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4lt86 LONGMAN CROIJ? UK IIMITED Langnan HoKe, Bnnt Mill, Ha/loit, Esset CM2a 2JE, Eryla"d and Asso.iated Catupaniesthtaughout the uond.
@ Longman Gioup Ltd 1945 All ights rcstDetl) flo patt of thk publietiofl tur be fePtoduced, stoled ifl a /et/iewl slstem, o, traflsmitred in ary foffi or bV Lfly n afls, electlotic, sechasiul, photocorying,recordiflI, o/ otl?tuise, @ithott the pfio/ witten pelmissiofiof the Prbttsherc. First published 1985 Seventh impression 1991
Set in Monophoto Plantin medium Ploduced by Longnan Group GE) Ltd Prirted in Hong Kong Authorsr Acknowledgemerrs Ou sincere thanks to Paul Murphy and Jo Timey at rh€ British Institure, Lisbon/ and to Mrs Par Hughes of the Hintor fthool of English, Boumemoutlr for piloring and commerting on thse materials. Also, our thanlc to Hara GarouJalia-Middle for her
ISBN 0 5SE 55513 1
ozz't frz,
CourseSyllabus Carnbridge Proficiency Paper
Contents of Units (A = Skills; G : GrMdrj
Paper 1: Readiog Comprehension
Paper 2: Compositiof
Paper 3: Use of English
r : Vocabllary)
Heredityor fnvironment?
ReadinsSkills: Skimmirg, Scauing, Rcadlng for detall, Guesing memins from conrcxr,
, n v e a r o l . o n . r r u . r i o n .r i r h V o , o , ' J . . 0 , . dko . . ., Ner.r . . ., Seldon . . ., No taoner . . . * a r . . . , S c a r c e t j l H a r d u .. . t u h d t l b e f u e . . ., N.furele , . ., crc.
Discusive CompositionrPlanDiDgud
v c r b ' o M p r o - o u T o . s - .r , e a d . g . M d . Expresions for listing, exempliliins, rcphrasingan.l coacluding. lonine w.ds thaush, uhereas,despite, tuarcard, b6itl4, er..
Mysteriesand Theories
Summarywriring, and completingblhks in
'I he
Paper 4: Listening Comprehension
usc or absenceof Detnite Anicle rle with Damesof plucis, conrindts, comtries, mouqtaiDs,lakes,rivfs, festivalsMd seasons,
Crime and Punishment ,t G
Listening to non stmdard English accdrsInterpretinggraphs,etc. Predicting. Adverb dd adjective consrructions: 6,sl'el drd bisEer,|rarcand narc slotuU;rhesoanet,the beiert sd.l dslthoush it i! . . ., so shdtplshat?U Adverb adjectivecollocarions:dbsotureb) dnazerl, biltetl! d ap?ointed, erc.
PaDer 5: Interview
Tatking about a phoroj and Deaiing with
Relativelronous &ri.r, aro ard trarirardciple-t g construcrions: Behe d bat ho$tuif. . . .. Nar ha ns . . ., While eantrs . - ., An plussinsin - . ., et . Crompoundnouls: a .a/"t s hniJe, d uflee srin let, a utit@ateh, dn atl,ort*r, etc.
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i.:astdpb allarta po :sqra^ puE s@ou P.ret.x
aw nl usPo! u t areqt u.agI pbH, rcu 11abAJ a' P4eial4 e9 natnfloqs t DF U,nat puD \q1 aQ .sasnElt /' uo suouzue^ -uolssnJsro Pue 'oroqd e lnoqE AUI)IIEJ
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[email protected] @rc 'reor-rrdnJ'o/Fuoss.Jord p@ lFurolul puE IE@oJ :q.e.ds q r.rsl'Q{ .s.pnrp* pu? s8uqr.J rspoou ,sraI?.ds roJ 8u@rsr-I S
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'tulrEttr pue sutmetd
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'.t,{rs : .ri 'Du.I '.t.urR r.dEdsa.u - uoDFoduoC.8r.IrIUNp.p.rto, apqe6 l8reul oql 'uorlErollo.
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,{qde.r8o1oq4 pue surlrl 'uors!^ilol t -
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JoJ sI esJnoJ aql oqtl\ I
uopPrrrroJul punor8Ttsg
uolpnpoJlul lPJauaD
Content of the course I Materials The cous€ ocists A Cous€book
2 The Coursebook The Cousebook @sists oi 15 Units A Poficidlcy Practice Exm Listoing Comprehmio rqts (iimscdpts of all rhe Lisroing ComprehmioD matdials used in the Cnursebook €I.art rh€ od-of-Unit rests md Practice Exm)
3 The Teacher's Guide The Teacheh Guide @nsists on A GeDqal Iffioductioq Unit-by-Uoit te.ching not$ includiq riesoipts of ihe ListoiDg resrs md pracri@ Exm Listoins CompreheiBioD ?aptr 4 Answers to th€ Piacti.e Exam od suggesredljELilg schmes
Design of the Coursebook I A cyclical approach Lorsnafl Profcid.t Sk;lk has a cydical pmsessioD which focuseson each P.ofrciocy Papq tbie rimes as follows: ReadiDg Compiehdsion: Crmpositioo: Use ofErylish: Listoing Comp.ehensioo: In diew:
Unirs 1,6, 11 Units 2,7, \2 Ulits 3, 8, 13 Units 4, 9, 14 Units 5, 10, 15
This cycliel prosrssion allows for m acmurativ€ ard sad€d piesotation of matelials, loguge and skills withid sch Paper. Ir is thdeforc possible to stalr th€ book Dot only at ihe begimine bur also ar the beeimi4 of oy of the separate
r eacMrg ano testttrg We believe that studmrs pieparing fo! the Proficiocy Examination neealto iDprove their leeuag€ md lmguage skjlls dd also ro mster rhe tesr tecbniques .equired by the e:m. Fo. thb r€ason the rrrtud P/ot@-ew, S,+r/s Comebook mrdials ae of two types: teachiDe@relials and resting mterials. These se disiributed throughour rhe Coursebook ds folows: I Each Uait co ains teachiDs ratdials plus a tesr ai the od ofde Unir_ 2 UDits l1 15 each @Drain teachiDgnarqials plus Exm cuiddce ir the fom of 'worked resrmrdal, as well as Exu Adeice. 3 Following the 15 Unirs there is a complete Pioficiocy Pmctice E:u.
6 qra. q snroJ lFr.ds u. l3 sI rutod sJrllr@rA Jo Ipnrs .rF EI I I sltun q rrll llnrur?{i .uo 0I-I srun uI .i.4rsro uopmlB ftIn.D&d e or.Elrdordde rrffi$ .so!p auqp@q u IrBm.e r:reu3 lsoE .rE q.rqa s.nr.urs Fru?trel8 .^.qre or ^IreF.IuEd BrA ol ostEp@ (s.rt3ru.s tJlduor Jo &.lseu !r!.ri .su.D"d :s.r0 .uu.r pue pu.rx. or p..! aou ,|qI -.3sn5@i .qr Jo ssxrnEd Ier]reiruE$ .sBq.r{r p.r3rseu.^Eq pFoqs s]@pnrsl.^.1 sJtprv :EuulPrD ',(
[email protected] u8a. .rP Jo sp@u5p .qr p@ sru.pr4s &E .srqI :sllDls r€lnf,luPd uo snJo} v
Jo sp..n.w se srEo.q]dr,{perls
'1ruo{ lrou rno Sul'puuu! ls.r.ru .uos rnoqllA ro plor oFqd ro.rrld uosu.q.rduor 8uu.1sJl 'rFr E q.!ordd? 1,ooa tr !p r?qr p.doq $ rr fea sf{r uI rI lnoqe TrIL! or @Lp .l?^DoE or pne rlun EJo rrdor .r+ o1B sr@prus pe.I o1 ,qdu8 ,srs.a5ns.ueu rlirlr sE'p.pu.rur .E 3s.qJ :saql^lpE u!-PEal lo dn-rxre^^
Ipnrs r.pm rid?d {J!.Irgord:qr
Iroa.uoH uot1..s rlrrlr@r5 e roJ p.nnb.r sllrts tBln.u€d uo sntoJ t Ir$rpE uI-pErI ro dn-urea R
;.rt .s.rlI rlun !pE. Ir! rn ar s]@d.I. mu.r h.up^ sqr u,q1ls 'r.^.aoH \$de.I i.u.IJgord .rP Jo q.R. Jo sp@@p 3uElglp alp ol.suodsar u rBn q.e. Jo ru.ruot PG s8s.p .ql u ^F rE^.uos .! .r.ql
llun qrse Jo lueluor pue uSlsep eql ':l,trs 1..ry p@ FdouEs!^uot E rll &^F o.q sEq uo]reuroJ6 sllp letp p@ {ooq:srnot .qr u p.pnpr u..q .^ttl u:qr arFptordde Jo strBAp@ s.nbgqt.r srr ru6o .qr rnoqe uolrE@oJor qfu leqr a.s 116 noll uos?.r sqr roll uarp .w^uou p@ ]s:r.lm or sEos ?t!urE.l Jo s.ss..ord .rp a .iqrssod se q.nu sEsu.pnrs srDl^Irrs uoorsselrJo h.E^.pra IF. torq ol suE oEt )tooq.smol.qI e \ P l l ) q ! e r ' r . J J L .l e r r o b s J o ' J r JJ - o F o b q . r d u o ' 8 u r u 5 sI P @ ' ! b r " J r d ^ l Jo .iu?r .pJA E p.pntrul IIrrElqII.p seq looqJsmoS .Lp ^qa uosE.r:uo sI sIr{I r i r l r q @ m q s Ps . \ t r q m q r o , r 1 @ \ r l r , ' r r r r s p @ ' r u r p : r ! t . r u r q s u r u r e ' l {olm or piru sru.prus 'soPEllr@e G spldor suuB }o uolrE nou .q1 rPlA rsnt .qr.EdEr IrJ r.ql or urE.I p@ Ipi$ or anuquotr @r sruaptls a:d :lle^l ulcel
pue ipnls ol pelE^llotupue pe$ola|u! aq ol sluoPnFloJ Poauotll
'.s.t11ro r)rrr o PrLSGrpJ looo.rno.) r.lJ 's.rnl.nns rBrrrem$ rElnrDl?dJo 3sn 3rF uI pu8 ,uElnqBro^P.lIEr5pp@ rr€x.lo .sn .qr q r.8m€@I rq &IEuroJ ]o s..f.p Jo I$rseu Jrp ul €ulllra uoDnoduo. u 5 . s.ss.ole.a uolN@ t€. .r pmol8)ptq :5en3@l r.^.r€qa uorJ sru.pr'rs
t ^iI sr,rlv :slIls eSenSue;pue a3un3ue18u;preSerspeeu,quapnl5
'.$rr'r roJ r.rb ol p.r€s.p sl iooqasmoC :tF r{ EElDrBu Jo .BuH spla .qr p@ suEF alF q m.ro ^lrwrsuor ssnbr,sqrd SuesJl ro uoDEB@v. p@ sIIDtse?Eisuel tudor tE r ,{llnqBcod 's.ftlrrurs Elnrl]red -s.l.L]rlJlrN \rqell(' p 't.nq1.l E o, l-o$ rou qrop uo reur@xg [
[email protected]
)EDUq@ ) Jql. :uorleu!ruer1,(ruarr1lor6rql lo stuoruarlnbaraql
r.a ure.t p@ trpnrs01p.]e^DoE pw p31s.r.ru .q or sru.pus roJ P..s.qr t rstlnts.3€n5@I pw .&n8@
[email protected] sp.Ju .sr@pnrsZ :oo rPu@\J (iGrluord rqr Jo'rD@r-rnb :Q I :s qs nru,D{ot.I tuaEuo7 Jo snq?fl^s.Lp p..D.nE
snqeflas esJnoc
subsmed in the examsuidanccmd adviceed rakeson more the lature of rcvision Homewotk \Ve haveincludedhomeworkin evelv Unit not iusr becausewe seeir as a usetul @nsolidation of classwort but also h rccognirion of rhe dificDlty of rhe Pronciency Exam, which cm only be overcome by ever-incrcasing *posure to the ldsuage. Students on a Proficicncy Cou$e must do homework to give rhcm furdrer conra with bd practicein the language,and rheyneed to do it within the recomcnded time to gain practice in rimirs. End-of-Unit test Thc rcstsar rhe end of eachUnit are includedso rhar fron early on in the coulscstudenrshavea clearidea ofthe typcsolcxcrcise ed levei of diffculty they will meet h rhc exam, md also ro begin to master exu techniques and gcr used ro working within requiri.L rimc limi$. The rihe limits siven in each test are all accurarcreflectionsofthe times set in the PronclencvE!m. dd ir is rherefore impofiant for srudems ro work stricilr within these limirs. The rests do noi constitute complete pracdce Exm Papds although they do srcw lonscr dd fuller as the Coulsebook prosresses.It is only in the I'roficiencr Piacrice Exm rhar there is aD exuple of a full 'mock' P.oficiency Exm. Alrhough ihis exm is placed at the end of rhe book, teachersma]' well wish ro show ir ro dleir srudems errly on in the course so as io acquaiDt them with thc conrenr of the exm. I(e recommend lhat students do the tests in classunder examlike condiiions bd in ihe specified time limit. A mdkins schemefor eacbtest is providcd ai rhe end of eachTeaching N-B- There arc Do lestsas suchat the dd ofthe Paper5 InrerviewUnirs becauseit $ould be vdy diffcuh for most teachers to admidsrcr such resrsin r,heir norhal rvo.king condirions. Interview materials aie however provided ro be used in clas or to bc doneas a test by thoseteacherswho cd orgmise rhis. Recorded material: The rapesconraina1lrhe listeninemateriallbr eachUnir, c.d-of-Unit testswhere appropriaremd rhe Lisrening Comprehensionmaterial requircd foi ?apei 4 of the PloficiencyPracdccExam- The recordingsare not autheDric speechbut rhey have been iecordcd ro soud as narural as possible and conlain a vaiiety of'non{rodard' accenrs.Each Lisrening Comprehensionpieccis only given once oD the rapes (with the exception of the Placrice Exm marerials). U studdts needto hcar a pieceagainyou will haveto rewind the tapc to rhe beginningof thc picceed piay it agdin. Range oi activities: Vhiie everyUnit aimsto teachod praciiseskillsrelevmr ro a specificProficiencyPapd, it will alsoinclude other activities.This is ro mainrainitrterestand alsobccauseir is not alwaysmtulal or necessary to scparare
Teaching notes Each Unit in the Teachingnotesconrains: - a detailederplanationof rhc aims of eachUnii, - a guide to esch exerciseor activity in d1eUnit which conrains general infomatio!, suggestedclassroom treatment ed eswers! - rapesdiptsfor Listeniq Comprehssion re!$ md resrsj - anst-ers to tests md sugg.sted martins schemes. For most activities in the course the following information is given: the aim or aims of the activity, informarion on leguage poinrs dd ldguage skills, informarioq abour the Proficienct Examination, infoimarion abour rhe sryle of rerrs, suggested classroomfeaiment dd answers,iesister,focusvocabulary,md my necessar,v tLr
'rol.:!oJ p@ rosJ pB 'rorBurl@ (r.stD?3ro @ sEr.^r3_uoQeuroJu @ q.nu os rou s.uor.q lEruo. slrp r !rI.E.r .qJ :lensGl Jo s.sn pahl.nIrsm ..9 roJ s.nrmxoddo p@ {ror{ p!pF5 t.sl.Dx. tuoD?uEidxi !Fo.]!| dnois p@ 4Ed lmpurpur suproo ]ooq.smo) {r uosE.r sqr iod s.I3.1ens aulBal lEr.JIp rno dr1 uE. sruaPnrsqrlqa uI .r.qdsorEs uoorssel. ftI8@llEqr r.^ p.Rlar B q srd.pnrs arqrDdFnrEd p@ p.ls.rarB !q rsou srtu.o tuIuE.I rRIl .^.Iaq aa
seqreordde uroorsselS '@ 13.rE sFAs@ ..lqFsod, ro .P:rs.aans! dtuo .$qa '.p.po.-u.do, sEpaqlDsap .q rqsu q.Iqa esolF rd.te looq.srnol :qr u $IsErPue s..t.Dx. .rlr IF or s.rou ?utqre.I:qr r p.pt{ord.! sDAsuv
sJaasrrv ur
[email protected]
'p!!{ srlp suons.tins I@u sutEluor ow looq:srnol aqJ sselr Jo 1q6!u senhDr! aoq 01 s€ .pm aE suoqs.s8ns ftrlpB.rl sqr Dpun
'.Ioqa E sE 3qr rx.r lo uolsuaq.Jduo. roJ poolsripm .q ol p3ad q.rra s.ru.J.J.r pbrtn rFluor q.qa s1x.1auos roJ P.pr^ord st strJI :uollsrulolul lern{n) 'uoorssElr.rlr:plsrno.uop qsllsug r+ )Foa ^G roJ p@ looq.srnvJ .qr qlb 3B>tror u.qa .lqeltE B ItBuoIrtP ? .^?q or p.sr^PE .s slhpnrs rt.r ]1.luo.J€ s.1ou ftF.IuEd eqr q p.sn $ proa .q]rryId-a. qtlqa s5rre.u.soqllo ts.np€eJ .qr u rn^€ .t rpnlA sproa Jo
[email protected] .rlr Jo stopEGld$ .rIJ g N '8trIp?:r lo .mse'rld .I| uo{t srrelrlp pw uobulq:roEoJ tP,rurs n:tll or lPr'@\.r rou \' uoFGt{.rduor rr:qr oaop saots sFp se r$1 E nI u.r drqnq?ro .l8rqs ,{I. . Jo ?uluE.u eqr aoot ()1ftr-rr@a uaoDlq pFoqs slcpnrs r: E !l p.ulEluot ^rFqlro uo{ p.t?mo.sP.q .!p IF lEsrrder rou Isu ro ,{eu 1I irbDrE @ Jo pu. aqr .{q .sn p@ esrdo..r sn)ol ol.Iqs aq or p.p@rut srB sruePrusqrqa draFqero^ sr sqJ :il€lnqero^ '35m3@r c{ods pc uarrln uao rt.tp ul ,lIIEuroJ lo sl.&l suFJrp dl.Nudordde :rnpord p@ s?ur@:u sll qroq u Frsl6.r .sp6o.ar or .lqt .q or pe.u 'spJoa ftln.luEd lo ib!l,rl]@J? p@ s.IAs Ia^.t dr@Dgoral 1Es]@pnrs *.hr.nlls (.aEna@I .sn rEln€.r E Iq p.slrer.ErErlr sr spl.g .s.qr Jo ri.Ea .r3 rr.$Fet sseqsnq Jgnd.ris ..38n3@I iurqu3apE 'r.rsr8.r IE8.I ? . sr.sn Jo dnod ro uoresoJord rEIn DrBd ? lo IE.Iddr sr q.qa .3En5@I or raFr ser 1l 'dlpso33s .]a 'iftF 1EIrneu ,tmsb 1ruroJ ,tr.^ 3'. $ .Eena@t Jo a..,d e IEuoJ aoq or €Fr @3 rr rlFsrrd rsuqr ru.r.gtp 06r @38 or p.sn sr qrlqd ulr .usEiuq e st slr[ ;ra$r8el '.F rpasllq '.Jred€rp 'a u..lqo sEp.tt q?I E slFr 5l! lpla.swptoJrB ..rrurq lnJrnotor 4 r e q r: ! . l l a n o l . J l r ' \ r o r s n ] u b u t n d n o r at o u o s s d 3 J o J ^ l n o r ' b r d r rc Frldl1 sI qrqd arlnIldte 6u!op Jo IEA ro r.ulleu pr.uJs 3! ro .sr.qlo Eoq rsPloa ru.!g$ s? r.rld ro D{E.ds .ql 1no $lftE qJrqd ,(lFlr.ds, lo srroqt Jo :dir ?. ss .rIrs siug.p tlstt8ug tllladuoluoC lo ttDuo!.!(I tubut8uoT.l{L'.aEra@IE Jo p@qtuor p..E pE @ Jo ued l@uodu @ suo] s.l.qs ru.r.gp Jo uoon6or.r .sne$q oqE rnq II]ID aspEq@l 6rp u rcr.ej lueuodu arou J.^. @ suuor.q . r r . ! ! r \ n E r r q^ t o or o u r x ) r q r e r r o r l \ r ! J q r r n o q PD \ € s ' u o l l e d t o j l l : e l i q s
2 The use of English in the classroorn Enelish should be the olly ldguage used ln dre Proficiencr classrcom ulcs rhe teacher asks sludcnrs ro give dle meanins of a particuldly tricky word in d1e mothcr ronsuejust to .heck compreheDsion. ll srudo$ are noi usedto oniy speakiDgEnslish, r,heymay do so uwillingly o! only inrcrminmdy ar first, partiolarly i! pair and group work. The passage of rime ard rhc rcacherh insistdce on Englishwill ovocome rhis.
3 Individual, pair and group work Individual work Mhy of the activitics in the Coursebook ftqui.e studens ro qatk inrli,iluall! before checking their work wirh a parmer or reacher. This is to ensufe rhar e".rl studeat in the .1ass udertakes the acriviry concerned dd not just one or a few students ia ihe cla$.
Pairwork Manr of the pracdce hd checkins activirics in rhc Coursebook de recommended to be donc in tuts. The rason for this is oncc again ro involve srdddts as much as possible in the use of the lasuace. Who pairs of students are busr using rhc languagethere is mdimum p.acricc.Paii ivork is !1soa goodwly ofencolragins shyer siudcntsto con[ibute dd it alsogivesreachersrhc opporrmiry ro give their attetrtion to wcakd srudems. Group work is oftcn rccomended in rhe Coursebookfor discussions, srllrmaly work md rcporting- This is becausemdy heads can be befier thu one, i.e. rhe more opiqions thclc are, rhe more you have to justify, thinl about and icfne you oM opinion. Group work is alsodolher way of mdimising studert parricipadon. For pab md group work to operate succcsstully srudo$ musr be very clerr abour what they havc ro do and say. The Coursebook thelefbre qretuUy suucrures ai1 theserasks,and furder indicatio.s as to how to structuretho arc piovided in the Cla$room lrealmor secrionsofthe Units in the Teachingnorcs. Duing pair and group wolk the rcacho musr keepa closeeye on studenB' work to maLe su.e ther harc undcrstood whar they musr do and also to provide help when it is rceded. The teachcr can therefore move aroud from plir to pair or group ro group durins these activi.ies, or keep aftorivcly ro one side dd not take any acrive part so as to encouase students to ger on wirh rhc lask ser on rhetu own. On some occasionsit is useful to hove from individual to pair to group work on rhe srae task as this gives studors e evei-in.rersing invoivement in rhc tas\ in hm4 1 each sruddr nDtes a decision 2 . I d e r ' . d i : . 1 * d d j r . ' t ) l - ( ' rd e . r u r . I n p - , " 1 .ude.1 di:.'. bd jr.:t) l-.r d . sur. ins,uLp, 4 studentsdiscussdd justify their decisionswidl rhc classas a wholc. This progresion (known as'pyrmid work') is usefullor mby of the activitiesin
4 The forrnation of pairs and groups It is usetul to vdy &e compositionofpairs Dd groupsrcrosslessonsso that s.udcnts doal always work wirh the sde people. In this w!y, all the classsets to know one anothcr, studcnts mcct difleient pe$onaliries and ideas, and also the teacher can combine weak and strong studcnts in ditrcror ways ar ditreient iimes as
saoloJ sE>iool PFo F.r{s uo|..rro. v @rP r..rro. or eGprus lsE pc {u:rp pG reoqs prEoq)lrEiq 6r[r uo salErslu.!p.ura T.qsPg slq.tu^EJ! 5tF u5qa uol]..Jr@ E uo mop s.vrslu 5q1 .lou or st uotlnlos 3uo 'irh!.e .rp rdnJFru] or ruea l,us.op lnq s.l€lsu s..rrou.qs/.rl <sdnoraro sBd ru.lglP or tqE $!l ssep .qr pund sr.pGA r.q.3.1.qr sE 3I Iry.sn aq @. Dq.E.r .rF dq uolr..rror u.ql {dt!q rot snorre u.^. sr p@ Jl.sr.q/uq suss.rdF B &In E{p snor^qo 3u^!q $ r@pnrs ? Jl 'ra^3aoH 'ltrauou isj..rd leqr 1etuIop qrroa rou IIqEqod sI -os op or rou to rr 'uoFsnJsrp Jo uqtdqr pu? aoE .rp 8uq€arq
[email protected] BIm..Do.lI sruepEs rr.rro. or .sooqr leu )Foa rIEd ro dno6 aulnp ssElr .qr pmor ScroE sbq.EJI -..Dr!rd fr@nE .tqEnF^ aEwS 3re sruapnr. (p.Frrro.m JI E^a 'Dr!o!e .uo r.3rro. p@ dl.q esN.aq ,{pEd $Istr p.mrrrs II:a u lt*tDrtred or .uor IIIA sr@pnrs .sftr.q ftlrd !,eJ Isrll tl lloa r.upFoqs .{aql rIF@uodur .rou rng ile. I:qr re$ sr srp o1 r.asuE .Idus .rIJ Toa dnoI6 p@ rrEd ltl s)Prslu s.euoIr.^. 1.. o. Gr Irt aorl lnoqe snoF@ .q dlu sl.q.e!I
sernpacorduollJerroC f,uossn
ooooo fltr ooooo
stp dnora roJ sru3@8@uD
FIIE@S lnq rlruB
trfl !
| l! .oFEnoEE
:)ttua sossosp sel. roJ saoIIoJ s! p.i@rr $ts.p .^ErI or Fl.sn sr rr 'Fqro@ :uo a.s @r ,{.qr Jr IIer or sr@pnls roJ r.$e'r q.nu st rt -BS .SN e Le'l-r.rrE5r:q L :r4r,Jord o ruoP s, uor\Dlp rqr Jl lrqr or elor Flu! e Jo leqr 3Eot.q uouialtu!) 'n bolaq p4e.IFr-r se sqBrsu Jo uop-lalo{ plnoa.Ior s.r.rpF].lp rser rlrlqa 6 'uosr.drEqJ sErJE or ]nrpnls e r6odd! plno. r.qrE.r .rp r.{tra!reur:1[V arl^ Jo rllod n.rrr pJRNoJ rnd or hurutoddo @ sEq ^poq^J.^. rErp pG uoFstusp .rp sI paDprsuot .JE srr+od ]@uodu{ II€ r?qr 'q.nu qrE] Eosr.d *tn oor iled ou ams saIE@or{a uos!&Pqr e se 3Br.E dIuIEu ..i$!l Ies plnoqs !rI.E .rp su8.q rc$soslp .qr suo 'suoFsmsP ssElr .totlA uI 'p.5u IIA d.qr s@rr ,(eFqEro^ eoDjun ,(G qsIIsuA uI dBsor nor{ J.rIr61 .rp )sE ostEpoR uossn.slp .qr Jo .rdol .qr ro slqsnoqr rbr! uop ro( rc Fqr.?ol lI or or qiqa ur uoD.4r r@Is lo sernurd a.l 3 slu.pnls . € or 'qossnrslP ? 8uu!-€.q .roJ.q ,rtq"supe st 1r rsEJ r.rFl. FI I.^.I s$p aqr uo .ur! sqr '!uo:ssn sP r.Llj-lql s.Io ord snql p@ suormlJuor s.dnori .q1tro ssel. qorlA eLIror {Jeq suod.r @I! oqa uosDdsqods B . ErI I@ lDq eqr sdnor8 uI ro t.^ot ss!I. .Ioqa.tF uo r.rpr. pFr{ .q @ sDorssmstq uoDr.^r:16 lrp€ar Jo mElF+u ! sr 3!.tF p@ .lEdnlBd .Iqrssod sEsrmplus ,{@u sEqttrlA 6 .uo ,'ltJE.p sr uotssnrsJpIe.pI .qI
{roa uolssntqc
7 Skills and tasks You will notice in th€ Coursebook that reading and tht€niog texts are followed by a wide @g€ of ditroot activities e.g. gist mde.stmdilg, findi4 specific items of infomatim, detriled comprehmsion, srllrmdy work, etc. B.ch of th6e activitie helps to tiain a pdticuld languaee skiu md diffaat tdts will 14d thmselves fluch more to patti@ld skills thd cdtair oder t€:-ts- For example, p6ple rdely read a telephoDedilectoly to sr]tmarise its contedts or lad a job advertismot you only to exploii iust to find out it3 general message.We thdefore .eoI]mod rhe texts to ihe de$e md in the say suggestedin rhe Couseboot so as ro allow studots to train paftictnd skils at dy one time md also allow thm to @me to .ealise that rhoe I diEeret l.inds of r*ls, whethd mitt6 o. spoko, which ths€fore iequire diff€rot l.jnds ed levels of @mp!€hdsiotr.
'rl. 'sqdEd tqons.nb !.Ioqr-.td9Fu le tml or sr@Prus roJ .dsr .rp .sn?d pFoqs nol .bqa s.1"rrp6 (+) Issrrse @ rsldrbs.dEJ uI g N
'srs.J uor$.q.rduol 3uI@rsI-I roJ srd.tDs.dlr qrra teu€q.s 8u)tJ@ p.rs.88ns p@ s,{.I laAslre 1s.I qun-Jo-pug 's3sJ.r.i. o1 s€asw
€tqFsod ro sreasuB P.rs.aErs
'rrl3uneoo parsaaansp@ s.ld@e
[email protected]
roJ €ernp.tord
'sr.a4 uolsn qaraturoc suIE lsI'I roJ srdF s.d€J 'dcFq6o p@ J.rs€.J (el,frs uo $rot ral?iidddd? sE 'r]rta Ar^t1.8 !o tspr.e
soJ rIrE roJ seroN
1{un .lrr Jo sEIv
.null rlc!. rod slsEqltsn-dq-rmn
:.IqB.{ddE .sq,r{ p.p4ord re aqdolloJ ? uo srrou ss,rqr6r Eruor seAEdauldolloJ aql
'rood.qr tmqdrolo 3rEJ.!F p@ !.rEr l!trip.u pEd .so!F ,llE!!eds. '1u:@r.^o8 e Iq p.p!^ord plo u.qA .^1t or rood .rp roJ i.?ld ou p?q l|lF
'.r. (p.IqEsP .qr rrtr.plr .lG sRqrnsrsrxBr Iq (.fp@d) rol s.rt^ris :r€JI.a rsrrrc/rs lruos '{? u.rl6 ,fllEt..ds. llu.unoldEe .'11 E G.ur r.ural nt) : a"aqIiod
rroa.rrs" .rqp.ra 'Juo'* ***' l::;Ti;;ill;il11y[;lf-'
lsrrn8g FJqqrq j,,sg Pr, qorrf, Teuo! FrolsEd.!p p.slloquis qotrEI suosural EoIrBEroJuI IsmrFc
SuDI.oqsIFrISqsp@ p.r..dv.un jt4rlrx r.lst$ ro r.qlorq E it 4{^ , .{Frlallsjq,z?tnk Eapr.iqNsod' rte4{u @ (lorfi.np. : awrnl lu.udol.^ap ro 5uuFrl
[email protected] snonu!]uo. e sudlddns rol p.sn :ldo.d to s8lt1p :l'PPa! .nl o! I,tibhlq) : I]?EP01 qsnoroqr p@ lnJ.Gr :arqa*Dd @ddEqrou !a Io ltd! suqr.uos ]?qr ,{r]IrqBqord.q1 rq'po 't istmxa q s]@pnrs^q 1no .!F s! tutnqEtror sql qrE r., oc g N ^JeFqe.o^ snrot
:q rsnd sproa .srqr Jo
[email protected]
terlnro :rorslaed !&or€!qdt. '.rDdltsrp :rxerJo al]{ls
'trErrproJ Surp!.r ]nq llr:dord auruuDls ro! iDA n.!F
[email protected] PFoN os op ol sE€upEar Jo pqj srqriurcP u.qa r8t$Ed sqrJo.EI qrF iuolE l!.u.d r ro s!6ug r.rF mr sF.pnrs r:t ].uoo s.lnulu sJo
[email protected] E r:s s: . plnoJ no,{ puE {pbmb .uop :q.rol.r.q1lsnu 1I {8 d looq.snoC .s1lqrt rPrav Dpm aot.q r.qunt 3.s) t r&4l' Jo IIDISsurpErr .!F lBIr or sr :srir.$ slqr Jo ur! .rlJ z 6sltr.xa ',srur!d rl.Iir qrlt.$duor or suoDrlPard srsq IIEp@ '(pBr or rnoq€.r€ n:ql.6?s$d irpJo.rdor.qr rnoq€ llt]qr IIe &r]r or sI suorl.rp.Id r:qr u,{op.lou or srEpnrs aun.s rol uos?.r iql leqr:ns.)'ru I espr.xll
,-9 dd IooqasrnoC
lu,wuottaln pw trr?p,tr,AJo rdol.q1or p.r.r@o. .ftBlnqe.o^Jo .8p.taoFj .sro.pnrspuEdxr oJ t 's.su pue ulErro .sn .qr suon.usuo:) uo6r.^q .uos a!.u:r 01 :rlm8rc lo z '8u!{ul puB lx.ruor uo{ spro!\ Jo turlE.u :qr sussrns 1IBr.p €urlmDjs :stlDtssurp&r.^g
[email protected]]m o.L I ltun.qrJo rol aurpEar'
[email protected]
iluauuorr^ul ro AllParoH | -LlNn v
UNIT 1 Possible usw€r The passageis abour how sers of twins scpararedar birth havc beeDrcmited by a social worker md about a stldy cdied our on similar sers of hvins to establish thc relarive contributiotrs of herediry aad eDviromor in hues. Classroom beatoeDt Students should w te the answe$ to these questioDs eirher individually or ia paiis bdore the eswers are checked with the class as a whotc. This is to cnsDe riat eveiyone has thc oppon@ity to woik on the pasage. Suggested dswers I His comection is rhar it\ his job ro try to find md reunite such sersol twins. 2 Hc wo!ld!'t have been, becauserhesetwiDs were raised rogerher, ,!d hc is intercsiedin twirs raisedaparr. 3 Becauscduins thar peiiod twins were more tikely lllm at othe! dmes to be seprated whd adopted. 4 Beca$e thc law has chuseq so now thcy cm at least rrack down thcir original 5 Becauseit cm be rarher alaming to heu this kind ofDewshdpectedly froh a streger over rhe phone, 6 He consideis his work ro hare been very srccesstut as he thinks hc has helped peopleto discove!the lruft about rheh oM Lvcs_ In the exd sttrdqts wiU aLmoetcelrainly have to glcss rhe meding of words from conrdt eithe! ro dswer a quesrio! or ro help rheq udcrsraad the gisr of a plssage. fhis is aleo an impoltrnt skiU for them to masrer for general readins in English as it allows then ro read morc flustly dd confidentiy. Many srudents, however, neea! ocouragmenr ad help ro seehow rhe r*r can supply rhem with clues ro the Thc clues to the meming of rhe words may cooe before o! afier r,\e word in questionj bc close to that word or turther away, hd be erllrlj@ticat ed/o1 The clues to the medins of rhe words in this exdcile are as foilow!: ,ddsr 240 to one againsrj loqer oddej fiDding pairs . . . conceined paftrtaiirl': patient detecrive work d@elt: connast 99il.l:,huhterj clue also provided by .,zr Joddet: tt.h researchfoddet Jat thasetuho . . .t thej dle a seIectstoxp ,uttute: hdeditr at d{ionment, nature ters6 unrtrrer iderticat hereilit! but difelent ikkuns: knauhq, or dt least sutp%tina natginoll!: eaiet; at le6t ltartlins : he edve ut the telephonecall \n fa.tow of a dis.rcetl! uat.t.d \etre\ ;f ,ou'te Classroom taeatDent Allow rhe sttrddts time to wdm inro the discussion topics. Dor,t expecr thd to do so immediarely. Jusr stmd back ud ler rhe srudsft geDtly feel thei. way inro dEm. It\ iaportmr ro conducr rhese discussions in mall groups becauseat this stageof dle course studenrs donl know one dother at all weil, md are rherefore often relucram to talk in front of rhe whole class-croup work also psvides thm with a way of gefting to kDow ore eother betrer. Select from rhe suggesteddisossions in responseto what rhe srudenrs see to be most inreresred in. The followitrg could be used as extra discussion prompts if they de trceded. !{&at would you do/How would you reacr if someonerds you up md rold you thh kind of news?vould you be pleased/dsrt'/dious/curiols, etc? Vhat kiid of diference would such a revelarion make to rour life? t8
ro lress:ciu lBnsn st reqa puo,{.q r!.uIed leuorllppe @ ruzoq , ui8.q 01 rsnEr or :,prrrl dl .uo.uos ro sq1!.uos Jo &llEab .w : aqltl 't .sDlxa uI sls.pnrs .{q lno .rp sBdrBlnq?ro slqr ri.E.r r., oc g N IrEFqero^ sn.og
.q rsnu sproa asaqrJo 3udt.u
I8Irn.! :$rqaQ{ 's@r5ord lrnduo. or sq..r rI u:qa proa sqr rol5u[.ds pEpders.qr s] srqJ rr.1.qr u /rdotrd
IsErpu? suoDsanbuosu.q.rduor aup!.r Jo II.FE^ sI q'rb ue{g bueDgord .rp or u€^rl.r IIBInTI]rtd :te sJsEd.s.qr uo p.slcBrd sllDtssupEar .rlJ
sIIr.)IS Sqpeou
6-8 dd looqasrnoC
asl.rs$ puE s$rpoJq mo,..1noqer?qa puv aDl{ll.u ro (DrpEJ r.o,l m r.qlou no.{ o lrou nol 3r !r.!l?q. Jo aJI Jo ruiod .qr uorC (ru.@orr^u: .rp Eoq SuluolrPuo, !o lrerlpaFq srF sI isrJrpo @qr stutql .uos rB Fn.q or u:.s s..Br .dos op lr{l( au.rptiq. leqr qBId:. no.( m 6oH r@II]Fq .rsq sr@!d.3!r.^s
€ toFsnrslq i8uql poo8 ! iq s]1Oplnot( a.s.rp Jo r.tpF uI uoDtr dalol .rBrs ro uo!}ernp. ,u.ryIq. dn atrGmrq ro spoqr.u or !.u.rJJ'Ip I@ eleu ssmpog qrs pFol) iqrlA dn .uor pFo. rI .BgEu{ nol op s8ulP[g ]etll\ pqrt\ iaool .a o(I ipar.^orsrP .r3r{ ol r.dd! qrrt.sr IF s.op z Eolssnrq(l apeq i^Eq or ur.s )lloa 4arF op sri.gJ rErIA iuor€^Eou .qr >rullr no,{ op &{l[
p@ uosR.r r!.qr sEA rErIA iqreas.r
snlr pP sFq.I.s.r
UNIT1 Cultual infomtion 'O' &,.l'i 'Ordinary' l€vel exms of the celeral Cdrfiqte of Edu@tion (c.C.E.). Nonnally takd afte 5 years of se.odaiy sch@L C.tBrj 'C€rtif,@te of Secondar"JEducatioD'. Exms which have a mor€ pracricsl, les acadmic bias lhaa 'O' lw€ls, €k6 in secddrry school. Classroom treatment I Rad the qpimadoD of the skill aloud wilh Ihe class folowing. 2 Class discussion ol rhe skill in which you might wor ro poinr our the informrion on the skiils giveD above. I Studors do rbe dercise individuallydd in wririrg. 4 Repon back on &swds5 As .bove wirh each of the skills. 6 Studdts could be asked whether rhey rhough ihey alFady @!y.oul these skills on English t6.ts or with texts in their om languge, ed if so which skills rhey mploy on wbat kind of rdr-
Itt about rhe rise to fme ad successof a youg boy tbrcugh his worL in desigdng computer prcgrm. 1 {35,000 (line 2); 2 16 oiDe 7); 3 a Jasuar (line 10)j 4 6 (lne zo)t 5 12 Otne 25): 6 'Space PDic' (lirc 3l)j 7 {17,000 oine 35); I Image Software (line 32); 9 Liverpool (line 40)j 10 brs driver (line 40) 2 BecaBe he has such ar qceptioMl job ar so yosg d age. SeeFoc6 oocdbular! aboveI Presuably not, beause he read uder the bedclothes. 2 Jealonsy, bEause he's likely to em sevd times as much as his fathcr.
Coursebook pp 1G-11 Inversion Cofftructions de tested reguldly h Sectiotr A of rhe Use of EDglish Papd. Th$e parti@le Inversion Consttucrions re som€wharfomal md more a lerue of wrind the spoko langege Mrke sre studmts realise lhar inve.sion odly ocars afie these wotds whd rhey are plaed at lhe begiroing of a soroce Clasrooh treatDeot I Read the €xplmarion throueh with the classas a whole2 Ask s.udors to taaftethe oswers indviduuy. 3 Studetrts ch@k rheii alswe$ iD pais. 4 Report back of dswds to the whole class. Rarety do psple appteciate the fuI fo.ce of hdedity. No s@no had he left school the he sra.red compute! plosl.urmitrs. Not only has Eugene edned a forrme bur he has also delighted his farher. Not util the tdns have mer foi the tust time will we krcw how rhey feel about €ach other.,D,Iotutil th€y have mer for the tust time will we know bow ihe twins fel about each other. 5 Nevd bdore hss such resqrch beo cmied ouL. 6 Seldom do you fnd reuited twins who do nor get on well togeth€r. 7 Scdcely had Eugde Evans left school bdore he fomd a iob in a @mputer sofiv/m o)mpany. I 2 3 4
8 rs.1:IorIA roJ lrms slqnsod IElof 'r.ds@ rrelor qrEi roJ $F?u z 6qr.1$u
'8tfgt:lz:qI sreasuv '.uIIr [email protected] alp u p@ suoErpuor :ld z J{{ @x. rJp@ $?Ir 6 rs.l .!p op o1 sr@pn$ F3 or nof pu.mor.r 'ueaa l.@itrgord
st qrrqa rlul 3un p.pn:mo..r
ut sI8u.roIr ]J.rro rlqr ueldxg '@x. I! u ol ]roa or e^?q .qr 01d:J>I,{.rpl€rp oor ssans 'troFsoduro!
.5s e. nod rtql os hod .ql snlrua ro 3ut@Id q :q s@lqord I!.q]lq€qa or dl pu!r{ {.qr iroa.@oq .qr or s@ld uoBsoduor r6tp .pnlrul Lql srns .IEI I '.lqFsod sE8ulllh uoursoduo' r{ a'DrErd qrnE sBra? 01 pw >Foa.uoq op or d.rp roJ sr rr P1t^ aoq sru.pnls or rqdxa
Dqro .rp .roj.q p.@dd€q son.E srp 1!ql aoqs or p.sn sr lr.lFd ls?d.qI $ed .ldus u.ql puE r..I'd lsBd I . I rsEd .rp q.cuo ]u5s.rd alp uI p.nuruo. sl non e !!p9u >lroa pauErs ,{Iuo p@ sr .q p.1bl€r &oq ssFIIE.r r.tlol ou sl .!.Bn!I JsN..g n ':pnr]!€ ru.s.ral nrrod@r e ueqr r.lpEr
[email protected] e s.qu.seP qD .tF .sNr'g t '€qndlluor Nrs si 11lnq rsld.ro ur w6iq uoD.? .gI rull lcs:rd or ..u.i.J.r E suPruor :.u.rms .rp asnBr.g z o1ulsinull()r 1l i I'aouJo tnrr ]u.srd.ql 'rrPEJ slq Sunr{8l.p Jo uolFR aq1.snbtq IIt$ sr !s!d .rp c €uFul8.q q8nolpp r]sBruor Ig rsBd.!p ol qarD@ 6uoFq € ou !q prsn sr .su.r lr.lrid ru.s.ril .rP p@ .l.taiuor .r l?rp suoE E .ft 'looqts Sudeil puE Suluder8ord FlndEo' 8uq$$ ir or p.n.Jrr ssoErs .qr ssnBr.q z ou u p.sn sl .s!.r rsEd .lduls .rlJ I s'easuv '!pd {ep .q .rol.!rF uer pw ru.redde .uo.q r^eq I3u sr@pils aqr s8r{Pdsrslpmsrd ro srqnop '{@ *r! os elqFsod se sDAsue .qr so uoFstuslp !5nE se .8Eno.ug poorsDPm 'ft -u.rP .rolJq ssoD$nb sulias@ q:qet IE EErr.@t3 .rp IIE 1"+.6ers sqr 1" l..qc @oof,sseJc .qr uo r..g.r p@ q8norql PEaror .ull sruapnrs aoIIV lr.utre.rr 'E.qr qfal or hrnrloddo 'rP sl sI! sasu.r .qr Jo s.ueu .rF rpIA JEIII@J eq lou trru srcpnrs auos g N qsqsug res@r ru.raJlp Jo suluEau Jo s.pqs .ql or .^Dlsbs p@ s.su.r Jo .sn uao rr.ql Jo .rEA! pE I?rnE 5uor.q @rp 3I?u oslBIIrd lJ tuoFs.nb .d.{r risll?ug 'p.sn.rE s.su:l rlnJlu€d {qa rnoqe Jo 3so r.asm or @.ql5unqeur .Iqar srur Jo 'so&nd rqJ ntsnor.sum p@ r1a^l1.e sruapnrs Fa or s .si'r'h tttlutp
'srFs:r pooarPns Fa slldnd.soqa loorps e Ptg notr IIra.DqaoN 0r -$td rrF rnoqe uorBsr.^uo. nI d..p :DA ,&qr u.qd/.roFq P.rrm:r Daq ,{.rp p8q trIprEH 6 \sa .rI p.ru.F] aoq .s:lR.r .q plp Iroa p.uErs .q @qa .{Tuo 8 L IINN
uN[ 2 Generations PAPER 2: COMPOSITION Aims ofthe Uoit
1 2 t .l 5 6
To consolidaresomeofthe readingskills introduccdin Unir 1. To inroduce and work on compositionplanning. T . , e r a mn e o i . c u r . j ' e . o n p o . i - i o* ,r r ' i 6 . To establisha procedurcfor composirionwiiring. To provide vocabularyod ptuascsfor indoducing or linhing sentences. crzlr]mar: to .eview the pattern: rerb + Douorpronomipossessive adiecrive+ scrud. ? To expandstudents'ktrowlcdgeofvocabDlary.omected ro the topic of GenetutiotB.
Coursebook pp 12-13 Exercise 1 The plrposc of askingsrudentsto think of a eoodheadlinefoi rhis articleis ro encouragcihem ro readfor gist. Style oftexe detailedjobjecrivc.mdrmadc, impersrnal Register: neutral Focus vocabulary a t/anrj a person with !o homc or iob, who wdders flom place to placc besging fo1 food or mone,\'. Cd.rt,.]r s Lordorcr, cspeciallyone from the EastEnd. CultEral infoimation a ir,.ul ,rtr a spccialschoolrm by a local educarionaurhoriryro deal with 'pioblem children'. slrd Jutfi,ar this is a growlng addicdonjn the U.K. The conscqlcncesof snitrng glue cd causeseriousheallh problems. a Jnnleddr a youth (usuallya boy) in Britain with his hair cur verv shorr. Skinnerds havea repuradonfor beingvnnent. Cr.izcrr this accenrwas oiisinally d working classoDeftom rhc EasrEnd of London. Its connoradonsare livelines, quick+vn, sharpintellisenccad also low classed dcnece ofmiddle-cla$ valucs.Theselairer connotdtionsare thoserelevur in rhe airicle. rd Ddm dalr: in Unglod 'problem' reenasesare somcrjocsplaccd'in care',i.e. sent to residenrialccnres which they are only allowcdro leavervirh the pemission of the althoriries.These cenrresplovidc educariondd sporras sell as contact with socialworkerswho tly to help solvccachresidenfsprobleos. Teenasere ch be placcdin carefor !a.]'iDg uounrs ofdme. Paien$ are allowedto see rheir childrena! spccialdmesonly ,s visiiing is stricrly regulared. Classroom taeatheqt For rhe sisr readingleep stdcdy to the timc limir suggesledso as to get srudcnrsused ro skimmingtexts when ihis is appropriare.
'lulop 3ldo.d r.rpo Jo J^orddesp ro .rorddE &rir stulqr.qr or sE$!1. .rl1 pool snsu.suo.I@ s! 3r'!P !q/s!q dJl$n( I ..s or surs.r.ru .q u.qr lq8lu rI rrlEd uI r.uuEd E rPIA suoMdo puE uEId'. tsmslp plno. .qs/.q rslslloar lqlslq:p€u sBqru.pnrs qJE. r'{v 'rno u'q] r.qmu ? plnor eqr pE:r:q s.trur1lJs Jo srqJp@ lolr?pnosuor u.nua.pr^ord or 8uDIrA ul qlBlrr :uop.q pFor.srDF '$qr:q.1 pmor lllero Juop.q rsn!plno..sortxJ sIqJ r@ur€err doorss€Ic aru.pnrs or rno '!oBr.^ puor.s tqJ p.1r{od.q PFoqs sIqJ lsrg JrIl @!F leurol.rou sr 'r.r.aorl arq !! 8uuo. s.!r.
II l.uoP sluJrd IW -.rEI d 3uluor r.l.di.u.{I r.uop sruJrd IW E-J
[]tenb. ir uDn€d srlJo suosr.r Ilog r..u.r!.s :.lduor p@rsDPdnp@ 'sn or .tq! aq puE s.Ju.1u.sildus puoI.q .rRr.do ol:lqE .q $nu s]@pnlsI'^'I slqr rv >troauoBsncsPP@ surGr\ lolltoduoc q slu.pnrs or .sn 1e.$ Jo osIEst u i.d€d qsltsd1lo .sn .q1Jo V uoq..S uI p3rsarIFu.nb.rJ sI u$ned rEI@e€ slql 5i
noI oq a:r?. ur uRI 8ulrnd rol s1u.Ed srq.a6roJ r.^. Ild uqol I!]ql a3rEruI llt rEp.dl.q .q qqFsod 'q E] a.uorl 1€Itls ol pooi IUE lqol .uop .r3r{ rr pForN as.rueNmJr. .@s aqr u .uop .Nq nol plno6 rlqr :p.p..!:re pFor no^ rueErEe4 EoorsselC
I:rp JI srduord uo6sn.sF sEsuhollol.ql.sn
lo!ruroJu! rlIl.ads :i i.r!3Elul roJ ?urp?ir :t ilIEr.ProJ EuIpR.r:z :lsF roJ SutpEJrri f.oPol
g t09y t ll.eq € a:?Z JduE! i
PEsIIiu.Jl:. lP.gtq il.r.lddo. !5uuFds.p :p.uoa Z trRsluosEr@ isnodllqo lu.r.grpul rJ^uduslp i3uE..br I :sleJ E j.E!c n :.uJ t t.EEg u i.Er{ I sreastv 'Is?r !.?: lo uEd dI.^. suoJld lutpnrs q'?e I&! sqr uI .toqa ! se s?IJ .!p llia p:l.3rp !.tP .r .{.!p 1€$ puE s.srir'xr 's'!p qloorssElil sr rI ru.ul€6rr or sr.asde .qr s.rru lu:pnrs q.E. 1dp p.pu.tuor.r 's.ulPE.q Jo uol].mj .qr sr stql se E6rI.rEr-.,{: p@ rqdEl3 .q ppoqs &qr ]E!F sr ]@uodB sI reqra rJuIpE.q :lqBsod poos nwnb. Fqro nG@ rs.asns s$Fqnop ll$ sr@pnls g N a8uotu oi I PIP Jr.qA .IEI s,$qrow v uos ^@ rsot I aoH : eqpoaq ,uzb8oa alqfsal 'diqelPsuor fru.ruor 't0 rou rnq IEr '.smo. Jo '@r 1sJ3sFr Jo iulproa aql g N) irBJ m P:r€ld suFq uos raq ol pEil r{rrIA slsi^a Jo urEqriqr Jo r.lpod E Iq p.ul:r sIIEr.p.\1sirl:rs79 sFAsuv Z INN
Coursebook pp 1,1-15 Thc discursive Discursivecomposirionsare just one of the rhJccklnds oI compositionsstudenrs composition mal' be askedro $'rire in Lheconposirior Papcr.The ofier two are dealrwirh in Units 7 aqd 12. Discursivecomposirionsaic dos. which in'olve discu$ion of rhe argumentssur.oundinga particularissue.'fhc conposirionrirle mdy be phmscdso as 10iequire studentsro sive rhelr osn opinionso! clsc ro oudine rhe general tucumenr\ .,,n.€rning a pa(icular issue.This kind of composirionrequir€stogjcal prosession liom orc loinr io n\e next, and thus ir bccomcsrery important tbr sru.lenisto irite a plu io ensurethis progfesion. Ii alsofrequendvre{tui.esrhc usc of inrroductorvphrascssuchas thoseon paec 15, and joining q,ordssuchas thoscon pages16 ,rd 17. The ques.ionsof sqle, registerand paiagiaphingare not devetopedio rhis Unir, Lhoughthey arc as r.l.rdr to this kind of composnionwriting as to anv orh.r. 'l hey trc d.alr wirh in Units 7 od 12. ar shich point studenrscoutd bc cncouraged to seerhc rcl€rd.e ofthese qlesdons io all kinds of c.liposirion wridnc. We consido goodplhning ro b. onc of L\e kevsto good composirjonwriring, and it is lbr rhis r.ason rhat seyeralcxciciscscon.entrdteiust on Dlannins. Exeacise 1 Classroom tteatm€nt You mly sdnt to ask studenrsro rcad dlis exercisefor home study. Howerer. rs it ( mosr impoirdr ro guaHxee thlt aI srudcnGdo in fact readthescpagcsand alsohaverhc oriporNniry ro voiceany quer! drcy ma'lhave,we recolrmdd L\ar n n readin clas. Trr parricularir to set studcnisro rehember thc foui srepsin comFosirionwiiring rcad the tile, !\an, tutna,.hech. To Dracrisc|he useofthe words and elpre$ions on page 15 you could .sI srudents t', give vou theii opinnrnoD erious issuese.g.military servicetbr women.shokine in public, cableTV, the ljurovision Sons Conresr. Excrcise 2 As indi.dted in the Clourscbook. N.B. Step2 will piobably lro{oke quite a tor of discusslonbetweenparrnos. This js good as it forccssrudcnBro reconsiderthejr arcumen$. I'ossible answcrs 1 The pld for this composirionwill obviousl]'vary wiih eachsrudenfs opilions. However,irs basicpairem sill problbly be Para.I introduction Paia. 2 redsonsnh_!parcnc shouldlook afte. rhc; cbildicn Pa.a.I - slruationsin which ir may nor be plrnts' duty to look afrei fieir children Para.4 .onclusioD N.B. The ordcr of parag phs 2 aDd3 can bc rcveNed. 3 l he conrcnrsof t\is plan will vary roo accordingto studenrs'opinions,bur n will asainprobablytalt inn) nro pafts ln addnion to the introductionand rhc conclusion;onc parr in \1hichthe studclts glrc dcir ollnions on eridancc od co ectioq bd tle orhf pari in which they give rhcir opinion on pmishment.
Coursebook pp 16-17 r-istening 'Substitute Parenrs'
This secrlonis lnrendedborh for listeningcomprchcnsionsort and as a tead in to discussion. ^ ^ s r y l e o l E e x t :- r ' J , . l ; . r r .,$ edscdbl" 1 .| |
i^p€.)I \]u.@d .rnrnsq.s rnoq8 puE,{epolntnp.J .,j! rnoqEsdih IEr.u.5 sq lno Pog or u.rsrl ls]Eolobosr qld a.r^r.rur orpRrR rE.rl or 6uro?.r,no^ ?.srJrortr,9I .8rd 1E)toot ruouEr.u.C Z rlun
:xiMiir,l -!aNr
rnuruor or luBA !.roq oqa slu.rEd .:mu s,lxqa fuv -uollmor Jrou q.nu .E '.u.q.l IIEj JA sD\JltruDt ir-rrr IEno, $.\ alroa or lno oE slurr€d q10q qrrqs n s:IruEJ .q1 1noq€Eq,^\ 'oEEu€.n lrroJ r ,{urql {.{Es3o rErtlpuE ,{o! .J4 .{tr@4 u.:,t1.q s.ru.r.xrp r.qro iq osF rsnu.r.qr .ss.t.r1u.r.N 'snoJ:unu .r 1€qrrol (s)uosr.I.rr.rpu!- I.uEus.q or @.s IEr.u.5 q s.qruBJrnq tinl@J t!.$d-:uo :rour :r:r! .rE lluo rou Im 1ns .q or P.sn I.r. .r.!F @tlr .rou !g IlJrlqr.p rsou \.I lqo Tanr@J ruJrPd .titrs ro r!.!d .uo Jrou,{o! :ft rr.ql rrqr surlEs ir.noi oS 'P:ur"u -rr suqr:8 rrE rtdo.d r.a.J q .s.urunor IuEu ur .rro^p ul .sE.Irur e or uoB,lpr E ...s no^ TIEA Dqunu e q PlruElsqns Jo rBqa ul i^3^{'[email protected]'rp ,ltqEr.lroupft ,aou rmlglp sr .Jn {tueJ )F!qr I la$Jo 5!ds Er rng .s5oprqr ol Auro8s..l,l nt@q !@ ,lIu€J 3qr, rRq.rsrrJ,! roj AurIis u..q.^!rl.tdo.d raqr IF Jo rsrr+r:gu.u.r st.t.II.rt\ idn suDllerq ItruEJ rqr V aiq or p:sn l.qr uEqr i.srorlj sru.rEd:re 1r.N rc rs€otor.osuaoDtlt.a ! !tr.N rq oPnrs Ir-1 o1pirr^ur .r!:.{ .3tE puE IEp srqr u s1u:ndjo.ti)r .rt puE^IIut].rI11D]oolo.I,'[email protected]^niu.su:q1J .qr Jo.uo sr 4n lllrurJ p.uorqsq pto poo?lo IJst rrp, lErF ro.iq or prsn I.rF sEpoo8 se r.u.c sru.rd, rErp,/iturl:q1Jo dnlE.rq .!F! rnoqe sn?pEdou.rou p@ .rou 3uue.q rq 01u..s .t(
:1r3N{o : !!rNr :'rrsNrd i snrNr :1lsN 3q ErrNr
ut! : rraN!d
.:roqa € sr $EIr .qr lpB sr..rsur :qr f:qa n rlasue rEqr lltE Io ]..qr uE sruJpnrs os .dEr .!r'r uo 6^13 sr r.asu! r{rR. lrJE aunnEd lre8r qinorF .dEl .!F {EI.I t smd ur s.ds@ )j..qr sru.pnrs z 's.lou.tRr or ursrq slu:pnr.trqa SursnEdrro{?rd q8norqr rq!Qr?!s.dEr:qr nq.I I :sao oJ s?.uop Jq ptnoqsEu!:lsrr t.trEr.p slqr 13q1.rol.r.!r p.puamoJ:r sr ]t uorss.-ns prder qrrEl ur.uor sloEs.nb is.qr 01sr.asuE.qJ T..uilu.s .r.iduo. roz puE .iluo sproa oar ro iuo . i 't!6nEd ?,or!rrmq€noqr rqSEJts.der Jqr ,!EIdlsni .sr.r.xa louru.rsJl$tB srqrrog rueErEerr uoorss€I3
iuqol or p.u.dd€q rErla lBldx. noI @. rFr€. uo aoH almJld E roJ .rnrDsqns&orr.JsrrrsE .jEu rr^r r:Irod l?rrosi @ll asF.rqnsrt.qr qr.r nJqr ptnoqsr rno su.tqord rbqr uos sr!:tn]s dt.q or qoi sJ.qre.r € 1rsr i.rou uq p:dt.q .^"q sr.rt.E.r sluqol ptnorts :.lduex. roJ taofloJ $ uonuli:rduoJ auru.lsrr.Lp oru pert or uorsnrsr! sllp .sn ruerrc.rl uoorssel3
Z esl.rr:ll
I .slrrexa
>IIEdol lur€.Irsnl s€qoqd pltq. E :l4ppot D qor auD{tnt a pt{)qsr@IRdr}oq qrrqa u s.nruEJ:s.ltuD! n,rDr unp uosE:r r.^.rBqd ror ,r!:r€d 3uo ,!Iuo sI Jr.qr qrqa ut sltttuEl : !.qltuDl 1u?1o4a@rs '.rdo.d ( ir: rsuouRsrue8ro prsd) ,(tpxq.rErouirTp ot:!'ap eV oj aEaj $
UNIT2 with their careersoften do so when their childrm are still very Ycs, we receive a lot of letters from people who disapprove of morhers going on with luli time careerswhile their children de sriu toddlqs. But besidestheseditreroccs, I know thst you have recently highlighted in some of youi research yet morlld way itr which r,\e fmily unit is differdt now. Yes, rhe tubstitute pdmt'. Mole and more parents, certainly d well itr the United States sd in England @d other Euopee counrries, are payins morc pcople to look after rheir childrm. They're paying for substitutes, if you like. You mee, like baby-sitters, play groups md so onYes, but rhele ale other substitures as well of cou.se. Teacheis, youth club leaders, . . . And televisior! in irs oM way. Most dcfilirely. Lct\ go back to teache$ fo1 L\e momcnt. Um primdy schooi teachers have atwa$ really had er er a substitute pdoi role, havenl tbey? Wlleieas rhe teachen of oldd childro leach reading, writing ed academic subjccts, the p mary school teachcr has always reinfoiced what the parents 3re doing helping chil&en to acquire good habi$ md so on. As well as perhaps to stalr thm reading ed wiiiingYes, and sometimesthe situation has qeated g)nfusion. Oh, yo! meu, b.causc of ditrerert 'messages'that chiidren might be getting from parots dd teachers. There are people now of coursc who think tha! becauseol morc parenrs going out to work, teachds of older childtn should rake on - or at least be aware of the fact that tley are parent subsrituics. Yes, there are people who thint that. But it's very dificult bccause of the rmomt of time teachershave in which to teach what rh€y Cd we go back for a moment to saller l-mili$, which we mdtioned earlier? Aie th$c perhaps dy noticeable cffects of Yes, dle min rhirs, I think, is thrt rhere's lc$ mixing of ages.ICs said, for exmplc, rhat girls leam to be parents by beirg iDvolved with yomger childJen . . . And fewer childro are mixing with youger childlcn. Bur rhat\ not of pimary imporrmcei I would hrve thoughr. Ir seemsto me dtar what a child really needs is a lovins enviroment - ed you can't get that when rhe TV is thc substitrte pardt, for Ycs, televisionworriesme. A child needsbasictrust dd love ed a comitment from a hmm being- All the other substitutes - babysitreln play gloup dd primary school teachels, youth club leaders od so otr nne. In rheir own way! and to vfying desfees, they cD a1lotrer a child lovc ad uldentdding. Bur nol nor the square In other rvords, rou don,t mind othcr p.o?lc looking aftei your No- blt you objectto televisiontaking ovcr you rore. Yes. what I'm obiectingto is rhe economicsitustionwhich forcesl manf parents to go out to work ed doesn't allow them ro spod as much time with their children as I rhirk parents ougnt m. Well, perhapsbeforewc pursuethis turthet, we should opd our phonelines for lisrders ro rins iD . . . Now rewind rhe rapeand look at Exercise3. Listcn againod makenotes. And rhaCs rhe end of UniI 2.
' ' Iplrrnb !q rrEJur '..{!q.q ptno4 .q p.s@ord .q rErp1JBJrEqr .rds ut L Jo r$rlrqu^JN (g) ptnoa pJsruord.H ,{plJrnb.rl ur .^eqJq Jq rrBJ 9 IHnnb G) oq DEJu ra^Erl.qplnoa ert reqr prsNord 6ur^Erl/5uBr@ord arrds.q 5 (g) Ippnb .q rrEl u 'I.n.r\oH .r!q.q ptnoa .q p.sruord .H t ({) ,{ll.rnb .q l.EJ u! ,.^Ert.q plnoa.q p.sruord:Ll q8noql qrnl^I t (s) iiH.rnb .q rrEJur rqro .ql uo rnq J^8qiq plnoa.q p.sluord .q pu€q iuo iqr uo (s) s.{EA pto sq or IrRq ru.a dHrrnb .q r.!J ur r.^?qaqplnoa eq p.suord .q sE.r.!j,t\ r sI.asEv
sPm I s6sltr.xll
'aoltoJ u.r]r @J srrasueJo I.iqc $!Ir v p.rto^c srd..uoJ PUEiEensuat:qr rnoqejmlp or.rq sr@pnrsIIDrElF os !u!Jo rsry ^IFnpr^rp6 iuop rq osF ptnoqs.sFr.F sqJ ru.rlEorr uoorssElS € esp&xa 'Pr?oql.Elq .qr uo on uJlrt rq plno. sr.r$uE ]i.rro..!.r uIIr pu? looq.rou srq ur u.as@ .!F .rFa! pFoqs 16pnrs q.aq 1uerle.rl uooJssel]
z p@ I s.slrr.xa
'sqer qI: qtrrqa uou.ursuor [email protected] puE lrsra.r rFr{r osF rnq sprod:s:qr}o 8u,@.u.qr lFo rou uE.l }snu sru.pnrs $d€d qs,rBug pue r:d?.I uofu.q.rduoc iurpE.t{ alpJo y uour.s !t p:rs.l lo.sn:ql eq @r qJrqa suerr osF ir?.ftql sr.dEd a.r^r.r!I p@ uolnsoduoS.qr roJ tnl.sn .E ,i.rP rpns sV s.Ju.r@s x.tduoJ .Jnpord 01slu.prus dt.q sproa!suurol .s.qJ &€Inqeto^
pEssrq q .€Ersq.!. rE slu.Qd s,uqol u..q plq noI .uop .^!q no,i ptnoa rErt,rl\ I 1!sd.tqord dn surao$, qlra u.rptrqr 1sn{&qr .ft ro u.rpt,qr u:tqord,{lte.r .$qr .rV i.r! ,(iqr se .uor.q l.qr tuiqr no.{ op ,{rlf\ au.rpuqr u.tqord i@ aoslj noi oq rp.p..! 3E,brpJr srduord uo6snJsrpsEp.sn.q ptnor suraofiol.qJ t.srJlrg or sruJlnrs 5ur!+Jr rnorplA . r uos6qJrduo. 6ur.rs{:qr rrrlE IIIEnrsu uofsnrsrp .qr orq p!.t o1 ,iJr Plnoqsr.q.E.r .qJ .uop .q or p..u rou .{!u no$snrstp slri!.r€l qrlqa rr (.ser s.uqollo ro surruotr 1rs.nssr:r{rJo uo*snrsF sno.u€1uods uoFsnrqq s:)io^ord uosu:q.rduor suru:rs\ .qr ltqr.q n€u rl rnarle.ll uoor.selS t eqcrexa d.rpl,qr l.iuno,i qrta p.^tonur irraq ,iq sru.rd .q or uE.t strli .snerag 'AI qnp \r.pE.t lFno,i t!q.E.r td.od{ltd \r.Its-Iq€8 'u.lppor IIDS.rr u.rPlrqtr r€ql rtrqa riro,{ 011noadroav:qlou lo itrtniurrd tu:Lp lo :lorddEsF lbqI 'nFnor^.rd @qr s.nr@! riJrEr{€np .rou nu€u .r araqJ x.qmo ur auB!.r.E .rE s.nruEJlu.rEd .tturs 'uo@or $.t sr .tE!G@lI '..rojrp ur .sB.rJo lEE@rsqnsE sr .r:r{J 's8op.q.r or 3uro5u..q slq rI
t t €
'r!@. tu.rEd .rnrEsqns puDl .uo '[email protected] puE to r\I rl.qa Sulp.uos $oI qrra o.rplrqr .pLlord Iilp sESuoIs? .qt .r sru.rEd.rn]Esqnsslmn II.N Iq \lu:rEd .rnrusqns.rou p@ .Iou .rE .r.q] p@ r.IEus .Q {.!p rBLpur rsEd q rEF $Illrt rsl8otobos.q.L .qlJo.soqr uol] ru.r.g,p 5r,{epor s:q,@.J IEI.u.t sreasuv z eslrrexg
at N n
UN]T2 E Although he promisedhe would behave,io fact he quickly . . . (N) 9 Vhllc hc promisedhe would behavcrin fact he {llickiy . . . (N) 10 He promisedhc would behave,yet in fact he quickly - . . (N) Other'contrast' words: Drt, trrq, Exercise 2
I Not only had John mct someskinheadsbut he had alsobeensnifEnggiue. CNiI) 2 In addirionto meeting/havingmet someskinheads,Jonn had alsobeen . (N) I Joh! had net someskinneads.Morcover, he had been . . . (F) 4 Bcsidcsmeeting/havinsnet someskinheadsJohn had alsobeen . . (N) 5 John had net sone skinheads.Whafs more, he had been . . (N) Orher 'addition' woids: /,rthettnare,Md It is recomendcd lhat this test be done ln class. If howevd class rime is short, ir codd be donc at home. It is imporrdt dlat studelts learn to do compositio$ in rhe requircd rime. The hour allowedfor rhc composiiionbreaksdown approximatelyds foliows:5 mins. - relding insrruciionsand coEpositioniiiles + thinking time. l0 mins. plaming,35 mins. w ting, l0 mins. -checking.Iris worrh pointing out to studdls rhis brcakdoM of the houi even ar thjs eafly stage in $e coursc so l h a r r \ e J g e ru . e d r o u o r k r n s* i J h j a l - e . er i n e c o D s . r a i n r '
Suggested marking scheme
Gire d imprcssio! mark on a 0 5 scale for cach ol the followjag factors, where 0:very
poo!, and 5:*celldt:
Grmtical accuracy: Rhge ed accuacy of vocabularr: App.opliacy of style: ro thc composition title: Relevdce of conte Fluency hd narualne$ of language: Qualirr of algrmmt: Spclling:
012345 012315 012345 0r2345 012315 o12345 oL2345 012345
Total possiblcsco.efor whoie rest:40 N.B. The Cmbrldsc lxminations Syndicareworks on a passmaik of approximately40in, i.e. 8/20-
\h1f@ roJ SuDIooIEESEa8E$?d IIr pRr sru.pnrs 5 sruJ@rtrs .sFt/.nD .rtl p€.r sru.pnts i 'f€q xod.r eu.PEs t 'p:u:dd?q .$ ,ip]'mb or .38$ed lrlr pB sru.pnrs Z reqalo rs€ l.i rsnl 'dJ.rsdw @leqrs .rF aor{ niqr uoqB reqa srurpnrs >tsv I ru.ErEerr uoorss€Il) r!€n rqSuq >l.mb @PPnsB:?'r6a, sroor :q.r lq dn @.r ro IInd or : taordn al .to ,{q p.sne. rre Jo qstu lnJr.aod Ilr ! Io uonoldx? @ : tsDlqD ,(Fu:tor^p@ IHrrnb ft.lor r(,?r01 s..I uo s:^€.t ( u rrq€runo.n) :a8bra! suNnq ,lq auqriuos lorrs.p ar ra1tbuLu101 rBEaEoJaqro.)ru or :,,rirl ol uo{ rJ rIl.uot p@ r.mb r,ro,fr ^rEFqEio^ snroC lrn.ql
IBrn.u :reNlteu r.s.IEurnoiaxerJo elr{rs
'.uq setr qJnu ool dn.)i?11otrptnoqs 1r (saoito:]leqa! 01utsp€.l€ .{Iuo!:rol:I.Lp 'sr rr sV suogB@Id:.p@ s.r@rp I?^u .r1-lssn srP or uo 03 sru.pnrs .rol.q sru.^. Jo punol3)lj€{t .qr qsnqqs. or sr 'plroa .rF to s.u.rsiu Jo Iooq 3 uo{ uJtrr '.3e$ed sltll lo :sodrnd I[ Z .spr.xa 'r1. 'a1rrol lunorf no,t op ,roH irr lnoq€ pft.q no,{ :r?q r€r{rd\ 4! noq? .iu€r]s sr l!ru{ a/.ti@!J Epnur.g/ .ql rr rtqa s€ qrn. suor$.nb qrd nrEss.tr.lJrrduord ..uePh. ro s.rro.!F iurl Elo. :{r c.s r€qa uetd$ ro .^ordsrp .:^ord or Ir puE s.E.rslu.s.Lpto I@ uo lEr Ll! se uoDe@oJur q.nu se .puod or sru.pnls r8€rnotrus ruaure6rr EoorsselC rruo.rPtorser:qr pm r-i.r subolol .qr roJ .rJr:ddr ,slu.pnls .qr 1.qr or p.pu.rur sr .srrr.r. srq.I_ I 6sIr6xg
6I-8I dd {ooqesrnoc 'euaalLl puo s,?rstrAr jo rrdor .rF or parr.@or frElnqBror Jo .iP.]aoq .sru.pn1s p@dxi oJ n ',{r aprP .rug.p .rF Jo s.sn .uos a.Mr or :ramErc t 'i.d€.I qsnauqlo Jsn IIr lo uoE.as u I .sDr.xg V sEsrE:ddEraql :nbrq.il auDsl 3u g {uElq .qr or sru.pnrs .trnpoDul oI z '(rJded aoI^DruI .!F Jo u"d uolssosip .qr roJ uooEndJrd ro:rpE) r.de.I qstFua Jo isn r!.r Jo g uorl..s !r i&rlms.rp ur sr srqJ lpre.ri ro) pE.r .^Eq .{.qr rPqa tu*u€uuns or slu.pnrs Jrnpolru oJ I rlun 6rlr .}o sEry
HSI]tNl lO ISn :€ U.lVd
satroaql puE satrols{hrg rrNn (-
UNIT3 6 Students repon back wirh deir mswds and argle their caseby maLjng close refermce to the passag€if there is any disagleemor about the answels. t Falsej2 Truet 3 Falsej4 False;5 Truc One pupose of this qercise is to get studols io makc notes itr groups on two of the theories, md ihen, wolking from their notes only, to *plain those theoies to students from aDother group. It js irpo mr for rhe reacher ro check that studdts' notes are well-made i.e. neither too tulI nor too scmr. This is u impoltalt step in slllrrmry work. A secondpulpose is to encouage sludsrs ro wolk together to deciphe! a rcxt od rhus use their oM brtin power rather tha rhe teachert. A third purposeis to preparefor the InteNiew Papc. (SceN.B.) N.B. Jigsaw reading is one of the posible foms of the Structurcd Cohmication E e.cises that male up the third part of the InteNiew Paper. Jigsaw reading involves a nmber of students each reading a difereDt pdt of the sme r*t (e-s. a story), and then through a plocess of oral question ud answer rnd relating $eir parts of the text to one another, grsdually pooling thcir knowledge of the text, so rhat in thc cnd rhey all kDow ud uderstdd rhe whole of ir. Style of tqtr objective,report like Registei: foml,
to leoeli to mke or becone flat and even radtalr arrarged like a wheel!with bars,lines,erc-coming from onc ccntic to s.,r.nj to brn a suface so as ro chogc its colour t D,Zotujto sweuour, as a sail a d/4r4r a hole in thc eroud formed by e erTloson Classroom treatoent I Make sue srudo$ uderstand what is lequired of rhem. Tell tho to ask oDe uother in trs i, or work out from rhe coatext the meaning ofnew vocabulary ud oDly to ask the techer ss a lasr resort. 2 Divide dE sluds$ into sroups of three or fod as indicated. 3 Srudenrs read and take notee.
Ex.rche 3 2 4 Sruddrs re-fom inro n.w gloups to tell one dodrer about the theories they have 5 Still itr the sme groups students .Lscu$ Exdcise 3 3. N.B. Dudng steps 3 ed 4 the teacher shoxld cleck that students are only focusing on the main parts of the th.ories.
Coursebook p 20 wridns. Both This may be the tusr time somc smdents have ever done smary these md orher srtrds$ may thcrcfore appreciate some discussion on lhe purpose of srllrrfury Miting, which is ro say succincdy what has pleviously o1 clscwhere beo said or wrirro at grcat$ ldgthi a.eport of a meeting,a dcscriptionof the story linc of a film, a TV news r€sm6 of a politiciant speech,tellins your mother/ that husbdd about you! day at work or college ale all suples of sumfising students will be f@ilid with in their everyday lives. Ir is important that students 30
qrtqa ausrulr ap.rst^ nod :^eq s.Fl./s.IrmorF1u.ul1so. aaobt no^ op sr.u?td lqF 1?qrt 3Id@F roJ (,.1rJo sasnaqr Jo eos qsnq8rsa or SBAoIIoJ arp .)Ill suoDs.nb )is? 1q3rE non sselr B .uop tI (z :sr.r.xg r!!a brt.€o]) uo[.rs dpnrs rEoq ? sErr ris tro ros ro s.]nuu . g roJ ,{Fu:tF 1t lprus or u.ql IsE ro sr@pnrs .rp rFh qSnon{r uoDe@oJur 3r{r peQI [email protected] EoorssElt) '6I-8I s.8Rduo srxaraqr ur prlm.o q.rqa .r. tJuzEs?u (.tdoad Jo s.rlm 's..EId 'sr.@td Jo s.@u .qr or uaErp 3q ptnoqsuoEuJnB.sru.pnrs auu Jo spoD.d p@ s.@u t.rltd rnoqE SuDIIBru.rla ,.r.rJo .Ju.sqs ro asn aqr .slBllrrms or p.u'$.p sr t.^3aoq (uolr..s sqJ Fr.u.5 u s8ulp rnoq! IIBr or rwa aa uaqa pasn 10tr !r 1nq {s3utt i?IDluBd s.ug.p ,r rllF e r sru.pnrs l}lA ,{r }o .sn .q1lo s1d:.uor rBEq rrou :st^:r 01,ft€$...u .q Iru rI \u:tqord .tq?r.pFuo. s.snBr a{r .t.nry eru!.q .q] Jo esn aLIl 'ir{sFug Jo Ie^6t slr! rB sru6PnrsroJ u.^a
IZ d looqesrno3 '.q pFoqs s,ruspnrs? sEurrol .rou da11ltuarE srulodulEu .s.qI g N s,,i€r s,ms rpEdur sururou,{tre pJ^rrE .sn€r.q P.^!sqo rou r.EoJ Jo soBotdF rB.t.nu P.s@r P@ Lpr!. rq Fuor - :Iro:qr qrn DrJE p.rou lu.uou.qd snoEer roj lmor.€ plnoa Iro.qr snF drqs.rEdsproq uo lorsotdx. E.l]nt dq 1tq quEs s,{es^.sr@zR) [email protected] [q 9n6r ur pl€aloj lnd -:Iroiqr pI€ :frEillrns.qt roJ srurodUIEWsroasue pers.58ns Td.rs .es rI! r.rJE sr!€d u >lloa riqr )I.aq. or sr@pnrs re8 ro s.sodrnd 3uDttr.ttr roJ 9 p@ € 'z sd.rs lrJE .rnperord srqr rdnrr.rq Plnor r.qrE.l itlJ z .sr.r.:g Eoorssep u p.uFno .rnp.rord.rt aoloj srmPnrs:ins .I€!\l ruerre.! 'drErlmns Jr]r soos!^ Jo IEug ru.r.gP .q .srno. Jo IIrd rrrqJ g N -rou ro saunrqSu .qr uo .rE I.qr d!.ri6 or sE)lrEqp..J .relp.uu! u.qr i^I8 @r r:qrFl .qr lEqr os ssEIJur I op or @LIr roJ .tq!shp! sr r '.uop .^3q illlapnrs lreuuns lsrg:qr iq d8u srrp sv € ospr.xll 'sru.pnls .q1q'1rarr^o uoDruoJur srp pB.)I ru6uree4 uoorsselc
z .sl.rexa
'soolFursuo .ru.rues ru.lglp ,ftqFsodp@ sProa ?tr,ulo(1u:r.glP tusn srurod q€u :@s .qr Jo s.t*Illms IEro Dqro .)Eu or sr@pnrs lsv t 'drEmns .!Il nI p.sn.sorp roj srolr.uuor .tqe1$s lrpo :rnrJrsqns or sru.prus >Isv I 'I.8q uod.r sru.Pnrs I rrurod Elu .!p p@ ]t u::ar.q s.ru.r.!tlp uaop :lou p@ ^rrlruns .rp pR.r or sru.pn* jsv n '02 pJupno proepDlq .3ed uo 3sorir lpB .!F uo srurod.!p :&duo:) t 'prEoqPEIqlql uo srulod lql.1rrrd .n s.Iro.qr 06r .rp Jo srqod uEu .!F rEqa nod I.r or ss?p€ $ urql sr!.pnrs r.J.r rqsu nol\ z lsE p@ 6I .5€d uo s.uoaqr oar rslg .qr or ilarllp.Imr '.^oq8 pa1?rlpu se suDrra Irlllrns Jo isodrnd.I! ssnrsto I lusureerr Eoof,sselc 'u]Eir r.^o 1@^. ro.pos,d. .toqd.qr 3u9a.d.r u rsaFru ro suFu ra.Eds'.uE .!p .rq rlrop .a .snEr.q :sueudns .,d Tl!-rod um p@ rsrs Jo a.@^.Fr .!F .rBF.Jdde or usqr tdt.q siqr s? ',{ap Ii.^. lsouF op .{FsBrsuo. .as r,uoP .a leqr 8ul{r.uos sRrnq i.sr.Fe .tu.perE ue se II.hd 3uatra lr'l]@s € LINN
UNIT3 Whar places have bco in the Dewsrecently? Vhyl V/hich sunner/winrd do you rmember best? Why?! etcExercise 2 ClassrooE treatDent lt's best if each student writcs thc answe$ to the whole erercise, rhcn chccks his uswers with ! pdtnei md tho thc whole classchecks with rhe tcacher. This procedue gudetees that cvdyone takes part in evdy stage of the activity, Aaswers We cme scremins in rowards t e solar system from rre ouler rcachesof tre Milky \Vay. We had bcm away a long time, a verr long tlme, but wc calculated that dom on Earr-\ iI was Easrd Suday, 2095. i.le Su, our very om Sm, was in view: rhen on throlsh r,z systm past Neprue, Jupiter, Mars ed tlc or,\er plmers u.il Gre) Edth dd t&' Moon came cledly itrto view on our sdeens- Therc was silcnce in rl' ship, each dew mobc with his or her om dlouc}Irs. Ard as we drew nearer md prepared to orbit Mother Earth, we could nukc out rrs AtlaDtic, rre Arctic ed tnd conlirdrs olEurope md Asiatre Neder sdli, dd wc could cleely distingnish other fmiliar fcatures Himalayas, tld Meditefancu Sea aDd t e Nile, t , Bridsh Isles, Iraly od t a Iberim Peninsula.And I imaginedtre peoplein Scmdinavia,Alri@ md t e USSR watching for our return. Yet as te drew ncarc still, featu.es in detail were not so feiiid, dd I had a drcad of what we might lind. Listcning
This task has a similar purlosc ro the Sr6e@ Mrirr,/, tasks in rhat it aims to gct studenrs ro seiecr informarion, sum.ise and .eport. The ditreroce hcic, cl.arh, is that the infomarion is provided in thc spoken md not in rhe wiiile modeStyle of textr factual Register: neudal Focus vocabulary d /,ftroatj one of the smll boars caried by a ship for escapein caseof wreck, tire, d ,oldr ihc pdt of a ship (below deck) whde soods are stored drantl,: madncs ptrd.:yj lobbdy by pirate i.e. peoplewho sail t\e seassioppingand @bbing ships consideredas a /r'!%s: simplc fast-spreadinsplmts with a powderlikcappcarance, drserse tMr,ru: woodenbems, esp.divcd piecesforming part of a ship's framcwor\ ooelrodrdj ovd the side of a ship or boar into the water pldd,ble: seemingto be irue or reasonable Classroom treatment As iDdicated in the Cousebook, followcd by a clas disctrsion of what rhe srudots thiDk could have happoed in ihe mysrely of the Mary Celeste.
Tapescript ruroR:
i'::::rN.r€R.: ; ii . t
Unit 3. Mysteries dd Theories- Inok at pase 21. Listening. Youle going to hear a radio interview with sn tuthol. Lisro and make notes on the facB of what happened and on ihe ditrerent theories.ReadY? 'Meet The That record was for Susan ia O:ford- And Dow for our Aurhors' spot this week, Dd I'm plcased to have with me rhe author of a new book on myst6ies of the wor14 Mdk Taylor. Good cvcnitrg, Mark. Good cvedns. Now, lots of people nowadays secm to be interested in lhe mysterious,the weird md wondertul,dd so on . . .
)1bi i'J.ttb l
[email protected]
or ptre d!po1
F n t r o r . l L r r q n lp . I o S r u J . u L l .^,:a IIRs.rRrpprE{? u,I rnq '>lEW ',ft.rs.tu 8uDlurJsBJ ! s.rl 's!.rpo .qr e qrra.rE .riqr se dro ! retp or suo!.a(qo Jo $qunu e .r .r.rtJ .tqssod sE,{pprnb sBdrqspJuop@qEp@ lBoq.II.Lp rol p:qs .uofr.^. pur ursF.qr p.lnoqs .q 5iuB or 3ulo3 sEA ro 'SuDIus sEA dlqs .r]r lE\.r 66>s([ rr u €lRA pmoJ p@ ptoq .!p orur raop rma sroFs .rF to .uo relp st uo!s.33ns .!O -ptrDl.uos to srsrr.e sea!:r:rF lqp ,lleuosrd I .{t JIduoJ auqrl@ .^ordsp ro a^ord r.@r non sI tu.rsfu.!p !pr6 @tqord .tor{a aqr rnq 's.b ,(u u '.s@s !n.q qDnu s.l!u silp lt.l{ auorntos.3.s r3 srsiD,.qr lnoq? liqa '.rp.p01sn u.^ra en,noI s.uo:ql3Lp uE rnoqe InJlqnoppunos nol '^ro.qr r s(1I leoq.Jrr rqr u dllrs .qr p.uopwqE pw proql. o s.Ipoq .rF p.ddory I.rp '.uop p.d.qr ]BIA p.slEir drp u.rIA '!.ril 'ltr@J srrl put uerdh Ip p.lpmu u.rp ,3ut,Gh sea drqs :qr q.Iqa Ioqo.F 3rp Jo .uos ]u€rp a.r. rrll reqr srs.88ns s.!o.r1.r .Jru.tor^, 3r! Jo .uO {rErrd ro .J@tor^ .qr rnoqRaoH 'rasirro.lF .rordsry or Suqrou s,.r.qr rnq :tqsnetd IF^ s.rlqr {rq.r r.uop I 'I.ZI R.s .rF orB Jl.suq a.rp u.qr puc 3uoIlaa paDpnu p@ pEu ,lIIE.nEq'{EA .rF Iq hnoFl.r ruia IFu.^DJ sEA orla r@dE. iqr rlrp p.rs.3tns u..q sErt1, 's:l 'drr@su P.uouu.u oq€ nol lng ':soddns r.tqrssod slrr \uoDeutldxi I .qr IlE .)ir.I lroq.]Il .q1uJ.ders. or p3r! ro pEoq!^o padun! p@ pEu u.^!p IIE .r.a d.qr rEq] sr loEs.?tns .q1 ' er I@ rV E.s .qr uorJ @r. ro u.qER s.dqs elp q snsulJ uoq €q.rr. sE5snouosrodE ro 'pE.rq .!p q snimJ Iq r.qr€ {aoq:uos p.uoslod sla p@oq!o .!odF^e r!!F p.rs.3tns u..q s.1,ltsr( atqssodE sEIr@sur ro ss.uF rnoqErErtd 1!.4 '6s iuon@td:i r! srslr rn]prqr put !u.lp ur\oDtm lou sea qrqa ',{rerld ro e.@tor^ .Ilpuor:s r,oluesutro ss:ul| rIFs4 :s8ulpe.q:Jrqr rrpun IIeJJo p6>t IIE Lqr rnq t.Iro.rp Jo s@zop rsoutE i@ .r.Lp .utrL,H 1t:A au.r{r qrIA suoshord .>]!r IJrp r.qplp fqa !Eoq.JI] alll u p.&rs. ael .!p Jr puE 'p.!opueq? ,rprotduor dqs .rp sEa dqe :srft s.{u IR.r.!p ..s nod \.tr
riiti'iiil"*-19 {aI pErI.uo.{r.^i Jr s! purq.q {.I @.q .req or p.u..s tuqrnD^A r.Elur s"a o8rEr:r! IIErnq ,ptoq :Lp ur r:1€d :uos s€,( :r.r0 puE tr.dEd s.dfqsJql puE sru.unlrsu uoIrB8beu.!F .r.a sE'sussru sEArEoq.Jlt.!o .rtJ p.r!s.p 'p:uopuEqEsea .:ls.t.:) IGW, .qJ ErterqiC or drF s,q sultirs s?a oqa .snoqroow uErdtt ? ,(q s.rory:qr q IIIE.!E]J: punore sulrEs pmoJ sEh diqs.rF ,l.ret qluou V a:rr 8 pur'rJlq8nep plo-rrJn-Z puE.Jra s,q:i:a pr€oq uO s33!g uFrdEl lpun eouJC roJ Iroi a.N uoll IresFs 'drqs 8ulllesotuBr ? sea rls '.Jrsiti] ,ftEw, Jqr 'Zr8r t.qobo uI :.s3ll.r sr.q rqr,(iF'rg iFrti r s8uqr.!qdus!^o 01.^€q [.I lEsodsp.{u rE aun .qr ]o a.r^ u rnfl .srno. lo 's.I adlqsr?rF !o !.u.dd€q .^eq rqar@ wqa rnoqE s.uor$ :LF lo :uos sn lt.r noli pFor .IIrl( qv ',.1sit.l ,{EW, iqrJo,GJrsdu.rp rnoqB€uDtTEr E.I (oN cqouEqd .qr Jo .smc eqJ aBF sr q.!ia puv :roJ:q p,es.^eq u.Lpo leqa .1?1s.rsr op 01.tqE u.rq .^rq I IIE1rq1arEurproElr3 os s,rEr! .uo sI.r.qr rng rsEd.qlu! eu.^. puEsEuu.dd?q urErr., roJ rmotrr or p.rs.A.3ns !:.q :IELI rEql suouzu€td!. .qr Jo ouos Jo iErtrrrF^o u..q .{Eq I .soddnsI puv :^eq I trl 'noi r.u.^Eq !.r'p or p&arol rnd u..q .^aq latl s:loiqr .Lp Jo IEU rqAnoqr.rr^.noI rnq'sAutuJdd?q3auErsJo srmo..EJo 'll:td IInJ s.rl suuEu.sEJ.lnb sr {IE.r rr pur looq:rp pE:r :^.1 'rooq .!! .rora I dqa !os!.r .uo llsno!^qo s,re$ pe '.ft ,brF 'sJI
UN]T3 rmoR:
If you wish to listen to the interview again, rewind rh. rape.
And rhar'srhe sd ol Unit 3.
Possible aqswels Mdn points only: What happded: Ship ser sail for Genoa from Ncw York in 1872- Or bodd were caprair! wife, daughter ed 8 aew. Ship foud abandonedmonth latei in Azoies. Litboa! navisattun instrumdts dd ship\ papers missinsj waier i! hold! cargo 1st theory: - illnessi all poisoned by fungls in biead or ship's rimbe$ o! sea.As a result, went mad and jMped overboard or rried to escapein Lifeboal 2nd theory: insalityj captain (feivendy iellgious) wot mad, murdered evelyone dd threw seLfin sea. Thory not rery plausible. 3rd theory: - violscej oew didk alcohol then murdered captain dd fmi1y, thd when realised what had done, dropped bodies overbodd md abmdoned ship in 4th theory: - cisis at sea;menbe! of qew saw water in ho14 thought ship was sinking, so shouted alam aDd everyotre abandoned ship in the lifeboar.
Coursebook p 22 Reading anal filling in This pase introduces students to the lechnique of blant-lillitrg, wtuch is the technique employed in Section A of thc Use of Enslish Pape!, as well as to a way of blanls Exer€ise 1 approaching such rests. Srudenrs are often woded and perplexed by.his rechliqucj however, fmiliaitr with it will help ihem sready to be dble to cope with it. It might even be e idea ro intoduce rhd ro this teclnique by siving rhem a shorr pasasc wirh blanks in rheir own lDguage, askins rho ro complere rhe blanks ed tho ro verbalise the mmral processes|hey mpioyed to anive at the mswds. The samepro.esses are of course valid when working in Engiish. To do such tests succcssfuuy iI is viral thar srudents: I tead the r,hok pdsaee thldr.1.rr^t to get i$ goeral meons. 2 read the words md/o! sentflces both beldfe and atel eachblmk when attempting 3 look for both gramatical and semantic clues to the answels. 4 be prepded to leave a blant unanswered, then retum to it once the succeeding blank(s)is/arecompleted.It may well be that the following sentence(s) will help thent to ude$taqd the plevious one. Classroom treatoent I Start by builditrg students' conndencein rheir abiliry ro hedle rests like this by dplainjng to them that the mole they do this kind of test the easie! they will find rhm md !1soperhaps by getting them to do a bldk-fil1ing elercise in their om langlage as indicated above2 Read through steps 1, 2 dd 3 with the students. Classloom trearment I Ask the studerts to read rhc pasage rhough for gist. 2 Checkstudents'gist ude4tandins. 3 Vork rhaough some of the questions about the tust few blar*s with the siuddts. 4 Stldents complete the exdcise on rheii own or in pairs. 5 Checkstuddts' dswers.
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uN[ 4 Crimeand Punishment I'AI'ER4: IISTENINCCOMPREHENSION Aims of the Unit
I To inrroducesrudo$ ro a imge of 'non stmdard'English accErs. 2 To develop the skill of lisrcning for dcrail. I To fmilidise studmts with matedal prcseDled itr visual foims (c.g. a cl].ir. a grapnt. 4 To show studentshow ro uselisteningcompiehdsion task sheetsto pledict the content of recoidcd matfial. 5 Gralmd: to revicw somcadjectiveed adverbconsrructions. 6 To cxpmd sNdents' knowledge of vocabxldy connected to the hpic of Cr-c and Punishnent.
Coursebook pp 24-25 Exercise 1 Classroom treatment As indicaredin rhe Coursebook.The following could bc used as discu$ion plomprs if rher are needed: - Has rherebeer a rise itr mugging,bank robbcries,erc.? - Do you thint the presdt economic situation has conrribured rc rhc crime situarion? - Are there really morc crimesor are statisticamore acaiare? Exercise 2 The Listening Comprchssion Paper may require studdts to listen to non-standard 1a) lb) English accentsdd this is why dis Unir conrainsa fo.us on accents.'l he more sttrdentsare dposed ro non-studard accenrs,dle more easilythey will be ableto cope wirh them. Like much else, dcaling wirh accors is a quesdon of fmiliariry. Irthis Unit stldenls are asked to recognise lccents not becausethis is a task rhey will have to perform in the exm (rhey won't), but becausethis task acts as a way of helpins studo$ ro deal wir,\ accdis more confidently. Classrooh treatment As indicaredin rhe Cousebook.h my alsobe usetulto ask studenB to try to say whar dFy perceive rhe ditrddce betwed the valious accdts to bej agaitr just so as ro inciease rheir conndence. Pauseafter each acceft to do this.
lb) Tapescript Now look at prge 24, Exercisetb. You're going ro hear enracts from a newsprper article read by people with ditrcicnr 'non stddard' English lccents. As you listeq write in rhe n u m b . r o f t h e p e d l e -a g a i ,r L t r a c d r . R a d J ? One. During rhc pasl few yeais, town md city pl,mels in Britain have bes dEwing up plans fo! rhc ciry oviromor oI dr turure. Their main concemis to eliminateweak spors,hiding placcs and rmpmrion in order ro reduce the amount of vandalim, mugging ed burgla.y.
rmsg rerF 'r.r!I srEd r.r ltdo '286I dg Z16I uI tJlq uopuo1 uI lituur i.urtrr p.pror.r gtt'it9t ar.a ir.tIr :uopEo-I B p.nllluo. ,, roJ sarnSg 8ui@rq8uJ .l! .r€ .s.qJ rtlru.rdd! s.uD 71, 1nq luorlmor aroE p@ .rou .uor.q s{.rll rE p@ s.rrlsrnq b?tri65nE .^eq dluo roN uopuo-I :ltt s.gJ. 3tuet B IlEIJedsa ,)r$r1u If uo!r .ur) .aq'.,upeor )\Eq ra (r jr q€no{'Pes :\'!l{om 'eu!r $ri] irp €qqr.dos sslu noI I ,ftroa r.uo(I r.roq rnot .q! .{ uoDEuolur surssE.rp q IIU 'ErsI nol sY .utD B .sF.!Il r!oq! AuDIIer :xom] .uo.uos rs.q ol an!o3 .r,no^ qz .sr.D:g 't2.3?d ]e )tool aoN
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T.rEId .Iqnd roJ prl{i r pue rs.sru3ld Iet4snpd pue IEI.r3@o, roJ r.!Fo@ t8lIII.ap roJ .uo - sprEpuErsrtsErra aau ..rP r.pm r.Lp.Bor rnd 3'l (aou d@u .r rr.rF pe .s.rnse.u p.sodord JsJqr Jo ]Iv IIh sosr .I.r IoluoJ .rour fq Jo sJoIEr.@r Iq raw. p.I..qr .q '!B!!plhq IIra sesnor{er!^rrd ro srlg Jo epotq or srorts!\ Jo r€s.p .qr q suoEElpnuor .uEd.rlrJo .uo .q IIIA &!n .S !Ep@^ .q pFor{s l?rF .1q8qr..Ds rllra lq5ru 1e{ rq IIl,$ sErr? @rls.p.d i.qro pc sqred psv T..8ds u.do .Pra .^!q 'uo os 's^?aroop IIla .rnrrg .rlr Jo r@@on^@ dro.rF os P@ t.rueJ te3p.q IFr sElpns teJlld 3uryq p.:u sFulutr:) ? ltNn
had more than doubledio a stasgering688'179.688'179lBut the most frighroing of al1 is the almost unbelievable, and verv worrying dse in dmed rcrbdr] over rhe srne period, flom 380 recordedcasesin 1972to trot fd ofl 2,000in 1982 To be pfcise, rhcrewe.e 1,772lecordedcasesof amcd robberyln London in that year. Thafs 400 per cdt morc thm wele comitted ten veds befolel Now rewind the tape, iisren aglin ed check vou dswcrs wftn a partner and the class.
suggested answers Predicdons: 1 that someonewill be t,lking about a tetr-vear pciod of cdme in a crpital ciry 2 in box 1 a starting figure, probably abour 30G-400 in bo: 3 a top ngurei probably about 650,000 3 boxes 2 tnd 4 probably tell us whar kiDd of dime cach graph rdds to! otherwise ftc graphs wotldnl make sensebv themselves Actual @swers:Box 1 380!Box 3 688,179;Box 2 Amed robbervj Bo:4 All crimes Exercise 3 Style of textr strrightforward,opD,on Li"t"tio9 R"gi"t"",."or."l
Tapescript Look aI pase25j tsxercise2. You'ie going to hear t*o pople bcins interviewedin the street,s parr of an opinotr poll to discover the :ttitudes of thc general public ro cerrain social problems. As you listen, Iill in the charl as if you were the inrerviewd Mark 'M' for the me\ opinionn dd '\v'' foi rhc wom@\. Ready? Now the ndt quesrionI'm going to read olt a list of cimes md for eachone I'd likc you to tell me which of the seDtenceson d1ecard rou feel should sotetrce inposed br the courts. rep!$ent the uarizrr Bigmy. O h - . . - . . d o n ' t k n o w ,r e a l l y . \Vel1, thaCs becomins a lot more comon. Certainly a sentcnce of . . . Oh, seven or eighr years somc kind . . . imprisomot Mm. Posessionof drugs? About rhe sme. Pffhaps a ljttle longei. Say ten years. I musr say I'm absolurelydisgustedat the way peoplelike that spread Yes. Hijackins? Hijackins?Oh, aboui 15 ycarsin pison. Dennitely. Ki.lrapping? You couldnl havc a list of crimes lvithour muder, could you? Lift Life imprisomcnt. And by that, I mcd for the rest ofihe murder.r\ life. Not let out for good behaviour after td ycars Theft , including shoplift ins. 'no Oh, including shopliftins. That,s dimculr. I would hate said scntoce' fo! shoplifting:at leasr,rot a priton sotence. I do!'t know. Perhapsa yed or so. Rape ed orher scnal otrerces. I-ife. No doubr abourir. Life in prison. I lhi.-k a lot ofpeople de
6f s.Asu?:sbtrd :qr ]..lls sr@a .rl s? sonsn.srp E orul D]@ or ,{l.illun aq Ii,{ r.a.I^FruI.qI u? u..araq .n?oiErp s E.q 013Bog dlq?qord 't.al( u .uoouos p@ r.a.IN.rui 'Dqrr6s.r L)Fm ro laal^Flul ue .q rsnu oqa.uoeuot Iq.ldood or tuoqs .q lA qrtqd prei e lnoqE 'a{Eduolrs.nb ! sE 1E@oJ {tEr ueq. .l'r q s\eE uoD?ronb q sproa .q1pc @ Jo rrd llqEqord st utxp 4l s.DA.I^r.luI I .@s .rp sErI rr se 348@ol$.nb srsasEv
'.dtr :tp pMar 'ul€l? a.t^Dru.lp ol u.rsil or $lA nor JI ' ' ' uolls.nb .rou.uo rsnl s.ir.qr aoN nd^ fuEriJ 'eJ!l IFrFg.q -.JII srassnE a^tt ol1oa a^.t.ql spmod a.J E roJ $nl - uarFq qpBq p@ sFnol o$r .{q p.t8nu sd s08 Fq q dpel pp G .Dqa [Ep llqlo .qr sr.dEd 3w uI tssJ B sEA .DqI 5855n],{ 'tul38nu 'dtIlEU puv 'aolri r.uop rsnt lplp qsa I ]mo. ur ua^!8 .q pFoqs $der e 5.ua]Es rlqa I lnq I aool r.uop IiNsEoq I pue rsr !5asw aqr rtqa aoq r,Eop ,{$:t Jo dr!.nb.{ .qr BPAV I rtrg 8u!!lqa]+ sl s.ul Jo puDl .s.F 'rtnBss8 p@ .deI pd.s 'I4.qr rEqa s!1eqr I s.^.qr - sr.rl{doqs lea .I{r r! rre.t lV ea{rols go 1.I uJIo .e p:zme IFmlosqe u,I op Lqr @lp ssu.rues DSuol q.nu e I.J.r plnoqs sFrlldoqs ue A uo os p@ o.Iors rmoue .qr '.EII. .rp uo 36purd.p 'sft.,{ rqgP '@.{as !!Is .TI 8rq!.uros ,{Espltroa I '66rJ]ldoqs tdJPnI.B .rFqJ s.Erqqor pe@E Jo J..Imu .qr .JnP3r .tpr{ rq8ld 's..uJr@s r.Auol Jo 1e.rp aqr rsE l 1€ ro
"'r"1:^'il1::ll* p.se.brJ .^Er{ S.IEIF retn Iued as.!F fea.qr
1ep.qnrsQ ,{Id..p
UNIT.l The tape could help r listenerto mdersted .he meaningolpariicular crimcs bccalsc rhc pcoplc inten'iewedmight male somecomcnr on thr erimi\' Bigmt Blackmail Po$csio! of druss Hiiackins Kidnappins Mudcr tumed robbery Thcfr (incl. shopliftins) Rapemd other sexuarodences Mugsing
Do!'t lno$' 6 10 yeds 6 10 Years
2 5 Years il teais ro life ]i Yearsto lilt
rl yearsto life rl yeaisto life Life sentmcc 6 i0 years Under 2 ycaN
Life scnicnce Life scntcnce Dearh P.nahY lI lears ro lilc 6-10 vcars
Llfc sentence
Do!'r knnw
11 yea.sto life
l-ift scntence
Coursebook pp 26-27 Grammar
These adjectivedd adverb.onstu.tions could be rcst.d in SectionA of the Use of English Pdper-
Excrcise 2 Answers 1 Thc morc uncmploymcnr increases,the more crime is likely to infcasc too. 2 The hardcr you lrolk, rhe nore (moDey)you'll eah. t f l i e b r g g e - o u rr. ' e ! o e , o m " g r ' r . l - r n s a j ef e \ b c c o m . 4 The more you pra.tise, the beiter you']I bc. 5 The lonser we waii, Lh. morc disrurbins the situatnn will become. Vocabulary
These adverb adjectivecoliocarionswili be verr usctul to studentsin their compositionwdtirg, rlloiring them to expres more formal stylesofwriting when ther wish to. Such collocationslre also oc.lsiomlly tesledin Sccdor A of the ReadincComprehensionPrper. Make surestuddis realiscthat thfl camot use all the adve.bsin combinltion with a1lrhe adjccdvcsc.g. while it is possiblet.r say'l was absolutelymazed'you.a,,or say 'I was absolutelydisappointed'. The diso$ion which is susgcsrcdas pat irork after the studdts havelisiencdro wil\in &e box as |he rapewlu inlolve sftdcols io usiry a rmse ofthe expressions dEy rry ro esiablishelacdy how the spcakersounds. Clssroom treatment As sussestedin the CouBebook-Sddcnts could alsobe askcdwhcrc rhcy havc sccno. hea.d qpressionssuchas 'I was gleady rclicvcd', 'hc was highly amuscd' and 'they were extremely amoyed', etc. as rhcii dswcrs to thesequestionswill revealto rhe studentsthe formaliry ofthe e'pre$ions. lt is zot you?/What a sood idea ro askstudcntsqucsrionssuchas: $rhat deeplydepresses biftcrly disappoinrsyou?/Who haveyo! beenutterly disg$ted? erc. prcciscly bccauscthis languageis too formal to be usedin this wa!. Oncesrudenrshrvc donc rhis rask, dlcy could thcn conccntrare on the accentson the sdmepari of rhe rape.
r apescfrpr Look at page27, Vocabularr. You'ic goiDcto hetu a Dumberofpeople sayingLhingsDd elpressingdiferent emotions.As you listcn, decidewhlt feeling t\e speakerls dpicssing and wite dow! a phEse to describeii e.g. 'decpiyoflcndcd', 'absolutelydetermined',etc.
pJruJNo.sP '.rEuProqnsu rFlru...i - s.pnr!]v 's!.d rruimosFd@r Jo .tdnor !]J! p.s!.t.r .r.a lsou qsnoB 'pEd rou .uglr l.dg ! ,qtEnsn:perrq lo pourd rug3puru.^€ .FA 8u,rE.rs ro .tuetarnq rol ueqr qsrq ssrt tr@! &1.d roJ lErtl r.q*!q - s.ruJruis ',{puttgrdls p.s8.rtB 9I8I :ordd? uorg IlnrF. snou.rd q @rF imru.. I]16r]o sudu!8.q re ssJI3ul3€n6 Jo [email protected] :ru.!nrp .q IIjA 8ldoIIoJ :q} ult]uo, pForls srulod uBu .rtJ sraasuapersea6ns
,{eu 6ulproa .rp rt5noiF 'uol]eulotu
'q1oq 01 lqrrqa ro '.siqr nuqull 01 \ept ro srtdol rleu 3uluoJ puE 5rsEAotr.r 01.np :le .^eq .np .& i.I! nqr:qa Lqr su.lqord IUE r.rpIJA rJs or rIqE .q IIta nod I?a lrqr uI lroa.uoq 4or]r qrd Dqr:6o1 non 01u s@td .s.!F p@r{ ol p@ qroq ro} [email protected] \ 01 )iroa.uoq .]ltr ro:r suorlBodEo. ro siuRll]@s tulop u.rta eu.pnrs jse no,{ 13q} pErlruo..r
67-97 dd looqasrnoS p.ss.rd.p llrnn 0t :p.^ou ,qdirp 6 :[email protected] {pr.IosqE 8 :p.snur ltq8q t :p.pu.go lld3rp 9 tplsneqx. [lq€norolF 9 :p.]snastp ( , J - r ? : p ) \ o m p { l q 8 n o r o r |t r : p l u r o d d E . r p^ l d . r p a : p r / e r \ t r r n t i ' . q . I -.dEr.!F pEra.r'uEsE u.rsn or qsB noIJI 'aulqrl@ op or roE^\ ,, l.uop lsnr p.r.qroq.q Ao6t r,uop r.!op rsnr rI I1,@. rsnl I IIE s.rElF1I .In I..J r.uop rsnl r f's9r./aP 4rrrrr) 'u.J 'IIInJuN.q os .uop sea rI .up suot .{r.^ e rol uo.s .n.I ulu suuou rsoo Jqr .q rsnu &q! tntlql I (pzatu 't|.I,ap) '.r{N jop sqrp J.Il s,rr r.qr.3or rsel I I qatntdqD) .tqEr s,ql sunrnd qsqt or 860B [email protected] 'rq3l:r ,i!^ .nEr
nwnJ ,fir^ seN rRqJ c,^n
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.^iI utg 8u^ou
lELp E r.!!v
irisn iulP,'P $tool rI rr?qr /r, or ar{o5 rcv .t,noL iinol rr ilg.8n (p,1sh8sryntraun) i'rqgE €rl]rfuB r.t nod r.uel i:I"s .ss:upoo8 roJ 'iqLOlpotot trD lrqhholo\l) '..rqJ 'InJAE s.]eql ..uEqr poos e pooN rq lqsnorp dIP.r I r.sdn os .q I.3H f,a:u pEq Ilirir s.rEr! rou r{o @rr"rodd,srr qda,P) ino,{ plp tsed p.no,{ rqsnoql !^.tr s,rEql auEF.qr
no^ i.tqrp:nul
tts noL (pazbw qa!ryosqo)
i,{pE.d )!qr no[ rEqa uaop .rria 01no,{ aolle or ruo q.8J lrR .snBd uoris E .q II..r.rtJ
UNIT4 Test Lislening
It is recomsded
Tapescript rmoR:
rhat this test be done in classunder exmlikc
Unit 4. Listenins ComprehensionTesr. Look at page29, ed Part 1. QueetionsI-r0. You'rc gojng to hearpart of a radio interview widr a oiminologist od wiU have to fi]I in the missing infomation- But bcfore you listd, look ceetullr at quesrions I l0.r Now listen and fill in the missing infolmrion. Ready?
Now it is a fact, is ir not, that not only is ciime iDcreasingin go$al but that burglaries in pdticuld are becoming more md
Thai's nue, ceruidy up to rhe iigxres we have for this year, 1983 And it's deeply disrurbing. In fact, so high is rhe incidelce of burglary in Brilain thar itt been caLculatedone house is burgled every 90 seconds.Burslaries accomt fo1 nearly one quarter of all , rr. .olmirred in thi. .ounr.]. INTiR.: That's absolutely frishtcnins, especjally when so mdy families have to be away from home all dly at work, and schooi md so on, During when I gather mo.e md more burgldies are comiited the daY,I metn. Yes. And that may itself be a coDtributing factoi for rhe amual in buglary. Last year,for insrmce,50,000more homes iDcrease wele bugled rhan in 1979.I don\ Laow whcrhcr it's becausemore and more peoplc arc out of the house all day, or whether they aie less creful abour locking up thoroughly whcn they go out. NER.: WeU, the prccautions that we should lake against being burslcd is somethinsI'd like to discusslate., but whar abourrhe insurmce situation? Struse as it may sed, after ycars of plopagmda by rhe insurance compeie\ most flmilies are still badly mdeiinsured. During 1982 losscsdue to householdbugley roseby 27 per csr over the previous year. So bad hrs the siuation becoFe, in facr, rhat some insurmce compeies ,re refusine to provide cover in cerGin highrisk areasin Bdtain. And thais not the end of the story, either, becausethe rudl nmber of burglaies comittcd in the counfy may be much highd the official stadstics sussest. ICs been . a l c u L r e o l - J r . o n F a 2 p e r c i t m o r Fb r - g L t u i easr c . i m p \ n o ' repotted to the policc ar all or to ins(lltcc @mpanies. EidEr people thinl thar irk too tlivisl, or they rhiDk that the police wonl be able to do anyrhins, or they discover rhc buglary so long after the evdr - wccks or motrths, in some cascs- that theie seemsliltle point in reporting it. rNrER.: So you're sayingthat while more and more bu.glariesde being comitted, fewer and fewer peoplc ale leporting rhem? Yes. But the houble wirh statistics is that rhe lorser you look at to do with ciime, thc more pessimisdcyou're thd, especiaUy likeb to becode, whereasI'd like peopleto becomca lot more careful. The plain fact is that, if you live in Britain, you're likelv ro be burgiedoncein 40 years. rNrER.r As you say,rhat doesnl somd too bad. But oncein a tifetimc would bc ploty for mosi people,I'm sure. Yes, n qn be a deeplydisdessinscxperieDce. By rhe wayj how mu.h do burgla^ usually get away withl How
Wel1, clearly ir all depends on the circustaDces. But listeners will be slad ro hear tha! accordingto a rccent Surver ofBrirish Crime, 'abortedattempts 39 per cent of !11buglaries alc what lre called That means presmably rhat the burglat or buglars get nothing
TctEA\ p@ pdelsug roJ .mtu .q1Jpq ! o $nl trluo s.*qr : +000'gI iFI,u limrg sI rs.rEau .qJ 'Sur.aaEls atltrb s.4 izaz'v7 - zaz'rz Ja anBg 'oN l?qJ i.n8E.I uollelndod uosud IFI.^o.tF dor ea-.A pue 'II3a oor .ledruor l,uop 3a -.?€]] ? srEaI 9r|o qlla - [email protected] .rp qn sislmo. lprrxr ]q5! ar.nol rng srB.I g r sr:aED^e .q1 .$rIA
r JNn
uNlT4 wordAN: Wel1, as you'Il see,we top the overril receptions roo, with over 34,000.But in this casejit\ the Nethdl0nds which cones secon4 wit\ 17,124.17,124.T'r.at\ surp sins, isn'tit? rL{N (2): I don'r \now. Anyway, lcis discuss that late!. Vtlat surp.ises fte is the popularion of Fruce - 53 miltion. I{,{N (1): No, I ncver rcalised thc population of Frdce was that bi& eithd. I tnow. The ndber of receptions is relatively mall for Frmcc woMN: roor but cd we discusspopularionve$us .eceptions,pison populations ad so on later? MAN(1): By atl neans. Lefs just look at the lasr colum . . . woMAN: Yes, where it\ interesring to seethat Sweden is higher thm with 50.32,hd Northem Irelmd rops dE Englandatrd',J7ales, league with b astouding 82.33. MAN(2): 82.33? Oh, yes. BUI tho, thais probably oDly to be expected, with things as they are derewoM{N: Yes. Anyway, what cm rhesefiglres lell us abour wars thar othe! comries havc r.duccd thcir prisoD populations . . . ? ruroR: Now listen againdd checkyour answos to questionsll 22. (Dhcu$i@ refeatedan ta!e.) rrrroR:
ADd thatt the end ofunii 4 Test.
Part 1 1 90 seconds;2 50,000!3 27o;j ,t some/about5291,j5 oncein 40 yeais:6 39%; 7 l6%t8 {,5 - f,99\9 f,100 ,499t I0 l3'l;Part 2
11 Norrhem Ircldd; 12 averase effective senten.e ldgrhj 13 populatioa of coutry; 11lgt 15 l29t 16 l.3j 17 0.136;la 24,2a2t19 \7,t24:20 53t 2), 50.32;22 82.33
Exercise l: Score I mark each for each complctely colreci ansrer to give a possible Sussested marling muimm of l0 marks. scheme Exercise2: S@rc 2 malks eachfor items 11, 12 hd 13, md r mark eachfo! iros 14-22 to give a possible mdimm of 15 mdks. Possible roral muimm
for rhe wholc rest: 25 marks-
':toqa se ssel. .II} lDra ? t z Jsrcrira u @^€ .3m3qE .qr,{pnrs E '.loqa e Lpser r|11q1s )tad \rtn\tu runrodu f@ ,'E!oJ t ( drhEJe srF au'mp :loI s,r.rlre.r .qr roJ uorDnpoDul FDUJO .r! u &orrra,oc uo uoEJ.s eqr ..s) €qro@ u.q1 l.i pe ,.leprpG. e lo leqr lrto aqr p@ r.Iros .rp .uo a.Iu.ru Jo .tor:r{r 3uHr1 ru.pms .uo rpra snEdol4 [email protected] .pr^F z z .sor.:a loJ I ' a o q t u I f l ' u o r + . r d r r r q e . r r qD $ o 1?qa u.rp Is8 p@ sr@pnrs .rF rFb r z .sr.r.:g B @^l' .Be.6ki .rp dpnrs z 'r!ur@h .rp 01 sDDeu ]eqr 'oroqd 'fEs .{.q1r€qa Jqr u a.s .{.rF uplF r.rplr sr rErIA 1t 1?q1slcp s uroJul I rqeqtE.lr uoor.selc 'suoBs.nb .r! 3.s or JIq? .q rou Ih sr@pnrs .rF @:3 .rF uI g N ',{pu.pwor .rou r{.nE rErp aa] r.rul .!p qrRoJdde rp.IsE tIA ,{.q1 3q rq&u Iaq.r rlqt suoPsnb Jo spuDt .qr .su6or.r 01 ure.t slu.prus JI oroqd E ' n o q Er i ? p , p F J E t \ e P t n o rr J U , @ \ J w \ u o n . r l b J o s p u q ) $ o r P U o d ! E l o J qrlr{a saalh .enF oru PePhlp .rB sorcqd aqr aol.q suoDs:nb .qI TanIIqE Iero srq rol veu poo€ B .rBpIp@J 1@IIs !q]d ! .^rS rouuer i.qrEx. rv roFqd pu?}srlpun @r &ro lra aoq r.s or rou '.n8otErp .mu.t otrq €ru. pu? Illu.ng *.ds or &qrqe ,s]mpn]s ssassE01 sr r.d!d a.rN.rq elF Jo uEd $rg .ql lo uF aqI uoBu.q.rduor pnsr^ lo ti?t strF ss.rdxr or mrp saoll8 rl.Iqa .a!n5@t .I! r.rsEu prnoqs ,{.tp 1nq <sororldoqr p@rsDpm dlru or .jq! 8r{.q }ou lnoq€ lrroa roa pFoqs $u.pms [email protected] ^IInJ or rlnq€rP pug rq?@ I.ql soFqd .sorF rIIA snitEoplo s.{EAqrIA u.qr ephord osIEp@ a.r^Frul .r{r u ru.ng .rou punos or s1u.pn1saoIIE rnirlErrdorddE p.sn Jr 'IIIA .srrr.& sqr q psrsq suotss.rdt. :qt Iv z eq.Fxa 'mEr*E s.rftlix 0I : l .urjr ssqi q.nu oor dn qel rou pFoqs I sruopnrs rs.Frrq p@ .^to^u pFoqs I .IIu( run .q1lo &rinq6o^ p@ EImEra r.rdor .rF or E pE I F sEP.pusrd st d4s sIqJ
I .sptexa
I€-0€ dd {ooqesrnoC
'nooos raansuoC .qr Jo rrdor .q1 01p.r.ruuor lr?tnq€ro^Jo rsp.IAoDI .s]@pnrsp@dx. oJ uroJ t"r.td,Jr Ed p@ slnolord.^rrctrr Jo srsn.uos a.r^ or *ImErc 'r:ded aarN.rq .qr psrFb:r st se !s.ae$Edql$ 01aoq sl!.pnrs aoqs oJ E Jo uEd ptro..s .qr F.p 'r.ur@s .rp Iq oroqd .rlr rnoqB p.)ts! suogsanb sada .qr qrra p@ lo .r.dBd qrIA a.!^Frul .qr 6 oroqd aqr IB.p or .tlntuel rplA slEpnrs apLoid oJ z '€dBd a.r^r.rq .$ Jo r$d $tg .tp qrh sr@pnrs .sj@II@J oI I rIgI1 eqr Jo sElv
M]IAd]INI :5 )]dvd
Ala!f,osraunsuo) c JNn
UNIT5 Sruddrs chdge pairs, with the eraminer now becomiDg the cmdidare Dd vice ve$a, and do Exercise 2 3. Correcrion of eenelal and imporrmt misrakes with the classas a whole
Coursebook pp 32-33 This gr:llrDd point (relative pionous) should be merely a remindd ad can therefore be looked at fairly quickly ad lightly. The gme is itrtended to practise the use of relatives ed compound trouns. I Classroom treatmert This exercise coxld be done orally rcud the c1as. It could also be tuned into a guessing gmej one siudent, for *mple, could choose one of the items on the list md then give a defnition ol it e.g. it\ somerhile that we use ro rell rhe time. Th€ other students would r,\eD @nsult the list to nnd the ita.nt in this casea wrisNatch- Tho other studdts could take it in rums to give dcfilitions of other words on the list. Point out to students thar i! rhe pronunciation of compound nous the primary sbess is on ihe fist parr. Game 20 q{estions
2 Obiect of the saEe To guessthe idendry of m itm by asking no more rhan 20 Conduct of the game I Appoint a pdel of three or four studflts and ask dlem to sit in front of the class. 2 Appoint a scorer who marks otr on rhe blackboard each quesdon as it is asked up to 20. 3 Give the rest of the studdts a list of e.g. 6 iteds (in this cascthey should be compomd nous e.s. a zoom lens' a rmote conuol fo! rhe TV, a one dp elecdic kcdc, a pocket ruo!, a ticket collecror, a filing clerk). 4 Taking in rum cach item otr the list, the pmel must try to work out whar each nm is by asking the other students questions up to a maximum of 20. The peel can only ark Yes/No quesdonssuchas: Is it something which you use in rhe house? Is it somerhing thar rus on elcdricity? Is it something that I could put in my pocket?, etc. If the peel have not discoveled the item in 20 questioff, they lose md the rest 5 The game continues as above thlough the othd itms oD the list. 6 At the end comt up who woD most rounds, the peei o! the classand decla.e ihe These @nstructions may be new ro smddts. Ma.ke su.e they lealise they cd only be used whd the subjec$ of both halves of the sotence are the s@e. Classrood treatmert These ex€lcises could be done iDitially orslly roud the clas, thd each studor @uld write the sdrences as consolidation of the oral work.
1 Not knowing the 'best buy' myseLf,I'll take your ad{ice. 2 Having just bought a new ftistwatch, I oueht to get ro my appointments on tide 3 Nor being a very recblicai persoq he cod.lnl undcrstand it. 4 N e v e rI ' a v i n sh n d a d s h $ a q t e - .. t e w o r ' , n i s . i r . 5 Having agreed to help wirh the pafr, I thought I'd bcrter get there edly.
rpuoE auo 9 t8ltlrlrrss pIIe uo4etPrsur ..{} qlra rFuou !d 9z} I lnoto. ,{do poE soroqd p@ s8ul,\t!rp p@dx. pu?.rnper '&dedlo s.4s TEDJIp moJ (p.ssEJErDz hJ.rdo.oloqd rol I IdoJoroqd t :p33plq psggrEs Ir.^ € iu.us.qsnq srsasEv '.dEl alF pr]d.r !uF6e :rp ol Ersn or rlsra notr JI lu.uasl1!^pE ',{t1j.lr.d ssttl!.^J sildoc rI l.Iv IdO) 'rI r.J8.r PFor nol 5rou .rp (rrBA no,{ DAuoI .rp oS ,f€por uo+ qruou ? roJ srsel 4o sr{J SuJr^r.s pue uooell?$q a.4 qlta '+uou E 5z} ,{iuo roJ e .sl rt sE.IqIPaDuI arso. .rp Puv srno,{ .q plno. 'I-tY-I.Io) 'rnolor ro erIrIA P@ t.qq q pot 5!zF lEr.Jtp q s.Ido.oror{d r rnq - rElF op It €tdoro1oqd DLIro I@ - s.Idoroloqd .jelu rI s.op IIuo rou puv irroa pse 4.uou pft ou$ no,{. €s IIIA -ITV-Ido) r.q@uaI 're@^ordEr Jo sr€F p.aoqs $.ursnq rq u?qr p.Il?lsul .r1v-rdo) e p?q s.ur€I rw p?q l.uoos oN ..s noI os .motor ddo Illrr €uru@ rsou s!rBrl,$pue - soloqd ro saulaErp spuEdrc p@ s6tnPer ($d8d rI Jo s.z$ ru.r.3rp moJ s.rdo.oloqd 1t 5s?I s.rl .roJeq paSE@u I.A. f.ql aoq t3puoa s!ttel.r..s Iu pB dn Smtrrd sr ss.usnq [p€.rt€ rnq lq1uou e roj sno pq IFo .^.ea ll pElruoal xFtrlri.r @r r .mqr€u rnJhpuoa E s,-rlv-l*o€l :tF p.sseftq .q or Fau D^au IIlnoI r.B.rlrlu .I.Iv-Ido)I p.sn 5.uo 6r.^Er{ pov sqr qI i.tdororoqd e lnortra p.6e@u !:^. .^.nod aor{ €puoa ll.no,t (.e nol uosbd,{snq .rp tuFg -nv-Idox a.! :rp sp..u iJ.rdo.oroqd oqa aosr.d Jo uos .qr .r,no,t u.rF 'os Jt anol roj 1! .dIr.r or auo.uos roJ rrEA r!@r Pw F!.I rEqr Jo Idor )p!nb a p..u nod oc a.rDoE uoris r! srmo.rE (9.!3.1 tr.lr.l huod.r Jo s.Idor p.ss?Eq IIe SEIIEc go nod nol oq mr or .rEq iu.uss:usnq 'uolrers olper I8I.DIlrooc E uo rE.q rqtld no]l suqr Jo puDI .rp s.rl r@@sEr.rpE s]r! or d.lsl"I '8uu.rsr-I '€€ .5Ed rE loo-l ,{r.DoS $unsuo3 S rlun
I esT.rexa
:Dro^ aNZ
rsclo .rsl
:a3lo^ aNz :scro^ rsl
rsv'vf tw
.!qrl.Eu ! Jo SuEIed.r .qr :arpruA .IqooIt Pe*.d5r ,q P.lioa jPAer'{ ,{eFqEroa s.od .SBniuel tutstu.^pR :rersl8ed .jrrare@ (IrBr .rxel Jo rldrs '€€ pw z€ s.8Eduo p.a.I er ieuul?ra aqr.rBpllosuot Aque1sf'I or us 4o.i^ u.Drra puE uoFsmslp dn-aolloJ .!p P@ uolrrls 3t4@lsll siql 'asn or i.sB. r{rnu sI .qo 1,{? 1eqrIEs rsnu I 'poo?.1Fb sr !@do qr r:!ti rsrp aq..6P q6nottt/1Erp 5s.63r€3.IqA\ I 'rI Sqrsn ho,{ pwrg, 6upu.Ir$o.ar alqld t uo lstsu] .srno, Jo ro@r sFnlelnu?u:q1 'euq.eu go qrrhs no,{ 8rruEA eqr 8uE?:q uo € ,rp ft.rRlP.qr4 rinu "x punos (ss€€ .rF ssort? fgrooEs 'sa^6l eq1 dn ?uDtild IIB s.^ou rt uo rr e6I .rp IIB dn $trld r @EI .{@ .sorre ql|oo@s SBow z ispdlu lroa 1,@r.6 IDI.Inb sr.pro rI.rBdsIP or ll€r :a 3u!tldr5 . Bulop .Ilrla I La\& 1kao4 a,( n sa\ds zo .sne'.q q€ u p.sn .q r.@. !o zo Jo peosur p.sn .q pFoJ ,,{zh ,1:./@Jo ..qd .rF q p3|n .qpln6 ualta
€ rs!.Dxa
Coursebook pp 3zt-35 The second part of the lnteNiew Papc! requjrcs srudcnrs ro icad a sho pasage and rhen to say wheie it comes fton, who it is spoken by, etc, md ro commcnr on
Dealins with
The passases,which could bc in a rance from veiy infomal to lery formal, wriften or spoken, seNe mainly as a srimulus for diso$io!. Ooe or moie of Lhe followlng rypes ofcomment can theretbre validly be made br rhc candidaie: asreelng or .tisagreeing with issues in ! passageirelating any similar circumsrances, evctrts or sitlationsj reacting on the emotional levelj gn'ing turther inlormarion on any ofthe poills coDraincd in a passage. Suggested answers Passage a): Spoken langxage, fanly info.mal (usc ol shon scorences,shorr forms 1',r, t\; and idiomaric eryressions such as t .,9 a/,/rz,r), possibly m dcerpr from a fV documenrarr on the dlsabled. C,u',.rr a"d d,r.r$?b,j other uses of comrrurcrsj other casesof disablemdtt the pros and cons ofspending considerable amounn of mone'j_ on disabled iddividuals. Passage b): Ncuml language, possibly joufalistic, colld be spoken or w ten, possibly an exrrict from a TV or radio dodmentary, or nelvspaper or magazinc tri.1.. Catunen Md tl dsrtdr i opinions on hippies dd their beliefs, on John Lemon or the $ng l,iaate, or candidare's .ecounring olpcisonal knowlcdcc of a Passage c): Forml ldgulge, spoken or nrittd (with use of nouns url.dr.rDr, lds,rladdz, d..6r in place ofverbt, possibll' excerpt from radio news or from a serious newspaper ,rticle. C.nnert dnd ditdsion: opinions o! vidco Daslics, on rhelr lnfluence, on the wisdom ofgovemment inteNentionj per$nal knowledse of rhesc vidcos aldroi deir etreds. Remembc thai for ihc ieasons sivo in lhc Gcneral Introducrion there is no test at thc md of rhc ttucc Units on rhc Inrcivicw Papcr. To sce an exmple of a tu1l lnteniew l'aper see Unit 15, Paper 5 in the Practice Exm at Lhe dd of the Course Book and lhe Inrerview Pape$ i" Lonsnan Praici.nc! Ptaeti.e Exalns. Classioom
I Revise the expresions int.oduced at the besiming of the Unir that are used to ask for repetitioo and claiification, and to cxprcs assumprions and uncertainty. 2 Students could intericw ooc dother in pairs o! discuss po$ible mswers in pairs or sroups befole interviewinc one dother. Of coune, the tetcher c& monitor studcnr pcrformdcc at this stasc and give srudcnts feedback on how well they h.vc dore, rhough rhis could also be donc by thc student who is ading as the
Exercise 3 This is a vdy populd British radio smc. In it a pelson is givs a topic and then has to speak on it for one minute coherendy and non-stop. Ifhe doesn't mmagq GaEs Jusr a dinute the olher playds chalienge him Md take over the ropic. If rhis challengc isnt accepted by &e referee, the odginal speaker coniinues with thc topic md wins a poinr ifhe mdages ro keep speal
(s.npa.od rour toD ror uolr.nponur !.S). rE€@C 'sIErsIu r.ero. or e@3 .qr g N aog orp plnoqs Dq.6r.qJ rdr|&l!Ilou Jo '31nmu e roJ IlR1 01au [email protected] erF Eo.g lFu ..F 8Eq?r r@pDrs Dqro@ qrld s.nsFuot @.F e@3 .r[l E Pm !uod.qr [email protected] Jo p@ .rF 1BSurn€adssr orIA Fepn$ .{l T.nu9uor r.le.ds Fur?ro.qr rrou I brdor.ql oo acptIer.nunuol @r.q. ro 5q Cn .uoFp.dr roJ a.) IFr.llor s.?u3nerp [email protected] €qrou?Jl t 'iaq ro uttrI ssGIIeF o1 asner srGpnrs lqro .rp 5c.bl3 rnoqr4 .rnqrtn e roJ ll€r or fF @ql p@ rt pE.r r.Ird I8u@, .qr Eoq pe E q8r or suru cI rI qEl @r! sr@pnrs (snrs dod 'uods 'pooJ 'rrsnE jmd tlmq.s u t@uqsmd '? .) qrE. uo rdor €oo rrrB spF rdor Fodror Jo .trd e dnola qrEa a{C t '..r.J.r s dnda qrF Jo €q@u .oo lBlddB p@ '. 9 Jo nol Jo sdno.6 olEl ssBI. .qr .phlc z '.@3 .rF Jo s.Inr .qr @tkg I .Eea 5lp Jo l'nPuoJ 9 INN
Scienceand ScienceFiction
r To rdind srudots of thee leading skills: skiming, reading for detail ad clressins the oeming of words tior cortdt. 2 To fmiiiarise studdts with the mdtiple choice resthg technique3 To intloduce ,tudents to three medDds of lookiDg at vocabulsry: shadesof meaning, vocabulary deas Dd ollocation in prepdation for Section A of rhe Reading Comprehension Paper. ,1 Grammar to review some uses of the Present Pedect. SimDle Past ed Past Pedlct tenses, 5 To expud students' knowledge ofvocabddy comecred to the topic of Sder.e ahd A.iek e Fiction.
Coursebook pp 36-37 Exercise 1 This is a waim-up/1ead-in activity inteided ro infoduce rhe theme ofthe foilowing rdi md of thc Unit. Classroom treatment As indicated in the Cousebook. The foUowins could be used as disosion prompts if they are needed: - Have you seeDtny of rhe big sciencefictio! fiLnn for example .Sral rd^ or Tne En?be Stikes BdckT - Do you know thc Gcorge Orwell novel 793,r?Do you considcr that to be science fiction? Y/hat other scienceficdon writcrs do you lnow?, etc. Exercise 2 Bactsloud ilformation This exfact is takenftom the notel2Al0: Odysq) 1'&, by Afthur C. Cldke- It is a sequel to the novel ?0A1: A SpaceOdt$.J) whlcll was writtetr by the samesuthor dd made inlo a vcy successfulfilm. Note that the way Professor Chrng speals in the cxtact is ofien similar to the lmcuagc of telecrms (teleglaphese).This is becausehc is sp€aking over a radio and in a mosr ugot siruatiotr. Stylc of textr dnmatic, narative Registerr neuiral Focus vocabulary N.B. Thc focusvocabularygiven below is rhe objectof Exercise5 on page37 ed should thcrcfore not be taught before the exriact is rcad in cla$. a raager rhe distucc at which one can seeor hear tdlzd.: to (causcro) lose strensth, colour, fresnness,etc. srz,uddj shocked inro hclplcssnc$. This word collocates here with eler.e makins a fLledphrasc. a tarl; a lalge cotrtainer for stoing liquid or gas iea@eedi any ofvariors (dassesof) plmts, espcciallydalk greenwith long srems, growiDg in the sea 50
'.zrsd8J ro IUls ub r8oq v
sr.asEv '>poq.smo3 3tp tq parErlpu sv rutEr€5rr
'elqslle^E rplu .q irol.r:tF plroqs s.lreuo!.Iq '.q @r sproa maar.q suogr!9slp .rir aqu aoq susllBar spraol mtp .pmi or rnq tp$a .s.l! Jo .tp.taoq .sl@pnrs rs.r o1 p.pGrul r"z $ Irt^il.€ sqJ g'N '.re$dordde .mlnJ ^@ snrol do )lroa IEIn$.o^ qr€ordde s|tl u.qa Jo Pr{Jt 'Ir D.e ,tIInJ.sn pFo. !q.!.r .qr pue rIEInqE.o 01 qrotddE sl{r Jo .q€^ .qr..s .rp ]o pu: 3q'r Iq TFoqs slGpnrs rng qriull sltp Jo {ooq € tlqlnJ arou p.lE.rr aq rore. }E!p uo@domqd }@nb.g ^i.^ e ]o sJld@x. rsnl 3D pJsodord sdnod pro{ p El.r JJJqrrqt or pD.u ^rtfl L6noq_lR\ftFqero\ orl'ErDp.'ro3o Dr ro ,srs5odrou op mio l)\rl .f(I] ,e r.\J sruroNs 8or@)u JJ ')pEtl' Jo pr $drJuor u p l n q e r o \l o J 8 w , . P , q J | j 1J o : r 6 a e r E P n 1 6r } r u o r p r o € r r P r ( r r ^ o t ' q I
Eqpear q draFq8ro^
6€-89 dd {ooqasrnoC
ttuoll lI e^oqg..S
S rsltrtxa
'Y5alnf3€lSZlCI sraasuv Ts.ElrxoJ Hp @guor or nq5e4 .q1 qlta s€as@ r.:Ior lo uoBsn.s]p ss"lc t 'se^r.s@qr IpEpguo. u.Lp pus or @rtl .BIIqo o1 sEos .tErs sltp 1€ sr.asuE 1..rro. atF loil?rtpu ,lG eu.pns eqr .^F lou pFoqs r.r{t6r aqjl g N Jo (suo$enrsp suDcnPuot Jo spowlw :sonJnpoJrul ss) uorssnrsF pluerdd ro oossnJslp dnoi6 ! I ]ooqasrno:l elF ut pqs.38ns sV Z 'r..4{su?lqllr.t{r st qalno .q rEqd $lteu III?np4Ipu ]!.pn$ q.BE I ru.6rae4 ruoorsslc 'raal:$ ()1l.?q €qrr3J.r dq $q1ouE .uo 01 sraas@ rI.rP qpsnl 01 sr@pnrs s.rroJ q.Iqa tooq.smol aqr u P.puauuo.:r porF.E uorsso.slp eqr Iq pe eIrItE sr slqJ ssora a.ql !$o eqr p@ r$rro. .I r.as@ .uo rBrp .ins 3q 01 se os sl]Er.p .w lssuouE dllnl.ftr pe.r or rxer.qr 01].eq tuIu.lor ,{q . r rdF.lrror su.rl ..Ioqr-.ldFlnE q.sorddE or rru.pn$ re8 or slm .slrr.a! toFu.rFrduor .J:oqr-.ld9lnu uor{s slqJ'adror? .qr or .8!ssau olpd € sn4eter Bdong uo st smqt ross.Jordp@ tdong uo p.rp sEq.!'I rq '.63ss.E s.6@rl:) or q Bulu:1sII ooroaT aqr PEoqe st ptuIg rq sr.asEe tlqFsod 'q??? D?DXJ .\! Srqp?.i ?rr{1td suolrs.nb a3.rl1 r.as@ or u.ql 8ur)sB fq rrlor. .qr Jo uorsEqerduor rsl8 t!.rp p.qr @I! .1sF slu.pnrs Putu.{ rseEre.rr uoorseelc roJ 8up!.r roJ suoseerpuE p..u.qrjo tuoP IIE] P@ ,{pe.rsm .EoDq (or .sne.) or i'lddor o? .cr. (.mss.rd .I.oqs .w.r] qanor! ,I^?a ro luJq .Eo.iq (o1.sn€.) or :,1?ru{ o? P:.ue.s uorq 33rEIJo spuDtt€r.^.s Jo f@ :dlr? s..ul pu? or.solr ipoq aqr q]IA flaoF.^ou or jldr, ol
sp@q uo ro rroog rc [email protected]! 9 -LINN
UNIT6 A brildins qn topple. A person@ ruoblc. Salcsfigurescd slmp. N.B. Of cou.se, other combinations are posible if extra woids ale added e.g. He slmped into the chair. t stij ro (causeto) go dowD below a surfacc, our of sighr, or ro rhe boftom (of ., rrmble: to fall suddenly or helplessltj roll over or doM quickly or violently to torplei Io (causeto) become msteady dd fali down to.au€er ro tum over (especill1yofa boat or ship) 2 A signal cd fade, dim, slimnef or iiicker if it is a lighr, dd fadc or die away if ir A light cm fade, dim, giilrmo, or flickerA cedie cd fade, dim, slilrmff, or flickd. A voice c& fade or die away. A colou cd fade. rolader to (causeto) lose s engthr colour, ftesbaess, etcr. .lm; to (causcro) becomedim i.e. nor bright ta slinnet : to ilc a vcry fajar, usteady lighr to dteaearj (especialtyof somd, wind, light) to lade and bccomclc$ and les and rdftcAerr to burn unsteadilyjshinewith e msteadl light
A baby cd aawl or creep. A person ch crawl, creep or stroll. An inseci cd crawl. to ,fa@l: to move slowly with ihe body close to the gloud
or floor, o. o! hands
,o .fd.pr Io move slowly Dd {tuietly with the body close to the grcund to ttn&r ro flow in drops or in a thin stream td ,o:dj to passo! llow slowly ,, e/allr to walk, especialh slowly, for pleasure The mai! purlose of dris tdt is to suggestto studmts a se@nd way of srouping vocabulary togethe. i.e. word ficlds. Ior rhis reason nor too much classtime should be spenr on comprehension work. Answcrins qucsrion 1 should be sdncientStyle of texe nafative, slighdy sensational Register: Deuffal, scislif,c in parts Spa.e aocabular!: asfanauts, Moon, lud, spacefavel, space*ploration, planet, rincs of Saturn,Io, Euopa, Ganymede,Callisro,spaceplobcs, spaceshipWrnirelAutha hip ,ocabular:],r fictional deation, novel, sciencefictionj wird, sequetjvocabuldy, ficdonj to publish, a copy, a synopsisra wo.d proccssor,a Adjectites aJ praile: btillidt
ts 'r.rFo p:u.ddeq uoD.! .uo l?qr s.ssars f,l.r.u [email protected] puorss .r{J Jq1 .roJ.q '..9o .rF or 1!.4.q rsEH?.rqp?q peq .rl r.gv 'a.!go n! or ru.a .q NEJ)]!.rq pEq rq !{v ;qsIIsuApoot aft suaoloJ.qrJo qloq 3. suolr]z 1s€di^rn..suo. oar qrIA [email protected] rs!.I .rp.sn or .tuosFduor rou sr rI .E. suqLuos .rol.q p:uJddEq rE^a ro rorFe rs€d .uo lELpss:ns or p.sn IIuo.e sa*01 rt,ta.I $od alJ 'ru.s.rd .rlr uo r..nF ro :.u.ngq \pd IulI aEos r^€q or r.r[a Io r.IEids .!p Iq u..s .! r€qr ro ru.s.rd Jqr uI.nDllso. puE rsEd .ro or p.rEls r.qll. rEqr sr@^i ro stolrcEroJ P.sn.n sa at u,Jlal luasat.l?4J '.retduo. puE por{sFu .q {)1'1sed .rF 01 IlFrol suol.q or r.1FA ro D)t!.{is 5qr ,{q u..s :r€ q.!qa sr@r. ro suolrrE roJ P.sn sl a@l Edtu's rtd allJ :.rE s.su:13s.rFJo :sn .qr roJ s.Iu Fr.u.c \.)Flslu oIRu 01 .nunuor f.ql Jl u.qr uo uoDuslt lsruJpnrs snrol o1uo aoD do{ Irmuoddo ID^. +I3r !.Il pue s.sFr .s.F }o s.sn rLIr Jo s]!.pnrs pq@r 'r..Jred ltr s.rd .rF Jo 01a:r^.r srlp.sn $s@r rr.Jr.d 1s3.IpuE rsBd .lduls .qr s.sn .rp u3.ar.q suqsFsurslp su.lqord 8q\Rq eq IlDs IEU Ia^.I sqr 1esru.pms Druaro '\IAl{ Jo 1u1od1tt4 ar.u 3 :.aF srq Trrrro, or !.Ius ? lo rrr{ rsar,,rl .qr luoow Jrp Jo .pts rrJ .rlr (q !21t1r4r ]qqr r.upFor I !s.lo{Jo pe,/rooa € lqss Jo loozPse t..u:Is Pada e tP,Pbllpaqst@avoats .rlr (Et 'IErr-rd . (&ortr.(tr1punoqlno (euu.1uE qsrp (uosstu '|unrEs lrqro (iJu.nuul .DauSEu ]o .r:qds E trl.q uo9elwr t:rJdnl .sEW .qimet or r.mrd.N .s@rn '.JroJ t.^ed &l^us isI$ .uso. ,s.trruEdrtos .@NIs rElosaqr .ornld !.s!ru. or 'rJEr..."ds lms rrqS{ !q eg Z '.url.lq pJpaa.F serlrI slr It.a 'EmrEs lo ]rqrc .rF or spuorxe .ru.nllu! .IlJu8Eu Jo .!qds s.r.rrdnl rFIr P.r.^orsP SEIIrl srlrq uoD"rp€rIrgDAod s.€rldnrlo suoEB^r.sqop:lJErJp.pBu seq1I 'r.rldnlJo dn-3soltuqt] seq rI s.i€dl 'gEr JrEds.PEd-@u rJrlo l@ wql r.rFnJ .uoi s?qrI I sreasqv 'uope.olloJ Jo ..@ odu 3rp ..s or urqr dPr{ IIIA slql '.t€n5ct uao rl.qr u! Jo )IgHr @J sru.prus s3ld@x. ]?qa .is pw [ou?rollo. Jo uonsnrsP :uos .pnl.u] osle 1q3E nol ]ooqssnol .rp ui P.lerlpu sY z 'r:uord .rF rsqa rno Pullr I IPe.rF sru.pnrs aoDj lnoqP rueEle.4 uoorssE13 [email protected] :ro1q55d (rytI aur[ .un['(Ftt ua ars) € lt.lDw '@192llttv Lo €t 5rT) |llbw '(1sry 'l?? anDll Td l1stp:suaouo] .qr u suosu.ruor a]€) sz tudv sJti paP@tl Sul]Ed pue 36II.ds uB]mrry.qr aroN g'N :^!dlrs.p rrxalo tI^rS )jroa uols@qorddo. uo 1@ds r@psns .q pFoqs I uoqs.nb 5uilasuv 5q pFoqs .u9 ssq. r{tnu ool rou uosE.r sqr oc e.!e .ftElnqlJo^ .reds .rp p@r'. aoqs ()1prpnlcul @.q sal r€?ssEd o1 sBIt.!! se .sn q uouEroiloi Jo s.Idm srqJ slip op ftr IJqr.roJ.q !3m€uEIJo.nrEel ? sErr: .aoq'uo!1u.lrB 4.ril ol lq6norq r .^Bq o1p5.u IIA [.qJ 'iurpe.r IeDu.8 ]Fq1 uJ [email protected] pft roJ rno loot c. sr@pnrsqrlqa sulqr.uos sI uo$e.oloc r.dEd losEq.rduoc suIpeQI roqetolloJ r{ led .6!I t ^BId uer q.!la .ril to v uour.s uI sr.as@ r..ro. auuEri].p r.spbxa .6en-6uEl Jo .nw.J e{uolecollor proa or slu+nrs.rnpol]u or suP.sDr.f,. sqI
I?-0t dd {ooqesrnoC 9IINN
UNIT6 !i{/c recomend you ro ask the students to do all these excrcisesindividually before discussing msweis wirh the ciassas a whole.
Exercises 112, 3 ClassrooE treatment
I False!2lalsq 3 T!uc;4 Truej 5lalsej 6 False;7 True;8 False;9 False;10True t has dcliglred/delightsj 2 had avelledj 3 has visitedj 4 set foorj 5 have seenj 6 was lauched; 7 wasj 8 has stoppcdj 9 did ir go/had it eone; 10 had/had had Classroom treatment
The General Knowledse Quiz could bc doDeas a tem
I Students in soups offour or live dcvisc thcir oM Truc/Falsc sotcoccs. 2 These sme groups thcn diangc rhcmsclvcs into rcams ed .akc it in tuo to rcad out their sentdces to the otier groups. The first group to cive the ight @swe! 3 The gme conrinues uril all rhe rems have read our ajl rheir serences, rhd rhe marks alc added up md the rem widr the mosi mdks is declared the wimer. I Truq 2 False;3 False;4 Falsej5 False
Coursebook pp 4243 Test Readins
'ffe lecolrmod you get studcnts Io do rhc tcst in cjassundcr exulike ad in the recometrded rioe.
Answers SectionA: r Dj 2 Bj 3 Dj 4 Bj 5 Bj 6 Ai 7 Dj 8 Bi 9 Cj l0 Ai l1 Dj 12 Cj 13 Bl 14Dj15A SectioDB: 16 Cj lr- Bj 18 4 19 Dj 20 A Sugsested markins SectiotrA: Scorc I mdk for eachcored irem to give a possibl. muioum of 15 schemc marks. Sectior B: Score2 markslor €ch correctitem to sive a Fossiblemaximlm ol10 mdks. Possible rotal mdim1m for rhe whole tesr: 25 marks.
'oEI3 ^ Eulrou6s'ouol3 uonS uEilerl i r o q . e \ r ' P de o 'n r'.]anrrod a!P^ouor \rroD ro{urs dfp rog trurrl 3) sr,luou rnlPs l rlr'uow lroruog ,{rrtEuroj €uEsErluor 1nq [email protected] retJus Jo s.iu.ru.s oAl .8!n3utl uao rl.qr d u.qr ol rno lqod irIiE@oJ Jo s..$.P Jo :r@uodu ro er:rstF aW rnoq? slqnop .^Erl sls.pnrs 'rniPuoJ JI g N .^oq! p.]?rlpu s? rre P.Ioldu. aq or p.3u '{3rp @qa jo E. .I rm4tlp .B .!ql .(qa uo uorssDslp e orq pE.I puE sr.asuE itF lttqc g 's!ed p@ rrEduor sl@Pnrs z rtslp ssnrslp rq sr.asut 'suotN.nb :$u or r!.pnrs qr?. Isv I $as@ ur s.lou .!F or ru.Erea! uoorsselc '.ruJJo u$. P@ sutP@rsDPmsu tsnEr @r srolu.^uor .qr I!6 8o:tE rq luollEnrrs @^I3 Iu€ uI p3s. .q or s€q lrnEuroj lo I.^ol rEqd lnoqB s.Inr pixg o! .rE .rJqr qSnotFIY lsrFr4 Fnlnulo sr..{qn01sou rnoq€r.qlo@ .uo or {e1or.6?ntwl ImroJu.sn or .{l.Ill.E spu.ul poos .E oqa sruagus oal 'IIIB@oJd IFess.r.r ros q8nolp ',tIIRdoJ s.I )t.ds or IIr>u sr r.8pnq 3@s .qr slq tuIII.r pw ]q5$ 3@s .rP uo :uorl r! ?u!rF DrsrT! rnoqE preqsnq !r{i{ra rlmd .d!s lEqJ .€ErLBueIIl@oJ ,fFPl,{old@ or dl.iti sl FSpnq .$ rnoqB e r.iduB:. JoJ o.u.lPne :.go req/sq ut rolsMu r.!no@ or suqlEr r.1srylu.mrd d Y : r q l l r a l e u b r u : D n r sl l u o l o r r r o u t l r l u ' r r t { 8 r r r t n z 6sltrrxa uo 3uo .rp se.r.rlA rqsntug u.n!a lldroJ Jo JId@:. u€ sI rJaI aqr rc Dr]aI qJ 'r-eqrq {€Dul rtIr rrdol .ql uo uor'qn'\m pr uSno{i rlel'.ou Jo rornqdnli. 01p.pu.rur sl 'so86l .!p n.alorng u.rs.a ur ,urmo " u' usler
I 'stJr'xg
sffin dd {oogasrnoc 'alDq?cttcsraun a?r'JJo .dor iql 01 prrcawor I&lnqero^ Jo .5p.laool .srFpnrs pDedh oI 9 -sq$^ ppou I Jo s.sn snotrE a.I^.r o1 *ImErc Ed?d uon$oduo:) ul p.rmb.r IpGnb4 .qr ul osrLrg trolrBodEoc SuPIrl( p:rrrlq.ql LIrIr\ srcpn]s ep]^oid oI t sr se €E ordaltsF ro souorddE roJ aEen-EoEI 'r.dEd uouNoduol .ql r{ asltDxg uopFoduoC Sur!l(! pjr..rr( .qr }o ued uroJ uei lErlr >Foa uorsuedF Jo spuH r@$gtp rrp or sru.Pqs .tnpoDur oJ t r.Idrs 6u!Ie^ roJ ssosB.r.q1puElsr.pm or sru.pnrs.IqEu. oI z 'qsqSua uanlr Jo s.IIrs luaraglp rpra gu.pnrs .srrrII@J oJ I
oleqag {8.rau1aql
UNJT7 - Wie gehr cs Ihnen?!. Wle sehts? Gcrmd creek Hererer. yiassou - or rwo newspapersof dife!.nr levelsof fomaliry as in BritaiD e.g. 7,4e?d* The Sn.
Possible dswers The me$dseofthe rwo lerrcs is rhe sme as rega.dsthe infomation jt contains,bur is nor rhe sde on the level of rhc rcladonshipbetwee rhc writ- bd rhe reader.Thc Mirer of Lrr thsr tetter treatshis readci wirh an apparor show ofrespectj impersonallyand somewhatcoldly, whereasthe sccondis much more direct ed frant. Thc lcnos difler so much possibly becauseonc ctaims to bc an answer 16 a lette. to i,]ie ?der (a radH format newspaper) md/or possibty becauscir was writrd by someonc of a iadlei folml disposition, white rhc orher is witto tbr a differenr kind of audience by someonewirh a diferdt view ol himself/ herselfed his .elarionshipwirh oder people. Exelcise 3 Classroom treatmert Encouragesrudenn ro bswer more tuth rhu 'one is folmal and one infomal'. Ask them ho$' rhey recognise this formaljry ala inlbimaliry in anticiparionofElercise 4 dd alsoto sive somccxamptes. Exercise 4 Classtuom treatment As indi.ated in rhe Coursebook_ This exerciseis besrdotre in pails or groupsbefored geqeralrepori backAnswers tsotnal turitten EnEl h exatAles: I I m d f a i L J . . r e l o u sc o n i d d a L o n . However,it could surcly nor . . - kind ofwork. N o , S i r , I f c a r . . - a d v b t d s ei E . 2 as: aswcll asj howeverjno.j also 3 Pasivc: rhe bullock . - . be rein.rodlccd ' h e p r o p o ' r l. a m u ' b r cir"i it could surelynor be called . . . ConditioDal:lf. - . you re seriouslysusgesrins. . . rhe p r o p o . a lr, r - J r b e$ v c n . . . it could surcl,\'nor . . ./nor would dnyooe. . . Inlroductory phrases: I'm aliaid rhar _ . . T a . o h r ' . r ' ^ r g - c . c r v . - i o nJ \, , o . . . I fear rhai . . . 4_ 5 ro reinroduce; cont.ib!.ing roj m ierunj preparedja sitution 6 non pollutantj to permir savings 7 camotj could surcly noi Iiartual tuitten Enslish exdnplesl I Pdasraphs 4 ed 5 conrain shorrer sentences.This lcrrer as a whole contains five paragnphs comptrcd wirh fou in the other. 2 mdj burj eirhci 3 Activej wc should start faming with bulloc\ - . . progres? Plescnrlose: ed call that prosrcss Inroducrory phrases: I'd like to kno$'; appdmrly Rnerorical questions:Are lou seriouslysusgesriig. . . power again? do I'ou really thirk . . - progress?
a.rsia.r pue .t,{rs (auo1 !.{tluerrod6 Ili p@ roslErnq s€.p! ur^I3 Jo trosutdtr iqr IIuo Jo 3sn rrJrror .\.1 rou .rmbrr suoEsoddor .s.qr rerp .sIIE.r u.qr :IEu or pue ldDd oor1soduoc 3!F Jo rr.l s,qr roJ srEuoJ .tqs$d q16 srurpnrs.srErrruu or pJuSs.p .rt It Pue ld8d uounoduol .rF u Jrua or !.{s€ .q 9r s.iEd uo u.^r8 s.Id@x. rnol.ql .{xd slu.pnrs uoDrsodruor Jo sPuDIriIF .!plo :uo st rsl.rx. ?trIrr^ p.l..rlc[ V ausFd\ P.rcerlq
Ln-9n dd {ooqesrnoJ
',(Ar.u.lo 6mRs .qr or drqsuoDrt.rrEql pm n!6pnlp p@ qrP:q [email protected] uoDr.rord t)lloa Jo Iltl€nb.qr :ruru,toldu. sEIl.ns ssnssl tBr.u.i.roulo uossn.sP.qr orq PE.t!.ql ptnor srduord rglt.ds I.I|tr:s.ql -.urq.!u e q'rra r pnErlIq .r. 'suuapn? liulnDl rau!6.s :sroqor '^ srilroa rnorrEJ:srJlt^ srers :riods@I Jnqnd r €uDII.a fs$r '^ silJirrq uoFsnrslq rp.pil!:n n.!F I srduord uoFsnJsrpse p.sn .q plnotrSuraoflor.qI ruaElE.Jr Eoorssep r eqtFxil 'uoos nol uo{ rFq or rdoq I 9 aureJ iu rsr^ pue.uo. or.>U ro{ ptnort\liurp.JIu 1ts!^pue.uor no.{ r.uop rirld\ ! - (.sn"r.o t ' turql riuop r/..d" r.uop I t ' ' 'arorrq Jlrs r,lplp I trrosi.rot..t ul1rrra.^eq or rou Irros {d!I) z ' ' -roJ nol slueqJ I luErl.L/ro:l PtunluI ' ' ' ut?u.r I nol ooq 8uu?II or prE6roJlool I 9 ' ' ' no1 .luur or iIII qrnu ..1 lFoa I S nr.n plnoa tf rBI^ or .uoJ pinor,plno,{ no.(l, p.saJld (IFu.!:.) $n€r.qi sE t .runl ' ' ' :.r3€ o1rtn.lglp .:r8E r.utJ nllerr I prE{E u.l I 1r plg Il - ..IB€ r.uop nrc I pre{R uill '.roJ.q u.nra 8u!^erl lou roJ s.r8otod?ld rd.i.E rsErl.I/.roJiq u.nna 8ul!q rou roJ .sfo]odE rsnu I Z '' ' nol roJ teqr dew I rnol roJ no[ roJ non or i) ptnoa 018ullra @ I/ I@$ I luqr I/r.n:t tmua! sreasuE elqFsod s.sor:!: .s.q]c6.q
rI Sutop.tlq,{ dl:q pue 3tuEpmnp..u I.ql se ssElru or sru.pnrsr.A or noI [email protected] .ld ruaul€e4 soorssEll
9 pu€ s s.sl.€xs
s.1eqa:p.as lp.t lp,no,(ip(.8 :u.L uo .rrs or t.rnlod r.uop 9 aunp{ iureaEop .jEu or:n! poo8 iut?6euBts or E -t a1rqlLrtrsuJsaqr s,rEqa ' ss.t .rnPord ol rnq aJrou odu! spFg l@@ aoH i,{ep s aPugp.noI luqr nori op oqa
/ LtNn
UNIT7 Classroom treatment I The teacher could so though the tust exercisewith the cla$ as a whole to make slre they all understud whar thcy havc ro do. 2 Exercises 2, 3 dd 4 could be done in groups. 3 Report back on exercises2 4. N.B. It is ,or necesaryfo1 studentsto write the composirions. Suggestedanswers Expesion work: a newspaper article Sryle: this would depend on what kind of newspaper d1ejoumalist was working for. Students should make ihis polnt. Tonei approvirgj praisin$ enthusiasticExpesion work: a leiter Srylc: probably fomal as the Director of the school is unknown ro rhc Mirc!. Tone: ogryj disapprovingjdc.6miDed; sbockcd Expesion wolk: interview oi dialogde Style: this would depend on the interviewer and on his/her newspaper Dd on M$ Hepworth. They mar chooseto addlessone anothereithef formally or Tonc: Mrs Hepworrh: angryj ourspokeni ficry. Interviewer:at the studenCsdiscretion,but in any casehe/shemusr slways respondappropri'te1rto the tone employedby Mrs Hepworrh and rmain polite. Expansio! work: the miften v.islon of the oudinc of a spccch Sryle: probably fomal as the audience is widowed oid ladies md rhc rcpic of rh. speechis somewhat fomal. Howerd, the speaker colld choosea neudal recister or even a more infoml one if he droughr ir wouid bc morc appropriarc and ctrccrivc. Tone: this would dependon the speakerjit could be objectiremd calm,ir could be
The Language of
The Dircred Wridng exercise in ihe Composiriotr ?aper oito requies studenB to expressapp.oval or disapproval of particular situtions. The lasuasc plesented on page47 ofihe Counebookis designedto help ihem do this. The ldguasc of lpprovrl hd disapproval cb be dpr$ed in varying deglees ol fomality, which stude s will have to be able to use appropriarely- This is why ther are asked to mark rhe spresions given in tems of rheir lcvcl of folmality. Classroom fueatmert Thcsc acriviries could either be done iDdividuaily by each studet md then by a reporr back/discussion with thc whole class, or they could be done wirh rhe cla$ as a whole ed accompDied by discussioD.It may also be usetul to ask students to try to say once again what sem ro be Lhechractelistics ofthe fomal ed informal expressionsAnswe$ Some of the expressionsare defniiely folmal, some dennirely iDforml and others could be eithei loml or infomal depsdins dn rhe situations in which 1 F ; 2 I t 3 I j 4 F j 5 F j 6 F j 7 F j 8 F j 9 F / I j 1 0F / I j 1 1 F / I ; 1 2F / I ; 1 3F ; 1 4F / I j 1 5 F j 1 6 F / I j 1 r -I i 1 8 f - / I
Exercise 2
Expressions ofApproval: 2j 3j 5j 6j 8j 9j 11j 13j 16j 17; 18 Expressions ofDisapproval: \;4;7j
Exelcise 3 Buildiag
The aim of this sccisc introduccd in UniI 6.
lo; 12; 14] 15
is Io consoLidarc .he aDDroach to vocabulan
I?a,{luo.ll os ,st? :ru.l
'.aBnauEIroJ Suu.rsl :Z.sl.r.rg 'uol]lurolur PJllerJprol Eulualslliz I .sorilg 'uoneuroJur IeFu.6 p@ 1q5 rol 8lluarsl :I I .st.r.rg saoIIoJ sEsI s.sbr.F
.s.qr m P:aollo:I uoFsarsord .qJ
z pue I s.qtrexll
.IEr or;4s1l av rht 01 ..@q. nrdPu !q /or rlnP' or j/,rr o, r s P e p J o t r P u B r ' r r e J . P L i l h"/s.rutqr .rP Jo rrsar4, .e$:P 1s51e.ra 01 lnoqe )trp or SulIA pui t;pe.r .q 01 :u1D1L1L? .arEI nr.^ : lotltuovor1n ssE :.rEou ror :$s rou mq 1eIooI or j?oolrdo o? suDlroa surqr.uos d.al ol p:p.:u ro lu.ds (I.uou p):(Ipe) s4atnr &eFqe.o^ snroC srcs8 ru.rm. lEEroJ :rarq8tu '.^lsrn.slp :r&rJo el&s IE [email protected] ,tFqsqs 'lorssnrsrp uao r.r! u sa^l.su.Ii! 1l .sn or u.rF r.€ 01 osp p@ qsFua @Iods lEuroJ or sru.pms .sodre or sI loqr.s sltp Jo ur .r]J
8t d IooqasrnoC
l.sdn p.rq6l.p qernlosqE/Itqinorotp :prsBald ^!^/dl.d3Dxi :p.ssDEs d!^ :pisEJoq qFrrn/dqinoroqr/q.1.rdEo./.{r.rnrosqe ,ft. /dr.mlr!. ipdsnislP q.u.lxa/trFr.Iduor ilHBnoroqtqFrqi^FB.rt/dr.u:rv./Il.Flduo. siaasu€ slqlssod '91lun ut p.rnporur EoElJono.lo rd.ruor .r[r .repnosuo.or .r .sJ.r.F sFrrJo ule .qI
uo9€roltoc t 6s.Drexg
p.IFqr lpq3 :Iddeq:p.qrnrsP rPoltoqs !p. eddBrp.ruroddeslp sr.asw .IqFsod ls.Bans d.rr.r rElp sproa proq]rRlq .!p uo dn .rya ro sls! .ldEor ol sruepnrs tse 'esl rr{/sq aratduor sEqlu.pnrs q.Ea DrJY rqaEleeJr EoorssEl3 I INN
U N I T7 we could btrild a nuclear plant would be by inte@tional borowin& ed thd how could we talk of beins indcpcndenr of my foreign power? No! to my mind, nuclear powo mems two L\ings only dependeDcedd danger . . . That, for me, is d example of muddlcd rhinting. For so r]fuy peoplethe min aseociation olthe word 'nuclcar'is, well uderstudably, bombs ed war. And peopl-" bring all these feds ro dy discussion of nuclcd powdJ when in fact a nuclear pldts have ro confom to the strictest safety od seruiry mcasures,ed rhey havc an dcellent record of accidenFfree operatiotr. Pedaps rhey have, but rhe sme cD't be said for the disposal ol nuclea! waste, a lacror you seemnor to be considding - . . As you well know, Ihc umlost cde is tako to dispose of wastej md once again our record has been a good orc, which I'm afraid cm1 be said of orher endgr itrdustries- We alt know olny too well how oil has pollured our scasand beachesand Klled oll marine lile. Ve've wstchedcoal nines scarou! luds@pc dd pollute ou airl nor to mention the diseasesmine$ !u rhe dsk of calchins. Of coursc, solar energy is a sdfe clee souce of ererey, but we'!e atl well awareofhow limited its applicationss.e. In today\ day ud age I seehde altemative to meeting our etre.gy needs outside Once againyou sed to be closingyour eyesto s vitll issue: conservarion. To my mind, conseryation is the otre ditrg that all thosc in favour olnuclear deryy . . . Now rewind rhe tape, listen to dE discussion again md tute the arSrmols elpiessed for dd againsrnucled dergy. And thsCsthe end of Unit 7. Suggested answers Exercise 1 1 Thc mm is in favour of rhc inrioducrion of nuclear powdj the woman is againstit. 2 A.guments lol nuclear energy: no dependenceon foleign power - low rmins @sts - more ralpayeris money availabte for orhcr rhings $ . e l e o r , ( o , d o f a . c i d e n rf r e eo p e r a . i o n - no more dmgerous Lh.n many othf sourcesof ene4t Aigrments aadt,e nucled ofgy: s^-trmely dpensive to buiid hd install, rherefore would necd to bolrow from abroad, therefore incr€sed dependenceon foreign powers daDgerof nuclerr waste - possibilityof @nseration Exercise 2 Gloup 1r - I'm afraid thais far flom being the case. - I thilk once agaiDrou're overlooking a very importer point. That, for me, is d exmpie of muddlcd tbinl.jns. Perhaps they have, but rhe smc cat be said fbr . . . - Onceagainyou sem to bc closingyou. eyesto a vitll issue. Group 2: 1 to rmj 2 ro ovolookj I astronomicali ,1to entertaint 5 ro my mindj 6 muddledj 7 a factor; 8 urmosr;9 to scarj l0 to rm ihe risk oI . Exercise 3 Role phys my fom pait of the Prof,ciency Inrcfliew Paper. Hde it is imponst Role play to encoulage students to use ss much ofile lmgxage they hedd on tape as Possible. Exercise 4 Classloom treatmeat To rry ro osue that evelyone has somerhinc ro say duing Discussion the discussionj you codd ask students to jor dom on ! piece ofpaper my ideas
' 5^eq pForls .J.qI u.rq .^RrI or rqsno/u..q '' ' (ll.a) eFqJ .q fluFqilu/Plnor ' - .q rsnd.r.qJ ' ' ' G.q.^Er{ or rqino/u.aq :^eq pFoqs .$qJ ' ' ':q qqFsod pFor 5$qr ' :q 01 ry3no/.q PFoLIS.r3r{I ' ar.qr .q Plno/pFoqsiqstu/,{eu ' ' ' Jq rq8ro .r.ItFq (II.4) IE@ .J.qr t$!^ut uE @.q .^!q or lq3no/u:.q i^"r{ pFoqs/u..q 3^"q rsnu.FqJ 'uoDnlosE .q rsnu.r.qJ
0r 6 8 I 9 5 i t z I
{.lJ1mo3 lcnpord ul?1Dr ur uoos rno wr Id Io 1?q1h]IlqBqoid ! tl .r:ql -p.loolr.^o @rJo sr s.sB.sIP PleJ .sruc or IEor Jo .{rPede. aqJ 'slu.@nntrr Iaro@ mo r..u ol slqe supq no JoFn Jo trllqlssod E sr .FqI rr@Id r.aod srou pllnq or (sn roJ) drss.r.u ou sr ar.rlJ ',!8Du. uotr€Elqo ue FP@ stuoqe3lqo @ sEq .!orr.^A e^!t or sr.as!v
! t t Z I
'.Ioqa e se ssep .tp rFn sDAs@ .rP P.I!q. tr!.uop .q ptnoJ s.srrr.r€ ..rrlr.qJ roeEleerr EoorssslS n3qr pft sdnola IIEus ')uoa uorltsoduoJ n.rp roJ sls:pius or InJ.sn .roJ.Dtp rE pue qqFua Jo s.Idrs IBuroJ .iou r.lper Jo r@d uro] oqe ,{JqJ J.dEd qslFua ro .sn .!p Jo v roui.s uJ p.N.r IIIEuorslIo .ft suotDnnsuoJ lRpou .s.rIJ
09-6t dd {ooqesrnoc
rpIA 0I !q 6 ldtpug 8 ilErp I laoH I Jor E irsEl t !.pBu/u!ier t :uo Z :suoD?ln*$uo. I 1l/o.qr ZI :dl.Fius iI l1nq 0I :J^BrI/rIsld 6 :.sod& 8 ar.I z lro 9 :sEq E :IIuo t !!RId I :p?iqP ? frsotr4n I sFAsuv ')iooq.smol .rp q p:pnltu u..q sEq I :srtrllg 1116sr sqr pm !8ulp@rsFPm Pallsr.p JroJ.q Supuelsr.pm rsl8 .nnb.r sdeal€s3slJr.x. .s:qJ rrded qsIISugJo.sO .sI.Dx. iuqlg-IuEiq E sr z .st.r.r!I .ql ro v uoD..s uJ punoJ .q or rErp or tluls z Poe I stsl.r.xa 'IsEr uoFep{osuo. R st stql IE orddPslPp@ F^ordde Jo .3!n3EI 5tF pue .l.{rs . l rlto slqr Jo.so&nd .qI srp q p.dot ^.p sp@rrsoA1 .qr r.tF33o15uuq or sr .{r!^11.e
6t d {ooqasrnoc
(pua rnoqB rBq/I i.{5Gu. I€u.rFo.8 p@ .^E^t iuoEnqrl]noi [email protected] ,{@ oleu lftrE BIos @3 aqeu I plnoa.rr.rsglp le.r reqd\ iuoDtlF.uoi sl .|srF.r aoH :pap..u .r€ Lqr JI srduord uoissoslp sEp.sn .q plno. iutaolloJ 3r{J ts.rnqu g noqE @LIr .^rc) 'soBsmslp aqr [email protected] .roJ.q suolnlos .Iq?t^ roJ J^Br{f.!p I llNn
UNIT7 He was solry not to be qble to seelhern. 2 He was alraid of havif,g to show his passport. 3 He was angry at not being lble to solve the pioblem. It's a pity (for us) to havc had to leave so sooD. 5 Not being able ro help him, they've sot hio ro the Tourist Ofice. He legrned nol havins beo able to go.
Coursebook p 51 Homework
Students musr be ocouras€d to complete the HoDewoik *ercises within the lecomended time. Fufther, at this stage, they should hmd in ples ed Possible phiases of 'egry plorest' that students miglt 'rse: - I feel compelled to express considerable consterution at . . . It was with the utmosr dismay that I heed . . - I find I have no choice but to register my disgu$ ar . . . - I would like to exptessmy sEong disapprovalof. . . you ro ser studsts to do the test in class dder e.<m like we ieolrmod conditions md in the re@mended time. Answels The @mpositioff wlitten on ihis tide will vary wirh each studetrt. Make sure, however, that iheir content is always relevdt to the iirle md also includes all th€ poitrts meDtioDeditr the tide.
Sugeested Earking As Tesr for Unit 2. Seepase28 of this Teacher\ Guide. scheme
€9 qrra I€.p ro .IpuEq or rlnrE:IP jtr?rr7 lroDl ro dunq or jr,rdr .sn roj uouered.rd idr-t&uas PrEqae I qpp{ .{Fq5I pue npt.nb rnd or :./dd ol lJoa!ol e^tq sru.pnrs a N !{r€Inq€.o^ snrot e J r r l . ) . I r ! 5 . t . l E r r r r u: r r l s t 6 r u eldu$ rques 01uaop rFnr.eJ .rx5l Jo el^rs qsDrrg e r//rr{/fl
'ruraSEu uorlr.rord .sr.msuor uorl @ryr sEA lIrDrE sIqI uolrEuroJsl pEnorsllr€g
z esltraxa
i>Foa proJ.r IE.PI .I! plnor! aoH ilou IqA/iItLt\ asprorar@!p Grr.q I@ s.llissE .rV ispro..r sineporJos.8Er@^Peslp.rPJre rsqr( irl rnoqE aoq no^ op rEqa irs,q ljeduol .ro Jo prB.q r.!. tod.^EH :p.p..u ar€ l.qr JI slduord uossn.slp sEp.sn .q pFor suiaoloJ .r{J lEeqlraeir EoorsselC' '.urr ssetj ]o s.lnuE 0I-5 @!p.rou dn:IE110u pFoqs rr rpns sv rEn alp Jo .Ido1 .rI 01 dn-@BA E sEp.pu.rul st :sl.r.F sIqI I aE.r.x!I
qS-ZSdq {ooqesrnoC
'uayryoaair 1 tD FaPL|ra J a{J Jo Jldor elF or p.r..@o. &€Fq€io^ Jo :8p.taou) .sl@pnrs p@dx. oJ t TuoDrusuoJ .jrssld urErr.r Jo .sn .q1a.l^rr or rrBlmErc g 'r:ded qslsug to .sO .q1Jo g uoEr.S uI pmoJ suoDsenbuosu.qirduo, prPui-!.do :tp roJ eu:pnrs ilBdard oJ z 'r5dEdqslFug Jo .sn .rp Jo v uoIrJ.s q pmoJ puH .rp Jo s.st.r.x. uolrE@oJsuEll rol sru.Pnrs :Ed.rd oI I rlun .rll Jo s@w
HStIfNllo rso :r udvd
aql uollnlo^aulPrrSolourlf,al
UNIT8 Cultural infoioation Beelholen'! FiJth: Beetlnleni Fifrh Symphony Jands rdsr the leaderof a bod which playspopular music Sra'ls O!,i a wcll-kDoM British hcalT-rock group Classloom taeatdent to give students a reason for readlnc this arricle \re sugges you ask thm ro read n ro elplain rhe subtide 'A somd revolution?'Answei The subtitie is , play on the word sd"ud : a) somer,\lns you hear md b) somd investmdt Dd soud senseji.e. will ir be wise ro invesrin this new reclmology? Exercise 3 Answeis S.c abovc undo rd.a ro.dDrlarrr Exercise 4 The purposcol dividjrg up rhe comprehenslon work in this way ('Jigsawreading', Jigsav reading seep 30 ofTG) is to give studcntsaddcdmotivatio! to find the correctaDswcs,to bring about comdicative oral wotk as Lhestudsrs wiu have ro rell one anorher rhcn mswers md ro give sludenrs practice in the kind of 'structural @Imunicatioa exercise' rhat rhey may meet in ?art Three of Lhe Inldview Paptr. Classrcoo treatment Although this scrcisc is Dot iD preparation fo! a sl]lrmaly or composnion, make sue dat students arc taljng notcs corcctly i.c. only writing down rhe essenrialed chdgins dle woidinc of thc oliginal tcxl if rhis auows thcir notes to be mo.e succinct. Wten the studots reach the stageof telling one mother thei eswers, male sue this strge is conductedas convdsatiotully as possiblei.e. don't let studentssimply rerd one eothd's eswe* or jusr readout Lheireswers to one dother. Aswers Sruddt A questions: 1 A compacldisc is one rhat is playedby lasd bcam. 2 Between{450-{650. 3 50% classicalm$ic plus sone rock, jazz dd pop. 4 It is about as easf as playing a cassette, Student B questions: 1 Easy ro set up, simple, compact, durable, easyto clean, adaptrble. 2 Expensive, limited raDgeof music available, shows up imperfections in recordins, soundrangenot fully erploitable. 3 Not Lnown as yet. 4 Probablyheie to stay,will develop.
Coursebook pp 54-55 Grammar
This sectionlooksai somespecialusesof rhc Pasive becaue studdts at this level mult alrcrdy have mastered more basic uses aDd bequse these particuld uses could be tested in Section A of rhe Use of Enclish Paper. They iaill also be usctul for composition md comprehdsion work. N.B. Aldrough the Plssive cd be usedin ail toses with Simple foms ofveibs, it is extlemely rare, if not impo$ible, with cenain ContiDlous forms e.g. t ias Dd.u beins utittefl Jor 3 )Jears(Presot ?erfecr Contiruous)t it ui haoe beenbeins buitt for 6 jears next sfrifls (Fntte Perfecr Continuoutj tre tr@nsbnaflh eoiry to bepti"te.l zc" -d.ft ('soing to' Fururc Continuouti tle ,,e presil.nt uiU be beine elecredfiis tine ne @eehl''/rl' F!!$e Contiluouti t4e @or&,dd bee, beinEdanelot a tons ,tnd (Past Perfect ContiNout. such forms would rarcb bc used.
59 .r..dn_qrou! 'no-Erou4 '{fl-ploq '\to-ptoq 'tu pI 'dn 4ba4 'fio-Ibarq :smou tEIIuIs J.qlO '@Iors sEA auqlot 1nq '5rgo .qr rB ,FE arg ? sPA .DqI '/Cr@rro't B .DA s.oqs a3u stq rnq 'rood sB,r{.q pps .H ',@?ral B sEA .Itl '1J5ds or p.I @q Pq I r?rIA r.uv uooor TsorE mmo..l.l Jo pl.g qr a t$ror'ltlDarq rotn e sa^ \ 'r51sruJw .Mr.I .qr Jo lro ,?,1 ! plp rlluoFs.rdu .ql 'n q I^ *p to u@opEoatq ! pBrI .a rnq '4eI !,.4 Ilos u.I '.Ee bq lol 6rLa4Dw VN oor rBJ sre.a I{a swof reqJ '&q8nBu EA.qS os 3B.q JoJ rfo-t.t 4"doqeqr. '$ot r{3rq XD^ 3qr sr ad:rlrs )r1t eoo Io Iflqwq -prss J.a@E .rP reIIA lo moputu R nof .NE .a p1 (q 't
'a4o14nTr.In 'ttu.tN taqno 1atu| '6o{u' :s@os nf@s rJqro door rsu 5qr uo{ srqsnEl lo tsr{rfu w s?a sDqr {F.pPns '3uqano sr 3sr'rslp .$ lo lrsro .qJ Jo rg E dq p.Iru '000(9] sra Gsrnsnq:qr u8rs or) f,lr{o IeDIm mO 'repJoq .qr qo sqllq?g !qro@ @.q seq.DqI Jo ry,,4?e '€Nsusdxe fi.^ fl Frp.{re. ..Ir Jo {4q4n aqJ]B!l@pg!o. sr oorlEEroJul srt I"s rsnu I ?rslto .rp rE rqald -Fq. P€ sr@ed J.rl arr&dqdt.qr or sser.ns J.rI ssao 5r{S T.rradem lsoE sEA 3cE 8.11!Jo atuor1tu.qL 'rErI rset %0E pesB.sur ,tuot v t'ql le fl&no
G I aspr{g
seasEv 'uorsq.JdEor q '.nqa.sl. lJoa uoF8D3,p io uoFFodEo. .roj.r5F .lN -a.l .s@ d.qr @qa 3ru.pn$ 01 mo sJ.rpo rulod or no,{ p@tlmosr e ru.s.rd IIuo m aa rluo slqr q rnq rsmos .s.rt Jo ^u?u 5rE 5r.ql € asl.J.xg sI sdBd qsqSuil Jo esn.rF Jo v uotp.s q p4s.r 6g0 eE f.rLL u !aoq! Id.rp .rIr Jo 99 .3!d uo p3rtl.s d smos .ql TqD^ IBslrld urog paurot .r )tooq.snol
'rsed sItI rnoq8 Pols! tqFq s4"rl5H (EBeq) ^lpnr.t sd.q .rp JFq r
.q or.Iaqd,{ft
'3r rrq raq Jo pslrorj (5(.O Irrs erP €s r,splp I 'p.@ddEq wqa roJ p.@tq 5q o#@Iq or r.@e nol '@rors (aq.q) sEqp@q r.q 5os rlcPIP eqs 'plos 'rel.q q.snoq or GrIJ/ plos lou r1.I su]aq sr esnoq r.FqJ rou 'p.sii9lD 5ar.q pI!-rD or @as r.us.op aH 'rs.r 8q^I-Ip noI sulssed uo p.leFretaoor .9 rsn@/.q or {E no^
0I 6 8 . ,
9 s t t z I
'u@s uJlqord .qr or pmoJ eq rqalu uoarqos v 'fspJ.rs.,l :r.qllu.a I mqa pereqsuouap 3u.q sa @rsds orpd e! aql 'o3E .rr'9 suol ? para orqp !..q .^eq pFoqs reqJ 'J.soduor snomj rtq p5rrnpuo 3@q sr rqauor rraruoJ 5{I " '€86r plos E.q 5 eq s.uq.m a]llis cc Jo sP@snorll srrasuv
I t t z I
-qoqa ! s€ ssep .q1 qrra GAs@ n.rP 5uq'.q. .tol6q srBd u ro 4lBnpl lpul s.strJ.'.. 3srq1 or sDAs@ aqr erlh or $q3pn$ lsv r@u!re.4 @oorsselc
z .sltr.xa
I enbiaxa
z Pw I sesp$xg
UNIT8 Exercise 2 Obiect of tlre game To give srudents an opporrmity to use the nous torme.t GaDq Mate up a story ftom phrasal vcrbs in speechand writing. Corduct of the game 1 Divide rhc class into sroups of 4. 2 Tell ech sroup ro wrire on a piece of pape. oy fou of rhe nouns Lharsre fomed from phrasal rerbs. 3 Each goup exchmges their piece ofpaper wirh dother grcup. 4 Each group makcs up md wires a story which incolporates rhe four nous on their pieceof paper.N.B. These stodescd be as likelt or unlikely, seriousor idiculous as students choosel 5 Siudars re-form soups so that each new gloup contains one oember of each of 6 In groups rhe studenrs reu one anorher rhe stories they have invenred. This kind of trdsfomation *ercise is a regular fearure of Secrion A of the Use ol English Paper. When forming rhe new senteDcessrudenB musr rmember ihar rhey 4auaor.lter the word giveD in brackets in uy way ar all. This may nrean rhar rhe ocw sdtence has a completcly difereDr grmatical @Dsrrucrion flom the origiDal one. rffhat is importdr is rbat rhe m.ming of the ncw ed the oliginal sentencc mtst be exacdythe same. clssfoom trcatreDt I Do this exeicise with th€ clas as a whole ro provide guidance. Dont alow srudots to wire ar rhis stagc_ 2 Srudents writc rheir h$vers. 3 ?air checkitrg of mswers. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r0
The boy\ upbringing cost rhcm a lot ol moncy_ The averageincome in rhat country is about f1j000 a year. The outcomc of rhe long disdsions was rhar nothins was done at alt. There we.e break ins in three houses in our srreet ldst week. The upkeep of rhis big house is becomiDg very eapensive. They gavc us a derailed rudowtr olwhar had happencd. The rcsraDmt was sucha letdom rhar we ncvq wcnr oau. At the ourbreak ofrhc wd many pcople lried to escapeaooss the bordd. The tum's inirial outlay on rhe projec. was ,15,000. H.r distinctivc handwritins was hd siveaway in rhe end. OR In rhe end, rhe eiveaway was her disrinctive Miring.
Coursebook pp 56-57 Answerirg
questioG on As stated in the Cousebook rheseale .hc kinds of dercise fouad in Section B of a passage ' l 1 eU s e o i E n e l i . hP r p e r .S r u d m r ,m L s l e d n - o a d s u e rr i e s eq u e . L : o na. . f l - a r e l y j weak eswds tfld not so much to be wrong as to supply ioo mrch info@rion, a large percertagc of which is irrclevet to rhe quesrion. The kind of rcading lequired by this kind of $ercise is readins for derail and it might rherfore be useful for srudents to underline rhose parls of rhe passagcwhich conrain the righr mswers. Style of text. detailed, facturlj very sligtulr sensarional
B?BB/ot er: a govermor allows no fteedom
ieader or deputmor
which has too much powe! ud
',lt.r!rp.uur I pJrJAs@ 'iur euoqd.l.1 Jqr 3B!.q uO I 'rr uo lu.@o. r,@r I {trsrPriEduoJ t praq ro u..s 3u 3q !^.N '.uoq g.l .q lEqr ruo.rq .{oq .q] prp p.uos puE p.snJuoros -8rci. ui :rulo sq 01{tEq oi or tuuzq lt p.now€ sEr\eH elp (Plroa 'r! nq P3uroa .rE .ldo.d I@u a:u :loqN r dn €utrFdo s, uorlqo^3r P.r8otouq..] .ql rEqr 1JaJ.qr Jo .rds uI elp Pug or .lq€ Jq nol II^ IiEr.p
r,Il-up\r rspul .\'tJ r.
G (. (p (r (q
rrod.r .rF p?ir .^Rq no! u:qa,{Iuo (E I sraasuv
v uop..s
'.ulr p:pu:morJr iqr u puE suollJpuo. qql6sg Jo oso :r rIN rsrl r'3 oi ror f}ruo
65-85 dd IooqesrnoJ
oru s.rou aqr !@q or p@ dnllrms
'icll]@s no,{ .rp lFrq Gq]e?or .sltr.xe .qr surop .roJ.q s.ro! .wu or sru.pnrs I:J
.so&nd roJ p@ !U.@q .soqe roJ 'tuol aoq roJ ',iqa !d:j s, rtqa 8 rBqa uolrr:rord €1epur:^o8 ptnoqs qr,qa s:tdrruud.qr qsflqusaor I iAeurp l€buErrrr@^.rd or 9 s.suoqlne.qllo uoD@nE .rF or s.^t.su.qr lqtnorq G$o@ io lla .uo u .^xq .tdo.d.s.qr :snE..q ! )r. 'qol 'M '6r.dord to sFi.! :suorrrrcdIrrn..s P'ros r.uo.!J iqrF.r{ lss.rpplJo s.toEritr:su.nEd iupu.ds !@r rIP.- lp.aorroq sjooq rirErql t sr.asEv 'z :sDr.rrr roJ sv luaureerr roorssen € espFx! or rd.l 'p.llgFl r1:u 0i spEdFrJE roJ uo6sru.d u.^ri 6 'or JIq?tEiR.urJ.q 8 Jo uoBsrssodirp oru iurJ srirnduor or .np .r8p-Jo-rnoilou 'p.rors .q or p.sn satu.r.qa r ',ll.sop qrlEA 01 9 Jo aroupl.rB. E .l"u n uou arlpu.ds IEA:aEr.^€:qrJo Fo lEnsnun E Jo rurrroduirunntFrluiss. t sr.asue Pe$eEAnS '.tq,ssodst .ruep,n8 qrnu st slu:pnls .^F o1sI .!rI uE .rtJ sr.as@ :q1 r1r,{ ol ru.PEs rt:m )ts€ o} urqr Pr '5toqa € s€ ssEI. aqr !p!s ,tIIErls dlltro 5srrF . snp op or nol pu:uuotr.r :rd rurdree! uoorss€I3 Z 6sltr.xA 'soNE^ur sqr lsuJea€spEn€.Jes .^Eq or p.au .!F rnoqE p@ uollE@oJur$.uBnq pue IEuosradJo uo!?sFarnduo. .rp Iq p.snE. ptroa s.Itpol 6IJE rrdJo uo6E^q 3uBR.r.u.!p rnoqEsr.trurE.qI reass" pars.Ecns
I .spr.xa
p.:Er .r3 p@ .ruarl ! .^Rq s.tJrq.^ IIErErF.ns ?uDI?u Jo JsrqJ ur ruaurEd.p rue@.^og qsnlg E sr snF r Tu,aurdaA suau?1I a1t14rt r'86al.^ou sq u ll.aro .tro.c {q ParE.rrr.r.Errt. ! sE,{srql rtra{ldlg arg rolleuroJsl IsrnrlnS u sr.ded srqro]s ror tFAErp lGtr( :rnllurnJ :.go Jo ..1td E : nuqal lull{ ' nFsol, qrrea or iz, s9,r d,a{,1 .r@uodq ro quoa JIIIIJo rl,ryr 8 INN
UNIT8 g) I was very interested by/iD thc anicle abour dara prorecrion. h) The claims made by thc mufacturers are being challenged by thc rc@rd i) I didn't sce ihe new compurer being demoDstated while I was rherej) There is a greatdeal to be donc bcforc we move house. a) Iqherever she goesj she always makes her presencefeltb) Therc must be a solution to this problem. c) It's not/hardly woilh considerins the othe! theolies./Thc orher dleories den't worth consideringd) He works ouch more carelully these days. e) Ve have no choicc bur to wait md seewhat happfls. f) I apologte for not writirs/having wrirre to you last moqth. s) Thde\ a po$ibility thrt they've gor tosr/of rheir having got losi. h) Our outlay on this projecrhas beenconsiderable. i r T l ' e . o m e d ' d d r d d r a k c - o loTi L h et r i m e M i r i l r r r r n n F s - a g ea c r . j) I would like to make a stong complaint about the play which was pcrfomed ar your rheatre last w€ek_ Section B
3 N.B. The wordiog of these dswers cm vdy but the inlormarion musr be dre sde. a) Its traditional way of life gave way to a ncw one. b \ B c q u s ei - ( a d i : r u r b " db , n o m c c b a n r . anl o i s e . c) Halds that touched dd cred for the crops. d) Becausethe horse was all-powdfu1. e) As far aswe could so. t Noise, grcarcr travel, more visitors, the death of animals, illncs or dearh s) Thosc who were rhe tusr victims in the namc ol chdgc. h) Becausein those days he measured everything with mcasures llko ftom the only world with which he was fmiliarBecausethere were few of rhemBecausethey preferred to s€lk md foud rhese serri.es dtremely expensivc. The madnessof modern lifc. - more pNprc cme and went animals and peopie sufered or died the breal-up of the village and its age old war of life
Suggested martjqg scteme
SectioD A Exercise 1: S@!e 2 mdks fb! cach completely correcr sentence,siving a possible mdimum of 20 marks. Exercise 2r Sco.e 2 malks for each completely correcr sentence,giving a possible maximum of 20 marks. Section B a) k): Scorea mainud of2 marks for eachof theseeswds Io gire a possjblema:imum of 22 marks. Surmalr: Score 2 marks for rhe inciusion of each of the majD points (seeabove) ro sive a roral of 8 poinrs for comenr. Then give an implesion mdk our of 10 for good English.This givesa possiblemaximum of 18 for rhe sumary. Toral possible score for thc whoie resr: 80 harks-
lo lu.luo
-t p.rrls )troa.tn sulnu.nuor snqr 'suoisu.q.rdEo. u rFfl or sr@pnrs Bu€Erno.uJ uo s.sn.oJ .s,rr.r. r.p.rd +[ Ip
'.1161 1I rooJ s]q rnd .m prssEreq@ Il.rnr! 8 !.4tdftqs :,{IEB@ [email protected] u.!ua p.iq !)1!ads p..q:snb.q o1 rou p@ @od alp or 8ud5J:r sEA iq rDrp Ils .ql plor .q I j.rro s.uedo6.rI1 or sqfs Iq 9 :p:ssErrequJ sEA aH E !.r./a.qs l,lseq !06 s,ilis arro I.JA"/..Io^ r r€qr[ t :puEqsnq s.@uoa.!p € Latrs e uo E od 3 6rqp!.r z tFq ? d I InJF.rp
sreasuY 01F3 plno I sE E.u sE sEA .q1 ur .torl B qsnoqr SuE.ddBsp 1I ..eJ trE pq pm rE:s Id u! uaop prd@F I . rr .rotu l, :p.$tq p@ uESE .u 1e p.Iool .H . AulpE.r s.ar]su.od .q]1@3u I :.uo^ 'qsnlq or 3uu3.q p@ J.q !e.u IIIE.T r
'suollsinb Jqr !^\s@ u.qr p@ (.ropr.u8 1ro!F siqr or u.rsl_I '6 lluo -I .sr.Fxg !09 .3?d 1e Ioo-I s..@!.dxg IluosFd
pI6rI eq @r '.L
jdturls ol dEeq R rq ro lpe.q IEJ luop )ss or l3dslqa dsqs e uI iEs or i$r{ dl tu ouu8 pu€ q8nor SuPmos it dsrr q.Iqa u @ooJ .8tl ? t/r'/ , \3uD.:u xrEFq€.o^ sntoC rs.rEP
IErn.u rerslaeu : Felw rlEropr.ue:rxar Jo elfrs I eE rexg
I9-09 dd {ooqasrno3 'ex@tatlxg prdvaci' lo .rdol .rp or P.rr.mor a?Fqbo^ lo aspaIAoDI .sro.Pn$ p@d:e oJ 'qtr.ds p.uod.d or p.rEl.r lrelnqeco p@ Euurer? a.l^.r oJ r s€.r p@ .tdrs 's.pnrlrle t8EII..J ,dop?uroJu! P3IrRr.p 'rs€ roJ inru.lsq q .rllErd sru.pnrs 3^t? oI z Tr..lPlsEr p@ suor$.nb Jo sulpEar InJ.rEr ,{q srr.Id au@$rr Jo ]n:ruor .q1 ar.o.-rpJrd ltl .rE.Prd nqu.J .^€ oI i rTsll .qr Jo suqv [email protected].
NOrSNrHlUdt'VOl DNrNrrsn:t xldvd
sa)uarradxf ItNn leuosrad 6
UNIT9 Style of texc conversational, mecdoral
Focus vocabulary ,adt i Roo,r a womm's lavatory in c.s. a hotel
t6l Tapescript rlrroRr woMAN:
Look at pase61, Exercisc3. Lisren dd answq rhe mxlriple-choice quesrions.Ready? The situarion I'm goins to rell you about is one in which I coutd have dropped tons oI bricks - ed probably didl A few yeds ago I'd bed a rcporter on a erional magazine for about two years, I |hink - I was invited along ro one of rhose big parties in aid of chdiiy. You know rhe kind thc son of party where everyone is a celebrity) a 'fmous nde'. Wetl, I foEd myself in conversation wi& a mm who'd been intlodlced ro he, but I hadn't listencd ro rhe !ame_ His fa.e was fmitid, bur rhe ' ] d e j r r w o u l . l n -c, o n e .f t u a . c x a , p e , a . i n c . Atryway, we charred micably for rwenry hinutes or so. He scmed to kDow my name, asked how dings were on rhe magazirc, (md) erd asked after my family; alrhough how he klcw about my work ed my fdily, I jusr coxldnt thinl ln ietun, as you do in polite conversarioi, I ask€d him whar he didj how his .areer was going, how his wife was, md so on. Ali his answds were prefty vague, I thought. I was intriglcd ro fnd ihat he travetied a lot, ud asked him il he rook his wife who he rravelled. OD being rold that rhey often fuavelled separatelyin Brirain, but usually favelled abroad rogether, 'as I husr know', I bege to feel somewhar bafl1ed,Md also feli rhar I should know who he was. Iiqirh a somewharuncomfo.table feeling, md a poti.cly whispered ,Ir was vcry nice to meeryou', I m@agedro exticate myseil md madefor the Ladies' Room. It wasnt mril after I reached rhe haven of rhe Ladies, Room md closed thc door on the buz of rhe pdty thar rhe realisntion dawned I'd bccn speakins ro rhe Dtte of Edinbugh, and had actually askedhim how his cdcer was goiqs! and how his wife (rhe euedt) was! Ald of couse he bew md I had had rhe grear forrue ro inrerview him bdefly for d dricle in my first ycar on |he magdine. I could have diedl I didn:t, of couree. Insread, I collected my coat and slurk away, extremely flushed. To lisrento the anecdoreagain,rewind rhe rape.
I Ct2 A:3 Ct4D Style of te*:
to srdtelr to break suddenly inro smll piec€s; ro dmage badlyj ruin; wreck ddr't r not fastcned, ed ddvcn abour by the sca or rhe windj out of con[olj loosc rn steercle : ro keep awar lromj ro svoid asal,j a wearhd conditioni. which strongwinds blow
Tapescript Look ai pagc 61, Exercise5. You're going to hcar a exracr from a radio progl.llrme abour disasters and how people cope widr thd. ListeD md mswei rhe muitiple-choicequesdons.
p.qsqqnd s.mald TA.u.lF sr .r.q pft I.oIJ,o 6 sI :EIl.qJ B E.q o15r!o3 .r.notr idpeQl @rr sasu oP?r 'u.]ql p@ z9 .8Ed rBloo-I
ldIJJsadeJ lErJN:U
Fuosmd@ ;rx.r Jo elr(]s 's.sl.D:a JroJ.q .ie.-BUEI es.!F ?ulop I3@oJu pw plnor 1I arded iEuroJ uo z riun q uolr .s .q} ol ftEq sru.Pnrs r.J.r or InJ.sn .q qqFlg ]o :sn .rF Jo v uoIrJrS uI p.rs.l .q oq? .{Eu lolri.s stqr B uo p.smoJ alp Jo I!F^.S s.uo IEurojur ul PG suo9frrF I@oJ suoErnlsuor I6D3um$ I:^.1 .rod uI dl.rErrdoralde sa^tisu.I! 8uFs.rdt. q lllnrlglp 3 Bq III]S lFbnb.{ Iru.rrgord rE srurpnrs -.*trdordde o r suolrmrF relnclJEd or P.ldePE r.rFq p@ -IftFqero .q..rd .rou .58n3@I .sru.pnrs JI€E or r.Pro IrI sI sllrl Jo.rloqr p@ esBn€@tJo IrIIeuoJ .qr or lpoq prE5.r rlllA .I.{rs Jo a.t^ Jo ruod .qr dorJ {,,,dS parrodry 1" pEJrsu $1ool uolt.s .r{J .s.qr piDrsEu.^?q pFor{s sruapnrs iturs sqr Ig rr. tp@ImoJ .rp€55u tuoDs.nb r..rrpq qeu or aorl t.so.r Jo ..!:nbas .r{r sEqtrns slurod rE )iool 01 d@uB rou s.op q.Jeds p.uod.u uo uonta. sIqI
Eg-29 dd Iooqesrnoc (IttilglAz!CI
'.d!r .q]pu6:r 'ulE3ED!$f,. .qr or u.rsn oJ !f,n D^o €oqs?r :^ea .rF rpld ldop p.iddor rloq .rl1 os .Frpa Jo rno uH uaqr ..rEA .q] lo rs.r .qr or p.rJII ir.a .a ryIrF I r1r?u3 r{ € o IIE sea 1l p@ {aot.q odop ]rrq 1o3rsn! I p.grrl:l.q or isr ou s?a:riqJ 'InJllnE.q.rmb IIIe.r s"a 1l FAodJo.r.ld B sEP@ uopou aoF ut 3u^ou s€a 11 6rs r.^. p.l .^ea $.33rq .rp aes oJaq dproqs, p@ >p.p uo dn ru.a I 'uop p.)5ooj .r.a .a 'splta tuoss .ledbr@ or PIor $nl :ria .4I .Fi rrroJ -.@3lunq E P:rr:dxr ouo ou '.qr .q1 1Erng ro$ .ql pessE 3^?q pFoa .a
UNIT9 rodayindicrte for the firsr dme in six hon|hs that thqc lds beena noticeableimprovemenrin rhe countly's economrc sltuation.Speakiogar Lheheadquarrers ofthe Narioml EconomicCoucil, a spokesmb declaredthar thc ligures were very goodncws indeedfor industly and for ihe resr of rhe comtry. Whcn askedaboutthe po$ibilirr of lowci bd* mtes to help borowing, however,he replied d1atit was far roo eariy to rcllJ alLhoughhe doubted whcrho lhe nglies would force oy such changesjust yet. l he spokcsme addedlnlt the Coucil would be maling a fuller staremenr whcn rhe figures had beenanatrscdh derail. If you wish ro hear the news item againJrewind L\e tape. Possible answers I The coutry's presenrcconomicsituation.2 Yes, it was lormal. Someermples arc: Fisurespublishedroday . . - j rherehas beena Dorableimpiovcmcnrin rhe counrryt economicsituationjSpcakingar L\e headqurrrers. . . a spokesma declared...jWhenaskcdabourrhepossibiljty...jalthoughhcdoubredwhether d1efisures rvould lbrce mv .hdges just yerj the Council would be m6Ling a fuller statementwhcn thc ficureshad beenmalysedin dcrail. Exercisc 1 Answeft Spcakingat the headquarrdsoffie NarionalEconomicCouncil, a spokesman declaredfiat the figurcswereve.y sood news indeedfor industry and for rhe fest of rhc countfy. 'q/hs asked abour rhe possibitiry of lower blnk Etes ro hclp boirowirg, howcvd, he replied rhar ir was far too caily ro re11,although hc doubred whether thc figxres would forcc any suchchangesjusr yer. Exercise 2 First inteaview: Style of texe direcr, inrerview-ljkc Register: neutlal t-ocus vocabulary ,n/,/drrdr extremelyan$y Second interview: Style of tex-t. impe$onll, tacruai Register: neutral Focus vocabulary ', defdrr ro (cruseto) rur otr rhe rails 4.a*alrlr a personhurr in d accidenr Third intcNiew. Style of rexr; facrual Registerr lcurral Focus vocabulary ,,.,1li.lrr to mcer dd stike (togcrh.i) violddy l7aAerrupser ofma.hines, apparaius,erc.)having laDtrs /dzltrj (especiaUy Classroom treatment Instead of rhc cla$room treatmeDr indicared in the Coursebook)stldcnrs could nore dowo rhe dswers alier eachinreniew, rhen compafethm wilh a parnrerad nnaily with rhe clas as a whole.
€t saru arltu or r.pro trl qri:. uo!] sr8od oBu .rF rJEI:. pe uB6e saabr.rur ..rq].qr 01 u:lsrT '.der np pr{aar aoN lsn( .a ru.uod aLF1E1ng rsor. ol 3lEssBA rr rqSnolp e^eq dm ..rqr IIY :Jl.su,,t roJ leu lr.^i s,rl (aoot II.no[ sEbs?r Lprqa !I suDlroa poddors .^!q dlu l.r{r os rIEpor r.IIrE. srq8,r.q:L uteu3.3uqroN oN &inel3q or p.rod.r.r.a ap.@ddBq ru.pbr? .II1 aorl slfuoq Jo IEd ou .^,no^ ptrV 'p.E.t. psor 3r[r r.a or r@ roN .q]oI r.lel uaqr Sqa.hDru.q IFqs.l( l:I rou a1ld sru.d.rers lluE siler no^ .^EH '@I!qs {tpEq '!oN IIE .r.ri:q1 .^.lPq I .uou ip.n(lIl IIpPq u.!F lo Ic .rY rol l?lldsoq 01@I!r @.q .rEq ser .5rq1 .q} lo s]@dnrJo .rp IIE rErF p@ (r:q slq3lt rlg€n .qr r? p.p$o. srEtr:.rlp rErp sr aoDj .!! llv luaEou 3w re rns .rmb rou .r..a llald ap.u.ddErlleqa.u II.r @r nodlt $puoe I !er6!s prqr .q-r Puv uE Jo .G.s Jrp rp @u!.Iod i qlrM sr a:t^r:r{ .aou uresEmdo s.rl smoq :^t.ar roJ p:sop IIuo sla .uII .Lp lsv ]mq sEA.uo ou 'oN isrDIEnsE. .{@ .r.F .r.lN '.r.q p.u.ddeq sllp reqr ..u.ph. ou s.r:qJ- .Bpgq e uo{] .rlt .qr oruo eonlr ue.q pErI qriqa s.uo$ .8rEI dq p.snEr oA1 snoJ ird arp uo Ta^ :r.a sruJElrBr.p IF tuo$llo iq1 !\oDI nof .msard I aoA] snou.rd .rF Jo s.snE:r 'uol]i.mo I@ r^ord or r.^ .? .rurpr^r ou pmoJ .^..a ]ng .q ptnor .r.ql -alqssods,rl 'oar snol^.Id .q1pu8 sltp G3ar.q uon..@o I@ :$q1 sI oS 'Lpuou rszd :q1 ur .u{ Jo q.rels sll! uo p!q1 .!p s.rl 'p:glls^u .r..dyr.@. I frros u.l roN au.urlrd.p aqr lnoqt uoreuro.Iu :ro@ ,{@ sn .rri nol !e:) 'IEpor r.{rE. p.tFrep sea q5tqa oleIr spoosB rnoqE Inlt qsrlrrg roJ rl@$iods ! qrla sr aa'^$lul puo.Js IIJ 'd.tp qrl \ a.r8E suostt !e! roJ .^B.I or p.8nqo r,rop lnq I u.l I:.J s.r.ns.uos PEq.r,oqa:ldGd rqr [email protected] (npu.ueu.d a@:u t r:Lp :aI oI is.rns .qr roJ {.t .^Eq oqa s$6snq dod .rP or sdnod p@ s$g? r.q1o ur8rDr Jo lcq'r nof oP rlqa os $rBrs eqr q .^rl pm o3 01 ,&]mor sqr .^s.I or lued r,uop IIuBu.r I ':RJ.uorul Jo 1ote ,{edI IFnolrqo q6nollle p@ 'rnorrld l].^ u.I \.le]s :rp Jo nor suuo.quo] ?iu lnoqE ru.u..mouu? .q? poorsr.Plnslu .uo.uos .msst I ssollm
.s.rp {uqr noi. op aori rng aoq r.dop I 'Ipl(
rsrFr I?d or trqEd
10uJo p.sn rE 8ur.q u.I '.{tlE slg
rEw aI{ ssolrEsnIe ^q pn?uqu u.I ls.uoq.q or 'puv €u.uR.Irou d1.lrdg.p ull roN oBI{r uo ru.@uor no,{ c:) vsn .q1 roJ 3ur^€at .r,notr rBlp snomr .rr .r.qr p@ <JIIO "{Imo. .uo .q or plss .rinoI .Lp u srers dod rs.rlrrr .qr Jo 'r!g oopno'r srq 1€l:Fsstral ]]Ilc .FIA sr rsrg .qJ 'plrs sla leqa uod:r puE uJrsr_I TA.r^r.lu! ..rrp rE.q o15!Jo3rr,nol z .sru.xg '29 .ied le Ioo-I
6 ltNn
UNIT9 A$wers
There can be no fixed uswers for this exercise. Accept all aiswers whjch
Classrooo treatmeot It may be necessdy to play the tape a nmber of dmes to help studots do this exercise dd also to palse the tlpe after h dswer has bed given to allow them time to wlire not$. Suggestedanswers First interview: Clitr Priestley rot leaving coutly. Ansy at accusrtion. Is going to States on tour, not ro live so as ro avoid paying tdes. Too patriotic to do such a rhiDg. ConccrDcd that somc pNplc feel obliged to leare cout.y but doesnl agee with them. Second inte.view; Spokeer@ for Britieh Rail speaksof deraihnori drird on sme line in monthj causeas yet u*nom, but not r$ult of stone throwing as othes werej no casualtiesj line closed for 12 hous dd now opo agaiD. Third intdview: Policmm ralks of accident in which 3 cars colided; all occupants takd to hospiral, shako bur nor badly hur! causeof accideDtuntnom; no statementstaken as yetj traEc lights had been repoiied fallty carlier iD the Classroom beatment It would be best if students wrotc thesc passagesout iD Reported Speechbefore reporths their dswe$ to the classas a whoie. In rhis way each srudent cd appreciarerhe problems involved. I John asked Ma.y why they were/had been so disappoirted bd Mary said rhat whcn thcy (had) bookcd thc tickcts thcy (had) thought ihe seatswere in the fronr row- Jobn enquired if she hadn't asked ar the box o6cc ard Mary said (that) she 2 The judge cnquired wheie .he wimess had beeDon the night ofthe i3rh. (To which) the witness ltated/replied/declfed that he didat know od coutdnl remember. The judge rhen dquired whethd he had rried to remmber. (To which) the wimesssraredireplied/declded that he had of coursebut that he had no recollectioD of that Dighi. Some othe! verbs that introduce Reported Speechare: swea\ b.g, inplarc> reconnend, inite, en.anase, den!, order. Tl,ere are mey olhcrs ud students will probably @me up wirh a rangc of rhcm. 1 She advised me to go dd ask theithat mn. ,r She advired ne (thaO I (should) go and ask thar l]m. 2 She warned the boy not to touch the hot itun. 3 He thanked her very much for helping him. 4 In court the mm admitted (to) committing the robbery. 5 He ercouraged thdn to eat it ald toid thm rhey'd enjoy it. Classroom treatmert 1 Give studmts timc to rcad throucl the whole passage. 2 Ler rhem rbink for a few minues about the meuin$ of these verbs. 3 Gendal class discussion of their meming. ra?psd implies ifitation! 6a@ledimplies anger ud noisej zltetud implies complaintj r,fr4&d implies resigned coaplaint. There are lr@y ve.bs which cu show rhe mood or artirude of speakersdd srudenrs will probably come up with a rmge of thm. The following are jusr a few of rhem: etMble, le , uhire, ssee\
!s@ to slqrlEd IeuoFe..o r0ra 'pto IriA rq€Iu r.q@^oN e]et IerIdIl e s?6 lI $rou .qr u ss.ursnq .uos suop uoJJ ?ulu.& euo.r?t 3urulnoq€ l€.uoq 8m.^!p sea I 'psueddeq no^ .1 .u lat 1lel( r8qa ' ' - rnq (s€uiqr .sol! M.3ut,gFGJ, i,3u!r.33e1s, a,5n!I!eg, 'proa 1q3E.q1I[€.r lou sl ,rs.prtsaj '.oN o33 s!.d @r rnoqE s?a peq $$ .^,I ..uolledx. rsaprr.a eqr - rsou .!p T{l! I aIp*X suons.nb ..roqr-aldntrE .rp r.as@ p@ @rsn aoN + suorls.nb .qr pE.r rslg rng 3rop..@ @ or @rsII !.rp puR suoFs.nb a.roqc .Idnlnu e^g elp p!.d E r suoDs.no '6 rdn '99 .8Ed rE Ioo-I rs.J uosu.q.rduo:) iu@rsr_I
ldlrrsedel 'nded Jo i..rd e uo s!as@ {.qr .rltu pFoqs sru.prls TuoFJpuo. .>t{-@x. r3pun rsrr 3r! op or sr@pnrs r.3 or noI Pmuuor:r .l(
E-il uolsusqsrdooil a!{serq-I rs.I
L9-99dd {ooqosrnoC r@rurq/rBursuo/&eorrnro :r sr :rq3m/ptnoqs/ptnorrr lsuDlpl rr !8BBq il]Snoqr .go idla isur@eld/6uos :p.IsEI :p.rerlltp5do@E9 zr rr or 6 8 :p.D35"$ip.H"q/p.FzndI lptnoui liGq r apar.puob z jp.Droa/p.u..uor r z.sl.re:g \!8ug sq sunirrp d.l.!i dEA .qr dq p.rlrFr &.r sEAI 0i 'Aurr..d .ql or .uor or .tqe @.q 3uh!q SuFq roJ .sISoIodB rou/.tq! rou rsnu I 6 ',fIInJrBJ @EIE tru Fs ',qp. .fterr3dsi dn or 6B^EH 8 r.€ I 'dt.q rcJ roop rFu @ .r{s <errod .rp or qanorll r.3 or .tqE 8B.q roN , 'rslElr.ds ! or @.q ]oor d.!F rlqr uos rr.rp lnoq? p.@cuor os .r.a f.r{J 9 '&mml 3ul,{oIIoJ .qtrx.u Iq sEr.{ &6ar roJ .r3q.1/:I:q u:.q . eq plnoa 3q lErp sn prol 3H 5 '!€euEu p.sr^pe iH n {ueq dE/bq/sq 01 le.ds p@ o5 01 .u/r.q/uq \Burp..rord sloqa .l! dq p.ss?req@ dH?noroqrsrd.qS t (IEqqor 'p.pmorsE plor SuFq or .qr 8E.q uo z rnoqE P.ss.Juor€[email protected] 's@td [email protected] .uos dn uaDlp €u.h?q/dn 3uraery uo no.{ i*Iue$uo. rsnu I I s$asEv 'loqsoduor .rt qrIA iuoF @ld aql q pu€q 01 ptlsE 3q plnoqs sr@Pnrs oogFoduoJ .Io suDir.qJ p@ SUDFA (AuuDetd s.pni.q qrlqa 'rnor{ I : € ig lsr1nulu 09 = z puE I s xg :saoIIoJ sr p.p tp 4 plnoqs lroaaEoq srlF roj.de lrLL TdnoJA ro srrEdur lroa or q5.q tr rr.r.roJ.q eJ!.Is ,s4nulu € ro Z IIs @rP aottv 's!^tr r!.r! ut slEuovr rc ssurF SqrDe/iuu"rl'mq/3utu.{34/sussErrEqu. nEtrerol 5ul1 5rq}!r!p lsarnuu a.J E pe.u Iru s1!:pus ruaure.rr Eootsselc p.ruloddBslp6 lp.ssErrqu. I :p.sldrns z lpiurr:t <prlsul.sEJ rp.rs.llu :1leu6lput rIrAuE 'paIo@E 9 lp.u.lq!$ i I ip.n8Jnul :p.ss.rd.p idn-piJ 'peroq € tp.Hlq 'p.sryuor 'p.gJrs,{EZ :prrq8{.p ro P.shld I sredssE .IqFsod 'uoBsnrslprlrl{r u xoq .rp u s.^lrr:lpR.rlr ..BJ q.b rnoqE sr er.rlr uolssn.slp .sn 01 s]@pnrs o!'r .3lqo IIra stF se r.!.q.rlr Eoof,sselD p@ lqnop .rou oql rnd ui .rop rs.q sr .spr.v. sIlIJ lEeura.4
I :slr.r.xA
t p@ z
I z 6$pre*g
S9-V9 dd looqasrnoC 5INN
UNIT9 but getrerally quite a clear dght. I was about two miles ftom the villagc whde we live whd I spotteda hitchhiker about 200 mefes ahead on my side of the road. I was goins to drive on pasl, becauseI never stop for hitchhike* especially atter thar rdiible mugsing casea few yeare ago. Bur when I sor closq, I realised dut it was a me ftoh ou village in factj D acquaintanceof ours: his wife was tuiendly with my wife, alrhouel-T didr I knok 5,m a a I $ell. apdn ftom \ayins 'Good moming' occasionallyAnd I knew hi namems Job!. But rhais all. Anrvay, I stopped md he got in- He rold me that his car hld bloko down outsideWinchesrd- he'd alsobeenon his wty backfrcm blsiness.He'd lefr his car ar a garaseand had got a lift the 20 miles to the point whe.e I had picked him upThar was all he sai4 as far as I remmber, bd I didnl press I daopped him st the end of his road in the village, drole on home aDdwml sraight to bed. 't he ibllowing moming, about half pasr eighr, thde was a teiephone call $'hich my wifc took. II was John3 wile the lonn I had given a lift ro. She was in a renible state hd lsked if my wife could so over md stay with hd for a few hods. She had just hcard thar her husbDd had bem klled in a mulriple car crash ned Vinchestd at about 6.30 the e'dirs I'd picked John up on the road two and a hall hours afler Now listen again dd ch€ck you! mswe$. Rcady? (Anecdoterc?eatedar tape-) Questions6-15. Look ar the sratemdts dd quesiionsdd lislcn ro a tcclnologr cotespondent being inrerviewed on ! mdio features progrmme. But firstj read the sraremors od quesrionscdefully-* Now listen to the interview dd complete the statements or eswel the questioff as briefly as you cd. In most casesrou can use llgures or just oDe or two words. Readyi Good evening, dd welome again ro 'Indusffy Today'. And in this, |hc fourth in the series, we'ie goins to look at somedring which mny rhink, and somc fcar, will bc thc picture of a grear . l p r lo i . u r D d u s , ) i h e t u u e : r l - eO n e - M m F h o r ) . Witb me in rhe siudio I have Bary King the recbnology colrespondent lbr onc of ou! Datioul wcckly ncwspapos. Barry, welcometo the p.ogFmme. Thilk you for itrviting me. Now I sather fiat Britain,s liret tully-automated factory, in which robots and computers do viftually everythDg, was opded in Colchester in 1982. Can you tell ts something about Ycs, rhaCs quire rishl lr was the firsr facrory in Brilain to introduce a fiexible Danufactudnc system. IMS fo! short. T h a r s r h e I a r e nj a - B o Di r - t h r t u l l ) a u r o n a , e di r . r o , ) ) o J menrioned- The imporrmt thing is that most of rhe work is done by robo6, wirh jusi a fcw whirc-collar opcrators Io, you k n o r . . { h c h u r n s s o n o d L n c c kc \ $ l r n D g , r u m i n g And how efficient 6 rhe factory? Well, the factorr makes vdiou engire parts, md it meaN that d finihed component can be ploduced in three dlys and with oniy three md rming the production line . . . Whereas befoie, it took how lonc? Um, before, it took three moDths to p.oduce lilished componentn with thirry men. So you can seethe.e B a vasr improvemetrt in productivity.
01Sttml'.q uor pto no ..s @r .t( €ussJrdJp,ft.^ s,rl 'pau.ddlq s.?urlpou IEs p@ tuosEJro,iuEu os uo ssBd-Iq a.! E p.sruord u..q ari.a rerPrrEJaqr sr au $zeuE rsqr[ Trollr.ono. ao1 .qllo .uo trPguC IAI or oiods I ssed-dq Ir UBB ou sr .r.ql 'r.rEI s!.tr uar 'aou p@ sar{p..Jord dnlopIJq .^Eq llqs sFod.r put srn.@.^ot .^rsse.rns rnq tsEd-.{q B p.sruord sea tuor .rp o E Eq f t r { u : L \ r B V i l p p . r \ r ! . n r t , r 9 J , J $ . 1 . . \{ J o \ r u tsrplmq lrpo puE s.snorllo dn.pEu sr 5rru.r.ql(qrns sEp@ rlrrmor .qr Jo r@d srF q smor r.>FEu $aplo Jqr Jo .uo oqe s.rl f,Fleu-I€prtoq p@ srnluDttni tiurot.{,\E.rI Iq p.sn ,qsusE.Dor :roJ.r.rF p@ .rrod urEu Ino Jo oar o..ar.q .rnor rr.rp rsou .rp uo s! uoq?o T.8qIh surlpno uo4 I@u osIErnq 'aldo.dsmor ,tuo 1ou - sru€dl.!ftd 00011urrp .rou p.rtrE$e qrrLIA .{Epordller rs.rord .qr Jo eaEs.u E.t. .qr sea lRqI rFnou. p8q .^rq uoqzo Jo :tdo.dsraor .qI -tuor aqr qsnoqr .loDtro ut r.rjod.r rno uo{ Aou uod.r v aou or p.aoIIE nIEsE.Brr1 sed uoouDrJe slql .1q dn .Iorq ,{Iler rs.lord .q} u.qa IIuO BunF,(@ op or ss.tr.aod .r.a.rllod 1?tF .uD.!o r€ 000(/ oln 8urF.uos.r.a .r.ql pr1€uEsa $a 1r- sr.$.roid lo .unto,\ .!F sla r1!ns rno ro !,8nuou uorj rUF]] 8uDu.^.rd .uaor .rF Jo .Iu.r .rF ur spEor p:l.Ed sed-,{q ? qlra eor aqi iurpr^ord q s,tqep -uorlBo ]o sle.I rp Buus:rord .ro*[email protected] Jo uaor r.]lRu plo .qr q snoq rnoJ roj,{epol rFrt E ol rqBnorq sxa rllrlrJ aIpe.d \u:]r ..roqr-.tdnFu .qr r.asue p@ u.rs,r aoN , s@rr .qr pE.r rsrg ]ng u.rr sdiu orPErE or @rsn @qr Pue s@r, .rror{r-.tdDFu ..rB .!p p!.d 8I-9I suols.nb ( e.I palbadat tualnh1ur) p@ uear u.rsri aoN aIpe.E rDAsft rno,{ l.Jru "a '''Ptrurasr.mr]EJnEu rsou rqnop ou .m3g Jo pun ar{r sr dIE.r rElp rsal 'p.sEild .{ra ,{tprnleu .r,,{.r! qrtqa Wb (lu:J r.d 8z,{q Irulrinpord rr:1! p.^ordur IpE.rtE .^.I.qJ ]t:a .ft:^ Buiop s, qr,qa Iqr.C }? luqd p.1euo1m uE p:u.do sq :r{od-slod \!tr asn .^J6 uEr non s.tduE$ r.rtF I@ :!:q1 rv rEqa rng suGruod,tur^ spunosELp lt td isulr r.tpo lnoq€ '.{p!.rtE sr@l8 roJ sEIlddE are surg Jo rJqunu .irEI E puE trsotr Iglrd@ p@ ru.udol.^.p sprEAor uoql@ 097 r>lit 3urqr.@os .pFe r.s sEq,{Dsnput }o 1!:u.u€&d 5$ 1eq] er.q .{Esrsnu I rr rradsu pu€ o3 01JIqErq ILIirp oS sJI '@rs[s suEnrJBJnuEu.tqB.g v ' ' 'swc !, p.ls.!rq s.@duo. r.!Fo rcJ arardaoqs ? sEr* osIEId rr rnq \Poo8 uao sI ..npord I IIra ,!uo rou .l?qr pp? pFoqs I rns -uotlllu r] Jo rwl3 ru.@D^oi E p:^,3rr !.tdmx. roJ ,IrorI] Frs.qrlol .qJ }no SDrdt.q sr lo.@rJ^oa qsrug .ro rnq !.^6u.dx. ,{tFJrrs?1@} s!1I apu)i snjr Jo nlor.rJ E dn r3s ol rl tI .^Fu.dx. aoH also. rnoqE rErIA rro.uoq.qr rcJ rna '.lrerAord sqr u or unl.r 011ma I rtrrqa .1u.u,{otdu.un Jo s@Iqord 8r{s?rrcq .rir }e >pot .uo qeu rsnu r .snE..q rryIF r €utuEIE ostRrnq '3uF33?rs .rmb s,rEr{I
'..tdue$ roJ Jo sqol :rp r.3J. r{ s.op ueu ruo lsn( I,qs rqiru .qr sqrnc 3rl@nq .{q uorsid.lut unururo ,tu.^ .qr llra q.ruou ? sroqor00I s.wu,qiEn]Ja ruEld:qJ" r.op 1r \.tr 'uonrg .JFr.s .)iI punos s:op ^tP:r lrql Troqor rqro .>lEE sr.rnduo. ,{q p: orluor sloqoJ .I.qa .@dEI q r@Id rnwd .qr sr @rs^s snouEJ lsou .qr .Ilsusudns roN oN 'plroa 3rp nI prt])t srt droFBJ lsrg .Lp lou s, s,qr .uns.rd Jo I 6 INN
UN]T9 suffd badiy from the lra6c that ploushs dEough here every d a j . B u r i l , p u e e x a . p o a r i o oD a , \ l e d u . r o d a rr o p r o r e s iLn the way we have done. ,{r4 by the way, itt the Comcil thatt led the protest this time. All of usl Againsr rhe Govemorl so the people of Oakton have made their feelings felt. Ics now up to the GovEnment. Joln Jones. oakton. Now listen again dd check your mswers. Ready? (Ne@s;teu repeatedan tdpe.) ADd that's the end of Unil 9 Test. Answers P a r I1 : l D : 2 A : 3 B ; 4 C t 5 D Part 2: 6 rcbots and computersi7 3 daysi8 3; 9 3 months; 10 30 men; 1l 100 robotsj i2 one llm! 13 {3 milLionj 14 about/apprcximately 160 millioni 15 2g',k Par J: 16 Di r7 Bt 18 C Sugeested Earkils scheoe
score of Parr 1: S@!e 2 malks for each conect mswer to givc a possible mdimw 10 marks. of 10 Part 2: Scole I mark fo! each corect answd ro give a po$ible mdimu meks. Pan 3: Score 2 marks for each cotrect dswer to give a possible maximu of 6 marks. Possible total hdimm for the whole test: 26 mrl.l-
rrclE p!€ ure?Edn sdon ro sunr.r rErp iterrrcrl ror{ oor ro ror{ Irr^ rq (o} .sne.) or :1'or{ ,? rqSn ro leaq itqe,{olu: u! :rr ro ]s or:ysr9 ,? fJelnqe.o^ snroC IElln u :r.rsF.u .^D?rroJur !.enP :r€r Jo eJfrs 's1u.1uor q slr uo uorssnfsF pue ! .)iE1 @qr .uo sqr sE uRd rpns l:.r uoqs 3 pErr or p.Ise .'t ptnor slcpn$ a.rd.lq .qr Jo ued prrqr aqr q I .spr.xa
'g oroqd rnoqE suoJ$.nb uaop .lira or .uE @!F .^€ or Fqueuad roJ z Jsrcrixg oo{ srrrrftd lu.r.x,p .^!rI pFo. sru.pnrs rEeura.!
.,{rhu.e sqr Eoorsselc
dd IooqasrnoC
€ .spr.!g
'JJur@x. Jo 1€rolqlo aqr puE rrrrluEe :qr Jo .tor 5qr suDl?l .uo lpra lroa lBd srqr op pFoc sru.prus z ')lro^\ rEd .qr surop 3roJ.q G lFn) '.1. tuopdmssE aqs.rdx. .uoDE.drr roJ SuDisB roJ suoBs.rd:r JrIr.sl^id I €all doorss€I3 z.sl'raxg rur
's.rnuru ot E @rF.rou lsEIor pJJu r,usiop 1r '!qrnssY rlun.qlJo rado15.p moqe suDluttF slu.prus FB or .sDr.F dn urBA E sEpap@ru sr uossn.sp srql I .qrDla
69-89 dd {ooqrsrnoJ
'/aurw kaa pdr.1' lo .tdor eqr or prr..ftoi &Elnqeco^ Jo .Ep.taoDrl ,sr@pnrs p@dx. oJ 's.sn"l.-/ prEp@rsuo suon?:l€^.uos s.r^.r or :BImErt 's.5B$edqrJA5!ltE:p ur:rq.erd r.rtJnJ ail3 oJ rqr.^ puE sunoup51elrrur ss.rls proh lE tool oI 'r.de.I a.rd.1ul .I! to rrd pnlF .qr @oJ &u rel| puH.qrJo s,ftId.tor puE uorssmsp lol s.ut@uoddo .nuruor oJ Iroa 'oroqd 3r{r uo suoDs.nb .tq$sod Jo spuly ..r.F p@ soroqd 5lssn.slp u ..D.?rd lqunJ :^13 oI
s , t
Lph! slu:pnrs .sueqt@l r.rlint
rFn 5qr Jo sulv M]IAUIINI :S )]dvd
0 L
UNIT10 to ,rdsej to totrch or pEh €Frtly especially with on€'s elbow, e3pe.ially in order to call a pe$otr's attention oi give a sisDal mtapp.dj not used or dram ftom a ,fadi a l.jnd or class of eimal (or pianD usually developed uder d]e infludce of Clsstoom laeatmdt Prio. to the fis@sslon studots @uld be asked io do as suggestedin the passagei.e. I cl$e iheii eyesdd repeat , . ,j 2 close their eyesmd imagirc how they dmselves would feel if thde were no
Jigsaw reading
This activiry prcvides fintlEr hantring in oral sl]llmdy wo.k, rportiag dd practice foi rhe rhird pan of the Iltwiw Paper. Encorage studots to look up itr a dicrioney wods which are essentialto their comprehosion of their exEacts, but only after lhey have tried to work out rheir meaning from the contett. (See page 30 of TG fo o explmtiotr of Jigsaw reading.) Style of texe factual, deciprive,
decdot l
Register. neutral, slightly mediclt
ro -6rerj to gain as a sl.jll ,dElatrej a severeand repeated headache,usu.lly with pain orly on one side of the heador face,dd rypicall] wirh disords of |ne eyesighi hmeb: sinple, rct sa[d h Jeedback: b prclide lDlotulian abour the i€suit of a set of acrions, passedback to the pe$on (oi mchine) in chare€, so that chdges cm be @d€ if D€cessary becoh. arttud to: b..@e used to or ready foi d gltt?ri a sMU Dcedlelike piece broken off smethnlg Extract b) a .le"iei an insrrmmt,
specially otre that is cleve.ly ihought out
a /arelr a thichess of some mldial laid over a sdface a Jaith hedlet: ^ pd6 w}:.oteats drseaseby prayq oi religious faith ro ddrd.r: to fild out, to notice to l,e4lj to (causeto) beome healrhy deter which someoneMs bom with ro 4rdzej to brqt the surface of (especianyrhe skid) by rubbing a8ainst s@eihine, by ecidot or oD pupose ro ,@?j to strike or l ock with force oi violmce to .r,sre6a; to de?ilout, give our Extract d) dj@i one of the two bony prrts of the face in which the teeth are set erelr a diseasedgrowth iD the body to back uP: to srppon to oreftah.: ro reach snddeDly dd uaAectedly f drdri snongly etrecrive Cl*room treatment I Di\ride studdrs into groups of four. 2 Make slre each studor knows which extEct he/she should read. 80
t.9 looq.snoS .!F !r p:rtrlpul s€ lsEl .$ solm€.q .roJ.q srrEdqr5^-unou ruar.llp eqr uo.rrJErd uo!u.d.r Froqr .uos op pFot no Z '1nJ'sn uoBsmsP .ros I aq IBU .^oq! p.rErlPur s.utl aqr suoP uoD?I.unuord qs{3ug Jo uoorssEp rurur€e4 'uo]rBDmsord p@ a4I.ds ruro] rnq $.$s ul lou €J]p ue^€ sqF^ p@ smou Jo r.s prc.es .gL nu,rq D Iq 1ttubd, mou iqr ro ' olP qr.^ .ql Iq p..rtd.r .q rq8u r&ral qr.^ .tp r!tutad o 1naq1!61bV op 01not 111krad l,tan dru sBq.ns [email protected] E uI proa .@s .tll Jo uoFp.d.r .qr Jo asnBr.q fiFEmId .ths poog rou .rE )iooq:smol .t! Jo €Z .8ed uo ioq iqr u s.ruar@s erIJ -g N -IIErE .!ou ro $:r]s r.IEia E i^€rl f.r. \q!r ,ftetrne tunouord 's.Irrrr tuoll*od.rd) sprod riqro .rF puE $.rs uFu.rp s.!Ec dluo .tqEIIIs :uo (sq$^pE 's.^!r3lpe tqr.^ 's@ou sEqrnE sproa le.u.l uI 'uoDrpunuord proa qslSug .ql s1u:p.rs or .IqEliIs uo seq ssarN sr..ge rno luod pum.s .qr uo qr.^ .rP p@ .IqEItIs $Jg 5tF uo p.$.rrs Au,Fqmou sqrjo u:!ed I .spr.xa r,{Tuoueurd sseDs!.r! ur r5}lp q.rqa 'sq!^ p@ smou Jo r.s $rg :qI {eFqe.oa Ir aoIIoJ rr op @r noI (Ilr^usod TrII! notr Sup ord 0I soroqd aqr no{ aoqs I.t (rrtrnqo} lou.sluord nod sEsuol sV 6 rn .uoqd3t5r 3seJld ruo!@oJur r.rpmJ ,l@ .rFb:i noi pFoqs 8 aI{3norp 3a?q nol ptnoa rEqa !@r eql pmor GrRA nod nPl .rF EJs p?q no{ .soddns , 'r:11?u r.^o prlru gt a^.I.q pFo. I IIuo JI 9 'or r.roE oqa noI aoo{ or noI pFoqs E .rEA or r@a fla1uEr I 'rr rI u .^.n.s f op or .rqE eq €^au [no,{:srdnlpo/ro 'p.^I .^!q D^.u 'r.F.q qrleJ irlr rol rng € Plnoa eqs rI p:^.!rq .^!q D^au pinos I 1.,f. do Iu llla I u-s rou I plH z aop nor{ ptnoa lErla 1Er! .ll .ido.d IEiq pFo. no.{ sBsoddns I sreasEv 'u.urra. eq ^arp llqa )p.q. pFor 31oqa3 s3 ssEI.iqr uaqr p@ rsJu s.ru.lu.s :qr Jrua ptnoJ sru.pNs ro is..u.rEs .lp allra plno. sruJpnrs @!F Prre sselr .toqa .rr.rl| $rg IIIETo.uop rq plnot asu.F sqJ rqrEreelr uoorssElJ a ssprexg
rr ro auoq 1z .s,tr!x.
'ss8lc u u.!F qru q8nonF pe.r .q plnor sHr ^pnrs or palsB .q p]no. s]@Pnrs rE6utrea! Eoorssali]
I aspDxa
'r.dEd qsn8ug lo iso aqr Jo V uoB..S !r iI*F6.r
.1tnb rn.co $snElc /' Jo spdil .s:ql
EL-71 dd TooqesrnoC
'uonsnJslpdno$ .toqa e o1 roFd slBd ui IIIEuIq.q. Jo.loqa ? s? .setr .q1 qrra iuop .q pFo. [email protected] uo$sn slp .rF 3rlr@l'.q.ro].q rr rnoqe se.pr rr.qr tuop roi or @i. ro rGd4srs .l| rnoqR Ir.lq.r or s.rnu@ a.J E sld:pnrs aoll? plno no ru.Er€e4 uoorsselJ € es{rrexa Aou.u
-qslFug u irlnqEo^ pw ,quo a.u Iut lqqeld& ro s.1ou n EoJJ ArDrroa [email protected] or srielr.a3 rI:Lp odJr sru.pruS n lr sluod uIEu Jo se]ou lj€r sru.pnrs t
U N I T1 0 Exercise 2 obiect of the game Sftddrs must read aloud, with conet slre$ md Gamq Read that! pronuciation, senroces mitlen by other studmts. Corduct of the same i Divide the class into sroups of 3 or 4. 2 Each group writes on a piccc of paper e.g. 6 eentences,each containins 3 o! 4 of thc nous md ve.bs given or page 73. The ssroces should not be too lois, but they should make setrse,however loosely. 3 The groups exchmge their pieces of paper ud try to lead sloud th€ sdtsces *aiftm on the piece of papd they reccive. N.B. This gamecoxld also be playedbetweenpaN. In the second pdt of the Interview Paper srudors will !o longe! have to read @ dtract aloud but $ey wilt be sivcn a mark on their pronuciatior! sfess dd ioronadon in the inreFiew as a whoic, so prcnunciation practice is still relevml. Thcy will be given d extract to lead silendy dd asked to lirute' it, i.e. rell rhe examiner what kind of publication or speechsituadon ir probably comes fiom, who might have witten or said it ud to whomClassroom treathent I Elplain to studsts what is involved in \ituarins' the extract. 2 Studdts rdd rhe ex act silenrlyto 'situate'ir. 3 Stldents repon back on extract's situation and erst. Possible dswer This dnact is defnirely Miftd English. The elaborate ssroce consrucrion showsrhis. Ir is alsofolm| Ir probablycomesfrom a lcaderartclc in a serious Dewspapere.g. fte TMrs or a serio'rs magazine. It is too uscientific in irs ldguase to com€ lrom a scieqtific publication.
Coursebook pp 74-75
Exercise r
Classloom taeardent Studdts co!1d wo.k on rhe phoro initially itr pais. One srudent co!1d cover rhe questions dd jusr look aI thc pholo while the other looks at ihe questions od rhe phoro, aDd asks the questions as ifhe/she were the exoiner. After approximately half rhe quesrions have bem asked, the students could thd choge roles. Aftd this pai! wolk the studeD$ coxld answer the quesrions as a clt$. This will give each student an idea of the ralge and fullne$ ofpossible msw€rs.
Exelcise 2
Sussested Answers Passase a)r Neutral to slightly infofmal, probably mitten ldguaee, may be d exceryt from a magazine dticle or a letter to a newsp^per at nagtzine. Cannent ard da.rie,,j opinions on the vahe of dierj giqing further idormaiion abolt dier; personalexpeliencesof the etrectof dier. Passase b): Informl spokd ldslase ($e of rl^ dred.lful rincins: a &eadtul dnging, introductory lrrtudr . . . , nd i, the erd she.hde.l up), prcbably ai etldt l from a conversadon or disessi,an- Canneht and d &sDrr opiniors on the efrqcy of faith heaiersj other possible elpldarions of the disappearmce of the ringing in her edsj recountingmy simil& dpeflences. Passage c): Foimal lmguage, probably written, although could be spokcn if palt ot a formal debate or something similar. Probably o cxccrpt from a tett€r to a sclious newspapet. Connenr and d d$@a; opinions on wisdom of sovemment intervention in such mattersj describing situation of such pmctirioners in cbdidate's own countryj pelsonalopmrors.
'lmq:soJ paBrlph ee s:mc o ,re1oeio :q: r^nplo sr@prus ? 5qr o C0€ p@ 9r seaEdFoq.lnroC oqB ees) 3sEdurelq plq sl]mEEnb 'Itlumae @ auF@sd loJ paF.u o8n'a@I .qr ,l{51.U € 'p edrrd tPA {Ir@Itgrs rou aI? dt{r Jl.3rp{rEq IIta srield alou s.ros .rmb.p8 rnq Fuq 3leu 6r@Pnrs emN.)tsl i z '$ded a5|Frl1l .rp Jo ued pryr eqr EI IlI^O.e alqFsod € sI rI r8qr pce (3sI. .uGEos Jo u"d 3qt uo €qne|e D sr Io E eto e tqdqd r?qa srbpnrs or EIeIaIr€01 &E3s5..E eq f,BtII1I. I d€Id.IotI soorssEtr) t6Elerr 'epFO s,$qrhJ
i.rnE.rd e FtrI:.[I€O srqr Jo (S run) 8t 53sd las
uNIr 11
Television, Filmsand Photography
I To prepare studors for questions on author\ stylc, arrirude, puJpose md inrendedaudienceas may occu ln SectionB ofthe ReadinsComprehension Pap6 and SecrionB ol the Usc of English Papd. 2 'l'o focus srudenn' artention oq comoradons ed dleil contdbution to rhc d e * a e " o l k h a t . o m L o n e$ r i r . : . - s J \ . 3 To consolidatefie approachesro vocabxldy int.oducedin Unirs 1 &d 6 i.c. suessing dre meaniDg of words rhrough contert, vocabuldy alcas md collocdtion. 4 To provide studeDtswirh pracdcal tips lnd advicc on how ro iackle rhe Profi.iencyReadinsComprehensionPlper. 5 To expdd srudcnrs'lnowledge ofvocabuley comecredio dle ropic of 'l ele!^ion, Fil^ and Phrtastu?hr-
Coursebook pp 76-77 Style
Sohe of the mulriple choice questions iD Sccdon B oI rhe Reading Comprehosion Papermay focusnor so much on what a passagcsaysbur how n saysit i.e. srylc. This is why much of this Unir concenbates or style-
Exercise 1 Background information Text A is an exriacr lroh the novel I'he Fout Gat.d Ctr by Doris Lessing-Doris Lcsing, born in 1919,haswritto many noveis.Her main thme is ! study of lifc in Sourh Africa md Britain scs from a left-witrg, fmidst viewroint. Text B is from Anthony Burgest book 7985. Amhony Bulgcss is a British author, bor in 1917,who has alsowfitten mey novels,rhe bestknoM of which is probably I Clrck@orh OranEe. Questions 1-6 are conce.ned wirh aurhor\ aftirude, tone, pupose and inrended audience as well as wirh sist reading Quesrion 7 contdins more detailed work on a hor's style. Text A Style of texs persistent, hishly lht'rlmed Register: neuhal Focus vocabulary dfictef: an unsteadymovemst backwdds and foNdds (ofa light or flme) ,lard: (of food) not hurtiDe rhc sromach dd witholt much rasrc Text B Style of tex* descriptivc, haish Resister: mosdy ncul1al,but colloquialin parrs Focus vocabulary ,d rnallr (ofan animal)ro mrke a low agiy soud while showingthe tccrh; (ofa person) Io speal or say in u Dg1y bad rmpered way 84
5t 'rnl,g,r,d srro.,I u i^oqE a.S nuElrd , rqsll p8q B u rap6r.qr or uaotls .rE I.qI sIEtuI@ PIA o t 1eqaJuos.rB sD)trr]s.q1leq1uoFsrrdu .rF r.3 .a -P.l€nsuJ pue auorts 'Itr8le tsuol ro sSopdn p.rr :ssoll?lowoc .tqrssodsno@^ .r€ .r.q]6e3Y 9 'snqqtls a.u.qrJo mJ qeu 01.q.{Eu oslv @!p u..ar.q drqstroD€F.!r ,q€noplBc pw ^:s lo sr.ljeDqr rqr Jo EaPrr.!.q E FPz:r .tp .^15 oJ E ]o p@ '!rr?rErl. iram IIIeDu.lod e tJIqsuoHsEJ rnq FnsEr loodmqs req roJ u.^pB @ :suo9elowor sno!?^ aq pno. .r.ql t '.Fql Sursru:^pe@Jo ur^.'.€En?@t 6uNt1r.^pelo oolr?ro@ot.!F stq.serqd slqI € 'suqru ro sluEdl.IuBdSqIIIAm qrl u..s ,{.qI z '.{)tDqsp@ le.a I..J lEqr sBa_I r z 'uo!.u Jo prq4 .uos .lhrpu ptnoc s.@u Jo .sn elp P@ uod.r rrdedsa.u e .q or 1I rol IFt oor si .tas srl &ors uoqs ro Ie^ou t uo{ rtEIF @ olq su..s 33e$€d iql 9 's.lnds,p letllsnpulJo rJnpuo..rpJo IIqFsod P@ AJ Jo usPlrlr E sr qrrr{a r.l1eu Fa(qns aql Jo .rrorP .qr ur u6oqs sI sausnorris 'LanV t|rots plarat 1.uptplstpratutPMot atp j8ulsrnl ' P 1rbloars r twaos ' ' &1p1todou aaDq Anon ]2 sr{r :s.sdqd.s.qr u saoqs truorl .?trs e tro sror.? Jo sl.s .!a LrIr Jr sRa.I AJ :qr Pd€ sr.IlJrs .qr Jo uoDEru.s.rd :qr uI p@ t3.I IIei pu€.rGre.dde r@pguo. s.^.9 u..N.q rserruorJrp c lsreq.q rcql Jo) .sders rt.q15ulArq., @u.rttod .rpjo Psrul€d.rnr.Id il{r B saorlsnolmH t 'snouas rtBrruor 'sndomr{ t tte 'uou.v dn sqtutqlU p.3E1sp@ p.su:P .r.a AI no Bu!qr-&.^.I sr lsrortrEro saulr.s ro s.umrso.8ul8@LPrnoq€suHIEr.{A t 'AJ uo I3r rq or .Jn rou sIEId Dqrl:u slpBuo. rcqrnE .!p reql aoqs oI t 'r1. go p.rprias 'uo peq]nas . I r\I .lll .III p.rE.r .q plno leqr spBE p.rElndrueu Jo uorssrrdul .rF .^I3 oJ, z TJsen{d uoqs €lrtmqr flrut$uo. Jo rsn srr rFnoqjL I z loo{l e q.ns roJ alll l.^ou oor sr .stssed .qrlo.t,{rs rq.r 3.un (IsotoPos!o ]ooq E u uErpr.qrEr.!-rzPsEuro ldtdsa.u e 6 trIqBsod ,irru.lmo. F.rsoloFos Jo pupt :uos :tq su.is asEsld .rtJ 9 'q]e.p poE .rp d pm <elp3u .rF Jo a3I^ i.u.loh or s.Ju.relal rsftW uo{ rolsl^ E 01 3.u.r.Fr .LI} <5uurRs! .JI] Jo uolrErEsJrd .qr q 4 u! u! saorls us]rlu{3 p.u3s.r IIIrEra sI asEsed .Ioqa .rlJ snolr.s .rE 0z I I s.ull } 'l?rtu,b
L L] ] N N
U N I T1 1 '|he
Loqtuan DXtionar! aJ Canenpatury, E sl h de6\es a comoration as follows: s meming or idea suggestedby a word or rhiry in addiiion ro ihe folmal hesning o! mtute of the word o! thins: Th. baLl.onnotdtioa of the uard'sKlNNr' arc qite diferert Jtot" theeaod.onnotdtians of the tuad'.LrM'. Cledly the undelsrandinsof comotations thereforc foms d importbt pdt in udesrdding rhe me$asc of a piece of writins. Comoralions my ibnudce Dswers in Sections A and B of rhe Rcadins ComprehmsionPaperand also SectionB of the Use ofEnglish Paper. Exercise 3 3 Suggesredansvers I news : nertralj propagarda = rcgarive (biased news used ro win peopie over ro 2 a jouoaiisr : neutral a newsmotrger : ncsarivc Gomeonewho deals in scddal or does antthins to ger news) 3 to edir : positive (careful work) azd negative (cdsure)j to write : neutral; ro soibbie : resative (carelcss) 4 to s oll : positive (lazy md easy)ard ncgarive (ainles, slorhful)! ro prowl : ncgative (suspiciousj dishoDest);to wmdd = neural 5 a scdt : positive (nice smclt); a siench : nesadve (awful snell)j a smell : 6 a bureauclat = necative (ldElpful, urlfriddly penon)i a tecbnoclat : posirive (emcieqt) ad nceative Goo efEcient dd machinelike)j a civil senanr : ncural a,d negative (someonewho\ lazy and lives ofl rhe state) 7 to cducare : neutalj to enlighteD : positivc Go rake our of a sure of dark ignorace)j ro indocfinate : negative (to brainwash)
Coursebook pp 7a-79 Geneaal discussion
Discussion oD a text
The aim hde is to pfompr discusion on what could well be a topic lbr a composition in the Composirion Papd or a discussion in the Interview I,aper, md to show students tl1c vdiery of sryies that caDoccur itr witins; this pa$age is mdch more imparrial rhd rhose on pages 76 and 77. A fnal aim is ro show students that comotarons de not only thinss which aurhos work wid! bur something which we dl ca!ry aroud in ou heads ard which colou! our view of rhings. To fir in with the aime of the pagc dd rhe Unit, the tasks set on the passagcfocus on sruddrs' rcacdons to the passasemlch more r,hd on detailed readine comprehensio!. For this reason we recommod you Dor ro do my fErhd work on the pasage than rhar sugsestedin the Cou.sebook. Style of textr rhoughtful, splmatory Registe!: neutral FocB vocabulry:
Classaoom treatmert I The General Discu$ion could be done with the wholc class. 2 The disossion o! rhe relr could be dorc in small groupsbcfolc answes de compaled with thc cla$ as a whole. Answers 1 Someonecomected with liLn cosoring. 3 See above Sry/d rdrr. 'fhe passagcmakcs no use of comoradon in keeping with "/ ns style, as thc aurhoi is rying ro provide a factual and clcd-minded accounr of his work that does not ufairly colour Dybody\ opinions. 4 Perhapsfrom an autobiographyor m arriclein a seriousmagazine.
.rno-Iel .rF l! 5q lsnE sru.pnrs \rmpatoid renl@J ,q.r.Iduo. Pde s.nbluqr.l uo oslE rnq \llJ)ls ssarp p@ .BmA@I slllr .pdord or aoq @:. rFr!1!d .'Er5u€l p@ EIPIS .rp uo rFo rou snroJ suolrt.s uo sdD puE @:. alp dq p.{nb.r 3s.qr sproa r.qro oI -.hp:.ord Jo sPor{].u p@ sl.as@ roJ suosE.r toasua @qr alF rlSnor! slEpnrs soizl uotFes seoqs pw radEal r@^.1:r rqr Jo sred ]!.bgtp (tI (?I sr]ulf a'Lbp48 *ttg g.Eg [la^n..ds.r s Pw t It rz sr.dPd uo 5l p@ nI p@ (I J.dEd uo sarEE@.!o. 1$n slql -Fd!d u8x!t I.@DEord qrEa qrh lt.p or aor{ uo sluapnrs 01 ..$pe p@ sdD Jo s.u.s e Jo rsru .I! .P9ord t8'{8 s.5ed
I8-08 dd IooqesrnoS
r..ls E \lnq4D '.sou e ipalor, srurdsr:u!u:at r,?a .rnsodx. .^r..3r slEp@rs pu? so1oqd:rJrood$ sr.^ot P9u51od ro sJIrBrruSlPuno. no.( juaot ol l.qro@ 01 qol .uo uog p.louord E uo palouord.r€ einpord ro spooa:4owot4 01 , .q e. :IdoJd p@ !.I*u '3lad soroqdr.q s€q.nu Dnpord.IqeF]rru e .q or p.u..s rqs aoq aoqs 01p@ €ul.q p@ .lq s,.p@w Jo led .Eo..q peq,{qdEraoloqdqrnu aoq aorls or suru?.u ilqnop qrB p:sn:t sproa.s.IlJ 'aa{ 'uauoao lo au8,e hnsadr. :a!.w.@ etqnop qrra pasn lprolN lo rydap mtuatl 'ontuDThah 'loUsd,$ 'ry{ 'pF{ lo U4ap 'udibaL 'r'ttdbt8ololi t 'arnsatlx, 'stals \an1 d 'a.nPordat 01\qdrrSoloqd t lo ahqua @ .(lle@oJ 'tm1u : 81qqulrPD4 " Iroa I!D@ss. rnq IEueqtnolnJE.u €tloq = vonLdbd rs.uoqslpr.llr.oddrl E : r,r,?so4, dolruor <ss.IantB^llrjlp = dr,,l, pnp$Ipul '.^trE ouul 'snoa6eno. tnornru.rpt llroa saD.sord : rapulttll"d n z 'tubfqtuoa tniot q.^oqE sV I toN !I lnoqt IErIutrr r.rper su:is Jqs {llBi]lou sreas@ p.rsaaans aet Iq ilqBqslmd :q ,{eu q.Iqh iulEg Jo :sodrnd Jqr rol no tqsq InJlr...p jprr4 rs.doqsp tPDroq /pe{o,r, suoDs!@8 erug 'sluEpo.rsap j dr,4rod €r.@t pl.q P@q ? qrIA u.Ier anrJ]d FuoJuI w rro{sdrrs, siuol.q sqqriuos rc auo.uos q.r-qa o1.3! ro eu9lsed aW : atotuld Ij?ss.u mqd dFq or uog. [!e e\es ot tos : ]a3tu{ a 4!.1u 1oL 'F lE orddE '.ier@^pE 'mo EJ ul€B or lpro r+ (uosbd IBP@ngu ro ru?uodG @) or uolr@rrt ,{ed 01 jrru,, ,r suDsiDrlrro 1FP '3ulu.ppes ro p6 r^rrarP uoDEdR Iq u.^!5 uoddns ary:a8ruttrd rou sr .qsi5q 6qnpaEos eq or spEFrd oqa .uo.qos iratrrusodD snbnr 3 .lll 54eq rc or Petel.r :tanbqt s36rt sulop lo s.{€a a.u sF^o.slp oqa uosr.d € jtrapr!ft/rrd, sntoJ !{elnqsto^ dqdlJioroqd lo .38n3@l 'pnse. :reNl6ed '.^nErEo :rxer Jo .Ifrs '9p@I FuosDd
sriso q p.Pnrs ,{ftInqEro
or saqrEorddEruJraJlp Jo rolsl^.r E s3pr^oJd33EdslqJ
UNIT1 I fomats, testing techniqles and answedng procedues used by rhe erm in order to apploach it with conlidoce. Section A
Classioom treatment r Eiplain to students why this section is inclded in the Cousebook alons the lines indicarcd abovc. 2 Do the Section A test in clas within the time limit slgsested on pase 80, making sde studdts do not look at the uswe.s on page811 3 Strddts check eswe$ in pdi$ ot o"l loo|jng ar page 81. 4 Studdts give their rqsons for answeritrg as they did. 5 Studdts rerd over the dswers ud s^?ldaiio$ of hswds on page 8r, or you read the mswes md explMtions with them. 6 Read rhough the 10 Golden Rules for Reading Comprchosion Scctio. A on pages 80 81 with the clas as a whole. 7 Answd dy queries studetrt! may have on this part of Paper t, pointing out to srudents that Rules r 7 are purelr proceduml nles, so that they realise the imporidce of conect pmcedure in the e{am.
Coursebook pp 82-83 Section
Classroom tr€alnent As fo1 Section A or bdoie srep 6, see if srudors cm plovide the 'Golden RuleJ for rhis Section of the Paper before they lead them. In this way siuddts will read the advice siven nore attentively dd be moie involved in thinlins out exd Drocedue-
ruoudm..P u uolss:$ord ..s o1r.ql dprl puEroruoc roJ sE.p @.rF e^l? or '.38n3@tp@ .tIrs Jo $aod .q1jo .rd? slu.pnrs.IEu or p.pu.n{ sI agEsBdsnIJ EopdF sep e auFIIeuV
.^Eq or @.s orIA .tdo.d tmoi
'uosseduor ro &td ntqEqord z 'fi.aog .rp u pilrrrs I@u os aup.s w r:sdn sd .q 3snb.q ,qqFsod I i eslrrexS '.^irEreu Ilutsu t.nqdrrJs.p ,lFreu !.n9durs.p IIuEu !s qerreu dlueu
I g t €
:.q or dtrirr .$ Ltp 1nq
'uorrdms.plo ss.upr^r^rs.crrgrp e lIlB &ors E tuoDlp^.r (.socLnd 'trEr.p rindoloJ .'{1 Jo Ite rs.33ns rq8u sru.pnrs sr.asua p.ls.aSrs
Tnn auorr.^o or qrnu op @r I$Fq?ror (uorri.irp rr?!. lo .sn .tF pe 8ur@td uousoduo. pooc lrEr.p p@ .soilrd sIrDi )tma !.q1 .sftr.q lFreu sI slto pc II.a uorllsoduor Jo spor .se!F Sulmd q lrlnrls,p :^eq urlo slu.pnts 6mrsirJlr{ suoDd!.s.p pur s. n8rr! stttu rEqa uo rr.Fr or slu.prus 1.a 01sr t8 raEduo s.In^I].r etll II3 Jo .sodrnd iqr
€ asl.Dxg
t8-?8 dd ]ooqosrnoC
's1u?dF .s?rtueuadrg "atbq &elnqero^ Jo .8p.taol? lsrmpnrs p@dxa oI Jo rldol :qr ol pir.i@o. '!dE.I uorsoduoC "/doa.I Iru.Irgord alp 3HrBr or aoq uo .J4pE pw sdn IEJIDeTd qrh sruapnrs 3Pr^ord oI
'I pue srrult ur p..npoFur z s.dir uoDrsodEo. irt Jo surlmld p@ .tAs '.5en3@I JrIr ash.r oI
uoJrBoduor p@ si^I]e!8u u sproa .ur1 :s:.r^ip .-rrslirs !8u.. t6ulqdDdErd poe uorssi$ord €rlr@€Id uoDsoduo. InJrm :IrElnqs.o^ rr?x3 p@ p.uEr.p uo €qsntroJ .fq suoEsoduo) .^IrlrrEu p@ .rlrduJs.p .rFs or sr@pnrs .rEd.rd oI I
rFIl eqr Jo su,rv
sluan:l'saluauadxl 'sare14'a1doe4
7 ;
UNIT12 Style of text: intirate, detaile4 personal, poctic iD pads Reersterr fairly fomal Cultural information Z,n,rysozj ALfred Lord Temysor! (1809-92)i English poet. Exercise 1 Classroom treatment This *ercise would be sood lor discussionrith the class as a whole as this will reveal various interpreiations of the passage@d opinions
Ex€rcis€ I
Possible zswers 2 Each pdagnph n s a ditrermr foos; rhe first is mainly a physical desoiption, rhe second a chdacter desc.iption, ed the third a desdiption of lhe i.flucncc his nother had oD the author.
E:ercise 2 Features presdt in the passage: I Use of contrast (contrasting tnits of morher's chdactc!) 2 A climax (ihe sirong and valuable influence his hother had on him) 3 Variery of smimcc logth Ghort sentencesfor the desdipdon ofhis morhc!'s ndvous dergy, longer ssrences for th€ desciption of his mothd3 innuence on him) 4 Plecise descriptive vocabulaly 5 Personal revelations 8 A coDclusioD(the last sentence) 9 Quickly moving senteDces(seeabove: variety of sotence io$h) lO TnAEes(a eradnt sil batn to silh, the edEeoJEold, a jtu.lled bitd, the eles aJ archi^, I absatbe.lthe @holeeauh Ihroueh h.r jamtr spirit) Featuressot prcsot in lhe passage: 6 A switch from narrative to dialogue 7 A stliking opoing sentdce
Coursebook pp 86-87 Choosing appropaiate vocabulary
The purpose of page 86 is as irs dtle indicatcs: a focus on wetl-chosen vocabulary. The pa$age in Exercise 3 wiU not necessdily contaitr better vocabulary Dd phrases thss those p.oduced by the students itr Exercise 2j its puryose is to spd comparisoD, discussioDdd vocabulary study. Styl. of text: daami1c Regisrer: neutral Focus vocabulary rd s'2r to rake a very tisht hold of tD la6en .frcm nmtifles : rn releale from attrchhdts rd d/am dztj to (causeto) flow otr gradually or completely a e,tli a lery fast movment rodd md roud r. ./oaft : to speakwith a lough voice as if one has a sore throat dluDl:li without spealin& stupi.[y tD leap aut: to furnp out CultuEl information KeairEton Hieh Steet: this is a main shopping sheet in London 'vau JeelinEill ladt?'t (: Ate you feeling i1l, Madm?) The phase is meur to rcflect ftal working-class London speech-
l(8I 5uI) sJ,rs afl or tI .q do{ z md .rP uro4 I eEd t(q asi udol atq u orAMS€q :sl ilnqddsErEd roJ rrllqFsod.trO Z sdoq$Foa flRrdsJo 3r?rs 'saFpmoJ <ss.sqlq r.dbs6]s/.de.spel I sreasw elqlssod {ftd
u {II€nM euop rs.q q.s]rr.b
stql rutElD.rr
'suoFrpE@ Iqros et lpra p4ulenbd r.rr.q .Eor.q or rErtrg pmor aS.DIIEA.E.n .dos rlids 5H t86I p@ wrlt ltwuv ..tr qrlqa Jo tuoF{ a6Q a44,5 rsaq.rp rArmuAjo s...rd dlrruJo ror{rnB.rF sI IF,'rrOaato.': 'uorr P@ P.$ ar.a s.InsnPul uled sll T.tmrue, 196I p@ (p8r .rpJo soPnlo aI pEsnpul qsnFg.qr rptou.qr B frD E 3r srqJ jplr4p{S ut @ p.IBId rpIIIa p@l3ug u€d rwuodu Jo colrEluroJrsl l€mrltrc 1@Io1^pw 6q'@g ifla!. D lo a6I^ ereldE@u @ rc looI l.tlb E :asd@!13 (.Plurar sErs) lluteJ ol rqstrq uo.g saSuBrpIprd?r urTr 1q3I dpFrsm @ rFh erlqs 01 jaHtld1 ol aulpFq e lo $ Au,tioorrood to lood :u@u molor Elo .p"qs 6Nrr!.p ro .Pd e : 1uu r ao ^oE o! :q1ro{ uod o1 &eFqero^ sMod Prrneu x4qr5.d I?n1'E i:^natrDs.p !p3tpr.p lasoial p.r..wo
rcat 'uoJ.rou
ued :rx4 Jo sl,{rs
srEprus or rno p31qod .q pFoqs sIqI [email protected] 5@s aqr IuEr IIR r.!op f3qr snoEduoe(s eq ,!m sProa. oq! i$ 5lru( slEPms ^q P$nEd IFenb5g sI rI $ esI.J.F s]qr q Il.rebqll.p p.re.det @q sEq .trlPutzaag :.loN rue@u B Jol p@ aqr q AI8us
rIIBnp!$ llq Iq 1tq 'qaoF pte 5q1r4 .dtlfiu@ 5 TIFUU d"aE rqBBJrs 'sN wtu@65 ' ' 1b41lot hq aasaqs Ptp prros oN :@Dr!!suor .rGlu.s 6 eao"q:) rcersr{ ue/puorss E ioJ :l@@oE B toJ :tu^ilo&fs 1 4614s <so@6 fl
t tsl.i.xa
f ssltrsxa
UNIT12 pda- 3 liom iine r8 to nto nils (li,De23)t pda. 4 from line 23 to the end. Anorher possibility is to combine paragraphs 2 lDd 3 above. I
Line 1 Lines 1-2 Lines 7 13
Subject q€eded for rad. Contdts ofblackets need ro be incoiponred inro the rq1. This series of short sormces would led .ombiDing iDro longer
Lines 13 14 LiDe 16 Liae 20 L^e 23 Liae 25
Contenrs of b.ackets wodd have to be incorpoFted ino rhe rextetc. would treed fleshing out. Contots of brackers would need bcorpoFting into thc tqt. Contents of brackers would need incorpomting inro the t*t. t.,. would prcbably have to be chesed. Depending on the choice of sryle the referdces to l might also be omitted ed rhe sme iDfo@tion incoiporared into ihe ter-t ir ditrerent mys. The chaiges mdtioned above de rhe minimm neesry4 a?ta itis, pabikg Jofth, a nsr tiat, neafl, tu;nkle, spl.endi.],rory, a glinps., fery serpentsoJ red hot afld uhie-hot, et . Exercise 2 Cldsaoom beatmdt lge sugset you move roud rhe classchecl.jng students' Mino rcrk duiry steF 2 od 3 Dd advisins where neessry.
Coursebook p 88 The Exan swiduce h6. ajms to p.ovide studots with tips bd advice as to qam prccedure ievision of languge, plaming dd compositiotr rrles; od familiarisation wi.h the exm folmt. The four compositiotr tides ia the Composirion Papd on ihis page ee woiked on succ$sively and h ditrerot ways otr pages 89-91. Classroom tr€atmert As these pagescontaiq important exm advice, it is recol]moded that they shoxld be handled in classrather thm set as homewoik leading. This is ro make sue thar al1 studdts have the opportuity to rqd md uderstod lhem thorcusl y as we as to voice ed have dplained any doubrs rhey may have. N.B. Do not ask studmts to Mire rhe @mposirions sivd in lhe dd
I 2; 2 2 hoursj 3a) approximtely 5 minutesj b) approx- l0 mitrutesj c) approx. 35 minures; d) approx. t0 mitutesj e) approx. I0 minutesj f) approx. 35 mitrutesj g) approx- 10 minutes. 4 No, ed with cddul pl,ming dd checkins it isn't necessdyj 5c) Srudenn may ofrs be rmpred to chooseappealing titles wirhout ihinkins wherher lhey en actually hmdle lhm from the linsuisric point of view. Encouace dred ro eraluate titles for both their lineristic ud their informarioD N.B. Noticc thc relatively shoit momr of dme givd over to actual comp$itioD wriiDg. Studcnts must spend time on cdeful plming md checking. In this way rhey wi1] Dor requiie more miting time and will produce better qulity work. This should be pointed out to studots.
'". o*, n* -*u , ,* otutb. arb tuoliradtxltoflEa) '.paapq atadLq]. spropwts 43!q 6 Duoudatxautolattu 01?nlssodautql{raca taop nuod@, rno'flpuoras 'r.$.r q.nE,{la I qqr p@ rrld,s p,q tnoqbtubtdtuo. tnot sbuo6 arbuadra rhon w{ paI dBu noI 'r.^eaoH -..I ros r@tlerh ,sr.uolsD srt .ms@ 01 lro8?r/?Jr{ sj esop s,("al! srl I@duo. Bo 1?rFdEs I drs 'o.r^Ds mo Jo ,{rll!nb.qr rnoq8 pIBsao{ llga supn8atlol pbBar ,ts$hrD aw lo is$ltltst{ :.uo d9 .uo srqod hoI qrJA t,ap or qII prnoa r 'brr.Ie1116e:..4r s3 6t.r dlee d@duo or sn roj Art$nrstp lsoE ,Jopra{1 sRA rr p@ srmlduo or sea I p.sgatns ,b^ do{ d"s ot a4I pt@@| 1o !o rno r.u.I mo.^p! prg Jo srleI non loJ (q.M traa) lsrrJ $q6.d.S Ewl( (o1 .W nnon I ) "ot .tplus sslw Fw lsrwllw ft.11 -adrs rB@oJ Csuollrtduo .tqFsod .E srrl€l] ut suEd a{D p.rnbr .qt E @trd cIB .r derlr rBqr tnq
.spD:€ snp q qsel.rF
sprod surupl .frtl|firoJ Jo eerAop 'AEI|reId 'aI&S .xa € 5q
06 d {ooqasrnoC
' X 3uDrp.8.r
'dllEsg II€ Jo rsBI .sr..rd eq or 'sproa Fqro r eruErs roJ '.Id@F JoJ sseI.qrF^.u (o, coPtppE ct Jo .rrds ltl sr X sEct s! rX roJ se J.t4 r{
,tFs!t 'aj
pru..uo. u.I se EJ sB rprlE,{u or qrd u€aq or r[! Jo ]sru rrsq
IE ur dnsrg
uoF.npo$u! luer3l.r pu? Fcosr.d B (. '€u.do.rssEl. r.{roc (p 'uontsoduo. Jo puq sql roJ r5u.do .$s"I. B (t (3$(q
ruolBodEor .qrJo.Fn.rF
'lreilill peapn( oq plnoa.roFr.qr qqqa uoJJ radep or [email protected],{W.IJ U .IqErd.!ffi sI (e S
sFAsqv 'sruod eqr aus@3ro
Jo s,{[email protected]
Im .s .r abqr ercls sasbDF eseqr or 6as@ res oc eq m .DqJ srsasuv
I tsp$xq AqIl.IA uopfsodEo. Jo EoFI .r V
68 d )IooqosJnoC zLitNn
UNIT12 i.atuwtio4l st@dd^, and tue ha.e @n be.a atuat.let1Piza in this ar.a. I can o4l! sme TrftCny, 6 Jor tour t@rks ftsudine on MJ9U ?t..dui^, la@srcsadinq air laid. dow br intematiakal thdt the .Mpa ! obseflesieidlr thale ( Ald) Jina lll8tbltast oJ allr as fa! 6 ou piices are cmceme.t,7'n aftaid w. have no ontrol over rh6e as they are tued by in@ational agiemoL we would To coDposate you for the in aflrdiekce y@ may bave qpaicce4 be edy trawy to oter tal d hee fistu rt tu the oatk of {,200. Plase contact ne terenollr wiih detaits tuhenMn;J lou decideto take up uhat @efeel is d tuote thM sdercB ofrer oJ co1iae$Lrto". Ve look Jotutud to h.anne JrM Jou.
(Signarue) Public Relations Offer Pm. l: thaDk and erTre$ surpdse Pan. 2: how intod to deat with poinrs raised in lefter, defd@ of compdy's seflicer regreis as to oy exceprimal bad service Pea. l: defse ot @mpdj \ euddds of bygloe F$rioding e.g prizes r@ived, obligEtion to keep to iatqnation l studdds, reelilt idspection ?da. 4: defoce of company's safety pre@utions ?da. 5: deface ofcompanyt pries, intelEtional agtemots Pda. 6: ftee flisht up to sm of d)OO( ask to cotrtact with details I would like . . . how supnsed I was . . . such a lefteri I would like to deal . . . one by one; ,3 rega..lsj my I sayj done it! uimosrj besr to @sdq dd ihis I very mucb regrri l m alraid we . . .i you dav baveqpdisced . . . secoDdly(ndt, seond); thirdty (third)i fn ny (fouthiy, lasdy, last oi au) Fffial
D@ Sir Madam
Mrs I _,_
rMr$ I
Yo1j]s faltbfllly Initiar(s) + s'lllree + (M! etc) (If besu Dq. Sir/Madam) Yours sincerely (Tide) + initialG) ot fir3t nme + sumame (ifbesn with other fotrns)
N.B. These infodlal endings G listed rn desmding oidd of formality.
96 sr uEd @E r.rFo .rIJ
'uq .rupe noL{qa sBurBId:. .rnig IErIro$q .l! Jo uolldbs:p .qr sI ued qeu .uO t
s,q nol l1.1.u 1..I T.gn]ur. :ql $obE [email protected] mo or a.@pm8 .IqEntEur p:pdord .neq suopre puE slqsnoqr .sra srq puE rs..urnl1 I IEcDIod rolE@ rno Jo .uo sueu.r 5q .o6e ssot os parp 3q qsnoqrF ztll rtzz trEW uo p.p .q (rrEJ!I -uoq sEA eroJ.q .qIIl SuoI ! 'io3Ese.d dll@ lrrmotr Id dt p.^!l oqa .uo.uos I sr .rrEpE rsod I amag IerIro$H .gJ :uorsr.^ .tqrssod .uo sI sm:aolloJ .r{J z
v\1 P@.:^,*
*'-,* z.t
7- oe.- A"or *
@@ ffi @@
k tu
I $easuv
looq.sJnoc aqr s p.rErrpB sE.uop .q @r sd.rs r.rFo .rLL € '.lor]A ! sE sBI. .qr rPld p.l..qi sr.as@ .roJ.q 1slg srFd sJ ro llPnputpur suop .q pForis z pw I sdJs z 'aloqa 3 se ssEi. iqr qrIA sr{od r oqE aqr ssnJsrq r rueulre.rEoorsselc
'.rol.q lt u.5s r3^.u peq ,{.rp Jr se r.^o r p€il p@ .3E$ 3uDli.q. :l! le jroa rr.q1 uo+ s.^t:su.qr ..uErsjp or ,lE or p..u IaqI iualra .^.Ie!p )tDrp Iaqr *qa ]nq 6nttu .^,&rf reqa rou pE.r or puer [.rP (suqJeqr u.r{a tB ]ioa @nrra n.rp Jo tuH]lrp lts.r€r :qr d srtuler p..u s1u:pnrs s.)Ieu,{IEIn8.r .qs/.rl srlErslu rRrIA 6sIIEarruapnrs qJ!. dleq plnoqs r.qJE.r .qI rJ.uFI IEnpr^pur or rErrnJed.rE sFrFo r.d r.ru.r.ts1Et an6uor €rpoE or .np .E p@ .duor Dqtou JEInJIlrd B rllra traureli Jo Ie.IdA eE s.rFo agrt .s]rr.xg r{ p.uo]ru.u .so!p 3 5 qsl?ug Jo sI:dR.I IIe Jo lbtdA de .@os !.)Brsru Jo s.ro3.rr. snoFE^ .e .r.qJ @qr SuDIlu dors m^. IIPnlu.^. pc oiersrEJo spltPi es.qr rot l..rp dIIlErq @r I.rP rPrp os qeu dlpnsn I.qr s.IBrsIu lo pu{ .{r Jo ss.u.reaE u? dn ptmq or slut€ osp 1I ',tIInJ:*. I!^ Iroa rI.rF suITJaqJlo .r@uodu+ .qr sro.prus or rno lmod or surp uoD..s stql
16 d looqasrno3 zr ItNn
uNtr 13
,."r".uationand Conservation
PAPER 3: USEOF ENCTISH Aims of the Udt
r To @Dtinue prepding studots foi sllr]rmry Eaiting. 2 To prepare $udors ro haldle the bldk-flling dercises in SectioDA of rhe Use otEngtish Paper. 3 To provide studqts wirh praclical rips dd advice oo how to ta.lde the Proficiocy Use of Enelish Pap€r. 4 To exped srudents' vocabnlaiv comecred to the rooic ot prcsetuatioh tud Co6eruaNion.
Coursebook pp 92-93 Cla$room treatmdt Here ee somestra dis@ssionprompiswhich mighr be usetutfor this wam-up *€.cise: Ifhich shodd be pieserved in preldence - the Colisem iD Rome oi the RomaD ruhs of a town in Tipua, Algelia? Should the Amzon rain forests be cut doM od rQlaced by cderts, or should they be ldt 6 lhey ae? - Should we presqve whales ed seals?Should we conse.ve oil?, etc. Besid$ providine practice iD ieading for detail aDd rcte-takitrg for smmdy
Jissaw readias this activity also prepdes studen$ for the thild part of the IDt@iew Papo thorgh Jissaw reading. See page 30 of the TG for a expluarioD of Jigsaw reading. Style of texe fact@l, disNsive
a raserodrj (h€re) a laise supply to sp@ri ro produ.e. especiallym ldse bmben Itbl,-me (adj.): (of buildings, especially, blocks of flars with several floors) builr verJ hich ,tsrdrs: a child o. chil.lrd ,o ,reed. to produce youg a rto.nj a group of mimls used fol breeding T*t
Style of tex$ factul Register: teduical, forDal rd/e-havinc no shder, beiiA the only one to ratl.dtsj to fiIl @mpletely so rh.t no mor can be held to aMrls j to brea.kitrto vdy smll pieces,10 d€@yj cooe to ruin 96
01 .nIE^ r!.l3 Ioqu.{s asnF.q:r::t5 01 DJs@tr or rlnrslp azrr{ sdorrrS rsnBr.q rm.snu Jo rnq €ullquu. '@.snu llFqm r.,{ sB orq oA pFoqs 'r sEld p@ .Ds€td ul pJDrrord aou \pqt&ql '.roJ.q $^. :sI. suqr^@ @q] sft..( dl3q roJ plroa or P.ddR sErI uotnlod l"rlu.ql 0z u .5l]@p .rou.uop p@ ,\lBJuqr.r :II.IeIP.@I >p.rc puoI.q I[€r4!u.Irs .roJ.FLp [email protected] pr@ss. .@!ps uoge^r.suot rsE^ rBl| p?q os aou uorllpdelo '!roJ.q ! a @!P uoBezll$I. si sqodolv IEJrrsnpu ,{q .iou pau.l?iqr
(q 1x I
uo dn iuDtJols Iq oslB T.D.ds p.$8cpc p@ sooz ur qsut@ Jo 6qp..rq .I! q6noq1 'uolrE^rasuo. q dl.q G. sooz 'l.@td srp 01 sooz .^eq trluo rqaru s:r1p u p.sler.Ido.d .rqs n $ relp u.qr pr{u:r 'l@ljodu{ ,tleollE np. .$ sooz 'p.Proi.r pc pilpnrs IIia sr sIr{rJI e1tp lo srol aphord @r sooz 'sooz m ,{Iuo ro dlrs!. .rod p.lp.rs .q @J {Solorq pul@ Jo uonl@oJ4 Suns€ur? rol s.PlI.eJ .nbrm r.go @r sooz (e rxr.[ snadsB ulelr.l
:saoIIoJ sE rrBnD
qr.. Jo slqod BEE aqr uo p.s!q .q pinorls uod.r :q-L sreasuE elqFsod
I .sltr.xg
a,alll@l8ord !o!red.s.rd/!oDE^risDo:), z 5 eq or s. l.su.Lp ao[? s.tDuno. ]ood @) :.q pinor rr{od uossDsrP r.qrbl v ra$EI. lrlFuotl€o p.{u ur ,qFF.d.: 'uoFsmstp ssEIJsErs.rrur G.q oslEPlnor uossn slp sqr t: :aoH p.sErrt?u.q ptnoa sr@pnrszI Jo sdno$.qr p@ iulxodr aqr uo{ f Ernreu uo aoIIoJ plnoa uossnrqp rrll fta srp uI I .q.!xE sE.uo .@s 3qr rE srmpn$ .q1 01 parnPorlu .q Plnor uolssmslP sqtr rEeure.rr Eoorsselc z .sltFxg '€ .sr.Dx. jroa:uoH.rP roJ uoDErEd.rdu! s! sqJ xnl..I r" s.1ousuDFr " araa {.ro l! s€ llluo srulod !r@ .qr Jo s.1ou tlBr sqn.rsll srGpnrs .rP rBql osle p@ (sr:.1 Futalro .rp or .tru.r.l.r L{1IArou p@ dllo ssrou uo{ auoP s! 6ul od.! .ro .rns .IEW -.{rn!J! snor^:rd .rF ul srFr .rEEd.s 1ep.Iool rpE. oqa sdno$ @oorsselc [email protected] zI Jo sdnod r.arel orrq !rp.3or urol lt.ul€arr I esprtxg
S6-t6 dd IooqasrnoC Tar@r!.s linJ suol rou pw s:ros p..Pur iE s.rou .srtripnrs leqr .ms .)I!ni uosrr rsBI B s! dluo p:{nsuo. [rEuorl.Jp € p@ lxJruoJ elF uo{ 1no pqroa .q rs4 plnoqs sproa oaoqm IUE Jo [email protected] .riI rrr?nx. aqr Jo uosuJqard@or roj F'ru.ssr 3sorF .{Iuo 'd.1! .{PInqE.o^ uaoDlm &raa or Dogu.11ai?d or rou p@ qdo slulod wu .ql rrerur ol sr@Pnrs 1.nIrssl '.tdo:d nol @rp .rou ou uttluor pFoqs dnof q.ea ru.Er€5rr uoorssl] rbrl Jo 8ulp?:rds .qr [email protected] 1np srr3rF pllos p@ :Iglsul?ft D.rord letp s.qrolt orq speu p@ pmol8 aWJo rno 8np st reql (spe.qrJo ssBu! all) pFrrEu,f.I? rlos R isors,{D qrIA p.rJamo. iq or lf?d d' P"] ''? ol uoss.rd.p a i{t orry ?iElnqe.o^ sntoc (l?llnru :rerslaau IP.rEI..r .^Frmslp (JenrJel:rxer Jo tlfls
(r rxsr tL ]|Nn
UNIT13 Tqt
c) Air pollurion less sdious thm 100 ye?rs agor bur Eay ger \rorse becauseof ombusrior in cars, modem nan's 1egs. Also eDd$gered by itrdushiat ed agrielt@l at poltutioD. Chief @usesr@i+ @r md goe.atiotr of etectriciry. Elctricity goeration based largeb on fossil tuels ed Ukely to t€ble by 1990, still based on fossil tuels-
Use ofEasfsh: This type of exerciseoc(:N reeddly in Secrion A ofrhe Pioficiency Use of Eluk-filli{s Eng]ish ?apo. Vhile it is esssrtially a test of gr:l!md, to sd usws righr Exercises r ud 2 students ned io read the whole sentflce caletully so as to pick up clues for rhe aDswerfrom all possible sources. StudeDB tetrd Dot to lead beyoDd the blanl md for this rqso! they musr be ocouaged ro read the whole seDtoce. ClasrooD treatment r Read through with rhe srudots the advice given in the CoNebook to make sue ihey seerhe lelevmce of aI rhe poims made and ro glve the.a the opporruity to voice &y doubts they my have. 2 Each studdt shorild wite the dswe$ to these exetcise3befo.e they ar€ checked wiih the class as a whole, so 6 to give €veryoDethe oppoitmiry to folow rhe trecessaryrbintjng process. N.B. The structues tested in thcsc dercises de all Domts studied in Drevious Units of the Cousebook.
Exercise 1
Possible answers 1 pleased/sur"dsed/delighted I ms 2 of being; of the fact thar he ms 3 though she was! ar she wc 4 to be seen/foud 6 7 8 9 l0
Exercise 2
I 2 I 4 5
The soond it Dor bm foi; there nor bed; we not gol caught in aryry/frustEted/exaspqated ms he/did he feel did I knodlealise they woulaln't have had ro; they wouLla'r have beo forced/obliged to better go; be (well) adeised to go have bea doiDg/goins/drivins CoograrularioDs oD se(ing/pssins be g..tetul/pleased if you there must have beo; rhoe wasj there mighr have bed
Coursebook pp 96-97 Exam guidmce Section A
The fou *trcises included in the tesr, rrdrough shonei, foilow the sue style md order as the *€rcises in Secrion A of rhe Proficidcy Use of English Paper. Clssroom laearment I Ask students to covd page 97. 2 Studdts do the fou *dcises in Secdon A in rhe recomended time. 3 Students check ahei! asswe$ with one ooth€r dDd give leasons foi rheir dswe$. 4 Students look at rhe a$wers ald expldatioDs ofanswtrs on page 97. 5 Disossion of any doubts o! quqies.
'zI p@ II srEo u ,rap, urfa rcJ sv l@urEert 'v uoF..s toJ .^oqs sv rGure.4
Pa Eexg
'slqod ulEur rFIA usqr .pt^od or uo$u5q.tduo IEF@8 IePIEI rPqr uo X.?q lIEl uer LrF dJEr[ms .qr or qqsrrs oa dtlr JI ss.r.qM 1ler5p Eoq srulod @E qsmtqrsrP or uaqr roj rFrglp eroE rt :Im ^ru rr {?tltms 5{r SuloP5DJ.q lrer+ uo suous$b [email protected] r.as@ sr@PnrsJI ,{4lrlrns e ?u-:+h u.qa [email protected] IEDD6 Jo s@er u supJu-rqr.q or sr@pn]s roJ r@uodutl sI rI rBrp I3.J.a esNr..I sr sqJ .qr arrclt\suE ,ropq drREims 5qr oP or p.p@@o3rr Tuo4slnb uoFcrPdum .I! srubpnrs g uog..s roJ @ 16ati^pe .{r u rel'l !1os nb nol ,l[r,Es o3{5 suoD.n4sr{ aqr tuIAoIIoJ Jo Ddld.rTr FoqSnNqr srnsrrodu {r.sq?ar osle pG DdBJ qstEoa Jo esn rq Jo V trotrr.S ut uorsqrJd@or €qps5JJo ssRuodo JIr .srF{ lsnu sru.Pus o} .DtlpE rsd s}Dprus rEtp slulod l@uodutl su.Bruor 66 J.ded rlsnaua Jo .sn I'@Dgord aqr Jo g UoTFS .Aed lo @Na 4@po worg.{I g soTrt'S 'rIJ Jo fbldIr eE P:ru3s.td ee,(.qr tp:qa r{ J.Pro.tp p@ suossnbJo.Idrs
66-86 dd {ooqesrno3 €L,LNN
uNr 14
I To give $udols p.acrie in lisrming for mooq ardrudes dd feelings in pteparatioD fb. fhe Lisroing ComprehdBion Paper. 2 To er"tdd students' acquinraDe widr fomal dd infoEul spokfl lansuee iD prepdation for ihe List€DiDg Compiehesion Paper. 3 To itr.roduce studots to ihe @D@pt of resisrers of lmguge in prepuatiotr for the Listonu Compiehdsion Pape!. 4 To prcvide srudors wirh practical tips ed advi@ on how ro hckle the Prcficiency Listening Complehmion Paper5 To expmd studdts' krowledgE of vocabulary omected to ihe topic of Zdr. Md Heabh.
Coursebook p 100 The aim of this exelcise is ro lead inro ihe topic of Leisure ed Healrh and atso to familieise studq.s with woiking with a chart o! grid. Classroom treatment
These dercises could be done in eithd of the fottowine
1 Srudois fild out about one dothert pastimes by asHDg oDe dother quBtions in pairs as iDdieted in rhe Courseb@k. Resdts could rhen be compiled on a ahart oD the blackboard. 2 Studflts cordd all move roud the classar the sme rime @ch intesiewing ar ieast five people, md then th$e fiDdiDgs could be pooled in gmeEl ctass.epolt
Exercise 3 Style of text. .onvmational
Tapescript Unit 14. L€isue md Healrh. Look at page 100, Exercise 3. L@k at the questioroaire ed Lisid. Yodl henr a md ed lion ! beiog intsiewed in the stleet. As you lisro to rheit mswe$, 6l in the qu€srio@irc with 'M' for the ru's eswers, V' for the moo's mwers. Ready? INI:IRVTESER:
I wonder il you md you wife woxld 4swd a questioMire . for m opinion poll that wc'ie doing on pastiEes fld teisue. Well, I donl know, [email protected]. Itt seitn4 vdy late, 44 Well, ifyou'd €tho nor . . . No, no, it's fiDe. You go ah@d. 100
L0t' ,oN 'aoN 'dlr@ roN A@uru$ttl E ,{BIdnod Jo r.Wa oP ascolr .nb tou drl@ aoH iaqrmrl s! sIqJ s]trosnE or 3u!o3 dq@ I qrcou e -@ rnoqe 'qo rmasNr rIFIIea rE @ or o:) a.r.
'usqrjo dcv ie,r.D 'oN '€^.s 'oN ilnl il5lle8 r.Jre3rp .tp or oo ar.llBq ro ebdo oc isftI.n! as.qr op nod op @rJo aoq 'ar{Ies $a I se fII.^ '&l.Fb I! rnq 'qa!r lle t. 'I.r( asdeqr.d suoplab 5{r qsFg fi]]Fb 5a PIn@ ien ssnte no,{ IIll[ 1EF roJ acl{]auos r.3 pft $Ir@q. rs5ft.s e{r or D? llrl3q P..a ]!ltp I ' IP Fnq 1upFoa 4 pFs nod lqanoqr I iarqd .
p@ uo ppq rsnl )a.rqr lmq r.uoa ]I rno rI ra8 pE dr ILI .adBs s.dssa v r! ss @ I ..Dqr augs sr .rJql ($I I " ')IooI 3 Eq €E re1 ios lqo " o .I IqP I iqtno Id uo Am$ @..l1sn( ' - iIr.D o1 oc asarqp .s.rF op nof op crJo aoq raoN le.a B .ruo sdEEIAs o5 oP 'qa]r s,eqsrs,I I rng leau I scrxrea lrp FoqY .sno. Jo e a.uo rou {IoBrJ.3 llpuor$Do rsnt ll"a sool E roJ 03 5a - tegroeS FI dBsEIq rE3q p.I rq8nor9 r. :u I i@^srq pooo 'asoddnslrqrsoue..oo 'loea stl]]lMAs E.ruo rnoq? {FA 3@t e rol o3 qroq.,{ pft (s{m4 I?Id r.coP I roN ol I}1,tI I rng 'AuJqr{@ ro 'F^.u rr8rp qrl ADqrou (oN (]Ioc (,{ouj noa is.Eea rooprno,tsld noI Jo DqrF oc asr-r@r .r,,{5qr ]u,t{r I €uo ^nq or qI p.I lng oN ilDII. x. rei(. ro.pb !1.u roN EI.A €q B roa 1.@ a35r@C is.@8 @P]A 'qnp .{r r3 uaop 'qruoE B ..uo sprr dqd I rng .Iqq8DS ro {Iodouow i Jo (spm dstd J.r. noI oC as@8 roopul FoqE aoH E .rr31 ro .roo uo orp€r .rp urn] D^. a@ I {uqr I
r or rF$II I pqE 1E316s({ Is,rqr llTrs I lu.r.!]p s,rnp aoN 'orpEr lng oo rnd r.q1 8qqrdJ.^. .u nod JI !q€l-l lF s,rl '.a r.uop :3u-@^. f€^5 troFr^q.r qr*a 3a 'qO aasroro
U N I T1 4 Uh-huh- Do eithd of you sing iD a choir? No. yoa go to the bsch oi a Lake? Do 'Well, ever once a yeai really. We always b|e a seasideholiday. Fine. How about going fishing or hmting? No. Ob I love fshiDg- I co lhiDk of nothing bettq thar sifting or a river balk in the pouing rain . . . Georye! Dd1 rake dy norie of him. No- Do you go cycling, climbiDg or m'.thiDg? NoDo efthq ofyou p.idt? No. ADd how muy more questions? Only one or two. Do you anend a club of ey kiDd? Yes, a social club twi@ a week. I go to an aDtiquesclub once a month. And ihe last question . . . Do you heb othd p@ple? You krcw, lhe eldetly, ihe disabled...? Ivell, neirher of us does at rhe moment, bur I've jusr put my l]me dom to help at an Old People's Club . . . I didnl kno$/ ant'thing abour that! You might hav€ toLi me! Anymy, let's get ro rhat chdisr" md ger someihilg . . . Er, thank you voy much! To lisro ro tbe i.rsviry
a8.in, rRind tbe .ape.
EvEy day Every day Play iadoor games Play video games Play outdoor
galery, Play an instn]ment
SinC Go to the beach, etc. Go fishilg, etc.
Help othtr people
Once or twice a wek
'1q5Ig jnlelns 'aoDl .rEq $nE .H taopulA elP .sol. .sEaldnol plnod\ iliE rE ,{@tr'Js!1€\'1lrqlr 1,trop I i.u plo?.r!q rqsE nol 'Ille.r 'dEA !rPI: nrroa r.uop I ' .lS (url{ Jo uos rElF elII nolJr'.soddns I !qi! ll3 s.rl 'AIS '''aoulr,oopI'iIl.al InJ\P srool rPrlJ iq6nrl qoH i4n^
is@^r.q PooD
\P't 4d1p :xo'rnl @tu'r u') ":#J.": (zrs'rfl{?")
'8-I 'uaop uJnlra :^.noI sr.qdnu Jqr rsuE8ep'ss'rdr' '@lsl no^ 3u!.q $ lutq! no.{ iut{..J ro poou iqr uaoP 31!a sY IIInJ.rEr d.1q pm s:aoq elp ur s.ruar@s :w r3 >loo-I 'r rsl.r.xg 'lol rsEd 1! loo_I
'!ot1?oorur liaDoJ :ql qrra r.ql rEad.r or .{l1 p@ !l€3? so.u.lGs iqr or !4sII ppor 'j'5rp 'srrrrx' .!F p.r:laluo. .^eq sl@pn]s r.rJV su.lqord alp P.sne. rErP sr'cru's Jo Ls (s.llnc$Ip 8uu€rl.q or r€'ddt $u'p$s 1er{rr.UE ,(I.1€Ip.udt .dBr .I! deld.r or ,p@ 's.ru.1Fs Jo r.s rGlnllp qre. u..ar.q .dEr .I! p:sNd IJq ar 'qr Jr Ir d! srras@ rtrl{r 'rRduo' InJdteq .q plnoa rI .Ioqd e ss dnori :tp LIrh !.rp snBd u.rp lsrg qlmphlpul )sEr srql op pForls slEpnrs rutBr?eq uoo$selJ 'q:rEm..! tropEuoru' suJnEd Ir*!ll@J P@ r'ntlrd IEr:u.s .sF8or.r or alqe .q or .Eo. .(OIJInbsru5pnrs q1t6 puB tur.r]ed uolleuolr{ Jo ssutut.u .q] uJ suoD.ullslp auu ro IEnsnm IJru.pr or sr@Pnrs .nnb.r 01 pu.I{ rcu siop .rmlpuds suo$m@xg '8Puqu?:) s'r@N .qI u.rreat uoDEuorutrlp r sr8@qc rrFIF .roJ.r.rp p@ 8q@ru Jo(sd'11ed lqs$ .rto^sl @r s.pnr!r? ro sdollEnrn rP"ds B s'ru'rtglp r]Brls sB uollEuor!+ qrlqa Iq p.Iueduo]l€ .! [email protected] p@ spoou rsqa ]noqs s'ld lsEJ sI 1I Suqsg lnoqs sIFl .q @rIA 3^oqE'd?1:r[r p@ pnl. I' 01rlil.slP II.@In uo ftu iqr 'i.tdmb roJ !s? tproa .w or auuelu rEr.Jlp E s. € r€w uolltuolm p@rs$pun or s:s€. .Eos u! p@ '(uoEeuols . t pcs sI rr m''l 1nq pEs sl p,'@ IFo sao{e.J PsE sepnrFr€ o1.^?q lra I.qr sqr op or ?lq! .q oI TSulla'l ro s'Pn4re tpoou 1ou pe$!p@ 'Dd!d uols@r{irduol 3um$t1 alp ul .pooE roJ EE.EolsI'I ,sDj".ds iJlru.pt o1 poisE.q Ieu sru.Pnls
I0I d {ooqesrnoc iL llNn
UNIT -14 Opera?Ob. I /dr. opffa. I cm r ger oougb of i'. Now check your eswers with the rest of the class. r you ned io listd again, rewind rhe rape.
r su4'.ise; 2 enthuiasm; 3 pain; 4 dissustj 5 apprehosion/woffyj 7 dser/moydce/diepprcva! 8 irony/srqs
6 boiedomj
woMAN: woM,rN: rnroR: rNrrR.: woMAN: woMAN: rNr!R.:
I-ook at page 101, Extrise 2. Listen to these brief qtrers from ihe iotefliew with the Ir@ md woDe aeain dd mwer the four multipte-choice quesrions. Ready? One. On, we e€tch relevision evely evoing, doD,t we, ceorge? I(€ tove itl It\ aU iight if you like every-thinerhey put on. But radio. Now thaCs differetrt I sdll rhink itt grear and I listfl m ir every day in the m. Two. Oh, tro! If,t me have a took. pheew! Yes, rhoe is a stins rhde- I @ seeir. Tlliee. Fine. How abour going tuhing or huting? No. Ob I love fishine. I cd ftiDk of noihing bettq rhm sifting on a river banl in r.hepouinS raiD . . . c€olgel For. Do eiiher ofyou painr? No. And how Doy more quetions? Oily one or two. Now rewind rhe rape, lisro again and ch€ck you arsweE.
Coursebook p 102 Resister: for@l od tnforEal
Register is a tem which is used in linsuistics ro idd to two differor ldguge phooEfla Ir @ be used tusrly ro refer to the degaeeof fo@ality of luguage, dd \trondb ro rds lo tnal lusuase wbicn is dsriDclive ofr paJtioLar use. For e:mple, qany vocabdaiy nems m peculid to sciotifc English. Scifltidc EDgtish also has a paticule sryle ard makes a high dre of rlF passivevoice. Advenisirg laaguage otr the orher haDd rEk6 g1at !3e ol imperarives altd supqlatives. On rhesetm pases of the C-urseboot sftdenrs will meet boih ules of the rem /ss,sref a the! Deedro bolh rrcosni,e ed produr dfltrdr levelr of iormaliry ir spoko ldguage ed to be able to associatepalticular lineuistic terms wirh pericdd speaters dd senings. Style oftext.
diiecr, bdsk
EOL r{?:ssoDrmluotr Jqr :33m3uq x.lduo. rrou r€qr puE s.ru.r@s elp lo qfu.I uopnnsuor tn? t.3!1rbtd 4 taalooga ,t"'ro,V u1 t81luorrunn. :[t InqE]o^ It@oJ a1tu. oqoolt,41 tssatq31 'rnoqsnorqr flnJ Pisn .rE .selp lsurol I3.IrBIl]@$ :Pulal .reas@
'dop sDAs@ rr.qr allra o1 uoorsselc srFpnrs aol? o1:d€1.rp .snEd or p..u IIra notr ruauree4
€ esltrtxa
'p@IrJ R or tqD?qr Ilq€qord $.qs srs.88ns sIIEl .qs IEA rrlr rErF r'1..m @uoa .ql rnoqE soDE@olul of i^€q .a sE r.qa iql lo IlqedloJlrl '.ru.rptu @ or smIEr .Intg {Llnd Jo PUDI a@os ftqEqord sr uru .qJ IIFuroJut sreasEe pers.aans P@ sr.a6uv @uoa .rF p@ IuEdroJ slerds @u.r{I 'r.rpo .rp @q1 :)I?u q.Iqa s.nrB.J .!F Jo ruos rno I.rd put ImroJ .rou.uo (3der iI! pua.r aoN dIInJrrE. .rou .Fq e uEsR u.qr [email protected] \.troler rrcu dn sunq lt .sm.iq noi roJ poo€ s.*rp p@ 'mr non uaqa dn sp:.ds uqloq?r.u rnoi rrr{r sr lose.r .rF dp@rRddE !tl.}\ 'Iroa r.us.op }I I8s srGdr. 3!!.!p Jqr IIB dpo.lBddv rq6l.a rsol nol sdl:q.slrr.x3 Iqa oru IooI 01 de8.q .q o.rIJ p.r@a .I{ r8qa {uup puE sul'mr lura.q sE Suol s! 1?qr lno pmoJ lea pFo. iq .H p.Iroa "{tEF8.r r Puv 'ddop lqar.a snl d.a] or ?dl66ol dn )ioor .q roJ prFrp p,oqa @u E d.q1 rng lrFr.a ,{@ rsol r.^.u lnq \E.l
rq searlauns.r.$
&.^ seal€lp ^Ep!r{ro .r{1.rrF" * l:Tj
riuolE. .rou unq snql noI [email protected] rqoqEr:u .q] s.stiDul '.sFDx.Jo s.dl1$rpo Brrr.l (uosB.r .qJ. rlh r.!p.8or €ut@nr rEqr sI '@q or supror.? -.^rlr.s. rq or @.s PFoa flgJElD. rsou rI ..qfrd dtlu:Dxi trIrlnJErEd 31ou u r.I pds i1q3ba Susot Jo ,{EA .^D..J. o1 piEo.s qrqa sI Jsbrr:. rdrolql u rplBs rq sv 6q.srdins or p3rsrs .r{ wlF rnq rsmlrlp trq rq8r.a ssol lq€raa ilF .r€iqs.^u .sot or.IqEm 3u!.q IIIE.ISEqJo rlns.r i s€ sulNnr dn u.)tEr p?q sEA rEq4I Su]lEurunN .rI rErp IIuo 1ou sea 1u!F I r5lssrr.lul ^q iplus .r[ pqoJ .so!$ rnoq€ uo@ec l.lg@5
lsou I '.so -suos!.r .^6 lsnu c,lP6)I noi -F..ds IE@oJq qJlqa pc lturol susn sr q.qd,tus puE qrE. or GlsI'I I 3sI.D:g nl !I]9r€ 3L! rnoqB .sli .uo.uos sqlFr aldo.d oA1reJq or Surot .r.nol Z:slilxA rZ0I .3€d rE foo-I
ldlr sedeJ E '$.35ns [email protected] s.utt .qr auolEpEoqltrllq.qr uo lirE@s srp .rrn pinot FqrB .rF Pw 'qs!i3ua IB@oJur P@ FuroJ Jo s.m]".J .\'1 ssEtr E sElt€r.r puE .srrElllrms 013u$r1 nq ro '/ ruo o] trEq 8uu.J.r ,rq rnua srp op plnor nrql .sDr.r. sql 6urop aroJ.q e?"n'uel oI irllE@oJ Jo s..$ap rnoq! aoul IPEarlE,{.LprEqa.sl^.r PIno. sro.prus rueureorl Eoor.selc
z espr.rg
T3IroIE..rou unq noI [email protected] qrrqa '.]er rIoqEr.E rnol dn sPJids rr .sn€r.g raas@ p.r$aans ':Ii s,r.pEar eqr qirt. 01 sJurzEsB@ s$dedsa.u !r p.sn I'ue 6rJo uou@rnor lulrd B $ srlp r, s.(€psullirp IW Nl, sl€lldb Jo .sn :q,L g N
tL lNn
UNIT14 - sho.tercd fons: doav"; rrar'r - simple verb cotrstiuctiotrs: ub) etercisehelpstau bse @eieht the netobolisn lpee^ up - phnsal vdbs: ,ooA@; /aMd dttt spee^ pt buffi tp; looh into - info@l vocabulary: tlats eoodJor rou eeteral eocabilary: w*ed\ eood simple sentences:ihese are ured thftughout - sinple conjn iots: butt the4 because
Coursebook p 103 'prof€ssioml
Register: 1,€rtedes' Exercise 1 Possible mswers r Sone wmd de taking pdt iD some kid of ellr@stics class. Beeuse dey're all dressedfor spon and are in some kitrd of gyD. 2 That ihe woman in the foregroud is the iGtflcto. of the class, md rhar rlle womo de ihere to lose weight. Pouds m@s moDey (d) ro Cindy dd weighr (1bs)m rhe p@ple in the clas. Exercise 2
Style oftext
This vdies liith the difierent speale$.
Register This .oo vdies from one speakerio the nqt.
Tapescript Look ar paee 103, Erdise 2. You're going to hed people from diffeEqt professioDstail.jtrg abour rhe boom in rhe 'Keep-Fi.' iadustry. As you listfl, put the Dubd of the speakeragainst the prof€ssion. Ready? ODe. I s$pecr that it's already fai.ly cor$rnon p*ctice for pople going aldg to adobics dd keep-fit cla$es ard su.blike to sien somethiDgsaying that the orgDisds wil nol be liable for ddage fo! permoflt hjury, etc. But wherher sui:h docmeits are legdly binding on either palry has yet to be seo. The.e is already oDe casegoing rbroueh the @urts aow of a Didde-aged Ir@ who etrolled iD such a @use ed ir$ered e l'earr ar'acl duing tbe EFr sesiob. He didtr't die. bul h.s bq ili since. sd he md his wife are claimiDg agaiDstthe sch@l . . . Vhat I fnd so interesting ie this sudde suge ir the past few yers for p@ple m people of all ases,from . . . wel1, I meM, aftd school-l@ving age . , . ftom 20 to 80 to keep fit. Mole md mole people de going joggin& swiming .egularly, taking up tmis, aDd so or Aad u rcwhde is this more notlceable than in the trwbqs of maidy womfl going io k€ep-fit or adobics classes-Ciady Gilben's grw ftom one small class of twelve to classs, foi Mple, a staggdnrs 7,000 pdticipDts id 70-odd halls iD md _ around LondoD. This is a cled esmple of a majoi chmse ii society itsef, ed is worthy of srudy to try ro mwer questions like ft society coming to te.rN wilh increased lebu!€ tiDe? Oi is ahis perhaps onty a stege tmporary Three.
t0L 'xitduoD .nst{ :qr piFq or s.qsra oqd uEusauNnq .q1 (p !.rs .u€s sli'r uo E@uIr E pllnq or s.qsh otia ueuss.Esnq ! (tr tuaor q x.tduol .nsF-I IIuo a(F sEdo lpetlE oqa @uss.u$nq (q " poos I@ r.usErlrelF @.1 s ods € Jo .^nEru.s:rd.r .qr (e !u.s.rd 1?SaFIITJEJ :satorSuraoIol iqr Jo .!o @qr Jo qtEJ rolls p@ t Jo sdnors o1u sr@pn$ .pl^lc I rueErEsrr doorssap 'radEd arl rarq .l! lo u€d PnLp .r]] E illd .lor E u! uEd .]!1 01 :^q IEU sru.pnrs 'sdnor€@!p srPd ul sriasue !.!p.Ieddo. pFo. sruiPnrs € 's.roo rbqr oIEu ol .ua sru.pnrs.lp.^Ia or uJ>lodsslq .r!d1., qJer lrJR .dEr :tp .smd z lersli.r ]o suPuPrsr.p@ Il.!F .llplosuor @. n !p ]!qr os sproa lecrddr eqos uaop Jlou or @qr ls€ ]snl uoDErIp € rou sI sqJ dop .uo qrEi 3rou or sru.PEs lse ro rr.dx. rou oCI 'uoNs.Jord pft sproa [email protected]€ .r.qJ i p.*l.r slqr lrl suons.rd'. rpF or rfrr\. rutul€orr uoolssen
d€Id .Ioll
€ .sl.r.xa
$u@td tuor 9 irotl:suno. suE 5 iror.op i :ueussiulsnq t trsriolo'rosZ lr.daq I s$asEv rF$ uolrrJ@or ur .sn sr.rjEds .rF qrlqa suo6s.rd:. P@ sproa uaop .rou pw utes€u.lsJl i.d8r Ip pura.r aoN 't islJlxa
it0t !?ed
' ' ' aou uoJJ P.ur€.I .^Er{ .tqEI.] .uos .p€u srosi..p.rd .a .doq I q.tqa t.Ilrsru IW do os pue '€cdBrsp@t 's.x.tduoi sxodsJo uonr^ord or 8q^eq .rp - s.E]mm rnoqt Jrou Ie.p rE.r€ B TTI aou .ft .d rnq 'uo os p@ s.rErs. susnoq Jo rEudol.^ap (splor qr$ p:ur.Juo. .rou u..q .^!rt iqr tIEd ptnoa uoDrsod Iu ur oosrrd E '068 sr.,l I@u os 1oN
:naNNvaa N-4aol
'uo@or u tltq}3uos .^€q [e FIIBq p@ sr]rs?uu.{6trtqorir !g-d..)i rnq 'rsnu p@ Eldo (Fttaq rpla sI u.Juor uao Iu '{.{tsnouqo 'IrN rr.dor{ !sR.I rv r.uPq u! rs.r:lul praau.r I e u p.1.Jg.r .q or u8:q uoos$nd s]rp puv .(FnoM Jrrnb s.rrsEtuIa dn aUDItl3ldo.d 5mo{to r.qunu:rp uI .srr E u..q oEE s,Jraqr oor r.tuoJ r.ursnd .a t.Iqor.E PUE rg-d:.I u rs.r.rB p.a.u.r € rnoqe 8rryrEl .r,.4 .Iq, ' ' ' qrn IE.P or ssul! .IdEn .e .s.ql F lnq r.{l aq'rp@ s.flu? p.lerds t.psnu PrlFd Lpd .u 01>l.eq.uor @ll .uos r.sno. Jo .Ious l.qr 'suDlous dorsor Ilr p@ toqortEuo Mop rq?r rnl uo I os p@ rm{ r.8Eq8nort.tqeF3.^Jo {r!.td Flp p.!?^ pooS! rtllA ratp .ru€[email protected]:'. :!ou ria or Ir d.lp *q1 os raJIIJo IEi! rt.q1 ul ra@q. B $ @rJo sF:n€d or pu.llruorJr I rlqrrN 3u!.Ip Jo Jle.o^pE @ JI.sId lou u3 I ' ' ' srnunuoJrr.doq rsnl.l(
qrld dn d..t .{Ipftq @. .a p@ [email protected] rg-drJ)i .ql ur uooq E $ ar.!F r@uou rrlr ]v .roJ.q roJ r@ud,nb: Plq .!! uttF lers 3rou uo uolEr :^eq puE lolcnpord srqr rol p.sB.r.ut llPnl.e a^eq .a l?rp ]@.u seri F)ru :rpord aou aa s.qrottr Pue 1,1 'r€:6 IElJads .r{J rg-d:.I 'g?rs a.u siqr sta .!I! p@ uods 4 $.r:rulJo.^ea l'lun rno ).Eq ln. or 3!J eq Jo DA@p u .r.a :d p@ 'iulp.p :r.a sr.npord €urpR.t rno Jo oar oI 3uO u fluEusr
tL ltNn
U N I T1 4 2 Discuss wirh rhe class as s whole the facilitics already available in rheir town, and who world benefit flom such a club, md whar inconvdiencesj if my, ir could bring. You may evo wei ro plopose an *act site where rhc Leisure Complex would be builr. 3 Explain ro sludols who the four participanrs iD each sroup are. 4 Studflts prepalc rhcii esmenrs individually or in groups of parricular businesMmj sportstem rcplesorarivesrerc. 5 Rcvise r,\e ldguage of asreeing, disagrccing, giving opinions, interruprns, eG. 6 Put studente into groups cach conraining rhe four difierent roles. 7 The role play takes placc_ 8 Repon brck qch group rells rhe class rhe conclusions they have reachcd.
Coursebook pp 10ut-105 Exam guidance
Classroom trearEent I Srudenrscoverthe answenand explanarioDs ofanswersfor ?an 1. 2 Srudenrsdo Pln I ofrhe rest. 3 Students compde and discus rheir mswes. 4 Students rcad the mswen and Expl@rions of mswers5 Follow the sme procedure for Pdt 2 of the t€st.
LE Tapescript Unit 14. Exu guidmceLook at page 104. Qucstions 1-10- You're going ro hed part of a talk aqd will have to tick wherhei rhc sraremdrs de lrue or false. Bur first, read drough the rm True/Falsc stareoors Now listen to the talk dd tick whether the starflenrs are nuc or false, according to what you hed. Rady? WOMANVIOLIN Ladies and gcDd@o, and pedculdly children: welcohe. I'm thrilled to see so mmy of you hde this aftemoon, and siDcerelyhopc that, when I've rold you abourthe classes md the m€thod, mmy of you childis will wdt ro begin as soon ,r you can. As you are aware, we at this school teach ihe violin through thc sysrem made famous by Dr Suuki. It's a systd based on a belief that there is no such thiDg as inbom talmt, blt that inst€d every child is capable of becomingd accomplished violinist and nusicim. Dr Suhki believes that talent is a matter of trainins - ud training ftom as early a aee as possible. (A ]itde late! you'U acruallyhear someofour 5 dd 6 yer olds playing for you. I rbint< yor'll be more thd a lirde suryrised.) It daMcd or Dr Suzlti mdy ycars ago thal children everyavhereledn to speal by the most lltural md instincrive of methods nmely by lisrening to othds, listoing ro rhe same words md *prsions over dd over asai& all day, evdy day, from birrh, mril they besin to acquile aDd use the luguage thmsclves. Hc reasoacd rhat by applyins this natuial 'leamins method' to other subjects, lny child\ potential colld bc developed to a high standard of ability. Ard he begu by applyinc it to leai Dg ro play the violin, d insrmenr at which he himsell is a master. Bul mough of the 'historr' lesson-You wer to know what we do. Very youns children besiD by joiniag in gamcs in which they're giveq toy violins md sticks for bows. Whar is important here is that they lea.n the colrect violin-
l,uoP I 3s.rp Jo .uos roJ aoIIE r.upp L^ms eqr sdeqD.I ruo os pc o@rd .qt p.dBld to €uDI-tDI anod r.uplnoa a^?q plnod noI 'sI PrP !!uoa Jo rol e re$ q€norp '.Eorl 1" r{qqoqJo puH.@s op DEoa ll, Jo %€ qlo dFu.$dd8 Nrp st 6uDseDrB rou s.rlrlA puv %8 l{Iuo si.roo rol rellEus ue^. s,affig .lup{rg eqr p@ '.@oq lE Llqor{ aEos op lftudqd@ 'oN B usur Jo %tI fluo sEsualns almb s|qr p@oJ I p@ aclndod &.^ rou s.Iqqoq.rY sEoq rE s.Iqqoq 5 eqIrng IIe^ ^lsnol qo u.I iiDpre6,{E r.t o5 D^.c I qsll8ua-m '8rl@Pft8 oP r@udoldtits .rql{nJ ur q.d Jo %09 11s{tra &. ,lFnonqo .rFb oochll5r or ^rrreFdod tq rso 3r st{l PFltsunsrDrcl $doJ o!pe- rtll or 8(rcr3n {dBrlJ.d fFo'3lr&ns rou'llrr$ iop ea oP .sl5 lEql[ sors .i.r Iw B P. no eq r,qoa sutqcr8A-.rror€ord pw'r.s uol\r^5l 4rql uo soru apt\ q1rd dlq€qord aou ,{uEurse $nr .srnor lo IIea r€ rnq 'qq6soo s
aqr uotsrGl.r ar{qi1d
bqro Pue 's.pl il'! Sruods t.FI^D.E p.seq-5Eoq :e.qr (rtFsrld .^Ir"[email protected] oru sEus?d .ph[p sriF .l!l sL^ms ,{u3rd IIrs tE s.ln-ag rp '@qr .ru!s APqndod r{ pas!.DDr .^eq hI PrE rnsr.I Jo s@oJ 3d6 qsnorFlE reqr (o3Beug.u6 [email protected] ri doq I '!Il.l( /16l uI +qrp I rnq rno psEEr ,{.ms e uo{I coDlmolu dE aorxElE,Iq'[.la .a 1Ep salugf smslal ctnooo $ou oqr ai ied\:ni 'os es5n5 Dqro no Jo 5uos B awq lI.34 @qI Jo rsg 'srnag .sott Jo suorrDldm .rF lo sEos s$Ds]p or @qr p@ 'noI rph .^Bq no,{ ."^ool I rprqh ($mag p@ sr.BJ .uG l? IooI ()1sI lsrg op or rqsno .a r?qa sdeq$d 'aoN '!r!q 5q or .rld s rl no^ {wqa 'e@r3ord .qr or [email protected] '.@J rsnslfrol ? '.r!q,4d .@I sI rs.ni rsrg rno p@ 'qelJlg 1e.ro q seu^Pre .rnslal r! lool 0136oa €J..4 'A.I.os, eplr.tF Dp@ s.d@l6ord Jo s.tDs dDlaea no q prr-F aql rdepol i,{pFN uoD?@olB Aulssm .qr tuop .rld m uI Ilg p@ a.w.ru! tp or @rsl aoN +.I$r .rF dpnrs 1slg rng .Iq8r .rF ut g or 3^Eq IIA pG eN.rE 6 uoE!@olu 3ussM.$ oip?r e r.q or iutos.r.no tZ II suorrsenb z *Ed '.de1.qr pu.a.r aoN -sas@ mo,{ >Ir.q3 P@ u.e3? @rql .r'.J os pEs .^,I reqa FoqE t Bq fN nol suolrs.nb ,{ue .E {$ or nod aotF or .med I.t os 5ftuou rqr roJ q?nou. pIBs. .1rerF P.J I qarl 01@ no,{ [e oP rsnu sr@4d nort 'p@ rs.E.n tle 1".b^.sFd rsnu dt{r rnq 'dqd or aol@el mbd u.tPlqr lEqr p@ $Iroa Jo rno rl.ddo!@ es@udt rq.lnlosqB .c al[ porFlu s.Dnl S rc 1ao p.ruuor 'pe4e E.I ',qp.rftq-Jleq slqr orr! oa 1.@. no sleed p@ @Ipuili 1le nod rcJ tqluna Jo ptoa v 5tr96d.J p@ 3qu51q rtP@rsqooIq s...rd .Idqs dqd or 'sorss.s 'enuruor u.qr daqJ .?ers .ql Fnpr^rpul pc dnod q {}oq Jo .ulnbtF ,rs!q .$ lq8nRr osIR.re pE .nrsod tu:&Id 'L INN
U N I T1 4 Hoserer, shat about sports? \vell, again,few surprises,I think. Outdoor spofis are the most populd wirh 52oloof men in tuI1-time employment taking pan in someoutdoor spori or orhei. Whar abour orher men? Tbe figlrc is Lowcilhcrcr onb 3591. Over 159i,loqer, jn lact. Now, you've usedthe phrase 'men in fuil dme employmenf a nmbei of dmes.How significdr is this whcn talking about leisure? Well, it\ b economicrhing. While mey ofthe oders may only be in pet tlme mpio_\rmenior be unemployed,and thereforehavemore leisurciimc ro flil, n's ofte! a question ofmoney. You see,389,0ofmen in iull-limc cmployment do somesort olindoor sp(rt comparedwith only 121r;of oiher men- You've sot to remembert\at a lot of rndoor Camcs- badmintonand so on cosrmoncy: kitr hiring the courtj and so lorth . . . Yes, I can scc!hat. But !o iinish rhis pa.t,I'ou said rhere was a third categoryof leisurea.tivities. Yes, just ftose activitiesother rhan home basedor sporrs. And the most popular thefe is . . . ? Oh, by a long way, going out for a meal or a drlnk. And is there this sort of diflerence again? I mean, Lhe diilerence *€ were talking rbout r moment ago? Cerrainly. Wheras for those in futl time employment rhe f,guresarc 78% mcn dd ?41,o\comen,rhe fisuies for 1 supposerhe diference is probablymd going out for a daink aloneor with their mates? I donl know, but I sDspeciso. Oh, by the way, I also suspect that the figures (nen dd women) mlght be closer now th& who L\is surley was done. Jusr one lasr quesrion.Did dything surpriscyou about 'Well, yes, ed it also saddenedme. The nmbei of peoplc goiDgoD 'Visirs ro rhe countrrsjdc'was surprisinglylow, I thoughl. Only 8-109i of all peoplcsaring that thev went on a r h r t t o t i ( L o u n . r l . i . t cl.- . a . h a m e ,d o n ! j o J . l i n t . when we have such beautiful countrvside in Britain? , u r n e x rs u c , ru i l l a d d h i Ye.. I do.BJ. perhapo commen.sro rhosewe've alreadymade . . . Now rewind the tape,listen againand .heck your answers.
Coursebook pp 106-107 Classloom I 2 3 4
Students cove! the answcs od E:planations of answels fo. Pa.t L Students do the test. Srudents .ompdre md disdss their dswes. Siudents rcad the dswers dd Erpldations ofhswers.
lEl Tapescript Parr I Quesrions25-29. Readthe five multiple-choiceitems carefully and then listen to a telephone conversation betwed a ma dd a wome. But lirt readthe itcms,* Now lisro and mswd ihe muldplc-choicc itcms. Readr?
so^Psueqr rsaS8ns,tPrlrtR @tr *u.Prus .q] s.Ft .tF ]o I@u aoq ,.s tr@pnrs .qr qrlr r.^o s.Fu @ploc @I aqr 8ulp!.r .roJ.g lE dreall Eoorssa[S
.tI^Pa E€xa
'tI llun Jo pm rqr s.rEqrpoY r , . a s o e , r o { t r . q . f @ u , P 8 FD . s , t J d a r ' I p u t q s r { o \ noI roJ no^ IUH{I .r.qr rr :^e.t liueqs IIUIETD. I ( .A 'r.rPrJ d@ ranEu srqr ansmd or rou no{ .sr^pB IIra rorplos E I..J I rnq (F@DIS srw !g lulp noI .t op no^ ! rFsuor 01.^"q IPqs I pEr]t u,I ..ser 1eqruritit(\ ftt]Ilou s.aDrt prR{]Eu.I p@ (hoq uonEnrn .!F rou s,1!rF ' rng -97lo :.J ..ruElru., .Lp sn .ao ItPs pinoa no,{ Pr, - uos.t rElF roJ sn .ao dtlEu.r pFoa nof ...EId $rg:qr uI '.tdurs relp :rnb rou s.1l'ou ,IpA r.smo. .qr roJ s..J .qr roJ ru )isE ilno p.ddorp .^,I ..uF 01 :tq? eq aoo l,uplnoa nol
rlus?a \.ssep €rl@re .rP Jo rno dorP 01 3^€q ILnoI 1E!p rcBJ s.,{ rqv .qr rnoqE sEA rI F@DIS srw 'r!qu:u.r I t.I {..a
B r.^o noI 01.1oia I p@ rr@IS sr!{ s..@u dw inod roJ oP I m 1€q,d suDIEidS '.sB.Id tr@I rw or l?rds o1:TI p,I ta^ inod dl.q I IIeC qnl:) [email protected]
uNr 1 5 *pect, of Education PAPIR5: INTERVIEW Aims of the Uait
1 l o lamiliarisestuddts turths widl rhc stylc of questionsmd photos t'\ar appcar in the InteFiew Paper. 2 To provide furL\ei praclicc in dcalingrvidl passages. 3 To familiariscstudentswith the contdt, lmglage aDdprocedurescomected with .ole play, etcthe rhild parr of the lnteniew Paper,i.e. ropics,discusslons, practicai provide hos to rackle L\e 4 l_o studdts wirh dps and advice on PrcficiencyIntertlew Paper. 'lo 5 expandstudents'knowledgeof vocabularycouected to Lhetopic ofl$r./s o/ Edu.at;a".
Coursebook pp 108-109 Exeicisc I
As in pre{ious Uni6, this should be regdded as a warm-up phasemd should therefore not take up roo much time. Students wiil apprcciarc however thdt this is a lopic which is likely to comeup in thc PloficiencyIntertiew ed that thn discussionphasecould provideihcm with valuablepracdce.
Exercise 2 Follow Lheproccdu.essusgestedfor similar acrivitiesh Units 5 dd l0 of the Courscbook.
Dealing SuggestedAnswers with Passagea) (Slishtly) forml, probablywitten languaee,lo$iblv an extractfrom passages a book or article. Co,1fu t ard dtru\i.n: opinionson the three distincrivefeatuics of rhe Biiiish cducarionalsystemjdesdibing the schoolsystemln owD countryi discussinsthc ideal schoolsysrem. Passageb): Neutraljinfonnal language,vcrr prcbably spokenlanclase (useof shorrfoims ..lrr',j aralt, and probably spokenb! a studenrduriog convesatnn wlrh fticnds/re1'tives.Conmenta|.l dtscusi.n:oplnlonson wbat rhe siudentsaidj cxllaining why studentsmighr feel likc rhisi discusslnghow.his kind of attitude cu bc ovcrcomeor atoidedPassase c): Fomai, writien languase,probablyan exrractfrom a newspapeiarticLc or from a letrei to a scriousnewspaper.Cdrlrert a"l d?t.,sto,r ialNiogabout one s own expericoccof CALLj discu$ine ihe valueof compures in lcaDing and q'herhei they co or should replace Ll1eteacher.
aLl ro pwlsr:pun,itFl op sru.pnrs.sne.Jq rurrxa 35rt E or rnoqEs.uo. rou ..tor p.tr36sE@ qrra uo,rhgau:p, Jo )tr€tJo . r u.tqord puo..s .qI sruJmsE luJm. s$rdxa [email protected]!{s or [email protected] IIdUB )lsE}Jo purl sIqJ 5.llr1 uoqrrcduo. Iq p.rrnb.r s:dD.uos sr sE'(art^ Jo rurod leqr @o{ Sussnrsry p@ ra.tr Jo rurod s.uos.d rettuued e uoq Adrq1.uosauD.s ntd@s rnq r5!D.! :rro^q 1ous.op .re.Ipds suol]euruElg rsprrquel .rp Iq ps8Rsrru.sEneld trtor r,{Irsrldip.lulBr {I.r!u!€.t .q @r srR.J.s.!F lFog p.nBrssxeE &qr :tor rqr rlh au{Jr@pr q drtn.grlp ?utrEq p@ !8qrrp ro €uErp LFra Ietd .tor sunBI.o$E :uorrEJurm o,q] or.np.q u?l .r!.r9.r srqJ letd.lorlo Irtu u.Io.rt sr@pnrs 5 .spbxg 'srrEd!r sqr oP nEr slmPrirs t .qtlexa -.fEp.!pJo oriq.!F aoA, t,uollq rJ sr!.qlr olrqug, :Jea-Jo-5ruut i.Irqlooc. :.q rqsu (paet:r liflern€uiqr ro!) s.rtpEaq .rErdd r.qro Z .srrr.xa roJ pur >iooqasnoCaqr u p.rs.58ns sV € .sItJ.xA 'rr. aIPss.J.u qol E sI JsEnrC !,(Dunor .!p ur 3E^n ^ uaor .I! u! am^r-I A J srrdor rrlo snrsrp ,{tq6sodp@ s.tor .luEq. @rp @. sr@pnrs -riur@xr Jo reql r.qro .qr pur .rtp'put. lo stor .qr uo iuDFr r!.pnrs .uo qrra 'IooqJsrnol Jql u.r p.rsr36ns sv
z eqrr.xa
rg Jis ,{.q1 se rr: 'uoq€rgltdu.x. ro uotlrrll,rep rot Ise (:r,nbu: !dn!.rq .u.rsq sralpo aqJ pr^rJ..r.rdor Jrp uo se.pr qq lnoq€ dnors srq ur f:Lpo .rF or sjter dnor€ qJe. u ru.pnrs q.Eg 'uo s.rou.t"u p@ Jrd.rd or scrdor sururEu.r .q1lo .uo ql!. u.!p .^r? puE noJ Jo sdnod oru sruJprusJpr^r(I t '.rdor srF uo .Iortd e sBssE. iqr or orru !I ]e.ds 01 eu.pnrs t ro Z lsv z '.uor1?.np. ,{tre.,{ulo s.rJou.W,-. r.rdor rsII.rP uo sarou.f8u or rurpnrs qrF IsV I '5 pur s.srrr.trq uo puoi.s .ql t ur puE g-I s.srJr.xg uo uoss.t rsIlr.rp u amr€4u.ruor '.suoss.toar $^o r:de.I .ql Jo utd P{I! slqr rol uoDtrdird .qlpe.rds noI $.tins .a 's.u E.E Jo spuDras.rF Iie ur Jru.rr.dr. uea or s}@pnrsIIEroJ E.pr poo5 B $ I sv rseure.rr Eoorsse0 '!o,]!uruEx. .!]l r s.rou .lDu or a@D uJ^ra .q .{Eu ro,{€u s.leplpuq) .g.N lou 'a.r^r.ru dno$ E IllErgr.rds sr I II :3€d uo S .sirr.tr.,rsE.r.qa (sa.ur.rq dnors ro .uo or .uo r.!Fr. IoJ IeIlJrtE rp!^ord pFo. I l I 1)t I s.AEduo t-I s.snrexg lorm s a.r^r.tur Jo puDI l.rlrr JIpGTI or prrEdird :'t plnoqs sru.pnrs .uF v aaehr.rur dno$ .^to^u] qJlqri sr.qro pG FuruE$ .qr qrB sa:r^Frur .uo-or .uo .^to^m qlija 'aarNrrul rrp Jo ouos Jo uEd prJlp.ql !,.sn or Gu,@x. IEro.qr roJ wr.r!@ Jo lr.rr^ e s.ruor uolrEu-roEh spu.s :rErpuIs suooEur@:g .nprq@c .r[ Frot -u.qr:ro IIa ur.rqrerd:^eq osl" p@ a.r^Frul.Lplo uEd srF ur r.au ,{pu .{aqr qser Jo ,{rJtre :qr .sq€:r ptnolls srcpnls r€qr rGuodnr sr rI .sor.:. uoDE)rml@or parnr.nrsJo spuDlluJr.Jrp t61srs:rd Itl p@ I I I r0I I s.6ed IFr or prise :q rildms IEU I.!'i sGrFou €uIIEr .roJ.q npnrs or (uorelsnnr ro rxrr) I"lrrEu qrra p.lu.s:rd q IEU .r!pIP@. .!p s.Dr^DtrE.rp Jo .uos uI r3ur@xJ .rp r1.rraro lrpour .uo '!,a uo,udo ro uol}?urotur Jo .i@qtrx. @ ur s.rEprpue.J^lo^ur or ue ^.q11?qrsr louuor or .^Eq s.EhrrtrE.se$ IIe 13116looq:srno3 .rp Jo 0I I .3€d uo p.@r]!.u esolp sEqJns sluhE EJo .5@r .p!a 3 ri^or @r ur.l slql .sr.r.!.d uouelunu@oc p.mrrnls! R sR.rEJpu{s a.I^r.rEI .rtr Jo eseqd suorlErq@rg .sptrquq) r$ Iq p.qFrsep sr a.hr.rq .!p Jo uEd pnlp .rIJ prlqr eqr roJ EulrEd.rd
dd looqesrno]
S Ll | N N
U N I T1 i appreclatethe situationo! positioninvolvedin ihat role. If, fo. dmple, soneonc were asked ro argue otr thc cuff tiom ! vegetarian\ point of view, thel mighr have cy \tould difliculty, but after three or four mimies prcpariDgtheir dgmors find rhis task much easier.Advise studentsihcrcfo.e to do their preparationas caiefully as posiblc. Practicemakesperfect in L\is i
Coursebook pp ll2-ll4 Exam
Classrooh treatdent Follo$ the pioceduie susgcsrcd in tbe Exd"t suiddnc' secrions of Unirs 11 14 i.e. t Ask students to do this pdrr oI|he resr. 2 Ask siudenrs lvhar advice rhey rhink rhct' lvould give anrone for this prrt of the 3 Read throush wi|h ihe students the ErdD dd". pafi of the test.
Exercise 2
gi!.n in rhc Counebook on this
Suggested answe$ a) Tlis te'i is lldosr cenainly spoken English, taLen perhaps from a conversation with a friend or colleague. Ii could of course be fom a leisonal leiier. b) This iext is almos! ccrtainlr writtd English (nore d1c usc, for example, of pfesen. pariciple constructiont, and sounds ve.y much as if it mighr be d extract fi)m d scidce ficdon sroir_. c) This text is defidtely wrirren English, and almost certanny e enry in a seneral dictionarr. It is not technical or sclentific enough to be d enfy in a medical rextbooL of dictionar,v.
Exercise 3a
Classroom treatment Choose whether to conduct rhis sirucrurcd communication exercise as a ralk or a discu$ion .lepending on individual srudents' needs md \rcakncscs.
Exercise 3b
Possible answers Thc notcs madc ibr cach ofthe roles mentioned in L\is ereicisc could be as foLlows: A nednd rcpdr.hd: Ov task to nnd cuies for illncses and diseases.Don\ like using animals, but sometimes esseDtial.Question of balaDcjng the life of an animal aganN d1e good for drousands ofhlmes. $'hencvcr possible' of coune, we experimenr on humans, as i! Common Cold Cdtres. ,,1dr.7ol: I am an aiimal iovc4 but I am first and formosr a docror - conccrncd wilh making sick paricnrs wcll and healtby. I prescribe the best medicincs availabl!.
Tlmpius lEnp!^PuI !Fr$ p.ssmsrP pft or p.u.ls]I :q IIInJ.sn usllr <3rnp..ord E qrs o1 -uerss.r lu:P.rs ,{uE .q or ,i].)jll sI @r siulPror.r {p.dop? .r.r]r JI -od1 ro iuo rsnl lou rP:stuslp Jq rsnu [email protected] isru.pnrs 11, s,:rnp..ord lnRi .!p J|uossn.slp ssEi. qSnorql ro nol{q rsnl I.LF!. Dlel P.)irE@ (.snor r.sE r.!'rl. uI aq u.ri-r @r :s:qJ, \aal^Iaru .qr pJo3.r plnot noI lo
s.^6 pu€ su.rsl [email protected] PIqr t illqa srtd u llllo qie. NJr lrB sru.pms r3'I z 'suossst.:rq1ro os1 r.^o .uoP .q uEr slqI .uo Iq :uo sru.pnrs .qr a5r^r.lu! non .Irta oP or lior! u.nrb io arPt.r ssEI..!'r Jo $:r .w rrs I :suorsaaanso1!r :ra .!rI rnq 'ssEltr E 01pu.d.p IIrd u.!F Fnpuo. no,\ aoH-arr^r.1ul rno.{Jo.zs:ql uo ru.rx..tri :LtlldoqE saruolr .sru.Pn1ssulrnpsr u.lqEnF^d.q uE sa.rrllul IJow l tre tru.pr..E PEor01pasoddos€ .uoq .qr q sru.ptr.? tnrJ.dsor.l looq.s EJo rDdse suods .Lp B .) p.ru.s.rd s! r?q$ !o ued ,ud rsnl uo 6ur!.r@or ro/pue scuod.I roJ .lqslods.r dnol' .qr ur (,iEid '.lq6sod .ult\ .1or ro uossn.sP ru.pnrs Lira. i$u Fr.u:3 t rroJ.q p@ el€.f,Jo ,.ald € auFsnf,qc € '(pnolE:testd.loqa .Lp 8!'pe.r ru5ruo. .ri1uo uo,uldo!e Suus.rdF u:q1 pue 1r, qsnogr) ng:uq 3unonb sd?qFd Itu6u€lrons 'auorodJr .^Io^u lll{ sql 'sr.qro qrt. uJ ,2, .mor or dnoli iql ru.pnrs rqr uo IF roJ s.SEsEd r Isv Jo se8esseduo aullu.udoc ? .srrdor ro sdorNanbIsr.u.3.q1Jo tro uo s]@uuor ple suoludo .sru.pnrsr.!po 3u1rr3 roJ .iqNuodstrrdnol8 .rF !r ru:Pnrs q.e. .jEU \.rdol p3rel.r tmssmslP uaq/( 'FLpo LpsJ Ise or oroqd rql rnoqEsuor$.nb :radrrd or tdnof ul tru.pnrs lsv srldol p.r€I.r SuJssntslp pue oroqd 6ql rnoqE 8upl1el I :uolle.lls slp roJ.red.rd 01sr@Pn1s Surdt.ri rol suols.€3ns.uos .rE:r:H a\.rNelu, (:r€prpuEl r.uldetg).uo 01 -.uo elo pE:lsurleuroJ a.ralrur dnorg B roJ rdo Ieu sJnua. ro seleppue..uos '.n1 e pug or qu.s.r Ide ur p.sn suFq siEuIuEor a.r8Elou PFoe rna .mr e pug 01:^ot plnoa os - .]a lrods@rl rrlqnd uo oA r.@. 'srqSruss.ldi.is rSurbgns Iroa IooLPs rr^aJnsqro Eurps€uorl nllnlPE.rPs.Jns r.rqSnPPluosrrz,r,d t' '.s8rd€:un€, ss s.rl.su:q1Fgo or p.cd.rd.q plnoqs .tdo.{i \.sEJsIp puE s.$.ulll rol s3rnJruE,s:ldoJdJI puR slEuluEaiII Snlsn rnorFra ruedlr.dxa or .lqE aq rsnu r.u.Irs ^ps:p.rd r.gns slEutu€qunp .ltu s143tt|otuluD1rV IqA ;qre.s.r u siEuIE sursnror uolErulrsrll oN :trauF1ndur'. '.u .Iq l.e.r unoa .tdo.d lsou uaop dr.p ]!nF I 'p.dol.^.p sta 1I aor].@ 1.uoo i,{ddeqoS sJmtr0z ptq.^.I ss:ulr ue uo{ P:rm - qsgt.s Pmos II|N s\qL :8tuP nau b 1to4 P1{?"?9 1e1tsoI aIn tuaal4as u$q lsnr 'lBA srql !t prsn rou .r.s sFdIuE lMddBq.q llns plnor( sFuIuE uo sru.uJDdF qgnollll p.dol.^ap u..q .^ELl.uos lErp lrEJ .q] rd.r.E or .rELl put S LI N N
uollEturolul tuuxf o)llf,?Jd
6ll 'DGreIA Jo 'urroJ.r.IdEorq @ pEat $u!4I5qr rtPrus (nle1 .roJ.g I tu!-4eld Sspror.t:qr rsrg..FJo ol qlFta m.rnqnq € srhplus a^ra :[email protected] ?trlDrsl_I t Ed?d uI JFr, q.e5 &d st .rnp.coid tulAoIIoJ .rF 'uoFGq.rdEoJ
(s@Dsenb .ur .rp rI r..te.I .rp .r.Iduo d.rP rsrP .f,s oIBE P@ AmI. .rlra ssop.rllsul 3@3as@ doFq ,q4.IdEo. qSnqql $i.r rc s@I pd'dIFJ.rei resmot a$ rnoqanoql sv looq.sndJ IIB pE.J o1 6Ba? P.sl^pe .q pFoqs sru.pnrs .rE uI srs.r lun-Jo-P@ .lp Ile se I"a auns t{r EI P.!rsIs.mP8 .q PFoqs rI (qsn8uaJo.sn p@ ooDrsodto:) 'uo$@q3iduoC aEIP@U) € p@ Z sDded
uop€rlslulurp€ Jo poqleul Isreue9 'xddd?
'xordd? 9I 'xordde 9z QZl
aalrcrul lo$u.rPdlno.J 3q@rs_I qsqtuaJo esn uopFod@c [email protected] ar{p6d
ozl 09 $rnqM
:9 €dBd rt !d?d :€ €d"d :z $ded :I bde.I
q p.aoIIB 5@J
:6m.aoloJ .rp suPrso Irmg .rF.Erd aqJ
pe^roll? serull puE e8ereaoc -@pn6 .@ar? rEIA [email protected] plnoqs Esxg.!tp q srFs.J do.g uolrsE.@x. It@Pgor;I.q1 rqbsroJro s\:$B or rd@ue ^sv o, ro./lsrrrns slqFsod IsnPr^rpu .sruPnrs !:mllE 'cdord sssrJr<Josl€eP.L!Es 5qr u bo5trgod:qr '.smot eqr q [email protected] Jo uoB€5lpq @ .q 01DI€r .q rcu plnoqs srF$r q.ns qaq Jo uousr.un @ .N3 ,ftE ss.Fns .ltqa '.roJrDrD 'suoEeul@e .>pout, se po]Id .D daqr JI jooq.srnoJ arp ul {anEr r3{r sI plsEq e* sFd?d q.Iqa uo .3en5@lJo eldues :qr 'wrl rruJetd 5t{lJo s@d :uos q :JNVJdOdW I 'p.aoIIB aE.E r.s .$ sltlrla sFatld .15lduo or 3q6?q Jo 6Pr.rp or p.EorsmrE .do..q serEPIP@r.^F.a&ord leqr os slq]ssod s sonrpqor uopBq'rrrlF or *ru $ p.EE p@ p.lrsruNrpr (sFd?d uolr€qtrrltE $ res .r? sDdld .qr lI .q Iaqr 1?qrrcBuo.lq sI rI .{to@, '.$no. .qr 'IFsrDtocr P$trEU P@ p uo]lelduDJ uo uon?crEela -95€rd ro
2 After the minure, rell rhe students thar you are going ro phy the text straighr throuch- Duing this first listeqins, rhey cm begin to answer rhc quesrions. 3 Aiicr the ll t listening, givc rhem dodter minute in which ro check what they 4 l'hen plar the t*t for a secondrimc, so rhar rhey cd finish answeling rhe questionsor chcct whar they did when rhcr lisroed rhe first time. IM?ORTANT NOTE Thc recordings of the Lisicning Comprehension Paper 4 maroial include all repetitionqso you si1lrct needto run L\e cassetteback-I'leasenorc rhai whd you hed a BLEEP, rhis indicaies where rou $'ill need ro pause the trpe to givc sruddrs rime ro .ead the qlesrionsAll you need do foi the Listdins Complehension ?ape1 is ro instruct studcDrsro look at pages128-131of the Counebookjro makc surerhey havepensor pencils dd pdperi to rcad the insttuctn ns (for rhc Papf) wii,l |hemj to swirch on rhc cassetteplaJci at t\e beginninsof rhc recordingdd to let it !un, exccprfol pausing it when you heara BLEEP. Alrhough the Papcr 5 Oral Intervieq matcrial provided ar |he end of the Exm is probablr besrusedas classroompnctice mate.ial(iD lhc sme way as the m,terial providcd in the Cou$ebook),ir can ofcolrse alsobe usedas 'mock' inreNiew matelial by rhose teacherswho thd rhar Lheycd devote 5 10 minurcs ro individurl studentsaI the end ofthe course.Ildme cm be found, studentslird such m interviewinvaluablepreparationfor rhe real rhing- The procedurcwill be very much as cla$room prepararionusing suchmaterial.(Seerhis TG page115-) You wiu notice tbar rheie aie rhreeactivitiesproposedon page133for the lhird part of the Interview Paper. In rhe Proficien.y Euminarion rhe oral exminer atso has a Engc of acdvitiest.r choosefrom for :ach .ddi.late (asexplainedon page r13 of the TG). Selectfrom dd ordc! rheseacdviriesas you think bcsr in rems of exam securiry md exposing difieienr srudems to diilerent activiries. You will alsonodce dEt the acriviriesproposedon psge 133involve $oup inteNiews. The Cambddse Examinarion Syndiclte provides cxuinarion centres with matoials for both one-to-one and goup inteNielvs, so smdenrs should be trained to handleboth kinds olinrewicw. (Seerhis TG pase r15.) You could adaprrhe gtuup activiricson page133to one-ro-oneinrcFiews by rurnirs Excrcises3a) dd 3b) into discussions on 'The increaseiD crime' md 'Animll lighls' respecdvely, ud i! Exercise4 by simply askinga srudemro rerd the newspaper arricle dd thcn ro comenr on it. No scoing procedurchas bed prcvided for Paper5 Oral Interview sinccir is felr dar rhe emphasishcrc shouldbe more on encouracemmrfor indivituat srudcnrs than on siring sradesor ascssments. One fnai note. V&ile studmrs may write their lnswfs ro cenain Papers on thc Pracdce Exh pases (as rhcy will do in rhe Prcficieocy proper)r drey rvill hare ro be providcd wirh ordinarywridng paperfor the Composirionand Use of Englih Papers(ed pdhaps for ccrrainorher Papersat thc icacheri discretion).Ar rhc end of a 'mock' exd Paper,rcsr pape* shouldbe rakc! in and markedas quickl,\'as po$ible in order to ensurc rhc speediestfeedback for srudenls. N.B. In the ProficiencyExam sudenrs are given u Alswer Sheerfor Paper t. They wrjic on paper prcvided by rhe Examinarion Cdtre for Papei 2. And for lapea t Jad 4 rhc\ re.ord fiFi rn\wer. on rhe queLinn paler.
lzl q.ns 0z ipEq 6 r 'lo 8 I rlnq rI lnoqsnorqtrr€norqr/ur 9I :sr 9r :roJir :peq tI r.r:rp zI :lE tI :1Eqa0I lqtb 6 iuo I :.uos I :1nqI :1?I !noq./uo{n rplp r toJ Z jsE r I V NOII)gS ,{eT reasrv
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zzI d {ooqesrnoc qoltlsodqroc :z Jede.J
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p@ J.uEn$?
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pool) rr.A
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:t.^.t {rEDgord 1r u:a,8 s, )IIEU uoNsrrdut .qr doq aoris or .tqEr suao o.] :Lp !.r]sqqnd sEq arrpuls stronpE@rtr leio-I .5prrqu.C Jo ,{rs!^run :q.L
IZI-9ll dd rlooqesrnoc uolsueqerduroC SurDeall :I Jeded
seuaqJsSurlleu pue sla^rsuepallelec
not beingiln a) In spite of the westher/wearher\ spire of rhc facr rhat the weather wasn't very prodising, we siill woi Io thc bcach. hci (ilom) b) Her sccident stopped/prevotcd lidjns for six months. c) On headng dE news, she broke doM. d) No sooner had I left the house than I heard the e) Strcng as/thoush he is/may be, he still cm't lift f) H. nLr hrvc bem havine a baLh wben I called. g) I'd $thd you didnl ask hei to the parry. h) There isn'r a more dedicated singer thm John in the choi./in the choir thm Joba. a) b) c) d) e)
had soft/stayed she/heiltheylyou/we ought toishould have had/eot (tust) ner hin/was (fiNt) introduced to hin I lhink so/I do/I tlink we should would have donc/solved/approached iti did it
a) The concert di.h1
come up to/neet
To investigaieLlIeuse ofmetal-dcrcctorsin
s) Placcs which are oD an oficial list that acknowiedgeslnat rhcy d€ of alchaeological h) Becausethey kecp for rh@selves plrts or a hcritage ihat belon$ to evdyone. i) This refeB to the fact rhat archaeologicalnndings ( J r b e n a d e r e r y c l o . e, o o r e v e no n - h r s J r l a L e j)
They would lack nmbers to do all rhe work requiied if lieasure-hutcn handed their inds
1) They argue noisily or loudly. n They claim ,o be lc, inrercied rn makrnsmoney thd in archaeologrn) Becausethey de d1eonly people who havc definite permission to hur for afchaeologicat o) The argmenrs by trcasure-huniers in defen.e of
b) His advice ro ne was ro resi for a nofihirhar I should/olght to rest for a monlh. c) He mmaged to get the job finished rharAs ro his secrerdyls efficie,acy. OR Thanks to his secretary\ eficidcy he managedto get the job finished. d) After the book, thc film was terribly
- Their iighr to etercise a healthy dd non violenl activity. - The importece of certaindiscoveriesthey have
e) Somehowhe had his hand cnshed in the car
- That archaeology shouldnl bc reserved for official archaeologists. Thar they iecord isolated finds. T h d r L h c y , a r em e . a o o ) e d ! t r o m d e . r L . r i o n .
0 He is practically blind without slases. s) I'd qther you didnl go/weien'rgoing on rhar h) She is bclicved to have beq born in Australia. SECTION B Ansrers to questionsa)-n) day well be worded difierody ro the following suggesredmswers, but the infomarioD and ideas they contain should bc rhe T o c i \ c r h c i d e a t a r L l ' e , e a r e m m vo . a . u r c hunters, that they opcratc where they don.t belongand rhar lhey are assressive. b) That of an dmy teavinsits cmp. c) The nbber of fueasure-hmte* is rapidly t
d) Inirially ro repolt on metdl-detectors dd archaeologJ, and in the longer rcm ro try Dd legisiateon the activitiesof ffeasure-hunrcls. c) 'whose acriviries are far from being purely negative' Dd 'they pur folward two techDical arglrents which seemlclevdt'. t22
The fact that offcial dchaeologists also somerimesusc metal-detecto.s. - That they are not motivated mainly by filancial
Suggested marking
SECTION A 1; 20 jtems, I mark each 2 mdks each 2: 8 sentences, 2 malks each 3i 6 sentences, 4: 8 senrence\2 marks each Possibletotal maimu:
t2 64
SECTION B 14 questions (questions a n), I m.ks Smary
42 24
Posible total maximd: Possible mdimum rotal for the whole Paper:
ral '.uo, or qtl p,noI IElp noI I moJ noP€.nddr de rJ IIg @r no,t !:q:r p@ .mq.orq E no,{ pu.s II.I 1lal[ 'rJ rnoqe qo tu'Ip or.^!q llll aor{r.uop I r..d e sz] rnoqr rq plnoa rr 'd8p Ir.^o II.a sEIE.u Bu.ru.^. @ p.l@a nod JI rng l.:a E ozy-sry rnoq€ 3q ptnoa rsEse.rq puE ,(H8nod paq rsn!rpb uoor E <3uDIE:ds as.rrrd.qr Jo ?.p! @ .8.^lB nol plnoc .roj.q euoq uorl deaE p.rII r.^:tr .^1I '^ItuEJ E rPrd uoor e no,{ puE 01 ,u1 @c aa rnq ,.3.[o. ? rcu ar..a 1t.r{ IEn@p]s:r iuonEpoduor.e lplA dl.q non @5 udol ur uogEporlruo.re F5 plnor I I rs.q !.1ptnoa rI p@ (Iruno .rP u .^n I rng p..u I leqa lsnl sllrJl st spmos rI ]PA sEFl.sn .nPa.ord .cgo l!r.q.8 5tF pug IeqJ sn rFd ssrnoJ E qer d.qr os (sFrnduor olul oB or r@a oqa sn rpIA sro.Prus .Pu .Eos r.3 .a '%06 noqe lnq 1p loN (rstDrut isl!8 sr@pnrs .tf IIE rw 'rlta:to Ig PooS(qo Jo rno rsnl 'ie$,{e sr@utErsq ut ,{ed @r noI p@ - ruErS 1@iru3 oa E raA or :tqe .q 1r{3F nod rprss I sBrng r. i,{es noI plp 00ry 'noI dFrI or rue$ 1m@r.^o8 e r.A or .tqe iq fEu nod rng 00ty irso. .stno. r$ saop qtnu aoq puv '1..a 3 s,{8P.^g 'dEp e snoq .rg sireql uoouDrp 3\'r u smoq oar @!p PDe'zI or 6 '8uiuou.q1 ui smoq ..r!p .^3q no,{ trIEr.u.a !li.l[ itrEP ! :^eq no,t ..s I \.I op snoq dued aoH-ull 'r.lq uouruoJul leqr 1.3 p.nol lng '^IDEF aoul r.uop I {:tr s.wP .qr ano.{ oP br.]-JI€rI e .^Eq noI :ms.rd I PUY $n5nv q1E (Ieplrc so r{sNg ?sn5nv q15 pft rFgi IEW no r!1s p,no.{[email protected] 1etp os $]..a zl srsel rr pqY a.A 'rFgI ^?W '^eW 'Irpuor{ q19I tr r .r.q (q?. .uo Juo ru!$rd np Jo 0t >P.a - 6asr@ ra'I .uo rxeu aqJ B .r.rtd aft$ osrnor ..rulo 'Il.l( IEr.@8, r.x3usrlr s.op lqa aaoLl:l 01 .)I]l rq?r s(Fq1 t.I
',{BAI@ srossa.ord proa qrIA nrqqrrde op plnor I :roJoq .dd1 ol urEit or .^?rl p.I .E r8q!rI[e ro .dh PIor ,{Poq.uos Poe 1.@. I - r3uut?.q 4:lduoJ R @.1 qna u?rs or .$no. &Eurpro @ rsnl 'oN .:II.A .? s.pnrs r.]nduor p@ suss.rord proa r@a noI ptp rc F.rwa no]{ .srnoJ Jo pnq:I| rErpsl r:rnp..ord ar$o Fr.u.5 p@ p@qrroqs i8ud,{r .pnttrul uru .a s.smor.qlJo rsou rEql des pFoqs I IF lo 1slg sdErf.d ,,teu I Jr aoE.IuI ? aoq or .II p.I llal( ou s.smor .r[l rnoqt aPrIIE nod IFr pino.I ro a)IIInoIJt '.mqrorq 3 nod p@s pFo.I ismot JO 'uu no/t sa$no aqr rFdtd lnoqe .rou aoq o1 a>ll P.I pft s.Ieptrsa.{ m P€ rnol aEs I \.,\ 'rE
anoddl.q I @3 .6.lloc ,:.tgo IIv, soou.rJR pooc 'poo8'qv
(as,,o uo <xs .u.!.s
':uo rnoJ 'oa1 '.^g {r.rqJ (r,uDr,
afpe.d uosRdoJur P.rmb.r .ql{ur ro uI llg p@ @rsn aoN
suoQs.nb .!p r:q [.noi ilrui4. p@ suotl.rursq .[p p€d .3.llo. FrrEr.i.s € rE s.snor lnoqE s.+nbu. uos$d B rpqa uI uoEsr.^uo. .uoqdsFl e E.rI I.no^ <0I-I suoDs.no r$Jr .rp Jo uEd rsry .I! rod 8zI .t?d re po-I dols@qardEo:) sBu.rsr-I :t ldDd -@rg .tRrErd Il{VaI JSUI.I E
rdlJ s'der
uoFseq6rduroc SuIuelsI-I :t Jedtd ,{FuProrc? $IrEu rolv -uonEmoJur r@^.t5r.qr xlgo p@ IIe 6Eruo. pe p6ssardx.il.a eq pFoqs IJlrrl]rms .q1 <(o)uoEs.nb g uoE..s sI
'.relrdorddE.r.qa $lEu r! puR ruE^.I.r 5u.r.qoJ qsIISuS l.i!o. JFq prav :q ppoqs sorsG '(u)-(!) sdoFs:nb s uotr$s ur dtFnred &J slted
noi plloa 1eqa 1t.A
'€ 'Z V uoD.:S JFq p!BA! t sryeqt Jo lu.Erollv
Yes, could you do L\ar? Of course. If you let me havc your nme and addressJ I'11sci ii in rhe post to you today. Bur don't forget ihat term starF in two wccksr dme, so you'll havc ro mate up you mind fairly quickly. Oh, I should have said: if you wet ro come iD and seeusr come iq any timc. Thank you. I mishr do that. I(/e11,now, can I have your name,
concmed about rhe welfare of the iown and has jusr beeqelecrcdto fie town coucil. And the lasr mmber of the pdel is Ciaire Coo\ jornalist dd agory col'fu wliter for rhe 'Daily News'. Wirh rhe introducdons ovef, may we havc our fi t quesrion, pleasej from Ms Stella Jobnson? In view oI recentlegislationallowilg even larger trmsport vehicles (namcly 'jusgenauts') to trrvel the roadsof this @unrry, what de the pdel's views on thc subjecr, bearing in mild that mlny old buildings are alrcady begiming to sufler badly from trafrc
Yes, it's Mary Mills- And my add.ess Now listen to the convcrsaiion again and checkyour mswers.Rcady? (Co@asation repeatedon tape) That's dre dd of the filsr parr of rhe
SECOND PAR'I' Secondpsrt. Look ar page129.You'll her pan of a radio plog1alme. Read d1einsliucrions and quesriors cdefuliy. For each of rhc quesrions I l o . y n u l t b e a . k - o r o r i .I o i c o t the bores Aj B, C or D. You'll hea! fie piece twice. (PAUSE) Now listen and answerLhequestions. Ready? AN'NouNcER: Iis just comins up to cighr o'clock, dd time fbr this week\ edition of 'Ask l he Puel'! rhe progrhme rn which you the listocrs cu quiz a pmel of distinguished glcsrs on rheir viewsofissucs of L\e day. And here's you host, Daniel Jmes. Good ercnins md welcome again to 'Ask Thc Panel'.Aad this weekwc'vc comc Io Hishlom Polytechnic.Our teu corsistsofthe Riglt Honourablc Janes Smidr, Mmbd of Prrliament iO. Hightom. P$haps husually for M?s nowrddys, M! Smirh was acrually bo md broughr up in this area- We arc alsoplcasedro welcoqe Mrs Jod qunrc, who is a housewife ud a acdve member of both the Hmtu Rights md Animal Rights movmems. On my right is Mr JeremySlade,best k n o q ' o m r \ o i ) o r J s' h e l c a L guitaist in the 'Blue Monday' pop group. He wls bom dd raisedin Hightown, dd has recddy become 124
Thank you, Ms Johnson.'In view of recent legislation allowing even larger ttesport vehicl$ ('<juseerDauts") ro travel the rcads of this courry,' Ms Johnsonasksfor the peel's views on the subject,bdring in mind, shc says, thar many old buildings are dlready bceiming Io sutrer badly flom tmlnc vibratioa.' Jmes Snith? Well, it\ {luite clear to me that Ms Johnson is as .oncerned as I m abour the mosr recent legishtion which has indeascdthc malimum sizefor tldsport vehiclesir this cour.y. Now while I d in sympathy with goods hauhge fins who wish to caty as much as they co by road as cheaply as possible - thar is with large juggernaut lories, ofrcn with masive t.ailers - they caMdt be allowcd io tuvel inrough many of our smalid roMs which were just not designed for large amomls of heavy rhrcughraffc. I would like ro say that I posonauy voredagainstthis proposal in parlimsr ed shall continue to fight to have the legislation revoked or at leastmmded Ler us by al1 mens havc thcsc mssive vehicles on ou motoM,ys: ,lier allj they have bed designed to trhe hedvy loads. tsut we musr fighr ro preseNe our historrj od hedtage &d the peace and quiet of mdy small toms and villages. Ald one thing we cd do is to bd these jugsemarts from road, other tho Thank yo!, Janes.JoanHuntd. It\ reffibly sad, you know, but thousaDdsof uimals arc killed on our
6uo.I .rp Jo rEq .ql u1 plrq 8r.q sEA1u!un6re $tnJnrEd siqJ srJAod rirEuproBrre sq Jo uo!'@rB rsru srq pBq .r{ rBr! s.ti€rlu lo frlllqssodu! aqr 8uu:sst sta iq .Iqa sBA rI p@ (r!.rmaft .^Irrrss! Jo Puo] !tu.^ sd.H sJoqsuoc re )ir:p e sea .q p@ - s.trBrruJo uor1e}J.dhtr@ ol pe.I o1uoDEu€Bur :tp Jo q.Flrs [@ Iq .@u Jo uos .Lp rou - Iesuu.qroC :Bro.c sEA .@o Drlqtsrw srrl T.ft..q pm FolN plno3 oqa UEW arII) ,uors uoqs .qt.rtr -o HJo uosr:^ p.rdBpEfFq8ns ! s, lqsuor rrDqa '..u'lP.{ ]e Ioog, no rol rEIr p@ io€ 0I aou sI.uu aqf .:{p!.d Toolrs.nb .q1r.asue puE !.rsq aoN
'.rrar l.elrF iqr rrq ILnoI (troI!g v- s.xoq.!F Ioog, orpBr RJo ued rE.rl I.nol 'ItI lltl srSEdr? )ioo-I rEd prql
JITVd CII{IHI, 'N Jrp Jo rftd Puo.rs .rF Jo pd. :qr s.]?qJ ( dDi uo p"ibe{at aaeoBotd olpDtt) no.{ )p.ri.
i^pB.l{ sr.asu€ p@ @aE u:rstt doN
.rou suiqs.rJu r?qr uo.^F.t I!.1[ TA.r^ InoI roJ 1.@d 'no{ j@r{J 'turrrl. ro 5!tlE6 q?norql !q'rF .srtrr:$ .tqsnlE^.uos ?qrF (unie uBls PFoa sn Jo .{rl@ p@ rrE rts:{ .qle.rq or u€.q uE .{leug p!.a lelp )Eqr I tF r3 peor p uo s.uiot ro \.snq .se. ou .t .!qr PUE lno sunr IdrJd .{EP .ql roJ IErd uiuo
ip.@ddeq r.^. 1t rt l.rsir I rnq JJ ,\qeqord p.I @ p.rnlod .{p€.rte rno or uornlod .rou re{ Pp€ IIia srnRsr.aSnl 3$rlr rRrp .fts or rd..f,. IFrs.q-:toqa IJ@d .qr Jo rs.r .q1 qlh .irft I - appr I @J rEqa eioo:) :rGI:) pl'v i.Fq qsnorql 8u!o€ iuo do$ ol peor .tp uI .q or p.Bdard .q 1.?rr or 8ur@!BJq.rE E.qr Jo .nos pto s!:^ pirymr{ noJ ro ..rlp .q rsnu qJqd uaorqsrH ur .!r{ sSulPlmqplo .uos ro3 .^,.a &orsq {.!F or SuroP s€a ,uods@D! rno rBqa @!p eoDI pil rlsr{ I p@ 'aool I aoN -8srqr .^Issru srql u! dn p.llor ia uaqa lqsnoqr suaol @llell ro @@.! IIEus ur s1u:ps.r .qr reqa p.r.puor !.rto ',rftur.38n( E 'uo IIE p,nod rDqa u I os pw s].s .ae1sno e llrs rdnor€ uao Iu qrd .dohg punor I.^tJl or P.sn I o.qa .E!r ? s?a .r.ql iIu:$I st.rqr^Jo .zrs .!p rolruor (?Me p@) oEr a^! p@ 'l.^EJr or .^?q srlrlq.^ qtlqa rB sp..os .rp loluoJ @. .a ]ng rels or sn rph .ri^aqJ hou rpRorP[€ srlrlq.r roloE .^ErI r," r.@r :a :)ljtq lrolr .rp unr or >lspr.mr I *lttDl JrEuo r^Ep ol P.s I:q1 spror .qr p@ s.Irrrli^ rorou rEqr sr su rsmr1elu1( 'oor rrF[ {!^. spEormo do P.m!u! ro poIIDl.rE.Ido.dto sp@snotp :lI IIE ta^ @@q p@ puut rtIA prurJ.uor u.I esnEr:qs.rl rrs{ EEUluep.uoE@u .^.I lqa sr.puoa .uoIue .roPq puv s.sdtor IeuuE qlla p3Fnn @{o .r.I.rp :IlftFrtutd suurod .qr q trIrEaspEor IJrmor SuoF ro ,{earorou ! !o .drrp or .^eq nluo no^ -n.[ [r.i. sPlor
Dracon public housc,dd Toddy Bemish was conducting rhe opposidon by a honotonols blt efiective 'So tyo, say', that drove Mr Forheringay to the vcry limit of his There were presdt, besidesthese two, a very dusty cyclis! landlord Cox, Md Miss Maybridge, rh€ pclfectly respectableed rathe! large bmaid of the Dragon. Miss Mayblids. was standing with her back to Mr Forherinsay, washing glassesjthe olhels were watching him, more or lessamued by the presert inefectivdess of the aNeltive method. Somewhat annoyed by the tactics of Mr Bemish, Mr Foth€rhgay derermincd to makc e uusual rhetorical efort. 'Look here, Mr Bemish,' said Mr Fothdingay. 'Let us ci€triy understand whar a miraclc is. lt's something contrariwise ro rl1e coulse of nature done by power of \vill, something that couldnl happen without beins speciallywillcd.' 'Sold say,'saidMr Bemish. Mr Fothdingay appealed to thc cyclisl, who had util now befl a silent listder, dd received his agreemdt givs with a hesnadns cough md a glmce ar Mi Bedish. The lddlord would expressno opinion, md Mr Fotheingay, retuhing to Mr Bemish, receivedthe uqpected concessior of ! qu!1i6ed aNent to his definirion of a miracle. 'For instmce,' said Mr Fotheringay, seady en@ulaged. iHere wouid be a miracie. That oil lmp, in the natural couse of uturej couldn't burn like thar upsidcdown, could it, Beuish?' 'Y4 say it couldn't,' said Bedish. 'And you?' said Fotheringay- 'You don,t mean to say - eh?' 'No,' said Beamish leluctandy. 'No, it
I misht do, coltectilg all mr wjll "Tlm upside-down without bleakingj aDd go on buning steadily," Dd Hullol' It was enough to makc anyone say 'Hullol'- The impossible,the iicredible, was visible to thcm all. The lup hmg inveired in the air, bluing quietly wirh irs flamc pointing downIt was as solid, as indispltable as ever a lmp das, rhe @lrmon lmp of the Long Drason bar. Mr Foiheringay stood with e erleided fgrennger aDd rhe knitted brow of onc oriciparing a catastrophic dash. Thc cyclist, who was sitting n*r to the lamp, ducked and jmped acoss the bar. Everybody jumped,more or ]ess.Miss Maybridge turned and soemed- For Dearlr three s€condsthe lmp lmained stilt. A faint cry of mental distres cec tiom Mr Fotheingay. 'I cm1 keepit up,' he said, 'my longer.' He staggered back, md rhe invelted iMp suddenly flared, fell against the comd of thc bsr, bouced aside,smashedupon the Now iistd lgain md check you ('Baok dt Bedtine' refedtedan tape.) And that's the end of rhe test,
FIRST PART I Monday, r6th Mayj 2 12 weeks;3 May l6th to Friday, 5th Augustj 4 5; 5 Yesj 6 d,100j 7 Yesj 8 wirh a familyj 9 ,15 j20 per week; 10 d25 per week SECOND ?ART 1 1C ; 1 2 B ; 1 3A j 1 4B j 1 5D j 1 6D THIRD PART i T A j 1 8 C j 1 9D j 2 0 A ; 2 1 D j 2 2 D Suggest€d markins
'Very well,' said Mr Fothedngay. 'Then here omes someone,as it might
22 iicms, l mark each
be me, dong heE, hd studs as it might be here, dd saysto the ldp,
Possibte rolal mdimum for the whoie Paper: