Branko GUMHALTER Institute of Physics of the University, Bijenicka C.46, POB 304, 10001 Zagreb, Croatia
Physics Reports 351 (2001) 1}159
Single- and multiphonon atom}surface scattering in the quantum regime Branko Gumhalter* Institute of Physics of the University, Bijenicka C. 46, POB 304, 10001 Zagreb, Croatia Received November 2000; editor: D.L. Mills
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Atom scattering as a tool for investigation of structural and dynamical properties of surfaces and adlayers 2.1. Kinematics of atom}surface scattering. Energy and parallel momentum shell. Di!raction and rainbow scattering, resonance processes 2.2. Investigations of the structural properties of ordered surfaces and adlayers by thermal energy atomic and molecular beams 2.3. Investigations of the structural properties of disordered surfaces and adlayers by thermal energy atom scattering 2.4. Investigations of the dynamical properties of surfaces, adlayers and adsorbates by noble gas atom scattering 2.5. Comparison with other techniques 3. Interactions and inelastic scattering of atoms from surface vibrations. Short overview of the achievements and shortcomings of standard theoretical descriptions 3.1. Descriptions of the vibrational dynamics of surfaces and adlayers 3.2. Particle}surface interaction potentials
20 22
23 23 29
3.3. Inelastic scattering from surfaces. One phonon vs. multiphonon scattering regimes, advantages and shortcomings of particular models 3.4. The search for a uni"ed approach 4. Scattering spectrum approach in the theoretical description of inelastic inert atom scattering from surfaces 4.1. Formulation of the scattering spectrum expression and its relation to the TOF spectra 4.2. Development of the scattering spectrum formalism (SSF) 4.3. Choice of approximations 5. Scattering from #at surfaces in the SSF approach 5.1. Single-phonon scattering regime and distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) 5.2. Multiphonon scattering regime and the exponentiated Born approximation (EBA) 6. Examples of application of the developed formalism: Debye}Waller factors and scattering spectra of selected benchmark systems 6.1. Scattering of He atoms from (1 1 1) surface of condensed Xe
* Tel.: #385-1-469-8805 (direct); #385-1-469-8888; fax: #385-1-469-8889. E-mail address:
[email protected] (B. Gumhalter). 0370-1573/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 0 - 1 5 7 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 4 3 - 5
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6.2. Scattering of He atoms from Cu surfaces 6.3. Scattering of He atoms from monolayers of Xe atoms 6.4. Debye}Waller factors for scattering of heavier noble gas atoms from surfaces 7. Energy transfer in gas}surface collisions 7.1. Angular resolved vs. angular integrated energy transfer
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7.2. Quantum vs. classical results for energy transfer in benchmark systems 8. Concluding remarks and protocol for the use of EBA-formalism in interpretations of atom}surface scattering experiments Acknowledgements References
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Abstract Recent developments and achievements in the theoretical interpretation of inelastic scattering of thermal energy beams of He and other noble gas atoms from surfaces are reviewed, with a special emphasis on the successful interpretation of multiphonon He atom scattering (HAS) experiments. These developments have been stimulated by the remarkable successes of HAS time-of-#ight spectroscopy in revealing information on the low-energy dynamics of the various surfaces, adlayers and isolated adsorbates. The diversity of the developed theoretical approaches re#ects also the diversity of the various observables that have been assessed under the di!erent experimental conditions. To aid the systematization and cross-correlation among the di!erent model descriptions we "rst present a short outline of their characteristics and main achievements. Although many of these theories have been improved and re"ned in the course of time, a uni"ed approach was required for a fully quantum treatment of elastic (di!ractive or di!use) and inelastic (single- and multiphonon) atom}surface scattering processes on an equivalent footing. A substantial progress towards this end has been made in recent years by going beyond the standard semiclassical and perturbation methods in the analyses of HAS experiments. The present review focuses on the development of one such approach based on the so-called scattering spectrum formalism in which the quantum scattering amplitudes are calculated by using cumulant or linked cluster expansion in terms of the correlated and uncorrelated scattering events. This formalism is equally well suited for making a passage to perturbative quantummechanical and nonperturbative semiclassical treatments of inelastic atom}surface scattering. Using the developed formalism we "rst establish the relevant approximations for calculating the scattering spectra and examine their validity for the scattering conditions typical of HAS. In the next step the formalism is applied to benchmark systems to interpret the scattering data which intermingledly depend on the vibrational dynamics of the investigated surfaces per se and on the projectile}surface interaction potentials. A very good agreement between experimental results and theoretical predictions for HAS from surfaces characteristic of the di!erent types of surface vibrational dynamics is obtained in all studied scattering regimes. This demonstrates a broad applicability of the developed formalism in the interpretations of inelastic HAS experiments and in the assessments of phonon-mediated energy transfer in gas}surface collisions. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 34.50.Dy; 47.45.Md; 61.10.Dp; 61.18.Bn; 63.22.#m; 68.35.Ja; 79.20.Rf Keywords: Gas}surface interactions; Molecular beam}surface scattering; He atom scattering; Surface phonons; Multiphonon excitations; Surface accommodation
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1. Introduction The earliest gas}surface scattering experiments can be traced back to the 19th century when Kundt and Warburg [1] attempted to test Maxwell's predictions [2] on the properties of gas viscosity, and to the beginning of the 20th century when Knudsen [3] and Smoluchowski [4] carried out "rst measurements of the accommodation coe$cients. A brief overview of these and related measurements pertaining to the gas}surface dynamics phenomena can be found in the book of Goodman and Wachman [5]. However, in the modern sense of de"nition of a laboratory tool, atomic and molecular beam scattering has been in use as an experimental technique in the studies of structural and dynamic properties of surfaces since the advent of quantum mechanics. In the late 1920s and early 1930s Stern and collaborators [6] and Johnson [7] carried out "rst gas}surface di!raction experiments with the goal of demonstrating the wave nature of atomic particles. In these studies the beams of He, H and H from the e!usive sources were scattered from (0 0 1) surfaces of alkali-halides (LiF, NaF and NaCl). The scattered beams have been found to exhibit di!raction, thereby verifying the basic quantum principles contained in the de Broglie relations. Thermal energy He atom beams proved particularly convenient in this respect, mainly for two reasons. First, with the low He atom mass and the energy in thermal range the associated de Broglie wavelength can easily match the di!raction conditions imposed by the surface crystallography, and second, due to the inert electronic structure and low polarizability of the projectile atoms the collisions with the surface are dominantly nonreactive and elastic. The investigations of inelastic gas particle interactions with well-de"ned and monocrystal surfaces were at that time to a large extent hampered by the absence of ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) technology and adequate analytical surface science techniques needed to maintain and control the microscopic structure and cleanliness of surfaces. Owing to this, the studies of inelastic gas}surface interactions were in this period mainly focused on the integrated or global quantities (like the accommodation and sticking coe$cients) characteristic of technical surfaces, the more so as for many years the main motivation for carrying out such experiments was coming from aerospace research. The development of modern UHV technology gave a strong impetus to the studies of gas}surface dynamics and scattering. About 30 years ago, and concomitant with the trends in development of surface science, the thermal energy atomic and molecular beam scattering technique has emerged as one of the most sensitive and universal experimental methods for investigations of the structural, dynamical and even electronic properties of surfaces. This particularly applies to He atom scattering (HAS) as an analytical technique whose rapid development was mainly due to the progress achieved by combining the UHV techniques with the high-pressure nozzle beam production and time-of-#ight (TOF) methods for analyzing the energy of scattered particles. Thus, at present it is possible to maintain highly collimated and intense monoenergetic primary beams with kinetic energies in the range of 8}150 meV per particle, and combine it with high-resolution energy analyses of the scattered beams in the range of 0.1 meV. With the high angular resolution of the direction of motion of the scattered particles, this enables the investigations of dynamical processes at surfaces like surface vibrations, di!usion, surface phase transformations, growth phenomena, etc., with unrivaled precision in many aspects. These characteristics, as well as the nondestructiveness and absolute surface sensitivity of HAS, make this technique one of the most versatile and universal tools of surface science research, and complementary to the electron-based spectroscopies like low-energy electron di!raction (LEED), high-resolution
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electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). Owing to all these characteristics the data acquired by HAS usually constitute an indispensable component of information needed for establishing a complete microscopic, quantum-mechanical picture of surface properties of the studied system. The various aspects and modes of utilization of thermal energy atom scattering from surfaces, with a particular emphasis on HAS, have been described in several reviews and books [8}18]. The high angular and energy resolution that can be achieved in HAS from surfaces (but also in similar scattering experiments utilizing the beams of other inert atoms and molecules) have proved particularly advantageous in the studies of processes a!ected and controlled by the low-energy dynamics characteristic of and taking place at surfaces. Typical and important examples of such processes are the excitations of surface, adlayer and adsorbate vibrational modes or phonons (excitation energies of few meV) and di!usion of atomic particles (mass transport) at surfaces. The studies of these processes by molecular beam scattering techniques have provided some of the most valuable information pertaining to the microscopic properties of surfaces. In order to obtain clear "ngerprints of surface phonons from atom}surface scattering, i.e. to reveal their dispersion over the corresponding surface Brillouin zone (SBZ), the experiments have to be carried out in the single-phonon scattering regime. Only in this case it is possible to precisely and unambiguously determine within the limits of experimental resolution the direction of the momentum and the amount of energy exchanged between the projectile and a phonon, which is needed to restore the dispersion relations. With state-of-the-art technology this regime can be routinely achieved in the scattering of light particles at su$ciently low incoming energy and by keeping the substrate temperature relatively low. The concrete borderline between a single- and multiphonon scattering regime depends on the various parameters of the collision system but it is most sensitive to the beam energy, projectile mass, maximum phonon frequency and substrate temperature. Again, the vast majority of the data has been accumulated from HAS measurements. Combined with the complementary EELS data, which were also available for a number of systems, it has been possible to reveal the dispersion curves of the various surface projected phonon branches of the investigated materials over the entire SBZ, and in some cases also beyond. Thanks to the extensive work carried out in a number of laboratories in the past two decades the presently existing database on surface phonons of the various materials is already rich [19,20]. This provides a solid prerequisite for our understanding of the surface dynamics and thermodynamics at the microscopic and fundamental level. The interpretation of the results of electron, atom and molecular beam scattering from surfaces, and in particular of the beam di!raction and phonon excitation intensities, has strongly motivated and stimulated the development of quantum-mechanical descriptions of elastic and inelastic projectile}surface scattering. Substantial e!orts have been devoted towards this end simultaneously with the development and implementation of the various scattering-based techniques in surface science research. Particularly illustrative and instructive in this respect are the developments in the theory of HAS because the conditions prevailing in the majority of experiments necessitate a fully quantum approach. The quantum theory of HAS from surfaces has followed two main directions of development. One of them is the description of elastic scattering phenomena like di!raction, selective adsorption and di!use scattering by defects and impurities. The other is the description of inelastic phenomena like single- and multiphonon atom}surface scattering and quasielastic scattering by di!using
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Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the di!erent collision processes which can occur in the nonreactive scattering from a crystal surface of a light atom with a de Broglie wavelength comparable to the lattice spacing (after Ref. [32]).
scatterers on surfaces. Of course, in a scattering experiment all these scattering channels may be open simultaneously (see Fig. 1) and theoretical approaches accounting for the e!ects of multichannel scattering have also been developed at various stages of sophistication. This review will be primarily concerned with the exposition of novel theoretical developments in the descriptions of inelastic scattering of thermal energy atomic beams from surface vibrations, with a particular emphasis on He atom scattering as the most widely used technique for revealing surface phonon dynamics. Recent experimental activities in this "eld have stimulated the development of quantum models capable of describing both the one-phonon and multiphonon He atom scattering on an equivalent footing. In this respect the various forms of the quantum one-phonon theory of HAS in the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA), which have been perfected following the pioneering works of the Cambridge school in the 1930s [21] and later reviewed by Goodman [22], represent a solid basis and a prerequisite also for the development of multiphonon HAS theory. An obvious requirement on more complete theories is that they should naturally encompass the DWBA results as a special limit. On the other hand, the various classical and semiclassical theories of multiphonon scattering should also provide a useful guideline in the development of their quantum counterparts because upon approaching the classical multiphonon scattering regime one expects that the two descriptions should consistently give similar results. This particularly applies to the semiclassical trajectory approximation (TA) for the description of projectile dynamics which has for a long time been in the focus of applications and often with very good results. Although the range of the validity of TA in atom}surface scattering theory could not until recently be rigorously estimated and justi"ed on theoretical grounds [23}25], recent theoretical developments enable the assessment of validity of the various quasiclassical approximations employed in the multiphonon atom}surface scattering regime. These topics will be also addressed in the present review. The developments and applications of the scattering theory in interpreting the results of He atom scattering from surfaces available by the beginning of the 1980s were described by Levi [26] in 1979, and Celli [27] in 1982, those available by the mid-1980s in a comprehensive review by Bortolani and Levi [28] in 1986, and by the beginning of the 1990s by Manson [29], and Santoro and Bortolani [30]. Hence, the present review will focus mainly on the later developments, with
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a brief reference to the earlier material in the cases in which it becomes instrumental to the development of a uni"ed single- and multiphonon quantum scattering formalism described in subsequent sections. With this goal in mind the outline of this review is as follows. In Section 2 we present a short survey of the use of atom scattering, with the emphasis on HAS, in the investigations of structural and dynamical properties of surfaces and adlayers, and relate the information available from these measurements with the information obtainable from other, complementary techniques. In Section 3 we present an overview of the various theoretical models employed in the interpretations of atom}surface scattering experiments, describe their main achievements but also pinpoint the shortcomings that have ultimately motivated the development of new, nonstandard theoretical models of inelastic atom}surface collisions. In Section 4 a formal development of such a new approach } the scattering spectrum formalism (SSF) } for description of inelastic HAS from surfaces is presented. This formalism enables a quantum mechanical treatment of single- and multiphonon scattering processes on the same footing and the obtained results can be directly related to the measured inelastic HAS TOF intensities. Illustrations of the applications of the scattering spectrum formalism to the calculations of inelastic scattering intensities and Debye}Waller factors in the various regimes of He atom}surface scattering are presented in Section 5. Interpretations of experimental HAS data for #at surfaces based on the SSF are elaborated in Section 6. Here we have adopted the approach to concentrate on comprehensive descriptions of applications of the formalism to a restricted number of benchmark or prototype systems characteristic of the various types of phonon dynamics, rather than to present only brief overviews of the applications to all the systems studied so far. Section 7 is devoted to a discussion of the energy (heat) transfer in atom}surface scattering with a particular emphasis on some applied problems of accommodation in gas}surface collisions. Finally, in Section 8 we reiterate the main achievements and advantages of using the scattering spectrum formalism in the interpretations of inelastic atom}surface scattering by phonons, and present a summary of the most important derived formulae in the form of a brief protocol for their concrete applications.
2. Atom scattering as a tool for investigation of structural and dynamical properties of surfaces and adlayers Helium atom scattering plays a role in investigations of the properties and processes on surfaces similar to what thermal neutron scattering plays in the investigations of bulk solids and liquids. The high resolution and intensity of low-energy thermal He beams, in combination with the inert chemical structure of He atoms, make the HAS an extremely surface-sensitive and nondestructive method and as such ideally suited for investigations of the structure and dynamics of and phase transitions and di!usion on surfaces. Using HAS it is also possible to probe the processes characterized by large wavevector transfer (e.g. excitation of large wavevector phonons) which is inaccessible to optical spectroscopies, and to resolve closely spaced modes which may not be possible by EELS. To fully exploit the potentiality and advantages of HAS, many requirements
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have to be met in the design and operation of the HAS apparatuses in order to achieve optimal performance and results. The TOF technique enables simultaneous measurement of the energy and wavevector transfer in atom}surface collisions which in turn makes possible the studies of low-energy dynamics of surfaces, adlayers and isolated adsorbates with unrivaled energy resolution and surface sensitivity. However, the combination of high resolution and intensity of He beams is subject to experimental limitations. Instrumental broadening in energy and momentum measurements depends on many factors, as does the signal intensity, and there is a trade o! between the two characteristics. These problems have been explained and discussed in several reviews and books [12,14,18,32,34,35]. Here it is worth pointing out that at present the monochromaticity of the source beams which can be routinely achieved in modern HAS apparatuses is in the range of v/v41% where v is the velocity of He atoms, and the major limitation comes from the TOF technique, i.e. from the energy resolution. For a liquid-nitrogen-cooled nozzle the attainable energy resolution in phonon creation events is of the order of 0.1 meV at an incoming energy of 10 meV. The angular resolution, which a!ects the wavevector resolution, depends also on several factors and at present [34] is in the range of 0.13. For the theoretical interpretations of HAS experiments these resolution characteristics, together with the negligible e!ects of the "nite size of the beam source [18], are of utmost importance. The magnitude and direction of the momentum of atoms in He beams, collimated from free-molecular#ow atom trajectories emanating from the nozzle and impinging on the target, should be determinable with su$cient precision so that the incoming He atom wavefunction can be described by a plane wave which is well de"ned or coherent over a su$ciently large volume. At present it is possible to attain a coherence volume of about (300) As and the corresponding coherence length of 300 As de"nes the surface distance from which scattering from individual surface atoms interferes coherently [33]. Such a high coherence enables a straightforward application of the parallel momentum conservation conditions and the use of simple kinematics of HAS experiments that is a prerequisite for interpretation of the collision dynamics. This is brie#y discussed in the next subsection. 2.1. Kinematics of atom}surface scattering. Energy and parallel momentum shell. Diwraction and rainbow scattering, resonance processes Apart from the above-mentioned characteristics that distinguish light noble gas atom scattering from the neutron scattering technique, an additional large di!erence exists in the form and properties of the projectile}target interaction potentials. Whereas in the case of neutron scattering one can safely assume that contact pseudopotentials can be used to describe the interaction of the projectile (neutron) with atomic nuclei of the target, the projectile}surface interaction in He and other atom or molecule scattering from surfaces is far more complicated. Due to this, it is common to start the interpretations of experimental results and developments of the theories of HAS with the discussion of the properties of projectile}surface potentials that determine the dynamics of collisions. This line of thought will be also followed in the present review, and a brief discussion of the projectile}surface potentials is the "rst subject of the next section in which the standard HAS theories are brie#y reviewed. However, some basic notions needed to understand the general concepts and results which will be outlined in this introductory section can be explained also in
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terms of the much simpler kinematics of atom}surface scattering events. In fact, the mere application of kinematics of HAS in surface studies, which is possible due to the high coherence of the beams, enables very often a quick and straightforward analysis of the data on the structural and dynamical properties of surfaces, like the reciprocal surface lattice wavevectors G, amount of disorder on the surface, phonon dispersion curves, etc. To "x the notation we shall denote from now on the components of the vectors parallel to the surface by capital bold letters, e.g. for the components of the radius vector r"(R, z)
with the direction of z perpendicular to the surface. Accordingly, the components of the wavevectors are denoted as k"(K, k ) X
and analogously for the other vector quantities unless explicitly stated otherwise. In the case of translationally invariant surfaces or surfaces with well-de"ned periodicity (such as corrugated surfaces) the natural choice of quantum numbers for the description of unperturbed motion of the projectile particles comprises the particle momentum P" K or wavevector K"(K , K ) parallel (lateral) to the surface, and the particle total energy E. It should be observed V W that the particle}surface potential ;(r) is periodic only in the directions R along the surface since the latter introduces a breakdown of translational symmetry along the z-direction. Due to this the perpendicular particle momentum is not a good quantum number. However, the perpendicular wavevector of the particle at large distance z from the surface (outside the range of the particle}surface potential) is again a good quantum number, k , and in combination with K can be X employed instead of E in the description of unperturbed particle motion. With this nomenclature we can set up the basic kinematics needed for description of an atom}surface scattering event. We introduce a coordinate system with the (x, y) plane coinciding with the surface of the crystal and the z-axis pointing outward, and denote by and the corresponding polar and azimuthal angles, respectively. In what follows, we shall use the subscripts i and f to denote the asymptotic initial and "nal values, respectively, of the scattering particle energy, momentum, etc. The scattering geometry in terms of these symbols is illustrated in Fig. 2. Thus we have k "(K , k )"(k , , ) , G G XG G G G
k "(K , k )"(k , , ) , D D XD D D D
(K#k ) G XG E" G 2M
(K #k ) D XD , E " D 2M
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Fig. 2. (a) General de"nitions of scattering geometry. Q denotes the in-surface plane wavevector of a phonon. The in-sagittal-plane scattering geometry is typi"ed by " , usually with # " "const. (b) The surface Ewald D G G D 1" diagram is shown for the case of elastic scattering. Elastic events are limited to speci"c discrete directions, as indicated, e.g. by I for specular and by I for a possible di!raction peak (after Ref. [32]).
where M is the mass of the projectile. For ease of measurements the He atom scattering experiments are usually carried out with "xed scattering geometry in which the angle between the incoming and outgoing scattered beams in the apparatus, # " , is "xed. The sampling of G D 1" the various scattering angles is then achieved by varying the incident angle relative to the normal G of the sample surface, and the tilt angle between the surface normal and the plane containing the incident and outgoing beams. If the tilt angle is zero, the scattered particles are detected in the sagittal plane which is de"ned by the surface normal and the incoming projectile wavevector. Then, " because in this case the scattered particle wavevector is also con"ned to the sagittal plane. D G An important notion in the terminology of atom}surface scattering is that of specular scattering direction relative to the direction of the incident beam. The polar and azimuthal angles of the specularly scattered beam are the same as for the incident beam, i.e. " and " . The D G D G elastic specular scattering from a planar surface is then characterized by K "K and k "k , D G XD XG and takes place in the sagittal plane. In a general case of atom}surface scattering the change of the projectile parallel momentum K"K !K , D G
is nonzero and depends on the structural and dynamical properties of the target. The interaction between thermal energy He atoms and the "rst surface layer of atoms is such that they are re#ected either elastically or inelastically without penetrating the surface layer. This is so because the repulsive component of the interaction potential is by far the dominant one at distances of few atomic radii (bohrs) outside the surface (cf. Section 3.2). Due to this, the classical turning points for motion of thermal He atoms are located in the outer region of the surface electronic density. The conditions for conservation of energy and parallel momentum in surface scattering of nonpenetrating particles can be combined to yield a relation between the change of
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the parallel momentum and energy E of the projectile in the collision:
K #K G E"E !E " !k . D G 2M sin G D
This expression is usually referred to as the scan curve and represents a quadratic function E(K). In elastic scattering from a static periodic surface potential the parallel momentum of the projectile is conserved up to a two-dimensional wavevector G of the reciprocal surface lattice: K"K !K "G . D G
From the conservation of the projectile energy in elastic collisions, E"0, we have E(K )"E(K ) D G
and hence the z-component k of the scattered particle wavevector k (G) can be determined as XD D a function of G. For the set of G-values the solutions of Eqs. (9) and (10) give a discrete set of possible k values or directions of diwraction peaks in the angular distribution spectrum of the D scattered particles. The set of possible k values can be obtained from the Ewald construction D schematically illustrated in Fig. 2 (see also Fig. 2 of Ref. [17]). The intensities of these peaks, however, cannot be obtained solely from the kinematic considerations because they depend on the details of the projectile}surface interaction potential. An interesting phenomenon in elastic surface scattering that is closely related to di!raction but also embodies a classical e!ect is the rainbow scattering. The phenomenon of classical surface rainbow pertains to the occurrence of a pair of strong maxima in the classical probability of scattering from a corrugated surface as a function of the scattering angle [36]. A simple visualization of this phenomenon is usually presented in a two-dimensional scattering from one-dimensional surface corrugation. In this case the rainbow maxima appear at the minimum and maximum scattering angles at which the intensity is enhanced due to the coalescence of several classical scattering paths (cf. Fig. 7.4 in Ref. [5] and Fig. 16 in Ref. [59]). Under special conditions the two rainbow maxima may reduce to a single one. Garibaldi et al. [60] have demonstrated and interpreted another, strictly quantum or wave-like feature of rainbow scattering, the so-called supernumerary rainbow, which may occur between the rainbow maximum and the specular beam in the case of strongly corrugated surfaces. The quantum e!ect arises if the phase shift between the trajectories with the same scattering angle but from di!erent impact parameters within the unit cell approaches 2, thus causing an oscillating pattern in which the intense and weak di!raction peaks alternate. These authors have shown within the eikonal approximation for the scattering amplitudes (cf. Section 2.2) that rainbow and di!raction are, in a sense, one and the same phenomenon: the rainbow pattern is the envelope of the di!raction peak intensities. The same conclusion has been arrived at by Berry [61] in a comprehensive study of He atom scattering from a vibrating corrugated hard wall surface, also called a `rippling mirrora. Some novel aspects of kinematical rainbow and focusing e!ects emerging from the singular structure of "nal density of states of scattered particles have been discussed by Miret-ArteH s and Manson [62]. Experimental aspects of surface rainbow scattering, relevant experimental references, and the modelling and interpretation of experimental data have been recently reviewed by FarmH as and Rieder [17].
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As the static projectile}surface potential also supports bound states for particle motion perpendicular to the surface, a special case of elastic scattering may arise if the projectile after exchanging momentum G with the surface ends up with an energy of the perpendicular motion equal to the energy of one of the bound states, , viz., L
k (K #G) G" G ! . L 2M 2M
Such a process in the entrance channel has been termed by Lennard-Jones and Devonshire as selective adsorption [37,38] because after this event the projectile continues its motion parallel to the surface. Of course, this can take place only for `selecteda values of k and G and in this special G case of elastic scattering the particle is not recorded by the detector which is placed far away from the surface. Without further scattering these processes would lead to minima in the intensity of the specularly re#ected beam. However, the particle during its motion parallel to the surface may further undergo elastic or inelastic scattering. It may again exchange momentum G with the lattice and acquire positive energy of perpendicular motion to leave the surface region. After this selective desorption process the angular distribution of scattered particles would show pronounced variations in the intensity. Alternatively, the particle may exit from the bound state in an inelastic process by exchanging a vibrational quantum (phonon) of "nite energy and momentum with the surface (see below). A reverse process is also possible, by exchanging a vibrational quantum with the surface the particle may "rst be temporarily trapped at the surface with perpendicular energy equal to a bound state energy (0. After this it may make a transition into a "nal state with LY momentum ( K , k '0) by exchanging the reciprocal lattice momentum G in an elastic D XD desorption process. The energy and parallel momentum conservation in the exit channel gives the selective desorption condition:
k (K !G) D D" ! , LY 2M 2M
which when combined with Eq. (11) yields the condition for elastic selective adsorption/desorption resonance " and no vibrational quanta exchanged with the surface. L LY Another possible resonant process combines selective adsorption into a bound state with energy , inelastic transition from this state into another bound state of energy by exchanging L LY a vibrational quantum with the surface, and "nally a selective desorption process from the surface. Invoking the argument of the larger available phase space for this type of scattering event, the corresponding scattering intensity may be largely enhanced (`supernovaa) relative to the case in which inelastic transitions in the intermediate state are absent [63]. Measurements of the selective adsorption/desorption resonances make possible the experimental determination of bound state energies of the atom}surface potentials and this method has been used in the past for empirical reconstructions of the potential properties. Also, at the early stage of implementing HAS for surface studies, the selective adsorption/desorption processes in combination with the inelastic transitions were proposed as energy and momentum analyzing events because of their selectiveness [39].
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The third type of elastic scattering may occur from the various kinds of defects (random adsorbates or clusters of adsorbates, vacancies, steps, kinks, etc.) present on the surface. Defects introduce disorder in the regular structure of the surface and hence destroy its periodicity and translational invariance. The scattering from defects is incoherent and there is no special condition on the "nal momentum of the scattered particles. Hence, the angular distributions of the scattered particles are di!use and superimposed on the specular peak of correspondingly reduced intensity. In the above descriptions of kinematics of the various scattering events we have somewhat arti"cially separated the elastic from inelastic processes and their possible interference. In reality the scattering events are not `single-hita processes and may encompass any combination of elastic and inelastic scattering. In particular, inelastic scattering processes in HAS may involve any of the types of elastic processes quoted above in combination with the exchange of energy and momentum with the dynamical degrees of freedom characteristic of the surface. Moreover, in the case of inelastic scattering of projectiles with internal degrees of freedom (molecules) the situation becomes even more complex because due to the more complicated projectile}surface interaction all the projectile degrees of freedom (translational, rotational, vibrational, etc.) may participate in the energy and momentum exchange with the heat bath of the target. In such collisions the conversion of energy and momentum between intraparticle degrees of freedom may also take place. Another complication arises in connection with the degrees of freedom constituting the heatbath. In the low, thermal energy scattering regime neutral inert atoms couple most strongly to surface vibrations [40] whereas at higher scattering energies the coupling to electronic charge density #uctuations may open up additional inelastic scattering channels [41}44]. Taking into account all possible scattering channels and multiple scattering processes which may take place during the collision, we observe that the total parallel momentum and energy conservation connect only the initial and "nal scattering states between which the system evolves during the collision event. In this context we say that the full scattering matrix describing evolution of the system is constrained to the parallel (lateral) momentum and energy shell. This is strictly a kinematic requirement stemming from the symmetry properties of the scattering system that selects (projects) the allowed scattering probabilities from the full o!-shell scattering matrix. In the scattering regime in which the multiple scattering amplitudes are nonnegligible, the total scattering matrix is given as a sum of transition amplitudes describing the transitions of the system between the various intermediate states. These transitions involve on-shell as well as o!-shell processes and only the sum of all the single and multiple scattering amplitudes is constrained to the parallel momentum and energy shell. Such sums, and hence the corresponding scattering probabilities, may exhibit strong interference e!ects which are usually referred to as scattering resonances or antiresonances, depending on whether the interference is constructive or destructive. Particularly strong resonances may appear if several scattering processes of either the same or di!erent multiplicities become degenerate with the total energy and parallel momentum conservation embodied in the full scattering matrix. This can manifest itself in the form of maxima in the scattering intensities expressed as functions of the energy and parallel momentum exchange. Such features, depending on the type of the scattering processes involved, are known in the literature as resonance-enhanced scattering and kinematic focusing e!ects. Some of them will be discussed in more detail in Section 3.3.3, and summaries of the various aspects of resonant and focusing processes in atom}surface scattering have been presented by Doak [18] and Miret-ArteH s [64,65].
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In the case of thermal energy HAS from translationally invariant surfaces the experimentally studied inelastic mechanism is the projectile coupling to atomic vibrations propagating in the surface layer. In a periodic structure bounded by a surface the vibrational degrees of freedom can be represented by normal modes or phonons. Some of these modes can be to a larger or smaller extent localized in the surface region. A phonon in such a system is characterized by the quantum number Q, which is the mode wavevector parallel to the surface (restricted to the "rst Brillouin zone of the two-dimensional surface lattice), and a discrete mode index j, which plays the role of the quantum number in the direction perpendicular to the surface. Associated with each mode are the mode frequency Q and the mode polarization vector e (Q, j) pertaining to the vibration of th H G atom from the unit cell basis. The corresponding mode (quasi)momentum and energy are then given by the de Broglie relations Q and Q , respectively. H The kinematic relations corresponding to inelastic phonon-induced projectile transition from an initial continuum state k to a "nal continuum state k are obtained by combining Eq. (8) with G D the relations expressing the conservations of parallel momentum and energy exchanged between the projectile and phonons: K"K !K "G# $Q , D G
E"E !E " $ Q , H D G
where in the present convention the signs #(!) refer to phonon emission (absorption) processes and Q is taken to be positive. In the case of one-phonon scattering the sums on the RHS of H Eqs. (13) and (14) reduce to single terms $Q and $ Q , respectively. H For in-the-sagittal-plane scattering geometry " with "xed total scattering angle G D " # , which are typical of the majority of TOF experiments, the combination of Eqs. (8), 1" G D (13) and (14) yields in the one-phonon scattering regime the relation
(sin #K/k ) G G !1 , sin( ! ) 1" G
K"$Q#G"k sin( ! )!k sin . D 1" G G G
E"$ Q "E H G where
The expression on the RHS of Eq. (15) is the scan curve for one-phonon scattering which is a parabolic function of the magnitude of the exchanged wavevector K. Its point of intersection with the phonon dispersion curve E"$ K plotted as a function of K in the (E, K) plane H gives the possible values of energy and momentum of the phonon mode (Q, j) which can be exchanged in the sagittal plane scattering and thus observed as a peak in the experimental TOF spectrum for "xed ( , , E ). This is illustrated in Fig. 3. Systematic plotting of these points for the G 1" G various values of K and K enables an experimental determination of the phonon dispersion H
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Fig. 3. Extended zone diagram showing scan curves for various and for "903 and in-sagittal-plane scattering G 1" along the 1 0 0 direction of LiF(1 0 0) surface with k "6.0 As . The heavy solid lines show the Rayleigh dispersion G curves in the sine approximation (after Ref. [100]).
curves provided a particular phonon peak can be traced as a distinct spectral feature across the SBZ. However, like the di!raction case, the peak intensity or the probability of such a phonon exchange event cannot be determined only from the kinematic considerations because it depends on the details of the projectile}surface interaction. In the case of out-of-sagittal-plane scattering the expression relating the change of the projectile energy with the change of its parallel momentum becomes more complex [45] and will not be elaborated here. The kinematics of phonon-mediated inelastic scattering from continuum states into bound states of the projectile}surface interaction potential, or the prompt sticking processes, can be formulated analogously as for the inelastic scattering into the continuum states described above. As such processes do not directly contribute to the measured intensities of the HAS TOF spectra (except for the modi"cation of the on-the-energy-shell Debye}Waller factor common to all the phonon exchange probabilities in a particular TOF spectrum), they will be discussed separately in Section 5.2.5. Inelastic atom scattering from defects on surfaces embodies, in addition to all the complexities of elastic scattering from defects, also the new features brought about by the inelastic e!ects. First, additional degrees of freedom associated with the defects themselves may occur (the typical examples of which are the vibrations, translations and rotations of isolated adsorbates), and second, the defects represent localized scattering centers which cause the breakdown of lateral symmetry of the surface and thereby also act as the sources of parallel momentum for the scattered particles. Hence, there is no simple relation connecting the change of energy and momentum in atom scattering from surfaces with defects and the only constant of motion characteristic of the entire scattering system is its total energy. However, even in such circumstances HAS experiments can provide extremely useful information on the structural and dynamic properties of surfaces covered with adsorbates, clusters and adlayers [14].
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2.2. Investigations of the structural properties of ordered surfaces and adlayers by thermal energy atomic and molecular beams The "rst production of an e!usive molecular beam had been demonstrated by Dunoyer [46] in 1911 and the applications of the beam methods have been developing ever since [47]. The "rst use of light atom and molecule beam scattering in the investigations of structural properties of surfaces was connected with the demonstration of the wave nature of atomic particles in the experiments of Stern and collaborators [6] in the early 1930s. They scattered He and H beams of thermal energy from (0 0 1) surfaces of NaCl, LiF and NaF and observed angular scattering distributions which could be interpreted as di!raction of matter waves from a periodic surface structure. The wavelength associated with these waves was found to be given by the de Broglie relation h h " , (17)
" p (2ME G G where M, E and p stand for the mass, the incoming energy and momentum of the gas particles, G G respectively, p" k and h"2 is the Planck constant. Analogous di!raction results were obtained by Johnson [7] in the scattering of atomic hydrogen from LiF(0 0 1) surface and thereby these works also provided the "rst demonstration of quantum regime of motion of atoms and molecules. The "rst review of the early atomic and molecular di!raction experiments was presented by Frisch and Stern [48]. Since then many new reviews have been published following the development of the atomic particle di!raction techniques and their applications to structural studies of the various surfaces and adlayers [8,10,17,49,50]. The earliest measurements of Stern and collaborators [6] and Johnson [7] have stimulated theoretical developments with the aim of interpreting the di!raction maxima and minima observed in the experimental spectra. The position of the di!raction maxima could be relatively simply explained using the kinematic arguments (9) and (10), yielding k (G)"k!K #G'0 , (18) XD G G which for in-sagittal-plane scattering can be obtained from a two-dimensional Ewald construction (cf. Fig. 2 and also Fig. 2 in Ref. [17]). On the other hand, the mechanism leading to the observed losses in di!raction intensity at certain initial scattering conditions was proposed a little later by Lennard-Jones and Devonshire [37,38] within "rst-order perturbation theory. They introduced the notion of selective adsorption processes in which the projectile can make a transition into a bound state of the projectile}surface potential if at a certain incoming angle, and energy and for a particular G the expression on the RHS of Eq. (18) becomes negative and equal to 2M where L (0 is the bound state energy (cf. Eq. (11). These conditions of bound state resonances found L extensive use in the determination of bound state energies of atom}surface potentials (cf. Section 3.2). Although we know today that "rst-order theory is inadequate for calculating di!racted beam intensities at bound state resonances (cf. Ref. [50]), the physical concepts of the Cambridge school are still valid and much of their work can be appropriately extended in the current treatments of more complicated processes involving inelastic scattering. After this early period of development of quantum atom}surface scattering theory in the 1930s, not much progress has been made until the 1970s when Cabrera et al. [52] proposed the scattering
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of He atoms as a convenient technique for studies of surfaces. This period was also marked by new experimental advances in achieving UHV conditions, the application of surface analytical tools and the development of intense monoenergetic atomic and molecular beam sources. The latter are based on the expansion of a gas from a source chamber at stagnation temperature ¹ through a supersonic nozzle. During isentropic expansion through the nozzle, the enthalpy of the gas prior to expansion is converted into the energy of one-directional motion of particles [51]. For a monoatomic gas like He this produces a beam with kinetic energy E k ¹ and very G low-velocity spread v/v40.001. These technical developments opened up the possibility of carrying out the atom}surface scattering experiments with much improved resolution and on much better prepared and de"ned samples whose structure could be controlled on the atomic scale. This has resulted in the accumulation of experimental data on light atom}surface scattering of very high quality. The need for their interpretation gave a strong impetus to the development of adequate theories going beyond the "rst-order perturbation approach of Lennard-Jones and Devonshire [22]. These new developments have been reviewed many times since, and here we shall mention only the methods introduced in the calculation of di!raction and bound state resonance e!ects which also proved relevant to the treatment of inelastic atom}surface scattering. The close coupling formalism (CCF) [53] gives, in principle, an exact and general solution to the stationary SchroK dinger equation for a static corrugated projectile}surface potential ;(r) [54]. The potential which exhibits the periodicity of the substrate crystal structure is expanded into a twodimensional Fourier transform: ;(r)" ;G (z)exp(iGR) ,
where r"(R, z) denotes the radius vector of the projectile. The solution for the projectile wavefunction is sought in the Bloch form K (r)" exp[i(K#G)R]G (z) . Y G Y
Substitution of expressions (19) and (20) into the stationary SchroK dinger equation yields a set of coupled ordinary di!erential equations
2M d #k (G) G (z)! ;G G (z)G (z)"0 , \ Y Y X
G dz Y
where k (G)"k!(K#G) and E"( k )/2M with k "(K, k ). This set should be solved by X G G G X obeying the boundary conditions for the outgoing scattered waves [8,29,78] given by lim G (zPR)" G 0 exp(!ik z)#AG exp[ik (G)z] GX X
for the open Bragg channels k(G)50, and X lim F (zPR)"AF exp[! (F)z] X
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for the evanescent waves with (F)"(!k(F) where k(F)(0. The di!raction probabilities X X X PG are then obtained from the di!raction amplitudes AG : k (G) PG " X AG , k GX which ful"ll the unitarity condition expressing the conservation of total current:
PG "1 . (25) G IX In practical calculations the in"nite set of G vectors is truncated to a set of size N which is large enough to ensure the desired numerical accuracy of the algorithm that is used in solving the resultant set of N di!erential equations. Thus, for instance, this formalism treats exactly and therefore on an equivalent footing the rainbow scattering and di!raction. With the advent of "rst results on molecular beam di!raction from solid surfaces, and in particular from the scattering of H and He beams from Xe adlayers on graphite surface [55], and He beams from LiF(0 0 1) surface [57], which exhibit strong corrugation, the close coupling method has been used with success to calculate the di!raction intensities using the potentials obtained from pair summation of projectile}surface atom gas-phase potentials [56,57]. However, as the close coupling procedure is in general very time consuming, many approximate methods have been developed that can much faster yield information on the surface corrugation for comparison with experiment. Some of these methods are outlined below and for a review see e.g. Refs. [17,29]. The CCGM-method [52] is based on setting up an exact ¹-matrix formalism for the description of projectile scattering by a periodic atom}surface potential and introducing an e!ective decoupling scheme by retaining only the imaginary parts of the Green's functions describing projectile propagation in the intermediate states. This yields the transition probabilities or di!raction intensities in the form of a `unitarized Born approximationa and thus corrects the de"ciencies and shortcomings of "rst-order distorted wave Born approximation (FODWBA) used by LennardJones and coworkers [22]. The e!ect of surface corrugation is usually expressed or described in terms of the corrugation function G
(R)" G exp(iGR)
which is de"ned as the locus of classical turning points for projectile particle motion in the surface potential for a given incident energy. The determination of this function for di!erent combinations of the projectile}surface interactions has been the subject of many experimental and theoretical studies based on the various scattering models and levels of approximation. One such frequently used model in the development of di!raction theory in the 1970s was based on the assumption of a hard corrugated wall (HCW), often in conjunction with the so-called Beeby correction [66] (see below). In this approach it is assumed that the scattering potential may be represented by
;(R, z)"
z' (R) ,
z( (R) .
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This assumption was "rst put forward by Lord Rayleigh [58] over a century ago in the treatment of re#ection of sound waves from corrugated surfaces. Analogous quantum theory of wavefunction re#ection from surfaces was presented by Garibaldi et al. [60]. Of course, the neglect of the potential well, which may be a good approximation only at higher projectile incident energies, eliminates all the e!ects of selective adsorption. Some e!ects of the well depth D can be accounted for by introducing the e!ective incident energy of normal motion E "E #D (Beeby correction X X [66]). Several methods of increasing complexity have been developed to yield the solutions to the ensuing scattering equations (see discussion in Ref. [17], Section 2). A relatively simple method for calculating the di!raction intensities within the HCW approximation is the so-called GR-method developed by GarcmH a [67] which, provided the unitarity of solutions is obeyed, gives a very good agreement with more complex theories. Another method introduced in the early calculations of di!raction intensities and the explanations of quantum surface rainbow e!ects is based on the eikonal approximation [28,60]. In this approach the di!raction amplitudes AG are expressed as Fourier transforms of a phase factor involving the corrugation function:
1 exp!iGR!i[k (G)#k ] (R) dR , AG "! X GX A
where A is the area of the surface unit cell. It is a `single-hita approximation which can be easily implemented but its validity is restricted to weakly corrugated systems which can be su$ciently well described only by small G vectors. Its main de"ciency is that it does not satisfy the unitarity condition, although improvements in this regard are possible, and that it cannot discriminate between (R) and ! (R) in the data analyses for surfaces with mirror symmetry plane. One of the merits of the eikonal approximation lies in the possibility of its extension to the treatments of inelastic atom}surface scattering events. A simpler form of the eikonal approximation is the sudden approximation in which the perpendicular component of the scattered projectile wavevector, k (G), X is approximated in the high-energy limit by the value of the incident perpendicular wavevector k . XG This gives the asymptotic form of the scattered projectile wavefunction which di!ers from the re#ected wavefuntion only by a phase factor depending on the lateral coordinate R. Ultimately, this phase factor can then be calculated using the WKB approximation. Recently, the R-matrix propagation technique for solving close coupled equations [68] has been applied to model di!raction of He atoms from clean NaCl(0 0 1) surface and the same surface covered by a commensurate square overlayer of Kr atoms [69]. A good agreement with experimental results [70] was obtained although the Debye}Waller e!ects associated with overlayer phonons were apparently underestimated in that work. Instead of treating the di!raction problem as a solution of the stationary SchroK dinger equation, one can exploit the time dependence of the latter and treat the scattering problem as a wavepacket propagation in space and time. Using this approach Koslo! et al. [71] have developed an e$cient numerical method that can also be extended to inelastic scattering problems. The various aspects of the time-dependent SchroK dinger equation approach to treating the problem of atom}surface scattering have been reviewed by Gerber [41], Darling and Holloway [72] and De Pristo [73]. A semiclassical method of propagating localized Gaussian wavepackets in the interaction potential approximated at every point by second-order Taylor expansion (harmonic form of the
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potential preserves the Gaussian shape of the wavepacket along the classical trajectory) has been proposed by Drolshagen and Heller [75] and applied to a number of problems because the method does not depend on the periodicity of the potential. A further development of the Gaussian wavepacket approach presented by Varga [76] is based on the application of the split operator method to the evolution operator for a three-dimensional time-dependent SchroK dinger equation. Finally, the path integral method, in which the scattering amplitude is given by summing up the exponentiated action over classically allowed and forbidden paths, has also been applied to the surface problem (see Ref. [29] for more details). However, the approximations made to reduce the number of paths in order to make the calculations tractable usually lead to the paths that are classically allowed. Less stringent approximations lead to eikonal approximation or the related ones. Hence, the usefulness of this method is in the possibility to lead to approximations at various levels, of which the classical trajectory approximation is an illustrative example. Related to the path integral approach is the de Broglie}Bohm formalism in which the collision dynamics is described by well-de"ned quantum trajectories deterministically governed by a `quantuma Hamilton}Jacobi equation. The application of this formalism to study He atom di!raction from Cu(0 0 1) surfaces has given results in good agreement with the quantum wavepacket theories [77]. The results from structural studies of clean surfaces by He, Ne and H beam scattering available since the 1970s and the analyses of the data using the methods quoted above have been hitherto reviewed several times [8,10,17,49,50,78,79]. These studies provided information on the corrugation amplitude as probed by the projectile particles and on the depth of the well of the projectile}surface potential. A number of ordered adlayer systems have also been investigated by HAS and their structures analyzed using the various methods referred to above. An updated review and exhaustive tables of these results have been presented by FarmH as and Rieder [17]. 2.3. Investigations of the structural properties of disordered surfaces and adlayers by thermal energy atom scattering Thermal energy atom scattering (TEAS), and in particular He atom scattering (HAS), have also found broad applications in the investigations of structural properties of disordered and rough surfaces [14,84] and in the studies of surface growth [14,17], roughening and surface phase transformations [82,84]. As the order and translational invariance of surfaces in such systems are no longer preserved the scattering is to a larger or smaller extent incoherent due to the presence of irregularities which act as localized sources of momentum for the scattered particles. This leads to the appearance of a di!use component in the angular distribution of the scattered particles and hence to a reduction of intensity of the specular beam. Monitoring the specular beam intensity and its variation with the parameters characterizing the scattering process is then exploited as a method for studying the structure of disordered surfaces. Surfaces can exhibit various kinds of disorder or partial order of di!erent dimensionality. Isolated point defects on otherwise ordered surfaces, such as adatoms and vacancies, can be considered as being zero dimensional, whereas line defects such as step edges are one dimensional. Examples of two-dimensional defects are terraces on monocrystal surfaces and of the threedimensional ones are big adsorbed clusters.
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The studies of point defects by TEAS is based on the large total elastic cross sections which such localized scattering centers exhibit in HAS and which many times exceed the values that would be obtained from the corresponding van der Waals radii. The di!use scattering from isolated point defects with large cross sections causes the correspondingly strong reduction of the specular beam intensity. This reduction can be measured as a function of the projectile}defect interaction potentials, scattering conditions, concentration of defects, etc. A number of systems with point defects (mainly adsorbates) have been investigated by TEAS and the results of these studies are available in several reviews [14,17]. Line- or one-dimensional defects like step edges, sharp grain boundaries and edges of adsorbate islands can a!ect light atom scattering in several ways. For instance, step edges of "nite width give rise to azimuthally dependent di!use scattering. The phase shifts between the projectile wavefunctions scattered from the upper and lower terraces of a step or adlayer edge [85] will give rise to interference patterns in the intensity of the specularly re#ected beam. Both e!ects will be a function of the step density. The same mechanisms apply also to scattering from grain boundaries and adsorbate islands. Studies of these e!ects have been reviewed by Poelsema and Comsa [14], Lahee and WoK ll [81], Lapujoulade [82] and FarmH as and Rieder [17]. He atom scattering has also been extensively and successively used in the structural and growth studies of two- and three-dimensional imperfections on surfaces like "nite-size terraces, adsorbate islands, hillocks, clusters, etc. The literature on the results of these studies is abundant and recent reviews [14,17,82] are helpful guidelines to original works. An exhaustive account of HAS studies of cluster deposition on well-de"ned surfaces has been presented by Vandoni [83]. A large number of studies of roughening, reconstructions and phase transformations at surfaces carried out by HAS have been reviewed by Poelsema and Comsa [14], Lapujoulade [82] and FarmH as and Rieder [17]. 2.4. Investigations of the dynamical properties of surfaces, adlayers and adsorbates by noble gas atom scattering The conventional spectroscopic techniques for studies of structure and low-energy dynamics in the bulk, such as neutron, X-ray or Rahman scattering, are rather insensitive to surfaces. On the other hand, the characteristics of light gas atom and speci"cally of He atom scattering, i.e. the strict surface sensitivity and high-energy resolution achieved with these beams, make them best suited to the study of low-energy dynamics at surfaces, such as surface and adsorbate vibrations and di!usion processes. In particular, in the range of energy exchange of a few tens of millielectron volts no other spectroscopy can match inelastic HAS in providing the information on low-energy surface dynamics. It is worth noting that by the early 1970s there existed ideas and plenty of theoretical material on the nature and dispersion of surface phonons in di!erent types of crystals (cf. reviews by Maradudin and Stegeman [86], Benedek and Miglio [87] and de Wette [88]), but no experimental evidence demonstrating that behavior. In this respect the theoretical studies of surface phonons preceded the experimental ones. As the theoretical demonstration of the possibility of utilizing He atom beams in surface studies and single-phonon detection, which was put forth in the works of Cabrera, Celli, Goodman and Manson [52,89,90], also coincided with the new developments in UHV and surface science technology, this gave a strong impetus to the use of HAS in surface
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phonon spectroscopy in the 1970s and 1980s. The "rst studies of surface phonons stimulated by theoretical developments were carried out in exploratory experiments by several groups [91}93], but these early works were hindered by inadequate beam velocity resolution and detection sensitivity. The "rst high-resolution measurements were made possible by the discovery of production of highly monochromatic nozzle beams [94,97] in which the velocity spread of He atoms was well under 1%, about a factor 5}10 times better than that in the earlier experiments. The high intensity and other properties of the beams obtained in free-jet expansion [95,96] enabled their use in TOF measurements required for resolving inelastic transitions in the collisions of beam atoms with the target. This has opened up the possibility of measuring the characteristics of surface dynamical processes with an unprecedented precision, as it was "rst demonstrated in 1981 by Brusdeylins et al. [99] and Doak [100] in the detection of phonons characteristic of LiF(1 0 0) crystal surface. The "rst inelastic HAS studies have concentrated on surfaces of insulators, mostly alkali-halides, because for these crystals the interatomic forces were best understood theoretically and because it was easier to prepare the clean insulator surfaces free of defects or contaminants than in the case of metals. These experiments showed, "rst, the remarkable potentiality of inelastic HAS in detecting surface phonons, and second, the ability of the theory to provide interpretation of the data recorded in the one-phonon scattering regime. However, the full potentiality of inelastic HAS in detecting surface phonons was demonstrated by extending its application also to semiconductor surfaces, metal surfaces, and surfaces covered with adsorbates (for an exhaustive list of earlier references see Table 5.5 in Ref. [18]). Since that time the HAS technique has been further developed and improved with the emphasis on increasing the resolution and signal intensity. Thus, already by the early 1980s more than a dozen of HAS apparatuses (not all of them using TOF for energy resolution) had been put in operation in the various laboratories (see Table 1 in Ref. [32]). The various experimental and technical aspects of the utilization of HAS TOF technique in the studies of phonon dispersion curves characteristic of clean #at surfaces have been discussed in a comprehensive review by Doak [18]. Systematic HAS TOF experiments carried out with these apparatuses have produced a large amount of data on the vibrational properties of clean single-crystal surfaces, adsorbates and adlayers. In these measurements attention has been focused mainly on obtaining the information on phonon dispersion and excitation intensities in the single-phonon scattering regime, and on the ubiquitous Debye}Waller factors. The capability of HAS for studying phonons characteristic of stepped surfaces, in which case the demand on experiment is severe, has also been recently demonstrated [98]. A signi"cant amount of the collected material and database has already been reviewed with references to original works in a number of publications. Early reviews by Toennies and coworkers summarize the work on phonon dynamics of insulating surfaces [12], noble metals [101] and transition metals [19,34,102], and more recent ones of layered materials and structures [103,104] and adsorbates [105]. HAS has also been successfully utilized in the studies of phonon dynamics of epitaxially grown thin metal "lms [106]. Tables with exhaustive lists of references to HAS studies of surface phonons carried out till the early 1990s have been presented by Toennies [34] and Doak [18]. A comprehensive review of all the available surface phonon data from HAS experiments is in preparation [20]. Applications of atom}surface scattering theory to the various systems investigated by the beginning of the 1980s were described by Celli [27] and by the mid-1980s in a comprehensive review by Bortolani and Levi [28]. Theoretical interpretations of the phonon dispersion curves for
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the low-index surfaces of Al, noble metals and some transition metals as obtained by HAS and EELS (for EELS studies of surface phonons see subsection below) have been reviewed by Santoro and Bortolani [30]. The application of HAS in investigations of surface phonon anomalies has been brie#y reviewed by Hulpke [107]. A short review of the genesis of HAS and its achievements is also available [108]. The use of thermal energy Ne atom scattering in investigations of dynamical surface properties has been described in Refs. [109,110]. In recent years HAS has also been employed in the studies of multiphonon processes and the corresponding Debye}Waller factors (which will be the main subject of subsequent sections), as well as of the processes of surface di!usion [111] for which theoretical descriptions in the quasiclassical scattering limit had been developed earlier [112]. Both these aspects are rather challenging from the conceptual point of view because the theoretical framework needed for their interpretation goes beyond the one developed to study single-phonon excitations. Since the multiphonon He atom scattering theory has now entered a mature stage the present review is speci"cally devoted to these new developments and their applications to the systems and processes of current interest. 2.5. Comparison with other techniques HAS is only one of the spectroscopic techniques that is at present used in the investigations of structural and dynamical properties of surfaces. Therefore, it is useful to compare it with complementary techniques in order to assess the situations and scattering regimes in which its advantageous properties over the other spectroscopies can be optimally and fully exploited. The technique of low-energy electron di!raction (LEED) and its di!use counterpart (DLEED) have become the standard laboratory tools in surface science research. They utilize electron scattering [113}116] and operate on the same basic principles as HAS. Electron beam energies from a few tens to about 100 V are commonly used in experiments since they give rise to the electron de Broglie wavelengths like those characteristic of thermal energy HAS and close to the values of crystal lattice constants. The scattered electrons produce two-dimensional images on a #uorescent screen and thus provide two-dimensional "ngerprints of the surface structure in the reciprocal space. This immediate availability of information on the structure in the reciprocal space is a de"nite advantage of LEED over HAS because in a single run HAS can provide structural information only in one direction. However, the sensitivity and resolution of HAS is much higher, in particular when it comes to low concentrations of defects on the surface. Another advantage of HAS over electron scattering spectroscopies of surfaces is the absolute surface sensitivity, backscattered electrons usually carry information on several surface layers of atoms and therefore the interpretation of the LEED intensities is more involved. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has developed into one of the most powerful and popular techniques for investigations of the local surface structure. This method yields information on the surface structure directly in the real space and at present can be operated already on the level of atomic resolution. Due to this, STM has proved an ideal probe for obtaining information on the presence and morphology of surface defects, like steps, kinks, islands, adsorbates, small clusters, etc. The limitations of STM spectroscopy are in that it can be applied only to conducting surfaces and that the size of the scanned area is relatively small. Moreover, although atomic resolution can be achieved and the presence of single atoms on surfaces detected, the STM may not be able to
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distinguish a vacancy from a substitutional impurity. Also, as the STM imaging is a slow process, di!usion of light atoms on surfaces at higher temperatures can considerably blur and invalidate the STM pictures. On the other hand, the HAS data collected under the same conditions may contain indispensable information on surface dynamics. Thus, STM and HAS can be considered as truly complementary techniques for obtaining valuable information on the various aspects of surface structure. Complementary techniques to inelastic HAS are optical spectroscopies of phonons and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Optical spectroscopies can probe only the long-wavelength vibrations (phonons of zero wavevector) and as such cannot provide information on their dispersion. On the other hand, EELS operates on the same physical basis as inelastic HAS [113] and therefore the same kinematic relations should, in principle, be used in quick assessments of the data. However, due caution is needed here because electrons can be inelastically backscattered from subsurface layers, picking up information on the symmetry of the target and of the scattering events from those regions as well. Hence, the EELS spectra can contain additional information relative to HAS, both with respect to the local (spatial) phonon density of states and with respect to the multiple character of the scattering event, because the likelihood of the latter is higher in EELS. Thus, from the viewpoint of complementariness and completeness it is desirable that both techniques be used in the investigations of phonon dynamics of the same system, technical conditions permitting, and the two sets of results then be compared against each other. However, in making such comparisons and concomitant interpretations, one should take into account that surface phonon excitation intensities depend on the matrix elements of projectile}phonon interaction which are generally di!erent for the two spectroscopies. Hence, the same phonon mode can exhibit di!erent intensity in HAS and EELS even for the same intersection point (Q, Q ) of the H scan curve with the dispersion curve (see Section 6). The techniques listed in this subsection exhibit great potentiality for studying either structural or dynamical properties (and in some cases both) of the various types of surfaces. However, in the limits of low energy of surface dynamical processes (few meV), or low concentration of surface defects whose properties are studied, the HAS technique is unrivaled by virtue of its resolution and sensitivity. Recent development of the HAS techniques in the direction of producing intense focused He atom beams, with the desire to achieve conditions for `atom spectroscopya [117,118], is expected to provide additional impetus for the use of HAS as an analytical technique in the investigations of surfaces.
3. Interactions and inelastic scattering of atoms from surface vibrations. Short overview of the achievements and shortcomings of standard theoretical descriptions 3.1. Descriptions of the vibrational dynamics of surfaces and adlayers Vibrational normal modes or phonons in bulk crystals have been investigated by the various experimental techniques, of which the thermal energy neutron scattering has been in extensive use for this purpose since the 1950s [119]. This method provides the most complete information on the dispersion of phonon modes in crystals through the entire "rst Brillouin zone of the reciprocal
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lattice. However, measurements of the characteristics of the modes localized at surfaces were not possible before the advent of adequate surface-sensitive techniques, in particular of EELS and HAS. Creation of a free surface introduces a breakdown of crystal symmetry and tends to lower the normal mode frequencies and produce a class of modes called surface modes for which the displacement amplitudes are large at the surface and decrease inward the crystal. The "rst study of surface-localized modes dates back more than one century ago when Lord Rayleigh [58] demonstrated that the long-wave component of earthquakes is due to sagittal surface waves propagating in an elastic continuum. Born and von KaH rmaH n presented as early as 1912 the "rst microscopic theory of bulk phonons based on classical mechanics [120]. Surface lattice dynamics was pioneered in the 1940s by the theoretical work of Lifshitz and Rozenzweig [121] who employed the Green's function approach to study phonons in semiin"nite media. This work was continued by Wallis in 1950s [122], Wallis and coworkers [123] and Feuchtwang [124] in the 1960s, and Garcia-Moliner [125] and Armand [126] in the 1970s. The progress made in the studies of lattice dynamics by the Green's function method was reviewed by Maradudin et al. [127]. In 1971 de Wette and coworkers [128] presented their method for calculating bulk and surface phonon dispersion curves and mode polarizations in the quasiharmonic approximation starting from a dynamical matrix of a "nite slab of atoms modelling a thermally expanded lattice. The approach has been "rst applied to alkali crystals by adjusting the force constants constituting the dynamical matrix so as to reproduce well the bulk phonon data available from neutron scattering experiments. Benedek [129] then applied the Green's function method to the same alkali crystals studied by de Wette and obtained similar results, which at that time was very advantageous in view of numerical convergence requirements. Black et al. [130] applied the continuous fraction method to calculate the spectral densities of phonons localized on surface atoms and Black [131] extended this method to adsorbates. The Green's function approach also proved very convenient and useful in the studies of surface phonon lifetimes and vibrational characteristics of disordered adlayers and isolated adsorbates [132]. Lifetime broadening of the adlayer modes due to their coupling to the vibrations of the substrate described in a continuum model has been studied in the quasiharmonic approximation by Hall et al. [133]. Anharmonic linewidth broadening of phonons localized at surfaces [134] and in adlayers [135] have been studied beyond the quasiharmonic approximation in the dynamical matrix approach by using perturbation theory. Recently, the multipole expansion method [136] has been used to study phonon anomalies in metals [137]. Following these applications Benedek and coworkers have extended the electron pseudocharge multipole expansion method to construct an e!ective dynamical matrix for the surface vibrations of Cu(1 1 1) [138] and Cu(1 0 0) [139]. A large amount of the work on surface phonons using the methods referred to above has been reviewed by Wallis [140], Maradudin and Mills [141], Maradudin et al. [15], Benedek et al. [16], Bortolani and Levi [28], Santoro and Bortolani [30], Wallis [142], Benedek et al. [143], and Toennies and Benedek [20]. More recently, "rst principles approaches have been employed to obtain information on the interatomic forces and thereby on the vibrational degrees of freedom of atoms in surface layers of selected systems [148}156]. First reviews on the results of these calculations are already available [157}160], and all these results have been systematized and reviewed by Toennies and Benedek [20]. It is expected that in the near future these approaches are going to be extended to a number of
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other systems of interest and thereby provide the much sought for ab initio type of information on the dynamical properties of surfaces. The molecular dynamics approach [161] (MD) for studying crystal vibrations is based on solving numerically the classical and ab initio MD equations of motion [162] for crystal atoms subject to the total interaction potential without expanding it into a power series in small ionic displacements and retaining only the lowest order terms, as is done in the lattice dynamics approach (cf. Eq. (30) below). Of course, thereby the anharmonicity is automatically taken into account which means that at "nite temperatures the method is capable of describing the e!ects associated with anharmonicity of the interatomic potentials, of which the thermal expansion and phase transformations are typical examples. The MD approach has been applied to study the temperature dependence of phonon spectral densities, atomic mean square displacements and interlayer separations of model crystals [163], clean Si surfaces [164], surfaces of W(0 0 1) [165], Cu(1 1 0) [166], Ni(1 0 0) and Ni(1 1 0) [167], Al, Ni and Cu [168], Mo(0 0 1) [169], and Ag(1 0 0), Cu(1 0 0) and Ag(1 1 1) [170], as well as of surfaces with adsorbed layers like Xe/graphite [171] and N /graphite [172] by using diverse forms of the interaction potentials. In many cases of interest good agreement has been found between the MD and lattice dynamics results at substrate temperatures su$ciently below the onset of anharmonic e!ects causing disordering, etc. In this subsection we shall outline in some detail the approach for calculating phonon dispersion curves and polarization vectors based on the slab method and quasiharmonic approximation which reduces the problem to "nding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix of the system. The reason for doing so is, "rst, that this is now a standard and quick method for assessment of these quantities and, second, because we shall extensively use it in the forthcoming sections to calculate the inelastic HAS intensities. In the slab method the crystal is modelled by a slab which is bounded by surfaces at, say, z"0 and !¸ and thus exhibits a two-dimensional periodicity only in the direction parallel to the X surfaces. The unit cell of this crystal extends through the entire thickness ¸ of the slab and X therefore the crystal is generated by applying the operations of a 2D translation group to the so-de"ned large unit cell with a basis. The cross section of a particular crystal plane with the unit cell forms a 2D unit cell in that plane and may generally contain di!erent atoms for di!erent planes. The instantaneous position of an atom in the slab is given by rl "rl #ul , G G G
where rl "(Rl #R , z ) gives the equilibrium position of an atom in the crystal and ul denotes G G G G its time-dependent displacement from equilibrium. The vector Rl is associated with the lth unit cell in the slab and (R , z ) is the basis vector in the cell which gives the position of the th atom in the G G layer "xed by the perpendicular coordinate z . With N being the number of unit cells and A the G area of the 2D cell in the surface plane, the crystal surface area is given by ¸"NA . Next, one assumes that the total potential energy of the slab crystal is a function of the atom positions and can be expanded in the Taylor series in powers of displacements 1 #2 , " # (l, )ul # (l, ; l, )ul ul G? 2 l l G? GY@ ? ?@ l G? G? YGY?Y
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where and denote the Cartesian components x, y, and z and
(l, )" ? ul G?
(l, ; l, )" ?@ ul ul G? GY@
are the force coe$cients calculated with atoms at their equilibrium positions (i.e. the potential minima) at which (l, )"0. They satisfy a number of symmetry relations which were discussed ? e.g. in Ref. [128]. In the quasiharmonic approximation one neglects all the terms except the second one on the RHS of Eq. (30). This yields the equations of motion for coupled harmonic oscillators: d , M u "! (l, ; l, )ul GY@ G dt lG? ?@ l YGY@
where M is the mass of the th particle in the unit cell with a basis. These equations can be solved G by exploiting a 2D translational invariance of the crystal due to which derivatives (32) depend only on the di!erence (l!l) in the directions parallel to the surface. The translational invariance leads to periodic solutions in terms of normal modes in the Bloch form 1
e (Q, j)exp[iQ(Rl #R )] . G (M G G
Here the quantum numbers of normal modes are the parallel wavevector Q, which is restricted to the "rst surface Brillouin zone of the reciprocal 2D lattice characterized by the reciprocal lattice vectors G, and a discrete index j which plays the role of the third quantum number (branch index) for 3D vibrations in the slab. The polarization vector e (Q, j)"(e (Q, j), e (Q, j), e (Q, j)) G GV GW GX
denotes the three-dimensional polarization of vibration of the th atom associated with the jth normal mode. Substitution of such periodic solutions into Eq. (33) gives rise to a set of coupled linear algebraic equations: D (Q,,)e (Q, j)"(Q, j)e (Q, j) , ?@ GY@ G? @GY
in which ,"x, y, z and the elements of the dynamical matrix are given by 1 exp[iQ(R #R !Rl !R )] (l, ; 0, ) . D (Q, , )" G GY ?@ ?@ (M M l G GY
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The solutions of the secular equation of (36) yield phonon eigenfrequencies Q and polarization H eigenvectors which then satisfy the orthonormality condition within the unit cell with a basis e (Q, j)e (Q, j)" . (38) G G HHY G In some cases it may occur that the symmetry of the crystal induces decoupling of the eigenvalue equation (36) for the slab modes. This leads to a division of the modes into two classes with the members of one class being orthogonal to those of the other class [128]. One then speaks of partitioning of the modes into mutually orthogonal classes. Moreover, if the surface has a complete inversion symmetry with respect to a plane perpendicular to it, then for Q parallel to this plane there will be a partitioning of modes into two mutually orthogonal classes. Two-thirds of the modes will belong to the class with polarization vector strictly in the sagittal plane, and one-third will belong to the second class with pure shear horizontal (SH) polarization, i.e. their polarization vectors will be orthogonal to the sagittal plane. These properties of the modes are commonly used in the analyses of the HAS data recorded along the high-symmetry directions of the crystal surfaces (see Sections 5 and 6). The crystal atoms displacements can be expressed in terms of quantized normal modes satisfying the Bloch condition (34) and termed phonons:
e (Q, j)exp[iQ(R #R )](aQ #aR!Q ) , (39) ul " G J G G Q 2NM Q H H G H H where aQ and aRQ are the usual phonon annihilation and creation operators, respectively, which H H satisfy boson-type commutation rules: (40) [aQ , aRQ ]" Q Q . H HY Y HHY The Hamiltonian of the unperturbed phonons is expressed in terms of phonon operators as H" Q (aRQ aQ #) . (41) H H H Q H The time dependence of ul enters through the time dependence of the phonon operators G QH aQ (t)"aQ e\ S R (42) H H and (43) aRQ (t)"aRQ e SQH R . H H A phonon system satis"es Bose}Einstein statistics and at substrate temperature ¹ the distribu tion of phonons in the state described by the quantum numbers (Q, j) is given by 1 , [aRQ aQ \"n(Q )" H H H exp( Q /k¹ )!1 H where [...\ denotes the thermal average.
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Fig. 4. Calculated phonon dispersion curves as a function of the two-dimensional wavevector Q along the boundary M PKM PM M PM of the irreducible part of the "rst surface Brillouin zone (SBZ) of an 80-layer fcc Xe slab with (1 1 1) surfaces [146]. For force constants see Table 1.
Table 1 The values of the radial, , and tangential, , force constants for the "rst (1) and second (2) nearest neighbors used in the analysis of phonon dispersion curves in the fcc xenon crystal bounded by the (1 1 1) surface. The values were obtained from the HFD-B2 potential [147] using the experimental interatomic distance of a"4.37 As obtained for substrate temperature ¹ "40 K Force constant (Xe(1 1 1) system)
Value (N/m)
6}6 6}6 6}6 } 6 6
1.636 !0.088 0.002 0.012
The knowledge of force constants (32) and the crystal structure enables the calculation of the elements of the dynamical matrix (37) and thereby of the phonon frequencies and polarizations. However, the force constants for a restricted number of systems are known from "rst principles calculations (see below) and for the majority of the systems that have been studied so far they have been obtained either by using empirical pair potentials or by "tting the potential parameters to bulk properties and phonon dispersion curves available from neutron measurements [144]. These procedures have been discussed in detail in the various reviews on surface phonons quoted above. Improvements of the quasiharmonic approximation by taking into account the anharmonicity at the various levels of accuracy have been recently demonstrated on the example of phonons localized in noble gas monolayers adsorbed on Pt(1 1 1) surface [145]. A comprehensive table of the theoretical studies of surface phonons listed by the methods and surfaces is available from Ref. [20]. As an example of the dynamical matrix calculation we present in Fig. 4 the results for phonon dispersion curves in an 80-layer thick face centered cubic (fcc) crystal slab of Xe atoms bounded by (1 1 1) surfaces [146] by using the force constants displayed in Table 1 and calculated
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from Xe}Xe gas-phase pair potentials [147]. Three surface-localized modes detached from the bulk continuum are clearly discernible: the dominantly perpendicular or Z-polarized Rayleigh wave (RW) below the bulk continuum, the dominantly shear-horizontally polarized or SH-mode in the gap around the KM point (this mode becomes degenerate with the bulk continuum in the remainder of the SBZ), and the dominantly longitudinally polarized or L-mode in the gap extending from KM to M M points of the SBZ, and turning into a longitudinal resonance in the remainder of the SBZ. 3.2. Particle}surface interaction potentials The experimental data collected in thermal energy atom or molecular beam scattering from surfaces can be analyzed at several levels of complexity. The analyses based on simple kinematics of these experiments (see Section 2.1) already provide useful information on a number of important surface properties. Thus, for instance, from the two-dimensional di!raction patterns it is possible to determine the reciprocal lattice vectors of ordered surfaces, and the variation of the intensity of di!racted beams with the change of scattering parameters gives information on the bound state energies of the projectile}surface potential. This has been exploited in early gas}surface scattering experiments with e!usive beams to extract information on the structure of the static component of projectile}surface potentials and thereby on surface corrugation. On the other hand, the pronounced peaks in inelastic scattering TOF spectra yield direct information on dispersion curves of the various phonon branches de"ning surface vibrational dynamics, etc. However, the structure of all the measured scattering spectra, either angular distributions only or the energy-resolved TOF spectra, are complicated functions of the properties of the investigated surface per se (e.g. the phonon density of states), as well as of the potential which describes the interaction of the projectile with the target. Hence, for more complete analyses of these experiments a knowledge of the projectile}surface interaction is often needed, particularly in the studies of projectile scattering intensities. In the cases when one must discriminate between the various possible physical e!ects and processes taking place in the scattering event, this knowledge becomes essential. Microscopic properties of the projectile}surface interactions were implicit already in the earliest quantum-mechanical formulations of the gas}surface scattering developed by the Cambridge group in the 1930s [21]. However, the interest in gas}surface potentials was revived with the advent and wide application of the nozzle beams in scattering experiments in which the focus was on the interactions of inert atoms or molecules with surfaces. As a result of this, but also owing to the versatility of methods used to calculate the potentials, the literature on this topic has grown rich. To this end three main approaches for obtaining the potential properties have been pursued: (i) xrst principles calculations, (ii) semiempirical calculations, and (iii) reconstruction of the potentials from experimental data (mainly from diwraction and selective adsorption measurements). In the present context of nonreactive atom}surface scattering, and in particular of HAS from surfaces, one considers the gas}surface interactions and processes which do not involve any appreciable electron charge transfer or sharing between the projectile particle and the target. This is equivalent to the statement that the scattering event can be viewed as a series of transitions of the collision system between multidimensional diabatic potential energy surfaces that are una!ected by chemical bonding e!ects. Conventionally, the ground state potential energy surface is termed the physisorption potential to emphasize the absence of chemisorptive contributions to its components. The dynamics of the projectile motion is then determined by the potential ;(r, r ) which in H
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addition to the projectile coordinate r depends also on the set of nuclear coordinates of the atoms of the target, r , which are generally time-dependent. To facilitate the studies and analyses of H elastic and inelastic atom}surface scattering processes, it is convenient to discuss the static and dynamical components of ;(r, r ) separately although this may not be either justi"ed or possible H in all situations. 3.2.1. Static projectile}surface interaction. Corrugation vs. anticorrugation. Projectile}adsorbate interaction The static component ;(r) of the projectile}surface potential ;(r, r ) (i.e. of its frozen equilibH rium con"guration) exhibits a general structure that is characterized by a short-range strongly repulsive part in the vicinity of the physical surface, a long-ranged attractive part in the asymptotic region far outside the surface, and a physisorption potential well between these two regions. There is no general rule for the lateral variation of the static potential except that close to the surface it is strongly a!ected by the geometric and electronic structure of the crystal, and in particular by the outermost surface layer of atoms. Hence, the basic periodicity of the system should be also re#ected in some way in the lateral periodicity of ;(r) so that it could be represented in the form given by expression (19). The laterally averaged surface potential ; (z) is then given by the G"0 term of expansion (19). In the description of inelastic particle}surface scattering in Sections 4}7 we shall consider only the interactions taking place between solid surfaces and projectile particles with closed-shell electronic structure. In a scattering experiment the projectile approaches the surface from in"nity and therefore is "rst subject to the long-range component of the total potential. This component arises from the van der Waals (VdW) or dynamic electronic polarization interaction between the two separated (nonoverlapping) and neutral subsystems of the projectile and the solid. For a planar static surface the asymptotic expansion of the nonretarded VdW interaction potential can be expressed as [173,174] C #O(z\) . ; (r)"! 45 (z!Z )
Here the projectile coordinate z perpendicular to the surface is measured relative to the equivalent jellium background edge which is shifted from the topmost crystal plane by half the distance between two adjacent equivalent crystal planes parallel to the surface. The strength of the interaction C and the VdW reference plane position Z are obtained as integrals over imaginary frequencies of the dynamic electronic polarizabilities characterizing the projectile and the surface:
C " du (iu)R (iu) 4 and
du Z " (iu)R (iu)d (iu) , C '. 2
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where Z is also measured relative to the equivalent jellium edge. Here () is the dynamic electronic polarizability of the projectile particle, R ()"(1!Q ())/(1#Q ()) is the long wavelength limit (Q"0) of the Fourier transform of the surface electronic response function [175] expressed in terms of the surface dielectric function Q () [176], and d () is the frequency'. dependent centroid of the image charge introduced by Feibelman [177] and later elaborated many times in the literature (for more details see Ref. [178]). Expression (45) gives the dominant term in the asymptotic expansion of the particle}surface polarization energy in powers of z at large particle}surface separations and hence its divergent behavior for zPZ when the two electronic subsystems begin to overlap is unphysical. As the calculation of the corresponding interaction at intermediate distances becomes increasingly complicated (see also below) several empirical and heuristic schemes have been proposed to remedy this de"ciency. The most popular one is based on a modi"cation of the `damping functionsa introduced by Tang and Toennies [179] to remove the singularities from analogous potentials acting between gas-phase particles. This amounts to multiplying the "rst term on the RHS of Eq. (45) by the damping function , [I (z!Z )]L , f (I (z!Z ))"1!exp[!I (z!Z )] , n! L
where N"2 or 3, depending on the requirement that the damped VdW term either saturates at a "nite value or goes to zero for z"Z . The parameter I is chosen such that it coincides with the inverse range of the exponential potential which is frequently used (and may be justi"ed on physical grounds, see below) to model the fall-o! of the repulsive projectile}surface interaction. Another possibility to avoid divergences connected with the asymptotic potential (45) is that it is used piecewise, i.e. only beyond a certain point z at which it must match smoothly the inner part of the J potential which has been calculated following other calculational schemes [182,184]. Corrugation of the surface electronic density is not expected to a!ect much the asymptotic form of the VdW interaction (45) because the latter is obtained by integrating the long-wavelength limit of the quantities describing the electronic properties of the surface which should be insensitive to lateral variations. The values of the parameters C and Z for a number of various adparticle}surface combinations, and in particular for those involving He atoms, have been calculated and tabulated [8,186}193]. At closer distances to the surface, the overlap between the projectile and surface electronic charge densities will give rise to additional potential terms making up the total static adparticle}surface interaction. Although the use of the two-parameter (9,3) Lennard-Jones type of potential [8] (cf. Eq. (54)) with correct asymptotic behavior (45) may at "rst sight seem advantageous in modelling the total projectile}surface interaction because it does not require the damping or cutting-o! of the attractive component, it su!ers from introducing unphysical divergences in the total potential at very short distances. Hence, it is generally unacceptable for surfaces exhibiting slow variation of the electron density. Surface corrugation e!ects may a!ect the total potential in the intermediate region and are expected to be most prominent in the strongly repulsive part of the total potential in the immediate surface vicinity. To investigate these e!ects, it is common to divide the total static interaction into the surface averaged part ; (z), given by the G"0 term of expansion (19) and depending only on
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the z coordinate of the projectile, and the `corrugateda part exhibiting the dependence also on the lateral coordinates x and y. However, a uni"ed theory which could describe the long-range VdW and short-range overlap-induced components of the adiabatic projectile}surface potential on an equivalent footing is still lacking. Although very recent developments in the application of density functional theory to this problem [195}197] may soon help to remedy such a situation by enabling a `seamlessa solution, at present one has to rely on the approximate or phenomenological schemes in the calculations of the various components of the projectile}surface interaction. To obtain the potentials at intermediate and short separations a number of approaches have been used, ranging from the "rst-principle ones in the cases of simpler systems, to semiempirical and to empirical ones in the cases of more complex systems. Some of these approaches are believed to be more suited to the treatment of projectile interactions with the metal and others with the dielectric (insulating) surfaces, and only a small number of them are considered to be equally well applicable in both cases. Many of these approaches have been recently reviewed [193,194] and here we shall outline only a few of them that will prove relevant to the scattering calculations in Sections 7 and 8. Dielectric surfaces. Dielectric, i.e. insulating surfaces were historically the "rst ones whose vibrational properties have been successfully studied by HAS. The high-resolution HAS TOF studies revealed the surface phonon dispersion curves throughout the SBZ for the "rst time in the case of alkali-halide surfaces [12,99]. As the earlier He atom di!raction and selective adsorption experiments had been focused on the studies of strong corrugation of these and other dielectric surfaces, including also graphite and semiconductors (cf. Refs. [8,10,223]), the e!orts to construct the corresponding interaction potentials have had a longer history than those for metals. Most of the dielectric substrates and inert atoms of interest are complex enough that the "rst principles calculations of the physisorption potentials are at present not capable of providing a realistic description of the projectile}surface interaction. Hence, in the majority of cases one has to rely on semiempirical constructions to obtain their characteristics. In this respect three di!erent approaches have been successful in providing expressions for the particle}surface potentials which could be used in the studies and analyses of gas}surface scattering. The "rst one is based on the empirical reconstruction of potentials (inverse scattering problem) from di!raction and selective adsorption measurements which provide information on surface corrugation and energies of bound states of the interaction potential. These procedures have been reviewed in Refs. [8,10]. The second approach developed by Beder [224] and Steele [225] starts from the models for interactions among the constituents to construct the potential functions. The third approach by Cole et al. [186,193,226] has been based on systematizing the empirical data into families that have similar shapes for the potential functions from which the so-called universal functions describing the physisorption phenomena could be deduced. A comprehensive review of empirical procedures for reconstruction of projectile}surface potentials has been presented by Hoinkes [8]. These procedures make use of the appearance of minima in the specular beam intensities that are associated with the bound state resonances (selective adsorption). The minima are measured by varying the azimuthal angle of scattering and keeping and constant, thereby scanning the possible pairs of values G and . This enables an L G L unequivocal determination of the binding energies of the interaction potential by using only the kinematic resonance condition (11). Once the experimental spectrum of binding energies is L
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known, one can construct the potential energy curve ;G 0 (z) by determining the parameters of a presumed model potential function. This `inversion problema was discussed by LeRoy [227] who has shown that it has no unique solution but the procedure may be used to yield the width of the potential as a function of its depth. LeRoy [227] has also shown that by assuming the asymptotic behavior (45) of the potential and knowing the bound state energies close to the vacuum level P0, it is also possible to estimate the value of the constant C . L Di!erent functional forms for the potentials ;G 0 (z) describing the various adsorbate}surface combinations have been "tted using the experimentally available data. The analytical expressions of the various potential functions, the values of the potential parameters obtained by the "ts, and the merits and demerits of particular model potential expressions have been summarized in Appendix C of Ref. [8]. Experimental bound state energies and resonances can also be used to determine the periodic potential terms ;GO0 (z) in expansion (19) by following the procedure proposed by Chow and Thompson [54]. The application of this procedure to dielectric surfaces and the results thereof have also been reviewed by Hoinkes [8]. Of course, it is also possible to revert the experimental information on surface corrugation back into the model expressions for corrugation functions and thus deduce the periodic potential terms from which the corrugation derives (cf. expressions (19), (66) and (72)). However, the results of this inversion procedure are not unique, as outlined in Section 2.2 and reviewed in Refs. [8,10,17,78]. The pairwise summation calculation is another frequently used approximate procedure for obtaining physisorption potentials that due to the electron charge localization may work better in the case of dielectric (insulating) surfaces than in the case of metals. Starting from the additivity assumption the potential function is obtained by summing or integrating over all binary interactions between the adsorbate atom and the lattice atoms or ions. Denoting the distance between the adsorbate atom at r and the jth solid atom at r by H (49) "r!r , H H the total potential is given by the sum ;(r)" v( ) , (50) H H where v( ) is the adsorbate}solid atom pair potential. Although this method avoids the di$culties H present in the calculations based on the electronic structure of the solid and adsorbate atom, it only reverts the problem to the determination of appropriate pair potential parameters which cannot be the same as in the case of interactions between isolated pairs. Hence, using this method di!erent problems are encountered and other types of approximations have to be introduced. The "rst concerns the distribution of atoms in the solid which in the "rst approximation is usually assumed to be the same as in the bulk. The second is connected with the parameters pertaining to the gas atom}solid atom pair potential energy curves which cannot be determined from independent measurements, e.g. gas-phase collisions. Due to this, the relevant parameters are usually evaluated by relying on some theoretical estimates. To this end, the following combination rules involving gas atom}gas atom (gg) and solid atom}solid atom (ss) parameters have often been used in the determination of gas atom}solid atom (gs) parameters: D "(D D
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for the potential well depth of the binary gas atom}solid atom potential, and # " 2
for the range of the gas atom}solid atom potential. A demerit of the described procedure is that it completely misses out the many-body e!ects on the pair potentials due to the presence of other atoms in the solid, and these problems have been discussed in detail in Ref. [225]. On the other hand, one of its merits is that it enables a clear illustration of how one proceeds from the binary potentials with correct asymptotic behavior J!\ to the gas}solid potentials with correct H asymptotic behavior (45), simply upon replacing the summations over crystal site coordinates by integrations in the asymptotic limit PR. This can be easily demonstrated in the example of H (12,6) Lennard-Jones (LJ) pair potential expressed in terms of reduced variables H"/ and zH"z/ : ;(r)"4D H
1 1 . ! H H H H
Upon integration over the crystal site coordinates, this potential produces a modi"ed (9,3) Lennard-Jones potential [8,225] corresponding to the G"0 term in expression (19):
2 1 1 2 ! ;*((z)" D zH zH 3 15
with z measured from the topmost crystal plane. However, the replacement of summations by integrations closer to the surface and in the region of the potential minimum usually yields quantitatively erroneous results (cf. Fig. 27 in Ref. [8]) as it misses out the contributions of periodic terms which fall o! exponentially with the adatom}surface distance [225]. It is expected that the pairwise summation method produces the most reliable results for He atom interactions with surfaces made of mono- or multilayers of noble gas atoms. Due to the inert electronic structure of these atoms, the modi"cation of the binary potentials is expected to be small, in which case rather accurate forms of the parametrized He atom}noble gas atom gas-phase potentials can be used [179}181,147]. Fig. 5 shows the results of the calculation [228] for the Fourier components ;G (z) (see Eq. (19)) of the He atom}Xe(1 1 1) surface interaction potential based on a summation He}Xe gas-phase pair potentials [179] over a slab of 60 Xe layers. Applications of the pairwise summation method to L-J binary potentials to yield the various G-terms in expansion (19) by carrying out lattice sums were demonstrated in Ref. [225]. Applications to generalized inverse power law, exponentially repulsive potentials and Tang-Toennies [179] damping functions were discussed in Section 2.3.1 of Ref. [193]. In the context of pairwise summation methods for obtaining the projectile}surface potential one should also mention corrections to this procedure based on supplementing the two-body interactions with the threebody interactions. This enables the removal of the discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental values of bound state energies for He atom interaction with a Kr overlayer on graphite [185].
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Fig. 5. Lowest-order Fourier components ;G (z)"; (z) of the periodic He atom}Xe(1 1 1) surface interaction potential KL obtained from pairwise summation of He}Xe gas-phase potentials [179] over a slab of 60 Xe layers (after Ref. [228]).
Another empirical approach to construct the physisorption potentials starts by noting some common trends and unifying features in the extensive body of information on the laterally averaged physisorption potentials [186]. Vidali et al. [226,230] have proposed that the correlation among the data could be achieved by assuming that the uncorrugated potential term may be expressed in an empirical three-parameter universal form: ; (z)"Df (z/z ) ,
where D stands for the potential well depth and z is a characteristic length. The latter is determined from the asymptotic van der Waals behavior f (zPR)P!C /(Dz)
and hence is given by z "(C /D) ,
which reduces the scaling parameters to only two independent ones, i.e. to the strength and range of the repulsive potential contained in expression (55). One such universal potential form is given by 1 3 exp[!u(x/x !1)]! , f (x)"
\ x u!3
where the adimensional potential minimum x "(1!3/u) has one free parameter, either u or
x . Using Bohr}Sommerfeld quantization rules
1 y "a n# " dx( /D!f (x) , L L 2
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one can determine the bound state energies of this potential as a function of the parameter L a" /[z (2MD)]. By "tting the thus-obtained theoretical to the experimental 's for a given L adsorption system one can determine u"5.25. As shown in Refs. [186,226,230], the plot of y as L a function of for He, H and H adsorption on insulator, semiconductor and some metal surfaces L exhibits a universal behavior although some deviations have been noticed for noble metals. The discussion of the applications and results of the above approach is given in Ref. [193], Section 2.4. Metal surfaces. In clear contrast to insulating surfaces, the He di!raction experiments on clean close-packed metal surfaces (like (1 1 1) and (1 0 0) planes of fcc metals) revealed weak di!raction peaks only after considerable e!ort [198}200]. The weak intensity of the measured peaks demonstrates the consequences of the valence electron smoothing e!ect and hence weak surface corrugation as probed by the He atoms. Only by using more open or stepped metal surfaces the di!raction e!ects were found to be more pronounced (cf. Table 5 in Ref. [17]). Owing to these "ndings the earliest "rst principles calculations of noble gas}metal surface potentials were carried out for the jellium model of the surface [201,202] by juxtaposing the repulsive, overlap-induced, and the attractive, VdW components of a noble gas}surface interaction. In a seminal paper on noble}gas interactions with metal surfaces Zaremba and Kohn [202] used the Hartree}Fock approximation to calculate to lowest order in the overlap the repulsive component of the interaction due to the change of the single-particle density of states of a simple metal modelled by jellium. The idea behind this approach has been followed in numerous subsequent works undertaken to improve and generalize the earliest results for noble gas}simple metal physisorption potentials [203]. Another approach based on the small overlap approximation and using the LCAO method has been developed by Goldberg et al. [204] and applied to noble gas atom adsorption on simple metals [205]. The e!ect of d-orbitals of transition metal substrates on the physisorption potentials has been examined in cluster model calculations of the repulsive He}surface interaction. Ab initio SCF method at the Hartree}Fock level was employed to calculate He atom interaction with (1 1 1) and (1 0 0) surfaces of Cu and Ni [206]. Likewise in other types of calculations the repulsive component was found to follow a nearly exponential fall-o! with the He-surface distance. In combination with the VdW potential terms obtained earlier for the same surfaces [187] this produced the total potential in a very good accord with the results available from the other approaches quoted above. One of the advantages of the LCAO and cluster methods is that the lateral variation of ;(r) due to the corrugation of the surface electronic density is directly obtained by shifting the center of the adatom from one surface site to the other. Fig. 6 illustrates the He}Cu(1 1 1) and He}Ni(1 1 1) potentials calculated by this method. The density functional theory (DFT) within the local density approximation (LDA) has been applied rather early to the problem of noble gas atom physisorption on metals [207}210]. One very important result of this approach [209,210], which has been widely quoted as the `ewective medium approximationa and often used as a universal recipe, establishes a proportionality between the repulsive part of the physisorption potential and the local charge density J (r) of the substrate surface ;(r)"A (r) .
As at distances relevant to physisorption on metallic surfaces the fall-o! of the substrate electronic charge is nearly exponential, the e!ective medium approximation also predicts the exponential fall-o! of the corresponding noble gas}surface potential.
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Fig. 6. (a) He}Cu(1 1 1) and He}Ni(1 1 1) model potentials ; (z) derived in Ref. [206] by combining the results from RMR cluster approach, yielding the short-range component, with the van der Waals type of calculations (cf. Section 3.2.1), yielding the long-range component of the total interaction. The z-axis passes perpendicularly through the center of the cluster at z"0 marked by X in the inset. (b) Same for the He}Cu(0 0 1) and He}Ni(0 0 1) interactions.
A relatively quick procedure to derive the corrugation amplitude of the atom}surface potential by exploiting the e!ective medium approximation was proposed by Bortolani et al. [211]. This amounts to making a superposition of atomic charges available from tables and applying expression (60) to the obtained density. This procedure also predicts exponential asymptotic attenuation of the repulsive component of the interaction. Hence, on the basis of the various independently obtained results referred to above, one may construct a net surface averaged model potential (i.e. the zeroth term in expansion (19)) for inert
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gas}atom interaction with a #at metal substrate in the form C f [I (z!Z )] , ; (z)"< exp(!I z)! , (61) (z!Z ) where the constants < and I are determined from best "ts to the values of the potential that have been obtained numerically in the interval of interest (usually extending from around the classical turning point to around the minimum or the in#ection point of the total potential) by using one of the above-mentioned methods. The part of the total laterally averaged potential ; (z) around the turning point and the minimum at z"z can be well approximated [270,229] by the Morse potential:
;+(z)"Dexp[!2(z!z )]!2 exp[!(z!z )] , (62)
where D, 2"I and z denote the well depth, the inverse range and the position of minimum of
the potential, respectively. An advantageous feature of this potential is that the corresponding wavefunctions and bound state energies are available in analytical form [22] which in some cases can enormously reduce the computing e!orts. The e!ective medium approximation (60) implies that the corrugated part of the total atom}surface potential ;(r) should exhibit corrugation obtained by scaling the spatial variation of the substrate electron density J (r). Starting from this assumption and the superposition of atomic electronic densities, Takada and Kohn [191] have represented the unperturbed surface electronic charge density as a two-dimensional Fourier series: (r)" (r)# G (z) exp(iGR) G 0 $ and postulated the asymptotic relation for the repulsive He}surface potential in the form
(64) ;(r)"A (r)# AG G (z) exp(iGR) . G 0 $ The coe$cients AG were calculated by reformulating the theory of Zaremba and Kohn [202] and determined for the He interaction with (1 1 0) surfaces of Ni, Cu and Ag. This reduced the task of calculating the corrugation of physisorption potentials to calculating the variations of the unperturbed substrate electron densities and the corresponding proportionality factors AG . Once these parameters are known, the corrugation function (R) and the corresponding corrugation amplitudes can be readily determined and compared with the ones available from di!raction and rainbow scattering experiments. Corrugation amplitudes have been studied for a number of metal surfaces and di!erent types of beams (He, Ne, Ar, H , D ), mainly by combining experimental and theoretical approaches. A discussion of these works with a full list of references can be found in Ref. [17] in which Table 5 summarizes the available corrugation amplitudes for the various combinations of metal surfaces and room-temperature beams. However, although the experimental evidence in support of the e!ective medium approximation can be found in the case of Ne, Ar and H beam di!raction from corrugated surfaces, the He di!raction experiments carried out by Rieder et al. [79,212] provide evidence which is at variance
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with the simple e!ective medium recipe embodied in expression (60). The "rst attempt to explain this "nding was made by Annett and Haydock [213] who showed using simple arguments that in the case of (1 1 0) surfaces of Ni, Cu, Pd and Ag the hybridization of He 1s occupied orbitals with the unoccupied metal states gives rise to `anticorrugationa e!ects, i.e. the corrugation of the potential in the opposite sense to the charge density. Later elaborate calculations based on the DFT [214] have demonstrated how in the case of Rh (1 1 0) surface the anticorrugation phenomenon is determined by the polarizability and hybridization of the projectile atom valence electron density with the substrate d-electrons close to the Fermi level. These e!ects are di!erent for He 1s and Ne 2p orbitals and vary as the projectile position is moved from an ontop to a bridge site, in VW agreement with the results of Rieder and coworkers [212]. In current practical applications of these "ndings to He atom scattering calculations in which, for example, the He}surface interaction potential is derived from the superposition of atomic charges, one introduces the anticorrugation e!ects through multiplying the interaction matrix elements of the thus-derived potential by the so-called anticorrugation function [215]. Instead of making a superposition of the electron charge of atoms making up a metal and then applying the e!ective medium approximation, some authors have followed the procedure of a direct summation of the pair potentials acting between a He atom and the atoms of the semiin"nite crystal. Eichenauer et al. [216] have applied this method to calculate He}Cu(1 1 1) and He}Ag(1 1 1) interactions and their results for Cu(1 1 1) surface agree well with those obtained later from combining the cluster and VdW calculations [206]. The pairwise summation approach was reviewed in Ref. [219] and discussed in more detail also above in connection with the insulating surfaces. However, due to the delocalization of metal valence electrons this usually requires the assumption of nonspherical atoms to obtain a good agreement with the He scattering data [182}184], or an ad hoc introduction of the anticorrugation function in the case of He atoms [215,217], as pointed out above. The assumption of nonspherical, i.e. oblate atoms leads to anisotropic pseudopairwise potentials v(r) which in the calculations of the HAS re#ection coe$cients have been derived from spherical potentials following the prescription [183]: (65) v(r)" v((z#( x)#( y)) , V W V W where the anisotropy parameters and are usually determined by "tting the elastic cross V W section calculated with the anisotropic potentials to the experimental data [183,184]. A useful approximate form for the repulsive component of the projectile}surface potential at large distances, which can be derived from the pairwise summation procedure, reads [28,211] ;(r)"E exp[!I (z!z ! (R))] , (66) G where E is the incoming energy of the projectile, z is the classical turning point chosen such that G the integral over the corrugation function (R) over a unit cell vanishes, and the softness parameter I can be determined, for example, by matching the logarithmic derivatives of expressions (60) and (66). In accord with approximation (66) is the assumption that the static repulsive potential can be written in the form ;(r)"AI exp[!I r!rl ]"AI exp[!I ((R!RlG)#(z!z )] . G G l l G G
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Restricting the summation of the short-range components only to the surface layer z "0, and on G noticing that at the turning point z , whose value is large for He atoms, one "nds [222] (R!Rl ) G , ((R!Rl )#zKz# G 2z
which yields
I ;(r)"AI exp[!I z] exp ! (R!Rl ) . G 2z l G
The sum on the RHS of expression (69) may then be identi"ed with the exponent of the corrugation function in expression (66), expressed here as a sum of identical Gaussians centered at the lattice points. This form of the potential is extremely convenient in calculations of the scattering matrix elements as the two-dimensional Fourier transform of a Gaussian is again a Gaussian. Further modi"cations of this approach have been discussed in Refs. [219,222]. The surface averaged component of potential (69) is then expressed as 2 AI exp(!I z) , ;(z)" QA
where Q"I /z
and A is the area of the surface unit cell over which the averaging is carried out. In the case of more strongly corrugated metal surfaces (more open and reconstructed surfaces with missing rows, etc.) Rieder and collaborators [218] have remarked that both the repulsive and attractive components of the total potential may exhibit corrugation. To model such a situation they proposed an analytical form for the corrugated potential: D exp[!I (z!z !(x, z))]! exp[!(I /)(z!z !(x, z))] . ;(x, z)"
Here D denotes the potential well depth, I is the reciprocal range parameter, is the scaling factor determining the potential width (for "2 one retrieves the corrugated Morse potential) and z is
the position of the minimum of the laterally averaged potential. The corrugation dependence perpendicular to the missing rows is then given by
2j d x , (x, z)" exp[!I (z!z )] H cos H
2 a H
where I denotes the exponential decay rate of corrugation, d is twice the Fourier component of H H the potential corrugation at the minimum and a is the length of the unit cell of the reconstructed surface. Potential (72) proved very successful in coupled channel calculations of the di!raction
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intensities from the missing row reconstructed Pt(1 1 0)2;1 surface. Interestingly enough, an excellent agreement between the experimental and calculated data for the di!raction intensities was obtained for "2.06, i.e. close to the value for which the potential (72) goes over into the corrugated Morse potential. Interactions with adsorbates. A prerequisite for the theoretical analyses of the data from thermal energy atom scattering by surface defects and adsorbates is a good knowledge of the corresponding scattering potentials. In this context of particular interest are the interactions with the various adsorbates whose vibrational properties have been studied by HAS. Whereas it may be possible to describe He atom interactions with adsorbate layers by using the methods described in this subsection, the interactions with isolated adsorbates necessitate special attention in the light of the e!ects which establish HAS as a powerful tool for the structural studies of adsorbate-covered surfaces [14], as outlined in Section 2.3. The structural HAS studies of surfaces covered by low concentration of adsorbates rest on the e!ect of large scattering cross sections induced by projectile}adsorbate interactions (cf. Section 2.3). At thermal beam energies the dominant contribution to the magnitude of these cross sections comes from the long-range van der Waals component of the interaction. However, in contrast to the short-range overlap-induced repulsion, the van der Waals component cannot be expressed in terms of a binary interaction taking place between the projectile and the adsorbate, as would be the case in the absence of the substrate. Namely, the presence of a polarizable substrate through its e!ect on the polarization properties of the projectile and the adsorbate must be taken into account. In theoretical language, the dynamic polarizability of the substrate renormalizes the bare projectile}adsorbate polarization interaction. Due to this renormalization, which also introduces the substrate coordinates into the "nal formulae, the projectile}adsorbate van der Waals interaction can be considered as a three-body anisotropic (noncentral) potential. The angular dependence of this interaction between a projectile atom and a spherically symmetric adsorbate was derived by McLachlan [231]. In a more general case of projectile interaction with uniaxially symmetric molecular adsorbates with symmetry axis perpendicular to the surface (e.g. the case of He scattering from CO and NO chemisorbed on Cu, Ni, Pt, etc.) the expressions for the corresponding van der Waals potential were derived by Gumhalter and Liu [232] using the Feynman diagrammatic approach and the relevant formulae were systematized and the parameters calculated and tabulated by LovricH and Gumhalter [187]. It has been shown that the total projectile atom}adsorbate van der Waals potential comprises the `directa gas-phase-like binary interaction (dir), the so-called `image interactiona contribution (im), and two equivalent `interferencea contributions (int), both originating from the presence of the substrate (s). The relevant expressions can be most suitably expressed in terms of the coordinates of three relative radiusvectors: "rst, of the `directa projectile}adsorbate radiusvector r"r !r "(R !R , z !z )"(R, z !z ) ,
where z '0 and z '0 are both referenced to the positive jellium background edge Z "0, second, of the `imagea radiusvector rH "(R, z #z !2Z )
B. Gumhalter / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 1}159
Fig. 7. Geometry of the He-adsorbate collision system and notation relevant to the de"nition of the various van der Waals interactions. The substrate occupies halfspace z(Z "0 where Z denotes the edge of the equivalent positive jellium background. The image of the adsorbate relative to the Z plane is denoted by a , and relative to the pertinent van der Waals plane at Z (either Z or Z ) by aH.
and, third, of the `interferencea radiusvector rH "(R, z #z !2Z ) .
The corresponding van der Waals image and interference plane positions Z and Z , respective ly, are de"ned below. In terms of these coordinates the three components of the van der Waals interaction can be written in the form
1! C P (cos ) , ; (r)"!2(1#2) 1# 45 1#2 r
C ; (r)" ; (rH ) , 45 45 C
C ; (r)"2 (4!3 cos !3 cos H ) 45 (rrH ) ! (1!)[5#9 cos cos H !6(cos #cos H ) #9 sin sin H cos cos H ] .
Here " / is the ratio of transverse (perpendicular) and longitudinal (parallel) adsorbate , dynamic polarizabilities relative to the molecular axis, the three constants C determining the strengths of the interactions are de"ned below, P (cos ) denotes the second-order Legendre polynomial, and the geometrical meaning of r, rH , rH , , H , H , and the positions of the relevant VdW reference planes Z and Z are sketched in Fig. 7. Hence, it is seen that the radius
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vectors rH and rH connect the position of the projectile with the position of the adsorbate re#ected across the VdW plane located at Z and Z in front of the equivalent jellium background edge, respectively. The VdW constants C's have been calculated in Ref. [232] and are given by
C "
du (iu) (iu) , 2
C "
du (iu) (iu)R (iu) , 2
C "
du (iu) (iu)R (iu) , 2
where () is the projectile dynamic polarizability, denotes the longitudinal adsorbate polariza bility in the adsorbed phase (i.e. ()" ()), and other symbols are the same as in Eq. (46). The XX positions of relevant VdW planes have been calculated in Ref. [233] and read as
du (iu) (iu)R (iu)d (iu) , Z " '. C 2
du Z " (iu) (iu)R (iu)d (iu) , C '. 2
where d () was de"ned earlier in connection with Eq. (47). The modi"cation of the free adsorbate '. polarizabilities P as a result of adsorption has been discussed in Refs. [187,234]. The calculations of the total cross section for He atom elastic scattering from adsorbed CO molecules using the VdW potentials (77)}(79) in combination with repulsive He}CO potentials typical of the gas phase yielded a good quantitative agreement [234] with the experimental data reviewed in Ref. [14]. Wavefunctions of the laterally averaged projectile}surface potential. In the case of projectile interaction with a statically #at surface one has ;(r)";(z) and the surface averaged potential ;G 0 (z) appearing in expansion (19) then coincides with ;(z). The unperturbed projectile motion is described by the wavefunction given by the G"0 term in the expansion on the RHS of Eq. (20). The latter is a solution of the three-dimensional SchroK dinger equation for projectile motion in ;(z):
! #;(z) k (r)"Ek k (r) . 2M
Also, in the case of surfaces with very weak static corrugation, manifesting itself through ; (z)<;G 0 (z) in Eq. (19) and leading to the correspondingly low di!raction intensities, the $ dominant component of the total unperturbed wavefunction will again be given by the same solution. As the theoretical studies of inelastic scattering processes make use of these wavefunctions
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in the construction of the basis set for the so-called distorted waves, we shall brie#y outline their basic properties which will be used later in development of the scattering formalism. The solution of the three-dimensional SchroK dinger equation (85) with the surface averaged potential ; (z)";(z), which satis"es the boundary conditions ; (zP!R)<E '0 and X ; (zPR)"0, can be written in the form 1 exp(iKR) X (z) . k (r)" r k" R, z K, k " X I (¸ ¸ X
Here ¸ and ¸ are the quantization lengths in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the X surface, respectively, K is the projectile wavevector describing free motion parallel to the surface, and k plays the role of a quantum number describing the motion in the z-direction, i.e. perpendicuX lar to the surface. The wavefunctions X (z) are solutions of the one-dimensional SchroK dinger I equation with the potential ; (z)";(z):
d ! #; (z) X (z)"E X (z) . I X I 2M dz
The delocalized, scattering solutions of Eq. (87) which satisfy the boundary condition X (zP!R)P0 and correspond to the continuous part of the spectrum of E 50 are standing X I waves composed of two degenerate solutions, one representing an incoming and the other an outgoing wave. Far away from the surface and outside the range of the potential ; (z) these solutions follow, up to an irrelevant phase factor, the asymptotic behavior (88) lim X (z)"2 cos(k X z# X ) , X I I X where X is a phase shift depending on the choice of origin of z. Hence, for E 50 the quantum X I number k "(2ME / has the meaning of the wavevector of the projectile far away from the X X surface. In this case the unperturbed energy of the projectile is given by Ek "EK #E
with EK " K/2M and E X " k/2M. From here it follows that the perpendicular energy I X E "E X can also be used as a good quantum number instead of k wherever it proves convenient. X X I For the laterally averaged potential ; (z), with a deep enough minimum near the surface to support bound states, the spectrum of allowed perpendicular energies will also exhibit negative discrete values E "! (cf. Section 3.2.1). The corresponding wavefunctions (z) are localized X L L around the potential minimum near the surface and can be normalized to unity in the standard fashion. Of course, this renders a di!erent normalization factor l of "nite magnitude instead of L ¸ in Eq. (86). The quantum number n can be chosen such that up to a multiplicative factor it X represents a continuation of k also to discrete values for which E X (0. With this convention X I k plays the role of a unique quantum number describing the projectile motion both in the itinerant X (E X 50) and in the localized states (E X (0) of the static projectile}surface potential ;(z). Then I I wavefunctions (86) with appropriate normalization factor (i.e. with ¸ when k corresponds to the X X
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continuum spectrum and with l when k corresponds to the discrete spectrum) satisfy the box L X normalization (90) k k" k k Y where k k is the Kronecker delta symbol. This type of box normalization will prove useful in the Y calculation of the scattering matrix elements in the forthcoming sections as this removes the ambiguities in manipulations with the singularities appearing in the case of the continuous part of the spectrum. The passage from the Kronecker delta symbol to the Dirac delta function is easily deduced from Eqs. (86) and (88) and reads as 2 (91) X X " (k !k ) . X X I I ¸ X The particle current associated with the incoming or outgoing projectile motion in the z-direction is according to normalization (90) given by v
k j " X " X , X M¸ ¸ X X whereas the total current associated with the standing distorted wave X (z) is zero. I
3.2.2. Dynamic interaction. Linear vs. nonlinear vibrational coupling The full projectile}surface interaction potential ;(r, r ) is also a function of the displacements H of atoms in the crystal. Adopting the notation of Section 3.1 and assuming small displacements of the crystal atoms, ul , the potential can be expanded in a Taylor series: G (93) ;(r, rl #ul )";(r, rl )# Fl (r)ul #2 . G G G YGY YGY l YGY Here the "rst term ;(r, rl ) in the expansion on the RHS of Eq. (93) is the static projectile}surface G interaction discussed in the previous subsection, in which for simplicity it was denoted by ;(r). The symbol (94) Fl (r)"l ;(r, rl ) , YGY YGY G generically denotes the negative force exerted on the crystal atom or ion at rl when it is shifted YGY from the equilibrium position in the presence of the interaction with the projectile but with all other crystal atoms in equilibrium position at rl . Analogously, one also obtains the coe$cients of G higher-order terms in the series on the RHS of (93) which describe forces on two crystal atoms displaced from equilibrium in the presence of interaction with the projectile, or one atom displaced to second order in ul , etc. YGY If the dynamics of the solid is treated at the level of quasiharmonic approximation, which is usually the case in the studies of thermal energy He or other noble gas atom scattering from surface vibrations, consistent with this is to retain only the terms linear in the displacements in the dynamical component of the projectile}surface interaction (93), i.e. those proportional to Fl (r), YGY
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and to neglect all higher ones. Namely, it is argued [235] that the second-order terms are of the order "(M/M )(v/c), where M and v are the mass and velocity of the scattered atom, respectively, M is the surface atom mass and c is the velocity of acoustic waves in the solid. Under the scattering conditions typical of HAS experiments carried out to probe surface phonon dispersion relations one "nds ;1 and hence only the linear terms in expansion (93) need to be retained (for more quantitative estimates see the last paragraph in Section 3.3.5 and references quoted therein). The dynamic interaction comprising only the second term on the RHS of Eq. (93) is usually referred to as the linear projectile}phonon coupling because, as will be shown later, it leads to single-phonon vertices in the diagrammatic or propagator description of inelastic scattering processes. In the case of atomic-projectile interactions with dielectric (insulating) surfaces made either of atoms or ions (cf. Section 3.2.1), the total potential can to a very good approximation be represented by a sum of atomic pair potentials v (r!rl !ul ). Hence G G G Fl (r)"!r v (r!rl )"F (r!rl ) , (95) G G G G G which now has the meaning of the force exerted by the (l, )th crystal atom on the projectile atom located at r [219]. In the case of inelastic projectile interactions with metal surfaces the situation is conceptually more complex because of the delocalization of metal valence electrons which play the dominant role in determination of the components of projectile}surface potential. To reduce the problem to its most essential and elementary form, we shall restrict the present discussion of the dynamic interaction to the Born}Oppenheimer approximation regime in which the substrate electronic degrees of freedom can follow adiabatically both the vibrations of crystal ions and the approach of the incoming projectile. We observe that a consistent description of this interaction may start from a picture in which the projectile would "rst interact with the substrate electronic density and hence deform it from the equilibrium distribution. The ions then feel this deformation as a nonadiabatic perturbation in response to which they may be excited to di!erent vibrational levels, dragging along all the time adiabatically the electronic density which may again interact with the projectile, etc. However, it is not clear at present how one could include all these e!ects into a self-consistent potential model, and the introduction of further approximations is inevitable. One such approximation rests on the assumption that the electronic densities of substrate atoms or ions are rigid in following the vibrations of the nuclei and that the total substrate electronic density in the region of the strongest projectile contact with the surface can be represented by a superposition of atomic electronic densities. In this approximation the electronic coordinates are frozen out which further implies that the role of the substrate electronic density is reduced only to the modi"cation of the bare projectile}substrate atomic pair potentials. The validity of this approach has been independently tested by several authors [211,216] in the calculations of the e!ects of static and dynamic components of the potential on the di!raction and one-phonon inelastic scattering probabilities and the results were found to be in agreement with the experimental data and predictions of other theories. This enables the use of a kind of uni"ed approximation for treating the dynamic projectile}surface interaction in terms of modi"ed or e!ective binary potentials for both dielectric and metallic surfaces (see Section 6). Thus, within this approximation Eqs. (93)}(95) could be also applied to metal surfaces provided the relevant e!ective binary potentials are either available or could be constructed. An alternative attempt to formulate the
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projectile}lattice ion interaction that is mediated by metal electrons coupled to phonons has been presented by Lagos [237]. Although this is a correct approach to view the dynamic projectile}lattice interaction for metals, its potentiality has not been explored to the extent that it could provide a feasible description of inelastic interactions in HAS. In the case of #at surfaces and linear projectile}phonon coupling the amplitudes of inelastic projectile scattering will be governed by the matrix elements of the linearized dynamic potential (cf. Eq. (93)). In the distorted wave formalism these matrix elements are taken between eigenfunctions (86) of the static averaged projectile}surface potential ;(z), viz.,
k Fl (r)ul YGY YGY k l YGY
but remain acting as operators in the Hilbert space of phonon eigenstates. Since expressions of the form (96) are linear in phonon creation and annihilation operators contained in the displacement ul , , their thermal averages vanish. The matrix elements (96) are taken between distorted waves which are the sum of the incoming and outgoing waves. Hence, they describe interaction of the projectile with phonons both on the incoming and outgoing routes, i.e. before and after the elastic re#ection of the incoming wave caused by the static potential ;(z). This demonstrates the advantage of working with the distorted basis set as the use of plane waves would necessitate a complicated treatment of the interplay between elastic and inelastic projectile scattering to all orders in the strong elastic scattering. Simpli"ed forms of potential (93) may also be assumed on the basis of the results of summations of pairwise interactions [236]. One such form is given by ;(r, rl #ul )K;[z!Z(R, ul )] , G G G
where the quantity Z(R, ul ) is the dynamic corrugation felt by the projectile atom which depends G on the incident energy. Assuming further the projectile interaction with the topmost surface layer only and neglecting the parallel vibrations of surface atoms, the expression on the RHS of Eq. (97) can be brought to the form
, ; z! (R)! fl (R, z)ul , l
which describes projectile interaction with soft `rippling walla if the static corrugation (R) is negligible. The thermal average of the matrix elements of this potential is generally a complicated function because all even powers of ul in the expansion of the form (93) contribute to the average. , The description of the dynamic interaction between the projectile atom and separated or isolated adsorbates on the surface deserves special attention [238], inasmuch as the corresponding static interaction described in the previous subsection. Heavier adsorbates on relatively #at surfaces may exhibit low di!usion barriers even at low temperatures. This points toward shallow minima in the lateral potential, and in the case of physisorbates the potential well in the perpendicular coordinate z may also be shallow. In such systems the adsorbate vibrational frequencies associated with the potential minima can be low and the corresponding mean square displacements larger than those
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of the underlying surface atoms. This may necessitate taking into account the e!ects connected with nonlinear coupling, i.e. going beyond the "rst two terms on the RHS of Eq. (93). Assuming an array of adsorbates at submonolayer coverage that is free from islands and not necessarily periodic, with the equilibrium adsorbate positions denoted by rl , the total adlayer}projectile interaction potential can be written as ; (r)" v (r!rl !ul )" v (R!Rl !ul , z!zl !ul ) , , l l
where v (r!rl ) is the binary projectile}adsorbate potential and ul "(ul , ul ) denotes the , displacement of the lth adsorbate as a whole from the equilibrium position. In the present formulation of the interaction we do not include the e!ect of intra-adsorbate vibrations, usually of much higher frequencies and hence inaccessible to HAS. Assuming a #at substrate with corresponding He atom wavefunctions given by Eq. (86), we obtain for the He atom}adlayer interaction matrix elements: K, k ; (r) K, k " e\ KY\KRl >Sl v (K!K, k , k ,ul ) , XY X X X , l
1 (101) dz HX (z) X (z) dR e\ KY\KRv (R, z!zl !ul ) . v(K!K, k , k ,ul )" I , I X X , ¸ ¸ X Here the appearance of the adsorbate parallel coordinates Rl #ul in the exponent on the (RHS) of Eq. (100) is due to the translational invariance of the unperturbed particle wavefunctions along the surface. Next, we observe that for adsorbates whose centers lie outward the turning points z of the wavefunctions X (z), i.e. zl 5z , it would be appropriate to represent both the R- and z-dependence I of v (R, z!zl !ul ) through its Fourier transform (FT) denoted by v(P, p). De"ning , dP dp exp(iPR#ipz)v(P, p) , (102) v (R, z)" (2) 2 \ we obtain
1 e\ KY\KRl >ul K, k ; (r) K, k " XY X ¸ ¸ l X dp exp[!ip(zl #ul )]v(K!K, p) f (k , k , p) , ; , $2 X X 2 \ where we have introduced the generalized FT-generated oscillator strength:
f (k , k , p)" $2 X X
e NXHX (z) X (z) dz . I I
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Expressions (100)}(104) are quite general and valid for any type of adsorbate}He atom potential. One of their important and interesting properties, and thereby also of the He atom interactions with vibrating adsorbates, can be recovered upon taking the thermal average over the adsorbate vibrational modes in expression (100) which is assumed to be site-independent for adsorbates occupying equivalent adsorption sites. This yields 1 e\ KY\KRl K, k [; (r)\ K, k " XY X ¸¸ l X ;
dp e\UKY\KNv(K!K, p) f (k , k , p)e\ NXl , $2 X X 2 \
where e\UKY\KN"exp[![[(K!K)ul #pul ]\] , ,
and the exponential form of expression (106) follows from the Bloch}Glauber theorem. Its explicit form depends on the expansion of the displacements in terms of normal phonon modes of the system (see Sections 4 and 5 below). The occurrence of the exponential factor (106) arises from taking the thermal average of the full projectile}adsorbate interaction containing powers of adsorbate displacements to all orders in the coupling constant. The explicit form of the contribution from lateral vibrations to expression (106) arises from the translational invariance of the lateral component of the unperturbed projectile wavefunction. Perpendicular zero-point vibrations smear out each p-component of the Fourier transform of the potential over the oscillatory part of the distorted waves and this gives rise to the appearance of the factor pul in the exponent on the RHS of Eq. (106). In both cases, however, these , factors represent an o!-the-energy-shell e!ect as they arise from virtual phonon exchange processes [245]. Factor (106) has the appearance of the Holstein renormalization of the interaction matrix elements (presently v(K!K, p)) which is commonly encountered in the studies of boson "elds perturbed by local potentials [175,239}242]. The square of this factor plays the role of standard Glauber}van Hove type of the Debye}Waller factor occurring in "rst-order perturbation theories of neutron scattering from crystals [243,244] and gives rise to the e!ect of reduction of the magnitude of scattering intensities. Physically, such an e!ect originates from zero-point vibrations of adsorbates which act so as to smear out the scattering potential both in the parallel and perpendicular directions. Note also that since the thermal averages of odd powers in displacements are equal to zero the renormalization e!ect is absent in the case of linear projectile}phonon coupling. 3.3. Inelastic scattering from surfaces. One phonon vs. multiphonon scattering regimes, advantages and shortcomings of particular models The projectile particles colliding with a surface may exchange zero, one or more quanta with the phonon heat bath. An immediate consequence of the quantization of substrate vibrational degrees
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of freedom is the existence of a nonzero probability that the projectile be elastically scattered from the surface, irrespective of the strength of inelastic projectile}phonon coupling [246], provided the scattering boundary conditions on the perturbing potential are satis"ed [25]. This feature is even independent of the character of projectile motion (quantum vs. classical) as long as the e!ects of quantization of the heatbath phonons remain nonnegligible. Thus, the energy spectrum of particles scattered from the surface will be always characterized by the presence of an elastic or a no-loss line. The spectral intensity of the elastic line, commonly termed the Debye}Waller factor (DWF), may depend on many factors, including the inelastic coupling strength, particle incoming energy, heatbath temperature, etc. No matter how small this intensity may be in a particular scattering regime, its very existence is important for preserving the optical theorem or unitarity property of the scattering spectrum which arises from conservation of the norm of projectile wavefunction (see below). In the regime of weakly inelastic scattering the intensity of elastic line will dominate over the intensities of inelastic events characterized by one, two, or more phonon exchange processes. In these scattering conditions the next most intense spectral features will be due to inelastic onephonon exchange processes (phonon emission or absorption) and it is precisely in this regime that inelastic HAS from surfaces has found one of its most important applications, viz., the determination of dispersion curves of surface-localized phonons (cf. Section 2.4). Whereas single-phonon scattering conditions are conditio sine qua non for a successful determination of the phonon dispersion curves, some other processes like energy transfer, thermal accommodation, etc., are more pronounced and e!ective in the multiquantum exchange events and therefore should be studied in the multiphonon scattering regime. Quite generally, the change of the scattering regime towards more inelastic events is achieved mainly by increasing the incident projectile energy or substrate temperature, or both. The changes of these parameters which enhance the inelastic coupling strength give rise to a reduction of the DWF and thereby the elastic scattering intensity diminishes. As a result, the spectral intensity of the scattered beam is shifted from the no-loss line towards the one- and many-phonon spectral features. In the course of these changes the one-phonon intensities remain as sharp features but two or more phonon processes start to build up a background which grows larger as the probability of multiphonon events increases. This background tends to a Gaussian shape in the multiphonon scattering regime in which the DWF has almost completely suppressed the no-loss and one-phonon scattering intensities. Only in the case of nondispersive phonons the multiphonon spectrum retains sharp and well-resolved spectral features at sums and multiples of the nondispersive single-phonon frequencies. The above outline of the change of the scattering regimes and the corresponding behavior of the scattering probabilities has been based on the quantum picture of atom}surface scattering and the ensuing optical theorem which guarantees the unitarity of the inelastic scattering spectrum. However, this problem can be studied on the various levels of complexity by using di!erent approaches. Depending on the treatment of dynamics of the constituents of the collision system (projectile and target) they may be generally classi"ed as classical, semiclassical (one constituent treated quantum mechanically, the other classically), and fully quantum mechanical. 3.3.1. Classical models Under certain conditions it may be justi"ed to ignore the quantum character of the projectile motion and surface vibrations and treat the dynamics of the collision system within the framework of classical mechanics. This approach is followed in molecular dynamics simulations (cf. end of
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Section 3.1) and may prove useful in the situation when quantum e!ects are negligible. This is likely to be the case for large mass of the projectile and target atoms and high projectile incident energy. Such conditions are typical of scattering of energetic particles from surfaces and molecular dynamics approach has been applied to study collisions in these systems [42,247]. However, as we are at present interested in the very di!erent scattering regime in which quantum e!ects are important, particularly in the studies of HAS spectra in which the intensities of elastic and one-phonon lines are dominant, or in a crossover regime from single- to multiphonon scattering, we shall not discuss the molecular dynamics approach in the context of the present study. The applications of this and other frequently used classical methods to atom}surface scattering, like the generalized Langevin equation, have been reviewed by Gerber [41] and the regimes of applicability of classical approaches have been discussed by Brenig [248]. 3.3.2. Semiclassical models One of the most popular semiclassical models for studying inelastic atom scattering from surfaces has been based on the approximation in which the projectile motion is treated classically and the substrate vibrations quantum mechanically. The projectile particle is assumed to interact with phonons while moving along a classical trajectory in front of the surface. However, as this is still a very di$cult problem to solve, one further assumes the scattering regime in which the projectile motion is only weakly perturbed by the coupling to phonons. Neglecting in the next step the e!ect of projectile recoil in phonon emission or absorption processes, one arrives at the so-called recoilless trajectory approximation (TA) for calculation of the probabilities of phonon excitation in atom}surface scattering. By calculating the spectrum and energy of exchanged phonons and invoking conservation laws one can conclude on the energy exchanged with the projectile. Of course, this is not a self-consistent procedure but its main advantage lies in the ability to yield the results in a closed nonperturbative form, which for simple cases of phonon dispersion may reduce to analytical expressions. This approach has been extensively applied to atom}surface scattering problems and quite a few collision systems have been successfully interpreted at the qualitative and in some cases also semiquantitative level despite the lack of self-consistency in the treatment of projectile motion. Owing to its proven historical signi"cance this model deserves a more detailed description. The perturbation of the phonons brought about by the projectile recoilless motion on a classical and "xed trajectory r"r(t) can be modelled by the action of an external time-dependent force F(r(t))"F(t) acting on atoms in the crystal. To model the interaction this force is linearly coupled to atomic displacements in a fashion analogous to the interaction given by the second term on the RHS of Eq. (93). We shall denote for simplicity the phonon modes by a single quantum number q, which may encompass the wavevector Q and the third quantum number j, as in the case of delocalized phonons, or any appropriate quantum numbers in the case of localized phonons. The Hamiltonian of such a phonon system perturbed by a time-dependent external force can be brought to the form
1 (107) H "H#< (t)" aR a # # < (t)(a #aR ) , O O \O 2 2 O O O 2 O O where the subscript TA denotes the recoilless trajectory approximation for projectile motion, and the coupling matrix elements < (t) can be easily deduced from Eq. (93) in which one introduces the O
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appropriate expansion of crystal atom displacements in terms of normal modes (e.g. expression (39) in the case of crystal slabs with 2D periodicity). Expression (107) represents the Hamiltonian of a set of forced or driven oscillators and the solutions for the excitation probabilities of a particular mode q in such forced oscillator model (FOM) can be obtained in a closed form as quadratures [249]. Here we shall follow the solution in terms of the energy spectrum approach [250] as this enables an easy and natural passage from the semiclassical to the fully quantum treatments of the problem and vice versa. The probability spectrum of phonons, with the energy in the interval (, #d), which have been excited by the action of the external time-dependent potential over the scattering time interval (!R, t) is de"ned by
d e CO (t) e\ & O (t) , N ()"lim (t) (!H) (t)"lim 2 2
R R \
where (t) is the wavefunction of the perturbed phonon system at instant t. This is obtained by the action of the evolution operator of the system U(t,!R) on the initial state wavefunction of the system in thermal equilibrium at instant t"!R before the scattering event has commenced: (t)"U(t,!R) .
Several di!erent methods can be used to obtain a nonperturbative solution to Eq. (108) in the form [250]
N ()"e\5 2
d e CO exp < ( )e\ SO O[n( )#1]#e SO On( ) , O O O O 2
\ O
in which
< ( )" O O
dt < (t)e SO RY O
is the Fourier transform of the coupling matrix element in the interaction term on the RHS of Eq. (107), and n( ) is the Bose}Einstein distribution for substrate phonons at temperature ¹ . O The prefactor
e\5"exp ! < ( )[2n( )#1] O O O O
arising from the noncommutativity of phonon operators (40) plays the role of the Debye}Waller factor (DWF) in the FOM and preserves the unitarity of the spectrum which is expressed through
d N
()"1 .
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The mean number of phonons excited in the course of duration of perturbation <(t) is derived from
(114) NM "lim (t) aR a (t) "2= O O O R and is equal to the Debye}Waller exponent in expression (112). By expanding the second exponential in the integrand on the RHS of Eq. (110) one obtains an ascending series in powers of squares of the coupling matrix elements:
N ()"e\5 ()# < ( )[(n( )#1) (! ) O O O O 2 O
#n( ) (# )]#O(< ( )) , O O O O
where the "rst term on the RHS of this expansion describes the elastic or no-loss line with the corresponding probability given by the DWF, the second term describes the sum of contributions from the one-phonon creation (J[n( )#1]) and annihilation processes (Jn( )) to the probO O ability spectrum of excited phonons, and all other higher-order terms describe the multiphonon contributions. Thus, it is seen that the probability for exciting a phonon mode q is given in the FOM by the product of the absolute square of the Fourier transform of the coupling matrix element (111) taken at frequency and the Debye}Waller factor. It is also interesting to note that O in the TA-FOM the mean energy transfer from the external time-dependent perturbation to 2 the phonon heatbath is temperature-independent, viz.,
N () d" < ( ) . (116) 2 O O O \ O This means that the heatbath can only absorb energy from the external classical perturbation, no matter how high the temperature ¹ may be. The shape of the spectrum of excited phonons in the multiphonon scattering regime is obtained on noticing that in the limit when the mean number of excited phonons is very large, i.e. 2=<1, the main contribution to the integral on the RHS of (110) comes from the integration interval in which the absolute value of the integration variable is small. This makes it possible to expand the functions e! SO O in the exponential function in the integrand on the RHS of (110) and to retain only the terms up to . The resulting expression can be integrated analytically and yields " 2
1 (! ) 2 lim N ()" exp ! (117) 2 (2)(¹ ) 2 (¹ ) < S 5 which is a Gaussian centered at " and characterized by the temperature-dependent width 2 (¹ ) whose square is given by S (¹ )" ( )< ( )[2n( )#1] . S O O O O O
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Expressions (108)}(118) have been derived under the assumption of the projectile motion on a classical and recoilless trajectory and therefore their applicability is limited to the scattering regime of small lateral momentum and energy transfers during the collision. Here small means in comparison with the values of the projectile incident energy and momentum. This is likely to occur either for high projectile incident energies relative to the Debye temperature of the solid or large projectile mass, as both tend to suppress the recoil and quantum e!ects associated with the projectile motion. However, the point of breakdown of the TA approach can only be deduced from estimates of "rst-order quantum corrections to the quantities characterizing the evolution of the collision system. This issue was discussed in Refs. [23}25], and will also be addressed in Section 4.3. With this restriction on the TA approach in mind, one can apply the above-outlined TA-FOM model to study and interpret inelastic atom}surface scattering experiments in the dominantly multiphonon scattering regime. In fact, these applications had been carried out even before the conditions of the validity of this approach were established [23}25] and checked for the various collision systems [24,251]. A number of authors have theoretically treated the scattering of atomic particles by surface phonons in the standard forced oscillator model or one of its re"nements to calculate the various quantities characterizing the scattering event [252}259]. In line with the various re"nements that could provide a natural link towards quantum theory were the works of Manson et al. [260] in which a hybrid treatment of the scattering rate was proposed. Here the full potential on the LHS of expression (93), which encompasses coupling to phonons to all orders in lattice displacements, was treated in the "rst-order Born approximation and "nally the TA was applied to calculate the quasiclassical scattering matrix elements. The attention in all the above-quoted works has been mainly focused on obtaining quantitative estimates for the integrated quantities, like the mean energy transfer, spectral widths, etc., that are less sensitive to the kinematics of scattering which is poorly described in the TA. At intermediate projectile incident energies it was also possible to reproduce semiquantitatively the shapes of the multiphonon HAS spectra for selected systems [259,261], albeit by introducing some adjustable parameters in modelling the interaction matrix elements and substrate phonon density of states. The model has also been extended to the treatment of prompt sticking processes, viz., the calculations of the probabilities that the projectile loses enough energy during the encounter with the surface (i.e. exceeding E ) to remain stuck in , one of the bound states of the projectile}surface potential [256]. Later, the TA calculations were improved by introducing averaged < ( ) over the incoming and scattered trajectories [262]. O O Surprisingly enough, relatively good results for the sticking probabilities were obtained by using this Ansatz even for light atoms like He. Although the TA approach may give quick reasonable results in the case of integrated quantities characterizing inelastic scattering, it is of little use in the interpretation of energy and angular resolved HAS experiments in the quantum scattering regime in which the mean number of exchanged phonons may be small but recoil e!ects are large relative to the initial values of the projectile energy and momentum [24,25,263]. Its major shortcoming presents the neglect of recoil or, in other words, violation of the condition that the scattering event be constrained to the energy and parallel momentum shell. It is precisely this condition that is particularly important for the analyses of TOF spectra in the one-phonon scattering regime as it enables setting up the scan curves which in combination with the TOF spectra are used for experimental determination of the substrate phonon dispersion curves (cf. Section 2.1).
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Among the other semiclassical approximations the eikonal approximation has also been employed for calculating the phonon excitation intensities [264]. The point of departure in this case is the S-matrix of the system expressed in terms of the action integrated over all Feynman paths [26,28]. However, although being derived from the quantum scattering formalism and path integral method, the general expressions are in common practice usually reduced to those based on the choice of a classical path for projectile motion. In this case it is possible to write the o!-diagonal (kOk ) S-matrix elements in the form G k S k "!2be E , G
where b is a function of kinematic parameters and "
1 # " ! Fl (t)ul (t) dt , G G l G \
where is responsible for elastic scattering from the static projectile}surface potential, and the dynamic part on the RHS of expression (93) describes the time-, i.e. path-dependent force exerted by the (l, )th crystal atom on the projectile. It should also be noted that still acts as an operator in the phonon state space via the phonon displacements ul . The eikonal approximation G expressions can also produce relatively quick results in the quasiclassical scattering regime, particularly if the force is calculated along the classical projectile trajectory [28,265], but their range of validity is similar to that of the TA-FOM description discussed above. This should come as no surprise in view of the equivalence of expressions (120) and (111) with the interaction matrix element given by expression (96). An improvement over the recoilless classical trajectory description of inelastic atom}surface scattering was proposed by Newns [266] in terms of an exact path integral expression for the probability of energy transfer. This could be evaluated by a series of semiclassical approximations, of which the recoilless TA is the lowest one, and which become more rigorous as the mass of the projectile is increased. However, in the limit of small projectile mass the convergence of the method may prove too slow to make it feasible in the case of HAS. A whole hierarchy of the various semiclassical schemes and approximations have been developed in which either the projectile translational degrees of freedom are treated classically or semiclassically (heavy projectiles) and surface vibrational degrees of freedom quantum mechanically, or vice versa, the light projectile is treated quantum mechanically and surface degrees of freedom classically. Semiclassical and quantum treatments of the projectile were in such schemes often carried out by employing di!erent forms of the wavepacket method, ranging from Gaussian wavepacket method [75], to time-dependent mean "eld approach [258], to quantum closed coupled wavepacket method but in a reduced number of dimensions and/or single-site approximation [267]. A semiclassical treatment based on the TA for projectile motion and the stochastic approximation for phonon excitation probabilities (which also neglects projectile recoil) has been pursued to treat inelastic scattering of heavier (Ar) and light (He) atoms from #at surfaces [268]. The classical treatment of surface vibrations was usually pursued in the framework of the generalized Langevin equation [269]. A review on these works and an exhaustive list of relevant references was presented by Gerber [41].
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HAS-TOF measurements yield the scattering spectra that are both energy and angular resolved, which means that the change of three quantum numbers characterizing the projectile motion, viz., its energy and parallel momentum, are accessed in experiment. However, in the quantum scattering regime which is typical of HAS, it is di$cult to make predictions on these aspects of the scattering event within the framework of classical and semiclassical theories. In particular, this is so for nonintegrated quantities as are, for instance, few phonon excitation probabilities and their relative intensities. Even some integrated quantities like the Debye}Waller factors can be also very sensitive to the transition from a quantum to a semiclassical scattering regime [270,271]. Hence, a quantum treatment of inelastic light atom}surface scattering proves indispensable under the most scattering conditions typical of thermal energy HAS experiments. 3.3.3. Standard quantum scattering models. Inelastic scattering intensities and reyection coezcients Quantum collision theory, encompassing also quantum theory of inelastic scattering, is a wellestablished "eld [272,273] within which the problem of atom}surface scattering can be rigorously formulated and dealt with. Inelastic atom}surface scattering can be most conveniently treated as a two-potential scattering problem. To demonstrate this we shall denote the total Hamiltonian governing the collision by p #;(r)#H#<(r) , H" 2M
where, following the notation of the preceding sections, ;(r)"; (r) denotes the static compon ent (assumed strong) of the total projectile}surface potential, <(r) is the dynamic component of the atom}surface interaction (assumed weak), and H is the Hamiltonian of the unperturbed phonons. Since the static component of the potential is assumed to be strong, this part of the scattering problem must be solved "rst so as to include the e!ects of the strong potential to all orders in the coupling constant. The Hamiltonian describing elastic scattering from ;(r) is given by p H " #;(r)#H"H #H 2M
and the corresponding scattering eigenfunctions for projectile energy equal to incident energy, i.e. outgoing and incoming distorted waves !(r), are obtained from the equation [272] G 1 ; i , (123) !" 1# G E !H $i G where i is the noninteracting initial state of the system given by the Kronecker product of the plane wave state of the projectile and the phonon state vector, E is the energy associated with the G initial state i, and "0>. Here we have introduced, for simplicity, a joint state index i which stands for the set of indices denoting the initial quantum numbers of the projectile and phonons. In concrete experimental situations the initial phonon state may be taken as described by the Bose}Einstein distribution of phonons in a crystal at the temperature ¹ . The scattering wavefunc tions (123) describe elastic processes like rainbow scattering, di!raction, selective adsorption and desorption, di!use scattering and their possible combinations (cf. Sections 2.2 and 2.3).
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The elements of the scattering matrix describing the transitions of the system in which the projectile is scattered from one distorted state to another under the action of the dynamical potential <"<(r), are written in terms of distorted states ! in the form [272] S " \ >!2i (E !E ) \ < > DG D G D G D G
1 < > " \ >!2i (E !E ) \ <#< D G D G D G E !H#i G
where H"H #<
\ >" !2i (E !E ) \ ; i"S3 D G DG D G D DG
are the elements of the on-the-energy-shell scattering matrix in the presence of ; but in the absence of the dynamical interaction <. The symbol > denotes the outgoing scattering wavefunction which for P0> is an eigenstate of the total Hamiltonian (121) corresponding to energy E and G obtained from the equation
1 < > . >" 1# G G E !H#i G
This equation is derived in formal scattering theory [272] where it is shown how the state > can G be developed from the precollision state > under the action of potential < which is adiabatically G switched on during the `half-collision perioda, i.e. at the time rate /. Thus, the duration of the interval during which the evolution of > from the precollision state > takes place under the G action of perturbation < spatially extending over an in"nite surface, is given by ¸ t" X . G v XG
Note also that within the normalization of wavefunctions "xed by expression (86) we have 1 t" . G j XG
In an analogous fashion the incoming scattered wave which develops from the postcollision packet \ is obtained from D
1 < \ \" 1# D D E !H!i D
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and the time associated with the `postcollision half-perioda is ¸ 1 t " X" . D v j XD XD
However, t and t should not be straightforwardly identi"ed with the collision time proper which G D can be estimated from t "d/v where d is the range of <(r) in the direction perpendicular to the X surface. Furthermore, it can be shown that the scattering states satisfy orthonormality relations [272]: ! !" D G DG
and that the full S-matrix is given by (cf. Eq. (126)) S " \ > DG D G
and satis"es the unitarity property: SR S " . DI IG DG I
In the following, we shall be interested in inelastic collisions generated by the dynamic potential < which inelastically scatters the distorted waves !. Hence, we denote the o!-the-energy-shell matrix elements of the ¹4-matrix by ¹4 " \ < >" \ ¹4 > . DG D G D G
By comparing Eqs. (127) and (135), which hold between the states of the same energy, one can extend the notion of the transition operator ¹4 o! the energy shell so as that it acts on the whole Hilbert space of the eigenstates of the operator H , viz., ¹4"<#<
1 1 <"<#< ¹4 , E!H #i E!H#i
where now ¹4 is a function of the parameter E. The second term on the RHS of (136) is obtained by manipulating with the resolvents of H and H [272]. By constraining the operator ¹4 on the energy shell E"E (as is e!ected by the energy-conserving -function in expression (124)), it G generates the outgoing scattered state from > and its complex conjugate generates the incoming G scattered state from \. Now, combining Eqs. (124), (134) and (136) one can derive the G well-known optical theorem [272]: Im ¹4"! ¹4 (E !E ) , GG DG D G D in which all the matrix elements are taken between the states of the same energy.
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We now introduce the notion of inelastic re#ection coe$cient using the above formulae. We start from the expression for inelastic transition rate per unit time [272] 2 w " \ ¹4 > (E !E ) D G D G DG
and sum it over all "nal phonon quantum numbers because only the projectile "nal quantum numbers are measured in TOF scattering experiments. Then, we divide the resulting expression by the incident projectile #ux which within the present normalization for distorted waves (86) reads as j v XG . j" G " G ¸¸ ¸ cos G X
This gives for state-to-state cross section: "(¸ cos );R"5 , DG G DG
where ¸ cos is the geometrical cross section of the beam which intercepts the surface. Hence, the G dimensionless state-to-state inelastic re#ection coe$cient in the distorted wave (DW) basis is de"ned by [219}221] 2 R"5" \ ¹4 > (E !E ) . DG D G D G
j XG
Expression (141) will prove useful in the subsequent discussions of inelastic scattering events. Here the energy-conserving -function should be considered in the sense of a distribution, i.e. a limiting form of the expression / lim " (E !E ) , D G (E !E )# G E> D
which arises in the wavepacket formulation of the S-matrix, and thereby also of on-the-energy-shell ¹-matrix, by assuming an adiabatic switching on of the interaction < at the time rate /. The latter is equivalent to assuming an adiabatic feeding in of the precollision wavepacket (i.e. the initial state distorted wave) into the region of interaction at the time rate /. For the sake of generality a remark on some peculiarities of the distorted waves (123) is due at this point. The static potential ;(r) may also support bound states of the projectile that are localized in the surface region. Therefore, in a general case the eigenstates of H may belong either to the delocalized continuum states or localized bound states, as has already been discussed in connection with expressions (89)}(91). In that case the wavepacket formulation of the scattering event, which assumes that the projectile leaves the region of interaction after the collision (or equivalently that < is switched on and o! adiabatically to guarantee energy conservation (142)), may need a re"nement. In the presence of bound states the projectile may under the in#uence of the interaction < make inelastic transitions into one of these surface-localized states by emission of phonons and hence remain trapped at the surface provided the same phonon is not bound to be
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reabsorbed by the projectile again [274]. For this not to take place it is essential that phonons be also treated as wavepackets leaving the region of interaction with the projectile. This holds if the crystal is assumed to be in"nite or subject to the periodic boundary conditions in which phonons can freely propagate. In that case all expressions (124)}(141) hold irrespective of whether the "nal state quantum numbers f encompass the projectile bound state quantum numbers or not. For #at surfaces for which ;(r)";(z) the distorted waves describing projectile motion are obtained as solutions of Eq. (85). In this case the outgoing and incoming scattering wavefunctions in the direction perpendicular to the surface, >X (z) and \X (z), respectively, di!er only by an I I irrelevant phase factor which can be set equal to unity. Hence, the 3D scattering states ! can be represented by wavefunctions of type (86) with real 1D stationary waves X (z), which satisfy I orthogonality relations (90). In this situation the above formulae (123)}(136) assume simpler forms from which several useful conditions and properties of the inelastic scattering events can be derived. 3.3.4. Debye}Waller factors A useful information pertaining to the scattering from statically #at surfaces is the probability of elastic specular scattering, previously termed the Debye}Waller factor. That probability is obtained by taking the absolute square of the diagonal element S of the S-matrix. Starting from Eq. GG (124), noting that for #at surfaces \ >" , and making use of the optical theorem (137) we D G DG "nd S "1! \ ¹4 >2 (E !E ) . (143) GG D G D G D$G Here the square of the energy-conserving -function should be taken in the sense of a distribution and can be dealt with on noticing that for such distributions the following equivalence holds [272,251]: 1 t 2 (E !E )P2 (E !E ) G " 2 (E !E ) . D G D G D G j XG
Substituting (144) back into (143) we obtain 2 \ ¹4 > (E !E )"1! R"5 , S " \ S4 >"e\5"1! D G D G DG GG G G
j D$G D$G XG (145) where the form exp(!2=) has been introduced for later notational convenience. Result (145) states that the intensity of the elastically scattered beam is depleted due to the projectile coupling to the phonon "eld. This coupling gives rise to real and virtual phonon excitations and both act so as to e!ectively reduce the elastically scattered beam intensity. Real phonon emission and absorption processes are constrained to the energy shell and will be associated with the appearance of energy-conserving -functions in R"5 and hence contribute to the `on-the-energy-shella DeDG bye}Waller factor. On the other hand, virtual phonon exchange is not constrained by energy conservation involving projectile energy but only by phonon number conservation. Hence, virtual
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excitation of phonons induced by the dynamic interaction < in the matrix elements (135) can contribute only to the renormalization of on-shell real phonon processes induced by the same interaction in the full ¹4 operator. In the standard diagrammatic representation of scattering events these processes will give rise to vertex renormalizations of interactions and such renormalizations may become signi"cant in the case of nonlinear projectile}phonon coupling [245]. It is also clear from the structure of expression (135) that for linear projectile}phonon coupling of the form given by the second term on the RHS of (93), the virtual phonon exchange cannot occur in the "rst-order DWBA expression for the transition matrix in which the role of ¹4 is taken over by "5 <. These aspects of the scattering problem will be discussed in more detail in Section 5 in the course of development of the scattering spectrum formalism and its application to concrete systems. 3.3.5. Applications of standard quantum scattering models in descriptions of atom}phonon scattering intensities: Successes and limitations The formalism outlined in Sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 is exact and systematic in that it lends itself to either perturbative or nonperturbative treatments of the S- or ¹4-matrix. Some of these approaches, in particular the semiclassical nonperturbative ones, have been brie#y outlined in the preceding sections. At the very start of developments of fully quantum approaches to atom}surface scattering, which would in one way or another make use of expressions of the form (141), analogies with the Glauber}van Hove quantum theory of neutron scattering from crystals [243,244] were pursued in several aspects. As the scattering of thermal neutrons from solids has yielded information on the structural and dynamic properties of crystal lattices, the same expectations arose in connection with the atom}surface scattering experiments. In the pioneering work of Cabrera et al. [52] the ¹-matrix formalism in the distorted wave basis corresponding to averaged atom}surface potential has been developed for treating elastic scattering from surface corrugation. In order to be able to calculate higher-order contributions from the corrugation potential, the authors have introduced an e!ective decoupling scheme resting on the approximation that only on-the-energy-shell processes (i.e. imaginary parts of the projectile Green functions) contribute to the ¹-matrix. The summation of in"nite number of such contributions secured unitarity of the solution which is otherwise violated in distorted wave Born approximation or any approximation taking into account only a "nite number of terms in the perturbation expansion of ¹-matrix. In an extension of Ref. [52] to inelastic scattering Manson and Celli [90] have "rst presented a detailed derivation of the "rst-order distorted wave Born approximation expression for the inelastic one-phonon re#ection coe$cient based on Eq. (141) in which the full ¹4-matrix was replaced by the "rst term in its perturbation expansion, viz., by \ < >. The thus-obtained D G DWBA re#ection coe$cient, R"5 , su$ces for interpreting the one-phonon excitation intensities DG in TOF spectra recorded in the single-phonon scattering regime. This application of R"5 is of DG utmost importance because it provides a theoretical support for the experimental determination of phonon dispersion curves, and this is the "eld in which HAS has proven one of its major utilities (cf. Section 2.4). In a generalization of this theory, Goodman and Tan [278] have combined the CCGM approach [52] for elastic scattering from corrugated surfaces with the unitarized theory of one-phonon scattering from #at surfaces developed by Goodman [279] to derive the one-phonon inelastic structures around di!racted peaks in the scattering distributions. The model has been applied to the experimental data on helium}silver [91] and helium}lithium #uoride [92] systems
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and a qualitative agreement with experiments has been found. However, from the present perspective these results should be taken with caution due to the simple input for the phonon density of states (essentially a modi"ed bulk Debye model) and the low resolution of the experimental data at that early stage of HAS experiments. Combining the ¹-matrix formalism with the hard corrugated wall model of atom}surface potential Armand and Manson [280] and Benedek and Garcia [281] obtained the expressions for re#ection coe$cients appropriate to the description of elastic and one-phonon inelastic scattering from vibrating strongly corrugated surfaces. This approach enabled identi"cation of the Rayleigh and Lucas modes in the HAS-TOF spectra from LiF(1 0 0) surface [282]. Bortolani and collaborators have combined the "rst-order distorted wave ¹-matrix formalism with the dynamical matrix analysis of surface vibrations to calculate the one-phonon inelastic re#ection coe$cients for a number of #at crystal surfaces investigated by HAS (for review see Refs. [28,30], and Section 2.4). The common practice in this approach was to start from the sum of e!ective pair potentials (50) describing He}surface atom interactions and expand them up to "rst order in lattice atom displacements, as outlined in Eq. (93). For #at surfaces only the surface average ;(z) of ;(r) was retained for construction of distorted waves !. The obtained distorted waves were allowed to be scattered by <(r) given by the second term on the RHS of (93) which is linear in the displacements of lattice atoms. Here, the major task is to carry out a calculation of the matrix element \ k <> k which due to its importance in further developments is illustrated D G below. Starting from expressions (29), (39), (86), (93) and (94) one can write
(aQ #aR Q ) dz XD (z) XG (z) kD < kG " H \ H I I ¸ ¸ 2M N Q Q H X l *X G HG ;
dR e\ KD \KG RF (r!rl , z!z ) ) e (Q, j)e QRl >RG G G G G
" (aQ #aR Q ) KD KG Q G H \ H \ \ ¸¸ Q G 2NQ H X H f (K !K , k , k ) ) e (Q, j) GR G XD XG G ; G D e\ G . (M G G
To obtain this expression we have used the identity exp[!i(K !K !Q)Rl ]"N KD KG Q G , D G \ \ ! l G
where ¸ N" , A
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A is the area of the surface unit cell, and the matrix element of the force exerted on the projectile by the th crystal atom from the unit cell is given by f (K !K , k , k )" XD [!i(K !K ), /z]v (K !K , z!z ) XG D G G D G G I G D G XD XG I
dz DX (z) XG (z) I I dz XD (z) XG (z) I I
dR e\ KD \KG RF (R, z!z ) G G dR e\ KD \KG R[!i(K !K ), /z]v (R, z!z ) . D G G G (149)
Combining the last line on the RHS of Eq. (146) with expression (149) we observe that the one-phonon interaction matrix element (146) contains scalar products of the form e (Q, j) ) [!i(Q#G), /z] , G
which by acting as operators on v (R, z!z ) determine the selection rules for excitation of phonon G G modes of particular polarization. Hence, for in-sagittal-plane scattering and along a high-symmetry direction of the crystal the scalar product (150) for modes of pure SH-polarization having zero polarization component in the z-direction is zero in the "rst SBZ because e (Q, SH)NQ. The G application of this selection rule rules out the excitation of SH-modes in the "rst SBZ for geometries of in-sagittal-plane scattering along a high-symmetry direction of the crystal. The DWBA re#ection coe$cient for all possible one-phonon emission processes, thermally averaged over initial phonon states, is given by
f (K !K , k , k ) ) e (Q, j) GR n(Q )#1 G XD XG G H R"5 (k , k )" G D e\ G D G A ¸¸ Q G v Q (M X H XG H G G ; KD
#E XD !EKG !E XG # Q ) . H I I
An analogous expression for one-phonon absorption processes (note that Q "!Q ) reads as H H
f (K !K , k , k ) ) e (Q, j) GR n(Q ) G XD XG G H G D R"5 (k , k )" e\ G D G A ¸¸ Q G v Q (M X H XG H G G ; KD
#E XD !EKG !E XG ! Q ) . I I H
In both expressions (151) and (152) the projectile "nal energy E may belong either to the XD continuum or the bound state energy spectrum. The di!erence between expressions (151) and (152) is most easily visualized after substitution QP!Q in the sum over Q in expression (152). The latter is then found to di!er from expression (151) only in the Bose occupation number factor and the sign of the phonon energy in the argument of the energy-conserving -function.
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In order to get meaningful values for the re#ection coe$cient in the case of scattering processes proper (E '0) that would be free from normalization factors ¸¸ , one has to multiply XD X expressions (151) and (152) by the di!erential of the volume of phase space corresponding to the "nal state quantum numbers. For the set (K , k ) this is given by [¸¸ /(2)] dK dk from D XD X D XD which transitions to other combinations of the "nal state quantum numbers can be easily carried out (see also Section 5.1). Thereby the normalization factor ¸¸ is cancelled out and the remaining X expression is a dimensionless quantity describing the di!erential inelastic scattering probability into the di!erential element of the phase space described by the "nal state quantum numbers. This procedure will be described in more detail in the following sections in which a direct comparison between the measured and calculated scattering probabilities will be made. Reviews of the applications of this formalism in the interpretation of inelastic one-phonon scattering spectra from a number of #at crystal surfaces are presented in Refs. [28,30]. A combination of the formalisms of one-phonon inelastic re#ection coe$cients and closed coupled equations has been employed by Eichenauer and Toennies [283] to study and interpret the e!ects of di!raction resonances on inelastic HAS from the strongly corrugated LiF(0 0 1) surface. A similar study of the same system was carried out by Nichols and Weare [284] using the model of hard corrugated surface with an attractive well. Expressions for inelastic re#ection coe$cients (151) and (152) can be used to illustrate the phenomenon of kinematic focusing for in-sagittal-plane one-phonon atom}surface scattering [285]. The "nal projectile state can be speci"ed either by the quantum numbers (K , k ) or D XD (K , E ), whichever turns out more convenient for describing the results of measurements. In TOF D D spectroscopy the measured scattering intensity is expressed in terms of energy transfer E"E(K)"E !E , usually for "xed angles of scattering # " . The inelastic oneD G G D 1" phonon scattering intensity in a small energy interval E in a TOF spectrum is then obtained from
R"5 (E, , ) d(E) G D
and contributions to this integral come from the on-the-energy shell processes projected by the energy-conserving -function present in (151) and (152), viz., from intersections of the scan curve with the branches of phonon dispersion curves. As the TOF measurements sample out contributions from a segment of the scan curve in the interval K, it may be more convenient to change to K as the integration variable. This is e!ected by transforming the energy-conserving -functions in (151) and (152) according to (E(K)$ (K, j)) d(E)P )H
E(K) E(K) (K, j) \ ! K K K
; (K!K ) d(K) , H
where K denote the points of intersection of the scan curve with the jth phonon branch H dispersion curve. When two such intersections coalesce, i.e. when the scan curve osculates the phonon dispersion curve, the factor multiplying the -function on the RHS of expression (154) becomes singular. The singular behavior can be evaluated for particular E(K) and (K, j)
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dependences and scattering geometries [219,285] and thus the maxima in the scattering spectra originating from kinematic focusing e!ects can be predicted [285}287] and distinguished from other resonance and focusing e!ects in scattering [288,289]. Another type of inelastic focusing e!ects in which the incident beams with a small spread of energy are focused into a very narrow range of "nal scattering angles has been demonstrated by Miret-ArteH s [65]. This type of focusing occurs due to the singular character of the relevant Jacobian relating the initial state wavevector to the "nal state scattering angle. In combination with excitation of a surface phonon (e.g. the RW), this e!ect can give rise to pronounced and sharp peaks in angular distributions of scattered particles which cannot be associated with other resonance e!ects [289]. A way to remedy the de"ciency of R"5 , Eqs. (151) and (152), such that it does not obey the DG unitarity condition and hence is inapplicable outside the weak coupling regime, has been already proposed by Manson and Celli [90] in the same paper in which the form of R"5 equivalent to DG expressions (151) and (152) has been formulated. There the authors have demonstrated a unitary treatment of one-phonon processes in what is an on-the-energy shell version of the Tamm}Danco! approximation [275] which allows only one-phonon propagation in intermediate time intervals. However, as such an approximation samples out only a very restricted class of essentially one-phonon contributions to the ¹4-matrix, its e!ect mainly reduces to providing the one-phonon Debye}Waller factor calculated within the same approximation. Therefore the merits of this procedure, apart from producing unitary results, are rather limited because in the single-phonon scattering regime the role of the DWF is not essential due to the presence of other factors which can also uniformly rescale the one-phonon scattering intensities. Levi and Suhl [276] have proposed in their seminal paper on the Debye}Waller factor in atom}surface scattering the treatment of R"5 in close analogy with the Glauber}van Hove DG treatment of "rst-order Born approximation expression for neutron scattering from crystal lattices. The "rst step in following this analogy is to separate the argument of the -function in (141) as E !E "E # !E ! "E!( ! ) , D G D D G G G D
where and are the initial and "nal state energies of the phonon system, respectively. In the next G D step the function (E! # ) is eliminated by introducing its Fourier transform (FT) in the G D time variable and this FT contains exponentials exp($i ) and exp($i ) that can be regarded G D as eigenvalues of the operator exp($iH) when acting on initial or "nal unperturbed phonon states, respectively [277]. This enables to convert expression (141) into a Fourier transform of the time-dependent correlation function
1 d exp[i(E)/ ][¹RkG kD (0)¹kG kD ()\ , R (E)" DG
j XG \
in which [2\ denotes thermal average over initial phonon states, the ¹kG kD -matrix is obtained by taking the matrix elements of ¹4-operator (136) between the initial and "nal distorted wave states of the projectile, and the -evolution of the thus-de"ned ¹-matrix is governed by the crystal phonon Hamiltonian only: ¹()"exp(iH/ )¹ exp(!iH/ ) .
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Levi and Suhl [276] have demonstrated the usefulness of expression (156) for analyzing the properties of elastic scattering and the corresponding DWF in the various scattering regimes, including the strictly quantum one. However, they have not examined the advantages and the range of applicability of expression (156) in the inelastic quantum scattering regime. Rather, this formula has been mainly used to develop semiclassical nonperturbative forms of the scattering matrix, in particular for the construction of eikonal approximation expression for the ¹-matrix [28] discussed earlier. An illustration of application of expression (156) in the plane wave basis instead of the distorted wave basis was presented by Armand and Manson [290]. Their point of departure was the corrugated hard wall (HCW) model in which inelastic re#ections were treated to all orders in the HCW potential and for inelastic ones the linearization procedure was introduced, thereby allowing the treatment of one real phonon exchange processes only. The most important result of that work was a clear realization of the existence of one and the same DWF for elastic and inelastic scattering processes which is independent of a particular approximation employed for its derivation (Born or eikonal approximation formalism). A systematic treatment of phonon excitation probabilities based on the integral equation for the ¹4-matrix in the distorted wave basis has been presented in a series of papers by Armand, Manson and Jayanthi. Making use of the -Fourier transform of the resolvent corresponding to the distorted wave Hamiltonian H in expression (136), viz.,
!i d e\ E\& > EO , (E!H #i)\"
the integral equation for the ¹4-matrix in energy space is converted into an integral equation in the -space:
> EO ¹4(0) , d e\ & O <()e EG \&
in which <()"exp(iH/ )< exp(!iH/ ) is expressed in the interaction picture with the unperturbed phonon Hamiltonian. This equation can then be solved by iteration [291] in terms of the dynamic potential <. In principle, this procedure allows for treating the one- and multiphonon vertices arising from linear and nonlinear projectile coupling, respectively, on an equivalent footing. A general discussion of the contributions to the DWF [291] and re#ection coe$cient from one-, and two-phonon processes [292,293], as well as from multiphonon processes [294}296] has been elaborated. This approach is exact and systematic, but in its concrete applications one cannot avoid introduction of simpli"cations into the scattering model in order to make the calculations feasible. The major simpli"cation which enabled a straightforward evaluation of the various thermal averages occurring in the expansion of the ¹4-matrix was the assumption of a onedimensional thermally vibrating repulsive exponential potential. This enabled pursuing the expansion of the ¹4-matrix quite far and obtaining the limiting forms of higher-order contributions both in powers of the coupling constant and in the numbers of exchanged phonons. A very important result of these studies has been the conclusion that multiple phonon vertices (arising from nonlinear
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coupling) give, under the scattering conditions investigated, much smaller contribution to the inelastic re#ection coe$cient than a sequential exchange of the same number of phonons but arising from single-phonon vertices originating from the linear coupling of the form (96). Fig. 1 in Ref. [294] illustrates a few lower-order Feynman diagrams arising from the expansion of the ¹4-matrix and comprising one- and two-phonon vertices that arise from linear and nonlinear projectile}phonon coupling. Irrespective of the simplicity of the scattering model used, this theoretical "nding justi"es the introduction of an enormous simpli"cation in the structure of the scattering potential, viz., that under standard experimental conditions in HAS the form of the potential given by the sum of the "rst two terms on the RHS of Eq. (93) can be used with con"dence because all higher-order terms would produce only negligible corrections. 3.4. The search for a unixed approach As has been pointed out in preceding sections, various theoretical approaches have been developed to interpret the results of atom}surface scattering experiments. The applicability of these approaches depends to a large extent on the scattering regime (classical, semiclassical or quantum) in which the experiments have been carried out. At higher incident energies and for larger projectile mass the semiclassical nonperturbative treatments (e.g. the eikonal and TA approaches discussed earlier in this section) proved useful in describing the inelastic scattering probabilities in the dominantly multiphonon scattering regime. However, the majority of HAS experiments that have been carried out so far require a quantum interpretation of the results of measurements. This is particularly important in the single-phonon scattering regime in which the dispersion curves of surface-localized vibrations of di!erent polarizations have been investigated. Here, the utility of HAS is fully exploited by a careful analysis of the exchange of projectile parallel momentum and energy with surface vibrations, and hence the interpretation of the results depends crucially on the ability to accurately describe the threedimensional character of the interactions. Whereas there exist detailed formalisms (e.g. the standard ¹-matrix approach) and recipes on how to ful"ll this requirement in the single-phonon scattering regime, the passage to the multiphonon scattering regime has usually been made at the expense of a full account of the complex character of interactions governing the collision. Namely, in a general situation it is only possible to evaluate higher-order terms in perturbation expansion of the ¹-matrix in terms of the number of excited phonons by invoking extremely simplifying assumptions, and to achieve the unitarity conditions for the scattering amplitudes is usually a very problematic task. On the other hand, in the alternative semiclassical approaches which allow full treatment of the multiphonon excitations and preserve the unitarity of the excitation spectrum, like the TA, the rigor is lost because of the neglect of a quantum character of propagation of the projectile. This, for instance, gives rise to erroneous predictions on the total energy transfer in the quantum multiphonon scattering regime [297], which represents a serious de"ciency in the theoretical studies of gas}surface collisions. Hence, from all that has been said so far about the various theoretical formalisms developed and applied to analyze inelastic He atom scattering spectra, it turns out that a more uni"ed approach that would cover several di!erent scattering regimes is needed for the interpretation of TOF experiments. Such an approach should combine the merits of formerly developed formalisms best applicable in particular scattering regimes and also should enable smooth transitions in the
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parameter space between the neighboring regimes. Thus, the requirements on a uni"ed approach for treating inelastic HAS could be summarized in the following few points: (i) Quantum formalism: The scattering conditions typical of HAS and the interpretation of measurements clearly require a uni"ed description in which the projectile motion and the surface vibrations are both treated fully quantum mechanically. Also, it should be possible, at least in principle, to establish a formal equivalence between this approach and the one based on the ¹-matrix formalism. (ii) Unitarity: The uni"ed approach should exhibit the property of unitarity in that the sum of all scattering probabilities, elastic and inelastic, should be equal to unity for unit incident current of the projectile particles. In other words, the scattering amplitudes should satisfy the optical theorem. In the jargon of surface scattering this statement may be reformulated in terms of the existence of a Debye}Waller factor which provides normalization proper for the spectrum of all scattering intensities. (iii) Full account of the surface vibrational dynamics: It should also be possible to incorporate a complete description of surface vibrational dynamics into the uni"ed scattering formalism, either by using the dynamical matrix approach, Green's function or a similar method for the description of lattice dynamics. (iv) Correct limit in the one-phonon scattering regime: In the limit of weak coupling the formalism should reproduce the quantum results obtained in the one-phonon scattering regime with full account of the three-dimensional character of projectile}phonon interactions and phonon polarizations. (v) Quantum treatment of multiphonon scattering in three dimensions: In the limit of enhanced projectile}phonon coupling and the increase of projectile incident energy the formalism should smoothly interpolate between the quantum one-phonon scattering regime, described by the DWBA, and the semiclassical scattering regime in which the trajectory approximation for projectile motion yields reasonable results. However, it should be possible to establish such a transition without resorting to simplifying forms of the one-dimensional interactions and oversimpli"ed phonon densities of states. In this limit all the limits discussed in connection with the application of the TA should be retrieved. The above-listed requirements, in fact, imply the search for a possibility of `resummationa of the perturbation series for the S-matrix in powers of the coupling constant so as to generate a new series characterized by renormalized small parameters which would guarantee its faster convergence and preservation of unitarity. This is a rather demanding goal but, as will be demonstrated in the subsequent sections, it is possible to achieve it within the scattering spectrum formalism devised for treating atom}surface collisions.
4. Scattering spectrum approach in the theoretical description of inelastic inert atom scattering from surfaces 4.1. Formulation of the scattering spectrum expression and its relation to the TOF spectra The beginnings of a uni"ed quantum treatment of inelastic particle}surface scattering, which would ful"ll the requirements listed and discussed in Section 3.4, can be traced back to the 1970s
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when MuK ller-Hartmann et al. [250] and Brenig [298] proposed the study of the scattering probability distribution as a function of energy transfer between the projectile particle and the dynamical degrees of freedom of the solid in order to gain information on the collision. This approach is based on a quantum treatment of temporal evolution of the system described by the total Hamiltonian H"H #H#H ,
where H "p/2M and H describe the noninteracting subsystems of the projectile particle and the crystal degrees of freedom, respectively, and H is the projectile}crystal interaction. If not stated otherwise, H will denote in the following the Hamiltonian of quantized harmonic vibrations of a perfect crystal lattice, i.e. free bulk and surface phonons (cf. Eq. (41)). Generalizations of H to other degrees of freedom typical of the crystal heatbath are straightforward [42}44]. H describes the interaction giving rise to scattering of the projectile from the initial unperturbed eigenstate of H into all possible scattering channels, elastic and inelastic. To simplify the procedure one usually resorts to the description in which H is "rst separated into the strong static and much weaker dynamic projectile}crystal interactions ; and <, respectively (cf. Section 3.3.3, Eqs. (121) and (122)), viz., H "; #< ";#g< ,
where the coupling constant g (to be eventually set equal to unity) has been introduced for later convenience. It is further postulated that while the projectile is far away from the surface the coupling between the two subsystems is zero. As the projectile approaches the surface the interaction H is switched on, and is again switched o! when the projectile leaves the interaction region as tPR. Following the two-potential scattering approach outlined in Section 3.3.3, the problem can be formulated within the distorted wave formalism. We assume that the strong static perturbation ; causes projectile elastic scattering from the crystal surface and thereby renormalizes the projectile initial free wave motion into a motion described by the distorted wave state > k . G This state is an eigenstate of H "H #; which satis"es the scattering boundary conditions and hence can be obtained from the limiting procedure described by Eq. (123). Such renormalized motion is then perturbed by the dynamic interaction < which induces inelastic transitions of the projectile from one distorted wave state to another. In this process the energy and parallel momentum transfer between the projectile and the crystal takes place whereby the latter is excited from the initial state to a "nal state . The "nal state of the entire scattering system is obtained from the limiting procedure of collision theory in which the long time limit of the evolution operator of the system or the S-operator, S"U(tPR, tP!R), is allowed to act on the initial unperturbed state of the system. In doing so we assume that at time tP!R the projectile is prepared far away from the surface in a well-de"ned sharp and coherent initial state characterized by k (or, equivalently, in terms of the projectile parallel momentum K and energy E ), which is G G G feasible with the present-day beam-scattering apparatuses (cf. Section 2). We also assume that the crystal is in contact with a heat reservoir and the probability that at temperature ¹ the crystal is in a state with energy is given by p . Then the state of the system at tPR, which has evolved ? ? I 4)> I 4 is on-thefrom the state > k , "> k , is given by S> k , "(1!2i¹ k , where ¹ G G G G energy shell component of ¹4 de"ned by Eq. (136).
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We shall be interested in the probability density NkG (E) that an amount of energy 2 E"E !E has been transferred during the scattering event from the projectile to the crystal D G degrees of freedom. This quantity, hereafter referred to as the scattering spectrum, is obtained by projecting out from the "nal state wavefunction of the system all the components satisfying the condition of a given amount of energy transfer E, and then summing up the absolute squares of their amplitudes. Taking for the required projection operator the operator function (E! #H), the desired scattering spectrum can be set up in the form [24,25, ? 28,250,251,254,298] NkG
(E)" p > , SR (E! #H)S> k , . G ? kG ? ?
This can be calculated once the free crystal Hamiltonian H is speci"ed and the outgoing distorted waves > k and the scattering operator S are known. Note also in passing that since we G have de"ned expression (162) in terms of distorted waves, the present scattering operator S corresponds to S4 of Section 3.3.3. Inserting the complete set of incoming scattering states \ k , , on D which H is diagonal, between the S-operator and the -function in the expression on the RHS of (162), we obtain NkG
(E)" p \ k , S> k , (E! # ) . D G ? @ ? k D ?@
A comparison of this expression with expressions (124) and (126) clearly demonstrates why quantity (162) can be termed the scattering spectrum. Thus, the problem of calculating the scattering spectrum (162) is equivalent to calculating the matrix elements of the scattering operator in expression (163). This establishes the desired formal link between the scattering spectrum formalism and the standard S-matrix (or the ¹-matrix) formalism that was required in Section 3.4. Here it should also be observed that on-the-energy-shell character of the scattering event is controlled by the scattering operator S and not by the -function on the RHS of (163) which only acts to select the probability amplitudes satisfying the given energy transfer condition. Expressions (162) and (163) for the scattering spectrum satisfy the unitarity condition
N kG
(E) d(E)"1 ,
by virtue of the unitarity properties of the operator S. Although the authors of Refs. [250,298], after having introduced expressions of the form (162), resorted to the recoilless trajectory approximation to describe the projectile motion already at the early stage of their evaluation of the S-operator in expression (162), and thereby obtained a formula equivalent to Eq. (110), the starting expression (162) enables a uni"ed treatment along the lines discussed in Section 3.4. Moreover, since the TOF experiments provide information on all three good quantum numbers specifying the projectile translational motion, i.e. in the present case on the change of the projectile two-dimensional parallel momentum K and energy E, the approach of Eq. (162) can be conveniently generalized [28] to de"ne the parallel momentum and energy
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resolved scattering spectrum which could be directly related to the measured TOF spectra. Denoting by PK the parallel momentum operator of the crystal and assuming "rst a simpler case in which is an eigenstate of this operator with the corresponding eigenvalue P , the energy and ? parallel momentum resolved scattering spectrum is de"ned by [24,25,28,251] (E, K)" p > , SR (E! #H) ( K!P #PK )S> (165) k , . G ? kG ? ? ? In a more general case in which the state is not a momentum eigenstate but is represented by a Bloch wave composed of the eigenstates Q #G of PK , viz., ? NkG
" C (G)Q #G , ? ? G
the generalization of expression (165) in terms of Bloch waves is straightforward [28]: NkG
(E, K)
" p C (G) ?G ? ? ; > k , Q #GSR (E! #H) [ K! (Q #G)#PK ]S> k , Q #G . (167) G G ? ? ? ? Upon integrating expression (167) over d(K) one retrieves the energy-resolved scattering spectrum (162). Hence, the energy and parallel momentum scattering spectrum given by expressions (165) and (167) satis"es the unitarity condition in (E, K) space:
N kG
(E, K) d(E) d(K)"1 .
In an analogous fashion as for spectrum (162) we can represent the energy and parallel momentum resolved scattering spectrum in terms of the S-matrix. Resorting for illustrative purposes to simpler expression (165) only, and making use of the completeness of the incoming distorted waves, we "nd (E, K)" p \ (169) k , S> k , (E! # ) ( K!P #P ) . D G ? ? @ ? @ k D ?@ In a TOF experiment only a limited subset of "nal projectile states described by the quantum numbers (K , E ) is measured. These states are selected by the TOF detection procedure in which D D the apparatus imposes an `instrumental windowa on the values of K and E detectable in a particular experimental arrangement. In the following, we shall for simplicity assume an ideal TOF apparatus that can produce incoming beams in the form of plane waves k "K , E and G G G detect the scattered particles only in the sagittal plane de"ned by K and the surface normal. We G shall model this role of the apparatus by a quantity called `instrumental functiona, FkG 1" (E, K), F where " # is the "xed total scattering angle. 1" G D NkG
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To illustrate the relation between the quantum-mechanically calculated scattering spectrum (165) and the TOF spectrum NkG (E, , ), which is expressed as a function of E and the 2 2-$ 2-$ "nal scattering angles and , it is convenient to introduce the coordinates in terms of 2-$ 2-$ which the constraint of in-sagittal-plane scattering can be most conveniently implemented. To this end we shall "rst orient the coordinate system so that the components of K point in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the sagittal plane. The condition that the TOF apparatus detects the scattered particles whose motion is restricted to the sagittal plane is then formulated such that only the particles with unchanged direction of in-surface-plane velocity enter the detector, viz., the particles for which v " K /MP0. The second condition is that for given E the change , , of parallel wavevector in the sagittal plane, K , is such that the projectile "nal velocity points in the direction . Third, we must also include a condition that takes account of a "nite detector 2-$ aperture of area A normal to the direction . Here we shall assume that the area of the surface D D illuminated by the incident beam is much larger than A . Then, the number of particles scattered D from the illuminated surface and hitting the area A is proportional to A /cos since the latter is D D D the e!ective area of the surface seen by the detector [34]. These conditions can be modelled by introducing the `instrumental functiona in the form A Const. D f (K )f ( ! ) , FkG 1" (E, K)K , F D 2-$ F v(E #E) cos D G
where for an idealized TOF apparatus: f (x)P (x) .
The prefactor given by the inverse of the "nal velocity of the particle, v "v(E #E), on the RHS D G of Eq. (170) arises from the proportionality of the number of ionized scattered beam particles counted by the detector with the time J1/v(E #E) that the particles need to traverse the G length of the detector ionization chamber. Next, we make use of the relation for the change of the in-sagittal-plane component of the parallel wavevector: M K " v(E #E) sin !k sin , G D G G
which enables us to write R(K ) dv d(K)"d(K ) d(K )"d(K ) DF , , Rv DF M ), " v(E #E) cos d d(K G D D ,
where the identity dv "v(E #E) d has been used. Expression (173) enables passing from DF G D integration of the scattering spectrum over d(E) d(K) to integration over the variables appear-
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ing on the RHS of expression (170). Combining expressions (170) and (173) enables us to establish the desired connection between the measured TOF and calculated scattering spectrum in the form NkG
(E, , sag)K NkG (E, K)FkG 1" (E, K) d(K) 2 F 2-$
"Const. NkG (E, K) 2
" Const.
MA D (K ) ( ! ) d d(K ) , D 2-$ D ,
MA D Nk (E, , sag) . G 2 2-$
Here sag in the argument of the spectra serves as a reminder that the initial and "nal state projectile wavevectors, k and k , respectively, are constrained to the sagittal plane. G D Expression (174) demonstrates that for in-sagittal-plane scattering the measured TOF and calculated scattering spectra are directly proportional and that the proportionality factor is a constant for a particular TOF spectrum (i.e. for "xed and ). This enables a direct 1" G comparison of the relative intensities of spectral features occurring at the same E in the measured and calculated spectra that correspond to the same scattering conditions. In other words, for in-sagittal-plane scattering the experimental and theoretical spectral intensities scale by a common factor. Finally, it should be noted that in the case of out-of-sagittal-plane scattering the simple proportionality (174) does not hold because for an arbitrary scattering direction, , the 2-$ instrumental function acquires a di!erent form. Also, whenever the role of the instrumental function can be more conveniently expressed through the projectile "nal state variables, it may prove more convenient to carry out the integration over the "nal projectile parallel wave vector K instead of over K: D d(K)PdK "[k(E #E)] cos sin d d "k k d . D G D D D D D DX D
Due to these additional complications arising in the description of out-of-sagittal-plane TOF spectra we shall avoid applications of the scattering spectrum formalism to such situations. 4.2. Development of the scattering spectrum formalism (SSF) In this subsection we shall develop a formalism for calculating the energy and parallel momentum resolved scattering spectrum starting from de"nition (165). A generalization in which the point of departure would be de"nition (167) is straightforward but as in this latter case the notation becomes cumbersome we shall refrain from pursuing it for the bene"t of clearer and more concise presentation. In the end, however, we shall restore the result which encompasses both forms of the initial state averages. We start from a standard trick to represent the energy and parallel momentum projecting -functions in expression (165) in terms of their Fourier transforms in - and R-space, respectively.
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This yields NkG
d dR (E, K)" p exp!(i/ )[(E! )!( K!P )R] 2 ? 2 (2 ) ? ? ?
K R)]S> ; > k , SR exp[!(i/ )(H!P k , . G G
Here it should be noted that the auxiliary integration variables (, R) used to represent the -functions in the form of Fourier integrals do not describe spatio-temporal evolution of the scattering system and that this information is contained solely in the scattering operator S. We proceed by expressing the total Hamiltonian of the scattering system as H"H #g< ,
where H is given by Eq. (122) and g< describes the dynamical interaction of the projectile with the phonons of the target. Here we have introduced for later convenience the coupling constant g which will eventually be set equal to unity. Expression (177) leads to the representation of the scattering operator in the interaction picture, S , according to ' S" lim e\ & R\R U (t, t )"S S , ' ' RR \
exp[!iH (t!t )/ ]. This enables us to transform the initial state where S "lim RR \ averages in (176) as NkG
(, R)" > K R)]S> k , SR exp[!(i/ )(H!P k , G G " > K R)]S > , k , SR exp[!(i/ )(H!P G ' ' kG " > K R)]> k , exp[!(i/ )(H!P k , , G G ' '
where H and PK are de"ned by the canonical transformations: ' ' H"SRHS , ' ' '
PK "SRPK S . ' ' '
Now, according to a general theorem [299] the operator U (t, t ), and thereby also S , can be ' ' represented in exponential form:
U (t, t )"e\ %RR "exp !i gLG (t, t ) , ' L L
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where G (t, t )'s are hermitian operators obtained from nested commutator expansions in powers L of the coupling constant g:
g R gG (t, t )" dt < (t ) ,
' R
R i(g/ ) R gG (t, t )"! dt dt [< (t ), < (t )] , ' ' 2 R R (g/ ) gG (t, t )" 4
dt [< (t ), [< (t ), < (t )]] ' ' '
1 R R R # dt dt dt [[< (t ), < (t )], < (t )] , ' ' ' 3 R R R
g (2) , gG (t, t )"
etc., where all other higher-order terms in the coupling constant comprise higher-order commutators [., [.., [2,.]]] of the dynamic interaction < (t )"e & RH <e\ & RH . ' H
Thus, the S-matrix in the interaction picture can be written in a general form S " lim e\ %RR "e\ %\"e\ % , ' RR \
which can be conveniently used to carry out the canonical transformation in expression (179) and to evaluate the diagonal matrix elements of the thus-obtained exponential operator. This procedure can be presented in a compact form by introducing a uni"ed vector notation for the variables and exponentiated operators: (, R)"(, X, Y)P( , , )" ,
E ,!K ,!K P( , , )" , V W
( , P )P , ? ? ?
H PK PK ,! V ,! W P(H , H , H )"H ,
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where due to the property that H and PK commute, also the components of the vector operator H commute with each other, i.e. [H , H ]"0 . J JY
Using the notation of expressions (189) we can write E !(K)R" " , J J
J PK PK H ! V X! W Y" H "H , J J
J H PK "(L , L , L )"L . SRHS " ' ,! ' ' '
This enables us to re-express Eq. (176) in a more compact form as NkG
(E, K)"NkG
d ()" p exp[!i(! )] > k , exp(!iL)> k , . G G ? (2 ) ? ? (194)
In the next step we make use of the identity iK SRAS "e %Ae\ %"A# GK[A] , (195) ' ' m! K where GK[A] denotes mth-order repeated commutator of G with an arbitrary operator A. We apply this to expression (193) to obtain the exponent in expression (194) in the form L"H#W
where H is given by Eq. (192) and iK W"(W , W , W )" GK[H] . & V W m! K This enables us to write > k , exp(!iL)> k , " > k , exp[!i(H#W)]> k , G G G G
and this form is amenable to standard treatments of evolution operator in quantum mechanics. On noticing that H" ?
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and introducing an auxiliary parameter , eventually to be set equal to unity, we can write > " > , k , exp[!i(H#W) ]> k , k , exp(!iH )U (, )> k , G G G G H ' H
where U (, ) satis"es a di!erential equation: ' R U (, )"!iW (, )U (, ) ' ' R '
W (, )"exp(iH )W exp(!iH ) , '
which is calculated in the `interaction representationa in the -space. Upon integrating Eq. (201) we obtain
U (, )"¹ exp !i ' H
d W (, ) , '
where ¹ is the ordering operator associated with the parameter . Hence, U (, ) acquires the H ' form of an evolution operator generated by the perturbing operator W in the -space. This "nally yields NkG
(E, K)"NkG
d exp(!i)[> k U (, "1)> k \, G G ' (2 )
where ... includes the initial state thermal average. Now, since the phonon quantum numbers in expression (204) are associated only with thermal averaging, it is clear that the same result is also obtained if one starts from expression (167) and repeats the above procedure. Hence, expression (204) is a general result for the scattering spectra (165) and (167) and yields information on the relative change of the quantum state of the heatbath with reference to its initial temperature only. Expression (204) satis"es the unitarity condition (168) as can be easily veri"ed by carrying out integration over d and making use of Eqs. (200)}(203). The explicit calculation of expression (204) may become very tedious because it requires taking the averages of exponentiated operators. Namely, expanding the operator U (, "1) from Eq. ' (203) in a power series and averaging term by term would be exceedingly impractical unless the in"nite series is truncated. In the latter case, however, the procedure would lead to nonunitary results, and that would be in con#ict with the previously imposed requirements on the properties of the scattering spectrum. To circumvent this di$culty we shall resort to the generalized cumulant expansion to calculate the averages of exponential operators [300]. Following this procedure and reverting back to (, R)-variables we can write [> k U (, )> k \"exp[C(, R, )] G G '
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and hence NkG
(E, K)"
d dR exp!(i/ )[(E)! (K)R]#C(, R) , 2 (2 )
where C(, R)"C(, R, "1) .
The property C(, R, "0)"0
which immediately follows from Eqs. (203) and (205) guarantees that the unitarity of spectrum (206) is obeyed. This holds irrespective of any particular form of C( ) as long as condition (208) is satis"ed. The cumulant expansion [300] gives C(, R, )" C (, R, ) , L L in which the nth-order cumulants are de"ned by
C (, R, )"(!i)L L
d 2
W (, R, )2W (, R, )> \ d [> ' ' L kG L kG
H H (!i)L ¹ W (, R, )2W (, R, )> \ , (210) " d 2 d [> H ' ' L kG L kG n! and the subscript c denotes the cumulant average of the operators that is constructed from the `ordinarya averages > k 2> k . The procedure for carrying out cumulant averages is detailed G G in Ref. [300] and here we only write down for illustration the explicit forms of the "rst few cumulants of arbitrary operators A, B, C2 in an obvious notation:
A " A , AB " AB! A B , ABC " ABC![ A BC# B CA# C AB]#2 A B C ,
etc. In a simpler case in which A"A( ), B"A( ), C"A( ),2 etc., and A( )" A( )" A( )" A2 etc., we have A( ) " A , A( )A( ) " [A( )! A][A( )! A] , A( )A( )A( ) " [A( )! A][A( )! A][A( )! A] , (212) etc.
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Eqs. (206)}(210) provide a framework for a systematic calculation of the energy and parallel momentum resolved scattering spectrum (176). These equations are exact as no approximations have been made in their derivation. In this respect they are equivalent to the ¹-matrix formalism for calculating the scattering intensities which was discussed in Section 3.3.3. Yet, the main advantage of the present approach over the standard ¹-matrix approach is that it o!ers a uni"ed and from the calculational point of view a much easier approximate and nonperturbative treatment of the single- and multiphonon scattering spectra that satisfy the requirements discussed in Section 3.4. At this stage it is important to observe that expression (209) is not an expansion in powers of the coupling constant g, i.e. C 's do not exhibit simple scaling behavior JgL. Rather, each operator L W comprises all powers of g, whereby the operator W ( ) de"ned through Eq. (202) comprises all ' powers of the original interaction <. Therefore, even the "rst-order term in the series (210), viz., C (, R, )"!i
W (, )> \ d [> ' kG kG
already represents an in"nite ascending series in powers of g (i.e. <). A particular feature of this term is that even though < can be, and in our case is, de"ned as a dynamic interaction (i.e. projectile}phonon coupling), all possible products of the projectile}phonon interaction vertices < appearing in the average on the RHS of Eq. (213) bear the same parameter which makes the whole average independent of . Thereby the average in (213) emerges as a `statica term with respect to parameter , yielding C (, R, )"!i [> k W> k \ G G
and this is, according to Eqs. (183)}(186) and (197), an in"nite ascending series in powers of g. It should also be noted that contributions to C(, R, ) which are linearly proportional to , and thereby to , arise also in higher-order C 's. For later convenience we shall denote the sum of all L such terms by !i and call it `relaxation shifta following the analogy with a similar contribution occurring in the propagators of localized states describing photoemission from atomic core levels [175]. Since expression (205) has the appearance of a vacuum #uctuation amplitude in the variable , we can make use of Eq. (201) to write in an obvious compact notation: [> R k W (, )U (, )> k \ G G ' ' , C( )" C(, R, )"!i [> U (,
)> \ R
k k G G '
where > k (, )"U (, )> k can be thought of as the -evolved wavefunction > k in the G G G '
-space. From this we can conclude R C( )"C(R)"const. lim R
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This limit enables us to anticipate the expression for C( ) in a general form [301]:
C( )"C ( )!
d ()[1!e\ HJ!i ] ,
where the integral term on the RHS describes all `dynamica contributions generated by `interactionsa W (, ) in which plays the role of a free, yet unspeci"ed parameter. To "nd the explicit ' form of the `weighted density of excitationsa ()50 we take the derivative of expression (217) with respect to and observe that in the limit PR the oscillating term () exp(!i ) gives zero contribution to the integral on the RHS of (217). Thus, we obtain
C( )!C(R)"!i
()e\ HJ d"!i
()e\ HJ d"!i , H
where ()"(). Taking the inverse Fourier transform of (218) we "nd
i e HJ[C( )!C(R)] d
()" 2 \
and this expression can, in principle, be calculated by making use of Eq. (215). Its substitution back into Eq. (217) enables, again in principle, the calculation of C(, R, ). However, the signi"cance of expression (217) is not in its practical applicability but rather in its general structure. Thus, quite generally, C(, R, ) comprises the terms which are constant (independent of ), the terms linear in (described by the term !i and deducible from (217)), and oscillatory and bounded functions of . A glance at expression (200) reveals that the same applies to the dependence of C(, R, ) on the projecting variables (, R) comprised in . The appearance of the `relaxation shifta represents a subtle issue whose resolution requires careful inspection of the origin and properties of . It is intuitively clear that for the scattering boundary conditions one should have "0, and here we shall present only a general argument in support of that. With the help of de"nitions from Eqs. (179)}(193) we can write lim exp(i ) > k , SR exp(!iH )S> k , G G ? H " lim > k , exp(iH )SR exp(!iH )S> k , G G H " lim > k , SR( )S(0)> k , G G H " > k , S> k , , G G
where in the last step the factorization property of the correlation function SR( )S(0) in the limit
PR has been invoked following the general arguments of Levi and Suhl [276]. This property arises from the fact that the variables (, R) introduced in Eq. (176) are associated with vibrational
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#uctuations of the unperturbed crystal, and these are uncorrelated in the (PR, RPR)-limit that is equivalent to the limit PR. Now, the last line of Eq. (220) implies that the large- limit of expression (205), which is by de"nition equal to the expression on the LHS of (220), is also
-independent. Making use of Eqs. (217) and (220) we can write
lim exp !i !i ()[1!e\ HJ] d "[> k S> k \"const. G G \ H
and this can be satis"ed only if
!i "C ( )!i
() d"0 .
This implies "0 or, in other words, that there is no `relaxation shifta in the scattering spectrum (206) and hence neither in (176). We shall also see in later applications of the cumulant expansion in concrete calculations of the scattering spectra how the property "0 directly arises from the structure of W and the (, R)-dependence of cumulants (210). ' Hence, the only term surviving in the limit of Eq. (221) is
exp !
d () "exp(!2=) ,
which through comparison of Eq. (221) with Eq. (145) provides another justi"cation for the expression of the Debye}Waller factor because the distorted wave eigenstates > k and \ k can G G di!er only by an irrelevant phase factor. The above-discussed general properties of C( ) can be summarized by writing the latter in the most general form:
C( )"!
()(1!e\ HJ) d
and this has the following important implications on the scattering spectrum de"ned by Eq. (176): (i) Existence of a sharp line arising from the (, R)-independent component of C(, R, "1). This line, hereafter referred to as elastic, is given by N k (E, K)"exp(!2=) (E) (K) , G 2
and its weight is described by the Debye}Waller factor, Eq. (223), which is obtained from exponentiation of the sum of constant factors present in C(, R, "1). This property enables identixcation of the thus-derived elastic line in spectrum (176) with the true no-loss line describing specular elastic scattering. (ii) Existence of inelastic side bands arising from the oscillating (dynamic) component in the integrand on the RHS of Eq. (224). The total spectral weight of the inelastic structure follows from the unitarity of the spectrum and is given by 1!exp(!2=).
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Apart from the above-discussed features, expression (176) exhibits additional interesting properties, one of which is the shape of the scattering spectrum in the limit of strong coupling, viz., 2=<1. It will be shown later upon introducing the explicit forms of the projectile}phonon interaction that this corresponds to the multiphonon scattering regime. However, even without a reference to speci"c forms of the projectile}phonon interaction we can deduce the shape of the scattering spectrum in this limit by resorting to Eq. (224). Namely, for 2=<1 only the integration interval in which is small will make a relevant contribution to exp[C( )], whereby by expanding exp(!i ) in the integrand on the RHS of (224) we obtain
lim C( )P!i
() d! () d . (226) 2 < \ \ 5 From this we may conclude that in the limit 2=<1 the scattering spectrum (176) acquires a Gaussian form in all three variables (E, K , K ). The maximum (center) of this Gaussian is V W located away from the elastic line by the amount which plays the role of the "rst spectral H moment in the respective three variables. We shall also illustrate these properties more directly in Section 5 in connection with the applications of cumulant expansion to evolution operators governed by concrete model Hamiltonians describing the scattering system. With the above discussion we have nearly exhausted the possibilities of demonstrating the properties of the energy and parallel momentum resolved scattering spectrum (176) at the most general level. Although our approach presents a very detailed recipe for a systematic treatment of expression (205) by utilizing cumulant expansion (210), little further progress can be made without resorting to speci"c forms of the static and dynamic projectile}surface interactions ; and <, respectively. This is so because the main task in following the present approach involves the evaluation of the terms appearing in the in"nite series (182), (197) and (209), each of which strongly depends on the speci"c choice of ; and <. Obviously, unless the terms in the respective series can be found in a general form and summed up to obtain exact solution, which is seldom the case for realistic potentials, approximate solutions to C(,R) must be found. Here the truncation of the series for W (197) and C( ) (209) after a "nite number of terms o!ers a sensible pathway for making approximations because at this level the truncation preserves the unitarity of the scattering spectrum (cf. Eq. (208) and the ensuing discussion), in a clear contrast to the case of truncating the exponential series (203) which leads to nonunitary results. However, the choice of such approximations must be justi"ed on physical grounds and should lead to solutions for the scattering spectrum in closed and operational forms. 4.3. Choice of approximations The "rst step in introducing approximations in the calculation of the angular and energy resolved scattering spectrum (206) is usually made already at the level of de"nition of the total model Hamiltonian describing the scattering system. For later reference we rewrite it in the form H"H #g<"H #H#g< , (227) where g is the earlier-introduced coupling constant. Then the approximation pertains to the description of unperturbed projectile motion, i.e. to its elastic scattering from the static surface. In
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Sections 3.2.1 and 3.3.3 we have introduced a statically #at surface potential in which the projectile motion was described by distorted waves (86) that are the eigenstates of H described by the appropriate quantum numbers k"(K, k ). In the following discussions of inelastic scattering we X shall consider the systems in which the approximation of a statically #at surface applies. By this we mean that the implementation of such an approximation to surfaces exhibiting weak di!raction e!ects produces results for relative inelastic scattering intensities which favorably compare with experiments. For later convenience we shall represent H in (227) in the second quantization form H " EK X cKR X cK X " Ek cRk ck , I I I K k IX
where cRK X and cK X denote the creation and annihilation operators for the projectile particle in I I distorted wave states K, k , respectively. Since we assume only one projectile particle in the system X and all our results should be normalized to unit particle current, it is irrelevant whether these operators satisfy fermion or boson commutation relations. In Section 3.1 we have already assumed a target that can be modelled by a harmonic solid, i.e. we have resorted to the quasiharmonic approximation to describe crystal vibrations in terms of phonon modes. The unperturbed crystal Hamiltonian H is here given by the free phonon Hamiltonian characteristic either of a semiin"nite solid or a slab of atoms bounded by a planar surface as de"ned by Eq. (41), i.e. H"H" Q (aRQ aQ #) . H H H Q H
Analogous expressions for the crystal Hamiltonian can be also written for the target exhibiting localized phonon modes [238]. On the other hand, the situation with the crystal momentum operator PK is a bit more complicated because the latter should allow for the possibility of Umklapp processes in phonon exchange events, as is clear from expressions (146) and (147). Since in the present approximation of a statically #at surface the exchange of G-vectors is associated only with phonon creation and annihilation processes we shall write PK " (Q#G)aQR aQ . H H QG H
The most common approximations made in the dynamic interaction g< that couples the projectile with phonons of the target are the assumptions of linear coupling and pairwise potentials that are embodied in expressions (93) and (95), respectively. Making use of expressions (39), (96) and (146), we can write the dynamic interaction in the second quantization form IX G K cRK Q G X cK X aQ #g
> > > I I H \ \ \ \ I I H K QG K QG IX IX H IX IX H
"g<\#g<> ,
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where aQR and aQ are the phonon operators introduced in Section 3.1, and the interaction matrix H H elements associated with these operators are given by
f (K!K, k , k ) ) e (Q, j) GR
N X X G X IX "
where N"¸/A , and the force matrix element f (K!K, k , k ) is readily retrieved from Eq. (149). G X X The last line in Eq. (231) has been introduced to separate the phonon annihilation term <\ containing the operator aQ from its hermitian conjugate <> containing the operator aRQ . H H Eqs. (227)}(229) and (231) de"ne the model Hamiltonian which will be used as the point of departure in the calculations of intensities of inelastic atom scattering from statically #at surfaces. To proceed we "rst need the expressions for G (Eqs. (183)}(186)) appearing in expansion (182) of L the evolution operator. The calculation of G is straightforward and is carried out by substituting the interaction representation analog of expression (231) into the time integral in Eq. (183). Integrating over t and taking the limit (tPR, t P!R) we "nd gG "g VHI IX G K (!)cRK Q G X cK X aQ K XQ > > > > I I H K QG IX IX H IX G K (#)cRK Q G X cK X aRQ , #g VHI K XQ \ \ \ \ I I H K QG IX IX H
in which on-the-energy-shell matrix elements V for one-phonon emission, (#), and absorption, (!), are given by IX ($)"2
It should be observed that due to the given form of the coupling interaction (231), the operator G derived thereof (Eq. (233)) is nondiagonal in the phonon operators. Approximating the full G by G in expression (182) for the evolution operator leads to a neglect of correlations between two successive scattering events induced by the interaction g< at di!erent instants. The correlations between these events are contained in (i.e. described by) higher-order G 's L for n52 which are expressed in terms of commutators of the interaction taken at di!erent, causally ordered times. Namely, all G (t, t ) for n'1 are obtained by taking the various combinations of L nth-order commutators of the form [< (t ),[< (t ),[2,[< (t ), < (t )] ]]] ' ' ' L\ ' L 2
and by carrying out the appropriate integrals over the intermediate time variables t ,2, t . L Writing in accord with Eq. (231): < (t)"<\(t)#<>(t) ' ' '
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and substituting this in Eqs. (183)}(186), we observe that all higher-order correlations G (for n52) L of the elementary process described by G depend on the properties of the basic commutator: [< (t ), < (t )]" [<\(1), <\(2)]# [<\(1), <>(2)] ' ' ' ' ' ' # [<>(1), <\(2)]# [<>(1), <>(2)] , ' ' ' '
in which index (1) is a short form for the set of indices and variables k1 , Q1 , t , and analogously so for index (2). In order to evaluate the commutators in expression (235) we make use of the `combination propertya of the interaction which derives from the fact that only one projectile particle is present in the system at the time. This implies that outside each phonon Q-emitting or absorbing vertex we can contract the pairs of the projectile creation (cR) and annihilation operators (c) according to cKR1
>Q1 GY
>Q2 GY
>Q1 GY
, K2 >Q2 G GY
where for the sake of simplicity the vectors G have been omitted from the indices of particle operators. This rule enables us to reduce the products of a higher even number of particle operators in (235) to a product of two, whereby higher-order G 's can be always obtained in a form containing L one starting point creation and one endpoint annihilation projectile particle operator. The four commutators from the RHS of Eq. (237) have been calculated and their properties discussed in detail in Ref. [25]. It appears that under the conditions of He atom scattering the terms which are diagonal and nondiagonal in the particle and phonon operators in (184) give contributions to G that after integration over the intermediate times t and t (t5t 5t 5t ) are of di!erent order in some small quantities characterizing the scattering system. To illustrate this feature we introduce the projectile density of states N(E ) at incident energy E and denote its G G variation with the recoil energy E by G RN(E ) G E . N(E )" G G RE G
Now, as has been shown in Ref. [25], the nondiagonal contribution to G is essentially propor tional to N(E )/N(E ) whereas the diagonal ones are free from this factor. Hence, if the variation G G of the projectile density of states at given incident energy is small, viz., N(E ) G ;1 , N(E ) G
the nondiagonal terms in G can be neglected relative to the diagonal ones. The factor on the LHS of Eq. (240) becomes particularly small in the quasiclassical scattering regime of nearly elastic or specular scattering. This factor makes the contributions from nondiagonal terms much smaller than those from the term which is diagonal in the particle and phonon number operators ckRck and aQR aQ , respectively, and which describes virtual or elastic polarization H H
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processes only. The fact that the weight of elastic polarization processes can be large should come as no surprise because they are strongly correlated in that they imply consecutive emission and reabsorption of equal number of virtual phonons. Virtual phonon exchange does not give rise to a change of the "nal energy and momentum of the projectile relative to its initial state but can strongly renormalize its propagation in the intermediate states. These polarization e!ects, which can be very strong, are reversible and therefore are described by the diagonal components of G(t, t ) that do not directly give rise to inelastic scattering amplitudes. From this we can anticipate that only the correlated phonon excitation processes building up the diagonal component of G (t, t ) (in the sense just de"ned) may make signi"cant contributions to the operator W (Eq. (197)) needed in the calculation of the scattering spectrum. Substituting (231) into (184) and extending the integration limits tPR, t P!R to satisfy the scattering boundary conditions, we can calculate the contribution to G that is proportional to g. Suppressing for the simplicity of notation the GO0 contributions from the sums over the wavevectors (which can be easily restored wherever necessary), we "nd
Q\QYK\QY K\QYK K>Q\QYIX KIX QH QHY KQ Q H YHY IX IX IX 2 (EK Q Q #E X !EK !E X ! Q # Q ) > \ Y I H HY I ; (EK!Q #E X !EK !E X # Q ) I I HY QYK>QY K>QYK K\Q>QYIX KIX QH QHY 2 (EK!Q#Q #E X !EK !E X # Q ! Q ) H HY I I ; (EK Q #E X !EK !E X ! Q ) I > Y I HY #QYK K\Q\QYIX KIX QH QHY 2 (EK Q Q #E X !EK !E X # Q # Q ) \ \ Y I H HY I ; (EK Q #E X !EK !E X # Q ) \ Y I HY I Q>QYK>QY K>QYK K>Q>QYIX KIX QH QHY
2 (EK Q Q #E X !EK !E X ! Q ! Q ) > > Y I H HY . I ; (EK#Q #Q#E X !EK !E X ! Q ) I I HY
Here the singular character of the denominators in all four terms on the RHS of expression (241) should be dealt with in the sense of principal values. These terms describe correlated polarization processes which give only real contributions to G. The "rst two terms on the RHS of (241) exhibit both diagonal and nondiagonal components in the phonon matrix elements whereas the next two terms give rise only to nondiagonal components. The signi"cance of nondiagonal contributions to G in expression (241) can be most easily estimated from comparison with the role that the fully `nondiagonala term G plays in building up
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the inelastic scattering intensities. A mere inspection of Eqs. (183) and (184) shows that in the case of atom}phonon coupling (231) the quantity PDG" f G i, fOi
is a measure of the probability of one-phonon emission or absorption in a state-to-state transition iP f . Higher-order powers of this quantity would describe uncorrelated multiphonon transition probabilities. On the other hand, the quantity PDYG" f G i, f Oi
gives the probability of correlated two-phonon emission or absorption events in state-to-state transitions iP f . The latter are correlated because the interaction potentials in (184) do not commute at di!erent instants. A manifestation of this correlation is the particle propagation in the intermediate states between two successive phonon emission or absorption events which is described by the energy denominators in the expression on the RHS of Eq. (241). Thus, for an angular integrated scattering spectrum we can introduce a measure of the probability of uncorrelated one-phonon exchange by P " PDG" iGR G i! iG i , D$G
where we have made use of the completeness of the set of scattering states j of the system. Here for G given by Eq. (233) one has iG i"0. Analogously, the same measure of the probability of the correlated two-phonon excitation events is given by P " PDYG" iGR G i! iG i , DY$G
where in contrast to Eq. (244) one has iG i" iG iO0. The signi"cance of P is that in the absence of any correlated motion of the particle between two successive phonon emission events (as e.g. in the recoilless trajectory approximation for projectile motion) one has P "0. Thus, P and P have the appearance of the mean square deviation or the autodistribution function of the operators G and G , respectively, where the mean is de"ned with respect to the initial state i. Hence, if P ;1 , P
the approximation in which the nondiagonal terms of G are neglected relative to G is then expected to provide a fairly accurate description of the inelastic scattering event [24,251]. Quite analogously, for an angular resolved scattering spectrum one can establish the condition P (k , k ) D G ;1 , P (k , k ) D G
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Fig. 8. Plots of the angular resolved probabilities of uncorrelated one-phonon and correlated two-phonon emission events, P (k , k ) (full line) and P (k , k ) (dashed line), respectively (see Eq. (247)), for the system HePCu(0 0 1) plotted as D G D G functions of He atom incident energy E for the case of total energy loss E"12 meV. Scattering angles are "50.93 G G and "44.93. D
in which the summation in each P(k , k ) has been carried out over all "nal momenta of excited D G phonons which comply with the total energy and momentum conservation. To evaluate this quantity one can repeat the same argumentation about the importance of diagonal versus nondiagonal components of G , as was carried out for expression (246). The magnitudes of P and P , as well as of P (k , k ) and P (k , k ), depend on very many D G G D factors, scattering parameters of the collision including the mass of the scattered particle, phonon densities of states, distorting and inelastic potentials ; and <, respectively, etc. The investigations of the ful"llment of conditions (246) and (247) presented in Refs. [24,251] have shown that for a wide range of scattering conditions characteristic of HAS one can indeed neglect the e!ects of the nondiagonal part of G on the inelastic scattering intensities relative to the ones brought about by G . The concrete numerical estimates have been made for two prototype HAS systems, viz., for scattering from the Rayleigh wave of Cu(0 0 1) surface and for scattering from in-surface-plane polarized nondispersive mode in ((3;(3)R303 overlayer of CO on Rh(1 1 1) surface, using the projectile}surface potentials described in Section 6. These results are illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively, and clearly demonstrate that for typical HAS conditions the e!ect of correlations embodied in G is small, i.e. that relation (247) holds. However, the above "ndings do not apply to the diagonal part of G which should be retained together with G in expansion (182), although, as will be shown below, the contribution of this component of G to the inelastic scattering spectrum will be cancelled by similar terms arising in higher-order contributions to W. The role of higher-order commutators (235) describing higher-order correlation e!ects, and thereby of G for n53, can be examined by using the results obtained for G . However, as the L dominant component of G is diagonal in particle and phonon number operators, the third-order
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Fig. 9. Angular resolved probabilities of uncorrelated one-phonon and correlated two-phonon emission events, P (k , k ) (full line) and P (k , k ) (dashed line), respectively (see Eq. (247)), for the system HePCO/Rh(1 1 1) plotted as D G D G functions of He atom incident energy E . Scattering angles are "503 and "40.53 and the energy of the G G D nondispersive optical mode in the overlayer is "5.7 meV.
commutators will be nondiagonal in phonon operators and they will generate the terms in G whose cumulative e!ect on inelastic scattering will be smaller than that of G and the nondiagonal component of G . These arguments can be carried on, leading to the conclusion that in the case of weak second-order correlations the third- and higher-order correlations embodied in G for n53 will be even smaller. Hence, under the scattering conditions typical of HAS, we can L write in a very good approximation: GKgG #gG , (248) whereby the form of the scattering operator S (Eq. (188)) in the same approximation reads as ' U (t, t )"S Kexp[!i(gG #gG )] . (249) lim ' ' RR \ Here it should be noted that the criterion which enabled the truncation of the in"nite series in the exponent in (182) to yield (248) and (249) was not the smallness of the coupling constant g, which should eventually be set equal to unity, but rather the weak correlation in the projectile motion between two successive scattering events induced by the dynamic interaction g<. In the absence of such correlations expression (249) becomes exact, as will be demonstrated in Section 5.2.4. Expression (249) establishes the terms G and G as the relevant ones for approximate calculation of the operator W using expansion (197). Substituting (248) in the expression on the RHS of (197) we can write WKW #W #W #2#W K#2 ,
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where W "ig[G , H]"ig Q G > H K IX IX QGH ;[VHI IX (!)cKR Q G X cK X aQ !VHI IX (#)cKR Q G X cK X aQR ] , K XQ K XQ > >GK > > I I H \ \GK \ \ I I H
in which the components of the three-dimensional vector are de"ned by Q
"(Q ,!(Q#G))"(Q ,!Q !G ,!Q !G ) . H H V V W W
Here one should note the minus sign in front of the second term in the square brackets on the RHS of Eq. (251). Taking higher-order commutators the next terms in the series (250) can be calculated. We "rst write down the expression for W . In order to avoid cumbersome notation we shall again suppress GO0 contributions from the summation over parallel wavevectors because these can be easily restored in "nal expressions. Thus, restricting the phonon wave vectors to the "rst SBZ and using the combination rule (238) we "nd g W "! [G , [G , H]] 2 g R Q cK Q aQ aQ R [(Q #Q )VHI IXK (!)VHI K KX IXQ (#)cK K XQ H YHY > > Y > IX > YIX H HY 2 K QQ IX IX IX YHHY
R Q cK Q aQ R a X IX (#)VHYI !(Q #Q )VHI K KX IQX (!)cK H HY K\QY) \ \ YIX \ IX HY QH X IX (!)VHYI a a !(Q !Q )VHI K Q cK Q K KX IQX (!)cR H HY K>QK \ Y > IX \ YIX QH QHY X IX (#)VHYI #(Q !Q )VHI aR aR ] . K Q cK Q K KX IQX (#)cR H HY K\QK > Y \ IX > YIX QH QHY
The "rst two terms in the square brackets on the RHS of expression (253) describe an interplay between phonon creation and annihilation processes and as such comprise both diagonal and nondiagonal operator components. On the other hand, the last two terms describe the two-phonon creation or annihilation processes and comprise only the nondiagonal components. The next term in series (250) which is also quadratic in the coupling constant g derives from G . In the present approximation for G (Eq. (248)) it is given by W "ig[G , H]"0
and vanishes because it is obtained by taking a commutator of two diagonal operators. Higherorder terms W K can be obtained in a similar fashion but writing down their explicit forms becomes increasingly tedious due to the presence of m-fold products of the on-shell matrix elements V($). Once the various terms W K in series (250) have been calculated one can readily determine their (, R)-dependence in the `interaction representationa de"ned by Eqs. (202), (229) and (230). This is
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accomplished by replacing the phonon operators in on-the-parallel-momentum and energy shell expressions for WK by their interaction representation forms given by aQ ()"exp(iH)aQ exp(!iH)"aQ exp!i[Q !(Q#G)R] H H H H
and analogously so for aRQ () which is obtained by hermitian conjugation of expression (255). H Substituting WK, obtained from W K by applying (255), into Eq. (210) one can systematically ' calculate the contributions to nth-order cumulants in expansion (209). The contributions to "rst-order cumulant C can come only from W K that are diagonal in both the projectile and phonon number operators. In the present approximation leading to (250) the "rst such term is derived from W given by Eq. (253). Recovering the G-dependence in this expression and constructing W() thereof we "nd using Eqs. (213) and (214): ' C (, R)"!i [Q !(Q#G)R] H QG H ;VHI IX (#)[n(Q )#1]!VHI IX (!)n(Q ) . K XQ K XQ \ \GK H > >GK H
According to the discussion in Section 4.2 this expression represents the `relaxation shifta term because it is linear in the (, R)-variables. The second-order cumulant C (, R) in expansion (209) is obtained by substituting expression (250) into (210) and carrying out the double ` -ordereda integrals. Here W and W give rise to separate contributions describing emission and subsequent reabsorption of one and two phonons originating from the same vertex in the -space, respectively. Following the arguments for small contributions of simultaneous two-phonon processes to the phonon matrix elements (cf. discussion following Eqs. (246) and (247)), and to remain consistent with the neglect of nondiagonal components of W , we shall consider only the lowest-order e!ect arising from the diagonal terms of W , and these have already been accounted for in C (Eq. (256)). Thus, by substituting (251) into (210) we "nd Q GR Q C (, R)"! VHI K X I QXG G K (#)[n(Q )#1][1!e\ S H O\ > ] G\ \ G H QG HIX Q GR Q #VHI QXG G K (!)n(Q )[1!e S H O\ > ]!C (, R) . K X I G> > G H
The term !C (, R) on the RHS of (257) is the `relaxation shifta of the second-order cumulant originating from W , which is exactly cancelled out by the `relaxation shifta occurring in and equal to the "rst-order cumulant (256) but originating from W . Thus, the absence of `relaxation shiftsa from C(, R) which was established in Section 4.2 on a general level is here explicitly demonstrated on the example of "rst- and second-order cumulants. The same procedure as described above can be followed to obtain higher-order cumulants (i.e. for n'2). In this process special attention must be paid to consistently take into account the e!ects of relaxation shifts produced by higher-order W N's in the lower-order cumulants and by lowerorder W O's in the higher-order cumulants, so that they cancel out. Their cancellation also serves as a test of consistency of the various approximations invoked at the various stages of calculation
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of C 's. However, the explicit calculation of C for n'2 becomes increasingly tedious and will not L L be pursued here. Estimates of the e!ects of such higher-order correction terms have been discussed by Dunn [302] for a simpler problem of polaron propagation, and there they have been found to be very small.
5. Scattering from 6at surfaces in the SSF approach 5.1. Single-phonon scattering regime and distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) The results of Section 4.3 can be most directly implemented in the calculation of inelastic scattering spectrum in the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA). To illustrate this we "rst approximate the full C(, R) by the sum of expressions (256) and (257), viz., C(, R)KC# (, R)"C (, R)#C (, R) ,
where the meaning of superscript EBA will become clear in the next subsection. Substituting this on the RHS of Eq. (206), expanding the so-obtained exp[C# (, R)] into a power series and retaining only the "rst two terms, we "nd N"5 (E, K) k G 2 "e\5#ki Ts (E) (K) #e\5k#G2
VKHIG X IQXG G KG (#)[n(Q )#1] (E# Q ) ( K# Q# G) \ \ H H QG HIX
X XG # VHI Q G K (!)n(Q ) (E! Q ) ( K! Q! G) , K I G> > G H H QG HIX where we have introduced the notation
X XG (260) 2=#kG " VKHIG X IQXG G KG (#)[n(Q )#1]#VHI Q G K (!)n(Q ) . K I G> > G 2 \ \ H H QG HIX Expression (260) plays the role of the Debye}Waller exponent (DWE) for the Debye}Waller factor (DWF) pertinent to the scattering spectrum obtained by substituting approximate expression (258) into Eq. (206). Its features will be discussed in more detail in the next subsection in connection with multiphonon scattering events but here we only observe that 2=#kG Jg. However, it is evident 2 already at this point that the quantity exp[!2=#kG ] gives the weight of the elastic specular 2 component of the scattering spectrum represented by the (E) (K)-term on the RHS of expression (259). In future discussions we shall also refer to this factor as the intensity of the no-loss line. The remaining two terms on the RHS of Eq. (259) represent the DWBA expression for the component of the scattering spectrum describing one-phonon emission and absorption processes, respectively. They are multiplied by the same DWF as for the no-loss line. Apart from the Bose
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factors the intensities of the phonon emission and absorption events are determined by the corresponding on-the-energy-shell factors V(#) and V(!), respectively, which according to de"nition (234), are seemingly highly singular because of the presence of energy-conserving -functions. However, in the case of scattering processes proper (i.e. k Pk which excludes G D transitions into bound states of the atom}surface potential ;(r)), the square of this -function should be converted into a Kronecker symbol [24,25,251] following Eq. (91), so that X IX X IX ($)"2
(j j XG X where (x) is the Heaviside step function, and
2M k($)" (EK #E X !EK Q G G Q ) X 8 8 H I
and the projectile current normal to the surface is j "v /¸ (cf. Eq. (92)). The conversion expressed X X X through Eq. (261) enables the summations over (Q, G, k ) in expression (259) to be easily carried out X whereby all quantization lengths ¸ and ¸ cancel out from the "nal expression. Thus, according to X Eqs. (234) and (261) the spectral intensities of one-phonon emission or absorption processes are essentially determined by the products of absolute squares of the on-shell constrained matrix elements
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exponential exp[C# (, R)] in the expression for the scattering spectrum (206), we "nd that the latter can be written in a compact form of the `exponentiated Born approximationa (hereafter referred to as the EBA [24]), or more accurately in the exponentiated DWBA. This is explicitly given by [24,25,251]
d dR e\ #O\ KR exp[2=# (, R)!2=# (0,0)] , N#kG (E, K)" 2 (2 )
where the quantity 2=# (, R)" VKHIG X IQXG G KG (#)[n(Q )#1]e\ SQH O\Q>GR
\ \ H QG HIX Q GR Qj X XG # VHI Q G K (!)n(Q )e S O\ > , K I G> > G H QG HIX
X XG denotes the so-called EBA scattering function with VHI Q G K ($) de"ned by Eq. (261). From K I G8 8 G Eq. (263) we readily obtain the Debye}Waller exponent in the EBA:
2=#kG "2=# (0, 0) , 2
which justi"es the use of the superscript EBA in de"nition (260). An analogous expression for the DWE had been derived by Celli and Maradudin [303] using a di!erent approach. The EBA spectrum (263) encompasses phonon excitation and annihilation processes in the scattering event to all orders in the number of exchanged phonons. This can be easily veri"ed by expanding the exponential function exp[2=# (, R)] in the integrand on the RHS of Eq. (263) into a power series. Carrying out the (, R)-integration of this series term by term one gets the various components of the full, multiphonon spectrum in the EBA. In this sum the DWBA spectrum (259) appears as its lowest component describing zero- and one-phonon scattering events. At this stage it is also important to note that each phonon vertex described by V($) and appearing in the scattering function (264) conserves by construction the energy and parallel momentum in the single-phonon exchange processes. This automatically leads to the conservation of total energy and parallel momentum in each transition k Pk involving one-phonon exchange G D that is described by the DWBA component of the EBA scattering spectrum. On the other hand, the total energy and parallel momentum conservation ceases to hold in the case of higher-order, multiphonon components arising from integrating higher-order terms from the expansion exp[2=# (, R)]" [2=# (, R)]L/n! because of the neglect of higher-order correlations that L enabled writing down C(, R) in the simple form (258). Due to this the (, R)-integration of any term [2=# (, R)]L/n! with n'1 yields also contributions which may lie o! the shell of total energy and parallel momentum conservation for a multiphonon process of order n. Such o!-shell contributions should be removed from the multiphonon EBA scattering spectrum (263) and the simplest way to achieve this is to con"ne the arguments E and K to the scan curve (8) which expresses the conservation of total energy and parallel momentum in atom}surface scattering. Hence, in practical applications of the EBA expression for the scattering spectrum (263) the
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calculated function N#kG (E, K) should be combined with the condition that E and K lie on 2 the scan curve. This is most easily achieved by cutting the calculated hypersurface N(E, K) in the (E, K)-space with the scan curve E"E(K) and taking the values of the scattering intensities along the path of the cut [306]. This procedure does not a!ect the DWF calculated in the EBA (Eq. (260)) which exhibits the on-shell character by construction. Expressions (263) and (264), combined with condition (8) for the con"nement of E and K to the scan curve, represent the main results of this section and will be used in the forthcoming theoretical interpretations of the inelastic HAS data for #at surfaces. The EBA scattering spectrum (263) satis"es the unitarity condition (168), in contrast to the DWBA scattering spectrum (259). It is seen that the unitarity is here guaranteed by the exponential form of the DWF, exp[!2=#kG ], which appears as a common multiplicative factor of all the 2 scattering contributions (for "xed k and ¹ ) and hence can be factorized out from the integral on G the RHS of (263). Then, the integration of all spectral contributions over E and K yields the factor exp[2=# (0, 0)] which in view of (265) exactly cancels out the DWF, and yields the unitarity condition (168). 5.2.1. Recoil ewects, correlated scattering processes and the validity of the EBA The EBA expression for the scattering spectrum (263), although rather simple, combines two extremely important features that are essential for accurate description of the thermal energy inelastic atom}surface scattering, of which He atom scattering by surface phonons is a typical example. First, it takes into account the possibility of multiple scattering of the projectile by emission or absorption of real substrate phonons to all orders in the number of exchanged quanta. Second, during each real phonon emission or absorption event, and in the case of linear coupling (231) only one real phonon can be exchanged at an instant, the quantum recoil of the projectile is correctly taken into account. Here the e!ect of recoil is embodied in the matrix elements constituting expression (264) and describing the projectile scattering through the one-phonon emission or absorption processes that satisfy the energy and parallel momentum conservation. In terms of Feynman diagrams each described one-phonon scattering process can be assigned a vertex composed of three lines: one incoming and one outgoing projectile line and one-phonon line. Thus, in the case of a one-phonon creation vertex the incoming projectile line carries the energy E and parallel momentum K , whereas the outgoing projectile line carries the energy G G E "E ! Q and momentum K " (K !Q!G), and the phonon line carries away the H D G D G energy Q and momentum Q. These quantities satisfy conservation of the energy and parallel H momentum up to a reciprocal lattice vector G, which is built in the on-shell matrix elements VKHIG X IQXG G KG (#). Applying the time reversal one arrives at an analogous result for phonon \ \ annihilation vertices described by VKHIG X IQXG G KG (!). Therefore, the projectile states before and after > > the exchange of one-phonon quantum are strongly correlated by the on-shell con"nement and X XG hence the di!erence between VKHIG X IQXG G KG (#) and VHI K I Q G K (!) for the same initial quantum G> > G \ \ numbers can be signi"cant in the quantum scattering regime. In this situation it may prove advantageous to re-express the EBA scattering spectrum (263) in a form in which the relative magnitudes of V($) for one-phonon emission and absorption, respectively, could be exploited so that the e!ect of recoil can be traced more easily. Introducing a compact notation N#kG (, R)"exp[!2=# (0, 0)#2=# (, R)] 2
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and employing trigonometric identities to separate real and imaginary parts from the products of exp$i[Q !(Q#G)R] and the Bose occupation distributions in the scattering function H 2=# (, R), we can transform (266) to the form [297]
N#kG (, R)"e\5k#G2 exp 2
(4[n(Q )#1]n(Q ) VHI K XKIXG Q G (#)VHI K XKIXG Q G (!) G G\ \ G G> > H H QG IX H
;cos i ln
Q G [n(Q )#1]VHI K XKIXG \ \ (#) G H #[Q !(Q#G)R] H n(Q )VHI K XKIXG Q G (!) G G> > H
. (267)
The expression under the "rst square root in the exponential on the RHS of Eq. (267) is invariant under the permutation V(#)V(!) of the quantities describing one-phonon emission and absorption processes. By contrast, the argument of the cosine function in the large round brackets on the RHS of (267) is clearly sensitive to this permutation. This demonstrates the overall sensitivity of the EBA scattering spectrum to the recoil e!ects associated with the one-phonon interaction vertices. On the other hand, it is also clear from expression (267) that the EBA spectrum does not keep memory of the cumulative recoil e!ects arising from sequential phonon exchange processes. This intervertex correlation, which has been neglected by adopting approximation (258), can be approximately restored by con"ning the calculated EBA spectrum (263) or (267) to the energy and parallel momentum shell, as has already been stated earlier. This approximate restoration of correlation among a manifold of phonon exchange processes will work increasingly better with the diminution of the relative magnitude of recoil. Hence, the validity of the EBA is expected to be enhanced in the scattering regime in which the cumulative e!ect of recoil, and hence of the intervertex correlation, on the projectile propagation diminishes. This statement is, in fact, a generalization of criterion (240) which served as a guideline in the derivation of expressions leading to the EBA scattering spectrum (263) and the above discussion of its validity. 5.2.2. Debye}Waller factor in atom}surface scattering The quantity termed Debye}Waller factor (DWF) in atom}surface scattering theory, and in particular the general expression introduced in Eq. (223), or the more specialized on-the-energyshell EBA expression (260), have neither the same form nor the same physical meaning as the more popular counterpart derived, for instance, in the theory of X-ray or neutron scattering from crystals. In this section we shall clarify the di!erences between these two types of the DWF but also point out some of their common features. To this end we "rst brie#y review the properties of the DWF encountered in neutron scattering theory and pinpoint some of its characteristics relevant to our further discussion. The standard notion of the Debye}Waller factor introduced in the theory of neutron scattering from crystal lattices [243,244] describes the attenuation of scattered beam intensities due to quantized thermal vibrations of the lattice atoms. In this theory the DWF e!ect is calculated in the "rst-order Born approximation which holds in the case of weak scattering of neutron beams by the short-range potential of crystal ion cores. However, the dependence of the projectile}ion core potential on the displacement u of the lth ion in the crystal is not assumed weak in this case. Hence, J
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an expansion of the potential in powers of displacements, in the form (93), and its truncation beyond the linear term does not represent a good approximation to the inelastic neutron scattering problem. Rather, the potential is left in the form of a pairwise sum of the projectile}ion pair pseudopotentials, l v(r!rl !ul ), so that its matrix element taken between the incoming and outgoing plane waves, r k "exp(ikr )/(¸ and r k "exp(ikr )/(¸, respectively, where G G D D ¸ is the volume of the quantization box, comes out as
k v(r!rl !ul ) k "v(k !k ) exp[!i(k !k )(rl #ul )] , D l G D G l D G
1 dr e\ krv(r) . v(k)" ¸
The displacements in the argument of the exponential function on the RHS of Eq. (268) can be expanded in the normal modes of the bulk crystal:
eq e\ qrl (aq #aR!q ) , ul " H H H 2NM q q J H H
where q, j and eq are the wavevector, index and polarization vector of a quantized normal mode, H respectively, and M is the ion mass assumed equal for all ions in the lattice. Expansion (270) then J enables manipulation with exponentiated displacements in the products of matrix elements (268) by the application of boson algebra to phonon mode creation and annihilation operators aRq and H aq , respectively. This leads to the di!erential neutron scattering cross section in the "rst Born H approximation (BA) in the form [307]
d k (M¸) " D v(k) d e\ #O e\ krl \rp Sl p (k, ) d(E) d k (2) lp D \ G
where E"E !E and k"k !k denote the energy and momentum transfers to the target, D G D G respectively, d denotes the di!erential of the "nal scattering angle, M is the projectile mass, and D Sl p (k,) is the exponentiated displacement}displacement correlation function de"ned as Sl p (k, )"[e\ kul e kup O\
eq k H [2n(q )#1] "exp ! H q 2NM q J H H
eq k H exp ! ([n(q )#1]e\ SqH O\qrl !rp #n(q )e SqH O\qrl !rp ) . H H 2NM q J qH H (272)
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Here the "rst factor on the RHS of (272), viz., the exponential
eq k H [2n(q )#1] e\U k"exp ! H q 2NM q J H H
is recognized as a standard Debye}Waller factor multiplying the square of the transition matrix element in the "rst-order BA expression for neutron scattering cross section. A rough estimate of the magnitude of the Debye}Waller attenuation in atom}surface scattering was given long ago by Weare [308] by using a slightly modi"ed neutron scattering formalism extended also beyond the "rst-order BA. The resulting approximate quasiclassical expression for the DW exponent as a function of the substrate temperature ¹ , rederived also later by Levi and Suhl [276], can be cast in the form
3( k ) ¹ ME cos ¹ X G G "24 lim 2=(¹ )" M k Mk J " J " " " 2 "
Here is the surface Debye temperature of the substrate, k is the change of the projectile " X momentum normal to the surface, E and are the incoming energy and angle of scattering of the G G projectile, respectively, and k is the Boltzmann constant. E in this expression is sometimes also G corrected for the surface potential well depth D (Beeby's correction [66]) in which case ( k ) is X replaced by [( k )#8MD]. However, the form of the DW exponent (274) can be justi"ed only in X the regime of impulsive scattering [245,276] and therefore its validity is of limited range. In particular, for incident energies typical of the thermal energy He atom scattering from surface phonons and soft projectile}surface interactions the approximation of impulsive scattering has been shown to become unreliable [251] for making quantitative comparisons with the experimental data, as is illustrated in Fig. 12. Hence, in the majority of the studied systems the full EBA calculation of the DWF is required. To pinpoint the features that distinguish the neutron scattering DWF, Eq. (273), from the atom}surface scattering DWF calculated in the EBA, we shall rewrite the latter as an exponential function of expression (260) and then recall the properties of the re#ection coe$cient calculated in the DWBA (Eqs. (151) and (152)). This gives
X XG HIX IQXG G K (!)n(Q ) e\5 k#G2 "exp ! VHI Q G K (#)[n(Q )#1]#VK K I G\ \ G G> > G H H QG HIX
"exp ! R"5 . DG D$G
This relation clearly demonstrates the relation between the EBA DWF in atom}surface scattering and the corresponding inelastic on-the-energy-shell re#ection coe$cients calculated in the DWBA. Now, the comparison of expressions (273) and (275) reveals several important di!erences between the two types of DWF. The "rst essential di!erence shows up in the on-the-energy-shell vs. o!-the-energy shell character of the matrix elements appearing in the exponent of the two DWFs.
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Fig. 10. Schematic of diagrammatic representation of the cumulant expansion of N# (, 0) [energy resolved-only version of expression (266)] expressed in terms of propagators exp[!i ( ! )] of nondispersive phonons which are K L represented by wavy lines ( " ). The light full line denotes positive direction (propagation) along the -axis. KL Intermediate and are integrated over the interval (04 4 4). The on-the-energy-shell matrix elements V($) associated with phonon creation (#) and phonon annihilation (!) vertices, respectively, are represented by crosses. Double cross denotes absolute square of the same factor. The "rst and second terms in the exponent in the second line of the "gure represent the -only contributions C () and C () corresponding to expressions (256) and (257), respectively.
In atom}surface scattering the assumed linear projectile}phonon coupling (93) leads to the exponent of the EBA DWF in terms of the on-the-energy-shell interaction matrix elements V($) which determine the amplitudes of emission (#) or absorption (!) of a single real phonon. The exponential form of this DWF is due to the sequential or repeated uncorrelated emission or absorption of in"nitely many single real phonons in the course of scattering [245], and its appearance is connected with the conservation of the norm of the projectile wavefunction, in the sense used in the derivation of the optical theorem. This may be illustrated by the diagrammatic expansion of expression for N#kG (, R) de"ned by Eq. (266). Assuming for simplicity zero substrate 2 temperature, suppressing the momentum projecting variable R and retaining only the energy projecting variable , the diagrammatic representation of this expansion is sketched in Fig. 10. On the other hand, as has also been demonstrated in Ref. [245], the exponential form of the DWF typical of neutron scattering cross section given by Eq. (273) arises from the coupling of the projectile to all orders of crystal ion displacements (because the corresponding matrix elements (268) contain displacements in the exponent). Among other things, this type of nonlinear coupling gives rise to instantaneous multiple virtual phonon exchange represented in diagrammatic expansion of the correlation function (272) by closed phonon loops attached to the two endpoint vertices associated with the matrix elements v(k) and vH(k) in expression (271) for the scattering cross section (see Fig. 11). These closed loops describe o!-shell virtual phonon exchange or quantum #uctuations, and sum up to an exponential that is given by the expression on the RHS of Eq. (273). The described formal di!erence between the two types of the DWF arises in connection with their di!erent physical origin. The physical interpretation of the EBA DWF corresponding to the scattering spectrum (263) can be visualized by calculating the mean number of phonons n (k , ¹ ) that have been exchanged between the projectile and the target in the course of collision. G
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Fig. 11. Schematic of diagrammatic representation of van Hove}Glauber exponentiated displacement correlation function, Eq. (272), for nondispersive phonons (q " ) expressed in terms of phonon propagators exp[!i ( ! )] K L which are represented by wavy lines ( ", 0). Light full line denotes positive direction along the -axis. The number of KL dots overlapping in a vertex is equal to the number of endpoints of phonon lines terminating in the same vertex. O!-the-energy-shell factors $i(k)u are associated with the vertices at and 0, respectively.
Thus, we have n # (k , ¹ )" p > , SR aRQ aQ S> , , G ? kG H H kG Q H ? (276) "2=#kG , 2 where the average has been calculated by resorting to the EBA formalism outlined in the previous subsections. Hence, it is seen that the DWF of the EBA atom}surface scattering spectrum is an exponential function of the mean number of real phonons exchanged during the collision, exp[!n # (k , ¹ )]. It is seen that there is a complete analogy with semiclassical expression (114), G with a supplement that the EBA expression (276) includes the e!ects of quantum recoil of the projectile. On the other hand, in the case of neutron scattering from crystals the Debye}Waller factor appearing in the "rst-order Born approximation cross-section formula (271) is given by an exponential function of the mean number of virtual or #uctuating phonons associated with the
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vibrating crystal. The properties of the latter DWF, which arise from the projectile}phonon coupling to all orders in crystal displacements, can be generalized also beyond the "rst-order Born approximation result [276]. The second di!erence manifests itself in the dependence of the two types of Debye}Waller exponents on the initial and "nal quantum numbers of the scattered projectile. In the case of atom}surface scattering the Debye}Waller exponent in (275) is summed over all "nal scattering vectors and hence depends only on the initial quantum number k . For this reason it appears as G a normalization factor proper for the scattering spectrum (263). On the other hand, the standard neutron scattering Debye}Waller exponent in (273) is k-resolved and varies with the "nal scattering angle. Thereby it plays the role of a renormalization factor for the strength of the scattering matrix element v(k) (in the form of Holstein renormalization [239], cf. Eq. (106)), which appears due to quantum #uctuations of the scattering centers rather than representing a normalization factor for the total scattering cross section. In the quantum scattering regime the di!erence between the magnitudes of the two types of DWF (273) and (275) can be signi"cant because of the di!erent matrix elements and the absence or presence of the on-shell constraints in the respective exponents. However, in some scattering regimes these constraints may become less restrictive and thereby less important. In this case the di!erence between the two distinct Debye}Waller exponents may become increasingly small. To illustrate this we consider a simple example of a one-dimensional motion of the projectile in the quasiclassical regime of fast scattering from the surface [245]. In the quasiclassical scattering regime the matrix element of the force operator in the coupling interaction in expression (93) can be replaced by its classical analog F (t), which is equivalent to treating the projectile motion in the trajectory approximation (see Section 3.3.2). Then, on account of the slow motion of lattice atoms during the fast scattering event, we can carry out the integration over the time t in G (Eq. (183)) by taking the average value u of the displacement u(t) out of the time integral. This is e!ectively equivalent to decoupling the particle from the lattice dynamics and yields
u 1 \ dt F (t )u (t ) i P dt F (t )"!(k)u , f G i" f ' '
instead of giving rise to expressions V($) that contain the energy-conserving -function on the RHS of Eq. (234). Hence, in this limit the di!erences between the matrix elements and on- and o!-the-energy-shell contributions are washed out and the exponents in the expressions on the RHS of Eqs. (273) and (275) become equivalent. In other words, in the classical limit in which the particle motion and the lattice dynamics are decoupled, the #uctuations of the phonon "eld yield the same form of the two DWFs [245]. A similar conclusion, but starting from di!erent, semiclassical representation of the collision dynamics and the ¹-matrix, was arrived at by Levi and Suhl [276]. 5.2.3. Scattering from Einstein modes The multiphonon e!ects in atom}surface scattering should manifest themselves most clearly in the case of excitation of low-energy vibrational modes which exhibit little or no dispersion. With incoming He atom energies exceeding several times the energies of such modes and for not too low substrate temperatures, one can clearly observe spectral peaks corresponding to multiple excitation
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of dispersionless modes both on the energy loss and gain sides in the TOF spectra of a number of systems [105,309}313]. Depending on the speci"cities of the systems studied, these modes can be associated with either a parallel or a perpendicular motion of surface atoms. The problem of multiple excitation of dispersionless modes of various provenance has been extensively studied in the past because of its relevance to the thermodynamical properties of a large variety of systems. The peculiarity of multiple excitation of dispersionless quanta by external probes lies in the possibility of strong interference among the processes with di!erent exchange of total momentum but the same total energy balance, viz., loss or gain or even zero energy transfer, which cannot occur in the case of dispersive modes. Depending on the level on which the exchange of momentum between the probe and nondispersive excitations is treated, di!erent results are obtained for the excitation probabilities. In the case when the probe is a scattering projectile this depends on the approximation in which the projectile recoil and correlation in multiquantum emission or absorption events is taken into account. In the regime of fully uncorrelated events of emission and absorption of nondispersive bosons the closed-form solutions have been discussed by Vineyard in Ref. [314] for neutron scattering from nondispersive modes of harmonic oscillators, by Ibach and Mills in Ref. [113] for electron scattering from optical phonons in EELS, by Manson in Ref. [315] for He atom scattering from Einstein modes, and by Mahan in Ref. [316] for photon absorption by Einstein oscillators. In all these results the interference e!ects give rise to a modi"cation of the fundamental excitation probabilities which, in one way or another, are expressed through the modi"ed Bessel functions with total momentum transfer in the argument. In the following, we shall demonstrate that the EBA scattering spectrum approach o!ers a solution for atom scattering from Einstein phonons which goes beyond these results in that it also takes into account the recoil e!ects during each phonon emission or absorption event. A closed-form solution for the EBA scattering spectrum describing inelastic atom scattering from Einstein-like modes is obtained by separating the nondispersive branch j of frequency out of the scattering function in the exponent in expression (266). This gives (, R)N (, R) , N#kG (, R)"N# k k G 2 G 2 2
where the superscripts Ein and dis denote components comprising Einstein and all other dispersive modes, respectively. In the remainder of this subsection we shall for the sake of simplicity disregard (, R), which is retrieved from expression (267), as its e!ect on the total scattering spectrum N k G 2 can be easily restored by a simple convolution procedure [311,312]. Denoting the single frequency of a set of Einstein oscillators by , the corresponding component of the scattering function (264) can be written in the form 2=# (, R)"V(R,#)[n( )#1]e\ S O#V(R,!)n( )e S O ,
where V(R,$) are obtained by carrying out the (K, Q, G, k ) summations over the separated j th X component of expression (264): V(R,$)" VHI K X I QXG G K ($) exp[$i(Q#G)R] . G8 8 G QG HIX
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Now, observing that [n( )#1]/n( )"exp( /k ¹ ) and introducing the notation V(R,#)#V(R,!)"M(R) ,
i[V(R,#)!V(R,!)]"N(R) ,
()"( !i /2k ¹ )
i V(R,#) , (R)"arctan[N(R)/M(R)]" ln 2 V(R,!)
we may write (, R)"e\5 exp(n( )[n( )#1][M(R)#N(R)] cos[()#(R)] N# k G 2 "e\5 exp(4n( )[n( )#1]V(R,#)V(R,!) cos[()#(R)] , (285) where 2="2=# ("0, R"0)"[n( )#1]V(0,#)#n( )V(0,!) . (286) Making use of the generating function expansion for the modi"ed Bessel function of the "rst kind, exp(z cos )" I (z) exp(il), we "nd J\ J (, R)"e\5 P (R)e\ JS O , (287) N# k G 2 J J\ where
[n( )#1]V(R,#) J I ((4n( )[n( )#1]V(R,#)V(R,!)) . (288) J n( )V(R,!) This gives for the separated Einstein phonon component of the scattering spectrum: P (R)" J
N# (E, K)"e\5 N (K) (E#l ) , k G 2 J J\ where
dR N (K)" e\ KRP (R) . J J (2)
Expression (289) encompasses the recoil e!ects to the same level of accuracy as does expression (267) describing scattering from dispersive phonons. The sensitivity of the scattering spectrum (289) to recoil e!ects, i.e. to the permutation V(#)V(!), manifests itself through the "rst term in the large round brackets on the RHS of Eq. (288). In this respect the present expression (289) describes the projectile recoil to higher-order e!ects than the corresponding formulae derived in Refs. [113,314,315] and [316], but at the expense of the simplicity of expression for N (K). J
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The angular integrated scattering spectrum corresponding to expression (289) is obtained upon replacing N (K) on the RHS of Eq. (289) by P (R"0). Accordingly, the DWF of such lateral J J momentum integrated spectrum [317] is given by e\5P (R"0) where P (R"0)O1 and both factors contain the contributions from all inelastic scattering channels. Expressions (288) and (289) exhibit interesting structure. Expression (288) contains complex quantities V(R,#) and V(R,!) whose di!erence !iN(R) measures the recoil of the projectile in the one-phonon creation and annihilation events. Namely, in the limit of classical recoilless trajectory approximation one has V(R,#)"V(R,!) and consequently N(R)"0 (E) is given by a generalized and (R)"0. In this limit the angular integrated spectrum N# k G 2 Poisson distribution (cf. Eq. (86) in Ref. [251]) typical of the forced oscillator model applied to Einstein phonons. However, as is seen from expressions (288) and (289), the lateral momentum resolution and recoil e!ects destroy such a simple structure. The deviations of N# (E) from the k G 2 generalized Poisson distribution grow larger as N(R) increases, i.e. as the quantum recoil e!ects become more important. (E"0, KO0)O0, meaning that due to coupling to the For "nite ¹ one generally has N# k G 2 phonon heatbath a "nite momentum transfer may occur also in nondi!ractive elastic collisions. The spectral intensity of such o!-specular elastic transitions in the K direction is given by e\5N (K). In the limit of specular elastic transitions (KP0) this tends to e\5P (RPR) (K). The quantity e\5P (RPR) may be identi"ed with the DWF corre sponding to the elastic specular peak. However, from de"nitions of P (R), Eq. (288), and V(R,$) we can deduce that P (RPR)P1 because of the destructive interference e!ects in the argument of P (R). Hence, the DWF corresponding to the elastic specular peak is again given by e\5 .
5.2.4. Extreme multiphonon approximation and semiclassical trajectory approximation (TA) as the limiting cases of the EBA As has already been pointed out in Section 4.2 on the general level, the extreme multiphonon limit of the scattering spectrum (263) is reached in the regime in which the Debye}Waller exponent 2=, Eq. (223), of the scattering spectrum is large, i.e. when the mean number of exchanged phonons is large [25,28,238,251]. Focusing the discussion on the EBA spectrum, we observe that in this case the major contribution to the Fourier transform in Eq. (263) comes from small values of the exponent [2=# (,R)!2=# ] upon expanding it into a power series in and R and retaining only the linear and quadratic terms. Collecting the leading contributions to this series we obtain
[E! (¹ )] ( K ) ( K ) ! V ! W exp ! 2 (¹ ) 2(¹ ) 2(¹ ) S V W lim NkG (E, K)" 2 (2) (¹ ) (¹ ) (¹ ) # < S V W 5 Here (¹ ) is given by
(¹ )" Q VKHIG X IQXG G KG (#)#[VKHIG X IQXG G KG (#)!VKHIG X IQXG G KG (!)]n(Q ) H \ \ \ \ > > H IX QGH (292)
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and has the meaning of the mean total energy transfer or the "rst moment of the energy resolved scattering spectrum N#kG (E) obtained by integrating expression (263) over d(K). Note here the 2 minus sign in the square brackets on the RHS of Eq. (292) which gives rise to a recoil-induced temperature-dependent contribution to (¹ ). The temperature-dependent spectral widths (¹ ) ? are given by (¹ )" VHI QXG G K (#)[n(Q )#1]#VHI QXG G K (!)n(Q ) , K X I K X I G \ \ Y G G> > G H H ? GQ IX H
where stands for either Q , (K!K ) , or (K!K ) . H GV GW Expression (291) should represent a good approximation to the starting EBA expression (263) in the multiphonon limit in which E and K, which are con"ned to the scan curve, do not exceed much the corresponding spectral widths (292) and (293), respectively. Due to the on-the-scan-curve condition imposed on E and K, the maximum of the spectrum (291) does not generally coincide with , viz., it may occur on either the positive or negative energy transfers, depending on the scattering conditions. The intensity prefactor [(2) ]\ exhibits the temperature dependS V W ence which approaches ¹\ behavior in the high-¹ limit. The detailed structure of the interaction matrix elements is of no importance for this behavior (e.g. pairwise interactions vs. some di!erent expressions) as long as the general structure of the scattering function (264) persists in that form. Note also that although expression (291) represents a limiting case of the momentum and energy resolved scattering spectrum, the value of the energy transfer is here given by (¹ ), Eq. (292), which is integrated over all "nal momenta and not by the corresponding K-resolved quantity as one might expect. This is due to the uncertainty in energy and momentum #uctuation involved in the short- and small-R component of the response of the phonon system which is only relevant in deriving expression (291). The temperature dependence of (¹ ) and (¹ ) explicitly a!ects the ? position of the spectral maximum in the extreme multiphonon regime. In (¹ ) this dependence is ? strong and analogous to that of the Debye}Waller exponent. On the other hand, in (¹ ) it is weaker as it only appears in the recoil correction in the square brackets on the RHS of Eq. (292). As for relatively high incoming projectile energies the di!erence between the gain and loss values of the interaction matrix elements, V(#) and V(!), respectively, becomes very small, the temperature variation of (¹ ) becomes weak and altogether vanishes in the recoilless scattering approxima tions like the TA (cf. Eq. (116)). However, the position of the spectral maximum of expression (291) may, nevertheless, be strongly temperature dependent as it also depends on , and which are S V W all strongly ¹ -dependent. The recoilless TA limit of the EBA scattering spectrum (263) is obtained upon replacing the DWBA scattering probability amplitude by its quasiclassical limit [24,255,319]: IX ($)"2
where the correspondence is achieved if the -function on the LHS of the arrow is dealt with as outlined in Eqs. (261) and (262), and the quasiclassical matrix element <2Q (G )"<2Q ($ )H ! 8 normalized to the unit current is taken to be the $Qth component of the time Fourier transform of <(r(t)) taken along the unperturbed classical trajectory r(t) [255,319]. With this substitution the TA scattering function, from which the recoilless TA scattering spectrum is obtained by taking the
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Fig. 12. Upper panel: Debye}Waller exponent or the total inelastic re#ection coe$cient for the system HePCu(0 0 1) calculated as a function of and scaled by the incident energy E , for incident scattering angle "50.93 and substrate G G temperature ¹ "0 K. Values obtained in the exponentiated Born approximation (EBA), trajectory (TA) and impulse scattering (IA) approximations are denoted by the full, dashed and dashed}dotted lines, respectively. Lower panel: Same as above but for substrate temperature ¹ "800 K.
(, R)-Fourier transform, acquires a simple form Q GR Q 2=2(, R)" <2 Q G ( Q )[2n(Q )#1]e\ S H O\ > , > H H QG H
because due to the neglect of recoil in the quasiclassical matrix elements the latter are invariant relative to the change of sign of Q and Q . Analogously, simpler expressions are also obtained for H the other quantities that characterize the TA scattering spectrum, like the Debye}Waller exponent, mean energy transfer, spectral widths in the multiphonon limit, etc. Expression (295) is in full correspondence with the earlier-obtained one (cf. Eq. (110)) which was derived by using the classical trajectory assumption from the very outset [250,253}255]. The di!erence between and the validity of the TA relative to the EBA in He atom scattering from surface phonons can be most easily illustrated on the example of the values of the Debye}Waller exponents calculated in the two approximations. Fig. 12 compares the calculated values [251] of
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the respective DWE's scaled by the initial projectile energy for the scattering system HePCu(0 0 1) (for a detailed description of this system see Section 6.2). Also shown in the same "gure is the DWE calculated in the impulsive approximation (IA) in which the z-component of the interaction matrix element in expression (149) is replaced by its impulsive scattering limit [25,251] given by
(k k (k #k )/M. It is notable that at low incoming energies the TA result strongly deviates XG XD XG XD from the `exacta EBA result due to the neglect of recoil whereas the IA, which encompasses recoil e!ects, gives good results. On the other hand, at higher incoming energies the situation is reversed, the TA becomes a more reliable approximation than the IA because in the latter the cut-o! on the k -values is missing from the above-quoted impulsive limit of the interaction matrix elements. XD From the above discussion and the discussion in Section 5.1, it turns out that the EBA expression for the inelastic scattering spectrum (263) interpolates smoothly between the single-phonon DWBA and the extreme multiphonon expressions for the scattering spectrum, encompassing also the trajectory approximation as a special limit. Its validity is limited only by the neglect of correlations among subsequent scattering events which, however, is remedied by the on-the-scan-curve condition for E and K. Then, the remaining neglected e!ects are usually of minor importance under the standard He atom scattering conditions. Hence, the scattering spectrum (165) calculated in the EBA, Eq. (263), and combined with Eq. (8), satis"es all the requirements imposed on the uni"ed description of inelastic atom}surface scattering listed in Section 3.4. 5.2.5. A note on prompt sticking processes in the EBA The scattering spectrum formalism enables also the studies of sticking processes, i.e. trapping of particles into the bound states of the projectile}surface potential. However, some caution is needed in employing the EBA to the study of this phenomenon in order to avoid possible pitfalls that may arise in a direct extension of the EBA formalism to the treatment of continuum state P bound state transitions. This will be brie#y illustrated below and for a more comprehensive account of sticking and accommodation of noble gas atoms at surfaces the reader is referred to the work of Brunner and Brenig [256] and Brivio and Grimley [318], and references cited therein. The study of sticking processes requires extension of the basis set X (z) to include the bound state I solutions (z) of Eq. (87) with E "! and satisfying " . The scattering function L X L L LY LLY (264) must correspondingly be extended so as to include the projectile transitions into these states as well. For sticking transitions the scattering boundary conditions are satis"ed by the requirement that the incoming projectile wavepacket is fed adiabatically into the interaction region and that phonons after excitation leave that region instead of the projectile which remains trapped in one of the bound states [274]. It is obvious that this provides only the description of prompt sticking processes in which the bound particle is not allowed either to annihilate phonons that would lead to its desorption from the surface or to make transitions into the other bound states. Such boundary conditions also impose di!erent treatment of the energy-conserving -functions in the squares of on-shell matrix elements in expression (264) for the scattering function. Here, in the part of the scattering function which involves the summation over "nal bound states of the projectile one should make use of the identity of distributions: 2 (EKG Q # # Q !E ) , (2)2 (EKG Q # # Q !E )P (2) \ H G \ H G L L
j XG L L
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in which E "EKG #E XG and the use of the expression on the RHS of (296) is well known from the G I quantum-mechanical description of sticking processes [320]. Here one should also keep in mind that prompt sticking transitions k Pn can be only phonon emission assisted. Hence, the total XG EBA scattering function, 2=# (, R), which also includes the prompt sticking processes, is obtained by adding to expression (264) the contributions from k Pn transitions: XG 2 XG G K (EK Q G # # Q !EK !E ) 2=# (, R)"
j Q G XG HL ;[n(Q )#1]e\ SQH O\Q>GR . H
Analogously, by combining Eqs. (260) and (297) we "nd for the total Debye}Waller factor: 2=# "2=#kG #2=# , 2
where the sticking correction 2=# "2=# ("0, R"0) may represent a signi"cant contribu tion to the total Debye}Waller factor at low projectile incoming energies. When E is lowered and G made comparable to the projectile}surface potential well depth, the total probability for projectile transitions into the bound states increases and may become comparable with the total probability for inelastic scattering into the continuum states. Hence, the application of the EBA to the calculations of DWF in the low-energy scattering regime should take into account the prompt sticking contribution given by the second term on the RHS of Eq. (298). On the other hand, the sticking processes are correlated in the sense that in a repeated scattering event the transition probability depends on whether in the multiphonon scattering regime one or more intermediate states are continuum or bound states. Hence, the convergence of the results for the scattering spectrum obtained from the total EBA scattering function is limited to the regime in which the sticking component of the total DWF (298) does not appreciably exceed unity.
6. Examples of application of the developed formalism: Debye}Waller factors and scattering spectra of selected benchmark systems In the past two decades HAS and EELS have been extensively used to study the low-energy vibrational properties of a large number of solid surfaces and adlayers. Since the main interest in these studies was focused on the dispersion of surface phonons, the measurements have been mostly carried out in the single-phonon scattering regime which enables a relatively straightforward "ngerprinting of the phonon dispersion curves (cf. Section 2.4). The experimental results, together with the theoretical interpretations of the measured phonon dispersion and one-phonon excitation probabilities, have been reported in several reviews [28,30,102}105,108]. A review of the experimental results for surface phonon dispersion curves of all the systems that have been studied so far is in preparation [20]. In contrast to the number of various systems studied by HAS in the single-phonon scattering regime, only very few systems have been investigated in a passage from the single- to the multiphonon scattering regime. One of the origins of this unevenness lies in the di$culties in
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experimentally deconvoluting and theoretically interpreting the multiphonon scattering data and thereby extracting the desired information on the vibrational characteristics of the studied systems. However, the interest in global or integrated quantities dominated by the multiphonon exchange in atom}surface scattering, like the total energy and momentum transfer in thermal energy gas}surface collisions in the free-#ow regime [321], has prompted the development of multiphonon scattering theories and their application to several prototype systems that are representative of a whole variety of phonon heatbaths. The scattering spectrum theory developed in the preceding section can be most easily implemented in the interpretations of inelastic HAS from surfaces exhibiting small di!raction intensities. The lowest intensities of HAS di!raction peaks relative to the specular peak intensity have been recorded for low-index surfaces of metals which can be regarded as practically #at from the point of view of interaction with thermal energy He atoms (cf. references quoted in Section 2.2). The monolayers of heavier noble gas atoms like Xe adsorbed on #at metal surfaces exhibit He di!raction intensities that are more than one order of magnitude weaker than the specular peak intensity [310}312,322]. The (1 1 1) surface of fcc crystal of Xe atoms condensed on Pt substrate exhibits He di!raction peak intensities that are 4}10 times weaker than the zeroth-order or specular peak intensity [146]. Hence, the phonon excitation intensities in HAS from such surfaces should be also amenable to the theoretical interpretation developed in the preceding subsections. As these three types of systems sustain phonon modes typical of a whole variety of #at crystal surfaces, and as they have been experimentally investigated by HAS in both the single- and multiphonon scattering regime, they are at present regarded as benchmark or prototype systems for combined experimental and theoretical studies of the various phonon excitations in HAS. The simplest, and from the computational point of view also the most tractable form of the EBA scattering spectrum formalism that can be derived from the general expression (263) is obtained by assuming the statically #at surface and the representation of dynamic He atom}surface interaction in terms of He}surface atom pair potentials. The implementation of these two assumptions leads to using Eqs. (232) and (234) in combination with auxiliary relations (261) and (262) in the calculation of the EBA scattering function (264). Assumptions of this kind have proved as reasonable approximations in the description of HAS from surfaces of the designated prototype systems and the ensuing form of the EBA formulae will be used throughout the following subsections to illustrate the applicability of the developed scattering formalism. However, in concrete descriptions of the prototype systems we shall not follow the historical sequence of theoretical applications that was usually strongly in#uenced by the then-existing experimental situation. Rather, we shall study these systems in the order which can best re#ect the conceptual development of the formalism: (1) HePXe(1 1 1) (scattering from a van der Waals crystal), (2) HePCu(1 1 1) and HePCu(0 0 1) (scattering from #at metal surfaces), and (3) HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) and HePXe/Cu(0 0 1) (scattering from noble gas monolayers on metals). 6.1. Scattering of He atoms from (1 1 1) surface of condensed Xe The "rst example of the applicability of the EBA scattering formalism pertains to HAS from a #at surface of a typical van der Waals crystal of xenon atoms. The Xe crystal bounded by (1 1 1) surfaces was prepared by condensing around 160 monolayers of Xe atoms on a Pt(1 1 1) surface whose temperature was kept at 50 K during the growth of overlayers [146]. In order to probe the
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Fig. 13. Helium scattering angular distributions for the M }M M and M }KM azimuths of the Xe(1 1 1) surface at ¹ "40 K and an incident energy of E "10.4 meV. The upper distribution (M }MM ) has been o!set by a factor of 10 for clarity. G Fig. 14. Several time-of-#ight spectra separated by "13 for helium scattering from the Xe(1 1 1) surface along the G M }KM azimuth. The incident energy was E "10.5 meV and the surface temperature was ¹ "40 K. In addition to the G di!use elastic peak at E"0, the dispersive Xe(1 1 1) surface Rayleigh phonon (RW) can be clearly seen for both energy loss and gain, as well as several less-intense peaks at larger energy transfers. The spectra are vertically o!set from each other for clarity.
dispersion of Xe(1 1 1) surface phonons, whose maximum calculated energies do not exceed a few meV (cf. Fig. 4), all the experiments were carried out with He beam incident energies in the range 5}10 meV. The HAS angular distributions or di!raction spectra from the Xe(1 1 1) surface are shown in Fig. 13 and they indicate a regular hexagonal surface unit cell with a surface lattice constant a"4.37 As rotated by 303 relative to the Pt(1 1 1) surface unit cell. Due to the absence of splitting of di!raction spots there is no indication for the presence of two domains in the present Xe "lm that would be Novaco-McTague rotated relative to each other [323,324]. The measured intensities of the "rst-order di!raction peaks in Fig. 13 (note the logarithmic ordinate scale) are about one order of magnitude lower than those of the zeroth-order or specular peak intensity. This indicates a moderate corrugation of the Xe(1 1 1) surface as probed by He atoms and therefore a relatively low amount of the initial #ux is lost during scattering into the open di!raction channels. There is also a noticeable intensity between the sharp di!raction peaks which is attributed to di!use elastic and inelastic scattering processes that make a signi"cant contribution to the total signal. Fig. 14 shows several TOF spectra taken along the M !KM azimuth of the Xe(1 1 1) SBZ for incident angles between "32.93 and 45.93, for a "xed incident energy of 10.2 meV and surface G
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temperature ¹ "40 K. From the calculated phonon dispersion curves shown in Fig. 4, and comparisons with the results of earlier HAS and theoretical studies of similar Xe multilayer systems [133,135,328], the most intense peaks are attributed to the emission and absorption of Rayleigh wave (RW) phonons. Their intensity varies signi"cantly with the incident angle (and hence with the exchanged wavevector K), particularly on the energy gain side. However, in addition to the Rayleigh mode, several other peaks can be clearly observed in some of the spectra. In particular for "39.93, additional peaks are seen in the interval between the RW peak at E"!2 meV and G the peak at E"!4.3 denoted by an arrow. Another interesting feature of the displayed TOF spectra is that only the intensity of the Rayleigh wave may exceed the intensity of the incoherent elastic peak, whereas the intensities of all other inelastic features are signi"cantly lower. The
Fig. 15. Top panel: the experimental Xe(1 1 1) surface dispersion curves reconstructed from the TOF spectra (open circles) shown on a reduced zone scheme. They are compared with the maxima of the surface-projected phonon densities of states (see lower panels) calculated using the dynamical matrix method for vertical (Z), in-plane longitudinal (L) and in-plane shear horizontal (SH) polarization which are denoted by the solid, long dashed and short dashed lines, respectively.
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displayed TOF spectra also exhibit a nonnegligible background, which should be put in correlation with a similar feature observed in the di!raction spectra in Fig. 13 and which may be attributed to multiphonon processes. The analyses of the series of measured HAS-TOF spectra, which were taken along the M }KM and M }M M symmetry directions of the Xe(1 1 1) SBZ for di!erent He atom incident energies and angles, together with the dynamical matrix-based calculations of the frequency and polarization of surface-localized modes, enable the identi"cation of the surface phonon modes in the HePXe(1 1 1) TOF spectra [146]. Since the M }KM sagittal plane is not a mirror symmetry plane for the Xe crystal, the possibility of detecting the modes with shear polarization along this direction is not excluded on the symmetry grounds. Experimental and theoretical results are shown in Fig. 15 in which comparisons are made between the measured and theoretically predicted dispersions of the three dispersive surface modes. The top panel displays experimental Xe(1 1 1) surface dispersion curves (open circles) reconstructed from the TOF spectra and shown on a reduced zone scheme. They are compared with the maxima of the surface-projected phonon densities of states for vertical (Z), in-plane longitudinal (L) and in-plane shear horizontal (SH) polarization, which are denoted by the solid, long- dashed and short- dashed lines, respectively. These densities of states were calculated by applying the dynamical matrix method to an 80-layer thick slab of Xe atoms interacting via gas-phase Xe}Xe pair potentials [147], which was also used in calculations of the dispersion curves shown in Fig. 4. The lower panels in Fig. 15 display separately the Z-, L- and or SH-polarized density of phonon states projected onto the topmost layer of Xe atoms in the slab. Comparison with the upper panel reveals the polarization properties of the three experimentally detected surface-projected modes in the "rst SBZ and enables their identi"cation with the Rayleigh wave (RW), longitudinal (L) and shear horizontal (SH) modes. The scale of the maxima of the phonon density of states (41) is given on the left ordinate. The origin of the points &4.3 meV near the zone center in the experimental dispersion curves from the top panel cannot be explained in terms of the phonon dispersion curves deducible from the dynamical matrix analysis of a defect-free Xe(1 1 1) surface. The measure of the intensity of inelastic, phonon-induced scattering processes is the magnitude of the Debye}Waller exponent (DWE) or the mean number of exchanged phonons for given scattering conditions (incident beam energy and angle, substrate temperature, etc., cf. Section 5.2.2). In the calculation of the DWE carried out in Ref. [146] the interaction matrix element de"ned by Eq. (149) was evaluated by using an analytical model expression [327] for the Fourier transform of the He}Xe pair potential [146]: v(Q, z!z )"A D[(1!e\@@)e\@ X>G\@\X e\// G ! 2(1!e\@@)e\@ X>G\@\X e\// ] ,
where D and are the depth, inverse range and the position of the minimum of the potential, respectively, b is the interlayer spacing, A denotes the area of the surface unit cell, and Q is obtained from Eq. (71) with I "2. The parameters of potential (299) were determined [146] so that v(Q"0, z!z )/A gives the best "t to the laterally averaged He}"rst Xe layer potential G obtained from the application of the atomic pair potentials from Refs. [179,325]. Then the summation over all layers yields the total potential ; (z) in the Morse form, Eq. (62), with the
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Table 2 Parameters for the best-"t Morse potential ; (z), Eq. (62), and expression (299), for modelling the He atom interaction with Xe(1 1 1) surface D (meV)
(1/As )
z (As )
b (As )
Fig. 16. The magnitude of the total phonon-induced Debye}Waller exponent (DWE), 2=#kG , as a function of He atom 2 incident angle calculated for two experimental incident energies E "10.2 meV (solid line) and E "5.7 meV (dashed G G line), for ¹ "40 K. The magnitudes of the prompt sticking contributions to the Debye}Waller exponents (i.e. contributions from He atom transitions into the bound states of atom}surface potential) are denoted by "lled and empty squares for the quoted two incident energies, respectively.
parameters given in Table 2. Due to the low energies of incident He atoms that are comparable to the He}surface potential well depth [146], the contributions from prompt sticking processes had also to be taken into account in the calculation of the DWE following the procedure outlined in Section 5.2.5. Fig. 16 shows the DWE for the scattering system HePXe(1 1 1) for two experimental incident energies calculated by using the He}Xe pair potentials from Refs. [179,325], and the EBA expression for the DWE from Eq. (275). The values of the DWE from this "gure clearly indicate that even at such low incident energies the experimental conditions were already characteristic of a cross-over from a single- to a multiphonon scattering regime. This explains the presence of a signi"cant background in the angular distributions in Fig. 13, and in the TOF spectra shown in Fig. 14. This can be easily understood in view of the very low surface phonon excitation energies, and in particular of the most strongly coupling Rayleigh wave whose maximum frequency does not exceed 2.2 meV throughout the SBZ (cf. Fig. 4). To corroborate the assignments of distinct spectral features in HePXe(1 1 1) TOF spectra through a comparison with the theoretically modelled phonon emission and absorption intensities,
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Fig. 17. Comparison of experimental and calculated EBA phonon excitation intensities as functions of energy transfer for in-plane He atom scattering from Xe(1 1 1) surface along the M }KM direction. The four panels show spectra for the same incident energy E "10.2 meV and substrate temperature ¹ "40 K and for four di!erent incident angles . The G G incoherent elastic peak (shaded) is not reproduced by the EBA calculation because it arises from imperfections in the Xe(1 1 1) surface. All three surface phonon modes (RW, L and SH) have been identi"ed and the origin of experimental peaks denoted by `Xa is discussed in the main text.
it is necessary to delineate the e!ects of multiphonon background in the present scattering regime. This requires a full EBA multiphonon calculation of the scattering spectrum, Eq. (263), and a separate DWBA calculation of the one-phonon features, Eq. (259), in order to extract the one-phonon components from the full spectrum. The results of these calculations are presented and compared with the corresponding experimental TOF spectra in Fig. 17 where they are shown as functions of energy transfer for in-sagittal-plane scattering along the M }KM direction in the "rst SBZ, for "xed incident energy E "10.5 meV, substrate temperature ¹ "40 K, and four di!erent G incident angles . The various peaks in the experimental TOF spectra can then be easily identi"ed G by comparing their energies and relative intensities with the RW-, L- and SH-mode energies and relative intensities calculated in the DWBA and displayed on top of the multiphonon background. The incoherent elastic peak (shaded) is not reproduced by the EBA calculation because it arises from scattering by imperfections on/in the Xe(1 1 1) surface. The peaks denoted by `Xa which give rise to a #at dispersion curve in the top panel of Fig. 15, are not reproduced in the one-phonon DWBA calculations utilizing the dynamical matrix of a perfect Xe(1 1 1) surface and hence cannot be interpreted as a signature of a single coherent collective vibration of surface atoms. A careful examination of the scan curves corresponding to the displayed TOF spectra showed that spurions associated with one-phonon exchange [18,64,285,326] cannot explain the appearance of the peaks `Xa. Hence, their origin can be ascribed either to the excitation
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of localized modes associated with surface defects (whose presence is indicated by the attenuation of the specular beam intensity during the growth of the slab [146]), or to the multiphonon excitations, or to a combination of both e!ects. Now, in the scattering regime dominated by the two-phonon exchange processes typical of all the TOF spectra shown in Fig. 17 (cf. the discussion above and Fig. 16), the probability of two-phonon emission or absorption reaches maximum in the cases involving two RW phonons with wavevectors from the opposite edges of the "rst SBZ where the RW density of states is largest. This gives rise to maxima in the multiphonon scattering spectra at around $4.3 meV, i.e. approximately at twice the RW energy at the zone edge. This e!ect is clearly present in the calculated multiphonon background shown by the dashed line in Fig. 17 and hence provides a support for assigning a multiphonon origin or decepton character to the `Xa-peak. As the multilayer desorption temperature for Xe(1 1 1)/Pt(1 1 1) system is around 55 K [146], the experiments were not carried out for He beam incident energies above 10.5 meV and substrate temperatures over 50 K. This prevented the passage from a cross-over scattering regime, in which single-phonon peaks in the TOF spectra are still clearly discernible and dominant features, to a truly multiphonon scattering regime in which the spectra would tend to the limit given by expression (291). The very good overall agreement between the experimental and theoretical results displayed in Figs. 15 and 17 gives a strong support for the applicability of developed formalism in the interpretation of He atom scattering from a densely packed surface of a typical van der Waals crystal. In this benchmark system both requirements for the employment of the developed scattering spectrum approach are rather well satis"ed, viz., that of a relatively #at surface and the applicability of pairwise summation of gas-phase potentials for construction of the total potentials describing the projectile}surface interactions. The agreement between the experimental and theoretical results provides an important test of validity for the model and the whole formalism itself, particularly in view of its extensions to the more complex systems discussed next. 6.2. Scattering of He atoms from Cu surfaces A number of clean metal surfaces have been studied by HAS in the one-phonon scattering regime with the aim of revealing the surface phonon dispersion curves (see Section 2.4 for references and appendices in Ref. [20] for a complete list of the studied surfaces). For many of the investigated systems comprehensive theoretical analyses of the one-phonon features in the HAS-TOF spectra have been undertaken and these works are reviewed in Refs. [28,31]. On the other hand, very few metal surfaces have been studied by HAS in both the single- and the multiphonon scattering regimes. Examples of the extensive experimental and theoretical investigations of the single- and multiquantum excitations in HAS from metals are those for #at (1 1 1) and (1 0 0) surfaces of copper which at present are regarded as paradigms in this kind of studies. Surface vibrations of the low-index (1 1 1), (1 0 0) and (1 1 0) surfaces of copper have been investigated both by HAS and EELS. The early HAS studies of (1 1 1) surfaces of Cu, Ag and Au revealed [101] an anomalous phonon dispersion curve attributed to a longitudinal resonance (LR). The dispersion of this phonon mode and the corresponding HAS-TOF intensities were explained in the case of Ag and Au by assuming a large softening of the "rst-layer longitudinal force constants [329], irrespective of the fact that the Ag(1 1 1) surface does not exhibit any signi"cant relaxation or
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reconstruction. Concerning the Cu(1 1 1) surface, Bortolani et al. [330] have shown that a simultaneous interpretation of the dispersion and relative HAS-TOF intensities for the Rayleigh wave and the longitudinal resonance in Cu(1 1 1) requires a 67% softening of the longitudinal (intraplanar) force constant and an additional 60% sti!ening of the force constants between the "rst two layers. This is again unphysical in view of a small relaxation of the Cu(1 1 1) surface. The HAS-measured surface phonon dispersion curves for Cu(1 1 1) have been also con"rmed in EELS experiments [331]. However, the EELS data for dispersion and excitation probabilities of the surface modes could be interpreted by introducing only a moderate softening of the longitudinal intraplanar force constant in the "rst layer. A similar situation was also encountered in the comparative analyses of the data from Cu(1 0 0) surfaces obtained from HAS [139] and EELS [332]. This apparent contradiction between the force constants from the EELS and HAS studies of surface phonons in Cu(1 1 1) and Cu(1 0 0) has been referred to in the literature as the `Bortolani}Mills paradoxa and several theoretical models aiming at its resolution have been proposed in the past decade. The developments of these models provided valuable contributions to the general theory of inelastic HAS from surfaces and will be brie#y outlined below. All uni"ed theoretical descriptions of the inelastic HAS from Cu(1 1 1) and Cu(1 0 0) surfaces, that could simultaneously interpret the experimental dispersion curves and the TOF excitation intensities of surface phonons, start from the same underlying assumption that the He}surface interaction should include, in one way or another, also the interaction with delocalized metal valence electrons. In the various theoretical approaches this interaction has been modelled in di!erent ways. Conceptually, the simplest approach introduced to model He atom interaction with the spread out electronic charge at a metal surface is based on the replacement of spherical He atom}surface atom pair potentials by asymmetric or oblate pseudopair potentials elongated in the surface plane [182]. The cumulative e!ect of elongation of the pair potentials then mimics He atom interaction with the electronic charge residing between the pairs of surface atoms. Starting from this assumption and using the one-phonon re#ection coe$cient approach outlined in Section 3.3.5 Bortolani et al. [183] and Franchini et al. [184] calculated the one-phonon excitation intensities for HAS from Cu(0 0 1) surface and found that a good agreement with the experimental data could be achieved without the need for a drastic modi"cation of the surface force constants (see Fig. 18).
Fig. 18. Comparison of the TOF spectrum and calculated one-phonon re#ection coe$cient for He atom scattering from Cu(0 0 1) surface along the M }M M direction at E "18.6 meV and "463 with # "1103. The re#ection coe$cient G G G D has been calculated using oblate ( " "0.55, continuous line) and spherical ( " "1, dashed line) He}Cu atom V W V W pair potentials de"ned by Eq. (65). RW, LR and B mark the HAS intensities from Rayleigh wave, longitudinal resonance and bulk phonons, respectively (after Ref. [184]).
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This particularly concerns the relative HAS intensities of the RW and LR phonons near the edge of the "rst SBZ, whose correct interpretation posed problems when unmodi"ed spherically symmetric pair potentials were used [330]. These results indicated the importance of taking into account the interaction of He atom with delocalized surface electronic charge. The explicit inclusion of interactions of the He beam atoms with the ionic and delocalized electronic charge of vibrating surfaces in the calculations of inelastic one-phonon HAS re#ection coe$cients has been carried out by Benedek and coworkers. They have used the multipole expansion pseudocharge method in the theoretical analyses and interpretations of the HAS-TOF spectra from Cu(1 1 1) [138] and Cu(1 0 0) [139] surfaces. In this lattice dynamical approach the e!ects of the electronic degrees of freedom associated with the delocalized electronic charge were modelled by introducing discrete multipole pseudocharges located at high-symmetry points of the unit cell of the crystal, thereby allowing for the ion}ion, multipole}ion and multipole}multipole interactions in an extended dynamical matrix. The inelastic one-phonon re#ection coe$cients calculated for the case of a He atom interacting only with the surface ions, and with the surface ions and pseudocharges, clearly showed a large di!erence between the calculated intensities of each particular phonon peak. This is illustrated in Fig. 19 for the case of Cu(1 0 0) surface [139] and similar results were obtained earlier for the Cu(1 1 1) surface [138]. In fact, these results represented the "rst indication that a good agreement between the experimental and theoretical results in the studies of one-phonon scattering spectra could be achieved by invoking the He atom}surface potential that encompasses interactions both with the ions and with the electronic density at the surface. The third approach which has recently been put forward to resolve the `Bortolani}Mills paradoxa is based on introducing the anticorrugation e!ects in the interaction between the scattered He atom and the atoms (ions) on the surface. Following the earlier "ndings from He di!raction experiments by Rieder et al. [212] that for Ni(1 1 0) and Rh(1 1 0) surfaces the corrugation of the e!ective He}surface potential is shifted away from the atomic positions, Santoro et al. [215] have introduced anticorrugation e!ects into the He}Rh(1 1 1) interaction by considering the total He atom}surface potential as a sum of atomic pairwise potentials between the He atom and the high-symmetry points (in this case the centers of the bridge positions) in the basis of the surface Bravais cell. The introduction of anticorrugation e!ects in the direct space amounts to multiplying the standard He}phonon interaction matrix elements (i.e. calculated in the absence of anticorrugation) in the Q-space by the structure factor S(Q) of the basis. Substituting the thus-modelled matrix element in the one-phonon re#ection coe$cients and introducing only a small (420%) modi"cation of the surface force constants, the authors of Ref. [215] found a good agreement between the experimental [333] and calculated one-phonon intensities for the HePRh(1 1 1) scattering system. The successful interpretation of the inelastic HAS spectra from Rh(1 1 1) surface obviously opened a pathway for yet another possible resolution of the `Bortolani}Mills paradoxa in the case of HePCu(1 1 1) and HePCu(0 0 1) systems. That problem was recently revisited in the novel calculations by Santoro et al. [217]. In the extensive anticorrugation structure factor-based calculations of the RW and LR phonon peak intensities in the re#ection coe$cients for HAS from Cu(1 1 1) and Cu(0 0 1) surfaces these authors have shown that a very good agreement with the experimental spectra [138,139] is achieved by using the empirical force constants whose values are close to the ones obtained from ab initio calculations [334]. Their results are illustrated in
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Fig. 19. Comparison between measured and simulated TOF spectra corresponding to HePCu(0 0 1) scattering along the 1 1 0 and 1 0 0 directions at E "39.9 meV. The dashed and solid lines are calculated without and with the G pseudocharge contributions, respectively (after Ref. [139]).
Figs. 20 and 21. However, the phenomenological structure factor invoked in these interpretations still awaits a quanti"cation through "rst principles calculations. At this point it is illustrative to designate the di!erence between the ME pseudocharge and the anticorrugation model in the calculations of the HAS intensities. This di!erence is rather subtle and manifests itself in the assignment of the `independenta vibrational degrees of freedom to pseudocharges in the ME model. On the other hand, in the anticorrugation function model all the
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Fig. 20. Comparison between the measured HePCu(1 1 1) TOF spectrum along the 1 1 2 direction for E "23.23 meV and "403 and one-phonon re#ection coe$cient calculated utilizing the anticorrugation function G G approach. In this scattering geometry the scan curve intersects the LR phonon dispersion curve for two values of Q which gives rise to two LR peaks in the spectra (after Ref. [217]).
Fig. 21. Comparison between the measured HePCu(0 0 1) TOF spectra along the 0 0 1 direction for E "38.4 meV G and the one-phonon re#ection coe$cient calculated utilizing the anticorrugation function approach: (a) "403, G (b) "383, (c) "363, (d) "343, with # "903 (after Ref. [217]). G G G G D
midpoints from the surface unit cell, over which the summation is carried out to yield the anticorrugation structure factor, follow rigidly the motion of the ions in the cell. The interpretation of the HAS spectra from copper in the passage from a single- to a multiphonon scattering regime requires a careful examination of the magnitude of the phonon-induced
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Table 3 Parameters for the best-"t Morse potential ; (z), Eq. (62), and expression (300) for modelling the He atom interaction with Cu(0 0 1) surface D (meV)
(1/As )
z (As )
Debye}Waller factor (DWF), or rather its exponent which measures the mean number of exchanged phonons (cf. Section 5.2.2). The experimental results for the DWF have been reported for HAS from Cu(0 0 1) [335] and Cu(1 1 0) [336] surfaces and have been interpreted by carrying out perturbation expansion of the scattering matrix in a distorted wave basis [291,295]. In these, essentially one-dimensional calculations, the DWF was calculated by assuming that only the repulsive component of the total potential vibrates and by retaining in the scattering matrix the lowest-order dominant contributions in powers of the substrate temperature ¹ . Such a truncation of the series for the DWF, which violates the unitarity of the scattering spectrum, gives rise to an artifact in the curvature of the DWF vs. ¹ on the semilogarithmic plot. However, by introducing one adjustable parameter in the interaction potential, the authors of Refs. [291,295] were able to get a good agreement between the measured and calculated values of the DWF. This problem was recently revisited within a full three-dimensional EBA scattering calculation [270]. The discussion was restricted only to the #at Cu(0 0 1) surface amenable to the theoretical treatment of the DWF e!ects outlined in Section 5.2.2, and was focused on the role which the various He}surface model potentials with their characteristic parameters (range of the interaction, momentum, energy transfer cut-o!s, etc.) may play in the determination of the magnitude of the DWF. The calculations were carried out by using the ab initio calculated He}Cu(0 0 1) potential [206] to construct the best-"t analytic potential in the Morse form, Eq. (62), with the parameters given in Table 3. The 2D Fourier transform of the He}Cu atomic pair pseudopotential v(Q, z), needed in the calculations of inelastic intensities and consistent with the static potential, was taken in the form v(Q, z)"A D[e\@X\X e\// !2e\@X\X e\// ] ,
where the parameters D, and z are listed in Table 3, the cut-o! wavevector Q "(2/z is
R obtained from Eq. (71), and A denotes the area of the unit cell on Cu(0 0 1) surface. The appearance of di!erent e!ective cut-o!s in the Q-dependence of the repulsive and attractive components of v(Q, z) in Eq. (300) (viz., (2Q vs. Q ) is a consequence of the di!erent ranges of the repulsive and attractive components of the pseudopair potential v(r!rl ) taken to model the interaction. The substrate phonon density of states with anharmonic e!ects included was modelled following Ref. [337], whereas the corrections for anticorrugation e!ects were not introduced because they are small near the center of SBZ wherefrom come major contributions to the Debye}Waller exponent. Following this procedure and by allowing both the repulsive and attractive components of the He}surface potential (300) to vibrate, it was possible to accurately reproduce the experimental
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Fig. 22. Debye}Waller factor I /I for scattering of He atoms from Cu(0 0 1) surface as a function of the substrate temperature ¹ for He incoming energy E "63 meV and incident angle "393, calculated with three di!erent G G interaction potentials [270]. Full squares denote experimental datapoints [335] and the long dashed, full and dashed}dotted lines denote the values calculated with the adjusted exponentially repulsive potential, total vibrating Morse potential and repulsive vibrating Morse potential, respectively. The short dashed line denotes the values calculated from quasiclassical expression for the DWE, Eq. (274). Fig. 23. Comparison of the calculated (full lines) and experimental values of theDebye}Waller factor I /I as a function of the substrate temperature ¹ for He scattering from Cu(0 0 1) surface at E "63 meV and angles of incidence 193 G (squares), 393 (circles), 513 (triangles), 61.73 (inverted triangles) and 713 (diamonds).
values of the DWF [335] without invoking any adjustable parameters. Moreover, it was also demonstrated that by taking the phonon momentum cut-o! wavevector Q as an adjustable parameter, as was frequently exploited in the literature, all the considered potentials could reproduce the agreement with the experimental data by varying Q over a su$ciently large but unphysical interval. Hence, these calculations reiterated the importance of realistic potentials for the description of dynamics of HAS from surfaces. The various aspects of the results of these calculations are illustrated in Figs. 22 and 23. The knowledge accumulated in studying HAS from Cu(0 0 1) surface in the one-phonon scattering regime provided prerequisites for the interpretation of multiphonon scattering spectra reported by Hofmann et al. [261,338]. These authors have o!ered an interpretation of the measured multiphonon spectra within a slightly modi"ed Glauber}van Hove formalism for neutron
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Fig. 24. Comparison of experimental angular resolved multiphonon scattering intensity (yield) for the system HePCu(0 0 1) from Ref. [338] (full lines) with the theoretical spectra (dashed lines) calculated in the EBA (Eq. (263)) for the same set of impact parameters. TOF scans taken along the 1 1 0 azimuth at incident energy 113 meV. is the deviation from the specular angle "47.93. The temperature at "#33 is 800 K, at all other angles 837 K.
scattering from crystals by introducing an appropriately parametrized DWBA matrix element of the interaction incorporating the parallel momentum cut-o! Q de"ned in Eq. (71). By varying this parameter over an unphysical range, which was attributed to the role of multiquantum e!ects, the authors have achieved a quantitative agreement with the experimental data [261]. However, as from the point of view of multiphonon scattering theory discussed in the present review the di!erent parametrizations of Q in the single- and the multiphonon scattering regime are unjusti "ed, the full EBA calculations of the HePCu(0 0 1) scattering spectra have also been carried out [339]. The results of these calculations and their comparison with the experimental spectra are shown in Fig. 24. The overall shape of the scattering spectra exhibit typical multiphonon character and tend to the limit given by expression (291), as can also be deduced from the values of the corresponding Debye}Waller exponents ranging in the interval 542=#kG 410. Note that 2 a good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results shown in Fig. 24 has been achieved without invoking any adjustable parameters. In particular, the magnitude of Q that is one of the most important parameters in the model, was consistently derived from Eq. (71) and not by any "tting procedure. The thus-obtained value Q "1 As \ is physical whereas the much larger value of 2.4 As \ proposed by the authors of Ref. [261] to interpret the data cannot be justi"ed on physical grounds. In closing this description we reiterate that HePCu(1 1 1) and HePCu(0 0 1) scattering experiments have provided important database for the theoretical studies of phonon excitations over a wide range of the scattering conditions. This, in turn, has resulted in the most comprehensive and complete quantum interpretations of inelastic HAS from surfaces.
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6.3. Scattering of He atoms from monolayers of Xe atoms As has already been noted earlier (Section 5.2.3), the multiphonon processes can be most easily identi"ed in the systems exhibiting nondispersive modes, irrespective of the probe used for their detection. Nondispersive or Einstein modes of low energy ( & few meV) have been observed in HAS from very di!erent types of surfaces and their excitation intensities were measured both in the single- and the multiphonon scattering regime. The monitoring of excitation intensities of Einstein modes is facile if their dispersion curves are detached from the dispersion curves of all other modes over the major part of the SBZ, and in particular from the bulk phonon quasicontinuum. This situation can be most readily realized experimentally in the case of adlayers of heavy adsorbates weakly bound to #at surfaces. In this respect the monolayers of heavier noble gas atoms [324,328,340}344] (Ar, Kr, Xe) have proved as paradigms, "rst because they sustain all three types of expected adlayer modes of which one of them is practically nondispersive or only weakly dispersive over the SBZ, and second, because of the availability of the data and algorithms for assessing interactions among the noble gas atoms. As Xe adatoms due to the large atomic mass give rise to lowest monolayer vibrational frequencies among other noble gas atoms, Xe monolayers are particularly suitable for the studies of multiphonon e!ects in HAS. In this subsection we shall focus our attention on the interpretation of HAS spectra from the monolayer systems Xe/Cu(1 1 1) and Xe/Cu(0 0 1) which are representative of the overlayer-substrate structures of quite di!erent registries, commensurate and incommensurate, respectively. Both structures sustain low-frequency nondispersive and dispersive adlayer-localized phonons and from this point of view they provide ideal prototype heatbaths for studying the various e!ects associated with phonon excitations in HAS from surfaces. The preparation of the hexagonal commensurate monolayer of Xe on Cu(1 1 1) surface at the temperature 70 K, and of the incommensurate `#oatinga monolayer of Xe on Cu(0 0 1) surface at the same temperature, has been described in Ref. [312]. This temperature was chosen to avoid the incommensurate}commensurate structural transition which takes place in the Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system at 47 K [345], and because below 68 K the Xe bilayers and multilayers are stable. The right-hand-side panel in Fig. 25(a) shows the structure of the commensurate ((3;(3)R303 monolayer of Xe atoms adsorbed on Cu(1 1 1) surface [346,347] and indicates the two principal directions (azimuths) of the substrate crystal surface. The left-hand-side panel shows the "rst SBZ of the substrate (dashed lines) and the two-dimensional Brillouin zone of the adlayer (full lines). Fig. 25(b) shows an angular distribution of He atoms scattered from ((3;(3)R303 Xe/Cu(1 1 1) surface for incident wavevector k "9.2 As \ (E "45 meV) and the substrate temperature G G ¹ "60 K along the [1 1 0]-azimuth relative to the substrate surface. The intensities are nor malized to the specular peak height. In addition to the (1, 0) di!raction peak, two additional, Xe (1/3, 0) and (2/3, 0) di!raction peaks of the order one-third were observed [310]. The sharpness of the peaks and relatively low background indicate the presence of a well-ordered, largely defect-free Xe-overlayer. Fig. 26 shows an angular distribution along the substrate [1 0 0]-azimuth obtained by scattering He atoms from a monolayer of Xe atoms adsorbed on Cu(0 0 1) for incident wave vector k "5.25 As \ (E "14.36 meV) and ¹ "52 K. This distribution indicates a well-de"ned strucG G ture which the earlier LEED studies have identi"ed as characteristic of a hexagonally ordered adlayer incommensurate with the underlying substrate [348,349], so that the [1 0 0] substrate
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Fig. 25. (a) Right panel: Structure of ((3;(3)R303 monolayer of Xe atoms (shaded circles) on Cu(1 1 1) surface, with examples of two high-symmetry directions (azimuths) in the substrate surface plane. Left panel: two-dimensional Brillouin zones of Cu(1 1 1) surface (dashed lines) and of Xe adlayer (full lines). (b) He-atom angular distribution along [1 1 0] azimuth of the substrate from ((3;(3)R303 Xe monolayer on Cu(1 1 1) for incident wavevector k "9.2 As \ G (E "45 meV) and surface temperature 60 K. G
direction lies along equivalent nonhigh-symmetry directions for the two domains of the Xe monolayer, one rotated by 303 from the other (cf. Fig. 6 in Ref. [348] and Fig. 2 in Ref. [349]). The present out-of-the-high-symmetry-plane measurements indicate sharp di!raction peaks commensurate with the orientation of the Xe overlayer along the Cu(0 0 1) [1 1 0] azimuth except for the two bumps at each side of the specular peak. Their presence is related to inelastic resonance processes involving the Cu(0 0 1) surface Rayleigh wave and intense nondispersive Xe mode with polarization perpendicular to the surface, as determined by the TOF measurements described below. Hence, in the case of both Cu substrates the Xe adlayers may be considered planar and periodic with hexagonal symmetry, irrespective of the (in)commensurability with the underlying substrate. The periodicity and symmetry of the adlayers is then re#ected in their vibrational properties. The adlayer vibrational modes can be classi"ed as dominantly in-plane polarized (longitudinal (L) and shear horizontal (SH)) and shear vertical (S) [352]. Fig. 27 shows typical He atom TOF spectra for the ((3;(3)R303 Xe/Cu(1 1 1) surface along the [1 1 2] substrate azimuth (i.e. along the M KM direction of the superstructure), for three di!erent 6 He atom incident energies spanning the transition from the single- to the multiquantum scattering regime. The spectrum at the lowest incident energy (E "9.9 meV) is typical of the single-phonon G scattering regime and is dominated by two well-de"ned peaks at $2.62 meV on the energy loss and gain sides of the TOF spectrum, respectively. Within the experimental error these energies do not change in the interval between K"0.1 and 0.3 As of the "rst SBZ of the superstructure in which the signal was detectable. In accordance with previous works on noble gas atoms adsorbed on other substrates [328,351], this mode was assigned to the excitation of collective vibrations of
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Fig. 26. He-atom angular distribution along the [1 0 0] azimuth of the substrate from an incommensurate hexagonal monolayer of Xe atoms adsorbed on Cu(0 0 1) for k "5.25 As \ (E "14.36 meV) and substrate temperature 52 K. G G
Xe-atoms with a polarization vector vertical to the surface and designated the S-mode. The lack of dispersion indicates that the frequency of the vertically polarized phonon is mainly determined by the adsorbate coupling to the substrate, with only a weak coupling to adjacent adsorbates. Deviation from a dispersionless behavior occurs only at the intersection with the substrate Rayleigh mode [101,351]. The energy of this S-mode ( "2.62 meV), is slightly larger than for 1 the (1 1 0)-face of Cu ( "2.5 meV [350]). The small, but signi"cant deviation of 0.12 meV is 1 consistent with a slightly deeper potential well for Xe on Cu(1 1 1) and Cu(0 0 1) than on Cu(1 1 0) [186,188]. In addition to the intense S-peaks the measured HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) spectrum also reveals the presence of a weak but clearly resolved feature (labelled `La) near the elastic or zero-energy-loss line. The energy of this mode changes with the angle of incidence and thus shows dispersion. The G relative intensity of this mode was found to decrease strongly with the wavevector so that the corresponding data points could only be obtained for parallel wavevector up to one-third of the distance between the M and KM points in the "rst Brillouin zone of the superstructure. Since in the 6
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Fig. 27. Series of measured HAS-TOF spectra for a monolayer of Xe on Cu(1 1 1) along the [1 1 2] direction of the substrate surface for three representative He atom incident energies. and denote the angle of incidence and the "xed G 1" total scattering angle, respectively. Scattering parameters are shown in the insets.
displayed TOF spectra the energy of the `La mode is always signi"cantly below that of the lowest surface phonon of the clean Cu(1 1 1) surface (cf. preceding subsection), this must be a pure Xe adlayer-induced mode which cannot couple to the substrate for wavevectors over a wide range of the SBZ. Since for the ((3;(3)R303 Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system the [1 1 2] direction has a highsymmetry mirror plane the vibrational modes are partitioned into two orthogonal classes [128] (see also Section 3.1). Two-thirds of the modes are polarized in the sagittal plane (including the adlayer-induced S- and L-modes). The remaining one-third of the modes are polarized in the surface plane and normal to the mirror plane and designated as shear horizontal or SH-modes. The three possible adlayer-induced orthogonal modes with the wavevector in the [1 1 2] direction (cf. Fig. 25(a)) are thus characterized by either a combination of the components with S- and L-polarization or pure SH-polarization. Combining the symmetry selection rules pertinent to the
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Fig. 28. Series of measured HAS-TOF spectra for a monolayer of Xe on Cu(0 0 1) along the [1 0 0] direction of the substrate surface for three representative He atom incident energies. Scattering parameters are shown in the insets.
probabilities of excitation of in-plane phonons at ideal surfaces (cf. Eq. (150)) with the fact that the data were recorded in the "rst SBZ of the superstructure and in the sagittal plane which coincides with the high-symmetry plane of the Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system, the observation of the SH-mode under these experimental conditions can be ruled out. Hence, this mode is tentatively assigned to the longitudinal mode of the adlayer which is known to couple to the scattered He atoms under similar conditions [30,219]. However, as demonstrated for NaCl, the SH-modes can be excited along a high-symmetry direction in the second SBZ [354]. The other two spectra in Fig. 27 demonstrate the transition from a single- to a multiphonon scattering regime as E is increased. This transition takes place already at rather low He atom G incident energies due to the very low excitation energies of the adlayer-induced S-modes whose vertical polarization gives rise to a strong projectile}phonon coupling (cf. Section 3.3.5). Although some single-phonon features are still discernible at incident energy E "21.4 meV, both spectra are G
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dominated by a number of uniformly spaced peaks at energies $n;2.62 meV. For E "45.1 meV the true multiphonon scattering regime is reached because the intensity of the G elastic peak is smaller than that of the multiquantum S-peak for n"2. Fig. 28 shows three representative He-atom time-of-#ight spectra for the incommensurate Xe monolayer on Cu(0 0 1) for three di!erent He atom incident energies along the 1 0 0 substrate azimuth which lies halfway between the two high-symmetry directions of the adlayer SBZ. In all essential aspects these spectra are similar to those shown in Fig. 27. They also exhibit strong dispersion of the `La mode and the multiple excitation of S-modes at energies $n;2.71 meV. In addition, the Rayleigh mode (labelled RW) of the underlying Cu(0 0 1) substrate is also observed at low and intermediate energies E . The RW dispersions curves of clean Cu(1 1 1) and Cu(0 0 1) G surfaces are well known from the previous works (cf. preceding subsection). It is noteworthy that for both adlayers the S-mode multiphonon lines are all, to within experimental error, located at integral multiples of a fundamental frequency, "2.6}2.7 meV/ . 1 At "rst sight this seems to imply a very harmonic Xe}Cu potential since anharmonic shifts, which are expected to be negative, would produce overtone energies smaller than the corresponding multiples of the fundamental frequency . However, the theoretical analyses of the Xe}metal 1 interactions [186,188,355] show that the potential is highly anharmonic but, as will be demonstrated below, the multiple spectral peaks can be explained by multiple excitation of delocalized phonon modes which involve the lowest harmonic states of many adatoms rather than a single higher anharmonic state localized on a single adatom. In this case there appears no anharmonic shift as each multiphonon excitation is distributed over the Xe atoms in the adlayer. The experimentally determined dispersion curves are shown in Figs. 29 and 30. For both Xe/Cu(1 1 1) and Xe/Cu(0 0 1) the vertically polarized S-mode exhibits negligible dispersion over the major part of the SBZ except at the point of avoided crossing with the substrate RW [133,328]. The most striking di!erence between the vibrational dynamics of the two adsorbate phases manifests itself in the dispersion of the `La mode. The `La mode for the commensurate Xe/Cu(1 1 1) structure exhibits a zone center gap of about 0.5 meV whereas for the incommensurate phase the frequency at the zone center goes to zero linearly with the wavevector. In order to corroborate the assignments of the modes in the HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) TOF spectra and theoretically analyze their dispersion and excitation intensities a full lattice dynamics calculation of the vibrationally coupled ((3;(3)R303 Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system has been carried out. Following independent experimental evidence [347] the Xe atoms were placed in on-top sites on both sides of a 40-layer thick slab of substrate atoms. The interaction between nearest-neighbor Cu atoms was accounted for by a single radial force constant !}!"28.0 N/m as obtained from a "t of the bulk Cu phonon dispersion curves [356]. The other parameters describing the coupling of the Xe atoms to the nearest-neighbor Cu substrate atoms were "tted to the dispersion curves, which yielded a radial force constant !}6"3.7 N/m and a tangential force constant !}6"0.086 N/m. Assigning the longitudinal character to the observed `La mode to comply with the above-discussed symmetry selection rules, the interaction between the atoms in the adlayer could be described by a radial force constant 6}6"0.5 N/m and a tangential force constant 6}6"0. The values of these force constants are systematized in Table 4. The results of the full dynamical matrix calculation for the dispersion of the surface-projected S- and longitudinal modes are also shown in Fig. 29 and they reproduce the experimental data very satisfactorily. The radial Xe}Xe force constant 6}6"0.5 N/m resulting from this procedure is, however, signi"cantly smaller than the
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Fig. 29. Phonon dispersions for Xe/Cu(1 1 1) surface along the [1 1 2] direction relative to the substrate as determined by HAS (full circles). The solid line denotes the best "t achieved for the longitudinal (L) mode in the Xe adlayer and the dashed}dotted line is the result for the L-mode using the gas-phase Xe}Xe potential. The theoretical dispersion curve for the vertically polarized S-mode is marked by the long dashed line and of the Rayleigh phonon and the projected bulk phonon edge of the Cu substrate by the full thin and dotted line, respectively. For force constants see main text and Table 4. Fig. 30. Phonon dispersions for Xe/Cu(0 0 1) surface along the [1 0 0] direction relative to the Cu substrate as determined by HAS (full circles). The full curve represents the best "t achieved for the longitudinal (L) mode, the #at dashed curve shows a theoretical dispersion curve for the S-mode, the dot}dashed line indicates the position of the L-mode using the gas-phase force constant, and the dashed curve indicates the position of the Rayleigh wave on the Cu(0 0 1) surface. For force constants see main text and Table 5.
Table 4 The values of the radial, , and tangential, , force constants for the "rst nearest neighbors used in the analysis of phonon dispersion curves in the commensurate Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system. Note a signi"cant softening of 6}6 relative to the value of 1.67 N/m obtained using gas-phase Xe}Xe HFD-B2 potentials [147]. In this system Xe atoms are adsorbed in ((3;(3)R303 superstructure on top of Cu atoms [347] Force constant (commens. Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system)
Value (N/m)
!}! !}6 !}6 } 6 6 6}6
28.0 3.7 0.086 0.5 0
value predicted from the highly precise HFD-B2 gas-phase potential [147], 6}6"1.67 N/m, &$" which produces a signi"cantly steeper dispersion curve for longitudinal phonons denoted by the dash}dotted curve in Fig. 29. The complete results of the present dynamical matrix calculation for phonon dispersion in Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system are shown in Fig. 31(a). This calculation also enables to
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Fig. 31. (a) Dispersion curves for Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system along the [1 1 2] direction calculated using the dynamical matrix approach to a slab of 40 Cu layers with Xe atoms in on-top positions on each side. For force constants see Table 4. Note that the S-, L- and SH-mode dispersion curves are detached from the bulk quasicontinuum. (b) Surface localization of Xe-induced S-, L- and SH-modes on the adlayer expressed through the sum of the components of the respective polarization vectors in the adlayer. Numbers below symbols 䉭 denote frequencies (in meV) of the S-mode. (c) Ellipticity (vertical vs. longitudinal polarization) of the L-mode in Xe adlayer on Cu(1 1 1) substrate as a function of phonon wavevector. Percentage above full squares denotes surface localization of the L-mode.
trace how each phonon mode of the composite system is localized at the surface (i.e. within the adlayer) and how the typical surface modes may get delocalized for certain values of the wavevector. A measure of the adlayer localization of the S-, L- and SH-modes near the center of the "rst BZ of the superstructure is shown in Fig. 31(b). Further important information concerning the ellipticity of polarization (perpendicular vs. longitudinal) of the L-mode in the same region is illustrated in Fig. 31(c). In the case of incommensurate monolayer of Xe on Cu(0 0 1) it is not possible to set up a "nite-surface unit cell and the corresponding dynamical matrix describing the vibrations in the substrate and the three modes localized in the adlayer, namely the S-, L- and SH-modes. Instead,
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Table 5 The values of the radial, , and tangential, , force constants for the "rst nearest neighbors used in the analysis of adlayer phonon dispersion curves in the incommensurate Xe/Cu(0 0 1) system. Note a signi"cant softening of 6}6 rela tive to the value of 1.67 N/m obtained using gas-phase Xe}Xe HFD-B2 potentials [147]. Experimental Xe}Xe interatomic distance on Cu(0 0 1) is estimated [348] to be a"4.5 As at substrate temperature ¹ "77 K Force constant (incommens. Xe/Cu(0 0 1) system)
Value (N/m)
!}6 !}6 } 6 6 6}6
3.8 0 0.42 0.012
one may de"ne a dynamical matrix of the adlayer and treat the substrate as an elastic continuum [133] which enables the study of the coupling of the adlayer modes to substrate vibrations. However, as for the present system we are primarily interested in the excitation intensities of the adlayer modes outside the regions of avoided crossings of their dispersion curves with dispersion curves of the substrate modes, we shall resort to a simpler picture of the vibrating adlayer `#oatinga on a rigid substrate (cf. Refs. [328,352]). Since the experimental data were taken halfway between the two high-symmetry directions of the two-dimensional hexagonal Xe adlayer Brillouin zone, the broken symmetry no longer forbids excitation of the SH-mode. However, since the calculated polarization vector of the SH-mode is nearly perpendicular and of the L-mode nearly parallel to the present azimuthal direction, the corresponding excitation probabilities of the SH-phonon are expected to be much smaller than those of the L-phonon (cf. Section 3.3.3, Eq. (150)). Hence, as in the case of the commensurate system, a longitudinal polarization is assigned to the observed low-energy adlayer-induced acoustic `La mode also in the incommensurate system Xe/Cu(0 0 1). The best-"t force constants in the [0 0 1] direction are !}6"3.8 N/m, !}6"0, 6}6"0.42 N/m, and 6}6"0.012 N/m. They are similar to the force constants for Cu(1 1 1) substrate and are systematized in Table 5. The results of calculations for the adlayer phonon dispersion curves using these force constants are also presented in Fig. 30 and reproduce the experimental data very well. For comparison, the dispersion of the L-mode calculated by using 6\6 is also shown as &$" a dash}dotted line and does not "t the data. The azimuthal dependence of dispersion of the three adlayer modes calculated in the #oating monolayer model of the incommensurate Xe/Cu(0 0 1) system is shown in Fig. 32. However, in the case of both Xe adlayers, the physical origin of the unexpected large softening of the radial Xe}Xe force constants introduced to reconcile the symmetry requirements with the experimental data remains unclear. A clue to this e!ect may be provided by the peculiar electronic structure of the Cu(0 0 1) and Cu(1 1 1) surfaces which support surface electronic states with corresponding electronic wavefunctions extending far across the adsorbed Xe atoms [353]. The analysis of the phonon excitation intensities requires the calculation of the force matrix elements, Eq. (149). This was performed [146] by using two-dimensional Fourier transform of the pseudopair potential v(Q, z) describing the interaction of the He atom with Xe atoms in the adlayer that is given by the same expression as de"ned by Eq. (300) with the property v(Q"0, z)/A "; (z) and the values of the parameters given in Tables 6 and 7. Note that these are not the parameters obtained from pairwise summation of pure He}Xe gas-phase potentials
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Fig. 32. Calculated dispersion curves of S-, L- and SH-phonons (from top to bottom) over 1/6 of the two-dimensional "rst Brillouin zone, i.e. between two equivalent high-symmetry directions, corresponding to a #oating Xe adlayer on Cu(0 0 1). For force constants see Table 5. The angle is measured relative to M M M direction of the Brillouin zone of the 6 superstructure. Table 6 Parameters for the best-"t Morse potential ; (z) and v(Q, z), Eqs. (62) and (300), for modelling the He atom interaction with Xe/Cu(1 1 1) surface D (meV)
\ (As )
z (As )
Table 7 Parameters for the best-"t Morse potential ; (z) and v(Q, z), Eqs. (62) and (300), for modelling the He atom interaction with Xe/Cu(0 0 1) surface D (meV)
\ (As )
z (As )
Table 8 Parameters for the Morse potential ; (z), Eq. (62), obtained from the best-"t to the pairwise sum of gas-phase potentials [179,325,180] acting between a He atom and a monolayer of Xe atoms D (meV)
\ (As )
z (As )
[179,180,325] (such a summation yields the parameters given in Table 8), but slightly modi"ed ones so as to produce a softer He}surface potential. With the aid of the matrix elements of the pseudopotential of the form (300) parametrized by using Tables 6 and 7, and the phonon mode frequencies and polarization vectors calculated by
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Fig. 33. (a) Calculated DWBA and EBA scattering intensities for emitting one S-phonon (lower and upper full curves, respectively, marked by (#)) and absorbing one S-phonon (lower and upper dashed curves, respectively, marked by (!)) in HAS from Xe/Cu(0 0 1) as functions of exchanged phonon wavevector Q for the scattering conditions as denoted. For potential parameters see Table 7. Inset: corresponding projectile transition probabilities in one-phonon loss and gain processes denoted by full and dashed curves, respectively. (b) Same for Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system.
using the dynamical matrix method, one readily obtains the DWBA scattering intensities (259) for HAS from Xe/Cu(1 1 1) and Xe/Cu(0 0 1) surfaces. Here we shall brie#y illustrate some of their general and most interesting features relevant also to the studies of other adlayer systems with similar characteristics, and a more detailed discussion can be found in Ref. [312]. Fig. 33 shows a plot of the DWBA scattering intensities calculated for emission (energy loss) or absorption (energy gain) of a single dispersionless S-phonon in HAS from the `#oatinga Xe adlayer on Cu(0 0 1) surface. The calculated intensities reveal a relatively simple and expected structure as a function of the exchanged phonon momentum. This is mainly due to the simple properties of S-phonons characteristic of the `#oatinga adlayer model, i.e. the absence of dispersion and localization of the polarization vector within and perpendicular to the monolayer. On the other hand, due to the more complicated model of vibrational dynamics of the commensurate Xe monolayer adsorbed on Cu(1 1 1) surface the analogous intensities shown in Fig. 33(b) exhibit a more complicated structure despite the similarity in the corresponding potential parameters (see above). Here the S-phonon polarization vector becomes delocalized over the "rst few layers of the Xe/Cu slab for the values of Q at which the S-phonon dispersion curve meets the dispersion curves of substrate phonons (cf. Fig. 31(a)). This makes the coupling of He atom to S-phonons weaker in this region of the Q-space, which then results in the occurrence of pronounced minima in the scattering intensities. As has been shown in Section 5.2.3, for nondispersive S-phonons the intensities of the measured single quantum loss or gain peaks acquire additional weight due to the multi-quantum interference between the emission of n$1 and annihilation of n nondispersive phonons of di!erent wavevectors [315,317]. These additional contributions are automatically included in the EBA and the di!erence between the single S-phonon loss and gain scattering intensities obtained in "rst-order DWBA theory and in the EBA is also shown in Figs. 33(a) and (b) for incommensurate and
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Fig. 34. (a) Calculated DWBA HAS intensities for L-phonon emission (full curve) and L-phonon absorption (dashed curve) in Xe/Cu(0 0 1) as functions of exchanged phonon momentum. For interpretation of the maxima and minima see main text. (b) Same for the Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system.
commensurate Xe adlayers, respectively. It is seen from the "gures that for the given projectile incoming energies these di!erences may be quite substantial, which then necessitates the use of the EBA in calculating the single S-phonon loss or gain intensities for comparison with experiment. Fig. 34(a) shows the "rst-order or DWBA intensities for HAS from L-phonons in the incommensurate adlayer of Xe on Cu(0 0 1) surface for "nite substrate temperature ¹ . In the present `#oatinga adlayer model for the dynamical matrix the L-mode frequency follows acoustic dispersion Q Jc Q for small Q (cf. Fig. 32). The corresponding polarization vector e(Q, ¸) lies strictly * * in the adlayer plane and remains dominantly parallel to Q even outside the high-symmetry directions of the "rst BZ of the superstructure. Consequently, the L-phonon DWBA intensity for small Q (for which Q JQ) and "nite ¹ becomes proportional to the factor Q ) e(Q, ¸)k¹ /Q * * which saturates at a "nite value for QP0. As a result of that and the properties of the o!-shell interaction matrix elements the L-phonon scattering intensity in the case of incommensurate Xe monolayer exhibits a maximum near the zone center [312]. The minima in the intensity occur for those values of Q at which the on-the-energy-shell constrained matrix elements go through a minimum or zero. All these features clearly manifest themselves in the Q-dependence of the L-phonon scattering intensity shown in Fig. 34(a). In contrast to the L-mode behavior, the polarization of the SH-mode remains dominantly perpendicular to Q also outside the highsymmetry directions of the "rst BZ of the superstructure [312]. Therefore for ideally structured `#oatinga adlayers it will always give a much smaller contribution to the intensity of the one-phonon processes for HAS in the sagittal plane and Q restricted to the "rst SBZ. Fig. 34(b) shows a single L-phonon HAS intensity for Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system as a function of the phonon wavevector on the same scale as in Fig. 34(a). Apart from the trends leading to zero scattering intensities for some isolated Q-values due to the behavior of the o!-shell matrix elements which are common to both incommensurate and commensurate Xe layers, some basic di!erences with respect to the Xe/Cu(0 0 1) system can be observed. The commensurability of the adlayer with the substrate gives rise to nonvanishing Xe}Cu shear stress force constants entering the full dynamical matrix of the Xe/Cu slab, thereby producing two important e!ects regarding the
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phonon dynamics. First, due to the appearance of a zone center phonon gap in the dispersion curves of L-phonons the intensity factor behaves as Q ) e(Q, ¸)k¹ /Q JQ for small Q because * Q O0. Second, the polarization vector of the L-phonons is no longer constrained to the * surface plane but for the values of Q at which the L-mode and substrate modes are degenerate it also acquires a component in the direction perpendicular to the surface and its localization to the adlayer is reduced (cf. Figs. 31(b) and (c)). For a completely in-surface-plane polarization of the L-mode and "nite ¹ the "rst e!ect causes a drop in the scattering intensity which is quadratic in Q towards the zone center. The beginning of this trend is clearly visible in Fig. 34(b). However, by increasing Q the second e!ect begins to play a role and, since the coupling to perpendicular vibrations is much stronger than that to parallel ones, the L-phonon scattering intensity rises rapidly and reaches a maximum in two spikes near the zone center. Hence, the interplay between the parallel and perpendicular polarizations, or the ellipticity of the L-mode polarization in the commensurate Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system, introduces fast variations of the scattering intensity as a function of the exchanged phonon momentum. Regarding the role of the SH-modes of the slab on the HAS intensities, we "nd that the situation is here completely analogous to the case of a #oating Xe adlayer, i.e. within the present model description their coupling to He atom is generally negligible for in-sagittal-plane collision geometry and Q lying in the "rst SBZ, and is strictly zero along the high-symmetry directions. However, this conclusion does not apply to the magnitude of the Debye}Waller factor because the Debye}Waller exponent is obtained by carrying out the momentum transfer summations not only in the sagittal plane but over the entire "rst SBZ and also beyond if the coupling matrix elements are strong for large values of the exchanged parallel momentum (cf. Figs. 33 and 34). In fact, for the matrix elements of appreciable magnitude in the second SBZ the SH-mode can produce even larger contributions to the DW exponent than the L-mode due to its lower excitation frequency. This e!ect on the Debye}Waller factor is illustrated in Fig. 35. A comparison of the experimental and calculated spectral intensities of the L- and S-modes (including the EBA correction for the one S-phonon intensity) in the single-phonon scattering
Fig. 35. Plots of the various contributions to the Debye}Waller factor pertinent to HePXe/Cu(0 0 1) collision system as functions of substrate temperature ¹ and for the scattering conditions as denoted. Dotted line: only S-phonons included; dashed line: S- and L-phonons included; full line: S-, L- and SH-phonons included. Note the logarithmic scale on the ordinate axis. Here the Q summation in Eq. (264) to obtain the DW exponent was carried out over the "rst and second surface Brillouin zones of the superstructure.
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Fig. 36. Comparison of experimental and calculated S- and L-mode intensities in the single-phonon scattering spectra typical of HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) collisions.
regime of HAS from Xe/Cu(1 1 1) is shown in Fig. 36. Here the component due to elastic di!use scattering from defects, not accounted for by the present model, has been added to the elastic peak intensity to aid comparison with experiment because in combination with the "nite peak width it can also contribute to the background intensity of the L-peaks. With this proviso a good agreement between experimental and theoretical results is achieved which illustrates the consistency of the present interpretation of the inelastic peaks in the HAS-TOF spectra from Xe/Cu(1 1 1) surface. Since in the #oating adlayer model applied to the Xe/Cu(0 0 1) system the interference between the adlayer modes and the substrate Rayleigh wave cannot be obtained, only the TOF spectra in which the peaks assigned to S- and L-modes could be maximally separated from those of the RW have been selected for comparison with theory. This allows the calculation of intensities of adlayer modes in the EBA by neglecting the S-mode frequency shifts and the S- and L-mode delocalization occurring at avoided crossings with the dispersion curve of the RW. Along the direction of the described measurement the polarization of the SH mode is not strictly perpendicular to its wavevector, and this in principle could give rise also to SH-mode-induced structures in the TOF spectra. However, in this direction the present theoretical analysis gives the SH-mode intensity of the order of only 3% relative to the contribution from the L-mode. The calculated relative intensities of the S- and L-modes for the Xe/Cu(0 0 1) system in the single-phonon scattering regime, but with inclusion of multi-quantum interference of nondispersive S-modes, are compared
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Fig. 37. Comparison of experimental and calculated S- and L-mode intensities in the single-phonon scattering spectra typical of HePXe/Cu(0 0 1) collisions. Expanded contours in the topmost panel show the positions and relative intensities of the L-mode peaks calculated with the present softened Xe}Xe radial force constants (full curve) and unmodi"ed gas-phase potential-derived [147] force constants (diamonds). Similar di!erences are obtained for the other two spectra. SH-derived peaks are not discernible on the present scale.
with the experimental data in Fig. 37. Given all the approximations used in the calculation, it is seen that the model reproduces the relative TOF intensities quite satisfactorily. The only exception occurs on the energy-loss side in the lower panel of Fig. 37 where the aforementioned avoided crossing between the substrate RW (energy loss at 3.05 meV) and the adlayer S-mode takes place, with the e!ect of S-mode frequency shift and intensity enhancement. In Fig. 37 we also demonstrate how the use of the unsoftened force constants derived from the three-dimensional Xe}Xe gas-phase potential [147] gives rise to the position and intensity of the L-peaks for which the disagreement with the experimental data is evident. On the other hand, the SH-peaks calculated for the present scattering geometry by using the same gas-phase potentials are of negligible relative intensity to be experimentally observable although their frequency may coincide with that of the measured acoustic mode. Hence, with the present mode assignments and the corresponding model dispersion relations based on the softened radial intralayer force constants we can consistently describe the HAS-TOF intensities for the Xe/Cu(0 0 1) system as well. As the coupling of He atoms to S-modes is much stronger than to the L-modes, which is manifest through comparison of Figs. 33 and 34, the multiphonon scattering spectra will be dominated by a series of multi-quantum S-peaks. All other dispersive modes may only add weak structures on top of this basic one. Eventually, these structures will turn into a broad Gaussian-like background
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Fig. 38. (a) Comparison of experimental and calculated EBA multiphonon scattering spectra typical of HePXe/ Cu(1 1 1) collisions using the same potentials and dispersion relations as in Fig. 36. (b) Same for HePXe/Cu(0 0 1) collisions using the potentials and dispersion relations as in Fig. 37.
(cf. Eq. (291)) in the limit of high incident projectile energies. The multiphonon scattering spectra from Xe/Cu(1 1 1) and Xe/Cu(0 0 1) adlayers have been studied in detail in Refs. [310,312]. Figs. 38(a) and (b) show comparisons of experimental data with the EBA multiphonon calculations for the two systems obtained by consistently employing the potentials from the corresponding single-phonon calculations. Fig. 38(b) is interesting in that it illustrates the behavior of the experimental scattering spectra of HePXe/Cu(0 0 1) collisions in the single-phonon scattering regime regarding the modes which weakly couple to He atoms. This is shown by the appearance of a Rayleigh wave-induced hump and an L-mode-induced shoulder near the elastic line. However, this scattering regime simultaneously appears to be a multiphonon one for the S-modes whose coupling to the scattering He atoms is much stronger. Concerning the agreement between experimental and theoretical results we observe that although the multiphonon TOF spectra of the incommensurate Xe/Cu(0 0 1) system can be relatively well reproduced, except for the elastic line which was not corrected for di!use scattering contribution in the theoretical plot, the agreement for the commensurate Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system is better. Interestingly enough, in the latter case (Fig. 38(a)) the di!use elastic scattering correction for the elastic line was unnecessary due to the true multiphonon character of the spectrum at this higher incident energy. This spectrum can be viewed as a convolution of a series of well-de"ned equidistant peaks, signifying the uncorrelated multiple emission and absorption of nondispersive S-phonons (and not the overtones [312]), with a broad background arising from the multiple excitation of L- and also SH-phonons which outside the one-phonon scattering regime are no more constrained by the symmetry selection rules embodied in Eq. (150). 6.4. Debye}Waller factors for scattering of heavier noble gas atoms from surfaces One of the manifestations of the quantum character of a particular inelastic scattering event is the behavior of the corresponding Debye}Waller factor (DWF) in the EBA, Eq. (265), vs., for
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Fig. 39. Calculated temperature dependence of the quantum (full curves) and semiclassical (dashed curves) Debye} Waller factor for Ne, Ar and Kr scattering from Cu(1 1 1) and experimental results [357] (full symbols).
instance, the same quantity calculated in the semiclassical trajectory approximation, Eq. (112). In all the examples of applications of the EBA formalism to concrete scattering systems given in the preceding subsections only the quantities pertinent to He atom scattering have been discussed. Thus, full quantum calculations for the DWF were carried out for the systems HePXe(1 1 1) (Fig. 16), HePCu(0 0 1) (Figs. 22 and 23), and HePXe/Cu(0 0 1) (Fig. 35). The same applies to the earlier quantum calculations of the DWF that were carried out for HAS from Ag(1 1 1) by Idiodi et al. [304] and from Pt(1 1 1) by Bortolani et al. [305]. However, it is also of interest to carry out the DWF calculations for heavier projectile atoms [358] and compare the obtained values with the available experimental data. The experiments of scattering of Ne, Ar and Kr atoms from a #at Cu(1 1 1) surface at low incident energies were carried out by Altho! et al. [357] with the aim of assessing the behavior of the DWF as a function of the projectile mass M in a wide range of surface temperatures ¹ . The experimental datapoints for the DW exponent (obtained from ln I where I denotes the intensity of the specular peak) are shown as full symbols in Fig. 39 for Ne, Ar, and Kr atoms in the temperature range 10 K4¹ 4250 K. The authors [357] have interpreted these results by the semiclassical DWF theory using the explicit formulae of Burke and Kohn [255] which are obtained by assuming that the projectile moves along a classical trajectory in a one-dimensional atom}surface potential ;(z) and interacts with the substrate Debye-like phonons polarized perpendicularly to the surface. In this, essentially one-dimensional approach, the Debye}Waller exponent 2= in the limit ¹ P0 depends only on the particle incoming energy E , surface Debye temperature and the G " parameters of the static atom}surface potential ;(z), but not on M. On the other hand, in the scattering regime ¹ < " /(k ) and ( , where is the e!ective collision time, it scales as O O " 2=JM¹ . However, as these scaling laws are the result of the assumptions of the classical motion of the projectile subject to a one-dimensional interaction with the heatbath of Debye phonons, and as the experiments have been carried out in the quantum regime, it is interesting to investigate if the same behavior can be retrieved from a full three-dimensional quantum calculation of inelastic noble gas atom scattering by phonons of a #at Cu(1 1 1) surface, and check both results against experiment.
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Fig. 40. Dependence of quantum (full curves) and semiclassical Debye}Waller exponent (dashed curves) on projectile particle mass for E "36 meV and "xed ;(z) in the low- (main panel) and high-temperature (inset) limits. G
The quasiclassical and quantum calculations of the DWE for scattering of heavier noble gas atoms Ne, Ar and Kr from Cu(1 1 1) surface [358] are based on Ref. [255] and Eq. (260), respectively, by using the same atom}surface theoretical potentials ;(z) given in Ref. [357]. The contributions from prompt sticking processes have to be included in the quantum calculation of the DWE because of their overall large contribution at low incident energies. As the quantum DWF exhibits the correct semiclassical limit, it also allows to pinpoint the breakdown of the semiclassical description. A comparison of the measured and calculated DWFs shown in Fig. 39 reveals much better general agreement between the measured and quantum rather than the semiclassical values, and therefore signals for the need of the quantum approach in the studied scattering regime. A systematic small underestimate at very low ¹ appears because the results are uncorrected for the temperature-independent di!use elastic scattering. The breakdown of the semiclassical approach for all three scattering systems is illustrated in Fig. 40 which shows the M-dependence of the quantum and semiclassical Debye}Waller exponents calculated in the low (main panel) and high (inset) ¹ -limit for E "36 meV and one and the same G ;(z) corresponding to Ar}surface interaction. It is seen that the semiclassical one-dimensional scaling results for the DWE are reached for atomic masses largely exceeding those of the projectiles employed in the experiment [357]. Hence, the semiclassical approach is not yet applicable in the studied scattering regime despite the relatively large mass of the scattered atoms.
7. Energy transfer in gas}surface collisions For a long time the energy transfer in gas}surface collisions has been the focus of surface scientists [359]. Special attention has been paid to the total average energy transfer, (k , ¹ ), in the G free molecular #ow regime [360] as a function of the momentum k of the incident gas atoms and G
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the surface temperature ¹ , because of its importance for understanding the #ow interaction with space vehicles. The energy transfer in this regime of gas}surface collisions is dominantly due to the gas interaction with vibrational degrees of freedom or phonons of the surface involved. The properties of heat transfer characteristic of the various technologically interesting surfaces are routinely investigated in wind tunnel experiments. However, by the very nature of these experiments, they can only render macroscopic information pertaining to technically clean surfaces, whereas the microscopic properties of the heat transfer involving atomically clean surfaces can be assessed solely in molecular beam experiments under the UHV conditions. One of the key notions in the standard classical theory of gas}surface collisions is the recovery temperature ¹ at which for a given incoming energy of the gas particles the average energy transfer to the surface heat bath vanishes, i.e. (k , ¹ "¹ )"0. The value of ¹ can be also G determined in the wind tunnel experiments combined with calorimetric measurements so as to monitor the magnitude of the energy transfer as the temperature of the sample surface is varied [361,362]. For monoatomic gases the standard classical accommodation theory gives ¹ "E /2k inde G pendent of the angle of incidence, and to a good approximation E K5k ¹ /2 where ¹ is the G stagnation temperature of the beam gas prior to expansion in the supersonic nozzle [361]. This yields the recovery factor ¹ /¹ K1.25 but deviations from this universal behavior have been observed in wind tunnel molecular beam experiments [361] and their explanation was proposed in terms of heuristically modi"ed classical expressions [363]. In this section it is demonstrated that investigations of vibrational properties of surfaces by the application of HAS-TOF technique also provide an excellent database for the assessment of total energy transfer in gas}surface scattering. The available information from the single- and multiphonon scattering regime can be combined with the quantum theory of HAS to reveal "rst the magnitude of angular resolved energy transfer as a characteristic of the TOF spectra. In the second step this can be used to calculate the total energy transfer in the studied type of gas}surface collisions, as will be shown below. This is particularly important for a relatively large number of surfaces whose desired microscopic characteristics cannot be maintained during measurements in a wind tunnel environment which at present is the only direct experimental method that can yield the values of total energy transfer. 7.1. Angular resolved vs. angular integrated energy transfer The total energy transfer which enters the heat transfer and accommodation coe$cients [360,361] is evaluated from
(k , ¹ )" G
() d .
Here NkG () is the total (i.e. angular integrated) scattering spectrum expressed as a function of the 2 energy exchange "E and gives the probability density for an atom with initial momentum k G to exchange energy with a surface at the temperature ¹ . The "nal atom state can be either a continuum c or a bound state b of the static atom}surface potential ;(r) [297,358]. However,
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two major problems must be solved in applying Eq. (301) to atom}surface scattering. First, NkG (), and thereby also (k , ¹ ) are not directly accessible in typical HAS TOF measurements 2 G from which most of the data are available at present. As has been shown in Section 4.1, these experiments yield the energy and angular resolved quantities usually only for "xed total scattering angle " # in the sagittal plane, and the measured TOF spectrum is directly proportional 1" G D to the cPc component of the full energy and parallel momentum resolved scattering distribution NkG (, K). Hence, the "rst problem is related to the fully quantum calculations of reliable 2 multiphonon scattering distributions NkG (, K), which after integration over K yield NkG (). 2 2 As has been shown in the preceding section, the EBA formalism has proved very successful in interpretations of these distributions which makes possible their computation and the test of validity in comparison with experimental results. In turn, these distributions are related to the angular resolved energy transfer (, K()) d !NAA k G 2 (k , ¹ , )" , G D !NAA (, K()) d k G 2
which is speci"c to the scattering events contributing to a particular TOF spectrum typi"ed by the on-the-scan-curve dependence K"K(). Now, as (k , ¹ , ) can be computed from both the G D (, K) and the experimental TOF-spectra, another veri"cation of the model theoretical NAA k G 2 calculations can be made also at this stage by a direct comparison of the two results. This double check should provide a su$cient consistency and reliability test for the model predictions before proceeding to the "nal calculations of the total energy transfer as this quantity cannot be directly compared with the data from any type of molecular beam scattering experiments. After testing the validity of the EBA formalism in the studied scattering regime one can make use of expression (263) to write Eq. (301) as the derivative of the EBA scattering function (k , ¹ )"i 2=# ("0, R"0) . G
This expression can be readily calculated once 2=# (, R) is established. Assuming linear projectile}phonon coupling amounts to using expression (264) for the scattering function. Substitution of expression (264) into (306) gives (k , ¹ )" (k )# (k , ¹ ) , G G G
in which the temperature-independent part is X IXG (#) (k )" Q VHI H KG \Q\G KG G QG HIX
and the ¹ -dependence is determined by the recoil term (k , ¹ )" Q [VHI K X I K X I QXG G K (#)!VHI QXG G K (!)]n (Q ) . G\ \ G G> > G G H H QG HIX
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(k , ¹ ) vanishes in the recoilless trajectory approximation (TA) for the projectile motion [259], G yielding the result given by expression (116). However, the TA may fail even for heavier atoms (cf. Section 6.4 and Ref. [263]), and in the quantum scattering regime of gas}surface collisions at thermal energies the recoil is large which makes (k , ¹ ) strongly ¹ -dependent. This means that G term (306), which is generally negative, can become equal or exceed in magnitude the positive term (305) as ¹ is varied and the other parameters are kept constant. The surface temperature at which the two terms cancel each other de"nes the recovery temperature ¹ . 7.2. Quantum vs. classical results for energy transfer in benchmark systems The EBA calculations for the total energy transfer in HAS have been carried out for the same three prototype systems [297,313] whose scattering spectra have been calculated and compared with experiment in Section 6. Application of expression (302) to the HePXe(1 1 1) TOF spectra described in Section 6.1 yields the values of the angular resolved energy transfer denoted by full squares in Fig. 41 as a function of the angle of incidence for "xed experimental beam energy E "10.4 meV. The same type of calculation was then repeated with the theoretical EBA scattering G spectra and these results are denoted by a full line in Fig. 41. As seen from the two plots, the theoretical results for the angular resolved energy transfer are consistent with the values deduced from the experimental spectra, inasmuch as the calculated EBA values of the scattering spectra are (cf. inset in Fig. 41 and Section 6.1). Thereby the consistency required for the EBA-based calculation of the total energy transfer is satis"ed for this system. In a completely analogous fashion one proceeds with the system HePCu(0 0 1). The values of the angular resolved energy transfer deduced from the experimental and theoretical scattering
Fig. 41. Comparison of the theoretical angular resolved energy transfer in HePXe(1 1 1) collisions (full line) calculated from Eq. (302) with the values deduced from the available experimental HAS-TOF spectra (squares), given as a function of " ! /2 and for the scattering conditions as denoted. Inset: comparison of experimental (open squares) and G 1" calculated (full line) scattering spectrum for corresponding to the experimental point denoted by arrow.
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Fig. 42. Comparison of the theoretical angular resolved energy transfer in HePCu(0 0 1) collisions (full line) calculated from expression (302) with the values deduced from the available experimental HAS-TOF spectra (open circles), given as a function of " ! /2 and for the scattering conditions as denoted. Inset: comparison of the experimental G 1" multiphonon HAS-TOF (open circles) and theoretical (full curve) scattering spectra for corresponding to the experimental point denoted by arrow.
spectra as a function of the angle of incidence are compared in Fig. 42, in which they are denoted by the open circles and full line, respectively. Again, the theoretical results are consistent with the ones deduced from experiment. Finally, Fig. 43 shows a comparison between the experimental and theoretical values of the angular resolved energy transfer as a function of the surface temperature for the collision system HePXe/ Cu(1 1 1). The data are presented for several experimental incident He atom beam energies E and G "xed incident beam angle. Given all the uncertainties connected with numerical integration of the experimental TOF spectra and computation of their "rst moments in expression (302), the agreement between the two sets of results is very satisfactory, as much as it has been found for comparisons between the experimental and theoretical scattering spectra (cf. inset in Fig. 43 and Section 6.3). A good agreement between the experimental and theoretical angular resolved energy transfer established above for HAS from the three prototype surfaces enables a reliable estimate of the total energy transfer in these experiments. Fig. 44 illustrates the behavior of total energy transfer in the discussed systems as a function of the projectile incident energy over the interval which is relevant to HAS experiments as well as to the conditions of wind tunnel investigations of gas}surface collisions in space. It is noticeable that the magnitude of energy transfer is surface speci"c in the studied scattering regime, in contrast to the results from standard classical accommodation theories [360,361]. In particular, the energy transfer is larger for surfaces with enhanced surfaceprojected phonon density of states with perpendicular polarization. Here it is largest for the Xe/Cu(1 1 1) surface because the corresponding S-phonon exhibits perpendicular polarization and Xe adlayer-localization over almost the entire SBZ. This points to the dominant role which the surface modes with perpendicular polarization, that couple most strongly to He atoms, play in the energy transfer in gas interactions with atomically smooth surfaces.
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Fig. 43. Comparison of the temperature dependence of the angular resolved energy transfer (k , ¹ , ) calculated from G D HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) TOF spectra for four experimental E and "xed scattering geometry (open symbols), and from the G EBA formalism (full lines). The inset shows a comparison of the measured and calculated multiphonon scattering spectrum for E "45.11 meV, "503, ¹ "58.2 K. G G Fig. 44. Total energy transfer characteristic of HePXe(1 1 1), HePCu(0 0 1) and HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) collisions calculated from expression (304) and plotted as functions of the incoming He atom energy for "xed incident angle and substrate temperature. The starred line denotes the energy transfer obtained from the classical Baule formula (307) applied to HePXe binary collisions.
A quick semiquantitative estimate of the energy transfer in binary collisions is often made by using the classical Baule formula [364] applicable to collinear scattering geometry: 4M M E . " \ (M #M ) G
Here M and E are the mass and incident energy, respectively, of the incoming particle which G collides with particle of mass M initially at rest. This formula has also been frequently applied to gas}surface collisions although its applicability is limited to impulsive scattering. In the scattering regime spanned by the collision parameters and energy interval of Fig. 44 the Baule formula applies semiquantitatively only to the systems HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) and HePXe(1 1 1). In these two cases the frequencies of surface vibrations of heavy Xe atoms (with the corresponding mode energies below 4 meV, see Section 6) are much smaller than the inverse collision time and hence the impulsive scattering limit is reached. This is also in accord with independent testings of the applicability of the Baule formula to HAS from condensed multilayers of noble gas atoms on Si(1 0 0) surface [365]. On the other hand, the surface Debye frequency of copper is much higher ( !&24 meV [338]) and of the order of the inverse collision time characteristic of the " HePCu(0 0 1) system in the studied scattering regime. As a consequence, the impulsive scattering limit is not yet reached in the studied regime which makes the Baule formula inapplicable. The best agreement between the experimental and theoretical scattering spectra and angular resolved energy transfer that has been achieved for the prototype system HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) make this system the best candidate for a reliable calculation of the recovery temperature. To this end the
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Fig. 45. Temperature dependence of the total energy transfer in HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) collisions normalized to E and XG plotted for "503 and E "80 meV (full curve), 60 meV (long-dashed curve), 20 meV (short-dashed curve) and G G 2.4 meV (dash}dotted curve). The corresponding normalized values of at ¹ "0 obtained from the Baule formula corrected for the well depth are denoted by inverted triangle, circle, diamond and triangle, respectively. The scattered beam is heated on the average if (0. Inset: relative contributions of the phonon modes to the recovery temperature ¹ (see text). Fig. 46. Recovery factor ¹ /¹ for a prototype heatbath sustaining phonon modes typical of Xe/Cu(1 1 1) system plotted as a function of the incident energy E or stagnation temperature ¹ of the gas for three representative incident angles . G G The dashed}dotted line denotes the classical result ¹ /¹ "1.25.
¹ -dependence of the total energy transfer (304) must be computed over a wide interval and Fig. 45 shows the corresponding values normalized to vertical component of the projectile incident energy, E "E cos . The ¹ -dependence of (k , ¹ ) hinders energy transfer to phonons and causes XG G G G negative slopes in the plots. This arises from the larger phase space for projectile cPc transitions into "nal states with E 'E . There it may give rise to negative (k , ¹ ) (e.g. for E "2.4 meV and X XG G G "503 at ¹ '62 K) and hence to a heating of the scattered beam. In the classical theory this G e!ect is independent of the accommodation coe$cient and hence of [363]. Here, the universal G behavior of (k , ¹ ) for higher E , as exempli"ed by the near coincidence of the two highest energy G G curves in Fig. 45 and con"rmed by additional calculations at high E , manifests itself only for xxed G because the -dependence of three-dimensional scattering matrix elements is not contained G G solely in the factorizable scaling factor E [251,310]. Extension of the classical Baule expression in XG the cube model (K"0) to the present system is demonstrated in comparison with the quantum results for ¹ "0. Since ;(z) with the well depth of 6.6 meV supports three He atom bound states the inset shows peculiar low-E dependence of the recovery temperature (for which (k , ¹ )"0) G G calculated for the present phonon heatbath for "xed , for He coupling either only to S- or to S-, LG and SH-phonon modes. The small di!erence indicates that the major contribution is from strong He atom coupling to the vertically polarized S-modes [310]. Rapid variations in ¹ are caused by the kinematic focusing in S-phonon assisted cPb transitions for large parallel momentum transfer. The present quantum theory enables essential progress beyond the classical results by allowing the parallel momentum exchange with the phonons, multiphonon interference and quantum recoil of the projectile. Their interplay gives the recovery factor as a function of E (or ¹ ) and which G G for the prototype heatbath Xe/Cu(1 1 1) is shown in Fig. 46. Quite generally, ¹ is largest for normal
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incidence and only at higher E (i.e. higher ¹ ) quantum results may approach the classical limit G ¹ /¹ "1.25 so far observed only for rough technical surfaces [361]. Large deviations from the classical limit at low E are due to the quantum regime which allows larger K and transitions G a!ected by the bound states of the He}surface potential. The results for the recovery factor pertaining to the collision system HePXe/Cu(1 1 1) are qualitatively not system speci"c as they have been derived from the theory which is quite general and can be readily extended to the calculations of heat transfer in collisions of He [313] or heavier rare gas atoms [357,358] with clean surfaces in a wide range of the scattering conditions. All these results signify that in inelastic gas}surface scattering under the conditions of free molecular #ow the combination of quantum and temperature e!ects gives rise to a violation of the universality of the energy transfer and recovery factor predicted by the classical accommodation theory. Determination of the recovery temperature for atomically clean but strongly corrugated surfaces presents a more complicated problem. The recovery temperature of a clean LiF(1 1 1) surface has been measured in wind tunnel experiments and interpreted within a model adopted from the theory of neutron scattering from crystals [362]. The calculated results encompassing elastic di!ractive and inelastic scattering e!ects and heuristically normalized so as to satisfy the unitarity condition, yield a recovery factor which is consistent with the general trends discussed above for the case of #at surfaces.
8. Concluding remarks and protocol for the use of EBA-formalism in interpretations of atom}surface scattering experiments The scattering spectrum approach formulated and developed in Section 4 proves exceedingly convenient in establishing a direct correspondence between the theoretical scattering intensities and the measured intensities of the He or other inert atom beams inelastically scattered from surfaces. The formalism lends itself to the various approximate treatments among which the exponentiated Born approximation (EBA) spans a broad interval of applicability ranging from the extreme quantum, one-phonon He atom scattering regime to the quasiclassical regime of multiphonon scattering of heavier particles from surfaces. This property of the EBA formalism has been demonstrated for He atom scattering from several prototype surfaces characterized by the very di!erent projectile}surface interactions and phonon dynamics which may be regarded as benchmark systems for testing the validity of the developed theory. A very good agreement between the values of the measured and calculated scattering intensities and the Debye}Waller factors in the passage from one-, to two-, to multiphonon scattering regime (cf. Section 6) illustrates the general validity and interpretational potentiality of the EBA formalism in applications to atom}surface scattering. The development of the EBA formalism is rather demanding and derivations of the expressions for the scattering spectrum relevant to the various experimental regimes require rigorous and sometimes also lengthy procedures. However, the resulting formulae for the scattering from statically #at surfaces are rather simple on their own and also intuitive enough so as that they can be easily implemented to inelastic noble gas scattering from surfaces. To facilitate their use and make a compact summary of the derived results that would be free from the excessive material, we conclude this review with a brief protocol for the use of the EBA formalism in interpretations of inelastic HAS-TOF spectra from #at surfaces.
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The energy and parallel momentum scattering spectrum which can be directly compared with a HAS-TOF spectrum measured in the sagittal plane is calculated from (cf. Eq. (263))
d dR e\ #O\ KR exp[2=# (, R)!2=# (0, 0)] , N#kG (E, K)" 2 (2 )
where k "(K , k )"(k , , ). The symbols E"E !E and K"K !K denote the energy G G XG G G G D G D G and parallel momentum exchanged between the projectile atom and the surface at a temperature ¹ . The quantity 2=# (, R)" VKHIG X IQXG G KG (#)[n(Q )#1]e\ S/H O\Q>GR
\ \ H QG HIX
Q GR / X XG # VHI (309) K I Q G K (!)n(Q )e S H O\ > , G> > G H QG HIX denotes the EBA scattering function in which G is the surface reciprocal lattice vector, n(Q ) H stands for the Bose distribution of phonons of wavevector Q, branch index j and energy Q at the H temperature ¹ , and the on-shell inelastic scattering matrix elements V($) are expressed in terms of the inelastic scattering matrix elements
(j j XX Here (x) denotes the Heaviside step function and the projectile current normal to the surface is given by j "v /¸ . The energy and parallel momentum conservation condition in one-phonon X X X emission (#) and absorption (!) processes is expressed through the Kronecker delta X X in I I ! which
2M (EK #E X !EK Q G G Q ) . k($)" 8 8 H I X
The unperturbed projectile energies Ek "EK #E X for projectile motion in the #at surface I potential, and the corresponding distorted waves k (r), are obtained from Eqs. (85) and (86), respectively. The eigenfrequencies and polarization vectors of normal modes required for the calculation of inelastic scattering matrix elements (310) can be calculated, e.g. by using the slab method outlined in Section 3.1. The interaction matrix elements
KG #K !k . E" G 2M sin D
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For comparison with the TOF spectra carried out in the sagittal-plane scattering geometry " , with # " , the scan curve condition (312) reduces to a simpler expression: G D G D 1" E"E
(sin #K/k ) G G !1 . G sin( ! ) 1" G
The above-quoted expressions enable the calculation of the EBA scattering spectra which can be directly compared with the experimental TOF spectra. The computations usually require extensive use of fast Fourier transforms (FFT) at the various intermediate stages. In the case of the presence of #at, nondispersive or Einstein phonons that couple to the scattering He atoms, the multiquantum interference e!ects take place which, from the computational point of view, are di$cult to assess starting from expression (308). In this case one has to resort to expression (289) to separately calculate the Einstein phonon component of the spectrum and then convolute it with the components arising from inelastic scattering by all other dispersive phonons. The e!ects associated with the energy transfer in the studied scattering events can be assessed as described in Section 7.1. Lastly, in the true multiphonon scattering regime involving dispersive phonons for which the calculated Debye}Waller exponent largely exceeds unity, i.e. 2=# (0, 0)<1, one can use Eq. (291) to calculate the inelastic scattering spectrum. The above reiterated formulae and instructions for their use constitute a summary protocol for applications of the EBA scattering formalism in the interpretation of energy- and angular resolved spectra of thermal energy atomic and molecular beams inelastically scattered from #at surfaces. The formalism should prove indispensable in consistent uni"ed interpretations of the He atom scattering-time of #ight (HAS-TOF) experiments in the single-, intermediate and multiphonon quantum scattering regime, as has been extensively exempli"ed and discussed in Section 6.
Acknowledgements In the course of development of the scattering spectrum formalism described in this review the author has bene"ted from scienti"c interactions and collaborations with D.C. Langreth, K. Burke, W. Brenig, A.C. Levi, and particularly with his postgraduate students A. BilicH and A. S[ iber with whom the major part of model calculations for theoretical interpretation of He atom scattering experiments have been carried out. During this period it was also a privilege to exchange scienti"c information and collaborate on the interpretation of experimental data with J. Braun, D. Fuhrmann, F. Hofmann, A.P. Graham, J.P. Toennies, G. Witte and Ch. WoK ll, whose outstanding work and excellent results have strongly stimulated the development and application of the presented formalism. The communications of theoretical results prior to publication from and illuminating discussions with G. Benedek, V. Bortolani, L.W. Bruch, A. Franchini, J.R. Manson and G. Santoro are gratefully acknowledged. This work has enjoyed "nancial support awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Croatia, US-Croatian National Science Foundation Joint Fund Project JF-133, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste), European Science Foundation, and the bilateral German-Croatian Project No.: KRO-007-97. The author also wishes to acknowledge the
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hospitality extended to him during the visits to Max-Planck-Institut fuK r StroK mungsforschung in GoK ttingen, Ruhr-UniversitaK t in Bochum, and The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste where some parts of this review have been drafted.
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Henning HEISELBERG Institute of Physics of the University, Bijenicka C.46, POB 304, 10001 Zagreb, Croatia
Physics Reports 351 (2001) 161}194
Event-by-event physics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions Henning Heiselberg NORDITA, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen }, Denmark Received December 2000; editor: W. Weise Contents 1. Introduction 2. Phase transitions and #uctuations 2.1. Order of the QCD phase transition 2.2. Density, rapidity, temperature and other #uctuations 3. Multiplicity #uctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions 3.1. Charged particle production in pp and pp reactions 3.2. Fluctuations in the participant model 3.3. Fluctuations in the thermal model 3.4. Centrality dependence and degree of thermalization 3.5. Enhanced #uctuations in "rst-order phase transitions 4. Correlations between total and net charge, baryon number or strangeness 4.1. General analysis of #uctuations and correlations 4.2. Charge #uctuations in a thermal hadron gas
163 164 165 165 168 169 170 172 174 174 177 177 178
4.3. Charge #uctuations in a quark}gluon plasma 4.4. Total charge conservation 5. Fluctuations in particle ratios 5.1. >/\ ratio and entropy production 5.2. K/ ratio and strangeness enhancement 5.3. /! ratio and chiral symmetry restoration 5.4. J/ multiplicity correlations and absorption mechanisms 5.5. Photon #uctuations: thermal emission vs. P2 6. Transverse momentum #uctuations 7. Event-by-event #uctuations at RHIC 8. Summary Acknowledgements Appendix A. Damping of initial density #uctuations Appendix B. Fluctuations in source models Appendix C. Fluctuations in the energy deposited References
179 180 182 182 182 183 184 185 186 188 189 190 190 191 192 193
Abstract Motivated by forthcoming experiments at RHIC and LHC, and results from SPS, a review is given of the present state of event-by-event #uctuations in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Fluctuations in particle
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Heiselberg). 0370-1573/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 0 - 1 5 7 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 4 0 - X
H. Heiselberg / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 161}194
multiplicities, ratios, transverse momenta, rapidity, etc. are calculated in participant nucleon as well as thermal models. The physical observables, including multiplicity, kaon-to-pion ratios, and transverse momenta agree well with recent NA49 data at the SPS, and indicate that such studies do not yet reveal the presence of new physics. Predictions for RHIC and LHC energies are given. The centrality dependence with and without a phase transition to a quark}gluon plasma is discussed } in particular, how the physical quantities are expected to display a qualitative di!erent behavior in case of a phase transition, and can be signaled by anomalous #uctuations and correlations in a number of observables. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 25.75.!q
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1. Introduction The importance of event-by-event physics is evident from the following simple analogy: Stick a sheet of paper out of your window on a rainy day. Keeping it there for a long time } corresponding to averaging } the paper will become uniformly wet and one would conclude that rain is a uniform mist. If, however, one keeps the sheet of paper in the rain for a few seconds only, one observes the striking droplet structure of rain. Incidentally, one has also demonstrated the liquid}gas phase transition! Analyzing many events gives good statistics and may reveal rare events as snow or hail and thus other phase transitions. The statistics of droplet sizes will also tell something about the fragmentation, surface tension, etc. By varying initial conditions as timing and orienting the paper, one can further determine the speed and direction of the rain drops. Central ultrarelativistic collisions at RHIC and LHC are expected to produce about &10 particles, and thus present one with the remarkable opportunity to analyze, on an event-by-event basis, #uctuations in physical observables such particle multiplicities, transverse momenta, correlations and ratios. Analysis of single events with large statistics can reveal very di!erent physics than studying averages over a large statistical sample of events. The use of Hanbury Brown}Twiss correlations to extract the system geometry is a familiar application of event-by-event physics in nuclear collisions [1] and elsewhere, e.g., in sonoluminoscence [2]. The power of this tool has been strikingly illustrated in study of interference between Bose}Einstein condensates in trapped atomic systems [3]. Fluctuations in the microwave background radiation as recently measured by COBE [4] restrict cosmological parameters for the single Big Bang event of our Universe. Large neutron stars velocities have been measured recently [5] which indicate that the supernova collapse is very asymmetrical and leads to large event-by-event #uctuations in `kicka velocities during formation of neutron stars. The tools applied to study these phenomena do, however, vary in order to optimize the analysis and due to limited statistics. The COBE and the interference in Bose}Einstein condensates require study of #uctuations within a single event. The HBT studies in heavy-ion collisions and sonoluminoscence requires further averaging over many events in order to obtain su$cient statistics; one has not yet studied #uctuations in source radii event-by-event. Anisotropic #ow requires an event-plane reconstruction in each event [6] but again averaging over many events is necessary to obtain a statistically relevant measurement of the #ow. The event-by-event #uctuations in heavyion collisions (and neutron star kick velocities) go a step further by studying variations from event to event. Studying event-by-event #uctuations in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions to extract new physics was proposed in a series of papers [7}9], in which the analysis of transverse energy #uctuations in central collisions [10] was used to extract evidence within the binary collision picture for color, or cross-section, #uctuations. More recent theoretical papers have focussed on di!erent aspects of these #uctuations, such as searching for evidence for thermalization [11}13], correlations between transverse momentum and multiplicity [14], critical #uctuations at the QCD phase transition [15}19] and other correlations between collective quantities [20].
Originally, this analogy was given by Prof. A.D. Jackson.
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Intermittency [21] studies of factorial moments of multiplicities are related to event-by-event #uctuations. One of the motivations for intermittency studies was the idea of self-similarity on small scales, an idea borrowed from chaos theories. The factorial moments of particle multiplicities did "nd approximate power-law behavior when the intervals of rapidity and angles were made increasingly smaller, at least until a certain small scale. The power-law scaling in nucleus}nucleus collisions was, however, weaker than in proton}proton collisions. This indicated that the stronger correlations in proton}proton collisions were mainly due to resonances, minijets and other short-range correlations, but that they were averaged out in nuclear collisions by summing over the many individual participating nucleons. The scaling was not a collective phenomenon and indications of new physics were not found [22]. In more recent event-by-event #uctuation studies the self-similar scaling idea is abandoned. They concentrate on the mean and the variance of the particle multiplicities per event and correlations between di!erent particle species, transverse momentum, azimuthal angle, etc. One directly compares to expectations from proton}proton collisions scaled up by the number of participants. One follows these #uctuations and correlations for heavy-ion collisions as function of centrality and system size searching for anomalous behavior as compared to proton}proton collisions. Recently NA49 has presented a prototypical event-by-event analysis of #uctuations in central Pb#Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon at the SPS, which produce more than a thousand particles per event [11]. The analysis has been carried out on &100,000 such events measuring #uctuations in multiplicities, particle ratios, transverse momentum, etc. Results from the RHIC collider are eagerly awaited [23]. The hope is to observe the phase transition to quark}gluon plasma, the chirally restored hadronic matter and/or decon"nement. This may be by distinct signals of enhanced rapidity and multiplicity #uctuations [24,17] in conjunction with J/ suppression, strangeness enhancement, enhancement, constant (critical) temperatures vs. transverse energy or rapidity density [25], transverse #ow or other collective quantities as function of centrality, transverse energy or multiplicity as will be discussed in detail below. The purpose of this review is to understand these and other possible #uctuations. We "nd that the physical observables, including multiplicity, kaon-to-pion ratios, and transverse momenta agree well with recent NA49 data at the SPS, and indicate that such studies do not yet reveal the presence of new physics. Predictions for RHIC and LHC energies are given. The centrality dependence with and without a phase transition to a quark}gluon plasma is discussed } in particular, how the physical quantities are expected to display a qualitative di!erent behavior in case of a phase transition, and how a "rst-order phase transition could be signaled by very large #uctuations.
2. Phase transitions and 6uctuations Lattice QCD calculations "nd a phase transition in strongly interacting matter which is accompanied by a strong increase of the number of e!ective degrees of freedom [26,27]. The Early Universe underwent this transition at a time t"0.3!0.4(¹ /MeV)\ s. For a hadronic gas melting temperature of ¹ "150 MeV this occurred around 15 ms after the Big Bang. By colliding heavy nuclei we expect to reproduce this transition at su$ciently high collisions energies.
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2.1. Order of the QCD phase transition The nature and order of the transition is not known very well. Lattice calculations can be performed for zero quark and baryon chemical potential only, "0, where they suggest that QCD has a weak "rst-order transition provided that the strange quark is su$ciently light [26,27], that is for three or more massless quark #avors. The transition is due to chiral symmetry restoration and occur at a critical temperature ¹ K150 MeV. In pure SU(3) gauge theory (that is ! no quarks, N "0) the transition is a decon"nement transition which is of "rst order and occurs at a higher temperature ¹ K260 MeV. However, when the strange or the up and down quark masses become massive, the QCD transition changes to a smooth cross over. The phase diagram is then like the liquid}gas phase diagram with a critical point above which the transition goes continuously through the vapor phase. For reasonable values for the strange quark mass, m &150 MeV and small up and down quark masses, lattice calculations "nd either a weak "rst-order transition [26,27] or a smooth soft cross over [28]. In case of a weak "rst-order transition, the latent heat and density discontinuities and the signals, that depend on these quantities, will be small. For exactly two massless #avors, m "0 and m "R, the transition is of second order at small SB baryon chemical potential. Random matrix theory "nds a second-order phase transition at high temperatures which, however, change into a "rst-order transition above a certain baryon density } the tricritical point. For small up and down quark masses the transition changes to a continuous cross-over at zero baryon chemical potential but remains a "rst order at large baryon chemical potential. A critical point must therefore exist at small but "nite baryon chemical potential which may be searched for in relativistic heavy-ion collisions [17}19]. 2.2. Density, rapidity, temperature and other yuctuations Fluctuations are very sensitive to the nature of the transition. In case of a second-order phase transition the speci"c heat diverges, and this has been argued to reduce the #uctuations drastically if the matter freezes out at ¹ [15}18]. For example, the temperature #uctuations have a probabil ity distribution [30]
¹ , w&exp !C 4 ¹
a diverging speci"c heat near a second-order phase transition would then remove #uctuations if matter is in global thermal equilibrium. The implications of such critical phenomena near second-order phase transitions and critical points are discussed in detail in [17,18]. It is found that the expansion of the systems slows the growth of the correlation lengths associated with the critical phenomena and the systems `slows out of equilibriuma, which a!ects the experimental signatures related to transverse momenta and temperatures. First-order phase transitions are contrarily expected to lead to large #uctuations due to droplet formation [31] or more generally density or temperature #uctuations. These hot droplets will expand and hadronize in contrast to cold static quark matter droplets that may exist in cores of neutron stars [32]. In case of a "rst-order phase transition relativistic heavy-ion collisions lead to
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Fig. 1. An illustration of the QCD phase diagram, temperature vs. baryon chemical potential. The regions of the phase diagram probed by various high-energy nuclear collisions are sketched by arrows. From [29]. Fig. 2. Sketch of droplet formation (top) in a continuous background of hadron vs. . The corresponding rapidity distributions (bottom) are shown for the continuous hadronic background with and without droplets (target and projectile fragmentation regions are excluded).
interesting scenarios in which matter is compressed, heated and undergoes chiral restoration. If the subsequent expansion is su$ciently rapid, matter will pass the phase coexistence curve with little e!ect and supercool [33,34]. This suggests the possible formation of `dropletsa of supercooled chiral symmetric matter with relatively high baryon and energy densities in a background of low density broken symmetry matter. These droplets can persist until the system reaches the spinodal line and then return rapidly to the now-unique broken symmetry minimum. A large mismatch in density and energy density seems to be a robust prediction for a "rst-order transition at large baryon densities. At high temperatures, which is more relevant for relativistic heavy-ion collisions (see Fig. 1), the transition is probably at most weakly "rst order as discussed above. Density #uctuations may appear both for a "rst-order phase transition and for a smooth cross-over. If the transitions are of "rst order, matter may supercool and subsequently create #uctuations in a number of quantities. Density #uctuations in the form of hot spots or droplets of dense matter with hadronic gas in between is a likely outcome (see Fig. 2). Even if the transition is
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a smooth cross-over, the resulting soft equation of state has a small sound speed, c"RP/R . The equation of state P( ) has in both cases a #at region that may be hard to distinguish in a "nite systems existing for a short time only. We do not know the early non-equilibrium stages of relativistic nuclear collisions and the resulting initial density #uctuations, hot spots, etc. If the system becomes thermalized at some stage, then a smaller c is likely to allow for larger density #uctuations since the pressure di!erence is smaller. Furthermore, in the subsequent expansion the density #uctuations are not equilibrated as fast when c is small because the pressure di!erences, that drive the di!erential expansion, are small. The dissipation of an initial density #uctuations can be estimated by a stability analysis [35]. Linearizing the hydrodynamic equations in small #uctuations around the Bjorken scaling solution, an entropy #uctuation is typically damped by a factor (see Appendix A for details)
0 H!
S K . (2)
S Here, a typical formation time is K1 fm/c and freezeout time K8 fm/c as extracted from HBT studies [1]. The eigenvalues depend on the sound speed and the wave length of the rapidity ! #uctuations. As described in more detail in Appendix A, one of the eigenvalues are small and vanish for c "0. The resulting suppression of an initial density #uctuations during expansion is typically smaller than a factor 0.5. If density #uctuations are enhanced initially due to a softening of the equation of state due to smooth cross over, then they will largely be preserved later on. Yet, such #uctuations will be smaller than for a true "rst-order transition forming supercooled droplets. Let us assume that hadrons emerge from a collection of density #uctuations or droplets with a Boltzmann distribution with temperature ¹ and from a more or less continuous background obeying approximate Bjorken scaling. The resulting particle distribution is dN J f e\K W\EG 2#background . (3) G dy dp G Here, y is the particle rapidity and p its transverse momentum, f is the number of particles G hadronizing from each droplet i, and 1 t #z 1 1#v G " log G " log G (4) G 2 t !z 2 1!v G G G is the rapidity of droplet i. The size, number and separation between droplets or density #uctuations will depend on the violent initial conditions. Between droplets a relatively continuous background of hadrons is expected in coexistence. In (3) the droplet is assumed not to expand internally neither longitudinally nor transversely. If it does expand, the emerging hadrons will have a wider distribution of rapidities which will be harder to distinguish from the background. When m /¹<1, we can approximate cosh(y! )K1#(y! ) in Eq. (3). The Boltzmann G G factor determines the width of the droplet rapidity distribution as &(¹/m. The rapidity distribution will display #uctuations in rapidity event by event when the droplets are separated by rapidities larger than ! 9(¹/m . If they are evenly distributed by smaller rapidity di!erG H ences, the resulting rapidity distribution (3) will appear #at.
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The droplets are separated in rapidity by ! &z/ , where z is the correlation length in G H the dense and hot mixed phase and is the invariant time after collision at which the droplets form. Assuming that z&1 fm } a typical hadronic scale } and that the droplets form very early :1 fm/c, we "nd that indeed ! 9(¹/m even for the light pions. If strong transverse #ow G H is present in the source, the droplets may also move in a transverse direction. In that case the distribution in p may be non-thermal and azimuthally asymmetric. Even if the transition is not of "rst order, #uctuations may still occur in the matter that undergoes a transition. The #uctuations may be in density, chiral symmetry [36], strangeness, or other quantities and show up in the associated particle multiplicities. The `anomalousa #uctuations depend not only on the type and order of the transition, but also on the speed by which the collision zone goes through the transition, the degree of equilibrium, the subsequent hadronization process, the amount of rescatterings between hadronization and freezeout, etc. It may be that any sign of the transition is smeared out and erased before freezeout. That no anomalous event-by-event #uctuations have been found at CERN [24] within experimental accuracy indicate that no transition took place or that the signals were erased before freezeout. Whether they remain at RHIC is yet to be discovered and we shall provide some tools for the analysis in the following sections. 3. Multiplicity 6uctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions In order to be able to extract new physics associated with #uctuations, it is necessary to understand the role of expected statistical #uctuations. Our aim here is to study the sources of these #uctuations in collisions. As we shall see, the current NA49 data (see Fig. 6) can be essentially understood on the basis of straightforward statistical arguments. Expected sources of #uctuations include impact parameter #uctuations, #uctuations in the number of primary collisions and in the results of such collisions, #uctuations in the relative orientation during the collision of deformed nuclei [10], e!ects of rescattering of secondaries, and QCD color #uctuations. Since #uctuations in collisions are sensitive to the amount of rescattering of secondaries taking place, we discuss in detail two limiting cases, the participant or `wounded nucleon modela (WNM) [37], in which one assumes that particle production occurs in the individual participant nucleons and rescattering of secondaries is ignored, and the thermal limit in which scatterings bring the system into local thermal equilibrium. Data at AGS, SPS and RHIC energies show that multiplicities are enhanced by &30% in central collisions between heavy (AK200) nuclei as compared to the WNM prediction (see Fig. 3). Whether rescatterings increase relative #uctuations through greater production of multiplicity, transverse momenta, etc., or decrease #uctuations by involving a greater number of degrees of freedom, is not immediately obvious [7,8]. Rescatterings probably increase both the average multiplicity and its variance but whether the relative amount of #uctuations are increased is model dependent. It has even been found in relativistic heavy-ion collisions that the multiplicity #uctuations increase in the "rst few rescattering but then decrease again as the thermal limit is approached. VENUS simulations [38] showed that rescattering had negligible e!ects on transverse energy #uctuations. We "rst review known multiplicities and #uctuations in the basic pp collisions, go on to study nucleus}nucleus collisions, and "nally show in a simple model how phase transitions are capable of producing very signi"cant #uctuations in particle multiplicities.
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Fig. 3. Charged particle density per participant at mid-rapidity are shown vs. cm energy for pp and p p data [39}41] with open symbols. Full curve presents a linear "t to pp and p p data up to RHIC energies. Pb#Pb data from NA49 [11] and Au#Au data from PHOBOS [23] per participant are shown with "lled symbols, and exceed the pp and p p by ca. 30% (dashed curve). Fig. 4. The total number of charged particles produced in pp and pp collisions vs. cms energy s. Data from bubble chamber [40], ISR [42], UA5 [41] and FNAL E735 [43].
3.1. Charged particle production in pp and pp reactions Participant models or WNMs are basically a superposition of NN collisions. Such models have been studied extensively at these energies within the last decades at several particle accelerators and we here give a brief compilation of relevant results. The average number of charged particles produced in high-energy pp and ultrarelativistic pp collisions can be parametrized by
s , N K!4.2#4.69 GeV
for cms energies (s92 GeV. At ultrarelativistic energies the charged particle production is very similar in pp, pn and pp collisions and the parametrization of Eq. (5) applies in a wide range of cms energies 2 GeV:s:2 TeV as shown in Fig. 4. At SPS, RHIC and LHC energies, (sK20, 200, 5000 GeV, we "nd N K7.3, 20, 60, respectively. At high energies KNO scaling [44] is a good approximation. KNO scaling implies that multiplicity distributions are invariant when scaled with the average multiplicity. Thus all moments scale like NO Kc N O , (6) O at high energies where c are constants independent of collision energy. The #uctuations, O ,(N!N)/N , (7) , therefore scale with average multiplicity, N, and therefore increase with collision energy as in Eq. (5). The #uctuations in the charged particle multiplicity can be parametrized rather
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Fig. 5. The #uctuations in the total number of charged particles produced in pp and pp collisions from bubble chamber experiments [40], ISR [42], and UA5 [41]. Note the large di!erence between pp and thermal #uctuations K2.2 at , very high energies and the `accidentala crossing with pp #uctuations around SPS energies.
accurately by K0.35 ,
(N !1) N
as shown in Fig. 5 for pp and pp collisions in the same wide range of energies. At the very high energies breakdown of KNO scaling has been observed in the direction that the #uctuations are slightly larger. At SPS, RHIC and LHC energies we "nd K2.0, 6.2, 20, respectively, in pp and , pp collisions. In nuclear (AA) collisions the number of participating nucleons N grow with centrality and nuclear mass number A. Therefore the average charged particle multiplicity and variance grows with N , whereas the ratio and therefore the #uctuation is independent of N , and equal to the , #uctuations in pp collisions. (Other #uctuations such as impact parameter will be included below.) Higher moments of the multiplicity distributions are large in high-energy pp and pp collisions due to KNO scaling but in nuclear collisions such higher moments are suppressed by factors of 1/N and are therefore less interesting than the second moment. This justi"es our detailed analyzes of the variance (or rms width) of the #uctuations. 3.2. Fluctuations in the participant model In the participant or wounded nucleon models nucleus}nucleus collisions at high energies are just a superposition of nucleon}nucleon (NN) interactions. In peripheral collisions there are only few NN collisions, the collision zone is small, rescatterings few and the WNM should therefore apply. For central nuclear collisions, however, multiple NN scatterings, energy degradation, rescatterings between produced particles and other e!ects complicate the particle production and
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do enhance the multiplicities by ca. 30% as seen in experiment (see Fig. 3). Thermal models may better describe central collisions as will be investigated afterwards. Yet, the WNM provides a simple baseline to compare to, when going from peripheral towards central collisions. Let us "rst calculate #uctuations in the participant model. Although the multiplicities are somewhat underestimated, the measured multiplicity and transverse energy in nuclear collisions at AGS and SPS energies are known to scale approximately linearly with the number of participants [45,11]. In this picture , (9) N" n , G G where N is the number of participants and n is the number of particles produced in the acceptance G by participant i. In the absence of correlations between N and n, the average multiplicity is N"N n. For example, NA49 measures charged particles in the rapidity region 4(y(5.5 and "nds NK270 for central Pb#Pb collisions. Finite impact parameters (b:3.5 fm) as well as surface di!useness reduce the number of participants from the total number of nucleons 2A to N K350 estimated from Glauber theory; thus nK0.77. Squaring Eq. (9) and again assuming no correlations between di!erent wounded nucleon emission, n n "n n G H G H for iOj, we "nd the multiplicity #uctuations (see Appendix B) (10) " #n , , L , where , and are the multiplicity #uctuations in the total number of particles (within the , L , acceptance), in each source, and in the number of sources, respectively. A major source of multiplicity #uctuations per participant, , is the limited acceptance. While L each participant produces charged particles, only a smaller fraction f"n/ are accepted. Without carrying out a detailed analysis of the acceptance, one can make a simple statistical estimate assuming that the particles are accepted randomly, in which case n is binomially distributed with (n)"f (1!f ) for "xed . Including #uctuations in we obtain, similarly to Eq. (10), "1!f#f . (11) L J In nucleon}nucleon collisions at SPS energies, the charged particle multiplicity is &7.3 and K1.9 [46]; as the multiplicity should be divided between the two colliding nucleons, we obtain J K3.7 and thus f"n/"0.21 for the NA49 acceptance. Consequently, we "nd from Eq. (11) that K1.2. The random acceptance assumption can be improved by correcting for L known rapidity correlations in charged particle production in pp collisions [42,40]. Multiplicities generally increase with centrality of the collision. We will use the term centrality as impact parameter b in the collision. It is not a directly measurable quantity but is closely correlated to the transverse energy produced E , the measured energy in the zero degree calorimeter and the 2 total particle multiplicity N measured in some large rapidity interval. The latter is within the WNM approximately proportional to the number of participating nucleons
N (b)"
b b r# # r! 2 2
dr .
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For sharp sphere nuclei the number of participants drops from N (b"0)"2A in central collisions to N (b"2R)"0 in grazing collisions. For realistic nuclei with di!use surface and with collision probabilities given by Glauber theory, the number of participants are 5}10% smaller in central collisions but slightly larger in peripheral collisions. As a consequence of nuclear correlations, which strongly reduce density #uctuations in the colliding nuclei, the #uctuations in N are very small for "xed impact parameter b [9]. , @ Almost all nucleons in the nuclear overlap volume collide and participate. [By contrast, the #uctuations in the number of binary collisions are non-negligible.] Cross section #uctuations play a small role in the WNM [9]. Fluctuations in the number of participants can arise when the target nucleus is deformed, since the orientations of the deformation axes vary from event to event [47]. The #uctuations, , in the number of participants are dominated by the varying impact , parameters selected by the experiment. In the NA49 experiment, for example, the zero degree calorimeter selects the 5% most central collisions, corresponding to impact parameters smaller than a centrality cut on impact parameter, b K3.5 fm. We have 1 @ N " dbN (b)!N , (13) , b where N "(1/b)@ dbN (b). The number of participants for a given centrality, calculated in [48], can be approximated by N (b)KN (0)(1!b/2R) for 04b:3.5 fm; thus N (0) b " . (14) , 18 2R
For NA49 Pb#Pb collisions with N (0)K400 and (b /2R)K5% we "nd K1.1. Impact , parameter #uctuations are thus important even for the centrality trigger of NA49. Varying the centrality cut or b to control such impact parameter #uctuations (14) should enable one to extract better any more interesting intrinsic #uctuations. Recent WA98 analyzes con"rm that #uctuations in photons and pions grow approximately linearly with the centrality cut (b /2R) [49] as predicted by Eq. (14). The impact parameter #uctuations associated with the range of the centrality cut, such at total transverse energy or multiplicity, can therefore be removed. However, #uctuations in impact parameter may still remain for a given centrality. The Gaussian multiplicity distribution found in central collisions changes for minimum bias to a plateau-like distribution [10]. Calculating for the NA49 parameters, we "nd from Eq. (10), K1.2#(0.77)(1.1)" , , 2.0, in good agreement with experiment, which measures a multiplicity distribution Jexp[!(N!N)/2N], where is 2.01 [11] (see Fig. 6). , , 3.3. Fluctuations in the thermal model Let us now consider, in the opposite limit of strong rescattering, #uctuations in thermal models. In a gas in equilibrium, the mean number of particles per bosonic mode n is given by ? n "(exp(E /¹)!1)\ , (15) ? ? with #uctuations ? "1#n . ? L
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Fig. 6. Event-by-event #uctuations of multiplicity (top) and p (bottom) measured by NA49 in central Pb#Pb collisions at the SPS [11].
The total #uctuation in the multiplicity, N" n , is ? ?
#"1# n n . (17) , ? ? ? ? If the modes are taken to be momentum states, bosons/fermions have thermal #uctuations, "1$n/n where n "(exp( /¹)G1)\ is the boson/fermion distribution function, , N N N N which are slightly larger/smaller than those of Poisson statistics for a Boltzmann distribution, "1. The resulting #uctuations are #"(2)/(3)"1.37 for massless bosons as, e.g., gluons. , , Massive bosons have smaller #uctuations with, for example, "1.11 [50] and "1.01 when L M ¹"m . Massless fermions, e.g. quarks, have "2(2)/3(3)K0.91 independent of temperature. L $ Resonances are implicitly included in the WNM #uctuations. In the thermal limit resonances are found to increase total multiplicity #uctuations [17,24] but decrease, e.g., net charged particle #uctuations [51}54]. In high-energy nuclear collisions, resonance decays such as P2, P3, etc., lead to half or more of the pion multiplicity. Only a small fraction rK20}30% produce two charged particles in a thermal hadron gas [55,51] or in RQMD [56] (see also [57]). Not all of the decay particles from the same resonance always fall into the NA49 acceptance, 4(y(5.5, and the fraction of pairs will be smaller; we estimate rK0.1. Including such resonance #uctuations in the BE #uctuations gives, similarly to Eq. (10), 1!r #(1#r) # . #>0"r , , 1#r
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With rK0.1 we obtain #>0K1.3. In [17] the estimated e!ect of resonances is about twice ours: , K1.5, not including impact parameter #uctuations. , Fluctuations in the e!ective collision volume add a further term N(<)/< to #>0. , Assuming that the volume scales with the number of participants, /<K /N , we "nd 4 , from Eq. (10) that " #>0#n K2.1, again consistent with the NA49 data. Because of , , , the similarity between the magnitudes of the thermal and WNM multiplicity #uctuations, the present measurements cannot distinguish between these two limiting pictures. 3.4. Centrality dependence and degree of thermalization It is very unfortunate that the WNM and thermal models predict the same multiplicity #uctuations in the NA49 acceptance } and that they agree with the experiment. If the numbers from the two models had been di!erent and the experimental number in between these two, then one would have had quanti"ed the degree of thermalization in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The similarity of the #uctuation in the thermal and WNM is, however, a coincidence at SPS energies. As seen from Fig. 5 the #uctuations in pp collisions increase with collision energy and just happen to cross the thermal #uctuations, K2.2, at SPS energies. At RHIC or LHC energies the situation will be much clearer. Here the charged particle #uctuations in pp collisions are much larger as seen in Fig. 5, namely NN "6.5, 20 at RHIC and , LHC energies, respectively. The thermal #uctuations remain as K2.2. Therefore a dramatic reduction in event-by-event #uctuations are expected at higher energies at the nuclear collisions become more central as shown in Fig. 7. This can be exploited to de"ne a `Degree of thermalizationa as the measured #uctuations at a given centrality relative to those in the thermal and pp limits 5,+! , Degree of thermalization, , , (19) 5,+! , , which ranges from unity in the thermal limit to zero in the WNM. Whereas both 5,+ and , may depend on the acceptance, the degree of thermalization Eq. (19) should not. Contribu, tions from volume or impact parameter #uctuations may, however, be centrality dependent and should therefore be subtracted. Alternatively, the #uctuations in a ratio, e.g. N /N , should be \ > taken for limited acceptances. At RHIC and LHC it should be straightforward to measure the degree of thermalization as function of centrality. This is interesting on its own and a necessary requirement for studies of anomalous #uctuations from a phase transition. 3.5. Enhanced yuctuations in xrst-order phase transitions First-order phase transitions can lead to rather large #uctuations in physical quantities. Thus, detection of enhanced #uctuations, beyond the elementary statistical ones considered to this point, As discussed below the thermal #uctuations in positive or negative particles are K1.1 in a thermal hadron gas. ! The #uctuation in total charge is twice that due to overall charge neutrality which relates the number of positive to negative particles.
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Fig. 7. The #uctuation in the total number of charged particles (excluding volume #uctuations) vs. centrality or energy in the zero degree calorimeter; left are central and right are peripheral nuclear collisions. The curves are linear extrapolations between the thermal #uctuations, K2.2, in central collisions to pp #uctuations at SPS, RHIC and LHC energies, NN, expected in peripheral collisions within the WNM (see text).
could signal the presence of such a transition. For example, before it became clear that the chiral symmetry restoring phase transition in hot QCD is not a strong "rst-order phase transition, it was suggested that matter undergoing a transition from chirally symmetric to broken chiral symmetry could, when expanding, supercool and form droplets, resulting in large multiplicity vs. rapidity #uctuations [34]. Let us imagine that N droplets fall into the acceptance, each producing " n particles, i.e., N"N n. The corresponding multiplicity #uctuation is (see Appendix B) " " #n " . , L ,
As in Eq. (11), we expect &1. However, unlike the case of participant #uctuations, the second L term in (20) can lead to huge multiplicity #uctuations when only a few droplets fall into the acceptance; in such a case, n is large and " of order unity. The #uctuations from droplets , depends on the total number of droplets, the spread in rapidity of particles from a droplet,
y&(¹/m , as well as the experimental acceptance in rapidity, y. When y;y and the droplets are binomially distributed in rapidity, " K1!y/y , which can be a signi"cant , fraction of unity. In the extreme case where none or only one droplet falls into the acceptance with equal probability, we have " " and n"2N. The resulting #uctuation is KN, which is , , more than two orders of magnitude larger than the expected value of order unity as currently measured in NA49. It should be said immediately that a much smaller enhancement is realistic as the transition probably is at most weakly "rst order and many e!ects will smear the signal. Yet, this simple example clearly demonstrates the importance of event-by-event #uctuations accompanying phase transitions, and illustrates how monitoring such #uctuations vs. centrality becomes a promising signal, in the upcoming RHIC experiments, for the onset of a transition. It is the hope and expectation that the higher RHIC energies probe deeper into the QGP phase by creating higher temperatures and energy densities whereby larger regions of QGP are produced. The larger event
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multiplicities should make it possible to improve on statistics and thereby also the ability to detect anomalous #uctuations. The potential for large #uctuations (orders of magnitude) from a transition makes it worth looking for at RHIC considering the relative simplicity and accuracy (percents) of multiplicity measurements. Let us subsequently consider a less extreme model in which a transition leads to enhanced #uctuations of some kind. Assume that the total multiplicity within the acceptance arises from a normal hadronic background component (N ) and from a second component (N ) that has &% /%. undergone a transition: N"N
#N . (21) &% /%. Its average is N"N #N . Assuming that the multiplicity of each of these compo&% /%. nents is statistically independent, the multiplicity #uctuation becomes N /%. . " #( ! ) , &% /%. &% N
Here, is the standard #uctuation in hadronic matter K1. The #uctuations due to the &% &% component that had experienced a phase transition, , depend on the type and order of the /%. transition, the speed with which the collision zone goes through the transition, the degree of equilibrium, the subsequent hadronization process, the number of rescatterings between hadronization and freezeout, etc. If thermal and chemical equilibration eliminate all signs of the transition, then K . /%. &% The amount of QM and thus N depends on centrality, energy and nuclear masses in the /+ collision. For a given centrality the densities vary from zero at the periphery of the collision zone to a maximum value at the center. Furthermore, the more central the collision the higher energy densities are created. The transverse energy, E , the total multiplicity and/or the energy in the 2 zero-degree calorimeter, E , have been found to be good measures of the centrality of the 8"! collision at SPS energies. Therefore, it would be very interesting to study #uctuations vs. centrality which are proportional to energy density. By varying the binning size for centrality one can also remove impact parameter #uctuations as discussed above. If the energy density in the center of the collision zone exceeds the critical energy density for forming QM at a certain centrality, E , then a mixed phase of QM and HM is formed. At a higher energy density, where the critical energy density plus the latent heat for the transition is exceeded, which we shall assume occur at a centrality E , then a pure QM phase is produced in the center. These quantities will depend on the amount of stopping at a given centrality, the geometry, ¹ , etc. In the mixed phase E 4E (E , the relative amount of QM, N /N, is proportional to 2 /+ both the volume of the mixed phase, and the fraction of the volume that is in the QM phase. The latter varies in the volume such that it vanishes at HM/QM boundary. In Fig. 8 a schematic plot of the #uctuations of Eq. (22) is shown as function of centrality for various . Up to centrality E the #uctuations are unchanged. Above the central overlap zone /+ undergoes the transition to the QM/HM mixed phase and #uctuations start to grow when ' . At the higher centrality, E the central overlap zone is in the pure QM phase but the /+ &+ maximum #uctuations are not reached because the surface regions of the collision zone is still /+ in the HM phase. On the other hand, if the hadronization of the QM state is smooth and does not lead to enhanced #uctuations (i.e. if " ), it cannot be observed in such a study. /%. &%
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Fig. 8. Qualitative picture of multiplicity #uctuations vs. centrality (total multiplicity or E ). Anomalous #uctuations 2 appear when a transition to a new state of matter (QM) starts at centrality E (see text). Curves for di!erent ratios of the #uctuations characterizing the two states of matter are shown.
The multiplicity #uctuations can be studied for any kind of particles, total or ratios. Total multiplicities describe total multiplicities whereas, e.g. the ratio /(>#\) can reveal #uctuations in chiral symmetry. The onset and magnitude of such #uctuations would reveal the symmetry and other properties of the new phase.
4. Correlations between total and net charge, baryon number or strangeness By a combined analysis of #uctuations in, e.g., positive, negative, total and net charge as well as ratios, the intrinsic and other #uctuations as well as correlations can be extracted and exploited to reveal interesting physics as will be demonstrated in the following. 4.1. General analysis of yuctuations and correlations Multiplicity #uctuations between various kinds of particles can be strongly correlated. As a "rst example, consider the multiplicities of positive and negative pions, N and N , in a rapidity > \ interval y for any relativistic heavy-ion experiment. Similar analyses can be performed for any two kinds of distinguishable particles. The net positive charge from the protons in the colliding nuclei is much smaller than the total charge produced in an ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collision. For example, N exceeds N by > \ only &15% at in Pb#Pb collisions at SPS energies. The #uctuations in the number of positive and negative (or neutral) pions are also very similar, > K \ . Charged particle #uctuations , , have been estimated in thermal as well as participant nucleon models [24] including e!ects of resonances, acceptance, and impact parameter #uctuations. By varying the acceptance and centrality, the degree of thermalization can actually be determined empirically. Detailed analysis indicates
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that the #uctuations in central Pb#Pb collisions at the SPS are thermal whereas peripheral collisions are a superposition of pp #uctuations [64]. The #uctuations in the total (N "N #N ) and net (Q"N !N ) charge are de"ned as > \ > \ [54] N (N $N )!N $N N > \ > \ " > # \ $C , > , N N ,\ N #N > \ where the correlation is given by
N N !N N > \ . (24) C" > \ N /2 Fluctuations in positive, negative, total and net charge can be combined to yield both the intrinsic #uctuations in the numbers of N and the correlations in their production as well as a consistency ! check. These quantities can change as a consequence of thermalization and a possible phase transition. In practice, > + \ , so that the #uctuation in total charge simpli"es to , , N !N " #C (25) , ,> , N and that for the net charge becomes Q!Q , " > !C . (26) / , N The #uctuation in net charge can be related to the #uctuation in the ratio of positive to negative particles KN /N N \ > /4 , (27) / > \ , , plus volume (or impact parameter) #uctuations [51,53]. The virtue of this expression is that volume #uctuations can in principle be extracted empirically. Alternatively one can vary the centrality bin size or the acceptance. Furthermore, the volume #uctuations for net and total charge are proportional to the net (N !N ) and total (N #N ) charge, respectively, with the same > \ > \ prefactor. In the following we shall assume that such `triviala volume #uctuations have been removed. The analysis has so far been general and Eqs. (23)}(26) apply to any kind of distinguishable particles, e.g. positive and negative particles, pions, kaons, baryons, etc. } irrespective of what phase the system may be in, or whether it is thermal or not. In the following, we shall consider thermal equilibrium, which seems to apply to central collisions between relativistic nuclei, in order to reveal possible e!ects on #uctuations of the presence of a quark}gluon plasma. 4.2. Charge yuctuations in a thermal hadron gas In a thermal hadron gas (HG) as created in relativistic in nuclear collisions, pions can be produced either directly or through the decay of heavier resonances, , ,2 . The resulting
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#uctuation in the measured number of pions is > " \ "f #f #f #2 , (28) , , L L M M S S where f is the fraction of measured pions produced from the decay of resonance r, and f "1. P P P These mechanisms are assumed to be independent, which is valid in a thermal system. The heavier resonances such as , ,2 decay into pairs of >\ and thus lead to a correlation 1 C&%" f #f #2 . S 3 M
Resonances reduce the #uctuations in net charge in a HG in chemical equilibrium at temperature ¹"170 MeV and baryon chemical potential "270 MeV and strangeness chemical potential "74 MeV to "0.70 [51,17]. In [52] the value "0.70 is found. / / In addition, overall charge conservation reduces #uctuations in net charge when the acceptance is large and thus increases correlations as will be discussed below. 4.3. Charge yuctuations in a quark}gluon plasma A phase transition to the QGP can alter both #uctuations and correlations in the production of charged pions. To the extent that these e!ects are not eliminated by subsequent thermalization of the HG, they may remain as observable remnants of the QGP phase. As shown in Refs. [52,53], net charge #uctuations in a plasma of u, d quarks and gluons are reduced partly due to the intrinsically smaller quark charge and partly due to correlations from gluons 1 , N q , (30) " D / N $ N SB2 where N is the number of quark #avors, q their charges, and N the number of quarks. The total D number of charged particles (but not the net charge) can be altered by the ultimate hadronization of the QGP. Assuming a pion gas as the "nal state, this e!ect can be estimated by equating the entropy of all pions to the entropy of the quarks and gluons. Since 2/3 of all pions are charged and since the entropy per fermion is 7/6 times the entropy per boson in a two-#avor QGP N K(N #N ) , (31) where the number of gluons is N "(16/9N )N . Inserting this result in (30), we see that the resulting #uctuations are "0.18 in a two-#avor QGP (and "0.12 for three #avors). As / / pointed out in [53], lattice results give K0.25. However, according to [55] a substantial / fraction of the pions are decay products from the HG, and the entropy of the HG exceeds that of a pion gas by a factor 1.75}1.8. As described in [52] the net charge #uctuations should be increased by this factor in the QGP, i.e. K0.33 in a two-#avor QGP, whereas it remains similar in the / HG, K0.6. /
It is amusing to note that this number gives a very poor (i.e., negative) estimate for N /N in Eq. (31).
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The above models are all grand canonical ones, i.e. no net charge conservation, as opposed to microcanonical models that now will be discussed. If the high-density phase is initially dominated by gluons with quarks produced only at a later stage of the expansion by gluon fusion, the production of positively and negatively charged quarks will be strongly correlated on su$ciently small rapidity scales. An increased entropy density in the collisions volume will lead to enhanced multiplicity as compared to a standard hadronic scenario if total entropy is conserved. The associated particle production must conserve net charge on large rapidity scales (y91) due to causality because "elds cannot communicate over large distances and therefore must conserve charge within the `event horizona. Therefore the net charge, N , is approximately conserved whereas the total charge, Q, increase by an amount proportional to the additional entropy produced. If the entropy density increases from s to s going from a HG to &% /%. QGP without additional net charge production, #uctuations in net charge will be reduced correspondingly, s /%.K &% &% . / / s /%.
The resulting #uctuation in net charge is necessarily smaller than that from thermal quark production as given by Eq. (30). A similar phenomenon occurs in string models where particle production by string breaking and qq pair production results in #avor and charge correlations on a small rapidity scale [42]. If droplets or density #uctuations appear, they are expected not to produce additional net charge. Consequently, the net charge #uctuations should still vanish K0 whereas / . K2 >&2 /%. , The strangeness #uctuation in kaons K! might seem less interesting at "rst sight since strangeness is not suppressed in the QGP: The strangeness per kaon is unity, and the total number of kaons is equal to the number of strange quarks. However, if strange quarks are produced at a late stage in the expansion of a #uid initially dominated by gluons, the net strangeness will again be greatly reduced on su$ciently small rapidity scale. Consequently, #uctuations in net/total strangeness would be reduced/enhanced. The baryon number #uctuations have been estimated in a thermal model [52] in a grand canonical model. It is, however, not known how possible variations in baryon stopping event-byevent and subsequent di!usion and annihilation of the baryons and antibaryons in the hadronic phase a!ect these results. If only charged particles are detected, but not K, KM , neutrons and antineutrons, the #uctuations have smaller correlations as compared to the total and net strangeness or baryon number. 4.4. Total charge conservation Total charge conservation is important when the acceptance y is a non-negligible fraction of the total rapidity. It reduces the #uctuations in the net charge as calculated within the canonical ensemble, Eqs. (28)}(31). If the total positive charge (which is exactly equal to the total negative charge plus the incoming nuclear charges) is randomly distributed, the resulting #uctuations are
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smaller than the intrinsic ones by a factor (1!f f
dN dy dy
), where (33)
W is the acceptance fraction or the probability that a charged particle falls into the acceptance y assuming full p coverage. Since charged particle rapidity distributions are peaked near R mid-rapidity, charge conservation e!ectively kills #uctuations in the net charge even when y is substantially smaller than the laboratory rapidity, y K6 (11) at SPS (RHIC) energies. Total charge conservation also has the e!ect of increasing towards 2 > according to , Eq. (25). Similar e!ects can be seen in photon #uctuations when photons are produced in pairs through P2. In the WA98 experiment, K2 is found after the elimination of volume A #uctuations [49]. On the other hand, if the acceptance y is too small, particles can di!use in and out of the acceptance during hadronization and freezeout [52]. Furthermore, correlations due to resonance production will disappear when the average separation in rapidity between decay products exceeds the acceptance. Each of these e!ects tends to increase all #uctuations towards Poisson statistics when y: y, where y denotes the rapidity interval that particles di!use during hadronization, freezeout and decay. We "nd approximately
y 2 y # (1!f ) , K / / y#2 y y#2 y
where is the canonical thermal #uctuation of Eq. (26), with (29), and Eq. (30) and is the / / #uctuation corrected for both y and total charge conservation. The resulting #uctuations in total and net charge are shown in Fig. 9 assuming > " K1.1 , L and y"0.5. As mentioned above, f and y are related by the measured charge particle rapidity distributions [11]. The total charge #uctuations in a HG (C"0.4) from Eq. (31) agree well with
Fig. 9. Acceptance dependence of thermal #uctuations in net charge ( of Eq. (34), lower curves) and total ( , upper / , curves). Correlations increase from a hadron gas (CK0.4), to a QGP (CK0.8) and a gluon plasma (CK1.0) (see text). The HG result with a rapidity di!usion of y"0.8 is also shown for comparison to the other curves which use y"0.5. The large error bar on the NA49 data point is not statistical but re#ects the uncertainty in the subtraction of impact parameter #uctuations from #uctuations in charged particles [11,24]. The corresponding net charge #uctuation predicted by UrQMD [58] is shown by the open circle. From [54].
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NA49 data [11] after subtraction of residual impact parameter #uctuations. Data on charge particle ratios, which do not contain impact parameter #uctuations, will be able to test the net charge #uctuations of Eq. (34) to higher accuracy. Predictions from UrQMD are also shown for comparison [58]. The sensitivity to di!usion is small as seen in Fig. 9 where for the #uctuations are also shown for y"0.8 as recently used in [59]. The curves in Fig. 9 apply to RHIC energies as well after scaling y with y.
5. Fluctuations in particle ratios By taking ratios of particles, e.g. K/, >/\, /!,2, one conveniently removes volume and impact parameter #uctuations to "rst approximation. Simply increasing/decreasing the volume or centrality, the average number of particles of both species scales up/down by the same amount and thus cancel in the ratio. 5.1. >/\ ratio and entropy production Most particles produced in relativistic nuclear collisions are pions and they therefore constitute most of the number of positive and negatively charged particles. The #uctuations in the >/\ ratio and thus the ratio of positive and negative particles are intimately related to the #uctuations in net charge [51,53] 4 N /N # , (35) \ >" , , N > \ / where is the impact parameter or volume #uctuations and are the net charge #uctuations / as given by Eq. (27). The >/\ ratio has been studied in detail in [51]. Resonances such as , ,2 decaying into two or three pions correlate the > and \ production as for positively and negatively charged particles discussed above. Consequently, the #uctuation in the >/\ ratio is reduced by &30% in agreement with NA49 data [11]. 5.2. K/ ratio and strangeness enhancement To second order in the #uctuations of the numbers of K and , we have [24,51]
K!K K 1# L ! . K/" K
The corresponding #uctuation in K/ is given by K!K . D, )L " ) # L !2 K K/ K
The #uctuation in the kaon-to-pion ratio is dominated by the #uctuations in the number of kaons alone. The third term in Eq. (37) includes correlations between the number of pions and kaons.
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Fig. 10. Event-by-event #uctuations in the K/ ratio measured by NA49 in central Pb#Pb collisions at the SPS [11].
It contains a negative part from volume #uctuations, which removes the volume #uctuations in and since such #uctuations cancel in any ratio. In the NA49 data [11] shown in Fig. 10 the ) L average ratio of charged kaons to charged pions is K/"0.18 and K200. Excluding volume #uctuations, we take K K1.2}1.3 as discussed above. The "rst two terms in Eq. (37) ) L then yield DK0.20}0.21 in good agreement with preliminary measurements D"0.23 [11]. Thus at this stage the data give no evidence for correlated production of K and , as described by the "nal term in Eq. (37), besides volume #uctuations. The similar #uctuations in mixed event analyzes D "0.208 [11] con"rm this conclusion.
Strangeness enhancement has been observed in relativistic nuclear collisions at the SPS. For example, the number of kaons and therefore also K/ is increased by a factor of 2}3 in central Pb#Pb collisions. It would be interesting to study the #uctuations in strangeness as well. By varying the acceptance one might be able to gauge the degree of thermalization as discussed above. The #uctuations in the K/ ratio as function of centrality would in that case reveal whether strangeness enhancement is associated with thermalization or other mechanisms lie behind. In a plasma of decon"ned quarks strangeness is increased rapidly by ggPss and qq Pss processes and lead to enhancement of total strangeness s#s whereas the net strangeness s!s remains zero. The #uctuations in net and total strangeness will qualitatively behave like net and total charge, however, with unit strangeness quantum numbers as compared to the fractional charges. 5.3. /! ratio and chiral symmetry restoration Fluctuations in neutral relative to charged pions would be a characteristic signal of chiral symmetry restoration in heavy-ion collisions. If, during expansion and cooling, domains of chiral condensates gets `disorienteda (DCC) [36], anomalous #uctuations in /! ratios could result if DCC domains are large. For a single DCC domain the probability distribution of ratios d"/(#>#\) is P(d)"1/(2d with mean d"1/3 and #uctuation "4/15, i.e. much B
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larger than ordinary #uctuations in such ratios (see Eq. (37)) which decrease inversely with the number of pions. Neutral pions are much harder to measure than charged pions but with respect to #uctuations, it su$ces to measure the charged pions only. The anomalous #uctuations in due to a DCC are anti-correlated to !, i.e. they are of same magnitude but opposite sign. A DCC can equally well be searched for in total charge #uctuations as in the /! ratio, except for the troublesome impact parameter #uctuations. 5.4. J/ multiplicity correlations and absorption mechanisms J/ suppression has been found in relativistic nuclear collisions [60] and it is yet unclear how much is due to absorption on participant nucleons and produced particles (comovers). Whether `anomalous suppressiona is present in the data is one of the most discussed signals from a hot and dense phase at early times [60]. It was originally suggested that the formation of a quark}gluon plasma would destroy the cc bound states [61]. In relativistic heavy-ion collisions very few J/'s are produced in each collision. Of these only 6.9% branch into dimuons that can be detected and so the chance to detect two dimuon pairs in the same event is very small. Therefore, it will be correspondingly di$cult to measure #uctuations and other higher moments of the number of J/. Another more promising observable is the correlation between the multiplicities in, e.g., a rapidity interval y of a charmonium state "J/, ,2 (N ) and all particles (N) [54]. The correlator R NN !NN also enters in the ratio /N (see Eq. (36)). The correlator has as good statistics R R as the total number of and it may contain some very interesting anti-correlations, namely that absorption grows with multiplicity N. The physics behind can be comover absorption, which grows with comover density, or formation of quark}gluon plasma, which may lead to both anomalous suppression of and large multiplicity in y. Contrarily, direct Glauber absorption should not depend on the multiplicity of produced particles N since it is caused by collisions with participating nucleons. To quantify this anti-correlation we model the absorption/destruction of 's by simple Glauber theory N R "e\6NAR M J,e\A,6,7 , (38) N R where N is the number of J/'s before comover or anomalous absorption sets in but after direct R Glauber absorption on participant nucleons. In Glauber theory the exponent is the absorption cross section times the absorber density and path length traversed in matter. The density and therefore also the exponent is proportional to the multiplicity N with coe$cient d log N R . (39) "! d log N ,6,7 In a simple comover absorption model for a system with longitudinal Bjorken scaling, it can be calculated approximately [62] dN v A AR AR log R/ , K dy 4R A
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where dN /dy, , v and are the comover rapidity density, absorption cross section, relative A AR AR velocity and formation time, respectively. On average comover or anomalous absorption is responsible for a suppression factor e\A. It is di$cult to determine because only the total suppression including direct Glauber absorption on participants is measured. The anti-correlation is straightforward to calculate when the #uctuations in the exponent are small (i.e. ( /N;1). It is , NN !NN "! N . R R , R
It is negative and proportional to the amount of comover and anomalous absorption and obviously vanishes when the absorption is independent of multiplicity ("0). The anti-correlation can be accurately determined as the current accuracy in determining N is a few percent (NA50 R minimum bias [60]) in each E bin. 2 The anti-correlations in Eq. (41) may seem independent of the rapidity interval. However, if it is less than the typical relative rapidities between comovers and the , the correlations disappear. Preferably, the rapidity interval should be of the order of the typical rapidity #uctuations due to density #uctuations. The anticorrelations of Eq. (41) quantify the amount of comover or anomalous absorption and can therefore be exploited to distinguish between these and direct Glauber absorption mechanisms. In that respect it is similar to the elliptic #ow parameter for [62] for the comover absorption part but di!ers for the anomalous absorption. 5.5. Photon yuctuations: thermal emission vs. P2 WA98 have measured photon and charged particle multiplicities and their #uctuations vs. centrality and E binning size. As mentioned above impact parameter #uctuations are propor2 tional to the E binning size; the WA98 analysis nicely con"rms this, and can subsequently remove 2 impact parameter #uctuations. The resulting charged particle multiplicity #uctuations with impact parameter #uctuations subtracted, !n K1.1}1.2 were shown in Fig. 7. , , The #uctuations in photon multiplicities were found to be almost twice as large as for charged particles !n K2.0. This has the simple explanation that photons mainly are produced in A , P2 decays. The #uctuations are then the double of the #uctuations in to "rst approximation as seen from Eq. (18). If the photons were directly produced from a `shininga thermal "reball one would expect that they would exhibit Bose}Einstein #uctuations, " #"1.37 for massless particles. In addition A , the 's in the hadronic background will produce photons with " #"2.0. The measured A , #uctuation in the number of photons will therefore lie between these two numbers and can be exploited to quantify the amount of thermal photon emission vs. P2 decay from a hadronic gas 2.0! N A . A " 2.0!1.37 N #NL A A
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The impact parameter #uctuations must be subtracted from the measured photon #uctuations by, e.g., taking the ratio of photons to some other particle with known behavior. A 6. Transverse momentum 6uctuations Fluctuations in average transverse momentum were among the "rst event-by-event analyses studied. In a series of papers MroH wczynH ski et al. have studied transverse momentum #uctuations in heavy-ion collisions with the purpose of studying thermalization and other e!ects. Fluctuations in temperature and thus average transverse momentum event-by-event were studied by a number of people [15}18] in connection with critical phenomena relevant if the transition is close to a critical point. Experimental analyses by NA49 [11,14] reveal that a careful evaluation of systematic e!ects are required before substantial equilibration can be claimed in central heavy-ion collisions from transverse momentum #uctuations. They also have found strong correlations between multiplicity and transverse momentum. The total transverse momentum per event , P " p (43) G G is very similar to the transverse energy, for which #uctuations have been studied extensively [10,8]. The mean transverse momentum and inverse slopes of distributions generally increase with centrality or multiplicity. Assuming that ,d log(p )/d log N is small, as is the case for pions , [63], the average transverse momentum per particle for given multiplicity N is to leading order p "p (1#(N!N)/N) , (44) , where p is the average over all events of the single-particle transverse momentum. With this parametrization, the average total transverse momentum per particle in an event obeys P /N"p . When the transverse momentum is approximately exponentially distributed with inverse slope ¹ in a given event, p "2¹, and (p )"2¹"p /2. G G The total transverse momentum and also the transverse energy contains both #uctuations in multiplicity and #uctuations in the individual particle transverse momenta and energy (see Appendix C). An interesting quantity is therefore the total transverse momentum per particle, P /N, where the multiplicity #uctuations are removed to "rst order although important correla tions remain. The total transverse momentum per particle in an event has #uctuations
1 (p p !p ) . (45) N(P /N)"(p )#p # G H G , N G$H The three terms on the right are, respectively: (i) The individual #uctuations (p )"p !p , the main term. In the NA49 data, G G p "377 MeV and N"270. From Eq. (45) we thus obtain (P /N)/p K1/(2N" 4.3%, which accounts for most of the experimentally measured #uctuation 4.65% [11]. The data contains no indication of intrinsic temperature #uctuations in the collisions.
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(ii) E!ects of correlations between p and N, which are suppressed with respect to the "rst term by a factor &. In NA49 the multiplicity of charged particles is mainly that of pions for which ¹Kp /2 increases little compared with pp collisions, and K0.05}0.1. Thus, these correlations are small for the NA49 data. However, for kaons and protons, can be an order of magnitude larger as their distributions are strongly a!ected by the #ow observed in central collisions [63]. (iii) Correlations between transverse momenta of di!erent particles in the same event. In the WNM the momenta of particles originating from the same participant are correlated. In Lund string fragmentation, for example, a quark-antiquark pair is produced with the same p but in opposite direction. The average number of pairs of hadrons from the same participant is n(n!1), where n is the number of particles emitted from the same participant nucleon, and therefore the latter term in Eq. (45) becomes (n(n!1)/n)(p p !p ). To a good G H$G approximation, n is Poisson distributed, i.e., n(n!1)/n"n, equal to 0.77 for the NA49 acceptance, so that this latter term becomes K(p p !p ). The momentum correlation G H$G between two particles from the same participant is expected to be a small fraction of (p ). G To quantify the e!ect of rescatterings, the di!erence between N(P /N) and (p ) has been studied in detail [12] via the quantity (p )K(N(P /N)!((p ) . G
As we see from Eq. (45), in the applicable limit that the second and third terms are small, 1 (p #(p p !p )) . (p )K , G H$G ((p ) G
In the Fritiof model, based on the WNM with no rescatterings between secondaries, one "nds (p )K4.5 MeV. In the thermal limit the correlations in Eq. (46) should vanish for classical particles but the interference of identical particles (HBT correlations) contributes to these correlations &6.5 MeV [13]; they are again slightly reduced by resonances. The NA49 experimental value, (p )"5 MeV (corrected for two-track resolution) seems to favor the thermal limit [11]. Note however that with K0.05}0.1, the second term on the right side of Eq. (47) alone leads to K1}4 MeV, i.e., the same order of magnitude. If (p p !p ) is not positive, then one G H$G cannot a priori rule out that the smallness of (p ) does not arise from a cancellation of this term with p , rather than from thermalization. , A comparison of the transverse momentum #uctuations of charged particles to those in mixed events, where correlations thus are removed, showed a small enhancement of only 0.002$0.002 [11]. It was estimated that Bose e!ects should enhance this ratio by 1}2% but that total energy conservation introduces an anticorrelation that partially cancels the Bose enhancement [17,18]. Experimental problems with two-track resolution have also been estimated to lead to a ratio that is 1}2% lower. Consequently, the numbers seem to be compatible. The covariance matrix between multiplicity and transverse momentum has been analyzed by NA49 [11]. Strong but trivial correlations are found due to the fact that higher multiplicity gives larger total transverse momentum event-by-event. This correlation is removed in the quantity P /N and its covariance matrix with multiplicity appears diagonal.
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7. Event-by-event 6uctuations at RHIC The theoretical analysis above leads to a qualitative understanding of event-by-event #uctuations and speculations on how phase transitions may show up. It gives a quantitative description of AGS and SPS data without the need to invoke new physics. We shall here look towards RHIC experiments and attempt to describe how #uctuations may be searched for. General correlators between all particle species should be measured event-by-event, e.g., the ratios [24] N N !N N N /N G H , G H K1# ,H ! G H N N N N /N H G H G H
where N are the multiplicities in acceptances i and j of any particle. Volume #uctuations are GH automatically removed in such ratios, their #uctuations and correlations. If the energy deposition, transverse energy or momentum are measured, these latter will have additional #uctuation due to the multiplicity #uctuations as explained in Appendix C. More generally we de"ne the multiplicity correlations between any two bins N N !N N G H " G H GH (N N G H
also referred to as the covariance. When i, j refer to two rapidity bins the covariance is also proportional to the rapidity (auto-)correlation function C(y !y ). G H It is instructive to consider "rst completely random (uncorrelated or statistical) particle emission. For a "xed total multiplicity N , the probability for a particle to end up in bin i is 2 p "N /N KE /E . The distribution is a simple multinomial distribution for which G G 2 G 2
1!p , i"j G . " GH !(p p , iOj G H
The i"j result is the well known one for a binomial distribution. The iOj result is negative because particles in di!erent bins are anti-correlated: more (less) particles in one bin leads to less (more) in other bins on average due to a "xed total number of particles. As shown above there are nonstatistical #uctuations due to various sources: Bose}Einstein #uctuations, resonances, etc., and } in particular } density #uctuations. As in Eq. (21) we assume that the multiplicity consist of particles from a HM and a QM phase. The covariances in Eq. (50) are derived analogously to Eq. (22) N G/+ , " #( ! ) GH GH&+ GH/+ GH&+ N G
when N "N ; when di!erent the general formula is a little more complicated. Now, the G H hadronic #uctuations is of order unity for i"j, smaller for adjacent bins and vanishes or GH&+ even becomes slightly negative according to (50) for bins very di!erent in pseudorapidity or azimuthal angle . The QM #uctuations can be much larger: &N (see the discussion G/+ G/+
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after Eq. (20)). To discriminate the QM #uctuations from the hadronic ones, Eq. (51) requires (52) N 9(( ! )N . G/+ GH GH&+ G The charged particle multiplicity in central Au#Au collisions at RHIC is dN /dK500}600 per unit pseudorapidity [23]. To see a clear increase in #uctuations, say , ! &1, GH GH&+ a density #uctuation of only N 9(N K25 particles are required per unit rapidity correG/+ G sponding to a few percent of the average. By analyzing many events (of the same total multiplicity) the accuracy by which #uctuations are measured experimentally is greatly improved. Generally, , and so #uctuations can in principle be determined with immense accuracy. &1/(N It may be advantageous to correlate bins with the same pseudorapidity but di!erent azimuthal angles since the hadronic correlations between these are small whereas QM #uctuations remain. No experimental determination of the purely statistical uncertainties associated with any one-body distribution } such as multiplicity as a function of rapidity } can be performed without measuring and diagonalizing the correlation matrix C "N N !N N . While it is convenGH G H G H tional to assign uncertainties according to the diagonal elements M , the correlations in the GG covariance matrix are required for a correct error analysis and can also reveal physical important results.
8. Summary In a phase transition in high-energy nuclear collisions, whether it is "rst order or a soft cross-over, density #uctuations may be expected that show up in rapidity and multiplicity #uctuations event-by-event. The #uctuations can be enhanced signi"cantly in case of droplet formation as compared to that from an ordinary hadronic scenario. A combined analysis of, e.g., positive, negative, total and net charge, allows one to extract the various #uctuations and correlations uniquely. Likewise a number of other observables as charged and neutral pions, kaons, photons, J/, etc., and their ratios can show anomalous correlations and enhancement or suppression of #uctuations. This clearly demonstrates the importance of event-by-event #uctuations accompanying phase transitions, and illustrates how monitoring such #uctuations vs. centrality becomes a promising signal, in the upcoming RHIC experiments, for the onset of a transition. The potential for enhanced or suppressed #uctuations (orders of magnitude) from a transition makes it worth looking for at RHIC considering the relative simplicity and accuracy of multiplicity #uctuation measurements. An analysis of #uctuations in central Pb#Pb collisions as currently measured in NA49 does, however, not show any sign of anomalous #uctuations. Fluctuations in multiplicity, transverse momentum, K/ and other ratios can be explained by standard statistical #uctuation and additional impact parameter #uctuations, acceptance cuts, resonances, thermal #uctuations, etc. This understanding by `standarda physics should be taken as a baseline for future studies at RHIC and LHC and searches for anomalous #uctuations and correlations from phase transitions that may show up in a number of observables. By varying the centrality one should be able to determine quantitatively the amount of thermalization in relativistic heavy-ion collisions as de"ned in Eq. (19). For peripheral collisions,
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where only few rescatterings occur, we expect the participant model (WNM) to be approximately valid and the degree of thermalization to be small. For central collisions, where many rescatterings occur among produced particles, we expect to approach the thermal limit and the degree of thermalization should be close to 100%. At RHIC and LHC energies the #uctuations in the number of charged particles consequently decrease drastically with centrality whereas at SPS energies the two limits are accidentally very close. Event-by-event physics is an important tool to study thermalization and phase transitions through anomalous #uctuations and correlations } as in rain. Acknowledgements Thanks are due to G. Baym and A.D. Jackson for inspiration and collaboration on some of the work described in this report. Discussion with S. Voloshin and G. Roland (NA49), J.J. Ga rdh+je and collaborators in NA44 and BRAHMS, T. Nayak (WA98), J. Bondorf, S. Jeon, V. Koch, and many suggestions for improvement from an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged. Appendix A. Damping of initial density 6uctuations Hydrodynamic #ow with Bjorken scaling is stable according to a stability analysis carried out in [35]. By linearing the hydrodynamic equations in small perturbations in entropy density s and rapidity y around the Bjorken scaling solution and looking for solutions in the form of harmonic perturbations, e IE, the hydrodynamic equations could be written in matrix form (Eq. (A.13) in [35])
0 !ik
s/s "
y !ikc !(1!c) Q Q The eigenvalues of the above matrix
1 1 "! (1!c)$ (1!c)!ck , ! Q Q Q 2 4
always have real negative part for c kO0 and #uctuations are therefore damped. For long wave Q length #uctuations in rapidity and not too soft equations of state, c k'1!c, the solution is Q Q a damped oscillator. Note that the long wave length solution k"0 reproduces the Bjorken scaling. The exact solution for the entropy density #uctuation
s "c eH> OO #c eH\ OO , > \ s
is sensitive to the equation of state through c , the initial conditions for the rapidity density Q #uctuations (the constants c ), and their wave length k\. ! At large times the eigenvalue with the largest real part dominates and
s 0 H! . J s
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Here the oscillating factor has been ignored, leaving the power law fall-o! of #uctuations with exponent
1 Min Re[ ] " (1!c)!Re Q ! 2
1 (1!c)!ck . Q Q 4
One notes that density yuctuations are undamped for soft equation of states (c "0). They are also Q undamped if their wave length is long (kK0). To estimate the resulting damping we take a typical rapidity #uctuation for a droplet
y&(¹/m &1 discussed above, which corresponds to a wavenumber kK1. For an ideal equation of state with sound speed c "1/(3 the last term in Eq. (A.2) is then either imaginary or Q small and real, and the real part of the eigenvalue is dominated by the "rst term of Eq. (A.2), Re[ ]K!1/3. If we take a typical formation time K1 fm/c and a freezeout time K8 fm/c ! as extracted from HBT studies [1], the resulting suppression of a density #uctuation during expansion is a factor &8\"0.5 according to Eq. (A.4).
Appendix B. Fluctuations in source models As #uctuations for a source model appears again and again (see Eqs. (10), (11), (18), (22)) we shall derive this simple equation in detail. We de"ne the #uctuations for any stochastic variable x as x!x . " V x
It is usually of order unity and therefore more convenient than variances. For a Poisson distribution, P "e\?,/N!, the #uctuation is "1. For a binomial distribution with tossing probabil, , ity p the #uctuation is "1!p, independent of the number of tosses. In heavy-ion collisions , several processes add to #uctuations so that typically &1}2. Correlations can in some cases , double the #uctuations as, for example, P2 doubles the #uctuations in photon multiplicity and net charge conservation doubles the #uctuation in total charge. Impact parameter #uctuations further increases the total charge #uctuations to "3}5 in peripheral nuclear , collisions [64]. Generally, when the multiplicity (N) arise from independent sources (N ) such as participants, resonances, droplets or whatever, G, (B.2) N" n , G G where n is the number of particles produced in source i. In the absence of correlations between G N and n, the average multiplicity is N"N n. Here, .. refer to averaging over each individual (independent) source as well as the number of sources. The number of sources vary from event to event and average is performed over typically N &100,000 events as in NA49 or N &10 in WA98.
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Squaring Eq. (B.2) assuming that the sources emit particles independently, i.e. n n "n n G H G H for iOj, the square consists of the diagonal and o!-diagonal elements: N"N n#N (N !1)n . G G With (B.1) we obtain the multiplicity #uctuations
N!N " " #n , , L , N as in Eq. (10).
Appendix C. Fluctuations in the energy deposited Many experiments do not measure individual particle tracks or multiplicities but instead the energy deposited in arrays of detector segments, E , in a given event. One could also project the G energy transversely by weighting with the sine of the scattering angle to study #uctuations in transverse energy [7}10]. Since particles mostly have relativistic speeds in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the transverse energy is almost the same as the total transverse momentum in an event. The total energy deposited in the event is " E " E (C.1) 2 G G and can be used as a measure of the centrality of the collision. The energy deposited in each element (or group of elements) is the sum over the number of particle tracks (N ) hitting detector i of the G individual ionization energy of each particle ( ) G ,G E " . (C.2) G L L The average is: E "N . The energy will approximately be gaussian distributed, G G d/dE Jexp(!(E !E )/2 G E ), with #uctuations (see Appendix B) G G G # G E!E G " # . G, G (C.3) # C ,G E G Here, the #uctuation in ionization energy per particle C" !1 ,
depends on the typical particle energies in the detector and the corresponding ionization energies for the detector type and thickness. For the BRAHMS detectors we estimate / K0.3 [65]. C This number will, however, depend on rapidity since the longitudinal velocity enters the ionization power. As these are `triviala detector parameter, we shall exclude the #uctuations in most C analyses and concentrate on the second term in Eq. (C.3) which is the #uctuations in the number of particles as examined in detail above.
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G.E. VOLOVIK Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, 117334 Moscow, Russia
Physics Reports 351 (2001) 195}348
Super#uid analogies of cosmological phenomena G.E. Volovik Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, 117334 Moscow, Russia Received December 2000; editor: C.W.J. Beenakker Contents 1. Introduction. Physical vacuum as condensed matter 2. Landau}Khalatnikov two-#uid hydrodynamics as e!ective theory of gravity 2.1. Super#uid vacuum and quasiparticles 2.2. Dynamics of super#uid vacuum 2.3. Normal component } `mattera 2.4. Quasiparticle spectrum and e!ective metric 2.5. E!ective metric for bosonic collective modes in other systems 2.6. E!ective quantum "eld and e!ective action 2.7. Vacuum energy and cosmological constant. Nulli"cation of vacuum energy 2.8. Einstein action and higher derivative terms 3. `Relativistica energy}momentum tensor for `mattera moving in `gravitationala super#uid background in two #uid hydrodynamics 3.1. Kinetic equation for quasiparticles (matter) 3.2. Momentum exchange between super#uid vacuum and quasiparticles 3.3. Covariance vs. conservation 3.4. Energy}momentum tensor for `mattera 3.5. Local thermodynamic equilibrium 3.6. Global thermodynamic equilibrium. Tolman temperature. Pressure of `mattera and `vacuuma pressure 4. Universality classes of fermionic vacua 4.1. Fermi surface as topological object
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4.2. Fully gapped systems: `Dirac particlesa in superconductors and in super#uid He-B 4.3. Systems with Fermi points 4.4. Gapped systems with nontrivial topology in 2#1 dimensions 5. Fermi points: He-A vs. Standard Model 5.1. Super#uid He-A 5.2. Standard Model and its momentumspace topology 6. E!ective relativistic quantum "eld theory emerging in a system with Fermi point 6.1. Collective modes of fermionic vacuum } electromagnetic and gravitational "elds 6.2. Physical laws in vicinity of Fermi point: Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, general covariance, conformal invariance 6.3. E!ective electrodynamics 6.4. E!ective S;(N) gauge "elds from degeneracy of Fermi point 7. Chiral anomaly in condensed matter systems and Standard Model 7.1. Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation 7.2. Anomalous nonconservation of baryonic charge 7.3. Analog of baryogenesis in He-A: momentum exchange between super#uid vacuum and quasiparticle matter 7.4. Axial anomaly and force on He-A vortices
E-mail address: [email protected]." (G.E. Volovik). 0370-1573/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 0 - 1 5 7 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 3 9 - 3
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G.E. Volovik / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 195}348 7.5. Experimental veri"cation of Adler} Bell}Jackiw equation in rotating He-A Macroscopic parity violating e!ects 8.1. Helicity in parity violating systems 8.2. Chern}Simons energy term 8.3. Helical instability and `magnetogenesisa by chiral fermions 8.4. Mixed axial-gravitational Chern}Simons term Fermion zero modes and spectral #ow in the vortex core 9.1. Fermion zero modes on vortices 9.2. Spectral #ow in singular vortices: Callan}Harvey mechanism of anomaly cancellation Interface between two di!erent vacua and vacuum pressure in super#uid He 10.1. Interface between vacua of di!erent universality classes and Andreev re#ection 10.2. Force acting on moving mirror from thermal relativistic fermions 10.3. Vacuum pressure and vacuum energy in He Vierbein defects 11.1. Vierbein domain wall 11.2. Conical spaces
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11.3. Vortex vs. spinning cosmic string 11.4. Gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ect and Iordanskii force 12. Horizons, ergoregions, degenerate metric, vacuum instability and all that 12.1. Event horizons in vierbein wall and Hawking radiation 12.2. Landau critical velocity and ergoregion 12.3. PainleveH }Gullstrand metric in e!ective gravity in super#uids. Vacuum resistance to formation of horizon 12.4. Stable event horizon and its momentumspace topology 12.5. Hawking radiation 12.6. Extremal black hole 12.7. Thermal states in the presence of horizons. Modi"ed Tolman's law 12.8. PainleveH }Gullstrand vs. Schwarzschild metric in e!ective gravity. Incompleteness of space}time in e!ective gravity 12.9. Vacuum under rotation 13. How to improve helium-3 13.1. Gradient expansion 13.2. E!ective action in inert vacuum 14. Discussion References
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Abstract In a modern viewpoint relativistic quantum "eld theory is an emergent phenomenon arising in the low-energy corner of the physical fermionic vacuum } the medium, whose nature remains unknown. The same phenomenon occurs in condensed matter systems: In the extreme limit of low-energy condensed matter systems of special universality class acquire all the symmetries, which we know today in high-energy physics: Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, general covariance, etc. The chiral fermions as well as gauge bosons and gravity "eld arise as fermionic and bosonic collective modes of the system. Inhomogeneous states of the condensed matter ground state } vacuum } induce nontrivial e!ective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles move along geodesics. This conceptual similarity between condensed matter and the quantum vacuum allows us to simulate many phenomena in high-energy physics and cosmology, including the axial anomaly, baryoproduction and magnetogenesis, event horizon and Hawking radiation, cosmological constant and rotating vacuum, etc., probing these phenomena in ultra-low-temperature super#uid helium, atomic Bose condensates and superconductors. Some of the experiments have been already conducted. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 67.57.!z; 12.10.!g; 04.50.#h Keywords: Quantum liquid; E!ective quantum "eld theory; E!ective gravity; Quantum vacuum; Cosmological constant; Chiral anomaly
G.E. Volovik / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 195}348
1. Introduction. Physical vacuum as condensed matter The traditional Grand Uni"cation view is that the low-energy symmetry of our world is the remnant of a larger symmetry, which exists at high energy, and is broken when the energy is reduced. According to this philosophy the higher the energy the higher is the symmetry: ;(1);S;(3)P;(1);S;(2);S;(3)PSO(10)Psupersymmetry, etc. The less traditional view is quite opposite: it is argued that starting from some energy scale one probably "nds that the higher the energy the poorer are the symmetries of the physical laws, and "nally even the Lorentz invariance and gauge invariance will be smoothly violated [1,2]. From this point of view relativistic quantum "eld theory is an e!ective theory [3,4]. It is an emergent phenomenon arising as a "xed point in the low-energy corner of the physical vacuum whose nature is inaccessible from the e!ective theory. In the vicinity of the "xed point the system acquires new symmetries which it did not have at higher energy. It is quite possible that even such symmetries as Lorentz symmetry and gauge invariance are not fundamental, but gradually appear when the "xed point is approached. From this viewpoint it is also possible that grand uni"cation schemes make no sense if the uni"cation occurs at energies where the e!ective theories are no longer valid. Both scenaria occur in condensed matter systems. In particular, super#uid He-A provides an instructive example. At high temperature the He gas and at lower temperature the He liquid have all the symmetries that ordinary condensed matter can have: translational invariance, global ;(1) group and global SO(3) symmetries of spin and orbital rotations. When the temperature decreases further the liquid He reaches the super#uid transition temperature ¹ , below which it spontan eously looses all its symmetries except for the translational one } it is still liquid. This breaking of symmetry at low temperature, and thus at low energy, reproduces the Grand Uni"cation scheme, where the symmetry breaking is the most important element. However, this is not the whole story. When the temperature is reduced further, the opposite `anti-grand-uni"cationa scheme starts to work: in the limit ¹P0 the super#uid He-A gradually acquires from nothing almost all the symmetries, which we know today in high-energy physics: (an analog of) Lorentz invariance, local gauge invariance, elements of general covariance, etc. It appears that such an enhancement of symmetry in the limit of low energy happens because He-A belongs to a special universality class of Fermi systems [5]. For the condensed matter of such class, the chiral fermions and gauge bosons arise as fermionic and bosonic collective modes together with the chirality itself and with corresponding symmetries. The inhomogeneous deformations of the condensed matter ground state } quantum vacuum } induce nontrivial e!ective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles move along geodesics, thus simulating the gravity "eld. This conceptual similarity between condensed matter and quantum vacuum gives some hint on the origin of symmetries and also allows us to simulate many phenomena in high-energy physics and cosmology. The quantum "eld theory, which we have now, is incomplete due to ultraviolet divergences at small scales. The crucial example is provided by the quantum theory of gravity, which after 70 yr of research is still far from realization in spite of numerous beautiful achievements [6]. This is a strong indication that gravity, both classical and quantum, is not fundamental: It is e!ective "eld theory which is not applicable at small scales where the `microscopica physics of vacuum becomes important, and, according to the `anti-granduni"cationa scenario, some or all of the known symmetries in Nature are violated. The analogy between the quantum vacuum and condensed
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matter could give an insight into this trans-Planckian physics since it provides examples of the physically imposed deviations from Lorentz and other invariances at higher energy. This is important in many di!erent areas of high-energy physics and cosmology, including possible CPT violation and black holes, where the in"nite red shift at the horizon opens a route to the trans-Planckian physics. Condensed matter teaches us that the low-energy properties of di!erent condensed matter vacua (magnets, super#uids, crystals, superconductors, etc.) are robust, i.e. they do not depend much on the details of microscopic (atomic) structure of these substances. The principal role is played by symmetry and topology of the condensed matter: they determine the soft (low-energy) hydrodynamic variables, the e!ective Lagrangian describing the low-energy dynamics, topological defects and quantization of physical parameters. The microscopic details provide us only with the `fundamental constantsa, which enter the e!ective phenomenological Lagrangian, such as speed of `lighta (say, the speed of sound), super#uid density, modulus of elasticity, magnetic susceptibility, etc. Apart from these `fundamental constantsa, which can be rescaled, the systems behave similarly in the infrared limit if they belong to the same universality and symmetry classes, irrespective of their microscopic origin. The detailed information on the system is lost in such acoustic or hydrodynamic limit [7]. From the properties of the low-energy collective modes of the system } acoustic waves in case of crystals } one cannot reconstruct the atomic structure of the crystal since all the crystals have similar acoustic waves described by the same equations of the same e!ective theory, in crystals it is the classical theory of elasticity. The classical "elds of collective modes can be quantized to obtain quanta of acoustic waves } phonons. This quantum "eld remains the e!ective "eld which is applicable only in the long-wave-length limit, and does not give a detailed information on the real quantum structure of the underlying crystal (except for its symmetry class). In other words one cannot construct the full quantum theory of real crystal using the quantum theory of elasticity. Such theory would always contain divergences on atomic scale, which cannot be regularized in unique way. The same occurs in other e!ective theories of condensed matter. In particular the naive approach to calculate the ground state (vacuum) energy of super#uid liquid He using the zero point energy of phonons gives even the wrong sign of the vacuum energy, as we shall see in Section 2.7. It is quite probable that in the same way the quantization of classical gravity, which is one of the infrared collective modes of the quantum vacuum, will not add more to our understanding of the `microscopica structure of the vacuum [7}9]. Indeed, according to this `anti-granduni"cationa analogy, such properties of our world, as gravitation, gauge "elds, elementary chiral fermions, etc., all arise in the low-energy corner as a low-energy soft modes of the underlying `condensed mattera. At high energy (of the Planck scale) these modes merge with the continuum of the all high-energy degrees of freedom of the `Planck condensed mattera and thus cannot be separated anymore from each other. Since the gravity is not fundamental, but appears as an e!ective "eld in the infrared limit, the only output of its quantization would be the quanta of the low-energy gravitational waves } gravitons. The more deep quantization of gravity makes no sense in this philosophy. In particular, the e!ective theory cannot give any prediction for the vacuum energy and thus for the cosmological constant. The main advantage of the condensed matter analogy is that in principle we know the condensed matter structure at any relevant scale, including the interatomic distance, which plays the part of
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one of the Planck length scales in the hierarchy of scales. Thus the condensed matter can suggest possible routes from our present low-energy corner of `phenomenologya to the `microscopica physics at Planckian and trans-Planckian energies. It can also show the limitation of the e!ective theories: what quantities can be calculated within the e!ective "eld theory using, say, renormalization group approach, and what quantities depend essentially on the details of the transPlanckian physics. The condensed matter analogy is in some respect similar to the string theory, where the gauge invariance and general covariance are not imposed, and fermions, gravitons and gauge quanta are the emergent low-energy properties of an underlying physical object } the string. At the moment the string theory is viewed as the most successful attempt to quantize gravity so far. However, as distinct from the string theory which requires higher dimensions, the `relativistica fermions and bosons arise in the underlying nonrelativistic condensed matter in an ordinary 3#1 space}time, provided that the condensed matter belongs to the proper universality class. In the main part of the review we consider super#uid He in its A-phase which belongs to that special universality class of Fermi liquids, where the e!ective gravity, gauge "elds and chiral fermions appear in the low-energy corner together with Lorentz and gauge invariance [5,10], and discuss the correspondence between the phenomena in super#uid He-A and that in relativistic particle physics. However, some useful analogies can be provided even by Bose liquid } super#uid He, where a sort of the e!ective gravitational "eld appears in the low-energy corner. That is why it is instructive to start with the simplest e!ective "eld theory of Bose super#uid which has a very restricted number of e!ective "elds.
2. Landau}Khalatnikov two-6uid hydrodynamics as e4ective theory of gravity 2.1. Superyuid vacuum and quasiparticles According to Landau and Khalatnikov [11] a weakly excited state of the collection of interacting He atoms can be considered as a small number of elementary excitations } quasiparticles (phonons and rotons). In addition, the state without excitation } the ground state, or vacuum } can experience the collective motion. The super#uid vacuum can move without friction, and inhomogeneity of the #ow serves as the gravitational and/or other e!ective "elds. The matter propagating in the presence of this background is represented by fermionic (in Fermi super#uids) or bosonic (in Bose super#uids) quasiparticles, which form the so called normal component of the liquid. Such two-#uid hydrodynamics introduced by Landau and Khalatnikov [11] is the example of the e!ective "eld theory which incorporates both the collective motion of the super#uid background (gravitational "eld) and the quasiparticle excitations (matter). This is the counterpart of the Einstein equations, which incorporate both gravity and matter. One must distinguish between the bare particles and quasiparticles in super#uids. The particles are the elementary objects of the system on a microscopic `trans-Planckiana level, these are the atoms of the underlying liquid (He or He atoms). The many-body system of the interacting atoms form the quantum vacuum } the ground state. The nondissipative collective motion of the super#uid vacuum with zero entropy is determined by the conservation laws experienced by the atoms and by their quantum coherence in the super#uid state. The quasiparticles are the
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particle-like excitations above this vacuum state. The bosonic excitations in super#uid He and fermionic and bosonic excitations in super#uid He represent the matter in our analogy and correspond to elementary particles. In super#uids they form the viscous normal component responsible for the thermal and kinetic low-energy properties of super#uids. 2.2. Dynamics of superyuid vacuum In the simplest super#uid, the coherent motion of the super#uid vacuum is characterized by two soft collective (hydrodynamic) variables: the mean particle number density n(r, t) of atoms comprising the liquid, and the super#uid velocity * (r, t) of their coherent motion. In super#uid He the vacuum is the coherent state described by the macroscopic phase, and the super#uid velocity is the gradient of the phase: * "( /m), where m is the bare mass of particle } the mass of He atom. The #ow of such vacuum is curl-free: ;* "0. This is not however a rule: as we shall see in Section 5.1.3, in He-A the macroscopic coherence is more complicated and the #ow of super#uid vacuum can have a continuous vorticity, ;* O0. 2.2.1. Galilean transformation for quasiparticles The liquids considered here are nonrelativistic and obeying the Galilean transformation law. Under the Galilean transformation to the coordinate system moving with the velocity u the super#uid velocity transforms as * P* #u. The transformational properties of bare particles (atoms) and that of quasiparticles are essentially di!erent. The transformation law for the momentum and energy of atoms contains the mass m of the atom: pPp#mu and EPE#p ) u#(1/2)mu. But such characteristic of the microscopic world as the bare mass m cannot enter the transformation law for quasiparticles: quasiparticles in e!ective low-energy theory have no information on the trans-Planckian world of the bare atoms comprising the vacuum state. This implies that the momentum of quasiparticle is invariant under the Galilean transformation: pPp, while the quasiparticle energy is Doppler shifted: EI PEI #p ) u. The Galilean invariance is the symmetry of the underlying microscopic physics. When the low-energy corner is approached and the e!ective "eld theory emerges, the Galilean transformations are gradually extended towards the general coordinate transformations of the e!ective `relativistica theory. This is another example of how the memory on the microscopic physics is erased in the low-energy corner. 2.2.2. Current and continuity equation The particle number conservation provides one of the equations of the e!ective theory of super#uids } the continuity equation: Rn # ) J"0 . Rt
In a strict microscopic theory of monoatomic liquid, n and the particle current density J are given by the particle distribution function n( p, r)"q e q raRp a : \q p>q 1 n(r)" n( p, r), J(r)" pn( p, r) . (2) m p p
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In the Galilean system the momentum of particles equals the mass current, and thus the particle current and the momentum density are related by the second in Eq. (2). The particle distribution function n( p, r) is typically a rather complicated function of momentum even at ¹"0 because of the strong interaction between the bare atoms in a real liquid. n( p) can be determined only in a fully microscopic theory and thus never enters the e!ective theory, in which the details of macroscopic physics are lost. The latter instead is determined by quasiparticle distribution function f ( p, r), which is simple because at low ¹ the number of quasiparticles is small and their interaction can be neglected. That is why in equilibrium f ( p) is given by the thermal Bose distribution (or by the Fermi distribution for fermionic quasiparticles) and in nonequilibrium it can be found from the conventional kinetic equation for quasiparticles. In the e!ective theory the particle current has two contributions J"n* #J ,
1 J " P, P" pf ( p) . m p
The "rst term n* is the current transferred coherently by the collective motion of super#uid vacuum with the super#uid velocity * . In equilibrium at ¹"0 this is the only current, but if quasiparticles are excited above the ground state, their momentum P gives an additional contribution to the particle current providing the second term in Eq. (3). Since the momentum of quasiparticle is invariant under the Galilean transformation, the particle current in Eq. (3) transforms in a proper way: JPJ#nu. 2.2.3. London equation and energy density The second equation for the collective variables is the London equation for the super#uid velocity (see Section 2.2.4), which is curl-free in super#uid He (;* "0): E R* (4) m Q # "0 . n Rt Together with the kinetic equation for the quasiparticle distribution function f ( p), Eqs. (4) and (1) for collective "elds * and n give the complete e!ective theory for the kinetics of quasiparticles (matter) and coherent motion of vacuum (gravitational "eld) once the energy functional E is known. In the limit of low temperature, where the density of thermal quasiparticles is small, the interaction between quasiparticles can be neglected. Then the simplest Ansatz satisfying the Galilean invariance is
E" dr
m n*#(n)!n# EI ( p, r) f ( p, r) . 2 p
Here (n) (or (n)"(n)!n) is the vacuum energy density as a function of the particle density; is the overall constant chemical potential, which is the Lagrange multiplier responsible for the conservation of the total number N"dx n of the He atoms; EI ( p, r)"E( p, n(r))#p ) * (r) (6) is the Doppler shifted quasiparticle energy in the laboratory frame with E( p, n(r)) being the quasiparticle energy measured in the frame comoving with the super#uid vacuum.
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2.2.4. Absence of canonical Lagrangian formalism in ewective theories Eqs. (1) and (4) can be obtained from the Hamiltonian formalism, R * " H, * , R n" H, n , R R using the energy in Eq. (5) as Hamiltonian, H"E, and the following Poisson brackets 1 * (r ), n(r ) " (r !r ), n(r ), n(r ) " * (r ), * (r ) "0 . m
The Poisson brackets between components of super#uid velocity are zero only for curl-free super#uidity. In a more general case they are [11,12] (for further generalization see [13]): 1 v (r ), v (r ) "! e (;* ) (r !r ) . I G H mn GHI
In this case even at ¹"0, when the quasiparticles are absent, the Hamiltonian description of the hydrodynamics is only possible: There is no Lagrangian, which can be expressed in terms of the hydrodynamic variables * and n (Lagrangian can be introduced in terms of the nonlocal Clebsch variables). The absence of the Lagrangian for the soft collective variables in many condensed matter systems [12,14] is one of the consequences of the reduction of the degrees of freedom in e!ective "eld theory, as compared with the fully microscopic description where the Lagrangian exists on the fundamental level [15]. When the high-energy microscopic degrees are integrated out, the nonlocality of the remaining action is a typical phenomenon, which shows up in many faces. In ferromagnets, for example, the number of the hydrodynamic variables is odd: three components of the magnetization vector M. They thus cannot form the canonical pairs of conjugated variables. One can (i) use the Hamiltonian description in terms of Poisson brackets, M (r ), M (r ) " G H !e M (r )(r !r ); (ii) introduce the nonlocal variables, such as spherical coordinates of GHI I unit vector m( "M/M; or (iii) introduce the multi-valued action [12]. Such action can be written as the Novikov}Wess}Zumino term, which contains an extra coordinate . For ferromagnets this term is [15]:
S " dx dt d Mm( ) (R m( ;R m( ) . R O ,58
The integral here is over the 5D space, whose boundary is an ordinary 3#1 space}time. Though the action is written in "ctitious 5D space, its variation is the total derivative and thus is determined in the physical space}time. According to the condensed matter analogy, the presence of the non-local Wess}Zumino term in a relativistic quantum "eld theory would indicate that such theory is e!ective. Probably the same happens in gravity: the absence of the covariant energy}momentum tensor simply re#ects existence of underlying `microscopica degrees of freedom, which are responsible for nonlocality of the energy}momentum for the `collectivea gravitational "eld (see also Section 3.3). 2.3. Normal component } `mattera In a local thermal equilibrium the distribution of quasiparticles is characterized by local temperature ¹ and by local velocity of the quasiparticle gas * , which is called the normal
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component velocity:
fT ( p)" exp
\ EI ( p)!p* $1 , ¹
where the sign # is for the fermionic quasiparticles in Fermi super#uids and the sign ! is for the bosonic quasiparticles in Bose super#uids. Since EI ( p)"E( p)#p ) * , the equilibrium distribution is determined by the Galilean invariant quantity * !* ,w, which is the normal component velocity measured in the frame comoving with super#uid vacuum. It is called the counter#ow velocity. In the limit when the counter#ow velocity * !* is small, the quasiparticle (`mattera) contribution to the liquid momentum and thus to the particle current in Eq. (3) is proportional to the counter#ow velocity: p p RfT , J "n (v !v ), n "! G I G GI I I GI m RE p
where the tensor n is the so called density of the normal component. In this linear regime the GI total current in Eq. (3) can be represented as the sum of the currents carried by the normal and super#uid components J "n v #n v , (12) G GI I GI I where tensor n "n !n is the so called density of super#uid component. In the isotropic GI GI GI super#uids, He and He-B, where the quasiparticle spectrum in super#uid-comoving frame in Eq. (6) is isotropic, E( p)"E( p ), the normal component density is an isotropic tensor, n "n . GI GI In super#uid He-A the normal component density is a uniaxial tensor which re#ects an uniaxial anisotropy of quasiparticle spectrum [16]. At ¹"0 the quasiparticles are frozen out and one has n "0 and n "n in all monoatomic super#uids. GI GI GI 2.4. Quasiparticle spectrum and ewective metric The structure of the quasiparticle spectrum in super#uid He becomes more and more universal the lower the energy. In the low-energy corner the spectrum of these quasiparticles, phonons, can be obtained in the framework of an e!ective theory. The e!ective theory is unable to describe the high-energy part of the spectrum } rotons. These can be determined in a fully microscopic theory only. On the contrary, the spectrum of phonons is linear, E( p, n)Pc(n) p , and only the `fundamental constanta } the speed of `lighta c(n) } depends on the physics of the higher-energy hierarchy rank. Phonons represent the quanta of the collective modes of the super#uid vacuum, sound waves, with the speed of sound obeying c(n)"(n/m)(d/dn). All other information on the microscopic atomic nature of the liquid is lost. The Lagrangian for sound waves propagating above the smoothly varying background is obtained from Eqs. (1) and (4) at ¹"0 by decomposition of the super#uid velocity and density into the smooth and #uctuating parts: * "* # [17,18]. The quadratic part of the Lagrangian for the scalar "eld is [19]:
1 1 m L" n ( )! ( #(* ) ) ) , (!ggIJR R . I J c 2 2
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The quadratic Lagrangian for sound waves has necessarily the Lorentzian form, where the e!ective Riemann metric experienced by the sound wave, the so called acoustic metric, is simulated by the smooth parts of the hydrodynamic "elds: vG cGH!vG vH 1 , , gG"! , gGH" g"! mnc mnc mnc
mn mnv mn mn G , g " , (!g" g "! (c!*), g "! . G GH c c c GH c
Here and further * , n and c mean the smooth parts of the velocity, density and `speed of lighta. Sound waves in super#uids and crystals provide a typical example of how an enhanced symmetry and e!ective Lorentzian metric appear in condensed matter in the low-energy corner. The energy spectrum of sound wave quanta, phonons, which represent the (scalar) `gravitonsa in this e!ective gravity, is determined by gIJp p "0 or (EI !p ) * )"cp, i.e. E"cp . I J
2.5. Ewective metric for bosonic collective modes in other systems The e!ective action in Eq. (13) is typical of the low-energy collective modes in ordered systems. A more general case is provided by the Lagrangian for the Goldstone bosons in antiferromagnets } the spin waves. The spin wave dynamics in x}y antiferromagnets and in He-A is governed by the Lagrangian for the Goldstone variable , which is the angle of the antiferromagnetic vector: (17) L"GH !( #(* ) ) ),(!ggIJR R . G H I J Here the matrix GH is the spin rigidity, which is tensor both in crystalline antiferromganet and in anisotropic He-A; is the spin susceptibility; and * is the local velocity of crystal in antiferromagnets and the super#uid velocity, *"* , in He-A. In antiferromagnets these 10 coe$cients give rise to all ten components of the e!ective Riemann metric:
g"!(), gG"!()vG, gGH"
(GH!vGvH), \"det(GH) ,
g "!()\(1! vGvH), g "! vH, g " , (!g" . GH G GH GH GH (19)
The e!ective interval of the space}time, where quasiparticles (magnons) are propagating along the geodesics, is
1 ds"! (dxG!vG dt)(dxH!vH dt) . dt# GH ()
This form of the interval corresponds to the Arnowitt}Deser}Misner decomposition of the space}time metric, where the function 1 N" , ()
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is known as lapse function; g "(/) gives the three-metric describing the geometry of the GH GH e!ective space; and the velocity vector * plays the part of the so-called shift function (see, e.g. the book [20]). 2.6. Ewective quantum xeld and ewective action The e!ective action for the bosonic quasiparticles, Eq. (13) for phonons and Eq. (17) for spin waves (magnons), is formally general covariant. In addition, in the classical limit of Eq. (16) corresponding to geometrical optics (in our case this is geometrical acoustics) the propagation of phonons is invariant under the conformal transformation of metric, gIJPgIJ. The latter symmetry is lost at the quantum level: Eq. (13) is not invariant under general conformal transformations; however the reduced symmetry is still there: Eq. (13) is invariant under global scale transformation, gIJPgIJ and P with "Const. As we shall see further, in super#uid He-A other e!ective "elds and new symmetries appear in the low-energy corner, including also e!ective S;(2) gauge "elds and gauge invariance. The symmetry of Lagrangian for fermionic quasiparticles induces, after integration over the fermionic degrees of freedom, the corresponding symmetry of the e!ective action for the gauge "elds. Moreover, in addition to super#uid velocity "eld there are other collective degrees of freedom which simulate the gravity with the spin-2 gravitons. However, as distinct from the e!ective gauge "elds, whose e!ective action is very similar to that in particle physics, the e!ective gravity cannot reproduce in a full scale the Einstein theory: the e!ective action for the metric is contaminated by the noncovariant terms, which come from the `trans-Planckiana physics [5]. The origin of the noncovariant terms in the e!ective action for the `gravitya in condensed matter is actually the same as the source of the problems related to quantum gravity and cosmological constant: the e!ective quantum "eld theory for gravity contains nonrenormalizable ultraviolet in"nities. The quantum quasiparticles interact with the classical collective "elds * and n, and with each other. In Fermi super#uid He the fermionic quasiparticles interact with many collective "elds describing the multicomponent order parameter and with their quanta. That is why one obtains the interacting Fermi and Bose quantum "elds, which are in many respect similar to that in particle physics. However, this e!ective "eld theory can be applied to the lowest order of the perturbation theory only. The higher-order diagrams are divergent and nonrenormalizable, which simply means that the e!ective theory is valid when only the low-energy/momentum quasiparticles are involved even in their virtual states. This means that only those terms in the e!ective action can be derived by integration over the quasiparticle degrees of freedom, whose integrals are concentrated solely in the low-energy region. For the other processes one must go beyond the e!ective "eld theory and consider the higher levels of description, such as Fermi liquid theory, or further the microscopic level of the underlying liquid with atoms and their interactions. In short, all the terms in e!ective action come from the microscopic `Plancka physics, but only some fraction of them can be derived in a self-consistent way within the e!ective "eld theory itself. In Bose super#uids the fermionic degrees of freedom are absent, that is why the quantum "eld theory there is too restrictive to serve as a model for relativistic particle physics, but nevertheless it is useful to consider it since it provides the simplest example of the e!ective theory. On the other hand the Landau}Khalatnikov scheme is rather universal and is easily extended to super#uids with more complicated order parameter and with fermionic degrees of freedom (see the book [16]).
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2.7. Vacuum energy and cosmological constant. Nullixcation of vacuum energy 2.7.1. Nullixcation of vacuum energy in quantum liquids The vacuum energy density (n), or the other relevant potential of the vacuum (n)"(n)!n, as well as the parameters which characterize the quasiparticle energy spectrum cannot be determined by the e!ective theory: they are provided solely by the higher (microscopic) level of description. The equilibrium state of the vacuum is obtained by minimization of the energy (n) at given number N of bare atoms, or which is the same by minimization of the potential (n)"(n)!n where the chemical potential is the Lagrange multiplier. We consider here only the states with spatially homogeneous n since the liquid helium (or other underlying liquid) must be homogeneous in equilibrium. (This in particular means that in equilibrium the e!ective metric g must be spatially homogeneous, i.e. the e!ective space viewed by IJ quasiparticles must be #at in equilibrium. The #atness thus arises naturally in the e!ective theory as the property of the underlying system, without having to invoke the in#ationary concept.) The equilibrium state of the vacuum is characterized by the equilibrium value of the particle number density n (), which is obtained from equation d /dn"0. The equilibrium value of the potential (n) is related to the pressure in the liquid created by external sources provided by the environment. From the de"nition of the pressure, P"!d(<(N/<))/d< where < is the volume of the system and N is the total number of the He atoms, one obtains that the potential (n)"(n)!n of the vacuum in equilibrium and the vacuum pressure are related by
"!P . (22) The thermodynamic relation between the energy and pressure in the ground state of the quantum liquid P"! , is the same as obtained for vacuum energy and pressure from the Einstein cosmological term. This is because the cosmological term also does not contain derivatives. Close to the equilibrium state one can expand the vacuum energy in terms of deviations of particle density from its equilibrium value. Since the linear term disappears due to the stability of the super#uid vacuum, one has 1 mc (n!n ()) . (23) # 2 n () It is important that the vacuum of this condensed matter is not a gas-like but liquid-like, i.e. it can be in equilibrium at ¹"0 without interaction with the environment. In this equilibrium state the pressure in the liquid is absent, P "0, and thus the density of the potential is zero in equilibrium: (n),(n)!n"!P
,0 . (24) U Since the potential is the ground state energy which enters the e!ective Lagrangian in Eq. (5), its nulli"cation in equilibrium shows the possible route to the solution of the problem of the vacuum energy in quantum "eld theory. From the only assumption that the underlying physical vacuum has the property of the liquid, i.e. it is the self-sustaining system which can be in equilibrium without external forces, it follows that the energy of the vacuum in this equilibrium state at ¹"0 is identically zero and thus does not depend on the microscopic details.
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This scenario of the nulli"cation of the vacuum energy survives even if the phase transition occurs in the vacuum. According to the conventional wisdom, the phase transition, say to the broken symmetry vacuum state, is accompanied by the change of the vacuum energy, which must decrease in a phase transition. This is what usually follows from the Ginzburg}Landau description of phase transitions. However, if the liquid is isolated from the environment, its chemical potential will be automatically adjusted to preserve the zero external pressure and thus the zero energy of the vacuum. Thus the relevant vacuum energy is zero before and after transition, which means that the ¹"0 phase transitions do not disturb the zero value of the cosmological constant. The energy density is the quantity which is relevant for the e!ective theory: just this energy density enters the e!ective action for the soft variables, including the e!ective gravity "eld. Thus is the counterpart of the vacuum energy and cosmological constant in gravity. 2.7.2. Vacuum energy from ewective theory On the contrary, the value of the energy density , which is the real energy density of the liquid, is not zero in equilibrium: it does depend on the microscopic (trans-Planckian) details of interaction of bare atoms and can be found in microscopic calculations only. It has no counterpart in the e!ective theory. At zero external pressure the vacuum energy per one atom of the liquid He, /n, coincides with the chemical potential , as follows from Eq. (24). From numerical simulations of the quantum many-body problem of interacting He atoms it was obtained that in a complete equilibrium at P"¹"0 the energy per one He atom is "(n ())/n ()&!7 K, which was in a good agreement with the experiment (see review paper [21]). The negative value of the chemical potential re#ects the liquid-like behavior of the He system. Let us now compare these two vacuum energies "!n"0 and "n(0 with what the e!ective theory can tell us on the vacuum energy. In the e!ective theory the vacuum energy is given by summation of zero point energies of (in our case) the phonon modes 1 1 " (!g(gIJ ) . (25) "(1/2) cp" I J 16 c 16 p # Here "(!, 0, 0, 0), where the cuto! parameter plays the part of the `Plancka energy scale I E . There are two energy scales which can be responsible for : the Debye characteristic . temperature c/a with a being an interatomic space and c the speed of sound; and mc, where m is the mass of atom. (i) In solids the quantum e!ects are typically small and one has c/a;mc, that is why the lowest cut-o! for the linear dispersion of phonon spectrum is the Debye temperature " c/a. (ii) On the contrary, in the quantum limit case which occurs in a weakly interacting Bose gas, there is an opposite relation mc; c/a. The cuto! is determined by "mc, so that the `Planck massa /c is of order of the atom mass m. At this `Plancka scale the quasiparticle energy spectrum E"(cp#(p/4m) (see, e.g. the book [11]) deviates from the low-energy `relativistica spectrum E"cp. (iii) Finally in super#uid He, which is a strongly correlated quantum liquid, the two cuto! parameters are of the same order of magnitude, mc& c/a. The estimation within the e!ective theory cannot resolve between vacuum energies and "!n, since in the e!ective theory for phonons there is no information on the conserved number of the He atoms of the underlying liquid. In both cases the e!ective theory gives a wrong answer: (i) It certainly violates the zero condition (24) for in solids and liquids. (ii) Comparing the
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zero point energy result /c with the liquid energy , one "nds that the magnitude of (n )/n &10\&10\ K (as follows from Eq. (25)) is smaller than the result obtained for in the microscopic theory. Moreover it has an opposite sign. This means again that the e!ective theory must be used with great caution, when one calculates those quantities, which crucially (nonlogarithmically) depend on the `Plancka energy scale. For them the higher level `trans-Planckiana physics must be used, which describes the interacting system of He atoms. This is what has been done in microscopic simulations, where the many-body wave function of atoms of the underlying quantum liquid has been calculated to obtain the vacuum energy [21]. This microscopic wave function in principle contains all the information on the system, including the quantum #uctuations of the low-energy phonon degrees of freedom, which are considered in the e!ective theory in Eq. (25). That is why the separate treatment of the contribution of the low-energy degrees of freedom to the vacuum energy has no sense leading at best to the double counting. 2.7.3. Relation to cosmological constant problem The above consideration can be mapped to the cosmological constant problem. The e!ective "eld theory of the present particle physics gives the similar estimation of the vacuum energy as in Eq. (25). Here c is the speed of light and is the real Planck energy E &10 GeV. The sign of the . vacuum energy depends on the fermionic and bosonic content of the vacuum, while the magnitude of the vacuum energy is of order E/c. A huge amount of energy stored in the vacuum leads to . enormous cosmological constant &E which enters the cosmological term (!g in Einstein . action: this theoretical value of is some 120 orders of magnitude higher than its upper experimental limit [22]. The supersymmetry, which can make the zero balance between the fermionic and bosonic contributions, is not exact. It can reduce the descrepancy up to 60 orders of magnitude, but cannot provide the observed almost complete cancellation of cosmological constant. Such discrepancy between the e!ective theory and the experimental observation in cosmology is very similar to the situation in quantum liquids where the e!ective theory is unable to predict the exact nulli"cation of the relevant energy of the vacuum in equilibrium. The observational low bound on the cosmological constant indicates that, as in quantum liquid, the correct vacuum energy, which is relevant for the e!ective gravity, is zero (or almost zero). It suggests that the quantum vacuum is the liquid-like substance which can be in equilibrium without external forces. According to this analogy, if the vacuum is in its equilibrium state it has exactly zero energy and thus is not gravitating, i.e. the cosmological constant ,0. The evidence of a small but de"nitely nonzero , which corresponds to the vacuum energy of order of energy of matter, was provided by recent observation of the acceleration of the Universe [23]. This observation is also consistent with the condensed matter analogy. If the vacuum is excited the vacuum energy deviates from zero. In particular, in the presence of the quasiparticles, which represent the matter in quantum liquids, the vacuum energy does become of order the energy of matter (see Section 3.6). We wrote Eq. (24) in a form which is di!erent from the conventional cosmological term (!g. This is to show that both forms (and the other possible forms too) have the similar drawbacks. Since the e!ective action for gravity is obtained by integration over bosonic "eld in the
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gravitational background, the symmetry of the action must re#ect the symmetry of the Lagrangian for the bosons. Eq. (25) is invariant under global-scale transformations, which is in agreement with the global-scale invariance experienced by the Lagrangian for acoustic modes in Eq. (13). However, in Eq. (25) the general covariance is violated by the cuto!. On the contrary, the conventional cosmological term (!g obeys the general covariance, but it is not invariant under the transformation g Pg with constant . Thus both forms of the vacuum energy violate IJ IJ one or the other symmetry of the low-energy e!ective Lagrangian Eq. (13) for phonons, which means that the vacuum energy cannot be determined consistently within the low-energy e!ective theory. The equilibrium condition Eq. (24) shows that the proper regularization of the equilibrium vacuum energy in the e!ective action must be equating it to exact zero. In addition, from Eq. (23) it follows that the variation of the vacuum energy over the metric determinant must be also zero in equilibrium: d /dg "(d /dn) /(dg/dn) "0. This shows that the cosmological LL I LL I LL I term can be neither of the form of Eq. (25) nor (!g. The metric dependence of the vacuum energy consistent with Eq. (23) can only be of the type (g!g ), so that the cosmological term in Einstein equation would be S/gIJJ(g!g )g . In equilibrium, which corresponds to the IJ minimum of vacuum energy, one has g"g and thus the cosmological term becomes zero. The vacuum is `gravitatinga only if it is out of equilibrium, i.e. gOg . In this approach the cosmologi cal term vanishes in equilibrium without nulli"cation of the cosmological constant . Analogy with the super#uid He-A in Section 10.3.4 suggests that has its natural value &E. . Thus the condensed matter analogy suggests two ways how to resolve the cosmological constant puzzle. Both are based on the notion of the stable equilibrium state of the quantum vacuum. (1) If one insists that the cosmological term must be (!g, then for the self-sustaining vacuum the absence of the external pressure requires that "0 in equilibrium at ¹"0. This condition is not violated even if the cosmological phase transition takes place: "0 above and below transition, see Section 10.3.3. At nonzero ¹ the vacuum energy (and thus the vacuum gravitating mass) must be of order of the energy density of matter (see Sections 3.6 and 10.3). This however does not exclude the Casimir e!ect, which appears if the vacuum is not homogeneous and describes the change in the zero-point oscillations due to, say, boundary conditions. The smooth deviations from the homogeneous equilibrium vacuum are within the responsibility of the low-energy domain, that is why these deviations can be successfully described by the e!ective "eld theory, and their energy can gravitate. (2) The cosmological term has a form (g!g ) with the preferred background metric g and with natural value of cosmological constant, &E. The equilibrium vacuum with this back. ground metric is not gravitating, while in nonequilibrium, when gOg , the perturbations of the vacuum are gravitating. In relativistic theories such dependence of the Lagrangian on g can occur in the models where the determinant of the metric is the dynamical variable which is not transformed under coordinate transformations, i.e. the `fundamentala symmetry in the low-energy corner is not the general covariance, but the invariance under coordinate transformations with unit determinant, the so called unimodular gravity (see Review [22]). In conclusion of this section, the gravity is the low-frequency, and actually the classical output of all the quantum degrees of freedom of the `Planck condensed mattera. The condensed matter analogy supports the extreme point of view that one should not quantize the gravity again [8], i.e. one should not use the low-energy quantization for construction of Feynman loop diagrams
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containing integration over high momenta. In particular, the e!ective "eld theory is not appropriate for the calculation of the vacuum energy and thus of the cosmological constant. Moreover, one can argue that, whatever the real `microscopica structure of the vacuum is, the energy of the equilibrium vacuum is not gravitating. The diverging energy of quantum #uctuations of the e!ective "elds and thus the cosmological term must be regularized to zero as we discussed above, since (i) these #uctuations are already contained in the `microscopic wave functiona of the vacuum; (ii) the stability of this `microscopic wave functiona of the vacuum requires the absence of the terms linear in g !g in the e!ective action; (iii) the self-sustaining equilibrium vacuum state requires IJ IJ the nulli"cation of the vacuum energy in equilibrium at ¹"0. 2.8. Einstein action and higher derivative terms In principle, there are the higher-order nonhydrodynamic terms in the e!ective action, which are not written in Eq. (5) since they contain space and time derivatives of the hydrodynamics variable, n and * , and thus are relatively small. Though they are determined by the microscopic `trans Planckiana physics, some part of them can be obtained using the e!ective theory. The standard procedure, which was "rst used by Sakharov to obtain the e!ective action for gravity [24], is the integration over the fermionic or bosonic "elds in the gravitational background. In our case we must integrate over the massless scalar "eld propagating in inhomogeneous n and * "elds, which provide the e!ective metric. Since the action for the phononic "eld obeys the general covariance, one may expect that the e!ective action for the `gravitationala "eld will be also covariant and will coincide with the Einstein action JR(!g, where R is the curvature. However, the covariant description of the phonon "eld is valid only well below the Debye energy , which serves as the Planck energy cuto! in solids and liquid He. As a rule the cuto! imposed by the microscopic physics is not consistent with the symmetries of the e!ective theory. The curvature term in the Einstein action can be written in two ways. The conventional form 1 (!gR , L "! # 16G
respects the general covariance of the Lagrangian for "eld in Eqs. (13) and (17), but it does not obey the invariance under multiplication of g by constant factor. This inconsistency re#ects the IJ dependence of the e!ective action on the `Plancka physics: the gravitational Newton constant G is expressed in terms of the `Plancka cuto! as G\&. Another form, which explicitly contains the `Plancka cuto!, 1 L "! (!gRgIJ , # I J 16
is equally bad: the action is invariant under the scale transformation of the metric, but the general covariance is violated since the cuto! four-vector provides the preferred reference frame. Such incompatibility of di!erent low-energy symmetries is the hallmark of the e!ective theories. To give an impression on the relative magnitude of the Einstein action let us express the Ricci scalar in terms of the super#uid velocity "eld only, keeping n and c "xed: mn (28) (!gR" (2R ) * #(v)) . R c
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In super#uids the Einstein action is small compared to the dominating kinetic energy term mn*/2 in Eq. (5) by factor a/l, where a is again the atomic (`Plancka) length scale and l is the characteristic macroscopic length at which the velocity "eld changes. That is why the Einstein action can be neglected in the hydrodynamic limit, a/lP0. Moreover, there are many terms of the same order in e!ective actions which do not display the general covariance, such as ( ) * ). They are provided by microscopic physics, and there is no rule in super#uids according to which these noncovariant terms must be smaller than the curvature term in Eq. (26). But in principle, if the gravity "eld as collective "eld arises from the other degrees of freedom, di!erent from the super#uid condensate motion, the Einstein action can be dominating. We shall discuss this on example of the `improveda He-A in Section 13. The e!ective action for the gravity "eld must also contain the higher-order derivative terms, which are quadratic in the Riemann tensor,
RIJ?@#q R RIJ#q R) ln (!g(q R IJ?@ IJ
The parameters q depend on the matter content of the e!ective "eld theory. If the `mattera consists G of scalar "elds, phonons or spin waves, the integration over these collectives modes gives q "!q "(2/5)q "1/(180;32) (see, e.g. [25]). These terms logarithmically depend on the cuto! and thus their calculation in the framework of the e!ective theory is justi"ed. Because of the logarithmic divergence (they are of the relative order (a/l) ln(l/a)) these terms dominate over the noncovariant terms of order (a/l), which can be obtained only in fully microscopic calculations. Being determined essentially by the phononic Lagrangian in Eq. (13), these terms respect (with logarithmic accuracy) all the symmetries of this Lagrangian including the general covariance and the invariance under rescaling the metric. That is why they are the most appropriate terms for the self-consistent e!ective theory of gravity. This is the general rule: the logarithmically divergent terms in action play a special role, since they always can be obtained within the e!ective theory and with the logarithmic accuracy they are dominating over the nonrenormalizable terms. As we shall see below the logarithmic terms arise in the e!ective action for the e!ective gauge "elds, which appear in super#uid He-A in a low-energy corner (Section 6.3.2). These terms in super#uid He-A have been obtained "rst in microscopic calculations, however it appeared that their physics can be completely determined by the lowenergy tail and thus they can be calculated within the e!ective theory. This is well known in particle physics as running coupling constants, zero charge e!ect and asymptotic freedom. Unfortunately in e!ective gravity of super#uids the logarithmic terms as well as Einstein term are small compared with the main terms } the vacuum energy and the kinetic energy of the vacuum #ow, which depend on the 4th power of cuto! parameter. This means that the super#uid liquid is not the best condensed matter for simulation of Einstein gravity. In He-A there are other components of the order parameter, which also give rise to the e!ective gravity, but super#uidity of He-A remains to be an obstacle. To fully simulate the Einstein gravity, one must try to construct the non-super#uid condensed matter system which belongs to the same universality class as He-A, and thus contains the e!ective Einstein gravity as emergent phenomenon, but which is not contaminated by the super#uidity. Such a system with suppressed super#uidity is discussed in Section 13.
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3. `Relativistica energy}momentum tensor for `mattera moving in `gravitationala super6uid background in two 6uid hydrodynamics 3.1. Kinetic equation for quasiparticles (matter) Now let us discuss the dynamics of `mattera (normal component) in the presence of the `gravity "elda (super#uid motion). It is determined by the kinetic equation for the distribution function f of the quasiparticles: REI Rf REI Rf . fQ ! ) # ) "J Rr Rp Rp Rr
The collision integral conserves the momentum and the energy of quasiparticles, i.e. pJ " EI ( p)J " E( p)J "0 , p p p
but not necessarily the number of quasiparticle: the quasiparticle number is not conserved in super#uids, though in the low-energy limit there can arise an approximate conservation law. 3.2. Momentum exchange between superyuid vacuum and quasiparticles From Eqs. (31) and (30), and from the two equations for the super#uid vacuum, Eqs. (1) and (4), one obtains the time evolution of the momentum density for each of the two subsystems: the super#uid background (vacuum) and quasiparticles (matter). The momentum evolution of the super#uid vacuum is
R RE # f #P v , mR (n* )"!m (J * )!n G G R G G Rn Rn p
where P"mJ is the momentum of liquid carried by quasiparticles (see Eq. (3)), while the evolution of the momentum density of quasiparticles:
RE R P" pR f"! (v P)! pf ! f E!P v . (33) R R G G G p G G Rp p p G Though the momentum of each subsystem is not conserved because of the interaction with the other subsystem, the total momentum density of the system, super#uid vacuum#quasiparticles, must be conserved because of the fundamental principles of the underlying microscopic physics. This can be easily checked by summing two equations, (32) and (33), mR J "R (mnv #P )"! , R G R G G G GI where the stress tensor
R RE RE # n # f ! . "mJ v #v P # p f I GI GI G I G I Rn Rp Rn p p G
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3.3. Covariance vs. conservation The same happens with the energy. The total energy of the two subsystems is conserved, while there is an energy exchange between the two subsystems of quasiparticles and super#uid vacuum. It appears that in the low-energy limit the momentum and energy exchange between the subsystems occurs in the same way as the exchange of energy and momentum between matter and the gravitational "eld. This is because in the low-energy limit the quasiparticles are `relativistica, and thus this exchange must be described in the general relativistic covariant form [26,27]. Eq. (33) for the momentum density of quasiparticles can be represented as ¹I "0 where ¹I is the usual G_I J `relativistica energy}momentum tensor of `mattera, which will be discussed in the next Section 3.4. The corresponding equation for the quasiparticle energy density can be represented as ¹I "0. _I Altogether they give the `covarianta conservation law for quasiparticle energy}momentum 1 1 R (¹I (!g)! ¹?@R g "0 . ¹I "0 or I J J ?@ J_I 2 (!g
This result does not depend on the dynamic equations for the super#uid condensate (gravity "eld); the latter are even not covariant in our case. The Eq. (36) follows solely from the `relativistica spectrum of quasiparticles, actually from the covariant action for the acoustic "eld in Eq. (13). For the perturbations propagating in the background of conventional #uid this covariant conservation law has been derived in Ref. [28]. As is known from the general relativity, Eq. (36) does not represent any conservation in a strict sense, since the covariant derivative is not a total derivative [29]. The extra term, the second term in Eq. (36) which is not the total derivative, describes the force acting on quasiparticles (matter) from the super#uid condensate (an e!ective gravitational "eld). For "i this extra term represents two last terms in Eq. (33) for quasiparticle momentum (see Section 3.4). The covariant form of the energy and momentum `conservationa for matter in Eq. (36) cannot be extended to the `gravitya "eld. In the conservation law R ¹I (total)"0 the total energy} I J momentum tensor of super#uid and quasiparticles is evidently noncovariant, as is seen from Eq. (34). This happens partly because the dynamics of the super#uid background is not covariant. However, even for the fully covariant dynamics of gravity in Einstein theory the problem of the energy}momentum tensor remains. It is impossible to construct such total energy momentum tensor, ¹I (total)"¹I (matter)#¹I (gravity), which could have a covariant form and simultaJ J J neously satisfy the real conservation law R ¹I (total)"0. Instead one has the noncovariant energy I J momentum pseudotensor for the gravitational background [29]. From the condensed-matter point of view, this failure to construct the fully covariant conservation law in gravity is a clear indication that the Einstein gravity is really an e!ective theory. As we mentioned above, e!ective theories in condensed matter are full of such contradictions related to incompatible symmetries. In a given case the general covariance is incompatible with the conservation law; in cases of the vacuum energy term (Section 2.7) and the Einstein term (Section 2.8), obtained within the e!ective theory the general covariance is incompatible with the scale invariance; in the case of an axial anomaly, which is also reproduced in condensed matter (Section 7), the conservation of the baryonic charge is incompatible with quantum mechanics; the action of the Wess}Zumino type, which cannot be written in 3#1 dimension in the covariant form
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(as we discussed at the end of Section 2.2, Eq. (9)), is almost typical phenomenon in various condensed matter systems whose low-energy dynamics cannot be described by the everywhere determined Lagrangian; the momentum density determined as variation of the hydrodynamic energy over * does not coincide with the canonical momentum in most of the condensed matter systems; etc. There are many other examples of apparent inconsistencies in the e!ective theories of condensed matter. All such paradoxes are naturally built in the e!ective theory; they necessarily arise when the fully microscopic description is reduced to the e!ective theory with restricted number of collective degrees of freedom. The paradoxes disappear completely (together with the e!ective symmetries of the low-energy physics) on the fundamental level, i.e. in a fully microscopic description where all the degrees of freedom are taken into account. In an atomic level of description the dynamics of He atoms is fully determined by the well-de"ned microscopic Lagrangian which respects all the symmetries of atomic physics, or by canonical Hamiltonian formalism for pairs of canonically conjugated variables, the coordinates and momenta of atoms. This microscopic `Theory of Everythinga does not contain the above paradoxes, but in many cases it fails to describe the low-energy physics just because of the enormous amount of degrees of freedom. In such cases the low-energy physics cannot be derived from the "rst principles without extensive numerical simulations, while the e!ective theory operating with the restricted number of the soft variables can incorporate the most important phenomena of the low-energy physics, which sometimes are too exotic (the Quantum Hall E!ect is an example) to be predicted by `The Theory of Everythinga [7]. 3.4. Energy}momentum tensor for `mattera Let us specify the tensor ¹I for quasiparticles, which enters Eq. (36), for the simplest case, when J the gravity is simulated by the super#ow only. If we neglect the space}time dependence of the density n and of the speed of sound c, then the constant factor mnc can be removed from the e!ective acoustic metric in Eqs. (14) and (15) and the e!ective metric is simpli"ed: g"!1,
gG"!vG , gGH"cGH!vG vH , * v 1 1 g "! 1! , g "! G , g " , (!g" . G GH c GH c c c
(37) (38)
In this case the energy}momentum tensor of quasiparticles can be represented as [27,28] 1 RE RE (!g¹I " fvI p , vI v "!1# , (39) J % J % %I c Rp Rp p G G where p"E; p "!EI "!E!p ) * ; vI is the group four velocity of quasiparticle de"ned as % REI 1 RE v RE vG " , v "1, v " , v "! 1# G . (40) % %G c Rp % % Rp c Rp G G G Space}time indices are throughout assumed to be raised and lowered by the metric in Eqs. (37)}(38) (except for the super#uid and normal velocities for which vG "v and vG "v ). G G The group four velocity is null in the relativistic domain of the spectrum only: vI v "0 if E"cp. % %I
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The relevant components of the energy}momentum tensor are: (!g¹ " fp "P G G G p
momentum density in either frame ,
!(!g¹ " fEI energy density in laboratory frame , p (!g¹I " fp vI G G % p
momentum #ux in laboratory frame ,
RE " f EI vG energy #ux in laboratory frame , !(!g¹G "! fEI % Rp p p G (!g¹" fp" fE energy density in comoving frame . p
With this de"nition of the momentum}energy tensor the covariant conservation law in Eq. (36) acquires the form ((!g¹I ) " f R EI "P R vG # f p R c . J I J G J J p p
The right-hand side represents `gravitationala forces acting on the `mattera from the super#uid vacuum (for "i this is just the two last terms in Eq. (33)). 3.5. Local thermodynamic equilibrium Local thermodynamic equilibrium is characterized by the local temperature ¹ and local normal component velocity * in Eq. (10). In local thermodynamic equilibrium the components of energy}momentum for the quasiparticle system (matter) are determined by the generic thermodynamic potential (the pressure), which has the form
1 dp ln(1Gf ) , (2 ) Q with the upper sign for fermions and lower sign for bosons. For phonons one has "G¹
¹ ¹ (!g, ¹ " , " (1!w 30
where the renormalized e!ective temperature ¹ absorbs all the dependence on two velocities of liquid, w"* !* . The components of the energy momentum tensor are given as R ¹IJ"(#)uIuJ#gIJ, "!#¹ "3, ¹I "0 . (45) I R¹ The four velocity of the `mattera, u? and u "g u@, which satis"es the normalization equation ? ?@ u u?"!1, is expressed in terms of super#uid and normal component velocities as ? vG w 1#w ) * 1 G . , uG" , u" , u "! (46) u" G (1!w (1!w (1!w (1!w
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3.6. Global thermodynamic equilibrium. Tolman temperature. Pressure of `mattera and `vacuuma pressure The distribution of quasiparticles in local equilibrium in Eq. (10) can be expressed via the temperature four-vector I and thus via the e!ective temperature ¹ : 1 * 1 uI , I" " , , I "!¹\ . (47) fT " I ¹ ¹ 1#exp[!Ip ] ¹ I For the relativistic system, the true equilibrium with vanishing entropy production is established if I is a timelike Killing vector satisfying
# "0 or ?R g #(g R #g R )?"0 . (48) I_J J_I ? IJ I? J J? I For a time-independent, space-dependent situation the condition 0" "GR g gives G"0, _ G while the other conditions are satis"ed when "constant. Hence the true equilibrium requires that * "0 in the frame where the super#uid velocity "eld is time independent (i.e. in the frame where R * "0), and ¹"constant. These are just the global equilibrium conditions in super#uids, R at which no dissipation occurs. From the equilibrium conditions ¹"constant and * "0 it follows that under the global equilibrium the e!ective temperature in Eqs. (44) is space dependent according to ¹ ¹ " . (49) ¹ (r)" (1!v(r) (!g (r) According to Eq. (47) the e!ective temperature ¹ corresponds to the `covariant relativistica temperature in general relativity. It is an apparent temperature as measured by the local observer, who `livesa in super#uid vacuum and uses sound for communication as we use the light signals. The Eq. (49) is exactly the Tolman's law in general relativity [30], which shows how the local temperature (¹ ) changes in the gravity "eld in equilibrium. The role of the constant Tolman temperature is played by the real constant temperature ¹ of the liquid. Note that is the pressure created by quasiparticles (`mattera). In super#uids this pressure is supplemented by the pressure of the super#uid component } the vacuum pressure discussed in Section 2.7 } so that the total pressure in equilibrium is ¹ (!g . P"P #P "P #
For the liquid in the absence of the interaction with environment the total pressure of the liquid is zero in equilibrium, which means that the vacuum pressure compensates the pressure of matter. In nonequilibrium situation this compensation is not complete, but the two pressures are of the same order of magnitude. Maybe this can provide the natural solution of the cosmological constant problem: appears to be almost zero without "ne tuning. In conclusion of this section, the normal part of the super#uid He fully reproduces the dynamics of the relativistic matter in the presence of the gravity "eld. Though the `gravitya itself is not determined by Einstein equations, using the proper super#ow "elds we can simulate many
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phenomena related to the classical and quantum behavior of matter in a curved space}time, including the black-hole physics.
4. Universality classes of fermionic vacua Now we proceed to the Fermi systems, where the e!ective theory involves both bosonic and fermionic "elds. What kind of e!ective "elds arises depends on the universality class of the Fermi systems, which determines the behavior of the fermionic quasiparticle spectrum at low energy. Classes of fermionic quasiparticle spectrum. There are three generic classes of the fermionic spectrum in condensed matter. In (isotropic) Fermi liquid the spectrum of fermionic quasiparticles approaches at low energy the universal behavior E( p)Pv ( p !p ) class (i) , (51) $ $ with two `fundamental constantsa, the Fermi velocity v and Fermi momentum p . The values of $ $ these parameters are governed by the microscopic physics, but in the e!ective theory of Fermi liquid they are the fundamental constants. The energy of the fermionic quasiparticle in Eq. (51) is zero on a two-dimensional manifold p "p in 3D momentum space, called the Fermi surface $ (Fig. 1). In isotropic superconductor and in super#uid He-B the energy of quasiparticle is nowhere zero (Fig. 2), the gap in the spectrum appears as an additional `fundamental constanta E( p)P #v ( p !p ) class (ii) . (52) $ $ In He-A the gap ( p) depends on the direction of the momentum p: ( p)" ( p;lK )/p . It $ becomes zero in two opposite directions called the gap nodes } along and opposite to the unit vector lK . As a result the quasiparticle energy is zero at two isolated points p"$p lK in 3D $ momentum space (Fig. 3). Close to the gap node at p"p the spectrum has a form E( p)PgGI(p !p )(p !p ) class (iii) . (53) G G G I These three spectra represent three topologically distinct universality classes of the fermionic vacuum in 3#1 dimension: (i) Systems with Fermi surface (Fig. 1); (ii) Systems with gap or mass (Fig. 2); and (iii) Systems with Fermi points (Fig. 3). Systems with the Fermi lines in the spectrum are topologically unstable and by small perturbations can be transformed to one of the three classes. The same topological classi"cation is applicable to the fermionic vacua in high-energy physics. The vacuum of Dirac fermions, with the excitation spectrum E( p)PM#c p , belongs to the class (ii). The vacuum of the Weyl fermions in the Standard Model, with the excitation spectrum E( p)"c p , belongs to the class (iii). As we shall see below, the latter class is very special, since in this class the relativistic quantum "eld theory with chiral fermions emerges in the low-energy corner, while the collective "elds form the gauge "elds and gravity. He liquids present examples of all three classes. The normal He liquid at ¹'¹ and also the `high-energy physicsa of super#uid He phases (with energy E< ) are representative of the class (i). Below the super#uid transition temperature ¹ one has either an isotropic super#uid He-B of
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Fig. 1. Fermi surface as a topological object in momentum space. Top: In the Fermi gas the Fermi surface bounds the solid Fermi sphere of the occupied negative energy states. Bottom: The Fermi surface survives even if an interaction between the particles is introduced. The reason is that the Fermi surface is a topologically stable object: it is a vortex in the 4D momentum}frequency space (, p).
the class (ii) or super#uid He-A, which belongs to the class (iii), where the relativistic quantum "eld theory with chiral fermions gradually arises at low temperature. The great advantage of super#uid He-A is that it can be described by the BCS theory. It incorporates all the hierarchy of the energy scales including the range v p <E< where the e!ective theory of universality class (i) is $ $ applicable; and the low-energy range E; /v p which is described by the e!ective relativistic $ $ theory arising in the universality class (iii). Let us start with the universality class (i). 4.1. Fermi surface as topological object The Fermi surface (Fig. 1) naturally appears in the noninteracting Fermi gas, where the energy spectrum of fermions is p E(p)" ! , 2m
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Fig. 2. Fermi systems with gap or mass. Top: The gap which appears on the Fermi surface in conventional superconductors and in He-B. Bottom left: Quasiparticle spectrum in conventional superconductors and He-B. Bottom right: The spectrum of Dirac particles and quasiparticle spectrum in semiconductors.
and '0 is as before the chemical potential. The Fermi surface bounds the volume in the momentum space where the energy is negative, E(p)(0, and where the particle states are all occupied at ¹"0. In this isotropic model the Fermi surface is a sphere of radius p "(2m. $ Close to the Fermi surface the energy spectrum is E(p)+v (p!p ), where v "R E $ is the $ $ $ N NN Fermi velocity. It is important that the Fermi surface survives even if interactions between particles are introduced. Such stability of the Fermi surface comes from a topological property of the Feynman quantum mechanical propagator } the one-particle Green's function G"(z!H)\ .
Let us write the propagator for a given momentum p and for an imaginary frequency, z"ip . The imaginary frequency is introduced to avoid the conventional singularity of the propagator `on the mass shella, i.e. at z"E(p). For noninteracting particles the propagator has the form 1 . G" ip !v (p!p ) $ $
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Fig. 3. Top: Gap node in super#uid He-A is the conical point in the energy}momentum space. Bottom: The spectrum of the right-handed chiral particle: its spin is oriented along the momentum p. Quasiparticles in the vicinity of the nodes in He-A and elementary particles in the Standard Model above the electroweak transition are chiral fermions.
Obviously there is still a singularity: On the 2D hypersurface (p "0, p"p ) in the four $ dimensional space (p , p) the propagator is not well de"ned. This singularity is stable, i.e. it cannot be eliminated by small perturbations. The reason is that the phase of the Green's function G" G e changes by 2 around the path C embracing this 2D hypersurface in the 4D-space (see the bottom of Fig. 1, where one dimension is skipped, so that the Fermi surface is presented as a closed line in 3D space). The phase winding number N "1 cannot change continuously; that is why it is robust towards any perturbation. Thus the singularity of the Green's function on the 2D-surface in the momentum space is preserved, even when interactions between particles are introduced. Exactly the same topological conservation of the winding number leads to the stability of the quantized vortex in super#uids and superconductors, the only di!erence being that, in the case of vortices, the phase winding occurs in the real space, instead of the momentum space. The complex order parameter " e changes by 2n around the path embracing the vortex line in 3D space or vortex sheet in 3#1 space}time. The connection between the space}time topology and the energy}momentum space topology is, in fact, even deeper (see, e.g. Ref. [31]). If the order parameter depends on space}time, the propagator in semiclassical approximation depends both on four-momentum and on space}time coordinates G(p , p, t, r). The topology in the 4#4 dimen sional space describes: the momentum space topology of the homogeneous system, which we discuss here; topological defects of the order parameter in space}time (vortices, strings, monopoles, domain walls, solitons, etc.); topology of the energy spectrum within the topological defects (see [32] and Section 9.1.3); and quantization of physical parameters (see Section 4.4).
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In the more complicated cases, when Green's function is a matrix with spin and band indices, the phase of Green's function becomes meaningless. In this case one should use a general analytic expression for the integer momentum-space topological invariant which is responsible for the stability of the Fermi surface: N "Tr
dl G(p , p)R G\(p , p) . J 2i
! Here the integral is taken over an arbitrary contour C in the momentum space ( p, p ), which encloses the Fermi hypersurface (Fig. 1, bottom); and Tr is the trace over the spin and band indices. 4.1.1. Landau Fermi liquid The topological class of systems with Fermi surface is rather broad. In particular it contains conventional Landau Fermi liquids, in which the propagator preserves the pole. Close to the pole the propagator is Z . (58) G" ip !v (p!p ) $ $ Evidently the residue ZO1 does not change the topological invariant for the propagator, Eq. (57), which remains N "1. This is essential for the Landau theory of an interacting Fermi liquid; it con"rms the assumption that there is one-to-one correspondence between the low-energy quasiparticles in Fermi liquids and particles in a Fermi gas. It is also important for the consideration of the bosonic collective modes of the Landau Fermi liquid. The interaction between the fermions cannot change the topology of the fermionic spectrum, but it produces an e!ective "eld acting on a given particle due to the other moving particles. This e!ective "eld cannot destroy the Fermi surface, owing to its topological stability, but it can locally shift the position of the Fermi surface. Therefore a collective motion of the particles is seen by an individual quasiparticle as dynamical modes of the Fermi surface (Fig. 4). These bosonic modes are known as the di!erent harmonics of the zero sound [11]. The Fermi hypersurface exists for any spatial dimension. In the 2#1 dimension the Fermi hypersurface is a line in 2D momentum space, which corresponds to the vortex loop in the 3D frequency}momentum space in Fig. 1. Topological stability also means that any adiabatic change of the system will leave the system within the same class. Such an adiabatic perturbation can include the change of the interaction strength between the particles, deformation of the Fermi surface, etc. Under adiabatic perturbation, no spectral #ow across the Fermi surface occurs (of course, if the deformation is slow enough), so the state without excitations transforms to the other state, in which excitations are also absent, i.e. the vacuum transforms to the vacuum. The absence of the spectral #ow leads in particular to the Luttinger's theorem which states that the volume of the Fermi surface is invariant under adiabatic deformations, if the number of particles is kept constant [33]. Since the isotropic Fermi liquid can be obtained from the Fermi gas by adiabatical switching on the interaction between the particles, the relation between the particle density and the Fermi momentum remains the same as in the Fermi gas, p n" $ . 3
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Fig. 4. Bosonic collective modes in the fermionic vacuum of the Fermi-surface universality class. Collective motion of particles comprising the vacuum is seen by an individual quasiparticle as dynamical modes of the Fermi surface. Here the propagating elliptical deformations of the Fermi surface are drawn.
A topological approach to Luttinger's theorem has been recently discussed in [34]. The processes related to the spectral #ow of quasiparticle energy levels will be considered in Sections 7 and 9 in connection with the phenomenon of axial anomaly. 4.1.2. Non-Landau Fermi liquids In the 1#1 dimension Green's function loses its pole, but nevertheless the Fermi surface is still there [35,36]. Though the Landau Fermi liquid transforms to another state, this occurs within the same topological class with given N . An example is provided by the Luttinger liquid. Close to the Fermi surface Green's function for the Luttinger liquid can be approximated as (see [37,35,38]) G(z, p)&(ip !v p )E\(ip #v p )E(ip !v p )E\(ip #v p )E (60) where v and v correspond to Fermi velocities of spinons and holons and p "p!p . The above $ equation is not exact but reproduces the momentum space topology of the Luttinger Fermi liquid Green's function. If gO0 and v Ov , the singularity in the (p , z"ip ) momentum space occurs on the Fermi surface, i.e. at (p "0, p "0). The momentum space topological invariant in Eq. (57) remains the same N "1, as for the conventional Landau Fermi liquid. The di!erence from Landau Fermi liquid occurs only at real frequency z: the quasiparticle pole is absent and one has the branch cut singularities instead of the mass shell, so that the quasiparticles are not well de"ned. The population of the particles has no jump on the Fermi surface, but has a power-law singularity in the derivative [36]. Another example of the non-Landau Fermi liquid is the Fermi liquid with exponential behavior of the residue [39]. It also has the Fermi surface with the same topological invariant, but the singularity at the Fermi surface is exponentially weak. 4.2. Fully gapped systems: `Dirac particlesa in superconductors and in superyuid He-B Although the systems we have discussed in Section 4.1 contain fermionic and bosonic quantum "elds, this is not the relativistic quantum "eld theory which we need for the simulation of quantum vacuum: There is no Lorentz invariance and the oscillations of the Fermi surface do not resemble
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the gauge "eld even remotely. The situation is somewhat better for super#uids and superconductors with fully gapped spectra. For example, the Nambu}Jona}Lasinio model in particle physics provides a parallel with conventional superconductors [40]; the symmetry breaking scheme in super#uid He-B was useful for analysis of the color superconductivity in quark matter [41]. In He-B the Hamiltonian of free Bogoliubov quasiparticles is the 4;4 matrix (see Eq. (92) below):
p "\ M( p)#c\ ) p, M( p)" !, c" , (61) 2mH p c ) p !M( p) $ where the Pauli 2;2 matrices describe the conventional spin of fermions; 2;2 matrices \ describe the Bogoliubov}Nambu isospin in the particle}hole space (see Section 5.1.2). Here and further when the quasiparticle spectrum in super#uid phases of He and superconductors is considered the chemical potential is counted from the bottom of the band and thus is positive. If the chemical potential of He-B is counted from the energy of an isolated He atom, it is negative (&!2.5 K [21]), i.e. the super#uid He-B is the liquid-like (not a gas-like) substance. Eq. (61) has two important limit cases: H"
M( p)
c ) p
mHc< : M( p)+!, H"E+#cp ;
mHc;: M( p)+v (p!p ), H+v (p!p )# . (63) $ $ $ $ (i) The Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian becomes `relativistica in the limit mHc< (Eq. (62)). In this limit the minimum of the energy spectrum is at p"0 (Fig. 2, Bottom right); the quadratic in p term in M( p) can be neglected and the Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian asymptotically approaches the Dirac Hamiltonian for relativistic particles of mass and speed of light c" /p . $ (ii) In a conventional nonrelativistic BCS theory in Eq. (63) the chemical potential is positive and one has an opposite limit mHc; (or ;v p ). The minimum of the energy spectrum $ $ is now on the former Fermi surface, i.e. at p"p "(2mH, where the spectrum has a gap $ (Fig. 2, Bottom left). Both extreme limits belong to the same universality class of the systems, which have no singularity in Green's function (this does not mean that the momentum space topology of such systems is always trivial, see Section 4.4). The energy spectrum of He-B in Eq. (63) is far from being `relativistica, nevertheless He-B also serves as a model system for simulations of some phenomena in particle physics and cosmology. In particular, nucleation of quantized vortices [42] and other topological defects [43] has been observed in nonequilibrium phase transition, which served as experimental veri"cation of the Kibble mechanism describing formation of cosmic strings during the symmetry-breaking phase transition in expanding Universe [44]; the global vortices in He-B were also used for experimental simulation of the production of baryons by cosmic strings mediated by spectral #ow [45] (see Section 9). 4.3. Systems with Fermi points 4.3.1. Chiral particles and Fermi point In particle physics the energy spectrum E( p)"cp is characteristic of the massless chiral fermion, lepton or quark, in the Standard Model with c being the speed of light. As distinct from the case of
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Fermi surface, where the energy of quasiparticle is zero at the surface in 3D momentum space, the energy of a chiral particle is zero at the point p"0. We call such point in the momentum space the Fermi point. The Hamiltonian for the massless spin-1/2 particle is a 2;2 matrix (64)
H"$c ) p
which is expressed in terms of the Pauli spin matrices . The sign # is for a right-handed particle and ! for a left-handed one: the spin of the particle is oriented along or opposite to its momentum, respectively. 4.3.2. Topological invariant for Fermi point Even if the Lorentz symmetry is violated far from the Fermi point, the Fermi point will survive. The stability of the Fermi point is prescribed by the mapping of the surface S surrounding the degeneracy point in 3D-momentum space into the complex projective space CP,\ of the eigenfunction ( p) of N;N Hamiltonian describing the fermion with N components [47] (N"2 for one Weyl spinor). The topological invariant can be written analytically in terms of Green's function G"(ip !H)\ determined on the imaginary frequency axis, z"ip [48] (Fig. 5). One can see that this propagator has a singularity at the point in the 4D momentum}frequency space: (p "0, p"0). The invariant is represented as an integral around the three-dimensional surface embracing such singular point
1 e tr N " 24 IJHA
Fig. 5. Green's function for fermions in He-A and in the Standard Model have point singularity in the 4D momentum}frequency space, which is described by the integer-valued topological invariant N . The Fermi points in He-A at p"$p lK have N "G2. The Fermi point at p for the chiral relativistic particle in Eq. (64) has N "C , where $ ? C "$1 is the chirality. The chirality, however, appears only in the low-energy corner together with the Lorentz ? invariance. Thus the topological index N is the generalization of the chirality to the Lorentz noninvariant case.
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The only requirement for Green's function matrix G( p, p ) is that it is continuous and di!erentiable outside the singular point. One can check that under continuous variation of the matrix function the integrand changes by a total derivative. That is why the integral over the closed three-surface does not change, i.e. N is invariant under continuous deformations of Green's function, and also it is independent of the choice of closed three-surface around the singularity. The possible values of the invariant can be easily found: if one chooses the matrix function which changes in ;(2) space one obtains the integer values of N . They describe the mapping of the S sphere surrounding the singular point in four-space of the energy}momentum (p , p) into the S;(2)"S space. The same integer values N are preserved for any Green's function matrix, if it is well determined outside the singularity where det G\O0. The index N thus represents topologically di!erent Fermi points } the singular points in 4D momentum}frequency space. 4.3.3. Topological invariant as the generalization of chirality For the chiral fermions in Eq. (64) the invariant in Eq. (65) has values N "C , where C "$1 ? ? is the chirality of the fermion. For this simple case the meaning of this topological invariant can be easily visualized (Fig. 6). Let us consider the behavior of the particle spin s( p) as a function the particle momentum p in the 3D-space p"(p , p , p ). For the right-handed particle, whose spin is V W X parallel to the momentum, one has s( p)"p/2p, while for left-handed ones s( p)"!p/2p. In both cases the spin distribution in the momentum space looks like a hedgehog, whose spines are represented by spins. Spines point outward for the right-handed particle producing the mapping of the sphere S in 3D momentum space onto the sphere S of the spins with the index N "#1. For the left-handed particle the spines of the hedgehog look inward and one has the mapping with N "!1. In the 3D-space the hedgehogs are topologically stable. What is important here that Eq. (65), being the topological invariant, does not change under small perturbations. This means that even if the interaction between the particles is introduced and
Fig. 6. Illustration of the meaning of the topological invariant for the simplest case: Fermi point as a hedgehog in 3D momentum space. For each momentum p we draw the direction of the quasiparticle spin, or its equivalent in He-A } the Bogoliubov spin. Topological invariant for the hedgehog is the mapping SPS with integer index N which is N "#1 for the drawn case of right-handed particle. The topological invariant N is robust to any deformation of the spin "eld ( p): one cannot comb the hedgehog smooth.
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Green's functions changes drastically, the result remains the same: N "1 for the right-handed particle and N "!1 for the left-handed one. The singularity of Green's function remains, which means that the quasiparticle spectrum remain gapless: fermions are massless even in the presence of interaction. Above we considered the relativistic fermions. However, the topological invariant is robust to any deformation, including those which violate the Lorentz invariance. This means that the topological description is far more general than the description in terms of chirality, which is valid only when the Lorentz symmetry is obeyed. In particular, the notion of the Fermi point can be extended to the nonrelativistic condensed matter, such as super#uid He-A (Fig. 5), while the chirality of quasiparticles is not determined in the nonrelativistic system. This means that the momentum-space charge N is the topological generalization of chirality. From the topological point of view the Standard Model and the Lorentz noninvariant ground state of He-A belong to the same universality class of systems with topologically nontrivial Fermi points, though the underlying `microscopica physics can be essentially di!erent. 4.3.4. Relativistic massless chiral fermions emerging near Fermi point The most remarkable property of systems, which have topologically stable Fermi points with N "$1, is that relativistic invariance always emerges at low energy. Close to the Fermi point p in the 3#1 momentum}energy space one can expand the propagator in terms of the deviations I from this Fermi point, p !p. If the Fermi point has the lowest nonzero value of the topological I I charge, i.e. N "$1, then close to the Fermi point the linear deviations are dominating. As a result the general form of the inverse propagator is G\"?eI(p !p) . (66) ? I I Here we returned from the imaginary frequency axis to the real energy, so that z"E"!p instead of z"ip ; and ?"(1, ). The quasiparticle spectrum E( p) is given by the poles of the propagator, and thus by equation gIJ(p !p)(p !p)"0, gIJ"?@eIeJ , (67) I I J J ? @ where ?@"diag(!1, 1, 1, 1). Thus in the vicinity of the Fermi point the massless quasiparticles are always described by the Lorentzian metric gIJ, even if the underlying Fermi system is not Lorentz invariant; super#uid He-A is an example (see next section). On this example we shall also see that the quantities gIJ and p are dynamical variables, related to the collective modes of He-A, and I they play the part of the e!ective gravity and gauge "elds correspondingly (Fig. 7). In conclusion, from the condensed matter point of view, the classical (and quantum) gravity is not a fundamental interaction. Matter (chiral particles and gauge "elds) and gravity (vierbein or metric "eld) inevitably appear together in the low-energy corner as collective fermionic and bosonic zero modes of the underlying system, if the system belongs to the universality class with Fermi points. 4.4. Gapped systems with nontrivial topology in 2#1 dimensions 4.4.1. Topological invariant for 2#1 systems As distinct from the 3#1 systems, there are only two main universality classes in 2#1 systems: (i) The Fermi manifold described by the nontrivial topological invariant N in Eq. (57). While in
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Fig. 7. Bosonic collective modes of the fermionic vacuum which belongs to the Fermi-point universality class. The slow (low-energy) vacuum motion cannot destroy the topologically stable Fermi point, it can only shift the point and/or change its slopes. The shift corresponds to the change of the gauge "eld A, while the slopes (`speeds of lighta) forming the metric tensor gGI are oscillating. Collective motion of particles comprising the vacuum is thus seen by an individual quasiparticle as gauge and gravity "elds. Thus the chiral fermions, gauge "elds and gravity appear in low-energy corner together with physical laws: Lorentz, gauge, conformal invariance and general covariance.
3#1 systems this manifold represents the Fermi surface in 3D momentum space, in the 2#1 systems it is the Fermi line in 2D momentum space. (ii) The fully gapped systems. The class (iii) does not exist: there are no topologically stable Fermi points in 2#1 system. The Fermi points can be obtained by the dimensional reduction from the Fermi lines in 3#1 systems, which are not topologically stable. That is why the Fermi points can exist in 2#1 system only if some special symmetry is imposed. Though the fully gapped systems have no singularities in the momentum space, the momentumspace topology of their vacua can be nontrivial. The states with nontrivial topology can be obtained by the dimensional reduction from the states with the Fermi points in 3#1 dimension. The counterpart of such vacuum states in a real space are the topologically nontrivial but nonsingular con"gurations } textures or skyrmions } characterized by homotopy groups in 3D space and in 2D space. For the 2#1 systems the nontrivial momentum-space topology of the gapped vacua are of particular importance giving rise to quantization of physical parameters. These are: 2D electron systems exhibiting quantum Hall e!ect [51]; thin "lm of He-A (see [49] and Section 9 of
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Ref. [48]); 2D (or layered) superconductors with broken time reversal symmetry [50]; fermions living in the 2#1 world of domain wall, etc. The gapped ground states (vacua) in 2#1 systems or in quasi-2D thin "lms are characterized by invariant obtained by dimensional reduction from the topological invariant for the Fermi point in Eq. (65):
1 e tr dp dp GR I G\GR J G\GR H G\ . N " N N N 24 IJH
The integral is now over the whole 3D momentum}energy space p "(p , p , p ). (If the crystalline I V W system is considered the integration over p , p is bounded by Brillouin zone.) The integrand is V W determined everywhere in this space since the system is fully gapped and thus Green's function is nowhere singular. In thin "lms, in addition to spin indices, Green's function matrix G can contain the indices of the transverse levels, which come from quantization of motion along the normal to the "lm [48]. Quasiparticles on di!erent transverse levels represent di!erent families of fermions with the same properties. This would correspond to generations of fermions in the Standard Model, if our 3#1 world is situated within the soliton wall in 4#1 space}time. An example of the 2#1 system with nontrivial N is the crystal layer of the chiral superconduc tor, where both time reversal symmetry and re#ection symmetry are spontaneously broken. Current belief holds that such a superconducting state occurs in the tetragonal Sr RuO material [52,53]. The Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian for the 2#1 fermions living in the layer is c" . (69) p $ The spectrum is fully gapped, since E"u( p) is nowhere zero (except for the case "0, where the quasiparticle energy is zero at the point p "p "0). Again as in Eqs. (62) and (63) for 3#1 V W system, there are two extreme cases: (i) the Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian asymptotically approaches the 2#1 Dirac Hamiltonian in the limit mHc< , with minimum of the energy spectrum being at p"0; and (ii) the real situation in superconductors where ;v p with $ $ minimum of the energy spectrum being at p"p : $ mHc< : E+#c(p#p) , (70) V W mHc;: E+v (p!p )# . (71) $ $ The topological invariant N in Eq. (68) can be expressed in terms of the vector "eld u( p) in the momentum space: p#p W !, g "cp , g "cp , H"\ Gg ( p), g "M( p)" V V W G 2mH
Ru Ru 1 dp u) ; . (72) N " 4 u Rp Rp V W Since at in"nity the unit vector "eld u/ u approaches the same value, (u/ u ) P(0, 0, 1), the 2D N momentum space (p , p ) is isomorphic to the compact S sphere. That is why the invariant V W N describes the mapping of this S to the S sphere of the unit vector u/ u . One "nds that N "1 for '0 and N "0 for (0.
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4.4.2. Quantum phase transition and marginal behavior of Dirac vacuum At "0 there is a quantum phase transition between the two vacuum states. The two states have the same internal symmetry, but di!erent momentum-space topology. The intermediate state between these two fully gapped states, which occurs at "0, is gapless. The quantum phase transition between the states with di!erent N can be also organized by changing the parameter mH instead of : the transition occurs when at "xed O0 the inverse mass 1/mH crosses zero. In this case the intermediate state at 1/mH"0 corresponds to the Dirac vacuum in 2#1 system, where ; mH c and M( p)P!. The topological invariant for this gapped Dirac vacuum acquires the fractional value N "1/2. This happens because the momentum space is not compact in this intermediate state: the unit vector u/ u does not approach the same value at in"nity. The fractional topology of the intermediate state demonstrates the marginal behavior of the vacuum of 2#1 Dirac fermions. The physical properties of the vacuum, which are related to the topological quantum numbers in momentum space (see below), are not well de"ned for the Dirac vacuum. They crucially depend on how the Dirac spectrum is modi"ed at high energy: towards N "0 or towards N "1. 4.4.3. Quantization of physical parameters The topological invariants of the type in Eq. (68) determine the anomalous properties of the 2#1 systems. In particular, they are responsible for quantization of physical parameters, such as Hall conductivity [51] and spin Hall conductivity [49,54,55]. Eq. (68) leads to quantization of the -factor [49] (73) " N , 2 in front of the Chern}Simons term
dx dt eIJHA F , F "R A !R A "dK ) (R dK ;R dK ) , S " I JH JH J H H J J H F 32
where dK is unit vector characterizing the fermionic spectrum (see e.g. Eq. (93) below). The -factor determines the quantum statistics of skyrmions } the nonsingular topological objects of the dK "eld described by the homotopy group . In He-A "lm the skyrmion is either fermion or boson depending on the thickness of the "lm. Its quantum statistics abruptly changes when the "lm grows and the momentum-space invariant N exhibits the step-like behavior [48]. The quantum (Lifshitz) transitions between the states with di!erent N occur through the intermediate gapless regimes. For more general 2#1 condensed matter systems with di!erent types of momentumspace invariants, see [56]. The Chern}Simons action in Eq. (74) represents the product of two topological invariants: N in 2#1 momentum space and Hopf invariant in 2#1 coordinate space}time. This is an example of topological term in action characterized by combined momentum-space/real-space topology.
5. Fermi points: 3He-A vs. Standard Model The reason why all the attributes of the relativistic quantum "eld theory arise from nothing in He-A is that both systems, the Standard Model and He-A, have the same topology in momentum
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space. The energy spectrum of fermions in He-A also contains point zeroes, the gap nodes, which are described by the same topological invariant in the momentum space in Eq. (65) (see Fig. 5). For one isolated Fermi point the nonzero topological invariant gives singularity in Green's function and thus the gapless spectrum, which for the relativistic system means the absence of the fermion mass. It appears, however, that in both systems the total topological charge of all the Fermi points in the momentum space is zero. In He-A one has N "2!2"0. Nevertheless, the separation of ? ? zeroes in momentum space prohibits masses for fermions. The mass can appear when the Fermi points merge. But even in this case the absence of the fermionic mass can be provided by the symmetry of the system. This happens in the so called planar phase of He [16] and also in the Standard Model, where for each Fermi point one has N " C "0, but the discrete ? ? ? ? symmetry in the planar phase of He-A and the electroweak symmetry in the Standard Model prohibit masses for fermions. Fermions become massive when this symmetry is broken. This will be discussed in more detail in Section 5.2 (see also Ref. [57]). 5.1. Superyuid He-A 5.1.1. Fermi liquid level In He-A, the number of Fermi points and thus the number of fermionic species is essentially smaller than in the Standard Model of strong one electroweak interactions. In place of the various quarks and leptons, there are only four species occurring as left and right `weaka doublets. One way to write these might be [58]
" , " . * 0 e * e 0
In this section we discuss how this is obtained. The pair-correlated systems (superconductors and He super#uids) in their unbroken symmetry stated above ¹ belong to the class of Fermi systems with Fermi surface. In terms of the "eld operator for He atoms the action is ?
p S" dt dx R iR ! # #S , ? R 2m ?
where S includes the time-independent interaction of two atoms (the quartic term), m is the mass of He atom, p"!i is the momentum operator and is the chemical potential. In general this system is described by a large number of fermionic degrees of freedom. However, in the lowtemperature limit, the number of degrees of freedom is e!ectively reduced and the system is well described as a system of noninteracting quasiparticles (dressed particles). Since the Fermi liquid belongs to the same universality class as the weakly interacting Fermi gas, at low energy, one can map it to the Fermi gas degrees of freedom. This is the essence of the Landau theory of Fermi liquids. The particle}particle interaction renormalizes the e!ective mass of quasiparticle: mPmH. The residual interaction is reduced at low ¹ because of the small number of thermal quasiparticles
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above the Fermi surface and can be neglected. Thus the e!ective action for quasiparticles becomes
S" dt dx R[iR !M( p)] , ? R ?
where M( p) is the quasiparticle energy spectrum. In a Fermi liquid this description is valid in the so called degeneracy limit, when the temperature ¹ is much smaller than the e!ective Fermi temperature, & /(ma), which plays the part of the Planck energy in the Fermi liquid. Here a is again the interparticle distance in the liquid. Further for simplicity we use the following Ansatz for the quasiparticle energy in Fermi liquid p!p $ +v (p!p ) M( p)" $ $ 2mH
where mH is the renormalized mass of the quasiparticle, and the Fermi velocity is now v "p /mH; $ $ the last expression in Eq. (78) is the most general form of the low-energy spectrum of the fermionic excitations in the isotropic Landau Fermi liquids in the vicinity of the Fermi surface. 5.1.2. BCS level Below the super#uid/superconducting transition temperature ¹ , new collective degrees of freedom appear, which are the order parameter "elds, corresponding to the Higgs "eld in particle physics. In superconductors the order parameter is the vacuum expectation value of the product of two annihilation operators (Cooper pair wave function) Jvac vac .
The order parameter is a 2;2 matrix in conventional spin space. It breaks the global ;(1) , symmetry Pe ? , which is responsible for the conservation of the particle number N of He I I atoms, since under ;(1) the order parameter transforms as (x, y)Pe ?(x, y). If has nontrivial , spin and orbital structure, it also breaks the SO(3) and SO(3) symmetries under rotations in * 1 orbital and spin spaces correspondingly. The interaction of the fermionic degrees of freedom with the order parameter can be obtained in BCS model using the Hubbard}Stratonovich procedure. The essence of this procedure, which can be easily visualized if one omits all the coordinate dependence and spin indices, is the decomposition of pair interaction S "gRR, where g is the generalized interaction potential. The formal way is to introduce the constant Gaussian term in the path integral d dH exp(iH/g) and shift the argument P!. In this way the quartic term in action is cancelled and one has the BCS action with only quadratic forms:
S" dt dx R[iR !M ( p)] ? R ?
# dt dx dy[R(x)R (y) (x, y)#夹 (x, y) (y) (x)] ?@ @ ? ? @ ?@ !
. g
The last term is the symbolic form of the quadratic form of the order parameter.
(80) (81) (82)
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The interaction of fermions with the bosonic order parameter "eld in Eq. (81) allows transitions between states di!ering by two atoms, N and N$2. The order parameter serves as the matrix element of such transition. This means that the particle number N is not conserved in the broken symmetry state and the single-fermion elementary excitation of this broken symmetry vacuum represents the mixture of the N"1 (particle) and N"!1 (hole) states. In electroweak theory the interactions corresponding to those in Eq. (81) are the Yukawa coupling which appear in the broken symmetry state between the left-handed S;(2) doublets and * the right-handed fermion singlets. An example of such an interaction is the term: G (u , dM ) d (83) B * 0 in the electroweak Lagrangian. When acquires a vacuum expectation value during the electroweak phase transition, this gives rise to the nonconservation of the isospin and hypercharge in the same manner as the charge N is not conserved in the broken symmetry action Eq. (81). Such hybridization of left and right particles leads to the lepton and quark masses. Similarly, in super#uids and superconductors these terms give rise to the gap on the Fermi surface. However, the more close link to the BCS has the color superconductivity in quark matter [41], where the order parameter is the matrix element between the states di!ering by two quarks. Among the di!erent phases of the color superconductivity there is a representative of the Fermi point universality class, the phase where the gap has point nodes like in He-A [59]. For the s-wave spin-singlet pairing in superconductors and the p-wave spin-triplet pairing in super#uid He the matrix element has the following general form: (r, p)"i(r) , (84) U (r, p)"iIA (r)p . (85) U IG G Here are the Pauli matrices in spin space, r"(x#y)/2 is the center of mass coordinate of the Cooper pair, while the momentum p describes the relative motion of the two fermions within the Cooper pair: it is the Fourier transform of the coordinates (x!y). The complex scalar function (r) and 3;3 matrix A (r) are the order parameters for s- and p-wave pairing respectively, which are IG space independent in a global equilibrium. Two super#uid states with p-wave pairing are realized in He. The state which belongs to the Fermi point universality class is the He-A phase. In He-A the matrix order parameter is factorized into the product of the spin part described by the real unit vector dK and the orbital part described by the complex vector e( #ie( A " dK (e( #ie( ), e( ) e( "e( ) e( "1, e( ) e( "0 . (86) IG I G G The He-B belongs to the universality class with gap, its matrix order parameter is A " R e F , (87) IG IG where R is the real orthogonal matrix. These two broken symmetry vacua correspond to two IG di!erent routes of the symmetry breaking: ;(1) ;SO(3) ;SO(3) P;(1) ;;(1) for He-A , * 1 ,\* 1 and ;(1) ;SO(3) ;SO(3) PSO(3) for He-B. , * 1 1>* The easiest way to treat the action in Eqs. (80)}(82), in which the states with 1 particle and !1 particle are hybridized by the order parameter, is to double the number of degrees of freedom
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introducing the antiparticle (hole) for each particle by constructing the Bogoliubov}Nambu "eld operator . It is the spinor in a new particle-hole space (Nambu space):
; R"(uR, *R) .
Under ;(1) symmetry operation Pe ( this spinor transforms as , ? ? \ Pe O ( .
Here \ are Pauli matrices in the Nambu space, such that \ is the particle number operator N with G eigenvalues #1 for the particle component of the quasiparticle and !1 for its hole component. The eigenvalue equation for the quasiparticle spectrum is H"E ,
where the Hamiltonian for quasiparticles has the following form for s-wave superconductors:
0 (r) H "M( p)\ # . U H(r) 0
For the B-phase of He in Eq. (87) in the simplest state with R " and "0 the IG IG Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian has the form "M( p)\ # ( ) p)\ ; p $ while for He-A in Eq. (86) it is H
H "M( p)\ # ( ) dK (r))(\ e( (r) ) p!\ e( (r) ) p) . (93) U p $ It is also instructive to consider the so called planar phase, where A " (x( e( #y( e( ) and the IG I G I G Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian is H "M( p)\ # \ ((e( (r) ) p) #(e( (r) ) p) ) . V W p $ The square of the fermionic energy in these pair-correlated states is correspondingly
E ( p)"H"M( p)# , (95) U p!p $ # , (96) E ( p)"H"M( p)# p+ U 2mH p $ E ( p)"E ( p)"H"M( p)# ( p;lK ), lK "e( ;e( . (97) U p $ Here we took into account that ;v p in He. These equations show that fermionic quasipar $ $ ticles in the s-wave super#uids/superconductors and in He-B have a gap in the spectrum and thus belong to the universality class of Dirac vacuum.
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In the A-phase of He the quasiparticle spectrum has two zeros at p"$p lK (Fig. 3). Each of $ these nodes is topologically stable and is described by the topological invariant in Eq. (65) which characterizes the Fermi point. One obtains that N "!2 for the Fermi point at p"#p lK , which $ means that there are two fermionic species living near this node, and similarly N "#2 for the Fermi point at p"!p lK , where the other two fermionic species live. The nonzero values of the $ invariant, show that the He-A belongs to the universality class of Fermi points. At "rst glance the planar state has the same fermionic spectrum with the same Fermi points as He-A. At least this is what follows from Eq. (97) for the squared energy, E. However, the square root of E in Eq. (94) for the planar phase is di!erent from the square root of E in Eq. (93) for He-A. As a result each of the two Fermi points in planar state, at p"#p lK , has zero topological $ invariant, N "0. This means, that as distinct from He-A the planar state is marginal, being topologically unstable towards the fully gapped system. Only the special symmetry of the planar state vacuum prevents such an instability. We discuss this later in Section 5.2.4. 5.1.3. `Relativistica level As we already discussed in Section 4.3.4, for the system of the universality class (iii), in the vicinity of each Fermi point a the energy spectrum becomes `relativistica. In our case of Bogoliubov}Nambu fermions, the expansion of Eq. (93) in terms of the deviations from the Fermi points gives the following `relativistica Hamiltonian: H " (eH ) \ @(p !e A ) . ? H ? H @? @
Here A"p lK plays the role of a vector potential of `electromagnetica "eld, e "$1 is the $ ? corresponding `electrica charge of the ath fermion. Altogether, there are four chiral fermionic species a in He-A. The two left fermions living in the vicinity of the node p"p lK have `electrica charge e "#1. The quantum number which $ ? distinguishes between the two left fermions is S "$1/2 } the projection of the conventional spin (1/2) on the axis dK . Let us recall that the conventional spin of the fermionic quasiparticle in He-A comes from the spins of initial He atoms. But this spin is not responsible for the chirality of the quasiparticles in super#uid He-A. The chirality C of the ath fermion is determined by the ? orientation of its Bogoliubov}Nambu spin with respect to the direction of motion of the quasiparticle, and not by the orientation of the conventional spin (see discussion in Section 5.1.5). For the two right fermions living in the vicinity of the opposite node at p"!p lK the `electrica charge is $ e "!1. Thus for all fermions one has the following relation between the `electrica charge and ? chirality of the fermion: e "!C . ? ?
The coe$cients (eG ) for each fermion a form the so called dreibein, or triad, the local coordinate @? frames for the fermionic particles. Three vectors forming the dreibein for the fermion with quantum numbers C and S are ? e "2S c e( , e "!2S c e( , e "!C c lK , , , ? ,
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where the coe$cients p (101) c " , c "v " $ , $ mH , p $ play the part of the speed of light propagating in directions perpendicular and parallel to lK respectively. At zero external pressure one has c &3 cm/s and v &55 m/s (the anisotropy of the , $ `speed of lighta is c /c " /v p &10\ in highly anisotropic He-A). , , $ $ Eq. (100) represents the three-dimensional version of the vierbein or tetrads, which are used to describe gravity in the tetrad formalism of general relativity. Eq. (98) is the Weyl Hamiltonian for charged chiral particles. From Eq. (100) it follows that det[eG ] has the same sign as the topological @ invariant N , which re#ects the connection between the chirality C and topological invariant: ? N "2C . The factor two comes from two spin projections S of each fermion to the axis dK ? (see below Section 5.1.5). The super#uid velocity * in super#uid He-A is determined by the twist of the triad e( , e( , e( "lK and corresponds to torsion in the tetrad formalism of gravity (the space-dependent rotation of vectors e( and e( about axis lK ):
(102) * " e( G e( G . 2m One can check that the super#uid velocity is properly transformed under the Galilean transformation: * P* #u. As distinct from the curl-free super#uid velocity in super#uid He the vorticity in He-A can be nonzero and continuous as follows from Eq. (102) [60]:
;* " e lK lK ;lK . I 4m GHI G H The conventional 3#1 metric tensor expressed in terms of the triad eG is @ gGH" eH eG "c lK GlK H#c (GH!lK GlK H), g"!1, gG"0 , , , @ @ @ so the energy spectrum of fermions in the vicinity of each of the nodes is
E( p)"gGH(p !e A )(p !e A ) . (105) ? G ? G H ? H Note that all the fermions have the same metric tensor and thus the same speeds of light. This is the result of symmetries connecting di!erent fermionic species. The fully `relativistica equation gIJ(p !e A )(p !e A )"0 , (106) I ? I J ? J includes also the nonzero nondiagonal metric gG and scalar potential A , both being induced by super#uid velocity * which produces the Doppler shift EI ( p)"E ( p)#p ) * "E ( p)#( p!e A) ) * #e p lK ) * . (107) ? ? ? ? ? $
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This gives "nally all the components of the e!ective metric tensor and e!ective electromagnetic "eld in terms of the observables in He-A: gGH"c lK GlK H#c (GH!lK GlK H)!vG vH , g"!1, gG"!vG , , ,
1 , (!g" c c , ,
1 1 g " lK GlK H# (GH!lK GlK H), g "!(1!g vG vH ), g "!g vH , (109) GH c GH G GH c , , ds"!dt#g (dxG!vG )(dxH!vH ) , (110) GH A "p lK ) * , A"p lK . (111) $ $ Ironically the enhanced symmetry of the `relativistica equation (106) arises due to the spontaneous symmetry breaking in He-A, i.e. the symmetry emerges from the symmetry breaking. In He-A the anisotropy of space along the lK direction appears in previously isotropic liquid giving rise to the Fermi points at p "!C p lK and to all phenomena following from the existence of the ? ? $ Fermi points. The propagating oscillations of the anisotropy axis A"p lK are the Goldstone $ bosons arising in He-A due to the symmetry breaking. They are viewed by quasiparticles living near the Fermi points as the propagating electromagnetic waves. However, the spontaneous symmetry breaking is not the necessary condition for the Fermi points to exist. For example, the Fermi point can naturally appear in semiconductors without any symmetry breaking [61], and if it is there it is di$cult to destroy the Fermi point because of its topological stability. Moreover, it is the symmetry breaking, which is the main reason why the e!ective action for the metric gIJ and gauge "eld A is contaminated by the noncovariant terms. The latter come from the gradients of J Goldstone "elds, and in most cases they dominate over the natural Maxwell and Einstein terms in the e!ective action. An example is the n* term in Eq. (5): it dominates over the Einstein action for gIJ, which contains derivatives of * (see Section 2.8). That is why a condensed matter system where the analogy with the relativistic "eld theory is realized in full would be a system where the Fermi point exists without the symmetry breaking. Unfortunately, at the moment, we have no such condensed matter. 5.1.4. Hierarchy of energy scales The expansion in Eq. (98), and thus the relativistic description of quasiparticles dynamics, occurs at low energy and is violated at higher (`trans-Planckiana) energies where the Lorentz and other symmetries disappear. There is a hierarchy of energy scales of the `trans-Planckiana physics in He-A: ; ;v p ;E , (112) $ $ v p $ $ where E is the energy of excitations of the electronic states in the He atom. These energy scales are correspondingly &10\, 10\, 10\ and 1 eV. The "rst `Planckiana energy scale /v p "mHc serves as the Lorentzian cuto!: At energies $ $ , E; /v p the quasiparticle spectrum determined by Eq. (93) can be expanded in the vicinity of $ $ the Fermi point to give the Lorentz invariant form of the Weyl Hamiltonian in Eq. (98). In this region gGI(p !p )(p !p );(mHc ), and the nonlinear corrections to the energy spectrum are G G I I ,
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small and in many cases can be neglected. These corrections become important when the physics of the black hole horizon and other exotic space}times are discussed (see Sections 11.1 and 12). The region between two `Planckiana energy scales, /v p ;E; , is the so called quasiclas $ $ sical region, in this nonrelativistic region we can use the quasiclassical approximation to calculate, say, the quasiparticle bound states in the core of the vortex (Section 9). In the region between the second and third `Plancka scale, ;E;v p , the e!ect of Cooper $ $ pairing can be neglected and one e!ectively has the degenerate Fermi-system described by the Fermi surface universality class. The BCS theory in the Bogoliubov}Nambu representation is appropriate for the whole range up to third `Plancka scale, E;p v , and thus represents the $ $ self-consistent quantum "eld theory describing simultaneously the `relativistica low-energy physics of the Fermi point scale and two high-energy levels of the `trans-Planckiana physics. This is a great advantage of the BCS theory of super#uid He-A. Finally, at v p ;E;E the system can be described as that of classical weakly interacting $ $ atoms. 5.1.5. Spin vs. isospin Because N "2C , each Fermi point in He-A is doubly degenerate due to the spin degree of ? freedom of the He atom. For each projection S of spin one has N "#1 at p"!p lK and $ N "!1 at p"#p lK . Thus in the relativistic limit we have two doublets, one left at p"#p lK $ $ and one right at p"!p lK , $ 1 > 1 > , " , 0 . (113) , , " * 0 * 1 \ e * e 0 1 \ e 0 * 0 From Eq. (113) it follows that spin of quasiparticle plays the part of the isospins in the extended Standard Model with S;(2) ;S;(2) symmetry. The conventional spin of the He atom is thus * 0 responsible for the S;(2) degeneracy, but not for chirality. On the other hand the Bogoliubov spin \ is responsible for the chirality of quasiparticles in He-A and thus it plays the same role as the conventional spin of chiral fermions in Standard Model in Eq. (64). Such interchange of spin and isospin degrees of freedom shows that the only origin of chirality of the (quasi)particle is the nonzero value of the topological invariant N . What kind of spin is related to the chirality depends on the details of the matrix structure of the Fermi point. In this sense there is no principle di!erence between spin and isospin: changing continuously the matrix structure of Green's function one can gradually convert isospin to spin, while the topological charge N of the Fermi point remains invariant under such a rotation in spin}isospin space.
5.2. Standard Model and its momentum-space topology 5.2.1. Fermions in Standard Model In Standard Model of electroweak and strong interactions (if the right-handed neutrino is present, as follows from the Kamiokande experiments) each family of quarks and leptons contains eight left-handed and eight right-handed fermions transforming under the gauge group G(213)"S;(2) ;;(1) ;S;(3) of weak, hypercharge and strong interactions correspondingly. * 7 ! The 16 fermions with their diverse hypercharges and electric charges can be organized in a simple
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way, if one assumes the higher symmetry group, such as SO(10) at a grand uni"cation scale. We use here a type of Pati}Salam model [62,63] with the symmetry group G(224)"S;(2) ;S;(2) ; * 0 S;(4) . This group G(224) is the minimal subgroup of SO(10) group which preserves all its ! important properties [64]. The advantage of the group G(224) as compared with the SO(10) group, which is important for the correct de"nition of the topological charge, is that G(224) organizes 16 fermions not into one multiplet of 16 left fermions as the SO(10) group does, but into the left and right baryon}lepton octets with the left}right symmetry on the fundamental level:
S;(4) !
SU(2) * u d * * u d * * u d * * e * *
S;(2) 0 u d 0 0 u d 0 0 . u d 0 0 e 0 0
Here the S;(3) color group is extended to S;(4) color group by introducing as a charge the ! ! di!erence between baryonic and leptonic numbers B!¸; and the S;(2) group for the right 0 particles is added. When the energy is reduced the G(224) group transforms to the intermediate subgroup G(213) of the electroweak and strong interactions with the hypercharge given by >"(B!¸)#= . At energy below about 200 GeV the electroweak symmetry is violated and 0 we have the group S;(3) ;;(1) of strong and electromagnetic interactions with the electric ! / charge Q">#= "(B!¸)#= #= . These charges are: * 0 * Fermion = = B!¸ P > P Q * 0 u (3) # 0 * u (3) 0 # 0 d (3) ! 0 ! * d (3) 0 ! ! ! 0 # 0 !1 ! 0 * !1 0 0 0 # 0 e ! 0 !1 ! !1 * !1 !1 !1 e 0 ! 0
In the above G(224) model, 16 fermions of one generation can be represented as the product Cw of four bosons and four fermions [65]. This scheme is similar to the slave-boson approach in condensed matter, where the particle is considered as a product of the spinon and holon. Spinons are fermions which carry spin, while holons are `slavea-bosons which carry electric charge [66]. In the Terazawa scheme [65] the `holonsa C form the S;(4) quartet of spin-0 S;(2)-singlet particles ! which carry baryonic and leptonic charges, their B!¸ charges of the S;(4) group are ! (, , ,!1). The `spinonsa are spin- particles w, which are S;(4) singlets and S;(2)-isodoublets; !
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they carry spin and isospin.
d u d C * 0 0 u d u d C * * 0 0 " ;(w> w\ w> w\) . (116) * * 0 0 u d u d C * * 0 0 e e C * * 0 0 \ Here $1/2 means the charge = for the left spinons and = for the right spinons, which * 0 coincides with the electric charge of spinons: Q"(B!¸)#= #= "= #= . In * 0 * 0 Terazawa notations w "(w>, w>) forms the doublet of spinons with Q"#1/2 and * 0 w "(w\, w\) } with Q"!1/2. These four spinons, two left and two right, transform under * 0 S;(2) ;S;(2) symmetry group. * 0 *
5.2.2. Momentum-space topological invariants In the case of one chiral fermion the massless (gapless) character of its energy spectrum in Eq. (67) is protected by the momentum-space topological invariant. However, in case of the equal number of left and right fermions the total topological charge N in Eq. (65) is zero for the Fermi point at p"0, if the trace is over all the fermionic species. Thus the topological mechanism of mass protection does not work and in principle an arbitrary small interaction between the fermions can provide the Dirac masses for all eight pairs of fermions. This indicates that the Standard Model is marginal in the same way as the planar state of super#uid He in Eq. (94). However, in systems with marginal Fermi points, the mass (gap) would not appear for some or all fermions, if the interaction has some symmetry elements. This situation occurs both in the planar phase of He and in the Standard Model. In both cases the weighted momentum-space topological invariants can be introduced which provide the mass protection. These invariants are robust to such perturbations, which conserve given symmetry, and they are the functions of parameters of this symmetry group. In the Standard Model the relevant symmetries are the electroweak symmetries ;(1) and S;(2) generated by the hypercharge and by the weak charge 7 * correspondingly. 5.2.3. Generating function for topological invariants constrained by symmetry Let us introduce the matrix N whose trace gives the invariant N in Eq. (65): 1 dSA GR I G\GR J G\GR H G\ , e (117) N" N N N 24 IJHA N where as before the integral is about the Fermi point in the 4D momentum}energy space. Let us consider the expression
(N, Y)"tr[NY] ,
where Y is the generator of the ;(1) group, the hypercharge matrix. It is clear that the Eq. (118) is 7 robust to any perturbation of Green's function, which does not violate the ;(1) symmetry, since in 7 this case the hypercharge matrix Y commutes with Green's function G. The same occurs with any power of Y, i.e. (N, YL) is also invariant under symmetric deformations. That is why one can introduce the generating function for all the topological invariants containing powers of the
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hypercharge (e F7 Y, N)"tr[e F7 YN] .
All the powers (N, YL), which are topological invariants, can be obtained by di!erentiating of Eq. (119) over the group parameter . Since the above parameter-dependent invariant is robust to 7 interactions between the fermions, it can be calculated for the noninteracting particles. In the latter case the matrix N is diagonal with the eigenvalues C "#1 and C "!1 for right and left ? ? fermions, respectively. The trace of this matrix N over given irreducible fermionic representation introduced by Froggatt and Nielsen in of the gauge group is (with minus sign) the symbol N W? '5 Ref. [67]. In their notations y/2(">), a, and I denote hypercharge, color representation and the 5 weak isospin correspondingly. For the Standard Model with hypercharges for 16 fermions given in Eq. (115) one has the generating function:
(120) (e F7 Y, N)" C e F7 7? "2 cos 7 !1 (3e F7 #e\ F7 ) . ? 2 ? The factorized form of the generating function re#ects the factorization in Eq. (116) and directly follows from this equation: The generating function for the momentum space topological invariants for `holonsa is (e F * B\L, N )"(3e F * #e\ F * ), which must be multiplied by the `spinona factor 2(cos( /2)!cos( /2)). 0 * In addition to the hypercharge the weak charge is also conserved in the Standard Model above the electroweak transition. The generating function for the topological invariants which contain the powers of both the hypercharge > and the weak charge = also has the factorized form: (121) (e F5 W* e F7 Y, N)"2 cos 7 !cos 5 (3e F7 #e\ F7 ) . 2 2
The generators of the S;(3) color group, which is left}right symmetric, do not change the form of ! the generating function in Eq. (121). The nonzero values of Eq. (121) show that Green's function is singular at p"0 and p "0, which means that some fermions must be massless. 5.2.4. Discrete symmetry and massless fermions Choosing the parameters "0 and "2 one obtains the maximum possible value of the 7 5 generating function: (e W* , N)"16 .
which means that all 16 fermions of one generation are massless above the electroweak scale 200 GeV. This also shows that in many cases only the discrete symmetry group, such as the Z group e W* , is enough for the mass protection. In the planar state of He in Eq. (94) each of the two Fermi points at p"$p lK has zero $ topological charge, N "0. Nevertheless the gapless fermions in the planar state are supported by the topological invariant (P, N) containing the discrete Z symmetry (PP"1) of the planar state vacuum. This symmetry is the combination of discrete gauge transformation and spin rotation by around z axis: e CX A "A (on discrete symmetries of super#uid phases of He see Ref. [16]). IG IG
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Applying to the Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian (94), for which the generator of the ;(1) gauge rotation is \ , this symmetry operation has the form P"e O\ e NX "!\ : PH"HP. The X nonzero topological invariants, which support the mass (gap) protection for the Fermi points at p"$p lK , are correspondingly (P, N)"$2. Thus at each Fermi point there are gapless $ fermions. They acquire the relativistic energy spectrum in the low-energy corner. In the relativistic limit the discrete symmetry P, which is responsible for the mass protection, is equivalent to the -symmetry for Dirac fermions. If the symmetry is obeyed, i.e. it commutes with the Dirac Hamiltonian, H"H, then the Dirac fermion has no mass. This is consistent with the nonzero value of the topological invariant: it is easy to check that for the massless Dirac fermion one has (, N)"2. This connection between topology and mass protection looks trivial in the relativistic case, where the absence of mass due to symmetry can be directly obtained from the Dirac Hamiltonian. However the equations in terms of the topological charge, such as Eq. (122), appears to be more general, since they remain valid even if the Lorentz symmetry is violated at higher energy and the Dirac equation is not applicable any more. In the nonrelativistic case even the chirality is not a good quantum number at high energy (this in particular means that transitions between the fermions with di!erent chirality are possible at high energy, see Section 10.1.2 for an example). The topological constraints, such as in Eq. (122), protect nevertheless the gapless fermionic spectrum in non-Lorentz-invariant Fermi systems. 5.2.5. Nullixcation of topological invariants below electroweak transition and massive fermions When the electroweak symmetry ;(1) ;S;(2) is violated to ;(1) , the only remaining charge 7 * / } the electric charge Q">#= } produces zero value for the whole generating function according to Eq. (121): (e F/ Q, N)"(e F/ Ye F/ W* , N)"0 .
The zero value of the topological invariants implies that even if the singularity in Green's function exists it can be washed out by interaction. Thus each elementary fermion in our world must have a mass after such a symmetry breaking. What is the reason for such a symmetry breaking pattern, and, in particular, for such choice of electric charge Q? Why the nature had not chosen the more natural symmetry breaking, such as ;(1) ;S;(2) P;(1) , ;(1) ;S;(2) PS;(2) or ;(1) ;S;(2) P;(1) ;;(1) ? The pos7 * 7 7 * * 7 * 7 5 sible reason is provided by Eq. (121), according to which the nulli"cation of all the momentumspace topological invariants occurs only if the symmetry breaking scheme ;(1) ;S;(2) P;(1) 7 * / takes place with the charge Q"$>$= . Only in such cases the topological mechanism for the mass protection disappears. This can shed light on the origin of the electroweak transition. It is possible that the elimination of the mass protection is the only goal of the transition. This is similar to the Peierls transition in condensed matter: the formation of mass (gap) is not the consequence but the cause of the transition. It is energetically favorable to have masses of quasiparticles, since this leads to decrease of the energy of the fermionic vacuum. Formation of the condensate of top quarks, which generates the heavy mass of the top quark, could be a relevant scenario for that (see review [68]). In the G(224) model the electric charge Q"(B!¸)#= #= is left}right symmetric. * 0 That is why, if only the electric charge is conserved in the "nal broken symmetry state, the only Q relevant topological invariant (e F/ , N) is always zero, there is no mass protection and the Weyl
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fermions must be paired into Dirac fermions. This fact does not depend on the de"nition of the hypercharge, which appears at the intermediate stage where the symmetry is G(213). It also does not depend much on the de"nition of the electric charge Q itself: the only condition for the nulli"cation of the topological invariant is the symmetry (or antisymmetry) of Q with respect to the parity transformation. 5.2.6. Relation to axial anomaly The momentum-space topological invariants determine the axial anomaly in fermionic systems. In particular, the charges related to the gauge "elds cannot be created from vacuum; the condition for that is the nulli"cation of some invariants (see Section 7): (Y, N)"(Y, N)"((W* )Y, N)"(YW* , N)"2"0 . (124) Nulli"cation of all these invariants is provided by the form of the generating function in Eq. (121), though in this equation it is not assumed that the groups ;(1) and S;(2) are local. 7 * 6. E4ective relativistic quantum 5eld theory emerging in a system with Fermi point 6.1. Collective modes of fermionic vacuum } electromagnetic and gravitational xelds Let us consider the collective modes in the system with Fermi points. The e!ective "elds acting on a given particle due to interactions with other moving particles cannot destroy the Fermi point. That is why, under the inhomogeneous perturbation of the fermionic vacuum the general form of Eqs. (66) and (67) is preserved. However the perturbations lead to a local shift in the position of the Fermi point p in momentum space and to a local change of the vierbein eI (which in particular I @ includes slopes of the energy spectrum. This means that the low-frequency collective modes in such Fermi liquids are the propagating collective oscillations of the positions of the Fermi point and of the slopes at the Fermi point (Fig. 7). The former is felt by the right- or the left-handed quasiparticles as the dynamical gauge (electromagnetic) "eld, because the main e!ect of the electromagnetic "eld A "(A , A) is just the dynamical change in the position of zero in the energy I spectrum: in the simplest case (E!eA )"c( p!eA). The collective modes related to a local change of the vierbein eI correspond to the dynamical @ gravitational "eld. The quasiparticles feel the inverse tensor g as the metric of the e!ective space IJ in which they move along the geodesic curves ds"g dxI dxJ . (125) IJ Therefore, the collective modes related to the slopes play the part of the gravity "eld. Thus near the Fermi point the quasiparticle is the chiral massless fermion moving in the e!ective dynamical electromagnetic and gravitational "elds. 6.2. Physical laws in vicinity of Fermi point: Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, general covariance, conformal invariance In the low-energy corner the fermionic propagator in Eq. (66) is gauge invariant and even obeys the general covariance near the Fermi point. For example, the local phase transformation of the
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wave function of the fermion, Pe C?rR can be compensated by the shift of the `electromagnetica "eld A PA #R . These attributes of the electromagnetic (A ) and gravitational (gIJ) "elds arise I I I I spontaneously as the low-energy phenomena. Now let us discuss the dynamics of the bosonic sector } collective modes of A and gIJ. Since I these are the e!ective "elds their motion equations do not necessarily obey gauge invariance and general covariance. However, in some special cases such symmetries can arise in the low-energy corner. The particular model with the massless chiral fermions has been considered by Chadha and Nielsen [2], who found that the Lorentz invariance becomes an infrared "xed point of the renormalization group equations. What are the general conditions for such symmetry of the bosonic "elds in the low-energy corner? The e!ective Lagrangian for the collective modes is obtained by integrating over the vacuum #uctuations of the fermionic "eld. This principle was used by Sakharov and Zeldovich to obtain an e!ective gravity [24] and e!ective electrodynamics [69], both arising from #uctuations of the fermionic vacuum. If the main contribution to the e!ective action comes from the vacuum fermions whose momenta p are concentrated near the Fermi point, i.e. where the fermionic spectrum is linear and thus obeys the `Lorentz invariancea and gauge invariance of Eq. (66), the result of the integration is necessarily invariant under gauge transformation, A PA #R , and has I I I a covariant form. The obtained e!ective Lagrangian then gives the Maxwell equations for A and I the Einstein equations for g , so that the propagating bosonic collective modes do represent the IJ gauge bosons and gravitons. Thus two requirements must be ful"lled } (i) the fermionic system has a Fermi point and (ii) the main physics is concentrated near this Fermi point. In this case the system acquires at low energy all the properties of the modern quantum "eld theory: chiral fermions, quantum gauge "elds, and gravity. All these ingredients are actually low-energy (infra-red) phenomena. In this extreme case when the vacuum fermions are dominatingly relativistic, the bosonic "elds acquire also another symmetry obeyed by massless relativistic Weyl fermions, the conformal invariance } the invariance under transformation g P(r, t)g . The gravity with the conforIJ IJ mally invariant e!ective action, the so-called Weyl gravity, is still a viable rival to Einstein gravity in modern cosmology [70,71]: The Weyl gravity (i) can explain the galactic rotation curves without dark matter; (ii) it reproduces the Schwarzschild solution at small distances; (iii) it can solve the cosmological constant problem, since the cosmological constant is forbidden if the conformal invariance is strongly obeyed; etc. (see [72]). 6.3. Ewective electrodynamics 6.3.1. Ewective action for `electromagnetica xeld Let us consider what happens in a practical realization of systems with Fermi points in condensed matter } in He-A. From Eqs. (108) and (111) it follows that the "elds, which act on the `relativistica quasiparticles as electromagnetic and gravitational "elds, have a nontrivial behavior. For example, the same texture of the lK -vector is felt by quasiparticles as the e!ective magnetic "eld B"p o ;lK according to Eq. (111) and simultaneously it enters the metric according to Eq. (108). $ Such "eld certainly cannot be described by the Maxwell and Einstein equations together. Actually the gravitational and electromagnetic variables coincide in He-A only when we consider the vacuum manifold: Outside of this manifold they split. He-A, as any other fermionic system with
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Fermi point, has enough number of collective modes to provide the analogs for the independent gravitational and electromagnetic "elds. But some of these modes are massive in He-A. For example the gravitational waves correspond to the modes, which are di!erent from the oscillations of the lK -vector. As distinct from the photons (orbital waves } propagating oscillations of the lK -vector) the gravitons are massive (Section 10.3). All these troubles occur because in He-A the main contribution to the e!ective action for the most of the bosonic "elds come from the integration over vacuum fermions at the `Plancka energy scale, E& . These fermions are far from the Fermi points and their spectrum is nonlinear. That is why in general the e!ective action for the bosonic "elds is not symmetric. There are, however, situations when the He-A behave as `perfecta condensed matter, i.e. when there is an exact correspondence between some terms in action for relativistic quantum "eld theory and for He-A. We discuss them below. Considering this correspondence one must keep in mind that the two systems are described by di!erent sets of variables. For example, the vector "eld lK is an observable variable in He-A, but at low energy it plays the role of vector potential of gauge "eld A, which is not observable in relativistic quantum "eld theory. To transform from one set of variables to the other, the free energy or Lagrangian of the two systems should be expressed in a covariant and gauge invariant form and should not contain any material parameters, such as `speed of lighta [48]. Then it can be equally applied to both systems, Standard Model and He-A. Note that the e!ective quantum "eld theory, if it does not contain the high energy cuto!, should not contain the speed of light c explicitly: it is hidden within the metric tensor. 6.3.2. Running coupling constant: zero charge ewect The "rst example, where the exact correspondence occurs, is the action for the lK -"eld, which contains the term with the logarithmically divergent factor ln(/) (see Ref. [48] and Section 13). It comes from the zero charge e!ect, the logarithmic screening of the `electric chargea by the massless fermions, for whom the lK -"eld acts as electromagnetic "eld. Due to its logarithmic divergence this term is dominating at low frequency : the lower the frequency the larger is the contribution of the vacuum fermions from the vicinity of the Fermi point and thus the more symmetric is the Lagrangian for the lK -"eld. This happens, for example, in the physically important case discussed in Section 8.3, where the Lagrangian for the lK -texture is completely equivalent to the conventional Maxwell Lagrangian for the (hyper-) magnetic and electric "elds. In this particular case the equilibrium state is characterized by the homogeneous direction of the lK vector, which is "xed by the counter#ow: lK * !* . The e!ective electromagnetic "eld is simulated by the small deviations of the lK vector from its equilibrium direction, A"p lK . Since lK is a unit vector, its variation lK NlK . This corresponds to the $ gauge choice A"0, if z axis is chosen along the background orientation, z( "lK . In the considered case only the dependence on z and t is relevant. As a result in the low-energy limit the e!ective Lagrangian for the A becomes gauge invariant, so that in this regime the A "eld does obey the I I Maxwell equations coming from the Lagrangian: (!g gIJg?@F F . ¸" I? J@ 4
Here is a running coupling constant. To apply this to He-A one must express the metric and gauge "eld in terms of the He-A observables. The e!ective metric gIJ is given by Eq. (108), where in
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the linear approximation one can use the homogeneous background "eld lK , and the gauge "eld is A"p lK . Substituting these into Eq. (126) one reproduces the Lagrangian for the lK "eld, which was $ earlier obtained in a microscopic theory [73]:
p v 1 $ $ (R lK )! (R lK #(* ) )lK ) . (127) X ¹ 24
v R $ The running coupling constant is logarithmically divergent because of the polarization of the vacuum of gapless fermions: ln
1 \" ln . 12 ¹
This is in a complete analogy with the logarithmic divergence of the "ne structure constant e/4 c in quantum electrodynamics, which is provided by polarization of the fermionic vacuum with two species of Weyl fermions (or with one Dirac fermion if its mass M is small compared to ¹, otherwise ¹ is substituted by M). The gap amplitude , constituting the ultraviolet cuto! of the logarithmi cally divergent coupling, plays the part of the Planck energy scale, while the infrared cuto! is provided by temperature. To extend the Eq. (128) to the moving super#uid it must be written in covariant form introducing the four-temperature and the cuto! four vector " u where the four-temperature J and I I four-velocity u are determined in Section 3: J 1 ln(I ) . (129) \" I 6 At ¹"0 the infrared cuto! is provided by the magnetic "eld itself:
(gIJ ) 1 I J ln . (130) \" gIJg?@F F 12 I? J@ Note that has a parallel with the Planck energy in some other situations, too (see Section 8.3). Another example is the analog of the cosmological constant, which arises in the e!ective gravity of He-A and has the value /6 (see Section 10.3 and also Ref. [74]). This parameter also determines the gravitational constant G&\ (see Sections 11.2 and 8.2.4 and also Section 13, where it was found that G\"(2/9) ). 6.4. Ewective S;(N) gauge xelds from degeneracy of Fermi point 6.4.1. Why all fermions and bosons have the same speed of light in low-energy limit In He-A the Fermi point (say, at the north pole p"#p lK ) is doubly degenerate owing to the $ ordinary spin of the He atom (Section 5.1.5). This means that in equilibrium the two zeros, each with the topological invariant N "!1, are at the same point in momentum space. These two species of fermions living in the vicinity of the Fermi point form the spinor representation of the global S;(2) group of spin rotations. Due to the S;(2) group connecting two fermions at the 1 1 same Fermi point, the two fermions have the same energy spectrum, which means that they have the same `speeds of lighta. The Lagrangian for the collective gauge "eld in Eq. (126), which is
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obtained after integration over these fermions, contains the same metric tensor gIJ as the fermionic spectrum in Eq. (108). This means that the `photonsa (orbital waves) have the same `speed of lighta as fermions. As a result in a `perfecta system of the Fermi-point universality class, all fermions and bosons acquire the same speed of light in the low-energy corner. 6.4.2. Local symmetry from global continuous and discrete groups There is another important consequence of the double degeneracy of the Fermi point. The global S;(2) group which makes the Fermi point degenerate is applicable only for the vacuum or 1 thermal equilibrium state. In nonequilibrium the collective motion of the vacuum splits the Fermi points: positions of the two points oscillate separately. This does not violate the momentum space topology: the total topological charge of the two Fermi points, N "!2, is conserved in such oscillations. The collective dynamical degrees of freedom of the vacuum, which are responsible for the separate motion of the Fermi points, are viewed by the fermions as local S;(2) gauge "eld. The propagator describing the two fermions, each being the spinor in the Bogoliubov}Nambu space, is the 4;4 matrix. If one neglects the degrees of freedom related to the vierbein then the collective variables which describe the dynamics of the doubly degenerate Fermi point enter the fermionic propagator as G\"\ @eI(p !e A !e =? ) . (131) @ I > I > ? I The cross-term coupling the fermions of di!erent spin projections, =? contains the collective ? I variable =? . This new e!ective "eld acts on chiral quasiparticles as a `weaka S;(2) gauge "eld. I Thus in this e!ective "eld theory the ordinary spin of the He atoms plays the part of the weak isospin [58,48]. The global S;(2) symmetry of the underlying liquid produces the local S;(2) 1 symmetry in e!ective low-energy theory. The `weaka "eld =? is also dynamical and in the leading logarithmic order obeys the Maxwell I (actually Yang}Mills) equations. It is worthwhile to mention that the `weaka charge is also logarithmically screened by the fermionic vacuum with the same coupling constant as in Eq. (128). There is a zero charge e!ect for the S;(2) gauge "eld in He-A [75] instead of the asymptotic freedom in the Standard Model, where the antiscreening is produced by the bosonic degrees of freedom of the vacuum. Since the S;(2) gauge bosons appear in He-A only in the low-energy limit, their contribution to the vacuum polarization is small compared with the fermionic contribution, and thus the antiscreening e!ect can be neglected in spite of the prevailing number of bosons. The same can in principle occur in the Standard Model above, say, GUT scale. Appearance of the local S;(2) symmetry in the low-energy physics of He-A implies that the higher local symmetry groups of our vacuum can, in principle, arise as a consequence of the Fermi point degeneracy. For example, in the Terazava decomposition of 16 fermions into 4 spinons and 4 holons (Section 5.2.1) the four-fold degeneracy can produce both the S;(4) and S;(2) ;S;(2) ! * 0 gauge groups. In particle physics the collective modes related to the shift of the four-momentum are also discussed in terms of the `generalized covariant derivativea [76,77]. In this theory the gauge "elds, the Higgs "elds, and Yukawa interactions, all are realized as shifts of positions of the degenerate Fermi point, with degeneracy corresponding to di!erent quarks and leptons. In principle the S;(N) gauge "elds can appear as a result of discrete symmetry, which being combined with the momentum space topology can play a decisive role in the degeneracy of the massless fermions. In Section 5.2.4 we considered the planar phase of super#uid He where
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momentum-space topology is nontrivial only due to the discrete Z symmetry. The resulting momentum-space invariant is responsible for the degenerate Fermi points, which in turn give rise to chiral fermions and to the e!ective S;(2) gauge "eld in the low-energy corner. In principle, the discrete symmetry can be at the origin of the degeneracy of the Fermi point in the Standard Model too, and it thus can be responsible for the fact that all fermions and bosons have the same speed of light. On the importance and possible decisive role of the discrete symmetries in relativistic quantum "elds see Refs. [78}80]. 6.4.3. Diwerent metrics for diwerent fermions In Eq. (131) we did not take into account that dynamically each of the two elementary Fermi points can have its own vierbein "eld: though in equilibrium their vierbeins coincide due to internal symmetry, they can oscillate separately. As a result the number of the collective modes could increase even more. This is an interesting problem which must be investigated in detail. If the degenerate Fermi point mechanism has really some connection to the dynamical origin of the non-Abelian gauge "elds, we must connect the degeneracy of the Fermi point (number of the fermionic species) with the symmetry group of the gauge "elds. Naive approach leads to extremely high symmetry group. That is why there should be some factors which can restrict the number of the gauge and other massless bosons. For example the extra massless bosons can be killed by some special discrete symmetry between the fermions of the degenerate point. Another source of the reduction of the number of the e!ective "elds has been found by Chadha and Nielsen [2]. They considered the massless electrodynamics with di!erent metric (vierbein) for the left-handed and right-handed fermions. In this model the Lorentz invariance is violated. They found that the two metrics converge to a single one as the energy is lowered. Thus in the low-energy corner the Lorentz invariance becomes better and better, and at the same time the number of independent massless bosonic modes decreases. There is however an open question in the Chadha and Nielsen approach: If the correct covariant terms in action are provided only by the logarithmic selection, then the logarithm is too slow function to account for the high accuracy with which symmetries are observed in nature [81]. As the He-A analogy indicates, the noncovariant terms in e!ective action appear due to integration over fermions far from the Fermi point, where the `Lorentza invariance is not obeyed. Thus to obtain the S;(N) gauge "eld (and Einstein gravity) with high precision the Lorentz invariance in the large range of the trans-Planckian region is needed. In this sense the Lorentz invariance appears to be more fundamental, since it established the local gauge invariance and general covariance of the e!ective theory. 6.4.4. Mass of =-bosons, yat directions and supersymmetry In He-A the S;(2) gauge "eld acquires mass due to the nonrenormalizable terms, which come from the `Planckiana physics. However, in the BCS model the mass of the `=-bosona is exactly zero due to the hidden symmetry of the BCS action, and becomes nonzero only due to the non-BCS corrections: m & /v p . It is interesting that in the BCS theory applied to the He-A state the 5 $ $ hidden symmetry is extended up to the S;(4) group. The reason for such enhancement of symmetry is still unclear. Probably this can be related with the #at directions in the Ginzburg}Landau potential for super#uid He-A obtained within the BCS scheme (some discussion of that can be found in [82,12] and in Section 5.15 of the book [48]) or with the supersymmetry in the BCS
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systems discussed by Nambu [83]. In any case the natural appearance of the groups S;(2) and S;(4) in condensed matter e!ective quantum "eld theory reinforces the G(224) group, discussed in Section 5.2.1, as the candidate for uni"cation of electroweak and strong interactions.
7. Chiral anomaly in condensed matter systems and Standard Model Massless chiral fermions give rise to a number of anomalies in the e!ective action. The advantage of He-A is that this system is complete: not only the `relativistica infrared regime is known, but also the behavior in the ultraviolet `nonrelativistica (or `trans-Planckiana) range is calculable, at least in principle, within the BCS scheme. Since there is no need for a cuto!, all subtle issues of the anomaly can be resolved on physical grounds. The measured quantities related to the anomalies depend on the correct order of imposing limits, i.e. on what parameters of the system tend to zero faster: temperature ¹; external frequency ; inverse quasiparticle lifetime due to collisions with thermal fermions 1/; inverse volume; the distance between the energy levels of fermions, etc. All this is very important for the ¹P0 limit, where is formally in"nite. An example of the crucial di!erence between the results obtained using di!erent limiting procedures is the so called `angular momentum paradoxa in He-A, which is also related to the anomaly: The orbital momentum of the #uid at ¹"0 di!ers by several orders of magnitude, depending on whether the limit is taken while keeping P0 or PR. The `angular momentum paradoxa in He-A has possibly a common origin with the anomaly in the spin structure of hadrons [84]. 7.1. Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation The chiral anomaly is the phenomenon which allows the nucleation of the fermionic charge from the vacuum [85,86]. Such nucleation results from the spectral #ow of the fermionic charge through the Fermi point to high energy. Since the #ux in the momentum space is conserved, it can be equally calculated in the infrared or in the ultraviolet limits. In He-A it is much easier to use the infrared regime, where the fermions obey all the `relativistica symmetries. As a result one obtains the same anomaly equation, which has been derived by Adler and by Bell and Jackiw for the relativistic systems. In relativistic theories the rate of production of the fermionic charge q from the vacuum by applied electric and magnetic "elds is (see Fig. 8) 1 C q eFIJFH . (132) q "R JI" ? ? ? IJ I 8 ? Here q is the charge carried by the ath fermion which is nucleated together with the fermion; e is ? ? the charge of the ath fermion with respect to the gauge "eld FIJ; C "$1 is the chirality of the ? fermion; and FH is the dual "eld strength. IJ In a more general case when the chirality is not readily de"ned the above equation can be presented in terms of the momentum-space topological invariant 1 (QE, N)FIJFH , q " IJ 8 where Q is the matrix of the charges q and E is the matrix of the `electrica charges e . ? ?
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Fig. 8. Spectrum of massless right-handed and left-handed particles with electric charges e and e correspondingly in 0 * a magnetic "eld B along z; the thick lines show the occupied negative-energy states. Motion of the particles in the plane perpendicular to B is quantized into the Landau levels shown. The free motion is thus e!ectively reduced to onedimensional motion along B with momentum p . Because of the chirality of the particles the lowest (n"0) Landau level, X for which E"cp if the particle is right handed or E"!cp if the particle is left handed, is asymmetric: it crosses zero X X only in one direction. If we now apply an electric "eld E along z, the spectral #ow of levels occurs: the right-handed particles are pushed together with the energy levels from negative to positive energies according to the equation of motion p "e E. The whole Dirac sea of the right-handed particles moves up, creating particles and the fermionic charge X 0 q from the vacuum into the positive energy continuum of matter. The same electric "eld pushes the Dirac sea of the 0 left-handed particles down, annihilating the fermionic charge q . There is a net production of the fermionic charge from * the vacuum, if the left}right symmetry is not exact, i.e. if the charges of left and right particles are di!erent. The rate of particle production is proportional to the density of states at the Landau level, which is Je B , so that the rate of production of fermionic charge q from the vacuum is q "(1/4)(q e !q e )E ) B. 0 0 * *
The Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation (132) is fully covariant and thus can be applied to He-A after expressing the gauge "eld and fermionic charge in terms of the He-A observables. The e!ective `magnetica and `electrica "elds in He-A are simulated by the space and time dependent lK -texture: B"p o ;lK and E"p R lK . The Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation has been veri"ed in He-A experi$ $ R ments (see Section 7.5). In particle physics the only evidence of axial anomaly is related to the decay of the neutral pion P2, although the anomalous nonconservation of the baryonic charge has been used in di!erent cosmological scenaria explaining an excess of matter over antimatter in the Universe (see review [87]).
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7.2. Anomalous nonconservation of baryonic charge In the standard electroweak model there is an additional accidental global symmetry ;(1) whose classically conserved charge is the baryon number B. Each of the quarks is assigned B"1/3 while the leptons (neutrino and electron) have B"0. The baryonic number is not fundamental quantity, since it is not conserved in uni"ed theories, such as G(224) or SO(10), where leptons and quarks are combined in the same multiplet. At low energy the matrix elements for transformation of quarks to leptons are extremely small and the baryonic charge can be considered as a good quantum number with high precision. However, it can be produced due to the axial anomaly, in which it is generated from the vacuum due to spectral #ow. In the Standard Model there are two gauge "elds whose `electrica and `magnetica "elds become a source for baryoproduction: The hypercharge "eld ;(1) and the weak "eld S;(2) . Let us "rst consider the e!ect of the hypercharge 7 * "eld. The production rate of baryonic charge in the presence of hyperelectric and hypermagnetic "elds is N 1 (YB, N)B ) E " $ (> #> !> !> )B ) E , 7 7 4 B0 S0 B* S* 7 7 4
where N is the number of families, > , > , > and > are hypercharges of right and left u and $ B0 S0 B* S* d quarks. Since the hypercharges of left and right fermions are di!erent (see Eq. (115)), one obtains the nonzero value of (YB, N)"1/2, and thus a nonzero production of baryons by the hypercharge "eld N $ B )E . 8 7 7
The weak "eld also contributes to the production of the baryonic charge: 1 N (W* W* B, N)B@ ) E "! $ B@ ) E . 5 @5 4 8 5 @5
Thus the total rate of baryon production in the Standard Model takes the form 1 BQ " [(YB, N)B ) E #((W* )B, N)B@ ) E ] 7 7 5 @5 4 N " $ (B ) E !B@ ) E ) . 5 @5 8 7 7
(137) (138)
The same equation describes the production of the leptonic charge ¸: one has ¸Q "BQ since B!¸ is conserved due to anomaly cancellation. This means that production of one lepton is followed by production of three baryons. The second term in Eq. (137), which comes from non-Abelian S;(2) "eld, shows that the * nucleation of baryons occurs when the topological charge of the vacuum changes, say, by sphaleron or due to de-linking of linked loops of the cosmic strings [88}90]. This term is another example of interplay of the momentum-space and real-space topologies discussed in Section 4.4. It is the density of the topological charge in real space multiplied by the factor ((W* )B, N), which is
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the invariant in the momentum space. The "rst nontopological term in Eq. (137) describes the exchange of the baryonic (and leptonic) charge between the hypermagnetic "eld and the fermionic degrees of freedom. It is important that Eq. (137) is completely determined by the invariants of the Fermi point and is valid even in the nonrelativistic systems. That is why the same equation can be applied to He-A after being adjusted to the He-A symmetry. 7.3. Analog of baryogenesis in He-A: momentum exchange between superyuid vacuum and quasiparticle matter In He-A the relevant fermionic charge, which is important for the dynamics of super#uid liquid, is the linear momentum. The super#uid background moving with velocity * and the normal component moving with velocity * can exchange momentum. This exchange is mediated by the texture of the lK "eld, which carries continuous vorticity (see Eq. (103)). The momentum of the #owing vacuum is transferred to the momentum carried by texture, and then from texture to the system of quasiparticles. The force between the super#uid and normal components arising due to this momentum exchange is usually called the mutual friction, though the term friction is not very good since some or essential part of this force is reversible and thus nondissipative. In super#uids and superconductors with curl-free super#uid velocity * , the mutual friction is produced by the dynamics of quantized vortices which serve as mediator. Here we are interested in the process of the momentum transfer from the texture to quasiparticles. It can be described in terms of the chiral anomaly, since as we know the lK texture plays the part of the ;(1) e!ective gauge "eld acting on relativistic quasiparticles, and these quasiparticles are chiral. Thus we have all the conditions to apply the axial anomaly equation (132) to this process of transformation of the fermionic charge carried by magnetic "eld (texture) to the fermionic charge carried by chiral particles (normal component) (Fig. 9). When a chiral quasiparticle crosses zero energy in its spectral #ow it carries with it its linear momentum P"$p lK . That is why this P is the $ proper fermionic charge q which enters the Eq. (132), and the rate of the momentum production from the texture is 1 1 (PE, N)B ) E" B ) E P C e . (139) PQ " ? ? ? 4 4 ? Here B"(p / );lK and E"(p / )R lK are e!ective `magnetica and `electrica "elds; E is the matrix $ $ R of corresponding `electrica charges in Eq. (98): e "!C (the `electrica charge is opposite to the ? ? chirality of the He-A quasiparticle, see Eq. (99)); and P "!C p lK is the momentum (fermionic ? ? $ charge) carried by the ath fermionic quasiparticle. Using this translation to the He-A language one obtains that the momentum production from the texture per unit time per unit volume is p PQ "! $ lK (R lK ) (;lK )) . 2 R
It is interesting to follow the history of this term in He-A. First the nonconservation of the momentum of the super#uid vacuum at ¹"0 has been found from the general consideration of the super#uid hydrodynamics of the vacuum [91]. Later it was found that the quasiparticles must
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Fig. 9. Production of the fermionic charge in He-A (linear momentum) and in Standard Model (baryonic number) are described by the same Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation. Integration of the anomalous momentum production over the cross section of the moving continuous vortex gives the loss of linear momentum and thus the additional force per unit length acting on the vortex due to spectral #ow.
be nucleated whose momentum production rate is described by the same Eq. (140), but with the opposite sign [92]. Thus the total momentum of the system has been proved to conserve. In the same paper Ref. [92] it was "rst found that the quasiparticle states in He-A in the presence of twisted texture of lK (i.e. the texture with ;lK O0) has a strong analogy with the eigenstates of a massless charged particle in a magnetic "eld. Then it became clear [93] that the momentum production is described by the same equation as the axial anomaly in relativistic quantum "eld theory. Now we know why it happens: The spectral #ow from the texture to the `mattera occurs through the Fermi point and thus it can be described by the physics in the vicinity of the Fermi point, where the `relativistica quantum "eld theory with chiral fermions necessarily arises and thus the anomalous #ow of momentum can be described in terms of the Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation. 7.4. Axial anomaly and force on He-A vortices 7.4.1. Continuous vortex texture From the underlying microscopic theory we know that the total linear momentum of the liquid is conserved. The Eq. (140) thus implies that in the presence of a time-dependent texture the momentum is transferred from the texture (the distorted super#uid vacuum or magnetic "eld) to the heat bath of quasiparticles (analogue of matter). The rate of the momentum transfer gives an extra force acting on a moving lK -texture. This force in#uences the dynamics of the continuous texture, which represents the vortex in He-A (it is an analog of stringy texture in the Standard Model [94]), and this force has been measured in experiments on the rotating He-A [45] (see Section 7.5). The continuous vortex texture, "rst discussed by Chechetkin [95] and Anderson and Toulouse [96] (ATC vortex, Fig. 10), has in its simplest axisymmetric form the following distribution of the lK -"eld (z( , ( and K are unit vectors of the cylindrical coordinate system) lK (, )"z( cos ()#r( sin () ,
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Fig. 10. Top: An n "2 continuous vortex in He-A. The arrows indicate the local direction of the order parameter vector lK . Under experimental conditions the direction of the lK -vector in the bulk liquid far from the soft core is kept in the plane perpendicular to applied magnetic "eld far from the core. This does not change the topology of the Anderson} Toulouse}Chechetkin vortex: the lK -vector covers the whole 4 sphere within the soft core. As a result there is 4 winding of the phase of the order parameter around the soft core, which corresponds to n "2 quanta of anticlockwise circulation. Bottom: The NMR absorption in the characteristic vortex satellite originates from the soft core where the lK orientation deviates from the homogeneous alignment in the bulk. Each soft core contributes equally to the intensity of the satellite peak and gives a practical tool for measuring the number of vortices.
where () changes from (0)"0 to (R)". Such skyrmionic lK -texture forms the so called soft core of the vortex, since the region of texture contains nonzero vorticity of super#uid velocity in Eq. (102):
[1!cos ()]K , ;* " sin R z( . * (, )" 2m M 2m
In comparison to a more familiar singular vortex, the continuous vortex has a regular super#uid velocity "eld * , with no singularity on the vortex axis. However, the circulation of the super#uid velocity about the soft core is still quantized: Z dx ) * " with "2 /m. This is twice the conventional circulation quantum number in the pair-correlated system, "2 /2m, where 2m is the mass of the Cooper pair, i.e. the winding number of this vortex is n "2. Quantization of circulation in continuous vortex is related to the topology of the lK -"eld: according to Mermin-Ho relation (103) the lK -vector covers the whole 4 sphere when the soft core is swept:
dx dy lK )
RlK RlK ; "4 . Rx Ry
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This also re#ects the interplay of the real-space and momentum-space topologies, since the lK -vector shows the position of the Fermi point in the momentum space. The general rule is: if the Fermi point a with the momentum-space topological charge N sweeps the 4n solid angle in ? ? the soft core of the vortex, the real-space topological charge of the vortex (the winding number) will be [31] 1 (144) n " n N . ? ? 2 ? For the Anderson}Toulouse}Chechetkin texture in Eq. (141) the Fermi point with N "2 sweeps 4 angle, while the Fermi point with N "!2 sweeps !4 solid angle, as a result the winding number of the vortex is n "2 (see also Section 9.1.3). 7.4.2. Spectral-yow force acting on a continuous vortex The stationary vortex has nonzero e!ective `magnetica "eld, B"(p );lK . If the vortex moves $ with a constant velocity * with respect to the heat bath the moving texture acquires the time * dependence, lK (r!* t), and this leads to the e!ective `electrica "eld * p 1 (145) E" R A"! $ (* ) )lK .
R Since B ) EO0, the motion of the vortex leads to the production of the quasiparticle momenta by the spectral #ow. This means the transfer of the momentum from the vortex texture to the heat bath of quasiparticles, if the vortex moves with respect to the heat bath (normal component of the liquid or `mattera). In other words, if * O* there is a force acting between the normal component and * the vortex. This force (per unit length) is obtained by integration of the anomalous momentum transfer in Eq. (140) over the cross-section of the soft core of the moving ATC vortex:
p p F " d $ lK (R lK ) (;lK ))" d $ lK (((* !* ) ) )lK ) (;lK )) * 2 R 2 "!2 C z( ;(* !* ) , *
where p C " $ . 3
The spectral-#ow force in Eq. (146) is transverse to the relative motion of the vortex with respect to the heat bath and thus is nondissipative (reversible). In this derivation it was assumed that the quasiparticles and their momenta, created by the spectral #ow from the inhomogeneous vacuum, are "nally absorbed by the normal component. The retardation in the process of absorption and also the viscosity of the normal component lead to a dissipative (friction) force between the vortex and the normal component: F "!(* !* ). There is no momentum exchange between * the vortex texture and the normal component if they move with the same velocity; according to Section 3.6 the condition that * "0 in the texture frame is one of the conditions of the global thermodynamic equilibrium, when the dissipation is absent.
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7.4.3. Topological stability of spectral yow force. Spectral yow force from Novikov}Wess}Zumino action The same result for the force in Eq. (146) was obtained in a microscopic theory by Kopnin [97]. He used the quasiclassical approach, which is valid at energies well above the "rst Planck scale, E< /v p , i.e. well outside the `relativistica domain, where the Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation is $ $ certainly nonapplicable. This re#ects the fact that the spectral #ow, the #ow of levels along the energy spectrum which governs the axial anomaly, does not depend on energy and can be calculated at any energy scale. In Kopnin's essentially nonrelativistic calculations no notion of axial anomaly was invoked. The spectral-#ow force (146) does not depend on the details of the vortex structure as well. It can be derived for the general continuous vortex texture (see [98]); the only input is the topology of the vortex given by equation n "2 or by Eq. (143). This force can be obtained directly from the topological Novikov}Wess}Zumino type action describing the anomaly (see second paper in Ref. [15]). This Novikov}Wess}Zumino action comes from the Berry phase [99]. In the frame of the heat bath it has the same form as Eq. (9) for ferromagnets [48,99]
C S " dx dt d lK ) (R lK ;R lK ) . R O ,58 2
Here the unit vector lK along the orbital momentum of Cooper pairs substitutes the unit vector of spin magnetization in ferromagnets, with magnitude of the momentum being M"C /2. For the vortex `center of massa moving along the trajectory r (t, ) the vortex texture has the form * lK (r, t, )"lK (r!r (t, )), and the action for the vortex coordinate becomes (per unit length of the * vortex)
RlK C RlK S " dx lK ) ; ,58 RxG RxH 2 * *
dt d R xG R xH "2C e z( I dt d R xG R xH R * O * GHI R * O *
"!C e z( I dt vG xH . * * GHI
(149) (150)
Here we used Eq. (143) for the mapping of the cross-section of the vortex to the sphere of unit vector lK . Variation of the vortex action in Eq. (150) over the vortex coordinate x (t) (with * "R x) * * R gives the spectral #ow force acting on the vortex in Eq. (146). Translation of Eq. (148) to the relativistic quantum "eld theory language gives the action, whose variation represents the anomalous current (see [48]). For, say, hypermagnetic "eld this variation is
1 S " (Y, N)e?@IJ dx dt A R A A . ,58 2 @ I J ?
In the Standard Model the prefactor is zero due to anomaly cancellation. 7.4.4. Vortex texture as a mediator of momentum exchange The spectral #ow force F is thus robust against any deformation of the lK -texture which does not change its asymptote, i.e. the topology (the winding number n "2) of the vortex. In this respect the spectral-#ow force between the vortex texture and the bath of quasiparticles resembles another force. This is the force between the vortex texture and the super#uid vacuum, which acts on the
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vortex moving with respect to the super#uid vacuum, and is well-known as the Magnus lifting force: F "2 nz( ;(* !* (R)) , (152) + * where again n is the particle density } the number density of He atoms; * (R) is the uniform velocity of the super#uid vacuum far from the vortex. Let us recall that the vortex texture (or quantized vortex in ;(1) super#uids) serves as mediator (intermediate object) for the momentum exchange between the super#uid vacuum and the fermionic heat bath of quasiparticles (normal component or `mattera). The momentum is transferred from the vacuum to texture (this produces the Magnus force acting on the vortex texture from the super#uid vacuum) and then from the texture to the `mattera (with minus sign this is the spectral-#ow force in Eq. (146) acting on the vortex texture from the normal component). In this respect the texture (or vortex) corresponds to the sphaleron or to the cosmic string in relativistic theories which also mediate the exchange of fermionic charges between the quantum vacuum and the matter. If the other processes are neglected then in the steady state these two forces acting on the texture, from vacuum and from `mattera, must compensate each other. From this balance of the two forces one obtains that the vortex must move with the constant velocity determined by the velocities * and * of vacuum and `mattera respectively: * "(n* !C * )/(n!C ). However this is valid * only under special conditions. Firstly the dissipative friction must be taken into account. It comes in particular from the retardation of the spectral #ow process. The retardation also modi"es the nondissipative spectral #ow force as we shall see on example of the He-B vortex in Section 9.2.1. Secondly, the analogy with the gravity shows that there is one more force of topological origin } the so-called Iordanskii force in Eq. (11.4.4). It comes from the gravitational analog of the Aharonov}Bohm e!ect experienced by (quasi)particles moving in the presence of the spinning cosmic string (see Section 11.4.4). 7.5. Experimental verixcation of Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation in rotating He-A The spectral #ow force acting on the vortex has been measured in experiments on vortex dynamics in He-A [45,100]. In such experiments a uniform array of vortices is produced by rotating the whole cryostat. In equilibrium the vortices and the normal component of the #uid (heat bath of quasiparticles) rotate together with the cryostat. An electrostatically driven vibrating diaphragm produces an oscillating super#ow, which via the Magnus force acting on vortices from the super#uid velocity "eld * generates the vortex motion. The normal component remains clamped in the frame of the vessel due to its high viscosity in He. This creates a motion of vortices with respect both to the heat bath (`mattera) and the super#uid vacuum. The vortex velocity * is * determined by the overall balance of forces acting on the vortices. This includes the spectral #ow force F in Eq. (146); the Magnus force F in Eq. (152); the friction force F "!(* !* ); and + * the Iordanskii force in Eq. (11.4.4) coming from the gravitational analog of the Aharonov}Bohm e!ect (see Section 11.4.4). For the doubly quantized vortex (n "2) the Iordanskii force is (see Eq. (332) below): F "2 n z( ;(* (R)!* ) . '
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Since for the steady-state motion of vortices the sum of all forces acting on the vortex must be zero, F #F #F #F "0, one has the following equation for * : + ' * z( ;(* !* (R))#d z( ;(* !* )#d (* !* )"0 , (154) * , * , * where n!C , (155) d "1! , n (¹) n (¹)"n!n (¹) is the density of the super#uid component; and d "/2n . , Measurement of the damping of the diaphragm resonance and of the coupling between di!erent eigenmodes of vibrations enables both dimensionless parameters, d and d , to be deduced. The , , most important for us is the parameter d , which gives information on the spectral #ow parameter , C . The e!ect of the chiral anomaly is crucial for C : If there is no anomaly then C "0 and d "n (¹)/n (¹); if the anomaly is fully realized the parameter C has its maximal value, , C "p /3 , which coincides with the particle density of liquid He in the normal state, Eq. (59). $ The di!erence between the particle density of liquid He in the normal state C and the particle density of liquid He in super#uid He-A state n at the same chemical potential is determined by the tiny e!ect of super#uid correlations on the particle density and is extremely small: n!C &n( /v p )"n(c /c )&10\n; in this case one must have d +1 for all practical $ $ , , , temperatures, even including the region close to ¹ , where the super#uid component n (¹)&n(1!¹/¹) is small. He-A experiments, made in the whole temperature range where He-A is stable, gave precisely this value within experimental uncertainty, 1!d (0.005 [45] , (see Fig. 11). This means that the anomaly is fully realized in the dynamics of the lK texture and provides an experimental veri"cation of the Adler}Bell}Jackiw axial anomaly equation (132), applied to He-A. This supports the idea that baryonic charge (as well as leptonic charge) can be generated by electroweak gauge "elds through the anomaly. In the same experiments with the He-B vortices the e!ect analogous to the axial anomaly is temperature dependent and one has the crossover from the regime of maximal spectral #ow with d +1 at high ¹ to the regime of fully suppressed spectral #ow with d "n (¹)/n (¹) at low ¹ (see , , Section 9.2.2 and Fig. 18). The reason for that is that Eq. (132) for axial anomaly and the corresponding equation (140) for the momentum production are valid only in the limit of continuous spectrum, i.e. when the distance between the energy levels of fermions in the texture is much smaller than the inverse quasiparticle lifetime: ;1. The spectral #ow completely disappears in the opposite case <1, because the spectrum becomes e!ectively discrete. As a result, the force acting on a vortex texture di!ers by several orders of magnitude for the cases ;1 and <1. The parameter is regulated by temperature. In case of He-A the vortices are continuous, the size of the soft core of the vortex is large and thus the distance between the quasiparticle levels in the soft core is extremely small compared to 1/. This means that the spectral #ow in He-A vortices is maximum possible and the Adler} Bell}Jackiw anomaly equation is applicable there for all practical temperatures. This was experimentally con"rmed. Note in conclusion of this section that the spectral #ow realized by moving vortex can be considered as the exchange of fermionic charge between the 3#1 fermionic system outside the
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Fig. 11. A uniform array of vortices is produced by rotating the whole cryostat, and oscillatory super#ow perpendicular to the rotation axis is produced by a vibrating diaphragm, while the normal #uid (thermal excitations) is clamped by viscosity, * "0. The velocity * of the vortex array is determined by the overall balance of forces acting on the vortices. * These vortices produce additional dissipation proportional to d and coupling between two orthogonal modes , proportional to 1!d . (After Bevan et al. [100].) ,
vortex core and the 1#1 fermions living in the vortex core. This corresponds to the Callan} Harvey process of anomaly cancellation [101] between the systems of di!erent dimension [102,103] (see also Section 9.2).
8. Macroscopic parity violating e4ects 8.1. Helicity in parity violating systems Parity violation, the asymmetry between left and right, is one of the fundamental properties of the quantum vacuum. This e!ect is strong at high energy of the order of electroweak scale, but is almost imperceptible in the low-energy condensed matter physics. Since at this scale the left and right particles are hybridized and only the left}right symmetric charges survive. For example, Leggett's suggestion to observe the macroscopic e!ect of parity violation using such macroscopically coherent atomic system as super#uid He-B is very far from realization [104,16]. On the other hand, an analog of parity violation exists in super#uid He-A alongside with the related phenomena, such as chiral anomaly which we discussed in previous section and macroscopic chiral currents (for a review see Refs. [16,48]). So, if we cannot investigate the macroscopic parity violating e!ects directly we can simulate analogous physics in He-A.
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Most of the macroscopic parity violating phenomena are related to helicity: the energy of the system in which the parity is broken contains the helicity term A ) (;A), where A is the relevant collective vector "eld. To have such terms the parity P must be violated together with all the combinations containing other discrete symmetries, such as CP, P¹, CP¹, P; (where ; is the rotation by ), etc. Since they contain the "rst-order derivative of the order parameter, such terms sometimes cause the instability of the vacuum towards the spatially inhomogeneous state, the so-called helical instability. In nematic liquid crystals, for example, the excess of the chiral molecules of one preferred chirality leads to the helicity term, n( ) (;n( ), for the nematic vector (director) "eld n( . This leads to formation of the cholesteric structure, the helix. The same phenomenon occurs in super#uid He-A, where under some conditions there is a helical instability of the homogeneous counter#ow w"* !* , which we discuss in this section. The interest to this instability arises because it is an exact counterpart of the helical instability discussed in relativistic systems in Refs. [105,106]. According to Joyce and Shaposhnikov, the system with an excess of the fermionic charge exhibiting Abelian anomaly, such as right-handed electron number, is unstable towards formation of the helical hypermagnetic "eld B . The formed "eld B , after the electroweak 7 7 transition occurs, is transformed to electromagnetic magnetic "eld B("B ). Thus the helical / instability can serve as a source of formation of primordial cosmological magnetic "elds (see also recent review paper on cosmic magnetic "elds [107] and references therein). Here we show that the helical instability of the counter#ow in He-A and the helical instability of the equilibrium plasma of right-handed electrons are the same phenomena and are described by the same e!ective action, which contains the Chern}Simons helical term (Fig. 12). 8.2. Chern}Simons energy term 8.2.1. Chern}Simons term in Standard Model Due to axial anomaly fermionic charge, say, baryonic or leptonic, can be transferred to the `inhomogeneitya of the vacuum. This inhomogeneity, which absorbs the fermionic charge, arises as a helix of magnetic "eld con"guration, say, hypermagnetic "eld. According to axial anomaly equation (133), the fermionic charge density Q absorbed by the hypermagnetic "eld, is 1 (QY, N)A ) (;A ) . Q A " 7 7 7 2
Let us recall that for the noninteracting relativistic fermions this equation reads 1 Q A " A ) (;A ) C Q > , (157) 7 7 ? ? ? 2 7 ? where again a marks the fermionic species; C "$1 is the chirality of the fermion; > and Q are ? ? ? correspondingly the hypercharge of the ath fermion and its relevant fermionic charge, whose absorption by the hyper"eld we discuss. The fermionic charge which we are interested in is the fermionic number Q "3B #¸ . ? ? ? If the fermions are noninteracting and their chemical potentials are nonzero, then the energy ? functional contains the term which describes the conservation of 3B #¸ , ? ? ! n , n "n #n A . (158) ? ? ? ? ? 7 ?
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Fig. 12. The fermionic charge of right-handed minus that of left-handed particles is conserved at the classical level but not if quantum properties of the physical vacuum are taken into account. This charge can be transferred to the `inhomogeneitya of the vacuum via the axial anomaly in the process of the helical instability. The inhomogeneity which absorbs the fermionic charge arises as a hypermagnetic "eld con"guration in the Standard Model and as the lK -texture in He-A, which is analogous to the magnetic "eld.
Here n is the total charge density 3B #¸ , which is the sum of the charge density n stored ? ? ? ? by the system of fermionic quasiparticles and the charge density n A stored by the ;(1) gauge ? 7 7 "eld. The latter gives the Chern}Simons energy of the hypercharge ;(1) "eld in the presence of 7 nonzero chemical potentials : ? 1 F A "! n A "! A ) (;A ) C > . (159) !1 7 ? ? 7 7 ? ? ? 8 7 ? ? As an example let us consider the uni"cation scale, where all the fermions have the same chemical potential , since they can transform to each other at this scale. From the generating function for the Standard Model in Eq. (120) one has C >"(Y, N)"2N and thus the ? ? ? $ Chern}Simons energy of the hypercharge "eld at high energy becomes N F A "! $ A ) (;A ) . 7 !1 7 4 7
8.2.2. Chern}Simons energy in He-A Let us consider the He-A counterpart of the Chern}Simons term. It arises in the lK texture in the presence of the homogeneous counter#ow w"* !* "wz( of the normal component with respect
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to the super#uid vacuum. As will be clear below in Eq. (167), at nonzero ¹ the counter#ow orients the lK vector along the axis of the counter#ow, so that the equilibrium orientations of the lK "eld are lK "$z( . Since lK is a unit vector, its variation lK NlK . In the gauge "eld analogy, in which the e!ective vector potential is A"p lK , this corresponds to the gauge choice A"0. $ In the presence of counter#ow the energy of quasiparticles, which enters the equilibrium distribution function in Eq. (10), is Doppler shifted by an amount !p ) w. In the low-energy limit, i.e. in the vicinity of the two Fermi points, this energy shift can be approximated as !p ) w+C p (lK ) w), and the distribution function of the low-energy quasiparticles acquires the ? $ relativistic form
f ( p)" exp ?
\ E( p)! ? $1 , ¹
with the e!ective chemical potential produced by the counter#ow: "!C p (lK ) w) . (162) ? ? $ The e!ective chemical potential for quasiparticles is distinct from the chemical potential ? introduced earlier in Eqs. (5) and (54), which is the true chemical potential of the original bare particles, atoms of the underlying liquid, He atoms in Section 2 and He atoms in Section 4. The latter arises from the microscopic physics as a result of the conservation of number of atoms. The e!ective chemical potential for quasiparticles appears only in the low-energy corner, i.e. in ? the vicinity of the ath node, since in general there is no conservation law for quasiparticle number. The relevant fermionic charge of He-A exhibiting the Abelian anomaly is, as in Eq. (139), the momentum of quasiparticles along lK , i.e. P "!C p lK . According to Eq. (157) where the fermionic ? ? $ charge Q is speci"ed as P , the helicity of the e!ective gauge "eld A"p lK carries the following ? ? $ linear momentum (mass current): 1 p P A " A ) (;A) C P e"! $ lK (lK ) (;lK )) . (163) ? ? ? 8 4 ? The total linear momentum density stored both in the heat bath of quasiparticles (`mattera) and in the texture (`hyper"elda) is thus P"P #P" pf ( p)#P A .
The kinetic energy of the liquid, which is stored in the counter#ow, is !(* !* )P"!w pf ( p)!wP A . p
The second term in the RHS of this equation is the analogue of the Chern}Simons energy in Eq. (159), which is now the energy stored by the lK "eld in the presence of the counter#ow: 1 p F lK "! A ) (;A) C e,! $ (lK ) w)(lK ) (;lK )) . !1 ? ? ? 8 4 ?
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The last term for the helical energy carried by the texture in the presence of the counter#ow was obtained in a microscopic theory of He-A (it is the 4th term in Eq. (7.210) of Ref. [16]). Note again, that in the microscopic theory the quasiclassical approach was used, which is applicable in the energy range <¹< /v p , i.e. well above the `relativistica domain. While in the present $ $ derivation we used the `relativistica domain ¹; /v p , where the physics can be discussed in $ $ terms of the Abelian anomaly. The results nevertheless coincide, which indicates that the phenomenon of anomaly is not restricted by the relativistic domain. 8.2.3. Kinetic energy of counteryow in He-A and its analog for chiral fermions To connect the phenomena of helical instability in He-A and Standard Model, we must also "nd the correspondence between the other terms related to the e!ect. First let us compare the kinetic energy of pure counter#ow and the energy density `sittinga in the plasma of right electrons in the Joyce}Shaposhnikov scenario of magnetogenesis. The "rst term in the RHS of Eq. (165) together with the quasiparticle energy p E( p) f ( p) reads 1 7 mHp $ ¹! mn (w ) lK ) . (167) 2 , 180 The "rst term in Eq. (167) is the thermal energy of the gapless fermions in He-A. The second term in Eq. (167) is with the minus sign the kinetic energy of the counter#ow. Here n is the density of , the normal component for the #ow along lK (see Eq. (11) in Section 2.3): mH ¹ . (168) n "n lK lK #n ( !lK lK ), n + p GI , G I , GI GI , 3m $ It is the second term in Eq. (167) which provides the preferred orientation of the lK "eld by the counter#ow velocity. As will be shown in Section 8.2.4 below it is responsible for the mass of the gauge "eld boson. Now using He-A-Standard Model dictionary let us write Eq. (167) in the relativistic form applicable both for He-A and the system of chiral fermions: (!g 7 (!g¹ 1! ¹ . (169) (¹, )"(¹, 0)#(¹, )" ? ? ? 12 180 ? ? In He-A the determinant of the metric tensor g is according to Eq. (108): IJ 1 mHp $ . " (170) (!g" c c , , The second term (¹, ) in Eq. (169), which is (with minus sign) the kinetic energy of pure ? counter#ow, is precisely the relevant energy of the right-handed electrons of order ¹ in the 0 Joyce}Shaposhnikov scenario. (In both systems it is assumed that ;¹, which means p w;¹ ? $ in He-A.) The minus sign in the kinetic energy of quasiparticles in Eq. (167) occurs since the counter#ow velocity w is kept "xed. This corresponds to the minus sign in the relativistic version, Eq. (169), where the chemical potentials are kept "xed.
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In principle, we have now all the ingredients of the Joyce}Shaposhnikov scenario in He-A: (i) Analog of the energy `sittinga in right electrons of order ¹ in Eq. (169); (ii) Analog of the 0 Chern}Simons term of order kA in Eq. (166), where k is the momentum of the hypercharge "eld; 0 and (iii) Analog of the energy of the hypercharge "eld in Eq. (126) of order kA. Since the linear in k term can be negative, magnetic perturbations with k( have negative energy. Thus the system 0 is unstable towards the production of the hypermagnetic "eld, which absorbs the fermionic number until all the fermionic charge is transferred from the thermal electrons to the helical magnetic "eld. The same instability must occur in He-A, which corresponds to the creation of the helical lK texture, which absorbs the linear momentum of the counter#ow. The di!erence between the two systems is that the practical temperatures in He are not extremely small compared to the Planck energy scale. That is why the e!ects of the trans-Planckian physics which in particular gives rise to the mass of `hyperphotona M can be essential. The mass term M A provides the threshold for the helical instability. 8.2.4. Mass of hyperphoton The analog of the mass of hyperphoton can be obtained from Eq. (167) by expanding the unit vector lK up to the second order in deviations: lK "lK #lK !(1/2)lK (lK ). Inserting this equation to Eq. (167) and neglecting the terms which do not contain the lK "eld one obtains the energy whose translation to the relativistic language represents the mass term for the ;(1) gauge "eld: 7 1 (171) F " mn w(lK ) lK )
4 , ¹ 1 e . (172) , (!ggGIA A G I ? ? 12 ? In He-A the mass M &¹/ of the `hyperphotona is physical and important for the dynamics of the lK -vector. It determines the gap in the spectrum of orbital waves } propagating oscillations of lK [73]. This mass appears due to the presence of the counter#ow, which orients lK and thus provides the restoring force for oscillations of lK . In principle, the similar mass can exist for the real hyperphoton. If the Standard Model is an e!ective theory, the local ;(1) symmetry arises only in the low-energy corner and thus is 7 approximate. It can be violated (not spontaneously but gradually) by the higher-order terms, which contain the Planck cuto!. Let us recall that the cuto! parameter does play the part of one of the Planck energy scales. The Eq. (172) suggests that the mass of the hyperphoton could arise if both the temperature ¹ and the chemical potential are "nite. This mass disappears in the limit of an ? in"nite cuto! parameter or is negligibly small, if the cuto! is of Planck scale E . The He-A . example thus provides an illustration of how the nonrenormalizable terms are suppressed by small ratio of the energy to the fundamental energy scale of the theory [3] and how the terms of order (¹/E ) appear in the e!ective quantum "eld theory [4]. . On the other hand, the mass term can be obtained in the e!ective theory too, if one relates it to the gravity, which is also determined by the Planck energy scale. The nonzero chemical potential in Eq. (169) gives the nonzero trace of energy momentum tensor for quasiparticles (matter) according to Eq. (45): ¹I "2(¹, ) . I ?
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Using the Einstein equation, R"!8G¹I , Eq. (172) can be transformed to I 1 e F " (!ggGIA A R ? ? ? . (174)
16G G I ? ? The microscopic parameters and G&\ cancel each other, so that no cuto! parameter enters the mass term. This e!ective action is general covariant and scale invariant but it violates the gauge symmetry. Applying this for the hypermagnetic "eld A with charges e "> , and identifying 7 ? ? G "GE"1 one obtains for the case of equal chemical potentials: . 5 1 (!ggIJA A R . (175) F " I7 J7
24 16 In principle the term (!g¹gGIA A /E is also possible, which gives the hyperphoton mass of G I . order ¹/E . . 8.3. Helical instability and `magnetogenesisa by chiral fermions The Chern}Simons term in Eqs. (159) and (166) is odd under spatial parity transformation and thus can have a negative sign for the properly chosen "eld or texture. Thus one can have an energy gain from the transformation of the fermionic charge to the ;(1) gauge "eld. This is the essence of the Joyce}Shaposhnikov scenario for the generation of primordial magnetic "eld [105,106]. In He-A language this process describes the collapse of the counter#ow, where the relevant fermionic charge carried by fermionic quasiparticles is the linear momentum (mass current), towards the formation of lK -texture with the same momentum. Such a collapse of quasiparticle momentum was recently observed in the rotating cryostat of the Helsinki Low Temperature Laboratory [108,10] (Fig. 13). 8.3.1. Helical instability condition The instability can be found by investigation of the eigenvalues of the quadratic form describing the energy in terms of the deviations from the homogeneous counter#ow, which play the part of the `hypermagnetica "eld A"p lK . The quadratic form contains Eqs. (127), (166) and (171) describing $ correspondingly the `magnetica energy, the Chern}Simons energy, and the term giving the mass of the `hyperphotona. In He-A notations this is ¹ 12 F lK "(R lK ) ln !3mHwlK ) (z( ;R lK )#(mHw) (lK ) X X ¹ p v $ $ or after the rescaling of the coordinates z "zmHw/
4F lK
¹ "(R lK ) ln !3lK ) (z( ;R lK )# (lK ) . (177) X X C mHw ¹ The quadratic form in Eq. (177) becomes negative and thus the uniform counter#ow becomes unstable towards the nucleation of the lK -texture if 9 ¹ ln ( . ¹ 4 If this condition is ful"lled, the instability occurs for any value of the counter#ow.
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Fig. 13. Left: The vortex-free state in the vessel rotating with angular velocity contains a counter#ow, w"* !* ";rO0, since the average velocity of quasiparticles (the normal component) is * ";r and is not equal to the velocity of the super#uid vacuum, which is at rest, * "0. In the counter#ow state, the quasiparticles have a net momentum Jn w. In the presence of counter#ow w, the energy of quasiparticles is Doppler shifted by the amount p ) w+$p (lK ) w). The counter#ow therefore produces what would be an e!ective chemical potential in particle physics. $ For right-handed particles, this is "p (lK ) w) and for left-handed particles it is "! . Thus rotation produces an 0 $ * 0 excess of the fermionic charge quasiparticle momentum, which is analogous to the excess of the leptonic charge of chiral right-handed electrons if their chemical potential is nonzero. Middle: When the excess of quasiparticle momentum 0 reaches the critical value, the helical instability occurs, which is marked by abrupt jump of the intensity of the NMR satellite peak from zero, which signals appearance of the lK -texture, playing the part of the magnetic "eld (after Ruutu et al. [109]). Right: The "nal result of the helical instability is a periodic array of continuous n "2 vortices (Top). Formation of these vortices leads to the e!ective solid body rotation of super#uid vacuum with * +;r. This essentially decreases the counter#ow and thus the fermionic charge. Thus a part of the fermionic charge is transformed into `hypermagnetica "eld.
In relativistic theories, where the temperature is always smaller than the Planck cuto! , the condition corresponding to Eq. (178) is always ful"lled. Thus the excess of the fermionic charge is always unstable towards nucleation of the hypermagnetic "eld, if the fermions are massless, i.e. above the electroweak transition. In the scenario of the magnetogenesis developed by Joyce and Shaposhnikov [105,106], this instability is responsible for the genesis of the hypermagnetic "eld well above the electroweak transition. The role of the subsequent electroweak transition is to transform this hypermagnetic "eld to the conventional (electromagnetic ;(1) ) magnetic "eld due / to the electroweak symmetry breaking. 8.3.2. Experimental `magnetogenesisa in rotating He-A In He-A the helical instability is suppressed by another mass of the `hyperphotona, which comes from the spin}orbit interaction !g (lK ) dK ) between the orbital vector lK and the vector dK , describing "
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the spin part of the order parameter. This gives an additional restoring force acting on lK , and thus the additional mass of the gauge "eld: !g (lK ) dK )"!g (lK ) dK )#(1/2)g (lK ), which is indepen" " " dent of the counter#ow. As a result the helical instability occurs only if the counter#ow (the corresponding chemical potential ) exceeds the critical threshold, determined by the additional ? mass of the `hyperphotona, which is of order M &10\ . This is observed experimentally [108,109] (see Fig. 13). When the counter#ow in the rotating vessel exceeds this threshold, the intensive formation of the lK texture by helical instability is detected by NMR. This corresponds to the formation of the hypermagnetic "eld according to our analogy. The only di!erence from the Joyce}Shaposhnikov scenario is that the mass of the `hyperphotona provides the threshold for the helical instability. In principle, however, the similar threshold can appear in the Standard Model if there is a small `nonrenormalizablea mass of the hyperphoton, M , which does not depend on the chemical potential. In this case the decay of the fermionic charge stops, and thus the excess of, say, the baryionic charge is not washed out any more, when the chemical potential of fermions becomes comparable with M . The observed baryon asymmetry would be achieved if the initial mass of the hyperphoton at the electroweak temperature, ¹&E , is M &10\E . This is however too large compared with the possible -independent hyperphoton mass, discussed earlier, which is of order ¹/E &E /E . . . 8.4. Mixed axial-gravitational Chern}Simons term 8.4.1. Parity violating current The chiral anomaly phenomenon in relativistic quantum "eld theory can be also mapped to the angular momentum paradox in He-A. To relate the two phenomena let us consider the parity e!ects which occur for the rotating chiral fermions. The macroscopic parity violating e!ects in a rotating system with chiral fermions was "rst discussed by Vilenkin in Ref. [110]. The angular velocity of rotation de"nes the preferred direction of polarization, and right-handed fermions move in the direction of their spin. As a result, such fermions develop a current parallel to . Similarly, left-handed fermions develop a current antiparallel to . The corresponding current density was calculated in [110], assuming thermal equilibrium at temperature ¹ and chemical potential of the fermions . For right-handed fermions, it is given by
¹ # . 12 4
The current j is a polar vector, while the angular velocity is an axial vector, and thus Eq. (179) represents the macroscopic violation of the re#ectional symmetry. If the current (179) is coupled to a gauge "eld AJ, the appropriate term in the Lagrangian density is
¹ 1 1 e C # e C , (180) ¸" ) A ? ? 4 ? ? ? 12 c ? ? where e are the corresponding couplings with the gauge "eld. Since the rotation can be described ? in terms of metric, this represents the mixed axial-gravitational Chern}Simons term in the e!ective
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action of Standard Model [111]. After expressing it in the covariant form, this term can be applied to He-A too. 8.4.2. Orbital angular momentum and free energy The value of the angular momentum of He-A has been a subject of a long-standing controversy (for a review see [16,48]). Di!erent methods for calculating the angular momentum give results that di!er by many orders of magnitude. The result is also sensitive to the boundary conditions, since the angular momentum in the liquid is not necessarily the local quantity, and to whether the state is strictly stationary or has a small but "nite frequency. This is often referred to as the angular momentum paradox. The paradox is related to the axial anomaly induced by chiral quasiparticles and is now reasonably well understood. At ¹"0 the total angular momentum of the stationary liquid with homogeneous lK "const is the same as obtained from the following angular momentum density:
L" lK n , 2
where n is the density of He atoms. The physical meaning of the total angular momentum of He-A is: each atom of the super#uid vacuum carries the angular momentum /2 in the direction of lK . This is in accordance with the structure of the order parameter in Eqs. (85) and (86) which state that the momentum dependence of the Cooper pair of two He atoms is J(p #ip ), and this V W corresponds to the orbital angular momentum ¸ " per Cooper pair. Eq. (181) is, however, valid X only for the static angular momentum. The dynamical angular momentum is much smaller: L "( /2)lK (n!C ) (let us recall that (n!C )/n&c /c &10\). The presence of the anomaly , , parameter C in this almost complete cancellation of the dynamical angular momentum re#ects the same crucial role of the axial anomaly as in the `baryogenesisa by moving texture discussed in Section 7. Now let us consider the nonzero temperature. According to Kita conjecture [112], which was supported by his numerical calculations, the extension of the total angular momentum of the stationary liquid with lK "const to ¹O0 is
L(¹)" lK n (¹) . 2 ,
Here n (¹) is the temperature-dependent density of the super#uid component when it #ows along , lK ; n (¹)"n!n (¹), where n (¹) is given by Eq. (168). The Eq. (182) suggests that n (¹)/2 is the , , , , e!ective number of the `super#uida Cooper pairs which contribute to the angular momentum. The possible way to measure the angular momentum is via the energy change under rotation. Let us consider a stationary (but not static) state of liquid He-A in a vessel rotating with angular velocity at a nonzero temperature. We assume a spatially homogeneous vector lK "z( oriented along the rotation axis. In He-A this can be achieved in the parallel-plane geometry which "xes lK along the normal to the plates. In the layered oxide superconductor Sr RuO , which is believed to be a triplet superconductor with a He-A-like order parameter, the lK -vector is always "xed along the normal to the layers [52,53]. We are interested in the state in which the super#uid component (vacuum) remains at rest in the laboratory frame, * "0. In equilibrium the normal component (the system of quasiparticles) will be at rest in the rotating frame, i.e. it will circulate in the plane
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perpendicular to lK performing the solid-body like rotation with the velocity * ";r. Such vortex-free state satis"es the true thermodynamic equilibrium conditions in rotating vessel, since * "0 in the frame of the vessel, where any perturbations caused by the vessel boundaries are stationary. It is, however, rather local than global minimum of the thermodynamic potential in rotating frame. The absolute minimum under rotation would correspond to the system of quantized vortices in Fig. 13 right rotating together with the vessel. However, the energy barrier between the states with di!erent number of vortices is high in He, while the temperature is low. That is why the probability of the thermally activating transitions between these states (as well as quantum tunneling) is less than exp(!10). This is an advantage of super#uid He, which allows us to support the states with given number of vortices, including the vortex-free state, which we discuss [113]. The contribution of the angular momentum in Eq. (182) to the free energy density in He-A in the container rotating with angular velocity is
(L)"! ) L(¹)"! ) L(¹"0)# ( ) lK )n (¹) . , 2
The "rst (zero-temperature) term on the right-hand side of (183) comes from the microscopic (high-energy) physics and thus has no analogue in e!ective "eld theory, and we disregard it in what follows. However the temperature correction, represented by the 2nd term, comes from the low-energy chiral quasiparticles, which comprise the normal component in He-A, and thus is within the responsibility of the e!ective "eld theory. Moreover, this term can be measured because of its temperature dependence. The numerical calculations in [112] were made in the Fermi gas approximation, i.e. under assumption that the Fermi liquid corrections are absent and thus the Fermi-liquid mass mH"p /v is equal to the bare mass m of the He atom. In general case, when mHOm, the second $ $ term in Eq. (183) at low ¹ must be modi"ed. Using our mapping of He-A to relativistic quantum "eld theory we know without any calculations that the correct expression for this term must be (see below):
m n (¹)( ) lK ) . " 2 mH ,
This modi"cation follows also from the fact that in the e!ective theory such microscopic parameter as the mass m of the He atoms never enters, since it is not contained in the quasiparticle energy in Eq. (97) (see discussion in Section 13). As follows from Eq. (168) for the normal component density n (¹), the mass m is cancelled in Eq. (184). , 8.4.3. Ewective Chern}Simons action for "0 and ¹O0 ? To translate Eq. (184) to the language of relativistic theories we use the dictionary in Eqs. (108) and (111). It is convenient to consider the problem in the reference frame rotating with the container, since in this frame all the "elds including the e!ective metric are stationary in equilibrium. In this rotating frame the velocity of the normal component * "0, while the super#uid velocity in this frame is * "!;r. It gives the mixed components of the metric tensor
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gG"(;r) , thus the angular velocity gives rise to the e!ective gravimagnetic "eld [114]: G v (185) B ";u"2 , u,g " G . G c E c , , Here, we have made the following assumptions: (i) r(c everywhere in the vessel, i.e. the , counter#ow velocity * !* is smaller than the pair-breaking critical velocity c " /p , $ (the transverse `speed of lighta). This means that there is no region in the vessel where particles can have negative energy (ergoregion). E!ects caused by the ergoregion in rotating super#uids [115] are discussed below in Section 12.9. (ii) There are no vortices in the container. This is typical for super#uid He, where the critical velocity for nucleation of vortices is comparable to the pairbreaking velocity c " /p [113]. Even in the geometry when the lK -vector is not "xed, the , $ observed critical velocity in He-A was found to reach 0.5 rad/s [108,109]. For the geometry with "xed lK , it should be comparable with the critical velocity in He-B. Using Eq. (185) one obtains that both the Eq. (184) in He-A and the "rst term in Eq. (180) for the Standard Model can be written in a uni"ed form, which represents mixed axial-gravitational Chern}Simons action 1 1 (186) ¸ (¹, "0)" e C ¹A ) B " e C ¹eGHIA g . ? ? E ? ? G H I + !1 ? 24 24 ? ? This equation (186) does not contain explicitly any material parameters of the system, such as the mass m of bare He atom; renormalized mass mH; `speeds of lighta c and c in He-A, or the real , , speed of light c in the Standard Model. Thus it is equally applicable to any representative of the Universality class of Fermi points. For He-A this Eq. (186) exactly corresponds to Eq. (184) with the normal component density n (¹) given by Eq. (168). , Eq. (186) is not Lorentz invariant, but this is not important here because the existence of a heat bath of fermions does violate the Lorentz invariance, since it provides a distinguished reference frame. To restore the Lorentz invariance and also the general covariance one must introduce the four-velocity (uI) and/or four-temperature (I) of the heat bath fermions: 1 ¸ (¹, "0)" e C ( I)\e?@IJ @A R g . (187) + !1 ? ? ? I ? I J A@ 24 ? Note that this can be applied only to the fully equilibrium situations in which # "0, J_I I_J otherwise the invariance under the gauge transformation A PA #R is violated. I I I 8.4.4. Finite density of states and Chern}Simons term in the presence of counteryow Now let us discuss the second (temperature-independent) term in the mixed axial-gravitational Chern}Simons action in Eq. (180). To "nd its He-A counterpart, let us consider the opposite case ¹"0 and O0. According to Eq. (162) the counterpart of the chemical potentials of ? ? relativistic chiral fermions is the super#uid-normal counter#ow velocity in He-A. The relevant counter#ow, which does not violate the symmetry and the thermodynamic equilibrium condition of the system, can be produced by super#ow along the axis of the rotating container. Note that we approach the ¹P0 limit in such a way that the rotating reference frame is still active and determines the local equilibrium states. In the case of rotating container this is always valid because
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of the interaction of the liquid with the container walls. For the relativistic counterpart we must assume that there is still a nonvanishing rotating thermal bath of fermionic excitations. This corresponds to the case when the condition ;1 remains valid, despite the divergence of the collision time at ¹P0. This is one of numerous subtle issues related to anomaly, when the proper order of imposing limits is crucial. It follows from Eq. (162) that at ¹P0 the energy stored in the system of chiral fermions with the chemical potentials and the energy of the counter#ow along the lK -vector are described by the ? same thermodynamic potential: (188) "! n , E( p) f ( p)!P ) (* !* ) ? ? p ? mHp (!g $ (lK ) (* !* )) . ,! (189) "! ? 12 12c , ? The contribution in Eq. (189) comes from the fermionic quasiparticles, which at ¹P0 occupy the negative energy levels, i.e. the levels with EI (0, where EI "E( p)#p ) (* !* ). In the relativistic counterpart these are the energy states of massless fermions with EI ( p)"cp! (0 which are ? ? occupied at ¹"0 and nonzero chemical potential. These states form the solid Fermi spheres, with the Fermi surfaces determined by equations p" /c. ? In He-A the fermionic quasiparticles occupying the negative energy states carry the momentum (mass current). Variation of Eq. (188) with respect to * shows that this mass current is along the lK -vector and its magnitude: mHp d $ (lK ) (* !* )) . " (190) mJ ,P ) lK "! , 3c dv , , This shows that in the presence of a super#ow with respect to the heat bath the normal component density of super#uid He-A is nonzero even in the limit ¹P0 [116]: mHp dJ $ (lK ) (* !* )) . (191) n (¹P0)" , " , 3mc dv , , The nonzero density of the normal component at ¹P0 results from the "nite density of fermionic states N()"2 p (!EI ( p)) at "0. This density of states has the same form for the system ? ? of chiral relativistic fermions with nonzero chemical potential, where it is the density of states on the Fermi surfaces, and for He-A, where also the Fermi points are transformed to Fermi surfaces in the presence of the counter#ow: (!g p mH N(0)" , $ (lK ) (* !* )) . (192) ? c , ? One can apply the same reasoning to high-temperature superconductors, where the low-energy fermionic quasiparticles are 2#1 massless Dirac fermions. Since the space dimension is reduced, the counter#ow energy in Eq. (188) has power 3 instead of 4: J * !* . The second derivative gives nonanalytic normal component density at ¹"0 and correspondingly the density of states: N(0)J * !* . In a mixed state of superconductor in applied magnetic "eld the counter#ow
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occurs around vortices with average counter#ow velocity * !* &(B. This causes the nonanalytic density of states as a function of magnetic "eld, N(0)J(B. The nonanalytic dependence of thermodynamic properties of d-wave superconductors on B has been observed experimentally [117]. Now we can insert n (¹P0) from Eq. (191) into Eq. (184) for the energy density describing , the interaction of the orbital angular momentum with rotation velocity. Then using the He-A/relativistic-system dictionary one "nds that the Eq. (184) at ¹P0 is nothing but the mixed Chern}Simons term in the form 1 e C A ) B . (193) ¸ ( , ¹"0)" ? ? ? E + !1 ? 8 ? This term is just the second term in Eq. (180). Thus the general form of the mixed Chern}Simons term, which is valid for both systems of Fermi-point universality class and which includes both the temperature ¹ and chemical potentials (in the Standard Model) or the counter#ow velocity (in He-A) is
1 ¹ e C # e C . ¸ ( , ¹)"A ) B ? ? ? ? ? + !1 ? E 8 48 ? ?
8.4.5. Unixcation of conventional and mixed CS terms The form of Eq. (194) is similar to that of the induced Chern}Simons term in Eq. (159), which has been extensively discussed both in the context of chiral fermions in relativistic theory [118}121] and in He-A [10]. The main di!erence between (159) and (194) is that Bu ";u is the gravimagnetic "eld, rather than the magnetic "eld B associated with the potential A. Hence the name `mixed Chern}Simons terma. Comparison of conventional and mixed Chern}Simons terms suggests that these two CP¹-odd terms can be uni"ed if one uses the Larmor theorem and introduces the combined "elds: A "e A# u, B ";A . ? ? ? ? ? Then the general form of the Chern}Simons CP¹-odd term at ¹"0 is 1 C A )B . ? ? ? ? 4 ?
8.4.6. Possible experiments in condensed matter The parity-violating currents (179) could be induced in turbulent cosmic plasmas and could play a role in the origin of cosmic magnetic "elds [122]. The corresponding He-A e!ects are less dramatic but may in principle be observable. Although the mixed Chern}Simons terms have the same form in relativistic theories and in He-A, their physical manifestations are not identical. In the relativistic case, the electric current of chiral fermions is obtained by variation with respect to A, while in He-A case the observable e!ects are obtained by variation of the same term but with respect to He-A observables. For example, the expression for the current of He atoms is obtained by variation of Eq. (193) over * . This leads to
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an extra particle current along the rotation axis, which is odd in : lK ) p . (197) J ()" $ lK (lK ) (* !* )) mc , Eq. (197) shows that there is an odd contribution to the normal component density at ¹P0 in He-A: p lK ) J () " $ . (198) n ()" , mc v !v , , , The sensitivity of the normal component density to the direction of rotation is the counterpart of the parity violation e!ects in relativistic theories with chiral fermions. It should be noted though that, since lK is an axial vector, the right-hand sides of (197) and (198) transform, respectively, as a polar vector and a scalar, and thus (of course) there is no real parity violation in He-A. However, a nonzero expectation value of the axial vector of the orbital angular momentum L"( /2)n (¹)lK , does indicate a spontaneously broken re#ectional symmetry, and an internal observer `livinga in a He-A background with a "xed lK would observe parity-violating e!ects. The contribution (198) to the normal component density can have arbitrary sign depending on the sense of rotation with respect to lK . This however does not violate the general rule that the overall normal component density must be positive: The rotation-dependent current J (o ) was calculated as a correction to the rotation independent current in Eq. (190). This means that we used the condition ;m(v !v );mc . Under this condition the overall normal density, given , , , by the sum of (198) and (191), remains positive. The `paritya e!ect in Eq. (198) is not very small. The rotational contribution to the normal component density normalized to the density of the He atoms is n /n"3/mc which is , , &10\ for &3 rad/s. This is within the resolution of the vibrating wire detectors. We "nally mention a possible application of our results to the superconducting Sr RuO [52]. An advantage of using superconductors is that the particle current J in Eq. (197) is accompanied by the electric current eJ , and can be measured directly. An observation in Sr RuO of the analogue of the parity violating e!ect that we discussed here (or of the other e!ects coming from the induced Chern}Simons terms [123,124]), would be an unquestionable evidence of the chirality of this superconductor.
9. Fermion zero modes and spectral 6ow in the vortex core As we discussed in Section 7 the massless chiral fermions in#uence the dynamics of the continuous vortex texture (stringy texture) due to axial anomaly providing the #ow of the momentum from texture to the heat bath of fermions. Here we discuss the same phenomenon, which occurs in the core of conventional singular vortices. In conventional superconductors and in He-B the fermions are massive outside the core, but they are gapless or have a tiny gap in the vortex core (Fig. 14). These massless fermions living in the vortex core are chiral and they do actually the same job as chiral fermions in the stringy texture. The spectral #ow carried by fermion zero modes in the core is not described by the Adler}Bell}Jackiw axial anomaly equation (132), and
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Fig. 14. Singular vortex and cosmic string. Top: Abrikosov vortex in superconductor is analog of the Nielsen}Olesen cosmic string. The role of the penetration length is played by the inverse mass of the Z-boson. If < , the core size, within the region of dimension the Abrikosov vortex has the same structure as the vortex in neutral super#uids, such as He-B, where the circulation of the super#uid velocity is quantized. Bottom: Masses of quarks and the gap of quasiparticles in superconductors are suppressed in the vortex core. The core serves as potential well for fermions which are bound in the vortex forming fermion zero modes.
it is typically smaller than in textures. But in the regime of the maximal spectral #ow, which occurs at ;1, they give the same axial-anomaly result (146)}(147) for the generation of the mo mentum by moving vortex. The process of the momentum generation by vortex cores is similar to that of generation of baryonic charge by the cores of cosmic strings [125,88}90,126]. The axial anomaly is instrumental for the baryoproduction in the core of cosmic strings, but again the e!ect cannot be described by the anomaly equation (132), which was derived using the energy spectrum of the free massless fermions in the presence of the homogeneous electric and magnetic "elds. But in cosmic strings these "elds are no more homogeneous. Moreover the massless fermions exist only in the vortex core as bound states in the potential well produced by the order parameter (Higgs) "eld. Thus the consideration of baryoproduction by cosmic strings and momentogenesis by singular vortices should be studied using the spectrum of the massless (or almost massless) bound states, the fermion zero modes.
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9.1. Fermion zero modes on vortices 9.1.1. Anomalous branch of chiral fermions The spectrum of the low-energy bound states in the core of the axisymmetric vortex with winding number n "$1 in the isotropic model of s-wave superconductor was obtained in microscopic theory by Caroli et al. [127]: E(¸ )"!n ¸ . (199) X X This spectrum is twofold degenerate due to spin degrees of freedom; ¸ is the generalized angular X momentum of the fermions in the core, which was found to be half of odd integer quantum number (Fig. 15). The level spacing is small compared to the energy gap of the quasiparticles outside the core, & /E ; . This level spacing is called the minigap, because /2 is the minimal $ energy of quasiparticle in the core. In the 3D systems the minigap depends on the momentum p along the vortex line. Here for simplicity we shall consider the 2D case, when the vortex lines are X reduced to point vortices.
Fig. 15. Fermion zero modes on strings and on di!erent condensed matter vortices.
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Since the minigap is small, in many physical cases the discreteness of ¸ can be neglected and in X quasiclassical approximation one can consider this quantum number as continuous. Then from Eq. (199) it follows that the spectrum as a function of continuous angular momentum ¸ contains X an anomalous branch, which crosses zero energy (Fig. 15). Thus in the quasiclassical approximation one has fermion zero modes on vortices. The fermions in this 1D `Fermi liquida are chiral: the positive energy fermions have a de"nite sign of the angular momentum ¸ . In general case of X arbitrary winding number n , the number of fermion zero modes, i.e. the number of branches crossing zero level as a function of ¸ , equals !2n (see Ref. [102]). This represents an analogue of X the index theorem known for cosmic strings in the relativistic quantum "eld theory (see Ref. [128] and references therein). The di!erence is that in strings the spectrum of relativistic fermions crosses zero energy as a function of p (Fig. 15). As a result the index theorem discriminates between X left-moving and right-moving fermions, while in condensed matter vortices the index theorem discriminates between cw and ccw rotating fermions. 9.1.2. Integer vs. half-odd-integer angular momentum of fermion zero modes The above properties of the fermions bound to the vortex core are universal and do not depend on the detailed structure of the vortex core. If we now proceed to the non-s-wave super#uid or superconducting states, we "nd that the situation does not change, with one exception: in some vortices the quantum number ¸ is half of odd integer, in the others it is integer. In the vortices of X second type there is a true zero mode: at ¸ "0 the quasiparticle energy in Eq. (199) is exactly zero. X This true zero-energy bound state was "rst calculated in a microscopic theory [129] for the n "$1 vortex in He-A. This di!erence between two types of the fermionic spectrum becomes important at low temperature ¹( . We consider here the representatives of these two types of vortices: the traditional n "$1 vortex in s-wave superconductor (Fig. 15, top right) and the simplest form of the n "$1 vortex in He-A with lK directed along the vortex axis (Fig. 15, bottom right). Their order parameters are
(r)" ()e L (,
dx ) * "n /m ,
A " ()e L (z( (x( #iy( ), IG I G G
dx ) * "n /m ,
where z, , are the coordinates of the cylindrical system with the axis z along the vortex line; and () is the pro"le of the order parameter amplitude in the vortex core with ("0)"0. The structure of the spectrum of the fermion zero modes does not depend on the pro"le of (). 9.1.3. Momentum-space topology of fermions in the core After diagonalization over spin indices one "nds that for each of two spin components the Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian for quasiparticles in the presence of the vortex has the form
p !ip , W ()e\ L ( V p $
p #ip , V W p . $ !M(p)
()e L (
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Here the integral index N is related with the momentum-space topology of superconductor. N "0 in conventional s-wave super#uid/superconductor with no Fermi points; while the He-A contains the Fermi point with N "1 per each spin component. In terms of the angle in the (p , p ) plane in momentum space the Eq. (202) can be rewritten in V W the form
p , () , e L (>, F p H" . $ p , e\ L (>, F !M(p) () , p $ M(p)
This form emphasizes the interplay between the real-space and momentum-space topologies. Let us, for example, consider the vortex with winding number n in conventional s-wave superconduc tor, which does not have the Fermi point, i.e. N "0 in Eq. (202). While in homogeneous state this superconductor is fully gapped, in the presence of the vortex the quasiparticle energy spectrum E(x, y, p) becomes zero on a two-dimensional manifold in 5D space (x, y, p , p , p ). This manifold is V W X determined by equations p"p (where M(p)"0) and x"y"0. Each point of this manifold is $ described by the same topological invariant, Eq. (65), as the topologically nontrivial Fermi point. If instead of the four-momentum (p , p , p , p ) in Eq. (65) one introduces the mixed coordinates V W X (p , M, x, y), one obtains for the topological invariant in Eq. (65) the value N "2n (the factor 2 comes from 2 spin projections). Let us compare this with the homogeneous state of He-A. If we again neglect the coordinate z, then the quasiparticle energy spectrum E(x, y, p) of He-A also is zero on a two-dimensional manifolds in 5D space (x, y, p , p , p ). One of these manifolds is at p "p "0, p "p and V W X V W $ X arbitrary x and y, and each point there is described by the same topological invariant N . It appears that the homogeneous state of He-A and the conventional vortex with n "1 in the fully gapped super#uid correspond to di!erent orientations of the 2D manifold in 5D space. This implies that these two states can be obtained from each other by continuous deformation [31]. This is the reason why the core of the He-B vortex consists of the nonsingular He-A (see Fig. 16 and detailed discussion in Ref. [130]). The common topology is also responsible for the (almost) gapless fermionic spectrum which appears in the vortex core of such fully gapped systems as s-wave superconductor and He-B. Due to this topology there is an index theorem, according to which the number of branches crossing zero level as a function of ¸ equals !2n . Moreover, the two X types of the fermion zero modes, with integer and half-odd integer ¸ , are also determined X by the combined real-space and momentum-space topology. These two classes have di!erent parity ="(!1)L >, , which is constructed from the topological charges in real and momentum spaces [131]. To consider this in detail, we assume for simplicity the 2D spatial dimension, which is applicable for thin super#uid/superconducting "lms. In such systems the integral index N is the topological invariant in the momentum space, Eq. (68), which is responsible for the Chern}Simons terms in the 2D super#uids/superconductors [49,50,54] (Section 4.4). According to Eq. (72), N "0 for the 2#1 super#uid/superconductor with s-wave pairing, and N "1 for the He-A "lm (and possibly for the layer of Sr RuO superconductor) in Eq. (201).
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Fig. 16. Top: Singular core of conventional vortex with n "1. The order parameter is zero at x"y"0, i.e. there is a normal state on the vortex axis. This semiclassical energy of quasiparticle E(x, y, p)"0 on a two-dimensional manifold p"p , x"y"0 in 5D space (x, y, p , p , p ) with topological invariant N "2. Bottom: In some cases the singularity on $ V W X the vortex axis is spread out to form the smooth core. This happens in particular for the He-B vortex with n "1, where the He-A appears on the vortex axis instead of the normal state. Four Fermi points, each with N "$1, appear in the core region. The directions to the nodes are marked by the unit vectors lK and lK . The manifold of zeros is again the two-dimensional manifold in 5D space (x, y, p , p , p ), which however is embedded in di!erent way. Within the smooth V W X core of n "1 vortex the Fermi points with N "#1 sweep 2 solid angle each, while the Fermi points with N "!1 sweep !2 each. This satis"es Eq. (143) which connects the momentum-space and real space topologies of the vortex.
9.1.4. Hamiltonian in terms of quasiclassical trajectories In what follows the fast radial motion of the fermions in the vortex core is integrated out to obtain only the slow motion corresponding to the low-energy fermion zero modes on anomalous branch. It is important that the characteristic size of the vortex core is much larger than the wave length "2/p of quasiparticle: p &E / &c /c &10. Thus for the radial motion we can $ $ $ , , use the quasiclassical description in terms of trajectories, which are almost the straight lines crossing the core. The description in terms of the trajectories are valid in the quasiclassical region of energies between the two `Plancka scales, & /v p ;E; discussed in Section 5.1.4. $ $ The low-energy trajectories through the vortex core are characterized by the direction of the trajectory and the impact parameter b (Fig. 17). The magnitude of the momentum of quasiparticle along trajectory is close to p . Thus for each the momentum p is close to the value $ q"p (x( cos #y( sin ) , $
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Fig. 17. In the quasiclassical approximation trajectories of quasiparticle are straight lines.
the velocity is close to * "q/mH; and the Hamiltonian for quasiparticles is $ M(p , p ) ()e L (>, F V W . (205) H" !M(p , p ) ()e\ L (>, F V W Substituting Pe q r and pPq!i, and expanding in small , one obtains the quasiclassical Hamiltonian for the "xed trajectory (q, b):
(206) Hq "!i\ * ) # ()(\ cos(N #n )!\ sin(N #n )) . @ $ Since the coordinates and are related by equation sin(!)"b, the only argument is the coordinate along the trajectory s" cos(!) and thus the Hamiltonian in Eq. (206) has the form Hq "!iv \ R #\ () cos(n I #(n #N )) @ $ Q !\ () sin(n I #(n #N )) , where I "! and are expressed in terms of the coordinate s as b I "!, tan I " , "(b#s . s
The dependence of the Hamiltonian on the direction of the trajectory can be removed by the following transformation: "e L >, O\ F ,
H I q "e\ L >, O\ FHe L >, O\ F @ "!iv \ R # ((s#b)(\ cos n I !\ sin n I ) . (210) $ Q The Hamiltonian in Eq. (210) does not depend on the angle and on the topological charge N and thus is the same for s-wave, p-wave and other pairing states. The dependence on N enters only through the boundary condition for the wave function, which according to Eq. (209) is (#2)"(!1)L >, () .
With respect to this boundary condition, there are two classes of systems: with odd and even n #N . The parity ="(!1)L >, is thus instrumental for the fermionic spectrum in the vortex core.
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9.1.5. Quasiclassical low-energy states on anomalous branch In quasiclassical approximation the quasiparticle state with the lowest energy corresponds to such trajectories, which cross the center of the vortex, i.e. with the impact parameter b"0. Along this trajectory one has sin I "0 and cos I "sign s. So that the Eq. (210) becomes (212) H I q "!iv \ R #\ ( s ) sign s . @ $ Q This Hamiltonian is supersymmetric and thus contains the eigenstate with zero energy. Let us write the corresponding eigen function including all the transformations:
1 (s) , (s)"e N$ Qe L >, O\ F F@ !i
Q ( s ) (s)"exp ! ds sign s . (214) v $ Now we can consider the case of nonzero impact parameter. When b is small the third term in Eq. (210) can be considered as perturbation and its average over the wave function in Eq. (213) gives the energy levels in terms of b and thus in terms of the continuous angular momentum ¸ "p b: X $ () 2 M d exp ! d () p vF $ . (215) E(¸ , )"!n ¸ , " X X 2 M d exp ! d () v $ This is the anomalous branch of chiral fermions which crosses zero energy in semiclassical approximation, when ¸ is continuous variable. For nonaxisymmetric vortices the quasiclassical X energy depends also on . The minigap is of order & /(p R) where R is the radius of core. $ Typically R is of order coherence length "v / and the minigap is & /(p v ); . In $ $ $ a large temperature region /(p v )(¹( these bound fermionic states can be considered as $ $ fermion zero modes.
9.1.6. Quantum low-energy states and =-parity In exact quantum mechanical problem the generalized angular momentum ¸ has discrete X eigenvalues. To "nd quantized energy levels we take into account that the two remaining degrees of freedom, the angle and the momentum ¸ , are canonically conjugated variables [103,132]. That X is why the next step is the quantization of motion in the , ¸ plane which can be obtained from X the quasiclassical energy in Eq. (215), if ¸ is considered as an operator ¸ "!iR . For the X X F axisymmetric vortex, the Hamiltonian does not depend on H"in R (216) F and has the eigenfunctions e\ #FL S . The boundary condition for these functions, Eq. (211), gives the quantized energy levels, which depend on the =-parity: E(¸ )"!n ¸ , X X ¸ "n, ="#1 ; X
(217) (218)
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¸ "(n#), ="!1 , (219) X where n is integer. The phase (n #N ) /2 in Eq. (209) plays the part of Berry phase. It shows how the wave function of quasiparticle changes, when the trajectory is adiabatically rotating by angle . This Berry phase is instrumental for the Bohr}Sommerfeld quantization of the energy levels in the vortex core. It chooses between the only two possible quantizations consistent with the `CPT-symmetrya of states in superconductors: E"n and E"(n#1/2) . In both cases for each positive energy level E one can "nd another level with the energy !E. That is why the above quantization is applicable even to nonaxisymmetric vortices, though the quantum number ¸ is no X more the angular momentum there. Fig. 15 shows the quasiparticle spectrum in the core of vortex lines in 3D space. In the top-right corner it is the spectrum in the core of vortices with ="!1. At the bottom the spectrum of bound states in the core of vortices with ="1 is shown. These are true fermion zero modes, since the spectrum crosses zero energy as a function of p . The most interesting situation occurs for the X He-A vortex with n "$1 which contain a self-conjugated zero-energy level. This E"0 level is doubly degenerate due to spin. Such exact zero mode is robust to any deformations, which preserve the spin degeneracy. This is the reason why the branch with ¸ "0 has zero energy for all momenta X p (right bottom corner of Fig. 15) as was "rst found in microscopic theory by Kopnin [129] X (see also [131]). 9.1.7. Majorana fermion with E"0 on half-quantum vortex The most exotic situation will occur for the half-quantum vortex [133], which can exist in thin He-A "lms or in layered chiral superconductors with the same order parameter. The order parameter in Eq. (86) outside the core of n "1/2-vortex is (220) A " dK (e( #ie( )" x( cos #y( sin (x( #iy( )e ( . I G G IG I G G I 2 2
The change of the sign of the vector dK when circumscribing around the core is compensated by the change of the phase of the order parameter by at which the sign of the exponent e ( also changes. Thus the whole order parameter is smoothly connected after circumnavigating. Because of the change of the phase around the vortex, the circulation of the super#uid velocity around the vortex Z dx ) * "n /m corresponds to n "1/2. That is why the name half-quantum vortex. This vortex still had not been observed in He-A but its discussion has been extended to the #ux quantization with the half of conventional magnitude in superconductors [134], which "nally led to the observation of the fractional #ux in high-temperature superconductors: the n "1/2 vortex is attached to the tricrystal line, which is the junction of three grain boundaries [135]. For quasiparticles in the core of the n "1/2 vortex, after spin diagonalization one obtains the Hamiltonian in Eq. (205), where for one of the spin components one has n "1, while for the other component n "0. The E"0 level occurs only for one spin component. Since it is the only level with E"0 it cannot be moved from the E"0 position by any perturbation: its shift is prohibited by the `CPTa-symmetry. There are many interesting properties related to this E"0 level. Since the E"0 level can be either "lled or empty, there is a fractional entropy (1/2) ln 2 per layer per vortex. The factor (1/2)
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appears because in the pair correlated super#uids/superconductors one must take into account that we arti"cially doubled the number of fermions introducing both the particles and holes. On the E"0 level the particle excitation coincides with its antiparticle (hole), i.e. the quasiparticle is a Majorana fermion [136]. Majorana fermions at E"0 level lead to the non-Abelian statistics of half-quantum vortices: the interchange of two point vortices becomes identical operation (up to an overall phase) only on being repeated four times [124]. This can be used for quantum computing [137]. 9.1.8. Fermions on asymmetric vortices Most of vortices in condensed matter are not axisymmetric. In superconductors the rotational symmetry is violated by crystal lattice, while in super#uid He the axisymmetry is as a rule spontaneously broken in the core or outside the core (see, e.g. [138]). The general form of the ath branch of the low-energy spectrum of fermions, which crosses zero in quasiclassical approximation is (see [132]) E (¸ , )" ()(¸ !¸ ()) . (221) ? X ? X X? For given the spectrum crosses zero energy at some ¸ "¸ (). The `CPTa-symmetry of the X X? Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian requires that if E (¸ , ) is the energy of the bound state fermion, ? X then !E (!¸ , #) also corresponds to the energy of quasiparticle in the core. ? X Let us consider one pair of the conjugated branches related by the `CPTa symmetry. One can introduce the common gauge "eld A (, t) and the `electrica charge e"$1, so that Q "eA . F ! F Then the quantum Hamiltonian becomes
R n (222) H"! (), !i !eA (, t) , F R 2 C where , is anticommutator. The SchroK dinger equation for the fermions on the ath branch is i (R )()# ()(iR #eA())()"n E() . F 2 F
The normalized eigenfunctions are
1 \ 1 F n E exp i d #eA() . (224) () () (2 () Here the angular brackets mean the averaging over the angle . For the self-conjugated branch according to the `CPTa-theorem one has d A()"0, then using the boundary conditions in Eq. (211) one obtains the equidistant energy levels: ()"
1 \ . (225) () For axisymmetric vortices the integral index n is determined by the azimuthal quantum number ¸ . X For the nonaxisymmetric vortex, ¸ is not a good quantum number. Nevertheless the properties of X the anomalous branch of fermion modes on vortices are not disturbed by the nonaxisymmetric perturbations of the vortex core structure, which lead only to the renormalization of the 1!= E " n# L 4
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minigap. These properties are dictated by real- and momentum-space topology and are robust to perturbations. 9.2. Spectral yow in singular vortices: Callan}Harvey mechanism of anomaly cancellation Now let us consider again the force, which arise when the vortex moves with respect to the heat bath. In Section 7.4 we discussed this for the special case of the continuous He-A vortex texture where the macroscopic Adler}Bell}Jackiw anomaly equation could be used. Now we consider vortices with singular cores where ABJ equation is not applicable and one must use the microscopic description of the spectral #ow of fermion zero modes within the vortex core. We show that the same force arises for any vortex in any super#uid or superconductor under a special condition, ;1. If the vortex moves with the velocity * with respect to the heat bath, the coordinate r is replaced * by r!* t. The angular momentum ¸ , which enters the quasiclassical energy of quasiparticle in * X Eq. (215), shifts with time, because the momentum is r;p. So the energy of the fermion zero mode in the vortex core becomes E(¸ , )"!n (¸ !z( ) (* ;q)t) . (226) X X * The quantity E "z( ) (* ;q) acts on fermions localized in the core in the same way that an electric X * "eld E acts on chiral fermions on an anomalous branch in magnetic "eld or the chiral fermion zero X modes localized on a string in relativistic quantum theory. The only di!erence is that under this `electrica "eld the spectral #ow in the vortex occurs in the ¸ direction (¸Q "E ) rather than along X X X p direction in strings where p "eE . Since according to index theorem, for each quantum number X X X ¸ there are !2n quasiparticle levels, the fermionic levels cross the zero energy at the rate X n "!2n ¸Q "!2n E (q)"!2n z( ) (* ;q) . (227) X X * When the occupied level crosses zero, the quasiparticle on this level transfers its fermionic charges from the vacuum (from the negative energy states) along the anomalous branch into the heat bath (`mattera). For us the important fermionic charge is linear momentum. The rate at which the momentum q is transferred from the vortex to the heat bath due to spectral #ow is
1 d qn (228) R P" R 2 2 d p "!n q(z( ) ((* !* );q))"!n $ z( ;(* !* ) . (229) * 2 * 2 The factor 1/2 in Eq. (228) is to compensate the double counting of particles and holes in pair-correlated systems. Before we considered the vortex moving in 2#1 space}time. The extension to the 3#1 case is straightforward. The quasiparticle trajectory through the vortex core is now characterized by the momentum projection on the vortex axis, p , and by the angle in the transverse plane. The X quasiparticle momentum is concentrated near
q"(p !p (x( cos #y( sin ) , $ X
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so that the total momentum is on the Fermi surface: q#p"p . Due to that the momentum X $ production is slightly modi"ed:
1 d N$ dp X qn R P" R 2 2 2 \N$ N$ dp d X (p !p) q( (z( ) ((* !* );q( )) "!n $ X * 2 2 \N$ p "!n $ z( ;(* !* ) . 3 *
Thus the spectral #ow force acting on a vortex from the system of quasiparticles is F "!n C z( ;(* !* ) . (233) * This is in agreement with the result in Eq. (146) obtained for the n "2 continuous vortex using the Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation. We recall that the parameter of the axial anomaly is C "p /3 in $ 3D, while in 2D case it is C "p /2 in agreement with Eq. (229). $ In this derivation it was implied that all the quasiparticles, created from the negative levels of the vacuum state, "nally become part of the normal component, i.e. there is a nearly reversible transfer of linear momentum from fermions to the heat bath. This should be valid in the limit of large scattering rate: ;1, where is the lifetime of the fermion on the ¸ level. This condition, which X states that the interlevel distance on the anomalous branch is small compared to the lifetime of the level, is the crucial requirement for spectral #ow to exist. In the opposite limit <1 the spectral #ow is suppressed and the corresponding spectral #ow force is exponentially small [132] (see Section 9.2.1 below). This shows the limitation for exploring the macroscopic Adler}Bell}Jackiw anomaly equation in the electroweak model and in He-A. The process of transfer of linear momentum from the super#uid vacuum to the normal motion of fermions within the core is the realization of the Callan}Harvey mechanism for anomaly cancellation [101]. In the case of the condensed matter vortices the anomalous nonconservation of linear momentum in the 1#1 world of the vortex core fermions and the anomalous nonconservation of momentum in the 3#1 world outside the vortex core compensate each other. This is the same kind of the Callan}Harvey e!ect which has been discussed in Section 7.4 for the motion of continuous textures in He-A. As distinct from He-A, where there are gap nodes and chiral anomaly, the Callan}Harvey e!ect for singular vortices occurs in any Fermi super#uid: the anomalous fermionic ¸ branch, which mediates the momentum exchange, exists in any topologically nontrivial singular X vortex: the chirality of fermions and the anomaly are produced by the nontrivial topology of the vortex due to interplay of real-space and momentum-space topologies. In the limit ;1 this type of Callan}Harvey e!ect does not depend on the detailed structure of the vortex core and even on the type of pairing, and is determined solely by the vortex winding number n and anomaly parameter C . The "rst derivation of the spectral-#ow force acting on a vortex was made by Kopnin and Kravtsov in Ref. [139] who used the fully microscopic BCS theory in Gor'kov formulation. It was developed further by Kopnin and coauthors. That is why the spectral-#ow force is also called the Kopnin force.
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9.2.1. Restricted spectral yow in the vortex core The semiclassical approach allows us to extend the derivation of the spectral #ow dynamics to the more complicated cases, when for example the core is not symmetric or when the relation ;1 is not ful"lled and the spectral #ow is partially suppressed. Since the spectral #ow occurs through the zero energy, it is fully determined by the low-energy spectrum. As in the cases of the universality classes in the 3#1 system, the 1#1 systems also have universality classes which determine the quasiparticle spectrum in the low-energy corner. In our case the generic spectrum of 1#1 fermions living in the vortex core is given by Eq. (221). Note that the coordinate in the `spatiala dimension is the angle in momentum space, i.e. the e!ective space is circumference ;(1) and the chiral quasiparticles are left or right moving along ;(1). The di!erence between the number of left and right moving fermionic species is 2n according to the index theorem, which follows from the interplay of real-space and momentum-space topologies. Let us consider quasiparticles in the vortex moving with respect to the heat bath. We choose the frame of the moving vortex; in this frame the order parameter is stationary and the energy of quasiparticles is well determined. The Hamiltonian for quasiparticles in the moving vortex is given by E (¸ , )" ()(¸ !¸ ())#(* !* ) ) q , (234) ? X ? X X? * where the last term comes from the Doppler shift. We again discuss the 2D case where q"(p cos , p sin ). Since the velocity of the normal component * O0 in the vortex frame, this $ $ motion of the vortex does not correspond to the true thermodynamic equilibrium and the dissipation must take place, which at low ¹ is determined by kinetics of the low-energy quasiparticles. The latter are concentrated in the vortex core, and their kinetics is described by the Boltzmann equation for the distribution function f (¸ , ) [103]. For the simplest case of axi? X symmetric vortex with one anomalous branch one has ()"!n ¸ , ¸ ()"0, and the ? X X? Boltzmann equation in approximation is f (¸ , )!fT (¸ , ) X , R f!n R f!R ((* !* ) ) q)R X f"! X R F F * *
where is the relaxation time due to the collision between the fermion zero modes in the core and the quasiparticles in the heat bath far from the core. The equilibrium distribution fT corresponds to the true equilibrium state to which the system relaxes. This is the state when the vortex moves together with the heat bath, i.e. when * "* : * !n ¸ #(* !* ) ) q \ X . (236) fT (¸ , )" 1#exp X ¹
When * O* the equilibrium is violated and the distribution function evolves according to * Eq. (235). Introducing new variable l"¸ !n (* !* ) ) q (we consider here n "$1) one obtains the X equation for f (l, ) which does not contain * [103]: f (l, )!fT (l) R f!n R f!R ((* !* ) ) q)R f"! . (237) R F F * J
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Since we are interested in the momentum transfer from the vortex to the heat bath, we write the equation for the net momentum of quasiparticles
d 1 f (l, )q , P" dl 2 2
which is P R P!n z( ;P#C z( ;(* !* )( fT ( (¹))!fT (! (¹)))"! . R *
Here we "rst consider only the bound states below the gap (¹) and thus the integral dl R n is J limited by (¹). That is why the integral gives fT ((¹))!fT (!(¹))"!tanh( (¹)/2¹). In the steady state of the vortex motion one has R P"0 and the solution for the steady-state R momentum can be easily found [103]. As a result one obtains the following momentum transfer per unit time from the fermion zero modes to the normal component when the vortex moves with constant velocity with respect to the normal component: P C (¹) tanh [(* !* ) #n z( ;(* !* )] . F " "! (240) * * 1# 2¹ This is the contribution to the spectral-#ow force due to bound states below (¹). This equation contains both the nondissipative and friction forces. Now one must add the contribution of unbound states above the gap (¹). The spectral #ow there is not suppressed, since the distance between the levels in the continuous spectrum is "0. This gives the following spectral #ow contribution from the thermal tail of the continuous spectrum
(¹) F "!n C 1!tanh z( ;(* !* ) . * 2¹
Finally the total spectral-#ow force is the sum of two contributions, Eqs. (240) and (241). The nondissipative part of the force is
(¹) tanh z( ;(* !* ) , F "!n C 1! * 1# 2¹ while the contribution of the spectral #ow to the friction force is
(¹) F "!C tanh (* !* ) . (243) L 2¹ 1# * In the limit P0 the friction force disappears, while the spectral-#ow force reaches its maximum value, Eq. (233), which coincides with the result obtained for continuous vortex using Adler} Bell}Jackiw anomaly equation. 9.2.2. Measurement of Callan}Harvey ewect in He-B Eqs. (242) and (243) are now applied for the dynamics of singular vortices in He-B, where the minigap is comparable with the inverse quasiparticle lifetime and the parameter is
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regulated by temperature. Adding the missing Magnus and Iordanskii forces one obtains the following dimensionless parameters d and d in Eq. (154) for the balance of forces acting on , , a vortex:
n (¹) n C tanh ! , (244) d " 1! , n 1# 2¹ n n (¹) C tanh . (245) d " , 2¹ n 1# The regime of the fully developed axial anomaly occurs when ;1. This is realized close to ¹ , since vanishes at ¹ . In this regime d "(C !n )/n +(n!n )/n "1. At lower ¹ both , and increase; at ¹P0 one has an opposite regime, <1. The spectral #ow becomes completely suppressed, anomaly disappears and one obtains d "!n /n P0. This negative , contribution comes solely from the Iordanskii force. Both extreme regimes and the crossover between them at &1 have been observed in experiments with He-B vortices [45,100,10,46] (Fig. 18). The friction force is maximal in the crossover region and disappears in the two extreme regimes, <1 and ;1. In addition the experimental observation of the negative d at low , ¹ (Fig. 18) veri"es the existence of the Iordanskii force; thus the analog of the gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ect (Section 11.4) has been measured in He-B.
Fig. 18. Experimental veri"cation of Callan}Harvey and gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ects in He-B. Solid lines are Eqs. (244) and (245). The Callan}Harvey e!ect is suppressed at low ¹ but becomes maximal close to ¹ , where the spectral #ow transfers the fermionic charge } the momentum } from the 1#1 fermionic in the core to the 3#1 bulk super#uid. The negative value of d at intermediate ¹ demonstrates the Iordanskii force, which comes from the analog of , the gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ect. (After Bevan et al. [100].)
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10. Interface between two di4erent vacua and vacuum pressure in super6uid 3He Here we proceed to the e!ects related to the nontrivial e!ective gravity of quantum vacuum in super#uid He-A. The main source of such metric are the topological objects: (1) disgyration whose e!ective metric is analogous to that of the cosmic string with the large mass; (ii) quantized vortices which reproduce the e!ective metric of spinning cosmic string; (iii) solitons and interfaces which simulate the degenerate metric and event horizon; etc. Let us start with the interface between He-A and He-B, which appears to be useful for the consideration of the vacuum energy of states with di!erent broken symmetry. We start with the interface between di!erent vacua (Fig. 19). 10.1. Interface between vacua of diwerent universality classes and Andreev reyection 10.1.1. Fermions in two neighboring vacua The vacua in He-A and He-B have di!erent broken symmetries, neither of them is the subgroup of the other, [16] (Section 5.1.2). Thus the phase transition between the two super#uids is of "rst order. The interface between them (the AB interface) is stable and is stationary if the two
Fig. 19. Interface between two vacua of di!erent universality classes. Interface between He-A and He-B corresponds to the interface between the vacuum of Standard Model and vacuum of Dirac fermions. Since the low-energy (quasi)particles cannot penetrate from the right vacuum to the left one, the interface is a perfect mirror.
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phases have the same vacuum energy (or the same free energy if ¹O0). The di!erence between (free) energies of He-A and He-B is regulated by the magnetic "eld (see below) and temperature. At ¹O0 the equilibrium condition for the interface and its dynamics are in#uenced by the fermionic quasiparticles (Bogoliubov excitations). In the He-A vacuum fermionic quasiparticles are chiral and massless, while in the He-B vacuum they are massive according to Eq. (96). At the temperature ¹ well below the temperature ¹ of the super#uid transition, when ¹; , the gapped fermions in He-B are frozen out, and the only thermal fermions are present on the He-A side of the interface. Close to the gap nodes, i.e. at p+$p lK , the energy spectrum of the gapless He-A fermions $ becomes `relativistica. These massless relativistic fermions cannot propagate through the AB interface to the He-B side, where the fermions are massive (gapped), see Fig. 19. The scattering of the He-A fermions from the interface, which in the BCS systems is known as Andreev re#ection [140], is the dominating mechanism of the force experienced by the moving AB interface. Due to the relativistic character of the He-A fermions the dynamics of the interface becomes very similar to the motion of the perfectly re#ecting mirror in relativistic theories, which was heavily discussed in the relation to the dynamic Casimir e!ect (see, e.g. [141}143]). So the investigation of the interface dynamics at ¹;¹ will give the possibility of the modeling of the e!ects of quantum vacuum. On the other hand, using the relativistic invariance one can easily calculate the forces acting on moving interface from the He-A heat bath in the limit of low ¹ or from the He-A vacuum at ¹"0. This can be done for any velocity of interface with respect to the super#uid vacuum and to the heat bath. We discuss here the velocities below the `speed of lighta in He-A. 10.1.2. Andreev reyection at the interface The motion of the AB interface in the so called ballistic regime for the quasiparticles has been considered in [144}146] (see also [147]). In this regime the force on the interface comes from the mirror re#ection at the interface (Andreev re#ection) of the ballistically moving thermally distributed Fermi particles. As in the case of moving vortex, three velocities are of importance in this process: super#uid velocity of the vacuum * , normal velocity of the heat bath (`mattera) * and the velocity of the interface * . The re#ection of thermal quasiparticles leads to additional (`mattera) * pressure on the interface from the right world and also, if the interface is moving with respect to the heat bath (* O* ), to the friction force experienced by the mirror. The dissipation and thus the * friction part of the force is absent when the interface is stationary in the heat bath frame, i.e. when * "* . * Let us "rst recall the di!erence between the conventional and Andreev re#ection in super#uid He-A. For the low-energy quasiparticles their momentum is concentrated in the vicinity of the Fermi points, P "!C p lK . In the conventional re#ection the quasiparticle momentum is ? ? $ reversed, which in He-A means that after re#ection the quasiparticle acquires an opposite chirality C . The momentum transfer in this process is p"2p lK , whose magnitude 2p is well ? $ $ above the `Plancka momentum mHc . The probability of such process is exponentially small and , becomes essential only if the scattering center has an atomic size a&1/p . Such atomic-size centers $ are absent in the long wave limit of the e!ective theory. Even the AB interface cannot produce such a process since the thickness d of the interface is much larger than the wave length of quasiparticle: d& " v / "(c /c ) /p &10 /p . As a result the usual scattering from the AB interface is $ , , $ $
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suppressed by huge factor exp(!p d/ )&exp(!c /c ). Thus the nonconservation of chirality of $ , , massless chiral quasiparticle is possible, due to the `trans-Planckiana physics, but it is exponentially suppressed. In relativistic theories such nonconservation of chirality occurs in the lattice models, where the distance between the Fermi points of opposite chiralities is also of order of Planck momentum [47]. In Andreev re#ection, instead of the momentum itself, the deviation of the momentum from the Fermi point changes sign, p!P P!( p!P ). The velocity of quasiparticle is reversed in this ? ? process, but the momentum change can be arbitrarily small, so that there is no exponential suppression for Andreev re#ection. In this process the chirality C of quasiparticle does not change. ? While in terms of the condensed matter observables the Andreev re#ection is accompanied by the transformation of the particle to the hole, it corresponds to the conventional re#ection in relativistic theories. We use the reference frame in which the interface is stationary and is situated at the plane x"0. In this frame the order parameter (and thus the metric) is time independent and the energy of quasiparticles is well de"ned. Let us "rst consider the simpli"ed version when the quasiparticles at x'0, where they are massless (Fig. 19), have an isotropic `relativistica spectrum E"cp. The modi"cation to the relevant He-A case will be obtained by simple rescaling. The spectrum of quasiparticles in the frame of the wall is EI "E(p)#p ) * , where * is the stationary super#uid velocity in the wall frame. At x(0 fermions are massive. The force acting on the interface from the massless quasiparticles living in the half-space x'0 can be easily calculated in the ballistic regime, when the main mechanism of the momentum transfer from the heat bath to the wall is the scattering at the interface: F " p v fT ( p) . V %V V p
Here * is the group velocity of incident particles: % dEI v " "c cos #v , %V dp V
p is the momentum transfer after re#ection V cos #v /c , p "2p V 1!v/c
and is the angle between the momentum p of incident particle and the velocity of the interface * . * Since the quasiparticle momentum p is small the momentum change p is small compared to the V cuto! parameter p . In pair-correlated condensed matter systems this corresponds to the Andreev $ re#ection. Far from the interface, at the distance of order of mean free path, quasiparticles are thermally distributed. The equilibrium distribution function does not depend on the reference frame since it is determined by the Galilean invariant counter#ow velocity w"* !* : fT ( p)"1/(1#e#N\p w2) (compare with Eq. (236) for the case of the vortex).
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10.2. Force acting on moving mirror from thermal relativistic fermions 10.2.1. Relativistic case It follows from Eqs. (246)}(248) that the force per unit area acting from the gas of `relativistica fermions on the re#ecting wall is (c"1): F (v , w) 7 ¹ V "! c
(v , w) , A 60 ( c)
1 \T (1!v ) (#v ) "
(v , w)" . (250) d 1!v (1!w) 3(1#w)(1#v )(1#v w) \ The force disappears at v Pc, because quasiparticles cannot reach the interface, which moves away from them with the `speed of lighta. The force diverges at v P!c, when all quasiparticles become trapped by the interface, so that the interface reminds the horizon of black hole. In a global thermal equilibrium, which occurs when the normal component is at rest in the interface frame, i.e. at v "0 (see Section 3.6), the dissipation is absent and the Eq. (249) gives a conventional `mattera pressure acting on the interface from the gas of (quasi)particles: F (v , w"!v ) ¹ 7 7 V "" c " (!g¹ (251) A 180 ( c)(1!v) 180 where again ¹ "¹/(!g "¹/(15691%v, see Eq. (49), and the real thermodynamic temperature ¹ again plays the role of the Tolman's temperature in general relativity. Now let us consider a small deviation from the equilibrium, i.e. v O0 but small. Then the friction force appears, which is linear in v in the interface frame and thus is proportional to the velocity of the interface with respect to the normal component v !v : * 3 F "! (v !v ), " . (252) * c A 10.2.2. Force acting on moving AB interface Now let us apply the obtained results to the He-A, which has an anisotropic velocity of light and also contains the vector potential A"p lK . Typically lK is parallel to the AB-interface, which is $ dictated by boundary conditions. In such geometry the e!ective gauge "eld is irrelevant: the constant vector potential A"p lK can be gauged away by shifting the momentum. The scalar $ potential A "A ) * , which is obtained from the Doppler shift, is zero since lK N* in the considered geometry. In the same way the e!ective chemical potential "!C p (lK ) w) is also zero in this ? ? $ geometry. Thus if p is counted from eA the situation becomes the same as was discussed in previous section, and one can apply Eqs. (251) and (252) modi"ed by the anisotropy of `speed of lighta in He-A. In the limit of small relative velocity v !v one has * 7 v !v ¹ F , ¹ " V "! (!g¹ 1#3 * . (253) 180 c A (* !* ) , * 1! c , Here as before (!g"1/c c . , ,
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The friction coe$cient &¹/c c is obtained here in the `relativistica regime, i.e. below the , , "rst Planck scale ¹;mHc " /v p . In the nonrelativistic quasiclassical regime above the "rst , $ $ Planck scale, in the region <¹<mHc , the friction coe$cient obtained in Ref. [145] for the , same geometry of lK parallel to the interface is &¹mH/c c . These two results match each other , , at the "rst Planck scale ¹&mHc . , If one considers the steady-state motion of the interface the conservation of the particle current across the interface should be obeyed, i.e. n* # p ( p/m) fT ( p)"const. Since there are no quasipar ticles on the He-B side, the net quasiparticle momentum on the He-A side must be also zero. This requires w"0, i.e. * "* , and for this case one has (in the frame of the interface) 7 (1!v /c ) F , . V "! (!g¹ (254) 180 1!v/c A , 10.3. Vacuum pressure and vacuum energy in He 10.3.1. Interplay between vacuum pressure and pressure of matter The pressure from the He-A side, which arises at "nite ¹ can be compensated by the di!erence in the vacuum pressure between He-A and He-B, so that the interface can be stabilized. The energy di!erence between the two vacua is regulated by external magnetic "eld H. The magnetic "eld distorts the He-B, so that its energy depends on H quadratically, (H)" (H"0)#H, but it does not in#uence the He-A: with the same accuracy one has (H)" (H"0) [16]. If H is the magnetic "eld at which the AB interface is in equilibrium at ¹"0, i.e. (H )" , then at "nite temperature the magnetic "eld needed to equilibrate the interface is shifted: 7 (!g¹ . H "H ! 2 180 The interplay between the `vacuuma pressure and the pressure of the `mattera (quasiparticles) is observed in experiments made in Lancaster [148]. Super#uid He is contained in a long cylindrical vessel. The inhomogeneous magnetic "eld H(x) is applied with the gradient along the cylinder (axis x). The equilibrium position of the interface is at x"x where H(x )"H . Reducing the 2 magnetic "eld one decreases the vacuum energy of He-B and thus pushes the interface to the He-A side. In this experiment the `relativistica character of the low energy fermionic quasiparticles in He-A has been also veri"ed. In the adiabatic process the total number of thermal quasiparticles in He-A is conserved, that is why the quasiparticle density increases with the decrease of the volume of the He-A vacuum and the temperature rises. The released thermal energy } the latent heat of transition } has been measured and the ¹ dependence of the thermal energy has been observed. Similar situation could occur if both vacua have massless excitations, but the `speeds of lighta are di!erent. In the acoustic case this can be the interface between the Bose condensates with di!erent density n and speed of sound c on left and right sides of the interface. The simplest example is 1 1 g"! , g"! , gGH "gGH"GH . 0 * 0 * c c 0 *
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This e!ective space is #at everywhere except for the interface itself: R "cRc"(c !c )(x)!(c !c )(x) . (256) V 0 * 0 * The situation similar to the AB interface corresponds to the case when c
1 1 "! E( p)# M( p)# . 2p g 2p N N
Here p E( p)"(M( p)#( p), M( p)" !+v (p!p ) , $ $ 2m ( p)"c ( p;lK )+ ( p( ;lK ) in He-A , , ( p)"cp+ in He-B .
(259) (260) (261)
The region of integration over momenta p is not restricted, however e!ectively it is concentrated in the vicinity of p , that is why in Eqs. (260) and (261) we gave estimations of energies at p close to p . $ $ In Eq. (259) we assumed for simplicity the Fermi gas approximation for the underlying Fermi liquid; i.e. we neglected the Fermi liquid corrections and put mH"m into the quasiparticle energy spectrum M( p) in the normal state of He. As we shall see below the generalization to the real liquid is straightforward. The last term in Eq. (258) is the Eq. (82) expressed in terms of the amplitude of the order parameter ; being written in this form the coupling constant g is di!erent in He-A and He-B. The "rst term in Eq. (258) can be recognized as the in"nite energy of the `Dirac vacuuma of the occupied negative energy states. The factor 1/2 in this term takes into account the double counting of particles and holes in the BCS theory. The energy of the `Dirac vacuuma is diverging and the cuto! is usually provided by the Planck energy scale. In He there are three successive Planck scales mHc , and v p . , $ $
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If the highest `Plancka scale v p is used for the cuto!, the energy of the Dirac vacuum becomes $ $ of order &!p /m&!nv p . It is of order of the third `Plancka energy v p per atom of the $ $ $ $ $ underlying microscopic system. The factor in front of this term, which cannot be determined in the e!ective theory, is easily found in the microscopic BCS theory of Eq. (258), where the divergency is naturally canceled by the `contr-terma } the second term in Eq. (258). Because of the cancellation the contribution to Eq. (258) of order of the third `Plancka energy v p per atom becomes $ $ +!p /15m"!(1/5)nv p . This is the energy !n of Fermi gas, where "p /2m. For the $ $ $ $ real liquid this would correspond to the energy of the liquid in the normal state. The further natural regularization is achieved by consideration of the di!erence between the energies of super#uid and normal liquids. This e!ectively removes the contribution coming from the region of energies above the second `Plancka energy scale . Such regularization is justi"ed because we are interested in the energy di!erence between He-A and He-B. At energies above there is no di!erence between these two phases, since they have the same normal state. In the normal state the order parameter is zero and the energy in the normal state is 1 (262) " (M( p)! M( p) )" M( p)(!M( p)) , 2 p p N N which equals "!p /15m"!(1/5)nv p in case of the Fermi gas. In the energy di!erence $ $ $ between the super#uid and normal states this contribution of order of the third `Plancka energy v p per atom is canceled and one has $ $ 1 ( p) 1 # ! " ( M( p) !E( p))# +! 2 p 4 p E( p) g g N N d p +! $ ( p) ln # , (263) 4 4v g $ NN$ where the ultraviolet cuto! in the logarithm is "v p . $ $ The remaining logarithmic divergency can be removed, if the equilibrium state of the vacuum is considered. The equilibrium state is obtained by minimization of Eq. (263) over the gap amplitude . Using equation min(!x ln(1/x)#x/g)"!x , one obtains that in the ground state the logarithmic factor is canceled. As a result the vacuum energy relevant for the consideration of the relative energies of He-A and He-B is of order of the "rst `Plancka energy /v p per $ $ particle (see also Eq. (3.52) in Ref. [16])
d p "! $ ( p)&!n . (264) 4 4v v p $ NN$ $ $ It is easy to check that the energy of the equilibrium vacuum in Eq. (264) can be obtained using the following Ansatz:
1 ( p) 1 # M( p) # . (265) "! E( p)# 2 p 2E( p) 2p N N Here the "rst term represents the energy of Dirac vacuum, while the other 3 terms are the `counter-termsa coming from the microscopic physics, which re#ect di!erent stages of `regularizationa. Actually there is no real regularization, since everything is obtained exactly within the
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microscopic BCS theory. In principle, no cuto! parameters are needed for the BCS theory which works at the `trans-Planckiana scales too. All the integrals are convergent and the `cuto!a parameters naturally arise within the theory: they separate di!erent regions of integration due to hierarchy of the `Plancka energy scales discussed in Section 5.1.4. 10.3.3. Why the cosmological phase transition does not perturb the zero value of cosmological constant Here we derived Eq. (265) assuming that the normal state energy, the second term in RHS, is the energy of the Fermi gas. However, Eq. (265) will hold for any real liquid state too, if ;v p and $ $ the quantity is understood as the energy of the liquid in the normal state. The normal He is really the liquid-like substance: at P"¹"0 the energy per one He atom in this substance is negative, "/n&!2.5 K (see review paper [21]). That is why it is the condensed system, which can exist without an external pressure. In the absence of external pressure one has the nulli"cation of the energy "!n"0 at ¹"0, as was discussed in Section 2.7 for liquid He. The metastability of normal liquid towards super#uid is not crucial for this consideration, since the argument of nulli"cation of the vacuum energy is applied both to stable and metastable liquids. Now let us take into account the super#uid transition. Since the super#uid gap &1 mK is much smaller than the energy per one He atom, this energy /n remains negative. This means that the super#uid transition does not change the liquid-like behavior of the liquid He, and thus at ¹"0 the vacuum energy of the super#uid liquid must be zero as well. At "rst glance there is a paradox here: both states, normal and super#uid, must have at ¹"0, while their di!erence in Eq. (263) is certainly nonzero. There is, however, no discrepancy since the super#uid and normal states at P"0 and ¹"0 have di!erent values of the chemical potential, and , while the energy di!erence in Eq. (263) was considered at "xed chemical potential. The chemical potential is always adjusted to make the vacuum energy of the corresponding state exactly zero. This means that, if the phase transition to the super#uid phase occurs at ¹"0 and P"0, the chemical potential changes from to . The di!erence between them is ! & /v p . (This change of the chemical potential or of the $ $ particle density across the phase transition is important for superconductors, since due to this e!ect the core of the vortex acquires the electric charge [149]. It would be interesting to map this e!ect to the possible electric charge of the cosmic string.) Thus the broken-symmetry phase transition does not violate the zero condition for the vacuum energy in equilibrium. Applying this reasoning to the cosmological phase transition, one can argue that the phase transition does not perturb the zero value of the cosmological constant. 10.3.4. Cosmological term in He In the He-A, where the angle average
d ( p)"(2/3) , 4
the vacuum state energy in Eq. (263) equals
1 p , $ . "! (!g, (!g" c c v 6 , , $
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This corresponds to the cosmological term with the Planck energy played by our second Planck scale . The same `Plancka energy determines the ultraviolet cuto! of the logarithmically divergent coupling in Eq. (128). The cosmological term in Eq. (266) cannot be obtained using the e!ective "eld theory. But the order of magnitude of this vacuum energy can be estimated by summation of the negative energies of the occupied low-energy `relativistica states of the Dirac vacuum in Eq. (105) using the cuto! at E " : (267) (gGI(p !eA )(p !eA )"! (!g . "! G G I I 4 \ # Inspite of the close analogy between Eqs. (266) and (267) this vacuum energy is not `gravitatinga, i.e. this energy does not show up in the dynamics of the `gravitya "eld. There are two reasons for that: (i) The total vacuum energy in Eq. (265) is zero for the real liquid. If the phase transition between He-A and He-B occurs at ¹"0 and P"0 (this can be realized by applying the magnetic "eld) the energy density of each vacuum remains zero: the `vacuum is not gravitatinga below and above transition. If He-A and He-B coexist, the nonzero contribution to comes only from the interface between them, i.e. the topological defects must `gravitatea. (ii) The energy in Eq. (266) is obtained for the equilibrium vacuum and thus for the equilibrium value g of the metric. However, the dynamical quantity in the e!ective `gravitya is the deviation IJ g of the e!ective metric from its equilibrium value, since it is g , which enters the equation for IJ IJ the collective modes related to the metric. The expansion of the vacuum energy in terms of g IJ cannot be given by the Eq. (266) or (267) of e!ective theory, simply because such expansion would give the term linear in g , which is prohibited due to the vacuum stability condition. In the IJ underlying microscopic BCS theory the linear term is really absent, while the quadratic terms for He-A are
1 (gIJ)" (!g (gg !gg )#(g)g g 4 24 # (!g(gg #gg ) . 48
(268) (269)
Eq. (268) gives rise to the mass of the conventional `gravitona } the collective mode with the momentum ¸"2 of oscillations of g!g and g. In He-A these modes are known as the clapping modes. The Eq. (269) is the mass term for the collective pair-breaking mode in He-A, which corresponds to dilaton in relativistic theory (see Section 5.17 in [48]). Both these terms are determined by the `trans-Planckiana BCS physics due to which the `gravitonsa acquire the mass in He-A. It is interesting that in the BCS theory the ratio of masses, m /m "(2, is the same as is given in the bi-metric theory of gravity in Ref. [150]. Projecting Eqs. (268) and (269) to the relativistic quantum "eld theory, we can expect that they correspond to the modi"ed cosmological term (g!g ), where g is the determinant of the equilibrium metric and the cosmological constant has a natural value &E (as was discussed . in Section 2.7.3).
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11. Vierbein defects The "eld of the vierbein in general relativity can have topological defects, for example, the point defects in 3#1 space}time [151]. In He-A the relevant topological objects in 3D space are line defects around which the dreibein rotates by 2 (Sections 11.2 and 11.3), and domain walls where one or several vectors of the dreibein change sign across the wall. Let us start with the domain walls. At such wall in the 3D space (or at the 3D hypersurface in 3#1 space) the vierbein is degenerate, so that the determinant of the contravariant metric gIJ becomes zero on the surface. 11.1. Vierbein domain wall In gravity theory two types of the walls with the degenerate metric were considered: with degenerate contravariant metric gIJ and with degenerate covariant metric g [152]. The case of IJ degenerate g was discussed in detail in [152,153]. Both types of the walls could be generic. IJ According to Horowitz [154], for a dense set of coordinate transformations the generic situation is the 3D hypersurface where the covariant metric g has rank 3. The physical origin of the walls with IJ the degenerate metric gIJ in general relativity has been discussed by Starobinsky [155]. They can arise after in#ation, if the in#aton "eld has a Z degenerate vacuum. The domain wall separates the domains with two di!erent vacua of the in#aton "eld (in principle, the domains can have di!erent space}time topology, as is emphasized by Starobinsky [155]). The metric gIJ can everywhere satisfy the Einstein equations in vacuum, but at the considered surfaces the metric gIJ cannot be diagonalized as gIJ"diag(1,!1,!1,!1). Instead, on such surface the metric is diagonalized as gIJ"diag(1, 0,!1,!1) and thus cannot be inverted. In condensed matter analogs of gravity the contravariant metric gIJ is primary quantity, since the e!ective metric arises as the property of the quasiparticle energy spectrum. The degeneracy of this metric implies that the `speed of lighta propagating in some direction becomes zero. We consider here the case when this direction is normal to the wall and thus the `relativistica quasiparticles cannot communicate across the wall. Though the space}time can be #at everywhere, the coordinate transformation cannot remove such a surface: it can only move the surface to in"nity. Thus the system of such vierbein domain walls divides the space}time into domains which cannot communicate with each other. Each domain is #at and in"nite as viewed by local `innera observers who use the low energy `relativistica quasiparticles for communication. In the classical limit, the observers living on di!erent sides of the wall cannot communicate with each other (Ted Jacobson called the neighboring classically noncommunicating #at Universes as sister Universes). However, the `Planck scale physicsa allows these worlds to communicate, since quasiparticles with high enough energy are superluminal and thus can cross the wall. This is an example of the situation, when the e!ective space}time, which is complete from the point of view of the low energy observer, appears to be only a part of the more fundamental underlying space}time. In condensed matter the vierbein domain wall can be simulated by topological solitons in super#uids and superconductors } domain walls, at which some of the three `speeds of lighta cross zero. Such soliton can exist in super#uid He-B [156,157]; in chiral p-wave superconductors [158,159]; in d-wave superconductors [160]; and in thin He-A "lms [161,162]. We consider the domain wall discussed in [162], which simulates the vierbein walls separating two #at space}time domains. When such vierbein wall moves, it splits into a black hole/white hole pair, which
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experiences the quantum friction force due to Hawking radiation [161]. We "rst discuss the stationary wall. Since the wall is topologically stable it does not experience any dissipation. 11.1.1. Vierbein wall in He-A xlm The simplest example of the vierbein walls we are interested in is provided by the domain wall in super#uid He-A "lm which separates domains with opposite orientations of the unit vector lK of the orbital momentum of Cooper pairs: lK "$z( . Here the z( is along the normal to the "lm, and the coordinate x is across the domain wall. The Bogoliubov}Nambu Hamiltonian for fermionic quasiparticles in Eq. (93) is
p#p!p V W $ \ #e ) p\ #e ) p\ . 2mH
Here as before \ @ are 2;2 matrices for the Bogoliubov}Nambu spin, and we neglected the conventional spin structure; p"x( p #y( p is the 2D momentum (for simplicity we assume that the V W "lm is narrow so that the motion along the normal to the "lm is quantized and only the motion along the "lm is free); the vectors e and e of the dreibein are given by Eq. (100) in equilibrium He-A. But within the domain wall the order parameter deviates from the He-A vacuum manifold and thus the `speeds of lighta do not coincide with their equilibrium values c far from the wall. We , assume the following order parameter texture in the wall: e (x)"x( c (x), e "y( c (x) , (271) V W where the `speed of lighta propagating along the axis y is constant, while the `speed of lighta propagating along the axis x changes sign across the wall: x c (x)"c , c (x),c(x)"c tanh . W , V , d
Across the wall the unit vector along the orbital momentum of Cooper pairs changes sign: e ;e "z( sign(x) . lK " e ;e
At x"0 the dreibein is degenerate: the vector product e ;e "0 and the third vector of the dreibein, the lK vector, is not determined. The exact solution for the order parameter within the wall is slightly di!erent from this Ansatz [156], but this does not change the topology of the wall and thus is not important for the discussed phenomena. Since the momentum projection p is the conserved quantity, we come to a pure 1#1 problem. W Further we assume that (i) p "$p ; and (ii) the parameters of the system are such that the W $ thickness d of the domain wall is larger than the `Plancka length scale: d< /mHc . This allows us , to consider the `relativistica range of the momentum /d;p ;mc , where the nonlinear V , correction p can be either neglected as compared to the relativistic term or considered in the V semiclassical approximation. Then, rotating the Bogoliubov spin and neglecting the noncommutativity of the p term and c(x), one obtains the following Hamiltonian for the 1#1 particle: V (274) H"M(P)\ #(c(x)P#Pc(x))\ ,
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P M(P)" #c p , , W 4m
where the momentum operator P"!iR is introduced. If the nonlinear term (P term in V Eq. (275)) is completely neglected, one obtains the 1#1 Dirac fermions H"M\ #(c(x)P#Pc(x))\ , M"M(P"0)"c p . , W The classical spectrum of the low-energy quasiparticles,
E!c(x)p"M , V gives rise to the e!ective contravariant metric
gVV"c(x) ,
which in turn produces the e!ective space}time with the line element ds"!dt#(c(x))\ dx .
Though the metric element g is in"nite at x"0, the curvature is everywhere zero. Thus VV Eq. (280) represents a yat e!ective space}time for any function c(x). However, the `coordinate singularitya at x"0, where g "R, cannot be removed by the coordinate transformation. If at VV x'0 one introduces a new coordinate " dx/c(x), then the line element takes the standard #at form ds"!dt#d .
However, after this transformation the wall is moved to in"nity, and thus the other domain } the physical half-space at x(0 } is completely removed. The situation is precisely the same as discussed by Starobinsky for the domain wall in the in#aton "eld [155]. Since the `speed of lighta c(x) becomes zero at the wall, these two #at space}times are disconnected in the relativistic approximation. However this approximation breaks down near x"0, where the `Planck energy physicsa becomes important and the nonlinearity in the energy spectrum appears in Eq. (275): The two halves actually communicate due to the high-energy quasiparticles, which are superluminal and thus can propagate through the wall. 11.1.2. Fermions across vierbein wall Let us "rst consider the problem of the sister Universes within the relativistic domain. The relativistic quasiparticles do not communicate across the vierbein wall, because from the point of view of the local observer each half-space is #at and in"nite. This happens in the classical consideration. However, from the physics of the horizon we know that the quantum mechanics can change the situation; and this really happens in our case: the quantum mechanics opens the route to communicate across the wall. Of course, as in case of similar subtle problems, there is an uncertainty related to the analytic continuation of the quasiparticle wave function across the coordinate singularity. We shall see that in a given problem this uncertainty is resolved merely by assumption that there is a superluminal communication at high energy, while the details of the
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nonlinear dispersion are not important. This is con"rmed by the consideration of the superluminal dispersion in the next section. There are two ways to treat the problem in the relativistic theory. In one approach one makes the coordinate transformation "rst. Then in one of the domains, say, at x'0, the line element is Eq. (281), and one comes to the standard solution for wave function of the Dirac particle propagating in the #at 1#1 space}time:
Q Q A B ( )" exp(i EI ) # exp(!i EI ) , Q\ !Q\ (2 (2 EI "(E!M, Q"
E#M . E!M
Here A and B are arbitrary constants. In this approach it makes no sense to discuss any connection to the other domain, which simply does not exist in this representation. In the second approach we do not make the coordinate transformation and work with both domains. The wave function for the Hamiltonian Eq. (277) at x'0 follows from the solution in Eq. (282) after restoring the old coordinates:
Q Q A B (x'0)" exp(i (x)EI ) # exp(!i (x)EI ) , Q\ !Q\ (2c(x) (2c(x)
V dx . c(x)
The similar solution exists at x(0. We can now connect the solutions for the right and left half-spaces using (i) the analytic continuation across the point x"0; and (ii) the conservation of the quasiparticle current across the interface. The quasiparticle current, e.g. at x'0 is j"c(x)R\ " A ! B .
The analytic continuation depends on the choice of the contour around the x"0 in the complex x plane. Thus starting from Eq. (285) we obtain two possible solutions at x(0. The "rst solution is obtained when the point x"0 is shifted to the lower part of the complex plane:
Q Q !iBe#I 2& !iAe\#I 2& exp(i (x)EI ) # exp(!i (x)EI ) , '(x(0)" Q\ !Q\ (2 c(x) (2 c(x) where ¹ is &
dc ¹ " & 2 dx
. (288) V The conservation of the quasiparticle current (286) across the point x"0 gives the connection between parameters A and B: A ! B " B e#I 2& ! A e\#I 2& .
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The quantity ¹ looks like the Hawking radiation temperature determined at the singularity. As & follows from Ref. [161] it is the limit of the Hawking temperature when the white hole and black hole horizons in the moving wall merge to form the static vierbein wall (see Eq. (339) below). Note, that there is no real radiation when the wall does not move. The parameter ¹ /EI &R/Rx, where & "2/p "(2/EI )Rc/Rx is the de Broglie wave length of the quasiparticle. Thus the quantity V ¹ marks the crossover from the classical regime at ¹<¹ to the quantum regime ¹;¹ . In & & & the energy range ¹ /EI ;1 one can use the quasiclassical approximation for the wave function. & The second solution is obtained when the point x"0 is shifted to the upper half-plane:
Q Q iBe\#I 2& iAe#I 2& exp(i (x)EI ) # exp(!i (x)EI ) , ''(x(0)" Q\ !Q\ (2 c(x) (2 c(x)
and the current conservation gives the following relation between parameters A and B: A ! B " B e\#I 2& ! A e#I 2& .
Two solutions, the wave functions ' and '', are connected by the relation ''J\ (')H which follows from the symmetry of the Hamiltonian
HH"\ H\ . (293) The general solution is the linear combination of ' and ''. Though on the classical level the two sister Universes on both sides of the singularity are not connected, there is a quantum mechanical interaction between them. The wave functions across the wall are connected by the relation (!x)"$i\ H(x) inspite of no possibility to communicate in the relativistic domain. 11.1.3. Communication across the wall via superluminal nonlinear dispersion In the above derivation we relied upon the analytic continuation and on the conservation of the quasiparticle current across the wall. Let us justify this using the nonlinear correction in Eq. (275), which was neglected before. We shall work in the quasiclassical approximation, which holds if EI <¹ . In a purely classical limit one has the dispersion & p (294) E"M#c(x)p# V , V 4(mH) which determines two classical trajectories (295) p (x)"$(2mH((EI #(mH)c(x)!mHc(x)) . V It is clear that there is no singularity at x"0: the two trajectories continuously cross the domain wall in opposite directions, while the Bogoliubov spin continuously changes its direction. Far from the wall these two trajectories give the two solutions, ' and '', in the quasiclassical limit EI <¹ . & The function '
Q 1 exp(i (x)EI ) , '(x'0)" Q\ (2 c(x)
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Q !i '(x(0)" exp(!i (x)EI ) !Q\ (2 c(x)
describes the propagation of the quasiparticle from the left to the right without re#ection at the wall: in the quasiclassical limit re#ection is exponentially suppressed. This corresponds to the EI <¹ limit of the solution ', Eqs. (285) and (287), obtained in the relativistic domain using & the analytic continuation. The function '' in the quasiclassical limit corresponds to the quasiclassical trajectory in Eq. (295) of quasiparticle propagating in the opposite direction:
Q 1 exp(!i (x)EI ) , ''(x'0)" !Q\ (2 c(x)
Q i ''(x(0)" exp(i (x)EI ) . Q\ (2 (x)
The quasiparticle current far from the wall does obey the Eq. (286) and is conserved across the wall. This again con"rms the quantum mechanical connection between the spaces obtained in previous section. In the limit of small mass MP0, the particles become chiral with the spin directed along or opposite to the momentum p . The spin structure of the wave function in a semiclassical V approximation is given by p V . (x)"e O\ ?(#R), tan " 2mHc(x)
Since changes by across the wall, the spin of the chiral quasiparticle rotates by : the right-handed particle transforms to the left-handed one when the wall is crossed. In conclusion, there is a quantum mechanical coherence between the two #at worlds, which do not interact classically across the vierbein wall. The coherence is established by nonlinear correction to the spectrum of chiral particle: E(p)"cp#p. In our consideration the nonlinear dispersion parameter was chosen positive, which allows the superluminal propagation across the wall at high momenta p. The result, however, does not depend on the magnitude of : in the relativistic low-energy limit the amplitudes of the wave function on the left and right sides of the wall remain equal in the quasiclassical approximation, though in the low-energy corner the communication across the wall is classically forbidden. Thus the only relevant input of the `Planck energya physics is the mere possibility of the superluminal communication between the worlds across the wall. It appeared that the communication between particles propagating in two classically disconnected worlds can be obtained even in the relativistic domain if the quantum mechanics is used. The relevant tools of quantum mechanics is the analytic continuation across the vierbein wall, which together with the conservation law for the particle current across the wall determines the coherence of quantum state across the wall. Thus the quantum mechanics contains more information on the sister Universe than the classical physics. This is similar to the problem of the black-hole horizon. In principle, the two worlds across the vierbein wall can be smoothly connected by the path which does not cross the wall, say, in a MoK bius strip geometry [163]. In He-A the MoK bius
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geometry can be reproduced by the half-quantum vortex (see Section 9.1.7 and review [164]). This vortex is an analog of Alice string considered in particle physics by Schwarz [165]. A particle which moves around an Alice string continuously #ips its charge or parity or enters the `shadowa world. 11.2. Conical spaces 11.2.1. Antigravitating string An example of the linear defects in the vierbein "eld is the radial disgyration in He-A (Fig. 20). Around this defect one of the vectors of dreibein in Eq. (100), say, e remains constant, e "c z( , , while the other two are rotating by 2 lK (r)"( , e "c K , (301) , where as before z, , are the cylindrical coordinates with the axis z( being along the defect line. The interval corresponding to the metric in Eq. (104) is
1 c 1 d# , d . (302) ds"!dt# dz# c c c , , , Rescaling the radial and axial coordinates "c R, z"c Z one obtains , , ds"!dt#dZ#dR#aR d, a"c /c <1 . (303) , , In relativistic theories such conical metric, but with a(1, arises outside the local strings. The space outside the string core is #at, but the proper length 2Ra of the circumference of radius R around the axis is smaller than 2R, if a(1. This is the so called angle de"cit. In our case we have a'1, i.e. the `negative angle de"cita. The conical singularity gives rise to the curvature
Fig. 20. The radial disgyration in He-A is equivalent to cosmic string with an excess angle. Since all the geodesic curves are repelling from the string, the dysgyration serves as an example of the antigravitating string.
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which is concentrated at the axis of disgyration (R"0) [166,167]: R0( "2 0(
a!1 (R), (R)"(X)(>) . a
Such metric can arise from the Einstein equations for the local cosmic string with the singular energy density concentrated in the string core 1!a T " (R) 4Ga
where G is the gravitational constant. Since a"c /c <1, this should be rather unusual cosmic , , string with a large negative mass of Planck scale, i.e. this string is antigravitating } the trajectories of the (quasi)particles are repelled from the string (Fig. 20). 11.2.2. Estimation of Newton constant If one "nds such singular contribution to the energy density of He-A in the presence of radial disgyration one can extract the value of the e!ective gravitational constant in He-A for this particular case. Let us consider the following Ansatz for the dreibein in the core of the radial disgyration: e "c z( , e "f ()c K , f ("0)"0, f ("R)"1 , , , which corresponds to the e!ective metric
a R d . (307) ds"!dt#dZ#dR# f (Rc ) , The function f () can be obtained from the Ginzburg}Landau free energy functional, Eqs. (5.4) and (7.17) in [16], which for the chosen Ansatz Eq. (306) has the form
df f v p X dz d (1!f )# # (308) F"K $ $ d 96 MM v p M d ( f ) !Kz $ $ d . (309) 48 d Here and z are the radius and the height of the cylindrical vessel with the disgyration on the axis; & (¹)/v ; the overall dimensionless factor K in the Ginzburg}Landau region close to the $ transition temperature ¹ is ¹ (310) K(¹)"1! , ¹P¹ . ¹ Eq. (308) is some kind of the dilaton "eld. Eq. (309) is the pure divergence and thus can be represented as the singular term, which does not depend on the exact structure of the disgyration core, but nevertheless contributes the core energy:
v k v k F "!2K $ $ (), F " dx F "!K $ $ . 48 96
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Now let us extract the `Newton's constanta G for He-A by comparing this core energy with the string mass M obtained by integration of T : 1!a Z . (312) M" dX (!gT " 4G
Translating this to the He-A language, where the `propera length is Z "z /c , and taking into , account that a"c /c <1 one has , , c M"! , z . (313) 4Gc , Then from equation, F "M, one obtains the `gravitational constanta 12 G(¹)" . (314) K(¹)(¹) The same value is obtained from the energy}momentum tensor for the analog of the graviton in He-A. G(¹) is inversely proportional to the square of the `Plancka energy scale (¹) and depends on ¹ increasing with ¹, which corresponds to the vacuum screening of the gravity. The temperature dependence of the gravitational constant leads to its time dependence during the evolution of the Universe. The latter has been heavily discussed starting with the Dirac proposal (see Review [168]). Though we cannot extrapolate the temperature dependence of K(¹) in Eq. (310) to the low ¹, we can expect that the overall temperature dependence of the Newton's constant can be approximated by
1 ¹ \ 1 , G(¹"0)& & . (315) G(¹)&G(¹"0) 1! ¹ (0) ¹ An exact value of G in the low-¹ regime will be discussed later in Section 13. Note also that negative mass M in Eq. (313) does not mean that the vacuum in He-A is unstable towards formation of the string: the energy of the radial disgyration is dominated by the positive energy term in Eq. (308) which comes from the `Planckiana physics: v k E ( )"K $ $ z ln . 48 c ,
11.3. Vortex vs. spinning cosmic string Another example of the linear topological defects in the vierbein "eld is the quantized vortex in He-A (Fig. 21). In its simplest realization, which occurs, say, in He-A "lms, where the lK vector is "xed by the boundary conditions, the vortex structure is given by Eq. (201). It can be also written in terms of the zweibein vectors e and e , which are rotating by 2 around the origin lK "z( , e "f ()c ( , e "f ()c K , f (0)"0, f (R)"1 . (317) , , From the de"nition of the super#uid velocity in Eq. (102) one obtains
K , *" 2m
dx ) * ," . m
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Fig. 21. The e!ective metric produced by super#ow circulating around the vortex is similar to the metric of spinning string. Bottom: As for the spinning string, there is a constant time di!erence for the quasiparticle circling with the `speed of lighta around the vortex in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. The string serves as a gravimagnetic solenoid and quasiparticles experience the gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ects, which leads to the additional Iordanskii force acting on a vortex.
For the general vortex in He-A in the parallel-plate geometry with "xed lK , the circulation is "n /m, where the winding number n can be integer or half-integer (n "1/2 for the half-quantum vortex } Alice string } in Section 9.1.7 [164]). For vortices in super#uid He the circulation of super#uid velocity is "n (2 /m) with integer winding number n . The super#uid velocity "eld leads to Doppler shift of the quasiparticle energy which in the low-energy limit modi"es the contravariant e!ective metric according to Eq. (108). The azimuthal #ow around the core induces the e!ective space, where quasiparticles propagate along geodesic curves, with the interval given by the covariant metric g in Eq. (109): IJ v d d dz d # # . (319) # ds"! 1! dt# c 2(c !v) c !v c c , , , , , The same metric is applicable for phonons propagating around the vortex in super#uid He after the isotropic `speed of lighta is introduced, c "c "c. , ,
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Far from the vortex the quadratic terms v/c can be neglected and one obtains the interval , 1 d 1 2c # (d# d)# dz, " , . (320) ds"! dt# c c , , The connection between the time and the azimuthal angle in the interval suggests that there is a characteristic angular velocity . For phonons around the vortex in super#uid He this angular velocity is "mc/n , while for the He-A fermions "2mc /n . Note that in both cases the , bare mass of He and He atoms enters the e!ective metric produced by the vortex: the quantization of circulation of super#uid velocity around the vortex, as well as the topological stability of the vortex, are the properties of the `trans-Planckiana physics. In relativistic theories the metric with rotation similar to that in Eq. (320) was obtained for the so-called spinning cosmic string in 3#1 space}time, and also for the spinning particle in the 2#1 gravity [169}172]. The spinning cosmic string is the string which has the rotational angular momentum J concentrated in the string core. The metric outside such a string is
d 1 1 # (dz#d # d), " , ds"! dt# c 4JGc
where G is the gravitational constant. This gives the following correspondence between the circulation around the vortex and the angular momentum J per unit length of the spinning string "8JGc .
Thus vortices in super#uids simulate the spinning cosmic strings [173]. The e!ect peculiar for the spinning string, which was modeled in condensed matter, is the gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ect [169]. Outside the string the metric, which enters the interval ds, is locally #at. But there is the time di!erence for the particles propagating around the spinning string in the opposite directions (Fig. 21, bottom). Let us consider the classical propagation of light along the circumference of radius R assuming that there is a con"nement potential (mirrors). Then the trajectories of phonons (null geodesics) at "R and z"0 are described by the equation ds"0, which at large distances from the core, R
The di!erence in the periods ¹ "2/Q for cw and ccw motion of the photon, phonon or ! ! Bogoliubov quasiparticle is [174] 2"4/ .
The apparent `speed of lighta measured by the internal observer is also di!erent for `lighta propagating in opposite directions: c +c(1$c/R). ! This asymmetry between the particles moving on di!erent sides of the vortex is the origin of the Iordanskii force acting on the vortex from the heat bath of quasiparticles (`mattera), which we discuss in the next section. On the quantum level, the connection between the time variable t and the angle variable in the metric Eq. (321) implies that the scattering cross section of phonons
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(photons) on the vortex (spinning string) should be the periodic function of the energy with the period equal to . The asymmetric part of this cross section gives rise to the Iordanskii force. It appears also, that even apart from the e!ective metric, the condensed matter vortices and global spinning strings have the similar properties. In particular, the spinning string generates the density of the angular momentum in the vacuum outside the string [175]. The angular momentum of the super#uid vacuum outside the vortex is also nonzero and equals L" dx r;n* . For vortices in super#uid He this gives at ¹"0 the total angular momentum n N, where N is the total number of He atoms in the liquid. This is the result of the super#uidity of vacuum and has no relation to the gravity. However, there is a contribution to the angular momentum, which comes from the vortex core. It is of order J& /mc per unit length of the vortex. It is natural to identify this momentum with momentum J in the core of the cosmic string. Then one obtains from Eq. (322) that the e!ective gravitational constant in super#uid He must be G\&(mc). Since mc is the `Plancka energy scale in super#uid He (see Eq. (25)) this is the traditional relation between the gravitational constant and Planck energy. 11.4. Gravitational Aharonov}Bohm ewect and Iordanskii force 11.4.1. Vortex as gravimagnetic yux tube As we discussed in Sections 7.4 and 7.5, in super#uids, with their two-#uid hydrodynamics (for super#uid vacuum and quasiparticles, which form the `mattera) there are three di!erent topological contributions to the force acting on the quantized vortex [176]. The more familiar Magnus force arises when the vortex moves with respect to the super#uid vacuum. For the relativistic cosmic string such force is absent since the corresponding super#uid density of the quantum physical vacuum is zero. However the analog of this force appears if the cosmic string moves in the uniform background charge density [173,177]. The other two forces of topological origin also have analogs for the cosmic strings: one of them comes from the analog of the axial anomaly in the core of electroweak string (see Section 7.3), and another one } the Iordanskii force [179] } comes from the analog of the gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ect [178,19] experienced by the spinning cosmic string. The connection between the Iordanskii force and conventional Aharonov}Bohm e!ect was developed in [180}182]. The Iordanskii force arises when the vortex moves with respect to the heat bath of excitations (`mattera). As we have seen from the Eq. (321) there is a peculiar space}time metric around the spinning string. This metric is locally #at, but its global properties lead to the time di!erence for any particle orbiting around the string with the same speed, but in opposite directions, according to Eq. (324). This gives rise to the quantum gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ect [169,184,170]. We discuss here how the same e!ect leads to the asymmetry in the scattering of particles on the spinning string and "nally to the Iordanskii lifting force acting on the vortex. Let us start with the simplest case of the super#uid He, where the equation for phonons with energy EI "E(p)#p ) * (r) (with E(p)"cp) propagating in a curved space}time background created by the vortex follows from the Lagrangian in Eq. (13) for scalar "eld. One can neglect the change in the particle density around the vortex, which is certainly valid far from the core. Then taking into account that for the stationary metric the energy EI is conserved, the wave equation for the sound wave propagating outside the vortex is 1 (EI !i* ) ) # "0 . c
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In the asymptotic region far from the vortex core the quadratic terms */c can be neglected and this equation can be rewritten as [181]
EI EI !c !i# * (r) "0 . c
This equation maps the problem under discussion to the Aharonov}Bohm (AB) problem for the magnetic #ux tube [183] with the vector potential A"* /c and the energy EI playing the part of the electric charge of the particle, e"EI [184,175,185]. The e!ective magnetic "eld B";A"z( (2n /mc) () is concentrated in the vortex core. Such mapping is not surprising, since according to Eq. (185) this A is the vector potential u of gravimagnetic "eld and B"B is the gravimagnetic "eld 2 2 n ()"z( () , B "z( mc
which is concentrated in the core of the vortex (spinning string), while the relevant charge in gravity is the energy. 11.4.2. Symmetric scattering from the vortex Following the same reasoning as for conventional AB e!ect, one "nds that the symmetric part of the scattering cross section of quasiparticle with energy E(p)"cp on the vortex is [181]: d
c E(p) ," cot sin , d 2E(p) 2
E(p)"cp .
This equation satis"es the periodicity of the cross section as a function of energy with the period E" as is required by the spinning string metric in Eq. (321). In super#uids the quasiparticle energies are typically smaller than , which is comparable with the Planck energy. For small E; the result in Eq. (328) was obtained by Fetter [186]. The generalization of the Fetter result for quasiparticles with arbitrary spectrum E(p); (rotons in He and the Bogoliubov}Nambu fermions in superconductors) was recently suggested in Ref. [187]: In our notations it is d /d"(p/8v ) cot(/2), where v "dE/dp is the group velocity of quasiparticles. , % % The equation for the particles scattered by a real spinning string in relativistic theory was suggested in Refs. [184,170]. If the mass density of the string is not taken into account the result is
c E d ," sin , 2E sin(/2)
E"cp .
There is a deviation from the result in Eq. (328) for the vortex, since the metrics of the vortex and spinning string coincide only asymptotically. However Eq. (329) preserves the most important properties of Eq. (328): periodicity in E and the same singular behavior at small scattering angle . 11.4.3. Asymmetric scattering from the vortex This singularity at "0 is the indication of the existence of the transverse (or asymmetric) cross section [182]. For the conventional AB e!ect this asymmetric part leads to the Lorentz force, which acts on the magnetic #ux tube in the presence of electric current carried by excitations, with
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force being transverse to the current. For the gravitational AB e!ect it gives the Iordanskii transverse force, which acts on the vortex in the presence of the mass current carried by the normal component of the liquid. The asymmetric part in the scattering of the quasiparticles on the velocity "eld of the vortex has been calculated by Sonin for phonons and rotons in He [181] and by Cleary [188] for the Bogoliubov}Nambu quasiparticles in conventional superconductors. In the case of `relativistica phonons the transverse cross section is periodic in the phonon energy E again with the period [181,182]: 2E(p)
c sin , " , E(p)
E(p)"cp .
At low E; this result can be easily generalized for arbitrary spectrum E(p), if one uses a simple classical theory of scattering [181]. Far from the vortex, where the circulating velocity is small, the trajectory of the quasiparticle is almost the straight line parallel, say, to the axis y, with the distance from the vortex line being the impact parameter x. The quasiparticle moves along this line with the almost constant momentum p +p and almost constant group velocity v "dE/dp. The change in W % the transverse momentum during this motion is determined by the Hamiltonian equation dp /dt"!REI /Rx"!p Rv /Rx, or dp /dy"!(p/v )Rv /Rx. The transverse cross section is V W W V % W obtained by integration of p /p over the impact parameter x: V > dx > Rv (331) " dy W " . , v v Rx \ % \ % For v "c this is the result of Eq. (330) at E;. Note that the result in Eq. (331) is pure classical: % the Planck constant drops out from Eq. (330) in the low-energy limit.
11.4.4. Iordanskii force on spinning string This asymmetric part of scattering, , which describes the momentum transfer in the transverse , direction, after integration over the distribution of excitations gives rise to the transverse force acting on the vortex if the vortex moves with respect to the normal component. This is the Iordanskii force:
dp (p)v f ( p) p;z( F " ' % (2) ,
"!z( ;
dp f ( p) p"P;z( . (2)
It depends only on the momentum density P carried by excitations (matter) and on the circulation around the vortex. This con"rms the topological origin of this force. In the case of the thermal equilibrium distribution of quasiparticles the momentum is expressed in terms of the counter#ow velocity and the density of the normal component, P"mn (* !* ), and one obtains Eq. (153), which we used to study the vortex dynamics in He-A and He-B. The same Iordanskii force must act on the spinning cosmic string, when it moves with respect to the matter. Iordanskii force has been experimentally identi"ed in the rotating super#uid He-B (Fig. 18). According to the theory for the transport of vortices in He-B (Section 7.5), the Iordanskii force completely determines the mutual friction parameter d +!n /n at low ¹ (see Section 9.2.2), ,
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where the spectral #ow (and thus the e!ect of the axial anomaly) is completely suppressed. This is in accordance with the experimental data, which show that d does approach its negative asymptote , at low ¹ [189,46]. At higher ¹ the spectral #ow becomes dominating which leads to the sign reversal of d . The observed negative sign of d at low ¹ provides the experimental veri"cation of , , the analog of the gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ect on spinning cosmic string.
12. Horizons, ergoregions, degenerate metric, vacuum instability and all that 12.1. Event horizons in vierbein wall and Hawking radiation Let us consider the vierbein wall discussed in Section 11.1, which is still stationary but there is a super#ow across the wall with the constant super#uid velocity * "v x( (Fig. 22). The line element of the e!ective space}time in Eq. (280) becomes [161] 1 1 1 (dx!v dt)# dy# dz ds"!dt# c c c(x) , , v v dx x dx "! 1! dt# , c(x)"c tanh . # , c(x) c(x)!v d c(x)!v In Eq. (334) we omitted the irrelevant metric of the space along the wall. The naive transformation
tI "t#
v dx c(x)!v
(333) (334)
Fig. 22. When there is a super#ow across the soliton, the vierbein wall splits into a pair of horizons: black hole and white hole. Between the horizons the super#uid velocity exceeds the `speed of lighta and g changes sign. Since their speed cV is smaller that the velocity of the super#uid vacuum, the `relativistica quasiparticles within the horizon can move only along the streamlines. Horizon at x"!x is the black-hole horizon, since no information can be extracted from the region behind this horizon, if the low-energy quasiparticles are used for communication.
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in Eq. (334) gives
v dx ds"! 1! dt! # . (336) c(x) c(x)!v This line element corresponds to the radial part of the Schwarzschild metric for the black hole. The metric in Eq. (336) shows that there are two horizons in the soliton: at planes x where c(x )"v and at x "!x where c(!x )"!v . This `Schwarzschilda metric has co \ ordinate singularities at both horizons and thus is not determined globally, this is because the transformation in Eq. (335) is ill de"ned in the presence of horizons. The `Schwarzschilda metric can describe the e!ective space}time either outside the horizons or between them, at !x (x(x . The original metric in Eq. (333) is well determined everywhere except for the physical singularity at x"0, where the vierbein is degenerate. This is because in the e!ective gravity theory in He-A (and also in super#uid He) the primary quantity is not the metric, but the energy spectrum of quasiparticle, which in the low-energy corner becomes `relativistica and acquires the Lorentzian form, thus giving rise to the contravariant metric gIJ. Then from this contravariant metric, if it is nondegenerate, the covariant metric g is obtained which describes the e!ective space}time. Thus IJ only those space}times are physical in these e!ective theories, which came from the physically reasonable quasiparticle spectrum. Since the spectrum of quasiparticles must be determined everywhere, if the vacuum state is locally stable, the contravariant e!ective metric gIJ is well determined in the whole underlying Galilean space}time of the condensed matter. As a result the covariant e!ective metric g , which determines the line element of the e!ective space}time, must be IJ also determined everywhere except for the places where the contravariant metric gIJ is degenerate. The spectrum of the He-A fermionic quasiparticles, which gives rise to the e!ective metric in Eq. (333) is (337) EI ( p)"E ( p)#p v , E ( p)"$(c (p !e p )#c p#c(x)p ? ? V ? , X ? $ , W V which as we know can be written in the Lorentzian form gIJ(p !e A )(p !e A )"0. I ? I J ? J Inspection of the energy spectrum of quasiparticles in Eq. (337) or of the metric in Eq. (333) shows that the two horizons, at x"x and at x"!x , are essentially di!erent. The horizon at x"!x represents the black-hole horizon, while that at x"x is the white-hole horizon. This is because in the region between the horizons, at !x (x(x , the group velocity of the quasipar ticle in the soliton frame v "dEI ( p)/dp "dE( p)/dp #v is positive for both directions of the %V V V quasiparticle momentum p (see Fig. 22, where the super#uid velocity v is chosen positive). All the V (low-energy) quasiparticles inside the horizon will "nally cross the plane x"x , which means that this plane is the white-hole horizon. But the quasiparticles cannot cross the plane x"!x from inside, which indicates the black-hole horizon: The `innera observer living at x(!x cannot obtain the information from the region x'!x , if he uses the `relativistica quasiparticles for communication. Appearance of pairs of the white-hole/black-hole horizons is typical for the condensed matter. In the presence of horizons the notion of the vacuum state becomes subtle. There are two important reference frames in which the vacuum state can be de"ned: they give the same de"nition
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of the vacuum if there are no horizons, but in the presence of the horizons the two vacua do not coincide. (i) The superyuid-comoving vacuum: This is the vacuum as seen by the local `innera observer, who is comoving with the super#uid component, i.e. moving with the local velocity * . The super#uid comoving vacuum is regulated by the energy E( p) in Eq. (337): the states with the negative root in Eq. (337) are occupied in this vacuum. This vacuum state can be also determined as the limit of the local thermal state in Eq. (44) if ¹P0 at zero counter#ow velocity, w"0, or at any "xed `subluminala counter#ow velocity, w(c. The super#uid-comoving vacuum can be determined only locally: since the super#uid velocity depends on the position, in the reference frame moving with the local super#uid velocity the metric is time dependent. (ii) The texture-comoving vacuum: This is the vacuum as determined in the frame of the container walls (or in the frame of the order parameter texture, since in the global equilibrium the textures are pinned by the walls of container). In this frame the metric does not depend on time (in general relativity this means that the space}time determined by such metric has a global time-like Killing vector). The vacuum is the state in which the energy levels with EI ( p)(0 are occupied. Since there is no time dependence, the quasiparticle energy EI ( p) is time independent and can be determined globally. In the absence of horizons this vacuum is locally everywhere the same as the super#uidcomoving vacuum: If the #ow velocity with respect to the walls (textures) is subluminal everywhere, v (c, the sign of EI ( p) is the same as the sign of E( p). In the presence of the horizons the super#uid-comoving vacuum and the texture-comoving vacuum do not coincide in the region between the horizons. Some energy states with the negative root in Eq. (337), E( p)'0, which were occupied in the super#uid-comoving vacuum, acquire in the texture-comoving frame the positive energy, EI ( p)'0. The quasiparticles on such states must be emitted to reach a global equilibrium in the frame of the walls. Thus in the presence of horizons the super#uid-comoving vacuum, though is locally well determined everywhere, represents the excited state in the frame of the walls. It must dissipate towards the texture-comoving vacuum. The dissipation process at ¹"0 is the process of emission of quasiparticles from the states with EI ( p)'0 and "lling of the empty negative energy levels, EI ( p)(0, which means the emission of quasiholes. If the walls of container are far away and the interaction with them can be neglected, the radiation of quasiparticles and quasiholes at ¹"0 occurs only due to the presence of the spatial inhomogeneity of the metric (the texture). This process must be determined by the spatial derivatives of the order parameter or of the super#uid velocity, or in the relativistic domain by the gradients of the e!ective metric (the gravitational "eld). In the limit of zero gradients, the system is e!ectively homogeneous, and the preferred reference frame of the texture is lost. In this limit the `innera observer, which moves with the local super#uid velocity, does not know at ¹"0 whether the liquid is moving or not, and thus there is no reason for emission and dissipation. An example of the dissipation, caused by the gradients of the metric, is the Hawking radiation [190]. In our case is the radiation of quasiparticles from the black-hole horizon (see Section 12.5). It is characterized by the Hawking temperature proportional to the `surface gravitya , which is 1 equivalent to the gradient of the `speed of lighta at the horizon:
¹ " , & 2 1
dc " 1 dx
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In the case of Eq. (334) for the pro"le of the `speed of lighta the Hawking temperature depends on the velocity v of super#ow across the horizon: v
c (339) ¹ (v )"¹ (v "0) 1! , ¹ (v "0)" , . & & & c 2d , Typically for this type of domain wall the Hawking temperature ¹ (v "0) is below 1 K; the & Hawking #ux of radiation could in principle be detected by quasiparticle detectors. The Hawking radiation leads to the energy dissipation and thus to the quantum friction, which decreases the velocity v of the domain wall with respect to the super#uid component. Due to the deceleration of the wall motion, the Hawking temperature increases with time. The distance between horizons, 2x , decreases until the complete stop of the domain wall when the two horizons merge. The Hawking temperature approaches its asymptotic value ¹ (v "0) in Eq. (339); but & when the horizons merge, the Hawking radiation disappears: there is no more ergoregion (region with negative energy states), so that the stationary domain wall is nondissipative, as it should be. Nevertheless the asymptotic Hawking temperature is still important for the stationary domain wall, where it determines communication between the sister Universes (see Section 11.1.2). Actually all this consideration is valid in the semiclassical approximation, when the quasiparticle spectrum near the domain wall can be considered as continuous. The quasiparticle spectrum in Eq. (337) takes place only if the horizons are far apart, i.e. the distance between them is much larger than the super#uid coherence length, x
12.2. Landau critical velocity and ergoregion The horizons, discussed in the previous subsection, appeared as surfaces where the super#uid velocity approached the `speed of lighta c . In general, i.e. for the `nonrelativistica spectrum of , quasiparticles, the quantum friction in super#uids at ¹"0 starts when the super#uid velocity exceeds the Landau critical velocity E( p) . v "min * p
The `speed of lighta coincides with the Landau critical velocity, if only the `relativistica quasiparticles are considered. Above the Landau velocity the energy EI ( p)"E( p)#p ) * of some excita tions, as measured in the laboratory (texture) frame, becomes negative. This allows for excitations to be nucleated from the vacuum. For a super#uid velocity "eld which is time independent in the laboratory (or texture) frame, the region where v (r)'v and where quasiparticles can have * negative energy, is called the ergoregion. The surface v (r)"v which bounds the ergoregion, is * called the ergosurface.
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In a given geometry discussed in previous subsection, where the super#ow is along the normal to the vierbein wall, horizons coincide with the ergosurfaces, as it happens for the nonrotating electrically neutral black hole. For the general super#ow (or for the di!erent type of the soliton [191]) horizon and ergosurface are separated from each other, as in the case of the rotating black hole. In general, however, the de"nitions of the horizon and ergosurface depend crucially on the dispersion of the spectrum at higher energy. There are two possible cases. (1) The spectrum bends upwards at high energy, i.e. E ( p)"cp#p with '0. Such dispersion can be realized for the fermionic quasiparticles in He-A, for example from Eq. (294) it follows that \"8(mH)c . Quasiparticles are `relativistica in the low-energy corner but become `super, luminala at higher energy [161,191]. Another example is weakly interacting Bose gas, where the spectrum is E( p)"cp#(p/2m). For positive the Landau critical velocity coincides with the `speed of lighta, v "c, so that the ergosurface is determined by v (r)"c. In the `relativistica * limit of the energy much below the `Plancka scale, i.e. at p;/c (or p;mHc ) this corresponds to , the ergosurface at g (r)"0, which is just the conventional de"nition of the ergosurface in gravity. In case of radial #ow of the super#uid vacuum towards the origin (Fig. 23), the ergosurface represents the horizon in the `relativistica limit, and the region inside the horizon simulates a black hole for low-energy quasiparticles. If we take into account the nonlinear dispersion, we "nd that this is not a true horizon for quasiparticles. For positive the group velocity of quasiparticles is
Fig. 23. Unruh sonic black hole in super#uid He. The horizon and ergosphere coincide only for the `relativistica phonons. For the real quasiparticle spectrum the ergosphere occurs when the velocity of #ow reaches the Landau velocity for rotons.
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superluminal, v "dE/dp"c#3p'c, and thus the high-energy quasiparticles are allowed to % leave the black-hole region. It is, hence, a horizon only for quasiparticles living exclusively in the very low-energy corner: they are not aware of the possibility of `superluminala motion. Nevertheless, even the mere fact that there is a possibility of superluminal propagation at high energy is instrumental for the observer, who lives deeply within the relativistic domain. In particular it allows him to construct the thermal state on both sides of the horizon and to investigate its thermodynamics, including the entropy related to the horizon (see Section 12.7 and Ref. [27]). (2) In super#uid He the negative dispersion of quasiparticle spectrum is realized, (0, with the group velocity v "dE/dp(c (we neglect here a small upturn of the spectrum at low p). In such % super#uids the `relativistica ergosurface at v (r)"c does not coincide with the true ergosurface, which is determined by v (r)"v (c. In super#uid He, the Landau velocity is related to the * roton part of the spectrum, and is about four times less than c. In case of radial #ow inward, the real ergosphere occurs at v (r)"v (c, while the inner surface v (r)"c still marks the horizon * (Fig. 23). This is in contrast to relativistically invariant systems, for which the ergosurface and the horizon coincide for purely radial gravitational "eld of the chargeless nonrotating black hole. The surface v (r)"c stays a horizon even for excitations with very high momenta up to some critical value, at which the group velocity of quasiparticle again approaches c. 12.3. PainleveH }Gullstrand metric in ewective gravity in superyuids. Vacuum resistance to formation of horizon 12.3.1. PainleveH }Gullstrand metric in superyuids Let us consider the spherically symmetric radial #ow of the super#uid vacuum, which is time independent in the laboratory frame (Fig. 23). For simplicity let us assume the isotropic `speed of lighta as in super#uid He. Then dynamics of quasiparticles, propagating in this velocity "eld, is given by the line element provided by the e!ective metric in Eq. (38):
v(r) v (r) 1 dt#2 dr dt# (dr#rd) . ds"! 1! c c c
This equation corresponds to the PainleveH }Gullstrand line elements. It describes a black hole if the super#ow is inward (see Refs. [17,18]; on the pedagogical review of PanleveH }Gullstrand metric see [192]; on the quantum vacuum e!ects in gravity and in its condensed matter analogs see [193]). If v (r)"!c(r /r) the #ow simulates the black hole in general relativity with the horizon at r"r . For the outward super#ow with, say, v (r)"#c(r /r) the white hole is reproduced. For the general radial dependence of the super#uid velocity, the Schwarzschild radius r is determined as v (r )"$c; the `surface gravitya at the Schwarzschild radius is "(1/2c) dv/dr ; and the 1 P Hawking temperature ¹ " /2. & 1 12.3.2. Hydrodynamic instability of acoustic horizon It is not easy to create the #ow in the Bose liquid, which exhibits the horizon for phonons. This is because of the hydrodynamic instability which takes place behind the horizon (see [194,193]). From Eqs. (1) and (4) of super#uid hydrodynamics at ¹"0 (which correspond to conventional hydrodynamics of ideal curl-free liquid) it follows that for stationary motion of the liquid one has
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the relation between the hydrodynamic variables n and v along the streamline [195]:
v R(nv ) "n 1! . c Rv
The particle current J"nv has a maximal value just at the horizon and thus it must decrease behind the horizon, where 1!(v/c) is negative. This is, however, impossible in the radial #ow since, according to the continuity equation (1), one has nv "Const/r and thus the current must monotonically increase across the horizon. This marks the hydrodynamic instability behind the horizon and shows that it is impossible to construct the time-independent #ow with the horizon, unless an external nonhydrodynamic (`nongravitationala) force acting on the liquid is "ne tuned [194,193]. Thus the liquid (the super#uid vacuum) itself resists to the formation of the horizon. Would the quantum vacuum always resist to formation of the event horizon? Fortunately, not. In the considered case of super#uid He, the same `speed of lighta c, which describes the quasiparticles (acoustic waves } phonons) and thus determines the value of the super#uid velocity at acoustic horizon, also enters the hydrodynamic equations that establish the #ow pattern of the `black holea. For spin waves the `speed of lighta can be less than the hydrodynamic speed of sound, that is why the spin-wave horizon can be reached before the hydrodynamic instability. In Fermi super#uid He-A these two speeds can be well separated. The `speed of lighta c for quasiparticles, , which determines the velocity of liquid #ow at the quasiparticle horizon, is about c &3 cm/s. It is , much less than the speed of sound s&200 m/s, which determines the hydrodynamic instabilities of the liquid. That is why there are no severe hydrodynamic constraints on the #ow pattern, the hydrodynamic instability is never reached and the surface gravity at the quasiparticle horizon is always "nite. 12.3.3. Superyuid instability of quasiparticle horizon In super#uids another instability can develop preventing the formation of the horizon. Typically, the `speed of lighta c for `relativistica quasiparticles coincides with the critical velocity, at which the super#uid state of the liquid becomes unstable towards the normal state of the liquid [196]. In this case, when the super#uid velocity with respect to the normal component (the counter#ow velocity) or to the container walls exceeds c, the slope RJ/Rv becomes negative and the super#ow becomes locally unstable. The interaction between super#uid vacuum and the walls leads to collapse of the counter#ow, so that the stationary counter#ow with w'c is impossible. This instability, however, can be smoothened if the container walls are properly isolated. In Ref. [197] it was suggested to isolate the moving super#uid He-A from the walls by the layer of super#uid He. Then the direct interaction and thus the momentum exchange between the #owing condensate and the container walls is suppressed. The momentum exchange occurs due to the gradients of the velocity "eld, and can be made slow if the gradients are small, so that the state with the horizon can live long. Since the velocity gradient corresponds to the e!ective gravitation "eld, the relaxation of the super#ow in the presence of the horizon at the initial stage of the #ow instability becomes similar to the Hawking process of the relaxation of the black hole. In principle, in Fermi super#uids, if the parameters of the system are favorable, the `speed of lighta can be made slightly less than the critical velocity at which the counter#ow collapses. In this case the counter#ow can remain stable in a supercritical regime, which means that the state with
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the horizon can be stabilized: the fermionic quasiparticles formed in the Hawking process "nally occupy all the negative energy states and relaxation stops. Let us "rst consider this "nal state of such a stable horizon. 12.4. Stable event horizon and its momentum-space topology The horizon can be stabilized due to the nonlinear dispersion of the energy spectrum. This can be illustrated on the simplest example of the motion through the narrow place in the tube (Fig. 24). Let us consider what happens with the system, when we continuously increase the velocity of the super#ow from slightly below to slightly above the `speed of lighta c . Further we consider for , simplicity the isotropic Fermi super#uid, whose fermionic quasiparticles have the nonlinear energy spectrum E(p)"cp(1#p/p). Here we assumed the case of the superluminal dispersion, i.e. . '0, and introduced the Planck momentum, which enters the nonlinear dispersion. (In He-A p "(c /2, which is of order mHc .) We shall see that in some cases only this "rst nonlinear , . , correction does the whole job, so that the relevant momenta are concentrated well below the Planck scale, p;p , where the higher-order corrections are negligibly small. . When v exceeds the `speed of lighta c the pair of horizons, black and white, are formed similar to the case discussed in Section 12. The only di!erence is that now the super#uid velocity * is space
Fig. 24. The change of the e!ective space}time when the super#uid velocity through the ori"ce continuously increases. When v exceeds the `speed of lighta the black-hole/white-hole pair appears. Arrows show possible directions of the quasiparticles in the low-energy `relativistica limit. Between the horizons these quasiparticles can move only to the right. The intermediate state when the velocity pro"le "rst touches the `speed of lighta, has the e!ective metric which is equivalent to that in vicinity of the horizon of extremal black hole.
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dependent, while the `speed of lighta c is constant. The horizons can be considered as planes with coordinate x along the normal to the plane. The interval in the laboratory reference frame (the frame of the tube), where the metric is time independent, has the form
v(x) v (x) 1 dt#2 dx dt# (dx#dy#dz) . ds"! 1! c c c
Since the super#uid velocity has a maximum at x"0, then in the region of crossover from the subcritical #ow to the supercritical #ow with a pair of horizons it can be approximated as v (x)
x "1# ! , ;1 , (344) c 2 2x where x is the characteristic length scale of dimension of the tube. The parameter regulates the crossover: we shall vary it from small negative value when there are no horizons, to the small positive value, when the two horizons appear. Within the relativistic domain the system with horizons, i.e. at '0, does not possess the thermodynamic states with global equilibrium (except possibly at the Hawking temperature, which is determined by the quantum e!ects and thus is very low). In a global equilibrium the normal component velocity * must be zero in the frame of the tube, as a result the counter#ow velocity w exceeds the speed of light in the region between the horizons, and the e!ective temperature in Eq. (44) becomes imaginary. However, the nonrelativistic corrections can restore the global thermodynamic equilibrium. The laboratory frame energy spectrum of quasiparticles with the nonlinear dispersion can be written for small in the following form: EI "p v (x)#E(p) V x p#p p 1 X # V , p (0, p#p;p, p ;p , ! # W (345) + c p V W X V V . p p 2 V x V . where we took into account that in the relevant low-energy region the quasiparticle momentum is almost antiparallel to the super#ow and thus p
crosses zero. At (0, where the super#uid velocity is everywhere subcritical, the energy of quasiparticle is zero only at p"0 (in super#uid He-A at p"$p lK ). This is the topologically $ stable Fermi point discussed in Sections 4.3 and 5. At '0 the pair of horizons appears at x"$x , where x "x ( ;x in the region between the horizons, i.e. at x(x , the Fermi point expands and becomes the Fermi surface. The Fermi surface } the 2D manifold in 3D momentum space where the quasiparticle energy in Eq. (345) is zero } is determined by equation
p#p p x !x W X# V" , !x (x(x . (346) p x p . V Thus the appearance of the pair of horizons is accompanied by the quantum (Lifshitz) phase transition at which the topology of the quasiparticle spectrum drastically changes. In the extended space, which includes the momentum p and the coordinate x, the manifold of zeroes of the quasiparticle energy is the 3D Fermi hypersurface in the 4D space ( p, x). This hypersurface bounds the ergoregion in the 4D space ( p, x), where EI ( p, x)(0.
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At '0 the super#uid-comoving vacuum dissipates, say, by Hawking radiation. The Hawking process leads to the "lling of the empty negative energy states within the ergoregion, and the radiation stops, when all of them become occupied. The state with the Fermi hypersurface is thus the "nal zero-temperature state of the Hawking radiation in the systems with stable horizons. The states of the global thermodynamic equilibrium with nonzero ¹ are also possible in such systems. The thermodynamic properties of the horizons, according to the conventional rules for the degenerate Fermi system with Fermi surface, are determined by the density of states at zero energy. If is small, the momenta and energies of the occupied states are still small compared to the Planck scale: p 4p ;p , p 4p ;p , E&cp ;E . (347) V . . W . . V . The density of states is thus N(0)&p p p /E&(p/c) ;(p/c). This is one of the examples when V W X . . the e!ect of the Planck physics does not require the knowledge of the details of trans-Planckian physics, since only the "rst nonlinear correction to the energy spectrum determines the phenomenon. Since the density of states is "nite the entropy of the system with stable horizons is proportional to ¹ and thus is zero at ¹"0. If is small, the total number of the occupied states, &Ax p , where A is the area of the . horizon, is also small. That is why one can expect that at ;1 the reconstruction of the vacuum occurs without essential modi"cation of the velocity pro"le, i.e. without the considerable back reaction of the `gravitational "elda, and thus the stable horizons in the Fermi systems is a typical phenomenon. While for essentially nonrelativistic systems this is really a typical situation to have a stable ergoregion, this is not as simple for the systems exhibiting at small energy the relativistic behavior and the event horizon. The detailed inspection of the back reaction of the order parameter "eld to the "lling of the negative energy levels behind the horizon shows that the back reaction can be signi"cant. Of course, there is no theorem which prevents the existence of the stable horizons in the pair-correlated systems. However, in a typical case discussed, e.g. in Ref. [196], the supercritical state with the Fermi surface appears to be unstable towards the collapse of the super#uidity. In such case, there are no true equilibrium states in the presence of the horizon. So that the "nal result will be the merging and mutual annihilation of the two horizons. This occurs either by the collapse of super#uidity; or, if the collapse is smoothened, by thermal relaxations of the local equilibrium states, which we shall discuss in Section 12.7; and "nally at very low temperature again by the Hawking radiation. 12.5. Hawking radiation Irrespective of the "nal destiny of the horizons, the initial stage of the dissipation of the super#uid-comoving vacuum at ¹"0 in the presence of horizons starts with the Hawking-like radiation. Let us discuss this radiation using the semiclassical description, which is valid when the quasiparticle energy is much larger than the crossover temperature of order of the Hawking temperature ¹ . In this case the Hawking radiation can be described as the quantum tunneling & between the classical trajectories. Fig. 25 shows the relevant classical trajectories of quasiparticles in the presence of the horizons in simplest 1#1 case. We consider the positive energy states, EI '0, as viewed in the laboratory (texture) frame, where the velocity "eld is time independent. These trajectories are given by the equation EI (p, x)"EI '0
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Fig. 25. Trajectories of quasiparticles in the presence of the black-hole/white-hole pair in 1#1 case. The nonlinear dispersion of the energy spectrum at high momentum p is taken into account. Only those positive-energy trajectories are considered, which are responsible for the Hawking-like radiation. They are represented by curves of constant energy in the laboratory (Killing) frame: EI (p, x)"EI '0. The trajectory between the horizons has negative energy, E(0, in the frame comoving with the super#uid vacuum. That is why the corresponding quantum states are initially occupied. But in the laboratory frame these quasiparticles have positive energy, EI '0, and thus can tunnel to the mode with the same energy EI '0, which is out-going from the black hole. The radiation from the black hole also occurs by tunneling to the mode in-going to the white hole, which due to `superluminala dispersion crosses both horizons.
with EI (p, x) given by Eq. (345). Between the horizons the positive energy states in the laboratory frame have the negative energy as viewed by the inner observer moving with the super#uid velocity * : in the `relativistica domain this energy is E(p)"!cp(0. Since the initial state of the liquid is the super#uid-comoving vacuum, these states between the horizons are initially occupied. This super#uid-comoving vacuum is seen in the absolute laboratory frame as highly excited state with nonequilibrium distribution of quasiparticles. The equilibrization occurs via tunneling of the quasiparticles from the occupied excited states, which have EI '0 and E(0, to the modes with the same positive energy EI (p, x)"EI '0 but with E'0. The latter are the modes out-going from the black-hole horizon to in"nity. The tunneling exponent is determined by the usual quasiclassical
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action 2 Im p(x) dx. At low energy, when the nonrelativistic corrections are neglected, the momentum as a function of x on the classical trajectory has a pole at the horizon p(x)+EI /v (x!x ). Here v is the derivative of the super#uid velocity at the horizon, which is equivalent to the surface gravity. Using the standard prescription for the treating of poles, one obtains for the tunneling action 2 Im p(x) dx"2EI /v . The probability of tunneling, exp(!2EI /v ), reproduces the thermal radiation with the Hawking temperature:
¹ " , & 2 1
dv " 1 dx
This can be compared with Eq. (338) for the Hawking temperature in the case of moving vierbein wall in terms of the `surface gravitya at the horizon. The only di!erence is that in the case of the 1 wall the `surface gravitya is simulated by the gradient of the `speed of lighta instead of the gradient of the super#uid velocity in Eq. (348). There is another channel of dissipation. According to Fig. 25 the radiation from the region between the horizons also occurs by tunneling to the mode in-going to the white hole. This mode, due to the `superluminala dispersion, crosses both horizons and is transformed to the mode out-going from the black-hole horizon. The tunneling exponent is given by Eq. (348) where it is now the velocity gradient at the white-hole horizon, which determines the Hawking temperature of this tunneling. 12.6. Extremal black hole Let us consider the transition point, "0, at which the super#uid velocity "rst approaches the `speed of lighta at x"0 (Fig. 24). After rescaling of Eq. (343) at "0 one obtains the following interval: ds"!x dt#2dx dt#dx#dy#dz
dx dx # #dy#dz . "!x dt! x x
The plane x"0, where the black and white horizons merge, marks the bridge between the two spaces, at x(0 and at x'0. The metric in Eq. (349) coincides with the metric in the vicinity of the horizon of an extremal black hole, whose mass equal to the electric charge:
r r \ dr#r d . ds"! 1! dt# 1! r r
There is a strong divergence of the e!ective temperature at the horizon, ¹ J¹/x, according to the Tolman's law in Eq. (49), where ¹ is the constant Tolman's temperature which is a real temperature in super#uids. Because of this divergence all the thermodynamic quantities have singularity at the horizon where the Planck scale of energy must intervene to cut o! the divergence. It appears again that the "rst nonlinear correction to the `relativistica energy spectrum provides the necessary cuto! already at low energy, which is much less than the Planck energy scale.
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The energy spectrum in the vicinity of the horizon of our extremal black hole is according to Eq. (345)
x p#p p 1 X # V , p '0, p#p;p . EI " cp # W V W X V 2 V x p p V .
Thermodynamical quantities at the horizon, which follow from this spectrum can be estimated using scaling relations. Since the characteristic energy EI is of order the temperature ¹, the characteristic values of the coordinate x and momentum p are
¹ p &p , V . cp .
¹ ¹ p & p &p , x &x . W X . cp cp . .
As a result the thermodynamic energy concentrated at the horizon is E JA¹ xp p p V W X &(1/c)Ap x ¹. We can compare this with the thermodynamic energy in the bulk liquid far from . the horizons. It is of order E J(1/c)Ax ¹, where x is the dimension of the container. Assuming that x is of order x , one obtains the ratio E /E Jp c/¹<1. Thus most of the . thermodynamic energy is concentrated in the vicinity of the horizon in the region of thickness x (¹/cp ). This region is very small, but still is much larger than the Planck length scale. That is . why all the characteristic energies and momenta are much less than the Planck scales. Thus what we need from the Planck physics here is only the small nonlinear correction to the energy spectrum; this is enough for the complete determination of thermodynamic properties of the extremal horizon. The quantum gravity is not necessary to be introduced. The most of the entropy of the system is also concentrated at the horizon, S (¹)&(1/c)Ap x ¹. The entropy of our extremal black hole tends to zero, when the temper . ature is reduced. We considered the region of temperatures ¹ ;¹;cp , where ¹ is . the temperature at which the quantization of the quasiparticle levels becomes important. Let us estimate the entropy in the quantum limit. The quantum corrections become important, when p x&1. From Eq. (352) it follows that the quantum crossover temperature is V ¹ &E (p x )\. (We recall, that for the conventional black hole the quantum crossover . . temperature is of order the Hawking temperature, ¹ &E (p x )\.) The horizon entropy at . . this crossover temperature is S (¹ )&A/x &1. This means that the condensed matter analog of the extremal black hole supports the point of view that the entropy of the extremal black hole is zero, or at least is not proportional to the area of the horizon. 12.7. Thermal states in the presence of horizons. Modixed Tolman's law In typical super#uid/superconducting systems with relativistic-like quasiparticles the pair of black and white horizons does not allow the states with global thermal equilibrium to exist because of the back reaction of the super#uid vacuum. In this case the "nal state of the pair of horizons is when the two horizons merge, i.e. it is the extremal horizon considered in the previous section. If the walls of container are properly isolated the initial stage of the evolution of the system towards this state is governed at low ¹ by Hawking radiation. Let us consider how this evolution can occur if the temperature of the liquid is higher than the quantum crossover temperature ¹ . &
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Here we discuss the scenario, in which the equilibrization occurs through the sequence of the local equilibrium states with inhomogeneous ¹ and * . In a local equilibrium the counter#ow velocity w in Eq. (44) must be less than the `speed of lighta. That is why in the presence of horizons, when the super#uid velocity * exceeds c, the normal component velocity * must be adjusted to keep the counter#ow velocity w"* !* below c everywhere. Thus the normal component velocity is necessarily inhomogeneous in the presence of horizons. This violates the condition for the global thermodynamic equilibrium, * "0, and gives rise to the dissipation via viscosity of the normal component, which plays the role of the Hawking radiation at ¹ above ¹ . Such local & equilibrium states were constructed in Ref. [27] in the simplest case of the 1#1 space}time with the #ow pro"le in the right bottom part of Fig. 24. The `speed of lighta c is kept constant, while the super#uid velocity v (x), depends on the coordinate x and exceeds c in the region between the horizons. Though the super#uid velocity is `superluminala between the horizon, v 'c, the counter#ow velocity w appears to be everywhere `subluminala reaching the maximum value w"c at the horizon, with w(c both outside and inside the horizons. The local equilibrium with the e!ective temperature ¹ in Eq. (44) is thus determined on both sides of the horizon. These thermal states are obtained using the two-#uid hydrodynamics discussed in Section 2. We neglect quantum e!ects related to gravity, including the Hawking radiation process. This is permitted if all the relevant energies are much higher than temperature of the crossover to the quantum regime, which is of order of the Hawking temperature, ¹ "( /2) , where & 1 "(R v ) &c/x is the `surface gravitya at the horizon. Thus we assume that ¹<¹ , and 1 V &
/<¹ , where is the relaxation time due to collision of thermal quasiparticles. The latter & relation also shows that the mean free path l"c is small compared with the characteristic length, within which the velocity (or the gravitational potential) changes: l(Rv /Rx);v . This is just the condition for the applicability of the two-#uid hydrodynamic equations, where the variables are the super#uid velocity v which, when squared, plays the part of the gravitational potential, as well as temperature ¹(x) and velocity v (x) of the normal component, which characterize the local equilibrium states of `mattera. The dissipative terms in the two-#uid equations can then be neglected in zeroth-order approximation, since they are small compared to the reversible hydrodynamic terms by the above parameter l(Rv /Rx);v . If the back reaction is neglected, and thus the super#uid velocity (`gravitya) "eld is "xed, the other hydrodynamic variables, temperature ¹(x) and velocity v (x) of `mattera, are determined by the conservation of energy and momentum. From Eq. (42) for the "0 component of the energy}momentum tensor, which corresponds to the energy conservation for the `mattera, it follows that the energy #ux Q carried by the quasiparticles is constant (note that c is constant here). In the `relativistica approximation one then has (c"1) v (1#wv ) (2s#1) "const, " ¹ . Q"!(!g¹V "2 1!w 12
From the same Eq. (42) but for "1, which is the momentum conservation equation, there results the "rst-order di!erential equation
v w w # "2 R v . !R 2 V 1!w 1!w V If the energy #ux is zero, Eq. (353) gives two possible states.
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(i) Eq. (353) is satis"ed by the trivial solution v "0. Then from Eq. (354) it follows that ¹"const. This corresponds to a true equilibrium state, or global thermodynamic equilibrium discussed in Section 3.6. Such equilibrium state, however, can exist only in the absence of or outside the horizon. The e!ective temperature, which satis"es the Tolman's law, ¹ (x)" ¹/(!g (x),¹/(1!v(x), cannot be continued across the horizon: The e!ective temperature ¹ diverges when the horizon is approached and becomes imaginary inside the horizon, where w '1. (ii) There is, however, another solution of Eq. (353): 1#wv "0. Since w(1, this solution can be valid only inside the horizon, where v'1. From Eq. (354) it follows that (x)"const/(v(x)!1), and thus the temperature behaves as ¹(x)J(x)(1!w(x))" const/v(x), or ¹(x)"¹ / v (x) , where ¹ is the temperature at the horizon, when ap proached from inside. Thus inside the horizon one has a quasiequilibrium state with inhomogeneous temperature. The e!ective temperature behind the horizon follows a modi"ed Tolman law: ¹ . (355) ¹ (x)" (v(x)!1 Solution (i) outside the horizon and solution (ii) inside the horizon can be connected at the horizon. As in the case of the connection of two sister Universes across the vierbein wall, the main principle is the possibility of the superluminal exchange of energy between the matter (quasiparticles) inside and outside the horizon. This implies that the real temperature ¹ must be continuous across the horizon: ¹ "¹ . Assuming that far from the horizon the super#uid velocity vanishes, one has ¹( x 'x )"¹ , ¹( x (x )"¹ / v (x) . Thus one has the modi"ed form of the Tolman's law, which is valid on both sides of the black hole horizon: ¹ (x)"
¹ " . v(x) ( g (x) 1! c ¹
The e!ective temperature ¹ , which determines the local `relativistica thermodynamics, becomes in"nite at the horizon. The cuto! is provided by the nonlinear dispersion of the quasiparticle spectrum with '0. The real temperature ¹ of the liquid is continuous across the horizon: c at v(x)'c . (357) v (x) In the presence of superluminal dispersion, all physical quantities are continuous at the horizon. On the other hand, in the limit of vanishing dispersion they experience kinks. For example, the jump in the derivative of the temperature is ¹"¹
at v(x)(c,
¹ !¹ "2¹ ¹ . (358) V > V \ & This jump does not depend on details of the high-energy dispersion. This means that in the limit of a purely relativistic system, the presence of a nonzero temperature at in"nity implies a singularity at the horizon. This coordinate singularity at the horizon cannot be removed, since in the presence of
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`mattera with nonzero temperature the system is not invariant under coordinate transformations, and this produces a kink in temperature at the horizon. 12.7.1. Entropy related to horizon Let us consider the entropy of quasiequilibrium thermal state across the horizon,
R S" d"r S, S" . R¹
The `relativistica entropy, which is measured by a local observer living in the quasiparticle world is the e!ective entropy R R R¹ S " " "S(1!w . (360) R¹ R¹ R¹ For our thermal state, in the presence of a horizon in 1#1 dimension, the total real entropy can be divided into three contributions: S"S #S #S . (361) At ¹ <¹ , the exterior entropy, which comes from the bulk liquid, is proportional to the size & ¸ of the external region: S J¹ ¸ . A similar estimate holds for the entropy of the interior region, S J¹ ¸ . The entropy related to the horizon is well separated from the bulk terms, since it contains the `Plancka energy cuto! due to the in"nite red shift at the horizon. In the 1#1 case such entropy comes from the logarithmically divergent contribution at the horizon:
¹ . S " dx (362) 3 1!v The infrared cuto! is determined by x , which characterizes the gradient of the velocity "eld at horizon or the `surface gravitya: 1!v+2 x&x/x where x is the distance from the 1 horizon. The ultraviolet cuto! x is provided by the nonlinear dispersion of the quasiparticle spectrum. At the cuto! scale the nonlinear term becomes comparable with the linear one. We use the same energy spectrum with nonlinear dispersion as before, EI (p)"c p (1#pc/E)#pv + . p x#c p /E, where the Planck energy scale is E "cp . Then one has for the ultraviolet 1 . . . cuto! parameters, x and p , the equation px &c p /E&¹ and thus the following 1 . estimation:
¹ E . , E &cp &¹ . (363) x "\ ¹ 1 E . Again the cuto! energy E "cp appeared to be much smaller than the Planck energy scale. This means that one does not need in the physics at Planck scale to discuss the horizon problem in the considered 1#1 space}time: only the "rst nonlinear correction to the linear spectrum well within the relativistic domain is important. From Eq. (363) it follows that the entropy related to the horizon is
1¹ E ln . S " 9 ¹ ¹ &
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This relation also means that the density of quasiparticle states diverges logarithmically at the horizon
dx dp E 1 (E!EI (p, x))" ln . , (365) 2 E 3¹ & where ¹ ;E;E . & . We discussed the entropy related to the horizon using the quasiequilibrium thermodynamic states near the horizon with temperature much larger than ¹ . In principle, it has nothing to do & with the Bekenstein entropy obtained in quantum limit. Nevertheless, one can extrapolate Eq. (364) to the crossover region to obtain S (¹ "¹ )" ln(E /¹ ). It coincides with the estimation of . & & the Bekenstein entropy of 1#1 black hole (see [27]). N (E)"2
12.8. PainleveH }Gullstrand vs. Schwarzschild metric in ewective gravity. Incompleteness of space}time in ewective gravity As we have already discussed in Section 12.1, in the e!ective theory of gravity, which occurs in condensed matter systems, the primary quantity is the contravariant metric tensor gIJ describing the energy spectrum. Due to this the two seemingly equivalent representations of the black hole metric, in terms of the PainleveH }Gullstrand line element in Eq. (341) and the Schwarzschild line element
v dr 1 # r d (366) ds"! 1! dt! # c c!v c are not equivalent. Eqs. (366) and (341) are related by the coordinate transformation. Let us for simplicity consider the abstract #ow with the velocity exactly simulating the Schwarzschild metric, i.e. v(r)"r /r and we put c"1 and r "1. Then the coordinate transformation is 2 1!v (r) v #ln , dtI "dt# dr . (367) tI (r, t)"t# v (r) 1#v (r) 1!v What is the di!erence between the Schwarzschild and PainleveH }Gullstrand space}times in the e!ective gravity? The PainleveH }Gullstrand line elements directly follows from the contravariant metric tensor gIJ and thus is valid for the whole `absolutea Newton's space}time (t, r) of the laboratory frame, i.e. as is measured by the external experimentalist, who lives in the nonrelativistic world of the laboratory and investigates the dynamics of quasiparticles using the physical laws obeying the Galilean invariance. The time tI in the Schwarzschild line element is the time as measured by the `innera observer at `in"nitya (i.e. far from the black hole). The `innera means that this observer `livesa in the super#uid background and uses `relativistica massless quasiparticles (phonons in He or `relativistica fermionic quasiparticles in He-A) as a light for communication and for synchronization of clocks. The inner observer at some point R<1 sends quasiparticles pulse at the moment t , which arrives at point r at t"t #0 dr/ v of the absolute (laboratory) time, where v and v are absolute \ > \ P
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(laboratory) velocities of radially propagating quasiparticles, moving outward and inward respectively dr dE (368) v " " "$1#v . ! dt dp P Since from the point of view of the inner observer the speed of light (i.e. the speed of quasiparticles) is invariant quantity and does not depend on direction of propagation, for him the moment of arrival of pulse to r is not t but tI "(t #t )/2, where t is the time when the pulse re#ected from r returns to observer at R. Since t !t "0 dr/ v #0 dr/ v , one obtains for the time \ > P P measured by inner observer as
0 dr 0 dr # v v P > P \ 2 2 1!v (r) 1!v (R) " t# #ln ! #ln , (369) v (r) v (R) 1#v (r) 1#v (R) which is just Eq. (367) up to a constant shift. In the Newtonean physical space}time of the laboratory the external observer can detect quasiparticles radially propagating into (but not out of) the black hole or out of (but not into) the white hole. For him the energy spectrum of the quasiparticles is well determined both outside and inside the horizon. Quasiparticles cross the black-hole horizon with the absolute velocity v "!1!v "!2, i.e. with the double speed of light: r(t)"1!2(t!t ). In case of a white\ hole horizon one has r(t)"1#2(t!t ). On the contrary, from the point of view of the inner observer the horizon cannot be reached and crossed: the horizon can be approached only asymptotically for in"nite time: r(tI )"1#(r !1) exp(!tI ). Such incompetence of the local ob server, who `livesa in the curved world of super#uid vacuum, happens because he is limited in his observations by the `speed of lighta, so that the coordinate frame he uses is seriously crippled in the presence of the horizon and becomes incomplete. The Schwarzschild metric naturally arises for the inner observer outside the horizon, if the PainleveH }Gullstrand metric is an e!ective metric for quasiparticles in super#uids, but not vice versa. The Schwarzschild metric Eq. (366) can in principle arise as an e!ective metric; however, in the presence of a horizon such metric indicates an instability of the underlying medium. To obtain a line element of Schwarzschild metric as an e!ective metric for quasiparticles, the quasiparticle energy spectrum in the laboratory frame has to be 1 t #t "t# tI (r, t)" 2 2
r r E"c 1! p#c 1! p . P r r ,
Behind a horizon such spectrum has E(0 in some region of transverse momentum p . The , imaginary frequency of excitations signals the instability of the super#uid vacuum: Quasiparticle perturbations may grow exponentially without bound in laboratory (Killing) time, as eR ' #, destroying the super#uid vacuum. Nothing of this kind happens in the case of the PainleveH } Gullstrand line element, for which the quasiparticle energy is real even behind the horizon. Thus the main di!erence between PainleveH }Gullstrand and Schwarzschild metrics as e!ective metrics is: The "rst metric leads to the slow process of the quasiparticle radiation from the vacuum at the
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horizon (Hawking radiation), while the second one indicates a crucial instability of the vacuum behind the horizon. In general relativity it is assumed that the two metrics can be converted to each other by the coordinate transformation in Eq. (367). In condensed matter the coordinate transformation leading from one metric to another is not that innocent if an event horizon is present. The reason why the physical behavior implied by the choice of metric representation changes drastically is that the transformation between the two line elements, tPt#P dr v /(c!v), is singular on the horizon, and thus it can be applied only to a part of the absolute space}time. In condensed matter, only such e!ective metrics are physical which are determined everywhere in the real physical space}time. The two representations of the `samea metric cannot be strictly equivalent metrics, and we have di!erent classes of equivalence, which cannot be transformed to each other everywhere by regular coordinate transformation. PainleveH }Gullstrand metrics for black and white holes are determined everywhere, but belong to two di!erent classes. The transition between these two metrics occurs via the singular transformation tPt#2P dr v /(c!v) or via the Schwarzschild line element, which is prohibited in condensed matter physics, as explained above, since it is pathological in the presence of a horizon: it is not determined in the whole space}time and it is singular at horizon. It is also important that in the e!ective theory there is no need for the additional extension of space}time to make it geodesically complete. The e!ective space}time is always incomplete (open) in the presence of horizon, since this e!ective space}time exists only in the low energy `relativistica corner and quasiparticles escape this space}time to a nonrelativistic domain when their energy increase beyond the relativistic linear approximation regime [191]. Another example of the incomplete space}time in e!ective gravity is provided by the vierbein domain walls } the walls with the degenerate metric } discussed in Section 11.1. For the `innera observer, who lives in one of the domains and measures the time and distances using the quasiparticles, his e!ective space}time is #at and complete. But this is only half of the real (absolute) space}time: the other domains, which do really exist in the absolute space}time, remain unknown to this `innera observer. These examples show also the importance of the superluminal dispersion at high energy: though many results do not depend on the details of this dispersion, merely the possibility of the information exchange by `superluminala quasiparticles establishes the correct continuation across the horizon or the other classically forbidden regions. The high energy dispersion of the relativistic particles was exploited in recent works on black holes [198}202]. 12.9. Vacuum under rotation 12.9.1. Unruh and Zel'dovich}Starobinsky ewects An example of the quantum friction caused by the ergoregion without the horizon is provided by a body rotating in super#uid liquid at ¹"0 [115]. In this case the #ow of the super#uid component is tangential to the ergosurface. The e!ect we discuss is analogous to the ampli"cation of electromagnetic radiation and spontaneous emission by the body or black hole rotating in quantum vacuum, "rst discussed by Zel'dovich and Starobinsky. The friction is caused by the interaction of the part of the liquid, which is rigidly connected with the rotating body and thus represents the corotating detector, with the `Minkowskia vacuum outside the body. The emission process is the quantum tunneling of quasiparticles from the detector to the ergoregion, where the
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energy of quasiparticles is negative in the rotating frame. The emission of quasiparticles, phonons and rotons in super#uid He and Bogoliubov fermions in super#uid He, leads to the quantum rotational friction experienced by the body. The motion with constant angular velocity is another realization of the Unruh e!ect [203]. In Unruh e!ect a body moving in the vacuum with linear acceleration a radiates the thermal spectrum of excitations with the Unruh temperature ¹ " a/2c. On the other hand the observer comoving 3 with the body sees the vacuum as a thermal bath with ¹"¹ , so that the matter of the body gets 3 heated to ¹ (see references in [204]). It is di$cult to simulate in condensed matter the motion at 3 constant proper acceleration (hyperbolic motion). On the other hand the body rotating in super#uid vacuum simulates the uniform circular motion of the body with the constant centripetal acceleration. Such motion in the quantum vacuum was also heavily discussed in the literature (see the latest references in [205}207]). The latter motion is stationary in the rotating (texture) frame, which is thus a convenient frame for study of the radiation and thermalization e!ects for uniformly rotating body. Zel'dovich [208] was the "rst who predicted that the rotating body (say, the dielectric cylinder) ampli"es those electromagnetic modes which satisfy the condition !¸(0 .
Here is the frequency of the mode, ¸ is its azimuthal quantum number, and is the angular velocity of the rotating cylinder. This ampli"cation of the incoming radiation is referred to as superradiance [209]. The other aspect of this phenomenon is that due to quantum e!ects, the cylinder rotating in quantum vacuum spontaneously emits the electromagnetic modes satisfying Eq. (371) [208]. The same occurs for any rotating body, including the rotating black hole [210], if the above condition is satis"ed. Distinct from the linearly accelerated body, the radiation by a rotating body does not look thermal. Also, the rotating observer does not see the Minkowski vacuum as a thermal bath. This means that the matter of the body, though excited by interaction with the quantum #uctuations of the Minkowski vacuum, does not necessarily acquire an intrinsic temperature depending only on the angular velocity of rotation. Moreover the vacuum of the rotating frame is not well de"ned because of the ergoregion, which exists at the distance r "c/ from the axis of rotation. Let us consider a cylinder of radius R rotating with angular velocity in the (in"nite) super#uid liquid (Fig. 26). When the body rotates, the energy of quasiparticles is not well determined in the stationary frame due to the time dependence of the perturbations, caused by the rotation of the body, whose surface is never perfect. The quasiparticle energy is well de"ned in the rotating frame, where all the perturbations of the texture of the order parameter caused by the surface roughness of the cylinder are stationary. Hence it is simpler to work in the rotating (texture) frame. If the rotating body is surrounded by the stationary super#uid, i.e. * "0 far from the body, then in the rotating frame one has * "!;r. Substituting this * in Eq. (38) one obtains that the line element, which determines the propagation of phonons in the frame of the body, corresponds to the conventional metric of #at space in the rotating frame: ds"!(c!) dt!2 d dt#dz# d#d .
The azimuthal motion of quasiparticles in the rotating (texture) frame can be quantized in terms of the angular momentum ¸, while the radial motion can be treated in the quasiclassical
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Fig. 26. Possible simulation of Zel'dovich}Starobinsky e!ect in super#uids. The inner cylinder rotates forming the preferred rotating reference frame. In this frame the e!ective metric has an ergoregion, where the negative energy levels are empty.
approximation. Then the energy spectrum of phonons in the rotating frame is EI "E(p)#p ) * "c
¸ #p#p!¸ . X M
For rotons in He and Bogoliubov fermions in He-B the energy spectrum in the rotating frame is (p!p ) !¸ , EI (p)"# 2m EI (p)"( #v (p!p )!¸ , $ $ where p marks the roton minimum in super#uid He, while is a roton gap.
(374) (375)
12.9.2. Ergoregion in superyuids For the `relativistica phonons the radius "c/, where g "0, marks the position of the ergosurface. In the ergoregion, i.e. at ' "c/, the energy of phonons in Eq. (373) can become negative for any rotation velocity and ¸'0 (Fig. 27). However, the real ergosurface in super#uid He occurs at "v /(c, where the Landau velocity in Eq. (340) is determined by the * roton minimum, v &/p . Let us assume that the angular velocity of rotation is small * enough, so that the linear velocity on the surface of the rotating cylinder is less than the Landau critical velocity: R(v . Thus excitations can never be nucleated at the surface of cylinder. * However, at the ergosurface the velocity v " in the rotating frame reaches v , so that * quasiparticle can be created in the ergoregion ' .
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Fig. 27. Vacuum seen in the frame corotating with inner cylinder is di!erent from that viewed in the laboratory frame. The states which are occupied in the vacuum viewed in the laboratory frame are shaded. If the ergoplane is close to the rotating inner cylinder and is far from the outer cylinder, which is at rest in the laboratory frame, the in#uence of the rotating cylinder on the quasiparticle behavior is dominating. Thus the relevant frame for quasiparticles is the rotating frame. In the ergoregion, some states, which are occupied in the laboratory vacuum, have positive energy in the corotating frame. The quasiparticles occupying these levels must be radiated away. At ¹"0 the radiation occurs via quantum tunneling from or to the region in the vicinity of the surface of inner cylinder, where the interaction with the rotating cylinder occurs. The rate of tunneling reproduces the Zel'dovich}Starobinsky e!ect of radiation from the rotating black hole.
The process of creation of quasiparticles in the ergoregion is determined by the interaction with the rotating body: there is no radiation in the absence of the body. If R;v one has *
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12.9.3. Radiation to the ergoregion as a source of rotational quantum friction Let us describe one of the possible scenaria of the quantum friction, in which the interaction of quasiparticles with the container is provided by the surface roughness. Due to the surface roughness there are regions near the surface of rotating cylinder where the Bose condensate is moving together with the cylinder, i.e. the super#uid velocity in these regions is zero in the rotating frame. These regions serve as reservoir of quasiparticles with energy EI "E"0 (and also as the rotating detector). The emission of quasiparticles by rotating cylinder can be described as tunneling from these trapped states to the scattering state at the ergosurface, where the energy of quasiparticles is also EI "0 (Fig. 27). In the quasiclassical approximation the tunneling probability is e\1, where
S"Im d p (EI "0) . M For phonons with p "0 according to Eq. (373) one has X M 1 1 ! +¸ ln . d S"¸ ( ) R 0
Thus all the phonons with ¸'0 are radiated, but the radiation probability decreases at higher ¸. If the linear velocity at the surface is much less than c, i.e. R;c, the probability of radiation of phonons with the energy (frequency) "¸ becomes
R * R * R * " " , R;c , c c¸
where "¸ is the frequency of excited phonon mode. For the cylinder rotating in relativistic quantum vacuum the speed of sound c must be substituted by the speed of light, and Eq. (378) appears to be proportional to the superradiant ampli"cation of the electromagnetic waves by rotating dielectric cylinder derived by Zel'dovich [209,211]. The number of phonons with the frequency "¸ emitted per unit time can be estimated as NQ "=e\1, where = is the attempt frequency multiplied by the number of modes localized near the surface of cylinder. Since each phonon carries the angular momentum ¸, the cylinder rotating in super#uid vacuum (at ¹"0) is loosing its angular momentum, which means the quantum rotational friction. Let us consider now the emission of rotons, whose spectrum is given by Eq. (374). The minimal ¸ value of the radiated rotons, which have the gap , is determined by this gap: ¸ "
/+v p /, where v +/p is the Landau critical velocity for the emission of rotons. * * Since the tunneling rate exponentially decreases with ¸, only the lowest possible ¸ must be considered. In this case the tunneling trajectory with EI "0 is determined by the equation p"p both for rotons and Bogoliubov quasiparticles. For p "0 the classical tunneling trajectory is thus X given by p "i( p !¸/ . This gives for the tunneling exponent e\1 the equation M M 1 1 dr ! +¸ ln . S"Im d p "¸ M (379) R 0
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Here the position of the ergosurface is "v /+¸/p . Since the rotation velocity is * always much smaller than the gap, the momentum ¸ of the radiating roton is big. That is why the radiation of rotons (and also Bogoliubov quasiparticles with the gap) is exponentially suppressed, compared with the emission of phonons. The quantum rotational friction due to phonon emission becomes dominating mechanism of dissipation at low enough temperature where the conventional viscous friction between the rotating cylinder and the normal component of the liquid is small.
13. How to improve helium-3 13.1. Gradient expansion Though He-A and Standard Model belong to the same universality class and thus they have similar properties of the fermionic spectrum, the He-A cannot serve as a perfect model for quantum vacuum. While the properties of the chiral fermions are well reproduced in He-A, the e!ective action for bosonic gauge and gravity "elds obtained by integration over fermionic degrees of freedom is contaminated by the bad terms } the terms which are absent in a fully relativistic system. This is because the integration over the vacuum fermions is not always concentrated in the region where their spectrum is `relativistica. Thus the question arises whether we can `correcta the He-A in such a way that these uncomfortable bad terms are suppressed. If we neglect the spin degrees of freedom, the massless bosonic "elds which appear in He-A due to the breaking of symmetry ;(1) ;SO(3) is the triad "eld, e( , e( and lK . For the slow hydro, * dynamic motion only the soft Goldstone modes, related to rotation of the triad "eld, are excited. The energetics of the Goldstone "eld is given by the so called London energy, which is the quadratic form of the gradients of the soft variables. The gradients of triad can be expressed in terms of the super#uid velocity (the torsion in Eq. (102)) and the gradients of the lK -"eld. In the reference frame where the heat bath is at rest, * "0, this energy can be written in the following general form, satisfying Galilean invariance and the global symmetry ;(1) ;SO(3) of the , * system: [16]: m m F " n (lK ) * )# n (lK ;* ) * 2 , 2 ,
#(C(lK ;* ) ) (lK ;(;lK ))!(C !C)(lK ) * )(lK ) (;lK ))) (381) #K ( ) lK )#K (lK ) (;lK ))#K (lK ;(;lK )) . (382) Here Eq. (380) is the anisotropic kinetic energy of super#ow; Eq. (382) is the same as in nematic liquid crystals, it is the energy of the lK texture with coe$cients K , K and K describing the response of the system to splay, twist and bent, respectively; Eq. (381) is the interaction of the chiral mass current carried by texture with the super#uid velocity "eld. The temperature dependent coe$cients, n , n , C, C , K , K and K , can be considered as , , phenomenological, in the same way as the parameters of the Standard Model. But they can also be
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obtained within the framework of the microscopic BCS theory if one applies the gradient expansion [212]. In the canonical form of BCS theory all the coe$cients in the gradient energy are determined by only four parameters: (¹), p , v "p /mH, and m. $ $ $ These four parameters play di!erent roles in e!ective theory. The "rst three parameters determine the quasiparticle spectrum in the `relativistica low-energy corner below the "rst `Planck scalea, E; /v p "mHc . They determine the `speeds of lighta, c "v and c , and the Planck $ $ , , $ , energy scale. This is, in principle, all what is needed from the microscopic physics to construct the e!ective relativistic quantum "eld theory. All other numbers must be determined by the symmetry and by the number of the chiral fermionic species. However there is another parameter } the bare mass m of He atom. On one hand it describes the most fundamental property of the underlying microscopic physics of interacting `indivisiblea particles } the He atoms. On the other hand this parameter does not enter the relativistic spectrum of quasiparticles in the low-energy corner and thus cannot determine the fully relativistic behavior of the e!ective theory. This means that the terms in the e!ective action, which contain this parameters m, are bad. The reason, why the mass m enters the BCS theory (which is also phenomenological, but on a higher energy level) is the Galilean invariance of the underlying system of He atoms. The Galilean invariance requires that the kinetic energy of super#ow at ¹"0 must be (1/2)mn*, i.e. the bare mass m must necessarily be incorporated into the BCS scheme to maintain the Galilean invariance. It is incorporated within the Landau theory of Fermi liquid, where the dressing of the bare particle occurs due to quasiparticles interaction. In the simpli"ed approach one can consider only that part of interaction which is responsible for the renormalization of the quasiparticle mass and which restores the Galilean invariance of the Fermi system. It is the current}current interaction with the Landau parameter F "3(mH/m!1), which relates the initial mass m and the renormalized mass mH of quasiparticles. This is how the bare mass m enters the Fermi-liquid phenomenology and then the BCS theory. In the real He liquid the ratio mH/m varies between about 3 and 6 depending on pressure. However, in the modi"ed BCS theory this ratio can be considered as a free parameter, which one can adjust to make the system more close to the relativistic theories in the low-energy corner. As we discussed in Section 2.8, the super#uidity is bad for simulation of the relativistic e!ective theory. That is why it must be suppressed for the Einstein curvature term to prevail in the e!ective action for gravity. This must happen if mPR. In this limit the super#uid properties of the liquid are really suppressed, since the super#uid velocity is inversely proportional to m according to Eq. (102), * J1/m. In this limit of heavy mass of atoms comprising the vacuum, the vacuum becomes inert, and the bad kinetic energy of super#ow (1/2)mn*, which is dominating over the Einstein action in real He-A, vanishes as 1/m. Thus we can expect that in case of inert vacuum, the in#uence of the microscopic level on the e!ective theory of gauge "eld and gravity is suppressed and the e!ective action for the collective modes approaches the covariant and gauge invariant limit of the Einstein}Maxwell action. For illustration that this does really work in the right direction, let us consider how all these four parameters, (0), p , v "p /mH, and m, enter the gradient energy in Eqs. (380)}(382) $ $ $ in the low-temperature limit ¹; , and what happens when mPR. According to Cross [212] one has the following expression for the coe$cients in the gradient expansion at low ¹. The normal (and thus super#uid) component densities are given by Eq. (11), which for the
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He-A quasiparticles are mH ¹ n + n , n "n , n "n!n , n "n!n , , , , , , , m ,
mH 7 ¹ n " n , n " n , n "n!n , n "n!n . (384) , , , , , , , m 15 Here we introduced (with index 0) the bare (nonrenormalized) values of the normal and super#uid component densities, which correspond to the limit of noninteracting Fermi gas with F "0 and thus to mH"m. In the derivation the small terms of order of the anisotropy parameter c /c &10\ have been neglected, so that the particle density is the same in normal and super#uid , , states: n"p /3. The other parameters are according to Cross [212] $ 1 n 1 , , C !C" n , C" n (385) 2m , n 2m , , 1 n , (386) K" 32mH ,
mH n n 1 n #4n #3 !1 , , K" , 96mH , m n
mH n n 1 2n # !1 , , #Log , K " , 32mH m n
d (lK ) p( ) 1 RfT Log" n 1#2 . (389) dM 4 (lK ;p( ) 4mH RE Here Log is the term which contains ln( /¹). The integral in Eq. (389) is over the solid angle in momentum space; the energy spectrum which enters the equilibrium quasiparticle distribution function fT "(1#exp E/¹)\ is E"M# ( p( ;lK ) as is given by Eq. (97). This coe$cient (Log) does not depend on the microscopic parameter m and represents the logarithmically diverging coupling constant in the Maxwell e!ective action for the magnetic "eld in curved space in Eq. (126). 13.2. Ewective action in inert vacuum In the limit mPR all the bad terms related to super#uidity vanish since v J1/m. Taking into account that in this limit n "n one obtains for the remaining lK -terms: , 1 1 n ( ) lK )# (n #n )(lK ) (;lK )) F (mPR)" , , * 96mH , 32mH
1 n #Log (lK ;(;lK )) . 32mH ,
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All three terms have the correspondence in QED and Einstein gravity. We have already seen that the bend term, i.e. with (lK ;(;lK )), is exactly the energy of the magnetic "eld in curved space with the logarithmically diverging coupling constant coming from the polarization of the vacuum of massless `electricallya charged fermions. Let us now consider the twist term, i.e. (lK ) (;lK )) and show that it corresponds to the Einstein action. 13.2.1. Einstein action in He-A The bad part of the e!ective gravity, which is simulated by the super#uid velocity "eld, vanishes in the limit of inert vacuum. The remaining part of gravitational "eld is simulated by the inhomogeneity of the lK "eld, which plays the part of the `Kasner axisa in the metric 1 , (391) gGH"c lK GlK H#c (GH!lK GlK H), g"!1, gG"0, (!g" , , c c , , 1 1 (392) g " lK GlK H# (GH!lK GlK H), g "!1, g "0 . G GH c c , , The curvature of the space with this metric is caused by spatial rotation of the `Kasner axisa lK . For the stationary metric, R lK "0, one obtains that in terms of the lK -"eld the Einstein action is R 1 1 c p $ ((lK ) (;lK )) . ! (!gR" 1! , (393) 16G 32G c mH , It has the structure of the twist term in the gradient energy (387) obtained in gradient expansion. Moreover in the inert vacuum limit the twist term in Eq. (390) has the same dependence on p and $ mH as the Einstein action:
¹ p 1 2 $ ((lK ) (;lK )) . ! (394) F " 288 mH We thus can identify this twist term with the Einstein action and extract the gravitational constant G. Neglecting the small anisotropy factor c /c one obtains that the Newton constant in the , , e!ective gravity of the `improveda He-A is 2 G\" ! ¹ . 9 9
While the temperature-independent part certainly depends on the details of the trans-Planckian physics (since it contains the second `Plancka energy scale ), the temperature dependence of the Newton constant pretends to be universal, since it does not depend on the parameters of the system. If one applies the regularization scheme provided by the trans-Planckian physics of He to the relativistic system one would suggest the following temperature dependence of Newton constant in the vacuum with N Weyl fermions (N "2 for He-A): $ $ (396) [G\]"! N ¹ . 18 $ In conclusion, in the limit of the inert vacuum the action for the metric in Eq. (393) has the general-relativistic curvature form. The example of improved He-A also shows what must be the
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variation procedure for the theories of gravity, where not all components of metric are independent. The He-A teaches that "rst the metric which enters the Einstein action must be expressed in terms of the independent observables (in He-A it is the lK vector "eld); and after that the action must be varied with regard to these observables. 13.2.2. Violation of gauge invariance Let us "nally consider the splay term ( ) lK ) in Eq. (390). It has only the fourth-order temperature corrections, ¹/ . This term has similar coe$cient as the curvature term, but it is not contained in Einstein action, since it cannot be written in the covariant form. The structure of this term can be, however, obtained using the gauge "eld presentation of the lK vector, where A"p lK . It is known that $ similar term can be obtained in the renormalization of QED in the leading order of 1/N theory if the regularization is made by introducing the momentum cuto! [213]: 1 (R A ) . ¸ " /#" 96 I I
This term violates the gauge invariance and does not appear in the dimensional regularization scheme [214], but it appears in the momentum cuto! procedure, which violates the gauge invariance. Being written in covariant form Eq. (397) can be applied to He-A, where A"p lK and $ (!g"Const: 1 p c c 1 p 1 $ , ( ) lK )" , $ ( ) lK ) . (!g(R (gIJA ))" (398) ¸ " I J /#" 96 96 c c 96 mH , , This term corresponds to the splay term in Eq. (390), but it contains an extra big factor of the vacuum anisotropy c /c : F "(c /c )¸ . However, in the isotropic case, where , , * , , /#" c "c , they exactly coincide. This suggests that the regularization provided by the `trans, , Planckian physicsa of He-A represents the anisotropic version of the momentum cuto! regularization of quantum electrodynamics.
14. Discussion Let us summarize the parallels between the quantum vacuum and super#uids, which were touched upon in the review, and their possible in#uence on the quantum "eld theory. Super#uid He-A and other possible representatives of its universality class provide an example of how the chirality, Weyl fermions, gauge "elds and gravity can emergently appear in the low-energy corner, together with the corresponding symmetries which include the Lorentz symmetry and local S;(N) symmetry. This supports the `anti-grand-uni"cationa idea that the quantum "eld theory, such as Standard Model or maybe GUT, is an e!ective theory, which is applicable only in the infrared limit. Most of the symmetries of this e!ective theory are the attributes of the theory: the symmetries gradually appear in the low-energy corner together with the e!ective theory itself. The momentum-space topology of the fermionic vacuum (Section 4) is instrumental in determination of the universality class of the system. It provides the topological stability of the
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low-energy properties of the systems of given class: the character of the fermionic spectrum, collective modes and leading symmetries. The universality class, which contains topologically stable Fermi points, is common for super#uid He-A and Standard Model. This allowed us to provide analogies between many phenomena in the two systems, which have the same physics but in many cases are expressed in di!erent languages and can be visualized in terms of di!erent observables. However, in the low-energy corner they are described by the same equations if they are written in the covariant and gauge invariant form. On this topological ground it appears that some of the uni"cation schemes of the strong and electroweak interactions is more preferable than the others: this is the S;(4) ;S;(2) ;S;(2) group of the Pati}Salam model (Section 5.2). ! * 0 The advantage of He-A is that this system is complete being described by the BCS model. This scheme incorporates not only the `relativistica infrared regime, but also several successive scales of the short-distance physics, which correspond to di!erent ultraviolet `trans-Planckiana ranges of high energy. Since in BCS scheme there is no need for a cuto! imposed by hand, all subtle issues of the cuto! in quantum "eld theory can be resolved on physical grounds. It appears, however, the He-A is not a perfect object for the realization of the completely covariant e!ective gauge and gravity "elds at low energy, because the e!ect of the `transPlanckiana physics shows up even in the low-energy corner. This in particular leads to many noncovariant terms in the e!ective action, including the mass of the graviton. So far there is no condensed matter system in nature where all the symmetries of high energy physics and general relativity are reproduced exactly. The natural question is: are there any guiding principles to localize a `perfecta condensed matter? He-A has a hierarchy of `Plancka energy scales. While the Lorentz invariance is violated already at the "rst (lowest) `Plancka scale, the cuto! for the divergent integrals over the fermions in BCS scheme is mostly provided by the higher Planck scales. As a result, for the most terms in the e!ective action the main contribution comes from the energy region where the fermions are `nonrelativistica, that is why these terms are nonrelativistic. It is clear how to `correcta the He-A: one must somehow interchange the Planck scales. The Lorentz invariance must be extended far above that Planck scale, which provides the e!ective cuto!. This will kill the noncovariant nonrenormalizable terms. The killing is however never complete, the `nonrenormalizablea terms will always remain in e!ective theory. But these remaining terms become small in the low-energy limit, since they contain the Planck energy cuto! E in denominator. One example of such `nonrenormalizablea . term in He-A, which is the remnant of the `trans-Planckiana physics, corresponds to the mass term for the ;(1) gauge "eld of the hyperphoton which violates the gauge invariance 7 (Section 8.2.4). The condensed matter of the Fermi-point universality class shows one of possibly many routes from the low-energy `relativistica to high energy `trans-Planckiana physics. Of course, one might expect the many routes to high energy, since the systems of the same universality class become similar only in the vicinity of the "xed point: they can diverge far from each other at higher energies. Nevertheless, the "rst nonrenormalizable corrections could be also universal except for the magnitude of the Planck energy scale. Practically in all condensed matter systems (even of di!erent universality classes), the e!ective action for some bosonic or even fermionic modes acquires an e!ective Lorentzian metric. That is why the gravity is the "eld, which can be simulated most easily in condensed matter. The gravity can be simulated by #owing normal #uids, super#uids, and Bose}Einstein condensates; by elastic
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strains, dislocations and disclinations in crystals, etc. Though the full dynamical realization of gravity takes place only in the fermionic condensed matter with Fermi points, the acoustic type of gravity is also useful for simulation of di!erent phenomena related to marriage of gravity and quantum theory. The analog of gravity in super#uids shows the possible way how to solve the cosmological constant problem without having to invoke supersymmetry or any "ne tuning. The naive calculations of the energy density of super#uid ground state in the framework of the e!ective theory suggests that it is of the order of E, if one translates it into the language of the relativistic theories. . The standard "eld theoretical estimation gives the same huge value for the vacuum energy and thus for the cosmological constant, which is in severe contradiction with the real life. However, an exact treatment of the trans-Planckian physics in super#uids gives an exact nulli"cation of the appropriate vacuum energy density of the liquid, which enters the Lagrangian at ¹"0 (Section 2.7). This follows from the stability analysis of the ground state of the isolated super#uid liquid, which is certainly beyond the e!ective theory. Applying this to the relativistic quantum "eld theory one may conclude that the equilibrium vacuum does not gravitate. Such conclusion cannot be obtained within the e!ective theory, while in the underlying microscopic physics this result of the complete nulli"cation does not depend on the microscopic details. It is universal in terms of the transPlanckian physics, but not in terms of the e!ective theory. But what happens if the phase transition occurs in which the symmetry of the vacuum is broken, as is supposed to happen in early Universe when, say, the electroweak symmetry was broken? In the e!ective theory, such transition must be accompanied by the change of the vacuum energy, which means that the vacuum has a huge energy either above or below the transition. However, in exact microscopic theory of liquid the phase transition does not disturb the zero value of the vacuum energy (Section 10.3), if the liquid remains in equilibrium. The energy change is completely compensated by the change of the chemical potential of the underlying atoms of the liquid which comprise the vacuum state } the quantity which is not known in e!ective theory. Moreover, the analogy with the super#uids also shows that in nonequilibrium case or at nonzero ¹ (Sections 3.6 and 10.3) the e!ective vacuum energy must be of order of the energy density of matter. This is in agreement with the modern astrophysical observations. Another object, where as in the problem of gravitating vacuum the marriage of gravity and quantum theory is important, is the black hole. Having many objects for simulation of gravity, we can expect in the nearest future that the analogs of event horizon could be constructed in the laboratory. Most probably this will "rst happen in the laser trapped Bose condensates [215]. The condensed matter analogs of horizons may exhibit Hawking radiation, but in addition the other, unexpected, e!ects related to quantum vacuum could arise, such as instability experienced by vacuum in the acoustic model of gravity. Because the short-distance physics is explicitly known in condensed matter this helps to clarify the problem related to the vacuum in the presence of the horizon, or in the other exotic e!ective metric, such as the degenerate metric (Section 11.1). At the moment only one of the exotic metrics has been experimentally simulated. This is the metric induced by spinning cosmic string, which produces the analog of the gravitational Aharonov}Bohm e!ect, experienced by particles in the presence of such string. This type of Aharonov}Bohm e!ect has been experimentally con"rmed in super#uids by measurement of the Iordanskii force acting on quantized vortices (Section 11.4).
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As for the other (nongravitational) analogies, the most interesting are related to the interplay between the vacuum and the matter, and which can be fully investigated in condensed matter, because of the absence of the cuto! problem. These are the anomalies, which are at the origin of the exchange of the fermionic charges between the vacuum and the matter. Such anomalies are the attributes of the Fermi systems of universality class of Fermi points: Standard Model and He-A. The spectral #ow from the vacuum to the matter, which carries the fermionic charge from the vacuum to matter, occurs just through the Fermi point. Since in the vicinity of the Fermi point the equations are the same for the two Fermi systems, the spectral #ow in both systems is described by the same Adler, and Bell and Jackiw equation for axial anomaly [85,86] (Section 7). The He-A provided the "rst experimental prove for the anomalous nucleation of the fermionic charge from the vacuum. The Adler}Bell}Jackiw equation was con"rmed up to the numerical value of the factor 1/4 with the precision of few percent. The anomalous nucleation of the baryonic or leptonic charge is in the basis of the modern theories of the baryogenesis. The modi"ed equation is obtained for the nucleation of the fermionic charge by the moving string } the quantized vortex. The transfer of the fermionic charge from the `vacuuma to `mattera is mediated by the fermion zero modes living on vortices. This condensed matter illustration of the cancellation of anomalies in 1#1 and 3#1 systems (the Callan}Harvey e!ect) has been experimentally veri"ed in He-B. The relativistic counterpart of this phenomenon is the baryogenesis by cosmic strings, which thus has been experimentally probed. The other e!ect related to axial anomaly } the helical instability of the super#uid/normal counter#ow in He-A } is also described by the same physics and by the same equations as the formation of the (hyper) magnetic "eld due to the helical instability experienced by the vacuum in the presence of the heat bath of the righthanded electrons (Section 8.3). That is why its experimental observation in He-A provided an experimental support for the Joyce}Shaposhnikov scenario of the genesis of the primordial magnetic "eld. In a future the macroscopic parity violating e!ect suggested by Vilenkin [110] must be simulated in He-A (Section 8.4). In both systems it is described by the same mixed axialgravitational Chern}Simons action. One may expect that the further theoretical and experimental exploration of the vacuum/ condensed matter analogies will clarify the properties of the quantum vacuum. References [1] C.D. Frogatt, H.B. Nielsen, Origin of Symmetry, World Scienti"c, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1991. [2] S. Chadha, H.B. Nielsen, Lorentz invariance as a low-energy phenomenon, Nucl. Phys. B 217 (1983) 125}144. [3] S. Weinberg, What is quantum "eld theory, and what did we think it is?, in: T.Y. Cao (Ed.), Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, pp. 241}251, hepth/9702027. [4] F. Jegerlehner, The `ether-worlda and elementary particles, in: H. Dorn, G. Weigt (Eds.), 31st International Ahrenshoop Symposium on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Buckow, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 1998, p. 496, hep-th/9803021. [5] G.E. Volovik, Field theory in super#uid He: what are the lessons for particle physics, gravity and hightemperature superconductivity? Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 6042}6047, cond-mat/9812381; G.E. Volovik, He and Universe parallelism, in: Yu.M. Bunkov, H. Godfrin (Eds.), Topological Defects and the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions, Kluwer, Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000, pp. 353}387, cond-mat/9902171.
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C. RONNING, E.P. CARLSON, R.F. DAVIS Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, 117334 Moscow, Russia
Physics Reports 351 (2001) 349}385
Ion implantation into gallium nitride C. Ronning *, E.P. Carlson, R.F. Davis II. Physikalisches Institut, Universita( t Go( ttingen, Bunsenstr. 7-9, D-37073 Go( ttingen, Germany Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, Box 7909, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA Received November 2000; editor: D.L. Mills Contents 1. Introduction 2. Microstructural properties 2.1. Damage accumulation 2.2. Annealing procedures 2.3. Redistribution 2.4. Damage recovery 2.5. Lattice sites 3. Optical properties 3.1. Defects 3.2. Donor doping 3.3. Acceptor doping
351 352 352 356 357 358 360 363 363 365 366
3.4. Miscellaneous elements 3.5. Rare earth elements 4. Electrical properties 4.1. Implantation isolation 4.2. Donor doping 4.3. Acceptor doping 4.4. Device applications 5. Summary, conclusions, and future work Acknowledgements References
369 370 371 371 373 375 377 377 379 379
Abstract This comprehensive review is concerned with studies regarding ion implanted gallium nitride (GaN) and focuses on the improvements made in recent years. It is divided into three sections: (i) structural properties, (ii) optical properties and (iii) electrical properties. The "rst section includes X-ray di!raction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), Rutherford Backscattering (RBS), emission channeling (EC) and perturbed -angular correlation (PAC) measurements on GaN implanted with di!erent ions and doses at di!erent temperatures as a function of annealing temperature. The structural changes upon implantation and the respective recovery upon annealing will be discussed. Several standard and new annealing procedures will be presented and discussed. The second section describes mainly photoluminescence (PL) studies, however, the results will be discussed with respect to Raman and ellipsometry studies performed by other groups. We will show that the PL-signal is very sensitive to the processes
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #49-551-397646; fax: #49-551-394493. E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Ronning). 0370-1573/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 0 - 1 5 7 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 4 2 - 3
C. Ronning et al. / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 349}385
occurring during implantation and annealing. The results of Hall and C}< measurements on implanted GaN are presented in Section 3. We show and discuss the di$culties in achieving electrical activation. However, optical and electrical properties are both a result of the structural changes upon implantation and annealing. Each section will be critically discussed with respect to the existing literature, and the main conclusions are drawn from the interplay of the results obtained from the di!erent techniques used/reviewed. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 61.72.Vv; 61.80.Jh; 68.55.Ln; 85.40.Ry Keywords: Ion implantation; Gallium nitride; Structural properties; Optical properties; Dopants
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1. Introduction In the past decade, signi"cant e!ort has been applied to the emerging wide band gap semiconductors; including diamond, silicon carbide, the III}V nitrides, and their alloys. These materials are being investigated to extend the limits of device application into regimes of higher power, higher frequency, higher temperature and optical wavelength that can be achieved via the use of the mature semiconductor materials systems namely silicon and gallium arsenide. The success of the III-nitrides among the wide band gap semiconductors is due to the continuous solid solubility between gallium nitride (GaN), aluminium nitride (AlN), and the limited solubility with indium nitride (InN) and the consequent opportunity to engineer the direct band gap between 2 (red) and 6 eV (ultraviolet). Blue and ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as well as laser diodes have been realized [1,2] and commercialized [3] by growing structures containing multiple, high-quality, GaV AlW InX N layers with sharp interfaces and di!erent stoichiometries (x, y, z"0,2, 1) by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) onto suitable substrates. Electrons are injected during operation over a highly doped back or front layer into the active layers with lower band gap, where the electrons are "nally trapped. Spontaneous or stimulated photon emission can occur by recombination with holes. The demonstration of continuous wave operation of GaN based-laser diodes at room temperature having projected lifetimes of 10,000 h has been reported [4]. In addition, GaN-based structures o!er the prospect of superior microelectronic device performance, even in comparison to those based on other wide band gap materials. Advantages include a direct band gap, strong chemical bonding, high thermal conductivity and the realization of superior electrical properties [5]. The afore-mentioned optoelectronic devices have been achieved via MOCVD, because such a fabrication procedure is limited to relative large areas and vertical, layered device structures [6,7]. Therefore, the processing techniques used to produce new devices have to be investigated and understood, as the III}V nitride devices become more complicated [8]. Advances in microelectronics would require the possibility of adequate lateral structuring and doping techniques. Di!usion of dopants into selected areas for lateral p- and n-type doping of GaN can be excluded due to the fact that surface decomposition of GaN starts at temperatures of 8003C [9]. No signi"cant di!usion of any impurity has been observed in GaN to this temperature [10]. However, a processing technique that is widely used in semiconductor industry for lateral doping is ion implantation. Ion implantation is a convenient method to incorporate electrically and optically active dopants into the host crystal using a highly energetic beam of ions that strike and penetrate into the crystal. This method allows the introduction of a precisely controlled amount of impurity into the crystal independent of the solubility of the impurity. Ion implantation doping and isolation has played a critical role in the realization of high-performance electronic and photonic devices in all mature semiconductor material systems [11]. This is also expected to be the case for GaN and its alloys as the epitaxial material quality improves and more advanced device structures are requested. However, the main disadvantage of ion implantation is that this process is compromised by the introduction of radiation damage, that may control the optical and electrical properties and which has to be removed via annealing procedures. Even complete amorphization of the host material may occur for high implantation doses [12,13].
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The following review discusses the recent advances in the success of ion implantation into GaN obtained by di!erent groups. The microstructural changes introduced by the implantation process and its annealing behavior under di!erent annealing techniques will be treated in Section 1. The resulting optical and electrical properties of ion implanted GaN with di!erent impurities obtained by a variety of characterization tools will be subsequently presented and discussed. These results will be compared with the properties of GaN doped during "lm growth. A discussion regarding necessary future research will be presented at the end of the review.
2. Microstructural properties The microstructural changes in the host substrate which occur during ion implantation are due to the loss of kinetic energy by electronic and nuclear interactions of the impinging ions with the atoms on the host lattice. In these processes, su$cient energy can be transferred to the host atoms resulting in displacements from their lattice sites. Such atoms may displace other atoms thus creating a cascade of atomic collisions. The damage caused by the impinging ions can be in the form of vacancies, interstitials, anti-site defects and extended defects, e.g. dislocations or stacking faults. The concentrations of such defects are mainly dependent on the bonding type and structure of the host material, on the mass of the impinging ion and on the implantation temperature. They can easily reach 100}1000 for each implanted impurity atom. The precise control of the impurity and damage distribution can be calculated using Monte Carlo simulations [14]; however, the exact amount and types of defects cannot be determined at this time. 2.1. Damage accumulation Tan et al. [15,16] demonstrated by ion beam channeling spectroscopy (RBS/C) that GaN has a high threshold for damage accumulation. A high dose of 8;10 cm\ Si ions implanted with an energy of 90 keV at 77 K had a negligible e!ect on the ion channeling spectrum in that it was indistinguishable from an unimplanted sample. A dose of 2.4;10 cm\ Si ions was required to reach the random disorder level [15,16]. Other groups [13,17,18] have reported similar high levels for the dose threshold of damage accumulation in Si implanted GaN. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) has been used to con"rm the amorphous nature of GaN after high-dose implantation [15,16]. Damage accumulation in GaN has also been investigated using other implanted species including Ca [18}21], Ar [19,20], Mg [13,22,23] and Er [24]. Table 1 summarizes all measured critical doses for the amorphization for various species implanted in GaN [12,15,16,19,22,24}30]. The heavier ions have a lower critical dose, which is to be expected. The damage accumulation is lower for implanted Ca and Ar compared to implanted Si; however, the three ions have approximately the same mass. This e!ect may be due to dynamic annealing driven by the di!erent chemistries of the implanted impurities in GaN or simply due to the di!erent structural qualities of the GaN material used in the studies. Fig. 1 shows the relative lattice disorder (measured by RBS) as a function of the displacements per atom (DPA), that was calculated using TRIM [14], for various ions implanted into GaN. Full amorphization corresponds to 100 on the vertical scale. There is good agreement in the relative disorder caused by the di!erent implanted
C. Ronning et al. / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 349}385
Table 1 Critical dose for the amorphization of GaN for various implanted species Species
Critical dose in GaN (ions/cm)
Implantation temperature (K)
'1;10 '5;10 2;10 5;10 '5;10 2.4;10
298 210 77 300 298 77 298 298 77 298 77 298 77 180 300
25,26,27 28 30 * 22 12,16 15 19 20 19 20 24 30 29 30,29
Mg Si Ar
Er Au
5;10 4;10 6;10 1;10; 3.6;10
The amorphization dose has not been reached for these species at these doses and temperatures.
ions compared to the calculated DPA for each ion. As seen in Fig. 1, GaN has a high threshold for damage accumulation with no signi"cant disorder occurring until a DPA of &1 is reached. Therefore, GaN has a approximately two-to-three orders of magnitude higher amorphous threshold compared to GaAs (&4;10 cm\) [31]. Conversely, the threshold for amorphization is similar to that of AlAs, where substantial dynamic annealing during implantation occurs. The addition of Al to the GaN matrix has been reported to increase its damage threshold, which is similar to the results reported for the AlGaAs system [32]. Mensching et al. [19] reported that computer simulations of the implantation induced damage yielded a factor of two higher concentration of displaced atoms than observed in RBS/C measurements. This is similar to the results of Tan et al. [15,16], who observed that GaN has a high threshold for damage accumulation and a potentially strong dynamic annealing even at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Wenzel et al. attempted to increase the dynamic annealing by performing implantation at elevated temperatures as high as 5503C [22]. However, the amount of damage increased rather than decreased with increasing temperature. A similar result was observed by Suvkhanov et al. [23], who noted that implantations performed at 7003C increased the minimum yield in RBS/C compared to RT or 77 K implantations. However, this is in contradiction with the results of Parikh et al. [13] and Tan et al. [33], who reported that increasing the implantation temperature decreases the damage level. The nature of the implantation damage has been investigated by several groups. We found a distinctly darker area in cross-sectional TEM images near the top surface, as shown in Fig. 2a. This darker area is attributed to contrast caused by the disorder. It is highest in the center of the damage region. High-resolution TEM images of the implanted and unimplanted areas are shown
C. Ronning et al. / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 349}385
Fig. 1. Relative lattice disorder (percentage of the aligned to random yield in the RBS-spectrum) at the damage peak as a function of displacements per atoms occurring during implantation for various ions implanted in GaN. The displacements per atom were calculated using TRIM and assuming a threshold displacement energy of 20 eV for both Ga and N sublattices. The dashed line is a sigmoidal "t to the data to help guide the eye.
Fig. 2. Cross-sectional transmission electron picture of GaN implanted with 1;10 cm\, 200 keV Si ions at 6503C showing the implantation region in high magni"cation (a) and high resolution (b). The high resolution image (c) shows an unimplanted region for comparison.
in Fig. 2b and c, respectively. The implanted region is still crystalline with a well-de"ned atomic ordering due to the moderate implantation dose of 1;10 cm\ of Si ions used, but the arrows indicate small potentially amorphous pockets, which contain a high density of defects. These "ndings are in agreement with other studies, where low-dose Si-implanted GaN showed
C. Ronning et al. / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 349}385
Fig. 3. Normalized GaN (0002) XRD spectra after 180 keV Ca implantation with di!erent doses at 77 K. (From Refs. [20,21])
a near-surface region with a high density of defects including clusters, loops, and planar defects [15,16]. Similar XTEM results were obtained for low-dose Zn [34], Au [29], and C [29] implanted GaN. Examination of the energy dependence of dechanneled He ions indicate that the implantationinduced defects are mostly point defects in nature [22]. Both Hf and In implanted into GaN have heavily disturbed surroundings in the next or further nearest neighborhood after implantation, as observed by perturbed--angular-correlation spectroscopy (PAC) [35,36]. Liu et al. [20,37] found that a new peak appears at smaller angles in X-ray di!raction (XRD) spectra. Fig. 3 shows such peaks for Ca implanted GaN at 77 K (from Ref. [20,21]). The main (0002) peak of the virgin GaN-material decreases, and the new peak shifts to lower angles with increasing implantation dose. Other groups have also noticed this extra peak in GaN implanted with Mg [38,39] and Be [39,40]. This new peak is postulated to be an expansion of the GaN hexagonal lattice driven by the introduced impurities and displaced host atoms onto interstitials sites or by the incorporation of larger atoms on substitutional sites, and not a phase change in the GaN [20,41]. This explanation is supported by TEM, electron di!raction, and X-ray pole "gure measurement results [20,41]. The deconvolution of the XRD spectra reveals a better "t if three peaks are used instead of one. One peak for the virgin (0002) GaN, one peak for the expanded lattice (0002) GaN, and a third peak for an amorphous content in the GaN [20,41]. The amorphous peak arises in Ca implanted GaN at a dose of 3;10 cm\, begins to dominate at a dose of 1;10 cm\, then totally dominates at a dose of 6;10 cm\. The onset of the
C. Ronning et al. / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 349}385
Table 2 Comparison of melting temperature and activation temperature for various compound semiconductors
GaSb InP GaAs SiC GaN Sublimes at ¹(¹
Melting temperature (3C)
Activation temperature (3C)
¹ /¹
707 1057 1237 2797 2791
500}600 700}750 750}900 1300}1600 ?
&0.75 &0.65 &0.65 0.46}0.57 ?
amorphous peak in XRD occurs at doses lower the onset of amorphous behavior, as observed using RBS/C [19,20]. This implies that the process of amorphization in GaN occurs in small local regions. These regions then increase with increasing implantation dose until the crystal collapses to create an amorphous layer. This interpretation is in agreement with TEM-results shown in Ref. [29], where planar defects seems to provide a nucleation site for amorphization. A change in the lattice parameter of GaN after implantation, similar to the extra XRD peak, has also been observed [42,43] along with a broadening of the X-ray rocking curve [34,44,45]. Furthermore, it was observed that high-dose H implantation resulted in the formation of voids or bubbles in GaN [25}27]. 2.2. Annealing procedures The implantation damage created in the host material can only be removed via subsequent annealing procedures. The annealing temperature for optimal implantation activation in compound semiconductors generally follows a two-thirds relationship with respect to the melting point of the material and has been intensively investigated for the common semiconductors. This behavior can be seen in Table 2, which lists the melting point of several compound semiconductors with the associated temperatures commonly reported to achieve implantation activation. The melting temperature of GaN has been determined as 27913C and [46], therefore, annealing temperatures of about 15003C are required, assuming the two-thirds relationship is applicable. Though GaN has a high melting point, it will decompose at much lower temperatures due to the very strong triple bond of molecular nitrogen (N ) that makes less negative Gibbs free energy of the nitride constituents [47,48]. The Gibbs free energy of the nitride constituents decrease with temperature faster than the Gibbs free energy of the GaN crystal resulting in decomposition before melting. Therefore, GaN surface decomposition already starts as low as 8003C [49] resulting in the formation of N and the consequent loss of nitrogen and the formation of Ga droplets on the surface [50}52]. The speed of this process depends exponentially on the temperature making it extremely di$cult to anneal GaN at high temperatures. Therefore, one has to use an annealing technique which protects the GaN surface from decomposition. In recent years, many di!erent annealing procedures have been applied or developed for implanted GaN to reach the required
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high temperatures for annealing times in the minutes/hour range. These procedures can be divided into four groups, summaries of which are provided below. Firstly, implanted GaN samples have been annealed in nonreactive ambients. The success of this technique is limited by the product of temperature, time and pressure. Vacuum annealing o!ers the cleanest conditions; however, only temperatures around 800}9003C can be reached for several minutes without the degradation of the sample [49,53]. A slightly higher temperature can be reached under Ar or N #ow due to the higher vapor pressure, but high-purity gases are necessary to avoid the formation of thin GaO-layers on the surface. A further increase to high N overpressures (16 kbar) resulted up to annealing temperatures of 15503C [43,54]. On the other hand, the reduction of the annealing time into the second range in rapid thermal annealing (RTA) systems resulted also into maximum annealing temperatures of 12003C under N #ow [55]. Note: the measurement of the real surface temperature in RTA systems is very di$cult especially in the case of transparent samples and gas #ow conditions; thus, inaccurate values may be published. Secondly, implanted GaN has been annealed under reactive ambients [40,56}58]. In this case an exchange of nitrogen between the surface and the vapor phase occurs, i.e. the loss of nitrogen is compensated by the formation of new Ga}N bonds during the annealing process. Similar conditions exist during the growth of GaN. Therefore, these annealing techniques have been applied in MOCVD or MBE growth systems, where the implanted GaN samples are annealed under NH , an atomic nitrogen #ux or in a nitrogen plasma. Temperatures to 11003C can be reached in this way for 1 h [40,56,58]. The third way to protect the GaN surface is to deposit a capping layer that must be removed after the annealing procedure. Sputtered polycrystalline SiN and AlN have been used; however, such "lms were only stable to temperatures of 11003C [59]. The highest temperature of &13003C was achieved with epitaxial AlN-caps and subsequent vacuum annealing for 15 min [60,61]. Finally, laser processing is an additional method of annealing that uses short processing times to take advantage of GaN decomposition kinetics to suppress surface degradation. The de"nition and measurement of the equivalent annealing temperature is impossible due to the very fast nonequilibrium process. Therefore, the introduced power density is used for comparison; maximum values of 200}350 mJ/cm have been applied to GaN without an observable decomposition of the surface [51,52,62]. However, this annealing technique has not yet been applied to implanted GaN. 2.3. Redistribution Most species implanted in GaN have the anticipated Gaussian distribution around the maximum concentration with a tail extending further into the GaN substrate most likely due to channeling e!ects [63}76]. The range and distribution of the implanted impurities in GaN is in good agreement with TRIM calculations [18,19,40,66]. All implanted impurities show a high thermal stability in GaN upon annealing and di!usion or a signi"cant redistribution was only observed in a few cases, as described below. Implanted hydrogen is stable in n-GaN to 700}8003C; signi"cant loss is initiated at the surface at 9003C. However, the implanted H is still present after annealing at 12003C [25,26,63,64,66,67,74]. The shape of the implanted H depth pro"le is preserved constant even during the H loss, which implies that H decorates implantation-induced defects [63,64,77]. Further evidence that H is bonded to defects in implanted GaN is the fact that H can be readily di!used into as-grown GaN at
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much lower temperatures [63,64,67,77]. Hydrogen implanted in p-type GaN showed a signi"cantly di!erent behavior with out-di!usion at already 5003C and a complete loss at 10003C [74]. The faster di!usion of H in p-GaN is due to its signi"cantly lower formation energy with dopants, as compared to n-type material, which has been calculated by Neugebauer and Van de Walle [78}81]. Other lighter elements also show a high thermal stability in GaN, e.g., implanted #uorine does not undergo redistribution in GaN for annealing temperatures to 8003C [68] and 9003C [66]. This is surprising, as F is generally a rapidly di!using species in III}V compounds [82]. The column IV donors elements in GaN have a very high thermal stability with no redistribution for annealing to 14503C for Si [18,65,66,68,71}73,75,83}85] and 9003C for Ge [65,66,68,75,84]. Implanted oxygen, a column VI donor in GaN, showed no redistribution to 11253C [69,70,86]; however, this is in contrast to the results of Pearton et al. [87]. The last group found that O di!used into GaN from a SiO capping layer in the temperature range of 700}9003C. The rest of the column VI donors showed no redistribution during annealing at the maximum annealing temperature of 14503C [75,84,85]. Realized and potential implanted acceptors in GaN include column II and transition elements such as Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cd and Hg that would be metal}site acceptors and column IV elements such as C that would be N-site acceptors. Typically, acceptor species are more likely than donor species to redistribute at high temperatures in III}V semiconductors. However, similar to donor species, acceptor species in GaN appear to have a high thermal stability. Implanted Be, a common fast interstitial di!using species due to its small size, is thermally stable for anneals to 12003C [40,65,66,68,73,84,85] with slight initial broadening beginning at 9003C [73,84,85]. The remaining column II elements of Mg [65,66,68,73,76,84,85] and Ca [69,70,72] have also a high thermal stability with no redistribution observed for annealing to 14503C or 11253C, respectively. However, there have been some reports of implanted Mg redistribution at 11503C [18,71,72]. The transition element Zn has shown the highest redistribution rate of the acceptor elements implanted in GaN. Wilson et al. reported that Zn was only stable to 7003C [66] with some redistribution observed at 8003C [65,68]. Strite et al. observed Zn di!usion at 1100}11503C [34,43] with rapid di!usion at 12503C [43] such that the Zn di!used throughout the GaN "lm. These results were con"rmed by Suski et al. [54]. The column IV acceptor carbon is stable up to the maximum annealing temperature of 14503C [65,68,75,84,85]. Several rare earth elements have been implanted in GaN including praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), europium (Eu), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), lutetium (Lu), thorium (Th), and uranium (U) [68]. These elements redistribute at lower temperatures with increasing implantation dose. No redistribution was found to annealing temperatures of 8003C for doses less than 2;10 cm\; however, the onset of redistribution drops to 7003C for doses higher than 5;10 cm\ [68]. 2.4. Damage recovery The recovery of structural implantation damage can be directly observed by RBS/C, XRD, TEM and PAC. The "rst two techniques are mainly sensitive to the crystal structure; whereas, the other two are able to detect point defects. The results of all these measurement techniques show no recovery of the accumulated damage in GaN after post-implantation annealing for low
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Fig. 4. XRD 2-axis -2 map of the (0002) GaN peak (a) directly after Be implantation with a dose of 2.5;10 cm\ and after subsequent annealing to a temperature of 9003C (b) for 10 min. (Note: contour plots have log scale, from Ref. [40])
Fig. 5. Aligned RBS spectra of Ge-implanted GaN with a dose of 5;10 cm\ and an energy of 300 keV. The aligned spectra were taken along the [0001] direction after implantation and after annealing at 9003C for 1 h. Also included are a random spectrum and an aligned spectrum of a virgin GaN sample.
temperatures up to 6003C. The spectra are almost identical to the spectra taken from the as-implanted situation. Annealing of implanted GaN between 6003C and 11003C results in a reduction of the implantation damage. This can be clearly seen in Figs. 4}6.
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Fig. 6. Perturbed--angular-correlation spectroscopy (PAC) results measured on In in GaN as a function of annealing temperature. (From Ref. [60])
Fig. 4 shows that the implantation correlated extra peak in the XRD-pattern can be completely eliminated after annealing to 9003C in GaN implanted with a low implantation dose (2.5;10 cm\) of Be [38]. This indicates that the induced structural damage can be completely removed; however, a reduction and not a complete elimination of this peak is observed for heavier elements and higher implantation doses, even for higher annealing temperatures [39,40,54,56]. Fig. 5 shows RBS/C spectra taken from a high-dose Ge-implanted GaN sample, which was annealed to a temperature of 9003C. The onset of recovery is visible after the annealing step, but the near surface implantation damage is still present. The height and reduction of this damage peak strongly depends, similar to the XRD-results, on the dose and annealing temperature and is in agreement with other published studies [17}20,22,32,33,85,88}91]. A complete elimination of the damage peak was only observed for low implantation doses and very high annealing temperatures [32]. Plan view TEM con"rmed that annealing at 11003C for 30 s did not fully recover the damage [83,85,92]. For high implantation doses beyond the amorphization threshold, it was furthermore found by XTEM that the implanted region recrystallized into a polycrystalline layer with no detectable epitaxial re-growth [33,88]. The most sensitive technique to monitor the direct surrounding of the implanted impurities is PAC [93]. Fig. 6 shows the fraction of implanted In atoms with a defect-free neighborhood as well as with disturbed surroundings as a function of annealing temperature [35,60]. For isochronal annealing treatments in vacuum a gradual recovery of the implantation damage in the surrounding volume of each indium atom occurs between 6003C and 9003C. After annealing at 12003C, approximately 70(5)% of the probe atoms occupy undisturbed sites, and the remaining fraction of indium atoms occupy sites with weakly disturbed surroundings [35]. Therefore, point defects remain in the GaN sample even after this high annealing temperature. These "ndings were con"rmed by PAC measurements after ion implantation of Hf into GaN [36]. Around 65% of the Hf occupy defect free sites after annealing at 9003C. 2.5. Lattice sites Implanted impurity atoms can occupy several site locations in the host lattice including substitutional and interstitial lattice sites. The resulting electrical and optical properties of the
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implanted GaN sample strongly depend on the local bonding con"guration and thus the lattice site location of the impurity atoms. The lattice site of the impurity may change upon post implantation annealing procedures, also a!ecting the electrical and optical properties. Therefore, the knowledge of the lattice sites of the implanted impurities is essential for device processing by ion implantation. Several groups have used assorted channeling and spectroscopy techniques to determine the lattice site location of various impurities implanted in GaN. We used the emission channeling (EC) [94] technique for the determination of the lattice site location of implanted Li [95], Na [60], In [35], Sr [60], Tm [96], and Yb [96] in GaN. The EC-technique makes use of implanted radioactive probe atoms and measures the channeling e!ects of emitted decay particles such as conversion electrons, -particles, or -particles [94]. Fig. 7 shows a contour plot of a two-dimensional -EC pattern measured around the c-axis 0002 at room temperature after implantation of Li into GaN. The emission pattern has a six-fold symmetry showing three pronounced planar channeling e!ects and three pronounced planar blocking e!ects. Furthermore, in the c-axis direction the normalized emission yield is larger than unity, indicating channeling e!ects along the c-axis direction. Channeling of -particles can only occur if the lithium emitter atoms are located in interstitial sites with respect to the c-axis atom rows. On the other hand, blocking e!ects occur if the emitter atoms are located within an atomic row or plane. The axial and the three planar channeling e!ects are then due to emitter atoms located in between the indicated equivalent (3 120), (3 210) and (01 10) planes. The observed three planar blocking e!ects are due to emitter atoms located in the equivalent (2 110), (1 010) and (1 100) planes. The Li emitter atoms are therefore unambiguously located in the center of the hexagons. Emission channeling patterns around the c-axis were also recorded for increasing substrate temperatures to 5003C [95]. The normalized yield measured in the c-axis direction as a function of temperature is plotted in Fig. 8. The onset of Li-di!usion and a lattice site change occur in the rather narrow temperature regime of 410$253C. We observed a clear indication for a lattice site change of a signi"cant fraction of Li atoms from initially interstitial sites Li' to substitutional sites L\\. We assume that Li in GaN Li1 due to a Coulomb-force-driven reaction Li> ' #VL\NLi1 occupies substitutional Ga-sites at temperatures above 4103C. A lattice site change was also observed for deuterium in GaN. Using nuclear-reaction analysis (NRA) channeling, Wampler et al. [25,27] observed H in the central region of the c-axis after ion implantation at room temperature. Annealing to 5513C and above causes the H to move from the interstitial sites to locations that could not be resolved with this technique. No deuterium remained at interstitial sites after annealing at 8093C. This temperature range is higher compared to that for the onset of Li di!usion, but close to the H redistribution temperatures reported by Wilson et al. [63,64,66,67] and the damage recovery reported above. Therefore, the lattice site change of Li can be unambiguously attributed to the di!usion of Li; whereas, the reaction of deuterium with vacancies or defects may be not only caused by deuterium di!usion, but also by di!usion of the defects during damage recovery. Further EC-investigations showed that sodium also occupies interstitial sites with no change upon annealing to 8003C [60]; whereas, the majority of the implanted heavy ions of In, Sr, Tm and Yb ions are substitutional after implantation with no change upon annealing as high as 12003C [35,60,96]. A high substitutional fraction was also observed for ion implanted Ca [97], Te [33], Er [24] and Hf [36] using RBS/C and particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE). All of these implanted heavy ions are substitutional; however, they have damaged surroundings and are slightly displaced
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Fig. 7. Normalized emission yield of alpha particles emitted from implanted Li probe atoms measured at room temperature in GaN along the c-axis direction during Li implantation. The gray scale represents the normalized yield with respect to the yield for an o!-axis random direction. (From Ref. [95]) Fig. 8. Normalized alpha emission yield in the c-axis direction as a function of implantation temperature for undoped GaN. The change from channeling (yield '1) to blocking (yield (1) around 410$253C shows the lattice site change of a signi"cant fraction of Li from interstitial to substitutional sites. (After Ref. [95])
from the ideal substitutional position, potentially associated with defects [33,35,36,88,96}98]. Most of the heavier atoms: Ca [97], In [35], Pr(Ce) [98], Er [24], Tm [96], Yb [96] and Hf [36] exist substitutionally on the Ga lattice sites as opposed to N lattice sites. Unfortunately, the sub-lattice site of the donor Te, was not determined [33]. Annealing does not change the apparent substitutional fraction of the heavier atoms; however, it decreases the damage surrounding the implanted atoms and increases the fraction of atoms at ideal substitutional positions [33,88,96}98]. Silicon does not appear to be substitutional or interstitial direct after implantation [99,100]. The implanted Si atoms remains randomly distributed with only &20% substitutional after annealing to 10503C. However, upon annealing at 11003C there is a drastic change in the lattice location of the implanted Si with &100% of the implanted species located at substitutional Ga lattice sites [99,100]. MoK ssbauer spectroscopy was performed on GaN implanted with radioactive Cs, which decays to Sn [101]. It was indirectly determined that the Sn existed in several states in GaN including substitutional species on both Ga sites and N sites, as well as associated with defects and with O. Upon annealing the percentages of Sn occupying the various states in GaN changed. Speci"cally, the fraction on substitutional Ga sites increased at the expense of the fraction associated with defects [101].
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Fig. 9. Photoluminescence spectra taken at 14 K of GaN implanted with various doses of Ge. Implantations were performed at a temperature of 77 K using an implantation energy of 300 keV. The inset shows an expanded view of the near band-edge emission along with its associated LO-phonon replicas for the unimplanted GaN.
3. Optical properties The optical properties of GaN can be best determined using photoluminescence (PL) and cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy. The quality of the GaN sample as well as the optical activation of dopants can be identi"ed by the existence of speci"c PL-lines or -bands, by the intensity of PL-lines and by their width and shapes [2,5,7]. The "rst reported PL-study on implanted GaN was reported in 1976 by Pankove and Hutchby [58]. In this research spectra of 35 potential donor and acceptor species were recorded after ion implantation. The conclusions drawn at that time should today be used with care, because the quality of GaN samples have been improved by several orders of magnitude since that time. However, it had been shown that ion implantation resulted in nonluminescent GaN material implying the resulting implantation damage consists of many nonradiative recombination centers. This "nding is in agreement with all present studies and can easily be checked on an implanted GaN sample, which becomes nontransparent in the visible and near UV range after ion implantation. Thermal treatments are required to restore the luminescence, as reported subsequently in this section in the topic regarding the e!orts for optical donor, acceptor and rare earth activation in implanted GaN. 3.1. Defects Fig. 9(a) and its inset shows a PL spectrum of the unimplanted GaN sample for comparison. Several features can be observed including an intense near band-edge emission at 358 nm
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(3.464 eV), commonly labeled I , that originates from recombinations of free excitons and/or excitons bound to shallow donors [102]. Two well-resolved, associated longitudinal optical (LO) phonon replicas at 367 nm (3.379 eV) and 377 nm (3.289 eV) for the I peak can also be observed, indicating the high quality of the unimplanted GaN. The position of the LO-phonon replicas results in a phonon energy of 85$5 meV for these samples, which is in agreement with values in the literature [103}105]. A weak transition at &381 nm (3.25 eV), ascribed to donor}acceptor pair (DAP) recombination [106], is observed, along with two LO-phonon replicas at 3.16 and 3.08 eV, as a shoulder on the second LO-phonon replica of the I emission. The identity of the shallow donor(s) is unknown, although both native defects and extrinsic impurities, including oxygen and silicon, have been suggested [78,107]. The identity of the acceptor is also unknown, although carbon and/or magnesium are likely candidates [108}110]. The feature observed at &550 nm (2.25 eV) is commonly referred to as the `yellowa emission band [111]. The origin of the yellow-band emission in GaN is still unknown. However, it is most likely that a variety of defects and deep level impurities causes this band and it has already been attributed [112}114] to deep acceptor levels that arise due to point defects such as Ga vacancies allowing a transition from shallow donor states to the deep acceptor state. The exact identities of both the shallow and deep defects are unknown with both native defects and extrinsic impurities possible. The broad, Gaussian line shape of several *- half-widths is typical of deep levels in semiconductors. The deep recombination partner has a large binding energy that results in a localized wavefunction (x) and thus a large range of k values [115]. Therefore, the transition occurs over a large energy range. As mentioned above, Fig. 9b}d clearly shows that the photoluminescence of GaN is severely depressed directly after ion implantation of Ge. The near-band-edge emission (3.464 eV) intensity is reduced by three orders of magnitude compared to the unimplanted sample even for a relatively low implantation dose of 1;10 cm\. The intensity is further reduced at higher implantation doses and is totally quenched at an implantation dose of 5;10 cm\. Ion implantation at higher substrate temperatures results in a reduction in the implantationinduced damage by dynamic annealing during implantation that is visible in the PL-spectra [56]. However, the reduction is minor compared to the large concentration of defects introduced during implantation, as attested by the fact the I line intensity is still four orders of magnitude lower than that of an unimplanted sample for implantation temperatures around 9003C [56]. Fig. 10 shows the PL-results of isochronal (1 h) annealing for Ge-implanted GaN with a dose of 1;10 cm\. The "rst signi"cant change in the PL spectra can be observed after an annealing temperature of 6003C. A slight decrease of the weak defect related PL-band centered around 425 nm and a slight increase of the yellow band is visible, which indicates that some species of defects are annealed out. This temperature range is in agreement with the recovery observed with PAC (see Fig. 6) and can be attributed to the onset of defect/vacancy di!usion. The intensity of the near-band-edge I emission increases after annealing at each annealing step with the intensity increasing by about three orders of magnitude at 11003C. However, the intensity of the I emission is still one}two orders of magnitude lower than that observed in unimplanted GaN indicating that the recovery is still incomplete at this temperature, which is in agreement with the presented XRD, RBS, and PAC results. (An AlN capping layer was used to stabilize the GaN surface during the high temperature anneals.) The increase in the I intensity is also the result of the recovery of implantation damage by annihilation of point defects. This can be deduced from the fact that
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Fig. 10. Photoluminescence spectra taken at 14 K of GaN implanted with Ge at a dose of 1;10 cm\ and annealed at various temperatures for 1 h. The implantation was conducted at room temperature with an implantation energy of 300 keV. The solid arrow is positioned at the Ge-related transition.
unimplanted GaN samples do not exhibit any signi"cant changes under the same annealing conditions. The appearance of a new emission peak centered at &372 nm (3.33 eV) is observed after annealing at 11003C for 1 h. 3.2. Donor doping The new emission line at 3.33 eV in Fig. 10 is very likely due to a Ge related transition, as this peak was not observed in unimplanted GaN samples. A similar peak has been observed for GaN doped with Ge during growth [116] and by PL using radioactive Ge-doped GaN [117]. The transitional nature of this line is not known at this time. However, it should be a donor}band transition or a DAP transition with Ge as the donor. Assuming a donor}band transition, the energy level of the Ge donor would be 170 meV below the conduction band, assuming a band gap of 3.5 eV for GaN. This is not consistent with the reported [118}120] shallow nature of Ge. However, the transition may be also a DAP transition between the Ge donor and an unknown, potentially defect related, acceptor level. In this case the Ge donor level can be shallow depending on the energy level of the unknown acceptor. The emission of the 3.33 eV line is more intense for a lower implantation dose of 1;10 cm\ compared to 1;10 cm\. This can be explained by the fact that the higher implantation dose result in a greater concentration of implantation-induced defects that are still present after the 11003C annealing step.
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Silicon-implanted GaN annealed at 11003C for 1 h shows a strong DAP emission at 3.25 eV with the associated two phonon replicas at 3.16 and 3.08 eV. Other groups have observed similar strong DAP emission for GaN implanted with Si [17,21]. On the other hand, the shallow donor level (30 meV) of Si in GaN and its associated signature in the broadening of the I -line is well known from GaN doped with this species during growth [122,123]. Therefore, the enhancement in the DAP emission must be explained by the fact that the implanted silicon act as a shallow donor and result in increased DAP transitions with an unknown acceptor level. This behavior is also seen in GaN which is doped with Si during growth [123]. A new and sharp PL-line arising at 364.5 nm (&3.40 eV) is also observed in silicon implanted GaN after thermal annealing. However, this peak is due to defects created during the implantation procedure, as this line is observed with varying intensities after implantation of Li, Be, Ge, In, Mg, Ca, and Er (see e.g. Figs. 11 and 12). It is likely that this emission is produced by nitrogen or gallium vacancies due to acceptor or donor bound excitons, because it can appear also in unimplanted GaN samples; however, it is dependent on the growth conditions [124]. 3.3. Acceptor doping Magnesium implanted and high-temperature-annealed GaN shows a strong DAP emission at 3.25 eV with two associated LO-phonon replicas at 3.16 and 3.08 eV (see Fig. 11). This emission is similar to the intrinsic DAP emission observed in undoped GaN (Fig. 9). However, the 3.25 eV emission, along with its LO-phonon replicas, is commonly seen in GaN samples doped during growth with Mg [125}141] and exhibiting p-type activation. The emission is attributed to a donor}acceptor pair transition (DAP) between a Mg acceptor and a shallow donor [134}137,140]. Therefore, it can be concluded that optical activation of the implanted Mg atoms has been realized. The donor of the DAP transition is unknown but is assumed to be the intrinsic donor in GaN. The Mg binding energy is estimated to be 235 meV assuming a band gap of 3.5 eV, a donor binding energy of 30 meV, and a value of 15 meV for coulomb interaction. This value is in good agreement with the accepted value of 225}250 meV. Fig. 11 shows also PL spectra of GaN implanted with di!erent doses of Mg and annealed at 12503C. With increasing implantation dose the Mg-related DAP transition decreases, and "nally the GaN samples implanted with a dose of 10 cm\ show no DAP-transitions. One would not expect such a behavior for increasing acceptor concentrations. Therefore, a high amount of residual defects, which strongly depends on the implantation dose, is still present in the annealed samples. This is supported by the fact that the behavior of the intensity of the yellow band is opposite to the behavior of the DAP transitions and therefore much higher in the GaN : Mg samples implanted with higher implantation doses (see Fig. 11). The PL spectrum of a GaN sample doped during MOCVD growth with 5;10 cm\ Mg is also contained in Fig. 11 [142]. The I -line of this samples is less intense compared to the emission from samples implanted with low doses. This is due to the higher intensity of the DAP-transitions. However, the di!erences between Mg-implanted and Mg-doped GaN are minor in this region of the spectrum. By contrast, the intensity of the yellow `defecta band shows a signi"cant di!erence: it is not visible in the Mg-doped GaN; whereas, the yellow band dominates the PL-spectra of the high-dose Mg-implanted GaN. Again, this demonstrates that after this high-temperature annealing
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Fig. 11. Photoluminescence spectra measured at low temperature of GaN as a function of Mg implantation dose. (a) 10 cm\, (b) 10 cm\, and (c) 10 cm\. The post implantation annealing was performed at 12503C for 30 min under vacuum and the implantation energy was set to 60 keV. The samples were protected with an epitaxial AlN-cap during annealing. For comparison, the PL-spectrum (d) was taken from a GaN-sample that was doped with 5;10 cm\ Mg during MOCVD-growth.
procedure defects are still present in the material even when most of the implanted Mg ions are optical activated. A new PL-line at 3.36 eV appears in GaN implanted with 1;10 cm\ calcium ions and subsequently annealed at 12003C for 1 h, as shown in Fig. 12 (top). This emission was also observed, as a shoulder on the I emission peak, for higher Ca implantation doses [56]. The Ca binding energy was estimated to be 140 meV. This is close to the value of 169 meV reported by Zolper et al. [69,70,72] for the activation energy of implanted Ca in GaN as measured by temperature-dependent sheet carrier measurements. Thus, this emission peak is due to optically activated Ca. Beryllium is a promising candidate for shallow p-type doping in GaN given its calculated ionization energy of &0.06 eV [143]. We found a Be-related transition at 3.35 eV after ion implantation and annealing, as shown in Fig. 12 [144]. The Be-related PL-line is very weak compared to the Ca and Mg cases, which may be due to the possible formation of Be-defect complexes [145] or due to the occupation of non-doping interstitial sites [146]. We attributed the new line to band}acceptor (eA) recombinations. For this case, the ionization energy of Be acceptors can be calculated to be 150$10 meV. However, this is in contradiction to the theoretical value noted above. Dewsnip and co-workers [147] observed this line at 3.376 eV in GaN samples doped with Be during growth. They calculated the ionization energy to be 90}100 meV due to the
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Fig. 12. Photoluminescence spectra measured at low temperature of GaN implanted with a variety of species: (a) calcium, 10 cm\, 300 keV, ¹ "12003C; (b) magnesium, 10 cm\, 60 keV, ¹ "12503C; (c) beryllium, 10 cm\, 100#200 keV, ¹ "9003C; (d) lithium, 10 cm\, 30 keV, ¹ "8503C; (e) indium, 10 cm\, 30 keV, ¹ "8503C; and (f) erbium, 10 cm\, 60 keV, ¹ "8503C.
assumption that this line is a donor-to-acceptor transition. Temperature-dependent PL are necessary to determine the nature of this Be-related transition and thus to calculate the exact activation energy of Be which can also be determined via electrical measurements. Zinc is another acceptor that has been extensively studied in GaN due to its reported high luminescence e$ciency. Implanted Zn has been reported to have a strong emission peak at 2.87 eV (&430 nm) in GaN [34,43,44,148}150], which is consistent with GaN "lms doped with Zn during growth. However, the intensity of the Zn emission in implanted "lms is typically less than in situ doped GaN [34]. Improvement of the Zn emission intensity after ion implantation was observed by Strite et al. [43,44] by annealing the implanted GaN at high temperatures or for long periods of time using a high N overpressure to stabilize the GaN during annealing. Suski et al. [150] showed that the optical activation of implanted Zn increases with increasing annealing temperatures to 13503C under high N overpressure and to 15503C under high N #Zn overpressure. This provides more evidence that the damage induced by implantation is detrimental to the optical properties of GaN and shows that the implantation induced damage is still being annealed out at temperatures in the range of 1350}15503C.
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3.4. Miscellaneous elements We have also included in Fig. 12 the PL-spectra of Li, In and Er implanted GaN after subsequent annealing at 8503C. The only emission line appearing is positioned at 3.41 eV. As discussed above, this PL-line is related to a native defect. No other extra PL-lines are visible in this range of the spectrum for these species; thus, they do not act as shallow dopants in GaN. We have shown above by emission channeling that Li occupies substitutional sites after implantation and annealing at high temperatures [95]. On the other hand, Li on interstitial sites should act as shallow donor, but directly after ion implantation no luminescence is observed due to the high concentration of the defects. The yellow PL-band as well as a band positioned around 3.0 eV are very pronounced for the heavy elements In and Er, which is of course due to the higher amount of implantation damage introduced by these species. However, these results prove that the new lines appearing after Ge, Ca, Mg and Be implantation are only related to the respective species. Several elements have been implanted and optically investigated in GaN by other groups, including the light elements hydrogen [151,152] and helium [151,153], the isovalent elements arsenic and phosphorus [154], and the transition metal vanadium [155]. The implantation of the light elements decreased the characteristic luminescence of GaN with some recovery after annealing [151,153]. Two new luminescence lines at 2.9 eV and 0.95 eV has been observed in He [151] and H [153] implanted GaN, respectively. The peak at 0.95 eV is similar to peaks observed in electron-irradiated [156,157] and Nd implanted [158,159] GaN implying this peak is also related to defects. Metcalfe et al. reported that the cathodoluminescence spectra of the isovalent elements As and P implanted into GaN-exhibited luminescence lines at 2.58 and 2.85 eV, respectively [154]. The transition metal vanadium implanted into GaN has a luminescence line at 0.82 eV [155]. An unambiguous identi"cation of PL-lines is possible via radioactive PL [160]. This technique makes use of the chemical transition of nuclei during the radioactive decay. After implantation of radioactive ions and subsequent annealing, the appearance and the disappearance of PL-lines can be correlated with the half-life of the respective decay. This technique was applied to GaN for implantations with radioactive Ag, Cd, Cd, As, and Se [117,161,162]. Ag produces a deep luminescence band centered at 1.52 eV, which is superimposed by four single transitions. A blue emission band centered at 2.7 eV was assigned to deep Cd-related defects; whereas, shallow levels at 3.34, 3.32 and 3.27 could be also attributed to the acceptor Cd. PL emissions at 2.58, 3.4, and 1.49 eV were caused by As (located on N-sites), Ge, and Se, respectively. Spectroscopic ellipsometry [23], optical transmission measurements [45], optical absorption measurements [121], and Raman scattering measurements [19,25,26,152,163,164] have been performed on GaN implanted with various species. The coe$cient k, which is related to the photon adsorption of the material, increased [23] while the optical transmission [45] decreased with increasing dose of implanted species, independent of ion species. This again demonstrates that the implantation-induced damage consists of many non-radiative photon adsorption centers. Silkowski et al. reported that annealing implanted GaN to 10503C in #owing NH for 90 min recovered the absorption edge in implanted GaN [121]. Raman scattering showed four new Raman peaks after implantation independent of ion species [164]. The peaks were attributed to vacancy-related crystal defects and disorder-activated Raman scattering. The intensity dropped upon annealing showing a reduction of the implantation induced defects with annealing. Raman measurements also showed a shift and a narrowing of the A (LO)-Raman peaks after implantation
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of Ca, Ar, and C [19]. These phenomena suggest a reduction in carrier density after implantation. Raman measurements of implanted hydrogen (H) revealed vibrational modes at 3100, 3183, and 3219 cm\ [25,26,152,163]. The vibrational mode at 3100 cm\ was attributed to V% }H complexes [152,163]; the modes at 3183 and 3219 cm\ were attributed to hydrogen bonded to nitrogen atoms [25,26]. 3.5. Rare earth elements Rare-earth-doped GaN is a candidate for optoelectronic devices operating in the visible or infrared region [165,166]. Especially the 1.54 m intra-4f shell emission of erbium in the trivalent state (Er>) is promising for the telecommunications industry due to the fact that it coincides with a minimum in attenuation in silica based optical "bers. E$cient 1.54 m emission observed by photoluminescence [96,149,167}173], cathodoluminescence [171,174], and electroluminescence [149,171,175] has been reported from Er implanted GaN. The intensity of this emission increases with increasing annealing temperature [96,158,167,169,171}173] which is most likely due to the reduction of implantation defects. However, the post-implantation annealing procedure could also change the nature of the local environment or the bonding of the Er, and therefore in#uence the emission characteristic. The local environment of Er in GaN is extremely crucial for light emission: GaN "lms implanted with Er and without a co-implantation of O emit at 1.54 m [96,121], but co-implantation of O [96,149,168,169,171}174,176] and to a lesser extent F [171] substantially increases the intensity. The characteristic of the emission line changes, too, as shown in Fig. 13. The excitation mechanism by which energy from the host material is transferred to the intra-4f shell transitions of Er> in semiconductor hosts is still not completely understood. Kim et al. [177}180] report four distinct sites for Er implanted in GaN (Note: the authors do not mean lattice sites in this case, their sites are better described as four di!erent local structural environments [181]. We have shown above that about 90}100% of the RE-elements occupy substitutional Ga-lattice sites independent of the post-implantation annealing processes). The di!erent `sitesa are each excited by di!erent below-gap optical absorption processes and each has di!erent associated photoluminescence. The excitation methods for the di!erent Er sites are attributed to (1) absorption due to implantation damage-induced defects; (2) absorption due to defects or impurities characteristic of the as-grown GaN "lm; (3) an Er-speci"c absorption band which is possibly an Er-related isoelectronic trap and (4) direct Er> 4f shell absorption [177}180,182]. Visible green emission, consisting of emission peaks at 523 and 546 nm, has also been observed in Er implanted GaN [176]. This is similar to the green emission observed in GaN doped with Er during growth [183}186]. The optical properties of other rare earth elements (such as Dy [187], Nd [121,159], Pr [188,189], and Tm [187]) in GaN have also been investigated. Both Dy and Tm implanted in GaN resulted in abundant emissions upon thermal treatment [187] that were attributed to transitions between various levels in the rare earth elements. Strong room temperature red (640 nm) and infrared (several wavelengths including 1.3 m) emissions have been observed in praseodymium (Pr)-implanted GaN [188,189] similar to GaN doped with Pr during growth [190]. Several intra-4f transition emissions also appear for neodymium (Nd) implanted GaN [121]. Kim et al. report that implanted Nd> emission originates from "ve di!erent `sitesa (local environments) for the Nd> with di!erent excitation methods of the Nd> for the di!erent sites [159].
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Fig. 13. PL spectra of GaN implanted with Er (60 keV, RT) with co-implanted oxygen (bottom) and without (top). (From Ref. [96])
4. Electrical properties The objective of ion implantation, in the context of semiconductors, is to modify the electrical properties of the semiconducting material. The goal can be either to increase or decrease the conductivity of the semiconductor, which is accomplished by dopant implantation or implantation isolation, respectively. Dopant implantation introduces an electrically active n- or p-type dopant for the purpose of increasing the free carrier concentration. The particular dopant introduced depends on the semiconductor and the desired "nal electrical properties of the semiconductor. Implantation isolation involves the implantation of various elements to produce a high resistivity layer through the introduction of mid-gap levels, that trap both electrons and holes. These levels can be either created through the implantation process itself by defects or through the chemical nature of the implanted species. 4.1. Implantation isolation Kahn et al. were the "rst to report the use of ion implantation to modify the electrical properties of GaN [191]. They implanted Be> and N> to compensate the background n-type behavior. The GaN showed a signi"cantly reduced free carrier concentration after implantation of
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1.2;10 cm\ of either Be> or N> and annealing at 10003C. The fact that Be> and N> had the same e!ect implies that the compensation is due to the induced defects and not to the chemical nature of the implanted impurity. As discussed above, the annealing temperature of 10003C is insu$cient to remove all defects within reasonable time. The implantation of the light elements of H [74,151,192] and He [74,151,193], and the isovalent elements of N [192,194}196] and P [193], have been investigated in GaN for the purpose of creating damage during implantation, which facilitates the isolation. The resistivity obtained after implantation scaled with the mass of the implanted ion, i.e. the larger the ion, the larger the concentration of defects, and the higher the resistivity [151,192,193]. Similarly, the higher the implanted dose the higher the observed resistivity [151,192]. However, after He implantation doses exceeding 4;10 cm\, the resistivity actually began to decrease [192]. This is due to an increase in hopping or defect conduction where the trap density is so high that carriers can hop between the defects. Levels generated by the implantation of H [197,198], He [198}200], and N [201] in GaN have been investigated using deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Three defect levels located at 0.13, 0.16, and 0.20 eV were observed after H implantation [197,198]. The level at 0.20 eV was also present after He implantation, along with two deep levels located at 0.78 and 0.95 eV [198}200]. These defect levels are electron traps. The implantation of N produced a deep level located at 0.67 eV [201], which was attributed to nitrogen interstitials. The concentration of this level increased with increasing implantation dose and decreased after annealing at 9003C. An activation energy of 0.76$0.02 eV was also determined by temperaturedependent resistivity measurements for He- and N-implanted GaN, while the activation energy for H-implanted GaN was 0.29$0.04 eV [192]. This `activationa energy is a measure of the main level controlling the electrical properties and is in good agreement with the observations made by DLTS. Cao et al. implanted Ti, O, Fe, and Cr into GaN to investigate the possibility of chemically induced isolation [202]. The activation energies of the various implanted ions were all similar, indicating that the implantation defects dominate the electrical properties as opposed to the chemical nature of the implanted ion. However, all the implantations reported in this section have resulted in device quality high-resistivity GaN. To understand the in#uence of the implantation-induced damage on the electrical properties of implanted GaN, we implanted Ar into GaN as a control dopant, since it should not introduce any energy levels due to the chemical nature of the dopant. Hall e!ect and C}< electrical measurements showed that all the Ar-implanted GaN samples exhibited a high resistivity in the as-implanted state and thus could not be measured. This is in good agreement with the results of other groups reported above. Recovery of the electrical properties of GaN was observed after annealing the Ar-implanted GaN samples at 11003C for 1 h in a tube furnace. The sheet carrier concentration after annealing was in the range of 2}5;10 cm\. Taking the thickness of 2 m of the GaN "lm into account, the sheet carrier concentration can be converted to a volumetric carrier concentration in the range of 1}2.5;10 cm\, which was the background carrier concentration of the GaN "lms before implantation. This indicates that the implantation-induced electronic traps have been partially removed allowing the bulk properties of the GaN "lm to dominate the Hall e!ect measurement. This is also con"rmed by the high mobility observed in the implanted "lms. Further annealing at 12003C did not change the electrical properties signi"cantly.
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Table 3 Electrical properties of GaN implanted with Si and annealed in a tube furnace or RTA at various temperatures and times. Ion energy: 200 keV Implantation conditions
Sheet resistivity (/䊐)
Sheet carrier concentration (cm\)
Mobility (cm/V s)
Percent activation (%)
2.47;10 1.67;10 1.77;10 '10
6.88;10 1.44;10 1.52;10 N/A
367.47 260.87 232.51 N/A
0.69 0.14 0.15 N/A
12003C, 15 s RTA anneal 1;10 cm\, RT 1;10 cm\, RT 1;10 cm\, 6503C 1;10 cm\, 6503C
3.61;10 '10 2.41;10 5.81;10
5.4;10 N/A 6.5;10 3.99;10
321 N/A 398.56 269.8
0.054 N/A 0.0065 0.004
11003C, 1 h furnace anneal 1;10 cm\, RT 1;10 cm\, 6503C 1;10 cm\, 6503C
1.67;10 1.77;10 2.27;10
5.33;10 1.12;10 4.88;10
70.24 31.51 56.42
53.3 112 48.8
12003C, 1 h furnace anneal 1;10 cm\, RT 1;10 cm\, RT 1;10 cm\, 6503C 1;10 cm\, 6503C
N/A 2.90;10 4.87;10 1.32;10
N/A 1.04;10 1.13;10 9.97;10
N/A 20.74 113.57 47.45
N/A 104 113 99.7
11003C, 15 s RTA anneal 1;10 cm\, RT 1;10 cm\, RT 1;10 cm\, 6503C 1;10 cm\, 6503C
4.2. Donor doping Electrical measurements showed that GaN is also too resistive to measure directly after Si implantation. Annealing at 9003C for 60 s in a RTA-system did not signi"cantly change the resistivity of the samples and, therefore, electrical measurements could not be performed, but they were possible after annealing at 11003C for 15 s. However, the sheet carrier concentrations were low resulting in a very low Si activation percentages (see Table 3). The values are much lower than the 8% reported by Zolper et al. for a similar annealing procedure [71,72,194}196]. However, further work by Zolper et al. has also resulted in similar low activation percentages in the range of &0.05% [17,88,89]. The reason for this discrepancy is unclear but may be due to di!erences in the quality of the host GaN material. The low sheet carrier concentration is similar to that observed after Ar implantation and furnace annealing for our samples. This implies that the carriers observed in the Si-implanted GaN may in fact be due to the native n-type background carriers present in the GaN substrate. This is supported by the high mobility observed in the Si implanted GaN samples, which one would not expect in an implantation damaged crystal. Annealing at 12003C for 15 s in an RTA did not improve the sheet carrier concentration. Thus, either the
C. Ronning et al. / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 349}385
Fig. 14. Carrier concentration versus reciprocal temperature as determined from variable temperature Hall-e!ect measurements for GaN implanted with Si at 6503C with an energy of 200 keV and a dose of (a) 1;10 cm\ and (b) 1;10 cm\. Included are the data from GaN samples doped with Si during growth with similar doping levels. The solid lines are "ts of the experimental data, and the resulting activation energy (E ) for each "t is indicated.
annealing time or temperature are still too low for electrical activation of the implanted Si. Increasing the annealing time should improve this situation. Table 3 also shows the electrical measurements of GaN implanted with Si and annealed in a tube furnace for 1 h at 11003C. The long annealing time provided a much higher percentage of Si-activated compared to RTA annealing with &100% activation for the 1;10 cm\ dose and &50% activation for the 1;10 cm\ dose. These results were con"rmed by C}< measurements. The observed mobilities are low compared to the bulk GaN due to the remaining high concentration of defects (compare with PL-results) that act as scattering centers for the free carriers. These results indicate that the Si-implanted region in the GaN is dominating the electrical properties of the "lm and that the implanted Si ions have become electrically active in the GaN substrate. Fig. 14 shows temperature-dependent Hall measurements for GaN implanted at 6503C with (a) 1;10 cm\ and (b) 1;10 cm\ Si ions along with data from a GaN doped with similar levels of Si during the growth. All samples show very little temperature dependence at low temperatures. This behavior was also observed by other groups [203}206] and can be attributed to impurity band conduction in the GaN [207]. Thus, only data above 200 K were used for the determination
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of the activation energy. The GaN sample doped with Si during growth showed a donor activation energy, E , of 17.3 meV. This value is in good agreement with results given in Refs. [205,206,208,209]. Analysis of the 1;10 cm\ Si-implanted GaN sample indicated that two independent donor levels with activation energies of 18.1 and 273.9 meV described the temperature-dependent behavior. The activation energy of the "rst donor level is very close to that observed in the Si-doped GaN sample and, therefore, is due to the implanted Si donors. This con"rms that the implanted Si has become electrically active in the GaN. The second donor level is most likely due to deep levels related to implantation-induced defects. This is in agreement with the results reported in Refs. [197}200], where defect levels with similar activation energies were detected by DLTS. However, Zolper et al. [71,195,196] found only one activation energy level at 62 meV, which is most likely due to a combination of the implanted Si donor level with deep levels and should not be taken as a Si donor energy level. The temperature dependence of the high-dose Si-implanted GaN shows an activation energy of 5.5 meV, which is almost identical to the results determined in the sample doped with Si at a similar level during growth, indicating the electrical activation of the implanted Si ions. The results are in agreement with Ref. [17]. The low activation energy indicates a doping level above the degeneracy limit that is consistent with the high doping level. The electron mobilities in both Si-implanted GaN samples were low and did not change signi"cantly with temperature. This is due to the large amount of remaining defects that act as scattering centers. Higher temperature anneals at 12003C for 1 h in a tube furnace further increased the activation of the implanted Si and resulted in the highest mobility observed (see Table 3). However, this mobility is still lower then that observed in GaN doped during growth. This demonstrates that the optimal annealing temperature for GaN is a bit higher than 12003C, as predicted by the two-thirds rule. High activation percents have also been observed in Si implanted GaN after annealing at 13003C [90,91] and 14003C [73] in a RTA for 10 s. Electrical conductivity was observed in the Ge-implanted GaN after a 1-h 12003C tube furnace anneal. The measured sheet carrier concentrations and mobilities were lower compared to Si, resulting in activation percentages between 15 and 45%. This could be due to the higher remaining amount of implantation induced defects by the heavier ion or due to the deeper donor level of the Ge, as seen by the PL measurements above. However, the implanted Ge dominates the electrical properties of the sample and is electrically active. Other donors, including O [18,69,70], Te [10,75,85], and S [10,75,85], have been implanted and electrically investigated. Oxygen is a shallow donor in GaN [120,210] and may cause background n-type behavior [211]. However, studies on O implanted in GaN indicate a low implantation activation [18,69,70]. This was also found for S and Te implanted into GaN even after hightemperature annealing at 14003C [10,75,85]. Both S and Te have high activation energies of 48$10 and 50$20 meV, respectively, which likely results in the low implantation activation e$ciency. 4.3. Acceptor doping The challenge in ion implantation activation is to reach p-type behavior after implantation of acceptors into a material with n-type background carriers. In the case of GaN, this challenge is even more di$cult due to the absence of shallow acceptors. Table 4 summarizes the electrical
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Table 4 Electrical properties of GaN implanted with acceptors annealed in a tube furnace at various temperatures and times. The ion implantation was performed at room temperature Ion species and implantation conditions
Sheet resistivity (/䊐)
Sheet carrier concentration (cm\)
Mobility (cm/V s)
Percent activation
11003C, 1 h furnace annealing Mg, 160 keV, 1;10 cm\ Mg, 160 keV, 1;10 cm\ Ca, 300 keV, 1;10 cm\ Ca, 300 keV, 1;10 cm\
1.02;10 8.46;10 4.96;10 8.14;10
1.90;10 1.10;10 2.96;10 1.10;10
330.4 67.59 425.1 69.46
1.66;10 '10 6.31;10 '10
3.40;10 N/A 8.22;10 N/A
109.5 N/A 120.4 N/A
N/A (n-type) N/A N/A (n-type) N/A
12503C, 30 min furnace annealing Mg, 60 keV, 1;10 cm\ Mg, 60 keV, 1;10 cm\ Mg, 60 keV, 1;10 cm\ Mg, 120 keV, 1;10 cm\ Mg, 120 keV, 1;10 cm\
1.4;10 2;10 1.57;10 9.5;10 1.63;10
5.3;10 3;10 5.5;10 6.7;10 1.3;10
80 100 71 97 300
N/A (n-type) n/p-type N/A (n-type) N/A (n-type) N/A (n-type)
13003C, 10 min furnace annealing Mg, 60 keV, 1;10 cm\ Mg, 60 keV, 1;10 cm\ Mg, 120 keV, 1;10 cm\
2.06;10 4.0;10 6.3;10
8;10 2.8;10 n"1.1;10
38 2.2 63
n/p-type n/p-type N/A (n-type)
12003C, 1 h furnace annealing Mg, 160 keV, 1;10 cm\ Mg, 160 keV, 1;10 cm\ Ca, 300 keV, 1;10 cm\ Ca, 300 keV, 1;10 cm\
(n-type) (n-type) (n-type) (n-type)
properties after implantation of Mg and Ca followed by subsequent annealing at various temperatures. Annealing at high temperatures and di!erent conditions enabled electrical measurements to be performed. However, the sign of the Hall coe$cient was, in the most cases, negative indicating n-type behavior in the implanted samples as opposed to the expected p-type behavior. The results of most of other studies [17,18,45,71,72,194}196,212] are in agreement with this result and showed GaN remaining n-type after Mg implantation and annealing at high temperatures. Cao et al. [84,85] were able to achieve p-type GaN after Mg implantation and annealing at very high temperatures (1100}14003C). The large deviations in the reported electrical properties of Mgimplanted GaN is due to the large activation energy of &200 meV, which means that at room temperature only &1% of the Mg ions are ionized. Thus, for a Mg implantation dose of 1;10 cm\ and an implantation activation of 100% the sheet hole concentration is expected to be 1;10 cm\, which is approximately the order of the n-type background carriers. In the case of Ca, the same argument must be applied due to a similar high activation energy of &160 meV. Only the low mobility observed in the acceptor implanted samples compared to Ar-implanted samples is an indication of electrical activation, which is compensated by the native n-type carriers.
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Other acceptors have been predicted to be shallow, but reports of C [10,19,75,85] and Be [40] implantation have not resulted in p-type GaN. Zolper et al. reported that GaN implanted with C had increasing n-type behavior with increasing annealing temperature. 4.4. Device applications The "rst use of ion implantation for device processing was by Kahn et al., who used N> and Be> implants to increase the performance of Schottky barriers on GaN [191]. The implantation lowered the native free carrier concentration at the surface such that deposited Schottky contacts had good rectifying properties. Implantation has been also used to improve ohmic contacts by increasing the free carrier concentration at the surface of the "lm under the contact [213,214]. In both cases, Si implantations with the associated activation anneal lowered the speci"c contact resistivity of the metal contact. Simple p}n junctions have been accomplished either by implantation of Si into Mg-doped GaN "lms [45,83,215] or by implantation of Mg into Si-doped GaN [76]. The junctions yielded rectifying behavior after annealing, but they had relatively high turn-on voltages, low breakdown voltages, low forward currents and high ideality factors due to the remaining implantation defects. Zolper et al. [70,72,216] produced a JFET using Si implantation to produce the n-type channel along with the n-type source and the drain regions. Implanted Ca was used as the p-type gate in the JFET. Following an 11503C activation anneal the JFET showed good channel modulation with a measured transconductance of 7 mS/mm and a saturation current of 33 mA/mm. The transconductance value is low compared to other devices produced in the III-nitrides and is attributed to a high access resistance or a low mobility in the channel. Similarly to the implanted p}n junctions there is still signi"cant damage remaining after annealing at this temperature that is expected to degrade the performance of the device.
5. Summary, conclusions, and future work The crystal structure of GaN is very resistant to ion bombardment due to the high ionicity of the Ga}N bond. Very high doses are required for amorphization; i.e. the amorphization threshold is much higher than in other semiconductors. The damage caused during implantation consists of vacancies, interstitials, anti-site defects, and extended defects including dislocations and stacking faults. Amorphization in GaN occurs in small local regions. These regions are subsequently enlarged with increasing implantation dose until the crystal structure collapses to create an amorphous layer. Structural defects can be readily created with medium implantation doses (10}10 cm\) and lead to lattice expansion. Computer simulations usually overestimate the damage compared to that experimentally observed. The discrepancy is due to signi"cant dynamic annealing during implantation and due to the strong bonding. Implantation at high-temperatures does not necessarily result in lower damage. The implanted impurities occupy de"ned lattice sites: the alkali elements mainly occupy interstitial sites; whereas, all other elements have been found on substitutional sites directly after ion implantation. The optical properties are greatly a!ected by implantation resulting in a complete loss of the luminescence even for low doses. The largest e!ect is the introduction of
C. Ronning et al. / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 349}385
Fig. 15. Di!usion, recovery, and activation processes of ion-implanted impurities in GaN as function of annealing temperature.
nonradiative recombination centers due to the damage. The introduced defects have mainly deep levels within the band gap; therefore, implanted GaN is electrically highly resistive. The damage must be annealed out to achieve optical and electrical activation of the implanted impurities. Several sophisticated annealing procedures to achieve high annealing temperatures without decomposition of the GaN surface were described herein. Fig. 15 summarizes schematically the fundamental di!usion, recovery, and activation processes that occur in ion implanted GaN as a function of annealing temperature. Implanted light elements undergo measurable di!usion via interstitial mechanisms at low temperatures. Lithium becomes mobile at 4503C until it recombines with a vacancy resulting in substitutional Li that is stable to higher temperatures. Hydrogen should be also mobile on interstitial sites at even lower temperatures, as complete out-di!usion occurs at 5003C and 8003C for p- and n-type GaN, respectively. With the exception of Zn and Mg at &12003C, no other implanted element (even Be) showed signi"cant di!usion in the investigated temperature ranges. The high thermal stability of impurities is due to the strong bonding con"gurations, i.e. the high Debye temperature of GaN. The onset of di!usion of implantation defects starts around 6003C. Each interstitial atom di!uses on interstitial sites until it "nds a vacancy for recombination. This e!ect occurs only when amorphization is not reached; it results in a reduction and elimination of the lattice expansion that is visible in a change of the RBS and XRD spectra. However, anti-site defects are likely to be created during this recovery of the structural defects. The recovery of point defects, visible by PL and PAC, starts around 8003C and is mainly associated with the onset of vacancy di!usion. Small microscopic areas in the range of several tens of nanometers are completely recovered resulting in optical activation of some implanted impurities. These recovered regions grow with increasing annealing temperature to the micrometer
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range at 12003C, which is the size of excitons in GaN. Thus, most of the implanted impurities become optically activated, but defect complexes are still present. The latter require higher temperatures to break up due to the additional formation or/and coulomb energy. These defects cause an intense yellow band in the PL spectra and are visible by PAC in this temperature range. The concentration of defect complexes signi"cantly decreases when annealed above 13003C leading to macroscopic electrical activation that can be measured by Hall or C}<. Acceptor-type activation in GaN is much more di$cult to prove compared to n-type activation due to both the native shallow donors in the virgin material and the absence of shallow acceptors. The future realization of high-performance devices on the basis of ion implanted GaN should be a matter of process engineering. However, research must be conducted in several areas. (i) Annealing procedures in the 1400}15003C range must be developed that do not result in the decomposition of the host materials for annealing times on the order of several minutes. (ii) Laser annealing has not been reported at this time. (iii) The electrical activation of implanted acceptors must be improved and, therefore, the properties of alternative implanted acceptors should be studied in detail. (iv) New, defect-free GaN substrate materials grown by lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) [217] or pendeo-epitaxy [218] must be used for implantation studies and their improvement examined. (v) The properties of prototype devices must be investigated and reported. Acknowledgements The authors thank H. HofsaK { for valuable discussions and his support. We also thank Cree Research, Inc. for supplying the SiC substrates on which the GaN "lms were grown. C.R. is grateful for funding by the DFG (Ro 1198/2-1) during his stay at NCSU. R. Davis was supported in part by the Kobe Steel, Ltd. Distinguished University Professorship. The EC-studies at the University of GoK ttingen were "nancially supported by the German Bundesminister fuK r Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie. Support for the research conducted at NCSU was provided by the O$ce of Naval Research under Contracts N00014-98-1-0384 (Colin Wood, monitor) and N0001498-1-0654 (John Zolper, monitor), the Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science and by Northrop Grumman. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
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Holger STARK Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology Box 2200, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, 117334 Moscow, Russia
Physics Reports 351 (2001) 387–474
Physics of colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals Holger Stark Fachbereich Physik, Universitat Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany Received December 2000; editor: M:L: Klein Contents 1. Motivation and contents 2. Phenomenological description of nematic liquid crystals 2.1. Free energy 2.2. Routes towards the director 0eld 2.3. Hydrodynamic equations 2.4. Topological defects 3. Nematic colloidal dispersions 3.1. Historic account 3.2. Nematic emulsions 4. The paradigm—one particle 4.1. The three possible con0gurations 4.2. An analytical investigation of the dipole 4.3. Results and discussion of the numerical study 4.4. Conclusions 5. Two-particle interactions 5.1. Formulating a phenomenological theory 5.2. E9ective pair interactions
389 390 392 394 396 400 406 406 408 410 410 412 415 422 423 423 425
6. The Stokes drag of spherical particles 6.1. Motivation 6.2. Theoretical concepts 6.3. Summary of numerical details 6.4. Results, discussion, and open problems 7. Colloidal dispersions in complex geometries 7.1. Questions and main results 7.2. Geometry and numerical details 7.3. Results and discussion of the numerical study 7.4. Coda: twist transition in nematic drops 8. Temperature-induced >occulation above the nematic-isotropic phase transition 8.1. Theoretical background 8.2. Paranematic order in simple geometries 8.3. Two-particle interactions above the nematic-isotropic phase transition 9. Final remarks Acknowledgements References
427 428 429 432 433 436 437 438 440 444 450 451 454 457 465 466 466
Abstract This article reviews the physics of colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals as a novel challenging type of soft matter. We 0rst investigate the nematic environment of one particle with a radial anchoring of the director at its surface. Three possible structures are identi0ed and discussed in detail; the dipole, the Saturn-ring and the surface-ring con0guration. Secondly, we address dipolar and quadrupolar two-particle
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Stark). c 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 0370-1573/01/$ - see front matter PII: S 0 3 7 0 - 1 5 7 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 4 4 - 7
H. Stark / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 387–474
interactions with the help of a phenomenological theory. Thirdly, we calculate the anisotropic Stokes drag of a particle in a nematic environment which determines the Brownian motion of particles via the Stokes– Einstein relation. We then turn our interest towards colloidal dispersions in complex geometries where we identify the dipolar con0guration and study its formation. Finally, we demonstrate that surface-induced nematic order above the nematic-isotropic phase transition results in a strongly attractive but short-range two-particle interaction. Its strength can be controlled by temperature and thereby induce >occulation in c 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. an otherwise stabilized dispersion. PACS: 77.84.Nh; 61.30.Jf; 61.30.Cz; 82.70.Dd Keywords: Colloidal dispersions; Nematic liquid crystals; Topological defects; Two-particle interactions; Stokes drag; Complex geometries; Flocculation
H. Stark / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 387–474
1. Motivation and contents Dispersions of particles in a host medium are part of our everyday life and an important state of matter for fundamental research. One distinguishes between emulsions, where surfactant-coated liquid droplets are dispersed in a >uid environment, colloidal suspensions, where the particles are solid, and aerosols, with >uid or solid particles >oating in a gaseous phase. Colloidal dispersions, whose particle size ranges from 10 nm to 10 m, appear in food, with milk being the best-known fat-in-water emulsion, in drugs, cosmetics, paints, and ink. As such, they are of considerable technological importance. In nature, one is confronted by both the bothering and appealing side of fog, and one can look at the beautiful blue-greenish color of berg lakes in the Canadian Rockies, caused by light scattering from a 0ne dispersion of stone >ower in water. The best-known example of an ordered colloid, a colloidal crystal, is the opal, formed from a uniform array of silica spheres compressed and fused over geological timescales. In fundamental research, colloidal dispersions are ideal systems to study Brownian motion and hydrodynamic interactions of suspended particles [202,110]. They provide model systems [134,89] for probing our understanding of melting and boiling, and for checking the Kosterlitz–Thouless– Halperin–Nelson–Young transition in two-dimensional systems [233,238,23]. The main interest in colloidal dispersions certainly focusses on the problem how to prevent the particles from >occulation, as stated by Russel, Saville and Schowalter [202]: Since all characteristics of colloidal systems change markedly in the transition from the dispersed to the aggregated state, the question of stability occupies a central position in colloid science. There exists a whole zoo of interactions between the particles whose delicate balance determines the stability of a colloidal dispersion. Besides the conventional van der Waals, screened Coulombic, and steric interactions [202], >uctuation-induced Casimir forces (e.g., in binary >uids close to the critical point [116,157]) and depletion forces in binary mixtures of small and large particles [202,56,55,196] have attracted a lot of interest. Entropic e9ects play a major role in the three latter types of interactions. In a subtle e9ect, they also lead to an attraction between like-charged macroions [109,45,125] by Coulomb depletion [4]. The present work focusses on the interesting question of how particles behave when they are dispersed in a nematic solvent. In a nematic liquid crystal, rodlike organic molecules align on average along a unit vector n, called director. The energetic ground state is a uniform director 0eld throughout space. Due to the anchoring of the molecules at the surface of each particle, the surrounding director 0eld is elastically distorted which induces additional long-range two-particle interactions. They are of dipolar or quadrupolar type, depending on the symmetry of the director con0guration around a single particle [22,190,200,182,140]. The forces were con0rmed by recent experiments in inverted nematic emulsions [182,179,183]. On the other hand, close to the suspended particles, topological point and line defects in the orientational order occur which strongly determine their behavior. For example, point defects give rise to a short-range repulsion [182,183]. Colloidal dispersions in a nematic environment are therefore an ideal laboratory for studying the statics and dynamics of topological defects. Before we deal with the physics of such dispersions in the following, we review the phenomenological description of the nematic phase in Section 2. We introduce the total free energy
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and the Ericksen–Leslie equations governing, respectively, the statics and dynamics of the director 0eld. We also provide the basic knowledge of topological point and line defects in the orientational order necessary for the understanding of di9erent director con0gurations around a single spherical particle. In Section 3 we review the work performed on colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals relating it to recent developments in the liquid crystal 0eld. Furthermore, with nematic emulsions, we introduce one particular model system which motivated the present investigation. In Section 4 we investigate, what I consider the paradigm for the understanding of nematic colloidal dispersions, i.e., the static properties of one particle. We concentrate on a radial anchoring of the director at its surface, for which we identify three di9erent types of nematic environment; the dipole con0guration, where the particle and a companion point defect form a tightly bound topological dipole, the Saturn-ring con0guration, where the particle is surrounded by a ring defect and a structure with an equatorial surface ring, which appears for decreasing anchoring strength of the molecules at the surface of the particle. In Section 5 we address colloidal interactions with the help of a phenomenological theory and illustrate how they depend on the overall symmetry of the director con0guration around a single particle. Then, in Section 6 we calculate the Stokes drag of one particle moving in a nematic environment. Via the Stokes–Einstein relation, one immediately has access to the di9usion constant which determines the Brownian motion of spherical objects. In Section 7 we turn our interest towards colloidal dispersions in complex geometries. In particular, we consider particles, e.g., droplets of water, in a large nematic drop. We identify the dipole con0guration and illustrate possible dynamic e9ects in connection with its formation. Finally, in Section 8 we demonstrate that surface-induced nematic order above the nematic-isotropic phase transition leads to another novel colloidal interaction which strongly in>uences the stability of dispersions. It is easily controlled by temperature and can, e.g., induce >occulation in an otherwise stabilized system. 2. Phenomenological description of nematic liquid crystals Typical liquid crystalline compounds consist of organic molecules. According to their elongated or disc-like shape one distinguishes between calamatic and discotic liquid crystals. Fig. 1a presents the molecular structure of the well-studied compound N -(p-methoxybenzylidene)-pM At suNciently high butylaniline (MBBA). Its approximate length and width are 20 and 5 A. temperatures, the liquid crystalline compound behaves like a conventional isotropic liquid; the molecules do not show any long-range positional and orientational order, as illustrated in the right box of Fig. 1b for rod-like molecules. Cooling below the clearing point Tc , the liquid becomes turbid, which indicates a phase transition to the liquid crystalline state. Finally, below the melting point Tm the system is solid. There exists a wealth of liquid crystalline phases [29,51,27]. Here we concentrate on the simplest, i.e., the nematic phase, which consists of non-chiral molecules. Their centers of mass are disordered as in the isotropic liquid, whereas their main axes align themselves on average parallel to each other, so that they exhibit a long-range orientational order. The average direction is given by a unit vector n, called Frank director. However, n merely characterizes an axis in space, e.g., the optical axis of the birefringent nematic phase. As a result, all physical quantities, which we formulate in the following, have to be invariant under the inversion of the director (n → −n). From the topological point
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Fig. 1. (a) The compound MBBA. (b) The nematic liquid-crystalline phase below the clearing point Tc . The average direction of the molecules is indicated by the double arrow {n; −n}.
of view, the order parameter space of the nematic phase is the projective plane P 2 = S 2 =Z2 , i.e., the unit sphere S 2 in three dimensions with opposite points identi0ed [226]. Unlike the magnetization in ferromagnets, the nematic order parameter is not a vector. This statement can be understood from the following argument. Organic molecules often carry a permanent electric dipole moment along their main axis but so far no ferroelectric nematic phase with a spontaneous polarization has been found. Therefore, the same number of molecules that point into a certain direction in space also have to point into the opposite direction. In thermotropic liquid crystals, the phase transitions are controlled by temperature. On the other hand, increasing the concentration of rod- or disc-like objects in a solvent can lead to the formation of what is called lyotropic liquid crystalline phases. The objects can be either large macromolecules, like the famous tobacco mosaic virus [78], or micelles, which form when amphiphilic molecules are dissolved, e.g., in water. All directions in the isotropic >uid are equivalent. The phase transition to the nematic state breaks the continuous rotational symmetry of the isotropic liquid. As a result, domains with di9erently oriented directors appear like in a ferromagnet. These domains strongly scatter light and are one reason for the turbidity of the nematic phase. Hydrodynamic Goldstone modes appear in systems with a broken continuous symmetry [76,27]. They are “massless”, i.e., their excitation does not cost any energy for vanishing wave number. In the nematic phase, the Goldstone modes correspond to thermal >uctuations of the director about its equilibrium value. Such >uctuations of the local optical axis also scatter light very strongly. In the next four Sections 2.1–2.4 we will lay the basis for an understanding of the static and dynamical properties of the nematic phase, and we will apply it in the following sections to nematic colloidal dispersions. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 provide the necessary knowledge for determining the spatially non-uniform director 0eld in complex geometries (e.g., around particles) under the in>uence of surfaces and external 0elds and in the presence of topological defects. Furthermore, with the help of the dynamic theory in Section 2.3, we will calculate the Stokes drag of a particle in a nematic environment, and we will demonstrate that it is in>uenced by
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the presence of topological defects close to the particle. Finally, in Section 2.4 we will review the basic knowledge of point and line defects in nematics. 2.1. Free energy Thermodynamics tells us that a complete knowledge of a system on a macroscopic level follows from the minimization of an appropriate thermodynamic potential [25]. We use the free energy, which consists of bulk and surface terms, 3 Fn = Fel + F24 + FH + FS = d r (fel + f24 + fH ) + dS fS ; (2.1) and discuss them in order. The energetic ground state of a nematic liquid crystal is a spatially uniform director 0eld; any deviation from it costs elastic energy. To describe slowly varying spatial distortions of the director 0eld n(r), one expands the free energy density into the gradient of n(r), ∇i nj , up to second order, and demands that the energy density obeys the local point symmetry D∞h of the nematic phase. The point group D∞h contains all the symmetry elements of a cylinder, i.e., all rotations about an axis parallel to n(r), a mirror plane perpendicular to n(r), and an in0nite number of two-fold axes also perpendicular to n(r). The result is the Oseen–ZUocher–Frank free energy density [167,242,79], which consists of two parts, fel = 12 [K1 (div n)2 + K2 (n · curl n)2 + K3 (n × curl n)2 ]
and K24 (2.3) div(n div n + n × curl n) ; 2 where K1 , K2 , K3 , and K24 denote, respectively, the splay, twist, bend, and saddle-splay elastic constants. Fig. 2 illustrates the characteristic deformations of the director 0eld. The splay and bend distortions can be viewed, respectively, as part of a source or vortex 0eld. In the twist deformation, the director rotates about an axis perpendicular to itself. In calamatic liquid crystals one usually 0nds the following relation, K3 ¿ K1 ¿ K2 . For example, in the compound pentylcyanobiphenyl (5CB), K1 = 0:42 × 10−6 dyn, K2 = 0:23 × 10−6 dyn, and K3 = 0:53 × 10−6 dyn. In discotic liquid crystals, the relationship K2 ¿ K1 ¿ K3 is predicted [216,168,221], which is in good agreement with experiments, where K2 ¿ K1 ¿ K3 is observed [232,103]. The saddle-splay term is a pure divergence. It can be transformed into integrals over all surfaces of the system, 1 F24 = − K24 d S · (n div n + n × curl n) ; (2.4) 2 where it prefers the formation of a saddle (see Fig. 2). A Cauchy relation for K24 follows from the Maier–Saupe molecular approach [163], f24 = −
K24 = (K11 + K22 )=2 :
Exact measurements of K24 are still missing but it is of the order of the bulk elastic constants K1 , K2 , and K3 [41,5,40]. There is also the possibility of another surface term with a free
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Fig. 2. Illustration of the characteristic deformations in a nematic liquid crystal: splay, twist, bend, and saddle-splay.
energy density K13 div(n div n), which we will not consider in this work [163,166,9,172,173]. The controversy about it seems to be solved [174]. In the one-constant approximation, K = K1 = K2 = K3 , the Frank free energy takes the form K K − K24 3 2 d r(∇i nj ) + d S · (n div n + n × curl n) : (2.6) Fel = 2 2 It is often used to obtain a basic understanding of a system without having to deal with e9ects due to the elastic anisotropy. The bulk term is equivalent to the non-linear sigma model in statistical 0eld theory [241,27] or the continuum description of the exchange interaction in a ferromagnet [156]. In nematic liquid crystals we can assume a linear relation between the magnetization M and an external magnetic 0eld H , M = H , where stands for the tensor of the magnetic susceptibility. The nematic phase represents a uniaxial system, for which the second-rank tensor always takes the following form: = ⊥ 1 + V(n ⊗ n) ;
1 is the unit tensor, and ⊗ means dyadic product. We have introduced the magnetic anisotropy V = − ⊥ . It depends on the two essential magnetic susceptibilities and ⊥ for magnetic 0elds applied, respectively, parallel or perpendicular to the director. The general expression for the magnetic free energy density is −H ·H =2 [123]. A restriction to terms that depend on the director n yields V (2.8) fH = − [(n ·H )2 − H 2 ] : 2 In usual nematics V is positive and typically of the order of 10−7 [51]. For V ¿ 0, the free energy density fH favors an alignment of the director n parallel to H . By adding a term
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−V H 2 =2 on the right-hand side of Eq. (2.8), we shift the reference point in order that the mag-
netic free energy of a completely aligned director 0eld is zero. This will be useful in Section 4 where we calculate the free energy of the in0nitely extended space around a single particle. The balance between elastic and magnetic torques on the director de0nes an important length scale, the magnetic coherence length K3 H = : (2.9) V H 2
Suppose the director is planarly anchored at a wall, and a magnetic 0eld is applied perpendicular to it. Then H gives the distance from the wall that is needed to orient the director along the applied 0eld [51]. The coherence length tends to in0nity for H → 0. Finally, we employ the surface free energy of Rapini–Papoular to take into account the interaction of the director with boundaries: W fS = [1 − (n · ˆ)2 ] : (2.10) 2 The unit vector ˆ denotes some preferred orientation of the director at the surface, and W is the coupling constant. It varies in the range 10−4 –1 erg=cm2 as reviewed by Blinov et al. [14]. In Section 4.3.4 we will give a lower bound of W for the interface of water and the liquid crystalline phase of 5CB in the presence of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate, which was used in the experiment by Poulin et al. [182,183] on nematic emulsions. From a comparison between the Frank free energy and the surface energy one arrives at the extrapolation length [51] K3 S = : (2.11) W It signi0es the strength of the anchoring. Take a particle of radius a in a nematic environment with an uniform director 0eld at in0nity. (We will investigate this case thoroughly in Section 4.) The Frank free energy of this system is proportional to K3 a whereas the surface energy scales as Wa2 . At strong anchoring, i.e., for Wa2 K3 a or S a, the energy to turn the director away from its preferred direction ˆ at the whole surface would be much larger than the bulk energy. Therefore, it is preferable for the system that the director points along ˆ. However, n can deviate from ˆ in an area of order S a. In Section 4.3.4 we will use this argument to explain a ring con0guration around the particle. Rigid anchoring is realized for S → 0. Finally, S a means weak anchoring, where the in>uence of the surface is minor. Since in our discussion we have always referred S to the radius a, it is obvious that the strength of the anchoring is not an absolute quantity but depends on characteristic length scales of the system. 2.2. Routes towards the director 4eld The director 0eld n(r) in a given geometry follows from a minimization of the total free energy Fn = Fel + F24 + FH + FS under the constraint that n is a unit vector: Fn = 0
with n ·n = 1 :
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Even in the one-constant approximation and under the assumption of rigid anchoring of the director at the boundaries, this is a diNcult problem to solve because of the additional constraint. Typically, full analytical solutions only exist for one-dimensional problems, e.g., for the description of the FrXeedericksz transition [29,51], or in two dimensions when certain symmetries are assumed [140]. To handle the constraint, one can use a Lagrange parameter or introduce an appropriate parametrization for the director, e.g., a tilt () and twist () angle, so that the director in the local coordinate basis takes the form n = (sin cos ; sin sin ; cos ) :
If an accurate analytical determination of the director 0eld is not possible, there are two strategies. First, an ansatz function is constructed that ful0ls the boundary conditions and contains free parameters. Then, the director 0eld follows from a minimization of the total free energy in the restricted space of functions with respect to the free parameters. In Section 4.2 we will see that this method is quite successful. Secondly, one can look for numerical solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equations corresponding to the variational problem formulated in Eq. (2.12). They are equivalent to functional derivatives of Fn [; ], where we use the tilt and twist angle of Eq. (2.13) to parametrize the director: Fn Fn 9ni = =0 ; ni 9
Fn Fn 9ni = =0 : ni 9
Einstein’s summation convention over repeated indices is used. To arrive at the equations above for (r) and (r), we have employed a chain rule for functional derivatives [219]. These chain rules are useful in numerical problems since they allow to write the Euler–Lagrange equations, which can be quite complex, in a more compact form. For example, the bulk and surface equations that are solved in Section 4.3 could only be calculated with the help of the algebraic program Maple after applying the chain rules. Typically, we take a starting con0guration for the director 0eld and relax it on a grid via the Newton–Gauss–Seidel method [187]. It is equivalent to Newton’s iterative way of determining the zeros of a function but now generalized to functionals. We illustrate it here for the tilt angle : Fn =(r) new (r) = old (r) − 2 : (2.16) “ Fn =2 (r)” There are two possibilities to implement the method numerically. If the grid for the numerical investigation is de0ned by the coordinate lines, one determines the Euler–Lagrange equations analytically. Then, they are discretized by the method of 0nite di9erences for a discrete set of grid points r [187]. Finally, “2 Fn =2 (r)” is calculated as the derivative of Fn =(r) with respect to (r) at the grid point r. We put “2 Fn =2 (r)” into quotes because it is not the discretized form of a real second-order functional derivative, which would involve a delta function. If the geometry of the system is more complex, the method of 0nite elements is appropriate (see Section 7). In two dimensions, e.g., the integration area is subdivided into 4nite elements, which in the simplest case are triangles. In doing so, the boundaries of the complex geometry
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are well approximated by polygons. The 0nite-element technique generally starts from an already discretized version of the total free energy Fn and then applies a numerical minimization scheme, e.g., the Newton–Gauss–Seidel method. Both the 0rst and second derivatives in Eq. (2.16) are performed with respect to (r) at the grid point r. 2.3. Hydrodynamic equations In the last subsection we concentrated on the static properties of the director 0eld. In this subsection we review a set of dynamic equations coupling the >ow of the liquid crystal to the dynamics of the Frank director. The set consists of a generalization of the Navier–Stokes equations for the >uid velocity C to uniaxial media and a dynamic equation for the director n. We will not provide any detailed derivation of these equations, rather we will concentrate on the explanation of their meaning. The main problem is how to 0nd a dynamic equation for the director. An early approach dates back to Oseen [167]. Ericksen [67–71] and Leslie [128,129] considered the liquid crystal as a Cosserat continuum [73] whose constituents possess not only translational but also orientational degrees of freedom. Based on methods of rational thermodynamics [72], they derived an equation for the >uid velocity from the balance law for momentum density and an equation for the director, which they linked to the balance law for angular momentum. The full set of equations is commonly referred to as the Ericksen–Leslie equations. An alternative approach is due to the Harvard group [77,27] which formulated equations following rigorously the ideas of hydrodynamics [76,27]. It only deals with hydrodynamic variables, i.e., densities of conserved quantities, like mass, momentum, and energy, or broken-symmetry variables. Each one obeys a conservation law. As a result, hydrodynamic modes exist whose, in general, complex frequencies become zero for vanishing wave number. Excitations associated with broken-symmetry variables are called hydrodynamic Goldstone modes according to a concept introduced by Goldstone in elementary particle physics [92,93]. The director is such a variable that breaks the continuous rotational symmetry of the isotropic >uid. In a completely linearized form the Ericksen–Leslie equations and the equations of the Harvard group are identical. In the following, we review the Ericksen–Leslie equations and explain them step by step. In a symbolic notation, they take the form [29,51] 0 = div C ; %
dC = div T dt
(2.17) with T = −p1 + T 0 + T ;
0 = n × (h0 − h ) ;
(2.18) (2.19)
where the divergence of the stress tensor is de0ned by (div T )i = ∇j Tij . The 0rst equation states that we consider an incompressible >uid. We also assume constant temperature in what follows. The third equation balances all the torques on the director. We will discuss it below. The second formula stands for the generalized Navier–Stokes equations. Note that d 9 (2.20) = + C· grad dt 9t
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means the total or material time derivative as experienced by a moving >uid element. It includes the convective part C· grad. Besides the pressure p, the stress tensor consists of two terms: Tij0 = −
9fb ∇i nk 9∇j nk
with fb = fel + f24 + fm ;
Tij = !1 ni nj nk nl Akl + !2 nj Ni + !3 ni Nj + !4 Aij + !5 nj nk Aik + !6 ni nk Ajk :
(2.21) (2.22)
In addition to p, T 0 introduces a second, anisotropic contribution in the static stress tensor. It is due to elastic distortions in the director 0eld, where fb denotes the sum of all free energy densities introduced in Section 2.1. The quantity T stands for the viscous part of the stress tensor. In isotropic >uids, it is simply proportional to the symmetrized gradient of the velocity 0eld, Aij = 12 (∇i vj + ∇j vi ) :
The conventional shear viscosity equals !4 =2 in Eq. (2.22). The uniaxial symmetry of nematic liquid crystals allows for further contributions proportional to A which contain the director n. There are also two terms that depend on the time derivative of the director n, i.e., the second dynamic variable, N=
dn −!×n dt
with ! = 12 curl C :
The vector N denotes the rate of change of n relative to the >uid motion, or more precisely, relative to a local >uid vortex characterized by the angular velocity ! = curl C=2. The viscosities !1 ; : : : ; !6 are referred to as the Leslie coeNcients. We will gain more insight into T at the end of this subsection. Finally, Eq. (2.19) demands that the total torque on the director due to elastic distortions in the director 0eld (h0 ) and due to viscous processes (h ) is zero. The elastic and viscous curvature forces are h0i = ∇j
9fb 9fb − ; 9∇j ni 9ni
hi = %1 Ni + %2 Aij nj
with %1 = !3 − !2 and %2 = !2 + !3 :
(2.25) (2.26)
De Gennes calls h0 a molecular 0eld reminiscent to a similar quantity in magnetism [51]. In Eq. (2.19) the curvature force h0 −h is only de0ned within an additive expression &(r; t)n(r; t). It has the meaning of a Lagrange-multiplier term, and &(r; t) is to be determined by the condition that the director is normalized to unity. In static equilibrium, we obtain h0 (r) + &(r)n(r) = 0, i.e., the Euler–Lagrange equation in the bulk which follows from minimizing the total free energy Fn introduced in Section 2.1. One can easily show that the saddle-splay energy f24 does not contribute to h0 . The 0rst term of the viscous curvature force h describes the viscous process due to the rotation of neighboring molecules with di9erent angular velocities. The coeNcient %1 is, therefore, a typical rotational viscosity. The second term quanti0es torques on the director 0eld exerted by a shear >ow. An inertial term for the rotational motion of the molecules is not included in Eq. (2.19). One can show that it is of no relevance for the timescales of
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micro-seconds or larger. In the approach of the Harvard group, it does not appear since it results in a non-hydrodynamic mode. The energy dissipated in viscous processes follows from the entropy production rate dS T (2.27) = (T ·A + h ·N ) d 3 r ; dt where T is temperature, and S is entropy. The 0rst term describes dissipation by shear >ow and the second one dissipation by rotation of the director. Each term in the entropy production rate is always written as a product of a generalized >ux and its conjugate force. The true conjugate force to the >ux A is the symmetrized viscous stress tensor Tijsym = (Tij + Tji )=2. The >ux N is conjugate to the generalized force h : Note, that h corresponds to the dual form of the antisymmetric part of T , i.e., hi = 'ijk (Tjk − Tkj )=2. The Harvard group calls T sym and h >uxes since they appear in the currents of the respective balance laws for momentum and director [77,27]. In hydrodynamics the viscous forces are assumed to be small, and they are written as linear functions of all the >uxes: sym T A = : (2.28) N h The matrix must be compatible with the uniaxial symmetry of the nematic phase, and it must be invariant when n is changed into −n. Furthermore, it has to obey Onsager’s theorem [52], which demands a symmetric matrix for zero magnetic 0eld. Ful0lling all these requirements results in Eqs. (2.22) and (2.26). One additional, important Onsager relation is due to Parodi [170]: !2 + !3 = !6 − !5 :
It reduces the number of independent viscosities in a nematic liquid crystal to 0ve. The Leslie coeNcients of the compound 5CB are [39] !1 = −0:111 P; !2 = −0:939 P; !3 = −0:129 P ; !4 = 0:748 P; !5 = 0:906 P; !6 = −0:162 P :
At the end, we explain two typical situations that help to clarify the meaning of the possible viscous processes in a nematic and how they are determined by the Leslie coeNcients. In the 0rst situation we perform typical shear experiments as illustrated in Fig. 3. The director 0eld between the plates is spatially uniform, and the upper plate is moved with a velocity v0 relative to the lower one. There will be a constant velocity gradient along the vertical z direction. Three simple geometries exist with a symmetric orientation of the director; it is either parallel to the velocity 0eld C, or perpendicular to C and its gradient, or perpendicular to C and parallel to its gradient. The director can be 0rmly aligned in one direction by applying a magnetic 0eld strong enough to largely exceed the viscous torques. For all three cases, the shear forces T per unit area are calculated from the stress tensor T of Eq. (2.22), yielding T = )i C0 =d, where d is the separation between the plates. The viscosities as a function of the Leslie coeNcients for all three cases are given in Fig. 3. They are known as Mie8sowicz viscosities after the scientist who 0rst measured them [150,151]. If one chooses a non-symmetric orientation for the director, the viscosity !1 is accessible in shear experiments too [84].
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Fig. 3. De0nition of the three MiZesowicz viscosities in shear experiments.
Fig. 4. Permeation of a >uid through a helix formed by the nematic director.
The second situation describes a Gedanken experiment illustrated in Fig. 4 [102]. Suppose the nematic director forms a helical structure with wave number q0 inside a capillary. Such a con0guration is found in cholesteric liquid crystals that form when the molecules are chiral. Strictly speaking, the hydrodynamics of a cholesteric is more complicated than the one of nematics [139]. However, for what follows we can use the theory formulated above. We assume that the velocity 0eld in the capillary is spatially uniform and that the helix is not distorted by the >uid >ow. Do we need a pressure gradient to press the >uid through the capillary, although there is no shear >ow unlike a Poiseuille experiment? The answer is yes since the molecules of the >uid, when >owing through the capillary, have to rotate constantly to follow the director in the helix, which determines the average direction of the molecules. The dissipated energy follows from the second term of the entropy production rate in Eq. (2.27). The rate of change, N = C0 · grad n, is non-zero due to the convective time derivative. The energy dissipated per unit time and unit volume has to be matched by the work per unit time performed by the pressure gradient p . One 0nally arrives at p = %1 q02 v0 :
Obviously, the Gedanken experiment is determined by the rotational viscosity %1 . It was suggested by Helfrich [102] who calls the motion through a 0xed orientational pattern permeation. This motion is always dissipative because of the rotational viscosity of the molecules which have to follow the local director. Of course, the Gedanken experiment is not suitable for measuring %1 . A more appropriate method is dynamic light scattering from director >uctuations [99,29]. Together with the shear experiments it is in principle possible to measure all 0ve independent viscosities of a nematic liquid crystal.
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2.4. Topological defects Topological defects [111,146,226,27], which are a necessary consequence of broken continuous symmetry, exist in systems as disparate as super>uid helium 3 [230] and 4 [235], crystalline solids [224,81,160], liquid crystals [30,121,127], and quantum-Hall >uids [204]. They play an important if not determining role in such phenomena as response to external stresses [81,160], the nature of phase transitions [27,164,222], or the approach to equilibrium after a quench into an ordered phase [21]; and they are the primary ingredient in such phases of matter as the Abrikosov >ux-lattice phase of superconductors [1,13] or the twist-grain-boundary phase of liquid crystals [193,94,95]. They even arise in certain cosmological models [34]. Topological defects are points, lines or walls in three-dimensional space where the order parameter of the system under consideration is not de0ned. The theory of homotopy groups [111,146,226,27] provides a powerful tool to classify them. To identify, e.g., line defects, homotopy theory considers closed loops in real space which are mapped into closed paths in the order parameter space. If a loop can be shrunk continuously to a single point, it does not enclose a defect. All other loops are divided into classes of paths which can be continuously transformed into each other. Then, each class stands for one type of line defect. All classes together, including the shrinkable loops, form the 4rst homotopy or fundamental group. The group product describes the combination of defects. In the case of point singularities, the loops are replaced by closed surfaces, and the defects are classi0ed via the second homotopy group. In the next two subsections we deal with line and point defects in nematic liquid crystals whose order parameter space is the projective plane P 2 = S 2 =Z2 , i.e., the unit sphere S 2 with opposite points identi0ed. They play a determining role for the behavior of colloidal dispersions in a nematic environment. There exist several good reviews on defects in liquid crystals [111,146,226,27,30,121,127]. We will therefore concentrate on facts which are necessary for the understanding of colloidal dispersions. Furthermore, rather than being very formal, we choose a descriptive path for our presentation. 2.4.1. Line defects = disclinations Line defects in nematic liquid crystals are also called disclinations. Homotopy theory tells us that the fundamental group ,1 (P 2 ) of the projective plane P 2 is the two-element group Z2 . Thus, there is only one class of stable disclinations. Fig. 5 presents two typical examples. The defect line with the core is perpendicular to the drawing plane. The disclinations carry a winding number of strength + or −1=2, indicating a respective rotation of the director by + ◦ or −360 =2 when the disclination is encircled in the anticlockwise direction (see left part of Fig. 5). Note that the sign of the winding number is not 0xed by the homotopy group. Both types of disclinations are topologically equivalent since there exists a continuous distortion of the director 0eld which transforms one type into the other. Just start from the left disclination in Fig. 5 and rotate the director about the vertical axis through an angle when going outward from the core in any radial direction. You will end up with the right picture. The line defects in Fig. 5 are called wedge disclinations. In a Volterra process [111,27] a cut is performed so that its limit, the disclination line, is perpendicular to the spatially uniform director 0eld. Then the surfaces of the cut are rotated with respect to each other by an angle of 2S about the disclination line, and material is either 0lled in (S = +1=2) or removed (S = −1=2). In twist
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Fig. 5. Disclinations of winding number ±1=2. For further explanations see text.
disclinations the surfaces are rotated by an angle of about an axis perpendicular to the defect line. Disclinations of strength ±1=2 do not exist in a system with an vector order parameter since it lacks the inversion symmetry of the nematic phase with respect to the director. In addition, one 0nds ,1 (S 2 ) = 0, i.e., every disclination line of integral strength in a ferromagnet is unstable; “it escapes into the third dimension”. The same applies to nematic liquid crystal as demonstrated by Cladis et al. [35,236] and Bob Meyer [149] for S = 1. The director 0eld around a disclination follows from the minimization of the Frank free energy (2.6) [111,29,51]. In the one-constant approximation the line energy Fd of the disclination can be calculated as , R 1 Fd = K : (2.32) + ln 4 2 rc The surface term in Eq. (2.6) is neglected. The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2.32) stands for the elastic free energy per unit length around the line defect where R is the radius of a circular cross-section of the disclination (see Fig. 5). Since the energy diverges logarithmically, one has to introduce a lower cut-o9 radius rc , i.e., the radius of the disclination core. Its line energy, given by the 0rst term, is derived in the following way [111]. One assumes that the core of the disclination contains the liquid in the isotropic state with a free energy density 'c necessary to melt the nematic order locally. Splitting the line energy of the disclination as in Eq. (2.32) into the sum of a core and elastic part, Fd = ,rc2 'c + K, ln(R=rc )=4, and minimizing it with respect to rc , results in 'c =
K 1 ; 8 rc2
so that we immediately arrive at Eq. (2.32). The right-hand side of Eq. (2.33) is equivalent to the Frank free energy density of the director 0eld at a distance rc from the center of the disclination. Thus rc is given by the reasonable demand that the nematic state starts to melt when this energy density equals 'c . With an estimate 'c = 10−7 erg=cm3 , which follows from a description of the nematic-isotropic phase transition by the Landau–de Gennes theory [126], and K = 10−6 dyn, we obtain a core radius rc of the order of 10 nm. In the general case (K1 = K2 = K3 ), an analytical expression for the elastic free energy does not exist. However,
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Fig. 6. Radial and hyperbolic hedgehog of point charge Q = 1.
a rough approximation for the core energy per unit length, Fc , can be found by averaging over the Frank constants: , K1 + K2 + K3 Fc = : (2.34) 8 3 In Section 4.3 we will make use of this form for Fc . A more re0ned model of the disclination core is derived from Landau–de Gennes theory [48,96,212], which employs a traceless second-rank tensor Q as an order parameter (see Section 8.1). The tensor also describes biaxial liquid crystalline order. Investigations show that the core of a disclination should indeed be biaxial [141,144,207], with a core radius of the order of the biaxial correlation length b , i.e., the length on which deviations from the uniaxial order exponentially decay to zero. Outside of the disclination core, the nematic order is essentially uniaxial. Therefore, the line energy of a disclination is still given by Eq. (2.32) with rc ∼ b , and with a core energy now determined by the energy di9erence between the biaxial and uniaxial state rather than the energy di9erence between the isotropic and nematic state. 2.4.2. Point defects Fig. 6 presents typical point defects in a nematic liquid crystal known as radial and hyperbolic hedgehogs. Both director 0elds are rotationally symmetric about the vertical axis. The second homotopy group ,2 (P 2 ) of the projective plane P 2 is the set Z of all integer numbers. They label every point defect by a topological charge Q. The result is the same as for the vector order parameter space S 2 since close to the point singularity the director 0eld constitutes a unique vector 0eld. For true vectors it is possible to distinguish between a radial hedgehog of positive and negative charge depending on their vector 0eld that can either represent a source or a sink. In a nematic liquid crystal this distinction is not possible because n and −n describe the same state. Note, e.g., that the directors close to a point defect are reversed if the defect is moved around a ± 1=2 disclination line. Therefore, the sign of the charge Q has no meaning in nematics, and by convention it is chosen positive. The charge Q is determined by the number of times the unit sphere is wrapped by all the directors on a surface enclosing the defect core. An analytical expression for Q is 1 Q= dSi 'ijk n · (∇j n × ∇k n) ; (2.35) 8 where the integral is over any surface enclosing the defect core. Both the hedgehogs in Fig. 6 carry a topological charge Q=1. They are topologically equivalent since they can be transformed
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Fig. 7. The hyperbolic hedgehog at the center is transformed into a radial point defect by a continuous distortion of the director 0eld. Nails indicate directors tilted relative to the drawing plane.
Fig. 8. A radial (left) and a hyperbolic (right) hedgehog combine to a con0guration with total charge 0 = |1 − 1|.
into each other by a continuous distortion of the director 0eld. Just start from the hyperbolic hedgehog and rotate the director about the vertical axis through an angle when going outward from the core in any radial direction. By this procedure, which is illustrated in Fig. 7 with the help of a nail picture, we end up with a radial hedgehog. The length of the nail is proportional to the projection of the director on the drawing plane, and the head of the nail is below the plane. Such a transition was observed by Lavrentovich and Terentjev in nematic drops with homeotropic, i.e., perpendicular anchoring of the director at the outer surface [126]. In systems with vector symmetry, the combined topological charge of two hedgehogs with respective charges Q1 and Q2 is simply the sum Q1 + Q2 . In nematics, where the sign of the topological charge has no meaning, the combined topological charge of two hedgehogs is either |Q1 + Q2 | or |Q1 − Q2 |. It is impossible to tell with certainty which of these possible charges is the correct one by looking only at surfaces enclosing the individual hedgehogs. For example, the combined charge of two hedgehogs in the presence of a line defect depends on which path around the disclination the point defects are combined [226]. In Fig. 8 we illustrate how a radial and a hyperbolic hedgehog combine to a con0guration with total charge 0 = |1 − 1|. Since the distance
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Fig. 9. A hyperbolic hedgehog can be opened up to a −1=2 disclination ring.
d of the defects is the only length scale in the system, dimensional arguments predict an interaction energy proportional to Kd [169]. It grows linear in d reminiscent to the interaction energy of quarks if one tries to separate them beyond distances larger than the diameter of a nucleus. The energies of the hedgehog con0gurations, shown in Fig. 6, are easily calculated from the Frank free energy Fel + F24 [see Eqs. (2.2) and (2.3)]. The director 0elds of these con0gurations are n = (x; y; z)=r for the radial and n = (−x; −y; z)=r for the hyperbolic hedgehog, where r = (x; y; z) and r = |r|. In a spherical region of radius R with free boundary conditions at the outer surface, we obtain for their respective energies: Fradial = 4(2K1 − K24 )R → 4(2K − K24 )R ; 4 4 Fhyper = (6K1 + 4K3 + 5K24 )R → (2K + K24 )R ; (2.36) 15 3 where the 0nal expressions apply to the case of equal Frank constants. When K24 = 0, these energies reduce to those calculated in Ref. [126]. Note that the Frank free energy of point defects does not diverge in contrast to the distortion energy of disclinations in the preceding subsection. The hyperbolic hedgehog has lower energy than the radial hedgehog provided K3 ¡ 6K1 − 5K24 or K ¿ K24 for the one-constant approximation. Thus, if we concentrate on the bulk energies, i.e., K24 = 0, the hyperbolic hedgehog is always energetically preferred, since K1 is always of the same order as K3 . This seems to explain the observation of Lavrentovich and Terentjev, already mentioned [126], who found the con0guration illustrated in Fig. 7 in a nematic drop with radial boundary conditions at the outer surface. However, a detailed explanation has to take into account the Frank free energy of the strongly twisted transition region between hyperbolic and radial hedgehog [126]. In Section 7.4 we will present a linear stability analysis for the radial hedgehog against twisting. In terms of the Frank constants, it provides a criterion for the twist transition to take place, and its shows that the twisting starts close to the defect core. If, in addition to the one-constant approximation, K24 also ful0ls the Cauchy relation (2.5), i.e., K = K24 , the energies of the two hedgehog con0gurations in Eqs. (2.36) are equal, as one could have predicted from Eq. (2.6), which is then invariant with respect to rigid rotations of even a spatially varying n. The twisting of a hedgehog in a nematic drop takes place at a length scale of several microns [26,126,182]. However, point defect also possess a 0ne structure at smaller length scales, which has attracted a lot of attention. Fig. 9 illustrates how a hyperbolic hedgehog opens up to a −1=2
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disclination ring by 0lling in vertical lines of the director 0eld. The far0eld of the disclination ring is still given by the hedgehog so that the ring can be assigned the same topological point charge Q = 1. Similarly, a radial point defect is topologically equivalent to a 1=2 disclination ring. Mineev pointed out that the characterization of a ring defect requires two parameters; the index of the line and the charge of the point defect [152]. The classi0cation of ring defects within homotopy theory was developed by Garel [86] and Nakanishi et al. [161]. It can be asked whether it is energetically favorable for a hedgehog to open up to a disclination ring [155,225]. One can obtain a crude estimate of the radius R0 of the disclination ring with the help of Eqs. (2.32) and (2.36) for disclination and hedgehog energies. When R0 rc , the director con0guration of a charge 1 disclination ring is essentially that of a simple disclination line, discussed in the previous subsection. It extends up to distances of order R0 from the ring center. Beyond this radius, the director con0guration is approximately that of a hedgehog (radial or hyperbolic). Thus, we can estimate the energy of a disclination ring of radius R0 centered in a spherical region of radius R to be 1 R0 Fring ≈ 2R0 K + 8!K(R − R0 ) ; (2.37) + ln 4 2 rc where ! = 1 for a radial hedgehog and ! = 1=3 for a hyperbolic hedgehog. We also set K24 = 0. Minimizing over R0 , we 0nd 16 3 !− : (2.38) R0 = rc exp 32 Though admittedly crude, this approximation yields a result that has the same form as that calculated in Refs. [155,225] using a more sophisticated ansatz for the director 0eld. It has the virtue that it applies to both radial and hyperbolic far-0eld con0gurations. It predicts that the core M of a radial hedgehog should be a ring with radius R0 ≈ rc e3:6 , or R0 ≈ 360 nm for rc ≈ 100 A. The core of the hyperbolic hedgehog, on the other hand, will be a point rather than a ring because R0 ≈ rc e−0:2 ≈ rc . As in the case of disclinations, more re0ned models of the core of a point defect use the Landau–de Gennes free energy, which employs the second-rank tensor Q as an order parameter. Schopohl and Sluckin [208] chose a uniaxial Q but allowed the degree of orientational order, described by the Maier–Saupe parameter S [29,51], to continuously approach zero at the center of the defect. A stability analysis of the Landau–de Gennes free energy demonstrates that the radial hedgehog is either metastable or unstable against biaxial perturbations in the order parameter depending on the choice of the temperature and elastic constants [195,88]. Penzenstadler and Trebin modeled a biaxial defect core [171]. They found that the core radius is of the order of the biaxial correlation length b , which for the compound MBBA gives approximately 25 nm. This is an order of magnitude smaller than the estimate above. The reason might be that the ansatz function used by Penzenstadler and Trebin does not include a biaxial disclination ring. Such a ring encircles a region of uniaxial order, as illustrated in the right part of Fig. 9, and it possesses a biaxial disclination core. Numerical studies indicate the existence of such a ring [218,87] but a detailed analysis of the competition between a biaxial core and a biaxial disclination ring is still missing. We expect that Eq. (2.37) for a disclination ring and therefore Eq. (2.38) for its radius can be justi0ed within the Landau–de Gennes theory for R0 rc ∼ b .
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However, the Frank elastic constant and the core energy will be replaced by combinations of the Landau parameters. Since the ring radius R0 varies exponentially with the elastic constants and the core energy, and since rc is only roughly de0ned, it is very diNcult to predict with certainty even the order of magnitude of R0 . Further investigations are needed. 3. Nematic colloidal dispersions In this section we 0rst give a historic account of the topic relating it to recent developments in the liquid crystal 0eld and reviewing the work performed on colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals. Then, with nematic emulsions, we introduce one particular model system for such colloidal dispersions. 3.1. Historic account Liquid crystal emulsions, in which surfactant-coated drops, containing a liquid crystalline material, are dispersed in water, have been a particularly fruitful medium for studying topological defects for thirty years [147,61,26,126,121,60]. The liquid crystalline drops typically range from 10 to 50 m in diameter and are visible under a microscope. Changes in the Frank director n are easily studied under crossed polarizers. The isolated drops in these emulsions provide an idealized spherical con0ning geometry for the nematic phase. With the introduction of polymer-dispersed liquid crystals as electrically controllable light shutters [58,60], an extensive study of liquid crystals con0ned to complex geometries, like distorted drops in a polymer matrix or a random porous network in silica aerogel, was initiated [60,44]. Here, we are interested in the inverse problem that is posed by particles suspended in a nematic solvent. Already in 1970, Brochard and de Gennes studied a suspension of magnetic grains in a nematic phase and determined the director 0eld far away from a particle [22]. The idea was to homogeneously orient liquid crystals with a small magnetic anisotropy by a reasonable magnetic 0eld strength through the coupling between the liquid-crystal molecules and the grains. The idea was realized experimentally by two groups [31,75]. However, even in the highly dilute regime the grains cluster. Extending Brochard’s and de Gennes’ work, Burylov and Raikher studied the orientation of an elongated particle in a nematic phase [24]. Chaining of bubbles or microcrystallites was used to visualize the director 0eld close to the surface of liquid crystals [191,36]. A bistable liquid crystal display was introduced based on a dispersion of agglomerations of silica spheres in a nematic host [62,118,117,91]. The system was called 4lled nematics. Chains and clusters were observed in the dispersion of latex particles in a lyotropic liquid crystal [181,188,189]. The radii of the particles were 60 and 120 nm. Therefore, details of the director 0eld could not be resolved under the polarizing microscope. Terentjev et al. [225,119,201,213] started to investigate the director 0eld around a sphere by both analytical and numerical methods, 0rst concentrating on the Saturn-ring and surface-ring con0guration. Experiments of Philippe Poulin and coworkers on inverted nematic emulsions, which we describe in the following subsection, clearly demonstrated the existence of a dipolar structure formed by a water droplet and a companion hyperbolic hedgehog [182,179,183,184]. A similar observation at a nematic-isotropic interface was made by Bob Meyer in 1972 [148].
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Lately, Poulin et al. [180] were able to identify the dipolar structure in suspensions of latex particles and they could observe an equatorial ring con0guration in the weak-anchoring limit of nematic emulsions [153]. In a very recent paper, Gu and Abbott reported Saturn-ring con0gurations around solid microspheres [97]. Particles in contact with the glass plates of a cell were studied in Ref. [98]. Lubensky, Stark, and coworkers presented a thorough analytical and numerical analysis of the director 0eld around a spherical particle [182,140,219]. It is discussed in Section 4. Ramaswamy et al. [190] and Ruhwandl and Terentjev [200] determined the long-range quadrupolar interaction of particles surrounded by a ring disclination, whereas Lubensky et al. addressed both dipolar and quadrupolar forces [140] (see Section 5). Recently, Lev and Tomchuk studied aggregates of particles under the assumption of weak anchoring [130]. Work on the Stokes drag of a spherical object immersed into a uniformly aligned nematic was performed by Diogo [57], Roman and Terentjev [194], and Heuer et al. [112,105]. The calculations were extended to the Saturn-ring con0guration by Ruhwandl and Terentjev [199] and to the dipolar structure by Ventzki and Stark [228], whose work is explored in detail in Section 6. The Stokes drag was also determined through molecular dynamics simulations by Billeter and Pelcovits [10]. Stark and Stelzer [220] numerically investigated multiple nematic emulsions [182] by means of 0nite elements. We discuss the results in Section 7. It is interesting to note that dipolar con0gurations also appear in two-dimensional systems including (1) free standing smectic 0lms [132,175], where a circular region with an extra layer plays the role of the spherical particle, and (2) Langmuir 0lms [74], in which a liquid-expanded inclusion in a tilted liquid-condensed region acts similarly. Pettey et al. [175] studied the dipolar structure in two dimensions theoretically. In cholesteric liquid crystals particle-stabilized defect gels were found [239], and people started to investigate dispersions of particles in a smectic phase [80,108,12]. Sequeira and Hill were the 0rst to measure the viscoelastic response of concentrated suspensions of zeolite particles in nematic MBBA [209]. Meeker et al. [143] reported a gel-like structure in nematic colloidal dispersions with a signi0cant shear modulus. Perfectly ordered chains of oil droplets in a nematic were produced from phase separation by Loudet et al. [137]. Very recent studies of the nematic order around spherical particles are based on the minimization of the Landau–de Gennes free energy using an adaptive grid scheme [83], or they employ molecular dynamics simulations of Gay–Berne particles [10,6]. The 0ndings are consistent with the presentation in Section 4. With two excellent publications [210,211], Ping Sheng initiated the interest in partially ordered nematic 0lms above the nematic-isotropic phase transition temperature Tc using the Landau–de Gennes approach. In 1981, Horn et al. [106] performed 0rst measurements of liquid crystal-mediated forces between curved mica sheets. Motivated by both works, Poniewierski \ and Sluckin re0ned Sheng’s study [177]. Bor\stnik and Zumer explicitly considered two parallel plates immersed into a liquid crystal slightly above Tc [18], and thoroughly investigated short-range interactions due to the surface-induced nematic order. An analog work was presented by de Gennes, however, assuming a surface-induced smectic order [50]. The e9ect of such a presmectic 0lm was measured by Moreau et al. [154]. Recent studies address short-range forces of spherical objects using either analytical methods [15], which we report in Section 8, or numerical calculations [85]. In Section 8 we also demonstrate that such forces can induce >occulation of colloidal particles above the nematic-isotropic phase transition [16,17]. In a more general context, they were also suggested by LUowen [135,136]. Mu\sevi\c et al. probe these
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interactions with the help of an atomic force microscope [158,159,113], whereas BUottger et al. [19] and Poulin et al. [178] are able to suspend solid particles in a liquid crystal above Tc . Even Casimir forces arising from >uctuations in the liquid-crystalline order parameter were investigated both in the nematic [3,2,223] and isotropic phase [240] of a liquid crystal. 3.2. Nematic emulsions In 1996, Philippe Poulin succeeded in producing inverted and multiple nematic emulsions [182,183]. The notion “inverted” refers to water droplets dispersed in a nematic solvent, in contrast to direct liquid-crystal-in-water emulsions. If the solvent itself forms drops surrounded by the water phase, one has multiple emulsions. We introduce them here since they initiated the theoretical work we report in the following sections. Philippe Poulin dispersed water droplets of 1 to 5 m in diameter in a nematic liquid crystal host, pentylcyanobiphenyl (5CB), which formed larger drops (∼ 50 m diameter) surrounded by a continuous water phase. This isolated a controlled number of colloidal droplets in the nematic host which allowed to observe their structure readily. As a surfactant, a small amount of sodium dodecyl sulfate was used. It is normally ine9ective at stabilizing water droplets in oil. Nevertheless, the colloidal water droplets remained stable for several weeks, which suggested that the origin of this stability is the surrounding liquid crystal—a hypothesis that was con0rmed by the observation that droplets became unstable and coalesced in less than one hour after the liquid crystal was heated to the isotropic phase. The surfactant also guaranteed a homeotropic, i.e., normal boundary condition of the director at all the surfaces. The multiple nematic emulsions were studied by observing them between crossed polarizers in a microscope. Under such conditions, an isotropic >uid will appear black, whereas regions in which there is the birefringent nematic will be colored. Thus the large nematic drops in a multiple emulsion appear predominately red in Fig. 10a, 1 whereas the continuous water phase surrounding them is black. Dispersed within virtually all of the nematic drops are smaller colloidal water droplets, which also appear dark in the photo; the number of water droplets tends to increase with the size of the nematic drops. Remarkably, in all cases, the water droplets are constrained at or very near the center of the nematic drops. Moreover, their Brownian motion, usually observed in colloidal dispersions, has completely ceased. However, when the sample is heated to change the nematic into an isotropic >uid, the Brownian motion of the colloidal droplets is clearly visible in the microscope. Perhaps the most striking observation in Fig. 10a is the behavior of the colloidal droplets when more than one of them cohabit the same nematic drop: the colloidal droplets invariably form linear chains. This behavior is driven by the nematic liquid crystal: the chains break, and the colloidal droplets disperse immediately upon warming the sample to the isotropic phase. However, although the anisotropic liquid crystal must induce an attractive interaction to cause the chaining, it also induces a shorter range repulsive interaction. A section of a chain of droplets under higher magni0cation (see Fig. 10b) shows that the droplets are prevented from approaching each other too closely, with the separation between droplets being a signi0cant 1
Reprinted with permission from P. Poulin, H. Stark, T.C. Lubensky, D.A. Weitz, Novel colloidal interactions in anisotropic >uids, Science 275 (1997) 1770. Copyright 1997 American Association for the Advancement of Science.
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Fig. 10. (a) Microscope image of a nematic multiple emulsion taken under crossed polarizers, (b) a chain of water droplets under high magni0cation, (c) a nematic drop containing a single water droplet.
fraction of their diameter. A careful inspection of Fig. 10b even reveals black dots between the droplets which we soon will identify as topological point defects. The distance between droplets and these host->uid defects increases with the droplet radius. To qualitatively understand the observation, we start with one water droplet placed at the center of a large nematic drop. The homeotropic boundary condition enforces a radial director 0eld between both spherical surfaces. It exhibits a distinctive four-armed star of alternating bright and dark regions under crossed polarizers that extend throughout the whole nematic drop as illustrated in Fig. 10c. Evidently, following the explanations in Section 2:4:2 about point defects, the big nematic drop carries a topological point charge Q = 1 that is matched by the small water droplet which acts like a radial hedgehog. Each water droplet beyond the 0rst added to the interior of the nematic drop must create orientational structure out of the nematic itself to satisfy the global constraint Q = 1. The simplest (though not the only [140]) way to satisfy this constraint is for each extra water droplet to create a hyperbolic hedgehog in the nematic host. Note that from Fig. 8 we already know that a radial hedgehog (represented by the water droplet) and a hyperbolic point defect carry a total charge zero. Hence, N water droplets in a large nematic drop have to be accompanied by N − 1 hyperbolic hedgehogs. Fig. 11 presents a qualitative picture of the director 0eld lines for a string of three droplets. It is rotationally symmetric about the horizontal axis. Between the droplets, hyperbolic hedgehogs appear. They prevent the water droplets from approaching each other and from 0nally coalescing since this would involve a strong distortion of the director 0eld. The defects therefore mediate a short-range repulsion between the droplets.
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Fig. 11. The director 0eld lines of a nematic drop containing a string of three spherical particles.
In the following sections, we demonstrate the physical ideas which evolved from the experiments on multiple nematic emulsions. We will explain the chaining of droplets by introducing the topological dipole formed by one spherical particle and its companion hyperbolic defect. This leads us to the next chapter where we investigate the simplest situation, i.e., one particle placed in a nematic solvent which is uniformly aligned at in0nity. 4. The paradigm---one particle The multiple nematic emulsions that we introduced in Section 3.2 are already a complicated system. In this section we investigate thoroughly by both analytical and numerical means what I regard as the paradigm for the understanding of inverted nematic emulsions. We ask which director 0eld con0gurations do occur when one spherical particle that prefers a radial anchoring of the director at its surface is placed into a nematic solvent uniformly aligned at in0nity. This constitutes the simplest problem one can think of, and it is a guide to the understanding of more complex situations. 4.1. The three possible con4gurations If the directors are rigidly anchored at the surface, the particle carries a topological charge Q = 1. Because of the boundary conditions at in0nity, the total charge of the whole system is zero; therefore, the particle must nucleate a further defect in its nematic environment. One possibility is a dipolar structure where the particle and a hyperbolic hedgehog form a tightly bound object which we call dipole for short (see Fig. 12). As already explained in Fig. 8, the topological charges +1 of a radial hedgehog, represented by the particle, and of a hyperbolic point defect “add up” to a total charge of zero. In the Saturn-ring con0guration, a −1=2 disclination ring encircles the spherical particle at its equator (see Fig. 12). Of course, the disclination ring can be moved upward or downward, and by shrinking it to the topologically
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Fig. 12. A spherical particle with a preferred homeotropic anchoring at its surface that is placed into a uniformly aligned nematic liquid crystal exhibits three possible structures: the dipole con0guration where the particle is accompanied by a hyperbolic hedgehog, the Saturn-ring con0guration where the particle is surrounded by a −1=2 disclination ring at the equator, and the surface-ring con0guration.
equivalent hyperbolic hedgehog, the Saturn ring is continuously transformed into the dipole con0guration. However, our calculations show that a non-symmetric position of the defect ring is never stable. When the surface anchoring strength W is lowered (see Fig. 12), the core of the disclination ring prefers to sit directly at the surface of the particle. For suNciently low W , the director 0eld becomes smooth everywhere, and a ring of tangentially oriented directors is located at the equator of the sphere. In the case of tangential boundary conditions, there exists only one structure. It possesses two surface defects, called boojums, at the north and south pole of the particle [145,26,120,231]. We will not investigate it further. It is instructive to 0rst consider the director 0eld far away from the particle, which crucially depends on the global symmetry of the system [22,140]. With its knowledge, ansatz functions for the director con0gurations around a particle can be checked. Furthermore, the far 0eld determines the long-range two-particle interaction. Let the director n0 at in0nity point along the z axis. Then, in the far 0eld, the director is approximated by n(r) ≈ (nx ; ny ; 1) with nx ; ny 1. In leading order, the normalization of the director can be neglected, and the Euler–Lagrange equations for nx and ny arising from a minimization of the Frank free energy in the one-constant
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approximation are simply Laplace equations: ∇2 n3 = 0 :
The solutions are the well-known multipole expansions of electrostatics that include monopole, dipole, and quadrupole terms. They are all present if the suspended particle has a general shape or if, e.g., the dipole in Fig. 12 is tilted against n0 . In the dipole con0guration with its axial symmetry about n0 , the monopole is forbidden, and we obtain x zx y zy nx = p + 2c 5 and ny = p + 2c 5 ; (4.2) r3 r r3 r where r = (x2 + y2 + z 2 )1=2 . We use the expansion coeNcients p and c to assign both a dipole (p) and quadrupole (c ) moment to the con0guration: p = p n0
c = c(n0 ⊗ n0 − 1=3) :
The symbol ⊗ means tensor product, and 1 is the unit tensor of second rank. We adopt the convention that the dipole moment p points from the companion defect to the particle. Hence, if p ¿ 0, the far 0eld of Eqs. (4:2) belongs to a dipole con0guration with the defect sitting below the particle (see Fig. 12). Note, that by dimensional analysis, p ∼ a2 and c ∼ a3 , where a is the radius of the spherical particle. Saturn-ring and surface-ring con0gurations possess a mirror plane perpendicular to the rotational axis. Therefore, the dipole term in Eqs. (4:2) is forbidden, i.e., p = 0. We will show in Section 6 that the multipole moments p and c determine the long-range two-particle interaction. We will derive it on the basis of a phenomenological theory. In the present section we investigate the dipole by both analytical and numerical means. First, we identify a twist transition which transforms it into a chiral object. Then, we study the transition from the dipole to the Saturn ring con0guration, which is induced either by decreasing the particle radius or by applying a magnetic 0eld. The role of metastability is discussed. Finally, we consider the surface-ring con0guration and point out the importance of the saddle-splay free energy F24 . Lower bounds for the surface-anchoring strength W are given. 4.2. An analytical investigation of the dipole Even in the one-constant approximation and for 0xed homeotropic boundary conditions, analytical solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equations, arising from the minimization of the Frank free energy, cannot be found. The Euler–Lagrange equations are highly non-linear due to the normalization of the director. In this subsection we investigate the dipole con0guration with the help of ansatz functions that obey all boundary conditions and possess the correct far-0eld behavior. The free parameters in these ansatz functions are determined by minimizing the Frank free energy. We will see that this procedure already provides a good insight into our system. We arrive at appropriate ansatz functions by looking at the electrostatic analog of our problem [182,140], i.e., a conducting sphere of radius a and with a reduced charge q which is exposed to an electric 0eld of unit strength along the z axis. The electric 0eld is E (r ) = ez + qa2
− a3
r 2 ez − 3z r : r5
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Fig. 13. Frank free energy (in units of ,Ka) for the topological dipole as a function of the reduced distance rd =a from the particle center to the companion hedgehog.
In order to enforce the boundary condition that E be normal to the surface of the sphere, an electric image dipole has to be placed at the center of the sphere. The ansatz function for the director 0eld follows from a normalization: n(r) = E (r)= |E (r)|. An inspection of its far 0eld gives x xz y yz n(r ) ≈ qa2 3 + 3a3 5 ; qa2 3 + 3a3 5 ; (4.5) r r r r in agreement with Eqs. (4:2). The electrostatic analog assigns a dipole moment qa2 and a quadrupole moment 3a3 =2 to the topological dipole. The zero of the electric 0eld determines the location −rd ez of the hyperbolic hedgehog on the z axis. Thus, q or the distance rd from the center of the particle are the variational parameters of our ansatz functions. Note that for q = 3, the hedgehog just touches the sphere, and that for q ¡ 3, a singular ring appears at the surface of the sphere. In Fig. 13 we plot the Frank free energy in the one-constant approximation and in units of ,Ka as a function of the reduced distance rd =a. The saddle-splay term is not included, since for rigid anchoring it just provides a constant energy shift. There is a pronounced minimum at rd0 = 1:17a corresponding to a dipole moment p = qa2 = 3:08a2 . The minimum shows that the hyperbolic hedgehog sits close to the spherical particle. To check the magnitude of the thermal >uctuations of its radial position, we determine the curvature of the energy curve at rd0 ; its approximate value amounts to 33,K=a. According to the equipartition theorem, the average thermal displacement rd0 follows from the expression
rd0 kB T ≈ ≈ 2 × 10−3 ; (4.6) a 33Ka where the 0nal estimate employs kB T ≈ 4 × 10−14 erg; K ≈ 10−6 dyn, and a=1 m. These >uctuations in the length of the topological dipole are unobservably small. For angular >uctuations of the dipole, we 0nd 5 ≈ 10−2 , i.e., still diNcult to observe [140]. We conclude that the spherical particle and its companion hyperbolic hedgehog form a tightly bound object. Interestingly, we note that angular >uctuations in the 2D version of this problem diverge logarithmically with the sample size [175]. They are therefore much larger and have indeed been observed in free standing smectic 0lms [132].
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Fig. 14. (Top) Image of a single droplet with its companion defect as observed under crossed polarizers obtained by Poulin [183]. (Bottom) Simulated image of the same con0guration using the Jones matrix formalism [140]. The two pictures are very similar. From Ref. [140].
The droplet-defect dipole was observed by Philippe Poulin in inverted nematic emulsions [183]. In the top part of Fig. 14 we present how it looks like in a microscope under crossed polarizers, with one polarizer parallel to the dipole axis. In the bottom part of Fig. 14 we show a calculated image using the Jones matrix formalism [60] based on the director 0eld of the electrostatic analog. Any refraction at the droplet boundary is neglected. The similarity of the two images is obvious and clearly con0rms the occurrence of the dipole con0guration. The electric 0eld ansatz is generalized by no longer insisting that it originates in a true electric 0eld. This allows us to introduce additional variational parameters [140]. The Frank free energy at rd0 is lowered, and the equilibrium separation amounts to rd0 = 1:26a. The
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respective dipole and quadrupole moments turn out to be p = 2:20a2 and c = −1:09a2 . We are also able to construct ansatz functions for the dipole–Saturn ring transition utilizing the method of images for the related 2D problem and correcting the far 0eld [140]. The results agree with the numerical study presented in the next subsection. 4.3. Results and discussion of the numerical study Before we present the results of our numerical study, we summarize the numerical method. Details can be found in [219]. 4.3.1. Summary of numerical details The numerical investigation is performed on a grid which is de0ned by modi0ed spherical coordinates. Since the region outside the spherical particle is in0nitely extended, we employ a radial coordinate 6 = 1=r 2 . The exponent 2 is motivated by the far 0eld of the dipole con0guration. Such a transformation has two advantages. The exterior of the particle is mapped into a 0nite region, i.e., the interior of the unit sphere (6 6 1). Furthermore, equally spaced grid points along the coordinate 6 result in a mesh size in real space which is small close to the surface of the particle. In this area the director 0eld is strongly varying, and hence a good resolution for the numerical calculation is needed. On the other hand, the mesh size is large far away from the sphere where the director 0eld is nearly homogeneous. Since our system is axially symmetric, the director 0eld only depends on 6 and the polar angle 5. The director is expressed in the local coordinate basis (er ; e5 ; e7 ) of the standard spherical coordinate system, and the director components are parametrized by a tilt [(6; 5)] and a twist [(6; 5)] angle: nr = cos ; n5 = sin cos , and n7 = sin sin . The total free energy Fn of Eq. (2.1) is expressed in the modi0ed spherical coordinates. Then, the Euler–Lagrange equations in the bulk and at the surface are formulated with the help of the chain rules of Eqs. (2.14) and (2.15) and by utilizing the algebraic program Maple. A starting con0guration of the director 0eld is chosen and relaxed into a local minimum via the Newton–Gauss–Seidel method [187] which was implemented in a Fortran program. So far we have described the conventional procedure of a numerical investigation. Now, we address the problem of how to describe disclination rings numerically. Fig. 15 presents such a ring whose general position is determined by a radial (rd ) and an angular (5d ) coordinate. The free energy Fn of the director 0eld follows from a numerical integration. This assigns some energy to the disclination ring which certainly is not correct since the numerical integration does not realize the large director gradients close to the defect core. To obtain a more accurate value for the total free energy F, we use the expression F = Fn − Fn |torus + Fc=d × 2rd sin 5d ;
where Fc and Fd are the line energies of a disclination introduced in Eqs. (2.32) and (2.34). The quantity Fn |torus denotes the numerically calculated free energy of a toroidal region of cross section R2 around the disclination ring. Its volume is R2 × 2rd sin 5d . The value Fn |torus is replaced by the last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (4.7), which provides the correct free energy with the help of the line energies Fc or Fd . We checked that the cross section R2 of the cut torus has to be equal or larger than 3V6 V5=2, where V6 and V5 are the lattice
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Fig. 15. Coordinates (rd ; 5d ) for a −1=2 disclination ring with a general position around the spherical particle. From Ref. [219].
Fig. 16. The reduced distance rd =a of the hyperbolic hedgehog from the center of the sphere as a function of the reduced splay (K1 =K3 ) and twist (K2 =K3 ) constants.
constants of our grid. For larger cross sections, the changes in the free energy F for 0xed core radius rc were less than 1%, i.e., F became independent of R2 . What is the result of this procedure? All lengths in the free energy Fn can be rescaled by the particle radius a. This would suggest that the director con0guration does not depend on the particle size. However, with the illustrated procedure a second length scale, i.e., the core radius rc of a disclination, enters. All our results on disclination rings therefore depend on the ratio a=rc . In discussing them, we assume rc ≈ 10 nm [111] which then determines the radius a for a given a=rc . 4.3.2. Twist transition of the dipole con4guration In this subsection we present our numerical study of the topological dipole. We always assume that the directors are rigidly anchored at the surface (W → ∞) and choose a zero magnetic 0eld. In Fig. 16 we plot the reduced distance rd =a of the hedgehog from the center of the sphere as a function of the reduced splay (K1 =K3 ) and twist (K2 =K3 ) constants. In the
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Fig. 17. (a) Nail picture of a closeup of the twisted dipole con0guration. Around the hyperbolic hedgehog the directors are tilted relative to the drawing plane. From Ref. [219]. (b) Phase diagram of the twist transition as a function of the reduced splay (K1 =K3 ) and twist (K2 =K3 ) constants. A full explanation is given in the text.
one-constant approximation, we 0nd rd =1:26 ± 0:02, where the mesh size of the grid determines the uncertainty in rd . Our result is in excellent agreement with the generalized electric-0eld ansatz we introduced in the last subsection [140]. However, Ruhwandl and Terentjev using a Monte-Carlo minimization report a somewhat smaller value for rd [200]. In front of the thick line rd is basically constant. Beyond the line, rd starts to grow which indicates a structural change in the director 0eld illustrated in the nail picture of Fig. 17a. Around the hyperbolic hedgehog the directors develop a non-zero azimuthal component n7 , i.e., they are tilted relative to the drawing plane. This introduces a twist into the dipole. It should be visible under a polarizing microscope when the dipole is viewed along its symmetry axis. In Fig. 17b we draw a phase diagram of the twist transition. As expected, it occurs when K1 =K3 increases or when K2 =K3 decreases, i.e., when a twist deformation costs less energy than a splay distortion. The open circles are numerical results for the transition line which can well be 0tted by the straight line K2 =K3 ≈ K1 =K3 − 0:04. Interestingly, the small o9set 0.04 means that K3 does not play an important role. Typical calamatic liquid crystals like MBBA, 5CB, and PAA should show the twisted dipole con0guration. Since the twist transition breaks the mirror symmetry of the dipole, which then becomes a chiral object, we describe it by a Landau expansion of the free energy: 2 max 4 F = F0 + a(K1 =K3 ; K2 =K3 )[nmax 7 ] + c[n7 ] :
we have introduced a simple order parameter. With the maximum azimuthal component nmax 7 Since the untwisted dipole possesses a mirror symmetry, only even powers of nmax are allowed. 7 The phase transition line is determined by a(K1 =K3 ; K2 =K3 ) = 0. According to Eq. (4.8), we expect a power-law dependence of the order parameter with the exponent 1=2 in the twist region close to the phase transition. To test this idea, we choose a constant K2 =K3 ratio and determine nmax for varying K1 . As the log–log plot in Fig. 18 illustrates, when approaching the 7 phase transition, the order parameter obeys the expected power law: nmax ∼ (K1 =K3 − 0:4372)1=2 7
with K2 =K3 = 0:4 :
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Fig. 18. Log–log plot of the order parameter nmax versus K1 =K3 close to the twist transition (K2 =K3 = 0:4); 7 ◦ : : : numerical values, – : : : 0t by a straight line. Fig. 19. The free energy F in units of K3 a as a function of the angular coordinate 5d . The parameter of the curves is the particle size a. Further parameters are indicated in the inset.
4.3.3. Dipole versus Saturn ring There are two possibilities to induce a transition from the dipole to the Saturn-ring con0guration; either by reducing the particle size or by applying, e.g., a magnetic 0eld. We always assume rigid anchoring in this subsection, set K24 = 0, and start with the 0rst point. E<ect of particle size. In Fig. 19 we plot the free energy F in units of K3 a as a function of the angular coordinate 5d of the disclination ring. For constant 5d , the free energy F was chosen as the minimum over the radial coordinate rd . The particle radius a is the parameter of the curves, and the one-constant approximation is employed. Recall that 5d = =2 and 5d = correspond, respectively, to the Saturn-ring or the dipole con0guration. Clearly, for small particle sizes (a = 180 nm) the Saturn ring is the absolutely stable con0guration, and the dipole enjoys some metastability. However, thermal >uctuations cannot induce a transition to the dipole since the potential barriers are much higher than the thermal energy kB T . E.g., a barrier of 0:1K3 a corresponds to 1000kB T (T = 300 K; a = 1 m). At a ≈ 270 nm, the dipole assumes the global minimum of the free energy, and 0nally the Saturn ring becomes absolutely unstable at a ≈ 720 nm. The scenario agrees with the results of Ref. [140] where an ansatz function for the director 0eld was used. Furthermore, we stress that the particle sizes were calculated with the choice of 10 nm as the real core size of a line defect, and that our results depend on the line energy (2.32) of the disclination. The reduced radial coordinate rd =a of the disclination ring as a function of 5d is presented in Fig. 20. It was obtained by minimizing the free energy for 0xed 5d . As long as the ring is open, rd does not depend on 5d within an error of ±0:01. Only in the region where it closes to the hyperbolic hedgehog, does rd increase sharply. The 0gure also illustrates that the ring sits closer to larger particles. The radial position of rd =a = 1:10 for 720 nm particles agrees very well with analytical results obtained by using an ansatz function (see Refs. [140]) and with numerical calculations based on a Monte-Carlo minimization [200]. Recent observations of
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Fig. 20. The reduced radial coordinate rd =a of a disclination ring as a function of 5d for two particle sizes. Further parameters are indicated in the inset.
the Saturn-ring con0guration around glass spheres of 40, 60, or 100 m in diameter [97] seem to contradict our theoretical 0ndings. However, we explain them by the strong con0nement in 120-m-thick liquid crystal cells which is equivalent to a strong magnetic 0eld. E<ect of a magnetic 4eld. A magnetic 0eld applied along the symmetry axis of the dipole can induce a transition to the Saturn-ring con0guration. This can be understood from a simple back-of-the-envelope calculation. Let us consider high magnetic 0elds, i.e., magnetic coherence lengths much smaller than the particle size a. The magnetic coherence length H was introduced in Eq. (2.9) as the ratio of elastic and magnetic torques on the director. For H a, the directors are basically aligned along the magnetic 0eld. In the dipole con0guration, the director 0eld close to the hyperbolic hedgehog cannot change its topology. The 0eld lines are “compressed” along the z direction, and high densities of the elastic and magnetic free energies occur in a region of thickness H . Since the 0eld lines have to bend around the sphere, the cross section of the region is of the order of a2 , and its volume is proportional to a2 H . The Frank free energy density is of the order of K=2H , where K is a typical Frank constant, and therefore the elastic free energy scales with Ka2 =H . The same holds for the magnetic free energy. In the case of the Saturn-ring con0guration, high free energy densities occur in a toroidal region of cross section ˙2H around the disclination ring. Hence, the volume scales with a2H , and the total free energy is of the order of Ka, i.e., a factor a=H smaller than for the dipole. Fig. 21 presents a calculation for a particle size of a=0:5 m and the liquid crystal compound 5CB. We plot the free energy in units of K3 a as a function of 5d for di9erent magnetic 0eld strengths which we indicate by the reduced inverse coherence length a=H . Without a 0eld (a=H = 0), the dipole is the energetically preferred con0guration. The Saturn ring shows metastability. A thermally induced transition between both states cannot happen because of the high potential barrier. At a 0eld strength a=H = 0:33, the Saturn ring becomes the stable con0guration. However, there will be no transition until the dipole loses its metastability at a 0eld strength a=H = 3:3, which is only indicated by an arrow in Fig. 21. Once the system has changed to the Saturn ring, it will stay there even for zero magnetic 0eld. Fig. 22a schematically illustrates how a dipole can be transformed into a Saturn ring with the help of a magnetic 0eld.
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Fig. 21. The free energy F in units of ,K3 a as a function of the angular coordinate 5d . The parameter of the curves is the reduced inverse magnetic coherence length a=H . Further parameters are indicated in the inset. Fig. 22. (a) The Saturn ring is metastable at H =0. The dipole can be transformed into the Saturn ring by increasing the magnetic 0eld H beyond Ht2 where the dipole loses its metastability. Turning o9 the 0eld the Saturn ring remains. (b) The Saturn ring is unstable at H = 0. When the magnetic 0eld is decreased from values above Ht2 , the Saturn ring shrinks back to the dipole at Ht1 where the Saturn ring loses its metastability. A hysteresis occurs. From Ref. [219].
If the Saturn ring is unstable at zero 0eld, a hysteresis occurs (see Fig. 22b). Starting from high magnetic 0elds, the Saturn ring loses its metastability at Ht1 , and a transition back to the dipole takes place. In Fig. 19 we showed that the second situation is realized for particles larger than 720 nm. We also performed calculations for a particle size of 1 m and the liquid crystal compound 5CB and still found the Saturn ring to be metastable at zero 0eld in contrast to the result of the one-constant approximation. To be more concrete, according to Eq. (2.9), a=H = 1 corresponds to a 0eld strength of 4:6 T when 0:5 m particles and the material parameters of 5CB (K3 = 0:53 × 10−6 dyn; V = 10−7 ) are used. Hence, the transition to the Saturn ring in Fig. 21 occurs at a rather high 0eld of 15 T. Assuming that there is no dramatic change in a=H = 3:3 for larger particles, this 0eld decreases with increasing particle radius. Alternatively, the transition to the Saturn ring is also induced by an electric 0eld with the advantage that strong 0elds are much easier to apply. However, the large dielectric anisotropy V' = ' − '⊥ complicates a detailed analysis because of the di9erence between applied and local electric 0elds. Therefore, the electric coherence length E = [4K3 =(V' E 2 )]1=2 , which replaces H , only serves as a rough estimate for the applied 0eld E necessary to induce a transition to the Saturn ring. 4.3.4. In>uence of 4nite surface anchoring In the last subsection we investigate the e9ect of 0nite anchoring on the director 0eld around the spherical particle. The saddle-splay term with its elastic constant K24 is important now. We always choose a zero magnetic 0eld. In Fig. 23 we employ the one-constant approximation and plot the free energy versus the reduced surface extrapolation length S =a for di9erent reduced
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Fig. 23. The minimum free energy F in units of ,K3 a as a function of the reduced surface extrapolation length S =a for di9erent K24 =K3 . A 0rst-order phase transition from the dipole to the surface ring occurs. Further parameters are indicated in the inset.
Fig. 24. The saddle-splay free energy F24 in units of ,K3 a as a function of S =a for the same curves as in Fig. 23. Inset: F24 in units of ,K24 a versus the angular width of the surface ring calculated from the ansatz functions in Eqs. (4.10). Fig. 25. Phase diagram of the dipole-surface ring transition as a function of S =a and K24 =K3 . Further parameters are indicated in the inset.
saddle-splay constants K24 =K3 . Recall that S is inversely proportional to the surface constant W [see Eq. (2.11)]. The straight lines belong to the dipole. Then, for decreasing surface anchoring, there is a 0rst-order transition to the surface-ring structure. We never 0nd the Saturn ring to be the stable con0guration although it enjoys some metastability. For K24 =K3 =0, the transition takes place at S =a ≈ 0:085. This value is somewhat smaller than the result obtained by Ruhwandl and Terentjev [200]. One could wonder why the surface ring already occurs at such a strong anchoring like S =a ≈ 0:085 where any deviation from the homeotropic anchoring costs a lot of energy. However, if V5 is the angular width of the surface ring where the director deviates from the homeotropic alignment (see inset of Fig. 24) then a simple energetical estimate allows V5 to be of the order of S =a. It is interesting to see that the transition point shifts to higher anchoring
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strengths, i.e., decreasing S =a when K24 =K3 is increased. Obviously, the saddle-splay term favors the surface-ring con0guration. To check this conclusion, we plot the reduced saddle-splay free energy F24 versus S =a in Fig. 24. The horizontal lines belong to the dipole. They correspond to the saddle-splay energy 4K24 a which one expects for a rigid homeotropic anchoring at the surface of the sphere. In contrast, for the surface-ring con0guration the saddle-splay energy drops sharply. The surface ring at the equator of the sphere introduces a “saddle” in the director 0eld as illustrated in the inset of Fig. 24. Such structures are known to be favored by the saddle-splay term. We modeled the surface ring with an angular width V5 by the following radial and polar director components: 5 − =2 5 − =2 −1 nr = −tanh and n5 = − cosh ; (4.10) V5 V5 where V5=2 to ensure that nr = 1 at 5 = 0; , and calculated the saddle-splay energy versus V5 by numerical integration. The result is shown in the inset of Fig. 24. It 0ts very well to the full numerical calculations and con0rms again that a narrow “saddle” around the equator can considerably reduce the saddle-splay energy. For the liquid crystal compound 5CB we determined the stable con0guration as a function of K24 =K3 and S =a. The phase diagram is presented in Fig. 25. With its help, we can derive a lower bound for the surface constant W at the interface of water and 5CB when the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate is involved. As the experiments by Poulin et al. clearly demonstrate, water droplets dispersed in 5CB do assume the dipole con0guration. From the phase diagram we conclude S =a ¡ 0:09 as a necessary condition for the existence of the dipole. With a ≈ 1 m; K3 = 0:53 × 10−6 dyn, and de0nition (2.11) for S we arrive at W ¿ 0:06 erg=cm2 :
If we assume the validity of the Cauchy relation (2.5), which for 5CB gives K24 =K3 = 0:61, we conclude that W ¿ 0:15 erg=cm2 . Recently, Mondain-Monval et al. were able to observe an equatorial ring structure by changing the composition of a surfactant mixture containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and a copolymer of ethylene and propylene oxide (Pluronic F 68) [153]. We conclude from our numerical investigation that they observed the surface-ring con0guration. 4.4. Conclusions In this section we presented a detailed study of the three director 0eld con0gurations around a spherical particle by both analytical and numerical means. We clearly 0nd that for large particles and suNciently strong surface anchoring, the dipole is the preferred con0guration. For conventional calamitic liquid crystals, where K2 ¡ K1 , the dipole should always exhibit a twist around the hyperbolic hedgehog. It should not occur in discotic liquid crystals where K2 ¿ K1 . According to our calculations, the bend constant K3 plays only a minor role in the twist transition. The Saturn ring appears for suNciently small particles provided that one can realize a suNciently strong surface anchoring. According to our investigation, for 200 nm particles the surface constant has to be larger than W = 0:3 erg=cm2 . However, the dipole can be transformed into the Saturn ring by means of a magnetic 0eld if the Saturn ring is metastable at H = 0. Otherwise a hysteresis is visible. For the liquid crystal compound 5CB, we 0nd the Saturn ring
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to be metastable at a particle size a = 1 m. Increasing the radius a, this metastability will vanish in analogy with our calculations within the one-constant approximation (see Fig. 19). Lowering the surface-anchoring strength W , the surface-ring con0guration with a quadrupolar symmetry becomes absolutely stable. We never 0nd a stable structure with dipolar symmetry where the surface ring possesses a general angular position 5d or is even shrunk to a point at 5d = 0; . The surface ring is clearly favored by a large saddle-splay constant K24 . The dispersion of spherical particles in a nematic liquid crystal is always a challenge to experimentalists. The clearest results are achieved in inverted nematic emulsions [182,179,183,153,184]. However, alternative experiments with silica or latex spheres do also exist [181,188,189,153, 180,98] and produce impressive results [97]. We hope that the summary of our research stimulates further experiments which probe di9erent liquid crystals as a host >uid [180], manipulate the anchoring strength [153,97,98], and investigate the e9ect of external 0elds [97,98]. 5. Two-particle interactions To understand the properties of, e.g., multi-droplet emulsions, we need to determine the nature of particle–particle interactions. These interactions are mediated by the nematic liquid crystal in which they are embedded and are in general quite complicated. Since interactions are determined by distortions of the director 0eld, there are multi-body as well as two-body interactions. We will content ourselves with calculations of some properties of the e9ective two-particle interaction. To determine the position-dependent interaction potential between two particles, we should solve the Euler–Lagrange equations, as a function of particle separation, subject to the boundary condition that the director be normal to each spherical object. Solving completely these non-linear equations in the presence of two particles is even more complicated than solving them with one particle, and again we must resort to approximations. Fortunately, interactions at large separations are determined entirely by the far-0eld distortions and the multipole moments of an individual topological dipole or Saturn ring, which we studied in Section 4.1. The interactions can be derived from a phenomenological free energy. We will present such an approach in this section [190,182,140]. 5.1. Formulating a phenomenological theory In Section 4, we established that each spherical particle creates a hyperbolic hedgehog to which it binds tightly to create a stable topological dipole. The original spherical inclusion is described by three translational degrees of freedom. Out of the nematic it draws a hedgehog, which itself has three translational degrees of freedom. The two combine to produce a dipole with six degrees of freedom, which can be parametrized by three variables specifying the position of the particle, two angles specifying the orientation of the dipole, and one variable specifying the magnitude of the dipole. As we have seen, the magnitude of the dipole does not >uctuate much and can be regarded as a constant. The direction of the dipole is also fairly strongly constrained. It can, however, deviate from the direction of locally preferred orientation (parallel to a local director to be de0ned in more detail below) when many particles are present. The particle–defect pair is in addition characterized by its higher multipole
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moments. The direction of the principal axes of these moments is speci0ed by the direction of the dipole as long as director con0gurations around the dipole remain uniaxial. The magnitudes of all the uniaxial moments like the strengths p and c of the dipole and quadrupole moment (see Section 4.1) are energetically 0xed, as we have shown in Section 4.2. When director con0gurations are not uniaxial, the multipole tensors will develop additional components, which we will not consider here. We can thus parametrize topological dipoles by their position and orientation and a set of multipole moments, which we regard as 0xed. Let e! be the unit vector specifying the direction of the dipole moment associated with droplet !. Its dipole and quadrupole moments are then p! = pe! and c ! = c(e! ⊗ e! − 1=3), where p and c are the respective magnitudes of the dipole and quadrupole moments calculated, e.g., by analytical means in Section 4.2. The symbol ⊗ means tensor product, and 1 is the second-rank unit tensor. Note, that this approach also applies to the Saturn-ring and surface-ring con0guration but with a vanishing dipole moment p = 0. It even applies to particles with tangential boundary conditions where two surfaces defects, called boojums [145,26,120], are located at opposite points of the sphere and where the director 0eld possesses a uniaxial symmetry, too. We now introduce dipole- and quadrupole-moment densities, P (r) and C (r), in the usual way. Let r! denote the position of droplet !, then P (r ) = p! (r − r ! ) and C (r ) = c ! (r − r ! ) : (5.1) !
In the following, we construct an e9ective free energy for director and particles valid at length scales large compared to the particle radius. At these length scales, we can regard the spheres as point objects (as implied by the de0nitions of the densities given above). At each point in space, there is a local director n(r) along which the topological dipoles or, e.g., the Saturn rings wish to align. In the more microscopic picture, of course, the direction of this local director corresponds to the far-0eld director n0 . The e9ective free energy is constructed from rotationally invariant combinations of P , C , n, and the gradient operator ∇ that are also even under n → −n. It can be expressed as a sum of terms F = Fel + Fp + FC + Falign ;
where Fel is the Frank free energy, Fp describes interactions between P and n, FC describes interactions between C and n involving gradient operators, and Falign = −D d 3 r Cij (r)ni (r)nj (r) = −DQ {[e! ·n(r ! )]2 − 1=3} (5.3) !
forces the alignment of the axes along the local director n(r! ). The leading contribution to Fp is identical to the treatment of the >exoelectric e9ect in a nematic [147,51] Fp = 4K d 3 r[ − P ·n(∇·n) + :P · (n × ∇ × n)] ; (5.4) where : is a material-dependent unitless parameter. The leading contribution to FC is FC = 4K d 3 r[(∇·n)n ·∇(ni Cij nj ) + ∇(ni Cij nj ) · (n × ∇ × n)] :
There should also be terms in FC like Cij ∇k ni ∇k nj . These terms can be shown to add contributions to the e9ective two-particle interaction that are higher order in separation than those arising
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from Eq. (5.5). One coeNcient in Fp and all coeNcients in FC are 0xed by the requirement that the phenomenological theory yields the far 0eld of one particle given by Eq. (4.2) (see next subsection). Eq. (5.5) is identical to that introduced in Ref. [190] to discuss interactions between Saturn rings, provided ni Cij nj is replaced by a scalar density 6(r) = ! (r − r! ). The two energies are absolutely equivalent to leading order in the components n3 of n perpendicular to n0 provided all e! are restricted to be parallel to n0 . Since P prefers to align along the local director n, the dipole-bend coupling term in Eq. (5.4) can be neglected to leading order in deviations of the director from uniformity. The −P ·n(∇·n) term in Eq. (5.4) shows that dipoles aligned along n create local splay as is evident from the dipole con0guration depicted in Fig. 12. In addition, this term says that dipoles can lower their energy by migrating to regions of maximum splay while remaining aligned with the local director. Experiments on multiple nematic emulsions [182,183] support this conclusion. Indeed, the coupling of the dipole moment to a strong splay distortion explains the chaining of water droplets in a large nematic drop whose observation we reported in Section 3.2. We return to this observation in Section 7. 5.2. E<ective pair interactions In the following we assume that the far-0eld director n0 and all the multipole moments of the particles point along the z axis, i.e., e! = ez = n0 . Hence, we are able to write the dipole and quadrupole densities as P (r ) = P(r )n0
C (r ) = 32 C(r )(n0 ⊗ n0 − 1=3) ;
where P(r) and C(r) can be both positive and negative. We are interested in small deviations from n0 ; n = (nx ; ny ; 1), and formulate the e9ective energy of Eq. (5.2) up to harmonic order in n3 : (5.7) F = K d 3 r[ 12 (∇n3 )2 − 4P 93 n3 + 4(9z C)93 n3 ] : The dipole-bend coupling term of Eq. (5.4) does not contribute because P is aligned along the far-0eld director. The Euler–Lagrange equations for the director components are ∇2 n3 = 493 [P(r ) − 9z C(r )] ;
which possess the solution 1 9 [P(r ) − 9z C(r )] : n 3 (r ) = − d 3 r |r − r | 3
For a single droplet at the origin, P(r) = p(r) and C(r) = 23 c(r), and the above equation yields exactly the far 0eld of Eq. (4.2). This demonstrates the validity of our phenomenological approach. Particles create far-0eld distortions of the director, which to leading order at large distances are determined by Eq. (5.8). These distortions interact with the director 0elds of other particles which leads to an e9ective particle–particle interaction that can be expressed to leading order
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Fig. 26. A chain of three topological dipoles formed due to their dipolar interaction.
as pairwise interactions between dipole and quadrupole densities. Using Eq. (5.9) in Eq. (5.7), we obtain F 1 d 3 r d 3 r [P(r)VPP (r − r )P(r ) + C(r)VCC (r − r )C(r ) = 4K 2 + VPC (r − r )][C(r)P(r ) − P(r)C(r )] ; (5.10) with 1 1 VPP (r) = 93 93 = 3 (1 − 3 cos3 5) r r 1 1 VCC (r) = −92z 93 93 = 5 (9 − 90 cos2 5 + 105 cos4 5) r r 1 cos 5 VPC (r) = 9z 93 93 = 4 (15 cos2 5 − 9) ; r r
where 5 is the angle enclosed by the separation vector r and n0 . The interaction energy between droplets at positions r and r with respective dipole and quadrupole moments p; p ; c; and c is thus 4 2 U (R) = 4K pp VPP (R) + cc VCC (R) + (cp − cp)VPC (R) ; (5.12) 9 3 where R = r − r . The leading term in the potential U (R) is the dipole–dipole interaction which is identical to the analogous problem in electrostatics. Minimizing it over the angle 5, one 0nds that the dipoles prefer to form chains along their axes, i.e., pp ¿ 0; 5 = 0; . Such a chain of dipoles is illustrated in Fig. 26. It is similar to con0gurations seen in other dipolar systems such as magnetorheological >uids and in magnetic emulsions under the in>uence of an external 0eld [90,133]. The chaining was observed by Poulin et al. in inverted emulsions [179,183] or in a suspension of micron-size latex particles in a lyotropic discotic nematic [180]. Both systems were placed in a thin rectangular cell of approximate dimensions 20 m × 1 cm × 1 cm. The upper and lower plates were treated to produce tangential boundary conditions. Thus the total topological charge in the cell was zero. The dipolar forces were measured recently by a method introduced by Poulin et al. [179]. When small droplets are 0lled with a magnetorheological >uid instead of pure water, a small magnetic 0eld of about 100 G, applied perpendicular to the
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chain axis, induces parallel magnetic dipoles. Since they repel each other, the droplets in the chain are forced apart. When the magnetic 0eld is switched o9, the droplets move towards each other to reach the equilibrium distance. In a chain of two moving droplets, the dipolar force on one droplet has to be balanced by the Stokes drag, pp 24K 4 = 6)e9 av ; (5.13) R where v is the velocity of one particle, and )e9 is an e9ective viscosity, which we will address in Section 6. Inertial e9ects can be neglected since the movement is overdamped. By measuring the velocity as a function of R, Poulin et al. could show that the origin of the attractive force is indeed of dipolar nature down to a separation of approximately 4a. Furthermore, they found that the prefactor of the dipolar force scales as a4 , as expected since both the dipole moments p and p scale as a2 (see Section 4.1). In Section 6 we will calculate the Stokes drag of a spherical particle. If p; p = 0, the quadrupolar interaction is dominant. A minimization over 5 predicts that ◦ the quadrupoles should chain under an angle of 5 = 49 [190]. In experiments with tangential boundary conditions at the droplet surface, where a quadrupolar structure with two opposite ◦ surface defects (boojums) forms, the chaining occurred under an angle of 5 = 30 , probably due to short-range e9ects [183]. A similar observation was made in a suspension of 50 nm latex particles in a lyotropic discotic nematic [153], where one expects a surface-ring con0guration because of the homeotropic surface anchoring (see Section 4.3.4). Finally, we discuss the coupling between dipoles and quadrupoles in Eq. (5.12). Their moments scale, respectively, as a2 or a3 . The coupling is only present when the particles have di9erent radii. Furthermore, for 0xed angle 5, the sign of the interaction depends on whether the small particle is on the right or left side of the large one. With this rather subtle e9ect, which is not yet measured, we close the section about two-particle interactions. 6. The Stokes drag of spherical particles In Section 2.3 we introduced the Ericksen–Leslie equations that govern the hydrodynamics of a nematic liquid crystal. Due to the director as a second hydrodynamic variable besides the >uid velocity, interesting new dynamical phenomena arise. With the MiZesowicz viscosities and Helfrich’s permeation, we presented two of them in Section 2.3. Here we deal with the >ow of a nematic around a spherical particle in order to calculate the Stokes drag, which is a well-known quantity for an isotropic liquid [217,202]. 2 Via the celebrated Stokes–Einstein relation [63– 65], it determines the di9usion constant of a Brownian particle, and it is, therefore, crucial for a 0rst understanding of the dynamics of colloidal suspensions [202]. In Section 6.1 the existing work on the Stokes drag, which has a long-standing tradition in liquid crystals, is reviewed. Starting from the Ericksen–Leslie equations, we introduce the theoretical concepts for its derivation in Section 6.2. We calculate the Stokes drag for three director con0gurations; a uniform director 0eld, the topological dipole, and the Saturn-ring 2
We cite here on purpose the excellent course of Sommerfeld on continuum mechanics. An English edition of his lectures on theoretical physics is available.
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structure. Since a full analytical treatment is not possible, we have performed a numerical investigation. A summary of its details is presented in Section 6.3. Finally, we discuss the results and open problems in Section 6.4. 6.1. Motivation Due to the complexity of the Ericksen–Leslie equations, only few examples with an analytical solution exist, e.g., the >ow between two parallel plates, which de0nes the di9erent MiZesowicz viscosities [47], the Couette >ow [8,46], the Poiseuille >ow [7], which was 0rst measured by Cladis et al. [234], or the back >ow [176]. Besides the exploration of new e9ects, resulting from the coupling between the velocity and director 0eld, solutions to the Ericksen–Leslie equations are also of technological interest. They are necessary to determine the switching times of liquid crystal displays. A common way to measure viscosities of liquids is the falling-ball method, where the velocity of the falling particle is determined by a balance of the gravitational, the buoyancy, and Stokes’s friction force. Early experiments in nematic liquid crystals measured the temperature and pressure dependence of the e9ective viscosity )e9 in the Stokes drag [234,122]. Cladis et al. [234] argued that )e9 is close to the MiZesowicz shear viscosity )b , i.e., to the case where the >uid is >owing parallel to the director (see Fig. 3 in Section 2.3). Nearly twenty years later, Poulin et al. used the Stokes drag to verify the dipolar force between two topological dipoles in inverted nematic emulsions [179]. BUottger et al. [19] observed the Brownian motion of particles above the nematic-isotropic phase transition. Measuring the di9usion constant with the help of dynamic light scattering, they could show that close to the phase transition the e9ective viscosity in the Stokes drag increases due to surface-induced nematic order close to the particle. It is obvious that the hydrodynamic solution for the >ow of a nematic liquid crystal around a particle at rest, which is equivalent to the problem of a moving particle, presents a challenge to theorists. Diogo [57] assumed the velocity 0eld to be the same as the one for an isotropic >uid and calculated the drag force for simple director con0gurations. He was interested in the case where the viscous forces largely exceed the elastic forces of director distortions, i.e., Ericksen numbers much larger than one, as we shall explain in the next subsection. Roman and Terentjev, concentrating on the opposite case, obtained an analytical solution for the >ow velocity in a spatially uniform director 0eld, by an expansion in the anisotropy of the viscosity [194]. Heuer et al. presented analytical and numerical solutions for both the velocity 0eld and the Stokes drag again assuming a uniform director 0eld [112,105]. They were 0rst investigating a cylinder of in0nite length [104]. Ruhwandl and Terentjev allowed for a non-uniform but 0xed director con0guration, and they numerically calculated the velocity 0eld and the Stokes drag of a cylinder [198] or a spherical particle [199]. The particle was surrounded by the Saturn-ring con0guration (see Fig. 12 of Section 4.1), and the cylinder was accompanied by two disclination lines. Billeter and Pelcovits used molecular dynamics simulations to determine the Stokes drag of very small particles [10]. They observed that the Saturn ring is strongly deformed due to the motion of the particles. The experiments on inverted nematic emulsions [182,179] motivated us to perform analogous calculations for the topological dipole [228], which we present in the next subsections. Recently, Chono and Tsuji performed a numerical solution of the Ericksen–Leslie equations around a cylinder determining both the velocity and director 0eld [32]. They could show that
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the director 0eld strongly depends on the Ericksen number. However, for homeotropic anchoring their director 0elds do not show any topological defects required by the boundary conditions. The Stokes drag of a particle surrounded by a disclination ring strongly depends on the presence of line defects. There exist a few studies, which determine both experimentally [37] and theoretically [107,49,203] the drag force of a moving disclination. In the multi-domain cell, a novel liquid crystal display, the occurrence of twist disclinations is forced by boundary conditions [206,205,192]. It is expected that the motion of these line defects strongly determines the switching time of the display. 6.2. Theoretical concepts We 0rst review the Stokes drag in an isotropic liquid and then introduce our approach for the nematic environment. 6.2.1. The Stokes drag in an isotropic >uid The Stokes drag in an isotropic >uid follows from a solution of the Navier–Stokes equations. Instead of considering a moving sphere, one solves the equivalent problem of the >ow around a sphere at rest [217]. An incompressible >uid (div C =0) and a stationary velocity 0eld (9C= 9t =0) are assumed, so that the 0nal set of equations reads div C = 0 and − ∇p + div T = 0 : (6.1) In an isotropic >uid the viscous stress tensor T is proportional to the symmetrized velocity gradient A, T = 2)A, where ) denotes the usual shear viscosity. We have subdivided the pressure p = p0 + p in a static (p0 ) and a hydrodynamic (p ) part. The static pressure only depends on the constant mass density % and, therefore, does not appear in the momentum-balance equation of the set (6.1). The hydrodynamic contribution p is a function of the velocity. It can be chosen zero at in0nity. Furthermore, under the assumption of creeping >ow, we have neglected the non-linear velocity term in the momentum-balance equation resulting from the convective part of the total time derivative d C=dt. That means, the ratio of inertial (%v2 =a) and viscous ()v=a2 ) forces, which de0nes the Reynolds number Re = %va=), is much smaller than one. To estimate the forces, all gradients are assumed to be of the order of the inverse particle radius a−1 , the characteristic length scale of our problem. Eqs. (6.1) are solved analytically for the non-slip condition at the surface of the particle [C(r = a) = 0], and for a uniform velocity C∞ at in0nity. Once the velocity and pressure 0elds are known, the drag force FS follows from an integration of the total stress tensor −p1 + T over the particle surface. An alternative method demands that the dissipated energy per unit time, (T ·A) d 3 r, which we introduced in Eq. (2.27) of Section 2.3, should be FS v∞ [11]. The 0nal result is the famous Stokes formula for the drag force: FS = %v∞ with % = 6)a : (6.2) The symbol % is called the friction coeNcient. The Einstein–Stokes relation relates it to the di9usion constant D of a Brownian particle [63– 65]: kB T D= ; (6.3) 6)a where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is temperature.
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We can also calculate the Stokes drag for a 0nite spherical region of radius r = a=' with the particle at its center [228]. The result is FS = %' v'
with %' = 6)a
1 − 3'=2 + '3 − '5 =2 ; (1 − 3'=2 + '3 =2)2
where v' denotes the uniform velocity at r = a='. The correction term is a monotonically increasing function in ' on the interesting interval [0; 1]. Hence, the Stokes drag increases when the particle is con0ned to a 0nite volume. For ' = 1=32 the correction is about 5%. 6.2.2. The Stokes drag in a nematic environment To calculate the Stokes drag in a nematic environment, we have to deal with the Ericksen– Leslie equations, which couple the >ow of the >uid to the director motion. We do not attempt to solve these equations in general. Analogous to the Reynolds number, we de0ne the Ericksen number [49] as the ratio of viscous ()v∞ =a2 ) and elastic (K=a3 ) forces in the momentum balance of Eq. (2.18): )v∞ a Er = : (6.5) K The elastic forces are due to distortions in the director 0eld, where K stands for an average Frank constant. In the following, we assume Er 1, i.e., the viscous forces are too weak to distort the director 0eld, and we will always use the static director 0eld for C = 0 in our calculations. The condition Er 1 constrains the velocity v∞ . Using typical values of our parameters, i.e., K = 10−6 dyn; ) = 0:1 P, and a = 10 m, we 0nd m v∞ 100 : (6.6) s Before we proceed, let us check for three cases if this constraint is ful0lled. First, in the measurements of the dipolar force by Poulin et al., the velocities of the topological dipole are always smaller than 10 m=s [179]. Secondly, in a falling-ball experiment the velocity v of the falling particle is determined by a balance of the gravitational, the buoyancy, and Stokes’s friction force, i.e., 6)e9 av = (4=3)a3 (% − %> )g, and we obtain v=
m 2 (% − %> )a2 g → 10 : 9 )e9 s
To arrive at the estimate, we choose )e9 =0:1 P and a=10 m. We take %=1 g=cm3 as the mass density of the particle and % − %> = 0:01 g=cm3 as its di9erence to the surrounding >uid [202]. Thirdly, we consider the Brownian motion of a suspended particle. With the time t = a2 =6D that the particle needs to di9use a distance equal to the particle radius a [202], we de0ne an averaged velocity v=
a 6D m → 10−3 = : t a s
The estimate was calculated using the Stokes–Einstein relation of Eq. (6.3) with thermal energy kB T = 4 × 10−14 erg at room temperature and the same viscosity and particle radius as above.
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After we have shown that Er 1 is a reasonable assumption, we proceed as follows. We 0rst calculate the static director 0eld around a sphere from the balance of the elastic torques, n × h0 = 0 [see Eqs. (2.19) and (2.25)]. It corresponds to a minimization of the free energy. For C = 0, the static director 0eld de0nes a static pressure p0 via the momentum balance, −∇p0 + div T 0 = 0, where the elastic stress tensor T 0 depends on the gradient of n [see Eqs. (2.18) and (2.11)]. If we again divide the total pressure into its static and hydrodynamic part, p=p0 +p , the velocity 0eld is determined from the same set of equations as in (6.1), provided that we employ the viscous stress tensor T of a nematic liquid crystal [see Eq. (2.22)]. In the case of an inhomogeneous director 0eld, both the di9erent shear viscosities and the rotational viscosity %1 , discussed in Section 2.3, contribute to the Stokes drag. In general, the friction force FS does not point along C∞ , and the friction coeNcient is now a tensor . In the following, all our con0gurations are rotationally symmetric about the z axis, and the Stokes drag assumes the form FS = C∞
with = %⊥ 1 + (% − %⊥ )ez ⊗ ez :
There only exist two independent components % and %⊥ for a respective >ow parallel or perpendicular to the symmetry axis. In these two cases, the Stokes drag is parallel to C∞ . Otherwise, a component perpendicular to C∞ , called lift force, appears. In analogy with the isotropic >uid, we introduce e9ective viscosities )e9 and )⊥ e9 via
% = 6)e9 a
%⊥ = 6)⊥ e9 a :
It is suNcient to determine the velocity and pressure 0elds for two particular geometries with C∞ either parallel or perpendicular to the z axis. Then, the friction coeNcients are calculated with the help of the dissipated energy per unit time [see Eq. (2.27)] [11,57]: =⊥ FS v∞ = (T ·A + h ·N ) d 3 r : (6.11) It turns out that the alternative method via an integration of the stress tensor at the surface of the particle is numerically less reliable. Note that the velocity and pressure 0elds for an arbitrary angle between C∞ and ez follow from superpositions of the solutions for the two selected geometries. This is due to the linearity of our equations. It is clear that the Brownian motion in an environment with an overall rotational symmetry is governed again by two independent di9usion constants. The generalized Stokes–Einstein formula of the di9usion tensor D takes the form kB T D = D⊥ 1 + (D − D⊥ )ez ⊗ ez with D=⊥ = : (6.12) %=⊥ At the end, we add some critical remarks about our approach which employs the static director 0eld. From the balance equation of the elastic and viscous torques [see Eqs. (2.19), (2.25) and (2.26)], we derive that the change n of the director due to the velocity C is of the order of the Ericksen number: n ∼ Er. This adds a correction T 0 to the elastic stress tensor T 0 in the momentum balance equation. In the case of a spatially uniform director 0eld, the correction T 0 is by a factor Er smaller than the viscous forces, and it can be neglected. However, for a non-uniform director 0eld, it is of the same order as the viscous term, and, strictly speaking,
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should be taken into account. Since our problem is already very complex, even when the directors are 0xed, we keep this approximation for a 0rst approach to the Stokes drag. How the friction force changes when the director 0eld is allowed to relax, must be investigated by even more elaborate calculations. Two remarks support the validity of our approach. First, far away from the sphere, n has to decay at least linearly in 1=r, and T0 is negligible against the viscous forces. Secondly, the non-linear term in the Navier–Stokes equations usually is omitted for Re1. However, whereas the friction and the pressure force for the Stokes problem decay as 1=r 3 , the non-linear term is proportional to 1=r 2 , exceeding the 0rst two terms in the far0eld. Nevertheless, performing extensive calculations, Oseen could prove that the correction of the non-linear term to the Stokes drag is of the order of Re [217]. One might speculate that the full relaxation of the director 0eld introduces a correction of the order of Er to the Stokes drag. 6.3. Summary of numerical details In this subsection we only review the main ideas of our numerical method. A detailed account will be given in Ref. [228]. The numerical investigation is performed on a grid which is de0ned by modi0ed spherical coordinates. Since the region outside the spherical particle is in0nitely extended, we employ a reduced radial coordinate = a=r. The velocity and director 0elds are expressed in the local spherical coordinate basis. With this choice of coordinates, the momentum balance of Eqs. (6.1) with the viscous stress tensor of a nematic becomes very complex. We, therefore, used the algebraic program Maple to formulate it. The two equations in (6.1) are treated by di9erent numerical techniques. Given an initial velocity 0eld, the momentum balance including the inertial term 9C= 9t can be viewed as a relaxation equation towards the stationary velocity 0eld, which we aim to determine. The Newton– Gauss–Seidel method, introduced in Section 2.2, provides an e9ective tool to implement this relaxation. Employing the discretized version of the momentum balance equation, the velocity at the grid point r relaxes according to vinew (r) = viold (r) −
[ − ∇p + div T ]i : [9(−∇p + div T )]i = 9vi (r)
Note that the denominator can be viewed as the inverse of a variable time step for the 0ctitious temporal dynamics of C. A relaxation equation for the pressure involving div C = 0 is motivated by the method of arti0cial compressibility [33]. Let us consider the complete mass-balance equation. For small variations of the density, we obtain 9p % 9p = − 2 div C with c = : (6.14) 9t c 9% The quantity c denotes the sound velocity for constant temperature, and c2 =% is the isothermal compressibility. In discretized form we have % pnew = pold − 2 Vt div C : (6.15) c
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Note that the reduced 0ctitious time step % Vt=c2 cannot be chosen according to the Newton– Gauss–Seidel method since div C does not contain the pressure p. Instead, it should be as large as possible to speed up the calculations. In Ref. [187] upper bounds are given beyond which the numerical scheme becomes unstable. To obtain the friction coeNcient % , an e9ective two-dimensional problem has to be solved due to the rotational symmetry of the director con0gurations about the z axis. In the case of %⊥ (C∞ ⊥ez ), the velocity 0eld possesses at least two mirror planes which are perpendicular to each other and whose line of intersection is the z axis. As a result, the necessary three-dimensional calculations can be reduced to one quadrant of the real space. A description of all the boundary conditions will be presented in Ref. [228]. The director 0elds for the topological dipole and the Saturn ring are provided by the respective ansatz functions of Eqs. (22) and (33) in Ref. [140]. The parameters of minimum free energy are chosen. In Section 4 we showed that these ansatz functions give basically the same results as the numerical investigation. We checked our programs in the isotropic case. It turned out that the three-dimensional version is not completely stable for an in0nitely extended integration area. We therefore solved Eqs. (6.1) in a 0nite region of reduced radius r=a = 1=' = 32. For ' = 1=32, our programs reproduced the isotropic Stokes drag, calculated from Eq. (6.4), with an error of 1%. 6.4. Results, discussion, and open problems We begin with an investigation of the stream line patterns, discuss the e9ective viscosities, and formulate some open problems at the end. 6.4.1. Stream line patterns In Fig. 27 we compare the stream line patterns around a spherical particle for an isotropic liquid and a spatially uniform director 0eld parallel to C∞ . A uniform n can be achieved by weak surface anchoring and application of a magnetic 0eld with a magnetic coherence length smaller than the particle radius. In the isotropic >uid the bent stream lines occupy more space around the particle, whereas for a uniform director con0guration they seem to follow the vertical director 0eld lines as much as possible. This can be understood from a minimum principle. In Section 2.3 we explained that a shear >ow along the director possesses the smallest shear viscosity, called )b . Hence, in such a geometry the smallest amount of energy is dissipated. Indeed, for a uniform director 0eld, one can derive the momentum balance from a minimization of the dissipation function stated in Eq. (2.27) [104]. A term −2p div C has to be added because of the incompressibility of the >uid. It turns out that the Lagrange multiplier −2p is determined by the pressure p. In the case of the topological dipole parallel to C∞ , we observe a clear asymmetry in the stream lines as illustrated in Fig. 28. The dot indicates the position of the point defect. It breaks the mirror symmetry of the stream line pattern, which exists, e.g., in an isotropic liquid relative to a plane perpendicular to the vertical axis. In the far0eld of the velocity, the splay deformation in the dipolar director con0guration is clearly recognizable. Since we use the linearized momentum balance in C, the velocity 0eld is the same no matter if the >uid >ows upward or downward. The stream line pattern of the Saturn ring [see Fig. 29 (right)] exhibits the mirror symmetry,
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Fig. 27. Stream line pattern around a spherical particle for an isotropic liquid (right) and a uniform director 0eld parallel to C∞ (left). Fig. 28. Stream line pattern around a spherical particle for an isotropic liquid (right) and the topological dipole parallel to C∞ (left).
and the position of the ring disclination is visible by a dip in the stream line close to the equator of the sphere. If C∞ is perpendicular to the dipole axis, the missing mirror plane of the dipole con0guration is even more pronounced in the stream line pattern. It is illustrated in Fig. 30, where the point defect is indicated by a dip in the stream line. Although the pattern resembles the one of the Magnus e9ect [217], symmetry dictates that FS⊥ C∞ . A lift force perpendicular to C∞ does not exist. We 0nd a non-zero viscous torque acting on the particle whose direction for a >uid >ow from left to right is indicated in Fig. 30. Symmetry allows such a torque M since the cross product of the dipole moment p and C∞ gives an axial or pseudovector M ˙ p × C∞ . In the Saturn-ring con0guration a non-zero dipole moment and, therefore, a non-zero torque cannot occur. 6.4.2. E<ective viscosities In Table 1 we summarize the e9ective viscosities of the Stokes drag, de0ned in Eq. (6.10), for a uniform director 0eld, the dipole and the Saturn-ring con0guration. The values are calculated for the two compounds MBBA and 5CB. For a reference, we include the three MiZesowicz viscosities. In the case of C∞ parallel to the symmetry axis of the three con0gurations, we might expect that )e9 is close to )b as argued by Cladis et al. [234]. For a uniform director 0eld, )e9 exceeds )b by 30% or 60%, respectively. The increase originates in the stream lines bending around the particle. The e9ective viscosity )e9 of the dipole and the Saturn ring are larger than )b by an approximate factor of two. In addition to the bent stream lines, there exist
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Fig. 29. Stream line pattern around a spherical particle for the Saturn ring (right) and the topological dipole (left) with their respective symmetry axis parallel to C∞ . Fig. 30. Stream line pattern around a spherical particle for the topological dipole perpendicular to C∞ .
Table 1 E9ective viscosities of the Stokes drag for the two compounds MBBA and 5CB and for three di9erent director con0gurations. As a reference, the three MiZesowicz viscosities are included
)e9 (P) )⊥ e9 (P) )⊥ e9 =)e9
MBBA: )a = 0:416 P; )b = 0:283 P; )c = 1:035 P
5CB: )a = 0:374 P; )b = 0:229 P; )c = 1:296 P
Uniform n
Saturn ring
Uniform n
Saturn ring
0.380 0.684 1.80
0.517 0.767 1.48
0.493 0.747 1.51
0.381 0.754 1.98
0.532 0.869 1.63
0.501 0.848 1.69
strong director distortions close to the particle which the >uid has to >ow through constantly changing the local direction of the moving molecules. Recalling our discussion of the permeation in Section 2.3, a contribution from the rotational viscosity %1 arises which does not exist in a uniform director 0eld. In all three cases, we 0nd )e9 either close to or larger than )a , so that )b is not the only determining quantity of )e9 , as argued by Cladis et al. [234]. For C∞ perpendicular to the symmetry axis, )e9 ⊥ assumes a value between )a and )c , which is understandable since the >ow velocity is mainly perpendicular to the director 0eld. The ratio )⊥ e9 =)e9 for the uniform director 0eld is the largest since the extreme cases of a respective >ow parallel or perpendicular to the director 0eld is realized the best in this con0guration. Furthermore, both the dipole and the Saturn ring exhibit nearly the same anisotropy, and we conclude that they cannot be distinguished from each other in a falling-ball experiment.
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The ratios )⊥ e9 =)e9 that we determine for the Saturn ring and the uniform director 0eld in the case of the compound MBBA agree well with the results of Ruhwandl and Terentjev who 0nd ⊥ )⊥ e9 =)e9 |uniform = 1:69 and )e9 =)e9 |Saturn = 1:5 [199]. However, they di9er from the 0ndings of Billeter and Pelcovits in their molecular dynamics simulations [10]. In the ansatz function of the dipolar con0guration, we vary the separation rd between the hedgehog and the center of the particle. Both the e9ective viscosities increase with rd since the non-uniform director 0eld with its strong distortions occupies more space. However, the ratio )⊥ e9 =)e9 basically remains the same. For the Saturn ring, )e9 increases stronger with the radius rd than does )⊥ e9 . This seems to be reasonable since a >ow perpendicular to the plane of the Saturn ring experiences more resistance than a >ow parallel to the plane. As a result, )⊥ e9 =)e9 decreases when the ring radius rd is enlarged. 6.4.3. Open problems One should try to perform a complete solution of the Ericksen–Leslie equations including a relaxation of the static director 0eld for C = 0. In the case of Er 1, a linearization in the small deviation n from the static director 0eld would suNce. Such a procedure helps to gain insight into several open problems. First, it veri0es or falsi0es the hypothesis that the correction to the Stokes drag is of the order of Er. Secondly, the Stokes drag of the topological dipole is the same whether the >ow is parallel or anti-parallel to the dipole moment. This is also true for an object with a dipolar shape in an isotropic >uid. If such an object is slightly turned away from its orientation parallel to C∞ , it will experience a viscous torque and either relax back or reverse its direction to 0nd its absolute stable orientation. The topological dipole will not turn around since it experiences an elastic torque towards its initial direction, as explained in Section 5.1. Nevertheless, a full solution of the Ericksen–Leslie equations would show whether and how much the dipole deviates from its preferred direction under the in>uence of a velocity 0eld. It would also clarify its orientation when C∞ is perpendicular to the dipolar axis. Furthermore, we speculate that the non-zero viscous torque, discussed in Section 6.4.1, is cancelled by elastic torques. Preliminary results [228] for the two-dimensional problem with the relaxation of the director 0eld included show that the Stokes drag of the dipolar con0guration varies indeed linearly in Er for Er ¡ 1. Furthermore, it is highly non-linear depending on C∞ being either parallel or anti-parallel to the topological dipole. The Stokes drag of particles in a nematic environment still presents a challenging problem to theorists. On the other hand, clear measurements of, e.g., the anisotropy in Stokes’s friction force are missing. 7. Colloidal dispersions in complex geometries In this section we present a numerical investigation of water droplets in a spherically con0ned nematic solvent. It is motivated by experiments on multiple nematic emulsions which we reported in Section 3.2. However, it also applies to solid spherical particles. Our main purpose is to demonstrate that the topological dipole provides a key unit for the understanding of multiple emulsions. In Sections 7.1–7.3 we 0rst state the questions and main results of our investigation.
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Fig. 31. Scenario to explain the chaining of water droplets in a large nematic drop. The right water droplet and its companion hyperbolic hedgehog form a dipole, which is attracted by the strong splay deformation around the droplet in the center (left picture). The dipole moves towards the center until at short distances the repulsion mediated by the point defect sets in (middle picture). A third droplet moves to the region of maximum splay to form a linear chain with the two other droplets.
Then we de0ne the geometry of our problem and summarize numerical details. In particular, we employ the numerical method of 0nite elements [227] which is most suitable for non-trivial geometries. Finally we present our results in detail and discuss them. The last subsection contains an analytical treatment of the twist transition of a radial director 0eld enclosed between two concentric spheres. It usually occurs when the inner sphere is not present. We perform a linear stability analysis and thereby explain the observation that a small water droplet at the center of a large nematic drop suppresses the twisting. 7.1. Questions and main results In our numerical investigation we demonstrate that the dipolar con0guration formed by one spherical particle and its companion hyperbolic point defect also exists in more complex geometries, e.g., nematic drops. This provides an explanation for the chaining reported in Section 3.2 and in Refs. [182,183]. One water droplet 0ts perfectly into the center of a large nematic drop, which has a total topological charge +1. Any additional water droplet has to be accompanied by a hyperbolic hedgehog in order not to change the total charge. If the dipole forms (see Fig. 31, left), it is attracted by the strong splay deformation in the center, as predicted by the phenomenological theory of Section 5.1 and in Refs. [182,140], until the short-range repulsion mediated by the defect sets in (see Fig. 31, middle). Any additional droplet seeks the region of maximum splay and forms a linear chain with the two other droplets. In the following we present a detailed study of the dipole formation in spherical geometries. For example, when the two water droplets in the middle picture of Fig. 31 are moved apart symmetrically about the center of the large drop, the dipole forms via a second-order phase transition. We also identify the dipole in a bipolar con0guration which occurs for planar boundary conditions at the outer surface of the nematic drop. Two boojums, i.e., surface defects appear [145,26,120], and the dipole is attracted by the strong splay deformation in the vicinity of one of them [182,183,140]. Besides the dipole we 0nd another stable con0guration in this geometry, where the hyperbolic hedgehog sits close to one of the boojums, which leads to a hysteresis in the formation of the dipole. In the experiment it was found that the distance d of the point defect from the surface of a water droplet scales with the radius r of the droplet like d ≈ 0:3r [182,183]. In the following we will call this relation the scaling law. By our numerical investigations, we con0rm this scaling
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Fig. 32. (a) Geometry parameters for two water droplets with respective radii r1 and r2 in a large nematic drop with radius r3 . The system is axially symmetric about the z axis, and cylindrical coordinates 6; z are used. The coordinates z1 ; z2 , and zd are the respective positions of the two droplets and the hyperbolic hedgehog. The two distances of the hedgehog from the surfaces of the droplets are d1 and d2 . From Ref. [220]. (b) Triangulation of the integration area (lattice constant: b = 0:495). Between the small spheres a re0ned net of triangles is chosen. From Ref. [220].
law within an accuracy of ca. 15%, and we discuss the in>uence of the outer boundary of the large drop. Finally, we show that water droplets can repel each other without a hyperbolic defect placed between them. 7.2. Geometry and numerical details We numerically investigate two particular geometries of axial symmetry. The 0rst problem is de0ned in Fig. 32a. We consider two spherical water droplets with respective radii r1 and r2 in a large nematic drop with radius r3 . The whole system possesses axial symmetry, so that the water droplets and the hyperbolic hedgehog, indicated by a cross, are located always on the z axis. We employ a cylindrical coordinate system. The coordinates z1 ; z2 , and zd denote, respectively, the positions of the centers of the droplets and of the hyperbolic hedgehog on the z axis. The distances of the hedgehog from the surfaces of the two water droplets are, respectively, d1 and d2 . Then, the quantity d1 + d2 means the distance of the two small spheres, and the point defect is situated in the middle between them if d1 = d2 . We, furthermore, restrict the nematic director to the (6; z) plane, which means that we do not allow for twist deformations. 3 3
In nematic droplets with homeotropic anchoring a twist in the director 0eld is usually observed (see [26] and Section 7.4). In Section 4.3.2 we demonstrated that it even appears in the dipole con0guration close to the hyperbolic hedgehog. However, for the Frank elastic constants of 5CB, the distance of the defect from the surface of the water droplet di9ers only by 10% if the director 0eld is not allowed to twist. We do not expect a di9erent behavior in the geometry under consideration in this section. Here, we want to concentrate, as a 0rst step, on the principal features of the system. Therefore, we neglect twist deformations to simplify the numerics. The same simpli0cation to catch the main behavior of nematic drops in a magnetic 0eld was used by other authors, see, e.g., [115,114].
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The director is expressed in the local coordinate basis of the cylindrical coordinate system, n(6; z)=sin (6; z)e6 +cos (6; z)ez , where we introduced the tilt angle . It is always restricted to the range [−=2; =2] to ensure the n → −n symmetry of the nematic phase. At all the boundaries we assume a rigid homeotropic anchoring of the director, which allows us to omit any surface term in the free energy. In Ref. [140] it was shown that rigid anchoring is justi0ed in our system and that any deformation of the water droplets can be neglected. In the second problem we have only one water droplet insider a large nematic drop. We use the same coordinates and lengths as described in Fig. 32a, but omit the second droplet. The anchoring of the director at the outer surface of the large nematic sphere is rigid planar. At the surface of the small sphere we again choose a homeotropic boundary condition. Because of the non-trivial geometry of our problem, we decided to employ the method of 0nite elements [227], where the integration area is covered with triangles. We construct a net of triangles by covering our integration area with a hexagonal lattice with lattice constant b. Vertices of triangles that only partially belong to the integration area are moved onto the boundary along the radial direction of the appropriate sphere. As a result, extremely obtuse triangles occur close to the boundary. We use a relaxation mechanism to smooth out these irregularities. The 0nal triangulation is shown in Fig. 32b. In the area between the small spheres, where the hyperbolic hedgehog is situated, the grid is further subdivided to account for the strong director deformations close to the point defect. The local re0nement helps us to locate the minimum position of the defect between the spheres within a maximum error of 15% by keeping the computing time to a reasonable value [220]. In the following, we express the Frank free energy, introduced in Section 2.1, in units of K3 a ^ The quantity a is the characteristic length scale of our system, and denote it by the symbol F. typically several microns. The saddle-splay term, a pure surface term, is not taken into account. The Frank free energy is discretized on the triangular net. For details, we refer the reader to Ref. [220]. To 0nd a minimum of the free energy, we start with a con0guration that already possesses the hyperbolic point defect at a 0xed position zd and let it relax via the standard Newton–Gauss–Seidel method [187], which we illustrate in Eq. (2.16) of Section 2.2. Integrating the free energy density over one triangle yields a line energy, i.e., an energy per unit length. As a rough estimate for its upper limit we introduce the line tension Fl =(K1 +K3 )=2 of the isotropic core of a disclination [51]. Whenever the numerically calculated local line energy is larger than Fl , we replace it by Fl . Note that Fl di9ers from Eq. (2.34). However, its main purpose is to stabilize the hyperbolic point defect against opening up to a disclination ring whose radius would be unphysical, i.e., larger than the values discussed in Section 2.4.2. All our calculations are performed for the nematic liquid crystal pentylcyanobiphenyl (5CB), for which the experiments were done [182,183]. Its respective bend and splay elastic constants are K3 = 0:53 × 10−6 dyn and K1 = 0:42 × 10−6 dyn. The experimental ratio r3 =r1=2 of the radii of the large and small drops is in the range 10 –50 [182,183]. The diNculty is that we want to investigate details of the director 0eld close to the small spheres which requires a 0ne triangulation on the length scale given by r1=2 . To keep the computing time to a reasonable value we choose the following lengths: r3 = 7; r1=2 = 0:5–2, and b = 0:195 for the lattice constant of the grid. In addition, we normally use one step of grid re0nement between the small spheres (geometry 1) or between the small sphere and the south pole of the large nematic drop (geometry 2). With such parameters we obtain a lattice with 2200 –2500 vertices.
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Fig. 33. The free energy F^ as a function of the distance d1 + d2 between the small spheres which are placed symmetrically about z = 0 (r1 = r2 = 1). Curve 1: zd = 0, curve 2: position zd of the defect can relax along the z axis. From Ref. [220]. Fig. 34. The free energy F^ − F^min as a function of d1 =r1 = d2 =r2 . The small spheres are placed symmetrically about z = 0. Curve 1: r1 = r2 = 0:5, curve 2: r1 = r2 = 1, and curve 3: r1 = r2 = 2. From Ref. [220].
7.3. Results and discussion of the numerical study In this subsection we discuss the results from our numerical investigation. First, we con0rm the scaling law d1=2 ≈ 0:3r1=2 , which was observed in experiment, by varying the di9erent lengths in our geometry. Secondly, we demonstrate that the topological dipole is also meaningful in complex geometries. Finally, we show that the hyperbolic hedgehog is not necessary to mediate a repulsion between the water droplets. 7.3.1. Scaling law In Fig. 33 we plot the reduced free energy F^ as a function of the distance d1 + d2 between the surfaces of the small spheres, which are placed symmetrically about the center, i.e., z2 = −z1 . Their radii are r1 = r2 = 1. Curve 1 shows a clear minimum at d1 + d2 ≈ 0:7, the defect stays in the middle between the two spheres at zd = 0. In curve 2 we move the defect along the z axis and plot the minimum free energy for each 0xed distance d1 + d2 . It is obvious that beyond d1 + d2 = 2 the defect moves to one of the small spheres. We will investigate this result in more detail in the following subsection. In Fig. 34 we take three di9erent radii for the small spheres, r1 = r2 = 0:5; 1; 2, and plot the free energy versus d1 =r1 close to the minimum. Recall that d1 is the distance of the hedgehog from the surface of sphere 1. Since for such small distances d1 + d2 the defect always stays at zd = 0, i.e., in the middle between the two spheres, we have d1 =r1 = d2 =r2 . The quantity F^min refers to the minimum free energy of each curve. For each of the three radii we obtain an energetically preferred distance d1 =r1 in the range of [0:3; 0:35], which agrees well with the experimental value of 0.3. Why does a scaling law of the form d1=2 = (0:325 ± 0:025)r1=2 occur? When the small spheres are far away from the surface of the large nematic drop, its 0nite radius r3 should hardly in>uence the distances d1 and d2 . Then, the only length scale in the system is r1 = r2 , and we expect d1=2 ˙ r1=2 . However, in Fig. 34 the in>uence from the boundary of the
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large sphere is already visible. Let us take curve 2 for spheres with radii r1=2 = 1 as a reference. It is approximately symmetric about d1 =r1 = 0:35. The slope of the right part of curve 3, which corresponds to larger spheres of radii r1=2 = 2, is steeper than in curve 2. Also, the location of the minimum clearly tends to values smaller than 0.3. We conclude that the small spheres are already so large that they are strongly repelled by the boundary of the nematic drop. On the other hand, the slope of the right part of curve 1, which was calculated for spheres of radii r1=2 = 0:5, if less steep than in curve 2. This leads to the conclusion that the boundary of the nematic drop has only a minor in>uence on such small spheres. When we move the two spheres with radii r1=2 = 1 together in the same direction along the z axis, the defect always stays in the middle between the droplets and obeys the scaling law. We have tested its validity within the range [0; 3] for the defect position zd . Of course, the absolute minimum of the free energy occurs in the symmetric position of the two droplets, z2 = −z1 . We further check the scaling law for r1 = r2 . We investigate two cases. When we choose r1 = 2 and r2 = 0:6, we obtain d1=2 ≈ 0:3r1=2 . In the second case, r1 = 2 and r2 = 1, we 0nd d1 ≈ 0:37r1 and d2 ≈ 0:3r2 . As observed in the experiment, the defect sits always closer to the smaller sphere. There is no strong deviation from the scaling law d1=2 = (0:325 ± 0:025)r1=2 , although we would allow for it, since r1 = r2 . 7.3.2. Identi4cation of the dipole In this subsection we demonstrate that the topological dipole is meaningful in our geometry. We place sphere 2 with radius r2 = 1 in the center of the nematic drop at z2 = 0. Then, we determine the energetically preferred position of the point defect for di9erent locations z1 of sphere 1 (r1 = 1). The position of the hedgehog is indicated by > = (d2 − d1 )=(d1 + d2 ). If the defect is located in the middle between the two spheres, > is zero since d1 = d2 . On the other hand, if it sits at the surface of sphere 1, d1 = 0, and > becomes one. In Fig. 35 we plot the free energy F^ versus >. In curve 1, where the small spheres are farthest apart from each other (z1 = 5), we clearly 0nd the defect close to sphere 1. This veri0es that the dipole is existing. It is stable against >uctuations since a rough estimate of the thermally induced mean displacement of the defect yields 0.01. The estimate is performed in full analogy to Eq. (4.6) of Section 4.2. When sphere 1 is approaching the center (curve 2: z1 = 4 and curve 3: z1 = 3:5), the defect moves away from the droplet until it nearly reaches the middle between both spheres (curve 4: z1 = 3). This means, the dipole vanishes gradually until the hyperbolic hedgehog is shared by both water droplets. An interesting situation occurs when sphere 1 and 2 are placed symmetrically about z = 0. Then, the defect has two equivalent positions on the positive and negative part of the z axis. In Fig. 36 we plot again the free energy F^ versus the position > of the defect. From curve 1 to 3 (z1 = z2 = 4; 3; 2:5) the minimum in F^ becomes broader and more shallow. The defect moves closer towards the center until at z1 = −z2 ≈ 2:3 (curve 4) it reaches >=0. This is reminiscent to a symmetry-breaking second-order phase transition [27,124] which occurs when, in the course of moving the water droplets apart, the dipole starts to form. We take > as an order parameter, where >=0 and > = 0 describe, respectively, the high- and the low-symmetry phase. A Landau expansion of the free energy yields ^ F(>) = F^0 (z1 ) + a0 [2:3 − z1 ]>2 + c(z1 )>4 ;
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Fig. 35. The free energy F^ as a function of > = (d2 − d1 )=(d1 + d2 ). Sphere 2 is placed at z2 = 0. The position z1 of sphere 1 is the parameter. Curve 1: z1 = 5, curve 2: z1 = 4, curve 3: z1 = 3:5, and curve 4: z1 = 3. The radii are r1 = r2 = 1. From Ref. [220]. Fig. 36. The free energy F^ as a function of > = (d2 − d1 )=(d1 + d2 ). The small spheres are placed symmetrically about z = 0. Curve 1: z1 = −z2 = 4, curve 2: z1 = −z2 = 3, curve 3: z1 = −z2 = 2:5, curve 4: z1 = −z2 = 2:3, curve 5: z1 = −z2 = 2. The radii are r1 = r2 = 1. From Ref. [220].
where z1 = −z2 plays the role of the temperature. Odd powers in > are not allowed because ^ ^ −>). This free energy qualitatively describes the curves of the required symmetry, F(>) = F( in Fig. 36. It should be possible to observe such a “second-order phase transition” 4 with a method introduced recently by Poulin et al. [179] to measure dipolar forces in inverted nematic emulsion. We already explained the method in Section 5.2 after Eq. (5.12). Two small droplets 0lled with a magnetorheological >uid are forced apart when a small magnetic 0eld of about 100 G is applied perpendicular to the z axis. When the magnetic 0eld is switched o9, the two droplets move towards each other to reach the equilibrium distance. In the course of this process the phase transition for the dipole should be observable. 7.3.3. The dipole in a bipolar con4guration It is possible to change the anchoring of the director at the outer surface of the large nematic drop from homeotropic to planar by adding some amount of glycerol to the surrounding water phase [182]. Then the bipolar con0guration for the director 0eld appears [26,120], where two boojums [145], i.e., surface defects of charge 1 are situated at the north and south pole of the large nematic drop (see con0guration (1) in Fig. 37). The topological point charge of the interior of the nematic drop is zero, and every small water droplet with homeotropic boundary condition has to be accompanied by a hyperbolic hedgehog. In the experiment the hedgehog sits close to the water droplet, i.e., the dipole exists and it is attracted by the strong splay deformation 4
There is strictly speaking no true phase transition since our investigated system has 0nite size. However, we do not expect a qualitative change in Fig. 36, when the nematic drop is much larger than the enclosed water droplets (r3 r1 ; r2 ), i.e., when the system reaches the limit of in0nite size.
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Fig. 37. Planar boundary conditions at the outer surface of the large sphere create boojums, i.e., surface defects at the north and the south pole. A water droplet with homeotropic boundary conditions nucleates a hyperbolic hedgehog. Two con0gurations exist that are either stable or metastable depending on the position of the water droplet; (1) the dipole, (2) the hyperbolic hedgehog sitting at the surface. From Ref. [220]. Fig. 38. The free energy F^ as a function of the position z1 of the water droplet for the con0gurations (1) and (2). For z1 ¿ − 3:5, (1) is stable, and (2) is metastable. The situation is reversed for −4:3 ¡ z1 ¡ − 3:5. Con0guration (1) loses its metastability at z1 = −4:3. From Ref. [220].
close to the south pole [182], as predicted by the phenomenological theory of Section 5 and Refs. [182,140]. A numerical analysis of the free energy F^ is in agreement with experimental observations but also reveals some interesting details which have to be con0rmed. In Fig. 38 we plot F^ as a function of the position z1 of the small water droplet with radius r1 =1. The diagram consists of curves (1) and (2), which correspond, respectively, to con0gurations (1) and (2) in Fig. 37. The free energy possesses a minimum at around z1 = −5:7. The director 0eld assumes con0guration (2), where the hyperbolic hedgehog is situated at the surface of the nematic drop. Moving the water droplet closer to the surface, induces a repulsion due to the strong director deformations around the point defect. When the water droplet is placed far away from the south pole, i.e., at large z1 , the dipole of con0guration (1) forms and represents the absolute stable director 0eld. At z1 = −3:5 the dipole becomes metastable but the system does not assume con0guration (2) since the energy barrier the system has to overcome by thermal activation is much too high. By numerically calculating the free energy for di9erent positions of the hedgehog, we have, e.g., at z1 = −4:0, determined an energy barrier of K3 a ≈ 1000kB T , where kB is the Boltzmann constant, T the room temperature, and a ≈ 1 m. At z1 = −4:3, the dipole even loses its metastability, the hyperbolic defect jumps to the surface at the south pole and the water droplet follows until it reaches its energetically preferred position. On the other hand, if it were possible to move the water droplet away from the south pole, the hyperbolic hedgehog would stay at the surface, since con0guration (2) is always metastable for z1 ¿ −3:5. The energy barrier for a transition to the dipole is again at least 1000kB T . We have also investigated the distance d1 of the defect from the surface of the water droplet. For z1 ∈ [ − 2; 4], d1 >uctuates between 0.3 and 0.35. For z1 ¡ − 2, it increases up to 0.5 at z1 = −4:3, where the dipole loses its metastability.
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Fig. 39. An alternative, metastable con0guration. Both droplets are surrounded by a −1=2 disclination ring which compensates the topological charge +1 of each droplet. An additional +1=2 disclination ring close to the surface of the nematic drop satis0es the total topological charge +1. From Ref. [220]. Fig. 40. The free energy F^ as a function of the distance d of the droplets. A repulsion for d ¡ 0:6 is clearly visible. From Ref. [220].
7.3.4. Repulsion without defect We return to the 0rst geometry with two water droplets and homeotropic boundary conditions at all the surfaces. When we take either a uniform director 0eld or randomly oriented directors as a starting con0guration, our system always relaxes into the con0guration sketched in Fig. 39. Both water droplets are surrounded in their equatorial plane by a −1=2 disclination ring which compensates the point charge +1 carried by each droplet. That means, each droplet creates a Saturn-ring con0guration around it, which we introduced in Section 4.1 (see also Refs. [225,119]). To obtain the total point charge +1 of the nematic drop there has to be an additional topological defect with a point charge +1. In the numerically relaxed director 0eld, we 0nd a +1=2 disclination ring close to the outer surface. This con0guration has a higher energy than the one with the hyperbolic hedgehog. It is only metastable. Since a transition to the stable con0guration needs a complete rearrangement of the director 0eld, the energy barrier is certainly larger than K33 a ≈ 1000kB T . We, therefore, expect the con0guration of Fig. 39 to be stable against thermal >uctuations. It would be interesting to search for it in an experiment. We use the con0guration to demonstrate that even without the hyperbolic hedgehog the two water droplets experience some repulsion when they come close to each other. In Fig. 40 we plot the free energy F^ versus the separation d of the two spheres. For large d, the free energy oscillates which we attribute to numerical artifacts. For decreasing d, the free energy clearly increases, and the water droplets repel each other due to the strong deformation of the director 0eld lines connecting the two droplets. 7.4. Coda: twist transition in nematic drops Already thirty years ago, in connection with nematic emulsions, the two main director con0gurations in a nematic drop were discussed both experimentally and theoretically [147,61]: for
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homeotropic boundary conditions, a radial hedgehog at the center of the drop appears, whereas tangential surface anchoring leads to the bipolar structure already discussed above. The simple picture had to be modi0ed when it was found that nematic drops in both cases also exhibit a twisted structure [26]. For the bipolar con0guration, a linear stability analysis of the twist transition was performed [237]. A numerical study of the twisting in the radial structure of capillaries was presented in Refs. [185,186]. Lavrentovich and Terentjev proposed that the twisted director 0eld in a nematic drop with homeotropic surface anchoring is given by a combination of a hyperbolic hedgehog at the center of the drop and a radial one at its periphery [126] as illustrated in Fig. 7 of Section 2.4.1. This con0guration was analyzed by means of an ansatz function, and a criterion for the twist transition was given [126]. In this subsection we focus on the director 0eld between two concentric spheres with perpendicular anchoring at both the surfaces and present a stability analysis for the radial con0guration against axially symmetric deformations. In particular, we will derive a criterion for the twist transition, and we will show that even small spheres inside a large one are suNcient to avoid twisted con0gurations. This has been recently observed in the experiments on multiple nematic emulsions [182,183]. Throughout the paper we assume rigid surface anchoring of the molecules. In nematic emulsions it can be achieved by a special choice of the surfactant [182,183]. For completeness we note that in a single droplet for suNciently weak anchoring strength an axial structure with an equatorial disclination ring appears [66,60]. In the following three subsections, we 0rst expand the Frank free energy into small deviations from the radial con0guration up to second order. Then, we formulate and solve the corresponding eigenvalue equation arising from a linear stability analysis. The lowest eigenvalue leads to a criterion for the twist transition. We close with a discussion of our results. 7.4.1. Expansion of the elastic energy We consider the defect-free radial director con0guration between two concentric spheres of radii rmin and rmax and assume rigid radial surface anchoring at all the surfaces. If the smaller sphere is missing, the radial director con0guration exhibits a point defect at the center. We will argue below that this situation, rmin = 0, is included in our treatment. The twist transition reduces the SO(3) symmetry of the radial director con0guration to an axial C∞ symmetry. In order to investigate the stability of the radial con0guration n0 = er against a twist transition, we write the local director in a spherical coordinate basis, allowing for small deviations along the polar (5) and the azimuthal (7) direction: n(r; 5) = (1 − 12 b2 f2 − 12 a2 g2 )er + age5 + bfe7 :
f(r; 5) and g(r; 5) are general functions which do not depend on 7 due to our assumption of axial symmetry. The amplitudes a and b describe the magnitude of the polar and azimuthal deviation from the radial con0guration. The second-order terms in a and b result from the normalization of the director. The radial director 0eld between the spheres only involves a splay distortion, and its Frank free energy is Fradial = 8K11 (rmax − rmin ) ;
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where we did not include the saddle-splay energy. If an azimuthal (b = 0) or a polar component (a = 0) of the director is introduced, the splay energy can be reduced at costs of non-zero twist and bend contributions depending on the values of the Frank elastic constants K1 , K2 , and K3 . We expand the Frank free energy of the director 0eld in Eq. (7.2) up to second order in a and b and obtain 2 VF = 2b dr d cos 5[ − 4K1 (f2 + rfr f) + K2 (cot 5f + f5 )2 + K3 (f + rfr )2 ] 2 + 2a dr d cos 5[ − 4K1 (g2 + rgr g) + K1 (cot 5g + g5 )2 + K3 (g + rgr )2 ] (7.4) as the deviation from Fradial . The respective subscripts r and 5 denote partial derivatives with respect to the corresponding coordinates. Note that there are no linear terms in a or b, i.e., the radial director 0eld is always an extremum of the Frank free energy. Furthermore, there is no cross-coupling term ab in Eq. (7.4), and the stability analysis for polar and azimuthal perturbations can be treated separately. For example, for any function f(r; 5) leading to a negative value of the 0rst integral in Eq. (7.4), the radial con0guration (a = b = 0) is unstable with respect to a small azimuthal deformation (b = 0), which introduces a twist into the radial director 0eld. Therefore, we will call it the twist deformation in the following. An analogous statement holds for g(r; 5) which introduces a pure bend into the radial director 0eld. We are now determining the condition the elastic constants have to ful0l in order to allow for such functions f(r; 5) and g(r; 5). As we will demonstrate in the next subsection, the solution of this problem is equivalent to solving an eigenvalue problem. 7.4.2. Formulating and solving the eigenvalue problem In a 0rst step, we focus on the twist deformation (b = 0). We are facing the problem to determine for which values of K1 , K2 , and K3 the functional inequality dr d x {K2 (1 − x2 )[xf=(1 − x2 ) − fx ]2 + (K3 − 4K1 )f2 + (2K3 − 4K1 )rfr f + K3 r 2 fr2 } ¡ 0
possesses solutions f(r; x). The left-hand side of the inequality is the 0rst integral of Eq. (7.4) after substituting x = cos 5. After some manipulations (see Ref. [197]), we obtain
dr d x (K2 fD(x) f + K3 fD(r) f)
¡ 2K1 ; (7.6) dr d x f2 where the second-order di9erential operators D(x) and D(r) are given by D(x) = (1 − x2 )
92 9 1 + 2x + 2 9x 9x 1 − x2
D(r) = −r 2
92 9 − 2r : 2 9r 9r
The inequality in Eq. (7.6) is ful0lled the best when the left-hand side assumes a minimum. According to the Ritz principle in quantum mechanics, this minimum is given by the lowest
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eigenvalue of the operator K2 D(x) + K3 D(r)
on the space of square-integrable functions with f(rmin ; 5) = f(rmax ; 5) = 0 for 0 6 5 6 (0xed boundary condition) and f(r; 0) = f(r; ) = 0 for rmin 6 r 6 rmax . The eigenvalue equation of the operator K2 D(x) +K3 D(r) separates into a radial and an angular part. The radial part is an Eulerian di9erential equation [20] with the lowest eigenvalue 2 1 (r) &0 = + (7.9) 4 ln(rmax =rmin ) and the corresponding eigenfunction ln(r=rmin ) 1 (r) f (r) = √ sin : ln(rmax =rmin ) r
The angular part of the eigenvalue equation is solved by the associated Legendre functions Pnm=1 . The lowest eigenvalue is &0(x) = 2, and the corresponding eigenfunction is f(x) (5) = P11 (5) = sin 5. With both these results, we obtain the instability condition for a twist deformation: 2 1 K3 1 K2 + ¡1 : (7.11) + 2 K1 4 ln(rmax =rmin ) K1 This inequality is the main result of the paper. If it is ful0lled, the radial director 0eld no longer minimizes the Frank free energy. Therefore it is a suNcient condition for the radial con0guration to be unstable against a twist deformation. It is not a necessary condition since we have restricted ourselves to second-order terms in the free energy, not allowing for large deformations of the radial director 0eld. Hence, we cannot exclude the existence of further con0gurations which, besides the radial, produce local minima of the free energy. To clarify our last statement, we take another view. The stability problem can be viewed as a phase transition. Let us take K3 as the “temperature”. Then condition (7.11) tells us that for large K3 the radial state is the (linearly) stable one. If the phase transition is second-order-like, the radial state loses its stability exactly at the linear stability boundary, while for a 0rst-order-like transition the system can jump to the new state (due to non-linear >uctuations) even well inside the linear stability region. Thus, as long as the nature of the transition is not clear, linear stability analysis cannot predict for sure that the radial state will occur in the linear stability region. Furthermore, if the transition line is crossed, the linear stability analysis breaks down, and there could be a transition from the twisted to a new con0guration. However, there is no experimental indication for such a new structure. Keeping this in mind, we will discuss the instability condition (7.11) in the next subsection. We 0nish this subsection by noting that the elastic energy for a bend deformation (a = 0) has the same form as the one for the twist deformation (b = 0), however, with K2 replaced by K1 . Therefore, we immediately conclude from (7.11) that the instability condition for a polar component (a = 0) in the director 0eld (7.2) cannot be ful0lled for positive elastic constants. A director 0eld with vanishing polar component is always stable in second order.
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Fig. 41. (a) Stability diagram for the twist transition [cf. Eq. (7.11)]. The dark grey corresponds to the ratios of Frank constants where the radial con0guration is unstable for a ratio rmax =rmin = 50. The light grey triangle is the region where the radial con0guration is unstable for rmax =rmin ¿ 50. The circles represent the elastic constants for the liquid crystal compounds MBBA, 5CB, and PAA. (b) A comparison between the regions of instability for a radial director 0eld against twisting derived in this work (full line) and by Lavrentovich and Terentjev (dashed line) for rmax =rmin → ∞. The regions di9er by the areas I and II.
7.4.3. Discussion5 The instability condition (7.11) indicates for which values of the elastic constants K1 , K2 , and K3 the radial con0guration is expected to be unstable with respect to a twist deformation. The instability domain is largest for rmax =rmin → ∞ and decreases with decreasing ratio rmax =rmin , i.e., a water droplet inside a nematic drop can stabilize the radial con0guration. In Fig. 41a, the instability condition (7.11) is shown. If the ratios of the Frank elastic constants de0ne a point in the grey triangles, the radial con0guration can be unstable depending on the ratio rmax =rmin . The dark grey area gives the range of the elastic constants where a twisted structure occurs for rmax =rmin = 50. With increasing ratio rmax =rmin the instability domain enlargens until it is limited by K3 =(8K1 )+K2 =K1 =1 for rmax =rmin → ∞. The light grey triangle is the region where the radial con0guration is unstable for rmax =rmin ¿ 50 but where it is stable for rmax =rmin ¡ 50. The circles in Fig. 41a, represent, respectively, the elastic constants for the liquid crystal compounds MBBA, 5CB, and PAA. For 5CB the elastic constants are in the light grey domain, i.e., a twisted structure is expected for rmax =rmin → ∞ (no inner sphere) but not for rmax =rmin ¡ 50. Such a behavior has been recently observed in multiple nematic emulsions [182]. It has been found that a small water droplet inside a large nematic drop prevents the radial con0guration from twisting. Two examples of nematic drops observed under the microscope between crossed polarizers can be seen in Fig. 42. In the left image the director con0guration is pure radial, in the right one it is twisted. The left drop contains a small water droplet that stabilizes the radial con0guration according to Eq. (7.11). The water droplet is not visible in this image because of the limited resolution. A better image is presented in [182]. We have calculated the polarizing microscope picture of the twisted con0guration by means of the 2 × 2 Jones matrix formalism [60]. We took the director 0eld of Eq. (7.2) and used the eigenfunction of Eq. (7.10) with an amplitude 5
Reprinted with permission from A. RUudinger, H. Stark, Twist transition in nematic droplets: A stability analysis, Liq. Cryst. 26 (1999) 753. Copyright 1999 Taylor and Francis,
H. Stark / Physics Reports 351 (2001) 387–474
Fig. 42. Radial (left) and twisted (right) con0guration of the director 0eld in a nematic drop (diameter ≈ 20 m) of 5CB observed under the microscope between crossed polarizers. In the radial con0guration there is a small isotropic liquid droplet in the center of the nematic drop (invisible in this image).
Fig. 43. Calculated transmission for the twisted con0guration of the director 0eld in a nematic drop whose diameter is 20 m. The transmission amplitude was obtained by summing over 20 wave lengths between 400 and 800 nm. The amplitude b of the twist deformation was set to 0.15. This 0gure has to be compared to the right image of Fig. 42. Fig. 44. Radial dependence of f(r) (r) [cf. Eq. (7.10)] for rmax =rmin = 50. The function is strongly peaked close to rmin .
b = 0:15. The result shown in Fig. 43 is in qualitative agreement with the experimental image on the right in Fig. 42. In Fig. 44 we plot the radial part f(r) (r) [see Eq. (7.10)] of the eigenfunction f(r; 5) = f(r) (r)f(x) (5) governing the twist deformations. For large values of rmax =rmin it is strongly
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peaked near rmin . The maximum of f(r) (r) occurs at a radius r0 which is given by ln
r0 ln(rmax =rmin ) 2 = arctan : rmin ln(rmax =rmin )
Hence, for rmax =rmin 1 the maximal azimuthal component bf(r0 ; 5) of the director 0eld is located at r0 =rmin = e2 ≈ 7:39, i.e., close to the inner sphere. From the polarizing microscope pictures it can be readily seen that the twist deformation is largest near the center of the nematic drop. In the opposite limit, rmax =rmin ≈ 1, the position of maximal twist is at the geometric mean of rmin and rmax : r0 = (rmin rmax )1=2 . In the limit rmin → 0, where the inner sphere is not existing, a point defect with a core radius rc is located at r = 0. In this case our boundary condition, f(r) (rmin ) = 0, makes no sense since the director is not de0ned for r ¡ rc . Fortunately, for rmin → 0 the lowest eigenvalue of the operator (7.8) and therefore the instability condition is insensitive to a change of the boundary condition. Furthermore, the shape of the eigenfunction is also independent of the boundary condition, in particular its maximum is always located close to rmin . A last comment concerns the work of Lavrentovich and Terentjev [126]. In Fig. 41b, we plot as a dashed line the criterion, K3 =(4K1 ) + K2 =(2K1 ) = 1, which the authors of Ref. [126] derived for the twist transition in the case rmax =rmin → 0. They constructed an ansatz function which connects a hyperbolic hedgehog at the center via a twist deformation to a radial director 0eld at the periphery of a nematic drop. Then they performed a stability analysis for an appropriately chosen order parameter. The region of instability calculated in this article and their result di9er by the areas I and II. This is due to the complementarity of the two approaches. While the authors of Ref. [126] allow for large deviations with respect to the radial con0guration at the cost of 0xing an ansatz function, we allow the system to search the optimal con0guration (i.e., eigenfunction) for small deformations. We conclude that both results together give a good approximation of the region of instability for the radial con0guration against twisting. However, we cannot exclude that a full non-linear analysis of the problem leads to a change in the stability boundaries. In conclusion, we have performed a stability analysis of the radial con0guration in nematic drops with respect to a twist deformation. Assuming strong perpendicular anchoring at all the surfaces, we have derived an instability condition in terms of the Frank constants. We could show that a small water droplet inside the nematic drop stabilizes the radial con0guration.
8. Temperature-induced +occulation above the nematic-isotropic phase transition Ping Sheng [210,211] was the 0rst to study the consequences of surface-induced liquid crystalline order above the nematic-isotropic phase transition. He introduced the notion paranematic order in analogy to the paramagnetic phase, in which a magnetic 0eld causes a non-zero magnetization. He realized that the bounding surfaces of a restricted geometry in>uence the bulk transition temperature Tc . In nematic 0lms, e.g., the phase transition even vanishes below a critical thickness [210]. Sheng’s work was extended by Poniewierski and Sluckin [177], who studied two plates immersed in a liquid crystal above Tc and who calculated an attractive force
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between the two plates due to the surface-induced order. This force was investigated in detail \ by Bor\stnik and Zumer [18]. The work presented in this section explores the liquid crystal mediated interaction between spherical particles immersed into a liquid crystal above Tc . It has to be added to the conventional van der Waals, electrostatic, and steric interactions as a new type of interparticle potential. Its strength can be controlled by temperature, and close to the clearing temperature Tc , it can induce a >occulation transition in an otherwise stabilized colloidal dispersion. In Section 8.1 we review the Landau–de Gennes theory, which describes liquid crystalline order close to the phase transition, and we present Euler–Lagrange equations for the director and the Maier–Saupe order parameter to be de0ned below. Section 8.2 illustrates paranematic order in simple plate geometries and introduces the liquid crystal mediated interaction of two parallel plates. In Section 8.3 we extend it to spherical particles and investigate its consequences when combined with van der Waals and electrostatic interactions. 8.1. Theoretical background We start with a review of the Landau–de Gennes theory and then formulate the Euler–Lagrange equations for restricted geometries with axial symmetry. 8.1.1. Landau–de Gennes theory in a nutshell The director n, a unit vector, only indicates the average direction of the molecules. It tells nothing about how well the molecules are aligned. To quantify the degree of liquid crystalline order, we could just vary the magnitude of n, i.e., choose a polar vector as an order parameter. However, all nematic properties are invariant under inversion of the director, thus every polar quantity has to be zero. The next choice is any second-rank tensor, e.g., the magnetic susceptibility tensor . The order parameter Q is de0ned by the relation 9 1 − 1 tr ; Q= (8.1) 2 tr 3 where tr = ii stands for the trace of a tensor, and Einstein’s summation convention over repeated indices is always assumed in the following. We subtract the isotropic part 1 tr =3 from , in order that Q vanishes in the isotropic liquid. The prefactor is convention. The order parameter Q describes, in general, biaxial liquid crystalline ordering through its eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The uniaxial symmetry of the nematic phase demands that two eigenvalues of Q are equal, which then assumes the form 3( − ⊥ ) 1 3 Q= S n⊗n− 1 with S = : (8.2) 2 3 2⊥ + The Maier–Saupe or scalar order parameter S indicates the degree of nematic order through the magnetic anisotropy V = − ⊥ . It was 0rst introduced by Maier and Saupe in a microscopic treatment of the nematic phase [142]. The microscopic approach was generalized by Lubensky to describe biaxial order [138].
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In his seminal publication (see Ref. [48]) de Gennes was interested in pretransitional e9ects above the nematic-isotropic phase transition. He constructed a free energy in Q and ∇i Qjk in the spirit of Landau and Ginzburg, commonly known as Landau–de Gennes theory: FLG = d 3 r (fb + f∇Q ) ; (8.3) with fb = 12 a0 (T − T ∗ ) tr Q 2 − 13 b tr Q 3 + 14 c(tr Q 2 )2 ;
f∇Q = 12 L1 (∇i Qjk )2 + 12 L2 (∇i Qij )2 :
The quantity fb introduces a Landau-type free energy density which describes a 0rst-order phase transition, and f∇Q is necessary to treat, e.g., >uctuations in Q , as noticed by Ginzburg. Both free energy densities are Taylor expansions in Q and ∇i Qjk , and each term is invariant under the symmetry group O(3) of the isotropic liquid, i.e., the high-symmetry phase. The Landau parameters of the compound 5CB are a0 = 0:087 × 107 erg=cm3 K; b = 2:13 × 107 erg=cm3 ; c = 1:73 × 107 erg=cm3 , and T ∗ = 307:15 K [38]. The elastic constants L1 and L2 are typically of the order of 10−6 dyn. It can be shown unambiguously that fb is minimized by the uniaxial order parameter of Eq. (8.2), for which the free energies fb and f∇Q take the form 3 9 1 fb = a0 (T − T ∗ )S 2 − bS 3 + cS 4 ; 4 4 16
9 3 f∇Q = L1 (∇i S)2 + L1 S 2 (∇i nj )2 : 4 4
To arrive at Eq. (8.7), we set L2 = 0 in order to simplify the free energy as much as possible for our treatment in Sections 8.2 and 8.3. L2 = 0 merely introduces some anisotropy, as shown by de Gennes [48]. Assume, e.g., that S is 0xed to a non-zero value at a space point rs in the isotropic >uid, then the nematic order around rs decays exponentially on a characteristic length scale called nematic coherence length. If L2 = 0, the respective coherence lengths along and perpendicular to n are di9erent. In Fig. 45 we plot fb as a function of S using the parameters of 5CB. Above the superheating temperature T † = T ∗ + b2 =(24a0 c), there exists only one minimum at S = 0 for the thermodynamically stable isotropic phase. At T † a second minimum for the metastable nematic phase evolves, which becomes absolutely stable at the clearing temperature Tc =T ∗ +b2 =(27a0 c). A 0rst-order phase transition occurs, and the order parameter as a function of temperature assumes the form
1b 2a † S(T ) = (8.8) + (T − T ) : 6c 3c Finally, at the supercooling temperature T ∗ the curvature of fb at S = 0 changes sign, and the isotropic >uid becomes absolutely unstable. For the compound 5CB, we 0nd Tc − T ∗ = 1:12 K and T † − Tc = 0:14 K.
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Fig. 45. The free energy density fb in units of 1000a0 T ∗ as a function of the Maier–Saupe order parameter S for various temperatures. The Landau coeNcients of the compound 5CB are employed. A 0rst-order transition occurs at Tc .
8.1.2. Euler–Lagrange equations for restricted geometries In the following, we determine the surface-induced liquid crystalline order above Tc . As usual, it follows from a minimization of the total free energy, F = FLG + Fsur ;
where we have added a surface term Fsur to the Landau–de Gennes free energy FLG . We restrict ourselves to uniaxial order and employ a generalization of the Rapini–Papoular potential, introduced in Section 2.1, 3 Fsur = dA (WS (S − S0 )2 + 3Wn SS0 [1 − (n · ˆ)2 ]) ; (8.10) 4 where dA is the surface element. The quantity S0 denotes the preferred Maier–Saupe parameter at the surface, and ˆ is the surface normal since we always assume homeotropic anchoring. The surface-coupling constants WS and Wn penalize a respective deviation of S from S0 and of the director n from ˆ. In recent experiments, anchoring and orientational wetting transitions of liquid crystals, con0ned to cylindrical pores of alumina membranes, were analyzed [42,43]. It was found that WS and Wn vary between 10−1 and 5, with the ratio Wn =WS not being larger than 0ve. If WS = Wn = W , the intergrand in Eq. (8.10) is equivalent to the intuitive form W tr(Q − Q0 )2 =2 with the uniaxial Q from Eq. (8.2) and Q0 = 32 S0 (ˆ ⊗ ˆ − 13 1). It was introduced by Nobili and Durand [165]. In formulating the elastic free energy density f∇Q of Eq. (8.5), one also identi0es a contribution which can be written as a total divergence, ∇i (Qij ∇k Qjk − Qjk ∇k Qij ). When transformed into a surface term and when a uniaxial Q is inserted, it results in the saddle-splay energy of Eq. (2.4). To simplify our calculations, we will neglect this term. It is not expected to change the qualitative behavior of our system for strong surface coupling. In what follows, we assume rotational symmetry about the z axis. We introduce cylindrical coordinates and write the director in the local coordinate basis, n(6; z) = sin (6; z)e6 + cos (6; z)ez , restricting it to the (6; z) plane. The same is assumed for the surface normal ˆ(6; z) = sin 0 (6; z)e6 + cos 0 (6; z)ez . Expressing and minimizing the total free energy under
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all these premises, we obtain the Euler–Lagrange equations for S and the tilt angle in the bulk, 1 3c 3 b 2 sin2 2 2 ∇ S− 2S+ S − S − 3S (∇) + =0 ; (8.11) 2L1 2L1 62 N sin cos ∇2 − =0 ; (8.12) 62 and the boundary equations are 1 3 (ˆ ·∇)S − (S − S0 ) − S0 sin2 ( − 0 ) = 0 ; %S N 2%n N 1 S0 (ˆ ·∇) − sin[2( − 0 )] = 0 : 2%n N S The meaning of the nematic coherence length N = L1 =[a0 (T − T ∗ )]
(8.13) (8.14)
will be clari0ed in the next subsection. At the phase transition, NI = N (Tc ) is of the order of 10 nm, as can be checked by the parameters of 5CB. The surface-coupling strengths WS and Wn are characterized by dimensionless quantities a0 (T − T ∗ )L1 a0 (T − T ∗ )L1 1 L1 1 L1 = and %n = = ; (8.16) %S = N WS WS N Wn Wn which compare the respective surface extrapolation lengths L1 =WS and L1 =Wn to the nematic coherence length N . For W = 1 erg=cm2 and L1 = 10−6 dyn, the extrapolation lengths are of the same order as N at Tc , i.e., 10 nm. 8.2. Paranematic order in simple geometries In the 0rst two subsections we study the paranematic order in a liquid crystal compound above Tc for simple plate geometries. It is induced by a coupling between the surfaces and the molecules. We disregard the non-harmonic terms in S in Eq. (8.11) to simplify the problem as much as possible and to obtain an overall view of the system. In Section 8.2.3 the e9ect of the non-harmonic terms is reviewed. 8.2.1. One plate We assume that an in0nitely extended plate, which induces a homeotropic anchoring of the director, is placed at z = 0. Its surface normals are ±ez , and its thickness should be negligibly small. A uniform director 0eld along the z axis obeys Eqs. (8.12) and (8.14), and the Maier–Saupe order parameter S follows from a solution of Eqs. (8.11) and (8.13), S0 S(z) = exp[ − |z |=N ] : (8.17) 1 + %S The order parameter S decays exponentially along the z axis on a characteristic length scale given by the nematic coherence length N . The value of S at z = 0 depends on the strength %S
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of the surface coupling, i.e., on the ratio of the surface extrapolation length L1 =W and N . The plate is surrounded by a layer of liquid crystalline order whose thickness N decreases with increasing temperature since N ˙ (T − T ∗ )−1=2 . The total free energy per unit surface, F=A, consisting of the Landau–de Gennes and the surface free energy, is F 3 %S : (8.18) = WS S02 A 2 1 + %S √ Note that the energy increases with temperature since %S ˙ T − T ∗ . The whole theory certainly becomes invalid when N approaches molecular dimensions. For 10 K above Tc , we 0nd N ≈ 3 nm, i.e., the theory is valid several Kelvin above Tc . Finally, we notice that a nematic wetting layer can be probed by the evanescent wave technique [214]. 8.2.2. Two plates If two plates of the previous subsection are placed at z = ±d=2, the order parameter pro0le S(z), determined from Eqs. (8.11) and (8.13), is cosh(z=N ) S(z) = S0 : (8.19) cosh(d=2N ) + %S sinh(d=2N ) For separations d2N , the layers of liquid crystalline order around the plates do not overlap, as illustrated in the inset of Fig. 46. 6 If d 6 2N , the whole volume between the plates is occupied by nematic order, which induces an attraction between the plates. The interaction energy per unit area, VF=A, is de0ned as VF=A = [F(d) − F(d → ∞)]=A. It amounts to VF F(d) − F(d → ∞) 3 tanh(d=2N ) 1 2 − : (8.20) = = WS S0 %S A A 2 1 + %S tanh(d=N ) 1 + %S In Fig. 46 we plot VF=A versus the reduced distance d=2NI for di9erent temperatures at Tc and above Tc . The material parameters of 5CB are chosen; WS = 1 erg=cm2 , and S0 = 0:3. The energy unit 3WS S02 =2=104 kB T is determined at room temperature. Note, that NI is the coherence length at Tc . If dN , the interaction energy decays exponentially in d; VF=A ˙ exp(d=N ). The interaction is always attractive over the whole separation range. This can be understood by a simple argument. Above Tc , the nematic order always possesses higher energy than the isotropic liquid. Therefore, the system can reduce its free energy by moving the plates together. The minimum of the interaction energy occurs at d = 0, i.e., when the liquid with nematic order between the plates is completely removed. This simple argument explains the deep potential well in Fig. 46. It extends to a separation of 2N where the nematic layers start to overlap. Since N ˙ (T − T ∗ )−1=2 , the range of the interaction decreases with increasing temperature, and the depth of the potential well becomes smaller. 8.2.3. E<ect of non-harmonic terms In this subsection we review the e9ects on the two-plate geometry when the complete Landau–de Gennes theory including its non-harmonic terms in S is employed. A wealth of \ Figs. 46, 47, 51 and 52 are reprinted with permission from A. Bor\stnik, H. Stark, S. Zumer, Temperature-induced >occulation of colloidal particles above the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Prog. Colloid Polym. Sci. 115 (2000) 353. Copyright 2000 Springer Verlag. 6
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Fig. 46. Interaction energy per unit area, VF=A, as a function of the reduced distance d=2NI for various temperatures. For further explanation see text.
phenomena exists, which we illustrate step by step [210,211]. Their in>uence on the interaction \ of two plates was studied in detail by Bor\stnik and Zumer [18]. First, we assume rigid anchoring at the nematic-plate interfaces, i.e., S(±d=2) is 0xed to S0 [210]. For d → ∞, there is a phase transition at the bulk transition temperature Tc∞ = Tc from the nematic to the surface-induced paranematic phase, as expected. When the plates are moved together, the transition temperature Tcd increases until the 0rst-order transition line in crit ). For d ¡ d , no phase transition a d–T phase diagram ends in a critical point at (dcrit ; Tcd crit between the nematic and the paranematic phase is observed anymore. This is similar to the gas–liquid critical point in an isotropic >uid. For S0 = S(±d=2) = 0:5 − 1 and typical values of crit is situated approximately 0.2 K above T the Landau parameters, Tcd c∞ = Tc and 0.1 K above the superheating temperature T † . Secondly, we concentrate on a basically in0nite separation, dNI , and allow a 0nite surfacecoupling strength WS [211]. For suNciently small WS , both the boundary [S(±d=2)] and the bulk [S(0)] value of the scalar order parameter exhibit a jump at Tc . That means, the surface coupling is so small that S(±d=2) follows the bulk order parameter. However, in a 0nite interval WS0 ¡ WS ¡ WScrit , the discontinuity of S(±d=2), which Sheng calls a boundary-layer phase transition, occurs at temperatures Tbound above Tc . Beyond the critical strength WScrit , the boundary transition vanishes completely. Sheng just used the linear term ˙ WS S of our surface potential for his investigation. The separate boundary-layer transition occurred in the approximate interval 0:01 erg=cm2 ¡ WS ¡ 0:2 erg=cm2 . We do not expect a dramatic change of this interval for the potential of Eq. (8.10). Thirdly, we combine the 0nite separation of the plates with a 0nite surface-coupling strength WS . The boundary-layer transition temperatures Tbound and the interval WS0 ¡ WS ¡ WScrit are not e9ected by a 0nite d. In addition, a jump of S(±d) occurs at the bulk transition temperature Tcd 6 Tbound . It evolves gradually with decreasing d. When Tcd becomes larger than Tbound
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in the course of moving the plates together, the separate boundary-layer transition disappears. Finally, at a critical thickness dcrit the nematic-paranematic transition vanishes altogether. crit − T All these details occur close to Tc∞ = Tc within a range of Tcd c∞ = 0:5 K [211]. The calculations are non-trivial. Since we do not want to render our investigation in the following subsection too complicated, we will skip the non-harmonic terms in the Landau–de Gennes theory. Furthermore, we use a relatively high anchoring strength of about WS = 1 erg=cm2 , so crit − T that Tcd c∞ is even smaller than 0.5 K. The simpli0cations are suNcient to bring out the main features of our system. 8.3. Two-particle interactions above the nematic-isotropic phase transition In this subsection we present the liquid crystal mediated interaction above Tc as a new type of two-particle potential. We combine it with the traditional van der Waals and electrostatic interaction and explore its consequences, namely the possibility of a temperature-induced >occulation. We start with a motivation, introduce all three types of interactions, and 0nally discuss their consequences. Our presentation concentrates on the main ideas and results (see also Ref. [17]). Details of the calculations can be found in Refs. [15,16]. 8.3.1. Motivation In Section 3 we already mentioned that the stability of colloidal systems presents a key issue in colloid science since their characteristics change markedly in the transition from the dispersed to the aggregated state. There are always attractive van der Waals forces, which have to be balanced by repulsive interactions to prevent a dispersion of particles from aggregating. This is achieved either by electrostatic repulsion, where the particles carry a surface charge, or by steric stabilization, where they are coated with a soluble polymer brush. Dispersed particles approach each other due to their Brownian motion. They aggregate if the interaction potential is attractive, i.e., if it possesses a potential minimum Umin ¡ 0 at 0nite separations. Two situations are possible. In the case of weak attraction, where |Umin | ≈ 1–3kB T , an equilibrium phase separation of a dilute and an aggregated state exists. The higher interaction energy of the dispersed particles is compensated by their larger entropy in comparison to the aggregated phase. Strong attraction, i.e., |Umin | ¿ 5 − 10kB T , causes a non-equilibrium phase with all the particles aggregated. They cannot escape the attractive potential in the observation time of interest of, e.g., several hours. Due to Chandrasekhar, the escape time tesc can be estimated as [28] tesc =
a2 D0 exp(−Umin =kB T )
with D0 =
kB T : 6)a
D0 is the di9usion constant of a non-interacting Brownian particle with radius a, and ) is the shear viscosity of the solvent. The quantity tesc approximates the time a particle needs to di9use a distance a in leaving a potential well of depth Umin . More re0ned theories suggest that the complete two-particle potential has to be taken into account when calculating tesc [131,100]. Here, we study the in>uence of liquid crystal mediated interactions on colloidal dispersions above Tc , which are stabilized by an electrostatic repulsion. We demonstrate that the main e9ect of the liquid crystal interaction ULC is an attraction at the length scale of N , whose strength can be controlled by temperature. If the electrostatic repulsion is suNciently weak, ULC induces
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Fig. 47. Two particles at a separation d2N do not interact. At d ≈ 2N both a strong attraction and repulsion set in.
a >occulation of the particles within a few Kelvin close to the transition temperature Tc . It is completely reversible. A similar situation is found in polymer stabilized colloids. There, the abrupt change from a dispersed to a fully aggregated state within a few Kelvin is called critical >occulation [162,202]. The reversibility of >occulation has interesting technological implications. For example, in “instant” ink, the particles of dried ink redisperse rapidly when put into water [162]. So far, experiments on colloidal dispersions above the clearing temperature Tc are very rare [19,178]. They would help to explore a new class of colloidal interactions. Furthermore, they could provide insight into wetting phenomena above Tc with all its subtleties close to Tc , which we reviewed in Section 8.2.3. Also, experiments by Mu\sevi\c et al. [158,159], who probe interactions with the help of an atomic force microscope, are promising. 8.3.2. Liquid crystal mediated interaction One particle suspended in a liquid crystal above the clearing temperature Tc is surrounded by a layer of surface-induced nematic order whose thickness is of the order of the nematic coherence length N . The director 0eld points radially outward when a homeotropic anchoring at the particle surface is assumed. Two particles with a separation d2N do not interact. When the separation is reduced to d ≈ 2N , a strong attraction sets in since the total volume of nematic order is decreased as in the case of two plates (see Fig. 47). In addition, a repulsion due to the elastic distortion of the director 0eld lines connecting the two particles occur. In this subsection we quantify the two-particle interaction mediated by a liquid crystal. In principle, the director 0eld and the Maier–Saupe order parameter S follow from a solution of Eqs. (8.11) – (8.14). Since the geometry of Fig. 48a cannot be treated analytically, we employ two simpli0cations. First, we approximate each sphere by 72 conical segments, whose cross sections in a symmetry plane of our geometry are illustrated in Fig. 48a. In the following, we assume a particle radius a = 250 nm, and, therefore, each line segment has a length of
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Fig. 48. (a) Two spheres A and B are approximated by conical segments as illustrated in the blowup. From Ref. [15]. (b) At separations d ≈ 2N , the director is chosen as a tangent vector nc of a circular segment whose radius is determined by the boundary condition (8.14).
26 nm. Secondly, we construct appropriate ansatz functions for the 0elds S(r) and n(r). To arrive at an ansatz for S(r), we approximate the bounding surfaces Ai and Bi of region i by two parallel ring-like plates and employ the order parameter pro0le of Eq. (8.19), where d is replaced by an average distance di of the bounding surfaces. Since the particle radius is an order of magnitude larger than the interesting separations, which do not exceed several coherence lengths, the analogy with two parallel plates is justi0ed. Furthermore, we expect that only a few regions close to the symmetry axis are needed to calculate the interaction energy with a suNcient accuracy. In the limit of large separations (d2N ), the director 0eld around each sphere points radially outward. In the opposite limit (d ≈ 2N ), the director 0eld lines are strongly distorted, and we approximate them by circular segments as illustrated in Fig. 48b, for the third region. The radius of the circle is determined by the boundary condition (8.14) of the director. With decreasing separation of the two particles, the director 0eld should change continuously from n∞ at d2N to the ansatz nc at small d. Hence, we choose n(r) as a weighted superposition of nc and n∞ : n(r ) ˙ 'i nc + (1 − 'i )n∞ ;
where the free parameter 'i follows from a minimization of the free energy in region i with respect to 'i . As in the case of two parallel plates, the interaction energy is de0ned relative to the total free energy of in0nite separation: ULC (d) = F(d) − F(d → ∞) :
In calculating ULC , we employ the free energy densities of Eqs. (8.6) and (8.7) and the surface potential of Eq. (8.10), neglecting the non-harmonic terms in S. The volume integrals cannot be performed analytically without further approximations which we justi0ed by a comparison with a numerical integration. The 0nal expression of ULC is very complicated, and we refer the reader to Ref. [15] for its explicit form. We checked that regions i = 1; : : : ; 9 are suNcient to
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Fig. 49. The liquid crystal mediated interaction ULC in units of kB T as a function of the particle separation d. The interaction is shown at Tc ; Tc + 1 K; Tc + 3 K; and Tc + 11 K. It strongly depends on temperature. Large inset: ULC is composed of an attractive and repulsive part. Small inset: A weak repulsive barrier occurs at d ≈ 60 nm.
calculate ULC . The contribution of region 9 to the interaction energy is less than 5%. Hence, the orientational order outside these nine regions is not relevant for ULC . We subdivide the interaction energy in an attractive part which results from all terms in the free energy depending on the order parameter S or its gradient, only. The repulsive part is due to the elastic distortion of the director 0eld and a deviation from the homeotropic orientation at the particle surfaces. All the graphs, which we present in the following, are calculated with the Landau parameters of the compound 8CB [38], i.e., a0 = 0:12 × 10−7 erg=cm3 K; b = 3:07 × 10−7 erg=cm3 ; c=2:31×10−7 erg=cm3 , and L1 =1:8×10−6 dyn, which gives Tc −T ∗ =b2 =(27a0 c)= 1:3 K. The surface-coupling constants are WS = 1 erg=cm2 and Wn = 5 erg=cm2 . In the large inset of Fig. 49 we plot the attractive and repulsive contribution at the clearing temperature Tc in units of the thermal energy kB T . As in the case of two parallel plates, the total interaction energy exhibits a deep potential well with an approximate width of 2NI . At larger separations, it is followed by a weak repulsive barrier whose height is approximately 1:5kB T , as indicated by the small inset in Fig. 49. If d2N ; ULC decays exponentially: ULC ˙ exp(−d=N ). Fig. 49 illustrates further that the depth of the potential well, i.e., the liquid crystal mediated attraction of two particles decreases considerably when the dispersion is heated by several Kelvin. That means, the interaction can be controlled by temperature. It is turned o9 by heating the dispersion well above Tc . The same holds for the weak repulsive barrier. As expected, both the depth of the potential well and the height of the barrier decrease with the surface-coupling constants, where WS seems to be more important [15]. 8.3.3. Van der Waals and electrostatic interactions The van der Waals interaction of two thermally >uctuating electric dipoles decays with the sixth power of their inverse distance, 1=r 6 . To arrive at the interparticle potential of two macroscopic objects, a summation over all pair-wise interactions of >uctuating charge distributions is performed. In the case of two spherical particles of equal radii a; the following,
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always attractive, van der Waals interaction results [202]: d(d + 4a) 2a2 A 2a2 UW = − + ln : + 6 d(d + 4a) (d + 2a)2 (d + 2a)2
Here d is the distance between the surfaces of the particles, and A is the Hamaker constant. For equal particles made of material 1 embedded in a medium 2, it amounts to [202] 3 '1 − '2 2 3hBuv (n21 − n22 )2 A = kB T + √ ; (8.25) 4 '1 + '2 16 2 (n21 + n23 )3=2 where '1 and '2 are the static dielectric constants of the two materials, and n1 and n2 are the corresponding refractive indices of visible light. The relaxation frequency Buv belongs to the dominant ultraviolet absorption in the dielectric spectrum of the embedding medium 2. Typical values for silica particles immersed into a nematic liquid crystal are '1 = 3:8; n1 = 1:45; '2 = 11; n2 = 1:57; and Buv = 3 × 1015 s−1 [15]. As a result, the Hamaker constant equals A = 1:1 kB T . Note, that for separations da the particles are point-like, and the van der Waals interaction decays as 1=d6 . In the opposite limit, da; it diverges as a=d. We stabilize the colloidal dispersion against the attractive van der Waals forces by employing an electrostatic repulsion. We assume that each particle carries a uniformly distributed surface charge whose density qs does not change under the in>uence of other particles. Ionic impurities in the liquid crystal screen the surface charges with which they form the so-called electrostatic double layer. For particles of equal radius a embedded in a medium with dielectric constant '2 ; the electrostatic two-particle potential is described by the following expression [202]: UE = −kB T
aqs2 ln(1 − e−Cd ) : z 2 e02 np
Here, e0 is the fundamental charge, and z is the valence of the ions in the solvent, which have a concentration np . The range of the repulsive interaction is determined by the Debye length (8.27) C−1 = '2 kB T=(8e02 z 2 np ) ; whereas the surface-charge density qs controls its strength. The potential UE decays exponentially at dC−1 . Expression (8.26) is derived via the Derjaguin approximation [53,202], which is only valid for d; C−1 a. In the following, we take a monovalent salt (z = 1); choose '2 = 11; and vary np between 10−4 and 10−3 mol=l. Then, at room temperature the Debye length C−1 ranges from 10 to 3.5 nm. Together with typical separations d not larger than a few coherence lengths N and a = 250 nm; the Derjaguin approximation is justi0ed. Furthermore, we adjust the surface-charge density around 104 e0 = m2 . The ranges of np and qs are well accessible in an experiment. In Fig. 50 we plot the electrostatic and the van der Waals interactions and their sum in units of kB T . The surface-charge density qs is 0:5 × 104 e0 = m2 and C−1 = 8:3 nm. All further parameters besides the Hamaker constant A are chosen as mentioned above. We increased A from 1.1 to 5.5. Even then it is clearly visible that the strong electrostatic repulsion determines the interaction for d ¡ 30 nm; the dispersion of particles is stabilized. At about 55 nm, UE + UW exhibits a shallow potential minimum (see inset of Fig. 50), and at dC−1 ; the algebraic decay
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Fig. 50. The electrostatic (dashed) and van der Waals (dotted) interaction and their sum UE +UW (full line) in units of kB T as a function of particle separation d. The parameters are chosen according to the text. Inset: A shallow potential minimum appears at d ≈ 55 nm.
Fig. 51. The total two-particle interaction ULC + UE + UW as a function of particle separation d for various temperatures. A complete >occulation of the particles occurs within a temperature range of about 0.3 K. qs =0:5 × 104 e0 = m2 ; C−1 = 8:3 nm, and further parameters are chosen according to the text.
of the van der Waals interaction takes over. In the following subsection, we investigate the combined e9ects of all three interactions for the Hamaker constant A = 1:1. 8.3.4. Flocculation versus dispersion of particles In Fig. 51 we plot the total two-particle interaction ULC + UE + UW as a function of particle separation d for various temperatures. We choose qs = 0:5 × 104 e0 = m2 and C−1 = 8:3 nm. At 4.5 K above the transition temperature Tc ; the dispersion is stable. With decreasing temperature, a potential minimum at 0nite separation develops. At TFD = Tc + 0:54 K; the particle doublet or aggregated state becomes energetically preferred. We call TFD the temperature of >occulation
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Fig. 52. In comparison to Fig. 51 the surface-charge density is increased to 0:63 × 104 e0 = m2 . As a result, >occulation does not occur.
transition. Below TFD ; the probability of 0nding the particles in the aggregated state is larger than the probability that they are dispersed. Already at Tc + 0:3 K the minimum is 7 kB T deep, and all particles are condensed in aggregates. That means, within a temperature range of about 0.3 K there is an abrupt change from a completely dispersed to a fully aggregated system, reminiscent to the critical >occulation transition in colloidal dispersions employing polymeric stabilization [162,202]. Between d = 30 and 50 nm, the two-particle interaction exhibits a small repulsive barrier of about 1:5 kB T . Such barriers slow down the aggregation of particles, and one distinguishes between slow and rapid >occulation. The dynamics of rapid >occulation was 0rst studied by Smoluchowski [215]. Fuchs extended the theory to include arbitrary interaction potentials [82]. However, only after Derjaguin and Landau [54] and Verwey and Overbeek [229] incorporated van der Waals and electrostatic interactions into the theory, became a comparison with experiments possible. In our case, the repulsive barrier of 1:5 kB T slows down the doublet formation by a factor of three, i.e., it does not change very dramatically if the barrier is reduced to zero. If the surface-charge density qs is increased to 0:63 × 104 e0 = m2 ; the dispersed state is thermodynamically stable at all temperatures above Tc ; as illustrated in Fig. 52. An increase of the Debye length C−1 ; i.e., the range of the electrostatic repulsion, has the same e9ect. In Fig. 53 we present >occulation phase diagrams as a function of temperature and surfacecharge density for various Debye lengths C−1 . The inset shows one such diagram for C−1 = 8:3 nm. The full line represents the >occulation temperature TFD as a function of qs . For temperatures above TFD ; the particles stay dispersed while for temperatures below TFD the system is >occulated. To characterize the aggregated state further, we have determined lines in the phase diagram of C−1 = 8:3 nm; where the escape time tesc of Eq. (8.21) is, respectively, ten (dash-dotted) or hundred (dotted) times larger than in the case of zero interaction. These lines are close to the transition temperature TFD ; and indicate again that the transition from the dispersed to a completely aggregated state takes place within less than one Kelvin. The large plot of Fig. 53 illustrates the >occulation temperature TFD as a function of qs for various Debye
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Fig. 53. Flocculation phase diagrams as a function of temperature and surface-charge density for various Debye lengths C−1 . Inset: Phase diagram for C−1 = 8:3 nm. The full line represents the >occulation temperature TFD as a function of qs . The dash-dotted and dotted lines indicate escape times from the minimum of the interparticle potential which are, respectively, ten or hundred times larger than in the case of zero interaction. From Ref. [16].
lengths C−1 . TFD increases when the strength (qs ) or the range (C−1 ) of the electrostatic repulsion is reduced. The intersections of the transition lines with the T = Tc axis de0ne the “>occulation end line”. In the parameter space of the electrostatic interaction (surface charge density qs versus Debye length C−1 ), this line separates the region where we expect the >occulation to occur from the region where the system is dispersed for all temperatures above Tc (see Ref. [16]). 8.3.5. Conclusions Particles dispersed in a liquid crystal above the nematic-isotropic phase transition are surrounded by a surface-induced nematic layer whose thickness is of the order of the nematic coherence length. The particles experience a strong liquid crystal mediated attraction when their nematic layers start to overlap since then the e9ective volume of liquid crystalline ordering and therefore the free energy is reduced. A repulsive correction results from the distortion of the director 0eld lines connecting two particles. The new colloidal interaction is easily controlled by temperature. In this section we have presented how it can be probed with the help of electrostatically stabilized dispersions. For suNciently weak and short-ranged electrostatic repulsion, we observe a sudden >occulation within a few tenth of a Kelvin close to Tc . It is reminiscent to the critical >occulation transition in polymer stabilized colloidal dispersions [202]. The >occulation is due to a deep potential minimum in the total two-particle interaction followed by a weak repulsive barrier. Thermotropic liquid crystals represent polar organic solvents, and one could wonder if electrostatic repulsion is realizable in such systems. In Ref. [101] complex salt is dissolved in nematic liquid crystals and ionic concentrations of up to 10−4 mol=l are reported which give
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rise to Debye lengths employed in this section. Furthermore, when silica spheres are coated − with silanamine, the ionogenic group [ = NH+ 2 OH ] occurs at the particle surface with a density of 3 × 106 mol= m2 . It dissociates to a large amount in a liquid crystal compound [59]. In addition, the silan coating provides the required perpendicular boundary condition for the liquid crystal molecules. These two examples illustrate that electrostatic repulsion should be accessible in conventional thermotropic liquid crystals, and we hope to initiate experimental studies which probe the new colloidal force. Our work directly applies to lyotropic liquid crystals [51], i.e., aqueous solutions of non-spherical micelles, when the nematic-isotropic phase transition is controlled by temperature [181,180]. They are appealing systems since electrostatic stabilization is more easily achieved. When the phase transition is controlled by the micelle concentration 6m ; as it is usually done, then our diagrams are still valid but with temperature replaced by 6m . In polymer stabilized dispersions, we 0nd that the aggregation of particles sets in gradually when cooling the dispersion down towards Tc . This is in contrast to electrostatic stabilization where >occulation occurs in a very narrow temperature interval (see Ref. [16]). 9. Final remarks In this article we have demonstrated that the combination of two soft materials, nematic liquid crystals and colloidal dispersions, creates a novel challenging system for discovering and studying new physical e9ects and ideas. Colloidal dispersions in a nematic liquid crystal introduce a new class of long-range twoparticle interactions mediated by the distorted director 0eld. They are of either dipolar or quadrupolar type depending on whether the single particles exhibit the dipole, Saturn-ring or surface-ring con0guration. The dipolar forces were veri0ed in an excellent experiment by Poulin et al. [179]. Via the well-known >exoelectric e9ect [147], strong director distortions in the dipole con0guration should induce an electric dipole associated with each particle. It would be interesting to study, both theoretically and experimentally, how this electric dipole contributes to the dipolar force. On the other hand, there exists a strong short-range repulsion between particles due to the presence of a hyperbolic point defect which prevents, e.g., water droplets from coalescing. Even above the nematic-isotropic phase transition, liquid crystals mediate an attractive interaction at a length scale of 10 nm. Its strength is easily controlled by temperature, and it produces an observable e9ect since it can induce >occulation when the system is close to the phase transition. To understand colloidal dispersions in nematics in detail, we have performed an extensive study of the three possible director con0gurations around a single particle. These con0gurations are ideal objects to investigate the properties of topological point and line defects. The dipolar structure should exhibit a twist in conventional calamitic compounds. The transition from the dipole to the Saturn ring can be controlled, e.g., by a magnetic 0eld which presents a means to access the dynamics of topological defects. Furthermore, we have studied how the strength of surface anchoring in>uences the director con0guration. Surface e9ects are of considerable importance in display technology, and there is fundamental interest in understanding the coupling between liquid crystal molecules and surfaces. In addition, we have clari0ed the mechanism due to which the saddle-splay term in the Frank free energy promotes the formation of the
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surface-ring structure. The Stokes drag and Brownian motion in nematics have hardly been studied experimentally. Especially the dipole con0guration with its vector symmetry presents an appealing object. We have calculated the Stokes drag for a 0xed director 0eld. However, we have speculated that for small Ericksen numbers (Er 1) >ow-induced distortions of the director 0eld result in corrections to the Stokes drag which are of the order of Er. Preliminary studies support this conclusion. Furthermore, for growing Er they reveal a highly non-linear Stokes drag whose consequences seemed to have not been explored in colloidal physics. Finally, we have demonstrated that the dipole, consisting of the spherical particle and its companion point defect, also exists in more complex geometries, and we have studied in detail how it forms. Acknowledgements I am grateful to Tom Lubensky, Philippe Poulin and Dave Weitz for their close and inspiring collaboration on nematic emulsions at the University of Pennsylvania which initiated the present work. I thank Anamarija Bor\stnik, Andreas RUudinger, Joachim Stelzer, Dieter Ventzki, \ and Slobodan Zumer for collaborating on di9erent aspects of nematic colloidal dispersions. The results are presented in this review article. A lot of thanks to Eugene Gartland, Thomas Gisler, Randy Kamien, Axel Kilian, R. Klein, G. Maret, R.B. Meyer, Michael Reichenstein, E. Sackmann, Thorsten Seitz, Eugene Terentjev, and H.-R. Trebin for fruitful discussions. Finally, I acknowledge 0nancial assistance from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through grants Sta 352=2-1=2 and Tr 154=17-1=2. References [1] A.A. Abrikosov, On the magnetic properties of superconductors of the second group, Sov. Phys. JETP 5 (1957) 1174–1182. [2] A. Ajdari, B. Duplantier, D. Hone, L. Peliti, J. Prost, “Pseudo-Casimir” e9ect in liquid crystals, J. Phys. II France 2 (1992) 487–501. [3] A. Ajdari, L. Peliti, J. Prost, Fluctuation-induced long-range forces in liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66 (1991) 1481–1484. [4] E. Allahyarov, I. D’Amico, H. LUowen, Attraction between like-charged macroions by Coulomb depletion, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 1334–1337. [5] D.W. Allender, G.P. Crawford, J.W. Doane, Determination of the liquid-crystal surface elastic constant K24 , Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 1442–1445. [6] D. Andrienko, G. Germano, M.P. Allen, Computer simulation of topological defects around a colloidal particle or droplet dispersed in a nematic host, Phys. Rev. E., to be published. [7] R.J. Atkin, Poiseuille >ow of liquid crystals of the nematic type, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 38 (1970) 224–240. [8] R.J. Atkin, F.M. Leslie, Couette >ow of nematic liquid crystals, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 23 (1970) S3–S24. [9] G. Barbero, C. Oldano, Derivative-dependent surface-energy terms in nematic liquid crystals, Nuovo Cimento D 6 (1985) 479–493. [10] J.L. Billeter, R.A. Pelcovits, Defect con0gurations and dynamical behavior in a Gay-Berne nematic emulsion, Phys. Rev. E 62 (2000) 711–717. [11] R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart, E.N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, Wiley, New York, 1960. [12] C. Blanc, M. Kleman, The con0nement of smectics with a strong anchoring, Eur. Phys. J. E., to be published.
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CONTENTS VOLUME 351 B. Gumhalter. Single- and multiphonon atom}surface scattering in the quantum regime
H. Heiselberg. Event-by-event physics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
G.E. Volovik. Super#uid analogies of cosmological phenomena
C. Ronning. E.P. Carlson, R.F. Davis. Ion implantation into gallium nitride
H. Stark. Physics of colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals
PII: S0370-1573(01)00055-2
FORTHCOMING ISSUES D.G. Yakovlev, A.D. Kaminker, O.Y. Gnedin, P. Haensel. Neutrino emission from neutron stars B. Ananthanarayan, G. Colangelo, J. Gasse, H. Leutwyler. Roy analysis of pi-pi scattering R. Alkofer, L. von Smekal. The infrared behaviour of QCD Green's functions J.-P. Minier, E. Peirano. The PDF approach to turbulent polydispersed two-phase #ows D.F. Measday. The nuclear physics of muon capture C. Schubert. Perturbative quantum "eld theory in the string-inspired formalism M. Bordag, U. Mohideen, V.M. Mostepanenko. New developments in the Casimir e!ect G.E. Mitchell, J.D. Bowman, S.I. PenttilaK , E.I. Sharapov. Parity violation in compound nuclei: experimental methods and results G. Grynberg, C. Robilliard. Cold atoms in dissipative optical lattices I. Pollini, A. Mosser, J.C. Parlebas. Electronic, spectroscopic and elastic properties of early transition metal compounds R. Fazio, H. van der Zant. Quantum phase transitions and vortex dynamics in superconducting networks D.I. Pushkarov. Quasiparticle kinetics and dynamics in nonstationary deformed crystals in the presence of electromagnetic "elds V.M. Shabaev. Two-time Green's function method in quantum electrodynamics of high-Z few-electron atoms G. Bo!etta, M. Cencini, M. Falcioni, A. Vulpiani. Predictability: a way to characterize complexity A. Wacker. Semiconductor superlattices: a model system for nonlinear transport I.L. Shapiro. Physical aspects of the space}time torsion Ya. Kraftmakher. Modulation calorimetry and related techniques M.J. Brunger, S.J. Buckman. Electron}molecule scattering cross sections. I. Experimental techniques and data for diatomic molecules S.Y. Wu, C.S. Jayanthi. Order-N methodologies and their applications
PII: S0370-1573(01)00056-4