: consejo, aconsejar, abogado, anunciar. darling: querido, amado. disdainful: desdeñoso. don't: no. follow: seguir, seguid, sigues, siguen, sigue, sigo, sigan, seguís, seguimos, siga, venir después. fresher: estudiante de primer año,
fresco, mechón, novato, nuevo, puro, tierno. heartless: sin corazón. iniquitous: inicuo. innocent: inocente, inculpable, el inocente. kiss: besar, beso, besarse. loose: suelto, flojo. lovely: hermoso, bonito, encantador, agradable, magnífico, adorable, caro, lindo. pity: dolerse por, piedad, compadecer
a, lástima, compasión. rubs: frota. ruined: arruinado. sake: motivo, fin, bien, causa. scorn: desdén, desdeñar. step: paso, escalón, peldaño. throbbing: palpitante. worst: peor. wrong: malo, mal, falso, incorrecto, entuerto, agravio, impropio, erróneo. younger: menor.
CINESIAS. The roosters are picking all your web to rags. Do you mind that? MYRRHINE. Not I.% CINESIAS. What time we've wasted We might have drenched with Paphian laughter, flung On Aphrodite's Mysteries. O come here. MYRRHINE. Not till a treaty finishes the war. CINESIAS. If you must have it, then we'll get it done. MYRRHINE. Do it and I'll come home. Till then I am bound. CINESIAS. Well, can't your oath perhaps be got around? MYRRHINE. No ... no ... still I'll not say that I don't love you. CINESIAS. You love me! Then dear girl, let me also love you. MYRRHINE. You must be joking. The boy's looking on. CINESIAS. Here, Manes, take the child home!... There, he's gone. There's nothing in the way now. Come to the point. MYRRHINE. Here in the open! In plain sight?
Spanish bound: encuadernado, saltar, salto, ligado, límite, obligado. can't: no puede. dear: caro, querido, estimado. don't: no. drenched: empapado. finishes: acaba, termina, concluye. flung: pret y pp de fling. girl: muchacha, chica, niña, la muchacha. gone: ido, marchado. joking: bromeando.
laughter: risa, la risa, carcajada. enredo red trama. o: oxígeno. we'll: Haremos. oath: juramento. picking: picando. plain: llanura, llano, claro, evidente, liso, plano. rags: los trapos. sight: vista, aspecto, mira, avistar. till: caja, hasta que, hasta, a que. treaty: tratado. wasted: gastado, acabado. web: telaraña, red, tejido tela telaraña
CINESIAS. In Pan's cave. A splendid place.% MYRRHINE. Where shall I dress my hair again Before returning to the citadel? CINESIAS. You can easily primp yourself in the Clepsydra. MYRRHINE. But how can I break my oath? CINESIAS. Leave that to me, I'll take all risk. MYRRHINE. Well, I'll make you comfortable. CINESIAS. Don't worry. I'd as soon lie on the grass. MYRRHINE. No, by Apollo, in spite of all your faults I won't have you lying on the nasty earth. [From here MYRRHINE keeps on going off to fetch things.] CINESIAS. Ah, how she loves me. MYRRHINE. Rest there on the bench, While I arrange my clothes. O what a nuisance, I must find some cushions first. CINESIAS. Why some cushions? Please don't get them!
Spanish arrange: arreglar, arreglen, arreglan, arreglamos, arregláis, arregla, arreglad, arreglas, arreglo, arregle, organizar. bench: banco, estrado, banquillo, escaño. cave: cueva, la cueva, hueco, bache, caverna, gruta. citadel: ciudadela. clothes: ropa, viste, la ropa, ropaje. comfortable: cómodo, agradable. cushions: cojines.
don't: no. dress: vestido, vestir, vendar, vestirse, el vestido, ponerse, revestir. easily: fácilmente. faults: desperfecto, fallas. fetch: traer, traemos, traed, trae, traéis, traes, traigo, traigan, traen, traiga, coger. grass: hierba, yerba, césped, la hierba, pasto. hair: pelo, cabello, el pelo, vello. i'd: Hago.
loves: amor. lying: mentiroso. nuisance: molestia. oath: juramento. primp: emperejilarse, acicalar, acicálese. returning: volver. risk: riesgo, arriesgar. spite: rencor. worry: preocuparse, cuidar, preocupación, inquietar, inquietud, preocupar, molestar.
MYRRHINE. What? The plain, hard wood? Never, by Artemis! That would be too vulgar.% CINESIAS. Open your arms! MYRRHINE. No. Wait a second. CINESIAS. O.... Then hurry back again. MYRRHINE. Here the cushions are. Lie down while I--O dear! But what a shame, You need more pillows. CINESIAS. I don't want them, dear. MYRRHINE. But I do. CINESIAS. Thwarted affection mine, They treat you just like Heracles at a feast With cheats of dainties, O disappointing arms! MYRRHINE. Raise up your head. CINESIAS. There, that's everything at last. MYRRHINE. Yes, all. CINESIAS. Then run to my arms, you golden girl.
Spanish affection: afecto, cariño, afectuosidad, amor. arms: brazos, los brazos, armas. cushions: cojines. dainties: delicado. dear: caro, querido, estimado. disappointing: desilusionando, desencantando, defraudando, decepcionando, decepcionante, desilusionante, desilusionar. don't: no. everything: todo.
feast: banquete, fiesta. oprobio, avergonzar. girl: muchacha, chica, niña, la treat: tratar, curar, obsequio. muchacha. wait: esperar, espera, espere, esperad, golden: dorado, áureo, de oro. espero, esperen, esperas, esperan, hard: duro, difícil, tieso. esperamos, esperáis, aguardar. hurry: apresurarse, prisa. wood: madera, leño, bosque, la lie: mentir, mentira, yacer, estar madera. tendido, embuste, echarse. mine: mina, mío, minar. plain: llanura, llano, claro, evidente, liso, plano. shame: vergüenza, verguenza, pudor,
MYRRHINE. I'm loosening my girdle now. But you've not forgotten? You're not deceiving me about the Treaty? CINESIAS. No, by my life, I'm not.% MYRRHINE. Why, you've no blanket. CINESIAS. It's not the silly blanket's warmth but yours I want. MYRRHINE. Never mind. You'll soon have both. I'll come straight back. CINESIAS. The woman will choke me with her coverlets. MYRRHINE. Get up a moment. CINESIAS. I'm up high enough. MYRRHINE. Would you like me to perfume you? CINESIAS. By Apollo, no! MYRRHINE. By Aphrodite, I'll do it anyway. CINESIAS. Lord Zeus, may she soon use up all the myrrh. MYRRHINE. Stretch out your hand. Take it and rub it in.
Spanish anyway: sin embargo. blanket: manta, la manta, frazada, manto, capa fértil. choke: sofocar, estrangular, choque, estrangulación, ahogar. deceiving: engañando. forgotten: olvidado. girdle: cinto, cinturón, pretina, faja. loosening: aflojando. myrrh: mirra. perfume: perfume, el perfume, perfumar.
rub: frotar, refregar, friccionar. silly: tonto, necio, absurdo, bobo. soon: pronto, luego. straight: derecho, recto, directamente, recta. warmth: calor moderado, calor. yours: vuestro, suyo, el tuyo.
CINESIAS. Hmm, it's not as fragrant as might be; that is, Not before it's smeared. It doesn't smell of kisses MYRRHINE. How silly I am: I've brought you Rhodian scents.% CINESIAS. It's good enough, leave it, love. MYRRHINE. You must be jesting. CINESIAS. Plague rack the man who first compounded scent! MYRRHINE. Here, take this flask. CINESIAS. I've a far better one. Don't tease me, come here, and get nothing more. MYRRHINE. I'm coming.... I'm just drawing off my shoes.... You're sure you will vote for Peace? CINESIAS. I'll think about it.
[She runs off. ] I'm dead: the woman's worn me all away. She's gone and left me with an anguished pulse. MEN. Baulked in your amorous delight How melancholy is your plight. With sympathy your case I view; For I am sure it's hard on you. What human being could sustain
Spanish amorous: amoroso. anguished: angustiado. compounded: acumulado, agravado, compuesto. dead: muerto. drawing: dibujando, dibujo, encantando, trazando, plano, giro. flask: frasco, matraz. fragrant: fragante, oloroso. human: humano. i'm: soy. jesting: chistes, dichos, en broma,
chistoso, chanzas, bromas, bromeando, burlón, guasón. leave: salir, sal, sale, salís, salimos, salgo, salgan, salga, sales, salen, saled. melancholy: melancolía, melancólico. pulse: pulso, impulso, pulsación. rack: bastidor, rejilla, perchero, estante, estantería, cremallera, anaquel. runs: corre. scent: olor, perfume, aroma.
smeared: untó. smell: oler, olor, apestar, oler mal, olfatear, olfato. sustain: sostener, sosten, sostengan, sostiene, sostenemos, sostenéis, sostened, sostienes, sostienen, sostengo, sostenga. sympathy: simpatía. tease: fastidiar, molestar, embromar, importunar. vote: votar, voto, balotar, votación. worn: gastado, usado.
This unforeseen domestic strain, And not a single trace Of willing women in the place! CINESIAS. Zeus, what throbbing suffering! MEN. She did it all, the harlot, she With her atrocious harlotry.% WOMEN. Nay, rather call her darling-sweet. MEN. What, sweet? She's a rude, wicked thing. CINESIAS. A wicked thing, as I repeat. O Zeus, O Zeus, Canst Thou not suddenly let loose Some twirling hurricane to tear Her flapping up along the air And drop her, when she's whirled around, Here to the ground Neatly impaled upon the stake That's ready upright for her sake. [He goes out.] [Enter SPARTAN HERALD.] [The MAGISTRATE comes forward.] HERALD. What here gabs the Senate an' the Prytanes? I've fetcht despatches for them. MAGISTRATE. Are you a man Or a monstrosity?
Spanish air: aire, airear, el aire, aéreo, orear. atrocious: atroz. despatches: envía. domestic: indígena, doméstico, nacional. flapping: batir, aleteo, aleteador. goes: va, marcha. ground: suelo, terreno, tierra, molido, masa, conexión a tierra, el suelo, fondo, fundamento. harlot: ramera, prostituta. hurricane: huracán.
impaled: empalado. i've: he, Tengo. monstrosity: monstruosidad. rude: grosero, rudo, insolente, descortés. single: soltero, solo, único, simple, individual. stake: poste, estaca, apostar, puesta. strain: colar, esfuerzo, deformación, cepa, tensión, torcedura. suddenly: de repente, de golpe, repentinamente, de sopetón.
suffering: sufriendo, padeciendo, sufrimiento. sweet: dulce, caramelo, postre. tear: lágrima, desgarrar, rajar, romper, rasgar, desgarro. throbbing: palpitante. trace: rastro, calcar, impresión, trazar, amojonar, traza, línea, señal, huella, barrido. unforeseen: imprevisto. upright: vertical, montante, derecho. wicked: malo, malvado.
HERALD. My scrimp-brained lad, I'm a herald, as ye see, who hae come frae Sparta Anent a Peace.% MAGISTRATE. Then why do you hide that lance That sticks out under your arm HERALD. I've brought no lance. MAGISTRATE. Then why do you turn aside and hold your cloak So far out from your body? Is your groin swollen With stress of travelling? HERALD. By Castor, I'll swear The man is wud. MAGISTRATE. Indeed, your cloak is wide, My rascal fellow. HERALD. But I tell ye No! Enow o' fleering! MAGISTRATE. Well, what is it then? HERALD. It's my despatch cane. MAGISTRATE. Of course--a Spartan cane! But speak right out. I know all this too well. Are new privations springing up in Sparta? HERALD. Och, hard as could be: in lofty lusty columns Our allies stand united. We maun get Pellene.
Spanish allies: aliados, instituciones que cooperan con el UNICEF. arm: brazo, armar, el brazo, arma. cane: palo, bastón, junco, caña. cloak: abrigo, capa. columns: columnas. despatch: envío, remitir, prontitud, paso, parte, muerte, enviar, envíe, ejecución, despacho, despachar. groin: ingle. herald: heraldo. lance: lanza, lanzar.
lofty: alto, encumbrado. lusty: lozano. rascal: bribón. springing: saltar. stand: estar de pie, puesto, levantarse, granero, posición, cabina, soporte, base, estante, caseta, pararse. sticks: leño, vara, palillo, adherir, batuta, palo, pegar, ramitas, punzar, picar. stress: tensión, estrés, acento, esfuerzo, acentuar, presión, recalcar, el estrés,
la presión. swear: jurar, jura, jurad, juráis, juramos, juran, juras, juren, juro, jure, maldecir. swollen: hinchado. travelling: corredizo, de viaje, ambulante, el viajar, itinerante, viajar, viajes. united: reunido, unido. wide: ancho, amplio, vasto, lejos. ye: usted, vosotros, ustedes, vosotras, tú, los, lo, las, la, el, vos.
MAGISTRATE. Whence has this evil come? Is it from Pan? HERALD. No. Lampito first ran asklent, then the ithers Sprinted after her example, and blocked, the hizzies, Their wames unskaithed against our every fleech.% MAGISTRATE. What did you do? HERALD. We are broken, and bent double, Limp like men carrying lanthorns in great winds About the city. They winna let us even Wi' lightest neif skim their primsie pretties Till we've concluded Peace-terms wi' a' Hellas. MAGISTRATE. So the conspiracy is universal; This proves it. Then return to Sparta. Bid them Send envoys with full powers to treat of Peace; And I will urge the Senate here to choose Plenipotentiary ambassadors, As argument adducing this connection. HERALD. I'm off. Your wisdom nane could contravert. [They retire.] MEN. There is no beast, no rush of fire, like woman so untamed. She calmly goes her way where even panthers would be shamed. WOMEN. And yet you are fool enough, it seems, to dare to war with me, When for your faithful ally you might win me easily.
Spanish adducing: aduciendo. argument: argumento, discusión, el argumento. bent: inclinación, torcido. blocked: bloqueado. broken: roto, estropeado, entrecortado, quebrado. calmly: calmadamente, serenamente. carrying: llevando, transportando, cargando. choose: escoger, escojan, escoges, escogen, escogemos, escogéis,
escoged, escojo, escoge, escoja, elegir. concluded: despachado. connection: conexión, empalme, comunicación, enlace, lazo, cinta, acometida, relación. conspiracy: conspiración. double: doble, doblar, doblado. evil: mal, malo, malvado. faithful: fiel, leal. panthers: panteras. powers: potestades. pretties: bastante.
proves: prueba, verifica. ran: corrió, participio pasivo del verbo run, pret de run. shamed: avergonzado. skim: desnatar, desnatan, desnaten, desnato, desnatas, desnatáis, desnatad, desnata, desnate, desnatamos, espumar. universal: universal. untamed: indomado. urge: incitar, espolear, impulso, impulsar, animar, instar.
MEN. Never could the hate I feel for womankind grow less.% WOMEN. Then have your will. But I'll take pity on your nakedness. For I can see just how ridiculous you look, and so Will help you with your tunic if close up I now may go. MEN. Well, that, by Zeus, is no scoundrel-deed, I frankly will admit. I only took them off myself in a scoundrel raging-fit. WOMEN. Now you look sensible, and that you're men no one could doubt. If you were but good friends again, I'd take the insect out That hurts your eye. MEN. Is that what's wrong? That nasty bitie thing. Please squeeze it out, and show me what it is that makes this sting. It's been paining me a long while now. WOMEN. Well I'll agree to that, Although you're most unmannerly. O what a giant gnat. Here, look! It comes from marshy Tricorysus, I can tell. MEN. O thank you. It was digging out a veritable well. Now that it's gone, I can't hold back my tears. See how they fall. WOMEN. I'll wipe them off, bad as you are, and kiss you after all. MEN. I won't be kissed. WOMEN. O yes, you will. Your wishes do not matter.
Spanish admit: confesar, confesad, confesáis, confieso, confiesen, confiese, confiesas, confiesan, confiesa, confesamos, admitir. agree: acordar, acordáis, acuerde, acuerdas, acuerden, acuerdan, acordad, acuerda, acordamos, acuerdo, convenir. bad: malo, mal, podrido. digging: cavando. doubt: dudar, duda. frankly: francamente.
giant: gigante. gnat: mosquito. grow: crecer, crecen, crezco, crece, creced, crecemos, crezcan, crecéis, creces, crezca, cultivar. insect: insecto, el insecto. kissed: Besado. marshy: pantanoso. myself: yo mismo. nakedness: desnudez. paining: Afligir. ridiculous: ridículo.
scoundrel: bribón, sinvergüenza, canalla. sting: picar, aguijón, picadura, punzar, pinchar. tears: desgarra, rasga. unmannerly: mal educado. veritable: verdadero. wipe: limpiar, enjugar, limpien, limpiad, limpiáis, limpiamos, limpian, limpias, limpie, limpio, limpia. womankind: las mujeres.
MEN. O botheration take you all! How you cajole and flatter. A hell it is to live with you; to live without, a hell. How truly was that said. But come, these enmities let's quell. You stop from giving orders and I'll stop from doing wrong. So let's join ranks and seal our bargain with a choric song.% CHORUS. Athenians, it's not our intention To sow political dissension By giving any scandal mention; But on the contrary to promote good feeling in the state By word and deed. We've had enough calamities of late. So let a man or woman but divulge They need a trifle, say, Two minas, three or four, I've purses here that bulge. There's only one condition made (Indulge my whim in this I pray)-- When Peace is signed once more, On no account am I to be repaid. And I'm making preparation For a gay select collation With some youths of reputation. I've managed to produce some soup and they're slaughtering for me A sucking-pig: its flesh should taste as tender as could be. I shall expect you at my house today. To the baths make an early visit, And bring your children along; Don't dawdle on the way. Ask no one; enter as if the place Was all your own--yours henceforth is it. If nothing chances wrong, The door will then be shut bang in your face.
Spanish bang: golpe. bargain: trato, negociar, ganga, regatear, convenio. baths: balneario, casa de baños, piscina. botheration: molestia. cajole: engatusar, engatusamos, engatuso, engatusen, engatuse, engatusan, engatusáis, engatusad, engatusa, engatusas. calamities: calamidades. chances: posibilidades.
collation: cotejo, colación. contrary: contrario. dawdle: perder el tiempo. dissension: disensión. divulge: divulgar, divulgáis, divulguen, divulgo, divulgas, divulgad, divulga, divulgamos, divulgan, divulgue. flatter: adular, adula, adulo, adulen, adule, adulas, adulan, adulamos, aduláis, adulad, halagar. flesh: carne, pulpa.
gay: alegre, homosexual. reputation: reputación. scandal: escándalo. seal: foca, sello, sellar, precinto, precintar. slaughtering: matar, matanza. soup: sopa, la sopa. sow: cerda, sembrar, cochina, marrana. sucking-pig: cochinillo. trifle: bagatela, friolera, nadería. whim: capricho, antojo.
[The SPARTAN AMBASSADORS approach.] CHORUS. Here come the Spartan envoys with long, worried beards. Hail, Spartans how do you fare? Did anything new arise? SPARTANS. No need for a clutter o' words. Do ye see our condition? CHORUS. The situation swells to greater tension. Something will explode soon.% SPARTANS. It's awfu' truly. But come, let us wi' the best speed we may Scribble a Peace. CHORUS. I notice that our men Like wrestlers poised for contest, hold their clothes Out from their bellies. An athlete's malady! Since exercise alone can bring relief. ATHENIANS. Can anyone tell us where Lysistrata is? There is no need to describe our men's condition, It shows up plainly enough. CHORUS. It's the same disease. Do you feel a jerking throbbing in the morning? ATHENIANS. By Zeus, yes! In these straits, I'm racked all through. Unless Peace is soon declared, we shall be driven In the void of women to try Cleisthenes. CHORUS. Be wise and cover those things with your tunics. Who knows what kind of person may perceive you? ATHENIANS. By Zeus, you're right.
Spanish clutter: desorden. contest: concurso, certamen, el concurso, debate, controvertir. declared: declarado. describe: describir, describís, describo, describimos, describid, describen, describe, describan, describes, describa. driven: conducido, manejado. explode: estallar, estallan, estallo, estallen, estallas, estalláis, estallad, estalla, estallamos, estalle, explotar.
fare: tarifa, pasaje. hail: granizo, granizar, alabar, pedrisco. malady: enfermedad. men's: varonil. perceive: percibir, perciben, percibes, percibe, perciban, percibid, percibimos, percibís, percibo, perciba. plainly: simplemente. poised: listo, suspendido, serenidad, equilibrio, en equilibrio, compostura, balancear, sereno, equilibrar.
racked: atormentado. relief: alivio, relieve, socorro, asistencia, relevo. straits: necesidad, paso, estrecho, estrecheces. tension: tensión, voltaje, afán. truly: verdaderamente, de veras, en realidad, en efecto, realmente. void: vacío, nulo, anular, vaciar, caducado, hueco. worried: preocupado, angustiado, inquieto.
SPARTANS. By the Twa Goddesses, Indeed ye are. Let's put our tunics on.% ATHENIANS. Hail O my fellow-sufferers, hail Spartans. SPARTANS. O hinnie darling, what a waefu' thing! If they had seen us wi' our lunging waddies! ATHENIANS. Tell us then, Spartans, what has brought you here? SPARTANS. We come to treat o' Peace. ATHENIANS. Well spoken there! And we the same. Let us callout Lysistrata Since she alone can settle the Peace-terms. SPARTANS. Callout Lysistratus too if ye don't mind. CHORUS. No indeed. She hears your voices and she comes. [Enter LYSISTRATA] Hail, Wonder of all women! Now you must be in turn Hard, shifting, clear, deceitful, noble, crafty, sweet, and stern. The foremost men of Hellas, smitten by your fascination, Have brought their tangled quarrels here for your sole arbitration. LYSISTRATA. An easy task if the love's raging home-sickness Doesn't start trying out how well each other Will serve instead of us. But I'll know at once If they do. O where's that girl, Reconciliation? Bring first before me the Spartan delegates,
Spanish arbitration: arbitraje, arbitración. bring: traer, traigan, trae, traed, traéis, traemos, traen, traigo, traes, traiga, llevar. callout: leyenda. crafty: astuto. darling: querido, amado. deceitful: engañoso, falaz. don't: no. easy: fácil. fascination: fascinación. foremost: primero, principal.
hail: granizo, granizar, alabar, pedrisco. hears: oye. indeed: verdaderamente, en efecto, de veras, en realidad, efectivamente. instead: en cambio. lunging: Lanzar. noble: hidalgo, noble. raging: rabioso, furioso. settle: despachar, despacha, despacho, despachas, despachan, despachamos, despacháis, despachad, despachen,
despache, establecer. shifting: cambiar, desplazamiento, movedizo. smitten: herido, pegado, aplastado, castigado, golpeado, pp de smite. spoken: hablado. stern: popa, severo. tangled: enredado. task: tarea, quehacer, trabajo. trying: molesto. ye: usted, vosotros, ustedes, vosotras, tú, los, lo, las, la, el, vos.
And%see you lift no rude or violent hands— None of the churlish ways our husbands used. But lead them courteously, as women should. And if they grudge fingers, guide them by other methods, And introduce them with ready tact. The Athenians Draw by whatever offers you a grip. Now, Spartans, stay here facing me. Here you, Athenians. Both hearken to my words. I am a woman, but I'm not a fool. And what of natural intelligence I own Has been filled out with the remembered precepts My father and the city-elders taught me. First I reproach you both sides equally That when at Pylae and Olympia, At Pytho and the many other shrines That I could name, you sprinkle from one cup The altars common to all Hellenes, yet You wrack Hellenic cities, bloody Hellas With deaths of her own sons, while yonder clangs The gathering menace of barbarians. ATHENIANS. We cannot hold it in much longer now. LYSISTRATA. Now unto you, O Spartans, do I speak. Do you forget how your own countryman, Pericleidas, once came hither suppliant Before our altars, pale in his purple robes, Praying for an army when in Messenia Danger growled, and the Sea-god made earth quayer. Then with four thousand hoplites Cimon marched
Spanish churlish: rústico. countryman: compatriota. courteously: cortésmente. filled: llenar, completar, despachar, terraplén, relleno, rellenar, redondear, ocupar, lleno, atestado, llenó. gathering: recolección, reunión. growled: gruñido. grudge: rencor. hearken: escuchar. intelligence: inteligencia.
introduce: presentar, presente, presento, presenta, presentad, presentáis, presentamos, presentan, presenten, presentas, introducir. marched: Marchado. menace: amenaza, amenazar, conminación, conminar. pale: pálido, palidecer, descolorido. purple: morado, púrpura, purpúreo, lila. reproach: reproche, censurar, reprender, reprobar, desaprobar,
reprochar. sprinkle: salpicar, espolvorear, rociar. suppliant: suplicante. tact: tacto, diplomacia, tino. taught: enseñado, instruido, desacostumbrado. unto: hacia. violent: violento. wrack: explorar, sargazo, ruina de, fluco, estante, despojo, alga de arribada, fuco, exploráis, exploren, explore.
And saved all Sparta. Yet base ingrates now, You are ravaging the soil of your preservers.% ATHENIANS. By Zeus, they do great wrong, Lysistrata. SPARTANS. Great wrang, indeed. O! What a luscious wench! LYSISTRATA. And now I turn to the Athenians. Have you forgotten too how once the Spartans In days when you wore slavish tunics, came And with their spears broke a Thessalian host And all the partisans of Hippias? They alone stood by your shoulder on that day. They freed you, so that for the slave's short skirt You should wear the trailing cloak of liberty. SPARTANS. I've never seen a nobler woman anywhere. ATHENIANS. Nor I one with such prettily jointing hips. LYSISTRATA. Now, brethren twined with mutual benefactions, Can you still war, can you suffer such disgrace? Why not be friends? What is there to prevent you? SPARTANS. We're agreed, gin that we get this tempting Mole. LYSISTRATA. Which one? SPARTANS. That ane we've wanted to get into, O for sae lang.... Pylos, of course.
Spanish anywhere: dondequiera, en cualquier parte. benefactions: donaciones. brethren: hermanos. freed: liberado. gin: ginebra, la ginebra. hips: las caderas. host: anfitrión, huésped, posadero, hostia. jointing: llagueado, conexión. liberty: libertad, la libertad. luscious: delicioso.
mutual: mutuo, mutua. partisans: partidarios, fuerzas guerrilleras. ravaging: destrozando. sae: asociación de ingenieros de automóviles. skirt: falda, la falda, base de blindaje, faldón. slavish: servil. soil: tierra, ensuciar, suelo, manchar. stood: pret y pp de stand. suffer: sufrir, sufres, sufro, sufrís,
sufrid, sufren, sufre, sufran, sufrimos, sufra, padecer. tempting: tentando, tentador. trailing: estela, rastrear, rastreo, rastro, seguir, seguir la pista de, sendero, vereda, arrastrar, pista, huella. twined: trenzó. wear: llevar, desgaste, usar, tener puesto, vestir, uso, llevar puesto. wench: muchacha. wore: falacia, pret de wear, Llevó. wrang: retorció.
ATHENIANS. By Poseidon, Never! LYSISTRATA. Give it up.% ATHENIANS. Then what will we do? We need that ticklish place united to usLYSISTRATA. Ask for some other lurking-hole in return. ATHENIANS. Then, ah, we'll choose this snug thing here, Echinus, Shall we call the nestling spot? And this backside haven, These desirable twin promontories, the Maliac, And then of course these Megarean Legs. SPARTANS. Not that, O surely not that, never that. LYSISTRATA. Agree! Now what are two legs more or less? ATHENIANS. I want to strip at once and plough my land. SPARTANS. And mine I want to fertilize at once. LYSISTRATA. And so you can, when Peace is once declared. If you mean it, get your allies' heads together And come to some decision. ATHENIANS. What allies? There's no distinction in our politics. We've risen as one man to this conclusion; Every ally is jumping-mad to drive it home.
Spanish allies: aliados, instituciones que cooperan con el UNICEF. ally: aliado. backside: espalda, trasero, lomo. conclusion: conclusión. course: curso, plato, cursillo, rumbo, transcurso, recorrido. decision: decisión, sentencia, resolución judicial. desirable: deseable. distinction: distinción. drive: conducir, conducen, conduzcan,
conduzco, conducís, conducimos, conduzca, conduces, conduce, conducid, propulsión. fertilize: fertilizar, fertilizo, fertilicen, fertiliza, fertilizad, fertilizáis, fertilizamos, fertilizan, fertilizas, fertilice, abonar. haven: asilo. land: tierra, aterrizar, país, abordar, atracar, la tierra, terreno. nestling: acurrucándose, anidando, pajarito en el nido, anidar.
plough: arado, arar. politics: política. return: volver, devolver, regresar, retorno, devolución, rendimiento, vuelta. risen: subido, pp de rise. snug: acogedor, cómodo. strip: tira, raya, faja, desnudarse, franja, desmontar, banda. ticklish: cosquilloso. twin: gemelo, gemelos. we'll: Haremos.
SPARTANS. And ours the same, for sure.% ATHENIANS. The Carystians first! I'll bet on that LYSISTRATA. I agree with all of you. Now off, and cleanse yourselves for the Acropolis, For we invite you all in to a supper From our commissariat baskets. There at table You will pledge good behaviour and uprightness; Then each man's wife is his to hustle home. ATHENIANS. Come, as quickly as possible. SPARTANS. As quick as ye like. Lead on. ATHENIANS. O Zeus, quick, quick, lead quickly on. [They hurry off.] CHORUS. Broidered stuffs on high I'm heaping, Fashionable cloaks and sweeping Trains, not even gold gawds keeping. Take them all, I pray you, take them all (I do not care) And deck your children--your daughter, if the Basket she's to bear. Come, everyone of you, come in and take Of this rich hoard a share. Nought's tied so skilfully But you its seal can break And plunder all you spy inside. I've laid out all that I can spare, And therefore you will see
Spanish baskets: las cestas. behaviour: comportamiento, conducta. bet: apostar, apuesta. cleanse: limpiar, limpian, limpio, limpia, limpias, limpiamos, limpiáis, limpiad, limpien, limpie. commissariat: comisaría. daughter: hija, la hija, Nina. deck: cubierta. everyone: todo el mundo, todos. heaping: apilado, cucharita colmada,
amontonar, amontonamiento, acumulación. hoard: acumular, acaparar. hustle: empujón, empujar. invite: invitar, invitas, invita, invite, invitan, invitamos, invitáis, invitad, invito, inviten. i've: he, Tengo. laid: puesto, colocado, recostado, acostado. ours: nuestro. plunder: pillaje, botín, saqueo.
pray: rezar, rezáis, rezas, rezamos, rezad, reza, recen, rece, rezan, rezo, rogar. rich: rico. skilfully: con destreza, diestramente, hábilmente. spare: sobrante, ahorrar, recambio, perdonar. supper: cena, la cena. sweeping: barrido. uprightness: nobleza, verticalidad. yourselves: ustedes mismos.
Nothing unless than I you're sharper-eyed. If lacking corn a man should be While his slaves clamour hungrily And his excessive progeny, Then I've a handfull of grain at home which is always to be had, And to which in fact a more-than-life-size loaf I'd gladly add. Then let the poor bring with them bag or sack And take this store of food. Manes, my man, I'll tell To help them all to pack Their wallets full. But O take care. I had forgotten; don't intrude, Or terrified you'll yell. My dog is hungry too, and bites--beware! [Some LOUNGERS from the Market with torches approach the Banqueting hall. The PORTER bars their entrance.% 1ST MARKET-LOUNGER. Open the door. PORTER. Here move along. 1ST MARKET-LOUNGER. What's this? You're sitting down. Shall I singe you with my torch? That's vulgar! O I couldn't do it ... yet If it would gratify the audience, I'll mortify myself. 2ND MARKET-LOUNGER. And I will too. We'll both be crude and vulgar, yes we will. PORTER. Be off at once now or you'll be wailing Dirges for your hair. Get off at once,
Spanish audience: audiencia, público. bag: bolso, bolsa, saco. clamour: clamar. corn: maíz, callo, grano. crude: crudo, basto. dog: perro, el perro, la perra, can. excessive: excesivo, desmesurado. gladly: alegremente. grain: grano, cereal, veta, fibra. gratify: satisfacemos, gratifico, gratifiquen, satisface, gratifican, satisfacéis, gratificas, satisfacen,
satisfaces, satisfagan, satisfago. hungrily: con hambre. intrude: meterse, molestar, entremeterse, entrometerse, estorbar, imponer en, imponga, incursionar, intervenir, meter, encajarse. loaf: pan, barra, holgazanear. mortify: mortificar, mortifican, mortifiquen, mortificas, mortificamos, mortificáis, mortificad, mortifica, mortifico, mortifique. progeny: descendencia, progenie.
singe: chamuscar. sitting: sesión, sentada. store: tienda, almacenar, almacén, la tienda, memoria, depósito. terrified: aterrorizado, aterrado. torches: antorchas. vulgar: chabacano, cursi, grosero, cutre, corriente, vulgo, vulgar, ramplón, ordinario, ordinaria, común. wailing: lamentos. yell: grito, gritar, aullar, chillar.
And see you don't disturb the Spartan envoys Just coming out from the splendid feast they've had. [The banqueters begin to come out.] 1ST ATHENIAN. I've never known such a pleasant banquet before, And what delightful fellows the Spartans are. When we are warm with wine, how wise we grow.% 2ND ATHENIAN. That's only fair, since sober we're such fools. This is the advice I'd give the Athenians— See our ambassadors are always drunk. For when we visit Sparta sober, then We're on the alert for trickery all the while So that we miss half of the things they say, And misinterpret things that were never said, And then report the muddle back to Athens. But now we're charmed with each other. They might cap With the Telamon-catch instead of the Cleitagora, And we'd applaud and praise them just the same; We're not too scrupulous in weighing words. PORTER. Why, here the rascals come again to plague me. Won't you move on, you sorry loafers there! MARKET-LOUNGER. Yes, by Zeus, they're already coming out. SPARTANS. Now hinnie dearest, please tak' up your pipe That I may try a spring an' sing my best In honour o' the Athenians an' oursels. ATHENIANS. Aye, take your pipe.
Spanish alert: alerta, alarma, alertar. applaud: aplaudir, aplaudan, aplaudo, aplaudís, aplaudimos, aplaudid, aplaudes, aplauden, aplaude, aplauda. banquet: banquete, banquetear, festín. cap: gorro, gorra, birrete, el gorro, tapa, tapón, zuncho, tapar, casquillo, bonete. charmed: encantado. disturb: molestar, moleste, molestad, molestáis, molestamos, molestan,
molestas, molesta, molesto, molesten, incomodar. drunk: borracho, bebido, ebrio. honour: honor, homenaje. loafers: gandules. misinterpret: interpretar mal. muddle: enredo. pipe: pipa, cañería, tubo, tubería, conducto, la pipa. pleasant: agradable, simpático, placentero, grato. praise: alabar, alabanza, elogio,
elogiar. scrupulous: escrupuloso, meticuloso. sing: cantar, cantan, cantas, canten, cantamos, cantáis, canta, cantad, canto, cante. sober: sobrio. sorry: afligido, arrepentido, pesaroso, siento, triste. trickery: engaño. we'd: hacemos. weighing: pesando, peso, pesaje, pesar.
By all the gods, there's nothing Could glad my heart more than to watch you dance.% SPARTANS. Mnemosyne, Let thy fire storm these younkers, O tongue wi' stormy ecstasy My Muse that knows Our deeds and theirs, how when at sea Their navies swooped upon The Medes at Artemision— Gods for their courage, did they strike Wrenching a triumph frae their foes; While at Thermopylae Leonidas' army stood: wild-boars they were like Wild-boars that wi' fierce threat Their terrible tusks whet; The sweat ran streaming down each twisted face, Faem blossoming i' strange petals o' death Panted frae mortal breath, The sweat drenched a' their bodies i' that place, For the hurly-burly o' Persians glittered more Than the sands on the shore. Come, Hunting Girl, an' hear my prayer— You whose arrows whizz in woodlands, come an' bless This Peace we swear. Let us be fenced wi' age long amity, O let this bond stick ever firm through thee In friendly happiness. Henceforth no guilefu' perjury be seen! O hither, hither O Thou wildwood queen.
Spanish amity: amistad. bless: bendecir, bendecimos, bendigo, bendigan, bendices, bendicen, bendecís, bendecid, bendice, bendiga. bond: lazo, bono, obligación, fianza, cinta, adherencia, enlace. courage: valor, coraje, ánimo, virtud. deeds: andanzas. fenced: cercado. friendly: amistoso, amable, bonito, gracioso, amigable. happiness: felicidad, alegría, dicha.
hurly-burly: gritería. mortal: mortal. perjury: perjurio. sands: banco de arena, playa. stick: pegar, palo, bastón. storm: tormenta, tempestad, la tormenta, borrasca, tomar por asalto. stormy: tempestuoso, tormentoso. streaming: flujo, difusión de video digital en tiempo real, efecto de canalización, correr, transferencia de datos desde el disco duro.
sweat: sudor, sudar, transpirar. swooped: Abatió. theirs: suyo, sus. triumph: triunfo. twisted: retorcido, torcido. whet: afilar, afile, afilen, afilas, afilan, afiláis, afilad, afila, afilo, afilamos. whizz: silbar, rehilar, silbido, zumbar a, zumbido, fenómeno. woodlands: tierras arboladas, suelos arbolados, regiones forestadas, boscaje.
LYSISTRATA. Earth is delighted now, peace is the voice of earth. Spartans, sort out your wives: Athenians, yours. Let each catch hands with his wife and dance his joy, Dance out his thanks, be grateful in music, And promise reformation with his heels.% ATHENIANS. O Dancers, forward. Lead out the Graces, Call Artemis out; Then her brother, the Dancer of Skies, That gracious Apollo. Invoke with a shout Dionysus out of whose eyes Breaks fire on the maenads that follow; And Zeus with his flares of quick lightning, and call, Happy Hera, Queen of all, And all the Daimons summon hither to be Witnesses of our revelry And of the noble Peace we have made, Aphrodite our aid. Io Paieon, Io, cry— For victory, leap! Attained by me, leap! Euoi Euoi Euai Euai. SPARTANS. Piper, gie us the music for a new sang. Leaving again lovely lofty Taygetus Hither O Spartan Muse, hither to greet us, And wi' our choric voice to raise
Spanish aid: ayuda, ayudar, asistente, ayudante, la curita, auxilio, socorro. attained: alcanzado. brother: hermano, el hermano, cofrade. catch: coger, cogéis, cojan, coged, cogemos, cogen, coges, coja, coge, cojo, asir. delighted: encantado, gozoso. forward: adelante, delantero, reenviar, hacia delante, enviar, remitir, hacia adelante.
grateful: agradecido. greet: saludar, saludad, saludáis, saludamos, saludan, saludas, saluda, saluden, salude, saludo, acoger. invoke: invocar, invoque, invoca, invocas, invoco, invocan, invoquen, invocamos, invocáis, invocad, llamar. leap: saltar, salto, brincar, el salto. lightning: relámpago, rayo, el relámpago. promise: prometer, prometéis, prometemos, prometen, prometo,
promete, prometan, prometa, prometes, prometed, promesa. raise: levantar, entonar, criar, subir, alzar, elevar, alza, izar, aumento. reformation: reformación, reposición, reforma. revelry: juerga, diversión tumultuosa, fiestas, jarana, jolgorio. shout: gritar, grito. summon: llamar, notificar, convocar. thanks: gracias, agradece. victory: victoria.
To %Amyclean Apollo praise, And Tyndareus' gallant sons whose days Alang Eurotas' banks merrily pass, An' Athene o' the House o' Brass. Now the dance begin; Dance, making swirl your fringe o' woolly skin, While we join voices To hymn dear Sparta that rejoices I' a beautifu' sang, An' loves to see Dancers tangled beautifully; For the girls i' tumbled ranks Alang Eurotas' banks Like wanton fillies thrang, Frolicking there An' like Bacchantes shaking the wild air To comb a giddy laughter through the hair, Bacchantes that clench thyrsi as they sweep To the ecstatic leap. An' Helen, Child o' Leda, come Thou holy, nimble, gracefu' Queen, Lead thou the dance, gather thy joyous tresses up i' bands An' play like a fawn. To madden them, clap thy hands, And sing praise to the warrior goddess templed i' our lands, Her o' the House o' Brass.
Spanish bands: alzacuello. banks: bancos. beautifully: bellamente, hermosamente. clap: aplaudir, palmada. clench: presión, apretado, fijar, empuñar, cerradura, asir, asegurar, agarrada, apretar, agarro, agarrar. ecstatic: extático. fawn: cervato. fringe: borde, fleco, franja, baranda. gather: recoger, deducir, reunir,
recolectar, cosechar. giddy: mareado. goddess: diosa. hymn: himno. join: juntar, junta, junto, reunir, reunirse, junten, juntáis, juntamos, juntan, juntas, junte. nimble: ágil. pass: pasar, adelantar, paso, pase, desfiladero, entregar, pasada, aprobar, alargar, paso de montaña, llegar.
rejoices: alboroza, alegra, deleita, jubila. sang: pret de sing, cantó. shaking: sacudiendo, sacudida. sweep: barrer, barrido. swirl: remolino, torbellino, arremolinarse. thou: tú, usted, vosotros, ustedes, vos. tumbled: Derribado. wanton: petulante, lascivo. warrior: guerrero. woolly: lanoso.
GLOSSARY aboard: a bordo, a bordo de abolish: abolir, abolan, abolo, abolís, abolimos, abolid, aboles, abole, abolen, abola, abrogar abominated: detestado, Abominado absence: ausencia, falta absorb: absorber, absorben, absorbes, absorbemos, absorbéis, absorbe, absorban, absorbed, absorbo, absorba absorption: absorción abstracted: distraído, abstraído, abstracto abstraction: abstracción, robo, sustracción absurd: absurdo academic: académico, estudiante acclamation: aclamación, aplauso account: cuenta, considerar, comunicación, creer, contemplar, lugar, tomar en consideración, motivo, noticia, explicación, información achieve: realizar, realizan, realizad, realice, realicen, realiza, realizamos, realizas, realizo, realizáis, conseguir achievement: logro, realización, acción, ejecución aching: dolor, que duele acropolis: acrópolis actors: los actores acts: hechos add: sumar, sumad, sumáis, sumamos, suman, sumas, sume, sumen, suma, sumo, agregar adducing: aduciendo administered: administrado admiration: admiración admit: confesar, confesad, confesáis, confieso, confiesen, confiese, confiesas, confiesan, confiesa, confesamos, admitir admits: confiesa, admite adolescence: adolescencia adonis: buen mozo adorning: decorando advanced: avanzado, adelantado
advantageous: ventajoso, favorable, provechoso adventure: aventura advice: consejo, noticias, asesoramiento, publicación, noticia, el consejo aerial: antena, aéreo aeschylus: esquilo aesthetic: estético afar: lejos affair: asunto, caso, particular, aventura affairs: asuntos affection: afecto, cariño, afectuosidad, amor afloat: a flote, flotante afraid: miedoso, temeroso, asustado, medroso, miedo, encogido, angustioso, tímido, be - tener miedo ago: hace agonized: agonizado agony: agonía, angustia, miedo agree: acordar, acordáis, acuerde, acuerdas, acuerden, acuerdan, acordad, acuerda, acordamos, acuerdo, convenir agreed: acordado, convenido, de acuerdo, vale, entendido, conforme, asentido, concordado, en orden ah: ay ahead: adelante, delante, anteriormente ahoy: ah del barco, ah aid: ayuda, ayudar, asistente, ayudante, la curita, auxilio, socorro aim: fin, objeto, objetivo, querer decir, apuntar, tratar de, esforzarse por, apuntáis, apunten, apuntas, apunto air: aire, airear, el aire, aéreo, orear alert: alerta, alarma, alertar aliens: extranjeros alive: vivo, viviente alliance: alianza allies: aliados, instituciones que cooperan con el UNICEF ally: aliado alone: solo, único, solamente, sólo
along: a lo largo de, por aloof: apartado amazing: asombrando, asombroso, maravilloso, maravillando, pasmando, pasmoso amazon: amazona, río Amazonas, Amazonas amid: en medio de, entre amity: amistad amorous: amoroso amuse: divertir, diviértete, diviértase, diviértanse, divértidos, me divierto, nos divertimos, os divertís, se divierte, se divierten, te diviertes analogous: análogo anatomy: anatomía anciently: antiguamente, antigüedadmente anent: concerniente a angry: enojado, enfadado, furioso anguished: angustiado animal: bestia, animal, el animal ankle: tobillo, el tobillo annoyed: fastidiado, molestado, enojado, enfadado answer: respuesta, responder, contestar, contestación, responder a, corresponder al, contestar a, la respuesta, réplica answering: contestar, respuesta antics: estrafalario, travesuras, bufonadas, grotesco, payasadas anxious: inquieto, ansioso anyhow: sin embargo anyone: alguien, cualquiera anyway: sin embargo anywhere: dondequiera, en cualquier parte apart: aparte, por separado, particular, separado aphrodite: Afrodite, Afrodita apollo: Apolo apparently: evidentemente, al parecer, aparentemente appeal: apelación, llamada, apelar, recurso, oración, ruego, atracción, atractivo, recurrir
82 appearance: aspecto, apariencia, aparición, comparecencia, vista, apersonamiento appears: aparece, comparece applaud: aplaudir, aplaudan, aplaudo, aplaudís, aplaudimos, aplaudid, aplaudes, aplauden, aplaude, aplauda apple: manzana, la manzana appreciate: apreciar, aprecia, apreciad, apreciáis, apreciamos, aprecian, aprecias, aprecien, aprecio, aprecie, gustar approach: aproximación, enfoque, aproximarse, acercarse, acercar, acercamiento, método, planteamiento appropriated: apropiado arbitration: arbitraje, arbitración archer: arquero ardent: ardiente ardor: ardor, celo, celos, exaltación, Entusiasmo, Vehemencia, pasión argue: discutir, discuto, discutís, discutan, discute, discuten, discutes, discutid, discutimos, argüir, discuta argument: argumento, discusión, el argumento arise: subir, nacer, nacéis, suban, suba, nace, naced, nacemos, nacen, sube, nazca arises: sube, nace aristophanes: aristófanes arm: brazo, armar, el brazo, arma armaments: armamento armed: armado armoured: blindado arms: brazos, los brazos, armas army: ejército arouse: despertar, despiertas, despierten, despiertan, despierta, despertamos, despertáis, despertad, despierto, despierte arrange: arreglar, arreglen, arreglan, arreglamos, arregláis, arregla, arreglad, arreglas, arreglo, arregle, organizar arrest: detención, detener, arrestar, arresto, prender arrived: llegado arrogant: arrogante, altanero art: arte, el arte artemisia: artemisa ashes: cenizas aside: aparte, al lado ask: preguntar, preguntáis, preguntad, pregunto, pregunten, preguntas, preguntan, preguntamos, pregunte, pregunta, pedir asking: preguntando, pidiendo, solicitando assault: agresión, asaltar, ataque,
Lysistrata atacar, asalto, acometer, salteo, atentado assembling: ensamblando, ensamblaje, congregando assembly: montaje, asamblea, conjunto, reunión, ensamblaje assess: evaluar, evalúo, evalúa, evalúen, evalúe, evalúas, evaluáis, evaluamos, evaluad, evalúan, valorar assure: asegurar, asegura, aseguren, aseguras, aseguran, aseguramos, aseguráis, asegurad, aseguro, asegure, garantizar athene: Atenas athenian: ateniense athens: Atenas atrocious: atroz attack: atacar, ataque, acometer, acometida, agresión, acceso attacking: agredir, atentado, acometer, atacante, agresor, atacar, ataque attained: alcanzado attendant: asistente, sirviente, acompañante attention: atención, firmes audacity: audacia audience: audiencia, público automatic: automático avail: aprovechar await: esperar, esperen, espere, esperas, esperan, esperamos, esperáis, espero, esperad, espera, aguardar awake: despierto, despertar, despertarse aware: consciente awful: horrible, abominable, horroroso, atroz, tremendo awhile: durante un rato, por un rato, un momento, un rato awoke: pret y pp de awake b: si, segundo babbling: balbuceando, balbuceo babies: criaturas, bebes bacchanal: bacanal back-room: trastienda backs: espaldas backside: espalda, trasero, lomo bad: malo, mal, podrido bag: bolso, bolsa, saco balanced: equilibrado balancing: vacilando, equilibrando, de equilibrio, balanceando, balancear, restablecimiento de un equilibrio, pesar en la balanza, equilibrio, balance, equilibrarse, vacilante bald: calvo, pelado band: banda, venda, cinta bands: alzacuello
bang: golpe banks: bancos banquet: banquete, banquetear, festín bargain: trato, negociar, ganga, regatear, convenio barley: cebada barring: salvo, cercando, impidiendo, excepto bars: cerca, impide base: basar, pie, fundar, base, basamento, casquillo, fundamentar based: basado, base basely: vilmente, despreciablemente, bajamente baseness: bajeza bash: asestar un golpe basic: básico basis: base basket: cesto, cesta, la cesta, canasta, barquilla, canasto baskets: las cestas bath: baño, bañera baths: balneario, casa de baños, piscina batter: pasta battle: batalla, pelea beans: alubias, judías, frijoles bear: oso, llevar, el oso, bajista, producir, dar a luz, parir, portar, soportar beard: barba, la barba, arista bearing: cojinete, abolas, rodamiento beast: bestia, animal beasts: ganado beat: golpear, batido, batir, pegar, apalear, pulsación, latido, batimiento beautiful: bonito, hermoso, bello, precioso beautifully: bellamente, hermosamente beauty: belleza, la belleza becomes: acontece bed: cama, lecho, cauce, la cama, bancada, cuadro, madre bedroom: dormitorio, alcoba, el dormitorio befoul: ensuciar, manchar beg: mendigar, mendigas, mendiguen, mendigan, mendigáis, mendiga, mendigad, mendigamos, mendigo, mendigue, pedir limosna begin: empezar, empiecen, empezad, empezáis, empiece, empieza, empiezan, empiezas, empiezo, empezamos, comenzar behaviour: comportamiento, conducta behold: tenga beleaguering: asediando, cercando, sitiando bellowing: bramar
Aristophanes below: abajo, debajo de, debajo, bajo, por debajo de, en el fondo bench: banco, estrado, banquillo, escaño bend: curva, doblar, curvar, curvatura, doblegar, codo, inclinar beneath: debajo de, debajo, abajo benefactions: donaciones bent: inclinación, torcido bequeathed: Legado beseech: supliquen, rogáis, rogamos, ruega, ruegan, ruegas, ruegue, rueguen, suplica, suplicamos, rogad besides: además, demás, además de, amén de bestial: bestial bet: apostar, apuesta betray: traicionar, traicionas, traiciono, traicionen, traiciona, traicionan, traicionamos, traicionad, traicionáis, traicione betrayed: traicionado beware: tener cuidado con bewildering: desconcertando, desconcierto beyond: más allá de, a través de, luego, después, allende, más allá bid: ofrecer, licitación, postura, oferta, solicitar, licitar, pedir, demandar, rogar, puja bier: féretro, andas bind: liar, ligar, encuadernar, enlazar, obligar, comprometer, lazo birds: aves birth: nacimiento, parto, el nacimiento bit: pedazo, tela, trozo, broca bite: morder, mordisco, mordedura, bocado, picar, mordida, picadura, picada biting: mordaz, punzante, penetrante bitter: amargo, agrio blame: culpa, reprender, valorar en, reprobar, culpar blaming: culpar blanched: blanqueado blank: blanco, espacio en blanco, en blanco, formulario, vacío, hoja blanket: manta, la manta, frazada, manto, capa fértil blaze: resplandecer, gritar a los cuatro vientos, brillo, estrella, brillar, explosión, arranque, flamear, fogata, fuego, hoguera bleak: frío, triste, yermo, afligido, lúgubre, horrible bless: bendecir, bendecimos, bendigo, bendigan, bendices, bendicen, bendecís, bendecid, bendice, bendiga block: bloque, manzana, bloquear, bloqueo, motón, polea, taco
blocked: bloqueado blood: sangre, la sangre bloody: sangriento, sanguinario, cruento bloom: flor, florecer, veladura, floración, florecimiento blossoming: abrirse, cierne, florecer, florecimiento, lozanía, prosperar, flor blue: azul, azular blur: borrón blurt: decir bruscamente boast: jactarse boat: barco, bote, barca, el barco bold: grueso, negrita, audaz bolts: pernos bombast: ampulosidad bond: lazo, bono, obligación, fianza, cinta, adherencia, enlace boobies: tetitas bore: aburrir, barrena, taladrar, calibre, perforar, barrenar, barreno, perforación born: nacido, nato borne: Soportado, pp de bear, pagado bosom: pecho, seno bosoms: seno boss: jefe, caudillo, patrón, dueño, comandante, amo, capitán, el jefe, protuberancia botheration: molestia bought: comprado bound: encuadernado, saltar, salto, ligado, límite, obligado bounteous: abundante bow: proa, arco, reverencia, inclinarse, lazo bowl: tazón, cuenco, escudilla, fuente, pelvis, palangana, copa boy: chico, muchacho, niño, el muchacho, criado, chamaco brag: jactarse, fanfarronear branch: rama, sucursal, ramo, la rama, filial, bifurcar, bifurcación, brazo, ramificar, ramal branches: ramas brand: marca, marcar brass: latón, metal brat: mocoso brave: valiente, bravo, animoso brazen: de latón, descarado brazier: latonero, brasero bread: pan, el pan breadth: ancho, amplitud, anchura break: romper, descanso, interrupción, rotura, quebrar, corte, pausa, adiestrar, fractura, interrumpir breaks: interrupciones, desguace breasts: pecho, pechos, seno breath: aliento, respiración, hálito brethren: hermanos
83 bridge: puente, el puente brightly: brillantemente brim: borde, ala, baranda bring: traer, traigan, trae, traed, traéis, traemos, traen, traigo, traes, traiga, llevar bristle: cerda, erizarse broad: ancho broke: bollado, rotura, rompió, romper, pret de break, interrupción, fracturar, sin blanca, comienzo, pelado, descanso broken: roto, estropeado, entrecortado, quebrado bronze: bronce, bronceado, broncear brother: hermano, el hermano, cofrade brought: Traído bruise: cardenal, magulladura, contusión, magullar brushes: escobillas buckler: Defensa, Escudo, Rodela, tapa de escobén budge: mover, mueve, muevan, muevo, mueves, mueva, moved, movemos, movéis, mueven, moverse budget: presupuesto, presupuestar build: construir, edificar, tipo building: edificio, construcción, el edificio bull: toro, alcista, el toro bumping: golpear, combustión pulsante burden: carga, cargar, peso, gravamen, agobio, gravar burn: arder, quemar, quemadura, quemarse, encender, la quemadura, abrasar burned: quemó burning: quemadura, ardiente burrs: rebaba bustle: bullicio, polisón buy: comprar, compra, procurarse, adquisición buying: comprar cajole: engatusar, engatusamos, engatuso, engatusen, engatuse, engatusan, engatusáis, engatusad, engatusa, engatusas calamities: calamidades calamity: calamidad call: llamada, llamar, llaman, llamen, llamad, llamas, llamo, llamamos, llamáis, llame, llama calling: llamando, llamada callout: leyenda calm: tranquilo, calma, calmar, quieto, silencio, sosegado, sosegar, aquietar, sereno calmly: calmadamente, serenamente cane: palo, bastón, junco, caña
84 cannot: presente de no poder can't: no puede cap: gorro, gorra, birrete, el gorro, tapa, tapón, zuncho, tapar, casquillo, bonete capabilities: capacidades captured: capturado card: tarjeta, carta, ficha carding: cardadura careful: cuidadoso, prudente, circunspecto, precavido careless: descuidado, sin cuidado, negligente caress: acariciar, caricia carries: Lleva, carga, transporta carrying: llevando, transportando, cargando cast: lanzar, lanzamiento, arrojar, echar, colar, elenco, molde castor: Vinagrera, Azucarero, castóreo, Espolvoreador, ricino, Salero, rueda, palmacristi, Paseo De Convoy, Convoy catch: coger, cogéis, cojan, coged, cogemos, cogen, coges, coja, coge, cojo, asir caterwauling: maullidos, aullidos, maullido, maullar, chillidos caught: cogido, asido, acertado cause: causa, causar, ocasionar, dar lugar a, instigar, producir, maquinar, provocar caused: causado cave: cueva, la cueva, hueco, bache, caverna, gruta cease: cesar, parar, cese ceased: ceso, Cesado ceases: cesa ceiling: techo, el techo, tope, cielo raso celibate: célibe central: central certainly: ciertamente, desde luego chances: posibilidades changed: cambio, cambió, cambiado changing: cambiando character: carácter, seña, naturaleza, índole, personaje characteristics: características charm: encanto, hechizar, encantar, gracia, embelesar, amuleto charmed: encantado charms: amuletos charring: trabajo por horas, trabajar por horas, carbonizar, carbonización chaste: casto chastise: castigar, castigáis, castiguen, castigas, castigamos, castigad, castiga, castigan, castigo, castigue chatter: charlar, charla, castañetear, parlotear chattering: parlotear, castañetear los
Lysistrata dientes, charlar, parloteo, vibrar, charla, vibración check: cheque, comprobar, revisar, control, controlar, cuenta, talón, verificación, contener, verificar, reprimir cheeks: mejillas chief: jefe, principal, caudillo, dueño, capitán, comandante, arzo, patrón, archi, amo, caporal chiefly: principalmente, sobretodo choke: sofocar, estrangular, choque, estrangulación, ahogar choose: escoger, escojan, escoges, escogen, escogemos, escogéis, escoged, escojo, escoge, escoja, elegir chorus: coro christianity: cristianismo chronicle: crónica chucks: bota churlish: rústico citadel: ciudadela clad: vestido, pret y pp de clothe claim: reclamación, derecho, pretensión, demanda, reivindicación, crédito, pretender, afirmación claimed: Reclamado clamber: trepar clamour: clamar clang: sonar, sonido metálico, sonido metálico resonante, resonar, estruendo, hacer sonar, hacer estruendo clap: aplaudir, palmada clasp: broche cleaner: limpiador cleanse: limpiar, limpian, limpio, limpia, limpias, limpiamos, limpiáis, limpiad, limpien, limpie clench: presión, apretado, fijar, empuñar, cerradura, asir, asegurar, agarrada, apretar, agarro, agarrar clepsydra: reloj de agua, clepsidra climb: trepar, subir, escalar, subida, ascender, subir a, escalada clink: tintín cloak: abrigo, capa close: cerrar, cierras, cierra, cierren, cerráis, cerrad, cerramos, cierro, cierre, cierran, cerca clothes: ropa, viste, la ropa, ropaje cluster: racimo, grupo, conglomerado, agruparse clutter: desorden coarseness: grosería cobbler: zapatero remendón cold: frío, resfriado, catarro, constipado collation: cotejo, colación colour: color, colorear, coloración columns: columnas
comb: peine, peinar, el peine combat: combate, combatir comes: Viene comfortable: cómodo, agradable coming: viniendo, proveniente, próximo, originario, natural command: mando, orden, mandato, comando, instrucción, capitanear, acaudillar commissariat: comisaría common: común comparatively: comparativamente, relativamente compel: obligar, obligas, obliga, obligad, obligáis, obligan, obligo, obliguen, obligamos, obligue, forzar compelled: obligado, forzado complete: completo, lleno, completar, llenar, cabal, concluir, cumplido completed: terminado, acabado completely: completamente complex: complejo, complicado complexity: complejidad compliance: conformidad, cumplimiento, complacencia, acatamiento compounded: acumulado, agravado, compuesto comrade: amigo, camarada comradely: amable, cordial, camarada, amistoso conception: concepción, concepto concerns: concierne concluded: despachado conclusion: conclusión condition: condición, acondicionar, estado conditions: condiciones conjure: conjurar connected: conectado, conexo connection: conexión, empalme, comunicación, enlace, lazo, cinta, acometida, relación consciously: conscientemente consciousness: conciencia, consciencia, conocimiento consequently: por consiguiente considered: considerado consolation: consuelo conspicuous: eminente conspiracy: conspiración constitute: constituir, constituya, constituyen, constituyes, constituye, constituís, constituid, constituimos, constituyo, constituyan constructive: constructivo construe: interpretar consulted: consultado contact: contacto, contactar, ponerse en contacto contemporary: contemporáneo contest: concurso, certamen, el
Aristophanes concurso, debate, controvertir continually: continuamente, siempre continue: continuar, continúe, continuad, continuáis, continuamos, continúan, continúas, continúen, continúo, continúa, durar continued: continuado, durado contrary: contrario contrast: contraste, contrastar contribute: contribuir, contribuya, contribuyo, contribuid, contribuimos, contribuís, contribuyan, contribuye, contribuyes, contribuyen contrive: idear convention: congreso, convención, convenio conversation: conversación core: núcleo, corazón, centro corinthian: corintio, de corintio corn: maíz, callo, grano corpse: cadáver cosmetics: cosméticos couch: canapé, dyschatell, cama, sofá, sofá cama couldn't: no fue posible counsel: consejo, aconsejar, abogado, anunciar countryman: compatriota courage: valor, coraje, ánimo, virtud courageous: bravo, valeroso, valiente courageously: valientemente course: curso, plato, cursillo, rumbo, transcurso, recorrido courteously: cortésmente cover: cubrir, tapa, cobertura, recorrer, tapar, forrar, cubierta, neumático, portada, forro, encuadernación crack: grieta, hendedura, crujido, quebraja, hendidura, crujir, raja crackles: cruje crafty: astuto creak: chirriar, chirrido, crujir, chirriad, chirrio, chirrien, chirrie, chirrias, chirrian, chirriáis, chirria creation: creación creative: creativo crocus: azafrán cross: cruz, atravesar, cruzar, transversal, aspa, cruce crowbar: palanca crude: crudo, basto cruelly: desalmadamente, cruelmente, con crueldad cry: llorar, grito, gritar, lamento cup: taza, la taza, copa cups: taza curious: curioso curl: rizo, bucle, rizar, rizarse, rotacional, encrespar curse: maldecir, maldición, jurar
cursed: maldito cushions: cojines custom: costumbre, usanza customs: aduana, costumbres cuts: reducciones, recortes, corta, cortes cycle: ciclo, bicicleta, ir en bicicleta cyprus: Chipre dainties: delicado dainty: fino, amable, delicado, poquita dance: bailar, baile, danza, danzar, el baile dancer: bailarín, bailador dancers: bailadores, bailarines danger: peligro, el peligro dangerous: peligroso dangerously: peligrosamente dangles: balancea, pende, se bambolea, cuelga dare: atreverse, reto, cariño daring: atrevido dark: oscuro, tenebroso darling: querido, amado dash: raya, guión, arremetida, corre daughter: hija, la hija, Nina dawdle: perder el tiempo dawdling: holgazaneando, malgastando dawn: amanecer, alba, madrugada, aurora dazzled: deslumbrado dead: muerto deadly: mortal dear: caro, querido, estimado dears: estimado deceitful: engañoso, falaz deceive: engañar, engaño, engañe, engaña, engañamos, engañen, engañan, engañáis, engañad, engañas, embaucar deceiving: engañando decent: decente, conveniente decide: decidir, decida, decides, decidís, decido, decidid, decide, decidan, decidimos, deciden, decidirse decided: decidido decision: decisión, sentencia, resolución judicial deck: cubierta decked: engalanado declare: declarar, declaras, declaren, declare, declarad, declaro, declaran, declaráis, declara, declaramos declared: declarado decree: decreto, edicto decrees: decreta deed: escritura, acto, hecho, hazaña deeds: andanzas deep: profundo, hondo defeat: derrota, derrotar, vencer,
85 english definite: definido definition: definición defy: desafiar, desafiáis, desafío, desafíen, desafías, desafiamos, desafiad, desafía, desafían, desafíe delay: retraso, retardo, demora, retrasar, demorar, retardar deliberation: reflexión, deliberación, consideración, contemplación delicately: delicadamente delight: deleitar, delicia, encantar delighted: encantado, gozoso delightful: bonito, lindo, delicioso, encantador, deleitoso delirium: delirio demagogue: demagogo denial: negación, denegación deny: negar, negad, niego, niegas, niegan, negáis, negamos, nieguen, niega, niegue, desmentir depth: profundidad, hondura, puntal, fondo deride: burlar derogatory: derogatorio, despectivo descend: descender, descendéis, desciendo, desciendes, descienden, desciende, desciendan, descendemos, descended, descienda, bajar describe: describir, describís, describo, describimos, describid, describen, describe, describan, describes, describa deserted: desierto deserting: desertar deservedly: merecidamente deserves: merece design: diseño, dibujar, propósito, plan, proyecto, plano, planear, diseñar, dibujo desirable: deseable desire: desear, deseo, tener, querer, gana, codiciar desired: deseado desirously: ganoso, deseosamente, anhelosamente despatch: envío, remitir, prontitud, paso, parte, muerte, enviar, envíe, ejecución, despacho, despachar despatches: envía desperate: desesperado despite: a pesar de destroy: destruir, destruid, destruimos, destruís, destruyan, destruye, destruyen, destruyes, destruyo, destruya destroyed: destruido detail: detalle, pormenor detects: detecta deter: espantar, espanten, espantad, espantáis, espantamos, espanto,
86 espantan, espante, espanta, espantas, disuadir determine: determinar, determinamos, determine, determina, determinan, determino, determináis, determinad, determinen, determinas, fijar detested: detestado devise: idear, disposiciones testamentarias dictated: dictado die: morir, morid, mueran, muere, morís, mueren, mueres, muero, morimos, muera, molde died: muerto digging: cavando dignified: dignificado, digno dimple: hoyuelo, el hoyuelo din: ruido, fragor dint: esfuerzo grande, abolladura, abollar, abollarse, chichón, golpe, mellar, mella, fuerza, fuerza de dip: buzamiento, zambullida, pendiente dire: horrible direct: directo, mandar, guiar, derecho, dirigir directing: dirigente, dirigir directness: franqueza dirty: sucio, ensuciar, verde, manchar disappointing: desilusionando, desencantando, defraudando, decepcionando, decepcionante, desilusionante, desilusionar disaster: desastre, el desastre discipline: disciplina discover: descubrir, descubrimos, descubrís, descubrid, descubres, descubren, descubre, descubran, descubro, descubra discuss: discutir, discutan, discutimos, discutid, discutes, discuten, discute, discuto, discutís, discuta, debatir discussing: discutiendo, debatiendo disdainful: desdeñoso disease: enfermedad disembowel: desentrañen, destripen, destripe, destripas, destripan, destripamos, destripáis, destripo, destripad, desentrañas, desentrañan disembowelled: desentrañó disgrace: vergüenza, desgracia, deshonrar disgraceful: vergonzoso, deshonroso dish: plato, el plato, guiso disjointed: desarticulado dismay: espantar, consternar displaced: desplazado disputed: cuestionado, discutible, disputado, protestado de, litigado disregard: desatender, descuido
Lysistrata dissension: disensión dissolute: disoluto distinct: claro, distinto, evidente distinction: distinción disturb: molestar, moleste, molestad, molestáis, molestamos, molestan, molestas, molesta, molesto, molesten, incomodar divine: divino divulge: divulgar, divulgáis, divulguen, divulgo, divulgas, divulgad, divulga, divulgamos, divulgan, divulgue dog: perro, el perro, la perra, can domestic: indígena, doméstico, nacional don't: no dotard: viejo loco, viejo chocho double: doble, doblar, doblado doubt: dudar, duda doubts: duda dove: pichón, paloma, la palomita downward: descendente, hacia abajo, de arriba hacia abajo drab: pardusco drag: arrastrar, arrastro, arrastrad, arrastráis, arrastramos, arrastran, arrastras, arrastren, arrastra, arrastre, remolcar dragged: arrastrado, remolcado draw: dibujar, dibujáis, dibujad, dibujen, dibuje, dibujas, dibujamos, dibuja, dibujan, dibujo, tirar drawing: dibujando, dibujo, encantando, trazando, plano, giro drawn: dibujado, encantado, trazado dread: miedo dreadful: terrible, espantoso dream: soñar, sueño, ensueño dreams: sueños dreary: triste, lúgubre, árido, horroroso, horrible, afligido drench: empapar drenched: empapado dress: vestido, vestir, vendar, vestirse, el vestido, ponerse, revestir dressed: vestido, con guarnición de dribbling: gotear, regate drink: beber, bebida, tomar, el refresco, trago, copa drinks: bebidas drive: conducir, conducen, conduzcan, conduzco, conducís, conducimos, conduzca, conduces, conduce, conducid, propulsión driven: conducido, manejado drop: gota, caer, disminuir, amainar, decrecer, menguar, caída, descenso, dejar caer drumming: envasado en bidones drunk: borracho, bebido, ebrio duality: dualidad, dos existencias
due: debido dumbly: mudamente, silenciosamente dusting: desempolvamiento, quitar o sacudir el polvo, polvo, desempolvar, espolvereo dutifully: respetuosamente duty: deber, servicio, obligación, impuesto dwell: morar, morad, moren, moras, moráis, moran, moramos, mora, more, moro, habitar dwelling: morando, vivienda, morada dwelt: pret de dwell, pp de dwell dyed: colorado, teñido eagerly: ansiosamente, ávidamente earnestness: seriedad ears: orejas, las orejas, oídos easier: mas fácil easily: fácilmente easy: fácil eat: comer, comemos, comes, coméis, comed, coman, como, comen, coma, Come echinus: erizo de mar ecstasy: éxtasis ecstatic: extático edge: borde, orilla, filo, canto, arista, baranda, ribetear, margen eel: anguila effort: esfuerzo, afán efforts: afán egg: huevo, el huevo eject: expulsar, expulsad, expulsa, expulsáis, expulsamos, expulsan, expulsas, expulsen, expulso, expulse, expeler element: elemento, ingrediente elements: elementos, abecé, alfabeto eliminate: eliminar, eliminen, elimino, eliminas, eliminan, elimináis, eliminad, elimina, eliminamos, elimine embers: rescoldo, ascuas, ascua embrace: abrazar, abarcar emergencies: emergencias emotion: emoción emotional: emocional emphasis: énfasis, realce employ: emplear, usar, hacer uso de ending: final, fin, término, terminación, conclusión endlessly: interminablemente, inacabablemente, sin fin, eternamente endured: durado, soportado enduring: durando, soportando, duradero engage: comprometer, compromete, comprometed, comprometan, comprometéis, comprometemos,
Aristophanes comprometen, comprometes, comprometo, comprometa, engranar enhanced: mejorado, realzado enjoy: disfrutar, disfrutas, disfrutan, disfrutamos, disfrutáis, disfrutad, disfruta, disfruto, disfruten, disfrute, gozar enlarge: ampliar, amplíe, amplía, amplíen, amplías, amplían, ampliamos, ampliáis, ampliad, amplío, agrandar enter: entrar, entro, entra, entrad, entráis, entramos, entran, entras, entren, entre, inscribir enterprise: empresa, negocio enters: entra, inscribe, monta entrails: entrañas entrance: entrada, la entrada equally: ídem, igualmente equipoise: sobrepeso, contrapesar, contrapeso, equilibrio, sobrepesar erect: edificar, erguido, erecto, fundar errand: recado, mensaje, mandado, encargo escape: escaparse, escapar, huida, fuga, escape, evadir, escapada, huir escaped: escapado especially: sobre todo, principalmente, especialmente, sobretodo espy: divisar, divise, encontrar essential: esencial, necesario eternal: eterno eternity: eternidad ethical: ético event: acontecimiento, evento, suceso, acaecimiento, ocurrencia everyone: todo el mundo, todos everything: todo everywhere: en todas partes, por todas partes evil: mal, malo, malvado exact: exacto, preciso exaltation: exaltación example: ejemplo, el ejemplo except: excepto, menos, exceptuar, además de, amén de excessive: excesivo, desmesurado exchequer: fisco exclaiming: exclamando excuses: deshechas exercise: ejercicio, ejercer, hacer ejercicio exist: existir, existimos, existid, existo, existen, existe, existan, existes, existís, exista existed: existido exists: existe expect: esperar, esperad, espero, esperen, esperáis, esperamos, esperas, esperan, espera, espere explain: explicar, explica, explico,
explicas, explican, explicamos, explicáis, explicad, expliquen, explique, aclarar explode: estallar, estallan, estallo, estallen, estallas, estalláis, estallad, estalla, estallamos, estalle, explotar expose: exponer, exponen, expongo, expongan, expones, exponemos, exponéis, exponed, expon, expone, exponga express: expresar, expresa, expresas, expresen, expresan, expresamos, expresáis, expresad, expreso, exprese expression: expresión extent: alcance, magnitud, extensión externally: externamente extreme: extremo eye: ojo, el ojo, ojear, mirar eyebrows: las cejas eyrie: aguilera, nido de aguilas fable: fábula faces: Caras facing: paramento, frente a, revestimiento failed: fracasado, no satisfactorio, fallado failing: fracaso, falta fair: justo, rubio, mercado, feria, verbena, bazar, equitativo, hermoso faith: fe, la fe faithful: fiel, leal fall: caer, os caéis, cáedos, se caen, se cae, te caes, caígase, cáete, caíganse, me caigo, nos caemos fallacy: falacia familiar: conocido fancy: figurarse, de fantasía, imaginación fantastic: fantástico, hueco fantasy: fantasía fare: tarifa, pasaje farthest: más lejanamente, a distancia, a lo lejos, a lo más, lejano, lejos, a la mayor distancia, más, más lejano, más lejos, remotamente fascinating: fascinante, fascinando fascination: fascinación fashionable: de moda fast: rápido, ayunar, fijo, de prisa, pronto, veloz, ligero, firme, ayuno fat: gordo, grasa, grueso, manteca fate: destino, suerte, sino, hado faults: desperfecto, fallas favourite: favorito fawn: cervato fear: temer, miedo, temor, angustia, recelar feared: temido fearful: temeroso, medroso, angustioso feast: banquete, fiesta
87 fed: alimentado, cebado feeling: sentimiento, sintiendo, palpando, sensación feels: siente, palpa feet: los pies, pies felicitous: oportuno, feliz fellow: compañero, hombre, socio, tipo, becario femininity: feminidad fenced: cercado ferocity: ferocidad, la ferocidad fertilize: fertilizar, fertilizo, fertilicen, fertiliza, fertilizad, fertilizáis, fertilizamos, fertilizan, fertilizas, fertilice, abonar fervour: celo fetch: traer, traemos, traed, trae, traéis, traes, traigo, traigan, traen, traiga, coger field: campo, el campo, zona, cancha fierce: feroz fiery: ardiente fight: luchar, pelear, lucha, combate, pelea, batallar, riña, combatir figs: higos filched: birlado, hurtado, rapiñado, rateado, sisado, sisó fill: llenar, relleno, rellenar, ocupar, llenado filled: llenar, completar, despachar, terraplén, relleno, rellenar, redondear, ocupar, lleno, atestado, llenó fillet: filete, filetear finally: finalmente, al fin, por fin finds: funda, funde fine: multa, fino, multar, excelente, bonito, delgado, bien, estupendo, bueno finely: finamente, en trozos menudos finest: mejor finger: dedo, el dedo, tocar, manga fingers: los dedos finish: acabar, acabas, acabo, acabe, acaban, acabamos, acabáis, acabad, acaba, acaben, terminar finishes: acaba, termina, concluye fire: fuego, incendio, despedir, disparar, el fuego, tirar, animar, incitar, lumbre, hacer fuego, encender fires: incendios firm: firma, firme, fijo, empresa, sólido, fuerte, compañía firstly: primeramente, primero, en primer lugar, al principio, antes fish: pez, pescado, pescar, el pescado, pescados, peces, el pez fit: adaptar, acomodar, ajustar, apoplejía, ajuste, caber, ataque, en forma, encajar fitly: convenientemente,
88 adecuadamente flame: llama, flamear, la flama flapping: batir, aleteo, aleteador flare: bengala flash: destello, llamarada, centella, rebaba, fogonazo, relampaguear, destellar flask: frasco, matraz flatter: adular, adula, adulo, adulen, adule, adulas, adulan, adulamos, aduláis, adulad, halagar flavour: olor, sabor, gusto flaw: grieta, falla, quebraja, hendidura, desperfecto, imperfección flax: lino flay: desollar, desuella, desuellen, desuelle, desuellas, desuellan, desollad, desollamos, desolláis, desuello flayed: desollado fled: huido flesh: carne, pulpa flight: vuelo, huida, escape fling: arrojado, tiro, tirar, lanzar, lanzamiento, lanza, lance, echar al suelo, echar, echada, aventura amorosa flocking: flocado, congregar floor: piso, suelo, el suelo, pavimento flourishing: floreciendo, floreciente flout: burlen, escarnezcan, escarnezca, escarneces, escarnecen, escarnecemos, escarnecéis, escarneced, burlo, escarnezco, burle flown: volado flung: pret y pp de fling flush: rubor, enjuagar fluttering: revolotear fly: volar, voláis, vuelen, vuele, vuelas, volamos, vuela, volad, vuelan, vuelo, mosca foe: enemigo follow: seguir, seguid, sigues, siguen, sigue, sigo, sigan, seguís, seguimos, siga, venir después food: comida, alimento, comestibles, alimentos, plato fool: engañar, necio, tonto foolish: zote, tonto, necio, bobo foot: pie, pata, el pie, pujamen force: fuerza, forzar, obligar, virtud forced: forzado forces: efectivo forcing: compulsión forefinger: dedo índice foremost: primero, principal forerunner: precursor foreword: prefacio, prólogo forget: olvidar, olvidan, olviden, olvidas, olvidamos, olvidáis, olvidad, olvida, olvide, olvido,
Lysistrata olvidarse forgotten: olvidado former: anterior, pasada, pasado fornication: fornicación forward: adelante, delantero, reenviar, hacia delante, enviar, remitir, hacia adelante fostering: criado, fomentar fours: cuatros fourth: cuarto, el cuarto fraction: fracción fragrance: fragancia fragrant: fragante, oloroso frankly: francamente freed: liberado freedom: libertad frenzied: frenético fresh: fresco fresher: estudiante de primer año, fresco, mechón, novato, nuevo, puro, tierno freshly: no hace mucho tiempo, recién, frescamente friend: amigo, amiga, el amigo friendly: amistoso, amable, bonito, gracioso, amigable friends: amigos, los amigos friendship: amistad frighten: espantar, espantad, espanta, espantáis, espantamos, espantan, espantas, espanten, asustar, espante, espanto frightened: espantado, asustado fringe: borde, fleco, franja, baranda frivolous: frívolo, hueco frogs: ranas frolicking: juguteo, retozar, jugueteo fry: freír fully: completamente function: función, funcionar, cargo, oficio furiously: sañudo, reñidamente, rabiosamente, furiosamente futile: fútil future: futuro, porvenir, próximo, entrante, el futuro gaiety: alegría gallant: galante, galán, valeroso gambols: brinca game: juego, el juego, partido, caza gape: bostezo gaping: abertura, hueco, abrir la boca, abrir boquete en, boquete, vacío, boquiabierto, bostezar, intervalo, abrir brecha en, bostezo garland: guirnalda garlic: ajo, el ajo garments: ornamentos gate: puerta, paso, verja, compuerta, barrera gather: recoger, deducir, reunir, recolectar, cosechar
gathering: recolección, reunión gay: alegre, homosexual generally: generalmente generating: generando generation: generación geometry: geometría giant: gigante giddy: mareado gift: regalo, donación, el regalo, don, talento gin: ginebra, la ginebra gird: sarcasmo, ceñir girdle: cinto, cinturón, pretina, faja girl: muchacha, chica, niña, la muchacha girls: las muchachas gives: da giving: dando glad: alegre, contento gladly: alegremente glare: deslumbramiento, deslumbrar gleam: destello glitter: lustre glittered: brillado glorious: glorioso, famoso glory: gloria glumly: displicentemente, sombríamente gnat: mosquito god: Dios goddess: diosa goddesses: diosas godlike: divino gods: paraíso, gallinero goes: va, marcha gold: oro, el oro, de oro golden: dorado, áureo, de oro goldsmith: orfebre gone: ido, marchado gown: vestido, toga grab: asir, coger, agarrar, arrebatar grace: gracia, garbo, honrar graces: Gracias gracious: cortés grain: grano, cereal, veta, fibra grand: magnífico, grande, grandioso grandiose: grandioso grandly: grandiosamente, grandemente grasp: agarrar, asir, coger, empuñar, asimiento, aferrar grass: hierba, yerba, césped, la hierba, pasto grateful: agradecido gratify: satisfacemos, gratifico, gratifiquen, satisface, gratifican, satisfacéis, gratificas, satisfacen, satisfaces, satisfagan, satisfago gravity: gravedad greasy: grasiento, gordo, grueso, untuoso greater: mayor
Aristophanes greatest: máximo, máxima greece: Grecia greet: saludar, saludad, saludáis, saludamos, saludan, saludas, saluda, saluden, salude, saludo, acoger grip: gripe, asir, agarrar, coger, agarre, apretar, empuñar groin: ingle grossness: grosería ground: suelo, terreno, tierra, molido, masa, conexión a tierra, el suelo, fondo, fundamento grounds: terreno grow: crecer, crecen, crezco, crece, creced, crecemos, crezcan, crecéis, creces, crezca, cultivar growing: creciendo, aumentando, creciente, crecimiento growled: gruñido growlingly: gruñir grown: crecido, aumentado, adulto grown-up: adulto, mayor, persona mayor, crecido grows: crece, aumenta grudge: rencor guard: guardia, guardar, vigilar, cobrador, guarda, revisor, defender, proteger, amparar guess: adivinar, suponer, suposición, asumir guide: guía, guiar, mandar, dirigir, conducir guts: intestinos ha: ah, decir ah, ja hag: bruja hail: granizo, granizar, alabar, pedrisco hair: pelo, cabello, el pelo, vello hall: vestíbulo, corredor, sala, hall hamlet: pueblecito, aldea, caserío hands: las manos hand-to-hand: de mano a mano handy: hábil, manuable happens: pasa, acontece, ocurre, sucede, acaece happiness: felicidad, alegría, dicha happy: feliz, alegre, contento hard: duro, difícil, tieso hardy: robusto, fuerte, resistente, audaz hares: liebres hark: escuchar con atención, prestar oído a, escuche, escuchar, escucha, oye harlot: ramera, prostituta harlotry: amores de cuerpo, prostitución harmonic: armónico harmony: armonía harsh: áspero, severo, brusco, bronco, duro
haste: prisa, precipitación hasten: acelerar, apresurar hatch: escotilla, incubar hate: odiar, odio, aborrecer, detestar haven: asilo haven't: no tener hazardous: arriesgado, peligroso heads: cabezas, administradores healthy: sano, saludable heap: montón, grupo, cúmulo, amontonar, pila heaping: apilado, cucharita colmada, amontonar, amontonamiento, acumulación hear: oír, oigan, oyes, oyen, oye, oís, oigo, oíd, oímos, oiga heard: oído hearken: escuchar hears: oye heart: corazón, cogollo heartless: sin corazón hearts: corazones, copas heats: eliminatorias preliminares, acalorado heaven: cielo heavens: cielo, cielos heels: taco, tacón height: altura, altitud, elevación, la altura, estatura, cerro held: tuvo lugar, sostuvo helen: Helena hell: infierno hellenic: helénico helm: timón, volante, yelmo helmet: casco helpless: desvalido, impotente helter-skelter: tobogán, desbandada general, a la desbandada, a trochemoche, ajetreadamente, ajetreado, atropelladamente hemp: cáñamo hence: de aquí a, por tanto henceforth: de aquí en adelante herald: heraldo herbs: hierbas herd: manada, grupo, rebaño hermaphroditic: hermafrodita heroic: heroico herself: sí, ella misma, se, sí misma hesitate: vacilar, vacile, vacilan, vacila, vacilad, vacilamos, vacilo, vacilas, vacilen, vaciláis, titubear hey: eh, hola hide: ocultar, oculto, oculta, oculte, ocultas, ocultan, ocultamos, ocultáis, ocultad, oculten, piel hierarchy: jerarquía higher: superior highest: sumo, el más alto, suma, máximo, sumamente, alto, máxima highly: muy, sumamente hill: colina, loma, cerro, la colina, la
89 loma hinges: goznes, bisagras hips: las caderas historical: histórico hit: golpear, acertar, golpe, pegar, llamar, éxito hither: acá hoard: acumular, acaparar hobble: cojera, cojear hoisting: elevación, Levantar hold: tener, sujetar, continuar, retención, sostener, contener, mantener, retenido, presa, bodega hollow: hueco, cavidad, hondonada, vacuo holy: santo, sagrado homer: Homero homeric: homérico homogeneous: homogéneo honest: honrado, sincero, honesto honour: honor, homenaje hooting: Silbar hopeless: desesperado horizon: horizonte horse: caballo, el caballo, potro, cabio host: anfitrión, huésped, posadero, hostia hot: caliente, picante, caluroso hotly: calurosamente hours: horas, las horas household: hogar, casa howling: aullido, lamentarse, clamoroso, aullador, alarido, aullar, lamento, gritar, rugir, grito, dar alaridos hugely: enormemente, inmensamente, muy human: humano humanistic: humanístico humbly: humildemente humorous: humorístico, cómico humour: humor hungrily: con hambre hungry: hambriento hunting: cazando, caza, penduleo, cacería hurl: lanzamiento, arrojar, lanzar hurly-burly: gritería hurricane: huracán hurry: apresurarse, prisa hurt: doler, herir, dañar, herida, lastimar hurtled: lanzado husband: marido, esposo, el esposo hussy: follador, desvergonzada, pícara, descarado hustle: empujón, empujar hymn: himno hypothetical: hipotético i'd: Hago ideal: ideal idealistic: idealista
90 idiotic: idiota, tonto idle: ocioso, haraganear, perezoso, inactivo, en reposo idly: ociosamente ignoring: ignorando i'm: soy image: imagen, grabado, retrato, reproducción imagery: imaginería imagination: imaginación imagine: figurarse, imaginar, imaginad, imaginen, imagine, imaginas, imaginan, imagino, imaginamos, imagináis, imagina imbecile: imbécil immediate: inmediato immediately: inmediatamente, ahora mismo, directamente, en seguida, en el acto immense: inmenso immolate: inmolar, inmole, inmolen, inmolan, inmolo, inmolas, inmoláis, inmolad, inmola, inmolamos immoral: inmoral immorality: inmoralidad immortal: inmortal, imperecedero immunity: inmunidad impaled: empalado impeccable: impecable impertinence: impertinencia impinge: chocar impiously: impíamente importance: importancia importunity: importunidad impossible: imposible imprudent: imprudente imputed: imputado inaccessible: inaccesible incessant: incesante inch: pulgada include: incluir, incluya, incluid, incluyo, incluyes, incluyen, incluye, incluyan, incluís, incluimos, contener indeed: verdaderamente, en efecto, de veras, en realidad, efectivamente indifference: indiferencia individual: individuo, individual individuals: personas indoors: dentro, dentro de induced: inducido indulge: satisfacer, beber, complacer, complacerse, condescender con, consentir, consienta, dar gusto a, dar rienda suelta, favorecer, mimar ingenious: ingenioso inhabit: habitar, habite, habitan, habito, habitas, habitamos, habitáis, habitad, habita, habiten iniquitous: inicuo injury: lesión, herida, daño innocent: inocente, inculpable, el
Lysistrata inocente inquire: preguntar, inquirís, inquieran, inquiere, inquieren, inquieres, inquiero, inquirid, inquirimos, inquiera, inquirir insane: demente, loco inscribed: inscrito insect: insecto, el insecto insensate: sin sensato, inconsciente, insensible, insensato inside: dentro, dentro de, interior, adentro, en, por, interna insists: insiste, insta insolence: insolencia insolent: insolente, procaz inspiration: inspiración inspired: inspirado instant: momento, instante, momentito, instantáneo instantly: al instante, directamente, instantáneamente, en seguida instead: en cambio instinct: instinto intellectual: intelectual intellectuality: intelectualidad intelligence: inteligencia intended: destinado, destinado a, intencional, intentar, pensar, proponerse, proyectado, querer, ser destinado a, tener la intención de, a propósito intensity: intensidad intent: intento, intención, propósito intention: intención interested: interesado interwoven: entretejido intimate: íntimo, cómodo, intimo introduce: presentar, presente, presento, presenta, presentad, presentáis, presentamos, presentan, presenten, presentas, introducir introduced: presentado, introducido intrude: meterse, molestar, entremeterse, entrometerse, estorbar, imponer en, imponga, incursionar, intervenir, meter, encajarse invented: inventado inviolable: inquebrantable invite: invitar, invitas, invita, invite, invitan, invitamos, invitáis, invitad, invito, inviten invoke: invocar, invoque, invoca, invocas, invoco, invocan, invoquen, invocamos, invocáis, invocad, llamar invokes: invoca, suplica involved: implicado, comprometido invulnerable: invulnerable inward: interior, interno inwards: tripas, hacia el centro, hacia adentro
io: Io ironic: irónico irrefutable: irrefutable, irrebatible, irrefragable i've: he, Tengo jack: gato, jota, sota, para conectar algún aparto electrotécnico, clavija, para sujetar el coche cuando se cambia una rueda jaw: mandíbula, mordaza, quijada jealously: celosamente jesting: chistes, dichos, en broma, chistoso, chanzas, bromas, bromeando, burlón, guasón jingling: tintineando, cascabeleo jog: empujoncito, trotar, empujar, ajuste por avances sucesivos jogged: Corrido join: juntar, junta, junto, reunir, reunirse, junten, juntáis, juntamos, juntan, juntas, junte jointing: llagueado, conexión joking: bromeando jostling: empellar, empellones, empujar, empujones joy: alegría joyous: jubiloso, gozoso, de jubiloso, alegre juggling: hacer malabares, hacer malabarismos, juglaria, malabar, malabarismo, malabares justice: justicia justly: justamente keeping: guardando, vigilando, custodia, cuidado, conservando, preservando keeps: guarda, vigila, conserva, preserva kept: guardado, vigilado, conservado, preservado kick: patada, patear, puntapié, cocear, dar patadas, coz kicking: patear kindle: encender, encienda, enciendo, enciendan, encendéis, encendemos, encended, enciende, enciendes, encienden, inflamar kindly: amablemente, bondadosamente, amable kiss: besar, beso, besarse kissed: Besado kisses: besos kissing: besar knavish: bribón, bellaco knead: amasar, amase, amasad, amaso, amasen, amasas, amasan, amasáis, amasa, amasamos kneeling: arrodillar, arrodillarse, estar de rodillas, arrodillado, de rodillas, arrodillando knees: rodillas knights: caballeros
Aristophanes knit: tejer knock: llamar, golpear, golpe, topar, tocar, llamar a la puerta knocking: llamar a la puerta, llamada, golpeteo, golpes, golpeo, golpear, golpe, choque, chocar, aldabonazo, topar knot: nudo, correlimos gordo, lazo knows: sabe, conoce la: la, Loisiana laches: tardanza, prescripción negativa lack: falta, carencia, escasez, faltar, carecer de, carecer lacking: carente, faltar lad: muchacho, chico lady: dama, señora lag: atrasarse, retraso, retardo laid: puesto, colocado, recostado, acostado lance: lanza, lanzar land: tierra, aterrizar, país, abordar, atracar, la tierra, terreno lane: calleja, senda, carril, pista, camino lass: muchacha, chica, la muchacha late: tarde, tardío, tardo lately: últimamente laughter: risa, la risa, carcajada lavish: pródigo laws: las leyes lay: poner, colocar, coloque, colocamos, pongan, ponga, pones, ponen, ponemos, ponéis, poned laying: colocando, poniendo lead: plomo, guiar, guía, conducir, guiáis, guiamos, guían, guías, guíe, guíen, guío leap: saltar, salto, brincar, el salto learn: aprender, aprenda, aprendemos, aprendes, aprendo, aprenden, aprended, aprendan, aprende, aprendéis, estudiar least: menos, mínimo, menor leave: salir, sal, sale, salís, salimos, salgo, salgan, salga, sales, salen, saled legs: las piernas leisure: ocio, el ocio, tiempo libre lengthy: largo lent: prestado, cuaresma lesser: menor, menos lest: para que no, a no ser que, con el fin de, no sea que, si es necesario let's: permitanos levy: exigir liberating: liberando libertine: libertino liberty: libertad, la libertad lie: mentir, mentira, yacer, estar tendido, embuste, echarse lift: ascensor, levantar, subir, alzar,
elevar, elevación, levante, desnivel entre tramos, sustentación lifted: levantado light: luz, claro, ligero, encender, alumbrar, débil, liviano, la luz, radiación visible, lámpara, iluminar lightly: ligeramente lightning: relámpago, rayo, el relámpago liked: apreciable, estimado, apreciado limp: cojear, cojera, claudicar, flojo lines: partida de matrimonio, destino, pauta, especificado de líneas, líneas, papel lion: león lips: labios, los labios listen: escuchar, escuche, escucha, escuchas, escuchad, escuchen, escucho, escucháis, escuchamos, escuchan, oír listening: escuchando listens: escucha literature: literatura, la literatura live: vivir, viven, vive, vivo, vivan, vivís, vivimos, vives, viva, vivid, habitar livelong: durante el día, entero, todo, de todo el día lives: Vive, habita living: viviendo, habitando, vivo, viviente load: carga, cargar, la carga, cargo loads: las cargas loaf: pan, barra, holgazanear loafers: gandules loathe: detestar, aborrecer, detestamos, detesto, detesten, deteste, detestan, detestáis, detestad, detesta, detestas locked: estén aseguradas, cerrado, bloqueado, protegido lofty: alto, encumbrado logic: lógica logical: lógico logs: bloques, libros de control, troncos loins: los lomos loneliness: soledad, la soledad lonely: solitario, solo longer: más, más tiempo looks: mira loose: suelto, flojo loosen: aflojar, afloje, aflojas, aflojen, aflojan, aflojamos, aflojáis, aflojad, afloja, aflojo, desatar loosening: aflojando loot: botín, saquear lopped: demochado, cercenado, podado, desmochado, cortado lopsided: desequilibrado lord: señor, caballero
91 lost: perdido, adelgazado lot: lote, porción, solar loudly: en alta voz, ruidosamente louring: oscurecer loved: amado, estimado, querido, considerado lovely: hermoso, bonito, encantador, agradable, magnífico, adorable, caro, lindo lover: querido, amante, novio loves: amor lower: bajar, baja, bajo, bajen, baje, bajas, bajan, bajamos, bajáis, bajad, inferior lowest: ínfimo, bajo loyalty: lealtad, fidelidad lucid: lúcido luck: suerte, la suerte lugging: Arrastrar, llevando lump: pedazo, masa, terrón, pieza, bola, tela, grumo, bulto, chichón, pella lumping: Amontonar lunatic: lunático lunging: Lanzar luscious: delicioso lust: lujuria lusty: lozano luxurious: lujoso, suntuoso lying: mentiroso lyric: texto lyricism: lirismo mad: loco, enojado, chiflado, majara, majareta, demente, enfadado madden: enloquecer, enloquezco, enloquece, enloqueced, enloquecéis, enloquecemos, enloquecen, enloqueces, enloquezca, enloquezcan madly: locamente madness: locura, demencia, chifladura magistrate: magistrado maidens: doncellas makes: hace, comete, confecciona malady: enfermedad malcontent: descontento, malcontento, disgustado, desafecto male: masculino, macho, varón manage: administrar, administras, administro, administren, administre, administrad, administráis, administramos, administra, administran, mandar managed: administrado, Manejado, gestionado, dirigido marble: mármol, canica, jaspear marched: Marchado marshy: pantanoso martial: marcial mated: apareado material: tela, material
92 mating: unión, apareamiento matter: materia, asunto, particular, caso, importar meant: pret de mean measure: medida, medir meat: carne, la carne, carnes mechanism: mecanismo meddling: entretenimiento meditating: meditando meet: encontrar, encontrad, encuentro, encuentren, encuentre, encuentras, encuentran, encontramos, encontráis, encuentra, quedar melancholy: melancolía, melancólico melody: melodía melting: deshielo, fusión, derretirse, fundición memory: memoria, recuerdo, la memoria menace: amenaza, amenazar, conminación, conminar mendaciously: mendazmente, deshonestamente, falsamente, mentirosamente menelaus: Menelao menial: criado men's: varonil mention: mencionar, mención mercy: misericordia, compasión mere: mero merely: meramente, simplemente, sólo merge: fusionar, fusión, fundirse, fundir, fusiona, fusionen, fusione, fusionas, fusionan, fusionamos, fusionáis merrily: alegremente merry: alegre method: método, procedimiento methods: los métodos, métodos middle: medio, centro midwife: comadrona, partera mighty: poderoso milesian: irlandés mine: mina, mío, minar minute: minuto, el minuto, minuta, menudo minx: bribona mirror: espejo, el espejo, reflejar mischief: travesura miserable: pobre, deplorable, malo, triste, indigente, menesteroso, afligido, necesitado, desgraciado, miserable misinterpret: interpretar mal misinterprets: malinterpreta mistakes: errores mistress: señora misunderstand: entender mal mix: mezclar, mezcla, combinar mob: chusma, turba, canalla
Lysistrata mocking: burlarse, falso, imitar, burlas, burlador, burlón, burla, fingido, escarnecer, engañar, imitado mole: topo, lunar, mol monstrosity: monstruosidad moral: moral, moraleja mortal: mortal mortality: mortalidad mortify: mortificar, mortifican, mortifiquen, mortificas, mortificamos, mortificáis, mortificad, mortifica, mortifico, mortifique mothers: las madres mount: montar, acomodar, montaña, adaptar mounted: montado mouth: boca, desembocadura, la boca move: mover, conmover, moverse, mudar, mudanza, movimiento, trasladar, traslado, mudarse, jugada moves: mueve muddle: enredo mummy: momia munching: mascando muse: musa, meditar music: música mustered: Congregó mute: mudo, muda, sordina mutual: mutuo, mutua myrrh: mirra myself: yo mismo mysteries: misterios mysteriously: misteriosamente mystery: misterio, el misterio naked: desnudo nakedness: desnudez named: denominado napping: perchado, dormitar nasty: feo, sucio, horrible, malo, deshonesto, astuto, horroroso, desagradable, lúgubre nation: nación, pueblo, población natural: natural naturally: naturalmente naughty: travieso, malo nauseous: nauseabundo nd: neutral density near: cerca, próximo, cerca de, cercano, entrante, casi nearby: cerca, próximo, cerca de, entrante, cercano, adyacente, contiguo, vecino nearly: casi neat: pulcro, ordenado neatly: aseadamente necessary: necesario neck: cuello, el cuello, garganta, pescuezo, cerviz necklace: collar, el collar needs: necesidades
negation: negación neglecting: Descuidar neighbour: vecino nerve: nervio nerves: nervios, nervio nest: nido, el nido, anidar nestling: acurrucándose, anidando, pajarito en el nido, anidar net: red, neto, la red nettles: molesta, provoca, irrita, Ortigas nevertheless: no obstante, sin embargo news: noticias, noticia, nueva, las noticias nexus: nexo nigh: cercano nimble: ágil noble: hidalgo, noble noise: ruido, alboroto, el ruido noisily: ruidosamente, clamorosamente, alborotadamente none: ninguno, nadie, nada nonsense: tontería noon: mediodía note: nota, apuntar, billete, anotar, apunte, anotación, notar notice: cartel, aviso, anuncio, notar, advertir, nota, notificación, noticias, noticia, percibir, publicación nowadays: hoy día, ahora, actualmente, hoy en día, al presente nowhere: en ninguna parte nude: desnudo nuisance: molestia numberless: innumerable o: oxígeno oared: provisto de remos oath: juramento object: objeto, el objeto, objetar oblation: oblación, oblada, ofrenda, sacrificio, oblata observe: observar, observa, observen, observe, observas, observan, observad, observáis, observo, observamos, hacer obvious: obvio, evidente occupation: ocupación, oficio, profesión, empleo, trabajo occurs: ocurre offensive: ofensiva, ofensivo offering: ofrenda, oferta, ofrecer older: mayor olive-tree: olivo omelet: tortilla omens: agüeros ominous: ominoso, siniestro ones: unos onslaught: asalto onward: adelante, hacia adelante opened: abierto operation: operación,
Aristophanes funcionamiento, explotación, manejo opposing: afrontando, combatiendo, contraponiendo, contrariando, impugnando, oponiendo, resistiendo, opuesta, oponerse a, oponer, encontrado opposite: enfrente de, opuesto, contra, enfrente, contrario, frente a, frontero oppression: opresión oracle: oráculo orgy: orgía original: original ours: nuestro ourselves: nosotros mismos outlay: desembolso outlived: sobrevivido ox: buey pacifistic: pacifista pack: paquete, empacar, embalar, empaquetar, manada, envolver packed: guardado, empacado, embalado, comprimido, lleno, marcado, apuesto tendenciosamente, aborrotado, abarrotado, hasta los topes pact: pacto pain: dolor, el dolor, pena, sufrimiento paining: Afligir painting: pintura, cuadro, la pintura, pintar pair: par, pareja, emparejar palatable: sabroso pale: pálido, palidecer, descolorido palsied: paralítico, paralizado, temblante, tembloroso pampered: mimado pamphlet: folleto, panfleto pan: sartén, cacerola panted: jadeado panthers: panteras pap: papilla partisans: partidarios, fuerzas guerrilleras parts: talento, regiones, piezas, partes pass: pasar, adelantar, paso, pase, desfiladero, entregar, pasada, aprobar, alargar, paso de montaña, llegar passing: paso passion: pasión passionate: apasionado patch: remendar, parche patted: tocado paul: Pablo pawn: empeñar, peón, prenda, pignorar peace: paz, la paz peep: ojeada, pie, piara, piar, pío pío, pío, mirar furtivamente, mirar de
reojo, mirar, mirada furtiva, mirada peeps: píos peering: mirar pell-mell: atropelladamente perceive: percibir, perciben, percibes, percibe, perciban, percibid, percibimos, percibís, percibo, perciba perchance: quizás, tal vez perfume: perfume, el perfume, perfumar perilous: peligroso perish: perecer, perecéis, perezco, perezcan, pereces, perecemos, pereced, perece, perecen, perezca perjury: perjurio perpetrated: perpetrado persevere: perseverar, perseveramos, persevero, perseveren, persevere, perseveran, perseveráis, perseverad, persevera, perseveras persians: pérsico personal: propio, personal persuade: convencer, convences, convence, convenzan, convenzo, convenza, convencemos, convenced, convencéis, convencen, persuadir pestering: importunando phallic: fálico phallus: falo phew: uf philip: Felipe philosophic: filosófico phosphor: luminóforo, fósforo phrase: frase, expresar, expresión pick: picar, piquen, pican, picamos, picáis, picad, picas, pique, pica, pico, arrancar picking: picando pierced: agujereado pile: montón, pilote, pila, pelo, amontonar, estaca piled: amontonado pious: piadoso, pío, beato pipe: pipa, cañería, tubo, tubería, conducto, la pipa pitch: paso, pez, grado de inclinación, tono, cabeceo, diapasón, altura, brea, pendiente pitiful: lastimoso, deplorable pitiless: despiadado pity: dolerse por, piedad, compadecer a, lástima, compasión plague: plaga, peste, atormentar plain: llanura, llano, claro, evidente, liso, plano plainly: simplemente plan: plano, propósito, proyectar, diseño, planificar, plan, intención, proyecto, planear, esquema plane: plano, avión, cepillo, aeroplano, propósito, cepillar, plana
93 plato: Platón platonic: platónico platter: plato play: jugar, jueguen, juega, juegan, juegue, jugad, jugáis, jugamos, juegas, juego, tocar played: jugado, tocado plea: súplica, argumento, alegato pleasant: agradable, simpático, placentero, grato please: por favor, agradar, gustar, complacer, haz el favor, contentar, haz favor pledge: prenda, dinero del envase, prometer, pignoración, empeñar plenipotentiary: plenipotenciario plight: situación plodding: trabajando, extrusión, laborioso plotters: trazador plough: arado, arar plucked: arrancado plunder: pillaje, botín, saqueo plunge: bucear, zambullida, zambullirse poem: poema, el poema poet: poeta, el poeta poetry: poesía pointing: rejuntado poised: listo, suspendido, serenidad, equilibrio, en equilibrio, compostura, balancear, sereno, equilibrar poked: metido polite: cortés, educado politician: político, hombre político politics: política poor: pobre, malo, deplorable, indigente, miserable populace: populacho porter: portero, mozo, conserje portion: porción, parte, ración poseidon: Poseidón positive: positivo post: poste, correo, empleo, cargo, puesto, oficio, apostar, posta, función, fijar, estaca postern: poterna pot: olla, orinal, jarro pots: servicio telefónico analógico convencional, montones pounded: golpeado powdered: empolvar, empolvarse, en polvo, pólvora, polvo, polvorear, pulverizado, pulverizar powers: potestades practically: prácticamente practised: experto, hábil praise: alabar, alabanza, elogio, elogiar pray: rezar, rezáis, rezas, rezamos, rezad, reza, recen, rece, rezan, rezo,
94 rogar praying: rezando, orando, rogando precedence: prioridad, precedencia precincts: alrededores preciosity: amaneramiento, preciosismo precipice: precipicio, despeñadero, abismo, derrumbadero precisely: precisamente predilection: predilección prejudice: prejuicio preparation: preparación, preparado, preparativo prepare: preparar, preparas, prepare, prepara, preparad, preparáis, preparan, preparo, preparen, preparamos, prepararse preposterous: absurdo presaging: presintiendo, pronosticando, presagioso, presagiando present: presente, actual, presentar, regalo, contemporáneo, ofrecer, reproducir, retratar preservers: conservadores para alimentos pressure: presión, instancia, insistencia, empuje presumption: presunción, derecho, pretensión pretence: pretensión, derecho pretend: fingir, fingimos, finjo, fingís, fingid, finges, fingen, finge, finjan, finja, pretender pretties: bastante prettily: bonitamente pretty: bonito, lindo, majo, amable, guapo, bastante, guapa prevent: impedir, impedid, impido, impides, impiden, impide, impidan, impida, impedimos, impedís, prevenir price: precio, el precio, costo pride: orgullo primitive: primitivo, primitiva primly: estiradamente, estrictamente primp: emperejilarse, acicalar, acicálese prise: palanca, apalancamiento probe: sonda, sondear, sensor, examinar proceed: proceder, actuar produce: producir, producid, produzco, produzcan, produzca, producimos, produces, producen, produce, producís, realizar profoundly: profundamente progeny: descendencia, progenie progression: progresión projected: proyectado promenade: paseo promise: prometer, prometéis,
Lysistrata prometemos, prometen, prometo, promete, prometan, prometa, prometes, prometed, promesa promised: prometido promote: promover, promovemos, promuevo, promovéis, promuevan, promueve, promueven, promueves, promoved, promueva, ascender properly: correctamente, como es debido, debidamente propitious: propicio, favorable propose: proponer, propon, proponed, propongo, propongan, propones, proponen, proponéis, propone, proponemos, proponga proud: orgulloso proverbs: proverbios proves: prueba, verifica provoked: provocado prying: entrometido psyche: psique puff: bollo esponjado, bocanada, soplo pugnacious: belicoso pull: tirar, tiramos, tiráis, tirad, tiran, tiras, tiren, tire, tira, tiro, halar pulley: polea pulse: pulso, impulso, pulsación punch: ponche, perforar, sacabocados, punzón, puñetazo purify: purificar, purifica, purificad, purifiquen, purifico, purificas, purifican, purificamos, purificáis, purifique, depurar purple: morado, púrpura, purpúreo, lila purpose: fin, objeto, finalidad, propósito, intención pushing: emprendedor, molesto, empujar, ambicioso, empuje puts: pone, mete, coloca pyre: pira quaff: beber a grandes tragos quaking: temblar, temblante quarters: cuarta, cuartel, cuarteles, cuarto, alojamiento, cuartos traseros, domicilio, puesto de combate, trasero queen: reina, la reina, dama quell: sofocar, sofoca, sofocas, sofoque, sofoquen, sofoco, sofocamos, sofocad, sofocáis, sofocan quench: extingan, sofocad, sofoca, extinguís, extinguimos, extinguid, extingues, extinguen, sofocáis, extingo, aplacáis quick: rápido, pronto quickly: rápidamente, de prisa, aprisa, pronto quiet: quieto, silencio, tranquilo, calmar, silencioso, sosegar, callado
quietly: calladamente, silenciosamente rabid: rabioso rack: bastidor, rejilla, perchero, estante, estantería, cremallera, anaquel racked: atormentado rage: rabia, furia, furor, ira raging: rabioso, furioso rags: los trapos raid: correría, incursión, batida raise: levantar, entonar, criar, subir, alzar, elevar, alza, izar, aumento raised: alzado, elevado, en relieve, levantado, peraltada, recrecido rambling: vagaroso rampageous: furioso ran: corrió, participio pasivo del verbo run, pret de run ranged: recorrido rare: raro rarefied: rarefacido, refinado, rarificarse, rarificar, rarificado, rarefacer, enrarecido rascal: bribón rash: sarpullido, erupción, precipitado, salpullido, erupción cutánea ratified: ratificado, revalidado rationalizing: racionalizando rattling: zumbar, muy, rápido, vaivén, realmente, estupendo ravaging: destrozando ravenous: voraz, hambriento reach: alcanzar, alcance reaction: reacción readiness: prontitud ready: listo, preparado, propenso, disponible realize: comprender, entender, darse cuenta de, entended, entiendo, entiendes, entienden, entiende, entiendan, entienda, entendemos reared: criado reason: motivo, causa, razón, lugar, razonar reasons: razona rebellious: rebelde recognise: reconozca, reconocer recognize: reconocer, reconozco, reconoced, reconocéis, reconocemos, reconocen, reconozcan, reconoces, reconozca, reconoce reconcile: reconciliar, se reconcilian, reconcilíate, reconcilíense, reconcilíese, reconcilíados, se reconcilia, me reconcilio, os reconciliáis, te reconcilias, nos reconciliamos reconciliation: conciliación, reconciliación recover: recuperar, sanar, recupere,
Aristophanes sanad, recuperad, recuperáis, recuperamos, recuperan, recuperas, recuperen, recupero re-establish: restableza, restablecer, restablezca, restablecen, restablezcan, restableces, restablecéis, restablece, restableced, restablezco, restablecemos reformation: reformación, reposición, reforma reformer: reformador refrain: estribillo, abstenerse refuse: rehusar, rechazar, denegar, desecho, desechos, detrito, negar refused: rehusado refusing: Rehusar regard: mirar, considerar, mira, miran, miráis, miro, miramos, mirad, miras, mire, miren regretted: Lamentado rejected: rechazado rejoices: alboroza, alegra, deleita, jubila relate: contar, relacionar, cuentan, cuento, cuenten, cuentas, cuenta, contamos, contáis, contad, cuente relation: relación, conexión relatively: relativamente relentless: implacable relief: alivio, relieve, socorro, asistencia, relevo reluctance: reluctancia, renuencia, desgana rely: confiar, confíe, confías, confían, confíen, confiáis, confío, confiad, confía, confiamos remark: comentario, observación, reparo, censura, nota, notar remember: recordar, recuerde, recuerdo, recuerdan, recuerdas, recuerden, recordamos, recordad, recordáis, recuerda, acordarse de remembered: recordado remind: recordar, recuerdo, recuerde, recuerdas, recuerdan, recuerda, recordamos, recordáis, recordad, recuerden remorse: remordimiento repealed: Revocado repeat: repetir, repita, repitan, repito, repites, repetid, repite, repetís, repetimos, repiten, reiterar reply: respuesta, responder, contestación, contestar reproach: reproche, censurar, reprender, reprobar, desaprobar, reprochar repulsive: repulsivo reputation: reputación rescue: salvar, rescate, rescatar, socorro, salvamento resources: medio, recursos
respects: rispetti, saludos, recuerdos response: respuesta, contestación responsible: responsable rest: descansar, descanso, resto, detrito, desechos, reposar, reposo restless: inquieto retire: retirarse retires: dimite, jubila, recoge, retira, abandona return: volver, devolver, regresar, retorno, devolución, rendimiento, vuelta returned: devuelto returning: volver returns: devolver, reembolso, ganancias, devoluciones, cheques y letras devueltos, retorno, rendimiento, remuneración, regreso, ingresos, volver revelry: juerga, diversión tumultuosa, fiestas, jarana, jolgorio rhythm: ritmo rich: rico ridiculous: ridículo rigged: aparejado righteous: virtuoso, honrado rightly: debidamente ringing: zumbido, sonando, sobreoscilación riot: disturbio, alboroto, ruido rip: descoser, descosido, desgarrón, Protocolo de información de enrutamiento, raja, rasgón, rasgadura, rasgar, rasgarse, rasgo, agua revuelta rippling: ondulación, rizar rise: subir, levantarse, aumento, levantamiento, alza, subida risen: subido, pp de rise rising: creciente, subida, alcista risk: riesgo, arriesgar rival: competidor, competir roaring: rugiente, rugido, rugir, clamoroso roast: asar, asado, tostar, carne asada rob: robar, robo, robe, robamos, roba, robáis, roban, robas, roben, robad, despojar robes: ropaje rogue: pícaro rogues: pícaros rooster: gallo, el gallo root: raíz rooted: arraigado rope: cuerda, soga, la cuerda, cabo rose: rosa, la rosa rosily: agradablemente, rosadamente, rosáceamente rosy: rosado rowdy: camorrista rub: frotar, refregar, friccionar rubs: frota
95 ruddy: rojo rude: grosero, rudo, insolente, descortés ruffian: rufián ruined: arruinado rule: regla, gobernar, la regla, norma, fallar, refrenar, dominio, subyugar, reprimir, regir, contener rump: anca, rabadilla runs: corre rush: apresurarse, junco, prisa sack: saco, despedir, bolso sacred: sagrado, sacro sacrificing: sacrificar sad: triste, afligido saddened: entristecido saddle: montura sae: asociación de ingenieros de automóviles safeguarded: asegurado, salvaguardado saffron: azafrán sail: vela, navegar, la vela sails: paño sake: motivo, fin, bien, causa sanctuary: santuario sands: banco de arena, playa sang: pret de sing, cantó sappho: safo saturates: satura savage: fiero, salvaje save: guardar, guarda, guardan, guardáis, guardamos, guardas, guarde, guardo, guardad, guarden, salvar saved: guardado, salvado, ahorrado saviour: salvador, redentor scale: escama, escala, incrustación, balanza, ascender, escalar, báscula, subir a scandal: escándalo scarcely: apenas, escasamente scare: espantar, asustar, susto, amedrentar scattered: disperso, esparcido scent: olor, perfume, aroma scheme: esquema, propósito, plan, intrigar scorn: desdén, desdeñar scoundrel: bribón, sinvergüenza, canalla scoundrelly: bribónmente scrap: chatarra, recorte, desechar, sobras, desguazar, de desecho scratch: rascar, arañar, rasguño, arañazo, rascadura, cancelar, raya, rasguñar screaming: llamativo, chillón, chillar, estridente, grito, gritar screen: pantalla, trama, mampara, filtro scribble: garabato
96 scrub: matorral, fregado, maleza scrupulous: escrupuloso, meticuloso sea: mar, el mar seal: foca, sello, sellar, precinto, precintar seated: sentado seduce: seducir, seduzca, seduzco, seduzcan, seducen, seducís, seduces, seduce, seducid, seducimos seed: semilla, la semilla, grano, simiente, semen, sembrar seedling: planta de semillero, plántula, plantón, arbolillo seeing: viendo, serrando seek: buscar, busque, busca, buscan, buscamos, busquen, buscas, buscáis, buscad, busco seem: parecer, parezca, parecen, parezcan, pareces, parezco, parecemos, parecéis, parece, pareced sees: Ve, serra seize: agarrar, coger, agarro, agarre, agarras, agarra, agarren, agarran, agarramos, agarráis, agarrad seizes: agarra, ase select: seleccionar, seleccionan, selecciono, seleccionen, seleccionas, seleccionamos, seleccionáis, seleccionad, selecciona, seleccione, escoger self: mismo senate: senado send: enviar, envío, envía, envíe, enviad, enviáis, enviamos, envían, envías, envíen, mandar sending: enviando, mandando, despachando, envío senses: juicio, los sentidos, sentido sensible: sensato, razonable sensitive: sensible sensitivity: sensibilidad sensitized: sensibilizado sensuality: sensualidad sent: enviado, mandado, despachado separate: separado, separar, apartar, aparte, particular, dividir, separarse, segregar, independiente, compartir separated: separado serious: serio, grave, importante, crítico servants: servicio serve: servir, sirva, sirvo, servimos, servid, servís, sirvan, sirve, sirven, sirves served: servido settle: despachar, despacha, despacho, despachas, despachan, despachamos, despacháis, despachad, despachen, despache, establecer settled: despachado settles: despacha
Lysistrata seven: siete seventeen: diecisiete, diez y siete sex: sexo, el sexo, tener sexo shake: sacudir, sacuda, sacudimos, sacudís, sacudid, sacudes, sacuden, sacude, sacudan, sacudo, sacudida shakespeare: Shakespeare shakespearean: shakesperiano shaking: sacudiendo, sacudida shame: vergüenza, verguenza, pudor, oprobio, avergonzar shamed: avergonzado shameless: desvergonzado share: compartir, acción, parte, dividir, ración, cuota, lote sharer: partícipe sheep: oveja, la oveja shield: escudo, blindaje, pantalla, blindar, proteger shift: turno, desplazamiento, desplazar, cambiar, jornada, tanda, cambio shifting: cambiar, desplazamiento, movedizo shining: brillante, luminoso ships: envía, despacha, expide shivering: tiritar shocking: chocante shop: tienda, hacer las compras, ir de compras, almacén, taller shoreward: hacia la costa short: corto, bajo, breve shoulder: hombro, el hombro, espalda, lisera, banquina, reborde, espaldilla shoulders: espalda, hombros shout: gritar, grito shouted: gritado shove: empujar, empujón shows: muestra shrine: santuario shun: rehuir, rehuyo, rehuid, rehuimos, rehuís, rehuyan, rehuye, rehuyen, rehuyes, rehuya shut: cerrar, cerrado shuttle: lanzadera shy: tímido, vergonzoso sides: costados, Lados sideways: de lado siege: sitio, asedio sigh: suspirar, suspiro sight: vista, aspecto, mira, avistar signed: firmado significance: significación, significado, importancia significant: significativo, significante silence: silencio, acallar, hacer callar, el silencio silent: silencioso, mudo, callado silk: seda, la seda silks: gorra y chaquetilla de jockey silly: tonto, necio, absurdo, bobo
similarly: semejantemente simple: sencillo, simple sincere: sincero sing: cantar, cantan, cantas, canten, cantamos, cantáis, canta, cantad, canto, cante singe: chamuscar single: soltero, solo, único, simple, individual sip: sorber, sorbo sir: señor sit: sentarse, estar sentado, sentar sitting: sesión, sentada situation: situación skein: madeja skies: cielo skilfully: con destreza, diestramente, hábilmente skim: desnatar, desnatan, desnaten, desnato, desnatas, desnatáis, desnatad, desnata, desnate, desnatamos, espumar skin: piel, cáscara, la piel, cutis, pelar skinned: descortezado, pelado skip: saltarse, omitir, brincar, brinco, salto skirt: falda, la falda, base de blindaje, faldón slam: golpe slap: palmada, bofetada, abofetear slapping: rápido, abofeteamiento, abofetear, batiente slaughter: matar, matanza, sacrificar, sacrificio, carnear slaughtered: matado slaughtering: matar, matanza slavish: servil slay: matar, matad, matáis, matamos, matan, maten, mato, mate, matas, mata sleek: alisar sleep: dormir, duerme, duermes, dormimos, duermen, duermo, dormís, dormid, duerma, duerman, sueño sleepless: insomne sleeve: manga, manguito, la manga, camisa slenderness: afilamiento, delgadez, esbeltez, lo remoto slide: diapositiva, corredera, resbalar, tobogán, portaobjetos, deslizar, deslizador, deslizamiento slip: deslizamiento, resbalar, desliz, deslizar, combinación slipped: resbalado slipper: zapatilla, pantufla slippers: zapatillas slippery: resbaladizo, escurridizo slipping: corrimiento, resbalar sluggish: lento, flojo slut: mujerzuela
Aristophanes smallest: menor smeared: untó smell: oler, olor, apestar, oler mal, olfatear, olfato smelly: apestoso, maloliente smelt: eperlano smite: golpear con violencia smitten: herido, pegado, aplastado, castigado, golpeado, pp de smite smoke: fumar, fumo, fume, fumas, fuman, fumamos, fumáis, fumad, fuma, fumen, humo smokes: fuma, humea smoky: humeante smooth: liso, plano, alisar, suavizar, suave smoulder: arder sin llama snatching: arrebatimiento, arrebatar sneak: chivato snug: acogedor, cómodo snuggle: acurrucarse soap: jabón, enjabonar sober: sobrio so-called: llamado soil: tierra, ensuciar, suelo, manchar solace: solaz, consolar, consuelo sold: vendido soldier: soldado, el soldado soldierly: soldadesco sole: lenguado, suela, único, solo, planta solve: resolver, resuelve, resuelven, resuelves, resolvemos, resolved, resolvéis, resuelvo, resuelvan, resuelva, solucionar someone: alguien, alguno, cierto somewhere: en alguna parte son: hijo, el hijo song: canción, canto soon: pronto, luego sooner: más pronto soothed: calmado sore: dolorido, úlcera, herida, llaga sorrow: tristeza, pena, dolor sorry: afligido, arrepentido, pesaroso, siento, triste sots: borrachos soul: alma, espíritu, ánimo soundly: sanamente, solventemente, sólidamente, razonablemente, profundamente, firmemente, vigorosamente soup: sopa, la sopa sow: cerda, sembrar, cochina, marrana space: espacio, el espacio, espaciar spare: sobrante, ahorrar, recambio, perdonar sparta: Esparta spartan: espartano speak: hablar, hablamos, hablo, hablas, habláis, hablad, hablen,
habla, hablan, hable spear: lanza spectral: espectral speed: velocidad, prisa, rapidez, la velocidad, prontitud spindle: huso, eje, husillo spirit: espíritu spirits: alcohol spiritual: espiritual spirituality: espiritualidad spiritually: espiritualmente spite: rencor spitting: escupiendo spleen: bazo splendid: espléndido splendour: fausto, pomposidad, fulgor, esplendor, lujo splintered: astilló split: dividir, partir, ofender, henderse, división, separarse, grieta, resquebrajarse, raja, separar, partido spluttering: farfullar spoke: decir, radio, rayo, raya, radioactivo, rayo de rueda, hablar, pret de speak, expresar spoken: hablado spool: bobina, carrete, canilla spot: mancha, punto, sitio, verrugato croca, manchar, mancilla, lugar spread: propagar, extender, difundir, extensión, untar, diferencial, extenderse, cobertor spring: fuente, muelle, saltar, primavera, resorte, la primavera, manantial, brincar springing: saltar springs: muelle, ballestas, muelles, resorte, ballesta sprinkle: salpicar, espolvorear, rociar sprinted: corrido sprouting: brotante, brotar, brote sprung: pp de spring, de muelles, brotado, saltado spy: espiar, espía, acechar squabble: disputa squandered: malgastado, derrochado squeeze: apretar, exprimir, apretón, oprimir, presión, estrujar st: santo, SAN, sto, sta, santa, estación, calle stability: estabilidad stabilizing: estabilizando stake: poste, estaca, apostar, puesta staked: se emplea una contratuerca de 12 puntos que se apuntala para asegurarse de que, estacado stamp: sello, timbrar, sellar, cuño, estampilla, sello de correos, marca, estampillar, estampa, estampar, el sello stand: estar de pie, puesto, levantarse, granero, posición,
97 cabina, soporte, base, estante, caseta, pararse standing: permanente, posición stands: tenderetes, jaulas stare: mirar fijamente, mirada fija staring: llamativo stately: majestuoso statement: declaración, sentencia, instrucción, dicho, estado stay: quedarse, quedar, queden, quede, quedas, quedan, quedamos, quedáis, quedad, queda, quedo stay-at-home: muy casera steaming: humeante step: paso, escalón, peldaño steps: pasos stern: popa, severo stick: pegar, palo, bastón sticks: leño, vara, palillo, adherir, batuta, palo, pegar, ramitas, punzar, picar stifled: se ahogado, sofocado, reprimido, callado, suprimido sting: picar, aguijón, picadura, punzar, pinchar stirring: agitación, conmovedor, emocionante, inspirador, removida, turbulento stolen: robado stood: pret y pp de stand stop: parar, paran, paras, paren, paráis, parad, paramos, pare, para, paro, parada store: tienda, almacenar, almacén, la tienda, memoria, depósito storm: tormenta, tempestad, la tormenta, borrasca, tomar por asalto stormy: tempestuoso, tormentoso story: historia, piso, cuento, relato, el cuento stow: estibar, estibad, estibo, estiben, estibe, estibas, estiban, estibamos, estibáis, estiba, guardar straddle: cabalgue, de forma que la cinta quede entre sus piernas, encuadrar, esparrancarse encima de, no comprometerse, alcance, montar, montar a horcajadas, montura, especulación mixta, opción doble straight: derecho, recto, directamente, recta straightaway: en seguida straightforward: sencillo, simple, franco strain: colar, esfuerzo, deformación, cepa, tensión, torcedura straits: necesidad, paso, estrecho, estrecheces strange: extraño, raro, ajeno strangely: extrañamente strangle: estrangular, estranguláis, estrangulen, estrangulamos,
98 estrangulan, estrangulo, estrangula, estrangulas, estrangulad, estrangule straps: abrazaderas, cintas stream: arroyo, corriente, flujo, chorro, riachuelo, secuencia streaming: flujo, difusión de video digital en tiempo real, efecto de canalización, correr, transferencia de datos desde el disco duro streets: calles, las calles strength: fuerza, resistencia, virtud, potencia, fortaleza stress: tensión, estrés, acento, esfuerzo, acentuar, presión, recalcar, el estrés, la presión stretch: estiramiento, estirar, extender, tramo strew: esparcir, esparzan, esparza, esparcís, esparcimos, esparcid, esparces, esparcen, esparzo, esparce stride: paso, paso largo, zancada strike: huelga, golpear, llamar, declararse en huelga, acertar, paro, golpe strikes: golpea strip: tira, raya, faja, desnudarse, franja, desmontar, banda stripped: pelado, desarmado, desencofrado strolled: paseó strong: fuerte, intenso, marcado stubborn: terco, testarudo, obstinado subconscious: subconsciente subject: asunto, tema, asignatura, someter, sujeto, cuestión, materia submerged: sumergido substance: sustancia, substancia subtle: sutil subtlety: sutileza succour: prestar ayuda, socorrer, asistir, acudir, socorro suck: chupar, mamar, libar, chupas sucking-pig: cochinillo suddenly: de repente, de golpe, repentinamente, de sopetón suffer: sufrir, sufres, sufro, sufrís, sufrid, sufren, sufre, sufran, sufrimos, sufra, padecer sufferer: doliente, enfermo, paciente, víctima suffering: sufriendo, padeciendo, sufrimiento sufficiently: suficientemente, bastante suggest: sugerir, sugerid, sugiero, sugieres, sugieren, sugiere, sugieran, sugerís, sugerimos, sugiera, indicar suit: traje, convenir, el traje, pleito sullen: malhumorado, triste summon: llamar, notificar, convocar summoned: convocado supper: cena, la cena
Lysistrata suppliant: suplicante supplies: suministros suppose: suponer, suponéis, supongo, supon, suponed, suponemos, suponen, supones, supongan, supone, suponga supremacy: supremacía sure: seguro, cierto surely: seguramente, ciertamente surface: superficie surgeon: cirujano, el cirujano surpasses: aventaja, sobrepuja surprise: sorprender, sorpresa, la sorpresa suspect: sospechar, dudar, sospechoso sustain: sostener, sosten, sostengan, sostiene, sostenemos, sostenéis, sostened, sostienes, sostienen, sostengo, sostenga swallows: traga swarm: enjambre, pulular, hormiguear swear: jurar, jura, jurad, juráis, juramos, juran, juras, juren, juro, jure, maldecir sweat: sudor, sudar, transpirar sweep: barrer, barrido sweeping: barrido sweet: dulce, caramelo, postre swinging: balanceo swirl: remolino, torbellino, arremolinarse swollen: hinchado swooning: desmayándose swooped: Abatió sword: espada sworn: jurado symbol: símbolo symbolise: simbolice sympathetic: simpático, compasivo sympathy: simpatía symphony: sinfonía tackle: equipo, parafernalia, aparejo, provisiones tact: tacto, diplomacia, tino takes: toma, desempeña tale: cuento talented: talentoso, dotado talk: hablar, hablas, hablan, hablad, habláis, hablamos, hablo, hable, hablen, habla, charla talking: hablando, parlante, charlando, hablar talks: habla, charla tall: alto tamed: domado tangle: enredo, caos tangled: enredado tapped: utilizado task: tarea, quehacer, trabajo taste: gusto, saborear, sabor, probar,
catar tasteless: insípido, sin gusto, soso tattling: divulgar taught: enseñado, instruido, desacostumbrado tavern: taberna taxed: Tasado, gravado tear: lágrima, desgarrar, rajar, romper, rasgar, desgarro tearful: lloroso, lacrimoso tears: desgarra, rasga tease: fastidiar, molestar, embromar, importunar teeth: dientes, dentadura temperate: templado, moderado temple: templo, sien, el templo tempting: tentando, tentador tended: cuidado, Tendido tender: tierno, oferta, dulce, subasta, proposición, ofrecer, destajo, licitación, presentar, reproducir, retratar tenderly: con ternura, tiernamente, endeblemente, delicado tendrils: zarcillos tension: tensión, voltaje, afán tenth: décimo term: término, plazo, duración, termino terms: condiciones, condición terraces: gradas, graderío terrible: terrible terrified: aterrorizado, aterrado texture: textura thank: agradecer, agradezco, agradeces, agradezcan, agradece, agradezca, agradecemos, agradeced, agradecen, agradecéis, dar gracias thanks: gracias, agradece theban: tebaico thee: ustedes, te, vosotros, usted, tú theirs: suyo, sus there'll: habrá thick: grueso, espeso, gordo, denso thighs: muslos thine: tuyo, tuyos, tuyas, tuya, tus thirst: sed, la sed thither: allá thou: tú, usted, vosotros, ustedes, vos thousand: mil threads: hilos threat: amenaza, conminación, amago threatening: amenazando, amenazador, conminando, amenazante threatens: amenaza, conmina throbbing: palpitante throes: agonía, ansias, angustia throwing: lanzamiento thrown: tirado, pp de throw thumb: pulgar, el pulgar, dedo pulgar
Aristophanes thundering: estruendo, trueno, de trueno, tronar, tremendo, imponente, enorme thy: tu tickler: libro de vencimientos, vademécum ticklish: cosquilloso tides: mareas tie: corbata, atar, liar, lazo, ligar, cinta, tirante, ligadura, atadura tied: atado tightly: apretadamente, herméticamente tightness: tensión, tirantez, escasez, estrechez, impermeabilidad, tacañería, hermeticidad, lo estanco, premiosidad, opresión, lo hermético till: caja, hasta que, hasta, a que tipsy: achispado to-day: hoy toe: dedo del pie, dedo de pie, el dedo del pie toilets: servicios, aseos, inodoros toll: peaje, tañer tongue: lengua, la lengua, lengüeta tongues: lenguas tonight: esta noche top: cima, superficie, parte superior, superior, cumbre topmost: más alto torch: antorcha, linterna, soplete torches: antorchas torment: tormento tormented: atormentado toss: arrojar, tirada touch: tocar, toque, tacto, palpar, contacto, rozar touches: alcanza, toca, conmueve, palpa touching: conmovedor town: ciudad, pueblo, población, el pueblo trace: rastro, calcar, impresión, trazar, amojonar, traza, línea, señal, huella, barrido tract: tracto tradition: tradición tragic: trágico trailing: estela, rastrear, rastreo, rastro, seguir, seguir la pista de, sendero, vereda, arrastrar, pista, huella trains: trenes traitors: traidores trample: pisotear travelling: corredizo, de viaje, ambulante, el viajar, itinerante, viajar, viajes treasure: tesoro, atesorar treasury: tesorería, erario treat: tratar, curar, obsequio treaty: tratado
tremble: temblar, temblor tremendous: tremendo trickery: engaño tricks: engaños tricky: tramposo, trapacero, engorroso, espinoso, intrincado, marrullero, difícil, delicado, complicado, astuto, artero trifle: bagatela, friolera, nadería trim: en buen estado, recortar, adornar, guarnecer trinity: Trinidad tripping: desconexión trireme: trirreme triumph: triunfo trivial: trivial troop: tropa troubled: molestar, de enfermedad, agitado, problema, desventurado, apurado, molestarse, dificultad, no sabroso, pasado difícilmente, pena troubles: nubes truce: tregua true: verdadero, cierto truly: verdaderamente, de veras, en realidad, en efecto, realmente trying: molesto tumbled: Derribado tunic: túnica turbot: rodaballo turn: girar, gira, giro, giráis, giramos, giran, giras, gire, giren, girad, vuelta turned: girado, vuelto, trastornado tut: eso no, vamos, pche, hacer un gesto de desaprobación, gesto de desaprobación, qué horror, Vaya twin: gemelo, gemelos twined: trenzó twisted: retorcido, torcido tyranny: tiranía ultimately: finalmente, por fin, al fin, ultimadamente unassuming: sin pretensiones, inasumido, modesto, no pretencioso, sin presunción undergrowth: maleza understand: entender, entiendes, entienda, entiendan, entendemos, entendéis, entended, entienden, entiendo, entiende, comprender understood: entendido, comprendido undervalue: infravalorar, infravalore, subestimar, infravaloramos, infravaloren, infravaloran, infravaloráis, infravalorad, infravalora, infravaloro, infravaloras undying: eterno, imperecedero unerringly: infaliblemente, certeramente unforeseen: imprevisto unfortunate: desgraciado, infortunado
99 unified: unificado union: unión, sindicato uniqueness: unicidad united: reunido, unido unity: unidad, armonía universal: universal unless: a menos que, a no ser que unlike: desemejante unmannerly: mal educado unpack: desembalar, desembale, desempaquetar, desembalen, desembalas, desembalan, desembalamos, desembaláis, desembalad, desembala, desembalo unplumbed: insondable unseen: no visto unswerving: firme untamed: indomado untangle: desenredar, desenmarañe, desenredáis, desenredo, desenreden, desenrede, desenredas, desenredamos, desenredad, desenreda, desenredan unto: hacia unwind: devanar, devanan, devano, devanen, devanas, devanamos, devanáis, devanad, devana, devane uphill: cuesta arriba upright: vertical, montante, derecho uprightness: nobleza, verticalidad upset: trastornar, indispuesta, trastorno upside-down: al revés urge: incitar, espolear, impulso, impulsar, animar, instar urn: urna usual: común, general, universal, acostumbrado, habitual utterly: absolutamente vain: vano, hueco, vanidoso valid: válido, vigente valorous: valeroso value: valor, valorar, estimar, tasar, apreciar values: valores various: varios, varias, diferente vast: vasto veil: velo vein: vena, veta, filón vendors: proveedores vengeance: venganza venture: arriesgar, ventura, aventurarse, aventurar, empresa veritable: verdadero verminous: verminoso vessels: embarcaciones vexed: enfadado victim: víctima victory: victoria vigorous: vigoroso vile: vil villainous: villano
100 vindication: reivindicación violent: violento virginity: virginidad virtue: virtud vision: visión visit: visitar, visita, visitad, visiten, visitan, visitas, visito, visitamos, visitáis, visite vitality: vitalidad vitalizing: vitalizar, vitalizando, vivificando vitally: sumamente, vitalmente, esencialmente vitiated: viciado void: vacío, nulo, anular, vaciar, caducado, hueco vote: votar, voto, balotar, votación vulgar: chabacano, cursi, grosero, cutre, corriente, vulgo, vulgar, ramplón, ordinario, ordinaria, común wag: menear, meneo, mover wager: apuesta, apostar, la apuesta wailing: lamentos waist: cintura, la cintura, talle wait: esperar, espera, espere, esperad, espero, esperen, esperas, esperan, esperamos, esperáis, aguardar wake: estela, despertar walk: andar, andamos, ando, anden, ande, andas, andáis, andad, anda, andan, caminar wandering: errante, vagando wanton: petulante, lascivo wantoning: Jugetear wants: quiere, desea warlike: belicoso warm: caliente, caluroso, calentar, cálido warmth: calor moderado, calor warping: deformación, alabeo warring: belicoso warrior: guerrero wash: lavar, lave, lavo, lava, lavad, laváis, lavamos, lavas, laven, lavan, lavarse washed: lavado, lavo wasps: avispas waste: desechos, desperdicio, residuo, residuos, detrito, gastar, acabar, desperdicios, derrochar, gasto, desecho wasted: gastado, acabado wasting: acabando, gastando watch: reloj, mirar, observar, reloj de pulsera, ver, contemplar, el reloj, prestar atención, vigilar, guardia, guardar watchful: vigilante, en vela ways: maneras weak: débil, flojo wear: llevar, desgaste, usar, tener
Lysistrata puesto, vestir, uso, llevar puesto weariness: cansancio, aburrimiento, fatiga wears: lleva, usa weary: cansado, fatigado weathercock: a veleta, giraldilla, veleta web: telaraña, red, tejido tela telaraña enredo red trama we'd: hacemos weep: llorar, llore, lloren, llora, lloro, lloras, lloran, lloramos, lloráis, llorad weighing: pesando, peso, pesaje, pesar weight: peso, carga, el peso, asignar un peso a, la pesa, pesa weighty: pesado, importante, grave, ponderoso, de mucho peso weird: raro, misterioso, extraño welded: soldado we'll: Haremos welling: asciende welter: tomar un baño, confusión, bañarse, maremágnum, mezcla confusa, mezcolanza, revolcarse por, revoltijo, agitación wench: muchacha wept: Llorado whatever: cualquier, lo que, cualquier cosa whereas: considerando que, por cuanto whet: afilar, afile, afilen, afilas, afilan, afiláis, afilad, afila, afilo, afilamos whim: capricho, antojo whisper: cuchichear, cuchicheo, susurrar, susurro, murmurar whizz: silbar, rehilar, silbido, zumbar a, zumbido, fenómeno whoever: quien wholly: enteramente whom: quien, quién, que whose: cuyo, cuya wicked: malo, malvado wide: ancho, amplio, vasto, lejos wife: esposa, mujer, la esposa wild: fiero, salvaje, silvestre wilderness: desierto wildly: ferozmente willing: dispuesto, deseoso willy-nilly: al azar, de buena o de mala gana win: ganar, ganas, gana, gano, ganad, ganen, gane, ganan, ganamos, ganáis, vencer wind: viento, serpentear, el viento, enrollar, devanar winding: devanado, arrollamiento, bobinado wine: vino, el vino wings: bastidores, alas
wink: guiño, pestañeo, parpadeo, guiñar wipe: limpiar, enjugar, limpien, limpiad, limpiáis, limpiamos, limpian, limpias, limpie, limpio, limpia wiped: limpiado, Enjugado wisdom: sabiduría, sapiencia wise: sabio, sensato, guisa wish: desear, deseo, voluntad, querer, tener, gana wished: deseado wishes: anhelar, anhelo, ansiar, desear, deseo, deseos, querer, votos wit: ingenio wither: marchitarse, marchitar, marchite, marchito, marchitas, marchiten, marchitan, marchita, marchitáis, marchitamos, marchitad withered: marchito, marchitado witless: bobo, estúpido, tonto, necio witty: ingenioso woe: ay, penas woes: dolencia womankind: las mujeres wonder: preguntarse, maravilla, asombrarse, prodigio, preguntar wonderful: maravilloso wood: madera, leño, bosque, la madera woodlands: tierras arboladas, suelos arbolados, regiones forestadas, boscaje wool: lana, la lana woolly: lanoso word: palabra, la palabra, vocablo, término, formular wore: falacia, pret de wear, Llevó works: fábrica, obras worn: gastado, usado worried: preocupado, angustiado, inquieto worry: preocuparse, cuidar, preocupación, inquietar, inquietud, preocupar, molestar worrying: inquietante, molesto, preocupar worst: peor worth: valor wove: Tejió, pret de weave woven: tejido wrack: explorar, sargazo, ruina de, fluco, estante, despojo, alga de arribada, fuco, exploráis, exploren, explore wrang: retorció wrangle: disputa, disputar, reñir wreath: guirnalda, corona wreathed: ceñido, envuelto, enguirnaldado, trenzado, enroscado wretch: desgraciado wretched: miserable, menesteroso,
Aristophanes pobre, infeliz, necesitado, desdichado wretchedly: abyectamente, miserablemente, endemoniadamente, despreciablemente wringing: arrancando, retorciendo wrinkled: arrugado wrinkling: formación de pliegues, fruncir, arrugar, arrugamiento, arrugación, arruga write: escribir, escriba, escriban, escribo, escribís, escribimos, escribid, escribes, escribe, escriben writing: escribiendo, escritura, letra, inscripción written: escrito wrong: malo, mal, falso, incorrecto, entuerto, agravio, impropio, erróneo wrote: escribió wrought: forjado wrung: arrancado, Retorcido yarn: hilo, estambre ye: usted, vosotros, ustedes, vosotras, tú, los, lo, las, la, el, vos yell: grito, gritar, aullar, chillar yelling: grito, gritos, gritar, gritante, dar alaridos, aullido, aullar, alarido yellow: amarillo yesterday: ayer yield: ceder, cedemos, cedes, cedo, ceden, cedéis, ceded, cede, ceda, cedan, rendimiento yonder: allí, ahí, aquel younger: menor youngster: joven, jovencito, jovenzuelo yours: vuestro, suyo, el tuyo yourself: tú mismo, se yourselves: ustedes mismos youth: juventud, joven, jóvenes, adolescencia youthfully: frescamente, jovenmente, juvenilmente zeal: celo, ahínco