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set k 9 d, 11pt MonopllotoHelvetica Producedby Longnm Singapo.eP.tr,tbhe.sPte Ltd
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ISBN 0 sAa 5513S 3
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uollPruasuo) Pue uog?ruasald quen3'secuagradxl'sa)Eld'aldoad 7l ,{qder8o1oqlpue srul!l'uols!^elal ra$El l JaAo Pull ,/
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Introductionto the Student Who Proficiency Skiffs is lo.
LongmanProficiencySki//sis designedspeciiicallyior studentspreparins tor the CarnbridgeCerlificateoi ProJiciencyin EnglishExaminaiion.You should really have already done an advancedcourse belore siai(ing ihis
The aims ot Proliciency Skills
To familiariseyou with ihe contentand aims ot att iive Papersin the P ' o l i c . e n cE y xam. To give you traininq in the languageand skills requiredfor lhe exam and for masleryoi a ioreign language. To presentyou wilh the range ot topics,text types and styles of janguage that are likely to occur in the exam. To provideyou wilh an interesling,enjoyabieand slimulaiingcourse of stuoy.
The organisation ol the conbnis ol Prollclency Skllls
This book contains 15 unirs + a compleie ProliciencyPracticeExam- as you can see on the oppositepage. Rememberlhat ihe revised ProficiencyExaminaiionconsislsof live Papers: P a p e r1 : B e a d i n gC o m p r e h e n s i o( n1 h o u r ) Paper 2: Composilion(2 hours) Paper 3: Use oi English(2 hours) Paper 4: ListeningComprehension(20 30 minuies) Paper S: Inlerview (12 15 min!tes) Each Paper is preparedlor three times in the book, as follows: P a p e r I B e a d i n qC o m p r e f e n s i o nl:J r r l s1 .6 d r o I Paper 2 Composilion: U n i t s2 , 7 a n d 1 2 Paper 3 Use oi English: U n i i s3 , 8 a n d 1 3 P a p e r4 L i s t e n i n gC o m p r e h e n s i oU n :n i t s4 , 9 a n d 1 4 U n i t s5 , 1 0a n d 1 5 Each Unit tocusesspeciiicallyon a particularPaper BIJTat the same iime a l s o i n c l u d e sD i s c u s s i o nG, r a m m a rV, o c a b u l a r yL,i s l e n i n gR, o l ep l a y a n d
How you can help yoursell to This course is ']ota set ol practiceexarnsor tesl papers disguisedas a learn inside lhe classroom c o u r c e !. t h e l p sy o u b y 9 i v i n 9y o u b o l hl a n g u a g ea n d s k i l l sg u i d a n c e which in the classroomwill often involve you in pair and group work, discussionsand analysesas welLas listeningtasks, nole-takingand so on. So be preparedio take pa.ll Padiclpatingfully in all lhe classroom learningactivitieswil enable you to gain most benetii from this course and enjoy yoLrrLearning.
How you can help yoursell lo No cource on ils own can prepareyou iully tor the CambridseProJiciency learn outsidethe classroom Examination.You musi be pr€paredlo read and lisien io as mLch English as possiblein your spare time. Also make time to do more homework t h a nt h e a m o ! n ts u g g e s l e di n l h e c o u r c e a , n d w h e nd o i n gs e t c o L r s e h o m e w o r kt r a i ny o u r s e l tl o k e e pi o l h e ' r e c o m m e n d etdi m e ' . Enjoy the course,and good luck wiih the examl Roy Kingsburyand Mary Spratt
tirvx! 3ctrcvadlcNlcHoud 3t!ldNoc !o ssncsrppuE^Etd alor ur 6urledr.tred jsa6ess€d pue opqd e lnoqe 6uq El
r.oRd q.m trs no^ Gqa op ot rou lRqa
'€sn uoorssRtsrot pap!.lur sr pue stuaouoc ple suosEarqtd raqla6ol sraMsueotqrssod ro paF.36ns pspadxa qlh suoN.nb rodBd lcusr.llord Fsrda to urot aqt sdieltlat q.ea u! ..ueptna uer!.qI '€.r^pv uexf pue e.ueprne uexf tr. tox. sapr^ordstrun aseq]lo r.t.eero,teq puo.os aqt pEaF!l 'tueLnqR.o^ro rBUUEi6 ro sE6rR.Ui.€ds uo alElluo.uor qc qa s.seqd ro suorl.es ou uretuo.9!-!L slrun
rals 6ar puP $pnruE s6u(66r'spoou ,sraleads qIM Du tEac sen0otErppue se.u.lu.s ur$iuELq6!|latduoc
puE 0uiuuqd uo0rsod005 .^r1ereu pue a^udu.sao
suorcpuuocproa pueafF s,ioqtnv :apnrrue uossncsrp
!oDer.!nuord io ss.rts Iq p.re[!ar6]lrp sqra^ puRsunou parEt.u
's66essed qlh 6!fe6p 'otoqd E rnoqP 6LDilPL
6uuaasuE '6!tr rp€rd6!rpB6r :s!oE.nb .croqr.to rtn!,\t
cr. s6![aal suoDoua uooer ol sa^4carpB puE :sqr€^ouuod€a
soserLld 6!tuptdxa puE e6RssEd s uo suous.nb 6!u.asuv
sqra^ tPsPrld uo! sunoN lE^orooEsrp puE p^ordde lo suorssordxl
d e t n q e c o ^ p u EU o r l e c o t o . '6uruEauur sa.!€r.]]ro
p!noduo. pue uorssn.slp ur pesnsuorssardxf
6urptrnqtuetiqe.o^ pue 'suo||s..b ..roqc+tdqn|/{
palod tsRd puEtsRd .durs .rJ6!6d l!€s6rd
€t&s pue suolrsoduoc ,6u!tra p3t.3rLo,
(sunou,tBpou +) sqr6^ tepo( lo s6sn snoue^
urot 6u! atd.ruEd]o s€sn pu€is!nouorda^DEt.a suor.nrlsuo. qra^pPpuea^D.atpE auos
p!nra6+ lpe.^rssossod /unouord/unou+qr.A
sProa 6ururolsoudtu.s
1o€cuosqero asn oLtt
(6uruM & e u u n su D sproa6!ru ol o.uauos
rx€luo. uol, sproM ]o 6!rleau aql6u s!^ane
so6essPdL|a 6![eap puE otoqd e tnoqB6u ItRf 6!D5rpard pue ".la 'svErl. sqdEr6 6uuordr6lur'quec.V
6utrrM puE6ur!!Etd uoorsoouo. a^rtnseo
suorl.n)tsuoc uorsra^!l
sl|is uexl
luoluo3 atentuel puu sllrIS
Hereditvor Environment?
Look at rhe headlineand picture opposite.can you predicrrrom ihe two what rhe iollowing article will be abouP Note down you. pr€dictions,ihen comparethem with other studenls. Readquickly throughthe article (withoutpaying anenrionio detail) to see which prediciionswere most accurateNow read lhe article again, ihis time much more carefully,to look lor infomation in answer to lhese questions: What is John Stroud'sconnectionwith twins 4 Why, in B.itain nowadays,is it easier than prevjoLrsly separatedat bidh or soon alter? lor adopiedchilden to discovertheir How interestedwould ThomasBouchardhave real parenls? been in studyingBomulusand Remus? 5 Why does saoud no longer use the ielephoneto Why is the period trom 1927to lhe 1950soi tell people his news aboul them? particular interestlo those wishingto str'dy 6 To whal degree does Stoud consider his work to h{ins of this particularkind? have been sLccessful? Find the followingwords in ihe article. Then in pairs lry to work out their meaningas used in lhe articie by lookingat lhe general meaning of the words surroundingeachl Paragraph1: odds; painsiaking Paragraph3: todder; nurtu.e Paragrap6 h : i n k l i n gm ; arginally Paragraph7: sibling; startling Dbcussion In small groups,discussthese questions: Do you approve ot researchersinlorming people that they were adopredand that rhey have a rwin sister or brother they have never known about? Do you think Bouchard'sresearchmay prove 0seful?ll so, how? And to whom?
I * -::1
lle Sti
Natureor Nurlure?Heredityor Environmeni? In youropinion,whichis mostimpo(antin determininga person'scharacler? fE
Br ht! \o
l 'A@rding
to the guldebook, they ve now dismver€d thal iI was in tact a h*wofi Ihal rcated them.
'se rr uao Jrorlr qrn4 Jo !q] l€ F3 ol r p!p!!u e {.q1 :3.u. -u3dxo eql possrure plno,$ .uou "q sreqmn .q1 t{es oq 'FS p. to^or s! Itr?u s! suos".r roJ 'SorFou rsrg 5qr reu? ^ptd p.loo. dqsuo!€t5r 5ql s".q s.se. noJ ro ..r$ fltro or '1"qr t8umd 9Zstq 8uo@ InJ$.rns s4Eu11s.pno4s -.uo Idd?q u.eq '5toqa.ql " uo s?q .uroono .q1tng 'll Suimdxe sa6n Euque1sr6q1"r iou 5r" no{ 'Ie r5'J" sl J 1I Janeu pllu.pguor ,{.!.^ €, uo ueqr .es or I€. u?r .q I sts? q.rqd r!11.i p.proa 4r..rcsrp Jo no^€J !r II?c .uoqdq.l r${P "eqr dn .^"3 03? Suoi .H 8u!tq$ rsol .qr ol saeu eql or aoq sr llRJo tE.iq uqqord ls.33q eql 'pnoqs roJ ]ng 's.l6glua quq ImFgo mql oaoP I.?q lsEel1" ler !.rplq. peldoPv r.s"e dIFuFl€@ $?1 5it1.p?ur pu? lsor.tur P.nt€ 5^"rI sloor Ier rr.rn r. ossrp 01E5+tqc P.rdop" aolt" }ft1 a€t .qr n s.SneqJ snIIIor oo. aq oqa.^jI? r5qmu e .r" .Ieq1 1"q1p.ms.rd 5q 1snu 1r:nr4 € .s ,{.q} 1"rll'8u4..dsns iSmaooi n?d ern N?aI 1e ro Jo J"q .uo uodn spuad.p uot"sglunad
's096I.q1 ol s..: r.s eql uodn N3uru3lq€{ue Fr.os .1o &rep eql pue zz6l ur loqdop" 'ued IeS5tJotroq.nporiur eql uosal.q -d"q ,filoonm.o plp 1ro.qa pu"Fus u. poued e sEe eDql rng 's.uoq 5^4dop? !1"&des ur sr€d 8ul'qd]o
[email protected] . eq IIra s.r1.bos uoqdop" aeJ s4.,t 0€ 1s"d .qr roJ pu" rreqreS -o1 ssnoq{roa .rI} or lues !.xt . rq IUiqeqord lle u ptnoa p.u"qdio eql poe .1?uq6a .ql 'p4ueann .qi N€d s.u]l q su$1 lu"Jnl 8Er"4des rol suosesrpoo? rcJ er€ snql ssnec -.q rer"r II!^4€I.I .r" srr"d qrns 'pu"I3Eg qslqns slq JI"q uo{ .uoJ . "q ,qi"6N unr ol qqqre^" srAl pei?er 'd]4"rd6sJo srr"d aeJ eqr uodn p6s"q ',tpqs e qcns peBeBE o6.q s"q rsntu rsqod"6ml n I 4osen 616I .rtrs oqa u]t I Jo frsrs Fn eq1Jo prq.noa sEuoqJ rosssJord,{quodn p.zr3su.5q .^"q pno4s fq psnrold srr"d q.ns qu.motuu. 1u.r.J:Ip 1nq ,{rrP.r.q I?rqn3pr a&qs oqa dno6 F.ls M I.ql amlinu snsn^ .nlmJo uon" {5nb ssstpo6arti lueuuorhm ro Il!p. -dI Iq res st i.lrBl?qr lno r.ql.q,r\ p@ rar 6a s e4 .a ,ftla .urdr3l.P
01 14 oqa .soql roJ r.ppo.l qdees.r q.r el? rEd" per".r sural Jlo.!!-eqs ro s1u3r"d l"mr"u rcq1 {q l3qFqa "'r.qF8o1 pesrer er6a tnEa{ p@ snFuou eTr 'tr"sg pue q@I ln{ 'spn6r{ ls.q 5q1.q sural rp6 ord mdJo5@s 6ro s" '!roN P.eu 'isrusl ul lt.ap oqa u"u Finb pu" qloorus ?, s€,\l qorll slrqa '.i4unq eug € pue u€lE ,llr?q €, s?a n€sg :F.4uopr ,{ip.6otorq ro pu.rel] Il.reu roqlaqa r.IF II" 1? o.l 1ou p..u d.ql FI se I .r"rdas rt.ql u] e.u.pDrroiJo ss.uq .ql pu? sstlu?j -rrm rraqr E Snrrm$".J .I? suraJ 'fof" u..q td€el€ rou }nq 'dlpnsn s?rt I$^o3sp eqJ r€d Jo ouo erea feql FelurBJ 5qr lou" p?q s.ru€d .ql rsuudl ".P! Jo .uo sesr du"ru 1?.€ € uI pu€ Jo s!?d 9z pel'un$ 1ro^r . D.etep Suqslsur?d pu? 1mi€d dq'seq pnoDs p5u..uo. s3$€d .qr 096I dlrs Enq?qs Jo .uo ls?otl?Jo lueuq|ruoFe -que5 aqr 01 oEJo '632 qpPE !r u.qr Solrund pu€ r31J?uoos m qurq 1e per"4d6s srrat .]o srcd Supsg :sppo Lsuot III1Su sl"6p oqa i.Iro \ l"r5os $ Pno4s uqol }sur"8e euo or otz ".r" su!!q t?r!u5pi Sur.npord lo .."i u€urnq eql ssoJcesppo 3qt
olllp dnnner0 suurntpopplpMoH
ReadingSkills There are several difierent readingskills which you will be expectedto handle in the ProiiciencyExaminaiion.li you can'i handle lhese skills in the exarn,you may woll waste lime or get your answerswro.g, or both. Think about the tasks yoL did in exercises l-4 on pp. 6-7. Did you read in the same way to iind ihe answers?Perhapsyou can alreadysay what readingskills you employedlor each lask. Here we are going to study and practiselive readingskills in conneclion
Sklmmlng 'Skimming'is introductoryreading.lt means readingsomething over very quickly iust to iind out whal it is generaliyabout to get the 'gist oi it. To do lhis kind ol readinqefficiently,it is imporlant nol to read lhe texl in detail.
'Sc 1 2 3
'Skim'the arlicle below in aboul a minule and answer this one question: Whai's the article about?
Eugde E@G expects to receiv€ rs becauseyou ae t@ young to dfvq diflicult iask in @mpuia sofhlde. !35,000 this yd d a compuier and you have to hand over €20 a 30 H€ d6igned his ffrst program 'Spa@ PdiC, Iast y6. Shortly progrm d6igner with a small@n' wee&housek@pingmons, to your puier soft\@e company in Liva afteMds, ihe companyImageSoft 5 pool. He would b€ an utumdkable A yed ago,he @ sittingbehind a lEe \m launched dd iNtted him high-flyingprofdional wae he noi 20 $h@l dak studyingfor six'O' Lato b@me an employee.His bsic ased only 16. eh and hlo CSB; @mputa studies 35 salaryis !17.000, and he nal<esas Oihd executiv€sof his calibreand was not even on the cuniculum. much again in bonusar, tringing eming p(Mr might well oM a He is eniir€b self taughl ha\rins rcrk home ai n'ghi. 10 JagE dd a deiachedbungal@ in Hh @ings this yd de likely io read books on compuieF ben€ath hail d ade, and iake a dnual 25 ihe bedcloihestrom rhe ase of 12, be sevd tima those oi his fathd, a holiday in Bdbados. and hd made hir.self an apdt in an bus diva in Livelpool. Fd fom Bui when you d€ 16, you haveio \4riiing games of the Stdr Wdrs beingjealous,his fathd is delighted. befetch€dbytaxi for rcrk a€iy day, vdiety, said io b€ one of ihe most
1 2
los E tnoqP raal lq6ru.rsluarPdrsqlo rsa60ns3pu€ aql seop leqM z ,r\our nol oo -" I aaua6nl-6)rr ' /r^oH t zraounol sEA 6q u6qa lq6ru lE qpt ourlpnls urq al:l slusr?d s,aua6.f pto I : a o t 3 qs u o r r s s . ba q l r a a s u PP U Eu r e 6 er t n u e d q t p e a u , saurt.ql uaaaloq p"ar, ol urEst lsnu a^l tBql slEau rspr of PPqraqler i.El ur srP sernoll pu aie aql tPql.ralu/ol acua{pn€srq e^eat pue roj 'uercrrtod sorn0Utuaurlotdrlsun aq], :IEs U6ru etduexa "poo6^lpP)(3 -aoPssaur v tP€.rra$ acnpepol reuetsrtro rapear aql o^eol pu€ sentc e^r6lsnl lnq IDr.!tdxa uo|leuro]ur 6^10l,uo,nioqt :ueeu Isqr leqa ^[.ex3 IPs ].uop srs)i!3ds puE sralu,\ uat o
(9er) sosnuoqs (e€D paq.unptz (s t) aJq ec I 6saqlteqa tno uoe pu? urEoP spor€ sql JosuEdlue^at3raqt pEaa 'auI oql t]" fteuorr.rp e or 6uruunr3q ptno/!\e/!\ asr^{raqto ^tareurxorddeleou Fnur pro/r E tBq/v\ssano ae ueqa 6utpear I?p,qa^o 10lot p ur tLqssrql asn 6M aoEn6upt6urpunorrnsaql lrtEqi ^tqonor mo )lJoa ot atqe are nol lnq 1oasn?5sqsuPou.r 'aour l,uop no^0urue6urasoq^ pror'/\P ssorce aur@ sau!3uos n o ^ ' a o e n b u Put a o r n o l u r u 3 ^ a o u l r l l s u o s0 ! r p e a ru a q M ueluoc uorl 6prof lo Bulueaur oqt 6u!ssan0
0urIU-'t0rq atqqieuar,
zrEa^ P 000',9$ oururBaIpPartP auaonf st I :suo'rsanbo4 asaql raasue ol rapro li urPopI qdProPrEdpPar aoN
'sluloo r€ln.!]JPo uoleurolul lnoqE au€u srrsv ssr3ardlno puuot outpearsue6ursrql'salBclpu! llelap rol EulpBau -:srelnduroc : q o l s , i € q l Psl r H o ! :s)ro/!\r€qrej srq ereqa srEtd 6ql 6
:ur.ru srq]o aurEuaql I
o r s e qs r H I
lnoqeburpeorpau€lsaq qrtqa ie 60eaql 9 :s€q5q st3^ot ,o, to raqurnuoqf t lq6!uruolsssprdslq urstdoadraptor€c aql €
-r'ar"r't"**,.i?!i,3X33ll :uE,bord,ornduorrs,,rs,u,"",",; s
'radpd aoarde uo sraasue inoi puE saruerolor to aurt €ql aluM uoDpurolurourao ol aql ro] ot.ruE aql ,u€.S,
'Iioica.rrpauoqdator€ ur raqunu B rol burlool arrt s.lt uo|rpurrolurpernbar aql ro] )oot lsnl '6utq ro^o ppar.r,uis,?u 'l.upaau noi,(Uadord ue.s o! rnq lcpl ur ' s u o r s o n bo t s i o a s u er o ' s a t l p u ' s a r n o t t ' s e t e p6 3 ' u o r l ! U j o t u l our€ds &a^ ]o gnoqEorsq^4sql puUor 6urpEersr ,6uluue.S, 6uluuBcS
Grammar 1 Inversionconslructions a high salary, but he s also very intelligent. Not only DoESEugeneEvansEARN so much money. Barely HAsa 16-yearold EARNED The two sentencesabove containexamolesol inversion'.Inversions are .ecessary in Engiishwhen certain words are placed ai the beginningol a sentence.Their effecl is to make the sentencemore d.amalic or rhetorical.comoare these two: N E N E V E R W EaNbTr o a d ' n h i s w h o e l i f e . v . N e v e r i n h i s w h o l e l l i e D D H E c o a b r o a d
Here is a lisi of some the words that mLrslbe fo Lowedby an inversion co.strLrctionwhen ihey begin a sentence.Most have a negativemeaning attachedto them. Studythem, then do the exercrse: Never (has she seen . . .)/Nowhere(will you find . . .)/seldom (do you iind . . .)/ Farely (doesshe say . . .)/Onlythen (did I rea ise . . .) Nor only (did he earn . . .) but (he) also . . . No sooner (had i entered . . .) lhan . . . Scarcely/Hardly(had he opened. . .) wh€n/b€lore. . NorE:Only when/Nol unlil (sornethinghappened)(did L understand. . .l Rephraselhe iollowing sentencesbeginningwith lhe words qiven in brackels: 6 You seldom iind reLniiedtwins who do not get on 1 People rare y appreciatethe lull lorce oi heredity. (Rarely.. ) w e l l t o s e l h e r(' s e l d o m . ) 7 EugeneEvanshad scarcelv lefi school beiore he 2 He slaried compuier prog.ammingas soon as he lound a job in a computersottwarecompanv lefi school. (No sooner . . .) (Scarcely. . .) 3 Besidesearning a fortune,Eusenehas also I He didn't realise how talenied he was Lntil he delighled his father. (Noi only . . .) started work. (onlv when 4 We won ! know how the twins feel about each other ) (Nol They had hardly been reunitedwhen they were iirsl time. until . . .) 9 ihev have met ior the until deep in conversalionaboui lhe past (Hardlv ) 5 Such .esearchhas never been caried out beiore. (Never belore . . .) 10 You won't iind a school anvwherewhose pupils get srch sood results.(Nowhere. . .)
2 Tenses:A reminder Discussthese queslionsabout the exercise above: 1 Why is lhe Simpie Pasl tense used in no. 2 and the P.esentPertectin no. 3? 2 Why is the PresenlPerlecltense used in no. 5? 3 ln no 1, why can'twe say Peopleare rarely apprecialing...'?
4 Why is the SirnPlePasi tense used in no. 8, and not lhe PresenlPerfeci? 5 What ienses are used in no. 7, and why?
HOmgWOrk exefcisg
(Recommended tlme:t hour)
Plan and wriie a compositionol about 250 words on one oi ihe lollowing: 1 Childrentoday are brlghter than those ol previousge.erations. Oiscuss. 2 State educationhas lessenedthe etfect oi hereditarylactors Discuss. 10
'luauruor^uo Iq Ilatos paururaiap sr paurEu.rla6 ea q.tqa lP aoE aqr a '3.u06r alur uo te6plPor0 P spusdsp 0urluup ro ouqoursuers aa r6ql3q^ c 'se^rt rno ur sl!a^3,{uPur to 0urur1laq} oi uorrnqutuo..!eua6 jueuodur !E sr are'll € 'Arsqnd ^q pacuantlu!.re qtqeq lrelalp rno V 'l]BdY parEeu sulal leql usas plno/tllr to ^pnls €ql u.rorl lusura]€tss!$ lo qlrul aql a^ordslp o 'luauarPls srql uo rqnop olqeroPrsuocls?. c 'snrl sr NauralPF stql leql ls606ns g 'anrl sr luauelEls sr$ lEql ^le^lsnl3uo3o^olo v 3ql re, os IPnIS "losauuln lo slnsar 6ql , luauiuor^u€ aLtlIq s? $u36 Iq qcnur se pacuanuursr ArlPuosrad, luauruor^ua aql lnoqE uolrEuiolu!rno asPs.rcuro 'rnor^"qaq ueurnq Jo sasne. eqr q.rea$r 9 'rsqlo qcPs puEtsrspun puE uasrnPy\ ueaf 3)!l sldosd dlaLl E '6uussurOua3;raua6 satdrcutrdoql rs^ocsrp V lo ol sr ^pnls PlossuurNart] to surP aql lo auo
'sol.e] irelrp3raq g3uanlur a$ our ']cressa dt6q uE3 o 1o '!EdP p3^rtra^au 3^€q oqd sur4 te3uuaprar€ C lal'tonep e puP uos P a^Pq qcBs a 'r.lllrqlP paldopPsiea Y Isql €sn&€q uaarnEn pup upaf ur pals3rap! ^tueuud ar? slstluarcs rE{r ulluo. riroh leqt uo4 srulod aql .6JBuapl P&qroa s€uloql r<)slord qtlh Euliroa r@r e 6qualEepun ol {n gtlp arou ar s@neo fobEqaq aeqr o] Euunqlquo sor.P] FNauuos@ 6ulaqq qJtqd 1EdV paME slnf ,o 6prqs pa{ord e Jo rrPd s€ aqJ qua€ asaquo6u'uu a$ u! 4a]1l'lPuno} Elosauuw aqr pa suo+e6!s u! asllr ".u! Pa{o u are uaanelil s! a@nuq rtraua8 F4uElsqnse llua o P@ @f aFoad Prquap' od! o$r alEedas upr 662 pzsqq:ataFurs e uorj 8uldoP€p oftqua ue rcq p@ 6rld puets.I,?Pun lou oP aqr €pun sua6 IIgs qqruar€ dGoDlu IPnP4rPul 6u9€tndlueu D] 6usaau!6@ trrla@EIo srralsdu aqt Foqe aiou D o$!P or adoq stq6opqrSsd'qrisasar qrns uorl 'atdoad u! sDpej ^re$aFq sar@nuutleqb € ors.Pot PaPulce; arc oq6'Espuals roj sqoleDqel 6up{h @rI apeur a Pq - DN6nep auo p@ uosauoa Pq$oq6a'{r a4s6t!uP}pue qsaDru! 'qodar
[email protected] 'lajrtJos@ned Ilaqr u! saFqEllus arr'lta^ 6tateedas Pa.@r p@ islr!! 'q$q ]e PardoPearamd?llrrnq FsuaPl aP 6ar{-Ll€ssl u wde sallu el e a !l uaug,o uamew s.qr'lpue sldPf l@f shl
p@ 'EuDiurrpPue buppus io ouuers to a6e 'asnedouau p@ 6t qnd a6e 'ualptrrt3 Jo ]o EuDedspu! 'uarplqs io !ff{q 19a6e'a6eqreu 'parn.s 6!aM 6poq q s6ueq. tp a6€ rgDads qrqa P a6e aqr 'q!q4l 6lelatP aPntJu! asaql auqa ueunq a$ Eulrnp qua^a ]o a6ueraP$ e roi luauuoMua pue sana6 to uopnqt4uo. 2 uelzr a']1 aPuqs or rcta ue u! 1€de paMr q.6 'sed Iaqro 8z tll,{ 6u9edl.qrd a€ su! q aql luauuo$ua 6q Parua qlq! 6u!aq uar lad 0g DLr'p arrl !ua3 rad 0q tnoqestolEuosbd uo arMntiu' rlaua6 a'$reql pue a.uanuu!Fluauudhua a'+@'+ 0@. Dd 0t ot 1ua €d 09 lnoqP)€8uoqs sr aruaqlalur uo a.uanuutrqauaElo paHa aqr
ladedbaoatdeuo sra sue tnoi alDllt o ro c 'a 'v ^ot€q Luat wea ut tuauetels aql oultlstua p nE,$)o ra^sue patsaaans tsaq eq st 1u!t4tnoi qatq^ esootl. uaql i nlarec eoessed stul peaa
iaNrwNou^Nr xo l_LtctxrHL
Generations PAPER 2: COMPOSITION 1 Whafs the glsr of the following article? Read ir in aboutlive minutesro find oul. What would be a good magazinehead ine ior lhe article? My sn John,bon 15 y{s ago,w6 my {isl child. He semed to tufil the prom is€ of his birih he wns bdghi, sociable dd happy. His shool rdord \m ra. sonableand he s€€medto gei on well {ith i@chas md childJen alike. But wh€n we moved io tondon, b@ue of my hubadt promotion,John seemed unable to Pttle d()m. Teacheu @mplajnedhe wd anli{ocial dd rude. He didn'i makefrien.ls,and often eiv€d ai s.hool lare and dishaelled. By ihe time he 0€! 12 he wasst@dil9 playing iruani dd in bad company.At
fwent promiseson John's palt. only a day or n o. unlil he 1e11, in disgEce. Soon he staried sle€pingout, in the rcods, in goodsyards.Mitins r@ms,in a pak shanng a shed with a tramp. And ofien, we jusi never foud oui
A placesEs finallyfound for John ai a difiaent. He had met skinheads.He kno more than when he le{t. H€ had tpeoal !nit'. ft proved to be \I]lm, frid.lly and suiiedto the child'sabilityto been 'snifiing'. Glu€ h€ld ihe k€!6 of prog€ss,Eiher ihan his abili! to sdck1o John startedcoming in laie, if ai all. a timetabl€dd unilom. The t@cha wasMm, mothaly and More thm once on bitterly cold winia somethingof a geniuswith children.She mominss I rculd find him @ld, slifi and li|ed John. The only dratrbact uas ihai 6leep on ou patio.No aplanalions for He hid in hisr@m till he u6 drpss€d, he could havejusi2i daysat the unit He his absnc6. Red nos€d and pimply md locked the battrcom door. Girlie' enjowd it, but the rest of the nme was fiom rhe slue, sora dound the mouth, magdines were found in his room, enply and he"w for hin. He beganto taik wiih a codse Cock cigdeite stubs appeded in ihe un ney ac.eni, delibehtely ungll)lmatiGl, For a time John stopped sleepingoui, pr€smably to hide his origins iroh Then, he started attackingthe tumi continued. His be ture dd windocsills wiih kniva or but the desiiuciion manr€r inproved, he be haviour and Then John was ausht shoplifting, delibehtely buming c"rpeis dd fmiganto takean int€r4t in hisapp@ance. tdice, and he Ms chdged. ture wiih cigareti€s,havingmini bonfir€s We spent a lot of nme iogeihd dd in his room, and cloihes and bedding ialked. He co operated with his s@ial Conditional dischdge After long dd involvedrepons he Ms 'phae' given a condiijonal dishdge, ldting a I h€ld my breaih. Had ihe Constant @mplaints yed. John had seemedshakenby the pa$ed? io be ffnally Things seemed The worry and sbain staned then. The formali9 of ihe co!n. He promhed as considl complaintsfrom the $hool, ihe we s"lked to the cd ihai he rculd Two things then happened which consiani rcws bet@en faihq and sn ova dmase. The sh@l calledme io a {orebodedthinss to come.John and his Then h€ began 1o sniff glue in ihe meeting.They @uld do no more, they ftiend goi inio ou back gdden, wh€re houe. On my renm the house would garage u,as.and John, boastinsof said. He Ms di$uptive, unruly and the srink of somesubsianceor there would fostaed tiendships wiih ihe *orst boys a ddung pr@6 he didn't po$s, be a oveMhelming smell of air' (aaidentaly in raase) shrted the cai dd went ilnoush ih€ back ofthe sarage Wren John @ asked io leve ihe The buming of tuhiiure, otber daft sch@LI besanio feel despaira@ping ageand ihe siealinga-llbeganagainand saious w6 his thelt of ou More overme.I felt unabletoso on, but kna I 160. The money €alated. He held on to r€lilv by a hadio and aswe tiied io pinpoiniJohn's holiday saunss had b€€n cdetully hidden in the tttad, and it b@me more and more problm dd find emeihing al
'ouropatdo€dr6qp 6ur' .
'u3ql ssncsrpuaqi 10a^orddBsrpro a^ordde nol sour$ to lsrt B atEm € . r6q/urtq/stq au/ u
:sqro^ auEs €ql qlr/rlsatBurssPt. puP llasrnoi inoq€ (lsed pu€ lu6$rd aw ul) sacLrarues a)|et'\rz
I (
usrpqc l u6uo
6urop) F---------------
:lt uro4 sacualuasaratduro3a)Pur puE 3lq4 srql lpnls
'sJertoqro suollce s,aldoedraqlo spreaol apnlluEuP ssardxaleql sqra^ qlra sincao us{o uoqc.Jtsuo. qsrt6ul uouuroc srql
'6u '€uoq p3sn (srq sruoreds,urlol ulq ol uo4^par 6u!^Pls ro) r30 r,uplno. 'ssEtcaql Duldnrsrp(s,uqolro) uLlof l,uplno. sraq3rsl aql Puels.rspun 'arods aq I€a €ql lnoqe 6ururPtduroc (s,raqpu slq.ro) raqlou sril polPquqol
purua6+e^lpolpe 9 !ssossod/unou0.td/unou +qraA
reuurerc a^uM uo|ssncs!o
.o^orddEsrpro a^ordde no^ oo i,.arP3ur, uqof ud ol uorsrcop,slusr€d€qt lo rurqr no^ op lEqM
' s , r a u l l e d q l r ^ lq s t L r n o l s r E d u o S P 'urq sp.rE\ol apnlruE ,slualPdsrq z puP :Iluoqlne ro Aar3os looq.s ol6pnlrrP s,uqor I aqlrcsapol sa^rl3alpPinol rse6l le u/!\opaluM c
zFt s€slclax3 ur palotdua no^6^Pq s|qs 0urpP€.r lBqM 'lual3e e qlr,\{lEads o1pauBls uqor 'Ieprtoq iaql rol po^es p€q ^truel 6q1 'abaeb a']l lo re sIPp
'uasurqt e6e aql u.ro4 30ueq. lo Iue tnoqlr,r{osroe Itrp€a}saar6 rnor^€qaqs,uqol 'atqerauD pr6u pE'l llun rz'3adsaLjl e '6ur oor]ss lol e Passru uqof io 'reln.ruBd ul roq.Pal suo pe^ouueuqol ptrq. ^tuo ue se^4urlot
6LI 'tonorql rP. aql e^orp urtol ' l t u na q t pueds ol paao e ^tuo sE,\ uqol
P qtra peqs P parPqsa^€q ol pres sP^ aH :ss3ualuss0urdo ol oql ul quetq aql alslduroc '$qP6qD o uru6oq B s€ 6ta$s sBtsn{ o6Paus 6uot e PaP 'PaFas pue sno€'qa.u 6ddeq pue uh sh o'ld uG ar{lPsealqeqqxaput sPi%rqrPaq P@ uoqep6aPaql Fn4 p@ a ot io $ot alit $ 6ulql lsroMaql
9 t e z I
a^to tsst€lio snrl quourslBF6ulaorrolaql srv z
'8I s! aq tqun aD u! s! aH arP. ut Pasptdaq ol uqor ro} Dprc aqr u6tsol dn alp4s'6Pu e ro5 oqa Dfloti IelJos6.ua6Dua p@ aJi.toda$ Pauoqd I lq6!u ryan PI@ lp'{r uo u4q roJ }no EuarasIo p%rsq PA aq alaqm,'lEtsol
@q Pal@ r PuePauoqdlqot uaqd lP, I P-4eqaqio asuasa'll ^lourt ueJauo oN IEirP4aqIo a$as 'raqla op or aqa Pq/h Iu!$ luPlnor I lnq aa.6e l,uP{no3 I am uI aDA
2 crNrRATroNs
The discursivecomposition
In the ProiiciencyPaper 2 (Composilion)ihere is neany always a discursivecompositionliue, i.e. one which asks you io give your opinion o n o r o l t l i n e t h e a r g u m e n t tso r a n d a g a i n s a i p a r l i c u l alrs s u eo . p o i n to J view- The lollowing are examplesoi discursivecompositionlit es: - Outli.e the advantasesand disadvankges oi having children. It is the duty ol parentsto look after their children in whatever
. lscuss. C h i l d r e ns h o u l db e g u i d e da n d c o r e c t e d ,b u t n e v e rp u n i s h e dD 1 How lo approach a discursive composilion 1 Always rcad the conposition titte very carefully. Thjs nay seem obvious,bul it is very importantthai you. compositionshould be 100% relevantio the litle. Noticeparliculadywhether lhe iitle asks yoL io g i v e y o u r o p i n i o no r m e r e l yi o o u l l i n eg e n e r a a l r g u m e n t sN. o i i c ei o o lhe numberof words expected:a phrase slch as 'aboui 300 words is y aoe. o f l e i u s . d i n t f e o r o ' i c i e n cP What do the compositiontit es above ask ror your opinion,or arguments? 2 Plan yaur @mposition That is, beiore you start io write the
a) wrlte notes ol lhe main points you wish to makei b) work o'rt what orde. you w'sh to pLrithese poinrs ini c ) d i v i d ey o u r p o i . t s i n t op a r a g r a p h s . A lypica plan ior the firsl compositionabove ('Ouilineihe advantages and disadvantagesoi having children.')mishl be as iorlows:
1: G.'ala)
? Aaea*aa.e.:
la dv@
- *4.^ L!)+
t'1 "3. ,.
d:4rt4 ,\ ir--.arLb
*-itu Po.nj,aph
3. O^o4--
+ :
a."4 ftia.i^g -z'-.441
ttz 244irh
'r-"o4 Le -,;tFa, L.tatu tu'@tu4 - lkv' o$!/ b--ar-ri'31 i,-" y* 'a'.lt:.t-Lt tt @;''Q Ldl @t;)"^..5 dLr4-d,a."t4gz4, aSai-,41 "W "*"3h
al A plan is jlst a noie or reminderto yourseti,so it onty needs to i n c l u d et h e m a i np o i n i sw h i c hy o u w i l l i h e n e x p a n du p o ni n i h e composiiionjtself. b) The contentsol the plan musi only reflectyolr opinion it the tirte asks c ) W h e ny o u a r e r e q u l r e dt o g i v e y o u r p o i n to i v i e w ,r e m e m b e tro j u s r i i y d) The plan above lol ows a basic discursivecomposiuonpattern: INTRODUCT ON+DEVELOPMENT+CONCLUS]ON
Althoughihis may not lii every composilionor may not atways suil your own personalslyle ol w.itin9, it providesa very uselut outiine tor a discursivecornposition.
*i4'1. u,rh
)noq ue u! uorrlsoot|lo33ql alua ol ^rl puP rlsr,r{.oi I (olrsoddo)tL 30Ed uo uetd oql,1^o1lol ',uarpj!q. 6ur^Eq saoEiuE^pestp pue saoeluP^pP lo €$ sullno, uorrlsodtllocaqi alua )iroaat].|oqloi 'ueld eql 6u0!}\ .rolaq so^tssrnol ououP s€nssraL]lssnesro , partslundro^su 'palcsrroc rnq PUBpeprn6aq plnoqs u€rplrrl3, :uoorsoduor stqt rol uEld P €lu^r'$rPd ul e
ePersproliaa suPldeqr orv (. . a l o l d u r o . u ! r ol l n l ool ro'€^rsuaqarduo.Itllj3r3ulns sueld aql srv (q aue^3lsr sluapo. aql l1P3rY (e :aprcappuE reqr€6olsuEtduolltsoduoc rno^ €ulu€x6 rPdul 'Ituo $nurur Ot ltasrnol /v\ollV i ss3uPlsu n.r l. iarcleq,4n ul usrptrqcl'aqi rauP rool or sruerEolo ^lnp e$ sl tl, : u o r u s o d u os. r q l l o l u B l dE e l l r M I 6uluuBld uolllsodluoc u! sealaraxi
'srrollcnrlsur aql aqrur parlnbaiqrcu3l3$ aq tsnuiuoDrsoduoc 'allrs qlra sr'll ur l llun 3slno. €lour sleep 'o[!l a$ ot lue^313]aq l6nu uolrlsoduro3 3ql ur oulq ro^l
( 2, lrunostP I a3s) rn'D^oqrusqs uaq,-r3,o.pue udqr ror I i:I^::::l*t::l:llllno qqee o, uaqr puE e,e ssssauleoa rno,{ rpqe I Itppxa qsr.qprsaot no^ ,or In+Esrsr -r os sa)iersu | .-:::ll::: r B t l r r u B du / { o . r o L lal t e u r o l D J o rs r u a p n l sl l v ioulaollol aql l€ 6ullool -^llnprEc tr lcaqc ol aull llas.rnoia^10sledlu no^ arns e)ieui puP tua^ rl )l.eq3'uor]lsoduo. rno^ uaBu/t{a^eq no^ ueqM 1!)l.atlC I
' ' 'lpql i E q l a l q E l u e p usnr l l Enop ou aq u?.3raq1/ ' uauo s! ll rE$ cla rqonoqvplEs/panoD/pauilElc '6uq?ads i Praua9 o u r p r E 6 a /8X s p r e t u r s V / X r o ] s V / p a u r a c u o sor X s P r B l s Y ' , u o r u r dl u or u l ' ' ' p u r u ^ u ro 1 /
seserqd tnFsn AtlBr.ua6€|{lo 6suPu.i!!nso1l apntcuo. 01 uorsnt.uo3ut / yoqs ut / i6'rq ut
ies ol sl lPql / aslcard aq oI / spro,{\ r3r{o ul
|le 10lsE! / ^tF€t / i eull 't1. aq tqoru/sr ' Jo etdurers reat. v 'aiduexa auo (lsnr)arel 01 / e3uelsu!iol / atduPxa rol '0€
u€N/Itprlqr/prrr.ll rxsN/Atpuoras/puo3os |e 1olsil / ^[sJrl / rsrH
slulodlo suarunBreou|lsll,rol
'srql6uroprol soEnouellniasnaurossr sreH a^{ u€tdrnol ut srulod€ql psuuocot oulraquaua'rr al!.tinIllnlarPc rnol pauuPtd a^Eqno,(usqM uollsodulo.aqt aluM E uolrlsoduros
a a
1 Betore you listen,say what you rememberaboui J o h n( p p . 1 21 3 ) . Why do you think John behavedas he did? What could the lollowing have done to help hjm,1o prevent him from sliding inio bad company, stealing and glue-sniffing: a) his parents?b) his teachers? c) social workers?d) socieM
a ,
t I I
2 You are going to hear an interviewwith a sociologist.Lislen to find out his generalviews about the family today and aboursubstirute
Eit 3 Now lislen again and make notes on the following 1 2
3 4
a fi
points (or a piece of paper): What people have been saying ior years about the lamily and family lile': What Dr Neil ssid about a) divorce:b) re-marriase: c) single-parentfamilies: d) 'dual career'families:Tho views of many listenerson dual eareei iamilies:The driierenL'substiluteparents mentionedar€
t I t
(/iso:5 Why il is said the mixing of ag€s is importanr: 4 Dlscussion 'problem To what extent do you lhink family life ioday accounlsfor children' like John? And what about city lile? Do you think John would have gone olf the .ails il the family had not moved to London?
Vocabulary Morewordslor ioiningsenlences A variety of ioining words makesfor a lar more interestjngstyle of writing and allom for more precis€ €xpression.Study and do these exercises. 1 Words thar introducecontrstins information:whercas,though,despite,etc. He Dromisedhe would behavebul in facl he ouicklv wenl back lo his old wavs. Bephrasethis sentenceusins the words in the senlencesbelow. Be caref'rl! You may have lo make changesin punctuaiionor in grammalicalconshuction, 1 Whereas .. .... 2 On lhe onehand . However,
(sproa00elnoqv) uotutdorno^ a^re op ptnoqs^eqltsEel r€ql uo4 q.nu se urEatslusrPd z le - quarEdrlaqrLuorjuJeatusrptlq3sE uarPtr'te (spro,r00elnoqv, 'ssn.sro so.u4sunrr!. ra^aleqaur u€rptrqciaql rouDloot or q|l3rPolo ^lnp sql s,ll I 'ua^tDsuo!Ln4su!atll l .exa ^o ot tsnu sranisueJno^ sasluaxa uoutsodw@6u!/i^oot arl lo ituo auoelrtA
lo suoc puB soid a'ti ssnsslo os bulop arolsq lPeI E roj lro,'t\or rno oO ol p66!tqoaq ptnoqsuowcnpa raq6tq ol uo 6uto6 otdosd ouno^ llv g 'ssncsrq uaipl!t{crlsqt pu? s}u6rEd uae4€q uo4e.runuiuro.lo lcpt B lo Insar 3qr s! dE6 !o!lEiau36 aql z
'queEd srq iq se oullooqcssrq Iq qcnu sE pacuanuutst p 't. v r 's3[rr uogtsoduoc a^!srn.s!p 6ur/\o o] sarw aql ro] suPtdsltrM
(seuulruOt :aurllpapuau|luoaau)
sas!3Jaxa uomauoH
'lBurrol rot.l, puE tErnsN rot,N, iraFt6ar ro etAs e'll alPcrputol qcEa3plssq re$at E Fd puE ureoEuatrPA a eq nol ss3u3lu3soql qEnorqlo9 sr€qro uBql oulrua\lo s3tas u|Bpa, oi 3}?lrdordde3rou.iarE Z pup ! ur spro/\ oururo!3ql lo auos .t4S
lEqM zarnb3r Isql op suorrsnlsuo3 t€crreu.urPro 'u6q1lo tsrt E slPt{ i,/r\outno^ op spro^r ,uorlrppP,reqlo FrtM
^tuoloN t
splo,{ 3ql 6ursnscuoluesslql oserqdsu "{otaq '3ntO0urlrus uaaq pEl €q pue spEequrtsauros iau pEq uqor 'qa oot ra^o o& 'saplsag :uoDEurrotu! a.npo4u!lpr]t sproM z tEuo|rrppB 'ursql p
a3r!nbar^€ql op suor3n4suo. pcleuuBl6 tEq/\A lsrt E sIeN .spro,1^ilsP4uo., jaqp IUB doul no^ oo
'" ",;^:r qonoqM " .rr::rr:::
Fql pe] eql lo eltds ut I
sNouvENrS z
Mysteriesand Theories
a1 Yo! have probably heard or read about many unexplainedmvsteries such as the [Iary Celeste, the BermudaTriansle, UFOS.ihe A b o m i n a b l sen o w m a n( i n l h e H i m a l a y a st)h, e L o c hN e s sM o n s t e r( i n Scolland),the 'Curse of the Pharaohs, and why and how lhe Pyramids w e r e b u i l ti n E g y p l . Tell each olher brielly whal you know about any ot these mysteries, and also any ot lhe iheories which have been put iorward to explain Now raad this and do the exercise be ow.
THE SIBERIANMYSTERY / a . n . .o ' J h n e o n J 0 l u - e I o 0 8 d f f r e b "ol ll Ar, proporhon.colcn EirL 'n '1" v"Iey ol d€vskri1g A I I rhe 'u1qll k" we,, d ,emole pdn of norhs. Sibeda. Iis blaing heai flatien€d an d@ th€ ste ol t?ningrad, meltjngmetalobjecisand incindating herdsol reindea. Foliageras ripped irom 1re4, the blastuprootjng them lik€ matchsiick. Nomadswae lifted bodily ftom the ground ad th€n tents flung aMy in the violent wjnd. A flmd siitjns on hisporch 60 kilomeira awayd€scnbedit 'There appeded a greatflash of light Thde ms so much heai thai I wasno longa able to remajn whde I was my shilt almosi bmed off my back.I saw a huse firebal that coveredd €nomos pait of the s19.I oniy had a moment to note the sDeof ii. Aftryards it betme ddk dd ai the smeijme I felt an eplosion ihaitttr4 me sevaal feei from the porch. I lost consciousns {or a fa momenis ad whenI (me lo, I hdd a noisethat sh@k the whole house dd ndly moved it off its foundations.' wiih meieoiitc matefal and dsi mired in), and ihosewho prefer a more fancitul aplanation. Flndings liom many souca now stongly favou the po$ible @mei, but the last rcrd hd certainlynoi been saic €us6 has split inv€sli Tbe contovasy about The altemalivethories are in any (,e provo@tjvedd gatorsinto thosewho believeihai ii wasa comet {a kind oJ diny @smicsnouball consistingof chunksol froren gas€s appealingenough to be {odh considedns.
nftatevd caused the Tunguska er?losion, ii Msnt a
Accordinqto what you have read, are these stalemenlstrue or talse? Give reasons Investisaiorsiall into two categories:those who 1 The afea which was hil was quite densely believe a meieoritecausedthe explosion,and those who Javoursorne other e)(planation. 2 The heat was so intensethai ii burned or melted One ot the theoriessuggeslslhat lhe area was hit aLmosleverylhingin ihe area. 3 T h e l i g h i l i t u p a h u g ea r e ar o r h o u r s 1a
.uoleuetcl\a ue a sqr Dtard stsguarrspawuar as 'ssaP$-€N lua '6iq€6 mo paqr%r 6aq! au4r aq1 ramod z^rsotdF & plnm pup 6Pt 6iU4 aqr puodaqE] aleq6qo 4aqr "sot o1 Pasddns are ,eNoaFu DUEU uuej aruls uouqos lD€borl ipauaJuor s €'lm6unt 4quun uE sua6 r se E] sv laruoaiau ra$EU EuE.ue & rq s4 qr ar{l tPql qe66ns &@qr auo lnq'6!uEu, gt u IIls s Dneu.tr@ olul qrllr*u etueq.au ul]l@nb pue ,,ioaql 6l^sepr atlr to s6eq aqr oo pappard asuatsr @ !118 satJ+pd a^up6aq Jo dn apeu p@leu rc DDeu st ia$pa ELro.
Iarrelx-guv z
i a@sqo P@ palap or lFsltj,P tsou aq $I+ ptnoa pu€ uns a$ ot asoltrqa qe€duol s 4 a.ejms ara spaBa rluqas paploar Auo 'eDf a'lr aqr ssaDqd 'sa 4 Es wep alir ul turod e uo{ 6u'uor aq ptnod lr tJoqs u@@arqns aDMs 6D a$b paDluno.ua puotr a'+ ua'lM, :ua^6 uaaqaq uoseuetd€ ptnod aloq 'I.etq € +eq}iaqrn' p@ 'qlsJ uog pa6D@ 6u!ro o] ?qr 'aus €5uot E rq paMsqo sh (s€,r\ a^eq plnm r zDqe trqu€FVq]loN aql ur 6ep le$ uo rou uosoldxa PnsnunuP]o pro.6r ou sl araqrleql apeu uaaq l! ]pqa srleq]]!) Fuor ag ^qmot sv.rIrEI aqrIq I]!q.alla @tJnu parnPord a Pq ptnor lr '|sadEapuolt'u mal a eq sos%lqo a'I 'ipapunodod san drcaqr aql aruls ltaa e upql arou ou uaaqa^eqHnm aDqdsou4paifl u! lauo . qrql a$ Jo zpls e 6q panpord arnteradual at]t q8noqlp leqr papt..F. aFoddo aqr uo DIEIelnuiu M, Ea6@@ pue uoEr€Drur s4 ut paadspuPuotr.arp a6@q. o1ueD4 uaaq alrrr 6F qtla '$% a'+ to 6poq a$ liEnonfl qled rr zz6l a eq sta@o:) uoueuetdb rsq aql or uaas ptnd s"ll Dqlu e rcfloJ uaqr pn@ ap'l l?€tq a![r spajJa *16!P-qs "q slsa{rod6q rauror aql t .'@s P@ Eulumqqsu a.nPord Pue:satroj ue@q€ ]o s4auoH aPnbs Jo sParPunqp at oi aro] qbnoua qrh a 4 Poqs .'D'ldsou4e uE aPar. Plnoa 6poq6pla -uetdeur ue ro] 6pop uolstlto3le.rd6 e lP aDqdsou4e s.ril@3ar]l 6uPNa apq lJetq pazs uoPj u€le'll saleFFc -ua'.s raqpuv tua a etsnbunJ aql uort atqpqqn6usslpu! aq plntr Euaqrs6uq'l atoq )tletq e ]o ptz aqr 'iarr?DN ur ue6u d Ir'l pu! uowef ]trV srsrqs^qdqsqfg aqr or 0u! 'atoq rpqq P'o,JV auap Puellqls qaua4E suoraq ]r e o1parnpa s!6poq e ]' re'! s!&oaq] aql pa nd srJpsr tq6t EqpntJur l! @u bulqtAa ? qJqd olut acpdsDrno ur@p ues,ratoq,jretq,v TataDd letoq !IJEn,ro€qr m', e 4ra lun mo jo uoueD aql DUe1e!1'1eapr aql roj loddns lpa ordun la6 se qonoqtv IerEaroaql 6uo4s s' aDqr saloq {f,elg I
'atqno4 orlt 6uura6€L€ papotcb.€ leql raneu -uu€6q paDed dqs areds e sw tr ]eqr palsa66nsa^eq satFn rqto '$€:t paMu lt se i)rcp rcts or papadde pa{qo aq} 6qd pue iFleD ou sw sd I D€Pqb aDql6qh iuoNotdF J@ole ueto pnotr uoo,qsnq p!l]@] sou aql qlh t@lsFuo, pnop tsnP ouho rq pue 2rg ra4!a3aql sa4 paEeuepun te ]o relld elo $oldgtrsp aqr aqr pue Eulqrors Flpd aql urqdE ptnoh srql dqs aJedse ur uoFotclr€rel.nu e Jottns aqr sed uotsold$ olsnbunf ?$ P?.uouor sed oqa iestu%y rapueld 'ueBsnuaqr^q 9t6I urumuoqtrg arua'Jso u plrNoj tnd 1s4 Pd uolqdi€ r%pnu e & r!!i 6ulaqrppf to %p1alif uotsoldxa .lgatms lelqsalral-E g{I t
salroarll aql
'ir6ls^hl ueueqrS a$ rol
[email protected] lsoq rurqr noi tuo.qr q.rqa ssncsrc 'ursql ol suolrca{qo€ql pue raa $lioa(]l raqlo 3ql lPqa tuapnls raqlouPuro4 tno pu+ 's3lo! rnol uo4 6ur)ro,11ueql 's3^t6sur3qlrot sepu a)pi ptnoqssraquJau dnor6 Y ir ol suorrcalqoIUE qlra roqlabot,,Uoaql'tcpa to slutod ut!!! aql uo salou alEl puP (r pue e sauoaqt ro z pup I sauoaq!) Ituo r\otaq ssuoaq] a+ to oal pBor ptnoqs dno.roLtsPf sdnoro eLUsolLr lEsra
6ulpe3r r$866!f e
1 In SectionB ot the ProiiciencyPaper 3 (Useof English)you will be asked to wriie a surnmary.lmagineyou are asked to summariseand compare the iirst two theories pui loMard lo accountlor the mysreriousevent in Tunsuskain 1908'.Readthe iirst two theories on p a g e1 9 a g a i n ,a n d s t u d yl h e m a i n p o i n i sa n d s u m m a r yb e L o wN. o t e the connectorsthal have bee. used (and see unit 2, pp.16-17lor Summary T w o o f i h e t h e o r i e sw h i c hh a v eb e e np r o p o u n d eido e x p l a i nt h e Tunguskaexplosionare lhe black hole lheory and the anli-mattel theory. fyhlle il is as yel unprovedthat a black hole or aniimatter causedthe explosion,there is theoreiicalscienliticsupportfor their A'black ho e is believedlo be exlremely dense ardthe eiiect ol one hilting the Earth wou d producethe same etlect as ihat in Tunguska.lt would create a massiveshock wave lvrlc, would llatren and burn large areas ot Satest.Furthemote, il would pass through the Earlh and olt ihe oiher side, yet lhere was no evidenceol any Atlanlic explosionnor ol any subteranean eadhquakesin the TungLrskaincident. The anri-mattertheory a/so seems io qive an unlikelyexplanalionoi the myste.y.Anli-mattermeteoritesare supposed1ocome lrom beyondthe l4ilky Way, ard wolld iherelore lose much oi their researchinio exploslvepower if ihey reachedEarlh. /Veve,rtheless, anu mailer is siill young, €nd this explanaiion is preferred by
1 l
Main poinls 1 a) Not yet proved - srrong theorelicalsupporiior idea oi b ) ' B l a c kh o e ' - v e r y d e n s e . c) Ettectof an atorn-size'black h o l e h i t t i n gS i b e r i a s a m e as Tunguskaevent. d) would creale massiveshock wave - tlalten large area of fofest other eilects. e) Black hole would Pass through Earth and out olher side. No evidence:no Atlanticexplosio.: no subte(anean earthquakes. 2 a) Anti-matter:agaln on y b) Anii-maitermeteoriies supposedlo come lrom beyondihe Milky way - ose power on reachins Earth. c) BUf researchinto anti-matter s u l l y o u n g- t h i s e x p l a n a t i o n preierred by some scienilsts.
2 How to approach wriling a summary I Pick out the parl or parts oi the text lhat must be summarised.Often you wlll not have lo summarisea whole iexi. 2 Bead the part or pads of lhe text ior gisi. Ask yourseLiwhat il is/ihey 3 4 5 6 7 8
U n d e r l i n eo r c i r c l ei h e m a i . p o i . t s ( w o r d s p, h r a s e so r s e n t e n c e s ) . M a k ea L i s to i t h e m a i np o l n l si . e .w r i t et h e md o w n . Re-orderor re-groupthe points as appropriale. D e c i d ew h i c hp o i n l sn e e dt o b e l i n k e dw i t h w h i c hj o i n i n gw o r d s . W r i t ey o u rs u m m a r y . Bead il carelully,correctingwhere necessary,and check the number
3 Now summariseand comparethe tinal two theories (Theories3 and 4 on page 19) put iorward io accountro. the mysleriousevenl Ln Tunguskain 1908.Work in pairs ior steps l-€ in 2.
's,r6upPorno^ qlr,$sapu rno^ aieduro. uaql sarioaqlluara$p aql uo pue PausooPqlPqa 1o slcEl aql uo salou a)€L! puP ualq-t ,alsal33^r€l'!, aql drqs a'li 0urpunorns Irelslur €as snouJptsql roj lunorrp ot prPt\rol lnd s6tr€ql aqr io auos sulPtdxaro'4ne uE qcrqa ul d.r^ratur orpPrlauq P rEsq or 0u106are no^
'pu9 rpltruEl os pu arm rq6!u ad leqb Jo p%rp e pEq I puE -tBs E@u mrP am se ]a (mPl mo IepP ur emt@; 'iet Eupuers puEe.Illo, iot oulqqphussnu' aFoad pau!6eu! I puv eFsuluad 'etst 'at!N @!aqt pue 6FI qsqsg pue %S r% 'Ldr,pdt{ ,pl"t"uH sarq%t EltruEJ raq.]ortsn6uqslp^t@t3 pFor aa pue p@ zdorna llps DEN ersv 'o sruzuEuotr puP .!]rv .+@FV lno arr€u
ptno! ad 'qlqt raqpllurc or papdad p@ D@u 6rp ad se pW q't6noq1 Mo Dq ro sq 't{,{ Iaglbu eD q,B'drqsu'arualsss{araql sDas pue t{u ino uo re! oru! qrsaP au6 uoohl p@ sew raldnf I+unqa@td-D'{ro q6noqr rsd @F6s Jo Ld+ ruh ur ses urs urc lral no runs '6PpunsqssJ uo l]rcp sel1I qw3 960Z 'auE 6uot6ra € 'auq 6uol p 6eae ]eqr palqnqb ad lnq Jddqpelt al 6em,1{|}^Josa'11%'ralno uoq uals6s €tos spp$ol u! oqureaDs aum aM
'uorl.+ e.uer.s o.a!d srql ur 'alpldorddE sp Ourqlouio aqr ur lnd lo Z 'sr\su aql p3^rao€.ra/i I€O seu]suqC 6ql raquraurar I irnlAEsea asnoq /ttaurno olut pa^our3/t\ ieprnles e'11 z'916tto ralur/v\3ql raqureuar nol oo '6 a ourltr.eds ueLta ldo5x€ 'suoseasro (IpA sEurtsuqC '6 a) qe^ltsa! 'stuuaw '\aaa aqr s,{pp qrra pasn rttEnsnlou sr eqr t to qpel iaqioU 6 a ,iar€qs}lql tsr?orpWsqi u€u no^ ,.rsrt3lPqfl3rEole!,! s,aueu i6H, ,uo|ectlluosiad,qlra io'qltuS !!?ldeC'qlrurs Ip€l pup pro t qlrurs ro 'qllurs uqof 6 a,solr, !ll,1^ puE l,uoop no^ ptol I qlrurs uleldpc aqt s,r"qt, '0sulsqltossnsql:-roNms ) o a t d o a dp s a w E u\ i r p € s n^ l t E n s nl o u s r a q - a 0 uodrlv rcl4pe lalsurl,,!))o^ :s,utpttng ',sau11aqt,:stededs aN ,s$idxt aql, .arnlpN,',ou.rt,',alr"t,isarlzpOpfil p€ou uopuot 'taans prolxo isreslrs Ixele9 aqt 'uospo oql isa4eaquseu€u!9 (taloH) q5o t ouoc a)je-tisarP T raFaqcroo a$ ;s/aroH ssaN PTEqBS aql uPq?tP) sqr jqrasao Fara^l lu not\t-su/elunorl P)lsnountaql strN sql rsrerl&r lro^ ^\aN Uopuot uuog :su4oJJsertc (HSSnaqr 'VSn sql lns) sP^e|P!.l.jtHat+ :sule q. ulelu now p u P t O u t ' I t P U ' l E 0 n u o; sda / j u n 0 9 satst qs8u€ aql :sdnorOpuels/ P3SlcPl€ aql .|lu€[v 6r]t :suea.olseas ]ua) Pusqrs s?xa] is€/ruro9lsarPis (clclv aql 3lrcr€luv aL]lmsJ ]sel etpprl,\l.ql isPery qljel al.|l!uoon aqr !unS aqt:uatsis Jelas eq! ?cneiPluV Boutv 'adornf iguau4uo9 iEM ^)itrt,\laql asra^run aql ralrdnT siBt! :snuts jqarpld/srpis '' ' ' ' ' r { r a p s s n^ e n s n pssn rllr^{ IJPnsn sr aqt tou srsi,4 z 'Illnlpearp perelrns llsr", sL-tL6L aq] ut pa^p^ut eJa^ tetr suolteuaqf '-len4 lP suoxE{r}o le^ou e sr slqf :6ldurexsrol'tBrauao ut sbulr.rllnoqP ll€l ol luea a,v,ueqa pasn rou sr tnq sourql rBtnrued soutlsp aqr rBql requraueu I
aq, alclug allullaP €ql lo EcussqEro asn eql
reururerc sltuolHr oNYslll]Is,{l{
Readingand filling in blanks 1 In SectionA of the ProficiencyPaper 3 (Use of English)you wiJl be askedto read a passageand till in the blanks. lf you were given a piece of wriiing in your own lanquagewhich had blanks or gaps in ii, you would probably be able to read it. Why?Becauseyou know the systemsin your own languagewell enoughio be able to guess what is missing.You can do this in English,too. But here are some tips to help you. 1 Readthe whole lexl or paragraphrhroLghlo ger rhe gist ol it. 2 Then go back, read each sentencewith a blank in it carefully,and ask yourselflhis quest'on:What kind or word is neededin the blank an adiective?a verb? a joinins word? a modal (e.s. shou/o)or an auxiliary ve.b (e.s. have, be)?a word like a, tte, some, felv, elc.? The words bolore and after the blank will give you clues.
Then, when you think you know what kind of wo.d is missing and what is requiredlor meanins,check ditferentwords to see how and if they will fit- Fo. examplo,if you ar€ sure a prepositionis missins, is ii to do with rime (ar, or, ,,r, fot, since, ago, etc.), with localion(at, urder, ,ear, eic.) or wiih moyement (to, by, past, inro, elc.)? Or is it part ol a set Noun/Verb/Adiective + Prepositionphrase {tt the abseDceof, tely ont proud of, etc.)?or il it is a joining word, could it be although,and, wbich/thav wha, besides,etc.,ot patt of a phrase,such as as in as good as, or so in so relieved that, elc.? Fead the passagebelow. Then fill in lhe blanks asking yourselfihe queslionsabove and questions like those down the right'handcolumn below. cneck your completionswirb a partner.
(1) tlp mvsteriousdeathsof Is there any logical explanation -(2) mary peapld Joumalist Phillip Vendenbergstudied the le{€nd of the Curs€of the Pharaohsfor years.He came -(3) qriiha {ascinatingsuggestion.In hisbook, The Curseofthe Pharaohs'. he sals that the tombs within the B,'|amidswere ped€rt breeding (4) could develop new and unkno&,n grounds for bacleria strains-(5) ihe centune,and could maintaintheir poiencyunlil the prasent day. (6)ihatthe ancientE$ptianswere aperts in He alsopoints poison.Somepoisonsdo not haveto be s&Bllowedto klll thegcan (7) penetrahngthe skin. Poisonoussubsiances prove lethal were used in wall paintingsvrithin the tombs,which 'r€r€ -(8) (9) in ancient days sealedand made airtight- Grave'robbers nided the tombs alwals firsl bored a small hole -(10) the (11) air to circulatebefore thee trok€ chamberwa io allow (12) to plunder the Pharaohs'rich€s. (13) €'&-aoidinaryexplanation-(14) But the all for (15) in 1949. It came from the atomic the Curce was put sci€ntisiProfassorLouis Bulgarjni.H€ said:'lt is d€finitelypossiblethat (16) ancieni Esyptiansused atomic radiaiion io -(17) their holy places.The floors of the tombs -(18) have been {inishedwith radio'acliverock. Rockcontaining-(19) gold and uranium !.rasmined in Eqpt 3,000 yearsago.-(20) Ediation could klll a man today.
2 Whatwo.ds can go in front ol nany2 too, not, so? How abaut 3 Phtbal veftl in? down2 through? bf up? to? 4 Bead the whole sentence.The missinqword mlstjoin the hrol and? but? whiah? that'l who? 5 Time prepositionldurlng? over? 6 Phtasal ve.bl ta? out? up? T Musl mean: when they penettate - . . sa on ot by? ol 8 Surely a time word ol some kind: often? then? sonetines? 9 Read.lhewhole senlence.[4ust be a relaiive pronoun:ttral? 'lO Prcposalionl round? through2
(Re.commended lime: 30 minules)
Summary Read the completedpassageabove asain and then summarisein about 70 words the theorieswnich hav6 been propoundedio explain why so many people conneciedwith the discoveryoi Tutankham!n have died from the Curse ot lhe Pharaohs. 22
1 Preposiiion!on abor0 roas in explain sonething to
, mou Dlsulu4saM e uueqqcnurop 1€s1l ssoDaql pa^BsI rnq:moPulsualoq E'salddp{lds'lP,tpaqsElds t,uPIPI 6BPaWtoFar aqlro}lnoq€pa{e}sniabpFom+s{ Eulqpulosop orajPoIool I'o} luaMa l acqdfta^a tv o+PeqdPoqauosasmooIo'aqtod aqlml sl3B46us a eal l uplno,{ no^ sP, horg rrqlel uo luam lldi/[ ^r.so9n)Founn aqr qrnl Pduurusse \ aq :llad5 s ,'tq'peq ppq sB 1aq ing .Ia6qp a dsat ot nsaqueH rct 6uqPA PauaasPFo'Y'aql .I pled nod pue'llq ino6 ParalP I partouun 6ulssEdrol a gotu auos seqaq's6edaqI 6qoo+saluqaa.qls!q qq I sl.aiqoflPDua6ueulv ranb lda)lnofPue .rc6nspue rps a$ pa6u€qrI lalnb 6u!d"al lol uosearauos seqaq l.usaoPaq I :aaloc qq q {es spugaq I aua.se sa,Pur6Praua6 uetuv }tasmo6^\oqsno6a}PurPlno lEunllrsue}l Eal€ul o+op €^au PFomlt aasol no6parsallsnlt os 66DIcu,vro.mo]o 3uo tsuPDePPUp3S rua'tuq6no.q 6qM op I ptp^1oHiasmotrIo pueJatqrpa.Iamno6arnsl,usp^\tltaMz I ilse nod op'alaq auoc 6aq1PlPMoH a{P a [JapP }sa}sal6aql pup uau-larllod6uo.qso1\1aIB, '6uqurod'{l^10r9raqlpl pl€s prE trol aplqs qq ur PaddoFnsaqurpH ,raa4rpw purqag, 'Puotr3s'pLV 6lFar Pq roS l,ua I asnmag . auoP ]ou ale am '6ldtrlls umorg D'lrel pPs "sne?aq ,'oN, lslrl aclo, 6q { aryl l,uoM no6, :oslpdn pools pue .iaJlo' ^q u "IBl II.l Pue auoP e ar.am '6q a dn a46 nod pu€ 'nod uo 1061Fsa inod a alpq I l€q+ lF a8puBur lt r,uop l Jjrqs alpq t.uoP t, iPallJ pue 'a.q5.a6cquefis e pFo. no6 a rolPl u€ a a{aq +.uopI no6 a "$ qB 4+aat srqot6uedsaH IaplsqP Iro$r{rqsPUeradedrnqbuqlousPd\ara'lr'ssol]aI+Io pealsut's"traldu! ruar pue +al3odlauu! qq Io 1nola3lPd€d€d-@orq e arcl neaqulPll ! suouEs 6BmllPrie alois aq s8eqpueqqrynI oP or pasnaH loodatupHurmo[a] rood e tuo4 roo] 1eq]plsal L :qPes€q]er PaPpBaq ua'[ . lalsuuqsaM ui aulur,o Puat{ e o}6u6[ I tuasa eqfiaq]F BdalqenP l€q]q]v-Y\aulalr]e 6p.rne bu,uLruJo peaEUIoS prp I urp6B r€/n t uaqe rnq:r uPeql/,1dLlI lla/r'\dn paUJru I I ssapPePlmq-rEdEulaq] a B6puPl"clPd € galp.l I! pa)isePu€doqs-p3/t$ieql o+lseq ',lsapd aF{ lua ,\L 6B,t!papajjeun atuPsaql ur 6uH€ds Pies,'qq} a4l se.l1r' llaM, 'npa$ueH 'asn6qp "tF qq qlseaun paleadar 6ugJlqs /1Esard u! .ZPurqaqI +3-1, . Pulqaqauo lqbuaql{al I ua$ pup'ul€6e'l.eq ulaq}pabuewI'aasnodl uop'uaql slarrPdaql a6ueqc plBs.'motl4nof'no6 PaqrPmI PlP4etu,t, oS, -n quEH ol u./y\o]g.laqlPJ nod /y\ps tsBI ]B I 'spa uorrreto as.rnoe srqpalsal iuonbsqnssrqleqa pu€nP6quPlluoqB suorrrdsns uaorg roqPl ^ oq asuPurunssproa 0SrnoqPur ueql'IllnlsrEcaoessedslql pEsu z '.tuPlLL atll ussq sPq'r3r.1preoqe srabuassedgl9'l lo qlPap sPll^auEU iaH eraqa€sta (oz) - ul a q l t o p u B d r q s( 6 , ] o 6 u l r u r sa q rp ^ r o r sa q f l u r s o l d r q ss r q ( 8 r ) " 'uletdPe pools uo aoplrq 3ql aqr 19!) tred e p3^Btdtuer.rlopnlp $ora (1, - ' iururnl! 'ptoq s,rouri 3ql ur psrrresrou ( purqsqluauuEduroc P ur (qt) ) n o ^ l s u r e o Ps u o p s r l B q l l l e r a ^ o q d u n r l l l r r \ n o i p u P a q r ' a n l € ^s l ' j o ( € , , d€ts no^ qrlqa ur uEarp aql (z!) - _ olE^\V, :ttadse aroq ^uurnur 3ql (1, ' ' punorrugu.rEuro uv 'uotPusLttv aPfutieqlel siunueqluElnl1o u0r3r eqr (or) _' pa^rt oq,\ ss€tsqdord€ 10ipoq eql sea (6) ue o6rP3slqEnlB^ Iuurnu uE|ldl6] sraqro llE s/\^op€tls.ra^o 6utssoi3sea r6url P',zl6l U) P qlra.lluBjtv (8) (9) asDr ouo s! aroql (9) - - sqlEap^rnlua.rtrcz (t) ' __ slqrsuodssl qlnrl (!) - " _ sr araqr il (€) " 3q uE. sqoer"'td lual3uPaql l€ql lertaq aql (Z) 'prolA atqettns auo LurlAaaessed 6utao o! aqt u] stluelq paaqwnu eqt lo q.ea ll!! |
HS|'I5N3 lO 3Sn
sltxorHr qNv sl|llls^W
Crime and Punishment COMPREHENSION PAPER 4: LISTENINC , e a u t h o r i l i € as n d l h e D i s t u r b i n igh o u g hi l m l s i b e f o r t h e p o p u l a l i o nt h po ice, crime in many countries and parric'rarly ln larqe clties, is on the increase.As a c ass, briefly discuss.rime in your counlry. For e x a m p l ei,s c r l m ei n c r e a s j n so, r n o i ?l l i t i s w h a tk i n d so l c r i m e sa r e t hy? b e c o m i n gm o r ec o m m o n ?A n d c a n y o ! s u g g e sw Preparing lo listen T h r e eo f r h e s k i l l sy o u m u s la c q u i r ei n L i s t e n i n gC o m p r e h e n s i oanr e 1 underslandingEng ish in a variety oJ non-standard'accenfst 2 reading and inlerpretinggraphica rnalerlal(e.9.a chad); and 3 trying to predlct what you are goins to hear.
1 a ) E n g l i s hi s s p o k e nb y m i l l i o n so i p e o p l el n m a n yc o u n i r l e s r h r o ! g h o uti h e w o r l da s t h e i rn a t i v eo r ' l i r s t l a n g u a g ea, i d l h e r e are manv o!iie distinct accents. This is part ol a .epod oi an armed robbery.Sludy it and then iisien to the way it is read by speakerswilh the accenislisled below 13lh February.9.30 45, Gree. Lane, London.A Securityvan collecti|]grnoneytrom the NaiionalBank was approachedby lwo men, one with a .45 revolver,the other with a sawn-oflshotgun. w i t h t h e h a n d g u nh, e h a n d e do v e r W h e nt h e q ! a r d w a s t h r e a l e n e d iour cash baqs.Then tlre robbersescapedin a siolen car. 1 Ausvalian 2 American 3 Scoltish 4 Caribbean 5 lrish 6 Soulh b) Now you are qoing to hear parls oi a newspaperariicle .ead with djjierent accents.As you listen,wrile i. the number ol the speaker i n t h e l a b l eb e l o w .
soLlhAlrican n Wesh I
.qustrarian n
Compareyo! answerswith a pariner. Discusswhich accent(s)you ioLnd diflic!lt or easy to !rndersland.Can yoLrsay why?
2 a ) Y o u a r e g o i n gi o h e a rs o m e o n et a l k i n ga b o u tt h e r l s e i n c r i m e .B u t befote you listen, strdy the qraphical malerial (rlght),and answer and discussthese questions: What does the title lell you A Decadeof Crime in lhe Capital'? 2 Whal do you think is missinslrom boxes I and 3? (can yot already q!ess ,.oughlywhal ihe answersare?) 3 Whal do you think is missingirom boxes 2 and 4? Why? b) Now lisien and lollow the insirLclions.Then discusshow close yoLr
-lEl 24
of Crime in the Capita
sz 'ssBtce+ lsar €ql ot sl.rodar dnoroqcBalo to auou6q1 xrsio a^! ]o sdnoroul s^a^rnslcnpuorot uEqcaql asnr\oN
- lsour aIqM a,M,ro ,1,,{, qlli aai6Pnol op qelqM iauuedB qlr/ssiaasuErnol €reduoeaoN
3u i38n!,i
Iuea !A
rtu .. r d s . - q o - Dl l o ' l ' Jo q.Iqa Ia.J no^ Pf,eJ eqt uo sa.larras.qr ar 1Iar ot nor alrl Plnoa I auo q.€a roJ lue saulri lo rsll e rno pear 01 auroB u? 1r
f 'adq eql uo suo|l3n4suraql ao ol pu? ua]srtaoN
.,$oH ./\ oqaurosno^ dlaq llr,v\sre)E€osro ra)Eos 3ql leql lurL]l noi op'tou ]t asrt .qr ut s6uu3 aqr E PuelsrapunnoI oo uqM .uo!ssn.srp P .roan6ote!pe 'anbotouou e reaq or 6utob ere no^ )utql no^ oO aIqM a'1ro4uaEl sr uPq. aqr lutql no^ op aroqM :suolrsenb 6ssql rs,f sue pue aotoq rrzqr aql ^pnls ladq €ql ol ualsrt no^ orot€E I
Some adiective and adverb conslructions
1 2 3
1 You rememberihai comparativeadjectivesare Jormedwith adj.-er or nore/tess+ adi., ot ate nrcgrlat e.9. better, wo.se, further, eta. ln the same way, cornparaliveadverbsare lormed with rore/less+adu., al a.e ntegula( e.9. better, wolse, eic. Cornparativeadjectivesand b y ' d o u b l i n gu p ' e . 9 . a d v e r b sc a n b e i n i e n s i l i e d
5 3
b i g g e ra n d b i g g e . ,s h o r t e ra n d s h o r t e r , wo.se and worse, better and belter
more and more \ l e s sa n d l e s s I
m o . ea n d m o r e 1 J less and less J I
better and belter, worse and worse, further and ruriher, harder and harder
s l o w l y ,c a r e l u l l y , responsibly
J (
comrnon,diiiicult, disturbinq
Now sludy the criminal statisticsfor Englandand Wales 1977and 1981 and make staiementsabort lhem like lhis: Fraud has become less and ess common in recent years. Burglarieshave becornemore and more irequent since 1977.
297 4
Crininal Siatistics England and Wales Senaus ofren@s (n thausands) rccnrded by the palice Violenceagaisl Criminaldamage 386.7
21.3 rorgery120.6 OtherI
2 Look at these sentenceswhich use t e+comparative adj./adv.,then do
T h e b i g g e rc i t i e sb e c o m et,h e m o r ec r i m e
: As cities becomebisger, crime increases
The older he gers,the less honest he
: As he gets older, he becomescorrespondingly
The sooner we can solve the probLem, the better it will be lor all concerned.
: l t w e c a n s o v e i h e p r o b l e ms o o n ,i t w i l l b e better for all concerned.
And note ihese two commonsayings: The sooner,the betterl = The sooner somethinSis done, ihe betier ii will be. The mo.e, the merrierl = The more peop e lhere are, the merrier the group will be.
I -)]
T +zu,-*1r' i,
'Auuoq iUaun se^ atA aqf 0 e a^tpatp" 6ul eLtlqlra posnaq os ? ue. sLrorrp!rquroc ssaq]lpql raqureuau i p a ^ a r t oirp a l s n e q x a ' p a q r n r s r p ' p o l u r o d d E s r p tosdn ' p a ! r ! r r a t 6 p ' p a s s o r d e p ' p a i opqa ^ o u u e ' p a s n u " paFn6stp psssar&p paroq !palouu€ qonoroql I lasdn palsn€qxa peururelsp pssnu? Itqotq pe^ertsr I tParo palouue pspuago 'ps^ou lrnq',peqrntsrp'paluroddPsrp'passardap aurocra^o palsneqxa paioq palutoooEstp palsn6srPpeuturalap paqsruolseipaz"u? ( 'lsrtbuf uauua ur pasn 3q or pusl pup lEurot arlnb a)e lUaun pue itqonuoqt itqolq ^fiearo'^tdaap atrt sqrs^p? qlr^ i rPtn.Ilied suolmo o. asaql lo ,^u?u l?rtl oloNJ 'rsuuEd E qlra ue]tua a^eq nol leqa ssncstpuaLlt spunosia|e.ds eql aoq saqu.sop rseq )1urqrno^ qcrqa \po$aostp aFnlasqe 6a) asprqd p uaop 3lu^^ prip asoo-. uersrt10^ sv odet 6qt ol ualsri uaqt pue uoql ^pnls suo[pco oc a^gcoipe-q].^pe uouuo. euos are aotaa .la 'suolrpntrs'sluo^a sourql urEuacuoqt E sour€al ro or suoDcparraql 0urssardxeetdoad u6l rPsq or 0uro0ar! no^ asuossardxoasaqt pasn ^aqt uaq/!rot 0uurata.riaqr da^ req,'ttpazewe ^@nlosqe pue paqnlstp ^td.ap pelshqstpitelnpsqe e)irtsuorsssidxapesn pedpl sql ul ueuoa 6,.]lpue ueu aqr !(9zd) lun oql r'r rari€a s,Msr^rstr.r
(suo!leco oc aA!lcalpe-qJa^peql!/$)suollcesr s,aldoad 6u!qlJcsaO
lfuelnqecol '! lnoqp auop aq lsnu 6urqtsulosleql itdreqs os uasl e^pq s€ln0U autuC / d r P q so s s r e r r r t o r ^u r d s e d . , u r d q -l
asqunu u! paseor.ap a^B! tuabrol p-P prertto sespJ€6up[s ra6s lE' q6no].v 'asFr.ursql - o I t s l | u | | s ps r ^ . a q q o r' p e sa q { p u / s r I q 6 n o . r v,
'irtnoqPauopaq lsnu,6urqtauos leql { usstr$rnou auruca^pq^tdr€qsos ( o.uator^u! osear.uraLjtsr oi€qsos
r€qurnu ut pas€erc.p e^Bqirobrol pu? p.erl ,o saspc uaas ieu lr qbnoqvs" abuB4s 'esearsuroql Lro^tarru|ap sr Iraqqo.l 'aq iEU trlst ]r qonoLtysPpPS
puE st!u. moqp sNaual€ls r€trurs e)luU uoqt :lLraurqsrund pue sqra^pe pup sa^nealpPqtr,r sloDenlsuoc uorsr€^uraseqtte )oot 0 (
qNv lwtltr rNtt tHstNod
r a b u o ta q ] ) 6 u l q r n F r p6 r o u e u o . . q r a u o l p n l r sa q l l a o u o t ^ u p ] r e a a a ] t 9 ( arou aql rauoq 3q ,no^'arour asrlcErdno,i ]t t ( ra66rq aq, ajDsssat auo.eq ^aql 1300rq^rojo satlr. rno sV e ( r a p r P qa q ] ) I a u o u a r o u u r e a t t , n o ^! 3 p r E q ) i r o a n o ^ ] l z ( erou .ttl) ool ase.r.ur ol italrt sr ouu3 'sssParcurtuau,^otduaunsV t ' r r a r o j a qp a , u u dr c - a l J r s a q l s p a r p s . . I Itic?x€ sueaL!r! ]Er.|iea p q.ns ur so.ualuas 0urr,\ottolaq] lo qcPaqsrurl
Homeworkexercises 1 Summary
(Recommended llme:4o minutes)
This is an exAactlrom a book aboul the hislory of smugglingand smugglercin the Southol England-R€ad it careiully and ihen summarise in aboul 120words what it says about the incidenceof smuggling,the sentencesgiven lo smugglersand their attitudeto imprisonmentin the late 18thand early 1gthceniuries.
In the early 180Ossmugglinggangswere generally smaller and fewer in number than they had been duringthe previouscentuy, theywe!€ operdtingl€ss frequentv.andth€dmounro f contsaband drivingin DoFetwasgreadyfeduced.Funhermorethe number of runs being intercept€dand the number of smug slers arreslpd had inaeased dramadcally.Thffe i\ clear evidencefor this in ihe registersof Dorchesier Gaol, wfiich survivefrom 1782. In the thirt!-ihree yeals from ihen to 1815, just sldv'n o smugglers were impdsonedat Dorchester- an avemgeof less than nro a yenr; in the Iollowing thirly-threeyeals, hom 1816 Lo1848.fie numberIobailed749 an averageof n enly-ttueea year.And if the five years beginning 1821 are taken in isolaiion, ihe average annual6gurensesio fody'eighi,pompting the Clerk of ihe P€acefor Dorset to remark in 1825 that ihe ratioofsrnusglersto otheroffendersin the prisonwas 'd consranrsubjen of 'egrer to the visiringJuqtices. In the samereport,the clerkstatedthere hadbeen few insianc€sof insubordinationor discontentin the prison and the generaldemeanourof the prisonels had been regular and orderly, 'the only partjculal excepiion having taken place in the smuggling urards'.Smilarly, ihe pfison chaplain reported that the spiritual condition of prisonersin geneml had improvedand he hopedthat many 'who enteredthe pr'son with litde senseof religion in their minds' had be€n 'induced to reflect on their past habiis of immordlity and aime and to forsake them in the future'. The chaplain had, however,operienced 'a greaier dif{icuh in introducing sobriely of ihoughi and a{ciiing atten[on to religious instructon amongstthe smugglers'due to 'a fevedshsiate of mind prevalent in that cla6s of prison€rs and a pasuasion that ihet offenc€sare more vigorously punishedthan those pnsoneE of other classes'. It is tlue smuggleFwere punished more haFhlg ihan manypety criminalsbut sentenc€sw€refar lers
severettranfor thosewho facedthe deathpenaltyfor burgiary, or transportation for stealingbre-ad.The lorsmuggling wasa finewhich.during usualpenalty the post-Napol€onicperiod,$,asaboui!100, lr'ith an indefinite period of imprisonment in de{ault. Fe\l smugqlerswere able to pay such an enormoussum (equivalentthen to about four years'wagesfor an ordrnaryjob) buL most trere releasedforn prison afier a year or so.There is no known record of any Dorsetsmugglerbeing hangedfor a straighdonrard smugglingoffence,though a handi-rlweresentenced to death {of off€ncesof violenceagainstthe Coastguard.l4osrof th€sewereeventudll,'epreved. Th€rev,rascertainb a beliefamongsmugglersthai they were being penalised{or somethingwhich few people regardedas a true crime,but a contdbutory facior to this discontent ma9 well have been the d-dmpedandspartancondinonsof St.Petels Patace, asthey calledthe countygaol.Mosi of tlle men were outdoor types - sailors,tuhermen, farm labourers and so on - and prolongedconlinementwould have b€enartremelyha.d; not ashard,however,asit must haveseemedto those aniving a few decadeseadier: Dorchesterwasgiven a new prison in 1787, the old one beingin a luinous and insecurestate',but within ihre€ yearsof iis complebon,the new building was condemnedfor being damp and unwholesom€.Iis cells wer€ not properly vennlated,the courtyards weretoo small,iis wEllswereinsecureand buili of illchosen materia-ls,and debtors shared cells wth murderers-fu leastwomen prisonerswere seglegat ed {rom men (whichwasn'talwals the case}but the generalcondidonsw€re considereda dangerto the inmaies' phlEical and moral health and in 1788, plans were prepared for a second replacement pnson.This building,completedin 1795, t,rasstill no boliday camp but vras a great improvement on previousefforts.
(Becommendedtlme:1 hour) 2 Composilion Planandwrii€a composilion ol aboul350wordson the rollowing: 'Widespread ror lhe present unsmployment is largelyresponsible increasein crime.'Discuss. 28
qezt L9tZ
gtt0 6900
-- oz
'agel e41u! uolewrolu! oulssu eql aFtdaoc
zz-lL suoqsanb )o1
z ravd
: ir t tuadordp ssol : j: :i^uadordlo ssol :93-03i]ladord 10ssol :sldue$Epapoqv
ya9t o/"zz o/a^' %
0t 6 I I
z85t:Ntvlas Nl sSluvloun€ pst6rnqeq ra ssnoq B lPLlrparernrrPcsr ll I _ __ 'lElol aqi lo se qorq sP aq ot lq6noql s! scllod eql or palodartou sauEltunqlo raqunu e'll t ' '__ Iq osor ssssol ,(rel6rnqploqasnoqZ86Lul e ' --' _ '616! pelornq s€snoqlo rsqunu eqr z86r ul z sPA ur uErlr 3/ou '_' irs^s ulBruE u! p3lfinq sr esno'{ auo I 'atqq aq ut uoleuolu! oulsstu aql aqt u €\uetq aq ata4ao. '91 suolsaRb to)
'Ot4 suotsanb roJ quaaale$
t ruvd (sarnu!uoz'xorddp:au,1) NOTSN!HSUdWOCCNINSISI'l
lNlwHsrNndqNv lwlul
ConsumerSocietv PAPER s: lNTtRvlEw 1 Dlscuss 'Only when you have
boughta machinewhich polishesyour kitchen iloor in five minutesflai will you b€gin to wonder why you've spent years on your knees scrubbingil with soap and waier! lt's etlicient, labouFsavingand inexpensivel' So run ths advertisers claims for gadgets,new inventionsor tabou., saving devices,as they are often called. Wnat gadgelsor labo!r-€avins devices have you or your family qot at home? In groups, list as many as you can (using a dictionary il n€cessary),and lhen brielly discusshow uselul they are. In the ProficiencyPapor 5 (lnterview)you will have to answer quesiionsabout a pictu.e and discussrelaied topics. Sludy some of the ways in which we ask lor a repetition,etc.
Gadset people Richad and Barbara Noman, with daughter Victoria, ar€ masteE of all they $rivry. Their home conlains gadgety galore - and they are soon moving to a larg€r home, with er€n mor€.
Askins rot rcpert on
calgn lhal ! I Lnderslandr I what you said would you mind repeatinqivthe question/sayingthat agarn,prease,
Asking tor ctaritication
l'm sony. | (still) don't understandwhat you mean Oid you want me to {describethe woman)? (:polite iorm of Do you want me to . . . ?')
1 2 3 4
Askins for tine to think
(Um), let me think (a moment). lt you'll lrsi give me a moment(to gather my thoughts)
5 Z@m 16 Jor (maa 6 E]@tic knjle sharpend dd
As far as I can see, . . . / Presumably I assume/presume(lhat) . . .
Be seems/appoarsto . . . / lt seems/appearsihai A p p a . e n t l y . . . / l V H el o o k sa s i f l a st h o u s h . . .
Doubt or Unceftainry
I doubt whether . . . / | don't (really) think (that)I m not teally surp il/wherher,
|m sorrv. I didn t oLire
li s quite clea./obviousto rne (lhal) (Ou'l€)cleany/obviously. . . !'m quite sure/convinced(ihat) . . . Expressing ignorance
l'm alraid I can t quite make out what I'm not quite sure what I m airaid I don'l knovhave no idea what )
2 In pairs, ask and answer lhe About the phoio' and Personal questionsopposite,using the above as and when necessary. l0
One cup el€.lic k€tle Cd@ utih pM windd Panake nals (el6tic) Wirels rmore contol lnit
17 R€note @nrol for telaision 20 Diplomar chs same
L aurql noI op lPq,u ,asr3os ^Er\€aorql E, ur 3 rt sa prPss,lt E zsas!^eP6ur^PsrnoqElPUe s1a6prouo4lleuaq /te.r atdoed10spurl leqM Z i,asn ,€ql ^tu3ua 3ql lnoq? tEqM .uox\ slPur ro o^es ^aqr oc s1a0p€0arv I .irEs$cau uolssn3slp leraue9 assaurdd€qlo eapr rnol srqr st e i,as6qrlo IUP ro0 ^trurElrnoi ro no^ o^?H z
.sueuroN 3ql se qsopEo^ueu s? 3^eq ol alll no^ plnoM I leuosred auqel sPMopqd aql )iulql no^ op IqM q s,r! )u!ql no^ op tEqM a(! raqunu) ourqrl€ql s,leqM t .atq4 aql uo sourql asoql ll€ a,releqM g aiddeq os )oot ^3ql lu!'tl nol op IqM Z aar€ 3tdo6d a$ql lurqr noi op oqM L olotlo €ql lnoqv
'suoDsanboql raqlo qcEa t s P s r i B du r p u e ( , u o r s s r s s rlcP r e u a 9 ., l P u o s r r d .. o l o q d. q l l n o q v , l s6urpFq aarql rapun /v\otsqotoqd aql lnoqE suolrsanbarou allJA,{{oN t
(rEqtIEs ptnoa I (reqt ptpso^pqptnoa| / ''' ptnori (leql) ra'tFr tur$ I turq] l/ 0Pqt '' ' I oeqr)rurqytaaya^artaq '' lPqlsr ourteayaar^/uolurdo u,ho^y\ ',uorurdo ' ' ' 'aar^Iu.rul / Aurul :tupsse.auuaq,' puE sP suotssardxassaqi 3sn 'aotaq uorssmsrp te.r3ua6rol suonsanbali ssn.slp'sdnoro llEursul €
5 coNsuMER soctErY
Grammar 1 Compoundnouns and relative pronouns vrrich, who and ihat gadgetslabour-saving Whenever we mentionor discussinvenuons, devicesand peope's jobs,w6 oit6nusecompound nouns.And when we wi I onen explaining whata gadgeidoesof whata jobinvolves, pronouns. usereLarve 1 Siudy this table and describewhai each ariicle is or what each person A carvlng knire is a knife (which is) used tor carving meat. A knite sharpener is sanething/a gadget/a device which/that sharpens A bus driver is soneane/a person thaVwho drivs a bus. What do you noriceabourthe c o m p o u n on o ! n s I n e a c ng r o u p (a-e)? How have lhey been iormed? Can you think ol any olhers that are iormed n lhe
A s e w i n gm a c h i n e C h e w i n 9g u m A h e a r i n ga i d
A lire exti|rguisher
e ) A c o r d l e s st e l e p h o n e An elect.ic toothbrush :i";'::::-::-
A languageleacher
A blasted po||eLcut, jusl as l was cleaning ny teeth!
2 Gamet 20 Ouestio's (s€o T€acher'sGulde Unil 5)
2 Parlicipfe ,rg form as subiecl to replace a SincelAs/gecauselwhen . . . clause Studvlhis.lhendo lhe exercise: asinq a busy hoLsewiie,you can't do withoLrta v a c u u mc l e a n e r . Nol having mlch tirns tor hous€work,you cou d do w i t h a w a s h i n gm a c h i n e . Havlngu3ed our cotlee grinder once, you'll neve. use anything6lse. NouNeverhavlng had a rnachinelike lhis before, you'l! be abso ute y amazedat what it can dol
: Since/As/Becauseyou are a busy housewile, y o u c a n t d o w i i h o u ta v a c u u mc l e a n e r . : Slnce you don i have much lime tor housework, y o u c o u l dd o w i l h a w a s h i n gm a c h i n e = When you have lsed our cofiee grinder once, yor'lj never 'rse anythingelsel : Since you have not/neverhad a machinelike this belore, you'll be absolutelyarnazedal whal
NorE:When ihis participleconstructionis used,the subject of boih halves oi lhe senlence MUSTbe lhe same. 32
)t c*,{b ii l-
.qrun roqro puB slrll ur psslperd a^Pq no^ suorrcn4suo3puE a^oqp lusur€srua pe 3ql ur prBaq no^ €6enEUEIlopurt eql asn-q€ ,aurq3Buour,qasE lotet@rad aotog pals€ol p 6 a €or^€p6u!^Bs-rnoqptro laOpED E ,Ja)ipuJq3r,l^pues e.u Jaqiole rot luaurasrua^pprplturs e epa puE ssncsrp,srtedut Z iisEt r€ro aql saop 6uot aoH 9 zpopnr.utsr ssto lplt,l puv arsocr ptnoc qcnuraoH 9 aop aulq.Pu aql |ll1tEqM t atr tnoqP loal s€uef rn ssop ^\oH e ap p6ute ]uaurasrua^ppoql sr €tdoad,o purl pqM z ,ol iusurasue^PPsrql sr ]EqM L :suorr$nb asetll loqro q.ea lsp eed ur uaq'.ualsr.t ruaurasruo^ppue reaq or 6uro6ar,no^ 1
6u;ua1s;1 ( ' atlrtM/ qonoqt) esn ol rarsBaqcnui sr auo rpq,ipq] Ips Fnu r 'poo6 strnb s!rouado ur s/i./rreqr earEBtqonoqt ( ' a//irt1)! oulsn rnoi uo lstsul oen610 touu€e^aql ix puEre, pusulu'o3d srarnr.Bjnu€ureql atlqM ( . uo) autqcpuraql uo q.l!,l^s^t3r€rpauu! lsnui noi ,punosouruJp,\sq} rP€q no^ uaqM ( - ) ss^e6t aqr |B dn $icrd puE uaet IUE ssoroE^Iqloolussa^oL! I ( .a/q/4) isot.prturtro/r\ l.uEc a/{ l^t)prnbsrapo qqpdsrp ol up5 3,$ 6u!q ra^€ op 3!v\3t'qM
9 t I Z !
:ua^rospro/$sql 6u!sn uorrcnlsuocatdrirpEdtuasardsrql ot sscuatu€sssaql ua^uog 'auJPsaqr sl 63uquas puP esnBtcqtoq to rcarqnsaq] uoqa pasn €q Ituo uBc uollcnrsuo3 sl.tl ,ureOV:3roN .aurll ol osusl€13.1 3ql ur acuaralrp aql srlEqA i,q0 u!lou uq qZ u! p3sn uo s!I{M ,ro lo pE€lsrr!pasn 3q ptno3pro/v\rsqto pq,\^ ,qz ul aal1ql lo a.EId ur pasn €q ptn@ pro/trrsqlo leq/\^,qL ul '}?[ 3qloulupsp auroqtE pa^pls 3H ]e[ 3ql Fuealc puE auo'] rE paIEF aH 'I.oqs 3ulcala 'ur !p aurq.eu sql ourDontd uO e 106 t 'u! aurqcEu aqi paoontd |loqM l.oqs cuFats uE to6 | | srsl?td procar aql tp pa)iootI pa^ras 3q ol ou Er{ a qM , 'e6^Btd prorar aql paroot pa^ras aq or 6urlpr\ si:a a qM tp I r
qe pe qz ez qi e!
:aotaqesrrsxa aql op uaql srql^pnls 'uolFlltsqns e3ueluasio esnep rol Lurot|tur- ald|3HBd lueseld e i^uEa 'Arpd qI,$ 3jaqt r6!aq p,t paeroe sql dlaq ol lao asnecaE rqonoql | I 9 'I ssrurr.uo,$aqs lsqsp/llqsrpD peqre^aus,aqsaculs t 1r puplgepunt.uptnocaq 'uosradpcruqcartua^ p rou s,aqsV € .aou eu4 uo slusullutoooP 'qqE,v\}sui p tqonoqlsnl a^,t acuts Z ,{u or ol rr'\su 106 lq6no | -acr^pP rno^ 6ry1 ts3q,aql r o$l l,uopI sv ! ,t ltes^uJ ,Inq :uo!.nJFuocaldrcrlede 6ursnsacualues 0ut/!lool €$ lo 't3paasptqdag II]DOS dtWnSNO:r I
soclErY 5 coNsuMER
Oral Interviewpreparation 1 Deallng wilh the Passages In the exam you will be askedto read one, two or three passagessilenllv and then to discussiuihern with lhe examiner.The fol owing passaqes and tasks are an exarnpe of what you can expect 1 Read one ol these passasesand then i) commenton its source and language;and ii) give your opinion on anv oi lhe poinls th€ passase containsand/or relate anv sirnlLarsiiuat on(s)vou know about a)
Iwasbornwfioultheu'eof 1lvlimb' mvarm' Asvoucansep,l mdisdbled. anoleqs,andtnedoaorstusrcanr doanythrnglorme A few!ea]. ago though theva;ve me this machine- I cal li Bnan - it work by compuierand I work ii wlrhirv mouth.lt ' helpedme Lodo so -nanvLhiTS jt. beer mawel]orslr real.vlias changedmv ifP.O{ cour'€.il co.t d lorrurp The h pplesbelevedin a socety in wh ch a I properiywas communaL, ody They belongedio everyb nothingbe ongedtoanybodyandeveryihing and rnalerialgoods g irnportancelo g too much lrt that sociely ave thou also song of JohnLennon's Th s wasthe message lhatth s creaieda ienation.
'video nastiei, the Govemmentls As par! of its cuffent battle against the inlroductionoflegislationthatwould makeit an offenceto conaidering ailow childrenaccessto thescvideos.
2 Here is some usetu languagelor commenlingon lhe source ot a l'm (absolutely)convinced(thai)/l don t (real y) think (that)lt s (a piece ol) writien/spoksnlan9uage. /lt s (probablv) l1(probaby) comes irom . . ./ll s (probably)taken irom I think it's q!ite/more ihan likely that ihis Passagewas iaken rrom . It could (wel )/might (wel )/musi be Pari oi . . . be laken lrorn . . ./come trom a/an . . . n€wspaperadicle newspaperletler newspapereditorial (government)repod letter
brochure advertisement novel sel oi nstructio.s periodica!
radio programme chai show leciure conversation annou.cemeni
interuiew debate talk speech dLscussron
Can you think oi any other languageio add to these lisis? 3 Dbcusslonpoinls Howcan you recognisewhethersomething s written or spokenlanguage? How could you t€ll a passagewas irom a novel and not irom lor W h i c ho i t h ea b o v e s o u r c easr el l k e l y t oc o n i a i nl o r m a l o r n l o r m a l l a n g u a g e ? 4 ln palrs, catry out mock jnierviews bassd on the passages
'3.ue6tolur q6rLt s q pa^ordrtoqM^oopultcoturapoupale.rrsrldos ^tqorq qlm pspr^oro sBAaq ttrunole. unuuo. ol atqeuoeqr€^aupPqpue stEoteiqaroc uo4 srallnsaH p!et6!3',sou,4a, uoltrt!uo4 laplo€ l.o]o opqd e srsrql !
( spro^l 09e lnoqP alrra ol ure ptnoqs nol) urol iessa ur ro sr€)eads o4 u.a43q snootErpE to uJrolsql u! raqlrs ausql srql uo rrorssn.srppo3uEteqe alra puP uPtd ,iuaqt psau t,irop^6qt puP- q.u sql orP s,,{Pp€nou so.'^ap 6ur^ps-rnoqptpllE qaoppb ,{su uio4ltauaq oqn €ldo6d Ituo aqt,
uo!l!soduoc (lnoq ! :aurll pepueuuoosu)
eslcraxe ltoilrauroH
G rlunap!n5 srraqoeal ees) atnull! e tanf iawe, e 'arnlnl aqt p auoq oq.L € 'p3ooe.rpuEq aql sprPAol6leis aql ,{lrtrqrsuodsar aqt lo z 'patqesrpoql pue iootouqcat I uolssnastp teraue6 rcl
arsrseerroa rnol aleu ot a)rt nol plnoassurqcPur qs0pP6reqM z .ro zol?crunuuo. l,uptnocno^I ta€iptno/$noi tutql nol op aoH ! leuos,r€d
a u € u d l n b as r q rt | Eu a ^ r 0s B 6 a q a r o F q p r p 'q )i!r|']l no^ op lPqM Z'srlcra turqi no^ op pto aoH au'q rol rsrsPEsl etPu ptnor. 't.rqd se.r^ap ro isle6pe6,raqlo tse66nsnoI uEc a I q M i , u t6 u | u t s . q s t r t B q . l o p u q l e q M aoP urq dteq sburqrsnoDB^aql op reqM elpnls srq ur ioo )l3lo sErtluaurdrnbalpqM
9 t I z I
oloqd eql tnoqv
'.lo lqnop'nrureusc isuoltdunssessordxaor'uorr€.tlDet. ro uorl9adar e rol Ise ol lrun €ql ur rsrtrEa p3sn no^ €6Pn0uetaqr raquauou s,UPdLr ,1otaqsuolsanb aql ]aasup pue )se uaql pup .arnptd stql lpnls sqdot paptar Bulasnrslp pue ernpld B Uoqe 6u!)|tel Z
Scienceand ScienceFiction PAPER1: RIADINC COMPREHENSION 1 Which do you preler reading,ractualscientific reports or scienceiiction? Why?Which are your iavourite scienc€iiction writers or slories?Tell
2 Did you see or read 2001: A Space Odyssev? WhaI did you think of il? Do you know its sequel 2010i Odysey Two? Read rhis exiraci lrom it to see ii
'Wlo is iP' whispa€d somene, to a cho s of shsh6 and, he Flovd Gjsed hjs handsin a gestu€ of ignodce '. . . kn@ you arc abodd Leonou . . . may not rEve 5 much lime . . . aiming my suit antennawhae I think . . Th€ sisnal @nishedfor agonizings@nds, ihen (,me back much cleM, thoush not appr€iably louda. '. . . relaythjsinfomatjon io Ealih. ?siend€stoyed thiee noid@if hoursago.l'nonbsuMvor.Usingmysuitradio 10 it has enoughrang€,but ifs the only chance.Plenselist€n I repeat illEBEls UFEON ls rlFEONET,FioPA car€fullv.THERE The sisnalladed again.A stDned silencefolowed ihai no one aitmpted 1ointdpt While heuas vJaiting,Floyd 15 sdched his memorytunousl9.He 6uld noi r€@gnte the loice it might havebeen that ol ay Wesiem€du6ted Chinese.Robably itwassomeonehe had m€t at a sciatfic confaenc€, but unlessthe speakeridentiied himseff he rculd never kno. 20'...soonaft€rl€almidnlght.We@epmpings1€adily dd thetanftswae almosthaf tul1-Dr Lee dd I wentout io check the pipe insulation. Tsien stands sbod about ihiriv meta fton ihe edgeof the Gand Cdal. Rp4 go directlyfiom it dd d(nm through ihe ic€.Vay thin not 25 sale to tr€lk on. The l|?rm uFvelling . . .' Asain a long silace. Floydwndaed if the spe'kd u6 molins, and had been momentalily cut off by eme
aslronond dd qob'olosisi uiih a good fDd ofjok6. He trasnt joking n@. a5 '. . - lik€ hugestands ofwet saweed, ewling alongthe '. . . no problm 6veljloMtis of lishnngs1rungup on ground.Lee tu backto the ship to gei a (meh - I siaved io Mich, reponing ovd ihe radio. The ihing moved so s0 the shjp. Like a ChrisdE tr@ b€auiiful, shining dght slowlyI could 6 y outrun it I Ms muci moreo(citedthan saw ii fiEt a huge Glorious colows. t€e thrcugh the ice. alamed. Thoudt I kn@whai kind of 6@ture it \6 - l ve ddk massrising up lrom the depths.Ai fEt we thought it ihenit 50 sed piciu6 of the kelp for€stso{f Califomia - but I @s tooldseforasingleorganim i&Bashoolofish started to treak throush ihe ice. ' '. . . I coirld tel it was in h-ouble.It couldnl po$'bly s5 Dr Flord, I hop€ you can h€ar me. This is Prof€ssor '02 - Boslon LCUconfaence" swive at a temperature a hundr€d and fifty bel@ its Chang we met in nomai enviroment. li q6 ft€eins soM d it m@ed Inslanilv,in@nsrously, Floyd\ ihoughtswerea bilion hlomebe, away.He udgu€lyremdbaed that recepiion, 55 foeard bits werebrealing off like glass buiitv6sdl a&Encingtowdd the ship,a blackndalv,ave,slowingd<)@ afta the clGing sess'onof the Inimalional Astronomical 40 Union Consess the last on€ that tb€ Chin6e had 'l \6 still so su?ris€d that I @uldn't think sFaightand I ai:iendedbefotethe S@nd CulturalRdolution. And n@ @uldn1 iMgine what it aas tying to do . . . he realled Chag vay distinctly a small hunorous
IE ZIE^\ IUE ur aouar.s dtaq uotlcu a.ual3s UEC zrEtnooo os auo.aq s?q !o!lc[ ecuslcs)iutql no^ op ^qm z Z^qM apu€lqblLu€posldaslql lulql no,{op moH I
uolssncs!o9 atooot :at)jrnq :dto) :6u!W\Erc:$tuBl :pauunF :papp,:a6uer :yeluor eql uio4 outuesu r3r{ $o )iro/rl srEd ur 'pue pP4x3 3ql u! spro/r\6ur,loltot aql pull lIaluOC Uorl Splom p EuluBeur aql SuFsenc 'sJntB3rc aql p sqderootoqdatei ol paluEAiaqt O '6u!quue parEcs op ol ool oraa tuqt C 'arnlP€rcsql rol ^rros l€l ^aql g 'p3l$ralu!Iro^ ltsl IsqI v asrnlE€r3 aql ^ Es ^aql usqa |oet 6uDqc puE ao-t plp aoH 'o3!lo tsuunl sql esn ol plrl r! o 'qq6!t p4rE41e eqt Iq sea I C 'p3uuiq 3ra { uau.i aq} /'^aul }! €l '3^P'r P uo ur psurPc sPx\ u v esnB3aqdlqs aql spreaor 6ut^ou de) srnlEr. €qt 'sorl slqour lo purl E o '$!3ads ux\oulun uP c 'poeaP€sjo puDtB g qsu to oo^r E v , sr Edorn: !o rljlol3lrt 3q1 'arnlEars snorFvour v c 's!qs a3Eqs v c 'u/rol v E 'lauetd v v aualsJ s! reqM -^rarc p aql auo o '6uBqCrossajord C '^ouoa t € 'p^oH v
eql Jto Paq4r,is ^Fo p.ab Plnor am-alPl oor ed rr uaqrpue - oP o] 6u!6! sa 6u!qr aH Pqm a4tsar I PP aFdol ol Patqs dtLFa$ IqunpN 1lMip P aTI uorou MIs u! IiE 0r - aptcnqol6u!uu!66qs6al6LIp@laE:r aasptnor I uaqt ts.l} Jrod,torqeuu4@ olPa a'{L d!'{sd'1aJo erJo suor' , Pnu 'o MPruor al$rl 4aql w!$lqEqunsalrl uio4 saqasuoqlirapd sa$@l'i4 a'jr plo. aql uo4l6ulreFsuted st'i sdeqDd paruaPe se d qqs a ' t d n 6 u q u l p , {ePuunlrJrJoPuqe6urPtm . asdlPaJo rno sauor I Fun rP/s ol a^eq ILaM :ardnf plruaq aq uo6 II!.6edomt 'alq oor s.r oN 4lua6m paDdqqap6oH/ricequ{q[6@tu6emfuearaqlq, oe
.iar! s! oqMj :PtBsoqM 'sre^ suE rnol &[snt pup ssmstp sdnor0 Er.!sur uaqt ouora are sacroltc,r3qroaql )ut$ no^ Iqa lno lro/t o ro c ',€ 'v - 'tcPa ur rsasue rsanor aql st lulql noI q.r'{^^ asoortcPUEsuolrs€nDo.toq3-atdllnu o$ql pe3u
IleFp rol oulpEeu abulop tle ^aql sjP lEqM a.P4x3 3ql u! pauoNau ere oqa sr€pEreqs aql lle 3rE araqM 6u!u|tu!{S dlooq 3qt peer ol luPA aou no^ oO Aou AqM/lqM ar.e4x3 3ql ^olua noi plc
FrcroN 6 sctENcE ANDscrENcE
Vocabularyin reading 1 Dilfe.ences in meaning In SeclionA ol the ProliciencyPaper 1 (FeadingComprehension)ihere are mulliple-choicequestionswhich ask you io distinguishbetween words in the same vocabularyarea, e.s. The meeling was .. ... ... lo a later date. A postponed B cancelled C delayed D held Lrp These are clearly all verbs connectedwith changingarrangemenls,but 'poslponed musl be correct becausea meetinqcar'l be cancelled" 'de ayed ot neu rp to a later date. Here are some other vocab!lary areas related to three verbs taken from the exlracl on pages 36-37. Sludy these iables and, Lrsinga dictionarywhere necessary,work oLt how the verbs difler in meaningby makins true sentences.Do not add 1 lo iopple: some related verbs
fo s/ump, to tunble, to capslze,to sink
These verbs are all connectedwiih the conceplof'lalling'.
A building A peGon
2 lo tade: some retated vefts - to dim, to glimmer, ta.lie away, to fficker These verbs are all connectedwith lhe conceptol losing strength,
A liqhl A candle A voice Acoiour
I | I |
can cannot
I | I |
drm. slimmer. die away. llicker.
3 lo crawll some related vebs - to creep, lo trickle, to aoze, to stroll These verbs are all connectedwith rhe conceptol moving siowly'. Waier
| I |
vickle. ooze. slroll.
lvudlcanlcreep. Ababy A person An insect
| I |
ro gt^)L)ttEY
'ssel? aql p Far 3ql qlr^ srsll rnoi a.ledu.ioruaql puE uE. no,{sE luEur sp ppe'srlBd ul asuurnloc aql ol ppe ptnoc no^ 1El]laoq sa^lasrnol no^ op sp.to,\raqp teqM € t! uro4 tuernqeco^ltrB^3larqIA suurnloc rnol qaldum pue Ittnlare. ure6espuE aqr q6nortll pP€r uaqf
^4v lnev)o^
:suunlo3 asrql roJ s0ulpe€q sarql a$$ raded lo s€ril e uo sluM iseare lrPlnqE3o^6ulpung z 'pa'lsl r PaulEuPu s4Pdjleseq a$eo ;oarnosasuarulFrlstu? e s.il ulel(b6 G86r V Jaqu o& '
[email protected] qnd sea l.uPr 6"I{l Pql ulnlPs p s6uu aq1 ul IC0Z auls $sa^ tI aI+ ul '1002 q PaNlq Eurqtauospunol ua ? a eq 6$ inott)i stq Pa.qdar eu sPq q3!qa rosmd ',.dom3 no6 oC, sr6 aq ,'6u![gF]-]Ps tEoul€ Peq aq urE6Pe s6esa)iEl3 Prm aqr ol lceq 06 ol papPP ale{c ',unoq 6u tlulir I sauqauos, tz urrDls€fiop uor tuead1a6 uo ajlt s! aDw reqr &@ql ar{rssr'lslPor aP sDaqdod p.aq € arsft plt ]eqr aI!| x a %l 6u!uq!6aquaM aP 6a'Ll, sPfd paug pel Io a6patua^ aql uo FDroJ suDas JI Ianbas ap are 6aql eqdd a3€clsra6P6onat{r 1'!uo!.g qlrd slartrql q6norlP lng luPFor I au rct or auo re tueq au '^Iqnqe.o arurs Mou pue r@'I 5ulqy.6ap aIqJ pauoqd aq P@ ruabP6u1or I rua L qL[ ado€Pr arsds a qeu6elul qt rB!4 uoqerauaE F]Emod IO0Z ut 6D oslo drqsaiedsaqr lo tlta ardpu PlP reI3 aqr or Pauaddeql9qd Io sJdoufs Fou aw u@ or +q6{lo s4ulodurdaD@ eu e aPr oJd II!4 I nnoP aIEl suaas loml aDd orqtPJ Pue aPaMueg 'edom3 aDr[ Puepug u! Paqs'lqnd s! aSedOI e apn pue hoP rB aq oS rsons 'iot 'iPauaddeq €F.e4rac1s 6asipo AICE PatP. 'a.eds u! ueu puv or reqa Fo 1q Io suoou attl Io anqry a$ Io uols.h 6upjq qr64 ])iau aqr lo aPlsiaqro al+ uo s4 Pq4 qrla os oP o] uo uaa P@ P4ou or Pnbas atF 6ePoJ as orPape., I lupFor I leqr au ppr uos.g a.u6Ps P@6 FrqD^ord atl, Io Fu!6go slq'PIod aqn Lq@#'r^ lsaqqr slseqaqrsr asnor pa+6 orld5prqnl snoDuorqns 6u u' FlIqPUos rng, 'aul iF Jo$lp'll uoltg PFM faluqs rcpa4p Lqg aql ]o 6u6in aqr 6uoure Pue aruarc Flss".tns lsou aqrai.leD aPeu aql Foqsndr+ srdotr uo'llq 0z PIos aqr P uawd rsu s€/i\ I0oz uaqYl qPu.6eu4ue sd rI puE Paqslqnduaq Peq${ooq slq Jo09 ]arcu ts4 stq ul l! PaplPa.d qrtqd uolsA a 'qauetd Dr$o ueqlarou DUPralptP e 6urqar sae aq aq reql aal6s!!ll%ruo 4PAl r'!. aH .-t pla]le uo e.Illpuo@ an€cldEu! Io aruaF.o.a re'{r P@unou@ua€ a'{ oDesEd a !} aqrF€prPardoqe lnq'uopetolct€ a.eds Paaput Pnba Pallra o] alqFsdu4 s?a uEs.r reqr sttuoaqrauo P@ aqou olpPr 'o a6€u sr qlh uogeDuaSe PaP od 6Fo rou q.!qd itasfpo at dS y T00Z P ou slq ut lae4 a.Eds Io uoqPaD g luqflsq s,ap€D sea I ro] ieuoE 'pas.udrns {aratduo uaaqa eq PFor\ atdoad eI ?eq ^a!i iI aFls e lo ruq rsaluq aqr 6luo !r'I!s dou s66 agqJ 'I mwv uosaDslPs€M aP].ms "PattEd .Eunt aI+ uo qlqouoru ,{,elq a6q € oPer Io 6D @qP aqr qr@ ot )peq'uoohl o] padqDt 4patrodar aDlY\6aql
peJ olu! ra^o FuilIds uo!l3s
mquv :**"iaffsr;"Hfif,!I,j
'au!tpPslts,alclue aql aarql purlpug oa! IessIpO &qsn{ or uJaasq.lqa lxar €q} u! sarduJPxe roqlnP aql alrElc c rnqlv lssl I :olqa puEAasslpo aseds lo Y lrrcE sBere /fElnq€co^
NO JH rlNSlf,S CNYlf,Ntlf,S 9
FICTION b SCIENCE ANDSCITNCE 3 Collocallon 1 Readthis passageaboutPioneeltq nolingdownPtoneels
Pioneer10 pushesbeyond goals, into the unknoum By John Noble Wilford
New York Out thae, tur, tar amy whde Earth is a mde pinpoint of lighi and ihe Sun is a pale diskof diminishing @mequence, a hddy little spacdaft cruiseson and on into ihe unexplored. No machineof hmd d4isn has aa gone so fd. Pionea 10 h6 b:aveledto the renches of Pluto, a distance it achieved April 25, and is adlancing t()lEd ihe edge of the $ld s,siemFrcm oui thae, n@ 2.7 billion mila away, Pioneat eightMtt Edio tnns mitter sends faint messagesback to Earth everyday. Scientistsli,ith ihe patence to odracl
Readthe passageagain and extract more space vocabulary'to add 1o Collocaiionis very common in languageand gives ii much or its 'naiuralleel'. Many ol the vocabularyanswersin SeclionA or the ProticiencyPaper 1 (ReadingComprehension)dopsnd on cofreci Accordinsto the Lorsma, Dictionatyof ContenparatyEnqlish,lhe letb to collocate = 'to go togetheror with anotherword in a way which soundsnatural'r'slrong' collocaieswith cofiee' but'powerlul' does not. The words slrong and cofiee'collocale. Here are some examplesol collocationtaken irom the passageabove: a pinpointot ligfi lhs Sun is a pale disk a fa,rt message accomplishedits mission -
Nor a drop, a lleck or a dot Nor laint, dim or colourless Nor slisht, soft or low Nor succeededor iulfilled
From the point ol view oi meaning,thewords on the right would make sense, but lhey do rot col/ocalewith the other words, so they don l s o u n dn a i u r a li n E n g l i s h . Find in the relevanl passag€sthe correci collocationsfor the lollowing: (2 possible):a 4 201a:Odysseyrwo lpp.36-37):the signal - sirence;a of iish; a ol jokesi I couldn't think side or the N,loon; b) Atthur C. Cta.ke\p.39):the lhe oi a his glee; a mere ol light smile; to NorE:There are no magic rules for learningword collocaiions.Each collocationhas to be learnedseparately,so walch out for rhem in eveMhing you read from now on! ls space exploraiionworlh the vast tortunesthat are spent on it?
the signalsout of the backgroundnois€ dd to deciphd their m6ag6 d€ lming for ihe irsi lime whai ii c like in the outmost sld qrstem.It is@ld dd dak and enp9, asih6/ kn6l ii muslbe. A tenuous wind ol solar pa,ijcles. the niflion mile an hour sola wind, still bloq6out^,ard.Co$ic ays raceiN,"rd. lf the spacecaftsNiva long enough ad ihe $iar6is de cl@er enoush, more aciting discovefes cotrld lie ahPad for Ploneer 10. The spac€fiaft mighi be able to deiai gravjty Mva, which have been iheorized but have neva beenobserved.lt might lo@ie the sou@ oftb€ m!€tajous forc€tuggingat Urmus and Neptune.a forc€suggesung the preence of some as yet uns€en When Pioned 10 w6 launched Mdch 3, 1972, lrom Cape Canaveral, Flonda, no spac@aft had vmtured fartha thm Md. Pion@r n@ within 81,000 mn6 of Jupita's cloudtops on
[email protected], 1973,retumingthe ff6t closeup imag6 of the Sunt largestplanet. Pio ned madeihe ffrstdetailedobs(Miions of Jupiiat powatul radialionbelb and discovaed that ihe planei's sphere of mgnetic influencee(ended [o the olbit of Satm, a dislance of haff a billion Pionea had by iha a(omplished its missionmd aceeded its d€signed21 nonth litetine. Siill ii kepi going, its nine foot dish dte.na alMls cockedin ihe direclion of Ealth. It is estimatedthat deep spaceanten n6 should maintain communicalions wiih Pionea for mother eight!€nrs. out to a distanceof 5 billion miles. Roneer is now, in effecl, leavingthe ralm ofthe knom planets.On June 13, Pion@'s outbound trajecloiy wiil do$ Nepiune'sorbil 2.81 billion nil6 lron the Sun.NormallyPlutoisthe outmost pldet, but its o$it is hidly elliptiol, unlike the Dughly circuld olbils of ihe other plmels. so Pluto is now neaa ihe Sun ihd Nepiune and will be for ihe
May5, 1983
irsx\suB tq6!r aql 1o orns oq lsnur lsP€tlE nol lnq €stel ro an4 6q !8. ss.uolues €$ lsal uaqr 'rEl rno]\ ssPtca$ lo r3qu3u raqlo lo €6p3lr1/\ou)i os uorraotdxo 6.eds tnoqE a^oqs esoql ol relru.r!ssssusluss raqlo auM asour ,13$i oLl/\^ssEtcaql lo lsar aqr qlrr,{e3rr'\suPrno^ ssncsrpeoN 'uooll aql uo p300olsra^a p?q auo o'r e16t 3rol6e 9 'qq6!u a.Pds uaasarojr3^a peq auo ou aur€A satnf arota8 t
'sr€o^ust rol auruJproord acpdse pDqs€qE!p!t € '996!ur)rulndstsrg aqru' aatl ulrPoeerrnl z 'uoot! .rti uo looj tes re^eua^eqsu€rssnaaq.
a$rd E uo 9-t s.raqurnuaqr lsU|€6PssPl ror ii, ue ro an'tl rol .1, E lnd aaopalAoul terau€oinol sr pooo ^ oH t aeslPl ro anrl:z!no eEpel/f,ou) leFrce 'ssuooql /!tou ursql rot )iooj rlsqt lo qsrruar3s'iuaql n dn 0! u3^o l,uop I salr slps iueu os (3€s ol) joord ou (a^eq of I 'p3pP1 uooy\taqi uo (polras tEuors rauoos oN 6 oll uau lsll 3ql uaq/\ raquiauar t,uBc I slr uPriltrqro olut (06 oyl!) relndod tua^ rts sre slooq r3q ssr.rolsuorctl oulaq u€unq oN 1a^ rslrdnf (lrsr^o, )P] os o.!ror.s 6urru^\(dols ot aqs qonoqlv I -uer.areds -u^ .lasuord sroFe (la^Er ou oq a^,t ourusxa ot -lusurour 'qs[ua!3s lpq_L ! lsou aql lo €uo (6q or) {lq6!tapo, 'o6esEaItostdnmE(qcljnetor-l o u o t o s p 3 ^ r ^ i n ss e q r a a u o t dr e t l p P l a q t 9 :asuatFaxor eqt ur s€ru.]u3s 6urao o, aql ur sqrs^ aql lnd
9 t e z I e
a$ ot suoltcBis€d s€lPt€rtsstad luasord 6ql €ql Iq p€lueduoc.P sq lsnur psgad ls€d aqf '€urB tussard lsed aql u! asta ourqtauos arojaq peuaddEquo[3e qrra drqsuorr€tarou seq tcapad tuasard sq1 6 rsed ouo leql ^{oqs oi pasn s!t.€J]ad lsPd aqf 'suo!3e 6!0l ol sralar a'tf saills lca!3d tuasojd I 'pauo0uaul palatouroo p€sn rol s!lsed alourls 6qf e ro suor!3E '/\ ou arolaq auq ou e^eq puE trccar 3rP qcrq,\ slrotlse Parnao lseo palotduo5 Joj pasn sr lca!3d lua$.rd aq-L z tEql suotpe t|e rol pasn srlsPd 3td!!!s 3q1 z 'ooe aulr 6uot tua^ e pairncco 'ua^r6 sr at€p ieql {suo|l.p ro) salels ol pasn sr pa!3d eql I asoqa suoll.e ql',{ pasn ^tuo sr rsPdstourls 3ql I Foqe ltsl lsed rast€t.roanrl a.rBquaLrlalEls0utao oJaql raqlaqa 6pl.6p rr{oN z
' '
' ' ' qt€q uolElpa s,rolrdnl lo suotrBNasqopalErap lsrtj aql apPd r33uo1d zl6t t.\ Evt paqounq sPA 0t raauotd ua'tM
',Iidu€ Fnur rr,l^aDl laql se PUe)rep pu? pto. s! ll $ed alduts z ' papaacxa (peq) 'pa^r.sqo uaaq ra^a! a eq puP uolsslursr!paqsrduoete uaqt lq peq taauold n9 paTuoaql ua.q e^Pq grrqd s3^EA al^er6 'srEl,,{ 'onld prq, uPqi raquPlparr,ruen saqcBar aql orpal/e e4 seq ol )aetotd lo uerso.Eds 'rq pawunPl s?a 0r jaauord uaq,l ou os auo6 rs,4a seq uors3p uPurnq to surqceuroN tcayad lsed t. toayad luaserd I :0! reauold uo txel eql uo! ue)lElasn asual lo $ldu?x€ a$q] le lool
sesu"I patiad lsed pue lsgd alduls 'lcalsd luoso.rd
rPl!ueJc NO[Jtj ])NIDS CNVrJNrf,S
6 sctENcE ANoscttNct ftcloN
SECTIONA ln this seclion you musl choose lhe word or phtase which best completes each sentence. For each qustioD, 1 to 15, indicate on a piece ot papet the letter A, B, C or D asainst the nunbet of the question. 1 For yea6 she had ... ......... ol meetingher longlosi sisier. A hoped B wished C longed D dreamed 2 When I appli€dfor my passporl,I had to send my birth .. .... ..... with the application. A proof B certiiicate C paper D document 3 The againstyou. havingthat kind oi acc'denl are about 500 to 1. A possibililies B ligures C opportunities D odds 4 They live in a .. .. . . . ... house in lhe suburbs oi London. A single B delached C free-standing D distincl 5 The ch;ldrenwere ..............with a lamily Jarlrom their parenls' home. A reared B broughtup C bred D grown up 6 lvlanypeople these days lind il difficultto A settle into B stabilise C setile down O arrange 7 They shared out the ... . .. ...... ...of the businessamong all ihe partners. A makinss B proceedinss C benelits D proceeds 8
ali his problems he never allowed himselt to get depressod. A As for B Dsspite C Neverlheless D Granted
I No one was capableor breakingthe ............. silence lollowing the news. A harsh B thick C st'rnned D plrnched 10 They noticeda llame . .......... ...in the bre€ze A ilickering B ilashing C blinking D sparkling 11
b e i n ga s c i e n l i s th. e a r s ow r o t el i c t r o n . A Owins 1o B Accordingio
C Whereas D Besides
12 He congrarularedhis opponenrwirh jusr a ........ .. of a smile on his race. A mark B print C hint D sign - 3 T h e s i g n a lw a s e r r r e m e l yd i f f i c u ltlo A settle B decipher C capture D iix 14 He never oxpect€dhis prophecyto be .. ... .. A accomplished B realised C achieved D lulfilled l5 Th€y havenl discoveredany 1ew plalels A recently B prsviously C last year D shortly
'slualun4su!0ulpuPl6lr posruEo.ar6q o 'uDtueql ]uaolllaluraroul sEA eq c 'uear.s srq uo lr aBs aq e 'auo ourFadxa lteq sea aq V asnP€q .uo3 pPq raseds rsqrouP^ aul q!e9 0z 'ralsaM lauEtd€ql p tu€irqequru€ sE \ aH q 'ro)s€M sp/$ alrleuins slH c 'l!ns snolqtqdue l?lcaos P 3ro/'.\3H E 'que0 sz a6e|r^ auPs 3ql uo4 au€3 aH v uurl tnoqP^lalrutFp,rlou) aa op l?qM 6l sbuqaa]pa{u q*{ drqsFElq ^a'6 aql Jouo] 6ur4o6 a$ Paqurera Pue a@u ]o an6uol Eulq.€r.moP ar{+uorJ sita e.tl papPlqsri!i€9 a^oqEspnoplo D6el6qsuPq -dot aqr qEnoqi arplq D.ds aqr pue Po 6u!]Ilds peq B or m.6 6u{quu aI+ uaqe buFeap a6e[.h aql Jo sa8ult] aI+ patlrear lsnt ppq aH areFs 6u!6ulp aq] ra o pFor aq p auq poos se6upl"u 'Pnu aql qEnoqr uo Paq.Pnbs queg Fue. 6q@u aql orur ^FDIIS paddls alt Pue ftrta s.reqe alll paptolpeq s@ paqq!,s.uq 6u_q€dsPaqslu$ qrPg aroFg uPlqqd@ otsaM anII aqn or q6no@ @p e-4 parw aPIDaIlN sql . pa'j@J aq ol 6utoo s! llrcPilmol lp rlE@Pun auofse Pue quaun4su! uo 6upuet srdqs leqt puno.6 pp'l aqrto Mll II4 5dtllrN aql olul Ireq p6 or auofDM lPt 6pplnbabql! aqlor F6 @ no6oslarqb aqrasn, ?Ies ail ,'ulrl'p6qe 06 Dnaq no .PFor 6aqr a r ol asoPs IrcP ps dgeqordPlllm 6a$ Pue uaa6 s,Duoor!€u a!$ uo 6t@P dn aoqs PIn6 dlqs uao slH auop peq aq sErcpq]Er Eps ss aql uo 6u'uoq se..1auo sq1
'punor0 pr€q aql r3^o aoe[!^ 3ql oi )lcEquEr o 'aDPllr^ eql ot due/ns eql ra o )cPq rv\31i9 'sdueas aql ol Peltea E 'o6e r^ oql ol ).eq uPns v util asrou3ql Presq^aqt rsuv 8l '6uole qqonoql s.raqp rl.€6 psdt€q ^3qf rsqp q.ea or €pnr aia/{ Iaql 'uorsntcuo.6ues €ql ol suer ^aqf 'Iea ouiEs aqt ur pauosear^aql
o c I V
'qu?0 pue u|l| roq€ sn tjal u3r aqr saop rPqM1l 'budEs sBnrurrl }!qa reaq ^tprBqptnoc aq asnpcag c 'astouaql ol ^lasolc arour uslsrl o1 c '6'ruioc urots P se/{ aj3ql iqonoql sH g 'ou!rapunqlsP,\^rr asnE.€E v a.rpa pooo srq dnc, 'tue9 utlof plp AqM9r dparqnopun pw 'Paleaddeauo anJaq au+ 'DlEds laqro@ p io raueu '5{uouaaq peq r sq4rasmoJo Puaaqr01qbnoqr6Ebnaql Trep or qtul lo sulPqr @Falea soFoqEl aq+ro, Ied or qq6no$ 60 slq ur PaqrG qe ool lPPs quec .'drqs raqloue sa^ 'Punos d'.qsitis e q punos rmu r uaql qql I P@ 1ou P'P d aurs A,tsaqr oru! 6qsgIp@qa Eqpinm amI a1pradoPPoc aqa auo6u€I uaD puv l!aieDdo@ot \ auo 6Fo aqt aE no6a$sJaq 1!aaslouue. d qEnoqrua@ 'aq tsnu { 1 PaPu€ino6 aDqm 6uErs ls q dlqs mof $9, uoqeugs.a Dsop rci auo & auo qq aql D o 6ullt1rq p@ Pr4usq ul€P!aql6uaa lnd 6|moF6ll .IoL6oLra{saM Pqoisrlll,{',Pr6 uol . dqs-r]ls mo^Io asrouar+e au'esaql slaEouPqL €Pnot 6'{rc.6'aDqdsou4e punos )ir!$ a$ ul pausn Pue pallads aqr q]}o ol @ Poo6qq Paddfl. PUElJnu qooq slq .l! p@q aq a'+ orq 6Fols 6u-Dlu!s uai{a Paddotsr+P9 uqor DPgJ ^4a6 pue patqu rapunqre rPFoms/alieMlo sPnop Puap aqr 6q uaPPlq a oqe arlFA@os
'g 'uousanbaq v Eqal €t4 )aded lo a.atd lo )equnu aql $uEae g )o 3 )noi uo aPrpu al d gL uo'tsenb urea 1o! )seg sttt tlutqj nott tlrtqh eua eql asootlr $nu no| 6u!tts!u!! Jo sieltA )o sra6sue pqsaadns )nol ql!t/. q.ee 2t fioqe stuaaatels paqslu!)un)o suonsanbP ragunu E edessedatll )ave oult tt!, nol uotDas stq ul
a Notrc:ls NOtnH I:)N )S CNVllNllls
The EnergyDebate PAPER 2: COMPOSITION 1 Look at lhis Dictu.eand answer the ouestions.
What does ihis picture make you What are lhe advantagesand disadvantagesol farming by this Would it be worth iarming like this
2 Readthe two letters below and answer these questions: Do they say ths sam€ lhing? How are they difierent?Why do the two letlers employ such differentstyles?Whai do these styles tell us about each writeis atlitudetowards his reader?
DarS'rr , urh?,r\l€Ad 96!r axnck t e &VeY d65 qre grL\ se,{iouslg sr^ggesti,^g !.re shtuld SV^t +,'/rMaaq witla buUocks oJhdhMa^ \^Jit\ ol terpcd. Je "w.r,e pc^,zi agM? nud be ovt c,f Sou,Yti^g tljMd' \es, iv\ su,a? wt,'d. {are o fusl Md. t?,rti\ise".s, dr\d su/re {ha}- br.llcrilis a.re deo4 u^d 9o6n{!r th, EoJard dohr poll{tp, e^iv^ b,l Ac qov ea,lltr-rft.t"te qdr^ aan ar-he peqp'? d.o ba& bn"b,; -ax"JNa,, q -6Ja- ^4^ 6^d cdll t\at pd!€ss? F.a ;l^o ao daals utld4 tudo rou UiA). qa\id Fial O^ese ;,d,ra [k d.At " N.t me, fov o"e\ l'd uEe]o k|ao\^r,t6D, \ust hfb F/rdx4t\!e a b![ocle i5.ttoa mrlvr-tie\a5 aa^ \F p'*91 fr ^ drj' Ndrhalt ^s 6t 9 ^\ o
De6 str,
I t --A ,!,a'.a a-r,4L ^T".-da4h'aitu' @.th @dLd!;a-btz @@@\L. !'; .*dA t]-AL +' e gas aNA. aMr" Lro! Me e+tu4rt "'o,j prdpoahs z.L99.zr, di& rle l,..L1t * u\d l"a-"a^ tu.!. pa;Me ,.'@ * t""*3 nahzda.lta p*r.
ffi,xx:d?.@u|yfu;fua' Thbe
b2. e
a. ; fu4 F4,n
LtwL ttu)r.*a
^ fu4 *,n lp'.
tbq,M,',.u@ pdu,*old, bd'14 @ d@ t .a s.d e\t^r>4La;a atal'ta.
Htu;'rcr, n utuu e-fuar.t pw a@ +. latu M :. &r.^ ba;.).1,4 l-p:
14]d/, e-X-a
@ b
d' a)tiA *o bd&E'
Lt@ uovJA o^atu Ltu uz'dutab;
L ota h@ ardq ta Ll@ l'.4td+.:. W@ with A@a * d rnu,r*ar. Na, sir, ttal I k8 @ 6-ra Uzd t htun *."4 vzatn"-itntt tu42^z.rs 1to! tb e
[email protected];otu M h "o",\,tuiooa " 4,vpopd^l p.itr L;r.h, ar,4
Rpporatt5 5u'd be qlrts ha{p9 t! >e^d tr- ba^,k+ q{ be\r.s, . . bd iL p5{d? Lrs5 so $e 4 h^ar€ bi Mpolt
t\e se,("e ;^ tlat ? Yovr +a,t{-b"ua.
\ows {d{cfo5,
,.J\dt s
e)jurqlno^ op lPqM jo asn e! quox\ 3q lr prno,|^puY .IaLll a.rereq^ os I doraua uBunq' ral€arb OulIPu Iq ^Orsuaa^es plnm a/!\ tlcrLiaur splau ^LrParaql arv
uo!ssn3s!o (salnuru oe :Uoaauoq rol auI pepueu!!ocaH) qcPa]o ralsro€r pu? sl,{tseql !o 0uoB4ua.uoc!)1loM.uor]ro} sraual oal aql sluM
'u.r?t rnol a3s ol ratu^^alr^ul I 'luauraar6esrprol suosPalar'9 t ra*al s,r€lua ur p3s$rdxa sesp! r]lt,l^luauasr6Psrpatets
'srotaq6urlu/ttrourol ssloolodvz a € $ a lr o l ] a l u a I u E r l f I
'(tpurorurro tPuxol)tuessa56uJais!6arpuE al&s aql ol0urpro..e rsuat aql ut rulod Ll.€ajoJ aPudordde a6?nDueleql uaop alou sro sl 3ql ourlua sroFe aotaq gFl slulod u!€luoclll,l eaual lno^ tt obEd uo .soql ot ^tdar ur sa al atua or p3)isPuasq a^Eq no^ leql auloELll s 'i,u"r '0 3 surol ql3^ pape4uoc aro!\ / 'tq6tu 'lew E a sqra^ ro ssn r3learg I 'qol a e tuetnqeeo^uoxes'otouv I 'IrPlnqBco^ranoe^ t 'suorlssnb l€.rlol3qr ]o asn 'sosPrqd A , r o p n p o 4 ul ol 3 s n a l u r l 'sasual luasord lo €sn 'suo[cn]Fuoc a^!r.v p asn :st^ls teuosrad'learrParou v € pup) spro/,^outurorardlrrrs Z (.ls ?nq 'sqdPr6ErPd ra!o'ls puP sacusluasroroqs I ' 3Sn Ol SpUeI NSF9N: N:X|IMlnUO:Nl
'surrol qia^ FlcBrluo.-uou 3rol,'! 1 'Auqtssod elqtssod A. sqra^ scPtd.r or se^lr.atpPro sunoN I 'uoledna.o a a u!6tro ullP l q ,{rEtnqPeo^ ',{retnqPeo^ 3lol,1 t l.€xo '0uruosEar l r e r l d x e , o3 s n 'sesPrqd tuoi.npolur ]o esn 'sarualuas lPuoltlpuoclo asn 'suon3nlsuoc 6^rssEdlo esn ial,lrsl€uosradssal v € 'sProa ourulorpolre^ aro!'! z ' s p r o a 6 u r u r o l l qP a ) i u rsl a c u e N a sr 3 0 u o l I ' asn ot spuat HsllgN:Nr-LrrlMlvvluol psuoIuau
sainlEal aql lo srqlal aql ur solduPxa puli puE alqq slw ^pnF aoN t 'sraup sal&s o^rl 3ql ,o aoEnou€l a q ra o q l n o ) i r o a s d n o r 0l l e u s r o s r r P du l q s r l 0 € u € u l r a , l P u r r o l u r , pue ,pu.r.lot,lo s3tduero 3rP tt 30?d lo urouoq3ql lP srausl o,$raq! e
Directedwriting The DirectedWriting Composilionexercisein the ProiiciencyPaper 2 (Composition)oiien requiresyou io expandsome given intormalioninlo, lor example,a leiter, a reporl, an arucle or a conversatio.. lt may also require you to use an appropriaiestyle oi languagei.e. iormal or iniormal, and to expresssome deqree of approvalor disapproval. Below are some examDlesof lhis kind ot comDosition.Read each carefu ly, then discussand deDideexacily whal kind ot expansionwork, what stvle and what lone each reoLires.
COMEALONG! YOU'LL LOVEIT! As the music crltic lor your newspape.you went io the secondday ol this 30-daylesiivai 1ojudge it. You were highly impressedby everythingyoL saw. wrile an article praisingall lhe diilerent aspects oi the leslival and Jullyrecommendingit io readerc. Y o u a r e a n E n g l i s hl e a c h e rl o o k i n gi o r a j o b . Y o r s e e t h e l o l l o w l n ga d in a newspaperand are appal ed by what you jldqe to be its sex and age prejudice.write a leller to the Directorof ihe school protesting, giving your reasonsand lhreaieninglega action In certarn
SITUATION VACANT T€acherofEnglish. privatelanguageschool.Must speakEnglish fluentiy and have at least 3 yea6' relevdt cxperience.Preference will be given to female cardidates belween agcs 22 and 25. For futher details. w.iie . . You are a journalist and come into work one [,4ondaymornins io J'nd that your editof has left this nole on yo!r desk: Cort.
c_ose down onty
Seconoary )n
Lcaasport - nearest and loca I population
reputation schoot has poo up in arqE over s:Luation.
You immediatey jump inlo your car and drive oti to the town concernedto get more iniormarionso as ro be able to wriie an article on the situaiionfor your paper. You arive at the town 1olind a public meeting in progressp.oteslingaqainstlhe Governmenfsdecision. Atter the meetingyoL manaqeto interview Mrs Joan Hepwodh,a moihe. and lhe fiery, outspokenand angry leader oi the proiest Write the interviewthat takes place belweenyo! and [,4rsHepworth.
area e.h-dl
- childtan -
local aulho.iLies Please enq-ire.
llatntosqe'pa]sn6slp iuaun a a 'ua|',lr€crolursrol sa^DcalpE 3.!a'palttarap a^oqPoql qlr/!\asnuEcno^sqra^pPq3lqaeplcsp (zzd) ll'rn ol ouurslsu t uollecolloS t se raqtraolourppPluepnrsraqlouEqll/tllsrl rnol orPduoruoqf stEudordde pausnes pasEatd parqortsp 'tasdn'p€lllrroq'p3lsnosrP :sBapllo spur)ieLlEs€ql sssrdxa ol aou)i no^ $^rr.alpp raqro lue urali olbulppP iq ,v\ol3qsrs!l oql alaLduoC Bulpllnq /tuelnqeco^ €
lo sNor3g?>jx3
o/r^rrspun suorssardxas^oqE aql lno qrri/\ puE sr!€d u! lro^ ^{oN z sEA ( ) pooo it6ulzeue rr punoj I 8t tl pasPstds€/,^itPer I l! | pelFrres^laualxa aoq uodar oi qsra | 8 O ' ( ouolls E rals]6or tsnu | 1 () uo sloDelnlerbuoC iulPlduor ) al ( )-^ropPlsrrPslsou se^ ll 9 () () uo suo[eLnlP]ouocaro.urs I[\ 9 ol 31u,1ol lnq 3c1oq3ou 3^Pq I rELularber | 9l u r P t d u i c . l s n ul t p a r t r ! o O 6!!3llxa Iu ssaidxa ol a)rl plnoa I t () L€^orddEsrp leql u€ | psltlolLapaoH e! ( I lolE $Jueql e () s E A t r a s d n^ o 1 tE a p ro u a ^ , n o l z r ( ) iledo s€a n z ( ) isset.lsrl !t sen t () pauuroq ltraun sP^ | Ot O pslsnosrp^lalnlosqP,{o'l iEs ol slrL plnoa I I ( ) issrdos ruatis.xs lPqM 6 'qtoq aq IEr! suorssardxasqr lo suros aod€d lo scard e uo ro 3uo q.e6 ls!r?6P slarcprq aql ut (teurroturro, ,r, u" ro (lELrlrolro, .i, u! lnd Furolu! ro teuol ar€ Isql.rsqleqa €pr33ppuE aolaq slorssardxaaql p?au I
le^orddpslp pue lP^otddPlo aoenbuPl eql ratrat o^oqe 3ql ur paratar no^ q.rq^t ot qcaadsp€pualula'll lo surlno 3$ sluM rnlaraouTs rinoi 'no,t uor"r SuriaJq o1 lreeoJ {ool i .s6r!!L podolra ,tlul?o eo Ir]h p'Jetsrapun 1 oqd acqarpn€ rnon r o o n.,{ ., "''.e"3 s.: -;on o. ro, 1-,r.oe:'. + s o @a q p L n o a r ' q c 6 r d s p a l u e l u r l ! J o ( s l r o t r O o t X l 6 1 " d l { o r d d € ) '+Jolidns ,tlpalJ?.rIaloqa I 'trool no.'i s€ aurllno ue 3solcqs I .q.rqd anssr +racqns aq1 uo qnlc rnon +: II€+ ot au 3ur1r^u! roJ sriuEql -4u€l,i 'uosttc€t Jh r€:O .q.rauoolg .,{6I1r€H rqnlC ,sr.uorsuad !;y llo laIlr€H r,tu€iaf,raS aqJ 'uoslcef 'Y rlll
-86I qcr€ti lsI 'Iood ieqs . Ltrl, s11o.s 6I
rrvsro l9lrNr rHr I
Listening EN EI
1 You are going to hear a formal discussionabout n'rclearenergy. 1 Listen to il once and then answer this question: Whai a.e the posilionsheld by the two speakers? 2 Now lisien to it aqain and note, in two columnson a piece oi paper, the arsumentsempioyedFonand AGArNsr nuclearenergy. 3 Now, in pairs or small groups,compare and completeyour noles. (NorE:Don't lose them. You ll need inem in exercise3.) 2 Vocabulary In two groLrps,Iistento ihe disoussionasain. This iime, each group listensfor a different.eason: Group li Srudentsnote down all rhe e:pressionslhe speakersLse as general reiectionsor the oiher speaker'sargumenis. Group 2; Studentsnote down the words or phrasesin the discussion w l - i c hm e a nl h e s s m e a s l h e l o l l o w i n g . 6 confused 1 lo operat€(a nuclearpower plani) 7 (to conside4 a point 2 to lail to see or to disregard 8 the greatest(care) 3 very high (expendilure) 9 to mark or disfigure 4 to consider 10 to risk (calching) 5 in my opinion Now in pairs (each pair consistingoj one sludeni irom each group above),exchanseyour lindings. 3 Reconstrucling lhe discussion / Role play notesyou made in 1 (2 and 3) above, reconsvuctihe discussion In pairs, and usingthe FoRand AGArNsr 4 Discussion What do you really think?which speakerdo you asree with most?Why? What viable soluiionsare ttrere to the energy sho.lage?
6n (&|tqpqord) sarrluno, r63npordureue. ur uoos lno unr llaa IEUr lrO (&,cedec) 'paroolrs^o uauo s! $seasrp lEPl asnE. uec lEoclPql FP] 3ql (i!!r!qrssod)sluauarrnbar i6l€ua rno lsaur ol alqB 6q lqolur aM (Ilss6cau) quzrd roaod srour pllnq ol poau l,uop e^\ (uorle6rlqo)I6rauo a^es auo^ra^l lsnu :slalcerq ul proa aql 6ursn^p,1^ rptrurs e ur sa3ualuas6uraottolsql ulolsue4 aoN al"urol arour s! sacuolussa$ql lo qcrqM
I t 0 z I
' t e r r u s s ssar s p a a L^ 6 r 3 u ar r a q l 1 . r u o r l r r l r q Pu ! 'speau ^brdus rrsqt laeu ol d qe aq lsnuJ^3q I :atduEx€ ror'sunou iq pe.etdar aq u€c sqre^ repour,ioq aloN I
spurur.qr .8uEq.Il.s:a 'uoudursuotr {ur lEuosJd srq uo suort uls.r dn or a^eq r.uoa 1..!s:q' (rnd 6it poP rtddns Ituru..rnras upu:qr rEqr lst " ol prE^uorrjoor uF {irsrpr rrc l-'JUO!^o u:eq J^Eq src.t Prorrou. pur P.Punojln s,.ldo.'1 'lno uu sr3 rlqt ur I prrqs,rep ]tr Pu' ttoc ,(rp .qr stredderlreqa tnoqt s.uo^{ ou qrIA ,GDu. prpNoj ,iool dE.q. 'o Addns pJ.ruerns p llf ur..a r'..--.c rE aoN (, (F."q sqr suoNrJJp3lqBu.s rsou :qr Jo auo sI sIqI FAoo -atf Erlrnu rdopt or uoc,tr.p sI ]u.uu.^ot --(D pu" u8rEduscrqirot prrq rnori roj "qr'or rno,( or suollelntDrSuoJ r3d0ds{.u istro!etnlpituoJ 'ns rEec
:reu or rmuurr^og pup UEBE )iqqr (zr) .qr !o rnd sr.rnss.rdru.!.Igns ltLll osls.lo& sqr dr sn .,\r tro'snap s'r{r urot lra sDqro rE,F doq illt erloq. ou (i, rsu'E3ers:rordiuorrs P r:rs'8oror a^rq.^\ pue uonb.p sI$ 1d..* rouue..a reql'l.slul (6) pur, tr.rptrq. lu ]o JPq.q no,tes ol I 's:tsr or Burrl'aaq srl qrns uoDrFdod or Gf .r.1^{ rE.Fnulo or su.:s r!.u!r.^oc aql lt SuBodse]o poqr.u .r€nbrp! trc PUIJ (9) slutld E.lcnu Jo ,(rqes aqr .:ruErent or .lqu q..q :uolur r|ox ew ur oaqtoN pu'rtutu ro] sPrea l5 ut. (r) r.eq d.rs r€.ia D sB !ols,..p sqr ..s r:hod r?.lru c lu uorlJruDru) aql qrh (f] I oB or uurirrF rurdur:1nD Jql lo ^PnDF:\ l;.qr Llrh sla 1l pr:r"i *qr reusrp il) 'I S IDJC
'JAOO 'luetq
qcpa ur Outssrurst proa ouo IluO ralral q.eo ur $iuBlq aql alalduoC Z 'ur uaulra 3rP ^aqr a6ls leqa pu€ auol rra$ ldope iaql uolrsod lPq^ ssn.srp pue sr4lal qloq pear '$luelq 3ql u! 6urlll arol3E ! 'aurlpeaq aqt ol uau!l,t oql paao|01qcrqfi a1.! e aql uo oultuauuoc r€dPds/'^3u sraBat^rpuroeu! oal pu€ surtpeaqrod€dsasu lrPuroeu! ue sl,l olag
olr{ls rrYsrq IDI]NI rHr I
2 Note how modal verbs are otten Lrsedwilh lrere. ior examole: There must be a reasonlor their decision. There could have been an accident. There misht (well) be a need lor rurther investigation.
The consrrlctionwith there tends to be formal. Now cornpleteihe iollowing sentenceswirh an appfopriateirere+modal consauction.Beware oi rhe rensesl 'I We can i lei ihis problem continue. a 6 l l w e a r e c a r e l u l -, 2 Why didnl they discoverlhe causes?3 We can t be slre but -
anolher energy
7 we ve wasreda lot ol time researchinio solar enersy in the 1950sand 1960s. 8 I don t know what everyones wonying about. a solulionlo these problems. 9 ergy before the end of
4 lf some coLrniriesconservemore energy, enoughgas to iast till the nexi century. 10 That accidentshou d never have happened. 5 Conservalionis a neglectedissue. more conservation.ampaigns. saiety measures, -lighier 3 Nole how Gerundand Inlinitiveforms ol modals can replaceolher
It's a shame lhal I have to leave now.+lt's a shame lo have to leave now. He was slad thal he could help.-He was glad ol having been able lo help. Rephrasethe parts ol the lollowing sentencesin ilalics with lhe iorm oi the modal indicated: I 2 3 4 5 6
He was sory ftat ne cauldn t see then. \lniiniri\re) Hs was altaid that he would have to shaw his passpo.t (Gerund) He was angry t atre coutdn t solve the probten. \Gerund) lt s a piq that we had to /eaveso soor. (lntinitive) As they caR'thelp him, they've sent him to the Tourist Oilice. (Gerund) He regretredthar ne ,adn t been able to go. \Gerundl
'I should put that cjgaratle oul. l fr sute I can snell qas. 50
l5 ( q e ' a l e p s s a r p p er n o l o u r p n t e x as p r o , lO r O€ lnoqv) uorpdu€c uo[p^rasuoc e u€ls pup ^larcosuorrB^rasuorE dn las no,i ]6q]36or reql 6u[sa60ns puP poob os lr punot no^ ^L]^ 6u!urptdxa'l|€l srq uo urq 6uletnlProlo. ra sl P rjst€Mrt{ aluM uollP^rasuoc^orau€ io} stesodordpue olsea ^6rau3 lo $sne. eqt jo sssItPUEs,qs|EMil,,\liq pelq6!taporaa pue ltPl srql p3p!auP no/\
JO ,IJIICoS S,,WO0I Nl .LCf,SNS N0rrd],insN0f,-{s^o (NY f,rsYll tI{J I uo riIel
rlsleA ^Ba.lef rI^1
d.rnqxErg 'IIPH
qrrEl,i Pr€z 'depsenJ 'u'd
aclJoN Jr'ISnd
'ue^6 suou.n4sut stll iueexe ao!!o! 'snu te^sue )no^ uoatsodaoc stlJr'' alui
'araql p3ssnesrpno^ sasrcrexa ouruM paparo e'+ jo o^ r 6lrr/!1pue uPtdpuP lHt dd ol .ralau Z 'llcunoc lP.ol E or raual E roj atAs 0eurot olptrdoiddPu€ ur arE ^a'tl ieqr arns qe!'! raUsl aq] ur tnlesnaq ptno3lEql ,lsaloid ^r6ue, p sssElqd]o lsrl e lno olDM z 'ieuet aql rol uetd e alrM I
'sa^rlPUiallE outsodordpu€ suorr3slqornoi rol suosear 3ql 0ururtuo tr.uno. !e.ot rnoi ol lsslord ]o raual ^r6up u€ aruM pep3auar€ saornos ^oraua aau te$ asrte6rnoI qonoql ua^a UoDElsraaod teo. ! 1 0b u r p t r n aq q l o l p a s o d d oe r € n o i ' p u e t o u t l o qtnos aql ur u€epourunNutrauao toloq p.ol E sv
p.runouu? Inuno. p.ot .qr ueq^! 1q?Iu Net p.$6rdxo s?/t\ uo9"urEsuor qrnu ue3piuqrnN .]o ueor opls?.s eus .$ ul
uarol ]slmol oplsEosul trollsuralsuoc pu€ lsalold sosnetuogEls raaod lBoJ^{ouJo iuluado Popa[ord
:aolaq p3l.nllsur s€ op pue
e.daxa uotllsaduac aulluM pet alta huaollord le.ldh stqt peas L (rnoq ! :aul papuoluuro.a8) sosl3Joxe
lrvSlc ASxlNl lHr
Revolution The Technological PAPER 3: USEOF ENCLISH whereve. you go nowadays,you will see signs of the technological revolution-from computergames to electronicaids lor the handicapped,trom robot lactorieslo the compacldisc. And what about the compactdisc? What do you know aboui it? Has it any advantases over the conventionalrecord mosl of us still buy and play on our Readthis vvnlcn?article and then do lhe exercises. Wlatt Compact Disc? Hs a new kind of re€ordplayjns iechnolos developedby Philipsad Sony dd launched in Britain in 1983. It has be€n dercribed as tlle bigg6t breakihioughin home llsten A C,npact Disc(CD) 12.5cm in diameta can have up io 70 1 0 minut€s' plaqnq iime (equal to at lersiboih sid€soI an ordinaryLP) on one side onb ihe label is on the
[I$E EOIIPAGI ff|l0ll|il0ll? [$0||1il
A CD playa l@ks a bit like a hi-fi cassette deck thouqh some d€ smald. lnslead of a slyl6, a las b.Im is used to play the disc. In this report we refa to all oldi. naiy black r€co'ds as LPs. How much do€s it c!st? Mosiplay€rsareabout!450to €650 at prgen| CDs @st aboui 110 to €13 dependins on the r@rd What about exisling r€cords? You m't play LPs on a CD playai, and lou cant play CDs on an odi nary rccord pla!@. So if ybu v"€ni ova to CD, ybu'd siill need an ordinary play€r or d{k Ior you 6sbns raord @llation. Mdy recotdinqscurendv on LP or cassette will be ised on CD 6 upll, but ifs mostunlikelyihai all of tha sil be.
shodd b€ ableto tellyou which do. Ai th€ momeni most CDs ae 'populd' tids: no prcblen if you knt Beetho@t Fifth, JamesLnst or Status Quoi toush luck if !,qu're aftd something more esot€ric Al ihough otha titl6 d€ beins re'
Thde de abouta doza CD playeF in the shops n@- Of the 200 or so dis dound at ihe moment, over haff de cla$i61. RocL lz dd pop hauebeen l6s wll .ou@d e fir Mosi major record compani€swho havent yet relers€d CDs will be doing s sn. Not all rerd shops si@k CDs; shops selling play6
Yes about as easg as playing a cassette.You open a small lid or compartrnent at the ftont of ihe play€r,pop lhe disc inside,closethe [d and pr6 pldl. An unstady hand isno problm, dd sbdryffng(mdk @nbe wped off the di$ quite easlv. You can pduse a disc at any point and then rertart it imm tha€ Thae de otha @ntrols which dent in
volved in basicplayjng What else is ne?.led? lf you ue got a hj.fi s!6tn Mth m mplifier d reeiva which hd an 'auxiliaiy'inpuiwket no lnobl€m. the CD plavq plulF inio ihis. You @uld probablyGe adio tma' or 'tape playback' sockeb insiead if th6r're noi alr@dyin use,but nor a ordinaw 'disc', 'phono' d lrickup' Connecliore apd! CD players should work wiih mosi sta@ s!6' i€m or ousic @ntr€s. But irith a ch€ap q,Etd, you rculdnl gei tuli lalue llom CDs sound qualig. Sme CD play6 aill .lrive std@ hadphon6 dn@dy:a slo lisl€na could maqe with just these.
ZIt)I.rnbool sbupq. soulql lulql nol oO 'tunluac qruZ aql u! ooupqc to paads aql rnoqe uaDlr^tu€q sPq qcnn 6 ase^rts.atooso uo pEq Isql3^Pq qca$a leqM ., qa ',arnslal',uodsu€4 Erpouraql ul t\au rorlL! leqp leqM z ePsI lu€car ur jo lulql no^ uEr sqbnorqDiEsrq . e]3 'orpEr'siolJe|o. !I4snpur pro.a oql.rol aq sacusnbasuoc €lE^lrd eql p auos h uo sa|13lP3 uaF^s csrplcEduoc a$ jt I leqa -ssetr 3qi p ts€l aql ol dnor0 3ql suorllrdo to aql uoder uoql puE burao ot 6ql to qcPs ssn.slp sdnoro tlBus ul uolssnaalo I 'uunto. puEq-tq6!raqi ur asoqr $isE luapn€ uuJntocpulrl e v -uat aql ur suolsonb sqt v $tsP E trcpnls sr lEl{'3^oqP suolsenb 3ql iaqp q.ea lse uaqr pue $looq rno^ ssolc sapu €peu e^Eq qloq uaqM Zuralsis OC B asn ol ]! st Iseo aoH t aoo ro1 ptoq arnlnl €ql s€op tzqM t zoc uo atqellE e s,leqM E .p3p3au sr aeuPu€rureu]eqM e r€qM z aaraql aiB s)icBq^rBrp asoc u€ls^s 3srpl3€durocP saop qcnur/\ oH z ,3s!p FBduro. e s!leq/!\ I ioc Jo seoelue^Peaqr eiP r€qM I :suollsanbosaql rsasue or s6rou salPu.l isuolrs3nbeseql roasue ol sslou pu? uar €ql lo llPq puocasaql spPar E l€pn€ sawu puE ual aqi to leq r$!l sql spEerv Napnls 'asrcraxsoulao oj eql op',sred ur ||rrs EutpBaras66!r t
(/Zt D usdool Apul (68D oulrP(ol lu"lstsor (98D dn-6u|uas ^lppt]ou k9 D (aptsutcslpaqt dod (Oq-€t-tD cuap$ arou ourqlouos.r€Up ar,no^l!
0l 6 I 1 9
(6t Dlcnt qonol 9 (set) Cuauouroql lP) punoP t (ZeDitluaxnc e t6z-€z l ol ra o lua^{ z (t u paqcunEtI
iuosal rset e sP,tuPuo[crpe ur dn u]aql )oot ^tuo s€sejqd pue spro/!\ 6ul^ ollol sqr p ouluEauJatgtxetuo. eq uo4 go tlo,$ or,lrr 's.r!Edut e
'a$ Ie. nr jo an -eFodrot sa{qd IaIFlllS aqole 6eur a]aq-L stsqPb sa[+ l,P,q ]o ^el6.p enq@J qp@ Iens! e _e, ttrns $h srai.|Plopue srstp Dnaq p@ Elr arou' 6uPqot 4d t are o^! ro @6 a$ Dm cJ u q@uootaDclsu 'auor or s@^ rct pw@P Du nuquo) p suPau ar@Ft@,u! eqr p Dqwu aDn'{a'{l JLUEo ptnoqs09I sadqd Pue sP,o.ar 6Eulpno qra auoftr€ $lql_luop ah 'uadd-PqII!( i,ipe ^6 ol pltt str ltonoql reqd '6e1sor aIaq s! OJ 1p(ll Fa66ns sqluou MI lsrrj ar{r D o P(le@P srr 6^eaqIo sFodar p@ (sJsrPIo satras s @P!^alpn) Pr€PuEslPqlniol atbursE to uolrdope aplspFd aril ea.Inrryaqr rnoqP reqjn '(a !ssad\? orr ]no Irm GIe u@ ltfu puouPtp a$no3 lo q6no'+) ptnor rso, lua@treFau ^eP P asn ,$oq aan+ le alupalll .sE^ aqr uo uot3ar6uos la a.tot tseF,um sEr
trasl aqr alqno-qa '6 ol 6tari! aE asa{+^D!Pqmfiesot 6lE @t s,r tnq swo DUrcu lo lot € a^eqs^eto CI:) aa@qarq'@ rnoqP rsftl hopq aas a4$a@ lno mr Yos r']6'u arueuaplpu rafeld a q,6eq rq e pue uado ol ri,pl! raq.s aP qrlqa exoq.psetd 4 au.rcrscJ a uqqdd stw a tEluoP 9zt qreq €]loqs qrft sonuguo Duotp atPPlu aro ut tqoo e Pug or atlqae alel M r s6etd auc uo a 'punos a'+ lots'p pF@ sglld@ Pardodtut puE - Pnot oor qrnu ozr aP suo tsaPnotat{rlsabP$edFauos aql ieaq uEcnon P$ 06 aunp aql ps no6 ]! lpril Pul] PFo. no^ auoq le sc3 auos ol 6uiuatsl rq lultPar aql ol sppP stql pa.nPordar aq srr uE Prll spunostsaFinDp@ tsapnol zqr uar1laq auaDgtp aqr - abwr 4lermP aPlrdD Pa equ6cl a 's6u!Prorar rood DqlPr pue pp a_llnblo enq on -ara€ so:)re]v Dul ouw s.qlPu{
rq6q Fgolfajlad V aldu?€ roJ suogFod alqelln$n ur sauoqooD!! qth aJPlo ts4 alrr u' p€rarc -ua rfl ^ra^ tuaDm tet{r eulPr@ qI ar bts€u Jo bullea€r ^Ia sJi a ;srlt uo4leov Pal:u]l t@uou aqr tP l! cJ uo rlsn0 to a6uera$ puE a^lsudr€ sJl IIaM ;qrEqdE+ 6uv oor 'Al e uoa to.quo3aptlla q*l\ sPPour rno susqfFsa usJ s.larnpEnuPlua aM aiqeuosa rlra ajrl-arugaPu! a 4t llnoqs I@p s6 0l.!6 pueatqunp qa qePrscl a atqscl emlPt P4c iosroFnq uoqsa.lo rlseqaFuf a lsru Pue IIeG ar'nb .sP Pue ra6€td a 06 uoBerq!^Io 6ur.ll€!ol lueFrs^alal {ssals;l slstD^ueu uo q8no$) au|r Eu!6qd pad@r utmsJnoq@Doadb@o dn-EuFtas6tppg ou a 9, ,qllenb punos aqr uoq uedv asaEsrue ps aql arP rEqj[
Grammar Passiveconsiructions I
Bememberthat ihe Passivecan be used 'n all tenses and with modal verbs. Look at these examplesirom the CompactDisc texl on pages 52 53. A laser beam is used to olav lhe disc, Other tilles are beinq re@rded all the time. ll has b€en describedas the biggestbreakthroughin home lisleningsince stereo. . . . masler recordingsthat weren'l very well engineeredin the tirsi place. Many recordingswlll be lssued on CD . . . Stickylinqermarkscan be wiped otl the disc quite easily.
Rephrasethese sentences(in the Passive),beginninqwith the words given. Rememberto provide all the retevantiniormalionwhich is given in lhe original sentence. 1 They have sold thorsands oi CD maohinessince 4 They were demonstratingthe new video system 1983.(Thousands...) when I wenl ihefe yeslerday.(The new video 2 A iamous composeris conductinsihe concert t o n i g h t(. T h ec o n c e t o n i g h t . . . ) 5 S o m e o n em i g h ti i n d a s o l u t i o nt o i h e p r o b l e ms o o n . 3 Someoneshou d have discoveredthat a lons time aso.(rhat...) 2 Now siudy these Passiveconstructions,and ihen do the exercisei I d i d n ' th e a r m y n a m ec a l l e d ./ S h e d i d n ' is e e h e r b a g s i o l e n . He didn't feel his wa el (being)taken lrom his pocker. l d i k et h i ss u ' l c l e a n e d . l'd like my car repaired/thesephoios developed/ihehouse painted,eic. She made her presenceielt. I lound mysell skanded on an lsland. / She io!nd herself ignored by everyone. H e l i k e sb e i n sa d m i r e d/. l d o n ' t m i n d b e i n gc r i l i c i s e d . I l i k e t o b e t o l d w h a ts g o i n go n . I wani to be leit alone. / I don t want to be disrurbed. I d like io be allowedio do rhe job mysell ll leaves mLch 1o be desi.ed./ He was nowherelo be found. You are to be congratulated. The.e's a lot to do/to be done. / You are nol to blame/lo be blamed. This house is to Levtobe let that house is to be sold.
Bephrasethese senlencesbeginninswith the words given. Again, rememberlo provide a// ihe relevantinlormationgiven in the origina 1 | rnuslcongralulateyo! on passi.g your driving 2 He is olten criticised,but he doesnl seem to rnind. {He...) 3 T h e y ' r ej e t t i n sl h e t h o u s e ,n o l s e l l i n gi i . ( T h e i r . . . ) 8 . a H € r h a n d b a sw a " I " l o e _ , b u rs h e d i o nl s e e i l h a p p e n( .S h ed i d n t . . . ) 5 No one can b ame you ior what happened.(You 10
I think the girl was knockedoii her bicycle,but I d ' d n ' st e e i t .( l d i d n 1 . . . ) They couldnt lind the manageranywhere.(The P l e a s ed o n l d i s l u r bm e . ( l d o n ' tw a n t . - . ) The news was announced,but I didn i actually hear i l m y s e l f(. i d i d n l . . . ) when he is ssked about his past, he hales il. (He
(daa$n) asnoq (Is,nBs t6l ouruapueq orq srql urelurEr!or a^rsuadxatu3^ outuo€q s'll 9 a^muqstp roq sE/v\pua aql ul Ie/"{?r6q a^eoleqM 0l (IElno) 000'9tJ sB^l tsu!_I3arq))eoa Iltpuu! lca(ord 6$ uo ru€ds ulllt aqi lunoLUEaql 6 rsBtolur uslorq sraa perrs rno ur s€snoqsarqt t (auolno) ttP!! auoP 6u!.q (ry€rqro) reproq oqt ssor.P sdP3sa oulqlou ut p.nns€r ^l!!utl suorssn.srp6uor€qI € ol paul6tdo€d Iueu 1no arorq r?,\ eqr uaqM 8 (auo3uD irlunoc iBqt (u/soPlsD)3eq lu6a ur 1€eI e 000'tJ lnoqB ur€e etdGd 'a6pra^e uo z r€^au 3r\ tEql 6ululodd?slp os sB,rrluernelsar aql I (6utouuqdn) (uflopunr) PauaddPq 'dn ^oq aql 6uuq ol ^€uou to lot P uraqirso3lt L pPq I6q1 9 elap tP6r0 ur sn or lPqa Peuodo 'saeu aql prE3qaq uaqa uaopl€rq olalduroce parolrns/p€q3H (u/r{opFarq) saeu eqt preaq sq uaqa rl.lalduo3 u^ op slorq .H (q '|lo-6urttalP ioq aql s^eb 6qS fuo-ou tal) jlo ^oq aql ptol aqs (P :saruotuas6!r,\^o||o,aqt ssPrqdsl ua$'satdurExa 3s3qi ipn€ 'arnlsnrls a3u P paau I!/!1a3u€ru€saql uauo IBA,{uB ur psrsltE oq ol lou sr proi €ql ]nq 'ua 16po,\ P Eursnsecu€tuasaluaar ol no^ sarnber (qs!6uf jo asn) € radpd ^.uarclord 3ql !r ssr.loxa 3uO
secuElues6ullua€u (8 ttun eptng s.r.q.Bel
eaal tuots e dn arlew suJeg
L-atea )o -teoul rpto4 rtal rrearg qt,$ ur03qlEqrs!$ s)i!l/v\oulno^op sunour€qloIELIM 'uetoF sea burqiou i6.uo €ql tP B sBA er€ql lnq ' 3q PresaH ! 3ra/"{ saoqs aau slq )ood sEA mq ''Fadxa p.t leqa rauv pat u@q e se,{ sql ol tra.uoc 'suorrEcrunururocatat ror€ul B sEA tl 10 pte+ €ql ur ralstuty\ €uud eql lo e prp lsruorssardutaql '3raq ^BA e$ uo e peq a/"{tnq 'slEt al,3/s iros u,l 'aoE qrnur ool r?t srEarl raq roJ UrDounoI lEql 'Aq6npu E ^oq aqr a^80 aqs os oursq roj 'Foc qorq sr .ueq.s €ql auo tua^ aql io -prBsrao€UPUJ E no^ a^ro aur 13-l aql reqa to
(q L-dn )o -tno ruo rut t)!t^ur6€q lPql srql alrtaoq 'rxoor r.rPs€/|\ era$ Iluappns aql uro4 rs onPtlo lxsu 'ourq6noc 3q1 lo U B Iq p3)rpu sr aseasrpoqr 1o ' 0 0 0 s E ^ ( s s a u t s n3qq l l l e l s o t - l B D r u r i n o 93 i€qlouP u6aq s€q er.ql reproq aql uo 6urrq6+lo '3^rsusdx€ sql tua^ sr telP3qrB.eql lo 'le|luapluoc sr uo[Euuo]ursr$ Ies lsnu I aq] lB lqoru 'rsr.t eqs aql or s$€ns r€q saao s^Po susrEd raq 'papadxavn e'11 lsou sea 6ullasu 3ql lo 'lPaI lsEt %O9Iq pasPer.urtuol3q aql lE
no^ op sunou raqlo !!'lM
'ue^r6 ssoql u.io4unou olPlrdorddEuE qila s€3u3lu3saqr ul $iuElq 6 q t u r t l p u Pu a q l . o ^ o 3 u a q l u a t e L I u o s u n o u, o l e s q . e e l p n l s !
sqro^ leselqq ruo.usunoN
,{rPlnqpgoA NO|In]OA]X Iv)rSOlONHl
Answeringquestionson a passage In Seciion B o1ihe ProficiencyPaper 3 (Use o1English),you will have to read a passageand then answer questionson jl and write a summary. There are normallytwo kinds oi question:1 Explainthe phrase . . .', and 2'How/Whauwhy/lnwhat way/etc.. . -' lype questions, 1 Readthis passagecareiully and be preparedto give a general idea of what it is about.Then read the noies and examDlesoDoosiieand do
They haveyoutapedand there aren'tenoughsafeguards
The ddgers of idcreasing computerizalioD of penoBl, oficiai and business infomation have long been reognized, and are scarcely ary longer co.trovenial. First, data can be stored which is in@urate, incomplete or nrebvant, and yet ca! be used as the basis lor importdt decisions afecting peoplet lives. SecoDd,peoplemay haveno idea of the iDfomation kept on them, have no way olfinding out, and no opportunity to coret mistakes. Third, there is the posibility thai the iofo.mation can fall into unauthorircd hands,who could useit for all sorts of hostile. even crimiml, purposes-Fourth, the infomaliotr could be used for a purpose other than that lor which ir was gathered. Fifth, b@ausecomputer systems cd now communicate with eeh other easilydd speedily. rhe possibility is increased that @npr€hersive Big Brother 61es will becompiled on private citizens. From bnth ro death, every individual wiu resularly find something aboul him appearingin some nle or other. Esli ates of how many different nles are kepl on the ave.ageadult individual range from 15 to 50. So6e hay be thoueht trivial in thmselves though evenlibrary computeN an now reveal !ha! a reader look out
a book on guerrilla warfare Busine$, too, Dcedsprotedion. Ifa and another on Marxis! ideology. companyhlist ofcustomers,or its ao Credir ord fles might disclose 65 pricing or prodnction fomulae, an inappropriare spendingpaltem. got iDro the hdds of competitors, The v€hicle LicensingDepattment the rcsu1tcould be fiuncial ruir keepstabs on everydriver\ change In 1978,The Lindop Commitlee of addres, and their mmputer js set oui ur principles which should a5 available to the poli@. The list of 70 govcrn data proteciion: (1) The information kept on ihe individlal individual should lnow what perhis healtL hcone, socialsecurisoml daia is beiry kept, why it is ty position, details of his property, n€cded,how lols ir wili be used, his car, hisjob, and so on goes who will use it, for what pnrporc. 7s and Ior how 1ong.(2) Personaldaia Of course, for those who have should be handled only to the exbeenin ftouble wilh the police.or ient and lbr the purposes made beetr nembers ol.m udesirable' known at lhe outset, or authorizd political goup, even ihough they subsequenlly.(3) It should be accir55 havedonenothitrg il1egal,the infor30 rate and complete.and relevant mation kept on them multiplies. and timely for tbe purpose for More 3nd nore of all this infom.nwhich it is used. (4) No mo.e data tion has been renoved fron the shouldbehandledthatrisnecesary old fashionedfling cabinetand is lor the purposesnade known- (5) 60 beingput into computels, 35 The individual should be able to The need lbr sat-ee1rards is nor verify that those principles have limiled to personnl idomrtionbeencompliedwith.
pr*" *,u"",:':5il:ilXti:ffi:; eqr u,s^oo rouo,r..ro,d
'uoDeurolu!raqto pup tEuosrad]o uol!€sualnduo. 6ulseorcurio sra6u€p €ql srB s^€s slrsoddoot3t E aql l€rta spro/t^001 noqB u! osuPuruns
^JewwnS (seUulru0t :atrllt p€pueuuocaU)
'reu]led € qr!,1siaMsuernol aiBduot aoN ,smduror uo erep l€uosradraq ro s r ql n o q ea o u t p t n o q st e n p r ^ t p !a! q l F o 6 6 n ss o l l u l u o C e $ p l p r e q M I .op ol dn las sEA aa]llullo3 dopurl oql lurql no^ op }?qM 1 auoFalord ElPppeau osle su.rrussaursnqop ItlM 9 asraqloup$ atdoad uretroelnoq? uorlEurol!l arour araqt sl ,\qM 9 l , t P n p l ^ r pu ue r l n o q Pp a l Ua q o l I l a l r l € r P s l r e l e pl e q M t (aaqto q.ps ol uoleLUojur6l€.runururo.IlrsPo,'/\ouue3 sLxalslsralnduro3) .suez|l|. atB^ld uo potrduoo3q ,$t+ raqrorE orE a^rsuoqsrduoc,plnor aoH g fsasodrnd |Eurr!uerot pasn aq plnoc uollPurol!1 3q]) ejeuduo3 uo plpp lpuosradlnoqP sreel lso06!qaql lo auo sr leqM Z ( uoleurotul q3ns uo paseq opPursq uEc suorsrcapouora lnq luelrodurrasneroa) i,sno]aouEpaq uoreurolur al€inrcEut 10oulrols aql ue. slea lEqa ul I :IllEnPr^rPLrl Far eqr ra^\sue uaqr 'aarql lsru €qt ot srsasue poFe60ns aql pue aol6q suorrsanboql peau 'uolsanb €ql lEadar 'atduexo roi qcrqa s€cLl3luasouol olua o] paau ]ou op no?\ lr radsue ol l$q l\oq eplrap usql pu€ sraler ll qcrLla or abBss€daql ur qderOBredro scualuas eql pull ^llnlarer uoosanb (s)Ie^ lPqa uva iqM qrea peou lrooale. ,a ,f oH/. }€qM, 3ql olur llel s6Pss?deql uo suolFanb aql Jo lsol,'! g /. 'aoessEd pesn oqr aqr ur s€ aserqd rnol ::roN uretdxsasrn@ ro lsnu suortBuetdxa
(,t86L ta^ou srq ur a^ ro a6roe0Iq poquesepsE) t?npr^rpu!fi3^3 uo sat+ q6noroqr'glalduloc 0 uorsslurodro Ituoqtne 'p3urPlqoaq ro uaas aq Z rnoqlr,\ atdoadIq arou ^ue tuaunore lo uolssn.slp qsnurasnPco] italrL ^tplEq I ' " suollBueldxe alqlssod
( Z gt ) , L l r r ap 6 ! t d u r o c , 0 t (6/Jl |) ,I[uanbasqns pazuoq]nP,6 (99 0 ,JospuPqalr otur ioo, I (69€9 tD ,laurq". 6urtu pauorqselpro sq], 1 {E l) ,uo sqq sdaar, 9 (!t't) ,uretred6utpuadselelidorddPur,I {9€ t) ,s.^tasuoqr ur LPr^ul,t (9ZD ,s3lll rsLllor€ 6ra a^rsuaqarduo.,€ (1!-s! r|) .spueq pazuoquEunolur tiEl, Z G D ,t"!sr3^orluo. r€6uol IUE ^locr".si I ' ' ' €serqd aqt (sp.ro& raqp uD ulBldx3
lsar aql op uaql puE setduexo ss€ql le lool lolrq aq plnoqs uoleueldxa u4]!la rnol sanl3lol raue pue €lol€q sa.uoluos 6ql puP srn..o lr q.lq/!l ur e.ua$3s sql ped os lxsluo. a!] uo4 suPsul e urBldxs,ol a^Bq noi uoqM z lrteqa lno lro^1 ol a^€q I€u nol "asPiqd NO|In]O
]X rVllDOlONHf,lt
(rime:t hour15minutes)
1 Finisheach of the following sentencesin such a way that it means exac|y lhe sane as the sentencebefote il. They wrole the first report three years ago, EXaMPLE: ANSWFF:The iirsl report was writlen three yearc ago, a) You will only be able to iind the answerswhen you have read the report in deiail. Only b) The iechnolosicalrevolutionis opening up a whole new world, but many people are worried by it. l 1 s P ; t eo l c) He was annoyedthat he had to go back io his otlice in the evening. F e w a s a r n o y e da l d) The boy beoameso contusedand worried that he left home. So .. .. e) Since l've never seen or heard a compacldisc, I can t conrmenion il. t) When I heard the telephonering, I answeredit immediatelyOn s) llbund the arlicle about data proiectionvery interesting. | *as h) The record companiesare challenqinsthe claims made by lhe manuraclLrers. T h ec l a i m s i) The new computerwas being demonslratedwhile I was there, but I didn t see it. l d r d nt j) We mrsl all do a great deal betore we move house. There is ..
2 For each ot the sentences belav write a new sentence as sinilar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the words giveri these words must nol be alleted in any way, EXAMPLE: Whal happenodis not your larlt. (blamel ^NS\trERt You arc nat to blane far what happened. a) wherever she goes, she always €iclsin sLrcha way that other peoPleknow she is there. (Presence) b) We mrst be able to solve this probleln.(solution) c) The.e is litile poinl in even consideringlhe olher theories.(wonn) d) He's a much more caref!l worker lhese days, (car€lully) e) We can only waii and see what hapPens.(choice) 1) I m sorry | didn't write 10you lasl month. (aPo'ogise) s) They mighi have got los1.(Fosslbilily) h) We have speni a considerab6 amounl ot money on lhis project (oull.v) in his stage acl. (l.ke-ofl) i) The comedian imitaledthe Prirne l\,4inister j) | wouLdlike to complain most stronglyaboul the play which was performedat vour theaire lasl week. (comPlaint)
'dn Nonorq sea loqln? s+ qcrqa tr aoell|^ 3ql lo eill aql uo rlc rolou aql (l 10lu3^pE eql lo sl3sg3 a$ lnoqP siPs 3oPss?daqt rEqa sprot\ 001-{9 ur asueururns 129 D ,auoc ol eu€ls^q 3q1,Iq uesuJroqlne aqi saop leqM (I ZISSM rtl puB sarlv aar 10sssr^rasaqi arouorol snuluoc sa6€llr^ aql lo lsou plp IqM (! a q i r . u p l pI q M (l a s e ^ r rt a q l a o J P q cI r a l e r p a L U rs s l c l q a ^r o l o u l o s r u E l E a d d e
zue D'salPo
pareq o^u 1oszrs aql, sP sarrq{orour sql paqu.sop roqlnE aql )u!ql no^ op IqM (q '(t€-€€-lD ,sa.!]!res ^lrPa aqi, aserqd sql ur€ldxl (6 (,arrtooElt!^uo a^eq r& rolol! a$ plp sl36lls lB:lrurIEIIM (l ( e Zt ) . q r e u o ^ o L r n o , o l r u r l d q l . a s e r . l da q l u r P l d x t ( a i,pt!q3e sB,l roqrne eqr uaqM ,0u!1,se poqu3sapasroq aql sea ^q/v\ tp '(t!'D ,sdorca$ 6u!6PsseuispuBq,aserqd oql sproa reqlo u! urEldxf (. a o l u ru r o qs P A r o q l n P3 q l l e q t , 3 3 u 3 l riso o ! o a . ? l r s E A l q M ( q l,poortpt!q.s,roqmBa$ 6u!rnp a0E1l!^aql or pau€ddEqlEqM (e {aaqm all $%uaq papauaP EullFI's"qI.I.Ps €M s€ 6Fnt se 6l@ aqr araM s6op pue sua,l.lqJ ruaa Pue pa@as aJI pto a(Il 'i(Ilpapsapa.ed pqr\'t6ua4s al@ apoad arou Pue fllq ^lsp atr'rPaqulp a$ 5@qPsF sndo@lJ snq Paril-plc aqel arlr arill 'pua aqr or tq6! la^ sdoqs621 'ped a$ dn 6uH6no au'€ 0e awle ade6o] (6lp I6Plo] e a.uo)$rsarnotC or aqr & Pado oJ D-rorou PadlrEfslq arlJ u€6aqa6ueqr aq1 sdl! rprnb ul'arepd-arprd dlauaq] to tuppqs 'uaq-L lslgPre6t aql u! lqune! qrq-qou u! 6{ss"Fled 6n lnb iasoq atll}o uEaI.6 aqr or lor uloq alm aa s6 slql ad pass€ddaql 6umuuroFoql!.sr5ou{epded Pqd II! P@ uosqd .ho 'pF@ mo 6a$ pue'pumo$ q! Jolsetaql latsM6MJ e '7 peqll $Josad,ol >.qd euEqrarouou duoJ Joa4<ar' qr%Ppe dx q 'noq uP€l ! lq6r -"q iIatre.6 pue 'aqo$!p lparq pFo.$ a6etF P(ll seuou a!r'l}o s6epaqr atrulsuaaqpeq I aql uoos auor ot q@F,lq aqr Io su6!sa^e6 s lqua@rcu mololul alilsPArnoq ue eltu lmuqsP sa6a6u{orllawqlhsasloq8qdqs-Dal+lng }q6€ sH s6epmo Jo clnnqr 6qr p@ qs Furddoqs's4ropped'stqEs'e'.'.lr!u.Ir'Dppol:u-n{punore 'Eu!i sw asroq 0z mo }e 6Epprpq 6uot e EutPuadsP@ - aFuoq MrE 6u!ql,41aMlsouP PUP rotF {6noq} am @oqm sratre, a{+ 6urou6! aql lnA c4a nd p@ sD€l q Pa$aqe PPqaa rspqh qqam lm alF or llrcp sp6q 1oo, Drcd aq1le aDd asroqPUEuel^I 6u! oq6ulql uo namo, aql p,P ltrts$ Jo rsou rnB 6u@d e latPj aqr cw a$or ?tfl pue ?m@ld loj Iauu 09 rot qarredmo66m ptnob p@',6ePItranawr e rsouP p@'6Per p6sed aid@d !i3lq6 ueop @ aqu@sd@qs uo{ lsamfi lea ol paD} lo4ad ro llo }o Na.o@!'qaaqtllr. P@ s^ooq cr -ard aldoa.l Fou tnq'aruado^alsa arE aqr 6q pauru'sPeor mol.lEualqdlo:@!F uaa4zq p@ 1$ ppq a6er@Jaqf )Pad e ?,!Yqpno4s sr@lqP6uplPmouolaq:rpuesdersPuel6d@ aqt u! sdlqsalll saEellhlo jql,!\o6 Pue bqlta or auauo64 su us leq lar.dl P 6u!l!d 9n 'er,{v re1 alqsupaN quaq€dF aDd lsrg uo 6uuw to'sdoD al{l Fu6Pss€ur sp@q PsasnqmoP@'reaf€aruo6luo$@qeIelir'puno6aqlol$aqspeqJo'aruapPdli.Psarau0I pu€ 'lD1$ pPq ]o PFm € :a.uals_Jo Pllod e u! 61rsou oilqloFu aqr pas tu'saraF -r Loqc€d uoqe€u"6"u 6l@J 6t lPsal^l aql uaa 6pe pucqea4 aramwJ dqr:sa{ho uaddeq 6J qr aloqa dqr P"ssaulh I .@l\ rd+lp{jdterpauu tou ptp srusPaddD eqj, 'Euau4snfpepue siledar 6upfeu qaaa r@ds Io iniP@q l€q] 6u!mP lnq 'ua'+ 6q ala1l} s€. s dn qairorari! paPor l:s0z6l alel aqr qllaqldoqshllErr,uPlP ele uzqr'qll'q anutusr2'{r afl.sea^ sqFof mo qqqd uo 'abqln aql ur Padde ol PlodEoJmoolarqa@abt@pru ueEaq'sale6pa@q'a!,Io azisal]l 'e{qrotoru P@sno'{rP ,o P@ al+ a.ue'{. ^q aB qqqm qre.i uaqy uolsuaqa:ouo puo6aqspaads,'5q uolreDua6Pql ol pa6uopq I_a6Elp_a$ lo sfieP p@ FIo4s Peq'oor5flol pp aq-L F€l a$ cP ala$ pooqpFp /\u Jos ep FEI al 9€ pa.p] lsamz.Ds 'tr ,\o o, qsrq^ suollsanb3ql r3^ suP uaql 'e6€ssPdoulaollol aql pPau €
s Notrcfs
NO[n]OArXrvlrSoloNHJlr rHr B
1 Lislening The phrase to 'drop a brick' means 1o make a ioolish remark which huds someones iee ings and which usuallycauses acute embarrassmentto lhe speaker'.Listen to ihe short anecdoteand then answer these quesiions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Where was lhe speake. at ihe time? What was the woman doins? Where? Who was the speakersitting nexl to? What do you think the speakeractuallysaid to the man? why did the speakerbegin to blush? How did he lry io explain himselr? Whal did lhe other man say in reply?And how did he say ii? How did the speakerleel? Why? Haveyou ever been in a sit!ation like the one the speakerdescribed? lf so, how did yo! leel? Why?what happened?
2 Reading and predicling (belore lislening) There are limes in liie when we have no ldea what we miqht hear - when lurnins on the radio just to see what's on, ior example,or walking into a shop or a restaurant.In such situaiions,our own languagecomPeience allows !s (usualy) very quicklyto gather what is happeningand what is being said. There are many occasions,however,on which we are preparedlor whal we will hear,lor examplewhen we turn on the radio to listen lo the news, a p ay, a talk, or go lo a live lecture or debale. Becausewe know the tiile (e.q.a talk on 18th-centuryEnglishdrinking 'Conservat'onin the 1990s'),or becausewe know slasses or a debaie on what kind oi lanquaseto expecl (e.9.wilh radio news),we can already predictthe kinds oi things people wiLlsay. And indeed,ii we attend a leciure, we rnayalready have speciticquesiionsin our mind which we hope or expect will be answered. A ListeninqComprehensionexercisels rather like this. ll you look at lhe task carefully,it will nol onLygive you the questionsto which yoL want answers,it will also iell you a lol about whal you afe going to hear. First Passage You are going to listen to an anecdotetold by a woman, bul beiore you listen, read the lour mullip!e-choicequestionscarerully. al In pairs, work out whal the questionsare lo which you want answers For example,Ouestion1 will be: 'What did the woman know about ihe man for a fac0' {NorWhat did she assumeabolt the man?) b) Wiih your partner,try to predictsome of the conlenls of lhe anecdote.
-saasue rno,\ ssmslp /\ oN 'a.u3tr3dxa 3$ Iq pess€rdurt o 'lEoq aqr lo )cap 3ql lJord3$s c 'a^BA p€qsnF g aolet B Iq 'pauuiar IlalnlosqP v uesq pEq aq leql ,eat. sea lr 'lua^3 oql paqussepuqof IP/{ a$ urorl t
'urols ^^Eeq tus^ v G 'spull\ouons 9 'rsqlBeareat. eug a 'ete6€.ro|3ue3lrnqv v ZaEeIo^a|']trot lsecorol sP,{ rErtM E
'a5u1o srq to rEap paraaF o '6urqlou punorP pauup ourop C 'Dulucxaunajrl IPPtua^e Punol A 'salpullssM aql rnoqe p6lol v uqor'puEt6€ ot )l3€q106^eqt uaqM -ureds !seo3 sqr lo $o patraraorqs ar€a c 'ilat I€$ s.ro]3q$iaarv\uq reoq r!€ql uonoq 0 '286t u! pnolruv jo puDtsr€ql ol lua,{ g 'sreo^ xls ro, ue3qquPc sql palrEs v
'c}3 lnoqB aq ra pe4rc €ql Pq^\'par3/r\sue luEA no^ suoq$nb lPq,r apt.3p lsr!t sursl' 3.'oq.'aldqnur 3ql pEsu 'soEsspdlsr[ 3ql rol prp no^ sE arnpcord auEs €ql aotrot lalsEslp qu,l tEspstdoed r\oq tnoqe auuabord olpEr P Jo uEd ol uelsr aoN
oBessedpuooes rnol eraa olPrnccEt\oH taasuP rnol ssncsro a,suollcrpard 'suorl$nb a.roq.-6tdqtnur3ql r3/r\suEpuP €lopcaueaq! ol uslsrl ,1oN
'uroou ,s3!Pe-taq! orurauo6 pPq aqs u3tl,s o 'lBocrstl oullcallocsE,!^aqs uaqm c '3tr/tr rno p€lUrodpEq suoauos roue e slq 'aar^r3lul 3ql p3llP3araqs uaqa v s€/t\UBUaqr oq^\ parsquauar ^luo uBuoa aql 'llr laal ol uBoaqaqs o 'psu|ls^u 3Jou ua€ sea 3qs c 'arou lol€ ,l{oul ol paluea aqs E -patsarepl tus €urB.aqeqs v 'sta^Pr s'q lnoqe u€uJo/rl3qr plor ueu €qr uaqM '31rts|Lt lrols 3$ uPuroaaql a^E6 o to 'aulzbeLu sql pEar sIE^^lP3q uBuoa aqr plol c 'ot!a srq 1€3u ol allr plno/v\uEuoa aql ! pe)|sE q '|lErroa aql rnoqElol e aaq 3q lPql paaoqs v uBu €qr'pau€qc ^aqr e]!qM 'ArPd 4!leq3 oql Pasrue6ioPeq €q O 'rrosrsdsnouel e seM aq c 'atdosd p lol e palouuE sri E '3u!z6eur lPuollBuE uo p$lro/\ aq v pqr lcel B rol aau, sqs 'srrBu s,uEu aql raquauisr l,uplno. uPuo^ sql q6noqllv
Grammar News items on radio and lelevision lend to employ a greal deal oi FleporledSpeech,and there is a certain lormality in the languageused generally in reporiing news.This seclion looks al aspectsoi lormal reporling. GN You are going lo near a radio nsws item. When you have heard il, answer 1 What was it about?Oo you rememberany deiails? 2 What did you nolice about the language?was it very formal?Can you give any oxamples?
Some formal ways ol reporling speech 1 Look at thes€ two sentencepahernscommonlyused when rePorting news.Th€y occurred in the item you heard above. Oanyou remember lhe rest ol the sentences? . . ., a spokesmandeclaredthat the figlres were . . Speakingat ihe headqLrartere . . . ) h e w a s s p e a k i n s i=When
when (he was) asked aboul the possibility. . ., he replied ihal it was .
2 Look at the variety of verbs w€ use when reportingwhat people said. You are going to hear journalists interyiewingpeople in preparation lor news items or stories. Lislen 1othe interviews,and ailer each one r€port what was asked and whal lhe answerswere. use languagelrom the box below. asked (for iniormaiion)about. . ., questionedabout-.., (On being) invitedto commenlon . . ., accusedoi (doins) . . ., requested(to do) . . ., pressedior inrormalionatJout. - ., (When) t o l d / i n { o r m et dh a t - . . , inieruiewedabout..., told reporlers/said(that) . that)... s l a t e d / d e c l a r e( d (thal) pop replied . . the star (lhar). . . ielUlhought/believed the spokesman accepted/agreed{that) . . (that) . . . acknowledsed/conceded -;-:" (doins)/{lhai) the polrceserseanl d I conlessed(that)/ro(doirs) . . doubied/wonderedwheih€r. . .
Etl 3 Listen to ihe inierviewsagain and extraci the main poinls lrom each. where necessary,wriie down exactlywhat the people said. Then write the reports as news items ior homework.
e9 ' ' ' 'etqunu teuuqs '6no) 'deus 'sstq ,ads|t^ te3 ,noqs .^Bs ^a$ lBrti 0ur!oda) uaqa sre)ieedslo sepnrlue ro spoou 6qt aoLtsol islLsrqt ot pp? no^ lPc sqia^ arour ^ueu.r/r^oH aur sPi/\oq 9oour 10yos teqa aout no^ op aoq a)ioosueu 6qr spro,\^oql !,ro4liPov 'uo3?qsql our^4 ol tcBq tuar\ puP paueoro 6q ,.dn-ourqsP,r\ op ot sprt t36 ol atqrssodurtr sl IqM, 'laqorr)iaql or )i.eq lu6a pue'lio/' tP tno sP^{suEf a rq^ ourlt(l3^a op or u6t ouroqFoqe 6urqlsuiosparaxrul aH ,ii,tsBfi€ajqrol laop 6uruo! sprr no^ are usqM, 'siPls aqt dn p€lreq pue pauJntaq uaq.|rad!.i3}^ur 0ursol^tptdFJw,t, peddeus a\ iure6eleql op l,uoe, '^tdur sqia^ 6u odor 6qt l€q,{ Ips pup srqt pEaU sapnlruepue spoou alP.lput ottse )o et ies lo pEetsurasn uEr oa sqio^ I@0 are aroql !
,{JelnqPcoA , r r i o r u a l l , n o ^j l r r P S , r i 3 $ o r p r e s3 q , u o 0 9 , 9 'uno. ur pres uPu sql iraqqor a$ palrruruo. sa^, , I t fsLt ol pr€saq ,'eur ourdtaqiol qcnur^ra^ no^ IUEql, I 'ioq aqr ol pres 6qs ,iuor loq lPqt qcnotl uoo, z ' 6 ! , ro l p r P sa q s , ' n o l a r e a l I u e u l e q l l s e p u e0 6 p , l , ! :3^oqe asoqrsNrtsqis^ 6ursnpres adoad asaqt t€qa rrodar aoN lauued B qrra oreduo. uaLrt'lsrtE a)Pn ,to lurrtl no^ ue. orou IuPu aoH 'est6opde ueteerqt j 6 \se66ns 'qnop :ie \ srqr ur asn a,$ sqra^ roqlo 6rt aroH IuPr araql aq ol pasluord a 'qot pooo e qor poo6 e 6uop a^,no^, paNallltduo3 eqs+, 6u!op uo aur 'uPxo eqt oulsseduo raq paretrqErouo5 t+,'u.rExe aLtt6ursseduo suotretnrerOuoC, :sslourPxaasaql r€ )oo-l uo95|r4suo3 qra^ raqlo auios oursnIq presro les sldoad lEq,t\uodar a/v\usuo
qc€.ds oulUodarrot suolpn46uoc .|etlto I , ) u e t q€ s , l rl n q , s s a u l r aa q t p r E s, . s r n o . 1o, ,aroqur6L!3rot peril no^ a^PH :palsE a 6 p n fa q l u a q l ! o q u a u a i l , u e . t , s s . ! ] i a 6ql pres ,laoul I uop , p3)is€a6pnc aql ,aqigt oqt lo tq6ru aL]luo no^6roa oroqM,
'IrEn prPs ,'oN, uqof palsP ,aaerloxoq aqllE Ise no,{l,upro, , aor luorl aql Lr srea qeos aql lqEnoqla^ qa)lc|r 3ql pa)iooqaa uoqa, 'rJPl'! pr€s , llof , 'uqot palsB ,.psluroddesrPos nol araa IL]M,
'sqra^ 6uqroder teuiot aro(rl qlr/l z pu? sqra^ 0uuodsr teurolul r]lra ! lodau pressea leq/' lodar uaqt sa6Psssduoqs asaql peou itdar ltaseuo )ise 6rnbLro'Nno€r 'arEt.ap alpls rsi^suE rapuo,$ /v\ou)iot luP^{ tsP' al IEs
:€lits ut qceedsuoda o1pasn iluawuaz sqJaA :elils le4nau/leuolu! ut q.a€ds lrodar ot pasn ituauuor sqia\
:!.a3ds ieptu3^a u! Itai?r puE 6u0rodortp!,Lo] arour !r pasn aq ptnoa qrrqa ssoql otoN cla lYsETar to acPldur qslt6uf ur asn ue3 3uo sqrs^ ^u?t! 3re 3raql "{Ps
sqra^ 6ulyodar tetrlrolu!pue lEurol t
s:ttrNltxldxllvNosuld 6
qPERIENCES 9 PERSONAL Adiectivesused when reporting impressions,emotionsand leelings 12 Whichwouldyou 'rseto 1 Lookat lheseadjeclives.
pleased,glad, saiislied,exciied,enthralled, t h r i t l e dd, e l i g h t e d puzzled,mystlfied,conlused,baiiled bored, fed up, depressed,low (,nt), brownedofi (t f.), discontented(formai) interesled,curious,fascinated,inlrisued worried, anxious,concerned,apprehensive, frightened,horilied, ierriiied ir.itated, impalient,annoyed,exasperated, inluriated,angry, fu.ious, indignanl srrprised, asionished,amazod,stunned, staggered,astounded embarrassed,disconcerted,humiliated d i s a p p o i n i e d ,i s i l l u s i o n e d H o w p l e a s e dd o e sh e o r s h e i o o k ?J u s t ' g l a d ' ?O r
2 Look at these adieciivesand discusswith a Dartnerwhat klnds ol things you lind excitins,worrying, exasperaling,etc- For example, t atways tind waiting in queues absotutety exaspetatiDs. I!
t h r i l l i n ge, x h i ! a r a t i n g baiiling
satistying mystifying
iniriguing horrifying
irfitating humiliaiin9
3 In pairs or small qroups,tell each oiher about any experiencevou have had which was humorous,embatrassing,intriguing,rriqhtening, etc, Begin like this: (l think) ihe most /embarassins/ experiencel've ever had was when or (l think the most /irighteninq/thing lhats every happenedio me was when or I don't think l've ever been so /hurnilialed/as I was when or l'll never iorgel the time | (did . - .). lt was so /exciting/. Then coniinue1o ask and/or say: - where you were, and who with (iJotherc were present); - how it all starled - what you were doing, or qoinq to dol - what happenedfirst - and then?- and aiier ihat? elc ; - what you {or olhers) said (ii anylhing);etc.
terrifying inlurialin9 staggering,asiounding
s9 u€ tabiol rarcu Ir/l{no^ acuauadxa uollsoduroc e alu,t puEueld ue 0ur^!0(sproa Foqe) lo runoeee 0q€ uolllsoouroc g '€lrt slq ssrnoc aqr 36ueq5or sea lr |Pqr (9r)os ,o PapruE pEq aq lEql iPP auo ra^P a$ Iq ourllE \ sEx\3q el!q^\ sE/\ ll feqla pql to auer ourqloutnq'moqP plB3r.tp€q a't q3!qa I3W palsaoons a^llPrado-oc,p p€ e. 6utqpuos llEls (it)a't tuEpunParepeu uaeq peq oqa sr€qp ol (er-'uols€cco raqpue uo uels or €raqa aouj t,t]p!p3q 'est3 suoaLuosIq ajrt srq ssautsnqur' o slq EutueF p Nrod nE p€Iod € u3€q {20-mq auo lP (4)aH sarrlnbueiequn,Iue 6urle'! (01)eql puP ou)tl,uop auo^u€ urBA ol q6nouesea r pr€s€q (6)'o9 (8)ot sEn\3q lEqa L atduls E 'ttaa paraMsuEaq ",1 spualrj slq ro ,{t!ue} €ql }o ^ue Iq (ruaqt\ u! las pEq uorssaidap 3ql leql ra6ue |elltu!leql r3u€ sE,f r! puv lqonoql 3q rEq/ssPA '6)suecaq 3q usql uE .urlrl a&qr aiep aoH, Ii6ue rsou|e )pes usqr a)EU or auop aq peq leql tr puEtsropunr.uptnoc^ ea aH sacl^ras rsrll tE sP,r 3q',parnbd 6q r36uol ou (t)19)uo -utB6eqol srq leql r36€uEy!tauuosradeqr iq ptol (€)^rsnouas raqlouE136ol slqe 3q re^s plnoa aq isqlela (z) os se/!\urol aq lPql aoE strl lE luBpunparopeu 6u!aq le (r'pro.'!tstqElrnseuoqtr^rsoBssPdsr'{rut s)uPtq oql u! H z ' .''.' '.' sP/l\ l 'ous€lrll! tua sea sraoull srq 6uqc!r3lda)i aq IBA aqt 0r
;;r;.r1;;";;;;;;;;r-::'llit'"i,lTl i:, -- _- _' -'
u]l€,D ^LU rteryd€€dn 'as| 8 lo: ""11::1:::"'.::: jl|l'*c. -^tE€ loN ro, roop lxau uej 3qs lasrtod3ql or qonorqlt30 t,uptno. €qs e3utS I
p.u']ecuoc os s __ : :: 1t,11"::: fIt"'rt"::u"l1t':q-"-f:1 "* lEql sn ptol aH usu^s s ^liil l",1:'"":'""q '^"1ll'1' I 'oEnuEf "l :i11."-"^ "ll ll.""1 'u prl:lf" 'q ,'no^ ars/v\ | rr' ' :1"lll* ll-"1ll,',iilT:l:!'" oT..l"qr.
aroq/lt oqrpunorsqs s ]{l,rol:l:ll sbu-lp€a5od uo
Li:'."li:tf"tf :t"T:lt:r:T.f :9Tqr":'#ffi::"'$i,'i. aletnpr6uo. lsnu I sueld tualta.xo suJosdn u^rE,rpa^,no^ leq' lurql L L 'I erojaq paulrd aoualuas€qr sB aups €ql ^0.exa sue€u r! teql Ip,{ p q.ns ur sacu4uas 6u!ao o} aql p qrea qslutl l,
(sanulu 0grnoq I :eurllpepuau[Ilo3eu) srf,NltrldG wNosxld
(rime:approx.30 minutes)
PART1 For each ot questions 1-5 put a tick in one ot the boxes A, B, C ar D. 1 The speakerdidn't quite know how to describehis experiencebecause A he couldn't rernemberal the detaiLs. B it was so embarassinq.
C he had never told the story belore.
D it was so sirange.
2 When rhe speakerspohedthe hirchhiker, A his iirst thoughtwas io drive on pasl. B h e r e c o g n i s e hd i m i m r n e d i a t e l y .
C he cou d see the man was surounded by mist.
D he was driving to a businessmeetingin ihe norlh.
3 The speakerstoppedtor lhe hitchhike. be.ause A he was a businesscol eague oi his. B h e k n e wt h e m a n s l i g h t l y .
C the man was holdinga card with lhe name oi the village on il.
D he knew the man's car had broken down.
4 The speakerdroppedihe man A ou!sideWinchester. B 2 0 m i l e sl r o m h i s h o m e .
Q al lhe end ol his road,
D near the te ephonebox.
5 What had happe.ed eanier that evenins? A The speakels wile had had a call from John. B John had come 1othe speaker'sholse ior an hour.
C John's wife had been lo see the speaker'swile.
D J o h nh a d d i e d i n a v e r y b a d c a r c r a s h .
'pezeuB ^gann
c E
'passoroap^ro^ a 'a^lsuaqa.rddP ^tauanxa v sea sqlrllD9 ^eu paaor^roluruolM 8t
o c €
'UosorIPprJoqretndodtrt€uo4xa ue ouocaq sBq uaol aql O 'uaop uajjel a^eq sourptlnqplo ^ra^ 3qt euos lo 3 'peuodrsoduaaq l[uP]suo. a^Pq pPor^ au 3ql iot suPld E '000'1Iq udorb s"q uoletndod aql y zsr?3^ ual lsed oqr ur psuaddPqs€q l€qM lt
c c
'ssBdiq aau e burpu€uap paor. a6rEte s"a araql O 'uaol
or]] ]o a4uar oqt ur sre3 to lunouP o^rssEr!P sE/{ aro$ c 'o4ua. sql olur paao rs^o uaot oql ieau ra^!r aql e 'uaol oql u! ^ er a.rtod e s?a oraql v esnEcequou9o ur rlspuelse ot eue. rrgErt 9t
'a )a 'g saxoqaqtp auout)pr e p q.ee)o! suot$€nb ]nd c v Stjr e ravd '
_ _ -_ ?iq^lr^rcnpoid qr pose3riur seq pptd ar^ou s ou 3q1 9L .,sl,1Erol sprsEFs I4snput to tuauJuedaoaql sPq ^auou qcnur^loH tl
' ' '
sP/\^lu€td rsFaq3toc eq] Iq p6^r€carruer6 ru€uura^o9 3q1 eL ,' zsnu€t le uqs lq6ru oql rauB loot uau iuBU aoH zL -
aqluourE u! o.npord tu?td enuPj sql saop lPq/\^ tL ' aPpasu a.rs,$uaur^uPr! ^ orl puv 0l 'sllsuoorllo3 paqsrLrlmnporo ot ' ' - _ 3)le1ol p3sn l 6 '
zpeFeu er" u€u Aueu aoq puv I
,aou spauoduor peqsrurlacnpordol3)€l i! saop ouot aoH 2 '_ - - Iq auop sr lropet r€lsaqctoCsql ur 1.ro/!\eqt lo lsoll 9
'uo|ew)atutautsstwaqt u! pue u4sr'9t-9 suonsenb rol a ? .LUVd
stlN]|ulos lvNosxtd 6
10Mind over Mafter PAPER 5: INTERVIEW
1 In small groups,discussthese questions: 1 li you are ill, is it possibleto lhink yourseli belier' (thai is, without going to a doctor or taking any rnedicine)? 2 Do you know or have you read of anyonewho has had dental treatmenl or undergonean operationunder hypnosis? 3 You have probably read about people in certain parts oi the world who can walk on lire, iie on a bed of nails, pass daggers,swords or skewersthrough parts ol their body, survive lor long periods near naked in extremecold, or even levitale themselves.whai do you think about such reports?Do you believe lhem, or are yot sceptical? 2 Study photo A opposiie and in pairs ask and answer these questions. Rememberlhe Lanquaqeyou practisedin Unit 5 lo ask for a repetilion, expressassumpiions,etc. About the pholo 1 Where would you say ihis photo was taken?why? 2 Whal is the man doing (or what does il look as iJ he's doing)? 3 whai is the reactionoi lhe onlookers(or what do you think they re thinking)? 4 Do yor think lhe man is rea Lylevitating,or is it a lrick or illusion ol some kind? ll you suspecllhat ihere is some trickery, how do yoLrthink il is done? ll you lhink the man is really levitatins,why do you believe it? presentwhen someonedid this, wou d you 1 lf you were ever actLaLLy be able to believe your eyes? 2 what is the most unusualthing you have ever seen anyonedo? Tell For general discussion 1 ll is said that'the camera never ies'? Whai do you th'nk? 2 why are many scienlistsso sceplica of phenomenalike leviiation, metal-bending(Y!ri Geller and others),ihe levitalionand movementot and so on? obiects (psychokinesis), 3 ll you were given the opportunityto have an operationLnder hypnosis (even,ior example,to have a looih taken out),would you lake it? 3 Now study photo B oppositeand write down a number oi questions aboul ii to ask anotherstudent.Bememberto write queslionsabout ihe photo, personalquestlons,and more qeneral questionsior discussion on related toPics. Ask each other your questionsin pairs. 68
Read and discuss This is an edited version oi an adicle which appearedin Lyomar,a Brilish women's magazine,in 1 9 7 5R . e a di h i s i n i r o d u c t i o n . Repeai io youFelf the phrase:'My hands ae wam' &eiy 20 seconds or so. and th€9will feelwaml You'li f€el v,am enough io imgin€ you. selfbdking on a broiling hot beach. Ifyou rep@tto goLrselfihe phl&: 'l teel qlite quief every20 seconds, you wilileel a caltunassieatovd !ou. In a diffd€ni contexl. th€se pln66 andotherslikethem,phl?g which t€ll the body what is 4pdt€d
clini6, medi.al staff,how you would worl a cue lry louseff? Ifyou Jindii hdd to listsusseshons Scieniistsand docloN de discov eling surpnsingn@ wa!€ o{ looking pahaps, like me, 9au hav€come io ai health.Onerecunjngthde isihai regdd medi@l @e as ne.essary6 we .eed io be nudged io@ds the food and 1r6h an. No doubi the realGationihat we havewithin us a mechanicso1medicineae uital,but gr€al untapped potmiial responsi- p€rhapsalongs,dethe aisdng pro fessionalswe ne€d a na breed of ble for maintaininggood health. Closeyour eys and imasinethat if aperts spaificlly b bnng out the thde were no medidnq hospitals. ol ii, de helping paiienis to help
What suggestlonscan you make in answer lo lhe queslion:'li lhere were no medicines,hospitals,clinics or medica stafi, how would you
Jigsaw reading Now, in smal! groups,each read one oi lhe iollowing extraclsirom the article (a, b, c or d), work out or Lookup in a dictionaryany impo anl new vocabuLary,and then report whai it says to lhe resl ol the groLp. As vaining for ihe discussionpart of the Proliciencylnlerview,discrss this sialement:'The power ol mind over matler, lhe power to think yourcei well (or ill), is a power we all possess,bul seem to have forqotien'n lhe twentielhcentury.
Contuolvour bodv
Sel. corool of a .":rakab.e krnd ,,
being iaughi by doctoF in Topel
loday rhis d?rcFe h"5 pd'li.Lld
'hyhm ol bre h I s
signilicancefor the ftig€jne uciim, who .an ldn to control tbe id. paanne of her hands as a step in gaining voluntary relief ftom
In nrte. no laboniory instumeni is required. The paiient b{oms so attuned to ihe rhlhm of her brain @ves, or patt€ms, thai she can
Epilepticsleah simild conirok so that thq' 6n spde thmselvs an oncoming epileplic brain pattd. The Kansas ddtors would de wibe a hom€lyold th€moneter asa 'biofeedback iGirmeni': it feeds back biological infomaion to the paiieni about haselt The whole poini oJ 'biofeedback is that ii dal
Mosl people Gn l@m the t€ch nique in ls.minute s6ions ovd a couple of days A\@enas is ihe key Nol long ago I wat to the oui. patiai depaftmenl of a London taching hospitalwiih a painlul splinta under m9 .ail. When, finatly,the docior got it removed,I tuk€d how paintul the .ail rculd be that 'lt'll be as oening. he dsaed: goins painful 6 you think it's to be.'
Dqtoue auo dPq o] pue qrPaqPoo6uleN.Pu or Paauad 'it6ua4s aql lol saqasmoaplsl liool or aa4 s!I sdeqradP@ 'Pasl%r d ueqrluarod arou straaod luased 6t@ dtaq Fuqra6qualredpaddoF pu ,sa! pEq Patqnopuaq " eq Hno. amq] a'r:r qr Pue @6 auo aiaq PaltralraaDd samJ000i0€ is^Psaq lP Dw m! csquBdo uP qer 01 q@PnF F. -Pau pue sasu EuldPq q l!]uno3 Druq) r{sBrrg aqr 'uletllg ul 'uEqr sr.6jlP aPqqle s.q :asods ar .qualed slrl u! red F6alu! ue s6qd uar&lsJartaq'M qq tpql sprs uor uoruours jd lq! q ruallqe?rl srq noqe eelaq luaqPdB Prutl
.8uuqar Jo @6 e ulqli{ a@sp aqr ;o Fsuo ue arua@d b uau 6uet{ uaql s^arierao su stadoq pue ssausldtaq Jo6u!Pa, e ua{o 6En I or Noder s,ua+ed aql s' gatPu Pqs lnq'ssol pauFeu4 ro Par e aq u6 { qol € aq^eu D 'auo pdot rlztqo l@!'.tu6!s e io ssolaql s!asaqp aql6uBqldqad ar'!6t tsa66!qatlr reql a^artaqL 'ssa.6ordqr pue a@s!P a'n Nau Jo dotaDp a$ ]o srq%] @ s?els '6+'Pudad Fuo4oua q! 6uipnpu! aqr p@ quaEeo uaadraq e.uaDt JIP [email protected] aql ,o al4e [email protected] ra.ue! ]o luau4%4 aqr 4 paqo ,u auo6uv, :uoluouts { Pres 6dqaql i6l6oi
oqr6sd 6pind E q lt suarE4e ut asnoc e qrs dn PaFeq s! r@u paq uoqetps aill arFEro s.q ul 'm@ ro [email protected] aqr ut t@ .glubrs 6H6!q aq ol suoEeDPsuo. FuouoM siluaEedaqr spreBaroqa tqle .ads 6deDqruo+elps @4DLLV ue'uoluouis IEJ rc6qdet uornd sarDse Io u€d e nq atqq 6Feaq Mu e uo! pu aP ssruE asaql ' Iauno6 or .EP{ 68 6 er uau 1no r rctq no6 s puP !l@4 daaP e allej uousoa Pmlar lsou aqror e] o1rrc e Pueap!4qlnou rnor,l@do he( rno6 ]o rylqJ @ql rePU sa6arno6 punor et snru aqr ,o IUtq-L !rera1 6es 4Fuau lno aonno^s€P@ qtleaiqoaaPEa,tEJ
ira3ue3 rol arnf, e Io4uoc Puo[otu3
.sruaPr 6u'.Paqmo asuadstpaa leql qrnor )o asuasslqr q8ndql E I sd€tlDd pue @'l qrnol ad rcqauos qt€peuolne rsou{e i@uoM p%q 'Ietn r oP lPd Lt! na'{l uo Pu4l rno rnd a4 'Panulruo. a'ts .lP.A l.usr auoauos uaqrt 'pa4noar sl t4lt IIEsrp@q 6ur^otPlo q.nolFr!6eu iq1 rrlr: q plqc 11eusB a!\stq q tpqF rcqP padunq aqr 'ddo1
pa.6 aqr ]ods a$ uo pueq 4aqr rnd 4aPlPauur! 62'$ uaqm sunur 6uno6 q 4rpF3!wd I aasno^ s6u! -aq @unq u aFuut leuP sl l%tl ol 6{!qe aql, :ersnr DFIS ples sp@!J Pue snbea ot 'sauo Pa ot ro 6v95a$e are ad eq Jo ssua€4e uB Fq ltaM e taso daa{ or frlqsodsr a46luo pu q'uaqr 6}In!$odsau ,i t Dtlo q.Da alDu ub, a DW 6luo lou Faq qrsa rnq elJso
or atqeaqPFoqsa \:patlus aqs . JIaq!6q qeaq 6poq aql lnq hs.od EulFaLl aqr Flsseol s6ulql 6veu oP sropo(l suacldEqI rEql aEPaP'ou{6qluq rl 6u'lE"q qo4uoo lEqrfpoq aq+ulqld 6ulltados sr aDqI :sfes aqs raaPJ rgc uaps s '{*n uosero Dq sulqu@ oqm rWuS eFnf raFIS 'ubspue{ uE"DurV @ s abrEqr u! 6u'aq q+6 6ooqaql qlprD oqmaqa au@uos
pueq buhol e Jo qcnol JIDetuaLlJ
Io{qlq arurs 6brs&u e paq4lar .a6eF sp'.] lPql l.alqns e s { pauP4un utq lEqr aD}aqr lnoqe sdoul6poq artt a$ lo Aueq aql u! ]Fsq,o qndNa!€ds@qmarqdsa$lPtld pas.oodseqaMqpa$'pat@lap aq ub Mordur,5sau$ aql6g rq6q lno pug or dualre uEu! sPaq ql!e] lrndp@6uor,t\srpqdrculpFoqs io 6pn$ ? oultleu are qscual€ 6poqaql raPaqaI+ dtaqluaEpd aq1 , siiPt a3Elns aI+ 'nodiraieaq qrE e D ror.lp lerpaur q.%r ol aotP no'1pootqIo ]uno@ aqr & uqs aql ,o arleDd@r e Io spueqaqr u!ar.no6 Dr1'pllifl, r6ulql auo aql lo4uor no pq PUeqauo 'plor JoParuFuo.s!uoqeA,ornq'eurqja6ulauoa{euor@quernoA
luaolrlqsul rp€qpaai e lnoqlA uaM Io4uo3 or 'l@l@ paulualaP auo^Lrd uled aril lno laruPrub no6'6uonqleqd^1ouJt no6 aruo Fu(a slreqa s IIar ol paLfFaP a3!,1aP Euilljb Eq u! , uoq,alul 'Poolqrnoq*$ 'uled lnoq+t lnoql!,n qaaqs rP$ q6nonl sD'€Jis qsnd uec 1o4uo. Ddns r.FI+ '{l!-n 's'6o^ :uoqemlle!F6oloquo{stulod
Jlaqrsleaq^poq aLlI
ur-uwrdr^ocNlw 0 L
Grammar Variations on slandard it clauses 1 StJoy rhis ard rhen do re exercrse12)be ow. 1 Some standardtypesa)
lf you do this, you'll gel better. lf you don l concenlrate,you ll never do it. + l l y o u a r e ( o , . s h o l l d b e ) i n i e r e s t e d+, l c a n l e n dy o u a g o o db o o l a b o L rirl .
Do this, and you l get berier. Concentrate,orlotherwiseyou ll never do rt. S h o u L yd o u b e i n l e r e s t e dl c, a n l e n d y o u a
li it weren't ro. the rain, we would go out. +
Were it not fo. lhe rain/Butior the rain,
tl it weren't ior the faci thai its so fantastic,I would believe it.
were it not ior the iact that il s so fantastic,I would believe ii. '
ll I had been there. I would have wanted lf ir hadnt been lor the rain, we wouLd
Had I been there, I would have wanied Had it not been lor the rain/ Bui lor the rain, we would have gone o!t.
2 R e r n e m b el h r e s ew o r d sl o i . l r o d u c et r c l a u s e " : some peopLewill believe even ii they don t see ii lhemse ves. provided
".. "."."
lid | ,.ou uou.on""."o,". j "o.lo''" tprovrorns
l'll show you lhe pholoq.aphson condiiion(ihat) you don t show them io anyoneelse. (:on one condition,a.d ihat condilion is ) I v o L a e i l l w h a t w : lv o u d o t a e n ) * a r e l o s l ,h o w w o L l dv o u 1 n d v o u rw a v r o m e i"ppotl f,"utr ] srrpposingI " o " you hdd been lhe,e. woL d you rave berievedir. I -- -Y o u c a n b o r o w m'v c a n e r a i .) v o u p r o r i s e I o l o o ka f l e ri l tasronqasj
and /risb. - -for reqreis: lf only more people co'rld do that! (l wish more people couLddo thatl) lf only he had taken some pholos! (l wish he had taken some photosl)
(: lf more people could do lhat, jl wotld be good.) (:li he had taken some photos,it wouid have been
Finisheach ol ihe iollowing sentencesin such a way thai exactlyihe same as the sentenceprinted belore it. 6 I wish I cou d be ieve in mind over matler. (li . . .) what would you do ir you could heal people like 7 what would you have thorght if you had seen ihe t h a t (. S u p p o s i n g . . . ) iakir pour waier roLrndthe ieni? (Suppose. . .) I wou d never have bel eved rl rl I hadn r seen it 8 PleasetelephoneLrsii yoL require any lLrrther wilh my own eyes. (Had . . .) i n t o r m a t i o(nS.h o u l d . . . ) ll ii hadn't been ior the faith healer, she would (Bur . . .) 9 l ll show you ihe photos il you promise nol lo lalgh. never have lived. lf you don t believe in it, you'll never be able to do 1 0 You can do it 'i you lhink positively.(Providing. . -) i 1 .( B e l i e v e .. . ) you who to ll you want to know more, I can lell w r i t et o . ( S h o u l d. . . )
el ',{relout }ou '.snq? Jr Jo I?eplmr8 € oi uedo 'pluruip€ eq lsnln ]r 'srlFsrl uoueuouaqd 3ql pu€ 's8uql ot q3€oddE cgllucl.s ? qll,\,! si.Itruoo ?lIII"eq qtr"J Jo lmiqns ,t-It stlt Joord lnoqrd
ro rllr,t\ !1r Sundecc€sue5urSuqlouos sI Jarlsg 'q.nasar .uquabs ol pelcolqnscq lou pFo. l€q] Surq u? l.edsns pFo,1,\pu€ .peaorcltou, se luo^: aw lunossrp lllls pFo^{ slsquelts ,{u?ur '3uq€eq q1r€JJo sProtlr clqduSoloqd oF,{\ aret0 J ue^a
auro4 usrEl s,tr Nu!$ no^ op arsqM aoessedsrql ^pn€
(0t llun aplno s,roqcEal eas)te{# peau :euEO z a^t3qs,o1 a^ord, 01 a^rt, or a^l€qi ot aqlot.! ot aqle€rq,ol s ^ a r t , a qo l
]laqs, " loord 3l|, (€) IPq E rjiotc, lll?arq {Pl lartsq (E)
asn ol asnoq ol asns,xsol 3sl^,sp ot ssooqc,ol asr^ipeor /z/ esnq,eol
3sn, {Pl asnoq,e arr^ 3p ? o.!oq3 € €cr^ pB /s/ asnq e
'(cia o33ro^ 7^/'/2, lueuosuop E ur spua unou aql sred o$ql pPa) e u r q r € ^ 3 q l ' ( c l a ' / y ' l s , r u E u o s u ossatssro^ r p u € , ( p n l s ' u o l e r . u n u o rrdo l p u B0 u r a d s 'urot ur rslrp la^a,\ oq ',srtEdqra^/unousuros iqcreasar€iour rol peau aql 6urFrPssor sl,aM 'uPsl aqt jo lcnpuo. 3rt] otur ,^rnbu6 u€ papnpuo. rcqf '3.npord q6nouaasnpordl,uptnocs.iaurel aql '/\^olssl ssar6ord iourssarooJdai,aa rnq '066t paparoro sed uo araa sa lcsroro aql ro, '6slrururoca$ Iq uorr€ururExs or palra[qns s€/t^l$lqns aql 'aopura eqr uoNrq 0u|^Pq lo palcadgnss€a padsns 5q1 'trur€d e op ol no^ trurao l,uoa ^aql lnoqlh }?ql '3st.r3x3 sql ]calqo aLllol l.alqo I lo 'ispinu lo p€1.1^uo.sea lri^uo. aql 'tsrjuoc aql lo suod6r 6urr.rluoe s]e sraqf 'runo.srpsql lunocsrpue. nol ]E$ qtrd slql lsE4uoc / feqleoa 6ql ur isPrluo3E lEqM 'satseau pet.e4uoc sisqs /'l.Prlu@ srql u6rsssEatd 'lussard ? qlr,{ oru Fluasard aH -rP3A ls€t pspro.ar aqs qrrqa procgr e sr srql
( u o l g r . u n u o r dr n o ^ r o t p o o ba r e ^ 3 q l lnq'orAs qsrtoul poo6ItlrEssa.au lou arB sasualuasaq]) lq0!i eql uo sacualuas aqt pnotPpPsr puE ua$ ra^o3 uoql ssans uleu 3ql ourrou u.l aql uo spro^\aql .le^aaoq 'saurrrauros Ipnls ^lu6rolrp Fcunouord are lnq 'surPsaqr rtads arP ^3ql '( 'osuacrt, ovacFerd, 0-a) Illuar€$lp ilsds arP inq o16 ovacuarrt, 'uorrelcun!ordauEs aqt a^eq laql"'3srp€rd sourrsuros (o4,uo. ovLorluoc 6-a) uo0Pr3unuord puP 0urtlads t!ro, ur au?s 3ql €rP ^aql sourrauros palelar 6re ^3ql qclqa qlra qio^ sql sP t!ro] (au€s aql lsourlPro) eues 6ql o^Eq qsrlouf ur sunou ^uEl'\l I
sqra^pue sunoupelelau
IJPlnqeco^ uruvwlr^o cNrw 0L
Oral Interviewpreparation I
Study lhis pholo carefultyand then answer the questions
About lhe photo 1 where do you think th's pholo w6 taken?why do 2 What do you think ihe man (in the centre) is doins? What has he gol draped round his shoulders? And what do you think he might be holding? 3 Why a.e the oiher people keepingaway lrom the area the man is walking/runn'ngon? Pelsonal 1 D oy o u t h i n l , o u . o L l d d o w h a l l h e n a n s d o i n g walk across hoi coals? 2 Can you snuff out a candle betweenyour fingers? lsn'i that the same kind ol thing?
General 1 Haveyou heard or peoplelirewalking in other countries?Il so, where? 2 Do you believe ii can be done?!l so, how do you think it is done? lf nor, why don't you ihink il's 3 What other ways do you know (or have you read) about in which people exercise mind over rnatter'? 4 Are lhe.e any special festivalsor events in your counlry that a visitor should see? 5 Are the.e any customsin your countrythal a foreign visitor should know about?
a)ut'l I Par noi op lPqM uolssncslp s6el3 'irer]?u ra^o puru, lo uorssn.srprnol ultuq ^ oN ' ' ' lP$ (turodsrql ie) Ies oi a)rl Fnl p,l ' ' 'rnq'u!llnq oi ^xos !!,1 'araq :5urdnxalul l. ur 6!roc rqoru lI ropuo/r^| lEql plPs no^ qbnoqllv leql tulql no^ l,uop z lP$ pres nol teqr rurqyu€our^llPai no^ oc a :outuonseno (9 rnoqElPq/v\' leql (nol qlra) aer6B | 6lrqM a ol ltn.utrp s,lr) sv/a.u's/q6noqllv/alrqM ssataqua^sui(' ' ' ' 'I tnoi puv/ Ilpuotas :luauntue Irprrql/ eut ''' duruas d \P Iss s! iuP^ | 6urqlrell sql tP$ tsnu/o] :uorssncslprnol rol soEnouPlIn].sn ouos 's,raulrPdrnol tsure6epu€ lualun6re rnol rol3sn ol qsra noI s l u l o du E U 3 q l 1 os a l o ul a u q a r e u I l l P n p r ^ r p uu!e q l l s u r P 6 ?o q ^ p u e iatrPu ra^o puru.rurlarlsq e rol an6re ol 0uro6sl oqa sred ur aprcao
aloH t .,rauewr.^o pu!111,:IBld G lun €plnC sr€qcpal sas) it rur@ e tsrf :auEg C
'su4€Feq:):saqljo uorld3.cppnrr pn€{ 3ql {Io4.rlqnd tulrouur r? lsatord 01 s^ et reFrIIsur rqSnorqluauurs^o8 lno erul1qSrqs! tr uourdo ,{ul ut plrrl lElll Jo sir1r,{r1.€ snorqnpr.qlo rno 3u x€. ro srelmq qlreJpu" slsqoud{q s€ 8u$lli€rd pu€ slrr^Fs .n!ql Sulsnrs^p?Ixo{ eldo.d (. Sunuo^ordtslte s^{q sriruno. tru€urul ]?ql PullsrePunI
' ' rstEaqq] e] e 6ur6uLdn pepuaaqs pua eql u ^aql tnq r€r..1 rol 6u qliue op p no3Isql Jreasol os l,Lrptno3 pu€peur.leq 6u ^rp puesrotcopesaqt stradxa lEollua^AeLls sE^{tr ^e^\Iuv'pae3 s,t ',ouqleuoslo s I ul1ull r€a3ql ul ol posnollr\lune ue loOa^,1 ( q 6urOulr nlpee.rp srttlLLorlrelJns
aII 6uot € pue q{Baq PooEol rodsspd P arE 'leaLual,lsbu'ul to{oliPgo 6utdaatPuorE6nsPLesloj Fr"uD 6uq?da(t{ uo o..elnq ipsaldoadduo. 6uCpd6Ltpto^V:lrqeq se 'puur Io qt6ua4src saubPaur uo pu"dap Fnf luop asPasrP pue ssau lo4uo3 ro auotrr"^o or ^+lllqPaql PUBlilleaq Pooo 'sa.u.!adxo rEtru.rs/iuE al€tar rolpuP s.bessed aql ur slulod aql lo IUE uo uolurdo rnol a^r9 uteluo. Isql abBnoue lo purl lPtla (!! pu€ luor] uatlPl^lqeqord arB iaqt rurqt no^ .reqa (! ^Ps uaL]lpue ^rluelrssaoess€dasaq] pBaH
saoessedqllM oulteeq Z
uruY}r ut^o cNrw 0L
11Television,Filmsand Photography PAPER 1: READINGCOMPRIHINSION
Style In the ProliciencyPaper 1 (Readinqcomprehension)you may have to answer queslionsthat require an underctandingof an aulhor's atlitude, purposeand intendedaudienceas revealedby his or her style and Bead the two passageson these pases and do exercises1-4 (below)in pai.s. PassaseA is concernedw'ih televisionin seneral; P6sa9e B with ry news .eporting. 1 Decidewhat the auihorsthink of televisionand televisionreporting r4peetively. 2 List lhe vocabularyor phraseswhich reveal lhese attitudes. 3 Which ol the lollowing adjoctivesbest describethe tone of ihese passages? humorous;serious;cynical;ironical;crueli weary; sadi angry; prolestingl resisned;objectivetimpartialtbrighli energeiic;unhapp[ lensei worried Make lisis for passageA and passageB. 4 Pick out and list words or phrasesthat iuslit your opinions. 5 Compar€your opinionswith the rest of the class, and justlfy your .easons. 6 What kind ol publicaiionsdo you think ihese passagescome from? Why? 7 Completeths detailedwork on lhe two passages. 'rcal' life A conlinuous commentary or miror of (.Ieared ou lele\isioD.To swirchon lhe \el had be.tr q b e o t b e d a l s \ r e w i D gB l a n e dw . irb ooes mind slightly turned do\an, or in a bit of a fever, or very tired, atrd to watch, steadily, tlrough the hours, as litde figures, dininished people, drcssed up like cowboys or like bus drive$ or like Victoria.s. with this or that a@€trt,in this or that seiting, sometimesa b o ' p i ! a l .\ o l D e r i m ea' D o $ e o r d a i r c r a f ' '.o m e times leal' or sonetines inaginaiy (that is to say, lbe produ.r olsomebodys.or someleam\. imagration). it was exedy like what could be seenwhen orc r u m e do n e , \ s i o D o u t w d d sa g a i nr o q a r d ' l i f e :i r wds a if aD e\lrme of vdnel) had crealed samenes, anothingness,as ifhuma ty had said yes ro becominga meaninele$tuckerofpeopledre".ed in varyingr,bds ofclolhe! lo kill ea.h orbn ('real' a D d E a g r d r ] ) o r p ' a y\ a r i o u sU D d so l d p o r l .o r d r { u s sa | l , l o v e ,* 1 . e r h i c s( i ! p l d ) s o r ; n ' l i l e ) . for after an bour or so, it was impossible to tell the
Detailed work 1 The author's style rellectsthe conslantlychanging programmesshe mentions.How? 'turned' (11.4 2 Why does the author repeat the word and 13)? 76
diflerencebetw@nrNs, plays, reality, irogimtiotr l l .s o o e o o e f . o m a ) e a a s e r i l e t o a rurh,lalsehood plac€ without television, let alone a visiior liom 'uewiry, Mds had dropped i! for an evening's rhis steady iheD he right wel have believed that streu of little pictures, all so consistent in totre or leel,wereparr of 'ome @oriouou{singleprogrMe wrirren or ar ler.r 'deviced b) some bo$ direc,or $ b o b a l a n r n g e d r. o b r e a l m , o o o t o n yd. i S h r\ a r i ations in costume, or setting (off@, park, ballet school, aircraft, war), and with a limited team of actors fol the sme people had to play dozeDsof l, sa' al as bled and meadngle\ d. rredmed ofnssri whre bread:)el composedoflhe exlrenres ftss itr a frenzy of dislocation, disconnection, as if onestood on a streetcomer and watchedhalfa doretr variatiols of the human dimal pas in a dozen differeDt styles of dressand face.
'life'writien in inverted Why are plays'and c o m m a s( 1 . 1 9 ) ? How does the aulhor emphasisethe idea that Tv programmesare 'part ot some conlinuoussingle prosramme'(1.27)?
alBuui3opurol 'uq!0rtu6 or lalErnp3 ol :rup^rastr^rs lEi.o!qcaj € lprcnparnq p : aus € qsuarsE luacs P ",apup/'^ ot t/r{oroot orts ol :otqq!.s ol alrri ot lrpa ol raouours^ou p ']srtpurnolE :ppueopdord'saau : , t . e u ) , r o , t 6 e u ) , , t s o d ) ,I t a t p l d o r d d p uetl taq€tpue sproa 6urao o] aql io suorepuuo. oql ssncsro
:otdu€xs rol'suo|l€touuos terrnauro a^rreoau 'a^rrsod3^PLt IPUrsproM € zspurl rtloq qra )roa roqlne uP uPc p3reqs ^|!rnltnc arE suros puP tPuoeed sre suolElouuo. auos asiPqs no^ prp suorl€r.ossEa$ jo ^UBUJ ,uoH :salJJallnqila^ta^ laur,rlirEc suods lersdo ig tsl-7 ramdur@ :a)rq rotour !?r^8. :qcP€q:uopuot :ytsrl lsrt puo.as aql ur sproa a$ qla anurruocpue sator dEAs uaql puru ol s6uuq plo^ s||]l suooprsosspro ss6Eul|lpqr'/\r€uu€d rnoi at pro/'^ q.Ps ratv ,\ otsq slsrt aql1o auo ur spro,$aq] no^ ol spParrauued rnoi alrqa sa^€ Jnoi asot. sur4 ul :(sred u, oueo uolrBr.ossv -aoEssaurs,relua E 6u!ia^uo. ur upd 30.rpt^rs^ p IEld uEc suolptouuoC ,ur€l Jo pioa p Iq palrdu! :uoDPcrldur, sr lPLt] P :pror{ P to ssuo!s^o j?lorroua pu€ suorrercossP :uo0?touuo3 e 'Iieuo|lcro qsrt0€ urnouadaql ol 0urproccv
suoBelouuocz LvT'I) o$ ars leqM I ,uon3v,prorl sql lo suorl?louuo. .sre)iuts 3ql to 130ajotaroql aa op suorssardurlpqM a(82 ) ,6u!srn. pue 6urUeus,losuorlelouuocaql arE lpqM atgz-zz lD sla)pEiq aqr to sruoruoroqr apntru! roL]]ne3ql saop AqM
aLgt.D,3z€arq par, lo suorl€louuoca$ ar€ lPqM t ell ur our^€a rPq a(9r-rl'|t) ,uaarss aql uo uass s,ll uaqa te6u I EoUs,I! ]o suolrplouuocaql atE lpqM e at!-t I ur €r od sql to us^!6 sr uorsss.rdurtPr.lM z zuEau.r(t D ,ratB^{atlt soa, saop tPLtM I
tro/|ltpatlet€o 'q?nol.rred o1 dn squnql . uo4.y. :pl€s oqa ? o^!3 '!uopeq.rgs luo s.uoqdp"oqsq tndr.pro..I ' 5 d c J q q r . $ J e L r q l u . q r r J e uo r q I o J : @ r 'uurd rlilt Sqno^ iura .^ltntore eql tnoN.u I! o ( c $ r t l r p . l \ J q ) i J o f u o , J S u u e J Ar., 1 . . . 1 p t l o . f.ql pror.r t.upp lslpio.5r punos.qI ?r.u?r.qr r o J 3 0 'r D p u cS o r t r d L s Jl ror c r 8 e J o l d ! . I U r \ r \ t { p \ . p B o r d o J . l , q r n o r q ,p . r J r e ! u e ) r r q l pLp\Ja (. &4rur' tlrrrrq?r::qr or u!$s uPr|En.I r t , _ j r u p p r J { q p i c l u n j | E T F : r : q rs q n s n t r] P q l F.U.r [email protected]!p.d eqt !..Io3 eroJs.r.qtsrrD4t,ol 'uo!€tndodqsqug.qlJo lu?:)r.d.nu-{tqir. {q p.sn uoJ 3q1sLsra ,,"{ a"t{J!o.qlsr.6eso,) snqe .{s s r u r q , t u r L r l p c : q r l r r o r q ( q F o : Jl . r ) q ) P : ] ' rrir)Tlo:p u!:q :roo pI\ qslotJ.p.l domr^5.no., dd .W qgnolJreC p.uoqdeler peq .H rel0o qre. o r P r p P o L\ r 8 P u e { S I o t J r eI P r h o o . r J P r o J a ,
plaq pu"q adel € qrh lslPlo.er ? pur ?r!m ? qtra u?u v -rz.rrq .qr q 3uh€a r!"q p.i l"o.!nI lr?lus m d.ap sp@q 1no 1o3'{8not.rr€d J.I u..r.s 3qr tro !e.s silr u6qa te.d d e.u s.lT '["4 a.tr r g l c P ! \ r ! | \ s r u r n o P t r o { r q rr ^ J r l q r l r 4 \ P s < ! n n .&lpII?^ou 6^"q pFo,n tr€ s+I p.rea^58 dnaup uoNuet.J sa@qt uo{ u" v dlrddBqunlue3tu.s .q1 p€s . op I l"qa s" Il.a sBrEl sql ao!) no^ 'rnoqs aqr ru. ! .iuo srtzor dpoolq no.{ 5I? .ps :soqlai p.ssru 'q LFnoqr u.^e '^eq r? .uots II'us ? a:rqr oqd ueu p.qqE5 'ftu?lrnt.I qBnoql '..qod eqJ Td?lrs" ir.qr 3uh3q. 'u3ur..ilod .I5a .rrql uq ro.] ?urrtBAle].'d e s?,$ersqf slrond 4"toroqJ s.uu.d 1?Sumrou .qr m rq8Je1" pnsn sBIrnp rol p4rodsr ii.l?a 6lrr s8.t 'tq3'€.11s sleptnoqs'r6a 1no 1s.qr s
TELEvtstoN, ftlMs ANDpHorocRApHy
Generaldiscussion What,lor you, are the connotationsoi TV? Noie them down. Compare your notes wiih the rest of the class. Do you seem to approveo. d'saooroveof television? 2 Do you agree lhai Tv makes it hard to distinguishbelween real life and th6 imaginary?li so, whai could be lhe consequencesol this? Do you see these consquencesanywherein today's society? 3 Should the conienisof TV prosrammesand iilms (also in ihe cinema) be censoredat all, especiallyw'lh reqard to sex, violenceor polilics? Or should every individualhave the option of making his own choice about whetherto waich somolhingor not? I
Discussionon a lext Readthis passaseand then discussthe questions. The use of rhe rcrd 'imitation' remindsme ihai I ouqht io makesme mor€ coments on the nsk of people imitaijng whai thegseeon ihe sea in th€ way of oime or violence.Firsl thse 16 al@!s a nsk of children acling out sene whichcouldbe dansaous.For (])<mpl€I remembd a@md who 16 h@d of an intunisschooltelling me ihai shehad happenedto look out ol hd uindod,when ihe chil&en werein the playgroundand had seenthm putting a sral boy on a chair wlih a nooseiound his neck and the rope over the b6ch of a tree;foriunaieb she16 in time to inidene befde ihe child u6 hdg€d. I remembera nh of no pariiculatrmaii in which the hao who 16 imprisonedhad 6@ped by elecirocutinghis guard,ihe iechnique of doing this beingsh(]M in d€tail.This q6 ihe kind of scenewhich we would cui lor In fflnB for young people dd adultswe al@ys tried to keepofi the sdeen dy detaih of (riminal techniques,suchas how to open a locked door with a pide of c€lluloid, or how to open a efq if we wde coGulied belore produciion I sed to advisethai the detailsshodd not beshoM. Wren I gav€ talkin prisonsaboutfilm censoFhjpI inwiably had tull suppodfor this,since fathd who wa€ in prisonfor diminal offdca did noi Mni their childrento EveryijmeI gav€aialkin a prisn someone6ed io meniion theFrenchfilrn Ritf made by Jule Da$in in 1954. This rddkable {ila showd in grat detaila robbqyof a jewlla's shop,the robberysequen@laslingabouthalf an hou dd beingbackedonly by mtnal eund one of ihe mostbd iani fibn s€quenc6 of alliime I remdba ou di$u$joN at the time. We t@k into ac@ut the fact that ihe robbery@s a@omplishedon9 aith ihe se of elaborate and obviousb eA€nsive equipmeni, and that onb ihe most sperienced ad skilled ciminals ould peibly imiiaie it we beli@ed thaelore ihat it wasrelativelysafe When ralkjns in pnsonssme yds laia I l€med thai ihae had been [email protected] in which the tahnious had been copi€d, so perhapsu€ were $rong.
whai do you think is or was the job o. professionol the person who wrote this Do you approve or disapproveoi the lwo censorshipdecisionsmentionedin ihe passage?
How wo!ld you describethe styreand tone oi this passage?Does il make use of connotation? ll so, where and why? li not, why not, do you ihink? What kind of p!blication do you lhink lhis passagecomeslrom? Give reasons.
.paroo, eq uEeoqa ro leqM alo s36P?u/^a^ELlnori u€c l?qM aa./nsodraa^rocaru€5 lEql apeirno, sr oqa ro leqM Lpalauud a9 ue. p\M 6urtBads^ ereuae jsuo4erol/o9 alqa puP srql alrL pasn ore qerq,l uPrd urjtoc apn9N ot PUPIqd?rooloqd ot qloq raFr o l 6 u r u e 6 uo t q n o pe q r r a p 3 s n s r a 6 e s s € da q l u L t u e l n q e . o ^ Iqdsrooloqd aq] auos :lloN lo 'sluapnlsrsqlo L{r/'^arBduo. ua$ tsrl rno^ ol uraql ppv zEsr? srLlluorl /\^outnoi oP sprot\ iaqlo r€qM 'IqdPr0oloqdqrra Peisauuo. seserqdro sproa aqt llP lsr! pue lno lsrd ol aoessPdaql q6rc4t ae :se e tuetnqeeoA
rol pal!€fro argjo ,o lno palo^ aq ot l€dr? 0'16 e$oq PJB'.lodPaJiooD p qp4lod ?qt ipaquoq aq or uoos s6utPltnq]o 6uapl€1 eDuer dah 0E aqr'ampld ]o pos raqto a{+ro buDlurPE.} a'.} se'tuouaDr aql }o +EdP qrnu ses 6urpp"masurr{J ar]l Jolldeoopqd e se'6uaFod ro} pqsdeus aql iprorar lbqotslq e e qdEdopqd aql ]o uolda.aP snoulsadns ',Eulunll aq+ sed tt uorxubo.ar Jo Fo aEueqr pFm Pgd aql arus rua nG ]o pupi ? iutq oo N6ner aq rsnu ruasrd aql lP-rlr.t ua6m sz sarqnd op or qsnbar 6ueu aql adomg ur lm aql ]o tsl+a ueemlr po tFsI 64l.uprpI os'(poo6DqPraramsainl.rdraq)N2@E qre€'l ot dna { €€u ptnor I ia6apq6 e leqm iptaglo qdap }eql1isd a'ls uo!%rtr ]oau!6ua @teqm.ll1auasnuP p@ usrrnda.s a6Elo amFrueqr!,{ $eld uluoJapnew'u€uodsqlPaPPbartPapuajloaqorpaq.ePpooledj 0z 2pn4F9 aI{ szuo raplo ua a P@ b6uq %q}oroc loqqv a!'uaD€l .u€u6ug uLv'u€q6uruunJ ua6oq arqrllatimog PP6PW :a6€lu!^ llrc 6u to sqds8oroqd ueuos Dqto q*$ au paeluo. rlqnd PDUaE ipuv sl aql .s6qro lo padse up aupraq a@l 6u '$addeq uauo se 'DEug p gI r,oplp ,1rcMded aqr plp Eded r,ussd I lP I arnso.L\2s.rtr e q1!,! 6snqrtqrpaDu! atdoad 6ueu ol Pa@as a eq Fnu I papplosuo. sd aupt 6u rcN Pauno sed I I ro] Fuqool .b6uol 'qoqs ou sd I uaqs pue parouFr@?q Paq I $m u6nos Peq I uaqt\1 paruauor 6{a}pDdep auop peq I ruadoq tsoq 6u P lsamprd lryado'l oI lsoupuEtsauunj6uauopp,t"i{6u}oausFa!€lpaqlrv ]aipqPqsnq 6sno.lo Pue uorqsEq arab qtrela (a8euo.q€d aql6q @qr P,l "uoP srzs%lo Jo purl snoaPq Fou aql au ol paruasarcrar sam1sod PUP '6u!ql6ue PAo. aql'qsq€ danblp aqr 5w4 deali. aq1 zdomE aruF ro] auo6a Pqpu PFod I rnq ',osop or rq6no$ r,upeqI) adomS orauo6 s aql ]o auo 'DPulqred equamJ tou peq oqa sqdEl6opqd muauvMj 'palouord pue PaIa^o.slparad ruerodut ue uaaqa eq ol uaass4 I 'PaF^Pq rjrm 6upa60 eu@6eu u, pasnpordar2rad sqdProoroqdaqr soqs aqf aDqhdDM paPadde 'srnrld aues aql reinr.Id 6hl
.rarnlsod deaqc ourluup-€al rapu+qlEde IroMiadDd ,aoessed oLtlulo4 sproa 0!!ao|oi aqt to suorr"louuoe aql orP lEqM rsro/rrlouuoS i,^qM zlxaruor aqr u.ro4rno )iro,\ to, ptnoc no^ Iu? srsql sreM polnoc pne4 poloor. IrPsrp eoeuo4ed ^uarsod srarnFod roqsdeus l 6 n b r. r a 6 u +e u t ' s s e t 56 q l u r s r a L l l o lo asoql lrta uaqr arEduo. puE suorenFp rno^ uaop aluM 'ueour]snr ,{aqlteq,{\}xaluo. eql uo4 tno +oa pue aoPssPd aql ur sas€rqoro sproa 6ut^oto! e9I prt):lxeluoc ua4 spa^ la outueau aqt 6utssan9 'sasr.roxaasaql op aoN
p3^oluae^eq or ureasaoessedsql uliaqderooloqd uEuo/t\ aql saoo :uoDsanbauo srql raasuB puP ^l)prnb otrnbr olaq ebessPdaql pEaU Z ro lqa ssn.sro .rsqderooroLldEuolssaprd E aq ol a)irl no^ plnoM !
,uPlnqesoA 'Nolsl^lrl-L Ll lHdvxgoloHd oNv shl-lll
TELEvtstoN, FtLMsAND pHorocRApHy
Exam guidance Complelethe test on lhis page beiore readingthe opposilepage.
ln this sectian you nust choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.For each question,1 to 10,indicateon yaur answet sheet the lener A, B. C ot D againstthe nunber of the questian. 1 The dog at ils chain in iritaiion. A snapped B snarled C whined D ate 2 Everyoneconqratulatedthe TV service on iis excellentdocumentary-. a serials B series C sequels D soap operas m a n n e rm a d em a n yp e o p l es u s p i c i o u os i h i m . 3 H i sA grey B blank C mild D colourless on lhe Bib e to keep the secrei. 4 All the participantssolemnly A cursed B swore C vowed D promised ol inierest brleily crossed his iace at ihe mentionol her name. 5 AA llicker B trace C gleam D hint 6 The extremelywealher was beginningto qet on everyones nerves. Aband B dreary Cdim Dgluey a i i n g e rt o h e l pi n i h e h o m e . 7 N o to n c ed i d I s e e h i m A iwiddle B shift C move D lift theState. 8 I n s o m ec o u n t r i e si h e c i n e m ai n d u s i r yr e c e i v e sa - l r o m A do.ation B modgaqe C credil D sLbsidy ii noi been for ihe iniolerableheat, we would have go.e oti. 9 A Bui B lt C Had D Should and wore badgesio publiciselheir cause. 10 The prolesiorscaried A banners B hoard ngs C pamphlets D adverlisements
EXAMADVICE:Ten golden rules lor ReadingComprehension:Seclion A 1 walch your tlmlrg. Oon'tspend more lhan 20 m nules on lhe 25 qLeslionsin
ffiNY \/
4 2
Read rhe instrLctions
Makesure you wrile your answer acarnst
'_-------------- rldl'&r. ll
(&, ,\*-/A
one question.llyar go on ano ..me oacK
your answersneer
3 l\4akesure you put
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r?,ll '\t \:\l
,v .lrl
9, i
iiA) I
V# \#
€ql arotoq aM 0l
Iue a^eatl uoo 9
'raqI€ 'quauasruaperrer pueqptnoanoI :esn6 E aqo!tqndor qstqdu€d l,uptno,\no^ puv uraqlalnqlllsrpro lno u.raqr q.rq,$uo sprEoqro secuelq6rq=st lpr?oH /rpe l,uptno^no,\ )pnlsor! sluoruosus^pE 'iPuorupuoC qlr,l aql le pesn aq E o3uquas E ouruuroaq lsPd 1o ' rouuE p/noqs:puP lPaq atquatolut aqt Jot uaaq tou peq 1rt puP 2?aq elqu.lop! aql rol,rrg :aq ot a^Pq ptno^rsacuatusssql lro,v\ 01sseroqcrsqF aqi rol L!3rrl€rnpn4s 3rnd v
Lueau sra'uq )not app!^J or ssop tpqM a/ou ol supaur^ldurlst/qs (6ulqrAueop ]ou:) ia6uq e U! to! ro espr rou ^es aa :!t?68 uo|le3o oo
'I' uoddns io dtaq ol uotlDslueoro ro uitl E ol ^poq telrujo ro lu€uuJa^oo e iq pred Iouour:lprsqns y JalEt IEd puB aou Inq, ol srauolsn. atqeuaot Jajlo sdoqs uals^s E=t/paJ9 queuteFur u! preda] sr qcrq,f ssnoq e 6ul^nqror lual ^euow:a6e6pou v 'asne. poo6 e ror Ittpr€d$ 'Uroe-uo|euop V
'lulp )oiano ra puetq lau tnq) hearp aq ue. raqe., :ule6€ uollpcolloclo uotFanb E ^tuEd '€.u3luas stql u! se passoJe qra oql qIA pasn €q pu ptnoa I lnq (lsa./3,ru, /o ace, ou ut ue]io)$aelu!to ace4 e Io t'EI osp aM atas e lo hsoqo e )o) ]ultt e tng tsaatui to rarerl e inoqE {pi sr\ 'rtcrL,,l^saplsae 'ruaua^ou salldr]JlrlasnB.aqaoet slq passd. asuqd aqt ur sa| raasue aqr ol anp auo
'alg1gaqr uo ssHqd sql qlr^ sslpcoltoca$W lo raqlrau q la)eas aqt dadt ot pastwo.rd/paito aq ^ps ulc no,\ aoEnoupt pEq asn ol sljPau as/r, ol 1'lreo ue aler:rpafis aroqA) a'qE atr uo )ea^s ot autr slql 'uo4€o o3 uo u!€6Essrta re^rsuEaLtl
tauuBw p\w e a^etl uE. uosrad e rnq /euuew ssaunotos)o 4uetq ^srO ?, lo )ipadsl,uEc no^ uo[Eco oc uo sa!td reasuE e']l 'C roj asues.)pu o1e.ueluas a$ rot aulueroord teDturro snot^arde ol arolsJoqlscu€relar auros peeu ptnoa no^ sauurproord ro sL!t+ $jooq ot sdn-ao[oj are s/arbas eult tuois E qla sauu.r€roordl?uoD.Uqpq .re suado deos pue splag 1au!tftots E rnoqlla saururproordlo JaqurnuB=) sa!3s E qtra satB.o oc qctqa ,./?rusurnroPProa aql stieasue au ol6nlc auo 'bulqrauos a'il ur sr snlc ,re tPa, IuP. no^ :rEUJurEro i aqpuv paielur! s! rr u€qa 6urqlauos ie ders uauo ra 6op v 'u!€d ue € puE ssaussatdtaq sattdut oulutrth pue io6!E $rtdur 6r{]e!s sE 'uoaplr4 pro/lrsql s! rs,l sup aql or entc auo
sE:r\sNvro sNollvNvr:xl
AHdvutoroHdcNv st$tl 'Notst^fllr
Tfr[vrstoN, HLMSANDpHorocRApHy
Complete the teslon this pagebeforereadingthe oppositepage
( T i m e :1 3 r n i n u l e s )
ln this section you will tind after the passage a number af questions ot unfinished statements abaul the passage, each with lour suggested answerc or ways of hnishtng. vou must choasethe one which you think lits best.Far each queslian, 11 to 15,indicate on vour answer sheetthe lefter a, B, c or D againstthe nunbet of the questian. 'lmpo$ible,'said the{riendly lady,Iilmsiodayde imposible.Isimply6'i undeFiandth@.'You mish! I said, b! the film on lo6lly, I think you mighi like ii. And indeed this nh is easyio u'ddsiand: none of the sudden cuts. ihe lnaplained shifts in lime and place, ihe s€cret movementsof chaact€r common in ihe coniemporary ftolie. One hesitats to call it old 5 {ashioned,for the phnse canbe detdent and ore do6n'iknt io hdm this b@utifiIly aciedfflm. But ihe pieceisn't designedio p]@sethe und€rivlent fiva who makeup the cffieni audience.It is aboui €ldaly people elderlypeople in iheir relaiionswith a gounga gd€ralion, but basi€lly people who feel the pa$ins of time and by now haven'i got ahad of them ih€ d@da which goungerchMct€E take for gmted. 10 It is ihe storyof d annualvisit to a houseand a lal<ein ihe quiet of Nd Englandwoods.The Thalas come hae oery ya; he is eighryand feelsiL she is in her late si$es and r6ilient Their daughtdjoins ihem;shedoan't set on wjth her iatha. shesuspectshe@nted a boy.Thisyed she trlngs a nw loverwhom sheuill prdenily marry,andwith him histhideen yd old son.Whenihe youngerpan go off on holiday they l€ve the boy wth ihe ageingcouple.The cenke of ihe iale of ih€ 15 becomesthe ielationshipbet"veenih€ old man, unwelcoming,crotcheg, a boh delivdd 'chicks'and causticrebufi, and the child of the ciB,whoserecreaiionGthe pusuii of what he calls whose whole conveBaiion is Dunctuaiedbv s@ words. The film rhenreals iis esdtiat iheme,r4oncilianon. Everltody israonciled, the genehijons smootheoui theirdiffaenc6 and l(]m to loveeventody. And y4, the geneEl goodMllbelonssto 20 anothd aqeolihe cinemaiit isetis&ng, it isn'tover.cosg,but todayit isa bit much.Or it would beif ii wden't for the acing. thefilmon 1 1T h e p e r s o nw h o m e n i i o n e d
B recommendedit. C was puzzledby many ol today s D suggesiedher rriend shou d see il. 1 2 T h e a u l h o ro f l h e p a s s a g et h i n k st h e fllm A is hope essly oldjashioned. B is hopelessy oldJashionedbut weL
14 The aLrthorol the passagethi.ks ihat A B C D
w i l Lb e q e n e r a l l yw e i k e d . w i I o n y a p p e a tl o o l d p e o p l e . wiil notbe well received. wi have only limiled appeal.
15 This passagewas written A i n o r d e rt o p r o m o i ei h e l i ! m . B as a rev ew ol lhe lilm. C t o d e s c r i b et h e f l l m l o r a l i l m D t o r e c o m m e n ldh e l i l m i o a f r i e n d l y
c e m p l o y sm a n ys i m p l et e c h n i q r e s . D is right lor someoneol her age. 1 3 w h a t 1 st h e i i L ma b o u t ? A B C D
Reconclliationbetweengenerations. F a m i l yr e l a i i o n s h i p s . P e o p l eg r o w i n go l d . A h o l i d a yi n i h e c o t n t r y .
luPirodul ,4ra^oq uPc spioa aseql ot rsla|qa lrs ?oj 'a'./s aq, o)rt sproa l1 leqa puP'suorl.unluo. pu€ lolrenpund lo 6u'ueau aql rol lno qrlBM z, '(s)€cuatuas6urao ot ro sno!^ard aLlEs eql ur ol paxal€i io paurtPnbsrr ,$oq aas ot qloq ur proe eqr punor peeu lq6u aq arolaraqt .loasu" ue ut pue yol Fnu raasue slql aql ur eaode pro/se asneoaqreq] lurqr riuoo ' ']ou ^eu io ipu lf ro/\^supls€t sql our,lo||o] u6r aql to sou!l aql ur a!!o. ol rar\suE uau 3ql teadxgl,uoo ^' i/r?rap u1 sra,v\suE atqrssodtlE pPar puY lxat €ql puP sr3,l sue atqlssodraqF aqi FurEoP)caqc lou I!ur l! lnq 1q0u eq ipu I tq6u loot ol suaddeq qcrqe
pEar no^ 3uo rsru sql ssooqc r,uop pue uorrsenb LJ.€3roj sraasuB 3tqlssoduoot |v peau t lxal a$ Jo s]rpd snoue^ ro auo ur punot aq puE saurt^u€ur ro /v\a]e uEds^€ur ral' suE aql UorlsanbqrBe 6u!op uaq,v\lxal aql lo (s)upd lq6u eql aF.o t € 'u3ql0uus/$suB arorao urP6PsuousanbEur Du€ EoEssPd aqt ua|.]lpuB suoqsenbe.loq.€tdr{nu €ql peou z 'llasrno,llqlra l.DF eq pue ^ puorlJodordtno au[ JnoI apr^lo sreqlo aql qsnr or s^prt uaql 'aoEssedrsrt] aqr uo aul rno^ t€ puadslou oo salnuluJ0t lnoqe ur qxat aJour ro asrql uo suorrs3nDacroqc-atolltnuqt ra^rsuB ol3^Pq no^ a uo,lc€s ur iP$ id4xa araq IIddB e lchov t1vx3 v uonc€s aql to 9-t srurod I
g uolces :uo!€uaq.rduocSutpeaH:33t^ov wvx3 '3rou/r\? sP soBssBd aql Jop6t!o. eq] uror] uaas aq ostE uer se € aq Fnur arolaraqlraasue aq1 l33.tro. sr o puE uoqs aq rsnurssnoolElPr leqr ale.lpur ol soEssPdaql u! ourqlluE oroql sr iaqllsN lEnrcEJ urlt u! suorldu.s€pasnE.aq 6uora oq oqe lsnur c arnrBralrrreuorouord rol pelrelap oot ostPsr lnq usr.rru. a^["6au surPruo3^luo lou s6essedaql asnPcsq6L]ora^l6no|^qosr v 'lPaooe palrult a^?q ||!r{ lnq sssscnsour^PlE 3q pu !a rlrlu 3ql rEql salldur eceld aq} }o suol aloqa aq] I €u+ puv ipto, psrsplsuoc^llPr3u3otou €rE oqa ',sgzr3^o 3ql ol lnq uses lsn! a Pq a,1^ sp atdoadre6unol ol lo! urtu oql spusuurocal aqs e-z tt u! lnq isgz-ropuneql aseald l.uo,{ urtu a$ sIPs roqine 3ql 9 l ul o ro g qlr,$usl a.IEaa os ',c ro v rsqlro IEs soPssedoql $op areqaoN ourpeartnFrPe ssllnb ostEraasuE srql [z-6! I puP gFl ll arP le lbol or s€ull sqf 'sault snor^srdaql ur pats3oonssEA lDqa oulcrorursr'8l l ur ua^!6 sr roasu€ sql '^roF aql rol s6urBosFnl arE Irtunoc aql u! IEp!to't oql pue sdlqsuolrBl3rilruel oql leql puB u o p P l n q o r o E i n o q E s r u . r ra q rt P q l L l q l o l t l - { l l l , { qp a t d u a l LUsrtrsntrat/r pto ouraoro mq isal atdoadroounol ol ouDeleraldoad sq lqorurnol itpuocas ou Iq bulssedeuD ourlaalaldoad rnoqP:Pro0u!,1or0 'noq? sr ul!] aill Ipapta tnoqe :sa^ ]€ql ^ps aopssedaql saop arsqaou l€ql ss:tBar lt!^ no^ IttnlaEr ourpE3rIq lnq raasue lqorr aql s! c leql lulqr ol 6 3-ll Iq paldual sq worur noi ^llsrrl 1t3 ll srE lP )iool ol saull aq] ',puelsrapunoi ise€ s! ullu sltll, ,{irlBnbrsnu ,a!^our ' ' ' slnr Gppns sql 3uou, srojarsql .leqlo q.ea ol r€lar sIP^rlPuolo. e io apls lsqlls uo to spiod aql e t u! (, uotos aql ]o uollcun]aqr puPrsrapunol pssu no^ Ilplrqr puv arqlssodlul s! o '€rolaiaqi:aOPrart p uorrBcrPu!iuesn o^!6 ioqlnE sqi $op aoessBdoqr u! aloq/llou 'Itpuo.as tq6! aq louu€c pup os sburq]pauorqsefptourBuacroj ssaupuolurPlJac I v ur saor.lsroqmB 3ql ^tlsil aoessEdoql p lsa €ql snld '6-z ll siB l" )ool ol s€ull aqt
1ou 3.1!s,uoead raqp aqt seoraqa sPululocpaua^ur u! are IpBt ^tpuslij aqt Jo sproa oq] lPqa p!?s oqa rno )roa ua'ti pue Z t tl alP l€ )ool ol saurl 6qf
e 9-t-
Events 12People,Places,Experiences, PAPER 2: COMPOSITION 1 In small qroups,describethe followinqto one anolher: 4 A ieacher you had at school who slands oul in your rnind
1 Last weekend 2 Last year's holidays 3 Your lirst day al school
2 lndividually,think aboui what you and your colleagueshave just told each other and about other descriptionsof people,places,aciions, experiencesand eventsthat you've read or heard recently.Then note down what in your opinion makes a story or a descripiioninteresting and worth paying attenlionlo. 3 In ihe ProficiencyPaper 2 (Composition)there is ofien a descriptiveor narraiivecomposiiiontitle. Here are some examplesoi tilles oi this kind. Which are descriptiveand which are narraiive? 1 A holiday wirh a diiierence.'Describethis holiday. 4 My hero/heroine. s Life on an ideal PlanetEarth2 An oificial ceremony I onco attended. ' 6 'The night the burglarsgot in Describewhat 3 The mosl exciiing thins that has ever happenedio happenedthat nighi. Notethe kinds oi ihings we usuallydescribe or narrate: lln)typical I lln)preasa l (least)favourile l unusual/drfierenlI rmagrnary )
I ieelin9s/emolions/reactions e\periences/events/aclions 1
4 Discussion Readthis exiracl J.om a newspaperarticle and d'scussthe questions. lT IS a wasteldd of grey Victorian buildings wh€re slumberingfigures occupyall the doorways,hauwals aDd flat roofs. It is the Bowery, New York's Skid Row on the Lower East side,the world famous reservationofbums dd slcoholics You can still se€ ihe old bewhiskered Inen claspinc empty liquor bottles like lovers or the young men with parchment skins and hollow oyeswasting away oo dooBteps, bu! among them now is a new Bowery breed reared by the recession-jobless, honeless,drilt ing t€enageyoutbs. who de com peting wilh the wjnos and the juDkiesfor bedsin the Bowery'ssheltcr
for the honeless and for rhc srill It is a shock al fini to see thc newcomersbecausemey appcar so lull ol life conpared with the Bowery's more familiar inhabitants. But tdking to them changesihal inpression and then they don t se€mnearlyso out-of-place.Men taly, th€y djsplay a strungepasivity tha! matchesthe slateofmind of lhe wiros dd theiunkies,a lieez ing of the will as ifrhey hlve given up hole of improvingtheir condi tion and sohavesetd€dhereat the onicial bottom. the notorious end of tho road. among thoir Peen.
Why did lhe auihor ol ihis arlicle chooseto describelhis what emolion does he feel towa.ds the people he noring? l s r h i sd e s c r i p l i o b interestinq?uselul?tedious? superlluous?commonplace? WouldyoLrchooseto describe lhissceneo , r o n e l i k ei t ? l l s o , who for? ll noi, why not?
'areLdo.rddP arP se .^oqe z ur s6rnlPal 3qt iueLu se 6urlerodroeu!')poaauroqrol suorldL.sap aql aluM 6 lo 'sset, aql ur osta auosurosol A l€ro a do6d asaql squ.saQ z noi uo peq s€q uosrsd srql acuanrur eql lo uo[dlrssoo € qde]oer€d rapEjeqc lo uorldu.sao - z qdProP,i"d uorldu.sop €.rs^qd - | qdPi6er€d:saot o, sP WPs rol selou a)e!'{ | ' u o D ea r E ( q p u e i p u s u tp o o oP ( Pe q u . s a o : ) i r o Mu o o r s o d u r opco p r n g c , a 6 P s s E da q l L r l u a s o r d r o
u04 tuasqe sernlEal u P!ac a.,€ iLtM rsuued P qlr/ll slsrl rno,{ areduoS suorrEte^er so6eut 0 t teuosr6d 9 asr.6rd t ,^rELnqPso^ 3^D0rJcsap s a e ! a t u a s0 u r ^ o ui t ) i c r . o 6 qlouaL aeualues uorsncuor v 8 aeL€A e to xeurlcv z o 3 u 6 l u a s6 u r u a d o0 u q u t sv L an0ot?rpor a^rlPr?u uro4 q3lr/\\s lsP4uocto asnv I Y 9 lou arE qerrt/r^ puP 3oEss€daql ur ruasgrdar? )urql noi sarnleeloul/tollo, eql to qcrqa rsdEd ]o ..ard E uo u,l op stou pue uleo€ e6?ssPdar.llpesH z qcEs sr teqM auoltdussepsrql ur sqder6ered€rql araql ar€ AqM 'uo rdrrcsappooo E lr sl Aou I!M/a^qM l,)urql no^ op .lou ro lr slrl nol pro aqtra no^ a^?et rr saop uorss6rdurleqM lMoLlt lurds 6Nner Dq qbnorqr qrlea aloqd "I{r I dou se llulq uoj paqosqP I rg Naq 'iu Jo dol aql ot sut P au Pau zqs Fq or 6tnp ]arrqauos s6edam@ld i1@lnq uaod e 'amptd e 'aFslql p'6uruaaa$urFr4tp'q.ro;osa6a"qriqsnq€ulP{qpa aMteiu
e 6uls^leuv uolld!,rcsap
-12 pEoprEprAcEs, E(prRrrNcEs, tv[NTs
Choosingappropriatevocabulary 1 lmasine the followingsituation: A woman in a library reads some bad news. Her reactionis lo feel sick and ill. She gets up and soes outside,but ieeling too ill to drive her own car. she calls lor a taxi. The taxi-drivernoticesshe's not well, so he helos her into the taxi, 2 In pans, 1 list suilable vocabularvand Dhrasesto describehow lhe woman looked,sounded,moved and reactedat each slage in the siory: 2 list any time words (adverbs,conjunclionsor phrases)thai you think could be ls€iul when lellinq the story; and 3 write ihe siory as vividly as you can. 3 Now read lhis version and compa.e your story with it.
She sat doq,n and r€ad. Her mouih went dry. Suddenlyir vrds il her co'1soousne.'\ras being grippedby a huge,invisibleforce and loosenedftom ils moorings.The pageseemedto recedein front of her, and she lound herselfre-adingit down a long misg tunnel. For a momeni shethought shewasgoingio {aint. Her face felt white and tighi, the colour seemedto havedrainedout of werlhing around her.And she was ai'aid she mishi be sick. In a whid of lighf headednessshe got up, d€scendedthe stats and cameout into the bloodlessdaylighl As soon asshe sawher car sheknewshetlas unableto dnve ii. StiU afraid her legsmighi giveway under her shewalked the felvvardsto KensingtonHigh Streetandsignalled the tusi of the taxis that stood in th€ rdnk to her right. Whenthedriva sawherface.and5hegavehimin a qoakins voicean addr€ssonly a few hundredyards away,he saidwith genuineconcern:You feelingill lady?'She nodded dumbly,and he leapt out ol ihe cab and cameround io help her in.
Detalled work on lhe passage 1 Pick out the words and phrasesin the passagewhich are parlicularly exact and descripiive-Comparethem with words and phrasesyou 2 Why are there three paragraphsin the passage?what is each about? 3 Pick oLt all the time words used in the passage.what other words could they be replacedby? Whatchangesin sentenceconstruciion NorE:Narrativestypically containa variety ol differenllime words. Hore are some more of them: immediatelyifinally; qraduallyiwhilei eventuallyilor a while. What synonymsdo you know for each of these wofds or ph.ases?
€qi puE 'rEld€ql sluM 1e sstc.raxa)ts abed uo soNl 3ql to suo rol uoDlsoduroe
(rnoq! ;aurllp.puauuocaH)
aSlClaXO I,tO/nOUtOH
'aoels 6uruuetd3qllP ussoqc rapro 3ql6lEa^ar pue 6u[u/\^lo acard eql ]o euaq] Prou66 3ql 'uorualle pq poo) e oulqdaouec! spadsp ^ su sN6llq6lq ro 'u€uua sr sJspEar aqr sptoq pue qsexe puE uollP^rasqo Fq,\ ol ssodrnd pue uolFarrp'uors63roordse^16lzql6utuuetd poo9 z .ro uolce jo uq qr aql pu? arsqdsourlB 'poou.r qq6r3t sl eruepas 6ut/reA uorrusliBs,r€Peejatll sainldB lPr.l,l/\ sarnFP. i"qr 9 'trBiap papadxe 3ql puE tensn6ql'IrEulpo a$ uJo4 srqf N4iodu! pue pexs q.uu3 pue lurodurd pq tua,eu! pue sesuqd 'i.tepqe.o^ uasotp afti t lueiaHp aortouos sl ]€t]dies ot Autql.uos 6u!^eH I :uo puadaPsuorlereu pue suolrdu.sap u€rDAllsi{ }Pql sn /!\oqs18.'8 saoPd
qualpor6u! aql
6ullyrnuo!l!sodruooaAllErrEupue elpldlrcseq
'apFu! 'st{6 'saafolduF )ircm dtForu lp plno'y\no'i dLIrdastor,ptp no4JlapptqpquI arar$6aqta^allaq.rou puesnopul,'14aqr urss€Pto duede 6lpjpqa^?qsdoq
'ursrlrssncsrppue pPeu ss€t5 €$ u! sioqio qlla suondu.ssp a6ueqcxalisql 'acEtd eql lo rroldlrcs3puoqs B atu,l 'ssEt3aql ur asta auoau.ros ol etqlssodsP Itpw^ s€ asBtd a q i a q t r r s a p ' s a t o run o l 6 u ! s n -uolrducsap era^o ue rol rapro tBclool E olu! slcadsE36.q1eouexv -uorlduc6spa^rasap l?ql 33eld srlt qcadsP auos ui\op aroN to atn9/\P ^ P!3ao$ os rr €pPurleqM ar ptp ,(qM.no^ ps BddB]Bq] ereto P ol u€6q r€^a no^ a^EH ,-ua€sr3^3 3^Eq I so.eld 0urtFddElsour 3$ 1o auo,
aqlrrseppuBssnaslo 'a ldlrcsap pue r3Exa^!Pln.llPd €D s€serqdpuP spro/{ qcrqa 'aoq pue 'ssord palsauuoc urrol ol paouEqcaq ol e^€q ptnoa soul ro sua{ teqa 'o6€ssPdasord .l e olu! l! urnl ot sqdBroPr€d orEur ptno/tlno^ araqa 's/r\o o, lr uols$roord crdoltEq/!\
:jno 4rod pue pe4xa oql ppau '€sord pol.auu@ upd'r|llo] atou ued - odts 6urlsarsturuE u! ualrlh s n (s,Ia^ rO aoJo3g)tuElp E uo4 perxa uE sr lq6u a$ uO I
uolldlrcsape 6uunlcnrls srNl^l 'srrN]|dtdxt 'sltryld 'ttdold
12 pEoplr,prAcEs, ExpERtENcEs, tvENTs
Exam guidance Be ow is an exampleoi the soir oi CompositionPaperyou can expect in the Proficiencyexam. Read lhe Paper carelully and then answer these 1 How many compositionsmusi you wrjle? 2 How lonq is the exam? 3 H o wm u c ht i m e w o u L dy o ! s p e n do n e a c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n s : a) readingthe whoje Paper? b) writins the plan for your lirst composiiion? c ) w r i i i n sy o ! r f i r s tc o m p o s i t i o n ? d ) c h e c k i n gy o u ri i r s t c o r n p o s i t i o n ? e) wriling lhe p an ror your secondcomposition? i ) w r i i i n qy o u r s e c o n dc o m p o s i t i o n ? s ) c h e c k i n sy o u rs e c o n dc o m p o s i t i o n ? 4 Would you have lime to write a roush and a lair copy ol each 5 Whichcompositiontiiles wo!ld you choose?Those thal a) inlerest you m o s i ?b ) s e e ml i n g ! i s i i c a l l e y a s i e s t ?o r c ) a c o m b i n a i i o o ni a ) a n d b ) ?
Wtitetwo anly aflhe followins conposition exercises.Youranswers nust follow exactly the instruclians given. Write in pen, not pencil. You are allowed ta make alterations, bul see that your wark is clear and easy ta read. 1 The iirst day !n my iirst job,' Write a descriptiveaccouni.(Abort 350 words) 2 'The rich get rich while the poor get poorer.' ls this an accuratedescriptionoi ioday s society?Discuss n about 350 words. 3 As Public RelationsOfiicer ot a nationalairline you have jlst receivedan irale etter irom a customercornpainlng aboul the quality or yorr company'sservice, ils slandardsof hyglene,lis salely precaulionsand prices. Wrile a placatingletter oi reply lo lhis customer.{Abo!t 200 words) 4 The historicaliiglre I mosl admire, and why. (Aboli 200 words) 5 (This will be a choice ol questionson ihe prescribedtexls.)
EXAMADVICE:Comoosilion 3 Makeail the right ength.
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#N,t/ ffiN
a{ffi \ /-.''f lir\= /l N\/
.sesBjqd ro spro^ asoql lo qcsa rol ^ o!) no^ op surluouis lPqM 'ILlsel :IPs ol sr leql : 0'a r3^4,{ oq :sprEosrse :]rotls ur :uoiuldo^ui ul :IlFrll :sapLsaq:a|d$p l' : 6 u | l L i ^u o D r s o d u o c ur tnJasn , { r 3 ^s r q s i q / t u e l n q * o ^ 6 u l a o l l o la q l r a q u e u a H aas s reT 'anA aq !16/1plno. 1lrPql aur ol rssoonssols u/'^o,^u pup OuLpeor ^u nq sourLI10aar^ paprs-auoe qensqla sn ]uasard Prpau oql sP,{epol prro/\\aq} ur uo 0uro0s,l?qi ^\ou) ot prPq s,tl (a ' s u o r s n l s u oi u. ^ ^ P r pl l r a I u s $ p u E! r a ^ o r d s r p 'l.aroc sr uorlelonbslql reql ls€66ns ol uaas qcrqa sr6qrolP ueql auos lP tlool lsr!l llra I uorlrsoduo, srql ul (p ol uass q.rqa saLdurPxs lu6u3lPls srql o^oldsrp pue a^o.rd qloq lsq] satdlllPxaees ue. a^ plroa s,IPpol te punore rool 3/t ll (r ' ' ' 3.urs 'saqucsapll uorlPnlrsaql lnoqe op u€c aa 6 url sr ereql 'anll aq I €/\^IBur luoLrslPlssr']l qonoqllv (q ' Iq 11a6u€q. puP tui pinoqs aM ouqsnosp ,(taintosqpsi uo|lenlrssrql lutql I pue anr ,( lcapad sr uortepnb srqL (E a^qM auorrrsoduroc srL]]ol uoD.nporrullsaq aqr apr^ord plno/t^0uraolloJaql ]o q.rqM '6uuoplo pue a.uP^aler 'luollloc io lunouP :ol uoruall€ re n.r!€d 0ur,(ed'su€ld s,roqlouE.uo aslcrluc pu€ auluJPr: 'qdE.roer€d p r € ' q d e r o P r Epdu z ' q d P r 6 E r el ds l J os u r a l u r l u r q l ' s a l n u r u s^oqe aq} ro} u€ld P alur' ,{lltnpr^rpul 0 9t-{t ut otl0 uoDrsoduroc a€lrl aq]ul luauolPF eql ol uonelar ul srsl orrl.ql uo4 aerp no^ u€. uo'snleuoc leqM tr 3^ordsrpol selduexa qli^4auo puP €llrl aql urluaual€ls 6 q l O u r u o d d nssa l d u e x aq l r / {a u o ' s l s r lo a i d n a P r p ' s d n o r ou l Z 'ssPl. e sP 3ido1.'lt ssncsro I 'spio/\\ og0lnoqE ur ssncslo a^larcos s,lspol lo uorrducsapat"rn..E ue srLllsl ,aarood taOrood oLtlpue q.rl ]a6 Ll.lr aq], '6ulqdEr6eled '6uluueld IJetnqEco^ In}3sn puB sqdPi6Pred 6uluodo t p a l r o a r a ^ o up e q n o I l r ! a ^ 3 u o l t r s o d u r oscl q ro p p l n o , n o ^ : : r o N
pz(w r 6^'s.t uP.-r,ria1', a,zl );; r "."n stw fr.i-d.r';" k F>q ^'f'';*, tp r,4'L ,""rr i ;i H.' - zr.i I tut1 - z'm 1iefi
*i lotrr
q4 qY * to-m - aoc '' 4 ry* nw "l "n Ia@ ) rz'{wt* cym..a a,arI '"r1 -," :y:-::' :*\^ ^41 - "a: 6t4 - zqr 't* a6, Fi:* *s -@b "::i @11' !tt' l' aTtr /,7.o1 -@t4 v.r Teql'a4nq 'qdei6PrPd
ur Llaql d z q r r q a u r 0 6 p t n o al P q a 6 u u P 3 l p u' ur e l de s E r e p r ol e c l o o L pue :oDlraql or luP^al3r ll? orP ^3ql116pbap I u6rl pue usql q6norqrp?su rapro uoplel ul uailua uorrsodurocsrql ur spnt.ur or ^lqrssodreqa uo sslot ]o sorr€sP s /'^olaE (spror\ 099uoqv) ]unocce6^tdrrc$p ? aluM, qol lsru ^ur ur ^€p lsr[ aL]l' I
6u!uuBtd L
6ull!rrnuo!llsodutoclo uo!s!^oU s-LNlt
'slJNlldldrl 'slJl.ld 'l ldold
pEopLE, pLAcEs, flpERtENcEs, EVENTS
3 Style. planning,degree of lormalily, ioining words 3 As Public nelaiions Officerof a nationalairline you have jusi receivedan irate letter irom a cuslomercomplainingabout the qualily of yoLr companyisseryice, iis standardsof hygiene,iis safeiy precaulionsand prices. W.ite a placatinqletter ot rsply 10this cuslomer.(Aboul200words) 1 Completethe blanks in the lollowing letier wilh appropriatewords or
nesx , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . t
. . . .. ' of Jrd Septenber' lirst .. . . . for your letter y o ur \ ' r a s t o l e c e i v e I very surlrised like to say ...'... I .,........... l l ost i t n a s a n d r . ' ! . . t . t . l e t t e r . o u r c o m p a n yr a r e l y r e c e i v e s c o m p f a i n t s a 1€tter. disturbing for us to receive !.....r.'...,.. one; !./lth your points one .'.'!t I vould like to ......., q r a l i t y y o u of oul service, what said about the ......,.. t o e n s u r ^ ei t s I s a " vt h a t o u r c o m p a n yh a s a f u q v s d o n e i t s " . . . . . . . ....., you nay t ' ! ! '. .. . ' customerst excellent selvice. Holrever, .. and this I verY rnuch regret' Secondly,
ouE llices . . . . . . . . . . r t ' . t . . . .,.'. , as far '... ItE afraid ve hsve no control over these as they ale fixed by intemational ag!e3E€nt. you nay have erperienceal we To compensate you for the vould be very ha!!y to . .. . . ,. .. Please . .. . ., .. ., . Ve look .,.,......
Yours sincerely, Public Relatlons office! What do you lhink ihe plan lor this letter looked like? Write it oul paragraphby paraqraph. Whai style is the above letter written in? Noie down the paris of the leiler which reveallhe style. Whai are the wo.ds used io invoduce the third, iolrth and tifth parasraphs?What other words could be used in their place? Whai are the diflerenliormLrlaeemployedin Englishto begin and end Jormaland informal letters?
'lroa p!€ pue sselr 6qr ur osla a!oauos qlra sqdEro"rEdo6ueq.x6 uaql 9 ssn.srp s,raqto Lt3e. l.eroc lcaq. 'sswlsrur sPUrrruaretlrpaqt roj lno 6urrool IllnlsrEc lo tuol.nporlur 3ql?ou 6 i) uolllsoduoc slql lo qderber?dpuocas.ql6tuM I Ira^ rr lcoLt. uaql (Ltd€r6ered '$rnurur 9 l - { ! u r u o o r s o d u r oasq t r o } u E l de e r L M Zqd?roprEdqcea ur apntourno^ pLnoaleqM aa^oqea llr uoDrsoduocaql lo sliPd urPu o4 aqr are lPqM t ar6qlo ro tecDBUUer0 IuPtnoar e)PUr.oI aour no^ r?ql $)Els u )aqlo iue oroqr 3iv alnc!Ip igElncored puI no^ op asaql lo qc!qM
sacuatu€s tsuorrpuoc o.eld pue auI lo suorrsodard
s a s u a l s E d^ p a j r a d I L P r e a d $ ' s 6 s u a f
:ere asaql 6uouv aoEnouPl€ql lo sra'rrEslrol sualqord 6snP. uauo qcrq^{sEaJete.lBuurer0 ^lcur iPPlncu?d auros sEl Llsrl6ul 'aoPls6uq.aqc 3ql rE Itu!€u pal.ono. 3q uPc s3)Plsru hernq€.o^ pu€ lerrl€uusr6 'uorlenl.und tn€ 6uDrr^\alrrla 36en6uel6lEudordd€lo osn aql puE a[u aqi ]o 6urpesr ntsr?e Iq sa)elsru .rlsllAs 0uruu€lduolllsodl!oc tnj€re. q6norqrpap o^€ ^lsorBl oq u?c sa)lglsrurlEuoltPsruP6roe 'I Faxo. qderberEda^oqe aql arr/{3U z
*f.t> ry rr *"'Pa6 2tu
c ru. p-4
; ''.-+ "4;;'.*' *-ffi 6"- *
* ;y;
F pa-p ^+ evw ""4'ffi zt-. 41-r vn^ ;@ tu1@ -42: -'-x v"'-t ^-kq " "t'* e4syv ?cou -".".-.? | 4+ Te2.1'.1<1 q! at,{rs:.Ls uorlesuE6ro:o uoBenpund:d tuEtnqero^:A rPururerg:e :^:v 6ur|6ds: S ' s l E l s r u p u r l 3 u o u P q la r o u u r e l u o 3 I E U I lo ae!alues V : oN a)iersrurqcEaa^oqe (sreDalro) reu.l aleudorddP aL+burtlndIq (^ otaq Ie) 6qr 6ursn)sa)lPlsru€Lll^lsse. p u p q d e r 6 s r e da q l q O n o r qpt P a U p . u r r e p u nu s a qa ^ s L q l crqa to tP sa)€lsru 10roqurnuP sureluo.lL e[D uorrrsoouo. a^oqe aqt rol Ltdsrb€red^rol.npo4ur ue ]o sau t 9lsr ] aLllsr 6uiao lo, eq1 | '6ur)i.oq. srql ro] au ] q6noua]laeno^ a^Eol no^ erns alEur ot oste pue 'lr uauu^ 3^eq no^ lsuP illnlsre. lro^ uo llsoduro. )noi :t' ,aq. or tueuodut ^taurartxearorarsql sr I Paurr|3,1 pue paut€ld 'so)Elsrur spur)i s^r !aaq a^eq lqOruruorlrsoduooaql qonoqrua^€ lo tueralrp lo a6uer e awLr.iol Is€a s,ti uorrlsoduioce 6uDua 1olPaq 3ql ul {sproa o0z Jnoqv) ILra puP a)lup€ rsou I arn6+ €.uolsrq sql
rnol 6utlcaqJ t uo!l!sodLUoo
srNl^l'sl)N dldxl'sltrvld'lldold zL
13Preservationand Conservation PAPER 3: USt OF ENCLISH 1 Bead these two delinitions: pressRalion
the aci or action ol preserving(e.9.saving a buildinq)from destruction,or keepinga rare animal or plani in existence conserualion the controlleduse of a limited supply of natural things,to preveniwaste or loss Why are lhese words heard so frequentlyloday? Can you sive examplesof things that need 10 be preservedor conserved?Why? 2 Jigsaw reading Now, in small groups, read and study one of the following extracts- a, b ot c and make notes on its main points in order to report io the resl of the class what ii's about.Then turn to page 94. a) A ,oological sdden can ofiq facil'li€s that no oiher simild insdtution@ emulate.At its b€st,it shodd be a complexlaboniory edu@nonalestablishmdt and consdaiion unii Our biologicalftnowledgeof den someof slisht and it ls ihe @mmonestdimals is mbruinglg h€re that ,@s 6 be of inestjmablevalue in ddsing infomtion. That ihis can only help ihe uliimate@lrg m{on of an animal in ihe wild staie is obvjous,for r€u of d specia, ,dnor begn rc lalk abou.ot(Mdor urn6 rDu havesomeknowledseof how it tunc1ions.A wl.run zoologicalgadd shodd prolide you with the faciliti6 for just such rcrk Whrleir i5obviou,VTore dsinble lo.rldvanrmalsin the wild siaie,there de may aspeci! of dimal biolo$/ which cn be more @sily studied in ,oos d4 indeed tha€ ae certain aspects ihai can only be srudied convaienrlywhen the animal is in a controll€daliron menL sucha! a M.'thdelarc zoolosicalsdden, propelly run aological gdd voirs of Eluable data,if the dimais in ihem de shrdied propa.ly and the raulis raorded dcuately. Educaiionaily,t@, zooshavea mct importani role to play.N@ that we tEve inventedthe megalopolis,we de spaming a new gddation, rded wiihout benefft of dog, cat, goldfishoi budgeliga, in ihe updsht @mnsof the high dse flaL: a genelaiionihat will b.lide that milk comeslrom a bottle,withouib€nefftofsrassor cow or the ini:icate processbetweenthe t{o. This generalionor 'ts tuture ofisprins rnisht have only the zoo to show them ihat creaiuter, orh€r thd their oM lind, de iryjng to inhaht ihe ea,"tl as well.
mpomnce Inthefield nnally.zoosdb"ohmer.e of coGdadon. FbLly.lheyshouldende+ou to breed 6 many of the animals in thor care d posible, ihus la,"ningfiedErn uoonw d nocls More'rpo%r t 'dll. they @nbuild !p liable hreedinggroupsof thosespecia whos€ nmbeE in ihe wild state have dropped to d alamhgly l@ lael. Many26s havedon€,and de doing
A bare-t'aced ibis rea.ed at the Jetsey Wldltfa
's)isu.qr ere eseqJ .asroa,(tq"rdsrceun oluo!.q {tr"q. ptnoa troqnllod ft rs.6olouq..r p.iu?q. -on qtr6 srpe.ep d€J lYeu eqt l.^o sluanu. es.ql Jo Suqdq ? enpu. 01 peq erueruv Jt 11 liEolper Jo alns".u e u.^.loos pu" qsedu s4etn Dled3qlJo ru.. r.d SZ'u.Sollrolo soprao.'{1Jo lu.J rcd 09 ttenJ IrssoJqlra prg sF?Id ,{1r.rrl..t. ruo{ seuo..piyoD nqdtns6qlJl?q'{"poru. e1el ao[p.s€.r.E{Dse^ srq]loJleqFEell"SutPl odeq qs lia I"oJ 066tIq elq.4 o1P.!.adx. '!^e oq '$ uorr?i6u.3 &r.r4.6t!I 'rxr rotoru eql p@ drrr4r6t. Jo uoq€reua8 6q15r s.snm.].qt
6u!tqu@ lo DE .@p aqr 6u1@Du' 6qara'+latqeur aqr Io amt n4s PFatou aql 6u' lpetlP !$dap ut uotsoror pasnel uon arR'.ra€aoq l.q} ut D'{l?6or ssed Sqqlllu ar{lFurdaat}o uor @ru!atqePnqa$ qlh o6e6ry@l e sluaunuou ar{r orut patDsul !uo{ ul suo fre}uaupru leqd .auG aql arploar or e (u4oq. @q sq mluerg) Iepu }oor .rs losPqMN 6rrar{l}oDpunol awshsaomS @oLatse am aq anP^ .'.pqur,5sq6r{ Jo lrd e q r :DlsuEqq$ '+!n uoHsuuol u @ruor 6qmo s uo@q[ed aqr iuautPad l9m aqt uo sdoD ro al 6uU ouo]'dap a2$ aql 'nqaq or lts DMhoq seq qirrtb '6q u masnu @u e u 6u'daal ales ur tnd aq pet u' pFoits qpddry aql 'areld Dr+ ua,{sr ]o en'dF$ a!] a^e't suosrnpordzr ua'{jt1 e!d@ .q pa.etdaraq pFoqs p@ s{luou FDDS ro] rqsetd PUPratetd qlr4
o,!q aql Pue 'uo4snquo. sr uoqnlod rE Iel4snpul Jo $lnos u?rr 3q1lng $nlF.Li8? n qu4nlod m Jo .8u€l etoq^\ e osl€ sr" .r.qJ s5€olouqcE pu" s.sn e Iq er.qdsoq€ eqr u dl.ph Jo &.u?^ rereer8qru 's.ulsnput .rou p€.rds aou .r reF.tu?d ur i!.rroa ssoqi ,{too uosrcd ot ul?rrl 5q1 n p5sn q.rqa ip".I ro sots.qs?ro .&nrr.ru orl-Ilss@Nqns .FoI slo5nu. .uoqrre Jo .mrw .4ox. PUE^1.u" .ql p.seei.ut dtrs" s"q d4snpotp.lu.qr 3ql lop.s Frllsnpul.ql uo{ slu4nlod Jo s@oJ i.qro 'esno. Jo '5r€ oI.qJ s6ur. u Sous .q] dn sptnq puE s?unt.w s.p"^trI 'ii! .rlt sernfiod ]?ql JIeq p.suoroE srq Jo Suqr€arq I^!.q eqr sJ 1r puE .ttqoeorm JI€q 'oeur JI?q neluer to sei..ds ,{.u ? selutq Jo Iolql 1sou]" Nnu e^\ 1.€J !I eul8u. no4snqEo. I"nrerq .qr qll,{ dn p3r1srloomeuelno pn? &qrqou l@osrd slqJo u€d drq &!^ r/ -I"orIi" a oq€ rstdqi$soJJo8u'unq.ql q8noqt p.gsn?s $ ,€raue .rou ro.] pneu.p surd?el srqJo ll?d 3fie1 ,{Ie^ Y uoqsnqEo..}o 1.?.].qr u?u ursporu Jo su$n?d uondmstro. .in ur lcJ p4u.r .q1 qrt!1 p3lueruo. ueql Jo qpq toos?5r oa:l roJ slll pu? 'tsel lou {eE 1n.u.^oidF 5 rr€ld mo lntr T.DI. t€utsnpur Jo sl.3rts r.1u6 6q1qSnorw p.tll,{s aoJ pue r? eql n loos p@ ro3€ sl?.d pupunq ? .rea lirp dou wa.$ql u5q^\ ,teqr nqr 'rl"u"rp ss.t ue sl.eJo qrFeq srl q?norl € q3norqrSEroB.q ro.uou s1qlt?f?u uounttodrrv
paDer uaaq a €q uoraqlqra€ aqr uo sPqe6'eraqJ asro44ua " a6eulepaql 6uqpu are 'saFnpar inoj 6Nadr Fed at{r D o uoE e @@nq Pw suors wrlr quau nuoul aql or @rEq aIou auoP sdeqiad a eq s%6 6tua11 F€d aqt D^o tlrrqfr rsuaqryq r_Paq.]6ul Prnles 8ou 5^aruqsqnsF.!@q. aql z6EpoluogPrqlsaql s!lEqr/t lpa 6 2q
6u qodoDrr' a'{r}eql os pFm aqr lo atr@Leo. aqr or Fadde uuatc e araqourqrunq @ r, @sun jo F'auac ropa{o ar{}PaPPP .{!16 s!sql 6{rqlsuodsr atos$ae or luauM oc ,{aalc aqr !o} Imrj}tp aq PIn@ r qJlqd D] srpnrs palPt aP roj Pawc Pqr @! Io rulod .gcuaps Pue Fluqrar a$ uorj '6etapporlltr pueq u! rd sq$ ryom uo$e Dsuo. Io auuie-dod )€F uo3 Pue tsel e ssqun PaNasad aq F6uol ou PIno3sar']dF.s pue satdual a'{t lee suouoddd 't.ns pal uoqepldep ar{r !D a Paqrear eol] '6ePotte$ PrEs&roglN {N
atoqd e e pmjrlu 01 lnq araD o1 6Fo rou 6uol aq 'trlqd bltodolv aq+Jo qDu nuou aq+a Ps ol /z61 fEnuef ur Fadde ue Paqrunq 'o3sauo lo -M€t,ht relqehl Frua9.rolD4c noPPurv rw suar asalF uL tsPo s@6 Jo Dq@nu e &I r uo papry ur 46uGeal.ursErtuoqerlt! t lEl.4 snpu 't,lqd a6E@p ar{r Insr }o € s€ uogrn-qsaPqlr! Paua]€rq.]sl !s@6 luaunuou ruarl}Iudsu stlir 00tz rcI q@tPs wmq p@ DqPae lo qq6nq$o ?qr 6usssr raw D6uep ul srejdo.v aql'
Discu$lon 1 Each group should choosea spokespersonto report io the othe. groups whai lheir extractwas abort. Wh' e the reporls are being given, take noles and ask lor iurther inlormationor c ariticationas necessary i n p r e p a r a i i o fno r s u m m a r yw r i t i n g . 2 D i s c r s si h e l o l l o w i n g : whai do you lhink should be done to preserve 1 cultLral traditions? 2 lhe counlryside? 3 the nalura .esourcesin lhe world? In your disclssions of each ol lhe above, a.swer these questions: whal reasonsare norrnaly given for preserying/cultural tradiuons/?Do you agree with ihem? Why?/Whynoi? Can you s!ggest other reasonswhy we should preserve/cultural traditions/? How should we go about it? Shouldsironger laws be made? 3 Homewo* exercise write a summary on the advantagesof zoos, working lrom the notes you look in 1 above only.
Use of English:Blank-filling One parl (usuallytesi exercise3) or SectionA in ihe ProiiciencyPaper 3 ( U s eo t E n g l i s hf)e q u i r e sy o u l o c o m pe l e b l a n k sw i l h a s u i i a be w o r d o r phrase.Like other tesl exerclsesin SectionA ihis is in etlect a test oi grarnmar,ln order to compleiewhat is needed,however,you must employ the readins skills practisedin other Unils in ihis book, and read e v e r yw o . d i n t h e i t e m ,s i n c ei t w l I c o n t a i na I i h e c l l e s y o u n e e d . 1 There are iwo types of item.The iirst is lhe single sentencewiih a blank. Studythis examplei
N o to n l y
1 Rememberthat 'Noi only . . .' is fo Lowedby an inversionconslrLrclion w h e ni t b e g i n sa s e n t e n c ee . 9 . Not only was I wei and lonely, but I was ost, too. t L h e r f a m j l y ,t o o . N o t o n l y d i d s h e b r i n gh e r r r i e n d sb, L t s h e b r o u g h a 2 Since lhe secondhall of the sentenceis negalivewith nol . . . eithef, l h e v e r b i n t h e f i r s l h a l i w i l l a l m o s tc e r i a i n l yb e n e g a t i v et,o o . 3 T h e s u b j e c it n t h e s e c o n dh a i i s h e ' ,s o t h e s u b j e c ti n t h e j i r s t h a r w i l l almost certainlYbe he'. 4 The tense in lhe secondhall is the Simple Past,so the tense in lhe lirsi half will almosrcertainly be the sirnple Past. 5 In the second hali, her secondnamergives a clue or pointer to her lirsi name' neededin lhe iirsi hali. Such reasoningthereJoresuggesisthat the lirsi hall ol the sentenceshould read: ' N o to n l y d i d h e n o t k n o wh e r l i r s t n a m e , . . or perhaps,by the same kind of reasoning: ' N o to n l y c o u d h e n o t r e m e m b e h r e . l i r s t n a m e ,. , ,
b u t h e d i d n ' lk n o wh e r s e c o n dn a m e ,e i t h e r .
'ool ' ' 'oroql a.uEtnque ue sea oraql luaprr.s ue lutql I qo, ,.Passed a^l u3q^\ qqort 3!]lP4 sql rPsu 6uropstdosd aso$ P ara,$lPqM, 9 -_ _ _ _ 'sa^, p,t , ptnoa pPei ol sur no^ oG, t luPr!\ ,.Jlo lr puas no^ BioFq uodsr art] qono.rLt] , ouora aq ol erru s,lr tnq ||e] ol punoq sea I lqonoql I qrnu tu3^ no^ lueql - - _- -', , i t s a l 6 u r ^ ! r rpn o l e ' -_ - -_ "lsnur ra^up aql sa , , tru.rltpaads€$ ra^o !a/v\ ,., P/rlaql lrq lr rauB irot lEql to atPlsa$ aas no^ pro, z p,no^ tu!$ | 3M, ,-uaql lnoq€ rolcop ! a3s pue , rlou )iaa,{ P lnoqp rot seqcEpPsqatqlrrsr pPq a ,t, I -eser'ldro proa etqellnse qlra $6uBq.xa as€ql ut $iu?tq eqt ur !] ol outuosDario pull auresaql asn aoN ,Ipparl? auo/Iluatd/qbnouauEql srou/qonous peq s^,t, :pP3i ptnoqsacuatussa'4IBLI qseoons u3']l6uruosPa q.ns ',no^ luBql oN, sABsaq asurs ',Ljonouaulql arour,ro ,Iluatd, ro ,qonoua,ppq ^tqpqojd sELlra)ipeds aql arolarsq_Lsrour ^tqrssodpuP'IpPartP3uo 'sBet ]E pPq a^€q tsnur r$iesos puocas3ql leqt no^ sljal ,Pol lo onc iaqlouP, asPrqoaq1 e ', ct3/pounsuocaunip a^Eq,lou ,peq e^Eqj o r ia^?q,oslP sr raasuP 3ql ur papoauqro^ ureu 3qi lsql qso66ns uorrsanbaq] ur ,a^eq,qra^ oqf z 'Fa!ad Nasard s! papaauasual aql tP$ noi s at l^pe€rte ,Ippsrle
-_ -_ -_ " a^,t no^ )uEg oN,
,aBal,o on. raqlouEa^Eq no^ rM, €) €) :aldurBxasrrll ,{pn€ ltpq auo ur )iuPtqP qlr,{\'66uPqcx3anootPrpatdurs P s! L!al!Jo 3da puocasaql z 'sn to |? rol6q r,\ tr rsDsq all _ _-__ ' & o s t n d u @s a u r o . a q l o 4 s d3 3 4 - p p s t 9 'qluour 'arrt s,lrlPq/!\ IPs I||Ear l,uel , -' - _-' -'- r3^aN ' 'paleprdBtrp ',lasIu ^€p|oq e ro, uopaas ls"t uaop I nd or I ' os auooaq asnoq pto ita^ot teql lat liupeq ioql Jt ot erertaou 'urar 6utao oj aql esinoc sEA le. .ql i€reqa,iro^a paloot €a qbnoqltv t 'lea i6o1o.a eqi uo rernpet Iu oq ot sBA Iued eqt ol ipeer sea ost6 auolia o - - - _'- ftounH eH|.'] 6 le paltnsurpeq I uBuoa oql leql e t l u n r r e a o ] P e qo q s ' 'uolle4suouap '€^[.E,(tqelreuar lseprd B p3sruB6ro eq leql ,fuc eql lo aleF aql rnoqB allds ut z os I Dss€/!\aq pto srBal 08 raruee eraq uaaq a^€q ptno^ asnetrnol - " pBH ea uEr 3rjlP4 aoq ies ol e)!t ptnoa I I a^lacar o1 lEql tnlp"srp / 'IrBtnqBco^puB rEL!uJBr0 sural urlcaroc aq lsnu suo|atduo. to aql te$ raquauau ssErrtdro proa otqelrnsP qra socuaruas asa'{ ur $iu€tq a$ ur lt!, or 6uruosear}o pu} auBs sql ssn aoN
-13 pREs[RvATroN ANDcoNsERvATIoN
Examguidance Completethe iesi exerciseson ihis page beiore readingthe oppositepage.
A SECTION 1 Fill each ot the nunbered blanks in the following passage with orc suitable wotd. The public s concernlor captive anima s is laudabe, but, lor the most part, misguided.They-(1) ever, in iaci, complainabout the rhlngs in zoos they should complainabout b!t they get vocirerousy hyslerical -(2) (3) the lhings that do not matier a damn ro ihe animal. Peoplesay that il is wrong lo cage animals;it is _(4) io imprisonthemi it is wrong to deprivethem -(5) rheir lreedorn.They seldorn,_(6) ever criticise the cagei il is on y ihe idea of the cage lhal they -(7) to. The d scovery-(8) diiierent anima s have tenitories oi difierentsons and sizes, (9) lrom a iew square leet to a iew square miles, dependlngon the (10). species,is a comparativelynew
2 Finish each of lhe followingsentencesin such a way thal it means exactlylhe sane as lhe sentence prinled before it. a ) w e m r s i d o s o m e l h i n ga b o l t i h e p r o be m , e v e ni l i t c o s l sa l o l . ( C o s u y. . . ) b) They re constanuytelling us what to do (We . . .) c) 'Our tactory has never durnpedwaste into the local river,' the spokesmansaid. ( T h es p o k e s m adne n i e d. . ) g b o u ii t w h e nt h e r es a m a j o rd i s a s t e r(.O n l y. . . ) d ) T h e y ' l lo n l y d o s o m e r h i n a € ) W e s h o u l db a n l h e l s e o l p e s i i c i d e sb,u t w e s h o u l da l s o r e s t r i c ti h e u s e o l m a n y o l h e rc h e m i c a l s(.l n a d d i l i o n. . . )
3 Fi each of the nunbered blanks with a suitable word or phrase. a) | wish .. .... . to Londonwith !s. You would have enjoyed t. in ihe same housefor 25 years. b) By ihis time next year they the way the fiLmended. c) | was ' O h ,I d i d n ' tf i n d i t i h a t d i s a p p o i n l i nrgn y s e l l . ' g o n et o t h e c o n t e r e n c eb,L r ht e l e l l i l l . d) Joh. was e) On iniormalionabout the crime, ihe police inspectortold reporlers he wou d make a siatemeni laier.
4 For each af the sentencesbelaw, write a new sentenceas sinilar as passibie in neaning ta the ariginal sentence, but using the words given: the words mrsl nol be anereo tn any way. a) She was humi iated by lhe whole experience.(humilialing) b) You needn't attendthe meeungii yo! don t wani to. {oblig6lion) c) I m extremey sory I wasn t at ihe airport to meel you. (apoloqies) d) A new aw may soon be passedlo dea with the prob em. (Possibility) e) Many zoos are now breeding rare animalsand birds ve.y successfuly in captivity
6qts le trysse..ns 'areq :suoDrsoderd qciPM uoDsuntsqra^pE puE s3^rlcsrpeltNaraJrrpaoq raqu6uou (6 ' ' 'se^/st aaqL :uotle.o|oQ sqra^ tepou 3.etd6r ol 3re ?oau 'ittttqeqdd'Il!ttqtssod (p sunou oqt raquauoU fq^) as/bolodp.!oN'(u ld) sarbdlodesr proa aql (e ale eq ot (tou) : at uaDeouqo(ue/ou))apun aq ot \9 sa^oealpE6!r/pa- qlr^ popaousuort3nrtsuo3 luaraurpaql rsqur€urau (P
parse se^ eq uattq = paFe 6u6q uo raquauoH {6 aq )aqusuau (p auop a^eq/op ot (pesaddns.) 6qAe) patutoddesrp o l 3 n t . a q i s r , 6 u o u r o d d e srlspq r ,a s € r q d3 q ! ( e 6urcp uaaq e^eq ttt^/auop a^eq u sarnbar surl arnlnJ + {g (q '''euoppeq nai Llst I
atdaq \ue^a rsed lnoqe tor6ou (e
'^lr^rro?5ur spiq pue stBUrueorer 6urpssrqlP/ur nlssa.cns ir3^ (out€q)aou erE sooz Iuet'! (a 'u6 qord aqt qtra tesp ot passedaq uoos r/\4a€t aeu e lEqt ^trtrqrssodP sr sraql (p 'no,{ laau ol rrodrP sql lE ouraqtou rol satootodeIu ldoeeEespe d (c '0urleau 6ql pu6uPo] uo[P0rtqoou ]apun are nol (q aoqrol6u|l€tru]nq s € / ' a c u a u e d x a t o q aa q 1 r o ' 0 u D € r t r u n q .ruotradxa o oqa eql punot aqs (P t
' ' ' (iaqunl (a /erou) rol psssard/pa)se6uraq (P a^sq o] (posoddns) ,,'^q (c Ap psluroddesrp(Iteu6D<3/tua^) ' ' ' 6 u l ^ r u a e q. a^€q ra/ueaq a^Pq ra/pe^rta^eLt r/1^ (q ' ' 'ouo3/psjta^P4leuo6 p€q nol (l"qt (P e
3uo 0t (0u'o6rbur&€^/6ur0u€r 6
'Ale^ocstp ot |.eq ralar pue e.Etdsr ol popa€usr auo proa aql ot 'qro^ 6uoPro o. qrra papoauurol6u! 6 papaau,rPqtuolrsunluo9 a outqlaaos ot tcalqo q r 3 ^€ j ] e l o N r s r l t . r a ^ 3I r q l j , , d L r u P s u ta^e lt 9 uo4 raN:aqtsla lqs a^udap 9 'palPadsroroJ,44 aJolaraql ac!aluas tPcuotsqu t 'Aqls )a^a/jnoqP teeuatsiq tao E 'oq, loN :pap3auunolord €^rretau z A'elrEl: ra^a ita e.s/ilppq:raquraLlau I
' ' ' l c u l s a r o s t Pp t n o q sa a s e p r . r l $ d ]o asn aL{ ouruuPqot uouppE ut (a 'rr lnoqe 6utqt6urosop,iaql lr^ rslsPsrproleur e s,.raql usqa ^luo (p ' padurnpour^eqra^a &opel srLtpsruapf Fdurnp re^e peq ^rol.Pl isqvsrq (tPql)pe!uap ueuse)iodsaql (3 'op ot leqa pror 6uraq^lu€tsuoc oi€ eM (q ' u r s t q o r da q l u o q e 6 u r q r € u o s op Fnu 6a 3q IEUj tr qonoqvsPIrsoc (P z
u)oI6ut + ot uotltppeut )aquawaa ( a itua BtlE lop ^aql ta) fressa.ou uorsra^ul ( p padunp pPqo r t saollqc ,padL!np s P q ,o s ' t s € d aldurS 5r+ ur srpe/uap :q€eds p.uodou (. u r o Js n o n u r r u oac q l ur ostPsr lr elou tnq'uo|lEu]rotsuP'rl a^rssPd (q ' ' ' 'eq iew/st qonolu lt /se j/rrll/ro arntcn4sa^Dcarp€aql raquaurau LP
tPqt I tcalqo 1 l! I lo9 6uora ra^o^noqe iPqvq.r'la ra^.u/Ilo.r€cs/ilpre't
t € z I
oNvNorrv^drslxd€ L Nor-rv^xrsNol
Coverthe oppositepageanddo thistestexerciseThenreadthe opposilepage
( T i m e : 4 5m i n u l e s )
Bead the fo owing passage, then answer the questions which fo ow it.
Insectseat mummies in Peru'smuseums
The trouble began afrer objects wer€ r0 removed lron the ground and put in museumsand storehouseswithout hmid-
Edward Schuhmacher,Lima
Peru,which is one oftle poorestnanons i! South America with t per capita iD@me 35 of only about !600 a year, cannot atrord the conirolled €nvironment that would assurethe preservation of the relics. A recent stockroom tour of the mor€ thatr 500,000 pieces in the national a{ nusem, sn expandedfamhouse, showed them to be riddled with termites, infested with lats and aitacled by fugi. The nuseun lacks climate conirols and is seriously understaffeda5 Maly colouful painted ceramics have tumed dull in storage- Amolg thes€ de rows of 2,500-year-oldNma polychrome vd$ depicting stylisedcats and biids tlat are now laded and lifeles. 50 There are mmmies i! the mus€m, too. Peru\ many anciert clltues - the Chavjn, Pdacas dd Inca, wiich began energing 8,000 years ago nljlmifred thon dead atrd buried tbem wlth cermis, w€avings,
Pr+Coimbim worLs of art and artifrcts ofnajor histoiical inteiest, somedatiry to 6,000 yea6 bofore Cbrist, are rotting, crunbling or being stolen fr M$eum curalors and archaeologistssay that up to half of ihe priceless ceramics, textiles and olher objects in Peru's more thatr 250 public and private musems have r0 bm lost or nreparably dmaged in recent
'Each day we &e losilg more, says Sen6r Luis Guilerno Lumbreras, a leadiry Peruvian .rrchaeologi.,t and forner rr dnector of the National Archaeology and Adlropology Museum.'Il's tragic.' A Unes@study completedlast month on Peru'snuseuns cotrcludedthat after years ofmeac1ebudgets,they can no longer cope 2owilh their problems. The decay of antiquities is a problem shar€d by nany developing nations, but Whiie nulnmies thousdds of yrus old Peru's problen is esp€cialy critical. Peru have been dposed on storage shelves, was one of the most advaoced ce.tres of itrwctr h3veeatenthe hair. Bnckeb ofbare 25 ancient civilisation in the Western hemiskulls si! in the courtyard outiide. So do sphere,and it holds an iDtcrest1br nuseum 60 soggy €rdboard boxes where researchers k€p th€ir shards and othd study piees. flratoF, archaeologish and prehisiorians The researchtakesplaceh wooden shacks. matched only by Eg}?t and China.
a) Whai are museumcuratorsand archaeologistsin Peru so concernedabout? b) How are many museumpieces being losl ? c) Why, apparently,has the state of Peru's museumscome to light? d) Explainthe phrase'years ol meagre budgels (11.18-19). e) why is Peru s problemdescribedas being especiallycritical? (1.23). t) What paratlelsare suggesledbetlveenPeru, and China and Egypt? g) Whatwas one ol lhe iirst causesof the decay ol antiquitiesin Peruvianmuseums? h) Explainthe phrsse a per capiia income' (1.34). i) In what ways are musoumexhibitsbeins attack€d? j) Explainthe phrase turned dlll in storase (1.46). k) Summarisein 50-100words what the passagesays about the stale ol atlairs in Peru's museumsal the time ths article was writlen. 98
'IrPuuns sqt lcaqc t 'etqrssod srsqa sra/v\suE uo'ts au/s ol rsquraueu 'uraqt pue rsasue suorlsanbraqp eql peor uaqt e 'IEuuns aqt €tua pue '(!'Jaqt ropro ar ^rqrssodpuE)IiPUrurnsaql rol parnbar slurod urBuraLilalou a6"ssPd aqt PEar-aruoqt 'I (tuBuuns nleiE. aqt uorsonb lst 3ql pEaU Z ' l s r 6 , o ja 6 e s s P ds t o q ^ . aql peai ue$ !^[njarec suogcn4sutaql pEoL L s xoucas ,ol6alnu uaPlog ' J 6 ^ 1 6p r o ^ . sql leNvHc.toN]snw nol f,aquauau j xa tsal I 'santr rot )iootor ooueqrx€ an6otPrp ro acusiussstoq^{ Ltcpepeaa:€ xa tsat ,
'qu"tq ^ue3^€|lou op'ulEov irNrHlos ieuuer6lo lsar e sr srql rsquourso ' u o r s r E ^u a u r , a e rr r o l u r s ' E 3 p l l P3 p 1 l t L . pu€ tret3pu! a.u€ru3s |eurouoqcBapEao 'ouo Iq 3uo sLrletra$ qonorql IroMz-xa rgal e 'sraasuE rno,i\ arnsun 3l? no,^ to l! ua€ s)uEtq ^ue o^eol tou oo popasu s! proa lo purr leqa turql ,\rNoauoMrNoseilnb€r )uelq qcPsraqursursE sant. raqp puE teinlcn]ls rot )oot ol tuEtq ! puotuq pPor sleatv sluPlq a$ u! u puE ure6esoPssPdaql pBau Ft6 roJ ttonojql 36€ssEdatoqa aql pBaa :t xa is3t z 'uatr ueu oql ot uo 06 .)rnls leo no,{{ sssr3raxslsol rnol3r,. lo ^up ol seFulu 9! uEql r.6uotou ap^aQ isur|r oql FlP,\ pup ^ ntsrEcsuolrcn4suraql peau I v l{o[3:s ,rol salnu uap|o9 'r€ded aql uolpes P rl5Eool rnoq auo ^FleurlxorddBeromp no^ Fa66ns aM $noq oar s! radPd qs|6ul lo asn stoq^raql ro, paeo e aull€ql iaull 3w qc]EM z 'I nl3rB. tua^ raded et+ uo suorlcnrlsur pesu ttE I
lPrauog|:fJl^ov l/Ivx3
qlr/ll paFslu! 6uuor q.elue pue !e to $troM I lusuruorr^u€pollo4uos plo+PlouuPc nrad E '!els q.atqo pu? arot/{ storluoc €tEuitc lsol6ur3q z llls to I3€t 9 'sJorluoc q€tqo puolsq peoEuEp ro aledor ^llprurnq isol lo i I lo )cEI t 3qf ()j :qulod 6saql u|eluoc ptnoqs ourp.ro,rl u,rloino,( p qdProPlEdP ur '^JBururns ' 6 r 6 qn o l d t a q ptloqs .scrurPr6.PeturPoIn,r10lo., dsPrqooq|. 'tf{9 ur PUno}eq ol sr r€asue eqt (l 'uosrad qceo Iq ro rot : qtde. Jad lq 'z€!€z- ut punoi aq ol sr roasu" 6q1 (6
'paroF u s € qe ^ E ql s q r d r r q as r n o r o .l q o u q ' r e L rl s o l ( f - s n 6 u npl u e siuspo|sFssu! {q patcBnP6ur.q arP Ia.rr (' -uosrad qcPa roj ouo.u! aoPra^v (q 'dn 6np u€q pPq ^aql raUE^trodordraue pqoot ra^6u 3ro \ Isql (6 'suE!rolslqpue qs!6oto6€q3le ol ]ssrslur lo llB arojsrsql orP puE suores!t!^rcluercuPpacuP^pepEq oarqr llv (l 'Purqc puE d^ol p leql se I'iP]]odurl sp sr ,oolsrq-ardpuE ^botoaeqeiPslr €snPcaE{a ' Puls lra^ uaaq a^€q sunasnu €qr ol s3.ue/t\ottEtErcuEuuq3!qe ur sree^ (p o.saun Iq rno paurec ipnls e ,o asnecaa (3
'qcerrtre ro uP s)ioa 10 te.uolstq IuEu os Jo uorFn.4sapio acuerPaddeslp'ssor oqf (P
3$ aslBuurns L sqdEr6?redu, uorrPurrolur Irsue ur puP ^ nlerer peei oi peeu nol (e
ro pabeuep o!!oq'6urtqurnro 0urnoi €l" Ieqt (q
'82-€Z I u! punol6q ot sr raasuP 3qr 0 'Iq^{urPldxs ourl our,lo ot sq] (€Z l) ua^!6 acuarataraql uorj (e '.F )e6pnqtduorut Jroesd s 0 3 ,qrruplb ur .l6noualou - 3rOBa., (p 'parlb uo'lBuJrolu' E.lr $^'0 /t aur"l (c 'usr.I o. Ierep uo4 ourqilrs^a srB^oc,isot, pro,$aqt (q
'z pue
susr sNvro sNor.tvNvrdxi
susMsNv rr€rssodlo c3-t$99ns
14Leisureand Health PAPER 4: LISTENING COMPREHENSION With the increasein leisure lime, cerlainly in lhe wesiern world, ihere is g r o w i n gi n t e r e s il n a l l k i n d so f s p a r ei i m e a c t i v i t i e se,s p e c i a l l yi n personallitness and health. 1 Find out about each olheas paslimes.In pairs, ask each olher lhe q u e s t i o n si n t h i s q u e s t i o n n a i r e . Do you agree or disagreewilh ihis siatement? I d o n o i h a v ee n o L 9 hl e l s u r et i m e . Which ol these lhings do yoL do in your spare tlme, and how often? Co
Listen to th€ raoio :lal' jndoor eares, e.g, cards' 1lonololy, Scrabble, etc. :rat/ 1rrieo g.Ln€s !,ay outdoor Baie:, ..9. iennrit gol i, e tc. l.otb,rll, Lo:r1nrln9, or Eo ror roll !1Ks
Co to - the cin€na - the theair€, o!.ra or balet -. con.ert - .n €ri talle:y' nu:eur, etc, or -i_o.ot Ila : , 51nc (in d croir o. a Lrodnl o to tne bEech or to 1].-ke
rl. fi shinC or hu.ting o cyclinE, clinbing, etc, AttenC e cluor e.6. a Jouth .irb or some oth.t ortar,isailon Help other !eo!le, €.e. the l_oung, the elderlJ, the disabled, etc. Ar. taer€ any cther rati: in lhicn l,or s!.nd your l-"isure tin-" lhich ar€ not nentioneC above? lf so, nre then, 2 Now discussyour iindings with the rest oi the class. Which seem lo be lhe rnosl popula. pastirnes?Which seem to be the easl popular? H
3 You are goinq to hear two people (a ma. and a woman) beins interviewedin the street. As you lisien ook ai the questionnaire above and mark in their answers:'[,1'lor the man, w fo. the woman Then check your answerswith the rest ol lhe class. 100
(9run aplno s!.f3qcEal .s€) atnu!fi e lsnf |€u.tec E 'tsarqu!p n t o 'po^ouuP c '!red u r € 'pasDdrns,ta^ v
'paapur palrroM i.r3^ ira^ se^\ aq o 'Iuobr 3]ntosq?ur s?a 3q c 'palouue fu3rd ourr.rlmaqsea aq s ! iolua ot 6uruu!6oqsea aq V ',i,suorlsanb arour iuPur /'^oqp!v, pslsE uEu oql au|r aql,(€ t '.ruor c '6u!^orddesrp 9 '.rrsBrsnqtua a 'tseuoq v
6 u r a qs e a a q ' 6 u r q s u pa^ot 3q leql raaor^ratur6qt ptol u"u aql uaqM €
paaoqs ,root P o^Pq eLr laa see aq teqt presaIA srq iaue €pPu.ruEu sql punos€q] z tsl]f 'Irbue e '.lsetsnqlua c 'paroq E '30sPclPs v sea aq s,lr |rs lear6 lurql I , luarallp steql aoN olper tn€, prPsuPUiaLllu6q l 'spreaioue
srai suP rnol ssncsro suo0sanbacroq.-etdrltnujnol osaLtiraasue puP ure6Pupuro,r pu€ uPUraqi qlr/r^^ ar^raNr aLtl]o sued ol ualsrtaoN z Lts 'ssetc aqt lo tsar aql qlta sra,rlsu?rnol l56rt.,noN 'trlo q6noua '€rado a^o/ qo to6 iiuer I | aPiaoo
icosBiuel iqPs^ rlo I i^tarns uaoq 3^eq lsnu 3H / iaopuh aql 6sotc6se6 o no^ plnoM ittp tP ^uunl s,lEqlturqt l,uop I / i3u p/or a^eq lq6ru nol I '6urql p
'ltaM 'I 'ie^\ ear roqlrs lxo/r l,uop | 'urt\t 'ssoddns los reL]le)irtno^ tr I Uou ltE s,tr 9 9
(itnJ^\?slooLtPqt) iqonaj (.jlnls ie$ rea no^ u?i ^ oH) itn^ / iqon (iunq r,uptnoa lPql ptps noI lqonoql t) iaaqd (irs6utllu lnclsnla^,t iqcno 0 ii6uoq 6urqr,{uP lo )urql Lu?c I iLlo z / i l o d s l e e r 6e s r s r u u a l/ i t n p a p u o as , l rl u r q r I
z^|Parnoi pro / .,([sruoH/ i^^e.]d isLr^prqoooC t,;/\^ Ia,r, rs:E3rN!o )cvr io rTloc:uos
:are sourla3,puP spoouraql pas$rdxe 6ureqsqulql no^ 6urtaalro uolor]ra poou 3ql qc€a lsureo€arua !uqs| nol s? 'pue 8 l srgqurnu aql unop alu^l lad€d to acardE uo s6u!aa] jo spoou ure!33 sserdxs r'/\6!^r6lul Iaql IE^l aqr ol !alsrt pue /trotaqsacuaruasoql le root soultaal'spoou artl lo strPdot uslsrt no^ srotaE sapnlru€pue "rPo? urPuacpassardxeuPuro,l puE uPuraql 6ur)Fds oraa ^aqt etrqM ! -sraFroar ls€pntr$P'spoour]uarsll p astuoo3aj pue s6!rloal ol o^pq ^pu no^ (uorsuaqarduroC 0urualsr"t)t roded i.uar.Uord aql ul
s6ullool pue sopnl![e 'pootu rol 6u;ua1sq1
Register:lormal and informal 'I Readthis extracttrom an article lo find the explanationindicatedin the title.
Why Fxercise MakesYou Slim lN MY dielins days, I naa low whethermyfatr6 Ms dueto geed, sloih or the genesttht { had inhaited. The dienns book which I con sumed pro\ridedno d${4. Almost the only ihjng on edich tb€y agreed sas that o.ercisecould not help. So. aft€r mor€ than a decadeor dietins durins which I had losl mor€ than my l)M tull w€ight yet reMined 6 lat as 44, I gave up. There s€€medno point in tortudng mlseu to $ Iitde €fi41. A tq, monthslater,in the autmn of 1978, I took up josgins. Ii ms goingto Hyde Pdk to satch the ff61 lEl
of ihe Sunday Tme' saia of National Fun Rm ihai sot me int€r€sted.I w6 apprcacling zl0, but the aaltaiion of the runneF, some alrnost t ice my ag€, \m d in spinnon. Ii &asn't ttht I expectedto lose weight. Th€ diet books had v"atned me ihat that was viriually impNible. But at least1mighi get fit, ad if I didn't start imediately ii By the foflovting stllma, I was doins genile4fmile runs md some tim6 @vercd 20 miles in a wek. Soon,I had shed10lb ad tm dowr io 12 slone. I havekept eund this weishi as since,while at ihe eme time @iing dd drinking whaiM l Ai lilst I regardedthe weight loss as an enigma.Th€n I found oiher p@ple who had €njoyed the same apaiace. It $Bs when I r@lised I
rculd naa againthve io diet that I stalted to invesiigatewhat had hap_ In th@ry according to ihe di€t books, egcis is not a panictndly effdtive My of losingwight dd tur In pEcic€, accoidingto apaienc€, 4€rcise @n be a mosl effeciiveMy of losingsome&€ight and more fat Just as dieiing sl<M lou doM. qonis€, o{ ihe ddt irpe, speedsyou up. Certain gpes of ecise includ' ing running,sp€edup the metabolic rat€, not only while you adcie but Thus, it lou jos or nn for 10 minute, you bum 90 io 120 cabn6 morerhanlou rculd at rat and lou continu€to bum mofe for sometime. The ad€nt to whichthe resiingmeta bolic rate remarnshigha after exer cie @i€s wth the individual and
2 Now listsn to lhe way two people pass on the informationconlainedin the article. One uses rather formal speech,the olher raiher inlormal When you have heard both, answer these q!esiions and give reasons: Which was lormal and which was inlormal?Whatsort oi person would have said each, and in what situation?
3 Look at these characteristicso{ lormal and intormalspeech.Then listen again and check which oJthem you hear on the tape. and inlormal speech Some characlerislics ol tormal speech - . . iull grammaricalforms e.g. I an not qoing to noun constructionsin place of verbs e.g. Ite decision ta do that was unwise. full verbs in place or phrasalverbs e.g. continue, discovet, inflate, etc. iormal vocabularyin general e.g. wisei a st ugglet commencer become, employment more precise vocabularye.g. a position,an appointnent a protession, a vocation more complexlanguagee.9. lwondet ifyou would nind rcpeating that?(lor politeness use oi conjunctionssuch as thus, therefote, since, as, hence, etc.
shortenedlorms e.g. /m not going to see hel again./l'n not gonna see . . . simple verb constructionse.9. lt wasnt vety lhe irequent use ol phrasalverbs e.g. go on, find out, blorr up, elc. informalvocabularyin gsne.al e.g. cleveraa fight, begint set, work use of more qeneralvocabularye.9. a job simple sentencese.g. Couldyau repeat that,
use oi simple conjunctionssuch as so,
'ou|r€aur aql lno lsv rol P€rale3aq ol pe6uslssrsrurtBrt/!\€pr.6pol psllB3uaaqsEq6urc6u v Att ro uaol aau P plrnqor PsodordE sr 6ra$ aur6eul arns!€-], rnoi ur ,xatduJoc
(r! run oplncs.raq.seta.s) ^eld lo q.ea ot p3r!t3r suorssaidxapuE spro,{
pu€u!?6Pualsn t
E tl
l3uuPd E qIA $easuP inol psLlc rawads sql ro raqunu aqllnd 'uals!l no^ uaq! uorssolordoql FUTPoE sv uolsssprd u,l o rleqr lo aa|^lo lurod aqr uro4 qllEoHpuE arnsral lo i.arqns aql roq? 6u!)i|Br$a)eeds lo rgqurnul|eus e ol uelsll ,l\oN z
'Ieae waq $uep 5te4p 5e spunod sut6 vaqtt2 Aputc totn4.u! :e.!otl. ,sa^laailoH
i,lou ^q^r IBs nol ue. lPtndod lou ore tuql Jl 'rEtndod a^q,{ ies no^ uE 6uruocaq aou arP suods ieqlo I .(^uE lD Inuno3 u^rorno,( ut letndod 0ururoGq 3lP uod6 jo spupiraqlo reqM t asararul ou 3q sisql plno,ll asessetsqrns ou ar6q srB iqa rou ll t,o6 stdosd ^ueu aoq puB 'tsoc sosselcqcns oP q.nuJ^\oq'os ll lslql e)!l ssssEtc{s.lqor3Eroj 1!}-0aa) puaue l4unm u,'/\orno^ ul usuroa oo e apsurs.uoc aie ,si€qlo aql (q puE ep€'ra.uoc s!uaqlle Apurc (E sB rEj se ol rslsr ,spunod,soop IPLIM enol 'lat uo[dEc ar]l ssop qcnuraoH z z^qM e)tulqlno^ op oulop uoL'io,qsql 3ie l€rtM aotoqds!'4 u! ouluoddEqs,tEqM I 'sr!"d u! suorlsanbaql ra/ltsuBpuE lsB pue oloqd slql p )oo l .tllEaq u! qleaa, s! daql leql plPssr 1! :spulr ? lo suods rol rol€c ol urPllrEu! 6urnor0 s!tuisnp'i! u€ attnb l.El Ul !!l ouldaer au!l ornslat rraql lo suros llU ot 6ulu!rOaqaE sarllunocuP€dorn3 roqto PUeulqlre ur aldood ^uPhl I
'palno^PlalE suo|r.nllsuo. lE.0euiulEt6 ulPlr3c^ltEuorsE..olnq',&BlnqE.o^lo l6s lPrssdse tDql orour 'Ibolouqcar plro \ €ql atul a^to^u! san€uB^q.ns uauo uo os puz ro 'spE 3..t6ururocder'aur3!p3uJlo sppo^ eql ur pasn qsrl6uf aqr'a.u€r3s lo puq aql s! srql suolss3loJdu3ra,l!p ur sldoad Iq pasn sa|l3!tE^ osIP3le araqr 'qsllout 10ealsr0a leurolu! puE lBurol6r'll uro4 uBdv
qsll6ul lo,sella!rP^ lEuo!ssolold,:rols!6eU Hrr$tHcNvlf,ns|n tL
Examguidance Cover lhe botlom hali oi this page and do Part L Then read the commentsbetow.
For questions 1 la tick whether you think each is True ar Faise, according to what you
The school holds c asseslor chi dren and adu rs.
2 T h e m e t h o dc l a i m si o t e a c ha r l c h i l d t o p l a yi h e v i o l i n ,
3 The schooi won l accept children under 7 years old.
4 D f S r z u k i ' si n s p i r a l i o n w a s c h i l d r e nl e a r n i n gl a n g u a g e . 5 Dr Suzukiapplied his methodto leachingall instruments.
6 D r S L z u k di o e sn o r p l a yt h e v i o l i nh i m s e l f .
7 W h e nl h e y b e g i n ,l h e c h i l d r e na r e j m m e d i a i e lsy' v e n a v i o l i na n d 8 Childrenare taughi tlre correct posturebeiore anythinge se.
9 The method implies lotal commitmentby children and parenis.
1 0 T h e s p e a k e ri s c o n v i n c e d t h a t c h i l d r e nw h o j o i n l h e s c h o o w l ill er./?ylhe essonslhere.
Nole that the statemenlsthemselves,whetherTrue o. False,gave you a clear idea oi the contentol ihe talk that it was about learningto play lhe vio in, thai Dr SLzukiwas someonespecial,that you would p r o b a b l yh e a ra b o l i a ' m e t h o d ' ,e l c . 1 False Glassesror children only. The speaker 6 False The speakersays that D. suzuki is a saysi [4any oi you childrenwill want ro mastef at the violin. begin . .' 7 F a l s e W h e nt h e yb e g i n ,l h e c h i l d r e na r e g i v e n 2 True The speakersays: . . . every child s loy violins and stlcks ior bows . c a p a b l eo l b e c o m i n ga n a c c o r n p l i s h evdi o l i n i s t 8 T r u e T h e s p e a k e rl a l k sa b o u tl e a r n i n gt h e and musician.' c o r e c t v i o l i np l a y i n sp o s t L r e ' . 3 False The speaker rnenlions5- and 6-year olds I True Speakingto childrenand parents,the who will be playing aier. speakersays you can t go into this halt 4 T r u e l t w a s w a i c h i n gc h i l d r e nl e a r nl a n g u a g e h e a r t e d l y, , . nall]ra y and inslinctivelythat led him to believe 10 Tru€ The speakersays thal children acq!ire t h e yc o u l dl e a r no t h e ri h i n g si n i h e s a m ew a y . i m r n e n s e n j o y m e not u t o l l e a r n i n gl o p l a y . . . 5 False The speaker only mentioned learninqio play lhe violin' (althoughlhe system may we now be aoDlledto other instr!ments).
ilctpaJd ot )apro ut i nlde. pear :st a3!^pPa$ os ,{la^r1cadssl,slrodsroopFo, puB ,sar!^Dee6u!uods, aq ol pe", lsoule qcrqa /l puE zl sual ^llElncru€o 'uorreuroFr 0urssrureqr auos 13'pordol alqP uaaq a^eq plnoqs ]o noi uunto. puEq-Uataqr ur sorr!^rr.?srnslal lo sauooareoaqloulpEor Iq iaqunl aq pjnoa sarnou aql to suros aol io q6rqaoq Flpard ol sE $rn6!1 atqe uaaq a^Pq ptnoqs no^ lnq lPql ^luo iou puE :s36Blu€513d p rol € rEaq ptnod no^ l€ql posrlEer3^Bq plnoqs no^ 'illniare. elqel oql 6ur^pnF Iq 'uoq] urPlp8 u! sau^rr.e arnslal lnoqP 6urqleuos rpaq ot 0uro0itsno!^qo 3rs,|,\no^ sraasue se qul^ ro ul llll ol a^eq plno^ no^ lEqa pue r"aq or 0u!o0sraa no^ lBqa p ?apr rPslc € noi a^eo slqPl3'11
sprsl4unoca$ ol qrsr^ tz %19EZ %lL zz Iuup e/t€ourB roj lno 6ulo0 lz %zt oz %8e6L 7oS€ 8l
suodsrooplno1l Y a A9 l % 0 99 l olpBl or 0uruolsr-lt! A!/uors!^atq 6u!qclEMel sau^Fe 6ur]]ods zt LL6l tl sufMsNv
auB ]l!d 6uqr@ e$ ePqrq .DqlO, z IIere EuHrdrou asoqlp@ FlaaMFd $noq I€ @qr sD 'Duenb qndod aI+ (.laulms aql) tsou 'a6@^e uo paseqap sr6e$a.Dd aDqd'sFods &Pl€ds puEeqhu.e rooPlnoro] Fae Pnuuv r
LI 6
VI 9
t8 6Z II
6 OI 0tl
0z t
d auo
(d6@ o leruuet eJads r lnorurd tseat le pa6e6ua so6E e ]o raqunu Fp:
AL 9I 6
a4%qtiet@u!.o16t4oo o6urqor 6u!oq
aPrseas or slsr ,_ kj
sag! ll.e mslal Dqro :) qods rorq$ds slods IooPu! a o.e Fpf ,}-a^o,e rPlol
6€ q€
LT 98 L6
t 0t o6 86
L9 €I 6n 86
erqqoH 6uuapreC
@ -- re,
sFIAF.e pasEq'auoH v ,qaaM t mo!.€d u, aruo rst te 6Ms.P Papaps6upP 6lo8alo q.ea u! uopo.lord
uat,l /a$o
au91q ul qel.us lsa€€D-6l -
5€s 6q sagl !,e a4q'l
'uouew)otutoutssta €q ut ll pue ualsll '27-y; suoasenbn1
z ravd
'aotaq spauuro3 aqr p€ar uaql z llPd op pu€ o6ed srql ]o l|Eq uolloq 6ql rs^oc
Cover the oppositepage and do Pari 3. Then read the oppositepage.
PART 3 @
Fot Cuastions 25-8, Iisten and for each tick one ot the boxes A, B, C or D. 25 Wh€n Mr Jamss asked lvlrsSkinner
2SlrYhenMrs Skinner,at one point in lhe
conversalion, said oh, thankyouvery much, shewasb€ing
A he was probablybeing polile. B h€ was genuinolyconcerned. B C he was alraid sh€ would sue the Club.
D h€ lhought ho was speaking
26 Howdid [4rsSkinnerbreakher leg?
C She tripped over on her way D She tell down at home.
29 What roason did Mr James give for not agreeingto N4rsSkinn€r'srequesn A She had not paid her
A She fell during a gam€ ol B She lell down the Tennis Club st€ps.
C grateful.
B The Club brochuresiated the B
c D
C A solicitor had advisedhim he was right.
D She slill owed the Club t15.
27 One reasonwhy Mrs Skinnerrans Mr A to complain about his letterB to lhreaten him with leqal C to demand a refund ot her D to discussthe coach's atlitudeto learners.
c D
EXAI', ADVICE: Ten golden rules lor 'Llstanlnq Comprehension' 1 Read ahd list€nto all instructions. 2 lf you are in any doubt at all about what you have td do, eLskthe examineror a monitdrfor ,on'ttry to read lhrough lhe whole Paper at the beginning.Readeach Parl as you are instrucied What€voryou have to look at- multiple-choice items, t.uefalse slatemenls,a chart, a form, a map, a graph. €tc. - read or srudy eveMhing
very car€fully in order to try to predictwh
List€nlhe iirst time and do 6 many of lhe iiems as you can. Listenthe secondtime to check your answors or to lill in those you may have m'ssed Concsntrareduring the.lisieningphase. Remember,unlike ReadingComprehension, you can't qlance back and forth to checklor
'ue5 ^tqrssodno^ sP qsrl6ul ua)iodsq.nu sP or uatsrt'uex6 oql ol dn ourpP3 pou6d a$ ul OL ip6)ireur!n ust a^eq .oI suralrroloulqia&ros ul lnd sdP6 Iue s^ps lou op'rsdPd aloqa aqr ro] l€qs roasuP rnol qbnorql ouq.aq. uaq^ puo eql lv
r a l e ! p e u r ed x a 3 q ua^3 iEu lr ro yaruoc aql uo4 rE3l. ouo.aq Lto^ Ieu rueou sr leqM lr re^o ssluode r,uop ss€rqd ro proa e puElsrepunLuop no,^Jl 't ur.lr ol 0uLpae.ord uaqi^ laeqs ra^^suErnol uo e usll rol 'aldulexarol e ulsll dp6 e e^€et oi raquaular 'z tou rnq pue I sualr op ue. no^ 1l ol uPsur noi teql laaqs reasuP atll uo siaasuB aqt )rew
' a s r n o co q l ur suossallo requnu sql sEA pouorruaui,u.aull, Iluo sq! p.uorrusurlou sea 913 oN rolr.rlos P llnsuot ot 6^Pq plnoa 6qs presoqa 'oN rsuurls srt\ se^\ ll rolr.rlos e pal nsuo. 6ur^EqsaLrlelr!11lo uolruau ou sP,! ar.ql 't! p 3 l l d u r l p ? a r p l n o q s s r l l l P q l r a u u r ) s a ^ P ! -s31 e saurPt rn pus 'arnqcorqaql ur IllEcuo6al"c/I rP6L3alrnb p3lEls sPA uorr?nlrsaql ' o e J3 J 1 , ol r e d s P 3 3 1 a . u P i - u '6e q p ' e d' P q a q s o N fLlsPcres puP acleiouuE $ssardxa ra)Pads e q r L r . l Mq s r l 6 LI J l p - E 3 Lq ' . i 6 Lq l o ur o l n o l j u e J f , J o i c s r r d r aa q l ^ e a e o P s E q l u l l a l l n b0 u r 3 qs s a e q s ' l u r o ds r ' l l r o J u r q t u € q l o t 6 u r q l o !p e u 3 q s a . u l s e l t s € . r e s^ l s n o r ^ q o uou 3rE pizd 63uo s'al leql rL lv ,iq3nurtua^ no^ luPqr qo, prEsrauur)issrl,\ alrnb a1€lsaM, prPssauref rt'{ raUY ro ^doc € a^eu no^ pu€ arnqsorqlno ur ,(llecuo6alEc "alq?punlar 'saurel rt! ouEr els uoseer aql lou sEA ure6?lPql lnq luellsexa sea q3€oe(sruuol)oql prPsaqs oN o 'auo rsru au! pBq ILuo pPq eqs q3 q/{ raq p3IUPAaqs',Ildrrlrs.lrno sa/\ c ]o suossal9! rol oe! prPdpPq aqs r.€q lauou 'j?. sea u l e u 6 $ r o l u o s P a r r a q l o u E lPqt !otr.rtos ? llnsuo. ol a^eq pinoa aqs r€ql pua aql le p6lsa06nsaqs q0noqllv'oN 'rsual 'p6!Ldarlou p€q 3q lE'll ureldurocpiP aqs oN v slq lnoqP u Eldtllor rou plnoe aqs lnq ',auoLllE sdals suos tr,1op ll3] | uaq^ tuL Iu s)iorq l, :p]€saqs sel o 'll uo!lueu r,Lrprpaqs lnq seulEf rl,'! ol luas aqs rsual aqt Jsodol lno euo6 a^€q Fnul aqs oN c ' , s d . t sq n L Cs l u u e l a q t 1 ol r o D u a uo u s r a r a q t o N E ',aue6 e, psIP d aqs aoul ua^3 I uop a,\\ iuossalalo pPq iluo aqs oN I ',reuuDls sr!'{ lsqur€uar I ss]\, sea aq ,\ aur oH oN q ur lr patesdai aq pue sueu r6q s^Po aqs !eu! ls s.rf! or bLrr)lPads 'qnlcsql ans u 6 r u a l s l P t l l^ r o a o u p € q l l r € o l e a l l n Do H o N c ,Iea 3ql Iq 6al rnol sr aoH, :s?/t^uortsanbslH ,paur3'uo3 Iraurnuao.s€a 3q lPql uorre.rpurou s?r aiaql arrlodoureqsea aq alr'lM oN ' . p o o 6 ' , q ou, € q l l a u l 0 u r u n qI q 6ur^pssEA oqs rELtalloqs ln3 ilfcrnb pu€ ^ea lPnsE.e ur 031raq rnoq€ pa)se aH sa,\ su: \sNvro sNor.wNvrdxs
Y9Z sutsMsNv
H[rv]HcNvrunslll fL
15Aspectsof Education PAPER s: lNTERvlEw In small groups,lell each olher about your educationto date, ior example:whetheryou went to a pre- or play school, what school you w€nl to ior primary educaiion,what secondaryeducationyou had (or have had),and whetheryou have attendedeveningclasses,or any At each siage ol your discussion,give as much iniormationas you can aboul a) ihe period you spent at a school, b) what the school was like -timetable, teaching,lacilitiesfor spo.l, etc-,c) whetherthe school was sesregaiedor co-oducational,and d) what you thougntot that period ol your education. St'rdy this photo and inen in pairs ask and answer ihe queslions below, and discusslhe general queslions.
About lhe photo 1 How old do you think lhe children are? 2 Where are they, do you think? And who are lhe two women w'lh them? 3 Do you ihink lhe children are enioyingthe visil?
1 What might precedeor follow such a visit? Whal would you do if you were a teachef Why? 108
2 Do you remembergoing on any'educationalvisits when you were younsef whal were they like? For general discussion T h e v a l u eo f ' e d l c a t i o n avl i s i t s . Educalionin the luture. Disciplinein schoolsand collegesThe purposeoi museums.
601 '30€dra^ouaql qeEo,rddE ol,' oq uo acl^pe auos puB sasrcrsxf uo0Eelunuurocparnt3n4s10$lduexa 3L!os erB araql 'uatqord P ol suoBntos0urssncsrp:IPld alor :au lpPsqrad€dsaau " 'ourqursap :6urpP€l e uo 6urpupdxa:6u|ruredP ot OulrPor pu? 0u rajdraru ^ EsOrt:uotqord P lnoq€ a.t^pe 6ur^10ial.lUE rsdPdsi au e uo 6urluaLirllloc 'surol jo raqunu :rldol ? to uoDrsodxauP :3ldol? ]o uorssn3srpsP qtns € lo auo IuB satEr &r^r1.€aq|saoBss€d oql puP qd€rooloqdaql lo uorssn.slp aql ur p6cnporrurauraqloqt anurluocllra (,aslcraE uorlE.lunuuoc parnFn4s, e sp alP3rp!,{so6Puquec aLlriq paqu.sep) asldalul aql lo !€d prlql oql
,t ol^relul aql lo esEqd prlql ar{l rol 6uuPderd
' ' ' s]c.ds! I€1I ^ueul uI reqc€3l 3qt e.€tdor lou pFoqs pue louu". lI o{lnJ elqeeeseroJ eqt roJ os urcInerot ,{15{risuroosprl? uoqe.trdd? s}I ff Pe}rurlt sr'le^3,{oq'11v1 ruoorss?I.eql ulq} \^?loo10lor€a tq lJl,lr ss^lsslueql {eql reSuol qcnlu ./(oq 8uu.pso.'!t sr3tl3€e} ,{u€ruull seqsruoorssqc!8!n8u?l olul (3qur€o'I e8?n3u?'I (c pals$sv retndlllol)'I'IVJ Jo uoq.npo4ul lue.er rqi,
pu ] l,uEcnoI ueq/,4 bulurEel zlooqcse^ee noI !aqMqole'pue areql qsnuru]ee luop lo turodsq] s,t€Ll^IeMIUE o^ trlolualuopeM tooqsso1o0ole^Eqax\Iq^^eas],uop
9I a6P le osF tnq 8I a6e le 6luo lou P"ulelqo aq uer suolpslllPnb rBql Pu€'l"sra un ^lPnun sl 6ulooq.s tuePuoras a{suaq adtuo) leqt 'a g lo a6Paql p loot{3sufaq ll3+lqr Pql are u-lats6s uotPtrnpaqstlrg uraPouraqrio safiqsa}z^grulrslPaql
lLratuot rroqt uo4 0ursue qurod IUP (ll PUs:a6enOuEl pu" a.rnos.raLtl (! ssn.s p u€ql puB sooessed6uraollol aql p?su
AsPEcrs oF EDUcATtoN
1 Indlvidual exposilion ol a lopic You may be asked to talk ior a mi.ule or iwo on a top c. ll you are, you may have t me 1o prepare it brielly. We suggeslyou p an ji very much like a short r ith c o r n p o s i l i o ni n: o i h e rw o r d s ,i o t d o w ns o m e d e a si . n o i ei o r m ( t o s e t h ew sorne vocabriary) and then re-orderthem ready to speak. Look at lh s iop c and the deas ihen ialk about it lor a minlte or two Add your own ideas as Yo! thi.k fii: Topic The effect ol the technologicalrevoluiion on iradilonal torms oi education
ldeas - inc.easinguse or compuiersin schools,col eges, elc. - sorne slLdentsin Europenow have compLtersat home:effect? - use oi complters lor sell-study(or individua slLrdy) al school - ess tjme spent in class groups in iuture? more iime spenl studyingon one's own or wiih siLdents ol oiher ages but similar interestsand sludies?
Now study these lopics, make notes and be prepared to talk on one of them ior a rninuieor soi 1 Memoriesoi my early educarion 2 Whatschoo has done ior me 3 T h e i d e a le d u c a t i o n system
4 subjects I wjsh I had studiedal school 5 Parentsand teachersshou d consult more on c h i d r e n ' se d u c a t i o n
2 Discussion with lhe examiner The examiner rnaydiscussa lopic wiih you. lmagineyo! are given thjs top c: 'Co-educationalvs segregaiedschoo s'. As n 1 above,jot down some briet notes,then compareyour deas with anolhersiudeni and discussth s issue by putling Joruard ideas co!nterjng ihem, lnterruptingwhere necessary ask n9 for examp ss or claritication,eic. 3 Expanding on a newspapef headline You may be asked io iry to exp ain the possibe backgroundio a newspaper S A L KO U Tl N h e a d l i n el.m a g i n ey o u a r e g i v e nt h i s h e a d n e : S T U D E N TW P R O T E S TT. h n k o f a l l l h e p o s sb l e e v e n t sl h a t c o u l dl e a dt o t h i s h e a d l i n e Could lt be ack of slldy faciliues,for examp/e,or a protest ai the expulson of a teacheror lectureror anoiher sludent,or even a prolest al a decisionbv the co ege authoriuesnot lo a Lowa proposedsocial eventto go ahead? O u i c k l yj o t d o w nl h e o l t i n e o i y o u r i d e a s ,l h e n e x p l an w h a tv o ! i h i n ki o a partner and say how each staie ol attairs mlght have come abolri 4 Discussing a piece ol realia Y o u m a y b e h a r d e da p i e c eo l r e a L i as u c ha s a c h a r l ,a g r a p n ,a m a p a d l a g r a ma , n a d v e r is e m e n t( a s o n p a g e1 1 1 )o, r a i i m e t a be . T h e exam ner will then ask you to disclss some lopic ar s ng trorn the realia, o r , a s i n t h e p r o b l e ms o l v i n qa c t v i l y o n p a g eI 1 1 s u g g e sal n a c i i v i t v F i r s io l a l l , s t u d yi h e p i e c eo l r e a l i ac a r e i t y l o m a k es u r ey o u u n d e r s t a n dt a r d i o b e g i nt o o r d e ry o u ri h o u g h t sl.i y o u c a n n o i understandpan oi it (tor examp e, some graphs are dillicu t to immediately),don t be airajd to ask lhe examinerio Lrnderstand 110
'(tooqcsol LUa$puas l.ej ut iou Pue)uorplrrlcu/!loraq ro slq al4npa ol sluPA orla lu€rPd v 'aoP IUBa uP uJo4lt€q! eql ss^olJaqoqa uosrad v )irod q6norql sr uortecnpa uJrol ls3q leql lo ( u o l P c n p ap u n o ] r r e ' l P r o u aE o a r )I i e ! . o s ur uPd.rarjl ^Ptd ot ^PPer'suazlrs alqrsuodsareuo.aq or sldood 'Nared 0unoi drnbe ptnoqsuoDeenpetPql uorurdoalr lo sl oqa V (slllls lo uoB!s!.b.E a rl uolssslordio qoJ 'lsrle!4snpuruv arnln] z iol quapnls u|e4 plnoqs uoDE.npaqurql oq/\\ aoP6taoul lo uolrrsrnb3E 3ql sr uoltBcnp3lo ure fieurud aqi slsal oqd ,larnpsl arsra^runY /(epol Aelcos u! uollP.npf :,rlotaq$tor eq] 10auo ouDiPlqcaa 'iEpol aorsos ur uoqEcnpessn.srp uaql '^\ar^]o qulod rsql pue sruPdlcuEd3ql jo suorrdu3sepaqi puE ^ptd ator slql Ipnls 'o^[ lo sdnorOut uotlenrrs.rPlmDrBdB lnoqe uo0Purolururo4 ro aotaq se suollducsapalor ulo4 Eul)roa dnor6 tlerljs€ to rsquJau E se IEtd olor P ur uEd a)lel ol psls€ aq iBur no^ uollBnlls dnorb E u! IEld elou I 'lroa le puaul P qlra uslqord lno^ ssnrs o aa^oqeoqt se pooo sP r€€u oraqaou elB saDrlr.el|euorlPenpa ai]l ar€qa puB wads l,uop loql so€nEuElasoqa ^iluno. € o1noi qrra aurocol uaql roj iaraq aq lr plno/{ ro 'i4uno5 u^ oqun uP ul pue nol uo4IP/!\€ tooqcssrql ol uarplrqcrno^ pu6s no^ plnoqs :uralqord ladedsaou 3qt ur 'pP e^oq€ sql oas no^'lsPf rB! aql ur Lpl"o aa tua^ pue 6u0sersNrrtpq) qo! cnspluEl! no^ parollo ]snr sBq urt, rnol .la^aaoH suoq uo4 ret tou looq.s IBP e plouP Il ddEqpue rno^ Ita^Fodsar Z! pue !! pe6" aou 3r? Uro€ pue ^oq P iLrarplrLl.
puelra4r,r\s_rlrrrnz '.?1 np enue^V 'sJr^{oJlunorue8pry
uuol l3d 000't3 :seaJ
'rols?ItrpmH aqt :o1 olF./( uoq€uuoJul r.qunJ roC
Sul]rls SurpuasroH Ernor sruueJ slood SururEr^\s
I$el e3u€4ue&rsro^Iun 01 lq8n€1 spefqns suv pue e.rel3s IIV (selpnrsJalndEo3 SurPnl.ur) $qno€J leuoq?cnp3lu.lluta llreE3^elqcE clluop€t€ lo Procer 1u0ll05xa :.8u?r o8v 8l
Iooqcs Supreoq I"uollEcnpo-o. ele^Ild
sutra\oJ rNnomtgcolu
'ao aq tsq aql tno ^r?c u3qt tuouesr!a^p? srql ^p.ls
NO[V)nCr rO SrJ]dSY 9L
15 AsPEcrs or EDUCATToN
Exam guidance 1 Picfureconvercation a) Studythis photo carelully and then in paks ask and answer the questionsbelow.
1 Where and when do you think this photo was (or misht have be€n)taten? Why? nor.) 2 Do you think thes€ people look ridiculous?Why?,ryVhy 'bubbles' 3 Do you know, or can you gu*s, why they are wearing on their heads? 4 All oi them sulier lrom hay fever, and the bubble allows them to breathepollen{ree air. li you sufferedbadly irom hay lever, would you wear one of these?Why?/Whynot? Now write down more questionsthat might be asked aboul the photo,and then again in pairs ask and answer them. b) Generalquest'onsand iopics Jor discussion. In pairs, ask each other these questionsand continueeach as a generaldiscussion. 1 What olher commonailmentsor diseasesdo we still need to find 2 Whenthey wero first invente.l,many common ev€rydaygadgels, machinesand so on lookedvery stranqe.Can you think ol any? What did th€y look like, and what do they look like now?
'suosEai€^r0'€raLlsaar^ rnol ra^alPqM 'et^ls uo$u^l lPurol e slPerpurol pual ptnoa sproa 6uol p asn aql pu? sa.u.luas x a l d u @ ' 0 u o 1 t oa s n s q l ' a l d u E x or o l :suosEala^r6',uo4 sau./ocaoessedaqr Iulqr 'u|Boe noi eroq/t\6ur^?su3q/v\ PUV srqrao'ls l'l6ru suoltiadsr .roqur, s,r6. puE surol ro ua)iods loqs i^qa pue qsllouf u61l!.r/v\ s! a6pss"d 6qllulqt no^ rsqlaLla^lr?alc ^?s 'aDEssedeql uo ruauuroc ol pa)sE usqM
ra^slErla ro'3lclrE isdEds,$au?'ls^ou P 'uoda tBcruq.al? !a$al leuosrade alduBxa r o l ' u o 4 s e r ! o cl l r s q l € q d ' q s r l 0 u 3r a D u / \ ^ ro ua)ods sr lt )urql no^ Iqa lrBFp u! uPldxa or atqe sq ol rdpro u ^llnl€rPt srou tr ^pnls z 'rt€ 'lr presa^eq lqolu oqr oprcopol puB lnoq€ sr lr !?qa ass ol qbnorql tqoir l(luatrs La^r6 orB no,(rOBssEdaqr DBoH I
ss6essEdrol 39l^cv flYx3
IssaussatqlEorq= l9l $suEFqns snolre^ ol uorlcP€rsrEralleue 1o puB 6ulllax\sol anp ltn$r aqi st slql s6unl aql ur saoessedr|E 3ql lo uo!ls36uo. ' 6 u r q l E 3 ruqr & l n c u r pP U e6 u r z s e q rs a s n ? cq c r q as s E a s i Pe u ( € r s e l B u r q F e
'lunoc uallod a!l qll/tl op ol jlB s,I ^ltls.r€ddv ll rnoqe op ulc | burqlous,araqf aur[ aql lle unr ssla ^ur puB Ourzaausdois r,uEo| '0u ds ul Illelradss 'soulurou auros ^lleau saurFuros tueseatdu.iro^ s.{rDuP /,^oul no^ ra^el ^eq uo4 pare$nssIP{\lB a^.1
raFuBlp ul a43ur E aarql IEq tnoqe $uJop ssBl6ur pBsolcuasarpoqr!3ql lo qrBd raddn aql sarntPar3 'oullBalr aj3a 'wr3 srll uro4lq6ll lo sueaq sql FU|E6zpslanoqlls sedPqsrlaql or]l ur 'oraql 6q}€arqol 6uuBplou ParPlspuE psddoF 3q €a4 ru a6rEl e lo )iun4 s$ purqoq6urpu€rs plno3 eq sB IllqllPsls sP 6u!P3lc a$ spre/v\otP3^oursaurB.
'ao€ssPdaqr uo luauuo. ptrB\r Plesro ualrla a^€q 1q6lu oq^\ (!! pu€ iuro4 euoc a^pq lqorurl1rurqr no^ .reqa (r I€s u€rll slusurou a€l € ro1sa6?ssBdasoql Jo €uo ^pnls sa6BssEd z
'suolurdornol rol suosPsra^!6 put',Ilrssuorl scldoi pqEtar sqr uo s/sal^ rnol ssardxS 'soloqd puBrrapun olAlllqE rnol lo Fal e s€ lou uolPsra uor ol ldlrlo,ld € sE ^tarourPepuorurs!oloqd 3qf arnprd s$ ur 6uruaddPqsr Frtr\ tnoqPsuoldurnssp 3)Eu ro 63uBrou0!ssardxaol prErF sq r,uoo 's^ps rautuexa 3ql lBq^r puBrsrapunl,uop noI ll uo|lecglrtts ro uoluadar e rol $e ol rsquaurau 'uE3 no^ sE Iwalc sE )eads :a/gurtul 1,uoppuv €l€roqBla ot p€i€da.rdeq :deasue pro,r-o,11ro-auo uoqs €^r0l,uop sPioa reqlo rl iqectunwuoc
sr^ralul 3ql lo uels eql uto! rqolu e "1 'oloqd aqi uo4 asuE ltjolu t{3!rl/$ s.ldor uorssn.srppuE suorrsanbleau€6 pslBlsr ',6ulsrssqlod^q ol sssupaxo. lo )iur!.1orlrl pu€ lPnlcerltarnd uJo4suorFenblo abuPr P rot paredardeq os suolls€nb3ql aas lo. ',$or^ralul I,t^no^ :oloqd 3ql aes ^luo llla nof 3ql ul r!lnoqP suosuos lee plnot noi lEqi suo0sanbp )u!ql'oloqd 3ql6ul^pnF sllqM z '44 BuluaddPqsl iEq,$squc6aPol rapro ul paau nol a6en6uEleq. ,o lulql 3t3'suorssardxePrcP, qealqo's3qlolc 'suorlsE'uopenls - sl!el3p aw 0ulou '^llnlersc tua^ I Ipnls arnpld aql Fpueq alE no^ uaqM I
arrq.ld .qr ro, ]3l^ov Wvxf uoltBsre^uoc
Norrvlnq] ro sDrdsY I L
3 Slructured communicalion exeicise Since ihe €xaminerwil be lookingior a candidates ablliiy to lunction in a se.ious discussionor seminar at Proficiency evel, this third part of ihe inieruiewlwhateveriorrn ii rnaytake) allows for lreer a) lmagineyou are given ihis lopic to discussor to give a short talk on: Keepinglit'. Here are some ideas and notes
b *rre l.t - a4ay *,6c "tare. I^+-'t"* 6/.n Keep.,B &- ftaa ad1 y'^!^alL!,
&vl (@ br@ki'4 -*'t&J. A,',) bda-aad [email protected]^La. * a,"4) aL.A &ga1u .ki?"ai^4;,ir'tu.a'l *121 grav.p: Sp-*+ "tt ttu. ora-@ .b tiotbda. "-".----j. Y* @eq E*p: p.t and @ .lnr atr a'jz4. ulzlo;tu 4/@ ' M9 4t- -. &,,a adbS -**^3
Now make briel notes and be preparedto lalk lor a minute or so on them or to discussthem: 1 Spaceiravel 2 [,4indover Maite. 3 The valle oi zoos 4 An !niorgettable experience 5 Preservinglhe environment b ) l m a g i n et h e e x a m i n e ri n i t i a t e sa d i s c u s s i o on n t h e u s e o i a n i m a l si n modern medical researchand experiments.You are asked lo talk L s 1 a m e d i c a ' e s e a r c h e r2: a d o c r o r b r i e ' y o n r h es J b j e c a jusl benetitedtrom a new drug;4 an an mal 3 someonewho has riqhts campaigneri5 a parent whose child suilers irom hay iever or Eachsiudeni in ihe group should make notes in order to speak as, ior example,the researcher,and so on. EXAM ADVICE lor lhe Slructured Communicaiion Exercise 1 When given preparaliontime, make trief rores only - thr€e or four ideas and perhapssom€ useiul vocabularyilems, 2 Be prcparcd ro iake parr. In other words, don't simply answer questionsor jusl read your notes. Your notes are meant io be promptsonly. Be preparedlo ask quesiionsyou6eli, io elaborate on what you say and to give clea. examplesot 3 Try to imagins yourselilully into any situationor role you may be given.
GENERAL EXAM ADVICE tor lhe whole lnterview 1 Be as confidenlas you can, be lorthcomins,and 2 Remember:above all, the examiner is trying lo tind o$ how wellyau can speak Englishthe ol she can only do this il you are preparedto talk.
tuexE arllcerd 6cuapgor4
PAPER1 READINGCOMPBEHENSION(Time:1hour) This Paper is in ato ports,SectionA snd SectionB. For esch question9ou onswercanecw in Secion Ayou gain one moJ*;Jor each question9au onswercode.tly in SectionB you sotn iu.o lndrks. No mdrks dre deductedfor urcns onswe$. Answero1lthe questions.lndicdte your choice of answerin euerycoseon a seporatesheet (which in the a.aminanon should shou your name ond exsminationindd number).Folloa careJuilythe inshuctionsobout hao L. rccord your onswers. SECTION A ln this Sectionyou must choosethe word or phroseuhich best completeseoch sentence. For each question,Lo 25 indicateon your ar''-nrqsheerthe letEr A, B, C or D ogoinstthe numberoJ the question. the tain's departureby a f€lvhours. 1 The accident .............. B sent back C delayed D ca ed off A retained . stoppedhim goingto sl€ep. 2 Tbe soundof a iap ............. D slopping B dipping C splashing A squliing 3 Before the firm closed down, li made 200 workeE D odla C redundant A obsotete B unemployed ......ofthe me€tingas it progrecaed. 4 The manageraskedhis s€oetary io take D minutes B note C reports A records 5 Hardlg a singleold building . ............. standingaher ih€ council remodelledihe tov,,rl. C kepi D continued A remained B stayed into a thousandpi€ceswhen it hit the iloor' 6 The preciousoystal\,€se .............. D crushed B dashed C splintered A crumpled .... a coin. 7 ThaTcouldn'tdecidewhatto do so they ........ C spun D tos.sed Aflung B ihreur 8 After much fruitlessdiscussionihe meetingwas ...............to ihe following day. C held up D withheld A adjourned B delened a songio hims€lfas he waited9 The old man satin a comerquie& ................ B gugling C ooakjng D humming A cooing 10 The food being cooked in the kitchen rvasgiving .... ..........a wonderful smell. D over A up B off C round 11 The joumalistwasin a ... ...........as io whai io do for the best. D contradiclion A quandary B puzzle C predicameni 116
uoslpuo€r c arcrsar3 anusuooar g 6}! a"v 's6upFq pp sAo arfl 6uelu -----or pappap saggoqF€ 6rp aql Jo ' ------
puaui g amc c 1ea4C Isaqv ol aulg 6uot P 'tool 6at qq q Puno ,\ aql
rqbno C uaryt aq ------
PFotts V PaauJ PaPaaug sarnsEarrp,l. appap rppFoc 6aql €Z
snwc D,€/YroH saPrsaSg 6qPuqsrl1.u$roN v f, 'af,up-rnsur alsl oldrpssaJau ' --''..-'''...' ?auercnD e qlm sauoo lP] ardl lno zz flnss,]l q.nP c qauuq{c v sall3ry c sralrn6g --..------ aqf 'qsr9qrupue sa eal peaP Jo IFI aJaihpaqs aqt ]o apF a$ urtloP 6up:a1d6 'ureaJts------
bulqqeFV bulpgqs J luappls g e q Paldrua$4 6luaPPnssP1rfUPd aql 0Z
padsod g a sGdsrad C uoz.uoqJ pooqlp'fl V 'lga6I€u aqr u.n+!,n6upodu{ ssdqrsnqp -----'--- qls e s€.rralaq} ples la6eueur aql 6I fprnpsqe C
6plnaa.a J '$aau aqt6q
6l6uo.qsg 6FaF V - -- aral 6aqJ lasdn 8I
srpadsod ruarDlddns ra$sal8 lappoq V C C 'saqrd pue sqefteq s,Iaamar+ qIm -____- e papueq ss!\ aq ta$euudns aql ry zI Ile Pasnoe c
Palq,\uo. J Parcpas g Palmasod v 'uoqrd q srsadotll o] uDql .-'''..-'-.'.--a6pnl aql
arElam C
qgord V sabErue^ppC $puaq g 'acgll.es aql quo l aqr tpqr tuq ppt ropop aql 9I
ladr aq pFo,yrpIP 6r+lEarlptrlo{ qreb pFol aq--
6usu!6 bulzEp V ouplledsc 6u!aumll63 A -----'6u!ql6upaas os s? r +{6n aql tI luqnoc 6arp sanqul lt'\a]e Iot lPql paqseqeB palunep V passedfis 6o6e C C 'p6^lo uI qot /t1auaql 6lllgtsuods?r __..',...-..' reqmallos s€ 1aq 1s{} tv tI Io lunoule aqt iq 6rq lsa.6 C C ',$o 4le aurBraq ]o FaP
q6!q A aAlEIV ---- e sPuadsaqs
L XrdYdttYJg tf, Jvtd
SECNON B In this Sec,tion9ou ui\ lind after eoch of the possosesd.number ol quesfiousor unlnished statementsabout the passage,esch wih four sugsestedontuerc or wsts of frnishing.You must .hoose the one which gou think fts besLFor each quesfion,26 to 40, tndicaieon your ansl.Net sheetthe letter 4 B, C ot D asainst the number oJ the q estion. FIRST PASSAGE As with evervatislic movement,it is necessaryio €kmine the slyle agalnstwhich it rebelledin oider fully to undeFtand it Stanislavslgand Chekhov cannoi be enttely appreciatedwihout being at least consciousof the melodramaticsiyle of acling againsiwhich they react€d The husband,finding love-leitersfrom anothermanto hiswife,v,/ouldsiaggerbacka coupleof pacaE 'Life', unsteadilyand nise hishand to hisforeh€adasthough wardingoff one of destiny'sblot{s. 'is affirmedChekhov, noi lile that', a sentimentfaithtullyechoedby SlanislarskyA man finding suchlettersusuallydoesnot reactat all,ai 1€astvisibly.His immedateconcemisto try to capturea kind of diabolicalinitiativebyl€avingthe letiersexactlyashe found ihem sothat he hasall the time in the world to study his quarry and to decde on his reaction.After all, he doesn't \r,ish an accusationof snoopingto lessenhis mo|al ascendanca. Naturalb €achman would havehis own reaciionto such a situationas\,,/ouldeachtheatdcal character,but what boih Chekhov and Stanislavslgwere sure of qrasthat only a ham aciot ob€yingthe instruciionsof a conveniionaldramatjstandaworkadaydirector,couldtotterbackihe statuiorytxo stepsand bring his left hand up to his eyebrow Chekhov thereupon set about sho.ungup the falseby a poeticmobilisanonof all that is inconsequeniialandway aid in human intercourse,wiih the result that his plays are noi so much dialoguas as many intaluined monologues,plays in which p€ople ialk far more than th€y listen. SinceChekhov,the joum€gsinto the depthsof rc"lism and beyond havebeenaccomplished morc thoroughlyif not moreprofoundlybgihe cinana, but the the-atreisihe onedramaticad'{om leftwhich oeloits a lMng audence,asdoesa sport.I submittoday,asI haveahtayssubmitied,that the iheaire ]s basicallya sport, basedon iniegratedteam-play,with, as in all sporls, room fof improvisationand the opportunitiesof ih€ momeni, and very much dependenton physicaland vocalcondiiion.The &iver of a racingcarmaintainsa loosegrip on the steeringwheel,andusesit 'feels'hiscar round mer€b to conectthe carwhen an emergencylooms.The restof ilte iime, he the course.So ii iswiih acting.The mentalprocessesaretoo fastio intelleciualseai everycurvein the road, and g|ip the steeringwheel as tlrcugh your life dependedon it. 26 Accordingto the passage,Sianisla\.slryand Chekhov A were similar. B kne\uone another. C saw actingin a similar way. D are difffcult to appreciateimm€diately. 27 The passagetells us that usuallyin reil life men finding love leiterc ad&essedto ih€ir plot revenge.
B behavediabolically. C dsk being consideredimmoral. D play for time and don't react visibly. 118
1lquaql sl la1sar6aql inog qla Ir aql Ja 4olsaql la.nas6upFlls Pue P P P sBsaFu ro} uo mou6eur PUEs6ln$ 6ul^{ 6u6r€c 'pue +al auou 6ldu4s Io 6ur€dsr slt sasolra u aql'ua66xo sarybar a cgenbe lle a.uts q alaqr sauqau.:osTeI qa al ua66(3 a6er€s aql asodruoraP6aq1sp dn ll€ i! asn Egapeq aql uaB(ro paqosslp'o salddns alqqp e sJa rr aqr peoFa o ueJ - 6utPrx'Eded PUPqnd trlo+ 'a6ei as Fdt $nlu ulo{ - sats?m(anepe.6aP-otqro) clue6lo alo ua a 'uP6P uaql 'sursa4s6uunoqq6pu lo slalpm Puno.dlaPunolul suoqod l]aql aseapr 'abedaas6q 'osle 6etu adsrsPuelaql la o sdg IEIqsnPutq Pald 'asaqJ 'peal puE 6msraura{jl slerautu ro raptuedr ar spmoduror 6l.rEF4rEd'suoqod ale uaqr }o auos puE (puq alqepe.fapor.quou aql) w.,n lsap puuer egapeq qqqm sPlarslu Io a6uer aqr as Dut 6Feal6tua usJ sass'a.o.dPI4snPq uaql PaPeolE o 6lsso.6aulotaq $ary aqt u lop psodqp aEemzsIo sulaFds.lPlnlpN, suote4ua?uor ueqn uI €qp6ot aldoad to spuesno$ uodn spuesnoqls6ugq&snPut lP Io tsrlJ PaPcldulor arc(u qcnu sauoraq saF€matuoqralg41Io ualqord aql 'laPo IPIqsnPquPqmmau aql sralua pupluPurs€ lng 'uouplndod 6u$u LilL{ sulseal]u sI Pue Hro '\ aq} pq eluafllr! Io isou tn uoEnllod Fdt ugd aqt sqeuar stqJ afunors u€unq .rcleul e uaaq a aql ra o qqq,{ sas!-dsrP Puqs4q Io a6uei atuel 6D aql }o auo u4l a^F Pue IaP/t1Euqulp slauoauos olut ta6 llt,ttquapeq anultu aql }o a(uospq} q suoglPuo?aFuls asaql DPun rlsg Isar filuo aql -alaqdsotqaqr ot uoqrpc pue ua&txo untar oq/l1queld larP.vrPUPqsg 6q paunlsuor are uJnt q pue salsav\que&o asoduo:rap ol lale 1aql q paqossp ua6,{xo aqr asn qial.eg suqacoaql 01$o - auols Pu€ srpls Pue los Pue lPs jo - sqlqaP aql srnors .IalPmIo llrou aw '6utsusap-lPsto sra,{rodalqelaPtsuo36ra a^eq sla !J rsuourPuo. Prnleu laplm lng auoo or q rarsrl 6uquup sq jo q.nu q.!qm ulog sasrno. ralea aq] u! sapea qq Io asodqPol saulg lsallJeaaql u.ort PaPualseq uPLurPql xoPPlPde q ]I
39vssvdcNoc3s -uowutulapP qlB\ qed {agr 6ep Fnul c qqu 6uptuarp] J dL6 naql asol qtsea u3, g 'anD.agaq Fnur v slorrP rroqrneaqr ot 6ulProrcv I€ ?ods ro scF.uaperPqra't sair'ls c snlzdrut q rsol setl c 'gods Eqloue 6laDur aulooaqseq g 'sfEp asaql Euraqr 6q D o ualE uaaq seq V a.q qlP$ sa atPq rcqlnP aql 0t 'an6olplp auFua6 aFII O 'san6oPP Jpel e J Io 'suosPsa^uocPrgg.od6q g 'sanaolouou v 6q passat eleqr alE s4etds.^orfiaql 6Z -4qParun are 6u!.e Io saris cgeuPrpoPur c 6Fel!u{sr. r aldoad par pue $opP J ' quaula oul {a$ Io4uor srope tu€q g am lam suogfn4sq 6aqo s.IopEulEq v teqt pa alPq 6!s qspels pue ^oltaqC 8Z
r Edvd :t{vn rf,tJJYrd
1 PRACTICfDC{r}t PAPER 32 Accordlngto the passagethe main solrrceof u,aterpolluiion is A natural q,sternsof sewagedisposaldown rivers B sewagein uban concentrations. C seepagefom indushial ips. D industrialwasta 33 Th€ passagetells us that bact€riain riva wal€r A make milllons of people ill everyy€ar. B cannoi tneak dou,n all wastematt€r. C are destoyed b industial waste. D absorbioo much o{/g€n. 34 Accordingto tlle passagethe new urban-industial order A poisonsrivqs and slrearns. B damag€ the natural life clde of rivss. C has led to ?inincleise in populalion. D has toially desrroyedthe natural gstems of s€wagedisposal. 35 The passagetells us that the disposaloI !,Jate&ome\ ast€sbecomescomplicatedin wban-indushialareasbecaus€of A too much seqraga B ho.degradablewaste. C a combinalion of factois. D non-biode{rddablewasles. THIRD PIISSAGE E hoct 1 You can gd retirernentpension when . llou reach pensionage and o you have retned, or can be aeated as retir€d, ftom regular employment But if 9ou're a woman lafio is widowenwhen o!,er 60, you can get a refEementpension on lour late husbands contribdions whether or not you have retired. You are tr€ated as havins retir€d it o 9ou are not dolng anYPaid !r,ork; . vou carry on with some pard uro*. blroct 2 Like manv a successirlperson,you will be awarethat one of your gr€atestffnancialasseisis the abilig to earn a high income.You will also be aw-arethat the possibilitvof a comfortable retnernentis liLelgto b€ adv€Gebafectei by the combinalionof a reduced income and the ever'incr€aslngcost of living. Quite apart from retuemenl lolr may well wish to accumulatesome capital to gt\€ you 'elbo, room' in the yearsahead some financial Three main oHacles conspn€to reduce the eff€ctivenessof caeatingcapital out of
'sasuPlsunr4D uet ol 6r4proote 6Ie luaua4ar ra{e au.lotruls,aldoad c 'uo'suad alqpuoruor e c4 no6 saFsuauau.|a.qar J 'Pallar ua/\a ryon ue, no6 g aJ,no6I 'uoFuad E ta6 or FIdEc paau nod V PI{r ssf,P4€aa.n{rIF uro+ aPnpuo. rrEcaa'l 0t 'PPue6edo.rd d 'uotuldo pue pE ]o am$.nlr€ c ? ltatqns a 'Fnl.P] 6lamd V stpe4{a P4qr ardl 6e
'n'''"J#u:Y,*ffff S #;:"fiff."T 'quaur^Ed g uoFuad Euunpp 'sauDqrs uotsuaddn 6upEs v qllm paurasuooate spe4.a aan{l aql
'PPmroFrl6rqs Pue pa4P sI auoN c -68€qcpue paqar st p4'{r aqJ C 'a6en6uq pe s! Puocosaql g 6u.Egla 'Puo$ad Foul a$ q rsr{ aq! v aan4 st qqq l pau.Eouocst st e4€ aqrp aFF a$ se reJsv zt 'laqpue auo plPequo3 6aql c 'saemos UaDJJIPaan$ ulo{ ualq qqeqod alE 6aqf c 'auaq.s uoFud lPF.lld e 6u![as alE 6aql g IF ?pgle DdeclerEu aulesaql ulo.g auoc |F finEqord 6aql V ean4 q q.e.po aaql aql ]noqPsruauarstsasaql Io qqQv\ 9t 'uotsltap ql laPlsuorar or sasnPr6rns?arJ 6uusa sla"llo aqt tr dtalaFuror no asol ot PueF €86I tsn6nv puE l.udv uaa,'vtraq 'uogFod rlaql p paurssasssarNanbasqns ou qx,^ paFguaalP 6aql q.Iqf. ol assaan 6ed lqot aql 8unprar aloF
t rtdvd :vtYErl|rtrvxd
PAPER2 COMPOSITION (Time 2 hours) Witel\rb onb of the folowins cowotifron a.ercises"Your ans,rercrr,ustlollan aoctb the instruclionsgiueu. WiiE in Wn, not pencil You de aloued to make olteratiorc,b t see that your wo* is cleft and eos,,ta rcad 1 Descrtbethe cily lhai has made the gr€atastimpressionon 9ou. {About 350 \xords) 2 Parentsand school shorid play €qual paft in a childt education and upbdnging. Discuss.You rnayudte in the Iorm of a dialoguebetweentro speakss, or in €ssayform. (About 350 words) 3 Describeand discussthe enuronmentalprobl€msoI the place wh€re you live as well as any possiblesoludons.(About 250 urords) 4 Beloq,is a TV guide shoqiingwhatt on tonlghl
7.10 7.25 7.30 &45
International Boxing Na,s Weatherforecast on the violenceof life in urban CrimeIn Our Cities(a documentary €nvironrnents) 8.45 10.00 MissWorld(Whichcounty! Iabulousbeaulywill win ttrisyear's fabulousprize?) Iinestbrar - who makesit, 10.00- 10.50 ScotchWhisky(a reporion Scodand's whereand how) 1050 - 11.05 late nightne{rs You havejust read it through with horror. It seernsto you that TV prograrnrn€shav€ been gettingwo$e and srorcelateb, and tonight's ale just the limit. You and yEur farnib will not be watchingthem as you lind thern objec{ionableto you pasonally and potentialy harrntul to your childrm. Write an angry l€tter of protestto the manag€rof yow local TV station statingyour position, givingrensonsIor your disgustand adding anythingelseyou nraywish.Your answs should nor arceed 200 words.
(6) -----r'------
aul paml
pa8, ar+hlEN (8)
"raueH pEq uaul /Y\o[a]6uI ]o (/) --- "-------ar+ (9) ----------
-----------W1!l qt (Z)
lool p6 paapul
]Pq+qpaur s.PFo{taqr 6q auarmouord '
'peaq (9) '!paoul fllqqt pu auo Pue
f ollat pamreu-Poob'6uto86s?a uB ule I PIP sItF lnq pFolY\PFollraPtslnoaql (t) -----------'6lneaq
aLu ua.uor ro aryqs 6llsea " '
----le$ auFEunl (€)
Paumouai qaP!,!r sea& snou.rElmou qn4
--------'-"."6ul^II 'a 6ru q aruo loN maI s.Puel6uJJo auo q a eq sdElYtlE I {I) auo wn atu)ssDd6ulo]lool aw u! sluDg Paraqwnu atF {o qaDalM pmm qwns
v Nolltas
Finisheoch oJ the Jollowing sentencesin sucho wctgthc,tit neons e)cll) the some os the sentencepinted before it xx^MprE:Theyre pulling dov,n the old church.
.rmwpn:rhe ordchurch i" h4!.s..putJ-e.d..dg!-n,... a) Eventhough the weatherrasnt very promising,we still went to th;) beach. In spite of b) Becauseof her accidentsh€ couldn'i ride for six months. Her accident c) She troke down the moment she h%rd the nev,s-
On d) I had just left the housewhen I heard the phone ring.
e) He's very sirong, but he siil can'i lift thai boc Strong
fJ I'm surehe was havinga bath when I called. He must S) Pleasedon t ask her to the party.
l'd raher h) John is the mosl d€dicat€dsingerthere is in the choir There isn't
Fill each of the numberedblankswith a suitableuord ot phrase. Ex,{Mp!E:He took hts car to the garage..........{9..1:!9u.P..{......... rcpateA. a) Iit too latenow that ihe holiday'sover,but I wish .......................................... somewhere
your eyesL€sted b) You .. .... .......................... a long time ago. c) 'Ho,v long have you knor,r,nJim?' 'Oh, I ......... .. .. .. . ....in Paristen yearsago.'
po,EIIal qlE4sry q u.Ioqs? 1 aqs Pw ar\aPq aldoad F{ 'dl.!
.ri,rpe! lPI4 uo 6ulo6 r.uaD.yrnod qs.t11 I p
fllecgrerd 'sassq6 FoqnY\ fle P aas6lPPq uP3aH 'rooP lEc aq+q
Paqs . s€nrpuEq s.Iqd'ollauos
6ugur.oddsslP '(I/noPpl an]llal P ser'\u{l} aq} }poq aql lallv (p slluPtF luapgja os s?mdqarras qq asnEcoqPaqs.usqol a+p6 ol Fa6euetuaH (. a! pE r{+uotue lo} lsal ol alrl Pas!^PeaH (q 'Par.€d{a peq a.t\ s?
PooEs! lusarl Uaouo. aql
:*^s* '6niid;rnatafj;'a4' i;ptq iijqi id4;i;i6-i;6llricti;li rool
:trldnvxE 6u.qs€rnoqlf ^ buuaauraql aq l€ P'{l I Paumss? Pda$ 'tbn 6uD ur pararP aq rou tsnur sPromacaqt:uaoo srlccn aql6utsn tnq'axuayas puqyo aqt ol dutuoauJq alqlssoalso .toltu4sso a.uatuas tau o at)n'nolaq esu4uDs aWp qrBaroJ 'sllapq aq ssataql 'u{q qaq o} 64I -----,^IruaraIrp ryataldulor
| 6ugsararqsP
,rllalqod aql Paqos I rYroqsl sIlI !oo1, r'ool
! --------'-__-."-
,fqslu depmles uo lrEmqsar ^€u leql 64 PFoqs am {uII L {P
r utdvd:wug lSuJvud
Reddthe Jo owins possoge,then answerthe quesdotrswhichJo ou it. acrossEurope.Fortunatevtheir int€ntionsare not Newv,avesof invadersares:weeping good useof iieir holidayor weekendleisure' to make ih€y are mereb seeking warlike; aconsid€rdtlestir: theteasure huniersarecoming, ihesame, theyare creating time.All ireasure hunters are herel the Anned with increasinglysophisticaiedmetal detectorc,ihey saly fodh at the cracko{ dawnto track do\ ]r)Celticcoins,Merovingianclaspsor Gallo'Romanbrorzas.Off ihey go on their sealchesand - scandalousbenough - tlpy often find somefting! who are Indeed,theyfind a lot much ioo much for the liking of ofiicia-larchaeologists beginningto get wo/ried, especialbas the ranks of the treasure-huntersare swelling 10 mpidly. It was therefore high iime for the European parliamentadansio s€ek legislative arrangementsaimedat protectingnatjonalheritag€swithout seriouslyenooachingon the freedomof the treasure'hunierswhoseaclivitiesare lar from beingpurelynegative. Wth a visx io this, work began on a ParliamentaryAssemblyreport on metal deteciorsand archaeology,and an initial padiarnentaryhearingwas held in Padson of 5 D€.ember1980.This hearingu,asatiendedby archaeologisisand representatives it is exgessed by each side In ihe light of the vietrs manufacturers and usersdetecior against heasure'hunnng. possible ihe main a{uments for or to form an id€a of already againsttreasur€huniers,thereis6rstof allthe cha4e thai Amongthe majoraccusanons to lisied archaeological sitesby takingatlay the objectsth€y contain ihey causedarnage pattern of ihe past ArchaeologistsIeel that the of evidence and irreparablydisruptjng participationby non-specialistsis 4dremeb harmtul and that ii vrouldbe betier noi to ai all ihan to do so ino
'saHq.e q aJuaPP sDtunq-amsea4 4aqr Io rsPlorl 6qprP-a,uoJ auo q (o lnd quauln6leaWas@urums 00I-0q Jo r{dp.6erEd i(Zb-ln ]Feda4 tol uolss€dE a^eq ol a uE6olardalo6ar{rssassod ol plesaq qqfioJoaeqe pl.g}o pFor 6E^ lPq. ul (u esa+l^!.e u! aq o} ulEc srapnq-amsea4 op paFaratu!^loH (ur {aql ulog dauou EuplEur '(6fl)
6lsnoDlco 6aql as"4d aqt uiqdxJ (l ,rrlEluteul
e(ger),tua$.rcI lnq, aspn{da't to 6uruE"ua$ uptdxJ 0t z(ItI) {slaqumu}o }pet,e a eq ol ptpsaq qsFot@EqueFrrgJouEr/noH {f e(6zD ,&oF e qlal ar€Fnsaqt ua a, as€qd aqlJo a.ue apr aqr s!]erid\ (l asPuganenP qcns pue 6ueluos apeu a eq salunq-amsea4 ]eql qqfoloapqrlea$ 6uo,nu saop6qn (q 10zl) .saIsIE Isoloaeqrepalql,assqd aql ulqdq
z0E6I la$uarac q s.uedut ppq 6uueaqa(nto asodnd aqt s€ '\ teq d (t islopapP-Flaui asn oqM sraunq-ams€44qlr ^ ft{tpdulfs auos s€q latll.alaqr tegr tu.n+ nof a}plu rq6!u (s)aseqd rc {s)pro r leq r la aop or dn ras uoleblsa q drElualxplrEdue'adomgaln s?.t\lBq A '(6I)
. {6ulp $ are
stiuer aql as"rqd aq} ur.qdxJ ()
4(9F! IIt ,u,^lpPIo Trel] aql P quo] 6iFs, $atunq amsea4aql leql 6ul^es4 alpra or 64 la{rn a$ saop alrqqd leqn (q e(I I) (sjape ur, s" paqrDsapsrapnq amspa4aql a-left{ 1 (e 'saPl3!'ad pue slasrtua, asn peadsaplr{ aql 6q pauaFa4} 6lsnouass p l\1ns Jo r6qr asnBaq 6elaplnoql /rstsalqoIE"ur pamq dn 6!p ol alqe$ap q I lprg q raqro agr:(sauspaFrluo {rolv\r.raq}gll.,yr 6snqoof ale s]l"d{a pasluEocaraql acqs,asl4l.larIlo aPeu uaaq a eq pu pFor qcqm) sp".{ purq"q 6tnPlo3ar}o anF rtFuans aq} sujaouocauo :lue apr uaas qclq$ $Iatun6re ls{uq3al oiYqPlsruol}nd 6aql 6Fssl
f dldYd :y{v)s lftDyld
PAPEB4 USTENING COMPREHENSION {nme:2G-30 minutes} FIRSTPART $ appropfia@ Fot questions 1-70, fill in the missirstnformononor tick(J ) the box.es
C.41242 !
Lt'at; ,na,r"t-l -t o1/r-t l4ai
@ *
.lr,a.rx a da"ut:
e rni,.xed: YEs-7
@ .N*1o nvwoh ttnt
i^ n"aal,u**t"iiF
.ca,/i ,C4)t
in X*ue,calluz fl hn"t ,'u't*
ar uilh a lanulu ff
n woutd co:n hc'.r w
o c
o J g
'sapnla^ ua4Plo,qad $oq -4\ o .arr pe sJauedarlrpa/nollollt,! J ]]odsue4 clqnd alotu qlr/-y\ g 'alaq l/tla^a Pal.6r Pue pa{er11IIBam I v a3etdDU"q B aq PFot\ PFod\a$ looJ a{el3 o} 6upro3cv 9T 's41q l€.ol ss?dol paau no6 c 's6uPllnq PIo Uoddns o+a eq nofi :) 'uo!.e rgsP+ alel o] a^eq 6Pul no6 g 'ro puno. umol p auooaq ol a^Pqno6 v pq] qsa66nsapels 6ulalaf rqnpula66nfdo]s 01laPro ul tI
0 J g
c J g
-uo ]a^e4 ol sp€or uo ual uoor ou s arat{l arcPq c 'qq6lu ueunH qll,'Y!pauraruoc sl aqs asru.raq J 'pa^ordutaq usr sPeor6-qunormo lpun g 'sa4l a es ol €Pro u! v pa3nparsaplqa jo PaadsPue aas aq+aas ol a{l PFo '\ FlunH ueor €I 'a6e$aq.mo q*$ ueql UodsuEqqt!^ Pauatuo? arour sI aq C 'r/nop +da)laq tsnul qsor uodsue4 s{u!q} aq J 'e{B uorou uo srneura66n! saafe quo aq g $!Y! p Iasqq uug asPFeq spoo6 sud\oaq v asnpraqluaup{pd ul psodord aq+1sule6PPa}o qlus sauef zI .s laN 6ll'€c, aql ro} utrlnlor qlaam e alp,11 C le u.^1olll6lllaql q PasIp.lPue uroq ala 1 c 'luau"^our qq6u FLt{uv aq} }o slaqratu a !.e are g 'oluq.al6lod u.4orq6lH paPual+e v pued aq] Jo o \ ]€t+ /Yroq am suoq.nPo4ul s{poq aqr uloll 'O n
'A 'V 'saxoqaql auo u] Pg D rnd g?II lo
suogsanb{o q.oa toJ
ravd cNoSgs t xtdvd ;wvxl :lJlrf,vld
16 \ry'hatopinion do all four panelistshave? A
Thry have ihe sameobj€ltions to jugg€.nauts.
Thay believejuggemautsshould be banned completelv.
C They think iuggernautsshould be reslrictedio motorwdys
D They obj€lt to juggemauisfor one reasonor another'
THIRD PART For each oJ questions77-22 put a tck in one of the boeesA, B, C or D 17 What did the author sayabout Foiheringay\ miraculousposrers? A
They rev€aledthernselvesunexp€ctedly-
Th€ryw€re due to his strong imaginaiion
Theg w€re innate.
They could have been predicted
'So you say' 18 Toddy Bearnishkept saying A
to erpresshis age€rnent
to show that he understood.
ro orprax doubt about wtlat urassaic.
to oeress his impalienc€.
19 Who did Fotheringayrealb q,ant io coflrince? A
The landlord, Cox.
Mss l,laybridge.
C The cyclist.
l',lr Beamish.
20 Of those watching,the one who neither agreednor disagreedwith Fotheringals d€finition of a miraclewas A
the landlord.
ihe cydist.
Mr B€amish.
the landlady.
c J TI
6u6ueq durElaql ^\€saqs {e aqr q u/Y\oP-aPtsdn 'alar+naulosuorl rPqaql oluo pa&al 6FaPPns'pnP v 1lool I a ue ql/l1 raq P 6uuer5se/\\6e6ulraqpl 'laq IrEIe ol 6qo5 s?,Yllqcdr aw ]q6noql aqs
c 3 g v
eurPa!6 a6Psq6ewssn^tPrP6qn
c J
'paEudlns06 se/!raq asnsraq c 'q Pa{P/n lsnf Peq oq^"rauoauroEpal6 o} c 'a lod aq 01lsnl g 6uEaa6 s.qslusag o]Ia a. PuI V
,iotFH,PPsdeEulDqrol Iz t f,ldvd :htvlg I:)|lJYtd
PAPER5 INIERVIEW (f ime approx.15 minutes) 1
Shtdg thisphob corefully.Then at6wer the queaons below and be preporedto discus one ot more of the reloted t.picf..
Ouesrjons 1 Where vrasihis photo probably taken? 2 What hasjust happened,or whai do you think is about to happen? 3 Whai do 9ou ihink mighi have causedthis situation? 4 Will ihe lace be stopped?Why?, ,Vhy
Topics Dangeroussports Spori and advertising The atiraciion of different sports Your own hobbiesand interests
5 Would you like to drive in a Grand Prix race?Whv?,ryihynot? Note ln tlle CambndgeProficiencyExam Interuiew'you wi only s€eihe phoio: you will noi see any questionsor topics.
'paqs aql unop 'todsuD4 zttqnd ua 6u PoD4lo rD. D DuqlJp 6uDaJDE]ir,s,nd ns,alro liods oN jqdol slrli ssnrsld t Jo/PuD
6uD,lt\nuDql snopauop \ou
0 u r ^ L oe q n J S 6urtrPS 6 u r e o q r e io d 6 u r t o Ht o d oLrrqsri 6ur^rO 6uLeouPC 0urlEoE scua qlv
t-l €9 -l -t 60
az 9t t9 I
(6ururur^ s u€qrroqro) Duluaorp^q qlE€O
z e zl 9l 8l I I I
I Z t 6 z 6t 9! I 9L
qrods ralBM 0u looqs 6urtc^CtePed ouuseur?runon slroos rolot! 6 u r pU s s i o t l sauiPg lle€ slrods srr]alqlv s u o o sr v
e86! puB z86t )tn :sa!l!^!l5eerns!al pue buluods 6ulrnp slu.pl3ce lelel 'slrads sa]nsDaw 1Dql ut ttlbtu utorar EuapD)D [a rzqunu aq acnPa ol pa)npo4ulaq's3us4qs asaql dPnls e auos (!1puD wa\l ot slrowDatJno6 (1ssnrsp sttDdLr uaw
+ualuluoso] p"ulraP srH 64unor usiarol e 6uqsl'\ Jo 6luntioddo papadpun "Itr "q1 pBqa Eq ol pasPaldseMe6prl rw ]€tll Pal.rod"rsl ll Basol lno rr PaLuPrPUPPPoq aql l,tlo4 IIPSsq,6unu Pu!'t1l asro] Io rsn6 aq+tooulJtrnsPu$1uaaq uappnse uaq^ 4pq) to uaot qsruEds peq B6p{ {,,{ lpoq 6l qsq nurssBde 6q otorol^tr uaquoN }o srz]Bmurlp.rna$ uo4 Pznrsar^BPratsafsemB6Brl ianuBl,{{,{ (q 'IIOUI (Fru O]qU &HUNSCNIIIT SAVC I IflIlV\IJS
'pal€llepun3q lou pFoqs ;u€8ol rusiroqursulenpt^IpuI.ql sllnsq.rq^{.i€r e ln Sunsel;ordpuEsotismu1Jellm sqtJo:sn er{l'{poq.ql Jo SuruoqlsodFrllo. .q1 \eor]s rq:y 3q1 lo sll€d ruergrp 'Sur8goi iur lo^ur 'r!lduo. crolrl .qqeroplsuo.st 'ra^e,!'\oq enrl 8uluuru lno 3ulo3 pu" sllosulrldrno,{ uo Sullnd Jo reu"ru € ,{ldulrs3q o} 3u€3of roprsuoJaldGd {u€N 'tt aoDssDtlatq uo luauwos puD pt's "P oqn (r pLlD'wo4 awo. aoDqlq8tlru1!,1u!q1no6 uzltyn anD1l1t16tw aJaqn (t ftx uaqJ Euawou nal D tol sa6Ds$d asaq to auo 6prqs
LISTENINGCOMPREHENSIONTE(IS The following pagescontain 1r'anscripis of all the Ljstening Compehension te)(isused in hesentaiion and other phas€sof Units in the Coutsebook,aycludingihe taxis used in ListeningComprehensionTests (Unifs 4, 9 and 14, and Paper 4 of the Ractice Eraml, transcripisof which are to b€ {ound in ihe Te,achelsGuide only-
Unit2 Look al pao€ 16, Exercise2 You're going to hear a radio lnlerviewwirh a socioiogi6t.Lislen to lind o!t his 9eneral v ews aboutthe lamiy bday and about slbst llte parenls.Ready? We s6€h to b6 hoarinomore and more nowadaysaboutthe breakupol rhe tamily' that parenlsaron t s good as lhey used lo be or lhal the lack ol good odj6hion€d lamily lle is one ol lhe maln causesol the r s e n l u v e i i l ec r i m e "T o o o k a l r h et a m i y and the role ol parentsii lhis day and age, we ve nviledto the slLdio Dr Neil. a wellknownsoclologist.Dr Nei , are pafenls 'worse lhan they used to be? /sthe ramiry w e l l , l e i s r e m e m b e r i i r sor l a l r h a r p e o p e have been saying for years that ihe iamiy and lamily iJes going to the doos. But ln spite of that, lthink lamily lile is difie.entnow, and nol ceab y ditferent In a nlmber of ways.You see, in addilionlo a subslanlial ncrease n divorce in many countri€s,um t€wer peop e are gell ng re So yo!?e sayinglhal lhere are now more one-parentor sinCle-par6nt f amilies Oh, yes, most delin lely Far more than tlrere ever used io be Blt nol only are there more one-pared fami ies, bul lam l€s in general seem lo be smalrer.Afd lhe reason{s)ror Neve,lhelessrhore musi aso be other difierencesbelweenlamily lllo now and that of, say, thirty or lorty years aqo. Whatabout lamiies in which both parentsgo out ro Yes. Dua ca.eer' families,as we 6all lhem, a.€ much mor6 common.And wha|s more. parentswho both wanl io conlinuewith thek car66rsoften do so when the r children are still very younq irdeed. Yes, we receivea lot of etlers lrom people who disapproveor mothersqoinq on wlh lul time careerswhie the r chidren are sti I toddlers.But besidesthese difierences,I know lhal yo! have recenlly highlightedin som€ ol youf rosearchyet anolherway in whichthe lanily unil is difle.enr now. Yes,lhe subslllulepaienl. More and more paf€nrs,c€dainly in rhe uniled states and in Enqlandand other Eu.opeanco!nlries, are
paying more peopleto look an€r fteir chidren. They're pay ng lor substtutes I you You meai, llke baby-sifieG,play groupsand Yes, butthere are other s!bslirules as wellol course.Teachers youlh club eaders,. . . And teevsion, in ils own way? Lets go back to teacherslor the momenl.Un primaryschoolteachershave aways rea ly had er er a substituleparent role, havei t rhey?whereas rhe ieachersol oldef children teach readino,writing and academrcsubjecis, ihe primary schoo teacher has a ways r€inlorcedwhat llre par€nlsa.e dorng helpln9childrenlo acquireoood habils and s o o n . A s w e l l a s p e r h a p sl o s l a r t i h e m read ng and writ ng. Yes. and sometimeethesltlaton has cr€aled oh, you frean, becauseol dlfierent 'messages that chidren miohl be qelting trom parenlsand teacrrers. There are peope now oJ6olfse who lhlnk thal, becaussof more parenlsgoing oul lo work, teachersol older children shouldtake on or at leasl be aware oi the tact that lhey Yes, tho.e are peoplewho rhink lhat. Bul it's very diilicu t becaus€olthe amountol lime teachershave ii which to teach what they Can we go back lor a momenllo smaller iamilies,which we menlionedearler? are eliecls ol lhere perhapsany noUceabLe Y e s , l h 6m a n t h l n g ,l i h i n k ,i s t h a t l h e r e s e s s m i x i n go l a g e s .I s s a i d l o r e x a m p l e , l h a l g rls learn lo be parenlsby being lnvoved wth yolnger ch ldren . . . A n dl e w e rc h i d r e na r e m l x i n gw l h y o u n g e r But thats not oi primary imporlance,l8o! d have tholghl. ll seemslo he that whal a chid really needs is a lov ng envkonment- and you cant oer lhar when w is lhe substrute Yes, relevison woiiies me A child needs basictrust and love and a commitmenlfrom a human being.al the other subslilules- babysift€rs,play group and primary school reachers,youth cllb leadersand so on line.
9at '''pu6@0o.€rol puB,tepolorpn|saql o] 6uruo. )o] no^ lueql ol $trt |snr p,t os roJ 6u[ e ,6a lle s,rell ptR4eu,I]nq lren tuals^u 6uDeuese] r s,rl 'saqlo aL| B qrM .re ar€ql se tuo3q] leql ol suoFelqo p )€qun! E aE 6i6ql '3lqi.sod se IDt. nb sB dLqBpouopleqe ple leoqa!taqlroJ p€qsnr3loIra a pua uElE aql polnoqs€q 5lursol6uto6 sRMro !6uDl!rs s ? Md r l s . q l l e q l 6 u t w r q l l r u r r . l e a p u n o l pue ptoq oql olurlrop 1u6a eolres aql p auo leql sr uotFa66ns6uo'purl auos lo srs,c e sEA areql rutql trlLEuosFd|t6l6rduoc 6urq !e a^ordslpro 6^ord 1,u". no^ sl tu.|s^u aq] ql1ft uetqord 6loqa aLlllnq n.r^ Iu ur '6s!€s raBaq q.nu solEu srql ll.M euorn os ,easlB srsuc,aql lnoqBleqM 4ep ol sn u€^ro6^,nol sauo€qt .ql e lnoqe Inlqnop punos nol 'tuo€qte s,I leoqall 3ql ur drqs aql pauopueqepue preoqra^o sorpoqaql paddorpI.q]'.!op p,Iaql r?qa pasrtear^aqt u€qa u6r]] Atrtrelsrq pue '6! re. seM drqs urEtde.aql poraprnu u.ql .ql q.rqa toqoqE eqr p.uos )llBrp a.rc €ql tPqtsls€66nss.uoaql ,a.u.lor^ 6ql p .!o zs.loaqt A.Brldro 6ruato^ a$ lnoqBnoH 1 l a ^ o r d s l po l 6 u l q l o u soraqllnq .tqlsneld ^ie s,lBrllxurqll,!op I taM €6s eql oNr lasulq M6rqru.ql pue auo,tua^€p.r6prnd ple peu lua ^ll€cL*q 'IRf.qt Iq snotEtLor ,(tuaru.t sea oqa !u etdec ar.]l]eq] pals€66nsuaaq seq ll se^ 'AuEsur p.uoDu€u os|B no,(rn€ 'atqLssods,I slooeueldxa€ql llR.{l | 'leoqoll.q] ut .de.so ol po!]ro pEoqre o psdunl pue pee uo^up tF.r.a l€ql lEq] sr uorrs.66nsoql 3]d IUE lv eas .ql uo4 ua^€ ro 6r.quIs,drqs €q] ur sn6un]oo4 raqllo sE6 snouosrod! ro pE€rq€ql ur sn6unl ,(q raqra aoqouos p€uosLodsea prPoq !o auo&a^€ lgq]p.F.66ns u€€q s,ll 1l3M ,uotrBuEldxa€lq ssod e se ltruBsutro ss€u r lnoqe leqa llaM 'eas slsu. ^lprLq] }E pue:!aqt uaollun lou sEA u.rqM il.errd ro €.ueLor^ itpuo..s :,{luBsuLross6!llr ilosrrl :s6urpe.qaarql Fpun tF]lo purl l|e ^€ql ]nq s€uooql to suazoptsoutE .r€ a.ql ' Ull€M UH i,uaql qlra suo!sr^ord a)iEttuql LuprpIqM leoqelt eqr ur p.de.s. n€rc €qt,r pue peuopuBqPA.r.Lduoc drLrs aql sBn ^qr :€rtu€lsIu lEar aql€€s no?(s6l '€6!erts arrr,usr 'I!nq rear6 R utu6t peq.lotue^a I sB plrq€q uat uoaq €^eq ol p.uaas 6ulqlna^3 '].Blur *M otue. €ql !|9 lnq'ploq eql !r ralBA 6uos sEA araql puE ssdBd 5,diL16 6qt poEsluaunrF!r uotrR6r^e!€ql.r€a e !6ursslu sEA l9oq€ll 6uo sql pauas€p 'p6lopueqe sEA ,arsq€c MeA, aql lPrrBrqrg ol drqs sq 6u tles se[ oqr €snoqroor't uredPc a Iq s.rozv eqr u ^Ltecwro p!nore 6u| Rs punol sea drqs aq] ,rolEl qpou v ad. 3 pue !3lq6nep plorBo^-z pue
qra srq €rad pEoq !o s66irg uEldec r6p!n 3 o u . e r o l t r o l a € N d o 4 l P s l a s ' d r q s6 u r l r e s otue. e spa orts',.lsqaC tuet'!, aql zlSt 'r.qo].o u :as€q}6i€ spel aql ^l|a r€ 6lllrl e s6urql^Jldursi.^o ol €^B! tt,ttEsodsrp Iu l9.u|r eql p aar^ u!]na €sno5]o se^ i'drqslBq] uo p€u6ddeqa^Bqlt6ru leqa noqB s€uoaql aqllo auos sn llar noi pr.o.llaM qv ''ols€l6c tuEn, aq] ]o tuats^u 6!t Inoqe olDlE] u,t oN asqoereqd .qt,o €snc aql aB'lr sr 'lcrla puv 'arolaq plEs .^€'t sraqp tBqa erPls-.r sr op ol alqB u€aq €^.t E lgqt tuEulproBrxeo5 s,leqt auo sl ar€qt tn€ lsed aul ut sru€^. pue s6uru.ddRq urE!.. rot luno€E ol p.]s€66nEu.aq €q]lo 6uos lo le.u. o^eq ]Eq] suor1elEldxa ,a^o u6.q .^eq I asoddnsI puv a^eq I s3 anol t,ua^Eq 'arEpor prearolrnd u€eq 6^"q leq] solrosql 3!l ro ^!eu uonoqlsr €^,no,(Inq s6!ru3dd€q a6!e{s p sNno..e p I nl s,l 6!!Eur.€el 6lLnbsr lt|ear I puE&oq aql pear 3^,! ll6M )ooq eqr .lora I ^qn uosB€r.uo,4 snot^qos,rPqlple are ^aql s€l ' ' ' uo os puE ln]laplod ple praa €qr lsnoualslu €ql ul polsoralul aq o] u56s s,(epPAou€tdoedp slol aoN '0ur!a^a pooe ')ugtrl 6uru.^a poo9 r€IIBI )rew'ptroa aql p s.ueFlu uo looq ae! E to roqlne 6q1au ql|A 3^Bq ol pose€lou I plP 5i€aa srql pds ,sroqrnv.ql laa!1l,rno rol aou puv proJxo!t lesns rol s€a pro..r |eql atrpea! 's.uoaq]tuaraup 6ql uo pue pauaooRrl l?qd ]o slc4 eqr !o sapu o)eu plE uarqt ao'Ine ue qla aa|lalur orper e re.q ol 3uro6.r,nol'6utlats|-] tz 66ed le )lool satro€qt pue sou6lsll1 c lLun
t llun 'z tLUnp pua aql sJeql plv 's.ro! .fPU pue uE6e ualql '€ asooxf re rcot pue adgl aql putMarnoN ''''''ur 6u! ol sr.uaF trol sault€uortdrno u.do plnoqsaa !aq!nl srql €nsnd aM oroFq sdEqrad |]€M 'or rq6no Euored auu q.nu )u qt I se !.rp rqc r.qlllia se puadsol ua$ ao s tou saop puEuor or lno oO ol slu€rBd,tuRUs6Jot qsrqMuorrenls rruouoc..ql sr ot 6url5.tqo u,tleqM sal '3tor rno,(r.^o 6ur)iPluotst^otetolr.elqo no^ lnq 'oN - u€rp rq. rnotr rate 6u!)iool e/do.d r.qto pu e l,uop no^ spro$ r6qlo ul iuaaFs €renbs eql lou lng '6!tpu4sr€pun pu€.^ot plrq. E Fro ttB uB. ,(€q]'saar6€p6ulfue^ 01ple'Ied uMo rtaq] ul
ll yoo wlsh io lslen lo the interviewaqain, And thal s lhe end ol Unit 3.
Unit 4 Now ook at page 24, Exercrse1b. Yo!?€ going lo h€ar €xlractsIrom a newspaperarticle read by peopl€wilh dlliereft non-standardEngtishaccents.As you llslen,wrlle in the numberol lhe speaker again* rh6 6cce.r. Readt4 Duringlh€ past l6w years,lowo and cily planne6 in Britain hav€ be6n drawinq up p ans ior lhe cly environmentofthe luture. Their main @ncern is io eliminateweak spols, hlding piacesand iemptalionin order ro.educe rhe amountol vandalism,muqqinq Criminalan€ed hiding places,such as tall h6dg€s,l6nces,dooNays. and so on, so lhe cityenvironmenloi the iuture will have wide open spaces.and parhsand other pedesrrian are6 willbe lit at night wilh 5lr€61ighlslhal should be vandal-proof . sec!rily will be one oJthe prim€ considerationsin ihe deslgn ol build ngs Visitorsto blocks ol llals or prlvate houses willbo ch€cked6ilh6r by carelakersor by remolecontrol televlsionmonito6. Allol lh6s6 p.opos6dmeasures,and lhere are many more, willbe puttoQether!nder three new Brllish Standards- ona lor dwellinos,anotherlor commercialand ndustrialprefrises,and a ihird lo. public Work began back ln 1942wilh the lkst meetingol a new British standardsInstitute committee.Bop.€soniedwere membersoi lhe police,the securiiy and insuranc6induslrios, ocal authorilies,surueyors,arch lects,fire olllcers,and many more. Sx. The aim ol lhis new SSlcommltleels to prcduc€what js n ened a comprehensive security blueprint.In one documant,il hopes io reproduceallthe avallabreintormationon vandal-proolsl.eai lurnilure, locks,and securitydoo6 and windows. ln the iuture, everycllizen wlll not be regardedas innocenland aw abid ng. nsteadiin order lo lead a lroub *iree da ly lit€, he wil have to b€ pr€paredio prove his innoc6nc€.In an att€mplto deler terrorist b o m b e r st ,h e c i t i 2 e n s. . . Now r€windrh6lap€, listen again and check yo!r answersellh a partnerand lhe class
Now look al page 24, Exercise2b. You re go ns to hear someonetalkingabolt rhe rise in c.ime. As you risren,u l in rhe missinginrofmationin the lour boxes.Dont worry ii you miss somerhingrhe lirst time. sad ihough li is, we have lo adm l lhat crlme is on the increa36,6sp€cially n larqe cilies like London.Not only have mugoLngs, burglariesand car theftsb6c more common,but a//crimes apparently. These are the lrighieningllgures lor a// crnes comhitted in London:lhere w€re 354,445recordedcrimes in Londonback in 1972.By 1982,only t€n yea6 aler, lhal ligure had more lhan doubledto a stagqerino $4,179. ffia,179!Bll lhe mosllrlghteniig of Ell is lhe a mosl unb6li€vabl6,and very wo ying ttae in artued rcbbery over lh€ sam€ period,l.om 330 recordedcases in ls72lo not lar off 2,000in 1982.To be pr€cise.there were 1,772reorded casesol armed robbery in Londonin thal year. Thais 400 p6r cent more lhan were commiltedl€n y€ars belorel Noo rewind the lape, list€n dgain and check yo!r answ€rswith a parlner and the class. Look at page 25, Exercise2. Yo!?e gol.g to hear lwo Peoplebeing int€rui€wedin the sbeet as parl ol an opinion pollto discoverthe aiiitudesoi the qeneral publiclo cerlain social problems. As you lisien,lill in the chart as il you eere the lnterviewer.Mark M'lorthe man s opinions,and W lortho womans. Ready? Now rh6 next qu6tion. I m g o i n gt o r e a do u t a l s t o i c r i m e s a n df o r 6ach one ld like you lo tell me which ol the sentenceson the card you leel should representlh€ maxrmudsenlenceimposedby
Oh...donlknow,realY. Well, thais becominca lot more common. certainly a senteoceol som€ kind . . . i m p r s o n m e n t . . O h ,s e v € no r e i g h ty e a r s . Mm. Possessionoi drlgs? Abolt the sam6. Perhapsa |nle lonqer.Say disgusted 1enyears. lmusl say l'm absoLut€ly a t i h e w a y p e o p l el i k et h a ts p r e a d . . u m . . . Hljacking?Oh, about 15 year in prison.
You couldn't have a list ol crimes wlthoul hurder, could you? Life. Life lmprisonmeni. And by thar, i mean lorthe rest ollhg murd€refs llle. Not let oll lor good behavour
'Mou)i l,!opFnl lnq prplqsa '6ur!als|-] I uno. u !a^6 oq ptnoqsFlder B a.!al@s €e 66ed }E loot 'aal.os r6unsuoc tBrta aoll l,uop Alls€uorlI pue sLr6rsue Irun oqt tBqa roul l,uop IllEar l ln€ 6ulu€]q6ulsl sau r.lo pu])l.saql jo,b!onb64.rll ureDv tnessP temas pue adeu 'l!tqr LreLlMs,reql '3dEl€qt purMar'urR6eu€ls tol qsls no^I tsEa ]v €err-rocsgo 16 u6uo 6rE - s6^€rql -sr4 tdoqslea.qlte p.zeue ,{ .tntosqe @ | 'op ^aql ueql sa.ueluas raolot qcnu a^racor '6uLqttuEop ol lueM r,uoptsnl ptnoqssrauldoqs !€^l uo os pu€ !€tors ' ' 'r,uop rsnr paralpq Mout l uop I tunoue €q1 €ur. .rI uo burpu.dep srFA eq s,]ew'I ot lsnl r.uEc lsnl I taar t,uop I | lP 'UEI u6rE ua^3s xs all 6urq].uosIes ptnoa I 6utu dorts 6u pn!.ut 'uaqI '^ n!meaq solraqqorpaurE p requnu oql os auop sea I €utr 6uot ^ra^ e ro, !33s .cnpa dtaq lq6ru is6.u€tu6sra6!o[ole.rql €^,tuu 0!r^ou aq]aq r E q l ) ! r q 1 l l s o u t s n u a q l l s e a | | er o ' u a u u o s l d u r l o s u r a ] r a 6 u o 'au!N sdeqred sEel ael r€Ed€qr u r€qlo Ile iop | 6ulql ]sPloq] s,ll ueqt.rou p€se.r5ui 'turos - u.s! ^t!rPu.. u, I reqt€oot.tqel srqt 6uLllndqs uu ol6uro0 .1q63 ]soute seLlq.!qa €ulrc auo aql s,1! B rauv ')urql losud ur siEa^ auoMr ro usoujlloqv | t^uunt 'tu.qqor p6urv ,tra^ tu€^- I e.a llufl tua^ sea leql 'a|?Ued qtssp 6rtl 'ua^€s .l.prn@ puv ztBqlot | €u ]u.l€l.p e se |ce $Ea 1e ptnoqs€5u.1!.s paleart€^Rq .! pln@ MoH puelsrapln l.uop .rtf ).Msue1uo 3qtsrtuauuosrdu lsn aa( ol leql plBs 3^Eq 5q plnoc aoH a! uorurdoAu ur 'ssatalla^aN eaqlo 'xts ur uRrI ssutunoc€uos ur.sroa te.p lear6 ilno uroM u,t .srcrEx.leql le raqv iaaqd E ^tsnor^qos,l q6no'Ite &ols oues aq] s,l 'a^|l '6!tddPup!)] iq6n i/n/paarp slool 'aIt ;uE. no^ o.uatuas ll ianol are 1e'4Jea o16u 06 p! ar,nol iq6n u o s u du n u l x B U a q ] a s o d u t o l s | l d o l s o ] rnol ,(!a ltlo all lurql I puv 6u tLEdds,!aFlosqE i.lq61 6urqUue puoa punor 6qt sour)l.Elrq ur 6sD .ql pu|| I la6 no^ I UECiqes ,ss€lpoob rot qO 'aaqt a6!Di.elrH 'srsa^ 9L Ioqv auBs €rll tnlMes lEql s.uErl. asbnrpto uo sg.ssod plv poo6 e pooF 3q ubnoqr I te.r 'l.sdn 'Ies p, sreal uaaurj o s 6 q L t a H s a a u p E q^ t P a r s l e q l q o o u q o 't!Bu)i.Et€ 'oal 'sdEqrod uosud Lna^ ur dea^ 9 MoDt I uop I qo zl r usr isa[atcos p p ssBd p,no^{6noqt )a^au nol iatqlp.r.ul roqlo ut uaraHp s,lt so^td oat turBe s tRq.Ladex. aqt p.ssPd a^,no^ IBs nol 'urElu€ ur op ol ueu e ror 6ut!t atqscLd$p '.!o qV a^@e6r€ IUaBn !E s.tr lurqr I tjsa Iueorq sr tsill aql su.o. 3rI Iq posodul z^pR.u aclalu3s urdrxRu 3r{ lu.saroa plnoqslaal 'lurql nol leqn uaop alua ol nol aolle p prEc qsrqa ' ' ' no,( €q}uo s6cu.tu.s .!l ot €uo q3es reue asneduoqs e aq jt,araql '.la 'poMal^r€lul ,p€u urolep ^larnlosqR, 'papueuo o ] € s a r q d l d . o p , 6 a t r a q u . s a p 6ur.q uosrod puocasoqr or !€rsf aoN e uaop atrd pue outssardx€sr r6lR6ds.ql ''''''uols€nb 6u t6.l |eqa 6p.€p uatsltno,,lsv slorou. 6101 3uo lsfrs,eraqt aoN no^)ueq.L tlara]J p ourssordxspue s6u qt 6u les 'sre.,{ Fealle . d o e dp r a q u n uB E a ! o 1 6 ! 6 6 3 r , n o l uL 'tue nqe.o^ 1z 36EdlB )iool :€rou oN sDaI usrrsBotlP ^es pue tuaqqor p3ure qlm F^ale uo leLulnd p I lteM '6ur66fu'Ioset PUV 'se€I llac€r '6dEt.ql p!h.r ur p€sE6r.ura^eq sauu. D ncpBd es6ql 'u eoE sdorMalur6ql ol u€]sr ol qsM nol Iea.qt le p3qrnlsp ^tdaopaE.tdo6d ]o tol I e lurql I uosud ur olt r lnoq€ lqnop oN alr'l 'sac!.uo '''uoFanb |Bnx6sr€qlo pue €dE! 'os io )e.,{ e sdeqraa srou €uo tsnl s,.raqt aoN no^ )uRqI :!:r!13r,^arlr\l 'atrl ^le]lullac .lil aoul LUopI ..u€lu€s losuo E lou lsB€l lE :6urudoqs rol,e5ueN.s ou p|es a^Eq plnon sra66nu 6^16olto6 a^/Gqt spunoda€J E rot ',qo lneup s,reql ouqlldoqs 6urpnp! lsnt- latEaq A peq puEsqrnol oAl^q pa66nu ru3M3AE:]Nl 6ul]Jlldoqs6urpnl.ul Isql sea sm r.q u ^pet pto uE arals IBp rsqlo srEa^ ual €rll srsdEdaql ur .s?. e sPe araql 6!l66nt! '6ut66fu r ,tuaqqor paury €3^{sl^MNl tRLl puv :urM: AUT1NL
expendit!re is aslronomicallIl involv€ssvms that o!r presenfday economycertainlycouldnr entenain,so ihe only way w€ could build a nuclear pLantwo!ld be by internationalborrowins,and lhen how @uld we talk of being independentol any foreign pow€r?No,lo my mind, nuclear power meansrwo things only-dependence and
Llstento thls advertisemeni-lfsthe klnd otthlng yo! might hear on a commercialradio slationCallingall harassedblsine$menl Oo yo! have to run otl coples oi reporls,Letle6,lealiels, accoontsat short notice?Do you need a quick copy of that ielier and can i wajl lor someonelo relyp€ jtlor you? ll so, then you're the sort of personwho needs the new KOPIALL B€ingth€ busy personyou a.€, you llwonder how you've ever manaqedwllhoul a photocopier rikethls. And having once lsed rhe KoPIALL machine,you llnever need lo be harassed KOPI-ALL'SawonderluL machine.I canceriainly recommendil. wev6 only had o!G tor a month, but akeady buslnessls plcklngup and my secretaneswonder how rhey ever managed belore.ll'3161, il photocopi$ lour dilior€nt sizes ol pap€r. it reduc€aend €xpandsdrawings or photos- and what s frost amazing,itllcopy So you see. No sooner had MrJahes had a KOP|-ALLinstail6dthan hls buslnessshowed Bemember.KOPI-ALLwill sav€ you lim6 and money and woiiy. And nol only does il make pholocopies-anyolherphotocopierwill do that -but it photo@pi€sin difle.€ntsiz6. and in biack and whit€ or colour. And lJrecosi? Incr€dibl€as it is, a KOPI-ALL could b€ yourslo. only !25 a nonth, with free instalralionand servicing.This oifer lasls ior a monthirom loday. so rhe longer yo! wail. rh6 more you could regret it. KOP-ALL.lt copies ev€rylhino- perfeclly. Llyou wish to listento the advertisefrentagaln,
Thal,lor me, is an exampleof muddledlhinking.For so many peopleth€ main associalionol th6 word 'nucleal is, well undeElandably,bombsand war. And peoplebrinq alllheseiea6 to anydiscussionof nuclearpower,when in lacl all nucloarplants hav6 lo conlorm lo the slrictest salety and securlly me4ures, and lhey have an ex€llenl record ol accidentlree operation. woMAN:Perhapsthey have, bullha sam€ canl b6 said lor lh€ disposalol.uclear waste,a lactor you seem nol lo be co.sidering . . MAN: As you w€ll know,lh€ utmostca.€ js taken lo disposeol waste,and once agaln olr record has been a good one, which 'm afraid can'r be said ol other enerqy indlslries. We allknow only loo well how oi has polllled ourseas a^d beach€sand killed oil marine lile weve warchedcoalmlnes scar our lan&cap6 and pollui€ olr air, nol to m€ntionlh€ diseasesnlnels run the risk ot calchinq.Oico!Fe, solar energy is a sale clean sourc€ ol6n€ray, but w€ 16allwollaware oi how limited its applications ar€. ln loday's day and age I see litlle alternaiivelo meetingour energy needsoutsidenuclearpower. woMAN:Once again you seem lo be closinqyolr eyes to a vllal lssue:conservalion.To my mind, conservalion is lhe one thing thal all lhose in Javo!r ol nuclear energy...... -I|TOR: Now rewindthe tape, listento lhe dlscu$lon agaln and dote the argumenrsexpressedlor and againsr nlc ear energy. And lhal's the end ol Unil7.
Unit 7 TUToR: Unll7. The EnorgyDebateLook at page 48 Yo!?6 goingto hear parl oi a serlous radio proqrammeIn ehich two politicanB discussnuclearenerqy.Lislen ro il onca and say what positioneach speakerholds on th€ slbject. lhe way lo r€duceimportsis not to bring lhe bullock back inro larmino, bul lo build nuciearpower stations.That way, iheres no dependenceon any forelgn power lor energysupplies. woMAN:I m alraid that's tar trom being tha case.You may noi have lo importth€ 6nergy,but you do have lo lmport uranjum and also aLllhe technoloqyrequlr6d to buid and run a nuclearpower plant. MAN: Thal may b€, but once a nucLearplant has been built, you don't need io go on inporting technoloqy, and actual runninocosls afe low so wed have more ol the taxpayers mon6y availabletoJinance,well, the social services,lor exanPle. woMAN:lrhink once again youle overlookinqa very importantpoinl: lha runningc6ls ol a nuclearplanl may wellbe ralativelylow, butthe inilialcapilal MAN:
Unit 9 unit L PersonalExp€riences. Look al Paqe60, Exercise1. Lislento this shorl a.ecdote,and then answerlh€ questions.Ready? lw6 al one of those Music a.d Word. ev€ningsat our local hall. You know,an evdhingoi sonss and poetry readingsby local amate!€.Ihere was a woman on lh6 stage r€adinga poem. she had such a rasping voice thal lturned to the man sining n€*r lo me and. in a whlsper,comment€don it. He lookeddt me ralherlroslily and whispered back'Thafs mywife. Nol knowingquite whai 'oh, to do, and beginningro blush, I multeEd: l d l d n t r e a l l ym e a nh e r v o i c e :I m e a n t t h o poem sh€ s readlng.'He lookedar me asain and hissed: l wrote il.' I sllmped down in my seal and hid my fac6. h was 6 n€ar as lcould getto disappsaring thfougha hole in the lloorl
'prEsseM ]eqM lodar puP u a F i l ' s d o r t u . l u a a r q l r e a qo l 6 u l o b . r , n o ^ 'z asr.rexl z9 e6Rdle lool 'adel a!l Puraar '!E6e u.rr sa6u aql re€q ol qsrMno I 'liBrspur pasllRuE u.aq pBq s.rn6!J6ql u.qM luau.le|s r. tn, P 6urwu aq plnoa lr.unoc €ql leql p.ppP !PUsqods aq|r.I lsnlsabue!. q.ns ,4ue€crol ptnod sarn6t aqlraql.qa pamnop a! qbnoqtLE 1t61ol uEs ool )e, sEMlr rEqr p.rtd.r oq la^oMoq burMoloq d 3q ol salEr )iueqraaotro a[Lq]ssod3qr lnoqe p.IsP uaqM rQluno.rll lo l$r.ql ro, plE ^rFnpul rot poap!r saou pooo tua^ aras sarnou aq]rEqr parel€p ueusa)iodsE l.unoc . uouocf lRUoueNall p sralenopBa! .ql le 6ur&ads uolrEnrrs.uouo.3 stuuno. aul ur luaua^ordu . qPe.lou E uaaq seq ar.ql leql slluo( xrs u! €utr leu eq] rol ale.rpullepol p.qsrqnd $rn6rl sdou aqr sr eroq puP)icoL.,o6 s! 3utr ell ?'r$eau u.lLsaau orpEre )eaq or 0u 06 ai,no^ 'ua$ | puEz9 aoed lR lool 'aderat{ putMor'ure6Pl.Elrxa aq}ol uersrlof r.^o 6urqs?r3a^Eft aql qlla uaop poidoor teoq .ql o€ raPA ro lno uer usql 6^ea aql 6r.a aa )u ql l qseu e ul ]o ]s€rc 6ql ol palJrL r3^o e sea I pue 'Molaquaop )peq 106]snl I p.llural oq or au|l o! sEMsraql ln]F".q al nb { ear sea l r.aod p a.s!d e se pue lo|lou Mots ur 6u ^ou sed ]l uoas r6^a p, s^EA ls366!qaqlaEs pue )l.ap uo dn ruaM araa ah aroFq ,{llroqs I uaop pal.ooi 'spula 6!o4s alBdlstrleol plol tsnl arsa aM aE6 atol€uecurnq e p€].adx. 3uo ou auLl €ql]e |ng uroF aql p.sslu a^e! p noM aa r.lel sIRp oMl]lo las p aa lLrEql6!Diu qt ldal l, :pEs uqof polcaradLqs 6u eq ,o 6.uauedx. all lnoqPP?lsv , . , z p 6 r r e d t a ^ E ql B q a - t a u 6 p o o 9 , ]q6no!! | ,,u e6P lJo]€s pue perrEdsrrEoq .qlr.6 t,aM,, sBr dn sn pa)i.rdpe! r.luel a q rr . ! e p e s 3 , r a , 4 ub u r L l sl r t r . ! I ' P e s ot 6!106€r.a lne, aopu n a.Lgos|ll lo )req os s,11, lno 6ulrEls p6ueou €q , ourssordap 'spuelq uR pul ls.M pa)Eos-unslo slq6noqlp Pol. r.€ls ol ltn.up tu€^ lr punol uqof'pleloul ur )l5eg ratuBt dlrssed e,tq dn p.l.rd aq ol p.^^rns ^){cl^ p u Eu q o t r n q s e r r z ? p a u l E l cu ) o l s a q l 'uPds so neq E pue trepB rorllups aldno. oqlllallEq] 6^ea a43u-oz e,1q Frsneqs sPA lEoq ,s.)leoN oqt ateo 6 e.rolE ur pue dn a6lq 4rols )iEa4 e'Eas orrno qoaM uor 28, r.qu3ld€s uL 'Rn6ruv puElslssrpereo lo all pue uBaqqrec oql oN uaop puoa
.ql punor eaJlEqleoq orlautl r €q] pue trlr^ arra srq u q 6)let p noa lEql a6E^o^ oll pauuetdpeq sa)iEoNuqoasrea^ xrs roi Moq uaqt prPtur p€^lo^! aldoad a|.11 spu€d.p te I sa^I s.a do.d ur slua^a rouru at nb ro lolEu 3q t.Et ur !e. srslsBsrpos 'suo ls.nb a.ror.t.a dtrlnu eql roasue puE uelsrl uaql qIM.doc 6t6oadMoq plE sralsesrplnoqE €uua6ord olpRr? 0o4l.ellxa u" rEaq ot 6uro6a no^ I .si.ra€ 'tg abEdlR loot
'ed"l aqt purs€r 'ueoe alop.aue .ql ol ualsr ol 'peqsnL] llauo4x. iene lunts pLRleo.^u papsllo.l 'pealsuL 3 r n o . ] o L U pp L - i p a r p . ^ R qp l n o c I aurzEoeu€ql uo rea^lsr! tru ur el.!e !e rol,!ta rq urq Mar^ielulor aunlrol leai6 aqt pBq pPq I iau aaq aq.srnoc io puv tsEA (iu€6no aq, srrMsll ao'l puE i6uLo6 sed raarP. sjq ur! pa)lseILiRnpepe! puE 'qtunqurpl lo alnc all ol6u )iE.ds u6aq p I pauaEp uotresrear aqr reqrnlreo eq]ro zznq oq] !o roop aql p.sol3 pue uoo! ,s€rpel oql rauE |1unt us€MI ,o ua^eq .qr p€q.ear 'uoou ,sa pEl oql rol €p€u pue las,(u erEcl}xa ol pabeleu I nol Fau ol3.!u Ir3^ sea t!, p€r.dsrqM^lal lod E puE 0u laa, alqEuoluoc!n lEqaeuos e qtrM seM oq oqr Mou)iplnols l ler'lllL€loslE puP psuJ€qleqa€uos l6a, ol ue6€q | ,Mool ,reql€borpeorqe pa la^El,{llensn lsnu te, lnq'ureua !tlt4ered€s pelle^el uallo all leqt ptot 6ur6quo parra^Erl6qlaqa arrM srq )toot€rt ,! ur'l polsP pue !l e palo^R4 aq lEql pult ol pan6rllr sea Ndnoql l'€n6R^ Il16rd€raa e€asue srr.llLv uo os puE sed arrMsrr.laoq 6!106sea reere5 srq aort 'pLp3q lEqM ultl pqsP I uooesr.^uo3 ')iuir]ll.uplnoc alIod ur op no.{sE urnld !l lsnl I I lualIu pue )uoM,{o rnoqe[€D] .q aoq qonollte :^|ruer^u rere palsP u€^e (puB) €urzeoeu aqt Lo 6r.a s6urqlsoq p.lse '.ueu iu MoDl ol pau€€s.H os ro salnu u Itusal ror ltqe.ruE p€neq. aM ^Rr^uV buuer.dsEx€sEr lt auo.l,up noa |sff auEU aqt lnq lel uel seM acEl sll.l sueu aql ol pouotsrl],upEqtlnq 'au or p€.nporluru€aq p , o q al e u e q l n u o u E s a ^ u o cu r l a s , ( u punol ' €M ,3ueu snouEl, B ^luqala. E st .uo&a^a aralM lnred Jouos €ql purt 6qr aoul no,\ auBq5 p prBur s€rrreo 6rq asoqtro auo ol ouo e par^ur seM I euoEu turl I sre€r(o4lnoqe rol .!lz6eu e uo r.uodar R u..q p,l o6RsrR.I dal v iprp ,{qEqordple q.uq lo suol Fddorp e^eq pLnoc| !.rLlr u auo €qf sr lnoqE iotr tlal ol6uio6 u,l uorrEnrrs Z,(pe.! suoNenb a5roq!.ld I nu all r.Msue puEu.lsr-t e 3s!cr6E '19 aoEdre &o]
The lirst is with Clifi Priestleyat his London
Clifi, you re said lo be one ol lhe richest pop stars in the country,and lher that you re leavingfor lhe uSA. Can yo! N o , I n d e l i n i t e yn o i l e a v i n ga. n d , l o b e honest,l'm inturiatedby accusationslike thal.
And you've no way ol know n0 how lhe TNTERVEWER: accidenrhappened? No. Nolhinq6enain.Th€ lights were reponed to b6lallty eanier loday so lhey may have Floppedworkinq.ln which case, as you lL know, I s every man lor h mseli.All lhree may have lhought t eas sale lo cross. But at the momentwe jusi don r know. Now rewind rh€ tape, Listenlo the lhre€ interuiewsagaln and extradrhe ma n poinis irom €ach in orderto wrlle naws items.
Y€s. Bdlcally, Im beino acclsed ol not wantinglo pay iaxes, a.en I l? we l, ldon t know. But hos do you thlnklhese I assumesomeonomis!ndersloodthe m v t o t r c o m i l q r o u ro t a"rou"".:..r*or th6 stdtes. l'm very pairiotic.and allhough obviouslyI pay a lot or lncomeTax, lcerlainly don'i wanl lo leave lhis countrylo go and lve So what do you think ot cer.ain oiher arlisls and grolps n the pop businesswho have lefi ior the Slales?To live lh€ro permanenlly,l
Unit 14 TUTOH:
Unii 14. Leisureand Healh. Look at page Look atthe quesiionnate and listen.You l hear a man and woman being nterviewed ln the sireet. as you listen lo lheir answ€rs, lill In lhe queslionnakeaith llf ior lhe mans answers, W' ior the womans
l'm concernedthat peop!€who ve had some successleel obligedto leavelor lax redons - bui ldonl aqree with ihem. The secondint€rui€wjs with a spokesmanlor Brirish Rai aboul a soods train which was Can you give us any more inlormalionabout N o , ' m s o r r yLc a n t . w e ' . e n y s l l l e d . l t s r h e third on rh s stretchol line in lhe past monlh. so is there any oonneclionbdween lhis and lhe previoustwo, do yo! lhink? It's possible.The.e could be. But weve lound no evidenceas yel lo prove any connection. I presumeyou know tho causesol lhe Yes On th€ prev ous lwo occasions,tho d6railnents were causedby la.ge slo.es which had b€en lh.own onto the llne irom a bridg€.There's no evldenceihatthis vlere lhere any casualties? No, no one was hu.t. And the line was only 6losedror tw€lve ho!rs. h's open aqain now. And the th rd interviewis wilh a polceman al fte scene ol an a@id€ni s€rgeant, lwonder ii you can lellme what Well, we re not quite slre al lh€ moment.All we know is lhatlhr66 cars collided al the tratfic llghls he@,and thal allthe ocoupanls ol the lhree ca6 have been takento hospital Are any orthem badly injurod? No, non6. lbelleve lhey're all badly shaken. Haveyou iaken any slalementsyet? No, not y6i. We shsll be interviewinQlhem lar€r.In the meanlime,we want to qet lhe
I wonde. I you and your wile would answer a questionnaireior an opinion pol lhal we're doing on pasl mes and leis!re? Well, dont know,George.ll's gelt ng v€ry lale, and, you know, . . . W€| , il yo! d rather nol . . . No, no ir's f n€. You go ahead well,lh€n, do you agree or dlsagreewlth rhis staiement? dont have eiough leisure Oh, dlsagree,delin t6ly. have pLenryol well, don't. I nevef seed lo have lime for an,,thinglwaft to do. . . Yes, dear. Lets gel on with it, can we? Now,can you leLlme how oftenyo! do lne toltowingthings:Every day? once or twice a week?Once a monlh?Very rarely?Or nev€r?Hoa oilen do you read a book? How often do I eve. have time to read a book?Once in a blle mooi il l'm llcky Er, y€s. How often do you walch blevison oh, we watchlelevislonevery evening, don I we, George?wo love ill Its all righl, I you like everylhinglliev pul on. But radlo. Now thafs ditfereni sli I think ils great and Msten to it 6very day in Ithink I only ever turn lhe fadio on onc€ or How aboul indoor qames?Do you ever p ay c a f d s ,o r M o n o p o y o , r s c r a b b l e .. . ? Bul I play cards once a month,down at the
p t n o a^ t u E u a . l s o u t r . . n e r d u r l o ^ p u E ']q6ran 6uLso]lo^ea s o.eF ^uEln.luEd E pu d asr.raxa tuo.Lll u|pres aq sv 'ur.l3sldrns or pauaos q.rqM ssollLroran aL| ?tB6rs.^ur ol peuBls.q leql lnq 6!tr€ip Iq lq6raa osoLor6tqe!n 6uL€q^llE.rseq p I ns.r e se olruunr dn ualEl pPq oq lEq] Ituo tou sea ',turr,l|| EurlsaFlulsBA teqM tulButun!l! lsou punol I esrcraxa aqL lnoq€ uouuec,Grl}o€e Iq..ue '6!O ,Ipeau suosE.rE^r61snu no,( rt.€6ds teuro|Urqcrqa pue |PUro, 6!rsn sr qc qa lB€ pue q.Ea ot ualsrt t .spraxt !t €tctue.!l FoqE 6sl6.uoauos 6urFt.tdoed ont re.q ol6!100 r.no^ 'z €srcr6xl izot.oed le )pot 'si€asuP rno^ )paq. pue ure6Pualsrt adBl oq] putMornoN 'oMtro olo ^tuo zsuoFanD arou ^uEU aort puv oN zprEo no^ p raqls oo fnol ia6roa9 '''ur4 6urnod r3^u e uo 6u|ursuEqlrsu6q aq] u tlPq 6utqp! p )iu qt uEc | burqqr 6^ot | 'rto 'oN 6!rt ,0!Nnq ro 6urqsu6u106lnoqe MoH '6orql '1|a.s ler '€r.'lt burlsE s! araql sal tn€sqd ')oote E^eq .u Ft iou 'lo 'oaI ,P. aLu ur rGp tua^o ]t o] u€]s|lI puR]E€r6s,I lurql t[s I lua]€urp s,lPll doN o!p4 lng uo F d , { € q ro u r q u r o ^ aa r r t n o l J r l q b u e s , n i]r .^ot 6M a€tuo.e 6M l,uop '6uiu€^. tu.^6 lors^aat qqeM ad',qo
a^peau slo|lsan! a.roq.-ald[ n@rnol €q] roasuE puB uP6e ueuoa puBuRo €q] qta n€r^r6lu €q] uol E B4x6 t€Lq.ssql ol u.ls-l 'z 6sr.r6tt itot .6ed le )iool '€del .ql purMa ure6efiar^Flur €Lllol uaF[ o1 tq.nu tua nol )iueql 1! ' ' ' 6urqlauos t€0 plE s,tsruaqc ',r(Ba^uv leLltol1a6 s,Fj i6u p/ol.^€q ]qoru no^ BEqrrnoqe0u qt,,(uesout l,uprpI ' ' qntc s,atdoadpto uB le dl.q ol uaop aueu Iu lnd lsni e^,1 rnq llouou aql le saop sn p roqla! taM palqBsrp6ql ^u6pt5 u 6qt'aoq no^?'atdo.d r6qto dteq no^ oo iool,au|l]noqv - ' loDsanb lsEl €q] puv 'qluou B €.uo qnt. s.nbrue ue ol 06 | ')l6ea E 6.ht qnp Pr.os E sal
i,pul)i^LE p qnt. e pu€|R nol oo oMl ro auo r(tuo ,s!oF6nb 6rou ^ueu aoq puv oN ,rureo no^ lo roqna oc 'oN ?'0ulq{uE r o 6 ! t q u ! . 6 u ] | c l .0 6 n o ^ o 0 o N 'urq lo scDouIUE a)iBll,uoc l.6ro.e '''utBi 6ulnod 3qt u )tueqra^tr R uo 6urBrsuEqrr.u.q ourqpu p )iurqluEc | olrqslt.^ot I qO 'oN z6!Nnq ro our'tsti6!106Foqe MoH auB '^epllorl€p6Ees rE€I e .cuo E €^Eq sleMts 3M {186r laM z3)iElE ro q.B€q €q] or 06 16^. no^ oo 'oN aroq. e ur 6urs no^ p )aqre o0 qnq-qn 'oN .]u€unrls!l uR,{RtdnoI p reqla op aoN IuEu }oN asuotsonb arou IUEU MoH i6uD.q si srqt ia.€qd sunssnu ol6uro6Iotue I qtuou R 6ruo lnoqE qO zq€ unosnu tu€tB0 uR uR ot oe IIe!orse..O zu€.uo. B ol 09 'u€qr ^uv ra^€u oN lo aa^.u 'oN nl ala|e€ a€iteq )o eredo'alre6q1aql 01o0 )a^aN ,euau e aql ot o0 esbutqlaseql op noI op uauo aoq 6udas saa I sB D.M ',!)lJrnbtu.^ rnq !0u tR's.l ,soPqrao suorcanb 3ql qsrugl)iJnb eM ptno. sM i,sn asn.xa no^ | lM rEqr ror ourqtauos1a6puPlsrwsq. ]s€re6u €ql or r.6 r.uaq p,aM)iulut IeM pres no,(lqFnoql idaqd ipnq luptnoalr'|rnq l,uoa ]no lr p6 puE tsr lr 5Fql qv I tut | | pu" uo ptoq lsnt )iutql | 6!us s,dsEA ',sal v I .as ue. I oraql 6uns E sr .r3ql iaaaqd ')ioo 3^Brl €u E r€l iou qo i)|.ou Iu uo 6unls u..q tsnr 6^,t lurql I iq.no ''ol oe zsourql6saqlop ro^ op ueuo aoq aoN '1334
. r u o 6 u r u u r M s0 6 o p t l n e l E € u | o u r ) i t e d aqt lnoqv seno.Jo 1q6ti s€qs isal iqllou B €.uo lou Iture|l.c'ItleuosEc.o ]snl ltBr 6uot e rot 06 6a i66roa9 jt IRs u q reeq p,llqonoql ra €u I isu6^e.q pooe I qruou e o.uo lnoqe lteM 6!ot E ro, 06 q t o q . a p u e ' ) t a a de a e u o6 u ! & u a s 0 6 o r tul I In€ 'ourqule ro 'suLal IRld r,!op 'oN
zrs no^puv
ra^.u ]Eq] 6t[ ourq]ou'oN i]|oe asruuat aoul nol ,s€ue6 rooprnoIUR ^etd no^ p roq]raoc ilua scx€ ar,Aaql)iurqtI ouo Inq or al[ p, m€ oN i a6ro'9 '.a a^Eq oep^ e 106l,ua^eqaM )a^€u oN
seem lo be extremelyetfeciive.The reason, accordinqto him, is ihai runn ng, togerher wilhcerlain olher types ot exercise increasesihe meraboli6rate and you thus I r€ad an arlicle lhe other day lhat was very interesllng.lt was by a man who d dieted ior years, but never losl any weiohl. BLt lh6n h6look up joggingto keep h s weight dosn. and it worked.He lound out ihai as lor! 6 he wenl runningreqularly he co!ld eal and drink whal he wanted Then he beganto look inlo why ex6rcse h6lps you lose weighl. Apparenllysl the dieting experlssay it doesn'i work. well, appa.entlylhe reasonis rhal your metdbolismspeedsup when you run, and lhals good ior you becalse i burns up Now rewindthe tape, ljslen lo them agajn a litl€ more carelully and pick oul some of lhe f€alureswh ch make one hore lorhal Look al pag€ 103,Exarcis62. You re going to hear peoplelrofr diflerent prolessionsralkingaboutthe boom in the Keep-Fir'industry.As you isten,pur rhe nlmber olihe speakeraqainstihe
suspecllhal its alreadylaidy common practicelor peoplegoing along io aerobics aid keepjil classesand such Likelo s gn somethlngsayinCthalihe orqans€rs w I not be liablelor damaoelor permanent ini!ry etc. Butwhether such documenls are ega ly bindingon eithef party has yet to be seen.Th€re is alreadyone case going lhrouqh the couds now ol a frlddle-aged man who enrolled in slch a course and sult€rBda hearl attackduring the I rst session.He d dnl die, but has been ill slnce.and he and his wiie ar,. cla mino againsrrheschool.... Whal I I nd so lnterestinq s this sldden surge in the past few years ior peope !m p e o p l eo l a l l a g e s , l r o m well, mean, lrom 20 b a0 aft€r schooleavinq age 10keep-lil.More and more p€opleare going joOOino, sw mminq reo!larly laking !p l6nnis and so on. And um nowhereis this more nollceablethan in the numbersol maln y women go ng to keep lil or aerobics classes.Cindy Gilberls classes,ror example,grew trom ofe sma I clss ol lwelve lo a slagg€rnq 7,000participantsin
TGoddhalls in and around London This is a clear examp€ of a major chanse In sociely itsell, ard is worthy ol studyto lry to answerqlestions like: /s sociotycominglo lerms with incroasedlesure tim€? O. is this perhapsonly a slrangetemporary one or rwo ol olr leadinoprodlcls wer€ certainlyin dec ine, and we wer€ n danger ol havinglo cur back our stan, u.tiLthere was lhis n€w wave ol inleresl in sport and keep-ll. The specialoear. kt and clothes w6 now producelor lhis marketiras meant that we have actuaLlylncreasedprodlcton and have taken on more stalf than w€ had before.Al th6 momenl lhere is a boom in eq!ipmeftJor the keepjit movement,and we can hardly keep uP wlh demand We lust hope li conrinles . . . lam nol myseLlan advocaieol dieting. what I re.omm6ndto palienb onen s a chanqein rhel. way oi iie, sothatthey try lo qet more ex€rciseand balancethat wlh a good var ed diet- p enly of vegeiables, rouqhage,iruil and so on. cu1 r qhl down on alcoho and lry lo siop smoking, t lhev smoke Ol co!rse, some lhen coma back lo me wlh p!lled musc €s, spfained ankles and lhe ike, blt €r lh€se are simple lhings while we're ta king aboul a fenewed intereslin keepjit and aerobics,we mlsln t l o r g B t r o ot h e r es a s o b e e na r s e i n the number olyoung peope taking up gymnaslcs quite seriously.And this musi soon begin to be rel ected in a renewed nlerestin ballel. At least,I hope il wil. Obviously,my own concefn s wiih ba let. opera and music, but keepJl, aerobcs, gymnasticsand ba lst all have someihingln Not so many yoars ago, a Porsoni. mY positionwould have been more concerned wilh roads, parks,lhe developmenlol houslngeslatesand so on, but we are now havingto lhink a great deal more aboul amenlies lhe provisionof sports and so on My compLexes,Landscaping, predecessorsdade som6lerrib e mlstak€s, which I hope we have learnedrrom
Now rewind the tap€, lislen aqa n and nole dowf words and expr€ssons which lh€ speakeGlse in connectionwith lheir
lqooa urn6uada96, sra,{, IH p 6euot' uoqs pE.atas ! t slaM 9 H Iq ,sq.eri l! uoM ptno3 ortM uer\Iaqt. ^rols uoqs aql @ortpeJu€ uB ro, s sM I H p aleFo aql lo srotnc.E .qr p leq6q !o sru66Bs,roqlnE:soqno auag pue preM ereqre€ Iq q/Bf auo iluo uort st aBa )al qu€6e sJoqme puE sroqlnEaLu:ze tft sa@rl eq.l .€uEM I€IJo65Iq ,]cElolut ra^o oll rds uotr.ti :.trEtc c inquv, ig81 6 t sa4rt aql lq6!M e.re€d pue uolrusH uEtv Iq .olBqap anlEu-^-.rnlBu eqr Lr salolBroqptOuDiteM, sat.ue p€oplqe eql ie8e6za€qtr aql uonr(PH uetv Iq,*6I € 0oo9e3quoM pue 9! ueus, at.He aqt uo4 t.Erlx6 re ea6lt saut! lepung a!! uaora uto.tBl1Iq,qlFaH ur qneaMaqI, zgzrz! s.a4 japuns aq.I s4odg Ert.tu Iq ,arnnj oq.t to tuol.el uen-€uo aql 'z3 L t! sa@,1aql slu€a l€,Bn iq .I6oto!Lt.a1 uoNurolul uo tod.u tebeds aq_a$oqsde/v\setov5rN^q , uEWe r€lu:, €a16! ,s.url6qI, eg e lL sa@/_a sa44 aql UbrM 63rRedpua uo] upH uetv Iq,alrp dn aar6 suhr p.pr^rpaoH, satcue patdBp?€ql rol p]l sredBdsa€Ns€url :(uolruEH LlsruRHqnd) 69z-€92dd xnoroqj InRd,(q saeP/eaarnterauo4 pera6 ue ro, slu€68 sJoqtnBaql i€ta/q aunqul ptereHpuoreuretut ,uaoltun aql olut sPog puo^.E s.qsnd oL rg€uotdi atcrlie.ql uorJ t.errxa pa$epe ue rot s.tes loDeipuls:91! !! surzB6Bu [email protected] u€teH^q,,ltaM l€sno^)urql no uec, .t.De €q1uol spe4xa padepe rof plt teuoEural!t uolsc!puIS lz36! qaen ourubeu q.und t6aoa s^lro ^q ,ploe pros, aor^or oql uo4 perxa ue )ol pr't suolP.[qnd q.!nd :94! o t6!idoC 6Llq.rlH sFUerl lq pau!etdxoun aq]Jo sefiV uV :ptroM snotletslw aqJ ( 6 2 6 1s o u a ] s ^ U \ l t o sr ev p r o M ) u o r l s l r E r r x a r o t s r . q s r t q n d ' d o r s u r M € r r e q e u u ltoH pue plt etoo€ ued i taMro tjouMol€ etuos& 896t orq6,idocSrz 6d . PAnewae6to.0 ta.taLd t Dre Ls4eu.of t^ess7 perrc|oJagt Lt t Mro .6roe9&,tuerc rerdue6rMolpeou oL[, u or] ].erx€ uero]!ulq.t^oue^ot..erg €ruo €uaor€ Etuos alelaqlto aleF. lJddraH pue plt BnqPM I ra!€s !ue!l .qtlo llBq€q!o sluaoPs,)oqlne:|apontg F6rN p6 sdrErsrt! ts.teere s,puo/,Aaq! uort srr€rrx3 rol plt qooa sntlot o :tgzl t aut46er\ E Jesgo (€tRI s,raqlol^ v) qdnouv s,r.'{or'! v, stcruEaq}ro, a.das saaN rad.sqo 3qI:oc s6urrrro^ n3N aqt Iq $6! O) t! 6u^doc Ea-aoEs.ul! voa ^aN aqt raqcpun!.s pleapS Iq isrn€snu s.nrad ur so uunu lea sl.asut, etc!€ 6ql ro, s6urt uo^ a€N 6rt.L:al6t ^lna ssardE ^trec .Ltt ro1 od Itqluo!1t ,rgrd /eraua, aqt lo @pt tav I .6ed uo! atqB]e pue uousanbe )ot teloneuFtut @rs6s€a uorudo t ]a)rEy! :!.qult uM qnd) €o08r,!uEtE Aq qtea1 6uEeJ ua4 }.ery€ p.depE uE ro, slu€6e s,roqrne6qr:e8 oL zau!46et\ s@tdE,lEpuns @!eM epueuv Iq i6rppB s.tr e lst!, poe aS t tt eu!46et! ss.tdxS ^wuns ao!\tBtalulyew Iq,qtung p€]dEpaoql c86t das pi€z /t sau/.! /u qlrus s6oBa pl^eo Iq ,.^ea e p rs6J3 €qr uo4 unol uapduec olur burqserc,€t.ruB €qt roJ s3J^Fs orn]eat t sa.N ss.rdE uopuol:UPIF^€rI utlol A9^es )osu.c eu tetlil| uo4l.Brlxo uB rot pl.l qd€soataeqrtl :]d€s eo/Lt u4el/rg scdl 9t d .Batdlorsuad tudv, at.|ue .ql uo4 r.erug u€ roJ s}uB^Fs tr^rc telorss.tord to uollnusut :$e6rng ](uoqluvIq !E6l uo4 l.elxo paldep€ue rot plt dnor5 6urqsrtq.duos!tqqnH i€at aune-t Iq e1soA qtr^ rapl9 uo4 spatx€ rol ss6rd quBboHaqt :v s !o^sd Iq z5l O lq6uldoc ^ouNn raFd Aq a4 reao uo4peru. ue rot ss6id ,l\tquot{.truElv aq} q}|{ uore!.oss ur 09 E uMor€ 'autr-tpue pl-t uueoa!€H us([M :z96r uosurBHtuieH O uosrreH trRH Iq,{,ody uary uV uo4 pe)|x€ !e rol slu.6e sJoqFR 6qr:(oc 6urqslrqn!lesaroo rg3!) saldd,@S Jas/od looq s Lluo4 perxe !e rot 66pu|rne r€608 roqDe aql:€8'8'LZuerprpr9 sq.l s.EEst€rq€OIq ,auoq sao6 olEnpa6 .qt uoqM, prB xa ttzuetpen9 aql lqr.qJeEM IM^q,aou prts uouoErau€e aaN oqfi s.t.ruE 6ql uorJ sl.Erua ro, pt-t radPdsaaN uerpren9 :696t 6urs5€t s,oo O suoo ,{q,orCpareg rroJ €q.l uo4 l.Erxo uE rol rut }doDt -v partN pug plr ourqstqndEpsuBr9 l^s etor,{3u3s lq ?86t o elretc c rnqrv Iq or_r IassiPo :at1z uartlpdrJa lE roJ clt Jdouy v p€4tv pue plt ourqsrtqndepeupre il36L uef @DoJ IAX-AXs.6ed tr6M urBtvIq ,6uNnH arnsBarl, at. Up pardepe €q}plR 6l6t qne|/llunro! |/!( .6ed rccnr.l oulc Iq ,s€unl!6c tz ul uBql sEa,{ 0z ut aoEaep arow, atcrue.ql uo4 pel]xe oe rot €dornf p trclnoc r€€6! 6nv .urze6Eu iqrrq,t4 ,cslo ]reduoc, alerue padepe aql )ol uoilPr.ossvi$€unsuos :(rl6t q.eqr€ded EUEluor)l]otno p'€)ae Aqtv htuou4s aql uo4 s|.e4x6 rol sraqqlqnd surlloc :uou€rs.qa t a ^q u da )aalef lo a.ue.auutaq.L udt,..orc 6ntg aqt tuo]6uoqs aql uo4 t3ellx. ue rot €urloc ] o ssr]I puEslu36Es,)oqFE :6r2ulf A]€H E uouu9Clorsoa9 Aq Ee6r) let no^ @ten 6unalo uo4,urts no,( sa)iPylos oax3 ,{qM,.trruE 6ql uo4l.Er}xo uE rol pt] oC outLtstqndnn}ueC :t?u.teu Uo lId& scnpordarol uorsruradrol6!rMo tol aql o1tnl.1ErberB €M
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