Dislocations in Solids Volume 14
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Dislocations in Solids Volume 14 A Tribute to F. R. N. Nabarro
Edited by
J. P. HIRTH Hereford, AZ, USA
Amsterdam • Boston • Heidelberg • London • New York • Oxford Paris • San Diego • San Francisco • Singapore • Sidney • Tokyo North-Holland is an imprint of Elsevier
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Preface This volume is dedicated as a tribute to F.R.N. Nabarro, the founder of this series. As documented in his biography,1 he made many contributions to dislocation theory in conventional materials and received a number of awards for that work. However, he was also a pioneer in applying dislocation and disclination concepts to unusual materials. This included such topics as disclinations in seashells, dislocations in liquid crystals, and dislocations in molecular crystals and viruses. His vision in these matters was reflected in the broad set of topics that has appeared in the thirteen volumes of Dislocations in Solids that he edited. The present volume continues in that spirit. The first three chapters present results of atomistic simulations at the forefront in this burgeoning area. Van Swygenhoven and Derlet discuss dislocation behavior in nanocrystals and focus on some scaling problems in such simulations. Tschopp et al. present results on dislocation nucleation at grain boundaries, including a new nucleation mechanism. Demkowicz et al. discuss interphase interfaces, with Cu–Nb as an example, providing new insight into structures extending over several planes near the interface, with dislocations spreading in the interface, and with differing local point defect concentrations. Zbib and Khraishi give results of dislocation dynamics calculations using discrete dislocation segments. They treat size effects and high velocity dislocation behavior. Bonneville et al. consider dislocations in icosahedral quasicrystals, including a new mechanism for dislocation motion in such materials. Alshits et al. present a theory for the magnetoplastic effect that explains a wide variety of such phenomena in a self-consistent manner. Vitek and Paidar treat non-planar cores in a variety of crystals, including intermetallic compounds, ionic and covalent bonded structures, and molecular crystals. Seemingly conflicting deformation trends can be explained by their models.
1 A.G. Every, S. Afr. J. Sci. 103 (2007).
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Contents Volume 14
List of Contents of Volumes 1–13
81. H. Van Swygenhoven and P.M. Derlet Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials 1 82. M.A. Tschopp, D.E. Spearot and D.L. McDowell Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals 43 83. M.J. Demkowicz, J. Wang and R.G. Hoagland Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
84. H.M. Zbib and T.A. Khraishi Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics 85. J. Bonneville, D. Caillard and P. Guyot Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
86. V.I. Alshits, E.V. Darinskaya, M.V. Koldaeva and E.A. Petrzhik Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals 333 87. V. Vitek and V. Paidar Non-planar Dislocation Cores: A Ubiquitous Phenomenon Affecting Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Materials 439 Author Index
Subject Index
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Contents of Volumes 1–13 VOLUME 1. The Elastic Theory 1979, 1st repr. 1980; ISBN 0-7204-0756-7
1. 2. 3. 4.
J. Friedel, Dislocations – an introduction 1 A.M. Kosevich, Crystal dislocations and the theory of elasticity 33 J.W. Steeds and J.R. Willis, Dislocations in anisotropic media 143 J.D. Eshelby, Boundary problems 167 B.K.D. Gairola, Nonlinear elastic problems 223
VOLUME 2. Dislocations in Crystals 1979, 1st repr. 1982; ISBN 0-444-85004-x 5. 6. 7.
R. Bullough and V.K. Tewary, Lattice theories of dislocations S. Amelinckx, Dislocations in particular structures 67 J.W. Matthews, Misfit dislocations 461
VOLUME 3. Moving Dislocations 1980; 2nd printing 1983; ISBN 0-444-85015-5 8. J. Weertman and J.R. Weertman, Moving dislocations 1 9. Resistance to the motion of dislocations (to be included in a supplementary volume), 10. G. Schöck, Thermodynamics and thermal activation of dislocations 63 11. J.W. Christian and A.G. Crocker, Dislocations and lattice transformations 165 12. J.C. Savage, Dislocations in seismology 251 VOLUME 4. Dislocations in Metallurgy 1979; 2nd printing 1983; ISBN 0-444-85025-2 13. R.W. Balluffi and A.V. Granato, Dislocations, vacancies and interstitials 1 14. F.C. Larché, Nucleation and precipitation on dislocations 135 15. P. Haasen, Solution hardening in f.c.c. metals 155 H. Suzuki, Solid solution hardening in body-centred cubic alloys 191 V. Gerold, Precipitation hardening 219 16. S.J. Basinski and Z.S. Basinski, Plastic deformation and work hardening 261 17. E. Smith, Dislocations and cracks 363 VOLUME 5. Other Effects of Dislocations: Disclinations 1980; 2nd printing 1983; ISBN 0-444-85050-3 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
C.J. Humphreys, Imaging of dislocations 1 B. Mutaftschiev, Crystal growth and dislocations 57 R. Labusch and W. Schröter, Electrical properties of dislocations in semiconductors F.R.N. Nabarro and A.T. Quintanilha, Dislocations in superconductors 193 M. Kléman, The general theory of disclinations 243 ix
x 23. 24.
Contents of Volumes 1–13 Y. Bouligand, Defects and textures in liquid crystals 299 M. Kléman, Dislocations, disclinations and magnetism 349
VOLUME 6. Applications and Recent Advances 1983; ISBN 0-444-86490-3
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
J.P. Hirth and D.A. Rigney, The application of dislocation concepts in friction and wear 1 C. Laird, The application of dislocation concepts in fatigue 55 C.A.B. Ball and J.H. van der Merwe, The growth of dislocation-free layers 121 V.I. Startsev, Dislocations and strength of metals at very low temperatures 143 A.C. Anderson, The scattering of phonons by dislocations 235 J.G. Byrne, Dislocation studies with positrons 263 H. Neuhäuser, Slip-line formation and collective dislocation motion 319 J.Th.M. De Hosson, O. Kanert and A.W. Sleeswyk, Dislocations in solids investigated by means of nuclear magnetic resonance 441
VOLUME 7 1986; ISBN 0-444-87011-3
G. Bertotti, A. Ferro, F. Fiorillo and P. Mazzetti, Electrical noise associated with dislocations and plastic flow in metals 1 34. V.I. Alshits and V.L. Indenbom, Mechanisms of dislocation drag 43 35. H. Alexander, Dislocations in covalent crystals 113 36. B.O. Hall, Formation and evolution of dislocation structures during irradiation 235 37 G.B. Olson and M. Cohen, Dislocation theory of martensitic transformations 295
VOLUME 8. Basic Problems and Applications 1989; ISBN 0-444-70515-5
38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
R.C. Pond, Line defects in interfaces 1 M.S. Duesbery, The dislocation core and plasticity 67 B.R. Watts, Conduction electron scattering in dislocated metals 175 W.A. Jesser and J.H. van der Merwe, The prediction of critical misfit and thickness in epitaxy P.J. Jackson, Microstresses and the mechanical properties of crystals 461 H. Conrad and A.F. Sprecher, The electroplastic effect in metals 497
VOLUME 9. Dislocations and Disclinations 1992; ISBN 0-444-89560-4
44. 45.
G.R. Anstis and J.L. Hutchison, High-resolution imaging of dislocations 1 I.G. Ritchie and G. Fantozzi, Internal friction due to the intrinsic properties of dislocations in metals: Kink relaxations 57 46. N. Narita and J.-I. Takamura, Deformation twinning in f.c.c. and b.c.c. metals 135 47. A.E. Romanov and V.I. Vladimirov, Disclinations in crystalline solids 191
Contents of Volumes 1–13
VOLUME 10. Dislocations in Solids 1996; ISBN 0-444-82370-0 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
J.H. Westbrook, Superalloys (Ni-base) and dislocations 1 Y.Q. Sun and P.M. Hazzledine, Geometry of dislocation glide in L12 γ -phase 27 D. Caillard and A. Couret, Dislocation cores and yield stress anomalies 69 V. Vitek, D.P. Pope and J.L. Bassani, Anomalous yield behaviour of compounds with L12 structure D.C. Chrzan and M.J. Mills, Dynamics of dislocation motion in L12 compounds 187 P. Veyssière and G. Saada, Microscopy and plasticity of the L12 γ phase 253 K. Maeda and S. Takeuchi, Enhancement of dislocation mobility in semiconducting crystals 443 B. Joós, The role of dislocations in melting 505
VOLUME 11. Dislocations in Solids 2002; ISBN 0-444-50966-6 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.
M. Zaiser and A. Seeger, Long-range internal stress, dislocation patterning and work-hardening in crystal plasticity 1 L.P. Kubin, C. Fressengeas and G. Ananthakrishna, Collective behaviour of dislocations in plasticity 101 L.M. Brown, Linear work-hardening and secondary slip in crystals 193 D. Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf, The LES theory of solid plasticity 211 H. Mughrabi and T. Ungár, Long-range internal stresses in deformed single-phase materials: The composite model and its consequences 343 G. Saada and P. Veyssière, Work hardening of face centred cubic crystals. Dislocations intersection and cross-slip 413 B. Viguier, J.L. Martin and J. Bonneville, Work hardening in some ordered intermetallic compounds 459 T.M. Pollock and R.D. Field, Dislocations and high-temperature plastic deformation of superalloy single crystals 547
VOLUME 12. Dislocations in Solids 2004; ISBN 0-444-51483-X 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
W. Cai, V.V. Bulatov, J. Chang, J. Li and S. Yip, Dislocation core effects on mobility 1 G. Xu, Dislocation nucleation from crack tips and brittle to ductile transitions in cleavage fracture 81 M. Kleman, O.D. Lavrentovich and Yu.A. Nastishin, Dislocations and disclinations in mesomorphic phases 147 C. Coupeau, J.-C. Girard and J. Rabier, Scanning probe microscopy and dislocations 273 T.E. Mitchell and A.H. Heuer, Dislocations and mechanical properties of ceramics 339 R.W. Armstrong and W.L. Elban, Dislocations in energetic crystals 403 M.M. Chaudhri, Dislocations and indentations 447
VOLUME 13. Dislocations in Solids 2007; ISBN 0-444-51888-6 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.
V.S. Deshpande, A. Needleman and E. Van der Giessen, Discrete dislocation plasticity modeling of contact and friction 1 J.P. Nowacki and V.I. Alshits, Dislocation fields in piezoelectrics 47 G. Ananthakrishna, Statistical and dynamical approaches to collective behavior of dislocations 81 R.C. Pond, X. Ma, Y.W. Chai and J.P. Hirth, Topological modelling of martensitic transformations 225 M. Niewczas, Dislocations and twinning in face centred cubic crystals 263 K. Edagawa and S. Takeuchi, Elasticity, dislocations and their motion in quasicrystals 365 J.C.H. Spence, Experimental studies of dislocation core defects 419
xii 78.
Contents of Volumes 1–13
A.M. Minor, E.A. Stach and J.W. Morris, Jr., In situ nanoindentation in a transmission electron microscope 453 79. G.E. Ice and R.I. Barabash, White beam microdiffraction and dislocations gradients 499 80. D. Shilo and E. Zolotoyabko, X-ray imaging of phonon interaction with dislocations 603
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials H. VAN SWYGENHOVEN, P.M. DERLET Materials Science & Simulation, NUM-ASQ, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Dedicated to the memory of F.R.N. Nabarro, who’s scientific excellence and dedication has been an inspiration to us
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 1572-4859, DOI: 10.1016/S1572-4859(07)00001-0
Dislocations in Solids Edited by J. P. Hirth
Contents 1. Bulk nanocrystalline plasticity 3 2. Introduction to atomistic simulation 4 2.1. Methodology 4 2.2. Timescale restrictions 7 2.3. Lengthscale restrictions 9 2.4. Empirical potentials for FCC metals 10 2.5. Nanocrystalline sample construction 12 2.5.1. Geometrical construction 12 2.5.2. Cluster compaction 14 2.5.3. Quenching from the melt 14 2.6. Atomic visualization 14 2.6.1. Local energy 15 2.6.2. Atomic coordination 16 2.6.3. Common neighbor analysis 17 2.6.4. Positional disorder 18 2.6.5. Local stress and strain 18 2.6.6. Centro-symmetric parameter 19 2.6.7. Free volume 19 3. Atomistic simulations of deformation in bulk 3D nanocrystalline metals 19 3.1. The role of the generalized stacking fault energy curve 20 3.2. Case study one: dislocations in a defect free grain 24 3.3. Case study two: a grain containing twin defects 28 4. Experimental-computational synergy tools 31 4.1. X-ray diffraction 31 4.2. Phonons 34 5. Discussion and concluding remarks 36 Acknowledgements 39 References 40
1. Bulk nanocrystalline plasticity It is not an easy task to write a chapter on dislocations in FCC nanocrystalline metals for a book that is a tribute to F.R.N. Nabarro and edited by J.P. Hirth, who both are among the world experts in dislocation theory. Our current understanding of dislocations and their role in the mechanical behavior of metals still relies on the ground work performed in the 50–60’s by F.R.N. Nabarro, J.P. Hirth, J. Weertman and J.R. Weertman, A.H. Cottrell, J. Friedel and W.T. Read as is testified by the number of comprehensive books [1–6], still frequently used as reference in undergraduate and graduate courses on physical and mechanical properties of crystalline solids. What is different to those years is that contemporary times possess new techniques such as atomistic and mesoscopic computer simulation techniques allowing the investigation of the dynamical details of microstructures and their interactions with dislocations. For instance, mesoscopic simulation methods such as dislocation dynamics [7–9], a front tracking method in which dislocations are discretized into segments allowing for instance the simulation and visualization of the dynamics of Frank– Read dislocation sources and their pile-up in a finite volume [10], are now used to study the dynamics of hardening mechanisms. Given a reasonable accurate description of the atomic forces, atomistic simulations such as molecular dynamics (MD), allow the modeling of the atomistic details of the interactions of dislocation with a microstructure with atomic scale resolution. MD has not only revealed unprecedented detail of dislocation nucleation, propagation, multiplication and the interaction mechanism with its microstructural environment – often visualizing and detailing the mechanisms that were introduced in the basic works published in the 50–60’s – but has also emphasized the complexity of dislocation theories. For example, atomistic simulations are used to study the many possible interaction mechanisms between dislocations and interfaces, a field that has proven its importance in the understanding of mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline metals. Nanocrystalline (nc) metals are by definition polycrystalline structures with a mean grain size below 100 nm and therefore their microstructure contains a significant volume fraction of interfacial regions separated by nearly-perfect crystals [11]. Compared to its coarse-grain counterpart, the mechanical behavior of a fully-dense nc metal is characterized by a significantly enhanced yield stress and a limited tensile elongation [12]. From the early beginning of experimental investigations in the mechanical behavior of nc metals, it has been proposed that the small grain sizes limit the conventional operation of dislocation sources and estimations of strength were made based on simple Frank–Read sources [11,13]. This simple picture of dislocation nucleation, together with the early assumption that grain boundaries (GBs) in nc metals are highly disordered to the extent that the material could be considered as a two phase system where the grain boundaries act as a glue between perfect grains, had lead for a while to the belief that dislocations were of no importance to nc metals. However, later, several high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) studies have revealed that grain boundaries in pure nc metals are not
H. Van Swygenhoven and P.M. Derlet
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amorphous or “glue-like” [14,15]. Most TEM studies performed on undeformed and deformed nc metals confirm the idea that there is no dislocation network in the grain interiors as is the case in coarse-grained polycrystals. With the increase in computational power, one can deform three-dimensional (3D) computational nc samples containing enough grains in order to mimic an nc metal. These simulations have revealed that the deformation behavior is still to a major extent governed by dislocations: however the dislocations are not nucleated via classical Frank–Read sources situated within the grain interior, but are nucleated at GB ledges, with dislocations traveling through the grain and finally being absorbed in opposite GBs. The merit of the atomistic simulations of nc GB networks lies in the revelation of the details of such dislocation mechanisms. However it has to be mentioned that the concept of dislocation nucleation from GBs was already introduced by Hirth in 1972 [16, 17] and experimentally observed a few years later [11,18] well before the experimental era of nc metals. In this chapter the dislocation mechanisms suggested by MD during plastic deformation studies of nc FCC metals are reviewed and the existence of these mechanisms is discussed in terms of experimental observations. Although MD is a very well known technique and several reference books exist, the chapter starts with a basic introduction to MD. This approach is justified by the fact that MD contains some subtle and less subtle caveats that especially in the research of nc metals has lead to some hasty interpretations resulting in questionable conclusions concerning the deformation mechanism in nc metals. Therefore, in order to be able to fully appreciate the MD technique, Section 2 is devoted to the methodology, sample construction methods and sample analyzing methods. The main dislocation mechanism resulting from a vast number of simulations performed in the last couple of years is summarized in Section 3, including a case-study for a defect-free grain and a grain that contains twins prior to deformation. Section 4 discusses some tools that have been developed in order to be able to verify the synergy between MD simulations and experimental measurable properties. Finally the chapter concludes with a section where simulation results are evaluated within the framework of experimental results, together with an outlook mentioning some issues to be resolved. This chapter does not aim to be a comprehensive review of all data published on the deformation mechanisms in nc metals, but rather to provide the authors’ opinion on the current state-of-the-art.
2. Introduction to atomistic simulation 2.1. Methodology The MD technique involves simulating the classical motion of every atom within a chosen atomic configuration, and has been applied to systems traditionally ranging from dilute gases, liquids and condensed matter systems such as bulk metals and semi-conductors containing microstructures including GBs and layered geometries. MD has also been applied to systems characterized by finite sized length scales such as nanowires, clusters and free standing components of complex geometry. The enduring attraction of the technique, given a reasonably accurate description of the atomic forces, is that by starting from the atom, one can, in principle, model the complex stress signature and defect energetics/dynamics of all
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
material structures. As with all methods, MD contains subtle and not so subtle caveats that restrict its applicability and accuracy to provide experimentally realizable material parameters. This is particularly the case when modeling mechanical properties of materials where the traditional experimental time and length scales are significantly larger than those typically seen in MD simulations. In the present section we introduce the basic computational algorithm of MD and then address its important limitations. Given the availability of a multi-atom energy function: V (˜r1 , . . . , r˜N ), where the r˜1 , . . . , r˜N constitute the 3N coordinates of the atomic configuration, the basic numerical technique of MD will involve solving the associated Newton’s equation of motion: mi r¨˜ i (t) = F (˜r1 , . . . , r˜N ) = −∇˜ i V (˜r1 , . . . , r˜N ). The numerical approach of MD generally involves approximating the double derivative associated with the atoms’ acceleration via a simple finite difference representation, giving for example [ri (t + 2t) − 2ri (t + t) + ri (t)] ˜ i V r1 (t), . . . , rN (t) . = − ∇ t 2 Thus if the configuration at times t + t and t are known, then the configuration at the latter time t + 2t can be easily calculated. The above equation represents the simplest finite difference operator and in practice is not numerically stable for reasonable values of t + t in terms of total energy conservation. As a result more stable integrators have been developed such as the Verlet and Gear predictor/corrector integrators resulting in time-steps of the order of a femto-second for a condensed matter system [19]. The actual implementation of the numerical solution of 3N equations of motion requires a starting configuration – the initial boundary condition. For the predictor/corrector algorithms, this generally involves defining the initial spatial location of each atom and its velocity. More generally for a condensed matter system this entails geometrically building the structure of interest through for example assuming a particular crystallography and then choosing the shape or morphology of these crystalline regions. Velocities are usually chosen randomly such that the total kinetic energy defines the required temperature of the system: 3N 1 ˙ ˙ mi r˜ i · r˜ i . kb T = 2 2 mi
With the starting configuration defined, the MD equations of motions are iterated to evolve the system through physical time until the system reaches thermal equilibrium. All thermodynamic variables can easily be measured and controlled within the framework of equilibrium MD. For example the temperature, T , for a mono-atomic system with mass m can easily be calculated using the above equation. Using this formula, one can control the temperature of the MD system by rescaling the atomic velocities by the factor √ Tactual /Tdesired every certain number of MD steps, eventually leading to an equilibrated system at the desired temperature. There exist more elaborate approaches for the control
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of temperature through a fictitious damping term, the magnitude and sign of which, is controlled by the difference between the desired temperature and the actual temperature of the system [19]. Under equilibrium conditions, all such methods are expected to be equivalent. For a system where the force on a particular atom can be represented by two body terms, the instantaneous total stress of the system can be calculated via the virial stress that is given by 1 1 μ ν 1 μ μν ν σ = F (rij )rij . m˙r r˙ + 2 i i 2 i
For atomic configurations that are on average isotropic, the hydrostatic pressure is generally calculated and is given by one third of the trace of the stress tensor. There exist two modes of tensile deformation that have been widely used in the atomistic simulation of plastic deformation of periodic systems: that of constant strain rate and constant stress simulations. The most widely used approach is to apply a global stress to a simulation cell under full three-dimensional (3D) periodicity via the Parrinello–Rahman technique [20]. Within this framework, absolute atomic coordinates are represented via r˜i = Bˆ · s˜i , where Bˆ is a square matrix of rank 3, and s˜i are reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates ranging from −0.5 to 0.5. Thus Bˆ has units of length and under orthorhombic geometry conditions, the diagonal components of Bˆ are the periodicity lengths. Higher derivatives of the atomic coordinates are represented in a similar fashion. The dynamical MD variables are now Bˆ and s˜i , all of which follow differential equations, with the driving “force” of Bˆ being the difference between the applied global stress and the actual global stress of the simulation cell calculated via the virial theorem. The usage of such an approach produces strain versus time data, an example of which is shown in Fig. 1(a). In this example, an applied uniaxial tensile load of 1.5 GPa has been applied to a nc Al sample with a mean grain size of 10 nm. The MD was performed at 300 K [21–23]. The measured strain rate between 30 and 60 ps of simulation time is ∼5 × 107 /s and from detailed analysis of the atomic scale processes the plastic strain arises from both slip activity within the grains and GB mediated processes such as GB sliding. Previous work has shown that, for this regime when the simulation time is extended into the nanoseconds, the strain rate can reduce by an order of magnitude, indicating that the plastic response of the system as shown in Fig. 1(a) is far from being in a dynamical equilibrium [24]. Fig. 1(a) also shows the resulting strain versus time curve when the applied load is increased to 1.55 GPa where the strain rate has now increased by an order of magnitude due to increased slip activity within the grains. Increasing the stress to 1.6 GPa further (not shown) increases the strain rate by an order of magnitude resulting in all grains undergoing slip activity with the final result being the eventual destruction of the sample. Constant strain rate simulations have the advantage of producing a stress–strain curve. There are many ways in which such a simulation can be performed. Presently we consider a procedure that exploits the framework of the Parrinello–Rahman technique under an orthorhombic geometry for the simulation cell, where a strain rate is imposed along a given
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Fig. 1. (a) Strain versus simulation time curve derived from a constant uniaxial tensile load simulation and (b) stress versus strain curve derived from a constant strain rate simulation.
direction, say in the z direction, via a choice of B˙ zz . The remaining degrees of freedom, namely Bxx and Byy , then follow the normal Parrinello–Rahman equations of motions to model the lateral Poisson contraction of the simulation cell. Fig. 1(b) displays typical stress strain data for imposed strain rates covering three orders of magnitude and a strong strain rate sensitivity of the maximum stress carried by the simulated material is observed. Indeed at the strain rate of ∼1 × 109 /s a large maximum is seen followed by a reduction in the stress. This maximum has often been used as defining a yield stress [25–27], however as seen in Fig. 1(b), this common feature appears to be an artifact of the high strain rate and is reduced by ∼25% as the strain rate drops two orders of magnitude. Given that much of the published work involves simulations with strain rates between ∼1 × 108 /s and ∼1 × 109 /s this is a lucid example of the dangers of deriving quantitative material parameters such as a yield stress and relating them to experimentally derived corresponding quantities.
2.2. Timescale restrictions Any instantaneous atomic configuration can be described by its 3N spatial coordinates, thus its temporal evolution can be visualized as a trajectory in a 3N -dimensional space, the so-called phase space of the physical system. What is quite typical for equilibrated condensed matter systems is that the region of phase space that the system occupies over a period of time is generally quite localized – very little might happen during the course of a simulation. For example in an MD simulation of a perfect FCC lattice at 300 K, once equilibrated the atoms essentially oscillate about their mean FCC lattice positions. In terms of energy, the system exists in an energy minimum that generally can be well described by a multi-dimensional quadratic function – the so-called harmonic energy well. If now, one atom is removed and the equilibration is repeated, a vacancy defect has been created with the dimensionality of the phase space reducing to 3N − 3. Such a system will also remain for a significant amount of time in one region of the (3N − 3)-dimensional phase
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Fig. 2. Schematic of a rare event, where initially the system oscillates in region A in phase space. At a particular time, a thermal fluctuation results in the system moving to region B of phase space. The dark curve represents the (3N − 3)-dimensional trajectory and the thicker light curve idealizes the potential energy surface.
space, until at some point, one of the twelve atoms neighboring the vacancy moves to the vacancy site, thereby shifting the vacancy to a new location. In terms of the (3N − 3)dimensional phase space, the system now moves to a new region of phase space where it remains localized in a new harmonic energy well until the next hopping event occurs. This atomic scale process corresponds to vacancy diffusion at 300 K and can be measured via a simple lattice hopping model: 1 2 d , 6 where D is the vacancy diffusion coefficient, d is the nearest neighbor FCC lattice distance and is the rate of the vacancy hopping. The rate, , is what would actually be measured in the MD simulation. From statistical mechanics, the rate of a thermally activated process at temperature T may be written as E , = 12ν exp − kb T D=
where kb is Boltzmann’s constant, E is the migration energy, and ν is the attempt frequency. The factor of 12 counts for all possible atoms that may hop to the vacancy site. The exponential factor (the so-called Boltzmann factor) represents the probability of a successful attempt at a vacancy hop and ν is the number of times per unit time that the system attempts to perform such a hop. E may be considered the effective energy barrier the system must overcome through thermal fluctuations (that are scaled by energy kb T ) to achieve the actual hop. Fig. 2 details schematically the actual process of a hop in terms of an idealized trajectory in the (3N − 3)-dimensional phase space. The system spends a long time in region A, oscillating back and forth in a small region of space at a time scale that defines ν, until at some point in time one of the neighboring atoms gains enough energy for it to migrate to the vacant site, resulting in the system moving to region B in phase space. Since such a process does not occur so often at 300 K, it usually is referred to as a rare event. Just how rare such an event is can be estimated via the attempt rate ν, which will be typically of the order of the period of oscillation of thermal atomic motion, or equivalently
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
the typical frequency of a phonon in the system. The latter corresponds to ∼5 THz, and E for Al is known to be approximately 0.65 eV [28]. Thus at 300 K, is typically 700/s, or alternatively, the average time between hops is ∼1 ms. Given that the timestep per MD iteration is ∼1 fs, this constitutes a vacancy hop every ∼1012 MD iterations. With wall clock times for MD simulations being typically between 0, 1 and 1 s per MD step such a simulation becomes practically impossible. The above is a simple example of the study of a thermally activated process and since much of what goes on in the condensed matter state can be associated with such thermally activated processes it is a potent indicator of the time-scale limitations of the MD technique. A pertinent example of this in the field of nc plastic deformation simulation was already seen in Fig. 1(b), in which the stress carried by the computer generated nc material decreases as function of the applied strain rate – by reducing the strain rate slower atomic scale processes that can further relieve stress become increasingly active resulting in a reduction of the global simulation stress. There have been a number of attempts at developing modifications to the traditional MD technique, which in an autonomous way, promote the simulated atomic system to leave its local equilibrium configuration. The most well known approach is the so-called hyperdynamics in which a bias-potential is introduced when the system is within an harmonic well, and subsequently turned off as the system undergoes a transition to a new local equilibrium configuration [29,30]. An underlying problem has been that to determine whether or not a system is in local equilibrium requires information derived from the second derivatives of the total potential energy (the Hessian), which is a computationally intensive calculation. Other approaches such as temperature accelerated dynamics [31] and the parallel replica method [32], which rely on an easy way in which to identify a rare event process, have been applied successfully to wide range of material problems. In a complex atomic environment, where many atomic processes occur separately and independently such as in a GB, it remains unclear if such methods can be used effectively and efficiently. Recently, the parallel-replica method has been applied with some success to the study of stick-slip behavior of GBs in simple bi-crystal geometries [33]. An alternative approach to the study of such ‘rare event’ atomic scale processes is to employ the nudged elastic band (NEB) technique [34] to determine the minimum energy pathway between a state and end atomic configuration. This has been used in the study of atomistic crack propagation [35] and more recently slip transfer across twin boundaries [36].
2.3. Lengthscale restrictions With the advent of massively parallel computing it now becomes possible to routinely simulate tens to hundreds of millions of atoms through the spatial decomposition of the atomic configuration amongst the available processors. Despite this computing advancement, spatial limitations are always present, since even with a billion atoms, the corresponding size regime remains below a micrometer. The most common approach to reduce the number of atoms is to impose periodic boundary conditions on the sample, that is, the 3D simulation box is effectively surrounded by 26 exact copies of itself. Thus an atom close to the boundary of the simulation box will be
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Fig. 3. (a) Sketch of two-dimensional periodic boundary conditions, where the central atomic configuration is repeated around borders to simulate an FCC lattice of infinite size. (b) Cross-section of a computer generated nc sample under full three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions.
close to atoms that are close to the boundary on the opposite side of the simulation box. Fig. 3(a) provides a schematic 2D example of such a periodic boundary condition geometry. Such a procedure does impose restrictions on the effective bulk microstructure. For example, when constructing a grain network care must be taken in the shape and position of grains for the total configuration to be compatible with the imposed periodicity. Such issues become particularly evident in the construction of GB networks in which extended connectivity between misorientations of neighboring grains is required, or specific distributions of grain sizes and grain shape are needed. Fig. 3(b) displays a 2D cross-section of a 3D nc structure in which the simulation cell contains fifteen grains of random orientation. Under periodic boundary conditions, the effective bulk nc (super cell) structure exhibits a patterning that is far from experimental reality.
2.4. Empirical potentials for FCC metals Although the condensed matter state remains fundamentally a quantum system, the difference in masses between the atoms and the electrons, the latter of which contribute to the materials’ bonding properties, allows for a classical force to be defined between the atoms. This is, in essence, the adiabatic approximation where the atomic and electronic degrees of freedom can be decoupled from each other, allowing for the electronic degrees to be integrated out with respect to atomic motion. The precise form of the classical inter-atomic potential is thus of quantum origin. For closed shell systems, where there is not a strong electronic contribution to the bonding, a simple pair potential will suffice, which at short range will be repulsive and in the long range will be attractive. For metallic systems, the bonding originates from a combination of a screened ion–ion type interaction described by a pair term and an electronic band-energy term. For simple, s–p valent metals and d-state
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
transition metals, this band term can be well represented by the width of the band of electronic states, resulting in a term that is equal to the square root of the sum of bond overlap integrals between neighboring atoms. Such an approach is referred to as the 2nd moment tight binding method [37,38]; a more general version being the so-called embedded atom method which has its theoretical origins in density functional theory [39]. For these models, the total energy is given by 1 V (rij ) , F [ρi ] + E= 2 i
where F [ ] is the so-called embedding function (a square-root function for 2nd moment tight binding method), ρi = j ρ(rij ) is the local “electron density” at atom i (constructed from the electron density, ρ(rij ), arising from each surrounding atom j ). For simple pair potential systems, the embedding function can either be zero or linear in the local electronic density. This method displays the essential unsaturated nature of the metallic bond, in which, if one bond is broken, the remaining bonds are strengthened. Generalizations of this approach have been applied to ferromagnetic bcc Fe in which the magnetism is modeled explicitly through a Ginzburg–Landau mean field approach [40,41]. For systems where there is strong hybridization between the electronic states of neighboring atoms, such as covalent systems and partially filled d-state systems, additional angular terms are required to describe the sensitivity of the band energy to local variations in atomic environment. For saturated sp 3 bonding systems, the three body Stillinger– Weber [42] and Tersoff [43] potentials have been used successfully for Si. More recently the bond-order method has been developed to describe in a systematic way the inter-atomic potential for a general hybridized system, by employment of the higher moments of the distribution of electronic states [44,45]. An excellent review of empirical potentials is given in Ref. [46]. The development of such empirical inter-atomic potentials for a given system generally involves searching for an optimal set of parameters for the chosen analytical interaction model, with respect to experimental and ab initio calculated material properties. Such a database of properties is generally restricted to equilibrium atomic configurations of the system such as lattice constants, cohesive energy, elastic constants, local and extended defect including vacancies, interstitials and stacking faults for the FCC, BCC and HCP phases. Performing simulations for systems not contained within in the data base used to develop a particular potential, thus involves the implicit assumption that the model is transferable. If the chosen analytical inter-atomic model captures the essential physics of the material’s bonding, then it is not unreasonable to make such an assumption. However one must always keep in mind that the theoretical models used to derive such empirical potentials contain many simplifying assumptions and therefore cannot be expected to have the same accuracy as that is seen in fully quantum mechanical calculations. The application of such analytical classical models do however allow for the extremely fast and efficient calculation of the energy and forces within an atomic system, when compared to ab initio derived energies and force. This results in large systems being able to be modeled involving millions of atoms when modern parallel computers are used.
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2.5. Nanocrystalline sample construction As in experiment, the structural and mechanical properties of computer generated nc materials can be strongly dependent on the way in which the sample is constructed. For example, the issue of whether or not, the metallic nc GB is amorphous or not, can depend on the sample preparation method: more generally, the extent to which the computer generated nc state is from equilibrium will depend strongly on the preparation method, in turn affecting the nc mechanical properties [47]. 2.5.1. Geometrical construction In the modeling of nc systems, samples are often constructed by beginning with an empty simulation cell with fully 3D periodic boundary conditions, and choosing randomly a number of seed positions [48]. The number of seed positions is determined from the simulation cell size and the desired characteristic grain size. From each seed position, an FCC lattice is constructed geometrically with an orientation chosen either randomly or according to a texture [49] and/or orientation connectivity requirements [50]. At a point where atoms from one grain center are closer to the center of another grain, construction is halted. Eventually construction will cease throughout the entire sample, resulting in a three dimensional granular structure according to the Voronoi construction [51]. At this stage atom pairs, each atom originating from a different crystallite, are inspected and where there is a nearest neighbor distance of less than 0.2 nm, one atom is removed. Molecular statics is then performed to relax any local high potential energy configuration that may exist, followed by constant pressure MD at room temperature to further relax and equilibrate the structure. The constant pressure MD is performed using the Parrinello–Rahman Lagrangian with orthorhombic simulation cell geometry conditions. When the number of grains in the simulation cell is sufficiently large, such a Voronoi tessellation procedure has the advantage of producing a log-normal grain size distribution [23] – a size distribution that is commonly found in experimental bulk nc materials [52]. For computational reasons, early 3D simulation work generally employed a small number of grains and to avoid grain centers that are too close together, the grain centers where chosen to give a relatively narrow grain size distribution [53–55]. Other 3D work has chosen the grain centers to be at face-centered locations within the simulation cell resulting in identical rhombic dodecahedron grain shapes [25–27,56–58]. Such an approach has also been used in 2D nc simulation work in which the grain centers have been chosen to be at the vertices of a triangular lattice, resulting in a columnar GB with a given texture along the columns [59–62]. The advantage of such a 2D geometry is the ease with which large grain sizes can be simulated, whereas the disadvantage is that the reduced dimensionality allows for only a restricted class of GBs, a restriction in available slip systems, the preclusion of the fully 3D aspect of dislocation nucleation [47,63]. Indeed, by virtue of the imposed periodicity in the columnar direction, the dislocation cores will interact strongly with their images, producing immediately a kink-free dislocation of infinite extent along the columnar direction. Since the interaction between the propagating dislocation with the surrounding GB environment has recently been identified both experimentally [64–66] and computationally [21] as key elements of the operating slip mechanism, results obtained from 2D simulations have to be taken with special care.
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
(c) Fig. 4. Atomic positions of a triple junction region for the (a) as-prepared, (b) annealed and (c) deformed samples. For both the annealed and as-prepared samples, migration of the triple junction to a more equilibrium configuration is observed. Figure is taken from Ref. [24].
The Voronoi tessellation procedure produces planar GB and triple junction geometries that are expected to be energetically unfavorable. Indeed MD simulations performed at elevated temperatures or under a uniaxial tensile load have revealed that certain triple junction geometries introduced by the Voronoi construction relax via GB/TJ migration to a more energetically favorable geometry [24]. Fig. 4 shows an example of TJ in which the starting configuration (a) is far from that containing the energetically favorable 120◦ GB plane angles, and which upon performing MD relaxes to a configuration in which the GB plane angles converge to ∼120◦ at the triple junction intersection (b). The limitations of such geometrical Voronoi constructions motivate the usage of tessellation data derived from 3D grain growth simulations in which an initially geometrical construction is allowed to evolve. Such modeling techniques involve phase field approaches [67] or vertex tracking techniques [68] producing networks that can be employed to construct more realistic atomistic nc samples. To date such an approach has not been employed to construct MD samples but offers a realistic alternative to the standard Voronoi constructure procedure. Procedures have been developed where experimental grain size and texture distributions can be used as input to develop more realistic GB networks suitable for MD simulation [69]. TEM analysis of experimental nc structures evidences the presence of many special GBs including coincidence site lattice (CSL) boundaries, perfect and general = 3 boundaries or low-angle pure tilt boundaries [70,71] suggesting possible discrepancies between the
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type of GB structures incorporated in the simulations and those present in experimental samples. Recent simulation work has demonstrated that by modifying the Voronoi construction to contain clusters of grains with given configurations of coincident site lattice (CSL) and low-angle tilt boundaries, the simulated bulk deformation properties can be changed [50]. For example the low-angle cluster samples can accommodate deformation by rearrangement of their lattice dislocation network, whereas in the case of the CSL sample, the potential for strain accommodation is restricted by the high stability of the CSL boundaries with a resulting reduction in bulk plastic strain for a given load. Such clusters of special boundaries are expected to induce collective grain activity, a phenomenon that has been observed in MD simulations [72,73]. 2.5.2. Cluster compaction An experimental nc synthesis method used widely is the inert gas condensation method, in which free clusters are collected, and sintered under high pressure and temperature. At first sight such a technique can also be employed to produce nc samples. Individual crystallites can be brought together within the 3D periodic simulation cell and a hydrostatic load applied within the Parinello–Rhaman framework. MD or Monte Carlo can then be applied to allow the system to relax for a given pressure [74–76]. In the case of MD, typical simulation times are 100–200 ps. As in experiment, this often results in a porous structure existing throughout the simulation cell, the extent and degree of which can depend sensitively on the precise simulation procedure [74]. 2.5.3. Quenching from the melt Another technique used in the preparation of computer generated nc systems involves embedding small FCC crystalline configurations within a highly disordered structure above the melting point of the model material. Such seeds can be at random positions and random crystallographic orientations. The corresponding atoms are held fixed whilst the free atoms of the disordered structure evolve in position at the elevated temperature using MD. At some point the system’s temperature is cooled down, with the fixed crystallites acting as seeds for solidification, subsequently growing and meeting up at some point with those atoms of neighboring crystallites, forming a GB interface region and network [77–79]. The structure of the GB in terms of the degree of atomic order obtained in such a way will depend sensitively on the cooling rate and the pressure at which the simulation is performed. In particular since simulation cooling rates are always very high due to the short-time restriction of the MD simulation technique, the simulated cooling down procedure actually corresponds to an extremely fast quenching procedure when compared to experimental cooling rates. It is therefore likely that highly energetic interface structures are produced such as metallic amorphous grain boundary structures. The observation of such structures in metallic FCC nc structures [79] led to an early and controversial debate on the nature of GB interfaces in the nc environment. 2.6. Atomic visualization To capture the essential properties of an nc system, a large number of grains must be included within the atomic configuration. This in turn involves a large number of atoms, often
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
numbering in the millions. Therefore, it is obvious that inspection at the atomic scale requires appropriate visualization methods in which filters can be applied to the atomic data. Several visualization methods have been developed providing a level of detail in the structural characterization of the GB that simply cannot be achieved through experiment. These methods facilitated the observation of atomic scale processes related to thermal processes during sample annealing or to the deformation mechanisms during plastic deformation. In addition to an atom position, a number of physical and structural properties can be calculated and assigned to it such as its medium range order, positional disorder, energy, local stress, etc. Using these quantities, one can develop a classification scheme allowing for instance the consideration of only those atoms that constitute the GB region. Of course, different classification schemes can lead to different views on the GB region [47]. For example, if atoms that are locally non-FCC are classified as GB atoms, this will portray a GB as a confined region with a thickness that is smaller than when the same GB is defined as consisting of those atoms having a local stress higher than some critical value [80]. It has been demonstrated that different patterns and degrees of order with different length scales are obtained when different visualization criteria are used for GB atoms, causing concern about fast conclusions regarding the disorder in nanosized GBs, when only one criterion such as energy is used [47,78]. This demonstrates the importance of using a variety of schemes, separately or in conjunction, to investigate the GB structure resulting from the computer synthesis methods, and to clearly state those used when quoting calculated GB properties. In what follows we summarize the main visualization methods that are currently used in the study of deformation behavior of nc metals, using an example of a dislocation that has propagated half-way across an nc grain (see Fig. 5). In Fig. 5, the viewing direction is parallel to the normal of the slip plane of the visualized full dislocation. For this example which is taken out of a simulation at 300 K the atomic visualization is greatly improved when thermal averages of the atomic positions and atomic quantities are used [81]. This is found to be particularly the case for the local stress quantities [82,83]. 2.6.1. Local energy The simplest classification scheme is to view atoms according to their local potential energy. For a second-moment tight-binding or embedded-atom potential, the local potential energy is given by Ei = F [ρi ] +
1 V (rij ). 2 j
For the nc system, GB regions can be to some extent identified by viewing only those atoms with energies greater than a certain threshold, for instance exceeding the cohesive energy by a value equaling the latent heat of melting. Such a method for the identification of the GB region must be used with caution, since one is by definition considering only those atoms in a high energy configuration, and therefore naturally biasing the probed GB structure to more disordered configurations. In the past such a criteria has been used and the calculation of the pair-distribution function of this selection of atoms has lead to the incorrect conclusion that FCC nc GB are amorphous [79].
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Fig. 5. Six different methods of visualization of a dislocation segment within a nanocrystalline environment. Atoms are shaded according to (a) potential energy, (b) coordination, (c) medium range order, (d) position disorder, (e) hydrostatic pressure and (f) centro-symmetric parameter.
Fig. 5(a) displays the atomic positions of those atoms with a cohesive energy of approximately 0.1 eV higher than the FCC crystalline energy. Using this criterion the GB and partial dislocation core are visible. Close inspection of the GB and TJ regions reveals an interface thickness that contains many FCC atoms; and also a dislocation core region that is quite diffuse. Moreover, the stacking fault that remains behind the partial dislocation core cannot be identified – a more negative energy tolerance would be needed to identify those nearest neighbor coordinated HCP atoms that constitute the {111} stacking fault plane. Such a modification to the energy cutoff tolerance would in turn lead to a more extended and diffuse visualized GB network region. 2.6.2. Atomic coordination One can also identify the GB region using the coordination number of each atom. In the calculation of the coordination, the neighbor distance is generally defined as the mid-way
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Table 1 The local symmetry classification list used for the MRO visualization method PFCC GFCC PBCC GBCC PHCP GHCP OT12 OT8
FCC environment up to 4th nearest neighbor FCC environment up to 1st nearest neighbor BCC environment up to 4th nearest neighbor BCC environment up to 1st nearest neighbor HCP environment up to 4th nearest neighbor HCP environment up to 1st nearest neighbor 12 coordinated atom without the above symmetries 8 coordinated atom without the above symmetries
distance between first and second nearest neighbor distances of the appropriate crystalline structure. For example, an atom within the FCC environment has 12 nearest neighbors, and it is expected that a certain percentage of the atoms belonging to the GB region will not have a coordination of 12. An underlying problem of this method is that most atoms belonging to the GB will retain their 12 coordination, and therefore the method is biased in picturing only the less ordered highly energetic local atomic GB environments. Fig. 5(b) displays the atoms according to their coordination with light grey representing twelve coordinated atoms, and darker greys non-twelve coordinated atoms, and we see that the GB region is clearly identifiable, as well as the full dislocation. An important limitation of the atomic coordination is that it is unable to distinguish between HCP and FCC and thus unable to visualize the stacking fault defect between the leading and tailing partial dislocations. 2.6.3. Common neighbor analysis Atomic visualization of grain and GB structures has been greatly facilitated by a medium range order analysis of all atoms within the sample, which ascribes a local crystallinity class to each atom [84]. This is performed by selecting the common neighbors of a pair of atoms separated by no more than a second nearest neighbor distance, and introducing a classification scheme for the nearest-neighbor bond pathways between the two atoms. Since each crystalline symmetry has a unique topological signature, when all second nearest neighbor bond permutations are enumerated, a local symmetry label can be assigned to each atom – see Table 1. In this classification scheme, for a given crystal symmetry there are two groups: “perfect” and “good,” where “perfect” represents an atom situated in a particular crystallographic environment up to four neighbor shells away and “good” represents an atom situated in a particular crystallographic environment up to only the first nearest neighbor shell. This difference is useful in identifying those atoms within a crystalline environment close to a GB region or within the crystalline grain [85]. More commonly these two groupings have been combined to define one crystallinity in order to easily identify the entire crystalline grain regions. This local atomic classification scheme allows the GB network and structure to be easily identified. For examples of such atomic visualization of the GB we refer to Ref. [86], in which both high-angle and low-angle general GBs are shown. A significant advantage of such a local crystallinity analysis is that (111) HCP planes represent twin planes, and
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two neighboring parallel (111) HCP planes represent an intrinsic stacking fault. The visualization of the twin planes has allowed for the easy identification of GBs containing structural units of a symmetric boundary [86]. In the case of stacking fault defects, this approach has given evidence for partial dislocation activity under uniaxial tensile loading conditions [87]. Fig. 5(c) demonstrates the power of this visualization technique, where the full dislocation and surrounding GBs are clearly evidenced. 2.6.4. Positional disorder An additional classification concerned with GB atoms indicates whether or not an atom is positionally disordered; an atom is regarded as positionally disordered when its location cannot be attached to a lattice site of the nearby FCC grains [48]. At first sight this may be considered a non-trivial task since in principle both the orientation and position of the neighboring FCC lattices need to be determined. However when the local crystallinity from the previous section is already known for the surrounding atoms, the task becomes straightforward. If a GB atom has at least one nearest neighbor atom that is FCC, then that GB atom must be at a lattice site of the FCC grain to which the neighboring FCC atom belongs to. If all nearest neighbor atoms are non-FCC, then that GB atom will be positionally disordered with respect to the nearby FCC lattices. Such a definition is approximate but generally appropriate for the fully dense and locally relaxed GB interfaces considered in the present work [48]. Inspection of Fig. 5(d) demonstrates that the positionally disordered atoms (black) can delineate the GB region, however it ignores much of the detail of the local GB structure and is therefore very limited. Most importantly, such a visualization method cannot resolve the dislocation core structure of the leading and trailing partial, nor the stacking fault defect connecting them. 2.6.5. Local stress and strain To calculate the global stress tensor within a computer simulation the virial theorem has been generally used, which in the thermodynamic limit of large V and N , represents the true bulk homogeneous stress. To investigate the spatial dependence of the stress field within the nc sample, one generally applies the virial theorem directly to each atom. It is however known that for such a volumetric partition, momentum is no longer conserved, leading to non-negligible artifacts such as oscillatory behavior in strongly inhomogeneous systems. A systematic approach has been developed that can represent local stress more accurately [88,89] via 1 1 μ ν 1 μ F (rij )rijν lij , mv v i + σ μν = 2 2 j
where is the volume of some representative partition element, i is unity if atom i is within the volume element and zero otherwise, and lij is the fraction of the length of the bond between atoms i and j lying within the volume element. The above equation rigorously satisfies conservation of linear momentum. In the present work we choose the volume element to be a sphere centered on each atom, and define the resulting stress of that sphere as the local stress of the central atom. The radius of the sphere is taken as 0.4 nm and contains approximately 19 atoms, which is generally less than the range of the empirical potential used. A thermal average is performed over 1 ps which typically
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
spans a few atomic vibrational periods. Rather than the full stress tensor, the two scalar invariants of the stress tensor are directly visualized: the local hydrostatic pressure and local maximum resolved shear stress. A positive value for the hydrostatic pressure represents compression and negative dilatation. Past work has shown that on average, FCC metallic GBs are under a net tensile load although large variations between positive and negative hydrostatic pressure occur within the GB regions whereas the grain interior is under compressive load [24,83]. Fig. 5(e) displays the atoms shaded according to the local hydrostatic pressure where the darkest shades represent atoms with a tensile pressure less than −1 GPa, and the lighter shades a compressive pressure greater than 1 GPa. Fig. 5(e) demonstrates that the full dislocation structure is difficult to visualize using this shading scheme. This can be somewhat improved by changing the range of the shading scheme at the expense of visualizing the GB region. Past work has shown that the local stress measure becomes useful in identifying local regions within the GB that are under compression or tension [82,83]. Moreover, the local stress becomes a sensitive indicator of the GB structural changes that occur due to the arrival and absorption of a lattice dislocation – see Fig. 13 in Section 3.2. 2.6.6. Centro-symmetric parameter The centro-symmetric parameter is defined as |Rˆ i + Rˆ i+6 |2 , P = i=1,6
where Rˆ i and Rˆ i+6 are the vectors corresponding to the six pairs of opposite nearest neighbors in the distorted FCC lattice, giving numerical values of P that allow the identification of atoms within the crystalline lattice, stacking fault and dislocation core region environments. This visualization technique was developed to visualize the atomic scale plasticity occurring in nano-indentation MD simulations [90] and is particularly suited to visualizing the full dislocation structure as is shown in Fig. 5(f). 2.6.7. Free volume Free volume within a computer generated sample can easily be calculated by imposing a fine mesh of grid points over the simulation cell [91]. For each mesh point, the shortest distance to a nearby atom is calculated, if this distance is above a chosen value, then the grid point is defined as being associated with free volume. The threshold distance must be chosen to be at least half the nearest neighbor distance of the appropriate crystalline lattice, to avoid inclusion of free volume arising from the interstitial regions. With this information, the connectivity of the free volume regions (above a chosen threshold) leads to an easy identification of the free volume content within a GB. See Fig. 22 in Section 4.2, where free volume within a GB region has been identified.
3. Atomistic simulations of deformation in bulk 3D nanocrystalline metals The use of large scale molecular dynamics to study the mechanical properties of nc materials provides a detailed picture of the atomic-scale processes during plastic deformation at room temperature and has served as an inspiration for dedicated experiments [12],
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where processes responsible for the plastic strain can be studied with an atomic resolution. Such processes have been classed as intergranular interface dominated processes such as GB sliding [53,92,93], GB migration [24,94] and GB diffusion in the form of Coble creep [56,95], and intragranular deformation processes involving dislocation activity with corresponding GB mechanisms that accommodate the associated slip [21,22,25–27,59–63, 82,96–98]. In the absence of defects within the grain interior it has been found that GBs can act as both sources and sinks for partial or full dislocations [92]. Moreover, the surrounding grain boundary environment can significantly affect the motion of a dislocation as it propagates through the grain. In particular atomistic simulation has revealed the following processes [21,92,99]: • Dislocation nucleation at the grain boundary is generally in regions where there is a high hydrostatic pressure concentration prior to the nucleation which is relieved after emission. • The nucleation and subsequent emission of the dislocation is accompanied by atomic shuffles and usually stress-assisted free volume migration within the grain boundary. • The leading and trailing partial dislocations that would constitute a full dislocation need not be nucleated in the same grain boundary region, nor for that matter, in the same grain boundary. • Nucleation and propagation are separate processes – often partials, whether leading or trailing, are nucleated but do not propagate. • Grain boundary structure such as misfit regions or ledges can hinder dislocation propagation to an extent that depends on the specific geometrical conditions and the Burgers vector. • When a dislocation is pinned, i.e. cannot pass by a grain boundary region, the depinning mechanism is thermally activated. Dislocation propagation between such pinning sites can be considered athermal. • The nature of the dislocation activity, whether it is only partial dislocation, full dislocation or twin migration can be understood in terms of an empirical potential’s generalized stacking fault energy curve.
3.1. The role of the generalized stacking fault energy curve A wide range of atomistic simulations covering both two- and three-dimensional nc configurations has revealed that depending on the type of metal, either full dislocations or partial dislocations are predominantly seen. For example, simulations for Cu and Ni exhibit only partial dislocation activity, whereas for Al full dislocation activity is seen [99]. Whether or not partial or full dislocation activity is predominant, has important consequences since the former results in the creation of a stacking fault energy defect that transects the entire grain. A “rule-of-thumb” argument that in the past has often been used to rationalize these observations is that metals with a low stacking fault energy have a tendency towards only partial dislocation activity since the cost in energy of leaving an extended stacking fault is relatively low [58,100]. Whilst consistent with Cu which has a low stacking fault energy equal to 38 mJ/m2 , it fails to explain why in Ni with a stacking fault energy equal to
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Fig. 6. General stacking fault curves for magnetic and non-magnetic Ni, Cu and Al. Figure taken from Ref. [104].
137 mJ/m2 partial dislocations are seen and in Al with a also a high stacking fault energy of 146 mJ/m2 , full dislocations are seen [21]. The stacking fault energy is part of a more general energy surface concept referred to as the generalized stacking fault energy (GSFE) curve. Formally this is defined as the energy dependency of rigidly shearing a crystal at a (111) plane along a [112] slip direction [101] and historically gives information about the shear properties of a perfect crystal and therefore insight into a material’s ideal shear strength as originally proposed by Frenkel [102] and more recently by Rice to study the nature of dislocation nucleation at a crack tip [103]. Although this quantity is not experimentally accessible, the GSFE curve has been the focus of considerable attention in the modeling of the mechanical strength of bulk crystalline materials. Fig. 6 displays such GSFE curves derived from density functional theory calculations for Cu, Ni and Al [104]. We see that as a function of rigid displacement, the energy of the system passes through a maximum that is referred to as the unstable stacking fault energy. Recent work has shown that both the stable and unstable stacking fault energies play a role in determining the nature of slip activity observed in the simulations of plasticity in nc GB networks [99]. Specifically, given the nucleation of a partial dislocation at the GB and its propagation into the grain, the likelihood that a second trailing partial is nucleated within the timeframe of a simulation depends on the ratio of the stable to unstable stacking fault surface energy density for the empirical potential used in the simulation. If this ratio is close to one, as it is in Al, then the likelihood of observing full dislocations within the nanosecond time frame of a classical molecular dynamics simulation is high. If the ratio is low as it is in Cu and Ni, the likelihood of seeing a full dislocation in a simulation is reduced. The underlying argument for this trend is that upon nucleation and propagation of a leading partial, the energy barrier that in part controls the probability of nucleating a trailing partial is a function of the difference between the unstable and stable stacking fault energy. If the ratio of these two quantities is close to one, then the barrier is small, and trailing partial dislocation nucleation is likely to be observed. We note that this does not constitute a criterion for full dislocation nucleation at a GB; rather it is a statement that can rationalize all published simulation results on the nature of slip activity within the nc environment [99]. Indeed, in addition to the applied stress, it is expected that the
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Fig. 7. Idealized generalized stacking fault, twin fault and twin migration energy curves for Al. Figure is taken from Ref. [82].
detailed local conditions of the GB region will play a crucial role in whether or not partial dislocation nucleation occurs. For example, dislocation nucleation is often seen to occur in regions within the GB that contain strong local stress variations, which are relieved upon nucleation. Atomistic simulation has revealed that atomic scale GB processes such as atomic shuffling and free volume migration occur before and/or after partial dislocation nucleation and facilitating local stress relaxation [96,105]. Whether the observed stress relief is transferable to experimental conditions or whether this is related uniquely to the purity of the GBs remains an open question. The fact is that upon dislocation nucleation at a particular GB, the associated stress relief within that boundary makes it unlikely that the nucleation of the trailing partial dislocation will be seen within the timeframe of a simulation unless the ratio between an empirical potential’s unstable to stable stacking fault is very close to unity. The latter is the case for Al, for which the nucleation of the second partial is very likely within the time frame of the simulation, irrespective of the condition of the GB. With the creation of a stacking fault defect that transects the entire grain, other slip mechanisms become possible. In addition to the nucleation of a trailing partial on the same {111} slip plane as the leading partial, there is also the possibility that the trailing partial nucleates at a neighboring {111} plane resulting in the creation of a twin fault. Such a process can also be modeled using the rigid slip model resulting in a generalized twin fault energy (GTFE) curve. Fig. 7 displays the combined GSFE and GTFE curves for an Al empirical potential [106] and demonstrates that the energy barrier to twin faulting is higher than that of full dislocation activity. This gives an indication that for this model Al material, twin faulting is possible but less likely than full dislocation activity. Deformation twinning was first observed by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of 2D Al columnar structures [60]. In simulations of 3D nc Cu twin formation was observed at larger strains as a competing process to partial dislocation activity [26]. Until here, we have considered only nc-GB networks that contain defect-free grains. Similar arguments can also be help in the understanding slip mediated plasticity in
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Fig. 8. An example of a grain in which (1) extended partial dislocation, (2) twin fault and (3) full dislocation activity was observed. Figure is taken from Ref. [97].
grains containing transecting twin faults geometrically introduced before deformation [82,97,107]. For example, if a partial dislocation is nucleated at a pre-existing twin plane, then the energy versus rigid displacement curve can be influenced significantly due to the presence of the twin. For Al (Fig. 7), the so-called unstable twin migration energy is significantly less than the unstable stacking fault energy indicating that if pre-existing twins existed, twin migration would be the dominant slip activity. Case studies of atomistic simulations of nc materials within and with out pre-existing twins will be given in detail in the next two sections. The above discussion on dislocation nucleation in terms of such rigid displacement energy curves raises a question regarding the extrapolation of the existence of extended partial dislocations as a deformation mechanism towards experiments, since the observation of extended partials might be influenced by the short time effect inherent to MD simulations. In particular, the atomistic simulations of nc Ni exhibit predominantly partial dislocation activity which, as a result, leave a dense stacking fault network throughout the nc grain structure – a prediction that is not in agreement with experiment. However, one expects that when much longer simulation times comparable to experiment could be achieved at lower strain rates, atomic scale processes could build up local stress intensities at the intersection between the stacking fault defects and the surrounding GB. This, in turn, could facilitate nucleation of a trailing partial that upon propagation would remove the stacking fault, or create a twin laminar fault that itself might grow via twin migration. Indeed it becomes plausible that the dislocation activity observed at the time scale resolution appropriate to experiment will be a mixture of the three types of slip systems represented in the generalized energy curve, the relative importance being heavily dependent also on the applied stress pattern and the GB structures. That all mechanisms are possible is shown in Fig. 8 where one particular Al grain underwent all three types of slip [97].
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3.2. Case study one: dislocations in a defect free grain An important result of atomistic simulations for a variety of FCC metals and microstructural nc geometries has been that the plasticity is mainly due to propagating dislocations that have nucleated at grain boundaries [25,92]. As discussed in the previous section, the nature of the slip observed in MD is in part due to the GSFE curve of the empirical potential employed and therefore the classification according to full or partial dislocations should be taken with care. Simulations however have been important in revealing localized atomic scale GB processes that occur before, during and after dislocation nucleation, propagation and absorption. These processes are driven predominantly by a combination of the applied stress and local stress relaxation within the GBs. Moreover GB sliding which to a varying extent is always present, causes discrete atomic activity within the GB regions in the form of atomic shuffling and localized free volume migration resulting in changes in local stress, particularly at GB ledges and misfit regions that can lead to optimal conditions for the nucleation of slip within the neighboring FCC lattice. An example of the entire lifetime of a full dislocation in nc Al atomic configuration with a mean grain size of 10 nm has been documented in detail in Ref. [21]. Using the MRO atomic visualization, Figs 9–12 show the same atomic section over a period of time starting just before dislocation nucleation until absorption of the remaining lattice dislocation segment. For the central grain, the plane normal to the figures is the {111} plane in which slip occurs. Fig. 9 shows the earlier stages of the nucleation of a partial dislocation which is nucleated between 0 and 0.5 ps at a triple junction, remaining localized in this region for nearly 7 ps, at which time a second partial is nucleated (see Fig. 11 at 7.5 ps). The nucleation of such a partial dislocation is associated with pre- and/or post-cursor activity within the GB that can involve free volume migration between the nucleation region and a neighboring triple junction or region of misfit [96,105]. Between the nucleation of the leading and trailing partial, the leading partial fluctuates in size by bowing out into the grain and retracting a number of times – see Fig. 10. With the nucleation of the trailing partial at another triple junction region, the full dislocation then begins to propagate further into the grain until at 10 ps one end of the dislocation becomes pinned at the GB. Locally this region of the GB contains a step/ledge structure in an orientation relative to the leading partial dislocation’s Burger’s vector that makes it difficult to deposit the partial dislocation into the GB. As a result the dislocation bows out into the grain, via the creation of kinks piling up at both ends of the dislocation. As a result the leading partial dislocation can finally overcome the ledge structure, and deposit itself into the GB at ∼11.25 ps, resulting in a depinning and further propagation of the full dislocation into the grain. Inspection of Figs 11 and 12 reveals that the propagation and shape of the dislocation depends sensitively on where it is within the grain and the surrounding GB structure. For example the splitting distance between the leading and trailing partial is a strong function of the local stress within the grain and therefore variations in stress within a grain will lead to variations in the splitting distance along the dislocation line [108]. The type of GB influences how easily a dislocation propagates by depositing itself into the GB. For example the GB on the right in Figs 11 and 12 is under a tension, and deposition of the full dislocation into the GB occurs without any difficulty. Here, propagation appears to be
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Fig. 9. Snaps shots of the life of a full dislocation – nucleation of a leading partial dislocation.
athermal, which is not the case when pinning/depinning occurs [21]. Final absorption of the full dislocation in the GBs in the lower part of Fig. 12, after 18.25 ps, also demonstrates that the local structure of GB can result in only partial absorption, where the small dislocation segment in the lower left triple junction region at 18.25 ps remains for ∼5 ps before it is completely absorbed. Fig. 13 now displays the local hydrostatic pressure as defined in Section 2.6.5 for the same atomic configuration as in Figs 9–12, where in (a) the atomic section is taken just before nucleation of the leading partial and in (b) the atomic section is taken just after final absorption of the full dislocation. A change in the local stress can be observed as a result of the slip. For instance, the high local compressive pressure related to the pinning region has subsequently been removed, whereas the triple junction region where nucleation has occurred now contains new regions of high compressive pressure. Furthermore in other regions of the GB new compressive pressure regions have been created as a result of the dislocation activity. Similar changes can be seen in the local deviatoric or maximum resolved shear stress. Such high stress regions can themselves be catalysts for the future nucleation of dislocations and although such events have not yet been observed in the time frame of the simulation, it cannot be excluded that such structural changes might constitute mechanisms that facilitate slip transmission into neighboring grains. Due to the difference in the unstable and stable stacking fault, similar simulations performed for nc Ni [99] have, until now, only observed the nucleation of a leading partial which in the case detailed in Figs 9–12 would result in the creation of a stacking fault that transects the entire grain.
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Fig. 10. Fluctuating leading partial dislocation before nucleation of trailing partial.
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Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Fig. 11. Snaps shots of the life of a full dislocation – nucleation of a trailing partial dislocation and the creation of a full dislocation which is pinned at one end to a grain boundary ledge structure.
Fig. 12. Snaps shots of the life of a full dislocation – athermal propagation of a full dislocation through the grain until eventual complete absorption.
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Fig. 13. Atomic section (a) before and (b) after the existence of a full dislocation, where atoms are shaded according to their local hydrostatic pressure.
3.3. Case study two: a grain containing twin defects Many experimental synthesis techniques produce nc FCC structures (Al, Cu, and Ni) with grown-in twin structures. The general planar fault energy curves (Fig. 14) show that nucleation of partial dislocations on planes adjacent to the pre-existing twin plane becomes energetically more likely for Al, so that twin migration can be expected to occur. For Cu the barrier for twin migration is similar to the unstable stacking fault energy, suggesting that twin migration will not dominate over partial mediated dislocation activity. The GSFE curves for Ni suggest an intermediate regime. A range of dedicated simulations on samples with pre-existing twins have been performed to test the suggestions coming from the GSFE curves [82,97,107]. Fig. 15 displays an nc sample containing fifteen grains with each grain containing a number of twin planes, identified as a dark grey HCP {111} plane transecting the entire grain. By inserting such defects one is faced with a number of new degrees of freedom such as the Schmid factor of the particular {111} plane and the number of twins per grain. In the deformation of such a sample, twin migration was indeed observed and the nucleation of the partial dislocations on the plane adjacent to the twin plane occurred in a similar way as to what was observed for defect-free grains: i.e. in regions of high local stress within the GB and atomic scale processes involving shuffling and free volume migration are seen before, during and after partial dislocation nucleation. In nc Al samples [82] twin migration was found to be the dominant process and compared to the defect free sample with the same GB network, the number of dislocation events was enhanced. Twins existing on {111} planes with a high Schmid factor contributed predominantly to the observed plastic strain. Moreover, when the number of twins was reduced, the amount of plastic strain reduced accordingly. Fig. 16 displays a cross-section in which a twin plane migrated in the central grain and a twin migration is occurring (lower right hand corner). When twin planes were along planes with a low Schmid factor, then the migration activity was reduced [82]. Similar simulations performed for nc Cu and nc Ni revealed that twin migration was not the dominant slip mechanism [82,97,107]. When all geometrically constructed twin
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
(c) Fig. 14. General planar fault energy curves as predicted from empirical potentials for Al, Cu and Ni. Figure is taken from Ref. [97].
Fig. 15. The twinned nc Al sample with an average grain diameter of 12 nm. Figure is taken from Ref. [82].
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Fig. 16. Cross-section of a twinned grain. The (111) planes, indicated by white, show the original position of the neighbor twin-boundary samples. Figure is taken from Ref. [82].
Fig. 17. Dislocations moving in regions constrained by twin boundaries in the nc Cu sample containing twin on low Schmid factor 111 planes. Figure is taken from Ref. [107].
planes where chosen to be on high Schmid factor planes, extended partial dislocations on planes parallel to the twin planes were observed. However, when all twins where chosen to be on low Schmid factor planes, the same loading conditions resulted in less plastic strain and extended partial dislocation activity occurred on slip planes with higher Schmid factors resulting in the dislocations intersecting the pre-existing twin plane. Thus twin planes can act as an obstacle for the propagation of extended partial dislocations across the entire grain thereby restricting the total amount of plastic strain – see Fig. 17. In these simulations, increasing the applied load eventually did result in transmission of slip across the twin faults albeit via a [100] slip system. For bi-crystalline configurations pure screw dislocations can be transmitted through coherent twin boundaries [109,110]. The geometry in these studies is however such that the impinging dislocation is a straight line, making
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
the extrapolation towards an nc environment not obvious. More recently, MD simulations have revealed that step structures between twin planes existing in GBs with misorientations close to a pure twin boundary can act as sources for full dislocation nucleation within nc Al [23] – an important result when one considers that heavily twinned polycrystalline Cu with a mean grain size of 400 nm exhibits the high strength characteristic of nc materials but with an increased ductility [111]. In summary, the presence of grown-in twins in nc FCC metals can change the deformation mechanism, but the effect is not the same for all FCC metals and can be explained by the relative values of the extrema of the generalized planar fault energy curves. For the case of Cu and Ni, which have twin migration energy barriers that are not so different from their partial dislocation energy barriers, twin boundary migration will not become dominant. For the case of Al, where the twin migration energy barrier is considerably lower than the unstable stacking fault energy, twin migration becomes the favorable deformation mechanism for twin planes with a high Schmid factor.
4. Experimental-computational synergy tools The development of computational tools that measure experimentally accessible material properties of computer generated nc samples constitutes a powerful approach in developing more realistic atomic configurations, as well as providing a mechanism through which to interpret experimental results without the use of oversimplifying models. 4.1. X-ray diffraction X-ray diffraction (XRD) peak profile analysis has played a central role in the characterization of experimental nc microstructure, since it allows determination of the mean grain size and the root-mean-square (RMS) internal strain. Williamson and Hall demonstrated that the integral width (IW) of a 2θ diffraction peak can be decomposed into a contribution arising from a finite scattering volume and a contribution arising from local fluctuations in strain. In terms of the scattering vector, s = 2 sin θ/λ, the IW can be written as δs = δsSize + δsStrain , length that characterizes where δs = 2 cos θ δθ/λ. Here δsSize = 1/LSize , where
LSize is the
the coherent scattering volume, and δsStrain = 8 ε 2 s/5. Here ε 2 is the root-meansquare (RMS) strain. In the present context, LSize may be taken to represent the characteristic grain size of the nc system. Thus the above equation demonstrates that if the IWs are plotted as a function of their corresponding scattering angles, a linear relation is expected where the y-intercept is equal to the inverse of LSize and the gradient proportional to the RMS strain. For nc materials, experiments have revealed rather high RMS strains (particularly for the electrodeposited nc Ni samples) [52] suggesting large internal stresses exist within the microstructure. Such high internal stresses have been confirmed in stress dip-test experiments revealing an effective internal stress of 1.4 GPa in electrodeposited nc Ni [65]. To investi-
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gate the possible origins of such high RMS strains, an algorithm has been created [80] to calculate two-theta X-ray diffraction profiles from computer generated nc samples. To calculate the elastic scattering intensity from a known atomic configuration, we consider the N atom sample to be immersed entirely in a monochromatic plane wave X-ray beam. Within the kinematical limit, the asymptotic scattered wave function for a given scattering vector k is given by = ψscatt (k) fi exp(i k · r i ). i
Here fi is the X-ray atomic form factor for atom i. The scattering intensity as a function of k may then be calculated from magnitude squared of the above equation. To obtain diffraction peaks of comparable quality to that of experiment, a very large number of atoms would be required. In the nc regime however, one may exploit the spherical symmetry of an non-textured nc structure and perform a spherical average of the scattering intensity of a given configuration. That is, 2 sin krij 1 2 dk fi exp(i k · r i ) = |f | N + , I (k) = 2π krij i
i,j,i =j
where k = 2π sin θ/λ and rij = | ri − r k |. In the above equation, all atoms are assumed the same type giving fi = f . The final summation over atomic pairs can be recast into a one dimensional integral weighted by the atomic configuration’s global pair-distribution function, giving finally rc sin kr sin krc rc cos krc I (k) = 1 + dr l(r) − + 4πρ kr k2 k3 0 rc sin kr rc cos krc dr l(r) , ≈1+ + 4πρ kr k2 0 where l(r) is the inter-atomic pair correlation function, rc the continuum cut-off distance which is typically slightly larger than the grain size, and ρ the bulk number density. The final approximation is valid when rc λ, which will generally be the case for the grain sizes considered. Fig. 18 shows two-theta diffraction spectra for two computer generated nc Ni samples with respective grains sizes of 5 and 12 nm, using the geometrical Voronoi construction technique outlined in Section 2.5.1. Close inspection [see Fig. 18(b)] reveals that for the small grain size, the peak width is indeed greater. Fig. 19 now shows the so-called Williamson–Hall plot for the calculated X-ray diffraction spectra and compares this to experimental data for electrodeposited nc Ni, which has a mean grain size of ∼30 nm. What becomes immediately clear is that with increasing grain size, the calculated Williamson– Hall plot becomes flat when the grain size is larger than 5 nm. Extrapolating this result to the experimental grain size of 30 nm, indicates that the geometrical approach of constructing nc samples would produce an nc structure with negligible RMS strain and no anisotropy – a result quite different from experiment. Experimentally, from the large RMS strain and the WH anisotropy a dislocation content of ∼4.9 × 1015 m−2 could be calculated [112,113], values that are not really supported by
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Fig. 18. (a) Calculated X-ray diffraction spectra of two computer generated nc Ni structures with mean grain sizes of 5 and 12 nm. (b) Blow up of the 111 and 200 peaks.
Fig. 19. A Williamson–Hall plot of the Ni5 and Ni12 samples in terms of the scattering magnitude. Figure is taken from Ref. [80].
TEM work. To check for possible sources of Williamson–Hall anisotropy, a certain lattice dislocation content has been introduced in the nc Al MD samples by deforming the configurations to large strains followed by short unloading times during which the dislocations could not all be absorbed in the GBs [114]. Fig. 20 displays the resulting Williamson–Hall plot arising from four samples (where DIS0 is the as-prepared sample and DIS1 to DIS3 contain an increasing lattice dislocation content due to the increasing amount of plastic deformation experienced by the sample). Clearly, the introduction of lattice dislocations into the grains increases the anisotropy, qualitatively reproducing the experimental anisotropy seen in Fig. 20 for electrodeposited nc Ni. Since simulations where performed for nc Al and the experimental results are for nc Ni, quantitative differences are expected due to the lower elastic anisotropy of Al.
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Fig. 20. The calculated Williamson–Hall plot as a function of increasing dislocation content.
In the configuration DIS3 ∼15% of the 100 grains contained a lattice dislocation that was sitting well inside the grain, whereas the majority of the grains contained full or partial dislocations close to the GBs. The most interesting observation from these calculations was that even when the diffraction pattern is calculated from the same sample but excluding all grains with full lattice dislocations, the WH anisotropy and the RMS strain as pictured in Fig. 20 for DIS3 survived. In other words, dislocations that were incompletely absorbed in the GBs also contribute to the overall shape of the WH plot and the average RMS strain. Such an observation conforms with the TEM results on as-prepared and samples deformed at room temperature as well as with the in-situ XRD experiments. 4.2. Phonons Inelastic neutron scattering experiments have revealed that FCC nanocrystalline structures exhibit anomalous bulk phonon properties. The phonon or vibrational density of states (VDOS) can be calculated using two different approaches. In the first instance, the average VDOS for the grain interior and grain boundary regions is obtained via the Fourier transform of the velocity–velocity auto-correlation function, the latter of which is given by
1 v(0) ˜ · v(t) ˜ = v˜i (0) · v˜i (t), N i
and obtained directly from finite temperature MD simulations. In the above equation, the averages are performed separately over the grain interior and grain boundary regions to obtain the associated VDOS via the Fourier transform [85]. Although this method is relatively efficient and yields energy spectra that can be compared to experiment, it does not allow for an efficient investigation of the VDOS for one or a few atoms. To do this, the local VDOS is calculated directly from the imaginary part of the onsite Greens phonon function [115]. Fig. 21(a) displays the average VDOS for the interior of nc grains and Fig. 21(b) the average grain boundary VDOS. Fig. 21(a) confirms that the vibrational properties of the
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Fig. 21. Nanocrystalline Ni VDOS for (a) grain interior and (b) grain boundary region where the standard deviation derived from an environment ensemble is shown in grey.
Fig. 22. High-angle GB with viewing angle parallel to the GB normal where atoms are shaded according to their VDOS oscillator strength evaluated at phonon energies: (a) 44.791 meV and (b) 44.318 meV.
interior of the FCC grains differs little from that of the perfect lattice, whereas Fig. 21(b) shows that the VDOS of the GB is fundamentally different [85]. In the high frequency regime of the GB VDOS [Fig. 21(b)], a singular structure is observed in the grain boundary VDOS. Detailed inspection of the grain boundary structure reveals that such singular structure represents high-frequency localized modes at the interface region [115]. Fig. 22 displays the atomic structure of a grain boundary with atoms shaded according to their local VDOS oscillator strength at two phonon energies at which VDOS singular peaks are observed to occur. Here dark (light) shades of grey represent the maximum (minimum) oscillator strength. Inspection of Fig. 22 indicates that the corresponding vibrational modes are well localized in the grain boundary and in both cases correspond to regions of reduced coordination [115]. The present work establishes that such anomalous behavior arises from the low- and high-frequency vibrational properties of the grain boundary region [85,115], while within the grain interiors, the vibrational properties remain similar to that of bulk crystalline be-
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havior. Moreover simulation has revealed that the low frequency non-quadratic behavior may arise from a reduced effective dimensionality in the grain boundaries since the VDOS is expected to scale at low frequencies as ωd−1 , where d is the spatial dimension. On the other hand, in the high-frequency regime, the anomalous behavior arises from localized vibrational modes within the grain boundary region. Knowledge of the grain boundary VDOS allows one to directly calculate the thermal mean-square-displacement (MSD) of grain boundary atoms within the harmonic approximation. Use of the VDOS displayed in Fig. 21 results in a thermal MSD of ∼85 × 10−6 nm2 . On the other hand, by calculating the XRD profile from atomic coordinates derived from both instantaneous and averaged atomic configurations one can extract bulk Debye–Waller factors and therefore bulk values for the MSD. Doing so gives ∼42 × 10−6 nm2 for the 12 nm and ∼46 × 10−6 nm2 for the 5 nm grain size sample, which are not so different from the calculated MSD (∼43 × 10−6 nm2 ) and also the experimental MSD (∼42 × 10−6 nm2 ) for bulk crystalline FCC Ni [116]. The smaller values (when compared to the grain boundary) and relative insensitivity to grain size of the XRD derived bulk MSD values reflects the fact that the Bragg peaks present in the calculated XRD patterns primarily probe the nc grain interiors, and not that of the grain boundary [80].
5. Discussion and concluding remarks The most important suggestion resulting from the many MD simulations studies that have been performed on nc FCC metals is that even in the absence of dislocation sources in the grain interior, dislocations still play an important role in the deformation mechanism. Indeed MD suggests that GBs act as dislocation sources as well as dislocation sinks, suggesting a slip mechanism that does not build up a dislocation network and does not leave dislocation debris. Using atomic scale visualization methods such as local crystallinity, local hydrostatic pressure and maximum resolved shear stress to explore discrete atomic activity, the importance of local grain boundary structure in terms of both the nucleation/propagation and absorption of the dislocation has been demonstrated. Meanwhile, many of the characteristic aspects of the suggested dislocation mechanism have been supported by experiments. Already in the early beginning of TEM investigations of nc metals, the lack of a dislocation network in the grain interior had been noticed in as-prepared as well as in deformed samples. However to observe “a dislocation mechanism without debris” in-situ investigations had to be performed. It was soon clear that due to the high internal strain typical for the experimental nc samples it was nearly impossible to follow with in-situ TEM the nucleation and propagation of a dislocation in a grain. A few in-situ experiments have been able to detect dislocation activity to some extent [117–121]. The TEM sample restrictions however did not allow the determination of where the dislocations were nucleated, which for instance could have been at the surface of the thin TEM foil instead of at a GB, neither had it been possible to determine the Burgers vector of the dislocations. More recent HR-TEM investigations have also confirmed dislocation storage at liquid nitrogen temper-
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
ature [122] in electrodeposited nc-Ni, whereas no defect accumulation was observed at room temperature. In-situ X-ray powder diffraction performed with a special detector allowing the measurement of a diffraction pattern over 60◦ at once, allowed for the first time to demonstrate that in nc metals there is a plastic deformation mechanism operating that produces a similar amount of peak broadening as is the case for polycrystalline metals during ongoing deformation, however that upon unloading was fully recoverable [123–125]. In coarse grained structures, the permanent build up of peak broadening during deformation is related to the building up of a dislocation network. The recoverable peak broadening therefore was the first indication for the presence of a pervasive dislocation mechanism during plastic deformation and this in the absence of dislocation storage. Further in-situ experiments have demonstrated that when this experiment is performed at temperatures below 300 K, the peak broadening becomes irreversible, however when the temperature is raised back to 300 K during unloading, most of the peak broadening recovers [64]. Such an observation can be understood in terms of the suggestions from MD that not only dislocation nucleation but also dislocation propagation plays a role. Indeed, when performing MD at lower temperatures [81], it has been demonstrated that propagation can be hindered at GB ledges and that pinning–depinning is a thermally activated process. That propagation plays also an important role has been experimentally confirmed by the high values for both the internal and effective stress measured during stress reduction experiments together with the existence of negative creep [65]. Stress relaxation tests performed on electrodeposited ncNi allowed to assign an activation volume to the rate limiting deformation mechanism of the order of 10–20b3 [126], which is at least a factor of 10 lower then the usual values measured for coarse grained metals. However, MD simulations do not clarify whether the rate limiting process is nucleation or propagation, since from the atomistic aspect a similar volume could be assigned to both mechanisms [21]. In other words, the “dislocation mechanism without debris” suggested by MD simulations is quite well supported by experiments. A full extrapolation of the MD results towards the experimental regime however raises several major concerns: the first is related to the non-similarity between the experimental and computational GB network, the second is related to the temporal and spatial restrictions inherent to the simulation technique, which does not allow the determination of the rate limiting process. All computational 3D samples that have been used for deformation studies differ from the experimental samples in at least three ways: in XRD characteristics such as RMS strain and Williamson–Hall anisotropy, in impurity content and in GB network geometrical characteristics. Electrodeposited nc Ni has on average an RMS strain measured by XRD of about 0.4% and the Williamson–Hall plot exhibits a characteristic anisotropy. In-situ XRD studies have shown that only minor changes in RMS strain and Williamson– Hall anisotropy are observed between the as-prepared and plastically deformed electrodeposited nc-Ni samples [114,124], changes which are moreover predominantly related to the microplastic regime and not to the fully plastic regime. However, when calculating XRD patterns from MD samples, the RMS strain is only of the order of 0.05% with the Williamson–Hall plot being linear and therefore not exhibiting any type of anisotropy when the average grain size is above 5 nm. In other words, one has to take into account that the initial configurations considered in MD are different from the as-prepared experimental
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samples. Extensive calculations of XRD patterns of computational nc configurations have demonstrated that a WH anisotropy similar to that what is experimentally measured can be obtained from computational nc samples that have been deformed to large strains during which several lattice dislocations have been nucleated from, and absorbed in GBs. In other words, in order to obtain similar XRD characteristics between the experimental and the simulated samples, the GB network of the computational sample needs to have more pronounced stress intensities with a long range character extending into the grain interior. As the XRD calculations demonstrate, such stress intensities can be obtained by means of “incomplete” absorption of lattice dislocations. This in turn would mean that the GB characteristics of Voronoi constructed samples differ substantially in terms of local stress distributions. However it is not excluded that the different characteristics measured by XRD have to be related to other parameters such as for instance the lack in atomic impurities or nanoscale precipitates within the GBs, which is no doubt another major difference between experimental and MD samples. This in turn brings into question the role of the impurities in dislocation nucleation and propagation mechanisms, a topic that has until now hardly been addressed, predominantly due to the missing atomic potentials able to deal with light element impurities such as oxygen, phosphor and sulfur. It is however to be expected, as was discussed in Section 3.2, that the local relief of stress upon emission of a dislocation, or the atomic activity in the GB related to the absorption of a dislocation might be to a great extent influenced by impurity content in the GBs. Other possible sources of important differences between experimental and computational samples could be connectivity among different grain orientations, Schmid factor distributions among neighboring grains or localized textured clusters of grains. Such microstructural parameters are expected to play an important role in the nucleation and especially propagation of the dislocations. For instance, in 3D samples with general high angle GBs, slip transmission from one grain towards another is usually not observed, except for some special cases [127]. MD samples in which special grain clusters are repeated with the GB network have however demonstrated the importance of these clusters in the overall plasticity [50]. Especially in the latter case, where clusters of small angle GBs demonstrated the tendency to form larger grains, which when extrapolating towards experiments would mean the formation of a bimodal structure for which enhanced plasticity has been seen experimentally [128]. The second major concern when extrapolating MD results towards experiments is of course the timescale restriction inherent to MD. All MD simulations have been performed at very high strain rates that cannot be compared with experimental conditions, except in exceptional cases such as shock loading [129–131]. Such high strain rates are necessary in order to obtain enough plasticity during restricted simulation times, so that the characteristics of deformation mechanism can be explored. MD simulations have been used to study for instance yield or flow stress versus grain size [26] or to derive deformation maps [58]: however these results have to be taken with extreme care. As demonstrated in Section 2.1 the flow stress is clearly strain rate dependent, making extrapolation of simulation stress–strain curves towards experimental stress–strain curves a precarious domain. The same uncertainties are valid concerning the suggested deformation maps, where a critical grain size is suggested below which no dislocation activity is possible. For example, when a uniaxial tensile stress of 1.2 GPa is applied to an nc-Al sample with a mean grain
Atomistic Simulations of Dislocations in FCC Metallic Nanocrystalline Materials
Fig. 23. Comparison of dislocation activity in Al for two 15 grain samples with an average grain size of 5 nm under 1.2 and 1.5 GPa tensile stress. The insets show the formation of a full dislocation where (a) is a snapshot from just after the nucleation of the leading partial and (b) shows the nucleation of the trailing partial.
size of 5 nm, a strain rate of ∼1 × 108 /s is seen and no dislocations are observed. However, after the applied tensile stress is increased to a value of 1.5 GPa, the strain rate of the latter increases to ∼1 × 1010 /s and full dislocations are observed, as can be seen from Fig. 23. What has to be drawn as a conclusion from these results is that the competition between the nucleation of a leading dislocation, the nucleation barrier for a trailing dislocation, the additional amount of structural relaxation in the GBs accompanying nucleation and absorption processes is heavily influenced by the applied stress level in the simulation and therefore MD simulations alone cannot alone be used for extracting rate limiting nucleation criteria as a function of stress or grain size. This picture becomes even more complicated when one realizes that the amount of structural relaxation and atomic activity observed during nucleation/propagation and absorption of dislocations in an MD simulation might be unrealistically high, due to the lack of a realistic impurity content within the GB. The high strain rate/short time restrictions inherent to MD make it impossible to determine the true rate-limiting processes, and therefore, atomistic simulations are at present not suited for setting up a deformation map analogous to that used in constitutive plasticity for nanocrystalline structures, where the suggested mechanisms are quantified in terms of applied stress and grain size. Nevertheless, atomistic simulation has been very fruitful in, on the one hand confirming some of the earlier dislocation theories of the 50–60’s, and on the other hand, posing new questions especially concerning the interaction between dislocations and grain boundaries.
Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the 6th Framework European Union Program (NANOMESO).
H. Van Swygenhoven and P.M. Derlet
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Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals MARK A. TSCHOPP School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0245, USA Air Force Research Laboratory (UTC), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH 45433, USA
DOUGLAS E. SPEAROT Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA and
DAVID L. MCDOWELL Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0405, USA
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 1572-4859, DOI: 10.1016/S1572-4859(07)00002-2
Dislocations in Solids Edited by J. P. Hirth
Contents 1. Introduction 46 1.1. Overview of grain boundary geometry 48 1.2. The structural unit model 50 1.3. Modeling dislocation nucleation 53 2. Atomistic simulation methodology 54 2.1. Molecular statics 55 2.2. Molecular dynamics 56 2.3. Virial stress 57 2.4. EAM potentials 58 2.5. Bicrystal simulation geometry 59 3. Structure and energy of tilt grain boundaries in Cu and Al 61 3.1. Calculation of interface energy 61 3.2. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries 62 3.2.1. Interface energy 62 3.2.2. Interface structure 63 3.3. Asymmetric tilt grain boundaries 69 3.3.1. Interface energy 71 3.3.2. Interface structure 73 Inclination angles < 70.53◦ 74 Inclination angles 70.53◦ 75 3.3.3. 3 ATGB structure and faceting 77 4. Dislocation nucleation from symmetric and asymmetric tilt boundaries in Cu and Al 79 4.1. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries 81 4.1.1. 5 (310) 36.9◦ interface 81 4.1.2. Grain boundaries with dissociated structure 85 4.1.3. Tensile stress required for dislocation nucleation 89 4.2. Asymmetric tilt grain boundaries 91 4.2.1. Stress required for dislocation nucleation 91 4.2.2. Low inclination angles ( 35.26◦ ) 93 4.2.3. Intermediate inclination angles (35.26◦ < < 70.53◦ ) 95 4.2.4. High inclination angles ( 70.53◦ ) 97 4.2.5. Preferential dislocation nucleation in Cu 99 5. Models for dislocation nucleation: single crystals and GBs 100 5.1. Homogeneous dislocation nucleation in single crystal Cu 100 5.1.1. Influence of resolved stresses 100 5.1.2. Second generation model for dislocation nucleation in single crystals 106 5.1.3. Dislocation nucleation in single crystals under uniaxial compression 108 5.1.4. Effect of lattice distortion on resolved stress components 111 5.2. Model for dislocation nucleation from tilt grain boundaries 112 5.2.1. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries 112 5.2.2. Extensions to asymmetric tilt GBs 115 6. Insights and implications 117 6.1. Grain boundary dislocation sources 118 6.2. Disconnections and the description of GB defects 120 6.3. Tension–compression asymmetry in trailing partial emission in Cu 122 6.4. Activation volumes and energies for grain boundary dislocation nucleation 125
6.5. Influence of grain boundary free volume on dislocation nucleation 127 6.6. Continuum field theory 128 7. Concluding remarks 133 Acknowledgements 135 References 135
1. Introduction According to materials scientist and philosopher Cyril Stanley Smith, the structure of materials is best described as a multilevel architecture, with “interplay of perfection and imperfection” among all length scales [1,2]. This point of view asserts that a clear understanding of material behavior at each length scale is imperative to elucidate the technological or economic value of a material [1]. However, many theories of macroscopic material behavior are not based on direct evaluation of micro- or nanoscale mechanisms. Two examples are the kinematic hardening model in continuum plasticity, which was posed to describe experimental observation of the Bauschinger effect [3], and the Hall–Petch relationship [4,5], which describes the increase in yield strength associated with the decrease in the grain size for metallic polycrystalline materials. Both Hall [4] and Petch [5] envisioned grain boundaries as obstacles to dislocation motion (resulting in dislocation pileups) and assumed that yield occurred once the stress exerted on the neighboring grain by the dislocation pile-up reached a critical value. Experimental observations of this type are of tremendous scientific importance; however, it is highly desirable to directly study the underlying material micro- and nanostructure with the aim of developing constitutive models that capture the activity and interaction of atomic-scale structure and associated mechanisms. For example, both experiments (cf. [6–8]) and simulations (cf. [9–12]) have reported that material softening occurs once the grain size is reduced below a critical grain diameter, which cannot be predicted by the classical Hall–Petch relationship. Moreover, it is understood that scale effects in plasticity occur over a range of mechanisms and scales. This work focuses on modeling the atomic level mechanisms associated with the structure and inelastic behavior of homophase grain boundaries (GBs) on the nanoscale and developing structure–property relationships that incorporate these nanoscale observations. Several experimental studies on polycrystalline metallic samples have reported that interface structure has an effect on material properties, such as grain boundary energy, mobility, corrosion, crack nucleation and ductility (cf. [13,14]). Most of the published experimental investigations indicate that there is some correlation between the occurrence of “special” coincident site lattice boundaries and material properties; however, results published in the literature do not point to a universal relationship. In nanocrystalline materials, the grain boundaries play a more profound role in material behavior due to the increased interfacial area associated with the decrease in the grain size. In addition, nanoscale confinement severely limits the operation of traditional dislocation sources, such as Frank–Read sources [15], mandating that the grain boundaries participate directly in the accommodation of the applied strain. Thus, grain boundary dislocation emission and absorption [16– 39], which may be coupled with atomic shuffling [38–40], stress assisted grain boundary sliding [38–45] and grain rotation [46], have all been observed in computational studies as potential grain boundary deformation mechanisms. Conceivably, the activation of
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
each grain boundary mechanism depends on several factors, including the electronic details of the material (intrinsic and unstable stacking fault energies), the grain size, the structure of the grain boundaries and the deformation conditions (strain state and strain rate). The objective of this work is to use atomistic simulations to examine the structure and dislocation nucleation/emission behavior of symmetric and asymmetric tilt grain boundaries in FCC copper and aluminum. Discrete atomic scale mechanisms associated with dislocation nucleation are incorporated into a first-order constitutive model for the tensile strength of tilt grain boundaries. This atomistically motivated constitutive model explicitly incorporates the orientation dependence of the opposing lattice regions and the influence of porosity within the interface region through an average measure based on coordination. Furthermore, this work provides a detailed understanding of the influence of grain boundary structure on dislocation nucleation which is critical for the advancement of grain boundary engineering concepts. Recall that the objective of grain boundary engineering [47] is to increase the percentage of “special” grain boundaries and to reduce the connectivity of “random” grain boundaries through material processing. Reducing the connectivity of random boundaries is found to be particularly important, as polycrystalline samples with a properly oriented continuous path of weak boundaries would be susceptible to failure regardless of the percentage of special interfaces [48]. Schuh et al. [14] reported that the fraction of special grain boundaries can be increased through sequential cycles of straining and annealing. As a result, enhancements in corrosion resistance, creep resistance and crack nucleation and growth resistance under various loading conditions have been observed experimentally. Of particular effectiveness is the introduction of annealing twins [49], which are essentially highly coherent GBs. Molecular dynamics simulations in this work provide a more refined definition of “special” with regard to how grain boundary structure affects dislocation nucleation. This chapter is organized as follows. The remainder of this section focuses on concepts related to grain boundary geometry and structure in metallic crystalline materials. Section 2 provides a brief overview of atomistic simulation techniques (equations of motion, interatomic potentials, etc.) and the specific simulation geometries used in this work to model grain boundary structure and dislocation nucleation. Section 3 discusses the dependence of grain boundary structure and energy on the misorientation angle/axis in the case of symmetric tilt grain boundaries and the inclination angle for asymmetric tilt grain boundaries. Section 4 investigates the relationship between interface structure and dislocation nucleation in symmetric and asymmetric tilt GBs. Section 5 presents a first-order, atomistically-inspired model designed to correlate the strength required for dislocation nucleation with interface structure via the interface free volume and the resolved stresses on the primary slip plane for uniaxial loading. To capture the influence of the lattice orientation, atomistic simulations of homogeneous dislocation nucleation in single crystals are also discussed. Section 6 discusses how atomic-level information of dislocation nucleation from grain boundaries can impact research in plasticity, micromechanics and grain boundary engineering techniques. A summary of major contributions in this work is provided in Section 7.
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Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the grain boundary misorientation scheme for (a) tilt boundaries and (b) general boundaries. Reprinted from [13] with permission; © 1997 Maney Publishing.
1.1. Overview of grain boundary geometry In general, solid–solid interfaces between crystalline regions may be classified into two categories: homophase and heterophase [50]. The set of homophase interfaces includes grain boundaries, twins and stacking faults in pure metals, whereas heterophase interfaces exist in binary and other material systems in which the composition and/or the Bravais lattice change across the interface plane. For homophase boundaries (such as those in this work), the degree of coherency is a function of the misorientation angle of the interface, the boundary plane orientation, and the nanoscale translations that exist to minimize the interface energy in the local neighborhood of the boundary. From a macroscopic perspective, planar interfaces between two crystal regions have five degrees of freedom [13,50, 51], i.e., an interface is fully characterized by a misorientation angle, θ, a misorientation axis vector, M, and the normal vector to the interface plane, N. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the misorientation scheme. Boundaries for which the normal to the interface plane is perpendicular to the misorientation axis (M ⊥ N) are defined as “tilt” interfaces, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Similarly, boundaries for which the normal to the interface plane is parallel to the misorientation axis are defined as “twist” interfaces. Grain boundaries in actual polycrystalline materials may have both tilt and twist character, as shown in Fig. 1(b). From a microscopic perspective, interfaces between crystal lattices have three addition degrees of freedom associated with the mutual nanoscale translation of the opposing lattice regions parallel and perpendicular to the interface plane. These translations exist to minimize the interface energy for a given misorientation. These microscopic degrees of freedom do not need to be explicitly prescribed when modeling grain boundary structures, as they are resolved naturally during the energy minimization procedure within the framework of the atomistic simulations performed in this work.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 2. Schematic of a 7 coincident site lattice (CSL) model. 1 in 7 lattice sites are coincident between the two lattice regions. Reprinted from [13] with permission; © 1997 Maney Publishing.
A small subset of interface misorientations are considered geometrically “special” in the sense that the opposing lattice regions fit more closely across the interface plane [13,50,51]. To illustrate this concept, Fig. 2 shows a two-dimensional schematic of two interpenetrating FCC lattices. The two lattice regions, A and B, are rotated relative to one another around a common misorientation axis. Specific angle/axis combinations will result in an array of coincidence lattice points. This array of lattice points is known as the coincident site lattice (CSL), while the inverse density of coincident lattice points is defined as . Specifically, in Fig. 2, lattice region B is rotated 22◦ around the 111 axis with respect to lattice region A. At this orientation, 1 in 7 lattice points is coincident between lattice regions A and B; thus, an interface with this angle/axis combination is defined as a 7 misorientation using the CSL methodology. In general, the CSL methodology may be considered as a shorthand notation used to describe specific misorientation angle/axis combinations. However, the CSL methodology does not uniquely account for each of the five macroscopic degrees of freedom, i.e., the index of the interface plane (or planes in the case of asymmetric boundaries) must also be included with to provide a complete description of the macroscopic grain boundary geometry. Furthermore, does not provide a characterization of the microscopic degrees of freedom of a grain boundary. Two grain boundaries with the same description can have very different grain boundary structures as observed in previous atomistic simulations [52,53]. This phenomenon will be discussed in greater detail in Section 3. Regardless, many authors have found that boundaries with low values of typically have special geometric characteristics and material properties [13] and hence a complete understanding of the relationship between interface structure and material behavior is critical to the advancement of constitutive models in a wide range of material systems.
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1.2. The structural unit model The coherency of homophase low-angle tilt and twist grain boundaries (θ < 15◦ ) may be described through dislocation based models [15,54] in which the degree of coherency can be directly related to the spacing between misfit dislocations within the interface plane. If the misorientation angle of the interface is greater than 15◦ , the cores of the interfacial dislocations become too densely packed to accommodate individual distinction, requiring a different description of the interface structure. Sutton and Vitek [55–57] proposed that the coherency and structure of homophase high-angle boundaries in FCC metals may be described via the identification of structural units along the interface plane. This methodology became known as the structural unit model (SUM) and can be envisioned as a consequence of the CSL description, because the mathematical pattern of coincident atomic sites leads directly to a repeating periodic structure at the interface, once the boundary plane is specified. Atomistic simulations by Sutton and Vitek [55–58] using a pair-potential showed that many interfaces in FCC metals may be viewed as a linear combination of structural units. Each structural unit is associated with a “favored” boundary for a given misorientation axis. For the 001 misorientation axis, Wang et al. [58] reported that the favored boundaries are the 1 (110) (perfect lattice), 5 (210), 5 (310) and the 1 (100) (perfect lattice) interfaces. The structural units associated with each of these boundaries were denoted A–D, respectively. The 5 interface is the lowest order boundary for the 001 misorientation axis; however, Sutton and Vitek surprisingly found that favored interfaces did not always correspond to the lowest value of for a given misorientation axis. For the 110 misorientation axis, Sutton and Vitek [55] reported that favored boundaries exist at the 27 (115) and 11 (113) interfaces. Several other boundaries exist around the 110 misorientation axis that have a lower value. Rittner and Seidman [52,53] evaluated the entire range of 110 misorientations and found that the favored boundaries are the 1 (001) (perfect lattice), 27 (115), 11 (113), 3 (111), 9 (221) and the 1 (110) (perfect lattice) interfaces. The structural units associated with each of these boundaries were denoted A–E (with both 1 ‘interfaces’ defined as A structural units). Note that the 3 (112) interface is not found to be a favored boundary, even though it has a high density of coincident sites between lattice regions. This particular boundary is examined in detail in Sections 3 and 4. There are, however, several limitations to the structural unit model. First, it is difficult to identify structural units with three-dimensional character, i.e., twist boundaries. Second, the SUM has limited applicability for interfaces with mixed tilt and twist character or if a high index misorientation axis is examined [59]. While only four structural units are required to characterize 001 tilt boundaries, for high index misorientation axes the number of independent structural units becomes extremely large. Third, the SUM fails to describe interfaces with delocalized structural units. Rittner and colleagues [52,53,60] showed that for materials with low stacking fault energies, the interface dislocations tend to dissociate, leading to short intrinsic stacking fault (ISF) facets that extend from the interface plane. Rittner and Seidman also revealed that if the delocalization of the interface is severe, the structural units may not change continuously between two favored boundaries, requiring several variations of a given structural unit to describe the interface geometry. Molecular statics calculations presented in Section 3 will show several examples of each type of in-
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
terface. Despite these limitations of the SUM, it is clear from many previous works that grain boundaries between two crystalline solids still have a repeating structure that can be identified over the length of the interface (even if it is extremely complex due to the dissociated nature of the interface structural units for example). Hence, the interface structure is not random or amorphous. Disclinations were originally conceived as rotational lattice defects to complement dislocations in the classic work of Volterra [61] and have been used as a component in the description of the structure of grain boundary interfaces in crystalline materials [62,63]. Disclinations contribute to lack of closure over a Burgers circuit manifested by gradients of lattice curvature. In contrast, closure deficiencies due to dislocations arise from the firstorder gradient of the deformation gradient. Tilt grain boundaries are closely associated with wedge disclinations because the Frank vector of the wedge disclination and the misorientation axis of the tilt boundary coincide, as shown in Fig. 3(g). Unlike dislocations, the displacement field around a disclination diverges and the stress field of a disclination dipole diverges with the separation of the dipole; thus, disclinations are commonly observed in closely spaced dipole or quadrupole configurations that effectively “screen” the divergent stress field [64]. The spacing between partial disclinations in dipole or quadrupole formations is defined as the dipole arm length. More recent work has combined the structural unit model with Li’s disclination-based description of the structure and energy of highangle grain boundaries [65–68]. The disclination-structural unit model (DSUM) [65–68] identifies the junction between neighboring dissimilar structural units as a partial wedge disclination. The DSUM theory leverages the fundamental assumption in the SUM that non-favored boundaries consist of alternating regions of different structural units, each of which has a defined misorientation angle characteristic of a specific favored boundary, as shown in Fig. 3(h). The strength of each partial wedge disclination is calculated from the misorientation angle associated with each structural unit, for example ω = ±(θ2 − θ1 ). The length of the disclination dipole arm is equivalent to the size of one of the structural units, which is related to the repeating period of the interface, Lp . Commonly, the minority structural unit (structural unit that appears less frequently) is represented as the disclination dipole, as shown in Fig. 3(i). Note that favored high-angle boundaries cannot be described in terms of disclination dipoles because the misorientation angle of the interface, θ, is equal to the misorientation angle associated with each structural unit, θ1 or θ2 . The DSUM is capable of predicting the interface energy as a function of misorientation for the complete range of 100 tilt boundaries in FCC metals [65]. Thus, it appears that the minimum energy structure of general high-angle boundaries can be described by repeating structural units associated with favored boundaries, connected by disclination dipoles to account for additional adjustments in misorientation at the boundary. Disconnections [69] may also be incorporated in the interface description to account for steps or other dislocations that create offset within the boundary. The equivalent dislocation representation of these disclination dipoles (in terms of discrete sets of Shockley partial dislocations) remains to be established, but it appears that they can be expressed in terms of general Somigliana dislocations [70]. In general, disclinations may be regarded as lattice defects that assist in accommodation of incompatibility between adjacent lattices. Results presented here show that disclination structural units deform as dislocations are nucleated, incorporating the change of the partial dislocation content of the boundary. In Section 6 we explore a more
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Fig. 3. Volterra’s defects: (a) reference cylinder with defect line ξ and cut surface S; (b, c) edge dislocations and (d) screw dislocation with Burgers vector b; (e, f) twist disclinations and (g) wedge disclination with Frank vector ω. A tilt grain boundary interface composed of two different structural units is shown in (h), with the disclination structural unit model representation appearing in (i); (h) and (i) reprinted from [68] with permission of the editorial board of The Physics of Metals and Metallography; © 1990 Springer.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
precise concept of “disconnection” for describing general boundaries and boundaries that have experienced dislocation emission. We further comment on the issue of incorporating disclinations along with dislocations within the kinematics of defect field theory.
1.3. Modeling dislocation nucleation The homogeneous nucleation of dislocations in perfect single crystals is a result of strain localization at the elastic limit, which signifies the onset of inelastic behavior [71]. Classically, stress-based criteria have been used to define the initiation of defects in crystalline materials, such as the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS). These criteria envision the CRSS as a material property which characterizes the magnitude of the projected stress state necessary to cause slip. Although this type of approach greatly simplifies the analysis of inelastic material behavior and may be quite accurate with respect to slip of pre-existing dislocations within a crystalline lattice, recent computational evidence indicates that the classical CRSS approach is not sufficient to model dislocation nucleation in metallic crystalline materials. For example, Ogata et al. [72] used ab initio calculations to show that stress components acting on the slip plane in non-glide directions play a strong role on the critical shear stress required for dislocation nucleation. Specifically, they find that compressive stresses acting normal to the slip plane or within the slip plane perpendicular to the slip direction can increase or decrease the critical shear stress for nucleation. Complementary results have been attained by Tschopp et al. [73] who studied the homogeneous nucleation of dislocations during uniaxial tensile deformation via molecular dynamics simulations. In particular, Tschopp et al. reported that the stress normal to the slip plane plays a commanding role in the nucleation process for copper single crystals. Precise relationships between the non-glide direction stress components and the stress required for dislocation nucleation are discussed in greater detail in Section 5. Results of this ilk have motivated the development of more advanced nucleation criteria, such as that by Zhu et al. [74] which is based on bifurcation analysis of the elastic instability in FCC crystals. Zhu et al. showed that the elastic bifurcation criterion is superior with respect to the accuracy of the predicted nucleation site and the slip character of the dislocation. Molecular dynamics simulations can also serve as an effective tool to analyze heterogeneous dislocation nucleation and other related inelastic mechanisms from grain boundaries in nanocrystalline (NC) materials [9–12,20–37]. For example, molecular dynamics (MD) has been utilized to investigate the critical grain size associated with the transition between dislocation emission-mediated and GB-mediated deformation modes, which corresponds to the peak strength in FCC materials [11]. Above the critical grain size, MD simulations have shown that partial dislocation nucleation occurs at the grain boundaries and is often accompanied by atomic shuffling or other structural rearrangement within the GB plane [29,31]. For example, Schiotz [12] studied the formation of dislocation pileups at GBs in nanocrystalline Cu samples with grain sizes larger than 15–20 nm. Below the critical grain size, MD simulations have shown that GB sliding becomes the dominant deformation mechanism [10], giving rise to grain rotation. For example, Van Swygenhoven and Derlet [26] reported that GB sliding is triggered by atomic shuffling and stress-assisted
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free volume migration from triple junctions. At very small grain sizes, MD simulations in their work showed that the emission of dislocations from GBs was limited. It is clear from the literature that dislocation nucleation in NC materials involves a number of complex and interrelated mechanisms. The combined tilt and twist character of grain boundaries and the inclination of the boundary plane with respect to the tensile axis complicates the analysis of the role of specific GB structures in NC simulations. In addition, different boundaries may nucleate and emit dislocations at different stresses in NC simulations; thus, it becomes very difficult to separate out the individual effects of GB structural units on dislocation nucleation. An alternative method to study the role of specific grain boundaries in dislocation nucleation is to use bicrystal simulations (cf. [16–19]). This allows precise control of the grain boundary degrees of freedom. In this work, both symmetric and asymmetric tilt grain boundaries are examined. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries facilitate the analysis of a wide range of structures for a given misorientation axis by varying the misorientation angle between the adjoining lattices. Moreover, the lattice symmetry about the grain boundary plane generates well-defined structures and simplifies the analysis of dislocation nucleation at these boundaries. Asymmetric tilt boundaries also present an interesting case for studying dislocation nucleation behavior because of the faceted structure and dissimilar adjoining crystal orientations with different Schmid factors [15]. Bicrystal atomistic simulations are a valuable tool for examining the relationship between grain boundary structure and dislocation nucleation from boundaries.
2. Atomistic simulation methodology Atomistic simulation refers to a suite of computational techniques used to model the interaction and configuration of a system of atoms. In this work, the term “atomistic simulation” will pertain to either molecular statics (MS) in which energy minimization is used to solve for a local minimum energy configuration or molecular dynamics in which Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, which may be augmented by additional terms to control the dynamics of the system, is integrated numerically to solve for the trajectories of a set of atoms within a simulation cell. A brief overview of the atomistic simulation techniques utilized in this work is provided in this section. The reader is directed towards more detailed and comprehensive reviews in texts by Allen and Tildesley [75] and Haile [76]. In the atomistic framework, each atom is represented as a point mass in space while an interatomic potential is specified to provide a model for the potential energy of a system of atoms. Commonly, the total potential energy of the system is written solely as a function of the positions of the atomic nuclei. This simplification avoids having to specifically account for the motion and interaction of the individual electrons. Since interatomic forces are conserved, the force on a given atom, Fi , is related to the interatomic potential, U , through the gradient operator, i.e., ∂U (rN ) (1) . ∂ri Here, r is the atomic position vector. In this section, superscripts denote variables assigned to individual atoms, while subscripts denote variables associated with sets of atoms, directions or at specific time steps. Thus, rN represents the position vectors for the system of Fi = −
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
N atoms while ri is the atomic position vector for the ith atom. The choice of the interatomic potential, U , depends on the material system of interest. For example, to study FCC transition metal systems, the embedded-atom method (EAM) is commonly employed. The details of the EAM and the accuracy of the selected interatomic potentials in this work with respect to material properties critical to the nucleation and motion of dislocations will be discussed in Section 2.4.
2.1. Molecular statics In this work, it is critical that the initial interface structures are described accurately in order to draw quantitative conclusions regarding the role of individual structural features in the deformation process. Thus, the initial bicrystal interface structures are obtained using molecular statics calculations which utilize an energy minimization technique. In general, numerical techniques, such as steepest decent or the conjugate gradient method, can be used to find a local minimum in the potential energy surface, as long as U (rN ) is continuous, contains a lower bound and the gradient U can be computed [77]. Recall from eq. (1) that the negative of the gradient of the potential energy U is the force vector. A local minimum in the potential energy surface is found by setting the gradient equal to zero and solving for the appropriate values of rN . In this work, energy minimization is achieved using a nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm which incorporates the secant method to determine the appropriate step length and the Polak–Ribiere formulation for the search direction [77]. Unfortunately, there is no algorithm that guarantees determination of the global minimum energy configuration. Thus, this work follows previous bicrystal energy minimization calculations (cf. [52,60,78]) as a number of initial starting “positions” are used to increase the probability that the global minimum energy configuration is attained. One accomplishes this systematically by removing atomic layers at the interface or by manually translating the lattice regions normal and parallel to the interface plane and allowing the energy minimization procedure to rearrange the interface atoms as necessary (resolving the microscopic degrees of freedom of the grain boundary). For example, to access the minimum energy GB structures for the asymmetric tilt grain boundaries (ATGBs) discussed in Section 3.2, energy minimization calculations utilize over 2700 initial configurations with different in-plane rigid body translations and atom deletion criterion [79]. Tschopp and McDowell found that some asymmetric tilt grain boundaries have accessibilities [52] as low as 0.1%. To add an additional measure of certainty to the energy minimization calculations, we compare the interface structures obtained in this work to both high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images and electronic structure calculations of bicrystal configurations when available in the literature (cf. [80–85]). The methodology used in this work yields GB energies that are in agreement with both calculated and experimentally measured energies for 3 ATGBs [82,83]. Moreover, the GB structures associated with these energies are also in agreement with several experimentally observed high-resolution TEM images of 3 ATGB structures with 9R configuration (e.g., in Cu [83]). Further details of the simulation methodology used to obtain ATGB structures are given in Tschopp and McDowell [79].
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2.2. Molecular dynamics In this work, molecular dynamics simulations are performed to study the tensile deformation of grain boundary interfaces on the nanoscale. In the molecular dynamics method, the evolution of atomic positions is described using Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, p˙ i = Fi = m˙vi ,
where r˙ i =
dri pi = . dt m
Here, m is the mass, pi is the momentum and vi is the velocity of the ith atom. The “dot” signifies the first derivative with respect to time. Eqs (2) and (3) represent the equations of motion for a system of atoms that is isolated from the environment (microcanonical ensemble). Of course, the vast majority of problems in the mechanics and materials science community require that the system interact with the surrounding environment. One method to accomplish this in the MD framework is to introduce the concept of an extended system [86]. Essentially, Newton’s equations of motion are augmented and coupled to additional differential equations that characterize the relationship between the system and the environment. For example, to model the atomic trajectories within the constant pressure, constant temperature (NPT) ensemble, the following set of equations has been proposed [87], pi + η ri − R 0 , m p˙ i = Fi − (η + ζ I)pi , T ˙ζ = vT2 −1 , T0 r˙ i =
η˙ =
vP2 V (σ − P0 ), NkT0
h˙ = ηh.
Here, R0 is the center of mass of the system. The isobaric friction coefficient, η, is a function of the desired pressure or stress, P0 , Boltzmann’s constant, k, and the constant pressure damping coefficient, vP . The thermodynamic friction coefficient, ζ , is a function of the thermal reservoir temperature, T0 , and the thermostating rate, νT . The boundaries of the system are defined by a set of vectors, h, that are aligned along the edges of the periodic unit cell. Melchionna et al. [87] showed that the equations of motion in eq. (4), which are derived from earlier versions by Nose and Hoover [88,89], correctly reproduce the NPT distribution function. Further, since the Melchionna et al. equations do not require scaling of the atomic positions or velocities to reproduce the NPT ensemble, they may be easily incorporated into the standard framework of a MD code.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
2.3. Virial stress The physical interpretation of stress in an atomistic system is one that has been argued from different points of view in the literature over the past thirty years [90–95]. Mathematically, the virial stress may be computed by first using the volume around a given atom, i , to form a point-wise measure of stress, i.e., 1 1 U ij ij i i r r − mv v , i = i (5) 2 r ij α β i
i =j
with i =
λ3 . 4
(6) ij
In eq. (5), r ij is the distance between atoms i and j ; rα and rβ are the components of the total distance in the α and β directions. The “prime” denotes the first derivative with respect to atomic position. In eq. (6), λ is the lattice parameter. Eq. (6) is derived as an approximation of the volume around an atom in a FCC lattice. The point-wise measure of stress, i , does not have any physical interpretation unless it is averaged over a “representative” number of atoms, i.e., σ =
N 1 i . N
Zimmerman et al. [95] investigated the concept of a representative number of atoms using two expressions for stress in an atomistic system (one of which is the stress derived from the virial theorem). They reported that for situations of non-zero deformation at finite temperature, fluctuations exist in the virial stress calculation when the summation is performed over small volumes around an arbitrary point within the simulation cell, i.e., when the calculation is not performed within the thermodynamic limit. As the size of the averaging region increases, the fluctuations in the stress calculation decrease. They also find that the fluctuations in the stress decrease at a faster rate if both spatial and temporal averaging is performed. Several authors in the literature have attempted to develop expressions for stress in an atomistic system that are defined for a spatial point at an instant of time from the equation for balance of linear momentum for a dynamic continuum [92,94]. From this perspective, Zhou [94] showed that the virial stress expression is unable to handle simple cases of rigid body translation in atomic systems. More importantly, Zhou also showed that the pointwise virial stress expression in eq. (5) violates classical conservation of linear momentum. Zhou argued that in a dynamically deforming atomic system, the stress should be a function of only the force between particles in order to maintain equivalence with the classical definition of the Cauchy stress and asserts that the kinetic contribution to the stress is already accounted for through the force term and that the kinetic contribution to the point-wise virial stress is incorrect if stress is to be interpreted as a force interaction between material points. It is beyond the scope of this work to provide a full review and discussion of stress calculations in atomistic systems. In this work, the kinetic contribution to the virial stress is
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retained, understanding that there are the possible ambiguities with regard to conservation of linear momentum if the virial expression is used to obtain highly localized measures of stress. Note that for solids, the kinetic energy term is small as compared with the interatomic force term. This observation is particularly true when calculations are performed at relatively low temperatures (10 and 300 K) and when the system is subjected to an external deformation. Furthermore, in this work, stress is averaged over a large volume around the region of interest to reduce the fluctuations in the virial stress response [95]. However, the stresses reported in this work are not time averaged, i.e., they are reported at defined instants in time during the simulation.
2.4. EAM potentials Daw and Baskes [96,97] developed the embedded-atom method to describe atomic bonding in metallic systems. In the EAM, each atom is viewed as being embedded in the background electron density provided by neighboring atoms. Thus, the potential energy of a set of atoms is taken as the summation of the pair interaction energy between nuclei of atoms i and j and the embedding energy as a function of the local background electron density around ith atom. Since the background electron density is a local quantity, the embedded-atom method is applicable for examining systems with crystalline defects, such as dislocations and grain boundaries. However, an important assumption in the derivation of the EAM expression is that the electron cloud around each atom is spherical in shape. Thus, it is assumed that bond orientation is not important in the description of the potential energy. This approximation is valid for FCC crystal structures with either nearly empty or nearly full d-bands [98]; however, the EAM struggles to accurately describe systems where directional bonding is important, such as BCC, HCP and nonmetallic materials. The Mishin et al. EAM interatomic potentials for aluminum [99] and copper [100] are utilized in this work. These potentials are numerically fit to give many correct physical properties for Cu and Al, including the equilibrium lattice parameter, the cohesive energy, elastic constants, and the vacancy formation energy. To model grain boundary structure and dislocation nucleation, Van Swygenhoven and colleagues [32,34] argued the importance of both the intrinsic and unstable stacking fault energies, γISF and γUS . The intrinsic stacking fault energy is critical for atomistic simulations of fracture and deformation because it defines the width of partial dislocation dissociation; this not only affects full and partial dislocation emission, but also the grain boundary structure in crystalline materials. The unstable stacking fault energy is related to the barrier for dislocation nucleation events [101]. For NC materials, Van Swygenhoven et al. proposed that the transition between partial and full dislocation emission can be correctly understood in terms of the generalized planar fault energy curve, which considers both the intrinsic and the unstable stacking fault energies. They find that the ratio of intrinsic to unstable stacking fault energies is a critical parameter for determining whether a trailing partial dislocation is emitted from the GB in nanocrystalline materials; as this ratio approaches unity, the energy barrier for creating a trailing partial dislocation is very low. Mishin et al. reported excellent agreement between the intrinsic stacking fault energy computed with their Cu and Al potentials as compared with experimental and ab initio calculations. Moreover, an analysis by Boyer et al. [102]
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 4. (a) Three-dimensional periodic bicrystal computational cell employed in this work. Crystal regions 1 and 2 are separated by two interfaces: one at the center of the cell and one periodic interface at the lower/upper cell bounds. The misorientation axis, M, and misorientation, θ , are also shown. (b) Schematic illustration of the excess interface energy calculation.
and Zimmerman et al. [103] of stress–displacement, atomic relaxation, and the γ -surface ¯ shear indicated that the Mishin et al. Cu and Al potentials capture the esfor {111}112 sential characteristics of deformation, including the unstable stacking fault energy, in line with ab initio electronic structure calculations. Thus, the EAM potentials utilized in this work are considered sufficient to model the structure of symmetric and asymmetric tilt grain boundaries as well as the nucleation of dislocations from these boundaries.
2.5. Bicrystal simulation geometry In this work, we develop bicrystal interface models using a combination of molecular statics (energy minimization) and molecular dynamics simulations. An example bicrystal interface model is shown in Fig. 4. For symmetric tilt grain boundaries, the interface misorientation is created by a symmetric rotation, θ , of opposing lattice regions around a misorientation axis, M. For asymmetric tilt grain boundaries, the misorientation angle remains fixed at a defined θ and the two lattices are rotated about the misorientation axis by the same angle, such that crystal region 1 and crystal region 2 (Fig. 4) are now asymmetric with respect to the boundary plane. For boundaries with a [001] misorientation axis, the interface misorientation angle is measured using the [100] direction as the reference ¯ misorientation axis, the interface misorientation angle is (0◦ ). For boundaries with a [110] measured using the [001] direction as the reference (0◦ ). One of the inherent limitations of the atomistic method is that computational resources often demand that systems are limited to relatively small numbers of atoms. While the study of nanoscale surface effects is extremely important, the goal of this work is to examine atomic scale behavior that is rep-
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resentative of what would occur in a bulk sample with micro or nanoscale grain structure. Thus, periodic boundary conditions are used in all directions (X, Y and Z) to eliminate the influence of free surface effects. The bicrystal interface model dimensions are defined accordingly to properly enforce this boundary prescription. Unfortunately, while periodic boundary conditions remove the effects of free surfaces, they impart image constraints on the system which must be taken into consideration when simulating defect behavior with long-range interactions. Such long-range interactions are characteristic of dislocations and grain boundaries with asymmetric structure, as will be modeled in this work. Specifically, the use of periodic boundary conditions in the Y -direction introduces a second interface into the model, which in turn gives rise to forces on dislocations. For symmetric tilt boundaries, the stress field decreases exponentially away from the interface [15]. In the symmetric case, the spacing between interfaces, H /2, is sufficiently large to minimize effects on nucleation of the first dislocation. However, this is not case for asymmetric tilt boundaries or symmetric boundaries with asymmetric interface structure. Furthermore, as these calculations will show, the nucleation of dislocations causes distortion in the interface structure. This is particularly true in the case of dissociated interfaces, where partial dislocation emission is inherent to the interface structure. If the interface distortion is idealized as a single dislocation positioned at the nucleation point [104], the magnitude of the shear stress on the primary slip planes due to the distorted boundary at a distance H /2 away from the interface is generally less than 10% of the ideal shear strength derived from first-principles calculations [72]. Accordingly, we consider the dimensions of the periodic model suitable for the study of dislocation nucleation phenomena at early stages. Moreover, because they employ periodic boundary conditions, the present bicrystal simulations are most appropriate for studying grain boundary structure and dislocation nucleation mechanisms, leaving the study of long-range field interactions of dislocations in a lattice with a boundary to other approaches, such as the CADD method [105,106] or matching atomistics near the boundary with a quasicontinuum far-field domain [107,108]. After the minimum energy configuration is attained via molecular statics calculations as discussed in Section 2.1, isobaric–isothermal molecular dynamics simulations are used to equilibrate the bicrystal interface model to a pressure of 0 bar and a temperature of either 10 or 300 K. The nucleation of dislocations at both temperatures will be discussed in Section 4. During this thermodynamic equilibration, the Melchionna et al. isobaric– isothermal equations of motion [87] govern the dynamics of the system. Upon completion of the equilibration process, molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the deformation of each interface model in uniaxial tension, which is applied normal to the interface plane (Y -direction). A constant strain rate of 109 s−1 is introduced by decoupling the vector which describes the dimensions of the periodic cell from the equations of motion in the loading direction and extending the length of this vector during the simulation [109]. Essentially, the time rate of change of the periodic cell length is prescribed in the loading direction in accordance with a desired strain rate. The motions of the boundaries in the transverse directions (X and Z) are calculated from the current and prescribed system stresses using the Melchionna et al. equations of motion. For all simulations in this work, the boundaries perpendicular to the interface plane are specified as stress-free. The 109 s−1 strain rate was chosen for its computational efficiency vs. lower strain rates and
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
to avoid the detrimental effects (e.g., inducing shock waves within the computational cell) that are introduced at higher strain rates. Atomistic simulations of grain boundary dislocation nucleation in uniaxial tension and compression under quasistatic loading conditions (as applied in Ref. [110]) have shown similar stress–strain responses and dislocation nucleation mechanisms to those of the dynamic strain rate used here. Therefore, this strain rate is deemed sufficient for investigating dislocation nucleation from grain boundaries.
3. Structure and energy of tilt grain boundaries in Cu and Al As discussed in Sections 1 and 2, this work focuses on the nucleation of dislocations from symmetric and asymmetric tilt bicrystal interfaces with the aim of developing correlations between grain boundary structure and dislocation nucleation. Accordingly, it is critical that a thorough understanding of the underlying interface structure as a function misorientation or inclination angle is established. Of particular importance are natural connections between interface structure in symmetric and asymmetric boundaries. For example, this work reports that the asymmetry between adjoining lattice regions results in nanoscale faceting along the grain boundary plane. The structure of the facets and the structural features adjoining the facets in ATGBs can be correlated to the structural features observed in symmetric tilt grain boundaries with similar misorientation. 3.1. Calculation of interface energy Interface energy is calculated by considering the energy at the boundary between the two crystalline regions that is in excess of the intrinsic energy of the bulk lattices [111–113]. This concept is schematically illustrated in Fig. 4(b) and is mathematically expressed as y2 int γ = (8) e(y) dy − e1 (y1 − Y0 ) − e2 (Y0 − y2 ). y1
In eq. (8), e(y) is the energy profile normal to the interface, e1 is the bulk energy in region 1 (upper crystalline region) and e2 is the bulk energy in region 2 (lower crystalline region). The vertical locations Y0 , y1 and y2 are defined schematically in Fig. 4(b). This definition does not require the introduction of an interface volume or region around the bicrystal boundary as long as y1 and y2 extend beyond the region which is distorted by the planar defect. Note that this work specifically addresses homophase interfaces; thus, the bulk energies of crystal regions 1 and 2 are identical after energy minimization and a rigorous separation of the energy profile normal to the interface into two regions is not necessary. Regardless, eq. (8) is posed in the general form to emphasize that the calculation of excess interface energy can be extended to heterophase boundaries. Slight modifications are required in order to apply eq. (8) to discrete atomistic systems. Notably, the integral of the energy profile must be replaced by a summation over a set of atoms within each crystalline region, i.e., E
N1 N2 = [ei − e1 ] + [ei − e2 ]. i=1
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Fig. 5. Bicrystal interface energy for copper and aluminum tilt [001] interface models.
Here, N1 and N2 are the number of atoms in regions 1 and 2, respectively. The bulk energies, e1 and e2 , are determined by averaging the ei of a group of atoms positioned sufficiently far away from the interface such that the presence of the boundary is not detected. Using e1 and e2 , an excess energy is computed for every atom within the interface model; the sum of these excess energies is defined as the total interface energy. In this work the bulk energies of regions 1 and 2 are identical after energy minimization (e1 = e2 = e); thus, the interface energy can be computed by summing the excess energy over all atoms (with appropriate treatment of the mirror image interface), which avoids the explicit assignment of atoms to either crystal regions 1 or 2.
3.2. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries 3.2.1. Interface energy Fig. 5 shows interface energy versus misorientation angle for symmetric tilt [001] boundaries in both copper and aluminum. The energy of the aluminum 5 (310) 36.9◦ interface is calculated as 465 mJ/m2 , while the energy of the aluminum 5 (210) 53.1◦ interface is calculated as 494 mJ/m2 . Both values are very close to those reported by Mishin et al. of 467 and 495 mJ/m2 , respectively [99]. In Fig. 5, small cusps appear in the energy– misorientation angle relationship at certain misorientations, which correspond to the 5 (310) 36.9◦ and 5 (210) 53.1◦ boundaries. Note that each of these boundaries is considered favored in the structural unit model for the [001] misorientation axis [58]. Other low-order boundaries show only minor variation in the interface energy, corresponding
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
¯ interface models. Fig. 6. Bicrystal interface energy for copper and aluminum tilt [110]
to small inflection points in the energy curve. Fig. 5 also shows a slight asymmetric character. While the interface energy appears to reach a maximum value between each of the 5 boundaries (approximately around 45◦ ), the energy–misorientation angle relationship does not possess mirror symmetry across the 45◦ centerline. Each of these observations is in agreement with those presented by Wolf [78] for other FCC metals (Cu, Ni and Au). ¯ Fig. 6 shows interface energy versus misorientation angle for symmetric tilt [110] boundaries in copper and aluminum. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries (STGBs) created ¯ axis show a more pronounced cusp behavior than boundaries by rotations around the [110] formed around the [001] misorientation axis. In both copper and aluminum, prominent cusps appear in the energy–misorientation angle relationship at the 3 (111) 109.5◦ and 11 (113) 50.5◦ boundaries. The energy of the 3 (111) 109.5◦ boundary is calculated as 22 mJ/m2 in copper and 75 mJ/m2 in aluminum. Other low-order boundaries show only small reductions in the interface energy. Furthermore, Fig. 6 shows a pronounced asymmetric character. While the 3 (111) 109.5◦ and 11 (113) 50.5◦ boundaries have very low interface energies, their reciprocal boundaries, 3 (112) 70.5◦ and 11 (332) 129.5◦ , have much larger interface energies by comparison. 3.2.2. Interface structure Fig. 7 shows a detailed view of several 5, 13 and 17a interface structures in copper after the energy minimization procedure. Each of these interfaces is created by a symmetric tilt rotation around the [001] misorientation axis. The viewing direction is along the [001] crystallographic direction (Z-axis) and atom positions are projected into the X–Y plane for clarity. Atoms are shaded by their respective {001} atomic plane in order to identify the
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Fig. 7. Bicrystal interface structures for copper [001] interface models. The structural unit model notation is given. Figure (c) is reprinted from [113] with permission; © 1999 Trans Tech Publications.
interface structural units. The 5 (310) 36.9◦ interface in Fig. 7(a) is composed of C type structural units along the entire length of the interface. Similarly, the 5 (210) interface in Fig. 7(b) is composed entirely of B structural units. The B structural unit is a slightly modified version of the B structural unit originally proposed by Sutton and Vitek [55] that is shown via molecular dynamics calculations to have a slightly lower energy in FCC materials [65]. The configuration of the B structure has also been confirmed experimentally in copper via high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) as shown in Fig. 7(c) [114]. Bicrystal boundaries with non-favored misorientations are composed of two (or more) different types of structural units. For example, the structure of the 13 (510) boundary in Fig. 7(d) is composed of one C unit and two D units per interface period, with the SUM notation |CDD|. The vertical “bars” denote one period of the interface structure. Similarly, the 13 (320) boundary in Fig. 7(e) is composed of two A units and two B units per interface period, with the SUM notation |AB .AB |. Here, the “dot” signifies that the structural unit has shifted from the {001} lattice plane to the neighboring {002} plane. Sutton and Vitek [55] define this type of interface structure as being “centered.” The 17a (530) interface in Fig. 7(f) shows a slightly different behavior. The minimum energy configuration of this boundary is not mirror symmetric about the interface plane, as in the case with the other low-order CSL boundaries in Fig. 7. Two representations are proposed to describe the interface structure: |ABB | or |As B |, the latter of which is shown in Fig. 7(f). The As structural unit includes a step in the interface plane between B structural units. The energy of the |As B | boundary in copper is calculated as 856 mJ/m2 . This particular misorientation requires several variations of a given structural unit to describe
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
¯ interface models. The structural unit model notation Fig. 8. Bicrystal interface structures for copper [110] is given.
the interface geometry; hence, the classical SUM is only loosely applicable. Note that by using a different initial configuration during the energy minimization procedure, a mirror symmetric 17a (530) interface may be created. This interface has an |AB B | structure, which is in agreement with the theoretical prediction using the SUM. However, the energy of this interface is calculated as 906 mJ/m2 , which is higher than that of the stepped boundary. Thus, the structure of the 17a (530) interface shown in Fig. 7(f) is considered the appropriate structure. Fig. 8 shows a detailed view of several 3, 9, 11 and 17b interface structures in copper after the energy minimization procedure. Each of these interfaces is created by ¯ misorientation axis. The viewing direction is a symmetric tilt rotation around the [110] along this same axis, which is aligned with the Z-direction. The structure of each interface is identified by shading atoms by their respective {110} atomic plane through the thickness of the interface model, while the structural units outlined are based on those proposed in the literature by Rittner and Seidman [52], who used an EAM potential for nickel for their energy minimization calculations. Three of the boundaries presented in Fig. 8 are considered favored in the structural unit model representation of interfaces [55]. For example, the 3 (111) 109.5◦ coherent twin boundary in Fig. 8(a) is composed entirely of D structural units with centered interface structure. Similarly, the 11 (113) 50.5◦ interface [Fig. 8(b)] and the 9 (221) 141.1◦ interface [Fig. 8(c)] are composed entirely of C and E structural units, respectively. Several of the bicrystal interface structures created by symmetric tilt rotations around the 110 misorientation axis can be characterized by the structural unit model, even though the interface structures are not mirror symmetric about the interface
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¯ interface models. Fig. 9. Bicrystal interface structures for dissociated (a) 53.1◦ and (b) 59.0◦ copper [110] Reprinted from [17] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
plane. For example, the 11 (332) 129.5◦ interface in Fig. 8(d) is composed of two E and two D structural units per interface period. However, several 110 STGBs show a dissociated interface structure. For example, the 3 (112) interface in Fig. 8(e) is composed of both C and D type structural units. The C type structural unit is representative of the 11 (113) 50.5◦ interface. The D type structural unit is associated with the 3 (111) 109.5◦ twin boundary. The D structural unit in this interface lies at the termination of an intrinsic stacking fault that extends from the bicrystal interface. The delocalized structure occurs as a result of the asymmetric dissociation of secondary interface dislocations [60]. For other misorientations, the delocalization of the interface structure can have a more advanced form, such as that for the 17b (223) 86.6◦ interface in Fig. 8(f). Here, energy minimization predicts intrinsic stacking fault facets of various lengths and widths along the interface plane. In addition, at least three structural units are identified using the centrosymmetry parameter [115], including the A structural unit, which should not exist for this misorientation according to the SUM. Thus, the structural unit model fails to characterize boundaries with dissociated structure because the SUM is unable to predict the length, width or spacing between delocalized structural units. However, images in Fig. 8 and results in the literature clearly show that even highly delocalized interfaces in FCC metallic materials can still be defined in terms of a repeating structure. The observation of intrinsic stacking fault facets that extend from the interface plane is particularly intriguing, because these facets could potentially play a strong role in the deformation process (since they are in essence pre-nucleated partial edge dislocations). Fig. 9 shows a detailed view of the interface structures for 53.1◦ and 59.0◦ 110 misorientations in copper after energy minimization. Note that neither of these boundaries are considered favored in SUM or have a low-order CSL description. The ISF facet is formed due to the ¯ asymmetric dissociation of secondary interface dislocations and is positioned on the (111) slip plane in the lower lattice region in Figs 9(a) and 9(b). Rittner and colleagues [52, 60] define the termination of each ISF facet as the D structural unit; the remainder of the boundary is composed of C structural units, which are associated with the 11 (113) 50.5◦ favored interface [Fig. 8(b)]. To accommodate the ISF facet, the C structural units are tilted
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
¯ interface models. Fig. 10. Bicrystal interface structures for dissociated (a) 53.1◦ and (b) 59.0◦ aluminum [110] Reprinted from [17] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
downward relative to the positive X-axis, as shown in Fig. 9(b). The spacing between ISF facets decreases as the misorientation angle of the interface is increased between 53.1◦ and 59.0◦ . Specifically, the 53.1◦ boundary has 11 C units for each dissociated D unit [the entire boundary is not shown in Fig. 9(a)], while the 59.0◦ interface has only 3 C units for each dissociated D unit. Rittner and Seidman [52] also showed that interface structures can vary significantly between materials with appreciably different intrinsic stacking fault energies. Specifically, Rittner and Seidman showed that delocalized structural units do not occur in materials with high stacking fault energies. Each of the interface structures presented in their work showed a mirror symmetric interface configuration for the high ISF energy material. As a result, they concluded that the structural unit model representation of high-angle interfaces becomes more applicable for materials with high ISF energy. Figs 10(a) and 10(b) show that the ISF facet that extends from the 53.1◦ or 59.0◦ interfaces is significantly shorter in aluminum, a material with higher stacking fault energy. Furthermore, in aluminum the dissociation of secondary interface dislocations is mirror symmetric on opposing {111} ¯ slip plane in the lower lattice region slip planes. Specifically, the facet occurs on the (111) and on the (111) slip plane on the upper lattice region. Similar to copper, the termination of the ISF facet is identified as the D structural unit, with the remainder of the boundary composed of C structural units, as shown in Fig. 10(a). The spacing between each dissociated facet decreases as the misorientation angle of the interface is increased over the range considered. The same ratio of C:D interface structural units occurs in both copper and aluminum. In aluminum, the C structural units are not distorted by the dissociation of secondary dislocations, i.e., the entire interface is mirror symmetric about the boundary plane, as shown in Fig. 10(b). Accordingly, energy minimization calculations are performed over the entire range of 001 and 110 symmetric tilt boundaries using the Mishin et al. EAM potential for aluminum [99]. All of the aluminum 100 interface structures presented in Fig. 11 are identical to those presented in Fig. 7. The higher stacking fault energy of aluminum does not appear to affect the interface structures for the low-order CSL boundaries created around the 001 misorientation axis. The 5 (310) and 5 (210) interfaces are composed entirely of C and B’ structural units, respectively. Of particular interest is the stepped 17a (530) interface in Fig. 11(e). Analogous to that in copper, this boundary does not have a mirror symmetric interface structure. The energy of the 17a (530) boundary in aluminum shown in Fig. 11(e) is calculated as 465 mJ/m2 , while supplemental energy minimization
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Fig. 11. Bicrystal interface structures for aluminum [001] interface models. The structural units and SUM notation are given.
calculations calculate that a 17a (530) interface with a |AB B | structure has an interface energy of 493 mJ/m2 . Thus, the appropriate structure for this boundary is again the stepped interface. Fig. 12 shows a detailed view of several 3, 9, 11 and 17b interface structures in aluminum indicating that many of 110 STGB structures in aluminum are different than those in copper (Fig. 8). This is due to the difference in intrinsic stacking fault energies between copper and aluminum. It is unclear exactly why the ISF energy affects the interface ¯ misorientation axis than for the [001] misorientation structure more severely for the [110] axis; however, we speculate that it has to do with the orientation of the interface with respect to the primary slip systems. The favored 110 STGBs in aluminum [ 3 (111), 11 (113) and 9 (221)] are identical to those presented for copper, as shown in Figs 12(a)– 12(e). For example, the 11 (113) interface is composed of C type structural units along the entire length of the interface. The 11 (113) and 9 (221) boundaries are verified via HRTEM results in the literature [116]. However, the interface structures of many other 110 symmetric tilt misorientations are notably different than those in copper. The aluminum 3 (112) interface in Fig. 12(g) shows that short stacking fault facets are nucleated between C structural units. However, the length of each of the ISF facets is much shorter in aluminum than in copper, which is in agreement with the results shown in Fig. 10. This observation is also validated by HRTEM images from Medlin et al. [80]. For the 17b (223) symmetric tilt interface misorientations, the stacking faults that are prominent in copper do not appear in aluminum. Instead, the E structural unit is observed, separated by different numbers of A structural units depending on the misorientation angle. This result quite intriguing since in copper the E structural unit does not appear until the misorientation angle of the interface is increased beyond 109.5◦ . Again, the SUM fails to describe this situation, as the structural units change discontinuously over the misorientation range.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
¯ interface models. Figures (c) and Fig. 12. Bicrystal interface structures and SUM notation for aluminum [110] (e) are reprinted from [116] with permission; © 1992 Elsevier. Figure (h) is reprinted from [80] with permission; © 1993 Materials Research Society.
3.3. Asymmetric tilt grain boundaries The recent ability to experimentally measure all five grain boundary degrees of freedom [117] has shown that asymmetric tilt grain boundaries are observed in polycrystals in higher frequency than symmetric tilt grain boundaries (except the coherent twin boundary) and twist grain boundaries [118–122]. Therefore, it is possible that asymmetric tilt grain boundaries are present in high frequencies in nanocrystalline materials as well. As discussed in Section 1.1, symmetric tilt grain boundaries are formed by rotating the opposing lattice regions about a misorientation axis that lies perpendicular to the grain boundary plane normal. Asymmetric tilt grain boundaries are formed by subsequent rotations of the grain boundary plane with the misorientation angle of the opposing lattice regions held fixed, such that the adjoining lattices are asymmetric about the interface. The grain boundary rotation angle is defined as the inclination angle of the boundary. Previous studies have shown that the orientation of the grain boundary plane (inclination angle) for 3 grain boundaries can have a strong effect on material properties such as the GB energy [82], GB diffusion [123] and intergranular corrosion resistance [124]. In this section, the structure
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Fig. 13. Schematic showing the effect of misorientation and inclination angle for four 110 tilt grain boundaries: (a) 1 (001) θ = 0◦ STGB, (b) 3 (111) θ = 109.47◦ coherent twin boundary, (c) 3 (110)1 /(114)2 = 35.26◦ ATGB, (d) 3 (112) θ = 70.53◦ incoherent twin boundary. In this study, the inclination angles for (b–d) are 0◦ , 35.26◦ , and 90◦ , respectively.
and energy of 3 ATGBs inclined about the 110 tilt axis is presented. This understanding is vital for proper interpretation of the dislocation nucleation behavior in Section 4. Fig. 13 shows a schematic depicting the change in inclination angle from the 3 (111) = 0◦ symmetric tilt grain boundary to the 3 (110)1 /(114)2 = 35.26◦ ATGB to the 3 (112) = 90◦ STGB. The subscripts for the ATGB denote the grain boundary normal directions for the upper and lower lattices [see Fig. 13(c)]. In this work, the 3 (111) = 0◦ interface is referred to as the coherent twin boundary (CTB), while the 3 (112) = 90◦ will be referenced as the symmetric incoherent twin boundary (SITB) to
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
maintain consistency with the previous literature [82]. However, note that the homophase 3 (112) = 90◦ STGB is considered semi-coherent in many descriptions of interface structure due to slip system compatibility within each crystalline region. The term incoherent is often used explicitly to characterize interfaces which have a mismatch in both the orientation and the lattice structure (number and character of available slip systems) across the boundary [50]. In Fig. 13, the grain boundary plane is represented by the long dotted horizontal line, the grain boundary normals are the short vertical dotted lines, and ¯ plane of the FCC unit cell. Consequently, the lattice is shown as a rectangle for the (110) Fig. 13(a) represents the perfect single crystal since the crystal orientation of regions 1 and 2 are identical. Fig. 13(b) shows the 3 (111) = 0◦ CTB which is obtained by rotating the lattice regions in (a) by +54.74◦ and −54.74◦ . Fig. 13(c) shows the 3 (110)1 /(114)2 = 35.26◦ ATGB which is obtained by rotating both crystal lattices in (b) by 35.26◦ in the counterclockwise direction. Finally, the 3 (112) = 90◦ SITB in Fig. 13(d) is obtained by rotating both lattices in (b) by 90◦ in the counterclockwise direction. Note that all counterclockwise rotations applied to both lattices between 0◦ and 90◦ [Figs 13(b) and 13(d), respectively] result in 3 ATGBs. Thus, an alternative representation of inclination angle is to view the grain boundary as fixed and the lattice regions as rotating. 3.3.1. Interface energy Fig. 14(a) shows the calculated 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundary relative energy as a function of the inclination angle from the 3 (111) 109.5◦ coherent twin boundary. The relative 3 grain boundary energies which are calculated and measured by thermal grooving experiments are also included in Fig. 14(a) [82]. The relative energies are obtained by dividing the grain boundary energy, γGB , by the (111) surface energy, γSurface (1476 mJ/m2 for the EAM potential in this study). The error between the calculated and experimental asymmetric tilt grain boundary energies is most significant for inclination angles above 70.53◦ . This region corresponds to a different phase at the boundary in Cu, which is termed the 9R phase. The rhombohedral 9R phase is formed from an intrinsic stacking fault on every third plane in an FCC structure. The presence of the 9R phase may explain the larger difference in relative boundary energies in this region. Other potential reasons [82] for the discepancy between calculated and experimental values may be due to the temperature difference (i.e., the experimental values were 1313 K). However, while the magnitude of the calculated energies deviates slightly from experimental energies, the trend of the calculated energies agrees well with the experimental data. Fig. 14(b) shows the bicrystal interface energy versus the interface inclination angle for 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries in copper and aluminum. Two relative minimum energy grain boundary structures in Cu are observed at the coherent twin boundary [ 3 (111) = 0◦ ] and at an inclination angle approximately 5◦ to 8◦ from the incoherent twin boundary. In contrast to copper, the aluminum minimum energy configurations are associated with the coherent and incoherent twin boundaries. The low stacking fault energy of copper results in the formation of the 9R phase; however, the 9R phase is not observed in aluminum, a material with a much higher stacking fault energy. The calculated 3 ATGB energies in Fig. 14(b) are compared to a theoretical description of asymmetric tilt interface energy which is based on the decomposition of 3 asymmetric tilt boundaries into facets associated with the 3 symmetric tilt grain boundaries [82].
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Fig. 14. (a) Relative grain boundary energy, γGB /γSurface , as a function of inclination angle for Cu. The values calculated in this work are compared with both calculated values and experimental measurements [82]. (b) Grain boundary energy as a function of inclination angle for Cu and Al.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Note that this decomposition is possible for all asymmetric tilt grain boundaries; however, it may not always be energetically favorable [56]. First, we assume that the boundary energies of the individual facets corresponding to the coherent and incoherent twin boundaries contribute additively (i.e., no interaction energy). Next, the relation between the inclination angle () and the lengths of the coherent and incoherent twin boundary facets (LCTB and LSITB , respectively), which are perpendicular to each other, is tan = LSITB /LCTB . Therefore, the 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundary energy for an arbitrary inclination angle, γ , is given by γ = γCTB cos + γSITB sin ,
where γCTB and γSITB correspond to the coherent and incoherent twin boundary energies. Fig. 14(b) shows that the aluminum curve fits the calculated asymmetric tilt grain boundary energies very well with constants that correspond to the calculated coherent and incoherent twin boundary energies: γCTB = 75.2 mJ/m2 and γSITB = 354.4 mJ/m2 (recall Fig. 6). The copper curve correlates reasonably well with the calculated GB energies with constants that correspond to the calculated coherent twin boundary energy, γCTB = 22.2 mJ/m2 , and the hypothetical, unrelaxed incoherent twin boundary energy, γSITB = 700 mJ/m2 . The hypothetical, unrelaxed energy for Cu is utilized as a fitting parameter that corresponds to the incoherent twin boundary energy without the dissociation of grain boundary dislocations, as discussed in Schmidt et al. [125]. Of course, energy minimization shows the emission of ISF facets as shown in Fig. 8(e). The curves predicted using eq. (10) fit both the calculated asymmetric tilt grain boundary energies for Al and the calculated asymmetric tilt grain boundary energies for Cu with inclination angles < 70.53◦ very well. However, the calculated energies deviate from the predicted curve in Cu for inclination angles > 70.53◦ (the 9R phase). Additional information on the energy of 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries informed by both experiments [82,83,125,126] and atomistic calculations [79,82] can be found elsewhere. Tschopp and McDowell have also calculated the asymmetric tilt grain boundary energies for other low order CSL systems with 100 ( 5 and 13) and 110 ( 9 and 11) tilt axes as a function of grain boundary inclination [127]. They found that not all asymmetric tilt grain boundaries follow a relation based on the ideal faceting into symmetric tilt grain boundaries. In particular, the agreement with a relation similar to eq. (10) depends on the inclination angle separating two STGBs of the same CSL system (45◦ for the 100 system and 90◦ for the 110 system), the anisotropy in the STGB energies, and the stacking fault energy of the material. The 100 ATGBs followed an ideal faceting relation very well, while the 9 ATGBs about the 110 tilt axis deviated the most from a relation similar to eq. (10). 3.3.2. Interface structure To characterize the structure of ATGBs, interface atoms with a distorted local environment are identified using the centrosymmetry parameter [115]. A threshold of 0.25 is used as a guideline to delineate atoms belonging to interface structural units from those belonging to the bulk lattice. Once interface atoms are identified, structural units consistent with the coherent and incoherent twin boundaries are used to describe the 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundary structures. The presence of the 9R phase in Cu necessitates that the GB structures
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Fig. 15. Three 3 grain boundary structures in Cu for various inclination angles < 70.53◦ . The structures ¯ tilt axis; atoms on two consecutive (220) ¯ planes are shown as black and white. The are viewed along the [110] grain boundary normal and period vectors for the lower and upper crystal are shown in the corner boxes on the left-hand side for each grain boundary. The inclination angle is shown in the upper right corner.
for Cu should be separated into two distinct groups, those with inclination angles < 70.53◦ and those with 70.53◦ . The structures for these two groups are presented for copper. Inclination angles < 70.53◦ Figs 15(a)–15(c) show the equilibrium 0 K GB structures in Cu for three boundaries with inclination angles < 70.53◦ . The structures ¯ tilt axis and the atoms on two consecutive (220) ¯ planes are are viewed along the [110] shown as black and white. The GB normal and period vectors for the lower and upper crystal are shown in the corner boxes on the left-hand for each GB. The two arrows in the upper right corner correspond to the ideal location of the coherent and incoherent twin boundary facets based on the inclination angle (also shown). There are two facets for each 3 ATGB: one facet corresponds to the structural units (SUs) of the CTB (D) and one facet corresponds to structural units associated with the SITB (C). Apparently, the structure of
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
the 3 ATGB can be described using structural features that are characteristic of those that comprise the 3 symmetric tilt grain boundaries [see Figs 8(a) and 8(e) in Cu and Figs 12(a) and 12(g) in Al]. As discussed in the previous section, the D SU is closely related to a Shockley partial dislocation and is frequently found terminating an intrinsic stacking fault [e.g., in the 3 (112) SITB] [60]. Images in Fig. 15 indicate that the number of D structural units on the coherent ¯ 1 /(558)2 twin boundary facet decreases as the inclination angle increases; the 3 (774) = 13.26◦ ATGB contains 12 D SUs on every CTB facet while the 3 (110)1 /(114)2 = 35.26◦ ATGB only contains 4 D SUs on every CTB facet. The SITB facet contains both C and D structural units. All |DC| units for ATGBs with < 70.53◦ are separated by at least one D SU on the CTB facet; i.e., a |DCDC| structure could occur on the SITB facet, but this would be a metastable atomistic configuration. Also, notice that the D SU associated with the SITB dissociates in a direction parallel to the coherent twin boundary facet. In Fig. 15(a), the D SU dissociates in a direction alongside the coherent twin facet. However, for inclinations angles 54.74◦ [Figs 15(b) and 15(c)] the D SU dissociates in the opposite direction. The transition of the dissociated D structural unit from one side of the C structural unit to the other side depends on the relative proximity of the facets. For 3 ATGBs, the spacing between the coherent and incoherent twin boundary facets determines the local strain state, which then influences the directionality of dissociation of the D structural unit. In asymmetric boundaries with inclination angles immediately below this transition, the dissociated D structural unit approaches the C structural unit on the adjacent SITB facet. The dislocation content of the C structural unit may then exert a force on the partial dislocation associated with the D structural unit, which causes the dissociation to proceed in the opposite direction. It is also interesting to note that all D structural units associated with the SITB dissociate, while none of the D structural units associated with the low energy coherent twin boundary facet dissociate. Inclination angles 70.53◦ Figs 16(a)–16(c) show the equilibrium 0 K GB structures in Cu for three asymmetric tilt boundaries with inclination angles 70.53◦ . This particular set of boundaries has attracted a significant amount of interest due to the 9R phase transformation that occurs in several low SFE materials, e.g., Cu [82], Ag [84,85], and Au [128]. In this work, we investigate the effect of inclination angle on the GB structure by comparing numerous GB structures within the 9R region. ¯ 2 = 70.53◦ ATGB The maximum in GB energy occurs at the 3 (111)1 /(115) [Fig. 16(a)], which is a transitional GB structure for the 9R phase in the 3 system in Cu. For this structure, the number of |DC| units on the SITB is equal to the number of D units on the coherent twin boundary; all ATGBs with inclination angles greater than 70.53◦ have a larger ratio of SITB structural units than coherent twin boundary features. All D structural units for ATGBs with > 70.53◦ are separated by at least one |DC| unit on the SITB facet; i.e., only a metastable 0 K configuration contains two D units on the same coherent twin boundary facet. For each of these structures, the D structural unit on the SITB facet dissociates to the same side of the adjacent C structural unit continuing the trend shown in Fig. 15(c). The intrinsic stacking fault caused by the dissociation of the D structural unit on every third plane creates the 9R phase. The ratio of the D features on the CTB facets to the |DC| units on the SITB facets decreases as the inclination angle increases.
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Fig. 16. Three 3 grain boundary structures in Cu for various inclination angles 70.53◦ . The same format as Fig. 15 is used for illustrating the grain boundary structures.
All ATGBs with the 9R phase are separated by two boundaries. The misorientation change across these GBs occur along the two sub-boundaries that contain the 9R phase [viewed from upper to lower crystal of Figs 16(a)–16(c)]. The upper boundary of C structural units rotates the upper lattice to coincide with the 9R phase lattice. The dissociation of the D features from the SITB facet allows the C structural units to rearrange to minimize strain at this upper boundary; this allows only a partial rotation of the lattice to occur. The lower boundary of the 9R phase is a small angle dislocation boundary composed of the dissociated partial dislocations (D structural units). This sub-boundary provides additional lattice rotation to coincide with the given misorientation between the upper and lower crystals. The width of the 9R phase is a function of the degree of dissociation of the D structural unit on the SITB facet and this width changes as a function of the inclination angle for ATGBs with > 70.53◦ . As shown in Fig. 16, the dissociation width increases with > 70.53◦ until the 3 (223)1 /(4, 4, 11)2 = 81.95◦ ATGB and then decreases to meet the width calculated in the SITB [recall Fig. 8(e)]. All of these GBs, including the SITB, contain the correct 9R phase stacking sequence caused by the intrinsic stacking faults on
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 17. Comparison of calculated 3 = 81.95◦ asymmetric tilt grain boundary structure with the 9R phase in Cu with experimental HRTEM image of the 9R phase in Ag. (a) Interface structure with structural units outlined, (b) simulated image using atom positions from (a), and (c) HRTEM image of Ernst and coworkers [84]. The white lines correspond to the {111} planes in the adjoining crystals and at the interface. Figure (c) reprinted from [84] with permission; © 1992 The American Physical Society.
every third plane. However, this 9R phase may not be present in some boundaries (e.g., the SITB), because there is an energetic penalty to dissociate the D structural unit further and expand the 9R phase. In Fig. 16(a), notice the distortion of the intrinsic stacking fault associated with the dissociated D structural units, which potentially restricts the expansion of the 9R phase. However, as the lattices and structural units are rotated with increasing inclination, the width of the dissociation and the 9R phase increase. Fig. 17 compares the calculated 3 = 81.95◦ asymmetric tilt grain boundary structure containing the 9R phase in Cu with an experimental HRTEM image of the 9R phase in Ag [84]. Although different materials, both Cu and Ag have low stacking fault energies and an FCC crystal structure, which enables the 9R phase to form. Fig. 17(a) shows the structural unit description of the ATGB used to generate a simulated image in Fig. 17(b), which is compared with the experimentally observed HRTEM image in Fig. 17(c). The 2D projected view of the {111} planes, in white, shows the agreement between the simulated and experimental images. In fact, these images also have similar widths of the 9R phase, despite the finding by Medlin and coworkers [129] that the width of the 9R phase often increases with time in the HRTEM. 3.3.3. 3 ATGB structure and faceting In a method analogous to the structural unit model, the structural units and their corresponding facets can be predicted for 3 ATGBs [130]. Fig. 18 shows how the calculated 3 ATGB structures for Cu and Al can be predicted based upon the coincidence plot [131] and the atomistic GB structures of the two 3 STGBs. In this respect, the following method used for predicting the 3 ATGB structure is very similar to the decomposition lattice
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Fig. 18. A model describing the structural units and faceting in 3 ATGBs. (a) Coincident plot for the 3 system ¯ tilt axis. (b) Schematic of the coincident points from (a) along with several GB planes rotated around the [110] of varying inclination angles. The GB periods of the CTB and SITB correlate to specific atomic SUs. (c) The SU description of the 3 = 64.76◦ ATGB is predicted based solely on the coincident points from (a) and the SUs from the two 3 STGBs.
method [55] or strip method of quasicrystallography [132,133]; the strip method is used to determine the structural unit sequence for rational symmetric tilt boundaries. First, as shown in Fig. 18(a), the coincidence plot is created by defining a misorientation angle (θ = 70.53◦ in this case) and allowing the two crystal lattices to overlap. In this plot, atoms from the two lattices are shown as small black and large white circles; the coincident sites are a combination of both circles. The coincidence plot visually illustrates the CSL concept for symmetric and asymmetric tilt grain boundaries; notice that one in every three points is coincident, as denoted by the solid lines in Fig. 18(a). The GB plane is then realized by connecting any two coincident points, as shown in Fig. 18(b). Several GB planes are shown: the CTB, the SITB, and some intermediate ATGBs with different inclination angles. The GB periods for the CTB and SITB can be defined from either crystal lattice; in ¯ and pSITB = a0 [111], this case, the periods for the CTB and SITB are pCTB = a0 /4[112] respectively. The relationship between the inclination angle and the GB periods is defined geometrically as −1 m |pSITB | , = tan (11) n |pCTB | where m and n are integers defining the number of CTB and SITB period vectors required to link any two coincident points. An alternative expression is that the ATGB period vector decomposes into the period vectors of the two facets, i.e., pATGB = mpSITB + npCTB . Utilizing the atomistic simulations presented in Section 3.2, we can define the structure of
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
¯ the CTB either as a series of repeating D features with interface period pCTB = a0 /4[112] ¯ The latter description contains or as |D.D| with an interface period pCTB = a0 /2[112]. additional information about the translation of SUs with respect to each other; the dot pre¯ ceding a SU denotes a relative translation in the direction of the tilt axis by a0 /4[110]. This description requires n to be an even integer. Fig. 18(c) shows how the coincident lattice site from Fig. 18(a), the GB plane from Fig. 18(b), and the STGB structural units from ¯ 2 the previous section are combined to predict the configuration of the 3 (554)1 /(118) = 64.76◦ ATGB that agrees with the calculated structure. Moreover, the ATGB structural unit and faceting description [130] accurately predicts the GB structural unit description for all 25 3 ATGBs in this study, even with the 9R phase formed for ATGBs with 70.53◦ in Cu. This result emphasizes the well-defined ordering of structural units and facets for some low order CSL ATGB systems at the atomistic scale. Tschopp and McDowell concluded that this structural unit and faceting description for ATGBs may also apply to 5 and 13 ATGBs about the 100 tilt axis [127]. They reported that these CSL systems also facet into the structural units of the corresponding 5 and 13 STGBs. However, this description does not apply to all CSL systems. For example, in the same study, the ATGB structure of the 9 and 11 ATGBs about the 110 tilt axis deviated from this faceted description. The boundary rearranged such that a large fraction of GB atoms (identified via centrosymmetry [115]) bounding the structural units were correlated with the {111} planes, presumably due to the low energy of the {111} surfaces [134]. Additional factors included the large free volume of the E structural unit for ATGBs with inclination angles near the 9 (221) and 11 (332) STGBs and the proximity of ATGBs to the {111}/{110} ATGB.
4. Dislocation nucleation from symmetric and asymmetric tilt boundaries in Cu and Al The computational materials science community has made considerable progress towards understanding the atomic scale mechanisms associated with inelastic deformation in metallic crystalline materials via the use of atomistic simulations. In particular, atomistic simulation has been used to model the nucleation of partial dislocations from interfaces in FCC metals using bicrystal [16–19,38,39] and nanocrystalline geometries [20–37]. The work of Sansoz and Molinari [38,39] represented an important advancement because they were able to directly correlate individual failure mechanisms to the presence of certain structural units along the interface plane using the quasicontinuum method. In tension, failure of the interface occurred through partial dislocation nucleation and grain boundary cleavage. In shear, Sansoz and Molinari reported that three different failure modes could exist depending on the initial boundary configuration: grain boundary sliding by atomic shuffling, nucleation of partial dislocations from the bicrystal interface and grain boundary migration. Atomic shuffling occurred during a shear deformation only for interfaces that contained the E structural unit, which is associated with the 9 (221) interface [recall Fig. 8(c)]. Sansoz and Molinari proposed that the free volume inherent to this structural feature was responsible for triggering the atomic shuffling event during shear. Results in the literature
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typically do not provide such detailed information regarding the role of individual interface features in the deformation process. Recently, there has been some debate in the literature regarding the emission of full dislocations from grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials. Initial work by Van Swygenhoven and coworkers [25,27] in nanocrystalline pure nickel and copper with a grain size of approximately 12 nm showed that the leading (first) partial dislocation could be emitted from a grain boundary. In their work, the first partial dislocation would sweep across the nanosize grain and become absorbed into the opposing interface. The trailing (second) partial dislocation was not emitted from the grain boundary; as a result, an extended intrinsic stacking fault (which was typically longer than the equilibrium spacing between partial dislocations) remained within the grain. Through detailed analysis of the grain boundary structure [25,29,31] the nucleation of the first partial dislocation in nanocrystalline metals was shown to be assisted by local atomic shuffling within the interface and stress-assisted free volume migration. Van Swygenhoven and coworkers suggested initially that the nucleation of the first partial dislocation and the associated atomic rearrangement along the interface was sufficient to lower the grain boundary energy such that the emission of the second partial dislocation was unnecessary. MD simulations by Yamakov et al. [20–23] showed that the trailing partial dislocation may be emitted from grain boundary interfaces in aluminum. Aluminum was chosen for their simulations with the hypothesis that the higher intrinsic stacking fault energy (as compared with copper and nickel), which leads to a shorter stacking fault width, would facilitate the emission of the trailing partial dislocation. Yamakov et al. used a columnar ¯ atomic planes in order to simulate larger microstructure with a thickness of only 10 (110) nanoscale grain sizes. They identified the stacking fault width as a critical length scale parameter necessary to describe the cross-over between extended partial dislocation and full dislocation deformation regimes in nanocrystalline metals. However, more recent work by Van Swygenhoven and coworkers [32,34] has argued that interpreting the cross-over between deformation regimes in terms of only the intrinsic stacking fault energy is insufficient. They emphasized that the entire generalized stacking fault curve must be taken into consideration and proposed that the ratio of the unstable and intrinsic stacking fault energies is more appropriate to describe the observed dislocation activity in nanocrystalline samples. If this ratio is close to unity, full dislocations are anticipated during the deformation process; conversely, if this ratio is high, extended partial dislocations are expected within the nanocrystalline grains. In this work, the atomic scale mechanisms associated with dislocation nucleation from symmetric and asymmetric tilt interfaces in aluminum and copper are studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Whereas most previous MD work has used columnar and 3D nanocrystalline geometries, this work examines the nucleation of full dislocation loops from well-defined high-angle interfaces using a bicrystal configuration (recall Section 2.5). Calculations are performed on several distinct sets of symmetric and asymmetric interfaces. The primary goal of this work is to map the evolution of the interface structure during the dislocation nucleation process. We do not consider absorption of partial dislocations into an interface or dislocation–dislocation interactions after multiple nucleation events.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
4.1. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries 4.1.1. 5 (310) 36.9◦ interface Fig. 19 shows the uniaxial tensile deformation of a 5 (310) 36.9◦ interface in aluminum at 10 K. Figs 19(a)–19(d) are colored1 according to the centrosymmetry parameter [115]; atoms with a centrosymmetry parameter close to zero are removed to facilitate viewing of the defect structures. Figs 19(e)–19(g) show atomic positions at the same time step as Figs 19(b)–19(d) with atoms colored by the magnitude of the atomic slip vector [135]. The atomic slip vector is designed to identify atoms that have been displaced relative to their reference neighbors, even if they reside in a perfect FCC environment. This includes both stacking fault (partial slip) regions and regions of full slip. In this work, the atomic slip vector is calculated using the isobaric–isothermal equilibrium positions of the atoms as the reference configuration. In Figs 19(b)–19(d), full dislocation loops are nucleated from the bicrystal interface during uniaxial tensile deformation. Initially, partial dislocations are nucleated from the interface, indicated by arrows in Fig. 19(b). In the lower lattice region, ¯ ¯ slip occurs on the (111)[101] and (111)[101] slip systems, which are the most favorable slip systems according to a Schmid factor analysis. Likewise, the most favorable slip systems are activated in the upper lattice region. The tensile stress required to nucleate the first partial dislocation at 10 K from the 5 (310) boundary is calculated as 5.74 GPa. For the given orientation, this corresponds to a critical resolved shear stress of approximately 2.81 GPa, which is comparable to the ideal shear strength of aluminum obtained from first-principles calculations of 2.84 GPa [72]. In Fig. 19(c), the leading partial dislocations have moved further away from the interface, leaving behind an intrinsic stacking fault. The trailing partial dislocation has been emitted for the defect marked with an arrow, resulting in a dislocation loop. As deformation proceeds, several dislocation loops are emitted from each interface in Fig. 19(d). In Figs 19(c) and 19(d), the width of the stacking fault ribbon of the dislocation loops appears to be greater in one direction than the other. The thicker direction corresponds to the edge component of the dislocation loop. Byun [136] showed that at equilibrium, the stacking fault widths of edge and screw dislocations will differ, even though the intrinsic stacking fault energy is the same. Byun reported that the equilibrium intrinsic stacking fault width of an edge dislocation is approximately twice that of a screw dislocation. However, the intrinsic stacking fault width can depend on applied stresses, particularly in materials with low intrinsic stacking fault energies. Byun [136] showed that as the intrinsic stacking fault energy is increased to 100 mJ/m2 , the influence of applied stresses on the partial dislocation spacing becomes minimal. In this work, the intrinsic stacking fault energy of aluminum predicted by the interatomic potential is 146 mJ/m2 ; thus, the separation distance between partial dislocations is not expected to vary far from the equilibrium spacing. Fig. 19(d) shows that the calculations in this work are in agreement with this result. In Figs 19(e)–19(g), atoms with an atomic √ slip vector magnitude less than half of the Burgers vector for a partial dislocation, λ/ 6, are removed for clarity. Dislocations at two distinct points during the nucleation process are identified in Fig. 19(f). The dislocation 1 For interpretation of the references to color in this figure the reader is referred to the web version of this chapter.
82 M.A. Tschopp et al. Fig. 19. Nucleation of full dislocation loops during uniaxial tension of a 5 (310) 36.9◦ interface at 10 K; (a)–(d) atoms are colored by the centrosymmetry parameter and (e)–(g) atoms are colored by the atomic slip vector. Reprinted from [16] with permission; © 2005 Elsevier.
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Fig. 20. Nucleation of full dislocation loops during uniaxial tension of a 5 (310) 36.9◦ interface at 10 K; (a)–(d) atoms are colored by the centrosymmetry parameter and (e)–(g) atoms are colored by the atomic slip vector. Reprinted from [16] with permission; © 2005 Elsevier.
within the upper lattice region shows an extended formation, as the trailing partial dislocation has not yet been emitted from the interface. Atoms that are shaded green have an atomic slip vector magnitude that ranges between 0.15 and 0.18 nm, which brackets the theoretical value for partial slip of 0.165 nm for aluminum. The dislocation within the lower lattice region has emitted the trailing partial dislocation and has formed a dislocation loop. Full slip has occurred in the wake of the trailing partial dislocation as atoms that are shaded red have an atomic slip vector magnitude between 0.28 and 0.30 nm, which again brackets the theoretical value of 0.286 nm. In Figs 19(f) and 19(g), atoms that are shaded blue and yellow indicate transitions between perfect lattice, intrinsic stacking fault and full slip regions, i.e., the positions of the leading and trailing partial dislocations. The structure of the 5 (310) 36.9◦ interface at two critical points during the dislocation nucleation process is shown in Fig. 20. Here, six {001} atomic planes are cut from
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the thickness of the interface model through the dislocation loop identified in Fig. 19(c) to ¯ illustrate the dislocation nucleation process. This dislocation loops lies in the (111)[101] slip system. Atoms are colored2 by their respective {001} plane and projected into the X–Y plane. Prior to dislocation nucleation, this boundary has an ABAB stacking sequence in the Z-direction. In Fig. 20(a), only the first partial dislocation has been emitted from the interface. This is clearly identified by a shift in the atomic layers at the point of dislocation nucleation. Atoms that once aligned perfectly in an ABAB stacking sequence have been displaced relative to one another. The length of the extended partial dislocation at this time step is approximately 3.16 nm (which is longer than the equilibrium partial dislocation spacing in aluminum) and is shown with arrows in Fig. 20(a). Fig. 20(b) shows a detailed view of the dislocation nucleation point. First, notice that interface expansion during the uniaxial deformation allows some atoms to migrate in the direction of the load. However, the atom that is coincident between lattice regions remains stationary. The dislocation slip process involves atoms that were originally identified as belonging to the structural units. One of the structural units (in the second layer of atoms) is irreversibly deformed as a result of the partial dislocation slip, labeled as C∗ . The C structural units surrounding this defect unit appear to be only slightly modified to accommodate the slip process. The centerline of the interface is shown in Fig. 20(b). Even though the structural units are being deformed by the slip process, the interface still remains planar after the emission of the first partial dislocation. As deformation continues in Fig. 20(c), the second partial dislocation is emitted from the interface, creating a dislocation loop. The loop itself is not visible in this view; however, it is clear that the second partial has been emitted because the atomic layers associated with full slip have aligned on top of each other. The positions of the leading and trailing partial dislocations are marked with arrows in Fig. 20(c) with a separation of approximately 1.08 nm. Fig. 20(d) shows a detailed view of the interface after the emission of the trailing partial dislocation. Two deformed structural units are identified along the interface plane, labeled as C∗∗ . The C∗∗ deformed unit appears only after the emission of the second partial dislocation and involves a small step or ledge within the interface plane. The shape of the C∗∗ unit is similar to that of the C∗ structural unit; however, additional slip from the trailing partial dislocation has further amplified the asymmetric expansion. The ledge has a peak magnitude in the Y -direction of approximately 0.18 nm and is stable, because it involves atoms that are associated with the full slip event. The remainder of the interface accommodates the development of this ledge by smoothly shifting in opposite directions on either side of the dislocation nucleation point, as shown in Fig. 20(d). For the C∗∗ structural unit shown on the left in Fig. 20(d), the ledge occurs between the first and third atomic layers; in contrast, the ledge occurs between the third and fifth atomic layers for the C∗∗ structural unit shown on the right. This indicates that the ledge occurs at the intersection of the slip plane and the interface. The angle depends on to the orientation of the slip plane relative to the misorientation axis. Calculations in Spearot et al. [16] confirm that the ledge is formed during uniaxial tensile deformation of other boundaries in Al which contain the C structural unit, such as 109 (10 3 0) 33.4◦ and 73 (830) 41.1◦ . Thus, the formation of the ledge is not restricted to the low-order CSL boundary. Fig. 21 shows a schematic of the dislocation nucleation process and the resulting interface ledge after 2 See footnote 1.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 21. Schematic of the dislocation nucleation process: (a) after emission of the first partial dislocation, (b) after emission of the trailing partial dislocation creating a dislocation loop and (c) resulting interface structure showing formation of a ledge. Reprinted from [16] with permission; © 2005 Elsevier.
the emission of the full dislocation. In Section 6, the formation and geometry of the ledge created during the dislocation nucleation process will be discussed in terms of disclinations and disconnections [69]. 4.1.2. Grain boundaries with dissociated structure Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the process of dislocation nucleation from bicrystal interfaces with dissociated structure. Fig. 22 shows a 361 (6 6 17) 53.1◦ interface in copper at 10 and 300 K subjected to a uniaxial tensile deformation normal to the interface plane. A detailed characterization of the interface structure during the tensile deformation process is presented in Fig. 23. The specific points of interest are circled and labeled A–D in Fig. 22. When subjected to a tensile deformation, Figs 22(b) and 22(f) show that the bicrystal interface structure evolves prior to the dislocation nucleation event. Specifically, tensile deformation applied normal to the interface plane causes the ISF facet to become shorter in length. In Fig. 23(a), at an interface model strain of 5.0%, the length of the intrinsic stacking fault facet is approximately 40% of its length after energy minimization [recall Fig. 9(a)]. Additional tensile strain causes partial edge dislocations to be nucleated from the bicrystal interfaces, as shown in Figs 22(c) and 23(b). Initially, a partial edge dislocation is nucleated from the interface at the intersection of the ISF facet and the bicrystal boundary. The core of the partial dislocation is not shown in Fig. 23(b), only the extrinsic stacking fault (ESF) that extends from the partial dislocation core back to the interface. Because dislocation nucleation involves the entire slip plane through the thickness of the interface model, the ABAB stacking sequence in the Z-direction is preserved. ¯ plane, which is a secondary In the upper lattice region, slip occurs initially on the (111) slip plane according to the Schmid factor. Likewise, the secondary (111) slip plane is activated in the lower lattice region. This indicates that the ISF facet promotes slip activity on the secondary slip systems. This result is due to the configuration of the ISF facet which potentially acts as a stress riser.
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Fig. 22. Uniaxial tensile deformation of the 53.1◦ copper interface model at (a)–(d) 10 K and (e)–(h) 300 K. Dislocations are nucleated from the intersection of the ISF facet and the bicrystal boundary. Reprinted from [17] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
Continued tensile strain leads to the nucleation of partial edge dislocations from the ISF facet into the opposing lattice region, as shown in Figs 22(d) and 22(h). The additional dislocation nucleation is accompanied by a second decrease in the length of the ISF facet, which is shown in Fig. 23(c). As the leading partial edge dislocations glide away from the interface, Fig. 22(h) shows that the ESF will transform into an ISF. This indicates that one trailing partial dislocation is nucleated from each side of the interface during the tensile deformation process. At this point, the ISF facet has become completely absorbed by the interface to facilitate this final transition, as shown in Fig. 23(d). Although not shown in Fig. 22, this transition will occur during simulations at both 10 and 300 K. In copper, the leading partial edge dislocations remain connected to the interface by an intrinsic stacking fault. Throughout the entire deformation process, the interface structural units away from the dislocation nucleation site are largely unaffected. In Spearot et al. [17] additional calculations are presented which explore the nucleation of dislocations from other boundaries with dissociated structure. It was found that as the misorientation angle of the interface is increased from 53.1◦ to 59.0◦ , leading to a decrease in the spacing between ISF facets (recall Fig. 9), the failure mode changes from
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 23. Detailed examination of the 53.1◦ copper interface structure during the uniaxial tensile deformation process. Images (a)–(d) correspond to circled regions in Fig. 22. Reprinted from [17] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
one that is dominated by dislocation nucleation on secondary slip systems at the ISF facet to that which is a mixture of dislocation nucleation on both primary and secondary slip systems [17]. Specifically, for the 54.4◦ boundary the spacing between ISF facets is just barely sufficient to allow the nucleated partial dislocation to pass into the lattice region. However, this is not the case with the 59.0◦ boundary. Here, the spacing between ISF facets critically inhibits the nucleation of partial edge dislocations on the secondary slip planes; the ISF facet blocks the motion of the nucleated partial edge dislocation. Consequently, additional interface structural rearrangement is required, facilitating dislocation activity on other slip systems. Based on the molecular dynamics result presented above, Fig. 24 shows a schematic of the evolution of an asymmetrically dissociated interface under the application of a uniaxial tensile deformation. Specifically, images in Fig. 24 illustrate the positions of partial edge dislocations at critical stages during the tensile deformation process. Here, we assume that the ISF facets are sufficiently far apart that interaction effects do not play a strong role. ¯ slip plane. Fig. 24(a) shows the initial interface structure, with an ISF facet on the (111) Tensile stress applied normal to the interface planes causes the ISF to become shorter in length and promotes dislocation nucleation on the (111) slip plane, as shown in Fig. 24(b).
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Fig. 24. Schematic of the dislocation nucleation process during tensile deformation from an interface with an asymmetric dissociated structure. See text for additional details on the emission events at each stage of deformation. Reprinted from [17] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
Initially, the emitted dislocation is connected back to the interface via an extrinsic stacking fault. Additional tensile strain leads to dislocation nucleation on the secondary slip plane in the opposing crystal region, as shown in Fig. 24(c). Initially, dislocations in both lattices are connected back to the interface via an extrinsic stacking fault. Finally, the ISF facet is completely absorbed by the interface and the extrinsic stacking faults are transformed into intrinsic stacking faults by the emission of trailing partial dislocations from the interface. The interface transformations described above are remarkably similar to that discussed by Baskes et al. [137] concerning the stress dependence of a lock formation consisting of a stair rod dislocation in nickel. The stair rod dislocation is the sessile product of two partial edge dislocations on intersecting {111} slip planes [15]. The parallels between deformation in our simulations and those of Baskes et al. are logical due to the similarities between the stair rod dislocation and the dissociated structural unit. Specifically, Baskes et al. [137] considered a stair rod symmetrically located between two Shockley partial edge dislocations. In our work, the termination of the ISF facet accounts for one of the partial dislocations, while the other partial dislocation is initially positioned at the interface. Baskes et al. showed that the stair rod goes through several transitions, associated with the sequential nucleation of partial dislocations from the lock. First, the separation distance between each Shockley partial dislocation and the stair rod is reduced. Next, one of the Shockley partial dislocations passes through the lock to a position on the other side of the stair rod, with an extrinsic stacking fault. For increased stress, one of the partial dislocations escapes the stair rod lock, transforming the extrinsic stacking fault into an intrinsic stacking fault. Finally, the other Shockley partial dislocation passes through the stair rod resulting in a symmetric formation of extrinsic and intrinsic stacking faults in either side of the lock. While, the sequence of nucleation events is slightly different, the structural similarities between the dislocation configurations described in this work and those in Baskes et al. [137] are evident.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
(b) Fig. 25. (a) Stress–displacement diagram for selected 100 symmetric tilt grain boundaries, and maximum tensile strength versus misorientation angle for (b) 100 and (c) 110 interface misorientation. Single crystal data are presented for comparison. Reprinted from [18] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
4.1.3. Tensile stress required for dislocation nucleation Fig. 25(a) shows the tensile stress–displacement response for bicrystal interface models with 100 tilt axis and misorientations between 19.7◦ (23 4 0) and 41.1◦ (830). This range encompasses both 5 (310) and 13 (510) boundaries, which are two low boundaries for the 100 misorientation axis. Clearly, as the misorientation angle increases, the maximum tensile stress achieved during deformation decreases. Contrary to the experimental
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(c) Fig. 25. (Continued)
evidence discussed in the introduction (cf. [13,14]), the low-order boundaries within this misorientation range do not show any special behavior with regard to maximum tensile interface strength. Visual inspection of the MD simulation results indicates that partial dislocations are nucleated from the bicrystal interface at the displacement associated with maximum tensile stress nearly simultaneously on two different slip systems for each misorientation. The activated slip systems in each case are in agreement with those predicted using a Schmid factor analysis. Trailing partial dislocations are not nucleated from the interface during deformation, in agreement with the work of Van Swygenhoven et al. [32]. Fig. 25(b) shows the maximum tensile stress achieved during the deformation process as a function of interface misorientation angle. To isolate the influence of lattice orientation on the magnitude of the peak tensile stress, single crystal (SC) calculations are also presented in Fig. 25(b) for comparison. These calculations will be discussed in greater detail in Section 5. The orientation of each SC model is identical to that of the lower lattice region of the corresponding interface model; because the interfaces are of symmetric tilt character, the same geometric slip factors apply to the upper lattice region as well. The reference single crystal orientations have the same tilt axis relative to the direction of applied stress, with the same reference values for zero misorientation as the interface models to facilitate a direct comparison. For single crystal models, MD simulations indicate that dislocations are nucleated on the primary slip systems at the uniaxial tensile deformation associated with maximum tensile stress. Fig. 25(b) indicates that the orientation of the lattice with respect to the applied uniaxial tension is important for modeling the tensile strength of tilt interfaces with a 100 misorientation axis. Note that the tensile stress required for dislocation nucleation for single crystal models is greater than that for bicrystal interface models, demonstrating the role of the interface in promoting dislocation nucleation. Fig. 25(c) shows the maximum tensile stress achieved during uniaxial tension for interface models with a 110 misorientation axis as a function of interface misorientation angle.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Again, several single crystal calculations are reported to determine the role of the lattice orientation on the magnitude of the peak tensile stress. Fig. 25(c) shows that the coherent 3 boundary has the highest tensile strength as compared with the other misorientations considered. This observation may be contrasted with the case of shear in which the coherent 3 boundary showed a high propensity to migrate at low applied shear stresses [39]. An abrupt decrease is observed in the tensile strength as the misorientation angle of the interface is increased beyond 109.5◦ . Interfaces with misorientations greater than 109.5◦ are different from the other 110 boundaries in two respects: (i) boundaries in this range deform via dislocation nucleation on coplanar slip systems [138] and (ii) visual inspection indicates that boundaries in this range of 110 misorientations contain the E structural unit. Recall that Sansoz and Molinari concluded that boundaries that contained the E structural unit are prone to atomic shuffling when subjected to a shear deformation [39]. In this work, we find that symmetric tilt boundaries with a 110 misorientation axis that contain the E structural unit emit partial dislocations at low applied tensile stresses applied normal to the interface. Furthermore, the drop in tensile strength clearly is related directly to the interface structure, as the single crystal calculations do not indicate a discontinuous reduction in the stress required for dislocation emission as the misorientation angle of the interface is increased beyond 109.5◦ .
4.2. Asymmetric tilt grain boundaries A full understanding of the dislocation nucleation behavior for 3 ATGBs in Cu requires a discussion of the salient mechanisms. Three distinct mechanisms of dislocation nucleation occur for 3 ATGBs, which can be categorized by inclination angle: low inclination angles ( 35.26◦ ), intermediate inclination angles (35.26◦ 70.53◦ ), and high inclination angles ( 70.53◦ ). The dislocation nucleation mechanisms for Cu 3 ATGBs provide similar observations for temperatures of 10 and 300 K. In this work, the authors present results for 10 simulations to minimize the thermal component on the observation of dislocation nucleation and emission from these boundaries. All boundaries in Section 4.2 have identical misorientations and only the GB plane (inclination angle) is altered. The following results show that GB plane can heavily influence dislocation nucleation mechanisms. 4.2.1. Stress required for dislocation nucleation The stress–strain curves for Cu and Al under an applied uniaxial tensile strain were calculated at temperatures of 10 and 300 K for 11 3 boundaries. Fig. 26(a) shows stress–strain curves for Cu 3 ATGBs at 300 K with inclination angles < 45◦ . Since nucleation of bc , the simulations the first partial at the GB coincides with the maximum tensile stress, σmax are stopped shortly after reaching the peak stress. Several other quantitative parameters can be calculated from the stress–strain response: the elastic stiffness K bc , the maximum tenbc , the strain corresponding to that stress ε bc , and the work per unit volume sile stress σmax max required for dislocation emission W bc , where the superscript bc refers the bicrystal configuration. However, the focus of the following discussion is on the change in the dislocation nucleation stress as a function of inclination angle.
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(b) Fig. 26. (a) Example of stress–strain curves for 3 grain boundaries with inclination angles below 45◦ at 300 K. (b) The change in the stress required for dislocation nucleation as a function of inclination angle for Cu and Al at 10 and 300 K. Reprinted from [19] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
Fig. 26(b) shows the peak stress values for all simulations. Recall that the peak stress bc is directly related to dislocation nucleation from the GB. First, the stress required for σmax dislocation nucleation changes as a function of inclination angle. The magnitude of the change in stress values is greater as a function of inclination angle in Cu than in Al. The bc for both Al and Cu is at the = 0◦ coherent twin boundary. The lowest highest stress σmax stress for Cu is at the = 43.31◦ GB while the lowest stress in Al is at the = 29.50◦
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
GB; both are boundaries of intermediate inclination angles. The = 90◦ incoherent twin boundary is between these values for Cu, and is near the low value in Al. This graph also bc with increasing temperature, especially near the symmetric twin shows a decrease in σmax boundaries ( = 0◦ and = 90◦ ). The thermal component is expected to contribute to the dislocation nucleation process via the activation energy and activation volume associated with dislocation nucleation [139]. Of course, the 300 K case is overdriven in terms of kinetics, so in reality the drop of stress may be somewhat more pronounced at low strain rates (on the order of experimental strain rates). For example, at strain rate of 1 s−1 the number of atomic vibrations relative to the strain increment is 109 higher than that for a strain rate of 109 s−1 . However, MD simulations require time step increments on the order of femtoseconds, which commonly results in strain rates on the order of 109 s−1 for the calculation of dislocation nucleation phenomena. Due to the probabilistic nature of dislocation nucleation [140], when the number of dislocation nucleation attempts associated with thermal vibrations is increased, the probability of nucleating dislocations at a lower stress is increased for lower strain rates. 4.2.2. Low inclination angles ( 35.26◦ ) At low inclination angles, the boundary is composed of large coherent twin boundary facets separated by smaller incoherent twin boundary facets, as shown in Fig. 15(a). Fig. 27 shows the = 10.02◦ Cu ATGB subjected to uniaxial tensile deformation normal to the interface plane at 10 K. In these images, only atoms with a centrosymmetry value greater than 0.25 are shown (i.e., distorted GB atoms, dislocations, and stacking faults). The x-direction is along the GB normal and the direction of the applied stress, the y-direction is along the GB period tangent to the interface, and the z-direction is along the tilt axis. Recall that the crystals adjoining the ATGBs have different lattice orientations in global coordinates. For the images in Fig. 27, the two boundaries contain crystal 1 [upper crystal in Fig. 4(a)]; crystal 2 is both above and below these boundaries (periodic with respect to simulation cell bounds in the x-direction). Finally, the images below the three-dimensional views correspond to projections of the lower interface onto the xy plane, with z normal to the view. A detailed characterization of the GB structure of the upper boundary in Figs 27(a)– 27(c) is shown in Figs 28(a)–28(c). Fig. 27(a) shows an oblique view of the interface after isobaric–isothermal equilibration, but prior to deformation. Notice the ledges formed by the intersection of coherent twin facets with incoherent twin facets, as in Fig. 28(a). Figs 27(b) and 28(b) show that the interface structure evolves prior to dislocation nucleation and emission from the boundary. Specifically, the D structural unit on the incoherent twin facet (the GB Shockley partial ¯ plane, leaving an intrinsic stackdislocation) dissociates into crystal lattice 1 on the (111) ing fault. The arrows in Fig. 28(b) show the shift (slip) of atoms on the plane relative to their nearest neighbors, as visualized with the slip vector [135]. A Schmid factor analysis [138] of the slip systems in crystal 1 shows that this is a secondary slip plane for this max = SFmax crystal (SFmax ¯ = 0.148) below all other possible slip planes (SF(111) ¯ ¯ = 0.223, (111) (111) max max SF(111) = 0.371), where SF(hkl) is the maximum Schmid factor for all three slip directions on slip plane (hkl). Additional tensile strain causes partial edge dislocations to nucleate where the dissociated Shockley partial dislocation intersects the coherent and incoherent
94 M.A. Tschopp et al. Fig. 27. Uniaxial tensile deformation of the 3 = 10.02◦ asymmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu at 10 K. The different views represent (a) the faceted structure prior to deformation, (b) the dissociation of partial dislocations prior to dislocation nucleation, and (c) the nucleation of partial dislocation loops that are emitted into crystal 1. Only atoms in a non-centrosymmetric environment are shown. The top image is a three-dimensional oblique view and the bottom image is an orthonormal view from the ¯ direction. Reprinted from [19] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier. [110] Ch. 82
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Fig. 28. Detailed view of the evolution of structure for the 3 = 10.02◦ asymmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu at 10 K. The images correspond to the upper boundary in Figs 27(a)–27(c). The structures are viewed along ¯ direction and the atoms on two consecutive (220) ¯ planes are shown as black and white. The arrows the [110] correspond to the relative shift in atoms compared to their nearest neighbors as measured by the slip vector [135]. Notice that the dislocation nucleates on a different {111} plane than the dissociated glissile partial dislocation from the boundary. Reprinted from [19] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
twin facets, as shown in Figs 27(c) and 28(c). The partial dislocations nucleate as a dislocation loop on the (111) plane with both edge and screw character, unlike the planar dissociation of the GB partial edge dislocations in Fig. 27(b). Since the primary slip plane for dislocation nucleation is different from the dissociative plane, the change in slip planes bc required for dislocamay serve as a nucleation barrier resulting in high peak stresses σmax tion nucleation in low inclination angle 3 ATGBs [cf. Fig. 26(b)]. Further tensile strain leads to the dislocation loops merging to form a continuous dislocation line as well as propagating further into the lattice. Although not shown, this is also accompanied by a decrease in the length of the dissociated GB Shockley partial and ISF. Interestingly, upon closer examination of the dislocation nucleation mechanism for this boundary, we find that the dissociated glissile partial dislocation does not cross slip onto the high resolved shear stress slip plane. In fact, a partial dislocation loop homogeneously nucleates on the (111) slip plane near the dissociated D structural unit. This is most likely associated with a local stress concentration near the intersection of the two facets, which may act similarly to a boundary ledge in this respect. Due to the close proximity, the partial dislocation is quickly absorbed into the nearby boundary, giving the appearance of heterogeneous dislocation nucleation. However, this mechanism requires a very high stress, which may preclude most grain boundaries. The implications of this mechanism on grain boundary sources in nanocrystalline copper are discussed further in Section 6.1. 4.2.3. Intermediate inclination angles (35.26◦ < < 70.53◦ ) Fig. 29 shows dislocation nucleation and emission from the = 54.74◦ ATGB in Cu at 10 K. The images for Fig. 29 are presented in an identical manner to those in Fig. 27. The magnified view of the GB structure is also shown in Figs 30(a)–30(c). At intermediate inclination angles, the ratio of the length of the coherent twin facet to the incoherent twin facets is around unity [cf. Fig. 15(c)]. Additionally, the short length of the facets leads to
96 M.A. Tschopp et al. Fig. 29. Uniaxial tensile deformation of the 3 = 54.74◦ asymmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu at 10 K. The images are rendered the same as those in Fig. 27. Reprinted from [19] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
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Fig. 30. Detailed view of the evolution of structure for the 3 = 54.74◦ asymmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu at 10 K. These images correspond to the upper boundary in Figs 29(a)–29(c) and are viewed as in Fig. 28. Note that the dislocation nucleates on the same {111} plane as the dissociated glissile partial dislocation from the boundary. Reprinted from [19] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
a higher number of facet intersections, or ledges, in the boundary. This is evident from the oblique view of the interface after isobaric–isothermal equilibration in Fig. 29(a). In Figs 29(b) and 30(b), prior to dislocation nucleation, the application of a tensile strain perpendicular to the boundary causes the glissile partial dislocations (i.e., D structural ¯ units) to further dissociate from the incoherent twin facet into crystal lattice 1 on the (111) plane. This is similar to the pre-nucleation behavior observed at low inclination angles for 3 ATGBs. However, for intermediate inclination angles, this is the primary slip plane for crystal 1 (SFmax ¯ = 0.408). Prior to the peak stress, the dissociation is planar, i.e., the (111) dislocations each dissociate an equal distance (approximately) from the boundary. As the stress reaches the peak tensile stress, Figs 29(c) and 30(c), the first partial dislocations are ¯ slip plane, the same slip plane onto which partial dislocations disnucleated on the (111) sociated. Notice that not all dissociated partial dislocations are emitted from the boundary; some are retained. The spacing between dissociated structural units may serve as a critical length scale that influences the number of partial dislocations nucleated on the primary slip system. As with the low inclination angle 3 ATGBs, the partial dislocations emitted into the lattice are dislocation loops with edge and screw dislocation character and the trailing partial is not observed in Cu. In addition, since the primary slip plane for dislocation nucleation is the same as the dissociative plane, the barrier for nucleation is lower which results bc required for dislocation nucleation in 3 ATGBs within this in a low peak stresses σmax inclination range [cf. Fig. 26(b)]. 4.2.4. High inclination angles ( 70.53◦ ) Fig. 31 shows dislocation nucleation for the = 79.98◦ ATGB in Cu at 10 K. Recall that at inclination angles 70.53◦ , the structure exhibits the 9R phase in Cu, as shown in Fig. 16. The 9R phase structure in Fig. 16 is identical to the 9R structure in Fig. 31(a), after isobaric–isothermal equilibration, which is rendered using the centrosymmetry parameter as in Figs 27 and 29. Fig. 31(b) shows that the 9R phase structure evolves prior to dislocation nucleation in the = 79.98◦ ATGB. Again, tensile strain perpendicular to the boundary causes the dissociation width for the glissile partial dislocations (D structural
98 M.A. Tschopp et al. Fig. 31. Uniaxial tensile deformation of the 3 = 79.98◦ asymmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu at 10 K. The images are rendered the same as those in Figs 27 and 29. Reprinted from [19] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
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Fig. 32. Detailed images of the structure of the 3 = 79.98◦ asymmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu at 10 K. These images show the interface structure just prior to dislocation nucleation. The images are viewed similarly to ¯ planes. The magnified view (on right) Figs 15 and 16 where black and white atoms represent consecutive (220) shows the extended dissociation of the glissile partial dislocation (i.e., D structural unit), which expands the 9R phase. Reprinted from [19] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
¯ plane. This is similar to the preunits) to increase towards crystal lattice 1 on the (111) nucleation behavior observed at low and intermediate inclination angles for 3 ATGBs, but the dissociation width perpendicular to the boundary is larger due to the presence of the low energy 9R phase. Fig. 32 shows images of the 9R phase on the lower boundary just prior to dislocation nucleation in the lattice. This image is rendered similarly to Figs 15 and 16, where black ¯ planes and distorted atoms are identified using and white atoms represent successive (220) the centrosymmetry parameter. In the enlarged view of the boundary (right), the expansion of the 9R phase results from partial dislocations further dissociating from the incoherent twin facet. The 9R phase is clearly visible in this view, with an intrinsic stacking fault on ¯ plane, resulting in an ABCBCACAB stacking sequence. Unlike intermeevery third (111) diate inclination angles, the dissociation plane is not the primary slip plane for crystal 1. Schmid factor analyses shows that this is a secondary slip plane (SFmax ¯ = 0.148); the (111) max primary slip planes (SFmax = SF = 0.346) have normal vectors that are not orthogo¯ ¯ (111) (111) ¯ tilt axis, unlike boundaries with lower inclination angles (Figs 27–30). For nal to the [110] high inclination angles, partial dislocations nucleate both at the low angle boundaries and ¯ ¯ slip planes; the partials propagate as dislocation within the lattice on the (111) and (111) loops. Interestingly, the dislocations nucleate nearly simultaneously on both primary slip planes at the nucleation sites. Furthermore, the dislocation loop contains a longer intrinsic stacking fault along the direction contained by both slip planes, although this direction has a slightly lower Schmid factor (SFmax = SFmax = 0.289). ¯ ¯ (111)[110] (111)[110] 4.2.5. Preferential dislocation nucleation in Cu Partial dislocations preferentially nucleate into only one crystal lattice; this is characteristic of all 3 ATGBs. In fact, all 3 ATGBs nucleate partial dislocations into crystal 1 [see
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Fig. 4(a)]. This phenomenon is as expected for ATGBs with inclination angles < 25.24◦ , for which SFmax (hkl) is highest in crystal 1. However, the preferential dislocation nucleation in crystal 1 is observed for all ATGBs in this study, despite a higher SFmax (hkl) in crystal 2 for all inclination angles > 25.24◦ . This preferred nucleation is in contrast to the dislocation nucleation simulations in symmetric tilt GBs [16,17] with 100 and 110 tilt axes. With lattice orientations that are symmetric with respect to the GB plane, Spearot and coworkers showed that partial dislocations are nucleated and emitted into both lattices once the peak tensile stress is reached. For 3 ATGBs, dislocation emission into crystal 2 only occurs at high strains after excessive dislocation emission severely alters the initial GB structure. The observation of preferential dislocation nucleation depends on the arrangement of glissile partial dislocations within the boundary and their character. For all 3 ATGBs in this study, the glissile partial dislocation (dissociated D structural unit) dissociates into crystal 1 for the minimized energy grain boundary structure. These dissociated partial dislocations are integral to dislocation nucleation in 3 ATGBs. The uniaxial tensile strain merely resolves into stress components acting to overcome the stacking fault energy penalty that restricts glide of these partial dislocations into the lattice. So it appears that the preferential dislocation nucleation event can be traced back to the minimum energy structure. Perhaps the most important question is why does this partial dislocation dissociate into crystal 1 for the minimum energy grain boundary structure? Interestingly, the elastic modulus is higher in crystal 1 for all inclination angles. The local relaxation of the dislocation content of the ATGBs may result in any glissile partial dislocation content dissociating into the adjoining crystal with the higher elastic modulus. The boundary structure, particularly the dissociated glissile partial dislocation, serves as the impetus for dislocation nucleation in 3 ATGBs.
5. Models for dislocation nucleation: single crystals and GBs A simple model is proposed to correlate tensile interface strength, which is associated with the emission of partial dislocations, and certain first-order characteristics of the interface structure. The aim of the proposed model is to illustrate the impact of interfacial porosity and non-glide direction stresses on tensile interface strength. This model is developed through the following two step process. First, MD simulation results for uniaxial tensile deformation of single crystal models are used to isolate the influence of lattice orientation on the maximum tensile stress associated with homogeneous dislocation nucleation (Section 5.1). Once the effect of lattice orientation has been isolated, the second step in the development of the interface strength model is to incorporate a dependence on inherent GB properties, such as the free volume content of the interface, to predict the maximum tensile stress associated with heterogeneous dislocation nucleation (Section 5.2). 5.1. Homogeneous dislocation nucleation in single crystal Cu 5.1.1. Influence of resolved stresses Fig. 33 illustrates on a stereographic triangle the single crystal orientations which are deformed in uniaxial tension to capture the role of lattice orientation on dislocation nucleation
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 33. Stereographic triangle showing the uniaxial loading axis orientations investigated in the single crystal deformation simulations.
strength [18]. Several orientations along the [100]–[110], [100]–[111], and [111]–[110] boundaries (open circles) are selected, which relate directly to the orientations associated with the 100 and 110 STGBs (recall Fig. 25). Specifically, the [100]–[110] boundary of the stereographic triangle corresponds to the lattice orientations of the 100 STGBs, while the [100]–[111] and [111]–[110] boundaries correspond to the 110 STGBs. The filled-in circles in Fig. 33 refer to subsequent MD studies that examine the effect of single crystal orientation on the stress required for dislocation nucleation over a wider range of orientations [73,141], which are discussed in Section 5.1.2. Single crystal calculations by Spearot et al. [18] have clearly shown that the partial dislocation nucleation process in single crystal (SC) models shows non-Schmid character, as the critical resolved shear stress varies as a function of orientation. These observations are in agreement with ab initio calculations by Ogata et al. [72] who performed a systematic study of the effect of non-Schmid components on dislocation nucleation and reported that compressive stresses acting normal to the slip plane can affect the shear stress required for dislocation emission. To characterize the evolution of the resolved shear stress required for dislocation nucleation, non-glide direction stress components acting on the slip plane must be taken into consideration [72,142–144]. Accordingly, the relationship τideal sc = σmax (12) μs SF + μn NF + μp PF was initially proposed [18] for single crystals subjected to uniaxial tensile stress, where SF = y y x y ,
NF = 2y y ,
PF = y y z y .
Here, i ,j are the direction cosines relating a coordinate axis fixed to the slip plane (X is the slip direction, Y is normal to the slip plane and Z lies within the slip plane, perpendicular to the slip direction [138]) to a fixed specimen coordinate system (X, Y loading direction, and Z). These direction cosines pertain to the initial (undeformed) configuration of the crystal. Thus, SF projects the uniaxial applied stress into the resolved shear stress
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Fig. 34. Schematic showing how the uniaxial tensile stress is resolved into stress components acting upon the active slip system.
acting on the slip plane in the slip direction (the conventional Schmid factor), NF projects the uniaxial stress into the stress normal to the slip plane, and PF projects the uniaxial stress into a shear stress acting on the slip plane perpendicular to the slip direction (co-slip direction). The active slip system is defined by the maximum SF among all possible slip systems. Fig. 34 shows a schematic of how the uniaxial tensile stress is resolved onto the active slip system given the above definitions. Fig. 35 shows the change in the Schmid factor SF and the normal factor NF as a function of loading orientation within a stereographic triangle. The maximum SF = 0.5 occurs within the interior of the stereographic triangle, while the maximum NF = 0.666 occurs for the [110] loading direction. The minimum Schmid factor, SF = 0.272, and normal factor, NF = 0.111, both occur for the [111] orientation. In eq. (12), the ideal shear strength, τideal , is defined as the resolved shear stress required for partial dislocation nucleation when all other stress components acting on the slip plane are zero. Ab initio calculations by Ogata et al. [72] find that τideal = 2.16 GPa for copper. The parameters μs , μn and μp are positive scalars used to characterize the degree of nonSchmid behavior. Therefore, an increase in any of the coefficients μs , μn or μp reduces the predicted peak stress required for dislocation nucleation by increasing the weight of the corresponding stress component. If μs = 1 and μn = μp = 0, the proposed model reduces to Schmid’s law for single crystal slip, i.e., σmax = τideal /SF. Least squares regression is used to determine appropriate values for μs , μn and μp for loading axis orientations along the [100]–[110] boundary of the misorientation triangle (100 STGBs) as well as the [100]–[111] and [111]–[110] boundaries (110 STGBs). Parameters are fit separately for models with 100 and 110 misorientation axes by minimizing the sum of the squares of the residual error between the calculated peak tensile stress data and the values predicted via eq. (12). This analysis indicates that dislocation
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 35. Orientation dependence of the (a) Schmid factor SF and (b) normal factor NF for FCC crystals.
nucleation can be correlated to specific regions within the stereographic triangle where SF is greater than NF, or vice versa. Fig. 36 shows that the proposed relationship [eq. (12)] correlates well with the MD simulations for uniaxial tension of single crystals at various orientations along the [100]–[110], [100]–[111], and [111]–[110] boundaries. The normal factor (NF) is essential to describe dislocation nucleation in 100 single crystal models (μs = 0, μp = 0.69), while the maximum tensile stress required for dislocation nucleation in 110 single crystal models correlates more strongly with the SF parameter (μs = 0.60, μp = 0.0). This analysis for FCC Cu has shown that the co-slip factor has essentially no effect (μp = 0) on the stress required for dislocation nucleation [18]. The co-slip factor resolves the shear stress in the [112] direction on the {111} slip plane. Typically, the non-Schmid parameter PF is used to modify the driving force for cross-slip of screw dislocations in body-centered cubic metals (cf. [145]). Unfortunately, Fig. 36 indicates that the SC model presented in eq. (12) cannot capture the continuing drop in stress between the
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(b) Fig. 36. Stress required for dislocation nucleation during uniaxial tensile deformation in single crystals and grain boundaries as a function of crystallographic orientation and misorientation, respectively. Single crystal data corresponds to (a) the [100]–[110] boundary (100 STGBs) as well as (b) the [100]–[111] and [111]–[110] boundaries (110 STGBs).
[221] and [110] orientations along the [111]–[110] boundary. This limitation is resolved in Section 5.1.2 [73]. To further illustrate the relative differences in the roles of SF and NF on dislocation nucleation for uniaxial tension of atomistic models with 100 and 110 misorientation axes, Figs 37(a) and 37(b) show the magnitudes of SF and NF, respectively, against the maximum tensile stress required for dislocation nucleation in single crystal samples. In general,
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
(b) Fig. 37. Stress required for dislocation nucleation in single crystals as a function of (a) the Schmid factor parameter (SF) and (b) the normal factor (NF) parameter. Reprinted from [18] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
Fig. 37(a) shows that for small SF values (small resolved shear stress in the direction of slip) the tensile stress required for dislocation nucleation is greater than that at higher SF values. However, for some 100 orientations, the maximum tensile stress values deviate from this general trend, revealing that SF alone is incapable describing the nucleation stress for the 100 case. In Fig. 37(b), a similar trend is observed; as the NF magnitude increases, the stress required for dislocation nucleation decreases. In other words, an increase in the stress projected normal to the slip plane decreases the applied stress necessary to nucleate dislocations within the crystal lattice; this dependence on the normal stress has been
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Fig. 38. Tensile stresses required for homogeneous dislocation nucleation as a function of the loading axis orientation for single crystal models at 300 K. Reprinted from [141] with permission; © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
observed using ab initio simulations by Ogata et al. [72]. Interestingly, the 110 curve displays the same general trend as the 100 data, but is divided into two regions: θ < 109.5◦ and θ > 109.5◦ . The 3 coherent twin boundary (θ = 109.5◦ ) separates these two regions, delineating the transition between active slip systems for the two regions. The two active slip systems for the θ < 109.5◦ single crystal orientations occur on different slip planes while the two slip systems for θ > 109.5◦ are on the same slip plane (coplanar slip). 5.1.2. Second generation model for dislocation nucleation in single crystals To provide a more complete correlation between SF, NF and the dislocation nucleation stress for all possible loading orientations requires atomistic simulations of SC models with orientations both on the exterior (multiple active slip systems) and interior (single slip) of the stereographic triangle. Fig. 33 shows a stereographic triangle with the 49 tensile axis orientations (filled-in circles) used to investigate the orientation dependence of homogeneous dislocation nucleation for single crystal Cu [73,141]. The expected slip system ¯ [101] slip system for all tensile axis orientations on (maximum Schmid factor) is the (111) the interior of the [100]–[110]–[111] triangle. Note that all the interior tensile axis orienta¯ tions deform via single slip on the (111)[101] slip system, while all tensile axis orientations on the boundary of the stereographic triangle have at least two active slip systems. The stress required for dislocation nucleation is calculated for all tensile axis orientations examined in this work. Fig. 38 shows a contour plot of the stress required for dislocation nucleation as a function of the tensile axis orientation on the stereographic triangle at 300 K. All intermediate tensile axis orientations in the stereographic triangle are obtained through linear interpolation. The [111] axis requires the largest tensile stress for dislocation nucleation while the [110] axis requires the lowest tensile stress for dislocation nucleation. The stress along the [100]–[110] boundary is relatively unchanged near the [110] vertex of
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Table 1 Parameters used in the model for homogeneous dislocation nucleation stress [eq. (16)] in single crystals at both 10 and 300 K Temperature (K)
τideal (GPa)
SF-dominated region μs,1
10 300
2.16 2.16
0.574 0.396
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.037
0.693 0.473
NF-dominated region
the stereographic triangle; this trend is similar to the normal factor contour in Fig. 35(b). All other regions of the contour plot in Fig. 38 appear very similar to the Schmid factor contours in Fig. 35(a). A second-generation model is proposed to correlate the stress required for dislocation nucleation using both SF and NF. The aim of this model is to isolate the influence of lattice orientation with respect to the uniaxial tensile axis on the homogeneous dislocation nucleation event. Recall that the relationship given in eq. (12) is unable to capture the effect on dislocation nucleation stress for all orientations, specifically orientations along the [111]– [110] boundary as shown in Fig. 36(b). Previous calculations of single crystal dislocation nucleation along the exterior orientations of the stereographic triangle show that the [100]– [110] boundary correlates best with NF and the [100]–[111] boundary correlates best with SF. This indicates that dislocation nucleation is driven by different resolved stresses in two regions within the stereographic triangle: a SF-dominated region and an NF-dominated region. The aforementioned model in eq. (12) is separated into a piecewise form to capture the stress required for dislocation nucleation from all orientations within the stereographic triangle as well as the transition between the NF-dominated dislocation nucleation along the [100]–[110] boundary to the SF-dominated dislocation nucleation along the [100]– [111] boundary. The following criterion is used to identify the transition between these two regions within the stereographic triangle, i.e., τideal μs,1 SF+μn,1 NF , if (μs,1 SF + μn,1 NF) (μs,2 SF + μn,2 NF), sc σmax = (14) τideal μs,2 SF+μn,2 NF , if (μs,1 SF + μn,1 NF) < (μs,2 SF + μn,2 NF), where μs,i and μn,i are fitting coefficients for the Schmid factor and normal factor; i = 1 corresponds to the SF-dominated dislocation nucleation region and i = 2 corresponds to the NF-dominated dislocation nucleation region. Eq. (14) is formulated to allow a mild dependence on NF in an SF-dominated region, and vice versa. Fitting parameters and the posed criterion act as the additional constraint [τideal /(μs,1 SF + μn,1 NF) = τideal /(μs,2 SF + μn,2 NF) when (μs,1 SF + μn,1 NF) = (μs,2 SF + μn,2 NF)] that forces a first-order transition between the SF and NF-dominated regions. Least squares regression is then used to determine the appropriate values of μs,1 , μn,1 , μs,2 , and μn,2 based on the data for homogeneous dislocation nucleation in single crystal Cu. The parameters for eq. (14) at 10 and 300 K are listed in Table 1. These parameters are obtained by minimizing the sum of squares of the residual error between the calculated stress data and the predicted values. Interestingly, by forcing μs,i 0 and μn,i 0, the
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minimum sum of squares shows that the normal factor NF has no influence (μn,1 = 0 at 10 and 300 K) in the SF-dominated dislocation nucleation region, while the Schmid factor SF has minimal influence (μs,2 = 0 at 10 K and μs,2 = 0.037 at 300 K) on dislocation nucleation in the NF-dominated region. The second-generation model for 110 single crystal orientations is shown in Fig. 36(b). Dislocation nucleation for tensile axis orientations along the [100]–[110] boundary is entirely driven by resolved stress normal to the slip plane (the normal factor), while dislocation nucleation along the [100]–[111] boundary is entirely driven by the resolved shear stress in the direction of slip (the Schmid factor). This SC model is nearly identical to the SC model of Spearot et al. [18], with a slight difference in the fitting parameters for Fig. 36(b) resulting from the interior orientations of the stereographic triangle. However, the second generation single crystal dislocation nucleation model is also able to capture the transition between the SF-dominated response to NF-dominated response along the [111]–[110] boundary in Fig. 36(b), which the initial model was unable to capture. Linear regression of the calculated dislocation nucleation stress versus the predicted stresses using eq. (14) for all orientations in Fig. 33 indicates relatively good agreement and yields correlation coefficients of R 2 = 0.886 (10 K) and R 2 = 0.920 (300 K). 5.1.3. Dislocation nucleation in single crystals under uniaxial compression The stress required for dislocation nucleation is also calculated for all orientations (open circles) in Fig. 33 for uniaxial compression. Fig. 39(a) shows a contour plot of the stress required for dislocation nucleation as a function of the compressive axis orientation on the stereographic triangle at 300 K. There is a distinctly different orientation dependence of the stress required for dislocation nucleation in tension (Fig. 38) and compression [Fig. 39(a)]. For example, notice that the [110] axis requires the lowest stress for dislocation nucleation in tension and the [100] axis requires the lowest stress in compression. The difference between the calculated stresses required for homogeneous dislocation nucleation in uniaxial tension and compression may be due to how the stress is resolved normal to the active slip system. Fig. 40 shows a schematic of the differences in resolved stresses between (a) uniaxial tension and (b) uniaxial compression. The resolved normal stress to the slip plane is tensile (compressive) in uniaxial tension (compression) for the loading axis orientations. Fig. 40(c) shows that the tensile normal stress acts to increase the interplanar spacing between {111} planes, which may allow easier nucleation of the partial dislocation loop by lowering the resistance to slip on adjoining {111} planes. In addition, in uniaxial compression, the compressive normal stress on the {111} planes acts to decrease the interplanar spacing between {111} planes, which may increase the interatomic friction to slip along these planes. While this fundamental description of how the resolved normal stress affects dislocation nucleation agrees with the calculated results from most loading axis orientations, it does not agree with all orientations (specifically, near the [100] axis as described below). Fig. 39(b) shows the ratio of the stress required for homogeneous dislocation nucleation under compression to that in tension as a function of the loading axis orientation for single crystal copper. A ratio greater than unity signifies that homogeneous dislocation nucleation requires a higher stress in compression than in tension, and vice versa. Most orientations within the stereographic triangle require a higher stress in uniaxial compres-
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 39. (a) Compressive stresses required for homogeneous dislocation nucleation and (b) tension–compression asymmetry as a function of the loading axis orientation for single crystal models at 300 K. The tension– compression asymmetry is rendered by plotting the ratio of the stress required for homogeneous dislocation nucleation in uniaxial compression to that in uniaxial tension. Reprinted from [141] with permission; © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
sion to nucleate dislocations; the [110] axis has the largest ratio of 3.69 (15.58 GPa in compression/4.23 GPa in tension). This trend agrees with that discussed above for Fig. 40. Interestingly, not all orientations display this trend. Fig. 39(b) also shows that some axis orientations require a greater stress in uniaxial tension than uniaxial compression. Specifically, the [100] axis has the lowest ratio of 0.41 (3.71 GPa/9.12 GPa), showing a much
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Fig. 40. Schematic showing the differences in resolved stresses on the active slip plane for (a) uniaxial tension and (b) uniaxial compression. At the atomic scale (c), the different directionality of the resolved normal stresses results in forces acting on the spacing of {111} planes, which may prove beneficial or detrimental to dislocation loop nucleation in single crystals depending on the loading.
greater propensity for homogeneous partial dislocation nucleation under an applied uniaxial compressive stress. The asymmetry in dislocation nucleation stress between tension and compression has been of particular interest as material microstructure progresses towards nanometer scale dimensions. For example, Diao et al. [146] have shown that the yield strength asymmetry in Au nanowires for the [100] and [111] orientations are due to surface-induced internal stresses. Tomar and Zhou [147] related the yield strength asymmetry in nanocrystalline α-Fe2 O3 -fcc Al composites to differences in grain boundary sliding behavior. Lund and Schuh [148,149] have shown that nanocrystalline Ni has higher yield and flow stresses in compression than in tension (both uniaxial and biaxial simulations); these results suggest a similar atomic-level mechanism controls yield in both FCC Ni and metallic glasses [150]. Cheng et al. [151] proposed a pressure-dependent analytical model that predicts the tension/compression asymmetry of the yield strength in nanocrystalline Cu, Al, and BCC-Fe. Consequently, as the material length scale decreases to the nanoscale, tension–compression asymmetry is expected. While these studies have focused on inelastic deformation due to heterogeneities at the nanoscale, the influence of crystal orientation on dislocation nucleation in the absence of heterogeneities is also vital to a full understanding of inelasticity at the nanoscale. Therefore, the current MD simulations, which show a tension–compression asymmetry of dislocation nucleation in single crystals, agrees with previous simulations and analytical models that have shown a tension–compression asymmetry in the yield stress for nanocrystalline FCC metals [148,151], metallic glasses [150], and nanocrystalline α-Fe2 O3 -fcc Al composites [147]. Furthermore, studies of homogeneous dislocation nucleation in single crystals lend valuable insight that is complementary to modeling heterogeneous dislocation nucleation from interfaces [18].
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
5.1.4. Effect of lattice distortion on resolved stress components The affine elastic distortion of the lattice during application of uniaxial stress prior to nucleation is significant in terms of rotation of the slip system and associated co-slip and slip plane normal directions. Here we consider how the strain to nucleation (on the order of 6–14%) can influence the resolved stress components in the current (deformed) configuration at the point of nucleation. To do this, the motion of the simulation cell boundaries was used to compute a deformation gradient tensor, F˜ij , that maps the original orthogonal triad of unit vectors in the slip, co-slip and slip plane normal directions from the undeformed to the deformed configuration. The push-forward transformation ∗ α diα = F˜im dm
(15) α∗
gives the deformed configuration components d of these three unit vectors d α , α = 1, 2, 3 in the initial (undeformed) configuration. These vectors are no longer orthogonal in the current configuration, having undergone stretch and rotation. The direction cosines ij used in eq. (13) pertain to the resolution of Cauchy stress onto slip vectors d α in the undeformed configuration. To provide a meaningful description of the resolved shear stress in the slip direction and the normal stress to the slip plane in the deformed configuration at the point of nucleation, we simply take a cross product of the deformed vectors in the slip and co-slip directions (which establish the slip plane tangent) to determine the slip plane normal direction. Then, a vector cross product of this slip plane normal direction with the deformed slip direction vector gives a modified co-slip direction, yielding an orthogonal triad which is then normalized to a set of unit vectors for defining an updated set of direction cosines in eq. (13). The slip direction and slip plane normal are preserved as primal descriptors. Several calculations are performed to compare differences between using this rotated basis and the original undeformed basis of slip, co-slip and slip plane normal directions in eq. (13). First, the evolution of the Schmid factor was calculated as a function of strain for the 12 {111}110 slip systems for the [321] orientation under uniaxial tension at 10 K. The temperature of 10 K requires the largest strains for dislocation nucleation as a function of temperature and represents the upper bound for slip system rotation. The maximum ¯ Schmid factor (111)[101] slip system in the undeformed configuration has the highest SF value throughout uniaxial loading in tension. Even for large strain deformation (10% strain), the increase in SF on an individual slip system is not enough for another slip system ¯ to become the favored slip system, i.e., a higher SF than the (111)[101] slip system. For ¯ the remaining analyses, we assume that the (111)[101] slip system remains the active slip system throughout elastic deformation. All crystal orientations around the stereographic triangle were sampled to find the approximate increase in the resolved stress parameters SF and NF at the strain associated with dislocation nucleation. In uniaxial tension at 10 K, SF and NF decreased by an average of 3% and 15%, respectively. In uniaxial compression at 10 K, SF and NF increased by an average of 2% and 20%, respectively. The changes in the resolved shear stress in the slip direction (i.e., SF) as a function of elastic deformation are minimal compared to the changes in the resolved stress normal to the slip plane (NF). Moreover, on average, the resolved stresses evolve differently in tension and compression; in tension the resolved stress components decrease and vice versa. However, while the evolution of resolved stress
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components under tension and compression may partly explain the calculated tension– compression asymmetry, the magnitude of these changes are still small relative to the sign change for the resolved normal stress. For example, for the [321] orientation at 10 K, the change in the resolved shear stress due to lattice rotation is τSF = 4.7 − 4.6 = 0.1 GPa in tension and τSF = 8.4 − 8.5 = −0.1 GPa in compression. However, the difference in the resolved normal stress between tension and compression is σNF = 11.5 GPa at dislocation nucleation (σNF = 10.7 GPa based on the geometry of the undeformed lattice), considerably more pronounced than the change in the resolved shear stress. Finally, the values of SF and NF at dislocation nucleation that account for lattice rotation at that point differ somewhat from results that neglect the effects of lattice rotation. First, the data in Fig. 37 are merely shifted appropriately along the SF and NF axes. The trends remain the same. Also, the single crystal model for homogeneous dislocation nucleation can be modified to reflect the SF and NF values at dislocation nucleation. Least squares nonlinear regression to eq. (14) results in μs,1 = 0.426 and μn,2 = 0.583 with μn,1 = μs,2 = 0, which is mainly influenced by the decrease of NF under uniaxial tension. The fitting parameters for eq. (14) are in line with those based off of the initial SF and NF. While a fit to eq. (14) with the resolved stress parameters at dislocation nucleation may be more appropriate, this requires atomistic information to calculate the elastic deformation gradient, unlike the initial resolved stress parameters in Sections 5.1.1–5.1.3. In this respect, the resolved stress parameters SF and NF from the initial single crystal configuration give a relatively good approximation of the resolved stress components required for dislocation nucleation, noting that the largest change at the onset of plasticity is in the resolved stress normal to the slip plane on which the dislocation nucleates.
5.2. Model for dislocation nucleation from tilt grain boundaries 5.2.1. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries Once the effect of lattice orientation has been isolated, the second step in the development of the interface strength model is to incorporate a first-order dependence on the inherent GB nanoporosity or free volume, Dc , via the simple relation int sc = (1 − ξ Dc )σmax . σmax
Here, ξ is an amplification factor, the magnitude of which is dependent on the scale of the selected interface region which is used to compute the average free volume. This representation considers only the average porosity within a strip around the interface, without regard to its distribution along the interface plane. Here, Dc is the initial free volume [152] inherent to the interface structure. It is computed in the present case from atomistic simulations prior to imposition of tensile deformation (stress). The free volume measure is developed by examining the first-nearest neighbor coordination number of each atom, Z1i . Of course, atoms in a perfect bulk FCC crystalline arrangement have a first-order coordination number of 12. Atoms with Z1i less than that of the bulk crystal are defined as ‘damaged’ in this methodology. Previous molecular dynamics simulations on nanocrystalline samples [24] have shown that atoms at grain boundaries and triple junctions have
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
a range of coordination numbers, implying the presence of initial porosity within the interface structure. In this work, damaged atoms may be directly attributed to porosity at the interface between crystalline regions (aside from thermal vibrations which have been found to have a negligible affect on the Dc calculation at 300 K). Using this concept, we formulate a damage parameter on a per atom basis as i Z1 − Z1,th i D =1− (17) . Z1,ref − Z1,th In eq. (17), Z1,ref is the coordination number associated with a perfect crystalline lattice and Z1,th is the threshold coordination number required for an atom to be considered completely damaged (D i = 1). This threshold value is taken as Z1,th = 8 in this work; however, Z1,th may be adjusted to make the calculation of D i sensitive to different types of interfacial damage. Eq. (17) allows the ith atom to have partial damage (0 D i 1) depending on its local environment. Angle brackets define that atoms with Z1i < Z1,th have D i = 1 and atoms with Z1i > Z1,ref have D i = 0. The free volume measure is defined as the average of the point-wise damage parameter over the interface region, N N i Z1 − Z1,th 1 i 1 Dc = (18) D = 1− . N N Z1,ref − Z1,th i=1
is the total number of atoms within the interface region. Numerically, eq. (18) Here, may be evaluated at each time step from the atomic positions and requires no a priori knowledge of the interface structure or the form of the porosity evolution. In summary, the proposed model for tensile interface strength requires specification of the crystal lattice geometry, the associated non-Schmid parameters μs , μn and μp , the initial interface free volume, and an amplification factor, ξ . Further development of a relationship relating the crystal lattice geometry with free volume would allow the calculation of the tensile stress required for interfacial dislocation nucleation using only continuum quantities and the aforementioned non-Schmid parameters. The interface strength model [eq. (16)] is then fit to the computed peak tensile stress values for interface models with 100 and 110 misorientation axes. The amplification factor ξ is regarded as an additional fitting parameter that is required in eq. (16) to predict the peak tensile interface stress values. The least-squares regression fit for the interface models with 100 and 110 misorientation axes uses the same non-Schmid parameters μs , μn and μp that were calculated using the single crystal data. Fig. 41 shows that the proposed relationship is capable of capturing the influence of interface structure on the maximum tensile stress for bicrystal interfaces with a 100 misorientation axis. For these boundaries, the role of the interface misorientation on dislocation nucleation is effectively captured through the averaged description of the interfacial porosity. Fig. 41 shows that the proposed relationship works well for boundaries with a 110 misorientation axis and θ < 109.5◦ . However, MD simulation results indicate that the proposed first-order model is not universally applicable, as this model is unable to capture the significant drop in the maximum tensile stress for symmetric boundaries which include the E structural unit (θ > 109.5◦ ).
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(b) Fig. 41. Stress required for dislocation nucleation during uniaxial tensile deformation in single crystals and grain boundaries as a function of crystallographic orientation and misorientation, respectively. Single crystal data corresponds to (a) the [100]–[110] boundary (100 STGBs) as well as (b) the [100]–[111] and [111]–[110] boundaries (110 STGBs). Reprinted from [18] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
In order to address a greater range of interface misorientations for the 110 tilt axis, two solutions are currently being pursued to enhance the interface strength model. First, a higher-order formulation may be proposed, which includes a dependence on the gradient of free volume within the interface region. It is possible that localized ‘pockets’ of porosity, characteristic of interfaces with the E structural unit, result in high stress concen-
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
trations that contribute to the drop in tensile strength by promoting dislocation nucleation. Subsequent simulations of the spatial distribution of grain boundary free volume and its impact on dislocation nucleation for this range of boundaries are briefly discussed in Section 6.5. Additional details concerning the correlation between boundary structure and free volume can be found in Ref. [153]. Second, the amplification factor for the free volume measure may be posed as a function of the distribution of specific structural elements. This modification acknowledges that dissimilar interface features can contribute differently to the dislocation nucleation process. For example, Van Swygenhoven et al. have observed that stress concentrations at ledges and triple junctions in nanocrystalline samples can promote dislocation nucleation [35]. In our work, the natural alignment of certain structural units with respect to the primary slip systems appears to render certain interface features particularly susceptible to dislocation nucleation. For these boundaries, the tensile interface strength computed from MD simulations is probably closer to the Peierls–Nabarro stress (the applied stress required to overcome the lattice resistance to the movement of the interfacial dislocations). 5.2.2. Extensions to asymmetric tilt GBs Several challenges arise in the formulation of an interface strength model for asymmetric tilt GBs. The ATGBs in this study contain an additional level of complexity relative to the STGBs in the aforementioned study; instead of two identical lattice orientations relative to the GB plane, the bicrystal lattice orientations relative to the ATGB mean boundary plane differ, resulting in different SF, NF, and PF values for each lattice. Also, while the free volume for ATGBs can be calculated, the faceting of ATGBs adds an additional layer of atomic level complexity because of its impact on dislocation nucleation. Finally, the preferential nucleation of dislocations from ATGBs dictates that the model parameters must have a physical basis. Obviously, using the Schmid and non-Schmid parameters of crystal 2 to predict the preferential nucleation of dislocations from the ATGB into crystal 1 is not physically appropriate. Therefore, as a first step towards an interface model for the stress required for dislocation nucleation at 3 ATGBs, the present authors investigate the prediction of preferential nucleation in this class of asymmetric boundaries. First, the Schmid and non-Schmid effects are investigated to examine their potential utility for understanding the preferential dislocation nucleation. As mentioned previously, the crystal lattices on each side of an ATGB are oriented differently relative to the applied stress direction, resulting in different Schmid and non-Schmid factors. Therefore, dislocation motion should be easiest in the lattice with the slip system associated with the highest Schmid factor, since this slip system has the highest resolved shear stress. However, dislocation nucleation from ATGBs does not necessarily occur on the highest Schmid factor slip system between the two crystals. Fig. 42(a) shows the maximum Schmid factor for both crystal lattices as a function of the inclination angle. The vertical lines at = 35.26◦ and = 54.74◦ correspond to relative minima in the maximum Schmid factor, which corresponds to a transition of active slip systems; the vertical line at = 70.53◦ delineates the region where ATGBs contain the 9R phase in Cu. However, contrary to what might be expected from Fig. 42(a) based on the Schmid factor, the partial dislocations are nucleated into crystal 1 for all 3 ATGBs examined in Ref. [19]. This observation matches the crystal predicted from the maximum Schmid factors for low inclination angles only (i.e.,
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(b) Fig. 42. (a) Change in the Schmid factor (SF) as a function of the grain boundary inclination angle for both Crystal 1 and Crystal 2. (b) Comparison between the stress required for dislocation nucleation in 3 asymmetric tilt boundaries and single crystals for Cu at 300 K. Reprinted from [19] with permission; © 2007 Elsevier.
< 25.24◦ ). Similar trends are calculated for the normal and co-slip factors as well [19]; there are 3 ATGB inclination angles for which NF and PF are greater in crystal 2 than crystal 1. Consequently, neither the Schmid or non-Schmid factors are useful as a criterion to predict the lattice in which the partial dislocation nucleates. However, the Schmid factor can be used to predict which slip system the dislocation nucleates on, once the crystal is known in which nucleation occurs.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 42(b) compares the stress required for dislocation nucleation in Cu 3 ATGBs at 300 K with the stress required in Cu single crystals. The Cu single crystals are oriented the same as crystal 1. The single crystal stress values were calculated using the single crystal maximum tensile stress values required for dislocation nucleation at 300 K [18]. A cubic spline was used to interpolate stress values at intermediate misorientation angles. The single crystal stresses represent the homogeneous nucleation of dislocations in a defect-free lattice. Therefore, the stress required for heterogeneous dislocation nucleation from 3 ATGBs should be less than or equal to the crystal with the lowest stress value. First, notice the good agreement between the single crystal and ATGB stress values for low inclination angles ( 35.26◦ ). Recall that the low inclination ATGB mechanism shows that the dislocation nucleates on a slip plane different from the plane of dissociation. Interestingly, this phenomenon requires stresses near the level required for homogeneous nucleation in crystal 1. Second, the stress required for nucleation in all other ATGBs ( 43.31◦ ) is much lower than the stress required for homogeneous nucleation. This difference has been captured in STGBs by considering GB characteristics, such as free volume [18]. The difference between stress values required for homogeneous (single crystal) and heterogeneous (bicrystal) dislocation nucleation may be due to a number of factors. Interface free volume and faceting were investigated in Ref. [19]. However, linear correlations to either the free volume or GB ledge density are not able to capture this difference. Dislocation nucleation in ATGBs may require more complicated nonlinear forms. In addition, the inclination of the facets with respect to the mean boundary plane may play a role in the decreased stresses required for heterogeneous nucleation of dislocations. As the inclination angle increases (decreases), a higher fraction of the uniaxial stress will resolve into a shear stress component on the CTB (SITB) facets. At = 45◦ , the uniaxial tensile stress resolves equally normal to the facets (tensile) and perpendicular to the facets (shear). Furthermore, the CTB and SITB facets will likely behave differently with respect to the applied shear; e.g., the CTB deforms by twin migration under shear while many other boundaries deform via GB shuffling and partial dislocation nucleation [39]. Moreover, Sansoz and Molinari [38] show that the 9 (221) STGB is about 4.5 times weaker in shear than in tension for Cu. Consequently, the inclination of the facets with respect to the mean boundary plane should result in an increased shear component, resulting in a lower tensile stress perpendicular to the mean boundary plane required for dislocation nucleation.
6. Insights and implications The present work on structure and nucleation of dislocations at bicrystal boundaries illuminates certain issues pertaining to fundamental understanding of the role of grain boundaries. Here, we discuss some important aspects regarding dislocation nucleation in FCC metals under uniaxial loading applied perpendicular to the boundary plane: (i) grain boundary dislocation sources, (ii) representation of defects within grain boundaries as ordered structures comprised of disclination dipoles or disconnections, (iii) tension–compression asymmetry of trailing partial emission in Cu, (iv) the activation energy and volume for grain boundary dislocation nucleation, (v) the influence of grain boundary free volume on
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dislocation nucleation, and (vi) continuum field theory. This understanding may benefit understanding of behavior of nanocrystalline and polycrystalline FCC metals.
6.1. Grain boundary dislocation sources The dislocation nucleation event can be viewed as the activation of a dislocation source that lies within or nearby a boundary. The distinct structure of high-angle boundaries is best represented as a well-defined ordering of boundary dislocations. The nucleation and emission of dislocations from the boundary impacts the grain boundary dislocation content. This section briefly discusses several representative atomistic simulations to show how nucleated dislocations from activated sources interact with the high-angle grain boundary structure in the immediate vicinity. The Burgers vector content of the grain boundary is often reduced following dislocation nucleation. For example, for 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries of intermediate inclination angle, the grain boundary partial dislocation (D structural unit) is dissociated from the boundary on the maximum Schmid factor plane until it is emitted into the adjoining lattice. In this case, the Burgers vector content of the grain boundary is reduced by the emission of the partial dislocation, i.e., bGB∗ = bGB + bdislocation where bGB∗ , bGB , and bdislocation are the GB Burgers vector content before (asterisk) and after emission, and the Burgers vector of the emitted partial dislocation, respectively. For certain boundaries in this work, the Burgers vector content of the grain boundary is not reduced following dislocation nucleation. For example, in the 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundary of low inclination angle, the grain boundary dislocation is initially dissociated from the boundary on a slip plane of low resolved shear stress. However, the partial dislocation prefers nucleation on a slip plane of high resolved shear stress. Closer examination reveals that a partial dislocation loop nucleates on the maximum Schmid factor slip plane very near to the facet intersection (or GB ledge), as shown in Fig. 43. Because of the proximity to the boundary, the segment of the partial dislocation loop that glides toward the boundary is quickly absorbed, adding Burgers vector content to the boundary. The other half of the loop glides into the lattice, giving the appearance that this dislocation was emitted directly from the boundary. However, as Fig. 43 shows, the dislocation source visibly lies in the lattice near the intersection of the ATGB facets, and this ledge-like structure is the impetus for the dislocation nucleation event. This event can be thought of as the emission of a single dislocation loop within the lattice near the GB ledge. The size of simulation cell size limits our ability to discern whether these sources emit successive partial loop dislocations under further strain. Atomistic studies of this type offer details of the emission sequence that enhance our understanding of the source/sink nature of boundaries. Dislocation sources can also lie directly in the interface. Recall the discussion of dislocation nucleation from 110 symmetric tilt grain boundaries with dissociated structure in Section 4.1.2. In this example, increasing tensile strain applied perpendicular to the boundary results in constriction of the dissociated partial dislocation after which partial dislocations are emitted in another nearby site, producing extrinsic stacking faults, and later intrinsic stacking faults, in both symmetric lattices. In this case, the dislocation source lies directly in the interface, leading to the nucleation of the partial dislocations within the grain
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
¯ 1 /(112)2 = Fig. 43. Dislocation loops nucleate in the lattice near the facet intersections for the 3 (552) 19.47◦ ATGB in Cu at 10 K. (a) Image of boundary at dislocation nucleation rendered via centrosymmetry. (b) Schematic showing the lattice dislocation source activated by deformation. (c) Slices of the (111) slip plane showing various stages of dislocation loop nucleation.
boundary. Several partial dislocations were emitted from the grain boundary dislocation source and the boundary accommodates their emission through local structural rearrangement near the source. These kinds of complex sequence effects in dislocation nucleation become evident using atomistic simulations. A particularly fruitful area of endeavor is the characterization of Burgers vector content in various general boundaries following nucleation of dislocations, discerning how the residual content is manifested in terms of change of boundary structure. Moreover, the impact of this evolution on continued nucleation or absorption/desorption reactions is of great interest. We must also emphasize that while the geometrically necessary dislocation density (associated net Burgers vector) contributes to lack of closure over a Burgers circuit in a crystal in the relaxed configuration, higher order gradients of the deformation gradient and gradients of lattice curvature also contribute to the lack of closure. This is discussed further in Section 6.4, and is especially important near grain boundaries that have undergone dislocation nucleation or other interactions with dislocations, as gradients of lattice curvature are pronounced in these regions. Hence, we regard that conservation of Burgers vector may be foundational in the more general setting of short range Burger circuit analyses that include a complete characterization of lattice curvature, including higher order gradients, but of course this is not usually done in constructing Burgers circuits near boundaries. Moreover, one can always assign dislocation content to the deformed grain boundary following dislocation nucleation to satisfy the balance relation, but whether or not this conforms to summation of specific configurations/reactions of a discrete set of feasible partial dislocations is another matter.
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6.2. Disconnections and the description of GB defects Recall from Section 1.2 that the undeformed structure of high-angle grain boundary interfaces may be described using disclination dipoles along with the structural unit model [62– 68]. In this framework, the minority structural units are represented as wedge disclination dipoles while the strength of each wedge disclination is defined by the change in the angle between neighboring dissimilar structural units. To describe the irreversible distortion of the grain boundary structure after dislocation emission, Hurtado et al. [104] considered two theoretical models. The first model considered the creation of a disclination dipole (with opposite orientation to the dipoles within the interface) at the nucleation site. The length of the created dipole is assumed to be the same as that of the interface dipoles. The second model envisioned the creation of a dislocation at the nucleation site with the same Burgers vector and opposite orientation as the dislocation that is emitted into the lattice. Hirth and colleagues [69] provided a thorough description of grain boundary distortion caused by dislocation processes. For example, the transmission of dislocations through a tilt boundary results in the formation of a “disconnection” at the interface, which can be viewed as the superposition of a step of defined height and an edge dislocation. The emission of a dislocation from a tilt boundary results in the creation of an offset step which can be attributed the half-plane of the dislocation that has left the boundary. Depending on the local configuration in the neighborhood of the step, this offset can be described either as a grain boundary dislocation (GBD) or as a disconnection. We find this representation to be compelling; the offset associated with a disconnection is confirmed via the MD simulations presented in this work. For example, MD simulation of dislocation emission in Al resulted in a ledge at the intersection of the slip plane and the grain boundary (Fig. 20) while the emission of ISF facets in Cu introduces a small step in the interface plane (Fig. 23). Fig. 44 shows a schematic comparing the disclination dipole model and the disconnection model based on analysis of the deformed 5 (310) bicrystal interface structure. Recall that the original structure of the 5 (310) interface (without ledges) involves a uniform distribution of C structural units, i.e., no disclination dipoles or disconnections are observed in the undeformed configuration, as shown in Fig. 44(a). The proposed disclination dipole representation of the distorted interface from [16] is shown in Fig. 44(b). The nucleation of a full dislocation from the interface is accompanied by a local lattice rotation, leading to the asymmetric expansion of two C structural units. This is represented as a series of staggered disclination dipoles that span the interface ledge at the nucleation site. It is noted that the deformed configurations in Fig. 44(b) are “idealized” to show that only two structural units are deformed by the slip process. In reality, a few structural units on either side of the dislocation nucleation point are slightly modified to smoothly accommodate the created ledge at the intersection of the slip plane and the interface. The strength of the each disclination within the dipole is equal to the difference between the angle of the C and the distorted C∗∗ structural units [recall structural unit definitions in Fig. 20(d)], which is calculated from MD as approximately 10◦ –12◦ for this interface. The disclination dipole length is equal to that of two C∗∗ segments. If additional structural units existed between the C∗∗ units, such as B units in higher-order CSL boundaries [16], then two dipoles may be required to represent the interface structure, each of which is oriented at an angle to the interface plane [67].
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 44. Defect models for the distorted 5 (310) interface after dislocation emission; (a) reference (undeformed configuration), (b) disclination dipole representation from [16] and (c) disconnection representation. Disclination dipoles are represented as a set of wedge disclinations using identical notation as Fig. 3.
It is clear from Figs 20(d) and 44(b) that the centerline of the C∗∗ distorted structural units is not aligned along the interface (i.e., the lattice rotation during distortion is not symmetric about the misorientation axis). Thus, while the disclination dipole model captures the local change in lattice rotation at the defect site (the junction between C and C∗∗ units) and the essential characteristics of the long-range field associated with the grain boundary distortion, it fails to truly capture the conformation of the step that is created at the dislocation nucleation site. Hirth et al. [69] proposed that this type of defect is more appropriately classified as a grain boundary dislocation or if localized lattice rotation is to be included, as a disconnection. The disconnection representation is shown in Fig. 44(c).
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The disconnection description emphasizes the ledge within the grain boundary in addition to the local rotational deformation of the neighboring structural units at a distance away from the step and thus offers a more complete characterization of the defect. Finally, Hirth et al. [69] suggested two methods for which the disconnection can be removed. First, half of the semi-infinite array of dislocations at the interface can glide to restore the symmetric boundary, which will only likely happen for low-angle interfaces. Second, the disconnection itself can glide parallel to the interface plane to restore the low-energy boundary configuration. MD simulations in this work indicate a possible third mechanism for the removal of the disconnection at the interface. Upon application of a uniaxial stress normal to the boundary plane, which is perpendicular to the Burgers vector of the dislocation that represents the ledge in the interface, the disconnection is removed through a series of partial dislocation nucleation events on compatible slip systems in each crystal region. These dislocation nucleation events effectively unlock the disconnection at the interface resulting in a perfectly planar boundary, as shown in Figs 23 and 24 [17]. In our view, the distinction between structural units and disclination dipoles is somewhat of a matter of semantics, since the former clearly also possess the requisite geometric characteristics of a wedge type disclination dipole for low index tilt misorientation axes. However, the distinction may be viewed as useful on the basis that disclination dipoles are associated with lattice curvature gradients that either do not correspond to minimum energy repeating structural units in special (CSL) boundaries, or evolve in response to dislocation reactions with the boundary. As we have seen, in the process of dislocation emission, the responsible structural units can evolve into a pair of disclination dipoles with an interface dislocation representing a step in the disconnection convention. Moreover, disclination dipoles occur frequently in general boundaries and asymmetric tilt boundaries, which often have higher energy than the special boundaries that are characterized by dominance of repeating structural units.
6.3. Tension–compression asymmetry in trailing partial emission in Cu The issue of partial dislocation versus full dislocation emission from grain boundaries has been the subject of recent interest in models for nanocrystalline materials. Recall that the mechanism of dislocation emission from the grain boundary occurs in several steps. First, a partial dislocation nucleates and is emitted from the grain boundary. Atomistic simulations have shown that stress-assisted free volume migration leads to the atomic shuffling necessary to form the Burgers vector required to nucleate a partial dislocation from the boundary region [29,31]. As the leading partial dislocation transects the grain, an intrinsic stacking fault is created behind the partial dislocation. For smaller grain sizes, the leading partial dislocation can be absorbed at the grain boundary on the opposite side of the grain prior to the emission of the trailing partial. For larger grain sizes, the trailing partial dislocation is nucleated from the boundary, restoring the order of the stacking sequence of {111} planes within the lattice and bounding the intrinsic stacking fault. Developing models or relations with physically-based parameters that give insight to partial versus full dislocation nucleation has received much attention. For example, Yamakov and coworkers [154] proposed a deformation mechanism map that described
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
the transition from dislocation-mediated to grain boundary-mediated plastic deformation based on the equilibrium splitting distance for partials at σ = 0 and the grain boundary diameter, among other quantities. However, the description for the splitting distance is based solely on the intrinsic stacking fault energy, γSF , with no dependence on the unstable stacking fault energy, γUSF . Simulations of nanocrystalline deformation do not support the cross-over of dislocation-based deformation mechanisms (slip of extended partial dislocations versus perfect slip of full dislocations) based only on the value of γSF . Van Swygenhoven et al. [32] noted that extended partial dislocations are observed above and below the predicted cross-over grain size in Cu [9–11]. In addition, NC deformation simulations [29,31] with a Ni potential (higher γSF than Al) only revealed extended partial dislocations for grain sizes as large as 20 nm. In contrast to the deformation mechanism map proposed by Yamakov and coworkers, Van Swygenhoven et al. [32] proposed that extended or full dislocation activity should be understood in terms of γSF /γUSF and, more importantly, that γSF alone cannot capture the important physics of the nucleation of leading and trailing partial dislocations from grain boundaries. Along those lines, Asaro and Suresh [155] present a mechanistic model for FCC nanocrystalline metals that employs the ratio γSF /γUSF to predict the emission of the trailing partial dislocation. However, none of these arguments or models consider the effect of loading orientation (tension versus compression) or the resulting resolved normal stress on the emission of the trailing partial. Interestingly, MD simulations have shown a distinctly different behavior of the trailing partial dislocation between uniaxial tension and uniaxial compression for homogeneous and heterogeneous dislocation nucleation from single crystals and grain boundaries, respectively. For homogeneous dislocation nucleation in single crystal Cu, Fig. 45 shows that partial dislocation loops containing an intrinsic stacking fault are nucleated in tension and full dislocation loops are nucleated in compression for a single crystal with a [321] loading axis orientation. This phenomenon is commonly observed for multiple crystal orientations around the stereographic triangle. For heterogeneous dislocation from grain boundaries, symmetric tilt grain boundaries with the E structural unit were deformed under uniaxial tension and compression. Fig. 45(c) shows the emission of partial dislocations from the 171 (11, 11, 10) vicinal coherent twin boundary under uniaxial tension. Fig. 45(f) shows the emission of full dislocations from the same boundary under uniaxial compression. Interestingly, the full dislocation is emitted on the {100} slip plane, which has a higher resolved shear stress in the 110 slip direction than the {111}110 slip systems. Despite the higher resolved shear stress, dislocation emission on the {100} slip plane is only observed in compression. As with single crystals, the partial (full) dislocation behavior in uniaxial tension (compression) is observed for a wide range of boundary structures across the misorientation range that corresponds to boundaries with the E structural unit. Other grain boundaries have not yet been deformed, but are expected to display similar behavior due to the high compressive resolved normal stress. The contrast between the nucleation mechanisms under uniaxial tension and compression may shed light on our fundamental understanding of how resolved stresses affect dislocation nucleation in single crystals and grain boundaries. As discussed in Section 5 and depicted in Fig. 40, the main difference in how the applied stress is resolved for uniaxial tension and compression is the stress normal to the slip plane; in tension, this normal
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Fig. 45. Dislocation nucleation behavior in uniaxial tension (a–c) and uniaxial compression (d–f) for the (a, b, d, e) [321] single crystal and (c, f) 171 (11, 11, 10) vicinal coherent twin boundary. The emission of the trailing partial dislocation is observed in compression, but not in tension. Images (b) and (e) are slices of the slip plane on which dislocations nucleate.
stress is tensile, and vice versa for compression. Full dislocation nucleation observed under uniaxial compression implies that a compressive stress normal on the active slip plane contributes to the nucleation of the trailing partial dislocation. In contrast, a tensile stress normal to the slip plane may deter the nucleation of a second partial dislocation. This may be explained with the generalized stacking fault (GSF) curve on the {111} slip plane in the 112 direction for an FCC crystal. Zimmerman et al. [103] show that the GSF is affected by deformation of the material. They biaxially stretched the lattice by 4% while calculating the GSF curves and found that the unrelaxed γUSF of 175 mJ/m2 is reduced to 99 mJ/m2 for the “deformed and relaxed” simulations. The unstable stacking fault energy (γUSF ) of the GSF curve is associated with the energy barrier for dislocation nucleation [101]. In this sense, the barrier to dislocation nucleation is reduced by the applied deformation. The GSF curve may be similarly affected by the magnitude and directionality of the resolved stress normal to the slip plane, particularly with respect to nucleation of the trailing partial dislocation. Indeed this feature of a changing potential energy landscape of grain boundaries under stress renders the prospect of characterizing the activation energies and
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
transition state pathways for various dislocation nucleation events quite challenging from a unit process standpoint.
6.4. Activation volumes and energies for grain boundary dislocation nucleation The activation volume and the activation energy are important experimentally-measurable scalar quantities that can be used to model the rate and temperature sensitivity of plasticity mechanisms in constitutive relations [139,155,156]. The activation energy barrier for nucleation can be overcome with contributions from both mechanical work (applied stress) and thermal energy kB T , where kB is Boltzmann’s constant and T is temperature. The activation volume is that required for the reaction to occur. Asaro and Suresh [155] have compiled a summary of available data on the effect of grain size on the activation volume in Cu and Ni. They show that the magnitudes of the activation volumes decrease substantially as the grain size decreases to the nanoscale, in line with other calculated and experimental observations [139,157–159]. For example, Schuh et al. [140] performed nanoindentation experiments on platinum at various temperatures and found activation volumes of ∼0.5 b3 . Lu et al. [158] experimentally measured activation volumes of ∼10–20 b3 for nanotwinned copper. In addition to measurement of activation energies and activation volumes through experiments, Zhu and coworkers [156] have developed a computational methodology whereby atomistic simulations are used to calculate the activation energy and activation volume and assess the strain rate and temperature sensitivity of dislocation reactions. Here, we use MD calculations to obtain a first-order approximation of the activation energies and volumes for dislocation nucleation from 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries in Cu and Al. Calculations have shown that there is a significant drop in the stress required to nucleate dislocations from 10 to 300 K, suggesting that thermal activation plays a role in dislocation nucleation from the grain boundary. The activation volume and activation energy Q for dislocation nucleation are calculated from a first-order model of stressdependent activation energy whereby the activation energy linearly depends upon stress σ , i.e., Q(σ ) = Q∗ − σ . In this model, Q∗ corresponds to the athermal nucleation energy barrier in the absence of applied stress. The activation energy Q measures the sensitivity of nucleation rate to temperature while the activation volume measures the sensitivity of nucleation rate to stress. Zhu et al. [156] derived a form for the dislocation nucleation stress that takes into account both the temperature and strain-rate dependence. They applied this form to dislocation nucleation at surfaces under a constant strain rate. We employ the same equation to calculate the activation energy and activation volume in this study, kB T kB T Nν0 Q∗ − ln . σ = (19) E ε˙ In eq. (19), the temperature T = 300 K, N is the number of nucleation sites (N = 50,000), ν0 is the jump frequency (ν0 = 3 × 1011 s−1 ), E is the elastic modulus, and ε˙ is the applied strain rate (˙ε = 109 s−1 ). The definitions of the terms are given by Zhu and coworkers [156]. The first term Q∗ / is the athermal stress required to nucleate a dislocation from the grain boundary. The pre-factor of the second term kB T / reduces the
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nucleation stress by virtue of thermal fluctuation. In the logarithmic function, the numerator is the rate of energy exchange of the system with the thermal bath and the denominator is the rate of energy delivery into the system through mechanical work; the ratio between these terms determines the relative influence of thermal fluctuations in reducing the nucleation stress. Several assumptions are made to calculate the activation volume and activation energy. First, the atomic jump frequency (ν0 ) is chosen to represent the cooperative atomic motion necessary to form a dislocation, and is on the order of the frequency of free oscillation in Cu. Second, the number of nucleation sites (N ) represents the approximate number of noncentrosymmetric atoms at the grain boundary. Since these are embedded in the logarithmic term, variation of N ν0 by several orders of magnitude results in very little change to the activation volume. Third, since the first term in eq. (19) corresponds to the athermal nucleation stress, the calculated nucleation stresses at 10 K were used as an approximate value. The nucleation stresses from all 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries shown in Fig. 26(b) were used to capture the effect of variation in boundary structure and dislocation nucleation mechanisms on the activation energy and volume. Last, the elastic stiffness of the computational cell was calculated using the theoretical values of the two adjoining lattice regions; the effect of elastic anisotropy had little effect on the calculations. Using the nucleation stress values for uniaxial tension at T = 300 K, we find that the activation volumes for dislocation nucleation are on the order of 0.5–3 b3 in both Cu and Al, where b = 0.255 nm in Cu and b = 0.286 nm in Al. Rearranging the first term in eq. (19) such that Q∗ = σ gives the athermal activation energy barrier under zero applied stress, which ranges from 0.8–2.4 eV for 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries. Also, using our first-order approximation of a linear dependence of activation energy on stress [Q(σ ) = Q∗ − σ ] we calculate the activation energy for dislocation nucleation at 300 K as approximately 0.24–0.28 eV. Interestingly, the activation energies at 300 K are roughly the same for all 3 boundaries examined, despite the wide range of boundary structures. Zhu and coworkers [139,156] have calculated activation volumes and activation energies for heterogeneous dislocation nucleation and dislocation reactions using the climbing image nudged elastic band (CINEB) method. The CINEB method allows for a direct calculation of the activation energy versus stress relationship, without relying on several of the aforementioned assumptions made in the current calculations. Even so, the calculated activation energies are on the order of those computed for side surface nucleation (Q = 0.64 eV) and corner nucleation (Q = 0.1 eV) from nanopillars [156]. Furthermore, Zhu and coworkers [139] calculated activation energies for dislocation absorption (Qabs = 0.49 eV) and dislocation direction transmission (Qtrs = 0.67 eV) at the coherent twin boundary that are similar to the present molecular dynamics calculations at a strain rate of 109 . The similarity of values suggests that the current calculations are a reasonable approximation of the activation volumes and activation energies for dislocation nucleation from 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries. The small activation volumes of 0.5–3 b3 promote enhanced temperature sensitivity of dislocation nucleation at grain boundaries and indicate that the atomic volume required for grain boundary dislocation nucleation is similar to the activation volume required for grain boundary shear events, = 1 b3 , in another FCC metal, Au [159]. The small activation volumes indicate that at the appropriate stress level, the motion of a few atoms may serve as
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
the impetus for nucleating a dislocation from the boundary. In addition, the small activation volume suggests that the nucleation event is appropriately viewed as a small dislocation loop nucleating at the grain boundary, as shown by our MD calculations in Section 4. As the length scales associated with activation volumes are on the order of interatomic spacing, we anticipate that the grain boundary free volume contributes to the driving force for the dislocation nucleation reaction.
6.5. Influence of grain boundary free volume on dislocation nucleation The extent and distribution of grain boundary free volume may play a significant role in dislocation nucleation. For example, clusters of free volume on boundaries or at triple junctions are on the order of the activation volumes computed in the Section 6.4. In addition, the average free volume assists in correlation of the stress required for dislocation nucleation from 100 and 110 symmetric tilt grain boundaries, as discussed in Section 5.2. However, recall that the interface stress model in Section 5.2 was unable to capture the abrupt drop in the stresses required for dislocation nucleation in symmetric tilt grain boundaries with the E structural unit. This particular structural unit is associated with the 9 (221) STGB and contains a large amount of free volume compared to other 110 symmetric tilt grain boundaries. Bicrystal simulations can provide insight into the relationship between grain boundary structure, grain boundary free volume, and dislocation nucleation from the boundary. Previous studies have shown that both the amount of free volume within the boundary and the spatial correlation of free volume within the boundary are important factors that play a role in dislocation nucleation [153]. A number of symmetric tilt grain boundaries within the misorientation range 109.5◦ < θ < 180◦ were examined in terms of structure and free volume. The structures were generated using the methodology discussed in Section 2. The free volume was visualized and characterized with spatial correlation functions using a stereologically-based methodology, whereby a grid of points was superimposed in three dimensions over the atomic coordinates and each point was tested against a free volume criterion [153]. This methodology enabled Tschopp et al. [153] to show that both the spacing and connectivity of the free volume in the tilt direction increase with increasing misorientation angle over the range 109.5◦ < θ < 180◦ . In fact, for low angle boundaries near the 180◦ perfect single crystal, the free volume is completely connected in the tilt direction. The spatial distribution of free volume relates to dislocation nucleation because the free volume enables the cooperative atomic shuffling that triggers the emission of partial dislocations from the grain boundary. Not only is the spatial distribution important, but the spatial distribution of free volume with respect to intersecting slip planes may also affect dislocation nucleation. For dislocation nucleation to occur from the grain boundary, the cooperative motion of atoms on a {111} slip plane intersecting the grain boundary is required. It is likely that this depends on the spacing and connectivity of free volume along that slip plane. For example, an isolated free volume pocket that intersects the slip plane will only allow local atomic shuffling in the few neighboring atoms. However, a large fraction of grain boundary free volume intersecting the slip plane affects a greater number of atoms along the slip plane, enabling the cooperative atomic shuffling required to nucleate
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dislocations at the boundary. Moreover, for the E structural unit boundaries [153], the two active slip systems (maximum Schmid factor analysis) occur on the same {111} slip plane (coplanar slip), which intersects the boundary along the tilt direction. Thus, the spatial correlation statistics of free volume in the tilt direction are essential to the discussion of dislocation nucleation from boundaries with the E structural unit.
6.6. Continuum field theory The foregoing implications have mainly focused on unit processes of dislocation nucleation over a wide range of grain boundary structures. We may also consider implications for framing higher scale models of inelasticity of polycrystals that might be pertinent to grain boundary engineering. Numerous studies have sought to increase the number density of certain special (CSL) boundaries by processing to assess whether fatigue and fracture resistance can be enhanced (cf. [13,14,47,48]). The assumption of superior characteristics of special boundaries has arguably outpaced fundamental understanding that can be gained by parametric study of mechanisms. Some work has been done using atomistic simulations to advance understanding. For example, Froseth et al. [160] used MD simulations to show that introducing clusters of grains with special boundaries in nanocrystalline materials results in a lower potential for strain accommodation relative to random orientation distributions. Combined with notions of percolation limits for special boundaries (cf. [161, 162]), parametric studies of symmetric and asymmetric special and general boundaries may provide a basis for a statistical approach to grain boundary engineering. This work has also clarified directions for incorporating the structure of grain boundaries into a kinematical framework that extends the original concepts of Bilby and Smith [163] to incorporate lattice distortion in the grain boundary region that accommodates the net incompatibility over the crystal volume. Incorporation of disclinations and/or disconnections related to grain boundary structure into defect field theory can facilitate continuum crystal plasticity models that account for grain boundary structure. In classical crystal plasticity, grain boundaries are treated merely as compatible surfaces, with no manifestation of structure. In advanced continuum theories that invoke the notion of geometrically necessary dislocation density, the effect of grain boundaries is interpreted solely in terms of lattice curvature induced by first-order gradients of deformation, which does not capture the full nature of the kinematics near the boundary. The exchange and interaction of dislocations between the grain boundary and the grain interior requires treatment of grain boundary structure to discern the thermodynamic driving forces and kinetics properly [164]. The methodology we envision is founded upon two major assumptions, the first being a three-term multiplicative decomposition of the average deformation gradient for a volume element of crystalline material (cf. Clayton et al. [165,166]), i.e., F = Fe Fi Fp ,
with the total lattice deformation written as FL . Here, Fp accounts for the presence of line defects that leave the lattice unperturbed. The Fi term accounts for incompatibility associated with defects that affect lattice arrangement as necessary to achieve compatibility
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
Fig. 46. Lattice model showing multiple configurations of a crystal volume element containing an edge dislocation.
with Fp , the deformation gradient associated with dislocations. Fig. 46 shows how the lattice incompatibility associated with Fp is accommodated by Fi within the crystalline volume element, with the elastic deformation gradient Fe representing both the recoverable lattice stretch associated with the average applied stress (long-range) acting on the element and rigid-body rotations of the lattice. Compatibility is approached at the crystal level by considering covariant differentiation of the lattice directors in the current (deformed) configuration. At the microscopic level, spatial changes in the director vectors da attached to the lattice are described by parallel transport of the directors with respect to a linear connection. The absolute change of the director vector field in the current configuration is found in terms of the covariant derivative ˆ i.e. ∇, ..c ∇ˆ b da = da,b − ˆ ba dc ,
with the subscripted comma hereafter denoting partial coordinate differentiation with respect to current coordinates x. The Christoffel symbols of the connection are defined as [167,168] L−1α¯ ..a ..a ¯ ..a ˆ cb ≡ F.La + Q..a α¯ F.b,c cb = cb + Qcb ,
..a ≡ F La F L−1α¯ = −F La F L−1α¯ are coefficients of the crystal connection of where ¯ cb .α¯ .α,c ¯ .b,c .b non-Riemannian dislocation theories [169–173], and Q..a cb are micromorphic degrees-offreedom representing contributions of spatial gradients of the lattice director field that are not incorporated in the term involving the first gradient of FL ; such gradients arise substantially from disclinations, for example. Upon assuming that ∇ˆ b da = 0 [168], the connection (eq. (22)) allows one to interpolate for the directions and magnitudes of the lattice directors between centroids of neighboring crystal volume elements. For example, in the trivial situ..a = 0, the lattice directors are spatially constant. The crystal connection () ¯ ation when ˆ cb component of eq. (22) accounts for effects of first-order spatial gradients of (the inverse of) FL , while the micromorphic variable Q of eq. (22) accounts for additional spatial variation of lattice director vectors that is not captured by the first gradient of FL . The average continuum deformation of the director vectors located at the volume element’s centroid is determined by FL , i.e., da = (F L−1 )α.a gα , where gα are basis vectors in the current configuration. The director vector motion mapped from the intermediate configuration to the current configuration is given by χ = Fe Fi 1˜ = FL 1˜ ⇒ dα = χDα , with χ T χ = 1; here, β the director triad on the reference configuration is an anholonomic basis Da = Da Gβ , with holonomic basis vectors, GA , on the reference configuration. The dual lattice vectors Dα , da are defined by the relations Da · Db = da · db = δba .
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...a formed from the The components of the Riemann–Christoffel curvature tensor Rˆ bcd ..a are found using connection coefficients ˆ cb ...a ..a ..a ..a ˆ ..e ..a ˆ ..e Rˆ bcd ≡ ˆ db,c − ˆ cb,d + ˆ ce db − ˆ de cb ,
..a = ¯ ..a + Q..a , we are able to rewrite as [174] which, because ˆ cb cb cb ...a ...a ..a ..e ..a ..e ˆ ..e ..a Rˆ bcd = R¯ bcd +2∇ˆ [c Q..a d]b + Qce Qdb − Qde Qcb + Tcd Qeb ,
...a , vanishes identically as shown, since where the curvature from the crystal connection, R¯ bcd ¯ is integrable. We can then express the fully covariant rendition of the curvature tensor L R ˆ ...f as [167] Rˆ abcd ≡ Caf bcd ..e Qe[ba] , Rˆ [ab]cd = 2∇ˆ [c Qd][ba] + Tˆcd
..e Rˆ (ab)cd = 2∇ˆ [c Qd](ab) + Tˆcd Qe(ab) .
(25) ˆ vanishes completely when Q = 0. The connection coeffiWe see from eq. (25) that R ..a cients ˆ cb are given by eq. (22), with the covariant components of Q assigned the following anti-symmetry property [167,168]: L Qcba ≡ Q..d cb Cda = −Qcab = Qc[ba] .
The microrotation kinematic variable Q describes spatial gradients of lattice rotation within the crystalline volume element arising from higher order gradients of net dislocation density and distributed partial disclinations. This includes the effect of partial disclination dipoles and additional boundary dislocations introduced in the disconnection characterization of Hirth et al. [69]. In the current configuration, consider a Burgers circuit c enclosing area a comprised of oriented differential elements n da. A total Burgers vector accounting for incompatibility induced by the torsion and curvature tensors may be written as [167, 175,176], ..a 1 ...a e Tˆbc − Rˆ ecb x nd da = BTa + BRa , B a ≡ ε dbc (27) 2 a ..a nd da describes the closure failure of c and 2BRa ≡ where 2BTa ≡ εdbc a Tˆbc ...a bdc e e ˆ ε a Recb x nd da measures the change in direction of position vector x upon paralˆ Eq. (27) reduces to the usual form lel transport about c with respect to the connection . a based on net dislocation density (BT only) when disclinations are absent and higher-order ..a = T¯ ..a , Q..a = 0, spatial gradients of lattice director vectors are neglected (i.e., when Tˆbc bc bc ...a = 0). and Rˆ bcc To this point we have not associated the second term involving Q..a cb in eq. (22) solely with disclinations. We may further specialize and simplify the theory by making this assertion and neglecting higher-order contributions of gradients of FL as an approximation, as done by Clayton et al. [165]. We can then re-write eq. (27) in terms of the second rank geometrically necessary dislocation tensor α (Nye tensor) and second rank geometrically
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
necessary disclination tensor θ , each referred to the spatial configuration, i.e., ad Ba = α + C L−1af εfgb θ gd x b nd da,
where ..a 2α ad ≡ ε dbc Tˆbc ,
4θ gd ≡ ε gba ε dce Rˆ abce .
ˆ Defect density tensors α and θ contain information enabling us to fully reconstruct T ˆ and R, respectively, because of the skew-symmetric properties of these quantities: ..a ..a = Tˆ[cb] = εcbd α ad , Tˆcb
Rˆ abcd = Rˆ [ab][cd] = εbae εcdf θ ef .
The geometrically necessary defect density tensors of eq. (29) are related to the summed contributions of discrete crystal defects over a given crystal volume as ρ j bj ⊗ ξ j , θ = ηk ωk ⊗ ζ k , α= (31) j
with ρ j , bj , and ξ j the net scalar dislocation line density, Burgers vector, and unit tangent line, respectively, for dislocation population j , and with ηk , ωk , and ζ k the net scalar disclination line density, Frank vector, and unit tangent line, respectively, for disclination population k. All quantities in eq. (31) refer to the current (spatial) configuration B. Notice that α and θ do not account for curved defect segments and combinations of defect lines that do not contribute to a net Burgers vector (e.g., dislocation loops enclosed by a Burgers circuit). We use the qualifiers “net,” “geometrically necessary,” and “non-redundant” interchangeably to describe defect densities that contribute to incompatibility. It is perhaps instructive to consider linearized compatibility equations for the net defect density tensors of eq. (31) that follow from identities of Bianchi and Schouten (cf. [174]), expressed in Cartesian coordinates as .b ..a ...a ...a ab = Rˆ [bcd] → C L α a,b = εabc θ bc , Rˆ b[cd,e] = 0 → θ,b = 0. Tˆ[bc,d] (32) In a small-strain formulation that employs additive elastoplastic strains and rotation gradients, De Wit [177] inferred from equations analogous to eq. (32) that disclinations may act as sources/sinks for dislocations, and that disclination lines cannot end abruptly within a crystal. Also, when disclinations are absent, the first of eq. (32) depicts a divergence-free dislocation density tensor, meaning that dislocations cannot start or end within the crystal. This linearization, while physically illustrative, is not essential in our general finite strain and rotation framework, nor do its implications necessarily carry over. The second major assumption in our kinematic framework is an additive decomposition of a linear connection describing spatial gradients of the slip directions and lattice director vectors between neighboring crystalline elements (i.e., the microscopic description). Christoffel symbols of this connection, introduced formally in eq. (22), may be written as L−1α¯ ..a L−1ad = F.La Qc[bd] , ˆ cb α¯ F.b,c + C crystal connection (GNDs)
microrotation (disclinations)
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where the first term on the right side describes gradients of the director vectors due to firstorder gradients in the average lattice deformation tensor FL , following Bilby et al. [169]. The micromorphic variable Q (cf. [167,177]) appears in the second term on the right of eq. (33) and, neglecting contribution of higher order gradients of FL (to Q), represents microrotation associated with disclinations. The reader is referred to Clayton et al. [165] for a more complete discussion of the implications of foregoing discussion of net dislocation and disclination defect densities over a given scale of Burgers circuit in terms of the differential geometric interpretation. Moreover, Clayton et al. [165] discuss general Somigliana dislocations [70] that can be used to characterize the displacement discontinuities attributed to most defects, including translational (dislocations), rotational (disclinations) of Volterra [61], point defects [178, 179], and interface incompatibility in multi-phase composites [180] with additional terms in eq. (33). At issue here is how to incorporate grain boundary structure into the preceding kinematic formalism for Burgers circuits that cross boundaries. The appropriate description depends on the scale of the crystal volume concerned. For Burgers circuits with size much greater than the periodic length of favored boundary structural units and disclination dipoles that comprise general boundaries, the partial dislocation content of the boundary can be lumped into a contribution to microrotation analogous to the second term in eq. (33), as is common practice in the macroscopic theory of grain boundaries based only on the dislocation description. However, at fine scales this decomposition of the crystal connection in eq. (22) becomes important since dislocations that contribute to the net dislocation density tensor of Nye [181] are associated with Fp , and the crystal connection expresses the jump of orientation of the lattice across the boundary, FL , should incorporate the incompatible distortion of the lattice due both to the partial dislocation content (or net Frank vector) of favored boundary structural units in eq. (31.1) as well as disclination dipoles in eq. (31.2). This may be accomplished by assigning the former to Fp (α) which depends on net dislocation density, and the latter to a component of F˜ i (θ ) which incorporates the net disclination content, with an additional component F˜˜ i that can be assessed to ensure local compatibility of the relation Fi Fp , assuming compatible Fe associated with the long-range elastic deformation field, i.e., F = Fe F˜˜ i F˜ i (θ ) Fp (α).
This additional component F˜˜ i of course reflects the contributions of the higher order spatial gradients of lattice curvature alluded to previously. Of course, the components of this decomposition evolve during dislocation nucleation, absorption, or desorption (kinetics). The problem of elucidating the F˜˜ i F˜ i (θ )Fp (α) decomposition belongs to nanomechanics (e.g., atomistic modeling) owing to the nonlinear finite elasticity of the dislocation/disclination core regions. Both the boundary energy as well as the kinetics of dislocations can be explored. It is a fruitful area of future research.
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
7. Concluding remarks This work has demonstrated how atomistic simulations can advance fundamental understanding of the structure and inelastic behavior (nucleation of dislocations) of symmetric and asymmetric tilt grain boundaries in fcc metals. Major findings include: • The calculated interface energies for 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries agree with experimentally measured grain boundary energies and are predicted based on an ideal faceting into the 3 (111) and 3 (112) symmetric tilt grain boundaries [79]. The minimum energy structures for Cu correspond well with HRTEM images of the 9R phase in other low stacking fault energy FCC metals. Also, the asymmetric tilt grain boundary structures ideally facet into the structural units of the two 3 symmetric tilt boundaries with a well-defined ordering of structural units and their faceting [79,130]. A thorough appreciation for the structure of asymmetric tilt grain boundaries can improve understanding of the relationship between dislocation nucleation strength and grain boundary structure. • Aside from the symmetric tilt 3 (111) boundary, no increase in tensile strength is observed at boundaries with low-order CSL character. Increased tensile strength at the coherent 3 (111) boundary can be attributed to the homogeneous nucleation of dislocations within each lattice, rather than heterogeneous nucleation from the grain boundary. For all other models, failure in uniaxial tension occurs by way of dislocation nucleation from the bicrystal interface. The dislocation nucleation event may be accompanied by structural rearrangement prior to emission (such as the evolution of short stacking fault facets) that locally improves the coherency of the interface. • MD simulations indicate that the orientation of the opposing lattice regions relative to the applied stress and the presence of certain structural units are two significant features of the interface geometry/structure that affect the tensile interface strength. Specifically, boundaries that contain the E structural unit nucleate dislocations at low applied tensile stresses. Based on the MD simulation results, a first-order model for tensile interface strength is developed which is capable of capturing the dependence of interface misorientation for many tilt boundaries [18]. Non-Schmid effects are critical when formulating a model for homogeneous [73] and heterogeneous dislocation nucleation. Specifically, the stress normal to the slip plane is found to play a significant role in dislocation nucleation for boundaries with the 100 misorientation axis. Furthermore, accounting for interfacial free volume through an average measure based on coordination number [152] is sufficient to model the tensile strength of boundaries with the 100 tilt axis and many boundaries with the 110 tilt axis. However, for 110 boundaries that contain the E structural unit, it is likely that a higher-order model must be invoked that include the effect of gradients of free volume or more detailed information concerning the relationship between structural unit configuration and slip system orientation. For example, the spacing and connectivity of free volume pockets within the boundary and their distribution along a {111} slip plane with a high resolved shear stress in the slip direction may impact the relative ease of the thermally activated dislocation nucleation event [153]. • The wide range of symmetric and asymmetric tilt grain boundaries investigated here provides insight into dislocation nucleation mechanisms and how they might impact inelastic deformation processes in higher scale nanocrystalline models. Of course, there
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is the caveat that the energy minimized structures of this study are applicable to (near) equilibrium structures as might be obtained via electrodeposition, rather than via extensive deformation processing. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries in Al show that a ledge forms after emission of a full dislocation from a planar 100 boundary [16]. Symmetric tilt grain boundaries with dissociated structure show that the spacing between dissociated partial dislocations plays an important role in dislocation nucleation [17]. The dislocation nucleation mechanisms of 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries are greatly affected by the faceted and dissociated boundary structure [19], despite having the same misorientation angle and low-order CSL content. The dislocation organization and character may also impact dislocation nucleation. Grain boundary dislocation sources behave differently; the nucleated dislocations in some high-angle boundaries merely result in a decrease of the Burgers vector content of the boundary equal to the Burgers vector of the emitted dislocations. However, as shown for a 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundary, stress concentrations near the facet intersections for some boundaries may help activate lattice dislocation sources that nucleate dislocation loops near the boundary. The absorption of part of the dislocation loop into the boundary yields an increase in the Burgers vector content of the boundary. Additionally, dislocation sources can lie within the interface as shown for the dissociated symmetric tilt grain boundaries. • Differences in the resolved normal stress to the plane of dislocation nucleation between uniaxial tension and compression leads to a tension–compression asymmetry of dislocation nucleation [141]. For single crystals, the stress required to homogeneously nucleate dislocations has a strong dependence on loading orientation in both uniaxial tension and compression. Some orientations require a higher stress in compression than in tension (e.g., [110] and [111]), while other orientations require a higher stress in tension ([100]). In addition to the normal stress affecting the magnitude of the stresses involved in dislocation nucleation, it also affects the emission of the trailing partial dislocation. In uniaxial tension for Cu single crystals and grain boundaries, no trailing partial dislocation is observed, as expected. However, in compression, the trailing partial dislocation is observed in both Cu single crystals and grain boundaries, despite the low stacking fault energy γSF and ratio γSF /γUSF . This indicates that the resolved normal stress plays an important role in the emission of the trailing partial dislocation. • The activation energies and activation volumes for dislocation nucleation from 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries were calculated from a first-order model of stress-dependent activation energy. The athermal activation energies are on the order of 0.8–2.4 eV, the activation energies at 300 K are approximately 0.24–0.28 eV, and the activation volumes are on the order of 0.5–3 b3 in both Cu and Al. The small activation volumes suggest that the nucleation of dislocations from the boundaries is associated with the cooperative motion of a small group of atoms within the boundary. • The initial and distorted (post dislocation nucleation) structures of grain boundaries are discussed in terms of partial dislocations, disclination dipoles and disconnections. Symmetric tilt boundaries which obey the structural unit model can be represented as a series of repeating structural units associated with favored boundaries connected by disclination dipoles. Disconnections may also be incorporated into the description of the interface geometry if steps or ledges exist within the interface plane. More importantly, MD simulations in this work provide direct observation of the offset step that appears at the
Influence of Grain Boundary Structure on Dislocation Nucleation in FCC Metals
interface after nucleation of full dislocations in Al [16]. The geometry of the offset step may be described using disconnections, or equivalently as a series of disclination dipoles and grain boundary dislocations, in agreement with Hirth et al. [69]. Furthermore, this work identifies additional mechanisms by which a disconnection at the interface may be removed [17]. • The relation of the grain boundary structure to continuum field theory representations of dislocations and disclinations has been discussed in terms of a generalization of the decomposition of the deformation gradient that addresses both geometrically necessary dislocations and microrotations captured by disclinations originally proposed by Clayton et al. [165], and some preliminary ideas have been advanced for addressing grain boundary structure through nanomechanical boundary value problems of the BilbySmith type [163].
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Professor J.P. Hirth for the invitation to contribute to the Dislocations in Solids series. This work was supported in part by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (M.A.T.), by the NASA Langley Research Center under grant NAG-1-02054 (D.E.S.) and by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications under contract DMR060019N (utilizing Cobalt). D.L.M. is grateful for the additional support of this work by the Carter N. Paden Jr., Distinguished Chair in Metals Processing.
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Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids MICHAEL J. DEMKOWICZ, JIAN WANG, AND RICHARD G. HOAGLAND Materials Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 1572-4859, DOI: 10.1016/S1572-4859(07)00003-4
Dislocations in Solids Edited by J. P. Hirth
Contents 1. Introduction 143 2. Coherent and semicoherent interfaces in fcc/fcc bilayers 146 3. Incoherent interfaces in fcc/bcc bilayers 152 3.1. Interfaces in Cu/Nb multilayer composites 152 3.2. Interface structure: KS1 and KS2 154 3.3. Interface dislocations in KS1 161 3.4. Analytical interpretation of KS1 dislocation content 166 3.5. Interface dislocations in KS2 170 4. Vacancies and interstitials in Cu/Nb interfaces 175 4.1. Interface behavior upon atom insertion or removal 175 4.2. Interaction with interface dislocations 183 4.3. KSmin 188 5. Dislocation interaction with Cu/Nb interfaces 193 5.1. Shear strength 193 5.2. Sliding mechanism 196 5.3. Core spreading of lattice glide dislocations 199 6. Summary 203 Acknowledgements 204 References 204
1. Introduction Interfaces in heterophase and homophase crystalline solids have enormous technological importance, beneficial in some cases and detrimental in others. Precipitates derived from invariant reactions that strengthen materials, the organized combination of two or more different materials to form composites, the processing of high carbon cast iron to encourage large graphite flakes are examples of beneficial exploitation of interfaces. On the other hand, inclusions and impurities involve interfaces that impart undesirable properties, such as brittleness, poor corrosion resistance, and undesirable electrical conductivity. As a general rule, even though they often constitute only a tiny volume fraction of the material, interfaces are as important to behavior as are the much more voluminous constituents/phases on either side of the interface. Weak interfaces may be sources of cracks and sinks for impurities and point defects. Interfaces may block slip even when dislocations move easily in both of the bounding crystals. Grain boundaries, interfaces in polycrystalline single-phase, single-component materials, are quintessential examples of effective barriers to slip. The atomic structure of interfaces defines their properties and thereby the properties that they impart to polycrystalline and polyphasic materials. Atomic environments – structural units defined by the relative configuration of an atom and its neighbors – inside and in the vicinity of an interface may be distinctly different from those in the neighboring perfect crystals. Aside from various possible interfacial dislocations and point defects, the number of independent variables needed to describe the positions of M atoms in a crystalline solid containing a single interface, is, unlike a liquid, much less than 3M − 3. At a minimum, five variables are needed, the three that define the misorientation between the two crystals having the same composition, and two that define the orientation of the normal to a flat interface between the two crystals. These crystallographic orientation variables correspond to the so-called macroscopic degrees-of-freedom [1] and are important to characterizing grain boundaries. These are all that are needed, for example, to infer the most likely arrangement of atoms at a twin interface parallel to {111} planes common to some fcc metals. The twin in fcc crystals corresponds to a 3 CSL.1 In its lowest energy configuration this interface has an intuitively simple atomic structure, like that shown in Fig. 1. Other configurations of the 3 CSL have much higher energies. Most other interfaces possess atomic structures that are not so “intuitive” and may require many variables to adequately define the atomic configuration in and near the interface. Such interfaces are much more interesting than the simple twin interface, because they often possess many metastable states for a given set of macroscopic degrees-of-freedom. These various states may differ in energy, but by relatively small amounts, and may be 1 A coincident site lattice (CSL), denoted N , where N is the ratio of CSL volume to unit cell volume, is here defined as a three-dimensional lattice of coincident sites formed within two interpenetrating crystals of differing, but precisely defined, orientation. CSLs are useful when describing grain boundaries in single-component systems but less so in incommensurate, multicomponent systems.
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Fig. 1. A flat twin interface between two fcc crystals with 3 misorientation. The interface is parallel to {111} planes in both crystals and the direction of view is along 110. Five variables are sufficient to define this simple and intuitive structure. Other metastable configurations could be created – for example by displacing an atom into an interstitial position – but doing so would require a substantial amount of work.
separated by small energy barriers. Consequently, they may easily change state, and, therefore, configuration, in response to changes in stress, temperature, and composition. These easy configurational changes enable such multi-state interfaces to actively participate in and influence a broad array of reactions and processes. Two additional degrees of freedom for a flat interface are the two components of the in plane shear vector, the relative displacement, parallel to the interface, of one bounding crystal with respect to the other. These are called microscopical degrees of freedom. These two microscopical variables are not relevant to the simple twin interface shown in Fig. 1 or for other special interfaces, like the 11 symmetric twin interface shown in Fig. 2(a) – there is only one stable configuration (ignoring other defects) [2]. However, for the same CSL but other interface orientations, like that shown in Fig. 2(b), many other structures, with similar energies, appear as the two microscopical variables are changed. In most cases many more variables are required, i.e. multiple states exist for a well-defined set of seven variables. A periodic array of boundary unit cells (BUCs) is created by the intersection of the interface plane with a CSL. The size and shape of the BUC is defined by the five macroscopic variables, the three that determine the CSL, and the two defining the orientation of the interface. For a given lattice, multiple states with similar energies are more likely as the BUC becomes larger and this implies that more degrees of freedom are needed to define the atomic structure of interfaces with larger BUCs. In even more general situations where the bounding crystals do not have the same lattice parameter and/or do not share the same crystal structure no CSL, BUC or periodicity in the interface exists. However, even in such incommensurate systems, pseudo-periodicity, in the form of extended periodic arrays of BUC-like features may be energetically favorable. Except in special cases, direct observation of interfacial atomic structures by highresolution-transmission-electron microscopy is difficult because there are too few reflec-
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Fig. 2. (a) A flat twin interface between two fcc crystals with 11 misorientation. The interface is parallel to {131} planes in both grains and the direction of view is along a 110. As in Fig. 1, specifying the five microscopic variables is sufficient to define this atomic structure. (b) A flat interface between two fcc crystals with 11 orientation. The interface is parallel to a {252} plane in one grain and a {414} in the other. Many different interface configurations are possible with these five macroscopic variables and at least two more microscopic variables – the components of the in-plane shear vector – must be specified to define the atomic structure.
tions from lattice planes (or there are none at all) to permit imaging conditions that enable identification of actual atom positions. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, while often relying on empirical potentials, have proven very useful and much work has been done using such methods to study grain boundaries. In this paper we focus on the atomic structure of interfaces in incommensurate systems. Initially, in Section 2 we describe some interesting features in simple systems where the interfaces are coherent or semicoherent. In particular, we consider interfaces in composite systems where both components are fcc and oriented identically. In such systems the slip planes and slip directions are continuous across the interfaces. In Section 3 we then present some results derived from MD simulations on more complex incoherent interfaces formed between two crystallographically dissimilar metals, one fcc and the other bcc. Interfaces between such differing phases do not posses any strictly periodic structure. The atomic configurations that appear in these simulations serve to emphasize the importance of multiple states. An emergent picture, described in some detail in Section 4, is that interfaces that are capable of changing structure, with relative ease, from one metastable state to another, offer regions wherein point defects have low formation energies, high mobility, and a greatly expanded range of interaction. In Section 5 we examine another important aspect wherein the state of an interface may be changed by stress and that the shear resistance
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of interfaces can be relatively low. If so, interfaces interact with sources of internal stress, such as dislocations, and the shear of interfaces may occur by a variety of possible dislocations. We show that, because of this, glide dislocations are attracted to interfaces. This interaction contributes, in part, to interfaces acting as potent barriers to slip. In addition, the core structure of dislocations changes dramatically on entering interfaces and the process of reemergence of slip becomes correspondingly complex.
2. Coherent and semicoherent interfaces in fcc/fcc bilayers The creation of a coherent interface between two crystals with differing crystal structure requires straining both crystals in order to produce the atom-to-atom matching necessary for coherency. The strains to be imposed on materials A and B to achieve coherency can be derived by solving the following equations: force equilibrium, hA σijA = hB σijB coherency conditions, A B + 1 = aiB εij +1 aiA εij
boundary conditions (for example, zero constraint normal to the layers), A B σ22 = σ22 =0
and Hooke’s law for material M, M M σijM = cij kl εkl ,
where subscripts refer to the coordinate system shown in Fig. 3, with x1 and x3 in the plane of the interface, x2 normal to the interface, aiM the lattice parameter in the ith direction in material M, and hM the total thickness of material M in the layered composite assuming the layers are flat and all of the interfaces are parallel. Eqs (1) through (4) permit a solution to the problem of determining the coherency strains but they may not be accurate for several reasons. Firstly, eq. (1) satisfies only force equilibrium but not equilibrium of moments. The net moment in the layered composite depends on whether the number of layers is odd or even, their relative thickness, and also whether the composite sheet is attached to a substrate or freestanding. Secondly, eq. (2) is accurate in the limit of very small strains but should be replaced by a finite strain expansion for cases involving large differences in lattice parameter. If the coherency strains are too large, coherent interfaces might not be possible, even in atomistic models. For example, the lattice mismatch may be so large that the strains involved in creating coherency produce stresses that exceed the theoretical tensile strength of one of the components. Additionally, large lattice misfits energetically favor the injection of misfit dislocations, making the interface semicoherent even for the thinnest possible layers. Finally, the departure from linearity in the stress–strain relation, represented by eq. (4) is significant when the stresses become large, which they may be in a coherent composite. As an example, consider a Cu/Ni layered composite. Such fcc/fcc composites when produced by physical vapor deposition (PVD), are epitaxially arranged in a cube-on-cube
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Fig. 3. A combined schematic and TEM micrograph. The micrograph shows a cross-section from a layered Cu/Ni composite in which each layer is approximately 2.5 nm thick. This figure also serves to identify the coordinate system referred to in the text.
orientation such that adjoining Cu and Ni layers have parallel 100 directions and the interface is approximately a {100} plane (in Fig. 3 the interfaces are slightly curved; this is a commonly observed feature of PVD grown films and indicates that the interfaces are terraced). The solution of eqs (1)–(4) is greatly simplified in this case because the misfit ratio, aiB /aiA , is isotropic. The magnitude of the in-plane coherency stresses in the two materials depends on the orientation of the interface plane. When the interface plane is parallel to {100} the coherency stresses are purely biaxial, σ = Cε, where C is the c2
12 biaxial elastic constant given by C = c11 + c12 − 2 c11 . The stresses are estimated to be 2.2 GPa in Ni and −2.2 GPa in Cu [3]. Fig. 4(a) shows the two principal stresses parallel to the interface plane for other interface orientations. Clearly, an interface parallel to {100} corresponds to lowest in-plane normal stresses and that parallel to {110} corresponds to high stress. More importantly, as shown in Fig. 4(b), the strain energy
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(b) Fig. 4. (a) A polar plot showing the two in-plane stresses that occur in a coherent Cu/Ni layered composite as a function of interface orientation. The normal to the interface is rotated about the z-axis as shown in the schematic. The dashed curve is the normal stress σzz (perpendicular to the page), and the solid curve the other in-plane normal stress. The units of stress are GPa and the stresses in the Cu are negative and positive in the Ni. (b) Polar plots of the dependence of the average strain energy densities [calculated as (σij εij )/2 in units of eV/Å3 ] on interface orientation, as defined in (a) except that longitudinal orientations of φ = 0◦ (z-axis normal to the page), 15◦ , 30◦ , and 45◦ are also shown. Equal thickness layers are assumed in both (a) and (b).
in the system is also dependent on interface orientation. It is highest for interfaces oriented parallel to {111} planes and lowest for interfaces parallel to the cube planes, which favors that orientation and is consistent with experimental observations. Evidently, the
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
strain energy advantage of the {100}-oriented interface tends to minimize interface curvature. As Fig. 4 shows, even for a composite layered system like Cu/Ni where the misfit between the two components is rather modest (misfit = 2.7%), the coherency stresses can be quite large. Biaxial stresses of 2.2 GPa in Cu and Ni will likely cause grown-in dislocations, so-called threaders, to glide, to the extent they are able, whether those dislocations are perfect 12 110{111} or Shockley dislocations, commonly associated with glide, or other dislocations, such as Lomer’s, 100, etc., that are able to glide conservatively. Dislocations that glide nonconservatively, such as stair rods, might also move at sufficiently high temperatures at these stress levels. Consequently, some plastic relaxation of coherency stresses by glide of grown-in dislocations is likely. Threading dislocations in layered composites are so called because they are grown in with their line oriented more-or-less perpendicular to the interface plane and, so, thread through the layers. Because the coherency stresses change sign from one layer to the next, the direction of the force vectors on each segment of threading dislocation within a layer would, if the dislocations were stationary, also change direction by about 180◦ from one layer to the next. If the segments are free to glide, each segment may, at sufficiently large applied stress, bow out and extend within its layer depositing itself along the two interfaces bounding the layer as it moves. The stress required to extend a segment confined within a layer of thickness h is proportional to ln h/ h, which is similar to that predicted by the classical Orowan expression but modified to account for the line energy of the deposited parts [4–9]. Similarly, as a new layer of, say component A, grows on a thick layer of component B, the coherency stresses in A exert a force on a threader acting to bow the threader within layer A. The critical thickness at which the threading dislocation begins to spread without limit depends on the energy to produce the step that is created on the free surface as the dislocation glides [10,11]. Fig. 5 provides a graphic example of a threading dislocation in an atomistic model of Ni on which layers of Cu are added, one at a time. The threading dislocation begins to bow out when the thickness of a surface film of coherent Cu exceeds 4 atomic layers. Further increases in thickness (exceeding about 2 nm) lead to glide without limit. In this case only 4 atomic layers (about 1 nm) are nearly sufficient to make glide energetically feasible. Even fewer layers would be needed in the rare event that a step is already available which the threading dislocation removes as it glides. Mitlin and coworkers [12] have provided indirect experimental evidence that is consistent with these ideas. They show that for Ni films growing coherently on Cu, there exists a critical thickness below which no dislocation glide is observed. For thickness greater than critical, long segments of glide dislocations on the interface are observed. These segments are a result of glide of threading dislocations, and the density of these dislocations increases with increasing thickness. Also, they observed that some of the dislocations on the interfaces are Lomer’s (with b = a/2110{100}) and that the fraction of Lomer’s increased dramatically with increasing film thickness [13]. Their observations suggest dislocation multiplication mechanisms. With regard to the Lomer dislocations on the interface, one scenario for their formation is the reaction between two a/2110{111} glide dislocations on conjugate slip planes at, or near, the interface. The trouble with this explanation is that
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Fig. 5. In the top figure a threading dislocation lying on a {111} slip plane in a layer of Ni emerges from the {100} nickel surface at the arrowed location. The middle figure shows that the threader has not moved after two layers of Cu were attached, coherently, to the Ni substrate. The bottom figure shows that the emerging threading dislocation has moved after 4 atomic layers of Cu have been added. These results were obtained from atomistic models and atoms are colored by excess energy. All of the low energy atoms have been rendered invisible.
such reactions ought to be rather rare and so the mechanisms responsible for the production of Lomer dislocations on the interface remain somewhat uncertain. The coherency stresses play yet another role: they define the maximum strength that coherent layered composites can achieve. The strength model suggested by Hoagland and coworkers [3] is based on the simple idea that a dislocation cannot traverse the composite unless the net forces on the dislocation in all layers are the same sign. Thus, a stress must
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
be applied that at least cancels the coherency stress in one of the two constituents. For a {100} oriented interface in a cube-on-cube fcc/fcc layered composite, this stress is given by σmax =
CACB em , CA + CB
where em is the misfit strain given by em = 2
(5) a0B −a0A , a0B +a0A
and the C M is the biaxial elastic
constant, mentioned earlier, for material M. There exist other forces acting on a dislocation that also must be overcome. These include forces due to elastic mismatch between the two constituents (Koehler forces), changes in core structure as the dislocation passes from one layer to the next (due, for example, to differences in stacking fault energy between the two constituents), and the creation of a small residual dislocation at the interface as the glide dislocation changes its Burgers’ vector on crossing the interface. From atomistic models at 0 K Hoagland and coworkers [14] found that, for coherent Cu/Ni composites, the applied stress needed to transmit a glide dislocation across the interface is 2.4 GPa, just slightly less than the 2.6 GPa predicted by eq. (5), and not very much above the 1.7 GPa peak strength measured experimentally [15]. Therefore, in this system most of the strength derives from coherency stresses. This also means that, while the net stress (applied plus coherency) in one constituent is about zero at onset of plasticity, the stress in the other has about doubled. Thus in Cu/Ni composites, an in-plane tensile stress of 2.4 GPa cancels the coherency stress in the Cu but stresses the Ni to about 5 GPa. As discussed by Hoagland and coworkers [14] this enormous stress in the Ni has several important implications, one of which is that the nonlinear elastic properties of the Ni become important. For example, the sign of the Koehler force was observed to change as the applied stress increased and approached 5 GPa. Dislocations that collect on interfaces, such as might result from glide of threading dislocations and by the creation of Lomer dislocations, tend to relax the coherency stresses at some distance away from the interface. These are called misfit dislocations and are energetically favorable if the work done in their creation is less than the elastic strain energy removed in reducing the coherency stresses, a topic that has received considerable attention [16–20]. Since the coherency energy scales as h and the dislocation self-energy scales as ln h, a critical thickness exists below which misfit dislocations are thermodynamically unstable. For larger layer thicknesses the equilibrium spacing between misfit dislocations depends upon their Burgers’ vector and the layer thickness, and, in the limit of a pair of semi-infinite bilayers, is given by λ=
bc , em
where bc is the component of the edge part of the Burgers vector parallel to the interface. Eq. (6) gives the misfit dislocation spacing that would completely remove the long-range coherency stresses. For reasons related to kinematic effects and nucleation of dislocations, predicted misfit spacing are generally smaller than observed. Importantly, misfit dislocations relax only the long-range coherency stresses and the interface between the misfit dislocations remains coherent and, therefore, a glide dislocation that intersects the coherent
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segment of interface in this region still encounters very large stresses that must be overcome if the dislocation is to move through the composite. This explains why these composites have high strength even when the layer thicknesses exceed the critical thickness. Some other factors that affect to the strength of layered composites include the accumulation of steps and dislocation remnants, called disconnections, on the interface, as a dislocation glides from crystal A to crystal B, with remnant Burgers vector, b = bA −bB . These disconnections act to repel additional bA dislocations and, thus, their accumulation on the interface constitutes a form of work hardening [21]. Another potent strengthening mechanism derives from the misfit dislocation commonly observed in Cu/Ni composites, the a/2110{100} Lomer. In an unstressed fcc lattice, this dislocation can dissociate into two Shockley dislocations and a stair rod [22,23]. This dissociation is energetically favored in Cu, but in a Cu/Ni bilayer, the core of the Lomer is collapsed by the compressive coherency stresses. With the application of in-plane tension the Lomer dissociates, and, in so doing, creates sheets or polyhedral shapes of stacking faults that are very potent barriers to cutting by glide dislocations [14].
3. Incoherent interfaces in fcc/bcc bilayers Compared to fcc/fcc interfaces, the more complex geometry of fcc/bcc interfaces leads to a possible multitude of atomic configurations of differing density, but nearly degenerate energy. This behavior is demonstrated in this section for the example of interfaces between Cu and Nb.
3.1. Interfaces in Cu/Nb multilayer composites Fcc {111} and bcc {110} planes each contain three low-index atomic directions. An fcc {111} plane contains three 110 nearest neighbor directions while a bcc {110} plane contains two 111 nearest neighbor directions and one 100 direction. Two commonly observed orientation relations of interfaces between close-packed planes of neighboring fcc and bcc solids can be described. In the Kurdjumov–Sachs (KS) orientation relation one of the 110 directions in a fcc {111} plane lies parallel to one of the 111 directions in a bcc {110} plane. Meanwhile, in the Nishiyama–Wassermann (NW) orientation relation one of the 110 directions in a fcc {111} plane lies parallel to the 100 direction in a bcc {110} plane. In terraces of both KS and NW a fcc {111} plane is parallel to a bcc {110}. A coherent fcc {111}/bcc {110} interface satisfies both KS and NW. Only the introduction of interface dislocations or (martensite) disconnections distinguishes the two cases. Schematic representations of the crystallography of KS and NW fcc/bcc interfaces are shown in Fig. 6. These orientation relations differ only by a rotation of ∼5.26 degrees in the interface plane, with intermediate orientations differing by even smaller rotations. Because the difference in orientation in the interface plane between the KS and NW relations is so small, drawing an unambiguous distinction between them can be challenging in experiments. Furthermore, coexistence of these two interface types seems possible and
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Fig. 6. Schematic representation of two common orientation relations of interfaces between fcc {111} and bcc {110} close packed atomic planes: (a) Kurdjumov–Sachs, 110fcc 111bcc ; (b) Nishiyama–Wassermann, 110fcc 100bcc . These orientation relations differ by a rotation of about 5.26 degrees in the interface plane (applied to the fcc {111} plane in the visualization above). The coordinate system shown here will be used throughout this section.
there may be cases where orientations intermediate between KS and NW are also present [24,25]. Considerable attention has been given to the topology of fcc/bcc interfaces due to its importance in describing martensitic transformations in ferrous alloys, yielding insights into the structure of interface steps, terracing behavior, and mechanisms of diffusionless transformations between the neighboring phases [26–29]. By comparison, detailed understanding of the connection between atomic structure of fcc/bcc interfaces and their physical properties has been lacking. Early studies of the atomic structure of close-packed fcc/bcc interfaces have focused on the most readily apparent feature of the atomic arrangement of these interfaces, namely that despite the lack of strict periodicity in these interfaces there nevertheless exist structurally distinct patches of interface area that form a repetitive pattern [30,31]. Such patches have been variously referred to as patches of local coherency [30] or high coordination [32]. Their areal density is a continuous function of the ratio of lattice parameters of the neighboring crystals as well as of rotation of one of the neighboring crystals in the interface plane (i.e. of orientation relation), but since analytical expressions relating interface crystallography to the locations of these patches have not been available, previous studies have focused on determining such relations numerically [31]. Meanwhile, the question of whether these patches affect the physical properties of close-packed fcc/bcc interfaces has not been addressed.
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In this section, the relations between structure and physical properties are studied in detail for a single specific close-packed fcc/bcc interface, namely the Kurdjumov–Sachs interface between Cu and Nb (Cu/Nb-KS). Extensive experimental study has confirmed that such interfaces are present in multilayered Cu/Nb composite coatings [33]. Moreover, their presence has been identified as the cause of numerous unusual properties of Cu/Nb multilayer composite including elastic anomalies [34], high strength and toughness [33,35], thermal stability [36,37], low susceptibility to fatigue [38], enhanced radiation damage resistance [39,40], and high He solubility and mobility [41,42]. The relations between interface structure and physical properties described in this section can be used to indicate what other fcc/bcc element pairs might exhibit properties similar to those seen in Cu/Nb multilayer composites. The work described here was performed using molecular dynamics (MD) [43] and conjugate gradient (CG) [44] potential energy minimization (PEM) atomistic simulation techniques [45]. Interatomic interactions were modeled using an empirical potential constructed using the embedded atom method (EAM) [46], which has proven successful in modeling the properties of elemental metallic systems as well as their alloys [47]. The Cu/Nb EAM potential used in this study was constructed by adopting the description of pure Cu due to Voter [48,49], that of Nb due to Johnson and Oh [50], and an inter-element interaction whose design was described elsewhere [32].
3.2. Interface structure: KS1 and KS2 Since the Cu/Nb-KS interface is aperiodic, constructing sections of it under periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) requires that interface periodicity be artificially imposed by straining the two adjoining Cu and Nb layers. Minimization of these periodicity strains is desirable as the associated stresses might influence interface behavior and affect properties such as interface energies. The magnitudes of the periodicity strains achieve minimum values for specific combinations of dimensions of the neighboring crystalline layers and generally decrease with increasing system size. In this study the interface dimensions were chosen so that the magnitudes of the imposed strains, dεxx , and dεzz , did not exceed 0.06%, 0.4%, respectively (see coordinate system in Fig. 6), while dεxz was maintained at zero. Once constructed, atomic configurations containing sections of the Cu/Nb-KS interface were relaxed using the Cu/Nb EAM potential by first allowing rigid-body translations of the neighboring Cu and Nb layers as well as homogeneous strains of the bilayer followed by independent relaxation of the all atomic positions [32]. When perfect fcc Cu is joined with bcc Nb in the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relation, the appearance of the resulting interface before relaxation is as shown in Fig. 7. One can discern a Moiré pattern of streaks of interface area where the locations of Cu and Nb atoms in the adjoining planes appear to line up. These streaks form a repetitive pattern and are the result of a purely geometrical Vernier-type misfit. After relaxation, the interface plane appears as shown in Fig. 8. Instead of the streaks observed in Fig. 7, this structure exhibits isolated sites of congruency between the Cu and Nb planes where a single atom in the Cu interface plane appears to be situated approximately “on top” of an atom from the Nb interface plane. The locations of these sites follow the same repetitive pattern seen in Fig. 7,
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Fig. 7. Visualization of the unrelaxed KS1 interface between fcc Cu (light) and bcc Nb (dark) looking normal to the interface plane. Even though this interface itself does not posses a strict periodicity, repetitive patterns appear where the positions of neighboring Cu and Nb atoms are nearly congruent – like the one indicated by the black oval.
with approximate unit cell dimensions of 1.34 × 2.55 nm and area 3.42 nm2 . The shape and size of this pattern is a consequence of the geometry of the two lattices and of their orientation, but not of the details of bonding between Cu and Nb. The displacements of interface atoms in going from the unrelaxed structure in Fig. 7 to the relaxed one in Fig. 8 are plotted for the Cu and Nb interface planes in Figs 9(a) and 9(b). On average, the magnitudes of these displacements in the interfacial Cu plane are larger by approximately a factor of 2.5 than in the interfacial Nb plane. In Fig. 9(a) one immediately notices regions of vortical displacements. These displacements occur almost entirely in the interfacial Cu plane, in agreement with the larger magnitude of relaxationinduced displacements in this plane compared with the interfacial Nb plane. The vortical relaxations center on the locations shown in Fig. 8 where a Cu interface atom is nearly congruent with a Nb atom. The interface structure described above has been termed “KS1 ” [32]. A second metastable interface structure has been found that also obeys the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relation, but possesses a different arrangement of interface atoms than seen in KS1 . In this second interface structure, called “KS2 ,” the plane of Cu atoms adjacent to the
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Fig. 8. Visualization of the relaxed KS1 interface between fcc Cu (light) and bcc Nb (dark) looking normal to the interface plane. Compact sites of congruency between Cu and Nb planes where a Cu atom is nearly “on top” of a Nb atom – like the one indicated by the circle – form a repetitive pattern with approximate unit cell of dimensions 1.34 × 2.55 nm.
interface Nb {110} plane is not a perfect Cu {111} plane, as in KS1 , but instead is homogeneously strained and rotated. The required deformation is unique and can be determined from the crystallography of the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relation as well as the lattice parameters of Cu and Nb, as shown below. The geometry of the homogeneously strained Cu {111} plane found in KS2 is called the α-geometry. All remaining Cu {111} planes in KS2 are perfect Cu {111} planes. The difference between KS1 and KS2 is illustrated schematically in Fig. 10. Because the structure of the atomic plane of Cu adjacent to Nb in KS2 is distinct from the rest of the Cu layer, the KS2 configuration in fact incorporates two interfaces: Nb/Cuα between Nb and the adjacent strained Cuα plane and Cuα /Cu between the strained Cu plane and the remaining unstrained Cu layer. The remainder of the bilayer has the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation. In experiments it may be difficult to distinguish between KS1 and KS2 if the thickness of the unstrained Cu and Nb layers greatly exceeds one atomic plane, since these layers would dominate transmission electron microscope images as well as electron or X-ray diffraction patterns.
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
(b) Fig. 9. The in-plane displacement vectors on relaxing from the configuration shown in Fig. 7 to the one in Fig. 8, for the interfacial (a) Cu {111} plane and (b) Nb {110} plane. For clarity, the magnitudes of the displacements shown here have been magnified by a factor of 5 in both (a) and (b).
To understand the construction of the homogeneous strain that must be imposed on a perfect Cu {111} plane to transform it into the Cuα plane present in KS2 , consider the arrangement of rows of atoms lying along low-index directions in the interface Cu and Nb
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Fig. 10. Comparison between KS1 and KS2 configurations. (a) KS1 is constructed by simply joining unstrained fcc Cu and bcc Nb layers in the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relation. (b) KS2 differs from KS1 in that the monolayer of Cu atoms immediately adjacent to the interfacial Nb {110} plane is homogeneously strained to the α-geometry (see text). The KS2 configuration therefore contains two interfaces: Nb/Cuα and Cuα /Cu.
Fig. 11. (a) The arrangement of Nb {110} and Cu {111} planes in the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relation. (b) The arrangement of a Nb {110} plane and Cuα plane in the α-geometry. (c) The arrangement of a Cuα plane in the α-geometry and an unstrained Cu {111} plane. The strains that must be applied to create the Cuα monolayer from a Cu {111} plane are illustrated by the dashed-line box and the thick arrows in (b) and (c).
planes of the KS1 configuration, as shown in Fig. 11(a). In the Cu {111} interface plane, Cu close-packed atom rows lie along three possible 110 directions, labeled 110Cu 1 , 1102 , Cu and 1103 in Fig. 11(a). In the Nb {110} interface plane, close-packed atom rows lie along Nb two possible 111 directions – labeled 111Nb 1 and 1112 , while the second closest packed rows of atoms lie along the 100 direction, labeled 100Nb . To strain the Cu {111} interface plane into the α-geometry, a homogeneous in-plane deformation is applied such Cu Cu that the close-packed rows 110Cu 1 , 1102 , and 1103 are transformed into a new set of rows named A, B, and C, respectively. After deformation these rows satisfy the following conditions: 1. The direction of A rows is parallel to the direction of 110Cu 1 ; 2. The direction of C rows is parallel to the direction of 100Nb ;
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
3. The distance d(A) between atoms along A rows is chosen such that the perpendicular spacing s(C) between C rows is equal to the perpendicular spacing s(100Nb ) between Nb 100Nb rows; 4. The distance d(C) between atoms along C rows is chosen such that the perpendicular spacing s(A) between A rows is equal to the perpendicular spacing s(110Cu 1 ) between Cu 110Cu rows. 1 As illustrated in Figs 11(b) and 11(c), the above transformation involves a uniform elongation and a simple shear along the 110Cu 1 direction. The orientations of the resulting monolayer directions A, B, and C with respect to the low-index directions in the Cu {111} and Nb {110} interface planes are also shown in Figs 11(b) and 11(c). The prescription above can be used to obtain an explicit expression for the displacement gradient (elastic stretch and rotation) relating a perfect Cu {111} plane and the Cuα plane present in the KS2 configuration. Adopting the coordinate system in Fig. 6 and restricting analysis to the interface (x, z) plane, one can express the nearest-neighbor vectors pointing Cu along directions 110Cu 1 and 1103 in a perfect Cu {111} plane as √ √ 2 1 − 3 aCu , , v 110Cu = 1 2 2 2 √ √ 2 3 1 v 110Cu = (7) aCu , , 3 2 2 2 while the nearest-neighbor vectors pointing along directions A and C in the Cuα plane are √ √ 1 − 3 v A = 30 − 12 6aNb , , 2 2 1 2 3 √ v C = ( 6 − 2)aCu (8) , . 2 3 3 The displacement gradient FCu→Cuα that deforms one set of vectors into the other obeys the relation T T T v A v CT = FCu→Cuα v 110 (9) v 110 Cu Cu 1
and equal to
⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨
√ (aCu − aNb ) ⎫ √ √ (aCu + aNb ) ⎪ ⎪ ( 3 − 2) ( 6 − 3) ⎬ a a Cu Cu √ √ FCu→Cuα = . √ √ aNb ⎪ 6−2 6 2 − 6 aNb ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ( 6 − 2) − ( 6 − 3) +3 √ √ ⎩ ⎭ aCu aCu 2 2 (10) The determinant of FCu→Cuα √ aNb det(FCu→Cuα ) = 2(3 − 6) (11) aCu gives the change in interface area in going from a perfect Cu {111} plane to Cuα . Using aCu = 0.3615 nm and aNb = 0.3301 nm [51], one finds det(FCu→Cuα ) ≈ 1.00538, indicating a decrease of areal density in the monolayer by about 1 atom for every 186 atoms
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Fig. 12. The relaxed Nb/Cuα interface in the KS2 configuration looking normal to the interface plane. Nb atoms are dark and Cuα atoms are light. Rows of atoms along the Nb 100Nb and Cuα C directions are parallel to each other and have the same normal spacing.
in a perfect Cu {111} plane. The magnitudes of the uniform elongation and simple shear pictured in Figs 11(b) and 11(c) are 0.538 and 11.6%, respectively. One can create the interface structure KS2 by inserting the Cuα monolayer constructed according to the procedure described above in place of the interface Cu {111} plane of the KS1 structure. Similar to the case when the fcc Cu and bcc Nb crystal slabs are joined to create KS1 , additional strains must imposed on the Cuα monolayer to ensure periodic boundary conditions in the interface plane. The magnitudes of the required periodicity strain increments dεxx , dεzz , dεxz did not exceed 0.004%, 0.2%, 0.05%, respectively, and are comparable to the periodicity strains imposed in KS1 . Because of these periodicity strains, the final decrease of areal density in the Cuα monolayer was about 1 atom for every 139 atoms in a perfect Cu {111} plane. Figs 12 and 13 show the arrangement of atoms in the Nb/Cuα and Cuα /Cu interfaces of KS2 after relaxation. As intended, the direction and spacing of Nb 100Nb rows matche those of Cuα C rows and the direction and spacing of Cu 110Cu 1 rows matches those of Cuα A rows. Note that none of the Cuα rows A, B, or C lie parallel to the characteristic Kurdjumov–Sachs direction where Nb 111 is parallel to Cu 110: row B is most closely aligned with this direction, making an angle of approximately 5.0 degrees with it. Comparing the Nb/Cuα interface of KS2 in Fig. 12 with the relaxed KS1 interface in Fig. 8 reveals a clear difference between these two configurations. In KS1 , patches of un-
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Fig. 13. Visualization of the relaxed Cuα /Cu interface in the KS2 configuration looking normal to the interface α plane. Cuα atoms are light and bulk Cu atoms are dark. Rows of atoms along the Cu 110Cu 1 and Cu A directions are parallel to each other and have the same normal spacing.
dercoordination occur at points where a Cu and Nb atom are nearly congruent. In Nb/Cuα of KS2 , however, these features are not observed. Patches of undercoordination do not appear in Cuα /Cu in Fig. 13, either. In fact, the conditions placed on the directions and spacing of rows A and C ensure that the spacing between A monolayer rows exactly matches those of 110Cu 1 rows, causing the former to lie in the “valleys” between the latter. Similarly, C monolayer rows always lie in the “valleys” between 100Nb rows. Consequently, no patches of undercoordination are possible in the KS2 interface structures even if the model is extended infinitely in both in-plane directions. Accordingly, no vortical displacement fields appear in KS2 upon relaxation, unlike in KS1 (Fig. 9). 3.3. Interface dislocations in KS1 The vortical displacement patterns that appear in the KS1 interface (Fig. 9) perturb the locations of neighboring atoms in a way reminiscent of the creation of a defect with a well-defined elastic strain field. Numerous attempts have been made to understand these relaxations in terms of possible defect configurations, including disclinations [52,53], dislocation or disclination loops [54,55], generalized Somigliana dislocations [56–58], and solitons [59,60]. Although none of these alternatives by themselves proved suitable to de-
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scribe the relaxation displacement fields in KS1 , an explanation was eventually found based on the presence of two intersecting sets of interface dislocations in the KS1 configuration. The presence of dislocations in the KS1 interface can be demonstrated by analysis of the disregistry across the interface plane upon relaxation [22]. To carry out this analysis, a reference state for the Cu/Nb bilayer must be chosen in which the interface between the neighboring elements is coherent, i.e. in which both of the adjoining interface atom planes have identical crystal structures. Because the lattice misfit between Cu and Nb is nearly 10%, either the Cu or Nb layer or both must be highly strained to construct a coherent reference configuration. The physical effect of the long-range elastic fields of any interface dislocations added to such a coherent structure is to transform the neighboring Cu and Nb crystals back into their unstrained states. For this reason, such interface dislocations are sometime referred to as misfit [14] or anticoherency [1] dislocations. The coherent reference state chosen for the disregistry analysis to be presented here is such that all Cu {111} planes are strained to have the in-plane geometry of Cuα and all Nb {110} planes are strained to have the in-plane geometry of Nbα , i.e. Nb in the αgeometry. Although many other possible coherent states could be chosen, this specific one has advantages that make it particularly suitable to disregistry analysis, as discussed in Section 3.4. As shown in Section 3.2, one can create the Cuα monolayer in KS2 by applying the displacement gradient FCu→Cuα [eq. (10)] to a perfect Cu {111} plane. For disregistry analysis of KS1 one further displacement gradient must be computed, namely FNb→Nbα which describes the homogeneous deformation that must be applied to a Nb {110} plane to transform it to the α-geometry. This displacement gradient can be computed from the relation −1 FCu→Nb = FNbα →Nb · FCu→Cuα = FNb→Nb α · FCu→Cuα −1 FNb→Nbα = FCu→Cuα · FCu→Nb ,
where FCu→Nb is the displacement gradient that must be applied to a Cu {111} plane in order to transform it into a Nb {110} plane. Given the vectors connecting nearest-neighbor Nb rows of a Nb {110} plane atoms lying along the 111Nb 1 and 100 √ √ 3 1 −2 2 aNb , , v 111Nb = 1 2 3 3 1 2 v 100Nb = aNb (13) , 3 3 as well as the vectors connecting nearest-neighbor atoms lying along the 110Cu 1 and Cu 1103 rows of a Cu {111} plane [eq. (7)], FCu→Nb immediately follows from the relation T T T T v 111Nb v 100 (14) 110Cu v 110 Nb = FCu→Nb v Cu 1
and can be written as ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ 3 aNb ⎨ 2 aCu FCu→Nb = ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 0
⎫ 2aNb ⎪ ⎪ ⎬ 6aCu . 4aNb ⎪ ⎪ ⎭ 3aCu
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Eq. (12) then gives rise to the following expression for FNb→Nbα : FNb→Nbα ⎧ √ (aCu − 2aNb ) ⎫ √ √ (aCu + aNb ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ( 6 − 2) ( 3 − 2) ⎨ ⎬ aNb 2aNb √ √ . = √ ⎪ 3 − 6 aCu aCu ⎪ 1√ 6−3 6 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ⎭ +2 6−1 (3 − 6) + √ √ aNb 2 aNb 3 3 (16) To conduct the disregistry analysis, two KS1 interface configurations are used: the asconstructed interface before relaxation and the fully relaxed KS1 configuration. The state of the Cu layer in its coherent reference state is constructed by applying the displacement gradient FCu→Cuα to the Cu side of the unrelaxed interface. A correspondence list between nearest-neighbor Cu and Nb atoms is compiled in this reference configuration. This list is used to find initial relative positions between the corresponding atoms and to determine the locations of origin for disregistry vectors, defined as the midpoint between corresponding atoms. The final relative position between corresponding atoms is computed in the fully relaxed state of the KS1 interface. Disregistry vectors r are then computed as the difference between the positions of corresponding Cu and Nb atoms in the relaxed and reference configurations. The locations of origin found in the strained reference state are used in creating a vector plot of disregistry in the interface plane, as shown in Fig. 14. The appearance of the disregistry vector plot in Fig. 14 is dominated by the homogeneous deformation FCu→Cuα used in constructing the strained reference configuration.
Fig. 14. Vector plot of disregistry computed across the Cu/Nb interface in KS1 . The shaded strips are regions where the disregistry changes most rapidly. ξˆ denotes the line direction of the strips while nˆ is the direction normal to ξˆ in the interface plane.
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Fig. 15. Disregistry components r · nˆ (edge) and r · ξˆ (screw) as functions of the component (x, z) · nˆ of disregistry position (nˆ is the direction normal to the line direction ξˆ of shaded strips in Fig. 14). The steps in the screw components of disregistry indicate the presence of a set of interfacial dislocations, termed “set 1” for reference.
Nevertheless, close analysis shows that the parts of the interface in which the magnitudes of the disregistry vectors undergo the fastest changes are the ones within the shaded strips shown in Fig. 14. This property of the computed disregistry vector distribution is more easily seen by examination of the plot in Fig. 15, whose abscissa is the component (x, z) · nˆ of the disregistry vector origin position that lies along the direction nˆ normal to the line of strips in Fig. 14. The quantities plotted on the ordinate are the components r · ξˆ and r · nˆ of disregistry vectors along directions parallel and normal to the line of strips (directions ξˆ and nˆ in Fig. 14, respectively). If no dislocations had been present in the interface under investigation here, the plot in Fig. 15 would simply have shown a straight line whose slope would be a constant determined by the deformation gradient FCu→Cuα that relates reference and final configurations. The steps that are actually observed in the plots of disregistry components shown in Fig. 15 are therefore the result of the tendency of the deformation to localize into compact regions and indicate the presence of a set of interface dislocations lying along directions ξˆ in the KS1 interface. This array of dislocations is termed “set 1.” The sections of steepest slope in Fig. 15 correspond to the locations of dislocation cores and coincide with the shaded strips in Fig. 14. Meanwhile, the nearly horizontal sections indicate regions of the relaxed KS1 configuration that are located in-between successive dislocations and whose structure is close to that of the unrelaxed coherent reference state. Similar reasoning has led to the detection of interface dislocations in other heterophase interfaces, such as those found in Cu/Ni and Cu/Ag multilayer composites [14]. Several important parameters characterizing dislocation set 1 can be read from the plot in Fig. 15. The difference in the levels of successive horizontal sections for disregistry component r · ξˆ equals the magnitude of the screw component bs of the Burgers vector of the
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Table 1 Physical quantities characterizing the two sets of interfacial dislocations present in the Cu/Nb interface in KS1 , stated as mean ±1 standard deviation Dislocation set
Line angle θ (deg)
Line spacing s (nm)
Edge component (nm)
Screw component (nm)
Core width we
Core width ws
1 2
−27 −68
2.17 ± 0.08 0.89 ± 0.03
0.969±0.016 0.011 ± 0.001 >0.9 NA
Burgers vector be
Burgers vector bs
0.911 ± 0.017 0.261 ± 0.005 0.423 ± 0.04 0.075 ± 0.004
Fig. 16. Disregistry components r · nˆ (edge) and r · ξˆ (screw) for interfacial dislocation set 2 (see text) as functions of the component (x, z) · nˆ of disregistry position.
dislocations. Similarly, the magnitude of the edge component be of the dislocations’ Burgers vector is the difference in levels between horizontal sections in the plot of disregistry component r · n. ˆ The spacing s between dislocations is the distance between their core centers while their core widths ws and we are the distances separating successive horizontal regions in the screw and edge components, respectively. The mean values of quantities bs , be , s, ws , and we determined from Fig. 15 are given in Table 1. The line direction of dislocations in set 1 is given as the angle θ measured counterclockwise from the interface horizontal direction in Fig. 14. One can define another set of dislocations – termed “set 2” – by performing the analysis described above, except this time applying deformation gradient FNb→Nbα to the Nb side of the unrelaxed KS1 configuration to create the strained reference state. Proceeding as before, we again find that there exist distinct strips within the interface – whose line direction differs from dislocation set 1 – where the disregistry vector magnitudes undergo the fastest changes. The plot in Fig. 16 is analogous to the one in Fig. 15 and shows the edge and
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screw components of disregistry vectors for the line direction of dislocation set 2. Fig. 16 reveals that a distinct dislocation spacing, core width, and Burgers vector magnitude can be determined for the screw component of these dislocations, but not for the edge component. This observation implies either that no set of edge dislocations corresponding to the screw dislocations seen in Fig. 16 exists or that its core widths exceed the dislocation line spacing. Given that the screw component line spacing is about 0.9 nm, the assumption of overlapping edge components for dislocation set 2 seems plausible. Table 1 lists the values of θ , bs , be , s, ws , and we for dislocation set 2.
3.4. Analytical interpretation of KS1 dislocation content A coherent reference state where both the Cu {111} and Nb {110} interface planes are strained to have the α-geometry (see Section 3.2) has special properties that are convenient for the purpose of disregistry analysis. These properties can best be presented in the framework for computing the dislocation content of an interface using the Frank–Bilby formula [1,26]. This approach considers an interface between crystals with lattices A and B, as shown in Fig. 17(a) and supposes that these lattices are related by homogeneous displacement gradients F A and F B to a common coherent reference lattice, shown in Fig. 17(b). Lattice A can be obtained by operating with F A on the reference lattice while lattice B can be obtained by operating with F B on the reference lattice. Vector p is an arbitrary vector chosen in the plane of the interface between A and B and emanating from the origin O. When mapped into the coherent reference configuration, this vector can take on two different values, depending on whether it is mapped from the A lattice or from the B lattice. If mapped from the A lattice, p takes on the value F A−1 p in the common coherent reference configuration, where F A−1 is the inverse of F A . Alternatively, if mapped from the B lattice, p takes on the value F B−1 p in the common coherent reference configuration, where F B−1 is the inverse F B . Suppose the Burgers circuit in the
Fig. 17. (a) A Burgers circuit constructed across the interface between lattice A and lattice B beginning at point S. Vector p is an arbitrary interface vector from the origin O terminating at S. (b) The Burgers circuit in (a) constructed in a coherent reference lattice. If lattice A is obtained from the reference lattice through a homogeneous deformation F A and lattice B is similarly constructed using F B , then the Burgers circuit has the closure failure dashed arrow. B = (F A−1 − F B−1 )p,
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
configuration shown in Fig. 17(a) is constructed beginning at the starting point S – the endpoint of vector p – and proceeding counterclockwise as shown by the arrows. Because p is mapped differently into the reference configuration depending on whether it is mapped from lattice A or lattice B, the Burgers circuit in the reference configuration shown in Using the finish-to-start convention [22], one can Fig. 17(b) contains a closure failure B. write this closure failure B = F A−1 − F B−1 p. (17) Eq. (17) is known as the Frank–Bilby equation and computes the sum B of Burgers vectors of interfacial dislocations crossed by vector p. Because this equation is based on a purely geometrical analysis of lattices A and B, it cannot provide information about properties that depend strongly on the nature of interatomic interactions in a given material. For example, it cannot say how the Burgers vector sum B is partitioned among individual interfacial dislocations. Thus, in fcc materials it does not distinguish between perfect 1 2 110 dislocations and ones that have dissociated into Shockley partials. It cannot be used to compute dislocation core widths and so does not predict if B is spread out over a wide area of the interface or concentrated into compact dislocation cores separated by regions of coherency. Instead, the Frank–Bilby equation should be regarded as defining the average Burgers vector b¯ crossed per unit length of an infinite line lying in the A–B interface along the direction specified by the unit vector p: ˆ A−1 b¯ = F (18) ˆ − F B−1 p. Another limitation of the analysis of interfacial dislocation content based on the Frank– Bilby equation is that this equation does not by itself provide a full dislocation-based model for a given pair of displacement gradients F A and F B : in general the same distribution of Burgers vector content b¯ with direction pˆ can be obtained using different combinations of line directions ξˆi , Burgers vectors b i , and normal spacings si for n sets of parallel dislocations i = 1, . . . , n. Nevertheless, under certain restricted conditions, e.g. in the case of grain boundaries formed exclusively from glide dislocations in materials with one or two slip systems [22], the number n of sets of parallel dislocations present in that interface along with their line directions ξˆi , Burgers vectors b i , and spacings si (i = 1, . . . , n) can be determined. In the case of the Kurdjumov–Sachs interface between Cu and Nb additional information is contained in the description of the α-geometry (Section 3.2). As shown below, this information is sufficient to give a full dislocation-based model of the Cu/Nb interface. The following analysis is restricted to the interface plane between Cu and Nb, so the displacement gradients F A and F B are rank-2 tensors of dimension 2. We define the Frank–Bilby operator M = (F A−1 − F B−1 ). Diagonalization of M yields a pair of eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 as well as their associated eigenvectors v 1 and v 2 (M v i = λi v i , no summation implied). If one of the eigenvalues equals zero, for example λ1 = 0, then the associated eigenvector v 1 specifies a direction of zero dislocation content (the possibility of crossing lines of dislocation dipoles is ignored). This situation implies either that the interface contains no dislocations – in which case λ2 = 0 as well – or that it contains only one set of dislocations whose line direction ξˆ is identical to the direction of
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Fig. 18. The arrangement of a set of parallel interfacial dislocations implied by a Frank–Bilby operator M = (F A−1 − F B−1 ) that has one eigenvalue λ1 = 0 and another λ2 = 0.
v 1 : ξˆ = vˆ1 . If the latter is the case, then the second eigenvector v 2 lies along a direction whose interface Burgers vector content also lies along that direction, i.e. v 2 specifies the direction of the Burgers vector of the dislocations whose line direction is given by v 1 . The eigenvalue λ2 associated with v 2 gives their Burgers vector content per unit distance along v 2 and therefore relates their spacing s to the magnitude of their Burgers vector b. If l is the distance that must be traveled along direction vˆ2 for the intersected interface Burgers vector content to equal b, then |λ2 |l = b. The spacing between dislocations is then the component of l vˆ2 that lies along the interface direction nˆ normal to v 1 , i.e. s = l vˆ2 · nˆ = l cos( π2 − γ ) = l sin(γ ) where γ is the angle between v 1 and v 2 , as shown in Fig. 18. The
dislocation spacing therefore can be written s = l 1 − cos2 (γ ) = l 1 − (vˆ1 · vˆ2 )2 and the following relation between |λ2 |, s, and b is obtained: |λ2 | =
1 − (vˆ1 · vˆ2 )2 . s
The Frank–Bilby equation does not allow s and b to be determined independently, but only as a ratio. A given value of λ2 therefore does not distinguish between a set of dislocations with spacing s and Burgers vector b and one with spacing 2s and Burgers vector 2b, for example. The above development is directly applicable to the case of the Cu/Nb-KS interface. Taking Nb to be the A lattice, Cu to be the B lattice, and using the α-geometry coherent reference configuration as in Section 3.3, we find that eq. (18) gives b¯ = (FNb→Nbα − FCu→Cuα )p. ˆ
This expression can be rewritten as ˆ b¯ = (FNb→Nbα − I )pˆ + (I − FCu→Cuα )pˆ = MNbα →Nb pˆ + MCuα →Cu p,
where MNbα →Nb = (FNb→Nbα − I ), MCuα →Cu = (I − FCu→Cuα ).
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
The individual operators MCuα →Cu and MNbα →Nb describe separately the dislocation content introduced into the Cu/Nb interface when the neighboring crystalline layers are transformed from the coherent reference configuration to fcc Cu and bcc Nb, respectively. Since the dislocation content introduced by them is additive, operators MCuα →Cu and MNbα →Nb can be applied in any order. We find it convenient, therefore, to investigate their effects separately. The expression for FCu→Cuα in eq. (10) can be used in conjunction with eq. (22) to obtain the formula for the operator MCuα →Cu . Diagonalizing this operator yields the following eigenvalues and eigenvectors: √ √ 2aCu − 3aNb λ1 = 0, v 1 = 1, , aCu − aNb √ √ aNb , v 2 = [1, − 3 ]. λ2 = 1 + 2( 6 − 3) (23) aCu Next, using eq. (16) for FNb→Nbα with eq. (22), we find the operator MNbα →Nb and diagonalize it to give √ √ 2 3aNb − 2 2aCu λ1 = 0, v 1 = 1, , aCu − 2aNb √ 3 √ aCu − 1, v 2 = [1, 2 ]. λ2 = ( 6 − 2) (24) 2 aNb These two operators each have one zero and one non-zero eigenvalue. Thus, each of them describes the addition of exactly one set of parallel interfacial dislocations with line direction ξˆ = vˆ1 , Burgers vector direction bˆ = vˆ2 , and Burgers vector magnitude and disloca
b tion spacing related by |λ2 | = s 1 − (vˆ1 · vˆ2 )2 . This last equation connects b as measured in the reference configuration to s measured in the actual configuration. For comparison with disregistry analysis, it is convenient to find a relation between these quantities when both are measured in the reference configuration. Observing that the direction bˆ is invariant under the operation of the displacement gradients found in the definitions in eq. (22) but lengths along this direction are stretched by the factor λ2 = 1/(1 − |λ2 |), we obtain √ 1−(vˆ1 ·vˆ2 )2 √ where both quantities in the ratio (s/b)R are measured in the |λ2 | = 2 (s/b)R +
1−(vˆ1 ·vˆ2 )
reference configuration, as indicated by the subscript. Nb demonA comparison of the Burgers vector directions v 2 with 110Cu 1 and 100 strates that v 2 for MCuα →Cu is parallel to 110Cu 2 for MNbα →Nb is parallel to 1 while v Nb 100 . Assuming that the Burgers vector magnitudes are equal to one nearest neighbor distance along these directions, one can find the values of the dislocation spacing from the previously developed relation between |λ2 | and (s/b)R . Table 2 lists the values characterizing the sets of dislocations associated with MCuα →Cu and MNbα →Nb calculated using the analytical method described above and compares them with the values for dislocation sets 1 and 2 obtained from atomic-scale simulations, presented in Section 3.3. The quantitative agreement between MCuα →Cu and set 1 as well as MNbα →Nb and set 2 is excellent, confirming the accuracy of the analytical treatment presented here.
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Table 2 Comparison between values characterizing the dislocation sets predicted analytically by operators MCuα →Cu and MNbα →Nb with the values obtained from atomic scale simulations in Section 3.3 (Table 1) Quantity
Line angle θ (deg) Line spacing s (nm) Edge comp. be (nm) Screw comp. bs (nm)
MCuα →Cu = (I − FCu→Cuα ), set 1
MNbα →Nb = (FNb→Nbα − I ), set 2
−27.44 2.12 0.0114 0.2554
−27 2.17 ± 0.08 0.011 ± 0.001 0.261 ± 0.005
−67.95 0.907 0.3213 0.0755
−68 0.89 ± 0.03 NA 0.075 ± 0.004
The methods described above are useful not only in the analysis of the dislocation content of interfaces but also in the construction of interfaces with some desired dislocation content. This capability is used later in this study. If the operator M = (I − F −1 ) has an eigenvector v with associated eigenvalue λ, then simple algebraic manipulation shows that v is also an eigenvector of operator F with associated eigenvalue λ = 1/(1 − λ). A zero eigenvalue of M therefore corresponds to a unity eigenvalue of F , i.e. it is associated with an eigendirection v that remains unaltered by the deformation. Thus, the displacement gradient F that produces a change in interface dislocation content corresponding to a single ˆ set of dislocations with line direction ξˆ , Burgers vector magnitude and direction b and b, and spacing s is given by 1 0 ˆ −1 . ˆ ˆ [ξˆ b] F = [ξ b] 0 (25) √s 2 s−b
ˆ 1−(ξˆ ·b)
3.5. Interface dislocations in KS2 Disregistry analysis may be conducted on both of the interfaces in KS2 using the same methods as were applied to the interface in KS1 . For the Nb/Cuα interface, a coherent reference state is found by applying the displacement gradient FNb→Nbα to the Nb layer. The disregistry found between this reference state and the relaxed KS2 configuration indicates the presence of a set of dislocations with the same line directions and Burgers vectors as the ones characteristic of dislocation set 2 discussed in Section 3.3. Fig. 19 shows the screw and edge components of the calculated disregistry as a function of position normal to the dislocation line direction while Table 3 lists the properties of this dislocation set determined from Fig. 19. Because displacement gradient FNb→Nbα describes the presence of exactly one set of dislocations and no displacement gradient need be applied to the Cuα monolayer to bring it into the chosen coherent reference configuration, there can be no more interfacial dislocations in the Nb/Cuα interface of the KS2 configuration. Similarly, in the Cuα /Cu interface there can only be one set of interfacial dislocations associated with the displacement gradient FCu→Cuα with direction matching that of dislocation set 1 in KS1 . A strained reference state used for computing disregistry across the Cuα /Cu interface is created by applying the displacement gradient FCu→Cuα to the Cu layer of the unre-
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Fig. 19. Disregistry components r · nˆ (edge) and r · ξˆ (screw) for the interfacial dislocation set in the Nb/Cuα interface of KS2 as functions of the component (x, z) · nˆ of disregistry position.
Table 3 Physical quantities characterizing the interfacial dislocations present in the Nb/Cuα and Cuα /Cu interfaces in KS2 , stated as mean ±1 standard deviation KS2 interface
Line angle θ (deg)
Line spacing s (nm)
Edge component (nm)
Screw component (nm)
Core width we
Core width ws
Burgers vector bs
Cuα /Cu Nb/Cuα
−27 −68
2.18 ± 0.04 0.89 ± 0.02
0.986±0.008 0.011 ± 0.001 >0.9 NA
2.06 ± 0.33 0.404±0.015
0.248±0.003 0.074±0.002
Burgers vector be
laxed KS2 configuration. The final state of the interface is taken to be the one found in the relaxed KS2 configuration. Results of this disregistry analysis are presented in Fig. 20, showing the screw and edge disregistry components as a function of position normal to the dislocation line direction. The edge component in Fig. 20 would suggest the presence of a set of dislocations with a spacing that matches that of dislocation set 1 in KS1 (Table 1). The screw components in Fig. 20, however, are much less clear: they either do not exist or have overlapping cores. The analytical treatment of Section 3.4, however, provides a way of resolving the above dilemma. Specifying a dislocation spacing s twice as large as in set 1 (Table 1), eq. (25) can be used to construct a displacement gradient FCuα →Cuβ that introduces a single set of interface dislocations with line direction identical to set 1 but only half the Burgers vector content of set 1. A Cuβ monolayer created from a perfect Cu {111} plane using FCu→Cuβ = FCuα →Cuβ · FCu→Cuα is said to be in the β-geometry, which is intermediate between that of a Cu {111} plane and the α-geometry. In analogy to KS2 , a configuration with a Cuβ interfacial monolayer contains two interfaces: Nb/Cuβ and Cuβ /Cu. Fig. 21 shows Nb/Cuβ in its relaxed state.
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Fig. 20. Disregistry components r · nˆ (edge) and r · ξˆ (screw) for the interfacial dislocation set in the Cuα /Cu interface of KS2 (see text) as functions of the component (x, z) · nˆ of disregistry position.
Fig. 21. The relaxed Nb/Cuβ interface looking normal to the interface plane. Compact sites of congruency between the Cu (light) and Nb (dark) planes like the ones seen in the KS1 Cu/Nb interface (Fig. 8) are observed in this interface as well, though the unit cell of the repetitive pattern they form is twice as large as in KS1 .
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Fig. 22. Disregistry components r · nˆ (edge) and r · ξˆ (screw) for the interfacial dislocation set in the Nb/Cuβ interface as functions of the component (x, z) · nˆ of disregistry position.
Fig. 23. Disregistry components r · nˆ (edge) and r · ξˆ (screw) for the interfacial dislocation set in the Cuβ /Cu interface as functions of the component (x, z) · nˆ of disregistry position. The screw component of disregistry displays peaks and valleys not seen in Fig. 22 indicating that additional dissociation has occurred.
Disregistry computed along the line direction of dislocation set 1 for the Nb/Cuβ inter−1 face using displacement gradient FCuβ →Cuα = FCu α →Cuβ to construct the coherent referβ ence state from the unrelaxed Cu monolayer leads to the plots in Fig. 22. Comparison with Fig. 15 shows that the dislocation spacing in Nb/Cuβ is twice that seen in set 1, as expected. Furthermore, the undercoordinated patches in Nb/Cuβ (Fig. 21) are found to lie along the dislocation cores located by an analysis of Fig. 22. Disregistry analysis along the line direction of dislocation set 1 for the Cuβ /Cu interface using displacement gradient FCu→Cuβ to construct the coherent reference state from the unrelaxed fcc Cu {111} plane leads to the plots in Fig. 23. Unlike the case of the Cuα /Cu interface in KS2 (Fig. 20), these plots do confirm the presence of a distinct set of dislo-
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Table 4 Properties of point defects in fcc Cu. Formation energies and volumes are defined as Eform = E(N ) − N · U and Vform = V (N ) − N · . E(N ) and V (N ) are the energy and volume of a relaxed system containing a defect, N is the number of atoms in the system, and U and are the cohesive energy and volume per atom Defect Method
Cu vacancy EAM
Lowest energy Cu interstitial Exp./DFT
EAM: 100 dumbbell
1.27, Exp.a 9.21 × 10−3 , Exp.b
2.8–4.2, Exp.c 4.13 × 10−3 – 8.86 × 10−3 , Exp.c 0.55 N/A <0.45, ∼0.77 on 101 N/A
Exp./DFT: 100 dumbbell
Visualization Formation energy (eV) 1.26 Formation volume (nm3 ) 8.78 × 10−3
Core radius (nm) Critical distance for Frenkel pair annihilation (nm)
0.55 N/A <0.45, ∼0.77 on 101 N/A
3.24 12.55 × 10−3
a [61]. b [62]. c [63].
cations with screw component equal to that found for dislocation set 1. The width of the dislocation cores is comparable to the spacing of set 1 dislocations, explaining why they could not be unambiguously distinguished by direct analysis of the Cuα /Cu interface in KS2 (Fig. 20). Also, unlike the case in Fig. 22, the dislocations present in this interface have undergone additional dissociation, as evidenced by the small peaks and valleys that appear in the screw component of disregistry. The physical quantities that characterize dislocations present in the Cuα /Cu interface of KS2 – listed in Table 3 – have therefore been deduced from the Frank–Bilby operator MCuα →Cu and from disregistry analysis performed on interface Cuβ /Cu. A comparison of Tables 1 and 3 now allows a clear understanding of the relationship between KS1 and KS2 to be developed. Each of them contains two sets of dislocations. Set 2 dislocations are closely spaced, have predominantly edge character, and arise by the operation of displacement gradient FNb→Nbα on the bcc Nb {110} plane. In both KS1 and KS2 , they are found at the interface between Nb and the adjacent Cu plane. Set 1 dislocations have a larger spacing than set 2, are of predominantly screw character, and arise by the operation of displacement gradient FCu→Cuα on the fcc Cu {111} plane. In KS1 this set of dislocations resides between the interfacial Nb {110} plane and the adjacent Cu {111} plane. In KS2 , however, it is present in the Cuα /Cu interface. In the following section, we show that this difference between KS1 and KS2 has important consequences for the behavior of vacancies and interstitials near Cu/Nb-KS interfaces.
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Table 5 Properties of point defects in bcc Nb. Formation energies and volumes are defined as in Table 4 Defect Method
Nb vacancy
Lowest energy NB interstitial
EAM: 100 dumbbell
Exp./DFT: 100 dumbbell
Formation energy (eV)
5.25, DFTc
Formation volume (nm3 ) Core radius (nm) Critical distance for Frenkel pair annihilation (nm)
13.92 × 10−3 0.71 <0.35
2.7–3, Exp.a 2.92, DFTb N/A N/A N/A
−7.71 × 10−3 0.71 <0.35
a [63]. b [64]. c [65].
4. Vacancies and interstitials in Cu/Nb interfaces 4.1. Interface behavior upon atom insertion or removal In perfect crystal fcc Cu and bcc Nb point defects are compact and well localized. Tables 4 and 5 compare point defect properties as predicted by the Cu/Nb EAM potential used in this study with experimental and first principles values, where available. Quantitative agreement among the data is mixed, but in all cases the point defects that they characterize share the common characteristic of being confined to a single well-defined location within an otherwise crystalline lattice. The effect of removing or inserting atoms in Cu/Nb interfaces differs markedly from the formation of vacancies or interstitials in Cu and Nb crystals. To reach its lowest energy state, an interface arrangement with an added or removed atom must be relaxed at finite temperature by MD – allowing individual atoms to overcome small energy barriers that trap these atoms in metastable states – followed by PEM to remove thermal agitation. A special technique was developed to perform these operations efficiently based on the observation that the insertion or removal of an interfacial atom at a given site does not alter the structure of the entire interface area enclosed in the simulation cell, but only that of a certain region or “spot” within the vicinity of that site. Annealing by MD and relaxation by PEM need therefore only be applied at that spot, while the rest of the atoms in the simulation cell remain fixed and are excluded from the energy and force calculations. After this “spot relaxation,” the composite model is relaxed by PEM. The MD part of spot relaxation was carried out at a temperature T = 300 K for 10 ps.
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Fig. 24. Dependence of vacancy formation energies in Cu and Nb as functions of distance normal to the Cu/Nb interface in the KS1 configuration.
While one can create a vacancy in an atomic scale simulation of a solid by simply deleting an atom, the creation of an interstitial requires some prior knowledge of the locations where a new atom could be inserted. The interstitial sites for common crystal lattices are known [63], but no such tabulation exists for complicated atomic arrangements like the ones found at aperiodic interfaces. In this study, candidate sites for atom insertion were taken to be the vertices and face centers of Voronoi polyhedra constructed around atoms in whose neighborhood we wish to create the interstitial [66]. Although there is no guarantee that this method necessarily finds all favorable insertion locations in any arbitrarily selected atom configuration, it does find all of the interstitial sites tabulated for fcc, bcc, and hcp lattices [63]. Figs 24 through 27 present the vacancy and interstitial formation energies in the Cu and Nb layers as a function of initial position normal to the Cu/Nb interface for both the KS1 and KS2 configurations. In all cases, defect formation energies away from the interface approach the formation energy of the corresponding defect in a perfect crystal (Tables 4 and 5). At 1 nm or less from the interface, however, defects interact with the interface and their formation energies decrease. At the interface, the formation energies for both vacancies and interstitials are significantly reduced compared to their perfect crystal values. Figs 25 and 27 show that the formation energies of some Cu interstitials at distances from the interface as large as 1 nm are similar to those inside the Cu/Nb interface. The reason for such low formation energy values can be found by tracking the process of PEM relaxation of the defect configuration, as shown in Fig. 28. In Fig. 28(a) the defect configuration
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
Fig. 25. Dependence of interstitial formation energies in Cu and Nb as functions of distance normal to the Cu/Nb interface in the KS1 configuration.
Fig. 26. Dependence of vacancy formation energies in Cu and Nb as functions of distance normal to the Cu/Nb interface in the KS2 configuration.
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Fig. 27. Dependence of interstitial formation energies in Cu and Nb as functions of distance normal to the Cu/Nb interface in the KS2 configuration.
Fig. 28. The process of relaxation by potential energy minimization (PEM) of a 110 split dumbbell interstitial inserted at a distance of 1 nm away from the Cu/Nb interface in the KS1 configuration. Only atoms with high excess potential energy are shown.
is created at the desired initial location within the Cu crystal. This initial location value is used when plotting the defect formation energies in Figs 25 and 27. The relaxation progresses as shown in Figs 28(b)–28(d). Eventually [in Fig. 28(d)] the defect is absorbed into the interface, explaining the low formation energy value for such defects. Because this relaxation was conducted by PEM without any thermal agitation, the absorption of the defect into the interface is spontaneous and involves either very small or no barriers to migration. Figs 8, 12, and 13 reveal that not all atomic sites in Cu/Nb-KS interfaces are structurally equivalent and therefore the properties of vacancies and interstitials vary accordingly with location. The position-dependence of interface vacancy formation energies for KS1 and
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(b) Fig. 29. Position dependence of vacancy formation energies in KS1 configuration: (a) in interfacial Nb {110} plane, (b) in interfacial Cu {111} plane.
KS2 are shown in Figs 29 and 30, respectively. This position dependence follows the same repetitive patterns shown earlier (Fig. 8). The structure changes occurring in Cu/Nb interfaces upon atom removal or insertion reveal the origin of the low formation energies of interfacial defects. Fig. 31(a) shows the configuration of a region of the Cu {111} plane in a KS1 configuration after removal of an atom. Unlike a vacancy in a perfect fcc Cu crystal, the defect is delocalized. The insertion of an atom also leads to a delocalized formation, as shown in Fig. 31(b).
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(c) Fig. 30. Position dependence of vacancy formation energies in KS2 configuration: (a) in interfacial Nb {110} plane, (b) in interfacial Cuα monolayer, (c) in fcc Cu {111} plane adjacent to Cuα monolayer.
Changes in individual atomic volumes in the vicinity of sites of atom removal or insertion in the interfacial Cu plane are shown in Fig. 32. The large spatial extent of these atomic volume changes confirms that atom removal and insertion does not result in the formation of compact point defects. Rather, the local perturbation associated with atom removal or insertion spreads out in a region of the interface approximately 3 nm in diameter, considerably larger than the size of the point defect core region in perfect crystal (Table 4). Similar results are observed to accompany atom removal and insertion in the KS2 configuration. The delocalization of point defects in the Cu interface plane carries significant consequences for the annihilation of vacancy–interstitial pairs. An example of particular importance concerns Frenkel pairs that may be produced in the neighboring Cu layer by radia-
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(b) Fig. 31. (a) Relaxed Cu/Nb interface atomic arrangement after removal of an interfacial Cu atom from the KS1 configuration. (b) Relaxed Cu/Nb interface atomic arrangement after insertion of a Cu atom into the interfacial Cu {111} plane of the KS1 configuration. Light atoms are Cu and dark ones are Nb.
tion. The rate at which these defect pairs annihilate is an important factor in determining the useful lifetime of a material subject to radiation damage with higher recombination efficiency corresponding to enhanced radiation damage resistance. A comparison of the critical distance for vacancy–interstitial pair recombination in perfect fcc Cu (Table 4) with the critical distance for the analogous process to occur at Cu/Nb interfaces reflects the advantage that interfaces offer in promoting radiation resistance.
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(b) Fig. 32. Changes in the volumes of atomic environments in the vicinity of atom (a) removal or (b) insertion in the interfacial Cu {111} plane of KS1 indicate the extent of delocalization of defects in the interface plane. 2 2 In these plots, red dots indicate atom sites where > 0.02 Å , blue indicate < −0.02 Å , and green 2 ∈ [−0.02, 0.02] Å . For comparison, the black circles identify the size of the volume of fcc Cu similarly affected by the presence of a vacancy or interstitial. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend the reader is referred to the web version of this chapter.)
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
The following methodology provides a measure of the annihilation enhancement provided by interfaces relative to perfect a crystal. Let Eins be the change in energy for insertion of an atom at a given interface location r ins , Erem the change in energy for removal of an atom from some other interface location r rem , and Eins−rem the resulting change in energy if an atom is inserted at r ins and some other atom is removed at r rem . If the removal and insertion occur at locations sufficiently remote from each other then the regions affected by these perturbations will not interact with the simple result that Eins–rem = Erem + Erem .
If on the other hand insertion and removal occur at sufficiently close locations then the areas affected by the insertion and removal interact and Eins–rem = Erem + Erem + Eint ,
where Eint is the removal–insertion interaction energy. Finally, at some small enough distance between sites of removal and insertion the effects of these two perturbations will cancel, resulting in the initial undefected interface configuration. Then Eins–rem = 0,
corresponding to vacancy–interstitial recombination. Figs 33 and 34 show plots of Eint (computed from Eint = Eins−rem − Erem − Erem ) vs. r rem in the KS1 and KS2 interfacial Cu layers for atom insertion with the specified Eins value. These figures demonstrate that insertion–removal cancellation typically occurs within a region of radius 1.5 nm in the Cu interfacial plane of Cu/Nb interfaces. Because this radius is appreciably larger than the one seen in crystalline Cu, interfaces in Cu/Nb multilayer composites can reduce radiation damage in this material by acting as catalysts for enhancing vacancy–interstitial recombination efficiency. By contrast with the interfacial Cu plane, the consequences of removal or insertion of atoms in the interfacial Nb plane are different. Interfacial Nb vacancies [Fig. 35(a)] and interstitials [Fig. 35(b)] are compact and well localized and the critical distance for Frenkel pair recombination is not increased as markedly as in the Cu interface plane, as shown in Fig. 36. An atomic arrangement with an interfacial Nb vacancy may lower its energy by exchanging with an interfacial Cu atom creating a Cu vacancy as shown in Fig. 37(a), followed by delocalization of the Cu vacancy as in Fig. 31. An analogous process occurs in the case of atomic arrangements containing Nb interfacial interstitials, whereby the Nb interstitial moves to the Cu side, as shown in Fig. 37(b). The mechanisms that aid rapid recombination of radiation-induced Frenkel pairs in the Cu layer can therefore also indirectly aid recombination of Frenkel pairs formed in Nb if they migrate to the interfacial Cu plane. 4.2. Interaction with interface dislocations Fig. 38(a) shows the relaxed state of the interfacial Cu plane in KS1 after removal of an atom from a site with low Erem . Nearest neighbors in this interface plane form rings with
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(b) Fig. 33. Estimates of the critical radius for vacancy–interstitial annihilation in the interfacial Cu plane in KS1 as a function of r rem for (a) Eins = 0.68 eV and (b) Eins = 2.00 eV. Black regions are sites where the cancellation condition Eint < −Erem − Erem + ε is satisfied (ε = 0.1 eV). The black circle indicates the critical distance for vacancy–interstitial annihilation in perfect fcc Cu.
5, 4, or 3 members and atoms are colored according to the size of the largest ring of which they are a part. Burgers circuits constructed around different sections of this configuration using undefected KS1 as a reference state reveal the presence of closure failures, as shown in Fig. 38(b). These closure failures suggest that the interface arrangement resulting from the removal of an atom can be described as a small dislocation loop as visualized in Fig. 39.
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(b) Fig. 34. Estimates of the critical radius for vacancy–interstitial annihilation in the interfacial Cuα plane in KS2 as a function of r rem for (a) Eins = 1.27 eV and (b) Eins = 0.84 eV. Black regions are sites that satisfy the cancellation condition, as in Fig. 33.
A similar analysis can be carried out on the defected interface configuration resulting from the insertion of an atom into the interfacial Cu plane in KS1 , as shown in Fig. 40. The interface configurations in Figs 38 and 40 are represented schematically in Fig. 41. A compact point defect can be viewed as a dislocation loop of atomic dimensions, as pictured in Fig. 41(a). If two edge line sections located on opposite sides of the loop glide apart then additional lengths of screw dislocation are created, as in Fig. 41(b). For an isolated dislocation loop, such an expansion would be energetically unfavorable due to the
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(b) Fig. 35. (a) Relaxed Cu/Nb interface atomic arrangement after removal of an interfacial Nb atom from the KS1 configuration. (b) Relaxed Cu/Nb interface atomic arrangement after insertion of a Nb atom into the interfacial Nb {110} plane of the KS1 configuration. Light atoms are Cu and dark ones are Nb.
creation of these extra screw segments. If, however, such dissociation were to occur in the vicinity of an existing screw dislocation (like a set 1 dislocation) with Burgers vector opposite to that of the dislocation loop – as in Fig. 41(c) – then one screw segment could annihilate with the adjacent section of the pre-existing dislocation resulting in the lower energy configuration shown in Fig. 41(d).
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(b) Fig. 36. Estimates of the critical radius for vacancy–interstitial annihilation in the interfacial Nb plane as a function of r rem for (a) Eins = 2.10 eV in KS1 and (b) Eins = 0.83 eV in KS2 . Black regions are sites that satisfy the cancellation condition, as in Fig. 33.
The closure failures seen in the analyses of Figs 38 and 40 are due to the presence of extended jog pairs formed on pre-existing set 1 screw dislocations (see Section 3.3), as illustrated in Fig. 41(d). In the section of interface between the jogs, a segment of a set 1 dislocation has climbed by one atom plane. Thus, because set 1 dislocations in KS1 are located at the interface between Cu and Nb while in KS2 they are present in the Cuα /Cu interface, the section of interface between the jogs can be viewed as having been converted
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(b) Fig. 37. Examples of sites for which it is energetically favorable for (a) an interfacial Cu atom to exchange with an interfacial Nb vacancy and (b) for a Nb interfacial interstitial to become an interstitial in the interfacial Cu plane. Light atoms are Cu and dark are Nb.
from KS1 to KS2 . Finally, because the spacing between jogs in a relaxed interface configuration after atom removal or insertion is approximately 0.75 nm, St. Venant’s principle indicates that the elastic fields of two such configurations would extend over a large enough distance to cause the cancellation of atom removal–insertion operations over a distance of about 1.5 nm, as described in Section 4.1.
4.3. KSmin In both KS1 and KS2 there are sites where the energy of the configuration decreases when an interfacial Cu atom is removed (Figs 24 and 26). This implies that a third, lower energy
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(b) Fig. 38. (a) Groups of nearest-neighbor atoms in the relaxed atomic arrangement of an interfacial Cu plane of KS1 after atom removal can form 5-, 4-, and 3-membered rings. Atoms are colored by the size of the largest ring of which they are a part black 5, light-gray 4, gray 3 (most atoms are gray, as would be expected for a Cu {111} plane). (b) Construction of Burgers circuits around different groups of atomic environments reveals the presence of closure failures.
(or, perhaps, lowest energy) interface structure, KSmin , can be found by removing the appropriate number of Cu atoms from either KS1 or KS2 . There is some difficulty in finding KSmin because the removal of an atom from a site changes the value of Erem for all atoms in the vicinity of that site. The information contained in Figs 29(b) and 30(b) therefore is not sufficient to construct KSmin . Instead, we employed an iterative approach where atoms
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Fig. 39. The closure failures found in Fig. 38(b) are indicative of the presence of a small dislocation loop like the one visualized above. The dashed arrows indicate extra atom rows.
are removed from different sites within a given interface configuration until a site with negative Erem is found. Once such a site is found, the interface configuration with the atom removed from that site is taken as the new starting point for the determination of Erem and the process is continued until an interface configuration is found where there are no sites with negative Erem . This procedure was applied using both KS1 and KS2 as starting configurations. In both cases, final interface structures were found with areal densities of Cu atoms in the interface plane that are 5% lower than in a perfect fcc Cu {111} plane, corresponding to an inplane vacancy concentration of 0.05. Using the formalism of Martin and coworkers [67], one can describe this vacancy concentration by the effective temperature Teff at which the same concentration would be present in perfect fcc Cu. With the formation energy in Table 4, Boltzmann weighting gives Teff = 4650 K ≈ 3.4TmCu , where TmCu is the melting temperature of Cu. Fig. 42 shows the atomic arrangement of the interfacial Cu plane in a KSmin configuration with atoms colored by the size of the largest ring of which they are a part, as previously. The atoms that are part of 4- and 5-membered rings are locations of excess volume associated with delocalized interface vacancies and are found to follow a repetitive pattern with a unit cell like that in the KS1 configuration (Fig. 8). The Cu interface plane shown in Fig. 42, however, does not posses a strict periodicity implying that other arrangements like it can be constructed by simply changing the order of appearance of the repetitive features seen in Fig. 42. Moreover, at elevated temperature the excess volume around atoms that are part of 4- and 5-membered rings may further delocalize due to the multitude of atomic configurations that this interface can exhibit. There is therefore no guarantee that the determination of KSmin described here finds the interface configuration with absolute lowest energy, but rather that it has given a representative member of an ensemble of interface configurations with nearly degenerate energies. The interface energies and areal densities of the interfacial Cu plane in the three Cu/Nb interface configurations KS1 , KS2 , and KSmin for the interatomic potential used in this study are summarized in Table 6.
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(b) Fig. 40. (a) Groups of nearest neighbor atoms in the relaxed atomic arrangement of an interfacial Cu plane of KS1 after atom insertion can form 5-, 4-, and 3-membered rings. Atoms are colored by size of the largest ring of which they are a part: black 5, light-gray 4, gray 3. (b) Construction of Burgers circuits around different groups of atomic environments reveals the presence of closure failures, indicating that – like the atomic arrangement shown in Fig. 38(b) – this configuration can be interpreted as a small dislocation loop.
The fact that in configurations like the one shown in Fig. 42 the interfacial Cu layer has a reduced areal density compared to a perfect fcc Cu {111} plane is very likely the reason for the high solubility of He that has been observed in Cu/Nb multilayer composites [39, 41,42]. The migration of He atoms to the high excess volume sites of KSmin should reduce
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Fig. 41. (a) A point defect can be viewed as a dislocation loop of atomic dimensions. (b) Two opposite edge segments of the dislocation loop in (a) can glide apart leaving behind screw segments, indicated by the dashed arrows. (c) If the dissociation pictured in (b) occurs in the vicinity of a pre-existing screw dislocation with Burgers vector opposite to that of the dislocation loop, then (d) one of the screw segments could annihilate, resulting in a screw dislocation with one kink pair and one jog pair.
Fig. 42. The interfacial Cu plane in the KSmin configuration, looking normal to the interface plane. Atoms are colored by the size of the largest ring of which they are a part: black 5, light-gray 4, gray 3. Sites that belong to 4- and 5-membered rings have high excess volume and form a repetitive pattern like the one seen in KS1 (Fig. 8).
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Table 6 Interface energies and areal densities of the interfacial Cu plane of Cu/Nb interface configurations KS1 (Fig. 8), KS2 (Figs 12 and 13), and KSmin (Fig. 42) Configuration
Interface energy (J/m2 )
Areal density of interfacial Cu plane (atoms/nm2 )
KS1 KS2 KSmin
0.5687 0.5675 0.5414
17.74 17.58 16.82
the misfit energy that causes these atoms to precipitate out in the form of bubbles when implanted into perfect crystals.
5. Dislocation interaction with Cu/Nb interfaces 5.1. Shear strength The shear strength of an interface is defined as the critical shear stress at which irreversible sliding of one crystal with respect to the other commences along the interface. For a simplest case of the flat planar boundary, only the two in-plane components of shear displacement need to be considered. The component normal to the interface is not treated as a variable since energies are generally minimized with respect to this variable. In addition, the shear–tension coupling effect is not considered here, although the sliding strength of an interface may depend on tensile or compression normal to the boundary plane [68]. In this section we describe the shear resistance and shear response of the two types of interfaces, KS1 and KS2 , with respect to applied shear directions. For reference we first show the interface energy surface generated by rigid body shear of one crystal over the other while minimizing energy with respect to displacements normal to the interface. This is the well-known gamma surface [69]. The gamma surface for the single interfacial plane of KS1 is shown in Fig. 43(a), and for the two interfacial planes for KS2 in Figs 43(b) and 43(c). Fig. 43(d) shows the details of the low-energy region of the KS2 gamma surface from Fig. 43(c) rescaled to remove the high-energy region. These gamma surfaces imply ¯ Cu , 111 ¯ Nb , and 100Nb , and two three preferred shear directions for KS1 , along 110 ¯ preferred shear directions for KS2 along 101Cu with respect to the translation of the Cu ¯ Cu with respect to the crystal over the interfacial strained Cu monolayer, and along 011 translation of the strained Cu monolayer over Nb crystal. In what follows we have applied homogeneous shears in 6 directions, three along 110Cu and three along 112Cu parallel ¯ Cu and 011 ¯ Cu are not exactly parallel to to Cu (111). Although the two directions, 101 ¯ Cu is 5.5 two directions of the preferred shear directions in KS1 , the offset is small, 101 degrees from 100Nb . A gradually increasing shear strain is applied homogeneously to bilayer models of Cu/Nb with, KS1 and KS2 interfaces along the 6 chosen shear directions while maintaining Cu = σ Nb and σ Cu = σ Nb . The shear stresses σ equilibrium during shearing, i.e. σyx yx and yx yz yz
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Fig. 43. Interface energy surfaces corresponding to two-dimensional translation of one crystal over another crystal along the interface (a) between the fcc Cu crystal and bcc Nb crystal in KS1 , (b) between the fcc Cu crystal and the strained interfacial Cuα monolayer in KS2 , and (c) between the strained interfacial Cuα monolayer and the Nb crystal in KS2 . (d) A detail of (c) with high-energy regions suppressed.
σyz parallel to the interface are generated by applying the displacement gradients, ∂u/∂y and ∂w/∂y, to the two crystals, where u and w are the displacements along x and z directions, respectively. Shearing the two crystals is achieved by incrementing the applied displacement gradients ∂u/∂y and ∂w/∂y while maintaining their ratio constant at every loading step. Because of the differences in shear moduli, the ratio of displacement gradients ∂u/∂y and ∂w/∂y to maintain equilibrium in the Nb crystal differs from that in Cu. The magnitude of the displacement gradient increments also differ. Departures from equilibrium were minimized by incrementing the displacement gradients such that the shear stress increments were less than 30 MPa at each loading step. After applying the displace-
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Fig. 44. The effective shear stress as a function of the effective shear strain along the applied shear direction ¯ Cu for KS1 . 101
ment gradients increments to the two crystals, all atomic positions were then allowed to relax fully and independently until the maximum force acting on any atom in the system did not exceed 5 pN. Fig. 44 shows an example of the effective shear stress as a function of the effective shear ¯ Cu . Initially, the strain2 when the two crystals with interface KS1 are sheared along 101 effective shear stress increases linearly up to an effective shear strain of 2.3%. Continued shear causes irreversible sliding along the interface and the effective shear stress fluctuates within a range. The average of the maximum and minimum stresses is adopted as the shear resistance, which in Fig. 44 is 1.04 GPa. The locus of points of in-plane shear resistances defined this way for both KS1 and KS2 are plotted in Fig. 45. Four important features are noted. (1) The two types of interfaces have significantly lower shear resistance than the theoretical strengths estimated for the glide planes of either Cu or Nb single crystal. (2) Shear resistance is strongly anisotropic. ¯ Cu , For KS1 , the highest shear resistance, 1.10 GPa, corresponds to the shear along 112 ¯ Cu . For KS2 , however, the highest and the lowest shear resistance of 0.40 GPa along 21¯ 1 ¯ Cu , and the lowest shear shear resistance of 0.18 GPa corresponds to the shear along 011 ¯ Cu . (3) When the shear stress reaches the critical level resistance 0.06 GPa along 101 needed to induce irreversible sliding along interfaces, sliding occurs only in the interface between Cu and Nb for KS1 , but for KS2 sliding occurs on both interfaces, between the interfacial strained Cuα monolayer and Nb crystal and between the interfacial strained Cuα monolayer and Cu crystal.
2 Here, the effective shear strain is defined as ε = ε 2 + ε 2 . With the shear directions defined by the angle xy yz eff ε ), the effective shear stress is herein defined as σ = σxy cos θ +σyz sin θ . The stress components θ = tan−1 ( εxy eff yz σxy and σyz are determined from the model.
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Fig. 45. Two-dimensional critical shear stress diagram for both KS1 and KS2 .
Finally, (4) shear resistance is not uniform in interfaces. Irreversible sliding occurs nonuniformly, beginning within the vortical regions in KS1 interface and the large displacement regions in KS2 interface. As sliding commences occurs, dislocations are formed separating the slipped and non-slipped regions. These features are described in more detail in the following section.
5.2. Sliding mechanism The spatially nonuniform sliding in the interface is revealed by disregistry analysis [14]. This nonuniformity suggests an interface sliding mechanism in which dislocation loops nucleate in the interface and subsequently glide. For KS1 , dislocation loops nucleate initially in vortical regions. The effective shear stress evolution is plotted as a function of the effec¯ Cu . Figs 46(a), tive shear strain in Fig. 44 when the applied shear direction is along 101 46(b), 46(c), and 46(d) show the disregistry evolution corresponding to the effective shear strains of 3.0%, 4.0%, 5.0%, and 6.0%, respectively. Disregistry vectors (arrowed lines) indicate the local shear in the interface of one crystal with respect to the other. For convenience in describing the interface sliding, dashed lines estimate the boundaries separating the slipped and non-slipped regions in the interface. The lines approximate the locations of interfacial dislocations. The dashed circles in Fig. 46(a) represent dislocation loops generated by the onset of sliding in the vortical regions. As shear continues, dislocation loops expand, coalesce, and move along interfaces [Figs 46(b)–46(d)]. Disregistry vectors are
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Fig. 46. Patterns in the vector plots of disregistry showing the extent of interface sliding in KS1 for the applied ¯ Cu , corresponding to shear strains at (a) 3.0%, (b) 4.0%, (c) 5.0%, and (d) 6.0%. Dashed shear direction [101] lines outline dislocations in the interface. Arrows are disregistry vectors.
parallel to the dashed lines in Fig. 46(c), indicating the interfacial dislocations to be screw type, and correspond to the glide of set 1 dislocations. Similar behavior is observed for KS2 , with dislocation loops nucleating, expanding and gliding across the interface with increasing applied shear strain. Fig. 47(a) shows the shear ¯ Cu . stress evolution with increasing strain when the applied shear direction is along 112 Corresponding to effective shear strains of 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, and 2.5%, Figs 47(b)–47(e) show the disregistry evolution of the interface between Cu crystal and the Cuα monolayer, and Figs 47(f)–47(i) show the disregistry evolution of the interface between the Cuα monolayer and Nb crystal.
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¯ Cu direction for KS2 . Patterns in the Fig. 47. (a) The shear stress with increasing shear strain applied in the 112 vector plots of disregistry showing the extent of interface sliding for KS2 , corresponding to shear strains in (b) and (f) 1.0%, (c) and (g) 1.5%, (d) and (h) 2.0%, and (e) and (i) 2.5%. Dashed lines outline dislocations in the interfaces: Cu/Cuα and Cuα /Nb.
For KS1 , sliding only operates in the interface between Cu crystal and Nb crystal. However, the sliding for KS2 operates simultaneously in the two interfaces.
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Fig. 48. Simulation cell, showing region 1 – the moveable part containing Cu in the upper half and Nb in the ¯ Cu , (001)Cu , lower half – and region 2 – the semi-rigid part (see text). Four planes are denoted as solid lines: (111) ¯ Nb , and (101)Nb . The x-axis lies along [112] ¯ Nb , y-axis along [110]Nb , and z-axis along [111] ¯ Nb . The thick(011) ness along the z-axis is about 4.86 nm. This dimension can change with temperature due to thermal expansion. The length of region 1 along the x-axis is 16.0 nm, and the height along the y-axis is 10.0 nm for each crystal.
5.3. Core spreading of lattice glide dislocations Since the shear resistance of Cu/Nb interfaces is low, non-uniform, and strongly anisotropic, core spreading is expected in interfaces when a glide lattice dislocation enters an interface. In this section we describe the interaction of glide dislocations with the two types of interfaces in a bilayer model. This bilayer model is divided into a two-part computational cell, rectangular in shape. One part, region 1, contains moveable atoms embedded in a rigid part, region 2, as shown in Fig. 48. Equilibrium structures at approximately 0 K structures are obtained via PEM. Glide dislocations are introduced in the bilayer model by the application of the fully anisotropic Barnett–Lothe solutions [70] for the displacement field of a dislocation on an interface between two elastically dissimilar materials. This field is applied to both the moveable and the fixed regions of the bilayer model. The dislocation lines were parallel to the z-axis (perpendicular to page) in all cases. Relaxations of the model containing dislocations are performed until the maximum force acting on any atom in the system does not exceed 5 pN. Disregistry analysis of interfaces is carried out to identify dislocation core structure.
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Fig. 49. Disregistry in the KS1 Cu/Nb interface, showing core spreading when various glide dislocations enter the interface: (a) edge Shockley partial, (b) mixed Shockley partial, (c) full screw dislocation.
Two Shockley partials are introduced in the Cu crystal of the bilayer model. The two partials connected by stacking fault are initially separated by 0.25 nm, and the leading partial is 2.0 nm from the interface. As reported by Hoagland and coworkers [71], the leading Shockley partials, no matter what their sign or whether they are edge or mixed, spontaneously enters interfaces, and the core spreads in the interfaces. Using a model in which the shear of the interface is modeled by sets of virtual dislocations, the force acting on the real dislocation due to the sheared interface was determined as the sum of the Peach– Koehler forces exerted by each of the virtual dislocations in the interface. The force on the glide dislocation provides an attractive force that increases as the distance between the interface and the real dislocation decreases. The sheared interface creates a strong attraction force for the dislocation, particularly for the screw part. Figs 49 and 50 show the disregistry plots after different dislocations enter interfaces. The arrowed lines indicate disregistry vectors, and the curves outline the boundary between slipped and non-slipped regions. Some of the more important features observed in these results are: 1. The dislocation core spreads only in the interface between Cu and Nb crystal for KS1 , but for KS2 the core spreads in both interfaces. The vector plots of disregistry
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Fig. 50. Disregistry in KS2 interfaces, showing core spreading when various glide dislocations enter the interfaces: (a) edge Shockley partial, (b) mixed Shockley partial, (c) full screw dislocation.
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Fig. 51. Disregistry in Cu/Nb interfaces, showing core spreading when two identical full mixed dislocations with a separation of 1.55 nm together enter (a) a KS1 interface, and (b) KS2 interfaces. The solid lines outline the region that was sheared due to core spreading.
show the interface response in Figs 49 and 50. Figs 49(a)–49(c) show the response of KS1 interface corresponding to three types of dislocations, an edge Shockley partial, a mixed Shockley partial, and a full screw dislocation. Figs 50(a)–50(c) show the response of KS2 corresponding to these three types of dislocations. Core spreading is more extensive in the Cuα /Cu interface than in the Cuα /Nb interface. 2. Core spreading is nonuniform, consistent with the spatially nonuniform shear resistance described in the previous section. 3. Two mixed Shockley partial dislocations dissociated from a full screw dislocation are both attracted into interfaces under zero applied stress. But, in the case where the trailing Shockley partial is pure edge, it stands away from interfaces due to the stronger repulsive interaction with the lead Shockley partial that was absorbed. Core spreading effectively traps the dislocation in the interface relative either to transmission into the adjacent layer or its return into the Cu crystal. Trapping is somewhat more effective in KS2 than KS1 because the interfacial shear resistance is lower for KS2 . With several dislocations within an interface, interactions can augment core spreading. Fig. 51 shows the disregistry plots for interfaces KS1 and KS2 , with the solid lines outlining
Interfaces Between Dissimilar Crystalline Solids
slipped regions for the case where two identical mixed dislocations entered the interface with a separation of 0.155 nm on the interface plane. Other combinations of glide dislocations entering interfaces have been examined but are not described here. The important result of this study, however, is that low interfacial shear resistance is essential for trapping dislocations, which in turn is important to providing high strength in nanolayered composites.
6. Summary In this chapter we have described some features and properties related to coherent, semicoherent, and incoherent flat interfaces between two incommensurate crystalline solids. Most of the issues were described in the context of the role played by dislocations both within the interfaces and interacting with interfaces and were derived from atomic scale models. The coherent interface is simplest of the three from the standpoint of atomic rearrangements on forming the interface. We showed that anisotropy in the elastic constants in the two stressed crystals can create a substantial dependence of the strain energy on interface orientation – a contribution in addition to the interface energy in coherent systems. The stresses associated with coherency are responsible for the very high strength of these composites even when they become semicoherent by accumulation of dislocations on the interface due to glide of threading dislocations. Coherency is much less likely when the two crystals do not have the same crystal structure. Nevertheless, even when incoherent, periodic structures are favored although the atomic rearrangements that occur are much more intricate and complex than in the case of coherent or semicoherent interfaces. Accordingly, this additional complexity creates a richness of possibilities in terms of structures and reactions that incoherent interfaces may accommodate. Three kinds of interfaces, KS1 , KS2 , and KSmin , were found in the fcc/bcc, Cu/Nb system in which the two crystals are mutually oriented according to Kurdjumov–Sachs epitaxial orientations. Far from being disordered, the atomic arrangement of these three types of interfaces could be rationalized in terms of differences in density within the planes adjacent the interface, and by interface dislocations models such as the one introduced here. A formal description of the operations, that derive from the introduction of various sets of dislocations, and that deform a reference crystal into the final, equilibrium arrangements, gave predictions of atomic configurations that were in quite good agreement with the results of atomistic models. Such operations can form the basis for predicting the atomic configurations of interfaces in other systems. The ability of such multi-state interfaces to undergo structural transitions between the metastable configurations available to them has an important effect on the behavior of crystal defects in the vicinity of these interfaces. Unlike in simple commensurate interfaces – such as the 3 twin boundary in fcc metals – interstitials and vacancies arriving at an incommensurate interface need not remain compact and well localized. Instead, they can cause a section of the interface to undergo a transformation from its initial configuration to a new one with a different density but nearly the same energy. The behavior of crystal defects in the vicinity of incommensurate interfaces may be directly tied to the unusual properties of composites containing a high volume fraction of such interfaces. The delocalization of point defects in Cu/Nb interfaces is tied to enhanced radiation damage
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resistance and He solubility through the increased equilibrium concentrations and mobilities of interfacial vacancies and interstitials. Similarly, delocalization of dislocation cores at interfaces helps to explain the high strength and ductility of Cu/Nb multilayer composites. The relation of interface structure to such defect behaviors suggests the possibility of interface-driven design of nanocomposites whose properties are not determined by their individual constituents, but rather by the interfaces between them. Finally, these Cu/Nb interfaces are rather weak in shear, a property that enables them to strongly interact with nearby glide dislocations. Distinct interface configurations have markedly different shear resistances, with the effect that glide dislocations impinging on the interface undergo complex non-homogeneous and anisotropic core spreading, dramatically affecting these dislocations’ ability to pass from one of the crystal layers to the neighboring one. This interaction enables trapping of dislocations within interfaces and provides a mechanism that favors high strength in layered composites.
Acknowledgements Many useful discussions with John P. Hirth and Amit Misra are gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences Division of Materials Sciences, the Los Alamos National Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.
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Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics H.M. ZBIB School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2920, USA e-mail:
[email protected]
T.A. KHRAISHI Mechanical Engineering Department, University of New Mexico, MSC01-1150, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA e-mail:
[email protected]
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 1572-4859, DOI: 10.1016/S1572-4859(07)00004-6
Dislocations in Solids Edited by J. P. Hirth
Contents 1. Introduction 209 2. The dislocation dynamics (DD) method 210 2.1. Kinematics and geometric aspects 210 2.2. Kinetics and interaction forces 211 2.3. Dislocation equation of motion 212 2.4. Dislocation mobility function 213 2.5. Dislocation collisions 214 2.6. Discretization of dislocation equation of motion 214 2.7. The dislocation stress and force fields 215 2.8. The stochastic force and cross-slip 217 2.9. Modifications for long-range interactions 219 2.10. Evaluation of plastic strains 219 2.11. The DD numerical solution: an implicit–explicit integration scheme 220 3. Integration of DD and continuum plasticity 221 3.1. Modifications for finite domains 222 3.1.1. Interactions with external free surfaces 222 3.1.2. Interactions with interfaces 223 4. Problems with size effects and the DD approach 224 4.1. Size effects in metal-matrix composites (MMCs) 225 4.2. Size effects when modeling free surface effects 225 4.3. Size effects when modeling grain boundaries 235 4.4. Size effects in bending of microbeams 238 5. Dislocation interaction with shock waves in small volumes 242 5.1. Strain localization and slip rotation 244 Acknowledgements 248 References 248
1. Introduction Over the past seven decades, experimental and theoretical developments have firmly established that strength in metals is strongly dependent on unit dislocation processes and on the manner in which dislocations interact with grain boundaries, interfaces and various defects. This dependence becomes more pronounced in small volumes ranging from the micrometer level down to a few nanometers. However, this fundamental understanding has not been translated into a continuum theory of crystal plasticity based on dislocation mechanisms. While classical plasticity provides a physical framework for modeling dislocation-dependent plasticity phenomena at large scales, it fails to predict size effect and related phenomena at small scales. The major difficulty in developing such a theory is the multiplicity and complexity of the mechanisms of dislocation motion and interactions that make it impossible to develop a quantitative analytical approach. The problem is further complicated by the need to trace the spatiotemporal evolution of a very large number of interacting dislocations over very long periods of time, as required for the calculation of plastic response in a representative volume element. Such practical intractability of the dislocation-based approaches, on one hand, and the developing needs of material engineering at the nano- and micro-length scales on the other, have created a situation where equations of crystal plasticity used for continuum modeling are phenomenological and largely disconnected from the physics of the underlying dislocation behavior. Recently, however, bridging the gap between crystal plasticity and dislocation physics has become possible through the emergence of multiscale models that attempt the appropriate coupling of models for each of the scales involved. In the case of deformation in small volumes, such coupling involves the continuum mesoscale and dislocation dynamics microscale models, although a further coupling to the atomic scale is theoretically possible but practically very complex. Dislocation dynamics (DD) is one of the most recent and powerful tools developed to model the behavior of metallic materials at the microscale in a more physical manner than existing plasticity models. The DD approach has been advanced considerably over the past two decades. The early DD models were two-dimensional (2D) and consisted of periodic cells containing multiple dislocations whose behavior was governed by a set of simplified rules [1–6]. These simulations, although serving as a useful conceptual framework, were limited to 2D and, consequently, could not directly account for such important features in dislocation dynamics as slip geometry, line tension effects, multiplication, certain dislocation intersections and cross-slip, all of which are crucial for the formation of dislocation patterns. In the 90’s, development of new computational approaches of dislocation dynamics (DD) in three-dimensional space (3D) generated hope for a principal breakthrough in our current understanding of dislocation mechanisms and their connection to crystal plasticity [7–10]. This progress has been further magnified by the coupling of DD with continuum mechanics analysis in association with computational algorithms such as finite
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elements. This coupling has paved the way for researchers to investigate many complicated small-scale crystal plasticity phenomena that occur under a wide range of loading and boundary conditions, and cover a wide spectrum of strain rates [11,12], increasing the potential for future applications of this method in material, mechanical, structural and process engineering analyses. In the following, we present the principles of DD analysis, followed by the procedure for the measurement of local quantities such as plastic distortion and internal stresses. The incorporation of the DD technique into the three-dimensional plastic continuum mechanicsbased finite elements modeling is then described. This method is then used to investigate a number of small-scale deformation phenomena including size effects in metal-matrix composites, size effects in models for free surface effects, size effects in models for grain boundaries, and size effects in the bending of microbeams. Finally, we investigate the interaction of dislocations with shock waves when a small scale specimen is subjected to high strain rates and pressures.
2. The dislocation dynamics (DD) method In order to better describe the mathematical and numerical aspects of the DD methodology, first we identify the basic geometric conditions and kinetics that control the dynamics of dislocations. This is followed by discussions of the dislocation equation of motion, elastic interaction equations, and the discretization of these equations for numerical implementation.
2.1. Kinematics and geometric aspects A dislocation is a line defect in an otherwise perfect crystal described by its line sense vector ξ and Burgers vector b. The Burgers vector has two distinct components: edge, perpendicular to its line sense vector, and screw, parallel to its line sense vector. Under loading, dislocations glide and propagate on slip planes causing deformation and change of shape. When the local line direction becomes parallel to the Burgers vector, i.e. screw character, the dislocation may propagate into other slip planes. This switching of the slip plane, which makes the motion of dislocations three-dimensional, and is better known as cross-slip is an important recovery phenomena to be dealt with in dislocation dynamics. In addition to glide and cross-slip, dislocations can also climb in a non-conservative threedimensional motion by absorbing and/or emitting intrinsic point defects, vacancies, and interstitials. Some of these phenomena become important at high load levels or temperatures when point defects become more mobile. In summary, the 3D dislocation dynamics accounts for the following geometric aspects: • • • •
Identification of all possible slip planes for each dislocation. Dislocation topology; 3D geometry, Burgers vector and line sense. Multiplication and annihilation of dislocation segments. Changes in the dislocation topology when part of it cross-slips and or climbs to another plane.
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• Formation of complex connections and intersections such as junctions, jogs and branching of the dislocation in multiple directions.
2.2. Kinetics and interaction forces The dynamics of the dislocation is governed by a “Newtonian” equation of motion, consisting of an inertia term, a damping term, and a driving force arising from short-range and long-range interactions. Since the strain field of the dislocation varies as the inverse of the distance from the dislocation core, dislocations interact among themselves over long distances. A moving dislocation has to overcome internal drag, and local constraints such as the Peierls stresses (i.e. lattice friction). The dislocation may encounter local obstacles such as stacking fault tetrahedra, defect clusters and vacancies that interact with the dislocation at short ranges and affect its local dynamics. Furthermore, the internal strain field of randomly distributed local obstacles gives rise to stochastic perturbations to the encountered dislocations, as compared with deterministic forces such as the applied load. This stochastic stress field also contributes to the spatial dislocation patterning in the later deformation stages. Therefore, the strain field of local obstacles adds spatially irregular uncorrelated noise to the equation of motion. In addition to the random strain fields of dislocations or local obstacles, thermal fluctuations also provide a stochastic source in dislocation dynamics. Dislocations also interact with free surfaces, cracks, and interfaces, giving rise to what is termed as image stresses or forces. In summary, the dislocation may encounter the following set of forces: • • • • • • • • •
Peierls stress F Peierls . Drag force, Bv, where B is the drag coefficient and v is the dislocation velocity. Force due to externally applied loads, F External . Dislocation–dislocation interaction force F D . Dislocation self-force F Self . Dislocation–obstacle interaction force F Obstacle . Image force F Image . Thermal force F Thermal arising from thermal fluctuations. Osmotic force F Osmotic resulting from non-conservative motion of dislocation (climb) and results in the absorption or emission of intrinsic point defects.
The DD approach attempts to incorporate all of the aforementioned kinematics and kinetics aspects into a computational traceable framework. In the numerical implementation, three-dimensional curved dislocations are treated as a set of connected segments as illustrated in Fig. 1. One can represent smooth dislocations with any desired degree of realism, provided that the discretization resolution is high enough for a specified accuracy (limited by the size of the dislocation core radius r0 , typically the size of one Burgers vector b). In such a representation, the dynamics of dislocation lines is reduced to the dynamics of discrete degrees of freedom of the dislocation nodes connecting the dislocation segments.
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Fig. 1. Discretization of dislocations loops and curves into nodes, segments and collocation points.
2.3. Dislocation equation of motion The velocity v of a dislocation segment s is governed by a first-order differential equation consisting of an inertia term, a drag term and a driving force vector [13–15], such that 1 1 dW ms v˙ + v = F s with ms = , (1)1 Ms (T , p) v dv F s = F Peierls + F D + F Self + F External + F Obstacle + F Image + F Osmotic + F Thermal .
In the above equation the subscript s stands for the segment, ms is defined as the effective dislocation segment mass density, Ms is the dislocation mobility which could depend both on the temperature T and the pressure p, and W is the total energy per unit length of a moving dislocation (elastic energy plus kinetic energy). As implied by (1)2 , the glide force vector F s per unit length arises from a variety of sources described in the previous section. The following relations for the mass per unit dislocation length have been suggested by Hirth et al. [16] for screw (ms )screw and edge (ms )edge dislocations when moving at a high
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
speed. W0 −1 −γ + γ −3 , 2 v W0 C 2 −16γl − 40γl−1 + 8γl−3 + 14γ + 50γ −1 − 22γ −3 + 6γ −5 , = 4 v (2)
(ms )screw = (ms )edge
where γl = (1 − v 2 /Cl2 )1/2 , γ = (1 − v 2 /C 2 )1/2 , Cl is the longitudinal sound velocity, C 2
is the transverse sound velocity, ν is Poisson’s ratio, W0 = Gb 4π ln(R/r0 ) is the rest energy for the screw per unit length, G is the shear modulus. The value of R is typically equal to the size of the dislocation cell (about 1000 b), or in the case of one dislocation is the shortest distance from the dislocation to the free surface [13]. In the non-relativistic regime when the dislocation velocity is small compared to the speed of sound, the above equations reduce to the familiar expression m = βρb2 ln(R/r0 ), where β is a constant dependent on the type of the dislocation, and ρ is the mass density.
2.4. Dislocation mobility function The reliability of the numerical simulation depends critically on the accuracy of the dislocation drag coefficient B (= 1/M) which is material dependent. There are a number of phenomenological relations for the dislocation glide velocity vg , including relations of power law forms and forms with an activation term in an exponential or as the argument of a sinh form. Often, however the simple power law form is adopted for expedience, e.g. vg = vs (τe /τs )m , resulting in nonlinear dependence of M on the stress. In a number of cases of pure phonon/electron damping control or of glide over the Peierls barrier a constant mobility (with m = 1), predicts the results very well. This linear form has been theoretically predicted for a number of cases as discussed by Hirth and Lothe [13]. Mechanisms to explain dislocation drag have been studied for a long time and the drag coefficients have been estimated in numerous experimental and theoretical works by atomistic simulations or quantum mechanical calculations (see, for example, the review by Alshitz [17]). The determination of each of the two components (phonon and electron drag) that constitute the drag coefficient for a specific material is not trivial, and various simplifications have been made. For example, the Debye model neglects Van Hove singularities in the phonon spectrum [18], deformation potentials are approximated as isotropic, and so on. Also the values are sensitive to various parameters such as the mean free path or core radius. Nevertheless, in typical metals, the phonon drag Bph range is 30–80 µPa s at room temperature and less than 0.1 µPa s at very low temperatures around 10 K, while for the electron drag Be the range is a few µPa s and expected to be temperature independent. Under strong magnetic fields at low temperature, macroscopic dislocation behavior can be highly sensitive to orientation relative to the field within accuracy of 1% [19]. Except for special cases such as deformation under high strain rate, weak dependences of drag on dislocation velocity are usually neglected. Examples of temperature dependence of each component of the drag coefficient can be found for the case of edge dislocation in copper [20], or in molybdenum [21]. Generally,
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however, the dislocation mobility could be, among other things, a function of the angle between the Burgers vector and the dislocation line sense, i.e. dislocation character, especially at low temperatures. For example, Wasserbäch [22] observed that at low deformation temperatures (77 to 195 K) the dislocation structure in Ta single crystals consisted of primary and secondary screw dislocations and of tangles of dislocations of mixed characters, while at high temperatures (295 to 470 K) the behavior was similar to that of fcc crystals. In the work of Mason and MacDonald [23] they measured the mobility of dislocation of an unidentified type in Nb as 4.2 × 104 (Pa s)−1 near room temperature. A smaller value of 3.3 × 103 (Pa s)−1 was obtained by Urabe and Weertman [24] for the mobility of edge dislocation in Fe. The mobility for screw dislocations in Fe was found to be about a factor of two smaller than that of edge dislocations near room temperature. A theoretical model to explain this large difference in behavior is given in Hirth and Lothe [13] and is based on the observation that in bcc materials the screw dislocation has a rather complex threedimensional core structure, resulting in a high Peierls stress, leading to a relatively low mobility for screw dislocations while the mobility of mixed dislocations is higher.
2.5. Dislocation collisions When two dislocations collide, their response is dominated by their mutual interactions and becomes much less sensitive to the long-range elastic stress associated with external loads, boundary conditions, and all other dislocations present in the system. Depending on the shapes of the colliding dislocations, their approach trajectories and their Burgers vectors, two dislocations may form a dipole, or react to annihilate, or combine to form a junction, or intersect and form a jog. In the DD analysis, the dynamics of two colliding dislocations is determined by the mutual interaction force acting between them. In the case that the two dislocation segments are parallel (on the same plane and or intersecting planes) and have the same Burgers vector with opposite sign, they would annihilate if the distance between them is equal to the core size. Otherwise, the colliding dislocations would align themselves to form a dipole, a jog or a junction depending on their relative position. A comprehensive review of short-range interaction rules can be found in Rhee et al. [25].
2.6. Discretization of dislocation equation of motion Eq. (1) applies to every infinitesimal length along the dislocation line. In order to solve this equation for any arbitrary shape, the dislocation curve may be discretized into a set of dislocation segments as illustrated in Fig. 1. Then the velocity vector field over each segment may be assumed to be linear and, therefore, the problem is reduced to finding the velocity of the nodes connecting these segments. There are many numerical techniques to solve such a problem. Consider, for example, a straight dislocation segment s bounded by two nodes j and j +1 as depicted in Fig. 1. Then within the finite element formulation [26], the velocity vector field is assumed to be linear over the dislocation segment length. This linear vector field v can be expressed in terms of the velocities of the nodes such that v = [N D ]T V D where V D is the nodal velocity vector and [N D ] is the linear shape function
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vector [26]. According to the Galerkin method, eq. (1) for each segment can be reduced to a set of six equations for the two discrete nodes (each node has three degrees of freedom). The result can be written in the following matrix-vector form D D D D M V˙ + C V = F D , (3) where
T N D N D dl is the dislocation segment 6 × 6 mass matrix, D D D T C = (1/Ms ) N N dl M
= ms
is the dislocation segment 6 × 6-damping matrix, and D N F s dl is the 6 × 1 nodal force vector. FD = Then, following the standard element assemblage procedure, one obtains a set of discrete equations, which can be cast in terms of a global dislocation mass matrix, a global dislocation damping matrix, and a global dislocation force vector. In the case of one dislocation loop and with ordered numbering of the nodes around the loop, one can easily show that the global matrices are banded with a half-bandwidth equal to one. However, when the system contains many loops that interact among themselves and new nodes are generated and/or annihilated continuously, the numbering of the nodes becomes random and the matrices become unbanded. To simplify the computational effort, one can employ the lumped mass and damping matrix method. In this method, the mass matrix [M D ] and damping matrix [C D ] become diagonal matrices (half-bandwidth equal to zero), and therefore the only coupling between the equations is through the nodal force vector F D . The computation of each component of the force vector is described below.
2.7. The dislocation stress and force fields The stress induced by any arbitrary dislocation loop at an arbitrary field point P can be computed by the Peach–Koehler integral equation given in Hirth and Lothe [13]. This integral equation, in turn, can be evaluated numerically over many loops of dislocations by discretizing each loop into a series of line segments. If we denote, r = distance from point P to the segment s, Nl = total number of dislocation loops, (l) Ns = number of segments of loop l, (l) (l) (l) Nn = number of nodes associated with the segments of loop l, i.e. Nn = Ns + 1, (l) Ns = total number of segments = Ns × Nl , where summation over l is implied, (l) Nn = total number of nodes = Nn × Nl , where summation over l is implied, ls = length of segment s, then the discretized form of the Peach–Koehler integral equation for the stress at any arbitrary field point P becomes
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σ ij (p) N N s $
∂ ∂ G 2 bp ∈mpi ∇ R dxj − bp ∈mpi ∇ 2 R dxj = ∂x 8π ∂x l l m m s s l=1 s=1 % ∂ G ∂ 3R 2 − bp ∈mpk − δ ∇ R dx (4) ij k , ∂x ∂x 4π(1 − ν) ls ∂xm ∂xm i j ()
G − 8π
where ∈ij k is the permutation symbol, and R is the magnitude of the R = r − r (where r is the position vector of point P and r is the position vector of a differential line segment of the dislocation loop or curve). The integral over each segment can be explicitly carried out using the linear element approximation. Exact solution of eq. (4) for a straight dislocation segment can be found in DeWit [27] and Hirth and Lothe [13]. However, evaluation of the above integral requires careful consideration as the integrand becomes singular in cases where point P coincides with one of the nodes of the segment that integration is taken over, i.e., self-segment integration. Thus, • If P is not part of the segment s, there is no singularity since R = 0 and the ordinary integration procedure may be performed. • If P coincides with a node of the segment s where the integration should be carried out, special treatment is required due to the singular nature of the stress field as R → 0. Here, the regularization scheme developed by Zbib and co-workers has been employed. In general, the dislocation stresses can be decomposed into the following form: d
σ (p) =
N s −2
σ (s) + σ (p+) + σ (p−) ,
s=1 d
where σ (s) is the contribution to the stress at point P from a segment s, and σ (P +) , σ (P −) are the contributions to the stress from the two segments that are shared by a node coinciding with P which will be further discussed below. Once the dislocation stress field is computed, one can determine the forces on each dislocation segment by summing the stresses along the length of the segment. The stresses are categorized into those coming from the dislocations as formulated above and also from any other externally applied stresses plus the internal friction (if any) and the stresses induced by any other defects or micro-constituents. A model for the osmotic force F Osmotic is given in Raabe [28] and its inclusion in the total force is straightforward since it is a deterministic force. However, the treatment of the thermal force F Thermal is not trivial since this force is stochastic in nature, requiring a special consideration and algorithm leading to what is called Stochastic Dislocation Dynamics (SDD) as developed by Hiratani and Zbib [29]. Therefore, the force acting on each segment can be written as: Fs =
Ns d a d (m) a (m) σ +σ + τ s .bs × ξ s = F s + F s +F Thermal , m=1
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
where σ (m) is the contribution to the stresses along segment s from another segment m a (dislocation–dislocation interaction), σ (s) is the sum of all externally applied stresses, internal friction (if any) and the stresses induced by any other defects, and τ s is the thermal d
stress; F s , F s and F Thermal are the corresponding total Peach–Koehler (PK) forces. d
Using eq. (5), one can decompose the force F s into two parts one arising from all dislocation segments and one from the self-segment, which is better known as the self-force, that is, d
Fs =
N s −1
F s (m) + F s (self) ,
m=1 d
where F s (m) and F s (self) are, respectively, the contribution to the force on segment s from segment m and the self-force. In order to evaluate the self-force, one should use a special numerical treatment, as given by Zbib et al. [10] and Zbib and Diaz de la Rubia [12], in which exact expressions for the self-force are given. The direct computation of the dislocation forces discussed above requires the use of a very fine mesh, especially when dealing with problems involving dislocation–defect interaction. As a rule, to capture the effect of the very small defects, the dislocation segment size must be comparable to the size of the defect. Alternatively, one can use large dislocation segments compared to the smallest defect size, provided that the force interaction is computed over many points (Gauss points) over the segment length. In this case, the selfforce of segment s is evaluated first. Then the force contribution from other dislocations and defects is calculated from stresses determined at several Gauss points along the length of the segment. The summation as in (6) would then follow according to: F s = F self s +
N s −1 m=1
ng 1 d (m) d σ (p g ) + σ (m) (p g ) + · · · .bs × ξ s , ng
where p g is the Gauss point g and ng is the number of Gauss points along segment s. The number of Gauss points depends on the length of the segment. As a rule the shortest distance between two Gauss points should be larger or equal to 2r0 , i.e. twice the core size.
2.8. The stochastic force and cross-slip Thermal fluctuations arise from dissipation mechanism due to collision of dislocations with surrounding particles, such as phonons or electrons. Rapid collisions and momentum transfers result in random forces on dislocations. These stochastic collisions, in turn, can be regarded as time-independent noises of thermal forces acting on the dislocations. Suppose the exertion of thermal forces follows a Gaussian distribution. Then, thermal fluctuations most likely result in very small net forces due to mutual cancellations. However, the forces sometimes become large and may cause diffusive dislocation motion or thermal activation events such as overcoming obstacle barriers. Therefore, the DD simulation model should
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Table 1 The stress pulse peak height for various combinations of parameters, t = 50 fs T (K)
0 50 100 300
1/M (µPa s)
2 5 10 30
τh (MPa) (l = 5 b)
(l = 10 b)
11.5 40.6 81.1 256
8.11 28.7 57.4 181
also account not only for deterministic effects but also for stochastic forces; leading to a model called “stochastic discrete dislocation dynamics” (SDD) [29]. The procedure is to include the stochastic force F Thermal in the DD model by computing the magnitude of the stress pulse (τ s ) using a Monte Carlo type analysis. Based on the assumption of the Gaussian process, the thermal stress pulse has a zero mean and no correlation [30] between any two different times. This leads to the average peak height given as [29] σs = 2kT /Ms b2 lt , (9) where k denotes Boltzmann constant, T absolute temperature of the system, b the magnitude of Burgers vector, t time step, and l is the dislocation segment length, respectively. Some values of the peak height are shown in Table 1 for typical combinations of parameters. Here, t is chosen to be 50 fs, roughly the inverse of the Debye frequency. Although l or t does not have a fixed value, such a restriction is imposed so that the system at the energetic global minima should reach thermal equilibrium. One can check the validity of these parameters by comparing the assigned system temperature (T ) with the kinetic temperature of a dislocation that has both ends fixed which should coincide on average according to the equipartition law. Although there is no unique way for choosing t or l in eq. (9), the selection is justified if the segment velocity distribution has the correct Maxwellian form and if the average kinetic energy of the segment is equivalent to kT /2 for each degree of freedom at thermal equilibrium. The size of l may also depend on the microstructure being considered, for example when the size of the local obstacle is in the order of nm, l is also chosen to be in the same order. Numerical implementation includes an algorithm where stochastic components are evaluated at each time step, during which strengths are correlated and sampled from a bivariant Gaussian distribution. In the stationary case, distribution of the dislocation segment velocity becomes also a Gaussian with a variance of kT /m∗ l. Under a constant stress without obstacles, Maxwell distributions around a mean velocity, which is equal to the final viscous velocity bσ M, are realized at a steady state. With the inclusion of stochastic forces in DD analysis, one can treat cross-slip (a thermally activated process) in a direct manner, since the duration of waiting time and thermal agitations are naturally included in the stochastic process. For example, for the cross-slip in fcc model one can develop a model based on the Escaig–Friedel (EF) mechanism where cross-slip of a screw dislocation segment may be initiated by an immediate dissociation
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
and expansion of Shockley partials. This EF mechanism has been observed to have a lower activation energy than the Shoeck–Seeger mechanism where the double super kinks are formed on the cross-slip plane (the later model is used for cross-slip in bcc [25]). In the EF mechanism, the activation enthalpy G depends on the interval of the Shockley partials (d) and the resolved shear stress on the initial glide plane (σ ). The constriction interval L is also dependent on σ . For example, for the case of copper, one can compute the activation energy for cross-slip using an empirical formula fitted to the MD results of Rao et al. [31]. The results for this case are given by Hiratani and Zbib [29].
2.9. Modifications for long-range interactions Inclusion of the interaction among all the dislocation loops present in a large body is computationally expensive since the number of computations per step would be proportional to Ns2 where Ns is the number of dislocation segments. A numerical compromise technique termed the super-dislocation method, which is based on the multipolar expansion method [9,10], reduces the order of computation to Ns log Ns with a high accuracy. In this approach, the dislocations far away from the point of interest are grouped together into a set of equivalent monopoles and dipoles. In the numerical implementation of the DD model, one would divide the 3D computational domain into sub-domains, and the dislocations in each sub-domain (if there are any) are grouped together in terms of monopoles, dipoles, etc. (depending on the desired accuracy) and the their far stress field is then computed. Details of the method are given in [9,10].
2.10. Evaluation of plastic strains The motion of each dislocation segment gives rise to plastic distortion, which is related to the macroscopic plastic strain rate tensor ε˙ p , and the plastic spin tensor W p via the relations ε˙ p =
Ns ls vgs s=1
Wp =
(ns ⊗ bs + bs ⊗ ns ),
Ns ls vgs s=1
(ns ⊗ bs − bs ⊗ ns ),
where ns is a unit normal to the slip plane, vgs is the magnitude of the glide velocity of segment s, V is the volume of the representative volume element (RVE). The above relations provide the most rigorous connection between the dislocation motion (the fundamental mechanism of plastic deformation in crystalline materials) and the macroscopic plastic strain, with its dependence on strength and applied stress being explicitly embedded in the calculation of the velocity of each dislocation. Nonlocal effects are explicitly included into the calculation through long-range interactions. Another microstructure quantity, the
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dislocation density tensor α, can also be calculated according to N ls bs ⊗ ξ s . α= V
This quantity provides a direct measure for the net Burgers vector that gives rise to strain gradient relief (bending of a crystal) [32].
2.11. The DD numerical solution: an implicit–explicit integration scheme An implicit algorithm to solve the equation of motion (3) with a backward integration scheme may be used, yielding the recurrence equation t+δt t t+δt t v t+δt 1 + (12) = vt + F . ms M s ms s This integration scheme is unconditionally stable for any time step size. However, the DD time step is determined by two factors: (i) the shortest flight distance for short-range interactions, and (ii) the time step used in the dynamic finite element modeling to be described later. This scheme is adopted since the time step in the DD analysis (for high strain rates) is of the same order of magnitude of the time required for a stable explicit finite element (FE) dynamic analysis. Thus, in order to ensure convergence and stable solution, the critical time tc and the time step for both the DD and the FE ought to be tc = lc /Cl , and t = tc /20, respectively, where lc is the characteristic length scale, which is the shortest dimension in the finite element mesh. In summary, the system of equations given above summarizes the basic ingredients that a dislocation dynamics simulation model should include. There are a number of variations in the manner in which the dislocation curves may be discretized, for example zero-order element (pure screw and pure edge), first-order element (or piecewise linear segment with mixed character), or higher order nonlinear elements but this is purely a numerical issue. Nonetheless, the DD model should have the minimum number of parameters and, hopefully, all of them should be basic physical and material parameters and not phenomenological ones for the DD result to be predictive. The DD model described above has the following set of physical and material parameters: • • • • • • •
Burgers vectors, dislocation mobility, elastic properties, core size (selected here as equal to one Burgers vector), thermal conductivity and specific heat, mass density, and stacking fault energy.
Also there are two numerical parameters: the segment length (minimum segment length cannot be less that three times the core size) and the time step [as discussed in conjunction with eq. (12)], but both are fixed to ensure convergence of the result. In the above list, it
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
is emphasized that in general the dislocation mobility is an intrinsic material property that reflects the local drag mechanisms as discussed above. One can use an “effective” mobility that accounts for additional drag from dislocation–point defect interaction, and thermal activation processes if the defects/obstacles are not explicitly impeded in the DD simulations. However, there is no reason not to include these effects explicitly in the DD simulations (as done in the model described above), i.e. dislocation defect interaction, stochastic processes and inertia effects, which actually permits the prediction of the “effective” mobility from the DD analysis [29].
3. Integration of DD and continuum plasticity In the above, we have presented a detailed description of the ingredients needed to perform Dislocation Dynamics (DD) modeling. All of the essential parameters and quantities to perform the simulations have been discussed. One can augment and enhance the power of DD simulations of the underlying dislocation microstructure and its evolution by coupling DD to finite-element modeling in real time. This coupling is now described. The discrete dislocation model can be coupled with continuum elasto-viscoplasticity models, making it possible to correct for dislocation image stress and to address a wide range of complex boundary value problems at the microscopic level. In the following, a brief description of this coupling is provided. The coupling is based on a framework in which the material obeys the basic laws of continuum mechanics, i.e. the linear momentum balance. div σ = ρ v˙
and the energy equation ρcv T˙ = k∇ 2 T + σ .˙ε p ,
where v = u˙ is the particle velocity, u, ρ, cv and k are the displacement vector field, mass density, specific heat and thermal conductivity, respectively. In DD the representative volume cell analyzed can be further discretized into sub-cells or finite elements, each representing a RVE (representative volume element). Then the internal stresses field induced by the dislocations (and other defects) σ D and the plastic strain field within each RVE can be calculated at any point within each element. However, and to be consistent with the definition of a RVE, the heterogeneous internal stress field can be homogenized over each RVE, resulting into an equivalent internal stress S D which is homogeneous within the RVE, i.e.
1 σ D (x) dv. SD = σ D = (14) Velement element Furthermore, the plastic strain increment results from only the mobile dislocations that exit the RVE (or sub-cell) and is computed as in eq. (10) but with V being the volume of the element (or sub-cell). The dislocations that are immobile (zero velocity) do not contribute to the plastic strain increment. Therefore, the dislocations within an element induce an internal stress due to their elastic distortion. When some of these dislocations (or all) move
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and exit the element they leave behind plastic distortion in the element, and the internal stress field should be recomputed by summing the stress from the remaining dislocations in the element. With this homogenization procedure Hooke’s law for the RVE becomes σ + S D = C e ε − εp , (15) where C e is the fourth-order elastic tensor. In the continuum plasticity theory, one would need to develop a phenomenological constitutive law for plastic stress–strain. Here, we avoid this ambiguity by using the explicit expressions given by eq. (10)1 for the plastic strain tensor as computed in the dislocation dynamics. 3.1. Modifications for finite domains The solution for the stress field of a dislocation segment [13] is true for a dislocation in an infinite domain and for homogeneous materials. In order to account for finite domain boundary conditions, Van der Giessen and Needleman [4] developed a 2D model based on the principle of superposition. The method has been extended by Yasin et al. [33] and Zbib and Diaz de la Rubia [12] to three-dimensional problems involving free surfaces and interfaces as summarized below. 3.1.1. Interactions with external free surfaces In the superposition principle, the two solutions from the infinite domain and finite domain are superimposed. We assume that the dislocation loops and any other internal defects with self induced stress are situated in the finite domain V bounded by the surface S and subjected to arbitrary external tractions and constraints. Then the stress, displacement, and strain fields are given by the superposition of the solutions for the infinite domain and the actual domain subjected to σ = σ ∞ + σ ∗, σ ∞,
u = u∞ + u∗ ,
ε = ε∞ + ε∗ ,
where and are the fields arising from the internal defects as if they were in an infinite domain, whereas σ ∗ , ε ∗ and u∗ are the field solutions corresponding to the auxiliary problem satisfying the following boundary conditions t = ta − t∞ u=u ta
on S,
on part of the boundary S,
(17) t∞
where is the externally applied traction, and is the traction induced on S by the defects (dislocations) in the infinite domain problem. The traction −t ∞ = σ .n on the surface boundary S results in an image stress field which is superimposed onto the dislocations segments and, thus, accounts for the surface–dislocation interaction. The treatment discussed above, which considers interaction between dislocations and external free surfaces, applies as well to internal free surfaces such as voids. Internal surfaces such as micro-cracks and rigid surfaces around fibers are treated within the dislocation theory framework, whereby each surface is modeled as a pile-up of infinitesimal dislocation loops [34]. Hence, defects of these types may be represented as dislocation segments and loops, and their interaction with external free surfaces follows the method discussed above. This subject has been addressed by Khraishi et al. [35].
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
3.1.2. Interactions with interfaces The framework described above for dislocations in homogeneous materials can be implemented into a finite element code. One can also extend the model to the case of dislocations in heterogeneous materials using the concept of superposition as outlined by Zbib and Diaz de la Rubia [12]. For bi-materials, suppose that domain V is divided into two sub-domains V1 and V2 with domain V1 containing a set of dislocations. The stress field induced by the dislocations and any externally applied stresses in both domains can be constructed in terms of two solutions such that σ = σ ∞1 + σ ∗ ,
ε = ε∞1 + ε ∗ ,
where σ ∞1 and ε ∞1 are the stress and strain fields, respectively, induced by the dislocations (the infinite solution) with the entire domain V having the same material properties of domain V1 (homogeneous solution). Applying Hooke’s law for each of the sub-domains, and using (18), one obtains the elastic constitutive equations for each of the materials in each of the sub-domains as: in V 1 , σ ∗ = C1e (ε)∗ , e ∗ e ∗ ∞21 ∞21 e ∞1 ; σ = C2 − C1 ε , in V 2 , σ = C2 ε + σ (19) where C1e and C2e are the elastic stiffness tensors in V1 and V2 , respectively. The boundary conditions are: t = ta − t∞ 1
on S;
u = ua
on part of S,
where t a is the externally applied traction and t ∞ 1 is the traction induced on all of S by the dislocations in V1 in the infinite-homogeneous domain problem. The “eigenstress” σ ∞21 is due to the difference in material properties. The method described above can be extended to the case of heterogeneous materials with N sub-domains [12]. The above system of eqs (13)–(15) can be combined with the boundary corrections given by (16)–(20). The resulting set of field equations can be solved numerically using the finite element method as described by Zbib and Diaz de la Rubia [12]. The end result is a model, which they call multiscale discrete dislocation dynamics plasticity (MDDP), coupling continuum elasto-viscoplasticity with discrete dislocation dynamics. The MDDP consists of two main modules, the DD module and the continuum finite element module. The DD module computes the dynamics of the dislocations, the plastic strain field they produce, and the corresponding internal stresses field. These field values are passed to the continuum finite element module, in which the stress–displacement–temperature field is determined based on the boundary value problem at hand. The resulting stress field, in turn, is passed to the DD module and the cycle is repeated. We have now described the DD method and its coupling to continuum mechanics concepts. In what follows, we present some examples of the problems that have been treated by DD to provide both solid mechanists and materials scientists with the data and insight that might be needed. In particular DD (as will be illustrated) is very good at providing constitutive equations or quantification to relate microstructure to mechanical properties (e.g. flow stress). In particular, we treat several examples of size effects and dislocation behavior in shock waves.
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4. Problems with size effects and the DD approach Over the past decade, the discrete dislocation dynamics has been utilized by a number of researchers to investigate many complicated small-scale crystal plasticity phenomena that occur under a wide range of loading and boundary conditions (see for example a recent review by Bulatov et al. [11]), and covering a wide spectrum of strain rates. Some of the major phenomena that have been addressed include: • The role of dislocation mechanisms in strain hardening [36,37]. • Dislocation–defect interaction problems, including dislocation–void interaction [38], dislocation–SFT/void–clusters interaction in irradiated materials and the role of dislocation mechanisms in the formation of localized shear bands [39–41]. • The effect of particle size on hardening in metal-matrix composites [42]. • The effect of thermal stresses associated with inclusions of different coefficient of thermal expansion from the metallic matrix on the composite strengthening [43]. • The effect of free surfaces on the plasticity in a small material volume [44]. • Crack tip plasticity and dislocation–crack interaction [45]. • The role of various dislocation patterns such geometrically necessary boundaries (GNB’s) in hardening phenomena [46]. • Plastic zone and hardening in nano-indentation tests [47]. • High strain rate phenomena and shock wave interaction with dislocations [48–50]. • The role of dislocation mechanisms in increased strength in nano-layered structures [51,52]. The DD method is particularly suitable for tackling problems where size effects are important. Size effects in materials can be addressed from a purely continuum approach. by means of a strain-gradient constitutive phenomenological model for material behavior (e.g. Aifantis [53]). Such an approach is not fundamental and relies on parametric fits. The DD method, on the other hand, is better suited for such problems for two reasons: First, as mentioned above, the constitutive behavior of a RVE, a material element, or a small material volume, is captured naturally within the DD simulations reflecting both the effect of both microstructure and internal/external geometry of the material. Second, dislocation motion, which is directly responsible for the evolution of plasticity and the constitutive behavior, is very sensitive to any changes in the scales describing the problem at hand and these changes are directly determined in DD. In this section, we discuss the following four problems: • • • •
Size effects in metal-matrix composites (MMCs). Size effects when modeling free surface effects. Size effects when modeling grain boundaries. Size effects in bending.
The results presented below are for both copper and molybdenum single crystals whose materials properties are as follows. For copper, mass density = 8900 kg/m3 , G = 54.6 GPa, ν = 0.324, b = 0.256 nm, M = 104 l/Pa s. For molybdenum, mass density = 10,200 kg/m3 , G = 123 GPa, ν = 0.305, b = 0.2725 nm, Mmixed = 103 /Pa s, Mscrew = 0.1/Pa s.
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
4.1. Size effects in metal-matrix composites (MMCs) Metal-matrix composites or MMCs are composite materials made of a metallic matrix and dispersed strong particles of another material [54]. Typically the particles are made of a much more rigid material than the matrix, e.g. SiC particles. Such particles can have a variety of shapes, e.g. spherical or fiber-like. In such material systems, the composite is typically much stronger than the matrix material alone because the particles act as barriers to dislocation motion in two ways: (a) The particles hinder the motion of dislocations on a collision path with them. This is known as Orowan strengthening [13] as the dislocations form pile-ups of loops (also called Orowan loops) around each particle and these pile-ups exert a “back stress” or a retarding stress (also called an “image stress”) on trailing or upcoming dislocations reducing thus the amount of strain in the matrix, or material as a whole, for a given stress increment; (b) The particles hinder the dislocation motion of nonintersecting dislocations due to the thermal stress field, also called the eigenstrain field, associated with these particles. This thermal stress field arises from the mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion between the particles and the matrix. Regarding the first type of strengthening (a) Khraishi and Zbib [42] have recently incorporated this strengthening effect in a dislocation dynamics simulation of circular Orowan loops surrounding a short rigid cylindrical fiber. The need for such specialized geometry, for both the particle and the dislocation structure or content, is that such an effect is a very difficult solid mechanics or computational materials problem to deal with even for the simplest of all problems. The use of the finite element method for treating such problems, see e.g. Zbib and Diaz de la Rubia [12], is probably the best way to do so currently. Recently, Khraishi et al. [43] have performed some three-dimensional DD simulations to capture the strengthening effect (b) of thermal stresses in an aluminum matrix with spherical SiC particles whereby the gliding dislocations did not intersect the particles but rather hovered above or below these particles at a certain height. In this work, pile-ups of glide dislocation loops were also observed. These pile-ups had a finite amount of strength or back-stress associated with them as they maintained a steady-state (over time) average size. The number of these pile-ups increased with an increased number of particles (or alternatively volume fraction of particles). The pile-ups’ strength also increased with decreasing height. Fig. 2(a) shows some of the aforementioned glide dislocation pile-ups above the particles. Also, Fig. 2(b) shows the flow stress (or yield stress) as a function of the particle radius. The increase in the flow stress as determined via the simulations is 4.6–16.6 MPa for every 1% increase in volume fraction (f ). Experimentally this number is about 5 MPa. The exact simulation parameters are provided in the last reference. For the stress field of particles with an arbitrary shape and not just spherical, the reader is referred to the work of Lerma et al. [55] for a generalized method.
4.2. Size effects when modeling free surface effects As alluded to earlier, dislocations in crystalline solids often encounter free surfaces inside the material domain or on its exterior surfaces. Such surfaces are termed “free” because they are free of tractions (i.e. zero traction exists on such surfaces). The effect of free
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(b) Fig. 2. Dislocation interaction with the thermal stress field of SiC spherical particles in an aluminum matrix. (a) Pile-ups of glide dislocation loops forming above 2 particles (left) and four particles (right). (b) The effect of reinforcing particle radius on the flow stress.
surfaces on a dislocation is to pull it out of the crystal, if it is near the surface in the first place, reducing thus the elastic energy of the bulk of the material. This pulling force is often termed the image force, related to an image stress (see discussion above on the DD methodology). One of the ways to account for the correct interaction between a dislocation and a nearby traction-free surface in DD is through the coupled use of the finite-element method [33]. An alternative approach is to use what is so called a “distributed dislocation method” similar to that used in crack theory and modeling. Such an approach was presented by Khraishi et al. [35], and by Khraishi and Zbib [44]. In such an approach, the stress field of dislocation segments inside the DD computational cell or domain is considered to be that for a dislocation in an infinite domain plus some auxiliary image stress terms that would annul the unphysical tractions (that otherwise would be present) on a select finite
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
Fig. 3. The interaction of dislocations with external free surfaces on the boundaries of a cubic computational cell. (a) A surface mesh with rectangular or square elements on all of the six cube surfaces. Each element represents a prismatic dislocation loop. (b) Each dislocation segment is reflected across the six cube surfaces and each image segment has essentially an opposite Burgers vector (see Khraishi and Zbib [58]).
number of points (also called collocation points) on the free surfaces. In other words, the elastic fields at a material or field point inside the computational domain are given by superposing the infinite domain solution plus the auxiliary stress terms that satisfy the physical boundary condition on the collocation points (i.e. the condition of zero traction). In the limit, the number of collocation points can cover the whole surface, i.e. one can have a very high density of them. To provide for the auxiliary stress terms, each collocation point is considered to be at the center of a rectangular or square surface mesh element representing a prismatic dislocation loop (i.e. one whose Burgers vector is normal to its habit plane). Fig. 3(a) shows a typical surface mesh. Such surface loops are not real crystal dislocations but rather a mathematical convenience for the solution methodology at hand to aid us in enforcing a zero traction condition at the collocation points. The elastic fields associated with prismatic dislocation loops can be found in the works of Khraishi et al. [56, 57] and Khraishi and Zbib [58]. These authors show that the loops annul only the normal component of traction at the collocation points and not the shear components. Another portion of the solution/method is to generate mirror image segments for each segment [see Fig. 3(b)]. These image segments can annul the shear traction components on the cell surfaces. Having the above machinery in place, one can simulate the effect of the free surfaces on the flow stress of the material volume. The effect of the free surfaces on the flow stress value of the material piece is dependent on the geometry of the material (e.g. thin flat films of the material have a stronger surface effect on dislocation plasticity due to their higher area-to-volume ratio) as well as on the initial relative position of the dislocation sources with respect to the external free surfaces of the cell. More on this topic, including the exact set of DD parameters used in the simulations can be found in [35,44].
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Fig. 4. A dislocation segment inside a computational box. Here, XY Z represents a globally fixed coordinate system.
Fig. 5. Segment A1 B1 beneath a fee surface. Also, a mesh of rectangular elements, representing generallyprismatic dislocation loops, covering area S upon which stress traction annulment is sought. The inset shows one of these loops. The elements’ centers are collocation points for the problem at hand. Loop i is centered at i , y i ) with zi = 0 in this case. (xO O O
A variant of the above method that avoids the need to use true image segments has recently been presented by Yan et al. [59]. For this variant, consider Fig. 4 which shows a crystal containing a real dislocation segment A1 B1 beneath a finite-sized free surface S (e.g., the side of a DD computational cell). Here, XY Z represents a globally fixed coordinate system. In DD codes, the stress field of the segment is typically that for an infinite medium [13]. This stress field violates the traction-free condition of the boundary surface and creates unphysical tractions t on it. The traction-free condition states that t = σ ·n = 0 at any surface point P (Fig. 5), where σ is the stress state tensor and n is a unit normal vector to the surface. More explicitly this condition translates to σxz = σyz = σzz = 0 at the surface given the coordinate system of the figure. In Fig. 5 xyz is a local coordinate system
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
Fig. 6. The geometry of a dislocation loop C parallel to the xy plane.
ascribed to the free surface, i, j , and k are an orthonormal basis for the Cartesian space, b is the Burgers vector associated with the segment, and t 1 is the line sense vector of the segment. In the method, the zero traction condition is enforced discretely on collocation points (see dots in Fig. 5) whose density is controllable and can cover the whole surface area in the limit. Note that in this section’s text we use for convenience both bold typeface and an overhead arrow to indicate vectors as well as underbars to indicate second-order tensors. To annul the tractions, surface S is meshed into N rectangular or square elements. Each of these elements stands for a general rectangular virtual dislocation loop with three unknown, yet-to-be-determined, Burgers vector components (bxi , byi , bzi ), as shown for loop i in the inset of the figure. That is the loops are more general than prismatic loops with only a Burgers vector component normal to the surface. The idea here is to determine the Burgers vectors of the loops so that the tractions on the collocation points (the centers of the rectangles in this case) emanating from all the loops and segment A1 B1 vanish or mutually annul. Once the Burgers vectors for all surface loops have been determined, their stress (and displacement) field can be calculated. The stress field at any material point in the solid is simply then the sum of the stress field due to all of these loops plus the stress field due to the sub-surface segment from linear superposition. In essence then the stress field due to all of the loops is properly termed the “image stress” although no true mirror image dislocations are being utilized in this method. The method hence falls under the category of “generalized image stress analysis” described in Khraishi and Zbib [44]. As was just explained, the quantification of the stress field of rectangular dislocation loops is needed as part of the method. We derive here the stress field of such loops and use it later as part of the mathematical formulation of the method. To derive the stress field of a general rectangular dislocation loop, one needs to integrate the Peach–Koehler (PK) contour integral for a rectangular loop geometry as described in Fig. 6. The PK equation is a line or contour integral that sums the stresses of differential dislocation line elements as one traverses a closed loop (of any curvature or shape) in the direction of the dislocation’s line sense. The dislocation can in general have three components of the Burgers vector (bx , by , bz ) and the integration can, in principle, be carried out with respect to any coordinate system.
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The PK equation is given by the following [13]: & & ∂ 2 ∂ 2 G G bm ∈im α ∇ R dx − bm ∈im β ∇ R dxα σαβ = − β 8π ∂xi 8π ∂xi C
G 4π(1 − ν)
& bm ∈imk C
∂ 3R ∂xi ∂xα ∂xβ
− δαβ
∂ 2 ∇ R dxk . ∂xi
After expansion of the m index expansion, the last equation can instead be written as: σαβ (x, y, z) = bx Kxαβ (x, y, z) + by Kyαβ (x, y, z) + bz Kzαβ (x, y, z), where G ∈iγ α Kγ αβ (x, y, z) = − 8π
& C
G ∈iγβ ∂ 2 ∇ R dxβ − ∂xi 8π
G ∈iγ k − 4π(1 − ν)
& C
& C
∂ 2 ∇ R dxα ∂xi
∂ 2 − δαβ ∇ R dxk , ∂xi ∂xα ∂xβ ∂xi ∂ 3R
where ∈ is the permutation operator, G is the shear modulus, and ν is Poisson’s ratio. Also, dl is a differential line segment of the dislocation loop. The vector R, with magnitude R = |R|, is the difference vector between the position vector of dl [i.e. r = (x , y , z )] and position vector of a field point P [i.e. r = (x, y, z)], i.e. R = r − r. Note in the above equation that x1 = x, x2 = y, and x3 = z. The terms Kγ αβ are called the “kernel” terms of the loop’s stress field and they are, after carrying out the integration, functions of the elastic constants and the spatial coordinates. In order to perform the integration, the indices in (21) should first be expanded. This gives six independent equations, one for each stress component (σxx , σyy , σzz , σyz , σxz , and σxy ), corresponding to a permutation of the α and β indices from 1 to 3. We also note that the dislocation loop lies parallel to the xy plane (i.e. z = constant), and that ∇ 2 R = 2/R. In what follows, we omit the lengthy integration steps for brevity and simply provide the final result in Yan et al. [59] for details on the integration process. For Burgers vector components bx and by , the reader is referred to other previous work by Khraishi et al. [56, 57]. Note that for a rectangular dislocation loop with a bz Burgers vector component, the resulting stress field was given in Khraishi and Zbib [44]. To annul the σxz , σyz , and σzz components on the surface points, consider again surface S in Fig. 5 on which such annulment is desired. This surface can in general represent a certain portion of a larger surface area, which can be a small or a big portion (up to the total original surface area to which it belongs). One can further subdivide S into N number of smaller square (or rectangular) surface elements. The purpose of such division is to annul the σxz , σyz , and σzz components in a discrete fashion by requiring them to be identically zero at the centers of these elements. The satisfaction of such a requirement over all elements does not necessarily ensure its satisfaction at other surface points besides the centers of the elements. Therefore this technique is numerical and approximate in character. More accuracy can be attained by further subdividing S into an increasingly larger number of smaller elements. This further subdivision of S works in effect to ensure the satisfaction of
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
the boundary condition at more and more points on the surface (covering the whole surface area in the limit). So far, nothing has been said on how to achieve the nullification of the σxz , σyz , and σzz components at the midpoints, or centers, of the surface’s square (or rectangular) N elements. To accomplish this purpose, we propose to treat these elements as dislocation entities; in harmony with the idea of “generalized image stress analysis” discussed earlier. In particular, we treat them as general dislocation loops, as previously discussed. The inset of Fig. 5 shows one such rectangular dislocation loop, termed Loop i, illustrating its line sense and Burgers vector components with respect to a local or body-fixed coordinate i , y i , zi ). system x y z . The center of this loop in surface xyz coordinates is (xO O O From studying the characteristics of these generally-prismatic loops with the x y z coordinate system, it turns out that at the center of these loops the only non-vanishing components of loop stress are σxz , σyz , and σzz . In the current context, the center of the loops can be considered as Gaussian points at which determination of numerical quantities (in this case stress) is desired. Based on the above, the annulment of the σxz , σyz , and σzz components of stress at the center of any loop, i (in the presence of the sub-surface dislocation segment A1 B1 ) can be stated as follows: i σxz
i = 1, . . . , N,
i = 1, . . . , N,
i = 1, . . . , N,
A1 B 1 σxz − σxz ,
j =1 j =i i =− σyz
A1 B 1 σyz − σyz ,
j =1 j =i i σzz =−
A1 B 1 σzz − σzz ,
j =1 j =i j
A1 B 1 is the stress from segment where σmn is the mnth component of stress due to Loop j , σmn A1 B1 , and i, j are loop counters. The unknowns in each of the loop terms in eqs (24) are the Burgers vector components, in accordance with eq. (22), which pre-multiply the kernel terms. Hence, for each loop i eqs (24) correspond to linear relationships between 3N unknowns; representing the unknown Burgers vector components of the N loops. Applying eqs (24) N times at the centers of all loops produce a set of 3N linear algebraic equations that can be conventionally solved. The above devised numerical scheme is self-consistent geometrically, numerically, and within the context of dislocation theory. The extent of area S upon which the boundary condition is enforced is a problem parameter and can be extended almost indefinitely. One can improve the accuracy of this scheme for a given area size S, as discussed earlier, by using finer meshing (i.e. larger N , or smaller loop sizes). Eqs (24) can be rewritten as follows: N j =1
A1 B 1 σxz = −σxz ,
i = 1, . . . , N,
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i = 1, . . . , N,
i = 1, . . . , N,
A1 B 1 σyz = −σyz ,
j =1 N
A1 B 1 σzz = −σzz ,
j =1
where it is again understood that the evaluation of quantities in (25) is done at the center of the loop in question (i.e., Loop i). Now let the area of each of the discretizing loops tend to an infinitesimal value, dA , such that each of their positions is defined by a point (x , y ). Obviously, for a given surface S, infinitely many such small loops will be needed to cover it. Each of these infinitesimal loops has associated with it infinitesimal Burgers vector components directed along the three different axes (i.e., dbx , dby and dbz ). The distribution of these Burgers vectors naturally introduces density functions [Bx (x , y ), By (x , y ) and Bz (x , y )] defined on the xy plane, such that (at a given surface point) dbx = Bx (x , y ) dA , dby = By (x , y ) dA and dbz = Bz (x , y ) dA . This is equivalent to stating that Bx (x , y ) = dbx /dA , By (x , y ) = dby /dA , and Bz (x , y ) = dbz /dA . Hence, using (22), one can replace the summation in (25) with an integral, and write: i i A1 B 1 Bγ (x , y )Kγ xz xO , (26a) − x , yO − y dA = −σxz S i i A1 B 1 (26b) Bγ (x , y )Kγ yz (xO , − x , yO − y ) dA = −σyz S i i A1 B 1 (26c) Bγ (x , y )Kγ zz xO , − x , yO − y dA = −σzz S
i −x , y i −y ) are the kernels of the stress field associated with a small where the Kγ αβ (xO O or infinitesimal dislocation loop located at (x , y ) and evaluated at z = z = 0. Assuming Bx (x , y ), By (x , y ) and Bz (x , y ) to be piecewise area constant, i.e. constant in value over each of the N finite area elements, one can further write any of eqs (26) as follows: i i Bγ (x , y )Kγ αβ xO − x , yO − y dA S
N j j =1 A
N j =1
i i Bγ (x , y )Kγ αβ xO − x , yO − y dA
i i Kγ αβ xO − x , yO − y dA , j
where Aj is the area of element j , and Bγ is the constant value of the density function over the element. Furthermore, the integral in eq. (27) can be approximated as follows: i i j j j i i Kγ αβ xO (28) − x , yO − y dA = Kγ αβ xO − xO , yO − yO A . Aj
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
In eq. (28), the evaluation of the kernel is done at the center of element or Loop j , j j (xO , yO ), in an approximating procedure which is more accurate for smaller loops. In what follows, the O subscript will not be used unless its inclusion is needed for clarity. j j Finally, upon combining eqs (26)–(28) with the observation that Bγ Aj = bγ , one obtains eqs (25), where the loops stresses are those given by (7) with z = z = 0. Hence, the original statement of eqs (24) represents a special case of (26). Although (26) is a more general and more complete statement of the problem, the equivalent statement, eqs (24), was arrived more easily. The integral form of eqs (26) is analogous to crack problems (see, e.g., Khraishi and Demir [60]) which utilize a distribution or pileup of dislocations to annul undesirable tractions on a crack’s face. Using eqs (22) and (25) together, one obtains: N
j j bx Kxxz x i − x j , y i − y j + by Kyxz x i − x j , y i − y j
j =1
j A1 B 1 , + bz Kzxz x i − x j , y i − y j = −σxz center of Loop i
j j bx Kxyz x i − x j , y i − y j + by Kyyz x i − x j , y i − y j
j =1
j A1 B 1 , + bz Kzyz x i − x j , y i − y j = −σyz center of Loop i
j j bx Kxzz x i − x j , y i − y j + by Kyzz x i − x j , y i − y j
j =1
j A1 B 1 , + bz Kzzz x i − x j , y i − y j = −σzz center of Loop i j
where i = 1, . . . , N. In the last equations (bx , by , bz ), are the Burgers vector components of Loop j . Also, the kernel terms are evaluated in the xy plane, i.e. when zi = 0. Also, x j and y j are the x and y coordinates of dislocation loop j with zj = 0 (see Fig. 6). The kernel terms can be determined from the results in Yan et al. [59] by considering the special case when z = z = 0. The results for this special case are rather simple and are provided in the last mentioned reference. The right-hand side of eqs (29) can be written as: i i i A1 B1 i σαβ (30) i = 1, . . . , N, = f xO , yO = f x , y , center of Loop i where the function f (x, y) is straightforwardly found from the stress field of a dislocation line segment [13]. Eqs (29) represent 3N equations corresponding to N collocation points. The collocation points correspond to N rectangular general surface dislocation loops each with three j j j unknown Burgers vector components (bx , by , bz ). Hence we have a 3N × 3N system of linear algebraic equations: [K] {b} = {C} .
3N×3N 3N ×1
3N ×1
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Once the unknown vector {b} is solved for the Burgers vector components of the surface dislocation loops, these can be used in conjunction with the kernel terms [as in eqs (22)] to calculate the image stresses acting on sub-surface segments like A1 B1 . In (31), the [A] matrix contains the interacting kernels and the {C} vector is like a forcing vector that contains the function f (x, y). This system of equations can be written in expanded form as follows: ⎡ 1→1 ⎤ 1→1 K 1→1 K 2→1 K 2→1 K 2→1 · · · K N→1 K N→1 K N→1 Kxxz Kyxz zxz xxz yxz zxz xxz yxz zxz ⎢ K 1→1 K 1→1 K 1→1 K 2→1 K 2→1 K 2→1 · · · K N→1 K N→1 K N→1 ⎥ ⎢ xyz yyz zyz xyz yyz zyz xyz yyz zyz ⎥ ⎢ K 1→1 K 1→1 K 1→1 K 2→1 K 2→1 K 2→1 · · · K N→1 K N→1 K N→1 ⎥ ⎢ xzz yzz zzz xzz yzz zzz xzz yzz zzz ⎥ ⎢ . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ⎥ ⎢ . ⎥ . . . . . . . . . ⎥ ⎢ . ⎢ 1→N 1→N 1→N 2→N 2→N 2→N ⎥ N→N N→N N→N ⎢Kxxz Kyxz Kzxz Kxxz Kyxz Kzxz · · · Kxxz Kyxz Kzxz ⎥ ⎢ 1→N 1→N 1→N 2→N 2→N 2→N ⎥ N→N N→N N→N ⎣Kxyz Kyyz Kzyz Kxyz Kyyz Kzyz · · · Kxyz Kyyz Kzyz ⎦ 1→N K 1→N K 1→N K 2→N K 2→N K 2→N · · · K N→N K N→N K N→N Kxzz yzz zzz xzz yzz zzz xzz yzz zzz ⎧ 1 ⎫ ⎧ −σ A1 B1 →1 ⎫ ⎪ xz bx ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ A1 B1 →1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ −σyz b ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ y ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1⎪ ⎪ A1 B1 →1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ −σ b ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ zz ⎬ ⎨ z⎬ ⎨ . . .. × .. (32) = . ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ A B →N N ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪bx ⎪ ⎪−σxz ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ A1 B1 →N ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪byN ⎪ ⎪−σyz ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ N⎭ ⎪ ⎭ ⎩ A1 B1 →N ⎪ bz −σzz By examining the expanded form, one finds that the [A] matrix is fully populated and diagonally dominant. The fully populated feature is self-explanatory. Finally, the matrix is diagonally dominant because its kernel evaluated at its own center is much larger in magnitude than when it is evaluated at the centers of other loops. Indeed, the kernel decays as 1/r 3 . It is also diagonally dominant because for the same dislocation loop the Kγ αβ terms are maximized whenever γ equals α, β or both. Once the Burgers vectors of the surface loops are known, one can compute the Peach– Koehler force at the center of the segment A1 B1 , and due to the image stresses only, as follows: - N . A1 B 1 i A1 B 1 F (33) = σ ·b × ξ A1 B 1 . i=1
The summation in the above equation accumulates the effects of all N surface loops. The loops produce a resultant Peach–Koehler force acting on a sub-surface segment [eq. (33)] that tends to pull the segment towards the surface in order to minimize the crystal energy. Consider, for example, a sub-surface horizontal dislocation segment A1 B1 . As the depth of the segment decreases, i.e. the segment approaches the surface, the Peach–Koehler force pulling it towards the surface should accordingly increase. In other words, there is an inverse relationship between the Peach–Koehler force-pull towards the surface and the segment depth. Fig. 7 supports this physical picture. In addition, as the dislocation segment length increases, the Peach–Koehler force acting on it and coming from the image stress
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
Fig. 7. The Peach–Koehler (PK) force pulling a sub-surface horizontal segment towards the surface versus the segment depth for a fixed segment length.
Fig. 8. The Peach–Koehler (PK) force pulling a sub-surface horizontal segment towards the surface versus the segment length for a fixed segment depth.
analysis, should also increase because the end effects, which diminish the force, have less effect. Fig. 8 is a plot of the force pulling the segment towards the surface versus the segment length. The force properly extrapolates back to zero as the segment length completely diminishes.
4.3. Size effects when modeling grain boundaries As is widely known, the mechanical properties of crystalline solids are inherently a function of their microstructure. The microstructure, in turn, is governed by processing of the
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Fig. 9. A schematic of a low-angle grain boundary or tilt wall. The wall has a Burgers vector b as dislocation source A (which is showed pinned at both ends). Dislocation A is free to glide under applied stress τ app and the stress field of the walls. The wall has the same sign as dislocation A.
material. Although advances in understanding the structure–property relationships have been achieved, more basic research to expand the knowledge base is still needed. We present here DD work on exploring the strengthening effect of grain boundaries in a crystalline solid material. The mechanical properties of crystalline solid materials are a direct function of their microstructure (Courtney, 2002). The microstructure can be controlled by controlling the processing of the material. This includes heat treatment to produce polygonization in the matrix, a process of accumulation of dislocations into lower energy low-angle grain boundaries or tilt walls, see Fig. 9. With regard to strengthening due to low-angle grain boundaries (or tilt walls), this strengthening has been correlated experimentally and theorized by flow stress models. For example, for large-angle grain boundaries the Hall–Petch (HP) equation is believed to hold (stress linearly related to the inverse square root of the grain size). A non-HP effect that was not considered in DD studies is the effect of tilt angle or equivalently dislocation spacing in the array/wall. Consider the tilt wall in Fig. 9, the stress field due to this wall on a nearby dislocation line/segment A is simply, from linear superposition, the sum of the stress fields of the dislocations composing the wall [13]. For walls composed of infinitely-long dislocation lines (i.e. L → ∞), the stress field for such lines can be found in classical dislocation theory textbooks (e.g. Hull and Bacon, [61]). For walls composed of finite-length dislocations, the stress field of such dislocations can be found in Hirth and Lothe [13]. The impediment to dislocation motion offered by the tilt walls manifests itself in a higher flow stress value on a stress–strain curve. Fixing the wall spacing, height and length, the number of dislocations within a wall (or equivalently the spacing of wall dislocations or tilt angle) can be varied to study their effect on the flow stress. Fig. 10 shows the results of such a study. In this figure, it is clearly observed that as the number of wall dislocations N increased the flow stress value for the material increased. If one uses this figure to plot flow stress versus the tilt angle, one obtains the curve in Fig. 11 where a zero tilt
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
Fig. 10. The effect of the number of dislocations (N) within a wall of fixed height (or equivalently the spacing of wall dislocations or tilt angle) on the flow stress of the material. Here H = 3000 b. Two walls of the same sign (i.e. Burgers vector) are used here and are spaced 6000 b (b is the magnitude of a Burgers vector), with the dislocation source sandwiched in between.
Fig. 11. The flow stress versus the dislocation tilt wall angle. Here H = 3000 b. Two walls of the same sign (i.e. Burgers vector) are used here and are spaced 6000 b, with the dislocation source sandwiched in between.
angle corresponds to the case of no walls present (i.e. an infinite spacing between the wall dislocations). The curve shows a non-linear dependence of flow stress on the tilt angle. It is important here to note that this hardening effect in the material is not a Hall–Petch effect. In other words, we are not measuring here the dependence of the flow stress on the cell size, i.e. the spacing between different walls. Instead, it is shown that the flow stress has a dependence on the tilt angle as will. This dependence has been measured experimentally by Hansen and Hughes [62]. They used the “LEDS” (low-energy dislocation structure) theory to derive a linear relationship between the flow stress and the tilt angle. The model in [62] is for bending a dislocation segment between two near-neighbor dislocations in a simple tilt wall and does not include interaction with other dislocations in the wall as is the case in DD. The last thing we show here is the effect of wall height (for a fixed tilt angle) on the flow stress. This is shown in Fig. 12. As is expected, the bigger H is the higher the flow stress since more dislocations are contained within this array height for a fixed tilt angle.
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Fig. 12. This figure shows the effect of the wall height (H ) on the flow stress of the material for a fixed tilt angle. Here the tilt angle θ = 0.363◦ . Two walls of the same sign (i.e. Burgers vector) are used here and are spaced 6000 b, with the dislocation source sandwiched in between.
4.4. Size effects in bending of microbeams As a simple, yet well-suited, problem to demonstrate the paradigm of multiscale bridging, bending of micro-sized single crystal beams is considered [63]. Microbeam bending has been addressed by several researchers. Experimental evidence for the size-dependence of both the initial yield and subsequent flow stress in bending of micro- and nano-sized beams came from the work of Stolken and Evans [64]. Several analytical studies using one form or another of gradient plasticity models applied to simplified two-dimensional bending problems also proved the scale-dependence on both initial yield and hardening [63]. Using two-dimensional DD analysis, Cleveringa et al. [65] studied the evolution of dislocations densities and the mechanical response of micro-sized beams and were able to detect size effect in both cases. Their continuum model results, fit with the necessary parameters from the DD analysis of a different boundary value problem, showed good correspondence to their DD results predicting the mechanical response and density evolution dependence on specimen size. However, three-dimensional DD analysis is more realistic and becomes particularly important in the case of the freestanding micro-sized beam-bending problem considered here due to the significance of surface effects and the small volume of the specimen. For example, our results show that despite the idealized single slip system configuration and loading, where the slip plane normal, Burgers vector, and loading are all coplanar, the resulting deformation involves generalized twisting and bending about all axes. In DD analysis, dislocations are explicitly introduced by a random distribution of FRSs, both in location and size, such that the density calculated from the total length of the segments making the FRSs and the specimen volume are matching in both models. The choice of the mean FRS size and the dislocation boundary conditions is what determines yield in the micromodel. In our case, the Orowan relation for the strength of a FRS, τ ≈ μb/λ, where λ is the FRS size, can only be used as a rough guide due to the finiteness of the medium. The specimen is bent around the z-axis by the application of linearly varying displacement to the xy faces, Fig. 13. The boundary conditions on the xz and yz surfaces are chosen to be free, implying the beam is free standing, while dislocations reaching the surface can leave it readily.
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
Fig. 13. Bending of microbeams problem setup.
Two samples of two different sizes are studied in each model: 12 × 3 × 2 µm and 6 × 1.5 × 2 µm. For this case study, the initial dislocation density is 1 × 1011 /m2 . The specimen material is copper. Due to the fact that the beam is micro-sized and freestanding, a completely random dislocation distribution in general results in a very complex generalized deformation of the beam, including twisting and bending about the three axes. Although this scenario is realistic, it is far from being treatable correctly by crystal plasticity models in existence, due to the absence from these models of a fundamental treatment of dislocation boundary conditions. An exception to this general status quo may be found in those models, which include density as an internal variable with physics based evolution laws [66,67]. For the aforementioned reason and for simplicity, the crystal orientation and initial dislocation content are chosen so that dislocations exist only on a plane whose normal is lies in the xy plane and inclined at 45◦ to the x-axis and whose slip direction also lies in the xy plane as shown in Fig. 13. Representative results of the simulations are shown in Figs 14 and 15. Fig. 14 shows an example of the initial distribution of dislocations and FE mesh, as well as the dislocation structure and the corresponding deformed beam at the yield point. Fig. 15 demonstrates the size effect naturally captured in DD. The reference sample is the large beam and the small sample was obtained in two different ways that would still preserve the initial dislocation content in both cases as that of the reference sample. In the first case the sample is scaled down including the FRS size, while in the second case the FRS source sized in kept constant but their number adjusted to maintain the same dislocation density. In both cases the common trend of size effect, “smaller-stronger,” is evident although more pronounced in the case where the FRS size was also scaled down. The DD analyses provide other rich
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(a) Fig. 14. (a) Dislocation distribution at yield (the superimposed FE mesh is that of the undeformed structure and p included just to show the specimen domain). (b) Actual deformed structure shown along with plastic strain ε xx contour (deflections ×5).
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
(b) Fig. 14. (Continued)
Fig. 15. DD simulation results: effect of sample size on the response of different freestanding beams with same initial density.
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Fig. 16. Dislocation–shock wave interaction: computational setup geometry with initial dislocation distribution (dislocation loops, Frank–Read sources).
information that can used to calibrate phenomenological models, such as the evolution of dislocations [63].
5. Dislocation interaction with shock waves in small volumes The interaction of dislocations with waves in solids within the discrete DD methodology have been analyzed for the first time by Zbib and associates [48–50] and has been enabled with the coupling between DD and continuum plasticity presented above. Here, we give representative results pertaining to the deformation of a pure copper single crystal under extreme pressures and high strain rates. The main objective of these simulations is to investigate the interaction of dislocations with stress waves under extreme strain rates up to 108 /s and pressures ranging from a few GPa to tens of GPa, under which the elastic properties are pressure-dependent. The simulation consists of a domain shown in Fig. 16. The cross-section is a square whose size 2.5 µm. The length of the cell in the z-direction is 25 µm. The cell is considered to be in an infinite domain with the four side surfaces having symmetric boundary conditions, i.e. the FE nodes can slide in the plane of their respective surface but not normal to it. This condition is assumed in order to maintain
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
Fig. 17. Shock wave propagating in copper single crystal shocked to 4.5 GPa peak pressure for 1.50 ns pulse duration. (a) Snapshots, (b) contour plot at 5.10 ns.
the specimen under confinement to better represent shock wave experiments [68,69]. The upper surface is displaced (compressively) with a constant velocity over a small period of time (e.g. 3 ns) to correspond to an average strain rate of 106 /s, the surface is then released and the simulation continues long enough for the elastic waves to pass through the entire domain and dissipate at the lower boundary (see Fig. 17). During this process the dislocation sources, which are situated in the simulation cell as can be deduced from Fig. 16(a), interact with the stress wave and an avalanche of dislocations takes place the instant the wave impacts the sources. As the wave passes through the sources, the sources continue to emit dislocations but eventually the rate of production diminishes and a dislocation structure with high density emerges as can be deduced from Fig. 18. The figure shows results for different crystal orientations relative to the loading access. The results shown are for a thin “slice” sectioned from the specimen as indicated in Fig. 19. The dislocation structure evolves during the passage of the stress wave and depending on the crystal orientation; cross-slip followed by double-cross-slip becomes possible leading to the structures shown. The corresponding deformed configuration is shown in Fig. 19, which clearly reveals the development of deformation bands coincident with the deformation dislocation structure. The dislocation density within the deformation bands is calculated at different values of peak pressure and pulse duration. The calculated dislocation densities are plotted at different pressures and compared with the experimental observations of Murr [70] and the analytical predictions of Meyers et al. [71]. Fig. 20 reveals that the dislocation density varies as a power law with pressure such that; ρdis = 3.33 × 107 (P1.70 ). These results conform very well with the predications of Meyers et al. [71] for moving dislocations when the pressure is less than 70 GPa.
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Fig. 18. The dislocation microstructure in copper crystal at 5.0 GPa peak pressure and 1.50 ns pulse duration for crystal oriented in (a) (001), (b) (011), (c) (111) and (d) subsequent events that lead to the activation of the cross-slip mechanism.
5.1. Strain localization and slip rotation The simulation result presented above involved high strain rates. At these high strains lattice rotation becomes important as it might lead to geometric softening and subsequently to severe localized deformation. In this final section we address the issue of slip rotation and its implementation in DD analyses [72] then examine its effect on the formation of deformation bands. Consider a unit vector n normal to a slip plane and attached to the lattice. During deformation this unit vector changes orientation due the spin of the microstructure ω according
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
Fig. 19. The deformed shape of a slice within the RVE, showing the formation of localized deformation bands coincident with regions with high dislocation density.
Fig. 20. The variation in the dislocation density with pressure.
to n˙ = ωn,
ω = W − W p,
where W is the symmetric part of the continuum velocity gradient, and W p is the plastic spin given by (10)2 . In DD analysis, the dislocation lines are sorted in each sub cell to
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(b) Fig. 21. The influence of slip rotation on (a) local dislocation density, (b) the evolution of Schmid factor. The ¯ loading direction is [001].
account for the elemental value of W p . The computation of slip rotation is carried out in each sub cell within MDDP by first computing W p at each time step δt. Then the orientation of all the slip planes at each time seep is updated by integrating (34), i.e. nn+1 = nn + ωn nδt. The Burgers vectors are also updated at each time step. The effect of slip rotation on the deformation process under shock loading is investigated ¯ direction in copper single crystal oriented in the [001] direction and shock loaded in [001] by carrying out two simulations. In the first simulation, slip rotation according to eq. (34) is taken into account, while no slip rotation is assumed in the second simulation. We consider ¯ ¯ a case where Frank–Read dislocation sources are located on the slip system (111)[10 1]. The resulting Schmid factor under this loading condition is 0.408. The effect of slip rotation is shown in Fig. 21(a). The figure shows that the local dislocation density increases when
Size Effects and Dislocation–Wave Interaction in Dislocation Dynamics
Fig. 22. Contour plots of the effective plastic strain in copper (a) with slip rotation, (b) no slip rotation.
slip rotation is taken into consideration, suggesting that the dislocations sources experience higher levels of resolved shear stress – compared to no slip case – that lead to higher rate of multiplication. The change in the resolved shear is related to the change in Schmid factor, since the externally applied stress for the two simulations is the same. When the wave propagates in the crystal, the dislocation density increases, inducing plastic deformation that leads to gradual slip rotation, consequently Schmid factor changes as well. In the current simulation the time evolution of Schmid factor is tracked in one subcell located in the central region of the computational cell. As can be seen in Fig. 21(b), Schmid factor increases with deformation from its initial value of 0.408 to around 0.47. A comparison of the contour plot of the effective plastic strain for the two simulations as illustrated in Fig. 22 shows that: (a) more well defined localized bands are formed when slip
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rotation is taken into account compared to the no slip rotation case, and (b) a considerable increase in the effective plastic occurs. The maximum value of the effective plastic strain increases from 0.35 in the no slip simulation to around 0.45 in the slip rotation case. That translates to a 20% increase in the strain localization.
Acknowledgements The support of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to WSU and UNM is gratefully acknowledged. T.A.K. also acknowledges the support of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL).
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Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals J. BONNEVILLE Université de Poitiers, LMP-UMR 6630 CNRS, B.P. 179, 86960 Futuroscope Chasseneuil, France
D. CAILLARD CEMES-CNRS, 29 rue Jeanne Marvig, BP4347, 31055 Toulouse cedex 4, France and
P. GUYOT SIMAP, INPG, 1130 rue de la Piscine, BP75, 38402 Saint-Martin d’Hères, France
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 1572-4859, DOI: 10.1016/S1572-4859(07)00005-8
Dislocations in Solids Edited by J. P. Hirth
Contents 1. Introduction 254 2. Quasiperiodic order and diffraction properties 255 2.1. Cut and projection procedure 255 2.1.1. 2D–1D description: the Fibonacci chain 255 2.1.2. 3D–2D description 256 2.1.3. 5D–2D description 258 2.1.4. The icosahedral quasicrystal 259 2.2. Density-wave description 259 2.3. Diffraction in quasiperiodic structures 261 3. Dislocations in quasicrystals 262 3.1. The Volterra process 262 3.2. Perfect and imperfect dislocations in the 2D–3D description 263 3.2.1. Volterra process in the physical space: imperfect dislocations 263 3.2.2. Volterra process in the high-dimensional periodic lattice: perfect dislocations 3.2.3. Burgers vectors, displacement vectors 265 3.3. Perfect and imperfect dislocations in the icosahedral structure 266 3.4. Indexing of quasicrystals 268 4. Observations of dislocations 270 4.1. Observations of perfect dislocations 270 4.1.1. CBED 270 4.1.2. High-resolution images 270 4.1.3. Bright-field and dark-field images 272 4.2. Observations of imperfect dislocations and phason walls 274 5. Plasticity of quasicrystals. Experimental data 275 5.1. Mechanical tests 275 5.1.1. Introduction 275 5.1.2. Strain-rate sensitivity (SRS) and activation parameter determinations 276 5.1.3. i-Al-Cu-Fe 278 Materials 278 Low-temperature deformation 279 Brittle-to-ductile transition 280 High-temperature deformation 282 5.1.4. i-Al-Pd-Mn 292 Materials 292 Low-temperature deformation 292 Brittle-to-ductile transition 295 High-temperature deformation 295 Mechanical spectroscopy 302 5.2. Microscopic observations 303 5.2.1. Dislocation densities and Burgers vectors as a function of strain 303 5.2.2. Motion of perfect dislocations (high-temperature deformation) 304 “In situ” experiments 304 “Post-mortem” observations 306 5.2.3. Motion of imperfect dislocations (low-temperature deformation) 307 Observations of low-temperature climb 307 Dissociations and fault energies 311
264 Deformation bands: glide or crack healing? Kinetics of phason dispersion 312 5.3. Conclusions 312 5.3.1. Mechanical properties 312 5.3.2. Microstructural observations 313 6. Theoretical models of plasticity 313 6.1. The effective stress 314 6.1.1. The Peierls–Nabarro mechanism 314 6.1.2. The cluster model 315 6.1.3. Cutting of cluster groups 316 6.1.4. Dislocation climb 318 6.2. The phason stress σph 319 6.3. The chemical stress σch (case of climb only) 320 6.4. The internal stress σi 321 6.5. Friction stress and localization 322 6.6. Conclusions 322 7. Plasticity modeling 323 7.1. Single slip behavior 323 7.2. Multiple slip behavior 327 7.3. Conclusion 327 References 327
1. Introduction Quasicrystals are long-range ordered but nonperiodic. Their symmetry groups are noncrys¯ for the icosahedral phase. tallographic, as for instance 5¯ 3m In a crystal, the lattice periodicity ensures the reproduction by translation of the positions of the atoms around a perfect Volterra dislocation when it is moved by one lattice vector in the slip plane or in the climb plane. Furthermore the energy cost for this elementary step is small, since only dislocation core atoms have to rearrange slightly for glide. For climb the repetitive absorption (emission) of a vacancy requires a higher thermal activation. These properties fail, or at least require greater driving forces, when the material is non-crystalline and the structure does not exhibit translational symmetry. The first example in which such a concept fails is an amorphous material, e.g. a glass. Except at short range a glass is the paradigm of disorder, in which the physical meaning of a dislocation is smeared out. In principle there is no difficulty in creating dislocations in a glass, since only elastic continuum behavior is required, with no restriction on the Burgers vectors. But their representation in terms of atomic positions becomes difficult and certainly not unique. There have been some speculations on dislocation structure in amorphous materials and on dislocation motion. Since the atomic structure of a glass varies in a stochastic manner from one point to another, there is necessarily a fluctuation of the Burgers vector, in both its direction and length, along the line. This fluctuation with respect to the average interatomic distance b may be achieved by the formation of infinitesimal dislocation loops of Burgers vector (b − b), which are left in the wake of the moving dislocation, and to which the “mother” dislocation is therefore connected. Such a description has been used to investigate dislocation mobility and other aspects of the resulting plasticity of amorphous materials [1]. A second example is the quasicrystal case. Quasicrystals are long-range ordered, as are crystals, but in a quasiperiodic manner and without translational symmetry. Creating a dislocation by a Volterra process and moving it in a quasilattice plane introduces a perturbation of the connecting atomic bonds across the slip plane due to the lack of periodicity, whatever its Burgers vector. Therefore the creation and the motion of a dislocation in a quasicrystal is as complex as in a glass. Nevertheless, dislocations do occur in quasicrystals, and have been imaged by transmission electron microscopy, either in conventional Bragg diffraction contrast or in high resolution mode [2]. Their motion has been evidenced as well in high temperature in situ straining experiments in a high voltage microscope [3]. Dislocations have never been observed in glasses because no diffraction contrast mechanism, needed for visibility, exists in a long-range disordered material. Fortunately, a large conceptual advance in the field has been realized with the help of mathematical tools specific for quasiperiodicity, and with the restitution of periodicity when quasicrystals are immersed in spaces of higher dimension. The last approach was indeed very helpful in determining the atomic structure of quasicrystals from diffraction experiments, and to some
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
extent describing their defects. This resulted, for example, in the introduction of phason strains in addition to usual phonon or strain defects existing in simple crystals, and of a phason component of the dislocation Burgers vectors. However such these defects are theoretically well defined and simply visualized only for tilings, which provide simplified representations of quasicrystals. In real quasicrystals, due to the complexity of the structure (which is furthermore only partly known) the defect core structures are far from being fully identified in terms of local atomic configurations. This is also the situation for their strain and stress fields and their energetics. Hyper-crystals in higher dimensional orthogonal spaces have their equivalent in curved spaces, where the reference ordered state is a tiling of regular tetrahedra. Linear defects, the disinclinations can be defined in the curved space, and make possible the description of a disordered state in the Euclidian space, i.e. the glass [4]. However to our knowledge, there is not today a full theory of the deformation of glasses relying on disclinations and associated dislocations. In order to understand the definition and the properties of dislocations and their role in quasicrystal plasticity, a brief survey of a long-range quasiperiodic order is necessary, together with the distortions. Project–cut procedures will be first described. As an illustration a structure refinement is given in terms of polyatomic cluster units for the icosahedral phase i-AlMnPd [5,6]. A representation of the icosahedral structure in terms of a simple wave description is also given and applied to the imaging of dislocations.
2. Quasiperiodic order and diffraction properties 2.1. Cut and projection procedure A quasilattice can be generated by a cut–projection procedure from a periodic lattice existing in a higher dimensional space. This method can be introduced starting from the simplest case 2D–1D and then increasing the number of dimensions involved. 2.1.1. 2D–1D description: the Fibonacci chain A one-dimensional quasiperiodic chain can be generated by a square lattice cut along a line with an irrational slope. The sides of the truncated squares, projected on the cut line, define an aperiodic sequence of large (L) and short (S) segments, Fig. 1(a). Alternatively, the chain can be generated by decorating the square lattice nodes with segments of length equal to the diagonal of the squares.1 Then, the nodes of the chain are defined by the intersections between those segments and the cut line, Fig. √ 1(b). When the line slope is the reciprocal of the golden mean τ = (1 + 5 )/2 = 2 cos π/5, the chain is called the Fibonacci sequence. The reason for a slope related to the golden mean is discussed later. If the line slope has a rational value, the chain becomes periodic. In order to make a link with real quasicrystals, one must introduce at this step the definitions of the physical and perpendicular spaces. The physical space E// is that on which the projection is made, which contains the aperiodic quasilattice. In the present case, it is the line bearing the aperiodic chain. The perpendicular space E⊥ is that along which the 1 In the 6D–3D case, these segments are replaced by surfaces called atomic surfaces.
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Fig. 1. Definition of a quasiperiodic chain by two alternative methods. See text.
Fig. 2. Elastic strain, in (a), and phason, in (b), introduced on a quasiperiodic chain by straining the periodic square network along the parallel (E// ) and perpendicular (E⊥ ) spaces, respectively.
projection is made. It is lost during the cut–projection procedure. Fig. 2 shows the result of a local distortion of the square network. Along the physical space, it induces small changes in the positions and lengths of both types of segments, which is equivalent to a local elastic strain field [Fig. 2(a)]. Along the direction of the perpendicular space, it can induce local reversals in the sequence of long and short segments [Fig. 2(b)]. This kind of point defect, which corresponds to a local disorder, is called a phason. 2.1.2. 3D–2D description In the same way as above, a 2-dimensional aperiodic tiling can be defined by the cut and projection of a 3-dimensional cubic lattice onto a plane, as shown in Fig. 3. Indeed, the cut can be seen either as a truncated pile-up of cubes [Fig. 3(a)], or as an aperiodic planar tiling of three kinds of tiles [Fig. 3(b)]. Note that there is an apparent local 3-fold symmetry because the cut plane is close to {111}. A real 3-fold symmetry would be obtained using a {111} cut plane, but the resulting 2-dimensional tiling would of course be periodic. The physical space is here 2-dimensional, and the perpendicular space is a line perpendicular to the plane of the tiling.
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
(b) Fig. 3. Two-dimensional aperiodic tiling defined by cut and projection of a three-dimensional periodic cubic lattice. (a) Truncated cubic lattice. (b) Same structure as in (a), after projection in the cut plane. Note the wavy band, in bright, corresponding to the emergence of a dense plane. From Mompiou and Caillard [10].
This representation is interesting because several properties are still easy to envision, which is not the case when the starting periodic network has a dimension larger than 3. In particular, it will be helpful in describing dislocations in Section 3 and diffraction in Sections 4.1.3 and 4.2. Here, it is sufficient to note that the tiling contains 3 families of wavy bands of constant thickness, parallel to each other, in average, corresponding to the emergence of the 3 families of dense planes parallel to the 3 sides of the cubes [one is shown in Fig. 3(b)]. These bands (also called worms) are equivalent to the corrugated dense planes of the 3-dimensional quasicrystalline structure.
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2.1.3. 5D–2D description The Penrose tiling shown in Fig. 4 can be obtained in a similar way, by the cut and projection of a 5-dimensional cubic lattice. It represents plane-filling by two rhombi of equal edge lengths. In order to achieve such a tiling, the sharing of the tile edges must satisfy local rules called matching rules. In Fig. 4(a) one illustrate these matching rules by choosing on both tiles a set of arrows along their edges (upper part of the figure) and requiring that tiles are shared by edges arrowed in the same way. This description shows that the
Fig. 4. (a) 2D-Penrose tiling and corresponding matching rules. (b) The two rhombohedral tiles of the 3D-Penrose tiling. (c) The icosahedron with its symmetry axes. (d) Section of the Ammann tiling orthogonal to the 3-fold axis.
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
reason to choose a slope of the physical space within the high-dimensional periodic lattice scaling with the golden mean is to introduce a local 5-fold rotational symmetry. As a matter of fact, 5-fold rotational symmetry requires that the node distances along one dense direction are in the ratio τ = 2 cos π/5 [Fig. 4(a)]. Another interesting property, which helps one to understand the importance of this cut–projection procedure, is that the number of unit vectors necessary to index all nodes with integer coordinates is equal to the number of dimensions of the starting periodic space (5 here, 3 in Section 2.1.2, etc.). 2.1.4. The icosahedral quasicrystal The quasicrystal with icosahedral symmetry can be obtained by the cut and projection of a cubic lattice in 6D, R6 , on the 3D physical space R// . R// is embedded in R6 in such a way that the orthonormal basis of R6 projects orthogonally on six 5-fold vectors of an icosahedron, Fig. 4(c). The 3D space is now tiled with two rhombohedral tiles, one oblate and one prolate, shown in Fig. 4(b). They have their edges parallel to a 5-fold axis of the icosahedron, and generate a 3D Penrose or Ammann tiling [11]. A section of the tiling orthogonal to a 3-fold axis is also shown in Fig. 4(d). Real icosahedral structures can be viewed as a decoration of the 3D Penrose tiling by atoms or groups of atoms (clusters). Extensive studies of determination of their structures in i-AlCuFe and i-AlMnPd have been made. The description of the structure is first made in a 6-dimensional space, followed by a 3D cut. The methods used by the crystallographers to determine the 6 and 3D structure from a large but finite number of reflections are tricky and out of the scope of this chapter. We limit ourselves to considering the structural refinement of i-AlMnPd recently performed by Yamamoto et al. [5]. The 6D model is based on 5 kinds of icosahedral clusters decorating an inflated 3D Penrose tiling. One example of atomic positions in 3D space is given in Fig. 5. See also the recent reference [6].
2.2. Density-wave description A simple description of quasiperiodic order can be given in terms of a continuum density wave decomposition following Landau’s theory of phase transitions [12]. The mass density is expanded in a Fourier series in R// space: ρg// ei(g// ·r// +g// ) . ρ(r// ) = (1) g// ∗ of In eq. (1), r// is the projection of r on R// . g// belongs to the reciprocal space R// the quasicrystal and has for its basis the six 5-fold vectors pointing from the center to the vertices of the upper-half of an icosahedron, as shown in Fig. 4(c). g// is the phase of the plane wave associated with g// , which is constant as long as the quasicrystal is perfect. The introduction of a displacement field in the hyperlattice R6 , u(r), in the phase of g// of eq. (1) leads to
g// = 0 + g// · u// + g⊥ · r⊥ .
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Fig. 5. One example of the atomic positions deduced from a 2 nm cluster at site (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)/4 in i-AlMnPd. From [5].
Anticipating what will be said later in Section 3 for the geometrical description of a dislocation in such a quasicrystal, one can use a simplified 6-dimensional displacement field, which is a linear interpolation with the polar angle θ around the dislocation line in the parallel space R// , both for the phonon and the phason displacement fields2 : θ (3) . 2π One is left with the mass density description of the dislocated icosahedral quasicrystal: u(r// ) = b
ρ(r// ) =
6 i=1
θ exp(i0 ) exp(iGi// · r// ) exp i(Gi// · b// + Gi⊥ · b⊥ ) . 2π
The introduction of an edge dislocation parallel to a 2-fold axis perturbs the icosahedral phase as shown in Fig. 6. This density wave picture is nothing but the projection of the quasicrystal structure on a plane perpendicular to the dislocation and simulates a high resolution TEM image in phase contrast. Characteristics of the experimental images are qualitatively reproduced: atomic rows stacked densely but not periodically in planes perpendicular to the high symmetry axes (2-fold, 3-fold, and 5-fold axes). Extra-half planes ending at the dislocation in the center of the figure are present, and are clearly distinguished when viewed at a grazing angle along the directions normal to the high symmetry axes. 2 This is only correct for a pure screw dislocations.
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 6. Density wave image of an edge dislocation seen edge-on in an icosahedral quasicrystal. The dislocation stands in the center of the image, normal to the plane of the figure. It is parallel to a 2-fold symmetry axis. The burgers vector in R6 is (−1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0). The 2-, 3-, 5-fold axes lying in the projection plane are indicated.
Phonon and phason strains are present and both types of strain decrease as expected with the distance from the dislocation core. Such a simulation only shows the strong effect of the quasiperiodicity and of the symmetry. No atomic decoration of the 6-unit cell is taken into account at this point. 2.3. Diffraction in quasiperiodic structures Since dense planes are not equidistant, electron diffraction should a priori be impossible. One can justify the existence of strong diffraction spots, however, by considering the 2D– 1D description introduced in Section 2.1.1 (Fig. 1). Here, there is neither a dense plane nor a dense direction because the aperiodic structure (the Fibonacci chain) has only one dimension. Nevertheless, we can discuss the average periodicity of the sequences of short and/or long segments. Even if this sequence is aperiodic, we can remark that, in average, each short segment corresponds to the emergence of one horizontal dense direction of the square lattice. In the same way, each long segment corresponds, in average, to the emergence of one vertical dense direction (Fig. 7). In other words, there is a pseudo-periodicity over the average distances 1/gs// and 1/gl// , respectively. Since these distances verify (1/gs// ) sin θ = 1/Gs// , and (1/gl// ) cos θ = 1/Gl// , we can conclude that gs// and gl// are the projections of the vectors Gs and Gl of the 2-dimensional periodic reciprocal lattice, respectively. One can find other pseudo-periodicities, for instance that corresponding to the extremities of all segments. The latter occurs over the average distance 1/gsl// where gsl// is the
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Fig. 7. Correlation between diffraction vectors g// in the physical space, and G in the high-dimensional periodic space (see text).
projection of Gsl which is another vector of the 2D periodic reciprocal lattice. Since there is an infinity of G vectors that can be projected onto the physical space, there is an infinity of g// vectors of various lengths, parallel to each other. Since the same properties are valid for the 6D to 3D cut–projection procedure defining real quasicrystals, diffraction patterns should be uniformly dense. This is actually the case since additional diffraction spots can always be found between any two ones. However, their intensities are so weak that they are in fact negligible. In reality, only diffraction vectors which are the projections of the shortest G⊥ vectors of the high-dimensional periodic space are intense enough to be observed.
3. Dislocations in quasicrystals A large amount of theoretical work has been devoted to the concept of dislocations in aperiodic structures (see for instance [7–9]). We will restrict ourself to the fundamentals necessary to the understanding of their properties in plastic deformation. 3.1. The Volterra process Dislocations can be defined in any solid by the Volterra process described in Fig. 8. The material is cut along a surface S ending on a curved line d. The two surfaces of the cut3 are then displaced by a uniform vector b, and pasted again. The strain is then 3 This cut procedure is of course different from that used to define quasicrystal.
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 8. Definition of a dislocation with Burgers vector b by the Volterra process.
concentrated near the line d, which is called a dislocation with Burgers vector b. Under such conditions, dislocation motion increases (or decreases) the surface S and thus the total amount of deformation. If the relative displacement b is parallel to the cut plane (pure shear deformation), further dislocation motion in the same plane is called glide. If, on the contrary, b is perpendicular to the cut plane (which requires addition or removal of matter), further dislocation motion in the same plane is called pure climb. Glide requires no long-range displacement of matter whereas climb requires long-range diffusion, usually mediated by vacancies. Intermediate situations are called mixed climb. Perfect dislocations are obtained in crystals when the displacement vector b is equal or a multiple of a translation vector. Then, the cut surface is indistinguishable and perfectly sealed after the process. On the contrary, imperfect dislocations connected to a faulted surface S are formed each time b is not a translation vector. This second situation includes quasicrystals, as shown below.
3.2. Perfect and imperfect dislocations in the 2D–3D description The main properties of dislocations in quasicrystals can be understood using the 2D tiling of Fig. 3. The important point is that the Volterra process can be made either after the cut–projection procedure, in the aperiodic structure contained in the physical space, or before this procedure, in the high-dimensional periodic structure. These two methods yield respectively imperfect dislocations connected to phason faults, and perfect dislocations. 3.2.1. Volterra process in the physical space: imperfect dislocations Fig. 9(a) shows how a dislocation can be introduced directly in the physical space. The 2D aperiodic tiling has been cut along one of the wavy bands shown in Fig. 3(b), and the two lips have been displaced such as to remove a half band. As discussed later, this “climb” displacement is especially favorable since it allows one to tile the plane with the same 3 types of tiles, which would not be possible with a pure shear displacement. In spite of the apparent matching of the tiles, a fault has been introduced across the cut. This fault is clearly visible in Fig. 9(b), where the relief has been restored. Indeed, the zone across
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(b) Fig. 9. Volterra process in the aperiodic tiling of Fig. 4, generating an imperfect dislocation with Burgers vector b// . The relief, which has been restored in (b), shows that a fault remains along the cut. From Mompiou and Caillard [10].
the cut is no more the result of a simple cut–projection procedure. It contains instead a step corresponding to a displacement in the perpendicular space (i.e. the direction normal to the figure). In conclusion, a Volterra process in the physical space E// generates an imperfect dislocation, of Burgers vector b// ∈ E// , connected to a fault called “phason wall.” 3.2.2. Volterra process in the high-dimensional periodic lattice: perfect dislocations Fig. 10(a) shows a dislocation introduced in the 3D cubic network, by insertion of a half extra plane (in black) prior to the cut–projection procedure. The dislocated 3D lattice has been subsequently truncated and projected on E// . The resulting 2D structure contains a dislocation, which appears to be perfect as no stacking fault can be seen along the pro-
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 10. Volterra process in the 3-dimensional pile-up of cubes of Fig. 4, generating a perfect dislocation with Burgers vector B. After cut and projection, the aperiodic tiling in (a) exhibits some differences with the original one in (b), called phasons (white dots). An individual phason is shown in (c).
jection of the cut plane. However, since the nodes of the 3D lattice have been slightly displaced in the direction perpendicular to the figure (namely the direction of the perpendicular space) by the insertion of the extra half-plane, the cut plane does not intersect the very same cubes as before, i.e. some cubes have been either added or removed with respect to the original structure [compare the two schemes of Figs 10(a) and 10(b)]. This is equivalent to a field of phasons such as that described in Fig. 10(c) [and equivalent to that introduced in Fig. 2(b)], all around the dislocation. 3.2.3. Burgers vectors, displacement vectors Even if perfect dislocations are contained in the physical space, the Burgers vector which can describe the elastic displacement field and the phason field at the same time is B, contained in the high-dimensional periodic lattice. This vector has a component b// in the physical space, which describes the elastic displacement field, and a component b⊥ in the perpendicular space, which describes the average phason distribution. The imperfect dislocation shown in Fig. 9 has the Burgers vector b// . The displacement vector across the phason wall can be considered to be either b// (the way by which it has been formed) or −b⊥ [the step height in Fig. 9(b)]. More generally, the displacement vector is defined modulo a translation vector of the periodic lattice (b// = B − b⊥ ), as for stacking faults in crystals. Imperfect dislocations can be transformed into perfect ones by spreading the step of Fig. 9(b), and distributing the corresponding displacement in the perpendicular space all around the dislocation. This process, called phason dispersion, or retiling, is observed in
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Fig. 11. Cut of the 6D space showing two translation vectors B and B , projected in the physical space E// onto Burgers vectors b// and b// .
real quasicrystals as a result of the easy phason displacement taking place at high temperature, as described next. 3.3. Perfect and imperfect dislocations in the icosahedral structure Perfect and imperfect dislocations connected to phason walls are formed by the procedure described above. Fig. 11 is a cut of the 6D space, similar to Fig. 1, showing that infinity of parallel Burgers vectors can exist along a given dense direction of the physical space. In fact, various Burgers vectors of the 6D space, e.g. B and B , can project onto the same direction E// , yielding parallel Burgers vectors b// and b// . In addition, Fig. 11 shows that their lengths are linear combinations of 1 and τ , and that B , which has a component b// = b// /τ in the physical space, has a component b⊥ = τ b⊥ in the perpendicular one. / The Burgers circuit along / / a perfect dislocation yields a closure failure B = dU, with b// = du// and b⊥ = du⊥ . Assuming that the displacement fields u// and u⊥ are isotropically distributed around the dislocation (case of a screw dislocation), we can write θb ∂u// b// ∂u⊥ b⊥ ⊥ u// = 2π// and u⊥ = θb 2π , whence ∂l = 2πr and ∂l = 2πr , around a circular circuit. The phason strain field is accordingly similar to the elastic (phonon) strain field, i.e. proportional to 1/r. A perfect dislocation with Burgers vector B can move as a whole, if the phason field is mobile enough to follow the motion. The distribution of phason flips, i.e. the variation in the phason field, due to a small horizontal displacement of a perfect dislocation parallel to a 10-fold axis of a decagonal quasicrystal, is shown in Fig. 12 [13]. The open and full symbols correspond to appearing and disappearing atoms, respectively, and the circles and the squares correspond to two different atomic species. This distribution is consistent with the above equations, which yields, in polar coordinates ∂u⊥ b⊥ ∂θ b⊥ sin θ ∂x = 2π ∂x = − 2π r , where x is the direction of horizontal displacement. Importantly, elementary phason flips most often correspond to the switching of atoms of different elements. Short-range atomic displacements are thus not sufficient to achieve
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 12. Phason flips due to a small horizontal movement of a perfect dislocation, in a decagonal quasicrystal. From Takeuchi et al. [13].
a perfect retiling, and diffusion over substantial distances is necessary to prevent chemical disordering. The decomposition of a perfect dislocation into its components b// and b⊥ can take place under stress, provided the temperature is low enough to inhibit phason dispersion. This decomposition is illustrated in Fig. 13, where equi-phason density lines are shown schematically by dotted circles. Starting from a perfect dislocation B, an applied stress can push the component b// and leave a fault ending at a pure phason dislocation b⊥ that remains immobile. The dislocation b// is indeed the only one that carries deformation and is sensitive to applied stress. Since the elastic field has moved with b// , the phason dislocation b⊥ is surrounded by the phason field only. If the temperature is now increased, the phasons around b⊥ , and those contained in the wall, can move to b// , thus restoring the perfect dislocation B [Figs 13(c) and 13(d)]. If Burgers circuits are performed around b// and b⊥ , in Fig. 13(b), the vector displacement of the fault can be defined as either r// = b// , or r⊥ = b⊥ . Figs 14(a)–14(c) show a simulation in the icosahedral structure of (a) an imperfect dislocation with Burgers vector b// connected to a phason wall, (b) a pure phason dislocation with Burgers vector b⊥ connected to a similar phason wall, and (c) a perfect dislocation B = b// + b⊥ where no fault can be seen (Gratias et al. [14]). The transformation (a) → (c) is expected to occur by phason dispersion (involving some long-range diffusion – see above) at an increasing temperature, as in Section 3.2.3. Fig. 14(d) is a simulated image of a perfect dislocation
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Fig. 13. Schematic description of the motion of a perfect dislocation under stress. (a) Initial state, where equiphason density lines are schematized by dotted circles. (b) Motion of the component b// , and creation of a phason wall. (c) Dispersion of the phason wall, when the temperature is high enough. (d) Final state, where phasons are again isotropically distributed around the perfect dislocation.
seen end-on along a 5-fold direction. The different grazing views show the atomic plane discontinuities.
3.4. Indexing of quasicrystals Two indexing systems can be used for the direct and reciprocal lattice, both with 6 coordinates. The first one is used to index vectors of the direct and reciprocal periodic 6D lattices. It refers to 6 orthogonal unit vectors parallel to the 6 edges of the hypercubes. Burgers vectors are accordingly noted B = (n1 , . . . , n6 ), and the same for diffraction vectors G. The second system, introduced by Cahn et al. [15], describes vectors of the physical and perpendicular (direct or reciprocal) spaces. It also uses 3 pairs of 2 unit vectors, each pair being parallel to one of the 3 orthogonal 2-fold directions of the icosahedral structure. The reason for this choice is that according to Section 2.1.3, node positions along 2-fold directions are
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 14. Reconstructed electron density around dislocations, based on the polyhedral model of Quiquandon and ¯ Gratias [6]. (a)–(c) show the different components of a perfect dislocation B = (110110): (a) phonon field (b// component), (b) phason field (b⊥ component), and (c) phonon and phason fields (perfect dislocation). (d) shows ¯ on a 5-fold plane, and various grazing views. From Gratias et al. [14]. an end-on perfect dislocation B = (001001)
described by a linear combination of 2 parallel unit vectors with lengths in the ratio of τ . Then, one Burgers vector in the physical space is denoted b// = (h/ h , k/k , l/ l ), which means that its length along the first 2-fold direction is proportional to h + τ h , etc. Each vector b// being the projection of a unique 6D vector B, their respective coordinates are related by the following rules: h = n 1 − n4 ,
h = n2 + n5 ,
k = n 3 − n6 ,
k = n1 + n 4 ,
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l = n 2 − n5 ,
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l = n3 + n6 .
For the same reason, the perpendicular component b⊥ can be expressed as b⊥ = (h /−h, k /−k, l /−l), in an equivalent coordinate system in the perpendicular space. Using the properties of the golden mean, τ 2 = τ + 1 and 1/τ = τ − 1, one can verify that decreasing the magnitude of b// by a factor of τ increases the magnitude of b⊥ by the factor of τ , in agreement with the properties already discussed in Section 3.3. The same rules are valid for diffraction vectors of the physical and perpendicular reciprocal spaces.
4. Observations of dislocations 4.1. Observations of perfect dislocations Dislocations have been studied using the same techniques as in crystals: filtered highresolution (HR) images, convergent-beam electron diffraction (CBED), bright-field and dark-field images. All methods yield (more or less directly) the phase shift introduced by dislocations. This phase shift originates from both displacements, in the physical and perpendicular spaces. It must accordingly be written as G · U, where U is the displacement in the 6D space. This procedure can be justified considering that the only displacements for which the structure is locally unchanged (zero phase-shift) are those over a translation vector of the 6D lattice (for which G · B is integer). In other words, the total phase shift is the sum of those corresponding to respectively elastic distortions (g// · u// ) and phason point defects (g⊥ · u⊥ ). 4.1.1. CBED This technique has been described by Wang et al. [16] in the case of quasicrystals. It superimposes the dislocation image and high order Laue zone (HOLZ) lines. The lines are split when they intersect dislocations, and the number of splittings is n = G · B = g// · b// + g⊥ · b⊥ . When 6 independent equations of this type are obtained, the Burgers vector B is entirely determined. This method has been extensively used to measure dislocation Burgers vectors in icosahedral and decagonal structures. In icosahedral i-Al-Cu-Fe and i-Al-Pd-Mn, dislocations with component b// parallel to 2-fold, 3-fold, and 5-fold directions have been identified by this method by Dai [17], Feng et al. [18], Feng and Wang [19], Rosenfeld et al. [20], Caillard et al. [21]. Similar results have been obtained for imperfect dislocations (Caillard et al. [22]). In the latter case, since g// · b// is irrational but close to G·B of the corresponding perfect dislocation, the number of line splittings is G·B. This shows that CBED cannot discriminate imperfect dislocations from perfect ones. 4.1.2. High-resolution images The first Burgers vector circuits around dislocations were carried out in Al-Mn-Si by Hiraga and Hirabayashi [2]. Devaud-Rzepski et al. [23] showed that filtered images allow one to determine the scalar product G · B for different collinear vectors g// . Fig. 15(a) shows an icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal containing a dislocation seen edge-on. Fig. 15(b) is the Fourier transform of the image, and Fig. 15(d) shows the filtered image including only
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 15. High-resolution TEM image of: (a) a dislocation in AlCuFe, (b) its Fourier transform, and (d) its back Fourier transform using the mask shown in (c). From Devaud-Rzepsky et al. [23].
one spatial frequency corresponding to the diffraction vector g// joining the center of the diagram to the two spots selected by the apertures shown in Fig. 15(c). As discussed in Section 2.3, the distance between fringes is 1/g// , namely an average distance scaling with a set of dense planes, not the real distance between any adjacent dense planes. Accordingly, the additional fringe visible in Fig. 15(b) does not exactly correspond to an additional atomic plane. It must be considered instead as an approximation of the real structure scaling with the chosen spatial frequency. The additional fringe indicates that G · Be = 1, where Be is the edge component of the dislocation. This is equivalent to one line splitting in the CBED mode. One surprising property of dislocations in quasicrystals is shown in Fig. 16, where the HR image has been filtered according to different spatial frequencies along the same direction. The additional fringe is above and below the dislocation core in Figs 16(a) and 16(b), respectively, and no fringe can be seen in Fig. 16(c). This results from the fact that the corresponding scalar products are respectively G · Be = 1, −1, and 0. Of course, the different values of g// · b// have all the same sign, but the corresponding values of g⊥ · b⊥ are either positive or negative, leading to the observed result. The G · B = 0 condition in Fig. 16(c) is equivalent to the weak extinction described in Section 4.1.3 below. Another way of explaining this result is to consider that the dislocation is built in a twostep Volterra process. In the first step, the crystal is cut on one side of the dislocation core and a large sheet of material is inserted. In the second step, the crystal is cut on the other side of the dislocation and a narrower sheet is inserted, in such a way that the effective displacement be// is the difference between the two corresponding thicknesses. Now, the
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Fig. 16. Same dislocation as in Fig. 18, filtered with several spatial frequencies in a ratio of τ . From DevaudRzepsky et al. [23].
large sheet will appear above the dislocation core, as in Fig. 16(a), if its thickness scales with the first spatial frequency, whereas the second appears below the dislocation core, as in Fig. 16(b), if its thickness scales with the second one. If none of these thicknesses scales with the third frequency, no additional fringe will be seen, as in Fig. 16(c). Similar results have been obtained on the basis of simulations only, by Yang et al. [24]. 4.1.3. Bright-field and dark-field images The rules of contrast have been established by Wollgarten et al. [25]. As discussed at the beginning of Section 4.1.3, the contrast is proportional to the phase factor exp(−2iπG · U) = exp(−2iπ(g// ·u// +g⊥ ·u⊥ )), all around the dislocation. The contrast can accordingly disappear in two cases: • Strong extinction conditions: g// ⊥ u// and g⊥ ⊥ u⊥ everywhere around the dislocation. This condition is met only when u// and u⊥ remain parallel to the same directions (respectively b// and b⊥ ), which is true only for pure screw dislocations, and when g// ⊥ b// (↔g⊥ ⊥ b⊥ ↔ G ⊥ B). The strong extinction condition can be observed even when b⊥ = 0. It is observed for all values of g// along the same row of the diffraction pattern. • Weak extinction conditions: g// · u// = −g⊥ · u⊥ everywhere around the dislocation. Assuming again that u// // b// and u⊥ // b⊥ , we find that this condition can be met only when u// and u⊥ have similar distributions as a function of the angle and the distance from the dislocation. This condition should be met at least approximately, according to Section 3.2. Then, we have g// · b// = −g⊥ · b⊥ and G · B = 0. In such situations, the phase shift due to the elastic field is exactly compensated by that due to the phason field. The weak extinction has been first observed experimentally by Wollgarten et al. [26]. It
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Fig. 17. Perfect dislocations (d1 and d1 ) seen in different bright-field conditions. (a) Single contrast. (b) Double contrast. (c)–(d) Strong extinctions for two parallel diffraction vectors in a ratio of τ . (e) Weak extinction. (f) Single contrast for a diffraction vector parallel to that in (e), but τ -times larger. From Caillard et al. [21].
is one of the most convincing proofs that the 6D description of quasicrystals is correct. Strong and weak extinctions have been systematically used to determine Burgers vectors in deformed samples (see Section 5.2 below). One example of a strong and a weak extinction is shown in Fig. 17. Like in crystals, dislocations for which G · B = 0 exhibit a residual contrast, when their edge component is large. Residual contrasts have been pointed out by Wollgarten et al. [27] and Dai [28], and considered to make the indexation of dislocations in bright field difficult. They can now be easily recognized owing to their broad and symmetrical aspect (Mompiou et al. [29]).
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4.2. Observations of imperfect dislocations and phason walls The observation of a phason wall in the high-resolution mode, by Wang et al. [30], indicates that it is not atomically sharp, and that its thickness is of the order of 10 nm. Most observations of imperfect dislocations and phason walls have however been made in bright-field conditions. Phason walls exhibit the same kind of fringe contrast as stacking faults or antiphase boundary planes in crystals, following the rules described by Hirsch et al. [31] and Gevers [32]. This contrast depends on the phase shift 2πg// · r// (or alternatively 2πg⊥ · r⊥ , see Section 3.3) according to the following rules: • Since planar faults in crystals are out of contrast for g · r integer, and since g// · r// is irrational in quasicrystals, the invisibility criteria for phason walls reduces to g// ·r// = 0 (r// is usually defined as the projection of the shortest of all equivalent displacement vectors R). • The fringe contrast is symmetrical in bright field, and reversed in ±g// conditions. The outer fringe is dark when sin(2πg// · r// ) < 0, and bright in the opposite case. • The fringe contrast is asymmetrical in dark field, and reversed in ±g// conditions. • When the phase shift is close to π (g// · r// ≈ 1/2 + integer), the fringe contrast is symmetrical, reversed when switching from bright to dark field, and independent of the sign of g// . Fig. 18 shows an example of the same phason wall in bright field, (a), dark field, (b), and bright field with ±g// conditions, (c) and (d). As for dislocation Burgers vectors, images of phason walls under various diffraction conditions allow one to determine the displacement vectors unambiguously. First, the direction of the shortest r// is determined by at least two g// ·r// = 0 conditions for which the wall is out of contrast. The length of r// is more difficult to determine. A complete analysis based on the rules of contrast has been carried out by Caillard et al. [33]. They showed that r// is the projection of a translation vector of the 6D lattice, namely that the fringes correspond to a pure phason fault with no retiling. As discussed in Section 3.3, imperfect dislocations have Burgers vectors b// with no component in the perpendicular space. They accordingly exhibit the strong extinction only, when g// · b// = 0, although they can also exhibit residual contrasts. In the case where the corresponding perfect dislocation would be in a weak extinction condition, imperfect dislocations exhibit the so-called “pseudo-weak” extinction, for which they cannot be distinguished from their adjacent phason-wall fringe contrast (as for Shockley dislocations in f.c.c. crystals when g · b = 1/3 – see Mompiou et al. [29]). i-Al-Pd-Mn exhibits the same superdislocations dissociated in superpartials as in crystalline intermetallic alloys: pairs of dislocations, with Burgers vectors b// = [1/0, 0/1, 0/0] parallel to a 5-fold axis, are the projections of dislocations with B = [100000] in the 6D lattice. Because [100000] is not a translation of the 6D f.c.c. structure but only a translation of the 6D primitive cubic sub-lattice, these dislocations are the projection in the physical space of a superdislocation with Burgers vector 2B = [200000] dissociated in two superpartials B = [100000], and separated by an antiphase boundary (APB) ribbon. The fault between the two paired superpartials is accordingly the projection in the physical space of an APB, namely an APB superimposed to a phason wall. It has been called complex
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 18. Phason wall (arrowed), trailed by a dislocation in a 5-fold plane. (a) Bright field. (b) Dark field. (c) and (d) Bright fields upon ±g conditions. i-Al-Pd-Mn deformed at 300 ◦ C under a high confining pressure. From Mompiou et al. [29].
fault by analogy with crystalline intermetallics. A pure APB could be observed only after phason dispersion. In addition to these different intrinsic faults, fringe contrasts due to thin decagonal precipitates in 5-fold planes have been reported by Wollgarten et al. [34] and Caillard et al. [21].
5. Plasticity of quasicrystals. Experimental data 5.1. Mechanical tests 5.1.1. Introduction The study of quasicrystal mechanical properties started with the discovery of thermodynamically stable quasicrystalline alloys, which has allowed for the growth of specimens with sizes suitable for their investigation by conventional deformation techniques. In this section we shall essentially concentrate on the two most extensively studied quasicrystals, the Al-Cu-Fe and Al-Pd-Mn icosahedral phases. The two alloys can be considered
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as prototypes that illustrate the main features of the unusual plastic properties of icosahedral alloys. In a very short time a tremendous amount of work has been produced and all the panoply of conventional experimental techniques has been applied to characterize the mechanical properties of these materials. The next part of this section is devoted to transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations. The initial microstructures associated with the as-grown state will be presented first, followed by other observations performed either on thin foils extracted from deformed specimens or those deformed in situ inside the microscope using a tensile heating device. 5.1.2. Strain-rate sensitivity (SRS) and activation parameter determinations Characterizing the plastic behavior of materials, whatever crystalline, quasicrystalline or amorphous, requires the knowledge of thermodynamic and/or empiric parameters, whose values and dependences are interpreted in terms of elementary mechanisms. One of the classical analyses used to describe materials plasticity in terms of dislocation motion is the so-called thermal activation theory, which essentially introduces two thermodynamic parameters, the activation volume and the activation energy of the plastic strain carriers. A brief survey is only given here, for a detailed treatment see [35]. In this theory, an Arrhenius type of law gives the plastic strain rate G(σ ) , ε˙ p = ε˙ 0 exp − (5) kT where G is the stress (σ ) dependent free enthalpy, which represents the thermal energy supplied by the lattice vibrations during an activation event, T the absolute temperature, k the Boltzmann’s constant and where the pre-exponential factor ε˙ 0 is essentially structure dependent. The stress dependence of G is described by the so-called activation volume ∂G V =− (6) , ∂σ T ,cs which represents the volume of the critical nucleus for an elementary plastic event to occur and the subscript cs means that the material microstructure is kept constant. For the sake of completeness, it is often considered that the stress dependence of ε˙ 0 , i.e. the microstructure stress dependence in eq. (5), can be described by a power-law, so that G(σ ) . ε˙ p = Kσ n exp − (7) kT From an experimental point of view, by stress change during creep test or strain-rate jump during strain-rate controlled experiments, one can determine Ve , ∂ ln ε˙ Ve = kT (8) ∂σ T ,cs leading with eqs (6), (7) and (8) to nkT + V. Ve = σ T
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Therefore, under these assumptions, and assuming that V is stress independent, a plot of Ve as a function of kT /σ is linear, with slope n and its intercept with the Ve axis is V . Eq. (9) shows that at high stress nkT /σ is small and Ve has values close to V , while on the contrary at low stress nkT /σ may become preponderant and Ve may diverge to high values. Hence V and Ve are comparable only if ε˙ 0 is stress independent. Consequently, the experimental determination of V must be carefully conducted and critically analyzed. However, V is often stress dependent, leading to an additional experimental difficulty for its evaluation. In the following, for the sake of clarity, no distinction is made in the labeling of the experimental values of Ve measured by different experimental techniques. Similarly, the experimental enthalpy He , determined by temperature changes is only equal to the thermodynamic activation enthalpy H if ε˙ 0 is temperature independent ∂ ln(˙εp /˙ε0 ) He = kT 2 (10) . ∂T σ,cs The state equation (5) relating ε˙ , T and σ through G(σ ), also allows us to estimate He through ∂σ He = −T V (11) . ∂T ε˙ Assuming that the main entropy contribution arises from the temperature dependence of the elastic coefficients [36], one can evaluate G by [37] G = H − T S =
T ∂μ μ ∂T σ V ∂μ 1 − Tμ ∂T
H +
Finally, another classical approach of plastic kinetics is to consider that the stress dependence of G in eq. (5) is small, generally related to diffusion processes at high temperatures. In this case, the plastic strain rate is described by a power-law characterized by a stress exponent, which is determined similar to Ve by performing transient test at varying stress, ∂ ln ε˙ p . n= (13) ∂ ln σ T Only a few creep experiments have been performed on quasicrystalline alloys. The activation volume Ve has been measured by strain-rate jumps and load relaxation (LR) tests and the activation enthalpy He has been derived using eq. (11), which combined Ve and the temperature dependence of the flow stress. The stress response associated with a strainrate jump in Al-Pd-Mn and Al-Cu-Fe does not exhibit a complex transient [38] and can be directly analyzed using eqs (8) or (13). Ve and n have been mainly determined by the LR technique, in which, during a deformation test performed at constant strain rate, the applied strain rate is dropped to zero and the stress change recorded as a function of time. In this experiment, the plastic strain rate ε˙ p can be expressed as a function of the change in stress rate σ˙ by ε˙ p = −
σ˙ , M
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Fig. 19. Cross-section of the Al-Cu-Fe phase diagram at the ratio Cu/Fe = 2 (Faudot [43]).
M represents the elastic modulus of the specimen-machine assembly. One can use two representations for analyzing the LR data, which consist either of plotting ln(−σ˙ ) as a function of ln σ , giving a slope n that is proportional to Ve , or of analyzing the time dependence of σ [39]. 5.1.3. i-Al-Cu-Fe Materials In early studies of the Al-Cu-Fe system [40] the structure of the Al65 Cu23 Fe12 composition (-phase) was not identified. Later, it was shown [41] that this phase corresponded to the i-Al-Cu-Fe phase discovered previously by Tsai et al. [42]. In addition to its high thermodynamic stability, this phase presented sharp diffraction peaks, indicating a low defect density. Further studies contributed to a better knowledge of the complicated phase diagram of the Al-Cu-Fe system [43,44]. In addition to the Rrhombohedral approximate phase, 3 crystalline phases border the icosahedral region: • the λ-Al13 Fe4 monoclinic phase, which can contain up to 6 at% of Cu in solid solution, • the β-Al(Fe,Cu) ordered cubic phase, • the ω-ordered tetragonal phase with a composition close to Al70 Cu20 Fe10 . The i-Al-Cu-Fe phase does not grow directly from the liquidus, but forms from a series of reactions between the liquid and solid crystalline phases, which excludes the production of Al-Cu-Fe single quasicrystal by classical growth techniques. One of the last reactions entails local four-phase equilibrium between the liquid phase, the β-Al(Fe,Cu) and λ-Al13 Fe4 phases together with the growing i-phase. Fig. 19 presents a cross section of the Al-Cu-Fe phase diagram at the ratio Cu/Fe = 2. A peritectic reaction liquidus + β-Al(Fe,Cu) + λ-Al13 Fe4 → Al-Cu-Fe icosahedral phase is clearly visible. At high temperature, the i-Al-Cu-Fe phase is stable over a range of composition of several atomic percents; it however undergoes some complex transformations at low temperature [45]. The icosahedral phase is only stable at all temperatures in a very
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narrow domain about the Al62.3 Cu24.9 Fe12.8 composition [46]. Therefore, the temperature changes may lead the i-Al-Cu-Fe phase to decompose, which must be kept in mind when mechanical properties are investigated. Low-temperature deformation (a) Compression tests The very high brittle-to-ductile transition (BDT) temperature of icosahedral quasicrystals drastically reduces the temperature range over which their mechanical properties can be investigated. It also implies that diffusion processes are intimately associated with the rate controlling deformation, which may contribute to some artefacts in the identification of the true deformation mechanism. Therefore, it is of great interest to initiate plastic deformation at temperatures below the BDT, i.e. where diffusion processes are negligible. For materials exhibiting high BDT temperature, confining pressure techniques have been successfully used to investigate, for instance, the mechanical properties of covalent semiconductors [47,48] and ceramics [49] at low temperatures. These techniques superimpose a shear stress onto an isostatic stress component, which preserves the specimen compactness. Three different techniques of deformation under confining pressure were used by Fikar et al. [50]. For experiments performed at high temperatures in the Paterson apparatus at confining pressure of 0.3 GPa, the samples break before reaching σUYS and large plastic strains are not achieved, except at 730 K. The very high stress levels, σmax , achieved with the Paterson confining pressure technique at 670 K (σmax = 2.6 GPa) and 700 K (σmax = 2.5 GPa) without reaching σUYS , confirm the tremendous temperature dependence of the flow stress observed at higher temperature in conventional compression tests [51]. The yield stress σYS , defined as the first deviation to linear behavior, is in agreement with the temperature dependence obtained by extrapolating the high-temperature data obtained with conventional compression tests performed at atmospheric pressure. Deformation experiments conducted at room temperature and a confining pressure of 1.5 GPa in the Griggs apparatus (for more detail concerning this deformation technique see [52]) also failed to achieve large plastic strains. Fracture occurred before reaching the upper yield stress, σUYS (see Section However, the result obtained with the Griggs technique clearly indicates that a break does exist in the σYS temperature dependence between low and high temperatures. This change in the temperature dependence of σYS is interpreted as a change in the deformation mechanism that controls plastic flow, with a transition temperature located between 300 and 670 K. In order to obtain suitable plastic strain at room temperature for TEM investigations, it was necessary to use higher confining pressures. This was achieved using an anisotropic assembly in a multi-anvil press under a confining pressure of 5 GPa. Flow stress data are not accessible with this technique, but measurements of specimen length prior to and after deformation indicate a permanent deformation of nearly 20%. Further experimental details on this deformation technique can be obtained in published papers on plastic deformation of silicon under high confining pressures [53,54]. The microstructures examined by TEM after deformation under the various experimental conditions provided by the tree experimental confining pressure techniques do not reveal significant differences [50].
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Table 1 Comparison of Vickers micro-hardness HV , the ratio HV /E and the fracture toughness KIC at ambient temperature of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals
Al64 Cu22 Fe14 Al63.5 Cu24.5 Fe12 Al63.5 Cu24 Fe12.5 Al63 Cu25 Fe12
HV [GPa]
KIC [MPa m1/2 ]
9.95 ± 1.00 7.15 ± 0.45 7.85 ± 0.60 8.60
0.089 0.1 0.047 –
1.64 ± 0.16 – 0.89 ± 0.15 –
[56] [57] [59] [58]
(b) Indentation tests Indentation experiments constitute an alternative technique to confining pressure tests for deforming brittle materials below their BDT. In this type of experiment, the load is locally applied to the specimen surface leading to a heterogeneous stress state. The experiments on Al-Cu-Fe have mainly been performed at room temperature using Vickers micro-indenters [55–59]. The Vickers hardness HV values are summarized in Table 1, together with the HV /E values (E is Young’s modulus). The values are abnormally high in comparison with aluminum-based alloys. The Vickers micro-indentations show a nearly perfect pyramid shape and under applied loads larger than 0.25 N radial cracks are produced at the corners of the indenter [56]. The cracks are predominantly intragranular in the brittle regime and become more of the intergranular type in the ductile regime [59]. Though the hardness was not drastically influenced, cracks were not observed for Vickers indentations performed on scratched surfaces [55]. Since cracks are considered as signature of material brittleness, it was concluded that, due to the scratches, the material has become ductile, in analogy with the ductility improvement due to severe deformation by shear stress. Fracture toughness KIC , which is a measure of the material resistance to crack propagation was evaluated from the length of Palmqvist cracks around Vickers microindentations [60]. The values reported in Table 1 exhibit significant differences; the low values correctly reflect the extreme brittleness of i-Al-Cu-Fe at room temperature. The temperature dependence of Vickers hardness was examined in [59]. The results are shown in Fig. 20. HV does not vary significantly with temperature below 600 K (close to 8 GPa), which reflects the brittle nature of the material on this temperature interval. Above 600 K, a clear decrease of micro-hardness with increasing temperature can be observed. The decrease is monotonous and extends up to the maximum investigated temperature (873 K). At and above 773 K, indentations do not reveal cracks anymore, in sharp contrast with indentation performed at low temperature. A striking feature is, at least at the scale of AFM observations, the absence of slip markings at the specimen surface, as commonly observed for crystalline materials. The decrease in HV and the vanishing of cracks with increasing temperature was taken as an evidence of the brittle-to-ductile transition. Brittle-to-ductile transition As already mentioned the brittle-to-ductile transition of icosahedral quasicrystals is usually reported to occur at high temperatures (above 0.7 Tm , Tm being the melting temperature). The results presented above show that, at low
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Fig. 20. Vickers microhardness values as a function of temperature (Giacometti et al. [59]).
temperature, i-Al-Cu-Fe has a very high yield stress and high hardness, which implies that crack initiation requires large stresses, whereas the low KIC value indicates that crack propagation takes place under low stresses. As pointed out in [56], according to these criteria, i-Al-Cu-Fe can be classified as intrinsically brittle. However, i-Al-Cu-Fe exhibits plastic deformation under complex stress conditions, as evidenced by the crack-free pyramid indentation under small applied loads and pressure confining techniques. For crystalline materials, deformed under constant strain-rate conditions, brittleness occurs when dislocation movements do not compensate the applied strain rate, that is when dislocation mobility and/or mobile dislocation density are (is) too small. Covalent semiconductors, such as Si, which are grown almost dislocation-free, belong to the latter category. Silicon is brittle at room and intermediate temperatures and exhibits, like Al-Cu-Fe, a large yield point above the BDT temperature, which is followed by a stage of workhardening [61]. Omri et al. [62] showed, for Si, that the BDT temperature was shifted to lower temperatures if dislocations were introduced by a suitable pre-deformation at high temperatures. Similar pre-straining experiments have been conducted by Giacometti et al. [63]. The stress–strain curve of a specimen initially pre-deformed at 650 ◦ C up to nearly 5% plastic strain, σ ≈ 235 MPa, i.e. at the expected maximum in dislocation density [64], and then further strained at 450 ◦ C, i.e. the lowest temperature of the BDT temperature interval is similar to the one of a specimen monotonically deformed at 450 ◦ C. The pre-deformation does not significantly enhance ductility and both specimens broke very rapidly after yielding. Similar experiments were performed at 300 ◦ C and 400 ◦ C, starting from the same pre-deformed state at 650 ◦ C. Identical results were obtained, although in these cases rupture occurs without any detectable plastic deformation. These experiments led Giacometti et al. [63] to conclude that the substructure, which is formed by pre-straining at high temperature, is essentially ‘frozen’ when the specimen is cooled below the BDT temperature, supporting the idea that the brittleness of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals did not result from an insufficient density of the strain-carriers, but rather from their
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Fig. 21. True stress–strain curves of Al-Cu-Fe ranging from 300 to 1023 K (Bresson and Gratias [58]).
lack of mobility. Note that the terminology of strain-carrier was used instead of dislocation, because no direct proof of dislocation activity was given in these experiments. High-temperature deformation (a) Stress–strain curves Bresson and Gratias [58] first reported compression tests performed on Al63 Cu25 Fe12 poly-grain quasicrystals. The mean grain size was 20 µm and the porosity was estimated from density measurements to be of the order of 7–10%. The experiments were conducted at a nominal imposed strain rate of 1.5 × 10−4 s−1 under vacuum conditions. The stress– strain curves are shown in Fig. 21 for temperatures ranging from room temperature up to 750 ◦ C. At low temperatures, the specimens fracture without measurable plasticity, the fracture process being intergranular. The maximum stress achieved in these experiments is 250 ± 15 MPa in agreement with [65]. With increasing temperature, the samples become ductile at nearly 600 ◦ C and the maximum stress stays almost constant up to a temperature of approximately 660 ◦ C, above which it sharply decreases. Giacometti et al. [51] obtained somewhat different results on Al63.5 Cu24 Fe12.5 poly-quasicrystals of similar average grain size. The stress plateau was not observed and the maximum stress becomes temperature dependent as soon as plastic deformation takes place. The ductile regime starts at 490 ◦ C for a strain rate of 6 × 10−5 s−1 and a maximum stress, referred to as the upper yield stress (UYS) in the following, level of 1.0±0.1 GPa. The UYS decreased rapidly with increasing temperature and achieved at 660 ◦ C a value of 250 MPa, similar to [58]. In addition, the reported temperature dependence of the UYS is not monotonic and a change in the rate of decrease is observed at 680 ◦ C. In all cases, the strong decrease of UYS with increasing temperature clearly suggests a preponderant role of thermally activated processes in the plasticity of i-Al-Cu-Fe. The stress–strain curves present the main characteristics of i-quasicrystals deformed in the ductile regime under constant strain-rate deformation conditions. The transition between the elastic and plastic stages is gradual without any clear evidence of a critical stress for the onset of plasticity. The initial plastic stage is characterized by a very high strainhardening rate θ = dσ/dεp , which is followed by a yield point. A continuous stress decrease ensues and the subsequent plastic stage is usually characterized by strain softening
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Fig. 22. Flow stress derivative with respect to strain as a function of strain at T = 770 K (Giacometti [68]).
Fig. 23. Upper yield stress σUYS of Al63.5 Cu24 Fe12.5 poly-quasicrystals as a function of temperature for two strain rates (Giacometti et al. [66]).
only. To illustrate this behavior, the variation of θ with plastic strain is given in Fig. 22. A small hump, such as at 604 ◦ C in Fig. 21, is sometimes observed. The amplitude of the yield point decreases with increasing temperature and almost vanishes above 680 ◦ C. Giacometti et al. [66] have conducted deformation tests at various temperatures for two strain rates that differ by one order of magnitude. The UYS are presented in Fig. 23 as function of temperature. The two curves exhibit very similar trends. At the higher strain-rate, the BTD is shifted to higher temperature and the UYS is increased by a significant amount. The UYS also increases significantly with increasing strain rates. At T = 650 ◦ C, the UYS is raised by nearly 30% for an increase in strain rates from 6 × 10−5 to 6 × 10−4 s−1 .
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According to eq. (8), this leads to a small activation volume, which supports the important role of thermal activation (see below). (b) Cottrell–Stokes type experiments The effects of dislocation mobility and dislocation microstructure on the flow properties of a material can be evaluated by temperature change experiments that were first proposed by Cottrell and Stokes [67]. Basically, when plastic flow is only controlled by dislocation mobility a change in temperature will result in an immediate change in the flow stress, i.e. mobility controlled dislocation motion is a thermally reversible process. On the contrary, when flow is limited by the dislocation substructure, changing the temperature does not lead to an immediate change in the flow stress, because the dislocation substructure does not instantaneously recover when the temperature is changed. The temperature reversibility of Al63.5 Cu24 Fe12.5 poly-quasicrystals has been evaluated in [63]. This investigation was not exhaustive and three representative temperatures were used. The temperature of 500 ◦ C was selected because at this temperature, close to the BDT, the stress–strain curve exhibits the characteristic yield point of i-quasicrystal straining behavior. The two other selected temperatures, 660 and 725 ◦ C, corresponded to a large flow stress decrease as compared to 500 ◦ C and the stress–strain curves did or did not exhibit the yield point, respectively. Fig. 24(a) shows the flow stress behavior of a specimen that has undergone successive deformations at 500 and 660 ◦ C. The high stress level at the end of the first deformation test at 500 ◦ C is entirely recovered at 660 ◦ C, where the recorded flow stress is in good agreement with a specimen monotonically deformed at this temperature. Because of the scatter, larger than 30%, further reloading at 500 ◦ C was difficult to analyze. However, it was pointed out that it would fairly coincide with a specimen monotonically deformed at that temperature up to the same strain level. In order to prevent a possible recovery effect of the deformation microstructure, a similar deformation temperature cycle was performed starting from 660 ◦ C. The result is presented in Fig. 24(b). Again, within the experimental scatter of the data, the flow stress was observed to be entirely reversible, that is, independently of the past deformation history, the specimen exhibits at a given temperature and comparable strain a flow stress similar to that for a monotonically deformed specimen. This reversible behavior was also verified for temperature deformation cycles between 500 and 725 ◦ C. (c) Load relaxation and strain-rate change (SRC) LR tests were performed by Bresson and Gratias [58] and analyzed using the time dependence of load decrease [39]. An accurate fitting was found with the experimental data, which according to the authors constitutes strong support for the idea that plasticity in quasicrystals is a thermally activated phenomenon. Fig. 25 shows a plot of Ve as a function of kT /σ , where Ve is normalized by the cube of the average first neighbor interatomic distance d, with d = 0.28 nm. Thus, Ve is interpreted as a measurement of the average size of the obstacles encountered by the elementary process responsible for the deformation. While not clearly indicated, some Ve values reported in Fig. 25 were measured for a constant stress σ at variable temperatures. At constant σ value, the Ve increases linearly with temperature and suddenly decreases after 660 ◦ C. This break, which cannot arise from an icosahedral to rhombohedral transformation, is attributed to a change in the dynamics
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(b) Fig. 24. Representative curves of Cottrell–Stokes type experiments performed: (a) between 773 and 923 K, (b) between 923 and 773 K (Giacometti et al. [63]).
of the deformation process. At low temperature, Ve is well described by eq. (9) with n nearly constant, close to 10, and V ≈ 6d 3 , extrapolated at zero temperature. According to Bresson and Gratias [58], the small V value indicates that at low temperature (and/or large stress) the ‘defects’ opposing plastic deformation are well localized in the structure and their size increases rapidly with temperature due to the high n value. At high temperature, Ve remains linear with temperature, but with a negative slope. However, it must be remarked that a plot of Ve as a function of kT /σ necessitates isothermal measurement of Ve at various stresses [see eqs (6) and (8)]. This requirement is not fulfilled in Fig. 25, which may lead to questionable dependences and interpretations.
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Fig. 25. Evolution of the activation volume V /d 3 versus kT /σ d 3 (Bresson and Gratias [58]).
Fig. 26. Experimental activation volumes as a function of the applied stress (Giacometti [68]).
LR tests were performed by Giacometti et al. [51] as well. A good agreement was also obtained by fitting the experimental data, but over a few tens of seconds only. The related time intervals usually correspond to large stress decreases, which can reach several tenpercents of the initial stress. The divergence observed after is more clearly visible using a plot of σ versus ln(−σ˙ ). With this type of representation, the plot is linear first and bent upwards afterwards, indicating an increase in the SRS of the flow stress with decreasing stress under LR conditions [68]. We emphasize that, according to eqs (8) and (14), the linear portion of σ versus ln(−σ˙ ) signifies a constant Ve value over the related stress drop. Fig. 26 shows the Ve values obtained by LR tests performed at various temperatures and imposed strain rates as a function of the applied stress. In such a representation, all V val-
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ues yield a unique curve, which was considered as the signature of a unique mechanism controlling the deformation above the BDT [69]. This result was interpreted as an evidence of a temperature-independent internal stress and the divergence of Ve at low stresses, i.e. high temperatures, was considered as an indication of an ‘athermal plateau.’ The high Ve values at low stress were attributed to the first term of the right-hand side of eq. (5) when the applied stress approaches the athermal stress. In this case, the contribution of the preexponential term in eq. (3) becomes preponderant. Later, a more careful analysis of the Ve data led the authors to distinguish two temperature regimes with a transition located at approximately 690 ◦ C [66]. Similar conclusions were drawn concerning the athermal and internal stresses. LR tests were also analyzed in terms of eq. (8) to determine the stress exponent n. It was obtained a value of about 5 ± 2 over the entire investigated temperature range. In addition, n was found to be slightly temperature-dependent [68], with a break in its temperature dependence at nearly 690 ◦ C. Importantly, all previous measurements were performed at/or beyond the upper yield stress. LR tests performed in the early portion of the stress–strain curve where the material work hardens give Ve values that, at a given stress level, are higher than those measured in the softening stage [70]. This result can be explained by considering that ε˙ 0 varies differently in the two deformation stages. The analysis of LR test has been revisited by Bonneville and Martin [71], who assumed that ε˙ 0 was stress dependent. They showed that the fitting of the time dependence of the stress decrease during relaxation may reflect specific dislocation microstructure evolutions, which can be accounted for in order to deduce the actual thermodynamic activation volume V from Ve . In this case, a single relaxation test is not sufficient and a series of repeated LR test (RLRT) is required [72–75]. Activation volumes have been measured in the hardening and softening stages of Al-Cu-Fe poly-quasicrystalline specimens using the RLRT by Texier et al. [70], who showed that this technique can only be applied in the hardening stage, since the requirement of getting the initial stress back at the beginning of each relaxation cannot be fulfilled in the softening stage. The thermodynamic activation volumes V were determined in the hardening stage of the yield point. The values were similar to those of Ve determined in the softening stage. This was interpreted firstly as a confirmation that the Ve values were representing the actual activation volumes, i.e. the correction terms due to softening are negligible, and secondly as the same deformation mechanism controlling plastic deformation in both stages. It was also observed that the plastic strain produced during RLRT performed in the work-hardening stage has a softening effect on the upper yield stress. The softening effect was confirmed by the activation volume correction term, which decreases with increasing number of successive relaxations. According to Texier et al. [70], all the results support a thermally activated process that is strain dependent, in agreement with the Cottrell–Stokes type experiments. Measurements of SRC on Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals have been performed by Giacometti [68]. These tests clearly demonstrate the very high SRS of the flow stress, see for an example Fig. 27. The activation volumes deduced from this type of transient are in good agreement with those measured by the LR technique. Remarkably, Fig. 27 shows that the initial flow stress is exactly recovered after an upward SRC followed by downward SRC to the initial strain rate, which confirms the total reversibility of the flow stress with respect to strain rate.
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Fig. 27. Stress–strain curve obtained at T = 1020 K, exhibiting strain-rate changes performed either by load relaxation test (SR) or changes in the imposed strain rate (SRC) (Giacometti [68]).
(d) Creep High-temperature creep behavior was investigated by Shield and Kramer [76] on Al65 Cu23 Fe12 specimens prepared using two different processing routes, i.e. drop cast and powder-processed, which resulted into two very disparate microstructures. In particular, the grain size d was different, as well as the nature of the structural defects. The creep experiments were performed for temperatures ranging between 680 and 720 ◦ C and stresses of 15 and 41 MPa. For both kinds of specimen the creep behavior in the quasi-steady state region displayed the classic power law. The strain rate for the sample powder-processed was significantly higher than that for the drop cast sample at similar values of stress and temperature. The related activation energies were found fairly identical, but the stress exponent determined with eq. (13) by measuring the strain rate at different stresses were significantly different for the two preparation techniques. For the powder-processed specimen, n was found to be nearly 2.5, while for the drop cast specimen two domains were present, with n = 1 at low stresses and n = 6 at higher stresses. Shield et al. modified eq. (7) to account for the difference in grain size by setting the parameter K proportional to d −p . By normalizing the stress with respect to grain size, i.e. dε/dt ∝ (σ˜ /d)n , they found that both sets of data fall along approximately the same line in a log–log plot of the strain rate (dε/dt) versus stress with n ≈ 2. However, a similar procedure with dε/dt ∝ (σ/d 2 )n again yielded approximately a linear dependence with n = 1. Therefore, in both cases the strain rate was proportional to 1/d 2 , which suggests that lattice diffusion controls the deformation mechanism, while the uncertainty in the n values does not allow the authors to discriminate between grain boundary sliding and Nabarro–Herring flow mechanisms [78]. We note that a preliminary study performed on powder-processed specimens led Shield and Kramer [77] to a completely different interpretation. Creep tests were also carried out by Giacometti et al. [79,80]. In these experiments, the specimens are first loaded under constant strain-rate conditions. Then at the predetermined stress level the testing machine is abruptly switched in the load control mode. The specimens are allowed to deform under creep conditions. Fig. 28 shows creep curves that were
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Fig. 28. Creep curves obtained at 600 ◦ C for four different stress levels (Giacometti et al. [80]).
obtained at 600 ◦ C for four different stress levels. At this temperature the upper yield stress achieved a value of nearly 400 ± 35 MPa. These experiments revealed four striking features: (1) creep strain is obtained at stress level that are far below the upper yield stress; (2) the creep curves do not exhibit steady state, that is either the creep strain rate continuously decreases but does saturate or only presents a minimum; (3) at similar stress level, the creep behavior strongly differs when performed in the hardening stage or in the softening stage; (4) the new upper yield stress is reduced in comparison with the upper yield stress obtained for specimen monotonically deformed under constant strain-rate condition. Texier et al. [81] studied the latter characteristic in more detail using a similar experimental procedure. Fig. 29 shows examples of such experiments performed at T = 630 ◦ C and a creep stress of 250 MPa. While the plastic strain rate is continuous at the transition between constant strain-rate and creep deformation conditions, the transient creep tests exhibit a large scatter. No correlation was found between creep duration and ultimate creep strain rates. Alterations of the yield point shape arise after transient creep tests. In particular, the amplitude of the yield point is significantly altered, as well as the rate of softening. No obvious relation was obtained between the amount of plastic strain achieved during the creep transient and the subsequent flow stress behavior. The only clear correlation was between the plastic strain rate at the end of the transient creep test and the new upper yield stress upon reloading at constant strain rate; the higher is the strain rate at the end of the creep transient the lower is stress increase upon reloading (see Fig. 29). (e) Activation parameters Two parameters are currently used to describe the SRS of the flow stress of materials, the activation volume V and the stress exponent n, which is intimately connected with V : see eqs (8), (9) and (13). Results on these two parameters have already been presented in Section (c) and (d) of the present chapter and are briefly summarized here.
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Fig. 29. Stress–strain curves interrupted by transient creep tests with different amounts of plastic strain, T = 900 K. The strain-rate values indicated refer to the ultimate creep strain rates (Texier et al. [81]).
Three published studies [51,58,65] report activation volumes measured with the LR technique. As a rule, the experimental activation volume Ve is small and decreases with increasing stress. A break in the stress dependence of Ve is observed in the temperature interval 660–690 ◦ C. Texier et al. confirm that the true activation volume V deduced from the experimental activation volume Ve has similar values in both the strain-hardening and the strain-softening stages. Using eq. (9) Bresson and Gratias [58] deduced a high stress exponent n ≈ 10, while Giacometti [68] obtained n = 5 ± 2 by a direct analysis of the LR data with eq. (20). Shield et al. [77] obtained under creep conditions n 2.5, except for drop cast specimen where at high stresses n ≈ 6. It is remarkable that for the latter type of specimen a break in the stress dependence of n is observed, alike to the activation volumes. Shield et al. [77] utilized eq. (7) for measuring the activation enthalpies by creep experiments. Similar values of 647 ± 20 and 645 ± 45 kJ/mol were determined for the two types of prepared samples [see Section] at stress levels of 15 and 17 MPa, respectively. At 26 MPa, data for the drop cast samples lead to a close activation enthalpy, 680 ± 33 kJ/mol. Shield and Kramer [76] proposed two possible mechanisms, i.e. grain boundary sliding or Nabarro–Herring diffusional creep [76], both of them being dependent on the lattice diffusion constant DL , with DL = D0L exp(−Q/RT ), R is ideal gas constant. In this expression, Q is the activation energy which for the suggested mechanisms must be of the order of self diffusion. The present activation enthalpy, 645 ± 45 kJ/mol, is therefore approximately 2–3 times higher than expected. This discrepancy was considered to result from the complex quasicrystalline structure, which limits diffusion. They concluded that finally it was remarkable that the general relationships between strain rate, stress and grain size were consistent with the behavior observed for conventional crystals.
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Fig. 30. Activation enthalpies as a function of temperature. G1 and G2 were determined using eq. (12) and by integration of the activation volume [81], respectively (Giacometti et al. [66]).
Activation enthalpies are due to Giacometti et al. [51,66]. The activation enthalpy He was derived using eq. (11) from deformation tests performed at constant strain rate and various temperatures. These experiments were coupled with activation volume measurements by the LR technique. The temperature dependence of the upper yield stress and the corresponding Ve value were used. The activation energy G was then deduced from He with eq. (12). The temperature dependence of the elastic coefficients was taken from the work of Tanaka et al. [82]. G was also determined with another method that consists in integrating the activation volume [83]. Both calculations provided similar values. The Gibbs free energy G are reported as function of temperature in Fig. 30, together with He . Both He and G increase with increasing temperature with a jump at T ≈ 690 ◦ C. This behavior confirms the two temperature regimes that were identified on the stress dependence of Ve and by the non-monotonic decrease temperature of the upper yield stress. In the high-temperature regime, the activation enthalpy exhibits very large values, which do not appear realistic. While at the onset the regime, T = 690 ◦ C, He is comparable with the creep activation enthalpy determined by Shield and Kramer [76], but it increases strongly with temperature and reaches a value of approximately 1400 kJ/mol at T = 780 ◦ C. This is certainly due to the improper use in eq. (11) of Ve instead of V , in particular at high temperatures where both activation volumes can be significantly different. The entropy correction for estimating G does not allow one to satisfactorily rationalize these high values. In the low-temperature regime, He increases from about 144 at 480 ◦ C to 365 kJ/mol at T = 690 ◦ C, while G varies between about 77 at 480 ◦ C to 144 kJ/mol at T = 690 ◦ C. The He values are smaller than those determined in the high-temperature regime, but are still quite large compared with those commonly found for crystals. On the other hand, Giacometti et al. [51] obtained relatively small values of G, 77–144 kJ/mol, using eq. (12), which assumes that the entropy term S arises only from the temperature dependence of the shear modulus. The authors interpreted the latter result as a proof that
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the contribution of the entropy term due to phason strain was small. In this work, there was no interpretation of the measured activation energies in terms of mechanisms. 5.1.4. i-Al-Pd-Mn Materials Icosahedral AlPdMn was the first quasicrystalline phase that was grown as single quasicrystal [84]. The phase equilibrium in the vicinity of i-AlPdMn compositional range has been studied by several authors [84–86], to which the reader is invited to refer for more detail. The situation is rather complex and some divergences are found between the different studies (see for instance [87]). At different temperatures, i-Al-Pd-Mn coexists with the liquid, decagonal d-Al-Pd-Mn and several crystalline phases exhibiting close relations to quasicrystals [85]. The two ternary phases with decagonal and icosahedral structure were shown to be formed by ternary peritectic reaction [86]. Mechanical properties reported in the following were obtained on both poly- and single-grain specimens. The poly-grain specimens were obtained either by conventional casting in watercooled copper mold [88] or by arc-melting the metals with subsequent annealing [89]. Because melting is nearly congruent close to the Al70 Pd20 Mn10 composition and due to the sluggish reaction of d-phase, which suppressed its formation, classical crystal-pulling techniques such as the Czochralski and Bridgman technique can be used for growing large single grain quasicrystals. The perfection of the resulting single quasicrystals is defined by the thermal procedure and initial composition of alloy from which the quasicrystals are grown. The produced single quasicrystals are usually characterized using several metallurgical procedures including optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, etc. The quasicrystals used for mechanical property characterization were classified of structural high quality [90]. Low-temperature deformation (a) Compression tests Deformation tests were performed at low temperatures on i-Al-Pd-Mn samples using the multi-anvils (solid) and Paterson (gaseous) techniques. The multi-anvils device was used to deform samples from room temperature up to 300 ◦ C under confining pressure conditions of 5 up to 7 GPa. At these low temperatures, the confining pressure of the Paterson apparatus is not sufficient to prevent sample fracture before plastic yielding. As previously mentioned, stress–strain curves are not available with the multi-anvils technique and it has been mainly used, like for Al-Cu-Fe, to examine the resulting dislocation microstructures by TEM [29,88,90,91]. Poly-quasicrystalline samples, which promote homogeneous plastic deformation by activating all potential deformation systems, were used in [88,91,92] while mono-quasicrystalline samples, which favor more specific dislocation systems and motions, were deformed along 5-fold orientation conditions in [29]. The only available information concerning the plastic behavior of the i-Al-Pd-Mn phase, for both poly- and mono-quasicrystalline specimens, is that a few percent of plastic strain (≈7%) can be readily achieved at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 300 ◦ C. Compression tests performed with the Paterson apparatus were undertaken for temperatures higher than that of the multi-anvils device, i.e. from 480 up to 690 ◦ C. Polyand mono-quasicrystalline samples were compression tested under a confining pressure of 350 MPa. The compression axis of mono-quasicrystalline samples was oriented along a
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Fig. 31. Stress–strain curves obtained during compression tests performed under a gaseous confining pressure of 0.35 GPa (Texier et al. [92]).
five-fold direction. The stress–strain curves are presented in Fig. 31. They are similar to the stress–strain curves of i-quasicrystals deformed at higher temperature in the ductile regime and exhibit the yield point. The hump observed at 690 ◦ C corresponds to an artefact due to a pressure confinement trouble during the experiment. At 480 ◦ C, the upper yield stress achieved the very high value of nearly 1.7 GPa for mono-grain samples. The upper yield stresses are reported in Fig. 32 together with the data obtained with conventional compression performed at similar strain rate in the ductile regime [93]. Except at T = 690 ◦ C, a linear fit describes correctly the temperature dependence of σUYS , which is interpreted as a unique rate controlling dislocation mechanism over the temperature range 490–800 ◦ C [92]. (b) Shear tests Shear tests were performed at 480 and 690 ◦ C, that is at a temperature far below and at temperature close to the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature, using the Paterson confining pressure apparatus [94]. The purpose of this study was to check if at low-temperature dislocation glide may occur solely in the i-Al-Pd-Mn phase, without any climb component. With such a deformation mode, a shear stress can be produced with a Schmid equal to unity, which authorizes to promote dislocation glide onto specific glide plane and shear direction. In this study, Al70.5 Pd21 Mn8.5 single quasicrystals were deformed with a five-fold plane as shear plane and a two-fold shear direction. Stress–strain curves calculated from the load–elongation data exhibit a similar shape to those of conventional compression tests and start with a stage of high strain-hardening up to an UYS, followed by a softening stage. At 480 ◦ C, the UYS is nearly 1.6 GPa, a value which is very close to that obtained by compression tests. Such high values, which can
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Fig. 32. Upper yield stress, σUYS , as function of temperature, according to Texier et al. [92]. Filled square symbols were taken from Feuerbacher et al. [93].
only be achieved under confining pressure conditions, are expected from linear extrapolation from high-temperature data (see Fig. 32). According to recorded sample elongations, plastic strains larger than 10% were achieved. The authors also report numerous microcracks, which indicate that shearing is difficult. Strain markers deposited on the lateral faces of the samples show that deformation is not uniformly distributed all over the sample thickness, which points a heterogeneous nature of plastic deformation. It must be noticed that, in case of shearing test, dominant features of low-temperature deformation seem to be mainly phase transformation and nano-grain formation. (c) Indentation experiments Several authors investigated the low and intermediate temperature hardnesses of singlequasicrystalline Al-Pd-Mn alloys by performing either micro- and/or nano-indentation experiments. Yokoyama et al. [95] determined the Vickers hardness (HV ) of Al70 Pd20 Mn10 at RT for 3-, 5- and 2-fold oriented surfaces, and measured a slight orientation dependence: HV decreases from 800 to 700 MPa, respectively. The temperature dependence of HV over the range RT – 780 K exhibits two distinct variation regimes: HV decreases slowly from RT to 600 K and rapidly in the range above 600 K. The related toughness K has at RT the very low value of 0.3 MPa m1/2 that increases up to 10 MPa m1/2 at 700 K. Deus et al. [96] tested the orientation dependence of crack-like failure formation near indentation on Al70 Pd23 Mn7 quasicrystals at RT . They confirm the previous hardness (H ) orientation dependence, i.e. H (5) > H (2), but with absolute H values that supersede those reported by Yokoyama et al. by more than 10%. The cracks show a shear-like habit and were found to follow directions of planes perpendicular to 3-, 2- and 5-fold symmetry directions, in decreasing order of significance, instead of following the plane of maximum
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stress. Investigations of the temperature dependence of Al70 Pd21 Mn9 mono-quasicrystals using both micro- and nano-indentations combined with atomic force microscopy and scanning acoustic microscopy were performed from RT to 550 ◦ C [97–99]. The two temperature regimes of hardness variation are also evidenced, with a transition temperature located between 300 and 400 ◦ C for their indentation conditions. The hardness H starts at nearly 9 GPa at RT , goes through a value of 6 GPa at 400 ◦ C and achieves a value of about 1 GPa at 550 ◦ C. At room temperature, they confirm the formation of type-III cracks and observed a strong indentation effect size, i.e. the hardness increases with decreasing load. This effect is inverted at higher temperatures. Micro-indentations at elevated temperatures demonstrate a strong increase in ductility at about 0.4 Tm much below the macroscopic BDT transition. The low-temperature range is ascribed by the authors to fragmentation and grain sliding, whereas the high-temperature regime is though to be controlled by dislocation mechanisms, which can be reasonably considered as active above 400 ◦ C. Coupeau et al. [100] performed nano-indentation tests at RT on 2-fold oriented surface of Al70 Pd21 Mn9 mono-quasicrystals. Pop-in events are observed on the load–penetration curves, alike crystalline materials. These phenomena are usually attributed in these materials to either dislocation nucleation or micro-cracking. A first pop-in event arises at a constant critical load of 16 mN, whatever loading conditions. At this load level, surface examination using atomic force microscopy do not reveal any evidence of either dislocation activity or crack nucleation at the free surface around the imprints. The nano-indentation imprints were examined by TEM. Observations performed beneath the indenter show a poly-quasicrystalline microstructure composed by small grains with sizes ranging from 20 to 200 nm. In addition, phase transformation was detected but the nucleated crystalline phase was not identified. Note that high pressure-induced transformation (p ≈ 20 GPa) of Al-Pd-Mn poly-quasicrystals has been reported by Baluc et al. [101]. To conclude, lowtemperature deformation in indentation tests is thought to be controlled by fragmentation, leading to the formation of a poly-quasicrystalline microstructure with possible phase transformations, but without the involvement of dislocations. Brittle-to-ductile transition For Al70.5 Pd21 Mn8.5 single quasicrystals oriented along a 5-fold compression axis, the BDT temperatures were found below 705 ◦ C, 630 ◦ C and 580 ◦ C at nominal applied strain rates of 10−4 s−1 , 10−5 s−1 and 10−6 s−1 , respectively [102]. The transition temperatures are defined as the lowest temperature at which deformed samples show the yield point. At the lowest temperature at which a deformation curve exhibits the high-temperature characteristics, i.e., 580 ◦ C at a strain rate of 10−6 s−1 , the flow stress exceeds 1.3 GPa. Demonstrations that plastic deformation is still possible at lower temperatures, were made in either load relaxation experiments and/or creep tests performed during the loading at constant total strain rate. The studies were far less complete than for Al-Cu-Fe. Deformation data were obtained at 487 ◦ C at a nominal strain rate of 10−6 s−1 , i.e. below the BDT temperature, by performing LR tests before reaching 1.5 GPa to prevent fracture. After the relaxations, the specimens were reloaded for further relaxations, which finally enable to reach strains in the few percent range [103]. High-temperature deformation The high-temperature behavior of Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystalline alloys has been investigated by several research groups. Thank to the dras-
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Fig. 33. True deformation versus true stress curve obtained during the deformation of a single quasicrystal at T = 750 ◦ C (Wollgarten et al. [27]).
tic RT brittleness of Al-Pd-Mn, which requires very delicate preparation technique and handling of tensile specimens, the deformation characteristics were studied using compression experiments only. Therefore, the actual tensile properties of Al-Pd-Mn, such as fracture stress and ductility, have not been properly investigated yet. Both poly- and singlequasicrystalline samples were compression tested with a large majority of studies devoted to single-quasicrystals. (a) Stress–strain curves The first stress–strain curves of Al-Pd-Mn single-quasicrystals are due to Yokoyama et al. [95]. Wollgarten et al. [27] reported a stress–strain curve (Fig. 33) obtained on an Al70 Pd21 Mn9 single quasicrystal deformed along a 2-fold deformation axis at 750 ◦ C and for a strain rate of 1.2 × 10−5 s−1 . The curve is similar to that of Al-Cu-Fe polyquasicrystals. Beyond the UYS, the flow stress decreases strongly with a decreasing slope at increasing deformation. Similar stress–strain curves were obtained by Brunner et al. [104], at analogous temperatures for a compression axis parallel to a 5-fold direction, and by Takeuchi and Hashimoto [89] on coarse-grain (0.5 mm) poly-quasicrystalline samples. These experiments were limited to plastic strain smaller than 25%. Kabutoya et al. [105] performed experiments to larger plastic strain and found that the true stress versus true strain relations can be divided into 3 stages (instead of 2): the initial work-hardening, the length of which differs from sample to sample, the softening stage up to a large true strain of 20 to 60% and an additional weak work-hardening stage. Somewhat different shape of true stress versus true strain curves were obtained in [92]. A sharp yield point is observed, which extends over less than 1% plastic strain only including both the initial work-hardening stage and a pronounced softening. The behavior that follows strongly depends on both the temperature and the strain rate [106]. In particular at strain rates higher than 10−4 s−1 , a hump is recorded at a few percent of plastic strain indicative of a small work-hardening stage (see Fig. 34). At lower strain rates and/or higher temperatures a moderate softening stage follows, even for steady state deformation conditions. Whatever are the dissimilarities in the deformation curves between the above results, a significative
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Fig. 34. Stress–strain curves at 730 ◦ C and strain rates between 10−7 and 10−3 s−1 . ‘R’ and ‘SRC’ indicate load relaxation and strain-rate change transients, respectively (Heggen and Feuerbacher [106]).
difference appear in the softening behavior, which may result from the different starting materials [100]. The temperature dependence of critical compression stresses (elastic limit, UYS, LYS, etc.) were extracted from such curves. Fig. 35 reproduces the temperature dependence of the UYS obtained by Brunner et al. [104] for a strain rate of 10−4 s−1 . As the figure shows, the upper yield stress is strongly temperature-dependent and all data fit well to one common curve. Geyer et al. [107] plotted the flow stress in the plateau region just after the yield point for two strain rates and for two different deformation axes. Like the UYS, the corresponding stress exhibits strong temperature dependence and high SRS. No influence of the orientation of deformation axis is detected. More recently, it has been pointed out [106] that a knee appears in the deformation curve, which marks a transition from almost elastic to elastic–plastic deformation. The corresponding transition stress is called the elastic limit and is assumed by the authors to correspond to the intrinsic mechanisms determining the dislocation motion at the velocity imposed by the imposed strain rate. (b) Load relaxation and strain-rate changes An impressive amount of work has been devoted to measure the SRS of the flow stress of Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystalline alloys. The used technique is essentially the LR method. The LR curves were analyzed by plotting ln(−σ˙ ) versus σ , which according to eqs (8) and (14) yields either the activation volume Ve or the parameter r = kT /Ve . The stress relaxation curves show various behaviors depending on temperature and on the deformation stage in which they are performed. Typical examples from reference [108] are given in Fig. 36. The figure illustrates LR tests performed at 760 ◦ C for: relaxation R1 below the so-called elastic limit, relaxation R2 above the elastic limit within the work-hardening stage and relaxation R6 in the steady state stage. Evidently, a linear relationship is obtained for R1, providing a single and unambiguous Ve (or r) value. The Ve value does not necessarily represent that
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Fig. 35. Temperature dependence of the maximum compression stress (UYS) (Brunner et al. [104]).
of the true thermodynamic activation volume, because corrections due to work-hardening may be required. R2 starts with a steep slope, but bends afterwards to a second range of lower slope. The transition is attributed to recovery, which becomes important at low relaxation rates [108]. The steep initial range has almost disappeared for R6 that mainly consists in a monotonic decrease of ln(−σ˙ ) versus σ of negative curvature. These curves demonstrate the difficulty of extracting true activation volume values, i.e. values that do not include artefacts arising from microstructural evolution during the test. The very beginning of the LR curves was often used to determine the SRS of the flow stress. Note, in Fig. 36, that the stress decrease during LR test may be quite large. This is particularly true for R6 performed in the steady state stage where a drop a nearly 80% of the initial stress is observed. Note that, likewise Al-Cu-Fe, for large stress decreases a better fitting agreement is found when plotting ln(−σ˙ ) versus ln(σ ) [109], i.e. when the relaxation test is examined in terms of the stress exponent n [eqs (13) and (14)]. According to eq. (9), this indicates that during relaxation Ve varies as the reciprocal of the applied stress. The plastic behaviors after reloading also reveal structural evolutions. A yield point or a softening effect is observed depending on strain rate and deformation temperature [107]. An extensive study has been undertaken by Geyer et al. [107] to examine the different changes in the microstructure by repeated relaxation tests. On the contrary, SRC were scarcely performed. They reflect the high strain-rate sensitivity of the flow stress and may lead to significant increase (respectively decrease) in flow stress for upper (respectively down) SRC. For instance, at 821 ◦ C, an increase in strain rate in the steady-state stage by one order of magnitude from 10−4 to 10−3 s−1 leads to an increase of 50% of the stress [102]. Unfortunately, a master curve of a sample monotonically deformed 10−3 s−1 is not given. It is not possible to check if the SRC corresponds either to a switch between the flow stresses of samples monotonically deformed at each strain rate or includes other effects. Remarkably the reverse change leads to recover rapidly the initial flow stress at 10−4 s−1 . SRC were performed at 760 and 730 ◦ C during deformation tests at strain rates ranging from 10−3 to 10−6 s−1 [109]. The flow stress changes are here
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Fig. 36. Stress relaxation curves taken at different deformation stages (see text) at T = 760 ◦ C (Ledig et al. [108]).
not very large, but the changes in strain rate are not given. Once more, whatever the initial strain rate, the reverse strain-rate jumps lead to return to original deformation curve. The very large variations in flow stress, resulting from either LR or SRC tests, are usually not observed for classical crystalline materials and are specific to the quasicrystalline structure. In addition, the full reversibility of flow stress with respect to LR and SRC tests demonstrates that the driving stress of the rate controlling mechanism recovers rapidly over very short plastic deformation amounts. (c) Creep One study only has been devoted to investigate the deformation characteristics of Al70 Pd21.5 Mn8.5 poly-quasicrystals by high-temperature creep experiments [110,111]. The heat of activation, Q, was determined by measuring on two samples the strain rate as a function of temperature at a stress of 30 MPa. The temperature range investigated was from 730 to 810 ◦ C. It was demonstrated that the curve of the ln(˙εp ) versus 1/T plot may be considered as the summation of two linear regions, indicating that the controlling mechanism for deformation changes with temperature. The heat of activation was found to be 211 ± 29 kJ/mol for the low-temperature process, and 1690 kJ/mol for the hightemperature process, with a transition temperature at approximately 780 ◦ C. While the former activation energy value is in the range typically found for metallic systems, the latter one appears very prohibitive and unrealistic in terms of thermally activated processes. The stress exponent n was determined for the two temperature regimes by conventional creep tests at 740 ◦ C and 800 ◦ C using various stresses ranging between 23.6 to 47.3 MPa and 15.2 to 38.1 MPa, respectively. The resulting plastic strain rates were varying at 740 ◦ C from 3 × 10−7 to 7 × 10−7 s−1 and at 800 ◦ C from 2 × 10−6 to 2 × 10−5 s−1 . At 800 ◦ C and 10−5 s−1 the UYS measured for constant strain-rate test is nearly 160 MPa [92], which is about four times higher to that of creep experiment. The stress exponents, found using eq. (13), were found to be 1.2 ± 0.2 in the low-temperature regime and 2.9 ± 0.3 in the high-temperature regime. The stress exponents are in the range typically found for metallic systems.
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(d) Activation parameters The knowledge of the activation parameters in Al-Pd-Mn poly- and mono-quasicrystals constituted the keystone in the modeling of icosahedral phase plasticity. In particular, the activation volume values have been used to determine the size of the obstacle opposing to dislocation movements. Activation volumes have been calculated by introducing a stress orientation factor, even for poly-quasicrystals, to take account of shear stress instead of compressive stress. Because of the high structural isotropy of Al-Pd-Mn, high values of either 0.5 or 0.4 were used. As previously pointed out, activation volumes in Al-Pd-Mn were mainly measured using the LR technique. As compared to SRC, this type of transient tests allows for more complete information on the strain-rate dependence of flow stress, especially when the transients, like in Al-Pd-Mn, are accompanied by large stress variations. Feuerbacher et al. [93] verified that SRC and LR tests yield similar values. In all studies [89,102,112], the variation of the activation volume with stress exhibits similar dependences, but that are differently interpreted. In addition, the activation volumes are in fair agreement as well, within 0.2 and 2 nm3 with decreasing stress, except at very low stresses where an asymptotic behavior is obtained. Takeuchi and Hashimoto [89] plotted activation volumes measured at various temperatures as a function of the applied shear stress. They were measured from the load decrease during relaxation tests initially performed at the lower yield point. Their stress dependences are all the same at each temperature, but the curves are shifted to lower stresses with decreasing temperatures (Fig. 37). With an appropriate shift of the curves along the stress axis, all of them fit with a universal curve (see dashed line in Fig. 37). The degree of shift to fit each curve was attributed to the ‘internal stress’ of the specimens deformed at various test temperatures. An effective stress was then obtained by subtracting the so-obtained internal stress from the applied shear stress. Messerschmidt et al. [113] performed LR tests at various deformation conditions. As for the flow stress, the activation volume was found independent of the orientation of the compression axis. The activation volumes were corrected according to the authors to take account for the transient effects due to changes in the dislocation density during the LR tests. In addition, the shear stress used in the plot was normalized by the factor μ0 /μ(T ), where μ0 is the shear modulus at 0 K and μ(T ) the shear modulus at the test temperature. With the proposed analysis, all activation volumes lie along a single curve, which was also found to coincide with values taken along single relaxation curves. Because different temperatures should correspond to different internal stresses, it was concluded that the unique curve is a proof that the Cottrell–Stokes law holds. Stress exponents, n, were calculated from the preceding, but not corrected, activation volumes values [114] by combining eqs (8) and (13). Within the experimental scatter, n was found to decrease linearly with temperature from a value of approximately 5 at 680 ◦ C to 3 at 800 ◦ C. Brunner et al. [112] determined activation volume values from LR tests by analyzing the beginning of σ versus ln(−σ˙ ) plot. The values were directly plotted as a function of shear stress. A decreasing variation of the activation volume with increasing stress is also obtained, but two variation domains are distinguished: a flat region at high stresses and a strong increase below about 250 MPa (Fig. 38). The hypothesis of two deformation regimes is supported by the step observed on the H –T curve shown in Fig. 39, which suggests the occurrence of two thermally activated processes with a transition temperature at 1050 K. This result is in good agreement with the two temperature regimes
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Fig. 37. Change in activation volume obtained with decreasing stress during load relaxation tests initially performed at the LYS at different temperatures (Takeuchi and Hashimoto [89]).
Fig. 38. Stress dependence of activation volume (Brunner et al. [112]).
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Fig. 39. Activation enthalpy as a function of temperature (Brunner et al. [112]).
obtained using creep experiments, with less prohibitive but still high H values in the high-temperature regime. This behavior is clearly different from that obtained in [89,93]. Note that in these studies, the activation enthalpies were calculated using eq. (11), which requires the knowledge of the activation volume values together with the variation of the related stress with temperature. In the two latter studies, within the experimental errors H is found to increase slightly with temperature with a mean value of about 288 kJ/mol in [89] and 624 kJ/mol in [93]. Messerschmidt et al. [113] calculated the Gibbs free energy of activation G from H by means of Schoeck’s formula [eq. (12)]. Like H , G assumes approximately constant values above 720 ◦ C with G ≈ 326 kJ/mol for 5-fold axis and G ≈ 278 kJ/mol for 2-fold axis. However, an estimate of G by integrating the activation volume [81] yields results that were not consistent with the previous calculation method. The authors concluded that the assumptions on which the formalism of thermally activated dislocation glide is based, i.e., a constant pre-exponential factor and an entropy contribution arising solely from the temperature dependence of the shear modulus, are, at least partly, not fulfilled for Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystals. Mechanical spectroscopy Mechanical spectroscopy, more currently designated as internal friction, is a technique which refers to the elastic and anelastic deformation behavior of materials [115]. Mechanical spectroscopy is known as a sensitive tool for providing information about the mobility of structure defects, such as point defects, dislocations or grain boundaries dynamics. This technique has been applied to investigate the damping properties of Al72.1 Pd20.7 Mn8.2 single quasicrystals in the temperature range 200–1100 K. Two different types of apparatus were used, a torsion pendulum working at low frequency in the range of 2 to 12 Hz, and resonant bar system operating in the kHz range. All measurements were performed in the free-decay mode with continuously increasing temperature at a mean rate of about 3 K min−1 . The results are described in detail in [116,117] and are briefly summarized here. The loss spectra exhibit two distinct peaks, designated by A and B, which occur at 360 K and 870 K, respectively, at a frequency of
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3 Hz. The amplitude of the high-temperature peak, B, is nearly two orders of magnitude larger than the one of the low-temperature peak, A. Both peaks were found to be frequencydependent, indicating that they were associated with thermally activated processes. Relaxation parameters were thus estimated for the temperature shifts: HA = 94 ± 1.92 kJ/mol with a relaxation frequency ωA = 4.5 × 1014±1 s−1 and HB = 384 ± 38 kJ/mol with ωB = 3.0 × 1024±2 s−1 . Also observed was a broadening of the peaks suggesting a distribution of relaxation processes. These characteristics led the authors [116] to ascribe the relaxation peak A to a relaxation mechanism involving single-point defect jumps. Two possible interpretations were proposed: (1) stress-induced re-orientation of interstitial foreign atoms, such as oxygen, nitrogen or carbon or (2) stress-induced phason jumps. In this case, the enthalpy, HA = 94 ± 1.9 kJ/mol, would correspond to the activation enthalpy for phason jumps in i-Al-Pd-Mn. The large value measured for the characteristic frequency of peak B indicates a collective motion of a large number of atoms, like in the movement of dislocations. Because the movement of dislocations in quasicrystals is intimately related to the creation and migration of phasons, peak B was attributed to a process also related to phason defects, but in this case whole chains or ‘worms’ of phason-type atom re-arrangement would be involved.
5.2. Microscopic observations Observations in Al-Cu-Fe reveal complex microstructural evolutions (strain-induced phase transformation and/or twinning) that are still difficult to interpret in terms of pure dislocation mechanisms [50]. Most of the available results refer to Al-Pd-Mn. 5.2.1. Dislocation densities and Burgers vectors as a function of strain The first direct evidence for plastic deformation by means of dislocation motion and multiplication has been obtained by Wollgarten et al. [34] in AlPdMn. Upon a 25% deformation at 750 ◦ C, the dislocation density was found to increase by two orders of magnitude. The dislocations were perfect and formed a rather isotropic dislocation network shown in Fig. 40. More precise measurements as a function of strain were carried out by Rosenfeld et al. [20] and Schall et al. [64]. They confirmed that the density of dislocations increases rapidly up to 5% deformation, well beyond the yield-point. More surprisingly, it was shown to decrease above that level, in correlation with the strain softening observed in the same deformation range (Fig. 41). Fig. 41(b) also shows the lower dislocation density measured after releasing the stress and keeping the same temperature for 45 min. Dislocation Burgers vectors in Al-Pd-Mn deformed at 732 ◦ C have been measured by the CBED technique with the following results [20]: • More than 90% of the dislocation Burgers vectors (assumed to be perfect) are along 2-fold axes. The others are parallel to 3-fold and 5-fold directions. • Dislocations can have all characters comprised between near-screw and pure edge. • Dislocations with b// along 5-fold directions are superpartials (see Section 4.2).
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Fig. 40. Bright-field image of a dislocation network in Al-Pd-Mn deformed at 760 ◦ C (ε = 6%). From Feuerbacher et al. [93].
• Most dislocations with b// along 2-fold axes have a ratio b⊥ /b// = τ 5 , which corresponds to b// = 0.183 nm. This ratio however tends to increase at increasing strain (Fig. 42). The latter property may result from the accumulation of phason defects (or phason strain) as a result of the motion and multiplication of dislocations. As a matter of fact, the accumulation of phason defects in the crystal may facilitate the creation of dislocations with higher b⊥ /b// ratios. The accumulation of phason defects has also been observed by electron diffraction (Franz et al. [118]). The deviation of diffraction spots with a large g⊥ component, which can be related to the total amount of phason strain, according to Fig. 43, indeed increases with increasing plastic deformation. In all these studies, no direct determination of the dislocation planes of motion was possible, mainly because of the isotropic aspect of the dislocation networks (see Fig. 40). Dislocations were thus assumed to move by glide in the planes containing their Burgers vector components in the physical space, b// , and their line directions. 5.2.2. Motion of perfect dislocations (high-temperature deformation) “In situ” experiments The type (glide/climb) and the kinetics of dislocation motion can be deduced from in situ experiments. The first in situ straining experiments were carried out in AlPdMn by Wollgarten et al. [119], at a temperature close to 750 ◦ C. They revealed the steady motion of polygonal dislocations, with segments parallel to 2-fold directions, at a velocity comprised between 0.2 and 1.2 µm/s, in planes perpendicular to 3-fold and 5-fold directions (Fig. 44). As no fringe contrast can be observed in their wake, these dislocations are perfect. Since their Burgers vectors could not be determined, however, they were assumed to move by glide. In situ experiments involving Burgers vector determination were subsequently made by Mompiou et al. [120]. In a first kind of experiment, AlPdMn samples were heated at
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(b) Fig. 41. Dislocation densities in Al-Pd-Mn. (a) Stress–strain curve at 730 ◦ C and ε˙ = 10−5 s−1 . (b) Corresponding dislocation density, as a function of plastic strain (circles), and after releasing the stress and keeping the same temperature during 45 min (squares). From Schall et al. [64].
temperatures between 700 and 750 ◦ C, and dislocation motion and multiplication were observed under the effect of internal stresses (Fig. 45). As in the preceding experiments, dislocations with polygonal shapes moved steadily in 2-fold, 3-fold and 5-fold planes. In addition to 2-fold directions, straight segments were observed along pseudo-2-fold directions (Fig. 45). In these experiments, Burgers vectors were determined either during the “in situ” experiment, or after rapid quenching in the microscope, using the extinction rules described in Section 4.1.2. They all reveal that the components b// of the Burgers vectors are perpendicular to the planes of motion, namely that dislocations move by pure climb (Fig. 46). When the temperature is low enough (T < 720 ◦ C), or when their velocity is high enough, moving dislocations trail a rapidly vanishing fringe contrast (Fig. 47). This
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Fig. 42. Properties of mobile dislocations with 2-fold Burgers vectors as a function of strain. From Rosenfeld et al. [20].
indicates that dislocations are imperfect, but that the phason wall created in their wake is rapidly dispersed under the effect of temperature. The kinetics of phason dispersion based on similar experiments are discussed in Section In a second kind of experiment, samples were strained at 750 ◦ C. The same type of motion was observed, most frequently in planes perpendicular to the straining axis, in agreement with a pure climb mechanism in planes of maximum Schmid factor. Climb and glide dislocation velocity could be compared directly by an analysis of the formation and subsequent evolution of a specific dislocation dipole. In an “in situ” experiment at 740 ◦ C, Mompiou and Caillard [121] reported the formation of such a dipole by the motion of two opposite dislocations, in closely parallel 5-fold planes, at a velocity of 15 nm/s. This motion occurred by pure climb, according to extinction experiments. However, instead of annihilating by cross-slip or climb, the dipole remained stable for a very long time (30 min) at the same high temperature. The explanation for this surprising behavior is the following: observations under various tilt angles and ±g conditions indicated that the dipole plane was in fact very close to the 2-fold glide plane containing the Burgers vector. Under such conditions, the interacting stress (estimated from the dipole height as 320 MPa) was not sufficient to induce significant glide, although fairly fast climb can occur under even lower stresses! More precisely, since the glide velocity was estimated to be much lower than 6 × 10−3 nm/s, the ratio of glide and climb velocities under comparable stresses could be estimated to be lower than 10−3 . “Post-mortem” observations The same kind of information has also been deduced from conventional “post mortem” observations. Dislocation dipoles, prevented from annihilation because glide was too difficult, have been observed by Texier et al. [122]. Dislocation glide has been tentatively activated in pure shear experiments, at 480 and 690 ◦ C, by Texier et al. [94]. Only climb has been observed at 690 ◦ C, however, with a Burgers vector inclined at 58◦ from the plane of motion.
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Fig. 43. Average phason strain measurement in Al-Pd-Mn. (a) and (b) Part of a 5-fold diffraction pattern before and after deformation (grazing views), showing deviations of diffraction spots from their original positions. (c) Spot shift as a function of g⊥ . From Franz et al. [118].
5.2.3. Motion of imperfect dislocations (low-temperature deformation) Observations of low-temperature climb Imperfect dislocations trailing phason walls are produced by low-temperature deformation. They can be observed in as-grown specimens were high stresses have developed during the cooling procedure. Displacement vectors perpendicular to phason walls were first observed by Wang et al. [30]. However, the corresponding dislocations were not analyzed, and the wall formation was not ascribed to a climb process. Phason walls connected to imperfect dislocations in as-grown specimens were shown to result from a pure climb process by Caillard et al. [33,124]. Subsequent observations in specimens deformed between 20 and 300 ◦ C, under a high confining pressure (in order to prevent brittle fracture), have confirmed that low-temperature deformation involves climb (Mompiou et al. [29], Texier et al. [88,123], Mompiou and Caillard [125]).
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Fig. 44. Perfect dislocation motion in AlPdMn strained at 745 ◦ C. In situ experiment by Messerschmidt et al. [103].
Fig. 45. Perfect dislocation motion and multiplication at an open loop in a 2-fold plane. 2-fold and pseudo-2-fold directions are noted 2 and P2, respectively. In situ experiment in Al-Pd-Mn at 720 ◦ C. From Mompiou et al. [120].
Most samples exhibit dislocations moving by climb in 2-fold and 5-fold planes, and complex deformation bands which will be discussed in Section below. The results presented in this section have been obtained where no deformation band was present. Fig. 48
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 46. Perfect dislocation moving in a 5-fold plane, at 720 ◦ C, and contrast analysis showing pure climb motion. (a) and (b) Dislocation motion. (c) Stereographic projection showing the dislocation direction, d, Burgers vector component in the physical space, b// , and g-vectors. (d)–(f) Out-of-contrast conditions, for Burgers vector determination. From Mompiou et al. [120].
Fig. 47. Imperfect dislocation trailing a rapidly vanishing phason wall of length l, in a 2-fold plane. In situ experiment in Al-Pd-Mn at 720 ◦ C, by Mompiou et al. [120].
shows dislocations which have moved in a 5-fold perpendicular to the compression axis. Dislocation d1 is out of contrast in Fig. 48(b), and in residual contrast in Figs 48(c) and 48(d), for different diffraction vectors parallel to the foil plane. This shows that its Burgers vector b1// is perpendicular to its plane of motion, namely that it has moved by pure climb. Dislocations like d2 , which have different Burgers vectors, have moved by mixed climb. Other dislocations, seen in Fig. 48(e), have moved perpendicularly to the foil plane, also by pure climb, in planes denoted P3 . Since these dislocations have zero Schmid factors, their role is to absorb the vacancies emitted by the first ones. Indeed, detailed contrast analyses showed that phason faults in the plane perpendicular to the compression axis are vacancy-type, whereas those in planes parallel to the compression axis are interstitial-type.
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Fig. 48. Dislocations moving by climb, in the plane perpendicular to the compression axis (here the sample plane). Dislocation d1 is out of contrast in (b), and in residual contrast in (c) and (d), for 2-fold diffraction vectors parallel to the sample plane. Edge-on phason walls, trailed by dislocations moving by pure climb in planes parallel to the compression axis, are also visible in (e). Al-Pd-Mn deformed at 300 ◦ C under a high hydrostatic pressure. From Mompiou and Caillard [10].
The same dislocations moving in the 5-fold plane perpendicular to the compression axis are shown in Fig. 18, in a foil cut in a different plane, where the fringe contrasts of phason faults can be more easily observed. They form planar groups, with: • One leading superdislocation dissociated in two superpartials, labeled 1 and 1 . These dislocations have a Burgers vector parallel to the 5-fold compression axis and they move by pure climb. This situation has been described already in Section 4.2.
Dislocations and Plasticity of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Fig. 49. Imperfect dislocations moving by pure climb in 2-fold planes. The leading dislocations (2) have the Burgers vector b// /τ , and the trailing ones have the Burgers vector b// /τ 2 , the total Burgers vector (2 + 2 ) being b// . (a) Double contrast on (2), and single contrast on (2 ). (b) All dislocations out of contrast (strong extinction). (c) The contrast of the phason wall is arrowed. Al-Pd-Mn deformed at 300 ◦ C under a high confining pressure. From Mompiou et al. [29].
• Other dislocations like that labeled 8, with 2-fold or 3-fold Burgers vectors, moving by mixed climb. The reason why mixed climb is observed only in the wake of pure climb is not yet understood. Dissociations and fault energies As in crystals, measurement of the dissociation width of dislocations allows one to determine the specific energy of the inner fault. The two leading dislocations of Fig. 18 are separated by a complex fault which is the superposition of an APB and a phason wall (see Section 4.2). They also trail a phason fault underlined by arrows. Taking all forces into account, and assuming that the surface energy of the complex fault is the sum of the surface energy of the APB alone (i.e. that of the fault that would remain after phason dispersion) and that of the phason wall alone, we find the surface energy of the APB to be 69 mJ/m2 . Phason wall energy can be estimated from the dissociation of imperfect dislocations into smaller components. Fig. 49 shows a dislocation with a 2-fold Burgers vector, b// , climbing in a 2-fold plane. It is dissociated into a leading dislocation with Burgers vector b// /τ , and a trailing one with Burgers vector b// /τ 2 . Since one of the properties of the golden mean is τ 2 = 1 + τ , one can verify that b// b// τ + τ 2 = b// . Under such conditions, the displacement vector of the phason wall between the two dislocations [visible in Fig. 49(c)] is 1/τ times that of the phason wall behind them, if expressed in the physical space, and τ times larger, if expressed in the perpendicular space. If the phason wall energy is assumed to be proportional to the displacement in the perpendicular space, that of the wall trailed by the dislocation pair is 39 mJ/m2 . This corresponds to a rather small back stress, of the order of 30 MPa. A τ times higher back stress would be trailed by a dislocation with a τ times smaller Burgers vector. Deformation bands: glide or crack healing? Complex wavy deformation bands shown in Fig. 50 are often observed after low-temperature deformation. They appear as dislocation pile-ups at their head, and behind as very complex tangles from which climb-
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Fig. 50. Deformation bands in Al-Pd-Mn deformed at 20 ◦ C under a high confining pressure. From Texier et al. [88,123].
ing dislocations are emitted (Texier et al. [88,123], Mompiou and Caillard [125]). The dislocation contrast is consistent with a Burgers vector lying in the pile-up plane. These dislocations have been interpreted either as gliding dislocations [88,122], or as dislocations formed as a result of shear along a crack followed by crack healing [125]. Kinetics of phason dispersion The fringe contrast of phason walls vanishes at high temperature, because the phasons initially condensed in the walls tend to disperse according to the scheme of Fig. 13. Imperfect dislocations are thus transformed into perfect ones. This evolution can take place after a few tens of seconds, in the wake of moving dislocations at 750 ◦ C (see Fig. 47), or after several hours at 550 ◦ C. The relaxation times have been inserted in an Arrhenius plot yielding an activation enthalpy of 413 kJ/mol (Feuerbacher and Caillard [126]). Such a high value shows that phason dispersion is coupled with long-range diffusion.
5.3. Conclusions 5.3.1. Mechanical properties Quasicrystals display unusual mechanical properties, with the following characteristic features: a sharp brittle to ductile transition (BDT), occurring at ∼ =0.7–0.8 Tm . It separates an extreme brittleness at low temperature, similar to that of common intermetallic compounds and semi-conductors (for that reason, deformation experiments at low temperature succeeded only under high confining pressure), from a high temperature enhanced almost “superplastic” ductility. Whatever the deformation temperature, the stress–strain curves obtained in compression exhibit a yield-point followed by a softening stage, except at large strains and/or strain rates. Above the BDT temperature, the yield stress decreases abruptly with temperature, which underlines the important role of the thermal activation. Transient
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experiments demonstrate the full reversibility of the flow stress with respect to temperature and strain rate. Activation volume values, measured from transients tests, are small, and seem to display a unique stress dependence. The apparent activation energy increases with temperature and its very high values appear to be much larger than expected for a pure diffusion process. Two high temperature regimes, characterized by an activation energy jump, Fig. 39, are sometimes proposed, but their existence can not be considered as firmly demonstrated. 5.3.2. Microstructural observations The microstructural observations in AlPdMn show that, at T 300 ◦ C, plastic deformation takes place by the motion and the multiplication of dislocations. Dislocations are perfect at high temperature, and imperfect at low temperature and under high confining pressure. The transition between the two regimes is characterized by imperfect dislocations trailing rapidly vanishing phason walls. At high temperature, dislocations form a rather isotropic 3-dimensional network with polygonal shapes with edges parallel to dense rows, whereas at low temperature, they are curly and localized in deformation bands [138]. In spite of these differences, dislocations exhibit many common properties: Burgers vectors lie along to 2-, 5- and 3-fold directions, with a length of often 1.83 and 2.96 nm along 2-fold directions. Larger Burgers vectors dissociate or decompose, with a phason wall energy γph ≈ a few tens of mJ/m2 . Dislocations move by climb in high symmetry planes. The absence of any screw dislocation, and the observation of stable dipoles in dislocation slip planes, seem to demonstrate that glide is almost impossible above 300 ◦ C in AlMnPd. At low temperature, 20 ◦ C, the exact mechanism of plastic deformation is still controversial (see also Section 7.3). Although some amounts of climb have been reported, plasticity may be controlled by dislocation glide and/or crack propagation followed by crack healing. No conclusive analysis of the deformation microstructure has been made in AlCuFe. Dislocations do clearly exist, but their motion may be associated with complex phase transformations or twinning.
6. Theoretical models of plasticity Usually, the stress necessary to achieve a plastic flow at a given strain rate is considered to be given by the addition of several components: σ = σ ∗ + σph + σi + · · · . The thermally activated effective stress σ ∗ is related to the interaction between dislocations and the lattice and/or short-range local obstacles. The phason stress σph , which is due to the extension of phason walls during dislocation motion, is specific to quasicrystals, whereas the internal stress σi has the same origin as in crystals. Lastly, an additional “chemical” stress σch must be introduced in the case of a climb dislocation motion. The existence and the physical interpretation, according to several authors, of these different components, and the way they are combined, are now discussed with respect to mechanical properties.
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Fig. 51. Mechanism of strain-softening when glide is controlled by an aperiodic Peierls potential. Dislocation motion from positions 1 and 3 is easier through the intermediate position 2, provided phasons have been introduced by another dislocation gliding in an intersecting plane. From Takeuchi [130].
6.1. The effective stress 6.1.1. The Peierls–Nabarro mechanism Peierls [127] and Nabarro [128] were the first ones to remark that the core energy of moving dislocations has necessarily the same periodicity as the crystal lattice. Since this universal mechanism has been observed in many pure metals, alloys, and intermetallic alloys, it is not surprising that it has also been transposed to quasicrystals. Although originally derived for dislocation glide, it is shown in Section 6.1.4 that it can also be transposed to climb. Dislocation glide across a Peierls–Nabarro potential has been proposed by Takeuchi and Hashimoto [89]. This model is supported by the measurement of activation volumes of a few tens of b3 , which have the same order of magnitude and stress dependence as in bcc metals at low temperature and covalent crystals at high temperature (Takeuchi and Hashimoto [89], Takeuchi [129,130], Takeuchi et al. [131]). It is also strongly supported by observations of straight dislocations moving viscously under stress (Section The Peierls–Nabarro mechanism additionally may provide an explanation to the worksoftening of quasicrystals. As a matter of fact, the introduction of phason defects by dislocations moving in intersecting planes allows dislocations to overcome the widely spaced Peierls valleys by the lateral motion of kinks produced at narrowly spaced Peierls valleys, as shown in Fig. 51. The kink-pair energy and thus the activation energy of glide are accordingly reduced drastically (Takeuchi et al. [131,132]). Because of the lack of periodicity, Takeuchi [133] suggests that the Peierls potential height may fluctuate along the
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Fig. 52. Minimum-energy dislocation configurations, calculated in a shear model by Schaaf et al. [136]. The dislocations are vertical wavy lines.
dislocation line, which should result in a reduced kink mobility similar to that observed in semiconductors. Messerschmidt and Bartsch [134] suggest that this Peierls potential may originate from an extended dislocation core. However, the Peierls model is not supported by recent simulations of a shear deformation in an icosahedral model quasicrystal by Schaaf et al. [136]. Indeed, their results show no long straight Peierls valleys: as a result dislocations have such highly curved shapes that the notion of a kink is inapplicable (Fig. 52). Dislocation motion then appears to be more obstacle-controlled rather than Peierls barrier controlled. Another counterargument is that the transition from straight dislocations at high temperature to curved ones at low temperature is difficult to reconcile with a Peierls mechanism, which, in addition, has a too low activation energy when the distance between Peierls valleys is set equal to one inter-atomic distance (Messerschmidt and Bartsch [134]). The latter discrepancy is however removed when this distance is assumed to be larger, e.g. of the order of 0.75 nm (Takeuchi [133]), or of the order of the cluster size (see Section 6.1.3 below). Note also that the concept of Peierls forces has been recently transposed to climb (Section 6.1.4). 6.1.2. The cluster model The motion of dislocations has alternatively been interpreted as a glide mechanism controlled by the crossing of a high density of small-size obstacles. According to Feuerbacher et al. [93], pseudo-Mackay clusters, with 1 nm of diameter and 2 nm of average distance, can account for an activation volume of about 0.4 nm3 , close to the experimental value (1 nm3 in average, Fig. 53). Under such conditions, the observed strain-softening can be explained by the shear-destruction of the clusters by the first moving dislocations, especially when many dislocations glide in the same plane. The large increase of the experimental activation volume with decreasing stress is however not clearly explained by this
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Fig. 53. Schematic representation of the cluster model proposed by Feuerbacher et al. [93]. The intermediate dislocation position delimits the activation area (hatched).
mechanism. Moreover, further estimates by Messerschmidt et al. [103], based on dislocation motion in planes which do not intersect Mackay clusters along their equator, yield much smaller theoretical activation volumes, which do not fit anymore the experimental ones. The existence of localized obstacles as well as their nature (pseudo-Mackay or Bergmann clusters intersected off their equator, incomplete clusters, etc.) can be justified on the basis of the atomistic simulations of Trebin and coworkers. In a first set of simulations, in a two-dimensional binary-model quasicrystal, Mikulla et al. [135] showed that dislocations move in the soft glide planes located between the rows of complete and symmetrical clusters (which are supposed to be the strongest obstacles). Under such conditions, the motion of dislocations is discontinuous and controlled by the breaking of incomplete but still “highly coordinated” clusters (Fig. 54). When transposed to the real structure, these results indicate that the obstacles controlling the motion are not the pseudo-Mackay along their equator, but more likely incomplete clusters of the same kind, located in the soft glide planes. Further simulations in a 3D model yielded more complex dislocation kinetics controlled by a mixture of Peierls forces and local pinning (Schaaf et al. [137]). Because of the discrepancies mentioned above, this model is no longer used in its original form. New formulations based on cutting of cluster groups are described in the next section. 6.1.3. Cutting of cluster groups Some disadvantages of the cluster model are removed if interpenetrating clusters are considered as extended obstacles being crossed collectively (Messerschmidt et al. [103]). The
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Fig. 54. Dislocation gliding between cluster rows (i.e. in a “soft plane”), and arrested at a “highly coordinated” cluster (in black). Simulation in a 2-dimensional binary-model quasicrystal by Mikulla et al. [135].
Fig. 55. Peierls mechanism at the cluster scale (large h), as opposed to Peierls mechanism over an inter-atomic distance (small h).
motion of dislocations can then be described by the Labush–Schwarz theory of solution hardening in crystals. This can account for activation volumes 10 times larger than the individual cluster size, and activation energies 2.5 times larger than that estimated for the crossing of individual clusters. This model is supported by the simulations of Schaaf et al. [136], already discussed in Section 6.1.1. It however does not account for the straight aspect of mobile dislocations. One way to reconcile collective cutting with the straight aspect of dislocations is to consider a Peierls mechanism at the cluster scale, where Peierls valleys lie between cluster rows. Under such conditions, the formation of a kink-pair with a critical size involves the cutting of several clusters [113,134,138] (Fig. 55).
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Fig. 56. Climb motion by nucleation and propagation of jog-pairs. (a) X L, (b) X L, and (c) X L.
6.1.4. Dislocation climb Although dislocation climb was considered to occur at high-temperature through a recovery mechanism by Messerschmidt et al. [103], it was not assumed to control directly plastic deformation until the recent TEM observations described in Sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. Climb at high stress is more complex than in the high temperature-low stress range usually considered in crystals, and described by Nabarro [78]. It obeys the same equations as glide in semiconductors, controlled by a Peierls–Nabarro friction force. It has been derived by Hirth and Lothe [139], and developed in the case of climb by Caillard and Martin [140]. The mean-free-path of jogs is Ujp (σ ) (15) , 2kT where Ujp is the energy of a jog-pair of critical width, and a is the inter-atomic distance. When X is larger than the length of the climbing dislocation, L, the dislocation velocity is Usd + Ujp (σ ) σ ∗ v = νD L (16) exp − (length-dependent regime). kT kT When X is smaller than the dislocation length, the velocity becomes Usd + 12 Ujp (σ ) σ ∗ v = νD a (17) exp − (jog-collision regime), kT kT where is the atomic volume, νD is the Debye frequency and Usd is the self-diffusion energy. Moving dislocations are straight and parallel to dense atomic rows in the first case, eq. (16), and curved in the second one, eq. (17) (Fig. 56). These equations have been proposed to account for the dislocation motion in quasicrystals by Mompiou and Caillard [10,141] and Takeuchi [130]. Since in situ experiments at X = a exp
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740 ◦ C showed that, although being straight, dislocations move at a velocity independent of their length, this motion is expected to take place in the jog-collision regime, but close to the transition to the length-dependent one (X L). When the temperature decreases, and since the apparent activation energy Usd + 12 Ujp (σ ) must vary more or less proportionally to temperature, in order to keep a constant dislocation velocity (proportionality coefficient ck), the term Ujp (σ ) = ckT − Usd must decrease, and so must the mean-free-path of jogs, X (eq. (15)). This can account for the more curly dislocation shapes observed after low-temperature deformation. The stress-dependence of the climb velocity is σ ∗ ∂Ujp (σ ∗ ) ∂ ln v = 1 + . ∂ ln σ ∗ kT ∂σ ∗ According to Caillard and Martin [140] it can be expressed as 0 1 σ ∗ h 3/2 m=1+ √ , 4 2π μ b m=
where h is the height of jogs. This height is usually one inter-atomic distance in crystals. It may however be larger, equal to the distance between Peierls valleys, in more complex materials like quasicrystals. For instance, h ≈ 3b, namely with h of the order of the cluster size, is sufficient to account for m as high as 10 at low temperature and high stress. Self diffusion is probably mediated by Al vacancies. Several exchanges of Al atoms with Al vacancies lead to a local increase of Pd and Mn concentration, which enhances the further exchange of a Pd or a Mn atom with another Al vacancy. The effective diffusion coefficient should be the weighted average of the diffusion coefficients of the constitutive elements. Since Pd and Mn diffuse much more slowly than Al, the effective enthalpy of diffusion should be close to those of Pd and Mn, namely of the order of 163 kJ/mol (Galler and Mehrer [142]). This value is difficult to compare with experimental ones which are very scattered. Kabutoya et al. [105] claim that their measurements are the most reliable ones because they verify H /kT ≈ 16–35. They yield H ≈ 153–163 kJ/mol, in agreement with the above prediction. Values decreasing from 350 to 150 kJ/mol at increasing stress have been measured by Messerschmidt et al. [113].
6.2. The phason stress σ ph As shown in Section 5.2, all dislocations trail a stacking fault, called a phason wall, which recovers more and more rapidly at increasing temperature. They are accordingly subjected to a phason stress σph = γph /b// , at least at low temperature, where γph is the phason wall energy per unit area. γph increases with increasing b⊥ = B − b// . It is often assumed to be of the order of the free surface energy, which is usually taken between 17 and 25 mJ/m2 (Takeuchi [129], Messerschmidt et al. [103]), although the latter may be much higher, of the order of 600 mJ/m2 (Dubois et al. [143]). γph is actually very high, at least in glide, according to the simulations of Schaaf et al. [136]. Assuming that large deformation stresses at low temperature are essentially due to the back stress of phason walls, Takeuchi [129]
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Fig. 57. Comparison between the topological defects introduced by glide (top, from Mikulla et al. [144]) and climb (bottom), in a Penrose tiling. Glide generates zones that cannot be retiled whereas climb just needs annihilation or duplication of worms.
also considers that γph must be very large, of the order of 1 J/m2 . Note that the latter interpretation implies that the strong flow-stress decrease at increasing temperature is due a rapid transition towards the motion of perfect dislocations. The phason-wall energy measured by Mompiou et al. [29] is surprisingly much smaller than those proposed above, namely of the order of 24 mJ/m2 (Section The corresponding back stress is as low as σph ≈ 30 MPa, i.e. completely negligible at low temperature. Under such conditions, and contrary to Takeuchi’s hypothesis, high deformation stresses at low temperatures cannot result from the dragging of phason walls. The origin of experimental values of γph which are much smaller than expected may lie in the fundamental difference between glide and climb. In other words, γph does not depend on b⊥ only, but also on additional geometrical parameters. Fig. 57 shows that the shear of a 2D tiling along a horizontal direction creates a heavily distorted zone which cannot be retiled with available tiles, whereas a displacement perpendicular to the same direction (corresponding to the removal of a complete corrugated row, or worm), which results from a dislocation climb motion, is more perfectly sealed. The demonstration that the only dislocation motion that keeps the internal tiling coherent, namely with no empty space or overlap in the trace of motion, is obtained for pure edge dislocations moving in a pure climb fashion, has been made by Gratias et al. [14]. At high temperature, imperfect dislocations trail a rapidly vanishing phason wall, of length l = vt, where v is the dislocation velocity, and t is life-time of the phason wall before retiling. A dislocation may be considered to move in the perfect state if l < 1 nm. At T 800 ◦ C, this occurs for ε˙ 5×10−5 s−1 , according to Feuerbacher and Caillard [126]. As a result, all dislocation movements at temperatures lower than 800 ◦ C are subjected to the back phason stress σph . Even at higher temperatures, however, the relaxation time of the phason wall may be much longer than the inverse of the attempt frequency of any thermally activated event: as a result the phason back stress may be present at any temperature. 6.3. The chemical stress σ ch (case of climb only) In compression, dislocations with the highest Schmid factor for climb (namely those with a Burgers vector parallel to the compression axis, climbing in the plane perpendicular to
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the compression axis) absorb vacancies originally present at the equilibrium concentration c0 . The lack of vacancies rapidly slows down the climb velocity, which is equivalent c to a back stress σch = kT ln c0 , where c is the new average vacancy concentration (c < c0 ) (Mompiou et al. [29,141]). In a pure climb mechanism, the decrease of the vacancy concentration is equal to the plastic strain, c0 − c = ε [141]. This results in very high work, namely 140 GPa hardening, which, after a Taylor expansion of σch , amounts to θ = ckT 0 at 1000 K, and 400 GPa at 800 K. The deformation stress increases until the chemical stress is sufficient to activate a second system of climbing dislocations, not activated by the mechanical stress, which feeds the first one with vacancies. A dynamic equilibrium is reached when ρ1 v1 = ρ2 v2 , i.e. when the rate of vacancies absorbed by the first system is equal to the rate of vacancies emitted by the second one. Assuming that ρ1 ≈ ρ2 , we find that v1 (σ − σch ) = v2 (σch ), whence σ − σch = σch and σch = σ/2 [141]. In the general case, σ − σch and σch are the stresses required to move dislocations of systems 1 and 2, respectively, across short-range and long-range obstacles. This can be expressed as σ − σch = σch = σ ∗ + σph + σi , where σ ∗ is the “effective” climb stress. This yields the surprising result σ = 2(σ ∗ +σph +σi ), which means that the effective stress σ ∗ , the phason back stress, σph , and the internal stress, σi , are involved twice in the total flow stress. The existence of chemical stresses is supported by the observation of dislocations with Burgers vectors perpendicular to the compression axis, by Mompiou et al. [29] and Messerschmidt et al. [138]. The high work-hardening rate at yield, and the ratio of 2 between the elastic limit σ ∗ + σph , and the flow stress close to the upper yield point 2(σ ∗ + σph ), have been measured by Ledig et al. [108].
6.4. The internal stress σ i As in crystals, an internal stress appears progressively and amounts to a substantial fraction of the total stress after a few percents of plastic deformation. The work-hardening coefficient deduced from this internal stress is much smaller than that observed before the upper yield point, and discussed in Section 6.3. Kabutoya et al. [105] estimated σi + σph from the limit stress in relaxation tests (note that this limit stress may alternatively be 2(σi + σph ) according to Section 6.3). They obtained values ranging between 150 MPa, at 650 ◦ C, and 40 MPa, at 770 ◦ C. They are of the order of σUYS /5, and σmin /2, where σmin is the minimum deformation stress at large deformations (ε > 10%). These values are however deduced from activation volumes measured at different strains, namely after different amounts of softening. The internal stress may also recover during long relaxation tests: for instance, Schall et al. [64] showed that the dislocation density decreases by 30% in 10 min at 730 ◦ C. Kabutoya et al. [105] considered that σph > σi : as a result, the decrease of σph + σi with increasing temperature should be essentially due to the retiling of phason walls. This hypothesis is however not supported by recent measurements reported in Section 6.2. The internal stress has also been deduced from the total dislocation density ρ, using the √ Taylor law σi = αμb ρ, where α is of the order of 0.5. After the yield point, Ledig et al. [108] obtained upper values of σi (with α = 1), ranging between 250 MPa at 600 ◦ C and 80 MPa at 820 ◦ C. These values are consistent with those of Kabutoya et al. [105], provided σph is of the order of a few tens of MPa, and provided α is taken equal to 0.5 instead of 1.
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Reasonable values are accordingly σi = 50–120 MPa at 600–650 ◦ C, and 15–40 MPa at 770–820 ◦ C, the lowest ones corresponding to the largest amounts of deformation, i.e. to the most important softening. The internal stress results from a dynamic equilibrium between dislocation multiplication (by glide or climb) and annihilation (essentially by climb). Several attempts at estimating steady-state values of σi are included in the simulations described later (Section 7). Such a result has been explicitly included in the temperature variation of the steady-state deformation stress by Messerschmidt et al. [113]. The corresponding steady-state apparent activation energy is 2Gm − Gsd , where Gm is the activation energy of dislocation motion (obstacle-controlled glide) and Gsd is the self diffusion activation energy. Note however that this activation energy is different from that deduced from transient tests, where σi is assumed to be constant.
6.5. Friction stress and localization The stress component σph , corresponding to phason wall creation during dislocation climb, plays the role of a friction stress opposing the dislocation motion. A similar situation occurs for glide, where the defects left in the wake of the dislocation are more severe than for climb. However, the quasicrystalline order being not periodic, the initial long-range order can never be restored by further dislocation sweeping, and can only converge towards full disorder in a thin deformation band. This means that the opposing friction stress is progressively deformation reduced, which is the principle of strain softening or strain localization (see Mikulla et al. [144,149] for simulations on quasiperiodic tilings). The consequences of such instability on the stress–strain curves or the creep curves were first studied by Guyot and Canova [147]. They are described in Section 7.
6.6. Conclusions If the first models were exclusively based on dislocation motion by glide, the most recent ones all incorporate at least some amount of climb. Messerschmidt proposed a model where dislocations move by glide, controlled by collective by-passing of cluster groups, and where recovery is controlled by climb (Messerschmidt et al. [113]). The same authors acknowledge in a more recent paper (Messerschmidt and Bartsch [134]) that dislocations ln ε˙ move essentially by climb. However, since experimental values of n = ln σ are much larger than unity, they still consider that the rate-controlling obstacles are cluster groups. This model accounts for correct orders of magnitude of activation volumes, although not for their stress-dependence. Mompiou [141], Mompiou and Caillard [10] and Takeuchi [130] derived a model of pure climb plasticity, inspired from that proposed earlier by Nabarro [78], where dislocation motion obeys the Hirth and Lothe equations described in Section 6.1.4. This model accounts for the steady motion of straight dislocations parallel to dense atomic rows. The chemical force accounts for the high strain-hardening at yield and for the ratio of 2 between the elastic limit and the highest stresses measured at the vicinity of the upper yield-point.
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The model can account for experimental values of stress exponents much higher than unity, and increasing with increasing stress, provided the jog height between adjacent low-energy Peierls valleys is of the order of 1 nm. Note that this corresponds to the idea of a Peierls– Nabarro mechanism at the cluster scale, proposed by Messerschmidt (see Section 6.1.3). There is a general agreement that softening results from a reduction of the friction stress opposed to dislocation motion, because (i) there is a decrease of the dislocation density with increasing strain, which must be compensated by an increasing dislocation velocity at decreasing stress (Schall et al. [64]), and (ii) the decrease of the deformation stress after the upper yield point does not result from a dislocation multiplication mechanism such as in silicon (Texier et al. [81]). This reduction of friction stress is linked to an increasing phason disorder (see Fig. 27, Section 5.2.1), which destroys the cluster structure (Section 6.1.2) and/or facilitates kink/jog-pair nucleation (Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.4).
7. Plasticity modeling To model the macroscopic deformation curves, stress–strain at constant strain rate, strain– time at constant stress or stress–time during relaxation, the constitutive equations of the deformation rate have to be established. The constitutive equations express the collective behavior of dislocations in elastic interaction and moving between obstacles. This has been done long ago to model the deformation curves of f.c.c. metals (Kocks [145], Estrin [146]). The extension to quasicrystals of such an “internal variables” approach, was first proposed by Guyot and Canova in [147]. The model is based on the following physical assumptions.
7.1. Single slip behavior Dislocations are assumed to move by glide in planes where they experience a friction stress, and climb is assumed to play only a role in the mutual annealing of dislocations during dynamic recovery. This friction stress, due to breaking the quasiperiodic atomic order in the slip plane, is assumed to weaken continuously with strain (see Section 6.5). Physically this takes account of several numerical simulations on quasiperiodic tilings [144,148,149], where the nucleation and propagation of fresh dislocations are shown to be promoted by the glide of previous ones. In other terms the quasiperiodic order is reduced by the dislocation glide and the resulting friction stress as well. The assumption that the friction stress decrement is proportional to its current value leads to an exponential decay of the friction stress with plastic shear strain, described by the following expression: γ . τˆf = τf0 − τf 1 − exp − (20) γ0 This strain-softening is opposite to the usual work-strain hardening which has no reason to disappear in a quasicrystal. Work-hardening results from long-range elastic interactions between dislocations belonging to other slip planes and the formation of dislocation junctions. In both cases they contribute to an internal back stress: √ τˆd = αμb ρ, (21)
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where ρ is the average dislocation density. ρ varies with strain and is influenced simultaneously by two concurrent effects: (1) an increase due to the immobilization of mobile dislocations in the forest, and (2) a decrease of these stored dislocations by mutual annihilation (dynamic recovery by cross-slip or climb to which can be added a term of static recovery). The variation of ρ is then given by the differential equation: ∂ρ √ k1 ρ − k2 ρ, ∂γ
where k1 = 1/b// and k2 are storage and dynamic recovery constants, respectively. Strainsoftening and strain-hardening, eqs (20)–(22), have then to be introduced in a micromechanical constitutive law. Such a law can be the Orowan equation, or, as proposed in [147] a power law of Kocks-type n τ γ˙ = , (23) γ˙0 τˆ γ˙0 is a material parameter proportional to the density of mobile dislocations. It is thermally activated, and considered here in a first approximation as a constant. Such a stressdependent law has been verified to hold at high temperature for single quasicrystal Al-MnPd with n ≈ 5. The threshold shear stress τˆ is an internal stress opposing the dislocation motion. Therefore, it includes the two previous strain-hardening and work-hardening contributions: τˆ = τˆd + τˆf .
The combination of eqs (20) to (24) describes the plastic behavior of the single quasicrystals in a single slip behavior. Some examples are now given: (a) Stress–strain curves at constant strain rate The stress–strain curve is obtained by integration at constant strain rate of the strainhardening rate: 1/n dτ dτˆf γ˙ dτˆd dρ (25) = + . dγ γ˙0 dρ dγ dγ From eqs (20) to (22) the integration of (25) leads to γ γ τ = τs0 + τdi − τs exp − + τf0 − τf 1 − exp − , γtr γ0 1/n γ˙ , τs0 = τˆs0 γ˙0 1/n γ˙ . τf0 = τˆf0 γ˙0
The first two terms of eq. (26) are the Palm–Voce law for the strain-hardening with a dislocation forest process. The last two terms represent the friction stress softening. Plotting τ versus γ and γ˙ leads to a “plasticity” surface F (τ, γ , γ˙ ) = 0, as shown in Fig. 58. At constant strain rate the stress–strain curve display a yield point, followed by a stress softening.
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Fig. 58. “Plasticity” surface showing the variations of the flow stress versus shear strain and strain rate. The modeling has been made at a constant strain rate of 9 × 10−4 s−1 with the following parameters: γ0 = 0.04, τf0 = 344 MPa, τf0 = 350 MPa.
It results from the counterbalance of the work-hardening rate by strain-softening. Beyond the yield point, when work-hardening saturates, strain-softening prevails. The increase of strain rate increases the yield point magnitude. (b) Creep The section of the plasticity surface at constant stress gives the creep curves γ˙ versus γ , or, after time integration, γ versus t. Some creep curves are shown in Fig. 59 for various stress levels. As expected from the stress–strain curves at constant strain rate, the creep curve shows three stages: first a decelerated flow, corresponding to the work-hardening stage, followed by a brief stationary stage, corresponding to the top of the yield point at constant strain rate, and finally by an accelerated regime corresponding to the stress softening at large strain. (c) Structural relaxation In eq. (20), the friction stress decrease is due to the mechanical destruction of the icosahedral order by the moving dislocations, and depends only on the shear strain. However this order, and therefore the friction stress also, can be restored by atomic diffusion (see for instance Section 3.3). This is likely to happen since this plastic regime occurs above 0.8 Tm . This structural relaxation leading to reordering, has been first considered by Feuerbacher et al. [106,150,151], and formulated in terms of an order parameter λ, the increase of order
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Fig. 59. Calculated creep curves for various stress levels.
with time being taken proportional to the shear-destroyed order. The replacement of the order parameter by the friction stress leads here, at constant strain rate, to the following strain evolution of the friction stress: τˆf0 − τˆf τˆf dτˆf , =− + dγ γ0 γ˙ t0
where t0 is a characteristic time of the reordering process. After integration, eq. (26) is replaced, when τf = τf0 , by: γ τ = τs0 + τdi − τs exp − γtr γ γ0 1 1 + τf0 1 − (28) exp − 1+ + . γ0 γ˙ t0 1 + γ˙ γt0 1 + γ˙ γt0 0
The relaxation time t0 is related to an effective diffusion coefficient D by a relation t0 = X 2 /D, where X is a characteristic length necessary to restore the icosahedral order. For a phason diffusion constant, determined by diffuse scattering of the phason modes in i-Al-Pd-Mn (de Boissieu et al. [152]), D ≈ 2.2 × 10−18 m2 s−1 at 650 ◦ C. If the Mn diffusion controls the relaxation, D ≈ 10−14 m2 s−1 (Bluher et al. [153]). The relaxation √ √ characteristic length varies then between X(m) = 1.5 × 10−9 t0 and X(m) = 10−7 t0 . Several examples of stress–strain curves with relaxation are shown in Fig. 60, for t0 = 10, 100 and 10000 s. As expected, the shorter the relaxation time, the faster the reconstruction of the icosahedral order and the smaller the yield-point amplitude. For t = 10 s, the yield-point has disappeared. It is also possible to introduce in eq. (22), describing the strain or time evolution of the dislocation density, a static recovery time-dependent term.
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Fig. 60. Stress–strain curves for a strain rate of 9 × 10−4 s−1 and three relaxation times (see text).
7.2. Multiple slip behavior The role of the high icosahedral symmetry on the multi-slip mechanical behavior has been theoretically examined in [147]. Starting from the above single-slip plasticity law, the various slip system activity and the quasilattice rotations have been calculated. Uniaxial deformation curves were calculated on the basis of all the experimentally observed systems. The mechanical response of the model is strongly isotropic, as expected from the high symmetry of the icosahedral phase. 7.3. Conclusion The above model, based on dislocation glide, predicts fairly well the essential features of the deformation curves at high temperature of i-Al-Pd-Mn and i-Al-Cu-Fe, as described in Section 5 (see also [80,147]): yield-points, strain-softening at constant strain rate, transient and accelerated regimes in creep, composite tests [80]. These features result from the competition between elastic hardening and friction stress–strain reduction, whatever the details of the dislocation motion, either glide or climb. In this context, rapid dislocation climb, in planes of low friction stress, may also appear as a plausible dislocation microscopic mechanism to promote the plastic deformation at high stress (see Sections 6.1.4 and 6.6 and Refs [130,141]). In principle, there is no basic difficulty to adapt the model to dislocation climb. Introducing for instance in the basic Orowan law, or in eq. (23), the dislocation velocity given by eqs (16) and (17), while keeping the same physical ingredients, i.e. strain reduced friction stress and elastic hardening, should not change drastically the deformation characteristics. But this remains to be done.
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Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals V.I. ALSHITS, E.V. DARINSKAYA, M.V. KOLDAEVA, E.A. PETRZHIK Institute of Crystallography RAS, Leninskii prospect 59, 119333 Moscow, Russia e-mail:
[email protected]
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 1572-4859, DOI: 10.1016/S1572-4859(07)00006-X
Dislocations in Solids Edited by J. P. Hirth
Contents 1. Introduction 335 2. Early work 339 3. Some basic dependencies of the magnetoplastic effect on physical parameters 341 3.1. The studied crystals and some methodical details 342 3.2. Dislocation mobility under a static magnetic field: the first observations 343 3.3. Influences of the magnetic field orientation and dislocation density, parasite effects 344 3.4. Sensitivity to the magnetic induction, impurity concentration, and temperature 348 3.5. Relay-race character of dislocation motion 352 4. Preliminary kinematic scheme of the magnetoplastic effect 353 4.1. The two mean dislocation speeds and the statement of kinematic problem 353 4.2. Inadequacy of the magnetic memory version (i) 354 4.3. Analysis of kinematic scheme (ii) 355 4.4. Distribution of dislocation segment lengths and unzipping processes 357 5. Magnetoplasticity and mechanical loading 359 5.1. Dislocation motion under a stress pulse loading at B = 0 360 5.2. Combined action of the stress and the magnetic field 365 5.3. Negative magnetoplastic effect in NaCl(Pb) crystals 368 5.4. The first observations of magnetic memory effects in NaCl crystals 368 5.5. Memory effects induced by short pulses of magnetic field 373 6. Magnetoplasticity under simultaneous action of other fields 377 6.1. Magnetoplasticity in alkali halide crystals under additional action of an electric field 377 6.2. The possible role of vortex electric fields accompanied magnetic pulses 381 6.3. The relation between photo-plasticity and magnetoplasticity of alkali halide crystals 384 6.4. Magnetoinduced and thermally activated mobility of dislocations in semiconductors 386 7. Magnetic influence on macroplastic phenomena in nonmagnetic crystals 390 7.1. Active deformation (˙ε = const) of LiF, NaCl and PbS crystals 391 7.2. Active loading (σ˙ = const) of alkali halide crystals 396 7.3. Creep (σ = const) of LiF, NaNO2 , and C60 crystals 399 7.4. Internal friction in alkali halide crystals and nonmagnetic metals 401 8. Experimental evidences confirming a spin origin of the effect 405 8.1. Magnetoplastic effect in alternating magnetic fields 405 8.2. The influence of preliminary X-ray irradiation of the samples 409 8.3. Magnetoplastic effect and spin–lattice relaxation 411 8.4. ESR-type resonance of micro- and macroplasticity in crossed magnetic fields 415 9. Some estimations and theoretical considerations 420 9.1. Experimental requirements to a physical model of the elementary mechanism 420 9.2. The Brocklehurst mechanisms of spin relaxation in the magnetic field 422 9.3. Some new estimations and interpretations 424 9.4. On the configurations of impurity centers in a dislocation core 426 10. Conclusions 428 Acknowledgements 430 References 430
1. Introduction A dislocation, being a linear source of internal stresses and an elementary source of plastic deformation, simultaneously, provides the physical mechanism for elasto–plastic coupling. Plasticity of a body starts when an external force acting on a dislocation becomes sufficient to cause its motion. This force should not necessarily be of purely mechanical origin. It might be related to some other coupling fields in the body. For instance, thermal fields can act on dislocations due to thermoelastic stress, electric fields due to piezoelectric coupling (or directly when dislocations are electrically charged, as in ionic crystals), magnetic fields (in magnetics) due to magneto–elastic interactions, etc. The other type of effects stimulating plasticity is associated with facilitating a dislocation depinning from point defects in crystal lattice, say, by means of thermal activation or due to an electrodiffusion of charged stopors in external electric fields. Elastic and thermal effects in plasticity are widely known and do not need to be referenced here. Electric effects in macro- and microplasticity of dielectrics [1–5], semiconductors [6–10] and metals [11–13] also have been studied in detail. A strong influence of external magnetic field on the plastic properties of magnetic materials is practically important and remains under experimental and theoretical study [14]. However, one would not expect any sensitivity of dislocation mobility to small external magnetic fields in nonmagnetic materials (e.g., alkali halide crystals or semiconductors). This stems from seemingly obvious general considerations. In such materials the magnetic energy per unit cell Um ∼ B 2 a 3 /μ (where a is the lattice parameter and μ is the magnetic permeability) for the field B ∼ 1 T is estimated as only Um ∼ 10−3 eV. And the energy acquired by one paramagnetic center (an impurity defect or an electron localized at a dislocation) in a field B ∼ 1 T is only U ∼ μB B ∼ 10−4 eV, which is two orders of magnitude less than kB T at T = 300 K (here μB and kB are the Bohr magneton and the Boltzmann constant, respectively). Hence, it follows that no effect of the magnetic field on the physical (especially, mechanical) properties of nonmagnetic crystals should occur. Nevertheless, since at least 1960 one can find indications in the scientific literature on modifications of lattice defect properties in nonmagnetic crystals under the action of an external magnetic field. In particular, Zagoruiko [15] studied the influence of external electric fields on the mobility of charged dislocations in NaCl crystals and incidentally revealed dislocation motion in pulsed magnetic fields. Taking into account that the majority of dislocations reversed their direction of motion with a change in the pulse polarity, this author made the assumption that the driving force for the observed motion is the electrostatic effect of vortex electric fields on charged dislocations. Later, Sharp and Avery [16] argued that the treatment of NaCl and KCl crystals in external magnetic fields in their experiments led to weak, but measurable, magnetization of the samples. This was explained by the magnetic ordering of spins in dislocation cores. That work had attracted the particular interest of specialists, because the case in point was
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an observation of theoretically forbidden one-dimensional ferromagnetism. However, the justification of the interpretation proposed in [16] for the observations is open to question. In actual fact, the dislocation density was neither varied nor measured in [16]. Subsequent attempts of other authors to reproduce these data failed. Distler et al. [17] found that the decoration pattern of the surface of NaCl crystals (containing CdCl2 and PbCl2 impurities) sharply changed within some time (from 10 to 25 days) after samples were treated in an ac magnetic field. The authors attributed this effect to magnetically stimulated decomposition of point defect complexes. These data raised lively debates among researchers, which, unfortunately, resulted neither in the understanding of the physical nature of the effect nor in the recognition of its existence. The problem was complicated by both the indirect character of the measurements and the analysis of the observed changes on the basis of a qualitative comparison of the decoration patterns. The history of studies of the magnetic field influence on the macroplasticity of a number of nonmagnetic metals appears to be even more dramatic [18–27]. Kravchenko [28] theoretically predicted certain anomalies in the electron dragging of dislocations in metals under magnetic fields, which gave impetus to research in this direction. The relevant magnetic effects in low-temperature plasticity of copper and aluminum crystals were first found by Galligan et al. [18,19]. Their results were subsequently reproduced by Bol’shutkin and Desnenko [24]. Then, the latter authors replaced stainless-steel dies (which were identical to those used in [18,19] and considered nonmagnetic) by textolite dies in a deformationtesting machine. As a result, the deformation kinetics became completely insensitive to the magnetic field. This is quite consistent with the theoretical results obtained by Grishin et al. [29], who showed that the anomalies predicted in [28] should be observed only in the case when the magnetic field direction and dislocation lines are almost strictly parallel to each other. Certainly, this could not be expected for numerous bent dislocations under macroplastic deformation of metals. These findings have compromised not only the data [18,19] but also other investigations in this field. The above history explains why at the moment (1985) of the first observation of the magnetoplastic effect in our group we were not ready to accept the obtained experimental results seriously. This effect manifested itself as a relaxation of the dislocation structure in NaCl crystals exposed to a constant magnetic field in the absence of mechanical loading. We found that freshly introduced dislocations in samples subjected to magnetic treatment at B = 0.2–0.5 T for several minutes moved over distances of tens and hundreds micrometers and stopped after the magnetic field was switched off. The first response of the authors to this observation was quite natural: “it is impossible.” However, all attempts to “disprove” ourselves, to find a methodical error, and to elucidate the origin of the “artefact” led only to the accumulation of new well-reproducible regularities. As a result, within more than a year after the first observation, we prepared our first paper on this effect [30]. Soon we found the analogous dislocation response on external magnetic field in single crystals Zn [31]. At that time we did not have a clear idea of the physical mechanism of the phenomenon but were already strongly convinced that this was not an artefact. Within a few years, we were led to an inference regarding the specific nature of the magnetoplastic effect [32,33]. In this phenomenon, the role played by the magnetic field is reduced not to an additional force action on dislocations that promotes their thermally activated depinning from local obstacles but to the breaking of local barriers due to specific
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
spin processes in a dislocation–point defect system. In a large number of papers [31–59] published after our first article [30], we investigated different manifestations of magnetically stimulated mobility of individual dislocations in alkali halide crystals, nonmagnetic metals and semiconductors. All the obtained data favor the initial hypothesis [33], according to which, in the magnetic field, the spin exclusion of a particular electronic transition in the dislocation–impurity system is removed after some time interval. This transition in turn leads to a considerable decrease in the energy of the dislocation–impurity interaction and to the depinning of the dislocation from the point defect. A further motion of the dislocation to the next pinning center proceeds in the field of long-range elastic stresses generated by other dislocations. Then, the process occurs over and over until the magnetic field is switched off or the dislocation enters a region with low stresses. Therefore, the dislocation motion is associated with the self-organization of dislocations and results in a more nearly equilibrium distribution. In fact, the transformation of local potential barriers in a magnetic field is a well-known phenomenon in chemical physics [60–64]. The case in point is the spin evolution of radical pairs in a system of interacting chemical reagents in the magnetic field to the state where the spin exclusion of a reaction is removed. Moreover, the spin-dependent electronic transitions in magnetic fields (B = 0.02–2 T), similar to those used in our experiments, substantially affect not only the rate of chemical reactions [60–64], but also the photo-current in semiconductors [65–72], the viscosity of amorphous alloys [73,74], etc. The fact that the change in electronic states of pinning centers can strongly affect the interaction energy of centers with dislocations is well known and clearly manifests itself in the photo-plastic effect in semiconductors and alkali halide crystals [75–77]. The difference between the effects is that electron transitions are caused by the photon capture in one case and by the removal of the quantum exclusion due to the spin evolution in the magnetic field in another case. The spin origin of the magnetoplasticity was obliquely proved in our experimental studies [33,35,38,40,42,43,45,48,51,56] where quite a series of consequences of the spin hypothesis were found in specific features of the phenomenon. But a decisive experimental argument for a validity of the spin hypothesis was presented by Golovin et al. [78–81] who observed an ESR-type resonance behavior of the dislocation mobility under crossed microwave and static magnetic fields in the classical ESR scheme. This was a direct experimental proof of the spin nature of magnetoplasticity. Here we are meeting a nontrivial dialectics in the history of our studies. Actually, the first incidental observation of a magnetic influence on dislocation mobility in 1985–1986, which initiated the all subsequent activity in this field, was just of this resonance origin. In our case the resonance was provided by the static magnetic field of the Earth (BE ≈ 5 × 10−5 T) crossed with the alternating magnetic pulse of the comparable amplitude and the characteristic frequency ν ∼ 1 MHz (see Section 2). These results were not published till 1999 [53] when the paper [78] led us to understand their probable physical sense. Independent studies performed in many other research groups revealed that the magnetoplastic effect can also manifest itself in macroplastic properties of crystals. In particular, according to [82–86], the active deformation of NaCl, LiF and PbS crystals in a magnetic field at a constant strain rate (˙ε = const) leads to a substantial (several-fold) decrease in the yield stress. It was also shown [87] that in this regime (˙ε = const) the observed instabilities
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of deformation (the Portevin–Le Chatelier effect) of NaCl:Eu crystals disappear when the magnetic field is switched on and reappear when it is switched off. In [88,89] (see also the review papers [90,91]), the influence of the magnetic field on the macroplasticity of NaCl crystals was studied in the regime of active loading, where deformation was performed at a constant rate of an increase in the stress (σ˙ = const). In this case, the application of the magnetic field in the course of deformation leads to an increase in the slope of the curve ε(σ ), i.e., in the softening coefficient dε/dσ (reciprocal to the hardening coefficient). As follows from the data obtained in [92,93], the creep of crystals NaNO2 , LiF and C60 , i.e., the time dependence of the strain rate ε˙ (t) at a constant load (σ = const), is also sensitive to the magnetic field. In addition, it was found that the magnetic field appreciably affects the kinetics of internal friction in alkali halide crystals [94–97] and nonmagnetic metals [98–102]. There are also experimental evidences that the magnetic field influences not only dislocation mobility, but twinning processes [103–105] and crack propagation [106–108], as well. The aforementioned macroplastic effects are observed in an external magnetic field and, as a rule, disappear after the field is switched off. In most cases they appear to be macroscopic manifestations of the magnetoplastic effect (or its close analogue), which was studied in our works [30–59] on individual dislocations. However, Golovin and Morgunov [109,110] (see also [111,112]) showed that in plasticity there exists an effect of another type when the preliminary magnetic treatment transforms the state of impurity complexes not in the course of their interaction with dislocations but prior to the introduction of fresh dislocations into a crystal; as a result, dislocations move more freely through the crystals when these complexes are already transformed after the field is removed. This effect, first found in quenched alkali halide crystals [109–112], is also characterized by micro- and macroplastic manifestations. Among these are an increase in the mobility of individual dislocations in NaCl [109–112] and Si [113–119] crystals, and a decrease or an increase in the microhardness of alkali halide [120–123], ferroelectric [124], and molecular [93, 125–127] crystals and even polymers [128–131] subjected to magnetic treatment. Typically, after some time the sample “forgets” about its “magnetization” and returns into the initial state – that is why the discussed phenomenon is usually called the magnetic memory effect. Very probably, the aforementioned observations of Distler et al. [17] are also associated with this particular memory effect, especially in view of a large series of later studies of magnetic influences on real structure of crystals and their various physical properties [132–146]. In the present work, we emphasize the detailed analysis of the magnetic phenomena in plasticity of the in situ type, i.e. the magnetoplastic effect discovered in our group, not only because of our personal interests. This effect is more widely studied in many independent groups and is much better suited for physical interpretations. We do not dwell on methodical details and experimental techniques, which can be found in the original papers. We also do not seek to describe in detail all the available experimental data. The emphasis will be given to the logic of the research. Analysis of the experimental results, consideration of different hypotheses, and their experimental verification successively lead us to the understanding of the physical nature of the observed effect.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
2. Early work In the early 1980s the first two authors of this paper were collaborating in experimental investigation of the phonon dragging of fast dislocations in alkali halide crystals. We measured displacements l of freshly introduced dislocations moved by a mechanical pulse created by an impact of a sample on a heavy anvil. In our experiments the mean dislocation path was of order of 100 µm and the pulse duration was ∼10−6 s, so that the average dislocation speed was ∼102 m/s. Such a velocity level was sufficient for a study of the viscous drag of dislocations, but not enough for extracting the “relativistic” phonon effects which were expected at dislocation velocities close to the sound speed cs ∼ 103 m/s. Bearing in mind those effects we established contact with the group of Prof. V.A. Morozov at the Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) State University where there were available experimental facilities for producing shorter mechanical pulses of high amplitudes by means of electron or laser beams. The joint experiments in this lab have brought us to a paradoxical result [147]: instead of the expected increase of dislocation drag due to switching on some additional channels of dissipation, at higher dislocation speeds the coefficient of the dynamic drag of dislocations in NaCl crystals became 4.5 times less than in the experiments [148] performed under the usual mechanical impact loading. In 1985, together with Morozov we made an attempt to find out the reasons for the above strange discrepancy using the laser based equipment at the same lab. The new series of experiments showed that a decrease of the amplitude of the mechanical stress pulse produced by a laser beam was not accompanied by an adequate lowering of dislocation displacements. Moreover, it turned out that dislocation motion continued for large distances even when the laser beam was cut off by some additional screen so that it did not produce any mechanical load on the sample. Placing the sample into a metallic box (sort of a Faraday cage) did not prevent dislocation motion in the nonloaded samples. The motion stopped only when the sample was put on a ferromagnetic plate. That was the first indication of a possible connection between the magnetic field and dislocation mobility. This assumption was experimentally checked in our lab in the same year. We put a NaCl crystal containing fresh dislocations into a static magnetic field B ∼ 1 T for a few minutes and found that the dislocations moved for tens and even hundreds of micrometers. This observation represented the discovery of the magnetoplastic effect. The details of this and other first experiments with magnetostatic fields will be presented in the following Section 3. In 1986 our joint experiments with Morozov’s group were proceeding in a more quantitative manner. We had supposed that in our previous experiments dislocations moved not only under the action of mechanical stress caused by the interaction of an electron (or laser) beam with a target contacting with a sample, but also due to some noncontact electromagnetic field of the beam. In our experiments we were able to measure independently the contributions of purely mechanical and purely electromagnetic actions on dislocations, as well as their combined effect, as in [147]. The mechanical pulse was excited by an electron beam in an aluminum plate and was further transmitted to the sample through a thin layer of silicone oil. Eliminating an acoustic contact between the plate and the sample, we created conditions for the study of purely electromagnetic effects. In control experiments, when the sample was additionally put into a ferromagnetic cage, no dislocation motion was
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Fig. 1. Oscillograms of stress (1) and induction (2) pulses produced by the electron beam of the current I = 2.2 kA [53].
observed. The purely mechanical action on the sample was provided when the aluminum target for the beam was replaced by a wall of the ferromagnetic cage that was in an acoustic contact with the sample. The duration of the mechanical pulse in our experiments was almost unchanged ∼10−7 s (the curve 1 in Fig. 1). And the pulse amplitude was regulated within 1.5 times by means of variation of the current I of the electron beam. We experimentally established that the magnetic induction component B of the electromagnetic field was linear in the current I : B = kI , where k = 4.5 × 10−9 and all quantities are expressed in SI units. In our conditions the amplitudes of the magnetic inductions were varied within the limits B = (0.7–1.1) × 10−5 T. The width of the pulse of the magnetic field was completely determined by the duration of the beam current and was τB ∼ 6 × 10−7 s (the curve 2 in Fig. 1), which was larger than the duration of the mechanical pulse. Such a difference in the durations of the pulses 1 and 2 acting for the same exposure was completely determined by the specifics of the mechanism of the mechanical pulse formation [147]. As was established by Morozov in his later paper [149], in these experiments the electromagnetic pulse preceded the mechanical one. To be exact, they acted in the following succession: the electromagnetic pulse – a pause of ∼10−6 s – the mechanical pulse. Fig. 2 displays the three dependences of mean dislocation paths on the mechanical pressure pulse P = σ (t) dt produced by the electron beam and on the current I in this beam. The curves 1, 2 and 3 in Fig. 2 have the following meaning. The first (line 1) is taken from [147] and relates to a combined action of the mechanical and electromagnetic pulses. The experimental line 2 is a result of our additional studies (1986) of dislocation motion under an electron beam pulse in the absence of mechanical loading. The experimental line 3, also obtained in 1986, demonstrates a genuine dependence of the dislocation displacements l on the mechanical loading. It corresponds to measurements where the sample was put in a ferromagnetic cage which excluded the influence of electromagnetic pulse. The sum of contributions 2 and 3 almost exactly provides the linear dependence 1 which is evidence of the additivity of the mechanical and electromagnetic actions. The coefficient of the dynamic drag of dislocations, Bd = b(dP /dl) where b is the length of the Burgers vector and dP /dl is the inverse slope of the line 3 in Fig. 2, is equal to ∼2 × 10−4 Poise, which agrees with independent measurements [148] within experimental accuracy.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 2. Dependencies of the mean dislocation path l in the NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm) crystals on the mechanical pressure pulse P produced by the electron beam and on the current I in this beam: 1 – combined action of mechanical and magnetic pulses; 2 – electromagnetic pulse alone; 3 – mechanical pulse alone [53].
Thus the paradoxical discrepancy between the data in [147] and [148] is eliminated. However, the attendant dislocation motion under the action of electromagnetic pulses is a much more important result. These data, which stimulated our further activity in studies of magnetoplastic effect, were mentioned in the paper [30] of 1987, but were published [53] only in 1999 when due to the paper of Golovin and Morgunov [78] we came to a likely physical explanation (see also Section 8.4) of the discussed observations of 1985–1986. In our conditions the electromagnetic pulse of the duration τB had turned out to be in the ESR resonance with the crossed magnetostatic field of the Earth BE ≈ 5 × 10−5 T: h/τB ≈ gμB BE ,
where h = 6.63 × 10−34 J s is the Planck constant, g = 2 is the Lande factor and μB = 0.93 × 10−23 J/T is the Bohr magneton. Indeed, substituting into (1) one can find that in the exact resonance the duration time is τB ≈ 7×10−7 s, which fits well with the measured width of the magnetic pulse in Fig. 1. Seemingly, this resonance causes the spin transitions in paramagnetic pinning centers which, in turn, provide the reconstruction of those centers to a structure weakly interacting with dislocations. In an additional study [149] Morozov has found that at sufficiently large currents of the electron beam, when the electromagnetic component is “switched on” there is a substantial decrease of the amplitude of the ensuing mechanical pulse. According to [149], this macroscopic phenomenon is a manifestation of a magnetoinduced decrease of the dynamic yield stress of the sample.
3. Some basic dependencies of the magnetoplastic effect on physical parameters This section is based mostly on studies of our group with some important additions obtained by independent researchers. We present the results of the first systematic empirical
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Table 1 Characteristics of the studied alkali halide crystals Crystal
Type and concentration, ppm
NaCl-1 NaCl-2 NaCl-2(Ni)
Ni: 0.06
Ca: 0.5
Ca: 1
(2) CCa (3) CCa (4) CCa (1) CPb (2) CPb
Ca: 10 Ca: 100 NaCl-3(Pb)
Pb: 1 Pb: 10
10 10
500 500
Nikol’sk, Russia/Kyropoulos method LOMO PLC, St. Petersburg, Russia/ Kyropoulos method Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics (RISSPO) HAS Budapest, Hungary/Stockbarger method
200 430 790 Ca: 0.5 <1.2
Yield shear stress σy , kPa
Manufacturer/growth method
Other impurities, ppm
Impurity content Introduced impurity
Mg: 10
90 300
LOMO PLC, St. Petersburg, Russia/Kyropoulos method Institute for Single Crystals NAS, Kharkov, Ukraine
studies of the magnetic influences on dislocation mobility and its dependencies on the various physical parameters, such as the orientation and magnitude of the magnetic field, the time of magnetic treatment of samples, the impurity concentration, the density of dislocations, the temperature, etc.
3.1. The studied crystals and some methodical details In our experiments we studied alkali halide crystals differing by their ionicity and types of cubic lattices (LiF and NaCl with faced-centered lattices and CsI with a simple cubic lattice). We also dealt with metal single crystals, Al (fcc) and Zn (hcp), and with a series of semiconductor crystals InSb of the sphalerite type. In the magnetic properties, NaCl, LiF, CsI, Zn, and InSb crystals are diamagnetic and Al crystals are weakly paramagnetic. The characteristics of the studied alkali halide crystals are listed in Table 1. We stress that the crystals NaCl-2(Ni) differed from the NaCl-2 crystals only by a small addition of Ni impurities, and the concentration of the latter is small as compared with other impurities (presumably Ca). The single crystals Zn (99.979) were grown at the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (Kharkov, Ukraine) and the single crystals Al (spectroscopically pure) were grown at the Institute of Metal Physics RAS (Ekaterinburg, Russia). The semiconduc-
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
tor crystals InSb had different types of conductivity and dopant contents: n-InSb (1 × 1014 and 1 × 1018 cm−3 ) and p-InSb (5 × 1013 , 1.6 × 1014 , 1 × 1017 , and 1 × 1018 cm−3 ). The technique of sample preparation is described in detail in [30–36,50]. The alkali halide crystals were preliminarily annealed, followed by chemical polishing and introduction of dislocations (by a weak shock). The density of introduced fresh dislocations ρf ∼ 104 cm−2 was equal in order of magnitude to the density of initial aged dislocations. The Al crystals were not subjected to annealing. The dislocation density in these crystals was of the order of 104 –105 cm−2 . The annealing of the Zn crystals resulted in an almost two-fold decrease in the dislocation density to (2–3) × 105 cm−2 . Fresh dislocations were not introduced into Al and Zn crystals. Therefore, the relative density of mobile dislocations in metal samples was always considerably lower than that in the alkali halide crystals. After preliminary chemical etching of the surface with the aim of determining the initial positions of dislocations, samples ∼3 × 3 × 8 mm3 in size were exposed to a constant uniform field B = 0.02–2 T produced by an electromagnet for a time t from several seconds to 1 h (test experiments were also performed with a permanent magnet). In these experiments, the crystals were not subjected to mechanical loading or any other external actions in addition to magnetic treatment. After switching off the magnetic field, the samples were etched once again. The etch patterns were examined and photographed with a Neophot-2 microscope. The treatment of crystals for several minutes in a relatively low static magnetic field led to noticeable displacements of dislocations by 10–100 µm. Both edge and screw dislocations participated in the motion. However, sufficient statistics for paths of screw dislocations could be achieved only for the LiF crystals. Therefore, all the data on screw dislocations were obtained for these crystals. In all of the crystals we never observed any dislocation motion after switching off the magnetic field.
3.2. Dislocation mobility under a static magnetic field: the first observations Fig. 3 shows a typical etch pattern for the {100} face of the NaCl-1 crystal [30]. This etch pattern indicates that edge dislocations in the presence of magnetic field move in the {110} easy-slip planes along the 110 directions. Similar etch patterns were observed for all the ¯ direction was investigated in crystals. The basal slip of edge dislocations along the [1120] the Zn crystals [31]. The directional distribution of dislocation motion over the sample as a whole is rather chaotic but is characterized by local correlations. Unlike the pulsed magnetic treatment [15], the change in the polarity of the constant magnetic field is not accompanied by a change in the direction of dislocation motion. However, the effect is definitely sensitive to the magnetic field orientation with respect to dislocations and slip planes. In particular, no motion of rectilinear dislocations parallel to the magnetic field is observed in the alkali halide crystals. The quantitative processing of the experimental data consisted of constructing the histograms of dislocations paths. Then, the mean dislocation path under particular experimental conditions (the magnetic induction B, the time t of magnetic treatment of the sample, the temperature T , the impurity concentration C, the dislocation density ρ, etc.) was determined in a standard way. Typical histograms of dislocation paths in the NaCl crystals
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Fig. 3. Etch patterns illustrating dislocation motion in NaCl-1 crystals in a static magnetic field: (1–9) initial dislocation positions and (1 –9 ) dislocation positions after applying a magnetic field of 0.5 T for 2 min.
and the corresponding mean dislocation paths [38] are depicted in Fig. 4. The experimental data obtained in the magnetic fields produced by the electromagnet and the permanent magnet coincide with each other. Another useful characteristic determined from the experimental data is the density ρm of mobile dislocations or, more precisely, the ratio of ρm to the density ρf of freshly introduced dislocations. The experimental data show that, with an increase in the induction B and the time t of magnetic treatment of the samples, the relative density ρm /ρf of dislocations moving in the magnetic field appreciably increases and can be as high as 80–100% in the alkali halide crystals (see Fig. 5 for the CsI crystals [38,40]). As was noted above, fresh dislocations were not introduced into the metals. In this respect, the dislocation density ρm in these crystals was normalized to the total dislocation density ρ. The ratio ρm /ρ at saturation for the Al crystals was equal to 20%, which is substantial. The dislocation density ρ in the Zn crystal was higher, and, correspondingly, the relative density ρm /ρ was lower. However the absolute densities ρm ∼ 104 cm−2 were high enough for our measurements. The higher the dislocation density ρm , the more representative the histogram and, hence, the smaller the number of samples that must be used in measurements for obtaining one point in the experimental curve.
3.3. Influences of the magnetic field orientation and dislocation density, parasite effects As follows from the experimental data, the mean dislocation path l linearly increases with an increase in the magnetic treatment time t for at least not too long times t and not too large
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 4. Histograms of dislocation paths l in NaCl crystal (at 293 K) for different times t of treatment in a magnetic field of 0.5 T. N is the total number of mobile dislocations.
Fig. 5. Dependences of the relative density ρm /ρf of mobile dislocations in CsI crystals (at 293 K) on (a) the magnetic treatment time t at the different magnetic inductions B (T) and (b) the square of magnetic induction B at the different magnetic treatment times t (min).
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Fig. 6. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l in NaCl-1 (a) and CsI (b) crystals (at 293 K) on the magnetic treatment time t at different mutual orientations L of the dislocation, its Burgers vector b, and the magnetic induction vector B (B = 0.5 T); (a) points (+) and (×) relate to orientations 2 and 3, respectively, with additional switching-off and switching-on of the electromagnet; (b) 2 – the same as for orientation 2 with slow switching-on and switching-off of the electromagnet.
values of the magnetic induction B and the dislocation density ρ. The linear dependences l(t) measured for the NaCl-1 [32] and CsI [36] crystals at different orientations of the magnetic induction B (B = 0.5 T) with respect to the directions of lines L and Burgers vectors b of dislocations are plotted in Fig. 6. A regular increase in the mean dislocation path with an increase in the magnetic treatment time and the sensitivity of this dependence to the field orientation B suggest that the observed dislocation motion in the magnetic field cannot be explained by incidental factors, such as the influence of the etchant, uncontrolled external actions, etc. Still, some additional factors also manifest themselves as two “parasite” effects in the experimental dependences under consideration. The first effect, namely, the occurrence of nonzero background path l(0) even in the absence of the magnetic field [see points 5 and 4 in Figs 6(a) and 6(b), respectively] arises due to chemical etching of crystal surfaces. As was shown by Parijskii et al. [150] (see also [54]), the etching results in the depinning of a number of freshly introduced dislocations from surface obstacles and in a weak related relaxation of the dislocation structure. Fig. 6 shows that the corresponding mean dislocation paths 5 and 4 in the considered crystals are comparable with each other, as well as the dislocation densities in both cases. The other parasite effect manifests itself in additional fast dislocation displacements on several tens of micrometers as a reaction to a quick switching-on of the electromagnet. One can see that for NaCl-1 crystals there is an additional parallel shift of line 2 upward with respect to line 3 [Fig. 6(a)] and in the case of CsI crystals all the curves in Fig. 6(b) at t = 0 are essentially higher than the etching point 4. Slow switching on (and off) the magnet provides a decrease of such displacements in both crystals and can completely eliminate the effect. For the CsI crystals this is demonstrated by line 2 in Fig. 6(b). Also, for the
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
NaCl-1 crystals, upon a sufficiently slow increase in the magnetic field, straight line 2 moves down and for switching times ton , toff > 20 s merges together with dependence 3. At first we related this effect to the influence of vortex electric fields (induced at switchings of the magnet) on charged edge dislocations, which would be similar to the aforementioned Zagoruiko effect [15]. However even the optimistic estimates of those vortex fields in our case gave very low magnitudes. So, we considered surface electro-migration of charge carriers in the vicinity of dislocation etch pit with subsequent transformation of a strong pinning center on the surface to a configuration weakly interacting with the dislocation. As is well known, such migration is much more active than in the bulk of a crystal and seems to be more expected in weak vortex fields. In order to test this idea, we covered part of the surface of the crystal NaCl-3(Ca) by a varnish, blocking electro-migration there. After introducing the fresh dislocations into the sample we several times switched on and off the electromagnet containing our sample. The final etching showed that on the surfaces free of varnish the mean dislocation path substantially (almost three times) exceeded the mean dislocation path on the blocked surfaces where it remained on the ordinary level of the etching effect. On the other hand, the same blocking of surfaces did not influence the normal magnetoplasticity. So, we learned how to suppress the switching effect and now have no doubts that this is indeed a surface effect. However it is not yet clear what happens at the surface. We return to this problem in Section 6.2. Certainly, no switching effects were observed in experiments with the metal crystals, Zn [31] and Al [35]. They were also not found in the LiF and NaCl-2 crystals [36,38]. Among our crystals, apart from CsI, only the NaCl-3(Ca) crystal series was very sensitive to switching of the magnet [32]. As is seen from Fig. 6(a), for the NaCl-1 crystals the switching effect is visible only for geometry 2, while it does not manifest itself for orientations 1 and 3. In the subsequent experiments with all NaCl crystals, we, as a rule, used geometry 1. Returning to Fig. 6(a), we can make the inference that geometry 1, in which the vector B is perpendicular to the dislocation line and makes an angle of 45◦ with the slip plane, is most preferable for producing the magnetoplastic effect in crystals of the NaCl type. As was noted above, the most unfavorable geometry is the parallel alignment of the field B and the dislocation line. In Fig. 6(a), this geometry corresponds to experimental point 4 with the mean dislocation path comparable to the background level 5 associated with the etching. The latter fact is of principal importance: the magnetic field parallel to a dislocation does not cause its motion. The analogous data were also obtained by Golovin et al. (see [151] and Sections 5.4 and 7.2). All dependences in Fig. 6 were measured at the constant dislocation density ρ ∼ 104 cm−2 . The mean dislocation paths in the samples with different dislocation densities differed from one another, all other factors being the same. Special investigations [38] of the NaCl crystals at three dislocation densities ρ ∼ 104 , 105 , and 2 × 105 cm−2 revealed that, at high dislocation densities ρ, the mean dislocation path with an increase in time t reaches a saturation value. In this case, the higher the dislocation density ρ, the smaller the saturation value [Fig. 7(a)]. But, as is seen from the insert in Fig. 7(a), the dimensionless √ ratio of the mean dislocation path to the spacing between dislocations 1/ ρ, i.e. the ratio √ l ρ, insignificantly depends on the dislocation density ρ and reaches a saturation value at the level ∼1 corresponding to paths l of order of the mean spacing between dislocations.
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Fig. 7. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l in (a) NaCl-1 and (b) Zn crystals on the magnetic treatment time t at (a) the different dislocation densities ρ (B = 0.5 T, T = 293 K) and (b) the different magnetic inductions B (T = 293 K). The insert in (a): dependences shown in panel (a) in the normalized coordinates.
A similar situation is characteristic of all the alkali halide and metal crystals (in partic√ ular, see Fig. 7(b) for Zn [31]). In essence, the parameter 1/ ρ determines the scale of measured relaxation paths of dislocations in the one-dimensional potential U (x) formed by parallel dislocations in local crystal regions [54]. Hence, it follows that dislocations move in response to the long-range fields of internal stresses produced by surrounding dislocations and the magnetic field is responsible for the depinning of dislocations from local defects, i.e. the magnetically stimulated relaxation of the dislocation structure occurs in the crystal.
3.4. Sensitivity to the magnetic induction, impurity concentration, and temperature As was noted above, the mean path l and the density ρm of mobile dislocations increase with an increase in the magnetic induction B. The quantitative experimental studies for the NaCl, CsI, LiF, Zn, and Al crystals demonstrated that the dependences l(B) are linear in √ B 2 until the mean path l is noticeably less than the saturation value 1/ ρ [30–36]. This means that, under the given conditions, the mean dislocation path can be written in the form l = l0 + aB 2 ,
where l0 is the background mean path associated with the aforementioned parasite effects. The corresponding dependences for the NaCl-3(Ca), NaCl-3(Pb), NaCl-2, and NaCl-2(Ni) crystals are plotted in Figs 8(a) and 8(b) [32,38]. The experimental study of the temperature dependence of the effect is important for subsequent interpretation of the phenomenon. As can be seen from Fig. 8(a), the mean dislocation path in the NaCl-3(Ca) crystals in the magnetic field does not depend on the temperature in the range 4.2–77 K and increases by only 15–20% with an increase in the
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 8. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l on the square of magnetic induction B for (a) NaCl-3(Ca) crystals with the different impurity concentrations at the different temperatures T and (b) NaCl-2(Ni), NaCl-2 and NaCl-3(Pb) crystals at T = 293 K.
temperature to 293 K. Similar temperature dependences of the mean dislocation path were observed for the Zn [31], Al [34], CsI and LiF [36] crystals. It turned out that the mean dislocations path in the magnetic field is sensitive to the concentration [Fig. 8(a)] and type [Fig. 8(b)] of impurities in the samples. For example, the presence of the Ni magnetically active impurity substantially increases the mean path of dislocations in the NaCl-2(Ni) crystals as compared to that in the NaCl-2 crystals [Fig. 8(b)]. The above crystals were grown in identical conditions apart from a small addition of Ni into the blend for NaCl-2(Ni). Fig. 8(b) also shows that no noticeable magnetoplasticity is observed for the NaCl-3(Pb) crystals (and even no switching effect). As shown below (Section 5.3), these crystals under the magnetic field manifest hardening instead of softening, as revealed in other experiments [49]. A number of the quantitative dependences of lB,C (t) and lt,C (B) were measured for the NaCl-3(Ca) crystals at four different concentrations of Ca impurity [32]. The combined dependences lC (B 2 t) (in the form of a fan of straight lines) are depicted in Fig. 9. The section of these dependences lB,t (C) at fixed B = 0.5 T and t = 5 min (the insert in Fig. 9) is of special interest. According to the data presented in the insert, we have empirically √ l = l − l0 ∝ 1/ C. (3) Instead, the simple dependence (2) of the effect on the magnetic induction remains valid only for fields B being not too small and not too large. As shown in Sections 7.1, 7.4 and 8.3, at small inductions there is a threshold field Bc below which a magnetic influence on macro- and microplasticity is suppressed due to important physical reasons. On the other hand, the complications of eq. (2) at large inductions B will also be very significant for our interpretations of the phenomenon (see Section 9). We noticed the latter complications only in 1999 on LiF crystals [51]. Fig. 10 shows the dependences of the dimensionless mean dislocation path (reckoned from the background path) on the magnetic induction. Starting
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Fig. 9. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l in NaCl-3(Ca) crystals on the product B 2 t at the different impurity concentrations C according to the experimental dependences l(B) (black points related to fixed time t = 5 min) and l(t) (white points, B = 0.5 T) at T = 293 K. The insert: dependence of the mean dislocation path l on the Ca impurity concentration [section of curves l(B 2 t) at B = 0.5 T, t = 5 min].
Fig. 10. Saturation of the normalized mean dislocation path in LiF crystals in high magnetic fields at temperatures T = 293 and 77 K and magnetic treatment times t = 3 and 5 min. The insert: the same dependences √ in straightening coordinates (here the points t/l ρ for 293 K were specified from the slopes of independent experimental linear dependences l(t)).
from the linear dependence in B 2 , the function l(B) soon becomes less sensitive to the induction B and reaches a saturation in sufficiently high fields. A decrease in the treatment time t (from 5 to 3 min) or in the temperature (from 293 to 77 K) leads to a decrease in the
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
√ Fig. 11. Saturation of the normalized mean dislocation “velocities” l ρ/t in high magnetic fields in NaCl(1)
3(Ca) crystals with two different concentrations of Ca: CCa = 0.5 ppm and CCa = 100 ppm. The insert: the same dependences in straightening coordinates; additional (black) points are taken from Fig. 9.
saturation level. Consequently, this level is not at all associated with the geometric limit √ ∼1/ ρ typical for relaxation motions of dislocations (see Fig. 7). One can check that all three curves in Fig. 10 can be approximated by the analytical dependence √ l ρ =
At . 1 + (B0 /B)2
√ This is confirmed by a straightening of the above dependences in the coordinates t/l ρ÷ B −2 (the insert in Fig. 10). The parameters A and B0 are easily determined from the corresponding linear plots. In contrast to the parameter A, the field B0 proves to be independent of the temperature: ALiF (77) ≈ 0.26 min−1 ,
ALiF (293) ≈ 0.23 min−1 ,
B0LiF (77) ≈ B0LiF (293) ≈ 0.8 T.
A similar saturation of the dependence l(B) at large inductions B was later experimentally found [56] also for NaCl-3(Ca) crystals with the two different concentrations of Ca: (1) (4) CCa = 0.5 ppm and CCa = 100 ppm (Fig. 11). In this case, initial experimental curves √ are again transformed into straight lines in the coordinates t/l ρ ÷ B −2 (the insert in Fig. 11), i.e. dependence (4), as before, satisfactorily describes the experimental data. Data obtained in two independent series of experiments [32,56] situate on the same straight lines in the insert. Also, both parameters, A and B0 , established from Fig. 11, prove to be different for the two Ca concentrations: (1) (4) ≈ 0.4 min−1 , ≈ 0.16 min−1 , ANaCl CCa ANaCl CCa (1) (4) B0NaCl CCa ≈ 0.9 T. B0NaCl CCa ≈ 0.5 T, (6)
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Thus, the characteristic field B0 is weakly sensitive to an impurity concentration: the 200 times rise in the concentration CCa results only in less than a twofold increase in the parameter B0 . 3.5. Relay-race character of dislocation motion Fig. 5 shows that, after magnetic field is applied, the density ρm of mobile dislocations in CsI crystals starts from the background level ρ0 , reached almost instantaneously due to the parasite effects. Then with an increase of the magnetic treatment time t or the magnetic induction B the density ρm progressively grows, attaining a saturation value comparable with the density ρf of freshly introduced dislocations. The dependences ρm (B, t) for the other crystals studied exhibit a similar behavior [30,33,34]. Specifically, it was demonstrated in [34] for the Al crystals that the both experimental dependences ρm (t) and ρm (B) are well superposed into the universal dependence in the ρm ÷ B 2 t coordinates. Such a progressive character of dislocation motion would be impossible if all dislocations begin to move simultaneously. This leads us to the inference regarding a relay-race dislocation motion when dislocations initially begin to move in the most stressed crystal region and then their motion facilitates the depinning of neighboring dislocations. The direct experiment on the in situ observation of dislocation motion when the NaCl samples in the etchant were subjected to magnetic treatment [33] showed that dislocations begin to move and stop at different times and the mean time tm of their motion is considerably shorter than the magnetic treatment time t but is proportional to it (at not very large B 2 t). Moreover, as was shown by Golovin et al. [90,152] in similar in situ experiments, one dislocation on its way can stop several times and wait for an increase of internal stresses. The simplified phenomenological theory that made it possible to describe the regular observations was proposed in [33]. In particular, within this theory, the observed dependence ρm (t) [Fig. 5(a)] is described by the formula ρm (t) − ρ0 = (ρm − ρ0 )∞ 1 − exp(−Wst t) , (7) where (ρm − ρ0 )∞ is the maximum value of the difference ρm (t) − ρ0 at t → ∞ in a given crystal and Wst is the probability of beginning the dislocation motion per unit time. In [33, 34,40], it was demonstrated that the processing of the experimental dependences ρm (t) in the − ln[1 − (ρm − ρ0 )/(ρm − ρ0 )∞ ] ÷ t linearizing coordinates actually straighten the dependences ρm (t) for the NaCl-1, NaCl-3(Ca), CsI, and Al crystals. The results of such processing of the experimental data obtained in [33] for the NaCl-3 crystals at four different Ca concentrations are presented in Fig. 12. The slopes of the straight lines determine the fitting parameters Wst for different concentrations CCa . The insert in Fig. 12 reveals that an increase in the Ca concentration from 0.5 to 100 ppm results in √ a decrease of the probability Wst by more than one order of magnitude and that Wst ∝ 1/ C. As follows from the data obtained in [33,34], the probability Wst also depends on the magnetic induction B and the dislocation density ρ in the same way, as the path l, that is,
Wst ≈ γ B 2 ρ/C ∝ l. (8) This fits the theory in [33] where Wst is supposed to be proportional to the effective dislocation speed veff = l/t.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 12. Dependences of the relative density ρm /ρf of mobile dislocations on the magnetic treatment time t in straightening coordinates at B = 0.5 T for NaCl-3(Ca) crystals with different Ca impurity concentrations C. The insert: dependence of the probability Wst of the dislocation motion beginning on the Ca impurity concentration.
The probability Wstop of stopping the dislocation per unit time can be introduced in a similar way. According to [33,34], this probability is characterized by the same dependence on B, ρ, and C with a constant that differs from γ by a multiplier of the order of unity. The phenomenological theory proposed in [33] permits us to derive the useful formula for the mean time tm of dislocation motion, that is, 1 −1 t (Wst−1 + Wstop ), 6 t, tm ≈ (9) −1 −1 −1 Wstop , t (Wst + Wstop ). Thus, in the linear range of the dependence l(t), the mean time tm of dislocation motion should be six times shorter than the magnetic treatment time t. This theoretical result was experimentally corroborated for the NaCl, CsI, LiF, and Al crystals in [33,34,36].
4. Preliminary kinematic scheme of the magnetoplastic effect In this section the empirical dependencies of the effect on physical parameters are related to microscopic characteristics of dislocation motion based on a simplified kinematic scheme of the latter.
4.1. The two mean dislocation speeds and the statement of kinematic problem The linear dependence of the mean dislocation path on the magnetic treatment time l ∝ t (Figs 6 and 7) enables us to interpret the slope of this dependence as an effective mean velocity veff of dislocations. Of course, this speed should be less than the true mean dislocation velocity v because, as we have seen, dislocations move in a relay-race manner.
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Indeed, at any moment only a small part of them are in positions where the level of internal stresses is sufficient for their motion. This is manifested in a gradual rise of the number of mobile dislocations (Fig. 5) and in many short dislocation paths in histograms (Fig. 4). In accordance with our simplified theory, eq. (9), the velocities veff and v are related through the simple expression v ≈ 6veff . However, the inhomogeneity in internal stresses is not the only physical factor providing a relay-race dislocation motion. For instance, the important reason for a decrease of veff may be the presence of magneto-insensitive point defects on the surface of the crystal. In our experiments with a continuous etching of sample surfaces [33], when the above factor was excluded, the probability Wst of a dislocation start increased approximately by an order of magnitude. All possible factors do not cancel the linearity of the dependence l(t) [at least for small l] but just decrease its slope. Anyway, in direct experiments, the maximum dislocation path lm on a histogram could exceed the average path l to a greater extent than in our simplified theory, e.g., in Fig. 4(a): lm ≈ 9.4l. This means that in this experiment the true dislocation velocity v exceeds veff about 10 times or more because the real time of dislocation motion may be less than t. Thus, we suppose that v is linear in veff v ≈ κveff ,
estimating the factor in (10), as κ ∼ 10–20. Of course, the kinetics of elementary processes of magnetoplasticity are more directly characterized by a true mean speed v. On the other hand, as follows from (10) and empirical equations (3) and (4), the latter velocity should obey the following relationship: √ v −1 ∝ C 1 + (B0 /B)2 . (11) Thus, we see our problem in a choice of such a type of dislocation behavior under the magnetic field which would provide dependences (11). There are two possible versions of the kinematic scheme of the effect: (i) The magnetic field provides transformations among all point defects in the bulk, so that the number of rearranged defects increases with an increase of the “magnetization” time and the level of the magnetic field. (ii) The magnetic field transforms only the pinning centers in dislocation cores, i.e. the transformation process starts just after the direct contact between the dislocation and the point defect, so that the depinning time decreases with an increase of the magnetic induction. In both mechanisms the motion of dislocations occurring due to their magnetoinduced depinning has the character of relaxation of the dislocation structure in the internal longrange stress field caused by other dislocations. However, the above kinematic schemes provide qualitatively different dependencies of the effect on the impurity concentration C and only the second of them may lead to empirical dependence (3). 4.2. Inadequacy of the magnetic memory version (i) Mechanism (i) is typical for magnetic memory effects when dislocation motion also occurs after switching off the magnetic field. However, in our well annealed crystals we never
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
observed any such motion. Nevertheless, in principle, even in our case the first mechanism might work if in annealed crystals the transformed centers quickly return to the initial state just after switching off the magnetic field. So, let us determine whether this mechanism provides the observed features of dislocation motion, in particular, the dependence of the effect on magnetic induction B and impurity concentration C, eq. (11). In contradiction with (3), scheme (i) predicts rather an increase of the effect with a growth of an impurity concentration C. Indeed, in case (i) the dislocation motion would be a quasi-static reaction to a decrease of the total pinning force Ffr (a “dry friction” force per unit length of a dislocation) on the flank of the potential relief of the long-range internal stresses σ . In a 1D scheme related to a straight dislocation A in the field σ (x) of other dislocations parallel to A, the coordinate x of the latter would be determined by the equation of equilibrium bσ (x) = Ffr . Let f and f be the pinning forces acting on the dislocation from the impurity center in the initial and transformed states, respectively, and β be a relative part of transformed centers on the line A.√The number of centers on the unit length of a dislocation can be roughly estimated as ∼ bC. Then the above equilibrium equation takes the form √ bσ (x) = f β + f (1 − β) bC. (12) √ At the initial point x = x0 (t = 0) one can put in (12) β = 0 and bσ (x0 ) = f bC. For small t and B the dislocation path l = x − x0 is small and eq. (12) may be transformed to β(f − f ) √ bC. l ≈ (13) |σ (x0 )| Of course, one could suppose that in accordance with the above experiment data the parameter β in (13) appropriately increases with B and t. But, as a function of the impurity concentration C, the path l given by (13) clearly contradicts the empirical dependences (3) and (11). On the other hand, the above consideration obviously remains valid for the memory effects in quenched crystals, where the described quasi-static regime of motion may be realized in practice. Indeed, very similar kinetics of magnetoinduced macroplasticity were found by Golovin and Morgunov [88,89] in well quenched NaCl:Ca crystals in the regime of active loading (σ˙ = const). We return to this observation in Section 7.2 and Fig. 40.
4.3. Analysis of kinematic scheme (ii) Let us now consider kinematic scheme (ii) which seems more adequate to our experimental results obtained on well annealed crystals, where the memory effects are suppressed. The velocity v of the motion in scheme (ii) can be expressed as a ratio of the mean distance x between local obstacles in the slip plane to the time t of dislocation motion between adjacent rows of obstacles. For annealed crystals we suppose that impurities form complexes containing the average number N of atoms. The mean distance x can be estimated as
x ∼ 1/ C0 D, (14)
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where D is the diameter of an impurity complex and C0 is the volume concentration of complexes. The concentrations C0 and C are related by C = C0 N.
The number N is apparently proportional to the volume of the complex and can be estimated as N ∼ (D/al )3 ,
where al is of the order of the lattice parameter. The quantity N should depend on the concentration C. This dependence is considered below. Relationships (15) and (16) allow us to express x [see eq. (14)] through the quantities C and N in the following way: √ 3 N x ∼ √ (17) . al C The time t of dislocation motion to the next row of obstacles can be represented in the form of the product t ∼ nτdp ,
where τdp is the time of depinning of the dislocation from one impurity atom and n is the mean number of such atoms, which are sequentially overcome by the dislocation in its motion from one row of impurity complexes to another. Independently of the physical origin of the time τdp , for the very low level of internal stresses in our crystals, the condition for dislocation depinning under additional action of the magnetic field is not satisfied at each obstacle and not for each dislocation. This conclusion follows from the relay-race character of the dislocation motion discussed above. However, if the depinning condition is met on some obstacle then after unfastening from it, the critical conditions arise on the next stopper, etc. That is the so called unzipping regime of dislocation motion known for a thermally activated mobility of dislocations under an external load. Let nunz be the mean number of obstacles passed by a dislocation in one unzipping process. When we deal with complexes rather than with single impurity atoms, there should be an additional process of sequential barrier traverse as the dislocation cuts the impurity complexes. Cutting of the complex should occur simultaneously for all impurity atoms that are in direct contact with the dislocation and sequentially for all subsequent atomic rows entering the dislocation core as it moves through the complex. Thus the mean number of √ 3 sequential acts of such depinning may be estimated as ncut ∼ N . And the resulting value √ n in (18) can be expressed as a product n = ncut nunz ≈ 3 N nunz . Consequently, the velocity v = x/t can be estimated as
v ∼ 1/nunz τdp Cal . (19) Thus, approximate formula (19) empirically fits eq. (11) if: (1) the product nunz τdp is weakly sensitive to the impurity concentration C and (2) τdp ∝ 1 + (B0 /B)2 .
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 13. Schematic illustration of the dislocation equilibrium under the force f = bσint x due to external stresses and the pinning force |f| = f .
According to the experimental data, the time τdp of an elementary step of dislocation depinning from a local obstacle should be virtually independent of the temperature. The weak sensitivity of nunz to the concentration C is proved in the next subsection. The mechanism is further discussed in Section 9. Thus, the time τdp of dislocation depinning from the local barrier strongly depends on the magnetic field being practically temperature independent, which is inconsistent with the conventional concept of the time of thermal activation. Instead, we assume that during the time τdp some magnetically stimulated processes led to the breaking or a considerable lowering of the barrier, as shown in Sections 6.4 and 7.1. We have already mentioned in the Introduction that the transformation of potential barriers in a magnetic field is very well known phenomenon in chemical physics [60–64] relating to some spin dependent processes in interacting radical pairs. The role of a radical pair in the dislocation–impurity system can be played, for example, by an unoccupied orbital with an unpaired spin in the dislocation core and a free spin of the paramagnetic center. Alternatively, this can be a pair of spins in the impurity complex in the vicinity of the dislocation core.
4.4. Distribution of dislocation segment lengths and unzipping processes Let us consider the above kinematic scheme (ii) in some more detail. Bearing in mind the observed relay-race character of dislocation motion during the magnetoinduced relaxation of dislocation structure we supposed that the process of dislocation unfastening from point defects should occur in succession by means of magnetic unzipping. However, why does the process of spin evolution does not start simultaneously on all centers? Apparently, this can be explained by an elastic repulsion between the dislocation and impurity center, which prevents their approach sufficient for “switching on” the exchange interaction and formation of a radical spin pair. To put it differently, the spin conversion in a given impurity center can occur when the total force f = bσint x acting over the length x of the nearest adjacent dislocation semi-segments (Fig. 13) is larger than some critical force fc : f > fc = bσint xc .
Here we must note that the level of the internal stress σint in (21) is determined not only by the dislocation density ρ, which was chosen approximately the same in all our experiments with alkali halides, being in average ρ ≈ 104 cm−2 . In a paradoxical manner σint depends also on the concentration C of impurities. Indeed, fresh dislocations were introduced into a crystal by means of a weak impact of the latter on an anvil, i.e. by a
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mechanical pulse. During the pulse action the fresh dislocations moved to releave long√ range stresses with a characteristic width of peaks ∼1/ ρ ∼ 100 µm overcoming the “dry friction” pinning force (per unit length) Ffr ∼ f0 /x. ¯ Here f0 = max |f| (Fig. 13) is the force necessary for a nonactivated unfastening of a dislocation from a separate impurity center and x¯ is the average “segment” length which must be close to x (17). After “switching off” the external force, some of the dislocations will move down the relief flank to positions where the value bσint is compensated by the pinning force Ffr , which certainly depends on the impurity concentration C. One should emphasize that this level of σint is the maximum possible stress on the dislocation. After the magnetoinduced transformation of pinning centers in such places we can expect a start of dislocation motion providing, on the one hand, an additional relaxation of internal stresses and, on the other hand, an increase of a slope of the relief for other fresh dislocations which involves them in the relaxation process. Thus, we again come to a concept of relay-race dislocation motion manifesting itself in a growth of density of mobile dislocations. Let xm be the maximum length of “segments” on the freshly introduced dislocation, which stopped after the impact on a relief flank being under the internal stress σint . The values xm and σint are related to each other by a condition of equilibrium bσint xm ≈ f0 .
Obviously, on its way to a starting position in our experiments the dislocation should acquire a length distribution of its segments limited from the above by the value xm (otherwise the dislocation would be out of equilibrium). This distribution can be introduced in the following way. Let dNs (x) be the mean number of double semi-segments on the dislocation (Fig. 13) with lengths between x and x + dx: dNs (x) = Ns F (x) dx,
where F (x) is the function of distribution and Ns is the number of segments on the dislocation length L: Ns = L/x. ¯
Here the mean segment length x¯ is supposed to be known and can be estimated by eq. (17). The distribution function F (x) by definition (23) is normalized on the unit: xm (25) F (x) dx = 1. 0
Let us introduce instead of the length x and the function F (x) their dimensionless counterparts t = x/xm ,
G(t) = xm F (xm t).
In these terms 1 G(t) dt = 1, 0
1 0
tG(t) dt =
(26) x¯ . xm
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
As follows from the computer simulations, the function G(t) is practically independent of ¯ the coefficient γ is the impurity concentration C. This means that in the relation xm = γ x, also independent of C. On the other hand, this gives by (22) the estimation ¯ σint ≈ f0 /γ bx,
where in the right-hand side only x¯ ≈ x is dependent on C, eq. (17). Let us now return to the threshold length xc [see (21)] which limits from below the part of the distribution F (x) admitting spin reactions in the system. The minimal force fc of pressing of the dislocation to the impurity center provides their approach to a critical distance of the order of a lattice parameter which starts the exchange interaction of the corresponding spin pair. Clearly, fc < f0 and both forces are determined by a short-range interaction and should not depend on the impurity concentration C. Thus, one can put fc = γc f0 , where the factor γc should be less but not very less than unit. We would rather expect the relation 1 − γc 1. In view of (21) and (22) the same parameter must relate xc to xm : xc = γc xm . Let us now estimate the number nunz of successive magnetoinduced depinnings of dislocation in one of unzipping cascades. Obviously, this number multiplied by the number ncas must give the total number of impurity complexes on the dislocation, Ns ≈ L/x. ¯ This gives - nunz =
F (x) dx xc
- =
G(t) dt
2 , |G (γc )|(1 − γc )2
where we have supposed that 1 − γc 1 and accordingly made use of the approximation G(t) ≈ |G (γc )|(1 − t). In accordance with the data of computer simulations the both factors in the denominator of (29) are usually very small, which shows that the number nunz can be very large. But the most significant property of the expression for nunz is its independence of C. The latter property is also a natural consequence of very simple considerations. Evidently, the number of cascades ncas is identically equal to the number nact of active magnetosensitive centers on a dislocation ready to spin transformation. The value nact in turn must be proportional to the total number Ns of pinning points on the line: nact = wNs . Here w is a probability of the definite configuration of the impurity center. Being a local characteristic of a center this factor should be insensitive to the concentration of impurities. In these terms, nunz = Ns /nact = 1/w. For small w 1 we obtain a large number nunz independent of C.
5. Magnetoplasticity and mechanical loading Until now we considered experiments where the magnetic field was the only external action on a sample and the reason for an observed dislocation motion could not be attributed to any other source apart from a magnetoinduced relaxation. Let us now discuss more complex processes, in which the magnetic influence is combined with actions of other physical
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fields. We start from stresses. The idea of a systematic experimental study of magnetoplasticity under an external mechanical load of samples seemed to be attractive because internal stresses, being randomly distributed over a crystal, provide practically uncontrollable driving forces on dislocations. However, in our “soft” crystals an inhomogeneity of internal stresses remains an important factor even for purely “mechanical” dislocation motions at B = 0, which manifest unusual specific features. So, we had to start from elucidation of physical reasons for observed anomalies of dislocation dynamics at B = 0. This allowed us to understand better the results of further experiments under a combined action of the magnetic field and mechanical loads. On the other hand, in such type of experiments there were found the important new features of magnetoplasticity: the magnetic strengthening of crystals and the magnetic memory effects.
5.1. Dislocation motion under a stress pulse loading at B = 0 Thus, we started our study from a purely mechanical problem: dislocation motion under a stress pulse loading [54]. The experiments were carried out on the well annealed NaCl-2 crystals with the yield shear stress σy = 0.5 MPa. For measurements we used the loading device creating uniaxial stress pulses of a triangular or trapezoid form with required parameters. The range of amplitudes of shear stresses was σm = 0.015–0.35 MPa. The duration of the leading edge of a pulse was regulated in the interval tl = 1 ms–20 s, the plateau of a constant load was varied in the range tpl = 0–60 min and the trailing edge of a pulse was fixed ttr = 1 s. In the first series of experiments we studied dislocation displacements under the action of triangular stress pulses with various amplitudes σm and different durations tl of the leading edge of a pulse. The results shown in Fig. 14 demonstrate that for the range of stress amplitudes 0 < σm < 0.35 MPa = 0.7σy the mean dislocation path l depends only on the amplitude of the pulse and remains practically insensitive to its duration. In particular, the insert to the figure shows that a variation of the time tl of the pulse leading edge for several orders of magnitude at fixed amplitudes σm does not cause any noticeable change in the path l. The other important feature of the observed dislocation behavior is a two-stage saturation of the mean path l. The first stage of saturation is observed in the √ range 0.10 MPa < σm < 0.16 MPa on the level lm1 ≈ 1.2/ ρ and the second one is √ started at σm > 0.22 MPa on the level lm2 ≈ 1.9/ ρ. The replacement [54] of a triangular pulse form by a trapezoidal one with a duration of the plateau in the range tpl = 5–60 min leads to the same conclusion: a mean dislocation path l is almost completely accumulated on the pulse growth stage without noticeable increase during the action of a constant stress. Fig. 15(a) shows the increase in the relative density of moving dislocations ρm /ρf with the stress amplitude σm rising. At sufficiently high amplitudes σm more than 90% of freshly introduced dislocations take part in the motion. The curves in Fig. 15(a) are similar to the results of our former observations under external magnetic fields (Fig. 5). Hence, we again deal with a relaxation of dislocation structure, this time induced by pulse loads. If the relaxation concept is correct, one can expect that any preliminary treatment of the sample
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
√ Fig. 14. Dependences of the normalized mean dislocation path l ρ in NaCl-2 crystals on (a) the amplitude σm of a triangular loading pulse for different leading edge times tl (1 − B = 0, 2 − B = 0.3 T, tl = 0.1 s) and (b) the pulse leading edge time tl for a series of stress amplitudes σm . The diagrams on the insert show the sequence of procedures in runs 1 and 2 (the used notations: ∗ – etching of the crystal surface, ↓ – introducing of fresh dislocations).
providing a more nearly equilibrium redistribution of dislocation structure should substantially decrease the number of dislocations reacting during a subsequent mechanical pulse. Indeed, as is seen from Fig. 15(b), after a preliminary magnetic treatment of the sample both triangular and trapezoidal stress pulses, independently of their amplitudes, activate the motion of only 15–30% of the fresh dislocations. Apparently, the dislocations not relaxed after the magnetic treatment represent a fixed part of ensemble which is pinned on the surface by some strong nonmagnetosensitive stoppers. These dislocations are released only after the surface etching which follows the magnetic treatment. After depinning (but before the stress pulse) they move in a stick-slip manner from unstable to stable positions in the potential relief. Such motions determine the background levels both for mean dislocation path l0 and for density ρ0 of mobile dislocations. The other evidence of a relaxation character of dislocation motion under a pulse loading is presented by curve 2 in Fig. 14. One can see that the magnetic treatment of the sample after its loading by a mechanical pulse provides a lesser increase in the mean dislocation path, the higher is the amplitude of preliminary stress pulse. In fact, the magnet was switched on just before the pulse, but the magnetic relaxation became noticeable long after switching off the pulse. The observed features of dislocation motion under stress pulses are typical for relaxational quasi-static displacements of objects in a potential relief with a dry friction under the action of an alternative load. The motion of such object becomes possible only when the total applied force (the load + the relief) exceeds the maximum dry friction force. In our case we apparently deal with a relaxation in the system of freshly introduced dislocations. At the stage of the leading edge of the stress pulse these dislocations should move
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Fig. 15. Dependences of the relative density of mobile dislocations ρm /ρf in NaCl-2 crystals on the amplitude of triangular (1) and trapezoidal (2) stress pulses for (a) the regular samples and (b) the samples preliminarily exposed to a magnetic field of B = 1 T for 5 min. The leading edge time of pulses was fixed: tl = 0.1 s, the plateau times were: (a) tpl = 5 min and (b) tpl = 20 min. On the insets: schemes of the experiment.
down the “mountains” of potential relief formed by the field of long-range internal stresses σint (x) associated with the whole dislocation ensemble of the crystal. The role of dry friction is played by the pinning force on a dislocation from point defects. As any other dry friction, this force is directed to the side opposite to a resultant force of other actions and can not exceed the maximum pinning force fpin = bσpin . In accordance with our experiment data, for trapezoidal stress pulses with any amplitudes σm up to 0.7σy there were no noticeable thermoactivated dislocation motions during the plateau stage tpl = 5–60 min. In other words, the proposed quasi-static model of dislocation displacements appears to be well-grounded. We suppose that the main contribution to the considered potential relief U (x) should be determined by straight dislocations parallel to the studied moving dislocation. As is shown in [54], the typical characteristic form of such relief is represented by potential double-wells with additional peaks at their bottom (Fig. 16). Before the load application, the fresh dislocations are chaotically distributed in the relief in places where the internal stress σint (x) = −b−1 ∂U/∂x does not exceed the pinning stress σpin = fpin /b. Apparently [54], in our pure crystals the pinning stress σpin m1 < σ m2 of internal and external flanks (respecis less than the both maximum slopes σint int tively) of the above typical potential double-well (points 1 and 2 in Fig. 16). Accordingly,
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 16. Schematic plot of the potential relief U (x) of internal stresses created by dislocations parallel to the considered mobile test dislocation.
there should exist zones (a–e) allowed for start positions of a dislocation which are marked in Fig. 16 as bold segments. The dislocation situated at some point x0 will start moving at the moment t0 when σ (t0 ) = σpin − σint (x0 ) and will finish when the pulse reaches its maximum value σm , so that the final point xf is determined by the equilibrium condition σint (xf ) = σpin − σm . Thus, the model provides the basic feature of our observations: a dislocation path depends only on the amplitude σm of the pulse being insensitive to its time characteristics. The initial position x0 may belong both to concave and to convex regions of the relief, whereas the final position xf must belong only to concave regions. Between points situated at a concave region the motion of dislocations must be completely quasi-static (i.e. at any moment t and at any point x the static balance σ (t) + σint (x) = σpin must be fulfilled). But from the initial positions x0 situated at a convex region the dislocation starts its motion from an “instant” shift into equivalent stable position at the adjacent concave region (interzone transitions a → b, c → d, in Fig. 16) and only after that moves down quasi-statically to the final point xf . The above regime of motion should continue also after the stress amplitude σm exceeds the level of the pinning stress σpin when dislocations quasi-statically cross the minimum points of the relief. With a further increase of σm up to the level 2σpin , dislocations move up the relief and retain their positions after switching off the pulse because, due to the balance σm + σint (xf ) = σpin in any of such final points xf at σm < 2σpin , the driving “force” of the relief σint (xf ) does not exceed the pinning stress σpin . The further rise in the m1 will temporarily move dislocations pulse amplitude in the range 2σpin < σm < σpin + σint up the “mountains” with their subsequent back motion at the trailing edge of the pulse to the positions where σint (xf ) = σpin . The control experiments with an intermediate etching of samples on the plateau of a trapezoidal pulse (i.e. just under the loading of the sample) showed that such backward dislocation motions at the unloading stage are a typical feature
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of the process. This explains the observed saturation of dislocation paths (Fig. 14) starting from the stress amplitude σm = 2σpin ≈ 0.1 MPa. Thus, the model provides the following estimate for a pinning stress in our crystals: σpin ≈ 0.05 MPa.
The increase in the stress amplitude σm activates dislocations from distances further from their initial positions which must provide the corresponding monotonous growth in the density ρm of mobile dislocations. The involvement of these new regions also relates to increasing dislocation paths. If we suppose that the initial position x0 is randomly distributed over all allowed zones in the relief, then at σm = σpin approximately half of the freshly introduced dislocations should move and at σm = 2σpin 100% of such dislocations should become mobile. In spite of the roughness of the model, the experimental data [Fig. 15(a)] fit these expectations quite well. As was already mentioned, in terms of our model the range of the first observed satm1 . When the pulse stress uration stage should have the limits 2σpin < σm < σpin + σint exceeds the upper limit of this range we expect the loss of stability: a dislocation should “instantly” pass to the equivalent stable point in the adjacent well with further quasi-static motions over the external flank of the potential double-well and finally reach the point xf m1 a significant growth of at the right end of zone d. Thus, at amplitudes σm > σpin + σint dislocation paths should occur with an attainment of the new saturation level in the range m1 < σ < σ m2 σpin + σint m pin + σint . Then one can expect a new increase in the mean dislocation path. Of course, in view of statistical dispersion of parameters of the potential relief, m1 and σ m2 should vary more than the magnitude of the pinning stress σ the values σint pin int (30). In fact, when our simplified model predicts an abrupt change of dislocation path l, the experiment should manifest a substantial growth in the mean dislocation path in some interval of amplitudes σm . Accordingly, the range of amplitudes, in which we observe the transition from the first level of saturation to the second one, corresponds to the interval of m1 = σ − σ : quasi-continuous distribution of the internal stress amplitude σint m pin m1 < 0.17 MPa. 0.12 < σint
In Fig. 14 we did not reach the end of the second stage of saturation. Therefore we have m2 : only a lower estimate for the internal stress amplitude σint m2 > 0.35 MPa. σint
In conclusion, the observed anomalies of dislocation dynamics, where the mean dislocation path is dependent on the amplitude of the stress pulse but insensitive to its duration, are specific for our crystals of high purity. Indeed, in these crystals the pinning stress (30) is much less than the peaks of internal stresses (32). In such crystals normal dislocation dynamics may be observed only at rather high stresses, substantially exceeding the yield stress σy , when dislocation motion has an over-barrier character and its speed is limited by a viscous dragging due to phonon-dislocation interactions [153]. This regime of dislocation motion in the same crystals was experimentally investigated in [148]. On the other hand, an observation of thermally activated dislocation motion in such soft crystals appears to be very difficult. Indeed, such motion may occur only in the stress range σ −σint < σpin . However in our conditions the change δσint of internal stresses on the length of experimentally
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
measurable paths of dislocations is much more than σpin . This explains why we did not observe such motions on the plateau stage of our pulses. The situation changes for highly max σ impure crystals where ordinarily σint pin ∼ σy and thermally activated motions of dislocations under a load are typical and convenient for studies [154,155]. 5.2. Combined action of the stress and the magnetic field Thus, a stress pulse loading leads to a relaxation of dislocation structure. Also, the magnetic field after a short triangular stress pulse causes less dislocation motion, the higher was the amplitude of the stress (Fig. 14). Let us consider now the situation where mechanical and magnetic actions, both trapezoidal in form, are applied simultaneously. In our experiments we used stress pulses of different amplitudes σm with fixed times of leading and trailing edges, tl = 0.1 s and ttr = 1 s, but with variable plateau times tpl . Of course, such a slow process as the magnetic relaxation could hardly manifest itself during the short leading edge of a stress in view of above quasi-static dislocation displacements occurring independently of magnetic field. In contrast, on the plateau stage of a stress pulse, the mechanical part of the relaxation proves to be rather weak (at least at B = 0) and magnetoinduced dislocation motions should provide the main contribution to the relaxation process. Thus, to a first approximation one could expect an additivity of the two contributions and a resulting dependence l(σm ) close to curve 2 in Fig. 14. However, in practice the combined magnetomechanical relaxation proves to be much more efficient as compared to successive purely magnetic and mechanical relaxations. √ Fig. 17 shows dependencies of the normalized mean dislocation path l ρ on the stress amplitude σm under the accompanied magnetic field B = 0.3 T for a series of durations tpl of their simultaneous action in the region 3–20 min. The magnetic field was switched on just before the stress pulse and was switched off just after it. The magnetic field was oriented along the direction [100] and, as before (Fig. 6), did not influence motions of dislocations parallel to it. One can see that the presented experimental curves essentially differ from line 2 in Fig. 14 (repeated in Fig. 17 as line 2 ). Let us compare curves 2 and 2 in Fig. 17 related to the same plateau time tpl = 5 min. They start from the same paths l at small amplitudes σm . However at σm > σpin = 0.05 MPa their behavior becomes radically different and clearly indicates that a simultaneous action of stress and magnetic field is much more effective for a relaxation of dislocation structure than a successive one. These tendencies increase for longer times tpl . On the other hand, at sufficiently small tpl the expected additivity of magnetic and mechanical actions is clearly manifested. For instance, line 1 (tpl = 3 min) in rather wide range of amplitudes 0 < σm < 0.1 MPa differs from √ background curve 1 by the constant value l ρ. With increasing time tpl 5 min the stress range of additivity decreases. For curves 2 and 3 it is estimated to be σm < σpin = 0.05 MPa. As we have seen, the larger is the stress σm the more essential becomes its influence on dislocation paths. However for all durations tpl of the pulse plateau there are regions of stress amplitude where a path sensitivity to σm disappears. Three levels of path saturation √ occur on curves in Fig. 17: roughly l ρ ≈ 1, 2, and 3. The first two levels are known to us from Fig. 14 (lines 1 and 2 in Fig. 17). In the above model they correspond to dislocation
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√ Fig. 17. Dependences of the normalized dislocation path l ρ on the amplitude σm of a trapezoidal stress pulse for the series of plateau times tpl ≈ tB of simultaneous mechanical loading and magnetic exposure of crystals; 1 , 2 – the experimental curves from Fig. 14. On the insert: the scheme of the experiment.
transitions (from the left) to zones b and d, respectively. In the same terms the third level √ l ≈ 3/ ρ corresponds to dislocation transitions to the next well of the potential relief through zone e. Such invariant discreteness of size scales of dislocation displacements in our experiments is apparently associated with a permanent component of potential relief of internal stresses determined by the immobile part of dislocations (ordinarily we introduced into crystals fresh dislocations of the density ρm which was less than the density of aged dislocations). Thus, the relaxation of internal stresses should be basically caused by lowering of peaks of initial potential relief. One can roughly estimate such lowering on the basis of the above m1 and σ m2 for the curves in Fig. 17. model by comparing magnitudes of the stresses σint int These stresses relate to maximum slopes of the two characteristic peaks in the model potential relief (Fig. 16). Adding to our above consideration an additional feature, namely, a substantial decrease in the pinning stress σpin under the magnetic field, we can estimate m1 and σ m2 by positions of the beginning of the second the upper limit for the stresses σint int and the third levels of saturation, respectively. As a result, we have tpl = 3 min,
m1 σint ≈ 0.12 MPa,
m2 σint ≈ 0.27 MPa;
tpl = 5 min,
m1 σint ≈ 0.08 MPa,
m2 σint ≈ 0.16 MPa;
tpl = 7–12 min,
m2 σint ≈ 0.09 MPa.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
√ √ Fig. 18. Dependences of the normalized dislocation path l ρ = (l − lσm ) ρ counted off the background √ level lσm ρ (curve 1 in Fig. 14) on the time tB ≈ tpl of simultaneous action of a magnetic field (B = 0.3 T) and √ trapezoidal stress pulses of different amplitudes σm . The insert: plots of l ρ versus B 2 ; tB ≈ tpl = 3 min.
Comparing these estimates with results (31), (32) for the case B = 0, one can state that magneto-mechanical treatment of crystals provides a very effective relaxation of dislocation structure, decreasing the level of internal stresses several (4–5) times. Such a deep relaxation is realized due to self-consistent displacements of multiple dislocations which reduce the height of the relief and, in turn, provide conditions for the involvement into a motion of additional dislocations. The other important aspect is related to time characteristics of the considered magnetomechanical relaxation. Fig. 18 demonstrates a series of time dependences of the normalized √ √ mean dislocation path l ρ counted off the background level lσm ρ accumulated during a leading edge of the stress pulse (curve 1 in Fig. 14) for a series of magnitudes of the stress amplitude σm . In these data there are two significant features. (i) The additivity of magnetic and mechanical contributions to the combined mean dislocation path is indeed observed for all amplitudes σm at sufficiently small times tpl < 3 min. (ii) At larger times the three curves for different σm practically coincide up to tpl ≈ 5 min, however being higher than curve 1 related to purely magnetic relaxation. The first feature seems to be natural and demonstrates that our experimental results are reasonable. The fact, that at tpl > 3 min the magneto-mechanical relaxation is more effective than purely magnetic one, can be explained by an additional mode of motion when the stress drives dislocations up the flank of a potential relief due to a decrease of the pinning friction under the magnetic field. The most important observation is related to a coincidence of all three curves at tpl < 5 min. This means that external stresses do not increase the number nact of active magnetosensitive centers on dislocations, i.e. do not decrease the parameter nunz in eq. (19).
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As was natural to expect, the path l = l − lσm has proved to be proportional to B 2 , l = kB 2 , with the coefficient k increasing with a growth in σm (see the insert in Fig. 18). 5.3. Negative magnetoplastic effect in NaCl(Pb) crystals The microscopic mechanism of the magnetoplastic effect under consideration is supposed to be determined by a removal of the spin exclusion of particular electronic transitions, which radically changes the configuration of the system and the energy of interaction of its components. However, this should not necessarily lead to a decrease in the interaction energy. In principle, such processes could also increase the pinning forces on dislocations from some impurities under the magnetic field. In the preceding sections, we always dealt with softening of crystals only through the relaxation of the dislocation structure in the magnetic field in the absence of external actions. In this method, the magnetic hardening should manifest itself in our experiments as the absence of the magnetoplastic effect. A possible example can be seen from the data presented in Fig. 8(b), according to which the mean free path of dislocations in the NaCl-3(Pb) crystal in the magnetic field remains equal to the background path and does not change with an increase in the magnetic induction. In order to reveal whether we deal with the absence (or a weak manifestation) of the magnetoplasticity or with the negative magnetoplastic effect, we must carry out experiments under the conditions of external loading. These investigations were performed in [49] with the use of the same setup for loading of crystals by compression pulses in the magnetic field which was described in Section 5.1. Fig. 19(a) depicts the dependences of the mean dislocation path on the amplitude of trape(1) zoidal compression pulse for the NaCl-3(Pb(1) ) and NaCl-3(Pb(2) ) crystals (CPb = 1 ppm (2) and CPb = 10 ppm). Fig. 19(a) shows that, in the absence of magnetic field, the mean free paths of dislocations in both crystals rapidly increase with an increase in the pulse amplitude and approximately correspond to the same experimental curve (curve 1). Upon application of the magnetic field at B = 0.3 T, the situation changes drastically: at the same pulse amplitudes, the mean free path of dislocations considerably decreases in the more pure NaCl-3(Pb(1) ) crystals (curve 3) and remains equal to the background path in the NaCl-3(Pb(2) ) crystals. Consequently, the inference can be drawn that the lead impurity in the NaCl crystals results in a magnetic hardening effect. For comparison, similar dependences for the NaCl-2 crystals containing the Ca impurity are plotted in Fig. 19(b). As we have already seen in Fig. 17, these crystals manifest a magnetic softening under pulsed deformation, in contrast to the NaCl-3(Pb) crystals. Thus, depending on the impurity type, the height of the impurity barrier to the dislocation motion can decrease or increase in the magnetic field. This opens up new possibilities of controlling the plastic properties of materials in the magnetic field with the use of doping.
5.4. The first observations of magnetic memory effects in NaCl crystals Actually, the first studies of combined actions of magnetic fields and stress pulses on NaCl crystals were not started in our group. This problem was chosen in 1992 by Golovin and
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
√ Fig. 19. Dependences of the normalized mean dislocation path l ρ on the amplitude σm of a trapezoidal stress (1)
pulse (tpl = 5 min) in a magnetic field for (a) NaCl-3(Pb) crystals with the two Pb concentrations: CPb = 1 ppm
(2) and CPb = 10 ppm and (b) NaCl-2 crystals (curves 1, 2 correspond to 1 , 2 in Fig. 17); 1 − B = 0; 2, 3 − B =
0.3 T. The scheme of the experiment is shown in Fig. 17.
coworkers [109,110] for the beginning of experimental work in magnetoplasticity. At their disposal there were NaCl crystals where dislocations did not move under the action of the magnetic field alone, without additional mechanical loading. So, they have carried out a series of experiments where a magnetic treatment was combined with stress pulses in various combinations and in different succession with introducing of fresh dislocations. The results of their observations [109,110] were new, unexpected and significant: the effect of magnetic memory in nonmagnetic crystals was discovered on the level of individual dislocations. They performed five groups of experiments in this series. The corresponding schedules of measurements are schematically shown on insertions 1–5 in Fig. 20. In the runs of group 1 at first the fresh dislocations were introduced into the sample (by scratching of the surface), then the crystal was exposed to the magnetic field B = 1 T for a varied time tB in the interval 0 < tB < 104 s, and after the chemical etching of the surfaces the sample was subjected to compression by a stress pulse of standard parameters: the shear stress amplitude σm = 0.1 MPa, tpl = 6 s, tl = ttr = 0.01 s; and the final etching provided information about dislocation paths. The runs of group 2 differed from 1 by introducing the fresh dislocations after the magnetic treatment of the sample. In the control runs of group 3 there was no magnetic treatment, only a stress pulse. And finally in the runs of groups 4 and 5 the magnetic field B = 0.5 T acted simultaneously with the stress pulse
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Fig. 20. Dependence of the mean dislocation path l due to the stress pulse (the same in all runs) on the exposure time tB to the magnetic field; 1 – dislocations introduced before the magnetic treatment (B = 1 T); 2 – dislocations introduced after the magnetic treatment (B = 1 T); 3 – control mechanical test without magnetic treatment; 4 – crystals were simultaneously loaded and exposed to a magnetic field (B ⊥ L, B = 0.5 T) for tB = 6 s; 5 – the same for B L. Rearranged from [90].
σm = 0.35 MPa during the time tB ≈ tpl = 6 s; in the case 4 the field was perpendicular to the dislocations, B ⊥ L, and in the case 5 it was parallel to them, B L. In Fig. 20 the combined experimental data are presented as a set of dependences of a mean path l of dislocation motions, occurring during a stress pulse, on the time tB of a magnetic treatment of a sample. One can see that the runs of group 1 provide the maximum magnetic effect as compared with the background level determined by control measurements 3. Remarkably, in the runs of group 2 where dislocations were introduced after the exposure of samples to the magnetic field the effect of magnetization was also very pronounced though not as strong as in series 1. Thus, an exclusion of fresh dislocations from magnetic treatment did not prevent a magnetic softening of crystals. The only reasonable explanation for observed plasticization in the runs 2 could be related to a transformation of the system of impurity defects due to some spin dependent processes, say, from initial state a to state b characterized by different electronic structure or atomic configuration with a resulting decrease in the pinning force for dislocations. The magnetic memory effect slowly damped with an increase in the pause duration between magnetic and mechanical actions. The characteristic time of such memory loss was ∼3 × 103 s. The nature of such relaxation had nothing to do with aging of dislocations, because in the absence of magnetic treatment the increase in the pause between introducing the dislocations and a stress pulse up to several hours did not influence control curve 3 in Fig. 20. On the other hand, in the runs of group 2 the increase in duration of magnetic exposure beyond the above memory scale, i.e. at tB > 3×103 s, provided the same decrease in dislocation paths even at a small pause between magnetic and mechanical actions. The
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
latter result indicates that we deal here not with a trivial relaxation of the type a → b → a, but with a final transition to some other state c of increased pinning and lesser magnetic sensitivity: a → b → c. Certainly one should also explain the difference between experimental curves 1 and 2. Indeed, why dislocations in the runs 1 after their magnetic treatment move through the crystal more freely, than dislocations in the runs 2, which were introduced in to the crystal after its magnetic exposure? Of course, it is difficult to believe in a magnetic memory of dislocation cores, as is supposed in [109,110]. Especially since quite the other answer on the above question becomes evident after its reformulation. Indeed, there is no data indicating that dislocations (1) move more freely than dislocations (2), they just move further than dislocations (2). Let us return to the physical picture presented in Sections 4.2, 4.4 and 5.1. Freshly introduced dislocations, in the process of acquiring their final structure at “start” positions, moved under some external force in the relief of long-range stresses ¯ Even after “switching off” the external force, overcoming the pinning force Ffr ∼ f0 /x. some of dislocations will continue to move down the relief flank to positions where the value bσint is compensated by the pinning force Ffr . In the runs 2, dislocations were introduced in a softer crystal with the pinning force [see eq. (12)] being substantially less than that in crystals (1), which were not yet subjected to magnetic exposure. Therefore the start positions of dislocations in these two cases must be quite different. In the crystals from the runs 2 they will be closer to minima positions in the potential relief. Accordingly, their path to the final positions should be shorter. A comparison of the saturation levels for curves 1 and 2 in Fig. 20 gives quantitative support to this statement. Thus, a difference between curves 1 and 2 is rather methodical than physical. The basic background for both of them is associated with a magnetic modification of the impurity system of a crystal providing its softening. In the papers [109,110] and in further studies [88,89] of the memory effects in Golovin’s group, this phenomenon was found to become more pronounced in quenched crystals and to disappear after annealing. That is why we never observed this effect in our well annealed crystals. On the other hand, as is seen from Fig. 20, a transformation of the state of the impurity system is a rather slow process, which takes a substantial time, in contrast to processes of ordinary in situ magnetoplasticity in our experiments. This contrast becomes especially obvious if one compares curves 1, 2 in Fig. 20 with the results of the runs 4, when the same mean dislocation paths l ≈ 30 µm is reached only in 6 s, instead of the time tB ≈ 2 × 103 s in curve 1. There is no doubt that the runs of groups 4 and 5 relate to the aforementioned in situ processes of dislocation mobility in the magnetic field. Further support for this conclusion is given by the experimental fact [109,110] that both curves 1 and 2 are insensitive to the orientation of the magnetic field B with respect to dislocation lines and their Burgers vector, whereas the substantial difference between results of the runs 4 and 5 is completely determined by the orientation of the magnetic field: B ⊥ L in the case 4 and B L in the case 5. This completely coincides with our data presented in Fig. 6(a). Other results of the experimental studies of types 4 and 5 were published separately [151] in the same year. Here the authors presented dependences l(tB ) for the range 0 < tB < 15 s, which in the scale of Fig. 20 have transformed into experimental points 4 and 5. In Fig. 21(a) we reproduce the curve l(tB ) for the geometry 4 related to the magnetic induction B = 0.5 T and the shear stress σm = 0.35 MPa. On the insert to Fig. 21(a) there is
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Fig. 21. Dependences of the mean dislocation paths l in NaCl crystals on (a) the time tB ≈ tpl of simultaneous actions of the stress pulse σm = 0.35 MPa and the magnetic field B = 0.5 T, and (b) the stress amplitude σm at tB ≈ tpl = 1 s. On the insert in (a): the linear plot l versus B 2 at tB ≈ tpl = 1 s and σm = 0.35 MPa. Rearranged from [151].
a plot of linear dependence l ∝ B 2 . Both dependences are very similar to our curves in Fig. 18. Of course, values of mean dislocation paths in two cases are very different: in our experiments they are 10 times larger. Since the NaCl crystals used in both groups had comparable purities and yield stresses, one can suppose that the difference in dislocation paths is determined by different densities of dislocations. We intentionally decreased the density of dislocations in our crystals by annealing, whereas the crystals used in the Golovin group were quenched. In addition, we produced fresh dislocations by a weak impact of a sample while our colleagues did it by means of scratching of the crystal surface. With such a difference in dislocation structures of two kinds of studied crystals, one should compare not dislocation paths, but rather their speeds veff = l/t on quasi-linear sections of corresponding curves. Bearing in mind, that in both cases veff ∝ B 2 , let us compare the ratios veff /B 2 . In Fig. 21(a) the appropriate slope is roughly equal veff /B 2 ≈ 16 µm/s T2 and in Fig. 18 we have veff /B 2 ≈ 9 µm/s T2 . Actually, we could not expect better fitting for our estimates, remembering all the differences mentioned above and the fact that in Fig. 18 the largest of the stress amplitudes, σm = 0.11 MPa, is substantially (∼3 times) less than in Fig. 21(a). In addition the dependences l(σm ) obtained in [151] for two fixed durations of the stress pulse [Fig. 21(b)] are also very similar to their analogues in our Fig. 17. Thus, one should recognize that in the runs 4 and 5 (Fig. 20) we deal with processes of ordinary in situ transformation of pinning centers by moving dislocations under magnetic field. These processes have proved to be much more efficient than a plain magnetization of a crystal.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 22. Dependence of the mean dislocation path l = l − letch caused in NaCl crystals by the magnetic pulse of the fixed duration tp = 10−2 s on the amplitude B of this pulse [156].
5.5. Memory effects induced by short pulses of magnetic field In 1997 Golovin’s group found [156,157] some new memory effects caused by short magnetic pulses of duration tp = 3 × 10−5 –10−2 s and amplitudes up to 7 T. In contrast to magnetic fields B ∼ 1 T, which did not cause dislocation displacements without additional mechanical loading (see previous section), the new magnetic pulses alone moved dislocations for comparable distances in the same quenched NaCl crystals. As is seen from Fig. 22, the mean dislocation path l = l − letch counted off the etching background letch ≈ 10 µm increases lineally with the amplitude of magnetic induction B up to B ∼ 5 T. At higher fields there is a tendency to a more sharp growth. The dependence of the path l on the pulse duration tp proves to be logarithmic (Fig. 23): l = A lg(tp /τ ), where τ is the threshold duration below which l = 0. Within experimental accuracy an extrapolation of the three straight lines in Fig. 23 related to different pulse amplitudes B leads to the estimate: τ ∼ (2–3) × 10−6 s.
In its physical meaning this time is apparently the same as the above introduced parameter τdp , i.e. the time of impurity center transformation, which provides dislocation depinning. Of course, estimate (35) does not exclude a dependence of τdp on B, like in (20). Indeed, the function τdp = τ0 1 + (B0 /B)2 (36) predicts a weak dependence on B at B B0 so that, for B0 = 1 T (6) and B = 7, 2.2 or 1.7 T, the time τdp , eq. (36), differs from τ0 by the factors 1.02, 1.2 or 1.35, respectively, which certainly does not go beyond estimate (35). In Section 9.2, based on independent considerations, we come to practically the same estimate (35), (36) for our key parameter τdp .
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Fig. 23. Dependence of the mean dislocation path l on the time duration tp of the magnetic pulse for the three magnitudes of pulse amplitude: B = 7, 2.2 and 1.7 T [90].
The new method of magnetic activation of dislocations has proved to be a convenient instrument for studying kinetics of magnetic memory effects both as a test of their time characteristics and for a direct excitation of these effects. Fig. 24 displays the comparison of time kinetics of memory effects excited in NaCl crystals by exposing them to the magnetic field B = 1.5 T during series of time tB up to tBm = 1 h and tested by imposing subsequent stress or magnetic pulses (σ - or B-tests). In terms of our consideration in the previous section the initial magnetic treatment of quenched samples transforms their magnetosensitive point defects from a metastable state a to a nonmagnetosensitive state b which is characterized by a decreased pinning of dislocations. Accordingly, during the stage of magnetization the σ -test provides an increase of the mean dislocation path l whereas the B-test leads to its decrease. At t > tBm , when between the magnetic treatment and introducing fresh dislocations there is some time t − tBm for a relaxation of impurity centers from b to c state with increased pinning and returned sensitivity to the magnetic field, the situation changes to the opposite: with an increase of time t − tBm a σ -test gives decreasing dislocation paths l and a B-test demonstrates a growth in l. Both of Golovin’s curves in the range t > tBm can be empirically described by the functions (dashed lines in Fig. 24) 1 2 lσ = lσ ∞ + lσ tBm − lσ ∞ exp − t − tBm /τbc , 1 2 lB = lB∞ − lB∞ − lB tBm exp − t − tBm /τbc , (37) with practically the same relaxation time τbc ≈ 83 min.
As is shown in [156,157], the magnetic memory can be also eliminated by a short pulse of a magnetic field of sufficient amplitude (say, B = 7 T, tp = 10 ms). The followed σ and B-tests leads to similar relaxation behavior of mean dislocation paths l characterized by the same time τbc (38) at room temperature. It was demonstrated [111] that an additional magnetic pulse imposed just before introducing fresh dislocations has practically no
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 24. Dependencies of the mean dislocation path l in NaCl crystals exposed to the magnetic field B = 1.5 T for tB = 0–1 h on the time of the magnetic treatment tB and the time t tB till introducing the fresh dislocations: 1 – at σ -test (the stress pulse with the amplitude σm = 0.3 MPa and the duration 0.2 s) and 2 – at B-test (the induction amplitude 7 T and the duration 10 ms). The dashed lines relate to eqs (37) and (38). Rearranged from [90].
influence on the following b → c relaxation. This means that even such a short first pulse practically empties the initial metastable states a. Fig. 25 displays the results of study [156] of a temperature influence on the b → c relaxation. The relaxation time (38) shows that the life time of the state b of the impurity center is much shorter than that of the initial state a, which is of order of 1 year for the room temperature [90]. However, in accordance with [156], the system may also form other impurity states with a life time even shorter than (38), providing a much faster relaxation of magnetic memory centers. Such states are prepared by the dislocations during their motion through a crystal. Fig. 26 demonstrates the results of σ - and B-tests after the first magnetic pulse following the introduction of fresh dislocations. In this situation, as we have seen in Fig. 22, the first pulse causes an intensive motion of dislocations, which, in turn, strongly interact with pinning centers, transforming them into some other state b apparently different from b. At least, the both curves in Fig. 26 are again described by eq. (37) with the same relaxation time much less than (38): τb c ≈ 5 min.
We do not know what is the state c (it might coincide with a) but suppose that the configuration b of the impurity complex is the same as in our experiments with annealed crystals after the magnetically induced pinning force is lowered in the dislocation–impurity system. Thus, there are two types of magnetic memory effects characterized by different times τbc and τb c , eqs (38) and (39), at room temperature. Remarkably, after preliminary exposure of the quenched NaCl crystals to an alternative electric field at a frequency 1 kHz and
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Fig. 25. Dependences of the mean dislocation paths, caused by the second magnetic pulse just after a fresh dislocation is introduced, on the time between the first and the second pulses at three temperatures: 393, 293 and 77 K. Both pulses were identical (Bm = 7 T, tp = 10 ms) [156].
Fig. 26. Dependences of the mean dislocation paths caused by the σ - and B-tests on the time t between the first magnetic pulse following the introduction of fresh dislocations and the tests. The mean dislocation path lσ = l − lσ 0 in the σ -test (2) was counted off the background path lσ 0 in the control samples not exposed to the magnetic pulse. The parameters of magnetic and stress pulses are the same as in Figs 24 and 25. Dashed lines correspond to theoretical dependences (37) with relaxation time (39). Replotted from [156].
amplitude Em = 0.1 MV/m, a following experiment in the scheme ∩ ← t →↓ ∗ ∩ ∗
demonstrates a short relaxation (τb c ), instead of the ordinary long one (τbc ). Also, the analogous treatment of annealed crystals under a higher field Em = 1 MV/m excites a
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
short magnetic memory manifesting itself in the same experimental scheme. For details we address readers to the original paper by Golovin et al. [158]. As follows from Fig. 26, even after the delay exceeding the relaxation time τb c the mean dislocation path due to the second magnetic pulse remains substantially less (by ∼10 µm) than that after the first magnetic pulse (see Fig. 22 where the path l is counted off the etching background letch ≈ 8 µm). Such a decrease is apparently caused by a relaxation of the fresh dislocation structure due to the first magnetic pulse activation. However there are the more important questions remaining unanswered. What physical mechanisms contribute to this activation apart from the magnetic memory effects and why such a strong dependence of the mean dislocation path on the magnetic induction is observed (Fig. 22) in the range where the function τdp (B) (36) is practically constant? We return to these questions in Section 6.2.
6. Magnetoplasticity under simultaneous action of other fields Here we consider some nontrivial effects in alkali halides and semiconductors caused by a magnetic field accompanied by electric fields, light irradiation, thermal fluctuations, etc.
6.1. Magnetoplasticity in alkali halide crystals under additional action of an electric field Edge dislocations in alkali halide crystals are known to bear an electric charge [2,3]. This circumstance is responsible for the Stepanov effect [1], which manifests itself in the appearance of the electric polarization of samples under macro-deformation, and also for the inverse Stepanov effect, namely, the motion of dislocations in crystals in response to external electric fields. The latter effect was studied in many works (see the review [4]). Investigations were performed using rather high electric fields E ∼ 102 –103 kV/m. As a rule, lower electric fields do not affect the dislocation mobility. It was of interest to examine how the electric field affects the kinetic of the magnetoplastic effect. For this purpose, the influence of weak electric fields (E = 0.25–17 kV/m) on dislocation motion in NaCl and LiF crystals in the magnetic field was investigated in [37,44]. The electric field in the crystals was applied through contacts made of special conducting paste on the surfaces of the samples. Control experiments had been done in a usual plane capacitor. In the absence of a magnetic field, even the highest electric field did not initiate the dislocation motion. However, the minimum electric field E = 0.25 kV/m applied to the NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm) crystals resulted in a drastic change from the dependence l(B) obtained at E = 0 [see Fig. 27(a)]. This figure reveals that the dependence l(B) in the electric field already reaches saturation, corresponding to the mean spacing of forest dis√ locations ∼1/ ρ, at magnetic inductions higher than 0.15 T, where a value almost equal to the background path l0 is observed at E = 0. Fig. 27(b) illustrates the efficiency of the combined actions of magnetic and electric fields for dislocation mobility in LiF crystals. As is shown in [51], the curves in Fig. 27(b) are described by the dependence (4), where the parameter A increases with an increase in E.
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√ Fig. 27. Dependencies of the normalized mean dislocation path l ρ of edge dislocations in NaCl (a) and LiF (b) crystals on the magnetic induction B under their simultaneous exposure to magnetic and electric fields.
√ Fig. 28. Dependences of the normalized mean dislocation path l ρ/B 2 (a) and the probability Wst of a dislocation start per unit time at B = 0.05 T (b) on the Ca impurity concentration C in NaCl-3(Ca) crystals for E = 0 and E = 0.25 kV/m.
Under an additionally applied electric field, the slopes of curves in Fig. 27 in their √ lin√ ear ranges retain dependence (3) on the impurity concentration C, l ρ/B 2 ∝ 1/ C [Fig. 28(a)]. On the other hand, in view of the parity (8) between the mean dislocation path l and the probability Wst of a dislocation start per unit time, one can also expect retention of the analogous concentration dependence under an electric field for Wst . Indeed, this behavior is displayed in Fig. 28(b) where the probability Wst was found from
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
√ Fig. 29. Dependences of the normalized mean dislocation path l ρ/B 2 t in NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm), NaCl-2 and NaCl-2(Ni) crystals (a) and the probability Wst of a dislocation start per unit time in NaCl-2 crystals for temperatures 300, 165 and 77 K (b) on the electric field E. Solid lines in (b) are theoretical curves related to eqs (41)–(43).
auxiliary plots of experimental dependences ρm (t, C) in the straightening coordinates − ln[1 − (ρm − ρ0 )/(ρm − ρ0 )∞ ] ÷ t [see eq. (7) and Fig. 12]. In all crystals, independently of their Ca concentration C, the application of an electric field of the minimum magnitude E = 0.25 kV/m provided an increase in the dislocation paths l and the probability Wst by a factor of ∼7. The normalized dependence of the mean dislocation path on the electric field presented in Fig. 29(a) for NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm), NaCl-2 and NaCl-2(Ni) crystals, starts with a linear behavior l ∝ E. However, with an increase in E the dependence becomes an intensive exponential growth. The temperature dependence of the effect was experimentally studied for the probability Wst of a dislocation start in NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm) and NaCl-2 crystals. Fig. 29(b) displays the three curves Wst (E) for NaCl-2 related to the temperatures 300, 165 and 77 K. The standard activation analysis leads to the dependence of the type: 1 2 Wst (E, T ) = Wst0 + E A + a exp −U (E)/kB T (41) with Wst0 ≈ 0.07 min−1 , A ≈ 0.01 m/kV min. Replotting Fig. 29(b) in the coordinates ln(Wst /E − A) ÷ 1/T , one obtains a series of straight lines for a set of fixed electric fields [Fig. 30(a)]. All of them emerge from the same point with the coordinates (0, ln a), which determines the amplitude a ≈ 0.55 m/kV min. The slopes of these straight lines determine the activation energy U (E) in a discrete set of points [Fig. 30(b)]. The analytical approximation of this dependence may be presented in the form: . 2 3 E E E +b −c + ··· , U (E) = U0 1 − (42) E0 E0 E0 where for NaCl-2 crystals U0 ≈ 0.19 eV,
E0 ≈ 5.56 kV/m,
b ≈ 0.38,
c ≈ 0.05.
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Fig. 30. (a) Activation analysis of the dependences Wst (E, T ) [Fig. 29(b)] and (b) the established approximate dependence of the activation energy U on the electric field E for NaCl-2 and NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm) crystals.
One can see that the solid lines in Fig. 29(b), related to eqs (41)–(43), reasonably fit the experimental points for all three temperatures. A similar procedure for NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm) crystals gives a curve U (E) that is more sensitive to the electric field E: however it starts at E = 0 from the same point U0 . In our first studies [37,44] we did not check the temperature dependence of the electric influence on the magnetoplasticity. We had also not noticed the qualitative change of the effect with an increase of the electric field E (Fig. 29), where the transition from linear to exponential dependences l(E) and Wst (E) occurs. We concentrated on a linear part of these dependences and thought about electrostatic force on charged edge dislocations, the more so that noncharged screw dislocations in LiF crystals did not reacted on the electric field switched on simultaneously with the magnetic field [44]. This idea also fitted some other properties of the phenomenon, suggesting the electric field effect on the dislocation mobility arose from the electrostatic force. In addition, we had managed to prove experimentally [44] that the electric field does not influence the depinning time τdp – the basic characteristic of the magnetoplasticity (see Section 8.1). Thus, we had quite convincing arguments for accepting a force hypothesis. Of course, we understood that the charge on dislocations is usually not large and the resulting electric
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
force should be very small. However this force seemed to be sufficient for our pure crystals with a pinning force substantially decreased due to the magnetic field. Meanwhile, one can estimate that even for a theoretically maximum charge per unit length of dislocation equal e/4a (e is the electron charge and a is the lattice parameter) the electric field 10 kV/m provides the force bσE per unit length of a dislocation, where σE ∼ 0.005 MPa, i.e. 10 times less than the level of pinning stress (30) found for our crystals. Such small forces cannot provide a dependence like that in Fig. 29(a). In Section 5.2 we have seen that even much larger mechanical actions do not cause such a marked change in dislocation mobility [see also (34)]. We also checked experimental dependence of the probability Wst on the pulse stress amplitude σm and did not find any exponential growth at rather large stresses. The absence of similar effects under mechanical loading leads us to the idea that the action responsible for those effects is not applied to dislocations but rather to the charged pinning centers. Indeed, a homogeneous stress pulse does not act on point defects, which react only on stress gradients. But the electric field does interact with charged defects, 2+ for electro-neutrality. say with a cation vacancy V− Na , which always accompanies Ca Of relevance, the binding energy of this pair in NaCl crystals is estimated in the literature [159,160] as 0.1–0.3 eV, which fits our estimate (43) for U0 , roughly coinciding for NaCl-2 and NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm) crystals [Fig. 30(b)]. In addition, the core of an edge dislocation (but not of a screw one) is a trap for vacancies. Note in passing that in accordance with our experimental checking the electric influence on the mean dislocation path has proved to be insensitive to a covering of crystal faces by a varnish coating which blocks a surface electromigration. This means that we deal here with a bulk phenomenon, in contrast to the switching effect (see Sections 3.3 and 6.2). On the other hand, as was established above, with the additional action of the electric field all basic dependencies on physical parameters are retained. Let us look at this situation in terms of eqs (19) and (20) with bearing in mind that the depinning time is independent of E [44]. The only factor which could be sensitive to the electric field is the mean number nunz of obstacles passed by a dislocation in one unzipping process. This value is directly determined by the number ncas of unzipping cascades on a dislocation which in turn is equal to the number nact of magnetosensitive centers that can undergo a spin reaction, ncas = nact = Ns /nunz . In other words, the role of the electric field is simply to produce an increase of such active magnetosensitive centers on dislocations. Since Wst ∝ v ∝ nact /Ns , we would expect the following thermoactivated equation for this key number nact nact (E, T ) = n0act + χE A + a exp −U (E)/kB T , (44) which is just a reformulation of (41). A more detailed considerations of possible schemes of electro-induced transformations of pinning centers on dislocations is presented in Section 9.4. 6.2. The possible role of vortex electric fields accompanied magnetic pulses As was shown above, the electric influence on the magnetoplasticity is not at all determined by a weak additional force on charged dislocations. All the more, it is related to much weaker vortex electric fields arising at switching on a magnet (see Section 3.3) or excited
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by short magnetic pulses in experiments of Zagoruiko [15] and Golovin et al. [156–158]. The interpretation of electric effects as a stimulation of electro-migration of charge carriers in the vicinity of dislocation cores, providing an increase in the number of active pinning centers ready for a spin conversion under the magnetic field, gives a new insight on the role of vortex fields. Let us estimate the maximum vortex electric field Em produced by the magnetic pulse of a sinusoid form: B = Bm sin(πt/tp ). As follows from Maxwell’s equation, Em ∼ B˙ m (d), where d is a characteristic size of the crystal in the section perpendicular to the magnetic field B. With B˙ m = πBm /tp this gives Em ∼ πdBm /tp .
(45) 5 × 10−3
Substituting here the parameters d = m, Bm = 17 T and tp = Zagoruiko experiments, one has the vortex field Em ∼ 0.3 kV/m.
s used in the (46)
This field is almost three orders of magnitude less than the minimum electric field that causes dislocation displacements in experiments [15]. Thus the initial Zagoruiko idea of a vortex electric force on charged dislocations must be rejected. On the other hand, estimate (46) is close to the field that provides the strong effect in our experiments [Figs. 27(a) and 28]. So, the observations in [15] might be a consequence of the combined actions of magnetic and vortex electric fields. However, in our case these fields acted during 5 min, and the magnetic pulse in [15] had duration only 10−3 s. In most of the relevant experiments Golovin et al. used magnetic pulses of amplitude Bm = 7 T and duration tp = 10−2 s, which correspond to a vortex field (45) Em ∼ 10 V/m. Based on the small estimates for the amplitudes Em , Golovin et al. [156] repudiated the idea of a vortex field role. Indeed, as seen in Fig. 29, such small static electric fields in our experiments with annealed crystals did not produce a noticeable influence on the magnetoplasticity. On the other hand, we observed a pronounced switching effect on some crystals (Section 3.3) which was established to be of surface origin. We have no estimates of vortex fields in our case but apparently they were even less than in the experiments of Golovin’s group and hardly could activate any bulk electro-migration. However the surface conductivity of alkali halide crystals is much larger than the bulk value. We think that in the switching effect the vortex fields induce some surface electrostimulated processes which activate surface pinning points on dislocations and start magnetic unzipping of dislocations from the surface to the depth of crystal. This explains why the switching effect is always accompanied by an abrupt increase in density ρm of mobile dislocation. In NaCl-2 crystals the switching effect caused the jump ρm but did not manifest itself in a jump of the mean dislocation path. On the other hand, in CsI and NaCl-3(Ca) crystals the jump ρm was always accompanied by a jump l. The latter was experimentally studied in the dependence on the switching magnetic induction B. Fig. 31 demonstrates this dependence for CsI crystals [36]. The observed linearity l ∝ B for small B correlates with the similar dependence induced by magnetic pulses [156] (Fig. 22) and they both fit eq. (45) and resemble the bulk electric effects (Fig. 29). The large mean dislocation paths observed in both types of experiments [15,32,36,156] are apparently determined by the processes of fast dislocation transitions from unstable to
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 31. Dependence of the jump l of the mean dislocation path due to the switching effect in CsI crystals on the magnetic induction B (the dashed line) on the background of analogous dependence of the combined mean dislocation path l(B) (the solid line).
Fig. 32. Dependences of the mean dislocation paths l in NaCl crystals due to the switching effect (line 1) and the magnetic pulse (Bm = 7 T, tp = 10−2 s) actions (line 2) on the Ca concentration C. On the insert: the probability Wst per unit time of the start of a dislocation during the pulse.
stable positions in the potential relief of internal stresses (inter-zone transitions a → b, c → d in Fig. 16) or/and by a slower post-relaxation of the dislocation structure long after the end of the pulse. The traces of the latter processes were experimentally found in [157] by means of the continuous etching of samples. On the other hand, the purer the crystal (i.e. the less the pinning “friction” force on dislocations), the smaller the expected contribution from the second kind of relaxation and the more likely that part of dislocations will move in an over-barrier manner without thermal activation. In accordance with these expectations, in our pure NaCl-3(Ca) crystals the jump l due to the switching effect is practically insensitive to the concentration C of Ca (line 1 in Fig. 32) and the replotted analogous data obtained by Golovin et al. [156] (line 2 in Fig. 32) show a decrease of l
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with increasing C, in addition to the similar behavior for small C. In the same experiment [156] the density of mobile dislocations ρm caused by the magnetic pulse decreases with the increasing Ca concentration √ C and, being replotted in accordance with eq. (7), gives the dependence Wst t ∝ 1/ C. Here t is the time of formation of the density ρm . We suppose that most of mobile dislocations were activated during the pulse action. In this case the time t ≈ tp becomes weakly sensitive to the concentration C and we come to the √ dependence Wst ∝ 1/ C (the insert in Fig. 32), which is similar to our dependence in Fig. 12(b). Let us now discuss the dependence of dislocation mobility induced by a magnetic pulse on its duration tp . The processes of surface electro-migration under the vortex electric fields are apparently not thermally activated, in analogy with the bulk electric effects described in eqs (41) and (44) by the term linear in E and independent of T . This allows us not to average the vortex field over the pulse time and to suppose that charge transitions require a time small compared with the pulse duration. On the other hand, the subsequent processes of in situ dislocation depinning, provide a mean dislocation path roughly linear in the time of magnetic treatment. This would compensate the factor tp in the denominator of (45). One should also remember that in the quenched crystals used in [156] there are in addition the magnetic memory effects (see Section 5.5) facilitating dislocation motion during and after the magnetic pulse. Their contribution also increases with the time tp . Maybe they are responsible for the observed weak (logarithmic) dependence of the mean dislocation path in Fig. 23: l ∝ ln tp . Unfortunately this question is still unanswered. At present the contribution of the memory effects to a combined mean dislocation path has not been studied quantitatively. In principle, such a study could be based on an exclusion of the magnetic memory effects in experiments of type (40). On the other hand, the latter effects are basically thermally activated and could be extracted by means of variations of temperature. However, the electro-migration may also have a thermally activated component as we have seen in bulk electric effects. In particular, the inclination from the linearity l ∝ Bm in Fig. 22 at Bm > 5 T resembles our dependences in Fig. 29 [in view of (45)] and might be attributed to thermally activated additions to the rate of electro-migration, like in (44). Indeed, as was shown in [90], the decrease of temperature to 120 K reduces the mean dislocation path l at the same magnetic amplitudes in the range Bm > 5 T. Unfortunately, the measurements at the temperature 120 K for smaller amplitudes Bm < 5 T were not carried out.
6.3. The relation between photo-plasticity and magnetoplasticity of alkali halide crystals As was mentioned in the Introduction, there is an alternative method for manipulating the electronic structures of point defects in crystals which is based on the irradiation of samples by light in a definite range of wavelengths. This phenomenon, known as the photo-plastic effect, was discovered by Osip’yan et al. in semiconductors [75] (and later in alkali halide crystals [76,77]). The physical interpretation given by the same researchers (see [6] for a review) appears to be the first indication that the dislocation–impurity system is of atomic size and the interaction (pinning) in this system is essentially dependent on its electronic
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 33. (a) Dependence of the mean dislocation path in NaCl crystals caused by stress (1) and magnetic (2) pulses on the quantum energy U = hν of the light used for the preliminary photo-exposure of samples. Insertions display the sequence of experimental procedures. Ph denotes the operation of light irradiation, the other notation is the same as before. (b) Dependence of the mean dislocation path in NaCl crystals caused by the magnetic pulse on the duration t1 of photo-exposure with light quantum energy U = 3.6 eV (1) and the duration t2 of the pause in the dark (2) or with the IR illumination U < 1.5 eV (3) between the photo-exposure and the introduction of dislocations. Rearranged from [90].
structure. Because the increase in plasticity of a crystal arising from its preliminary photoor magneto-treatment is provided by the resulting transformation of point defects limiting the dislocation mobility, one can suppose that the centers sensitive to a magnetic field could be also modified by means of the light. This idea was introduced and experimentally realized by Golovin et al. [161–164]. Fig. 33 demonstrates the results of experiments on NaCl crystals, which were exposed to an irradiation by light of wavelength 250–800 nm during 15 min. After irradiation fresh dislocations were introduced in the crystal and the latter was subjected to either a magnetic pulse (Bm = 7 T, tp = 10 ms) or a stress pulse (σm = 0.5 MPa, tp = 200 ms). One can see that σ - and B-tests of the sample after its preliminary light treatment, analogous to tests after a magnetic treatment of the same NaCl crystals (Fig. 24), show an opposite behavior: the irradiation makes the crystal more plastic and less magnetosensitive. The physical reasons for that are also quite similar: the photo-transformed centers reduce the pinning force on dislocations and do not react with the magnetic field. The maximum and the minimum of the corresponding two curves 1 and 2 coincide at the same light quantum energy Um = 3.6 eV (the light wavelength λm = 350 nm). This is evidence of the
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identity of the centers determining the photo- and magnetoplasticity of the crystals. At the optimum wavelength λm one can observe an increase in the mean dislocation path caused by a stress pulse (curve 1) as compared with the level L∗ in a nonirradiated sample. Also, at λ = λm the B-test demonstrates an almost complete suppression of the magnetoplasticity of samples: the mean dislocation path in an irradiated crystal (curve 2) decreases to a level comparable with the etching background L0 . A cancellation of the effect is observed for a wide range of magnetic pulse durations (10−2 –102 s) [161]. A similar effect was also found in KCl and LiF crystals [162] where the optimized energies Um of irradiation turned out to be inversely proportional to the square of their lattice parameters (Um ∝ a −2 ), being equal UmKCl = 2.8 eV and UmLiF = 6.6 eV. Temporal characteristics of the kinetics of the optical phenomenon are shown in Fig. 33(b). The light-stimulated transitions of impurity centers to a new state for a maximum suppression of the magnetoplastic effect requires an illumination time t 15 min [curve 1 in Fig. 33(b)]. Switching off the light leads to a gradual recovery of initial mobility of dislocations in the magnetic field [curve 2 in Fig. 33(b)], i.e. the irradiation effect has proved to be reversible. This process can be hastened by switching on a red light during the pause between the photo-exposure and the introduction of fresh dislocations [curve 3 in Fig. 33(b)]. Hence, the analogy with Fig. 24 is incomplete because there we dealt with irreversible relaxation transitions a → b → c. The reversible transitions under irradiation apparently have the character of an excitation (ionization) from an initial metastable state a to another metastable state b (with an electron in a shallow trap), which later relaxes back to a: a → b → a. The distinction of the state b from the states b and b follows also from the difference between their lifetimes. An anisotropy of the influence of the plane-polarized light on the magnetosensitive point defects in NaCl crystals was found in [164]: in the B-test, the fraction of dislocations that moved in the polarization plane was 1.5 times more than that in the perpendicular plane. Yet the mean dislocation paths in these planes did not differ within experimental error. This resembles the situation with the switching effect in NaCl-2 (see the previous section) which was manifested by changes in the density of mobile dislocations but not in the mean dislocation path. 6.4. Magnetoinduced and thermally activated mobility of dislocations in semiconductors In recent years special attention was directed to experimental studies of the magnetoplastic effect in semiconductors. Its manifestations in the mobility of individual dislocations were found and investigated in InSb crystals [50,57–59] and later in Si crystals [113–119]. Experiments on dislocation motion in semiconductors are more difficult than those in alkali halide crystals. The main reason for that is the presence in semiconductors of a relatively high Peierls–Nabarro potential relief, which makes dislocation motion practically impossible without thermal assistance. That is why experiments with individual dislocations in semiconductors are usually carried out at rather high temperatures, which complicates in situ experiments under a magnetic field, especially in Si. Thus, among the mentioned six experimental studies of MPE in Si, only two papers [113,116] dealt with in situ effects, and the other four were devoted to magnetic memory effects. In contrast, all the papers related
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 34. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l and the relative number n/N of diverging and contracting 60◦ dislocations on the magnetic induction for InSb crystals with different dopants at T = 473 K.
to InSb reflect the results of in situ experiments carried out in our group. In this section we limit ourselves to a description of main features of in situ dislocation motions in InSb crystals under an external magnetic field. The motion of individual dislocations in the InSb crystal subjected to magnetic treatment in the absence of mechanical loading was first observed in [50]. The experiments were performed on pure n-InSb single crystals with a carrier concentration of 1 × 1014 cm−3 . In order to introduce fresh dislocations, a shallow scratch along the [110] direction on the (111) surface was cut by a corundum needle. Under subsequent deformation for 5 min by the four-point bending technique at a temperature of 200 ◦ C and a stress σ = 15 MPa, dislocations were driven away from the scratch over a distance of 1–2 mm. The prepared samples with fresh dislocations were subjected to magnetic exposure at B = 0.2–0.9 T for a time t varying from several seconds to 50 min. The experiments were carried out at temperatures of 200 ◦ C with a preliminary slow heating for 50 min and a subsequent slow cooling. No external load was applied in the course of magnetic treatment. The control samples were prepared in the same way except for the exposure to the magnetic field, i.e., they were annealed at B = 0. As usual, the chemical etching technique was used for observing 60◦ dislocations. Dislocations were found to move both towards the scratch (contracting dislocation halfloops) and away of the scratch (diverging dislocation half-loops). In the control samples, the number of contracting dislocations was as large as 90% of the total number of moving dislocations. In the samples subjected to magnetic treatment, with an increase in the magnetic induction B and the treatment time t, more and more dislocations move away from the scratch (see the insert in Fig. 34). At sufficiently large B and t, the number
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of diverging dislocations was as large as 90%. Above a certain threshold magnetic field B > Bc , the mean path of diverging dislocations becomes proportional to B 2 (Fig. 34). Also, the mean path of diverging dislocations depends linearly on the magnetic treatment time while the mean path of contracting dislocations is independent of the magnetic induction B. The influence of the conductivity type and the degree of doping of the InSb single crystals on the mobility of 60◦ dislocations in the magnetic field was investigated in [57]. The doping of the pure InSb crystal with Te (n type) to a concentration of 1018 cm−3 (line 4 in Fig. 34) leads to a decrease in the dislocation mobility to the background level. In addition, the p-InSb crystals doped with Ge at the same carrier concentration (1018 cm−3 ) are characterized by a pronounced magnetoplastic effect (points 2 in Fig. 34). A decrease in the Ge dopant concentration (CGe = 1017 cm−3 ) results in a decrease in the mean free path of diverging dislocations in the magnetic field (point 3 in Fig. 34). The magnetoplastic effect disappears with a further decrease in the Ge concentration to 1.6 × 1014 cm−3 . Opposite tendencies were observed in mechanical testing of these crystals in the absence of a magnetic field [165]. The mean dislocation path slightly increases with an increase in the Te concentration and appreciably decreases with an increase in the Ge concentration. It seems likely that the dislocation mobility in the magnetic field depends not only on the conductivity type but also on the magnetic state of a dopant. Conceivably, the magnetic treatment of the InSb crystal doped with tellurium leads to the hardening, as is the case for the aforementioned negative magnetoplastic effect in the NaCl-3 (Pb) crystals [49]. The measurements of temperature dependence of the averaged velocity of the magnetically induced motion of 60◦ dislocations in n-InSb (1 × 1014 cm−3 ) crystals were carried out [50,59] in the temperature range 120–250 ◦ C. Fig. 35 shows the experimentally measured temperature dependences of the average velocity v of dislocations in InSb for two different actions on the crystal, magnetic (points on curve 1) and mechanical (points on straight line 2 according to [165]). Evidently, these effects differ not only in magnitude, but also in nature. In semilogarithmic coordinates ln v vs. 1/T , the velocity of 60◦ dislocations moving away from the scratch under the action of a mechanical load of 10 MPa in zero magnetic field is described by a linear function (line 2), which corresponds to the standard thermally activated dependence v = v0 exp(−U/kB T )
with an activation energy of U ≈ 0.8 eV and a pre-exponential factor of v0 ≈ 4.4 × 102 m/s. The velocity of dislocations in a magnetic field of B = 0.8 T under zero mechanical loading in the same coordinates is described by a dependence that asymptotically tends to a straight line only at low temperatures, while in the high-temperature range this curve exhibits a tendency to saturation (i.e., the loss of temperature sensitivity). Such a temperature dependence can be described by the following simple model. A dislocation overcomes a local barrier in a magnetic field in two stages: (i) lowering of the barrier as a result of the change in the electron structure of the impurity center after spin evolution (over time period τsp ) in the dislocation–impurity system and the removal of spin prohibition imposed on a certain transition and (ii) overcoming the lowered barrier due to thermal fluctuation after a mean time τth . In this case, the time τsp of the first stage is independent of temperature, but must be sensitive to the magnetic field. On the contrary, the
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 35. Dependence of the average velocity v of dislocations on reciprocal temperature T −1 in semi-logarithmic coordinates: (a) experimental data corresponding to relaxation motion in a magnetic field of B = 0.8 T under zero mechanical loading (curve 1) and to ordinary motion under the action of a stress of 10 MPa (2); (b) theoretical curve (1) and its main parameters.
time of the second stage strongly depends on temperature: τth ∝ exp(U /kB T ), where U is the activation energy of the lowered barrier. Not the height U of the new barrier, but only the kinetics of its formation depend on the magnetic field in this model. Thus, the mean velocity v of a dislocation must be limited by the total time, v ∝ (τsp + τth )−1 ; consequently, reciprocal velocity v −1 can be presented in the form −1 −1 v −1 = vm + vth ,
where the value of vm increases with the magnetic field (presumably, vm ∝ B 2 ) and is independent of temperature, and vth = v0 exp(−U /kB T ).
As applied to semi-logarithmic coordinates in Fig. 35, the corresponding theoretical dependence has the form v U ln v = ln v0 − ln 0 + exp (50) . vm kB T At low temperatures, when the exponent in eq. (50) considerably exceeds the first term in the argument of the logarithm, the function ln[v(1/T )] asymptotically approaches a linear dependence [dashed straight line in Fig. 35(b)] ln vasymp = ln v0 − U /kB T ,
which describes purely thermally activated mobility. This limit corresponds to the condition τsp + τth ≈ τth . In the other limiting case (at high temperatures), when, on the contrary,
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τth τsp and the exponential term in eq. (50) is smaller than the ratio v0 /vm , the velocity v becomes independent of temperature, approaching the level v = vm . Thus, eq. (50) correctly describes the observed effects. Choosing parameters v0 and U from the position and the slope of low-temperature asymptotic form (51) and the value of vm from the level of saturation for experimental points on the side of high temperatures, we obtain v0 = e8.47 µm/min = 8 × 10−5 m/s,
vm = e2.2 µm/min = 1.5 × 10−7 m/s,
U = 0.25 eV.
The theoretical curve (curve 1 in Fig. 35) for these parameters is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data. The activation energy U = 0.25 eV given in (52) turns out to be approximately one third of the value U = 0.8 eV determining the usual thermally activated mobility of dislocations under a mechanical stress of 10 MPa. As was shown in [59], the large difference between pre-exponential factors v0 and v0 is determined by the two factors: (i) the low level of internal stresses provided a driving force for a dislocation motion (they were ∼103 times less than an external stress of 10 MPa in [165]); and (ii) the important role of unzipping processes in magnetoinduced dislocation motions characterized by the large number nunz ∼ 103 –104 . Thus, the proposed model makes it possible to quantitatively estimate the height of impurity barriers for the motion of dislocations after their modification in a magnetic field and to separate the contributions of thermal activations and spin-dependent transitions in the dislocation–impurity system to the kinetics of magnetic relaxation of the dislocation structure.
7. Magnetic influence on macroplastic phenomena in nonmagnetic crystals The influence of the magnetic field on the mobility of individual dislocations was investigated under conditions when the dislocation density ρd did not exceed 104 –105 cm−2 . At these densities, dislocations relatively weakly pin each other. Actually, in this case, the mean spacing of forest dislocations crossing the slip plane is of the order of ∼100 µm and the mean distance between impurity centers on the dislocation line typically does not exceed a micrometer. Therefore, the “switching-off” of point obstacles on dislocations in the magnetic field substantially decreases their pinning. This explains the dislocation motion in magnetic fields in response to extremely small internal stresses and a high sensitivity of dislocation mobility to weak external actions. However, under the conditions of macroplastic deformation, the dislocation density is usually several orders of magnitude higher than the initial density and the spacing of dislo√ cation, ∼1/ ρd , is correspondingly much smaller than the initial spacing (e.g., ∼1 µm at ρd ∼ 108 cm−2 ). Therefore one would not expect a strong magnetic influence on macroplasticity. Nevertheless, such influence was experimentally found in such phenomena as active deformation (˙ε = const), active loading (σ˙ = const), creep (σ = const) and internal friction.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 36. Stress–strain curves for LiF crystals (1, 2) in the absence of magnetic field and (3, 4, 5) in a magnetic field of 0.48 T at a strain rate of 5 × 10−5 s−1 . The upper insert: the scheme of the active slip systems in LiF crystals under deformation in the presence and absence of the magnetic field. The lower inset: the scheme of the deformation stages and characteristic parameters on a stress–strain curve. Replotted from [86].
7.1. Active deformation (˙ε = const) of LiF, NaCl and PbS crystals The first studies of magnetic effects in the active deformation (compression at a constant strain-rate ε˙ ) of LiF, NaCl and PbS crystals were accomplished by Urusovskaya et al. [82–86]. The deformation apparatus included a test machine with corundum dies and a permanent magnet providing magnetic fields up to Bm = 0.48 T. The stress–strain curves corresponding to three deformation stages were measured under the compression of crystals in the presence and absence of a magnetic field. Fig. 36 shows such stress–strain curves σ (ε) (where σ is the working shear stress) for the case of LiF crystals compressed at a constant rate of 5 × 10−5 s−1 . Curves 1–5 relate to two samples deformed at B = 0 (lines 1, 2) and three samples compressed in a magnetic field of 0.48 T (lines 3, 4, 5). A comparison of the curves of these two series shows that the initial straight line segments corresponding to the elastic deformation of the crystals have the same slopes in the presence and absence of a magnetic field. However, the yield stresses and the stresses of the onset of deformation stages II and III for the samples in the magnetic field were considerably smaller than those at B = 0. For the samples compressed in the magnetic field, the slopes of the curves σ (ε) at strain hardening stage II are smaller and the slopes dσ/dε at stage III are larger than the corresponding slopes of the curves measured at B = 0. Similar dependences were also observed at ε˙ = 10−5 s−1 . However, at ε˙ > 10−4 s−1 , the curves σ (ε) became insensitive to the magnetic field. Examination of the strained samples in transmitted polarized light revealed that, in the magnetic field with inductions B larger than the critical induction Bc (above which, as will be shown below, the effect manifests itself), only one pair of orthogonal slip planes participates in the deformation, whereas, in the absence of a magnetic field, all four possible slip
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systems are always involved in this process (the upper insert in Fig. 36). In the magnetic field, systems in which the edge dislocations are parallel to the field do not contribute to the deformation. This circumstance is in complete agreement with the previously established fact that the magnetoplastic effect is not observed for edge dislocations parallel to the field (Section 3.3). At the same time, a decrease in the number of slip systems naturally explains the observed decrease in the strain hardening coefficient in the magnetic field. As is known, the changeover to deformation stage III occurs when dislocations generated by sources are compensated for by their annihilation. This leads to a decrease in the hardening coefficient [the slope θIII = (dσ/dε)III at deformation stage III is smaller than the slope θII at stage II]. Most likely, the slip systems that are not involved in stage II of crystal deformation in the magnetic field provide an increase in the dislocation density, which can be responsible for the increase in the slope θIII at B > Bc (Fig. 36). Similar dependences were obtained for NaCl and PbS crystals. The stress–strain curves for NaCl crystals turned out to be magnetically sensitive over a wider range of strain rates [83]. The ionic-covalent PbS crystals also revealed their specificity (see [86]). They also displayed a decrease in the yield stress, a shortening of the easy-slip stage, and a reduction in the strain hardening rate at deformation stage II. However, unlike alkali halide crystals, in the PbS crystals, the application of the magnetic field does not result in the shortening of stage II but even leads to its lengthening. At the same time, a stress–strain curve measured in the magnetic field lies below the curve obtained in the absence of field. The mentioned differences may be explained by the influence of the magnetic field on the participation of specific active slip systems in the deformation, in particular, by the magnetically stimulated faster changeover between the active and conjugate slip systems. In the PbS crystals, there are more active slip systems than in alkali halide crystals. PbS have two basic slip systems, {100}110 and {110}110, instead of one, {110}110, in the latter. Consequently, in the case of the PbS crystals, there is a larger number of degrees of freedom for the magnetic influence on the plastic deformation. The dependences of the yield stress σy (B, ε˙ ) for LiF and NaCl crystals were also studied [85]. The dependences of σy for the LiF crystals on the magnetic induction at different compression rates are plotted in Fig. 37(a), which shows that the lower the strain rate, the larger the relative decrease in the yield stress σy (0)/σy (Bmax ), where Bmax = 0.48 T. Specifically, the yield stress σy in the maximum field decreases by a factor of 1.5 at the highest strain rate and by a factor of 4 at the lowest strain rate. As can be seen from Fig. 37(a), a noticeable sensitivity of the yield stress of the LiF crystals to the magnetic field arises only beginning with a certain threshold field Bc above which the yield stress σy rather rapidly decreases with an increase in the induction B and asymptotically approaches a new, smaller yield stress. The observed effect of the magnetic field depends on the strain rate. In particular, the threshold magnetic field Bc remains constant (Bc = Bc0 ) at low strain rates and considerably increases with an increase in the strain rate at ε˙ > ε˙ c = 6 × 10−6 s−1 . This behavior suggests that, at a constant induction B > Bc0 , a noticeable magnetosensitivity of the dependence σy (˙ε ) can be observed at strain rates in a range limited from above. This behavior can be clearly seen from the experimental dependences σy (˙ε ) measured for a number of fixed inductions B [Fig. 37(b)]. The dependences of the yield stress σy on the magnetic induction B were also found for NaCl crystals [85]. They proved to be very similar to those for LiF crystals [Fig. 37(a)]. In
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 37. Dependences of the yield stress σy of LiF crystals on (a) the magnetic induction B at the different strain rates ε˙ and (b) the strain rate ε˙ at the different magnetic inductions B [86].
both crystals the critical induction Bc , as a function of ε˙ , is well described by the empirical dependence √ 2 1 Bc = max Bc0 , k ε˙ , (53) where the coefficients k for LiF and NaCl can be found from the experimental plots in Fig. 38. In order to understand the physical basis for our observations in Figs 37 and 38, let us consider the active deformation of a crystal at a strain rate ε˙ = const, supposing for
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Fig. 38. Dependences of the threshold magnetic induction Bc on the strain rate ε˙ for LiF and NaCl crystals. Experimental points are obtained by processing the dependences depicted in Fig. 37 and in similar data [83] for NaCl crystals.
simplicity that dislocation mobility is determined by identical magnetosensitive impurity centers which at B = 0 are characterized by the activation energy U0 and the activation volume γ . The time of thermally activated depinning of dislocations from such impurities should be τth = τ0 exp (U0 − γ σ )/kB T . (54) Under the deformation at a fixed strain rate ε˙ , the latter at the yield point σ = σy must be equal to ε˙ = ε˙ 0 exp −(U0 − γ σy )/kB T = ε˙ 0 τ0 /τth . (55) Switching on the magnetic field changes the situation only for a specific range of B. As shown in Section 8.3, spin dependent transformation of pinning centers can occur only in magnetic fields higher than a certain threshold field Bc0 . At B > Bc0 , in a complete analogy with the consideration in Section 6.4, the depinning time, should equal min{τth , τsp + τth }, where τsp depends only on the magnetic field (roughly, τsp ∝ B −2 ) and τth is similar to (54), however with different activation parameters. We suppose that τth τth and, depending on the magnitude of B, the time τsp may belong to three intervals: (i) τsp > τth , (ii) τth > τsp > τth , (iii) τth > τsp . Region (i) clearly corresponds to the initial upper level of the step-like dependence σy (B) [Fig. 37(a)] when the yield stress is magnetically insensitive, being determined by the relation (55): σy =
1 kB T ε˙ U0 + ln . γ γ ε˙ 0
This expression describes the upper straight line in Fig. 37(b) and its slope determines the activation volume γ . Region (iii) corresponds to attainment of saturation at the lower level of the dependence σy (B) [Fig. 37(a)] where the yield stress is magnetically induced but almost independent of B. This regime determines the major part of lower line in Fig. 37(b), which is practically parallel to the upper one. The latter fact means that the activation volume of the transformed barrier is the same as in the initial state, i.e. our assumption, that in
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 39. Dependences of the yield stress on the electric field strength at (a) the different magnetic field inductions B (˙ε = 5 × 10−4 s−1 ) and (b) the different strain rates (B = 0.4 T) [84].
the given LiF crystal only one sort of impurities limits dislocation mobility, was apparently realistic. In range (iii) the asymptotic level for yield stress is determined by an equation similar to (56) where σy , U0 and ε˙ 0 must be replaced by σy , U0 and ε˙ 0 , respectively. Thus, the magnetically dependent transition of the yield stress from the upper level σy to the lower level σy happens in range (ii). And the critical value Bc of the magnetic induction here τsp = λB −2 and can be roughly estimated from the equation τsp = τth . Substituting √ τth = ε˙ 0 τ0 /˙ε one obtains the empirical eq. (54) with k = λ/˙ε0 τ0 . In experiments with individual dislocations we have found that relaxation of the dislocation structure under a magnetic field is weakly sensitive to the temperature and cannot be thermally activated (Sections 3.4 and 4.3). But the behavior of the crystal under active deformation is different: it cannot wait for the slow successive unzipping processes. In order to provide the given strain rate ε˙ , a crystal increases the dislocation density and the level of stresses and switches on the parallel thermally activated processes. The macroplastic response of NaCl crystals to their combined exposure to electric and magnetic fields was also studied [84]. Experiments were carried out in which the constant magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the stressing axis of the compression-testing machine and the electric field was applied along this axis [84]. Brass electrodes were cemented to the jaws of corundum dies and were in contact with sample faces. The magnetic induction varied from 0 to 0.4 T, and the electric field ranged from 0 to 20 kV/m. The samples were strained at rates from 5 × 10−5 to 2 × 10−3 s−1 at room temperature. Stress– strain curves were measured under compression of NaCl crystals in the absence of both fields, only in the magnetic field B = 0.4 T, and in the magnetic (B = 0.4 T) and electric (E = 9 kV/m) fields. In the absence of the magnetic field, the electric fields did not affect the stress–strain curves of the NaCl crystals. The effect was observed only in electric fields E ∼ 103 kV/cm [166]. The dependences of the yield stress σy on the electric field strength E at different magnetic inductions B are plotted in Fig. 39(a). Clearly, the experimental dependences involve two segments corresponding to the initial decrease in the yield stress and its subsequent sat-
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uration at E > 1–1.5 kV/m. The larger the magnetic induction, the larger and steeper the decrease in the yield stress σy . Similar dependences were obtained at a fixed induction B and different strain rates ε˙ [Fig. 39(b)]. The electric field strengths of the saturation are the same as for the dependences depicted in Fig. 39(a). The lower the strain rate ε˙ , the steeper and larger the decrease in the yield stress. Furthermore, at ε˙ = 8 × 10−5 s−1 , the yield stress corresponding to the saturation in the dependences is retained up to E 20 kV/m. The saturation of the observed decrease in the yield stress σy with an increase in the electric field strength most likely reflects the “residual” role of screw dislocations which are insensitive to the electric field. In [87] switching on the static magnetic field B = 0.9 T during an active deformation of NaCl(Eu) crystals with the strain rate ε˙ = 5 × 10−5 s−1 suppressed a slip-stick plastic yielding – the Portevin–Le Chatelier effect, which manifested itself in jumps of stresses just after the yield point. These jumps practically disappeared under the magnetic field but were renewed after it was switched off. The effect could be repeated several times in the same crystal but was observed only in quenched crystals. Apparently, magnetoinduced softening of the crystal prevented the plastic instabilities. 7.2. Active loading (σ˙ = const) of alkali halide crystals Golovin and Morgunov [88,89] found an influence of the magnetic field on the strain rate ε˙ of plastic yielding of some alkali halide crystals under their active loading with a constant stress rate σ˙ = const (i.e., σ = κt). Switching on the magnetic field orthogonal to the compression axis during deformation caused the strain rate ε˙ to increase by up to the factor 2, as compared with the initial rate ε˙ 0 . After switching off the magnetic field, the strain rate returned to ε˙ 0 . NaCl, KCl and LiF crystals with different concentrations of Ca, Pb, and Mn impurities were studied. The NaCl and KCl crystals with impurities of Pb and Mn did not manifest any sensitivity to magnetic field switchings under active loading. However the crystals NaCl(Ca), KCl(Ca) and LiF(Me2+ ) have proved to be magnetically active. A uniaxial compression of preliminary quenched samples of a typical size 3×3×8 mm3 was carried out in the regime of active loading σ˙ = const in a testing machine with quartz dies. The available stress rates σ˙ were in the range 1–50 kPa/s. Strains and strain rates of samples were recorded by the induction sensor with a resolution ∼0.2 µm. The magnetic field B = 0.7 T was switched on at different stages of the strain–stress curve ε(σ ) for the time 10–100 s (the full deformation time was ∼103 s and the strain increment ε for 100 s was only ∼0.05%). At the stage of elastic deformation the magnetic field did not change the slope of the curve ε(σ ), but in the region 0.8σy < σ < σy it caused a decrease in σy which was not studied in [87,88] but has proved to be a prediction for further experiments (see Section 7.1). Just after the yield stress (σ > σy ), in the easy-glide stage, the magnetic field provided a reversible increase in the slope of ε(σ ), i.e. a jump in the strain rate ˙ε = ε˙ − ε˙ 0 (Fig. 40). The magnitude of this jump strongly depended on the moment of switching-on of the magnetic field and formed a peak ˙ε (ε) which, as a rule, belonged to the easy-glide stage of deformation and disappeared at the transition to the strain hardening stage. Sometimes the effect was also observed at larger strains but such observations were irregular and nonreproducible.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 40. Dependences of the stress σ and the normalized increment of strain rate ˙ε/˙ε0 under the magnetic field B = 0.7 T on the strain ε of NaCl (Ca: 103 ppm) crystals during their active loading (from [89]). The dashed line is a theoretical curve, eq. (59). On the insert: the large scale fragment of the dependence ε(σ ) with jumps of the slope related to switching on and off (arrows) of the magnetic field (replotted from [91]).
A series of experiments was accomplished in which the primary slip direction was provided by the creation of stress concentrators on some of the sample faces. The magnetic softening was more evident in the cases when dislocation directions L were orthogonal to the field B, than in the case when L B (compare with Figs 6 and 20). On this observation, the irregular manifestations of jumps ˙ε (ε) at larger strains ε > 2% were attributed to a changeover between the active slip systems [88]. The maximum of this peak was proportional to B 2 [Fig. 41(a)] and depended on the Ca impurity concentration C in NaCl and KCl crystals [Fig. √ 41(b)]. With a growth in C the jump maximum (˙ε )max increases practically linearly in C up to the concentration Cm ≈ 103 ppm and, in NaCl, for C > Cm it decreases with an increase in C. A strong dependence of the effect on the impurity concentration and its practical disappearance in the strain hardening stage where the dislocation motion is controlled by the interaction with “forest” dislocations, rather than with point defects, suggests the presence of the same spindependent processes which are a subject of this paper. The presence of the phenomenon only in well quenched crystals, as well as the growth of its magnitude with an increase in the impurity concentration C [in NaCl(Ca) until C < 103 ppm] indicate the magnetic memory effects. The role of quenching is apparently to produce an impurity subsystem consisting of small complexes, part of which could be in a long-lived metastable magnetosensitive state. A study by Golovin et al. [111] has shown that the optimized regime of quenching requires
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Fig. 41. Dependences of the maximum (˙ε)max /˙ε0 of the magnetically induced peak ˙ε(ε) (see Fig. 40) on (a) the magnetic induction B for KCl (Ca: 0.03%) crystals and (b) the Ca impurity concentration C in NaCl and KCl crystals. Rearranged from [88].
heating of a crystal at 700 K for a time exceeding 1.5 h and its subsequent cooling at a rate of more than 6 K/s. However, with an increase in impurity concentration C, the above regime should lose its efficiency because with an increase in C it must be more and more difficult to prevent impurity coagulation into large complexes, which are nonmagnetosensitive in the bulk of the crystal beyond dislocation cores (this always occurs in annealed crystals). Possibly, the decrease of the effect in NaCl(Ca) crystals at C > 103 ppm [Fig. 41(b)] is just a manifestation of the difficulty in preparing a magnetosensitive impurity subsystem. We now describe the process of active loading of the crystal under the magnetic field. Consider the moment t when the loading stress σ (t) exceeds the yield stress σyB in the crystal under magnetic field. As we have seen in Section 7.1, the latter stress may be substantially less than σy . Also, let the strain ε(t) belongs to the deformation stage where dislocation interactions with point defects remain important. At this moment the density of moving dislocations is ρm (σ ), their average speed is v(σ ) and the resulting strain rate is ε˙ = bρm (σ )v(σ ). The other dislocations stand at their obstacles in the relief of internal stresses σint and wait for an increase in the stress σ (t). These two sets of dislocations can be roughly distinguished by the conditions, respectively, σ > σint + σfr ,
(57) σ < σint + σfr , √ where bσfr = Ffr ≈ f bC is the “dry friction” (pinning) force per unit length of dislocation and f is the pinning force from one obstacle (Fig. 13). In accordance with (12), the magnetic influence changes the pinning force on f = f − f for the β fraction of
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
obstacles on a dislocation, so that the friction stress σfr is decreased to the value
σ = βf C/b.
This abruptly changes the above boundary in (57) to the same value. Accordingly, the change in strain rate is 2
∂ ε˙ ∂ ε ˙ε = (59) βf C/b = κ βf C/b, 2 ∂σ B=0 ∂σ B=0 where we have used the relation σ = κt. This equation fits the observed dependence of the effect on the impurity concentration C [the insert in Fig. 41(b)]. It predicts also a form of the peak ˙ε (ε) directly determined by the experimental curve ε(σ ) after its double differentiation. The dashed theoretical curve ˙ε = const(∂ 2 ε/∂σ 2 )B=0 , after a phenomenological adjustment of the constant, quite satisfactorily fits the experimental points in Fig. 40. The jump ˙ε is positive only in the concave part of the curve ε(σ ) between the inflection points (Fig. 40). Beyond this zone the theory predicts negative jumps, i.e. a strengthening effect of the magnetic field. Perhaps this is a physical reason for negative jumps in ε˙ which were often observed [79] when, apart from the static magnetic field, the microwave field was switched on. In our simplified consideration there is no predictions of the dependence ˙ε (B). The main magnetically sensitive factor is β – the fraction of transformed pinning centers on a dislocation. By its physical meaning this parameter should increase with a growth of B. Experimental data of Golovin and Morgunov [88] [Fig. 41(a)] provide for β an empirical dependence β ∝ B 2 , which is analogous to the data for microplastic parameters (see Figs 8, 18, 21). Actually, the phenomenon of magnetic memory at active loading of crystals represents a nontrivial example of fast transformation of impurity centers under fairly low magnetic fields. In Section 5.4 we discussed the analogous memory effects in microplasticity which required a much lengthier exposure of samples to the same magnetic field (for times ∼103 s). Apparently, the motion of multiple dislocations during macroplastic deformation provides much stronger perturbations for impurity centers in slip planes which cause their transformations under the magnetic field to be much faster (see also the discussion of Fig. 26 in Section 5.5). 7.3. Creep (σ = const) of LiF, NaNO2 , and C60 crystals The magnetic influence on the strain rate of plastic deformation of LiF and NaNO2 crystals under a constant compression (σ = const) was studied by Smirnov et al. [92]. The variations of the creep rate of loaded samples were measured by means of laser interferometry. The magnetic field (B = 0.2 T) was “switched” on or off by movings the permanent magnet into or out of the creep set up. In both crystals there were found an abrupt increase in the creep rate under the magnetic field and its back decrease at “switching off” the field. Fig. 42 displays the dependences of the ratio ε˙ B /˙ε0 of the creep rates on their creep rate ε˙ 0 at B = 0 in the LiF and NaNO2 crystals either during magnetic field application or after a pre-exposure to a field. One can see that the magnetoplastic effect in the creep of NaNO2
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Fig. 42. Dependences of the ratio ε˙ B /˙ε0 of the creep rates under the magnetic field and after a pre-exposure on their creep rate ε˙ 0 at B = 0 in the NaNO2 (1–3) and LiF (4–6) crystals. The data were obtained at the switching on (1, 2, 4) or switching off (5) the permanent magnetic field B = 0.2 T and after preliminary exposure of samples to the same magnetic field during 10 min (3, 6). The active slip systems in the NaNO2 crystals were {110}111 (points 1, 3) and (001)[100] (2) [92].
crystals is more pronounced than in LiF crystals: the maximum ratio (˙εB /˙ε0 )max was 7.5 for NaNO2 crystals and 1.6 for LiF crystals. The effect was observed only in the range of creep rates (0.1–3) × 10−5 s−1 . The magnetic memory effect was also observed on the same crystals. The preliminary exposure of these crystals to a magnetic field B = 0.2 T for 10 min with a subsequent pause of 5 min caused the same increase in the creep rate as in the in situ experiments (points 3, 6 in Fig. 42). The same method was also applied for a study of magnetic influence on the creep of fullerite crystals [93]. During creep, the C60 samples were rapidly put into a magnetic field of 0.2 T or pulled out of it (by moving the magnet). The procedure was repeated several times until the creep was noticeable (Fig. 43). The creep curves were obtained at temperatures higher (290 K) or lower (100–110 K) than the temperature of phase transition from the fcc structure to the simple cubic lattice. As is seen from Fig. 43, each change of the magnetic induction modified the creep rate. At room temperature in the fcc state the magnetic field causes an increase in strain rate of the crystal. The “switching off” the magnetic field stops the creep for a time ∼100 s with a subsequent continuation of the deformation at a smaller strain rate. In the simple cubic lattice (110 K) the sign of the magnetoplastic effect is changed: the deformation is stopped just after the switching-on of the magnetic field and then re-appears at some strain rate, which abruptly increases after the switching off the magnetic field (Fig. 43). This result correlates with the changeover of the sign of the magnetic increment of the microhardness of C60 crystals at the point of the same phase transition [125]. The horizontal segments on the creep curves in Fig. 43 of the delays of deformation are commonly attributed to appearance of back stresses which need some time for their relaxation decrease. During this time the applied stress is not sufficient for a continuation of the deformation in new conditions.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 43. The creep curves of the fullerite (C60 ) crystals compressed at σ = 0.7 MPa under 100 and 290 K. Arrows indicate the moments of switching on (↑) and off (↓) of the magnetic field B = 0.7 T [93].
The effects of magnetic memory in a creep of the C60 crystals were also found [93]. They were again of different signs at temperatures higher and lower than the phase transition. As before, in the fcc phase the authors observed a magnetic plasticization. The change in the strain rate of the crystal after its exposure to the magnetic field depends on a set of factors: the temperature, the magnitude of the magnetic induction, the time of magnetic treatment, the time of a pause between a magnetization of the sample and its loading, etc. The effect is stronger, the more the magnetic induction and the longer the magnetic treatment of the crystal. On the other hand, it becomes weaker with a growth of the pause time, and a pause under a load substantially accelerates the loss of magnetic memory. After a complete suppression of the memory effect its recovery requires an increase in time of magnetic treatment and/or the magnitude of B. Or one can just wait for sufficient time without magnetic or mechanical actions on a crystal. 7.4. Internal friction in alkali halide crystals and nonmagnetic metals In this subsection we consider magnetic influences on inelastic properties of nonmagnetic crystals under oscillatory loadings. The main experimental activity in this field is related to studies of the internal friction in alkali halide crystals in a composite vibrator (40–80 kHz) under a static magnetic field B = 0.04–1 T [94–97] and in metals in a torsional pendulum (∼1 Hz) under a pulsed ac magnetic field with an amplitude B ≈ 0.4 T [98–102]. The magnetic field has an influence both on the amplitude-dependent and amplitude-independent internal friction. The ultrasound testing of LiF, KBr, NaCl and KCl crystals under magnetic fields were carried by Tyapunina, Belozerova and coworkers [95–97]. The logarithmic decrement δ and the Young’s modulus defect M/M were measured at room temperature in a vacuum using ultrasound at elastic strain amplitudes ε0 = 10−7 –10−3 . The magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of the ultrasound propagation was created by a permanent magnet (0.04–0.3 T) or an electromagnet (0.4–1 T). The response of the sample to ultrasound vi-
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Fig. 44. Amplitude dependences of the damping decrement δ (a) and the modulus defect M/M (b) for LiF crystals with different impurities under the magnetic fields and at B = 0; f = 80 kHz [95].
brations and magnetic field was determined by chemical etching of the surface and from the volt-ampere characteristics of the composite piezo-oscillator. Fig. 44 shows the amplitude dependencies of the internal friction and the modulus defect in LiF crystals under the magnetic field. With an increase in B the damping decrement δ grows for all amplitudes ε0 and the threshold of the amplitude dependence shifts to the side of smaller ε0 [Fig. 44(a)]. Curves 1 and 2 for B = 0 and 0.14 T, respectively, coincide, which indicates the existence of a threshold magnetic field in the range 0.14 T < Bc < 0.26 T. As is shown in [97], the magnitudes of the critical fields Bc for crystals with different impurity contents substantially differ from each other which fits our data [48] (see Section 8.3). The modulus defect under the magnetic field also increases and its amplitude dependence starts at a smaller ε0 . The authors [95–97] have established that in their experiments under the magnetic field the basic parameters of the dislocation internal friction are changed: the starting stresses decrease, the mean length of the dislocation segment increases, the number of pinning points on a dislocation and the pinning force decrease. The greatest changes of the above parameters and the smallest critical field Bc are found in LiF crystals with Ni impurities which is analogous to our data on the maximum dislocation mobility in NaCl(Ni) crystals [Fig. 8(b)]. The KBr crystals, which behaved in in situ experiments quite similarly to other alkali halide crystals (line 1 in Fig. 45), after a preliminary magnetic treatment in the field 0.2 T for 3.5 h, manifested a magnetic memory effect of opposite sign: a strengthening instead of a softening. The amplitude-dependent internal friction became less than that for a control sample tested at B = 0, and the beginning of the amplitude dependence shifted to the side of larger ε0 (compare lines 2 and 3 in Fig. 45). Apparently, the magnetic exposure of a sample before the introduction of fresh dislocations transformed the impurity centers in the bulk of a crystal to a state differing from that with the pinning centers on fresh dislocations in in situ experiments. Unexpected data were also obtained in [94] in the study of magnetic influence on the processes of dislocation multiplication in NaCl crystals subjected to an ultrasound treat-
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 45. Amplitude dependences of internal friction in KBr crystals: 1 – the sample was under the magnetic field B = 0.2 T during measurements; 2 – the control test at B = 0; 3 – the sample was preliminary exposed to the magnetic field B = 0.2 T during 3.5 h; f = 54 kHz [96].
ment. In the test samples not exposed to a magnetic field, two peaks were found in the amplitude dependence δ(ε0 ) (curve 1 in Fig. 46). Based on selective chemical etching of crystal surfaces these peaks can be related to the two stages of dislocation multiplication. The first one is controlled by dislocation sources localized in grain boundaries, and the second stage by dislocations generated at stress concentrators on the surfaces (edges, steps, etc.). When the same experiment was repeated under a magnetic field of B = 0.3 T, the first peak disappeared (curve 2 in Fig. 46). Selective etching displayed a partial decomposition and a reduction of the extension of grain boundaries, a termination of dislocation generation and a formation of dislocation structures typical for high temperature loading of alkali halide crystals. A low frequency torsional pendulum (∼1 Hz) was used for analogous studies of the magnetic influence on internal friction in nonmagnetic metals (aluminum, steel with impurities N or C, and tin bronze) by Datsko et al. [98–101] Variations of strain amplitude ε0 were within the range (2–16) × 10−5 . Measurements of internal friction were carried out before and during the magnetic exposure of samples or in the regime of magnetic memory where samples were subjected to a preliminary magnetic treatment before their deformation in the pendulum. The first type of studies ordinarily demonstrated magnetic plasticization of materials or their insensitivity to the magnetic field. On the other hand, the experiments [98] with preliminary magnetized tin bronze samples in the memory regime showed a decrease in internal friction, i.e. a strengthening effect. In other words, the situation in metals has proved to be similar to that in KBr crystals (Fig. 45). For the case of aluminum of 99.999% purity, the material acquires a sensitivity to the magnetic field when the vacancy concentration Cv in it is heightened, and vice versa, the material becomes insensitive to the magnetic field when the magnitude of Cv in it is re-
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Fig. 46. Amplitude dependences of internal friction in NaCl crystals for the range of dislocation multiplication; 1 – B = 0; 2 – B = 0.3 T; f = 73 kHz; the vacuum p = 0.13 Pa [94].
Fig. 47. Amplitude dependences of the internal friction of Al (99.999%) at ordinary conditions (B = 0) – curves 1, 3, 5 and under the pulsed magnetic field – curves 2, 4, 6 for initial recrystallized (1, 2), quenched and aged (3, 4) and annealed (5, 6) states of the material [102].
duced [102]. In these experiments [102], the vacancy concentration in Al was regulated by means of the heat treatment of samples. The measurements were carried out first on the initial recrystallized samples (with the reduced vacancy concentration), then on the quenched and aged samples (with the heightened magnitude of Cv ), and finally on the annealed samples (with the reduced Cv ). The results of this series of in situ experiments are shown in Fig. 47. One can see that the samples in the initial state are not magnetosensitive (curves 1, 2). The quenched and aged samples under magnetic field manifest the increase in internal friction for all amplitudes ε0 but a decrease of their amplitude sensitivity (curve 4 as compared with 3). And the annealing of samples again makes them insensitive to the magnetic field (curves 5, 6). The author [102] believes that a spin-dependent transformation
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
under the magnetic field happens in the coupled dislocation–vacancy system and results in a decrease of dislocation pinning.
8. Experimental evidences confirming a spin origin of the effect In this section we present experimental results corroborating the hypothesis of a spin nature of the magnetoplastic effect. In parallel, we find new properties and fundamental characteristics of the magnetoplasticity.
8.1. Magnetoplastic effect in alternating magnetic fields Spin evolution in the system occurs in the course of spin precession about the direction of the magnetic field in which radical pairs relax to a new equilibrium distribution of spin states. If the field B direction moves (say, when it rotates with some frequency ν) the trajectory of spin precession acquires a complicated form. For a slow motion when ν is sufficiently small, the spin relaxation kinetics in the magnetic field should remain practically unchanged. However, with an increase of the frequency ν the relaxation time τdp should also grow and after some critical value νc , at ν > νc , the spin relaxation to some definite state will be replaced by a time dependent chaotization of spin states of the radical pair. In this situation the probability of the spin reaction in the magnetic field must rapidly decrease as the frequency ν further increases. As shown in Fig. 6, the kinetics of dislocation depinning depend on the mutual orientation of the magnetic field and dislocations. This means that the spin evolution depends not only on the field direction but also on the dislocation orientation, i.e., the crystal orientation (the possible reasons for that are discussed in Section 9.1). Therefore, a rotation of the field B may be replaced by a rotation of the sample in the magnetic field which is more convenient in the experiment. Thus, we expect that the magnetoplastic effect in the rotating crystal should occur through the mechanism under consideration only until the change ϕ = 2πντdp in the magnetic field orientation with respect to the crystal for the spin evolution time τ ∼ τdp is small compared to the critical misorientation angle ϕc = 2πα, where α is a small parameter which will be estimated below from experimental data (roughly, α ∼ 10−3 ). In other words, the critical frequency, νc = ϕc /2πτdp = α/τdp ,
should separate two radically differing ranges of the dependence l(ν). At low frequencies ν νc , the mean free path l of the dislocations should not substantially depend on ν. However, at high frequencies ν νc , the magnetoplastic effect should disappear. We stress that the condition ϕ ϕc has nothing to do with any limitations for the crystal orientation with respect to the vector field B. The effect disappears not because of the change of orientation of the B vector but due to its rapid change which is evident from the other form of the same inequality: ν νc .
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Fig. 48. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l on the frequency ν of the sample rotation in a magnetic field of 0.5 T for 5 min for NaCl-2 crystal at 293 and 77 K and for NaCl-3(Ca) crystals with different Ca impurity concentrations C at room temperature.
To put it differently, if our assumption regarding the spin nature of the magnetoplastic effect is correct, stepwise dependences l(ν) with a rather sharp decrease in the ratio of the mean free path l of dislocations to the background path l(0) should be expected in experiments when the frequency ν exceeds the critical value νc . Moreover, the experimental dependence of the critical frequency νc (60) should exhibit a specific behavior. Namely, like the parameter τdp , the frequency νc should not noticeably depend on the temperature but should be sensitive to the impurity type and the magnetic induction (roughly, νc ∝ B 2 ). Furthermore, we expect that edge and screw dislocations have different frequencies νc . All these predictions were completely confirmed by the experimental data [33,35]. As can be seen from Figs 48–51, the dependences l(ν) indeed have a stepwise shape. Fig. 48 shows the dependences l(ν) for the NaCl crystals exposed to the magnetic field B = 0.5 T for 5 min at liquid-nitrogen and room temperatures [35]. This figure shows that, within the limits of experimental error, the critical frequency is independent of the temperature. With an increase in the Ca concentration by one order of magnitude, the critical frequency νc decreases only slightly, if at all. It was additionally checked that the value of νc does not depend on the magnetic treatment time. Similar dependences for the LiF and Al crystals subjected to magnetic treatment at two different magnetic inductions are depicted in Figs 49(a) and 49(b) [35]. An increase in the magnetic induction from 0.5 to 0.7 T for the LiF crystals [Fig. 49(a)] and from 0.7 to 1.0 T for the Al crystals [Fig. 49(b)] does lead to an increase in the critical frequency νc at which the effect is suppressed. However, in both cases, the critical frequency νc increases by a factor of no more than 1.5, which, even within experimental errors, is less than two-fold increase predicted by the dependence νc ∝ B 2 . Here we recall the empirical analysis in
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 49. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l in (a) LiF (t = 5 min) and (b) Al (t = 15 min) crystals on the frequency ν of the sample rotation in a magnetic field at two different inductions for each crystal; in (c) and (d) are the same dependences, respectively, in coordinates (62).
Sections 3.4 and 4.3, which showed that the dependence τdp ∝ B −2 is satisfactory only at sufficiently small inductions B. The more correct dependence τdp (B) given by eq. (20) is τdp ∝ (B0 /B)2 + 1. Accordingly, one should expect that −1 νc ∝ (B0 /B)2 + 1 . (61) Thus, the product νc [(B0 /B)2 + 1] should be independent of the magnetic induction B. Taking into account that by eq. (4) the same should be also valid for the combination l[(B0 /B)2 + 1], we expect the above pairs of curves in Figs 49(a) and 49(b) to be unified in common curves in the new plots where l → l (B0 /B)2 + 1 and νc → νc (B0 /B)2 + 1 . (62) For the case of LiF the field B0 was found earlier from the independent experimental data, eq. (5), and is equal 0.8 T. Therefore the replotting of Fig. 49(a) to the coordinates (62) may be done straightforwardly. The result, presented in Fig. 49(c), looks convincing: we have an independent verification of the important dependencies (20) and (61).
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Fig. 50. Dependences of the mean paths l of edge and screw dislocations in LiF crystals on the frequency ν of the sample rotation in a magnetic field of B = 0.5 T for t = 5 min with or without additional electric field E.
For Al, the parameter B0 was not found earlier, but with the above success for LiF we can now find this unknown parameter, choosing it so that the two curves in Fig. 49(b) coincide in coordinates (62). The result of such optimization shown in Fig. 49(d) gives the magnitude B0Al = 0.9 T.
As could be expected, the critical frequencies νc differ for screw and edge dislocations. Fig. 50 displays the appropriate data [44] obtained for edge and screw dislocations in LiF crystals with and without the additional action of the electric field E = 2 kV/m, imposed simultaneously with the magnetic field B = 0.5 T. One can see that the critical frequency for screw dislocations is more than twice that for edge dislocations. The electric field influences only the mean dislocation path of edge dislocations, but does not change the frequency νc for either type of dislocation. In view of relation (60), this means that the depinning time τdp is also insensitive to the electric field. This supports our arguments in Section 6.1 attributing the electric influence on edge dislocations to an increase in the number nact of active impurity centers in dislocation cores ready for a transformation under the magnetic field [see eq. (44)]. Thus, the electric field in our experiments described in Section 6.1 does not influence the spin state of the active magnetosensitive centers in dislocation cores but substantially increases their number. Small amounts of the magnetically active Ni impurity contained in the NaCl-2(Ni) crystals considerably affect the critical frequency νc [38,40]. As can be seen from Fig. 51, the critical frequency νc in the NaCl-2(Ni) crystals is almost one order of magnitude higher than that in the initial NaCl-2 crystals.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 51. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l in NaCl-2 and NaCl-2(Ni) crystals on the frequency ν of the sample rotation in a magnetic field of 0.3 T for 5 min.
Thus, the results of the performed investigations of the magnetically stimulated dislocation mobility in the rotating crystals substantially support the hypothesis of the spin nature of the microscopic mechanisms of the magnetoplastic effect. 8.2. The influence of preliminary X-ray irradiation of the samples As was shown above, the impurity composition of crystals has a strong effect on the dependence l(ν) and the critical frequency νc . In this respect, we expect that, when the crystal contains several types of magnetosensitive obstacles to the dislocation motion, the dependence l(ν) should be represented by a multi-step curve with a certain spectrum of the critical frequencies νci (i = 1, 2, . . .). These mixed states of the defect system in the crystals are conveniently produced by X-ray irradiation. The exposure of alkali halide crystals to ionizing radiation of different nature and intensity is known to cause electronic excitations with energies and lifetimes varying in a wide range. High-energy electronic excitations decay to give the simplest structural defects of the electron–hole pair and exciton type, which, in turn, can form more complex lattice defects, including paramagnetic centers [167–169]. Indeed, the dependence l(ν) is found to be highly sensitive to X-ray irradiation at low doses, and contains a new information characterizing the defect states of irradiated crystals. The NaCl and LiF crystals served as objects of investigations [42,45]. The preliminarily annealed samples were irradiated on an IRIS-M setup equipped with a Mo source at the wavelength λ = 0.07 nm (tube current I = 35 mA, tube voltage U = 45 kV). The irradiation time was varied within the range tir = 5–30 s. The dose rate was approximately equal to 10 rad/s. The experimentally measured transmission factor for X rays was equal to 70–80% for the NaCl samples and 60–70% for the LiF samples. No coloration of the samples was observed upon irradiation. After irradiation, fresh dislocations were introduced by shock into the sample followed by the exposure to the magnetic field in the dark in order to prevent the de-excitation of
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Fig. 52. Dependences of the effective dislocation velocity l/t on the frequency ν of the sample rotation at different irradiation times tir in (a) NaCl-3(Ca) crystals (B = 0.5 T) and (b) NaCl-2(Ni) crystals (B = 0.3 T). Insert in (a): dependence of the critical frequencies νc1 and νc2 on the time tir .
radiation-induced defects. The mean free path of dislocations was measured by the standard selective chemical etching. The test experiments showed that the mean free path of dislocations was approximately identical for all sample faces, including the face closest to the irradiation source. Optical investigations of the samples in a wide range of wavelengths (from IR to UV) demonstrated that standard instruments cannot reveal changes induced by the irradiation at the doses used. The absorption bands corresponding to F-centers and an increase in the transmission (by 5–20%) were observed only with an increase in the dose by two orders of magnitude (to 104 rad). At the same time, the magnetoplastic effect appeared to be sensitive to the small structural transformations caused by the irradiation at doses of the order of 102 rad. The experiments showed that the X-ray irradiation of the samples even for a few seconds leads to a radical change in the dependence l(ν). This drastic change in the dependence l(ν) for the irradiated NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm) and NaCl-2(Ni) crystals is illustrated in Fig. 52. This figure reveals that the irradiation leads not only to a trivial decrease of the mean dislocation path, but also to a transformation of the one-step curve into a two-step curve. The appearance of the second step indicates that irradiation generates magnetosensitive obstacles of a new type. An increase in the dose affects the first and second steps for NaCl3(Ca) differently [Fig. 52(a)]. An increase in the irradiation time tir from 5 to 30 s does not change the position of the second step at νc2 ≈ 150 Hz. On the other hand, with a growth of irradiation dose, the first critical frequency νc1 increases and becomes equal to νc2 at tir = 30 s [see the insert in Fig. 52(a)]. For the irradiated crystals NaCl-2(Ni), the positions of the first and second steps do not depend on the irradiation dose: νc1 ≈ 80 Hz and νc2 ≈ 145 Hz at B = 0.3 T [Fig. 52(b)]. The frequency νc1 for the NaCl-2(Ni) crystal virtually coincides with the frequency νc2 for the NaCl-2 and NaCl-3(Ca) crystals. The second critical frequency νc2 for the crystals containing Ni is nearly twice as high as the first critical frequency and has no analogs in the
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
NaCl-2 and NaCl-3(Ca) crystals. Consequently, the spectrum of paramagnetic obstacles in the NaCl crystals is very sensitive to small additions of the Ni impurity. The Ca impurity concentration in the irradiated NaCl-3(Ca) crystals, like in the nonirradiated crystals, very weakly affects the critical frequencies. The frequency dependences of the mean free path of edge and screw dislocations in the preliminarily irradiated LiF crystal have proved to differ radically [45]. Like in the NaCl crystals, for edge dislocations in LiF, the dependence l(ν) is characterized by two steps and the frequency νc1 increases with an increase in the irradiation dose. At the same time, the one-step dependence l(ν) is retained for screw dislocations. In this case, the critical frequency νcir for the irradiated crystals is lower than the frequency νc and is almost independent on the irradiation dose in the irradiation time range tir = 5–20 s. Apparently, the crossover from the frequency νc to the frequency νcir occurs at doses corresponding to tir < 5 s. The exposure of the irradiated samples to light of a tungsten lamp (prior to the introduction of fresh dislocations) leads to the natural de-excitation of radiation-induced defects and, at sufficiently long exposure times (1–5 h), restores the one-step dependence l(ν) and the initial frequency νc . Why is the two-step dependence l(ν) (for edge dislocations) rather than a strongly broadened one-step dependence observed after irradiation of the crystals? Fresh dislocations (playing a key role in experiments) introduced into the unirradiated crystal are pinned at random positions but only where long-range internal stresses are too weak for their depinning from impurity centers. In the irradiated crystals after shock, fresh dislocations can be pinned at positions with larger stresses, because they are held by the combination of impurities and new radiation-induced defects. In the magnetic field, only new obstacles remain “switched off” at νc1 < ν < νc2 . This leads to the depinning of a number of dislocations from the most stressed positions in the crystal. The dislocation motion is attended by a change in the distribution of internal stresses, which can initiate the motion of other dislocations. This results in the appearance of the second step in the dependence l(ν). All the effects of magnetically stimulated depinning are suppressed at ν > νc2 . The origin of the new type of obstacles formed under irradiation could not be uniquely elucidated on the basis of the data obtained. However, information accumulated to date on the formation of radiation-induced defects in alkali halide crystals under irradiation at small doses makes it possible to put forward a number of realistic hypotheses that provide the explanation for the results of our measurements. This was discussed in detail in our earlier work [45].
8.3. Magnetoplastic effect and spin–lattice relaxation One of the basic physical limitations on the possibility of realizing effects based on the spin evolution in the magnetic field is the requirement that a noticeable spin–lattice relaxation should not occur for the time of this evolution [62] (in our case, for the time τdp ). Otherwise, thermal fluctuations in the system mix spin states and virtually rule out the magnetically stimulated transitions and, hence, the depinning of dislocations. Eq. (20) indicated that the depinning time τdp of dislocations from paramagnetic centers rapidly increases
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√ Fig. 53. Steps in the dependences of the normalized mean dislocation path l ρ/B 2 t on the magnetic induction B for NaCl-3 (Ca: 100 ppm) and Al crystals.
with a decrease in the magnetic induction, and at B B0 one can write τdp = kB −2 .
Consequently we expect that there is a threshold magnetic field Bc corresponding to the depinning time τdp (Bc ) equal in order of magnitude to the spin–lattice relaxation time τsl in the dislocation–impurity system, because, at B < Bc , the above criterion for the existence of spin-dependent phenomena in the magnetic field is violated and the magnetoplastic effect should disappear. Therefore, the observation of the threshold magnetic field would be additional corroboration of the spin nature of the magnetoplastic effect. This consideration and the resulting experimental study [43] were stimulated by discussions of the first author of this paper with Prof. F.R.N. Nabarro. His clever questions have played an important role in our subsequent researches. As we have seen (Fig. 9), the mean dislocation path l linearly increases with an increase of the factor B 2 t: l = l0 + βB 2 t.
Certainly, this linear dependence is observed at not very large values of B and t but also, as follows from the foregoing, at not very small values of B. In other words, if there is a threshold magnetic field of the magnetoplastic effect, the proportionality coefficient β = (l − l0 )/B 2 t should have the form of a step, that is, $ const, B > Bc , β= (66) 0, B < Bc . Of course, in real experimental curves β(B) we should expect some smearing of the step (66). √ Fig. 53 depicts the experimental dependences ρβ(B) for the NaCl-3 (Ca: 100 ppm) and Al crystals [43]. This figure shows that both dependences exhibit the predicted steps at close threshold fields Bc ≈ 0.2 T. Only at B > 0.2 T, the coefficient β remains virtually
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 54. Dependences of the normalized mean dislocation path in LiF crystals on the magnetic induction B at temperatures of 293 and 77 K. Crystals were exposed to a magnetic field for the time t chosen from the condition B 2 t = 5 T2 min.
constant, which provides the linear dependence of l on B 2 t, eq. (65). At B < 0.2 T, the mean dislocation path drastically decreases and, hence, the magnetoplastic effect disappears. Whether the behavior of the threshold magnetic field Bc is consistent with the spin concept is also of interest. The threshold field Bc determined from the balance condition τdp (Bc ) = τsl (T ), by (64), can be written in the form
Bc = k/τsl (T ).
Consequently, account that since the spin–lattice relaxation time τsl is a decreasing function of the temperature, the threshold field Bc should decrease with lowering the temperature. This inference was experimentally verified by measuring the dependence of the mean dislocation path in the LiF crystals on the magnetic induction B. When varying the magnetic induction B, the quantity B 2 t was retained constant (B 2 t = 5 T2 min) by changing the magnetic treatment time. Fig. 54 shows that, with a decrease in the temperature from 293 to 77 K, the step l(B) is actually shifted towards the left and the corresponding decrease in the threshold field Bc is equivalent to an increase in the spin–lattice relaxation time τsl by a factor of approximately 2.5. One more prediction that follows from our notions of the magnetoplasticity nature is associated with the behavior of the dependence β(B) = (l − l0 )/B 2 t for edge dislocations in the irradiated crystals. The exposure of the alkali halide crystals to X rays even at small doses was shown (Section 8.2) to lead to the formation of paramagnetic obstacles of a new type in addition to impurity complexes. This manifests itself in the appearance of the additional step in the dependence of the mean free path l of edge dislocations on the frequency ν of sample rotation in the magnetic field (Fig. 52). We assume that spin systems (1) (2) of these defects on the dislocation have different spin–lattice relaxation times τsl and τsl .
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Fig. 55. Dependences of the normalized mean dislocation path in LiF crystals on the magnetic induction B for unirradiated crystals and crystals irradiated for 5 s.
Therefore, we expect the appearance of the second step in the dependence β(B) = (l − l0 )/B 2 t for the irradiated crystal. Indeed, two steps are observed in the corresponding experimental dependence for edge dislocations in the LiF crystal irradiated at the same X-ray tube for 5 s (Fig. 55). Experimental investigations of the NaCl-3 crystals with different Ca impurity concentrations showed that the threshold magnetic field Bc depends on the concentration C of this impurity (Fig. 56) [48]. As the concentration C increases, the threshold field Bc increases and tends to saturation at high concentrations. According to formula (68), this indicates a decrease in the spin–lattice relaxation time τsl with an increase in the concentration C. In [48], this behavior was interpreted in the following way. Well-annealed crystals were used in the experiments. Therefore, impurity atoms in the crystals have a tendency to coagulate resulting in the formation of complexes. The higher the concentration C, the larger the average size of the complex. Single impurity atoms and small-sized complexes should pre(1) (2) dominate in the pure crystals (CCa = 0.5 ppm and CCa = 1 ppm), whereas the mean size (3) of complexes can be large in crystals with a considerable impurity content (CCa = 10 ppm (4) and CCa = 100 ppm). In the equilibrium structure of the NaCl crystal, for each Ca2+ ion replacing a univalent Na+ ion, there are one cation vacancy and two Cl− ions. With an increase in the number N of Ca atoms in the complex, the mean number n¯ v of vacancies among the nearest neighbors of each Ca atom increases and asymptotically approaches six. In a loose structure of large-sized complexes, Ca impurity atoms surrounded by vacancies should have a higher freedom for thermal motion and, correspondingly, larger amplitudes of thermal vibrations. In denser small-sized complexes, a similar increase in the amplitude of impurity atom motion is reached with an increase in the temperature, which results in a decrease in the time τsl and accordingly in the growth in the threshold field Bc . Thus, in this model, the saturation of the dependence Bc (C) corresponds to the change-over to sizes of complexes with the number of atoms in the bulk being substantially larger than that on their surface.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 56. Dependences √ of the threshold magnetic field Bc on the Ca impurity concentration C in NaCl-3(Ca) crystals (in the Bc – C coordinates) and the mean number nv of vacancies in√the nearest environment of Ca impurity on the number N of Ca atoms in a complex (in the nv − N coordinates).
8.4. ESR-type resonance of micro- and macroplasticity in crossed magnetic fields After the above experiments providing multiple self-consistent correlations with the idea of spin-dependent origin of the magnetoplasticity there remain few doubts about the validity of this idea. In this section we present one more experimental demonstration of the correctness of a spin nature of the considered phenomena. This final proof, based on the observation of the ESR-type resonance in dislocation mobility, was first presented by Golovin et al. [78–81] as a realization of the theoretical prediction of Molotskii and Fleurov [170]. In fact, such resonances are well known in the chemical physics of magnetosensitive radical reactions, where they are called RYDMR (reaction yield detected magnetic resonance) – paramagnetic resonances detected not by a damping of the electromagnetic wave but by other physical parameters: a reaction yield, fluorescence intensity, photo-conductivity, etc. [171–174]. Until now we considered only processes in which a spin-dependent transformation of the system required a preliminary spin evolution in the magnetic field to some definite state (say, a singlet–triplet transition). However, such a transition also can be caused by a resonant attenuation of the energy quantum hν from the pumping microwave magnetic field B1 at the frequency ν. In the resonance the energy quantum must be equal to the Zeeman splitting of the electron energy level in the static magnetic field B ⊥ B1 : hν = gμB B.
The first realization of such resonance in plasticity was accomplished in [78] for NaCl(Ca) crystals both on the microplastic level, i.e. in mobility of individual dislocations, and in the macroplastic regime of active loading (σ˙ = const). For experiments with individual dislocations, NaCl (Ca: 102 ppm) crystals were used, while for macroplastic testings the more impure crystals NaCl (Ca: 103 ppm), where the jump ˙ε under the magnetic field was highest [Fig. 41(b)], were employed. In both cases the quenched samples were placed at
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the crest of the standing microwave B1 (t) in the resonator H102 connected with a generator of power ∼0.1 W and permanent frequency ν = 9.5 GHz. The resonator was positioned into an electromagnet, which produced in a sample a static magnetic field of induction B up to 0.8 T. In all experiments the field orientation was B [001]. The results of experiments with individual dislocations in NaCl(Ca) crystals are shown in Fig. 57(a). As might be expected from the known properties of ESR, the experiment in the geometry B B1 did not give any noticeable additions to the background mean dislocation path l(B) related to a switched off microwave field (B1 = 0). However after the simultaneous exposure of crystals to the static and microwave magnetic fields in the orientation B ⊥ B1 (most favorable for ESR), the authors [78] indeed obtained the resonant curve l(B) with three peaks having the maximums situated at B = Bres1 = 0.32 ± 0.03 T, Bres2 = 0.18 ± 0.02 T and Bres3 = 0.12 ± 0.02 T. These resonant magnitudes of the static magnetic field correspond to the transitions between Zeeman levels at the frequency ν = 9.5 GHz. And the appropriate g-factors are respectively equal: g1 = 2.1 ± 0.2, g2 = 3.8 ± 0.3 and g3 = 5.7 ± 0.7. As is seen from Fig. 57(b), the active loading of crystals under crossed static and microwave fields also had a resonance character. In these experiments the strain rate ε˙ increased at switching on the microwave field B1 , whereas the static component B was applied during all the time of deformation. This allowed the exclusion from consideration of the possible role in the crystal softening of the static magnetic field alone (see Section 7.2). The application of the microwave magnetic field did not manifest itself in the stage of elastic deformation [78]. However, the addition of a microwave magnetic field to the static one at σ > σy caused an increase in the strain rate ε˙ . The maximums of the observed peaks in Fig. 57(b) are located approximately in the same places and may be roughly characterized by the above resonance magnetic fields found for individual dislocations. A significant modification of the above experiment was also accomplished. At a fixed B = Bres1 the modulation of the microwave signal was applied by means of rectangular packets of variable durations ti . The results shown in Fig. 57(c) allowed the authors to estimate the minimal necessary duration of the crossed fields action that provided a noticeable resonance. In the wide range of durations, 10−5 s < ti < 103 s, there is practically no dependence of the effect on ti . However with a further decrease in time ti , starting from the level ∼10−5 s, the amplitude of the resonance peak at B = Bres1 monotonously decreases and at ti ∼ 10−7 s the peak disappears. This behavior is practically insensitive to the duration tp of the pause between two microwave packets [see points 1 and 2 in Fig. 57(c)]. The latter feature indicates a coherent character of the microwave influence. Apparently, the minimal width of the microwave packet, ti ∼ 10−6 s, relates to a characteristic capture time of the wave quantum by the considered system. The fact that this time proves to be of the same order as the minimal time (35) of spin evolution in a static magnetic field (Fig. 23), explains why the observed mean paths of dislocations, moved in a resonance regime, are comparable with paths produced under a static magnetic field of a sufficient amplitude. Remarkably, the removal of the magnetic memory of a crystal, by means of preliminary magnetic treatment of a sample or its annealing, eliminates two of three peaks in Figs 57(a) and 57(b), retaining only the resonance at Bres1 ≈ 0.32 T related to the splitting factor g ≈ 2 (i.e. to spin transitions of the type 12 ↔ − 12 ). The first option was
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 57. Magnetically stimulated softening of NaCl(Ca) crystals under ESR conditions. (a) The resonant increase in the mean dislocation paths due to exposure of the sample to crossed static (B) and microwave (B1 ) magnetic fields, B ⊥ B1 , for 15 min (curve 1), compared with the results of similar experiments in the variants: B B1 (points 2) and B1 = 0 (points 3). (b), (c) Dependences of the increment of the strain rate of crystals upon their active loading (σ˙ = const) after switching-on of the microwave field B1 in addition to the permanently acting static magnetic field B ⊥ B1 on (b) the magnitude B of the latter: at the stage of easy slip σ > σy (points 1) and in the elastic range (points 2), and (c) the duration ti of microwave packets for the two durations tp of a pause between them: 1 – tp = 10−3 s, 2 – tp = 10−7 s. (a), (b) [80]; (c) rearranged from [80,90].
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Fig. 58. Dependences of the mean dislocation path l on the induction B of the static magnetic field acted during 15 min simultaneously with the crossed microwave field B1 ⊥ B: (a) for freshly quenched NaCl(Ca) crystals exposed to the three magnetic pulses (7 T, 10 ms) just before introducing the fresh dislocations and placing a sample to the resonator (ν = 9.5 GHz); (b) for NaCl(Ca) crystals aged during 2 years after their quenching (ν = 0.152 GHz). Insert in (b): dependence of the mean dislocation path lmax on the angle ϕ between the vectors B1 and B at the resonance magnetic field [80].
realized by means of application of several magnetic pulses (7 T, 10 ms) to the samples just before introducing there fresh dislocations. As shown in Section 5.5, such an exposure transforms the metastable centers in the bulk to the nonmagnetosensitive state b which has a life-time of the order of 1 h, eq. (38). Further standard experiments with these samples can activate only pinning centers on fresh dislocations. On the other hand, as is seen from Fig. 58(a), this option leads to only one resonance peak (g ≈ 2) of a reduced maximum. The decrease in its height makes one think that in Figs 57(a) and 57(b) the memory effects also contribute to this peak. Such an assumption is supported by the fact that the indentation of the same quenched NaCl(Ca) crystals after their exposure to the crossed magnetic fields B ⊥ B1 gave in [80] the dependence of the microhardness on the magnetic induction, H (B), containing all three peaks at the same places. The microhardness of crystals may react to the preliminary magnetic treatment only due to the magnetic memory effects. The other ways of a removing the metastable states of point defects sensitive to the magnetic field are annealing of crystals or their long-time aging at 293 K. Experiments on such NaCl(Ca) crystals [80] gave again only one resonant peak l(B) related to the dislocation–impurity system [Fig. 58(b)]. In this case a microwave frequency of 0.152 GHz was selected, giving the peak maximum at Bmax ≈ 5 mT, which corresponds to the splitting factor g ≈ 2. In these experiments the amplitude of the effect naturally depended on the angle ϕ between the vectors B1 and B, and at ϕ = 0 the peak disappeared [insert in Fig. 58(b)]. Here, the effect was observed at such low magnetic fields, which are definitely lower than the threshold magnetic field Bc , that they could not cause dislocation motion in the ordinary regime of spin evolution (see Section 8.3). On the other hand, there is no threshold for resonant spin transitions. That is why we could observe an analogous resonance at the magnetic field of the Earth BE ≈ 5 × 10−5 T (see Section 2).
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Fig. 59. Dependences of (a) the relative mean dislocation path l/ l0 (rearranged from [118]) and (b) the relative unlocking stress σ/σ0 of dislocations [119], caused by external loading of Si crystals at 675 ◦ C after their preliminary exposure for 30 min to crossed static (B) and microwave (B1 ) magnetic fields at room temperature, on the magnitude of B. 1 – B1 = 0, 2 – B1 ⊥ B; the microwave power was 15 W in (a) and 0.2 W in (b), its frequency was ν ≈ 9.5 GHz.
The method of measurements of the microhardness of quenched crystals, after their exposure to crossed static and microwave magnetic fields, has proved to be very informative. In this way multiple (eight!) magnetic memory peaks of softening were found [80,81] in the dependence H (B) for NaCl(Eu) crystals. The maximum sensitivity of these crystals with respect to crossed magnetic fields (in ESR scheme) was realized after quenching not immediately, but in ∼50 h. During the next 30–50 h the effect decreased and disappeared [81]. The analogous magnetic memory resonance of strengthening was also found in mobility of individual dislocations in Si crystals [118,119]. The crystals were aged for several years after their growth. After introducing fresh dislocations into a sample (by scratching) it was placed into a resonator in a crossed fields B ⊥ B1 (ν ≈ 9.5 GHz) for 30 min. Magnetic treatment was always carried out at room temperature. An exposed sample was taken out of the resonator and 3 min later deformed at 675 ◦ C. In papers [118,119] the dependence of the mean dislocation paths l = l(B) − l0 [l0 ≡ l(0)] and the unlocking stresses σ = σ (B) − σ0 [σ0 ≡ σ (0)], respectively, in their dependence on the magnetic induction B of static field in the resonator was studied. In both cases for the orientation of the ¯ single resonance peaks of strengthening were found, i.e. a static magnetic field B [011] minimum in dislocation paths l and a maximum in unlocking stresses σ [see Figs 59(a) and 59(b)]. They correspond to approximately the same magnetic field Bres ≈ 0.35 T related to g ≈ 2. The other minimum of mean dislocation paths was observed [118] for the direction B [100]: Bres ≈ 0.6 T, g ≈ 1. Similar g-factors were earlier found for the same ¯ and [100] in Si crystals doped by B impurities, by means of classical ESR directions [011] method [175].
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9. Some estimations and theoretical considerations Thus, the magnetic influence on plasticity of nonmagnetic materials manifests itself in a wide variety of phenomena on micro- and macro-levels. The type of processes determining these phenomena is generally clear as explained above. However our systematic empirical knowledge about most of the observed effects is not sufficient at the time for serious attempts at a theoretical description. There is the only branch of studies in this field, the in situ effects of dislocation depinning under the magnetic field, where a more complete set of experimental data is collected. This set includes the various dependencies of the phenomenon on different physical parameters (magnetic induction, time of magnetic exposure, temperature, impurity concentration, accompanied stress and electric fields, frequency of sample rotation, etc.) as presented above. On this basis one can try to introduce a consistent physical scheme which would explain the observed experimental features and dependences. In Section 4 we have already formulated a kinematic scheme which put together various facts into a closed reconcilable physical model. However the most important question, about a type of the spin process determining the depinning time τdp of a dislocation from an impurity center, remained unanswered. Now we are prepared to choose this hypothetical spin mechanism.
9.1. Experimental requirements to a physical model of the elementary mechanism Unfortunately, in spite of the availability of multiple experimental data related to magnetic depinning of individual dislocations, there is a major problem in linking them to an elementary mechanism of dislocation unlocking. There is too large a difference in scales of our observations of dislocation etch pits on the surface (Fig. 3) and the microscopic act of dislocation depinning from an impurity center in the bulk of a crystal. Indeed, in our samples a dislocation of the length ∼3 mm is pinned by 104 –105 impurity centers. So, on the typical path l ∼ 30 µm there must occur ∼106 –107 acts of dislocation unfastening from pinning points. One should add here some uncertainty in the time of continuous dislocation motion, because on its way a dislocation might stop several times while waiting for an increase in local internal stresses (see Sections 3.5, 4.1 and 4.3). For similar reasons, many existing theoretical studies in this field [176–189] often rather confirm a principal permissibility of magnetic influences on dislocation mobility than describe particular dependencies of mean dislocation paths on physical parameters. Apparently, at this stage the most helpful for experimentalists would be theoretical predictions of new effects or qualitative features in magnetoplasticity. We have already mentioned the ESR-type resonance (RYDMR) predicted by Molotskii and Fleurov [170] and soon experimentally found by Golovin et al. [78] (Section 8.4). A more recent example is related to the isotopic effect in plasticity predicted by Buchachenko [187] and awaiting experimental observation. The idea consists in a replacement of nonmagnetic impurities in crystals by their isotopes with magnetic nuclei (e.g., introducing 25 Mg2+ instead of 24 Mg2+ in LiF, or 43 Ca2+ instead of 40 Ca2+ in NaCl). In this case one can expect spin dependent transformations of impurity centers in dislocation cores without external magnetic fields, due to the local fields of magnetic nuclei.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Sometimes experimentally established properties of magnetoplasticity allow one to choose between different physical schemes of the phenomenon discussed in the literature. For instance, Zakrevskii et al. [190] have performed a model experiment in order to verify the theoretical concept introduced by Golovin et al. [80,111,112] on the thermally activated lengthening of covalent bonds between ions in impurity complexes and their breakage due to spin dependent transitions with further fast reconstruction of the complex configuration. The experiment was carried out on some model polymer material (polycaprolactan). The authors [190] did not found any influence of the magnetic field B = 0.6 T on the creation of free radicals as a result of breakage of covalent chemical bonds in macromolecules of loaded fibers. The negative results of the experiment and additional considerations based on some estimations and theoretical reasoning have led them to serious doubts about the validity of the concept of Golovin et al. However, this criticism does not call in question either the effects observed in [80,111,112], or their spin nature. The other example is related to the model of Molotskii et al. [176–183] who proposed a rather intricate scheme different from our version [33,55] (see Section 4) for describing the magnetoplastic effect. However, several variants of the developed theory resulted only in the renormalization of the mean dislocation velocity. In other words, in this model when a dislocation moves past a point defect with a certain velocity v0 , the spin conversion in the magnetic field leads to an increase in this velocity [say, at small magnetic field – to v = v0 (1+B 2 /B02 )]. In addition, in the applied perturbation theory, the magnetic increment is supposed to be small: v = v − v0 v0 . Consequently, under our experimental conditions, when dislocations pinned by impurity centers are at rest (v0 = 0) prior to the application of the magnetic field, they cannot be set in motion through the Molotskii mechanism. In our model there is no such problem, because the cause for a spin transition is associated not with a dislocation motion but with free vibrations of the dislocation segment between neighboring pinning centers with the frequency f ∼ cs /x¯ ∼ 1010 s−1
for the sound speed cs ∼ cm/s and the mean length of dislocation segment x¯ ∼ 10−5 cm. The above frequency f is several orders of magnitude less than the Debye frequency. We believe that the latter property of the dislocation–impurity system provides a physical explanation of the large experimentally observed depinning time (∼10−6 s for high magnetic field B = 7 T [156]) which is several orders of magnitude longer than times of spin processes usually considered in chemical physics. The specific feature of the situation is that the aforementioned low-frequency mode of dislocation vibrations exists only in one plane. Atomic vibrations in the dislocation core, along the dislocation line, and along the direction perpendicular to the slip plane have typical Debye frequencies. In other words, our spin system can be in equilibrium with a thermostat for particular spin components and undergoes a slow evolution for other spin components. Possibly, that is why the spin relaxation depend on the crystal orientation so that the crystal rotation at high frequencies ν > νc suppresses the magnetoplastic effect (Section 8.1). In any case, such a slow spin conversion is not encountered in chemical reactions in which the process should be completed for a very short time of approaching radicals (the so-called residence time in a cage). In chemical reactions, the recombination of chemical 105
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radicals in the magnetic field has been successfully described within the sufficiently fast g mechanism of spin evolution [60–62]. Unfortunately, this mechanism turns out to be too fast in our case. When choosing the spin mechanism applicable to the dislocation–impurity system, one should proceed from the following physical requirements: the mechanism should be (i) slow, (ii) temperature independent, and (iii) should provide the dependence on the magnetic induction of empirical type (20). Fortunately, the mechanism, alternative to the g mechanism and satisfying the above criteria, is known in chemical physics. Being rejected in the theory of chemical reactions due to the slowness, it is especially attractive for the magnetoplastic effect, because it predicts the dependence of the spin conversion time on the induction B of type (20), i.e. inversely proportional to 1 + (B0 /B)2 . The case in point is the Brocklehurst mechanism of longitudinal spin relaxation in the magnetic field [191] (see also [60–62]).
9.2. The Brocklehurst mechanisms of spin relaxation in the magnetic field Physically, the Brocklehurst spin relaxation is associated with the anisotropy of the g-factor (as a rule, estimated at g ∼ 10−2 –10−3 ), which leads to the magnetically stimulated transitions between the S and T states of radical pairs. In this case, one must distinguish the longitudinal and transverse spin relaxations that correspond to the S ↔ T± and S ↔ T0 singlet–triplet transitions and are characterized by the times T1 and T2 , respectively. Only the former time T1 , determined by attainment of the equilibrium spin projection onto the field direction, provides the observed type, eq. (20), of the dependence on the magnetic induction B: 2 B0 5τ h +1 , B0 = . T1 = (71) 2 2 μB τ (g) B Here τ is the correlation time of rotational motion of a radical. When describing the spin relaxation in the paramagnetic center–dislocation system, one naturally replaces the correlation time τ by the characteristic period 1/f , eq. (70), of natural vibrations of dislocation segments pinned by paramagnetic impurities. The experimentally established saturation field B0 ≈ 0.5 T for the NaCl-3(Ca(1) ) crystals [see Section 3.4, eq. (6)] corresponds to the time τ = h/μB B0 ≈ 1.2 × 10−10 s,
which is in agreement with the above estimate (70) for the eigen-frequency of vibrations of dislocation segments for NaCl-3(Ca(1) ) crystals. This is the first success of the hypothesis that the mechanism of longitudinal spin relaxation plays a governing role in the depinning of dislocations. The possibility of describing the dependences l(B) for the LiF crystals at two strongly differing temperatures of 77 and 293 K [Fig. 10] with the use of the same parameter B0 ≈ 0.8 T, eq. (5) also favors this hypothesis. Thus, the time τ = h/μB B0 should depend on the mean length x¯ of dislocation segments: τ ≈ x/c ¯ s [see eq. (70)]. We assume that an increase in the impurity concentration leads to a decrease in the mean length x¯ and, hence, in the characteristic time τ . Then an
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
increase in the concentration of point defects in crystals should result in an increase in the saturation field B0 if the mechanism of longitudinal spin relaxation plays a decisive role in the depinning of dislocations from local obstacles in the magnetic field. In order to verify this prediction made in [47], a comparative investigation of the magnetoplastic dynamics in the NaCl-3(Ca(1) ) and NaCl-3(Ca(4) ) crystals with the minimum and maximum (1) (4) = 0.5 ppm and CCa = 100 ppm) was undertaken in [56]. The results Ca contents (CCa were already presented in Fig. 11 and eq. (6). Indeed, an increase in the Ca concentration in the NaCl-3(Ca) from 0.5 ppm to 100 ppm leads to an increase in the saturation field (1) (2) B0 by a factor of 1.8: B0 ≈ 0.5 T for the NaCl-3(Ca(1) ) crystals and B0 ≈ 0.9 T for (4) (1) the NaCl-3(Ca ) crystals. Also, the X-ray irradiation of the NaCl-3(Ca ) crystals for 5 and 10 s results in an increase in the saturation field B0 from 0.5 to 0.7 T and to 0.8 T, respectively, see [55]. The same tendency was observed in the study of the preliminarily irradiated LiF crystals. Therefore, the predicted increase in the saturation magnetic field with an increase in the concentration of paramagnetic centers was confirmed completely. This is a third successful experimental check of the Brocklehurst model in its application to the magnetoplasticity. Let us try to elucidate why the sensitivity of the saturation field B0 to the impurity concentration in our crystals is so weak. We recall that an increase in the Ca concentration by a factor of 200 leads to an increase in B0 by a factor of only 1.8. As we have seen, in the considered model B0−1 ∝ x. ¯ This gives (2)
(1) B0
x¯1 . x¯2
A mean segment length x¯ may be roughly estimated by the mean distance x between √ √ impurity centers in the dislocation slip plane, eq. (17), x¯ ≈ 3 N / al C. Unfortunately, the dependence of the mean number N of impurity atoms in a complex on the impurity concentration C is not known for certain. For the purest NaCl crystals with the Ca concentration C1 = 0.5 ppm = 1.18 × 1016 cm−3 we suppose that such a small concentration of impurity atoms would hardly assemble into large complexes but rather would form small pinning centers with N1 ∼ 1 (this also fits Fig. 56). As a result, we come to the estimate
x¯1 ≈ 1/ Cal ≈ 0.3 µm. (74) And for the concentration C2 = 100 ppm the magnitude N2 may be extracted from Fig. 56 supposing that N2 = 430. The corresponding estimate is given by √ √ 3 3 N2 430 x¯2 = √ (75) x¯1 = 0.53x¯1 . x¯1 = √ C2 /C1 200 Substituting into (73) the found magnitudes x¯1,2 we finally obtain (2) (1) B0 /B0 theor = x¯1 /x¯2 ≈ 1.9,
which is in a very good agreement with the experimental result (2) (1) B0 /B0 exp = 1.8.
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Of course, this fit of the approximate estimates (76) and (77) may be accidental and should not mislead us. On the other hand, qualitatively the above consideration seems to be reasonable. It shows that the observed small sensitivity of the saturation field B0 to the impurity concentration C should be specific for our well annealed crystals where an increase in C is accompanied by an increase in the size of impurity complexes so that the mean distance between them decreases slower. 9.3. Some new estimations and interpretations Let us suppose that the time τ ≡ τG ∼ 2 × 10−6 s, eq. (35), experimentally measured by G ≈ 10 ppm) at B = 7 T, is Golovin et al. [90,156] for NaCl(Ca) quenched crystals (CCa determined by the same mechanism of longitudinal spin relaxation, i.e. may be described by eq. (71), 2 B0 5h +1 . τG = τdp = (78) (g)2 μB B0 B 2 Because the impurity complexes in quenched crystals are of atomic size, i.e. N ∼ 1, the saturation field B0G for Golovin’s crystals can be found from the relation 3 4 G 4 CCa B0G 10 5 (79) ≈ ≈ ≈ 4.5. (1) (1) 0.5 B C 0
With B0 ≈ 0.5 T, this gives B0G ≈ 2.2 T. Now we can estimate the poorly known parameter g: 0 5h g ≈ (80) ≈ 8.2 × 10−3 , τG μB B0G which appears to be a reasonable magnitude in the expected range. Thus, we are prepared for the estimation of the depinning time of dislocations in our crystals, say, in the purest NaCl-3(Ca(1) ) crystals: (1) B0 2 (1) −6 τdp (B) ≈ 9 × 10 (81) + 1 (s). B (1)
In particular, at B = B0 = 0.5 T one has τdp (0.5T) ≈ 1.8 × 10−5 s. (1)
As is seen from Fig. 53, the critical frequency νc of sample rotation in the magnetic field is weakly dependent on the impurity concentration and for NaCl-3(Ca) crystal series at B = 0.5 T is equal to νc ≈ 45 s−1 . Then we have the following estimate for the parameter α in eq. (60): α ≈ τdp νc ≈ 8 × 10−4 , (1)
which appears reasonable: at least the critical angle 2πα ≈ 0.005 is indeed small.
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
Let us estimate now the spin–lattice relaxation time of the pinning centers in these crystals at room temperature. In accordance with eq. (67), it is roughly given by the depinning (1) time at the threshold magnetic field Bc . As follows from Fig. 56, Bc ≈ 0.05 T, therefore by (81) (1) (0.05 T) ≈ 10−3 s. τsl(1) ≈ τdp
This estimate indicates that the spin–lattice relaxation time in the dislocation–paramagnetic center system is relatively long, which is likely the characteristic feature of defects in many crystals. For example, the spin–lattice relaxation time τsl for an F -center pair in KCl crystals at 50 K is approximately equal to 0.01 s [192] and the 23 Na nuclear spin–lattice relaxation time in NaCl single crystals at room temperature is of the order of 10 s [193]. As was noticed in Section 3.4, the empirical dependence of the mean dislocation path l in the NaCl-3(Ca) crystals on the √ Ca impurity concentration C measured at B = 0.5 T C [see eq. (3) and Fig. 9]. In terms of eq. (19), v ∼ is remarkably simple: l ∝ 1/ √ 1/nunz τdp Cal , this dependence should hold if the product nunz τdp is insensitive to C. We have already proved in Section 4.4 that the value nunz should be independent of C. Now we can verify to what extent the dependence τdp (C) is weak at B = 0.5 T. This is the last check of the Brocklehurst model. Let us find the ratio (2)
τdp (CCa ) (1) τdp (CCa )
B0 (B0 /B)2 + 1 (2) B0
(1) (B0 /B)2
4.24 0.5 (0.9/0.5)2 + 1 = = 1.18. 0.9 (0.5/0.5)2 + 1 3.6
In framework of a conventional power law this corresponds to the very weak dependence τdp (C) ∝ C 0.03 .
We have already mentioned that in the same crystals at B = 0.5 T the critical frequency νc of the sample rotation in the magnetic field also does not manifest any sensitivity to the concentration C (see Fig. 48). Because νc = α/τdp in our model, this observation fits well with result (86). Let us return to eq. (19) for an estimation of the unzipping number nunz for the case of the same NaCl-3 (Ca: 0.5 ppm) crystals: nunz ≈
x . κveff τdp
Here κ is the factor in (10) which we choose for our estimate to be κ = 15. The other parameters in (87) are known from the previous considerations: √ veff ≈ 20 µm/min [see Fig. 9 at C = 0.5 ppm and B = 0.5 T]; x = x (1) ≈ 1/ Cal ≈ 0.3 µm [see (17) (1) (0.5T) ≈ 1.8 × 10−5 s (82). The resulting unzipping with N ∼ 1 and (74)]; and τdp = τdp number is estimating by nunz ≈ 3 × 103 ,
which is approximately 3 times less than the whole number Ns of segments on a dislocation in the same crystals NaCl(Ca): at L = 3 mm and x¯1 ≈ 0.3 µm one has Ns ≈ 104 . We recall that in these terms the number nact of active magnetosensitive centers ready to spin transformation in a dislocation core is determined by the ratio nact = Ns /nunz (see
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Section 4.3) and therefore nact ≈ 3.
Such a small number of active centers on dislocations fits our kinematic version of dislocation depinning under a magnetic field and explains both the small effective speed veff of dislocations in our experiments and the relay-race character of their motion. On the other hand, in accordance with our experimental data the number nact in alkali halide crystals must be very sensitive to an external electric field acting in parallel with a magnetic field [see Section 6.1 and eq. (44)]. The possible physical reasons for that are now discussed.
9.4. On the configurations of impurity centers in a dislocation core Bearing in mind that the dislocation mobility under the magnetic field in the NaCl-3(Ca) crystals correlates well with the Ca concentration (Figs 9, 12, 28), the point defects determining the magnetoplasticity of these crystals should definitely include Ca ions. On the other hand, in accordance with our data, eq. (89), only several such Ca impurity centers of Ns ∼ 104 pinning points on a dislocation should be in a magnetosensitive state. However this is paradoxical only at first sight. As is well established, divalent Ca impurities are present in annealed NaCl crystals basically as Ca2+ ions replacing univalent Na+ ions. In an association with cation vacancies 2+ − V− Na they form elementary dipoles Ca VNa and their complexes (see Section 8.3). How2+ ever, the Ca ion is diamagnetic and cannot be a part of any spin radical pair sensitive to the magnetic field. That is why there were observed no ESR signals of paramagnetic Ca+ ions in alkali halide crystals even with very high Ca concentration [194]. Furthermore, the attempts to obtain ESR signal from Ca+ centers on dislocations in alkali halide crystals after intensive deformation and fracture also failed [195]. The reason becomes clear from our data which led us to the conclusion that among multiple Ca pinning centers on a dislocation there are only several active impurity centers sensitive to the magnetic field. As we now know, even this number proves to be sufficient for very pronounced effects in magnetoplasticity. And due to these effects, the electronic spin resonance on Ca impurities also becomes observable in the form of RYDMR [78–81]. We believe that the active centers acquire this quality due to their location in the dislocation core or very close to it. That may happen in crystal zones with high internal stresses between sufficiently lengthy segments (Fig. 13). After the dislocation unlocks from the first pinning center, the neighboring segments abruptly unite into one lengthy segment which provides an increase in the forces pressing the dislocation to the next impurities, so that they also pass into the dislocation core and become magnetically active, etc. This is the so called unzipping regime of dislocation depinning under a magnetic field. Its occurrence appears to be an inevitable consequence of our experimental data and all above estimations and considerations. Recently Buchachenko [186] introduced a beautiful scheme of spin dependent process in the pare Ca2+ –Cl− situated in a core of a dislocation. He sees the evolution of this pare under the magnetic field in the following succession: (Ca2+ –Cl− ) ↔ (Ca+ –Cl)S → (Ca+ –Cl)T , i.e. the cation Ca2+ catches the electron from the anion Cl− in the S state which
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
reduces the Coulomb interaction between the dislocation and the impurity. However the life time τS of the singlet state (Ca+ –Cl)S before its back transition to the initial state (Ca2+ – Cl− ) must be much less than the time of dislocation unlocking from the pinning center, otherwise dislocations would move without any magnetic field. But the state (Ca+ –Cl)S contains a radical spin pair which should evolve under the magnetic field to the triplet state (Ca+ –Cl)T . After multiple oscillations between states (Ca2+ –Cl− ) ↔ (Ca+ –Cl)S the spin pair might come to the triplet state, which has the much more life time τT τS because in the triplet pair the back electron transition is spin-forbidden. Thus, now the dislocation has its chance of unlocking and the depinning time τdp in this model is determined by the spin evolution. The Buchachenko scheme is very attractive, being based on (Ca2+ –Cl− ) pair, which should be present in all pinning centers and thus may be activated when the Ca impurity passes into the dislocation core. This provides the possibility for unzipping cascades. On the other hand, there is one more experimental criterion for a choice of a scheme of the depinning process: it must also explain a strong influence of weak electric fields on the kinetics of this process. As was shown above (Sections 6.1 and 8.1), the electric effect on magnetoplasticity has nothing to do either with shortening of the depinning time τdp , or with additional force on charged edge dislocations. It is rather associated with an activation of additional pinning centers to a state sensitive to the magnetic field [see eq. (44)]. It is not evident how the scheme of Buchachenko could explain the latter aspect. Zakrevskii et al. [190] made an important comment in connection with the discussed + problem: the impurity–vacancy dipole Ca2+ –V− Na replacing the cation Na is in electrostatic equilibrium with the lattice and when considering the electron transition to Ca2+ one should include into the scheme also the vacancy V− Na . As was mentioned in Section 6.1, this dipole is weakly connected (the interaction energy in the pair Ca2+ –V− Na is estimated to be 0.1–0.3 eV or even less [159,160]). On the other hand, the vacancy V− Na in the vicinity of the dislocation should be strongly attracted to its core just due to an elastic interaction. But, as was noticed by Hirth [196], one might also mention that the core is likely to be charged (opposite sign of the easier to form among anion vacancies and cation vacancies (or interstitials). This would also influence interactions with the core (perhaps at jogs or kinks) and as a minimum would tend to align the dipole pairs (Ca2+ –V− Na ). Similarly, at a free surface there should be charged steps and kinks and a compensating Debye–Hueckel cloud. This is important with regard to the strong switching effects originating at the surface (Sections 3.3 and 6.2). Anyway at some critical distance from the dislocation line in the zone of extreme distortions, the vacancy might be pumped into the core without any activation. But this means that a Na+ cation will appear in its place. For local electric neutrality simultaneously the anion Cl− from the edge of the double extra-plane of the dislocation (or from a kink [196]) should return its electron to the Ca2+ ion transforming it to a paramagnetic center. Thus, we again come to the transition (Ca2+ –Cl− ) → (Ca+ –Cl)S , which however is not reversible because of the requirement of local electric neutrality. In fact, we have arrived at the configuration, in the bulk or at the surface, which we call an active pinning center sensitive to the magnetic field. Such center should still pin a dislocation. Only the magnetic field could start up a spin-dependent transformation of the given center to the state which has the minimum interaction with the dislocation providing
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its depinning. For instance, it might be the reaction of the above pair (Ca+ –Cl)S with an additional anion Cl− with a formation of a covalent molecule CaCl2 , or something more complex or more simple. Now we have no experimental criteria for a choice of the particular scheme. However, in this type of a model the role of the electric field, including a vortex field at the surface, becomes clearer. Indeed, the electric field acting on the charged − 2+ vacancies V− Na of the initial dipoles Ca –VNa , being in the noncritical positions, may initiate their transformation into active pinning centers. This version fits our data presented in Section 6.1. The increase in the number nact of such centers under the electric field is empirically described by eq. (44).
10. Conclusions Thus, since our first accidental observation in 1985 of the magneto-induced dislocation mobility and the first relevant publication [30] two years later, the study of the magnetoplasticity has evolved greatly. This phenomenon has manifested itself in various types of materials and in very different conditions, both on the level of individual dislocations and in the scale of macroplasticity. Due to the activity of 10–15 independent research groups, the multiple features and basic physical properties of the magnetoplastic effect have been experimentally established and theoretically discussed. At present, there are several hundreds of publications in this field, including self-review and review articles [55,86,90,91] and even a short monograph [197]. Of course, there is not yet a complete understanding of all manifestations of this phenomenon. However, the main grounds of its physical nature are basically understood. The suggested kinematic schemes of magnetoplasticity on micro- and macro-levels allows one to describe (sometimes, even quantitatively) almost all specific features of the experimental findings. This concerns the mobility of individual dislocations under the magnetic field in alkali halide crystals, nonmagnetic metals and semiconductors, in particular, the dependencies of the mean dislocation path on the magnetic induction, impurity concentration, temperature, etc. (Sections 4.3 and 6.4). The analysis, on the same grounds, of the macroplasticity of alkali halide crystals under active deformation (˙ε = const) and active loading (σ˙ = const) has also led us to interpretation of almost all basic features of these phenomena, including the dependences of (i) the yield stress σy on the magnetic induction and strain rate for active deformation (Section 7.1) and (ii) the form of the observed peak ˙ε (ε) and the dependence of its maximum on the impurity concentration for active loading (Section 7.2). As a whole, we can state that the concept is self-consistent and makes it possible to understand experimental results. Starting from empirical dependencies, we can elucidate the possible prototype (from chemical physics) of the microscopic mechanism of spin evolution responsible for the magnetoplastic effect, at least for alkali halide crystals (Section 9.2). This is the longitudinal spin relaxation in the magnetic field, which was originally proposed by Brocklehurst [191]. As a result of the dislocation peculiarities, this mechanism proves to be even slower than in the initial theory developed for chemical reactions. However, just owing to this slowness and the characteristic dependence on the magnetic field, the Brocklehurst mechanism adequately describes different qualitative and
Magnetoplastic Effect in Nonmagnetic Crystals
quantitative regularities of the magnetoplastic effect, which were found in our experiments (Sections 9.2 and 9.3). Like any new phenomenon, the magnetoplastic effect opens up new possibilities in different directions. For instance, one can study the ESR properties of point defects on dislocation lines basing on the RYDMR scheme (Figs 57–59). The other example: the magnetoplastic effect allows one to measure the spin–lattice relaxation time of defects on dislocations [eqs (67) and (84)]. It is unlikely that there exists an alternative method that provides a way of separating defects on dislocations from defects in the bulk of a crystal in such measurements. Owing to the unique sensitivity to small doses of radiation, the magnetoplastic effect can find application in dosimetry. Moreover, the idea of the development of new spectroscopy based on the magnetoplastic effect for analysis of radiation-induced defects in crystals after their irradiation at low doses seems to be quite realistic (Fig. 52). However, this calls for further investigation with the use of different techniques. In this and the two previous examples, dislocations play the role of a unique measuring instrument. The enhancement of the inverse Stepanov effect in the magnetic field by two or three orders of magnitude offers strong possibilities of controlling the real structure of crystals through combined electromagnetic actions (Section 6.1). We already use the magnetic treatment of crystals to stabilize the dislocation structure and to lower internal stresses (Fig. 15). We experimentally proved that the magnetic treatment of crystals with the aim of lowering the internal stresses is quite competitive with the traditional mechanical vibrational loading [54]. The discovery of the negative magnetoplastic effect demonstrates that controlled doping is promising for increasing the strength of materials intended for operation in high magnetic fields (Section 5.3). The potentialities associated with the optimization of processing of materials by controlling their plasticity with external magnetic fields hold the greatest promise. As shown in Section 7.1, a sufficiently slow deformation in a magnetic field of only 0.5 T can lead to a severalfold decrease in the yield stress of alkali halide crystals. Undeniably, the above examples do not exhaust the possible fields of practical application of magnetoplasticity and magnetic hardening. However, turning back to the physical aspects of the magnetosensitive plasticity, we note an important lesson given by nature. Traditionally, microscopic processes on the dislocation level were predominantly described within mechanistic models in which impurity centers were identified with balls (dilatation centers) that mismatch occupied holes and, hence, dilate a lattice and generate internal stresses in a crystal. Conventionally these stresses were often used to evaluate the energy of interaction of impurities with dislocations. Undoubtedly, these models cannot include such subtle spin effects as those with which we are faced. Therefore, when dealing with objects on the atomic level, one should remember that the case in point is a complex ensemble of particles, which are controlled not by classical mechanics but by quantum mechanics with its selection rules, Pauli principle, and other laws. Of course, physicists always understood this aspect and Friedel even introduced the “chemical” interactions long ago, but now we find a basic manifestation of this interaction as an important physical phenomenon in plasticity. Certainly, the results discussed above cover only a part of the data accumulated to date on magnetoplasticity. For instance, here we did not consider magnetic influencies on the
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microhardness of crystals or on their defect structure. In our opinion, these phenomena are much more complex to physically interpret and more difficult to discuss. Our aim was to present a systematic list of magnetic influencies on dislocations in micro- and macroplastic phenomena. In this domain we have our own experience of long systematic experimental studies and our own point of view on the nature of magnetoplasticity. Thus, the main attention was paid to our observations, which we feel are well understood, and to experimental results of other authors providing additional features of the same or close magnetic effects in plasticity. We hope that our work will give impetus to new, more comprehensive publications, which will take into account the physical picture presented above.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to our coauthors and other colleagues for their participation at different stages of our investigation. Special thanks are due to V.A. Morozov and his coworkers for the first impulse to the side of magnetoplasticity (Section 2). We also very much appreciate the fruitful discussions with F.R.N. Nabarro, V.L. Indenbom, J. Lothe, A.A. Urusovskaya, Yu.I. Golovin, R.B. Morgunov, N.A. Tyapunina, E.P. Belozerova, Yu.A. Osip’yan, A.L. Buchachenko, V.L. Berdinskii, A.I. Shushin, M.I. Molotskii, O.V. Klyavin, B.I. Smirnov, V.A. Zakrevskii, A.V. Shuldiner, B.M. Darinskii, R.K. Kotowskii and B.V. Petukhov. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Prof. J.P. Hirth for encouragement and patience during our long writing process and for useful comments. This work was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A. also acknowledges a support from the Polish–Japanese Institute of Information Technology (Research Grant # PJ/MKT/02/2007), from the Kielce University of Technology, and from the Polish Foundation MNiSW.
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Non-planar Dislocation Cores: A Ubiquitous Phenomenon Affecting Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Materials V. VITEK Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 3231 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA and
V. PAIDAR Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved 1572-4859, DOI: 10.1016/S1572-4859(07)00007-1
Dislocations in Solids Edited by J. P. Hirth
Contents 1. Introduction 441 2. Generalized stacking faults and γ -surfaces 443 3. Body-centered-cubic metals 446 3.1. γ -Surfaces 447 3.2. Core structure of 1/2[111] screw dislocation 448 3.3. Effect of the core structure on the glide of 1/2[111] screw dislocations 452 4. Hexagonal close-packed metals 455 4.1. γ -Surfaces and stacking faults 456 ¯ dislocations 459 4.2. Core structure of 1/31120 ¯ dislocation 461 4.3. Core structure of c + a, 1/3112¯ 3 5. A3 B intermetallic compounds with L12 structure 464 5.1. γ -Surfaces 465 ¯ 5.2. Structure of [101] superdislocations involving APB 466 5.2.1. APB on {111} planes and metastable CSF 466 5.2.2. APB on {111} planes and unstable CSF 468 5.2.3. APB on {001} planes 468 ¯ 5.3. Structure of [101] superdislocations involving SISF on the (111) plane 469 5.4. Summary 470 6. A3 B intermetallic compounds with non-cubic structures 471 6.1. Hexagonal DO19 structure 471 6.2. Tetragonal DO22 structure 474 7. AB intermetallic alloys and compounds with B2 structure 476 7.1. γ -Surfaces for {110} and {112} planes 477 7.2. 111 dislocations 477 7.3. 100 and 110 dislocations 479 7.4. Summary 480 8. AB intermetallic compounds with L10 structure 481 8.1. γ -Surface for (111) planes 482 ¯ ordinary screw dislocations 483 8.2. 1/2[110] ¯ screw superdislocation 485 8.3. [101] 8.4. 1/2112] superdislocations 487 8.5. Summary 487 9. Tetragonal C11b MoSi2 488 9.1. γ -Surfaces for (013) and (110) planes 490 9.2. Core structure of 1/2331] dislocations 492 10. Miscellaneous materials 493 10.1. Iridium 494 10.2. Ionic crystals 495 10.2.1. Sodium chloride type ionic crystals 495 10.2.2. Perovskites: SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 496 10.2.3. Olivine: (Mg,Fe)2 SiO4 497 10.3. Molecular crystals 499 11. Conclusions 500 Acknowledgements 502 References 502
1. Introduction Plastic deformation of crystalline materials is usually mediated by motion of dislocations. Exceptions are diffusional creep that takes place at high temperatures and very low strain rates, deformation twinning occurring in some materials at low temperatures and high strain rates [1–3] and deformation related to martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys [2]. The notion of dislocations has two starting points. First, the dislocation was introduced as an elastic singularity arising when considering the deformation of a body occupying a multiply connected region of space [4]. Secondly, dislocations were introduced into crystal physics by Taylor [5], Orowan [6] and Polanyi [7] when exploring the large discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental strength of crystals. These two approaches became almost immediately intertwined since the crystal dislocations are sources of long-ranged elastic stresses and strains that can be treated in the continuum framework. In fact a broad variety of dislocation phenomena encountered in plastically deforming materials can be fully analyzed in the framework of continuum elasticity (see books [8–12] and other volumes of this series, in particular Volume 1). However, ample evidence now exists for a broad range of crystalline materials, particularly those with non-close-packed lattice structures, that the dislocation core structures significantly influences macroscopic plastic flow and may even be a governing factor (for reviews see [13–24]). The properties of the core region and its impact on dislocation motion and thus on plastic yielding, can only be fully understood when the atomic structure is adequately accounted for. In general, when a dislocation glides, its core undergoes changes that are the source of an intrinsic lattice friction. This friction is periodic with the period of the crystallographic direction in which the dislocation moves. The applied stress needed to overcome this friction at a temperature of 0 K is called the Peierls stress and the corresponding periodic energy barrier is called the Peierls barrier. While the phenomena controlled by long-range elastic fields of dislocations are generic in nature since any information concerning the crystal structure enters only via a few basic data such as possible slip systems and elastic anisotropy, core phenomena are unique for each material. They may depend strongly on both the crystal structure and the details of atomic bonding and their importance generally increases with the complexity of the crystal structure and bonding. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss dislocation core structures and related dislocation behavior in materials in which the dislocation glide is not confined only to close packed planes of the type of {111} planes in face-centered-cubic (FCC) and basal planes in hexagonal close-packed (HCP) crystals. In FCC metals and HCP metals with basal slip the governing characteristic of the dislocations is their splitting into Shockley partials separated by the metastable stacking fault. As explained in the following section, the existence of such stacking faults is common to all FCC and HCP crystals since it is a consequence of the crystal symmetry. The result of the dislocation dissociation into close-packed {111}
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and/or basal planes is that the dislocation core is planar, confined to these planes.1 In elemental metals with close-packed structures the planarity of the dislocation core implies a very low Peierls stress and thus very low yield stress of well-annealed samples. However, the Peierls stress can be high in close-packed covalently bonded solids, such as silicon, owing to the directional character of interatomic bonds (see e.g. the recent review in this series [23]). Of course, the dissociation into partials, which can be regarded as the most important dislocation core feature in FCC and HCP crystals, affects important phenomena such as cross-slip, interaction between dislocations and interaction of dislocations with other defects. Furthermore, dissociation may also occur into two different {111} planes leading to formation of non-planar configurations known as Lomer–Cottrell [27,28] and Hirth [29, 30] locks. These are in fact the first recognized non-planar dislocation core structures. All these aspects of the dislocation behavior in FCC and HCP metals have been discussed extensively in literature on plastic deformation and dislocation theory (see e.g. [8,9,11,12]) and most recently in the Chapter 64 of this series [23]. In this chapter we concentrate on metallic materials in which the dislocations controlling the plastic flow possess more complex cores that are extended three-dimensionally, usually spread into several non-parallel crystal planes. Such cores are responsible for unconventional aspects of the plastic deformation such as unusually strong orientation and temperature dependence of the yield and flow stress, orientation dependence of the ductility and brittleness, strong strain rate sensitivity, anomalous dependence of the yield stress on temperature and, most commonly, a break-down of the Schmid law. Established for elemental metals with close-packed crystal structures [31,32], this law states that glide on a given slip system commences when the resolved shear stress on the slip plane in the direction of the slip, i.e. so-called Schmid stress, reaches a critical value. Implicitly, the sense of shearing and other components of the stress tensor than the Schmid stress are assumed to play no role in the deformation process. In fact, somewhat paradoxically, the breakdown of the Schmid law was observed by Taylor [33,34] even before its formulation. While studying plastic deformation of iron and β-brass, both metals with the body-centered-cubic (BCC) structure, he noted that their plastic behavior is very different from that of close-packed metals. Many latter investigations showed that the non-planar character of cores of 1/2111 screw dislocations is responsible for dominant aspects of the plastic behavior of all BCC metals, including the inapplicability of the Schmid law (for reviews see [16,35–37]). While dislocation core effects in BCC metals have also been discussed recently in this series [23], we return to this topic in this chapter since important general features of non-planar cores are best illustrated for 1/2111 screw dislocations in BCC metals. We then proceed to discuss core phenomena in hexagonal metals when the non-basal slip plays an important role, intermetallic compounds with various crystal structures [L12 (Ni3 AL), DO19 (Ti3 Al), DO22 (Al3 Ti), B2 (NiAl), L10 (TiAl), C11b (MoSi2 )] and, briefly, in ionic solids, including silicates that are of interests in geology of the earth 1 Such stacking faults and dislocation dissociations have also been found in entirely different materials with the FCC structure. An example is crystals composed of C60 molecules (bucky-balls) that display FCC structure. The molecules preserve their spherical nature even when they rotate at elevated temperatures and behave thus as large ‘superatoms.’ The dislocation cores of both screw and edge 1/2110 dislocations were simulated by molecular dynamics [25] using the pair potential proposed by Girifalco [26] that describes interaction between C60 molecules. In both cases dislocations dissociate into the usual Shockley partials.
Non-planar Dislocation Cores
upper mantle, as well as some molecular crystals. However, we do not include semiconductors, such as Si, Ge, GaAs, etc., since in these materials directional pp and sp bonds lead to a different category of core effects related to the difficulty (and/or ease) of breaking such bonds during the dislocation glide (see e.g. [23,38–46]). Likewise, we do not cover interfacial dislocations that represent another category of dislocations in which core effects may govern their physical properties. These dislocations, which are integral components of interfacial structures, have been discussed extensively in literature devoted to interfaces (see e.g. [47]). Since the atomic structure of dislocation cores has been studied primarily by computer modeling we concentrate in this review on results of such calculations but we discuss the link with experimental observations whenever such relation can be established. As perceived from studies of FCC and HCP metals, a vital characteristic of dislocations in crystalline materials is their possible dissociation into partial dislocations with Burgers vectors smaller than the lattice vector connected by stacking fault-like defects. The primary significance of the dislocation dissociation is that it determines uniquely the slip planes, identified with the planes of splitting, and, consequently, the operative slip systems. However, the cores of individual partial dislocations may still spread spatially and introduce effects similar to those found in undissociated dislocations with non-planar cores. Stacking fault-like defects include not only stacking faults but also antiphase domain boundaries and complex stacking faults encountered in ordered alloys and compounds. These planar defects can be very conveniently analyzed using the notion of γ -surfaces, first employed in investigation of possible stacking faults in BCC metals [48]. For this reason we start this chapter by introducing the concept of the γ -surface and its application not only in investigation of metastable stacking fault-like defects but also in studies of the core spreading in general.
2. Generalized stacking faults and γ -surfaces In order to introduce the idea of a γ -surface, we first define a generalized stacking fault: Suppose that a crystal is cut along a chosen crystal plane and the upper part displaced with respect to the lower part by a vector u, parallel to the plane of the cut, as shown in Fig. 1. The fault created in this way is called the generalized single layer stacking fault and it is not in general metastable. The energy of such fault per unit area, γ (u), can be evaluated when an appropriate description of atomic interactions is available. In such calculations relaxations perpendicular to the fault have to be allowed but no relaxations parallel to the fault are permitted. Repeating this procedure for various vectors u within the repeat cell of the selected crystal plane, one can construct an energy–displacement surface commonly called the γ -surface. Local minima on this surface determine the displacement vectors of all possible metastable single-layer stacking fault-like defects, and the values of γ at these minima are the energies of these faults. While for a given material γ -surfaces can only be determined fully by atomistic calculations employing reliable descriptions of interatomic interactions, symmetry arguments can be utilized to assess the general shape of a γ -surface. These considerations involve use of Neumann’s principle [49] that, when applied to a bicrystal, states that the symmetry elements of any physical property of a bicrystal must include the symmetry elements of the
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Fig. 1. Definition of the generalized stacking fault.
point group of the bicrystal [50–52]. When the ‘bicrystal’ is formed by displacing two parts of a crystal with respect to each other, only mirror planes can be conserved [50]. Now, if such a mirror plane of the perfect lattice perpendicular to the plane of the generalized stacking fault passes through the point corresponding to a displacement u, the first derivative of the γ -surface vanishes along the mirror plane normal. If there is only one mirror plane the symmetry does not impose any condition on the derivative parallel to the mirror plane and a stationary point may, but need not, exist for the displacement u + u , where u is a vector parallel to the mirror plane. However, when there are at least two non-parallel mirror planes perpendicular to the fault plane, the γ -surface will possess an extremum (minimum, maximum or inflexion) for this displacement. Often, one can assess whether such an extremum corresponds to a minimum, and thus to a metastable fault, by considering the change in the nearest neighbor configuration produced by the corresponding displacement. Hence, by investigating the symmetry of the plane for which the γ -surface is studied, the existence of metastable stacking fault-like defects can be ascertained without calculations. Since such faults occur as a result of crystal symmetry, they are common to all materials with a given point group symmetry. The intrinsic stacking faults on {111} planes in FCC crystals and basal planes in HCP crystals are such symmetry-dictated faults. In the former case three mirror planes of the {101} type pass through the points that correspond to the displacements 1/6112 in a {111} plane. In the latter case three planes perpendicular to the (0001) basal plane, with ¯ ¯ and [0110] ¯ in this plane, intersect at the position corresponding to traces [1100], [1010] 1 ¯ the displacement 3 [1100] [18,53]. The fact that in both cases the separations of the nearest neighbors remain the same as in the ideal lattice suggests that extrema corresponding to these displacements are, indeed, minima. Yet, other minima than those associated with symmetry-dictated extrema may exist in any particular material. These cannot be anticipated solely on crystallographic grounds. Their existence depends on the details of atomic interactions and they can only be revealed by calculations of the γ -surface. In the following sections we discuss γ -surfaces in a variety of materials and encounter both faults related to symmetry-dictated minima and faults that are not imposed by symmetry.
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Moreover, γ -surfaces have broader significance than determination of metastable planar defects. Their full shape can be employed in semi-atomistic models of the Peierls–Nabarro type that are capable to describe planar dislocation cores with high precision. In such models the core is regarded as a continuous distribution of dislocations in the plane of the core spreading. If we choose the coordinate system in this plane such that the axes x1 and x2 are parallel and perpendicular to the dislocation line, respectively, the corresponding density of the continuously distributed dislocations has two components ρα = ∂vα /∂x2 (α = 1, 2), where vα is the α component of the displacement vector v in the x1 , x2 plane. The disv increases gradually in the direction x2 from zero to the Burgers vector so that placement +∞ ρ dx 2 = bα , where bα is the corresponding component of the Burgers vector. In the −∞ α continuum approximation the elastic energy of such dislocation distribution is Eel =
+∞ +∞
α,β=1 −∞
Kαβ ρα (x2 )ρβ (x2 ) ln |x2 − x2 | dx2 dx2 ,
where Kαβ are constants depending on the elastic moduli and orientation of the dislocation line. On the atomic scale the displacement across the plane of the core spreading causes a disregistry that leads to an energy increase. The displacement v produces locally a generalized stacking fault and in the local approximation the energy associated with the disregistry can be written as +∞ Eγ = (2) γ (v) dx2 , −∞
where γ (v) is the energy of the corresponding γ -surface for the displacement v. The continuous distribution of dislocations describing the core structure is then found by the functional minimization of the total energy Etot = Eel + Eγ with respect to the displacement v [54]. When the displacement vector is all the time parallel to the Burgers vector, so that only its component v in this direction needs to be considered, the dislocation density has only one component ρv (x2 ) = ∂v/∂x2 . If the derivative of γ along the direction of the Burgers vector, ∂γ /∂v, is not zero for any finite value of v, i.e. no metastable stacking faults exist, the Euler equation corresponding to the variational condition δEtot = 0 leads to the well-known Peierls equation for v(x2 ) and ρv (x2 ) +∞ Kv ∂v(x2 ) ∂γ dx2 = − , (3) ∂v −∞ x2 − x2 ∂x2 where Kv is related to the directions of the Burgers vector and the dislocation line and depends on elastic moduli. In the original Peierls–Nabarro model the dependence of ∂γ /∂v on v is sinusoidal. If there are metastable stacking faults, so that ∂γ /∂v = 0 at some points, eq. (3) cannot be used and v(x2 ) and ρv (x2 ) can only be found by direct, usually numerical, minimization of Etot . The dislocation then splits into partials and this minimization determines both the planar cores of the partials and their separation. The Peierls–Nabarro type approach to the study of dislocation cores has been revived in recent years. The main reason is that the calculation of γ -surfaces is relatively easy when compared with full-scale atomistic study of the dislocation core structure and for the planar cores the results of the Peierls–Nabarro approach differs from full atomistic studies only
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marginally. In particular, whilst full dislocation core calculation using the present state of the art methods based on the density functional theory is still a major endeavor, γ -surfaces can be easily calculated in the framework of these methods. Examples are ab initio calculations of γ -surfaces in elemental metals [55–59], intermetallic compounds [60–68], semiconductors [23,69,70] and even quasicrystals [71]. This development also initiated new advancements of the Peierls–Nabarro model [72] such as introduction of discreteness of the atomic structure into the model [23,73] and direct use of variational procedures [74–80]. In the latter case Schoeck [74] suggested approximating γ -surfaces by analytical functions containing a small number of parameters determined by fitting the numerical calculations. The advantage of this approach is that γ -surfaces can be represented by two-dimensional Fourier series employing the reciprocal lattice vectors of corresponding crystallographic planes. This approach was utilized not only for dislocations in simple monoatomic lattices [75,80–84] but also in superlattices with L12 [63,85,86], B2 [87] and L10 [88] structures. Finally, the Peierls–Nabarro model has also been extended to non-planar cores [89–91]. However, most non-planar cores are very narrow, spread over regions the dimensions of which are comparable with the lattice parameter. In this case the variation of the generalized fault within the core is very rapid which then invalidates the local approximation for the energy associated with the disregistry [eq. (2)]. Hence, in the case of narrow dislocation cores only full atomistic modeling of dislocations is adequately reliable although it is usually necessary to resort to approximate descriptions of atomic interactions rather than using a DFT based method. In the following sections we concentrate on the results of fully atomistic studies of dislocation cores.
3. Body-centered-cubic metals The most significant features of the plastic behavior of single crystals of BCC metals are the rapid increase of the flow stress with decreasing temperature and increasing strain rate, a strong dependence of the flow stress on the orientation of the crystal relative to the loading axes and break-down of the Schmid law (for reviews see [13,35,37,92–94]). Many experimental and theoretical studies performed in the last forty years have established that the strong temperature and strain rate dependence of the flow stress results from the high lattice friction (Peierls) stress of 1/2111 screw dislocations. As first suggested by Hirsch [95], the generally accepted reason is that their cores spread into several planes of the 111 zone. While direct experimental observations of the cores of screw dislocations are precarious [96,97], such core spreading has been found in all atomistic studies, as discussed below. Such core spreading is then responsible not only for the high Peierls stress but also for all the other outstanding features of the plastic deformation of BCC metals (see, for example, [16,21,37,98–101]). As explained bellow, this basic characteristic of screw dislocations relates to the crystallography of the BCC lattice and is, therefore, common to all BCC crystals, regardless of the details of the interatomic bonding. Indeed, the prominent aspects of the deformation behavior have been found in a broad variety of non-magnetic transition metals (e.g. [102–118]), iron and iron–silicon alloys [119–126] alkali metals (e.g. [127–132]) and even in the molecular crystal hexamine that crystallizes
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(b) ¯ (a) and (112) ¯ (b) planes in BCC metals. Fig. 2. γ -Surfaces for (110)
in the BCC structure [133] (see Section 10.3). However, since the most important dislocation core feature is the possible splitting into partial dislocations separated by stacking faults, we start here with the brief summary of the studies of γ -surfaces in BCC metals.
3.1. γ -Surfaces The γ -surfaces for the {110} and {112} planes in a BCC structure were first calculated by Vitek [36,48] using pair potentials of the type proposed by Johnson for iron [134] and the pair potential for BCC lithium derived on the basis of the pseudopotential theory [135]. ¯ and (112), ¯ respectively. The They are shown in Figs 2(a) and 2(b) for the planes (110)
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main characteristic of both of these surfaces is that there are no local minima that would ¯ γ -surface is asymcorrespond to metastable stacking faults on these planes. The (112) metrical in that the shearing in the [111] direction is not equivalent to the shearing in the ¯ direction. It increases less steeply when the displacement is in the [111] direction, [1¯ 1¯ 1] which is the same shear as that associated with twinning, and more steeply when the dis¯ direction (antitwinning shear). This asymmetry is the so-called placement is in the [1¯ 1¯ 1] twinning–antitwinning asymmetry reflected in the slip behavior of BCC metals [16,21,37, 98,99]. Many calculations of γ -surfaces in various BCC metals have been made employing a broad variety of descriptions of atomic interactions, including pair potentials [16,48,136], many-body central-force potentials of the Finnis–Sinclair (F–S) [137–139] type [98,140], multi-ion interatomic potentials derived from the model generalized pseudopotential theory (MGPT) [57,141–145], tight-binding based bond-order potentials [146] and ab initio DFT based methods [58,59,145,147,148]. None of these calculations suggests any possible metastable stacking fault and as shown in [149] such faults could be metastable only if central-force atomic interactions were very short-ranged, limited to the first nearest neighbors. Indeed, no splitting of dislocations has ever been observed in BCC metals, which supports the notion that metastable stacking faults do not exist in these metals. Moreover, qualitatively, the shape of the γ -surfaces was found to be the same in all these studies although quantitative differences exist that may be important when contrasting the deformation behavior of different BCC metals.
3.2. Core structure of 1/2[111] screw dislocation Potential atomic configurations of defects in a crystal structure are always limited by the symmetry of this structure. In general, the so-called Neumann’s principle [49] has to be obeyed, which states that any kind of symmetry possessed by the crystal structure is also possessed by any physical property of the material with this crystal structure. Notwithstanding, this does not imply that the structure of every crystal defect must be invariant to all symmetry operations associated with a given structure. If the structure of a defect is not invariant with respect to a symmetry operation, alternate (energetically equivalent) configurations exist that are related by this symmetry operation. Thus the average distribution of these defects satisfies the Neumann’s principle while individual defects may possess lower symmetries. The most important symmetry relevant for the 1/2[111] screw dislocation in a BCC crystal is that [111] is the direction of a three-fold screw axis. This was first noted by Suzuki [150] who argued that 1/2[111] screw dislocations must possess such symmetry and are thus intrinsically non-planar. Another symmetry pertinent for line defects parallel ¯ diad, which can also be considered as reflection in the to the [111] direction is the [101] ¯ plane (see Fig. 3). Since splitting of the (111) plane followed by reflection in the (121) 1/2[111] screw dislocation into well-defined partials and stacking faults is excluded, the core structure is most likely to retain the symmetry consistent with the three-fold screw axis of the [111] direction. Indeed, atomistic calculations that employed a wide variety of descriptions of interatomic interactions, all confirmed this symmetry of the core. Nevertheless, two types of the core were found. The first, shown in Figs 4(a) and 4(b) using
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Fig. 3. [111] stereographic projection showing orientations of all {110} and {112} planes belonging to the [111] zone.
the method of differential displacements2 (see [36,152] and figure captions) was found in calculations [98,140] that employed F–S type potential for molybdenum developed by Ackland and Thetford [139]. A core structure of the same type was also obtained in earlier studies that used pair-potentials [36,128,136,152–154], as well in more recent calculations [98,99,140,155–161] employing many-body central force potentials of the F–S and/or embedded atom method (EAM) type [139,162,163] for BCC transition metals and iron and MGPT potentials for molybdenum and tantalum [143–145,164,165]. A second type of core, shown in Fig. 5, was found recently in ab initio DFT based calculations for molybdenum, tantalum and iron [58,147,166–168]. Recent calculations [146,169] employing the bond-order potentials for molybdenum and tungsten, based on the two-center tight-binding method [170–173], also found this core structure. However, the same core structure was also revealed in some studies using pair potentials [174,175], tight-binding method with the second moment of the density of states [176–178] and many-body central force potentials for tantalum, niobium and iron [98,140,161,179,180]. Whereas both core structures are invariant with respect to the [111] three-fold screw axis, the core shown in Fig. 4 is ¯ diad whilst that shown in Fig. 5 is.3 Consequently, not invariant with respect to the [101] ¯ diad in the former case, another energetically equivalent configuration related by the [101] symmetry operation exists in the former case; these two alternatives are shown in Figs 4(a) and 4(b), respectively. Since this core exists in two symmetry-related variants it is called 2 Recently, a new method for visualization of the lattice misfit associated with dislocation cores was proposed by Hartley and Mishin [151] that utilizes the Nye tensor that describes the distribution of the Burgers vector across a plane normal to the dislocation line. While this is instructive representation of the core, in this review we employ the differential displacement maps since until now only this representation is readily available in the literature. 3 In the [111] projection, which is used when depicting the core, the structure invariant to the [101] ¯ diad appears as six-fold and the non-invariant structure as three-fold. This terminology has often been used in the literature although it is crystallographically incorrect.
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(b) Fig. 4. Two alternate core structures of the 1/2[111] screw dislocation found when using the Finnis–Sinclair type central-force many body potential for molybdenum [139]. The structures presented in (a) and (b), respectively, are related by the symmetry operation of the diad and are energetically degenerate. In this and the following figures we employ the usual differential displacement maps to depict the core structures [18,36,152]. The atomic arrangement is shown in the projection perpendicular to the direction of the dislocation line ([111]) and circles represent atoms within one period, with shading distinguishing the three successive (111) planes. The [111] (screw) component of the relative displacement of the neighboring atoms produced by the dislocation is depicted as an arrow between them. The length of the arrows is proportional to the magnitude of these components. The arrows, which indicate out-of-plane displacements, are always drawn along the line connecting neighboring atoms and their length is normalized such that it is equal to the separation of these atoms in the projection when the magnitude of their relative displacement is equal to |1/6[111]|.
degenerate. Alternatively, it has also been called polarized [93,145,154]. Hence, the principal difference between these two types of the core is symmetry. Two questions arise in this context. First, what determines whether the former or the latter core structure is preferred? Second, will dislocations with these alternate core structures respond differently to applied stresses and will the yielding behavior in BCC materials with different dislocation cores then be considerably different?
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Fig. 5. Core structure of the 1/2[111] screw dislocation determined using the bond-order potential for molybdenum [146] and in calculations employing a DFT based method [147,167]. This structure is invariant with respect to the diad and non-degenerate. The method of display is the same as in Fig. 4.
The answer to the first question has to be sought in the energy differences of the two possible core structures. Duesbery and Vitek [98] proposed that the preference for one or the other type of the core can be estimated using the γ -surface for the {110} planes into which the core spreads. The core shown in Fig. 4 can be perceived as a generalized splitting into three fractional dislocations with screw components 1/6[111] [98,153], while the core shown in Fig. 5 can be regarded as a generalized splitting into six fractional dislocations with screw components 1/12[111]. Fractional dislocations, unlike partial dislocations, do not terminate metastable faults but delimit stacking fault-like regions comprising faults that are unstable if considered as extended over a large (infinite) area. Thus the degenerate core shown in Fig. 4 comprises three faults with the displacement b/3, where ¯ ¯ and (011) ¯ planes. The non-degenerate b is the Burgers vector 1/2[111], on (101), (110) core shown in Fig. 5 comprises six faults corresponding to the displacement b/6 on the same {101} planes of the [111] zone. Within this paradigm the energy difference between the two cores is approximately controlled by the energy of the faults forming the core. Specifically, the degenerate core is favored if 3γ (b/3) < 6γ (b/6) and vice versa for the non-degenerate core. From the γ -surface calculations 3γ (b/3) equals 2133 mJ m−2 for the F–S type potential for Mo [98,140] and 3579 mJ m−2 for the bond-order potential for Mo [146]; 6γ (b/6) equals 2508 mJ m−2 and 3090 mJ m−2 for these two cases, respectively. Hence, following the above-mentioned criterion, the degenerate core is favored for the F–S type potential and the non-degenerate core for the bond-order potential. This agrees with the calculated core structures presented in Figs 4 and 5. Similarly, the above criterion was found to apply in a number of other cases [101] and recent calculations of γ -surfaces for various transition metals, including iron, suggest that non-degenerate cores are the norm in these materials [58]. One can answer to the second question only by studying the motion of dislocations under the effect of applied stresses. This is discussed briefly in the following paragraph.
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3.3. Effect of the core structure on the glide of 1/2[111] screw dislocations At first we focus on the similarities and/or differences in the response of the degenerate and non-degenerate core to an applied stress by examining results of atomistic calculations for molybdenum made using the F–S type potentials [140] and the bond-order potentials [146], respectively. The calculations were made for pure shear stress acting in the [111] direction with various orientations of the maximum resolved shear stress plane (MRSSP). ¯ These orientations are defined by the angle χ that the MRSSP makes with the (101) plane.4 ◦ ◦ Owing to the crystal symmetry it is sufficient to consider −30 χ +30 but orientations corresponding to positive and negative angles χ are not equivalent. The calculations were carried out using a molecular statics technique and thus correspond to 0 K. The shear stress, applied via the corresponding strain determined by Hooke’s law, was always gradually increased until the dislocation started to move. The value of the shear stress in the MRSSP at which the dislocation starts to move was identified with the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for the dislocation glide at 0 K, i.e. with the Peierls stress. ¯ In both cases, upon reaching the CRSS, the dislocation started to glide along the (101) plane for all angles χ and the dependence of the CRSS on χ is very similar in both cases. The following are some examples of the calculated values of the CRSS: For the F–S potential it is 0.021C44 for χ = 0◦ , 0.034C44 for χ = +28◦ and 0.020C44 for χ = −28◦ ; for the bond-order potential it is 0.024C44 for χ = 0◦ , 0, 0.032C44 for χ = +28◦ and 0.026C44 for χ = −28◦ . These values of the CRSS are also very close to the values obtained in ab initio DFT based calculations [147,167].5 The CRSS does not obey the Schmid law, according to which the dependence of the CRSS on χ should have the form 1/ cos χ. Of course, in the BCC lattice there is no crystallographic reason why shearing in opposite directions along [111], which is commensurate with changing the sign of the angle χ, should be equivalent because the (111) plane is not a mirror plane. However, symmetry arguments cannot be used to predict whether the CRSS is larger for positive than for negative χ or vice versa. The present atomistic calculations, similar calculations for tantalum employing MGTP potentials [145] (see also [23]) and in fact the vast majority of previous studies suggest that the CRSS is lower for negative χ. This is in good agreement with many experimental observations [13,16,35,37,92]. However, recent calculations employing the BOP for tungsten show almost no twinning–antitwinning asymmetry [169] which emphasizes the dependence of this asymmetry on the details of atomic interactions. One can understand the reason why the overall behavior of the 1/2[111] screw dislocation under the effect of an applied stress is very similar for the two distinct core structures 4 This representation of the orientation of the MRSSP has been commonly used in earlier theoretical and experimental studies [16,37]; see Fig. 3 for the orientations of the corresponding {110} and {112} planes. 5 The calculated values of the CRSS (Peierls stress) are about two to three times higher than the measured CRSS extrapolated to 0 K. For example in measurements of Hollang et al. [115,116] it is 0.006μ, where μ is the shear modulus. The same disparity between calculations and observations was found in other transition elemental metals [125,161] as well as in alkali metals [128,131]. This discrepancy has been recently elucidated by Gröger and Vitek [181]. It is not a consequence of any inadequacies in atomistic calculations but it is related to the fact that in real situations the dislocations never move in isolation but as large groups produced by a source. Due to the mutual interaction between emitted dislocations, the group consisting of both non-screw and screw dislocations can move at an applied stress that is a factor of two to three lower than the stress needed for the glide of individual screw dislocations.
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by analyzing the changes of the cores induced by the applied stress prior to the dislocation motion. As discussed in more detail in [101], under the effect of the applied shear ¯ diad is eliminated and both cores attain a configstress the symmetry related to the [101] uration akin to the degenerate structure with displacements spread most extensively into ¯ the (101) plane in which the dislocation eventually glides. This finding suggests that the large Peierls stress of screw dislocations in BCC metals, as well as the basic characteristics of their glide, result solely from the non-planar character of the core, and do not depend sensitively on the core polarity, i.e. on whether the core is degenerate or non-degenerate. A similar conclusion has been reached in the recent study by Li et al. [159]. This is contrary to the arguments of Wang et al. [182] that it is the core polarity which controls the Peierls stress. However, the core polarity and, in general, peculiarities of the core structure may play a role in the detailed response of the core structure to the applied stress and thus the orientation dependencies of the yield stress as well as the slip geometry may vary from one BCC metal to another. The transformations of the dislocation core induced by the applied stress prior to the dislocation motion affect not only the magnitude of the Peierls stress but play an important role in the orientation dependencies of the yield stress and in particular in the break-down of the Schmid law. In fact, when a more general loading than pure shear is applied, for example tension or compression, the shear stresses perpendicular to the Burgers vector may induce significant changes of the core structure and influence in this way the CRSS needed for the dislocation motion. This effect was studied in several recent papers [24,98, 99,140,183–186] by investigating the loading by the stress tensor ⎡ ⎤ −τ 0 0 = ⎣ 0 τ σ⎦, (4) 0 σ 0 where the axis 3 is parallel to the direction of the dislocation line (and the Burgers vector), axis 2 is the normal to the MRSSP and axis 1 is perpendicular to both axes 2 and 3. σ is the shear stress in the MRSSP in the direction of the Burgers vector and τ determines the shear stress acting perpendicular to the slip direction. Starting with σ = 0, the chosen value of τ was always built up incrementally to ensure a proper convergence of the atomic relaxations. When a given stress τ was attained, the block was subsequently subjected to the shear stress σ . Again, this loading was applied incrementally. The CRSS was then identified with the value of σ at which the dislocation started to move through the block and dependence of the CRSS on τ was thus determined. Results of such study that was performed using the bond-order potential for molybdenum [184,185] are shown in Fig. 6 as a plot of CRSS vs τ for the case of χ = 0◦ , i.e. ¯ when the (101) plane is the MRSSP. While this plane is the slip plane for τ > −0.02C44 ¯ ¯ (011) and (110) planes become slip planes at large negative τ . Furthermore, the CRSS is always lower for positive τ than for negative τ . The reason for this effect of τ can be discerned from Figs 7(a) and 7(b) which show the dislocation core structure when stresses ¯ τ = ±0.04C44 , respectively, are applied. For positive τ the core extends into the (101) plane which then makes the glide in this plane easier. On the other hand, for negative τ the ¯ ¯ planes, which makes the glide on the (101) ¯ core extends into (110) and (011) plane more ¯ ¯ difficult, and the final movement occurs along the (110) and/or (011)plane at the CRSS
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Fig. 6. Dependence of the CRSS for the glide of the 1/2[111] screw dislocation for χ = 0 on the shear stress τ , perpendicular to its Burgers vector. The glide plane is also a function of τ and the empty and full squares and the full circle distinguish between different {110} glide planes. The triangles represent CRSS for loading in tension and/or compression for the loading axes marked.
appreciably higher than in the former case. As shown in [140,184,185], under uniaxial loading with the tensile/compressive axis within the standard stereographic triangle, τ is positive in tension and negative in compression. The effect of shear stresses perpendicular to the Burgers vector then induces a tension/compression asymmetry distinct from the twinning–antitwinning asymmetry related to the different sense of shear in the [111] direction. This asymmetry may be more pronounced than the twinning–antitwinning asymmetry and dominate the slip behavior. Atomistic studies of the effect of both shear stresses parallel and perpendicular to the slip direction on the CRSS and slip geometry allow us to understand the impact of the full stress tensor upon the plastic flow. Using the results of such atomistic studies, we can formulate physically based models of engineering plasticity for solids deforming by crystallographic slip but not obeying the Schmid law. This leads to the development of non-associated flow constitutive theories that introduce a distinct yield function and flow potential [187,188], which do not rely on the Schmid law. Non-associated flow affects strain localization and cavitation instabilities as well as certain aspects of non-linear fracture mechanics [189– 194] and thus its physically based formulation is essential for fundamental description of mechanical behavior of materials such as BCC metals in which the Schmid law is not applicable. Such a development has been initiated in [183,184,195].
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(b) Fig. 7. Changes of the core structures of the 1/2[111] screw dislocation shown in Fig. 5 induced by the applied shear stress perpendicular to the Burgers vector. (a) τ = +0.04C44 . (b) τ = −0.04C44 .
4. Hexagonal close-packed metals While the hexagonal structure is less symmetric than the cubic structure, certain features of dislocations in hexagonal close-packed (HCP) metals are similar to those of dislocations in FCC metals. The reason is the close-packed nature of both crystal structures. In ¯ which is an HCP metals the dominant slip direction is the close-packed direction 1120, analogue of the 110 direction in the FCC structure. The shortest Burgers vector is then ¯ and dislocations with this Burgers vector, commonly called a dislocations, can 1/31120 dissociate into Shockley partials on the basal plane, analogously as do the 1/2110 dislocations on {111} planes in FCC metals. However, the basal plane can provide only three distinct slip systems and thus other slip planes have to be present in the case of general loading that requires at least five slip systems. Still, unlike {111} planes in FCC metals, the basal plane is not the favored slip plane in all HCP metals even in single crystals loaded
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¯ (dashed), and second-order, {1122} ¯ (dashed and dotted), pyramidal Fig. 8. Geometry of the first-order, {1011} ¯ of the c + a dislocations is also shown. planes. The direction of the Burgers vector 13 112¯ 3
such that the three basal slip systems would be sufficient. The basal plane is preferred in Cd, Zn, Mg, Co and Be but in Ti, Zr, and Hf, as well as in a number of rare earth HCP metals, the prism plane is strongly favored [11]. As first noted by Legrand [196–198], the prism plane is favored in transition metals and this preference depends on the filling of the d-band. However, contrary to many previous speculations, the type of slip plane is unrelated to the c/a ratio. Indeed, the prism plane is the dominant slip plane in Zr, Ti and Hf which have between 1.5 and 2.5 d electrons in the conduction band, while in Co, with about 8 electrons in the outer d shell, the basal slip dominates. In addition, the basal slip is favored in Be and Cd that have the largest deviation of c/a ratio from the ideal one. Moreover, slip can occur to various extent in all HCP metals on pyramidal planes of the ¯ and second order, {1122}; ¯ for geometrical definition of these planes see first order, {1011}, Fig. 8. The slip on both first- and second-order pyramidal planes may involve so called ¯ while a dislocations may particic + a dislocations with the Burgers vector 1/3112¯ 3 pate in slip on the first-order pyramidal planes [199,200]. Table 1 summarizes slip systems for the eight most common HCP metals. Furthermore, twinning is an important deformation mode in many HCP metals, in particular for tensile/compressive loading along the c-axis [3].
4.1. γ -Surfaces and stacking faults As explained in Section 2, metastable intrinsic stacking faults with the displacement ¯ can form on basal planes in any HCP metal since they are dictated by sym1/31010 metry. The energy of these intrinsic stacking faults differs, of course, significantly from material to material and in calculations it is strongly dependent on the description of interatomic bonding. For example, for a Finnis–Sinclair type central-force many-body po-
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Table 1 Slip systems in hexagonal metals Element
c/a ratio
Principal slip system
Secondary slip system
Other slip systems
Basal ¯ {0001} 1120
Pyramidal ¯ 112¯ 3 ¯ {1122}
Prismatic ¯ 1120 ¯ {1010} Pyramidal ¯ 1120 ¯ {1011}
Basal ¯ {0001} 1120
Pyramidal ¯ 112¯ 3 ¯ {1122}
Prismatic ¯ 1120 ¯ {1010}
Basal ¯ {0001} 1120
Pyramidal ¯ 1120 ¯ {1010}
Prismatic ¯ 1120 ¯ {1011} ¯ 112¯ 3 ¯ {1122}
Basal ¯ {0001} 1120
Prismatic ¯ 1120 ¯ {1010}
Basal ¯ {0001} 1120
Pyramidal ¯ 1120 ¯ {1011} ¯ 112¯ 3 ¯ {1122}
Prismatic ¯ 1120 ¯ {1010}
Basal ¯ {0001} 1120
Pyramidal ¯ 1120 ¯ {1011} ¯ 112¯ 3 ¯ {1122} ¯ 112¯ 3 ¯ {1011}
Prismatic ¯ 1120 ¯ {1010}
Basal ¯ {0001} 1120
Basal ¯ {0001} 1120
Prismatic ¯ 1120 ¯ {1010}
Pyramidal ¯ 1120 ¯ {1011} ¯ 112¯ 3 ¯ {1122}
tential for titanium [201] the calculated stacking fault energy is 64 mJ/m2 . In contrast, the bond-order potential (BOP), which includes dependence of the interaction energy on bond angles that arises owing to the partially filled d-band, leads to almost twice as high energy, 110 mJ/m2 [202,203]. Central force potentials generally predict relatively low energy of intrinsic stacking faults in both FCC and HCP metals since in this case the principal contribution to this energy derives from the interaction of the third and more distant neighbors. The reason is that in all HCP metals the first and second neighbors are at almost the same distances as in the perfect lattice after formation of the stacking fault, and in FCC metals and HCP structures with ideal c/a ratio their separations are exactly the same. On the other hand, when angularly dependent bonding is present, interactions within the shell of the first nearest neighbors contribute significantly to the energy of this fault. ¯ type. There is no symThe situation is quite different for the prism planes of the {1010} metry dictated extremum at the corresponding γ -surface and thus a metastable stacking fault may but need not exist in any given HCP material, depending on details of bonding. In atomistic calculations the description of atomic interactions controls whether such fault exists or not. This is demonstrated in Figs 9(a) and 9(b), which show γ -surfaces for the
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(b) Fig. 9. γ -Surface for the prism plane in HCP titanium calculated (a) using the Finnis–Sinclair type potential [201] and (b) the BOP for Ti [202,203].
prism plane calculated using the Finnis–Sinclair type potential [201] and the BOP [202, ¯ plane dis203] for titanium, respectively. In the former case the γ -surface for the (1010) ¯ ¯ plays a minimum corresponding to the displacement 1/6[1210] + 0.18[0001] while in the latter case no such minimum exists. The stabilization of this stacking fault in the case of Finnis–Sinclair type potentials is the consequence of central forces. In fact this fault can
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be envisaged using the hard sphere model [204] and it was, indeed, found in other central force calculations [205,206]. Similarly as for the prism plane, there are no symmetry dictated intrinsic stacking faults ¯ and {1122} ¯ pyramidal planes. Indeed, standard γ -surface calculations (see Secon {1011} tion 2) carried out for these planes by Bacon and Liang [207] using a variety of pair potentials and by Morris et al. [208], using both pair potentials from Ref. [207] and many-body central-force potentials for Zr [209,210], did not reveal any metastable intrinsic stacking faults. Notwithstanding, this does not exclude presence of such faults if a different type of bonding were considered, and thus again metastable intrinsic stacking faults may, but need not, exist on these planes. However, the standard γ -surface calculation may not reveal all types of planar faults since multi-layer faults, spread over several atomic planes, may exist. This possibility is more likely the less closely packed are the planes of the fault. In order to investigate such faults two or more atomic planes adjacent to the cut must be allowed to move parallel to the fault plane while keeping the two parts of the crystal shifted with respect to each other as in the standard γ -surface calculation. The first such study, made for the {112} planes in a BCC lattice, revealed existence of metastable three-layer faults ¯ pyramidal planes, such calculations were made by on these planes [211]. For the {1122} Morris et al. [208], using the same central-force potentials as in their standard γ -surface calculations. In this study metastable two-layer faults corresponding to the total displace¯ were found. A study of multi-layer faults on basal and prism planes by ment 16 112¯ 3 Uesugi et al. [212] revealed a possible multi-layer fault on prism planes. No γ -surface ¯ pyramidal planes. calculations have been made, to our knowledge, for {1011} ¯ dislocations 1120 4.2. Core structure of 1/311 ¯ Atomistic studies of a dislocations with the Burgers vector 1/31120, which are most common in HCP metals, were carried out already in the eighties using pair potentials [207, 213,214] and more recently Finnis–Sinclair type central-force many-body potentials [205, 206,215] and the bond-order potential for Ti [203]. Since both the (0001) basal plane and ¯ prism plane are slip planes of these dislocations the calculations were performed the (1010) for both these planes. Both screw and edge dislocations were studied and in both cases the dislocation may split on the basal plane into Shockley partials according to the reaction ¯ 10] ¯ = 1/3[1100] ¯ ¯ and, alternatively, spread continuously or split on 1/3[12 + 1/3[0110] the prism plane, depending on the potential used. One can best discern which of these configurations is more favored by studying screw dislocations the slip plane of which is not well defined and where the choice between splitting on the basal plane or spreading (splitting) on the prism plane is controlled by the energetic preference. In fact, one could expect that the lowest energy configuration would be found automatically in calculations when complete relaxation is allowed. ¯ 10] ¯ screw dislocation was The most recent calculation of the core structure of the 1/3[12 carried out by Girshick at al. [203] using the BOP for titanium constructed in [202]. In this case the core always spread into the prism plane when the starting configuration corresponded to the single dislocation. Nevertheless, a metastable configuration corresponding to splitting on the basal plane was also found when the partials were introduced in the
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(b) ¯ 10] ¯ screw dislocation calculated using the BOP for titaFig. 10. Two alternate core structures of the 1/3[12 nium [203]. (a) Splitting on the basal plane into Shockley partials. (b) Continuous spreading in the prism plane.
starting configuration. Figs 10(a) and 10(b) show these two alternate core structures. In these figures the core structure is displayed using the method of differential displacements, defined in Fig. 4. The atomic arrangement is again shown in the projection onto the plane ¯ 10) ¯ plane; differperpendicular to the direction of the dislocation line, which is now the (12 ¯ 10]) ¯ ently shaded circles represent atoms in two different planes within one period (1/3[12 along the direction of the dislocation. The meaning of the arrows is the same as outlined in the caption of Fig. 4. In this scheme, rows of arrows of constant length delineate planar faults, such as stacking faults, and the structure shown in Fig. 10(a) can be interpreted as a narrow splitting into Shockley partials with an intrinsic stacking fault in between them. On the other hand, in agreement with the analysis of the γ -surfaces, no well-defined stacking
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fault can be identified on the prism plane and the core shown in Fig. 10(b) is, indeed, spread continuously. Notwithstanding, calculations employing the Finnis–Sinclair potential for Ti result in the same two core configurations as shown in Fig. 10 with the only difference that the splitting into Shockley partials on the basal plane is wider. The obvious reason is that the energy of the intrinsic stacking fault is lower for the Finnis–Sinclair potential than for the BOP. However, an important question is which of these two core configurations is preferred energetically and to answer this question it is necessary to evaluate the dislocation energy in each case. In order to analyze the energetic preference for core spreading the energies of the screw dislocations with the alternate core structures were compared as follows [203]. The energy of a dislocation can be written as E = (Kb2 /4π) ln(R/Rcore ) + Ucore , where K is the appropriate combination of elastic constants, b the magnitude of the total Burgers vector, R the radial distance from the elastic center, and Rcore and Ucore are the radius and energy of the core respectively, both of which cannot be defined uniquely. Hence, the plot of the energy stored within the cylinder of radius R, centered on the dislocation line, versus ln(R/Rcore ), is a straight line for R Rcore and the slope of this line is independent of the core structure. Such plots, evaluated using the corresponding relaxed blocks ¯ 10] ¯ screw dislocation in the middle, demonstrate unambiguously that the with the 1/3[12 dislocation with the core spread into the prism plane possesses a lower energy than the dislocation with the core spread into the basal plane for the case of BOP while the opposite is true for the Finnis–Sinclair potential. This difference is principally related to the energy of the intrinsic stacking fault and, as explained earlier, all central-force potentials predict a relatively low stacking fault energy on the basal plane unless very long-range interactions are assumed. However, in the case of short-range interactions, which is appropriate when the significant part of bonding is due to d-electrons, the stacking fault energy on the basal plane may be high if the bonding is directional since the dihedral angles between first nearest neighbors change when the fault is formed. This implies that in Ti (and presumably also Zr and Hf), the covalent directional bonding induced by the d-electrons, has a salient control over the core structure of dislocations in that spreading into the prism plane is preferred over splitting into the basal plane. It is then natural to conclude that the prism slip is favored over the basal slip. However, this conclusion can only be definitive if the dislocation glide in the prism plane is easier or at least equally difficult as in the basal plane. This requires evaluation of the Peierls stresses for both prism and basal planes, which has not yet been done. However, the core displacements shown in Fig. 10(b) suggest that the core, spread principally into the prism plane, is also partially spread into the basal planes and thus it is not completely planar. This non-planarity is likely to lead to a high Peierls stress which may be the reason why the yield stress in metals like Ti and Zr, in which the prism slip dominates, is strongly temperature dependent. ¯ dislocation 112¯ 3 4.3. Core structure of c + a, 1/311 The c + a dislocation was studied atomistically already about twenty years ago using model pair potentials [207,213,214,216–218], and more recently using EAM type manybody central-force potentials [219]. These calculations revealed a variety of non-planar
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¯ (dashed and dotted) and (1121) ¯ (dashed) pyramidal planes and the c + a Fig. 11. Geometry of the (1122) ¯ edge dislocation lying in the [1100] ¯ ¯ plane is inclined by about 14◦ with re(1/3[112¯ 3]) direction. The (1121) ¯ spect to the (1122) plane.
cores that may be responsible for the very high and strongly temperature dependent yield stress of the pyramidal slip. In the following we summarize the most prominent non-planar structures found. ¯ and the Two core structures of the edge dislocation with the Burgers vector 1/3[112¯ 3] ¯ slip plane (1122) were found in [213,216,218]. The first is a planar configuration corre¯ = 1/6[112¯ 3] ¯ + 1/6[112¯ 3] ¯ on the (1122) ¯ plane. sponding to the dissociation 1/3[112¯ 3] Since no intrinsic single layer stacking fault was found on this plane when studying γ surfaces, such a dissociation most likely involves the two-layer fault found in [208]. This planar configuration is, at least in principle, glissile but a lower energy non-planar con¯ and (1121) ¯ pyramidal planes was found. The figuration spread simultaneously on (1122) ¯ lies in the (1122) ¯ geometry of these two planes is shown in Fig. 11, where the vector [112¯ 3] ¯ ¯ plane but not in the (1121) plane while the vector [1100], which is in the direction of the dislocation line, lies in both these planes. This core configuration has been interpreted as ¯ and (1121) ¯ planes, as shown schematically being composed of two microtwins on (1122) in Fig. 12(a). The effect of applied stress on the c + a dislocation with the non-planar core was also studied [214,218]. For tension along the c-axis, two alternative modes of defor¯ planes or glide on (1122) ¯ planes. In contrast, for mation developed: twinning on (1121) compression along the c-axis the dislocation did not glide but the twin developed on the ¯ plane. Thus, owing to the core asymmetry, the behavior of the c + a dislocation (1122) depends on the sense of shearing which is an obvious breakdown of the Schmid law. How¯ edge dislocation was found in [219] ever, another type of the sessile core of the 1/3[112¯ 3] using the EAM type potential developed in [210,220] and a Finnis–Sinclair type potential for Zr [209]. It is shown schematically in Fig. 12(b) and it can be interpreted as splitting ¯ = 1/3[1010] ¯ + 1/3[011¯ 3], ¯ where the Shockley partial according to the reaction 1/3[112¯ 3] ¯ 1/3[1010] bounds the usual intrinsic stacking fault on the basal (0001) plane and the partial ¯ spreads in the form of a microtwin on the (1121) ¯ plane. On the other hand, the 1/3[011¯ 3] ¯ ¯ ¯ planar splitting into 1/6[1123] partials on the (1122) plane was not found in [219]. This
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¯ edge dislocation in the Fig. 12. Schematic picture of two non-planar core configurations of the c + a (1/3[112¯ 3]) ¯ ¯ and (1121) ¯ planes [208,214,218]. (b) 1/3[1010] ¯ projection on the (1100) plane [219]: (a) Microtwins on (1122) ¯ partial spread in Shockley partial bounding the intrinsic stacking fault on the basal (0001) plane and 1/3[011¯ 3] ¯ plane. the form of a microtwin on the (1121)
¯ screw disloFig. 13. Schematic picture of four alternate non-planar core configurations of the c + a (1/3[112¯ 3]) ¯ and (1011) ¯ and/or (0111) ¯ planes [213,214,216,217]. cation spreading into (1122)
emphasizes that the type of the dislocation core found in atomistic studies depends on the description of atomic interactions used and may thus vary from material to material. ¯ screw dislocation may possess a very large variety of metastable cores The 1/3[112¯ 3] ¯ and {1011} ¯ pyramidal planes [213,214,216,217]. The geometry that spread into {1122} of the screw dislocation and corresponding pyramidal planes is shown in Fig. 8. Eleven configurations spread onto different planes are listed in [216], four of which are shown schematically in Fig. 13. Since these cores are asymmetric, the behavior of the c + a screw dislocation depends again on the sense of shearing [214,217]. In principle, the dislocation ¯ pyramidal planes. However, when the core spreads sican move along one of the {1011} ¯ and (0111), ¯ which multaneously on two first-order pyramidal planes, for example (1011) are shown in Fig. 13, the dislocation can cross-slip onto the second-order pyramidal slip ¯ and proceed to move on it. Yet, the dislocation can also start moving along plane (1122) one of the first-order pyramidal planes, cross-slip on the second-order pyramidal plane and back again to the first-order pyramidal plane so that the average trajectory is a zig-zag route between the first- and second-order pyramidal planes [221]. However, other modes
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of motion of the screw c + a dislocation are conceivable owing to the complexity of the pyramidal planes and dependence on the details of interatomic bonding. Moreover, twinning is an important deformation mode in HCP metals that may combine with dislocation motion in a complex way [3,199,200,219]. All the core structures discussed in this paragraph were discovered in atomistic studies that employed central-force potentials to describe interactions between atoms. At the same time, it has been noted in several cases that the core structures, and even possible metastable stacking fault-like defects, which were found in these calculations, depend on the description of interatomic forces. However, the bonding in transition HCP metals is of mixed covalent and nearly free-electron type. The covalent part arises due to partially filled d-band and leads to the dependence of the bonding energy on angles between the bonds. Typical examples are the important HCP metals titanium and zirconium. Hence, the calculations employing central forces can only serve as a guideline for what can be expected but cannot decide which core structure and related dislocation behavior under stress is pertinent for a given material. In order to achieve complete and unique understanding of the dislocation mechanisms in specific HCP metals atomistic calculations need to be performed using descriptions of atomic interactions that reflect fully the physics of bonding in a given material. The state of the art is at present the density functional theory. However, its use is still limited to a number of particles insufficient for extensive dislocation studies. A promising method, albeit still much more computing intensive than central forces, is bond-order potentials; for a review see [173]. The first step in this direction was made by developing such potential for titanium [202,203]. While calculations employing such methods are likely to lead in many cases to the same configurations as calculations employing central force potentials, they can select which of these configurations apply to a given material and, of course, some new core structure may be discovered when the non-central character of interatomic forces is included into the atomistic studies.
5. A3 B intermetallic compounds with L12 structure L12 (Cu3 Au-type) structure has a cubic symmetry and is an FCC-derivative, the unit cell of which contains four atoms, with A atoms occupying face-centered positions and B atoms corner positions. Of the many L12 compounds, Ni3 Al (γ ) has been investigated most frequently because it is the strengthening constituent in commercial nickel-base superalloys that is responsible for their high-temperature strength and creep resistance [222]. This compound exhibits a number of unusual mechanical properties. The most well known is the so called anomalous increase of the yield stress with increasing temperature, first observed in early sixties [223–225] and discussed in a number of reviews [20,226–230]. Important accompanying phenomena are the strong orientation dependence of the yield stress, pronounced tension–compression asymmetry and associated breakdown of the Schmid law [20,227,231–235]. This behavior has been observed in a number of other L12 compounds (see reviews [20,227,228]), but the yield anomaly is not a ubiquitous feature of the mechanical behavior of these compounds. A number of them display “normal” behavior, i.e. the yield stress increases with decreasing temperature and either no increase or only a very
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small increase of the yield stress occurs at high temperatures. Examples are Pt3 Al [236– 238], Al3 Sc [239] and alloyed Al3 Ti in the L12 form [240–243]. This suggests that the reasons for the unusual deformation properties of L12 compounds cannot be sought in the crystal structure alone but bonding aspects, such as the strength of ordering, characterized by the ordering energy, may play an important role. It is now generally accepted that the anomalous yielding behavior of the kind observed in Ni3 Al is related to the non-planar core structure and/or possible non-planar dissociation of 110 screw superdislocations.6 This was discussed in detail in Vol. 10 of this series, in particular in [20,244–246], as well as in other reviews, for example [247]. Similarly, the ‘normal’ mechanical behavior of alloys such as Pt3 Al, is most likely also controlled by the core structure of 110 screw superdislocations that is, however, different than in alloys with the yielding behavior of the Ni3 Al type. Hence, in this Chapter we describe possible core structures of 110 screw superdislocations that were found in atomistic studies and discuss only briefly their relation to the mechanical behavior. More details can be found in the above mentioned reviews. As alluded to earlier, the dislocation core structure and dislocation splitting involving stacking fault-like defects are closely related and for this reason we first consider γ -surfaces that reveal such defects.
5.1. γ -Surfaces In L12 compounds with yielding behavior of the Ni3 Al type, the slip planes are the closepacked {111} planes for temperatures lower than that at which the yield stress peaks; above this temperature slip occurs predominantly on the {001} planes [20,226–228]. In contrast, in L12 compounds with ’normal’ yielding behavior the slip takes place on both {111} and {001} planes, depending on the Schmid factor, at all temperatures [237,238]. The γ surfaces were calculated for both {111} and {001} planes using pair potentials [51,52] but since the possible metastable faults are principally related to crystallography it is very unlikely that use of more sophisticated descriptions of atomic interactions would lead to significantly different results. The distribution of atoms in the (111) planes is shown schematically in Fig. 14. Circles of different sizes distinguish between three subsequent layers; dark circles represent the majority atoms (e.g. Ni) and light circles the minority atoms (e.g. Al). If all the atoms were of the same type this picture would represent (111) planes in FCC crystals. Consequently, the γ -surface inherits the basic features from the FCC lattice. The energy minima correspond to three types of stacking fault-like defects, shown in Fig. 14: antiphase boundary ¯ (APB) with the displacement 1/2[101], superlattice (SISF) and complex (CSF) stacking ¯ and 1/6[211], ¯ faults with displacements 1/3[1¯ 12] respectively (see also [248]). Following the symmetry arguments presented in Section 2, the symmetry of the superlattice guarantees the extremum of the γ -surface for SISF and since the separations and stoichiometry of the first and second nearest neighbors remain the same as in the perfect lattice, it is likely to be a minimum. For the other two faults, CSF and APB, the symmetry does not guarantee 6 The reason why screw dislocations are frequently the most important dislocations when considering core effects is that they usually lie parallel to low index crystallographic directions in which several low index planes intersect and thus spreading of the core into these planes can occur [18].
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Fig. 14. Distribution of atoms in the (111) planes of an A3 B L12 compound. Circles of different sizes distinguish three subsequent layers. Dark circles represent the majority atoms A and light circles the minority atoms B.
extrema on the γ -surface and thus they may, but need not, be metastable depending on the details of the atomic interactions and thus the material considered. Cross-sections of the γ -surface along 112 directions were calculated ab initio using a DFT based method for Ni3 Al, Ni3 Ge and Fe3 Ge [67]. Minima corresponding to the APB were found for Ni3 Al and Ni3 Ge but not for Fe3 Ge and minimum corresponding to the CSF was found only for Ni3 Al. SISF was, of course, found to be metastable in all three compounds. A more detailed discussion of the role of interatomic bonding in various L12 compounds and its influence on the magnitudes of APB, CSF and SISF energies can be found in [249]. The measured energies of stacking fault like defects derived from the width of dissociated dislocations are summarized in [248]. While the SISF and CSF are faults specific for {111} octahedral planes, the APB can be formed, in principle, on any crystallographic plane. Another important APB that is always metastable owing to the symmetry of the superlattice is on {001} cube planes. ¯ 5.2. Structure of [101] superdislocations involving APB 5.2.1. APB on {111} planes and metastable CSF ¯ ¯ When the APB is metastable the [101] superdislocation may dissociate into two 1/2[101] superpartials connected by this fault. Such splitting can occur on both (111) and (010) planes. Atomistic studies of the cores of screw superdislocations dissociated in this way were made using pair-potentials [250,251], central-force many-body potentials of the F–S type [18,252] and the embedded atom method [253–255]. The results of all these studies ¯ are very similar. Two alternate core configurations of the 1/2[101] superpartial were found when the APB is on the (111) plane and the CSF is metastable. The first is spread in the plane of the APB. In this form the dislocation is glissile and the core structure can be in¯ ¯ Shockley partials connected by the terpreted as the dissociation into 1/6[211] and 1/6[1¯ 12]
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¯ Fig. 15. Schematic picture of the non-planar core structure of the 1/2[101] superpartial bounding the APB on the (111) plane found when the CSF is metastable and dissociation into Shockley partials possible.
CSF on the (111) plane. The second alternative, shown schematically in Fig. 15, is nonplanar and thus sessile. This structure can be interpreted as consisting of a narrow strip of (010) APB that connects the APB on the (111) plane with the dislocation spread onto the ¯ plane. This spreading can also be regarded as the dissociation of the 1/2[101] ¯ (111) superpartial into 1/6112 Shockley partials but on two different {111} planes. The hypothesis that such a sessile core configuration exists and is energetically favored over the glissile configuration, as suggested by atomistic calculations, is the basic assumption of the model for the anomalous temperature dependence of the yield stress [232,256]. Actually the superpartial core shown in Fig. 15 can be considered as a product of an elementary cross-slip process transforming the glissile planar superdislocation core into the sessile one. The driving force for this glissile-to-sessile transformation is formation of the low energy APB on the (010) plane and simultaneous shrinkage of the higher energy APB on the (111) plane, together with the tangential components of the forces arising from the elastic interaction between the superpartials [257,258]. Details of this cross-slip process were studied in [259–261]. The sessile segments resulting locally from such core transformations form pinning points that act as obstacles to dislocation motion and their density increases with increasing temperature, leading to the increase of the yield stress. This model, often called the PPV model [256], described in detail in Vol. 10 of this series [20], is the basis for several more recent analyses of the anomalous temperature dependence of the yield stress [245,262–265]. An important aspect of this model is that the unusual orientation dependencies of the yield stress result from the effect of shear stresses perpendicular to the total Burgers vector of the superdislocations, similarly as in the case of the cross-slip in FCC metals, as first suggested by Escaig [266,267]. These stresses are often called Escaig stresses and as discussed in Section 3.3 they also play a similar role in the glide of 1/2111 screw dislocations in BCC metals. The idea of thermally activated formation of intrinsic obstacles on moving superdislocations is, of course, much older than the PPV model. The first such suggestion was made by Kear and Wilsdorf [268,269] who surmised that 101 superdislocations cross-slip into {010} planes, where they become immobile. The driving force for this thermally activated cross-slip is the associated lowering of the APB energy. Such configurations, commonly called Kear–Wilsdorf locks, are, indeed, formed in plastically deformed L12 compounds exhibiting anomalous yield behavior and play an important role [245,247]. Nevertheless, these locks are mesoscopic configurations that result when sessile dislocations with the core structures shown schematically in Fig. 15 cross-slip completely into the (010) plane. However, such complete cross-slip will be a relatively rear event when compared with the
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¯ Fig. 16. Schematic picture of the non-planar core structure of the 1/2[101] superpartial bounding the APB on the (111) plane found when the CSF is either unstable or its energy is so high that dissociation into Shockley partials is not possible.
above mentioned core transformations. The reason is that in the steady state, at a given temperature, the rate of formation of the sessile pinning points is equal to the rate of release of the dislocations from these pinning points [20,232,256,270–274]. Finally, there is a tendency to spread the dislocation core out of {111} glide planes not only for screw but also for edge dislocations [275]. In the latter case the reason is that the elastic interaction between the superpartials is such that it favors climb-type dissociation on the plane perpendicular to the (111) plane and in the former case this interaction pushes ¯ the superpartials into the (010) plane. Hence the dissociation into 1/2[101] superpartials with planar cores, involving the APB on the (111) plane, is never entirely stable. 5.2.2. APB on {111} planes and unstable CSF When the CSF is either unstable or its energy is so high that splitting into Shockley partials ¯ cannot take place, the core of the 1/2[101] superpartial bounding the APB on the (111) ¯ planes. This is shown schematically in plane is spread simultaneously into (111) and (111) Fig. 16. In this case the 101 superdislocations are always sessile, similarly as the screw dislocations in BCC metals. The motion of such dislocations can be aided by thermal activation via formation of kink pairs and the yield stress will be increasing with decreasing temperature and the yielding behavior is then ‘normal.’ 5.2.3. APB on {001} planes ¯ ¯ The [101] superdislocation can split on the (010) plane into two 1/2[101] superpartials just like on the (111) plane. When the CSF on {111} planes is metastable and does not possess an excessive energy, atomistic simulations [250] found two symmetry related configura¯ tions of the core of the 1/2[101] screw superpartials bounding the APB on the (010) plane. They are shown schematically in Fig. 17 and correspond to core spreading onto (111) and ¯ planes, respectively. These spreadings can again be interpreted as dissociations into (111) 1/6112 Shockley partials on either of the two {111} planes. When the CSF is either unstable or its energy is so high that splitting into Shockley partials cannot take place, the core ¯ of the 1/2[101] screw superpartial looks as shown schematically in Fig. 18. Similarly as in ¯ the case of the APB on the (111) plane, it is spread simultaneously into (111) and (111) planes. Thus 101 screw superdislocations dissociated into superpartials on {001} planes are always sessile. This is in contrast with {111} planes where a glissile form of the screw superpartial is always available. This explains why in compounds such as Ni3 Al, the {111} slip dominates at temperatures below the peak of the yield stress even though the splitting on {001} planes might be energetically favorable owing to the lower APB energy on these planes than on {111} planes. The {001} slip planes then become preferred slip planes only
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¯ Fig. 17. Schematic picture of the two symmetry related non-planar structures of the core of the 1/2[101] screw superpartial bounding the APB on the (010) plane when the CSF on {111} planes is metastable and dissociation into Shockley partials possible.
¯ Fig. 18. Schematic picture of the non-planar core structure of the 1/2[101] superpartial bounding the APB on the (010) plane found when the CSF on {111} planes is either unstable or its energy is so high that dissociation into Shockley partials is not possible.
at high temperatures when the thermal activations are sufficiently big to aid significantly the motion of sessile screw dislocations on these planes. ¯ 5.3. Structure of [101] superdislocations involving SISF on the (111) plane ¯ An alternative dissociation of the [101] superdislocation on the (111) plane involves the ¯ ¯ ¯ AtomSISF rather than APB and follows the reaction [101] = 1/3[211]+SISF+1/3[ 1¯ 12]. istic studies of 1/3112 superpartials involved in the splitting of screw superdislocations [250,276] show that their cores are always non-planar and have the form shown schemat¯ superpartial, 1/2[101], ¯ ically in Fig. 19. The screw part of the 1/3[1¯ 12] spreads into (111) ¯ planes in the same way as in the case of the APB (Fig. 16). At the same time the and (111) ¯ remains in the (111) plane. Thus 101 screw suedge part of the superpartial, 1/6[121], perdislocations dissociated into 1/3112 superpartials on {111} planes are always sessile. Hence, although this splitting may be energetically favored over the splitting involving the APB the latter will dominate in mobile dislocations provided it can occur. Only if the APB ¯ is unstable and/or its energy is so high that the splitting into 1/2[101] superpartials cannot occur, the mobile dislocations will dissociate into 1/3112 superpartials separated by the SISF. In this case the yield stress will be again increasing with decreasing temperature and the yielding behavior is ‘normal.’
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¯ superpartial bounding the SISF on the Fig. 19. Schematic picture of the non-planar core structure of the 1/3[1¯ 12] ¯ ¯ (111) plane. The Burgers vector associated with the screw part is 1/2[101] and with the edge part 1/6[121].
5.4. Summary The possibility of alternate core structures of the 101 superpartials suggest that there are two types of L12 compounds with distinctly different temperature dependencies of the of the yield stress. In the first category are compounds with metastable APB and CSF on {111} planes. In this case 101 superdislocations may dissociate first into 1/2101 superpartials that posses planar cores, akin to dissociation into Shockley partials. This configuration is glissile and the yield stress is temperature independent and relatively low even at low temperatures. Yet, if the CSF energy is high so that the core width of the superpartials is in the range of the lattice spacing, the core structure of screw superpartials may transform (cross-slip) with the aid of thermal activation into the energetically favored non-planar form shown in Fig. 15. The transformed segments of the screws then represent pinning points that hinder the dislocation glide and since their density increases with temperature this causes the anomalous increase of the yield stress with increasing temperature. Furthermore, the transformation (cross-slip) process is strongly dependent on the orientation of the applied stress, in particular the Escaig stress, and this leads to strong orientation dependencies of the yield stress and tension/compression asymmetry. However, if the CSF energy is low and thus the width of the cores of 1/2101 superpartials is much larger than the lattice spacing, the glissile–sessile transformations are energetically too demanding, similarly as is the cross-slip in FCC metals with widely dissociated dislocations. In this case no anomalous yield behavior linked with the core transformations occurs. This is, indeed, the case in Cu3 Au where the observed increase of the yield stress with increasing temperature is orientation independent and relates to the order–disorder transition [277]. In the second category are the compounds in which the CSF is either unstable or has such a high energy that splitting into Shockley partials is not possible. If the APB is metastable and does not possess an extremely high energy, the splitting of the superdislocations still involves the APB as in the previous case, while if the APB is unstable or possesses a very high energy the splitting of the superdislocations involves the SISF. However, in both cases the screw 1/2101 superpartials are sessile, i.e. spread into two different {111} planes. In this case the situation is analogous to 1/2111 screw dislocations in BCC metals with the yield stress increasing with decreasing temperature while no anomalous increase of the yield stress related to dislocation cores occurs. Moreover, in this case glide on {111} and {010} planes can be expected to be on the same footing since the cores of the superpartials are in this case practically the same (compare Fig. 16 with Fig. 18). A theoretical analysis
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of the glide of dislocation in such compounds was developed and compared with experiments in [238,278]. Importantly, the stability and/or the energy of the CSF decides into which category a given L12 compound belongs while in the original papers dealing with this topic the APB stability and energy was emphasized [20,237,238,276,278]. Clearly Ni3 Al and other nickel based L12 compounds, such as Ni3 Ga [279], Ni3 (Al,Ta), Ni3 (Al,Hf) [235,280,281] and, following calculations in [67], also Ni3 Ge, belong to the first category characterized by the anomalous increase of the yield stress with increasing temperature. On the other hand Pt3 Al [237,238], Fe3 Ge [67], alloyed Al3 Ti in the L12 form [240–243] and, according to the recent DFT based calculations [282,283], also Ir based L12 compounds, all belong to the second category characterized by the ‘normal’ increase of the yield stress with decreasing temperature.
6. A3 B intermetallic compounds with non-cubic structures 6.1. Hexagonal DO19 structure The DO19 structure can be derived from the cubic L12 lattice in the same way the HCP lat¯ tice is derived from the FCC by introducing regularly the stacking faults with the 1/6[112] displacement on (111) planes. Similarly as in HCP metals, the dominant slip direction is ¯ but the close-packed basal plane is again not always the the close-packed direction 1120 favored slip plane. The mechanical behavior has been studied most extensively in Ti3 Al [284–293] and Mn3 Sn [294,295]. Thin lamellae of the former are a part of the lamellar structure of TiAl based alloys, discussed in the following section. In Ti3 Al, similarly ¯ ¯ as in Ti, the principal slip system is the prismatic {1010}11 20; the secondary system ¯ and pyramidal slip systems {1011}11 ¯ ¯ and {1122}11 ¯ ¯ are is basal {0001}1120 20 2¯ 3 also observed [284,296]. On the other hand, in Mn3 Sn the principal slip system is basal ¯ while the prismatic, {1010}11 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ systems {0001}1120 20, and pyramidal, {1011}11 2¯ 3, are secondary. However, an interesting aspect of the plastic behavior of Mn3 Sn is that it exhibits an anomalous temperature dependence of the yield stress, akin to that found in Ni3 Al [294,295]. The origin of this anomaly is not yet understood but it is likely that the ¯ dislocations gliding on the basal planes transform with the help of thermal fluctu1120 ations to a sessile non-planar form, similarly as do the 110 dislocations in Ni3 Al and a number of other L12 compounds. γ -Surfaces and dislocations on basal and prism planes in DO19 alloys were calculated using model many-body central-force potentials of the Finnis–Sinclair type [137,138]. These potentials do not represent any particular alloy but assure stability of the DO19 lattice relative to several alternative structures that can form at the same composition – L12 , DO3 , DO22 , DO23 and A15 – as well as its mechanical stability with respect to homogeneous deformations. Hence, these calculations can be expected to reveal possible features of stacking fault-like defects and dislocations in DO19 alloys but not aspects specific to particular compounds. Similar calculations were carried out in [297,298] using EAM type central-force potentials nominally representing Ti3 Al. For the (0001) basal plane the γ -surface calculations reveal three possible metastable faults: the antiphase boundary (APB), complex stacking fault (CSF), and the superlattice
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¯ 10, ¯ 1/30110, ¯ 2/31100, ¯ intrinsic stacking fault (SISF), with the fault vectors 1/312 respectively.7 As shown in [299], there are three mirror planes for the SISF displacement and following the general symmetry arguments summarized in Section 2, this implies that the SISF is a metastable fault in any DO19 material. On the other hand, the stability of the APB and the CSF is not guaranteed by symmetry and it depends, therefore, on the details of atomic bonding. This situation is entirely analogous to that encountered in L12 alloys. ¯ prism planes, one must consider three alternate When studying γ -surfaces for {1010} cuts that differ in arrangement of atoms and in spacing between planes parallel to the cut [248,297,298,300]. However, only two distinct metastable APBs with the displacement ¯ 10 ¯ have been found. Both these APBs correspond to the symmetry-dictated vector 1/312 extrema of the γ -surface and will thus occur in any DO19 material. However, for one of them the separations and stoichiometry of the first and second nearest neighbors remain the same as in the perfect lattice and thus its energy is much lower than that of the other one, and also lower than the energy of the APB on the basal plane. In [300] these energies are 11, 101 and 63 mJ m−2 , respectively. The γ -surface for the cut leading to the low energy APB possesses another minimum which corresponds to a metastable stacking fault with ¯ 1x. ¯ the displacement vector α/612 Here x determines the [0001] component of this fault and both α and x depend on the details of atomic bonding. (For the potentials used in Ref. [300] α = 0.92 and x = 0.84 and energy of this fault is 132 mJ m−2 .) This stacking fault is analogous to that found on the prism planes in pure HCP metals when using Finnis– Sinclair type potential [see Fig. 9(a)] and its metastability is most likely the consequence of central forces. Since the APB is metastable on both basal and prism planes the superdislocation ¯ 10] ¯ can dissociate into two superpartials with Burgers vectors 1/3[12 ¯ 10] ¯ separated 2/3[12 by the APB on either of these planes. However, since the APB energy is significantly lower on the prism plane the splitting in this plane is preferred and this suggests slip preference on the prism plane. The question is then whether the glide of the dissociated superdislocation is easier on the basal or prism plane. If it is the latter the models developed in [300] as well as in [297,298] represent most closely the dislocation behavior in Ti3 Al [284–293]. As explained earlier, the screw dislocations are most likely to possess non-planar cores ¯ 10] ¯ suand thus the atomistic calculations in [300] were carried out for the screw 2/3[12 ¯ 10] ¯ superpartials with perdislocation. When the superdislocation dissociates into 1/3[12 the APB on the basal plane, two alternate core configurations of these superpartials were ¯ found. In the first case their core structure can be interpreted as splitting into two 1/30110 Shockley partials linked by the CSF on the basal plane. However, in the second case the ¯ 10] ¯ superpartial is spread continuously into the (1010) ¯ prism plane core of the screw 1/3[12 ¯ 10] ¯ screw disloand it is non-planar. This is analogous to the core spreading of the 1/3[12 ¯ 10] ¯ sucation in HCP metals shown in Fig. 10(b); see also [53]. When the screw 2/3[12 ¯ prism plane with the low energy APB between the perdislocation dissociates on the (1010) ¯ 10] ¯ superpartials, the cores of these superpartials are spread continuously into the 1/3[12 prism plane. In order to assess the mobility of superdislocations the simulation of the glide of the superpartials under the effect of corresponding shear stress was carried out in [300]. These 7 The Miller indices used for crystallographic planes and directions are the same as in the monoatomic HCP lattice.
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calculations were made such that one superpartial was held at a fixed position outside the relaxed block so that the area of the APB increases when the superpartial present in the block moves. This implies that the minimum stress at which this superpartial can start moving is γAPB /bSP , where γAPB is the energy of the APB and bSP is the magnitude of ¯ 10] ¯ superpartials started the Burgers vector of the superpartial. In the basal plane the 1/3[12 moving at the stress of 0.05μ, where μ is the appropriate shear modulus, both when they ¯ Shockley partials on the basal plane and when they spread continusplit into 1/30110 ¯ prism plane. Since this stress is about an order of magnitude higher ously into the (1010) than γAPB /bSP this suggests that in both cases the dislocations possess a very high Peierls stress owing to the non-planarity of their cores. This is obviously the case when the superpartial core spreads into the prism plane but it is less obvious in the case of splitting into Shockley partials. In the latter case only detailed examination of the cores of the Shockley ¯ prism plane [300]. Screw superparpartials revealed that they also spread into the (1010) tials bounding the APB on the prism plane started to move at the stress of 0.02μ. This is still a high Peierls stress though appreciably lower than for dislocations moving in the basal plane. The reason for a high Peierls stress of these superpartials is that their cores are also non-planar, spread to some extent into the basal plane [300]. The structure of both edge and screw superpartials on the prism plane was also studied in [297,298]. The cores of edge dislocations were always found to be planar. The cores of screw superpartials binding high energy APBs on the prism plane were found to be widely spread into the basal plane. In contrast, the cores of the screw superpartials bounding the low energy APB were interpreted in [298] as planar.8 However, the Peierls stress was not calculated and it is very likely that these cores are also non-planar, though significantly less spread, as observed in [300]. ¯ 10] ¯ superpartials are sessile is An experiment providing an indirect proof that 1/3[12 the observation of Legros and co-workers [289,290] that the width of APB ribbons is not constant but it can vary by almost an order of magnitude from one superdislocation to another. This variability can be understood as follows. The two superpartials connected by the APB may be locked owing to their non-planar cores at separations that do not coincide with the equilibrium separation corresponding to the balance between their repulsive interaction and attraction by the APB ribbon [301–303]. The distribution of superpartial separations is then not symmetric and its mean value is different from that corresponding to the equilibrium. Yakovenkova and co-workers [304,305] also studied γ -surfaces and dislocations on ¯ 1) ¯ and (12 ¯ 1¯ 1) ¯ pyramidal planes. Metastable APBs with the displacement vector (220 ¯ 16] ¯ were found on both these planes and therefore 1/3[12 ¯ 16] ¯ superdislocations9 may 1/6[12 ¯ 16] ¯ superpartials. Similarly as in elemental HCP metdissociate on these planes into 1/6[12 ¯ 16] ¯ superparals (see Section 4.3), a plethora of non-planar core configurations of 1/6[12 tials was found for screw orientations. In these cores displacements are usually distributed in one prismatic and several pyramidal planes. Apparently, these non-planar core structures act as obstacles to dislocation motion and render the pyramidal slip difficult. 8 The possibility that splittings of the superdislocations with both low and high energy APBs occur on prism planes was recently suggested by in situ straining experiments in a transmission electron microscope [293]. 9 The Burgers vector of these superdislocations can be written as 2c + a = 2[0001] + 1/3[12 ¯ 10]. ¯
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In the atomistic calculations summarized in this section [297,298,300] the screw ¯ 10] ¯ superdislocation prefers dissociation on prism planes and also moves more eas2/3[12 ily on these planes although their cores are still non-planar and thus sessile. Consequently, in material with these dislocation characteristics the preferred slip plane will be the prism plane but, owing to the high Peierls stress and barrier, the yield stress will be high at low temperatures and strongly temperature-dependent. Such deformation behavior is observed in Ti3 Al [284–293] and one could conclude that the central-force potentials employed in [297,298,300] correctly describe atomic interactions in this alloy and the potentials of this type could possibly be employed in studies of other DO19 alloys. However, while principal characteristics of dislocations in Ti3 Al can be studied using these potentials they may not reflect correct physical reasons for these attributes and may not be transferable to studies of other properties of Ti3 Al. For example, in this scheme the energy of the APB on the prism planes is always significantly lower than that of the APB on the basal planes because the separations and stoichiometry of the first and second nearest neighbors remain the same as in the perfect lattice in the former case. However, this can be reversed if there is a strong directional bonding when the contribution of first and second nearest neighbors would be equally important in both cases. Similarly, the spreading of the cores of the Shockley partials into the prism plane would be substantially decreased or even eliminated if the energy corresponding to the γ -surface for the prism plane were substantially higher than that for the basal plane. Such characteristics of the bonding may be determining the dislocation properties in Mn3 Sn where basal slip is favored but no theoretical studies of this material have yet been made.
6.2. Tetragonal DO22 structure One can derive the tetragonal DO22 structure from the cubic L12 lattice by regularly intro¯ ducing a 1/2[110] APB on every other (002) plane.10 The deformation behavior of alloys with the DO22 structure was investigated experimentally in Al3 Ti [306–308], Ni3 V [309– 313] and Al3 V [314]. These studies indicate that there are two classes of DO22 intermetallic compounds with distinct deformation behaviors at room temperature. In Al3 Ti and Ni3 V the deformation occurs principally by twinning on {111} planes along the 112 direction. In Al3 V the deformation is mediated by the motion of 110 dislocations on {111} planes. At high temperatures 010{001} slip system is activated in all DO22 compounds. Atomistic studies of possible stacking faults and dislocation core structures in a DO22 lattice were made in [315,316] using model many-body central-force potentials of the Finnis–Sinclair type [137,138]. These potentials were constructed analogously as those for the DO19 compound. They assure structural stability of the DO22 lattice relative to alternative structures that can form at the same composition (L12 , DO3 , DO19 , DO23 and A15), as well as its mechanical stability with respect to homogeneous deformations. Since the network of B atoms on the (111) plane of the DO22 lattice is rectangular rather than triangular as in the L12 structure, two types of APBs and three types of stacking faults, a CSF and two SISFs, can be distinguished (for more details see [248]). The γ -surface 10 The Miller indices used for crystallographic planes and directions in the tetragonal structure are the same as
in the cubic structure with the third index referring to the c-axis of the tetragonal cell.
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calculated for the (111) plane, indeed, displays five local minima that can be identified with these APBs and stacking faults [316]. However, owing to the tetragonal symmetry, the corresponding displacement vectors need not to be exactly crystallographic. For example, ¯ direction the displacement vector of the lowest energy SISF must be parallel to the [112] ¯ This fault has a special significance since when but its magnitude may differ from 1/6[112]. repeated on successive (111) planes an ordered twin is created. The γ -surface was also calculated for the (001) plane. In this case there is only one local minimum corresponding to the 1/2[110] APB. ¯ superdislocations may dissociate into two 1/2[110] ¯ superOn the (111) plane the [110] partials separated by the APB and each of these superpartials may dissociate into partials, ¯ Shockley partials, separated by the CSF. The atomistic studies of the akin to the 1/6112 ¯ superdislocations showed that both the 1/2[110] ¯ superpartials and dissociated screw [110] the possible partials possess non-planar cores that spread concomitantly into (111) and ¯ planes. Thus the cores of the screw superdislocations are non-planar. The Peierls (111) stresses of both superpartials and partials, calculated via application of external shear stresses, were found to be high, around 0.05μ, where μ is the corresponding shear modulus in the shear direction on the (111) plane. The same non-planar cores and associated high Peierls stress were found for superpartials separated by an APB on the (001) plane [316]. ¯ showed that it splits in the (111) plane Atomistic studies of the superdislocation 1/2[112] ¯ = 1/6[112] ¯ + 1/3[112] ¯ with the low energy SISF in beaccording to the reaction 1/2[112] ¯ is planar tween the two partials. For the screw orientation the core of the partial 1/6[112] ¯ partial is non-planar. and its Peierls stress is very low. In contrast, the core of the 1/3[112] It has a zonal character, i.e. it spreads into several parallel (111) planes and its Peierls stress is high, above 0.025μ. Under the effect of the applied shear stress, a faulted dipole ¯ ⇔ 1/6[1¯ 12] ¯ is nucleated one plane below the plane of the SISF. This core config1/6[112] ¯ uration, shown schematically in Fig. 20(a), corresponds to dissociation into three 1/6[112] partials, the first two separated by the SISF and the second and third by the superlattice extrinsic (SESF) fault that is located on two adjacent atomic planes. Such a configuration can be regarded as a nucleus for mechanical twinning that may proceed by development of faulted dipoles on successive (111) planes and their subsequent extension via the motion ¯ partials, as shown schematically in Fig. 20(b). While in the atomistic calcuof 1/6[112] lation the formation of the configuration shown in Fig. 20(a) required a relatively high stress, this configuration may form spontaneously if the energy of the SESF is lower than that of the SISF. If this is the case the twin nuclei may always be present in DO22 com¯ superdislocations that can be interpreted as the pounds. Configurations of screw 1/2[112] dissociations shown in Fig. 20(a) were, indeed, observed in electron microscopic studies of Vanderschaeve and co-workers [309–313] in both deformed and undeformed Ni3 V. The atomistic calculations summarized here suggest that twinning is a highly favored deformation mode since twin nuclei are always present and can grow by formation and ¯ ⇔ 1/6[1¯ 12] ¯ dipoles. At the same time 110 superdislocations are propagation of 1/6[112] sessile in the screw form whether dissociated on {111} or {001} planes. These results agree very well with observations on Al3 Ti [306–308] and Ni3 V [309–313] but not Al3 V [314]. Nevertheless, as in the case of DO19 alloys, the potentials used in the atomistic calculations serve as a suitable description of atomic interactions that can reveal possible deformation mechanisms in DO22 structures but predictive calculations for specific materials can only
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(b) ¯ superdislocation dissociated into three Fig. 20. (a) Schematic picture of the core structure of the 1/2[112] ¯ partials on two adjacent (111) planes. The first two partials, located at adjacent (111) planes, are sepa1/6[112] rated by the SISF and the second and third by the SESF. The third partial is composed of two partial dislocations, ¯ and 1/6[1¯ 12] ¯ positioned at adjacent (111) planes. (b) Schematic picture of the development of a twin via 1/3[112] formation of faulted dipoles on successive (111) planes.
be made if the quantum mechanical character of bonding in a given material is fully reflected in the description of atomic interactions.
7. AB intermetallic alloys and compounds with B2 structure The B2 (CsCl) structure has cubic symmetry and is a BCC-derivative, the unit cell of which contains two atoms, with A atoms occupying body-centered positions and B atoms corner positions. There are a number of compounds with this structure but the mechanical behavior has been studied in most detail for CuZn (β-brass), NiAl and FeAl; limited studies have also been performed, for example, for RuAl and CoAl [317,318]. β-Brass, a metallic alloy used for centuries, was the first BCC metal identified by G.I. Taylor as having deformation properties very different from those of close-packed metals but akin to those of iron [33]. NiAl is the principle candidate intermetallic for high temperature applications because of its low density, high melting point and good oxidation resistance [319–322]. In the case of FeAl the unique combination of the excellent oxidation and carburization/sulfidation resistance coupled with relatively low material density are the reasons for interest in these alloys for structural applications [318,322–325]. The plastic behavior of CuZn and a number of analogous B2 alloys [e.g. (CuNi)Zn, Cu(MnZn)] is in many aspects similar to that of elemental BCC metals. The slip direction is always 111, the slip planes are either {110} or {112} and the yield stress displays temperature and orientation dependencies of the same type as in BCC metals, for example the twinning–antitwinning asymmetry and associated breakdown of the Schmid law (for a review see [326]). Similarly, the deformation behavior of FeAl also shares dominant features with BCC metals, in particular the primary slip direction is 111 [327–329]. In contrast, in NiAl the preferred slip direction is 100 and associated slip planes are {110}
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and {100} [320,330–333]. As explained below, which slip direction is preferred in a given material depends principally on the energy of available planar defects on {110} and {112} planes that are akin to APBs; in the following we call them ABP-like defects. Hence, we again start by discussing γ -surfaces that define metastable stacking fault-like defects and determine their energies.
7.1. γ -Surfaces for {110} and {112} planes We explained in Section 2 how symmetry can be utilized to assess the general shape of the γ -surface. Most importantly, a γ -surface will possess extrema (minima, maxima or inflexions) for those displacements for which there are at least two non-parallel mirror planes of the perfect lattice perpendicular to the fault. The γ -surface for the (110) plane in a B2 lattice has two mirror planes perpendicular to the plane of the fault for the dis¯ ¯ placement 1/2[111]: (001) and (110) planes. Hence, there is a stationary point for the ¯ displacement 1/2[111] and if this is a minimum on the γ -surface this vector defines the APB that has been commonly assumed to exist in B2 alloys. Indeed, in calculations employing model pair-potentials, the γ -surface possessed a minimum for this displacement and thus these calculations identify the metastable APB on {110} planes with the 1/2111 displacement [52,334]. In contrast, in calculations employing the embedded atom method (EAM) to describe atomic interactions in FeAl [335], NiAl [336–339] and CoAl [340], ¯ the displacement 1/2[111] on the (110) plane corresponds to a maximum of the γ -surface. However, two minima on the (110) γ -surface were found that correspond to displacements ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ − x[110] and u2 = 1/2[111] + x[110], where 0 x 1/2 depends u1 = 1/2[111] on the description of atomic interactions used and thus the material considered [336,337, 341–343]. The existence of the two stacking fault-like defects rather than one well-defined APB on {110} planes has an important implication for dislocation dissociation and thus dislocation cores in those B2 compounds where the 1/2111 APB on {110} planes is not stable. For the case of the (211) plane the possible APB could again correspond to the dis¯ ¯ placement 1/2[111]. However, the [111] direction lies along the intersection of the (211) ¯ and (011) plane and the latter plane is the only mirror plane normal to the (211) plane. Thus there is no symmetry requirement for the (211) γ -surface to possess an extremum for this displacement. A metastable stacking fault-like defect, if it exists, may correspond to a ¯ displacement x[111], where 0 x 1, depending on the material; owing to the mirror ¯ ¯ direction may be present. In calculations plane (011) no component parallel to the [011] employing model pair-potentials to describe atomic interactions the metastable fault corresponding to x = 1/2 was found [52] but for the EAM for NiAl [338] the metastable fault was found for x ! 1/3 [342]. 7.2. 111 dislocations Using model pair potentials representing CuZn, Takeuchi [334] and Yamaguchi and Umakoshi [344] studied the cores and motion of 111 screw dislocations. As mentioned
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¯ above, for these potentials a metastable 1/2[111] APB was found on both (110) and (211) ¯ ¯ planes and thus the [111] screw dislocation dissociated into two 1/2[111] superpartials on either of these planes, depending on the starting configuration used in the calculations. The cores of the superpartials found in the calculations were in essence the same as the degenerate cores found in studies of elemental BCC metals that are shown in Fig. 4. They are ¯ non-planar, spread into three {110} planes of the [111] zone though details of these cores are affected by the positions of APBs connecting the superpartials. The Peierls stress of ¯ ¯ the [111] screw dislocation is then controlled by the Peierls stress of the 1/2[111] superpartials. Its magnitude is comparable with that found in elemental BCC metals and it also reflects analogous asymmetries, such as twinning–antitwinning asymmetry. However, the glide planes are always either (110) or (211), depending on which of them is the plane of the APB connecting the superpartials. ¯ A similar core structure of the [111] screw dislocation was found for the EAM potentials representing FeAl and NiAl, developed in [335] and [345], respectively. The APB-like pla¯ nar fault connecting the two superpartials was always on a {110} plane of the [111] zone and the cores of the superpartials again resemble those of screws in BCC metals. However, an additional asymmetry is introduced since the APB-like fault connecting the superpar¯ ¯ tials on the (110) plane is not 1/2[111] APB but it possesses a displacement in the [110] di¯ rection. The Peierls stress of the [111] screw dislocation is higher than that of edge or mixed dislocations because the superpartials are sessile just like screw dislocations in elemental ¯ BCC metals. However, the Peierls stress of the [111] screw dislocation found in [335] is about 0.002C44 , which is lower than in elemental BCC metals. In contrast, for the EAM ¯ potential representing NiAl [338], employed in [341,342], the [111] screw dislocation does not dissociate and its core is non-planar, possessing the symmetry of the three-fold screw ¯ axis [111]. It is displayed in Fig. 21 using the method of differential displacements. This core structure is akin to the degenerate core in elemental BCC metals (Fig. 4) but the max¯ ¯ imum displacement is now 1/3[111] rather than 1/6[111]. The Peierls stress calculated in [342] is in excess of 0.017C44 and the glide exhibits twinning–antitwinning asymmetry but now the glide in the twinning sense is more difficult than in the antitwinning sense. In [337], where splitting into superpartials occurs, the Peierls stress is about 0.004C44 . The principal reason for the difference between results obtained for NiAl in [342] and [337, 345] (and also for FeAl [335]) is that the energy of the APB-like fault that participates in dislocation splitting on {110} planes is substantially lower for the EAM type potential employed in [335,337,345] than for the potential used in [341,342]. Following the elastic analysis [346], the width of splitting would be below one Burgers vector in the latter case. The possibility of dissociation of 111 dislocations into superpartials is equally critical when one analyzes the core structures of edge and/or other non-screw dislocations. ¯ The spontaneous dissociation of the [111] edge dislocation on (110) and (112) planes was found in [335,337]. On the other hand, in the case of NiAl studied in [341,342] the splitting occurred spontaneously on (112) planes but not on (110) planes. In the former case an APB-like fault that participates in the splitting has the displacement ¯ parallel to the [111] direction. However, in the latter case the metastable planar fault ¯ direction and the splitting found in [342] has a substantial component along the [110] was into three superpartials with substantial screw components according to the reaction ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ [111] = 1/4[112] + 1/2[110] + 1/4[112]; this type of splitting was also analyzed in [347].
Non-planar Dislocation Cores
¯ Fig. 21. Core structure of the [111] screw dislocation in NiAl determined in [342] using the EAM type potential ¯ developed in [338]. The method of display is the same as in Fig. 4 but the largest displacement is 1/3[111] rather ¯ than 1/6[111].
¯ direction is much In studies [335,337] the component of the fault vector along the [110] ¯ smaller and thus the deviation from the [111] direction plays a lesser role. The dissociation into three partial dislocations results in an entirely planar core and the Peierls stress of this dislocation was found to be 0.0006C44 , which is the same as found for FeAl [335]. The ¯ splitting of the edge [111] dislocation on the (211) plane is much narrower and the Peierls stress of this dislocation in NiAl, which also displays the twinning–antitwinning asymmetry, was found to be 0.012C44 [342]. This is comparable with the Peierls stress of the screw dislocation that will still control the yield stress when the glide is along {110} planes. 7.3. 100 and 110 dislocations As already mentioned, 100 slip on {110} and {100} planes is the most important deformation mode in NiAl [320,330–333]. The 100 vector is the shortest complete translation vector in the B2 structure and thus a natural Burgers vector of lattice dislocations. However, as discussed in the previous section, 111 dislocations may decrease their energy by dissociating into superpartials. Presumably, this splitting decreases the energy of 111 dislocations much more in alloys such as CuZn or FeAl than in NiAl and, moreover, owing to such splittings 111 dislocations may move more easily than 100 dislocations. This suggests that the energy of the APB-type fault that participates in dislocation dissociation is much higher in NiAl than in CuZn or FeAl. This is, indeed, found when using the EAM potential for NiAl developed in [338] and used in [341,342]. As described in the previous section, the 111 screw dislocation does not dissociate and the splitting of the edge dislocation is very narrow. On the other hand, the EAM potentials for NiAl employed in [336, 337] do not provide such a clear distinction between NiAl and other B2 alloys. Neverthe-
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less, in single crystals loaded in tension/compression along a 100 direction, commonly called the ‘hard’ orientation, the Schmid stress for shear in any 100 direction is zero and thus 100 slip cannot operate. In this case 111 slip and possibly also 110 slip operate in NiAl similarly as in other B2 alloys. The cores of both screw and edge 100 dislocations, found in [342], are planar, spread onto one of the {110} planes, and their Peierls stress when gliding on {110} planes is low, about 0.0006C44 . However, if the edge dislocation is confined into a {010} plane, its spreading is much narrower and its Peierls stress about twenty times higher. A similar result was found in [337], where a different EAM potential for NiAl [345] was used. However, for FeAl a relatively low Peierls stress was found for edge 100 dislocations gliding on {110} planes (0.0003C44 ) but for screw dislocations it is ten times higher [335]. The situation is more complex in the case of 110 dislocations [342]. Several nonplanar core configurations of edge dislocations were found. The most interesting one is shown in Fig. 22 for the dislocation with the Burgers vector [110], dislocation line direction ¯ [001] and slip plane (110). It entails a climb decomposition into two edge dislocations with Burgers vectors [100] and [010]. Such a non-planar decomposition was observed in high resolution TEM in [348,349]. The dislocation with this non-planar core has a Peierls stress in excess of 0.045C44 . Similar climb decomposition was also found for the [110] ¯ The core of the 110 screw dislocation is also nondislocation with the slip plane (112). planar but very narrow and its Peierls stress is about 0.016C44 . Hence, in general, in NiAl 110 dislocations are substantially more difficult to move than 100 dislocations owing to the non-planarity of their cores. The same was found for FeAl [335].
7.4. Summary The most important intrinsic factor that controls the deformation modes and ductility of B2 alloys and compounds is the form and energy of APB-type planar faults on {110} planes. The energy of these faults increases with increasing ordering energy. In the case of CuZn, the ordering energy of which is relatively low, such fault is the 1/2111 APB. 111 dislocations, which mediate the plastic flow in this alloy, dissociate into 1/2111 superpartials. In screw orientation the cores of these superpartials are very much alike the cores of screw dislocations in BCC metals. They control the slip geometry and the Peierls stress and thus the plastic behavior of CuZn is very similar to that of elemental BCC metals. In contrast in NiAl, which is a strongly ordered compound, the metastable APB-type faults are associated with displacements that differ significantly from 1/2111 and have large components in 110 directions. The screw 111 dislocations do not dissociate at all, have non-planar cores and possess a high Peierls stress. On the other hand, 100 dislocations in both edge and screw orientations, and presumably in other mixed orientations, have planar cores and the Peierls stress for glide on {110} planes about twenty times lower than the 111 screws. Indeed, 100{110} is the most active slip system in NiAl and this compound would be quite ductile if this system were always available. Unfortunately, when a single crystal, or a correspondent grain, is oriented such that loading coincides with tension/compression along a 100 direction this slip system cannot operate. Alternatives are then 110{001} 111{110} systems. In the former case the edge dislocations may possess
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¯ determined Fig. 22. The core structure of edge dislocation with the Burgers vector [110] and slip plane (110) in [342]. This non-planar core is climb decomposed into two edge dislocations with Burgers vectors [100] and [010].
non-planar cores, in particular the climb decomposed core discussed in the previous section, and thus the Peierls stress is higher than the 111 screw dislocations. Hence, in NiAl the 100{001} slip system, which is easiest to activate, cannot operate alone and the ductility is then chiefly controlled by the accompanying 111{110} slip system that involves movement of non-planar screw dislocations. In FeAl the energy of APB-type faults is appreciably lower than in NiAl, 111 dislocations dissociate into superpartials on {110} planes and their energies are comparable with those of 100 dislocations. Furthermore, atomistic calculations of dislocation glide in FeAl [335] suggest that the Peierls stress of 111 screw dislocations is very similar to that of 100 screw dislocations (about 0.003C44 ). Hence, unlike in NiAl, 100{110} slip system is not strongly favored over the 111{110} system but they can both operate in a balanced manner.
8. AB intermetallic compounds with L10 structure The L10 structure is tetragonal but can be regarded as FCC based if the c/a ratio is close to 1.0, as is the case for γ -TiAl. Hence, the cubic notation is used for crystal planes and directions with the third index corresponding to the tetragonal axis distinct from the other two. This structure consists of alternate layers of A and B atoms on alternate (001) planes, where the 001] direction is the tetragonal axis. In recent years much attention has been paid to TiAl, which has emerged as one of the most likely intermetallic compounds based
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on light elements suitable for industrial application [350–357]. TiAl-based alloys display dramatically different microstructures for different compositions near the 50:50 Al:Ti ratio [358–360]. Aluminum rich alloys have a single-phase L10 structure but stoichiometric and titanium rich alloys exhibit a two-phase lamellar structure, consisting of majority layers of tetragonal, L10 , TiAl and minority layers of hexagonal, DO19 , Ti3 Al. The slip occurs via two types of dislocations: ordinary dislocations with Burgers vectors 1/2110] and superdislocations with Burgers vectors 101], which both glide on {111} planes (see [361– 367]). Furthermore 1/2112] dislocations play an important role in twinning which is also a common deformation mode. While the underlying crystallography of the L10 structure is very close to FCC, the deformation behavior is much more complex. For example, in the single phase γ -TiAl 101] superdislocations dominate at low temperatures while at high temperatures (above about 800 ◦ C) slip by 1/2110] ordinary dislocations, and also twinning, become controlling deformation modes. In contrast, in the lamellar TiAl twinning and glide of 1/2110] ordinary dislocations prevail at low temperatures and glide of superdislocations becomes significant only at high temperatures [362,363,368]. It is remarkable that the overall ductility of the lamellar TiAl, studied in detail in so-called poly-synthetically twinned (PST) single crystals is higher than that of single-phase single crystals [355,362,363,365,368]. Moreover, in single-phase alloys an anomalous increase of the yield stress with increasing temperature was also observed [363,369–372]. These phenomena again suggest that non-planar dislocation core structures play an important role in the glide of dislocations. In the following we summarize recent studies of such cores but, similarly to previous cases, we start with the stacking fault-type defects investigated by utilizing γ -surfaces.
8.1. γ -Surface for (111) planes The distribution of atoms in the (111) planes is shown schematically in Fig. 23. Circles of different sizes distinguish between three subsequent layers; dark circles represent one type of atoms (e.g. Ti) and light circles the other type (e.g. Al). Similarly as in the L12 structure, the geometry suggests three types of stacking fault-like defects, marked in Fig. 23: ¯ antiphase boundary (APB) with the displacement 1/2[101], superlattice (SISF) and com¯ 1] ¯ and 1/6[211], ¯ plex (CSF) stacking faults with displacements 1/3[12 respectively (see also [248]). However, when considering the (111) γ -surface the symmetry of the superlattice does not guarantee an extremum for any of these faults and thus they may, but need not, be metastable depending on the details of the atomic interactions and thus the material considered. Calculations of the (111) γ -surface in TiAl that employed a variety of centralforce many-body potentials of EAM type all found the three above mentioned faults to be metastable [373–377] although their energies varied significantly depending on the potential used. On the other hand, Ehmann and Fähnle [62] concluded on the basis of DFT based ab initio calculations that the APB is unstable and the CSF, while metastable, possesses such a high energy that it cannot participate in dissociation of ordinary dislocations [88]. A very similar result was obtained in ab initio calculations of Vitek et al. [60], as well as in calculations employing the recently developed bond-order potential (BOP) for
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Fig. 23. Distribution of atoms in the (111) planes of an AB L10 compound. Circles of different sizes distinguish three subsequent layers. Dark circles represent A and light circles B atoms.
TiAl [378], with the exception that the APB is metastable but corresponds to a very shallow minimum on the γ -surface. Furthermore, its energy is so high that it cannot play any significant role in dislocation dissociation. The reason why ab initio and BOP calculations give results rather different from those of central-force potentials is that they include the angular bonding arising from d–d and d–p electronic interactions that is an important characteristic of the mixed metallic and covalent bonding in TiAl. These differences are then also reflected in the dislocation core structures when calculated using central forces or BOPs and ab initio, respectively. ¯ ordinary screw dislocations [110] 8.2. 1/2[1 As in other cases discussed in this chapter, we concentrate on screw dislocations since their cores may spread to several planes of the zone of the Burgers vector. In the present case ¯ Two types the two equivalent planes into which spreading may occur are (111) and (111). ¯ of cores of the ordinary 1/2[110] screw dislocation were found in atomistic calculations. The first is the planar core, confined to the (111) plane. This corresponds to the dissoci¯ ¯ 1], ¯ just as in the FCC ation of the dislocation into Shockley partials 1/6[211] and 1/6[12 structure, separated by a CSF. The other core, shown in Fig. 24 using the method of differential displacements, is non-planar. The former structure was found in several studies using central-force potentials [374–377] while the latter was found in calculations employing the BOPs [379,380] and ab initio DFT based calculations (VASP code) [381]. The difference is clearly related to the magnitude of the energy of the CSF. This was demonstrated very clearly in [376] where calculations were performed for a set of central force potentials leading to different values of the energy of the CSF. When the CSF energy was above a certain level the non-planar core was favored. In BOP calculations the energy of the CSF is about 410 mJ m−2 and in this case the splitting into Shockley partials, evaluated using
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¯ screw dislocation in TiAl found in [379–381]. The atomic Fig. 24. Non-planar core of the ordinary 1/2[110] ¯ arrangement is shown in the projection perpendicular to the direction of the dislocation line ([110]) and circles ¯ represent atoms within one period, with shading distinguishing Ti and Al atoms. The arrows represent [110] (screw) component of the relative displacement of the neighboring atoms, analogously as in Fig. 4.
the anisotropic elastic theory of singular dislocations, would be smaller than one lattice spacing; a similar situation arises in ab initio calculations [381]. Since these methods describe most accurately the mixed metallic and covalent nature of bonding in TiAl, one can conclude that in this compound the ordinary screw dislocations possess non-planar cores spread onto two {111} planes of the zone of the Burgers vector. The non-planar core of the screw dislocations suggests that these dislocations possess ¯ screw dislocation, a high Peierls stress and atomistic studies of the glide of the 1/2[110] performed within the ab initio [381] and BOP models [379,380], confirm this. The Peierls stress, identified with the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) in the direction of the Burgers vector at 0 K, is in all cases larger than 0.01C44 . This is a Peierls stress of the same order of magnitude as that of screw dislocations in BCC metals. The most detailed study ¯ screw dislocation was recently performed by Katzarov et al. of the glide of the 1/2[110] [380] who showed that at 0 K the dislocation movement was associated with core trans¯ formations that lead to a zig-zag path composed of equal portions of (111) and (111) planes. The shear stress at which the dislocation first started moving was 0.015C44 . Furthermore, owing to the asymmetric core structure, the stresses needed to move the dislocation in opposite directions are generally different and thus the Schmid law does not apply. However, lamellar structures are the most ductile forms of the TiAl compounds [355,362,363,365,368]. In these structures there are three TiAl/TiAl twin related inter-
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¯ screw faces11 and Katzarov et al. [380,385] also investigated the motion of the 1/2[110] dislocation in a close vicinity of these interfaces as well as transition of this dislocation across the interfaces. The non-planar core structure plays an important role in all these processes. Near a twin interface the dislocation core structure is much less distorted than in the bulk as the dislocation moves. The glide is parallel to the boundary, which is imposed geometrically as the other {111} plane, on which the zig-zag motion would occur in the single crystal, does not continue across the interface [380]. Still, the stress needed to move the dislocation is similar as in the bulk. However, the situation is different and more interesting in the case of the other two interfaces. Near a 120◦ rotational fault and/or a pseudo-twin the ordinary screw dislocation is attracted to the interface, dissociates into Shockley partials and its core is planar [385]. The reason is that at these interfaces energies of CSF and SISF are the same and the CSF energy is much lower at the interface than in the bulk. The stress needed to move the ordinary screw dislocation along these two interfaces is then about an order of magnitude lower than in the bulk. This finding may provide an explanation for the higher ductility of lamellar structures than single phase TiAl. ¯ screw superdislocation 8.3. [101] ¯ superdislocation with the (111) slip plane depends princiThe core structure of the [101] pally on the availability of metastable stacking fault-like defects, specifically APB, SISF and CSF and their energies, which can participate in dislocation dissociation. If all these faults are metastable and possess low enough energies, a variety of splittings can occur [386]. However, as explained earlier, in TiAl both the ab initio and BOP based calculations suggest that the APB does not partake in any dislocation splitting and thus only SISF and CSF need to be considered. Atomistic calculations employing the BOP for TiAl revealed two distinct configurations [379]. The first structure, shown schematically in Fig. 25(a), is planar, confined to the (111) plane, and corresponds to the dissociation according to the re¯ = 1/6[112] ¯ + 1/2[101] ¯ + 1/6[21¯ 1] ¯ with an SISF between the partials 1/6[112] ¯ action [101] ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ and 1/2[101] and a CSF between the partials 1/2[101] and 1/6[211]. As determined by the anisotropic elastic theory of singular dislocations and with the energies of SISF and CSF determined in the framework of the BOP for TiAl, the width of the SISF in this splitting is 9.6a and the width of the CSF 2.75a (a is the lattice spacing). These widths of the stacking faults found in direct atomistic studies are, indeed, close to these values. However, the CSF ribbon is so narrow that the core of the superpartial can also be interpreted as a dissociation ¯ = 1/6[112] ¯ + 1/6[51¯ 4] ¯ with the core of the 1/6[51¯ 4] ¯ partial according to the reaction [101] spread in a planar manner onto the (111) plane. The second possible core configuration, shown schematically in Fig. 25(b), is non¯ = 1/6[112] ¯ + planar and corresponds to the dissociation according to the reaction [101] ¯ + 1/6[11¯ 2] ¯ into the (111) and (111) ¯ planes with both Shockley partials connected 1/3[201] 11 They are: (i) Ordered twin in which the [110] ¯ ¯ direction of the matrix is antiparallel to the [110] direction of ¯ ¯ direction of the twin, (ii) 120◦ rotational fault for which the [110] direction of the matrix is parallel to the [101]
¯ ¯ direction of the twin and (iii) pseudo-twins for which the [110] direction of the matrix is antiparallel to the [101] the twin [382–384].
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(b) ¯ superdislocation in an L10 compound that Fig. 25. (a) Schematic picture of the planar core structure of the [101] ¯ = 1/6[112] ¯ + 1/2[101] ¯ + 1/6[21¯ 1]. ¯ (b) Schematic corresponds to the dissociation according to the reaction [101] ¯ superdislocation that corresponds to the dissociation accordpicture of the non-planar core structure of the [101] ¯ = 1/6[112] ¯ + 1/3[201] ¯ + 1/6[11¯ 2] ¯ with the SISF on (111) and (111) ¯ planes. ing to the reaction [101]
¯ partial. This configuration is akin to the Lomer–Cottrell lock by the SISF to the 1/3[201] known in FCC materials. It is entirely sessile and can act as a strong obstacle to the dislocations motion. A comparison of the energies of planar and non-planar core configurations, made using anisotropic elastic theory of singular dislocations and values of the energies of the SISF and CSF found in BOP calculations, suggests that they are very sim¯ superdislocations are likely to occur, ilar. Hence, both core structures of the screw [101] depending on the local stresses and dislocation configurations produced during the deformation process. However, during plastic deformation superdislocations have to be generated such that their screw parts are in the planar, glissile form. The glide of the screw dislocation with the planar core was studied atomistically in [379]. When the shears stress in the (111) plane ¯ direction such that the 1/6[112] ¯ partial bounding the SISF would is applied in the [101] be leading during the glide, the dislocation configuration always transformed into the nonplanar form. The dislocation thus became completely locked. In contrast, when the shear ¯ partial would be trailing, the dislocation started to stress was applied such that the 1/6[112] move at a stress of 0.006C44 . Thus, the ability of the dislocation to glide depends strongly on the sense of shearing which is in contrast with the Schmid law and it suggests that the yield stress will be higher when the partial bounding the SISF is leading. The possibility of such asymmetry of the glide of superdislocations and its impact on deformation behavior of lamellar structures was discussed earlier by Paidar et al. [387] and several experimental studies of deformation properties of TiAl when superdislocations dominate, indeed, support the asymmetric glide behavior of these dislocations [363,388–391].
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¯ superdislocation in an L10 compound that correFig. 26. Schematic picture of the core structure of the 1/2[112] ¯ partials on two adjacent (111) planes [392]. sponds to dissociation into three 1/6[112]
112] superdislocations 8.4. 1/2112] ¯ superdislocations with (111) glide planes do not contribute directly to the dislo1/2[112] cation mediated deformation in TiAl but may play an important role as nuclei for twinning. No detailed atomistic studies of these dislocations have been made but a number of electron microscopic observations suggest that they dissociate into structures spread into several parallel (111) planes and such configurations may be involved in the twinning process. A typical example is the core structure proposed by Inkson and Humphreys [392], ¯ partials shown schematically in Fig. 26. It corresponds to dissociation into three 1/6[112] on two adjacent (111) planes. An SISF connects the first and second partial and an SESF (superlattice extrinsic stacking fault) the second and third partial. A number of other core spreading of 1/2112] superdislocations into several adjacent {111} plane have been deduced from weak-beam and high-resolution electron microscope observations [393–398] and it is likely that a multiplicity of core configurations of 1/2112] superdislocations exists. Furthermore, more complex non-complanar dislocation complexes have been found in the vicinity of interfaces in lamellar TiAl structures [399].
8.5. Summary While our understanding of the dislocation core effects is still incomplete, some inferences regarding the slip behavior in L10 TiAl can be made on the basis of the results of atomistic calculations. First the core structure of the 1/2110] ordinary screw dislocations is nonplanar and thus sessile in the bulk of the TiAl single crystals. The glide behavior of these dislocations is then expected to be akin to that of 1/2111 screw dislocations in BCC metals. Their Peierls stress is high and thermal activations can aid their motion via formation of kink-pairs which results in a rapid decrease of the CRSS with increasing temperature. At the same time the 101] superdislocations may possess planar cores and in this form their Peierls stress is appreciably lower than that of the ordinary dislocations. Thus it can be expected, as observed [362,363,368,400,401], that in the TiAl single crystals superdislocations move at low temperatures more easily than ordinary dislocations and thus dominate, while at high temperature the opposite occurs since the CRSS of ordinary dislocations becomes low owing to the thermal activations. The study of the glide of ordinary dislocations near the TiAl/TiAl interfaces [380,385] suggests a different mode of motion than in the bulk at 0 K. Specifically, the dislocation moves in the {111} plane at the interface rather than in the zig-zag way on two {111} planes and its glide is easier than in the bulk. This may be the reason why in the lamellar TiAl glide of ordinary dislocations prevails at low temperatures [362,363,368,400,401], although a full explanation of the combined
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role of ordinary and superdislocations in the ductility of lamellar structures has not yet been achieved. Another phenomenon that still awaits an atomic level explanation is the “channeled flow” in lamellar structures when the combined slip of ordinary dislocations and twinning lead to the shear exactly parallel to the interfacial boundary although both twinning and dislocation shear have components perpendicular to the lamellar boundaries albeit of opposite sign. Thus the slip and twinning cooperate to an unusual degree so that there is no net slip component perpendicular to the lamellar boundaries [365,402,403]. Similarly the mechanisms of twinning and related role of 112] superdislocations await further analyses.
9. Tetragonal C11b MoSi2 Mechanical properties of molybdenum silicides have been extensively investigated in recent years since, owing to their high melting temperature, relatively low density and high creep strength, they are possible befitting materials for very high-temperature applications [325,404–408]. MoSi2 , which crystallizes in a body-centered-tetragonal C11b structure, is the molybdenum silicide the mechanical behavior of which was studied most exhaustively. The reasons are a good oxidation resistance, its ability to deform plastically in compression, even at and below the room temperature [409–417], and its relatively simple crystal structures. Crystal structures of other silicides of interest are appreciably more complex. Silicides that were studied in more detail are Mo5 Si3 that crystallizes in the body-centered tetragonal structure D8m with the unit cell containing 20 Mo atoms and 12 Si atoms, and a ternary T2 phase Mo5 SiB2 that has a D8l structure and its unit cell is body-centered tetragonal and contains 32 atoms in the stoichiometric composition [407]. Both Mo5 Si3 [418–423] and Mo5 SiB2 [424–432] exhibit practically no ductility at ambient temperatures and significant plastic flow occurs only at temperatures above 1300 K. In this chapter we only discuss dislocations in MoSi2 since in all the other silicides even understanding which dislocations play a dominant role in their plastic behavior is only tentative. The tetragonal C11b structure of MoSi2 is shown schematically in Fig. 27. The c/a ratio, where a and c are measured along the 100] √ and 001]12 directions, respectively, is 2.452 [433], which is very close to the ideal ratio 6.13 Slip systems that have been observed in this material are {013)331], {110)111], {101)010], {100)010] and {203)010] [355, 409–411,413,414,434–438]. Which slip system is active depends strongly on orientation of the loading axis and temperature. In most cases studied, plastic deformation was only observed at temperatures above 900 ◦ C. However, in single crystals of MoSi2 loaded in compression plastic flow was found even at and below room temperature [409–413,439]. The slip systems operating at this temperature are {013)331], {110)111], {101)010]. In all cases the yield stress increases steeply with decreasing temperature. The Schmid law is valid for the {110]111] and {101)010] slip systems but not for the {013)331] system. The critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for the latter system is strongly dependent on 12 The mixed notation {hkl) and hkl] is used to differentiate the first two indices from the third one that plays a
different role owing to the tetragonality of the C11b structure. 13 Ideal c/a corresponds to the situation when all the separations between Mo and Si nearest neighbors are the same.
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Fig. 27. Body-centered-tetragonal C11b structure of MoSi2 . The planes (013) and (110) are shown and distinguished by different shading.
orientation of the compressive axis and it is the highest for orientations close to 001] [408–413,439]. Moreover, for this orientation of the compressive axis the Schmid factors for {110)111] and {011)100] slip systems approach zero and thus the {013)331] system is the only one that can produce plastic flow. However, owing to the very high critical resolved shear stress of the {013)331] system for the 001] orientation of the compressive axis, no plastic flow occurs for such loading at room temperature but only above 900 ◦ C. Consequently, the room temperature ductility of MoSi2 is strongly impeded by the low mobility of 1/2331] dislocations on {013) planes for loading along 001] axis since the {013)331] system is the only system capable to accommodate strain components parallel to the 001] axis. The {013)331] slip system is in fact unexpected on the basis of standard dislocation theory since the 1/2331] Burgers vector is not the shortest in between the lattice vectors in the {013) plane that have a component in the direction of the 001] axis. For example, a smaller Burgers vector is 1/2131] and the elastic energy of dislocations with this Burgers vector is, indeed, lower than that of 1/2331] dislocations [64,65]. Hence, the reason for {013)331] slip system is either a dissociation of 1/2331] dislocations, involving metastable stacking faults, which decreases their energy below that of 1/2131] dislocations, or complete immobility of the latter. Notwithstanding, given that {013)331] slip system controls the ductility of MoSi2 , the daunting questions are why the mobility of 1/2331] dislocations decreases rapidly with decreasing temperature and why the CRSS depends strongly on orientation of the compressive axis and the Schmid law breaks down. As first noted by Rao et al. [440], such deformation properties are akin to those of BCC metals (see Section 3), which suggests that the dislocation core is controlling the critical resolved shear stress of the {013)331] system. This assertion is further corroborated by the observation that 1/2331] dislocations on {013) planes tend to have 331] screw or 100] mixed orientation [409]. For this reason theoretical studies of dislocations in MoSi2 have concentrated principally on this slip system. Since the most important dislocation core feature is the possible splitting into partial dislocations, we again start with the stacking fault-type defects investigated by utilizing γ -surfaces.
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Fig. 28. Distribution of atoms in three adjacent (013) layers of MoSi2 . Circles of different sizes distinguish the atomic positions in different layers; the largest circles correspond to the top and the smallest circles to the bottom layer, respectively. Shading differentiates between Mo and Si atoms. When considering planar stacking defects the cut is made between the top layer and the two lower layers of atoms. The arrows point towards five different possible stacking fault-like defects.
9.1. γ -Surfaces for (013) and (110) planes The distribution of atoms in three adjacent (013) layers is shown in Fig. 28. Positions of possible metastable planar faults were estimated in [248] on the basis of the environment of first nearest neighbors, analogously as in the case of the hard-spheres model. Five distinct possibilities, which arise when the cut is made between the top and the two lower layers of atoms, are marked in Fig. 28. Two of them are antiphase boundaries: APB1 and APB2 with ¯ and 1/6[33 ¯ 1], ¯ respectively, identified with displacements the displacement vectors 1/6[331] that bring Mo atoms into the positions of Si atoms and vice versa. The other three are conceivable stacking faults, marked SF1 , SF2 and SF3 . Calculation of the full γ -surface for the (013) plane in MoSi2 was recently carried out by Cak et al. [441] using the ab initio DFT based code VASP [442,443] and allowing relaxation perpendicular to the plane of the fault. The resulting γ -surface is shown as the contour plot in Fig. 29(a). It possesses three distinct minima, marked SFI , SFII and SFIII , which represent possible stacking faults on the (013) plane. Their positions are indicated as differently shaded squares in Fig. 29(b) where the distribution of atoms in three adjacent (013) layers is presented in the same way as in Fig. 28 and the cut is made between the top layer and the two lower layers of atoms. The energies of these three stacking faults are very similar and corresponding displacements cannot be identified with any low index crystallographic directions. Hence, these faults are not symmetry dictated but are specific to MoSi2 and may, but need not, be found in other C11b compounds. The displacement vectors of these faults are close to but not identical
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(b) Fig. 29. (a) Contour plot of the γ -surface for the (013) plane in MoSi2 . Positions marked PC correspond to the perfect crystal and positions marked SFI , SFII and SFIII correspond to three distinct minima at this γ -surface. Scales on both axes are in the units of the lattice parameter a. (b) Distribution of atoms in three adjacent (013) layers shown as in Fig. 28, with positions of the faults SFI , SFII and SFIII marked by differently shaded squares. The cut is again made between the top layer of atoms (largest circles) and the two lower layers of atoms (medium and smallest circles).
with those of the SF1 , SF2 and SF3 faults anticipated as discussed above (Fig. 28). The fault SFI can be considered as a merger of APB1 with SF1 and the fault SFIII as a merger of APB2 with SF3 but no APB defined by interchange of Mo and Si atoms was found. ¯ direcAb initio DFT based calculations of the γ -surface cross-section along the [331] tion were made earlier by Waghmare et al. [64,444] who employed a pseudopotential based method [445] and by Mitchell et al. [66,446] who utilized the VASP code [442,443]. Different types of relaxation were allowed in these calculations. In [64,444] only the relaxation
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perpendicular to the fault plane was allowed while in [66,446] relaxations both perpendicular and parallel to the fault plane were carried out in several layers adjacent to the ¯ fault. In both these studies minima were found for the approximate displacements 1/8[331] ¯ These correspond closely to the components parallel to the [331] ¯ direction and 3/8[331]. of the displacements associated with the faults SFI , and SFIII , respectively. However, the ¯ didisplacements associated with these faults also have components parallel to the [1093] ¯ that could not be found when calculating the [331] ¯ rection, which is perpendicular to [331], cross-section of the γ -surface. No other minima were found in calculations of Waghmare et al. [64,444] but in calculations of Mitchell et al. [66,446] another minimum was found ¯ ¯ cross-section of the γ for the displacement 1/4[331]. This minimum, seen in the [331] surface, corresponds most likely to the fault SFII the displacement vector of which has a ¯ than do the other two faults. The most likely reason for larger component parallel to [1093] the difference between the results in [64,444] and [66,446] is the different method of relaxation of atomic positions that may lead to somewhat different shapes of γ -surfaces away from the minima. Hence, in calculations of Waghmare et al. [64,444] the minimum with ¯ direction does not show in the the displacement that deviates significantly from the [331] ¯ cross-section while it does in calculations of Mitchell et al. [66,446]. Calculations [331] employing a modified embedded atom method (MEAM) [66,447] found all five minima that have been anticipated by considering the environment of first nearest neighbors (see Fig. 28). Hence, in these calculations APB1 and APB2 are faults distinct from other stacking faults but this is in variance with the DFT based calculations that suggest coalescence of APB1 with SF1 and APB2 with SF3 . Cak et al. [441] also calculated the full γ -surface for the (110) plane. In agreement with ¯ cross-section [64,66], the only metastable stacking previous calculations made for [111] ¯ or, equivalently, 1/4[331]. ¯ fault that was found corresponds to the displacement 1/4[111] This fault is usually considered as an SISF in the C11b structure. No metastable APB ¯ that has been anticipated crystallographically, corresponding to the displacement 1/6[331] was found. 331] dislocations 9.2. Core structure of 1/2331] Owing to the existence of three metastable stacking faults on {013) planes and one metastable stacking fault on {110) planes, dislocations may dissociate into partials separated by these faults. The variety of possible planar dissociations is extensive and a number of possible planar dislocation splittings was discussed in [64,66,446,448]. In some of these considerations it was also assumed that APB1 and APB2 are possible metastable faults which then increases the number of metastable stacking faults on {013) planes to five and the variety of available dislocation dissociations increases. However, as explained above, the DFT based calculation of the γ -surface for the (013) plane exclude such additional metastable faults. From the point of view of non-planar core structures the most interesting is the sug¯ may dissociate congestion made by Mitchell et al. [66,446] that the screw 1/2[331] comitantly into two {013) planes and the (110) plane. Such a splitting would occur ac¯ ¯ + 1/8[331] ¯ + 1/4[331], ¯ cording to the reaction 1/2[331] = 1/8[331] where the first
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¯ respectively, and the last partial in the two partials lie in the planes (013) and (103), (110) plane.14 This splitting is based on the assumption that the metastable stacking fault ¯ on the (013) plane corresponds to the displacement 1/8[331], as suggested by calcula¯ direction [449] (see Section 9.1). tions of the γ -surface cross-section along the [331] With this assumption an alternate splitting into two {013) planes and the (110) plane is ¯ = 1/8[331] ¯ + 1/8[331] ¯ + 1/4[111] ¯ + 1/2[110]. ¯ The first two partials lie again in 1/2[331] ¯ respectively, the 1/4[111] ¯ lies in the (110) plane and the parthe planes (013) and (103), ¯ at the intersection of these three planes. However, as seen from Fig. 29, the tial 1/2[110] calculations of the full γ -surface [441] show that the displacement vectors of the stacking faults on the {013) planes are not exactly of the type 1/8331] but irrational and possess components perpendicular to the 331] directions. Thus the above dissociations may only be considered as approximate models of non-planar cores of 1/2331] screw dislocations. ¯ or 1/4[111] ¯ partials on the (110) plane can be expected to be well-defined While 1/4[331] since the SISF on this plane is well-defined and has a relatively low energy, continuous ¯ planes, rather than a well defined splitting, spreading of the core into the (013) and (103) can be expected. This is analogous to the spreading of the cores of 1/2111 screw dislocations in BCC metals into three {110} planes. However, such a core configuration and its effect on the dislocation glide can only be studied fully by atomistic modeling of the ¯ screw dislocations. Until now the only direct atomistic modeling of dislocations 1/2[331] in MoSi2 was made in [450] using the MEAM but, unfortunately, this description of atomic interactions leads to metastable APBs [66] not found in DFT based calculations. ¯ screw dislocation corresponds Nevertheless, whether the non-planar core of the 1/2[331] to a continuous spreading into {013) planes or splitting according to the reactions described above, such dislocations are sessile and possess a high Peierls stress which leads to a rapidly increasing yield stress with decreasing temperature. Moreover, in compression tests with the loading axis close to the [001] direction there is no shear stress in the ¯ or 1/4[111] ¯ partials (110) plane and thus no Peach–Koehler force acting on either 1/4[331] in this plane. Hence, transformation of such core into a glissile form on an {013) plane will become very difficult for compressive loading along [001] which may explain why for such loading no plastic deformation occurs at ambient temperatures in contrast with compressive loading in other crystallographic directions [408–413,439].
10. Miscellaneous materials Dislocation cores play role in the deformation behavior of many other materials than elemental metals and intermetallic compounds. These are just the materials the dislocation properties of which were studied most extensively. In this section we present several examples of significance of non-planar dislocation cores found in materials ranging from metallic iridium, through ionic crystals to molecular crystals. We emphasize that no claim for completeness is made at this point and the following are just examples of less commonly known cases of dislocation core effects. 14 Mitchell et al. [446] also considered the splitting into three 1/6[331] ¯ on (013), (103) ¯ and (110) planes, assum-
ing that this is the displacement vector of metastable APBs. However, DFT calculations of γ -surface exclude this possibility.
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10.1. Iridium Iridium is an FCC metal and its plastic deformation conforms to the usual octahedral slip systems [451,452] and dislocations are observed to dissociate into Shockley partials on {111} planes in a manner consistent with all other FCC metals [453,454]. Thus, crystallographically the plastic deformation is the same as in other FCC metals. Similarly, iridium crystals have been found to display the same strain-hardening properties like any other FCC metal [455]. Yet, the mechanical behavior of iridium is exceptional in that even extremely pure single crystals and polycrystals of iridium undergo cleavage and/or brittle intergranular fracture at temperatures up to 500 ◦ C [456–468]. Importantly, cleavage does not happen during elastic loading as is the case in usual brittle materials but instead occurs after a period of extensive plastic deformation [452]. Hence, this behavior, which does not occur in any other FCC metal, cannot be attributed to a low mobility of dislocations that could be related, for example, to sessile non-planar cores. It has been recently proposed that an incipient metastable non-planar core configuration, specific to iridium and possibly rhodium, may be responsible for very rapid dislocation multiplication and unusually high dislocation densities in the vicinity of stress concentrators that leads to such local hardening that crack propagation rather than plastic flow takes place [469,470]. The non-planar core structure was found in the atomistic study of the ¯ screw dislocation that employed a recently constructed bond-order potential for 1/2[110] iridium which captures accurately the angularly dependent bonding arising due to unsaturated d-bonds [471]. This aspect of interatomic bonding distinguishes iridium from most other FCC metals. ¯ screw dislocation carried out by Cawkwell An atomic level simulation of the 1/2[110] and co-workers [470] found two core configurations. The first is a planar core corresponding to dissociation into two Shockley partials separated by the intrinsic stacking fault. The ¯ planes of the [110] ¯ second core configuration is non-planar, spread into the (111) and (111) zone. The dislocation with the non-planar core is metastable since its energy is higher than that with the planar core. However, if a high local stress of the order of 0.025C44 , constricts the planar configuration the non-planar core becomes more stable. Such a stress may be attained near stress concentrators such as dislocation pile-ups or microcracks and in such regions the non-planar cores may be formed spontaneously. Simulation of the dislocation glide under stress showed that the Peierls stress of the dislocation with the planar core is very low, 0.0002C44 , which confirms that this dislocation is highly glissile. The dislocation with the non-planar core was found to transform under the effect of stress into the planar form. However, since the non-planar core is spread into ¯ planes it can transform into either of these planes and if the shear stress the (111) and (111) perpendicular to the slip direction (non-glide stress) is applied in conjunction with the glide stress, the transformation takes place onto the cross-slip plane.15 Consequently, if the nonplanar core is formed in a region of stress concentration, it will immediately transform back into a planar core but on the cross-slip plane. This conclusion follows naturally from the requirement of large astringent stresses in the primary plane to form the non-planar 15 The influence of the non-glide stress is associated with the evolution of the edge components of the Burgers
vectors of the Shockley partials during the transformation, similarly as in the usual cross-slip process [266,267].
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core that then prevent the reverse transformation onto the primary plane. Hence, the nonplanar core should be considered to be only an intermediate configuration with a very short lifetime that facilitates cross-slip. Such cross-slip is athermal and may occur with high frequency near a stress concentrator which then leads to a rapid increase of the local dislocation density owing to the double cross-slip. The mean free path of dislocations then becomes only a few lattice spacings and further glide is impossible, allowing the crack to propagate in a brittle manner while the dislocation density in the bulk is high but modest in comparison. This model for the origin of brittle cleavage in iridium is reinforced by the experimental observation that thin foils of iridium fail by plastic tearing rather than cleavage [465]. Thin foils are unable to accumulate the high dislocation densities seen in bulk iridium since dislocations escape through free surfaces. As a result, the mean free path of dislocations in deformed foils is always larger and thus there is adequate dislocationbased plasticity to blunt any crack tips. We emphasize that iridium is an exception among the FCC metals owing to the peculiarities of its interatomic bonding. Specifically, the non-planar configuration of the screw dislocation core is metastable in iridium but unstable in all other FCC metals and dislocation splitting in iridium is very narrow owing to a much higher stacking fault energy than in other FCC metals. The latter greatly facilitates the transformation from the planar to the non-planar core. Both the metastable non-planar core and narrow width of splitting are related to the strong angular dependencies of interatomic bonding in iridium that arise because of the partially filled valence d-electron band.
10.2. Ionic crystals Studies of the atomic structure of dislocations in ionic crystals are relatively very rare when compared with metals although in these materials dislocations affect not only mechanical but also electrical and optical properties. Obviously, one of the reasons is that most ionic crystals are brittle at low and intermediate temperatures and deform plastically only at high temperatures. However, a number of oxides do deform in the plastic manner at ambient and even lower temperatures [472,473]. The best known example is magnesium oxide (MgO), with the rock salt structure, the deformation behavior of which has been studied quite extensively (for a review see [472]). This is the reason why majority of atomistic calculations of dislocations in ionic solids were made for MgO [474–483] but dislocations were also studied in NaCl [481,484–487] and NiO [481,488]. The shell model, which includes dielectric polarization [489–496], was employed in most of these calculations to describe the short-range interaction between the ions. However, a challenging component of any atomistic study of ionic solids is the treatment of the Coulomb interactions. The direct summation converges very slowly and the Ewald method (see e.g. [497]) has usually been employed. For studies of line defects it was first developed by Madelung [498] and utilized in all the dislocation studies. 10.2.1. Sodium chloride type ionic crystals In the NaCl type structure the most common Burgers vector of dislocations is 1/2[110] and ¯ Nonetheless, (001) plane has also been observed in MgO but the usual slip plane is (110).
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the yield stress is in this case an order of magnitude higher [457,473]. Calculations of the ¯ plane in MgO revealed two core structure of the edge 1/2[110] dislocation on the (110) configurations with very similar energies albeit not symmetry related [474,475,477,478]. The core regions are in both cases very narrow, of the order of the lattice spacing, and no tendency towards dissociation was found. The Peierls stress is high but conforms to the estimate based on the Peierls–Nabarro model of rigidly shifting the dislocation through the lattice [11,499], in which the Peierls stress increases exponentially with decreasing core width. This model was used recently in [483] where γ -surfaces evaluated using an interatomic potential, which mimics accurately the ab initio calculated energy surfaces [500], were employed to determine the dislocation core structure according to eq. (3). The ¯ plane is in very good agreecalculated Peierls stress of 1/2[110] dislocations on the (110) ment with experimental observations [501]. Furthermore, these calculations showed that the Peierls stress is about fifty times higher for the (001) plane, again in good agreement with observations [457,473]. Hence, the reason for a high Peierls stress is not non-planarity of the cores. These cores are basically planar despite being very narrow. On the other hand, simulations of the 1/2[110] screw dislocation in MgO and also NiO revealed a core not uniquely confined to a crystallographic plane and thus suggesting a non-planar character [480–482,502]. However, this core is very narrow and the motion of the screw dislocation has not been investigated and thus at this stage it is not known if there is a significant difference between edge and screw dislocations as is found, for example, in BCC metals. 10.2.2. Perovskites: SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 Several oxides with perovskite structure possessing cubic symmetry, in particular SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 , can also deform plastically at room and lower temperatures. Moreover, in SrTiO3 it is not only an unexpected low temperature ductility but a remarkable phenomenon is the ‘inverse’ brittle-to-ductile transition when the material is becoming brittle on increasing rather than decreasing the temperature [503–505]. This behavior, which occurs approximately above 1000 K, is akin to the anomalous temperature dependence of the yield stress observed in L12 intermetallics, such as Ni3 Al (see Section 5). Still, intermetallics remain plastic in the temperature range in which yield stress increases with increasing temperature, whereas SrTiO3 becomes brittle in the intermediate temperature range and its fracture stress increases with increasing temperature. A process of dislocation core transformation into a non-planar sessile form is likely to be responsible for this phenomenon. Burgers vectors of dislocations that mediate plastic deformation in SrTiO3 are predominantly 110, though 100 has also been observed, and the slip planes are usually {110}. The cores of both 110 and 100 dislocations were studied using high-resolution electron microscopy in such a way that observations were made for dislocations that are parts of low-angle grain boundaries [506–508]. These studies showed that the [110] edge disloca¯ has a non-planar core that can be interpreted as a climb tion with the glide plane (110) dissociation into two 1/2[110] partials separated by an APB on the (110) plane. However, these observations were not made for isolated dislocations but for [110] edge dislocations that form an [001] low-angle grain boundary. If the gliding [110] edge dislocation transforms by the climb process onto the same non-planar form at temperatures above 1000 K, ¯ plane is inhibited. This has been discussed in detail in [509] and the slip on the (110)
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shown to be a feasible process responsible for the ‘inverse’ brittle-to-ductile transition. An analogous climb driven mechanism has recently been proposed for the anomalous increase of the yield stress in MoSi2 [415]. In contrast with the high temperature regime, the low temperature plastic deformation appears to be controlled by screw dislocations [505,509]. At temperatures below 300 K the flow stress increases with decreasing temperature and screw dislocations dominate the substructure at 115 K. This suggests that screw dislocations possess non-planar cores that render them sessile, similarly as in the case of screw dislocations in BCC metals but owing to the crystal symmetry, the core spreading in SrTiO3 would be into two planes of the 110 zone. Unfortunately, no atomic level calculations of lattice dislocations involved in plastic deformation of SrTiO3 or BaTiO3 have been made so far although the shell potential schemes have been developed for both these perovskites [510–513]. Only such calculations, linked with high-resolution electron microscopy, will be capable to decipher fully the dislocation core structures in SrTiO3 or BaTiO3 . 10.2.3. Olivine: (Mg,Fe)2 SiO4 The upper mantle of the Earth that extends to about 400 km depth is dominated by the mineral olivine. Actually, olivine is a name for a series of silicates between two end members, fayalite and forsterite. Fayalite is the iron rich member with a formula Fe2 SiO4 and forsterite is the magnesium rich member with a formula Mg2 SiO4 . The crystal structure of these minerals is orthorhombic (point group: 2/m2/m2/m). However, a high pressure polymorph called ringwoodite, often observed in meteorites, has the composition (Mg,Fe2+ )2 SiO4 and spinel structure. Understanding the plastic properties of these minerals is essential for the development of plausible models of earth mantle dynamics, as well as for modeling the thermal convection in the deep earth. For this reason, many experimental studies have focused on the deformation mechanisms of olivine single crystals (for example [514–521]). The first analysis of dislocation slip systems, possible splittings and related dislocation cores in olivine (in fact forsterite) was done by Poirier and Vergobbi [522,523]. The most important slip systems are [100](001) and [100](010) [524] and using the hard sphere model to estimate possible metastable stacking faults several planar dissociations of [100] dislocations on their {010} slip planes were proposed. A typical feature of the dislocation substructure of deformed forsterite is the presence of perfectly straight [100] screw dislocations, even at high temperatures [524]. This is similar to observation of long screw dislocations in BCC metals at low temperatures [102] which is the consequence of nonplanar cores of 1/2[111] screw dislocations (see Section 3). This suggests that the cores of [001] screw dislocations in olivine are also non-planar and two possibilities were proposed in [523]. The first is spreading into (010) and (001) planes that can be described as dissociation into fractional (or partial if metastable stacking faults exist) dislocations 1/36[619] ¯ on the (010) plane, 1/36[646] ¯ and 1/36[646] ¯ on the (001) plane and 1/3[100] and 1/36[61¯ 9] positioned at the intersection of the two {010} planes. The second possibility, presumably energetically less favorable, is spreading into three planes of the [100] zone: (010), (011) ¯ planes [523]. and (011) Recently, γ -surfaces were calculated for forsterite using a DFT based method (VASP code [442,443]) to describe cohesion [525,526]. For (010), (001) and (021) planes the
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cross-section of the γ -surfaces in the [100] direction were found to be very similar, showing no metastable stacking faults. On the other hand, for the planes (100) and (110) the cross-sections in the [001] direction reveal metastable stacking faults with the displacement vector 1/2[001]. The structure of the [100] screw dislocation in forsterite was calculated in [502] using a modified shell model potential [527,528]. The core was found to be very narrow with no significant spatial spreading or spreading in a specific crystal plane. Using the same DFT based method as in [525,526], Carrez et al. [529] calculated γ surfaces for a model ringwoodite with the same composition as the forsterite (Mg2 SiO4 ) but with spinel structure. These calculations show metastable stacking faults with the displacement 1/4110 on {001}, {110} and {111} planes. The calculated γ -surfaces were then employed to determine the cores of edge and screw dislocations for the systems 1/2110{001}, 1/2110{110} and 1/2110{111} within the Peierls–Nabarro model described in Section 2. Solutions of eq. (3) were obtained by utilizing methodology proposed in [530]. The dislocations were always found to be dissociated in accordance with the stacking faults revealed by the γ -surfaces, with the cores of the partials significantly spread in the glide planes. The Peierls stress was then evaluated using the Nabarro method [11,499]. It was found to be similar for screw and edge dislocations, which can be expected when purely planar dislocation cores are considered, but increasing sensitively with the applied hydrostatic pressure. The same dependence of the Peierls stress can be expected in other olivine modifications. However, it has been pointed out in [531] that olivine transforms into perovskite (Mg,Fe)SiO3 at high pressures and temperatures and it is this material that may be responsible for plastic deformation of the deep mantle. Recently, calculations of the γ -surface for several slip planes in MgSiO3 have been made in [532] using the ab initio VASP code [442,443]. The corresponding cross-sections of these γ -surfaces have then been used in the Peierls–Nabarro model, analogously as for forsterite in [529]. This model shows narrow undissociated cores for [100] dislocations on (010) planes but dislocations with the Burgers vector [001] dissociate into two partials on this plane. On the (100) plane dislocations with the Burgers vector [010] dissociate into three partials while [010] dislocations on (001) ¯ planes are not dissociated and possess narrow planes and 1/2[110] dislocations on (110) cores. All these core configurations conform to the shapes and/or metastable stacking faults displayed by the γ -surfaces. The Peierls stress for these dislocations was again calculated employing the Nabarro method [11,499]. For the [100] dislocations gliding on (010) planes it is low for the edge dislocation but appreciably higher for the screw dislocation, which is related to much narrower core of the latter. The dissociation of [001] dislocations on (010) planes has profound implications for the Peierls stress that is very similar for screw and edge dislocations and lower than that of screw [010] dislocations gliding on (001) planes. However, the dislocations, both edge and screw, with the [010] Burgers vector that dissociate into three partials on (001) planes have significantly higher Peierls stresses than [100] and [010] dislocations. In Ref. [532] calculations were also made for orthorhombically distorted perovskite structure of MgSiO3 that is found in the lower mantle. The Peierls stresses of all the dislocations studied are then higher than for the perovskite structure. Notwithstanding, within the Peierls–Nabarro model the dislocation cores are always planar, while in complicated structures, such as those of olivine or MgSiO3 perovskite, it is feasible that some dislocations will possess non-planar cores that will then affect the
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deformation process, in particular fracture behavior, similarly as they do in SrTiO3 . Investigation of these phenomena requires complete atomistic studies of dislocations that have not yet been made in these complex structures.
10.3. Molecular crystals In all the previous discussions of metallic and ceramic materials the building units of the crystal structures considered are individual atoms. However, there is a large family of crystalline materials, called molecular crystals, in which the building units are molecules that can be rather complex. Nevertheless, such crystals may exhibit mechanical behavior akin to that of metals or ceramics and dislocations again mediate plastic deformation. The cores of these dislocations may be both planar and non-planar and affect significantly the plastic properties. One of the first studies revealing a possible dislocation core effects was investigation of plastic deformation of hexamine by Dipersio and Escaig [133]. This material crystallizes in the BCC lattice and the building units are molecules with the molecular formula (CH2 )6 N4 [533,534] with Van der Waals intermolecular forces. The observed slip planes are {110} or {112} [535,536] and the slip direction is 111, just as in BCC metals. Dipersio and Escaig [133] observed expanding dislocation loops and the striking feature was that when reaching the 111 screw orientation the dislocation stopped moving and became apparently sessile. Hence, it is likely that in the screw orientation the core of the screw dislocation becomes non-planar, following the same spreading as in BCC metals (see Section 3.2). Still, since no atomistic study of the dislocation cores in hexamine has yet been made this core structure remains a speculation. However, such calculations are feasible as the description of interatomic and intermolecular forces is well developed16 and was employed in a successful molecular dynamics study of incommensurate structures of hexamine [537]. A complete molecular statics study of dislocation core structure and dislocation glide was performed by Ide et al. [538,539] for crystalline anthracene, following a limited study of dislocations in naphthalene [540]. Anthracene crystallizes in base centered monoclinic structure (space group P 21 /a) and its molecule consists of three interconnected benzene rings with the molecular formula C14 H10 [541]. In anthracene crystals the observed slip systems are (001)[010] and (001)[110] [542,543]. In atomistic calculations of Ide et al. [538,539] no intramolecular displacements were allowed. The individual molecules were taken as rigid but molecular rotations and translations were allowed. The interactions of atoms belonging to different molecules were described by the Buckingham potential developed in [544]. The Peierls stresses of the dislocations studied were determined by direct application of external shear stresses in the same way as described in Section 3.3, by gradually increasing the applied stress until the dislocation started to move. The edge dislocation studied was the [010] dislocation on the (001) slip plane. Its core was found to be planar and spread into the slip plane [538]. In contrast, the core of the [010] screw dislocation was found to be spread spatially [539]. However, the most interesting result is that the Peierls stress of the edge dislocation is about 10−3 μ, where μ is the shear 16 The intramolecular interactions of atoms are described as a network of springs and interactions of atoms
belonging to different molecules are described by the Lennard–Jones 9–6 pair potential.
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modulus in the (001) plane in the [010] direction, while the Peierls stress of the screw dislocation is about 2 × 10−1 μ [539]. This large Peierls of screw dislocations is obviously the consequence of their non-planar cores and thus the [010] screw dislocations control the plastic deformations of anthracene crystals at low temperature, similarly as do the 1/2111 screw dislocations in BCC metals. Recently an atomistic study of dislocations in cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX) single crystals has been made in connection with large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of shock loading [545]. This is an energetic material with twenty one atoms per molecule (C3 H6 N6 O6 ) that crystallizes in orthorhombic structure (space group Pbca) with unit cell containing eight molecules [546]. Atomic interactions in this material were described by potentials for nitramines developed by Smith and co-workers [547,548]. Similarly as in the study of hexamine [537], intramolecular interactions of atoms are characterized by elastic springs and interactions of atoms belonging to different molecules are of the Van der Waals type. Long-range electrostatic interactions were included explicitly. Perfect dislo¯ planes. cations possess 100 type Burgers vectors and glide on (001), (021) and (021) In order to assess the possibility of stacking faults and dislocation dissociation the [010] cross-section of the (001) γ -surface was calculated. No local minima were found at zero external pressure but when the pressure of 1 GPa was applied perpendicular to the plane of the fault, a minimum corresponding to the displacement about 0.16[010] occurred. Thus a metastable stacking fault may exist on (001) planes but only at a high pressure. This finding explains an unusual change in the mechanism of dislocation mediated plasticity in shock loaded (111)-oriented single crystals that has been found in both experiments and molecular dynamics simulations [545]. At shock pressures below 1.78 GPa plastic deformation is attributed to the heterogeneous nucleation and glide of perfect dislocations with the 100 type Burgers vector. However, above this pressure, when the resolved stress normal to (001) is larger than 1 GPa, partial dislocation loops are nucleated homogeneously on (001) planes and their Burgers vector is 0.16[010]. The stacking faults generated by the partials form obstacles for the glide of perfect dislocations on other slip planes. Moreover, metastable stacking faults may be stabilized by the large pressure on other glide planes and the cores of total dislocations change, possibly becoming spread to more than one plane. A more detailed study of such phenomena would be very interesting but it is at present excessively demanding on computing power.
11. Conclusions In this chapter we have demonstrated that non-planar dislocation cores are a widespread phenomenon occurring in many elemental metals and metallic alloys, various types of ionic crystals and molecular crystals. This is by no means an exhaustive review of such phenomena. For example, study of dislocations in crystalline polyethylene showed that [100] edge dislocations may spread into more than one {110} plane under stress and become non-planar [549–551]. A variety of non-planar core spreadings can also be expected in covalently bonded semiconductors. Recently, modeling of 1/2100 screw dislocations in nanoporous zeolite A [552] has shown that they possess non-planar cores and their structure has a spiral form that resembles a nanoscale corkscrew. The importance of such
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a structure is that it enhances the transport of molecules from the surface to the interior of the crystal while retarding transport parallel to the surface. However, neither zeolites, polymeric or semiconducting materials have been included in this article. In fact studies of mechanical properties of semiconductors and related analysis of dislocations merits a separate review. Notwithstanding, this chapter illustrates indubitably that non-planar cores are prevalent while planar cores, such as those associated with 1/2110 dislocations in FCC metals, are a special case. In metallic materials the most important effect of non-planar cores is a high Peierls stress and associated rapid increase of the yield and flow stresses with decreasing temperature. Examples are BCC metals, B2 compounds of NiAl type, L12 compounds with unstable CSF (e.g. Pt3 Al), L10 TiAl, C11b MoSi2 , elemental hexagonal metals when slip occurs on prismatic or pyramidal planes and intermetallics with DO19 and DO22 structures. The high Peierls stress is, of course, associated with non-planar cores also in non-metallic materials, such as ionic and molecular crystals. For example, a recent atomistic study of the core ¯ of the 1/31101 pyramidal edge dislocation in sapphire (Al2 O3 ) revealed its non-planar sessile character [553]. Another very important effect that is linked with non-planar dislocation cores is the breakdown of the Schmid law. This implies that stress components other than the shear stress parallel to the slip direction in the slip plane, i.e. the Schmid stress, may affect significantly both the yield stress and the slip geometry of single crystals, as well as yielding in polycrystals. Other stress components than the Schmid stress affect then shear localization as well as the brittle-to-ductile transition [554]. This effect of non-Schmid stresses then needs to be reflected in constitutive yield criteria employed in continuum studies of both crystal plasticity and plasticity of polycrystalline materials [183,184,191,195,554–556]. All the phenomena mentioned above are related to non-planar cores that are a permanent feature of dislocations mediating the plastic deformation. However, another important event is formation of non-planar cores via a thermally driven process on dislocations that may have planar cores at low temperatures. This phenomenon is well known in Ni3 Al and a number of other L12 compounds with stable CSF and leads to the anomalous increase of the yield stress with increasing temperature. An analogous core transformation, albeit associated with a climb process, causes the inverse brittle-to-ductile transition in SrTiO3 . In RDX single crystals the existence of metastable stacking faults and thus the structure of dislocation cores can be affected by pressure. This effect is again more general and may occur in both metallic and non-metallic materials. For example, dislocation core in BCC Ta was found to change with hydrostatic pressure [57,145] owing to the changes in the electronic structure and related interatomic interactions. This phenomenon is also likely to play an important role in geological materials that are under very high pressures deep in the earth mantle. Finally, it is fitting to conclude this chapter by quoting from the Sir Alan Cottrell’s closing address at the conference celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Concept of Dislocations in Crystals [557]: “. . . for too long we have taken the FCC dislocation as the paradigm of all dislocation behavior; but, as the studies of BCC screw dislocations have shown, the FCC structures and properties are the exception rather than the norm. It is a most exciting field for future work.”
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Acknowledgements This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, BES Grant No. DEPG02-98ER45702. The additional support of the NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant PST.CLG.980347 is acknowledged.
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Author Index Aust, K.T. 46, 135 Avery, D.A. 335, 336, 431 Ayyagari, C.C. 500, 514
Aaronson, H.I. 153, 205 Abraham, F.F. 59, 124, 137 Abraimov, V.V. 336, 431 Ackland, G.J. 448–450, 457–459, 462, 505, 506 Adamescu, R. 494, 512 Adams, B.L. 69, 137 Aegerter, M. 425, 437 Afonina, N.M. 377, 382, 436 Agapov, B.L. 338, 435 Agnew, S.R. 456, 464, 506 Aifantis, E.C. 224, 249 Akasheh, F. 224, 238, 242, 249 Akhtar, M.J. 497, 513 Akhtar, Z. 497, 513 Akinc, M. 488, 511 Alekhin, V.A. 339–341, 364, 436 Alekseenko, V.I. 338, 365, 401, 403, 434 Allen, A.M. 243, 249 Allen, M.P. 54, 137, 154, 205 Alshits, V.I. 213, 248, 335–341, 343, 344, 346–349, 351–354, 360, 362, 364, 377, 380–382, 386, 388, 390–395, 402, 406, 408, 409, 411, 412, 414, 421, 423, 428, 429, 431–433, 436 Altshuler, T.L. 446, 504 Amodeo, R.J. 209, 248 Anderoglu, O. 154, 191, 205 Andersen, H.C. 17, 41, 56, 137 Anderson, P.M. 149, 154, 204, 205 Ando, S. 463, 506 Angelini, P. 476, 509 Antonelli, A. 443, 503 Aoki, M. 449, 464, 505 Aono, Y. 446, 452, 504 Archibald, W.E. 69, 138 Argon, A.S. 53, 137, 443, 446, 501, 503, 504, 514 Arias, T.A. 449, 505 Arsenlis, A. 239, 249 Arzt, E. 3, 40 Asaro, R.J. 123, 125, 132, 138, 139, 454, 506 Ashcroft, N.M. 213, 248 Asta, M. 449, 505 Ati, A. 161, 205 Audier, M. 259, 278, 292, 328, 329
Bachurin, D.V. 51, 64, 120, 136 Bacon, D.J. 236, 249, 441, 442, 444, 449, 459, 461–463, 472, 500, 502, 503, 505, 506, 514 Badylevich, M.V. 338, 385, 386, 419, 435, 436 Bai, Q. 497, 513 Bailey, A.G. 449, 452, 505 Bak, P. 161, 205, 259, 328 Balk, T.J. 494, 512 Ball, A. 477, 479, 509 Balluffi, R.W. 50, 136, 143, 162, 166, 204, 443, 503 Baluc, N. 279–292, 295, 302, 303, 307, 312, 323, 327, 329, 330 Bambauer, K.-O. 295, 330 Bammann, D.J. 57, 58, 128, 130, 132, 135, 137, 138 Bancel, P.A. 279, 329 Barmak, K. 69, 138 Barnett, D.M. 199, 205 Barnett, S.A. 149, 204 Bartsch, M. 254, 270, 293–295, 297–300, 302–304, 306, 313, 315–317, 319, 321, 322, 325, 328, 330, 331, 488, 497, 511 Basinski, Z.S. 277, 328, 446, 448, 449, 452, 504, 505 Baskakov, A.A. 337, 338, 386, 415, 419, 426, 433, 435 Baskes, M.I. 11, 40, 58, 88, 137, 138, 152, 154, 205, 446, 466, 491–493, 503, 507, 512 Bassani, F. 495, 512 Bassani, J.L. 441, 453, 454, 464, 465, 467, 468, 471, 501, 502, 505, 506, 514 Bathe, K.J. 214, 215, 248 Baufeld, B. 270, 293, 294, 298, 300, 302–304, 306, 315, 316, 328, 330 Beauchamp, P. 443, 503 Beauchesne, J.T. 267, 269, 320, 328 Beauchesne, S. 498, 513 Becka, L.N. 499, 513 Becker, R. 239, 249, 446, 504 Beckman, S.P. 443, 503 Bedrov, D. 500, 514 515
Author Index
Bekkauér, N.N. 337, 338, 391–395, 428, 433, 435, 436 Bellon, P. 190, 205 Belozerova, É.P. 335, 338, 377, 401–404, 430, 434 Belyavsky, V.I. 338, 420, 436, 437 Belzner, V. 495, 512 Berdinskii, V.L. 337, 433 Berry, B.S. 302, 330 Bertsekas, D.P. 154, 205 Bessière, M. 278, 328 Beyss, M. 254, 270, 273, 296, 298, 303, 304, 306, 328, 330 Bharadwaj, R.K. 500, 514 Biadzhi, P.F. 338, 434 Biancanello, F.S. 278, 328 Biegelsen, D. 337, 433 Bigger, J.R.K. 443, 503 Bilby, B.A. 128, 129, 132, 135, 138 Bingert, J.F. 154, 205 Bird, D.M. 443, 503 Bird, N. 482, 510 Bityutskaya, L.A. 338, 435 Blake, B. 497, 513 Blakeslee, A.E. 151, 204 Bluher, R. 326, 331 Boas, W. 442, 502 Bobbin, S.E. 154, 205 Bodur, C.T. 501, 514 Boehly, T. 243, 249 Boettinger, W. 278, 328 Boivin, P. 279, 329 Boldyrev, V.V. 426, 437 Bollmann, W. 444, 503 Bol’shutkin, D.N. 336, 431 Bonlanger, L. 224, 249 Bonnet, R. 161, 205 Bonneville, J. 279–297, 299, 302, 303, 306, 307, 312, 323, 327, 329, 330, 471, 508 Borbely, A. 32, 42 Borowicz, S.M. 488, 511 Boshung, J. 262, 328 Boussaid, A. 161, 205 Bowen, D.K. 446, 449–451, 504, 505 Boyer, R.D. 58, 137 Bradley, A.J. 278, 328 Brandl, C.B.E. 21, 38, 42 Brandstetter, S. 12, 33, 37, 41, 42 Bratkovsky, A.M. 449, 457–459, 464, 505, 506 Bratsch, M. 295, 308, 316, 318, 319, 330 Brechet, Y. 13, 41, 209, 248, 325, 331 Brekelmans, W.A.M. 128, 138 Brenner, D.W. 51, 120, 136
Bresson, L. 270, 273–275, 280, 282, 284–286, 290, 292, 307, 311, 320, 321, 328–330 Bringa, E.M. 38, 42, 224, 242, 249 Brocklehurst, B. 422, 428, 437 Brookes, C.A. 494, 512 Brown, D. 499, 500, 513 Brown, S.A. 465, 471, 507 Brunet, P. 319, 331 Brunner, D. 296–298, 300–302, 330, 446, 496, 497, 504, 513 Brusova, A.L. 338, 365, 401, 403, 434 Buchachenko, A.L. 337, 357, 411, 415, 420, 422, 426, 432, 437 Bucher, M. 495, 512 Budrovic, Z. 37, 42 Bulatov, V.V. 210, 213, 224, 239, 248, 249, 441–443, 446, 448, 449, 452, 453, 489, 491, 492, 502–505, 512 Bullough, R. 129, 132, 138, 151, 204 Butusov, I.Yu. 338, 435 Byun, T.S. 81, 138 Cady, C.M. 488, 511 Cagin, T. 453, 505 Cagnon, M. 291, 329 Cahn, J.W. 46, 136, 268, 328 Cai, W. 441–443, 446, 449, 452, 453, 502, 503, 505 Caillard, D. 257, 264, 267, 269, 270, 273–275, 292, 304, 306–312, 318–322, 327, 328, 330, 331, 465, 471–474, 507, 508 Cak, M. 490, 492, 493, 511 Calvayrac, Y. 278, 279, 328, 329 Calvert, L.D. 488, 511 Cammarata, R.C. 154, 205 Campbell, C.E. 60, 120, 137 Campbell, G.H. 77, 138 Canova, G. 209, 224, 248, 249, 322–324, 327, 331 Carmichael, C.A. 488, 511 Caro, A. 12, 17, 18, 20, 38, 40–42, 46, 53, 79, 80, 112, 136 Carrez, P. 498, 513 Carstanjen, H.D. 296–298, 300–302, 330 Carter, C.R. 77, 138 Castaing, J. 279, 329 Castro, R.G. 488, 511 Catlow, C.R.A. 495, 497, 512, 513 Caturla, M. 224, 249 Cawkwell, M.J. 483–485, 487, 494, 500, 510, 512, 514 Chadwick, M.M. 488, 511 Chan, C.T. 459, 462, 506 Chandra, N. 46, 136
Author Index Chang, J.P. 441–443, 446, 449, 452, 453, 501, 502, 505, 514 Chang, K.M. 476, 508 Chapuis, G. 499, 500, 513 Chaussidon, J. 449, 452, 505 Chelidze, Z.T. 338, 434 Chen, J.K. 30, 42 Chen, K.Y. 461–464, 506 Chen, L.Q. 13, 41 Chen, M.W. 31, 42 Chen, S.P. 446, 477, 491–493, 503, 509 Chen Jr., G. 30, 42 Cheng, S. 110, 138 Cheung, K.S. 57, 137 Chin, S. 464, 506 Chiu, Y.-L. 486, 510 Choe, H. 488, 511 Choi, C.S. 500, 514 Chou, T.W. 161, 205 Christian, J.W. 441, 442, 445, 446, 448, 452, 502–504 Chrzan, D.C. 101, 138, 443, 465, 467, 503, 507 Chu, F. 488, 511 Chu, X. 149, 204 Ciccotti, G. 56, 60, 137 Clarke, L.J. 443, 503 Clayton, J.D. 128, 130, 132, 135, 138 Cleri, F. 11, 40 Cleveringa, H.M. 238, 249 Cockayne, D.J.H. 487, 510 Cohen, M.L. 101, 138 Condat, M. 209, 248 Conrad, H. 125, 126, 138 Cook, B. 488, 511 Cooley, J.C. 488, 511 Copley, S.M. 464, 506 Cordier, P. 273–275, 279, 292, 303, 307, 311, 312, 320, 321, 328–330, 497, 498, 513 Cormier, J. 18, 41, 57, 137 Cornier-Quinquandon, M. 270–272, 278, 328 Cosandey, F. 55, 68, 69, 137 Costin, W. 319, 331 Cottrell, A.H. 3, 40, 284, 329, 442, 501, 502, 514 Coupeau, C. 295, 297, 330 Couret, A. 465, 471–474, 507, 508 Court, S.A. 471, 472, 474, 508 Couvy, H. 497, 513 Crowe, C.R. 485, 510 Cruickshang, D.W.J. 499, 513 Cserti, J. 446, 448, 449, 453, 466, 468, 472–474, 504, 507, 508 Curtin, W.A. 60, 137
Dahmen, U. 55, 137, 153, 205 Dai, M.X. 270, 273, 328 Dalla Torre, F. 12, 31, 41 Damson, B. 302, 330 Dang, P. 46, 136 Dao, M. 36, 42, 125, 138, 454, 506 Darinskaya, E.V. 335–341, 343, 344, 346–349, 351–354, 360, 362, 364, 368, 377, 380–382, 386–388, 390, 402, 406, 408, 409, 411, 412, 414, 421, 423, 428, 429, 431, 432, 435, 436 Darinskii, B.M. 420, 437 Darolia, R. 476, 508 Darot, M. 497, 513 Datsko, O.I. 338, 365, 401, 403, 404, 434 Davies, R.G. 464, 506 Davydov, V.N. 338, 435 Daw, M.S. 11, 40, 55, 58, 68, 69, 137, 154, 205, 466, 467, 480, 507, 509 de Boissieu, M. 259, 292, 326, 328, 329, 331 Deevi, S.C. 476, 488, 509 de Koning, M. 443, 503 dela Rubia, T.D. 210, 212, 214, 217, 219, 222–227, 230, 242, 248, 249, 443, 503 de Leeuw, N.H. 495, 496, 512 Delph, T.J. 18, 41, 57, 137 Dembovskii, S.A. 337, 433 Demenet, J.L. 279, 329 Demir, I. 161, 205, 222, 233, 249 Demkowicz, M.J. 153–155, 191, 205 Derlet, P.A. 12, 20, 41, 46, 53, 79, 136 Derlet, P.M. 6, 11–15, 17–25, 28–38, 40–42, 46, 53, 58, 79, 80, 90, 115, 122, 123, 128, 136, 138 Desnenko, V.A. 336, 431 Deus, C. 294, 330 Devaud-Rzepski, J. 270–272, 279, 328, 329 Devincre, B. 3, 40, 209, 224, 248, 249 De Wit, R. 131, 132, 139, 216, 248 Diao, J.K. 110, 138 Dick, B.G. 495, 512 Dickerson, R. 488, 511 Dickey, J.E. 495, 512 Dickinson, R.G. 499, 513 Diehk, J. 302, 303, 330 Diehl, J. 446, 504 Dietzsch, C. 488, 511 Dilger, C. 323, 331 Dimiduk, D.M. 464, 465, 467, 477–480, 482, 483, 485, 488, 489, 506, 507, 509–511 Ding, D.H. 272, 328 Dipersio, J. 447, 499, 504, 513 Distler, G.I. 336, 338, 431, 435 Di Tolla, F.D. 7, 12, 20, 24, 40, 46, 53, 123, 135 Dixon, M. 495, 513
518 Dmitriev, V. 494, 512 Dmitrievskii, A.A. 337, 341, 385, 386, 399, 415–421, 426, 433, 436 Dobbs, J.R. 476, 508 Dolgopolova, É.A. 338, 435 Domain, C. 449, 505 Dranenko, O.S. 338, 436 Dronov, M.A. 338, 436 Drozhdin, K.S. 338, 435 Dubois, J.M. 280, 319, 329, 331 Duckett, R.A. 499, 513 Dudarev, S.L. 11, 40, 175, 205 Duesbery, M.S. 441, 442, 446, 448, 449, 451–453, 489, 491, 492, 498, 502–505, 512, 513 Dundurs, J. 161, 205 Dunin-Barkovskii, L.R. 337, 396, 433 Dunn, M.L. 110, 138 Durand-Charre, M. 292, 329 Durham, W.B. 497, 513 Durinck, J. 497, 498, 513 Eastman, J.A. 4, 40 Easton, D.S. 488, 511 Edagawa, K. 266, 267, 296, 314, 319, 321, 328, 330 Ehmann, J. 446, 482, 503, 504 Ehrhart, P. 174–176, 205 Elam, C.F. 442, 502 El Dasher, B.S. 69, 137, 138 Elliott, B.R. 60, 120, 137 El Mansori, M. 335, 431 Elsässer, C. 449, 452, 505 Embury, D.J. 149, 204 Eow, K. 476, 508 Erb, U. 46, 135 Ernst, F. 55, 69, 71–73, 75, 77, 137, 138 Erofeeva, S.A. 337, 338, 343, 386–388, 390, 432, 436 Escaig, B. 254, 327, 447, 467, 474, 475, 494, 499, 504, 507, 508, 513 Eshelby, J.D. 132, 139 Estrin, Y. 323, 325, 331 Evans, A.G. 238, 249 Evers, L.P. 128, 138 Eylon, D. 482, 509 Ezz, S.S. 277, 328, 464, 465, 471, 506, 508 Fähnle, M. 446, 482, 503, 504 Farkas, D. 17, 18, 41, 46, 53, 58, 62, 67, 79, 80, 136, 137, 449, 466, 477–483, 505, 507, 509, 510 Fartash, A. 154, 205
Author Index Faudot, F. 278, 279, 328, 329 Faux, I.D. 495, 512 Fazzio, A. 443, 503 Fearn, M. 449, 505 Feer, J. 419, 437 Feklin, V.N. 420, 437 Fel’dman, E.R. 336, 431 Feng, C.R. 485, 510 Feng, J. 270, 328 Feng, X.X. 151, 204 Ferre, D. 498, 513 Feuerbacher, M. 254, 270, 272, 274, 281, 292–298, 300, 302–309, 312, 315–323, 325, 328–331 Field, R.D. 476, 488, 508, 511 Figielski, T. 337, 433 Fikar, J. 279, 303, 329 Finnis, M.W. 11, 40, 55, 69, 71–73, 75, 77, 137, 138, 448, 471, 474, 483–485, 487, 495, 505, 510, 513 Fischmeister, H.F. 55, 69, 71–73, 75, 137, 138 Fivel, M. 449, 452, 505 Fivel, M.C. 3, 40, 224, 249 Fleurov, V.N. 415, 420, 421, 437 Fnaiech, M. 161, 205 Fodran, E. 488, 511 Foecke, T. 149, 204 Foiles, S.M. 81, 93, 95, 138, 154, 205, 480, 509 Foxall, R.A. 446, 497, 504 Francoual, S. 326, 331 Frank, F.C. 151, 204 Frank, W. 326, 331 Frankevich, E.L. 337, 357, 411, 415, 422, 432, 437 Franz, V. 304, 307, 330 Frary, M. 128, 138 Fraser, H.L. 474, 475, 508 Frederiksen, S.L. 446, 448, 449, 451, 503 Freeman, A.J. 446, 466, 471, 503, 508 Frenkel, D. 5, 6, 40 Frenkel, J. 21, 41 Friedel, J. 3, 40, 441, 442, 502 Froes, F.H. 482, 509 Frolov, V.A. 338, 386, 434 Froseth, A. 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28–30, 41, 46, 53, 79, 136 Froseth, A.G. 6, 12, 14, 20, 21, 23–25, 28–31, 37, 38, 40–42, 46, 53, 58, 79, 80, 90, 115, 123, 128, 136, 138 Frost, C.P.D. 497, 513 Fu, C.L. 488, 511 Fujikura, M. 488, 511 Fujita, H. 446, 504 Fujiwara, T. 487, 510
Author Index Fullerton, E.E. 154, 205 Furthmüller, J. 490, 491, 497, 498, 512 Furubayashi, E. 446, 504 Gaboriaud, R.-J. 497, 513 Gale, J.D. 496, 498, 500, 513, 514 Gall, K. 110, 125, 126, 138 Galler, R. 319, 331 Galligan, J.M. 213, 248, 336, 431 Gao, H. 59, 124, 137 Garem, H. 279, 329 Gayle, F.W. 278, 328 Geary, N.A. 500, 514 Geers, M.G.D. 128, 138 Gehlen, P.C. 495, 496, 512 Geiger, A.L. 225, 249 Gektina, I.V. 336–338, 343, 347–349, 431 George, A. 281, 329 George, E.P. 476, 488, 494, 509, 511, 512 Gerasimov, Yu.M. 338, 435 Gere, E. 419, 437 Gershenzon, N.I. 338, 434 Gertsman, V.Y. 4, 40, 47, 51, 52, 120, 136 Gevers, R. 274, 328 Geyer, B. 295, 297, 298, 300, 302, 308, 316–319, 322, 330 Ghoniem, N.M. 209, 212, 224, 248, 249 Giacometti, E. 279–291, 327, 329 Gillet, P. 496, 513 Gilman, J.J. 335, 365, 430, 436 Girifalco, L.A. 442, 502 Girshick, A. 457–461, 464, 482, 483, 506, 510 Gleiter, H. 3, 4, 14, 15, 40, 41, 46, 53, 79, 80, 122, 136, 138 Glinnik, R.A. 336, 431 Goddard, W.A. 449, 453, 505 Gödecke, T. 292, 329 Godefroy, L. 497, 513 Goetze, C. 497, 513 Goldberg, A. 446, 504 Goldman, E.H. 476, 508 Goldschmidt, H.J. 278, 328 Golosovskii, M.A. 337, 384, 433 Golovin, Yu.I. 337, 338, 341, 347, 352, 355, 369–377, 382–386, 396–400, 415–421, 424, 426, 428, 433–437 Gonchar, L.I. 338, 386, 434, 435 Gorelikov, D.V. 60, 120, 137 Gornostyrev, Y.N. 446, 466, 471, 503, 508 Gostishchev, V.I. 336, 431 Gotoh, T. 463, 506 Granzer, F. 495, 512 Gratias, D. 255, 259, 267–275, 278–280, 282, 284–286, 290, 307, 320, 328–330
Gray, D.E. 159, 205 Grazhulis, V.A. 337, 433 Greenwood, J.H. 494, 512 Gregori, F. 243, 249, 486, 510 Gridnev, S.A. 338, 435 Griffin, A.J. 149, 204 Grigoriadis, P. 64, 137 Grimsditch, M. 154, 205 Grinfeld, M.A. 151, 204 Grishin, L.M. 336, 431 Gröger, R. 449, 452–454, 501, 505, 506 Groma, I. 209, 239, 248, 249 Gross, D. 13, 41 Grushko, B. 292, 302, 329, 330 Guder, S. 488, 497, 511 Gueguen, Y. 497, 513 Guiu, F. 278, 284, 328, 446, 448, 504 Gumbsch, P. 75, 138, 316, 317, 330, 477–481, 496, 509, 513 Guo, J.Q. 296, 319, 321, 330 Gust, W. 55, 69, 73, 137, 138 Guyot, F. 498, 513 Guyot, P. 259, 278, 288–291, 302, 322–324, 327–329, 331 Haasen, P. 494–496, 512 Hafner, J. 490, 491, 497, 498, 511 Haile, J.M. 54, 137 Hald, M. 482, 509 Hall, E.O. 46, 135 Hall, M.G. 153, 205 Hamilton, J.C. 19, 41, 66, 73, 79, 81, 93, 95, 137, 138 Hammon, D. 154, 205 Hamza, A.V. 12, 37, 41, 42, 46, 135 Han, S. 449, 505 Hanada, S. 488, 511 Hanke, G. 270, 298, 303, 306, 328, 330 Hansen, N. 237, 249 Harding, J.H. 495, 513 Harker, T. 495, 513 Harmelin, M. 279, 329 Harris, D.J. 495, 496, 512 Harry, T. 449, 505 Hartley, C.S. 446, 449, 504, 505 Hartman, E. 337, 338, 351, 423, 432 Hashimoto, T. 282, 290, 292, 296, 300–302, 314, 329 Haslam, A.J. 20, 41 Hasnaoui, A. 6, 12–15, 19, 20, 22, 24, 40–42, 46, 53, 79, 80, 122, 123, 136 Hasselman, D.P.H. 280, 329 Hattar, K. 154, 191, 205
Author Index
Hazzledine, P.M. 149, 151, 204, 465, 507 He, Y. 488, 511 Hecker, S.S. 494, 512 Heggen, M. 296, 297, 325, 330 Hei, Z.K. 153, 205 Hemker, K.J. 446, 487, 494, 504, 510, 512 Hemley, R.J. 496, 513 Henager, C.H. 147, 150, 152, 204 Hensel, J. 419, 437 Heredia, F.E. 465, 471, 507 Herzig, C. 69, 138 Heuer, A.H. 488, 495, 496, 511, 512 Hieber, H. 494, 496, 512 Higashi, K. 459, 506 Higgins, F.M. 495, 496, 512 Hill, R. 454, 506 Hirabayashi, M. 254, 270, 328 Hiraga, K. 254, 270, 328 Hirano, T. 474, 475, 508 Hiratani, M. 213, 216, 218, 219, 221, 248 Hirsch, P.B. 274, 277, 328, 446, 465, 467, 482, 487, 497, 504, 507, 510 Hirth, G. 497, 513 Hirth, J.P. 3, 4, 40, 46, 50, 51, 54, 60, 85, 88, 120–122, 130, 135, 136, 149, 151–154, 161, 162, 164, 166, 167, 196, 200, 204, 205, 209, 212–217, 219, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 230, 233, 236, 248, 249, 318, 331, 427, 437, 441, 442, 446, 456, 491–493, 495, 496, 498, 502, 503, 512 Ho, K.M. 449, 453, 456, 459, 461–464, 505, 506 Hoagland, R.G. 88, 138, 144, 147, 149–155, 162, 164, 191, 196, 200, 204, 205, 224, 249, 446, 491–493, 495, 496, 503, 512 Hochbauer, T. 154, 191, 205 Hoentzsch, C. 426, 437 Hoffmann, K. 337, 433 Hofmann, D. 55, 75, 77, 137 Holian, B.L. 56, 60, 137 Hollang, L. 446, 452, 504 Hommel, M. 446, 452, 504 Honeycutt, J.D. 17, 41 Hooks, D.E. 500, 514 Hoover, W.G. 56, 137 Hornbecker, M.F. 467, 507 Horsfield, A.P. 175, 205, 449, 505 Horstemeyer, M.F. 228, 230, 233, 249 Horton, L.L. 476, 509 Hosford, W.F. 91, 93, 101, 138 Hosomi, M. 487, 510 Hou, M. 14, 41 Hou, Q. 14, 41 Howe, J.M. 48, 49, 71, 136 Howie, A. 274, 328
Hoyt, J.J. 57, 58, 137 Hu, Y. 69, 137 Huang, H. 212, 214, 219, 248 Huang, S. 46, 135 Huang, W. 161, 205 Huebsch, J.J. 488, 511 Hug, G. 487, 510 Hughes, D.A. 224, 237, 249 Hugo, R.C. 36, 42 Hull, D. 236, 249, 441, 442, 502 Hults, W.L. 488, 511 Humphreys, C.J. 471, 472, 474, 487, 508, 510 Hunt, L.B. 494, 512 Huntington, H.B. 495, 512 Hurtado, J.A. 60, 120, 137 Ichinose, H. 75, 138 Ide, N. 442, 499, 500, 502, 513 Igarashi, M. 459, 506 Ihara, K. 488, 511 Ikeuchi, K. 69, 138 Indenbom, V.L. 364, 436 Inkina, E.N. 338, 386, 419, 435 Inkson, B.J. 487, 510 Inoue, A. 278, 292, 294, 296, 328–330 Inui, H. 482, 484–489, 493, 509–511 Irwin, G.J. 446, 448, 504 Isabell, T.C. 60, 120, 137 Ishikawa, K. 488, 489, 493, 511 Ishioka, S. 461–463, 506 Ismail Beigi, S. 449, 505 Ito, K. 446, 448, 449, 451–454, 482, 484, 488, 489, 493, 501, 503, 505, 506, 509, 511 Itoh, N. 409, 437 Iunin, Yu.L. 338, 386, 435 Ivanov, V.E. 337, 341, 399, 415–421, 426, 433 Ivanov, Yu.M. 337, 338, 386, 432 Ivolgin, V.I. 385, 386, 436 Izumi, O. 482, 510 Jaccard, C. 425, 437 Jackson, R.A. 497, 513 Jacob, K.I. 46, 54, 66, 67, 79, 82–89, 100, 101, 103, 105, 108, 110, 112, 114, 117, 120–122, 133–135, 138 Jacobsen, K.W. 7, 9, 12, 20, 22, 24, 38, 40, 46, 53, 123, 135, 446, 448, 449, 451, 503 Jain, S.C. 151, 204 Jaulin, M. 279, 329 Jiao, S. 482, 510 Jin, Z.H. 30, 42 Jinpeng, C. 213, 248 Johnson, D.R. 482, 484, 487, 509
Author Index Johnson, R.A. 154, 205, 447, 449, 504, 505 Johnston, W.G. 365, 436 Jones, P.E. 482, 509 Jones, R.E. 57, 58, 137 Jónsson, H. 9, 40 Joos, B. 498, 513 Joulain, A. 292–297, 299, 330 Juan, Y.M. 446, 503 Jung, K. 125, 126, 138 Junker, L. 488, 497, 511 Justo, J.F. 443, 503 Kabutoya, E. 296, 314, 319, 321, 330 Kad, B.K. 243, 249 Kaibyshev, O.A. 4, 40 Kalantar, D.H. 243, 249 Kanai, T. 482, 510 Kandra, J.T. 471, 508 Kaner, É.A. 336, 431 Kanevskii, V.M. 336, 338, 431, 435 Kang, S.S. 280, 329 Karakostas, T. 64, 137 Karashima, S. 287, 329 Karkina, L.E. 471–474, 508 Kaski, Y. 454, 506 Katsnelson, M.I. 446, 503 Katzarov, I.H. 483–485, 487, 510 Kaun, L. 446, 504 Kavetskaya, T.V. 338, 436 Kawabata, T. 482, 510 Kaxiras, E. 446, 489, 491, 492, 503, 512 Kazakova, O.L. 337, 338, 344, 347, 348, 352, 371, 372, 402, 408, 409, 411, 412, 414, 423, 431, 432, 436 Ke, M. 36, 42 Kear, B.H. 464, 467, 506, 507 Keblinski, P. 14, 15, 41 Kedyarkin, V.M. 338, 435 Kelchner, C.L. 19, 41, 66, 73, 79, 81, 93, 95, 137, 138 Keller, M.M. 482, 509 Kelsey, E.T. 495, 496, 512 Kempf, M. 295, 330 Khaleel, M.A. 222, 226, 227, 230, 249 Khan, A.S. 46, 135 Khan, S. 224, 249 Khantha, M. 459, 468, 472–475, 506–508 Kharlamov, V.S. 14, 41 Khatib, D. 497, 513 Khazov, V.N. 336, 431 Khotkevich, V.I. 336, 431 Khraishi, T.A. 222, 224–230, 233, 249 Khromov, K.Y. 471, 508
Kim, C.S. 69, 137, 138 Kim, H.G. 93, 125, 126, 138 Kim, H.-M. 476, 509 Kim, J. 69, 138 Kim, M. 488, 510, 511 Kim, Y.W. 482, 509 Kimura, Y. 476, 508 Kinderlehrer, D. 69, 138 King, W.E. 46, 47, 90, 128, 135 Kingsmith, R.D. 443, 503 Kinsma, K.R. 153, 205 Kioussis, N. 446, 503, 504 Kiperman, V.A. 373–376, 382–384, 421, 424, 436 Kirchner, H.O.K. 446, 504 Kisel’, V.P. 337, 338, 343, 386–388, 432 Kishida, K. 482, 484, 486–488, 509, 510 Kisielowski, C. 443, 503 Kitagawa, H. 46, 53, 79, 136 Kitajima, K. 446, 452, 504 Kittel, C. 495, 513 Klamecki, B.E. 335, 431 Klein, P.A. 57, 58, 81, 93, 95, 137, 138 Kléman, M. 262, 295, 328, 330 Knights, J.C. 337, 433 Kobayashi, K. 449, 505 Koch, A. 55, 73, 137 Kocks, U.F. 323, 331 Kohlhammer, S. 446, 503 Kohlstedt, D.L. 497, 513 Kohyama, M. 459, 506 Kohzu, M. 459, 506 Koiwa, M. 291, 329, 461–463, 506 Kojima, K. 442, 499, 500, 502, 513, 514 Kolchenko, Yu.L. 338, 436 Koldaeva, M.V. 337, 338, 346, 348, 349, 360, 362, 368, 388, 421, 423, 428, 429, 432, 435 Kolesnikova, E.D. 338, 436 Komninou, P. 64, 137 Kondo, K. 130, 139 Konitzer, D.G. 476, 508 Kontsevoi, O.Y. 446, 471, 503, 508 Korhonen, T. 175, 205 Köster, U. 273, 280, 281, 296, 328, 329 Kramer, M.J. 288, 290, 291, 299, 329, 330, 488, 511 Krasnikov, V.L. 338, 401–404, 434 Kravchenko, V.M. 338, 436 Kravchenko, V.Ya. 336, 431 Kreidler, E.R. 149, 204 Krenn, C.R. 101, 138 Kress, J.D. 58, 134, 137 Kresse, G. 490, 491, 497, 498, 511, 512 Krill, C.E. 13, 41
Author Index
Kris, R.E. 420, 421, 437 Kronberg, M.L. 77, 138 Kronmuller, H. 326, 331 Krylovskii, V.S. 336, 431 Krystian, M. 446, 452, 504 Kubin, L.P. 3, 40, 209, 224, 248, 249, 279, 287, 329, 441, 446, 452, 494, 502, 512 Kugel, G.E. 497, 513 Kuhl, E. 103, 138 Kukushkin, I.V. 338, 435 Kumar, K.S. 13, 36, 41, 42, 465, 471, 507 Kumar, M. 46, 47, 90, 128, 135, 138, 487, 510 Kumar, S. 154, 205 Kung, H. 149, 151, 152, 154, 162, 164, 196, 204, 205 Kuo, H.H. 161, 205 Kuramoto, E. 446, 449, 452, 464, 467, 468, 471, 504–506, 508 Kuriplach, J. 19, 41 Kurtz, R.J. 144, 147, 150, 152, 204 Kurtz, W. 496, 513 Kveder, V.V. 337, 338, 386, 419, 433, 435 Lahrman, D.F. 476, 508 Lakner, H. 275, 303, 328 Lall, C. 464, 506 Landau, A.I. 346, 436 Landolt, H. 174–176, 205 Lang, A.R. 499, 513 Lang, C. 482, 487, 509, 510 Lardner, R.W. 130, 139, 441, 502 Lasalmonie, A. 487, 510 Lassila, D.H. 446, 504 Laub, W. 73, 138 Lavrent’ev, F.F. 336–338, 343, 347–349, 431 Le, K.C. 129, 138, 139, 209, 248 Leach, A. 125, 126, 138 Leach, A.R. 154, 205 Lebedev, V.P. 336, 431 Ledig, L. 295, 297–300, 313, 317, 321, 330, 331 Lee, E.H. 494, 512 Lee, J.Y. 471, 508 Lefevre, S. 278, 328 Legen’kov, M.A. 337, 338, 340, 341, 432 Legrand, P.B. 456, 506 Legris, A. 497, 498, 513 Legros, M. 471–474, 508 Lenosky, T. 443, 503 Lepinoux, J. 13, 41, 209, 248 Lerma, J. 225, 249 LeSar, R. 209, 248 Lesin, V.I. 415, 437 Leveugle, E. 38, 42
Levi, C.G. 482, 509 Levin, M.N. 338, 420, 435–437 Lewandowski, J.J. 488, 511 Lewis, G.V. 495, 497, 513 Li, F.X. 488, 511 Li, J. 9, 40, 53, 58, 60, 81, 93, 101, 102, 106, 125, 126, 137, 138, 441–443, 446, 449, 452, 453, 502, 505 Li, J.C.M. 51, 120, 136 Li, M. 13, 41 Li, N. 154, 191, 205 Li, Z.X. 482, 510 Liang, M.H. 459, 461–463, 506 Lichtenshtein, A.I. 446, 503 Liebertz, H. 273, 280, 281, 296, 328, 329 Liksutin, S.Yu. 338, 435 Lin, T.H. 336, 431 Lippard, H.E. 60, 120, 137 Lipsitt, H.A. 476, 509 Litvinenko, Z.V. 338, 386, 434 Liu, C.T. 476, 488, 494, 509, 511, 512 Liu, W. 280, 281, 329 Loiseau, A. 487, 510 Lomer, W.M. 442, 502 Lopatin, D.A. 338, 373–376, 382–384, 421, 424, 435, 436 Loretto, M.H. 477, 479, 509 Loria, E.A. 482, 509 Loskutova, E.A. 338, 435 Lothe, J. 3, 40, 46, 50, 51, 54, 60, 85, 88, 120–122, 130, 135, 136, 152, 153, 162, 167, 199, 205, 212–216, 222, 225, 228, 230, 233, 236, 248, 318, 331, 441, 442, 456, 496, 498, 502 Louchet, F. 441, 502 Lu, D.C. 476, 508 Lu, G. 446, 503, 504 Lu, K. 125, 138 Lu, L. 125, 138 Lu, Y.C. 149, 204 Lubensky, T.C. 262, 328 Lubliner, J. 454, 506 Lück, R. 292, 329 Ludwig, M. 477–479, 509 Luft, A. 446, 504 Lund, A.C. 93, 110, 125, 138 Lushchik, Ch.A. 409, 437 Lushchik, Ch.B. 409, 437 Lutsko, J.F. 57, 137 L’vov, V.S. 337, 433 Ma, E. 12, 37, 41, 42, 46, 125, 135, 138 Ma, F. 79, 138 Ma, X. 153, 205 MacDonald, D. 214, 248
Author Index Mackrodt, W.C. 495, 513 Madelung, E. 495, 513 Maeda, K. 335, 430 Mahajan, S. 441, 502 Mainprice, D. 497, 498, 513 Makara, V.A. 335, 338, 430, 436 Makarevich, I.P. 339–341, 436 Maksyutov, A.F. 446, 471, 503, 508 Maloof, S.R. 446, 504 Maloy, S.A. 488, 511 Mandzhgaladze, O.A. 338, 434 Mandzhgaladze, P.V. 338, 434 Mann, E. 446, 504 Mao, H. 496, 513 Marcon, G. 161, 205 Marks, N.A. 495, 513 Martin, G. 190, 205 Martin, J.L. 287, 318, 319, 329, 331, 471, 508 Mashkina, E.S. 338, 435 Mason, J.K. 93, 125, 138 Mason, W. 214, 248 Masuda, K. 449, 505 Masumoto, T. 278, 292, 294, 296, 328–330 Mateous, H. 482, 509 Matsuda, K. 488, 489, 493, 511 Matsumoro, M. 482, 509 Matsumuro, M. 482, 484, 486, 487, 509 Matthews, J.W. 151, 204 Mavlonazarov, I.O. 425, 437 Maziasz, P.J. 476, 509 McCallum, R.W. 288, 290, 299, 329, 330 McClellan, K.J. 488, 511 McCullough, C. 482, 509 McDowell, D.L. 46, 53–55, 66, 67, 73, 77, 79, 82–89, 92, 94–101, 103–106, 108–110, 112, 114–117, 120–122, 127, 128, 130, 132–135, 137, 138 McInnes, D.A. 443, 503 McKamey, C.G. 494, 512 McKrell, T.J. 213, 248 McMahon, C.J. 446, 504 McNaney, J.M. 224, 242, 249 Medlin, D.L. 55, 68, 69, 77, 137, 138 Medvedeva, N.I. 446, 503 Mehl, M.J. 58, 62, 67, 134, 137 Mehrabian, R. 482, 509 Mehrer, H. 319, 331 Melchionna, S. 56, 60, 137 Melsheimer, S. 482, 509 Mendelev, M.I. 46, 136, 449, 505 Mendiratta, M.G. 476, 489, 509, 511 Mendis, B.G. 446, 504 Merkel, S. 496, 513 Merkle, K.L. 50, 55, 66, 75, 136
Mermin, N.D. 161, 205, 213, 248 Merstallinger, A. 319, 331 Mescheryakov, Yu.I. 339–341, 364, 436 Meshii, M. 446, 504 Messerschmidt, U. 254, 270, 281, 293–295, 297–300, 302–306, 308, 313, 315–319, 321–323, 328–331, 488, 497, 511 Methfessel, M. 55, 75, 77, 137 Meyer, M.K. 488, 511 Meyer, R. 14, 41 Meyers, M.A. 243, 249 Meztmacher, C. 293, 294, 300, 302, 304, 315, 316, 330 Michael, J.R. 488, 511 Michel, D.J. 485, 510 Michel, J.M. 281, 329 Michel, M. 280, 281, 329 Migoni, R.L. 497, 513 Mikhina, E.Yu. 335, 337, 338, 344, 347, 348, 352, 377, 380, 381, 408, 412, 423, 431, 432 Mikulla, R. 316, 317, 320, 322, 323, 330, 331, 446, 503 Mikushev, V.M. 425, 437 Miller, R.E. 60, 137 Milligan, W.W. 110, 138 Mills, G. 9, 40 Mills, M.J. 55, 68, 69, 137, 465, 467, 480, 507, 509 Mima, L.S. 337, 433 Mimaki, T. 69, 138 Minagawa, S. 129, 130, 132, 138 Minami, F. 449, 505 Minich, R.W. 128, 138 Minkwitz, C. 69, 138 Minonishi, Y. 461–463, 471, 472, 474, 506, 508 Miracle, D.B. 476, 477, 479, 480, 508, 509 Miranda, C.R. 495, 496, 512 Mishin, Y. 9, 22, 40, 42, 46, 58, 62, 67, 134, 136, 137, 446, 449, 504, 505 Misra, A. 149, 151, 154, 191, 200, 204, 205, 224, 249, 488, 489, 491–493, 511, 512 Mitarai, Y. 291, 329 Mitchell, T.E. 149, 151, 152, 162, 164, 196, 204, 446, 488, 489, 491–493, 495–497, 503, 504, 511, 512 Mitlin, D. 149, 204 Miura, E. 488, 511 Miura, T. 292, 329 Miyamoto, H. 69, 138 Mokichev, N.N. 499, 513 Molin, Yu.N. 337, 357, 422, 432 Molinari, J.F. 46, 79, 91, 117, 136 Mollenauer, L.F. 409, 437
Author Index
Molotskii, M.I. 415, 420, 421, 437 Mompiou, F. 257, 264, 267, 269, 273–275, 292, 304, 306–312, 318, 320–322, 327, 328, 330, 331 Monnet, G. 449, 505 Morawiec, A. 69, 138 Mordike, B.L. 446, 494, 496, 504, 512 Morena, R. 280, 329 Morgunov, R.B. 337, 338, 341, 347, 352, 355, 369, 371–377, 382–386, 396–400, 415–421, 424, 426, 428, 433–436 Mori, H. 446, 504 Mori, T. 449, 505 Moriarty, J.A. 446, 448–450, 452, 501, 503, 505 Moriwaki, M. 488, 489, 493, 511 Morniroli, J.P. 270, 328 Morozov, V.A. 337–341, 432, 436 Morozumi, S. 461–463, 506 Morris, J.R. 456, 459, 461–464, 506 Morris, J.W. 101, 138 Moskvin, V.V. 336, 338, 431 Mosseri, R. 255, 328 Mrovec, A. 453, 454, 501, 505 Mrovec, M. 448, 449, 451–454, 501, 505 Mryasov, O.N. 446, 466, 471, 503 Mukherjee, A.K. 46, 53, 79, 80, 122, 136, 138 Muller, P. 61, 134, 137 Mundy, J.N. 476, 509 Mura, T. 161, 205 Murr, L.E. 243, 249, 494, 512 Murthy, G.S. 446, 449, 452, 504 Murzaev, R.T. 51, 64, 120, 136 Muschik, T. 55, 69, 71–73, 75, 77, 137, 138 Mutasa, B. 477, 479, 509 Nabarro, F.R.N. 3, 40, 288, 314, 318, 322, 329, 330, 441, 442, 446, 496, 498, 502, 503, 513 Nadgornyi, E.M. 213, 248, 365, 436 Nagakawa, J. 446, 504 Naiden, E.P. 338, 435 Nakagawa, K. 335, 430 Nakamoto, T. 488, 489, 493, 511 Nakamura, A. 482, 484, 485, 487, 510 Nakatani, A. 46, 53, 79, 136 Namilae, S. 46, 136 Nastasi, M. 149, 154, 204, 205 Naumenko, S.M. 338, 436 Nawaz, M.H.A. 446, 504 Nayden, E.P. 338, 435 Nazarov, A.A. 51, 52, 64, 120, 136 Needleman, A. 209, 222, 224, 238, 248, 249, 454, 506 Neubert, D. 337, 433
Neumann, F. 443, 448, 503 Newey, C.W.A. 477, 479, 509 Ngan, A.H.W. 446, 449, 467, 504, 505, 507 Nguyen-Manh, D. 175, 205, 448, 449, 451, 452, 464, 483–486, 494, 505, 510, 512 Nicholson, R.B. 274, 328 Nieh, T.G. 46, 110, 136, 138 Nieminen, R.M. 175, 205 Niihara, K. 280, 329 Nikolaev, R.K. 338, 400, 401, 434, 435 Nikolaev, V.I. 338, 399, 400, 434 Nishitani, S.R. 465, 471, 487, 507, 510 Nix, W.D. 149, 204 Noguchi, O. 465, 507 Noll, W. 129, 139 Nomura, M. 488, 510, 511 Norgett, M.J. 495, 496, 512 Nose, S. 56, 137 Novgorodov, V. 494, 512 Nowick, A.S. 302, 330 Nozieres, P. 61, 64, 137 Nye, J.F. 132, 139 Nyilas, K. 497, 513 Ogata, S. 53, 58, 60, 81, 101, 102, 106, 137 Ogawa, T. 176, 205 Ogita, N. 176, 205 Ogurtani, T.O. 161, 205 Oh, D.J. 154, 205, 449, 505 Oh, M.H. 482, 484, 485, 487, 510 Ohashi, T. 238, 242, 249 Ohriner, E.K. 494, 512 Okada, I. 442, 499, 500, 502, 513, 514 Oleinik, I.I. 11, 40 Oliver, P.M. 495, 496, 512 Olson, G.B. 46, 135 Olson, N.J. 420, 437 Omri, M. 281, 329 Orlov, A.M. 338, 386, 419, 434, 435 Orlov, V.I. 338, 386, 419, 435 Orowan, E. 441, 502 Ortiz, M. 60, 137 Osetsky, Y.N. 459, 506 Osip’yan, Yu.A. 335, 337, 338, 384, 386, 400, 419, 430, 433, 435 Otsuka, M. 471, 472, 474, 508 Overhauser, A.W. 495, 512 Oya, Y. 465, 507 Paidar, V. 464–469, 472–474, 482, 486, 490, 492, 493, 506–511 Pakhomov, L.G. 499, 513 Pakhotin, V.A. 421, 427, 437 Palagin, M.Yu. 338, 435
Author Index Palm, M. 482, 509 Palumbo, G. 46, 135 Pan, S. 409, 437 Pan, Y. 499, 500, 513 Pan, Y.C. 161, 205 Panfilov, P. 494, 495, 512 Pang, C.S. 336, 431 Panova, E.V. 471, 508 Panova, J. 482, 483, 510 Panova, Y.V. 471, 472, 474, 508 Papaconstantopoulos, D.A. 58, 62, 67, 134, 137 Parijskii, V.B. 346, 436 Parker, S.C. 495, 496, 512 Parks, D.M. 128, 138, 239, 249 Parrinello, M. 6, 40 Parthasarathy, T.A. 219, 248, 467, 477–480, 507, 509 Pascoe, R.T. 477, 479, 509 Pashley, D.W. 274, 328 Pasianot, R. 449, 466, 505, 507 Patran, O.A. 338, 436 Patriarca, M. 454, 506 Paufler, P. 294, 295, 330 Pavlov, V.A. 336, 431 Pawley, G.S. 209, 248 Paxton, A.T. 466, 483–485, 487, 507, 510 Payne, M.C. 443, 503 Pecherkina, I.L. 336, 431 Peierls, R.E. 314, 330 Peng, L.M. 36, 42 Penisson, J.M. 55, 137 Peralta, P. 488, 511 Perekalina, T.M. 336–338, 341, 343, 348, 352, 428, 431 Perepezko, J.H. 488, 511 Pereturina, I.A. 336, 431 Perrin, R.C. 449, 450, 505 Peschanskaya, N.N. 338, 399–401, 434, 435 Petch, N.J. 46, 135 Petrasch, P. 495, 512 Petrenko, A.G. 338, 401, 403, 434 Petrenko, V.F. 335, 430 Petrovic, J.J. 488, 511 Petrovskii, M.L. 336, 431 Petrzhik, E.A. 335–338, 343, 344, 346–349, 351–354, 377, 380–382, 386–388, 390, 406, 408, 412, 421, 423, 428, 431, 432 Pettifor, D.G. 11, 40, 448, 449, 451, 452, 457–461, 464, 483–486, 494, 505, 506, 510, 512 Peyronneau, J. 295, 330 Phillips, R. 60, 137 Phillpot, S.R. 14, 15, 41, 46, 53, 79, 80, 122, 136, 138
Pichl, W. 446, 452, 503, 504 Pick, R. 447, 505 Pinchuk, A.I. 338, 434 Pizzagalli, L. 443, 503 Plachke, D. 296–298, 300–302, 330 Plimpton, S.J. 19, 41, 66, 73, 79, 81, 137 Poirier, J.-P. 497, 498, 513 Pokhotelov, O.A. 338, 434 Pokhotelov, P.V. 338, 434 Polanyi, M. 441, 502 Pollock, T.M. 476, 508 Pond, R.C. 51, 85, 120–122, 130, 135, 136, 153, 166, 205, 444, 503 Pontikis, V. 64, 137, 209, 248 Pope, D.P. 441, 444, 464–477, 488, 502, 503, 506–508, 510, 511 Porizek, R. 483–486, 510 Postnikov, S.N. 336, 338, 431, 435 Postnikov, V.V. 338, 435, 436 Pratt, P.L. 278, 284, 328, 381, 427, 436, 446, 448, 504 Pretorius, T. 218, 248 Price, C.W. 4, 40 Prince, E. 500, 514 Pristupa, A.I. 415, 437 Proult, A. 279, 287, 289–293, 302, 303, 306, 307, 312, 323, 329, 330 Puls, M.P. 495, 496, 512 Pushnin, I.A. 338, 400, 435 Puska, M.J. 175, 205 Pyper, N.C. 495, 513 Qin, Q. 454, 501, 506, 514 Quiquandon, M. 255, 259, 269, 328 Quivy, A. 278, 279, 328, 329 Raabe, D. 216, 248 Rabier, J. 279–281, 289–294, 296, 299, 302, 303, 306, 307, 312, 323, 329, 330, 443, 495, 503, 512 Rabkin, E. 69, 138 Rabovskaya, M.Y. 471–474, 508 Racherla, V. 453, 454, 501, 505, 514 Radmilovic, V. 149, 204 Rahman, A. 6, 40 Rahmel, A. 482, 509 Ramos, K.J. 500, 514 Randle, V. 46, 48, 49, 69, 90, 128, 135–137 Rao, S.I. 219, 248, 448, 449, 451, 452, 477–480, 482–485, 489, 505, 509–511 Raukhman, M.R. 337, 338, 386, 388, 432 Ravichandran, G. 243, 249 Raymond, A.L. 499, 513
Author Index
Read, W.T. 3, 40, 50, 136 Redfern, S.E. 495, 496, 512 Remington, B.A. 224, 242, 243, 249 Ren, Q. 498, 513 Rengarajan, G. 461–464, 506 Revesz, A. 32, 42 Rhee, M. 209, 212, 214, 217, 219, 224, 248, 249 Rhyne, K.A. 482, 509 Rice, J.R. 21, 41, 58, 124, 137, 193, 205, 454, 506 Richardson, G.Y. 441, 502 Richter, J. 446, 504 Rickman, J.M. 18, 41, 57, 137 Rigsbee, J.M. 153, 205 Ritchie, R.O. 488, 511 Rittner, J.D. 49, 50, 55, 65–67, 75, 136 Rjabinin, L.A. 336, 338, 431 Roberston, C.F. 224, 249 Robertson, J.M. 499, 513 Robinson, P.M. 499, 514 Robur, E.G. 335, 430 Rodney, D. 449, 452, 505 Rodriguez, C.O. 497, 513 Rodriguez, P.L. 449, 505 Rohl, A.L. 498, 513 Rohr, D.L. 494, 512 Rohrer, G.S. 69, 137, 138 Rollett, A.D. 69, 137, 138 Romanov, A.E. 51, 52, 120, 136 Romanov, E.P. 471, 508 Romanov, Y.P. 471, 472, 474, 508 Ronnpagel, D. 218, 248 Rosato, V. 11, 40 Rosenfeld, R. 254, 270, 298, 300, 303, 304, 306, 328, 330 Roth, J. 315–317, 319, 320, 322, 323, 331 Roucau, C. 270, 273, 275, 328 Roundy, D. 101, 138 Routbort, J.L. 494, 512 Rühle, M. 487, 496, 497, 510, 513 Rylov, A.V. 338, 435 Saada, G. 465, 507 Sadoc, J.F. 255, 328 Sagdeev, R.Z. 337, 357, 422, 432 Sakagami, T. 474, 475, 508 Salazar, M. 46, 53, 79, 80, 136 Salikhov, K.M. 337, 357, 422, 432 Samanta, A. 93, 125, 126, 138 Samaras, M. 15, 19, 41 Sangster, M.J.L. 495, 512 Sano, T. 69, 138 Sansoz, F. 46, 79, 91, 117, 136
Sarbu, C. 496, 497, 513 Sarrazin, T. 474, 475, 508 Sastry, S.M.L. 485, 510 Sato, A. 449, 505 Saul, A. 61, 134, 137 Savchenko, I.V. 337, 384, 433 Savino, E.J. 449, 466, 505, 507 Savranskii, S.D. 337, 433 Saylor, D.M. 69, 137, 138 Scandolo, S. 495, 496, 512, 513 Schaaf, G.D. 315–317, 319, 331, 446, 503 Schall, P. 281, 303, 305, 321, 323, 325, 329, 331 Scharff, J. 459, 462, 463, 506 Scharwaechter, P. 326, 331 Schiotz, J. 7, 12, 20, 22, 24, 38, 40, 46, 53, 123, 135 Schlief, R. 337, 433 Schmid, E. 442, 502 Schmidt, C. 55, 73, 137, 138 Schnegg, P.A. 425, 437 Schneibel, J.H. 465, 476, 488, 507, 509, 511 Schneider, M.S. 243, 249 Schoeck, G. 276, 277, 328, 446, 467, 468, 482, 503, 504, 507 Schonberger, U. 55, 75, 77, 137 Schouten, J.A. 130, 131, 139 Schroll, R. 477–481, 509 Schröter, W. 281, 329 Schuh, C.A. 46, 47, 90, 93, 110, 125, 128, 135, 138 Schuller, I.K. 154, 205 Schulze, D. 446, 504 Schuster, J.C. 482, 509 Schutze, M. 482, 509 Schwaiger, R. 125, 138 Schwartz, A.J. 487, 510 Schwartz, D.S. 485, 510 Schwartzkopff, K. 459, 506 Schwarz, K.W. 3, 40, 224, 249 Scott, H.G. 499, 514 Seeger, A. 446, 449, 450, 452, 504, 505 Segall, D.E. 449, 505 Seidman, D.N. 49, 50, 55, 65–67, 75, 136 Sekhar, J.A. 488, 511 Semadeni, F. 287, 329 Semenova, G.V. 338, 435, 436 Sepliarsky, M. 497, 513 Sestak, B. 446, 504 Sewell, T.D. 500, 514 Sgrin’ya, V. 338, 434 Shakhova, A.D. 338, 401, 403, 434 Shalynin, A.I. 337, 433 Shan, Z.W. 125, 138 Shapiro, A.J. 278, 328
Author Index Sharif, A.A. 488, 489, 493, 511 Sharp, E.J. 335, 336, 431 Shavrei, S.D. 338, 434 Shechtman, D. 268, 328 Shehadeh, M.A. 38, 42, 224, 242, 244, 249 Shen, G. 496, 513 Shen, Y.-L. 224, 225, 228, 230, 233, 249 Shenderova, O.A. 51, 120, 136 Shenoy, V. 60, 137 Shewchuk, J.R. 55, 137 Shi, X. 476, 508 Shibuya, S. 282, 290, 329 Shield, J.E. 288, 290, 291, 299, 329, 330 Shih, K.K. 51, 120, 136 Shilkrot, L.E. 60, 137 Shimokawa, T. 46, 53, 79, 136 Shinoda, K. 266, 267, 328 Shirai, Y. 465, 471, 482, 487–489, 493, 507, 509–511 Shizawa, K. 220, 248 Shmurak, S.Z. 338, 385, 386, 400, 435, 436 Shmykov, V.V. 338, 435 Shnyrev, G.D. 336, 338, 431 Shockley, W. 50, 136 Shodja, H.M. 60, 120, 137 Shoykhet, B. 151, 204 Shpeizman, V.V. 338, 400, 401, 434 Shu, J. 496, 513 Shuldiner, A.V. 421, 427, 437 Shumskaya, O.N. 338, 436 Sidorov, V.P. 336, 338, 431 Siedersleben, M.E. 446, 504 Siegel, R.W. 4, 40, 174, 205 Siegl, R. 446, 482, 503 Siethoff, H. 281, 329 Sigle, W. 446, 496, 497, 504, 513 Sikka, V.K. 476, 509 Simmons, J.P. 482, 483, 485, 510 Simonelli, G. 449, 505 Sinclair, J.E. 11, 40, 448, 471, 474, 505 Skvortsov, A.A. 338, 386, 419, 434, 435 Sladek, V. 446, 504 Slater, B. 496, 498, 500, 513, 514 Smallman, R.E. 477, 479, 509 Smirnov, A.E. 337, 338, 391–395, 428, 433, 435, 436 Smirnov, B.I. 338, 399–401, 434 Smirnov, O. 338, 435 Smit, B. 5, 6, 40 Smith, C.S. 46, 135 Smith, E. 128, 129, 132, 135, 138 Smith, G.D. 500, 514 Smolyanskii, A.S. 338, 435 So, C.B. 495, 512
Sob, M. 490, 492, 493, 511 Socolar, J.E.S. 262, 328 Sodani, Y. 466, 507 Soderlind, P. 446, 448–450, 452, 501, 503, 505 Soifer, Ya.M. 337, 384, 433 Soisson, F. 190, 205 Sokolik, I.A. 415, 437 Solomon, I. 337, 433 Solov’ev, A.A. 338, 386, 434 Somigliana, C. 51, 132, 136 Sorensen, M.R. 9, 40 Soullard, J. 495, 512 Spaczer, M. 12, 40, 41, 46, 53, 79, 80, 112, 136 Spaeth, J.M. 426, 437 Spätig, P. 287, 329, 471, 508 Spearot, D.E. 46, 53, 54, 60, 66, 67, 79, 82–89, 100, 101, 103–106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 117, 120–122, 133–135, 137, 138 Specht, P. 443, 503 Spencer, J.A. 110, 138 Spitsin, V.I. 335, 430 Spitzig, W.A. 446, 504 Sriram, S. 482, 487, 510 Srolovitz, D.J. 46, 69, 136, 138, 449, 505 Stachiotti, M.G. 497, 513 Starke, E.A. 482, 509 Startsev, V.I. 346, 436 Statham, C.D. 446, 504 Steblenko, L.P. 335, 338, 430, 436 Stein, D.F. 494, 512 Stein, E. 103, 138 Steiner, U.E. 337, 357, 432 Steinhardt, P.J. 262, 328 Steinmann, P. 103, 129, 138, 139 Stepanov, A.W. 335, 377, 430 Stich, I. 443, 503 Stillinger, F.H. 11, 40 Stobbs, W.M. 55, 68, 69, 137 Stokes, R.J. 284, 329 Stolken, J. 238, 249 Stoloff, N.S. 464, 476, 488, 506, 509 Stone, D.S. 149, 204 Stoneham, A.M. 495, 512, 513 Strachan, A. 449, 453, 505 Straub, W.M. 13, 41 Straumal, B. 55, 73, 137 Street, R.A. 337, 433 Streit, T. 218, 248 Stringer, J. 476, 509 Strobel, C. 280, 329 Stumpf, H. 129, 138, 139, 209, 248 Sun, D.Y. 449, 505 Sun, L. 224, 249
Author Index
Sun, Y.Q. 466, 478, 507, 509 Suresh, S. 13, 41, 53, 93, 123, 125, 126, 137, 138 Suryanarayama, C. 482, 509 Sushkova, T.P. 338, 435 Sutton, A.P. 50, 62, 64, 65, 73, 78, 136, 138, 143, 162, 166, 204, 443, 503 Suzuki, A. 46, 136 Suzuki, H. 448, 505 Suzuki, T. 465, 507 Svetashov, A.A. 338, 401, 402, 404, 434 Swadener, J.G. 154, 191, 205 Swain, M. 295, 330 Swygenhoven, H. 22, 24, 42 Szelestey, P. 454, 506 Ta’asan, S. 69, 138 Tabata, T. 446, 504 Tadmor, E.B. 60, 137 Taeri, S. 496, 497, 513 Taeri-Baghbadrani, S. 496, 513 Takakura, H. 255, 259, 260, 328 Takeuchi, S. 266, 267, 282, 290, 292, 296, 300–302, 314, 315, 318, 319, 321, 322, 327–330, 335, 430, 441, 446, 448, 449, 464, 467, 468, 471, 477, 502, 504–506, 508, 509 Tamaki, S. 442, 502 Tambwe, M.F. 149, 204 Tamura, N. 272, 292, 328, 329 Tamura, R. 296, 314, 319, 321, 330 Tanaka, K. 291, 329, 471, 472, 474, 488, 508, 511 Tanemura, M. 176, 205 Tang, M. 210, 224, 248 Tangney, P. 496, 513 Tangri, K. 47, 136 Tanimoto, Y. 337, 338, 386, 396, 419, 433, 435 Taoka, T. 446, 504 Tatarintsev, A.V. 338, 436 Taylor, G.I. 441, 442, 446, 452, 476, 482, 502, 504, 510 Taylor, R. 448, 449, 505 Teichmann, H. 337, 433 Terman, Yu.A. 338, 435 Ternes, K. 477, 479, 509 Tersoff, J. 11, 40, 224, 249 Tete, C. 281, 329 Texier, M. 287, 289–297, 299, 302, 306, 307, 312, 323, 329, 330 Tharmalingam, K.K. 500, 514 Thetford, R. 448–450, 505 Thilly, L. 292–294, 296, 299, 306, 312, 330 Thom, A.J. 488, 511 Thoma, D.J. 488, 511
Thomas, G.J. 4, 40, 68, 69, 137 Thomson, R. 495, 512 Tian, X.G. 449, 505 Tichy, G. 465, 469, 471, 507, 508 Tildesley, D.J. 54, 137, 154, 205 Timofeev, N. 494, 512 Tinte, S. 497, 513 Tomalin, D.S. 446, 504 Tomar, V. 61, 110, 134, 137, 138 Tommasi, A. 497, 498, 513 Tonda, H. 463, 506 Tondellier, T. 279, 329 Trebin, H. 323, 331 Trebin, H.R. 262, 315–317, 319, 320, 322, 323, 328, 330, 331, 446, 503 Trefilov, A.V. 446, 503 Tretjak, O.V. 337, 433 Tribel, M.M. 415, 437 Troitskii, O.A. 335, 430 Tsai, A.P. 255, 259, 260, 278, 292, 296, 319, 321, 328–330 Tsai, D.H. 57, 137 Tschopp, M.A. 46, 53–55, 73, 77, 79, 89, 92, 94–99, 101, 103–106, 108–110, 114–117, 127, 128, 133–135, 137, 138 Tsuji, T. 88, 138 Tucker, G.J. 115, 127, 128, 133, 138 Turner, D.E. 459, 462, 463, 506 Turskaya, T.N. 338, 435 Tvergaard, V. 454, 506 Tyapunina, N.A. 335, 338, 377, 401–403, 430, 434 Tyutyunik, A.V. 352, 377, 382, 436 Uberuaga, B.P. 9, 40 Uesugi, T. 459, 506 Ullmaier, H. 174–176, 205 Ulrich, T. 337, 357, 432 Umakoshi, Y. 444, 464, 465, 471, 472, 474–477, 503, 507–509 Unal, O. 488, 511 Ungar, T. 32, 42, 497, 513 Urabe, N. 214, 248 Urakaev, F.Kh. 426, 437 Urban, K. 254, 270, 272–275, 281, 292–298, 300, 302–308, 315–319, 321–323, 325, 328–331 Urusovskaya, A.A. 335–341, 343, 348, 352, 364, 377, 391–395, 428, 430, 431, 433, 435, 436 Vailhe, C. 477–481, 509 Valencia, J.J. 482, 509 Valiev, R.Z. 4, 40, 51, 52, 120, 136 Van Bueren, H.G. 381, 427, 436
Author Index Van der Giessen, E. 209, 222, 224, 238, 239, 248, 249 van der Merwe, J.H. 151, 204 Vanderschaeve, G. 270, 274, 307, 328, 330, 474, 475, 508 Van Petegem, S. 12, 15, 19, 31–33, 36, 37, 41, 42 van Schilfgaarde, A. 446, 466, 471, 503 Van Swygenhoven, H. 3, 6, 12–15, 17–25, 28–38, 40–42, 46, 53, 58, 79, 80, 90, 112, 115, 122, 123, 128, 136, 138 Van Vliet, K.J. 53, 137 Vasudevan, A.K. 474, 475, 488, 508, 511 Vasudevan, V.K. 482, 487, 510 Vegge, T. 46, 53, 123, 135 Vergobbi, B. 497, 513 Vesely, D. 446, 504 Veyssiere, P. 279, 329, 441, 464, 465, 486, 502, 506, 507, 510 Victoria, M. 12, 31, 41, 224, 249 Viguier, B. 487, 510 Villars, P. 488, 511 Vinogradov, V.N. 338, 401, 402, 434 Vitek, V. 21, 41, 50, 62, 64, 65, 73, 78, 136, 138, 193, 205, 441–454, 457–461, 464–469, 471–475, 477–486, 488, 490, 492–494, 501–512 Vladimirov, V.I. 51, 52, 120, 136 Voloshin, A.E. 338, 435 Voloshina, T.V. 338, 436 Volterra, V. 51, 132, 136, 441, 502 von Stebut, J. 280, 329 Voronoi, G. 12, 41 Voska, P. 339–341, 364, 436 Voska, R. 337, 338, 343, 347, 348, 406, 431 Voskoboinikov, R.E. 459, 506 Voter, A.F. 9, 40, 58, 134, 137, 154, 205 Waghmare, U.V. 446, 489, 491, 492, 503, 512 Wagner, J.W. 154, 205 Walker, A.M. 496, 498, 500, 513, 514 Walker, J.A. 225, 249 Wang, C.Y. 446, 448, 503 Wang, C.Z. 449, 453, 505 Wang, G.F. 453, 505 Wang, G.J. 50, 62, 136 Wang, H. 154, 191, 205 Wang, H.Y. 209, 248 Wang, K.M. 462, 506 Wang, L. 153, 205 Wang, R. 270, 272, 274, 307, 328 Wang, S.Y. 446, 448, 503 Wang, Y.C. 154, 205 Wang, Y.M. 12, 37, 38, 41, 42, 46, 125, 135, 138
Wang, Y.Q. 154, 191, 205 Wang, Z. 270, 328 Wark, J. 243, 249 Warner, D.H. 46, 136 Wasilewski, R.J. 477, 479, 509 Wasserbäch, W. 214, 248 Watanabe, T. 47, 128, 136, 287, 329 Watson, G.W. 495, 496, 512 Webb III, E.B. 57, 58, 137 Weber, E.R. 443, 503 Weber, T.A. 11, 40 Wee, D.M. 465, 471, 507 Weertman, J. 3, 40, 60, 120, 137, 214, 248 Weertman, J.R. 3, 19, 40, 46, 53, 79, 136 Weller, M. 302, 303, 330 Wen, M. 449, 467, 505, 507 Wenk, H.R. 496, 513 Wereszczak, A.A. 488, 511 Westbrook, J.H. 335, 430, 464, 506 Weygand, D. 13, 41 Whang, S.H. 482, 510 Wheeler, R. 474, 475, 508 Whelan, M.J. 274, 328 White, C.L. 494, 512 Wiezorek, J.M.K. 471, 472, 474, 508 Williams, D.E. 499, 514 Williams, J.C. 482, 509 Willis, J.R. 151, 204 Wilsdorf, H.G.F. 467, 507 Wilson, F.H. 77, 138 Winnacker, J. 409, 437 Wirth, B.D. 224, 225, 249 Witworth, R.W. 335, 377, 430 Woirgard, J. 497, 513 Wolf, B. 294, 295, 330 Wolf, D. 14, 15, 20, 41, 46, 53, 55, 63, 79, 80, 122, 136–138 Wolf, D.E. 61, 64, 137 Wolf, U. 55, 69, 71–73, 75, 77, 137, 138 Wollgarten, M. 254, 270, 272, 273, 275, 293, 294, 296, 298, 300, 302–304, 306, 307, 315, 316, 325, 328, 330, 331 Woo, C.H. 449, 467, 495, 496, 505, 507, 512 Wooding, S.J. 459, 462, 506 Woodward, C. 219, 248, 448, 449, 451, 452, 478, 480, 483, 484, 494, 505, 509, 510, 512 Woodward, J. 485, 510 Wosinski, T. 337, 433 Wright, K. 496, 498, 500, 513, 514 Wright, R.N. 488, 511 Wu, D.H. 482, 484, 486, 487, 509 Wu, X.L. 20, 37, 41, 42 Wu, Z.L. 465, 471, 507 Wüthrich, C. 449, 450, 505
530 Wynblatt, P.
Author Index 69, 137
Xie, Z.Y. 478, 509 Xu, G. 53, 137 Xu, K.-W. 79, 138 Xu, W. 448, 449, 505 Xu, X. 443, 503 Xu, X.L. 153, 205 Yakovenkova, L.I. 471–474, 508 Yakushev, P.N. 338, 435 Yamaguchi, M. 444, 461–463, 465, 466, 468, 469, 471, 472, 474–477, 482, 484–489, 493, 497, 503, 506–511 Yamakov, V. 12, 20, 22, 38, 41, 46, 53, 79, 80, 122, 136, 138 Yamamoto, A. 255, 259, 260, 328 Yamane, Y.T. 474, 475, 508 Yan, J.A. 446, 448, 503 Yan, L. 224, 225, 228, 230, 233, 249 Yan, M. 477, 509 Yan, Y. 270, 328 Yang, L.H. 446, 448–450, 452, 501, 503, 505 Yang, W. 272, 274, 307, 328 Yano, H. 488, 489, 493, 511 Yano, T. 488, 489, 493, 511 Yasin, H. 222, 226, 249 Ye, Y.Y. 459, 462, 463, 506 Yefimov, S. 239, 249 Yermakov, A. 494, 512 Yin, L. 453, 454, 501, 505 Yip, S. 9, 40, 53, 57, 58, 60, 81, 101, 102, 106, 137, 213, 248, 441–443, 446, 448, 449, 452, 453, 502, 503, 505 Yokoshima, S. 482, 484, 487, 509
Yokoyama, Y. 292, 294, 296, 329, 330 Yoo, M.H. 441, 456, 459, 461–464, 466, 467, 488, 502, 506, 507, 511 Yoshimi, K. 488, 511 Youngdahl, C.J. 36, 42 Yu, Z.W. 153, 205 Yurechko, M. 292, 329 Zagoruiko, N.V. 335, 343, 347, 382, 431 Zakrevskii, V.A. 421, 426, 427, 437 Zarubova, N. 446, 504 Zbib, H.M. 161, 205, 209, 210, 212, 214, 216–227, 229, 230, 238, 242, 248, 249 Zee, R.H. 488, 511 Zel’dovich, Ya.B. 337, 357, 411, 422, 432 Zhang, B.L. 462, 506 Zhang, H. 46, 69, 136, 138 Zhang, H.T. 446, 504 Zhang, J.-M. 79, 138 Zhang, X. 154, 191, 205 Zhang, Z. 272, 328 Zhang, Z.L. 496, 513 Zhou, M. 57, 61, 110, 134, 137, 138 Zhou, Y. 46, 135 Zhu, Q.Y. 20, 41 Zhu, T. 9, 40, 53, 93, 125, 126, 137, 138 Zhulikov, S.E. 337, 341, 373–377, 382–386, 415, 416, 420, 421, 424, 426, 433, 436 Zhurkin, E.E. 14, 41 Zilpmiani, D.O. 338, 434 Zimmerman, J.A. 57–59, 81, 93, 95, 124, 137, 138 Znam, S. 446, 482–486, 503, 510 Zuev, L.B. 335, 430
Subject Index ¯ diad 448 [101] 1/2111 screw dislocations 446 (111) slip plane 87 3D dislocation dynamics 210 9R phase 71 α-geometry 156, 159 γ -TiAl 481 γ -surface 443 3 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries
atomic jump frequency 126 atomic level mechanisms 46 atomic shuffling 53 atomic shuffling and localized free volume migration 24 atomic slip vector 81 atomic visualization 14 atomistic simulation 4 atomistic simulations 47, 79, 213 auxiliary stress 227
A15 471 ABAB stacking sequence 84 activation energy 125, 276, 288, 291, 292, 313– 315, 317, 319, 322 activation enthalpy 277, 290, 291, 302, 303, 312 activation parameters 289, 300 activation volume 37, 125, 276, 277, 287, 289– 291, 297, 298, 300, 302, 313–317, 321, 322 activation volumes and activation energies for dislocation nucleation 126 active – deformation 337, 390, 391, 393, 395, 396, 428 – loading 338, 355, 390, 396–399, 415–417, 428 – magnetosensitive centers 359, 367, 381, 408, 425 – pinning center 427, 428 Al3 Ti 465, 474 Al3 V 474 aluminum 63 amorphous material 254 angular bonding 483 anholonomic 129 anisotropy 73 anthracene 499 antiphase boundary 274, 465, 471, 482 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries 69 asymmetric tilt grain boundaries in copper and aluminum 71 asymmetric tilt grain boundary energies 73 asymmetric tilt grain boundary structures 133 asymmetry in dislocation nucleation stress between tension and compression 110 athermal propagation 25 atomic coordination 16 atomic force microscopy 295
B2 (CsCl) structure 476 back stress 225 basal plane 455, 456, 471 base centered monoclinic 499 BaTiO3 496 BCC-derivative 476 BCC metals 446 BDT 279–281, 284, 287, 295, 312 bending of microbeams 238 biaxial elastic constant 151 bicrystal boundary 85 bicrystal interface structures 55 body-centered-tetragonal C11b structure 488 bond-order potential (BOP) 482 bond-order potentials 448 boundary unit cells 144 brittle-to-ductile transition 279, 280, 293, 295 brittleness 280, 281, 296, 312 Brocklehurst – mechanism 422, 428 – model 423, 425 – spin relaxation 422 Buckingham potential 499 bulk crystal 112 Burger circuit analyses 119 Burgers vector 169, 210, 214, 220, 265, 303 Burgers vector content 118 c + a dislocations 456 calculated activation energies 126 calculated X-ray diffraction 32 centro-symmetric parameter 19 centrosymmetry parameter 66, 73 channeled flow 488 531
Subject Index
chemical stress 313, 320 Christoffel symbols 131 cleavage 494 climb 263, 307, 309, 318, 320, 327 climb dissociation 496 cluster 316 cluster compaction 14 cluster model 315 coherency strain energy 148 coherency stresses 147 coherent and incoherent twin boundary facets 74 coherent interfaces 146 coherent twin boundary 70 coincident lattice site 79 coincident site lattice 49, 143 common neighbor analysis 17 compatibility 128 complex stacking fault (CSF) 465, 471, 482 compression 292 compression tests 279, 282, 292, 293 confining pressure 279, 280, 292–294, 307, 312, 313 confining pressures 279 conjugate gradient method 55 connectivity of free volume 127 constant temperature (NPT) ensemble 56 continuum field theory 118, 128, 135 continuum mechanics 221 continuum plasticity 221, 222 copper 63 core size 220 core spreading 199, 445 Cottrell–Stokes 284, 287, 300 Coulomb interactions 495 covalent directional bonding 461 covariant derivative 129 crack 211, 280, 281, 294, 312, 313 crack healing 311 creep 288, 289, 299, 302, 325, 327, 338, 390, 399–401 creep test or strain-rate jump 276 critical film thickness 149 cross-slip 217, 243, 467 crystal plasticity 209, 210, 224, 239, 501 CSL description 66 current configuration 129 CuZn 476 cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX) 500 damage parameter 113 damping matrix 215 d–d electronic interactions Debye frequency 218 Debye model 213
decagonal 270, 275, 292 decagonal quasicrystal 266 defect annihilation 183 defect delocalization 179 defect interactions 183 deformation bands 311 deformation map 39 deformation regimes 300 degenerate 450 degrees of freedom 144 degrees of freedom of a grain boundary 49 delocalization of the interface 50 density-wave 259 development of such empirical inter-atomic potentials 11 DFT based ab initio 482 DFT based methods 448 dielectric polarization 495 differential displacements 449 diffraction 254, 261 diffraction properties 255 diffusion 277, 279, 288, 313 director vector 129 disclination dipoles 117, 135 disclination-structural unit model 51 disclinations 51 disconnections 51, 152 discretization 214 dislocation 209 dislocation collisions 214 dislocation core 211, 441 dislocation density 247, 281, 300, 303, 321, 323, 324, 326 dislocation dipole 306 dislocation dynamics 209–211, 221 dislocation equation of motion 212 dislocation glide 302, 313, 314, 323, 327 dislocation image stress 221 dislocation interaction 211 dislocation loops 84 dislocation mechanism without debris 37 dislocation mechanisms 209 dislocation mobility 212, 220, 254, 281, 284 dislocation nucleation 20, 23, 60 dislocation nucleation from grain boundaries 47 dislocation nucleation mechanisms 91 dislocation nucleation phenomena 93 dislocation pileups 53 dislocation propagation 20 dislocation reactions 125 dislocation stress 215, 216 dislocation structure 243 dislocation velocity 323
Subject Index dislocation–defect interaction 217 dislocation–impurity – interaction 337 – system 337, 357, 375, 384, 388, 390, 412, 421, 422 dislocations 455 dislocations and disclinations 135 displacement vectors 265 disregistry 170, 197, 445 disregistry interface dislocations 164 dissociated interface structure 66 dissociations 311 distribution of grain boundary free volume 127 d–p electronic interactions 483 DO19 structure 471 DO22 471 DO22 structure 474 DO23 471 DO3 471 drag coefficient 213 driving force 212 D structural unit 75 EAM type 482 edge and screw dislocations 81 edge dislocation 213 effective stress 313 eigenstrain field 225 eigenstress 223 elastic constants 58 elastic waves 243 elasto-viscoplasticity 221 electric influence on magnetoplasticity 381 electron drag 213 electrostatic interactions 500 elemental metals 500 embedded atom method 11, 55, 449 Embedded Atom Method (EAM) potentials 154 empirical potentials 10 energetic material 500 energy minimization 48 entropy 277, 291, 292, 302 equilibrium defect concentration 188 equilibrium lattice parameter 58 Escaig–Friedel 218 ESR 341, 416 – conditions 417 – method 419 – properties 416, 429 – scheme 337, 419 – signal 426 – type resonance 337, 415, 420 E structural unit 79 Ewald method 495
exponent n 287 extrapolation of simulation stress–strain curves towards experimental stress–strain curves 38 fault energies 311 fayalite 497 FCC materials 53 FeAl 476 Fibonacci chain 255, 261 finite domains 222 Finnis–Sinclair 448 flow stress 277, 279, 284, 286, 287, 289, 295, 296, 298–300, 313, 320, 321 forsterite 497 fracture 279, 280, 282, 292, 295, 296, 307 fragmentation 295 Frank vector 132 Frank–Bilby equation 166, 167 Frank–Bilby operator 167 free energy 302 free enthalpy 276 free surface effects 224, 225 free surfaces 222 free volume 19, 112 friction stress 322, 323 fringe contrast 274 full dislocation activity 20 GB plane 91 GB Shockley partial dislocation 93 GB sliding 53 generalized image stress analysis 229, 231 generalized stacking fault 443 generalized stacking fault energy 20 geometrical construction 12 geometrically necessary dislocation density 119 geometrically necessary dislocation tensor 130 Gibbs free energy 291 glide 263, 311 glissile partial dislocations 100 glissile-to-sessile 467 gradient of free volume 114 gradient plasticity 238 grain boundaries 46, 224, 235 grain boundaries and triple junctions 112 grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials 80 grain boundary deformation mechanisms 46 grain boundary degrees of freedom 54 grain boundary dislocations 135 grain boundary engineering 47 grain boundary inclination 73 grain boundary structure 54 grown-in twin structures 28
Subject Index
HV 280 Hall–Petch 236, 237 hardening 282, 323 hardness 280, 294 heat of activation 299 heterogeneous dislocation nucleation 95, 100 heterogeneous internal stress 221 heterogeneous materials 223 heterogeneous nucleation 500 hexamine 499 high hardness 281 high pressure 500 high strain rate 38, 224 high-resolution transmission electron microscopy 64 higher order gradients 132 homogeneous dislocation nucleation 47, 100 homogeneous solution 223 homogenized 221 homophase low-angle tilt and twist grain boundaries 50 Hooke’s law 222 hydrostatic pressure 501
interface shear mechanisms 196 interface shear strength 193, 196 interface strength model 112 interface structures in copper 63 interfaces 211, 222 interfacial free volume 133 intergranular fracture 494 intermediate configuration 129 intermetallic compounds 481 internal friction 338, 390, 401–404 internal stress 221, 287, 300, 305, 313, 321, 322, 324 internal surfaces 222 interstitial formation energies 176 intrinsic and unstable stacking fault energies 58 intrinsic stacking fault 50 intrinsic stacking fault facets 66 inverse brittle-to-ductile transition 496 ionic crystals 493, 500 iridium 493 isobaric–isothermal equations of motion 60 isotopic effect 420 jog-pair
icosahedral 259, 270 icosahedral clusters 259 icosahedral phase 254 icosahedral quasicrystal 259 icosahedral structure 259, 266, 267 ideal shear strength 102 ideal shear strength of aluminum 81 image force 211, 226 image stress 225 imperfect dislocation 267 imperfect dislocations 263, 265, 274, 307 implicit–explicit integration scheme 220 important differences between experimental and computational samples 38 in-situ X-ray powder diffraction 37 inclination of the boundary plane 54 incoherent interfaces 152 incoherent twin boundary 71 indentation 281, 294, 295 indentation experiments 280 indentations 280 infinitesimal dislocation loop 232 interactions with interfaces 223 interatomic potential 54 interface dislocation 169 interface dislocation content 169 interface dislocation spacing 168 interface dislocations 161, 163, 165, 171 interface energy 61 interface energy surface 194
Kear–Wilsdorf locks 467 kinetic energy 58 Koehler forces 151 Kurdjumov–Sachs 152, 153 L10 structure 481 L12 (Cu3 Au-type) 464 lamellar structure 471, 482 lattice curvature 51 lattice deformation 128 lattice orientation 112 layered composites 147 leading partial 22 ledge structure 24 lengthscale restrictions 9 linear connection 131 load relaxation 277, 284, 295, 297 local stress and strain 18 localization 322 Lomer dislocations 149, 151, 152 long-range interactions 219 longitudinal sound velocity 213 longitudinal spin relaxation 422–424, 428 low-angle grain boundaries 236, 496 LR 286, 287, 291, 295, 297–300 LR technique 277 lumped mass 215 magnesium oxide
Subject Index magnetic influence on – crack propagation 338 – dislocation mobility 337, 342, 420 – dislocation multiplication 402 – macroplasticity 336, 338, 349, 390 – real structure 338 – strain rate 391, 396, 399 – twinning processes 338 magnetic memory – effect 338, 354, 360, 368, 370, 373–375, 377, 384, 386, 397, 400, 402, 418 – resonance 419 magnetic strengthening 360 magnetoplasticity under electric field 377 maximum Schmid factor 93 maximum tensile stress for bicrystal interfaces 113 MD 4, 7 MD simulations 36 mechanical properties 275, 276, 279, 292, 312, 313 mechanical spectroscopy 302 metal-matrix 225 metal-matrix composites 224 metallic alloys 500 metastable fault 444 MGPT 448 micromorphic 129 micro-sized beam-bending 238 minimum energy configuration 55 misfit dislocations 146, 151 misfit strain 151 misorientation 133 misorientation angle 48 misorientation axis 48 mixed tilt and twist character 50 Mn3 Sn 471 mobility of dislocation 214 models 445 molecular crystals 493, 500 molecular dynamics (MD) 3, 53 molecular dynamics simulations 47 molybdenum silicides 488 multi-anvils 292 multiple slip 327 multiplicative decomposition 128 multiscale 209, 223, 238 Nabarro–Herring 288, 290 nanocrystalline 3 nanocrystalline materials 69 nanocrystalline sample construction nanoindentation 125, 295 nanomechanics 132
nanoporous zeolite 500 nanoscale 46 nanostructure 46 naphthalene 499 negative magnetoplastic effect 368, 388, 429 net Burgers vector 119 Neumann’s principle 443, 448 Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion 54 Ni3 Al (γ ) 464 Ni3 V 474 NiAl 476 Nishiyama–Wassermann 152, 153 non-glide direction stress components 101 nonlocal effects 219 non-Riemannian dislocation theories 129 non-Schmid character 101 non-Schmid components 101 non-Schmid effects 133 non-Schmid parameters 113 normal factor 102 NPT ensemble 56 nucleated homogeneously 500 nucleation 24 nucleation of partial dislocations 79 nucleation of partial dislocations from interfaces 79 Nye tensor 130 olivine 497 ordering of structural units 79 ordinary dislocations 482 Orowan loops 225 Orowan strengthening 225 orthorhombic 497, 500 osmotic force 211, 216 oxides 495 Parrinello–Rahman technique 6 partial dislocation 500 partial dislocation activity 20 partial dislocation content 51 Paterson 292 Peach–Koehler force 215, 234 Peierls 211 Peierls barrier 213, 441 Peierls equation 445 Peierls stress 441 Peierls–Nabarro 314, 445 perfect and imperfect dislocations 263 perfect dislocation 264, 266, 267, 270, 304 perfect ones 265 periodic boundary conditions 60 peritectic reaction 278, 292
Subject Index
perovskite 496, 498 perpendicular space 255 phason 256, 265 phason dispersion 265, 267, 312 phason stress 313, 319 phason wall 264, 266, 267, 274, 307 phonon drag 213 phonon spectrum 213 photo– conductivity 415 – current 337 – magnetoplasticity 384, 386 physical space 255 pile-ups 225 pinning points 467 pinning stress 362–364, 366, 381 pinning/depinning occurs 25 plastic deformation 441 plastic spin 219 plastic strain 219, 221, 248 plastic strain rate 219 plastic yielding 441 plasticity 209, 224, 227 plasticity modeling 323 point defects 175 polarized 450 polyethylene 500 poly-synthetically twinned (PST) single crystals 482 pop-in events 295 positional disorder 18 potential energy of a set of atoms 58 potentials for nitramines 500 power law 276, 288, 324 primary slip systems 90 prism plane 456, 472 prismatic 471 prismatic dislocation loops 227 propagating dislocations that have nucleated at grain boundaries 24 propagation 24 Pt3 Al 465 pure climb 305 pyramidal 471 pyramidal planes 456, 473 quantum mechanical calculations 213 quasicrystals 254 quasiperiodic order 255 quasistatic loading conditions 61 quenching from the melt 14 rate and temperature sensitivity rate-limiting processes 39
recoverable peak broadening 37 relaxation 325 relaxation peak 303 relaxation time 326 relay-race dislocation motion 352, 354, 356–358, 426 representative volume element 219 residual contrast 273 rest energy 213 rhombohedral 278, 284 ringwoodite 497 rock salt structure 495 rules of contrast 272 sample rotation in magnetic field 405–409, 413, 424, 425 sapphire 501 scattering intensity 32 Schmid factor 54, 102, 247 Schmid factor analysis 90 Schmid law 442 secondary interface dislocations 66 secondary slip plane 99 semicoherent interfaces 146 sensitive magnetic field 338 sequence effects in dislocation nucleation 119 sessile 467 sessile core 462 shear tests 293 shell model 495 shock loading 246, 500 shock waves 223, 242 Shockley partial edge dislocations 88 Shockley partials 441, 460 Shoeck–Seeger 219 short-range interaction 214 silicates 497 simulations 46 single crystal 100 single-phase 482 single quasicrystal 278, 292, 293, 295, 302, 324 single-quasicrystalline 294 single-quasicrystals 296 single slip 323 size effects 223, 224 slip rotation 244, 246 small volumes 242 sodium chloride 495 softening 287, 289, 293, 296, 297, 312, 321–325 softening effect 298 softening stage 287 source/sink model 118 special grain boundaries 47
Subject Index spin – conversion 357, 382, 421, 422 – evolution 337, 357, 388, 405, 411, 415, 416, 418, 422, 427, 428 – exclusion 337, 368 – lattice relaxation 411–414, 425, 429 – relaxation 405, 421, 422 – transformation 359, 394, 404, 415, 420, 425, 427 – transitions 337, 341, 390, 416, 418, 421 spinel 497 splitting 441 SRC 298, 300 SRS 298 SrTiO3 496 stacking fault 441 stacking fault energy 20, 220 stacking fault-like defects 477, 482 stair rod 88 statistical approach 128 step 120 stereographic triangle 100 stochastic discrete dislocation dynamics 218 stochastic dislocation dynamics 216 stochastic force 217 strain localization 244 strain softening 282 strain-gradient 224 strain-hardening 322, 324 strain-rate change (SRC) 284, 297 strain-rate jump 277 strain-rate jumps 277, 299 strain-rate sensitivity 276, 298 strain-softening 290, 324, 325, 327 strength of coherent composites 150 stress concentrations at ledges and triple junctions 115 stress exponent 277, 288–290, 298, 299, 323 stress–strain 281, 282, 293, 296, 326 stress–strain curve 282, 284, 287, 292, 293, 296, 322, 324, 325 strong extinction 272 structural unit 75, 84 structural unit model 50, 65 superdislocation 310, 466, 472, 482, 485 superlattice extrinsic stacking fault 487 superlattice intrinsic stacking fault (SISF) 472 superlattice (SISF) 465, 482 superpartials 466, 472 surface energy 71 switching effect 347, 349, 382, 383, 386, 427 symmetric and asymmetric tilt grain boundaries 133 symmetric incoherent twin boundary 70
symmetric tilt grain boundaries 59 symmetry 444 symmetry-dictated minima 444 temperature regimes 300 tensile deformation 85 tension–compression asymmetry 109, 464 tension–compression asymmetry of dislocation nucleation 110, 134 tension–compression asymmetry of trailing partial emission 117 tension/compression asymmetry 454 tetragonal 481 thermal activation 125 thermal expansion 225 thermal fluctuation 126 thermal force 216 thermal mean-square-displacement (MSD) of grain boundary atoms 36 thermal stresses 225 thermally activated dislocation nucleation 133 threading dislocations 149 three-fold screw axis 448 threshold magnetic field 349, 388, 392, 394, 402, 412–415, 418, 425 Ti3 Al 471 TiAl 471 tilt boundaries in FCC metals 51 tilt walls 236 timescale restriction inherent to MD 38 timescale restrictions 7 trailing partial dislocation 22, 83 transmission electron microscopy 55 transverse sound velocity 213 transverse spin relaxation 422 twin faults 23 twin migration 28 twin nuclei 475 twinning 482 twinning–antitwinning asymmetry 448 uniaxial tension and compression 61 unsaturated d-bonds 494 unstable stacking fault energy 28, 59 unzipping 356, 357, 359, 381, 382, 390, 395, 425–427 upper mantle of the Earth 497 upper yield stress 279, 282, 287, 289, 293, 296, 297, 299 vacancies 309 vacancy formation energies 176 Van der Waals intermolecular forces
Subject Index
Verlet and Gear predictor/corrector integrators 5 Vernier misfits 154 vibrational density of states 34 vibrational properties of the grain boundary region 35 virial stress 57 viscoplasticity 223 visualization methods 36 voids 222 Volterra dislocation 254 Volterra process 254, 262–264 Voronoi construction 12, 13 Voronoi polyhedra 176 vortex electric fields 335, 347, 381, 382, 384, 428 vortical relaxations 155
weak extinction 272 Williamson–Hall anisotropy 33, 37 Williamson–Hall plot 32 work-hardening 287, 296–298, 321, 323–325 work per unit volume required for dislocation emission 91 work-softening 314 X-ray diffraction 31 X-ray irradiation 409, 410, 423 yield criteria 501 yield point 281–284, 287, 289, 293, 298, 300, 303, 312, 321–327 yield strength asymmetry 110 yield stress 464