rrDtu6uoT ttr ::t
ueutllel ^nC puP frnqsbuly ttog
surexS ocrlsPrd AcuelclJord ueur6uo.l
Longlrjd G&up lrK Limited IihEtun Haute, Bumr Mi, H arloa, Es* AM20 2JE, EflElafltl ah.lAsac'aftd Conpafli* thtotshatt th. uatu. e) Longmsn Group UK Limired I 986 All iEhx Eftfrea. Na ndrt a.fthn lublianan na! be rtnndrced, sioledifl a dneaal :lien or tahsnited in hr Jann or b! an! flea,t ele.tuaX, n6ha,nal thdaatuin& rendin' ar athetune,udaut the triat t.mnnan aJ&e CoprnEhtatunt Secold impression 1987
Prinled jn lvlalaysiaby TCP
1 SB N 0 - 5 A a - 5 5 t 5 q - 5
SPECL{LNOTE ABOUT PAPER5 NT!R\'IEIO' we haye !.orided in rhese Practice Exams material which accd.ds u irh drc Dccember 1q85 changes in the fom* of L\c Pape. 5 Inre^ iew Thus, rhe inleNies is hased on a pjcture srmllns) related passaacs for colrDd! and orher mardial in the form ofr€dia (wirh pci!"ps one otner activriy) aU comccred rhemarically. Pl*se note, howevel t!?t h drc Camb.idee lronciencr examiDarion irteries propdr, rhe follosing..nditiols apply: 1 2
The inreniewmaybe based paidy, a.d !s an option, on one oldrc pres..ibed texts The indicw nay be conductddvith d individlal candidate or wirh i gl.up ofMo or
Q t - C 1r lr)
Acknowledgements q/e are $aictul to rle follosirs for permission b reproduce coptnght pnot.etuphs lnd l. Allan CashUbrary for page?0! Cerdal Of6ce of Ilfomarion for pase 3s; Josip Cisanovic (Roma) fd. paee r 7; Ala! McKay fo. page13j Rescarch DelenseSocieryfoflage53j wo.ld Societv for the lroic.tion of Animah for we re craretul b rlc followins for pemissio! ro repiodu.c coFFehr mare.ial: l.nathan C.pe Ltd foi exbactsfiom rhe jacler ggSq)., .t Hiel On Lorbl f$i\aBrnnlsd CommrsioDfor R.cial Eqlality fo! ar exracr ftomrlc essay Rlce jn the Imer City by JolD Rex in F nc rft,J o/rn"lr:,Ra.ial Bntain (CRE 19?'8/r930)jIM Dent & SolsLrd dd Walker& Co lnc for in cxba.i f.om t '?rr,,.l by Basjl Booih&FrmtFitch (fir* plb J M Dcnr & SonsLtd CopyyighlI s7s)! The Econonisl NcwsF+e. Ltd for an cxra.t 6on rle anicle 'Shadowsfrom ine p$i! ?7 flic t o,ou itr (5/ 1/35)j rhe audor. Sally Emersor for atr etua.r liom ne. fticle 'Recenr Ficrion p 99 Ilunrarerl ,ddo, IrsuJ (Dec 1984)i Hcadway Publicaiiotrs Lrd for an enract non $e ariicl. 'Keeping ]ou ide.s to yruaell'rp 40 4 r M,,,rr.ar aNat we$ MasazincO.t 1983)(c) Headway l'ublications/MorcycreMagaziDej the aurhor\ asensfor an ex@ctfrom,lllCrrdn sCEat ad .S,d// b:' JamesHeriol (p!b Michacl Joscpr)r^IacdoDald& C. (Pubhhert Lid for m dtua.r ti.m a,',l,,rrcdromfi b, yehldi Mennnin the author, Normar Mye.s lo. an etuacraon his africle'How tho $ry bi.ds choLcdon fastfood'p r 5 Inc Graraa, {6/12l 84) Copynshi DrNom.!Mycrs, Consultanijn' En'jromcnt,.dDe'elolmelrlofor4 uKj Times NewspapersLtd ior aDefrr.cr Aom hblc anp 10 TheTtne\ (IAl l2la5) and*drcs f.om th€ anicles'Saferynt wo.k or a salejob?'b,\' David Lipsey p 22 ?]?, S,rddr TmeJ (23l 121 s4), Eyne ofdre ciq' falc.n br Tin MccirL p Ia TheSunda!Tins Oal12l84), !0har,sin rle jobforyou p?I.tMdar leai4usz.tr(I8/ I l/84),'Painsorbeins a child ofeold by LewG che*e! ! 14 7r, Sud4 ri,ral (6/r/35l Hos museum'detecrives' bravell€d a 2,500ycarold mvdu' rhe su"da! Tituesl1110134),.Sclool inspedo$ wani grahma. at forefroni in ter.hing Eq|sn r 3 Tr! Thcr (3/10/3,1), W.itins for the scrccn by David Secrion p 41 TheSurdaJ) Ttrar (r6/12l3'l)) C!.sef.iG ro inpre$ judge,
|v<. I r 0 r-
lo .iPpF .qr r{ uopJ.s rnotFd .aed-s @ sesR.ddE d.) .rltr uo,scq.rduoc
:t DdEd roJ srdlrrsed€J
a.1ll.lul uos@q3rduol 5q@1sr-I qsliug Jo .sn uo!{soduoc rcrs@rprdEoc aurpB.d
z, OL 99 Z9 I9
JnoJ retdorsl
[email protected] [email protected] qslsua Jo asll @Drsoduo3 uoE@rPiduo) 3ulp€.il
6n 9b
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:9 Dd?d :t DdEd :€ DdEd :z redsd :r J3d?d Eexg :9 J.d8iI rt J.dBd :€ J.dBd :z Dded :I i.dEd
ee.rql ulexq
Ntrrslul uorsuaqeJdEoS luluslst'I qs!6ua Jo rsn uo+Fod@oJ uos@qerdEoc a.rrpB.x
tt LZ 9Z 6I
or\^l ,Asld4ql uoFcrl.dEoS tutua$I'I qslaua Jo .sn uopFoduot srqPB.d uoF'3q.rduo]
LT ,I OI 6
:E r.ded :' sd€d :t DdEd :z Ddsd :I bd?d Illexa :5 r.d8d :t ra&d :€ Fd8d :Z J.dEd :r J3ded
eEo Eexg
Exarr One PAPER 1: READING COM?REHENS ION Time: I hou This Palet is i, tuo parts, Sedion A and Sectid B. For ea.h qwstion tax aawet .arr.cn! in S..tioh A j)ou eaik Me harh: Jaf ea.h questionlau antuer corrccnt ;n S..tian B Jou sain tuo tuathj. No narks arc deducred.forurons antuers. Aaud du theqkstitu. Indiate tour choiceaJ Msuer in eDery.^eona eparatesheet.Fa ou.uefullJ thei$nuclioa abouthN to re@rdj,aur
Sectior A Lthis Se.tiahlou tu t.hoosethe uod af tbase@hichbdt coutleteseachsehtene.Far each qwstion,1to 25,ihdicat.ofl!o* attuer sheetIheleu.r A, B,C or D asai"stth. nutuberof the
I hope this headache . A goes out B comes away
C wears otr
D passesaway
2 w}lat rhe ueasurd said vinually . . . . . . . . . to a confession. A mounted B came C stood D embodied 3 Mariying into such a rich fmily A under B above C over 4
. his wildest dlems.
hed always been D beyond
We failed to lay eyesoD a tige! dulins ou *pe.htior! . . . . . . . . . film one. D bur fo! A ler alone B not ro mention C apan from
5 The. . . . . . . . . ofthe word is ur*nom, A extEct
E derivatio!
C genesis
but ir is cqrainly not flom al}y Latin based D descot
6 Whethd the sports club surires is a matrer of @mplete . . . . A disiDierest B imporrmce C indifference D iftdest 7 Uhsslted butter is best for this recipe, bul . . . . . . . . . that, mdgdile B given C for all of D failing A *cept 8 Union le.dds feel it is time CabinetMiniste regarding ibeir long+dm plans. A cards B hdds C feet D papers
witl do.
- . . . . . . on the table
9 For rhe f,rst night's pedomance the . - . . . . . . . had to be @Ied in to take the pan be€use the leading lady was ill. C resere D depuly A substitute B ddostudy y o i n t e dc h i n i s h i s m o s tm e m o r a b lfea c i a l. . . - . . . . . 1 0 A p e c u l i a r lp A fearu.e B trait C mark D aspect I 1 She pddes herseif . . . . . . . . . never having had a day off sick. Ain Bon C for Dof
eanlrb thot suaaoqr ato{aq qtuQlL 143u aBDsDd 4.r? 'a 'v 'uousanb a1!1 nquflu ?41tsllDsb .uosenb aro adD o tu c {o w.v !rD. 01 Atto E[ste 01sz'uaasahb41batoJ $a9 tl{4u1qt nolcqtl1l@ r,rra7a?1? Faqs reAsse noxvo a$rlp!\'a, a@ av asaoq.lsntu na^ 8ullsLutl:lattbd ro tra^ub P.1e33nsuo! qltn 41Da'?3Dsmd.rythaqb e41 uI sluaualo$ pa1lstl!:un n tuo11!,hblo bqMu b esosbd a1{ lo 1FD?ralb Pu!: n'n nan "oulas
g EoP.es p.^I,u!o. Tpu.gJ lao slq sunpuas
rrls c E lo tBllouos
p.snEJ aoph
p:.ne.j v p.!F:p { \rms 3 6^a sErIaq
rnounr g
uoBnJuo. v
s,IodEW 3rq elp qrIA uo[d.Jer .rP rE .JuEr.ddB srH tZ
qs,rduorf \q1uou rs roJ,{rerqq lt.ot.I{1 ?uNot. II!}rn
3ns!. I 1Fs5r g la€1u.v IIra rtrod rorl?^ou5r.qJ
IIIrlJFAod 3
ll.ros g
5u|]ool-rsabmi aarp slqJo r5d..)tdoqs .qr :^.rr.r or p.rdu.r '
Ip?q y 'satdde 3!a .{aql
puE$qrla v l:dx. f, sEA@n]or p.r.id.p.qI
€ulPEJ( sus8.Fur I trsE.Jr.p g tlhol8 v 'ss.lsnoo.uoi ufa.r $^5 ptnoa u!rr^ p.@@n s:dog Leu\)tod. IPrrd'oq E o EuProrrv
seundlq@asse( s.q.@q )I.rq D saunrqord g s.n.nb.top V TaDqSF aqr ur .Jn Jo .rnE.J E
[email protected] uo sr.ryrs P@ .rrrod @.araq uonBruo$oJ 's.urmo. .uos q
Ilr rE$ lq8ru r.Et
'I.BuE Iu.sc at!' '''''
qsEus ( ptoqq{a I ' ' - 'or.tqB II.rq
JlqEpuElsr.pun c g .iqs@r{lrduoJ c .iqnslu.d .^Bu.q.rduoJ v -,{tcrlru.stru.@^z.Dqr€Erino.t€gEuoosossnaolor..@Dnterfto^ 8I T@I@rd e.rrnsul.JI
tmsru q roJ.t€.s
SuIPqsg SurddqsV ho p.sotru5 pug.sE5td rI
tuF@8 C '
lu.]!i q itBJo uoBnt.ra .qr ol .sne. suo .nrnd ol
p.sn 3 -
.IqBd.rsns g 1dE v lrE srsrlr^rr'E s.lEpoJ 9r
.uot. (f .Iqnop g uEdrarmo. I ruapuodsalo. v 'aououor looq.s .Iqnd .{qrau .rP ur ' sq 1.5u 01:np s looqJs.r]s!.rprduoJ IBJot.qr Jo r.rsEupE.H .qJ 9r
.q1or ''
sur.Ded q 3mppnqr ) SulPillr g 8ur$!etr y 'punora s.rEldl?]au Jo atrd atotta.rp ru.s p@ p.ddu Ioq risuni. aqI tI
6@rJ ( dEg C .{€n g roF v - .!p Jo r@d p.uumA .qr )t]I ]snl
pEaP ( eIIisIp D erFBot g rEeJ Y 'p.r.6eue.qIllRnT.Es€q:q13q1douuqJo.uo..qllBErtaryqror'' I 'uaop 6dot5^t. .rp IE.s p
On 27 Jdudy 1950I was duc at the Albert Hall, London,whele SirA.biatrtsoultwasro including dre Elear conduct a progrme md the MendelssohnViolin Concerti.Diana dd I left Ncw York or the evening of the rwenty-fiflhj with mple time, as we pie sumedjto keepour appoimment.Wirh everyone sedre in his safett'belr, the planc shor down the runway, ther halted with a tremen dous screechingof brales jusr short of rakeof. This was lwice repeated before the shatenpasscngeswereuDloadedand told to retum ro lhe airlor. in the mornins. Next day we sel otr foi Englandagain.To begin widr, so rhick wasNcw Yorl tratric that we ,lmost missed the plee, which misht have savedeveryonca greardeal oftouble. Disasreravoide4we tookoilat elelen |hirry, and shody afteMards d1e pilot madc his rounds.Wdting io rea$ueDiana,I stoppcd him and suggestedthat L\e mroward inci dcnts of the day bdore hadnl bcen roo selious-In ihat wonderfulcalmblutrEnglish 'Airploc cnginesjyou see) wayrheanswered) aremadeupolthousmds of individualparts, andit is quiteimpo$ible ro rell whenanyone of thd may ceaseto function'; with which Job's conforr he passedon. A short while late!oneofLhosemanyparlsdidindccd cease ro function:oiLbeganblowinsoler thc wingn dd back we went to Idlcwild Airyort, !s it dlen wls. At the rhird tr], later thar aftcrnooni we succeeded in cro$ingrheAtlantic!making one srop to retuel in Newfomdland and anorhcrat Shmnon in the Irish Republic,for oneflcwfrom lddfallto ledfallin thosedays.
Here rhe English \ceatber blocked further prog!e$;foshad closed London Airlon. Ir was about 6:30 a.m. iocal time when we adived at Shanloni too edly to despair of reaching our destination. We telephoned my agenr, Harold Holt, and I bofowed an airport office to pracrise in. Howcveri !s rhe hours pa$ed and lhe London fog failed to lift, I $ew acious enough to tiy to charter from Aer Lingus a plane smau cnough to land in conditions which our big Strarocniser couid nor copc wirh. For some reason Aer Lingus was nor allowed io rescue usj so after moie endles hous, wc took otrin dre transadandc plme, firsl a. three forty-five when Ltle radio wrs fomd to be out oforde! tnd we had ro tum back, thcn, fina1ly, at four nfteen. AII hopes of rehearsing had long been abmdoned, but the concerritsclfstill seemedsafe. 'Ihefoghadyeracouplcof trick!upitssleeve, howeler. Afrer circling ove! Heathrow a few limes in a vain atrcmpt to find a breal in |he bldker below him, dre pitot leded ar Mdsron on the eastcodsr.Dianaaod I were delivered to the earth through the lussase shaft i! the plale\ be1ly, hustied dlrough cusroms ar a trot and thtust inro a waiting car, which roarcd off the dirfield with most gr.ti fylng drama. One nile flriher on, the centlc fog of the couDtrrside tuiled toward us in thick, soft, totally opa{tue clouds, dd wc crawled the tst of the way at hardlt more thd watking spced, Dima shivering io the Wc were of couse lare.
26 After the tusr anempts ro trke ofil, Lheauthor ed his wife were askedro come back on B C D
2rtth Januarr. 27th January. 28rh January.
2 7 The pilocs remrks, shorrly after taking of ftom New York, A proved {tuireinacarate. B led to their returning ro ldtewild. C refened ro thcir previousdisastrousflightD were nor calculatedto easeDia.a\ distres.
puE @ry urJAl.q
.rlJ s.^rr Jo .nitu .r'D.t -qns .!.1Jo s.rEurls. spt.r^ ss.rord srq-L sprE4ir IIEr.^o rEqa roJ uu o1p.ftd -3rd .q ptnoa ,i.!p $tsu lrrta rrlqnd .qr Jo sr.qu.u pilsE ,{.rtJ rir$D^ Fn .!SEJA.N rE s.n8FI Io.
[email protected] s.uol t.eq.!w ro$.Jord Iq ]lo,r ol st@!F rp.8@qJ aou sErI rErtl '8urr:gns plBFu6'uPd.rO - {l rsol 3 lo lsor u1!u .qr sEpie3.r pldoa\ :tdo.d$ou 1eLIAr.T .r@aolE ou.peu snlnrFr sno Etr srr[ 'spoo6 piJnP -ord 5^rq .sra$rpo Plnoa oqr\ .utqJE@ E sE p.nP^ s, uou.d pB.p .rIJ 'rt Eorddr .,iErdEr @umlj Jqr p.fle. sI reqa s.sn uorettuFs s,rsruouo.a .6s?t. JqI 'rr uo onF^ druou x Ts.. lnd ol sr.lErs r:.u.qI -otd ro rueld qr€. roJ .Jrr lo ssorJo )s'r .qr jo :1€L!Irsi uE sptrrl ssirord srqJ .uo lo loJr]E{ e IIlEnsn tIR.,{ 000'0I r.d srqdorsPlE. .q
-.lI lo Dqlunu .q1to surrl u P.ssardF u.rF sr ru.p -r.rE !E Jo {tqrq?qord.qJ 'suolner:rd r$ qlra Buora o5 ptnoJ lEqr sE!'q1 iqr loP@ nuorh o5plnoJrBqr 6!!I!,{$^r to )jx,qr srl.dxe 6urr.Jurau. pa.lsut :ru:r r.dx. rsEdlo s6eq .qr uo P.rtrP.rd.q rouuE.!r.qr os .*r itSuF:.tr& .r sru.^. q.ns ulrs r.prq srp.1..J€ .q @tr.ido.d Jo spuEsnoqr Jo su:l qrFIA ur qnnoroq xud ro os.ris .ledoqg aIIt - ,isrqdorrs€1rr,,ioJ teuElod .q1 Surss.ssy 'tEsr.^o!!o. uJ{o st 1-.9. pue isner u::al:q d,qsuoo rt.I .rF pue p.reurur rsig sea ss.rord .llr r:r.F sIB.{ Irun E3dde rou ,(€u s:sr5 -srp rql \s.$E or r.preq '<s]u:uuorhu. .Jrs rr un u sPor.dauol AnDFoa uo{ .sEE uEr 1Eq1s.sE: srpr.itDl.!p'!,sr..ue3,! 'prreFtrlrr ,{trs": :r€ u:LF rEquoc or $ns€.rlo srtr.l 'srsu. sru.pprr J. .q'r p@ q.ns uo.ru.pui lo qrte.a srurpr.rE go-.uo lo v sulrrra itp rI ,isrsdro:),,
's.qdolsBrErpuE sr.r urJ '!s.sdro.'uo€r l.rp q)iroa sr.)ieu-I.Iod siasH .!F qIrIA ol t.ro8.E. r6eq :.rq1 .rE .r.ql 1r 01 alEuptnoa s.mse.@IreJes p.sodord rElr! .ru.r.gTp 3Lp PUElsr 5q1 sucs:$E st :uo Dqlmu u.tgord i^qa rarol ou oa litnorls fuEd@or 3qr reqr srd5r* (uorun snleu puE IEdDrmw r.Iog !IE!@C.!F Jo r..qro lr.JEs pue q1le.q ..:c pi^eq 1lI r.iuer p:1.t.r-so$:qst uE Jo lip ol ].sdF ptnor srE.I _cZrot AuDtroa\:tdord 00i '!uoss'uuo3 FIott orlluo @ Iq rrod.I E ol SurpJor -r€ 1.r:i rEql o1 .ms,da. 1u€1suorLFrtN .iq*!ods:I :1rrn..x!IIFJ€Spueqlte.H aqrIqp.srdur rrurr lolruol .q1 r1€lo.rlrrtr|u $d s.rq gs0unulxeuEorluetd .1r.1rE rr€ :Lp ur sors.qsE .ql .rnp.r 01 :uue€ord E8lJrnlJrsuJlsnls!I@duor .qJ s8uruq .)ieiq rol s:tD -r.1 sors.qsxs:JnpordsrrnP
-ord'IvIu.LsnoNI v€u,
'1lnog UEIPV rls qrh pEq @ oqa ruruuroddE ru.5B leJsnu @ru.uv uE (l -uoPuo_Iu. rr..uo. R ur IRId or 5uro3rsEtoh otos E l) rG.uo. E.^l' or uopuo'I u.q or pEq oqa roFnPlo. E g 'IaH rrqtY.ql rs u.ruor lEb.ds B..s ol iJra srq SuDIEr@u q.rr E Y sEAJolpnEiqr rErF.38$Ed.!p uo{ ru.Pu. sr rI -rlnq aur€u. @ p.dot.lep rEr Ir.qI q 'rL,u.crr.
(r. I te' rd. Lr^la JrJ$
'!^. g ueqr l)l'qr uaop .uE. nFrErFlllu 8oJ.r[ s@orsncq8noqr €uro3dn p].rt.Iea l:rtJ Y auors@wrE P.P@t IIIRUUI.!p u.ria p.u.ddEq rEqa 'alBldsap iFrntosqs nuit..J .r.a
q )
'tol g puq ptno, 5u€td F r]Jrid IIEUSE p.r.ueq. '.sn:q:r 01:u! u, uopuol q*oi or Surdort v Ios .r.a .Jra slq puE rolonE.rlr 'o€ 9 r! PUEI:rtm P.^P4,lrq1u.q^
31 Why is the company TBA lDdutrial Products about to reduce asbestoslevels in the air at A B C D
To comply with a report by the Otrtdio Royal Comission. Becausethe Union is deMding srdcter safety measues. Be@usepresent levels de above dose ser by the HSE. To imprcve Lhequalil ot feir brale lininss. 32 "Cdce$" ue harder ro asessthu r
capital" .pproach is
clinical &d irhumde .
35 A rypical question posed to the public by Professor Jones-Lee and his colleagueswould A B C D
How fruch do you thinl a person's life is worrh? 'Voxld you say you enjoy rakiDg risks ar work? How ouch would you work in d asbestosfactory for? \vhat rewdd would you qpeci fo! saving someone\ life?
' ' ' sHr q€norqr .B[BI .ror! rol e F3 rtFnot^qo p,ed lErp uE u IIA q.Iqa <.l.q speor !:r+ ro oA1q8norF rm Illtr 1l lnq - .snor{ no rsEd06 1,uoa pEor .\! <w5u I - p!lr.!! 4rrlrp lou .r,.a 'P5uersor eI?
[email protected] sEr3l se r^IerEunxog iiEp p@ rqSr-u u!p&a I."q sq rsRd SatPmJr slqrol .^lss€u Jo r.rdsord oto rnoq! ,{Esor peq.^eq ptnoa.TW rBqa.qSEui rsnluer I IEI(.srnocJlo5 ul lbp*a rnollo ryBq eilr tuop 1q3rruu a^RrIplnoa 1rr..s ue. !,{ se*J $ lrBJ sI -.i.rl qlnoriF rqstr PBoIIFI:U E ausq ollBsodoidElqlgorlroddn dn 3utlnup,{snq u.iq.^eq p@ sorqEIH roj leld tEro-l a.u .qr rnoqe Fsaq $n( .^!.t( nol roJ 8!Iqr Poot € IIqEqoId sRA.^our JnoI rlea 6W Xg '.ln $ 5snoq a.u :qr 1Er{asn IIer p@ .rrra rs.tu no^ xo udop sulFr.s rc arEnof r?qr.doq I p@ uqol qrog t noutg f,l?sodold eLF3qPEtuj lpunoC 6rP or aPEq .q 01 suopEru.s.Jdlr r.lrlp ioJ tsur1..u r{qnd q€norql'.pelrl.q ilra
[email protected]@xe snqJ p.ptorB eq pFoqs sI€t.p .roJ.r.qr leqr Pw .torlA Es?Eel?.$ Jo lu.udolar.P r.dord e 01iElI^ sI pEor eqr rEql p.J !.uttrooi) 8!r-swtd ar{J ru.@.^o? IeD@t pE IEuotS.r,{q p^orddB or rralqns eq IIIA (J!^3,$oqhtqJ 686I q rm.8aqeq pEodJ.rFx.I{rJo uolrulsu@ re.np5pu.1s]sIrI '086I nI uodrt€rH rR rrod r.ulEluoJ a.o elF Jo rlop.nrrsuo. .rF 8tfuofloJ pooau.c Jo fru.t .qr u see,{ lu!]!r q p..uelr.dx. sustqord .$€D .r{r or JaI.r lEn@rsqns .P$ord IA brlr.Sor ssBdr(guaolq6lH .qr pw peouJetPd ert snqJ ssBd,{glraolqslH 5qr 36ulol.Btlr-qtnorlF roj
[email protected] ,{51nd slqr rBr{rpw sreld ,{ru.a1 1Fu oqr r. o PeSEsI^!. JI!?n Jo qlAot8 ..F roJ solF ol pa4nber sI pEore q.n8 1ErI1 I.J st rI .@1qSiHJoPu. qrnosllp1E puEpRoll pooalrl.d rE suoll.mt .q IiIa .r.qr 1Rq1puE IEAaA?t b .El-oar (Fnp € .q [Lt\ pEou J.lla{ 3rp rRlF u..s.roJ sI rI z 1rtu1x7 ' ' 'rErF rqnoP ou sI t.qr Ip.sest^u. .tsur Jo smio .Il p@ psou JetPu eqr rFrA B.r IRDEPF.T rsFb e st uoEs.nb r{ e.t .lp 'rues.Jd rv . 'p€ou pooaur.c or .soiJ peuuetd uoll]h! arP 1RPeoE Jarted .qr aulutol rgElr uo{ oslR1nq (.ql€Jr-q8norql.qrqlld IIuo rou 'e.*.qr ur rUEl r{ $6rrur IBDIt$qns 3.q IIIA ll3qJ . suholot eqr uo lBsodoJdrlp r€$e1ord 01p.5lqo I..J .a rE.rerBF.qftd sqrJo sruspr;r sY r.uE'I 'R.rE IBIIEPISeT.urd e JI?q q ss]um II.^l1t:.11. rFrH prre rel|tr :s,'1o+loo .p?ol{ p@aoFd ssor IIA peou J.IIad .qr 'U€iCt t^t$linsuo:l r pasodord.qrrEu..uo. mo sserdx.or.II plnoa aa reloqaEse?rte erp .I!uruoqssv.r ui ru3rl SuIsE.Dul Jo su€tqord .tF osE5or pEo)IJ.II.u EJoJp..u .t{1 pcrsFPrm .a .lqr{ rE86I q.tw lbunol rttnslq uaorqalH.qr dq Peqslqnd rP.qarsr.pun .rP ra Ie.o'I uaorqsrH ert or e.!r3Fr {rla .rua
36 w}Iich is the most likeiy end ro rhe fnal sdtence in Elua.t A B C D
shopkeepos wolld flourish. tbe distlicl wili sufer. other roads wiI be needed. ir will beome artractive ro new residors-
37 Er[act 2 is probably f.om A e oficial plafring docddt. B e applicatioD by s fim of conffactors. C a populd oewspaper arlicle, D a lelter to a casDalacquaintsnce. 38 The langlage of Extract 2 mighr best be described as A aggressiveand hdd-hittiqg. B impersoml ed mattd{f-faci C tdtaiile dd vague. D frisdly tud pe-suas'\e. 39 It is posible that the wiiter of ExEact 3 A has jusr moved bou,e. B also mote E*ract 2. C lives in Golfcome Way. D also More Extiact l. 40 l/hich Ea_EactrefeB to a causeofpEs€nt tEfrc ploblems? B C D
Extrad 2. Extnct 3None of thm.
1? '. . . thoe is no doubt
( '7ra1Paw'ad Jo .p9 e 1r .^F 01 F5rol 1.uop puv)
av ua suoqs?fi lo n@41 ' ,q
'6 s'\J)
.urzE6eu 6.P or u! pu.s or .t.ruE @ rlrrAl
'auo.tea luetn3ued 6q rM iolua ^ eer laql leqr' pue luPA I eor srsure3l]eq^ o r s e s r a l l M s t e u o l e up u Ps r s r . t r Poarl ! o , r e l p u r € r ! o sd ^ r 6 . M ' " c r q Ms a t r r u v u o o : p u el r s s n o r i e n l s ea 0 e n O u p t a q 0 ru r u r e a t tsor e e i r a ' j rO u u n pp e qi a q r l l r u n u o d d o qcnL! Moq :lorua r.uprp^aqr reqM pue 56en6uetaql 6ururPatatrLl7speiolu6 ^3ql tErla:P3iotdu€ sl3qce€rroql spoqrsurreqM puP pasn^aqr steu€leu ro spur) lpq/'^ 'a6er6uet aql 6urureatu63qo^eq laql ouo /l^oq eape€r Ltsl 1A^aqr €doq aM ptro/r^ aqrlo sued e urorrsrsure6tiqspro/r^ogtlnoqelo sat!r!e arPro' 6ur)oot 6resMrPqM
:F.ddB s.rortPg.q1 uo{ r.Err$J.tJq e s! .r.H p//o/1 au sot v qslt8ug .Itrl.llt t Prm rtu 01s.doq rt le$ s.IDs € roJ s.trDE uoqs ioJ SrI8.ddB sr .qrDsqns no]{ qitqa 01sutz€3E@e3E.€@lqsll?ug tv
(sproa Osr rnoqv) ,{ep auDlroalsnqeJoruno.rBa^rdlrs.pBarr{tr aBIJormor?q.rersFme.!nod.qleurl t
(sproa 0S€rnoqv) @oJ,{Rssa u ro tF{Eads
[email protected] 5.-6oFtpeJo uot.rp r{.rr& Im no^ Tsnrsrq.-u.+Iqr mo or uo sied 01p.d6setd.q
[email protected]!r@q s,&rmo hO,
(sproa 05€ rnoqv) rI 3!ll or qli $os ptnoa nod cJr. rp@tsr (fJrmor '{llb !eo1 '.4?u-{) eceld eqr Jo solld@sip e .r!l[
'Po at tisba wb ftal. tt 4p@ an haL 1,ru.d 1o4'ud Lt ultA'bd13
[email protected] rrat wW ns 1nq' tuo'pn\r alrtu al patuonb sa"rE a uauso&@, auhqlol aU lo ^tto oN alyA aw 6r.Drd ha ol $ntu eahsub noi srnoq z :aErJ NOTJISOiIWOC :Z dairvd
PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Time : 2 houn Section A Fitl eachaJ the flMbercd btfuki in the foun@i4 P6so€e @nh one ruito)le @otd' In.........(l)oftheefonsofthemediainrecentveslstodisillusionu5thegseral (3) - ( 2 )i h e o ' d i n d y p u b l i ch a so f r h e ' a u t h o r ' i so f . . picrule........ place gallet or some oiher (4) in a in solitude a ttlewnter sitring huched . . . . . . . . . (5) that' but 'fovalties', that nme Crven away ftom prying eyes.And noi . . . . . - . . . (6) seemto be histolically to rhe finocial rewards ofthe writi,ag profesion, . 'a lwages' (E) (?)thacsjust ... or salary'.And . nore than jusl 'bonus' ihem to alwavs imagined childlen that mv roy.ldes are: they.re celtaitly not the - (10)not .. . (9) whea they drived flom . publisher-Mv fauit . ,' (ll) . edlcatingthemprcpetly,IsupPose,butthereceiptofarovaltvcheque. (12) thev thought . alwaysbringrithit eppealsftomthechildrenfo!€xtr ( 1 4 ) o r b ilihdav C h . i s t m a s . . ( 1 3 ) a k i n . . . something of......... . .(15)robeapportionedinthesame presdrs:itcertainlywasn'tmoneyihat ,'' w a y . . . . . . . . . ( 1 6 ) o t h e r s a p P o r t i o n d e i r w a g e s o r s a l a r v . I n d e e d 'sala!v' , dd (r, I not lesmed very edly on in my writing cdeer to seelovalties as mv p @ Ple, t h e o t h e r c a r e t u l l y ( 1 8 ) m u c h m o r e caretully apportion.... -.... ' lonc I would fom of income (19) ifecrlar they are an . (20) hav€ been in dire financial sftaitsl in st.h 4@ar *at it neaN e'acn)t thesaneasthesetteqe Finnh edchol fieJollauins sentences E a-pldi ,4rs!o./r a)
I'm haqine a lot of ouble Dow be@useI lost mv passport last week. If r............-.-..................
Iqhen the police eught him, he was climbing over the gardetr dau The police c|uSli ...........
It's sid, but unenployment is ulikely to go doM thjs ved Sad..............................
in r stoiencar. lt is beiievedthat the me escaPed T h er t m i s . . . . . . . . . . .
Sincewe had nothing elseto do, we decidedto go for a walk Having.................-.......'Nothing wiil p€rsuade me ro sleep in that haunted house,' she said. S h ef l a d y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'Renember to lock the door whal you go oui" she said to him She reminded ,in to loch the daot wh.n he @entout.
saop r.t Tr.nal .s.rp IIE r.as@ 1snu fIIBer I
'1saq psodord rsrg 3{r PqI
[email protected] pFs su'rlrol eqJ
'prR{€ u,I 'r.r8l atr]l e 3q 01 ,tt5{t .rPl(
P.qsrsIP 011uea I
'IBssuslp JBJrm sprmorS .qr uo unor or ,{wdEoJ €rlr $o1 .H Jo
'auoi? rFI.q .s.wa p.fl!b(-wb|
: p@tuv asaw M u8$ap all u, uououoa q3lls .tuos aq tbtu apql uopeIft^ uo uAF.p a'qJ :a4tuoxg
{J31 ,teu s.se^ p.ru]Rd-pwq
'tbh tto ut p.t $nv llt.qps a4 01 3u.uo.u u,.lg,tsod n tol'uB
tptoe asb41:uaa8 tpnh a478uM nq 'artaluas Pul3uo n attualbs 6eu b a1u6
IIIEEJ.qT'.EorI rol l.ulp r$ ^g oN, irqSlu r$l F"lll e 3^Eq no,( 1.uPIq, 'ur p. io q sRA lrl lr.Jord 1sq arp 8qloElllr p.noI{uoddnssHre6orr@ano,{Jl '
Xq os op$nu UrdV uI
[email protected] ol E qrns au!!q $roa dlpiEr{ sea r rsrlr 8uE..E 3.p '
G (:
rsq?t 5q1le rsl€ &Bn@I (p sFqlaw 'IIEqearel " os (r
'uI sBA ,t@duor .$ seE InJAE s.up arj E sainSg eqr pEarp"q I DrJRdluo
ue 1?qa ' ioSEs.t! qolFqr
not isutoP @.q nod .^eq leql(
(q (.
P4set iai;. tfiu ainq oi !..a rsel s.@Prldo .$ 01lt a | :aldeortt 2nqd ro Wotu aqotl$ b 4116sIualq aw lo tt o. n'i
:",;;;,.,;;;",;; ; ;; ;:1,"J::L ;; ":";;;;
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I 'r' t' L ' L 'nB rerF dl.q ro:r IIEr 01 uarlr roJ ^JEse..u lru3ea rI
ICs not you! fault.
People seem to be criticising the police quire a lot nowadays.
In a nuBhell, the mm\ d idiotl
Sectior B 5 Read the p^saqe otpoite, thek Ms@et the qu5tioa b.lail.
Y,ly had the peregrine falcon floM against the oil execurive's wiodow?
What did the peregdne's accident (desoibed in paragraphs I and 2) have ro do wiih Califomisn omithologists?
Why de peregrin€ falcons in Califomia in dange! of extinction?
d) e)
What etrectdo you ihink ihe wliter trids to createwith the dp!$siotl'upon peregrinedines' Gines36-37)? Explain in your own words the phrase 'sclapes rogether' (line 45).
'vhy did ohithologists rhink the peregrineswould have a better chmce of suFival in
How did the bird which flew against the oil €xecutive's window sulvive?
h) i)
Apart from skyscapers, what orher duger(s) do the bilds have to avoid? Explain the senience 'They make wily urbM hurers' (lines 74-75).
W}ly were otnithologists both pleasedard wonied lasi Malch?
k) l)
How have city pieeons ieuned io dcape aftacks from peregrines? Explain the phase 'litrered with scraps'(line 111).
Wlly, accolding to the write!, were the pereednes still tahing in DDT?
How did the peregrines react to beins given subsiitute young?
In one paragraph of 50-100 words, slll]muise th€ experiment being carried our in Los Angeles to savethe peregrine fal@n, and give a bridindication of its successo! failue .
which the
)r9c|/\] urll 'uoaSrd '.{.i.1 .shr.$N .$ pepmlur rr.qr rsurot 9 g I 01u!.t u!. ,{.qr ,(t).nb aoq !o spusd.p suo.teJ .{rr. Jo suotr€rau.3 .nlnJ Jo l€^hrns,.ql, sl.u4s -uI l?tu5r?o radord oql 0€I rnra p.p"er qFp" 6q1 '53pq oqr ra o sr.3@4s $btdtrq,srtll -3orssolJo pe:1sut sruun.rro tsurT -8pouqrrd u.qr pe.!td6j sgl 'tsg € olur p3qrunq 'i01€l sl..a suoPl srr qrh ssel Ier.^rs pue 's33a 8oruEu.r -esrcs pirq .q1 nurq.uno o&1 .rt1 'r aqr Eo{ I.rd 5to1s slsBotoqlruro 'q.t?us pFoc $tr16.r.d .qr qsnqu€ pue qoEl 08 .qr r"ql II? .raa ICC trzl 09t u€ql erolu ')1 ?!4? -r.t3rte 'F!ds EtrIrmrts qrra p.uosrod - spriq dlor"$Ii! oS enanoq 1q?q e trr r.d?rsdls e uo{ pu6.sap or si iD tB pr.d$q8,q s.l/r €q -.?1 aruno^"J Y sr.lunrl E/ rqr $runo$r oeJsuo:nrq eqr sdes aEI oijY s I t u?qm qra 5rt"u I5qJ 'PIra q.r.d slq uorl 6qr q .t??3 u? rql ur "{rrq! 'I?s 'plnoa [6q] Jo se sou€6i.d .qr !o q.wa u.q1 Jo r6t. rsN or sdeerl oq,{ '?unol In?d 'sda.s ql'.\\ p snrr 3r? pesret .^€q ssuune&o OL q.q^{ \ruernels .roop O I I oql lnq s$rdor{.q q't ^ -lno.qr ui satqqaqru?qr s@eas v-t uaolu^/ro(l r.qgrq ou r.nnu or ue8eq sruErrqEquru?unrl s1t d.qr'Ilolur.lrp$uisra lo ,{u?u ueqt ^1r. rqt uI r5n.q SuhI rns ar s6t.3 99 I^^eq ? pesrF.r splq .q1 6.uo os Ts Iprrc-prurl s0t -uY so't r.1r.$ punol? -n.€p.ds n sq€$ 1rsprrq s.rrds luar3J:Ip uo 3!n{ seqlo oAl poe suo.tq 1e5{Fo IIb uo.t"J 6urf '.r.d asm..q srr?ql lo I?d sqt 1.q uI iul 'JCA qo " -ptmq lu"g uoron .q1Jo 09 sqleuqq slsdoto$ruro 001 eSpetlqt uo rr?u Suqs:u slr oi dn tfq p.dd"g pu? urql oss?a II.qs sr .sn?. '6q prt.?r, 33. $qlo 8uqs"r doJeq spuo.ss -uv dopq 33prl ri{r uo ssousnor.suo. p.unner prrq pr.n?q 5q|r.tsr ?ie ano p.qs?us Eu.wd p.co6u.&.u] .ql rng s6 -oar e !r or.q .!lr .>ti-I 'I(I(I '1s3u.qtu 6uq1$satdd? JO asoP u€qr s.uu3d6d .q1 Jo .26 eq] saSe FIE.S " nol als pur uqn o roJ .uos.toqd\ .rou s€,1\ -utq qSnorql rreqr s$8.lnqueqs,pt?uoc.r{ 0s F)oot 'ISotooZ ar?rq4re^ 06 p.pr?csrp uo p.oql€J suoc8rd ,(1r. Jo r.Ip Jo uoq?PunoJ uel$,ra aql qrla SEot€ Faford aq{eu 1?q}P.prr.PsrsF "-otoqlruroos s.ap. Jlt eql sosuods q.Iqa 'pqnc uo r3qp3o1s.d€r.s !m sn eude$d 3q1 uo{ ss rssqo -q.i"I I is!'I 9 8 'I?J .qr l"qr srs.u I.^ef
3q] uo Irur ^5q11?!nulqr os II3qs3q15p?E ^Iensn .^?q sl".maq. .rxol iio .s33. s{et euuSu.d 0t ale@t .q1 u.qr{ JCC ql'a p5l"n@luoJ .rr s.ur! au!?.l.d.ql q.rqa uodn sprrq II?ES .qr u! s€ .to rsou '.Ir ^1l. "tu-oJlt?J nrq ol1r nur rd€p? {q uoqculxe uorJ P6.rq .q1 .n€s ()1 lEd 'D.ox. ppo ue Jo rro sea uortq slqr ro{ utq 0€ q1h IIaJ srrq.]"aprlq u?irrEv .ro s.ooq 0q1 aol4 -rg sr.Irod srgo nu43eosnsun ro uo4?;e$uo. sPrEA9Z -o1 P3Fuunld " p{q sudg InJssertns tsou siPliod 5ql s€ poq!.s ,ep .uun.Fo eql sv perreil? pu? I?^lr 0z ".roJ 1r uel?lslu r.o?rrs^{s p3rorm aqr ur uo4.3grr udo srr u.os p"q ^an Jo prq 6qJ dor.q 1009 {trou lzetd !tI] spleaor St Sours,fiotu eq] qSnorql p@ sr.rl1€.J .tqumt Jo .&Ids ,{.ra-qsrntq ? ur AopuB .q1 Jo .cunoq uo.lq euu.ero 0I &3u" uB .as ot !€q. slq ur punon P.trrqa .H aopulA .q] uo l.oot ? s€a p.l..dle aq Euqr Net .ql .JeaoJ I so'I orrv .s.toEuv Jo mog qt()t .ql uo r.rnd -uo. {sap srq iuryoa ser 3^qnrex. tlo 3Hf
" uoclel fi!c orll lo
PAPER 4: LISTENING COMPREHENSION Time: lpprox. J0 minures Fir6t Pdt For qwstio8 1-7 ti.k ( J ) @hethetth. statementsate tw or Jdts., dc.ofiine ta utnt lou heo.
The glest spesker was orc ofrhe schoolt tusi pupils.
2 Nor all its pupils heve beo a credit to the sch@1.
3 The sch@l ha8 ahvays been o-eduqtional.
4 The Snesrspeakerhas etntten at leasi fou! plays.
5 His most r€cent hit is a comedy.
6 His tust novet won a litefty
7 The Headmaster once diticised the guest's English.
Second part Read thh natl ketusbaperaalvett;ffi.ht eal th^,6 rou list.n,utire corrcctioa ia theiehFhand .ohm Jot quettiow 6-13, d.@/dhe ta uh.t iou h?ar.
HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! WORLDWIDETRAVELis ofrering 12placeson a l'Lday holiday to Spain! Full-board for only €210.Idealfrorcouples.AEilable MarchandApdl. First-classhotel Ring WorldwideTra!€l 429807 i
Ttrt Ttt [Tsl
uE rrt fTsl
'uoos 8r$e.u I. al-dor B or p€el IIIA 'srrLgl..IIodJo usrr9Fr 6rnp.r ol q.nu op iIA .uor{rmuuE paP.eu-qJnd tpla luauuD^o6 .phord 1IA 'r.npso3 !s@J roJ elqsuods5r suRrrDllod 1lJoddEslp IIIA iruryJ.ul aqr Jo rr.g: ,uo .q IIA
rI Ct 1I l) 1I g 1I V lEI{][ 8i
TlDuqsllmd.r.^.s .rou sJ.p!3go 5^t3
[email protected]{J c !q3s.!oJ Jo )pel Jo IrImA G.q .^Er{ dBu .H 3 '.rlod 5$ dq g P.s,^r.dns-ra^ollqxqotd sEArpleu :qI '$llod 5.p rpra op 01 .pql pEq lu.ppul eqJ v as.rdx: ruspu.rus.dns ..Iiod.ql saopuorqdo l€ru( '
'J?eI srp ar@to,^ Jo IE.rqrno $rg alp sEA 'a.Je.slq rp$1no p61Ers ,tlaleunlroJm '.roJ.q p.r!3r.drc pEq.rI SuHr]luB@qr .srod sE6 $Ba,f ,f]!.ar,{FB.u !r lstg aql s8d atqnoD s,1q3F rsBI rP3w5truot s8a soe€l( rw s! *]
ftE fTt flsl fl-l
ger arp or srolFr ruenba{ 's.iPoi. .Iqsg!@Pr ,qrei. 3u€.4 'p.uoddEq roJ a@lq 01 1ou reqa 'alqnol1roj suHool s@J rooupEorg .lP
[email protected] Plnoa
fTa-l ft5l
tTt ftrl tL]l
c ] g V 11 9I
(I :) g V sv
'rqiE Ft.rEad .srN.Ilo @ !r .Ju$rmo P.rqosi @ sRA u q -1IF4. auos lqAI or auh .{lso 1l il alt r.rJ! .ul1 sru.uou Poos.uos P"q 1I a 'a.roJ.rtlod ualB uR .{q pep@ uoos3ea rr Y r.!o snofas € sEA ?J"r s.eIW pE,\f q ruapDq lqr q8noqllv
tDr6 ot supto.rb'Q lo )<s 'V \r,oq aUIo auau1( t ) 4r!! o lnd'q\-tl
'rbaq rctr a41Io q,a" ro4 tuousanb
Founh Pert Fot ea.hoJthequestiot19 21,putdti.h(J)ikoneaJfiebo@',A,B,CorD,accot.tinstouhat 19 Wnar does ihe Miter tell us about his meeting with the wmd? A Ir was alralged long before. B It was to do with a rftdt confersce. C It had been tued the dght before. D It was a Lhmce ocLursce.
IBT-l cT-l
20 W}len they had fnished luch, A the womm idsisted otr paying for ihem borh. B they had to walk dom the muddy hotel footpath. C the rn n foed vdy linle to tdk about. D they walked by the .iver md reminisceL
ETI lBTl lcT-l
21 V,har do we lean abour th€ womuh English? A It improved durirg rhe aftanoon. B lr bad oot ihproved sinR fieir last neeting. C It was Btill excelldt. D Ir had improved since they last met.
lATl lBTl IET-I lDT-.l
22 W}len the womu invited the wdte! home wiih her, A he alreedy kl€w her mother had died. B he had already started Baying gmdbye. C they were .hirhine cognsc Dear the squre. D it was already evening. 23 Vhat did the write! 6ad uDusual about the little gi!l? A She spoke Chinese. B She came in 'lmoriced. C She looked innocent. way. D She spoke in an umotioMl 24 Alrhoueb he had once knolt ihe woIl6 A spoke only a little Chinese. B h.d never m€t her moihe!. C lailed lo re@gnise the little girl. D had forgotten a lot about her.
very weU, the miter
ET-l Bt I FT--l
tDl l
trtr lAT-l
Paated aV at uaqtD.t hon e wIa 'ntPury ' (uaqa PUD uoln 01) 1t ua11y6 /o p,"s aaDI 1't3tu aqn (q p'b 'uo4 a@).nD!1113!w1t4u,q!not,ra\n(e tb! Laql vuauow@{Drole8b"bda@aupauatphls
uorlenpord 3q1 ur euit3ap P o1 lDuec$rubrsalnquruor ilr^^ lu3r'u^oldLu.unul qrMorolpPals aq]leqr sreolP3run€srp llluPrsuoc seq luauur.^o9 aqr'lrrunoJ 'JtN ol ourprocrv rusurlo dur.un 6uL.^016 lcpFlunor leulsnput euo4eN 3!r ',^Ppollno uodar e ul o1 uorrceiuea Dul)pl lou rol p€sr54u3sr Naururs 09 6ql
'suolBDsuou.p p@ srs.lord '.nte^ p@ mrlr stroFs.Jord/sqoi ru.r.nrp 'BuraIJId p@ saltDs :es?uJo auosn sl
.5u.rs eql _ '(@u .rF spr?6o1]I@oa alp Jo .pn19r? .qr puE) .tdo.d eqr
( litdal Manrstp n suoaikattu tua aasPv 111@ non:a1aq.IaWaastluo ffinan'@lotoiul uoxT tru.p{at.I aBp qtubC aq uI : aloN) e1do1 o1o1t4 rw {P"lJs I palDqa4laalowha o $tus1Pal Perod,d ?qPUD11agu aPu,u'cnhlanr
s.]nuu sI xorddE :5ulJ ,A.AIAUIIINI
:5 Ug.tV.I
W h e nl g o t m y r e d u n d a n cnyo t i c e L , didn'b l e l i e v et . l j u s t d d n l b € l e v €i t . l k n € w i h e f I n rw a sl a y i n gp e o pe o f f ,b u i l d i d n ' t t h n k l ' d b eo r e o f i h e m .a l r e r a l l , l ' db e e n there fof sornethng like 25 years,and l'd only jusi been promotedto rln a n€w A p p r e n t i c e T rnal n g S c h e m e t h e y w e rpe a n n i n gt o s l a r tu p . O h , l g o t q u t e g o o d r e d ! n d a n c ym o n e y ,b u t i i ' l b e v e f y d i f f i c u l tf o r m e t o g e t a n o t h e jro b . Th tableshaus thepaJt\esthatdrlfetensnupsaJaork.rsifltheUKhalercEheddutinsthe Past reat.
Studt 1t careiull!,
Ihet be prepaftd to .lis.us the ropXs and qu^tians b.|otu.
I M P O R T A N T P A Y D E A L SS O F A R Group
Numbe.s Settlement (%j
manla work€rc
l mi lio.
6 7 12
J o b e v a i u a l o ni o l o l o w
I milion
V a u x h a(lcl d s )
N a t i o n aC l oa Board
30000 40,000
13 F e a t e di o p r o d u c vr r y
6-1 13 3 26.1
Overrhreeyea6 on top of arnua award
I 2 yeais offer, up lo 10% more availabe for efficiencymeasu.es Index-linkedro averaseearninss
Saleway (sLpermarkeis) 1,000
8 7 15.8
Wbich gloup of worlefi havehad rhe largestpay rkes?'ff!y, do you think? Whatmjght be the etrecton $epublic ofcertainpayrisesl(Costofcoodsjserviccs!crc.) How do such pay risescomparewith ihosein you counuy? 4
Votk ifl pairs. Whik lat rcad thI, )aur |drmer vtiU readdnarherrcpatt an paee 53. Readrh ne{spapetrepattandtheht. laur partnerdbautit inJ)ouroun uatds.Tellhin or her tuhattiou thiflk dboutthe itupti.ationsof the teportafl.] askfo/ h ot het co"maus.
Train driver attacked
A Solthern Rogion hain drnrf \rho .clused 1{:)go on slrike sas adnitLed to hospilallasi nighl sufering from cuts and bruisesro his headand back. MrTomGould (49)waswalkinsto Fork iDdefialceofa unioncallto stfikcwhcnhc irasattackedbyfourmen. Accoding lo Mf Couid, themen apptuachedhim and tned
!o persnadehim nor to go ro 'ork, bnt io r€ortu home. Whcn he told rheft he was dct*nined to go on the night shjft, they beath'm a.oud lhe headand back. Mr Gould slatedr'I refusero be intimidaledby suchtaclics.Idon t agfeewith lhe strike and I shall be going to wo.k agaln Whenaskedabou!theincldent,thc local unio! spokesnandeclinedto comment.
orq I.rp sEqBsodord .Il !, sped BuJ.q s.8uErl. ,(uE
spftdor 3
' p.soddo .qPror .iE .d\
proqJ D .rors c an :r:rd sql,{etd o1asodordnod op
.{.)t s "
s51ou v rpILK
dnpFq v uaop|t s lno]Eerq c rnoltEJ c ' re.$ e sEAut4 a(Il rIrrJqqnd3.@^pE.rF.lo sutet. r@38^Bn$ tlF r.{i
- -
Fooiq pii€ qaaE 3
r4ed a ssol I {uEIq v ' € 1esEA allqa E roC Z I
ucsq o1 €3II v F6s Fft ,{poq g 'uao Iu ar,nol,
svc osc r.FroH g Jo $ou 01 s.uo. aaEPIo 1r eIn ,ftu .a :F1rl
4l.lsrc v E
PaitolrsV :qs
'riq ire.
p.u.uEu v .uoq q riE.p g P:uorl 3 ' ' - .q or uBusr Iirls 1.?r1uo..ql r EBr.p rryu.3 pisuqd C p.tq@ 3 P5qsepg plnoa s3{ Fq sErslj sE.snoq 5q1Jorno
p.ssorr I
q.ura s r.@ds v r.^rrpa.ns I rcel q ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' B .sn or .q PFoa lloq .qr so 1ns srqr r.3 or dEd ls.F. .qI SNIIq 'Iss ollEqa aoF{ or ' .udq piE Ei:{s c
aorJEu cI IIr{Iun 3 @qs a ru?$lp v .ru +ur^:.s5tpJo uoDlreit.r BJo s.ruEqr .qJ- z
p.ddns cI ,{u
I I | I I I i l ] ] I
Frelu. V 'pDaq
[email protected][
I '@usa,b
aV lo hqtuku aq elosb A b C 'A 'V u E .1.{1 1?,!s 1,nsn )not to alb.lput <SZ a1I 'uouenb xl qraa &iI a.u.)u 1!JD.el,tdtuo1 $?q 41ryd xDtI.l to ptutu aq1*aotl. ltttu not uaar?s !1111
v uopr.s
I rnot ptu)ar a1tuoquaqo sua!.tu1su!aqt QUI @na ot-12,1! albrbdaso uo.n noaeur?nsuD D ra6uv annflD suan &JpapnpaP.ra q)Dtu aN s1rDu lo a.lottr t"oiaia.tpul \uaueflbaV o(t utDs not g uaaxas u ntlreuor ra@ub hot @utanb 41o, )ol :41'u 2Eo ua' flotcv uour.s g uorns pub V rollras <surd a@ n s' r?dbd ttqJ u nF.arn nnruD na{ uouenb ryr? n!
rnoq I :3ulJ NOISNITHS{dWO)
:I dlldvd
o,r I ul?xa
A rulig
Britain's role in the itoild has chdged
12 Durjng Queen Elizabeth's . . . .
B mona-Ln) C rcrgn D .orona.ior
A @shioning
B pillowing
. . etrect when one is deah rhe blow of
13 A soido handshake my have a
C carpeting D artaining
14 The baby at the csrre of the conroversyhas beenmadea . A proseny B child C ProrCg6 D ward
- ofcourt.
russedD deeplv
15 The late Rev- Ivor Joneswilt be - . C resrettably A sadly B uhappily
16 The removal of magtines from this room is srictly A discou.aged B foibidden C dererred D illicit 1? The goverment may be forccd to. -. A shelve Ia
B implment
C so 6lead with
their privarisationplus for the time D cecei
His commdts. - . . . . . . . lirde oi no relationro the factsmd figuresof the casc. B give C beai D posse$ A rflect
19 I wasawakeredearlyin the morniugby the A baying
B braying
C neishing
. ofsheepin the fieldsoutside
D bleating
20 I must co.fes I was . . . . . . . . . myself with rage. A above B oulside C beside D beyond 21 To all intenrsand . . . . . . . . - rhe estimatesaic identicalB dealinss C concepls D puposes A mesings 22 "11\e 20 year policy wodd be a sood investmetrt,' said the insudce . you wasted to cash it in within the firet aen vears.' D lesr B in case C even if A even though 23 Ihavea... . -. . . .hcadache. A spitting B raving C spliuins
D bunins
24 The imposirionof maftia1law has beenac.ompaniedbv d after-dark A remand B cuifew C reccssion D cusrody . . . . . . u s t o b e l i e v et h a t s e F i c ed d V . A . T . w o u l d b e i n c l u d e d 25 You.. A tlicked B iet C made D led Sectiotr B dflMbet oJqueslio$or unfnishedstatenents Inthis Sectiaklauui lnd aJter.achof the Pdssase\ aJfnishitg Yau tuat choawthe one dbatt the p6sase, ea.h dhh Iou suesestedanst,ersor @@rs uhi.h jou Ihink fx best.Fot eachquest;a426 to 10, indicate oa vou aDswer sheet tnd tutel A, B, C ot D aeahn the nunber oJthe qtesti.n Ghe one answer onlv ta eachqu\tioi- Read eachpassoseriqht thtouEh beJorethoasihglaur antuts.
'p.ru.F d&w a 'satee,:) snou€. g 'suruEeu it.a V oor suraq IoJ lulsrou 1et! P.sbnlrr sEA s.@I Jl.su[I ao. .!p 3er 01 pall r,sPErI r.uftJ 5tp q 'rs8r{E.rq roJ q}. dn u.Ioa ul5q p"q ar{ 5 rqaF.qr suunP rno P.tPr u.aq P8q.q g '8u..,II slq ol rou sea rsBlPrrq siq V asnsr.q tuurou rslg aqr uo rs.q slq 1E1ousEAp.uJ?.ls
.polp rr pue 8uu@ lala:J I ptnoa aoq -.lP rqa@ .,ets itn 1! rJ.t I JI
[email protected] P.IDoa (rno ot 1,uptp '.5@r$dxeu t 11 Jo s$r]al q Inos nol uo ueurh aq or rqSno .q P.I ,{u 1.n! s,1t.qIEW noI ol urF op or qsra ou 1r pw 1r sr lBqI cNaIJv Isftw ool 'sFqro Tr notr spllrJs pEq dFs.uoq pot{8als rlrros,(tnJr E.L rr rRqa I IFr ILI Pw Ip -@l rlrrqa qol rno u.lu ,r.g!r roJ peq lErus@pmJ euo sr .reqr! r..ro^ eFu53 E q pBs eq .rs.urel, Jo 1nop.638+ AuPqlo p.r! P@)5rs u.I rIJo 'qBr qsENlseq p@ '.s.@I '{sdEqJ prEq .+ 3EIu.3 E
i.!a e Ilesu roJJI:su$ lt suFop @eq i.^.u rqq ptor rour.H .I l pte. .q.rou shoq p,.H lte sJErF r)flIu .rF ur 3uru.)lcqr lo {q a5J ? p.lea 5^eqpinor rr lno P.rurod I u.rtu( 'r. .qr IIB, or .qr sI rI s.prr.p .q Buturou v, pBs L\p9sed.luoJrpel.nrsearlng, .gr ur totJ.o rnoJ 1e p@ {rl.u .qr r.8u_€ , rEqr 6)ili dEq. R .sot or rwa rluop .t( rr lnoqE ir{qs arnb sEA .q rnq p@ qrsrq Jo 1tq e fIEp .uo IIo pa.sul Jo ruld (^\o[g ..u .ft.^ Ep@ raoDt noI rru.I. poo8 e jsdeprojJl.suq 1!qrla rnoqRsuqrn@ uaaq ? s,5H ao, sq 01rno auor or pasnFr no,t p?q€urtej.qJ u.uu.qrJo uorDRd@PIM puErqsE Dqro aqrno,{8Gr.q sXEs.Hf8pol e tFtuaor EsEA sqI ltnBJrnol iPEI(s.1, 'PaFlErs(PBs .u or 8lr]B8lduor sBA r.@S pjo rnq 5nS LirtdEJ fW, 'slF €6{Bs .{u pull! r,uoa noI aoq r 's.@I, .ltnEJ sod Ii8 s.rl rnq t.ueJ '.u llra pJoa dRsor .^!q o1Dtll 1.uopI puv, IFsepsn rsEor e Par@a aq pBs P.uJ8.IS rrs]el )t..a v ri uo qq suu.nnq .p.@or8 .r{ .cu E t ]E lno, 'saI' l,E or P.In p@ ..rrPr Jo rq sqr P.qtusqe I p.rlrur-P.i i.^o dIuRrrA plr€q E surqqd ! 3d11 thu r5llre. 'ls8sB.rq pr:tl85ls s.t{a or uaop .ur?'r rrq Brno sn lI?. .,{aqJ !asu$ rl5iF or ual! Suruou euo sEd .r.rII 3@q or Fult@ pesp .TI 3uHrcu s..raqJ, 1uo{ Jo s.3@q. p.rgtsrs p.dd"us "..rq3F IE s.rBqJ, rGtorr s.F,{otdura ,{ut 01 'oor 'p.sn roa I
2a Jmes thought it was all righr ro ieaveSwer\ A B C D
cow iill nexr dai becausc that was whar Siccflied had advisedSlmner had said therc was no urgclcy. he knew he could do nothing to savethe mimal. Sumnernevcr paid his biUson dme.
29 The inpression Janes sivesof Siesfriedis that of
A a fairly easy-goins,gcnclousmployer. B someonera$er pompousand upredicrable. C a conscientious but senileo1dmm. D an insuflerable,tyramical bo$. 'You mus! aftend',in rhe conrexrof dE pa$age,meMs: A B C D
You must follow vour conscience. You must use your powen of discretion. You mDst go oui whenever you ,re called. You must pay closeattentionat ail times.
necono passage In rhe immcdiare post-war yeas, rhc ciry of BirmiDgham schedlled some 50,000 small 'foday working classcottlges as slums due for demolition. that process is nearly complete. Yer itis clea! than quite apart from any question oflacej m environmental problem rmains. The expecladonbuill inlo rhc plminspolicics of 1945 ses that in the foreseeabletuture the city would bea bencr place to livcin. But now rhat slum clearancehasrun its courselrheresems to where the slums once stood is more be univereal agreement that ihe toral envircnmdt depressing the ever. For the past tcn years the slum clearanceareashlve looked like bomb sites. The buildings andplaceswhichsuvive doso onislandsida seaofrubbleandash. V,hs rhe slums werethcrc they supported a! orgmic community life @d elch building, each actitity, flfted in as part of the whole. Bur now thar rhey have beetr destloyed, nothing meaningful appears ro remain, or rather those activities which do so on do trot scem ro have any meaningful relation to the place. They happen there becauseit is d empry stage which no-one is using my moie. Typical ofthe iue!-city inthis senseis the Birmingham City Football Ground. slandinsin dsplendid isolation on what is noiv wasreldd on rhe edse of Small Heath, ir brinss into the area a srage army on rwetrry or so saruldays a year who come and cheer dd then go away asain with little concem my more for the place where they have done iheir cheeiing. Evcn thcrr however,have revolted recently. 'The eround'says the leadd ofLl1e ievol!'is a slum', thus pufting his 6nger on the fact that the demolirion ofhouses deares iather rhaD solves problems A new element has now come lpon the scene in the inrei-cirr in the form ofthe tower block. who wrotethoseposr tar Somehow itdoesll seemto be what Lc Corbusicr odrbeploners Pelicans 'ntended- Thepublic spaceseither haven't yet beed devetoped or are more meanly conceived, and dE corddors and lifrs are places of horroi. In fact rbese places were always suspect. Thcy had oo legitimacy inthe minds ofthe public !s suburbad fmily housing had, md those who wele placed there felt that they had been cheated. Aiong wirh the decaying elemenrs,therdore, that which had been conceived aspart ofthe bravenew world was par. of
'6utsnoq qRqmqns @ @qr .ido..I uo lqSnorF lu.u!^ordu C 'ua!F p.lstuisrur 1..Ds .rp L{ wu aqI c '!u,snoq prd q1!,r u.ri1p.lduor .Ilqnd eqJ g 'p.^t5.uo. Iip?q .r5a I.q1 rqsnor{r sDI@Id uaoJ v alinq $rg a6a derp uaqa slrotq raaor rnoqB IIql .tdGd plp 1?qa
'IooqrFr IAoIoDos e q 'uolrnto^e)I IErnsnPq .qrto dro$q e :) @qtrtura ut res lelou B a 'nod.r €'lrr@Id FJot lBrtgo @ V uo{ @IEr ,{IurErF rsorEIEsBA .aBssBdsIlF <@Dua s.r qrtqa ut .tfrs 'qr uorg
'@q8rrurg Jo uEd rEqr Jo .rnrnJ .qr rnoqe p$J5ruor .re O 'IeId uo4 5te.t.r i4sacau @.r n.rp Su]qrwa ra8 l Tr.uoddns s.qnt. lqro I@ sEsnon.qar sE.! A '@.r Suuoddns.nqlro. ol aq or u.es n.rp luErrntd v rroqFR .qr or 3qprctlv s@J llEqrool .{r3 @qaqurrg lo $qunu ,E " 'r^DrBFreun .!.u3r1x. sl eet .rp q '(t.re,pJtlM @r suptrnqDr i) rsoute xErs 'oor .6uoa sBq .lI IBJFTFTITnRqrn g TE.rE .soqr q IIB rE SultFI@ s.op euo ou v 'ruot e^!rl siuil5ap unF 3lp rer{r aou '53essed.q] or Sqptor.V ZE 'palmtd II.a I( s@B srr se^.ltp€ s,{eale G s.ns$ IEDEr s.st"r u5lio :) T.^los rr $ s@Iqord I@u se sscerr g 'P.rJadF @qr r.Etrol 5Ie1 IIPnsn ilIA v [email protected] @ts lErlr p.^ord:^Rq @qsulurrg u saPer.p 6.J rsEd .rIJ r€
Therapist Occupational
toleratesmellylccr, thepublicbelief If -\'oucan rhat tou arc oDll a coft cltrerand, to quotc one cliropodist. "the blue rirsed matrons who bellevethat they can gel away wlth putting sizc cight fee! inlo size fivc winklepickere",this is one of lhc more a|rractivepara medic.l carccrs.Tirereis a nationwidcshorlageof qualinedleoplc: a reiiremcntratein thenear high professional of fulure, growing public corscrousness footcare.aDdthe nationalcrazelbr jogging are likely to increaseopportunitiesovcr tlt next decadc.Chiropodlstslreat tcct, prescribethc recessaryappllancesand so etimcsnake then, though mythjng bu! lbe mostmino. surgerymuslbeperibmcd by a
' ' t c a ni s e w . k n i t , d . a w o r m a k e c u d d l y t o y s . ' saidone occupationaltberapistdespcrately. The profcssionslill sulles from ils historical asociarionswith basketworkin bleakroons in hospilalamexes.Mode.n lherapyis 1iu its generalbricf is !ohelp noresophisricatedj peoplerho s.e handicappcdor recovenng iron se.loN mcntd or physicalillnc$ (includingalcoholismor drug depetdence)1o adapt 1o nomal life- As well as devlsing connesto ercrcisebody and mltrd.occupatlonal thcrapislsleachpeoplchow !o live in wheelchairs or to work with onc am. They with opc.alingvashing aremofc coDc€med machines,cookers and lathes than wjth
Veterinary Surgeon
Veterinaryscicnce isoneollhemostcompeti tjvc snbjcctsfo. unlvenltyentry a fcw ycars for eachoflhe ago.there{ere f,veappljcatrrs tsuttheworkio getrhercis 335annualplace!. nothinsb shat\ inlolved in thc file or sixycarcourseitseli Manystudcntsd.eshocked by thesheervolumeoffacts.Rcncmbe.tha!. Fhjlc docton specialise jn p.tiicula. bfanchesofh unan nedicine.lcts muslcover ali aspectsof a hugcvarjctyofliving organ' isms.That is thc rttracrio!. as well as the diflicultyolthejob. "I canbediagnostician. physiciar. surgcoD.radiographerand all, lbllowjng the casethrotreh liom stari to
Dietetjcsis a rlslng professlon.whjch has bccomenore authoritalive,vocal and seli_ conlldenlovcr drepasl decadc.Not so lotrg ago, doclors tendcdto regarddictitiansas fussybusybodjeswhoshouldbe kept outof hamh way in lhe hospilalktchens.NowadelcF days,theyarc lreatedwith increasing ence. parricularly sincc high-fibre dicts narted reducinghospltalbills for consripa_ tion drugs.Thepublicstill alsunesihat thei. nain job is advisi.g people how !o lose weight.But this is only a very smallpdt of
I '
@BseJordeqr sereuopm.Iqnd
CIlav crRqrrs38ns r.qs.op (moj eqr erp rB{r rs.SAdssr.Elx€ moJ.qrJo 5.rIJ
qSsv aeioFq 6004
roir u!.ls€ pqE snlers e tu!Io(u. st uoFs.Jord qrlqr(
aorul {Erq or rFru[p
rsou rq or retdd" plnoa uoFs.Jord qtq^\
Cpar{old@m .q or rog erdedsep r@ptus ! fq u.sorp .q pFo^{ uotstaJord qtlqd!
CI]SV teuo 6 sqo! I@E eq or sE!.s suoFs.Jqd .rF Jo qrqd[
PAPER 2: COM?OSITION Time: 2 hours vrite tso only oJ the Jattouine .otuPosiion e,elcises. voft Mtuets nar Ja @ e'd' v *e i&tr!.tians siaen. Wrire ir Pen,notptuil. You e all@eil to uake akerdtim'but seethat tour uoth n cleor and ea5t tu read. I Disess the opinion that television not onlv reports nqs, but also influences ihe nfls' (About 350 words) 2 Slgsesr some ways in which edLcaiion might be imploved in vour counv (Aboui 350 '. 3 Write a short siory which dds as fotlows: . So tlEfs how I fnallv succeededi! overcoming my fea! of spidds-' (About 350 wor&) 4 You de fookins for a job in you. sumer holidavs dd recfltlv sawihis sdverrisdent in e English newspaper in your coutry vrite a leite! of apPlicatiotr (Aboul 300 wordo
Courier Wanted
R€cognisedEnglish languageschool on south coast of England requires, for July and Auglrst, a courier to accompany groups of stud€nts (ages 12 17) travelling to and from courses at the school. The successful applicani must have a good command of English and must speak at leasttwo oth€r Europear ianguagesfluently. He or shemust also havehad experience in dealingwith youngsters(teachirg, youth kaining work, etc.) and be conversart wlth aI kinds oft.avel and tavel arrangements. Pleaseapply in wdting, giving bdefcurriculum vitae and qualifications. Full application form and details re rcmuneration and conditions will be sent by retum.
(This bitt be a chaie oJ questioh' oh the Pfesclib.d tens )
;";;;;;;;;.;; ;;";";r;;;";;;;;; ;;il:,,
''' ''',',',', ',', ' ' ' I J u o o cJ r I I '
's.iEqa lnoqEaomt or sr aFrp €u.rq-r&.^..{trr.u saoo{.H '''''''''''''''''"--- orqJnw 'InJ$a..ns ue6q 10! sEquolr? riddB moI rElp notr @oJq or r.rtlr er(!
(P (t
;.,;;:,;, ;""rfi.. ;;;",;,t.;;;;;;;,
''''''''''''''''''''''''' IlpftH 'rarl surdnuorui porftrs etdoad .roJaq (E or La'€eq .{preq pEq .rts IB.ds 'cbplq t9 auapaq rn qot.qI :ransuv 'IEprg Iq qo! .q1 op fl.,{.ql : atdtuotg 1t alaqPalurd 'ubs.1l1tlt.rra tubatu11|D'ttf"ea lrflr u s,.u,|u?ssnno op4l lo 4.D. tlsluu arualuas aq1ca
'palu.etdu sea zzSI Jo aet 6rp rErp .es or pw rrqnd .!P 51$np. or .$a surB (02) " tpu$v or ,{rt3u:)Jo uolu.^ard .rp roJir.rros €Jo dn-5uDr.s(6I) ur dt.q srq$a 1u5u.1.1!persrug sluDftW sdeqld '8!qrq€g-IJo. p@ surreq{nq or pua uE(8D or II.^I]rrgi p@ sasnoqDli€nEF ur suoDrpuor i^oidu or 'stBurw.ns.uop p@ EInq.pnt.u or rJV zzsr.qr (rr) ' .qle.p sqr.ge$5I5r!.5€SI p3ssedsEAaet € (9I) ur IIuo sEArr
g) h)
I'm absolutely sufe that they werenl Plaving in this weather' T h e y c a n ' t . , . . . - . - . . .-. . . 'I did not steal the ca!,' he said 'I iust Drt@€d ii ' but admitted He denied .... .. . ... . - . .
Filt ed.h of rhe btdnh: @i* 4 tuiralle @ordor ohrcse. Exanplc: The.lgnge! we stay here, the less dme we'll have to look ar dle cathedral' a L o o k ! ! t h e l d 8 t h o f ) o u r h a i r : l r ' ' a b o u LL i d e j o L . . whereI was goilg .. b) I woul.lnt havehit the other qr if I . . . .
a vear or so ago, for a compurer comPev' dirtv jobs like that
He worksi or .
I objet most shongly
They were waving thei! arms abour a lot' so thev . . . an argumen! I suppose, bur I coul.li't see verv well from so fd awav' . that we've orgDised a surplise partv for her' . . Little . .
belob,uthe anu *ite&e as situilar 6 posible in neaninE tn the Fat eachoJ the sehtences but usihg the @otdscird: thae wads must not be alter€at d 4,., @4r' oisindl ldteace, E arrlsj
she could har.tly see.
Sh. u6 oirtuatu btind.
I'm dying ro meet then.
They lay on the bqch the whole week smbathrng.
I seriously doubt whether fiis will work.
He\ always found it very difrolt difrcdty
to learn English.
I h.ve no intention of giving up now.
They've always been allowed to do whar they want-
c) This is quite a comon occudence.
Something told me to say exacdy what I thought, but I didn'i
0n ! uosE.rrtra s.uDruos sr.rFo uo{..uar.Jrp ruarEooE slpDlrr.qr.{q p.tqnonIlter u.rto.r.I3qI s@E aq soqs dqsnd e+r ar..{.!Frnq rou {:smotr suorrd..x. .JE.IaqI! ualpiq. ibrr'1ut*.uprrJF rnoqEIsE:ud to I:.J sru.*d uago AorI Iq t.d1s s, !z DJ prl10 v .g oJ DttJo roq'rnB.q.r p@ rs€otoqclsd q)@.s.r 3 th.-I p!^ECI .(rnrqEne se p.^F .d aq lr.aoq r€. Iroor.ral 9t .ai.q uorJ 3u,uo. [.MqJ rsqr Jo a)]ous.q1sL :uo!s.nb N4 stq p.sod:q t.qa pto raI Er.^o lsnl s€a (@rro$rrl fFr@J q.r6I re.d .!.r .&tnErrw uor8$qeg seuor[ puv :.rtl Jo r3? .!F rB >ia.rC 8up?ar a$a IirW uenrs lqol pft .qr:o9 qsnoqr '3dlr stql jo stipou r.aeJ sr.lro t$usnoDsuor rtnpe uE Dnpord .qr Ilrlu{rd Jo 'enrererl'I .re ,t Lp smol r.r.aoq.sot or ruauou B ! au st abrF rerp pawnsbd 0€ !q pu. urFu:l\ Pr riP4o]^tJo \lrpou elor rqr or looi Er ir.nu u' nrtrporJ '1..d e o0€] r€ luEduor r.rnduor "grojqEl EJo IIorIed .ql or uo cIEr sts .qrtoto^ 3u:ang (.aE .@s .rp Jo .{oq raqrouv r.nbuqr.l $lnduor sr.Lp351qre.1 01{€1 p.5e 'qoeu€H Dj,w P.Irq,ilr!.r.r mruow u P&oq Iooq.s.qr snql sdn-eol3 .ql uEr! DrqBIr'tu.+o .rt spDt.qr rErFiq [Bu'pl.g lrnduo. .(F u ,{trin.!]ed (uoseorouo '6trnt os aq rou rqsrE sr..!qns Frpo u sasnro.8 sz ,{tr?g ptroa lFpe .!F .{q p.rEDerddE€uaq 3€a .Isnu p@ sDrnduor <sr!E@ a>tnsr.alqnsu s:€Pord lErtlrqtnolp.qs (Frau.8 q [email protected] Iq arElds.IBl ,{tqEIE^uI rso@tBrEqr .{8rrui .^ne.D Jo suluDjr"F :qr rot p.rEd:rd .q pForis .s@p -9Eu:q]Eu sunoI IF .llr '.rls rBq.rrnq rua.satoPE!e sEsuatqord uorlE^nor o! a^Eq oz ptnoA qrnd reqr lq3noql lst{nd pa1l10 1al euDtu3I1,I/V Jo rorpnE (oiErrs Br]!ry 's.rrEu.lllu Jo ross.Jord ra^a rsaSmod siurErog5uor:q 01 uoerquE !q u .inp.Fs Jo pE.ge II.rrRrs st Lpn)I p@ .{t!. Ii.!5 or p:.u suebDeu.LpEu lBl! sr.se. r.rt u ror.q ?unqrqE$ .qI 'u?a,{ xs p.rtnEa s€q qtnx uo$etosr siulr..J ..npur u.rJo !E] pcaroJ sdE.l Jo EI !3rei rErp rnq 1Er.giu.q .q leu rE.I € Iq uoi1ernp. s.plq. e 6ulreDl:r." 1?q1uaoqs .^!q s.Pnrs dErrpuErlsno$qo rsou eqr sr a8Euao r.q lo u.rptqr uo{ uoueredas aqr .sR. s,qrnd sunoI uI 'pro^e 01 qanou. ,(I.nt .rE !.rpFp ]sou rel! su:tqord -,{6|pordJo s.Jro34ErqroqlJI e.u.F.dx. @. aqr pue P.rIrEo. Plu:prrllor.qr 'Iooqrs Isuou OI e ol ru:a F^!u .qs !{[email protected] r.F€J r.q Iq lq3nEl uolrEl]snlr uB sI rirsla^run 'i€I pasE(e.u.raB-I ProJxo lE rE d Puor.s r.q ur aou.{arpord sruEuaqrEu 6r{1 rtrnd p.ug.r IIAuroI p@ IIrE. p.uods snru63Jo s.sBo.rR 6r.B rEq! rsuESV '.L.u.sPraqur r .3a . ] J r 8\,. p t r q .. . l J p B . r p F r o Jr . r { € . P P D q a o D l ' . u p r pr J q r o u ) $ r r : r o u r p $ t , i J n . r t l d u p d t p , . p r u e l o u o , . , p l r aurdrde rpra uoor SUDBA.rp ueu.ru. AuldsJo raq 6^Rqor,{Ioo .run. R ot rs!^ Euo suoF ralq3nep plo-r3.,(-..rqr nq lool oqa r.rpou ! Jo .sEr ru...r BsE,q.r!qJ uoDErq.t.r roJ uo$?.ro ur s^eaF rou sramo/t /tl.^ arpu snru65Josurppnq:qr.3e srrf uI srF,(qd?Fu puElqdosotlqd Jo Ipnrs .qt u p.5Brno.@ 3q ptnoqs oqa ,pto8 Jo u.rptrqrj u5qr p.tF. oletd '1t 6a ol 'a8'ssrd 3unollal aqi pbad Wtl.td luousanbav rantuD uaqt g uoI.es
a) b) c)
V&ile both are exmpies of child prodigies' how are the three vear_oldand the l3-veu_ old girls ditrelent?
How do we know that Ruth\ genius was lpotted eulv'?
Whar efiect could being sepdated from chil.lren of her oM age have on Rurh? 'vaulted' (line 16)? Ylly do you tnink the Mitd chose !o use the word Why does the witer say that 'Ruth is sqrcelv aiead of schedxle' (lines 17 l8)?
According to Anira Sffaker, that happens to math€maticies itr their lare Menties?
Why is it suggestedthar it is easierfor chitdren to be plodjgies in mths' compurers asd music thm in moy oiher subjects?
Mike Hamaoka and Eugene Volokh de quoted as examplesof- what?
Explain the pbraselaken on !o the payroll'(line 29).
\vhy .1oesthe wliter suggesi lhere have bed few Prodigiee iD lilerature? 'a In what wav might precocitv ( = an unusuallv earlv developmest of miid or bodv) be liability' (iine 36) 'pushv show-biz mms' (liff 39) Erplain in your own words the pnrase Su]rmalise in 50 100 words whtt the pa$age savsabout cnild plodieres
m) n) o)
The wire! suggesrsthat in this dav ad agewe might not attogether aglee wiih Plato\ 'chil.ben of gold' vhv? desdiprion of prodigies as Expl|in the phrtse 'a piping r@diiion' (UDes5 6).
TIEI ftq Tol r15t tTsl
uE flsl ffvl
[e frt
fr8l flvl -TAl -t-l
peq Jo poPi e s?a 1l cI -.@u s,[email protected] q rr l 'euq.B@ e auEE al{r fllEs?Irc sPA rI g Jo T0EtI e$ u p.rEulsPo proa.rP v 1?qrE Peqrca.P sDrFo .t! uog r!.r.grP sr ,l.I@lq, Jo uolrsrlFP llLI 'uo.Do pspoo-rir-?, ^llbntwJ E q 'uEEs.Esnq p.unr doqsrqB 3 ',(Fu!nb3JJ puE ssot oor p.dErd oIIA :uorEos g -rsrrd &nreJ-qrE.lxls ! Y sEA ,r.Yed ,|solJ ]8utlllo aqI 'suBJ €qrooJ.qlrseP or d.mr@. siql ^i4a Per@^r{ $a 1I q !l p5ru.^ur e8plJEd p.nE UEE v 3 'Ioou..u.rBll fq tooq E uo{ 6@r rI g 'at?n-auetuat.roJ 3 uo{ p.r oroq sRArI V auo{ 3uo. !E8I@q, pIoa 5tp prp aFru( 'ralp8.I Jo 3peu a Trooq 5)F( uorl i) 'srcoq reqqnr g Joord€rea 'lsrooqItFeli'lG v dFu!8uo er.a .s.nt.d\, 'r@u s,IPoq.uos @oiJ selnor qrlqa .sEnld ro proa E 'P.sn sErIlosr.d sno@J e qs]qd uolss.rdF uR 'e,{. s.J.pB.J B s.qo?. qttqd estJqd lug€ul.sg R '.trpft depID^. .{uB s.qF€.p q5HA Proa B
q l) g v 'ta.q
not pqn 01surpth)o ' e to C's
r.red rsqll !.rnul! 0t xordd! :.urJ NOISNAHIAIiIWO3 CNINIISI-I
:' dildvd
Secord part Toansud qu*tiarsS 1l,f
32 f.t4
in the hi$iry ihlornation d the holel a.Jaaaceboaki,essheetbelou.
,':r.;iB.'-Dr4ver4il3 ", " \ . * .;';",@'lbI1{6}h l"
laloH ladeqca qM
:rl?.rp 8I roll?1s ftauEr /I &.IIE5 rB 9t
uouers qrEo. ?drub apsBr oBslr
'?y^\bJ uo baddo tary fl r?pro atuDsd41ut 1ous! watd lo 1t4 aqJ :qJON udprq a41a1tutpu a1 Iru aU uo xoq artuda&dD .ql u! l,flr Irba u) a.old "lrj p Bqunua41a1utu'8L-ZI suoysanbatusuDoJ hoPq dbu alp n EaoIPub elb4 la 1s11a41IP'aS
Ta attuerqu^tions 19 27,urit. th. tunbers 1 to 9 in the bor4 b6ide the pXtures belao, accadine 'intructol . to the otd4 ifl tuhich the!) are to be esed, dfld auordinE to the
".d b% tr2.
.puno6 aq 01 t! \utddolp ^q ^etd otu ^prqpauu paseaPaq tsnw! tnq vlanP. aq ta anoq'teu raq qlrMlleq tpqausuv Apog)aqqnlM^e^Iue u r preMrollleqaqr l3dord)o'spueq aql aorqr ro d n ).rd lou rsnu raleld v lluo l34s aqr qrla p€^oLUaq ^eu lleq 'qI
'34uo3 a)nsrol l]oJouel oqt :raquaur€H iita^o,sr6leMaqr-uruoruo.raqre6Msqrra^aleqMruPrnelso,sclruas,losssP'. 6P o o d _ 6 Lu r u r M s L i r l le p r p " u n o c , o l u l u P e q p u P q s R n b sp u P u r n r s e L u ^')osM s slep u€^3s ozrs-edu^to up slseoq rt lqoru re Ol ol oururou 3ql ul 6 uaio s.e+ua3 aql i,alrtue;aqrro spuaul rnol6uuq pue srusJ arnsral uotouE l ou or J/\ op iuoc rou ^qa usql Zspu€)66^puPs6uruarcop o16urqrouosrol rsol (8bstu4 atp a1 udlroa) 'wtJ not st to46't ou,t (tu116pub uoqn a1) u ua 'tn to W' a@41431woq@(q pub auor aaDqtr{8tu lt 4u1qt non abq6(e tDs u.4J slu,uau ha!b la!eBDsbd ^av lo a"o ip',s
toJ) .Irsnpur, 31rods.qr tr.1u.udrb. 'sriods 1@ragP Jo uop.rurE .rP 'suods .snor.5sRp, r8rqqql. PUEBmlaulgtunou :asav Io ouo snrea !$o
.!p -
.au.rsaqr 'lu.udmbe puEsal{rotrrPrP '.td@d 5q1 -
1tu ( sttdol uuswltp to tuo@ulsut nub a^ ioa not:atoqd trt ri' ttuo tttunot nudattl tuo\d t'uattuo\l )Bquqaol dq) ul :4aN\ s"dal | p qalotFlo M ro.@ $"rstp olpendad aqpo u aEosap uallf i nlanl alaqds!1ptp'15
:9 dAdvd
xorddR :.dll
sarn!@ 9l
Th h Jton an'A.rixit! HatidaJ)s' brarhwe. Stu.l! ir cateiulb dnd then be?tepared to .titct$ the qustions anti tapics belou.
Is there some spordng activity that you've longed to try . . . . . . but n€verquite known howto go about organising it? I{you have, now'syour chance - b€caus€all you hav€ to do is mak€ your choice, book your we€k€nd, and leave the rest to us. All prices include 2 nights' bed and br€aldast.
It tak€s a sp€cial sort of nerve to parachute - but it's an exhila6ting €xperience. Based at either Basingstoke or l€yland, Vou can take a 2-day iraining course at a British Parachute Association approved
Do you fancy yourself as a budding Niki Lauda? Now's your chance to seeit you've got the nelv€ lor motor ncing: take a 2-hour course of assessment at Silverstone Racing School. Driv€ either a race-prepared MG Maestro or a single-s€at€r Formula Ford. The course is available at Odord or Warwick. Pricq €73
Ptice: Basingstoke !96, including hire of alt €quipm€nt, and 1st jump. Izyland €85, €xcluding boots, overalls, but including 1st jump.
If you could ailord it, or someone save you the money, which s ouid you choose? Why? V,hat sporr (orhei the the two above) would you like to tiy? \vhy? V,har spoils are popular in your own cobtry? Are there any 'new' spoirs?
Work in srcups of rhree. vau arc rhe tonnirtue tet?.rsible Jar arsdniine an intercollese Sptts Mutins. Tada' t 25th Sdnudr': the sport neerine is set Jor 27th March. Bela@ t the dserda shhs details lhar tu$t be de.ided at I he caunittee neetiry. Yot tedchet uiry tell )ta, uhi.h iten ls ) jou ar. r.sponsibb for. Mdke not.s drd beprepdted ta aurlbu laur tuesestiatsto the ten oI the cannrtee (atd 10 .l{sc s the alher ir.ensar the deenda).
I N T E R - C O L L E GS EP O R T SM E E T I N G 1 2 3 4 5
C o m m i n e eM e e t i n g 2 : 5thJanuary V e n u ea n d l i m e :a t o n e o l t h e C o e g e s ?O r o n ' n e u r a lg f o u n d ' 7F a c i i i e st h a t w i b e n e e d e d( e g . c h a n g i n gr o o m s ) 7M o r n i n s ?A i t e r n o o n ?O r a l l d a y ? P u b l i c l t y a n d a d v e r t i s l n s : o n lcyoi nl l e g e so,r l o g e n e r a l p u bl c ?F r e e ? O r c h a r g e lor seats?( f so, pr ce?) (Any prizes?lf so, what, and how to purchase?) Procedurefor entri€s:prod! ction ofentrylorms,latestentrydates,etc.Any need f o r q u a i f y i n gr o l n d s ?l f s o , i n w h i c h e v e n t sa, n d w h e n a n d w h e r e ? Officials:recruit stldents and lecturercffom dffefeni coleges? Or rnpartal outsidersfrom sports clubs? Any other busjness.
.sne. c -
p$l g u3.@ 3 rFs:r Y F6.iqereqFul.5uEq.aqJ
$qraqa v .rrdsB g ss.ple3ar ( .sBrq) - ' '1g.6q qJns or p.FI1u6 sr .uoIrv '*s ro .3? Jo ^poq g Bop o ssat I rEr v . . 3rF ssea IrEr alp qrsla r uoIrEuF e .^ErI.a,{[email protected] !1tnIJ1eq1lryr.aodos.uo.q.^Er{ sdnof uo9.e 6uos lmq c orE.{EA.rt p.toq ^itBnpuSioop rr.u .uf{tEu.qrJo
.rEIq I -'
3u$$s q €u.rtrq I Jo osr .rP u..ar.q [email protected] a3req. C
or$ roJ lsllu:p i I
aubrerd g
suDl!1s V e st :r.ql
.ns g .rm.sord V r.I^uoJ 3 or p.! earqr rErs !!do deos .gJ
sdqsuonEl:r 3
elluF g Injprru v leqa.Eos sr .JLld rEr{J
pooa uo .rE .ldo:d $ou 'i.Nns
It 0I
qp Y Pnql s 'urErqsrq u.lorqun'aol.qJ 8
s.peo! v qJolq I suoDJEg suop.Es q 'u.qr .pEr ue$ rsaFrd rsBESE .8uuods.s.IlrmoJFlpoJorroIoqv [email protected]&uflEsrlod?s$.ddeslu. 5^ol g r.3@ v ss.llddEq I 1sd1 c ' sq ru.r PFor eq uoqa uo .u@uos punoJ p€q .rI rsel 1v roJ V orsB s orBEAo q Jol - &epuenb e uI sEA ',{Bsor wqa' I '@qr 'lonllu
:Iqerou.u r q 1@sl >Foa ^lE. s.osse5tdJo sur.1 c ft$
g suoDll€r v smoqqSF! e or aurprorrv
z 9 E t € z
'uatlekb aq1 '/ ral1at aV p.q. f,.^ste 01 I 'uauenb ttuA so {eclp!\'92 la nqtutu at[ lsut7D A ro C'g udlr?s t141uI vba rat arualu.s 4Joa ta1a14u@ $aq ryll{d asDqd b lton aw Nootp rntu tot
v ooFc.s
rnotph)at 016oq ua?' suo!1m4stu aU t nlaro. noIPd naqs mDnds D uo 8b. fraaa u. rawm eetutuo 31tot@)alPutryap an s4@w oN sTbul tto!1enbaW o r.6uv loat@q.)notatD.lpul ho6 uo!$a"b |rDa iJ :qrow .!o u1D3toc v u@L?s obr u'b3 nat g ua.1Pas M ilDalhJ b6ut u tptauot unwb nat xulranb qtDa /ot guo ias puo V uauras '!1bd 061u, st radDd st,A
earqJ ur€xg
12 The ringlader was e*remely lucky to set . . . . . . . . . a suspendedsemence. A away B though to C otr with D rhroush 13 .... - . . . . . you aren't sugge$irg rhar wher he did w8s in any way defensible? A Certainly B Probably C Undoubtedly D Surely 14 Most prices have befl A tatd down B dininished
. in the fnal days of our cledece sale. C declined D slashed
15 This dnain material. . . . . . . . . easily. A hmss irself B bends C makesirself
D qeases.
16 If.........inMarch,theyshouldsiveyouahosrofsplendidbloomsafewmomhs A installed
B €nhed
C dug
D pldred
17 Unfortunately it .ll . . . . . - . . . to whether we cm atrord ir. A boils doM B Educes C sums up D dngs up 18 She is capable of . . . . . . - - . sarcasmwhd she puts her mind to it. A s iljng B shdpening C slicing D biting 19 We havebeenablero usethesespl{did premisesrhis eveningby . . . . -....ofihe Headmaster dd governors. A @urresy B tha*s C pefrission D allowmce 20 Those acting for the defodanr propose to appeal A ro B against C for D our 2l
. the senrence.
The doctors have doubdes done alt they canj . . . . . . . . . thaCs rhe implession I A moreover
B a.leasr
C neveitheless D tulrhermore
22 Her poliricalfltue i5 now hanginBby a . A rope B cord C shing D rhread 23 Ihaveno....... A time B ifferest
- . f o r s e l f - o p i o i o n a tpeedo p l el i k e h i m D patieoce C @e
24 . . . . . . . . . regards sport dd 1*ure lcriviries, our two outries A How
B lqhar
C As
25 This is rhe last rime I A do B did C have done
appearto have litrle
D Vith . m *ercise Like rhisl D would do Secrion B
tq,h Sectifulou@ittfind aJtereath oJ*e passases anMb.r ol questioa or unJi,nhedsratenats abaut thep6sdse, eachwith fo* sueselt.d aMers or @|ts oJfwishihq. You nult .hoos. the one @hi.h)iou think Jits best.Fat eachqu$tion, 26 ta 10, tadi@re on your answer sheet rre l.'./ A, B, C or D dsai$t rh. ntnbd aJthe qudtiak. Gi@ oae *vet onTy to [email protected]. Read eachtossaee risht Ihtoush beforechaositqlaw ansuen.
'soi pur sot .r]r Jo sulg ..s 01:.ueqJ puo..s e sr.lEu-ulg SunoI :^e3 q 'a^Irrsrv ulc eulq3.LF .{q P5sdEsrosBA 3 ',86r pruueq sulg .rus Jo flulEu p.rsBuo. a 'plroa alp €ro Ile s.IrIJ 6 udorls sed v p.uonu.u sra Llrtqa!sulg 6t6I .rdlo uos€.s.^D..dsoD.r .qJ 'uortodord IIEJo 1no sI rs.r.ru SuIAorsno q 'nzEq rEqa.uos u1s s, ,irlunor elF Jo !tuorstrlIEnrrE .q1 ll 'nrtluenb w llls .P sEu:ub rJ.rF g MoF,Iun 'sulg rlrll rnoqEuaoui sr.prll v ,,ileJ5u:3 :rnrttu isaqqC Imlu:.-Lpoz Jo .8p.t{oul mo or uoDElsr uI
'^\es8rirqr or sir.rd sqcsm:uos ppe s.op I rnq 's.uo snodJrd uaql r!.r.qo..rou ou ss:Fqnopsruon.al.s oqJ r.r.mrd urJlsJAlo r.q@nu Es:PnPuI pur .@r1 :uo lE e!r!ll:] .psrno u.:s u.:q ,iFno .rd.^Eq leqr sulg s0t6] .rou s..go rI s.pD 6r61-1sodpuE 6t6i .rd !:.a1:q p..uBIE.l I!!r^J ss.l ro .rou .uut$ord E sr lFs.r .q:r !.lr{trrv urrc aulql .r! Jo uonBr.do{,r rqlqrrd p.sr@8ro!:.q sEqsqr 'uosa.s1s4 .rp .{Iun ,.saopeqs rlrr.ta :row,j '!ltqErr^.r rP.uEtrsrrr'trrenrqacpuE ,nEnuEIrnoqsnorlF.$E.LIJ dtl; FuonEN .qr rEptrq.q or 'uos..s r.srl '{puotrseqrld\ ute8ruorEq.rFdn p}ltr,d aou sEqlopuo-I 'sr.!po uerr.. uonu.u or u.^. .rutl .ni:rpur s.Irn ueu.r itddns or *:u8u'Il!a 8u,IF.pun pan.sqo .s.!trxf .rp .)jI (srortrEt ,\Fu.ru.^uotroslasEq1I srualBrIBnprIPulJo lr.^ors,p .qr p.dtaq rou sBqq.qr \.{.^ns '.pEorq Jo @oJ .ri! .14 or slua^a I!r.u.8 qrs [€ p3.]oJ .^tq 'r.^:aorl 'r.@ro!3r pur 1r.t3.u Jo s:P"..P :LtJ. '0861 uI .rBq lou Prp rr r!!p dPu .qr uo :J€ld E punoJsq eu.uo :sru,ql reqr rFs.I iqr rialA 'uunJ ol I.upIS uo{ 's.Drr :rou io uJzoPE u p.!do. ,itjrlnb sE!!i^rlEEru uopuo'I .qI 'sEutDl]tq8ulpl.!s r.uoIEq put rrueu.r -ulEu ror.er JosuolrErq.t.rutqr [email protected]@ r.go prp rsro$.r.PJd ri:qr st 3lqnlrBu.l sE itpr€q .Iqa 'rrrqndJt{ s.iidoad .rF Jo su{g .!.r r.Lp lPuorrs sulpuersIsuorrEu€rur
Jo )iror\ p.rnpord sot6t ple s0€6I .r11lo nlrsnput utg IErtiueqs .q1 1eW.lsrd Trulod oar P.qslqers. q.r-ga '1u.^3 ]Euodu! sllprEeuqc:PF1do s36ui.Irs lsrg i!.qr peq srN*t. iED^.s f!,[email protected]]r,, roJproa.s.ulq:) ..q! .&tlt4tlp lo uorlEtsutrl IEIrI E sed .F! roo!. rql) ,,s6oPtqs .ulr.lg,, pelttr uosE.sutg-Ez e rFr6 '086I uI ollR.rlJ ulld IE orl€N siuopuo.I lt uE3.q .3E1mq ulg s,elrqt Jo ^r.rors,p uFrs.a P:rEIrq.qJ su..rrs slEslq) uo lJdde.r or un8.q osls .^Erl (r56i Jo oqr..tr$ P.uuEq'suiu ..33nd rsDrtBu-r1u€,, r 3-I s0t6t puE s0t6l rlp !r .uop Iroa :lo s.sdulS $rg rlitp sr.Tsu ulg !3unof uoIrJnP .r! Jo riuEu 5aE5 sIqI $lru:r -ord SurpE:rs.hsnoJ .q] ur spuoss.Jord utg 01 uonElnrro ieulrul Jol sulg 6n6r ardlo uos€as.^nr.dsonr t pasr@8ro rr .oae srai oal )Po1s ulg fr..rys 01 uo srudd.rElru ptoJossulptoq.trtt s1l8undo. Jo lsrl .^ssm :rp 01 dn 8!IrPJ un3.q puE uoF.Jlior srr P.ntolElErr aou s€q 1I !826I ur s.ublr.E ur P.unsar '9961ul spftnc pad Iq .sot. or p:JroJ '.^qrry ulld EuRr5 .IlJ 'Pt:ge r.queJ p@ Eurql u rpoq ulg.sru -!ql B 1s:r.1!l Jo rlaol8 lftJgluaN R u..s .^!q '!r:aoq 'sr.[ Ino] lsed .rIJ p.snPut ,ilrlrsuorx. !..q .a?q s.nlod pE Jnrln. '.{rorsq .s.uql rijnru.r !'1.!u.i\1Jo sr..eJ Flpo .{@@ os .sntJ.q rluo }r '6!s!dms sr dBi .qJ 'Iro$tq @Ig Pttod u r.rdEqr u.]rrraud 8rq .qr nrs sl eu3ur. .saulq:)
Thc A B C l)
London se,son of 1980 proved that Chinese liims of drc People's Republic era dcalt solely with agricultunl dd manial |hemes. were better |he man! Wesiein films ofrhe samc cra. \rerc inf$ior ro the Shanghai 30s and 40s pro.luctrons. -a,ordl fi r\la,L, .,ulJ dldJn"in,
2 9 The writer seems ro lameni the facr lhat q B C D
roo li,.le ha. bc.n donc roo lJr. bJ rhc \x/c{. some films havc srill not lound then sa]' out of China. Western cnlema soers are still rurher ignordi. drere are no individual ralenrs in Chlncsc cincma.
30 The new seaso! i! Januarr and Fcbnary will be special be.ause lr lvlll A B C D
show more films from the fiftiesinclude premieres of some Westerns. be d1e second held l! London. be suppoired by ihe Chinese. Se.ond passage
I watcbcd as Dr I'n Srcad, the archaeotogist in charge of rhe etca!.tion, besd .arefully removins the pear wirh a clay modcl ling rool. X-iays taken through dre box wliie itwas at rhe hospiial rcvcaled ribs, backbone, am bones dd a skull (apparently wirh frac turer. However, rhe bones showed up only faintly be cause acid in the peat had redoved minerals fiom Using rhe X-rays, Stead sErrcd o! what he thought misht be a leg. By his side P$fe$or Fra.l< was LiverpooL O1dfield, of Universiry, e expc.t o! pear who could identify vegetrtion fiom stems only a fracdon ofaD inch lons. "Similar bodies fodd in bogs in Demark show slgns of a violer! dea.h," Srcad said. "h is e$ential for us ro be able to distin glish between the pianr fi bres in peat and cloLring or a piece of ropc which mieht
have been used to hang Occasionaily, Old{icld would pop a small piece of pcat in his mourh ro clcan it and then! exarnining it with a m.gnifying gla$, ivould prorounce uPon ttre sPe cies. "Crdb.ry srems jn thc pca. around thc bodl suggestthallrlar ioa pool of waler," he sald. "Then rhe pool sradually silted up, cotton sedce grew in itj and nnally heather grew on rop of dre bodyj forming a As Slead continued his gcntlc probing, a brown leathery limb began to mateialise midst the pedtt but nor uril mosr of ir was exposed could hc and Robert Comolly, a physical an thropolosist ar Ljvcrpool Univesitr, decide that it was an dm- Beside ir was a smail piece of animal fur perhaps Lhe remains of Folloning the lbrearm doirn inro the pear, Sread
found a brotra shiny objcct and tbc!, cl{xe by, tqo morc. At first they looked likchazelnuts. Seen under a magnii'ins gtass. thoughJ he sudden\ reaLiscd thel wcrcfingernajls "beauti fuuy manicurcd and rvithour a s-arch on them," he "Most people at rhis rime in rhe llon Age were fam ersj bur wjth fingernails like that, this person can'i have bed- He mighr hale been a pliest or d aristocrar," Especially delicate wo* was required to releal d1e head. On |he rhird day, a curly sidebum appeared dd, shordy afterwards, a first it mousrachc. At seemed that rhe man had been balding but gradla1ly he was sed to have closccropped hairr about an inch or two long, "The hair wrs piobably cut widr a nzor or shcars scrssors were not nn'ented until larer," Srcad
')l.au.rP q p.qqErs q 'p.t8uE.rs g @.q p8q rEed 5tF Jo rtro 8np &I{r Il@ 3{p rEqr psqslqErsa s8a rI st 'DrJE p.lool IIaa .r.a slEsJrsuu slH q 'uq. @^BqspuE.(IJ?rsnou 6uldoorpE p"q rH l 's.ps .qr 1Eflnr s?a ftq srH g 'rIEq p.ddor._rl.sol. pBq.H Y irsdrd ! 4qFsod su @u eqr {rqr sDq.rE s.r .t! pP drLA n€ 'sllEuDsug.qr rs orsP 01d.r{.l pel q T.qrolr s,@u elp rnoq? sulrPa@osuqr plor :) '@u .tF g Jo .38 .Ip parBrpr{ 'lJoa .1brl.p rsou.tF p.rmb.r v q.Iqd p.r5 orm,t5q1 qEI $rg rq1 sEA rI te
'p.Ip Peq uEu.qr aoq rtp.E . o C ]hd q.Iqa p@ Iet. aFA slasodapq.Iqa 'roJ lool o1 lBqa ^Fr?x. s 'p.Tr 5Gq plnoa drt{1 uErP ss.l v ppgplo p@ Pe4s plor @)F1 5r.a rBIl sfer-x .rlJ
'uutoce r P.unq @.q r.uP€q.q c l rE:d iqr rq .da sutsuErl EJo s5r! .J.a .$rF r{ ssoq ut pmoJ u$q pBq s.poq lllss a l4uu.c 's5tFol. 8Ne.a IIus sEA 5q v :qf .snBr.q qp.p rualoj^ ! 15u pBq @E .tI1 p.rr.dsns sr.qtr.s.r
,.'5l33uls 1@IoI^[email protected] E ss.83ns Fptnoqs g.I 3qr uo uoEerotoslp .5q v,, lIEs pe.rs .. EIq eplolp o1 punor p.1sia1 Suoqr .i! pE peu.snl Ilq"qord sEA Ir]rs lo .55Id V,, -IJ.u .rF punor p.@rqal1 sd { aoq saogsfE.t.q11€ rcot d{s y -3ut!s 8uo!s Jo
(&.uts p srar ss.DFlr{r .rP Jo rtEu6l E s8a.loori tr{I 'p.!t..P .qs .. p5!ore3 !.aq s,.Il,, '.fo&r sll aEs P.rstdl 'p@ 'lillnF$r r a@tr lj.u srq to >pEq 5I! 1E roor .@s .rP pfroJ EJso uo9 -€rcsu@ rorcs B '!Pro)ilv rllel !.rIA r.e3Ew sI"p oar IDlm P.srj€oJ.r lou $a rI loor r.rPEq qq r.rpoft ru.rodd
rsnr p.)tool rI rnq ry.u stq or .sop rp.iEa^[email protected] ^pe.r -]3 pErI p.rP rrEd 5qr aor{ suraoqs .nI5 IEIsuc aqJ ,. suqr !.^eqs puE s.rPzrsnou aurdoorP rIrB sr].l sulAoqs s.nbeld IlEus aeqr JoJ rd5r!5 sors -e^ul uEEolI .rp doJaq .)lII p.Iooi suoltrg IErIA rnoqE uoqE@roJ'ri $qro o! r^3'I .A .nbtm sr .IIrslEq slq noqE uolrEuoJq sIqL,
Thiid pa$age Grafuar, spelljng, and pdctuation should be bloughr back to tle forefront in teaching Elglish ro schoolplpils,accordinsroa coqsulradvc docdent published todar by rhe Schools Inspecrorate. The doclmenq Enelish fran Fi"e ta Sitteen, setsthe pattern for agreed objectives iq English reaching for
rhetusr rime in Brirish stare educltion. ltr the document i]le inspectors ourlioc a risorous pro$me of targets for aU pupils in two of rhe three Rs: readinc and wriring. Thedocmentsars: "Ifa basic lcvcl of ineracy and articulatenes is not attained br lhc agc of scven, ir be comes very diliicult to
ac.hieveconpetenceinorhci lcarDiog, muchofwhichft lies on the abiliry to read, ro dis@$, aod ro record in wiring." The consultative documen.isrhcf,rsrinanuber of sihild proposals ro bc plblished by rhe Deparr menr of Edlcation and Sci, ence duling rhc nexr few momhs.
MILESTONES IN ENGLISH ThcinspectoN sugges!thdt thc pnpils shonld have achieved rhe folloling at cach slage of their scLool carccr:
By the ase of 7
Listening:Cary oli slniple.heardinst.ucliolsrundestard slnple oral irlbrmiiionj keeplisteninEattcltjvell forreasonabl!lengthy pe.iodsifollowand renemberan uncompljcatcd storyirespond1() Speaking: Speakclea.lyaDdaudibly;laftale elenls:explainFhat they arc doing: dis.trs \rllh other clildrc!; expres feelingsro adnlts; ask rclevdt qucslionsjdescnbewhdt thcy havc scenj conve'scoollidetrtly. Reading: Undenland labels.notccs.andwritlen insIruction\:.ead slmtle sroies, .h)mcs.irlbmation palsaees:kDowthc alph.bel, con$'ll dictjona.ie!; cnioy booksr nse books as inio.mrtio! w r j r i n sB: c b l e o J e l . i ' - | l . $ r i , c ! . r ' o n i\ \ p c e n c .1 r o \ r and loctr,vj ll* {riting to pictu.es,gralhs. and plansj recbrd inlrstigations:wriLesinrplcstorjesand infornial leLLe.s. descrip-
Bv the ase of I 1
A1l puli]s should be'abie Lo e;bafk on secondaq,schooling ''wjthout hindrance haDdicap or i! linexisticablllly Listening:Hcaf fairly complexinst.uctions,and carry them oul: ibllos slory plots or broadcastplaysjrespondro loctry. Spe*ing: Speak wilh e\prcssion and sensitivity1() lislencfs responscr showsomeablllty ro malchvocabulary,synlaxand style to varloussituations:convcsc confidentlyand lleasantly;framc Reading: Havelbrmedthehabitof voltrnta.yandsuslaincdrcadjne for pleasu.eand iDibnnltio4 know how to nrd booksjn library. Writing: Descibe perronal feelings,tlioughrs,and exleriences: prodncevilid innglnalivewrldng. ac.uratcrccoftlitrg,persuasive irrnine. ibmal lellers; havc coDtrol over lynLai. and good handlriiirg. AboutLangneg.:Rlles ofstelling vowelsand coDsonaris, nouns, pronouns.vcrbs.adjectives, adverbs.slalenents,quesliors,comnards, exclahalions.suliccland objecl.and lemesjsbouldallbe uscdand uldersrood.
prplts lrod nr:r , '!06-0!!l ssudpoot i, o! sEd qinor - (02 to lno 3 ar) IDlor:gJo !i,or ra\otToJ :&JrPu is .qI se lIru
Jo s.@{ol!!
rsrF $:rdr:rh
'iDFqbol rsrorrr.rEg
rood !iG^
Jo !.!Ps!Par
'p:,tuldu. ::En:nRI:q:ro ss.ltumBu prE lrlEnb rqr . f,lnolx or.r sroliEj Rrraorror trqr 8!rjr! 10a J. rrr! arq'ssodrlo lno qf,D:lslorrsoduol :rji s:sr or trxu loNs:rdu! ur:sn
au.q.s auHreu Frstatns NOIIISOdI^]O]
.trt,i1s s P:rDlsuNriro fitlu.ru:F DqrD rp'a fq .:d..s lutG8 ur I.ait sscd01$:N
(6 .6ad) :Z ITgdV'I
rtndN.u.tqmsod -[,ra"6 "1uq* "q:,oj 1"ror rrrs@ rr:rror qrE: roj s$Eu z \mir !i g uoEris 0!
'Frueu pur r.:rro, ^tqElosEnr
'.u?qr lRrureu or ror: rsEq r.trJ uoPaa{ !@ rtrlFnsse u:rtrgns
r.ssle rrrrrotr qr.. roJ $e@ r .ru.I q?
v sour:s
'm.qcs auHreu parsrS6ns g0t :o 6r j$ 3€ rv It ig 9a 39€ iO le :{ tt !C Zt lt i€ 30t jt) 6Z :V 8Z t(I l? !E 9Z
':tlr !t ternrr! p@ snollqut .IsoJo u.!$I€ir pooC poot n:A lt-91 'tro6s.rdxJ plE .3Ent!EI u p: orlu.$ p@ rnFrrnosJr tru:r.u P:rrEa r'[email protected]
:1.!:I i.Qrrgord rE !:1€ sr \rBru loEs:rdo :rF.{ort ^$qs or trtqq tu$oltol :qr paqsrrqndscr{,rE.rpu,is su.!E!,uRxA rqI IEtro-I:tprqdrC Jo lrnlru.r sGmrrnb.i
1 9a \A rZ :\' tZ :8 az ;a tz '.ci0z :v 6I :(I 8t !a II JV AI jvot:96 rC eI iY tt :C t ] : c z I i { tt!!VtJOti\rZtlt v uorrtr.s ,{r)I r.asuv
rF u:t .
(8-? s:8"d) NOISNAHT{dWO:) ONICIYEU:i }Tgdvd
?qr Jo lolesror8ro puE:ruEa.t r aqr . '€nl :ds pm uole@und '*uuer5lo $Iqr:rror:qi . 'Jrnrrtu$ ..ar!rs plt ,irElnq€ro^ Jo ssauJtudorddE ptrD:6! :q1 .
euo urexa
seu oLlcs 6urlreLlpue s.ro^sue pelrelecl
PAPER } USts: OF E\'GLISi1 (pascs 1tl-13)
j Ar$rcfs io que$ ns rl-r) m:r trell b. r'.f.led difierrnlly ro lllc followins suggesed arsr..s. but dre informdior 3nd ider\ dcl ..nhni sn.nllt b. thc s:mc. rl tl Erd dis$*cn
1 I spircjI i\nichrdnl I somconcsom.bodrr rj hnnrherj4 befofel.r.rilij i.rlrijlnj nslally,g€ne.rllliilNr!s,invxf i!b]r-j 7 y.1: 3 {!ati 9 bej l0 tbf irj ll rolldj l2 ahichj rl lsj l.1bj 1t h3situdircededj16 asilh!! li hnd; l3 dremr lq as/sinceibeca!sej :l sircerxgo 2 a) llt !.dn\ 10$ m"r pnssportli$ week,1 wolidnr Lr.lurnrs y, nru.h t.o!Lrl:.orv. bl Tho p.llce .auShi hln (N lre a$r .linbing c) S.d thonghi.s n G, nnenploJnent n n ikel) r. go dorvnthis t$f d) The mln i\ boli.r€d b have4crped in r
irs os! relledion fo. a rirlL
1vhr.h b) The bird lvas pa.r ol m.!!.imot 1he! hul nNig$c.t drt lrcie sutersurg. .) Thet afe beirg $*dii' rois.ncd by DD1, r.hemical rvhich mrkcs i]lcir.!gs too lmgile. d) rlc trics ro make rhe bhd v,und alnon huma., dine bu4 ildlsr.xdLbnd} used f.r pco!'l.i ir also iDFlies a selecl diel. e) Makes trirh dific LI lrod bits rd p1cc.s s.nr.l\cd lrom dr groud. Il Ciil piEeois sluld nor ture the rox,. .henic.ls in theD .h3i (:xliturnie .odnt! gl Irresiin.d cor$cioustre$ jus in tine to nr up xsdr irncad olbein8 enas]1edxganrst the
e) Haring Dolhnrgehe ro d., rvede.ided !r go I
Sle nad,r rcfused10 rleerritrfiethat
g) TheJ ddr.t rccd toi lt.y
dldn t ha!. to
h) No{here *ill -ronnnd a nofe dedicaled wolker lhan Mrj Jorcs 3 al stated rr sh.uld luve finGhed bl did I r.alG.lurd$n.nd .) poorl,rrbadlyatiended{as,r lev peorrle d) Ndnlingrwishingio rcgisr.r rf !vn. {d} ro rcgisi&;xno are plamilg ro r.gisi* €) bc$ noiibeter not o/ be q'isenot to f) [ad (already]eatenihadnrinred ealiirs 4 r) r don'tranr ro be dhtlrbed. b) HetooL dre c.npanj r. con.t.n rhe rrounds drat he hrd beenurlairl! dnmirsedo' becausehe feh ne hrd bdennntuirly dismissed. .l Therc\ cv.ry likclihoodi.han.cipossibility d) The Conmiftee\ lreferenceFxs for $e tus proposal o/ The ComDritleeerFresseda rrreferen.etnr lh. tirn proposil. cj t rc,lly must scr down to xlsncrilg r11 f,j Don't blrmc yourseu.iYounu$rlblrme rourself.iY.u.e rot L. blrd.. g) lncrc\ quirc . lot of .riti.im rlircctcdal the loli.e lr{adarr.lThe policeseemt. be at.!.ting (df.oning in h.l quire r ltn.l h) luftins h blundliht bnrffl,riQuitc bilDtlyrT! plt n blxnllyrBlunilr, rhe nln's an
il lhey
are sufi.iindn
clevcr and.lfflng
esgs rl lhc {crc !l.a;ec at dre risht.lil)!. ir dr f.l.on\ nes, ror.ied rne. .vo wc.e k, Thej sray close !r,h. g-und. l) alov.r.d rldr rhc rcmains ofleorle s m*ls. !r) l he cn,y rrjgeon! lr.re u, .lde. lor ih.r!, s. rhc F.rcgrlncs .ould orl: caich migrdins birds, poisoned trirh DDT. nt lhcy ldoarc.t drcm and rieaied rhem a!
An.trdangefed speciesb*_rurc.f1fi0 DD l' wnh d\.ough d.ir tirej afe beirg !.i$neJ fo.d, Fer.gine tilcons n.rc be.n brought Dro L.s Angeles a.d encorrlged b teeJ dfi plgcols. l hcy ue xn.ontrminlied.Ir obserled.!d at times acrilcl\ asisl.d {trh thdir b.eeding by ornidiologiss. Ile fal.ols havc rdapictl $ell. hate leauri o aroid darser .nd !av. deyeL.ped efiedn e hnntins td.ti.s. H.*eae., rne Lrban Fige.ns' rt.fclsire racrics lute also impr.v.d and illc p.regrines are being lnr..d ro cft .onannratd nisr3nr! birds. lhe problem oi rheir ovd.-fngil., DDT intided eggs, ther€aoi.. is $ill to be $tvcd, dd the tuilre is nncefrlD
(0t ra sJsrd) Ltst-roNs{o asn :t uad\id z r:drd,r.o rrta roJ:mrFs suDIrEup.Nriins rqr Is 192
"€d) NOr.r-rso.nrol :z ulldv.l i rrdr
tf at tott
lg0t ig6
vtz r(]lz jczz jg Iz io0z :c61 irkl qlrnog v gI:(l 1I:$9I:{ Et::)nI utd prrqJ i1036zl /.r) 0131jzt.q ptnoqs 5uo!a rtrqln! auorldit.r tt r.t.prl isxt. rrrrj € ar zr iirddy r,,i rtJrEW tr jotz]) ror) o]'] oi :rproq rFl nn, pr.q JIq 6 i/?t roll s:rrld ].:tdnotr B lluolz ! uDd PUo.:S
30t ::t8ssd prryJ, !(] 6r !J 8t :9 1€ if qt o!t jt tt jV tt rO at !g lt :rEEss.l Pdor:S l0t jg 6z iv 3z :v lZ :a qa ::5Rs'd s]IJ g Eoll..s
:mI g :trnri n l)stEt a :.nrl
I j:qtrl I ? j:striC I uDo rsrri
(9I JI s.t!d) NOISN!IHAddT^IO:) cNINSJSt_r :i Uadvd
ci Ez:fi tz rc €z il) zz :o IZ :t 0? :o 6I :tr 3I jv Il ra 9l :vqI lctl:vtl
'vs :cr D'r rs! jur jgr :sz j\rr v uorlrJs I.)
(!Z-6t s.58d) NO I SNAITAUd!^{Oll lNICIYEU:Il{:Idvd
'ii8ulFrolr $]lFr rolv loDruroJu rur^trFr :qr rltro tu. IIE urenmrtne p.ss:rdF II:^\:q prnols ncouns rrE ilo) uols.nlr !oqr:s- !r fl ':urrdorddr .nq^\ $F€u llDq prEsv 'qsflilll rrrrrotr ur FlE rlh.Irr t!.Dqo..q lForts sr.$sE lltr) (.) slolsinb fl lonr.s !1 's:r!.r6s rruro. rIElJEd roJ $jrroJlrq pDAr't plr € z v uoqris_!I
$Ir€u Jo l!.urollv o^{I
tllexg 0aI
ri! Ia!
'Pur4 r or r.uJl lE!.siid r uo{ rq ptnorrr qEnoqrF
\sr6!a Ft.dslo )I'd P iFr.!:r IouF $ (!r r:j.std'u.sl\:l.r io.rptr u. p|.r !od.r saru r urorJro rrodir DdLds$r! . uo{ ltqPqdd *otrr s' (!:t'^siia
Jlr roj urr.rxL,u
:rid.d itoq,\ lqor rtqNrd
l]JLr IrLx.
I \!!Jr
lo uolsrnbl i'uuns qrm qrEu t.(!-r,r suorstrnbtI g lourJs
z, ?
(8I l.l s.trd) IA.EIAITIIJNI :S dSdvd
ta ,u.q.s
runru'aEu Fror:tqcs.d
qrE. s)iru z s.r!.r!as 3 qr€: $f€ru a trru:]u:s 9 grE: slDtrr ? \.rnaN:s I rFe.:ru I tu.rt 0e
9i 7l 9I
t t z 1
Sul]lreu pr1s655ns
5$€.s, bn1 lh. nf..ination and idcas thcy .onta;n sh.uld bc ih. same I I hardlt,rsclrcely,birrlJ,j ? htlc,r.rhinsj I s.clriapFisj 4 orerj 5 llNnghout Duirsr 6 AhhoughrTh.ughr 7 xher.j 3 mun snould,.ouldi 9 latertilenrsenti l0 becomin8i ll hareigelj 12 rv\: ll !,j 1.1asj li by irj l6 lhaLj l7 cr..ndingrb.oad.n,ngt la !trtl bring: 19 d.i20 rhosc 2 a) Hrdly hld sho begu. r. speak bifo.e snen leople {.red i$erNptins ne. br (letiirg inn, \r.rk ihis nn);ning rrls a bn .) lluch !r.ur resret. r'e hr dbligcd !r rtorn you rllxl.orr
rl Clhild prodisier d.r',Jays cm .real. r1l mdner ofprobl.ms. Fdi.r|larly for ilcir bl A rcariing alold iD a high ptched voicc. 'fhe cr )'.rns child\ senils lus dis.overed quire Lie dd clrs€d embdrxssmcnti the llrca.-old's {xs ldenined sooler. }vas coached d) She hxs hrd an drrbrdh3rti .dtrcrlon l.om a vc.y rohg .ae turd ftYer a ended .i lr..!1d
mrt. h.r cmolonatly and ri:!choloeically un$able, clusing lonelindis md leelirgs ol intaton. ii 'v.uitcd'h nlch mofe dr.inaric than 'jumped'n. .skipFed, slggcsling a hiehcr l.ip.
dl There s rery lirile,nor a llri,!]rdlr anrrhnrs he d.e!r'i kno\r 3bnu! Fblles e) The u.ner r. iGnl n,l\c the pfublcm, ihe b.kr ir r,ill b. lnr l.on...ned f) S,. src,i $,s rhc dcnand that rh.r had nl r.lrrrtr rne book immedi.t.ly s) Ther cmi (possiblli hrre Lredr Flalmg nr
g) O&er p.odigies in dre neld ofmnttcmari.s h!'e sh.rvn I \imil2. .n1. .f progi.ss. h) ft& .rorivc powds slow dowr ald so
h) He.l.DicJ *caling navins $olenrrhar he hid {oldn thc .r, bul rdmided bo...r,ng hr!ing bor.o\l.d tiat h.lird bor.or.d iL.
-1hcr nr..hildren sho hare be.n siretr jobs il in u nduh $ofld bec.use of their ex.elrional
3 a) i|eDt aDdl bad eot n currrimmei c) had 3 h3ir.ut,r Liid ..mrdling !b.ur {.r \!tn1 ro th. hairdrcscii\) b.rb$i'sl br lad been (lkine'had bcen Fllnrg lttenLtun rorhid larowr ics.cdr) c) t.drer), narked dia n.fk d ,!sed o d) tu e) Il
r, rr Joing tr, hlvng t, d. b being !sk.d do t0 bring lnd b d0 rere hxrnrg mn$ h.re be.n living $ill sne suslect J, does she (now
I a) I ijrsl) cdt rfan t. n..t tlrn. bl lhet sperr rhe shol. r'eek lring on rhe cl I haa. serinus d.!bF
as ro Nhether rhis trill
dl H. r rl$rys hrd grcar dll(uh!
n\ hdnirg
cl I doni,do noi intend ro cire up ror'. fi Thrl're rlrrars ha.iibe:n gncnibtcn llldvtd Ll.,corlplcic frc.dom ro do {tat sl This t!.
01 rhngr lappcrsio..ris
hi I rvrs srclv
LemFl€d !r s:r *dclly
i) Incr are appreci.red and drerelore enconuged mo.. br lduhs b€.!$e in sodr r.sp.c6 th.y m.r be Drore adBnced thm
k) Enployed rairh a sah.r. ll I-neLtx.e,s u\ullly ! subj.ct which iclics .n r m!L!r., xdulr consciousr.ss md awiFness .fthe rv.rld sbout n\. n) Ir.d crcar..mlc{ in pr.ns. nl Motheb {ho *arr <, pllh rhcr child.en tuo slon blsinesl is r.krt, sing.*, cic. clcn if thr.hildr.n th.ms.lv.s sholr litrl..biLirr or
.h,ld Frod,gies n.i nl{ays. bl.snngj sometnnes a liabilitr to Farens and so!.ce o1 s.ftc crscs sloried eail,r, odre6 dncovered relarivelt laie 2ad by .hince crmrplcs ol clildr.n 'vaultins ,146 at eramplds of.hnd.en
being cmploycd ar a
d$g.rs ol l.reLines and isolation drrousn nol beins wirh orirer child.en marhemrtics. musi. and.ompute.si nrcas n shi.h p.odigics mosi ipprcci.ted by.d!lts
qutc rvhat I
allotFent of marks Sec ihe su-qge\iddm!.king s.ncm. and xll.h.ri ol hirks for Et.n One, P.!e! l. 5 r\lsles t! qleinN a) nl m.l rkil bd {orded dife.enll! k, |n. nnltsing suggc$cd
r.; or mrs lrqr rsros rlt'Juo.rq sr@@IFord loGrr:t2r ntndlrJ rroru:qJ iP 'urqr )qr 5!Nr .louos !e!n iupir.q iqr rlai srptsinq;qr teq r.mos.N l .;unrou rqr .r itrs: rJ:t:$ os'riqroullsE i rEri or rlr.]1\ :r2i!.,t\ (q rrrsi\ or surPotrrtrrr:no5rt!,truPId :$$ru :lqrr:r lrLtr :pD(:adq 'tsqvqr arq (iiuol p|q rlr (e z
liuPlno.{ l
iuJq 0Z lqSnorFirr^r,{oq (r$ur.([email protected],Dl]rerjIr.^ 6I ifqd:uos 3I :lEs 1I j.r|p 9I :sDdr.rr$ El jU tI tsnlllldu$ Et lriqlir{,ul.s:q1 rqrns al iiq n ::x!.E!iE fl :cq5ru)rptnor lPlnoa 6 r!.rrorilddtqi.rnrrs,q.s 3 l!lno^1 .j:^:r:q^{ lpFotr I :qrr$ 9 :os;!nq.r_g i lPtnoqs t :ua! a !Axtt,!rudo.:r rtuontrritur6rnrErsl\p| I I
'.!rr.ort rnoqu Iooq JInJ. uorl r--Prrx. up illprts.Ioutp sr (I ::*scd ru,-t.trr r. r:drds!:! E !r ru.utrsDJr.lpE ur uol] ro losr^iFr rc orPEr !o r!rui!!4rpx uc u.q llqEqord r.u i (l:;.siiA
i9t qa s.5rd) r}[gr^rMJN] :_ rlgdvd a tz
v uoEr.s
r:aed:1oq,r rrJrroJu.urx|u tuor rtqGso.I q*r lrDurI tu:rr lz eu.qrs suHrer p.rs.66ns llz ' . 1 9 Z : 69 Z : €t ? : 9 t Z : 1 a at Cl ? t ZA a| l 6 I uEd qrrnog
,t.) reasuv
l8i 9i s:6?d) CO SSil It t{Edvd
'z Drlud .r!o Jt{r r:S uElA rJ.ru.qrs :uDlrru Frs:E:ns (ft asEd) :z dgdvd
" r|
il ,t._
F. I ldrd i:!O uul3 ro.l P:F::_€trs:u.qrs :qr r:S
,,:.1--i.\ ' j
.rusqrs asHreu p.1sr55ns
g0t to 6, t3 9t tj 4t 1o qt g!t l(J tt lq tt lfl zt !v Ie cI0t rg 6Z il !- iO ia rV qe
itu$ELi trq.L
puotrrs :.5Dssod :o5essod rsrr.J g uonris
v ! a 1 : )t z l Y ! i < a a a : a 1 z ; < a a ar \ i 61:o!t tv/I ,cal : ( ] - c I j o r I : o t I j c z I j c I t 1 ( 1o 1 : c 6 :OB rOl rV'r iA! rVi i8t i(lZ :( I Y !on..s
qr} rr r-c
itJio€ 0l jr:!orl! lFrI uoor rlqnoo 6:!900t rrE:rFu\i / :srr,i9 l]\ srr\' { 11! g t,()6(j8 uEd puor.s OEit-tlAtlliletCI u8d rsr'{ f.)
r.asurl {r/- sr8Ed.rc)
l€i lt s:tRl) NOISNSHgUd}\Oi) SNrClVsd :l EAdVd earql I(I€xg
(tt rt saSEd) NOI SNgH:Ix.IYi O-.) 'NINA:LSI'I :I UAdVd
e) Hc disni$ed
the rvn.l. d.r
!! llr.j4,l
f) Anyone niurd ucsF$nrs ot rhn land lvill be ptrx€.urcn lby the.!dro.niesl cnl dr.n $3y ai s) 1 d rarhif go otrt to.. hl But lor rbe Nearh.r, n llould hale be.n r slper $eckcnd.rdrc weckend (o!ld hive bccn
3 3) nuinlolld,ma! ii .. i,O/r n,'2.rdrn.l
rou icll 'r ldk lort.ll
'i) rvill h!rc bc.nirvill har.Ined c) her sonrs ourrsiyins
!,ill }]rvc
j) (i,lhsion rvidr another astrononical bod! or k) Er.n snall bodie\ ..!ld adict the er.rlrs slda.e rd ..c.Ic .otd ilnms n ihich we 1) v.ry mravourable of &nragns
ro life !s rve
ml AferoiJs, com.6 lrom rnhn our Sol.f Svstem,la.gr astonomical bodics. dln clouds c rnd srexnb ofmeLe.ril. matre. tion.u$ nl Sucir c.llisbns nrvc alre.dy o..urr.d in rhc dishni pi{ (a.cordnre n, stlGti..l esimatesl !) l]oins br sunmr.rl nreteonL.s: m.!y sxr!'ve enlr! nto oul halc rhrosphere rd rcrch ihc grclDd beer n,mrl insidc blildiDqs as w.ll as
oxiicomnrg hont
.1 ar I rvls l.d b belicre dre 61m rvolld be bl She lr.derofler€d hc.3r,ol.gics. md lch cl The dddlinc 1or r.gistrntion is l$ ApriL. d) lhc refugee! badll nec.i wam clothcs.l vxrm cldhes fc brdl_v!..dcd b: dre c) I found the rvhole thing b$ling. l) You a.e unde. no .blisa6a ro blt
losribiliLr_ of .ollisiot Lvnh hrgc ere! I astunonical bodr: o. bl"ck h.le ncrr-ftiss colld be disr$r.us - snrli c:trare.rerdrl bodies nright rfia.t our earh\ sn.licc M impad d.l.imctiau! danEer .f dui .touds and Fosibl! lxrge lrom $nhin dur Solar Syiem, x$cioids and comobj hr susee$ed Llr"t dris }ind ol collision does happcn
one il
sj As bDg ,s/So lons as rou Fronise ror nl Lugh, I'11 shon,vo! olf holid3! snaps. h) W]rli do Iou thnk 111coutcone ofrhe pr.s.m resoriaiions will be2/Whar d. r.u ot the p.esert tliik trill be thc.urome
i Ar${e$ L. qucsrinrJ rr-ni m.y ilell bc worded dittc.cttly 10 ihe folloving sugg.$cd inssers, but dre nrnrmition and ideas ftev c.nlain shoxld b. fie same
of marks allotmen. Sc. the sugse{.d markjtg s.hanc.nd xjktrmenr ofma!Ls for Eunr One. Prpd l
PAPER 4: LISTENING COA,IPREH!]NSION (pages 49 5l) Tapescript
(See pages 79-82)
at Uy smrll hietrspeed Fie.cs of fock and mctal b) liragmeris rtd marer rhai come rrofr .utside lhc c.rth's arm.sph.re. ct trlele.itcs actually ldve otr e!.ih vhe.e!\ nere.6 ar. taporis.d belore ther cu rca.h us. dr Turncd fton solid nno ! g!. .r noi$u. -l e) hel en c oil a ve.y b.ight liglrt f) Small &ops of nclkd neral i.on l[ve ber! g) N_otas onc sould sx!..t
68r iAi 3tsj9Cj loDi llB
or !s world be
h) People bclieved thlt sp.c.cralr Nould be seriouily damageil by dre losi ol m.teorte! falling drough sFa.e it N.rmally associ.ted larh rait, this expression ntgaens ! d..sc md contnuous
12 Fahej 13 lrue; 14 Truel 15 TNe; 'INei 19 Fa1s. 16 Falset l7 Frlsej 13
rb :qt p!!r J^\ pFotr :DrF\oNr'prn'rJ rq r?r :rF I'lno. .r.rpoNlpEror r{t 01:r:qao! sEd }3r:qJ iq l4,ou {.u r rno rqarorq liurq I.rF IDun p.rE^\ nor i.qrEr p.I l€ i lroq !:.q uEq or {l F:r,lnrEr5sor:q 01 tr.q :r.l SndoqiiqrlDA :nE! or lqtnotl)ln1rqs :.oiiru.r i!!Il.r s,iErlE ptno$ LP n.:q :*!
lEIr qq s5nq1{€s r.uPF..{ nol qsle I lq ':lqno! r€qr llx .r .a ol pr.! r.lpll noi i rtqno! rra tF ol:!ot .rFI r.Ep.:t nol (t lG0uotr 01pru!l..p !$trrrt{ rqr ':Irr$:qr rnoqEpqeP ntFq tro lI 'P:rrrdri lPq I lern .r:rF:tdotrd Fr.l rtl aF,{:r.rl.r. i: P:ss,d p.q I ruqrl:slr€.tr :u plor .(aqru.ria iluo lp i Plp !]nt ! rdoqE '.Dq p>a0trsNq rr !.q,ttrEq! .tE srD.l !s se{ rlr\rDr xF rot rr.q p:,!\o!s iilsDq rti.:. srE.,ixrs x3q p.$otrs sDI rI (l 'F!'t lu N5:^?q D! rqiru 3H (q 'u:qr rol psrrPr idatq rctr rollsu! (^\ roj mlol pa$rq r r:pr.l @.r aqJ le z u
sr.puoa oz ju 6I rdtFl.liiltrDtduo /l$ru.roui.s 3I :8uixq tt 'lq 9I jroj ! I !qrq,{ rr :,itqar,€ul/,ilP.rqnopnn luoosi,{lPone^r r! l.Eqa zr rlltII tltrp 0I !!:qelq3noqalE/qRnoF 5 luo 8 'uo4 / llpre{riopi^Dp.r 9 rpatrrulorrP:rtbo$e g r.prs.Iredt i jqtno!! t tf? rsEgI I
:c zz :a tz : v o z b 6 l i v a l : J l t : c a I : c g t t o t I rll EI :(t ZI :V
:O 0l :l ar
rrr9rg!rvnrjt:vz:3r v sol]Ds rte) r.eslv
JnoJ utexa
'srxlqorl tnoqx $I^r:ru @ u.rJ piqursnEr! eq pFor rnq rplrul t .r Glods ,ttqEqord rsou 'qs!F!A !:lods llucxrl qsq:Jdg !r!uR sr (!!:ttss€d l.urol Itu,r1F. sr n \rqtlr FurlEro ]r:lqns trql snours E ur ln.qe jooq e so4 ro,!83"d :FDD !€ uorr,tlqEqord $od s' (! )tLrssed i
(ts z! s.8rd) ,(-rtr\daJNr :-.xedvd
:qi ror unulxtu L7
rr:d.d Jtoq.\ I.u .lqNod
qtr.. veu
Y uorrtr's
I \u3rl ,z p.1seA6ns
raassv LZ
(q9 z9 sr5ed) HSI'IDNtr iIO aSO :t lI:IdVd
z Edud'.uo urxz r.J .u:rltrslm)trEup:sriSns.qr ::s l19:tDdl NOIJ.ISOdTiOCjZ lndvd
ta atNnoJ
I r.Jrd :.uO urlrA rol l.rs:8tns Ju.qrs:qr rrs rdttlts aullrEd Ptls.ains
c 0t fs 6€ !s 8t rC 1€ tg9€ :rsessPdPiIqJ, g ! t : v t t lil gt :vu€ rg I€ r.tPssrd puotr;s ::ttss.d $rrC t! 1Z :C9e
ac{lIJ. ctNoox
q uou-s
. \YhrL ri.trllr rrJ.d rlr. Jirp!r. n* rh. unnh s rgr.cnr.nt to go nr rfbitfrti(lr. , he urnrn \ aar..nrcnt to go t, xrbtrr:f.n \fr\ wh.r 6nalir odrd ih. diipulr dl Hr obi.c6 ti a.!!n. .1.. r\.hing II. objec$ ifznyorc clsc toucheshf re.ofds e) L}Iat slrlrised me Fls (dre fa.t that robod,vsaidmrLhins aLthc tim..rThe fac rhlt Dobody$id dyrhlns at dle tine {as trhat fl lhcy had be.n rlaying tor:10 minut.s irhen rhe .efe.ec lirs blc{ lis Fhistle s) I too( rtr. blaDe for bumingrhavinsburnt rhe ri3si.il admnred1{as to blamefor bu.ningiharingbuml lhe ba*. hi The lpkeeF olrhc muscun ls becomins
The buelucrati. proceduresare ro{ !er} lomplex 3nJ lme c.nsuming.ole mr} eiFc.L !r hrle rr lv3tr tr1. dd d hallv.xrr and th. co$ m.r bc d165. Addnionall!, ore needsluck md ar inve.in,n rrhich .d b.xn.igirul,ll Suggested marknrg schene and of marks allotme!t S.c rhc ggcnedmarLingsch.medd {hc allorment.i marL! fof Exam On., Pip.r 3. PAPER.I: LIS IENING COA{PREHINSION (pascs 6G69) Tapcscript
isee pages E|86)
s Anrsds to qucsiols ainlt ma! qell be {orded difidcnd,v to the follo{ing slggc$e{t rn ard ideasrh.v ans$.^l but rne ffolna .dnrain shontdbe the s!mr. a) Ir illu$rates! v.ry lnlsual and unlilely inventionrnat sonreone mrgh
I lalsci 2 Frhc; :l F.Llr.; ,1T.uej i Falsej 6TNer 7 F.he: rj Tnrer 9 F.hei l0 1rue
tcchniciansor rden.ns b) 'Bo$ni tl,,rs) ".. ofresearch.'Garden eDeaged in somcf.ind dred ildi.at€s &at they are amateulslv.rLing 'lo c) ensurerhar n,r rhe ncxl 20 ycris no one cin {eal o.ct ldca and nake r pr)fir trtm ir. dl ^4ovingalorg in r .r^fd, likc r ncrd oi
l1 Teat It Cherirg gun; 16 Candlcwasj 17 Milk: 13 Sno. rolish
e) \Ye !.c told n is an anotrrmousloolhc build'4, so irobviousl,adoesn.r ia.d our as
l) l h.rc .ie coudes! $s in !! rni hearirall cngagedin turiols rcii'ity. The imPlielbn heF h rhardr. llrcnt Otlic. is .n cxtcmely .urd.d ,nd busy buildirg. g) The faticnlu inlentirns LhrL..ch indivldud nis colre uI {rrh. h) Becluselhe parents1n. both arc nled in rhe il Hc {as the nrn persoD10 be srlnted an j) A nore .ohplj.at.d.lcs
2.] A: 25 Dj 26 F: 2t Br 28 A Suggested
Possiblc tot.l maximnm tor thc
kl It is.xtenel,! dinclh, Srri.t poccduel $.ldd do$. snd the wholc burircss tak.s rime and mone.r.not to mentioDa ljrde l!.L. 11,Reducesio one rodj pu6 in r'nuttlcll. m) It nu$ show inventnele$.nd ineenlny on thc pari oftle inveDior One maj.r p.oblcm in oboj'ins a parentis dr huse numbci ofrpplicatiors receiredb! rhe Pakni Olncenr LondoD.One is il compelilion with np ro.,,0,000oihd inrenlors cvc.y ycar.
PAPER 5: ]NTERVIEV (pagestLL?ll 2 P3slagei) is ,lmo$ .L\LninlI r !rc.. 01 spokenEnglisi, lossiblr lans.ibcd ti.m !n i er.ie( lnh ar olde. pd$n. ift .orld or ..urn .hctrom r lciier o a ne\rspxler or nrgunrc.r fass.c. ii) is qliie n,uil \ernt& llglish, ad h frolr a leader i.lr.rtGnrs dujt educationc.llese c.!.ses.
sc:q :qs rc .q SullI€^e q IIarBnrJ! uaop .rDA T:rpq. qlra s.rpr'. FAs@ ) 'Buluoshi eo oq q8noJq.l..s fl 'o1s@rs{ eqs ro.q suqrID^5 tro:renu.ruo. Y p]o rE..{ 9I .rr.r rBqr [email protected] arIJ
ol alq? 5q PForIs r.!.rslr
'qsIBuA u.nua i.q io srq rtd 6pEar E .r@n!u or peuEal '5ru.lpne @ ol s.rnF.t 36ru.s.rd or pesn roa uoqs 'qr:ads Jo s$n5g p.Ipnrs 'emre$1t I€.FSEI5q ^t.^su.r-s p?3r a^Er{o3Esuot plnoqs ru.pn$ €.9I
apadop^rp.^eq p{o-e:I-tr
C l g Y ,{g 6t
q Arqr.uos op or .uo.uos .Wnsr.d p@ .ruA T>tooqer@IaJar uDui. .sn c 'lr:1lruE$ g Jo s.Inr .qr puErs$pun 'ru.u{olu. rcJ spoE.d auol roJ pEed V ptnoa :s:qr lo qr,qrfi 8€ iop 01 p51].d& 5q pto-rE:I-z " '8ulpE.r q &jnJBJ iFnE, V q 'qc5:ds ur d.ElrdorddE p@ .uor roJ €r{t.al V 3 .uoDEFardds ^r€rq roJ hnrrEJ v g 'q!..ds udo €r{ ro srq 3ulpro.ar Jo IIHS aqJ v @ pFoqs esrlFlo q.tqa .r@@rop .qr or SBproJ.V ,t
'ue1!rg u peqsqqnd m.q qrns r.qlo oE ( D^. sFI ru.@rop '.qa {1, 3u[pI]e^. .roJ.q s.uor *uue$ IeEoelpen ut :) '.d, {.p.uqlu? sspnlrs 1' g prqr 5$ IliRuorlur^uor 'qItF 8ullra puE 5u'pe.r ,slrdnduo !or1t.r1? s.ssnroJ1r V 1?rp ut 1&pa.ljd e AuDr.s sr u.rlxr'{ oi aary uo4 \slt8ug
'e8"nAu"t .^Dun8g Jo esn $dord .rulsuou.p :9q.!t. !R i.tun iroqd"Fu Jo .Rp5tdoul aoqs :s.t.qs pulojqi pu! IeuoJ .sn :suorFunfuo.pu€ sEorlFod.rd Surpnpu 'q!o.ds Jo s!?d ultur .qt Ip r!ou) :a8?n8urllnoqy !tn.irn. pre sr5nq uoq?rqaar qor elum :qceeospaloou fii r.6rtp .sn :qragc .rrsqfis .sn :s5nssrslnt.uor pu? erotdxg :Fuq!r^\ 'enF^ puu ,tnenb .8pnf o] drqrq" aoqs :Surtrodor p!? uonh.Ioi ezlllu. 's€rq qsln8unslP',qtDrrrin SuFqIo p€ puD sadedsaad plei :qooq sDot 5loqa 'rnter.tn Jo .tuer I,rJ p!.U :iu$Ea{ 'qlel . 'B :,{€ssr.q}o lroqs ',tqd@'rrlpbnt. or qqe .q sraqro suoaDriun ]eqa 6s"rqd.rro Jo .3?n3u!t .qr erepouuo.r! or atqe .q :es!. ! entun :s.uoJ rno p..i8B qr€er ot sdnorAu. ft. rr"rdoo. ssn.sq 6u!{zads '..a8en8u?t prllot pu? sru.un8re \ n o , J r d r: / i o J J r o r s po \ . a J L J r s r pt e l s r r do r . d u r , r Er , r ' . I r :s4ouiuq€t uo6sn3srp l?jo uo.lBrruouor ol,{llrqB.rRrrsuouep :.{ruoiduo. pue ql6u.t Jo suoq.n4sur paersrdpon :tulltarslJ
9l Jo e?eeqr [8
PAPER 2: COM?OSITION Timei 2 hours lvtit. t*o ontr oJ the Jolla{hs conpasit;ofl exercfes. Yatu artuers nu\1Ja ou 'rd'tlt the iniructiars silen.lYie in ?e4,ot pen il You dreallaue.lto tuak.alterario|\' but seetharlaur rork t dear nd edJ)to read. 1'Diednc,keeplngfiiandsooraieallrightibutPeopiearcta|ingthem.oextrdes-'Writea balanceddiscu$io! o! this iheme. (About 350 wordt 2 Describe the ac:hicvcmentsand influcnce of &v histo.ical figure (About 300 wor.lt 3 Wrirc an accountof one day in your liti ihat vou t-i]l neverforcct. (About 350 wo'dt ,1 A repoft in a recenr consumer magazioe gave rhe following criteria bv rvhich ro iudge a moped.(A mopedis a motorcyclewiLtla very low powercdmotor,which fre.Iuendvhasto ro start.)ID a letterto rhc magazine(abour250wordt, write !n accoutrtof bepedal-assisted yolr expcrjences with a paniolar mopedwhich you rhink meetsmost of the diteria and etc Sjmplv begin:'Dear whichyou wouid ieco]rDcnd-You do not needto add addrcsses, Sir, . . .' . Pedormance: should be elsy to startj engineshould perfom smoothlv. shoulddde well andnor wobble:foor-restsshouldnor toucnioa.l . HDdling: who cornering. should operatewell in all conditions:look for fooFoperatedas . BratiDg: wcll as hdd biakcs on somemodcls seatcodorlablc md with heigh! adjustment?handlebaisrjsht . Comfort: distanccfrom seat?mopcd well spiuns? . Convenien.e: should be easyto fill wiih f!e! stand easvro usc?shouldhavc corrainer(s)for shoppin$ etc etc ) easvto read? aUcontrolsGpeedometer, . Conrrolsr should have good headlight, brake licit ald indicaron! lighrs and could a pedestrie hear the horn in hcaq' trafic? hom: you shouldget about120niles per sallon!a full rok shouldt.ke . Economy: you about 75 miles. . Mainrenance: howeasyh ittodorepairs?e s. easvto removewheelsigetto the banety, etc?tools Provided?
( This uill be d chaice of quesrians ai the fresctibed re"s.)
srqr uo aussedsiD pug,{.rP.uol@ ormasordIIA s.Plroqrnr .qJ
'5uoq r€ autle$ ol rEru € roJ lno 5uro3r.Jard I
r,LTEq rr Jr puol..a!
.q] roJ u..q
I:dds a !.:q
J^ELI plnoa 1I
'pi€s:q .\notnJrprr siE.pratoqN.q.1ryrp Ij ' [email protected] '!uor l.i or u..s [.rF lrEpdod .ro@ .uoi.q s.uuErtord uo]sr^.t:r sv
(. (p
(" ;,;',;;";;"';;;;";;"; ;;;;;;;;;,;.; ;;i:"':::.:.i
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.rrarr( 'SururouaLOu IIrc. rJJt.a os .r.qroupuE$rsh or [email protected][ (q ''''''',',,''',,''''''''''''' TJT d - . 1 - . r r 1. L { p $ | r \ r e J r q r i e ' r : l q u r n
E q rr p P u \ t u o I
'43kot41tDi ?qt ?aup a1au rol apttu ne^.rE8.qI rradsrt, t,6Eb $naua ' q 3 . o . 'r - e . r ! . r . , , p ^ r r u - ^ l 1 . . , , r L c o \ c r { p ^ r _ E l r q ' i r l d / r r / 'r1?1al?q P?1ult.I 'uotuat aqls, )ruot.q1tu.ora ttu.a 111aq1 io@o ltr$ [email protected]'nauol241 lo I.Da qsut 'uouriosuo. p.pa.u qrnu .praord II.,{ rqtm ugor iq1 ut ruoqd.l.r ss.tPro. r Jo uonnPur :LP Jo rqtnolP .ql (:^II€ p.unq (02) Jo PlE+e 'r^Eq I .uolu€ roj noreJ srr o' rqsnoqrls€t prqrou e peq rsnl '(6r) - t u 4 s E r E q u .( 8 1 ) ' . -ol..q pinoa.uoqdaFr .rse.i sursurr Jrp.!q.\\ ur eqr satpror iqllo ltl). ' .{Fr€q :q rqBru r suorlEroll€J,qde$o.8ro suou€.rB rqr Jo>]ulqr(9I) I iioop 1!orl urdo uE qanonlr u auDjtEA(9r) r.aEr$ t rDqunu :q Jr s€ rsnoq rno.{ olu II8N l.JJr (iI) rnoI suIIElp lq (€r) iou'!qo iaourournfi suorsnDur{zI)' :rou8rpFor uosrtrdE(Il:q rqr 8u€uE sdaqbdro!]root roop.!F €ur>Poq rrooprql uo 3ut3!?q(II)' '|uiqru.^g s.^rEl.r ro snoqqs!.u sq .q ptnoa uq r.lpoq (6) oqa J]do.d 'auoq sq or :rrr:r u:ql puEftoqel sJw IIlo Jqr reqrospataoot.qr !t (S) r.uoqd.t.J sq op puEoi (r) uosrad e .rtJ .IoJ..] sItO u:ptoC Jtp uI .u qrg s.uunq JIorIA.qJ ipe.+ r.un 19) ' pB.!r uu (E) ,:q n€u non (t) ' os op @t i.q] 'nol DPllotr or p:5u .r!so rnol ur Jtdord .!'r (t) 'rr J.Jro JArrlrrr ro P'J]lqrro\urr doduell.\. r-uqdJtJr ! sseproJ a.u B .sBqrrnd or .r {t r!.u:srln^pa u€ P€.r rsnr .^q I 'Pron 4qDt"8 ato qLln asDs'dsunaual ?11Ll ilutlq Par.q4rr nrylo !rD1 llry
v uoErrs enoq z :iurl HSI_ICNIICO gsn :t USdV.I
eachoJ the btdnkstunh d s{iable uord br pb6e 24 the lettei in the letterbo! whs E atupt", I ted alflf rorgoftd 1o put a srep on rr.
3 Fi
Under no cjrcimste they have been Mounccd
b)'-.... 'Oh, no. Bur theth
I roiised lhat I had
.. dyone aboutthe ples until ofrcially. And thafs d order'
. . . . t o t h eb a n l t o d a Y ? ' ' stiu rime. They don,t ctoseEtil lnlf past three
. . . . . . for the fact thar my wife was in the show, I would Had . . . walked out halfway rhrough. have
By next year my pdenr
Ii4ren shewasyouser, Jane\ pdots obiededto ar night.
- - in the sme house for lortv ..
For edchoJ th. tentekcesbelfu, urite d k tu sentenceas similar at pdsibk ifl fteaairE to the oi|indl sentdce, but 6in1 the uords eioen: these$ords 6ust not be altered t dlr ear' Eaaupl. i Shc made sure everyone knew she was rherc. presence Antuer: Shenade het Prcsen.e feh.
I wae told the fiLn would be very good. led
She apologised lor having io so so edly,
You have to register by lst April at the latest.
The refugeesue in seriousneedof wam clothes. badly
I was mysrified by the whole thing. bafling
You don't have to buy one if you donl
Ifyou promisenot to laugh, I'U show yot our holi.lar snaps
How do you thirk rhe present negotiario$ will turn out?
md leii
like it.
-Lprrg .Lp lo &orsq IIr. :I! AumP 1u.nb.! Il:u5rrtr..r.1i 'p..pB 'p@ u.ddEq op puDtslqr Jo suorento.retp 1s.33ns .\iulEua. epEu uJiq :^eLI rErll s.rEurs. l!.Esrrtrs ilF '.t.Ern.rE Jo €r5ep IUE lprd sPror.lsBro sl.uor r.8EI aqr Jo.uo psr quEg:rp m.ar.q uonqtor EJopooqq.Iq .rp 3uss.$E !r s.rtn.gp .tqerrpFuo. .r€ .r.q]stq,ll qrEd s,lrlBg:Lp or .sot. u:Lp surrq IIIElosEJro r?qr srrqrorr!!.rr. ql$.uos (sFuor.qlp@ sproFrsEro sl.uEldroug.qr sEq.ns t.lPoq ler@ouolrsEIIEusJolqunu r€.$ ? su!E1uo.lt.s1r @rsIS fttos uao rno ,,ftIrqssod sr.p pc!.rsrp.aI! u.^A r.runo.ua []tEuoBE.ro Ieu u.1sds &IoS .qr relp acedsu nnEu .1Eo:r:u Jo s@:rls .su.uur .q osIE rqaro araqrleqr p.$.Eans.i?rt s.uouoJlsE.uos p@ spnop rsnprflarsralm rEars surEruo. d:EiE6 rno reqr !r.^:aor{ raoot .l( rRrs .43!^R ue Jo .uIr.J{ .q'r u a.uo r l l * J t ( t q t \ . o d . s o l ^ t r u r r $n u r r \ ( \ r E o S r i J r p . . . r o u o , i p o q t e J . u o - o n . e :6Gl Eri.rB uosntor Jo .{rnrqEqord aqJ rrao$l.d s€.Jrrolllrrurur s}Fser.Jnpord snqr p@ $nD r.rno puE suE..o .ii.rtdsoure srrlrEg lqr or .teurEp rrqdonsE*. :sne. rqau s:poq l!!rs.u.rE]]x. eus arlnb ui^. qlta uolsllto. !q5rq .r:a r.EdrqJoIlDop^.rpJI uonduslp IEUEdro IE1o1urlnsr ltgslq6,!d IaLFs?puDlseu or snorrsespIltPnb. .q plno reuetdsa\o rno 01trztsu! itqdeddor ro uelar!3rl sarPoqJo s3$!u&.N dtluErsulsoull lprEil.!F folrsep IFr.Iduo. pFor..ioq ]cqq, E qrn ro.4s I@Jo ltpoq la.ruouorlsEr.qlorE lpra uonqloD r.@td rno.psrno uo{ s.uoJ ilp.rqnopun rFrE:I uo :}I 01 r.iutp leru.}od .itEs $.rE.r8 eqJ -.ruoereu R ^q penEuBp IIpEq oq I]IA 1JeI..Eds E IBp iuo rEqru!Err.. sr lt 1.,1p.u:ddEr]rou sEqI q?noqrF rnq 'srsrulss.d .qr Iq p.leuDs3r.^o lpE.ri ue.q pErIs.l!o.r.u uo{ ra3@p elF rEIl P.aoqs s.rql.rRsrsq.r{r ua^A I€p Ir.^. stolnu lueu }o srEr.qr lt FuEIdrno spr8Aol8uIIIeJsr1,ro:Fu Jo ]nodBop [email protected] .!p Jo rins.r Esep.8mep IFno!.s .q plnoa i;qr eJBdsq a.uo lEqr rqsno$ sed 1I :r.qd$uqE s,rr.rcll :ri.r Jo r:)FEIq :rur.lord !$ epsrno 3uol roJ a^r^ns ptnoa s.l.tq5^ .r€ds rou u5u r.qrt5u r€rl p.DlP.rd Ipu.pguo. sRArJuoperotd!: .rEds lo er. .q1 .rol.g 'lod lqlleq. € urqlra t.ltd\ quoN c l:roq € uo p.puet lEqr .uo Jo .ssr .rF ur ,@^. ro srod €aog epsu tpaq lpm ,{Fnou8!o.u1 atelo :rBds dt.lot SuoI rr.!F p.pua seuE.@os.^Bq ssulPlmquo @UeJa^ErIr€qr s.rno.r:t\I l)ts :qr p:ssortrsEqsrls auuoortsJo dno€ e r.+? uort IEr.u p.4.uJo sdolp .rn@ qrra pir.^o. .q 01!i.s urJq s.uu.uos a^ErIaous qs.{ Jo s.r€Jrns rE$ rlisrq ! Jo rBlp or lenb. 1g3I e rFra .urqs @r qd EJopE.q.ri.l s3IIEUSsE$arau uorr !v $riu 001 09 rnoqE:q or p:rEurls. sr:tqsr^ .q ol P.rEq fFu.opns auor.q s1.ilqo.s5$ q]rqa 1€punol3.^oqE rr{8€q 5qJ Jrorr,M .s.q1 ler srsas.rtrs p@ p.srrodE Itarelduo. euo..q ..r.qdsouF no 8urq.r.r uo,1sou :vrurrrra p:u:r .e {.ii.l p60I3 aqr soq.e.r .rue$qns p,ros rl.rl1 to urd 5dos 1eq10s .!:qdsodp slrtuEg.!p oiu ilu. ilg r.r! r^r^ns l.rp JI .r:qdsourE no q8nolqt .{ea rt.ql suuhq',srrs tunooqs,JoisIEq.q! seu.asaquEr IElrareuIEllrsolar8lrxa sllp IFU rV sD.lqo r.qro pm stmpFq 01 i8E@p Jo p@ '.tdo.d Su]rnq .li>tsol| uo{ s.uorsj Jo s.rue$ur p:pror:r .r .Dqr q8noqrF 'aot tu.^:E 'r.r.aorl'rq 5ur.q I EnD€.uo^u€Jos.ruEq..qI quEg rrp piequoq ,{Fnonu!uo. qJlrta srq.p lBrls.rrarnx. .utEr.u ro.q5orJo sduntaqr-a.Eds uoJ] s.t$stu p.:ds-qa,q ltEusuo{ !F!.p ruErs@Jo !€uEp !-r.rB .a sa^I no Jo.{EpIratrg 1' &otlof Itutrz suauenb aq1 /aetub Laq <.3b!tb4 3L'tua ol aq poa{
a) b)
wlar is rhe ditrerece betlveen meteorites dd metcors? Elplain the phnse 'completely vaporised' (line 9).
V/hy can even ninute metors and meteorites be seo in the sky?
What evidence of shooiing stars pa$ing over has somerimesbeen found on earth? Explain in your oM words the word 'incongruously' (line 16).
Why was it once thought rhat no spacecranwolld suflive for vdv long in splce? Eaplainrhe phrase'the incesset dompour' (line 21).
Vhar, accordingto the wriier, is the sreat$t.langef Io Ufe on Ea h?
In what way(s) could collision wirh a small extlatenestrial body be fatal for us? Ixplain the phlase 'inimical to life as we know it' (line 3l).
'continuously bombdded'. Bv what? Accofding to the writer, the Earth is being Erp!.in iD your own words 'exratelrestial debiis'(lhe 2).
Iqhat matter (orher tha! neteors or neteorites) might hir the Ealth from wiftin or outside our Solar System?
Vhat nales the wrirer suggestthar the Earth miglt Gtill) be hit bv a large comet or
savsaboutthe .Iifeienl InoDepalagrrphof50-100 words,sldmarise what thepassage exEatelresfial obiects which do or which misl1r collide with the Earth.
'u.zlrl. p.sr@aro sr are^ld.rF dq lI CI 'lfleluntoa sI tI c 'IuBq. to uroJ ! sr u g 'uods qrIA oP or Suqrou seq 1I V ip.uoluau spuDl bqro aq.r@oq [email protected] dqsosuods 5!:) plrol( sl aoH 9 'naq honnq6 018u!pto,.o'ato c ' a'V saxoqavla.ua n ( t) Yrqb1fldttL-9tuousa,baqllaryD,)od
re E re
'p@1s$pun rllru aq or a8E@p .rp Jo .InlEu :Lp sr@e .qS o [email protected] I@ ]ra 1,us.opaqs :) 'a.uelBdul Lq sudoqs sl.qs s
lrydt.s.q o15u$! sl .qs v
aIIIS alp or .s.!5rBrrs, !PId1.
sJoP nlllll
.surpuErsr.pn qlra\ c
re ustl€s qrl?x\ i) l3l rlrullduor B qrdr A cl r.3@ lFrar v n LFsruElduo .qr lnoqEsrua@oJ s.Ir3 .qr or puodser@uod :qr seopaoH t Iq il.
flE fl5l
rs.dur?d.o s..Id.s l.@orsnl rqJ .lso rsod 'qr
-sruoqd.r'r.rr D a rPoqoNv
f-lTl flvl
er{rJo uoErpuor.rFroJ.uetq .'llle 1u.u ed.C smoJtv iqr r{ wu.r]] sropoqltr t fTal
flal l=lEl l-Tvl
z 9!59dJ.ueqs*hl
n srw q
z/[email protected] ^ srw 3 z/EseeuruEr,EEI\.r srw s z eeEedrmqs*w r srli{ Y
' arroJ r.Pro s.muoa .qr uo pdEaddEa^ErIplnoa lzrl,|tr z 'ru.p auop@ saqJrEr.sJo requnu e pErIrI q re p . q J r B r \ , r l poduqED \ o l e p r r u 5 P s e $ r Jl I lr \Erela lPr.^,'u, piruroom osq1relrsearI s I 18 p.ru.p pft p.q.lers 'paqsBFsla rI v tlg ip5^Irn rr u.qa I.IIoD a.p Jo uo!4,uor .qr Jo uogdt$$p :ren5t8 rsou .qr sI lpnlN I 'roaq n a , ' a u n o t E h t p o .o . A n l
g Virootqttattout
4 ' 4 D , n d 9 I u o u t a n b a \ ' f o e D, a J
rred lsrJd s.rnur@ Og xordd? :.ull NOISNIIHITUdWOC CNINILISI-I
:I dlldvd
? How Duch are you being asked to donate a molth? A d8.50p. B Just under {250. C Roughly d85. D As much as you can afibrd. 8 'iqhat is an accurate desffiption of the family he gives as e exmple? A A trdber of orphans. B A sinsle-parent fahily with a number of children C A mother md two childrcD. D A poverty-stiickenfmily, father on a low salary. 9 How doeshe sly your own chil.ben wiu bcnelit? A They wiu be helpedfndcially. B It will help them increase rheir knowledge of Lheworld C They will be given a senseof fulfilment. D They will apprcciatethings like televisionmore10 Whlt poinr does he emphasizeabout the s.hme? A Children in both row. od codtry are hclped. B The child is alwaysseenas a mmber of the communiiy L T h e L h r l d , _ rd e f r o m o n b L n er o y p o o - e . rc o u at i e ' D Each caseis givd individual attdtion. 1l
Whar do$ he say will happe! uless uisenr action is taken? A Costswill rise. B Mdy wiU despan. C The problem will spread. D Mmy will die.
Third Fat ere$io\\
12 13 14 I5 16 17
t-T t tlt l
aTt il lAT-l lBTl
taTt EII
trTt BTI
r-aT l lDtr trTt rTt al-t ETI
12 to 19, tich ( I ) uheher th^e natunents abon the louns nan tuho is interlieed
He shalesrhe interviewcr'sopinjon offootbauert inrellect He representedEnsland at footballas a reenager. He spenthis early childhoodin South Africa. H e r i h i , c o u n r r yo t o n g j n i n . o n e t h i n go l a h u r r i . Hehasretlinedtohisnativecomirydurinsthepasttenyears. He would like to be sed as a leadcr of the dti aparrheid
18 He is somerimesinsulredby fds at matches 19 He sincerelybelieveshe will play in rhecountryofhis birth in
12 L3 15 16 1il8 -19
'1r tarldd^ uaal kql'at !1 a&d@. au tq u.at8 r.6@ nauo, aw wb zlhb otptu aw u ttuDa1av n9 tudt8 sbea aw t e1u6 tz--02 tuautanb av lo tltD7 tot
PAPER 5: INTERVIEW T i n e : r p p , o \ . 1 : m i n L. e . I
Stud! th phata&rcJult!,theidacrineil andbe,r.Pafttl to dfcus on. at naft al therclared Prcfcietu.!Ltatu lrEtrieu, ))au{ill arlJ)ve thephata;tou t.pics(Note: I theCdnLbtid!!. qill not se du nstructianrof d^rr$tr, toPt.l.)
Describe: - the people and their dre$.
Disc{$ o,e aJ these:
llaces inthewoddyoulvouldlikero
a)uhereJ)ourhi'n.it,lisht haxecane Stttb o"eoI tuese ?a\aEeior dleumonen^.Tre sdJ) ( .t utntun it to {hotn a,.1 uhe1) . Finatbt, uhat is laM dfld b) tuho nishr hd!. sdid fron, ftdctia, ta rhe fd$ase?
l n t h es u m m eo r f 1 9 8 2 , 5 , 0 0 0p e o p l e t ! r n e do u t f o r a d e m o n s t r aol n a g a r n s t t h e an ma experimentaton going on at the governmenfsch€micalwariareresearch centre at Ponon Down. Severa sot insidethe grounds,ied by ilre new wEVeo1 i o n f o r t h e A b o l i to n o f V i v i s e cot n a n t i v i v i s e col n i s i sw h o r u n t h e B f i t i s hU r T ( B U A V ) .T h e s ea r et h e ' h a r d 'c a m p ag n e r cw h o h a v ec u l a s w a t h et h r o u g ht h e s f the t h r c eo r f o ! r b o d i e sw h c h h a v ec o m m a n do f t h e l u n d s a n d t h e l o y a l t i e o 1 g t h c e n t ! r ya n m a L c a m p g an bodles.
'.u6!5 .q] Ird.r or rno eurD. iP'!s re^u! 'l.Po..tlr iqi'u) ultsr^ oqd or sIUDql ruoq ^E^\s"l uo araop .Iorq qr€o. .ql usqa .Foq YV.qr !r4pt rnoq uv {laJlnq ra^o II.a eiea I.r{J e!u.r iud Jlrsu'q si{ rqBlu) rtl{ -doqspto .rtt pur t?rt.LllrJ .qt turt6'^ Jo r.qunu E ur .uorl s.Ip?t .qr 3^orP uoour.rJt.ql ru.ds pnq {.qI {mq:tro^ Ptrt' !!nor P.'tl!.r ,laqr \!a uqqord Jo {rb ,iqr;ru .r or dl'lr q.roo ,i!p .ql l?qa a.urj {.rlr s€ uoos sv Tl.:l.rd IDrt ? uo{ Euurnlu er.N s.tPrl .qf ',rritrto) lrodltroN rql 9I lnoqe ir5^\.rlqt .r.q{ se}aja,ftaqtor .q].Pslno 1snldnq.?o..rtt l.tFd I rno r.tr traop .torq .{epr5rs.I u iullr^err rad neqrq.eo. .q] u.qa s.r!€t III3PI. ln.lsn f5ur8u..qt ,{tu.!pnspu! i_uol?ilr ^up sxa I rnoI.^reu5r€a sre{.rd.qJl 0€Jo dt.'l .'lt ol .u€. sr.u'u iut.:i.rd
,{1;ep1e dleq s1e1cr4
vua4wa) |elt h e4 to!,!to puo ua4 au la tuaubJ4.IL1laql thaqDIury not;1olo hq n u14lFJ apnd aaa hottl lt 1no9Dr.u)Dd tflotr al uavpxb uadat slqt Pbal{ 8t asbduo uodo/ a?oltb pbrt ln r?uuDtj uot'tltg pb notr4111A etDtlutlloA
(aeFrerEl :S redEd .euo rexg) pI€niaJss
unJnd{ 'ar :.lr l ir:.i:.!!.irl,l"! , ,:Ii, !fa. .enuguoJlsnlu {ron slqJ'sasaesJpsnol6s Jouope).rpqrapue lo.quoJ eql ol uonnql.quocle! lassa tn' apeur suq uolleluauqreoxe IeruFrv
ano.{ !n6 a{ar pinoa ,ftlunotr laornolu:tdcd,{@u,{Psnotrptnoa aqtrrFs.r roJ Eeurur PrIP.u PUE sru.ur.dx. ausd rnoqE Arrr..J uao rno.{ s.rErLN\ (iop or suME rr $ req,A) aou lqldt,{qA aru.ussru.^pElRnsnm np€Is a s' srp rELp.ed8 no.{ ptnorA 'tuopqsuaaenb PUDp14o1av $n s1P a1 Pab4?td ?9 urlt puD 'n nfaroi 1l tPlus sS6I4&eqaS aru?laqwtD,s,{ ary tq p?Islqnd luru.suuzpa uo s. stltJ
'sn qlrM u a ) e l p , € / q r r q a s t e a r 3 3 s u o s p u e1 r n 4 ' t s a 4 l o s € s s e u p ! € $ s s e u s e a a r eei 6 r a M l l e s ^ e p a 6 t e r € + P ' r r p l l r tr s i o p e u l p q t s a q s r p . r s q r l o l s o u p € I o o s i a q l I e M a q r l n o q e0 u q r a u o s s e Ma r a q l r n q ' s 6 uq l 6 6 u e r l sa u r o su a l p ap u er o t e p a o ^ e 4 Ltloq€^.aM pooj €'jl sem ql M uo lao l,uptno. aa 6r.rqr iluo sql a^ ssarddo o o r l o u r n q ' ^ u l r n s p u e t o q s i e M t e ' a o u ) n o I^ e p r t o qe r o l a . e t dt n t r l n e aeqs e a l l
Exaln Four PAPER 1r READING COMPREHENSION Time: I hour Thispdpeth in ttuapans, SectinnA Mtl Se.tianB Fot eachquenionloe ansu.r caftec !r1 SectiahA lou Eaih ate n@th; .far edchquestia"lou a6ue/ carre.tli ifl Sedion B jlou Eai, rwo na*' No ndks arc detluctedJor @tonsantuert. A6uet all thequ*rions- IhdiaE raw 'haice aJ shdt. Fo o@carefulltth. ihsttuctioadbon hou to r'cotdlaut an@d in.t4! cateanasepatute Section A L this Sedion lau nust .haosethe {o or phr^e uhih bestcamplevseachtdtene Fbt each questid, I to 25,ih.Jicate anlbut usuet sheetthe le et A'B'C or D agaiat thenunberof rhe I
. . This young authorhasalftady receivedthe sort of . . . 'Uwise! head) bavehad to qrrire a lifetime D notorietv B note C recognition A attentivoess
. . 2 There will of necessity be a . . . moager.s disposal. A ceililg B roof C sky D sumir
to the amounr of monev put at the new
. between'competeni'and'proficienc for the
3 \ve should nake a cle puryosesof our disosiotr. B division A sepdarion 4 The yoEg lad was the A rnage A hLene.
C distinction
C p'c1lre
D direrence
. of his finher' D porlrair
. 5 Theystoodgloweiingateachother,eveballtoeveball,theirfists A joined
? The group\ imaee . . . -..
B arlracts
- is light for sucha move
. to youg pcoplein gencraland the lesswell otrin
C excites
D draws
8 In . - . . . . . . . , I must acknowledge that we were $iltv A hindsight B revjew C expelience D rerospecl 9 The supelvisor\ job is A overlook B overtu l0
B clenched C clasped D grasped
. . 6 One wonde$ wherhci the drrent political A environment B climate C state D stddpout
A appeals
that mmv older md
of elrors of judseddt
. . the work ofhis pardculd departmeot C oveBee D oveniew
The employee\ depalture was hastenedwhen he was caught wirh his hdds in the A resister
B accomts
C books
D till
the prodlcen l 1 In Lheunlikely . . . . . . . . - of rbe film not being a bo!_offce success, stdd to lose up ro $15 million. C eventualirv D jncidence A event B happedng
99 't$nsuD tho6 s6aow shlaq 43nor1t1 143u atu$od qlaa poa{ -uoqsenbqloa a1 flso reAsu€ euo aop ,drsanb aqrlo 'qtunu altl 1tu1o3bo )a c's
g uoD..s
p.nouu v " sI ar.rlJ
p:s?r. g u.{er c P.qqu v P.Iu q ' ' ' eq rorm) 1":J:p !o(eu B SBrsgns no Jo ^rniqFsod .qJ u.nlta cI plor I P.r.dslqa g 'fqR.u p.q-t5s .l1.1uo aunlroJ E .q or ' d!q. C \IIeA rnoJ ItE go r.dEd .rF
.rsEd V elo]ls g .d!l.s I 01 snorl aal E .{ldo sn >Ioorrl
spd: p@ sppo q
tuor.rd V 3ulq.ft.s C tun!@xo g 6urun. C Jo elq€de.sI .qlordn.qllrar.ru.l.q1raq'r.rlrr.puoal uz
p@@p g sur.1 v uonlpuo. q rs.nbar c 'p.rE$ur.r iroa - uo .)tu$ lqr go p.sstuslP ue.q pEq or{a .sotp IIErErF IIEr or P€$€ I3rIJ qr.el.d IIerDu. 3 mq 8BLFI@ q uo{ rEl (t V 'rq3! sEAaoPIA IlDpIa .!F rBlp PmoJ.a <.{IeJruotr:l|or serEJs:lld$c IIE
.s.eqr Pw ) ErI. v uonoq puE dol s I.Jred puE uBd c 'dn SuIAorB 6I IIB sr s.lersF suqlw Jo astp v dn-'z'a{ g li:u 3 rsorJ c 'pall..n?l s.qcrtu IIEqlooJ .q or ^lolq e$ ' € sI .I.q ss.lun 8 I
[email protected] :qr Jo rsou tmoq noJ-Iru.ar rxau .!F ui ldErr cI
lters c
ro rFs q u.t Gq15qa'q.lnlr .!Fgo rooJIu a)ErI !r.u.qa parrq q uoDrpB!*
.roJ.q nlluno.
p.uodap 3 -
.rr'1 uo4
.s@d g
p.fodxa g P.ur.lu v 'p.uEls .q plnor sEA iEIrorJ
:qr l.BJ ul
)u€D g )tuF c unor v asno. ( '.loq &.^3 rRrn^e.q .I!Pmoruop.spn!dpP?r6r[ €!ti..J raptnoqsslq$^o sqnl. Jo8Eq.$ ' pulu v 5.r$snor SuFuqd I .^.5F O a ' slt dn..E.rou.uo sEqpleog .rF rErPrs.63nsplnoe snomE
@rF IrtIBrp roJ l5uou .rou ,'
qrlu v aslEr g dn 6uuq c .qdrsqns q put 1:.!s Jo sPuesnoqr *lop.ollor rooP_or-rooP uE. Pro$r dod E!.rla s.u! .!pJo u8s e sIrI € l rsapplu v ls.uolruo. g 1s.t!g 3 rs6Plra q Fq q u.6 'ru.s.rd qrns p.rEidu.1uo. r$.u ptq aqs Z I "
Firsr pa$age FIRST rhehmburger connectionj now the songbird conneclion.The tust link goeslike lhis. Citizc!s of Lhe United States arc hunsry for bed, especiall)'jn rbe form of fasr foods such as hamburgers, fiarktullers dd rhe like. Yet beef has beeoone of the most infla tionar] iiems in the con sumer's weekly shopping So the US sovernmenr has authorisedimpofrs of so calied cheap beef flom cotral America beef laised on pasrlrelands cstablishcdalmost enriieiy at the cost of tropical for ests. By trying to trim a nic\el otrrhe price of a hm burgci, thc US hascontrib utedj albeil unwitdngly bur eilecrivelydd indeasiogty, !o the masive los of foresrs liom southe.n Mexico ro Now the secondlink. A lasr rhrongoiNonh Ameri cd sonsbirds spend rhcii wintes in CentralAmeica ard rbe Caribbean- about two thirds of a1lwoodland and forestspecies,totalling aroundhalfof all landbirds breeding in North Amerjca. They include kingbids, warblers, vireos, ranage8 aDdpccwccs! moie than 150 Ifyou loot aroundyouon a wa.m winrci\ day in tselize or the Bahamas, everysecondbird yo! secis
likcly !o hail fiom Noilh But rhe misraD$ have been running into troublej accordingro Dr EugeneS. Morton and his .olleaeues at the Smirhsonie Institu rion in'ifashineton DC. 'When seve$t billion bids le,ve Norft Amcrica cach dutum, ther €n4 on aniving in their wintering gioundsof cenfal America and rhe Ceibbean, Lhat rheir foresr hablrars have beensuccmbing to Lhema chctcard rhe malch. Morc lhan rh.ee-f,fths of the forestshavedisappeared during the past 30 years, ed at presdt raresof de struction,there will be vir tually nothing lefr by d1e mid 1990s.Moreover, Lhe adverseimpact on migrant birds of rhis forestdestruc don is amplificd scvcral Because oneacreof iropi calforestmay supplywinter habitatto birds from 5 to 10 times as l.rge an area in NorthAmerica(due,dong other ieasons,ro the disparare sizes of lhc rwo regiont, the clearlns of a patch of foresl in, say) Mexico is equivalent to clearing manr times as much lbrest in the north eastemunited siates. So fewei birds arc heading back erch spring north of the border. Smirhsoniu sciendsrsnoticeLharspecies
nlmbere are declining at rates between one and four per cent a year, The prospect is that there si]1 be majoi reduciionsin throngs of forest-dweLline migranrs. According to Profc$or Jonn Terborsh of Pinceton University, "V/e are, in effect,aboutto play obselvers in a masive dperiment in which rherewill be dramatic alrclarions in the relarive lopularioo sizes of nu merouscomon species.'! Iionically, ir is lrecisely ar the tlmc of lhe sonsbirdi Jeturn that a number of insect species are lilewise pufting in a reappearancein Norrh America.They rend to be at ley phasesof their life cycles,as larvae, erc., !hlch leaveihem urusually vulnerableto insect-eating birds.The Smithsoniansciendstsspecularc rhat rhe insen popularionshare thus far beenheldbelowlevelsat whichrheyproveharmful!o agiiculmral c.opn through the pred'tion pre$ures of hugenumbersof songbnds retlrning over de horizon at jusi about |he rishi time. If, however, rhe songbirds continue to decline, dle in sectscould, within Lhefore seeable furuie, srarrio enjoy a populalio! expiosion everysPring which could mean bad news foi Us
t,{lbu€l .f,uB uoBr^:r uods p@ aoE uI suI>IrEI .plsr.qrpP-!no .qr 'puEq .q @r surln pue bqro oqr uo '.Ioj5r.tp .qAnolp .nldb.r or nsB. st uolrR4dsB lsru r.^.u IEptui 1eqI r.rRI p.rJarro. .q !a 1r rEqr sollzri:dxi 3r! u <ss.I.rb puE .{ddoF uEr .uor.q dt.^ns:.r. :qI sD.ga suora IElr ,{ror.Iplnuor,{puarEddE oA1 {lultP I <sEq SIIIJ 'p.qsr!g dIIe@oJ SuDtool Jo e?Elrc^P? arp 3!QIe1 .r II$s lstlqa dn P.u.sool sr rxel at! suBs.rord Proa uJ *s:uueaa Jo lno '31.rd -uo6 Jo lrol.eJsrlesun
.q or saoDl 3q q.({a P@]s ?Err.l.uos rol ro t.r!.r -u5s sq !,: uondo GJES arr'r .sooq! IFu.lsruoJ urq :rieu !e. trqanolF puor.s telruErsqnstw seq .q Jr 8ullp .toqa .!F tutop -:rJo Io '.rs!d p@ srossl.s aqr 'FddrJ !$ ]no re8 or eqJ €uuEqJope.+ s.rsrd.{r 'lxJr arF or IrttEuoFl^ord p@ IrPm!' s.rols.r rr .rus .8urd& uEqrqsnor ur 3!9!a iII arou dII! rsol -oqrlsd siEA .uos q srlut +s.rold proa IIIBJTUoTI '086I r.t @3.q uooq llnduor-or.ro alF .rus P.r$1s ,ttuoa^EqsFsn$ou rtAnorF'a961sE03€SuotsE
uo{ 'lorq8l.q u.'t st 1FD -ar uaoul-rs.q .qJ E86I Jo p@ lrp Iq srosss.ord ploa 8!Isn aq IIIA vsn 6r! puE urDrua E sDllra IEuoNs.Jord.$ JoJIEq!^o lerF ertp.rd .(tzzdd E6z] n$ataq !.uoro]) Pto/fr aIJ +:t\B av Pua nlua r@I..:. s]q q {puouuEli Ied \r.ueu uoDsanb .qJ do! u.rrotroj l153ft1 p@ prEaqc.q seq.Bess.u .Lp sl IIdUB mrp.@ .rp rBql ut8l. s.ftqn'Irw IIEqs wr,,i tr !:^. , E ragE .8Bs s.u .qr ol 8utqr3@osop s.op {tPnsn unlp.u .qI i.tIrs s,r.r]ra R 1..9E los {.rordproaEsusn sgoq
'J.aqJo q attd.rP 'aureiJo rzls .rF c rDasu]Jo lqunu arp g 'sP{qsuoslo l.q@u .q1 v B .sE5i.ut @ .q rq€ro SuJds u sauBJ roJ sa:u peq arIJ 'p..nFr ql€.JrsE+ €r{.q sr r4tq?q uFwnos rFrlJ o 'aou sFqdnu i.?eal3 uoddns @. slsarol lerrdorJ 3 'suolElndodprq uo SuFq sI ru.ulrodxe.snq V g P4rpuot 'or urnr.r or cqr roJ v sn .l! ur sls:roJ !a6J .rE .r.rlJ aIIIEnI@ Suulr.p tltou squnr.r sP4q Jo sreq@u .I! .r€ ^qd\ pmort:rF o1u Peq€notd8ut.q q 'rurnq p@ uaop 1n.3ubq 3 .iur rsuE e lrFg rr.rrr 36sot g 'I6oto.a p.J@iEqE o1p.unr.I suQq V :roJ roqdBre@B sI .qr1eu 3qr p@ .r.qteu 5qr 01 8uq@!.ns. rprrq .{q p3lrqequ sI s.rErs perun :q1 u puel rs.ioJ.Frll Ira^ q '@eqqrft:) a$ Io E.rr.uv l?r1u.:) ol are$@ sprq P@lpooa uE.!.ury $roN IIRIo Prrlir ? :) 's:pb:p ..r.p rsEd.rP !r P.iors5p uo.q e^8qBrlr.@v IeDu.3 uI es.rol 5qr JIEq g 'E.rr.r-Y !.1roN uotj .rE @.qquE3 .rP punor€ splq r.ru]A ]o %05 rnoqE Y reql es.8€ns .IrnrE 5qJ
'.r1ud p:r.p rP rPbo ,{no or llerulury roJ J (e: rr :pEu cl 'erd5uv lellual !r .F*t roJ p@l sulzDl3 dn lq3noq l {D8rnq@q Jo uoEdrlnsuo. oqM lFJ .!$seu e u.as A 'preq..q or RJ!.ury IE.qu!:)!l pwl rseroJrol p.8@!B v ,{iru.t.r slq lu:dur.^os Sn .rP '.Ppre rI! or SuProriv 9Z
oecomes a €rger parr of composirion. Howcver rheseue faultseasierio de tect iq orherethan in oncselt My own expeienceof rhe sheer diinculry of com miring any woids ar all ro rhe pagemeos I'm grareful fo! all the help I can set. For most iriters, word proce$ing quiie npidty com.s to feel like thc ideal method(md cm alwaysbe a secondsrepafter draftins on paperif youprefe!).Most of the writers interviewedby Hmmond say it has improved rheir sryle ("imdensety", says Deighton). SccingyouroM wordsona ll
scieenhelpsyou to feel cool and deiachedabout them. Thus ir is not just bt freeinsyou f.om rhe labour of mechdicatre typing that a word piocessorcan help you to wlire. one aurhor (Terence Feely) claims jr has increasedhis ourpu by 400')a.Posibly the feelins of havins a ieactive machinel whi.h appeanto do t\inss, rarherthm jusrhave things done with it, acyolr slave coDntsfor th; works ha.d and so do you. Are there no d.awbacks? It costsa 1ordd takesrime ro learn - "expect ro lose edki d/ u,//.", saysHam
mond, rhough days nieht be nearer the nark. Notoriously ir is possible to hse work altogelher on a word pioce$or, and .his happens ro everybody at leasi once. The awaleness that what you have sdtten no longer eris$ ar ail anyivhere, is unbelievabiy cnlagins and WilL Ford pioce$ing generally iaise rhe lcvcl of profe$ional writirs rhen? Does it ma\e writers better as wcll as mole productive? Thoueh all usersinsist ithas donc so fo!them individual ly, this is hard to believe. But relidce happens fasr.
\ri/hatappeareto be ch@gingHpidly id Britain Md the USA? A The style wliters ale eDployidg. B The medilm authon are using. C The way qew witers are being reduired. D The messageaurhorsare pufting foMard. Typing a manlscripr in |he convcntionalmanne!may ma]<ea writei A rakefewei risks. B make more mistakes. C becomeoverditical ofhis or her work. D have a lot of secondthougnrs.
33 one cffectofusins a word processormay be rhar the oncoingrcvisionof a text A B
is done with too litde atteorion. producesa sloppy effecr.
doeslot encouraseone to pick up mistakes.
34 It is claimedhere thar word plocessorscreate A a feeling of distaDcebetFeena witer dd hjs or hei work. B rhe iLlusionthat you are the servantof the machinc. C a sedsationofpower. D a rluctance in the auihor to expres him- or hcrself. 35 As far aslearningtousea wordprocessoris concerne4the authorof the passagefeelsrbai
h unde$tating the probled.
; too scepti.alabout the advantages. overestimatesthe deger of loslng rext-
'r.r.zreq. tuol,lpErluoi-Jl6sPUEx.iduor € a {PEt JI]uEuor'.ldus 3 D LsFru.l .lEuossBdPu€ lurpr uE a 'o€uoa\ snonsu.s'snolE.l E Y Jo s! adoH qrrPg Jo uoss.rdq no 'rindod Ib^ se P.qu.s.P C ':uror.r{ suDs.relul r.qrEr e .dEq 01pes 3 '[email protected] g IIsuoIs 'no@nq ple rIA srr Io] p.pur@or Y st rb1 np PlaH 'sl.ettt a.rlF Ip uI
'I.rou M.u suq.nor puE snorodnq sIlF B.JII 01ltlsnoF^rEu s.do. .rumor {s1s$lu.J ,fq s€ to a:r^ paPznd uao Dq I|Is €upu.luor F,( r.rJtu rDu?uor ? sE rd.p€ .ututuol-Ertn.qr Iq P:]hr..r 6qor ruEr.nl:r sE{.doH li-rlPgr:!{:u!or.q.lqErou.ursour.q sdeqFdpirE.b sEq$oloorg BrIUVrlr€r.ppa^FsqodlF]llnEaqpuErla! rostr.r.?rErl.III,N '?w ]D 'toa'I piE ' alq n u.Js ' q5^ouralFo..qr pu€ rpoaa naTlanbro[ :azn?]5:alanJ a'11]a v "r"a16a+I srttua|aqJ'toanDAtJon+n€.w sI.rls uorllsodsltFploq orl3G leuoarslg.qr {53pFquRD rE ros5Joi.I .pRIs sE.{\.I]s 896I uI uY Jo s1nlpsul plnEunol .Lp r? s.rpt!1 €uo6Ed pw -qru..1qBb uo f]uolpne ituolrEur.ru] @ sl oqa 'r.ojoorg ErIUV IJnru..-qFaar.ur E |'rtlxn aEln{iod!(la^ s.rr aoul I i1l roJ rsr SuolE,t6uol ! .q I.a 1q5ro aFrlrrr.dsnsIqBnoLIrtB-frErqttpJolrno.{@orJ.{dore1.BpuEftrpFo.noIsdBqredrO:{r noIJr'nodorrtpu.slt.I noI roJ1IIrodsl,uoa I lnq puEpellzrras !r l.1orJEuI 13$ 01s.o5 rqrnu or{a rsl.^o! ueuo,{ ErnoqBs,rl )looqJopuDlrnof rsnl s!1I oorrplnoa noI Iurr-lI puE II.a rrtulpa.r palotu. I rErdlsel.zlrd r3>looa.!p loa oqa @uoa.qr 'aool noI l:uJoorg P]I1V igslT rD-I np ploH Jo ndoJB sEA.(EPLIIq Iu roJ pBLII slursardls.llu .qr lo .uO z 1ro/1t7 'frqu:p, pJlE.Iduor tuo $q uodn PIoq u4 e sEqorla ,.doHrlrlPa.tq€hu.rsoualpsrtGrrreq.iqrIEJo'
38 What do extracts I eld 3 both do? A Give ,n oudine of the p1ot. B MaLe much of ihe leadiry characte!'s pelsonality. C Make mdtion of the heroine3 sose of hmou. D Campat. Hakl .1uLa. $ilh oLherno\el\. 39 %ich of ihese 3tatemflts is rrue? A E{ract I gives the nost objective inlomation about the auihor. B Extract 2 expressesrhe mosi subjetive reactioh to the book. C Extract 3 tells us most abou! the setting fo! rhe novel. D All extracB employ a fai.ly foeal lone. 40 l?hich of the three e!-tracB could be frcn the back-@ver inlormation about the novel? B C D
ExtEcr 2, ExFact 3. None of them.
( uxel paqmsald aqt uo stollsanbla a-oq. ' aq nln s'ttl)
'IEsodord etF 01 suoo$lqo nod 8uIlE* '&Forpnv uodr]V 'lodrrv ra Jo rortr.r,a .qr or r.rrord Jo r.!rl P.Lo.e)t P -proa 00r rroqP u .rurx\ aollEc uoJJ pRot5Il lo .uos .IEr or uodnE r.qloue roJ pa.u .ql ..s ub no.{ qanolpP - uos@dF s1!o1p.soddo q8uons .r no,l 'uo&ry udorl{BlH retu 8u^II N.plsar e sV
'qntJ '^{or}"c Iq slsr^ lEuo's"r3o{tuo q}n\ Sursn .rou rw?rl rlr? iuEeer3ur 3u g u^{o1q6rHaql Jo ourorl aql uaeq s"q uodr" lql '
puedxeol Uodrreul olq6rH
ss.rd IBtoI.!P uI pxe.dde q.qa.lJuE Elo ued sI sIr{J i (sproa 009 rnoqv) ',^?pnoH snol]sEsrcEJo suoFslrdul p.u9u. 5t3ur uoqs E r.urzdeu $Indod ! roJI se 'a1FA t Gproa 0S€rtroqv) oot'z rhl.qr u ]ooq Irorsq ! roJ Jt sBpe^n.ld@d ,{€a.r!Jo uolrdE$p E.rudr aooorzft5d oqr u.)U .q jtra ptroa.I! I6qr no,{oPrBqr[
Gproa 05€ lnoqv) tuFno. no^ ur FrsE..PEu ro pe^ordu.q pFor Ilr.pti tI! puBp.tqtsF.ItJo s:^I5rF r{.lqauI srEA:uos N.35nS I 'pb 01 ttos PLn hal. lt rlron noL tDtuainu'uad ut atua uadasuourfltltul not plt a3!u9 \uoubh1lb a4bw01patuotlo,rD av tFrbn @\to! 1fltu 't.6ub lnoA \as!.raxa uouaodtuor 8u@uo! av lo ^lro o^r .tuA
snoq z :.urJ NOTJISOdWOI :ZdlIaIVd
PA"ER ]: USE OF ENGLISH Time: 2 hours Section A I
Fill ed.h oJ the nrnbered blankt ;n the Joll@irs p$saEe uith one tuitable @ord.
Rarely, if ever, . (1) so much coDcem bea expressed about ou daily ( 2 ) a t t h e p r e e e ntti E e . A n d o d d l y . . . - . . . . . (3), oviromenr. . (4) from thoseprobiems ofheavy ofiq racial inte4ation, overdowding, dd (5) with urba tife, the coDcelN indeasing dime dd violence generally . splessed in both tom md coorry are very similar. Teq many corntly viltages . (6) sufler . . . . . . . . . (7) e inoease in rhrcusl-iraffc, md crime is . (8) the inclease in rural a . . . . (9) plobably at a stower €te . (10)in toms dd cities.But ii is problemssuch.s pollutioD,unemployment, hunun iights, enelgy atrd @nsensrion which concem u . (11), nor just those who live in urbd deas. Even in Britain, . (12) the msjoriry of imigrmts still live in cities, the challenSeof the MulL.ul'ual Soc ery w l \l1r realh rual des ir . (14) villagecoImhities haveremainedrinuaily uchdged . . . -... .. (15) hudreds of yeus. Such colrmeities have already been rouched (or tainted?) . (16)pollutionJuemplolmenrod soon: they re. . . . . . . . . (r7) to face u p t o w h a tt o d o w i t h r h e i ry o u g p e o p l en, o w t h a tf a m i n g h a sb e c o m e .. . . . ....(18) mechanisedJudtofishtroconservethecouryside.........(19)rhefaceofindeasing indl8tlialGation. What witl b€ the @osequences,on . . (20)r wheo this rulal popliation becomesmultiracial? 2
Fi"ih.ach of th.Jollotuinqs.ktd.4 ih ech a ua! thdt it neaa etdcllj, ,hesaneastheenten e E aurler They're processing my application now. ,1ru@err My application ,r beinsfroce$ed tuw.
You "hould b.ve waired ior us, the jn The rem leade!Lriricised
It's possiblethat he didn,t get my letter. He mi9br........................
The last tine it snowed hele was 8ix years ago. I r . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
I only reelised what I had I missed when rhey told me about it Ltter-
Thele we!fl't nearly as many people there as I had dpected. Tbde wse fr r . .. .. .. .. ... .. ..
Vhen rhe Minisrel was asked about rhe stdke, he declined to co]]mot. On....................... .........
There was no need for you to have gone ro ell thar trouble. You................................
Plqse dont say things like that. I wi\h.............................
leadersa,dto lohn.
Sectioo B
s Redd rheJo ouine aasdee, th.h a6uer ttu @3tio6 @hi.hJo !@ ;t.
Keeping your ideas to yourself So you've got d invdtioD - you md doud 39,000 orhs eachyed, .ccording to 1982 statisticsl The 64r000-dollar questioD, if you n ve ome up with a device whici you beueve to be the eswo to rhe sergy disis or you've invented a lav|mowd which d$ gr6s with a j€r ofwater (not so daft, someonehas invented one), is how ahe one to rerp ihe 10 to osw ]d'z rewdds of you ingsuity. How will ail you gardo shed boffns out there keep othe$ from @pitalisingonyouid€as and liniry ihet pockets !t you expse? t5 one of the fu$ steps ro prctect your interests is to patdt your invdtiotr. That cu kep ft our of the sasp of the pbates fo. at leestihe rcxt 20 yars. And for this ieas@ inventors i! th€ir droves 20 beat a constmt rlail frcm aU ovd ihe comtry to rhe doo.s of e monymous sry f.onted builditrs just behid Inndon's Holbom to ily and patdt
The building houses the P.rot Office. It\ d mt heap of orridors, offices and filing rcoms - a sortiry house ed stolage depot for one of rhe world's biggest and most vdied olectioDs of 30 techniel dara. Some td oiUio! p..ots - EDglish dd foreier - de listed thse. File aftd file, cat.logue alid caralog{e debil rhe b$in cbndrfl of invmto$ dom rhe centu.ies, from a 1600t ma35 chine ge designedto tue squde bullets
at infidels and round one3a. Cbristids; to preso.d.y laso, auclear ed @mThe 6rst 'letters patst'were
40 as long ago as 1449 to a Flemish dafts
Ild by the ]rme of Jobn Urynm. The letta, written in Latin, ue Btill on 6le at the ofrce. They were grdted by King Hdy VI ud enrirled UryDm to 'impoit into this coutly' his kDowledgeof mrl.ing steinedslasswindom in order 10 instau such wiDdows at Eton Collegp. Pr€sent-day pateDts procedue is a more sophistiqted afiai! than getting a go-alrcadDoteftom the mo@rch. These days ihe strict prccedures govemiag wheihe. you get a patent for your revolutionsry mouse-trap or sole-poweled back-sdatcher h.ve beeD reduced to a prefty qacr scieo@. From stdt to fini8h it will ule €iound two and a halfyears and cosi Jr 65 for the invotoi to g.iD pffsr protrction for his brainchild. That's if he's lucky. By no meds all who apply to the Patent otrce, which is a brdch ofthe Department of
A key me at the Patedt O6ce is Bmald Pamidge, PriDcipal Eminer 65 (Addinistation), who boils dom io one wo.d rhe viral iDgr€dietrt any invoror Deedsbefote he canhope to overome the mny hurdles in the complq procedure of obtaining a patent - 'ingenuiry'. 'Heh got to be irgoious', sys Pe70 tridee. 'His invdtioD must show a degree of invotivdess 6d ingeDuity which boiber pe$oa aining to produe e article 10 do ahe sde t.st would not regard as the obvious dswe! to the
PAPER 4: LISTENING COMPREHENSION Time: approx- 30 hinures Fitst part For queeio$ bta tick (J ) uhethq the sratendts are iue d Jake. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A boy was recerrly dtowned nedby. Most of the ieland is a The islad is almost a perfecr oval in shape There are very few buildinss on rhe istandThe guide msriors rhe bild dd .eptile life on rhe islDd The guided lour of the isled is oprio@I. This is rle iast stop on rheir day trip. The ferry mskes a number of short joumeys each day. Vhen the yolth says'rypical',he is cdticising |he gride. There is some public disapp$vll of plans regarding a neighbobing isled.
2 3 5 7
Secold part Fot questio 11, t2 antl t3, pn a nch q ) ia Me aJ the bares,A, B, C or D. il
W}tat has rhc speater bee,atalking abour up ro now? A Hos o prorrct mLique. f,om b,earase\. B Removing stains from turnirure. C How to mend broken dtiques of aU kidds. D Valuing all kitrds of mtiques.
12 Why doer the speal<ermention a Persian rug? A As h qmple of a relrile. B Becausehe's srdding on one. C To compare it with a carpel D Bequse ,omeone has just shom him one wirh a b.d srain on it. 13 According to lhe spealer, the rmoval of srams A n€rly always takes days of hard work. B often requires a tor of parience. C always involves a weak solurion of bleach. D should never be done widr disrilled wat€r.
rTl lal t tDTt
lATl BTI -FT-l E1l
Foutth Pa.t to uhal tou hear' Forqusno8 lg- 2i,pn atich (J ) in tu al fiab@s A,B,C or D, accordine 19 Vha! is likely to have been the qu$tion plt to the pdel? A Do you welcome US influence on ou! everyday life' Al-] B Don't you thirk we are too dependeDte@nomicallv ed politicrllv on the El--l
vhai ar€ the rnajor ditrermces between the Brirish &d Arericd life? Shoddnl we lly for closer poLiti@l links with tha US?
20 Sheila blames Amdica for A B C D 2l
the ustable British eonomy. its oM p@r [email protected]. lowering moral stddd& in Brirain. retusins to rdsia a maior arly.
Lord Vatkins acoses Sheila of A being upatnotlc. B still looking fo! w.ys to dominare orber @ulries. C underestimaiing the value of freedom. D trot facing the re.lities of intemational relations.
22 Sheila's parry wolld like to A B C D
hrlt Aoelico acts of aggressionby fblce. iDpose resoictions on US impons into the UK. reduce rhe nuber of US missiies in the UK. stop Ameri@ goods coming into Britain-
23 Which of the spealcrs is opeDly opposed to rhe presmt govmeDt? A B C D
Sheile. Lord Watkine. Both of them. Neither of them.
wav of
cl I
lAT-l lBTl
lAI l lBTl
trn lATl lBTl lcTl
Tapescripts for Paper4: Listening Comprehension
One Paper 4 PracticeElm One. Paper,l: Lisroing Comprehension. To hear each pdt again, rewind to the beginning. Look at psge14.FirstPart. Look at questiotrsI ro 7. You're going to hear rhe HeadrEster ofa school welcoming a glest speaker who has come aiong to give a talk. Bur first read the starments I ro 7. Now listen md tick whethe! the statements are true or false. Ready? Good evoing. Hm, hm. Good evedng. . . . G@d evding, ladies and eenrlemen. Hm. Mly I first saywhat a pleasureitis ro seeso ftany ofyou here this evoing. Since its inception some one hunalred ed twenry yea.s ago, this school has produced, 'released' some would say, sent out itrto rhe world rhousmds of talented young men ed women who wdt on to achievegleat successin lheir chosenfield. A grat mdy haveachieved a certai4 fame, a few, it is only f.i. to sry, a certain nototiety. However, I rhink I cm pretty safely sayrhar no Old Boy . . . dd of couae nowadays we must add 'Old Girl', has,if you like, capturedrhe imginatioD ofthe public in rhe way rhat our guest spert<ertonight has done. For the past twelve monrhs he has had lot one, nor rwo, but three of his plays ruuing to packedaudidces in ihe V/est End ofl.ondon, ed you h.ve ro go back a lons way to match that pdticdd achievement.And eother, I gather, is at present in rehedsal and is due to open at the Prince of Wales' in four momhs' rime. No one would now begrudgehim a place i! ihe top echelons of Blitish dramadsrs. If I may remind you b efly
of someof the revie$ his latestsuccess received:'I(/ickedly irevelentj don't miss iil' said ft, Staa.lal4 'Hilalious! Side3plittingl'flomlle,4,fa,lj'The teds wererolling down my cheeksl'That was from rne E rr,sr. I could go on all night. He has ofcoulse alsofound time in lhe past five years to write two novels, the tust ofwhich, 'QuDtity Before Quality' was d out-md-out best-seller,ihe sequel ro which was rhe wimer of last yee\ Thomas Rushron prize. There does indeed seem Io be Do limir rc his Vre remeEber him here as a 6ne allrounde!, a hard worker, keen sportsme, of whom, to my undying shme, when Head ofthe Erglish DeparEndt, I once wrore: .[ods ro be rather idiosyndatic', od on anotheroccasion- I hope all is 'needsto developa clealet folgivd Ladies and godmen, we arevery grateful rhar slch a busy man has been able and willing to fnd the dme to be with us this evening. Would you pleasewelcome - or rathd, welcome back - Mr Andrew
lisren asain ud
ch€ck your
That\ the fld ofthe filst part ofthe test. Second pa!t. Look at the newspaper advertisement oDpage14.You're going to hear a telephone @nversarionwith e agent for Vorldwide Travel. Bur filsr read the advertisemenl
far lhis season.Mr WatsoD,is it tme tiat you've decided to shut doen the caf€? Yeh w€lL I .eckotr enoush's enouch. I beo here for lhe besr paft of rwenty y e d s & d . . . w e l l ,t h e r e \ b e e n . . .w e ' v e had our fair shareoffouble in the pasq bur. - . nothins like this. . . norhing compded to whar Lhose mimsls did Could you tell us exactly what did hapWel1,yeh, I was inside like, washing up, ed I don\ know, about twenry lo@l lads came in afte! the matchj about six, haLf
A spokesran for the A{inistry of Sporr said that they would be making a tulI srarement after sifting rhrouS! police repons. This and othe! similar incidents is a severesetbackto rhe gove.nment's newlylaunched cmpaign to clmp down on football hooliganism. Mr Byrne, the Minister for Sport, was already d!€ to meet Football A$ociatio. dembere a we€& on TuesdaY.
lislen again ud
clteck your
ThaCs ibe end of the third pdt of the They were regular dsromers of youfs, Oh I wouldn't say thar. I seenmost of thm bdore. Anylvay, rhey oldered hmbursers eU lound, dd they were sitring around, playing the frun machines and the video gees, you know, the nomal sort ofthin& when this geg of Womwood supporrds solt of busr How do you know rhey were . . .: You could rell. They had scalvesand $settes md things. And wellJ the Brcadm@r boys see didn't read, md rhen these others started tumng over tables md chairs and . . . you knowj the leguagel Tho a few fights broke out md well, in the end the Wolmwood lot left, but they just sort of hug about outside, shouring, m.king a heu of a din. Ard then, when the Broadmoor boys fied to leaver lhey jusi stopped ihemj pushed ihed back inside. And then things started cooing rhough rhe windows; as you catr see, thele\ hddly a pane of glass not broketr. Stones, hmmers,evena dustbin eot thrown in. David Morgd spoke later to Supdin r€ndent Scott of ihe local consrabuialyOf course, inelirably, fngds a.e going ro be pointed at us, od we'!e goins to set the old €lls for moie policing aI ratches. Let me tell you, there were mote police on duiy ar this match t\an we have ever had before ar a Leagle gene. w'e ould haldly have foreseen trouble such as thal in rhe caf€ you're talking abour. We're nor fofrue-tellers, you know, Undl we get stifler sentences flom the magistrates,we in the police de always going to be on the losing side.
Fourth part. Look at questionsl9 to 24 on page 16.You',re soinS to hed rhe 6ml cxffact of a shon story read on $e radio. Bur fi6r read the six mlltipie choice
Now listen and put a trck in one of the boxes-A, B, Co!D-for questions19to 24. Ready? And now, Henry li'hitiDg readsthe last pa:n ot Goins aa.fr by N- A. Smdt, adapted for Ddio by Georse Walker. I had just sat down and opened the mou. Ir wasasif shehad bed expecting me, as if we had arranged to meer the night before- She qme stlaight to my table, smiling, hcr am outstretched, Igithin seconds,the waiter had brought aperitifs ud we were trlbng wildly, qu$tiorilg dd eswerins, laucllirs between smiles. She had groM: larger, tuller, yes, evetr fatter- The 'princess' drl€ I had bestowed upon her seemed much iess apposnethm before. And yer ... IexplainedIhadbesroaconferoce in the roM the day before. Sbc smilcd againj she had read about it in the lo@l paper.Shefelt I had chdged very litde'When
we had finihed eating sd paid she insisredon separarebiUsJas had alwaysbeenherwont weenbark€dona srroil by the river. We passedthe rree wherc nine years bdore we had knelt in the mud, naive @d inrccent, @d carved our mmes. Had she folgottd? Had all that passedfrom hd mind? She kicked the gravcl parh and laughed quierly. I
erc.'(I like theetcerera;ir meos you cd imacineall sonsof rhings.) Bur it doesnt soDd a very Ersliii word - ar leasr,not to me. So where did it come from? A Dictiandtj aJli lary lbrP^ttridge) quores as rhe source a book endrled Haolisan N,srrs wi en in 1899 by Clarence Rook. Rook maintains that there lvas a me caLlcdPatrick Hoolisan who at abourlhat time 'walkedto andfro among his fellow mo, robbing ther and occa sionallybashingthem'. So that, apparI mentioned earlicr the dlresson a noseyparkcr" If someoneis ,ovr, of cousc, he or sheis inreresredin things rhardo not concen hlm or her. But why 'anosey P4riel? AccordlneroonebookI iefefed to, the dpiesion deriveslidm a Dr Mafthew Pa*er(1504-75), who was anArchbjshopofcanterbury. I wonit go itrto rhedetailsofhis career,whichwasa somewhat chequered one, bY all ac counrs,exceptto say dnt he was tmat icallyreligjousdd acquiieda reputation for scrutinisins atl ma ers of Church busiicss.We cM only asume iherefore that antone who pried too much &d too often inro olher people\ afilairs came to be knowDafter that as a'nosey parker'. And, nnaly, what about 'blankef? It's surprising,isnl it, how many everyday houscholdwods are in fact eponyms. Theoligin ofrhis pardculaiword seems ro bein somedoubt, but one suggestion is thar some of the first blanlers produced in England were spun on the loomsofaweavercaUcdBlanket,whoser up shop in Bristol alound the middle of the fouileenrh century- Ifthat is the case, it\ one of ou older eponyms. Ifyou'd like to lookout for more,oi wiit€ ro us about the derivations of other such words, why donl you . . .? Now
listen agdn md
check rour
ThaCsrheendofrhefirsrpanof thetest. Second part. Loo\ at questions6 to I I onpase32.You're goinsto hearoneside ofa relephoneconlersado! beMeenthe reccptionist of The Whitechapel Horel dd a prospectivegucsrat the horel.Bur
tusr read the irrformation on rhe horel
Now lisren and fiU in rhc reservation sheerfor the new guest.Queslions6 to lL Be carefulj the infomation is noi girc! in the samesequenceasthe ques'Whitechapel Horel. Co I help you? Er yes, sir, we have. Would rhat be a singleroom or a doublel I see.Iteil, it\ f27.50foiboth adouble and a twin bedded room! I35 with You'd lite a prjvate showeririshr, si!. Ratherthao atwin-beddedroom.I see,
Ycs, ir does,sir. Enslishor Continental. And !1soincludedin the {tuoiedpiice is V.A.T. at 15%. Good. Did you say rhe weekendalier
So that would be the nights of rhe 30rh ed rhe 31st,wouldn'i it? I mean,May rhe 1st I'm sofy, I'm dreaming. Yes, April maclnesslCould I haverout
Isrh'tGILE-S? Ah, Y not I, I'm sorry, sir. And could you give me you initials,
V.J. Thank you. Er, is thereatelephone mmber you can giveJ er a contact ndber, jusr in casewe . . . Yes, I know; jis not something thar mey horels do, but we LikeIo have one as I sar, jrst id case. . . York, 4 0 double 6 8) I see.Er, do you happen to know the alca code for York
0 9 0 4. ThDk you very much.
never dis.overed why they calt them horns, but I thii! they'le on the door to sorr of give it some prct€ction when irt being froved aroud. Aryway, they have to be sawn off before you cu do anything. All light? ri(/hat, dley're jusr blocks of wood, de Yeh, ju$ four little bits sticking out ftom top dd botr@. O.K.? So then you've sot to lay the door on its side, with the lock fa.ing dom, on th€ floor, . . . . . . And e! use a plane to ffim ihe long edge, set it nice dd flat. You mean it doesnl arrive nice md No, it\ usually quite a rouS} edger 'causeyoulve obviously got to gei it dowD to sactly the risht sizefor your er doovay, havenl you? This is what I me3n,you see.It\ not d easyjob; ifs realit' . fo! sn dpen. 'Well, iobgo on, myway. let's well, if you think you can do ii. So you've planed dowtr that edge, aUright? Then you get a measue and measureihe exact width you wmt, O.K.? Leaving abour 3 millimetres for clearance on either side of the frame. Yes? And you mrk ihe door at the top dd the bottom, tho diaiv e line joinins the two malks. Now then you've got ro md the door over on to the other side, so thar the lock side is facing upwdds now, you see whar I m€a, dd then e! plme &at whole edge dom to the line you've
To get ir er .ighr, you know the door in the frame - ro ger your marks in the righr pla@j yo!'11 probably need to pu! the door on wedges, support it on thir! shallow wedges, o. else you'll fitrd it difficult to get ir *cdy rhe risht Bize.I supposeyou could Ne something ehe to prop it up onr if you ce't find the proper rhings. Anyway, . . . you with me so fdl IqeI, then you need to stmd the door on the wedges again, or whatever you'le using - and sted it in ihe dooNay, and . . . ei mark very caretully on the door where you need the hinges ro be. And you hate to be exre-specially careful here,or you could ruin the whole thing in abour thiny secondsflat. All righr. So m{k whele the hinges de going to go, rop ud bottomi tho get the lwo hinges and place thd on the door, at the edge, where rhey're going to be on the door, you seeTud trace roud rhem cdduUy. And then er, lou've gol to chisel out a recessfor drem to go intoj .areful which side of rhe chis€l you'!€ usins, O.K.? And rhenJdritl little holes into ihe lecessesyou've chiseued out, usually three fo! each hinge, isnl ir? Bener with a meual ddll, I find, that sott of iob, mhe! ihan an electric one. Then screw the hinges on the door, and yo!'re just abour there. Get the door back on the rcedges,screw th€ other flap of dle hinses on ro the frme - where fie old hinges weie - ud with my luck ir woo'r fall ed hit you over the bead. If on rhe orher hsd it does, don\ s.y I
w'eU, do roughly rhe samefor the heigltt of rhe d@rJ but lqving er what is it? abour 3 ritlimeftes at the top, I tninl ir is,sdaboutdouble,abolt6miilimetres at the bottom. And you do rhe darkiDc and the pleing the same. Oh, I fotgot.
Now listen again md
check your
And rhais the end of the test for Exam
llecious childhood lears, your boy or girl is learning new skills and gaiDing confidence!rhc surroundingcomunlry is eorking lowards self-reliaoce.One day theserhings will come togerherro createa rcal future . . . but it wont bcgin $irhout your backrDg.
Now Iisten again and chcck your Thais rhc endof thefi$t parr of rhc tcs.. Secondpart. Look atquesrions6 to 11 onpages49 and 50.You',rego gtohear a broadcasr'Fpeal. tsutfirsr readrhe six multiple-choicequesrions. Now llsten and riur a tick in one of thc b o x e s -A , B , C o r D f o r q u e s r i o r s 6 t o 1 1 .R e a d y ? And noi! an appeal on beh'1f of the World Care Organisationb! Rjchard Good evenins.Tonight 1 q'nt nr talk ro you abour sporsorship.Sloosorshipls ']t r.o6d us ln rhe cighties,isn't ir? Sportinge!en$, rradc fansi voyagesof dncoveir - whcrcsould they bewiLhout it? But I'meoingto ask-!outo considera For iathcr diferentkindof sponsorship. V/orld Ca.e rbebestpart oifour decadcs, hasbeenorcanisinssponsoshipof.hil drd ln povcrtt-srricken areasof t\e ThirdWorld. This childyou seehereon your screenis ooly in that classroom becaur of rhcelTot\,'f our voluntcer . r^a --_q i J t r i n J L n ef o o d u l l l o f h i s \ p o n s o rl.t may be dimcuh ro imagineth,t an eighi pound-htiy-'-month sponsorshi! can achicle aDrrhing so dramaiic, bur, believcme,itcan. To dfatherle$ fami\ in r o u ' h . ! ' r \ ' J - - i \ i n " o 1 u n d e rI . 2 . 0 I f o F : aycar, for insrancelitmakesagieat dcal po$ible. ft males healthand cducarion lossible for a small son or daushter.A skiil .rainins lossible for the widowed mother and more ro eat lb! all the children. If you have childreDof rour own! you cd Sive rhem a mlch deeper and more rewarding elpericncc with a 'fiiendship throush sponsorship than mything rhe TV can ofef. Does lour 'buC? hearr sal 'tcJ x hile your head sa!s But cm ourhelp really chargcanything? But is Lhemoncy$cll spent?\[ith 3.000
! oecr'..05d..c'o-rscrnr':e.. i,h 15 yeart cxlcrience,with some400,000 children alrcad-!beins helped rowards livcsworth h'ins, r'e 6ink t\e answo is 'yes'.Whatmattersmore,drough,isrhat we tdckle |he job onc child a! a time. Rich thcrc in lhe villases or in the slums,our peoplearedaily tuiningyour hclp inro a snid realitr. Duiins thosc
Andtime is offte csscnce.Itemuststari equippjng rhcm wirh healrh, srensth and conndencc$hile ther'ie still young dd bcfore d1e .rushing burde! o{ hopclc$nesshils Lhem.Once! ou cansay 'yes'1nol only can ne confim your sponsoishipand imroduce you to your child through his or hcr lictut folder, but we can transfcrou costsof looking afterrour childro anotherneedychild in arothercommunirl, l h,t s how,oneat a rime, the batrlcforpoverty\ childrenis behg won. You see,we're askingfor a hand up, not a h,nd-out. Joln us now it Lhe wondedully satisfying work or puEins snilesbacko! facetlikethese-If you havefought throushto abetierlife, now hel! a chlld to do the same. The addr€s to write ro: P.O. Bo! . . . N.-ow llsren asain md '1hafs
check your
rhe crd ol d1ese.ondpan ofthe
Third part. Look ar qucstionsi2 to 19 onpagc 50. You're going!o he,r a short radio intervlew enh a professlonaL sportsman.Bur first readthe qucsrions. Now listen and lick *het\er rhc statcments 12 ro 19 ale t.ue or falsc.Readl? 1 lhink ir wouldn\ be unfair to susgcst, 'ferry, rhar, as an educate.lyoung man with sevenO l.elels andrwo,A Levels in Hisrorl and French - you are some nhingofm erceptlonin r world in which crlhyeis arenot lamousfor ihe shall\te sar . . . rhe power of rheir intellecr. I'mnot sosurethat is fai\ re,llL Brian. Perhapsthi y yeas ago it rlould hale bectr, but in reccnt tjmes you've had eraduatesplaying inrernationalfooiball d n dS c o t i a n d . . .a n d lbr... Englana I r e l m d .I t h i i k . . . T.ue, bu! there musl bc sometruth in rhar famousquore liom a Leagueclub chairman,who said er . . - rhai most
Daimler dd Benz melge ro mal<erhe first Mercedes BeDz? Ooh, must be, well, beMeenthe wa$. I needmore than rhar. No, I'm sorry. Ove! i. goes.Anybody? Nineteenrwenty six. Spot on. Your own quesrion,Balsoler, quesdon22:in which yearwasrhe selfNiniteen twclve? Nineted eleven? 'Which one do you wanr? (V,TII SPERS) Nineteen elcven. Ha, firsr ideasere alwaysrhe best. Twelve, was it? Oh. And nlaly for Malvern: when did Daimlei pro&ce his first car? Er, musr havebeenalound e! 1896? Cdl lei you havethat- Fliers? (V/HISPERS) Just a eless. E! 1899? Oh no, soins the wrong way. You were nearer, Malved, but I'n atiaid you were *acdy a decadetoo late. '86? Good Heavensl So at the end of the ioDnd,Balsoverstill wellahead,bur.. . ploty oftime for ihat to chese. ForRound Fourwegobackio rhe buz2ersj tust one to p.ess wilh rhe corrccranswersers the twopoints.Butif yor interupt me roo soon and ger ir wrong of courseit's passedover ro rhe other team, who €n thenselves score two pointsj plovidcd of courserhar the dswer is correct.Sorlotsofpointsto be wonj fingers on buzzc6. Question24: what wasthe nme ofthe car rhar held rhe worldlmd speedrccold in. . . 19 . . -25? (BUZZER) BiU Wlighl for Balsover? The GoldcnAriow, woild it havebeen? No, rhat wasnl unril qdte a bit later. Anybody on rhe Malvern side?No confering. . . . Have ro hury you. @IJZZER)
Got it in rhe nick of time. !{ell done. Question25; whatwasF. H. Royce\ job vBUZZER) Menan Johnsfor rhe Mounties? Oh sofy, I didn\ med to . . . I'm sorry, MeNyn. You've buzzedjl'll haveto ask yo! for an answer. O h e r . . . I d o n l k n o s. . . a m e c h a n i c ? No. Ovei ro the other side:whatwas F. H. Royce'sjob beforehe went into care2 Can Myone come iq2 (BVZZER) Wasn't he a clme manufactlrd? Something to do with cranes? Are you askingme or teltins me? I think he was a cranemndacturer. And you'le quirecorred - a couplemofe points to rhe Fliers. Here's question26 coming up. Finseis on buzzersagain. Similar quesrion. v,har was Charlie \2 BUZZERS) Moutiesl you rverc rhere tust. Mervyn? Qlite rigbt. Rolls was in facr ftom an aistocratic background.And on to rhe lastquestionof this round. Wharwasrhe namcof the tusI modelofCadillac ro be
(BUZZER) Malcoim of the Mounties? YeslTdck quesdon,I supposqbut weLl .lone, yo! get you lour poin.s for rhat. And so the scorear the end ol Round Fou studs at BalsoverFliers 16 Mal-
... Now sofar I'!ebeentalklngaboutthe lroblems ofrpairing and iestoiins a!' iiquesofvarious kinds pottert, furni are rure, gLass ald so on. tsut breakages not the only thing that can befall old ariicles.There is the problm of stails stainsi! old winegla$cs,cotree stajnson tables,stainsin cupsandvasesand such
with a damp rag is nor enough.I sugsest washing the whole area\rith waim soapl that's usualll enough if done water quickly. tsut if the stain pesists, wash again, rhis tjme addins bord. Another method is to stdt with ivhire spiiir. Oi if a stalo pcrsists on lhire clod, a small @ount of sende bleach can be used
So I thousht it would be woirh spending sometime givingyou somesencralhints on removingsrains.Andfistly I want to beginwithtextiles,ddby rexrileshere1 j dolls' dressmeanupholsreryj costumes es,tablelinen,andclrpetsandrugs.You can probably imediately think of a dozen things rhar mighr srain rhar Pc!sian rug yo!'ve got on |he floor, oi rhat rable-cloihthat belongedro youi greatgfert-grandmo|her. And I obviously c!tr't dealwirh aLlof thd. Bui herc are jusr a few t'ps. Oh, just a fes sederal words before I talk abour ditrerenr srains-Wheneverwaler is suggestedto solve the pioblem, use disrilied wate!, for valuablepieccs.Wheoever esFecially and bleaches oLheiiiquids aresuggesred as a remedy, rry rhcm out in a very wedl folm firsr. And don,t forset to pui eir,her a pieceof blottinc paper,a clcanwhite rag or a ped of papcr rissuesuder rhe stainbeforcyou begin work. And don't be lmpadent. Somc stainsneeda lot of patiencero removcrhem satisflctorjly.
Another.ommon stain, ofcourse, is tea or coifee. If recenr, both can be removed by putdng lbcfabricoverthe top ofajuc and pouins really ho vaier throush the marerial ilom a heigh!.
Now lisren acain dd
In the case of cofee, anr old obstinate srains cd be rubbed wnh glycerine aqd lefr for an hour or so, then insed md washed \rith earm soapy water. On the other hdd, cofiee spots witl often come out if rou put biotting paper on both sides and then give it a quick touch with a hol iron. Srrangcly, tha!'s no! recommended for tea stains. You can usuatly remove dried tea stains with a weak and rhen rinse our as solution ofbora! Blorting pap6) by the way, can also be used to remove cddle rar. Pui it both sides of Lhe wex srain (or you could use brown wrapping paper) dd apply a ieasonably hot itun. Yo! just eo on replacirg the blort,ng paper (or wrapping papct utrril rhe stain has almost disappcared, and !he! remove any linal
check you!
Thafs rhc end of the secondpart of the
Thiad part. Look at pagc67, questions 14ro 18.You're golnsro hcara continu arjon of the ralk on the €!e and repair of aniiques.Bur firer read questions14 to t8. Now listen and wrire in the missing infomarion tbr questions 14 ro 18. . . . somc stails needa 1orofparienccto removerhed sarisfacloiilJ.One of the worst,anddftrtunarelyoneof themost comon, is milk. You'll knos if you've everieft any spilt milk hoiv iancid aDd smelb jr soongoes.But a quickwipeover
A question l'm often asked is how Io liom textiles. iemove chcwing-e@ Horriblc sr!tr, isn't it? \vell, n\ere are nco solutions. The first is to work egg white into rhe gm so dlat you can pick most of it of and rhen sponge d1e reminder of wnh warm soapy warcr. The orher method is to chill the area rvitb ice and then pick the birs otr, washing away d1e remaindc! as befble. Not too dificult, in facr, but as with all these remediesl have patiedce. Perhaps just one more before I palse for dy ques tions. Shoe poiish. Quite a comnon problemwith rucs andcarpetsof course, and the solutio! is fairly casy. Jus! rub ihc aiea wnh $me cofton wool mois. ened with a small amobr of white spirir. It rarely fails - but again rcmcmbd ro
I dida,t know wbele you were. Y o u h a dm a d d r e s s , f oGro d ' ss a k e . . . . I shouldhavebeenh€!e. You cou1.li1 have done aything. But to pay my last respects.I mee, . . Lookj whaCs got into you, Bobby? Something\ eating youj now what is it? You remember when ir was his bilthday oneyear?You musthavebeenrhilieen or rhereabouts.And I spenr evely cdt I had otr a pipe fo! him. Every cent. And do }ou remember what you gave him? Bobby. I said, do you remember what you gave
Yesh, a poem. Some divel you'd knocked of in a couple of minutes! you I copiedit out of a book. I suessedyou h.d. And he was all over you. What a great idea for a birthday presentlAndhow he'd neverforget. . . Bobbyl Such a ralent in the fmilyl . . . You know whal he did with my pipe? I...I... IIe neveroncepur ir m his lips;yo! know You cd1 blme Ronaid for !ha!, Bobby. wlo said anything aboul blame?Am I blming him? Am I blsmilg my own dear brorhe! just becausemy whole goddm life has tuned inio a . . . d Now steadyon, Bobby.Don t takeit out on Kate. Its Dothingio do with her. Iis got everyrhing to do wiih herl She\ family, isnl she?The English rcse, who goi the five star seal of app$lal from Daddy the moment she opoed her
ICs all risht, Ronald.Ler it so. Do rou rmember when I brouglr Julie back here, the first dd only rime. And Daddy har.ly said a word to her au
evening; jusr sattheie p!6ng on his pipe and . . . God, I loved thar giri, RoNy. I . . . And whetr she'd gone, he ius! said 'Is that the besryou can do)' I don't think he meanr . . . And youl You dd hs! 'Like the daughter I neverhadl' How can you compete with things like thar2 How could L . .? I could have been somebody, Ronny. I could have been a big ]]6. I wasn't You wele very brish!. You de . . . Don\ parronisemel The two ofyou, you ed him, and then her, you just destloyed - . . whatever dere was inside me. Look, if you'le going to sit here railowing in self-pity aU evening, Thacs rightl You go. I dont want you here. You don'l belong here. If you'd seenhim towards the end . . . He used to sit here in rhe evenings, m3ling codde dcuses fo! you. 'He\ a very busyman!' 'Ics a loDgway to come.''The children probablr kepr rhem occupied.' It was parhedcl Every now and asainhe'd come our with something like rhat, @d then . . . dlift back ro his private thoughts, his own iittle world. So why dont you get back to youi sman apartmdt md your two perfect kids and 1et RomY, M! Success,push duough a few more million-doud deals,dd . . . md just leave I loved him roo, Bobby. You had your chdces, Bobbyl You iust didn\ have what it takes-You didnl haveto bea 24-cdatfailure,you know.If cet her out ofherel Take wher you want. Have rhe turnitlJel Take the lorl But just getour, borhofyoulJusr set out. PleaseNow
again and check your
And rhat\ the end of Practice Exam