Landolt-Börnstein Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology New Series / Editor in Chief: W. Martienssen
Group IV: Physical Chemistry Volume 21
Virial Coefficients of Pure Gases and Mixtures Subvolume A Virial Coefficients of Pure Gases J. H. Dymond, K. N. Marsh, R. C. Wilhoit, K. C. Wong
Edited by M. Frenkel and K.N. Marsh
Copyright@2002 by the Secretary of Commerce on Behalf of the United States Government. All rights reserved. The National Standard Reference Data Series provides quantitative data on the physical and chemical properties of materials, compiled from the world’s literature and critically evaluated. Developed under a worldwide program coordinated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under the authority of the National Standard Data Act (Public Law 15 USC 290). The data and other information in this set of tables have been carefully extracted from the original literature and evaluated by experts. Furthermore, they have been checked for correctness by the evaluators and editorial staff before printing. Neither the publishers, nor the editors, not its evaluators warrant or present, expressly or implied, the correctness or accuracy of the content of information in this series, not its fitness for any use or for any purpose, nor can they accept any liability or responsibility whatever for the consequences of its use or misuse by anyone. In any individual case of application, the respective user must check the correctness by consulting other relevant sources of information.
ISSN 1615-2018 (Physical Chemistry) ISBN 3-540-43345-7 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Neue Serie Editor in Chief: W. Martienssen Vol. IV/21A: Editors: M. Frenkel, K.N. Marsh At head of title: Landolt-Börnstein. Added t.p.: Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology. Tables chiefly in English. Intended to supersede the Physikalisch-chemische Tabellen by H. Landolt and R. Börnstein of which the 6th ed. began publication in 1950 under title: Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geophysik und Technik. Vols. published after v. 1 of group I have imprint: Berlin, New York, Springer-Verlag Includes bibliographies. 1. Physics--Tables. 2. Chemistry--Tables. 3. Engineering--Tables. I. Börnstein, R. (Richard), 1852-1913. II. Landolt, H. (Hans), 1831-1910. III. Physikalisch-chemische Tabellen. IV. Title: Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology. QC61.23 502'.12 62-53136 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from SpringerVerlag. Violations are liable for prosecution act under German Copyright Law. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York a member of BertelsmannSpringer Science+Business Media GmbH © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002 Printed in Germany The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Product Liability: The data and other information in this handbook have been carefully extracted and evaluated by experts from the original literature. Furthermore, they have been checked for correctness by authors and the editorial staff before printing. Nevertheless, the publisher can give no guarantee for the correctness of the data and information provided. In any individual case of application, the respective user must check the correctness by consulting other relevant sources of information. Cover layout: Erich Kirchner, Heidelberg Typesetting: Authors and Redaktion Landolt-Börnstein, Darmstadt Printing: Computer to plate, Mercedes-Druck, Berlin Binding: Lüderitz & Bauer, Berlin SPIN: 10693952
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Editors M. Frenkel Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC), Physical and Chemical Properties Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, 80305-3328, USA
K.N. Marsh former Thermodynamics Research Center The Texas A&M University System College Station, Texas 77843-3111, USA now Department of Chemical and Process Engineering University of Canterbury Christchurch, New Zealand
Authors J.H. Dymond Department of Chemistry University of Glasgow Glasgow United Kingdom
R.C. Wilhoit Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC), Physical and Chemical Properties Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, 80305-3328, USA
K.N. Marsh and K.C. Wong Department of Chemical and Process Engineering University of Canterbury Christchurch, New Zealand
Landolt-Börnstein Editorial Office Gagernstr. 8, D-64283 Darmstadt, Germany fax: +49 (6151) 171760 e-mail:
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This critical compilation of virial coefficients of pure gases is a sequel to The Virial Coefficients of Pure Gases and Mixtures, by J.H. Dymond and E.B. Smith (Oxford University Press, 1979). This new and enlarged edition was prepared from the virial coefficient database at the Thermodynamics Research Center, formerly at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas and now located at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado. The virial coefficient data in this compilation will be of interest to the theoretical chemist as it includes the many sets of accurate gas imperfection data which have been determined over the past twenty years by improved methods of gas density determination, by isochoric Burnett coupling methods and from speed of sound measurements, as well as by the more traditional techniques. The needs of the industrial chemist are met by these more reliable data and also the increased number of compounds for which data are now available. For each compound, the second and third virial coefficient data from different published sources are tabulated in increasing order of temperature, and an estimate of the uncertainty is given. Conversion to a uniform set of units is undertaken where necessary. In the majority of cases, where the data cover a sufficiently wide range of temperature, a weighted data fit has been made for the second virial coefficients, and coefficients of the given equation are recorded. Values of the second virial coefficient given by the equation at selected temperatures are quoted. This volume includes material published up to the end of 1998. While every effort has been made to see that the tables are free from error, it is unlikely that there will be no omissions or mistakes. We would appreciate it if corrections could be brought to our attention. Christchurch, New Zealand and Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 2001
The Editors
Acknowledgments The authors wish to express their sincere appreciation to the University of Canterbury for the award of a Visiting Erskine Fellowship to JHD to enable a leave at the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering and an award of an Erskine Grant to KNM. Our special thanks are due to Derek Caudwell, Barbara Clark, Christine Nichol and Ruba Vigneswaran for their assistance in formatting the text, preparing the graphs, checking the data, and composing the camera-ready copy of the manuscript. The facilities provided by the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Canterbury are gratefully acknowledged. Christchurch, New Zealand and Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 2001
J.H. Dymond, K.N. Marsh, R.C. Wilhoit, K.C. Wong
1.1 Gas Imperfections
1 Introduction The p-V-T behaviour of real gases is a topic that has concerned physicists and chemists for more than a century. Some of this interest has arisen from the importance of the study of gas imperfections in the elucidation of the forces between molecules. From a more practical point of view, knowledge of p-V-T relationships is essential for the resolution of problems in chemical engineering processes where gases are present.
1.1 Gas Imperfections The ideal gas is characterized by the equation of state: Z = pVm / RT = 1
where Z is termed the compressibility factor, or compression factor, p is the pressure, Vm the molar volume, T the absolute temperature, and R the gas constant. Real gases may show significant deviations from this equation of state even at low pressure. At low temperatures and pressures, Z is usually less than unity whereas at high temperatures and pressures the converse is true. 2.0
Z = pV m /RT
T1 1.0
T2 T3
0.0 0
5 p/p c
Fig. 1. The compressibility factor Z
Typical dependence of Z on p/pc, where pc is the critical pressure, is illustrated in Figure 1 for a series of temperatures such that T1>T2>T3. The temperature T3 is just above the critical temperature. The temperature T1 at which the density dependence of Z is zero as p/pc → zero is termed the Boyle temperature. For gases which are neither quantum fluids nor strongly polar, this temperature is about 2.7 times the critical temperature for monatomic substances, decreasing to around 2.3 for polyatomic fluids. Many equations of state have been proposed to represent the p-V-T behaviour of real gases but, from a theoretical point of view, the most satisfactory form, at all but the highest pressures, is the virial equation in which the compressibility factor is expressed as a series expansion in either density (reciprocal molar volume) or pressure:
pVm / RT = 1 + B / Vm + C / Vm2 + D / Vm3 + ...........
pVm / RT = 1 + B* p + C * p 2 + D* p3 + .............
It is normal practice to define B, C, D, .... in the density (or volume) series as the second, third, fourth, … virial coefficients. They are all temperature dependent. The importance of these virial coefficients lies in the fact that they are related directly to the interactions between molecules. The second virial coefficient represents the departure from ideality due to interactions between pairs of molecules, the third virial coefficient gives the effects of interactions of molecular triplets, and so on. The coefficients of the two series are simply related: Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
1.1 Experimental Method B = B* RT
C = ( B*2 + C * )( RT )2
D = ( B*3 + 3B*C * + D* )( RT )3.
B(T) is defined as follows: B (T ) = lim
1/ Vm → 0
( pVm / RT − 1)Vm
≡ lim A
1/ Vm → 0
and B(T) is zero at the Boyle temperature. The general manner of the variation of B(T) with temperature is shown in Figure 2. At low temperatures B(T) is large and negative, whereas at high temperatures it has small positive values which, at very high temperatures (corresponding to twenty times the critical temperature for helium), pass through a maximum. 100
4 500
3 .
B(T)/ cm mol
10-3. C(T)/ cm6 mol-2
-300 -400
1 0
-500 -600
-2 -3
T/ K
Fig. 2. Second virial coefficient of methane
T/ K
Fig. 3. Third virial coefficient of methane
The third virial coefficient is given by the following limit: C = lim ( A − B) Vm . 1/ Vm → 0
However, because of the difficulty in determining p-V data at constant temperature with sufficiently high accuracy at very low densities, values for this coefficient are usually determined from gas-compressibility data by fitting the results at a given temperature to a polynomial in the reciprocal volume. The coefficients of this polynomial are then identified with the coefficients of the infinite series. The general dependence of C(T) on temperature is illustrated in Figure 3. It should be noted that values for the virial coefficients obtained in this way depend on the degree of polynomial used and on the density range of the compressibility data. The resulting uncertainties in the second virial coefficient are small, but they are much larger for the third virial coefficient, and the uncertainty in the fourth virial coefficient is such that even the sign cannot be determined with certainty from most measurements.
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1.1 Gas Imperfections
Table 1. Values of pVm /RT for methane (i) at 200 K (B = −104.64 cm3⋅mol-1 ; C = 4020 cm6⋅mol-2 ) p/MPa
Vm/cm3⋅mol-1 1+B/Vm
0.2 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 5.5 6
8209.100 3219.000 1553.700 716.460 431.840 282.830 182.790 138.520 97.913
0.98725 0.96749 0.93265 0.85394 0.75768
Zexp (1)
0.98731 0.96788 0.93431 0.86178 0.77924 0.68028 0.54785 0.45409 0.35061
0.98732 0.96789 0.93432 0.86170 0.77906 0.68130 0.54963 0.45816 0.35329
(ii) at 300 K (B = −42.23 cm3⋅mol-1 ; C = 2410 cm6⋅mol-2 ) p/MPa
Vm/cm3⋅mol-1 1+B/Vm
Zexp (1)
0.2 0.5 1 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25
12430.000 4946.600 2452.400 1205.600 582.910 376.220 273.820 213.400 136.870 103.320 86.125
0.99662 0.99156 0.98318 0.96663 0.93465 0.90478 0.87792 0.85503 0.82011 0.81703 0.83457
0.99662 0.99157 0.98320 0.96667 0.93477 0.90496 0.87819 0.85555 0.82308 0.82841 0.86320
0.99660 0.99146 0.98278 0.96497 0.92755 0.88775
Fortunately, for calculation of gas densities up to moderate pressures it is generally necessary to include only the second and third virial coefficient terms in the virial equation. This is illustrated in Table 1 in the case of methane at 200 K (just above the critical temperature, 190.4 K) and at 300 K. Termination of the virial equation after the second virial coefficient term gives reasonable values for Z at densities up to about 0.25 times the critical density. This can be seen from Table 1. Methane has a critical volume of 99.2 cm3⋅mol-1. Inclusion of the third virial coefficient term gives satisfactory agreement at higher densities, even approaching the critical density. Values for the virial coefficients are derived from experimental measurements which can be conveniently classified as follows: low pressure p-V-T measurements; high pressure p-V-T measurements; speed of sound measurements; vapour pressure and enthalpy of vaporization measurements; refractive index/dielectric constant measurements and Joule-Thomson experiments. These will be discussed in Chapter 1.2, and methods of data evaluation described in Chapter 1.5. Much attention has been paid to the correlation of virial coefficient data and the more satisfactory methods are considered in Chapter 1.3, together with a brief discussion of the theoretical calculation of the second virial coefficient from pair potential energy functions which have been derived a priori or by consideration of other dilute gas properties. So far, this calculation is only applicable to molecules with a spherically symmetric intermolecular potential energy function, for which
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1.1 Experimental Method
−U R / kT B (T ) = −2π N A ∫ e ( ) − 1 R 2 dR
where NA is the Avogadro number and U(R) is the potential energy of a pair of molecules at separation R. The general form of the dependence of U(R) on R is given in Figure 4. 0
R Fig. 4. Pair potential energy function
1.2 Experimental Methods Methods for the determination of virial coefficients can conveniently be classified as (a) p-V-T measurements, (b) speed of sound measurements, (c) Joule-Thomson measurements, (d) refractive index and relative permittivity measurements and (e) vapour pressure and enthalpy of vaporization measurements. The great majority of the virial coefficient data come from a variety of experimental techniques for pV-T measurement, both low pressure and high pressure. In principle, the results should be reliable and in agreement, and this is certainly true at temperatures above the critical temperature, but only where the high pressure measurements extend to pressures down to around 0.1 MPa. In recent years, the Burnett expansion method [36-bur] has become the favoured high-pressure technique. It has been used by many groups, including those at the National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada (W.G. Schneider), Texas A&M University, College Station, U.S.A. (J.C. Holste, K.R. Hall, K.N. Marsh and P.T. Eubank), Keio University, Yokohama, Japan (T. Sato, K. Watanabe), and the National Institute for Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, U.S.A. (L.A. Weber and D.R. Defibaugh). Below the critical temperature there is a major problem in all p-V-T methods, apart from achieving the required accuracy in the measured variables, which arises from adsorption and particularly from capillary condensation. This problem has been overcome by Wagner’s group in Bochum using the method described in section, which is based on the buoyancy principle with two sinkers to compensate for these effects. The alternative solution is to use a method where this problem does not arise. Of the possibilities listed under classifications (b) to (e), speed of sound measurements have the great advantage of high accuracy in the measured variable (frequency). Even for compounds where vibrational relaxation may be strong, requiring significant corrections for dispersion, there is still high precision in the measurements. Advances in the method of data analysis has lead to reliable acoustic virial coefficients and derived density virial coefficients. Groups making measurements by this method include those at University College, London (M.B. Ewing), the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, U.S.A. (A.R.H. Goodwin and M.R. Moldover), Imperial College, London (J.P.M. Trusler), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (W. Beckermann and F. Kohler) and Keio University (H. Sato and K. Watanabe). Examples of the various techniques are described in the following sections. Since Mason and Spurling [69-mas/spu] have given an excellent summary of the methods employed up to 1969, attention will be focused here on the most important of those methods and on experimental work since that time.
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1.2 Experimental Methods
1.2.1 p-V-T Measurements Low Pressure Measurements The application of the virial equation to determine values for the virial coefficients requires a knowledge of the pressure, volume, temperature and the number of moles of the gas. It is generally assumed that for pressures below 0.1 MPa, terms beyond the second virial coefficient can be neglected. For a fixed mass of gas, measurements are usually made of the pressure when the gas either occupies different known volumes at constant temperature, or is heated to different known temperatures at constant volume. The simplest example of the first of these methods is the thermostatted Boyle’s Law apparatus where a gas is confined by mercury in one side of a U-tube, which is calibrated and sealed at the upper end. The gas pressure is measured as the difference in height of the mercury menisci in the two limbs. Mercury can be added (or removed) at the bottom of the U-tube to vary the gas volume, and hence a set of p-V measurements at constant temperature can be obtained. In order to define the gas volumes more precisely, and overcome the problems associated with the mercury in contact with the gas and the limited temperature range because gas and mercury were at the same temperature, expansion methods were later devised where the gas was allowed to expand from one vessel into another, previously evacuated, vessel (and in some cases into a series of other vessels). The volumes had previously been accurately determined by weighing with water or mercury. The gas was separated from the manometer, which can be at room temperature, by a differential pressure gauge. Greater accuracy is obtained in relative measurements when the expansion of the test gas is compared with that of a reference gas such as nitrogen where departure from ideal-gas behaviour is small. For the two gases at identical initial pressures below 0.1 MPa, undergoing expansion between vessels of matched volumes at constant temperature, the final pressure change is related to the difference between the second virial coefficients. This method has been used by the groups at Heidelberg, Germany (B. Schramm) [82sch/mue] and Armidale (K. N. Marsh and M. B. Ewing) [79-ewi/mar]. The quasi-isochoric method [94-mil/hen, 87-spi/gau] has been used by groups at Rostock, Germany (G. Opel and J. Millat) and Darmstadt, Germany (J. Gaube). A known mass of liquid is introduced into the cell, made of quartz in the case of the first group or stainless steel for the second group, of previously determined volume which is maintained at constant temperature. Pressures are measured with a high precision mercury manometer, with a pressure transducer between the vapour and gas above the manometer, after thermal equilibrium has been established following increases in temperature. Values for the second virial coefficient were obtained from the virial equation terminated after the third virial coefficient term by a graphical method, a surface fit of the data or by estimation of the third virial coefficients. The isochoric method has also been used in a relative mode [91-sch/web] by the group at Heidelberg, Germany (B. Schramm). Two vessels of equal volume are filled, one with the sample of test gas and the other with a gas with well-defined volumetric behaviour, to the same pressure at the same temperature. The pressure was less than 0.1 MPa so that only the second virial term was considered necessary. The temperature was changed and the resulting pressure difference between the two gases was accurately measured. This is related to the difference between the second virial coefficients of the two gases at the original temperature and at the new temperature. Thus, it is necessary to know the values of the second virial coefficient of the reference gas at each temperature and of the test gas at the original temperature. High Pressure Measurements The simple and relative isothermal methods referred to just above can be used at high pressures also. The apparatus of the group at Ohio State University, Columbus, U.S.A. (W.B. Kay) [83-mar/lin] consists of a vertical tube with two volume-calibrated sections of different diameters, sealed at the upper end, in which the gas is confined by mercury. Thermal equilibrium was maintained by circulating a purified boiling liquid through an outer jacket around the tube. The weighed sample was admitted in sealed glass ampoules. Change in volume was achieved by variation in nitrogen pressure on the mercury external to the tube and the gas volume determined from measurement of the mercury height in the tube. Highest pressure (a few MPa) points were removed as necessary until the data were satisfactorily given by the virial equation with just the second virial coefficient term. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
1.2 Experimental Methods
The classic apparatus for high pressure gas p-V-T studies [66-tra/was], where ‘high pressure’ now refers to pressures up to 300 MPa, was that of the group of A. Michels at the van der Waals Laboratory, Amsterdam. Known as a piezometer, the central glass gas burette consists of a series of bulbs separated by fine capillary tubing in each section of which is a contact wire of platinum. The volumes between successive contacts is accurately known. The burette is sealed at its upper end, and the gas is confined by mercury in a known volume by raising the mercury level until electrical contact is made with one of the wires. The pressure is measured at each of these points. The piezometer is surrounded by mercury or oil to reduce the pressure difference across the glass. The data are fitted to a multi-term virial equation, the number of terms depending on the pressure range of the measurements. Another series of highly accurate virial coefficient determinations from high-pressure p-V-T studies [61-dou/har] which is worthy of note is that of the group of D.R. Douslin at the previous Bartlesville Petroleum Research Center, Oklahoma. The volume of a pre-weighed sample in a single globe is confined by mercury and the pressure is noted using a free-piston gauge after the addition of a measured volume of mercury. The highest pressures here were about 40 MPa. The uncertainties of the effects of interaction of mercury vapour with the gas are overcome in the Burnett expansion method [36-bur]. This method has the further advantage that only pressure measurements are required - there is no need for mass or volume measurements. Here two different-sized vessels are connected via narrow tubing with a valve, as shown in Figure 5. Vacuum / feed
Pressure Measurement
Fig. 5. Schematic Burnett apparatus The larger vessel A contains the gas at a relatively high pressure, which is accurately measured, and the smaller vessel B is evacuated. Valve C is then opened and the gas expands into B and the new pressure is determined. By repeating the process of closing the valve, evacuating B, opening the valve and recording the new pressure, a series of pressure readings is obtained. There are various data reduction methods (88-pat/jof) for deriving values for the virial coefficients, both computational and graphical, from plots of the pressure ratios pi-1/pi, before and after the i-th expansion, versus the pressure, where pi-1 / pi = N i Z i-1 / Z i
and Ni , the cell constant, is the ratio of the total volume to the volume of A, given by the pressure ratio as the pressure tends to zero. Ni should have the same value irrespective of the sample in the cell; differences, for example with organic vapours, from the value given by a gas such as helium are evidence of adsorption. This method has the disadvantage at temperatures below the critical temperature because of the significant decrease in the pressure range within which measurements along an isotherm can be made. As a result, it has become general practice to use a relatively high temperature Burnett expansion as a base,
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1.2 Experimental Methods
and to follow this with isochoric measurements at the lower temperatures. The scheme can be explained using Figure 6. Vessel A is initially filled to pressure p11 and temperature T1 and the temperature is lowered to T2 (an isochoric run) and the pressure p12 is measured. The temperature is then raised to the initial T1 and a Burnett expansion is made to pressure p21 . An isochoric run is made to temperatures T2 and T3 and the corresponding pressures measured. The temperature is then increased to T1 and another Burnett expansion is made to pressure p13 , followed by an isochoric run to temperatures T2 , T3 and T4. The Burnettisochoric coupling procedure is repeated until the minimum measurable pressure is reached. The data for each isotherm effectively constitute other Burnett runs, and a similar analysis [88-pat/jof] can be made.
p12 p12
p p22 p23
p34 p45 T5
p33 p43
p32 p42
p13 p14
Fig. 6. p - T diagram for coupled Burnett-isochoric experiments Gas Density Determinations This technique has been considered separately because of recent significant developments which have led to p-V-T measurements of the highest accuracy. Historically, accurate gas density measurements were made at different pressures to remove the effects of molecular interaction by extrapolation to zero pressure and hence to determine atomic weights. Second virial coefficients were derived from these data but the results for organic vapours had large uncertainties due to adsorption. Gas balances have been used specifically for second virial coefficient determination [82-zam/ste]. The development [86-kle/wag] which has led to the substantially-improved accuracy is to base the method on Archimedes’ buoyancy principle but to have two sinkers of identical mass and surface area, with the same surface material (gold) but with much different volumes. This leads to compensation of all effects, including gas adsorption, which lowers the accuracy of measurements with a single sinker. The apparatus is shown schematically in Figure 7. The measuring cell was filled with gas within the operational temperature range of 50 K to 350 K and at pressures up to 8 MPa. The sinkers were, independently, placed on the cage or removed from it. From the readings on the microbalance, which was connected to the cage by a thin bar via a magneticsuspension coupling, the resulting differential buoyant force ∆F was determined. The density was calculated from the relationship ρ = ( ∆F / g ) / (VS − VR ) (1.11)
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1.2 Experimental Methods
Magnetic-suspension coupling
Gold ring
Quartz glass sphere Measuring cell
Radiation shield Fig. 7. Schematic drawing of the Wagner apparatus where g is the acceleration due to gravity and VS ,VR are the volumes of sphere and ring respectively. By measuring these volumes with an accuracy of better than 0.01 %, and the buoyant force to better than 0.01 % or 4×10-5 g, whichever is the greater, it is estimated that the uncertainty in the gas density is less than 0.02 % or 0.002 kg ⋅ m-3, whichever is greater. Virial coefficients derived from densities measured in this way are amongst the most accurate made.
1.2.2 Speed of Sound Measurements The rise in importance of this method results from the high accuracy with which the speed of sound can now be measured from the spherical modes of a spherical resonator, and the fact that the results are not subject to errors from gas adsorption. One form of apparatus [89-ewi/tru] is shown schematically in Figure 8. The sealed resonator is constructed from two hemispheres of aluminium alloy, mounted on a copper support. It has two ports machined at an angle of 90o to take the electroacoustic transducers. In the absence of dispersion, the speed of sound, u, in a gas can be expressed in terms of the temperature and molar volume:
u 2 (T ,Vm ) = RT γ pg / M 1 + β a / Vm + γ a / Vm2 + ...
where γpg = Cp,m /( Cp,m - R), superscript pg refers to the perfect gas state and Cp,m is the perfect-gas molar heat capacity at constant pressure. βa, γa, ... are the second, third, ... acoustic virial coefficients which are related to coefficients in the pressure virial equation of state and their temperature derivatives:
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1.2 Experimental Methods
β a = 2 B + 2 γ pg − 1 T (dB / dT ) + γ pg − 1 / γ pg T 2 (d 2 B / dT 2 )
γ a = γ pg − 1 / γ pg
}{B + (2γ
) (
+ 2γ pg + 1 C + γ pg2
( − 1)T (dC / dT ) + 0.5 (γ pg
− 1 T (dB / dT ) + γ pg − 1 T 2 (d 2 B / dT 2 ) pg
− 1 T 2 (dC 2 / dT 2 )
to vacuum, gas supply and pressure transducer to vacuum gauge
vacuum vessel
transducer ports spherical resonator
copper radiation shield
Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of a spherical resonator The speed of sound in compressed gases is determined from the lowest-order radial modes of a spherical-resonator [89-ewi/tru, 81-meh/mol] of mean radius a0 at the given temperature and zero pressure, since (u/a0) is given by
(u / a0 ) = ( 2π a / a0 )( f0,n − ∑i ∆fi ) / v0,n .
Here, a is the radius at pressure p, f0,n are the frequencies of the radial modes, ∑i ∆f i is the sum of small correction terms and ν0,n is a known eigenvalue. From isothermal measurements at different pressures, the perfect gas isobaric molar heat capacity and the second and third acoustic virial coefficients can be derived by regression analysis, using an iterative procedure. Initially, molar volumes are determined from the perfect gas equation and coefficients βa determined. By use of a model potential-energy function, such as the square-well potential, values for the molecular parameters in the expression for the second virial coefficient (see 1.3) can be determined by fitting the second acoustic virial coefficient data by the equation given above. Knowledge of the second virial coefficient gives a more accurate density and hence internal consistency can be obtained by iteration in this manner. It is not necessary to know the third virial coefficient providing the densities are sufficiently low. For direct information on the compression factor, without any assumptions about the form of the intermolecular potential energy function, the differential equations which link the speed of sound and the virial equation of state can be numerically integrated, with known initial conditions. Specifically [96Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
1.2 Experimental Methods
est/tru], the following two expressions are used to obtain Z and CV, m inside the (T, ρ) region where speed of sound measurements were made:
u 2 = ( RT / M ) {Z + ρ n ( ∂Z / ∂ρ n )T } + ( R / CV ,m ) Z + T ( ∂Z / ∂T )ρ n − ( ρ n / R ) (∂CV ,m / ∂ρ n )T
= 2T ( ∂Z / ∂T )ρ + T 2 ∂ 2 Z / ∂T 2 n
} 2
Here, ρn is the amount-of-substance density, equal to the reciprocal molar volume. To carry out the numerical integration of these equations, initial values are required for two of the three quantities CV, m , Z and (∂Z/∂T)ρn . For example, values for Z and (∂Z/∂T)ρn can be determined at evenly spaced densities along an initial isotherm when accurate gas-density data are known. Then, (∂Z/∂ρn)T can be calculated and combined with speed of sound data to give values for CV,m at each density from the first of the equations above, and then T2(∂2Z/∂T2)ρn can be determined from the second equation. A simple predictorcorrector method is then used to determine Z and (∂Z/∂T)ρn at a temperature ∆T from the reference isotherm. This process is then repeated to cover the range of thermodynamic states of the speed of sound measurements. Accurate coefficients in the virial equation of state can then be derived from the compression factors.
1.2.3 Joule-Thomson Measurements Flow calorimetric measurements of the isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient of a vapour also provide information on gas non-ideality which is free from adsorption errors. Basically, all that is required is a fixed-throttle flow calorimeter, free of heat leaks, fitted with an electric heater as shown in Figure 9 so that isothermal measurements can be made [77-alb/wor].
T p2
T p1
porous plug (stainless steel gauze)
Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of an isothermal Joule-Thomson apparatus The quantity determined in the experiments is φp , which is related to the enthalpy change, given by the electric power, P, required to maintain isothermal conditions divided by the flow rate, f, and the small pressure difference (p2 − p1) across the stainless-steel gauze throttle:
φ p = ( H 2 − H1 ) / ( p2 − p1 ) = P /{ f ( p2 − p1 )}
since φp = (∂H/∂p)T at the mean pressure, pav = (p1 + p2)/2 as (p2 − p1) → 0. For vapour densities, the virial equation of state can be terminated after the third virial coefficient term, which leads to the result;
H 2 − H1 = ( p2 − p1 ){B − T (dB / dT )} + 0.5 ( p2 − p1 )( p2 + p1 )(C '− dC '/ dT )
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1.2 Experimental Methods
where C'/RT is equal to the third virial coefficient in the pressure virial series. The isothermal JouleThomson coefficient can then be written as
φ p = φ0 (1 − 2 pav B / RT ) + 2 pav {C − 0.5T (dC / dT )} / RT
where the zero-pressure isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient, φ0 , which is equal to (B - TdB/dT), can be obtained from the intercept of a plot of φp versus pav. Since φ0 depends on B and its temperature derivative, values for φ0 are required over a wide temperature range for the reliable determination of second virial coefficients.
1.2.4 Refractive Index and Relative Permittivity Measurements The dependence of the relative permittivity of a gas, ε, on the molar volume can be expressed by the Clausius-Mosotti equation:
(ε − 1)Vm (ε + 2 )
= Aε +
Bε Cε + + ..... Vm Vm2
where the coefficients are dielectric virial coefficients. By introduction of the virial equation of state terminated after the second term, this becomes:
(ε − 1) RT (ε + 2 ) p
= Aε + ( Bε − Aε B )
p + ..... RT
Values for (Bε − Aε B ) at any given temperature can be determined from measurements of the dielectric constant at different pressures. Since the second dielectric virial coefficient is very much smaller than the product Aε B, values for B can be determined by taking an approximate value for Bε . It was shown by Koschine and Lehrmann [92-kos/leh] that a better procedure was to use a system of two cells of matching volumes, each containing a capacitor - they had a parallel-plate type. Gas pressure and capacity were measured in one cell. The gas was then expanded into the other previously-evacuated cell, and a second set of measurements made. Finally, the first cell was evacuated and the measurements repeated after expansion into this volume. Their scheme for data analysis gives values for both the density and dielectric virial coefficients. Measurements of the refractive index, n, of a gas at different pressures also provide information on the second virial coefficient since similar equations are obtained to the above, but with n2 replacing ε. The Lorentz-Lorenz function is given by:
( n − 1)V (n + 2) 2
B C = A1 1 + n + n2 + ..... Vm Vm
where A1 is related to the polarisability α: A1 = 4πNAα/3 and Bn and Cn are optical, or refractivity, virial coefficients. Combination with the virial equation of state leads to the result
( n − 1) RT = A 1 + ( B (n + 2 ) p 2
n −
p + ...... RT
The second refractivity virial coefficient is usually small compared with the second density virial coefficient, and so estimates can be made for Bn. Details of the experimental method of refractive index measurement using a Michelson interferometer at temperatures from 250 K to 340 K and at pressures up to 3 MPa are given by Häusler and Kerl [88-hau/ker], who also derive values for third density virial coefficients from their results.
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1.3 Correlation, Prediction and Estimation of Virial Coefficients
1.2.5 Vapour Pressure and Enthalpy of Vaporization Measurements Second virial coefficients for a large number of organic compounds have been calculated from enthalpies of vaporization and vapour pressure data [81-hos/sco] at the former U.S. Bureau of Mines Research Center, Bartlesville by J.P. McCullough, D.W. Scott and G. Waddington. The exact Clapeyron equation can be rearranged to give Z = 1+
−∆ vap H B + ... = Vm R {1 − (VL / Vm )}{d ln p / d (1/T )}
where VL is the liquid molar volume, ∆vapH is the enthalpy of vaporization and p is the vapour pressure. This group has used heat capacity measurements to check the consistency of their results from the relationship lim ( ∂C p ∂p ) = −T d 2 B dT 2 .
p →0
There is a large uncertainty in the derived virial coefficients but this method can be used for compounds where direct p-V-T methods are unsuitable.
1.3 Correlation, Prediction and Estimation of Virial Coefficients The most satisfactory methods of data correlation are based on sound theory. In the case of the second virial coefficient, this depends on accurate knowledge of the intermolecular pair potential energy function, U(R, ω1, ω2) which, in general, depends on the orientations, ω1 and ω2, as well as the separation, R, of the molecules: B(T ) =
NA 2
2V Ω
∫∫ f dτ dτ 12
where f12 = exp{-U(R, ω1, ω2)/kT} - 1. For a linear molecule: dτ i = dri sin θ i dθ i dϕ i and Ω = 4π where θ i and ϕ i are the usual angles necessary to specify the orientation. For a three-dimensional rigid rotator, dτ i = dri sin θ i dθ i dϕ i dψ i and Ω = 8π 2 where θ i , ϕ i , and ψ i are the Euler angles. For hydrogen and helium, quantum-mechanical expressions for the second virial coefficient must be used [69-mas/spu], and even for gases with a higher relative molar mass quantum-mechanical corrections must be applied at low temperatures. In practice, it is only for the simplest of substances that ab initio calculations of the pair interaction potential energy have been possible with sufficient accuracy. For helium, for example, the pair potential was determined [97-kor/wil] using infinite order symmetry adapted perturbation theory with very large orbital basis sets for intermediate separations, accurate dispersion coefficients at long range and quantum mechanical Monte Carlo calculations at short range. The results were fitted to a modified Tang-Toennies [84-tan/toe] form of potential, with no experimental input. This potential energy function was shown [97jan/azi] to give excellent agreement with experimental second virial coefficient data. It is more usual with closed-shell atoms to consider potential models such as the exchange-Coulomb and Hartree-Fock dispersion potentials and to determine the parameters from dilute gas properties such as the second virial coefficient and the transport properties, viscosity and thermal conductivity, together with
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1.3 Correlation, Prediction and Estimation of Virial Coefficients
molecular beam data and visible-UV spectroscopic results. This approach has been most successful with monatomic gases for which U(R) is now well-defined [89-azi/sla, 90-azi/sla, 94-boy, 89-dha/all, 90dha/mea]. Analysis of the second virial coefficient data alone does not lead to a unique form for the intermolecular potential energy function, although information on parts of the curve can be obtained by inversion methods [81-mai/rig]. Once the full curve is known by inclusion of other dilute-gas properties, then the second virial coefficient values calculated from this potential function can be considered reliable. A comparison is shown in Table 1 between the present recommendations for B for argon, which were based entirely on experimental second virial coefficients, and values calculated from the potential energy function of Aziz and Slaman [90-azi/sla], for which experimental virial coefficients at temperatures above 200 K were used, with other data, to determine the potential parameters. Table 2. Comparison of second virial coefficients for argon T/K 80 85 90 95 100 110 125 150
B(T)/cm3·mol-1 This work 90-azi/sla -275.1 ± 4.0 -277.2 -246.1 ± 3.0 -247.1 -221.7 ± 2.0 -221.8 -200.9 ± 1.5 -200.7 -183.0 ± 1.0 -182.5 -153.8 ± 1.0 -153.3 -121.7 ± 0.5 -121.3 -86.3 ± 0.3 -86.3
B(T)/cm3·mol-1 This work 90-azi/sla -47.9 ± 0.3 -48.0 -27.7 ± 0.3 -27.8 -15.4 ± 0.3 -15.3 -1.2 ± 0.3 -1.0 6.8 ± 0.5 6.8 11.8 ± 0.5 11.7 15.3 ± 0.5 14.9 17.8 ± 0.5 17.2
T/K 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800
For diatomic (and higher polyatomic) molecules, the angle-dependence of the pair intermolecular potential energy function makes the determination of U(R, ω1, ω2) very difficult. For this reason, it has been customary to correlate second virial coefficient data on the basis of a function which is dependent just on intermolecular separation. Furthermore, although the form of the interaction energy curve will differ from substance to substance, lack of knowledge of the detailed form has led to the wide-spread use of generalised forms of intermolecular potential functions. Specific molecular parameters are then derived from fitting second virial coefficient data. The simplest potential form which exhibits the necessary properties of a core repulsion and an attractive interaction energy at larger separations is the square-well (SW) potential energy function, illustrated in Figure 10.
-ε Fig. 10. Square-well potential energy function. For SW molecules with core diameter σ, attractive energy -ε and well-width (λ-1)σ, the second virial coefficient is given by [81-mai/rig]
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1.3 Correlation, Prediction and Estimation of Virial Coefficients
B(T ) = b0 1 − λ 3 − 1 {exp (ε / kT ) − 1}
where b0 = 2πNAσ3/3. This three-parameter equation gives a very reasonable fit to the recommended data for most compounds except alcohols. The agreement is generally within experimental uncertainty over the whole temperature range although for some compounds the calculated B - T plots show a slightly different curvature to the experimental results. Different sets of parameters often give equally satisfactory fits, which means that no physical significance should be given to the results. The SW potential energy function is unsatisfactory in not giving the maximum at high reduced temperature which is found experimentally for gases such as helium. A more realistic form of U(R) will have a soft repulsive part and a longer range attractive part to the curve, with the theoretical R-6 dependence at large separations. The repulsive interaction is theoretically given by an exponential term, but inverse-power forms give a similar degree of ‘softness’. Taken together, these results give the (n-6) potentials:
U ( R) = a / R n − b / R 6
of which the most widely-used is the Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential (24-len):
U ( R) = 4ε (σ / R ) − (σ / R ) 12
where σ is the molecular separation at zero potential energy, and -ε is the maximum attractive energy. Second virial coefficients are given for this potential by analytical integration which gives ∞
B (T ) / b0 = ∑ a j / T (
2 j +1/ 4 )
Expressions were given [24-len] for the coefficients aj and tabulations of the reduced second virial coefficient B ( T ) / b0 at a series of reduced temperatures kT/ε from 0.3 to 100 are available [81-mai/rig), together with molecular parameters for a number of substances. Laesecke [2000-lae] has investigated the significance of the individual terms in a series with temperature exponents (1 - i)/4 where i = 1 to 80 and found by structural optimization methods that the B(T) values were best fitted by an eight term series with i = 1 to 8. This corresponds to the first four terms of the theoretical infinite series, plus an additional four terms to account for all the remaining contributions. Where experimental data are available over a wide temperature range, it is found that they cannot be satisfactorily correlated within the estimated uncertainty on the basis of this potential. Other, more complex forms of U(R) have been proposed [81-mai/rig] which have proved very satisfactory for the representation of specific rare gas interactions, for example. However, for the correlation and prediction of second virial coefficient data, empirical methods are generally used. Those methods which are based on the corresponding states principle usually represent the second virial coefficient by a series of terms in inverse powers of temperature, as suggested by results for the (n-6) potentials, but usually with integer powers. For non-polar molecules, Tsonopoulos [74-tso] modified the Pitzer and Curl [57-pit/cur] relationship for the reduced second virial coefficient in terms of Tr, the temperature reduced by the critical temperature, and a third parameter, the acentric factor ω, which had been introduced to extend the application to non-spherical non-polar molecules, to give: Bpc 0.330 0.1385 0.0121 0.000607 = 0.1445 − − − − RTc Tr Tr2 Tr3 Tr8 0.331 0.423 0.008 +ω 0.0637 + 2 − 3 − 8 . Tr Tr Tr
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1.3 Correlation, Prediction and Estimation of Virial Coefficients
This gave a very reasonable fit to the second virial coefficient data then available, but more recent, accurate values from Burnett and speed of sound measurements indicate that the coefficients need to be re-determined. Even so, this method is very valuable for estimating second virial coefficients where data are lacking. For polar molecules, the temperature dependence of B(T) is different. One way to account for this [74tso] .is to add another term, a/Tr6 - b/Tr8, where a is related to the reduced dipole moment. b is zero for molecules such as aldehydes, ethers, ketones and nitriles which do not hydrogen-bond. Values for a and b have been given [74-tso, 75-tso] for a number of polar substances, but where these parameters are not available it is not possible to predict the second virial coefficient. An alternative approach [75-hay/oco, 77-tar/dan] is to use the mean radius of gyration instead of the acentric factor as the third parameter. Hayden and O’Connell [75-hay/oco], for example, use the radius of gyration to determine an effective non-polar acentric factor, in terms of which the molecular energy parameter ε and size parameter σ are expressed. An equation is given for the second virial coefficient for non-polar substances in terms of these three parameters; for polar non-associating substances additional terms involving the reduced dipole moment are given, and for polar-associating substances the association contribution is added. This approach gives a better fit than the Tsonopoulos method for some halogenated and oxygenated compounds, and for some compounds containing nitrogen or sulphur. However, for associating compounds, the additional parameter is determined specifically for the compound considered and there is no procedure for estimating it for other compounds. More recently, a method has been described [84-mcc/dan], based on group-additivity, which does not depend on a knowledge of molecular properties or on empirical parameters. Each group contribution was derived by analysis of available second virial coefficient data, and represented by the equation
∆Bi = ai + bi / Tr + ci / Tr3 + di / Tr7 + ei / Tr9 .
For most groups, only the first four terms were required. Second virial coefficients for any organic compound (except acids for which the contributions are not available) can be calculated from these group contributions, and critical temperatures, for reduced tempeatures from 0.5 to 5, by summing up the products of the group contribution and their respective number of occurrences. The method compares favourably with other estimation methods, and is more generally applicable. The third virial coefficient is given [69-mas/spu] by the sum of a pairwise additive term plus a term arising from departure from pairwise additivity: C (T ) = Cadd + ∆Cnon-add
N A2 3V Ω3
where Cadd = ∆Cnon-add =
∫∫∫ f
f 23 f 31dτ 1dτ 2 dτ 3
N A2 exp {− ( ∆U / kT ) − 1}exp{− (U12 + U 23 + U 31 ) / kT } dτ 1dτ 2 dτ 3 . − 3V Ω3 ∫∫ ∫
The non-additive contribution to the total energy, ∆U, is given by U123 - Σ Uij. For the square-well potential with well width < σ, Cadd is given in reduced form by
Cadd = 5 / 8 − λ 6 − 18λ 4 + 32λ 3 − 15 {exp (ε / kT ) − 1}
( − ( 6λ
− 2λ 6 − 36λ 4 + 32λ 3 + 18λ 2 − 16 {exp (ε / kT ) − 1} 6
− 18λ 4 + 18λ 2 − 6 {exp (ε / kT ) − 1}
The square-well expressions for B(T) and C(T) have been used [96-gil/mol) to represent the temperature dependence of these virial coefficients for real gases in the analysis of speed of sound measurements to
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1.4 Properties of Gases in Terms of Virial Coefficients
obtain gas densities. However, it is found that separate triads of parameters are required for each of these virial coefficients, indicating that no physical significance should be given to these values. It is not to be expected that Cadd alone can represent the third virial coefficient. For the most satisfactory correlation of third virial coefficients it is best to turn to empirical methods of which the method of Orbey and Vera [83-orb/ver] is particularly simple and effective. The third virial coefficient in reduced form is given by Cpc2
( RTc )
= 0.01407 +
0.02432 0.00313 − Tr2.8 Tr10.5
0.01770 0.040 0.003 0.00228 +ω −0.02676 + + 3.0 − 6.0 − . Tr2.8 Tr Tr Tr10.5
In this volume, third virial coefficients are not correlated but simply tabulated, with a note given of the sets which are considered the most reliable.
1.4 Properties of Gases in Terms of Virial Coefficients The thermodynamic properties of gases may readily be calculated from a knowledge of the virial coefficients and their dependence on temperature. For calculations at pressures not much greater than 1 bar, a knowledge of the second virial coefficient is usually sufficient. At higher pressures, the contribution of the third virial coefficient becomes more significant. In the following paragraphs, expressions for the thermodynamic properties are given first in a general form for use with actual p-V-T data or any equation of state, and then specifically in terms of virial coefficients. Internal energy, enthalpy, heat capacity at constant volume and at constant pressure, entropy, the Helmholtz energy, and Gibbs energy for a real gas at temperature T and pressure p are expressed as departure functions, relative to the value for that property for the ideal-gas state at the reference pressure po. Expressions are also given for the fugacity-pressure ratio and the Joule-Thomson coefficient.
1.4.1 Internal energy, Um The departure of the molar internal energy from the ideal-gas value may be written ∞
U m − U mo = − ∫ T ( ∂p ∂T )V + p dVm . Vm
Using the virial equation of state, this becomes
U m − U mo = − RT B1 Vm + C1 2Vm + ...... where
B1 = T ( dB dT ) and C1 = T ( dC dT ).
1.4.2 Enthalpy, Hm The difference between the enthalpy of a real gas and that of an ideal gas under the same conditions is simply related to the corresponding difference in internal energy
H m − H mo = U m − U mo + pV − RT .
Thus, using the virial equation of state
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1.4 Properties of Gases in Terms of Virial Coefficients
B − B1 2C − C1 + + ...... . H m − H mo = RT 2 V 2Vm m
1.4.3 Heat capacity at constant volume, CV, m This property for a real gas is given in terms of the ideal gas value by the expression ∞
CV ,m − CVo ,m = −T ∫ ∂ 2 p ∂T 2 Vm
dVm .
In terms of the virial equation of state, this becomes 2 B + B2 2C1 + C 2 + + ...... CV , m − CVo , m = − R 1 2 Vm 2 Vm
B2 = T 2 d 2 B dT 2
and C 2 = T 2 d 2C dT 2 .
1.4.4 Heat capacity at constant pressure, Cp, m This property for a real gas is given in terms of the ideal gas value by the expression
(∂p / ∂T )V = −R − T (∂p/∂Vm )T 2
C p,m − C po,m
∫ (∂
p / ∂T 2
dVm .
In terms of the virial equation of state , this becomes B ( B − B1 )2 − (C − C1 ) − C2 / 2 C p ,m − C po,m = − R 2 − + ..... . 2 Vm Vm
1.4.5 Entropy, Sm The departure of this function from the ideal-gas values is given by S m − S mo = − R ln p + R ln ( pVm / RT ) −
∫ {(∂p / ∂T )Vm − R / Vm }dVm
which leads to the following result in terms of virial coefficients
S m − S mo = − R ln p + B1 / Vm + B 2 − C + C1
2Vm2 + ...... .
1.4.6 Helmholtz energy, Am Relative to the reference ideal-gas state, this function for a real gas is given by the expression: Am − Amo =
∫ ( p-RT/Vm ) dVm − RT ln ( pVm / RT ) + RT ln p
which, in terms of virial coefficients, gives the following result:
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1.5 Data Evaluation
Am − Amo = RT {ln p + ( B 2 − C / 2Vm2 )......}.
1.4.7 Gibbs energy, Gm The departure function for Gibbs energy may be written
Gm − Gmo = Am − Amo + pVm − RT
which, on application of the virial equation, becomes
Gm − Gmo = RT ln p + B / Vm + B 2 + C / 2Vm2 + .... .
1.4.8 Fugacity-pressure ratio, f / p Fugacity f may be defined in terms of the molar Gibbs energy by the relation
) ∫V
Gm − Gmo = RT ln f / f o =
m dp.
From this, the following expression may be derived: p
RT ln f / p = − ∫ ( RT / p − Vm ) dp.
Expressing the molar volume of the real gas in terms of the virial coefficients leads to the equation:
ln f / p = B / Vm + C + B 2 / 2Vm2 + .......
1.4.9 Joule-Thomson coefficient, µJT The Joule-Thomson coefficient is given by the relation:
µJT = T ( ∂Vm / ∂T ) p − Vm
p ,m
which takes the following form in terms of virial coefficients: R B ( B − B) 2 B 2 − 2 B1 B − 2C + C1 o + o 2 1 µ JT = ( B1 − B ) + C p ,m + ......... Vm Vm C p, m
1.5 Data Evaluation 1.5.1 Data Storage and Processing The values of virial coefficients presented in this review were obtained through the following steps. (a) Search of the world's scientific literature,
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1.5 Data Evaluation
(b) Collection in a computer readable database, (c) Extraction from the database and selection of the "best" values, and (d) Fitting to a function of temperature. Virial coefficients are constants in the virial equation of state of gases. They are not measured directly but are derived from a variety of observed properties. They are functions of temperature. Only those values based on some observation are reported here. The numerical values were extracted from the original publications or from those collected by the Polish Academy of Science [96-dym/mar]. The latter source furnished about one-third of the total set. All values were then checked against the original documents after they were entered into the database to insure integrity. Literature through the end of 1998 is covered in the collection. The numerical values of virial coefficients presented in this review were inserted into the SOURCE database maintained by the Thermodynamics Research Center. The database contains experimental values of thermodynamic, thermochemical, and transport properties of pure compounds and binary and ternary mixtures [2001-fre/don, 99-wil, 99-wil/mar]. Each property value is linked to the compound or components of a mixture by use of a registry number assigned by Chemical Abstracts Service or by the Thermodynamics Research Center. Each value is also linked to a document that reports it. A key consisting of the year of publication, the first three letters of the last name of the first author and the first three letters of the last name of the second author identifies literature references, if any. An additional integer starting with 0 is included to form a unique key. As new data are published they are added to the SOURCE database thus maintaining a complete set which can serve as the basis for future compilations. Each property value in the SOURCE database is accompanied by an estimate of uncertainty. This takes the form of a bias, which defines a range of values below and above the property value. It is expected that the true value of the property lies in this range with a high probability. See references [2001-fre/don, 99wil, 99-wil/mar] for additional explanation of uncertainties. Uncertainties are assigned by the person responsible for adding the value to the database or by a later evaluation. They are based on an assessment of the information in the original report, including uncertainties reported by the author. When authors have reported uncertainties, these values are normally given in the tables. In cases where the author’s assessments are clearly unrealistic, the data are either not used in the fit or the uncertainty value is increased during the analysis. These are annotated in the tables. The assignment generally reflects all recognized sources of experimental error. All errors, irrespective of what variable is directly affected, are propagated to the listed virial coefficient.
1.5.2 Selection of Values Data values were extracted from the SOURCE database by suitable software and then screened to identify the "best" (most accurate) values. The selection was based on a comparison of the estimated uncertainties of values for the same substance. The selection also took into account the distribution of virial coefficients with temperature. An appropriate algorithm has been developed at the Thermodynamics Research Center and has been used for several compilations. Briefly, the uncertainty for each data value in a set was compared to a weighted mean of the uncertainties of all the other values. The weighting factor was an inverse exponential function of the absolute value of the difference between the temperature of the value being evaluated and the temperatures of the other values. The screening level, the size of the data set and range of temperatures it covered determined the parameters used in the comparison. Additional details are given in [96-wil/mar]. Selected values are marked with various symbol in the tables of data.
1.5.3 Fitting to Smoothing Functions The selected values of virial coefficients for each compound were fitted to a smoothing function of temperature by the least-squares criterion, whenever there were three or more data values over an appreciable temperature range. The squares of the deviation between calculated and observed values were weighted in proportion to the reciprocal of the square of the estimated uncertainties. The data were then scaled by subtracting the means of each term in the polynomial from the given values. This eliminated the constant term. The singular value decomposition technique [88-pre/fla] was used for the remaining Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
1.6 Glossary of Symbols
coefficients. The constant was then regenerated from the means. The smoothing function used for the second virial coefficient was the polynomial in reciprocal temperature. B = ∑ ai T i .
The number of terms used in these polynomials was sufficient to generate a random deviation between calculated and the selected observed values. This number usually depended on the range of temperature covered by the data set. The maximum order of the polynomials was usually three. Additional terms seldom improved the fit significantly. The following metrics are given for each fitted set as a measure of fit to the data. The degree of freedom: this is the number of distinct values in the selected set minus the order of the polynomial. The number of distinct values is the number separated by at least 1.5 K. Root mean square deviation (unweighted) is given by:
∑ ( Bexp − Bcalc )2
where n is the total number of values in the data set. Root mean square deviation (weighted) is given by: RMS =
∑ wi ⋅ ( Bexp − Bcalc )2 ∑ wi
wi = 1 ui2 .
These functions have no theoretical basis. They furnish means of calculating tables of smoothed values of the second virial coefficients and their derivatives and of visualising the scatter of experimental values. These functions did not fit some data sets adequately. In this case it was necessary to split the data for a substance into two regions of temperature, and fit the two sets independently. The virial coefficient values merged at the boundary.
1.6 Glossary of Symbols a a A A b B C C D f f f f F g G H
radius of sphere coefficients of B(T) defined by equations (1.7) and (1.21) Helmholtz energy hard sphere second virial coefficient second virial coefficient heat capacity (with subscript p or V) third virial coefficient fourth virial coefficient flow rate: equation (1.18) frequency: equation (1.15) fugacity: equation (1.53) Meyer function: equation (1.27) force acceleration due to gravity Gibbs energy enthalpy
k M n N NA p P R R S T u U V w
Boltzmann constant relative molecular mass refractive index cell constant in Burnett method Avogadro constant pressure electric power: section 1.2.3 intermolecular separation gas constant entropy temperature speed of sound intermolecular potential energy function volume weight applied to individual data points Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
β ε ε λ µ γ γ φ ν θ, ϕ, ψ ρ σ Ω τ ω ω
compressibility factor, or compression factor second acoustic virial coefficient relative permittivity intermolecular attractive well-depth position of the outer wall in a square-well potential Joule Thomson coefficient ratio of heat capacities third acoustic virial coefficient defined in equation (1.18) eigenvalue Euler angles density molecular diameter 8π2 (three dimensional) defined by equation (1.27) orientation acentric factor
Subscripts a
add av c m L n n o p r s T V vap α ε
pairwise additive average critical molar liquid optical, or refractivity (virial coefficient) amount of substance mean (radius) constant pressure reduced sphere constant temperature constant volume vaporization polarisability dielectric (virial coefficient)
Superscripts * pg
virial coefficients in the pressure series perfect gas
References 24-len 36-bur 57-pit/cur 61-dou/har 66-tra/was 69-mas/spu 74-tso 75-hay/oco 75-tso 77-alb/wor 77-tar/dan 79-ewi/mar 81-hos/sco 81-mai/rig 81-meh/mol 82-sch/mue 82-zam/ste
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Lennard-Jones, J. E.; Proc. Roy. Soc. A106 (1924) 463. Burnett, E. S.; J. Appl. Mech. 3 (1936), 136. Pitzer, K. S.; Curl, Jr., R. F.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79 (1957), 2369. Douslin, D. R.; Harrison, R. H.; Moore, R. T.; McCullough, J. P.; Chem. Phys. 35 (1961) 1357. Trappeniers, N. J.; Wassenaar, T.; Wolkers, G. J.; Physica (Amsterdam) 32 (1966) 1503. Mason, E. A.; Spurling, T. H.; The Virial Equation of State, The International Encyclopaedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, (1969). Tsonopoulos, C.; AIChE. J. 20 (1974) 263. Hayden, J. G.; O’Connell, J. P.; Ind. Eng. Chem., Process Des. Dev. 14 (1975) 209. Tsonopoulos, C.; AIChE. J., 21, (1975), 827-829. Al-Bizreh, N.; Wormald, C. J.; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 9 (1977) 749. Tarakad, R. R.; Danner, R. P.; AIChE. J. 23 (1977) 685. Ewing, M. B.; Marsh, K. N., J. Chem. Thermodyn. 11 (1979) 793. Hossenlopp, I. A.; Scott, D. W.; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 13 (1981) 423. Maitland, G. C.; Rigby, M.; Smith, E. B.; Wakeham, W. A.; Intermolecular forces; their origin and determination. Oxford University Press, Oxford (1981). Mehl, J. B.; Moldover, M. R.; J. Chem. Phys. 74 (1981) 4062. Schramm, B.; Mueller, W.; Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem. 86 (1982) 110. Zamojski, W.; Stecki, J.; Pol. J. Chem. 56 (1982) 563.
22 83-mar/lin 83-orb/ver 84-mcc/dan 84-tan/toe 86-kle/wag 87-spi/gau 88-hau/ker 88-pat/jof 88-pre/fla 89-azi/sla 89-dha/all 89-ewi/tru 90-azi/sla 90-dha/mea 91-sch/web 92-kos/leh 94-boy 94-mil/hen 96-dym/mar 96-est/tru 96-gil/mol 96-wag/der 96-wil/mar
97-jan/azi 97-kor/wil 99-wil 99-wil/mar 2000-lae 2001-fre/don
1.6 Glossary of Symbols Marcos, D. H.; Lindley, D. D.; Wilson, K. S.; Kay, W. B.; Hershey, H. C.; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 15 (1983) 1003. Orbey, H.; Vera, J. H.; AIChE. J. 29 (1983) 107. McCann, D. W.; Danner, R. P.; Ind. Eng. Chem., Process Des. Dev. 23 (1984) 529. Tang, K. T.; Toennies, J. P.; J. Chem. Phys. 80 (1984) 3726. Kleinrahm, R.; Wagner, W.; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 18 (1986) 739. Spiske, J.; Gaube, J.; Chem. Eng. Technol. 10 (1987) 143. Häusler, H.; Kerl, K.;. Int. J. Thermophys. 9 (1988) 117. Patel, M. R.; Joffrion, L.; Eubank, P. T.; AIChE. J. 34 (1988) 1229. Press, W. H.; Flannery, B. P.; Teukolsky, S. A.; Vetterlling, W. T.; Numerical Recipes in C, New York; Cambridge Univ. Press (1988). Aziz, R. A.; Slaman, M. J.; Chem. Phys. 130 (1989) 187. Dham, A. K.; Allnatt, A. R.; Meath, W. J.; Aziz, R. A.; Mol. Phys. 67 (1989) 1291. Ewing, M. B.; Trusler, J. P. M.; J. Chem. Phys. 90 (1989) 1106. Aziz, R. A.; Slaman, M. J.; J. Chem. Phys. 92 (1990) 1030. Dham, A. K.; Meath, W. J.; Allnatt, A. R.; Aziz, R. A.; Slaman, M. J.; Chem. Phys. 142 (1990) 173. Schramm, B.; Weber, C.; J. Chem. Thermodyn. 23 (1991) 281. Koschine, A.; Lehmann, J. K.; Meas. Sci. Technol. 3 (1992) 411. Boyes, S. J.; Chem. Phys. Lett. 221 (1994) 467. Millat, J.; Hendl, H.; Bich, E.; Int. J. Thermophys. 15 (1994) 903. Dymond, J. H.; Marsh K. N.; Maczynski, A.; Floppy Book for Virial Coefficients of Pure Gases and Gas Mixtures, TRC Databases for Chemistry and Engineering, Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas A&M University (1996). Estrada-Alexanders, A. F.; Trusler, J. P. M.; Int. J. Thermophys. 17 (1996) 1325. Gillis, K. A.; Moldover, M. R.; Int. J. Thermophys. 17 (1996) 1305. Wagner, W.; de Reuck, K. M.; Methane, International Thermodynamic Tables of the Fluid State - 13, Blackwell Science (1996). Wilhoit R. C.; Marsh, K. N.; Hong, X.; Gadalla, N.; Frenkel, M.; Thermodynamic Properties of Organic Compounds and Their Mixtures, Subvolume B. Densities of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Alkanes, Landolt-Börnstein, Group IV. Physical Chemistry, Vol. 8, Berlin; Springer-Verlag, (1996). Also Subvolumes C-F. Janzen, A. R.; Aziz, R. A.; J. Chem. Phys. 107 (1997) 914. Korona, T.; Williams, H. L.; Bukowski, R.; Jeziorski, B.; Szalewicz, K; J. Chem. Phys. 106 (1997) 5109. Wilhoit, R. C.; Documentation for the TRC Source Database, Thermodynamics Research Center, College Station TX, 77843, Nov. (1999) 207. Wilhoit R. C.; Marsh, K. N.; Int. J. Thermophys. 10 (1999) 247. Laesecke, A.; Reference correlations for the virial coefficients of the Lennard-Jones fluid, private communication. Frenkel, M.; Dong, Q.; Wihoit, R.C.; Hall, K.R.; Int. J. Thermophys. 22 (2001) 215.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
2 Tabulated Data on Second Virial Coefficients of Inorganic Compounds Argon
MW = 39.95
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.4162 ⋅ 10 − 1.2087 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 7.6702 ⋅ 105/(T/K)2 − 1.9600 ⋅ 107/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -302.3 ± 5.0 -275.1 ± 4.0 -246.1 ± 3.0 -221.7 ± 2.0 -200.9 ± 1.5 -183.0 ± 1.0
T/K 76 80 85 90 95 100
T/K 110 125 150 200 250 300
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -153.8 ± 1.0 -121.7 ± 0.5 -86.3 ± 0.3 -47.9 ± 0.3 -27.7 ± 0.3 -15.4 ± 0.3
T/K 400 500 600 700 800 1000
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1.2 ± 0.3 6.8 ± 0.5 11.8 ± 0.5 15.3 ± 0.5 17.8 ± 0.5 21.3 ± 0.5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 75.00 -313.8 ± 1.0 -4.0 0.0 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 150.65 -85.6 ± 1.0 80.00 -276.7 ± 1.0 -1.6 0.0 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 150.65 -85.6 ± 1.0 90.00 -221.4 ± 0.8 0.3 -0.1 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 150.70 -85.7 ± 0.3 100.00 -182.1 ± 0.6 0.9 -0.1 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 153.00 -83.2 ± 0.3 110.00 -152.9 ± 0.5 0.9 153.15 -82.5 ± 1.0 0.4 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 110.00 -152.7 ± 1.3 1.1 153.15 -83.0 ± 1.0 -0.1 94-gil/kle-1(×) 110.00 -153.6 ± 0.5 0.2 96-est/tru(z) 155.00 -81.2 ± 0.3 -0.1 120.00 -130.7 ± 0.6 0.5 155.00 -81.4 ± 0.2 -0.4 94-gil/kle-1(×) 120.00 -130.9 ± 0.4 0.3 96-est/tru(z) 157.00 -79.2 ± 0.3 -0.1 125.00 -121.0 ± 0.4 0.7 -0.2 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 160.00 -76.3 ± 0.3 130.00 -113.0 ± 0.3 0.1 160.00 -76.4 ± 0.2 -0.3 94-gil/kle-1(×) 130.00 -112.9 ± 0.4 0.2 96-est/tru(z) 163.15 -71.9 ± 1.0 1.4 133.15 -108.0 ± 1.0 0.2 58-mic/lev({) 163.15 -73.3 ± 1.0 0.0 135.00 -105.4 ± 0.3 0.0 165.00 -71.8 ± 0.3 -0.2 94-gil/kle-1(×) 138.15 -100.9 ± 1.0 0.1 58-mic/lev({) 170.00 -67.6 ± 0.3 -0.2 140.00 -98.5 ± 0.3 0.0 173.15 -64.2 ± 1.0 0.8 94-gil/kle-1(×) 140.00 -97.2 ± 0.3 1.3 96-est/tru(z) 173.15 -65.2 ± 1.0 -0.2 143.00 -94.7 ± 0.3 -0.1 175.00 -63.8 ± 0.3 -0.1 94-gil/kle-1(×) 143.15 -94.4 ± 1.0 0.0 58-mic/lev({) 175.00 -63.8 ± 0.2 -0.2 145.00 -92.2 ± 0.3 -0.1 96-est/tru(z) 180.00 -60.2 ± 0.3 -0.1 146.00 -91.0 ± 0.3 -0.1 188.15 -54.3 ± 1.0 0.4 94-gil/kle-1(×) 148.00 -88.7 ± 0.3 -0.1 188.15 -54.8 ± 1.0 -0.1 94-gil/kle-1(×) 148.15 -88.3 ± 1.0 0.1 58-mic/lev({) 190.00 -53.7 ± 0.3 -0.1 148.15 -88.5 ± 1.0 -0.1 58-mic/lev({) 190.00 -53.7 ± 0.2 -0.1 150.00 -86.0 ± 0.2 0.3 0.0 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 200.00 -47.9 ± 0.1 150.00 -86.7 ± 0.2 -0.4 96-est/tru(z) 200.00 -48.0 ± 0.3 -0.1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 96-est/tru(z) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 96-est/tru(z) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 96-est/tru(z) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 96-est/tru(z) 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 94-gil/kle-1(×) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Argon (cont.) 6
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
-6 50
450 T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 203.15 -46.0 ± 1.0 0.3 203.15 -46.5 ± 1.0 -0.3 205.00 -45.5 ± 0.2 -0.2 220.00 -38.5 ± 0.3 -0.1 220.00 -38.6 ± 0.2 -0.1 223.15 -37.1 ± 1.0 0.1 223.15 -37.4 ± 1.0 -0.3 248.15 -28.3 ± 1.0 0.0 248.15 -28.6 ± 1.0 -0.3 250.00 -27.7 ± 0.1 0.0 250.00 -27.7 ± 0.3 0.0 250.00 -27.9 ± 0.1 -0.2 265.00 -23.4 ± 0.3 0.0 273.15 -21.1 ± 1.0 0.2 273.15 -21.5 ± 1.0 -0.1 280.00 -19.6 ± 0.3 0.1 295.00 -16.3 ± 0.3 0.1 295.00 -16.4 ± 0.1 0.0 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 96-est/tru(z) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 96-est/tru(z) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 58-mic/lev({) 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 96-est/tru(z) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 49-mic/wij(
) 49-mic/wij(
) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 96-est/tru(z)
T K 298.15 298.15 300.00 303.15 303.15 310.00 323.15 323.15 325.00 340.00 348.15 348.15 355.00 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 398.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -15.5 ± 1.0 0.3 -15.8 ± 1.0 0.0 -15.2 ± 0.1 0.2 -15.1 ± 0.1 -0.3 -15.1 ± 0.1 -0.3 -13.3 ± 0.3 0.1 -11.1 ± 1.0 0.1 -11.2 ± 1.0 -0.1 -10.7 ± 0.3 0.2 -8.3 ± 0.3 0.2 -7.1 ± 1.0 0.2 -7.3 ± 1.0 0.1 -6.4 ± 0.1 0.0 -3.9 ± 1.0 0.2 -4.0 ± 1.0 0.1 -4.1 ± 0.1 0.0 -4.0 ± 0.1 0.1 -1.1 ± 1.0 0.3 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 49-mic/wij(
) 49-mic/wij(
) 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 67-kal/mil() 67-kal/mil() 94-gil/kle-1(×) 49-mic/wij(
) 49-mic/wij(
) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 94-gil/kle-1(×) 49-mic/wij(
) 49-mic/wij(
) 96-est/tru(z) 49-mic/wij(
) 49-mic/wij(
) 67-kal/mil() 67-kal/mil() 49-mic/wij(
) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Argon (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 398.15 -1.2 ± 1.0 0.2 49-mic/wij(
) 573.15 10.8 ± 0.1 0.1 67-kal/mil() 400.00 -0.9 ± 0.1 0.3 0.0 67-kal/mil() 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 573.15 10.6 ± 0.1 400.00 -1.1 ± 0.1 0.1 96-est/tru(z) 600.00 11.8 ± 0.1 0.0 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 423.15 1.4 ± 1.0 0.4 49-mic/wij(
) 673.15 14.3 ± 0.1 -0.2 67-kal/mil() 423.15 1.4 ± 1.0 0.3 49-mic/wij(
) 673.15 14.2 ± 0.1 -0.3 67-kal/mil() 450.00 3.3 ± 0.1 0.0 96-est/tru(z) 700.00 15.1 ± 0.1 -0.2 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) 473.15 5.1 ± 0.1 0.1 67-kal/mil() 773.15 17.1 ± 0.1 -0.1 67-kal/mil() 473.15 5.2 ± 0.1 0.2 67-kal/mil() 773.15 17.0 ± 0.1 -0.2 67-kal/mil() 500.00 7.0 ± 0.1 0.2 92-ewi/tru-1(▲) Further references: [10-onn/cro, 25-hol/ott, 30-tan/mas, 53-wha/lup, 56-cot/ham, 60-lec, 62-fen/hal, 62poo/sav, 66-cra/son, 67-wei/wyn, 68-byr/jon, 69-lic/sch, 70-bla/hal, 70-bos/col, 71-pro/can, 72-osb, 73pop/cha, 74-bel/rei, 74-hah/sch, 74-sch/heb, 76-san/uri, 77-ren/sch, 77-sch/sch, 79-ewi/mar, 79-sch/leu-1, 80-per/sch, 80-sch/geh, 80-woo/kro, 82-ker, 84-ker/hae, 88-pat/jof, 89-ewi/owu, 91-lop/roz]. _________
Boron trifluoride
MW = 67.81
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 9.1039 ⋅ 10 − 5.9081 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 1.0478 · 107/(T/K)2 − 3.0463 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -132 ± 5 -107 ± 5 -88 ± 5
T/K 275 295 315
T/K 335 355 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -73 ± 4 -60 ± 2 -41 ± 2
T/K 435 475
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -26 ± 1 -15 ± 1
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 273.15 -135.1 ± 3.0 -0.8 66-vis({) 323.15 -83.0 ± 5.0 -1.3 273.15 -135.0 ± 5.0 -0.7 323.20 -82.0 ± 5.5 -0.3 73-wax/hil(×) 283.15 -117.9 ± 3.0 3.2 66-vis({) 333.15 -65.0 ± 3.0 9.3 283.16 -123.0 ± 5.0 -1.9 335.84 -75.0 ± 5.0 -2.6 73-wax/hil(×) 293.15 -110.7 ± 3.0 -1.2 66-vis({) 343.20 -71.2 ± 5.8 -3.7 293.20 -105.1 ± 5.4 4.3 61-raw(
) 348.15 -67.0 ± 5.0 -2.6 298.15 -98.1 ± 3.0 6.1 66-vis({) 373.15 -52.0 ± 2.0 -1.3 298.15 -106.0 ± 5.0 -1.8 398.15 -40.0 ± 2.0 -0.5 73-wax/hil(×) 303.20 -98.0 ± 6.1 1.1 61-raw(
) 423.15 -30.0 ± 1.0 0.3 310.65 -94.0 ± 5.0 -1.8 448.15 -22.0 ± 1.0 0.5 73-wax/hil(×) 313.15 -97.5 ± 3.0 -7.5 66-vis({) 473.16 -16.0 ± 1.0 -0.2 313.20 -89.7 ± 5.6 0.2 61-raw(
) 498.15 -10.0 ± 1.0 0.0 323.15 -78.6 ± 3.0 3.2 66-vis({) _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 73-wax/hil(×) 61-raw(
) 66-vis({) 73-wax/hil(×) 61-raw(
) 73-wax/hil(×) 73-wax/hil(×) 73-wax/hil(×) 73-wax/hil(×) 73-wax/hil(×) 73-wax/hil(×) 73-wax/hil(×) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Boron trifluoride (cont.) 15
( B exp - B calc )/cm
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
MW = 27.67
MW = 27.03
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 275.15 -227.0 ± 11.0 49-car/cla _________
Hydrogen cyanide
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 6.0611⋅ 103 + 4.6389 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 9.8352 · 108/(T/K)2 T/K 305 315 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1424 ± 150 -1246 ± 150 -1099 ± 140
T/K 335 345 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -977 ± 140 -878 ± 130 -798 ± 120
T/K 365 375 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -734 ± 110 -685 ± 100 -665 ± 100 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Hydrogen cyanide (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 303.15 -1602 ± 300 -141 65-cot/mac 348.15 -940 ± 200 -89 303.15 -1564 ± 250 -103 65-cot/mac 348.15 -765 ± 75 86 303.15 -1332 ± 100 129 65-cot/mac 383.15 -507 ± 150 147 343.15 -811 ± 200 84 65-cot/mac 383.15 -672 ± 150 -19 343.15 -989 ± 200 -94 65-cot/mac _________
Carbon monoxide
65-cot/mac 65-cot/mac 65-cot/mac 65-cot/mac
MW = 28.01
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.8826 ⋅ 10 − 1.5614 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 2.7570 · 105/(T/K)2 − 4.7684 · 107/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -118.1 ± 0.5 -101.3 ± 0.5 -87.6 ± 0.5 -66.5 ± 0.5 -51.2 ± 0.5 -39.4 ± 0.5
T/K 125 135 145 165 185 205
T/K 235 265 295 325 355 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -26.3 ± 0.5 -16.6 ± 0.5 -9.1 ± 0.5 -3.2 ± 0.5 1.6 ± 0.5 6.8 ± 0.5
T/K 435 475 515 555 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 10.9 ± 1.0 14.3 ± 1.0 17.1 ± 1.0 19.5 ± 1.0 20.3 ± 1.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 120.00 -127.8 ± 0.4 0.2 83-goo-1({) 323.20 -3.7 ± 0.4 -0.2 140.00 -94.7 ± 0.5 -0.5 83-goo-1({) 330.00 -4.3 ± 0.5 -2.0 160.00 -71.5 ± 0.6 -0.4 83-goo-1({) 348.15 0.9 ± 1.0 0.3 180.00 -54.8 ± 0.7 -0.2 83-goo-1({) 348.15 1.1 ± 1.0 0.5 200.00 -42.0 ± 0.8 0.1 83-goo-1({) 373.15 4.5 ± 1.0 0.4 220.00 -32.3 ± 0.2 0.1 83-goo-1({) 373.15 4.6 ± 1.0 0.5 240.00 -24.3 ± 0.3 0.2 83-goo-1({) 398.15 7.5 ± 1.0 0.4 260.00 -17.5 ± 0.3 0.5 83-goo-1({) 398.15 7.7 ± 1.0 0.6 273.15 -14.2 ± 1.0 0.2 400.00 5.0 ± 0.6 -2.3 52-mic/lup(×) 273.15 -13.7 ± 1.0 0.7 423.15 10.0 ± 1.0 0.3 52-mic/lup(×) 280.00 -12.0 ± 0.4 0.6 83-goo-1({) 423.15 10.2 ± 1.0 0.4 295.00 -9.0 ± 0.4 0.1 83-goo-1({) 423.20 9.6 ± 0.5 -0.2 298.15 -8.3 ± 1.0 0.2 450.00 9.6 ± 0.6 -2.6 52-mic/lup(×) 298.15 -8.0 ± 1.0 0.5 473.20 14.5 ± 0.2 0.4 52-mic/lup(×) 300.00 -7.2 ± 0.4 0.9 83-goo-1({) 513.20 17.3 ± 0.2 0.3 323.15 -3.4 ± 1.0 0.2 573.20 20.5 ± 0.2 0.0 52-mic/lup(×) 323.15 -3.3 ± 1.0 0.3 52-mic/lup(×) _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 64-con(
) 83-goo-1({) 52-mic/lup(×) 52-mic/lup(×) 52-mic/lup(×) 52-mic/lup(×) 52-mic/lup(×) 52-mic/lup(×) 83-goo-1({) 52-mic/lup(×) 52-mic/lup(×) 64-con(
) 83-goo-1({) 64-con(
) 64-con(
) 64-con(
) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Carbon monoxide (cont.) Further references: [29-sco, 31-tow/bha, 56-mat/sta, 63-mul/kir-1, 80-sch/geh, 82-sch/mue, 83-goo-1(set2, set-3), 86-eli/hoa, 87-bar/cal, 91-bou/moo, 91-sch/eli, 96-vat/sch].
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
-4 100
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Carbonyl sulfide
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 290.00 -270.0 ± 30.0 92-bel/big 300.00 -250.0 ± 30.0 92-bel/big _________
Carbon dioxide
T K 310.00 _________
MW = 60.08
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -226.7 ± 26.0
MW = 44.01
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 5.7400 ⋅ 10 − 3.8829 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 4.2899 · 105/(T/K)2 − 1.4661 · 109/(T/K)3
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Carbon dioxide (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 220 -247.9 ± 1.0 230 -223.8 ± 0.5 250 -184.9 ± 0.5 270 -155.0 ± 0.5 290 -131.5 ± 0.5
T/K 320 350 380 420 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -104.5 ± 0.5 -84.2 ± 0.5 -68.5 ± 0.5 -52.4 ± 0.5 -37.4 ± 0.5
T/K 530 590 650 710 770
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -24.2 ± 0.5 -14.3 ± 0.5 -6.7 ± 0.5 -0.5 ± 0.5 4.5 ± 0.5
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
-3 200
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 217.00 -255.4 ± 1.0 0.5 87-hol/hal(z) 240.00 -202.1 ± 0.8 0.9 220.00 -247.5 ± 1.0 0.4 87-hol/hal(z) 250.00 -184.8 ± 0.3 0.1 220.00 -247.5 ± 1.0 0.4 0.1 90-dus/kle(◆) 260.00 -168.9 ± 0.3 230.00 -223.7 ± 0.5 0.1 87-hol/hal(z) 260.00 -168.3 ± 0.7 0.7 240.00 -202.8 ± 0.4 0.2 87-hol/hal(z) 270.00 -155.1 ± 0.3 -0.1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 90-dus/kle(◆) 87-hol/hal(z) 87-hol/hal(z) 90-dus/kle(◆) 87-hol/hal(z) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Carbon dioxide (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 273.15 -151.2 ± 1.0 -0.2 35-mic/mic() 348.15 -85.4 ± 0.8 -0.1 90-glo(▲) 273.15 -150.1 ± 0.3 0.9 73-wax/dav({) 348.41 -86.7 ± 1.0 -1.5 35-mic/mic() 273.20 -150.4 ± 0.5 0.5 353.20 -83.1 ± 0.5 -0.7 87-jae(×) 87-jae(×) 280.00 -142.7 ± 0.3 -0.1 87-hol/hal(z) 372.92 -73.7 ± 1.0 -1.8 35-mic/mic() 280.00 -142.1 ± 0.6 0.5 -0.1 73-wax/dav({) 90-dus/kle(◆) 373.15 -71.9 ± 0.3 290.00 -131.6 ± 0.3 -0.1 87-hol/hal(z) 373.15 -71.6 ± 0.2 0.2 87-hol/hal(z) 293.20 -128.0 ± 0.5 0.2 373.15 -72.0 ± 0.7 -0.2 87-jae(×) 90-glo(▲) 298.15 -123.2 ± 0.2 0.2 87-hol/hal(z) 398.15 -60.7 ± 0.3 -0.1 73-wax/dav({) 298.20 -123.6 ± 1.0 -0.3 35-mic/mic() 398.15 -60.5 ± 0.1 0.2 87-hol/hal(z) 300.00 -121.7 ± 0.2 -0.1 87-hol/hal(z) 398.15 -60.6 ± 0.7 0.0 90-glo(▲) 300.00 -121.4 ± 0.5 0.2 -1.6 35-mic/mic() 90-dus/kle(◆) 398.16 -62.2 ± 1.0 303.05 -119.5 ± 1.0 -0.7 35-mic/mic() 412.98 -55.8 ± 1.0 -0.8 35-mic/mic() 304.19 -118.4 ± 1.0 -0.7 35-mic/mic() 418.20 -54.0 ± 1.0 -1.0 35-mic/mic() 304.19 -117.7 ± 1.0 0.0 423.15 -51.4 ± 0.3 -0.1 73-wax/dav({) 90-glo(▲) 305.23 -117.3 ± 1.0 -0.5 35-mic/mic() 423.15 -51.3 ± 0.1 0.1 87-hol/hal(z) 313.20 -109.8 ± 0.5 0.1 423.15 -51.3 ± 0.6 0.0 87-jae(×) 90-glo(▲) 313.25 -110.8 ± 1.0 -1.0 35-mic/mic() 423.20 -52.4 ± 3.1 -1.1 66-vuk/mas(
) 320.00 -104.7 ± 0.2 -0.2 87-hol/hal(z) 423.29 -52.2 ± 1.0 -1.0 35-mic/mic() 320.00 -104.5 ± 0.4 0.0 -0.1 87-hol/hal(z) 90-dus/kle(◆) 448.15 -43.5 ± 0.1 322.86 -103.5 ± 1.0 -1.2 35-mic/mic() 473.20 -36.7 ± 2.3 -0.1 66-vuk/mas(
) 323.15 -102.3 ± 0.3 -0.2 73-wax/dav({) 523.20 -25.1 ± 1.8 0.4 66-vuk/mas(
) 323.15 -102.0 ± 0.2 0.1 87-hol/hal(z) 573.20 -16.3 ± 1.3 0.5 66-vuk/mas(
) 323.15 -102.2 ± 0.9 -0.1 623.20 -9.4 ± 1.0 0.5 66-vuk/mas(
) 90-glo(▲) 333.20 -95.0 ± 0.5 -0.1 673.20 -3.7 ± 0.7 0.4 66-vuk/mas(
) 87-jae(×) 340.00 -90.6 ± 0.3 -0.2 0.9 ± 0.5 0.3 66-vuk/mas(
) 90-dus/kle(◆) 723.20 348.15 -85.4 ± 0.3 -0.1 73-wax/dav({) 773.20 4.8 ± 0.3 0.1 66-vuk/mas(
) 348.15 -85.2 ± 0.2 0.1 87-hol/hal(z) Further references: [1897-led/sac, 05-ray, 33-caw/pat, 37-caw/pat, 37-sch, 50-bot/mas, 50-lam/sta, 50mac/sch, 55-pfe/gof, 56-cot/ham, 56-cot/ham-1, 57-coo, 58-per/dia, 63-mul/kir-1, 64-but/dad, 67-dad/eva, 67-ku /dod, 67-sas/dod, 69-lic/sch, 70-bos/col, 70-tim/kob, 80-hol/wat, 80-kat/ohg, 80-sch/geh, 81ben/bie, 82-ohg/nak-1, 82-sch/mue, 84-ohg/sak, 86-eli/hoa, 87-mal/nat, 88-pat/jof, 91-lop/roz, 91-sch/eli 92-web]. _________
Carbon disulfide
MW = 76.14
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.8415 ⋅ 10 3 − 2.8985 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 9.5830 · 108/(T/K)2 − 1.2515 · 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 285 295 310 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -937 ± 50 -847 ± 50 -738 ± 50 -650 ± 50
T/K 340 360 380 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -578 ± 50 -498 ± 50 -430 ± 50 -371 ± 50
T/K 430 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -290 ± 50 -193 ± 50
cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Carbon disulfide (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 281.94 -923 ± 60 44 62-wad/smi 330.22 -638 ± 15 -15 295.20 -659 ± 200 186 52-cas/mas 337.14 -605 ± 60 -15 295.20 -849 ± 3 -4 58-bot/ree 346.04 -583 ± 15 -31 295.20 -646 ± 100 199 58-bot/rem 353.15 -480 ± 45 44 297.68 -793 ± 15 32 64-bot/spu-1 368.15 -430 ± 42 39 298.15 -802 ± 50 20 62-wad/smi 374.15 -492 ± 15 -43 308.20 -748 ± 3 1 58-bot/ree 382.15 -380 ± 36 44 308.20 -582 ± 100 167 58-bot/rem 398.15 -335 ± 30 41 313.15 -810 ± 100 -93 69-haj/kay 413.15 -310 ± 25 25 319.37 -696 ± 50 -15 62-wad/smi 426.15 -381 ± 15 -81 323.15 -671 ± 15 -11 64-bot/spu-1 427.15 -270 ± 20 28 323.15 -700 ± 80 -40 69-haj/kay 453.15 -230 ± 18 3 323.20 -661 ± 3 -2 58-bot/ree 473.15 -195 ± 16 -10 325.28 -661 ± 15 -13 64-bot/spu-1 _________
Chlorine trifluoride
64-bot/spu-1 69-haj/kay 64-bot/spu-1 69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay 64-bot/spu-1 69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay 64-bot/spu-1 69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay
MW = 92.45
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.0754 ⋅ 103 + 9.3227 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 2.7872 · 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1371 ± 100 -1236 ± 100
T/K 275 285
T/K 300 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1065 ± 100 -884 ± 100
T/K 340 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -745 ± 80 -661 ± 60
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 273.20 -1360 ± 30 37 56-mag-11) 313.20 -841 ± 45 99 293.20 -1162 ± 70 -24 56-mag-11) 334.40 -706 ± 20 74 307.20 -1146 ± 20 -152 56-mag-11) 356.30 -689 ± 170 -35 1) Weight was replaced by larger uncertainties in the fitting analysis. _________
Hydrogen chloride
56-mag-11) 56-mag-11) 56-mag-1
MW = 36.46
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 8.1566 ⋅ 10 − 9.7274 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 2.7321 · 107/(T/K)2 − 5.3320 · 109/(T/K)3 T/K 195 215 Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -418 ± 20 -316 ± 15
T/K 235 255
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -248 ± 10 -201 ± 10
T/K 285 315
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -154 ± 8 -122 ± 7 cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Hydrogen chloride (cont.) Table 1.(cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 345 -101 ± 6 375 -85 ± 5
T/K 415 455
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -69 ± 4 -57 ± 3
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -50 ± 3
T/K 485
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 190.00 -456.0 ± 7.0 -5.0 79-sch/leu-1(
) 328.70 -100.2 ± 20.0 11.4 200.00 -392.0 ± 7.0 -3.7 79-sch/leu-1(
) 330.00 -114.0 ± 6.0 -3.3 210.15 -320.0 ± 10.0 17.2 97-wor/mas({) 330.15 -109.0 ± 9.0 1.6 225.00 -287.0 ± 7.0 -7.8 79-sch/leu-1(
) 368.70 -99.7 ± 20.0 -12.0 230.15 -252.0 ± 13.0 10.7 97-wor/mas({) 368.70 -69.5 ± 20.0 18.2 250.00 -221.0 ± 7.0 -9.4 79-sch/leu-1(
) 370.00 -90.0 ± 6.0 -3.0 250.15 -205.0 ± 11.0 6.3 97-wor/mas({) 370.15 -85.0 ± 7.0 2.0 270.15 -171.0 ± 17.0 3.6 97-wor/mas({) 389.50 -82.9 ± 20.0 -4.6 275.00 -175.0 ± 6.0 -7.7 79-sch/leu-1(
) 400.00 -76.0 ± 5.0 -1.8 290.15 -145.0 ± 5.0 2.5 97-wor/mas({) 420.00 -68.5 ± 5.0 -1.4 295.00 -147.1 ± 6.0 -5.2 79-sch/leu-1(
) 450.00 -59.0 ± 5.0 -0.8 300.00 -142.0 ± 6.0 -5.4 79-sch/leu-1(
) 480.00 -53.0 ± 5.0 -2.3 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 33-glo/roe(×) 79-sch/leu-1(
) 97-wor/mas({) 33-glo/ful() 33-glo/roe(×) 79-sch/leu-1(
) 97-wor/mas({) 33-glo/ful() 79-sch/leu-1(
) 79-sch/leu-1(
) 79-sch/leu-1(
) 79-sch/leu-1(
( B exp - B calc )/cm
40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 150
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
MW = 70.91
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.3171 ⋅ 10 + 5.1055 ⋅ 103/(T/K) − 2.9404 · 107/(T/K)2 − 5.0383 · 108/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -315 ± 5 -239 ± 5 -186 ± 5 -108 ± 5
T/K 300 340 380 480
T/K 580 680 780 880
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -68 ± 5 -45 ± 5 -30 ± 5 -20 ± 5
T/K 980 1070
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -13 ± 5 -8 ± 5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 296.05 -324.8 ± 5.0 -0.3 95-hoh/tru 781.68 -30.5 ± 5.0 -1.0 387.34 -176.2 ± 5.0 2.1 95-hoh/tru 881.12 -21.2 ± 5.0 -1.5 482.18 -110.8 ± 5.0 -3.6 95-hoh/tru 970.38 -12.6 ± 5.0 0.8 576.91 -69.3 ± 5.0 -0.4 95-hoh/tru 1079.59 -8.0 ± 5.0 -0.3 682.34 -39.9 ± 5.0 4.2 95-hoh/tru _________
_ __________________________________
95-hoh/tru 95-hoh/tru 95-hoh/tru 95-hoh/tru
MW = 38.00
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.3609 ⋅ 10 − 1.0625 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 6.0780 · 105/(T/K)2 − 2.2759 · 107/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -212.6 ± 40.0 -172.1 ± 40.0 -142.4 ± 10.0 -110.3 ± 10.0 -87.7 ± 2.0
T/K 85 95 105 120 135
T/K 150 170 190 210 230
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -71.0 ± 0.3 -54.6 ± 0.3 -42.5 ± 0.3 -33.2 ± 0.3 -25.9 ± 0.3
T/K 250 270 295
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -20.1 ± 0.3 -15.2 ± 0.3 -10.3 ± 0.3
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 80.0 -385.0 ± 80.0 -146.4 53-whi/hu 110.0 -175.0 ± 60.0 -44.7 80.0 -239.6 ± 40.0 -1.0 70-pry/str-2 110.0 -130.1 ± 10.0 0.2 85.0 -310.0 ± 80.0 -97.4 53-whi/hu 115.0 -119.4 ± 10.0 0.3 85.0 -213.2 ± 40.0 -0.6 70-pry/str-2 120.0 -110.0 ± 10.0 0.3 90.0 -256.0 ± 70.0 -65.3 53-whi/hu 125.0 -137.0 ± 50.0 -35.1 90.0 -191.0 ± 40.0 -0.3 70-pry/str-2 125.0 -101.7 ± 2.0 0.2 95.0 -224.0 ± 70.0 -51.9 53-whi/hu 130.0 -94.2 ± 2.0 0.2 95.0 -172.2 ± 40.0 -0.1 70-pry/str-2 135.0 -87.5 ± 2.0 0.2 100.0 -202.0 ± 65.0 -45.8 53-whi/hu 140.0 -81.5 ± 2.0 0.1 100.0 -156.1 ± 10.0 0.1 70-pry/str-2 145.0 -75.9 ± 2.0 0.1 105.0 -142.2 ± 10.0 0.2 70-pry/str-2 150.0 -98.0 ± 40.0 -27.0 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
53-whi/hu 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 53-whi/hu 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 53-whi/hu cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Fluorine (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 150.0 -70.9 ± 0.3 0.1 155.0 -66.3 ± 0.3 0.1 160.0 -62.1 ± 0.3 0.0 165.0 -58.2 ± 0.3 0.0 170.0 -54.6 ± 0.3 -0.1 175.0 -67.0 ± 30.0 -15.8 175.0 -51.2 ± 0.3 0.0 180.0 -48.1 ± 0.3 0.0 185.0 -45.2 ± 0.3 0.0 190.0 -42.5 ± 0.3 0.0 195.0 -40.0 ± 0.3 -0.1 200.0 -49.0 ± 20.0 -11.5 200.0 -37.6 ± 0.3 -0.1 205.0 -35.4 ± 0.3 -0.1 210.0 -33.2 ± 0.3 0.0 215.0 -31.3 ± 0.3 -0.1 220.0 -29.4 ± 0.3 0.0 _________
T K 225.0 230.0 235.0 240.0 245.0 250.0 250.0 255.0 260.0 265.0 270.0 275.0 280.0 285.0 290.0 295.0 300.0 _________
70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 53-whi/hu 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 53-whi/hu 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2
Silicon tetrafluoride
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -27.6 ± 0.3 0.0 -25.9 ± 0.3 0.1 -24.3 ± 0.3 0.1 -22.8 ± 0.3 0.1 -21.4 ± 0.3 0.0 -26.0 ± 5. -5.9 -20.0 ± 0.3 0.1 -18.7 ± 0.3 0.1 -17.5 ± 0.3 0.0 -16.3 ± 0.3 0.1 -15.2 ± 0.3 0.0 -14.1 ± 0.3 0.1 -13.1 ± 0.3 0.0 -12.2 ± 0.3 -0.1 -11.2 ± 0.3 0.0 -10.4 ± 0.3 -0.1 -9.5 ± 0.3 -0.1 ______________________________________
70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 53-whi/hu 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2
MW = 104.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.8410 + 3.0899 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 2.1990 · 107/(T/K)2 T/K 295 305 315
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -143 ± 5 -130 ± 5 -119 ± 5
T/K 325 335 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -108 ± 5 -99 ± 5 -90 ± 5
T/K 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -86 ± 5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 293.16 -145.6 ± 5.0 0.0 53-ham/mcm-1 323.16 -109.4 ± 5.0 0.7 303.16 -132.3 ± 5.0 0.2 53-ham/mcm-1 333.16 -100.4 ± 5.0 0.1 303.16 -132.6 ± 5.0 -0.1 53-ham/mcm-1 343.16 -92.5 ± 5.0 -0.7 313.16 -121.3 ± 5.0 -0.6 53-ham/mcm-1 353.15 -83.7 ± 5.0 0.3 _________
53-ham/mcm-1 53-ham/mcm-1 53-ham/mcm-1 53-ham/mcm-1
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Iodine pentafluoride
MW = 221.90
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 4.1041 ⋅ 103 + 3.1976 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 8.6383 · 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2547 ± 100 -2347 ± 100 -2172 ± 100 -2020 ± 90
T/K 320 330 340 350
T/K 360 370 380 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1887 ± 90 -1772 ± 80 -1671 ± 80 -1584 ± 80
T/K 400 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1509 ± 70 -1444 ± 70
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 319.80 -2574 ± 130 -22 76-hei/lic 365.20 -1760 ± 90 65 329.96 -2813 ± 500 -466 71-osb/sch 371.99 -1232 ± 500 519 331.60 -2222 ± 110 95 76-hei/lic 379.40 -1641 ± 80 36 333.30 -2305 ± 115 -19 76-hei/lic 392.20 -1638 ± 80 -71 338.40 -2203 ± 110 -5 76-hei/lic 399.30 -1459 ± 70 55 348.20 -2077 ± 105 -32 76-hei/lic 409.10 -1383 ± 70 66 360.50 -1975 ± 100 -94 76-hei/lic 411.20 -1511 ± 70 -74 _________
Phosphorus pentafluoride
76-hei/lic 71-osb/sch 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic
MW =125.97
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5774 ⋅ 102 − 1.0091 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 5.5073 · 105/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -163 ± 8 -153 ± 8 -144 ± 7
T/K 320 330 340
T/K 360 380 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -127 ± 6 -112 ± 5 -98 ± 5
T/K 420 440 465
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -86 ± 4 -74 ± 4 -62 ± 3
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 319.8 -164 ± 8 -1 76-hei/lic 411.4 -88 ± 4 3 326.1 -156 ± 8 1 76-hei/lic 418.3 -84 ± 4 3 339.6 -148 ± 7 -4 76-hei/lic 422.2 -88 ± 4 -4 353.4 -128 ± 6 4 76-hei/lic 437.1 -86 ± 4 -10 367.1 -119 ± 6 2 76-hei/lic 445.0 -72 ± 4 0 377.4 -116 ± 6 -3 76-hei/lic 453.4 -63 ± 3 4 381.3 -106 ± 5 5 76-hei/lic 466.3 -61 ± 3 0 401.5 -98 ± 5 -1 76-hei/lic _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic
2. Inorganic Compounds
Molybdenum hexafluoride
MW = 209.93
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.6453 ⋅ 102 − 4.4940 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 7.8792 · 107/(T/K)2 T/K 300 310 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -861 ± 45 -800 ± 40 -745 ± 35
T/K 340 360 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -649 ± 30 -568 ± 25 -499 ± 20
T/K 400 420 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -440 ± 20 -389 ± 20 -324 ± 15
100 80
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 275
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 298.15 -923 ± 30 -50 11 66-osb/sch(×) 338.10 -647 ± 20 313.20 -790 ± 40 -8 73-mor/ost(
) 350.60 -588 ± 18 17 320.00 -713 ± 21 32 76-hei/lic({) 353.20 -600 ± 30 -6 329.30 -679 ± 20 20 76-hei/lic({) 365.70 -550 ± 17 -2 333.20 -690 ± 35 -10 73-mor/ost(
) 373.20 -530 ± 27 -8 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 76-hei/lic({) 76-hei/lic({) 73-mor/ost(
) 76-hei/lic({) 73-mor/ost(
) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Molybdenum hexafluoride (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 374.40 -514 ± 15 387.50 -486 ± 15 393.20 -450 ± 23 394.60 -486 ± 15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 4 -10 9 -31
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 76-hei/lic({) 76-hei/lic({) 73-mor/ost(
) 76-hei/lic({)
Sulfur hexafluoride
T K 413.20 433.20 453.20 _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -400 ± 20 -330 ± 17 -320 ± 16
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 6 29 -2
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 73-mor/ost(
) 73-mor/ost(
) 73-mor/ost(
MW = 146.06
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.3313 ⋅ 102 − 9.4912 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 4.3833 · 106/(T/K)2 − 3.6849 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -692 ± 8 -617 ± 5 -554 ± 5 -412 ± 5
T/K 200 210 220 250
T/K 280 320 360 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -318 ± 2 -233 ± 2 -176 ± 2 -134 ± 2
T/K 440 480 520 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -103 ± 2 -79 ± 2 -59 ± 2 -49 ± 2
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 199.60 -693.0 ± 2.0 2.8 74-hah/sch1) 298.31 -286.3 ± 1.8 -11.7 210.80 -609.0 ± 2.0 2.9 74-hah/sch1) 298.31 -294.0 ± 4.0 -19.4 230.90 -494.0 ± 2.0 1.1 74-hah/sch1) 298.32 -291.8 ± 1.0 -17.2 251.80 -409.0 ± 2.0 -3.5 74-hah/sch1) 298.32 -294.0 ± 5.0 -19.4 257.42 -380.9 ± 7.0 4.6 88-hae/ker1) 300.00 -273.7 ± 2.0 -2.7 257.42 -386.0 ± 8.0 -0.6 88-hae/ker1) 303.15 -262.7 ± 0.6 1.8 260.00 -372.1 ± 3.0 4.6 85-mol1) 307.34 -259.0 ± 3.0 -2.8 268.86 -349.4 ± 1.4 -0.5 88-hae/ker1) 307.34 -254.1 ± 0.5 2.1 268.86 -343.0 ± 10.0 5.9 88-hae/ker1) 303.16 -274.8 ± 5.0 -10.3 271.61 -338.9 ± 0.4 1.9 72-sig/sil({) 303.20 -276.3 ± 3.0 -11.9 273.15 -333.7 ± 40.0 2.7 51-mac/sch-11) 308.12 -255.9 ± 0.2 -1.2 273.15 -341.5 ± 2.4 -5.1 308.90 -260.0 ± 5.0 -6.8 69-mea/ros(×) 273.20 -342.0 ± 2.0 -5.7 74-hah/sch1) 313.15 -242.9 ± 0.5 2.4 273.20 -335.5 ± 3.0 0.8 76-san/uri-11) 313.15 -222.0 ± 10.0 23.3 282.61 -300.9 ± 5.0 10.2 88-hae/ker1) 313.16 -252.6 ± 5.0 -7.4 282.61 -304.0 ± 3.0 7.1 88-hae/ker1) 313.20 -252.4 ± 3.0 -7.2 283.20 -315.7 ± 3.0 -6.1 76-san/uri-11) 315.00 -240.8 ± 1.0 1.1 285.00 -305.2 ± 1.0 -0.1 85-mol1) 318.04 -234.0 ± 5.0 2.5 293.15 -285.3 ± 0.8 0.6 318.04 -232.0 ± 1.0 4.5 69-mea/ros(×) 293.15 -252.6 ± 18.0 33.3 91-bou/moo1) 320.00 -233.0 ± 2.0 0.1 293.16 -294.1 ± 5.0 -8.2 53-ham/mcm-11) 321.15 -232.1 ± 0.5 -0.9 293.20 -295.2 ± 3.0 -9.4 76-san/uri-11) 323.01 -230.0 ± 3.0 -2.0 296.20 -285.0 ± 3.5 -5.9 86-eli/hoa1) 323.01 -225.5 ± 0.5 2.5 ________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 74-bel/rei1) 69-mea/ros(×) 55-cle/row() 69-mea/ros(×) 53-ham/mcm-11) 76-san/uri-11) 72-sig/sil({) 74-hah/sch1) 69-mea/ros(×) 91-bou/moo1) 53-ham/mcm-11) 76-san/uri-11) 85-mol1) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 74-bel/rei1) 92-gil/kle(
) 55-cle/row() 69-mea/ros(×) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Sulfur hexafluoride (cont.) 10 8
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 323.15 -228.6 ± 0.5 -0.8 323.15 -216.9 ± 26.0 10.9 323.15 -225.3 ± 0.5 2.5 323.15 -243.3 ± 7.3 -15.5 323.16 -236.4 ± 5.0 -8.6 323.16 -232.4 ± 5.0 -4.6 323.20 -243.3 ± 5.0 -15.6 323.20 -235.2 ± 3.0 -7.5 323.30 -218.8 ± 1.1 8.8 323.55 -230.0 ± 0.7 -2.9 328.15 -220.4 ± 0.5 -0.7 333.15 -209.5 ± 0.4 2.4 333.15 -191.0 ± 9.0 20.9 333.15 -212.8 ± 0.5 -0.8 333.16 -223.1 ± 5.0 -11.2 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-gil/kle(
) 51-mac/sch-11) 69-mea/ros(×) 71-nel/col1) 53-ham/mcm-11) 53-ham/mcm-11) 71-nel/col1) 76-san/uri-11) 74-hos/bos1) 72-sig/sil({) 92-gil/kle(
) 69-mea/ros(×) 91-bou/moo1) 92-gil/kle(
) 53-ham/mcm-11)
T K 337.73 337.73 340.00 340.00 343.15 343.16 343.43 348.01 348.01 348.10 348.15 348.16 348.16 348.30 348.01 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -207.7 ± 7.0 -2.6 -200.0 ± 20.0 5.1 -200.7 ± 2.0 1.2 -203.9 ± 1.0 -2.0 -195.3 ± 0.4 2.1 -206.7 ± 5.0 -9.3 -193.5 ± 4.0 3.6 -191.0 ± 3.0 -0.2 -188.9 ± 0.4 1.9 -194.3 ± 0.5 -3.6 -188.7 ± 0.4 2.0 -198.6 ± 5.0 -8.0 -195.6 ± 5.0 -5.0 -198.7 ± 3.5 -8.3 -191.0 ± 3.0 -0.2 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 74-bel/rei1) 85-mol1) 69-mea/ros(×) 53-ham/mcm-11) 70-haj/mac1) 55-cle/row() 69-mea/ros(×) 72-sig/sil({) 69-mea/ros(×) 53-ham/mcm-11) 53-ham/mcm-11) 74-hos/bos1) 55-cle/row() cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Sulfur hexafluoride (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 348.01 -188.9 ± 0.4 1.9 353.15 -182.4 ± 0.3 1.8 353.16 -191.6 ± 5.0 -7.5 370.00 -161.2 ± 2.0 2.9 370.33 -164.0 ± 3.0 -0.2 370.33 -162.7 ± 0.3 1.1 373.15 -159.2 ± 19.0 1.5 398.16 -139.9 ± 5.0 -3.9 400.00 -131.3 ± 2.0 3.0 404.45 -131.0 ± 3.0 -0.6 404.45 -130.5 ± 0.2 -0.1 423.15 -118.5 ± 14.0 -3.2 423.15 -118.3 ± 14.0 -3.0 373.15 -159.8 ± 0.3 0.9 373.15 -161.0 ± 4.0 -0.3 373.15 -163.4 ± 0.2 -2.7 373.16 -162.8 ± 5.0 -2.1 373.90 -167.0 ± 5.0 -7.1 373.90 -156.4 ± 0.9 3.5 398.15 -135.9 ± 0.3 0.1 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 69-mea/ros(×) 69-mea/ros(×) 53-ham/mcm-11) 74-bel/rei1) 55-cle/row() 69-mea/ros(×) 51-mac/sch-11) 53-ham/mcm-11) 74-bel/rei1) 55-cle/row() 69-mea/ros(×) 51-mac/sch-11) 51-mac/sch-11) 69-mea/ros(×) 70-haj/mac1) 72-sig/sil({) 53-ham/mcm-11) 74-hah/sch1) 74-hos/bos1) 69-mea/ros(×)
Uranium hexafluoride
T K 423.15 423.15 423.15 430.00 432.80 448.15 448.16 448.16 460.00 472.30 473.15 473.15 473.15 490.00 520.00 523.15 523.15 523.15 550.00 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -119.2 ± 5.0 -3.9 -115.6 ± 0.2 -0.3 -113.6 ± 1.5 1.7 -108.5 ± 2.0 1.7 -114.0 ± 5.0 -5.8 -98.0 ± 0.2 -0.2 -94.0 ± 5.0 3.8 -96.8 ± 5.0 1.0 -90.0 ± 2.0 0.4 -87.0 ± 5.0 -3.8 -78.9 ± 9.0 3.8 -79.9 ± 9.0 2.8 -82.5 ± 0.3 0.2 -72.9 ± 2.0 0.7 -57.7 ± 2.0 1.7 -53.8 ± 6.0 4.2 -51.5 ± 6.0 6.5 -56.3 ± 0.5 1.7 -44.5 ± 2.0 2.6 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 53-ham/mcm-11) 69-mea/ros(×) 72-sig/sil({) 74-bel/rei1) 74-hah/sch1) 69-mea/ros(×) 53-ham/mcm-11) 53-ham/mcm-11) 74-bel/rei1) 74-hah/sch1) 51-mac/sch-11) 51-mac/sch-11) 69-mea/ros(×) 74-bel/rei1) 74-bel/rei1) 51-mac/sch-11) 51-mac/sch-11) 69-mea/ros(×) 74-bel/rei1)
MW = 352.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.6977 ⋅ 103 + 1.8712 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 7.7035 · 108/(T/K)2 + 7.7828 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -936 ± 95 -878 ± 90 -825 ± 85 -776 ± 80
T/K 330 340 350 360
T/K 375 390 405 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -710 ± 70 -652 ± 65 -602 ± 60 -559 ± 55
T/K 435 450 465
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 522 ± 50 -490 ± 50 -462 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 320.6 -1032 ± 20 -38 76-hei/mei 347.2 -870 ± 20 -31 328.2 -842 ± 84 105 73-mor/ost 350.2 -853 ± 20 -29 332.2 -939 ± 20 -16 76-hei/mei 351.7 -843 ± 20 -27 342.2 -902 ± 20 -36 76-hei/mei 357.7 -815 ± 20 -28 343.2 -778 ± 78 83 73-mor/ost 358.2 -713 ± 71 71 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
76-hei/mei 76-hei/mei 76-hei/mei 76-hei/mei 73-mor/ost cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Uranium hexafluoride (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 367.2 -763 ± 20 -20 373.2 -624 ± 62 94 375.3 -736 ± 20 -27 385.2 -710 ± 20 -40 393.2 -557 ± 56 84 398.7 -664 ± 20 -41 410.2 -636 ± 20 -49 413.2 -477 ± 48 101 417.2 -615 ± 20 -48 Further reference: [56-mag-1]. _________
T K 430.2 433.2 435.2 445.2 451.2 453.2 463.2 464.2 469.2 _________
76-hei/mei 73-mor/ost 76-hei/mei 76-hei/mei 73-mor/ost 76-hei/mei 76-hei/mei 73-mor/ost 76-hei/mei
Tungsten hexafluoride
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -582 ± 20 -410 ± 41 -570 ± 20 -548 ± 20 -530 ± 20 -362 ± 36 -360 ± 36 -523 ± 20 -504 ± 20
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -49 116 -49 -49 -43 122 105 -59 -49
76-hei/mei 73-mor/ost 76-hei/mei 76-hei/mei 76-hei/mei 73-mor/ost 73-mor/ost 76-hei/mei 76-hei/mei
MW = 297.84
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.3848 ⋅ 102 − 2.8106 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 7.9833 · 106/(T/K)2 T/K 315 325 335
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -634 ± 40 -602 ± 35 -572 ± 30
T/K 350 365 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -530 ± 25 -491 ± 20 -445 ± 20
T/K 405 430 460
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -404 ± 15 -358 ± 15 -310 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 _________
313.2 320.0 333.2 334.4 342.8 351.6 353.2 361.7 373.2 374.0 382.2 391.8
-664 -653 -596 -582 -584 -531 -490 -516 -427 -486 -480 -440
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
66 20 60 18 18 16 49 15 43 15 15 13
-24 -35 -19 -9 -35 -6 31 -16 45 -16 -28 -9
73-mor/ost 76-hei/lic 73-mor/ost 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 73-mor/ost 76-hei/lic 73-mor/ost 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic
393.2 401.2 411.4 413.2 427.2 433.2 435.0 438.8 447.9 453.2 458.1 461.9
-373 -411 -400 -330 -381 -277 -377 -345 -332 -271 -326 -311
± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
37 12 12 33 12 28 11 11 10 27 10 9
55 1 -8 58 -18 76 -27 -1 -3 50 -13 -4
73-mor/ost 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 73-mor/ost 76-hei/lic 73-mor/ost 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic 73-mor/ost 76-hei/lic 76-hei/lic
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Xenon hexafluoride
MW = 245.28
MW = 2.02
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 346 -955 ± 2 69-sch/osb _________
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equations whose coefficients were obtained by weighted least square fits of the selected experimental values: For T = 14.00 to 60.00 K: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.0375 ⋅ 10 − 2.2113 ⋅ 103/(T/K) − 2.0892 ⋅ 104/(T/K)2 − 6.5299 ⋅ 104/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -239.2 ± 20.0 -150.6 ± 10.0 -105.7 ± 10.0 -79.0 ± 10.0
T/K 15 20 25 30
T/K 35 40 45 50
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -61.4 ± 10.0 -49.0 ± 5.0 -39.8 ± 5.0 -32.7 ± 3.0
T/K 55 60
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -27.1 ± 2.0 -22.6 ± 1.0
For T = 60.00 to 500.00 K: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.7472 ⋅ 10 − 1.2926 ⋅ 102/(T/K) − 2.6988 ⋅ 105/(T/K)2 + 8.0282 ⋅ 106/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -19.2 ± 1.0 -13.2 ± 1.0 -8.3 ± 1.0 -2.8 ± 1.0 1.2 ± 1.0 4.2 ± 1.0
T/K 65 75 85 100 115 130
T/K 145 165 180 200 220 250
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 6.4 ± 1.0 8.6 ± 1.0 9.8 ± 1.0 11.1 ± 1.0 12.1 ± 1.0 13.2 ± 1.0
T/K 290 330 370 410 450 495
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 14.1 ± 1.0 14.8 ± 1.0 15.3 ± 1.0 15.7 ± 1.0 15.9 ± 1.0 16.2 ± 1.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 14.00 -255.0 ± 30.0 13.0 59-var/bee1) 18.00 -181.0 ± 20.0 -2.9 14.00 -253.0 ± 30.0 15.0 62-kna/kno(z) 18.00 -178.0 ± 20.0 0.2 14.57 -245.6 ± 24.0 5.3 25-van/onn() 18.23 -170.5 ± 17.0 4.1 15.00 -232.0 ± 20.0 7.3 59-var/bee1) 18.29 -170.1 ± 17.0 3.6 15.00 -229.0 ± 20.0 10.3 62-kna/kno(z) 19.00 -168.0 ± 20.0 -4.6 15.71 -216.8 ± 22.0 5.1 25-van/onn() 19.00 -165.0 ± 20.0 -1.6 15.90 -244.9 ± 25.0 -27.3 12-deh1) 19.26 -158.5 ± 3.0 1.4 16.00 -212.0 ± 20.0 3.4 59-var/bee1) 20.00 -156.0 ± 20.0 -5.4 16.00 -210.0 ± 20.0 5.4 62-kna/kno(z) 20.00 -154.0 ± 20.0 -3.4 16.72 -194.0 ± 19.0 6.6 25-van/onn() 20.37 -145.3 ± 3.0 1.0 17.00 -196.0 ± 20.0 -0.7 59-var/bee1) 20.40 -152.0 ± 1.0 -6.1 17.00 -193.0 ± 20.0 2.3 62-kna/kno(z) 20.47 -151.3 ± 20.0 -6.2 17.70 -168.6 ± 15.0 14.4 12-deh1) 20.53 -143.0 ± 15.0 1.5 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 59-var/bee1) 62-kna/kno(z) 25-van/onn() 25-van/onn() 59-var/bee1) 62-kna/kno(z) 69-elh/dor1) 59-var/bee1) 62-kna/kno(z) 69-elh/dor1) 59-bee/var1) 62-kna/kno(z) 12-deh1) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Hydrogen (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 20.53 -150.8 ± 20.0 -6.4 20.58 -150.2 ± 20.0 -6.3 20.60 -141.4 ± 14.0 2.3 20.62 -140.2 ± 14.0 3.3 20.87 -136.5 ± 8.0 4.2 21.00 -146.0 ± 10.0 -6.7 21.00 -144.0 ± 10.0 -4.7 21.40 -134.0 ± 1.0 1.2 21.71 -131.2 ± 1.0 1.0 22.19 -126.3 ± 1.0 1.4 22.69 -121.7 ± 1.0 1.6 23.26 -117.3 ± 1.0 1.2 24.11 -110.3 ± 8.0 1.6 24.84 -108.2 ± 5.0 -1.4 25.00 -113.0 ± 10.0 -7.3 27.65 -90.2 ± 7.0 -0.2 30.00 -85.8 ± 9.0 -6.8 31.32 -76.5 ± 3.0 -2.8 32.43 -70.1 ± 7.0 -0.5 34.46 -72.4 ± 7.0 -9.4 35.00 -68.6 ± 7.0 -7.2 36.21 -67.2 ± 7.0 -9.2 36.60 -57.1 ± 3.0 -0.1 37.08 -56.0 ± 6.0 -0.3 39.17 -59.6 ± 6.0 -8.8 39.36 -59.4 ± 6.0 -9.0 40.00 -55.6 ± 6.0 -6.6 41.64 -45.6 ± 3.0 0.1 41.64 -45.6 ± 5.0 0.1 45.00 -45.3 ± 5.0 -5.5 46.45 -37.2 ± 5.0 0.4 47.62 -34.5 ± 3.0 1.3 50.00 -37.2 ± 4.0 -4.5 55.00 -30.0 ± 3.0 -2.9 55.75 -27.0 ± 2.0 -0.6 60.00 -23.7 ± 2.0 -1.1 60.34 -22.6 ± 2.0 -0.3 65.00 -18.4 ± 2.0 0.8 65.25 -18.4 ± 1.0 0.3 68.46 -15.5 ± 2.0 1.1 69.93 -17.0 ± 2.0 -0.9 77.89 -9.7 ± 2.0 1.9 90.15 -5.5 ± 1.0 0.7 90.30 -8.2 ± 0.8 -2.0 90.35 -5.4 ± 1.0 0.8 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-kna/kno(z) 62-kna/kno(z) 25-van/onn() 25-van/onn() 37-lon/bro1) 59-var/bee1) 62-kna/kno(z) 69-elh/dor1) 69-elh/dor1) 69-elh/dor1) 69-elh/dor1) 69-elh/dor1) 37-lon/bro1) 28-nij/kee1) 62-kna/kno(z) 37-lon/bro1) 62-kna/kno(z) 28-nij/kee1) 37-lon/bro1) 62-kna/kno(z) 62-kna/kno(z) 62-kna/kno(z) 28-nij/kee1) 37-lon/bro1) 62-kna/kno(z) 62-kna/kno(z) 62-kna/kno(z) 28-nij/kee1) 37-lon/bro1) 62-kna/kno(z) 37-lon/bro1) 28-nij/kee1) 62-kna/kno(z) 62-kna/kno(z) 07-onn/bra-11) 62-kna/kno(z) 07-onn/bra-11) 62-kna/kno(z) 25-hol/ott1) 07-onn/bra-11) 25-van/onn() 07-onn/bra-11) 25-hol/ott1) 25-van/onn() 07-onn/bra-11)
T K 98.15 103.15 109.02 113.15 123.15 123.15 133.28 138.15 153.15 169.59 173.15 173.15 198.15 223.15 223.15 248.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.16 273.16 293.06 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.16 296.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 300.00 303.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -3.0 ± 1.0 0.4 -1.6 ± 1.0 0.2 0.4 ± 1.0 0.6 0.8 ± 1.0 0.0 3.0 ± 1.0 0.0 2.7 ± 1.0 -0.3 5.1 ± 1.0 0.4 5.0 ± 1.0 -0.4 7.0 ± 1.0 -0.4 8.8 ± 1.0 -0.2 9.2 ± 1.0 -0.1 8.9 ± 1.0 -0.3 10.8 ± 1.0 -0.2 12.1 ± 1.0 -0.1 12.1 ± 1.0 -0.2 13.0 ± 1.0 -0.1 14.0 ± 1.0 0.2 14.1 ± 1.0 0.3 14.6 ± 0.5 0.9 13.7 ± 1.0 -0.1 13.5 ± 1.0 -0.3 13.8 ± 1.0 0.0 13.7 ± 1.0 0.0 13.0 ± 1.0 -0.8 13.6 ± 0.5 -0.2 -30.0 ± 15.0 -44.2 14.6 ± 1.0 0.4 15.4 ± 21.0 1.2 15.4 ± 21.0 1.2 14.2 ± 0.5 -0.1 14.1 ± 0.5 -0.2 14.7 ± 0.5 0.4 14.6 ± 0.5 0.3 14.0 ± 0.5 -0.4 13.8 ± 1.0 -0.5 13.6 ± 1.0 -0.7 14.1 ± 1.0 -0.2 14.4 ± 1.0 0.1 14.2 ± 0.5 -0.1 14.3 ± 2.0 0.0 14.1 ± 1.7 -0.3 15.2 ± 1.0 0.4 15.1 ± 0.5 0.3 14.2 ± 1.0 -0.5 13.9 ± 1.0 -0.9 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 59-mic/deg(
) 59-mic/deg(
) 07-onn/bra-11) 59-mic/deg(
) 25-hol/ott1) 59-mic/deg(
) 07-onn/bra-11) 59-mic/deg(
) 59-mic/deg(
) 07-onn/bra-11) 25-hol/ott1) 59-mic/deg(
) 59-mic/deg(
) 25-hol/ott1) 59-mic/deg(
) 59-mic/deg(
) 25-hol/ott1) 26-ver1) 31-tow/bha1) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) 59-mic/deg(
) 07-onn/bra-11) 28-nij/kee1) 82-ker1) 26-ver1) 91-lop/roz1) 91-lop/roz1) 28-nij/kee1) 91-sch/eli1) 29-gib/tan1) 29-sco1) 31-tow/bha1) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) 59-mic/deg(
) 77-mih/sag(×) 80-per/sch(z) 56-cot/ham1) 25-hol/ott1) 29-gib/tan1) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Hydrogen (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K 323.15 14.6 ± 1.0 -0.2 41-mic/gou1) 373.55 323.15 14.9 ± 1.0 0.2 59-mic/deg(
) 398.15 323.15 14.7 ± 0.5 0.0 398.15 77-mih/sag(×) 348.15 15.4 ± 0.5 0.3 29-gib/tan1) 398.15 348.15 14.1 ± 1.0 -0.9 41-mic/gou1) 398.15 348.15 14.8 ± 1.0 -0.3 41-mic/gou1) 398.35 348.15 14.9 ± 1.0 -0.2 41-mic/gou1) 400.00 348.15 15.4 ± 1.0 0.3 59-mic/deg(
) 423.15 348.15 15.3 ± 0.5 0.2 423.15 77-mih/sag(×) 350.00 15.0 ± 2.0 -0.1 80-per/sch(z) 423.15 373.15 15.6 ± 1.0 0.2 25-hol/ott1) 423.15 373.15 15.4 ± 0.5 0.1 28-nij/kee1) 423.25 373.15 14.7 ± 1.0 -0.6 41-mic/gou1) 448.15 373.15 14.5 ± 1.0 -0.8 41-mic/gou1) 450.00 373.15 15.2 ± 1.0 -0.2 41-mic/gou1) 473.15 373.15 15.7 ± 1.0 0.3 59-mic/deg(
) 500.00 373.16 14.2 ± 1.0 -1.2 07-onn/bra-11) 1) Not included in Fig.1 and Fig.2. Further references: [28-bar/cup, 38-wie/gad, 73-rod/chi]. _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 15.5 ± 0.5 0.2 14.9 ± 1.0 -0.6 14.3 ± 1.0 -1.2 15.4 ± 1.0 -0.2 15.9 ± 1.0 0.3 15.7 ± 0.5 0.2 15.4 ± 2.0 -0.2 15.1 ± 1.0 -0.7 14.5 ± 1.0 -1.3 15.6 ± 1.0 -0.2 16.1 ± 1.0 0.3 15.5 ± 0.5 -0.2 15.4 ± 0.5 -0.5 15.6 ± 2.0 -0.3 15.7 ± 1.0 -0.4 15.6 ± 2.0 -0.6
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 29-gib/tan1) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) 59-mic/deg(
) 29-gib/tan1) 80-per/sch(z) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) 41-mic/gou1) 59-mic/deg(
) 29-gib/tan1) 29-gib/tan1) 80-per/sch(z) 25-hol/ott1) 80-per/sch(z)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 10
T /K Fig. 1. For the temperature range between 14 K to 60 K. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Hydrogen (cont.)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
-4 50
T /K Fig. 2. For the temperature range between 60 K to 500 K. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) cont.
MW = 2.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.3596 ⋅ 10 − 2.3451 ⋅ 103/(T/K) − 2.8047 ⋅ 104/(T/K)2 + 1.3619 ⋅ 105/(T/K)3 T/K 21 25 30
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -137.0 ± 1.5 -106.4 ± 1.0 -80.7 ± 1.0
T/K 40 60 80
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -50.4 ± 0.8 -22.6 ± 0.6 -9.8 ± 0.5
T/K 100
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2.5 ± 0.5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 20.87 -138.9 ± 8.0 -0.7 37-lon/bro({) 27.00 -94.8 ± 1.1 0.0 24.00 -112.8 ± 1.1 0.2 64-goo/dil(
) 27.65 -90.2 ± 8.0 1.3 24.11 -113.4 ± 8.0 -1.2 37-lon/bro({) 28.00 -89.7 ± 1.1 0.1 25.00 -106.2 ± 1.1 0.2 64-goo/dil(
) 29.00 -85.0 ± 1.1 0.0 26.00 -100.3 ± 1.1 0.0 64-goo/dil(
) 30.00 -80.7 ± 1.0 0.0 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 64-goo/dil(
) 37-lon/bro({) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
para-Hydrogen (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 31.00 -76.8 ± 1.0 -0.1 32.00 -73.0 ± 1.0 -0.1 32.43 -71.2 ± 7.0 0.2 33.00 -69.5 ± 1.0 -0.1 34.00 -66.2 ± 0.9 -0.1 35.00 -63.2 ± 0.9 0.0 36.00 -60.3 ± 0.9 0.0 37.00 -57.5 ± 0.9 0.0 37.08 -56.7 ± 7.0 0.7 38.00 -55.0 ± 0.8 0.1 39.00 -52.6 ± 0.8 0.1 40.00 -50.3 ± 0.8 0.1 41.49 -46.7 ± 7.0 0.6 41.64 -46.3 ± 6.0 0.7 42.00 -46.2 ± 0.8 0.1 43.95 -42.0 ± 6.0 0.7 44.00 -42.5 ± 0.7 0.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 37-lon/bro({) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 37-lon/bro({) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 37-lon/bro({) 37-lon/bro({) 64-goo/dil(
) 37-lon/bro({) 64-goo/dil(
T K 46.00 48.00 48.45 50.00 52.51 55.00 56.21 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00
60 T /K
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -39.2 ± 0.7 0.1 -36.2 ± 0.7 0.0 -33.5 ± 6.0 2.1 -33.4 ± 0.7 0.1 -27.4 ± 5.0 2.9 -27.5 ± 0.6 0.0 -23.5 ± 5.0 2.7 -22.7 ± 0.6 -0.1 -18.6 ± 0.6 0.0 -15.2 ± 0.6 0.0 -12.4 ± 0.5 -0.1 -9.9 ± 0.5 -0.1 -7.6 ± 0.5 0.0 -5.7 ± 0.5 0.1 -4.0 ± 0.5 0.1 -2.5 ± 0.5 0.0
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 37-lon/bro({) 64-goo/dil(
) 37-lon/bro({) 64-goo/dil(
) 37-lon/bro({) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
) 64-goo/dil(
10 8
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 10
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Deuterium hydride
MW = 3.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 4.5617 ⋅ 102 + 2.5808 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 5.8244 ⋅ 105/(T/K)2 + 3.6389 ⋅ 106/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -230 ± 20 -213 ± 20
T/K 16 17
T/K 18 19
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -196 ± 15 -181 ± 15
T/K 20 21
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -167 ± 10 -155 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 16.00 -230.0 ± 20 -0.1 59-var/bee() 20.40 -162.0 ± 1 0.0 17.00 -214.0 ± 20 -1.3 59-var/bee() 20.55 -160.5 ± 20 -0.3 18.00 -196.0 ± 20 0.1 59-var/bee() 20.67 -158.9 ± 20 -0.1 19.00 -180.0 ± 20 0.7 59-var/bee() 21.00 -154.0 ± 20 1.0 20.00 -167.0 ± 20 0.0 59-var/bee() 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 59-bee/var1) 62-kna/kno({) 62-kna/kno({) 59-var/bee()
25 20
( B exp - B calc )/cm mol
15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 15
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
MW = 4.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.9191 ⋅ 10 − 1.5415 ⋅ 103/(T/K) − 7.4835 ⋅ 104/(T/K)2 + 4.5817 ⋅ 105/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -187.7 ± 10.0 -132.9 ± 10.0 -98.4 ± 5.0 -37.9 ± 3.0 -16.8 ± 3.0
T/K 20 25 30 50 70
T/K 90 110 140 170 200
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -6.5 ± 2.0 -0.7 ± 2.0 4.5 ± 2.0 7.6 ± 2.0 9.7 ± 1.0
T/K 250 300 350 400 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 11.9 ± 1.0 13.2 ± 1.0 14.2 ± 1.0 14.9 ± 1.0 15.1 ± 1.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 18.00 -222.0 ± 20.0 -3.1 59-var/bee(×) 298.15 13.8 ± 1.0 0.6 41-mic/gou-1(
) 19.00 -203.0 ± 20.0 -0.6 59-var/bee(×) 298.15 13.9 ± 1.0 0.7 59-mic/deg({) 20.00 -187.0 ± 20.0 0.7 59-var/bee(×) 323.15 13.8 ± 1.0 0.1 41-mic/gou-1(
) 21.55 -165.2 ± 20.0 2.5 62-kna/kno() 323.15 12.9 ± 1.0 -0.8 41-mic/gou-1(
) 20.40 -181.0 ± 2.0 1.2 59-bee/var1) 323.15 14.3 ± 1.0 0.5 41-mic/gou-1(
) 20.51 -179.1 ± 20.0 1.7 62-kna/kno() 323.15 14.5 ± 1.0 0.7 59-mic/deg({) 21.00 -173.0 ± 20.0 1.4 59-var/bee(×) 348.15 14.2 ± 1.0 0.0 41-mic/gou-1(
) 98.15 -4.3 ± 1.0 -0.5 59-mic/deg({) 348.15 13.2 ± 1.0 -1.0 41-mic/gou-1(
) 103.15 -2.9 ± 1.0 -0.5 59-mic/deg({) 348.15 14.7 ± 1.0 0.5 41-mic/gou-1(
) 113.15 -0.1 ± 1.0 -0.1 59-mic/deg({) 348.15 14.9 ± 1.0 0.7 59-mic/deg({) 123.15 1.9 ± 1.0 -0.1 59-mic/deg({) 373.15 14.4 ± 1.0 -0.1 41-mic/gou-1(
) 138.15 4.4 ± 1.0 0.1 59-mic/deg({) 373.15 13.6 ± 1.0 -0.9 41-mic/gou-1(
) 153.15 6.4 ± 1.0 0.3 59-mic/deg({) 373.15 14.9 ± 1.0 0.4 41-mic/gou-1(
) 173.15 8.4 ± 1.0 0.5 59-mic/deg({) 373.15 15.1 ± 1.0 0.6 59-mic/deg({) 198.15 10.2 ± 1.0 0.6 59-mic/deg({) 398.15 14.8 ± 1.0 -0.1 41-mic/gou-1(
) 223.15 11.5 ± 1.0 0.7 59-mic/deg({) 398.15 13.9 ± 1.0 -1.0 41-mic/gou-1(
) 248.15 12.5 ± 1.0 0.7 59-mic/deg({) 398.15 15.1 ± 1.0 0.3 41-mic/gou-1(
) 273.15 13.0 ± 1.0 0.4 41-mic/gou-1(
) 398.15 15.4 ± 1.0 0.6 59-mic/deg({) 273.15 13.0 ± 1.0 0.4 41-mic/gou-1(
) 423.15 14.8 ± 1.0 -0.3 41-mic/gou-1(
) 273.15 13.3 ± 1.0 0.7 41-mic/gou-1(
) 423.15 14.2 ± 1.0 -1.0 41-mic/gou-1(
) 273.15 13.3 ± 1.0 0.8 59-mic/deg({) 423.15 15.4 ± 1.0 0.3 41-mic/gou-1(
) 298.15 13.5 ± 1.0 0.3 41-mic/gou-1(
) 423.15 15.6 ± 1.0 0.4 59-mic/deg({) 298.15 13.2 ± 1.0 0.0 41-mic/gou-1(
) 1) Not included in Fig.1 and Fig.2. _________
cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Deuterium (cont.)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
5 -5 -15 -25 16
T /K Fig. 1. For the temperature range between 18.00 K to 21.55 K. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
-4 50
T/K Fig. 2. For the temperature range between 98.15 K to 423.15 K. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
MW = 6.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.1967 ⋅ 10 − 2.6855 ⋅ 103/(T/K) + 1.1047 ⋅ 105/(T/K)2 − 1.0851 ⋅ 107/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -19.9 ± 2.0 1.0 ± 0.5
T/K 75 120
T/K 180
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 8.6 ± 0.5
T/K 300
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 13.8 ± 0.5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 75 -20.0 ± 5.0 -0.1 78-mil/lie-1 200 10.1 ± 0.2 0.2 100 -4.7 ± 0.1 0.0 78-mil/lie-1 250 12.4 ± 0.2 0.1 150 5.7 ± 0.1 -0.1 78-mil/lie-1 300 13.7 ± 0.3 -0.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 78-mil/lie-1 78-mil/lie-1 78-mil/lie-1
MW = 18.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5883 ⋅ 102 − 3.0107 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 1.8189 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 5.6932 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -544 ± 40 -494 ± 30 -450 ± 30 -377 ± 20 -319 ± 15
T/K 350 360 370 390 410
T/K 440 470 510 550 600
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -254 ± 15 -207 ± 10 -161 ± 10 -129 ± 5 -101 ± 2
T/K 650 710 770
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -81 ± 2 -64 ± 1 -50 ± 1
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 348.15 -590.3 ± 15.0 -35.8 88-eub/jof({) 423.15 -301.7 ± 35.0 -13.4 360.65 -515.0 ± 10.0 -23.8 88-eub/jof({) 423.15 -289.9 ± 3.5 -1.6 373.15 -484.5 ± 40.0 -47.0 88-eub/jof({) 423.15 -288.1 ± 10.3 0.2 373.15 -452.7 ± 8.0 -15.2 88-eub/jof({) 423.15 -274.0 ± 6.0 14.3 373.15 -451.0 ± 17.7 -13.5 88-eub/jof({) 423.15 -276.0 ± 6.0 12.3 380.56 -374.0 ± 80.0 35.4 97-hen/bic1) 425.25 -267.0 ± 75.0 16.7 385.65 -400.9 ± 6.7 -9.4 88-eub/jof({) 435.65 -263.1 ± 2.7 -0.6 392.34 -350.3 ± 80.0 19.3 97-hen/bic1) 447.24 -227.9 ± 70.0 13.5 398.15 -360.0 ± 38.0 -8.0 88-eub/jof({) 448.15 -250.3 ± 30.0 -10.4 398.15 -357.6 ± 5.4 -5.6 88-eub/jof({) 448.15 -248.9 ± 26.0 -9.0 398.15 -356.8 ± 13.4 -4.8 88-eub/jof({) 448.15 -240.0 ± 2.1 -0.1 404.47 -321.2 ± 75.0 12.9 97-hen/bic1) 448.15 -240.6 ± 3.6 -0.7 410.65 -320.9 ± 4.4 -3.0 88-eub/jof({) 448.15 -240.0 ± 5.0 -0.1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 97-hen/bic1) 88-eub/jof({) 97-hen/bic1) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 89-kel/mcl(
) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Water (cont.) 40
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
-80 300
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. T K 448.15 460.65 460.65 470.94 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 483.56 485.65 485.65 498.15 498.15 498.15 498.15 _________
(cont.) Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -239.0 ± 5.0 0.9 -220.3 ± 1.8 -0.3 -221.2 ± 2.4 -1.2 -186.8 ± 70.0 18.6 -206.6 ± 25.0 -4.1 -200.1 ± 20.0 2.4 -200.9 ± 1.0 1.6 -203.3 ± 1.6 -0.8 -203.0 ± 1.9 -0.5 -200.6 ± 1.0 1.9 -172.8 ± 65.0 16.6 -188.0 ± 1.4 -1.0 -188.1 ± 1.9 -1.1 -176.7 ± 20.0 -3.6 -176.7 ± 16.0 -3.6 -174.4 ± 1.2 -1.3 -174.2 ± 1.5 -1.1 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 89-kel/mcl(
) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 97-hen/bic1) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 89-kel/mcl(
) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 89-kel/mcl(
) 97-hen/bic1) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({) 88-eub/jof({)
T K 498.15 498.15 503.01 503.01 523.15 523.15 523.15 524.03 548.15 548.15 548.15 573.15 573.15 573.15 573.15 598.15 598.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -171.1 ± 0.5 2.0 -172.0 ± 0.5 1.1 -157.7 ± 65.0 10.5 -151.1 ± 60.0 17.1 -151.8 ± 1.3 -2.1 -149.7 ± 0.2 0.0 -149.9 ± 0.2 -0.2 -136.8 ± 60.0 12.2 -133.0 ± 1.0 -2.3 -130.8 ± 0.2 -0.1 -130.8 ± 0.2 -0.1 -117.3 ± 0.9 -2.1 -115.8 ± 0.3 -0.6 -115.9 ± 0.3 -0.7 -115.6 ± 0.3 -0.4 -103.4 ± 0.8 -1.2 -102.0 ± 0.3 0.2 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 97-hen/bic1) 97-hen/bic1) 88-eub/jof({) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 97-hen/bic1) 88-eub/jof({) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 88-eub/jof({) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 88-eub/jof({) 89-kel/mcl(
) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Water (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 598.15 -102.0 ± 0.3 0.2 89-kel/mcl(
) 698.15 -66.7 ± 0.2 -0.2 89-kel/mcl(
) 623.15 -91.7 ± 0.7 -0.5 88-eub/jof({) 698.15 -66.4 ± 0.2 0.2 89-kel/mcl(
) 623.15 -91.4 ± 0.2 -0.2 89-kel/mcl(
) 723.15 -60.1 ± 0.1 0.1 89-kel/mcl(
) 623.15 -91.2 ± 0.2 0.0 89-kel/mcl(
) 723.15 -60.0 ± 0.1 0.2 89-kel/mcl(
) 648.15 -82.0 ± 0.2 -0.2 89-kel/mcl(
) 748.15 -54.7 ± 0.1 -0.1 89-kel/mcl(
) 648.15 -81.8 ± 0.2 0.0 89-kel/mcl(
) 748.15 -54.6 ± 0.1 0.0 89-kel/mcl(
) 673.15 -73.4 ± 0.2 0.3 89-kel/mcl(
) 773.15 -49.9 ± 0.2 -0.4 89-kel/mcl(
) 673.15 -73.5 ± 0.2 0.2 89-kel/mcl(
) 773.15 -49.8 ± 0.2 -0.3 89-kel/mcl(
) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [38-col/key, 52-mcc/pen, 65-kel/mcl, 67-vuk/tra, 68-kel/mcl, 73-tre/boc, 74-lan/lei, 75-boh/geb, 76-lie/cle, 91-yam/kaw, 93-abd/baz, 93-abd/baz-1, 96-abd/baz]. _________
MW = 20.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.0173 ⋅ 102 − 5.7180 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 3.5187 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 9.2489 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -300 ± 15 -277 ± 10 -246 ± 8 -213 ± 5
T/K 425 435 450 470
T/K 490 520 550 590
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -186 ± 2 -154 ± 1 -131 ± 1 -107 ± 1
T/K 630 670 720 770
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -89 ± 1 -75 ± 1 -62 ± 1 -50 ± 1
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 423.15 -343.0 ± 13.0 -37.9 68-kel/mcl-11) 523.14 -153.1 ± 1.0 -1.5 423.15 -338.0 ± 4.0 -32.9 68-kel/mcl-11) 523.15 -152.1 ± 0.6 -0.5 423.15 -291.0 ± 4.0 14.1 89-kel/mcl(
) 523.15 -151.5 ± 0.2 0.1 423.15 -289.0 ± 4.0 16.1 89-kel/mcl(
) 523.15 -151.7 ± 0.2 -0.1 448.14 -269.0 ± 2.0 -19.2 68-kel/mcl-11) 548.14 -135.6 ± 0.8 -3.7 448.14 -269.0 ± 2.0 -19.2 68-kel/mcl-11) 548.15 -132.4 ± 0.2 -0.5 448.15 -250.5 ± 1.0 -0.7 89-kel/mcl(
) 548.15 -132.4 ± 0.2 -0.5 448.15 -250.0 ± 1.0 -0.2 89-kel/mcl(
) 548.15 -132.5 ± 0.2 -0.6 473.15 -204.6 ± 0.3 3.6 89-kel/mcl(
) 573.14 -117.1 ± 0.5 -1.1 473.16 -202.0 ± 4.0 6.2 68-kel/mcl-11) 573.14 -118.3 ± 0.3 -2.3 473.17 -206.0 ± 4.0 2.2 68-kel/mcl-11) 573.15 -116.6 ± 0.4 -0.6 498.14 -177.8 ± 1.6 -1.4 68-kel/mcl-11) 573.15 -116.0 ± 0.4 0.0 498.14 -174.6 ± 1.2 1.8 68-kel/mcl-11) 573.15 -116.4 ± 0.4 -0.4 498.15 -175.0 ± 0.2 1.4 89-kel/mcl(
) 598.09 -103.8 ± 0.5 -0.9 498.15 -174.4 ± 0.2 2.0 89-kel/mcl(
) 598.09 -104.1 ± 0.5 -1.2 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Water-d2 (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 598.15 -103.6 ± 0.2 -0.7 598.15 -103.7 ± 0.2 -0.8 623.15 -93.1 ± 0.3 -1.2 623.15 -92.3 ± 0.3 -0.4 623.21 -92.0 ± 0.3 -0.1 623.21 -92.3 ± 0.2 -0.4 648.14 -81.5 ± 0.2 1.1 648.14 -82.4 ± 0.1 0.2 648.15 -82.4 ± 0.2 0.2 648.15 -82.6 ± 0.2 0.0 673.15 -73.6 ± 0.2 0.8 673.15 -74.3 ± 0.2 0.1 673.16 -73.9 ± 0.2 0.5 673.16 -73.5 ± 0.3 0.9 698.15 -66.4 ± 0.2 0.8 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 89-kel/mcl(
T K 698.15 698.23 698.23 723.15 723.15 723.19 723.20 748.15 748.15 748.17 748.17 773.15 773.15 773.17 773.17
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -66.5 ± 0.2 -66.3 ± 0.2 -66.3 ± 0.2 -60.3 ± 0.1 -60.2 ± 0.1 -59.9 ± 0.2 -59.8 ± 0.1 -54.8 ± 0.1 -54.7 ± 0.1 -54.2 ± 0.2 -54.2 ± 0.2 -49.9 ± 0.1 -49.7 ± 0.1 -49.0 ± 0.2 -49.1 ± 0.2
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.6 -0.6 -0.4 0.3 0.2
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11) 89-kel/mcl(
) 89-kel/mcl(
) 68-kel/mcl-11) 68-kel/mcl-11)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 400
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Hydrogen sulfide
MW = 34.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.6507 ⋅ 10 − 7.9791 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 2.5927 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 6.7852 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -193 ± 10 -167 ± 10 -147 ± 10 -131 ± 8
T/K 300 320 340 360
T/K 380 400 420 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -118 ± 8 -107 ± 8 -98 ± 6 -91 ± 6
T/K 460 480 500
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -84 ± 6 -79 ± 5 -74 ± 5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 300.00 -186.7 ± 10.0 6.0 85-liu(
) 375.00 -123.5 ± 7.0 -2.9 323.15 -165.9 ± 6.6 -2.7 71-kho/rob({) 398.15 -102.0 ± 4.1 5.9 348.15 -139.5 ± 5.6 0.0 71-kho/rob({) 400.00 -111.0 ± 6.0 -4.1 350.00 -140.3 ± 8.0 -2.2 85-liu(
) 450.00 -92.8 ± 5.0 -5.6 373.15 -118.7 ± 4.7 3.0 71-kho/rob({) 500.00 -71.0 ± 5.0 2.7 Further reference: [68-lew/fre]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 85-liu(
) 71-kho/rob({) 85-liu(
) 85-liu(
) 85-liu(
( B exp - B calc )/cm³ . mol-1
15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 300
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
MW = 17.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5198 ⋅ 102 − 2.0281 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 8.1489 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 1.7248 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 240 250 265 280 300
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -526 ± 10 -459 ± 5 -380 ± 5 -319 ± 5 -257 ± 5
T/K 320 345 370 400 430
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -212 ± 5 -171 ± 5 -141 ± 5 -115 ± 5 -96 ± 5
T/K 480 530 595
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -73 ± 5 -56 ± 2 -41 ± 2
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 1) 238.00 -544.0 ± 5.0 -3.1 86-eli/hoa 373.15 -137.5 ± 0.9 0.7 238.15 -565.0 ± 10.0 -25.2 91-sch/eli() 373.15 -138.3 ± 1.2 -0.1 253.00 -433.0 ± 4.0 8.6 86-eli/hoa1) 383.00 -137.0 ± 20.0 -8.0 253.15 -434.0 ± 6.0 6.7 91-sch/eli() 392.00 -130.0 ± 2.0 -8.6 273.00 -336.0 ± 3.0 9.2 86-eli/hoa1) 392.60 -128.0 ± 20.0 -7.1 273.15 -345.0 ± 74.1 -0.4 42-hir/mcc(
) 395.60 -118.0 ± 20.0 0.6 273.15 -335.0 ± 6.0 9.6 91-sch/eli() 398.15 -115.5 ± 4.0 1.1 293.40 -288.0 ± 20.0 -12.5 50-lam/str1) 398.15 -116.0 ± 0.8 0.6 296.15 -263.0 ± 4.0 4.8 91-sch/eli() 398.15 -116.1 ± 1.1 0.5 296.20 -265.0 ± 2.0 2.6 86-eli/hoa1) 405.70 -110.5 ± 0.8 0.6 298.15 -261.0 ± 68.3 1.3 42-hir/mcc(
) 405.70 -110.4 ± 1.1 0.7 313.00 -226.0 ± 2.0 0.7 77-ada/sch1) 423.15 -98.1 ± 4.0 1.7 313.60 -231.0 ± 20.0 -5.6 50-lam/str1) 423.15 -101.0 ± 57.1 -1.2 323.00 -205.0 ± 20.0 1.7 50-lam/str1) 423.15 -99.1 ± 0.7 0.7 323.15 -203.3 ± 5.0 3.1 30-bea/law({) 423.15 -99.1 ± 1.0 0.7 323.15 -209.0 ± 64.6 -2.6 42-hir/mcc(
) 433.00 -101.0 ± 2.0 -6.8 323.15 -203.0 ± 1.2 3.4 448.15 -84.3 ± 4.0 2.2 90-glo(×) 323.15 -208.0 ± 3.0 -1.6 448.15 -85.5 ± 0.6 1.0 90-glo(×) 333.00 -194.0 ± 2.0 -4.7 77-ada/sch1) 473.00 -81.0 ± 2.0 -5.5 333.20 -187.0 ± 20.0 1.9 50-lam/str1) 473.15 -72.9 ± 4.0 2.6 343.70 -179.0 ± 20.0 -5.9 50-lam/str1) 473.15 -75.0 ± 55.2 0.5 348.15 -164.6 ± 5.0 2.4 30-bea/law({) 473.15 -73.3 ± 0.8 2.2 348.15 -166.0 ± 1.0 1.0 498.15 -63.1 ± 3.0 3.2 90-glo(×) 348.15 -167.2 ± 2.8 -0.2 523.00 -64.0 ± 2.0 -5.6 90-glo(×) 351.40 -165.0 ± 20.0 -2.3 50-lam/str1) 523.15 -55.2 ± 3.0 3.2 363.00 -157.0 ± 2.0 -8.1 77-ada/sch1) 523.15 -58.0 ± 54.1 0.4 364.00 -154.0 ± 20.0 -6.2 50-lam/str1) 548.15 -48.8 ± 3.0 2.7 372.80 -139.0 ± 20.0 -0.4 50-lam/str1) 573.15 -43.0 ± 3.0 2.4 373.15 -137.1 ± 5.0 1.1 30-bea/law({) 573.15 -44.0 ± 53.1 1.4 373.15 -142.0 ± 59.9 -3.8 42-hir/mcc(
) 598.15 -38.2 ± 3.0 1.7 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further reference: [88-kim/len, 90-glo] _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 90-glo(×) 90-glo(×) 50-lam/str1) 77-ada/sch1) 50-lam/str1) 50-lam/str1) 30-bea/law({) 90-glo(×) 90-glo(×) 90-glo(×) 90-glo(×) 30-bea/law({) 42-hir/mcc(
) 90-glo(×) 90-glo(×) 77-ada/sch1) 30-bea/law({) 90-glo(×) 77-ada/sch1) 30-bea/law({) 42-hir/mcc(
) 90-glo(×) 30-bea/law({) 77-ada/sch1) 30-bea/law({) 42-hir/mcc(
) 30-bea/law({) 30-bea/law({) 42-hir/mcc(
) 30-bea/law({) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Ammonia (cont.) 80 60
( B exp - B calc )/cm
0 -20 -40 -60 -80 200
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Deuterium nitride
MW = 20.05
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T ∆Bexp ± δB T ∆Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 298.00 -9.3 ± 0.5 77-ada/sch 403.00 -1.1 ± 0.5 77-ada/sch 313.00 -7.1 ± 0.5 77-ada/sch 433.00 -0.5 ± 0.5 77-ada/sch 333.00 -4.9 ± 0.5 77-ada/sch 473.00 0.0 ± 0.5 77-ada/sch 363.00 -2.8 ± 0.5 77-ada/sch † Values given for B(D3N) - B(H3N) at the same temperature on the basis that ∆B =0 at 511 K. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
MW = 34.00
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.6796 ⋅ 102 − 1.1163 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 4.6810 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -449 ± 10 -407 ± 10 -370 ± 10 -336 ± 10
T/K 190 200 210 220
T/K 230 240 250 260
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -306 ± 10 -278 ± 10 -253 ± 10 -231 ± 10
T/K 270 280 295
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -210 ± 10 -190 ± 10 -164 ± 10
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
0 -10 -20 -30 -40 180
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 189.91 -452.3 ± 10 -2.7 36-lon/gul({) 205.07 -383.9 ± 10 3.8 189.99 -453.5 ± 10 -4.2 36-lon/gul({) 210.07 -357.9 ± 10 11.6 195.13 -442.3 ± 10 -15.2 36-lon/gul({) 210.55 -361.9 ± 10 5.9 195.99 -428.2 ± 10 -4.7 36-lon/gul({) 219.05 -325.5 ± 10 13.7 200.42 -399.6 ± 10 6.0 36-lon/gul({) 219.12 -328.5 ± 10 10.5 201.20 -395.6 ± 10 6.9 36-lon/gul({) 229.10 -314.4 ± 10 -5.9 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Phosphine (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 229.91 -303.3 ± 10 237.72 -289.7 ± 10 240.51 -301.1 ± 10 243.12 -269.6 ± 10 249.95 -252.6 ± 10 252.19 -249.8 ± 10 260.11 -238.1 ± 10 _________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 2.8 -5.2 -24.0 0.8 1.0 -1.5 -7.7
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({)
T K 260.14 267.17 273.10 273.10 284.52 296.95 _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -238.4 ± 10 -220.4 ± 10 -198.1 ± 10 -197.0 ± 10 -181.6 ± 10 -152.6 ± 10
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -8.1 -5.0 5.5 6.6 0.6 8.5
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({) 36-lon/gul({)
MW = 4.00
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: For T = 1.59 K to 35.10 K: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5943⋅10 − 3.4601⋅102/(T/K) − 5.9545 ·102/(T/K)2 + 1.9929⋅103/(T/K)3 − 2.2269 ·103/(T/K)4 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -196.0 ± 13.0 -119.2 ± 9.0 -85.3 ± 6.0 -57.1 ± 4.0 -40.8 ± 2.0
T/K 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.0
T/K 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.5
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -27.5 ± 2.0 -19.1 ± 2.0 -13.4 ± 2.0 -9.2 ± 2.0 -5.4 ± 2.0
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2.6 ± 1.0 3.4 ± 1.0 7.0 ± 1.0
T/K 20.0 29.0 40.0
For T = 35.10 K to 1473.15 K: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 9.2479 + 1.0876⋅103/(T/K) − 1.0880 ·105/(T/K)2 + 2.3869⋅106/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 5.7 ± 2.0 5.9 ± 2.0 8.2 ± 2.0 10.1 ± 1.0 11.2 ± 1.0 11.9 ± 0.5 12.3 ± 0.4 12.4 ± 0.3
T/K 41 45 60 75 90 110 130 160
T/K 200 250 300 360 420 490 560 640
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 12.3 ± 0.3 12.0 ± 0.3 11.8 ± 0.3 11.5 ± 0.3 11.3 ± 0.3 11.0 ± 0.3 10.9 ± 0.3 10.7 ± 0.5
T/K 720 810 900 1000 1100 1210 1330 1470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 10.6 ± 1.0 10.4 ± 1.0 10.3 ± 1.0 10.2 ± 1.0 10.1 ± 1.0 10.1 ± 1.5 10.0 ± 1.5 9.9 ± 2.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 1) 1.59 -283.00 ± 40.00 6.83 46-kis/kee 1.93 -177.00 ± 25.00 29.47 1.70 -200.00 ± 30.00 54.61 46-kis/kee1) 2.00 -209.00 ± 10.00 -13.01 1.84 -195.00 ± 30.00 27.34 46-kis/kee1) 2.04 -177.00 ± 25.00 13.58 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 46-kis/kee1) 68-boy/lar(∆) 46-kis/kee1) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Helium (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 2.15 -176.40 ± 8.29 1.09 2.15 -159.40 ± 8.00 18.09 2.32 -157.70 ± 7.73 3.40 2.32 -140.80 ± 0.70 20.30 2.34 -153.00 ± 20.00 6.40 2.58 -117.20 ± 15.00 24.64 2.60 -142.50 ± 0.80 -1.94 2.61 -118.00 ± 10.00 21.93 2.73 -128.00 ± 20.00 4.84 2.75 -133.20 ± 0.50 -1.48 2.86 -123.60 ± 6.71 2.33 2.86 -117.80 ± 6.00 8.13 3.10 -96.60 ± 15.00 18.25 3.11 -107.00 ± 10.00 7.43 3.33 -105.80 ± 0.50 0.00 3.35 -103.40 ± 6.10 1.67 3.35 -102.40 ± 5.00 2.67 3.72 -87.90 ± 9.00 5.11 3.96 -83.70 ± 5.51 2.67 3.96 -83.30 ± 4.00 3.07 4.00 -90.00 ± 5.00 -4.67 4.00 -91.60 ± 5.00 -6.27 4.22 -74.70 ± 15.00 5.29 4.22 -79.50 ± 0.30 0.49 4.23 -79.85 ± 0.02 -0.09 4.24 -75.49 ± 8.00 4.04 4.24 -78.00 ± 2.00 1.53 4.92 -63.40 ± 1.00 2.65 5.17 -61.40 ± 0.30 0.56 5.38 -58.40 ± 0.50 0.40 5.55 -56.12 ± 0.03 0.30 5.91 -51.80 ± 0.50 0.02 6.84 -42.90 ± 1.50 -0.74 6.86 -43.00 ± 0.50 -1.02 7.20 -39.00 ± 0.50 0.09 7.20 -39.07 ± 0.02 0.02 8.88 -27.60 ± 2.00 0.49 8.91 -29.20 ± 0.80 -1.27 9.62 -25.10 ± 0.50 -0.62 10.00 -23.30 ± 1.00 -0.46 10.00 -22.50 ± 1.00 0.34 10.00 -22.60 ± 1.00 0.24 10.01 -23.12 ± 0.07 -0.32 11.69 -17.90 ± 0.50 -1.02 12.99 -14.80 ± 1.00 -1.41 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 55-kel1) 55-kel1) 55-kel1) 55-kel1) 46-kis/kee1) 35-kee/kra1) 79-ber1) 40-kee/wal-11) 46-kis/kee1) 79-ber1) 55-kel1) 55-kel1) 35-kee/kra1) 40-kee/wal-11) 79-ber1) 55-kel1) 55-kel1) 40-kee/wal-11) 55-kel1) 55-kel1) 68-boy/lar(∆) 68-boy/lar(∆) 35-kee/kra1) 79-ber1) 80-gug/mic1) 40-kee/wal-11) 88-kar/bog1) 88-kar/bog1) 88-kar/bog1) 88-kar/bog1) 80-gug/mic1) 88-kar/bog1) 88-kar/bog1) 88-kar/bog1) 79-ber1) 80-gug/mic1) 88-kar/bog1) 88-kar/bog1) 47-kee/wal1) 68-boy/lar(∆) 68-boy/lar(∆) 68-boy/lar(∆) 80-gug/mic1) 47-kee/wal1) 88-kar/bog1)
T K 13.00 13.80 13.82 14.45 15.15 16.00 16.00 16.05 16.71 17.02 18.04 18.28 20.00 20.00 20.27 20.27 20.35 20.48 20.57 20.58 20.59 20.61 24.65 27.10 27.10 27.17 28.82 33.00 33.00 35.10 35.10 40.09 43.79 45.10 50.09 54.36 55.00 60.03 63.15 65.15 69.00 69.92 70.00 75.01 80.00 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -13.90 ± 0.50 -0.53 -11.70 ± 0.30 -0.14 -11.85 ± 0.04 -0.33 -10.00 ± 0.50 0.24 -13.59 ± 1.00 -4.63 -5.80 ± 0.50 1.76 -6.90 ± 1.00 0.66 -6.73 ± 0.50 0.75 -9.01 ± 1.00 -2.51 -6.22 ± 0.06 -0.16 -3.88 ± 0.50 0.87 -8.21 ± 1.00 -3.75 -1.10 ± 0.50 1.51 -1.90 ± 0.50 0.71 -2.40 ± 0.20 -0.05 -2.34 ± 0.01 0.01 -2.80 ± 1.00 -0.53 -0.96 ± 0.50 1.19 -2.72 ± 1.00 -0.65 -2.62 ± 0.50 -0.56 -2.68 ± 1.00 -0.63 -1.25 ± 1.00 0.78 0.80 ± 0.50 -0.25 2.50 ± 0.30 0.04 2.47 ± 0.20 0.01 2.61 ± 0.03 0.11 2.46 ± 0.50 -0.84 4.00 ± 0.50 -0.96 4.00 ± 0.50 -4.71 5.18 ± 0.50 -0.47 5.18 ± 0.50 -1.94 6.57 ± 0.50 0.85 7.80 ± 0.20 2.03 7.48 ± 0.40 1.59 8.06 ± 0.40 1.47 9.28 ± 0.20 1.99 8.96 ± 0.40 1.56 9.55 ± 0.40 1.34 10.01 ± 0.20 1.34 9.39 ± 1.00 0.45 10.30 ± 0.40 0.88 8.80 ± 1.00 -0.73 10.40 ± 0.30 0.86 10.70 ± 0.30 0.63 10.80 ± 0.30 0.30 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 88-kar/bog1) 79-ber1) 80-gug/mic1) 47-kee/wal1) 25-hol/ott1) 68-boy/lar(∆) 68-boy/lar(∆) 47-kee/wal1) 25-van/onn1) 80-gug/mic1) 47-kee/wal1) 25-van/onn1) 68-boy/lar(∆) 68-boy/lar(∆) 79-ber1) 80-gug/mic1) 25-hol/ott1) 47-kee/wal1) 25-van/onn1) 60-whi/rub1) 25-van/onn1) 25-van/onn1) 60-whi/rub1) 79-ber1) 86-kem/kem1) 80-gug/mic1) 60-whi/rub1) 60-whi/rub1) 60-whi/rub1) 60-whi/rub1) 60-whi/rub1) 60-whi/rub1) 86-kem/kem1) 60-whi/rub1) 60-whi/rub1) 86-kem/kem1) 60-whi/rub1) 60-whi/rub1) 86-kem/kem1) 25-hol/ott1) 60-whi/rub1) 25-van/onn1) 67-sul/son1) 60-whi/rub1) 67-sul/son1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Helium (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 80.02 11.01 ± 0.30 0.50 83.15 10.97 ± 0.04 0.23 83.15 11.16 ± 0.60 0.42 83.80 11.13 ± 0.20 0.34 90.04 11.60 ± 0.30 0.42 90.15 10.45 ± 1.00 -0.73 100.00 11.60 ± 0.30 -0.03 100.00 11.30 ± 0.30 -0.33 100.02 11.85 ± 0.30 0.22 103.15 11.57 ± 0.04 -0.17 103.15 11.56 ± 0.60 -0.18 113.15 11.77 ± 0.03 -0.24 113.15 11.85 ± 0.60 -0.16 120.00 12.40 ± 0.30 0.26 123.15 11.42 ± 1.00 -0.76 125.00 11.90 ± 0.30 -0.31 125.03 12.18 ± 0.30 -0.03 133.15 12.10 ± 0.32 -0.19 133.15 11.97 ± 0.50 -0.32 133.15 12.10 ± 0.50 -0.19 143.14 12.20 ± 0.32 -0.15 143.14 12.20 ± 0.50 -0.15 143.15 11.84 ± 0.50 -0.51 143.15 12.13 ± 0.02 -0.22 150.00 12.10 ± 0.30 -0.27 150.04 12.15 ± 0.20 -0.22 158.15 12.25 ± 0.32 -0.13 158.15 11.98 ± 0.50 -0.40 158.15 12.25 ± 0.50 -0.13 158.15 12.66 ± 0.07 0.28 172.01 12.15 ± 0.12 -0.21 173.15 11.92 ± 1.00 -0.44 175.00 12.12 ± 0.30 -0.24 175.02 12.24 ± 0.20 -0.12 183.15 12.30 ± 0.32 -0.03 183.15 12.09 ± 0.50 -0.24 183.15 12.30 ± 0.50 -0.03 183.15 12.27 ± 0.03 -0.06 200.00 12.10 ± 0.30 -0.16 200.11 12.23 ± 0.20 -0.03 203.15 11.93 ± 0.50 -0.32 222.13 12.46 ± 0.50 0.30 223.13 12.46 ± 0.33 0.31 223.13 12.23 ± 0.50 0.08 223.15 11.93 ± 1.00 -0.22 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 60-whi/rub1) 70-hal/can1) 88-pat/jof1) 86-kem/kem1) 60-whi/rub1) 25-hol/ott1) 67-sul/son1) 80-hol/wat() 60-whi/rub1) 70-hal/can1) 88-pat/jof1) 70-hal/can1) 88-pat/jof1) 67-sul/son1) 25-hol/ott1) 80-hol/wat() 60-whi/rub1) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can({) 64-hoo/can({) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can({) 64-hoo/can({) 71-pro/can1) 80-hol/wat() 60-whi/rub1) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can({) 64-hoo/can({) 71-pro/can1) 86-kem/kem1) 25-hol/ott1) 80-hol/wat() 60-whi/rub1) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can({) 64-hoo/can({) 71-pro/can1) 80-hol/wat() 60-whi/rub1) 31-wie/gad1) 64-hoo/can({) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can({) 25-hol/ott1)
T K 223.15 223.15 225.00 233.15 238.15 243.15 243.15 249.90 249.99 250.00 253.15 255.40 261.00 263.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.16 275.00 277.60 293.15 294.30 296.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 299.99 300.00 303.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 12.16 ± 0.02 0.01 12.04 ± 0.30 -0.11 12.06 ± 0.30 -0.08 11.97 ± 0.04 -0.13 11.87 ± 0.50 -0.20 11.90 ± 0.03 -0.15 11.83 ± 0.05 -0.22 11.48 ± 0.60 -0.53 12.15 ± 0.20 0.14 12.02 ± 0.30 0.01 11.87 ± 0.07 -0.12 11.42 ± 0.60 -0.56 11.37 ± 0.60 -0.58 11.85 ± 0.06 -0.09 11.85 ± 1.00 -0.04 11.69 ± 0.50 -0.20 11.87 ± 1.00 -0.02 11.87 ± 1.00 -0.02 11.77 ± 0.06 -0.12 12.08 ± 0.20 0.19 12.09 ± 0.32 0.20 11.94 ± 0.03 0.05 11.65 ± 0.20 -0.24 11.93 ± 0.30 0.04 11.89 ± 0.15 0.00 12.23 ± 0.02 0.34 11.80 ± 0.03 -0.09 11.90 ± 0.20 0.01 11.95 ± 0.30 0.06 11.94 ± 0.30 0.06 11.27 ± 0.60 -0.60 11.78 ± 0.20 -0.01 11.24 ± 0.60 -0.54 11.70 ± 0.60 -0.07 11.44 ± 0.50 -0.32 11.55 ± 0.50 -0.21 11.74 ± 1.00 -0.02 11.68 ± 1.00 -0.08 11.79 ± 0.06 0.03 12.13 ± 0.02 0.37 11.60 ± 2.00 -0.16 -0.15 ± 0.15 -11.91 11.99 ± 0.20 0.24 11.81 ± 0.30 0.06 11.84 ± 0.04 0.10 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 70-bla/hal1) 78-dil/wax(
) 80-hol/wat() 81-lev/has1) 31-wie/gad1) 81-lev/has1) 81-lev/has1) 60-str/mil1) 60-whi/rub1) 80-hol/wat() 81-lev/has1) 60-str/mil1) 60-str/mil1) 81-lev/has1) 25-hol/ott1) 31-wie/gad1) 41-mic/wou(×) 41-mic/wou(×) 49-sch/duf(+) 60-whi/rub1) 63-can/lel1) 70-bla/hal1) 76-bel/kal-11) 78-dil/wax(
) 78-kel/mcl-11) 78-kel/mcl-11) 81-lev/has1) 92-zha/sch1) 80-hol/wat() 80-hol/wat() 60-str/mil1) 92-zha/sch1) 60-str/mil1) 91-sch/eli1) 29-gib/tan1) 30-tan/mas1) 41-mic/wou(×) 41-mic/wou(×) 78-kel/mcl-11) 78-kel/mcl-11) 78-pra/kud(z) 80-woo/kro1) 60-whi/rub1) 80-hol/wat() 55-pfe/gof1) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Helium (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 303.15 11.74 ± 0.02 0.00 303.15 11.73 ± 0.04 -0.01 303.15 11.52 ± 0.26 -0.22 303.15 11.52 ± 0.10 -0.22 303.20 11.40 ± 0.10 -0.34 311.00 11.10 ± 0.60 -0.60 311.65 11.64 ± 5.80 -0.06 313.15 11.73 ± 0.20 0.04 319.99 11.89 ± 0.10 0.23 323.00 11.61 ± 0.30 -0.03 323.15 11.74 ± 1.00 0.10 323.15 11.37 ± 0.50 -0.27 323.15 11.30 ± 0.50 -0.34 323.15 11.44 ± 0.50 -0.20 323.15 11.58 ± 1.00 -0.06 323.15 11.52 ± 1.00 -0.12 323.15 11.76 ± 0.03 0.12 323.15 11.69 ± 0.30 0.05 323.15 11.70 ± 0.04 0.06 323.15 11.72 ± 1.00 0.08 327.60 11.01 ± 0.60 -0.61 330.00 11.75 ± 0.20 0.14 333.15 11.48 ± 2.00 -0.12 348.15 11.26 ± 0.50 -0.27 348.15 11.24 ± 0.50 -0.29 348.15 11.43 ± 1.00 -0.10 348.15 11.44 ± 1.00 -0.09 348.15 11.44 ± 0.60 -0.09 353.15 11.42 ± 2.00 -0.09 353.15 11.61 ± 0.20 0.10 369.98 11.62 ± 0.10 0.18 369.98 11.48 ± 0.10 0.04 373.00 11.42 ± 0.30 -0.01 373.15 11.39 ± 1.00 -0.04 373.15 11.17 ± 0.50 -0.26 373.15 11.30 ± 0.50 -0.13 373.15 11.35 ± 1.00 -0.08 373.15 11.37 ± 1.00 -0.06 373.15 11.42 ± 0.06 -0.01 373.15 11.31 ± 0.02 -0.12 373.15 11.30 ± 0.03 -0.13 373.15 11.21 ± 5.60 -0.22 373.15 11.28 ± 0.20 -0.15 373.15 11.52 ± 0.07 0.09 373.15 11.80 ± 0.02 0.37 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 55-pfe/gof1) 55-pfe/gof1) 57-kra/mil1) 67-kal/mil() 67-kal/mil() 60-str/mil1) 67-ku/dod1) 92-zha/sch1) 93-qia/nis1) 74-ker/ant1) 25-hol/ott1) 29-gib/tan1) 30-tan/mas1) 31-wie/gad1) 41-mic/wou(×) 41-mic/wou(×) 70-bla/hal1) 78-dil/wax(
) 81-man/hal1) 87-mal/nat1) 60-str/mil1) 92-zha/sch1) 78-pra/kud(z) 29-gib/tan1) 30-tan/mas1) 41-mic/wou(×) 41-mic/wou(×) 88-pat/jof1) 78-pra/kud(z) 92-zha/sch1) 93-qia/nis1) 93-qia/nis1) 74-ker/ant1) 25-hol/ott1) 30-tan/mas1) 31-wie/gad1) 41-mic/wou(×) 41-mic/wou(×) 49-sch/duf(+) 59-sil/kob1) 67-kal/mil() 67-ku/dod1) 76-bel/kal-11) 78-kel/mcl-11) 78-kel/mcl-11)
T K 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.20 373.55 376.16 393.15 393.20 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.35 407.50 413.15 423.00 423.00 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.16 423.25 448.15 448.15 448.20 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.16 473.20 498.15 523.15 523.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 11.30 ± 2.00 -0.13 11.59 ± 0.25 0.16 11.47 ± 0.25 0.04 11.59 ± 1.00 0.16 11.27 ± 0.03 -0.16 10.90 ± 0.50 -0.53 11.36 ± 0.52 -0.06 11.20 ± 2.00 -0.15 11.33 ± 0.20 -0.02 10.97 ± 0.50 -0.36 11.24 ± 1.00 -0.09 11.29 ± 1.00 -0.04 11.29 ± 0.03 -0.04 11.08 ± 0.50 -0.25 11.26 ± 0.20 -0.04 11.15 ± 2.00 -0.13 11.27 ± 0.30 0.03 11.13 ± 0.20 -0.11 10.88 ± 0.50 -0.36 11.07 ± 1.00 -0.17 11.15 ± 1.00 -0.09 11.26 ± 0.08 0.02 11.41 ± 0.10 0.17 11.30 ± 0.04 0.06 11.56 ± 0.05 0.32 11.32 ± 1.00 0.08 11.12 ± 0.60 -0.12 10.76 ± 0.63 -0.48 10.36 ± 0.50 -0.88 10.92 ± 0.50 -0.24 10.92 ± 0.50 -0.24 10.89 ± 0.29 -0.27 11.07 ± 1.00 -0.01 11.07 ± 0.50 -0.01 11.08 ± 0.06 0.00 10.76 ± 0.03 -0.32 10.91 ± 0.08 -0.17 10.98 ± 0.10 -0.10 10.72 ± 0.20 -0.36 11.07 ± 0.03 -0.02 10.16 ± 0.48 -0.92 10.87 ± 0.06 -0.21 10.75 ± 0.60 -0.26 10.87 ± 0.16 -0.08 10.98 ± 0.12 0.03 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 78-pra/kud(z) 86-tan/wan1) 86-tan/wan1) 87-mal/nat1) 67-kal/mil() 29-gib/tan1) 70-kud/eub(▲) 78-pra/kud(z) 78-war/ste1) 30-tan/mas1) 41-mic/wou(×) 41-mic/wou(×) 81-man/hal1) 29-gib/tan1) 78-war/ste1) 78-pra/kud(z) 74-ker/ant1) 78-war/ste1) 30-tan/mas1) 41-mic/wou(×) 41-mic/wou(×) 78-kel/mcl-11) 78-kel/mcl-11) 78-kel/mcl-11) 78-kel/mcl-11) 87-mal/nat1) 88-pat/jof1) 70-kud/eub(▲) 29-gib/tan1) 29-gib/tan1) 30-tan/mas1) 63-wit/mil1) 25-hol/ott1) 31-wie/gad1) 49-sch/duf(+) 59-sil/kob1) 67-kal/mil() 67-suh/sto1) 76-bel/kal-11) 81-man/hal1) 70-kud/eub(▲) 67-kal/mil() 88-pat/jof1) 78-kel/mcl-11) 78-kel/mcl-11) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Helium (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K 523.15 10.86 ± 0.04 -0.09 78-kel/mcl-11) 673.15 523.15 11.19 ± 0.02 0.24 78-kel/mcl-11) 673.15 523.20 10.69 ± 0.07 -0.26 63-wit/mil1) 673.20 573.15 10.50 ± 1.00 -0.33 25-hol/ott1) 673.20 573.15 10.76 ± 0.08 -0.07 49-sch/duf(+) 723.15 573.15 10.53 ± 0.10 -0.30 67-kal/mil() 748.20 573.15 10.59 ± 0.10 -0.24 67-suh/sto1) 773.15 573.20 10.30 ± 0.10 -0.53 67-kal/mil() 773.15 598.20 10.75 ± 0.18 -0.02 63-wit/mil1) 773.15 623.15 10.42 ± 0.11 -0.30 78-kel/mcl-11) 773.20 623.15 10.61 ± 0.01 -0.11 78-kel/mcl-11) 873.15 623.15 10.79 ± 0.04 0.07 78-kel/mcl-11) 1073.15 673.15 10.13 ± 1.00 -0.50 25-hol/ott1) 1273.15 673.15 10.45 ± 0.08 -0.18 49-sch/duf(+) 1473.15 1) Not included in Fig.1 and Fig.2. Further references: [80-kes/osb, 82-ker, 83-bar-5]. _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 9.72 ± 0.10 -0.91 10.61 ± 0.05 -0.02 9.67 ± 0.15 -0.96 9.67 ± 0.10 -0.96 10.53 ± 0.04 -0.02 9.70 ± 0.15 -0.81 10.14 ± 0.09 -0.34 9.64 ± 0.10 -0.84 10.26 ± 0.07 -0.22 9.45 ± 0.10 -1.03 9.82 ± 0.10 -0.53 9.17 ± 0.20 -1.00 8.66 ± 0.20 -1.38 8.19 ± 0.30 -1.75 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 67-kal/mil() 78-kel/mcl-11) 63-wit/mil1) 67-kal/mil() 78-kel/mcl-11) 63-wit/mil1) 49-sch/duf(+) 67-kal/mil() 78-kel/mcl-11) 67-kal/mil() 49-sch/duf(+) 49-sch/duf(+) 49-sch/duf(+) 49-sch/duf(+)
( B exp - B calc )/cm
-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 0
15 T /K
Fig. 1. For temperature range 1.59 K to 35.10 K. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Helium (cont.)
( B exp - B calc )/cm
-3 0
T /K
Fig. 2. For temperature range 35.10 K to 1473.15 K. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
MW = 4.00
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.6598 ⋅ 10 − 3.3488 ⋅ 102/(T/K) + 7.1971 ⋅ 10/(T/K)2 + 1.2325 ⋅ 10/(T/K)3 T/K 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.5
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -234.0 ± 10.0 -171.0 ± 5.0 -131.3 ± 5.0 -72.9 ± 4.0
T/K 5.0 6.5 8.5 10.5
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -47.4 ± 2.5 -33.2 ± 1.5 -21.8 ± 1.0 -14.6 ± 0.5
T/K 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -9.73 ± 0.50 -5.40 ± 0.50 -2.30 ± 0.50 0.04 ± 0.50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 1) 0.63 -650.0 ± 170.0 365.7 85-cam/sei 1.47 -174.5 ± 0.4 -0.5 0.81 -274.0 ± 14.0 -10.1 85-cam/sei1) 1.51 -168.0 ± 10.0 2.0 1.04 -222.4 ± 6.9 5.5 85-cam/sei1) 1.51 -170.7 ± 0.4 -0.7 1.21 -194.7 ± 2.8 9.4 85-cam/sei1) 1.52 -157.9 ± 6.0 11.2 1.23 -203.0 ± 8.0 -1.5 67-gri/wer() 1.52 -163.6 ± 7.0 5.5 1.31 -182.5 ± 3.3 9.1 85-cam/sei1) 1.52 -170.2 ± 0.4 -1.1 1.47 -174.3 ± 0.4 -0.2 87-mat/mcc({) 1.55 -165.1 ± 0.4 1.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 87-mat/mcc({) 55-kel-1(
) 87-mat/mcc({) 55-kel-1(
) 67-gri/wer() 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Helium-3 (cont.) 20
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
5 0 -5 -10 -15 0
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 1.55 -167.4 ± 0.4 -1.2 1.56 -166.8 ± 0.4 -1.6 1.56 -165.9 ± 0.4 -0.7 1.57 -164.5 ± 0.4 -0.2 1.72 -152.4 ± 0.4 -1.1 1.72 -151.0 ± 0.4 0.4 1.74 -149.3 ± 0.4 0.4 1.74 -149.7 ± 0.4 0.1 1.82 -142.3 ± 6.0 1.3 1.82 -146.8 ± 4.0 -3.2 1.82 -136.1 ± 7.0 7.5 1.90 -140.4 ± 0.4 -2.5 1.91 -137.1 ± 0.4 0.1 1.92 -135.5 ± 0.4 1.1 1.92 -135.5 ± 0.4 1.1 2.10 -117.0 ± 6.0 8.2 2.16 -117.4 ± 3.0 4.4 2.18 -119.0 ± 0.5 1.7 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 55-kel-1(
) 55-kel-1(
) 67-gri/wer() 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 67-gri/wer() 55-kel-1(
) 87-mat/mcc({)
T K 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.68 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 3.00 3.01 3.04 3.33 3.34 3.50 3.60 3.75 3.79 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -119.4 ± 0.5 0.2 -119.4 ± 0.5 0.2 -117.7 ± 0.5 1.9 -118.1 ± 0.5 1.5 -90.5 ± 6.0 7.2 -80.7 ± 4.0 6.2 -86.3 ± 3.0 0.6 -80.7 ± 5.0 6.2 -84.7 ± 0.5 2.2 -87.3 ± 0.5 -0.8 -84.2 ± 0.5 2.0 -85.3 ± 0.5 0.1 -78.1 ± 0.4 -1.0 -71.8 ± 4.0 5.1 -72.6 ± 0.6 0.3 -66.2 ± 4.0 4.4 -67.8 ± 0.5 -0.5 -62.6 ± 3.0 3.9 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 67-gri/wer() 55-kel-1(
) 55-kel-1(
) 67-gri/wer() 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 88-kar/bog(×) 67-gri/wer() 88-kar/bog(×) 67-gri/wer() 88-kar/bog(×) 55-kel-1(
) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Helium-3 (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 3.88 -65.4 ± 2.0 -0.7 55-kel-1(
) 3.99 -63.2 ± 1.0 -0.6 88-kar/bog(×) 4.21 -59.5 ± 0.5 -0.8 88-kar/bog(×) 4.22 -58.3 ± 0.3 0.3 87-mat/mcc({) 4.24 -59.0 ± 0.6 -0.7 88-kar/bog(×) 4.26 -57.8 ± 0.3 0.1 87-mat/mcc({) 4.29 -57.2 ± 0.3 0.2 87-mat/mcc({) 4.29 -57.4 ± 0.3 0.0 87-mat/mcc({) 4.30 -56.8 ± 0.3 0.5 87-mat/mcc({) 4.30 -56.6 ± 0.3 0.6 87-mat/mcc({) 4.32 -56.6 ± 0.3 0.4 87-mat/mcc({) 4.35 -56.1 ± 0.3 0.3 87-mat/mcc({) 4.37 -55.8 ± 0.3 0.4 87-mat/mcc({) 4.38 -55.9 ± 0.3 0.1 87-mat/mcc({) 4.40 -55.3 ± 0.3 0.3 87-mat/mcc({) 4.48 -54.2 ± 0.7 0.2 88-kar/bog(×) 4.53 -53.6 ± 0.3 0.1 87-mat/mcc({) 4.94 -47.8 ± 0.5 0.3 88-kar/bog(×) 5.07 -49.5 ± 1.2 -2.9 88-kar/bog(×) 5.35 -44.4 ± 0.7 -1.0 88-kar/bog(×) 5.39 -43.7 ± 0.5 -0.7 88-kar/bog(×) 5.88 -39.4 ± 0.7 -1.2 88-kar/bog(×) 5.93 -39.0 ± 3.0 -1.2 88-kar/bog(×) 6.85 -31.1 ± 0.6 -0.4 88-kar/bog(×) 7.51 -27.3 ± 1.8 -0.6 88-kar/bog(×) 7.98 -21.5 ± 2.0 2.7 88-kar/bog(×) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further reference: [87-mat/mcc-1]. _________
T K 8.82 8.90 9.01 9.02 9.04 9.04 11.06 12.85 13.00 13.84 13.84 13.85 13.86 20.25 20.26 20.26 20.26 20.27 20.28 20.36 20.37 20.39 20.41 20.42 20.49 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -20.5 ± 2.0 -0.1 -21.4 ± 0.5 -1.3 -19.8 ± 0.1 -0.1 -19.6 ± 0.1 0.0 -19.5 ± 0.1 0.1 -19.5 ± 0.1 0.0 -14.5 ± 3.0 -1.4 -10.1 ± 2.5 -1.1 -9.8 ± 0.5 -1.1 -7.3 ± 0.1 -0.1 -7.1 ± 0.1 0.1 -7.3 ± 0.1 -0.1 -7.1 ± 0.1 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 0.2 0.2 ± 0.1 -0.1 0.1 ± 0.1 -0.2 0.0 ± 0.1 -0.2 0.1 ± 0.1 -0.1 0.3 ± 0.1 0.0 0.6 ± 0.1 0.2 0.4 ± 0.1 0.1 0.5 ± 0.1 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 0.0 0.5 ± 0.1 0.1 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 88-kar/bog(×) 88-kar/bog(×) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 88-kar/bog(×) 88-kar/bog(×) 88-kar/bog(×) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({) 87-mat/mcc({)
MW = 83.80
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.8030 ⋅ 10 − 1.9985 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 1.4767 · 106/(T/K)2 − 1.3450 · 108/(T/K)3 T/K 110 120 135 150 170 190
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -366.7 ± 4.0 -308.9 ± 3.0 -245.7 ± 2.0 -200.7 ± 1.0 -158.0 ± 1.0 -127.7 ± 1.0
T/K 220 250 290 330 380 430
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -96.0 ± 1.0 -74.1 ± 1.0 -54.0 ± 1.0 -39.8 ± 1.0 -27.2 ± 1.0 -18.1 ± 1.0
T/K 490 550 620 690 780 870
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -10.0 ± 1.0 -4.0 ± 1.0 1.4 ± 1.5 5.6 ± 2.5 9.7 ± 3.0 12.9 ± 4.0 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Krypton (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 1) 107.55 -386.7 ± 7.7 -3.1 62-fen/hal 198.15 -119.2 ± 0.2 -1.4 108.89 -374.2 ± 7.5 0.0 62-fen/hal1) 199.50 -119.0 ± 2.0 -2.8 109.94 -365.0 ± 7.3 2.1 62-fen/hal1) 200.59 -116.6 ± 1.0 -1.6 109.95 -358.4 ± 4.0 8.7 62-tho/van1) 202.00 -116.7 ± 4.0 -3.3 110.64 -370.5 ± 10.0 -8.0 67-wei/wyn1) 200.59 -116.6 ± 1.0 -1.6 112.28 -349.8 ± 7.0 2.4 62-fen/hal1) 202.00 -116.7 ± 4.0 -3.3 112.42 -354.4 ± 10.0 -3.2 67-wei/wyn1) 204.45 -113.2 ± 2.0 -2.4 115.15 -334.1 ± 3.0 0.9 67-wei/wyn1) 209.16 -106.9 ± 1.5 -0.9 115.35 -308.0 ± 6.6 25.9 62-fen/hal1) 213.00 -103.8 ± 2.0 -1.5 117.41 -326.9 ± 3.0 -4.5 214.60 -103.0 ± 4.0 -2.2 68-byr/jon(∆) 118.14 -315.9 ± 3.0 2.6 67-wei/wyn1) 217.38 -100.7 ± 2.0 -2.5 118.50 -314.8 ± 6.3 1.8 62-fen/hal1) 221.02 -98.9 ± 2.0 -3.8 120.19 -307.9 ± 2.0 0.0 223.00 -95.1 ± 2.0 -1.7 68-byr/jon(∆) 120.24 -307.4 ± 3.0 0.3 67-wei/wyn1) 223.15 -95.0 ± 0.2 -1.7 121.47 -301.6 ± 6.0 0.0 62-fen/hal1) 223.15 -93.1 ± 0.1 0.2 121.64 -297.5 ± 5.9 3.3 62-fen/hal1) 223.15 -90.9 ± 3.0 2.4 123.15 -288.8 ± 0.2 4.8 67-bre1) 224.19 -95.5 ± 1.0 -3.0 124.01 -287.5 ± 2.0 2.2 232.27 -86.6 ± 2.0 -0.5 68-byr/jon(∆) 127.79 -273.6 ± 1.0 -0.4 67-wei/wyn1) 233.90 -88.9 ± 4.0 -4.0 128.14 -270.5 ± 5.4 1.3 62-fen/hal1) 235.10 -88.5 ± 1.0 -4.5 129.15 -265.4 ± 2.0 2.3 235.10 -88.2 ± 1.0 -4.2 68-byr/jon(∆) 132.13 -255.6 ± 5.1 0.5 62-fen/hal1) 242.00 -81.1 ± 2.0 -1.8 133.11 -251.4 ± 1.0 1.1 67-wei/wyn1) 242.81 -81.0 ± 2.0 -2.3 134.10 -255.2 ± 3.0 -6.3 62-tho/van1) 247.44 -77.1 ± 2.0 -1.4 134.10 -256.1 ± 3.0 -7.2 62-tho/van1) 242.81 -81.0 ± 2.0 -2.3 134.69 -247.0 ± 1.5 -0.2 247.44 -77.1 ± 2.0 -1.4 68-byr/jon(∆) 138.07 -236.7 ± 4.7 -1.5 62-fen/hal1) 248.46 -78.9 ± 2.0 -3.8 142.45 -220.3 ± 1.5 1.3 251.94 -74.8 ± 1.5 -1.8 68-byr/jon(∆) 142.81 -220.1 ± 1.0 0.4 67-wei/wyn1) 254.48 -71.8 ± 2.0 -0.3 148.15 -204.2 ± 0.2 1.3 67-bre1) 259.02 -70.3 ± 2.0 -1.4 150.98 -198.1 ± 1.5 0.1 259.40 -72.4 ± 4.0 -3.7 68-byr/jon(∆) 155.09 -188.7 ± 1.0 -0.4 67-wei/wyn1) 262.00 -69.0 ± 2.0 -1.8 161.12 -175.2 ± 1.5 -0.2 270.30 -67.2 ± 1.0 -4.3 68-byr/jon(∆) 166.71 -163.1 ± 3.0 0.9 71-pol1) 270.30 -65.3 ± 1.0 -2.4 168.55 -162.9 ± 1.0 -2.3 67-wei/wyn1) 273.15 -62.7 ± 0.5 -1.2 172.29 -154.5 ± 1.5 -0.5 273.15 -60.3 ± 1.0 1.2 68-byr/jon(∆) 173.15 -153.4 ± 0.2 -0.8 67-bre1) 273.15 -61.2 ± 1.0 0.3 174.40 -151.3 ± 2.0 -0.8 62-tho/van1) 273.15 -61.5 ± 0.1 0.0 174.40 -151.7 ± 2.0 -1.2 62-tho/van1) 273.15 -61.2 ± 3.0 0.3 175.48 -149.2 ± 3.0 -0.5 71-pol1) 273.16 -63.0 ± 1.0 -1.4 180.75 -142.8 ± 1.0 -2.3 67-wei/wyn1) 273.20 -61.7 ± 3.0 -0.2 186.86 -132.7 ± 1.5 -0.9 274.25 -64.7 ± 2.0 -3.7 68-byr/jon(∆) 187.20 -131.8 ± 3.0 -0.4 71-pol1) 276.00 -61.7 ± 2.0 -1.5 191.45 -124.4 ± 3.0 1.4 71-pol1) 278.90 -61.4 ± 4.0 -2.6 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 67-bre1) 71-pol1) 67-wei/wyn1) 77-sch/sch1) 67-wei/wyn1) 77-sch/sch1) 71-pol1) 68-byr/jon(∆) 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 80-sch/geh1) 67-bre1) 78-dil/wax(z) 88-pat/jof(▲) 67-wei/wyn1) 71-pol1) 77-sch/sch1) 62-tho/van1) 62-tho/van1) 80-sch/geh1) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 68-byr/jon(∆) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 77-sch/sch1) 80-sch/geh1) 62-tho/van1) 62-tho/van1) 54-wha/sch({) 66-tra/was(
) 66-tra/was(
) 78-dil/wax(z) 88-pat/jof(▲) 52-bea/bri(×) 76-san/uri-1() 71-pol1) 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Krypton (cont.) 8
4 2
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
0 -2 -4 -6 -8 100
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. T K 283.20 293.20 295.00 295.20 298.15 298.15 298.15 300.00 300.00 303.20 303.69 304.62 305.57 313.20 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 _________
(cont.) Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -57.2 ± 3.0 -51.9 ± 3.0 -53.2 ± 2.0 -52.0 ± 4.0 -52.4 ± 1.0 -49.8 ± 1.0 -50.4 ± 1.0 -50.6 ± 4.0 -51.1 ± 2.0 -48.2 ± 3.0 -57.0 ± 6.0 -44.0 ± 6.0 -56.0 ± 6.0 -44.9 ± 3.0 -42.8 ± 1.0 -42.8 ± 0.3 -41.1 ± 1.0 -41.4 ± 1.0 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -0.3 0.8 -1.3 -0.2 -1.7 0.9 0.3 -0.6 -1.1 0.6 -8.4 4.3 -8.1 0.3 -0.8 -0.8 0.8 0.5
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 76-san/uri-1() 76-san/uri-1() 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) 52-bea/bri(×) 66-tra/was(
) 66-tra/was(
) 77-ren/sch1) 80-per/sch(◆) 76-san/uri-1() 82-zam/ste1) 82-zam/ste1) 82-zam/ste1) 76-san/uri-1() 52-bea/bri(×) 54-wha/sch({) 66-tra/was(
) 66-tra/was(
T K 323.15 323.15 323.20 328.70 330.00 332.90 348.15 348.15 348.15 350.00 365.00 367.50 368.70 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.16 398.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -41.7 ± 0.1 0.2 -41.6 ± 2.0 0.3 -41.7 ± 3.0 0.2 -37.0 ± 5.0 3.2 -40.4 ± 2.0 -0.6 -39.5 ± 4.0 -0.5 -35.2 ± 1.0 -0.5 -33.9 ± 1.0 0.8 -34.0 ± 1.0 0.7 -34.4 ± 2.0 -0.1 -30.4 ± 2.0 0.2 -30.0 ± 4.0 0.0 -24.9 ± 5.0 4.8 -29.3 ± 0.4 -0.6 -27.4 ± 1.0 1.3 -27.6 ± 1.0 1.1 -28.9 ± 1.0 -0.2 -22.1 ± 1.0 1.5 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 78-dil/wax(z) 88-pat/jof(▲) 76-san/uri-1() 33-glo/roe1) 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) 52-bea/bri(×) 66-tra/was(
) 66-tra/was(
) 80-per/sch(◆) 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) 33-glo/roe1) 54-wha/sch({) 66-tra/was(
) 66-tra/was(
) 52-bea/bri(×) 66-tra/was(
) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Krypton (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 398.15 -22.2 ± 1.0 1.4 398.17 -23.5 ± 1.0 0.1 400.00 -22.4 ± 2.0 0.9 400.00 -22.4 ± 2.0 0.9 402.20 -21.9 ± 4.0 1.0 410.00 -19.7 ± 4.0 1.8 423.15 -18.1 ± 0.4 1.1 423.15 -17.4 ± 1.0 1.8 423.15 -17.5 ± 1.0 1.7 423.18 -18.8 ± 1.0 0.4 425.00 -17.6 ± 2.0 1.3 431.70 -16.8 ± 4.0 1.1 448.20 -14.7 ± 1.0 0.7 450.00 -13.5 ± 2.0 1.7 450.00 -13.5 ± 2.0 1.7 461.70 -11.5 ± 4.0 2.1 473.15 -10.8 ± 0.4 1.3 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 66-tra/was(
) 52-bea/bri(×) 80-per/sch(◆) 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) 77-ren/sch1) 54-wha/sch({) 66-tra/was(
) 66-tra/was(
) 52-bea/bri(×) 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) 52-bea/bri(×) 80-per/sch(◆) 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) 54-wha/sch({)
Nitric oxide
T K 473.21 475.00 475.00 497.10 498.23 500.00 523.25 548.26 553.00 573.15 573.28 630.00 673.15 715.00 773.15 873.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -11.1 ± 1.0 1.0 -11.5 ± 4.0 0.3 -9.8 ± 2.0 2.0 -7.6 ± 4.0 1.6 -8.4 ± 1.0 0.7 -6.5 ± 2.0 2.4 -5.7 ± 1.0 0.8 -3.2 ± 1.0 1.0 -2.0 ± 4.0 1.7 0.4 ± 0.4 2.5 -1.2 ± 1.0 0.9 3.4 ± 4.0 1.4 7.2 ± 0.6 2.6 8.4 ± 4.0 1.6 12.7 ± 0.4 3.3 17.2 ± 0.4 4.2
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 52-bea/bri(×) 77-ren/sch1) 80-sch/geh1) 77-sch/sch1) 52-bea/bri(×) 80-per/sch(◆) 52-bea/bri(×) 52-bea/bri(×) 77-ren/sch1) 54-wha/sch({) 52-bea/bri(×) 77-ren/sch1) 54-wha/sch({) 77-ren/sch1) 54-wha/sch({) 54-wha/sch({)
MW = 30.01
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 9.7906 ⋅ 10 − 6.2888⋅104/(T/K) + 1.1825 · 107/(T/K)2 − 1.0802 · 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -201.5 ± 15.0 -158.1 ± 10.0 -115.9 ± 5.0 -89.4 ± 3.0
T/K 125 135 150 165
T/K 185 215 245 285
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -67.1 ± 2.0 -47.5 ± 2.0 -35.2 ± 2.0 -23.8 ± 2.0
T/K 325 375 425 475
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -15.1 ± 2.0 -6.2 ± 2.0 1.3 ± 2.0 7.8 ± 3.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 121.72 -224.4 ± 2.0 -4.8 34-joh/wei(
) 140.00 -141.0 ± 5.0 0.6 124.00 -220.0 ± 5.0 -13.3 86-eli/hoa1) 141.30 -141.7 ± 2.0 -3.9 124.00 -215.0 ± 5.0 -8.3 88-fos/nat({) 144.32 -123.8 ± 2.0 5.7 124.95 -199.3 ± 2.0 2.4 34-joh/wei(
) 146.91 -120.6 ± 2.0 2.4 129.79 -176.1 ± 2.0 2.6 34-joh/wei(
) 149.76 -112.1 ± 2.0 4.3 133.00 -169.0 ± 5.0 -3.4 86-eli/hoa1) 153.06 -107.9 ± 2.0 1.6 135.08 -150.9 ± 2.0 7.0 34-joh/wei(
) 159.74 -95.6 ± 2.0 1.8 135.16 -149.7 ± 2.0 7.9 34-joh/wei(
) 160.12 -97.8 ± 2.0 -1.0 ________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 88-fos/nat({) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Nitric oxide (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 169.53 -83.8 ± 2.0 -0.5 172.21 -82.2 ± 2.0 -2.2 173.00 -87.0 ± 4.0 -7.9 173.00 -82.3 ± 5.0 -3.2 179.82 -73.5 ± 2.0 -1.6 180.37 -72.7 ± 2.0 -1.3 189.90 -63.9 ± 2.0 -0.8 190.05 -62.6 ± 2.0 0.4 200.01 -55.8 ± 2.0 0.1 200.47 -56.5 ± 2.0 -0.9 201.09 -56.1 ± 2.0 -0.9 209.91 -50.8 ± 2.0 -0.7 210.70 -50.1 ± 2.0 -0.4 213.00 -56.0 ± 3.0 -7.5 213.00 -51.3 ± 4.0 -2.8 219.97 -46.0 ± 2.0 -0.9 220.12 -45.0 ± 2.0 0.0 230.39 -36.0 ± 2.0 4.6 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 86-eli/hoa1) 88-fos/nat({) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 86-eli/hoa1) 88-fos/nat({) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 230.64 -41.3 ± 2.0 -0.8 240.06 -35.2 ± 2.0 1.8 240.48 -36.0 ± 2.0 0.8 249.95 -31.2 ± 2.0 2.4 250.28 -32.8 ± 2.0 0.7 259.94 -27.4 ± 2.0 3.1 260.25 -28.9 ± 2.0 1.5 273.13 -23.8 ± 2.0 3.1 273.15 -23.2 ± 2.0 3.6 274.00 -22.8 ± 2.0 3.8 274.09 -21.9 ± 2.0 4.7 296.20 -23.9 ± 2.0 -2.7 296.20 -19.2 ± 2.0 2.0 353.00 -8.5 ± 3.0 1.4 403.00 -1.6 ± 3.0 0.2 455.00 3.9 ± 3.0 -1.4 476.00 5.4 ± 3.0 -2.6 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 86-eli/hoa1) 88-fos/nat({) 88-fos/nat({) 88-fos/nat({) 88-fos/nat({) 88-fos/nat({)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 100
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
MW = 28.01
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.0286 ⋅ 10 − 9.3378 ⋅ 103/(T/K) − 1.4164 · 106/(T/K)2 + 6.1253 · 107/(T/K)3 − 2.7198 · 109/(T/K)4 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -276.8 ± 1.0 -218.0 ± 1.0 -160.7 ± 1.0 -113.6 ± 1.0 -83.4 ± 0.5 -54.4 ± 0.3
T/K 75 85 100 120 140 170
T/K 200 240 280 330 380 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -35.9 ± 0.2 -19.6 ± 0.2 -8.8 ± 0.2 0.5 ± 0.2 6.9 ± 0.3 12.4 ± 0.3
T/K 500 570 640 745
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 16.4 ± 0.3 19.8 ± 0.3 22.5 ± 0.3 25.3 ± 0.8
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 1) 70.00 -306.0 ± 10.0 10.9 56-van/lam 110.00 -134.0 ± 5.0 0.2 56-van/lam1) 75.00 -276.1 ± 0.5 0.7 92-ewi/tru-1({) 110.00 -140.0 ± 1.4 -5.8 75-poc/wor1) 1) 77.30 -278.0 ± 7.0 -16.9 79-sch/geh-1 110.00 -133.3 ± 0.3 0.9 92-ewi/tru-1({) 77.30 -266.0 ± 4.0 -4.9 91-sch/eli1) 113.15 -118.5 ± 1.5 8.7 88-pat/jof1) 1) 77.30 -265.0 ± 4.0 -3.9 91-sch/eli 120.00 -113.0 ± 5.0 0.6 56-van/lam1) 1) 77.30 -264.0 ± 4.0 -2.9 91-sch/eli 120.00 -118.0 ± 1.2 -4.4 75-poc/wor1) 1) 80.00 -265.0 ± 30.0 -20.5 53-whi/hu 125.00 -90.0 ± 12.0 14.8 53-whi/hu1) 1) 80.00 -251.0 ± 25.0 -6.5 53-whi/hu 125.00 -105.0 ± 11.0 -0.2 53-whi/hu1) 1) 80.00 -239.0 ± 10.0 5.5 56-van/lam 125.00 -104.0 ± 0.4 0.8 92-ewi/tru-1({) 80.00 -264.0 ± 2.6 -19.5 75-poc/wor1) 126.93 -101.8 ± 2.0 -0.1 24-onn/van1) 80.00 -243.9 ± 0.5 0.6 92-ewi/tru-1({) 128.69 -98.3 ± 2.0 0.7 24-onn/van1) 85.00 -247.0 ± 27.0 -29.0 53-whi/hu1) 130.00 -97.0 ± 5.0 0.0 56-van/lam1) 85.00 -223.0 ± 22.0 -5.0 53-whi/hu1) 130.00 -100.0 ± 1.0 -3.0 75-poc/wor1) 1) 87.20 -222.0 ± 7.0 -14.3 79-sch/geh-1 131.62 -94.5 ± 2.0 0.1 24-onn/van1) 1) 90.00 -213.0 ± 25.0 -17.2 53-whi/hu 133.15 -92.0 ± 1.3 0.5 63-can/lel1) 1) 90.00 -199.0 ± 20.0 -3.2 53-whi/hu 133.15 -92.0 ± 3.0 0.5 64-hoo/can(×) 90.00 -193.0 ± 10.0 2.8 56-van/lam1) 133.15 -92.0 ± 2.0 0.5 64-hoo/can(×) 90.00 -201.0 ± 2.0 -5.2 62-poo/sav1) 140.00 -83.0 ± 5.0 0.4 56-van/lam1) 90.00 -195.0 ± 0.4 0.8 92-ewi/tru-1({) 140.00 -86.2 ± 1.0 -2.8 75-poc/wor1) 1) 90.10 -204.0 ± 7.0 -8.7 79-sch/geh-1 141.88 -80.7 ± 1.5 0.5 24-onn/van1) 1) 95.00 -174.0 ± 20.0 2.9 53-whi/hu 143.14 -79.6 ± 1.2 0.1 63-can/lel1) 1) 95.00 -178.0 ± 18.0 -1.1 53-whi/hu 143.14 -79.6 ± 1.5 0.1 64-hoo/can(×) 95.00 -187.0 ± 1.9 -10.1 75-poc/wor1) 143.14 -79.6 ± 1.5 0.1 64-hoo/can(×) 100.00 -158.0 ± 19.0 2.7 53-whi/hu1) 143.15 -79.8 ± 1.0 -0.1 25-hol/ott1) 100.00 -161.0 ± 16.0 -0.3 53-whi/hu1) 143.15 -79.5 ± 0.3 0.2 66-cra/son1) 1) 100.00 -159.0 ± 10.0 1.7 56-van/lam 150.00 -56.0 ± 10.0 16.1 53-whi/hu1) 1) 100.00 -169.0 ± 1.7 -8.3 75-poc/wor 150.00 -71.0 ± 9.0 1.1 53-whi/hu1) 100.00 -159.8 ± 0.3 0.9 92-ewi/tru-1({) 150.00 -72.0 ± 5.0 0.1 56-van/lam1) 1) 103.15 -148.6 ± 1.5 2.9 88-pat/jof 150.00 -74.3 ± 1.0 -2.2 75-poc/wor1) 1) 110.00 -142.0 ± 18.0 -7.8 53-whi/hu 150.00 -71.5 ± 0.4 0.6 92-ewi/tru-1({) 110.00 -134.0 ± 13.0 0.2 53-whi/hu1) 151.96 -60.8 ± 1.0 9.3 24-onn/van1) cont. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Nitrogen (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 155.89 -65.9 ± 0.3 0.4 158.15 -63.5 ± 1.0 0.8 158.15 -64.1 ± 1.5 0.1 158.15 -63.5 ± 1.5 0.8 163.15 -59.4 ± 0.2 0.5 170.90 -52.5 ± 1.0 1.2 173.15 -51.9 ± 1.0 0.3 175.00 -29.0 ± 8.0 21.8 175.00 -50.0 ± 7.0 0.8 175.00 -52.0 ± 1.0 -1.2 181.86 -45.8 ± 0.3 0.4 183.15 -45.4 ± 0.9 0.0 183.15 -45.2 ± 1.5 0.2 183.15 -43.4 ± 1.0 2.0 192.05 -39.1 ± 1.0 1.0 192.64 -39.6 ± 0.3 0.2 200.00 -34.0 ± 4.0 1.9 200.00 -35.0 ± 4.0 0.9 200.00 -36.4 ± 1.0 -0.5 200.00 -35.6 ± 0.1 0.3 203.15 -33.9 ± 0.2 0.4 204.61 -33.6 ± 0.2 0.0 204.61 -33.5 ± 0.2 0.1 213.00 -29.5 ± 2.0 0.3 218.87 -27.3 ± 0.2 0.0 218.87 -27.3 ± 0.2 0.0 222.89 -24.8 ± 1.0 0.9 223.00 -25.5 ± 2.0 0.2 223.13 -25.2 ± 0.7 0.4 223.13 -26.1 ± 1.0 -0.5 223.13 -25.2 ± 1.0 0.4 223.15 -26.4 ± 1.0 -0.8 234.05 -21.6 ± 0.2 0.0 242.00 -19.0 ± 2.0 0.0 248.54 -17.0 ± 0.2 -0.1 248.54 -16.9 ± 0.2 0.0 249.53 -16.7 ± 1.0 -0.1 249.97 -15.5 ± 2.0 1.0 250.00 -23.0 ± 6.0 -6.5 250.00 -16.0 ± 5.0 0.5 250.00 -16.3 ± 0.1 0.2 262.00 -13.3 ± 2.0 -0.1 263.08 -12.9 ± 0.2 0.0 269.30 -11.2 ± 0.2 0.1 269.83 -10.3 ± 1.0 0.9 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 72-roe(
) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can(×) 64-hoo/can(×) 66-cra/son1) 24-onn/van1) 25-hol/ott1) 53-whi/hu1) 53-whi/hu1) 75-poc/wor1) 72-roe(
) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can(×) 64-hoo/can(×) 24-onn/van1) 72-roe(
) 53-whi/hu1) 53-whi/hu1) 75-poc/wor1) 92-ewi/tru-1({) 66-cra/son1) 72-roe(
) 72-roe(
) 80-sch/geh1) 72-roe(
) 72-roe(
) 24-onn/van1) 80-sch/geh1) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can(×) 64-hoo/can(×) 25-hol/ott1) 72-roe(
) 80-sch/geh1) 72-roe(
) 72-roe(
) 24-onn/van1) 95-esp/lem1) 53-whi/hu1) 53-whi/hu1) 92-ewi/tru-1({) 80-sch/geh1) 72-roe(
) 92-zha/sch(z) 95-esp/lem1)
T K 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 276.00 276.94 283.15 289.64 290.00 290.00 291.41 293.06 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 295.00 295.20 296.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.20 308.20 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -9.2 ± 1.0 1.2 -10.3 ± 1.0 0.0 -11.1 ± 1.0 -0.7 -10.3 ± 1.0 0.1 -10.1 ± 1.0 0.2 -10.1 ± 1.0 0.3 -9.7 ± 0.5 0.7 -10.6 ± 1.0 -0.2 -9.7 ± 1.0 0.7 -10.3 ± 0.1 0.1 -10.3 ± 0.2 0.1 -10.2 ± 0.2 0.1 -9.8 ± 1.5 -0.1 -9.4 ± 0.2 0.1 -8.0 ± 0.2 0.1 -5.9 ± 0.6 0.8 -6.9 ± 0.1 -0.3 -6.5 ± 0.2 0.2 -6.2 ± 0.2 0.1 23.0 ± 10.0 29.0 -5.5 ± 1.0 0.5 -6.3 ± 1.0 -0.3 -5.9 ± 0.2 0.1 -6.0 ± 0.4 -0.1 -5.5 ± 3.3 0.5 -5.4 ± 3.3 0.6 -5.9 ± 0.2 0.1 -5.7 ± 1.5 -0.1 -5.3 ± 0.1 0.3 -5.0 ± 0.5 0.4 -4.7 ± 1.0 0.3 -4.9 ± 1.0 0.1 -4.5 ± 1.0 0.5 -4.2 ± 1.0 0.4 -4.9 ± 0.1 -0.3 -4.5 ± 0.1 0.1 -4.5 ± 0.1 0.1 -4.2 ± 0.1 -0.1 -4.1 ± 0.1 -0.1 -4.2 ± 0.1 -0.1 -3.5 ± 0.3 0.5 -4.0 ± 0.2 0.0 -4.2 ± 1.5 -0.2 -4.0 ± 20.0 0.0 -2.9 ± 0.1 0.2 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 24-onn/van1) 25-hol/ott1) 26-ver1) 34-mic/wou1) 34-ott/mic1) 51-mic/lun1) 63-can/lel1) 64-hoo/can(×) 64-hoo/can(×) 66-cra/son1) 88-dus/kle() 92-zha/sch(z) 80-sch/geh1) 72-roe(
) 88-dus/kle() 95-esp/lem1) 84-izu1) 92-zha/sch(z) 72-roe(
) 82-ker1) 24-onn/van1) 26-ver1) 88-dus/kle() 91-bou/moo1) 91-lop/roz1) 91-lop/roz1) 92-zha/sch(z) 80-sch/geh1) 58-bot/rem1) 91-sch/eli1) 34-mic/wou1) 34-ott/mic1) 51-mic/lun1) 75-poc/wor1) 84-izu1) 89-bru/hwa1) 92-ewi/tru-1({) 55-pfe/gof1) 55-pfe/gof1) 55-pfe/gof1) 57-kra/mil1) 88-dus/kle() 88-pat/jof1) 58-bro/raw1) 58-bot/rem1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Nitrogen (cont.) 4
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
1 0 -1 -2 -3 50
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 310.00 -2.7 ± 0.2 310.23 -2.1 ± 0.2 311.65 -2.7 ± 0.1 313.15 -2.2 ± 0.2 313.15 -2.8 ± 0.2 313.15 -2.1 ± 0.2 320.00 -1.2 ± 0.1 323.15 -0.3 ± 1.0 323.15 -0.3 ± 1.0 323.15 -0.5 ± 1.0 323.15 -0.3 ± 1.0 323.15 -0.6 ± 0.2 323.15 -0.4 ± 0.2 330.00 0.4 ± 1.0 330.00 0.6 ± 0.2 331.88 1.3 ± 0.1 333.15 3.0 ± 0.2 348.15 3.2 ± 1.0 348.15 3.3 ± 1.0 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 0.2 0.7 -0.2 0.0 -0.5 0.2 -0.1 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.2 -0.1 0.2 0.6 2.0 0.2 0.2
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-zha/sch(z) 95-esp/lem1) 67-ku /dod1) 88-dus/kle() 91-bou/moo1) 92-zha/sch(z) 89-bru/hwa1) 25-hol/ott1) 34-mic/wou1) 34-ott/mic1) 51-mic/lun1) 88-dus/kle() 92-zha/sch(z) 80-sch/geh1) 92-zha/sch(z) 95-esp/lem1) 91-bou/moo1) 34-mic/wou1) 34-ott/mic1)
T K 348.15 350.00 350.81 353.15 365.00 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 400.00 400.00 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 3.4 ± 1.0 0.3 3.6 ± 0.2 0.4 3.9 ± 0.2 0.5 3.9 ± 0.2 0.2 5.2 ± 1.5 0.0 6.1 ± 1.0 0.0 6.6 ± 1.0 0.4 6.2 ± 1.0 0.1 6.5 ± 1.0 0.4 6.0 ± 0.3 -0.2 9.5 ± 1.0 0.7 9.0 ± 1.0 0.3 9.2 ± 1.0 0.5 9.0 ± 1.5 0.1 9.2 ± 0.1 0.3 11.5 ± 1.0 0.5 12.3 ± 1.0 1.3 11.4 ± 1.0 0.3 11.5 ± 1.0 0.5
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 51-mic/lun1) 92-zha/sch(z) 95-esp/lem1) 92-zha/sch(z) 80-sch/geh1) 25-hol/ott1) 34-mic/wou1) 34-ott/mic1) 51-mic/lun1) 67-ku/dod1) 34-mic/wou1) 34-ott/mic1) 51-mic/lun1) 80-sch/geh1) 92-ewi/tru-1({) 25-hol/ott1) 34-mic/wou1) 34-ott/mic1) 51-mic/lun1) cont.
2. Inorganic Compounds
Nitrogen (cont.) Table 2. (cont Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 1) 425.00 11.6 ± 2.0 0.4 80-sch/geh 573.15 20.6 ± 1.0 0.7 25-hol/ott1) 1) 448.15 14.3 ± 0.4 1.3 63-wit/mil 598.15 20.8 ± 0.4 -0.2 63-wit/mil1) 1) 450.00 13.4 ± 2.0 0.3 80-sch/geh 600.00 21.1 ± 0.1 0.1 92-ewi/tru-1({) 473.15 15.3 ± 1.0 0.6 25-hol/ott1) 673.15 23.5 ± 1.0 0.0 25-hol/ott1) 1) 475.00 15.1 ± 2.0 0.2 80-sch/geh 673.15 23.4 ± 0.4 -0.1 63-wit/mil1) 500.00 16.6 ± 0.1 0.2 92-ewi/tru-1({) 700.00 24.1 ± 0.1 -0.1 92-ewi/tru-1({) 523.15 18.3 ± 0.4 0.7 63-wit/mil1) 748.15 24.7 ± 0.4 -0.7 63-wit/mil1) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [67-bre, 70-hal/can, 91-pie/kle, 97-dua/zhu]. _________
Nitrous oxide
MW = 44.01
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 5.6654 ⋅ 10 − 5.4768 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 9.4786 · 106/(T/K)2 − 2.9920 · 109/(T/K)3 T/K 190 200 210
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -405.2 ± 35.0 -354.2 ± 30.0 -312.3 ± 20.0
T/K 230 250 280
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -248.2 ± 10.0 -202.2 ± 6.0 -154.3 ± 5.0
T/K 310 350 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -121.8 ± 4.0 -92.2 ± 3.0 -67.8 ± 2.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 1) 187.00 -379.0 ± 5.0 43.7 86-eli/hoa 250.16 -217.2 ± 10.0 -15.3 198.14 -352.1 ± 10.0 10.9 34-joh/wei(
) 253.00 -192.0 ± 3.0 4.5 198.68 -349.4 ± 10.0 11.0 34-joh/wei(
) 258.15 -186.9 ± 25.0 0.3 203.00 -312.0 ± 4.0 28.8 86-eli/hoa1) 260.05 -199.2 ± 10.0 -15.3 204.07 -331.6 ± 10.0 4.6 34-joh/wei(
) 261.71 -198.8 ± 10.0 -17.7 204.89 -325.9 ± 10.0 6.8 34-joh/wei(
) 273.13 -183.6 ± 10.0 -20.0 209.88 -312.7 ± 10.0 0.0 34-joh/wei(
) 273.14 -182.5 ± 10.0 -18.9 213.80 -299.8 ± 10.0 -1.5 34-joh/wei(
) 273.14 -182.7 ± 10.0 -19.1 215.63 -294.2 ± 10.0 -2.3 34-joh/wei(
) 273.15 -182.8 ± 10.0 -19.2 220.02 -281.5 ± 10.0 -4.1 34-joh/wei(
) 273.15 -182.3 ± 10.0 -18.7 220.11 -282.1 ± 10.0 -5.0 34-joh/wei(
) 273.15 -160.9 ± 25.0 2.7 223.00 -251.0 ± 4.0 17.1 86-eli/hoa1) 273.15 -160.9 ± 0.5 2.7 229.77 -254.6 ± 10.0 -5.8 34-joh/wei(
) 279.70 -146.4 ± 1.5 8.3 230.10 -257.8 ± 10.0 -9.9 34-joh/wei(
) 280.67 -174.8 ± 10.0 -21.3 240.07 -235.5 ± 10.0 -12.2 34-joh/wei(
) 283.15 -158.9 ± 10.0 -8.6 240.20 -237.2 ± 10.0 -14.2 34-joh/wei(
) 284.20 -152.5 ± 10.0 -3.5 243.15 -212.0 ± 25.0 4.4 61-cou/hir({) 288.15 -142.3 ± 20.0 2.0 249.69 -216.5 ± 10.0 -13.6 34-joh/wei(
) 289.20 -140.0 ± 10.0 3.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 34-joh/wei(
) 86-eli/hoa1) 61-cou/hir({) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 34-joh/wei(
) 61-cou/hir({) 62-sch/mas(×) 73-kir/bos1) 34-joh/wei(
) 33-caw/pat1) 05-ray1) 61-cou/hir({) 97-led/sac1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Nitrous oxide (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 290.29 -163.5 ± 10.0 -21.7 294.15 -136.8 ± 10.0 0.8 294.15 -134.9 ± 10.0 2.7 295.20 -139.5 ± 10.0 -3.1 296.20 -136.0 ± 2.0 -0.7 296.43 -155.3 ± 10.0 -20.2 298.15 -133.2 ± 0.5 0.1 303.15 -127.8 ± 20.0 0.5 303.30 -119.7 ± 1.2 8.4 309.65 -126.8 ± 10.0 -4.7 323.15 -109.1 ± 15.0 1.6 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 323.15 -111.5 ± 0.5 -0.8 348.15 -92.0 ± 15.0 1.4 348.15 -94.3 ± 0.5 -0.9 348.30 -101.2 ± 4.0 -7.9 373.15 -79.4 ± 10.0 0.2 373.15 -80.2 ± 0.5 -0.6 398.15 -68.0 ± 10.0 0.5 398.15 -68.4 ± 0.5 0.1 423.15 -58.2 ± 10.0 1.1 423.15 -58.3 ± 0.5 1.0
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 34-joh/wei(
) 33-caw/pat1) 37-caw/pat1) 50-bot/mas1) 86-eli/hoa1) 34-joh/wei(
) 62-sch/mas(×) 61-cou/hir({) 73-kir/bos1) 33-caw/pat1) 61-cou/hir({)
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-sch/mas(×) 61-cou/hir({) 62-sch/mas(×) 73-kir/bos1) 61-cou/hir({) 62-sch/mas(×) 61-cou/hir({) 62-sch/mas(×) 61-cou/hir({) 62-sch/mas(×)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 175
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
MW = 20.18
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5894 ⋅ 10 − 9.9406 ⋅ 102/(T/K) − 1.2641 · 105/(T/K)2 + 2.2721 · 106/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -36.4 ± 1.0 -25.3 ± 1.0 -14.4 ± 1.0 -7.6 ± 1.0
T/K 50 60 75 90
T/K 110 130 160 200
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1.9 ± 1.0 1.8 ± 1.0 5.3 ± 1.0 8.1 ± 1.0
T/K 300 400 600 870
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 11.3 ± 1.0 12.7 ± 1.0 13.9 ± 1.0 14.6 ± 1.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 44.00 -46.1 ± 1.5 -0.8 69-gib({) 123.15 0.1 ± 1.0 -0.6 46.00 -42.2 ± 1.4 -0.1 69-gib({) 173.15 6.5 ± 1.0 0.1 50.00 -35.4 ± 1.4 1.0 69-gib({) 213.00 8.5 ± 2.0 -0.2 60.00 -24.9 ± 1.3 0.4 69-gib({) 223.00 8.9 ± 2.0 -0.2 65.25 -21.0 ± 1.0 -0.1 25-hol/ott1) 223.15 9.1 ± 1.0 0.0 70.00 -17.1 ± 1.2 0.4 69-gib({) 242.00 9.7 ± 2.0 -0.1 90.65 -8.2 ± 1.0 -0.8 25-hol/ott1) 262.00 10.3 ± 2.0 -0.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 25-hol/ott1) 25-hol/ott1) 80-sch/geh1) 80-sch/geh1) 25-hol/ott1) 80-sch/geh1) 80-sch/geh1)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
0 -1 -2 -3 0
500 T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Neon (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 1) 273.15 10.7 ± 1.0 0.0 25-hol/ott 373.15 12.5 ± 1.0 273.15 10.3 ± 1.0 -0.3 28-mic/gib1) 373.15 12.5 ± 1.0 273.15 10.9 ± 1.0 0.2 55-nic/sch(
) 373.98 12.2 ± 1.0 273.15 10.8 ± 1.0 0.2 60-mic/was(×) 398.15 12.9 ± 1.0 273.15 10.8 ± 1.0 0.1 60-mic/was(×) 398.15 12.8 ± 1.0 276.00 10.7 ± 2.0 0.0 80-sch/geh1) 400.00 12.7 ± 2.0 295.00 11.2 ± 2.0 0.0 80-sch/geh1) 423.15 13.4 ± 1.0 295.62 11.1 ± 1.0 -0.1 28-mic/gib1) 423.15 13.1 ± 1.0 298.15 11.4 ± 1.0 0.2 60-mic/was(×) 423.15 13.1 ± 1.0 298.15 11.4 ± 1.0 0.2 60-mic/was(×) 425.00 13.0 ± 2.5 323.15 12.3 ± 1.0 0.6 55-nic/sch(
) 450.00 13.2 ± 2.5 323.15 11.9 ± 1.0 0.2 60-mic/was(×) 473.15 13.1 ± 1.0 323.15 11.8 ± 1.0 0.2 60-mic/was(×) 473.15 13.7 ± 1.0 323.55 11.3 ± 1.0 -0.4 28-mic/gib1) 475.00 13.4 ± 2.5 330.00 11.8 ± 2.0 0.0 80-sch/geh1) 573.15 13.8 ± 1.0 345.98 11.9 ± 1.0 -0.2 28-mic/gib1) 573.15 13.8 ± 1.0 348.15 12.2 ± 1.0 0.2 60-mic/was(×) 673.15 13.7 ± 1.0 348.15 12.2 ± 1.0 0.1 60-mic/was(×) 673.15 13.7 ± 1.0 365.00 12.3 ± 2.0 0.0 80-sch/geh1) 773.15 13.9 ± 1.0 373.15 11.9 ± 1.0 -0.5 25-hol/ott1) 873.15 14.0 ± 1.0 373.15 12.8 ± 1.0 0.4 55-nic/sch(
) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [15-onn/cro, 19-cro/mar, 80-woo/kro, 82-ker]. _________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 0.2 0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 -0.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.4 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 60-mic/was(×) 60-mic/was(×) 28-mic/gib1) 60-mic/was(×) 60-mic/was(×) 80-sch/geh1) 55-nic/sch(
) 60-mic/was(×) 60-mic/was(×) 80-sch/geh1) 80-sch/geh1) 25-hol/ott1) 55-nic/sch(
) 80-sch/geh1) 25-hol/ott1) 55-nic/sch(
) 25-hol/ott1) 55-nic/sch(
) 55-nic/sch(
) 55-nic/sch(
MW = 32.00
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.2859 ⋅ 10 − 1.7696 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 5.2007 · 105/(T/K)2 − 1.6393 · 108/(T/K)3 + 5.0855 · 109/(T/K)4 T/K 70 85 100 120 140
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -369.9 ± 30.0 -262.9 ± 25.0 -195.2 ± 10.0 -138.8 ± 4.0 -103.5 ± 1.0
T/K 170 200 240 280 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -69.7 ± 0.3 -49.9 ± 0.3 -32.2 ± 0.3 -20.3 ± 0.3 -10.1 ± 0.3
T/K 380 430 495
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2.9 ± 0.3 2.6 ± 0.3 8.0 ± 0.3
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Oxygen (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 1) 77.30 -338.0 ± 6.0 -26.5 86-eli/hoa 180.00 -62.7 ± 0.3 0.0 80.00 -339.0 ± 34.0 -45.9 53-whi/hu1) 180.00 -62.7 ± 0.3 -0.1 80.00 -278.0 ± 28.0 15.1 53-whi/hu1) 185.00 -59.1 ± 0.3 0.0 80.00 -269.0 ± 20.0 24.1 0.0 84-wag/ewe(×) 190.00 -55.9 ± 0.3 85.00 -267.8 ± 30.0 -4.9 70-web({) 190.00 -55.9 ± 0.3 0.0 87.20 -253.0 ± 5.0 -2.1 86-eli/hoa1) 195.00 -52.8 ± 0.3 0.0 90.00 -237.0 ± 24.0 -0.1 53-whi/hu1) 200.00 -42.0 ± 4.0 7.9 90.00 -222.0 ± 22.0 14.9 53-whi/hu1) 200.00 -48.0 ± 4.8 1.9 90.00 -245.0 ± 2.0 -8.1 62-poo/sav1) 200.00 -49.9 ± 0.3 0.0 90.00 -240.7 ± 30.0 -3.8 70-web({) 200.00 -49.9 ± 0.3 0.1 90.00 -217.6 ± 15.0 19.3 0.0 84-wag/ewe(×) 205.00 -47.2 ± 0.3 90.10 -239.0 ± 5.0 -2.6 86-eli/hoa1) 210.00 -44.7 ± 0.3 0.0 95.00 -217.5 ± 30.0 -3.0 70-web({) 210.00 -44.6 ± 0.3 0.1 100.00 -170.0 ± 17.0 25.2 53-whi/hu1) 215.00 -42.3 ± 0.3 0.0 100.00 -186.0 ± 19.0 9.2 53-whi/hu1) 220.00 -40.0 ± 0.3 0.0 100.00 -197.5 ± 15.0 -2.4 70-web({) 220.00 -39.9 ± 0.3 0.1 100.00 -183.8 ± 10.0 11.4 0.0 84-wag/ewe(×) 225.00 -37.9 ± 0.3 105.00 -180.2 ± 15.0 -1.9 70-web({) 230.00 -35.9 ± 0.3 0.0 110.00 -165.1 ± 15.0 -1.6 70-web({) 230.00 -35.8 ± 0.3 0.1 110.00 -157.5 ± 8.0 6.0 0.0 84-wag/ewe(×) 235.00 -34.0 ± 0.3 115.00 -151.7 ± 15.0 -1.3 70-web({) 240.00 -32.2 ± 0.3 0.0 120.00 -139.9 ± 5.0 -1.1 70-web({) 240.00 -32.1 ± 0.3 0.1 120.00 -136.1 ± 4.0 2.8 0.0 84-wag/ewe(×) 245.00 -30.5 ± 0.3 125.00 -112.0 ± 11.0 16.5 53-whi/hu1) 250.00 -35.0 ± 4.0 -6.2 125.00 -130.0 ± 13.0 -1.5 53-whi/hu1) 250.00 -27.0 ± 2.7 1.8 125.00 -129.4 ± 5.0 -0.9 70-web({) 250.00 -28.8 ± 0.3 0.0 130.00 -120.0 ± 5.0 -0.7 70-web({) 250.00 -28.7 ± 0.3 0.1 130.00 -118.2 ± 2.0 1.1 0.0 84-wag/ewe(×) 255.00 -27.3 ± 0.3 135.00 -111.6 ± 5.0 -0.6 70-web({) 260.00 -25.8 ± 0.3 -0.1 140.00 -104.0 ± 1.0 -0.5 70-web({) 260.00 -25.7 ± 0.3 0.0 140.00 -103.3 ± 1.0 0.3 -0.1 84-wag/ewe(×) 265.00 -24.3 ± 0.3 145.00 -97.1 ± 1.0 -0.4 70-web({) 270.00 -23.0 ± 0.3 -0.1 150.00 -94.0 ± 9.0 -3.5 53-whi/hu1) 270.00 -22.9 ± 0.3 0.0 150.00 -90.0 ± 9.0 0.5 53-whi/hu1) 273.15 -21.4 ± 1.0 0.7 150.00 -90.8 ± 0.3 -0.3 70-web({) 273.15 -22.1 ± 1.0 -0.1 150.00 -90.6 ± 0.3 -0.1 0.2 84-wag/ewe(×) 273.15 -21.9 ± 1.0 155.00 -85.1 ± 0.3 -0.2 70-web({) 273.15 -21.8 ± 1.0 0.3 160.00 -79.8 ± 0.3 -0.2 70-web({) 275.00 -21.7 ± 0.3 -0.1 160.00 -79.8 ± 0.3 -0.2 -0.1 84-wag/ewe(×) 280.00 -20.4 ± 0.3 165.00 -75.0 ± 0.3 -0.1 70-web({) 280.00 -20.4 ± 0.3 -0.1 170.00 -70.6 ± 0.3 -0.1 70-web({) 285.00 -19.2 ± 0.3 -0.1 170.00 -70.6 ± 0.3 -0.1 -0.1 84-wag/ewe(×) 290.00 -18.1 ± 0.3 175.00 -62.0 ± 6.0 4.4 53-whi/hu1) 290.00 -18.1 ± 0.3 -0.1 175.00 -56.0 ± 5.6 10.4 53-whi/hu1) 290.00 -17.3 ± 1.0 0.7 175.00 -66.5 ± 0.3 0.0 70-web({) 295.00 -17.0 ± 0.3 -0.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 53-whi/hu1) 53-whi/hu1) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 53-whi/hu1) 53-whi/hu1) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 23-kuy/onn1) 25-hol/ott1) 54-mic/sch(
) 54-mic/sch(
) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 70-web({) 70-web({) 84-wag/ewe(×) 88-fos/nat1) 70-web({) cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Oxygen (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 1) 295.20 -15.5 ± 1.0 1.3 50-bot/mas 340.00 -8.7 ± 0.3 -0.3 84-wag/ewe(×) 296.20 -16.4 ± 1.0 0.2 88-fos/nat1) 353.00 -6.0 ± 1.0 0.5 88-fos/nat1) 1) 298.15 -16.8 ± 1.0 -0.6 23-kuy/onn 360.00 -5.8 ± 0.3 -0.3 84-wag/ewe(×) 298.15 -16.2 ± 1.0 -0.1 54-mic/sch(
) 363.15 -2.5 ± 2.3 2.6 56-cot/ham1) 298.15 -16.5 ± 1.0 -0.3 54-mic/sch(
) 373.15 -3.5 ± 1.0 0.3 25-hol/ott1) 300.00 -15.9 ± 0.3 -0.1 70-web({) 380.00 -3.1 ± 0.3 -0.3 84-wag/ewe(×) 300.00 -15.9 ± 0.3 -0.2 -0.2 84-wag/ewe(×) 400.00 -0.7 ± 0.3 84-wag/ewe(×) 300.00 -15.5 ± 1.0 0.3 88-fos/nat1) 403.00 0.2 ± 1.0 0.4 88-fos/nat1) 1) 303.00 -16.0 ± 1.0 -0.8 88-fos/nat 420.00 1.5 ± 0.3 -0.2 84-wag/ewe(×) 303.15 -16.6 ± 5.1 -1.5 56-cot/ham1) 440.00 3.4 ± 0.3 -0.1 84-wag/ewe(×) 320.00 -12.1 ± 0.3 -0.2 455.00 5.5 ± 1.0 0.6 88-fos/nat1) 84-wag/ewe(×) 320.00 -12.0 ± 1.0 -0.1 88-fos/nat1) 460.00 5.3 ± 0.3 0.0 84-wag/ewe(×) 1) 323.15 -10.8 ± 1.0 0.5 25-hol/ott 476.00 6.6 ± 1.0 0.0 88-fos/nat1) 323.15 -11.6 ± 1.0 -0.3 54-mic/sch(
) 480.00 7.0 ± 0.3 0.1 84-wag/ewe(×) 323.15 -11.9 ± 1.0 -0.6 54-mic/sch(
) 500.00 8.6 ± 0.3 0.3 84-wag/ewe(×) 333.15 -7.3 ± 2.0 2.3 56-cot/ham1) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [25-nij/kee, 35-van-2, 82-ker, 88-wag/ewe(54.36 K, 60.00 K, 70.00 K)]. _________
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 50
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Sulfur dioxide
MW = 64.06
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.4794 ⋅ 10 − 2.3892 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 4.9786 · 106/(T/K)2 − 8.2606 · 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -552 ± 15 -500 ± 15 -455 ± 15 -381 ± 15
T/K 270 280 290 310
T/K 330 350 370 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -323 ± 10 -277 ± 10 -239 ± 10 -195 ± 10
T/K 430 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -162 ± 7 -128 ± 7
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
20 0 -20 -40 -60 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 265.36 -577.0 ± 50.0 1.0 31-coo/maa(z) 293.20 -433.0 ± 21.7 9.3 273.18 -534.0 ± 50.0 0.6 31-coo/maa(z) 298.15 -440.0 ± 15.0 -17.0 278.20 -501.0 ± 25.1 8.1 39-rie-2(
) 298.15 -440.0 ± 12.0 -17.0 283.15 -500.0 ± 20.0 -14.4 298.20 -414.0 ± 20.7 8.8 61-kan/hir(×) 283.20 -475.0 ± 23.8 10.3 39-rie-2(
) 298.38 -412.0 ± 50.0 10.2 289.20 -454.5 ± 30.0 4.4 1897-led/sac1) 303.15 -411.2 ± 30.0 -6.5 293.15 -452.0 ± 20.0 -9.5 303.15 -404.0 ± 17.0 0.7 61-kan/hir(×) _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 39-rie-2(
) 65-str/kre({) 70-osi/str() 39-rie-2(
) 31-coo/maa(z) 33-caw/pat1) 61-kan/hir(×) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Sulfur dioxide (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 303.20 -395.0 ± 19.8 9.5 313.15 -367.5 ± 17.0 3.8 313.20 -360.0 ± 18.0 11.1 323.15 -350.2 ± 30.0 -8.6 323.15 -332.8 ± 14.0 8.8 323.15 -345.0 ± 19.0 -3.4 323.18 -332.0 ± 50.0 9.5 323.25 -345.0 ± 15.0 -3.7 345.65 -280.0 ± 50.0 6.0 348.15 -279.0 ± 14.0 1.7 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 39-rie-2(
) 61-kan/hir(×) 39-rie-2(
) 33-caw/pat1) 61-kan/hir(×) 70-osi/str() 31-coo/maa(z) 65-str/kre({) 31-coo/maa(z) 61-kan/hir(×)
T K 348.15 348.15 368.15 373.15 373.15 398.15 423.15 448.15 473.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -285.0 ± 15.0 -4.3 -285.0 ± 26.0 -4.3 -245.0 ± 15.0 -2.6 -232.5 ± 10.0 1.5 -245.0 ± 23.0 -11.0 -201.0 ± 10.0 -3.5 -171.1 ± 7.0 -2.6 -144.1 ± 7.0 1.0 -125.8 ± 7.0 0.1 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 65-str/kre({) 70-osi/str() 65-str/kre({) 61-kan/hir(×) 70-osi/str() 61-kan/hir(×) 61-kan/hir(×) 61-kan/hir(×) 61-kan/hir(×)
MW = 131.29
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 6.7836 ⋅ 10 – 5.3169 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 2.2239 · 106/(T/K)2 – 1.3905 · 109/(T/K)3 + 5.8510 · 1010/(T/K)4 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -403.3 ± 5.0 -341.6 ± 4.0 -279.7 ± 3.0 -233.5 ± 3.0 -183.3 ± 2.0 -147.5 ± 1.0
T/K 165 180 200 220 250 280
T/K 320 360 400 450 500 550
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -113.5 ± 1.0 -89.0 ± 1.0 -70.6 ± 1.0 -53.2 ± 1.0 -39.8 ± 1.0 -29.2 ± 1.0
T/K 610 670 740 810 890 970
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -19.1 ± 0.5 -10.9 ± 0.5 -3.2 ± 0.5 3.1 ± 0.5 9.0 ± 0.5 13.9 ± 0.5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 160.22 -424.3 ± 5.0 2.4 71-pol1) 223.00 -230.9 ± 2.0 -3.3 165.02 -400.3 ± 5.0 2.9 71-pol1) 223.15 -226.7 ± 20.0 0.6 170.12 -377.6 ± 5.0 2.8 71-pol1) 230.70 -213.1 ± 4.0 0.3 173.15 -368.3 ± 0.5 -0.5 67-bre1) 230.80 -212.0 ± 2.0 1.3 175.09 -355.2 ± 5.0 4.9 71-pol1) 237.40 -202.0 ± 3.0 0.2 184.98 -320.7 ± 5.0 3.6 71-pol1) 242.00 -196.3 ± 2.0 -1.4 195.05 -290.3 ± 5.0 3.0 71-pol1) 242.00 -202.0 ± 3.0 -7.1 198.15 -284.0 ± 0.5 0.7 67-bre1) 251.10 -182.0 ± 2.0 -0.3 201.20 -274.0 ± 2.0 2.5 74-hah/sch1) 251.12 -181.9 ± 3.0 -0.2 205.20 -264.3 ± 4.0 2.1 71-pol1) 262.00 -167.8 ± 2.0 -0.2 211.10 -251.0 ± 2.0 1.5 74-hah/sch1) 262.80 -167.6 ± 4.0 -1.0 213.00 -252.8 ± 2.0 -4.6 80-schgeh1) 265.91 -165.2 ± 2.5 -2.3 213.00 -258.0 ± 3.0 -9.8 82-sch/mue1) 268.31 -164.2 ± 2.5 -4.1 220.59 -231.8 ± 4.0 0.5 71-pol1) 271.90 -150.3 ± 4.0 5.8 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 80-schgeh1) 67-bre1) 77-sch/sch1) 74-hah/sch1) 71-pol1) 80-schgeh1) 82-sch/mue1) 74-hah/sch1) 71-pol1) 80-schgeh1) 77-sch/sch1) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 77-sch/sch1)
2. Inorganic Compounds
Xenon (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 273.15 -154.7 ± 1.0 0.0 273.15 -154.2 ± 1.0 0.5 273.15 -157.1 ± 15.0 -2.4 273.15 -147.3 ± 1.3 7.4 273.20 -155.0 ± 2.0 -0.3 276.00 -151.4 ± 2.0 0.3 276.00 -157.0 ± 3.0 -5.3 278.20 -146.9 ± 4.0 2.5 280.24 -153.4 ± 2.0 -6.1 281.01 -151.2 ± 2.0 -4.7 283.15 -147.5 ± 15.0 -3.2 289.80 -137.8 ± 4.0 0.2 290.53 -143.3 ± 2.0 -6.0 293.15 -139.2 ± 15.0 -4.3 293.43 -139.6 ± 2.0 -4.9 294.71 -136.8 ± 2.0 -3.3 295.00 -132.5 ± 2.0 0.8 295.00 -138.0 ± 3.0 -4.7 295.20 -131.0 ± 4.0 2.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 54-mic/was(
) 54-mic/was(
) 55-ree/why1) 55-wha/lup({) 74-hah/sch1) 80-schgeh1) 82-sch/mue1) 77-sch/sch1) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 55-ree/why1) 51-bea/bar-1 71-pol1) 55-ree/why1) 71-pol1) 71-pol1) 80-schgeh1) 82-sch/mue1) 77-sch/sch1)
T K 296.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 300.00 300.63 303.15 303.15 309.00 313.15 313.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 330.00 330.00 332.00 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -136.9 ± 3.0 -4.6 -130.2 ± 4.0 0.3 -130.3 ± 1.0 0.3 -130.8 ± 1.0 -0.3 -133.0 ± 0.6 -2.5 -128.0 ± 2.0 1.0 -134.8 ± 2.0 -6.4 -126.5 ± 1.0 -0.2 -129.7 ± 15.0 -3.4 -120.7 ± 4.0 1.0 -118.6 ± 1.0 -0.1 -120.2 ± 15.0 -1.7 -110.6 ± 4.0 0.6 -111.0 ± 1.0 0.3 -111.2 ± 1.0 0.1 -107.8 ± 0.5 3.4 -105.4 ± 2.0 1.2 -111.0 ± 3.0 -4.4 -104.4 ± 4.0 0.9 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 82-sch/mue1) 51-bea/bar-1() 54-mic/was(
) 54-mic/was(
) 66-gre/con1) 80-per/sch(×) 71-pol1) 54-mic/was(
) 55-ree/why1) 77-ren/sch1) 54-mic/was(
) 55-ree/why1) 51-bea/bar-1() 54-mic/was(
) 54-mic/was(
) 55-wha/lup({) 80-schgeh1) 82-sch/mue1) 77-ren/sch1) cont.
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 200
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
2. Inorganic Compounds
Xenon (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 332.50 -103.9 ± 4.0 1.1 77-sch/sch1) 348.15 -94.5 ± 4.0 1.0 51-bea/bar-1() 348.15 -95.1 ± 1.0 0.4 54-mic/was(
) 348.15 -95.4 ± 1.0 0.1 54-mic/was(
) 350.00 -93.0 ± 2.0 1.5 80-per/sch(×) 365.00 -85.0 ± 2.0 1.4 80-schgeh1) 372.20 -81.1 ± 4.0 1.8 77-sch/sch1) 373.15 -81.9 ± 1.0 0.5 54-mic/was(
) 373.15 -81.7 ± 1.0 0.8 54-mic/was(
) 373.15 -83.5 ± 0.6 -1.0 55-wha/lup({) 373.16 -81.2 ± 4.0 1.2 51-bea/bar-1() 398.15 -70.6 ± 1.0 0.8 54-mic/was(
) 398.15 -70.6 ± 1.0 0.8 54-mic/was(
) 398.17 -70.1 ± 4.0 1.3 51-bea/bar-1() 400.00 -69.1 ± 2.0 1.5 80-per/sch(×) 400.00 -69.2 ± 2.0 1.4 80-schgeh1) 400.00 -75.0 ± 3.0 -4.4 82-sch/mue1) 411.80 -64.8 ± 4.0 1.2 77-sch/sch1) 418.00 -61.6 ± 4.0 2.2 77-ren/sch1) 423.15 -61.0 ± 1.0 0.9 54-mic/was(
) 423.15 -61.3 ± 1.0 0.6 54-mic/was(
) 423.15 -62.6 ± 0.6 -0.7 55-wha/lup({) 423.18 -60.7 ± 4.0 1.2 51-bea/bar-1() 425.00 -60.0 ± 2.0 1.3 80-schgeh1) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [66-zie/mul, 95-hoh/tru]. _________
T K 433.20 448.20 450.00 450.00 450.00 456.80 473.15 473.21 475.00 483.00 491.30 498.23 500.00 523.25 548.26 553.00 573.15 573.28 625.00 673.15 713.00 773.15 873.15 973.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -57.0 ± 4.0 1.5 -52.6 ± 4.0 1.1 -51.8 ± 2.0 1.4 -52.0 ± 2.0 1.2 -57.0 ± 3.0 -3.8 -51.0 ± 4.0 0.1 -47.4 ± 0.6 -0.8 -45.4 ± 4.0 1.2 -45.0 ± 2.0 1.1 -41.5 ± 4.0 2.5 -40.5 ± 4.0 1.4 -39.1 ± 4.0 1.1 -38.8 ± 2.0 1.0 -33.2 ± 4.0 1.4 -28.0 ± 4.0 1.5 -28.1 ± 4.0 0.5 -25.1 ± 0.2 -0.1 -23.5 ± 4.0 1.5 -15.7 ± 4.0 1.2 -10.8 ± 0.4 -0.3 -7.4 ± 4.0 -1.4 -0.1 ± 0.2 -0.1 8.0 ± 0.2 0.1 14.2 ± 0.4 0.1
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 77-sch/sch1) 51-bea/bar-1() 80-per/sch(×) 80-schgeh1) 82-sch/mue1) 77-sch/sch1) 55-wha/lup({) 51-bea/bar-1() 80-schgeh1) 77-ren/sch1) 77-sch/sch1) 51-bea/bar-1() 80-per/sch(×) 51-bea/bar-1() 51-bea/bar-1() 77-ren/sch1) 55-wha/lup({) 51-bea/bar-1() 77-ren/sch1) 55-wha/lup({) 77-ren/sch1) 55-wha/lup({) 55-wha/lup({) 55-wha/lup({)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
3 Tabulated Data on Second Virial Coefficients of Organic Compounds 3.1 C1 Organic Compounds Bromotrifluoromethane
MW = 148.91
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.0298 ⋅ 102 + 1.7870 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 5.2361 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -299 ± 15 -256 ± 13
T/K 295 320
T/K 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -220 ± 11
T/K 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -189 ± 9
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 293.06 -304.0 ± 20.0 -1.1 87-oka/uem 348.15 -232.0 ± 15.0 -10.3 303.14 -278.0 ± 20.0 5.3 87-oka/uem 353.14 -207.0 ± 13.0 9.8 313.15 -269.0 ± 18.5 -2.7 87-oka/uem 363.15 -208.0 ± 13.0 -0.1 323.15 -252.0 ± 16.0 -0.6 87-oka/uem 373.13 -200.0 ± 12.0 0.1 333.15 -236.0 ± 15.0 2.3 87-oka/uem 383.15 -194.0 ± 11.0 -0.8 343.15 -229.0 ± 15.0 -2.1 87-oka/uem 393.15 -187.0 ± 11.0 0.2 _________
87-oka/uem 87-oka/uem 87-oka/uem 87-oka/uem 87-oka/uem 87-oka/uem
MW = 104.46
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 8.5260 ⋅ 10 − 3.6077 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 1.7214 · 107/(T/K)2 + 1.0634 · 108/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -406 ± 5 -372 ± 4 -328 ± 4 -290 ± 4
T/K 225 235 250 265
T/K 285 305 330 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -249 ± 3 -214 ± 2 -179 ± 2 -151 ± 2
T/K 405 455 505 530
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -107 ± 3 -76 ± 3 -53 ± 3 -43 ± 3
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 223.15 -414.2 ± 5.1 -1.7 253.15 -317.9 ± 4.2 1.4 76-ute(∆) 233.15 -393.8 ± 39.0 -16.0 69-kun/kap(
) 255.37 -321.3 ± 32.0 -7.7 233.15 -377.6 ± 4.8 0.2 263.15 -293.1 ± 3.9 1.5 76-ute(∆) 243.15 -345.8 ± 4.5 -1.1 266.48 -288.2 ± 29.0 -1.3 76-ute(∆) 244.26 -355.1 ± 36.0 -11.4 69-kun/kap(
) 273.15 -271.1 ± 3.7 1.2 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 76-ute(∆) cont.
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Chlorotrifluoromethane (cont.) 40
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 . mol-1
30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 200
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 277.59 -261.2 ± 26.0 1.9 283.15 -251.4 ± 3.5 0.8 288.71 -238.6 ± 24.0 3.2 293.15 -233.5 ± 3.3 0.4 298.15 -225.5 ± 2.0 -0.1 299.82 -219.8 ± 22.0 2.8 303.15 -220.4 ± 2.0 -3.2 303.15 -217.2 ± 3.2 0.1 310.93 -202.8 ± 20.0 2.5 313.15 -202.2 ± 3.0 -0.2 322.04 -183.5 ± 18.0 6.1 323.15 -186.5 ± 2.0 1.6 323.15 -185.0 ± 5.0 3.1 323.15 -188.4 ± 2.9 -0.3 333.15 -171.0 ± 17.0 4.3 333.15 -175.6 ± 2.8 -0.4 343.15 -163.8 ± 2.6 -0.4 344.26 -162.6 ± 16.0 -0.4 348.15 -157.3 ± 2.0 0.6 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 69-kun/kap(
) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 76-ute(∆) 66-mic/was(◊) 69-kun/kap(
) 66-mic/was(◊) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 66-mic/was(◊) 70-sut/col({) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 76-ute(∆) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 66-mic/was(◊)
T K 353.15 355.37 363.15 366.48 369.45 373.15 373.15 377.59 388.71 398.15 399.82 404.75 410.93 422.04 423.15 433.15 444.26 455.37 466.48 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -152.6 ± 2.5 -0.1 -152.0 ± 15.0 -1.8 -142.0 ± 2.4 0.4 -139.8 ± 14.0 -0.6 -135.0 ± 3.0 1.4 -132.9 ± 2.0 0.1 -132.1 ± 2.3 0.9 -129.3 ± 13.0 -0.3 -121.3 ± 12.0 -1.6 -112.8 ± 2.0 -0.5 -112.2 ± 11.0 -1.2 -105.0 ± 4.0 2.4 -104.0 ± 10.0 -1.1 -96.2 ± 9.6 -0.8 -95.2 ± 2.0 -0.5 -90.4 ± 9.0 -1.9 -84.4 ± 8.4 -2.5 -78.0 ± 7.8 -2.1 -71.2 ± 7.1 -1.1 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 70-sut/col({) 66-mic/was(◊) 76-ute(∆) 69-kun/kap(
) 69-kun/kap(
) 66-mic/was(◊) 69-kun/kap(
) 70-sut/col({) 69-kun/kap(
) 69-kun/kap(
) 66-mic/was(◊) 69-kun/kap(
) 69-kun/kap(
) 69-kun/kap(
) 69-kun/kap(
) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Chlorotrifluoromethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 477.59 -64.8 ± 6.5 0.0 69-kun/kap(
) 510.93 -51.5 ± 5.2 -1.0 488.71 -59.3 ± 5.9 0.4 69-kun/kap(
) 522.04 -47.4 ± 4.7 -1.1 499.82 -54.6 ± 5.5 0.4 69-kun/kap(
) 533.15 -40.3 ± 4.0 2.0 Further references: [70-haj/mac, 71-haw/sut, 71-nel/col, 78-kub/tan]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 69-kun/kap(
) 69-kun/kap(
) 69-kun/kap(
MW = 120.91
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.0506 ⋅ 102 – 2.1105 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 3.9410 · 107/(T/K)2 – 1.0597 · 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -796 ± 12 -720 ± 11 -627 ± 10 -551 ± 6
T/K 235 245 260 275
T/K 295 315 345 375
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -470 ± 4 -407 ± 2 -334 ± 2 -278 ± 2
T/K 405 435 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -235 ± 2 -201 ± 2 -168 ± 2
30 25
( B exp - B calc )/cm
20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 200
350 T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Dichlorodifluoromethane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 233.00 -813.0 ± 12.0 -0.5 373.15 -281.0 ± 2.0 0.4 66-mic/was(
) 89-nat/sch(×) 243.00 -732.0 ± 10.0 2.5 373.15 -282.0 ± 2.0 -0.6 66-mic/was(
) 89-nat/sch(×) 253.00 -666.0 ± 9.0 1.8 382.65 -264.9 ± 2.0 1.6 66-mic/was(
) 89-nat/sch(×) 260.00 -610.6 ± 10.0 16.0 92-hae/kle-1(z) 384.70 -263.0 ± 2.0 0.4 66-mic/was(
) 263.00 -610.0 ± 8.0 0.1 384.70 -262.0 ± 2.0 1.4 66-mic/was(
) 89-nat/sch(×) 273.00 -559.0 ± 8.0 1.0 385.50 -262.6 ± 2.0 -0.4 66-mic/was(
) 89-nat/sch(×) 296.15 -463.0 ± 6.0 3.2 92-sch/hau() 386.51 -262.1 ± 2.0 -1.4 66-mic/was(
) 296.20 -469.0 ± 6.0 -3.0 390.42 -255.4 ± 2.0 -0.4 66-mic/was(
) 89-nat/sch(×) 298.15 -457.0 ± 10.0 2.3 71-haw/sut({) 398.15 -243.2 ± 2.0 1.1 66-mic/was(
) 300.00 -452.3 ± 4.0 0.7 92-hae/kle-1(z) 398.15 -244.3 ± 2.0 0.0 66-mic/was(
) 313.15 -415.0 ± 10.0 -2.9 71-haw/sut({) 410.15 -230.5 ± 2.0 -1.7 66-mic/was(
) 323.15 -384.2 ± 2.0 0.5 66-mic/was(
) 413.15 -230.0 ± 9.0 -4.9 92-sch/hau() 328.15 -381.0 ± 10.0 -9.0 71-haw/sut({) 423.15 -211.4 ± 2.0 2.1 66-mic/was(
) 330.00 -367.0 ± 2.0 0.5 92-hae/kle-1(z) 423.15 -213.3 ± 2.0 0.2 66-mic/was(
) 348.15 -327.1 ± 2.0 0.0 66-mic/was(
) 473.15 -172.0 ± 10.0 -7.0 92-sch/hau() 353.15 -321.0 ± 9.0 -3.9 92-sch/hau() Further references: [42-hir/mcc, 69-kun/kap, 70-haj/mac, 72-kub/dan, 81-pra-1, 91-ker/var]. _________
MW = 137.37
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.7564 ⋅ 102 – 2.5324 ⋅ 105/(T/K) – 7.4890 · 106/(T/K)2 T/K 345 355 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -521 ± 25 -497 ± 25 -474 ± 20
T/K 385 405 425
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -433 ± 20 -395 ± 20 -362 ± 20
T/K 455 465
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -317 ± 20 -304 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 343.43 -525.9 ± 6.0 -0.7 70-haj/mac 438.71 -341.9 ± 32.0 -1.4 373.15 -454.6 ± 5.0 2.2 70-haj/mac 444.26 -330.5 ± 30.0 1.8 403.15 -394.7 ± 5.0 3.9 70-haj/mac 449.82 -319.4 ± 28.0 4.9 405.37 -417.5 ± 42.0 -22.9 69-kun/kap 455.37 -308.3 ± 25.0 8.3 410.93 -403.7 ± 40.0 -18.7 69-kun/kap 460.93 -297.6 ± 23.0 11.4 416.48 -390.8 ± 39.0 -15.2 69-kun/kap 466.48 -287.1 ± 22.0 14.5 422.04 -378.5 ± 37.0 -12.1 69-kun/kap 472.04 -277.3 ± 20.0 17.1 427.59 -366.0 ± 36.0 -8.4 69-kun/kap 477.59 -267.2 ± 19.0 20.2 433.15 -353.9 ± 34.0 -5.0 69-kun/kap Further references: [42-hir/mcc, 70-sut/col]. _________
69-kun/kap 69-kun/kap 69-kun/kap 69-kun/kap 69-kun/kap 69-kun/kap 69-kun/kap 69-kun/kap
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
MW = 153.82
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 1.3094 ⋅ 103 + 9.9093 ⋅ 105/(T/K) – 3.1965 · 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1334 ± 50 -1242 ± 40 -1123 ± 40
T/K 320 330 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1023 ± 40 -915 ± 40 -830 ± 40
T/K 360 380 400
T/K 415
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -778 ± 40
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 315.7 -1445 ± 50 -67 55-fra/mcg(
) 353.3 -1088 ± 20 -22 323.2 -1330 ± 50 -26 55-fra/mcg(
) 375.4 -972 ± 22 -34 333.2 -1170 ± 45 45 96-wor/lan({) 383.2 -869 ± 35 31 333.7 -1225 ± 50 -15 55-fra/mcg(
) 393.2 -823 ± 30 34 337.2 -1170 ± 50 12 55-fra/mcg(
) 398.6 -876 ± 23 -41 343.2 -1120 ± 50 16 55-fra/mcg(
) 413.2 -741 ± 25 42 343.2 -1098 ± 45 38 96-wor/lan({) 418.8 -812 ± 34 -46 353.2 -1033 ± 40 33 96-wor/lan({) Further references: [29-euc/mey, 49-lam/rob, 58-bot/rem, 66-mar/sok]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 64-per/dia(×) 64-per/dia(×) 96-wor/lan({) 96-wor/lan({) 64-per/dia(×) 96-wor/lan({) 64-per/dia(×)
( B exp - B calc )/cm³ . mol-1
-150 300
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
MW = 195.91
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.9562 ⋅ 103 – 3.1677 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.1107 · 109/(T/K)2 – 1.4257 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 280 290 300
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -685 ± 13 -606 ± 12 -542 ± 11
T/K 315 330 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -468 ± 9 -411 ± 8 -366 ± 7
T/K 360 375 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -329 ± 6 -296 ± 6 -267 ± 5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 278.15 -704 ± 14 -2.9 97-dua/zhu 333.15 -401 ± 8 -0.7 283.15 -657 ± 13 0.6 97-dua/zhu 343.15 -371 ± 7 -0.2 288.15 -617 ± 12 1.8 97-dua/zhu 353.15 -345 ± 7 0.3 293.15 -583 ± 11 1.7 97-dua/zhu 363.15 -321 ± 6 0.5 303.15 -524 ± 10 0.4 97-dua/zhu 373.15 -300 ± 6 0.4 313.15 -477 ± 10 -0.7 97-dua/zhu 383.15 -280 ± 5 0.1 323.15 -436 ± 9 -1.0 97-dua/zhu 393.15 -262 ± 5 -0.3 _________
97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu
MW = 88.01
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 8.2106 ⋅ 10 – 3.0923 ⋅ 104/(T/K) – 5.9874 · 106/(T/K)2 + 9.5915 ⋅ 106/(T/K)3 T/K 175 205 245 295
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -288.3 ± 5.0 -210.1 ± 5.0 -143.2 ± 2.0 -91.1 ± 0.5
T/K 355 425 505 585
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -52.3 ± 0.5 -23.7 ± 0.5 -2.5 ± 0.5 11.8 ± 0.5
T/K 675 770
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 23.2 ± 0.5 31.9 ± 1.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 173.15 -288.0 ± 3.9 6.3 76-ute(▲) 223.15 -171.8 ± 2.7 4.0 175.00 -304.3 ± 3.0 -16.0 -2.3 90-boy/ewe(◊) 225.00 -175.1 ± 2.0 183.15 -255.4 ± 3.6 8.3 76-ute(▲) 233.15 -157.2 ± 2.6 2.7 193.15 -229.0 ± 3.3 8.2 76-ute(▲) 243.15 -146.4 ± 0.2 -0.7 200.00 -227.4 ± 2.0 -6.4 1.7 90-boy/ewe(◊) 243.15 -144.0 ± 2.4 203.15 -216.8 ± 0.7 -2.7 250.00 -137.5 ± 1.5 -0.7 70-lan/ste(∆) 203.15 -207.0 ± 3.1 7.1 76-ute(▲) 253.15 -132.0 ± 2.3 0.9 213.15 -188.2 ± 2.9 5.6 76-ute(▲) 263.15 -121.1 ± 2.2 0.2 223.15 -177.7 ± 0.5 -1.9 271.61 -112.4 ± 0.1 0.1 70-lan/ste(∆) _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 76-ute(▲) 90-boy/ewe(◊) 76-ute(▲) 70-lan/ste(∆) 76-ute(▲) 90-boy/ewe(◊) 76-ute(▲) 76-ute(▲) 72-sig/sil() cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Tetrafluoromethane (cont.) 15
( B exp - B calc )/cm mol
-5 -10 -15 -20 100
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 273.15 -111.0 ± 1.0 -0.1 51-mac/sch-1(
) 273.15 -110.9 ± 0.2 0.0 70-lan/ste(∆) 273.15 -111.0 ± 2.1 -0.1 76-ute(▲) 273.16 -111.0 ± 1.5 -0.1 61-dou/har(×) 275.00 -109.1 ± 1.0 -0.1 90-boy/ewe(◊) 283.15 -101.6 ± 2.0 -0.2 76-ute(▲) 293.15 -93.0 ± 1.9 -0.3 76-ute(▲) 298.15 -88.3 ± 1.0 0.3 61-dou/har(×) 300.00 -87.1 ± 1.0 0.0 90-boy/ewe(◊) 303.15 -84.0 ± 0.4 0.7 67-kal/mil() 303.15 -84.6 ± 0.4 0.2 67-kal/mil() 303.15 -85.0 ± 1.9 -0.3 76-ute(▲) 308.15 -84.4 ± 1.0 -3.4 61-dou/har(×) 308.21 -81.2 ± 0.6 -0.3 72-sig/sil() 313.15 -83.6 ± 2.0 -6.2 54-ham/lam({) 313.15 -77.3 ± 0.2 0.1 70-lan/ste(∆) 313.15 -77.5 ± 1.8 -0.1 76-ute(▲) 323.15 -70.4 ± 0.7 0.2 51-mac/sch-1(
) 323.15 -72.4 ± 2.0 -1.8 54-ham/lam({) _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 323.15 323.15 323.55 325.00 348.10 348.15 348.15 350.00 368.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.16 375.00 398.15 398.15 398.17 _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -70.4 ± 0.8 -70.7 ± 1.7 -70.9 ± 0.4 -69.4 ± 1.0 -56.9 ± 0.6 -56.1 ± 2.0 -55.7 ± 0.7 -55.0 ± 0.5 -45.8 ± 0.2 -43.1 ± 0.5 -43.9 ± 2.0 -43.5 ± 0.5 -44.0 ± 0.5 -44.5 ± 0.3 -43.5 ± 0.7 -43.0 ± 0.5 -30.1 ± 2.0 -31.1 ± 2.0 -33.2 ± 0.6 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 0.2 -0.1 -0.6 0.1 -1.0 -0.2 0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.5 -0.3 0.0 -0.4 -0.9 0.1 -0.3 3.1 2.1 0.0 _____________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 61-dou/har(×) 76-ute(▲) 72-sig/sil() 90-boy/ewe(◊) 72-sig/sil() 54-ham/lam({) 61-dou/har(×) 90-boy/ewe(◊) 70-lan/ste(∆) 51-mac/sch-1(
) 54-ham/lam({) 67-kal/mil() 67-kal/mil() 72-sig/sil() 61-dou/har(×) 90-boy/ewe(◊) 54-ham/lam({) 54-ham/lam({) 61-dou/har(×) cont.
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Tetrafluoromethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 423.15 -26.0 ± 0.4 -1.7 51-mac/sch-1(
) 573.15 9.3 ± 0.4 -0.7 51-mac/sch-1(
) 423.15 -23.7 ± 0.9 0.6 72-sig/sil() 573.15 10.1 ± 0.6 0.1 67-kal/mil() 423.18 -24.4 ± 0.5 -0.1 573.15 9.4 ± 0.5 -0.6 67-kal/mil() 61-dou/har(×) 448.20 -16.8 ± 0.4 -0.2 573.27 9.8 ± 0.2 -0.2 61-dou/har(×) 61-dou/har(×) 473.15 -10.0 ± 0.3 -0.1 67-kal/mil() 598.28 13.6 ± 0.3 -0.1 61-dou/har(×) 473.15 -9.7 ± 0.2 0.2 67-kal/mil() 623.29 17.1 ± 0.3 -0.1 61-dou/har(×) 473.21 -10.1 ± 0.4 -0.2 673.15 23.6 ± 0.4 0.6 51-mac/sch-1(
) 61-dou/har(×) 498.23 -4.3 ± 0.3 -0.3 673.15 23.5 ± 0.4 0.5 67-kal/mil() 61-dou/har(×) 523.15 1.3 ± 0.4 0.1 51-mac/sch-1(
) 673.15 23.0 ± 0.2 0.0 67-kal/mil() 523.25 1.0 ± 0.2 -0.2 773.15 32.4 ± 0.5 0.3 67-kal/mil() 61-dou/har(×) 548.26 5.6 ± 0.2 -0.2 773.15 32.9 ± 0.6 0.8 67-kal/mil() 61-dou/har(×) Further references: [37-caw/pat, 72-bos/soc, 82-sch/mue, 86-eli/hoa, 89-bla/wei, 89-ewi/tru, 93big/dun]. _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Bexp ± δB Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 303.04 -1800 ± 200 92-sal/wan 328.34 -520 ± 100 92-sal/wan _________
T K 354.33 391.17 _________
MW = 130.92
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -350 ± 80 -420 ± 80
92-sal/wan 92-sal/wan
MW = 86.47
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 9.8669 ⋅ 10 – 9.8790 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 1.5682 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 – 7.9366 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 T/K 225 235 250 265
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -727 ± 10 -649 ± 10 -554 ± 10 -477 ± 5
T/K 280 300 320 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -416 ± 3 -350 ± 3 -299 ± 3 -241 ± 3
T/K 380 410 440 485
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -197 ± 3 -164 ± 3 -138 ± 3 -108 ± 3
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 223.00 -751.0 ± 12.0 -6.3 89-nat/sch1) 243.15 -597.0 ± 7.0 -2.5 233.00 -666.0 ± 10.0 -2.1 89-nat/sch1) 248.15 -565.0 ± 7.0 -0.9 233.15 -666.0 ± 8.0 -3.2 91-sch/web1) 250.00 -536.4 ± 10.0 17.1 243.00 -595.0 ± 9.0 0.4 89-nat/sch1) 253.00 -537.0 ± 9.0 -0.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 91-sch/web1) 91-sch/web1) 92-hae/kle-1({) 89-nat/sch1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Chlorodifluoromethane (cont.) 30 25
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 253.15 -537.0 ± 6.0 -0.9 258.15 -511.0 ± 6.0 -1.0 263.00 -486.0 ± 8.0 0.5 263.15 -486.0 ± 6.0 -0.2 268.15 -465.0 ± 5.0 -1.7 269.89 -461.0 ± 5.0 -5.2 270.00 -450.9 ± 5.0 4.4 273.00 -443.0 ± 8.0 -0.1 273.15 -443.0 ± 5.0 -0.8 289.70 -387.4 ± 4.0 -5.5 296.15 -364.0 ± 4.0 -2.3 296.15 -364.0 ± 4.0 1.7 296.20 -364.0 ± 6.0 -2.5 298.15 -356.0 ± 10.0 -0.3 300.00 -348.5 ± 3.0 1.8 303.15 -329.2 ± 5.0 12.2 309.62 -329.3 ± 3.0 -5.1 313.15 -318.0 ± 10.0 -2.7 313.16 -323.5 ± 4.0 -8.2 323.05 -274.0 ± 8.0 18.3 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 91-sch/web1) 91-sch/web1) 89-nat/sch1) 91-sch/web1) 91-sch/web1) 95-esp/lem(×) 92-hae/kle-1({) 89-nat/sch1) 91-sch/web1) 95-esp/lem(×) 91-sch/web1) 92-sch/hau(▲) 89-nat/sch1) 71-haw/sut(
) 92-hae/kle-1({) 68-zan1) 95-esp/lem(×) 71-haw/sut(
) 70-haj/mac1) 2) 71-sut/col1)
T K 323.15 328.15 330.00 331.93 338.05 343.43 348.15 349.66 353.15 358.26 373.03 373.15 373.15 373.35 388.20 398.15 403.15 408.20 413.15 423.15 _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -287.4 ± 5.0 -292.0 ± 10.0 -278.2 ± 2.0 -277.7 ± 7.0 -263.3 ± 5.8 -275.0 ± 4.0 -247.4 ± 5.0 -244.3 ± 10.0 -239.0 ± 7.0 -230.0 ± 5.0 -208.6 ± 5.0 -202.2 ± 5.0 -236.1 ± 3.0 -214.0 ± 16.0 -189.5 ± 4.0 -171.6 ± 5.0 -204.2 ± 3.0 -169.0 ± 3.7 -166.0 ± 7.0 -147.7 ± 5.0 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 4.7 -10.7 -0.7 -4.1 -1.5 -23.0 -3.6 -3.1 -3.5 -2.5 -2.2 4.0 -29.9 -8.1 -2.1 4.7 -33.2 -3.1 -4.9 4.3 _____________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 68-zan1) 71-haw/sut(
) 92-hae/kle-1({) 95-esp/lem(×) 93-dem/koh1) 70-haj/mac1) 2) 68-zan1) 95-esp/lem(×) 92-sch/hau(▲) 93-dem/koh1) 93-dem/koh1) 68-zan1) 70-haj/mac1) 2) 71-sut/col1) 93-dem/koh1) 68-zan1) 70-haj/mac1) 2) 93-dem/koh1) 92-sch/hau(▲) 68-zan1) cont.
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Chlorodifluoromethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 423.22 -153.2 ± 3.0 -1.3 93-dem/koh1) 424.95 -142.0 ± 8.0 8.4 71-sut/col1) 433.01 -140.5 ± 3.0 3.1 93-dem/koh1) 458.07 -125.6 ± 3.0 -0.8 93-dem/koh1) 1) Not included in Fig.1. 2) Weight was reduced to 0 in the fitting analysis. _________
T K 472.99 473.15 473.15 488.00
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -115.3 ± 2.0 -0.2 -113.6 ± 5.0 1.4 -121.0 ± 8.0 -6.0 -107.0 ± 2.3 -0.8 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 93-dem/koh1) 68-zan1) 92-sch/hau(▲) 93-dem/koh1)
MW = 102.92
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.1796 ⋅ 102 – 3.2472 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 8.1294 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 + 2.9564 ⋅ 108/(T/K)3 T/K 240 250 270
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -773 ± 25 -732 ± 20 -658 ± 20
T/K 290 320 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -593 ± 15 -508 ± 15 -437 ± 10
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -375 ± 10 -321 ± 10 -275 ± 10
T/K 380 410 440
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 200
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Dichlorofluoromethane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 238.70 -766.0 ± 104.0 12.0 42-hir/mcc(
) 366.48 -403.0 ± 78.2 -1.5 249.81 -734.0 ± 101.0 -1.3 42-hir/mcc(
) 373.15 -388.3 ± 4.0 -0.1 283.15 -616.0 ± 93.1 -1.6 42-hir/mcc(
) 394.26 -354.0 ± 74.8 -5.5 310.94 -528.0 ± 86.9 4.4 42-hir/mcc(
) 403.15 -332.7 ± 4.0 0.3 313.16 -526.2 ± 6.0 0.2 70-haj/mac({) 422.04 -310.0 ± 71.7 -8.1 338.70 -446.0 ± 81.2 16.3 42-hir/mcc(
) 449.81 -271.0 ± 69.0 -10.5 343.43 -451.5 ± 6.0 -0.2 70-haj/mac({) _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 42-hir/mcc(
) 70-haj/mac({) 42-hir/mcc(
) 70-haj/mac({) 42-hir/mcc(
) 42-hir/mcc(
MW = 119.38
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 3.2242 ⋅ 104 + 3.3904 ⋅ 107/(T/K) – 1.1904 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)2 + 1.3609 ⋅ 1012/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1011 ± 50 -945 ± 50 -875 ± 50
T/K 320 330 340
T/K 350 360 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -808 ± 40 -747 ± 40 -696 ± 30
T/K 380 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -657 ± 30 -631 ± 20
( B exp - B calc )/cm mol
0 -50 -100 -150 310
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Trichloromethane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 315.7 -1010 ± 50 25 351.2 -760 ± 20 40 55-fra/mcg(×) 319.2 -954 ± 50 61 49-lam/rob(
) 351.8 -780 ± 50 16 319.4 -948 ± 50 66 49-lam/rob(
) 353.2 -760 ± 50 27 323.2 -1005 ± 50 -15 353.2 -779 ± 30 8 55-fra/mcg(×) 323.2 -1025 ± 50 -35 59-lam/cla({) 358.2 -740 ± 20 18 326.0 -1000 ± 50 -28 49-lam/rob(
) 363.2 -835 ± 50 105 329.6 -956 ± 50 -9 49-lam/rob(
) 363.2 -732 ± 25 -2 335.2 -905 ± 50 3 49-lam/rob(
) 368.2 -700 ± 50 5 337.2 -920 ± 50 -26 373.2 -681 ± 25 1 55-fra/mcg(×) 338.2 -880 ± 50 7 59-lam/cla({) 374.6 -690 ± 50 -13 338.2 -880 ± 20 8 60-zaa/kol-1(■) 382.1 -740 ± 50 -90 343.2 -840 ± 50 13 49-lam/rob(
) 383.2 -650 ± 50 -3 343.2 -860 ± 50 -7 383.2 -632 ± 20 15 55-fra/mcg(×) 349.3 -850 ± 50 -38 394.7 -570 ± 50 53 55-fra/mcg(×) Further references: [73-mar/bai, 79-pat, 89-abu/ver-1, 93-all/bir]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 60-zaa/kol-1(■) 49-lam/rob(
) 59-lam/cla({) 65-zaa/bel(▲) 60-zaa/kol-1(■) 55-fra/mcg(×) 65-zaa/bel(▲) 59-lam/cla({) 65-zaa/bel(▲) 49-lam/rob(
) 55-fra/mcg(×) 49-lam/rob(
) 65-zaa/bel(▲) 49-lam/rob(
MW = 70.01
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.3496 ⋅ 10 – 2.6827 ⋅ 104/(T/K) – 3.6456 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 – 2.6677 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 T/K 245 255 270 285
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -308 ± 10 -279 ± 5 -241 ± 5 -211 ± 3
T/K 300 330 360 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -185 ± 3 -146 ± 2 -116 ± 2 -94 ± 2
T/K 430 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -72 ± 2 -56 ± 2
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 243.15 -311.6 ± 1.0 2.5 70-lan/ste({) 278.15 -223.2 ± 20.0 0.8 243.15 -304.6 ± 20.0 9.5 283.15 -213.8 ± 20.0 0.4 75-tim/kho(×) 253.15 -282.7 ± 20.0 1.1 283.15 -214.0 ± 15.0 0.2 75-tim/kho(×) 258.15 -269.8 ± 20.0 0.4 75-ras/pet-1(
) 290.00 -205.0 ± 1.5 -3.3 263.15 -256.5 ± 20.0 1.0 75-ras/pet-1(
) 293.15 -196.0 ± 15.0 0.3 263.15 -257.1 ± 15.0 0.4 293.15 -195.9 ± 15.0 0.4 75-tim/kho(×) 268.15 -245.1 ± 20.0 0.5 75-ras/pet-1(
) 298.06 -188.0 ± 15.0 0.3 273.15 -233.6 ± 0.4 0.9 70-lan/ste({) 298.15 -192.0 ± 10.0 -3.9 273.15 -233.4 ± 20.0 1.1 75-ras/pet-1(
) 298.15 -186.8 ± 4.0 1.4 273.15 -234.9 ± 15.0 -0.4 299.06 -186.2 ± 15.0 0.5 75-tim/kho(×) 273.15 -232.7 ± 5.0 1.8 76-bel/kal-1(▲) 300.00 -188.3 ± 1.5 -3.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 75-tim/kho(×) 93-big/dun(■) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 75-tim/kho(×) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 71-haw/sut(◆) 76-bel/kal-1(▲) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 93-big/dun(■) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Trifluoromethane (cont.) 30
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 300.15 -184.6 ± 15.0 0.4 75-ras/pet-1(
) 343.15 -130.2 ± 15.0 1.5 303.15 -180.1 ± 15.0 0.3 75-ras/pet-1(
) 343.15 -133.2 ± 12.0 -1.5 303.15 -181.6 ± 15.0 -1.2 348.15 -126.9 ± 3.0 0.0 75-tim/kho(×) 310.00 -172.2 ± 1.5 -1.7 93-big/dun(■) 353.15 -121.1 ± 15.0 1.2 313.15 -165.5 ± 0.2 0.7 70-lan/ste({) 353.15 -123.2 ± 12.0 -0.9 313.15 -179.0 ± 10.0 -12.8 71-haw/sut(◆) 363.15 -112.2 ± 15.0 1.5 313.15 -164.9 ± 15.0 1.3 75-ras/pet-1(
) 363.15 -115.0 ± 12.0 -1.3 313.15 -167.7 ± 15.0 -1.5 368.15 -109.5 ± 0.2 0.2 75-tim/kho(×) 323.15 -151.8 ± 15.0 1.7 75-ras/pet-1(
) 373.15 -103.9 ± 10.0 2.0 323.15 -155.3 ± 15.0 -1.8 373.15 -106.9 ± 2.0 -1.0 75-tim/kho(×) 323.15 -153.5 ± 3.0 0.0 76-bel/kal-1(▲) 383.15 -94.9 ± 10.0 3.9 328.15 -157.0 ± 10.0 -9.4 71-haw/sut(◆) 393.15 -89.6 ± 10.0 2.6 333.15 -140.6 ± 15.0 1.4 75-ras/pet-1(
) 423.15 -76.3 ± 2.0 -0.8 333.15 -143.5 ± 15.0 -1.5 473.15 -52.8 ± 1.0 1.9 75-tim/kho(×) Further references: [67-sut/col, 70-haj/mac, 70-sut/col, 75-ras/spi]. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 75-tim/kho(×) 76-bel/kal-1(▲) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 75-tim/kho(×) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 75-tim/kho(×) 70-lan/ste({) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 76-bel/kal-1(▲) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 75-ras/pet-1(
) 76-bel/kal-1(▲) 76-bel/kal-1(▲)
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
MW = 84.93
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 6.6308 ⋅ 102 – 9.0425 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 3.6968 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 – 7.0487 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -812 ± 20 -673 ± 15 -569 ± 10 -489 ± 10
T/K 305 325 345 365
T/K 385 405 425 445
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -427 ± 10 -377 ± 10 -336 ± 10 -302 ± 8
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -273 ± 8 -248 ± 5 -231 ± 5
T/K 465 485 500
40 20 10
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 275
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 303.20 -810.0 ± 16.0 16.8 68-rae({) 341.50 -570.0 ± 50.0 14.7 313.10 -783.0 ± 54.0 -32.6 65-rae/bit-11) 343.20 -588.0 ± 20.0 -11.3 313.10 -777.0 ± 15.0 -26.6 68-rae({) 348.15 -544.8 ± 15.4 9.8 319.40 -733.0 ± 50.0 -25.5 53-fog/han1) 349.53 -546.2 ± 3.5 2.5 323.15 -676.5 ± 16.8 7.3 58-per/dia(
) 349.53 -546.9 ± 0.4 1.8 323.20 -694.0 ± 40.0 -10.5 98-wor/joh() 351.20 -497.0 ± 50.0 44.6 330.10 -608.0 ± 50.0 35.2 53-fog/han1) 353.20 -542.0 ± 20.0 -8.6 333.20 -635.0 ± 13.0 -8.6 68-rae({) 362.80 -474.0 ± 50.0 22.8 333.20 -614.0 ± 25.0 12.4 98-wor/joh() 363.20 -489.0 ± 30.0 6.3 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 53-fog/han1) 98-wor/joh() 58-per/dia(
) 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 53-fog/han1) 98-wor/joh() 53-fog/han1) 98-wor/joh() cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Dichloromethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 368.07 -477.5 ± 1.3 0.9 368.07 -476.8 ± 0.4 1.6 372.20 -435.0 ± 50.0 29.9 373.15 -467.2 ± 14.7 -5.4 373.20 -460.0 ± 30.0 1.7 382.60 -401.0 ± 50.0 32.5 383.20 -441.0 ± 20.0 -9.3 389.71 -415.3 ± 1.6 -1.3 389.71 -413.8 ± 0.3 0.2 393.20 -423.0 ± 30.0 -18.0 398.15 -389.2 ± 13.9 3.6 403.20 -387.0 ± 30.0 -6.1 411.65 -364.5 ± 1.6 -2.1 411.65 -365.4 ± 0.3 -3.0 413.20 -371.0 ± 20.0 -11.8 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 53-fog/han1) 58-per/dia(
) 98-wor/joh() 53-fog/han1) 98-wor/joh() 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 98-wor/joh() 58-per/dia(
) 98-wor/joh() 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 98-wor/joh()
T K 423.15 423.20 431.68 431.68 451.71 451.71 471.86 471.86 492.25 492.25 502.44 502.44 510.00 510.00 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -348.9 ± 13.5 -9.4 -341.0 ± 20.0 -1.6 -323.5 ± 1.5 0.5 -322.9 ± 0.3 1.1 -293.2 ± 1.7 -1.5 -292.0 ± 0.3 -0.3 -262.6 ± 1.8 1.2 -262.5 ± 0.2 1.3 -240.2 ± 1.4 -1.0 -239.7 ± 0.2 -0.5 -227.6 ± 1.8 0.3 -227.1 ± 0.2 0.8 -220.7 ± 1.9 -0.7 -220.9 ± 0.2 -0.9 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 58-per/dia(
) 98-wor/joh() 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×) 79-sin/kud1) 86-sin(×)
MW = 52.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5688 ⋅ 102 – 1.0739 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 1.2759 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 – 6.5037 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -396 ± 10 -360 ± 10 -300 ± 10
T/K 270 280 300
T/K 320 350 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -253 ± 8 -197 ± 5 -156 ± 5
T/K 410 440 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -124 ± 5 -98 ± 5 -76 ± 5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 268.00 -403.7 ± 4.0 0.4 300.00 -292.5 ± 1.5 7.7 94-def/mor(×) 273.00 -382.4 ± 4.0 2.6 300.00 -306.7 ± 0.8 -6.5 94-def/mor(×) 273.15 -390.0 ± 4.0 -5.6 94-hoz/sat1) 300.00 -298.0 ± 4.5 2.2 273.15 -389.7 ± 5.0 -5.3 97-sun/dua(
) 303.00 -286.2 ± 2.0 6.2 283.00 -345.1 ± 3.0 5.1 303.15 -290.1 ± 4.0 1.9 94-def/mor(×) 290.00 -315.7 ± 1.5 12.7 93-big/dun1) 308.15 -270.6 ± 3.0 8.9 290.00 -339.8 ± 0.8 -11.4 93-qia/nis() 308.15 -277.3 ± 4.0 2.2 290.00 -326.4 ± 5.0 2.0 96-zha/sat1) 310.00 -264.5 ± 1.5 10.6 293.00 -313.4 ± 2.0 6.2 310.00 -280.1 ± 0.8 -5.0 94-def/mor(×) 293.15 -318.4 ± 4.0 0.7 97-sun/dua(
) 310.00 -272.9 ± 4.0 2.2 298.15 -314.3 ± 8.3 -9.1 72-kuz/los1) 313.00 -262.6 ± 1.5 5.5 298.15 -303.7 ± 4.0 1.5 97-sun/dua(
) 313.15 -258.4 ± 3.0 9.3 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 93-big/dun1) 93-qia/nis() 96-zha/sat1) 94-def/mor(×) 97-sun/dua(
) 94-hoz/sat1) 97-sun/dua(
) 93-big/dun1) 93-qia/nis() 96-zha/sat1) 94-def/mor(×) 94-hoz/sat1) cont.
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Difluoromethane (cont.) 15
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -265.3 ± 4.0 318.15 -254.2 ± 4.0 320.00 -255.9 ± 0.8 320.00 -250.7 ± 4.0 323.00 -241.8 ± 1.5 323.15 -245.4 ± 6.9 323.15 -236.6 ± 2.5 323.15 -243.7 ± 4.0 328.15 -233.9 ± 4.0 330.00 -233.8 ± 0.7 330.00 -231.0 ± 3.5 333.00 -223.5 ± 1.0 333.15 -217.6 ± 2.0 333.15 -224.6 ± 4.0 340.00 -214.2 ± 0.7 340.00 -207.9 ± 2.0 340.00 -213.3 ± 3.0 343.15 -203.9 ± 6.1 _________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 2.4 2.4 -3.4 1.9 4.5 0.6 9.4 2.3 2.1 -1.4 1.4 3.2 8.8 1.8 -0.2 6.2 0.8 4.8 _____________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 97-sun/dua(
) 97-sun/dua(
) 93-qia/nis() 96-zha/sat1) 94-def/mor(×) 72-kuz/los1) 94-hoz/sat1) 97-sun/dua(
) 97-sun/dua(
) 93-qia/nis() 96-zha/sat1) 94-def/mor(×) 94-hoz/sat1) 97-sun/dua(
) 93-qia/nis() 94-sat/sat({) 96-zha/sat1) 72-kuz/los1)
T K 343.15 343.00 348.15 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.15 351.15 353.00 353.15 360.00 360.00 360.00 363.00 370.00 370.00 370.00 373.00 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -201.0 ± 2.0 7.7 -207.0 ± 1.0 1.9 -195.8 ± 5.9 4.7 -197.8 ± 0.7 -0.3 -191.4 ± 2.0 6.1 -197.4 ± 3.0 0.1 -188.6 ± 5.8 8.7 -184.5 ± 5.7 11.2 -192.2 ± 0.5 0.6 -190.6 ± 5.8 2.0 -183.3 ± 0.7 -0.9 -178.2 ± 2.0 4.2 -183.1 ± 3.0 -0.7 -178.6 ± 0.5 -0.5 -172.3 ± 0.7 -3.8 -166.2 ± 2.0 2.4 -170.1 ± 3.0 -1.5 -166.2 ± 0.5 -1.6 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 94-hoz/sat1) 94-def/mor(×) 72-kuz/los1) 93-qia/nis() 94-sat/sat({) 96-zha/sat1) 72-kuz/los1) 72-kuz/los1) 94-def/mor(×) 72-kuz/los1) 93-qia/nis() 94-sat/sat({) 96-zha/sat1) 94-def/mor(×) 93-qia/nis() 94-sat/sat({) 96-zha/sat1) 94-def/mor(×) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Difluoromethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 373.15 -151.8 ± 5.0 12.7 72-kuz/los1) 380.00 -155.2 ± 2.0 0.7 94-sat/sat({) 390.00 -144.7 ± 1.5 -0.5 94-sat/sat({) 398.15 -133.5 ± 4.7 1.9 72-kuz/los1) 400.00 -135.6 ± 1.5 -2.1 94-sat/sat({) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [53-fog/han, 95-fu /han]. _________
T K 410.00 420.00 423.15 448.15 473.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -128.1 ± 1.5 -4.6 -119.5 ± 1.0 -5.2 -110.7 ± 4.2 0.8 -100.1 ± 4.0 -8.6 -79.7 ± 3.6 -5.2 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 94-sat/sat({) 94-sat/sat({) 72-kuz/los1) 72-kuz/los1) 72-kuz/los1)
MW = 94.94
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.6048 ⋅ 103 – 1.7510 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 6.1379 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 – 8.4605 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -993 ± 50 -864 ± 40 -759 ± 40
T/K 250 260 270
T/K 280 290 300
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -674 ± 30 -604 ± 30 -545 ± 25
T/K 310 320 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -497 ± 25 -455 ± 20 -419 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 244.00 -1040 ± 50 46 63-kap/lun 305.00 -435 ± 40 85 273.00 -718 ± 37 14 63-kap/lun 307.70 -542 ± 27 -34 287.80 -622 ± 30 -4 69-lic/sch 313.15 -482 ± 34 1 293.20 -478 ± 40 106 65-rae/bit-11) 313.20 -402 ± 40 81 296.00 -593 ± 30 -25 69-lic/sch 313.20 -483 ± 10 0 297.00 -567 ± 31 -5 63-kap/lun 321.00 -451 ± 26 0 298.15 -512 ± 36 44 71-haw/sut 321.10 -485 ± 24 -34 303.20 -501 ± 10 28 68-rae 323.20 -372 ± 40 71 303.20 -562 ± 28 -33 69-lic/sch 333.20 -405 ± 8 4 1) Weight was reduced to zero in the fitting analysis. Further reference: [53-fog/han]. _________
65-rae/bit-11) 69-lic/sch 71-haw/sut 65-rae/bit-11) 68-rae 63-kap/lun 69-lic/sch 65-rae/bit-11) 68-rae
MW = 50.49
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.3320 ⋅ 102 − 1.9046 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 1.9734 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 5.7560 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Chloromethane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 280 -458 ± 10 300 -396 ± 10 320 -345 ± 9 350 -284 ± 9
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -236 ± 8 -197 ± 7 -156 ± 7 -122 ± 7
T/K 380 410 450 490
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -95 ± 6 -66 ± 6 -47 ± 5
T/K 530 580 620
25 20
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 276.16 -480.0 ± 4.0 -9.0 67-bot/spu(z) 307.70 -368.4 ± 3.7 6.5 288.20 -440.0 ± 4.4 -13.5 313.15 -364.5 ± 6.0 -3.3 69-lic/sch(×) 292.28 -425.0 ± 4.0 -7.0 67-bot/spu(z) 313.20 -352.0 ± 3.5 9.1 293.15 -426.3 ± 6.0 -10.9 52-ham/pea(▲) 323.15 -358.1 ± 10.0 -20.3 295.15 -416.0 ± 1.0 -6.6 58-bot/ree-21) 323.15 -321.0 ± 5.0 16.8 295.16 -416.0 ± 4.0 -6.6 67-bot/spu(z) 323.15 -341.5 ± 3.4 -3.7 296.00 -413.6 ± 4.1 -6.6 325.68 -330.0 ± 4.0 2.2 69-lic/sch(×) 303.20 -386.1 ± 3.9 0.7 333.15 -314.0 ± 6.0 2.4 69-lic/sch(×) _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 69-lic/sch(×) 52-ham/pea(▲) 69-lic/sch(×) 64-hsu/mck1) 70-sut/col({) 81-man/hal(
) 67-bot/spu(z) 52-ham/pea(▲) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Chloromethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K 343.52 -291.0 ± 4.0 5.0 67-bot/spu(z) 423.15 347.88 -283.0 ± 4.0 5.0 67-bot/spu(z) 427.45 348.15 -285.9 ± 10.0 1.6 64-hsu/mck1) 448.15 348.15 -287.1 ± 1.9 0.4 81-man/hal(
) 448.15 353.15 -273.8 ± 6.0 4.8 52-ham/pea(▲) 473.15 369.45 -243.0 ± 3.0 8.9 70-sut/col({) 473.15 373.15 -245.8 ± 10.0 0.5 64-hsu/mck1) 473.15 373.15 -237.7 ± 0.8 8.6 81-man/hal(
) 498.15 376.04 -244.0 ± 4.0 -2.0 67-bot/spu(z) 523.15 398.15 -206.7 ± 10.0 5.2 64-hsu/mck1) 548.15 398.15 -205.0 ± 0.5 6.9 81-man/hal(
) 573.15 399.29 -211.0 ± 4.0 -0.6 67-bot/spu(z) 598.15 404.75 -210.0 ± 3.0 -6.3 70-sut/col({) 623.15 423.15 -177.2 ± 8.0 5.5 64-hsu/mck1) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [ 42-hir/mcc, 77-man/hal, 98-mas/wor]. _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -179.0 ± 0.4 3.7 -180.0 ± 4.0 -1.9 -158.7 ± 5.0 -1.2 -157.8 ± 0.3 -0.3 -139.4 ± 5.0 -3.9 -144.2 ± 0.2 -8.7 -139.5 ± 0.3 -4.0 -113.7 ± 0.2 2.5 -93.6 ± 0.2 5.4 -81.2 ± 0.2 2.3 -68.5 ± 0.2 1.1 -58.7 ± 0.2 -1.8 -47.1 ± 0.2 -1.6 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 81-man/hal(
) 67-bot/spu(z) 64-hsu/mck1) 81-man/hal(
) 64-hsu/mck1) 67-suh/sto() 81-man/hal(
) 67-suh/sto() 67-suh/sto() 67-suh/sto() 67-suh/sto() 67-suh/sto() 67-suh/sto()
MW = 34.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.6669 ⋅ 102 − 4.7431 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 1.4966 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 2.0299 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -255 ± 5 -232 ± 4 -212 ± 4
T/K 275 285 295
T/K 310 330 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -187 ± 3 -161 ± 3 -140 ± 3
T/K 380 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -115 ± 2 -88 ± 2
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 273.15 -256.2 ± 3.0 3.7 33-caw/pat(z) 303.22 -198.6 ± 5.0 -0.7 273.15 -261.4 ± 3.0 -1.5 33-caw/pat(z) 310.00 -180.7 ± 1.5 6.7 273.15 -260.0 ± 5.0 -0.1 313.15 -185.4 ± 5.0 -2.6 52-mic/vis(×) 273.15 -260.0 ± 5.0 -0.1 313.52 -182.4 ± 4.6 -0.1 52-mic/vis(×) 290.00 -220.2 ± 1.5 1.4 93-big/dun({) 317.43 -177.0 ± 4.5 -0.1 293.15 -220.2 ± 5.0 -6.8 52-ham/pea() 317.65 -182.8 ± 3.0 -6.2 294.15 -212.7 ± 3.0 0.9 33-caw/pat(z) 320.58 -172.6 ± 4.3 0.1 294.15 -219.5 ± 5.0 -5.9 52-ham/pea() 322.75 -171.2 ± 3.0 -1.3 297.75 -209.5 ± 4.0 -2.3 323.15 -166.3 ± 3.0 3.2 52-mic/vis(×) 298.15 -205.3 ± 4.0 1.1 323.15 -173.0 ± 3.0 -3.6 52-mic/vis(×) 298.38 -206.7 ± 5.2 -0.7 93-dem/koh(
) 330.57 -159.9 ± 4.0 0.6 300.00 -201.9 ± 1.5 1.3 93-big/dun({) 333.15 -159.9 ± 5.0 -2.0 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 93-dem/koh(
) 93-big/dun({) 52-ham/pea() 93-dem/koh(
) 93-dem/koh(
) 33-caw/pat(z) 93-dem/koh(
) 52-mic/vis(×) 52-mic/vis(×) 70-sut/col(▲) 93-dem/koh(
) 52-ham/pea() cont.
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Fluoromethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 333.15 -153.8 ± 3.8 3.8 93-dem/koh(
) 339.23 -148.7 ± 3.5 2.3 93-dem/koh(
) 347.91 -142.7 ± 3.0 -0.5 52-mic/vis(×) 348.15 -138.8 ± 3.0 3.2 52-mic/vis(×) 353.15 -136.6 ± 5.0 0.7 52-ham/pea() 369.45 -123.0 ± 3.0 0.2 70-sut/col(▲) Further references: [37-caw/pat, 52-dav/ham]. _________
T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 372.77 -121.0 ± 2.0 -0.4 373.15 -116.9 ± 2.0 3.3 397.64 -102.9 ± 2.0 -0.4 398.15 -99.5 ± 2.0 2.6 422.70 -87.3 ± 2.0 -0.8 423.15 -85.3 ± 2.0 1.0 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 52-mic/vis(×) 52-mic/vis(×) 52-mic/vis(×) 52-mic/vis(×) 52-mic/vis(×) 52-mic/vis(×)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
0 -5 -10 -15 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
MW = 141.94
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.1563 ⋅ 103 – 5.7779 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 3.1037 ⋅ 105/(T/K)2 T/K 315 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -675 ± 25 -619 ± 20
T/K 335 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -566 ± 15 -516 ± 15
T/K 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -469 ± 10 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Iodomethane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -706 ± 27 -20 62-zaa/kol 343.15 -517 ± 13 8 62-zaa/kol 313.20 -655 ± 46 30 65-rae/bit-1 358.15 -462 ± 14 -7 62-zaa/kol 328.15 -612 ± 12 -10 62-zaa/kol Further reference: [53-fog/han]. _________
MW = 61.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm³ · mol-1 = – 2.5351 ⋅ 104 + 1.9039 ⋅ 107/(T/K) – 3.8114 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -3075 ± 150 -2656 ± 130
T/K 320 330
T/K 340 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2325 ± 115 -2067 ± 100
T/K 360 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1874 ± 95 -1735 ± 85
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 318.2 -3110 ± 500 50 60-bro/smi 360.0 -2100 ± 200 -226 318.3 -3102 ± 200 54 54-mcc/sco 363.0 -1920 ± 200 -93 323.2 -2926 ± 10 4 61-bot/coo 367.0 -1900 ± 200 -129 334.8 -2463 ± 150 24 54-mcc/sco 370.0 -1650 ± 200 85 340.2 -2317 ± 3 2 61-bot/coo 372.0 -1525 ± 200 188 353.4 -1931 ± 60 65 54-mcc/sco 374.0 -1450 ± 200 243 358.0 -2350 ± 200 -442 29-euc/mey 374.4 -1499 ± 50 190 _________
29-euc/mey 29-euc/mey 29-euc/mey 29-euc/mey 29-euc/mey 29-euc/mey 54-mcc/sco
MW = 16.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.4344 ⋅ 10 – 1.6608 ⋅ 104/(T/K) – 3.5430 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 + 2.9832 ⋅ 108/(T/K)3 – 2.3448 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)4 T/K 115 125 135 150 165 180 200
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -305.9 ± 2.0 -258.6 ± 1.5 -222.4 ± 1.5 -181.8 ± 1.0 -151.7 ± 0.5 -128.5 ± 0.3 -104.6 ± 0.3
T/K 220 240 270 300 330 370 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -86.3 ± 0.3 -71.9 ± 0.3 -55.0 ± 0.3 -42.2 ± 0.3 -32.2 ± 0.3 -21.8 ± 0.3 -13.7 ± 0.2
T/K 450 500 550 610 670
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -7.36 ± 0.15 -1.03 ± 0.15 3.97 ± 0.15 8.74 ± 0.10 12.50 ± 0.10 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Methane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 110.83 -330.10 ± 2.00 0.12 68-byr/jon({) 285.65 -47.58 ± 1.00 0.36 112.43 -319.90 ± 2.00 0.60 68-byr/jon({) 291.41 -45.50 ± 0.20 0.07 114.45 -307.80 ± 1.50 1.12 68-byr/jon({) 298.00 -42.77 ± 0.80 0.22 116.79 -295.50 ± 1.50 0.88 68-byr/jon({) 298.00 -42.88 ± 0.80 0.11 121.25 -274.50 ± 1.50 0.26 68-byr/jon({) 298.15 -42.82 ± 0.20 0.11 128.84 -244.30 ± 1.50 -0.69 68-byr/jon({) 298.15 -42.87 ± 0.10 0.06 136.75 -218.90 ± 1.50 -1.94 68-byr/jon({) 298.15 -42.60 ± 1.00 0.33 148.28 -187.70 ± 1.50 -1.90 68-byr/jon({) 300.00 -41.90 ± 0.20 0.33 155.89 -167.95 ± 0.60 0.99 72-roe(z) 300.00 -42.23 ± 0.01 0.00 160.00 -160.37 ± 0.50 0.43 92-hae/kle(∆) 303.15 -40.91 ± 0.20 0.15 162.29 -158.40 ± 1.50 -1.88 68-byr/jon({) 320.00 -35.32 ± 0.02 -0.03 167.67 -146.55 ± 0.50 0.57 72-roe(z) 323.15 -34.23 ± 0.20 0.06 178.41 -132.20 ± 1.50 -1.53 68-byr/jon({) 323.15 -34.26 ± 0.10 0.03 180.00 -128.45 ± 0.30 0.01 92-hae/kle(∆) 323.15 -33.90 ± 1.00 0.39 181.86 -125.70 ± 0.40 0.24 72-roe(z) 325.00 -33.40 ± 0.15 0.31 186.00 -120.61 ± 0.30 -0.02 92-hae/kle(∆) 348.15 -27.06 ± 0.20 0.06 189.00 -116.93 ± 0.30 -0.03 92-hae/kle(∆) 348.15 -27.11 ± 0.08 0.01 190.55 -115.08 ± 0.30 -0.02 92-hae/kle(∆) 348.15 -26.70 ± 1.00 0.42 192.64 -112.85 ± 0.20 -0.21 72-roe(z) 350.00 -26.40 ± 0.10 0.24 193.00 -112.26 ± 0.30 -0.03 92-hae/kle(∆) 373.15 -21.00 ± 0.20 0.08 196.00 -108.91 ± 0.30 -0.02 92-hae/kle(∆) 373.15 -20.70 ± 1.00 0.38 200.00 -104.66 ± 0.30 -0.02 92-hae/kle(∆) 373.16 -21.10 ± 0.08 -0.02 200.00 -104.70 ± 0.30 -0.06 94-tru(◊) 375.00 -20.40 ± 0.10 0.27 202.49 -103.40 ± 1.50 -1.30 68-byr/jon({) 398.15 -15.87 ± 0.20 0.06 204.61 -100.15 ± 0.20 -0.14 72-roe(z) 398.15 -15.50 ± 1.00 0.43 207.00 -97.71 ± 0.30 0.00 92-hae/kle(∆) 398.17 -15.97 ± 0.08 -0.05 218.87 -87.15 ± 0.20 0.11 72-roe(z) 423.15 -11.40 ± 0.18 0.09 220.00 -86.30 ± 0.30 0.04 92-hae/kle(∆) 423.15 -11.10 ± 1.00 0.39 221.10 -85.80 ± 1.00 -0.34 68-byr/jon({) 423.18 -11.54 ± 0.10 -0.06 225.00 -82.20 ± 0.30 0.21 94-tru(◊) 423.15 -11.10 ± 1.00 0.39 234.05 -75.90 ± 0.20 -0.06 72-roe(z) 423.18 -11.54 ± 0.10 -0.06 240.00 -71.76 ± 0.30 0.10 92-hae/kle(∆) 473.15 -4.16 ± 0.15 0.08 240.00 -71.60 ± 0.28 0.26 94-tru(◊) 473.21 -4.31 ± 0.15 -0.08 243.80 -70.30 ± 1.00 -0.86 68-byr/jon({) 498.15 -1.16 ± 0.12 0.08 248.54 -66.50 ± 0.20 0.05 72-roe(z) 498.23 -1.31 ± 0.15 -0.08 250.00 -65.40 ± 0.25 0.29 94-tru(◊) 523.15 1.49 ± 0.12 0.07 260.00 -59.98 ± 0.30 0.12 92-hae/kle(∆) 523.25 1.36 ± 0.15 -0.07 263.08 -58.35 ± 0.20 0.14 72-roe(z) 548.15 3.89 ± 0.12 0.08 273.00 -53.37 ± 0.80 0.22 88-mic/sch() 548.26 3.75 ± 0.15 -0.07 273.00 -53.41 ± 0.80 0.18 88-mic/sch() 573.15 5.98 ± 0.12 0.03 273.15 -53.35 ± 0.20 0.17 64-dou/har(
) 573.15 5.90 ± 0.10 -0.05 273.15 -53.20 ± 1.00 0.32 79-tra/was(◆) 598.15 7.88 ± 0.12 -0.01 273.17 -53.70 ± 1.00 -0.19 68-byr/jon({) 598.29 7.86 ± 0.10 -0.04 275.00 -52.40 ± 0.20 0.25 94-tru(◊) 623.15 9.66 ± 0.12 0.01 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 79-tra/was(◆) 72-roe(z) 88-mic/sch() 88-mic/sch() 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 79-tra/was(◆) 94-tru(◊) 96-hou/hol(▲) 64-dou/har(
) 96-hou/hol(▲) 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 79-tra/was(◆) 94-tru(◊) 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 79-tra/was(◆) 94-tru(◊) 64-dou/har(
) 79-tra/was(◆) 70-hol(×) 94-tru(◊) 64-dou/har(
) 79-tra/was(◆) 70-hol(×) 64-dou/har(
) 79-tra/was(◆) 70-hol(×) 79-tra/was(◆) 70-hol(×) 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 64-dou/har(
) 70-hol(×) 64-dou/har(
) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Methane (cont.) 3
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 50
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 623.30 9.64 ± 0.08 -0.02 648.31 11.25 ± 0.08 -0.01 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 70-hol(×) 70-hol(×)
Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 673.31 12.75 ± 0.08 0.02 70-hol(×) _________
Further references: [27-key/bur, 31-fre/ver, 31-kva/gad, 35-mic/ned, 36-mic/ned, 42-bea/sto, 49-kan, 55-ham/lam, 58-sch/mas, 60-tho/van, 61-mue/lel, 67-bre, 68-hoo/nag, 69-lic/sch, 70-lee/edm, 71-ng, 71str/lic, 72-bos/soc, 73-pop/cha, 74-bel/rei, 74-hah/sch, 74-pom/spu, 77-mih/sag, 80-kat/ohg, 82-ker, 82ohg/nak-1, 82-sch/mue, 84-ohg/sak, 85-mol-1, 86-elihoa, 86-tan/wan, 88-kle/dus, 89-bru/hwa, 91hoh/ker, 91-lop/roz, 92-bel/big, 92-ewi/goo-2, 92-tru/zar, 93-abd/baz, 93-abd/baz-1, 93-big/dun, 93sta/hou, 94-est/tru, 95-esp/lem, 95-tru/zar, 96-abd/baz, 96-tru/wak].
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. T T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol K 112.65 1.6 ± 0.2 74-fan/van 197.49 149.29 1.2 ± 0.1 74-fan/van 302.04 † Values given for B(CH3D) - B(CH4) at the same temperature. _________
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. T T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 K 112.48 2.9 ± 0.2 74-fan/van 196.96 148.91 2.1 ± 0.2 74-fan/van 302.01 † Values given for B(CH2D2) - B(CH4) at the same temperature. _________
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. T T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 K 112.29 4.2 ± 0.1 74-fan/van 197.28 149.13 3.4 ± 0.1 74-fan/van 301.84 † Values given for B(CHD3) - B(CH4) at the same temperature. _________
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. T T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol K 110.29 5.80 ± 0.40 62-tho/van-2 230.70 111.24 5.70 ± 0.20 74-fan/van 233.10 122.15 5.40 ± 0.10 74-fan/van 249.95 132.25 5.00 ± 0.20 74-fan/van 252.30 150.40 3.95 ± 0.30 62-tho/van-2 273.20 150.88 4.70 ± 0.20 74-fan/van 295.05 167.37 4.70 ± 0.30 74-fan/van 296.20 194.50 3.20 ± 0.30 62-tho/van-2 300.33 204.10 3.20 ± 0.30 72-gai/str 379.30 206.43 4.10 ± 0.30 74-fan/van 425.70 213.10 2.90 ± 0.30 72-gai/str 475.60 † Values given for B(CD4) - B(CH4) at the same temperature. _________
MW = 17.05
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 1.2 ± 0.2 0.4 ± 0.3
74-fan/van 74-fan/van
MW = 18.06
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 1.8 ± 0.2 1.8 ± 0.2
74-fan/van 74-fan/van
MW = 19.06
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 2.8 ± 0.3 2.5 ± 0.3
74-fan/van 74-fan/van
MW = 20.07
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 3.10 ± 0.40 2.70 ± 0.30 3.50 ± 0.20 2.60 ± 0.30 2.40 ± 0.30 3.30 ± 0.40 2.20 ± 0.30 3.60 ± 0.40 1.80 ± 0.30 1.40 ± 0.30 1.00 ± 0.30
62-tho/van-2 72-gai/str 74-fan/van 72-gai/str 72-gai/str 62-tho/van-2 72-gai/str 74-fan/van 72-gai/str 72-gai/str 72-gai/str
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
MW = 32.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.1043 ⋅ 103 − 3.2372 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.6677 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 3.1011 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1287 ± 60 -1101 ± 50 -880 ± 50 -713 ± 40 -585 ± 30
T/K 315 325 340 355 370
T/K 390 410 440 470 500
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -460 ± 20 -370 ± 20 -279 ± 20 -221 ± 20 -180 ± 15
T/K 540 580 625
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -141 ± 15 -109 ± 15 -76 ± 15
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
-150 300
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 310.00 -1483.0 ± 60.0 -89.0 92-boy/ewi() 338.20 -884.0 ± 17.0 19.8 315.00 -1349.0 ± 50.0 -62.1 92-boy/ewi() 340.00 -873.0 ± 35.0 7.4 320.00 -1230.0 ± 45.0 -40.4 92-boy/ewi() 343.20 -822.0 ± 16.0 18.8 330.00 -1031.0 ± 40.0 -10.4 92-boy/ewi() 348.20 -767.0 ± 15.0 16.3 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-mas/dug({) 92-boy/ewi() 92-mas/dug({) 92-mas/dug({) cont.
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Methanol (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 353.20 -718.0 ± 14.0 12.8 360.00 -643.0 ± 30.0 23.6 363.20 -631.0 ± 12.0 8.0 373.00 -504.2 ± 20.0 59.3 373.20 -560.0 ± 11.0 2.1 398.20 -427.0 ± 9.0 -7.8 400.00 -380.2 ± 20.0 30.8 422.00 -307.1 ± 20.0 21.5 423.16 -323.0 ± 2.0 2.0 423.16 -318.0 ± 2.0 7.0 423.20 -337.0 ± 7.0 -12.1 448.16 -258.8 ± 0.7 2.1 448.16 -258.2 ± 0.4 2.7 450.00 -263.1 ± 20.0 -6.1 473.16 -220.5 ± 0.5 -4.4 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-mas/dug({) 92-boy/ewi() 92-mas/dug({) 97-bic/hen(×) 92-mas/dug({) 92-mas/dug({) 97-bic/hen(×) 97-bic/hen(×) 69-kel/mcl(
) 69-kel/mcl(
) 92-mas/dug({) 69-kel/mcl(
) 69-kel/mcl(
) 97-bic/hen(×) 69-kel/mcl(
T K 473.16 473.16 473.16 474.00 493.00 498.16 498.16 523.16 523.16 528.00 573.16 573.16 583.00 628.00 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -220.0 ± 1.3 -1.1 -216.9 ± 0.2 -4.9 -218.1 ± 0.3 -2.3 -202.8 ± 20.0 11.7 -173.7 ± 20.0 14.8 -181.2 ± 0.4 1.1 -180.7 ± 0.5 1.6 -156.6 ± 0.4 -0.6 -155.9 ± 0.1 0.1 -142.2 ± 20.0 9.2 -113.1 ± 0.4 1.0 -117.2 ± 0.6 -3.1 -94.6 ± 20.0 12.1 -75.5 ± 20.0 -1.5 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 69-kel/mcl(
) 69-kel/mcl(
) 69-kel/mcl(
) 97-bic/hen(×) 97-bic/hen(×) 69-kel/mcl(
) 69-kel/mcl(
) 69-kel/mcl(
) 69-kel/mcl(
) 97-bic/hen(×) 69-kel/mcl(
) 69-kel/mcl(
) 97-bic/hen(×) 97-bic/hen(×)
Further references: [29-euc/mey, 49-lam/rob, 50-lam/sta, 54-foz/mor, 54-kre/wie, 63-eve/mun, 67bot/spu, 68-kno/edm, 69-zub/bag, 70-kud/eub, 74-mil/min, 79-pat, 84-bic/pie, 84-ohg/han, 89-abu/ver-1, 89-olf/sch, 91-ker/var, 92-boy/ewi(280 K – 305 K), 93-bar/mar, 93-sha/naz-2].
MW = 31.06
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0210 ⋅ 102 – 1.6761 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 5.4579 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 – 1.6593 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 295 310 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -485 ± 20 -428 ± 20 -380 ± 20
T/K 345 370 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -329 ± 20 -280 ± 15 -235 ± 15
T/K 445 500 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -187 ± 10 -148 ± 10 -124 ± 5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 293.40 -535 ± 50 -43 50-lam/str 342.60 -351 ± 50 -16 296.30 -471 ± 10 9 76-ada/sch 351.60 -325 ± 50 -10 302.80 -441 ± 10 13 76-ada/sch 360.80 -311 ± 50 -15 308.15 -470 ± 50 -36 74-mil/min 362.20 -277 ± 10 17 312.20 -451 ± 50 -31 50-lam/str 372.40 -279 ± 50 -3 312.50 -404 ± 10 15 76-ada/sch 381.80 -266 ± 50 -5 320.40 -423 ± 50 -29 50-lam/str 393.30 -237 ± 50 7 331.40 -382 ± 50 -19 50-lam/str 400.70 -221 ± 10 14 332.30 -342 ± 10 19 76-ada/sch 405.20 -220 ± 50 9 _________
50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 76-ada/sch 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 76-ada/sch 50-lam/str cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.1 C1 Organic Compounds
Methanamine (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 432.30 -188 ± 10 11 462.80 -165 ± 10 8 488.40 -148 ± 10 7 _________
T K 501.90 520.20 549.60 _________
76-ada/sch 76-ada/sch 76-ada/sch
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -140 ± 10 6 -131 ± 10 5 -118 ± 10 4 ______________________________________
76-ada/sch 76-ada/sch 76-ada/sch
MW = 33.07
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol K cm · mol 298.0 -13.2 ± 0.5 76-ada/sch 440.0 -3.0 ± 0.8 76-ada/sch 303.0 -11.5 ± 0.5 76-ada/sch 470.0 -1.4 ± 0.9 76-ada/sch 332.0 -7.9 ± 0.5 76-ada/sch 514.0 -0.3 ± 1.0 76-ada/sch 362.0 -5.9 ± 0.8 76-ada/sch 540.0 -0.4 ± 1.0 76-ada/sch 400.0 -4.8 ± 0.8 76-ada/sch † Values given for B(CH3D2N) - B(CH5N) at the same temperature, on the basis that ∆B = 0 cm3⋅mol-1 at 554 K. _________
Methan-d3 -amine
MW = 34.08
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol K cm · mol 297.0 10.0 ± 0.3 76-ada/sch 440.0 1.9 ± 0.8 76-ada/sch 303.0 9.4 ± 0.3 76-ada/sch 463.0 1.1 ± 0.8 76-ada/sch 332.0 6.4 ± 0.5 76-ada/sch 468.0 0.6 ± 1.0 76-ada/sch 362.0 4.6 ± 0.5 76-ada/sch 494.0 0.4 ± 1.0 76-ada/sch 401.0 2.7 ± 0.5 76-ada/sch 514.0 0.0 ± 1.0 76-ada/sch † Values given for B(CH2D3N) - B(CH5N) at the same temperature, on the basis that ∆B = 0 cm3⋅mol-1 at 538 K. _________
MW = 36.09
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol K cm · mol 296.0 -2.9 ± 0.7 76-ada/sch 400.0 -0.1 ± 0.7 76-ada/sch 313.0 -1.5 ± 0.7 76-ada/sch 439.0 -0.1 ± 0.7 76-ada/sch 331.0 -1.4 ± 0.7 76-ada/sch 469.0 0.3 ± 0.7 76-ada/sch 361.0 -0.9 ± 0.7 76-ada/sch 516.0 0.5 ± 0.7 76-ada/sch † Values given for B(CD5N) - B(CH5N) at the same temperature, on the basis that ∆B = 0 cm3⋅mol-1 at 539 K. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds Chloro-1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoroethane
MW = 154.47
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.9198 ⋅ 102 + 2.1731 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 9.2469 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -314 ± 15 -291 ± 15
T/K 355 365
T/K 375 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -270 ± 15 -251 ± 12
T/K 395 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -234 ± 10 -212 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 353.15 -318.1 ± 30 0.0 66-mea/ros 393.15 -237.5 ± 30 0.0 363.15 -294.7 ± 30 0.1 66-mea/ros 403.15 -221.9 ± 30 0.0 373.15 -273.7 ± 30 0.0 66-mea/ros 413.15 -207.7 ± 30 0.0 383.15 -254.7 ± 30 0.0 66-mea/ros _________
66-mea/ros 66-mea/ros 66-mea/ros
1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane [374-07-2]
MW = 170.92
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 7.9255 ⋅ 102 − 4.6603 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.4163 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -495 ± 30 -460 ± 30
T/K 365 375
T/K 390 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -412 ± 30 -367 ± 30
T/K 420 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -325 ± 25 -274 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 363.15 -502 ± 30 -0.5 55-mea/sta 423.15 -317 ± 25 -0.3 55-mea/sta 383.15 -432 ± 30 1.4 55-mea/sta 443.15 -266 ± 25 0.3 55-mea/sta 403.15 -373 ± 30 -0.9 55-mea/sta _________
1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane [76-14-2]
MW = 170.92
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.3066 ⋅ 102 − 2.3000 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 2.1747 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 1.3611 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 245 -1271 ± 15 260 -1107 ± 10 280 -933 ± 10
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -798 ± 10 -667 ± 10 -566 ± 10
T/K 300 325 350
T/K 400 450 500
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -421 ± 10 -322 ± 10 -251 ± 10
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 243.15 -1320 ± 30 -26 -585 ± 7 2 91-sch/web(×) 344.42 253.15 -1193 ± 24 -15 -586 ± 7 1 91-sch/web(×) 344.46 263.15 -1085 ± 20 -9 -560 ± 20 6 91-sch/web(×) 350.00 273.15 -991 ± 16 -3 -547 ± 18 8 91-sch/web(×) 353.15 296.15 -821 ± 10 1 -524 ± 18 8 91-sch/web(×) 360.00 296.15 -805 ± 10 17 92-sch/hau() 370.00 -492 ± 17 9 296.22 -825 ± 10 -3 77-bot/nai(
) 371.34 -501 ± 5 -5 296.23 -824 ± 10 -3 77-bot/nai(
) 371.35 -504 ± 6 -8 296.26 -824 ± 10 -2 77-bot/nai(
) 371.37 -499 ± 6 -3 320.45 -697 ± 7 -8 77-bot/nai(
) 371.44 -497 ± 6 0 320.53 -689 ± 7 -1 77-bot/nai(
) 380.00 -462 ± 16 10 330.00 -642 ± 20 3 85-has/uem({) 390.00 -435 ± 15 11 340.00 -599 ± 20 5 85-has/uem({) 400.00 -410 ± 13 11 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 77-bot/nai(
) 77-bot/nai(
) 85-has/uem({) 92-sch/hau() 85-has/uem({) 85-has/uem({) 77-bot/nai(
) 77-bot/nai(
) 77-bot/nai(
) 77-bot/nai(
) 85-has/uem({) 85-has/uem({) 85-has/uem({) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 400.49 -423 ± 5 -3 77-bot/nai(
) 432.20 -337 ± 52 17 400.50 -415 ± 55 5 77-bot/nai1) 432.33 -356 ± 5 -3 400.54 -429 ± 5 -9 77-bot/nai(
) 440.00 -327 ± 9 13 400.58 -422 ± 5 -2 77-bot/nai(
) 467.25 -300 ± 4 -5 410.00 -386 ± 11 12 85-has/uem({) 467.30 -266 ± 49 29 413.15 -391 ± 20 1 92-sch/hau() 467.32 -300 ± 4 -5 420.00 -365 ± 10 12 85-has/uem({) 473.15 -297 ± 22 -10 430.00 -345 ± 9 13 85-has/uem({) 503.85 -245 ± 4 2 432.17 -354 ± 5 0 77-bot/nai(
) 503.88 -247 ± 4 0 432.18 -352 ± 4 2 77-bot/nai(
) 503.90 -208 ± 47 39 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [56-mag, 77-bot/nai(296.2 K, 320.5 K, 344.5 K, 374.4 K)]. _________
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane [76-13-1]
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai(
) 85-has/uem({) 77-bot/nai(
) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai(
) 92-sch/hau() 77-bot/nai(
) 77-bot/nai(
) 77-bot/nai1)
MW = 187.38
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 5.1747 ⋅ 102 – 4.6798 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 4.7260 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1066 ± 145 -1015 ± 140 -943 ± 135
T/K 285 295 310
T/K 330 350 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -857 ± 130 -781 ± 125 -713 ± 120
T/K 390 410 445
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -651 ± 115 -596 ± 110 -510 ± 100
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 283.15 -1080 ± 146 -4 42-hir/mcc 394.26 -654 ± 116 -15 310.93 -944 ± 136 -5 42-hir/mcc 422.04 -561 ± 109 4 338.70 -795 ± 126 28 42-hir/mcc 449.81 -495 ± 105 5 366.48 -737 ± 122 -13 42-hir/mcc _________
42-hir/mcc 42-hir/mcc 42-hir/mcc
MW = 32.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 1.0131 ⋅ 102 + 4.5653 ⋅ 104/(T/K) – 1.7607 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 T/K 200 210
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -313.2 ± 3.0 -283.2 ± 3.0
T/K 230 250
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -235.7 ± 2.5 -200.4 ± 2.0
T/K 270 295
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -173.7 ± 2.0 -148.9 ± 1.5 cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Ethene-d4 (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 199.70 -314.5 ± 0.3 -0.3 72-gop/dor 233.20 -229.8 ± 0.4 -0.5 209.20 -285.4 ± 0.3 0.0 72-gop/dor 273.20 -171.4 ± 0.4 -1.3 224.00 -247.3 ± 0.4 1.1 72-gop/dor 296.70 -146.5 ± 0.5 0.9 Further reference: [73-gai/sch]. _________
72-gop/dor 72-gop/dor 72-gop/dor
MW = 100.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.3583 ⋅ 102 – 9.2618 ⋅ 104/(T/K) T/K 275 285
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -201 ± 24 -189 ± 22
T/K 295 305
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -178 ± 20 -168 ± 19
T/K 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -154 ± 18
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 273 -208 ± 24 -5 80-kle/bor 303 -171 ± 20 -1 283 -188 ± 22 3 80-kle/bor 313 -163 ± 20 -3 293 -176 ± 21 4 80-kle/bor 323 -150 ± 19 1 Further reference: [55-fog/lam]. _________
80-kle/bor 80-kle/bor 80-kle/bor
MW = 138.01
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.1727 ⋅ 103 – 1.6683 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 4.0046 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 – 3.5591 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 180 190 200
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -838 ± 30 -704 ± 30 -606 ± 30
T/K 215 230 250
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -505 ± 30 -436 ± 30 -371 ± 30
T/K 270 280 305
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -321 ± 30 -299 ± 20 -247 ± 5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 179.96 -837.0 ± 20.0 2.2 48-pac/ast 194.87 -641.0 ± 20.0 11.5 180.22 -815.0 ± 20.0 20.1 48-pac/ast 194.90 -653.0 ± 20.0 -0.8 188.30 -758.0 ± 20.0 -34.4 48-pac/ast 195.10 -611.0 ± 20.0 39.2 190.05 -766.0 ± 20.0 -62.8 48-pac/ast 195.21 -624.0 ± 20.0 25.2 _________
48-pac/ast 48-pac/ast 48-pac/ast 48-pac/ast cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Hexafluoroethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 290.00 -278.6 ± 1.5 -1.0 92-bel/big 298.15 -212.0 ± 13.0 48.7 48-pac/ast _________
T K 300.00 310.00 _________
1-Bromo-1-chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane [151-67-7] Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 298.15 -1371 ± 41 63-bot/sei _________
T K 323.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -255.3 ± 1.5 1.6 92-bel/big -237.2 ± 1.5 -0.7 92-bel/big ______________________________________
C2HBrClF3 MW = 197.38 Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1090 ± 33
MW = 98.48
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.8867 ⋅ 102 – 2.1746 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -342 ± 25 -324 ± 25
T/K 345 355
T/K 370 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -299 ± 25 -276 ± 20
T/K 400 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -255 ± 20 -229 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 343.15 -345 ± 25 0.0 55-mea/sta 403.15 -251 ± 20 -0.3 55-mea/sta 363.15 -310 ± 25 0.1 55-mea/sta 423.15 -225 ± 20 0.2 55-mea/sta 383.15 -279 ± 20 -0.1 55-mea/sta _________
MW = 136.48
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 2.7581 ⋅ 102 + 2.6305 ⋅ 105/(T/K) – 1.0998 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 255 265 280
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -935.6 ± 4.5 -849.3 ± 4.0 -739.2 ± 4.0
T/K 295 310 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -647.9 ± 4.0 -571.7 ± 3.0 -488.6 ± 3.0
T/K 350 370 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -422.0 ± 2.0 -368.2 ± 1.5 -314.7 ± 1.5 cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1-Chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 250.01 -990.5 ± 5.0 -7.3 97-gil({) 320.27 -524.5 ± 2.5 2.2 259.97 -892.6 ± 4.5 -1.3 97-gil({) 330.00 -490.0 ± 3.0 -1.4 269.91 -809.0 ± 4.0 1.9 97-gil({) 340.00 -455.7 ± 2.5 -2.2 279.87 -736.6 ± 3.5 3.4 97-gil({) 340.22 -451.9 ± 2.0 0.9 290.00 -674.5 ± 4.0 2.0 96-web(
) 350.00 -424.9 ± 2.0 -2.9 300.00 -619.3 ± 4.0 1.7 96-web(
) 360.00 -396.8 ± 2.0 -3.1 300.04 -617.3 ± 3.0 3.5 97-gil({) 360.04 -393.4 ± 2.0 0.2 310.00 -570.9 ± 3.0 0.8 96-web(
) 380.12 -344.5 ± 1.5 0.5 320.00 -528.1 ± 3.0 -0.3 96-web(
) 400.05 -304.0 ± 1.5 1.5 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 97-gil({) 96-web(
) 96-web(
) 97-gil({) 96-web(
) 96-web(
) 97-gil({) 97-gil({) 97-gil({)
( B exp - B calc )/cm mol
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
MW = 152.93
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.5524 ⋅ 102 – 4.4046 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 1.3906 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 – 3.9885 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1-Dichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 270 -1395 ± 30 280 -1261 ± 25 295 -1094 ± 20
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -957 ± 15 -812 ± 8 -698 ± 7
T/K 310 330 350
T/K 380 410 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -568 ± 6 -471 ± 5 -375 ± 4
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 260.00 -1518 ± 9 33 91-goo/mol-1 335.00 -774 ± 5 7 268.15 -1490 ± 80 -68 91-sch/web 363.00 -633 ± 4 4 275.00 -1300 ± 8 25 91-goo/mol-1 373.00 -592 ± 4 3 290.00 -1126 ± 7 19 91-goo/mol-1 393.00 -520 ± 3 3 296.15 -1140 ± 50 -58 91-sch/web 413.00 -460 ± 3 2 305.00 -986 ± 6 14 91-goo/mol-1 433.07 -409 ± 3 2 320.00 -871 ± 5 10 91-goo/mol-1 453.00 -366 ± 3 3 _________
91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1
MW = 131.39
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.3094 ⋅ 103 – 8.7959 ⋅ 105/(T/K) T/K 335
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1316 ± 50
T/K 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1204 ± 50
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1068 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.15 -1331 ± 50 -0.2 55-fog/lam 373.15 -1048 ± 50 -0.2 55-fog/lam 353.15 -1181 ± 50 0.3 55-fog/lam _________
MW = 120.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.9991 ⋅ 102 – 1.5684 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 2.2672 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 – 7.9466 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 T/K 245 255 270 285
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -602.9 ± 3.0 -545.7 ± 3.0 -473.7 ± 3.0 -414.6 ± 3.0
T/K 300 320 340 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -365.3 ± 3.0 -311.3 ± 3.0 -267.4 ± 3.0 -231.1 ± 3.0
T/K 385 410 440 475
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -193.8 ± 3.0 -163.1 ± 2.5 -132.7 ± 2.5 -103.9 ± 2.0 cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1,1,2,2-Pentafluoroethane (cont.)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
0 -5 -10 -15 200
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 240.01 -632.9 ± 3.0 1.8 97-gil() 310.00 -336.2 ± 3.7 0.6 260.02 -518.3 ± 2.5 1.7 97-gil() 313.16 -329.5 ± 3.3 -1.0 273.15 -466.2 ± 4.5 -5.9 96-hoz/sat({) 319.99 -310.2 ± 1.5 1.1 279.99 -431.7 ± 2.0 1.4 97-gil() 320.00 -311.2 ± 0.5 0.1 280.00 -432.9 ± 0.5 0.1 -6.1 95-boy/web(×) 320.00 -317.4 ± 3.0 290.00 -395.1 ± 2.0 2.1 93-big/dun-1() 320.00 -315.0 ± 4.0 -3.7 290.00 -397.1 ± 0.2 0.1 0.5 95-boy/web(×) 320.00 -310.8 ± 3.5 290.00 -408.9 ± 3.0 -11.8 95-ye /sat(
) 323.15 -304.7 ± 3.0 -0.9 290.00 -404.9 ± 5.0 -7.8 96-zha/sat1) 330.00 -288.2 ± 0.7 0.1 300.00 -363.2 ± 2.0 2.1 93-big/dun-1() 330.00 -292.4 ± 3.0 -4.1 300.00 -365.3 ± 0.1 0.0 -2.9 95-boy/web(×) 330.00 -291.2 ± 4.0 300.00 -377.1 ± 3.0 -11.8 95-ye /sat(
) 333.16 -282.4 ± 2.8 -0.9 300.00 -371.3 ± 4.5 -6.0 96-zha/sat1) 340.00 -267.2 ± 0.9 0.2 300.00 -364.1 ± 2.0 1.2 97-gil() 340.00 -270.4 ± 3.0 -3.0 303.15 -357.5 ± 3.5 -1.5 96-hoz/sat({) 340.00 -269.9 ± 3.5 -2.5 310.00 -335.5 ± 2.0 1.3 93-big/dun-1() 340.00 -266.6 ± 3.1 0.8 310.00 -336.8 ± 0.3 0.0 340.00 -266.4 ± 1.5 1.0 95-boy/web(×) 310.00 -344.8 ± 3.0 -8.0 95-ye /sat(
) 343.14 -262.4 ± 2.6 -1.1 310.00 -341.5 ± 4.5 -4.7 96-zha/sat1) 350.00 -248.2 ± 1.0 0.3 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 97-dua/sto(z) 96-hoz/sat({) 97-gil() 95-boy/web(×) 95-ye /sat(
) 96-zha/sat1) 97-dua/sto(z) 96-hoz/sat({) 95-boy/web(×) 95-ye /sat(
) 96-zha/sat1) 96-hoz/sat({) 95-boy/web(×) 95-ye /sat(
) 96-zha/sat1) 97-dua/sto(z) 97-gil() 96-hoz/sat({) 95-boy/web(×) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1,1,2,2-Pentafluoroethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 350.00 -251.5 ± 3.0 -3.0 350.00 -250.7 ± 3.5 -2.2 359.96 -230.2 ± 1.0 1.0 360.00 -232.9 ± 3.0 -1.8 360.00 -233.3 ± 3.0 -2.2 360.00 -229.7 ± 2.8 1.4 363.15 -225.8 ± 2.0 0.2 370.00 -216.4 ± 3.0 -1.2 370.00 -217.5 ± 3.0 -2.3 379.98 -199.7 ± 1.0 1.0 380.00 -200.7 ± 3.0 -0.1 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 95-ye /sat(
) 96-zha/sat1) 97-gil() 95-ye /sat(
) 96-zha/sat1) 97-dua/sto(z) 95-boy/web(×) 95-ye /sat(
) 96-zha/sat1) 97-gil() 95-ye /sat(
T K 380.00 380.00 390.00 390.00 400.00 400.00 420.00 440.00 460.00 480.00 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -203.2 ± 2.5 -2.6 -198.7 ± 2.6 1.9 -187.4 ± 3.0 -0.3 -190.0 ± 2.5 -2.9 -172.4 ± 2.4 2.3 -173.9 ± 1.0 0.8 -150.1 ± 2.2 2.2 -131.0 ± 2.1 1.7 -114.5 ± 1.9 1.0 -100.3 ± 1.8 0.0 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 96-zha/sat1) 97-dua/sto(z) 95-ye /sat(
) 96-zha/sat1) 97-dua/sto(z) 97-gil() 97-dua/sto(z) 97-dua/sto(z) 97-dua/sto(z) 97-dua/sto(z)
MW = 136.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.0782 ⋅ 102 + 1.3682 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 7.3205 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 T/K 265 275 290
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -634.0 ± 3.0 -578.3 ± 3.0 -506.5 ± 2.5
T/K 305 320 335
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -446.2 ± 2.5 -395.2 ± 2.0 -351.7 ± 2.0
T/K 350 370 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -314.5 ± 1.5 -272.8 ± 1.5 -238.3 ± 1.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 263.15 -647.3 ± 3.0 -2.3 97-hur/sch 333.15 -357.3 ± 2.0 -0.6 273.15 -588.8 ± 3.0 -0.7 97-hur/sch 343.15 -330.9 ± 1.5 -0.1 283.15 -535.7 ± 3.0 2.0 97-hur/sch 343.15 -331.5 ± 1.5 -0.7 283.15 -537.7 ± 3.0 0.0 97-hur/sch 353.15 -307.3 ± 1.5 0.1 293.15 -491.5 ± 2.5 1.4 97-hur/sch 353.15 -308.1 ± 1.5 -0.7 293.15 -492.7 ± 2.5 0.2 97-hur/sch 363.15 -285.8 ± 1.5 0.4 303.15 -452.1 ± 2.5 1.0 97-hur/sch 363.15 -286.8 ± 1.5 -0.7 303.15 -453.0 ± 2.5 0.1 97-hur/sch 373.15 -266.1 ± 1.5 0.8 313.15 -417.0 ± 2.0 0.4 97-hur/sch 373.15 -267.4 ± 1.5 -0.5 313.15 -417.5 ± 2.0 -0.1 97-hur/sch 383.15 -249.5 ± 1.5 -0.1 323.15 -385.3 ± 2.0 0.1 97-hur/sch 393.15 -233.1 ± 1.0 0.3 333.15 -356.8 ± 2.0 -0.1 97-hur/sch Further reference: [92-sal/wan]. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch 97-hur/sch
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
MW = 26.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 7.8931 ⋅ 102 + 5.2035 ⋅ 105/(T/K) – 1.0229 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 + 1.2008 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 T/K 200 210 220 230
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -595 ± 30 -501 ± 30 -425 ± 30 -362 ± 30
T/K 240 250 260 270
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -310 ± 25 -268 ± 25 -233 ± 10 -204 ± 10
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -181 ± 5 -162 ± 5 -147 ± 5 -135 ± 5
T/K 280 290 300 310
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 199.63 -572 ± 11 27 37-sch 232.96 -381 ± 8 -35 201.66 -566 ± 11 12 37-sch 235.68 -369 ± 7 -38 203.09 -550 ± 11 14 37-sch 237.07 -361 ± 7 -37 205.04 -532 ± 11 13 37-sch 237.64 -358 ± 7 -36 206.98 -518 ± 10 10 37-sch 238.92 -352 ± 7 -37 209.56 -503 ± 10 2 37-sch 240.24 -343 ± 7 -34 211.71 -479 ± 10 8 37-sch 242.71 -334 ± 7 -36 218.15 -454 ± 9 -16 37-sch 245.27 -328 ± 7 -41 219.42 -446 ± 9 -17 37-sch 248.96 -320 ± 6 -48 221.45 -436 ± 9 -21 37-sch 273.15 -258 ± 5 -62 222.90 -426 ± 9 -21 37-sch 273.20 -191 ± 1 5 224.21 -414 ± 8 -17 37-sch 293.20 -158 ± 1 -1 225.98 -406 ± 8 -20 37-sch 313.20 -133 ± 1 -1 230.57 -390 ± 8 -31 37-sch _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Bexp ± δB Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -987 ± 100 55-fog/lam 333.15 -850 ± 90 55-fog/lam _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Bexp ± δB Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -1038 ± 100 55-fog/lam 333.15 -920 ± 90 55-fog/lam _________
T K 353.15 _________
T K 353.15 373.15 _________
37-sch 37-sch 37-sch 37-sch 37-sch 37-sch 37-sch 37-sch 37-sch 37-sch 58-bot/ree-1 58-bot/ree-1 58-bot/ree-1
MW = 96.94
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -733 ± 70
C2H2Cl2 Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -816 ± 80 -723 ± 70
MW = 96.94
55-fog/lam 55-fog/lam
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 199.7 -315.83 ± 0.32 72-gop/dor _________
T K 209.2 _________
MW = 30.07
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -286.73 ± 0.34
MW = 30.07
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.3165 ⋅ 102 + 5.8035 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 1.8920 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -314.5 ± 3.0 -284.3 ± 3.0
T/K 200 210
T/K 225 250
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -247.4 ± 2.5 -202.2 ± 2.0
T/K 270
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -176.2 ± 2.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 199.7 -315.58 ± 0.32 -0.12 72-gop/dor 233.2 -231.37 ± 0.37 -0.67 72-gop/dor 209.2 -286.60 ± 0.34 -0.05 72-gop/dor 248.2 -205.41 ± 0.40 -0.45 72-gop/dor 224.0 -248.64 ± 0.36 1.00 72-gop/dor 273.2 -172.42 ± 0.42 0.30 72-gop/dor _________
MW = 64.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.4779 ⋅ 102 − 9.3050 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 2.3775 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -195 ± 15 -183 ± 10 -172 ± 10
T/K 295 305 315
T/K 330 345 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -156 ± 10 -142 ± 10 -129 ± 5
T/K 380 400 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -114 ± 5 -100 ± 2 -87 ± 2
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 1) 293.15 -218.0 ± 40.0 -20.7 55-fog/lam 333.15 -144.0 ± 35.0 8.9 298.15 -190.0 ± 10.0 1.1 71-haw/sut({) 343.15 -145.0 ± 15.0 -1.4 303.15 -190.0 ± 20.0 -5.0 55-mea/sta(
) 353.15 -117.0 ± 30.0 17.8 313.15 -177.0 ± 40.0 -3.4 55-fog/lam1) 373.00 -118.9 ± 0.3 -0.1 313.15 -174.0 ± 10.0 -0.4 71-haw/sut({) 373.00 -118.8 ± 0.5 0.0 323.15 -167.0 ± 15.0 -4.1 55-mea/sta(
) 373.15 -95.0 ± 25.0 23.7 328.15 -154.0 ± 10.0 3.9 71-haw/sut({) 398.00 -100.3 ± 0.7 0.7 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 55-fog/lam1) 55-mea/sta(
) 55-fog/lam1) 92-kos/leh(×) 92-kos/leh(×) 55-fog/lam1) 92-kos/leh(×) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1-Difluoroethene (cont.) Table 2 (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 398.00 -100.2 ± 1.2 0.8 423.00 -85.8 ± 1.1 -0.3 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-kos/leh(×) 92-kos/leh(×)
T K 423.00 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) -86.5 ± 1.2 -1.0 92-kos/leh(×) ______________________________________
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 280
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
MW = 102.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.7312 ⋅ 102 − 3.9708 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 1.2445 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 2.4785 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 240 250 260 275
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -913.7 ± 2.0 -810.2 ± 1.5 -723.3 ± 1.5 -617.0 ± 1.5
T/K 290 310 330 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -532.6 ± 1.0 -444.8 ± 1.0 -377.0 ± 1.0 -300.9 ± 1.0
T/K 390 430 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -244.6 ± 1.0 -189.0 ± 1.0 -147.1 ± 1.0
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (cont.) 40
( B exp - B calc )/cm
10 0 -10 -20 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 235.00 -970.2 ± 2.0 2.7 90-goo/mol(
) 313.15 -429.9 ± 17.0 3.0 245.00 -857.3 ± 1.7 2.4 90-goo/mol(
) 320.00 -408.7 ± 0.8 0.1 260.00 -721.9 ± 1.4 1.4 90-goo/mol(
) 320.00 -408.5 ± 0.5 0.3 260.00 -723.4 ± 11.0 -0.1 95-bec/koh({) 320.00 -415.1 ± 6.5 -6.3 275.00 -616.4 ± 1.2 0.6 90-goo/mol(
) 320.00 -407.0 ± 4.0 1.8 280.00 -593.0 ± 9.0 -6.3 95-bec/koh({) 323.15 -397.5 ± 16.0 0.9 290.00 -532.5 ± 0.1 0.1 90-goo/mol(
) 330.00 -376.7 ± 0.8 0.3 290.00 -536.7 ± 2.0 -4.1 93-big/dun-1(▲) 330.00 -377.6 ± 0.5 -0.6 290.00 -530.6 ± 5.0 2.0 96-web(z) 330.00 -375.5 ± 4.0 1.6 293.15 -506.9 ± 20.0 10.2 333.15 -367.1 ± 15.0 0.7 92-til/bae(×) 296.15 -506.0 ± 4.0 -3.0 92-sch/hau1) 340.00 -348.3 ± 0.7 0.5 300.00 -485.7 ± 1.0 0.0 90-goo/mol(
) 340.00 -348.8 ± 0.5 0.0 300.00 -485.3 ± 2.0 0.4 93-big/dun-1(▲) 340.00 -353.0 ± 5.0 -4.2 300.00 -493.1 ± 7.5 -7.4 95-bec/koh({) 340.00 -347.4 ± 3.5 1.4 300.00 -483.5 ± 5.0 2.2 96-web(z) 343.15 -339.6 ± 15.0 1.0 303.15 -466.3 ± 18.0 5.9 350.00 -322.3 ± 3.0 1.3 92-til/bae(×) 310.00 -444.7 ± 1.0 0.1 90-goo/mol(
) 353.15 -316.4 ± 14.0 -0.3 310.00 -443.0 ± 2.0 1.8 93-big/dun-1(▲) 353.15 -318.0 ± 7.0 -1.9 310.00 -442.6 ± 4.5 2.2 96-web(z) 360.00 -300.0 ± 0.7 0.9 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
_ _____________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-til/bae(×) 90-goo/mol(
) 92-qia/sat() 95-bec/koh({) 96-web(z) 92-til/bae(×) 90-goo/mol(
) 92-qia/sat() 96-web(z) 92-til/bae(×) 90-goo/mol(
) 92-qia/sat() 95-bec/koh({) 96-web(z) 92-til/bae(×) 96-web(z) 92-til/bae(×) 92-sch/hau1) 90-goo/mol(
) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 360.00 -302.9 ± 4.5 -2.0 360.00 -299.6 ± 3.0 1.3 363.15 -293.9 ± 13.0 0.3 373.15 -273.9 ± 12.0 0.4 378.15 -264.5 ± 12.0 0.5 380.00 -260.6 ± 0.6 1.1 380.00 -261.8 ± 4.0 -0.1 383.15 -255.0 ± 11.0 1.2 393.15 -238.6 ± 11.0 1.0 400.00 -228.0 ± 0.5 1.0 400.00 -227.8 ± 3.5 1.2 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 95-bec/koh({) 96-web(z) 92-til/bae(×) 92-til/bae(×) 92-til/bae(×) 90-goo/mol(
) 95-bec/koh({) 92-til/bae(×) 92-til/bae(×) 90-goo/mol(
) 95-bec/koh({)
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 290.0 -511.2 ± 2.0 93-big/dun-1 300.0 -468.5 ± 2.0 93-big/dun-1 _________
T K 310.0 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 293.15 -699 ± 80 55-fog/lam 313.15 -627 ± 70 55-fog/lam 333.15 -562 ± 60 55-fog/lam _________
T K 403.15 413.15 413.15 420.00 420.00 423.15 433.15 440.00 443.15 453.15 473.15 _________
T K 353.15 373.15
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) -223.7 ± 10.0 0.7 92-til/bae(×) -209.3 ± 9.0 1.1 92-til/bae(×) -213.0 ± 8.0 -2.6 92-sch/hau1) -200.6 ± 0.4 0.8 90-goo/mol(
) -199.2 ± 3.0 2.2 95-bec/koh({) -195.6 ± 9.0 1.8 92-til/bae(×) -184.5 ± 8.0 0.8 92-til/bae(×) -177.4 ± 0.3 0.1 90-goo/mol(
) -172.7 ± 8.0 1.3 92-til/bae(×) -162.0 ± 7.0 1.5 92-til/bae(×) -148.0 ± 9.0 -3.8 92-sch/hau1) ______________________________________
MW = 102.03
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -427.9 ± 2.0
MW = 106.95
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -504 ± 50 -452 ± 50
55-fog/lam 55-fog/lam
MW = 62.50
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.1740 ⋅ 102 – 1.9450 ⋅ 105/(T/K) T/K 295 305
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -442 ± 30 -420 ± 30
T/K 320 335
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -390 ± 30 -363 ± 30
T/K 350 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -338 ± 30 -308 ± 30 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Chloroethene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 293.15 -421 ± 50 25 55-fog/lam 333.15 -359 ± 50 7 298.15 -446 ± 25 -11 74-hay/lau 348.15 -351 ± 25 -10 313.15 -389 ± 50 15 55-fog/lam 353.15 -331 ± 50 2 323.15 -412 ± 25 -28 74-hay/lau 373.15 -305 ± 50 -1 _________
55-fog/lam 74-hay/lau 55-fog/lam 55-fog/lam
MW = 100.49
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 1.3226 ⋅ 102 + 5.4763 ⋅ 104/(T/K) – 1.8750 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 – 1.2520 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1014 ± 25 -911 ± 25 -783 ± 20 -680 ± 20
T/K 250 260 275 290
T/K 310 330 370 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -571 ± 15 -487 ± 15 -368 ± 10 -308 ± 10
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -264 ± 10 -221 ± 10
T/K 430 470
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 248.15 -1038.0 ± 10.0 -2.6 91-sch/web(
) 353.15 -452.0 ± 40.0 -40.2 258.15 -930.0 ± 9.0 -0.8 91-sch/web(
) 353.15 -425.0 ± 9.0 -13.2 270.00 -793.4 ± 12.0 29.3 370.00 -367.3 ± 5.5 1.1 95-bec/koh(×) 273.15 -799.0 ± 8.0 -1.6 91-sch/web(
) 373.15 -382.0 ± 35.0 -20.9 290.00 -664.8 ± 10.0 14.9 390.00 -323.3 ± 5.0 2.9 95-bec/koh(×) 296.15 -652.0 ± 6.0 -8.9 91-sch/web(
) 393.15 -320.0 ± 30.0 0.3 296.15 -642.0 ± 6.0 1.1 92-sch/hau({) 410.00 -286.3 ± 4.5 5.6 310.00 -564.5 ± 8.5 6.5 413.15 -263.0 ± 25.0 24.1 95-bec/koh(×) 330.00 -484.7 ± 7.0 2.2 413.15 -299.0 ± 10.0 -11.9 95-bec/koh(×) 350.00 -420.2 ± 6.0 0.7 473.15 -223.0 ± 11.0 -4.5 95-bec/koh(×) 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 55-mea/sta1) 92-sch/hau({) 95-bec/koh(×) 55-mea/sta1) 95-bec/koh(×) 55-mea/sta1) 95-bec/koh(×) 55-mea/sta1) 92-sch/hau({) 92-sch/hau({)
MW = 116.95
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0027 ⋅ 103 – 9.5773 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 2.6408 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 – 4.5992 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 265 275 290
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1322 ± 20 -1199 ± 15 -1046 ± 15
T/K 305 325 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -920 ± 10 -784 ± 10 -675 ± 10
T/K 370 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -565 ± 7 -476 ± 4
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 260.00 -1388 ± 20 3 91-goo/mol 358.15 -614 ± 8 0 270.00 -1259 ± 18 -1 91-goo/mol 363.14 -592 ± 8 0 285.00 -1096 ± 15 -3 91-goo/mol 368.17 -572 ± 7 0 300.00 -962 ± 13 -3 91-goo/mol 373.18 -552 ± 6 0 315.00 -841 ± 10 7 91-goo/mol 378.15 -534 ± 5 0 333.15 -738 ± 10 -2 91-goo/mol 383.15 -516 ± 5 0 338.14 -711 ± 10 -1 91-goo/mol 388.17 -498 ± 4 0 343.13 -685 ± 10 -1 91-goo/mol 393.15 -482 ± 4 0 348.15 -660 ± 9 -1 91-goo/mol 400.00 -460 ± 5 0 353.15 -636 ± 9 0 91-goo/mol _________
91-goo/mol 91-goo/mol 91-goo/mol 91-goo/mol 91-goo/mol 91-goo/mol 91-goo/mol 91-goo/mol 97-dua/hwa
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
MW = 133.40
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 6.5521 ⋅ 102 − 6.0452 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1234 ± 50 -1177 ± 50
T/K 320 330
T/K 350 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1072 ± 35 -979 ± 20
T/K 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -875 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 315.45 -1266 ± 50 -5 73-and/cou 354.85 -1067 ± 20 -19 334.65 -1125 ± 50 26 73-and/cou 375.13 -972 ± 18 -16 347.22 -1034 ± 50 52 73-and/cou 398.98 -847 ± 21 13 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 293.15 -299 ± 40 55-fog/lam 313.15 -247 ± 40 55-fog/lam 333.15 -204 ± 35 55-fog/lam _________
T K 353.15 373.15 _________
64-per/dia 64-per/dia 64-per/dia
MW = 46.04
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -168 ± 30 -138 ± 25
55-fog/lam 55-fog/lam
MW = 84.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 7.0822 ⋅ 102 − 6.8308 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 2.0059 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 2.8667 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -615 ± 6 -553 ± 5 -479 ± 5 -419 ± 4
T/K 255 265 280 295
T/K 310 330 350 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -370 ± 4 -317 ± 3 -275 ± 3 -239 ± 3
T/K 390 410 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -208 ± 3 -180 ± 3 -150 ± 3
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 250.00 -650.4 ± 10.0 -1.0 95-bec/koh(
) 280.00 -484.1 ± 18.0 -5.4 250.01 -646.3 ± 6.0 3.0 97-gil() 283.15 -465.7 ± 4.5 -0.6 260.00 -600.3 ± 32.0 -17.6 95-giu/kum({) 289.96 -441.9 ± 4.0 -4.2 270.00 -532.3 ± 9.0 -5.7 95-bec/koh(
) 290.00 -437.7 ± 2.0 -0.2 276.15 -497.3 ± 5.0 -1.0 -4.9 96-web/def-2(×) 290.00 -442.4 ± 7.0 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 95-giu/kum({) 96-web/def-2(×) 97-gil() 93-big/dun-1(▲) 95-bec/koh(
) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1,1-Trifluoroethane (cont.) 30
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 293.15 -426.1 ± 4.0 -0.4 96-web/def-2(×) 300.00 -400.8 ± 2.0 0.9 93-big/dun-1(▲) 300.00 -397.7 ± 18.0 4.0 95-giu/kum({) 303.15 -391.7 ± 4.0 -0.4 96-web/def-2(×) 310.00 -367.7 ± 2.0 2.5 93-big/dun-1(▲) 310.00 -372.4 ± 6.0 -2.2 95-bec/koh(
) 313.15 -361.4 ± 3.5 -0.3 96-web/def-2(×) 319.44 -347.0 ± 3.5 -3.2 97-gil() 320.00 -332.3 ± 14.0 10.1 95-giu/kum({) 320.00 -345.5 ± 20.0 -3.1 95-zha/sat() 323.15 -299.0 ± 30.0 35.2 55-mea/sta1) 323.15 -334.5 ± 3.5 -0.3 96-web/def-2(×) 330.00 -316.8 ± 4.5 0.7 95-bec/koh(
) 330.00 -320.4 ± 20.0 -2.9 95-zha/sat() 333.15 -310.4 ± 3.0 -0.3 96-web/def-2(×) 339.91 -297.6 ± 3.0 -2.4 97-gil() 340.00 -282.2 ± 12.0 12.8 95-giu/kum({) 340.00 -295.7 ± 18.0 -0.7 95-zha/sat() 343.15 -253.0 ± 25.0 35.4 55-mea/sta1) _________
T K 343.15 350.00 350.00 353.15 353.15 359.98 360.00 360.00 363.15 363.15 363.15 370.00 370.00 373.15 373.15 380.00 380.00 380.00 383.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -288.6 ± 3.0 -0.2 -271.9 ± 4.0 2.7 -274.1 ± 15.0 0.5 -268.7 ± 3.0 -0.2 -262.5 ± 5.0 6.0 -258.1 ± 2.5 -2.2 -243.2 ± 10.0 12.7 -257.0 ± 12.0 -1.1 -212.0 ± 20.0 38.3 -250.4 ± 2.5 -0.1 -238.5 ± 5.0 11.8 -235.2 ± 3.5 3.5 -239.5 ± 11.0 -0.8 -233.5 ± 2.5 0.0 -233.1 ± 5.0 0.4 -212.5 ± 8.0 10.2 -224.1 ± 10.0 -1.4 -225.6 ± 2.0 -2.9 -205.7 ± 5.0 12.2 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 96-web/def-2(×) 95-bec/koh(
) 95-zha/sat() 96-web/def-2(×) 97-nak/fuj1) 97-gil() 95-giu/kum({) 95-zha/sat() 55-mea/sta1) 96-web/def-2(×) 97-nak/fuj1) 95-bec/koh(
) 95-zha/sat() 96-web/def-2(×) 97-nak/fuj1) 95-giu/kum({) 95-zha/sat() 97-gil() 97-nak/fuj1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1,1-Trifluoroethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 390.00 -204.6 ± 3.0 3.1 393.15 -192.2 ± 5.0 11.0 399.98 -198.3 ± 2.0 -4.6 400.00 -188.1 ± 7.0 5.6 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 95-bec/koh(
) 97-nak/fuj1) 97-gil() 95-giu/kum({)
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 300.0 -599.9 ± 2.0 93-big/dun-1 _________
T K 403.15 410.00 420.00 440.00 _________
T K 310.0 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -173.4 ± 5.0 16.1 -179.0 ± 2.5 1.5 -168.5 ± 7.0 -0.5 -152.6 ± 8.0 -7.9 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 97-nak/fuj1) 95-bec/koh(
) 95-giu/kum({) 95-giu/kum({)
MW = 84.04
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -537.7 ± 2.0
MW = 100.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 9.3328 ⋅ 102 + 1.1326 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 4.0064 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -838 ± 12 -762 ± 11
T/K 365 375
T/K 385 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -694 ± 10 -606 ± 9
T/K 415
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -530 ± 8
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 360.0 -878.7 ± 13.0 -0.1 95-bec/koh 400.0 -605.9 ± 9.0 -0.1 370.0 -798.7 ± 12.0 0.1 95-bec/koh 410.0 -554.3 ± 8.0 -0.1 380.0 -727.2 ± 11.0 0.1 95-bec/koh 420.0 -507.8 ± 8.0 0.1 390.0 -663.3 ± 10.0 0.0 95-bec/koh _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -974 ± 100 55-fog/lam 333.15 -878 ± 90 55-fog/lam _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 353.15 373.15 _________
C2H3I Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -791 ± 80 -713 ± 70
95-bec/koh 95-bec/koh 95-bec/koh
MW = 153.95
55-fog/lam 55-fog/lam
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
MW = 41.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.6936 ⋅ 103 − 6.0221 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 3.2337 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 6.6701 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 320 335 350 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -3902 ± 390 -3210 ± 320 -2672 ± 270 -2130 ± 215
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1573 ± 160 -1212 ± 120 -905 ± 110 -710 ± 100
T/K 400 430 470 510
T/K 550 590 630 670
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -575 ± 90 -471 ± 70 -385 ± 50 -309 ± 35
500 300 200
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 300
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure. Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -5250 ± 100 -968 60-pra/car1) 340.10 -2990 ± 50 22 324.40 -4010 ± 50 -329 49-lam/rob1) 340.40 -3000 ± 50 1 325.60 -3810 ± 50 -187 49-lam/rob1) 350.90 -2660 ± 50 -16 332.80 -3130 ± 50 171 49-lam/rob1) 351.00 -2820 ± 50 -179 333.15 -3620 ± 40 -333 60-pra/car(
) 351.20 -2540 ± 50 95 333.60 -3120 ± 50 148 49-lam/rob1) 351.50 -2470 ± 50 155 333.80 -3210 ± 50 50 49-lam/rob1) 351.70 -2280 ± 45 339 334.90 -3090 ± 50 125 49-lam/rob1) 351.70 -2550 ± 45 69 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 49-lam/rob1) 49-lam/rob1) 49-lam/rob1) 49-lam/rob1) 49-lam/rob1) 49-lam/rob1) 49-lam/rob1) 49-lam/rob1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Acetonitrile (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 353.25 -2610 ± 40 -38 60-pra/car(
) 405.40 -1480 ± 40 17 49-lam/rob1) 1) 364.60 -2240 ± 45 20 49-lam/rob 405.60 -1410 ± 40 84 49-lam/rob1) 364.70 -2080 ± 45 177 49-lam/rob1) 423.15 -1243 ± 45 39 94-war({) 368.50 -1940 ± 45 225 49-lam/rob1) 423.15 -1238 ± 45 43 94-war({) 373.50 -1880 ± 40 171 49-lam/rob1) 433.15 -1156 ± 43 26 94-war({) 373.65 -1930 ± 40 118 60-pra/car(
) 443.15 -1071 ± 41 23 94-war({) 382.80 -1740 ± 40 122 49-lam/rob1) 443.15 -1075 ± 41 19 94-war({) 393.20 -1520 ± 40 159 49-lam/rob1) 463.15 -940 ± 39 7 94-war({) 395.10 -1550 ± 40 98 49-lam/rob1) 573.15 -515 ± 25 -3 75-fra/fra2)(×) 403.15 -1444 ± 49 84 94-war({) 623.15 -395 ± 25 4 75-fra/fra2)(×) 1) 404.20 -1480 ± 40 33 49-lam/rob 673.15 -305 ± 25 -2 75-fra/fra2)(×) 1) Not included in Fig.1. 2) Uncertainty was doubled in the fitting analysis. Further references: [50-iwa, 60-bro/smi, 71-zaa/kol, 72-kol/moz, 89-olf/sch, 93-dem/koh]. _________
MW = 28.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 8.7776 ⋅ 10 − 6.0061 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 1.2857 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 − 1.0861 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -316.1 ± 3.0 -286.4 ± 3.0 -260.7 ± 2.5 -228.2 ± 2.0 -201.4 ± 1.0
T/K 200 210 220 235 250
T/K 270 290 320 350 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -172.2 ± 1.0 -148.6 ± 0.5 -120.5 ± 0.5 -98.7 ± 0.5 -81.2 ± 0.5
T/K 410 440 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -66.8 ± 0.5 -54.8 ± 0.5 -44.7 ± 0.5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 198.77 -314.6 ± 6.3 5.5 40-rop1) 243.60 -212.7 ± 2.0 -0.5 199.70 -317.4 ± 0.3 -0.3 72-gop/dor1) 247.10 -206.5 ± 1.5 -0.3 209.20 -288.5 ± 0.3 0.1 72-gop/dor1) 248.15 -203.5 ± 0.7 1.0 223.15 -249.2 ± 1.0 4.1 81-lev/has() 248.20 -206.5 ± 0.4 -2.2 223.22 -250.9 ± 5.0 2.2 40-rop1) 251.10 -199.9 ± 1.5 -0.3 223.23 -250.5 ± 5.0 2.6 40-rop1) 253.15 -195.5 ± 0.7 0.9 224.00 -250.5 ± 0.4 0.8 72-gop/dor1) 253.15 -194.7 ± 1.0 1.7 233.15 -228.8 ± 1.0 3.1 81-lev/has() 254.30 -194.9 ± 1.5 -0.3 233.20 -233.0 ± 0.4 -1.2 72-gop/dor1) 256.97 -202.8 ± 4.0 -12.3 238.15 -220.9 ± 0.7 1.3 256.97 -207.2 ± 2.6 -16.7 76-dou/har(×) 243.15 -212.0 ± 0.7 1.0 258.15 -188.1 ± 0.7 0.6 76-dou/har(×) 243.15 -211.6 ± 1.0 1.4 81-lev/has() 258.90 -188.1 ± 1.5 -0.5 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 76-lee1) 76-lee1) 76-dou/har(×) 72-gop/dor1) 76-lee1) 76-dou/har(×) 81-lev/has() 76-lee1) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 76-dou/har(×) 76-lee1) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Ethene (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 263.15 -172.8 ± 0.3 8.7 263.15 -180.9 ± 0.7 0.6 263.15 -180.6 ± 1.0 0.9 266.60 -177.5 ± 1.5 -0.8 268.15 -174.1 ± 0.7 0.6 268.87 -186.2 ± 4.0 -12.5 268.87 -187.6 ± 4.0 -13.9 270.40 -172.6 ± 1.0 -0.9 271.80 -176.3 ± 18.0 -6.5 273.06 -170.1 ± 17.0 -1.8 273.15 -162.9 ± 5.0 5.3 273.15 -162.4 ± 2.0 5.8 273.15 -181.1 ± 3.6 -12.9 273.15 -170.7 ± 3.4 -2.5 273.15 -167.8 ± 3.0 0.4 273.15 -161.4 ± 0.3 6.8 273.15 -156.3 ± 3.0 11.9 273.15 -168.3 ± 3.0 -0.1 273.15 -167.6 ± 0.6 0.6 273.15 -167.7 ± 0.2 0.5 273.15 -167.5 ± 1.0 0.6 273.16 -166.4 ± 3.0 1.7 273.20 -173.1 ± 0.4 -5.0 273.80 -168.3 ± 1.0 -1.0 278.15 -161.6 ± 0.6 0.4 278.80 -162.2 ± 1.0 -1.0 279.15 -160.8 ± 3.0 0.0 282.35 -156.7 ± 0.6 0.4 282.60 -155.7 ± 8.0 1.1 282.60 -152.8 ± 3.0 4.0 283.10 -157.2 ± 1.0 -1.0 283.15 -150.9 ± 0.3 5.3 283.15 -144.9 ± 3.0 11.3 283.15 -155.7 ± 0.6 0.5 283.15 -155.8 ± 2.1 0.4 283.15 -155.5 ± 8.8 0.7 283.33 -165.4 ± 17.0 -9.5 283.65 -154.6 ± 3.0 1.0 285.65 -152.3 ± 3.0 1.0 288.15 -150.3 ± 0.6 0.3 288.15 -150.3 ± 2.0 0.3 288.70 -142.1 ± 3.0 7.9 288.80 -150.7 ± 1.0 -0.8 289.15 -148.4 ± 3.0 1.1 290.00 -147.1 ± 1.5 1.5 292.60 -146.5 ± 1.0 -0.7 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 64-but/dad1) 2) 76-dou/har(×) 81-lev/has() 76-lee1) 76-dou/har(×) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 76-lee1) 27-cro/wat1) 27-cro/wat1) 27-cro/wat1) 36-mic/gru1) 40-rop1) 40-rop1) 42-mic/gel(
) 64-but/dad1) 2) 66-tho/zan1) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 79-wax/dav(z) 81-lev/has() 74-pom/spu1) 72-gop/dor1) 76-lee1) 76-dou/har(×) 76-lee1) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 76-lee1) 64-but/dad1) 2) 66-tho/zan1) 76-dou/har(×) 90-ach/bos1) 93-mce/fan1) 27-cro/wat1) 75-tra/was({) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 90-ach/bos1) 61-mas/eak1) 76-lee1) 75-tra/was({) 92-bel/big1) 76-lee1)
T K 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.34 294.15 295.20 296.70 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.16 298.18 298.20 298.32 298.32 299.65 299.80 300.00 303.00 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 310.00 310.00 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.16 318.04 318.04 323.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -136.7 ± 3.0 8.6 -144.2 ± 3.0 1.1 -144.9 ± 0.6 0.4 -145.3 ± 2.0 0.0 -144.6 ± 3.4 0.7 -146.3 ± 3.5 -1.0 -144.6 ± 8.2 0.7 -152.5 ± 15.0 -7.5 -153.5 ± 5.0 -9.3 -147.0 ± 5.0 -3.9 -147.3 ± 0.5 -5.7 -135.8 ± 1.0 4.4 -140.6 ± 3.0 -0.4 -140.3 ± 3.0 -0.1 -145.6 ± 4.8 -5.4 -152.5 ± 5.0 -12.3 -139.3 ± 3.0 0.9 -139.8 ± 0.6 0.4 -139.8 ± 0.2 0.4 -140.2 ± 2.4 0.0 -140.6 ± 0.4 -0.4 -140.4 ± 0.5 -0.2 -140.2 ± 1.9 0.0 -138.3 ± 2.5 1.9 -147.6 ± 15.0 -7.4 -138.9 ± 3.4 1.2 -139.7 ± 4.0 0.3 -142.2 ± 1.3 -2.2 -134.8 ± 0.3 3.9 -145.0 ± 4.0 -6.4 -136.5 ± 1.5 1.9 -135.2 ± 1.9 0.3 -128.5 ± 3.0 6.8 -134.5 ± 3.0 0.8 -135.0 ± 0.6 0.3 -134.7 ± 7.7 0.6 -128.5 ± 0.6 0.6 -126.5 ± 1.5 2.6 -123.3 ± 0.3 3.0 -120.7 ± 2.0 5.6 -116.1 ± 2.3 10.2 -126.0 ± 7.3 0.3 -120.5 ± 6.0 5.8 -123.1 ± 6.0 -1.0 -123.2 ± 6.0 -1.1 -113.7 ± 1.0 4.3 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 66-tho/zan1) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 90-ach/bos1) 91-lop/roz1) 91-lop/roz1) 93-mce/fan1) 27-cro/wat1) 27-cro/wat1) 50-bot/mas1) 72-gop/dor1) 36-mic/gru1) 42-mic/gel(
) 42-mic/gel(
) 70-lee/edm1) 70-lee/edm1) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 79-wax/dav(z) 80-pra/vis1) 81-ohg/miz1) 81-ohg/miz1) 90-ach/bos1) 74-pom/spu1) 83-leh/ran1) 81-fin/rae1) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 64-but/dad1) 2) 58-ash/hal1) 92-bel/big1) 90-ach/bos1) 66-tho/zan1) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 93-mce/fan1) 85-mol-11) 92-bel/big1) 64-but/dad1) 2) 66-tho/zan1) 67-sas/dod1) 93-mce/fan1) 74-pom/spu1) 88-hae/ker1) 88-hae/ker1) 36-mic/gru1) cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Ethene (cont.)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
2 0 -2 -4 200
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 323.15 -118.1 ± 2.0 -0.1 323.15 -118.0 ± 2.0 0.0 323.15 -115.1 ± 0.0 2.9 323.15 -113.6 ± 2.0 4.4 323.15 -120.4 ± 1.3 -2.4 323.15 -122.1 ± 2.4 -4.1 323.15 -117.0 ± 2.0 1.0 323.15 -117.7 ± 0.5 0.3 323.15 -117.6 ± 0.2 0.4 323.15 -118.5 ± 2.2 -0.5 323.15 -118.0 ± 1.7 0.0 323.15 -117.9 ± 6.9 0.1 323.16 -116.9 ± 2.0 1.1 323.20 -115.2 ± 3.2 2.7 323.28 -121.0 ± 13.0 -3.2 323.40 -124.0 ± 4.0 -6.2 333.15 -108.0 ± 0.3 2.3 333.15 -109.7 ± 6.5 0.6 337.00 -108.0 ± 4.0 -0.5 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 42-mic/gel(
) 42-mic/gel(
) 64-but/dad1) 66-tho/zan1) 70-lee/edm1) 70-lee/edm1) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 79-wax/dav(z) 80-pra/vis1) 90-ach/bos1) 93-mce/fan1) 74-pom/spu1) 81-fin/rae1) 83-leh/ran1) 58-ash/hal1) 64-but/dad1) 2) 93-mce/fan1) 58-ash/hal1)
T K 343.10 343.10 343.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.16 348.16 348.17 348.20 353.15 363.15 373.12 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -109.5 ± 2.2 -6.3 -109.7 ± 0.5 -6.5 -101.2 ± 0.3 2.0 -95.5 ± 1.0 4.4 -99.9 ± 2.0 0.0 -99.7 ± 2.0 0.2 -100.8 ± 1.1 -0.9 -101.5 ± 0.8 -1.6 -100.4 ± 2.0 -0.5 -99.7 ± 0.5 0.2 -99.9 ± 2.0 0.0 -100.0 ± 1.5 -0.1 -99.0 ± 2.0 0.9 -99.6 ± 0.2 0.3 -102.8 ± 12.0 -2.9 -98.4 ± 3.0 1.4 -95.0 ± 0.3 1.7 -88.6 ± 0.3 1.9 -82.1 ± 10.0 2.8 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 40-rop1) 72-gop/dor1) 64-but/dad1) 2) 36-mic/gru1) 42-mic/gel(
) 42-mic/gel(
) 70-lee/edm1) 70-lee/edm1) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 80-pra/vis1) 90-ach/bos1) 74-pom/spu1) 79-wax/dav 83-leh/ran1) 81-fin/rae1) 64-but/dad1) 2) 64-but/dad1) 2) 83-leh/ran1) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Ethene (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 373.15 -80.6 ± 1.0 4.2 36-mic/gru1) 398.15 -71.1 ± 1.7 1.1 373.15 -85.1 ± 2.0 -0.3 42-mic/gel(
) 398.15 -72.0 ± 0.3 0.2 373.15 -84.9 ± 2.0 -0.1 42-mic/gel(
) 398.15 -72.0 ± 0.3 0.2 373.15 -83.2 ± 0.3 1.7 64-but/dad1) 2) 398.16 -72.2 ± 1.5 0.0 373.15 -87.5 ± 4.4 -2.7 67-ku /dod1) 398.16 -72.1 ± 0.2 0.1 373.15 -84.9 ± 1.7 -0.1 67-sas/dod1) 398.20 -71.4 ± 2.7 0.8 373.15 -84.9 ± 2.0 -0.1 75-tra/was({) 423.15 -59.6 ± 1.0 1.7 373.15 -84.8 ± 0.5 0.0 423.15 -62.1 ± 1.0 -0.8 76-dou/har(×) 373.15 -84.4 ± 1.8 0.4 80-pra/vis1) 423.15 -62.3 ± 1.0 -1.0 373.15 -85.1 ± 1.4 -0.3 90-ach/bos1) 423.15 -59.8 ± 0.3 1.5 373.16 -83.6 ± 4.0 1.2 74-pom/spu1) 423.15 -61.4 ± 1.0 -0.1 373.16 -83.8 ± 4.0 1.0 74-pom/spu1) 423.15 -61.6 ± 0.4 -0.3 1) 373.16 -84.6 ± 2.0 0.2 74-pom/spu 423.15 -61.2 ± 1.6 0.1 373.16 -84.6 ± 0.2 0.2 79-wax/dav(z) 423.15 -61.9 ± 0.5 -0.6 373.20 -82.8 ± 2.8 2.0 81-fin/rae1) 423.16 -61.0 ± 1.0 0.3 398.15 -69.2 ± 1.0 3.0 36-mic/gru1) 423.17 -61.3 ± 0.2 0.0 398.15 -72.6 ± 1.0 -0.4 42-mic/gel(
) 448.15 -52.4 ± 0.4 -0.5 398.15 -72.3 ± 1.0 -0.1 42-mic/gel(
) 448.17 -52.2 ± 0.2 -0.3 398.15 -72.1 ± 1.0 0.1 75-tra/was({) 473.15 -42.9 ± 0.3 0.8 398.15 -72.3 ± 0.5 -0.1 473.15 -43.5 ± 0.3 0.2 76-dou/har(×) 1) Not included in Fig.1. 2) Weight was reduced to 0 in the fitting analysis. Further references: [33-euc/par, 82-lev/has, 82-meh/mol, 84-leh/ran]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 80-pra/vis1) 82-ohg/nak-11) 82-ohg/nak-11) 74-pom/spu1) 79-wax/dav(z) 81-fin/rae1) 36-mic/gru1) 42-mic/gel(
) 42-mic/gel(
) 64-but/dad1) 2) 75-tra/was({) 76-dou/har(×) 80-pra/vis1) 84-ohg/sak1) 74-pom/spu1) 79-wax/dav(z) 76-dou/har(×) 79-wax/dav(z) 64-but/dad1) 2) 84-ohg/sak1)
MW = 98.96
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 5.2377 ⋅ 102 + 4.5869 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.9557 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 335 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -897 ± 35 -837 ± 33
T/K 360 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -759 ± 30 -671 ± 26
T/K 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -568 ± 22
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 334.6 -901.0 ± 35.0 -1.3 75-rui/bur 392.6 -617.0 ± 26.5 7.2 75-rui/bur 353.0 -788.0 ± 31.6 5.8 75-rui/bur 412.5 -563.0 ± 24.9 -1.9 75-rui/bur 373.6 -707.0 ± 29.2 -9.9 75-rui/bur _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
MW = 98.96
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 9.0835 ⋅ 102 − 1.2761 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 5.2426 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 1.0654 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -844 ± 110 -787 ± 85 -713 ± 85 -650 ± 65
T/K 365 375 390 405
T/K 420 440 460 490
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -596 ± 50 -535 ± 50 -483 ± 40 -418 ± 25
T/K 530 575
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -349 ± 20 -286 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 364.8 -843.5 ± 23.9 1.3 71-boh/man 484.1 -425.8 ± 15.5 3.9 398.5 -678.4 ± 20.6 -2.3 71-boh/man 508.9 -384.6 ± 14.7 -1.3 407.5 -639.5 ± 19.8 1.0 71-boh/man 511.7 -381.7 ± 14.6 -3.3 420.9 -595.1 ± 18.9 -2.1 71-boh/man 531.3 -346.2 ± 13.9 0.5 451.9 -503.7 ± 17.1 -0.9 71-boh/man 563.2 -304.2 ± 13.1 -3.2 471.8 -452.1 ± 16.0 3.6 71-boh/man 578.2 -278.9 ± 12.6 2.8 Further reference: [75-rui/bur]. _________
71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man
MW = 66.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.3654 ⋅ 103 − 1.4710 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 5.0537 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 6.9611 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 250 260 275 290
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -887.8 ± 20.0 -777.0 ± 15.0 -648.3 ± 10.0 -552.1 ± 8.0
T/K 310 330 350 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -457.6 ± 7.0 -388.5 ± 6.0 -335.6 ± 5.0 -274.5 ± 4.0
T/K 410 440 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -226.1 ± 3.5 -184.6 ± 3.0 -147.1 ± 2.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 233.15 -1109.0 ± 12.0 30.5 91-sch/web1) 289.95 -561.1 ± 6.0 -8.7 242.78 -934.3 ± 9.0 49.9 97-gil 290.00 -559.5 ± 5.0 -7.4 253.15 -844.0 ± 8.0 6.4 91-sch/web1) 290.00 -543.4 ± 2.0 8.7 255.00 -819.8 ± 12.0 9.7 95-bec/koh({) 290.00 -573.4 ± 8.5 -21.3 260.00 -776.7 ± 11.0 0.3 95-bec/koh({) 293.15 -536.0 ± 20.0 -0.9 270.00 -699.3 ± 10.5 -12.2 95-bec/koh({) 296.15 -534.0 ± 5.0 -14.4 273.13 -662.7 ± 7.0 -0.3 97-gil() 296.15 -528.0 ± 5.0 -8.4 273.15 -671.0 ± 7.0 -8.7 91-sch/web1) 300.00 -505.7 ± 4.0 -4.7 280.00 -632.1 ± 10.0 -18.8 95-bec/koh({) 300.00 -492.6 ± 2.0 8.4 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 97-gil() 92-bel/big(
) 93-big/dun-11) 95-bec/koh({) 92-til/bae(×) 91-sch/web1) 92-sch/hau1) 92-bel/big(
) 93-big/dun-11) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1-Difluoroethane (cont.) 30
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 300.00 -521.9 ± 8.0 -20.9 300.01 -511.1 ± 5.0 -10.2 303.15 -491.0 ± 19.0 -4.4 309.99 -468.0 ± 4.5 -10.3 310.00 -458.2 ± 3.5 -0.6 310.00 -450.8 ± 2.0 6.9 313.15 -449.6 ± 18.0 -4.2 320.00 -436.4 ± 7.0 -15.7 323.15 -414.3 ± 17.0 -4.2 329.95 -396.7 ± 4.0 -7.9 333.15 -381.0 ± 16.0 -1.6 340.00 -368.7 ± 5.5 -8.2 343.15 -337.0 ± 35.0 15.4 343.15 -354.1 ± 15.0 -1.7 349.99 -340.3 ± 3.5 -4.6 353.15 -332.0 ± 8.0 -3.6 353.15 -328.8 ± 15.0 -0.4 360.00 -311.3 ± 2.0 2.0 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 95-bec/koh({) 97-gil() 92-til/bae(×) 97-gil() 92-bel/big(
) 93-big/dun-11) 92-til/bae(×) 95-bec/koh({) 92-til/bae(×) 97-gil() 92-til/bae(×) 95-bec/koh({) 55-mea/sta1) 92-til/bae(×) 97-gil() 92-sch/hau1) 92-til/bae(×) 92-tam/sat-2()
T K 360.00 363.15 363.15 369.98 370.00 373.15 378.15 380.00 380.00 383.15 383.15 388.15 390.00 393.15 399.96 400.00 400.00 403.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -314.3 ± 4.5 -1.0 -289.0 ± 30.0 17.8 -306.6 ± 14.0 0.2 -295.0 ± 3.0 -1.9 -291.1 ± 2.0 2.0 -287.5 ± 13.0 -0.4 -277.4 ± 12.0 0.5 -271.7 ± 2.0 2.8 -270.0 ± 4.0 4.5 -245.0 ± 25.0 24.0 -268.2 ± 12.0 0.8 -259.5 ± 11.0 1.0 -254.8 ± 2.0 2.6 -251.5 ± 11.0 0.7 -242.0 ± 2.5 -0.7 -239.4 ± 2.0 1.9 -233.5 ± 3.5 7.8 -207.0 ± 20.0 29.4 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 95-bec/koh({) 55-mea/sta1) 92-til/bae(×) 97-gil() 92-tam/sat-2() 92-til/bae(×) 92-til/bae(×) 92-tam/sat-2() 95-bec/koh({) 55-mea/sta1) 92-til/bae(×) 92-til/bae(×) 92-tam/sat-2() 92-til/bae(×) 97-gil() 92-tam/sat-2() 95-bec/koh({) 55-mea/sta1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
1,1-Difluoroethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 403.15 -235.5 ± 10.0 0.9 410.00 -223.8 ± 1.0 2.3 413.15 -227.0 ± 9.0 -5.5 413.15 -221.1 ± 10.0 0.4 420.00 -210.8 ± 1.0 0.9 420.00 -203.1 ± 3.0 8.6 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-til/bae(×) 92-tam/sat-2() 92-sch/hau1) 92-til/bae(×) 92-tam/sat-2() 95-bec/koh({)
T K 423.15 430.00 433.15 440.00 473.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -208.0 ± 9.0 -0.7 -197.7 ± 1.0 0.2 -196.4 ± 9.0 -2.7 -184.8 ± 1.0 -0.2 -164.0 ± 10.0 -20.6 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-til/bae(×) 92-tam/sat-2() 92-til/bae(×) 92-tam/sat-2() 92-sch/hau1)
MW = 44.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.8626 ⋅ 103 – 3.5300 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.4489 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 – 2.2614 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1354 ± 70 -1181 ± 60 -977 ± 50
T/K 290 300 315
T/K 330 350 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -822 ± 40 -670 ± 35 -559 ± 25
T/K 400 430 475
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -440 ± 20 -355 ± 17 -257 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 288.20 -1461 ± 29 -72 41-ale/lam 333.15 -765 ± 20 30 293.20 -1295 ± 26 0 41-ale/lam 345.20 -770 ± 15 -68 297.90 -1234 ± 25 -19 41-ale/lam 353.25 -633 ± 20 17 298.20 -1206 ± 24 4 41-ale/lam 372.90 -530 ± 10 16 303.20 -1125 ± 22 8 41-ale/lam 373.65 -533 ± 20 9 308.20 -1050 ± 21 12 41-ale/lam 381.20 -550 ± 11 -41 313.15 -944 ± 20 55 60-pra/car 438.20 -320 ± 6 15 313.20 -959 ± 19 40 41-ale/lam 476.20 -260 ± 5 -5 _________
60-pra/car 41-ale/lam 60-pra/car 41-ale/lam 60-pra/car 41-ale/lam 41-ale/lam 41-ale/lam
MW = 44.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.9619 ⋅ 102 − 8.6867 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 4.5348 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 T/K 300 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -597 ± 10 -556 ± 10
T/K 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -483 ± 10
T/K 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -382 ± 10 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Oxirane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 298.15 -605 ± 35 0.3 66-str-3 348.15 -426 ± 35 1.5 66-str-3 323.15 -508 ± 35 -1.1 66-str-3 368.15 -375 ± 35 -0.7 66-str-3 _________
Ethanoic acid
MW = 60.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 5.2743 ⋅ 104 + 6.2086 ⋅ 107/(T/K) – 1.8447 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)2 T/K 475 485
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -3795 ± 400 -3153 ± 300
T/K 500 520
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2359 ± 200 -1568 ± 150
T/K 540 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1030 ± 100 -598 ± 70
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 473.65 -4057 ± 400 -167 96-bic/neu 548.33 -946 ± 95 -77 496.72 -2375 ± 240 142 96-bic/neu 574.08 -550 ± 55 18 525.34 -1314 ± 130 88 96-bic/neu 574.08 -571 ± 57 -3 Further reference: [64-sto/mar]. _________
Methyl methanoate
96-bic/neu 96-bic/neu 96-bic/neu
MW = 60.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 3.0469 ⋅ 103 + 2.3507 ⋅ 106/(T/K) – 5.2465 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 310 320 335
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -923 ± 25 -824 ± 25 -705 ± 25
T/K 350 365 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -613 ± 25 -545 ± 25 -494 ± 25
T/K 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -458 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 1) 308.15 -949 ± 25 -5.4 93-bar/mar 335.10 -705 ± 50 -0.9 313.15 -884 ± 25 6.4 93-bar/mar1) 338.15 -687 ± 25 -3.5 319.20 -840 ± 50 -8.2 59-lam/cla 342.30 -660 ± 50 -2.8 323.15 -783 ± 6 13.7 67-str-4 348.15 -621 ± 21 2.4 326.70 -760 ± 50 7.1 59-lam/cla 348.20 -640 ± 50 -16.9 333.20 -710 ± 50 7.6 59-lam/cla 351.30 -610 ± 50 -3.4 _________
59-lam/cla 93-bar/mar1) 59-lam/cla 67-str-4 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Methyl methanoate (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 367.20 -550 ± 50 -13.8 59-lam/cla 386.30 -470 ± 50 7.5 59-lam/cla 373.15 -520 ± 10 -4.8 67-str-4 396.70 -440 ± 50 15.1 59-lam/cla 378.00 -500 ± 50 -0.1 59-lam/cla 1) Uncertainty was reduced by a factor of 1.5 in the fitting analysis. _________
MW = 108.97
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0800 ⋅ 103 − 5.5106 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -788 ± 35 -757 ± 35
T/K 295 300
T/K 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -698 ± 30
T/K 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -642 ± 30
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 293.10 -795 ± 8 5 65-rae/bit-1 313.20 -669 ± 7 10 65-rae/bit-1 304.55 -815 ± 120 -86 77-svo/maj 322.65 -558 ± 84 70 77-svo/maj 311.85 -705 ± 110 -18 77-svo/maj _________
MW = 64.51
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = – 5.8568 ⋅ 102 + 7.9066 ⋅ 105/(T/K) – 3.5796 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 + 3.2306 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -731 ± 20 -650 ± 20 -578 ± 15 -495 ± 15
T/K 300 315 330 350
T/K 370 400 440 490
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -426 ± 15 -341 ± 15 -258 ± 10 -188 ± 10
T/K 540 600
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -144 ± 10 -113 ± 8
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 273.15 -1092 ± 10 -188 42-sch/foz1)2) 313.15 -642 ± 10 17 293.40 -898 ± 10 -128 42-sch/foz1)2) 313.20 -674 ± 7 -15 298.15 -737 ± 10 5 71-haw/sut({) 316.70 -659 ± 18 -18 303.20 -724 ± 7 -11 68-rae1)2) 324.20 -613 ± 17 -9 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 71-haw/sut({) 68-rae1)2) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Chloroethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 324.40 -589 ± 50 15 49-lam/rob1) 331.80 -570 ± 16 0 71-boh/man(
) 333.20 -535 ± 5 29 68-rae1)2) 334.00 -556 ± 50 4 49-lam/rob1) 344.00 -474 ± 50 45 49-lam/rob1) 344.20 -509 ± 15 9 71-boh/man(
) 348.80 -648 ± 10 -148 42-sch/foz1)2) 351.00 -473 ± 50 19 49-lam/rob1) 351.40 -511 ± 50 -21 49-lam/rob1) 351.40 -504 ± 50 -14 49-lam/rob1) 351.50 -501 ± 50 -11 49-lam/rob1) 367.70 -597 ± 10 -164 42-sch/foz1) 2) 368.20 -452 ± 50 -21 49-lam/rob1) 373.10 -552 ± 10 -136 42-sch/foz1)2) 378.90 -387 ± 13 12 71-boh/man(
) 1) Not included in Fig.1. 2) Weight was reduced to 0 in the fitting analysis. Further reference: [98-mas/war]. _________
T K 381.40 386.50 392.20 399.80 405.40 420.60 447.10 468.20 493.40 517.70 518.90 561.80 603.40 604.80 _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -388 ± 50 -358 ± 12 -373 ± 50 -324 ± 12 -346 ± 50 -281 ± 11 -243 ± 10 -213 ± 9 -185 ± 9 -163 ± 8 -163 ± 8 -132 ± 8 -108 ± 7 -106 ± 7 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 3 19 -12 18 -18 14 4 2 -1 -2 -3 -2 4 5 _____________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 49-lam/rob1) 71-boh/man(
) 49-lam/rob1) 71-boh/man(
) 49-lam/rob1) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
) 71-boh/man(
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 290 -401.2 ± 3 93-big/dun-1 300 -370.7 ± 3 93-big/dun-1 _________
T K 310 _________
MW = 48.06
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -340.8 ± 3
MW = 30.07
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0773 ⋅ 102 – 8.2548 ⋅ 104/(T/K) + 5.2387 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 – 1.9764 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -444.4 ± 4.0 -399.7 ± 3.0 -344.9 ± 3.0 -288.2 ± 2.0 -226.6 ± 2.0
T/K 195 205 220 240 270
T/K 300 330 360 400 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -182.4 ± 2.0 -149.3 ± 1.0 -123.5 ± 1.0 -96.8 ± 1.0 -76.0 ± 1.0
T/K 480 520 570 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -59.4 ± 1.0 -45.7 ± 1.0 -31.6 ± 0.5 -20.1 ± 0.5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 191.86 -498.0 ± 30.9 -38.0 33-euc/par1) 254.81 -252.3 ± 1.0 2.7 193.65 -487.0 ± 30.4 -36.0 33-euc/par1) 256.71 -258.6 ± 9.0 -7.4 199.40 -422.0 ± 2.0 1.8 74-hah/sch1) 256.71 -259.0 ± 6.0 -7.8 200.00 -419.2 ± 4.0 1.9 94-est/tru(▲) 257.09 -262.0 ± 19.1 -11.6 201.61 -446.0 ± 28.3 -32.0 33-euc/par1) 259.03 -258.0 ± 18.9 -11.4 202.17 -443.0 ± 28.2 -31.4 33-euc/par1) 259.87 -240.2 ± 3.0 4.8 209.53 -368.7 ± 4.6 13.1 73-pop/cha1) 269.19 -214.0 ± 3.0 14.0 210.80 -374.0 ± 2.0 3.0 74-hah/sch1) 269.19 -214.0 ± 2.0 14.0 211.33 -404.0 ± 26.2 -29.0 33-euc/par1) 273.15 -221.5 ± 4.0 -0.2 213.34 -395.0 ± 25.8 -27.4 33-euc/par1) 273.15 -223.4 ± 0.2 -2.2 215.00 -340.6 ± 3.0 21.1 68-hoo/nag1) 273.15 -222.2 ± 0.7 -1.0 222.58 -360.0 ± 24.0 -23.4 33-euc/par1) 273.15 -219.4 ± 0.1 1.9 223.41 -322.5 ± 15.0 11.5 95-esp/lem1) 273.15 -222.0 ± 11.1 -0.8 224.50 -354.0 ± 23.7 -23.3 33-euc/par1) 273.16 -223.0 ± 10.0 -1.8 225.00 -328.4 ± 3.0 0.8 94-est/tru(▲) 273.16 -222.2 ± 2.0 -1.0 231.40 -313.0 ± 2.0 -2.3 74-hah/sch1) 273.16 -222.8 ± 2.0 -1.6 233.41 -325.0 ± 22.3 -19.8 33-euc/par1) 273.20 -227.5 ± 17.4 -6.3 236.67 -316.0 ± 21.8 -19.4 33-euc/par1) 273.20 -221.5 ± 4.0 -0.3 238.77 -278.1 ± 0.3 13.2 73-pop/cha1) 273.20 -221.4 ± 1.0 -0.2 239.77 -281.0 ± 8.0 7.8 95-esp/lem1) 275.00 -218.0 ± 2.0 0.2 240.00 -276.5 ± 1.0 11.7 68-hoo/nag1) 280.45 -206.8 ± 2.0 2.8 244.70 -293.0 ± 20.7 -16.0 33-euc/par1) 282.84 -198.7 ± 3.0 7.3 247.00 -287.0 ± 20.4 -15.2 33-euc/par1) 282.84 -201.0 ± 6.0 5.0 250.00 -264.9 ± 2.0 0.2 94-est/tru(▲) 288.20 -203.3 ± 1.0 -5.1 251.20 -262.0 ± 2.0 0.6 74-hah/sch1) 290.00 -195.7 ± 2.0 0.0 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 73-pop/cha1) 88-haeker1) 88-haeker1) 33-euc/par1) 33-euc/par1) 95-esp/lem1) 88-haeker1) 88-haeker1) 54-mic/van(
) 68-hoo/nag1) 73-dou/har(×) 73-pop/cha1) 74-pom/spu({) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 33-euc/par1) 54-mic/van(
) 87-jae() 94-est/tru(▲) 95-esp/lem1) 88-haeker1) 88-haeker1) 69-lic/sch1) 92-bel/big1) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Ethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 291.95 -220.0 ± 40.0 -27.0 293.15 -191.1 ± 5.0 0.3 293.15 -194.1 ± 5.0 -2.8 293.15 -194.1 ± 6.0 -2.8 293.20 -190.9 ± 1.0 0.4 294.27 -204.0 ± 20.0 -14.1 296.00 -191.5 ± 1.0 -3.9 296.10 -188.0 ± 1.9 -0.6 298.14 -185.6 ± 4.0 -0.8 298.15 -185.8 ± 0.7 -1.0 298.15 -185.4 ± 1.0 -0.6 298.15 -185.8 ± 1.5 -1.0 298.15 -185.7 ± 1.5 -0.9 298.15 -185.8 ± 0.5 -1.0 298.15 -185.7 ± 0.5 -0.9 298.15 -185.7 ± 1.0 -0.9 298.15 -184.2 ± 1.7 0.6 298.16 -191.0 ± 22.6 -6.2 298.16 -187.0 ± 8.0 -2.2 298.16 -190.5 ± 10.0 -5.7 298.16 -184.9 ± 2.0 -0.1 298.16 -187.1 ± 2.0 -2.4 298.20 -184.7 ± 4.0 0.1 298.20 -183.6 ± 3.8 1.1 298.32 -184.4 ± 3.0 0.2 298.32 -184.0 ± 2.0 0.6 298.35 -184.4 ± 3.0 0.1 298.35 -181.0 ± 2.0 3.5 299.30 -190.0 ± 1.0 -6.7 299.83 -195.0 ± 20.0 -12.4 300.00 -182.6 ± 2.0 -0.2 300.00 -182.1 ± 2.0 0.3 300.00 -182.7 ± 0.0 -0.3 300.48 -180.2 ± 2.0 1.6 301.39 -190.0 ± 2.0 -9.3 303.15 -175.8 ± 2.0 2.7 303.15 -179.4 ± 0.7 -0.9 303.15 -178.9 ± 1.0 -0.4 303.20 -181.5 ± 1.0 -3.1 305.38 -185.3 ± 15.0 -9.5 305.45 -177.2 ± 2.0 -1.5 305.45 -177.0 ± 3.0 -1.3 306.06 -175.3 ± 0.6 -0.3 307.60 -172.0 ± 1.7 1.2 310.00 -168.9 ± 2.0 1.5 310.94 -164.9 ± 5.0 4.4 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 49-lam/rob1) 91-lop/roz1) 91-lop/roz1) 91-lop/roz1) 87-jae() 74-pom/spu1) 69-lic/sch1) 71-str/lic1) 54-mic/van(
) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 80-kat/oga(◆) 80-kat/oga(◆) 80-kat/oga(◆) 80-kat/oga(◆) 80-kat/oga(◆) 93-sta/hou1) 42-hir/mcc1) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu({) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 54-mic/van(
) 81-fin/rae1) 88-haeker1) 88-haeker1) 88-haeker1) 88-haeker1) 84-ker/hae1) 74-pom/spu1) 92-bel/big1) 94-est/tru(▲) 96-hou/hol1) 95-esp/lem1) 84-ker/hae1) 53-ham/mcm1) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 69-lic/sch1) 74-pom/spu1) 88-haeker1) 88-haeker1) 73-pop/cha1) 71-str/lic1) 92-bel/big1) 53-ham/mcm1)
T K 310.94 310.94 311.10 311.10 312.45 313.20 313.20 316.49 319.25 320.00 320.00 322.75 322.96 322.96 323.10 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.16 323.16 323.16 323.16 323.16 323.20 323.20 324.05 325.00 327.60 329.45 330.17 333.15 333.20 333.60 341.35 343.15 344.27 344.27 344.27 344.49 344.49 345.03 347.65 348.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -180.1 ± 15.0 -10.8 -165.8 ± 10.0 3.5 -171.4 ± 17.0 -2.2 -171.4 ± 15.0 -2.2 -166.6 ± 2.0 1.0 -168.4 ± 1.0 -1.6 -166.3 ± 1.0 0.5 -176.3 ± 10.0 -13.2 -190.0 ± 40.0 -29.8 -159.4 ± 0.2 0.0 -159.3 ± 0.0 0.1 -156.9 ± 3.0 -0.4 -155.1 ± 1.0 1.2 -155.3 ± 1.0 1.0 -156.1 ± 1.0 0.1 -146.4 ± 2.0 9.7 -144.8 ± 2.0 11.3 -156.7 ± 0.6 -0.6 -156.2 ± 1.0 0.0 -156.1 ± 1.5 0.0 -156.3 ± 0.1 -0.1 -160.0 ± 21.4 -3.9 -157.0 ± 0.7 -0.9 -159.3 ± 10.0 -3.2 -157.8 ± 1.0 -1.7 -158.3 ± 1.0 -2.2 -157.7 ± 3.0 -1.6 -154.2 ± 3.5 1.9 -157.0 ± 3.0 -1.8 -153.8 ± 2.0 0.4 -162.8 ± 10.0 -11.2 -140.0 ± 40.0 9.8 -148.7 ± 4.0 0.4 -139.9 ± 2.0 6.4 -146.1 ± 1.0 0.2 -144.3 ± 1.4 1.6 -170.0 ± 40.0 -31.2 -135.3 ± 2.0 2.0 -132.5 ± 5.0 3.8 -144.2 ± 10.0 -7.9 -134.2 ± 10.0 2.1 -137.0 ± 14.0 -0.9 -137.0 ± 15.0 -0.9 -132.0 ± 4.0 3.6 -133.3 ± 3.0 0.1 -125.0 ± 2.0 8.0 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 73-bes/rob-11) 74-pom/spu1) 95-esp/lem1) 69-lic/sch1) 87-jae() 74-pom/spu1) 49-lam/rob1) 92-web1) 96-hou/hol1) 54-mic/van(
) 88-haeker1) 88-haeker1) 69-lic/sch1) 53-ham/mcm1) 53-ham/mcm1) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 77-man/hal1) 81-man/hal1) 42-hir/mcc1) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu({) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 54-mic/van(
) 81-fin/rae1) 84-ker/hae1) 94-est/tru(▲) 74-pom/spu1) 49-lam/rob1) 95-esp/lem1) 53-ham/mcm1) 87-jae() 71-str/lic1) 49-lam/rob1) 53-ham/mcm1) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 73-bes/rob-11) 74-pom/spu1) 84-ker/hae1) 54-mic/van(
) 53-ham/mcm1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Ethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 348.15 -133.0 ± 0.6 0.0 348.15 -132.5 ± 1.0 0.5 348.15 -132.4 ± 1.5 0.6 348.15 -132.8 ± 0.2 0.2 348.16 -139.0 ± 20.6 -6.0 348.16 -136.9 ± 10.0 -3.9 348.16 -135.0 ± 1.0 -2.0 348.20 -134.9 ± 3.0 -2.0 348.20 -131.3 ± 3.3 1.7 350.00 -130.8 ± 1.0 0.7 350.75 -140.0 ± 40.0 -9.2 350.76 -130.9 ± 6.0 -0.1 353.20 -132.6 ± 3.3 -3.8 353.40 -126.2 ± 1.3 2.5 356.20 -128.8 ± 1.0 -2.3 358.15 -121.5 ± 2.0 3.4 360.94 -125.0 ± 10.0 -2.2 363.15 -115.8 ± 2.0 5.3 365.46 -117.0 ± 4.0 2.4 372.38 -107.1 ± 11.0 7.3 372.38 -107.1 ± 10.0 7.3 372.52 -114.1 ± 2.0 0.3 373.15 -111.0 ± 2.0 2.9 373.15 -113.6 ± 0.5 0.3 373.15 -113.1 ± 1.0 0.8 373.15 -111.4 ± 1.5 2.5 373.15 -113.5 ± 0.1 0.4 373.16 -122.0 ± 19.9 -8.1 373.16 -118.6 ± 10.0 -4.7 373.16 -115.5 ± 1.0 -1.6 373.20 -115.5 ± 2.0 -1.6 373.20 -111.1 ± 3.1 2.8 373.70 -111.9 ± 1.1 1.6 375.00 -111.9 ± 1.0 0.7 377.60 -110.0 ± 5.0 0.9 377.60 -110.9 ± 10.0 -0.1 377.60 -109.8 ± 10.0 1.0 383.15 -105.3 ± 2.0 1.9 392.80 -104.3 ± 3.0 -3.2 393.15 -98.3 ± 2.0 2.6 394.05 -99.6 ± 10.0 0.7 394.05 -99.6 ± 10.0 0.7 394.20 -98.7 ± 1.0 1.5 394.27 -93.0 ± 10.0 7.2 397.84 -97.7 ± 2.0 0.3 398.15 -103.3 ± 2.0 -5.4 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 77-man/hal1) 81-man/hal1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu({) 74-pom/spu1) 54-mic/van(
) 81-fin/rae1) 94-est/tru(▲) 49-lam/rob1) 95-esp/lem1) 74-sch/sch1) 71-str/lic1) 87-jae() 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu1) 53-ham/mcm1) 84-ker/hae1) 73-bes/rob-11) 74-pom/spu1) 54-mic/van(
) 53-ham/mcm1) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 77-man/hal1) 81-man/hal1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu({) 74-pom/spu1) 54-mic/van(
) 81-fin/rae1) 71-str/lic1) 94-est/tru(▲) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-sch/sch1) 53-ham/mcm1) 73-bes/rob-11) 74-pom/spu1) 71-str/lic1) 74-pom/spu1) 54-mic/van(
) 53-ham/mcm1)
T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 398.15 -97.3 ± 0.5 0.6 398.15 -96.8 ± 0.5 1.1 398.15 -98.0 ± 1.4 -0.1 398.15 -97.3 ± 0.1 0.6 398.16 -108.0 ± 19.3 -10.1 398.16 -102.3 ± 10.0 -4.4 398.16 -99.7 ± 1.0 -1.8 398.20 -99.3 ± 2.0 -1.4 398.20 -94.9 ± 3.0 2.9 410.94 -90.4 ± 5.0 0.2 410.94 -89.9 ± 8.0 0.7 413.15 -89.1 ± 2.0 0.3 413.60 -88.1 ± 0.9 1.1 422.70 -83.9 ± 2.0 0.5 423.15 -83.5 ± 2.0 0.7 423.15 -83.6 ± 0.5 0.6 423.15 -83.1 ± 0.5 1.1 423.15 -85.7 ± 1.3 -1.5 423.15 -83.9 ± 0.1 0.2 423.15 -86.3 ± 0.5 -2.1 423.16 -94.9 ± 18.8 -10.7 423.16 -88.6 ± 10.0 -4.5 423.16 -85.5 ± 1.0 -1.3 423.20 -84.9 ± 2.0 -0.8 432.10 -85.0 ± 2.9 -5.3 433.80 -78.4 ± 0.8 0.5 444.27 -74.2 ± 5.0 -0.1 444.27 -73.0 ± 5.0 1.1 448.15 -71.7 ± 0.4 0.6 448.15 -71.1 ± 0.5 1.2 448.15 -72.4 ± 1.2 -0.1 448.15 -72.0 ± 0.1 0.3 448.16 -86.1 ± 18.4 -13.8 448.16 -78.0 ± 10.0 -5.7 453.60 -69.1 ± 0.7 0.9 472.30 -68.0 ± 2.7 -5.7 473.15 -61.5 ± 0.4 0.5 473.15 -60.7 ± 0.5 1.3 473.15 -62.4 ± 1.1 -0.4 473.15 -61.8 ± 0.1 0.2 473.16 -77.9 ± 18.1 -15.9 473.16 -71.1 ± 10.0 -9.1 473.80 -62.6 ± 0.6 -0.9 477.60 -59.9 ± 5.0 0.4 477.60 -58.7 ± 5.0 1.6 493.30 -54.1 ± 0.5 0.5 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 77-man/hal1) 81-man/hal1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu({) 74-pom/spu1) 54-mic/van(
) 81-fin/rae1) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu1) 53-ham/mcm1) 71-str/lic1) 54-mic/van(
) 53-ham/mcm1) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 77-man/hal1) 81-man/hal1) 84-ohg/kan1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu({) 74-pom/spu1) 54-mic/van(
) 74-sch/sch1) 71-str/lic1) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu1) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 77-man/hal1) 81-man/hal1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu({) 71-str/lic1) 74-sch/sch1) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 77-man/hal1) 81-man/hal1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu({) 71-str/lic1) 53-ham/mcm1) 74-pom/spu1) 71-str/lic1) cont.
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Ethane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 498.15 -52.4 ± 0.4 0.5 523.16 -56.5 ± 10.0 -11.7 73-dou/har(×) 498.15 -51.7 ± 0.5 1.2 74-pom/spu({) 548.15 -37.3 ± 0.4 0.1 498.16 -71.9 ± 16.9 -19.1 42-hir/mcc1) 548.15 -36.3 ± 0.4 1.1 498.16 -63.6 ± 10.0 -10.7 74-pom/spu({) 573.15 -30.9 ± 0.4 -0.1 510.60 -54.5 ± 2.5 -5.8 74-sch/sch1) 573.15 -29.6 ± 0.4 1.3 510.94 -47.4 ± 5.0 1.2 53-ham/mcm1) 598.15 -25.0 ± 0.4 -0.1 510.94 -46.2 ± 5.0 2.4 74-pom/spu1) 598.15 -23.4 ± 0.4 1.5 523.15 -44.5 ± 0.4 0.2 623.15 -19.6 ± 0.3 -0.2 73-dou/har(×) 523.15 -43.5 ± 0.5 1.3 74-pom/spu({) 623.15 -17.9 ± 0.4 1.6 523.16 -60.0 ± 14.0 -15.3 42-hir/mcc1) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [52-dav/ham, 64-zie/kir, 66-hoo/lel, 76-str/tsu, 97-est/tru]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 74-pom/spu({) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({) 73-dou/har(×) 74-pom/spu({)
( B exp - B calc )/cm mol
-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 150
400 T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
MW = 36.12
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol K cm · mol 205.6 5.7 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 377.8 1.7 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 242.9 4.8 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 425.3 1.3 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 273.2 3.5 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 475.3 0.3 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 313.1 3.0 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch † Values given for B(C2D6) - B(C2H6) at the same temperature on the basis that ∆B = 0 cm3⋅mol-1 at 521.8 K. _________
Dimethyl ether
MW = 46.07
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 7.9769 ⋅ 102 + 5.3083 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.2938 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -578 ± 20 -528 ± 20 -485 ± 20
T/K 275 285 295
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -432 ± 20 -389 ± 15 -356 ± 15
T/K 310 325 340
T/K 355 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -329 ± 15 -308 ± 15
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
-40 -80 -120 -160 260
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Dimethyl ether (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 273.15 -613.9 ± 50.0 -25.5 33-caw/pat1) 303.15 -515.0 ± 62.0 -60.6 283.25 -531.0 ± 5.0 5.2 62-tri/dun(
) 313.15 -421.2 ± 50.0 0.7 283.25 -542.0 ± 4.0 -5.8 62-tri/dun(
) 313.15 -405.0 ± 10.0 16.9 283.25 -589.0 ± 13.0 -52.8 62-tri/dun(
) 323.15 -405.0 ± 6.0 -11.0 283.25 -591.0 ± 14.0 -54.8 62-tri/dun(
) 323.15 -411.0 ± 9.0 -17.0 294.15 -499.6 ± 50.0 -11.3 33-caw/pat1) 323.15 -505.0 ± 20.0 -111.0 298.15 -446.1 ± 1.5 26.6 41-ken/sag1) 323.15 -508.0 ± 21.0 -114.0 298.15 -489.0 ± 27.0 -16.3 323.15 -392.0 ± 17.0 2.0 70-osi/str(×) 298.15 -456.0 ± 10.0 16.7 71-haw/sut({) 328.15 -368.0 ± 10.0 13.5 303.15 -457.0 ± 11.0 -2.6 62-tri/dun(
) 348.15 -343.0 ± 14.0 -2.6 303.15 -466.0 ± 11.0 -11.6 62-tri/dun(
) 373.15 -306.0 ± 12.0 -1.7 303.15 -513.0 ± 61.0 -58.6 62-tri/dun(
) 1) Not included in Fig.1. and the weight was reduced to 0 in the fitting analysis. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-tri/dun(
) 33-caw/pat1) 71-haw/sut({) 62-tri/dun(
) 62-tri/dun(
) 62-tri/dun(
) 62-tri/dun(
) 70-osi/str(×) 71-haw/sut({) 70-osi/str(×) 70-osi/str(×)
MW = 46.07
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 9.6838 ⋅ 103 − 1.3575 ⋅ 107/(T/K) + 6.3248 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 1.0114 ⋅ 1012/(T/K)3 T/K 320 340 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1838 ± 150 -1263 ± 90 -900 ± 45
T/K 390 420 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -591 ± 40 -434 ± 35 -348 ± 30
T/K 500 550
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -258 ± 25 -169 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 308.15 -2210 ± 66 116 73-mar/bai 360.00 -990 ± 100 -91 313.15 -2134 ± 100 -31 54-kre/wie 360.91 -866 ± 36 20 333.15 -1285 ± 50 145 54-kre/wie 363.15 -878 ± 28 -23 333.20 -1522 ± 32 -94 68-kno/edm 363.15 -863 ± 27 -8 333.90 -1266 ± 50 144 92-mas/von 363.80 -826 ± 35 21 338.10 -1185 ± 50 121 92-mas/von 365.27 -832 ± 35 -4 343.15 -1336 ± 37 -143 89-abu/ver-1 370.32 -736 ± 32 32 343.15 -1331 ± 37 -138 89-abu/ver-1 371.00 -860 ± 90 -100 343.90 -1086 ± 45 91 92-mas/von 373.07 -965 ± 202 -227 348.34 -1051 ± 42 39 84-bic/ram 373.15 -723 ± 5 14 353.15 -938 ± 25 67 54-kre/wie 373.20 -687 ± 32 50 353.15 -1021 ± 30 -16 89-abu/ver-1 376.57 -702 ± 31 0 353.15 -1023 ± 31 -18 89-abu/ver-1 383.94 -630 ± 29 6 353.20 -941 ± 32 63 68-kno/edm 388.17 -625 ± 86 -22 353.90 -942 ± 40 50 92-mas/von 389.60 -603 ± 28 -10 _________
54-foz/mor 84-bic/ram 89-abu/ver-1 89-abu/ver-1 92-mas/von 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 54-foz/mor 84-wil/lin 54-kre/wie 68-kno/edm 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-wil/lin 84-bic/ram cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Ethanol (cont.) Table 2. T K 390.07 393.15 393.30 395.80 398.15 400.81 402.00 412.20 412.52 413.82 415.31 415.36 423.15 424.00 439.24 443.81 _________
(cont.) Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -596 ± 28 -578 ± 5 -586 ± 35 -552 ± 27 -569 ± 27 -583 ± 75 -600 ± 60 -484 ± 30 -466 ± 24 -463 ± 24 -463 ± 24 -467 ± 24 -378 ± 22 -510 ± 50 -375 ± 21 -356 ± 21 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -7 -10 -19 -1 -32 -62 -85 -19 -3 -5 -12 -16 44 -91 -2 6
84-bic/ram 54-kre/wie 92-mas/von 84-bic/ram 84-wil/lin 84-wil/lin 54-foz/mor 92-mas/von 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-wil/lin 54-foz/mor 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 281.16 -1066 ± 90 52-mcc/sco 298.16 -897 ± 70 52-mcc/sco _________
T K 443.92 448.15 449.00 450.43 469.66 473.15 474.00 477.19 486.40 486.60 502.63 506.97 517.33 546.40 551.42 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -355 ± 21 6 -280 ± 24 72 -440 ± 40 -90 -337 ± 20 9 -286 ± 19 23 -196 ± 67 106 -370 ± 40 -69 -278 ± 18 17 -257 ± 18 23 -258 ± 18 21 -230 ± 17 23 -224 ± 17 22 -211 ± 16 17 -175 ± 24 0 -165 ± 15 0 ______________________________________
T K 308.16 _________
84-bic/ram 84-wil/lin 54-foz/mor 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-wil/lin 54-foz/mor 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram 84-bic/ram
MW = 62.14
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -839 ± 70
MW = 62.14
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.1870 ⋅ 103 – 6.2630 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1050 ± 40 -973 ± 20
T/K 280 290
T/K 305 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -866 ± 17 -770 ± 15
T/K 335
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -683 ± 14
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 275.85 -1101 ± 80 -18 57-mcc/hub 310.50 -796 ± 50 34 57-mcc/hub 292.03 -917 ± 60 41 57-mcc/hub 339.15 -660 ± 7 0 62-bot/coo 299.15 -906 ± 8 1 62-bot/coo _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 340.8 -1331 ± 70 8-hub/dou 360.4 -1208 ± 70 8-hub/dou _________
T K 382.9 _________
MW = 94.20
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1030 ± 70
MW = 45.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.9097 ⋅ 103 − 2.9479 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 9.6424 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 1.2336 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 295 305 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -808 ± 50 -738 ± 50 -651 ± 50
T/K 335 350 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -579 ± 50 -519 ± 50 -466 ± 50
T/K 385 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -404 ± 50 -347 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 293.4 -821 ± 50 -0.3 50-lam/str 363.4 -461 ± 50 10.3 315.0 -681 ± 50 -3.2 50-lam/str 373.8 -432 ± 50 5.6 323.8 -623 ± 50 8.4 50-lam/str 383.6 -408 ± 50 -0.2 333.0 -588 ± 50 0.1 50-lam/str 393.0 -387 ± 50 -6.4 343.3 -547 ± 50 -2.3 50-lam/str 405.2 -345 ± 50 1.9 351.0 -529 ± 50 -14.0 50-lam/str _________
50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str
MW = 45.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.5017 ⋅ 102 − 1.0569 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 4.9303 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 T/K 310 320 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -604 ± 50 -562 ± 50 -523 ± 50
T/K 345 360 375
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -470 ± 50 -424 ± 50 -382 ± 50
T/K 390 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -345 ± 50 -311 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 308.15 -610 ± 50 2.0 74-mil/min 332.20 -505 ± 50 9.7 312.40 -596 ± 50 -2.7 50-lam/str 342.40 -478 ± 50 1.0 320.80 -563 ± 50 -4.6 50-lam/str 350.80 -460 ± 50 -8.3 _________
50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.2 C2 Organic Compounds
N-Methylmethanamine (cont.) Table 2. T K 364.60 374.60 383.40 _________
(cont.) Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -404 ± 50 -389 ± 50 -359 ± 50 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 6.6 -5.7 1.9
T K 394.30 405.20 _________
50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -337 ± 50 -2.0 50-lam/str -309 ± 50 2.0 50-lam/str ______________________________________
MW = 52.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.2333 ⋅ 102 − 2.4851 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 3.7728 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -349 ± 20 -323 ± 20 -287 ± 15
T/K 310 320 335
T/K 350 370 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -256 ± 15 -219 ± 12 -188 ± 10
T/K 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -150 ± 9
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 308.16 -352.0 ± 20.0 2.6 53-ham/mcm-1 373.16 -210.8 ± 13.0 3.4 323.16 -316.2 ± 20.0 -1.4 53-ham/mcm-1 398.16 -174.9 ± 10.0 2.2 348.16 -262.5 ± 15.0 -3.2 53-ham/mcm-1 423.16 -147.2 ± 9.0 -1.1 373.16 -216.7 ± 13.0 -2.5 53-ham/mcm-1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
53-ham/mcm-1 53-ham/mcm-1 53-ham/mcm-1
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds 2,2,4,4,5,5-Hexafluoro-1,3-dioxolane [21297-65-4]
MW = 182.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 4.2463 ⋅ 104 + 2.9968 ⋅ 107/(T/K) − 5.4333 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2330 ± 300 -1873 ± 250
T/K 310 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1323 ± 200
T/K 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1142 ± 150
T/K 365
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 308.21 -2430 ± 300 -3 92-sal/wan 357.42 -1050 ± 200 98 92-sal/wan 343.35 -1330 ± 200 -60 92-sal/wan 366.72 -1180 ± 150 -35 92-sal/wan _________
MW = 188.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 9.1463 ⋅ 102 − 4.4617 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -944 ± 80
T/K 240
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -624 ± 50
T/K 290
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -291 ± 30
T/K 370
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 236.00 -998 ± 80 -22 67-pac/pla 373.15 -290 ± 29 -9 69-dan/kno 323.15 -435 ± 44 31 69-dan/kno _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 357.39 -4200.0 ± 900.0 92-sal/wan 393.03 -314.2 ± 3.5 98-pat/klo _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 423.24 _________
MW = 170.03
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -265.9 ± 1.3
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
MW = 170.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3· mol-1 = 8.2330 ⋅ 102 − 4.3566 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 4.6342 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 T/K 285 290
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -762 ± 60 -734 ± 55
T/K 300 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -680 ± 50 -630 ± 45
T/K 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -583 ± 45
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 283.25 -788 ± 11 -15 62-tri/dun 303.15 -789 ± 61 -125 283.25 -759 ± 10 14 62-tri/dun 303.15 -781 ± 75 -117 283.25 -765 ± 68 8 62-tri/dun 323.15 -577 ± 8 -8 283.25 -766 ± 64 7 62-tri/dun 323.15 -561 ± 8 8 303.15 -674 ± 14 -10 62-tri/dun 323.15 -626 ± 35 -57 303.15 -653 ± 14 11 62-tri/dun 323.15 -632 ± 33 -63 _________
62-tri/dun 62-tri/dun 62-tri/dun 62-tri/dun 62-tri/dun 62-tri/dun
MW = 152.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.1599 ⋅ 102 − 2.1498 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 2.5760 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 − 1.1091 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 270 280 290
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1005.0 ± 5.0 -920.6 ± 5.0 -846.0 ± 4.0
T/K 310 330 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -719.8 ± 4.0 -617.4 ± 3.0 -514.2 ± 2.5
T/K 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -416.8 ± 2.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 267.00 -1033.0 ± 5.0 -1.0 96-def/gil(
) 340.00 -567.4 ± 15.0 5.9 267.15 -1031.8 ± 5.0 -1.2 97-gil({) 342.43 -563.8 ± 3.0 -0.6 277.00 -946.0 ± 5.0 -1.2 96-def/gil(
) 347.00 -545.0 ± 2.5 -0.3 277.84 -938.8 ± 4.5 -0.9 97-gil({) 350.00 -528.7 ± 15.0 4.4 287.00 -868.0 ± 4.5 -0.5 96-def/gil(
) 356.04 -511.0 ± 2.5 -0.6 288.70 -856.0 ± 4.0 -0.8 97-gil({) 357.00 -507.0 ± 2.5 -0.1 297.00 -799.0 ± 4.0 -0.4 96-def/gil(
) 360.00 -493.3 ± 15.0 3.0 299.30 -784.6 ± 4.0 -0.7 97-gil({) 367.00 -473.0 ± 2.5 -0.7 307.00 -738.0 ± 4.0 -1.0 96-def/gil(
) 370.00 -460.5 ± 14.0 2.0 317.00 -682.0 ± 3.5 -0.4 96-def/gil(
) 376.90 -441.1 ± 2.0 -0.3 320.76 -662.9 ± 3.5 -0.7 97-gil({) 377.00 -441.0 ± 2.0 -0.5 327.00 -632.0 ± 3.0 -0.5 96-def/gil(
) 380.00 -431.0 ± 13.0 0.4 337.00 -587.0 ± 3.0 -0.9 96-def/gil(
) 390.00 -405.0 ± 12.0 -2.3 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 97-zha/sat(×) 97-gil({) 96-def/gil(
) 97-zha/sat(×) 97-gil({) 96-def/gil(
) 97-zha/sat(×) 96-def/gil(
) 97-zha/sat(×) 97-gil({) 96-def/gil(
) 97-zha/sat(×) 97-zha/sat(×) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
1,1,1,2,3,3-Hexafluoropropane (cont.) 25 20
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
MW = 134.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.2977 ⋅ 10 + 1.1565 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.1293 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -794.0 ± 4.0 -736.3 ± 3.5
T/K 315 325
T/K 340 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -659.7 ± 3.0 -553.8 ± 2.5
T/K 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -454.0 ± 2.0
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 311.37 -817.7 ± 4.0 -1.3 97-gil 370.00 -535.9 ± 2.5 -0.6 97-gil 329.43 -710.3 ± 3.5 2.3 97-gil 399.96 -439.6 ± 2.0 0.2 97-gil 350.01 -615.0 ± 3.0 -0.6 97-gil _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
MW = 40.06
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 4.9112 ⋅ 102 + 5.4036 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 2.1854 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 + 1.9163 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 350 360 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -284.3 ± 1.5 -265.7 ± 1.5 -233.3 ± 1.5
T/K 400 420 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -206.7 ± 1.5 -184.8 ± 1.5 -166.9 ± 1.5
T/K 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -146.2 ± 1.5
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 348.15 -287.8 ± 1.0 0.1 65-bre 413.15 -191.1 ± 1.0 0.7 348.16 -288.2 ± 6.0 -0.3 74-pom/spu 413.16 -191.7 ± 4.0 0.1 373.15 -244.0 ± 1.0 -0.3 65-bre 418.15 -186.0 ± 1.0 0.6 373.16 -243.1 ± 5.0 0.6 74-pom/spu 418.16 -185.9 ± 4.0 0.7 398.15 -210.0 ± 1.0 -1.1 65-bre 423.15 -182.8 ± 1.0 -1.1 398.16 -208.4 ± 4.0 0.5 74-pom/spu 423.16 -182.5 ± 4.0 -0.8 402.40 -203.6 ± 1.0 0.2 65-bre 448.15 -161.3 ± 1.0 -0.7 402.41 -201.6 ± 4.0 2.2 74-pom/spu 448.16 -162.8 ± 3.0 -2.2 408.15 -196.0 ± 1.0 1.2 65-bre 473.15 -144.0 ± 1.0 0.3 408.16 -195.6 ± 4.0 1.6 74-pom/spu 473.16 -148.3 ± 3.0 -3.9 _________
65-bre 74-pom/spu 65-bre 74-pom/spu 65-bre 74-pom/spu 65-bre 74-pom/spu 65-bre 74-pom/spu
MW = 40.06
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.6664 ⋅ 103 − 2.2784 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 6.0977 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 6.0081 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 225 235 250
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -690 ± 18 -617 ± 16 -536 ± 14
T/K 270 290 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -460 ± 12 -403 ± 8 -355 ± 8
T/K 330 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -310 ± 8 -267 ± 8
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 222.65 -710.5 ± 14.0 -0.8 40-rop 313.15 -351.4 ± 4.0 -3.6 237.15 -616.1 ± 12.0 -12.5 40-rop 323.16 -324.8 ± 4.0 0.6 273.15 -443.5 ± 8.9 6.8 40-rop 333.16 -306.8 ± 4.0 -3.3 273.15 -447.0 ± 8.9 3.3 40-rop 343.15 -260.9 ± 5.2 20.9 293.16 -396.8 ± 4.0 -1.7 53-ham/mcm-1 343.16 -283.7 ± 4.0 -1.9 303.16 -371.8 ± 4.0 -1.0 53-ham/mcm-1 353.16 -266.9 ± 4.0 -6.8 _________
53-ham/mcm-1 53-ham/mcm-1 53-ham/mcm-1 40-rop 53-ham/mcm-1 53-ham/mcm-1
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 317.95 -1063 ± 160 77-svo/maj 329.75 -1042 ± 160 77-svo/maj _________
T K 340.65 _________
MW = 120.98
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1011 ± 150
MW = 42.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.2251 ⋅ 103 + 1.3370 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 5.1254 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 + 5.6467 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -372 ± 8 -350 ± 7 -329 ± 6
T/K 300 310 320
T/K 330 340 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -309 ± 6 -290 ± 6 -264 ± 5
T/K 370 385 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -241 ± 5 -221 ± 4 -204 ± 4
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 298.15 -367.0 ± 30.0 8.9 46-rue/pow 343.16 -283.0 ± 4.0 1.0 52-ham/pea 303.15 -375.0 ± 8.0 -10.0 59-dav/ham 343.16 -281.9 ± 4.0 2.1 52-ham/pea 303.16 -363.9 ± 4.0 1.0 52-ham/pea 353.15 -266.0 ± 5.0 0.7 59-dav/ham 303.16 -366.1 ± 4.0 -1.2 52-ham/pea 363.15 -251.4 ± 5.0 -0.6 59-dav/ham 313.15 -345.0 ± 7.0 -1.7 59-dav/ham 363.16 -253.7 ± 4.0 -2.9 52-ham/pea 323.15 -325.0 ± 6.0 -2.5 59-dav/ham 373.15 -238.2 ± 5.0 -2.0 59-dav/ham 323.16 -323.5 ± 4.0 -1.1 52-ham/pea 383.15 -223.2 ± 4.0 -0.2 59-dav/ham 333.15 -307.0 ± 6.0 -4.4 59-dav/ham 393.15 -210.4 ± 4.0 0.7 59-dav/ham 343.15 -281.5 ± 6.0 2.5 59-dav/ham 403.15 -200.5 ± 4.0 -0.1 59-dav/ham 343.16 -281.8 ± 4.0 2.2 52-ham/pea _________
MW = 42.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0101 ⋅ 102 − 7.5735 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 7.9502 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 − 2.7987 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 T/K 225 235 250 270
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -638 ± 15 -581 ± 13 -508 ± 11 -431 ± 10
T/K 290 320 355 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -369 ± 4 -299 ± 4 -238 ± 4 -193 ± 4
T/K 430 470 520 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -153 ± 3 -123 ± 3 -94 ± 3 -71 ± 3 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
Propene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 223.20 -664.6 ± 13.0 -15.0 40-rop 353.50 -243.0 ± 4.9 -2.8 226.98 -630.5 ± 12.0 -4.2 40-rop 355.38 -237.8 ± 4.5 -0.4 270.00 -431.5 ± 1.8 -0.8 85-mol-1 360.94 -229.4 ± 4.5 0.0 273.15 -433.5 ± 8.6 -13.4 40-rop 363.60 -232.0 ± 4.6 -6.4 273.15 -418.6 ± 8.4 1.5 40-rop 364.56 -223.0 ± 4.5 1.3 273.15 -423.2 ± 8.5 -3.1 40-rop 365.15 -223.0 ± 6.7 0.5 273.15 -411.9 ± 8.2 8.2 40-rop 373.15 -212.7 ± 4.0 0.2 277.60 -398.0 ± 8.0 7.8 74-pom/spu 373.15 -216.0 ± 8.6 -3.1 288.70 -385.4 ± 3.0 -12.4 61-mas/eak 373.15 -211.4 ± 4.0 1.5 290.00 -366.4 ± 3.2 3.0 85-mol-1 373.15 -216.1 ± 4.0 -3.2 293.15 -361.9 ± 2.4 -1.0 91-lop/roz 373.16 -208.8 ± 4.0 4.1 293.15 -373.4 ± 2.5 -12.5 91-lop/roz 373.40 -213.0 ± 4.3 -0.4 294.27 -362.2 ± 7.0 -4.2 74-pom/spu 377.60 -207.4 ± 4.0 -0.1 298.15 -346.8 ± 7.0 1.3 53-mic/was-1 380.13 -201.3 ± 10.0 2.9 298.15 -346.3 ± 7.0 1.7 74-pom/spu 380.13 -205.0 ± 10.0 -0.8 298.15 -348.9 ± 0.7 -0.9 81-ohg/miz 384.10 -195.0 ± 3.9 4.5 298.15 -349.3 ± 0.7 -1.3 81-ohg/miz 393.20 -190.1 ± 4.0 -1.0 298.16 -353.0 ± 7.0 -5.0 74-pom/spu 393.20 -190.3 ± 10.0 -1.3 303.70 -329.0 ± 6.6 5.5 64-mcg/wor 393.21 -189.2 ± 10.0 -0.1 308.17 -324.9 ± 6.5 -0.8 40-rop 393.21 -191.0 ± 10.0 -1.9 310.00 -323.0 ± 2.0 -3.0 85-mol-1 393.50 -186.0 ± 3.7 2.7 310.94 -321.5 ± 6.0 -3.6 74-pom/spu 398.15 -184.1 ± 4.0 -0.3 313.10 -308.0 ± 6.2 5.2 64-mcg/wor 398.15 -188.0 ± 9.4 -4.3 318.15 -301.9 ± 6.0 0.6 53-mic/was-1 398.15 -182.9 ± 4.0 0.8 318.15 -300.9 ± 6.0 1.6 74-pom/spu 398.15 -185.3 ± 4.0 -1.6 323.15 -292.1 ± 6.0 0.3 53-mic/was-1 398.15 -185.6 ± 0.9 -1.9 323.15 -293.0 ± 5.9 -0.6 74-bie/ern 398.15 -185.7 ± 0.9 -2.0 323.15 -290.4 ± 6.0 2.0 74-pom/spu 398.16 -180.2 ± 3.5 3.5 323.15 -303.0 ± 6.0 -10.6 74-pom/spu 403.20 -174.0 ± 3.5 4.4 323.16 -293.4 ± 6.0 -1.0 74-pom/spu 407.50 -175.5 ± 4.0 -1.4 323.50 -282.0 ± 5.6 9.7 64-mcg/wor 407.51 -174.7 ± 10.0 -0.7 327.60 -282.9 ± 5.5 1.0 74-pom/spu 407.51 -176.3 ± 10.0 -2.2 328.40 -280.0 ± 5.6 2.4 64-mcg/wor 410.94 -170.8 ± 3.5 -0.1 330.00 -278.2 ± 1.0 1.2 85-mol-1 413.60 -166.0 ± 3.3 2.1 333.60 -257.0 ± 5.1 15.8 64-mcg/wor 423.00 -161.1 ± 10.0 -1.6 338.20 -266.0 ± 5.3 -1.2 64-mcg/wor 423.00 -162.2 ± 10.0 -2.8 343.11 -257.1 ± 5.1 -0.6 40-rop 423.02 -161.6 ± 4.0 -2.2 343.30 -262.0 ± 5.2 -5.8 64-mcg/wor 423.15 -160.4 ± 3.0 -1.1 344.27 -255.1 ± 5.0 -0.4 74-pom/spu 423.15 -159.2 ± 3.0 0.2 345.00 -250.3 ± 1.2 3.2 85-mol-1 423.15 -161.7 ± 3.0 -2.4 348.15 -247.7 ± 5.0 0.7 53-mic/was-1 423.15 -161.9 ± 1.0 -2.6 348.15 -250.0 ± 7.5 -1.6 74-bie/ern 423.16 -151.0 ± 3.0 8.3 348.15 -246.4 ± 5.0 2.1 74-pom/spu 444.27 -141.1 ± 3.0 0.6 348.15 -259.8 ± 5.0 -11.3 74-pom/spu 448.15 -140.8 ± 3.0 -2.1 348.16 -244.5 ± 5.0 4.0 74-pom/spu 448.16 -132.5 ± 2.5 6.2 349.10 -244.0 ± 4.9 3.0 64-mcg/wor 473.15 -122.7 ± 2.5 -1.7 _________
64-mcg/wor 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 64-mcg/wor 74-pom/spu 74-bie/ern 53-mic/was-1 74-bie/ern 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 64-mcg/wor 74-pom/spu 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 64-mcg/wor 78-war/ste 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 64-mcg/wor 53-mic/was-1 74-bie/ern 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 82-ohg/nak-1 82-ohg/nak-1 74-pom/spu 64-mcg/wor 78-war/ste 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 74-pom/spu 64-mcg/wor 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 78-war/ste 53-mic/was-1 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 84-ohg/sak 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
Propene (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 473.15 -123.7 ± 0.6 473.16 -122.2 ± 2.5 477.60 -117.4 ± 2.0 498.15 -108.6 ± 2.0 498.16 -97.5 ± 2.0 _________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -2.7 -1.3 0.7 -2.9 8.2
T K 510.94 523.15 523.16 548.16 573.16 _________
84-ohg/sak 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -98.5 ± 2.0 0.1 -96.2 ± 2.0 -3.8 -84.1 ± 2.0 8.2 -78.3 ± 1.5 2.3 -71.6 ± 1.5 -1.4 ______________________________________
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 112.99
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.9074 ⋅ 103 + 3.1927 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 7.7898 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1095 ± 20 -969 ± 20
T/K 355 370
T/K 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -842 ± 15
T/K 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -722 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 353.52 -1115 ± 15 -6 64-per/dia 401.11 -798 ± 12 -9 64-per/dia 372.40 -941 ± 15 10 64-per/dia 422.88 -709 ± 16 4 64-per/dia _________
MW = 58.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.1654 ⋅ 103 + 2.2402 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 4.7800 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1340 ± 150 -1190 ± 100 -1064 ± 90
T/K 275 285 295
T/K 305 315 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -959 ± 45 -871 ± 35 -798 ± 20
T/K 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -712 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 271.50 -1430 ± 200 -31 81-hos/sco-2 302.13 -990 ± 45 -3 279.69 -1240 ± 150 26 81-hos/sco-2 312.70 -880 ± 35 10 285.86 -1170 ± 100 8 81-hos/sco-2 320.74 -830 ± 24 -3 289.15 -1140 ± 90 -5 81-hos/sco-2 332.93 -750 ± 15 -1 298.15 -1030 ± 60 -1 81-hos/sco-2 342.24 -700 ± 12 1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
81-hos/sco-2 81-hos/sco-2 81-hos/sco-2 81-hos/sco-2 81-hos/sco-2
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
MW = 58.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 5.1325 ⋅ 103 − 6.4311 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 2.6952 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 4.2124 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 300 310 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1959 ± 50 -1707 ± 35 -1500 ± 25
T/K 335 350 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1253 ± 22 -1065 ± 20 -878 ± 20
T/K 400 440 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -682 ± 20 -507 ± 20 -407 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 295.15 -2111 ± 60 -10 62-bot/spu 358.15 -1001 ± 40 -20 89-abu/ver-1 300.40 -2030 ± 100 -82 57-pen/kob 363.20 -920 ± 16 15 97-doy/hut 304.64 -1796 ± 16 40 67-bot/spu 368.15 -920 ± 130 -28 69-haj/kay 313.15 -1575 ± 400 62 69-haj/kay 370.06 -872 ± 16 5 67-bot/spu 313.20 -1690 ± 32 -54 68-kno/edm 373.20 -834 ± 32 18 68-kno/edm 317.90 -1580 ± 100 -40 57-pen/kob 373.20 -849 ± 16 3 97-doy/hut 323.15 -1535 ± 60 -93 60-zaa/kol-1 373.35 -855 ± 20 -4 87-spi/gau 323.15 -1439 ± 50 3 62-bot/spu 377.05 -808 ± 16 16 67-bot/spu 323.15 -1375 ± 350 67 69-haj/kay 382.15 -800 ± 100 -12 69-haj/kay 323.16 -1439 ± 16 3 67-bot/spu 383.20 -769 ± 12 13 97-doy/hut 323.16 -1439 ± 16 3 67-bot/spu 393.10 -727 ± 20 -6 89-olf/sch 326.02 -1378 ± 16 14 67-bot/spu 393.20 -719 ± 14 1 97-doy/hut 326.66 -1368 ± 16 13 67-bot/spu 393.75 -670 ± 20 46 87-spi/gau 329.30 -1370 ± 100 -31 57-pen/kob 398.15 -700 ± 80 -8 69-haj/kay 333.15 -1370 ± 60 -90 60-zaa/kol-1 402.38 -664 ± 16 5 67-bot/spu 333.20 -1263 ± 32 16 68-kno/edm 403.20 -671 ± 16 -6 97-doy/hut 333.20 -1281 ± 24 -2 97-doy/hut 405.12 -656 ± 16 -1 67-bot/spu 337.15 -1200 ± 280 23 69-haj/kay 405.20 -641 ± 16 14 67-bot/spu 337.30 -1230 ± 100 -9 57-pen/kob 413.15 -630 ± 70 -13 69-haj/kay 343.15 -1200 ± 50 -55 60-zaa/kol-1 413.20 -620 ± 10 -4 97-doy/hut 343.20 -1136 ± 20 8 97-doy/hut 418.00 -599 ± 20 -4 89-olf/sch 345.00 -1130 ± 100 -8 57-pen/kob 423.20 -572 ± 14 1 97-doy/hut 350.12 -1057 ± 16 7 67-bot/spu 428.15 -555 ± 55 -3 69-haj/kay 351.57 -981 ± 16 67 67-bot/spu 430.35 -495 ± 16 49 67-bot/spu 352.95 -1040 ± 20 -7 87-spi/gau 430.88 -527 ± 16 14 67-bot/spu 353.15 -1080 ± 20 -49 66-zha/wan 433.10 -558 ± 20 -25 89-olf/sch 353.15 -1065 ± 180 -34 69-haj/kay 433.10 -539 ± 20 -6 89-olf/sch 353.20 -1005 ± 32 26 68-kno/edm 453.15 -455 ± 40 6 69-haj/kay 353.20 -1026 ± 22 5 97-doy/hut 473.15 -400 ± 36 -3 69-haj/kay 358.15 -1000 ± 40 -19 89-abu/ver-1 Further references: [29-euc/mey, 49-lam/rob, 60-bro/smi, 63-kap/lun, 64-zaa/bel, 68-and/kud]. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
MW = 58.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.3257 ⋅ 104 + 1.5352 ⋅ 107/(T/K) − 2.6699 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2066 ± 300 -1749 ± 180
T/K 290 300
T/K 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1517 ± 150
T/K 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1355 ± 100
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 286.25 -2210 ± 330 0 74-amb/spr 302.69 -1680 ± 170 -1 74-amb/spr 298.15 -1800 ± 180 1 74-amb/spr 321.21 -1340 ± 93 0 74-amb/spr _________
Ethyl methanoate
MW = 74.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 5.6624 ⋅ 103 + 4.3602 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 9.3449 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1094 ± 40 -974 ± 35
T/K 325 335
T/K 345 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -875 ± 35 -731 ± 30
T/K 375 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -680 ± 30 -626 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 323.00 -1090 ± 50 30 59-lam/cla 353.20 -850 ± 50 -42 323.15 -1125 ± 9 -7 67-str-4 360.00 -760 ± 50 1 329.80 -1000 ± 50 33 59-lam/cla 368.20 -730 ± 50 -17 333.20 -960 ± 50 34 59-lam/cla 370.00 -700 ± 50 4 337.70 -930 ± 50 15 59-lam/cla 373.15 -714 ± 12 -25 344.20 -875 ± 50 7 59-lam/cla 382.00 -650 ± 50 2 348.15 -875 ± 25 -27 67-str-4 388.20 -625 ± 50 7 351.80 -830 ± 50 -11 59-lam/cla 394.80 -590 ± 50 24 _________
Methyl ethanoate
59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 67-str-4 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla
MW = 74.08
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.7935 ⋅ 102 + 5.7525 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 2.8774 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
Methyl ethanoate (cont.) Table 1 (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 315 -1353 ± 50 325 -1234 ± 50 335 -1126 ± 50
T/K 350 365 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -985 ± 50 -863 ± 50 -826 ± 50
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -588 ± 50 -588 ± 50 -498 ± 50
T/K 390 410 430
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 311.90 -1363 ± 110 30 80-mey/awe 357.80 -900 ± 50 19 323.20 -1240 ± 50 14 59-lam/cla 359.80 -890 ± 50 13 328.40 -1210 ± 50 -14 59-lam/cla 366.20 -830 ± 50 24 329.90 -1142 ± 91 38 80-mey/awe 368.20 -850 ± 50 -11 330.90 -1190 ± 50 -21 59-lam/cla 374.30 -820 ± 50 -24 335.60 -1150 ± 50 -30 59-lam/cla 376.90 -795 ± 50 -16 335.70 -1175 ± 50 -56 59-lam/cla 378.80 -810 ± 50 -44 336.30 -1115 ± 50 -2 59-lam/cla 383.05 -685 ± 50 54 338.20 -1080 ± 50 14 59-lam/cla 383.60 -785 ± 50 -50 338.60 -1100 ± 50 -10 59-lam/cla 391.00 -740 ± 50 -50 340.30 -1045 ± 50 29 59-lam/cla 393.16 -639 ± 50 39 345.50 -1000 ± 50 25 59-lam/cla 403.13 -593 ± 50 30 347.40 -990 ± 50 18 59-lam/cla 413.18 -558 ± 50 15 351.80 -980 ± 50 -11 59-lam/cla 423.12 -533 ± 50 -6 353.20 -960 ± 50 -3 59-lam/cla 433.05 -500 ± 50 -15 Further references: [76-con/cou, 80-mey/awe(set 1)]. _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 322.25 -955 ± 140 77-svo/maj 331.75 -709 ± 110 77-svo/maj 339.15 -642 ± 96 77-svo/maj 352.35 -573 ± 86 77-svo/maj _________
T K 353.60 374.10 392.60 412.20
59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 89-olf/sch 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch
MW = 122.99
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1070 ± 47.1 -958 ± 43.7 -847 ± 40.4 -776 ± 38.3
75-rui/bur 75-rui/bur 75-rui/bur 75-rui/bur
MW = 122.99
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 9.2253 ⋅ 102 + 7.2399 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 2.5425 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 305 315 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1282 ± 60 -1187 ± 55 -1063 ± 50
T/K 345 360 375
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -960 ± 45 -873 ± 40 -800 ± 35
T/K 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -738 ± 35 cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
2-Bromopropane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 304.55 -1295 ± 190 -8 77-svo/maj 353.70 -901 ± 42 7 317.95 -1180 ± 180 -19 77-svo/maj 374.10 -814 ± 39 -10 329.75 -1037 ± 160 28 77-svo/maj 392.60 -724 ± 37 4 338.50 -1004 ± 45 -1 75-rui/bur _________
75-rui/bur 75-rui/bur 75-rui/bur
MW = 78.54
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3· mol-1 = 2.6714 ⋅ 102 − 3.2743 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 9.2850 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 3.4217 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1014 ± 30 -931 ± 25 -858 ± 20 -763 ± 15
T/K 305 315 325 340
T/K 355 370 390 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -683 ± 15 -615 ± 15 -539 ± 15 -476 ± 15
T/K 430 470 520 575
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -423 ± 10 -339 ± 10 -263 ± 10 -201 ± 10
( B exp - B calc )/cm³ mol
-60 250
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
1-Chloropropane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 303.20 -1031.0 ± 21.0 -0.6 68-rae1) 397.70 -508.6 ± 17.2 4.5 310.20 -999.7 ± 27.0 -29.9 71-boh/man({) 398.15 -540.6 ± 15.4 -29.0 313.20 -931.0 ± 19.0 14.5 68-rae1) 412.40 -457.2 ± 16.1 11.5 318.60 -926.1 ± 25.5 -22.2 71-boh/man({) 432.20 -410.3 ± 15.2 6.9 323.15 -873.4 ± 18.7 -2.5 58-per/dia(
) 443.20 -387.8 ± 14.8 4.2 333.20 -768.0 ± 15.0 36.2 68-rae1) 478.70 -321.3 ± 13.4 2.3 344.80 -745.0 ± 21.9 -8.8 71-boh/man({) 483.20 -308.1 ± 13.2 8.0 348.15 -706.7 ± 17.1 11.5 58-per/dia(
) 503.20 -284.5 ± 12.7 0.9 348.50 -713.1 ± 21.0 3.2 71-boh/man({) 510.30 -272.4 ± 12.4 3.0 371.40 -610.8 ± 19.2 -1.6 71-boh/man({) 538.00 -241.4 ± 11.8 -1.0 373.15 -611.7 ± 16.1 -9.6 58-per/dia(
) 548.60 -226.8 ± 11.5 1.6 389.40 -542.5 ± 17.8 -1.6 71-boh/man({) 578.00 -200.3 ± 11.0 -1.7 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 71-boh/man({) 58-per/dia(
) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({) 71-boh/man({)
MW = 78.54
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 6.6635 ⋅ 102 − 4.3329 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.4434 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 T/K 315 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -855 ± 20 -804 ± 18
T/K 345 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -711 ± 17 -610 ± 16
T/K 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -523 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -869.7 ± 18.7 -5.2 58-per/dia 373.15 -603.8 ± 16.0 -5.3 58-per/dia 333.15 -752.5 ± 17.5 11.8 58-per/dia 398.15 -509.9 ± 15.1 3.1 58-per/dia 353.15 -680.6 ± 16.8 -4.3 58-per/dia _________
MW = 44.10
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0971 ⋅ 102 − 8.4673 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 8.1215 ⋅ 106/(T/K)2 − 3.4382 . 109/(T/K)3 T/K 215 225 240 260
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -806 ± 20 -729 ± 15 -633 ± 10 -532 ± 5
T/K 280 310 340 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -453 ± 5 -363 ± 5 -297 ± 5 -232 ± 5
T/K 420 470 530 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -184 ± 5 -140 ± 3 -102 ± 3 -62 ± 3 cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
Propane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 211.30 -844.0 ± 2.0 -6.6 74-hah/sch1) 327.60 -324.0 ± 5.0 -1.8 230.13 -730.8 ± 35.0 -37.1 327.60 -353.5 ± 30.0 -31.2 95-esp/lem(×) 231.20 -680.0 ± 2.0 6.7 74-hah/sch1) 327.60 -305.4 ± 30.0 16.8 239.97 -656.0 ± 20.0 -23.0 329.41 -310.0 ± 20.5 8.4 95-esp/lem(×) 1) 244.00 -610.0 ± 29.4 0.4 63-kap/lun 330.16 -311.6 ± 8.0 5.2 249.83 -592.6 ± 10.0 -12.8 332.90 -309.0 ± 3.1 2.1 95-esp/lem(×) 251.50 -567.0 ± 2.0 4.5 74-hah/sch1) 333.15 -308.0 ± 3.6 2.6 259.80 -538.2 ± 7.0 -5.6 337.80 -299.0 ± 5.0 2.3 95-esp/lem(×) 270.29 -489.2 ± 5.0 -0.4 338.42 -292.0 ± 19.6 8.1 95-esp/lem(×) 273.00 -477.0 ± 24.1 1.4 63-kap/lun1) 340.06 -292.5 ± 10.0 4.5 273.15 -470.0 ± 10.0 7.8 38-jes/lig1) 343.15 -287.8 ± 3.2 3.3 273.80 -471.0 ± 2.0 4.4 74-hah/sch1) 344.27 -316.7 ± 30.0 -27.7 279.88 -450.7 ± 5.0 2.6 344.27 -280.2 ± 30.0 8.9 95-esp/lem(×) 1) 288.20 -428.4 ± 1.0 -2.9 69-lic/sch 345.40 -294.0 ± 10.0 -7.1 290.25 -414.4 ± 5.0 4.6 347.90 -274.0 ± 5.0 8.4 95-esp/lem(×) 293.15 -406.8 ± 1.7 3.3 91-lop/roz1) 348.15 -279.0 ± 3.0 3.0 293.15 -418.9 ± 1.7 -8.8 91-lop/roz1) 348.16 -293.0 ± 31.7 -11.0 294.27 -417.6 ± 30.0 -10.8 74-pom/spu1) 348.16 -289.1 ± 10.0 -7.2 295.21 -407.9 ± 10.0 -4.0 50-bot/mas1) 348.57 -274.0 ± 18.7 7.2 295.40 -399.0 ± 5.0 4.4 62-mcg/pot(
) 350.03 -275.2 ± 13.0 3.5 296.00 -404.2 ± 1.0 -2.6 69-lic/sch1) 353.15 -271.0 ± 3.0 2.2 296.00 -404.2 ± 1.0 -2.6 69-lic/sch-11) 353.20 -281.0 ± 5.8 -7.8 296.10 -396.0 ± 4.0 5.3 71-str/lic() 353.20 -281.0 ± 5.8 -7.8 297.00 -394.0 ± 20.8 4.7 63-kap/lun1) 353.80 -271.2 ± 2.7 0.9 298.15 -378.0 ± 1.8 17.4 93-sta/hou1) 357.90 -265.0 ± 5.0 0.3 299.05 -404.0 ± 6.0 -11.2 84-ker/hae1) 358.15 -263.1 ± 2.9 1.8 299.19 -403.0 ± 5.0 -10.6 84-ker/hae1) 358.97 -256.0 ± 17.8 7.5 300.00 -384.5 ± 5.0 5.6 360.94 -283.7 ± 25.0 -23.4 95-esp/lem(×) 303.16 -384.0 ± 35.6 -2.6 42-hir/mcc1) 360.94 -256.1 ± 25.0 4.3 303.16 -395.0 ± 11.0 -13.6 51-kre/wie1) 363.15 -255.5 ± 2.8 1.3 303.16 -382.0 ± 10.0 -0.7 74-pom/spu1) 365.15 -252.5 ± 2.8 1.2 303.20 -383.5 ± 1.0 -2.3 69-lic/sch1) 365.54 -242.0 ± 8.0 11.1 306.50 -369.0 ± 5.0 3.4 62-mcg/pot(
) 367.15 -250.2 ± 2.7 0.4 308.00 -360.5 ± 3.6 8.0 71-str/lic() 368.15 -248.3 ± 7.5 0.8 310.11 -357.1 ± 5.0 6.0 368.19 -244.0 ± 17.2 5.1 95-esp/lem(×) 1) 310.94 -381.8 ± 30.0 -20.8 74-pom/spu 368.20 -244.0 ± 5.0 5.0 310.94 -335.5 ± 30.0 25.5 74-pom/spu1) 368.70 -242.0 ± 5.0 6.3 313.20 -361.4 ± 1.0 -6.1 69-lic/sch1) 369.15 -246.8 ± 3.7 0.8 317.60 -339.0 ± 5.0 5.7 62-mcg/pot(
) 369.85 -246.2 ± 2.7 0.4 319.84 -333.7 ± 5.0 5.8 369.96 -260.0 ± 30.4 -13.6 95-esp/lem(×) 321.00 -340.0 ± 18.6 -3.2 63-kap/lun1) 369.97 -245.6 ± 10.0 0.8 322.80 -338.2 ± 1.0 -5.4 69-lic/sch1) 373.15 -247.0 ± 29.9 -5.3 323.15 -325.0 ± 10.0 7.0 38-jes/lig1) 373.15 -240.2 ± 5.0 1.6 323.15 -329.6 ± 5.0 2.4 74-pom/spu1) 373.15 -241.0 ± 2.0 0.7 323.15 -328.0 ± 4.0 4.0 82-tho/har({) 373.15 -244.2 ± 2.5 -2.5 323.71 -331.0 ± 4.0 -0.3 84-ker/hae1) 373.15 -245.1 ± 10.0 -3.4 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 82-bar/kay1) 95-esp/lem(×) 71-str/lic() 82-tho/har({) 62-mcg/pot(
) 82-bar/kay1) 95-esp/lem(×) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 84-ker/hae1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 82-tho/har({) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 82-bar/kay1) 95-esp/lem(×) 82-tho/har({) 74-sch/sch1) 74-sch/sch1) 71-str/lic() 62-mcg/pot(
) 82-tho/har({) 82-bar/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 82-tho/har({) 82-tho/har({) 84-ker/hae1) 82-tho/har({) 82-tho/har({) 82-bar/kay1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 33-glo/ful1) 82-tho/har({) 82-tho/har({) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 82-pra1) cont.
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
Propane (cont.) 20 10
( B exp - B calc )/cm
-30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 200
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 373.15 -241.3 ± 2.6 0.4 373.15 -244.4 ± 5.0 -2.7 373.16 -256.0 ± 30.2 -14.3 373.16 -246.0 ± 10.0 -4.3 373.16 -241.8 ± 10.0 -0.1 373.40 -242.1 ± 2.4 -0.8 377.60 -254.7 ± 20.0 -19.4 377.60 -235.0 ± 20.0 0.4 377.70 -229.0 ± 5.0 6.2 379.99 -231.0 ± 16.6 1.0 380.96 -225.2 ± 10.0 5.5 383.15 -229.4 ± 10.0 -1.6 387.74 -219.0 ± 16.0 2.7 388.50 -213.0 ± 5.0 7.7 389.50 -220.0 ± 5.0 -0.6 392.90 -225.2 ± 5.3 -10.1 393.15 -215.7 ± 10.0 -0.9 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 82-tho/har({) 88-pat/jof(▲) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 71-str/lic() 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 82-bar/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 82-pra1) 82-bar/kay1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 33-glo/ful1) 74-sch/sch1) 82-pra1)
T K 393.18 393.19 393.19 393.19 394.00 397.73 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.16 398.16 400.10 403.15 407.43 407.43 407.49 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -213.5 ± 4.0 1.2 -212.3 ± 2.0 2.4 -214.8 ± 2.5 0.0 -212.6 ± 5.0 2.1 -213.7 ± 2.1 0.0 -204.0 ± 15.2 5.2 -211.0 ± 28.4 -2.3 -224.0 ± 21.7 -15.3 -207.2 ± 5.0 1.5 -208.9 ± 2.5 -0.2 -209.8 ± 10.0 -1.1 -208.3 ± 10.0 0.4 -201.0 ± 4.0 5.3 -201.1 ± 10.0 1.7 -196.9 ± 2.0 1.0 -198.2 ± 2.5 -0.3 -196.4 ± 4.0 1.4 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 78-war/ste1) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 88-pat/jof(▲) 71-str/lic() 82-bar/kay1) 42-hir/mcc1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 82-pra1) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 78-war/ste1) cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
Propane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 407.50 -194.7 ± 2.0 3.1 407.50 -197.9 ± 2.5 -0.1 407.50 -197.6 ± 5.0 0.2 410.94 -199.1 ± 15.0 -5.1 412.90 -182.0 ± 4.0 9.8 413.15 -192.4 ± 10.0 -0.8 413.80 -191.1 ± 1.9 -0.2 422.97 -179.9 ± 2.0 1.4 422.97 -180.9 ± 2.5 0.4 422.97 -179.5 ± 5.0 1.8 423.00 -180.6 ± 4.0 0.7 423.02 -181.3 ± 2.0 0.0 423.15 -183.0 ± 27.3 -1.9 423.15 -197.0 ± 20.9 -15.9 423.15 -186.5 ± 10.0 -5.3 423.15 -181.4 ± 2.3 -0.3 423.16 -187.4 ± 10.0 -6.2 423.16 -181.5 ± 10.0 -0.4 432.30 -182.9 ± 4.8 -10.7 433.10 -172.6 ± 1.7 -1.2 444.27 -167.9 ± 10.0 -6.7 448.15 -160.0 ± 26.4 -2.1 448.15 -158.4 ± 2.0 -0.5 448.16 -159.3 ± 8.0 -1.4 453.50 -156.2 ± 1.6 -2.8 473.00 -149.4 ± 4.5 -11.3 473.15 -139.0 ± 25.6 -1.0 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 88-pat/jof(▲) 74-pom/spu1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 82-pra1) 71-str/lic() 78-war/wie-1(◆) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 88-pat/jof(▲) 78-war/ste1) 78-war/wie-1(◆) 42-hir/mcc1) 42-hir/mcc1) 82-pra1) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-sch/sch1) 71-str/lic() 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 71-str/lic() 74-sch/sch1) 42-hir/mcc1)
T K 473.15 473.15 473.16 473.16 474.90 477.60 493.30 498.15 498.15 498.16 510.94 511.80 523.15 523.15 523.16 526.38 526.38 548.15 548.15 548.16 570.46 570.46 573.15 598.15 609.32 623.15 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -155.0 ± 19.6 -17.0 -138.5 ± 1.9 -0.5 -147.4 ± 10.0 -9.5 -140.0 ± 5.0 -2.1 -140.0 ± 1.4 -3.3 -141.4 ± 10.0 -6.7 -128.1 ± 1.3 -4.1 -121.0 ± 24.8 -0.2 -121.3 ± 1.6 -0.5 -122.5 ± 5.0 -1.7 -118.2 ± 10.0 -5.3 -122.3 ± 4.2 -9.9 -109.0 ± 24.4 -3.2 -106.4 ± 1.4 -0.6 -109.6 ± 4.0 -3.7 -108.0 ± 18.2 -4.0 -110.7 ± 10.0 -6.7 -96.0 ± 22.8 -3.3 -93.1 ± 1.2 -0.4 -97.6 ± 4.0 -4.9 -89.0 ± 16.0 -6.8 -91.9 ± 10.0 -9.7 -81.3 ± 1.1 -0.3 -70.7 ± 1.0 -0.1 -85.2 ± 10.0 -18.9 -61.0 ± 0.9 0.3 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 42-hir/mcc1) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 71-str/lic() 74-pom/spu1) 71-str/lic() 42-hir/mcc1) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-sch/sch1) 42-hir/mcc1) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 82-tho/har({) 82-tho/har({) 74-pom/spu1) 82-tho/har({)
MW = 60.10
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0121⋅ 103 – 5.6471 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 2.5578 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -586 ± 20 -503 ± 20
T/K 300 320
T/K 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -428 ± 20
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -327 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 298.15 -592 ± 13 2 70-osi/str 348.15 -374 ± 19 25 70-osi/str 323.15 -504 ± 14 -14 70-osi/str 373.15 -331 ± 20 -13 70-osi/str _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
MW = 60.10
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 5.6134 ⋅ 103 − 8.3867 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 4.1544 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 7.2489 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 295 305 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -3314 ± 110 -2774 ± 90 -2147 ± 70
T/K 340 370 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1559 ± 50 -1018 ± 30 -646 ± 25
T/K 450 510 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -463 ± 20 -323 ± 15 -228 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 293.15 -3500 ± 350 -72 66-mar/sok 402.00 -860 ± 90 -160 303.15 -2800 ± 280 66 66-mar/sok 408.20 -655 ± 9 3 313.15 -2400 ± 240 10 66-mar/sok 423.15 -587 ± 5 -15 350.00 -1500 ± 150 -157 54-foz/mor1) 423.15 -596 ± 66 -24 371.00 -1150 ± 120 -145 54-foz/mor1) 423.20 -596 ± 14 -24 378.20 -890 ± 8 28 61-cox-1 448.15 -488 ± 7 -19 393.20 -763 ± 6 7 61-cox-1 448.15 -490 ± 55 -21 473.15 -407 ± 14 -9 82-zaw/vej 523.15 -365 ± 43 -64 473.35 -428 ± 49 -30 93-sha/naz-21) 537.15 -359 ± 42 -80 498.15 -330 ± 11 15 82-zaw/vej 548.15 -260 ± 3 2 498.15 -384 ± 44 -39 93-sha/naz-21) 573.15 -229 ± 3 -6 523.15 -288 ± 4 13 82-zaw/vej 1) Weight was reduced to zero in the fitting analysis. _________
54-foz/mor1) 61-cox-1 82-zaw/vej 93-sha/naz-21) 61-cox-1 82-zaw/vej 93-sha/naz-21) 93-sha/naz-21) 93-sha/naz-21) 82-zaw/vej 82-zaw/vej
MW = 60.10
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3· mol-1 = 1.0296 ⋅ 104 − 1.4140 ⋅ 107/(T/K) + 6.4638 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 1.0248 . 1012/(T/K)3 T/K 335 345 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1575 ± 40 -1340 ± 40 -1072 ± 35
T/K 375 390 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -879 ± 35 -739 ± 30 -609 ± 25
T/K 440 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -483 ± 20 -399 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.15 -1609 ± 70 15 54-kre/wie 398.15 -716 ± 14 -36 350.00 -1330 ± 130 -90 54-foz/mor 398.15 -715 ± 14 -35 353.15 -1137 ± 50 46 54-kre/wie 402.00 -610 ± 60 45 371.00 -920 ± 90 4 54-foz/mor 408.20 -589 ± 9 29 373.15 -890 ± 20 9 54-kre/wie 423.15 -558 ± 11 -13 373.15 -871 ± 17 28 67-mor/mck 423.15 -558 ± 11 -12 _________
67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck 54-foz/mor 61-cox-1 67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
2-Propanol(cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 373.15 -874 ± 17 378.20 -844 ± 11 380.00 -820 ± 80 393.15 -721 ± 5 393.20 -685 ± 11 _________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 25 1 7 -6 30
67-mor/mck 61-cox-1 54-foz/mor 54-kre/wie 61-cox-1
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 303.03 -1387 ± 100 56-pen/sco 320.64 -1186 ± 100 56-pen/sco _________
T K 423.20 448.15 448.15 473.15 473.15 _________
T K 340.88 _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -521 ± 9 -460 ± 9 -454 ± 9 -390 ± 8 -388 ± 8
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 25 -2 4 1 3
MW = 76.16
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1012 ± 80
61-cox-1 67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck
MW = 76.16
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.7337 ⋅ 103 – 8.9537 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1301 ± 100
T/K 295
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1202 ± 90
T/K 305
T/K 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1021 ± 80
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 290.41 -1356 ± 100 -7 54-mcc/fin 325.72 -1019 ± 80 -4 54-mcc/fin 306.20 -1180 ± 90 10 54-mcc/fin _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 299.15 -1458 ± 10 62-bot/coo 301.66 -1568 ± 100 51-sco/fin 319.76 -1366 ± 80 51-sco/fin _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 339.15 339.81 _________
C3H8S Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1015 ± 9 -1246 ± 80
MW = 76.16
62-bot/coo 51-sco/fin
3.3 C3 Organic Compounds
MW = 59.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.4209 ⋅ 103 + 1.0335 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 2.4971 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 300 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -750 ± 50 -685 ± 50
T/K 320 335
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -630 ± 50 -561 ± 50
T/K 350 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -506 ± 50 -452 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 298.15 -764.0 ± 10.0 -0.3 71-haw/sut 335.00 -573.0 ± 50.0 -12.1 308.15 -700.0 ± 50.0 -3.2 74-mil/min 343.20 -532.5 ± 50.0 -2.9 311.20 -672.0 ± 50.0 6.4 50-lam/str 351.00 -508.0 ± 50.0 -4.7 313.80 -655.0 ± 50.0 8.3 50-lam/str 363.60 -469.0 ± 50.0 -1.7 323.80 -605.0 ± 50.0 5.8 50-lam/str 374.70 -437.0 ± 50.0 4.3 _________
50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str
MW = 103.91
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.8390 ⋅ 102 − 4.3045 ⋅ 105/(T/K) T/K 500 520
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -377 ± 35 -344 ± 35
T/K 540
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -313 ± 30
T/K 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -271 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 498.15 -380.7 ± 38.0 -0.5 69-kun/kap 548.15 -301.3 ± 30.0 0.1 69-kun/kap 523.15 -338.3 ± 34.0 0.6 69-kun/kap 573.15 -267.3 ± 27.0 -0.2 69-kun/kap _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds 2,2,3-Trichloroheptafluorobutane
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 344.2 -2621 ± 300 56-mag 371.9 -1749 ± 100 56-mag _________
T K 408.6
Trifluoroethanoic anhydride
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 293.15 -2360 ± 220 63-wyr/kre-1 303.15 -1980 ± 150 63-wyr/kre-1 _________
T K 313.15 _________
MW = 287.39
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1271 ± 60
MW = 210.03
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1550 ± 40
MW = 200.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3· mol-1 = 4.2109 ⋅ 102 − 4.3943 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 1.2859 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 3.1178 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -805 ± 8 -736 ± 8 -648 ± 8 -552 ± 8
T/K 295 305 320 340
T/K 370 410 460 510
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -428 ± 8 -338 ± 8 -247 ± 6 -181 ± 5
T/K 560 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -131 ± 5 -84 ± 4
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 290.00 -843.7 ± 1.5 -0.2 92-bel/big 397.73 -363.0 ± 23.2 3.4 300.00 -769.0 ± 1.5 0.6 92-bel/big 398.16 -366.0 ± 8.6 -0.6 310.00 -705.7 ± 1.5 -0.8 92-bel/big 423.16 -313.0 ± 7.6 -2.3 329.41 -595.0 ± 34.8 5.1 82-bar/kay 448.16 -268.0 ± 6.8 -2.4 338.42 -553.0 ± 32.7 6.0 82-bar/kay 473.16 -229.0 ± 6.1 -1.4 348.57 -517.0 ± 30.9 0.4 82-bar/kay 498.16 -196.0 ± 5.5 -1.0 368.19 -450.0 ± 27.5 -1.5 82-bar/kay 523.16 -167.0 ± 5.0 -0.2 373.16 -434.0 ± 9.8 -0.9 59-dou/moo 548.16 -142.0 ± 4.6 -0.1 377.99 -424.0 ± 26.2 -5.3 82-bar/kay 573.16 -120.0 ± 4.2 -0.3 387.74 -389.0 ± 24.5 2.8 82-bar/kay 598.16 -100.0 ± 3.8 -0.2 388.38 -391.0 ± 9.0 -0.9 59-dou/moo 623.16 -82.0 ± 3.5 -0.2 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
82-bar/kay 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 323.18 -3000 ± 500 93-sal/adc 342.84 -2600 ± 900 93-sal/adc _________
T K 371.12 389.19 _________
MW = 216.03
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -2500 ± 900 -3000 ± 1000
93-sal/adc 93-sal/adc
MW = 238.03
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3· mol-1 = 2.0874 ⋅ 103 − 1.2230 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 9.7474 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 T/K 285 300
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1004 ± 45 -906 ± 40
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -783 ± 40 -666 ± 40
T/K 320 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -506 ± 35
T/K 370
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 283.16 -1018 ± 45 -2 62-tri/dun 323.21 -772 ± 39 -9 62-tri/dun 303.04 -894 ± 120 -7 62-tri/dun 373.15 -492 ± 49 -2 69-dan/kno 323.15 -744 ± 74 20 69-dan/kno Further references: [62-tri/dun(set-2, set-3, set-4)]. _________
1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Heptafluoro-3-(trifluoromethoxy) propane [59426-77-6] C4F10O Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 343.04 -2300 ± 900 93-sal/adc 383.33 -1600 ± 300 93-sal/adc _________
T K 394.00 _________
MW = 254.03
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1600 ± 300
MW = 202.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.7008 ⋅ 102 − 4.2444 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 8.0941 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 3.0136 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 305 315
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1114 ± 11 -1026 ± 10
T/K 330 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -911 ± 9 -785 ± 8
T/K 370 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -681 ± 7 -575 ± 6 cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4-Octafluorobutane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 300 -1161.5 ± 12 0.00 97-def/car 360 -730.3 ± 7 -0.03 320 -985.5 ± 10 0.01 97-def/car 380 -635.5 ± 6 0.02 340 -844.8 ± 8 0.01 97-def/car 400 -556.0 ± 5 0.00 _________
97-def/car 97-def/car 97-def/car
MW = 118.59
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.5296 ⋅ 103 + 2.4651 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 6.5843 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2038 ± 80 -1916 ± 75
T/K 335 345
T/K 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1810 ± 70
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1677 ± 65
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.45 -2060 ± 80 -1 71-eon/pom 363.45 -1730 ± 69 2 71-eon/pom 343.45 -1930 ± 77 4 71-eon/pom 373.45 -1650 ± 60 0 71-eon/pom 353.45 -1830 ± 73 -4 71-eon/pom _________
MW = 68.07
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 6.2291 ⋅ 103 − 6.1819 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.9793 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 2.2748 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -966 ± 90 -880 ± 80
T/K 280 290
T/K 305 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -780 ± 80 -702 ± 50
T/K 340 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -619 ± 30 -512 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 279.16 -975 ± 90 -0.7 52-gut/sco-1 343.45 -605 ± 24 1.1 293.16 -851 ± 80 6.0 52-gut/sco-1 353.45 -570 ± 23 -0.4 304.52 -789 ± 80 -5.7 52-gut/sco-1 363.45 -535 ± 21 -0.4 333.45 -645 ± 26 -0.1 71-eon/pom 373.45 -500 ± 20 0.3 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
71-eon/pom 71-eon/pom 71-eon/pom 71-eon/pom
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
MW = 84.14
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.0669 ⋅ 103 + 2.2018 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 5.0880 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 320 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1155 ± 40 -1067 ± 40
T/K 340 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -992 ± 35 -902 ± 35
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -833 ± 30
T/K 370
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 318.51 -1173 ± 30 -4 49-wad/kno 353.45 -915 ± 37 -5 333.45 -1020 ± 41 20 71-eon/pom 357.31 -957 ± 15 -67 336.23 -1025 ± 20 -6 49-wad/kno 363.45 -865 ± 35 -4 343.45 -970 ± 39 -1 71-eon/pom 373.45 -820 ± 33 -1 1) Weighting was reduced to zero in the fitting analysis. _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 333.45 -1270 ± 51 71-eon/pom 343.45 -1160 ± 46 71-eon/pom 353.45 -1070 ± 43 71-eon/pom 362.11 -1759 ± 150 67-sco/ber _________
T K 363.45 373.45 381.21 402.91 _________
71-eon/pom 49-wad/kno1) 71-eon/pom 71-eon/pom
MW = 67.09
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -990 ± 40 -880 ± 35 -1456 ± 130 -1185 ± 110
71-eon/pom 71-eon/pom 67-sco/ber 67-sco/ber
MW = 54.09
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3· mol-1 = 1.7027 ⋅ 104 − 1.6558 ⋅ 107/(T/K) + 5.3391 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 5.8813 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 285 295
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -745 ± 20 -660 ± 15
T/K 310 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -570 ± 15 -506 ± 10
T/K 340 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -451 ± 10 -376 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 283.15 -757.5 ± 40.0 7.7 63-mac/mck 303.17 -607.3 ± 4.3 0.1 288.15 -725.9 ± 40.0 -9.7 63-mac/mck 303.20 -603.3 ± 3.4 3.9 298.19 -635.4 ± 2.5 2.9 92-hoh/tru 313.12 -558.3 ± 2.9 -2.2 303.15 -666.7 ± 35.0 -59.2 63-mac/mck 313.17 -556.5 ± 2.0 -0.6 _________
92-hoh/tru 92-hoh/tru 92-hoh/tru 92-hoh/tru cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
1,3-Butadiene (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 323.01 -506.3 ± 4.2 8.0 92-hoh/tru 323.08 -518.9 ± 3.4 -4.9 92-hoh/tru 323.15 -559.5 ± 30.0 -45.8 63-mac/mck 332.94 -478.0 ± 5.3 -1.0 92-hoh/tru 332.94 -467.1 ± 3.7 9.9 92-hoh/tru 342.78 -436.6 ± 4.4 5.0 92-hoh/tru _________
T K 342.80 348.15 352.66 352.77 362.50 362.60 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Bexp ± δB Ref. 3 -1 K cm · mol 262.00 -980 ± 100 50-ast/mas 266.00 -1010 ± 100 50-ast/mas 270.00 -1100 ± 100 50-ast/mas 274.00 -1000 ± 100 50-ast/mas _________
T K 278.00 282.00 298.00
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -445.2 ± 3.9 -3.7 92-hoh/tru -445.7 ± 20.0 -23.6 63-mac/mck -411.4 ± 3.6 -6.0 92-hoh/tru -390.5 ± 3.1 14.5 92-hoh/tru -363.5 ± 4.4 3.8 92-hoh/tru -371.3 ± 4.0 -4.4 92-hoh/tru ______________________________________
MW = 54.09
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -980 ± 98 -940 ± 94 -748 ± 75
50-ast/mas 50-ast/mas 50-ast/mas
MW = 54.09
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 7.8919 ⋅ 102 − 4.9648 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -984 ± 40 -953 ± 35
T/K 280 285
T/K 290 295
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -923 ± 20 -894 ± 15
T/K 300
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -866 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 278.15 -974 ± 60 21.7 92-gar/cac 293.15 -912 ± 10 -7.6 283.15 -962 ± 35 2.2 92-gar/cac 298.15 -879 ± 8 -3.0 288.15 -940 ± 20 -6.2 92-gar/cac 300.12 -865 ± 8 0.1 291.00 -927 ± 15 -10.1 92-gar/cac 301.80 -853 ± 8 2.9 _________
92-gar/cac 92-gar/cac 92-gar/cac 92-gar/cac
MW = 70.09
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 5.8246 ⋅ 102 − 4.1691 ⋅ 105/(T/K)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
2,5-Dihydrofuran (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 335 -662 ± 30 345 -626 ± 25
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -592 ± 25
T/K 355
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -544 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 333.45 -670 ± 27 -2 71-eon/pom 363.45 -565 ± 24 0 71-eon/pom 343.45 -630 ± 26 2 71-eon/pom 373.45 -535 ± 24 -1 71-eon/pom 353.45 -595 ± 25 2 71-eon/pom _________
MW = 69.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 6.8713 ⋅ 104 + 5.4024 ⋅ 107/(T/K) − 1.0864 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)2 T/K 360 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2473 ± 100 -2248 ± 100
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1904 ± 50
T/K 375
T/K 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1685 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 358.2 -2577 ± 100 -10 50-iwa 378.2 -1830 ± 50 -6 50-iwa 368.2 -2111 ± 100 15 50-iwa 388.2 -1640 ± 50 1 50-iwa _________
MW = 69.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3· mol-1 = 3.8855 ⋅ 103 − 2.1560 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2364 ± 100
T/K 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2188 ± 100
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1941 ± 80
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 343.2 -2392 ± 100 4 50-iwa 363.2 -2067 ± 100 -16 50-iwa 353.2 -2229 ± 100 -10 50-iwa 373.2 -1875 ± 50 16 50-iwa _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
MW = 56.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.8449 ⋅ 103 − 2.4771 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.1518 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 2.4483 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 + 1.6568 ⋅1013/(T/K)4 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1869 ± 100 -1640 ± 100 -1354 ± 50
T/K 205 215 230
T/K 250 290 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1062 ± 50 -697 ± 25 -466 ± 15
T/K 400 460 520
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -327 ± 15 -242 ± 15 -174 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 202.30 -1940.0 ± 100.0 -5.7 46-ast/fin 343.80 -457.0 ± 9.1 -2.9 202.85 -1920.0 ± 100.0 0.5 46-ast/fin 353.50 -432.0 ± 8.6 -5.7 218.87 -1550.0 ± 100.0 9.1 46-ast/fin 363.50 -400.0 ± 8.0 0.8 242.23 -1160.0 ± 90.0 4.0 46-ast/fin 373.70 -381.0 ± 7.6 -3.5 243.37 -1188.6 ± 24.0 -40.4 40-rop1) 377.60 -368.8 ± 20.0 0.4 266.45 -890.0 ± 70.0 -7.0 46-ast/fin 383.60 -363.0 ± 7.3 -5.9 266.72 -890.0 ± 70.0 -9.5 46-ast/fin 392.70 -334.0 ± 6.7 6.0 273.15 -793.4 ± 16.0 29.4 40-rop 403.50 -321.0 ± 6.4 0.2 273.15 -793.8 ± 16.0 29.0 40-rop 410.94 -299.1 ± 15.0 10.1 294.25 -669.0 ± 13.0 0.9 40-rop 420.10 -295.0 ± 5.9 0.2 298.15 -615.0 ± 20.0 31.7 46-ast/fin2) 444.27 -247.2 ± 15.0 14.6 304.20 -606.0 ± 12.0 7.4 64-mcg/wor 448.16 -255.4 ± 15.0 1.4 313.50 -559.0 ± 11.0 8.6 64-mcg/wor 473.16 -224.5 ± 13.0 1.6 323.20 -533.0 ± 10.0 -7.0 64-mcg/wor 498.16 -198.8 ± 12.0 -1.2 333.10 -494.0 ± 9.9 -5.0 64-mcg/wor 523.16 -177.7 ± 10.0 -7.5 333.16 -507.7 ± 10.0 -18.9 40-rop 1) Uncertainty was reduced to 15 in the fitting analysis. 2) Weighting was reduced to zero in the fitting analysis. _________
64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 74-pom/spu 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 74-pom/spu 64-mcg/wor 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 56.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.2888 ⋅ 103 + 8.6278 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 2.0700 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 245 255 265
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1216 ± 25 -1089 ± 20 -981 ± 20
T/K 280 290 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -848 ± 20 -743 ± 20 -660 ± 20
T/K 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -575 ± 20
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
(E)-2-Butene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 243.29 -1230 ± 25 10 40-rop 273.15 -944 ± 19 -39 250.91 -1130 ± 23 8 40-rop 308.16 -666 ± 13 3 273.15 -885 ± 18 20 40-rop 308.16 -657 ± 13 12 273.15 -900 ± 18 5 40-rop 308.16 -665 ± 13 4 273.15 -908 ± 18 -3 40-rop 333.14 -593 ± 12 -29 273.15 -911 ± 18 -6 40-rop 333.14 -545 ± 11 19 _________
40-rop 40-rop 40-rop 40-rop 40-rop 40-rop
MW = 56.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.4610 ⋅ 103 + 1.6351 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 3.3194 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 255 265 275
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1154 ± 30 -1018 ± 25 -904 ± 25
T/K 290 305 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -770 ± 20 -668 ± 20 -593 ± 15
T/K 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -523 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 250.92 -1243 ± 25 -26 40-rop 273.15 -969 ± 19 -45 259.93 -1069 ± 21 14 40-rop 308.16 -656 ± 13 -5 273.15 -870 ± 17 54 40-rop 333.13 -558 ± 11 -14 273.15 -903 ± 18 21 40-rop 343.09 -503 ± 10 12 273.15 -936 ± 18 -12 40-rop _________
40-rop 40-rop 40-rop 40-rop
MW = 56.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.5536 ⋅ 103 + 2.6336 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 1.6613 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 + 4.2568 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 − 4.1870 ⋅ 1013/(T/K)4 T/K 245 255 270
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1156 ± 25 -1005 ± 20 -840 ± 15
T/K 290 320 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -692 ± 15 -550 ± 11 -426 ± 8
T/K 410 470 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 318 ± 6 -229 ± 5 -159 ± 3 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
2-Methylpropene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 243.28 -1190.6 ± 24.0 -3.4 40-rop 448.15 -257.6 ± 6.0 -0.1 42-bea/ing-1 273.15 -803.7 ± 16.0 9.1 40-rop 473.15 -226.0 ± 5.0 -0.9 42-bea/ing-1 273.15 -815.7 ± 16.0 -2.9 40-rop 498.15 -198.8 ± 4.0 -0.8 42-bea/ing-1 333.14 -508.4 ± 10.0 -4.9 40-rop 523.15 -176.0 ± 3.0 -0.4 42-bea/ing-1 423.15 -292.0 ± 6.0 3.8 42-bea/ing-1 548.15 -156.8 ± 3.0 0.6 42-bea/ing-1 _________
MW = 72.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.4919 ⋅ 103 + 1.7921 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 4.5499 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1507 ± 25 -1388 ± 25
T/K 305 315
T/K 330 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1239 ± 25 -1120 ± 25
T/K 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1025 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 303.15 -1525 ± 25 6 93-bar/mar 345.15 -1098 ± 25 21 93-bar/mar 323.15 -1324 ± 25 -21 93-bar/mar 363.15 -1017 ± 25 -10 93-bar/mar 339.15 -1160 ± 25 3 93-bar/mar _________
MW = 72.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 7.3871 ⋅ 103 + 5.8855 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 1.3266 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2073 ± 100 -1837 ± 80
T/K 315 325
T/K 340 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1553 ± 50 -1335 ± 30
T/K 370 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1171 ± 30 -1018 ± 30
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 1) 314.61 -1968 ± 40 115 61-nic/kob 343.15 -1536 ± 20 -34 315.17 -2030 ± 300 38 73-gei/qui 352.54 -1362 ± 26 5 332.86 -1660 ± 200 19 73-gei/qui 352.69 -1340 ± 150 25 333.15 -1870 ± 20 -196 66-zha/wan1) 353.15 -1377 ± 20 -18 338.69 -1589 ± 30 -14 61-nic/kob 362.58 -1228 ± 24 18 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
66-zha/wan 61-nic/kob 73-gei/qui 66-zha/wan 61-nic/kob cont.
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
2-Butanone (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K 363.15 -1246 ± 20 -6 66-zha/wan 383.15 370.57 -1130 ± 22 35 61-nic/kob 393.15 373.15 -1164 ± 20 -22 66-zha/wan 1) Weighting was reduced to zero in the fitting analysis. Further reference: [73-gei/qui(set-1)]. _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 301.80 -1310 ± 130 81-hos/sco-2 304.58 -1092 ± 25 73-tre/boc _________
T K 319.18 339.10 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -1066 ± 20 -3 66-zha/wan -1017 ± 20 -17 66-zha/wan ______________________________________
MW = 72.11
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1120 ± 70 -930 ± 40
81-hos/sco-2 81-hos/sco-2
MW = 88.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 6.9621 ⋅ 102 + 6.8028 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 3.0414 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 375 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1045 ± 45 -981 ± 45
T/K 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -896 ± 45
T/K 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -801 ± 45
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 373.20 -1057 ± 45 0.1 98-par/rie-1 403.15 -880 ± 45 -0.2 378.20 -1024 ± 45 -0.2 98-par/rie-1 413.20 -831 ± 45 0.2 383.20 -992 ± 45 0.2 98-par/rie-1 423.20 -787 ± 45 -0.1 393.20 -993 ± 45 -59.7 98-par/rie-11) 1) Weighting was reduced to zero in the fitting analysis. _________
Ethyl ethanoate
98-par/rie-1 98-par/rie-1 98-par/rie-1
MW = 88.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 6.5830 ⋅ 103 + 5.1996 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 1.1670 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Ethyl ethanoate (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 335 -1461 ± 50 345 -1316 ± 50 355 -1196 ± 50
T/K 365 375 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1097 ± 50 -1016 ± 50 -951 ± 50
T/K 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -899 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 330.2 -1550 ± 50 -10 59-lam/cla 351.2 -1250 ± 50 -11 333.5 -1490 ± 50 -5 59-lam/cla 353.2 -1240 ± 50 -24 336.8 -1470 ± 50 -37 59-lam/cla 358.6 -1160 ± 50 -2 337.7 -1360 ± 50 59 59-lam/cla 367.5 -1060 ± 50 15 338.2 -1440 ± 50 -28 59-lam/cla 368.2 -1080 ± 50 -11 343.2 -1300 ± 50 41 59-lam/cla 375.1 -1040 ± 50 -25 345.7 -1300 ± 50 7 59-lam/cla 382.6 -950 ± 50 15 346.4 -1300 ± 50 -2 59-lam/cla 390.2 -930 ± 50 -8 348.2 -1260 ± 50 16 59-lam/cla 398.7 -875 ± 50 8 Further reference: [76-con/cou]. _________
Methyl propanoate
59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla
MW = 88.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.5353 ⋅ 103 + 2.9750 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 7.6970 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1588 ± 50 -1444 ± 50 -1319 ± 50
T/K 330 340 350
T/K 360 375 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1210 ± 50 -1075 ± 50 -1001 ± 50
T/K 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -937 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 328.6 -1610 ± 50 0 59-lam/cla 353.2 -1240 ± 50 42 333.2 -1540 ± 50 0 59-lam/cla 360.8 -1230 ± 50 -27 335.2 -1530 ± 50 -20 59-lam/cla 368.2 -1110 ± 50 23 339.6 -1455 ± 50 -6 59-lam/cla 370.0 -1130 ± 50 -13 343.1 -1390 ± 50 13 59-lam/cla 381.7 -1070 ± 50 -46 347.0 -1340 ± 50 14 59-lam/cla 391.4 -940 ± 50 19 351.6 -1310 ± 50 -10 59-lam/cla 398.9 -905 ± 50 10 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Propyl methanoate
MW = 88.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 4.6773 ⋅ 103 + 3.8319 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 9.1872 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 330 340 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1502 ± 25 -1354 ± 25 -1229 ± 25
T/K 360 370 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1122 ± 25 -1032 ± 25 -956 ± 25
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -892 ± 25 -840 ± 25
T/K 390 400
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 323.15 -1620 ± 12 -3 67-str-4 353.20 -1190 ± 50 3 328.60 -1530 ± 50 -6 59-lam/cla 361.10 -1140 ± 50 -29 332.20 -1430 ± 50 37 59-lam/cla 368.20 -1060 ± 50 -13 333.20 -1440 ± 50 12 59-lam/cla 368.80 -1030 ± 50 12 334.70 -1420 ± 50 10 59-lam/cla 373.15 -1011 ± 11 -5 337.60 -1390 ± 50 -2 59-lam/cla 377.10 -960 ± 50 16 342.30 -1370 ± 50 -46 59-lam/cla 385.00 -900 ± 50 22 345.10 -1300 ± 50 -12 59-lam/cla 391.60 -880 ± 50 3 347.40 -1270 ± 50 -11 59-lam/cla 397.10 -860 ± 50 -6 348.15 -1250 ± 10 1 67-str-4 400.10 -845 ± 50 -6 351.40 -1190 ± 50 23 59-lam/cla _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 333.45 -910 ± 36 71-eon/pom 343.46 -875 ± 34 71-eon/pom 349.86 -1540 ± 100 52-hub/fin 353.45 -840 ± 34 71-eon/pom _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 329.75 -2310 ± 350 77-svo/maj 340.65 -2227 ± 330 77-svo/maj 352.95 -2031 ± 300 77-svo/maj 365.45 -1809 ± 270 77-svo/maj _________
T K 363.45 370.16 373.45 394.28 _________
T K 368.50 384.10 397.50 412.60
59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 67-str-4 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla 59-lam/cla
MW = 88.17
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -760 ± 30 -1181 ± 100 -710 ± 29 -1074 ± 80
71-eon/pom 52-hub/fin 71-eon/pom 52-hub/fin
MW = 137.02
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1063 ± 46 -985 ± 44 -898 ± 41 -843 ± 40
75-rui/bur 75-rui/bur 75-rui/bur 75-rui/bur
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 322.25 -1841 ± 280 77-svo/maj 331.75 -1730 ± 260 77-svo/maj 339.15 -1695 ± 250 77-svo/maj _________
T K 352.35 366.35 _________
MW = 137.02
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1173 ± 180 -912 ± 140
77-svo/maj 77-svo/maj
MW = 137.02
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.2098 ⋅ 103 − 8.7282 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1181 ± 50 -1118 ± 50
T/K 365 375
T/K 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1028 ± 45
T/K 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -945 ± 45
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 363.4 -1197 ± 51 -5 75-rui/bur 392.7 -1021 ± 46 -8 75-rui/bur 378.9 -1082 ± 48 12 75-rui/bur 407.6 -930 ± 43 2 75-rui/bur _________
MW = 92.57
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 8.0474 ⋅ 102 − 1.1140 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 4.4699 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 9.9235 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1228 ± 35 -1130 ± 30 -1005 ± 30 -900 ± 30
T/K 330 340 355 370
T/K 385 400 420 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -812 ± 25 -737 ± 25 -653 ± 25 -583 ± 20
T/K 470 500 530 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -498 ± 20 -429 ± 20 -372 ± 18 -310 ± 16
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 329.60 -1227 ± 35 5 71-boh/man 377.20 -854 ± 27 3 331.20 -1212 ± 34 3 71-boh/man 398.50 -738 ± 25 6 358.15 -1026 ± 20 -45 58-per/dia 407.30 -706 ± 24 -2 358.90 -977 ± 30 -2 71-boh/man 412.40 -677 ± 24 6 367.90 -909 ± 28 5 71-boh/man 423.15 -673 ± 17 -32 373.15 -924 ± 19 -44 58-per/dia 444.50 -568 ± 21 1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man 58-per/dia 71-boh/man cont.
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
1-Chlorobutane (cont.) Table 2. T K 459.90 478.70 488.10 501.20 _________
(cont.) Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -529 ± 21 -473 ± 20 -452 ± 19 -424 ± 19 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -4 4 3 3
71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 348.15 -1021.3 ± 20.0 58-per/dia _________
T K 373.15
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 313.20 -1504 ± 30 68-rae 323.11 -995 ± 25 64-per/dia 333.20 -1051 ± 21 68-rae _________
T K 348.18 373.26 396.86
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 321.90 -1399 ± 110 59-mcc/dou 339.50 -1180 ± 100 59-mcc/dou _________
T K 519.80 539.40 544.50 573.30 _________
T K 359.72 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -392 ± 18 -1 -358 ± 17 -2 -343 ± 17 5 -305 ± 16 0 ______________________________________
71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man 71-boh/man
MW = 92.57
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -953.7 ± 19.5
MW = 92.57
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -871 ± 15 -773 ± 17 -701 ± 13
64-per/dia 64-per/dia 64-per/dia
MW = 71.12
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1001 ± 100
MW = 58.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.2720 ⋅ 102 – 2.2797 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 2.9855 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 – 1.3706⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 245 255 270 290
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1138 ± 12 -1034 ± 10 -904 ± 10 -766 ± 8
T/K 320 340 370 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -612 ± 6 -534 ± 5 -441 ± 4 -370 ± 3
T/K 430 480 530 585
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -314 ± 3 -242 ± 3 -189 ± 3 -144 ± 3 cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Butane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 244.00 -1230.0 ± 44.9 -80.9 63-kap/lun1) 321.00 -635.0 ± 27.0 -27.4 250.00 -1081.5 ± 10.0 2.7 88-ewi/goo() 323.15 -588.7 ± 7.0 9.8 260.00 -979.5 ± 10.0 8.3 88-ewi/goo() 323.16 -606.0 ± 4.0 -7.5 264.90 -957.6 ± 14.0 -12.3 97-gup/eub(z) 323.20 -599.0 ± 72.0 -0.7 270.00 -892.4 ± 10.0 11.5 88-ewi/goo() 323.20 -602.0 ± 69.0 -3.7 273.06 -897.0 ± 6.0 -16.6 64-bot/spu1) 323.20 -619.0 ± 11.0 -20.7 273.40 -923.0 ± 35.7 -45.1 63-kap/lun1) 323.20 -641.0 ± 12.0 -42.7 275.00 -871.0 ± 11.0 -5.0 97-gup/eub(z) 325.00 -586.8 ± 6.0 4.1 280.00 -902.0 ± 30.0 -71.5 73-das/ree-11) 325.68 -595.0 ± 4.0 -6.9 280.00 -817.6 ± 8.0 12.9 88-ewi/goo() 327.60 -616.3 ± 10.0 -36.0 282.30 -862.0 ± 33.9 -47.1 63-kap/lun1) 328.15 -581.2 ± 1.4 -3.1 283.15 -862.0 ± 68.0 -52.7 62-tri/dun1) 328.90 -568.0 ± 20.0 7.2 283.15 -862.0 ± 63.0 -52.7 62-tri/dun1) 334.60 -555.7 ± 0.1 -2.4 283.15 -846.0 ± 10.0 -36.7 62-tri/dun1) 337.80 -533.0 ± 20.0 8.6 283.15 -881.0 ± 11.0 -71.7 62-tri/dun1) 338.15 -539.3 ± 1.2 1.1 283.15 -831.8 ± 10.0 -22.5 63-mac/mck1) 338.72 -585.2 ± 48.0 -46.9 288.15 -780.3 ± 10.0 -3.1 63-mac/mck1) 340.00 -554.0 ± 20.0 -20.2 290.00 -825.0 ± 30.0 -59.1 73-das/ree-11) 341.49 -518.9 ± 15.0 9.6 290.00 -752.6 ± 7.0 13.3 88-ewi/goo() 341.54 -503.6 ± 15.0 24.8 296.10 -743.0 ± 0.1 -12.9 341.75 -512.0 ± 15.0 15.6 71-str/lic(×) 296.40 -720.0 ± 20.0 8.5 62-mcg/pot({) 341.83 -513.3 ± 15.0 14.1 297.00 -758.0 ± 30.7 -32.9 63-kap/lun1) 344.26 -517.0 ± 5.0 2.0 297.14 -735.0 ± 4.0 -10.7 64-bot/spu1) 344.27 -567.6 ± 10.0 -48.6 298.15 -719.0 ± 50.0 -0.3 93-sta/hou1) 344.27 -544.2 ± 40.0 -25.2 300.00 -757.0 ± 30.0 -48.4 73-das/ree-11) 346.46 -522.0 ± 4.0 -10.3 300.00 -695.9 ± 7.0 12.7 88-ewi/goo() 348.15 -491.4 ± 6.0 14.7 300.00 -706.0 ± 8.0 2.6 97-gup/eub(z) 348.15 -502.3 ± 1.5 3.8 303.03 -691.0 ± 27.0 1.5 62-tri/dun1) 348.40 -501.0 ± 20.0 4.3 303.03 -695.0 ± 25.0 -2.5 62-tri/dun1) 350.00 -494.5 ± 4.5 5.6 303.03 -715.0 ± 5.0 -22.5 62-tri/dun1) 353.10 -489.2 ± 0.1 1.1 303.03 -745.0 ± 6.0 -52.5 62-tri/dun1) 353.10 -525.0 ± 26.0 -34.7 303.15 -789.0 ± 70.0 -97.1 38-jes/lig1) 358.40 -466.0 ± 20.0 8.2 303.15 -686.6 ± 8.0 5.3 63-mac/mck1) 360.00 -481.0 ± 20.0 -11.5 305.60 -718.0 ± 29.5 -38.7 63-kap/lun1) 360.93 -464.7 ± 4.0 2.1 307.50 -667.0 ± 20.0 2.8 62-mcg/pot({) 360.94 -532.7 ± 10.0 -66.0 309.50 -661.0 ± 0.1 -1.0 366.49 -502.7 ± 44.0 -51.7 71-str/lic(×) 310.00 -646.0 ± 6.0 11.6 88-ewi/goo() 367.09 -432.9 ± 10.0 16.5 310.94 -660.6 ± 10.0 -7.5 74-pom/spu1) 367.13 -432.3 ± 15.0 16.9 310.94 -742.8 ± 50.0 -89.7 74-pom/spu1) 367.83 -435.3 ± 15.0 12.0 310.94 -707.6 ± 50.0 -54.5 74-pom/spu1) 367.99 -429.7 ± 15.0 17.2 312.00 -674.0 ± 28.2 -25.9 63-kap/lun1) 368.25 -444.2 ± 2.0 2.0 316.18 -612.3 ± 15.0 16.5 77-bot/nai1) 368.25 -443.5 ± 10.0 2.7 318.15 -632.5 ± 1.2 -12.5 94-aba/mce1) 368.40 -440.0 ± 20.0 5.8 318.20 -619.0 ± 20.0 0.8 62-mcg/pot({) 370.86 -449.0 ± 4.0 -9.9 320.00 -644.0 ± 30.0 -32.1 73-das/ree-11) 373.22 -429.5 ± 2.0 3.4 320.00 -601.8 ± 6.0 10.1 88-ewi/goo() 373.22 -427.5 ± 10.0 5.4 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 63-kap/lun1) 63-mac/mck1) 64-bot/spu1) 62-tri/dun1) 62-tri/dun1) 62-tri/dun1) 62-tri/dun1) 97-gup/eub(z) 64-bot/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 94-aba/mce1) 62-mcg/pot({) 71-str/lic(×) 62-mcg/pot({) 94-aba/mce1) 74-pom/spu1) 73-das/ree-11) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 64-bot/spu1) 63-mac/mck1) 94-aba/mce1) 62-mcg/pot({) 97-gup/eub(z) 71-str/lic(×) 74-sch/sch1) 62-mcg/pot({) 73-das/ree-11) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 67-jon/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 62-mcg/pot({) 64-bot/spu1) 67-jon/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) cont.
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Butane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 374.20 -431.8 ± 0.1 -1.4 375.00 -426.5 ± 4.0 1.8 377.59 -418.6 ± 4.0 3.2 377.60 -501.5 ± 10.0 -79.8 377.60 -433.2 ± 20.0 -11.5 377.90 -410.0 ± 20.0 11.0 378.18 -418.0 ± 2.0 2.3 378.18 -418.3 ± 8.0 2.0 380.00 -421.0 ± 20.0 -5.2 387.60 -383.0 ± 20.0 14.6 393.30 -427.0 ± 21.0 -42.3 393.80 -385.9 ± 0.1 -2.3 394.26 -381.3 ± 3.0 1.3 394.27 -472.3 ± 10.0 -89.7 394.27 -422.0 ± 40.0 -39.4 396.39 -368.6 ± 10.0 9.4 396.46 -367.6 ± 10.0 10.2 396.60 -363.8 ± 10.0 13.7 397.34 -389.0 ± 4.0 -13.1 398.14 -376.0 ± 2.0 -1.8 398.14 -370.0 ± 5.0 4.2 400.00 -371.0 ± 20.0 -0.7 400.00 -369.0 ± 3.0 1.3 400.40 -353.0 ± 20.0 16.5 406.87 -356.1 ± 3.0 0.2 410.93 -348.6 ± 3.0 -0.3 410.94 -358.0 ± 15.0 -9.8 413.00 -345.9 ± 0.1 -1.6 413.40 -322.0 ± 20.0 21.6 420.00 -329.0 ± 15.0 2.3 422.05 -333.4 ± 35.0 -5.7 423.14 -326.1 ± 2.0 -0.4 423.14 -325.6 ± 5.0 0.1 423.16 -324.0 ± 33.0 1.7 423.16 -328.8 ± 15.0 -3.1 423.20 -328.7 ± 16.0 -3.1 425.00 -321.5 ± 2.0 1.0 426.37 -331.0 ± 4.0 -10.9 427.88 -303.8 ± 10.0 13.7 427.88 -306.5 ± 10.0 11.0 432.20 -365.0 ± 18.0 -54.8 433.30 -314.3 ± 0.1 -5.9 440.00 -294.0 ± 15.0 3.6 444.26 -289.8 ± 3.0 1.2 444.27 -290.0 ± 10.0 1.0 448.16 -288.0 ± 31.5 -2.9 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 71-str/lic(×) 97-gup/eub(z) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 62-mcg/pot({) 67-jon/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 73-das/ree-11) 62-mcg/pot({) 74-sch/sch1) 71-str/lic(×) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 64-bot/spu1) 67-jon/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 73-das/ree-11) 97-gup/eub(z) 62-mcg/pot({) 62-con(
) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 71-str/lic(×) 62-mcg/pot({) 73-das/ree-11) 74-pom/spu1) 67-jon/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-bea/sto1) 97-gup/eub(z) 64-bot/spu1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 74-sch/sch1) 71-str/lic(×) 73-das/ree-11) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1)
T K 448.16 448.18 448.18 448.20 449.83 450.00 462.69 462.86 463.32 470.00 472.50 472.80 473.16 473.16 473.20 473.21 473.21 477.60 477.60 498.00 498.16 498.16 498.20 498.20 498.20 498.81 498.98 500.00 505.38 510.94 511.10 523.16 523.16 523.20 530.00 533.16 537.16 537.32 537.38 548.16 548.20 560.00 560.94 573.16 573.16 573.20 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -286.1 ± 15.0 -1.0 -284.8 ± 2.0 0.3 -286.2 ± 5.0 -1.2 -287.3 ± 14.0 -2.3 -294.4 ± 30.0 -11.8 -281.5 ± 1.0 0.9 -248.6 ± 10.0 15.8 -246.6 ± 5.0 17.6 -243.9 ± 5.0 19.7 -250.0 ± 10.0 4.7 -310.0 ± 15.0 -58.5 -253.3 ± 0.1 -2.2 -256.0 ± 30.2 -5.4 -252.7 ± 15.0 -2.1 -254.2 ± 13.0 -3.6 -256.3 ± 2.0 -5.7 -255.5 ± 5.0 -4.9 -257.1 ± 25.0 -12.0 -237.3 ± 10.0 7.8 -220.3 ± 0.1 0.9 -224.0 ± 29.0 -3.0 -223.4 ± 12.0 -2.4 -224.5 ± 11.0 -3.6 -228.7 ± 2.0 -7.8 -228.5 ± 5.0 -7.6 -213.9 ± 5.0 6.4 -201.4 ± 5.0 18.7 -215.0 ± 10.0 4.0 -223.7 ± 20.0 -10.5 -198.8 ± 10.0 8.6 -247.0 ± 12.0 -39.8 -198.0 ± 27.9 -2.8 -198.2 ± 10.0 -3.0 -198.1 ± 9.9 -2.9 -186.0 ± 10.0 2.7 -201.4 ± 15.0 -15.6 -167.1 ± 5.0 15.1 -160.5 ± 5.0 21.5 -158.1 ± 5.0 23.9 -176.0 ± 27.0 -3.5 -176.0 ± 8.8 -3.5 -161.0 ± 10.0 1.7 -182.5 ± 10.0 -20.5 -159.0 ± 26.4 -6.5 -154.1 ± 10.0 -1.6 -157.4 ± 7.9 -5.0 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 74-pom/spu1) 67-jon/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-bea/sto1) 74-pom/spu1) 97-gup/eub(z) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 73-das/ree-11) 74-sch/sch1) 71-str/lic(×) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-bea/sto1) 67-jon/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 71-str/lic(×) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-bea/sto1) 67-jon/kay1) 74-pom/spu1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 73-das/ree-11) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-sch/sch1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-bea/sto1) 73-das/ree-11) 74-pom/spu1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 77-bot/nai1) 42-hir/mcc1) 42-bea/sto1) 73-das/ree-11) 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1) 74-pom/spu1) 42-bea/sto1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Butane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 579.46 -125.9 ± 5.0 21.9 77-bot/nai1) 588.72 -168.3 ± 10.0 -27.2 74-pom/spu1) 1) 580.48 -124.6 ± 5.0 22.4 77-bot/nai 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [51-kre/wie, 61-mas/eak, 69-lic/sch]. _________
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 225
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
MW = 58.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.1625 ⋅ 102 − 1.0293 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.2475 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 7.0490 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 T/K 255 265 280 300
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -904 ± 10 -829 ± 8 -732 ± 7 -627 ± 6
T/K 320 340 370 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -542 ± 5 -474 ± 4 -392 ± 3 -329 ± 3
T/K 440 480 520 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -265 ± 3 -216 ± 4 -178 ± 5 -141 ± 5 cont.
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
2-Methylpropane (cont.) 40
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
10 0 -10 -20 -30 250
T /K Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 251.00 -930.6 ± 10.0 7.0 91-ewi/goo-1({) 360.93 -412.7 ± 4.0 1.9 260.00 -856.8 ± 10.0 8.4 91-ewi/goo-1({) 360.94 -502.7 ± 10.0 -88.1 270.00 -785.3 ± 10.0 8.9 91-ewi/goo-1({) 377.59 -374.0 ± 3.0 0.8 272.95 -784.5 ± 9.0 -9.6 63-mac/mck(×) 377.60 -488.5 ± 10.0 -113.8 280.00 -723.0 ± 8.0 8.6 91-ewi/goo-1({) 394.26 -341.1 ± 3.0 -1.0 283.15 -729.6 ± 9.0 -16.2 63-mac/mck(×) 394.27 -466.8 ± 10.0 -126.8 288.15 -662.1 ± 8.0 23.7 63-mac/mck(×) 406.87 -318.3 ± 2.5 -1.6 288.70 -714.3 ± 5.0 -31.4 61-mas/eak1) 410.93 -311.5 ± 2.5 -1.8 290.00 -668.3 ± 8.0 7.7 91-ewi/goo-1({) 410.94 -329.7 ± 15.0 -20.0 294.27 -620.8 ± 10.0 33.4 74-pom/spu1) 423.16 -289.4 ± 15.0 0.3 300.00 -619.9 ± 7.0 6.6 91-ewi/goo-1({) 444.26 -259.6 ± 2.5 -0.6 303.15 -614.4 ± 7.0 -2.3 63-mac/mck(×) 444.27 -256.5 ± 15.0 2.5 303.16 -644.0 ± 11.0 -32.0 51-kre/wie1) 448.16 -253.7 ± 15.0 0.2 310.00 -577.0 ± 40.6 5.2 91-ewi/goo-1({) 473.16 -223.2 ± 12.0 0.4 310.94 -585.3 ± 10.0 -7.0 74-pom/spu1) 477.60 -223.1 ± 15.0 -4.4 320.00 -538.6 ± 5.0 3.8 91-ewi/goo-1({) 498.16 -197.1 ± 10.0 0.6 323.15 -527.7 ± 6.0 2.9 63-mac/mck(×) 510.94 -191.3 ± 10.0 -5.4 327.60 -541.3 ± 10.0 -26.7 74-pom/spu1) 523.16 -174.1 ± 10.0 1.2 344.26 -457.2 ± 4.0 3.6 62-con(
) 548.16 -153.3 ± 10.0 2.6 344.27 -524.2 ± 10.0 -63.5 74-pom/spu1) 573.16 -133.8 ± 10.0 5.0 348.15 -442.8 ± 5.0 6.6 63-mac/mck(×) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [38-jes/lig, 71-str/lic, 73-das/ree-1]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 62-con(
) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 62-con(
) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
MW = 74.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.2021 ⋅ 102 − 1.5890 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.3878 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 3.6783 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1565 ± 100 -1381 ± 100 -1154 ± 100
T/K 355 365 380
T/K 400 420 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -926 ± 80 -761 ± 70 -594 ± 60
T/K 490 530 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -469 ± 50 -408 ± 50 -382 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 350.00 -1670 ± 170 0 54-foz/mor 439.20 -624 ± 9 21 371.00 -1500 ± 150 -217 54-foz/mor1) 473.15 -511 ± 57 1 380.00 -1220 ± 120 -66 54-foz/mor1) 498.15 -453 ± 51 0 393.20 -1053 ± 16 -58 61-cox-11) 523.15 -417 ± 48 -2 408.20 -903 ± 7 -51 61-cox-11) 548.15 391 ± 45 2 423.20 -773 ± 13 -34 61-cox-11) 573.15 -382 ± 44 -1 1) Weighting was reduced in the fitting analysis. _________
61-cox-11) 93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2
MW = 74.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.8091 ⋅ 103 − 1.4181 ⋅ 106/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -923 ± 30 -827 ± 30
T/K 380 390
T/K 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -692 ± 30
T/K 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -567 ± 30
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 378.2 -935 ± 6 6 61-cox-1 408.2 -660 ± 5 5 61-cox-1 393.2 -810 ± 7 -12 61-cox-1 423.2 -540 ± 14 2 61-cox-1 _________
Diethyl ether
MW = 74.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.3331 ⋅ 103 + 1.9751 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 5.4039 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 + 1.5345 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Diethyl ether (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 285 -1393 ± 40 295 -1250 ± 30 310 -1070 ± 30
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -883 ± 25 -743 ± 25 -639 ± 25
T/K 330 350 370
T/K 390 410 430
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -563 ± 25 -508 ± 30 -469 ± 45
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 280.70 -1542 ± 110 -81 71-cou/lee 339.15 -790 ± 24 24 289.40 -1406 ± 100 -79 71-cou/lee 343.15 -768 ± 13 19 295.60 -1300 ± 91 -58 71-cou/lee 348.15 -770 ± 35 -15 298.15 -1165 ± 35 44 66-str-3 348.16 -770 ± 20 -15 298.15 -1151 ± 100 58 69-che 350.40 -713 ± 50 28 298.16 -1165 ± 20 44 65-str/kre 351.00 -715 ± 50 23 307.60 -1146 ± 80 -50 71-cou/lee 358.15 -720 ± 21 -23 308.15 -1080 ± 100 10 69-che 358.15 -682 ± 14 15 313.15 -1046 ± 27 -9 62-zaa/kol 368.15 -630 ± 35 18 318.15 -1019 ± 100 -32 69-che 368.16 -630 ± 20 18 320.00 -908 ± 50 62 49-lam/rob 373.30 -623 ± 20 2 323.15 -995 ± 35 -54 66-str-3 382.30 -564 ± 50 26 328.26 -955 ± 20 -15 65-str/kre 393.25 -569 ± 20 -17 328.15 -900 ± 12 -2 62-zaa/kol 405.20 -480 ± 50 39 328.15 -930 ± 100 -32 69-che 413.20 -494 ± 20 6 336.20 -795 ± 50 41 49-lam/rob 433.50 -459 ± 20 5 336.80 -807 ± 50 24 49-lam/rob Further references: [29-euc/mey, 58-bot/ree, 65-rae/bit, 68-kno/edm]. _________
60-zaa/kol-1 62-zaa/kol 66-str-3 65-str/kre 49-lam/rob 49-lam/rob 60-zaa/kol-1 62-zaa/kol 66-str-3 65-str/kre 89-olf/sch 49-lam/rob 89-olf/sch 49-lam/rob 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch
MW = 74.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3· mol-1 = 2.6055 ⋅ 103 − 1.4310 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 395 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1017 ± 30 -928 ± 30
T/K 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -802 ± 30
T/K 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -684 ± 30
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 393.2 -1039 ± 11 -5 61-cox-1 423.2 -789 ± 6 -13 61-cox-1 408.2 -904 ± 9 -4 61-cox-1 439.2 -631 ± 18 22 61-cox-1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
MW = 74.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.9765 ⋅ 103 − 1.5529 ⋅ 106/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1110 ± 25 -1005 ± 25
T/K 380 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -858 ± 25
T/K 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -721 ± 25
T/K 420
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 378.2 -1131 ± 8 -2 61-cox-1 408.2 -831 ± 8 -3 61-cox-1 393.2 -969 ± 10 4 61-cox-1 423.2 -692 ± 12 1 61-cox-1 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 330.62 -1615 ± 100 57-sco/fin 349.70 -1431 ± 100 57-sco/fin _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 298.16 -1588 ± 120 53-mcc/sco 317.16 -1316 ± 110 53-mcc/sco _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 337.38 _________
T K 344.16 365.26 _________
MW = 90.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1243 ± 80
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 319.16 -1772 ± 12 52-sco/fin-1 324.70 -1524 ± 100 52-sco/fin-1 339.16 -1505 ± 9 52-sco/fin-1 _________
T K 371.63 _________
MW = 90.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1160 ± 110
MW = 90.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1389 ± 100 -1205 ± 100
52-sco/fin-1 52-sco/fin-1
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 321.31 -1707 ± 100 58-sco/mcc 340.07 -1418 ± 100 58-sco/mcc _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 318.03 -1540 ± 150 58-mcc/fin 328.64 -1485 ± 130 58-mcc/fin _________
T K 368.70 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -1818 ± 73 79-pat 313.15 -1869 ± 73 79-pat _________
T K 357.97 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 328.12 -1663 ± 130 57-sco/fin 347.02 -1452 ± 120 57-sco/fin _________
T K 336.68 358.14 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 318.05 -1575 ± 90 55-mcc/fin 336.62 -1366 ± 60 55-mcc/fin _________
T K 361.65 _________
T K 313.15 _________
MW = 90.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1172 ± 80
MW = 90.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1410 ± 100 -1211 ± 100
58-mcc/fin 58-mcc/fin
MW = 90.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1173 ± 50
MW = 90.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1233 ± 110
C4H11N Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1839 ± 74
MW = 73.14
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
MW = 73.14
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 7.4083 ⋅ 103 − 7.3873 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 2.3796 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 2.8822 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1283 ± 50 -1189 ± 50 -1067 ± 50
T/K 315 325 340
T/K 360 380 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -928 ± 40 -805 ± 40 -691 ± 40
T/K 430
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -527 ± 40
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 313.60 -1295 ± 50 2 50-lam/str 383.60 -792 ± 50 -8 313.65 -1390 ± 150 -94 63-eve/mun 394.40 -741 ± 50 -19 322.80 -1202 ± 50 6 50-lam/str 403.12 -675 ± 20 -2 333.40 -1118 ± 50 0 50-lam/str 403.15 -665 ± 20 9 342.80 -1041 ± 50 5 50-lam/str 405.20 -685 ± 50 -23 351.40 -970 ± 50 15 50-lam/str 418.16 -592 ± 20 -2 353.60 -948 ± 50 22 50-lam/str 418.18 -578 ± 20 12 364.20 -907 ± 50 -6 50-lam/str 433.25 -513 ± 20 -4 373.80 -850 ± 50 -8 50-lam/str _________
50-lam/str 50-lam/str 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch 50-lam/str 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch
MW = 88.22
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0210 ⋅ 103 − 1.1064 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 3.3270 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 5.8608 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1141 ± 15 -1053 ± 12 -941 ± 10 -846 ± 10
T/K 300 310 325 340
T/K 360 380 410 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -741 ± 10 -655 ± 10 -549 ± 10 -463 ± 10
T/K 480 520 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -370 ± 10 -293 ± 10 -213 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 294.64 -1191 ± 6 1 77-bot/nai 319.12 -995 ± 6 -13 294.66 -1191 ± 6 1 77-bot/nai 323.16 -956 ± 100 -3 294.83 -1190 ± 6 1 77-bot/nai 333.16 -886 ± 90 1 296.90 -1208 ± 10 -38 41-ast/ken 343.16 -831 ± 80 -3 318.57 -977 ± 6 10 77-bot/nai 343.46 -828 ± 6 -2 318.64 -985 ± 6 1 77-bot/nai 343.57 -829 ± 6 -3 318.66 -982 ± 6 3 77-bot/nai 353.16 -784 ± 80 -9 318.99 -979 ± 6 5 77-bot/nai 363.16 -737 ± 70 -11 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
77-bot/nai 55-ham/lam 55-ham/lam 55-ham/lam 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 55-ham/lam 55-ham/lam cont.
3.4 C4 Organic Compounds
Tetramethylsilane (cont.) Table 2 (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 368.24 -714 ± 6 -10 369.00 -705 ± 6 -5 369.13 -703 ± 6 -3 383.16 -649 ± 60 -7 398.38 -588 ± 6 -1 398.40 -586 ± 6 1 403.16 -580 ± 60 -9 423.37 -480 ± 14 28 429.80 -494 ± 6 -4 429.83 -492 ± 6 -2 429.88 -491 ± 6 -1 430.53 -492 ± 6 -4 430.59 -490 ± 6 -1 Further reference: [74-bel/rei]. _________
T K 448.30 462.90 463.11 463.46 473.28 493.41 500.46 500.72 523.55 538.65 538.71 548.47 572.58 _________
77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 55-ham/lam 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 55-ham/lam 83-mar/lin 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -435 ± 13 -404 ± 6 -409 ± 6 -410 ± 6 -362 ± 11 -339 ± 10 -334 ± 6 335 ± 6 -252 ± 15 -270 ± 6 -272 ± 6 -218 ± 13 -201 ± 12
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 7 3 -2 -4 22 4 -5 -6 35 -9 -11 27 8
83-mar/lin 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 83-mar/lin 83-mar/lin 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 83-mar/lin 77-bot/nai 77-bot/nai 83-mar/lin 83-mar/lin
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds 1,1,1,3,3,3-d6, 2,2-Di(methyl-d3)-propane [5152-54-5]
MW = 84.22
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol K cm · mol 313 18.2 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 475 8.0 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 375 13.0 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 510 6.9 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 422 9.3 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch † Values are given for B(C5D12) - B(C(CH3)4) at the same temperature on the basis that ∆B=20.0 cm3 ⋅mol-1 at 297 K. _________
MW = 288.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 5.2846 . 102 − 1.0134 . 105/(T/K) − 1.4575 . 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1315 ± 45 -1212 ± 45
T/K 310 320
T/K 335 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1073 ± 30 -914 ± 30
T/K 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -748 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 307.6 -1360 ± 45 -19 59-gar/mcc 350.9 -934 ± 30 10 329.2 -1125 ± 45 -1 59-gar/mcc 372.8 -811 ± 15 -19 337.4 -1036 ± 30 16 59-gar/mcc 383.1 -717 ± 15 12 _________
1,1,1,3,3,3-d6, 2-Methyl-2-(methyl-d3)-propane [39928-53-5]
59-gar/mcc 59-gar/mcc 59-gar/mcc
MW = 81.21
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 345 12.7 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 422 8.0 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 375 10.9 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 475 6.7 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 395 9.7 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 510 6.1 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch † Values are given for B(C5H3D9) - B(C(CH3)4) at the same temperature on the basis that ∆B=15.0 cm3 ⋅mol-1 at 297 K. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
MW = 79.10
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.4839 ⋅ 103 − 2.4252 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 2.6800 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 350 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1258 ± 40 -1185 ± 35
T/K 375 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1078 ± 30 -973 ± 25
T/K 410 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -837 ± 20 -675 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 346.65 -1292 ± 60 -10 57-mcc/dou 388.40 -990 ± 50 -6 349.05 -1263 ± 19 2 57-and/cox 393.05 -973 ± 11 -21 362.95 -1132 ± 15 32 57-and/cox 408.95 -823 ± 12 21 366.11 -1157 ± 60 -16 57-mcc/dou 424.15 -759 ± 15 -15 376.85 -1054 ± 20 11 57-and/cox 437.75 -650 ± 8 8 _________
1,1,1,3,3,3-d6, 2,2-Dimethylpropane
57-mcc/dou 57-and/cox 58-cox/and 58-cox/and 58-cox/and
MW = 78.19
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 345 7.9 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 422 5.0 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 375 7.3 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 475 4.2 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 395 5.8 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 510 3.8 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch † Values are given for B(C5H6D6) - B(C(CH3)4) at the same temperature on the basis that ∆B=10.0 cm3 ⋅mol-1at 297 K. _________
MW = 82.10
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.6135 ⋅ 103 + 2.4719 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 5.1252 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 335 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -802 ± 30 -755 ± 28
T/K 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -717 ± 26
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -676 ± 24
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.45 -810 ± 32.4 -0.1 71-eon/pom 363.45 -690 ± 27.6 2.2 71-eon/pom 343.45 -760 ± 30.4 1.2 71-eon/pom 373.45 -670 ± 26.8 -0.7 71-eon/pom 353.45 -725 ± 29.0 -2.6 71-eon/pom cont. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
MW = 98.17
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5888 ⋅ 103 − 9.3416 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 5.4906 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1689 ± 80 -1580 ± 70
T/K 335 345
T/K 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1478 ± 60
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1337 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.45 -1700 ± 68 6 71-eon/pom 363.45 -1390 ± 56 7 71-eon/pom 343.45 -1610 ± 64 -13 71-eon/pom 373.45 -1310 ± 52 -4 71-eon/pom 353.45 -1490 ± 60 4 71-eon/pom Further reference: [56-pen/fin]. _________
MW = 98.17
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 5.3755 ⋅ 102 + 8.6032 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 4.3047 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1805 ± 120 -1661 ± 80
T/K 335 345
T/K 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1530 ± 60
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1357 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.45 -1830 ± 73 -1.0 71-eon/pom 363.45 -1430 ± 57 -0.8 71-eon/pom 343.45 -1680 ± 67 2.0 71-eon/pom 373.45 -1320 ± 53 0.4 71-eon/pom 353.45 -1550 ± 62 -0.7 71-eon/pom Further reference: [53-mcc/sun]. _________
MW = 81.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.2951 ⋅ 103 − 8.7555 ⋅ 105/(T/K) T/K 335 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1318 ± 55 -1243 ± 50
T/K 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1171 ± 45
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1071 ± 40 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
N-Methylpyrrole (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.45 -1370 ± 55 -39 71-eon/pom 363.45 -1120 ± 45 -6 71-eon/pom 343.45 -1200 ± 48 54 71-eon/pom 373.45 -1050 ± 42 -1 71-eon/pom 353.45 -1190 ± 48 -8 71-eon/pom _________
MW = 68.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.6712 ⋅ 103 + 1.9665 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 4.4974 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 335 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -809 ± 30 -750 ± 28
T/K 355
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -700 ± 26
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -642 ± 24
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.45 -820 ± 33 -1.3 71-eon/pom 363.45 -665 ± 27 0.3 71-eon/pom 343.45 -755 ± 30 3.3 71-eon/pom 373.45 -630 ± 25 0.3 71-eon/pom 353.45 -710 ± 28 -2.4 71-eon/pom _________
MW = 68.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.1158 ⋅ 103 − 1.1421 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 315
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1510 ± 25
T/K 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1398 ± 25
T/K 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1243 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -1513 ± 25 18 93-bar/mar 338.15 -1264 ± 25 -2 93-bar/mar 328.15 -1400 ± 25 -35 93-bar/mar 345.15 -1174 ± 25 19 93-bar/mar _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
MW = 68.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.2261 ⋅ 103 − 8.0976 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1345 ± 25
T/K 315
T/K 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1265 ± 25
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1156 ± 25
T/K 340
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -1353 ± 25 7 93-bar/mar 338.15 -1181 ± 25 -12 93-bar/mar 328.15 -1250 ± 25 -8 93-bar/mar 345.15 -1106 ± 25 14 93-bar/mar _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 283.16 -1217 ± 90 50-sco/fin-1 298.16 -1042 ± 70 50-sco/fin-1 _________
1,1,1-d3, 2,2-Dimethylpropane
T K 312.14 _________
MW = 68.12
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -943 ± 60
MW = 75.17
Table 1. Experimental values† with uncertainty. Ref. Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 345 4.0 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 475 1.2 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 375 3.3 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 510 1.0 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch 422 1.6 ± 0.3 73-gai/sch † Values are given for B(C5H9D3) - B(C(CH3)4) at the same temperature on the basis that ∆B=5.0 cm3 ⋅mol-1 at 297 K. _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 298.16 -1066 ± 80 59-mcc/pen 310.16 -972 ± 80 59-mcc/pen _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 322.42 _________
MW = 70.13
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -906 ± 80
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 277.96 -1258 ± 100 49-sco/wad 298.16 -1163 ± 100 49-sco/wad _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 289.90 -1365 ± 100 49-sco/wad 298.16 -1276 ± 100 49-sco/wad _________
T K 304.32 _________
T K 311.73 _________
MW = 70.13
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1117 ± 100
MW = 70.13
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1143 ± 100
MW = 70.13
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0500 ⋅104 − 1.1193 ⋅107/(T/K) + 3.9052 ⋅109/(T/K)2 − 4.7699 ⋅1011/(T/K)3 T/K 285 295 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1300 ± 100 -1148 ± 100 -981 ± 30
T/K 325 345 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -863 ± 20 -749 ± 20 -662 ± 20
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -585 ± 15 -509 ± 15
T/K 385 405
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 283.96 -1265 ± 100 54 49-sco/wad 353.30 -712 ± 14 0 298.16 -1143 ± 100 -35 49-sco/wad 363.90 -662 ± 13 5 303.13 -1099 ± 100 -49 49-sco/wad 374.00 -628 ± 13 -1 308.00 -982 ± 19 19 64-mcg/wor 383.20 -585 ± 12 7 315.30 -930 ± 19 5 64-mcg/wor 393.80 -552 ± 11 0 324.10 -870 ± 17 -1 64-mcg/wor 403.40 -519 ± 10 -3 334.10 -810 ± 16 -3 64-mcg/wor 410.40 -486 ± 9 3 344.30 -756 ± 15 -2 64-mcg/wor _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 334.87 -2635 ± 100 61-nic/kob 353.15 -1820 ± 20 66-zha/wan _________
T K 360.56 363.15 _________
64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor
MW = 86.13
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1760 ± 80 -1503 ± 20
61-nic/kob 66-zha/wan cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
2-Pentanone (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 373.15 -1411 ± 20 375.33 -1540 ± 60 383.15 -1352 ± 20 _________
T K 386.04 393.15 395.57 _________
66-zha/wan 61-nic/kob 66-zha/wan
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1377 ± 50 -1309 ± 20 -1280 ± 50
61-nic/kob 66-zha/wan 61-nic/kob
MW = 86.13
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 9.9989 ⋅ 103 + 8.5387 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 1.9990 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2177 ± 70 -1921 ± 60
T/K 340 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1610 ± 50 -1372 ± 40
T/K 365 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1146 ± 40 -1001 ± 40
T/K 400 420
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 335.01 -2268 ± 200 54 67-hal/lee 383.20 -1326 ± 40 4 353.70 -1854 ± 160 -17 67-hal/lee 393.20 -1219 ± 40 -6 373.20 -1449 ± 40 23 98-mat/wil 403.20 -1125 ± 40 -7 375.11 -1516 ± 140 -74 67-hal/lee 413.20 -1043 ± 40 -1 379.20 -1373 ± 40 10 98-mat/wil 423.20 -971 ± 40 13 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 327.69 -2060 ± 200 67-hal/lee 346.22 -1702 ± 150 67-hal/lee _________
Butyl methanoate
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 348.15 -1738 ± 11 67-str-4 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 367.48 _________
T K 373.15 _________
98-mat/wil 98-mat/wil 98-mat/wil 98-mat/wil 98-mat/wil
MW = 86.13
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1408 ± 130
MW = 102.13
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1396 ± 22
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
1-Methylethyl ethanoate
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 323.27 -2080 ± 290 73-gei/qui 341.00 -1640 ± 200 73-gei/qui _________
T K 360.86
Propyl ethanoate
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 334.90 -2200 ± 290 73-gei/qui 334.90 -2110 ± 290 73-gei/qui 335.40 -2098 ± 76 76-con/cou 335.40 -2131 ± 77 76-con/cou 335.40 -2113 ± 170 80-mey/awe 353.38 -1730 ± 200 73-gei/qui 353.38 -1600 ± 200 73-gei/qui 353.70 -1756 ± 69 76-con/cou _________
T K 353.70 353.70 373.82 373.82 374.90 374.90 374.90 _________
MW = 102.13
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1340 ± 160
MW = 102.13
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1742 ± 68 -1755 ± 140 -1400 ± 150 -1210 ± 160 -1478 ± 63 -1458 ± 62 -1477 ± 120
76-con/cou 80-mey/awe 73-gei/qui 73-gei/qui 76-con/cou 76-con/cou 80-mey/awe
MW 102.20
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.5143 ⋅ 103 − 1.5099 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1622 ± 40
T/K 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1408 ± 40
T/K 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1214 ± 35
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 360.62 -1674 ± 40 -1.4 61-ber/sco 405.31 -1212 ± 35 -1.0 61-ber/sco 381.41 -1442 ± 40 2.4 61-ber/sco _________
MW = 102.20
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0045 ⋅ 103 − 9.5698 ⋅ 105/(T/K) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
Thiacyclohexane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 355 -1691 ± 100 365 -1617 ± 100
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1514 ± 90 -1418 ± 80
T/K 380 395
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1330 ± 70
T/K 410
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 351.44 -1700 ± 110 18 54-mcc/fin-1 404.26 -1370 ± 80 -7 54-mcc/fin-1 368.91 -1600 ± 100 -10 54-mcc/fin-1 414.91 -1290 ± 70 12 54-mcc/fin-1 390.31 -1460 ± 90 -13 54-mcc/fin-1 _________
MW = 106.60
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.3412 ⋅ 103 − 9.4074 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1236 ± 50 -1167 ± 50
T/K 365 375
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1071 ± 45
T/K 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -982 ± 45
T/K 405
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 363.3 -1249 ± 53 -1 75-rui/bur 392.6 -1043 ± 46 12 75-rui/bur 378.8 -1148 ± 49 -6 75-rui/bur 408.2 -969 ± 44 -6 75-rui/bur _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 338.34 -1380 ± 100 88-hos/arc 357.42 -1260 ± 50 88-hos/arc _________
T K 379.36 _________
MW = 85.15
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1080 ± 30
MW = 72.15
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.4697 ⋅ 102 − 4.7244 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 1.0310 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 2.3475 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
2,2-Dimethylpropane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 275 -1036 ± 9 290 -919 ± 8 305 -821 ± 8 320 -739 ± 7
T/K 340 360 390 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -648 ± 6 -573 ± 5 -482 ± 4 -410 ± 4
T/K 460 500 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -334 ± 4 -273 ± 4 -218 ± 4
25 15 10
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 270.00 -1081 ± 10 0.2 87-ewi/goo(
) 346.15 -629 ± 26 -5.6 280.00 -995 ± 9 -0.4 87-ewi/goo(
) 348.15 -615 ± 4 0.7 290.00 -919 ± 9 -0.3 87-ewi/goo(
) 348.15 -626 ± 30 -10.3 300.00 -852 ± 8 -0.3 87-ewi/goo(
) 353.15 -602 ± 30 -4.9 303.15 -842 ± 40 -9.8 55-ham/lam-11) 363.15 -566 ± 20 -3.6 303.15 -795 ± 12 37.2 79-ewi/mar1) 373.15 -530 ± 4 0.5 310.00 -793 ± 8 -0.8 87-ewi/goo(
) 373.15 -536 ± 20 -5.5 318.15 -737 ± 15 11.4 79-ewi/mar1) 383.15 -507 ± 20 -5.9 320.00 -740 ± 7 -1.1 87-ewi/goo(
) 398.15 -460 ± 4 1.2 323.15 -734 ± 40 -10.7 54-ham/lam1) 403.15 -452 ± 20 -3.2 333.15 -686 ± 40 -8.9 54-ham/lam1) 423.15 -401 ± 4 2.5 343.15 -643 ± 40 -7.8 55-ham/lam-11) 433.75 -383 ± 4 -1.1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 79-ewi/mar1) 73-daw/sil(×) 54-ham/lam1) 55-ham/lam-11) 54-ham/lam1) 73-daw/sil(×) 54-ham/lam1) 54-ham/lam1) 73-daw/sil(×) 55-ham/lam-11) 73-daw/sil(×) 73-daw/sil(×) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
2,2-Dimethylpropane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) 433.75 -383 ± 20 -1.1 52-bea/dou({) 473.15 -312 ± 15 0.6 52-bea/dou({) 434.65 -381 ± 4 -0.9 498.15 -275 ± 4 0.8 73-daw/sil(×) 73-daw/sil(×) 448.15 -354 ± 4 0.7 498.15 -273 ± 15 2.8 52-bea/dou({) 73-daw/sil(×) 448.15 -354 ± 20 0.7 52-bea/dou({) 523.15 -243 ± 10 0.3 52-bea/dou({) 473.15 -311 ± 4 1.6 548.15 -216 ± 10 -1.7 52-bea/dou({) 73-daw/sil(×) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [58-ash/hal, 63-hei/mck, 64-per/dia, 67-sil/lin, 71-str/lic, 74-bel/rei, 74-pom/spu, 77-das/ree-1, 79-ewi/mar(set-1), 81-hos/sco, 82-ker, 84-ker/hae]. _________
MW = 72.15
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.0233 ⋅ 102 + 1.8489 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.2348 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 2.3136 ⋅ 109/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1449 ± 15 -1329 ± 13 -1174 ± 11 -1044 ± 10
T/K 260 270 285 300
T/K 320 340 370 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -901 ± 10 -786 ± 10 -650 ± 10 -548 ± 10
T/K 440 480 530 585
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -447 ± 10 -374 ± 15 -309 ± 15 -259 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 260.00 -1451 ± 15 -2 92-ewi/goo 348.16 -767 ± 300 -22 270.00 -1329 ± 15 0 92-ewi/goo 373.15 -645 ± 15 -7 273.15 -1371 ± 27 -77 67-sil/lin 373.15 -651 ± 1 -13 279.48 -1313 ± 90 -85 51-sco/mcc 373.15 -643 ± 13 -5 280.00 -1221 ± 12 1 92-ewi/goo 373.16 -651 ± 300 -13 288.70 -1259 ± 70 -119 61-mas/eak 398.15 -570 ± 15 -16 290.00 -1126 ± 10 2 92-ewi/goo 398.15 -561 ± 1 -8 298.15 -1150 ± 23 -91 67-sil/lin 398.15 -556 ± 11 -2 298.16 -1155 ± 80 -96 51-sco/mcc 398.16 -564 ± 250 -11 300.00 -1042 ± 10 2 92-ewi/goo 423.15 -494 ± 15 -8 301.01 -1114 ± 80 -78 51-sco/mcc 423.15 -483 ± 1 2 310.00 -966 ± 10 2 92-ewi/goo 423.15 -483 ± 10 3 320.00 -898 ± 9 3 92-ewi/goo 423.16 -490 ± 200 -4 323.15 -960 ± 15 -79 59-sil/mck 448.15 -434 ± 15 -4 323.15 -954 ± 19 -73 67-sil/lin 448.15 -419 ± 1 11 323.16 -965 ± 500 -84 74-pom/spu 448.15 -419 ± 8 11 348.15 -763 ± 15 -18 59-sil/mck 448.16 -431 ± 200 -1 348.15 -741 ± 2 4 60-zak/hei 448.16 -449 ± 30 -19 348.15 -775 ± 15 -30 67-sil/lin 461.65 -407 ± 15 -2 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
74-pom/spu 59-sil/mck 60-zak/hei 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 59-sil/mck 60-zak/hei 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 59-sil/mck 60-zak/hei 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 59-sil/mck 60-zak/hei 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 59-sil/mck cont.
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
2-Methylbutane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K 461.65 -396 ± 2 9 60-zak/hei 498.16 461.65 -388 ± 7 16 67-sil/lin 505.38 461.66 -401 ± 160 4 74-pom/spu 523.16 473.15 -376 ± 15 9 59-sil/mck 533.16 473.15 -374 ± 2 11 60-zak/hei 548.16 473.15 -366 ± 7 19 67-sil/lin 560.94 473.16 -373 ± 130 12 74-pom/spu 573.16 473.16 -347 ± 25 38 74-pom/spu 588.72 477.60 -364 ± 20 14 74-pom/spu Further references: [60-zak/hei(at 323.15 K), 77-das/ree-2]. _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -316 ± 20 -337 ± 20 -293 ± 20 -307 ± 20 -273 ± 20 -282 ± 20 -256 ± 20 -268 ± 20
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 32 1 23 -2 17 -4 12 -12
MW = 72.15
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.9122 ⋅ 102 − 3.3475 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 6.5631 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 2.8478 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 265 275 290 310
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1568 ± 15 -1428 ± 13 -1250 ± 11 -1062 ± 10
T/K 330 360 390 430
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -913 ± 9 -743 ± 8 -616 ± 8 -491 ± 8
T/K 470 520 580 645
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -398 ± 8 -312 ± 8 -237 ± 8 -176 ± 8
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 259.55 -1610 ± 270 43 81-hos/sco1) 313.15 -1050 ± 100 -14 267.74 -1490 ± 190 37 81-hos/sco1) 318.10 -1011 ± 20 -14 270.00 -1513 ± 15 -18 89-ewi/goo({) 318.15 -981 ± 2 16 273.93 -1390 ± 140 52 81-hos/sco1) 318.20 -984 ± 10 13 280.00 -1378 ± 15 -13 89-ewi/goo({) 320.00 -990 ± 10 -7 283.25 -1350 ± 100 -24 81-hos/sco1) 321.66 -1010 ± 30 -39 290.00 -1261 ± 13 -11 89-ewi/goo({) 323.15 -960 ± 85 0 290.33 -1260 ± 70 -13 81-hos/sco1) 328.15 -917 ± 3 8 298.15 -1170 ± 60 -2 81-hos/sco1) 328.20 -918 ± 14 8 298.20 -1194 ± 20 -27 62-mcg/pot(
) 329.00 -923 ± 20 -3 300.00 -1159 ± 12 -9 89-ewi/goo({) 329.30 -896 ± 30 22 306.10 -1117 ± 20 -22 62-mcg/pot(
) 330.00 -919 ± 9 -6 307.60 -1082 ± 45 0 59-gar/mcc1) 331.19 -940 ± 20 -35 308.15 -1068 ± 2 9 91-aba/mce1) 336.15 -875 ± 70 -2 308.20 -1066 ± 12 11 90-an /mce(z) 337.70 -851 ± 27 13 309.22 -1080 ± 40 -12 81-hos/sco1) 338.15 -864 ± 1 -3 310.00 -1069 ± 11 -7 89-ewi/goo({) 338.20 -865 ± 8 -4 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 69-haj/kay1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 91-aba/mce1) 90-an /mce(z) 89-ewi/goo({) 81-hos/sco1) 69-haj/kay1) 91-aba/mce1) 90-an /mce(z) 62-mcg/pot(
) 59-gar/mcc1) 89-ewi/goo({) 81-hos/sco1) 69-haj/kay1) 59-gar/mcc1) 91-aba/mce1) 90-an /mce(z) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
Pentane (cont.) 40
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 250
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 339.00 -863 ± 20 348.15 -820 ± 4 348.20 -818 ± 14 349.00 -800 ± 20 351.20 -783 ± 23 353.00 -747 ± 20 353.15 -785 ± 55 358.00 -758 ± 20 368.15 -715 ± 50 368.60 -701 ± 20 372.10 -662 ± 18 373.15 -680 ± 8 378.90 -652 ± 20 382.15 -655 ± 40 383.70 -623 ± 15 388.40 -612 ± 20 398.15 -575 ± 30 398.15 -592 ± 7 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -7 -16 -14 -1 4 31 -8 -6 -10 2 25 2 7 -9 17 10 12 -5 _____________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 91-aba/mce1) 90-an /mce(z) 62-mcg/pot(
) 59-gar/mcc1) 59-gar/mcc1) 69-haj/kay1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 69-haj/kay1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 59-gar/mcc1) 86-kur/vas(×) 62-mcg/pot(
) 69-haj/kay1) 59-gar/mcc1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 69-haj/kay1) 86-kur/vas(×)
T K 401.00 413.15 413.60 423.15 427.15 448.15 448.16 453.15 469.65 473.15 473.15 473.16 473.16 473.16 498.15 498.16 498.16 498.16 _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -578 ± 20 -535 ± 27 -517 ± 20 -522 ± 7 -500 ± 25 -452 ± 6 -443 ± 20 -445 ± 20 -403 ± 6 -400 ± 20 -394 ± 5 -405 ± 8 -393 ± 20 -388 ± 20 -356 ± 5 -350 ± 7 -345 ± 20 -339 ± 15
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -1 3 20 -13 -2 -7 3 -11 -4 -8 -2 -13 -1 4 -10 -3 2 7 _____________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 69-haj/kay1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 86-kur/vas(×) 69-haj/kay1) 86-kur/vas(×) 74-pom/spu1) 69-haj/kay1) 86-kur/vas(×) 69-haj/kay1) 86-kur/vas(×) 52-bea/lev() 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 86-kur/vas(×) 52-bea/lev() 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) cont.
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
Pentane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 523.15 -310 ± 5 -2 573.15 -240 ± 4 5 86-kur/vas(×) 523.16 -311 ± 6 -3 52-bea/lev() 573.16 -244 ± 5 0 523.16 -306 ± 20 2 74-pom/spu1) 573.16 -242 ± 15 2 523.16 -299 ± 15 9 74-pom/spu1) 573.16 -236 ± 15 8 548.15 -273 ± 4 1 598.15 -213 ± 4 5 86-kur/vas(×) 548.16 -274 ± 5 0 52-bea/lev() 623.15 -192 ± 3 3 548.16 -271 ± 15 3 74-pom/spu1) 648.15 -174 ± 3 0 1) 548.16 -265 ± 15 9 74-pom/spu 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [61-mas/eak, 63-kap/lun, 65-rae/bit, 74-pom/spu(set-3), 77-das/ree]. _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 350.00 -2554 ± 5 86-mar/shv 360.00 -1912 ± 5 86-mar/shv 375.00 -1612 ± 4 86-mar/shv _________
T K 390.00 403.91
Butyl methyl ether
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 86-kur/vas(×) 52-bea/lev() 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 86-kur/vas(×) 86-kur/vas(×) 86-kur/vas(×)
MW= 88.15
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1414 ± 4 -1267 ± 3
86-mar/shv 86-mar/shv
MW = 88.15
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.5150 ⋅ 103 − 1.3765 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1720 ± 50
T/K 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1475 ± 50
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1205 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 323.15 -1771 ± 58 -26 70-osi/str 373.15 -1205 ± 55 -31 70-osi/str 348.15 -1381 ± 37 58 70-osi/str _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 298.15 -1571 ± 100 69-che 308.15 -1474 ± 100 69-che _________
T K 318.15 328.15
MW = 88.15
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1388 ± 100 -1295 ± 100
69-che 69-che
MW = 104.22
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.7106 ⋅ 103 − 1.6467 ⋅ 106/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1864 ± 50
T/K 360
T/K 375
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1681 ± 50
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1458 ± 50
T/K 395
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 356.08 -1910 ± 62 4 65-fin/hos 399.80 -1406 ± 47 2 65-fin/hos 376.43 -1670 ± 55 -6 65-fin/hos _________
MW = 104.22
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.9579 ⋅ 103 − 1.2104 ⋅ 106/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1655 ± 50
T/K 335
T/K 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1500 ± 50
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1313 ± 50
T/K 370
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 330.20 -1699 ± 50 9 62-sco/goo 372.04 -1290 ± 40 5 62-sco/goo 349.64 -1518 ± 50 -14 62-sco/goo _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 330.21 -1705 ± 105 62-sco/dou 349.76 -1478 ± 91 62-sco/dou _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 372.28 _________
MW = 104.22
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1263 ± 78
3.5 C5 Organic Compounds
MW = 104.22
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.8012 ⋅ 103 − 1.6311 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 335 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2068 ± 80 -1859 ± 40
T/K 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1607 ± 20
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1381 ± 10
T/K 390
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 331.02 -2150 ± 80 -24 81-hos/sco-2 368.94 -1600 ± 20 20 348.75 -1870 ± 40 6 81-hos/sco-2 392.15 -1360 ± 10 -2 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 363.15 -1045 ± 40 89-abu/ver-1 _________
T K 363.15 _________
81-hos/sco-2 81-hos/sco-2
MW = 87.17
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1063 ± 40
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds Chloropentafluorobenzene
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 349.41 -2598 ± 150 68-and/cou-1 368.86 -2131 ± 130 68-and/cou-1 _________
T K 391.10 _________
MW = 202.51
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1780 ± 100
MW = 186.06
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.0224 ⋅ 103 − 1.5575 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 7.5148 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 1.8001 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2350 ± 40 -2108 ± 40 -1806 ± 40
T/K 305 315 330
T/K 350 390 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1492 ± 30 -1065 ± 25 -749 ± 15
T/K 500 560 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -527 ± 10 -388 ± 10 -290 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 300.57 -2469 ± 14 1 69-dou/har 389.57 -1059 ± 100 10 315.94 -2039 ± 12 48 69-dou/har 414.71 -880 ± 90 8 315.96 -2104 ± 13 -18 65-cou/gre 443.96 -745 ± 70 -15 333.39 -1725 ± 10 21 69-dou/har 498.20 -532 ± 5 0 333.41 -1792 ± 10 -46 65-cou/gre 516.74 -483 ± 5 -1 353.39 -1417 ± 9 29 69-dou/har 523.22 -467 ± 5 -1 353.41 -1498 ± 9 -52 65-cou/gre 548.23 -411 ± 5 -1 353.41 -1500 ± 150 -54 75-amb/ell 573.25 -363 ± 4 0 364.99 -1314 ± 100 -8 69-pow 598.26 -321 ± 4 1 376.52 -1161 ± 7 25 69-dou/har 623.26 -285 ± 3 1 Further reference: [81-hos/sco-2]. _________
69-pow 69-pow 69-pow 69-dou/har 69-dou/har 69-dou/har 69-dou/har 69-dou/har 69-dou/har 69-dou/har
MW = 300.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 5.0538 ⋅ 10 + 2.2888 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 2.1502 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 355 365
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1112 ± 10 -1037 ± 9
T/K 380 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -937 ± 9 -822 ± 8
T/K 420 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -725 ± 7 -604 ± 6 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Dodecafluorocyclohexane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 350.32 -1152 ± 11 -3 70-tay/ree 410.81 -770 ± 8 -3 378.36 -941 ± 9 7 70-tay/ree 433.17 -669 ± 7 -1 395.00 -851 ± 9 -2 70-tay/ree 451.01 -599 ± 6 1 _________
2,3-bis(Trifluoromethyl)-perfluorobutane [354-96-1]
70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree
MW = 338.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.5025 ⋅ 103 + 2.2984 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 6.7324 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 305 315 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2204 ± 120 -1991 ± 80 -1720 ± 50
T/K 350 380 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1431 ± 45 -1116 ± 35 -902 ± 30
T/K 445
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -737 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 303.60 -2670 ± 140 -434 64-cec 374.63 -1130 ± 11 34 323.10 -1610 ± 80 228 64-cec 394.65 -1012 ± 10 -11 335.40 -1582 ± 80 52 64-cec 414.62 -906 ± 9 -31 345.30 -1391 ± 70 102 64-cec 433.22 -786 ± 8 -2 351.21 -1372 ± 14 44 70-tay/ree 450.36 -702 ± 7 16 _________
70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree
MW = 338.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm³ · mol-1 = − 3.7991 ⋅ 102 + 6.1865 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 3.4962 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 305 315 330
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2110 ± 100 -1939 ± 90 -1716 ± 80
T/K 350 370 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1466 ± 70 -1262 ± 40 -1092 ± 30
T/K 420 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -889 ± 20 -732 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 303.20 -2320 ± 116 -177 64-cec 323.50 -1922 ± 96 -114 64-cec 307.70 -1922 ± 90 140 59-gar/mcc 329.80 -1676 ± 80 43 59-gar/mcc cont. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
Tetradecafluorohexane (cont.) Table 2. T K 338.00 341.10 341.10 350.80 351.30 351.85 372.30 _________
(cont.) Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1579 ± 70 -1571 ± 78 -1612 ± 80 -1416 ± 70 -1528 ± 76 -1484 ± 15 -1145 ± 55 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 31 0 -41 41 -76 -38 96
T K 374.78 383.90 395.56 415.48 432.68 451.55 _________
59-gar/mcc 64-cec 70-tay/ree 59-gar/mcc 64-cec 70-tay/ree 59-gar/mcc
Undecafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)-pentane [355-04-4]
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1209 ± 12 -1049 ± 50 -1051 ± 10 -920 ± 9 -818 ± 8 -725 ± 7
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 9 92 -1 -4 0 -1
MW = 338.04
70-tay/ree 59-gar/mcc 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.2384 ⋅ 103 − 1.6233 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 6.6271 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 1.4749 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2158 ± 100 -1955 ± 100 -1699 ± 80
T/K 305 315 330
T/K 350 370 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1430 ± 40 -1220 ± 25 -918 ± 20
T/K 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -715 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 303.80 -2142 ± 107 43 64-cec 352.00 -1444 ± 15 -38 304.00 -2098 ± 105 82 64-cec 370.65 -1179 ± 12 35 322.50 -1813 ± 90 8 64-cec 417.39 -882 ± 9 -7 333.23 -1831 ± 90 -186 70-tay/ree 433.13 -794 ± 8 -2 334.80 -1601 ± 80 27 64-cec 441.70 -756 ± 8 -4 341.30 -1500 ± 75 39 64-cec 454.63 -691 ± 7 5 351.65 -1412 ± 14 -1 70-tay/ree _________
Undecafluoro-3-(trifluoromethyl)-pentane [865-71-4]
64-cec 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree
MW = 338.04
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.7938 ⋅ 10 + 2.3664 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 2.5862 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Undecafluoro-3-(trifluoromethyl)-pentane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 325 -1672 ± 100 335 -1550 ± 90 350 -1387 ± 80
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1202 ± 50 -1046 ± 40 -855 ± 35
T/K 370 390 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -703 ± 30
T/K 450
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 321.0 -1716 ± 100 9 64-cec 394.7 -1003 ± 30 10 323.2 -1642 ± 100 54 64-cec 417.1 -883 ± 30 -12 351.4 -1443 ± 30 -70 70-tay/ree 433.0 -795 ± 30 -10 376.7 -1113 ± 30 33 70-tay/ree 450.5 -715 ± 30 -14 Further reference: [64-cec(at 303.9 K, 332.0 K, 342.0 K, 350.4 K)]. _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 320.71 -2147 ± 160 68-cou/hal 338.51 -1768 ± 140 68-cou/hal _________
T K 358.90
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 326.90 -1625 ± 80 63-sco/mes 345.61 -1423 ± 70 63-sco/mes _________
T K 367.07 _________
70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree
MW = 168.07
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1455 ± 100
MW = 114.09
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1186 ± 60
MW = 112.56
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 4.7587 ⋅ 102 + 6.7500 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 3.9453 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 450 460 490
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -924 ± 18 -873 ± 17 -742 ± 15
T/K 510 530 560
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -669 ± 13 -607 ± 12 -529 ± 10
T/K 590 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -465 ± 10 -414 ± 10
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
Chlorobenzene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 448.15 -936 ± 12 -1.9 82-ahl/bic 548.15 -558 ± 7 -0.5 473.15 -810 ± 9 1.6 82-ahl/bic 573.15 -500 ± 7 -0.8 498.15 -710 ± 8 0.7 82-ahl/bic 598.15 -450 ± 7 0.1 523.15 -627 ± 7 0.2 82-ahl/bic 623.15 -408 ± 7 0.7 _________
82-ahl/bic 82-ahl/bic 82-ahl/bic 82-ahl/bic
MW = 96.10
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.7820 ⋅ 102 − 4.2848 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 7.0203 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 3.4266 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1539 ± 30 -1424 ± 30 -1274 ± 25 -1147 ± 23 -1005 ± 20
T/K 300 310 325 340 360
T/K 380 410 440 470 510
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -888 ± 20 -746 ± 20 -635 ± 20 -546 ± 20 -450 ± 15
T/K 550 590 645
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -375 ± 15 -313 ± 10 -245 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 298.15 -1565 ± 66 -3 85-abd/dzh 473.15 -542 ± 8 -5 318.40 -1446 ± 140 -109 56-sco/mcc 473.15 -536 ± 8 1 323.15 -1274 ± 63 17 85-abd/dzh 473.15 -538 ± 38 -1 336.78 -1275 ± 100 -103 56-sco/mcc 473.20 -560 ± 60 -23 348.15 -1071 ± 61 15 85-abd/dzh 483.20 -530 ± 50 -18 357.89 -1086 ± 90 -68 56-sco/mcc 493.20 -502 ± 50 -14 358.20 -1120 ± 70 -104 75-amb/ell 498.15 -477 ± 5 -1 373.15 -979 ± 30 -54 77-kau/mat 498.15 -472 ± 7 4 373.15 -957 ± 23 -32 77-kau/mat 498.15 -477 ± 37 -1 373.15 -912 ± 59 14 85-abd/dzh 523.15 -422 ± 3 2 382.37 -909 ± 75 -34 56-sco/mcc 523.15 -418 ± 4 6 398.15 -835 ± 15 -37 77-kau/mat 523.15 -423 ± 36 0 398.15 -818 ± 9 -20 77-kau/mat 548.15 -375 ± 2 3 398.15 -790 ± 42 8 85-abd/dzh 548.15 -372 ± 3 6 423.15 -718 ± 6 -23 77-kau/mat 548.15 -377 ± 36 1 423.15 -705 ± 8 -10 77-kau/mat 548.16 -378 ± 9 0 423.15 -691 ± 40 3 85-abd/dzh 560.08 -360 ± 9 -2 443.20 -664 ± 60 -39 72-zaa/bel 573.15 -335 ± 3 3 448.15 -622 ± 7 -13 77-kau/mat 573.15 -332 ± 2 6 448.15 -613 ± 8 -4 77-kau/mat 573.15 -338 ± 35 0 448.15 -609 ± 39 0 85-abd/dzh 573.16 -341 ± 8 -3 453.20 -627 ± 60 -33 72-zaa/bel 598.15 -298 ± 4 4 463.20 -593 ± 60 -29 72-zaa/bel 598.15 -302 ± 35 0 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
77-kau/mat 77-kau/mat 85-abd/dzh 72-zaa/bel 72-zaa/bel 72-zaa/bel 77-kau/mat 77-kau/mat 85-abd/dzh 77-kau/mat 77-kau/mat 85-abd/dzh 77-kau/mat 77-kau/mat 85-abd/dzh 58-dou/moo 58-dou/moo 77-kau/mat 77-kau/mat 85-abd/dzh 58-dou/moo 77-kau/mat 85-abd/dzh cont.
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Fluorobenzene (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K 598.16 -307 ± 8 -5 58-dou/moo 623.15 623.15 -270 ± 7 0 77-kau/mat 623.16 623.15 -269 ± 6 1 77-kau/mat 648.15 1) Weight was increased by 4 times in the fitting analysis. _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -272 ± 34 -2 -279 ± 8 -9 -247 ± 34 -5 ______________________________________
85-abd/dzh 58-dou/moo1) 85-abd/dzh
MW = 78.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.7946 ⋅ 102 − 6.8047 ⋅ 105/(T/K) + 2.3851 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 6.2693 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 300 310 320 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1461 ± 35 -1338 ± 30 -1231 ± 25 -1054 ± 20
T/K 360 390 420 460
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -914 ± 15 -754 ± 15 -635 ± 10 -517 ± 10
T/K 500 540 580 625
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -429 ± 10 -361 ± 10 -306 ± 10 -255 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 295.15 -1465.0 ± 20.0 61.5 51-cas/mas1) 323.15 -1159.0 ± 50.0 41.1 295.20 -1525.0 ± 30.0 0.8 57-why/bot1) 323.20 -1202.0 ± 10.0 -2.4 295.20 -1525.0 ± 10.0 0.8 58-bot/ree-31) 324.44 -1180.0 ± 70.0 7.8 295.20 -1528.0 ± 12.0 -2.3 58-bot/rem-11) 325.05 -1198.0 ± 110.0 -16.0 298.10 -1580.0 ± 190.0 -94.1 78-tod/hos1) 326.90 -1109.4 ± 50.0 55.5 298.15 -1496.0 ± 100.0 -10.8 47-sco/wad1) 328.20 -1170.0 ± 50.0 -17.0 298.20 -1440.0 ± 50.0 44.5 52-all/eve1) 328.74 -1147.0 ± 59.0 1.2 303.08 -1361.0 ± 62.0 60.1 73-koh/ope1) 329.54 -1143.0 ± 60.0 -2.0 307.21 -1400.0 ± 130.0 -29.4 78-tod/hos1) 330.78 -1118.0 ± 60.0 12.1 308.20 -1349.0 ± 10.0 10.0 58-bot/ree-31) 331.12 -1123.0 ± 12.0 4.1 308.20 -1352.0 ± 22.0 7.0 58-bot/rem-11) 331.15 -1215.0 ± 110.0 -88.2 308.20 -1280.0 ± 50.0 79.0 52-all/eve1) 331.20 -1125.0 ± 7.0 1.4 308.37 -1394.0 ± 20.0 -37.0 66-bot/spu1) 331.25 -1137.0 ± 100.0 -11.0 313.15 -1565.0 ± 140.0 -262.1 69-haj/kay1) 331.77 -1124.0 ± 60.0 -2.5 313.20 -1303.0 ± 70.0 -0.7 68-kno/edm1) 332.30 -1120.0 ± 50.0 -3.1 314.09 -1290.0 ± 100.0 2.6 78-tod/hos1) 332.96 -1114.0 ± 60.0 -2.8 314.75 -1296.0 ± 100.0 -10.5 47-sco/wad1) 333.15 -1095.0 ± 28.0 14.6 316.14 -1267.0 ± 60.0 3.7 73-koh/ope1) 333.15 -1430.0 ± 80.0 -320.4 316.25 -1300.0 ± 120.0 -30.4 52-fra/mcg1) 333.15 -1064.0 ± 100.0 45.6 318.20 -1230.0 ± 50.0 19.3 52-all/eve1) 333.20 -1117.0 ± 11.0 -7.8 319.10 -1208.9 ± 50.0 31.2 49-lam/rob1) 333.20 -1107.0 ± 60.0 2.2 323.05 -1214.0 ± 90.0 -12.9 47-sco/wad1) 333.20 -1117.0 ± 25.3 -7.8 323.15 -1660.0 ± 80.0 -459.9 50-bax/enu1) 333.45 -1110.0 ± 32.0 -2.9 323.15 -1350.0 ± 130.0 -149.9 69-haj/kay1) 334.05 -1121.0 ± 90.0 -19.0 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 79-pat1) 58-bot/ree-31) 78-tod/hos1) 52-fra/mcg1) 49-lam/rob1) 52-all/eve1) 73-koh/ope1) 69-fra/mcg1) 69-fra/mcg1) 66-bot/spu1) 69-haj/kay1) 55-wae1) 52-fra/mcg1) 69-fra/mcg1) 78-tod/hos1) 69-fra/mcg1) 77-alb/wor1) 50-bax/enu1) 52-fra/mcg1) 55-wae1) 68-kno/edm1) 96-wor/lew() 71-eon/pom1) 47-sco/wad1) cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
Benzene (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 334.80 -1071.6 ± 50.0 24.2 335.00 -1295.0 ± 200.0 -200.9 335.15 -1150.0 ± 100.0 -57.2 335.20 -1103.0 ± 7.0 -10.6 335.60 -1076.0 ± 50.0 13.1 336.05 -1112.0 ± 90.0 -26.6 337.64 -1065.0 ± 20.0 7.5 337.84 -1038.0 ± 50.0 32.9 338.20 -1088.0 ± 2.0 -20.0 338.20 -1077.0 ± 24.5 -9.0 338.20 -1110.0 ± 50.0 -42.0 338.30 -1018.0 ± 100.0 49.2 338.85 -1099.0 ± 90.0 -36.2 340.25 -1046.0 ± 16.0 5.8 340.52 -1048.0 ± 50.0 1.7 341.20 -1054.0 ± 11.0 -9.6 342.00 -1135.0 ± 180.0 -96.7 343.15 -1015.0 ± 26.0 14.6 343.15 -1250.0 ± 70.0 -220.4 343.15 -1035.0 ± 30.0 -5.4 343.16 -1023.0 ± 20.0 6.5 343.20 -1035.0 ± 11.0 -5.8 343.20 -1035.0 ± 10.0 -5.8 343.20 -1039.0 ± 23.8 -9.8 343.45 -1030.0 ± 30.6 -2.7 343.62 -1036.0 ± 57.0 -10.0 343.65 -1023.0 ± 50.0 2.8 344.15 -1007.0 ± 50.0 15.1 344.90 -1048.1 ± 50.0 -31.6 345.25 -1075.0 ± 90.0 -61.1 347.69 -975.0 ± 50.0 21.3 348.00 -1128.0 ± 180.0 -134.0 348.20 -1011.0 ± 9.0 -18.4 348.20 -1003.0 ± 23.1 -10.4 348.20 -1020.0 ± 50.0 -27.4 348.25 -981.0 ± 15.0 11.3 348.25 -1090.0 ± 90.0 -97.7 349.05 -969.0 ± 12.0 17.6 350.70 -980.3 ± 50.0 -5.2 351.80 -1030.0 ± 120.0 -62.5 353.15 -995.0 ± 20.0 -36.6 353.15 -945.0 ± 24.0 13.4 353.15 -1095.0 ± 50.0 -136.6 353.15 -971.0 ± 30.0 -12.6 353.15 -945.0 ± 80.0 13.4 353.20 -944.0 ± 50.0 14.1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 49-lam/rob1) 29-euc/mey1) 69-haj/kay1) 55-wae1) 69-fra/mcg1) 52-fra/mcg1) 66-bot/spu1) 69-fra/mcg1) 55-wae1) 96-wor/lew() 52-all/eve1) 59-dav/ham1) 52-fra/mcg1) 57-and/cox1) 69-fra/mcg1) 55-wae1) 29-euc/mey1) 77-alb/wor1) 50-bax/enu1) 52-fra/mcg1) 66-bot/spu1) 55-wae1) 58-bot/ree-31) 96-wor/lew() 71-eon/pom1) 73-koh/ope1) 69-fra/mcg1) 69-fra/mcg1) 49-lam/rob1) 52-fra/mcg1) 69-fra/mcg1) 29-euc/mey1) 55-wae1) 96-wor/lew() 52-all/eve1) 92-bic/hen(×) 52-fra/mcg1) 57-and/cox1) 49-lam/rob1) 56-mag1) 66-zha/wan1) 77-alb/wor1) 50-bax/enu1) 52-fra/mcg1) 69-haj/kay1) 68-kno/edm1)
T K 353.20 353.20 353.20 353.24 353.25 353.45 354.00 354.00 354.48 354.96 355.59 357.00 358.20 358.87 359.05 359.10 359.10 362.00 362.84 362.95 363.15 363.20 363.20 363.20 363.45 363.95 364.07 366.00 367.35 368.15 368.20 368.28 372.00 372.25 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.20 373.20 373.20 373.20 373.20 373.20 373.20 373.45 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -968.0 ± 22.4 -9.9 -991.0 ± 50.0 -32.9 -994.0 ± 40.0 -35.9 -966.0 ± 20.0 -8.2 -989.0 ± 80.0 -31.3 -960.0 ± 29.2 -3.6 -928.0 ± 40.0 24.7 -1052.0 ± 150.0 -99.3 -938.0 ± 20.0 11.5 -939.0 ± 12.0 7.4 -928.0 ± 55.0 14.2 -1010.0 ± 150.0 -76.9 -936.0 ± 21.7 -10.6 -915.0 ± 40.0 6.2 -1004.0 ± 80.0 -83.9 -936.0 ± 50.0 -16.3 -923.4 ± 50.0 -3.7 -981.0 ± 110.0 -79.2 -885.0 ± 54.0 11.7 -900.0 ± 12.0 -4.0 -882.0 ± 23.0 12.8 -905.0 ± 21.1 -10.5 -897.0 ± 50.0 -2.5 -891.0 ± 40.0 3.5 -900.0 ± 28.0 -7.0 -1006.0 ± 80.0 -116.0 -915.0 ± 30.0 -25.7 -893.0 ± 100.0 -15.0 -947.0 ± 80.0 -76.9 -840.0 ± 65.0 25.6 -876.0 ± 20.5 -10.7 -847.0 ± 40.0 17.8 -836.0 ± 100.0 8.1 -916.0 ± 70.0 -73.3 -825.0 ± 21.0 12.8 -839.0 ± 1.0 -1.2 -852.0 ± 25.0 -14.2 -839.0 ± 25.0 -1.2 -814.0 ± 6.0 23.5 -815.0 ± 40.0 22.5 -849.0 ± 20.0 -11.5 -873.0 ± 70.0 -35.5 -904.0 ± 90.0 -66.5 -840.0 ± 50.0 -2.5 -833.0 ± 40.0 4.5 -850.0 ± 27.0 -13.8 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 96-wor/lew() 64-zaa/bel1) 65-zaa/bel1) 78-tod/hos1) 47-sco/wad1) 71-eon/pom1) 69-fra/mcg1) 29-euc/mey1) 66-bot/spu1) 66-bot/spu1) 73-koh/ope1) 29-euc/mey1) 96-wor/lew() 69-fra/mcg1) 52-fra/mcg1) 49-lam/rob1) 49-lam/rob1) 29-euc/mey1) 73-koh/ope1) 57-and/cox1) 77-alb/wor1) 96-wor/lew() 64-zaa/bel1) 65-zaa/bel1) 71-eon/pom1) 52-fra/mcg1) 69-pow1) 29-euc/mey1) 52-fra/mcg1) 69-haj/kay1) 96-wor/lew() 69-fra/mcg1) 29-euc/mey1) 52-fra/mcg1) 77-alb/wor1) 79-bic/ope({) 52-fra/mcg1) 52-fra/mcg1) 60-cox/stu1) 68-kno/edm1) 96-wor/lew() 59-dav/ham1) 59-dav/ham1) 64-zaa/bel1) 65-zaa/bel1) 71-eon/pom1) cont.
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Benzene (cont.) 40
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 300
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 374.50 -825.0 ± 40.0 5.6 374.51 -831.3 ± 12.0 -0.8 375.00 -807.0 ± 90.0 20.9 376.85 -830.0 ± 8.0 -11.8 377.58 -834.0 ± 10.0 -19.6 380.02 -806.0 ± 40.0 -4.1 380.47 -785.0 ± 12.0 14.7 382.15 -765.0 ± 45.0 26.3 383.15 -775.0 ± 20.0 11.4 383.15 -810.0 ± 70.0 -23.6 383.20 -797.0 ± 18.9 -10.8 383.20 -814.0 ± 40.0 -27.8 383.20 -808.0 ± 40.0 -21.8 383.92 -764.0 ± 30.0 18.7 389.50 -749.0 ± 30.0 7.4 393.05 -729.0 ± 11.0 11.4 393.15 -729.0 ± 19.0 11.0 393.20 -751.0 ± 18.0 -11.3 397.59 -724.6 ± 11.0 -3.9 398.15 -718.0 ± 3.0 0.3 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 69-fra/mcg1) 92-bic/hen(×) 29-euc/mey1) 57-and/cox1) 78-tod/hos1) 69-fra/mcg1) 66-bot/spu1) 69-haj/kay1) 77-alb/wor1) 47-sco/wad1) 96-wor/lew() 64-zaa/bel1) 65-zaa/bel1) 69-fra/mcg1) 69-pow1) 57-and/cox1) 77-alb/wor1) 96-wor/lew() 92-bic/hen(×) 79-bic/ope({)
T K 398.15 398.15 398.75 403.07 403.20 405.00 408.25 408.95 412.68 413.15 413.20 413.86 416.08 416.50 422.49 422.99 423.15 423.20 424.15 427.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -733.0 ± 20.0 -14.7 -720.0 ± 42.0 -1.7 -726.0 ± 30.0 -10.2 -688.0 ± 30.0 10.1 -708.0 ± 17.2 -10.5 -724.0 ± 20.0 -33.7 -678.0 ± 30.0 -0.3 -668.0 ± 18.0 7.0 -658.0 ± 20.0 3.0 -645.0 ± 30.0 14.3 -669.0 ± 16.4 -9.9 -681.0 ± 30.0 -24.4 -641.0 ± 12.0 7.6 -638.0 ± 12.0 9.1 -629.7 ± 9.0 -3.4 -611.0 ± 20.0 13.6 -621.0 ± 6.0 3.0 -633.0 ± 15.7 -9.1 -572.0 ± 14.0 48.7 -610.0 ± 30.0 0.8 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 52-fra/mcg1) 69-haj/kay1) 69-fra/mcg1) 69-fra/mcg1) 96-wor/lew() 66-bot/spu1) 69-fra/mcg1) 58-cox/and1) 69-fra/mcg1) 69-haj/kay1) 96-wor/lew() 69-pow1) 66-bot/spu1) 66-bot/spu1) 92-bic/hen(×) 69-fra/mcg1) 79-bic/ope({) 96-wor/lew() 58-cox/and1) 69-haj/kay1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
Benzene (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 429.70 -599.0 ± 20.0 3.6 433.20 -601.0 ± 15.0 -9.4 433.20 -637.0 ± 30.0 -45.4 437.75 -516.0 ± 22.0 61.7 443.20 -610.0 ± 30.0 -48.2 443.78 -582.0 ± 30.0 -21.9 446.98 -552.6 ± 8.0 -1.5 448.15 -543.0 ± 5.0 4.9 453.15 -550.0 ± 25.0 -15.6 453.20 -584.0 ± 30.0 -49.7 457.67 -521.0 ± 12.0 1.7 463.20 -555.0 ± 25.0 -46.2 473.15 -478.0 ± 5.0 7.2 473.15 -510.0 ± 23.0 -24.8 473.20 -532.0 ± 25.0 -46.9 474.16 -481.9 ± 7.0 1.0 474.81 -469.0 ± 30.0 12.4 483.20 -506.0 ± 25.0 -43.0 493.20 -442.0 ± 0.2 0.3 493.20 -483.0 ± 20.0 -40.7 498.15 -423.0 ± 4.0 9.6 498.54 -429.2 ± 6.0 2.6 503.20 -458.0 ± 20.0 -35.1 513.20 -405.0 ± 0.2 -0.3 523.15 -378.0 ± 4.0 9.7 525.82 -379.7 ± 60.0 3.5 533.20 -372.0 ± 0.2 -0.6 548.15 -339.0 ± 3.0 9.8 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 66-bot/spu1) 96-wor/lew() 67-bel/zaa1) 58-cox/and1) 67-bel/zaa1) 69-pow1) 92-bic/hen(×) 79-bic/ope({) 69-haj/kay1) 67-bel/zaa1) 66-bot/spu1) 67-bel/zaa1) 79-bic/ope({) 69-haj/kay1) 67-bel/zaa1) 92-bic/hen(×) 69-pow1) 67-bel/zaa1) 60-con/kan(▲) 67-bel/zaa1) 79-bic/ope({) 92-bic/hen(×) 67-bel/zaa1) 60-con/kan(▲) 79-bic/ope({) 92-bic/hen(×) 60-con/kan(▲) 79-bic/ope({)
T K 548.84 553.20 553.20 562.66 563.16 563.20 573.15 573.16 573.20 573.20 574.65 583.16 583.20 593.16 593.20 598.15 599.82 603.16 603.20 613.16 613.20 623.15 623.15 623.16 623.20 628.16 628.20 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -344.5 ± 50.0 3.3 -341.0 ± 0.2 0.6 -330.0 ± 18.0 11.6 -316.2 ± 16.0 12.3 -314.9 ± 16.0 12.9 -319.0 ± 18.0 8.8 -306.0 ± 3.0 8.7 -302.8 ± 15.0 11.9 -315.0 ± 0.2 -0.4 -307.0 ± 18.0 7.6 -310.8 ± 50.0 2.0 -294.5 ± 15.0 7.7 -298.0 ± 18.0 4.1 -287.4 ± 14.0 2.8 -288.0 ± 17.0 2.2 -277.0 ± 4.0 7.5 -282.7 ± 40.0 -0.1 -279.9 ± 14.0 -1.0 -279.0 ± 16.0 -0.2 -267.7 ± 13.0 0.1 -268.0 ± 16.0 -0.2 -252.0 ± 5.0 5.4 -254.4 ± 1.2 3.0 -256.8 ± 13.0 0.6 -256.0 ± 15.0 1.3 -251.8 ± 13.0 0.5 -251.0 ± 15.0 1.3 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 92-bic/hen(×) 60-con/kan(▲) 64-she/pra(
) 74-pom/spu1) 74-pom/spu1) 64-she/pra(
) 79-bic/ope({) 74-pom/spu1) 60-con/kan(▲) 64-she/pra(
) 92-bic/hen(×) 74-pom/spu1) 64-she/pra(
) 74-pom/spu1) 64-she/pra(
) 79-bic/ope({) 92-bic/hen(×) 74-pom/spu1) 64-she/pra(
) 74-pom/spu1) 64-she/pra(
) 79-bic/ope({) 96-abd/baz1) 74-pom/spu1) 64-she/pra(
) 74-pom/spu1) 64-she/pra(
MW = 94.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.8098 ⋅ 103 + 2.4621 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 1.1103 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 + 5.3333 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 430 440 460
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1418 ± 60 -1323 ± 40 -1157 ± 20
T/K 480 510 540
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1017 ± 10 -849 ± 8 -719 ± 7
T/K 580 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -592 ± 6 -503 ± 5
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Phenol (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 428.45 -1454 ± 50 -20 60-and/bid 488.15 -967 ± 2 0 428.45 -1495 ± 30 -61 60-and/bid 498.15 -909 ± 2 1 437.75 -1338 ± 40 6 60-and/bid 523.15 -787 ± 2 1 437.75 -1373 ± 25 -29 60-and/bid 548.15 -690 ± 3 0 453.65 -1135 ± 30 71 60-and/bid 573.15 -613 ± 3 -2 453.65 -1169 ± 18 37 60-and/bid 598.15 -549 ± 4 -1 478.15 -1032 ± 2 -3 69-ope 623.15 -497 ± 3 1 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 375.24 -2100 ± 500 56-sco/mcc-1 394.74 -1905 ± 400 56-sco/mcc-1 _________
T K 407.34 416.90 _________
69-ope 69-ope 69-ope 69-ope 69-ope 69-ope 69-ope
MW = 110.18
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1730 ± 400 -1609 ± 350
56-sco/mcc-1 56-sco/mcc-1
MW = 93.13
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.0978 ⋅ 104 + 2.4607 ⋅ 107/(T/K) − 9.5935 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 + 1.1660 ⋅ 1012/(T/K)3 T/K 360 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1658 ± 100 -1530 ± 90
T/K 385 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1354 ± 80 -1201 ± 80
T/K 415 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1074 ± 50 -944 ± 45
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 359.35 -1673 ± 80 -7 63-sco/hub 402.54 -1204 ± 80 -26 362.95 -1608 ± 100 11 57-and/cox 408.95 -1119 ± 56 3 376.85 -1449 ± 90 -2 57-and/cox 424.15 -998 ± 50 10 379.48 -1399 ± 80 17 63-sco/hub 437.75 -933 ± 47 -4 393.05 -1272 ± 80 -3 57-and/cox _________
63-sco/hub 58-cox/and 58-cox/and 58-cox/and
MW = 93.13
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.7217 ⋅ 103 − 1.6134 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 2.9073 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2
cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
3-Methylpyridine (cont.) Table 1 (cont.) T/K (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 375 -1787 ± 100 385 -1665 ± 80
T/K 400 415
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1494 ± 70 -1335 ± 60
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1141 ± 55
T/K 435
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 372.45 -1799 ± 100 21 63-sco/goo 417.29 -1355 ± 70 -43 393.36 -1600 ± 80 -32 63-sco/goo 424.15 -1193 ± 60 51 408.95 -1377 ± 69 20 58-cox/and 437.75 -1132 ± 57 -16 Further reference: [57-and/cox]. _________
63-sco/goo 58-cox/and 58-cox/and
MW = 93.13
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 7.3393 ⋅ 102 − 4.9526 ⋅ 104/(T/K) − 3.3521 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1990 ± 90 -1848 ± 50
T/K 360 370
T/K 385 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1656 ± 30 -1485 ± 30
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1332 ± 30 -1151 ± 20
T/K 415 435
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 355.40 -2090 ± 100 -31 81-hos/sco-2 408.95 -1324 ± 66 68 365.58 -1940 ± 70 -30 81-hos/sco-2 418.52 -1300 ± 10 -2 373.53 -1810 ± 50 -9 81-hos/sco-2 424.15 -1222 ± 61 24 385.47 -1670 ± 30 -19 81-hos/sco-2 434.26 -1160 ± 10 -2 394.51 -1550 ± 30 -5 81-hos/sco-2 437.75 -1122 ± 56 7 Further reference: [57-and/cox]. _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 333.45 -2410 ± 73 71-eon/pom 343.45 -2280 ± 70 71-eon/pom 353.45 -2160 ± 67 71-eon/pom _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 363.45 373.45 _________
58-cox/and 81-hos/sco-2 58-cox/and 81-hos/sco-2 58-cox/and
MW = 112.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -2040 ± 64 -1920 ± 62
71-eon/pom 71-eon/pom
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 333.45 -2210 ± 68 71-eon/pom 343.45 -2070 ± 65 71-eon/pom 353.45 -1970 ± 63 71-eon/pom _________
T K 363.45 373.45 _________
MW = 112.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1890 ± 61 -1790 ± 59
71-eon/pom 71-eon/pom
MW = 84.16
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 7.3023 ⋅ 10 − 1.2813 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.3635 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 − 2.8581 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)3 T/K 310 320 335 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1442 ± 30 -1333 ± 30 -1191 ± 30 -1071 ± 25
T/K 370 390 420 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -937 ± 25 -827 ± 25 -695 ± 25 -593 ± 20
T/K 490 530 570 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -488 ± 15 -409 ± 15 -348 ± 15 -289 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 308.20 -1457 ± 10 6 62-bot/coo-1 396.63 -795 ± 40 0 69-haj/kay 316.58 -1625 ± 80 -256 69-haj/kay 398.15 -795 ± 12 -7 84-bic/ope 323.20 -1309 ± 10 -8 62-bot/coo-1 403.20 -752 ± 18 13 96-wor/lew 326.07 -1365 ± 70 -92 69-haj/kay 411.05 -690 ± 35 41 69-haj/kay 333.20 -1178 ± 27 29 96-wor/lew 413.20 -711 ± 17 11 96-wor/lew 336.40 -1225 ± 60 -46 69-haj/kay 414.67 -701 ± 50 15 69-pow 338.20 -1137 ± 26 27 96-wor/lew 423.15 -693 ± 7 -10 84-bic/ope 343.20 -1121 ± 10 2 62-bot/coo-1 423.20 -673 ± 17 10 96-wor/lew 343.20 -1097 ± 25 26 96-wor/lew 428.15 -625 ± 30 40 69-haj/kay 348.20 -1060 ± 24 24 96-wor/lew 433.20 -638 ± 16 9 96-wor/lew 353.15 -1045 ± 50 3 69-haj/kay 443.87 -595 ± 50 17 69-pow 353.20 -1024 ± 24 24 96-wor/lew 448.15 -607 ± 7 -9 84-bic/ope 358.20 -991 ± 23 22 96-wor/lew 455.15 -540 ± 20 37 69-haj/kay 363.20 -959 ± 22 21 96-wor/lew 473.15 -535 ± 7 -6 84-bic/ope 364.88 -965 ± 50 4 69-pow 473.15 -490 ± 10 39 69-haj/kay 368.15 -940 ± 50 8 69-haj/kay 475.13 -512 ± 50 12 69-pow 368.20 -928 ± 22 20 96-wor/lew 498.15 -474 ± 8 -4 84-bic/ope 373.15 -935 ± 23 -17 84-bic/ope 523.15 -422 ± 7 -1 84-bic/ope 373.20 -900 ± 21 18 96-wor/lew 548.15 -379 ± 8 1 84-bic/ope 382.00 -885 ± 45 -16 69-haj/kay 573.15 -341 ± 7 3 84-bic/ope 383.20 -846 ± 20 16 96-wor/lew 598.15 -310 ± 8 3 84-bic/ope 389.71 -809 ± 50 19 69-pow 623.15 -286 ± 2 0 84-bic/ope 393.20 -797 ± 19 14 96-wor/lew Further references: [49-lam/rob, 55-wae, 58-bot/rem, 60-cox/stu, 69-koe/sen, 74-ker/ant, 76-bel/sul-1, 78-alb/wor, 97-wor]. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
MW = 84.16
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 4.1329 ⋅ 103 + 4.2605 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 1.5173 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 + 1.3838 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1472 ± 30 -1358 ± 28
T/K 315 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1207 ± 25 -1040 ± 20
T/K 340 360
T/K 380 405
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -907 ± 18 -780 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 313.8 -1493 ± 35 -7 64-mcg/wor 373.1 -947 ± 20 2 325.7 -1340 ± 30 10 64-mcg/wor 383.4 -886 ± 18 1 333.7 -1262 ± 30 5 64-mcg/wor 392.6 -845 ± 16 -7 342.6 -1194 ± 25 -11 64-mcg/wor 403.2 -779 ± 15 9 353.8 -1087 ± 20 1 64-mcg/wor 410.3 -763 ± 14 -4 364.3 -1009 ± 20 0 64-mcg/wor _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 292.13 -2179 ± 100 55-sco/fin 307.87 -1818 ± 80 55-sco/fin _________
T K 325.79 346.37 _________
64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor
MW = 84.16
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1596 ± 80 -1362 ± 70
55-sco/fin 55-sco/fin
MW = 84.16
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.3965⋅ 103 − 8.6726 ⋅ 105/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1447 ± 50
T/K 305
T/K 320
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1314 ± 50
T/K 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1154 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 304.09 -1456 ± 60 -0.5 59-mcc/pen 344.97 -1118 ± 50 -0.5 59-mcc/pen 325.98 -1263 ± 50 1.0 59-mcc/pen _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 337.84 -2180 ± 300 73-gei/qui 337.84 -2360 ± 300 73-gei/qui 357.01 -1820 ± 250 73-gei/qui _________
T K 366.33 388.62 388.62 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 383.8 -1960 ± 240 81-hos/sco-2 406.2 -1580 ± 130 81-hos/sco-2 _________
T K 367.42 389.88 389.88 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 346.90 -2600 ± 300 73-gei/qui 346.90 -2860 ± 300 73-gei/qui 366.33 -2200 ± 260 73-gei/qui _________
T K 396.65 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 347.84 -2500 ± 300 73-gei/qui 347.84 -2420 ± 300 73-gei/qui 367.42 -2020 ± 240 73-gei/qui _________
T K 357.01 378.44 378.44 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 354.38 -2421 ± 200 67-hal/lee 374.07 -2004 ± 180 67-hal/lee _________
T K 420.8 _________
MW = 100.16
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1940 ± 250 -1560 ± 200 -1560 ± 200
73-gei/qui 73-gei/qui 73-gei/qui
MW = 100.16
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1664 ± 150
MW = 100.16
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -2300 ± 250 -1730 ± 200 -1680 ± 200
73-gei/qui 73-gei/qui 73-gei/qui
MW = 100.16
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -2360 ± 280 -1830 ± 200 -1910 ± 220
C6H12S Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1500 ± 90
73-gei/qui 73-gei/qui 73-gei/qui
MW = 116.23
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
MW = 86.18
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 5.1719 ⋅ 102 − 3.8352 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 4.0872 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -755 ± 30 -716 ± 30 -697 ± 30
T/K 385 395 400
T/K 420 440 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -628 ± 26 -566 ± 20 -484 ± 20
T/K 490 515 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -436 ± 20 -382 ± 20 -324 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 383.15 -753 ± 30 9 81-chu/kay 489.01 -444 ± 18 -2 403.15 -698 ± 30 -12 81-chu/kay 493.15 -424 ± 18 5 426.15 -612 ± 26 -4 81-chu/kay 498.16 -395 ± 79 23 453.15 -522 ± 20 6 81-chu/kay 523.16 -365 ± 72 0 473.15 -479 ± 18 -3 81-chu/kay 548.16 -340 ± 68 -21 _________
81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 86.18
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 7.7373 ⋅ 102 − 5.3442 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 4.6235 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1521 ± 60 -1431 ± 55 -1308 ± 50 -1198 ± 50
T/K 300 310 325 340
T/K 360 390 420 460
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1068 ± 45 -901 ± 45 -761 ± 40 -607 ± 30
T/K 500 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -480 ± 20 -363 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 295.96 -1554 ± 62 6 49-wad/smi 453.15 -617 ± 30 14 298.16 -1569 ± 63 -30 49-wad/smi 473.15 -558 ± 25 4 303.03 -1496 ± 60 -3 49-wad/smi 493.15 -518 ± 22 -18 313.13 -1400 ± 56 5 49-wad/smi 500.23 -505 ± 20 -26 331.15 -1256 ± 50 6 49-wad/smi 523.16 -399 ± 20 18 403.15 -827 ± 40 9 81-chu/kay 548.16 -350 ± 18 5 426.15 -725 ± 35 10 81-chu/kay _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
MW = 86.18
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 7.0489 ⋅ 102 + 7.7395 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 3.2471 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 300 310 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1733 ± 70 -1587 ± 60 -1398 ± 50
T/K 340 360 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1237 ± 45 -1061 ± 45 -855 ± 40
T/K 430 480 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -661 ± 30 -502 ± 20 -378 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 298.16 -1712 ± 69 50 49-wad/smi 453.15 -574 ± 22 4 298.16 -1792 ± 72 -30 49-wad/smi 473.15 -520 ± 20 0 318.16 -1487 ± 60 -7 49-wad/smi 493.15 -474 ± 20 -3 333.43 -1332 ± 53 -28 49-wad/smi 497.15 -459 ± 20 3 383.15 -895 ± 40 2 81-chu/kay 523.16 -415 ± 10 -3 403.15 -770 ± 35 13 81-chu/kay 548.16 -371 ± 10 2 426.15 -679 ± 30 -2 81-chu/kay _________
81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 86.18
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 7.5391 ⋅ 102 − 3.9836 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 9.7628 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 T/K 300 310 325
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1659 ± 70 -1547 ± 60 -1396 ± 55
T/K 340 360 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1262 ± 50 -1106 ± 40 -909 ± 35
T/K 430 480 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -701 ± 30 -500 ± 25 -306 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 298.16 -1718 ± 69 -38 49-wad/smi 453.15 -592 ± 25 9 303.26 -1592 ± 64 29 49-wad/smi 473.15 -543 ± 20 -19 323.71 -1418 ± 57 -10 49-wad/smi 493.15 -487 ± 20 -32 336.45 -1285 ± 51 8 49-wad/smi 504.62 -450 ± 20 -31 383.15 -926 ± 40 25 81-chu/kay 523.16 -346 ± 10 18 403.15 -819 ± 40 16 81-chu/kay 548.16 -301 ± 10 -3 426.15 -691 ± 30 27 81-chu/kay _________
81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 81-chu/kay 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
MW = 86.18
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.4421⋅ 103 − 1.9714 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 8.1722 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 1.5890 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1934 ± 50 -1747 ± 30 -1516 ± 25 -1330 ± 20
T/K 300 310 325 340
T/K 360 390 430 470
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1134 ± 20 -919 ± 20 -721 ± 15 -583 ± 10
T/K 510 560 610 660
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -479 ± 10 -377 ± 10 -294 ± 10 -221 ± 10
( B exp - B calc )/cm mol
20 0 -20 -40 -60 300
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 1) 308.15 -1670 ± 50 110 73-mar/bai 318.10 -1637 ± 25 -21 313.50 -1676 ± 25 12 318.20 -1580 ± 50 34 62-mcg/pot(×) 315.15 -1750 ± 90 -88 69-haj/kay1) 318.20 -1560 ± 50 54 318.00 -1598 ± 29 19 318.20 -1620 ± 50 -6 62-mcg/pot(×) 318.00 -1668 ± 80 -51 93-bar/mar1) 323.15 -1590 ± 80 -49 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-mcg/pot(×) 66-diz/abb1) 66-diz/abb1) 66-diz/abb1) 69-haj/kay1) cont.
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Hexane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 323.20 -1606 ± 40 -65 90-an /mce1) 378.40 -981 ± 20 12 324.00 -1496 ± 24 33 -995 ± 50 -27 62-mcg/pot(×) 382.15 328.00 -1490 ± 50 -15 93-bar/mar1) 386.70 -928 ± 23 11 329.00 -1419 ± 28 43 -913 ± 19 23 62-mcg/pot(×) 387.20 332.10 -1419 ± 23 4 -862 ± 40 38 62-mcg/pot(×) 393.15 333.20 -1320 ± 50 89 66-diz/abb1) 393.75 -910 ± 20 -14 333.20 -1340 ± 50 69 66-diz/abb1) 395.90 -880 ± 23 4 333.20 -1380 ± 50 29 66-diz/abb1) 397.59 -880 ± 9 -5 333.20 -1420 ± 50 -11 66-diz/abb1) 398.30 -895 ± 19 -24 335.15 -1450 ± 70 -65 69-haj/kay1) 403.15 -850 ± 40 -5 337.70 -1338 ± 27 18 -800 ± 22 10 62-mcg/pot(×) 410.10 338.00 -1350 ± 40 2 93-bar/mar1) 413.10 -771 ± 18 24 338.20 -1553 ± 34 -203 90-an /mce1) 422.49 -758 ± 8 -5 338.50 -1326 ± 23 20 -720 ± 10 17 62-mcg/pot(×) 426.15 339.40 -1310 ± 22 26 -730 ± 30 3 62-mcg/pot(×) 427.15 342.40 -1289 ± 22 14 -714 ± 35 -5 62-mcg/pot(×) 433.20 347.30 -1239 ± 22 13 -677 ± 30 -6 62-mcg/pot(×) 443.20 348.00 -1235 ± 26 10 -661 ± 7 -4 62-mcg/pot(×) 446.98 348.20 -1200 ± 50 43 66-diz/abb1) 453.12 -615 ± 25 21 348.20 -1220 ± 50 23 66-diz/abb1) 453.15 -658 ± 10 -22 348.20 -1230 ± 50 13 66-diz/abb1) 453.20 -644 ± 30 -8 348.20 -1295 ± 49 -52 90-an /mce1) 463.20 -613 ± 28 -9 348.20 -1289 ± 10 -46 90-an /mce1) 473.15 -530 ± 20 44 348.25 -1232 ± 13 11 92-bic/lob({) 473.15 -555 ± 7 19 352.95 -1205 ± 20 -8 87-spi/gau() 473.20 -583 ± 25 -9 353.15 -1205 ± 60 -10 69-haj/kay1) 474.16 -573 ± 6 -2 354.00 -1194 ± 22 -7 -570 ± 20 -10 62-mcg/pot(×) 478.20 358.20 -1220 ± 28 -70 90-an /mce1) 493.15 -524 ± 7 -4 358.50 -1144 ± 25 3 -506 ± 6 0 62-mcg/pot(×) 498.54 360.20 -1147 ± 21 -15 -469 ± 6 15 62-mcg/pot(×) 507.95 363.20 -1100 ± 50 7 66-diz/abb1) 523.15 -449 ± 4 1 368.00 -1075 ± 21 -6 -443 ± 5 2 62-mcg/pot(×) 525.82 368.15 -1090 ± 50 -22 69-haj/kay1) 548.84 -396 ± 4 2 370.60 -1050 ± 24 -1 -354 ± 3 -1 62-mcg/pot(×) 573.15 373.15 -1100 ± 40 -70 81-chu/kay1) 574.65 -350 ± 4 2 373.20 -1109 ± 38 -79 90-an /mce1) 599.82 -309 ± 4 1 373.35 -1020 ± 20 9 87-spi/gau() 623.15 -293 ± 3 -19 374.51 -1022 ± 11 -2 92-bic/lob({) 663.15 -214 ± 2 4 377.70 -992 ± 24 6 62-mcg/pot(×) 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further references: [49-lam/rob, 58-bot/ree, 69-koe/sen, 74-pom/spu, 78-cou/one]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-mcg/pot(×) 69-haj/kay1) 62-mcg/pot(×) 62-mcg/pot(×) 81-chu/kay1) 87-spi/gau() 62-mcg/pot(×) 92-bic/lob({) 62-mcg/pot(×) 69-haj/kay1) 62-mcg/pot(×) 62-mcg/pot(×) 92-bic/lob({) 81-chu/kay1) 69-haj/kay1) 71-zaa/bel(
) 71-zaa/bel(
) 92-bic/lob({) 69-haj/kay1) 81-chu/kay1) 71-zaa/bel(
) 71-zaa/bel(
) 69-haj/kay1) 81-chu/kay1) 71-zaa/bel(
) 92-bic/lob({) 71-zaa/bel(
) 81-chu/kay1) 92-bic/lob({) 81-chu/kay1) 96-abd/baz1) 92-bic/lob({) 92-bic/lob({) 96-abd/baz1) 92-bic/lob({) 92-bic/lob({) 96-abd/baz1) 96-abd/baz1)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
bis (1-Methylethyl) ether
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 308.15 -1823 ± 100 69-che 310.85 -1815 ± 120 74-and/cou 318.15 -1663 ± 100 69-che 328.15 -1531 ± 100 69-che _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 473.15 -840.0 ± 146.0 93-sha/naz-2 498.15 -697.2 ± 125.0 93-sha/naz-2 523.15 -616.4 ± 112.0 93-sha/naz-2 548.15 -561.0 ± 104.0 93-sha/naz-2 _________
Dipropyl ether
Methyl 3-methylbutyl ether
Methyl pentyl ether
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 343.15 348.15 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 348.15 -1751 ± 52 70-osi/str _________
T K 328.15 341.94 363.22 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 326.15 -2494 ± 30 93-bar/mar 333.15 -2132 ± 30 93-bar/mar 337.15 -1930 ± 30 93-bar/mar _________
T K 573.15 598.15 610.15 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 308.15 -1933 ± 100 69-che 318.15 -1765 ± 100 69-che 323.54 -2162 ± 200 75-and/cou _________
T K 329.51 338.15 341.73 _________
T K 373.15 _________
MW = 102.18
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1531 ± 100 -1531 ± 100 -1407 ± 90
74-and/cou 69-che 74-and/cou
MW = 102.18
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -529.0 ± 99.0 -510.3 ± 96.5 -505.0 ± 95.8
93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2
MW = 102.18
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1624 ± 100 -1794 ± 200 -1541 ± 160
C6H14O Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1550 ± 30 -1219 ± 30
69-che 75-and/cou 75-and/cou
MW = 102.18
C6H14O Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1495 ± 70
93-bar/mar 93-bar/mar
MW = 102.18
3.6 C6 Organic compounds
Butyl ethyl ether
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 308.15 -1906 ± 100 69-che 318.15 -1772 ± 100 69-che _________
N,N -Diethylethanamine
T K 328.15 _________
MW = 102.18
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1678 ± 100
MW = 101.19
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.2207 ⋅ 103 − 6.9533 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 7.1981⋅ 107/(T/K)2 T/K 295 305
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1963 ± 50 -1833 ± 50
T/K 320 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1655 ± 50 -1447 ± 50
T/K 370 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1184 ± 50 -968 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 293.15 -2000 ± 100 -11 64-sto/mar 332.80 -1566 ± 50 -48 303.15 -1800 ± 90 56 64-sto/mar 342.00 -1421 ± 50 7 313.15 -1700 ± 85 34 64-sto/mar 351.60 -1328 ± 50 11 313.55 -1740 ± 150 -11 63-eve/mun 362.40 -1224 ± 50 22 323.20 -1679 ± 50 -59 50-lam/str 374.20 -1159 ± 50 -8 325.30 -1593 ± 50 4 50-lam/str 383.20 -1069 ± 50 15 329.60 -1582 ± 50 -31 50-lam/str 393.60 -1003 ± 50 7 331.50 -1490 ± 50 42 50-lam/str 405.00 -966 ± 50 -31 _________
50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str 50-lam/str
C6H18OSi2 MW = 162.38
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.1949 ⋅ 102 + 4.1238 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 3.9908 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 335 345 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2445 ± 75 -2277 ± 70 -2053 ± 70
T/K 380 400 430
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1798 ± 65 -1583 ± 45 -1319 ± 40
T/K 470 520 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1049 ± 30 -802 ± 25 -624 ± 20
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 332.31 -2493 ± 75 1 61-sco/mes 373.67 -1856 ± 69 18 61-sco/mes 351.50 -2191 ± 72 -15 61-sco/mes 448.26 -1168 ± 2 18 83-mar/lin cont. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.6 C6 Organic Compounds
Hexamethyldisiloxane (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 473.25 -1015 ± 1 15 83-mar/lin 548.04 -722 ± 3 -26 83-mar/lin 498.28 -940 ± 1 -41 83-mar/lin 573.04 -576 ± 4 39 83-mar/lin 523.15 -797 ± 2 8 83-mar/lin _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds (Trifluoromethyl)undecafluorocyclohexane [355-02-2]
MW = 350.05
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.1512⋅ 104 − 1.5192 ⋅ 107/(T/K) + 6.6591 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 1.0255 ⋅ 1012/(T/K)3 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2415 ± 150 -2061 ± 130 -1657 ± 115
T/K 315 325 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1286 ± 100 -1040 ± 85 -872 ± 70
T/K 360 380 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -751 ± 55 -658 ± 45 -543 ± 35
T/K 420 440 470
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 313.15 -2610 ± 270 -120 69-haj/kay 398.15 -905 ± 75 -20 323.15 -2140 ± 220 -19 69-haj/kay 413.15 -815 ± 60 -26 337.15 -1595 ± 150 129 69-haj/kay 427.15 -730 ± 50 -15 353.15 -1370 ± 130 26 69-haj/kay 453.15 -600 ± 40 5 368.15 -1145 ± 95 29 69-haj/kay 473.15 -505 ± 35 27 382.15 -1065 ± 85 -46 69-haj/kay _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 323.16 -2990 ± 400 66-car/ste 326.46 -2890 ± 350 66-car/ste 346.61 -2372 ± 300 66-car/ste _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 349.16 -2765 ± 200 68-cou/hal-1 368.52 -2253 ± 160 68-cou/hal-1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 380.00 398.71 431.56 _________
T K 390.65 390.65 _________
69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay 69-haj/kay
MW = 370.06
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1813 ± 200 -1568 ± 150 -1243 ± 100
66-car/ste 66-car/ste 66-car/ste
MW = 182.09
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1896 ± 130 -1890 ± 190
68-cou/hal-1 75-amb/ell
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
MW = 146.11
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.7009 ⋅ 103 − 1.5608 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 335
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1958 ± 50
T/K 350
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1759 ± 50
T/K 375
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1461 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 334.21 -1960 ± 50 9 59-sco/dou 375.20 -1450 ± 50 9 59-sco/dou 353.30 -1735 ± 50 -18 59-sco/dou _________
Benzoic acid
MW = 122.12
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.3687 ⋅ 105 + 1.5655 ⋅ 108/(T/K) − 4.5344 ⋅ 1010/(T/K)2 T/K 495 505
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -5666 ± 80 -4672 ± 70
T/K 515 525
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -3854 ± 55 -3193 ± 45
T/K 535 545
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2674 ± 40 -2283 ± 35
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 493.15 -5891 ± 52 -18 65-ope/von 533.15 -2794 ± 27 -31 503.15 -4835 ± 43 10 65-ope/von 543.15 -2359 ± 23 -10 513.15 -3998 ± 36 -3 65-ope/von 548.15 -2172 ± 22 15 522.15 -3331 ± 31 38 65-ope/von _________
65-ope/von 65-ope/von 65-ope/von
MW = 110.13
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.7487 ⋅ 103 + 2.5873 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 7.8955 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 375 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1464 ± 20 -1355 ± 20
T/K 395 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1259 ± 20 -1135 ± 15
T/K 425 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1032 ± 15 -947 ± 15 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
1-Fluoro-2-methylbenzene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 373.15 -1488 ± 15 -3 75-moz/kol 413.15 -1110 ± 15 2 373.20 -1485 ± 6 0 74-moz/kol 413.20 -1110 ± 5 2 383.15 -1370 ± 20 4 75-moz/kol 423.15 -1042 ± 15 2 383.20 -1370 ± 5 4 74-moz/kol 423.15 -1049 ± 15 -5 388.15 -1324 ± 15 0 75-moz/kol 423.20 -1042 ± 5 2 393.15 -1274 ± 20 2 75-moz/kol 433.15 -980 ± 15 4 393.20 -1274 ± 5 2 74-moz/kol 433.20 -980 ± 4 4 403.15 -1188 ± 15 1 75-moz/kol 443.15 -930 ± 15 1 403.15 -1195 ± 15 -6 75-moz/kol 443.15 -936 ± 15 -5 403.20 -1188 ± 5 1 74-moz/kol 443.20 -930 ± 4 1 _________
75-moz/kol 74-moz/kol 75-moz/kol 75-moz/kol 74-moz/kol 75-moz/kol 74-moz/kol 75-moz/kol 75-moz/kol 74-moz/kol
MW = 110.13
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.7641 ⋅ 103 + 3.4376 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 9.7897 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 375 385
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1559 ± 20 -1440 ± 20
T/K 400 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1289 ± 18 -1129 ± 17
T/K 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -959 ± 16
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 373.2 -1585 ± 8 -3 74-moz/kol 423.2 -1110 ± 7 -3 383.2 -1460 ± 5 0 74-moz/kol 433.2 -1045 ± 6 0 393.2 -1350 ± 5 4 74-moz/kol 443.2 -994 ± 6 -2 403.2 -1260 ± 7 0 74-moz/kol 453.2 -940 ± 8 5 413.2 -1180 ± 7 -2 74-moz/kol _________
74-moz/kol 74-moz/kol 74-moz/kol 74-moz/kol
MW = 110.13
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 5.4618 ⋅ 103 + 4.4258 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 1.0968 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 T/K 350 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1770 ± 115 -1631 ± 110
T/K 375 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1459 ± 100 -1325 ± 25
T/K 410 440
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1192 ± 25 -1068 ± 25 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
1-Fluoro-4-methylbenzene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 347.14 -1881 ± 115 -67 62-sco/mes 403.15 -1223 ± 15 9 75-moz/kol-1 367.01 -1657 ± 101 -111 62-sco/mes 403.20 -1230 ± 8 2 74-moz/kol 373.15 -1439 ± 15 39 75-moz/kol-1 413.20 -1175 ± 8 0 74-moz/kol 373.20 -1440 ± 8 38 74-moz/kol 423.15 -1111 ± 15 17 75-moz/kol-1 383.20 -1360 ± 9 22 74-moz/kol 423.20 -1128 ± 7 0 74-moz/kol 388.15 -1339 ± 15 1 75-moz/kol-1 433.20 -1082 ± 7 8 74-moz/kol 389.79 -1369 ± 84 -42 62-sco/mes 443.15 -1041 ± 14 19 75-moz/kol-1 393.20 -1290 ± 9 10 74-moz/kol 443.20 -1047 ± 6 13 74-moz/kol _________
MW = 92.14
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.9007 ⋅ 103 − 2.7592 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.2424 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 2.4902 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 345 355 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1723 ± 50 -1579 ± 30 -1398 ± 25
T/K 390 420 450
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1204 ± 25 -987 ± 20 -828 ± 20
T/K 490 530 580
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -672 ± 20 -555 ± 15 -440 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 341.26 -1718 ± 120 64 62-sco/gut1) 388.20 -1227 ± 5 -8 341.27 -1718 ± 17 64 62-sco/gut1) 393.05 -1189 ± 70 -11 349.05 -1660 ± 90 3 57-and/cox1) 393.05 -1189 ± 15 -11 361.04 -1497 ± 100 5 62-sco/gut1) 403.15 -1098 ± 15 2 361.05 -1497 ± 20 5 75-moz/kol({) 403.15 -1093 ± 15 7 361.06 -1497 ± 16 5 62-sco/gut1) 403.15 -1104 ± 16 -4 362.95 -1453 ± 80 26 57-and/cox1) 403.20 -1098 ± 5 1 362.95 -1453 ± 20 26 75-moz/kol({) 408.95 -1013 ± 30 46 373.15 -1376 ± 20 -12 75-moz/kol({) 410.10 -1057 ± 60 -6 373.15 -1374 ± 15 -10 75-moz/kol1) 410.11 -1057 ± 12 -6 373.15 -1370 ± 18 -6 75-moz/kol-11) 413.15 -1010 ± 5 20 373.20 -1376 ± 5 -13 73-kol/bel1) 413.15 -1011 ± 17 19 376.85 -1335 ± 80 -9 57-and/cox1) 423.15 -970 ± 15 -2 376.85 -1335 ± 20 -9 75-moz/kol({) 423.15 -965 ± 15 3 383.75 -1280 ± 20 -21 75-moz/kol({) 423.15 -976 ± 15 -8 383.76 -1280 ± 80 -21 62-sco/gut1) 423.20 -970 ± 5 -2 383.83 -1280 ± 14 -21 62-sco/gut1) 423.26 -984 ± 14 -17 388.15 -1227 ± 20 -7 75-moz/kol({) 424.15 -940 ± 28 22 388.15 -1225 ± 15 -5 75-moz/kol1) 433.15 -896 ± 6 16 388.15 -1230 ± 17 -10 75-moz/kol-11) 433.15 -911 ± 8 1 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 73-kol/bel1) 57-and/cox1) 75-moz/kol({) 75-moz/kol({) 75-moz/kol1) 75-moz/kol-11) 73-kol/bel1) 58-cox/and1) 62-sco/gut1) 62-sco/gut1) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) 75-moz/kol({) 75-moz/kol1) 75-moz/kol-11) 73-kol/bel1) 83-mar/lin(×) 58-cox/and1) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Toluene (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 437.75 -864 ± 26 24 443.15 -886 ± 15 -25 443.15 -880 ± 15 -19 443.15 -892 ± 15 -31 443.20 -886 ± 5 -26 448.13 -851 ± 13 -14 453.15 -803 ± 3 11 453.15 -810 ± 2 4 453.20 -850 ± 5 -36 463.20 -812 ± 5 -41 473.15 -723 ± 2 9 473.15 -724 ± 4 8 473.19 -735 ± 12 -3 473.20 -775 ± 5 -43 483.20 -746 ± 5 -50 1) Not included in Fig.1. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 58-cox/and1) 75-moz/kol({) 75-moz/kol1) 75-moz/kol-11) 73-kol/bel1) 83-mar/lin(×) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) 73-kol/bel1) 73-kol/bel1) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) 83-mar/lin(×) 73-kol/bel1) 73-kol/bel1)
T K 493.15 493.15 493.20 498.29 513.15 513.15 533.15 533.15 553.15 553.15 573.15 573.15 583.15 583.15 _________
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -654 ± 3 -651 ± 8 -704 ± 5 -646 ± 11 -594 ± 5 -587 ± 11 -541 ± 7 -531 ± 13 -495 ± 8 -483 ± 15 -450 ± 6 -457 ± 21 -432 ± 6 -437 ± 22 ______________________________________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 8 11 -42 0 7 14 6 16 3 15 4 -3 1 -4 _____________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) 73-kol/bel1) 83-mar/lin(×) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1) 74-ope/zor(
) 74-ope/zor1)
( B exp - B calc )/cm3 mol-1
40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 350
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.)
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 437.75 -1748 ± 40 60-and/bid _________
T K 453.65
MW = 108.14
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1378 ± 50
MW = 108.14
B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 2.2836 ⋅ 103 + 2.6153 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 9.5452 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 370 380 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2188 ± 200 -2011 ± 180 -1711 ± 150
T/K 420 450 480
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1468 ± 130 -1186 ± 50 -978 ± 20
T/K 520 570
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -784 ± 15 -633 ± 15
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 366.91 -2196 ± 200 50 67-hal/lee 473.15 -1009 ± 3 11 381.99 -1963 ± 180 16 67-hal/lee 493.15 -902 ± 2 3 402.70 -1708 ± 150 -33 67-hal/lee 513.15 -814 ± 1 -2 426.73 -1490 ± 130 -93 67-hal/lee 533.15 -739 ± 1 -3 448.15 -1178 ± 5 23 72-ope 553.15 -676 ± 1 -1 453.15 -1140 ± 4 21 72-ope 573.15 -623 ± 1 3 _________
72-ope 72-ope 72-ope 72-ope 72-ope 72-ope
MW = 107.15
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.1208 ⋅ 103 − 2.0276 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1825 ± 50
T/K 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1707 ± 50
T/K 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1540 ± 50
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 408.15 -1830 ± 40 17 60-cox 438.95 -1494 ± 20 4 60-cox 423.15 -1692 ± 30 -21 60-cox _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
MW = 107.15
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.5057 ⋅ 103 − 1.7453 ⋅ 106/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1913 ± 38 -1804 ± 36
T/K 395 405
T/K 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1650 ± 33
T/K 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1506 ± 30
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 392.9 -1896 ± 34 40 60-cox 423.2 -1627 ± 16 -9 392.9 -1949 ± 34 -13 60-cox 423.2 -1693 ± 16 -75 408.2 -1716 ± 22 54 60-cox 439.0 -1433 ± 8 37 408.2 -1779 ± 24 -9 60-cox 439.0 -1496 ± 8 -26 _________
60-cox 60-cox 60-cox 60-cox
MW = 107.15
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.7240 ⋅ 103 − 1.8369 ⋅ 106/(T/K) (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1756 ± 55
T/K 410
T/K 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1650 ± 50
T/K 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1499 ± 45
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 408.2 -1724 ± 14 52 60-cox 423.2 -1687 ± 8 -71 408.2 -1784 ± 15 -8 60-cox 439.0 -1420 ± 10 40 423.2 -1606 ± 7 10 60-cox 439.0 -1484 ± 12 -24 _________
60-cox 60-cox 60-cox
MW = 107.15
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.6346 ⋅ 103 − 1.7042 ⋅ 106/(T/K) T/K 380 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1850 ± 60 -1735 ± 60
T/K 405 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1573 ± 60 -1423 ± 60
T/K 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1283 ± 60
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
2,6-Dimethylpyridine (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 376.85 -1898 ± 110 -10 57-and/cox 424.15 -1423 ± 71 -40 58-cox/and 393.05 -1662 ± 100 39 57-and/cox 437.75 -1237 ± 62 22 58-cox/and 408.95 -1544 ± 77 -11 58-cox/and _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 423.3 -2040 ± 16 60-cox 423.3 -2133 ± 17 60-cox _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 423.2 -1908 ± 11 60-cox 423.2 -1992 ± 12 60-cox _________
T K 439.0 439.0 _________
T K 439.0 439.0 _________
MW = 107.15
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1703 ± 10 -1783 ± 10
60-cox 60-cox
MW = 107.15
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1670 ± 9 -1763 ± 13
60-cox 60-cox
MW = 98.19
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 4.3752 ⋅ 102 + 6.8995 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 3.9007 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 335 345
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1854 ± 37 -1715 ± 34
T/K 360 375
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1531 ± 30 -1371 ± 28
T/K 390 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1233 ± 25 -1075 ± 22
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 333.8 -1847 ± 37 24 64-mcg/wor 374.2 -1370 ± 27 9 338.2 -1809 ± 37 -1 64-mcg/wor 383.8 -1288 ± 26 0 343.6 -1760 ± 35 -27 64-mcg/wor 393.8 -1196 ± 24 5 353.8 -1614 ± 32 -10 64-mcg/wor 404.3 -1120 ± 22 -3 364.0 -1482 ± 30 4 64-mcg/wor 411.1 -1069 ± 21 -2 _________
64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 322.62 -1826 ± 70 59-mcc/pen 341.82 -1590 ± 60 59-mcc/pen _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 298.15 -2240 ± 300 81-hos/sco 318.18 -1760 ± 200 81-hos/sco _________
T K 363.93 _________
T K 338.02 359.24 _________
MW = 98.19
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1351 ± 60
MW = 100.20
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1580 ± 120 -1370 ± 800
81-hos/sco 81-hos/sco
MW = 100.20
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 8.7046 ⋅ 102 − 1.3176 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 5.6372 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 − 1.4992 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 350 360 375 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1789 ± 36 -1653 ± 33 -1477 ± 29 -1329 ± 26
T/K 410 430 460 490
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1165 ± 23 -1031 ± 21 -870 ± 17 -745 ± 15
T/K 530 570 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -616 ± 12 -516 ± 10 -417 ± 8
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 1) 348.20 -1845 ± 40 -30 90-an /mce 413.70 -1108 ± 23 30 349.40 -1819 ± 29 -21 62-mcg/pot(
) 421.65 -1080 ± 2 4 358.20 -1704 ± 60 -28 90-an /mce1) 421.65 -1082 ± 2 2 358.30 -1691 ± 28 -16 62-mcg/pot(
) 421.65 -1081 ± 2 3 368.20 -1579 ± 30 -26 90-an /mce1) 421.65 -1085 ± 2 -2 368.50 -1560 ± 27 -10 62-mcg/pot(
) 423.15 -1047 ± 200 27 370.80 -1520 ± 24 4 62-mcg/pot(
) 423.15 -1048 ± 7 26 378.10 -1446 ± 26 -1 62-mcg/pot(
) 446.12 -930 ± 2 9 378.20 -1436 ± 24 8 62-mcg/pot(
) 446.12 -927 ± 2 12 389.10 -1325 ± 25 12 62-mcg/pot(
) 446.12 -935 ± 1 4 389.20 -1334 ± 23 2 62-mcg/pot(
) 446.12 -941 ± 1 -2 396.85 -1267 ± 2 2 94-mil/hen({) 448.15 -900 ± 200 28 396.85 -1259 ± 2 10 94-mil/hen({) 448.15 -927 ± 7 2 396.85 -1269 ± 2 0 94-mil/hen({) 473.15 -762 ± 150 50 396.85 -1269 ± 2 0 94-mil/hen({) 473.15 -812 ± 6 0 400.80 -1212 ± 24 24 62-mcg/pot(
) 473.17 -811 ± 2 1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-mcg/pot(
) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 82-zaw/vej1) 86-gri/kur(×) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 82-zaw/vej1) 86-gri/kur(×) 82-zaw/vej1) 86-gri/kur(×) 94-mil/hen({) cont.
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Heptane (cont.) 80
( B exp - B calc )/cm mol
20 0 -20 -40 -60 350
T /K
Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 473.17 -828 ± 2 -16 473.17 -807 ± 1 4 473.17 -813 ± 1 -2 473.20 -825 ± 20 -14 483.15 -767 ± 6 4 483.20 -766 ± 20 5 493.20 -703 ± 20 30 496.13 -724 ± 2 -1 496.13 -724 ± 2 -1 496.13 -719 ± 1 4 496.13 -724 ± 1 -2 498.15 -691 ± 100 25 498.15 -735 ± 6 -19 503.20 -655 ± 20 43 510.15 -690 ± 6 -15 523.15 -602 ± 100 34 523.15 -636 ± 5 -1 524.64 -628 ± 1 3 524.64 -639 ± 2 -8 524.64 -627 ± 1 4 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 67-bel/zaa() 86-gri/kur(×) 67-bel/zaa() 67-bel/zaa() 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 82-zaw/vej1) 86-gri/kur(×) 67-bel/zaa() 86-gri/kur(×) 82-zaw/vej1) 86-gri/kur(×) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({)
T K 524.64 540.15 547.64 547.64 547.64 547.64 548.15 548.15 548.15 548.16 573.15 573.15 573.15 573.16 573.39 573.39 573.39 573.39 598.15 598.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -633 ± 1 -2 -581 ± 5 7 -566 ± 1 2 -578 ± 1 -9 -565 ± 1 4 -570 ± 1 -1 -569 ± 53 -2 -525 ± 80 42 -560 ± 5 7 -552 ± 28 16 -503 ± 50 6 -468 ± 60 41 -494 ± 5 15 -492 ± 25 17 -502 ± 1 6 -514 ± 1 -6 -505 ± 1 4 -509 ± 1 -1 -449 ± 48 8 -435 ± 4 22 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 94-mil/hen({) 86-gri/kur(×) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 42-hir/mcc1) 82-zaw/vej1) 86-gri/kur(×) 74-pom/spu1) 42-hir/mcc1) 82-zaw/vej1) 86-gri/kur(×) 74-pom/spu1) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 42-hir/mcc1) 86-gri/kur(×) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Heptane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 598.16 -442 ± 22 16 598.40 -458 ± 1 -1 598.40 -468 ± 1 -11 598.40 -453 ± 1 4 1) Not included in Fig.1. Further reference: [69-haj/kay]. _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 74-pom/spu1) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({) 94-mil/hen({)
T K 598.40 623.15 623.15 623.16 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Bexp ± δB 3 -1 cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 -457 ± 1 0 -399 ± 46 13 -388 ± 4 24 -392 ± 20 20
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 94-mil/hen({) 42-hir/mcc1) 86-gri/kur(×) 74-pom/spu1)
MW = 106.17
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 1.0007 ⋅ 104 + 8.9315 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 2.2448 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2660 ± 300 -2387 ± 150
T/K 355 365
T/K 380 400
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2049 ± 100 -1708 ± 65
T/K 420 445
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1467 ± 45 -1272 ± 35
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 353.14 -2760 ± 300 -44 88-hos/arc 407.04 -1637 ± 60 -23 363.84 -2430 ± 160 -13 88-hos/arc 408.95 -1547 ± 46 43 371.90 -2210 ± 140 12 88-hos/arc 417.57 -1524 ± 50 -32 376.85 -2128 ± 140 -15 57-and/cox 424.15 -1437 ± 43 -9 383.99 -1950 ± 100 22 88-hos/arc 433.58 -1378 ± 30 -29 393.05 -1769 ± 110 45 57-and/cox 437.75 -1252 ± 38 67 393.17 -1830 ± 70 -18 88-hos/arc 445.80 -1272 ± 20 -4 _________
88-hos/arc 58-cox/and 88-hos/arc 58-cox/and 88-hos/arc 58-cox/and 88-hos/arc
MW = 106.17
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 6.3438 ⋅ 103 + 6.3946 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 1.8133 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 T/K 380 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2073 ± 90 -1869 ± 60
T/K 405 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1610 ± 48 -1398 ± 42
T/K 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1226 ± 36
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
1,3-Dimethylbenzene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 376.85 -2167 ± 150 -24 57-and/cox 424.15 -1343 ± 40 4 58-cox/and 393.05 -1781 ± 120 31 57-and/cox 437.75 -1200 ± 36 -1 58-cox/and 408.95 -1559 ± 47 -9 58-cox/and _________
MW = 106.17
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 3.5344 ⋅ 103 − 5.2399 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 2.5224 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 5.0130 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 350 360 375 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2538 ± 80 -2303 ± 70 -2008 ± 60 -1768 ± 50
T/K 410 430 460 490
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1514 ± 45 -1315 ± 20 -1086 ± 16 -915 ± 13
T/K 520 560
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -779 ± 12 -634 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 347.77 -2360 ± 290 235 81-hos/sco-1 433.15 -1281 ± 6 6 358.33 -2270 ± 130 69 81-hos/sco-1 437.75 -1178 ± 35 70 366.30 -2180 ± 160 -9 81-hos/sco-1 439.48 -1280 ± 20 -46 376.85 -2117 ± 140 -142 57-and/cox 453.15 -1133 ± 3 -1 387.36 -1850 ± 80 -43 81-hos/sco-1 473.15 -1007 ± 4 -2 393.05 -1770 ± 120 -45 57-and/cox 493.15 -899 ± 4 0 408.95 -1543 ± 46 -17 58-cox/and 513.15 -806 ± 4 2 411.51 -1540 ± 40 -43 81-hos/sco-1 533.15 -726 ± 5 2 423.15 -1366 ± 10 12 81-bic/fie 553.15 -657 ± 8 -1 424.15 -1371 ± 41 -3 58-cox/and 563.15 -625 ± 6 -2 427.36 -1380 ± 30 -42 81-hos/sco-1 _________
81-bic/fie 58-cox/and 81-hos/sco-1 81-bic/fie 81-bic/fie 81-bic/fie 81-bic/fie 81-bic/fie 81-bic/fie 81-bic/fie
MW = 106.17
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 3.4316 ⋅ 103 + 3.2595 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 9.9758 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 350 360
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2262 ± 110 -2075 ± 80
T/K 375 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1834 ± 55 -1633 ± 40
T/K 410 435
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1416 ± 28 -1210 ± 25 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Ethylbenzene (cont.) Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 345.96 -2430 ± 320 -85 81-hos/sco-1 398.94 -1510 ± 60 19 356.45 -2130 ± 220 9 81-hos/sco-1 409.34 -1420 ± 50 2 364.36 -1960 ± 170 40 81-hos/sco-1 425.13 -1300 ± 30 -16 376.27 -1800 ± 110 15 81-hos/sco-1 437.22 -1190 ± 20 5 385.30 -1680 ± 90 12 81-hos/sco-1 _________
81-hos/sco-1 81-hos/sco-1 81-hos/sco-1 81-hos/sco-1
MW = 112.21
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 4.5025 ⋅ 103 − 2.9103 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.8712 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2138 ± 42 -1996 ± 40
T/K 360 370
T/K 380 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1860 ± 37 -1730 ± 35
T/K 400 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1604 ± 32 -1483 ± 30
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 358.8 -2162 ± 43 -7 64-mcg/wor 383.8 -1818 ± 35 -8 363.2 -2100 ± 42 -8 64-mcg/wor 389.9 -1728 ± 34 3 368.1 -2000 ± 40 23 64-mcg/wor 395.4 -1666 ± 33 -5 374.5 -1941 ± 39 -6 64-mcg/wor 403.7 -1552 ± 31 6 375.3 -1914 ± 38 10 64-mcg/wor 411.6 -1465 ± 29 -1 383.3 -1823 ± 36 -6 64-mcg/wor _________
64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor 64-mcg/wor
MW = 112.21
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5963 ⋅ 103 − 1.0012 ⋅ 106/(T/K) − 7.3728 ⋅ 107/(T/K)2 (B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2049 ± 100 -1925 ± 80
T/K 335 345
T/K 360 380
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1754 ± 60 -1549 ± 40
T/K 400 420
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1368 ± 30 -1205 ± 25
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 332.00 -2050 ± 240 38 81-hos/sco-1 350.14 -1860 ± 120 5 81-hos/sco-1 342.33 -1970 ± 160 -12 81-hos/sco-1 370.83 -1670 ± 60 -30 81-hos/sco-1 cont. _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
1-Ethyl-1-methylcyclopentane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 384.36 -1520 ± 40 394.68 -1400 ± 30 _________
Bexp - Bcalc Ref. cm3 · mol-1 -12 81-hos/sco-1 14 81-hos/sco-1 _____________________________________
T K 410.38 422.44 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -1280 ± 20 1 81-hos/sco-1 -1190 ± 20 -3 81-hos/sco-1 ______________________________________
MW = 114.23
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 1.5335 ⋅ 103 − 8.8627 ⋅ 105/(T/K) − 1.1686 ⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 330 340
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2225 ± 70 -2084 ± 60
T/K 355 370
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1890 ± 55 -1715 ± 50
T/K 390 410
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1507 ± 45 -1323 ± 40
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 325.31 -2290 ± 300 5 81-hos/sco 386.62 -1540 ± 80 1 343.06 -2050 ± 200 -7 81-hos/sco 401.98 -1400 ± 60 -6 363.30 -1800 ± 100 -9 81-hos/sco 413.76 -1290 ± 40 1 376.53 -1630 ± 100 15 81-hos/sco _________
81-hos/sco 81-hos/sco 81-hos/sco
MW = 114.23
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = 2.5227 ⋅ 103 − 3.8225 ⋅ 106/(T/K) + 1.8393 ⋅ 109/(T/K)2 − 3.9652 ⋅ 1011/(T/K)3 T/K 340 350 370 390
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2898 ± 120 -2632 ± 100 -2201 ± 45 -1870 ± 45
T/K 420 450 490 530
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1504 ± 45 -1240 ± 20 -988 ± 15 -805 ± 10
T/K 570 620
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -663 ± 10 -522 ± 10
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol in Fig. 1) K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 1) 337.61 -2710 ± 780 257 81-hos/sco 373.00 -2122 ± 35 24 347.72 -2520 ± 530 170 81-hos/sco1) 375.59 -2070 ± 210 30 355.36 -2340 ± 410 165 81-hos/sco1) 378.20 -2048 ± 34 7 366.86 -2200 ± 280 62 81-hos/sco1) 383.20 -1939 ± 34 35 _________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-mcg/pot({) 81-hos/sco1) 62-mcg/pot({) 62-mcg/pot({) cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Octane (cont.)
( B exp - B calc )/cm mol
150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 350
T /K Fig. 1. The symbols show the deviation of the calculated from the experimental values from Table 2. The curves above and below the zero line indicate the calculated error region of the recommended values given in Table 1. The error bars represent the experimental errors. (Error bars smaller than the symbols are omitted for clarity of the figure.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc K cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 384.30 -1905 ± 33 52 388.10 -1869 ± 33 30 388.77 -1880 ± 140 9 389.20 -1828 ± 33 54 393.50 -1778 ± 32 43 394.20 -1764 ± 32 47 397.43 -1831 ± 53 -64 397.43 -1800 ± 58 -33 397.43 -1796 ± 58 -29 398.82 -1740 ± 110 9 403.50 -1641 ± 31 49 410.50 -1643 ± 49 -37 410.50 -1648 ± 55 -42 410.50 -1648 ± 55 -42 413.50 -1518 ± 30 55 414.10 -1580 ± 70 -14 422.22 -1528 ± 52 -47 422.33 -1514 ± 47 -34 422.33 -1527 ± 52 -47 425.80 -1470 ± 60 -24 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 62-mcg/pot({) 62-mcg/pot({) 81-hos/sco1) 62-mcg/pot({) 62-mcg/pot({) 62-mcg/pot({) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 81-hos/sco1) 62-mcg/pot({) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 62-mcg/pot({) 81-hos/sco1) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 81-hos/sco1)
T K 435.21 435.21 435.21 446.86 446.86 446.86 459.85 459.85 459.85 473.98 473.98 473.98 478.20 483.20 488.20 493.20 493.20 498.20 513.20 525.65 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc Ref. (Symbol cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 in Fig. 1) -1400 ± 45 -40 94-mil/bic(×) -1407 ± 50 -47 94-mil/bic(×) -1411 ± 50 -51 94-mil/bic(×) -1319 ± 43 -55 94-mil/bic(×) -1311 ± 48 -47 94-mil/bic(×) -1316 ± 48 -52 94-mil/bic(×) -1231 ± 41 -61 94-mil/bic(×) -1213 ± 46 -43 94-mil/bic(×) -1219 ± 46 -49 94-mil/bic(×) -1143 ± 40 -64 94-mil/bic(×) -1118 ± 44 -39 94-mil/bic(×) -1125 ± 44 -46 94-mil/bic(×) -1022 ± 20 32 71-zaa/bel-2 -990 ± 20 35 71-zaa/bel-2 -960 ± 20 38 71-zaa/bel-2 -971 ± 1 1 60-con/kan(
) -930 ± 20 42 71-zaa/bel-2 -900 ± 20 46 71-zaa/bel-2 -876 ± 1 0 60-con/kan(
) -848 ± 34 -25 94-mil/bic(×) cont. ______________________________________
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Octane (cont.) Table 2. (cont.) T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 525.65 -847 ± 38 525.65 -854 ± 39 533.20 -793 ± 1 548.73 -751 ± 32 548.73 -755 ± 36 548.73 -761 ± 36 1) Not included in Fig.1 _________
Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 -25 -31 -1 -17 -20 -26
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 60-con/kan(
) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×)
Dibutyl ether
T K 553.20 573.20 574.48 574.48 574.48 623.15 _________
Bexp ± δB Bexp - Bcalc cm3 · mol-1 cm3 · mol-1 -719 ± 1 0 -653 ± 1 0 -681 ± 31 -32 -667 ± 34 -18 -672 ± 34 -23 -517 ± 4 -4 ______________________________________
Ref. (Symbol in Fig. 1) 60-con/kan(
) 60-con/kan(
) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 94-mil/bic(×) 96-abd/baz1)
MW = 130.23
C8H24O2Si3 MW = 236.53
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 338.15 -2650 ± 100 69-che _________
Table 1. Recommended values given by the following equation whose coefficients were obtained by a weighted least square fit of the selected experimental values: B/cm3 · mol-1 = − 5.1885⋅ 102 + 1.0730⋅ 106/(T/K) − 7.8412⋅ 108/(T/K)2 T/K 450 460
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -2007 ± 30 -1892 ± 27
T/K 480 500
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1687 ± 25 -1509 ± 22
(B ± 2σest)/cm3 · mol-1 -1286 ± 19 -1050 ± 16
T/K 530 570
Table 2. Experimental values with uncertainties and deviation from calculated values. Bexp - Bcalc Ref. Bexp - Bcalc T Bexp ± δB T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 3 -1 3 -1 K cm · mol cm · mol K cm · mol cm3 · mol-1 448.15 -2019 ± 5 10 83-mar/lin 523.15 -1321 ± 2 12 473.15 -1753 ± 3 1 83-mar/lin 548.15 -1170 ± 3 1 498.15 -1525 ± 0 0 83-mar/lin 573.15 -1057 ± 4 -23 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB K cm3 · mol-1 381.70 -2340 ± 320 81-hos/sco-1 393.18 -2150 ± 220 81-hos/sco-1 401.84 -2010 ± 170 81-hos/sco-1 414.86 -1870 ± 110 81-hos/sco-1 _________
T K 424.73 432.77 439.62 450.96 _________
83-mar/lin 83-mar/lin 83-mar/lin
MW = 118.18
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1820 ± 90 -1740 ± 70 -1670 ± 60 -1570 ± 40
81-hos/sco-1 81-hos/sco-1 81-hos/sco-1 81-hos/sco-1
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
3.7 C7 – C11 Organic Compounds
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Bexp ± δB 3 -1 K cm · mol 473.15 -3653 ± 80 69-sch 503.15 -2925 ± 100 69-sch 533.15 -2372 ± 100 69-sch _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 563.15 593.15 623.15 ________
MW = 142.20
Bexp ± δB cm3 · mol-1 -1946 ± 100 -1613 ± 100 -1350 ± 100
69-sch 69-sch 69-sch
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
4 Tabulated Data on Third Virial Coefficients of Inorganic Compounds Argon
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 101.20 -6.95 ± 1.37 73-pop/cha 110.04 1.52 ± 0.20 96-est/tru 116.42 1.61 ± 0.04 73-pop/cha 120.00 2.13 ± 0.20 96-est/tru 130.00 2.67 ± 0.12 94-gil/kle-1 130.00 2.33 ± 0.20 96-est/tru 133.15 2.36 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 135.00 2.67 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 138.15 2.42 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 138.22 2.47 ± 0.02 73-pop/cha 140.00 2.62 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 140.00 1.96 ± 0.20 96-est/tru 143.00 2.58 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 143.15 2.42 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 143.15 2.46 ± 0.04 66-cra/son 143.15 2.36 ± 0.20 71-pro/can 145.00 2.39 ± 0.15 96-est/tru 146.00 2.52 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 148.00 2.49 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 148.15 2.22 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 148.15 2.36 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 150.00 2.42 ± 0.15 96-est/tru 150.65 2.23 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 150.65 2.31 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 150.70 2.43 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 151.94 2.14 ± 0.60 10-onn/cro 152.91 2.24 ± 0.60 10-onn/cro 153.00 2.39 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 153.15 2.13 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 153.15 2.28 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev 153.96 2.06 ± 0.60 10-onn/cro 155.00 2.35 ± 0.06 94-gil/kle-1 155.00 2.33 ± 0.15 96-est/tru 156.53 2.24 ± 0.60 10-onn/cro 157.00 2.31 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 157.29 2.39 ± 0.60 10-onn/cro 158.15 2.23 ± 0.22 71-pro/can 159.35 2.03 ± 0.60 10-onn/cro 160.00 2.25 ± 0.07 94-gil/kle-1 160.00 2.23 ± 0.10 96-est/tru 163.15 1.16 ± 0.06 58-mic/lev 163.15 2.10 ± 0.10 58-mic/lev _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 163.15 163.27 165.00 170.00 170.64 173.15 173.15 173.15 175.00 175.00 180.00 183.15 186.10 188.15 188.15 190.00 190.00 200.00 203.15 203.15 203.15 205.00 215.43 220.00 220.00 223.15 223.15 223.15 223.15 223.15 248.15 248.15 250.00 250.00 265.00 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 _________
MW = 39.95
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 2.10 ± 0.04 2.16 ± 0.60 2.15 ± 0.07 2.06 ± 0.07 1.83 ± 0.60 0.89 ± 0.20 1.38 ± 0.06 2.02 ± 0.10 1.98 ± 0.07 1.96 ± 0.10 1.90 ± 0.07 1.29 ± 0.20 1.57 ± 0.50 1.42 ± 0.06 1.79 ± 0.10 1.76 ± 0.07 1.76 ± 0.10 1.65 ± 0.07 1.37 ± 0.06 1.70 ± 0.10 1.61 ± 0.03 1.59 ± 0.10 1.04 ± 0.50 1.47 ± 0.07 1.47 ± 0.10 1.75 ± 0.20 1.34 ± 0.06 1.54 ± 0.10 1.40 ± 0.05 1.51 ± 0.10 1.23 ± 0.06 1.42 ± 0.10 1.29 ± 0.07 1.30 ± 0.10 1.22 ± 0.07 1.68 ± 0.20 1.05 ± 0.20 1.27 ± 0.20 1.69 ± 0.03 1.17 ± 0.03 1.03 ± 0.03 1.07 ± 0.10
66-cra/son 10-onn/cro 94-gil/kle-1 94-gil/kle-1 10-onn/cro 25-hol/ott 58-mic/lev 58-mic/lev 94-gil/kle-1 96-est/tru 94-gil/kle-1 71-pro/can 10-onn/cro 58-mic/lev 58-mic/lev 94-gil/kle-1 96-est/tru 94-gil/kle-1 58-mic/lev 58-mic/lev 66-cra/son 96-est/tru 10-onn/cro 94-gil/kle-1 96-est/tru 25-hol/ott 58-mic/lev 58-mic/lev 70-bla/hal 88-pat/jof 58-mic/lev 58-mic/lev 94-gil/kle-1 96-est/tru 94-gil/kle-1 25-hol/ott 49-mic/wij 49-mic/wij 53-wha/lup 66-cra/son 70-bla/hal 88-pat/jof cont.
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Argon (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 280.00 1.17 ± 0.07 293.54 0.31 ± 0.50 295.00 1.12 ± 0.07 295.00 1.15 ± 0.10 298.15 1.47 ± 0.07 298.15 0.99 ± 0.20 298.15 1.16 ± 0.20 300.00 1.08 ± 0.20 303.15 1.06 ± 0.01 310.00 1.09 ± 0.08 323.15 1.19 ± 0.15 323.15 1.27 ± 0.06 323.15 1.02 ± 0.20 323.15 1.13 ± 0.20 323.15 1.23 ± 0.03 323.15 0.97 ± 0.02 323.15 1.03 ± 0.10 325.00 1.05 ± 0.08 340.00 1.02 ± 0.08 348.15 1.14 ± 0.06 348.15 0.96 ± 0.20 348.15 1.04 ± 0.20 355.00 1.06 ± 0.10 373.15 1.12 ± 0.15 373.15 1.02 ± 0.05 373.15 0.92 ± 0.20 373.15 1.00 ± 0.20 373.15 1.11 ± 0.03 373.15 1.02 ± 0.01 398.15 0.82 ± 0.04 398.15 0.88 ± 0.20 398.15 0.97 ± 0.20 400.00 1.02 ± 0.10 423.15 0.97 ± 0.15 _________
Carbon monoxide
94-gil/kle-1 10-onn/cro 94-gil/kle-1 96-est/tru 30-tan/mas 49-mic/wij 49-mic/wij 72-osb 67-kal/mil 94-gil/kle-1 25-hol/ott 30-tan/mas 49-mic/wij 49-mic/wij 53-wha/lup 70-bla/hal 88-pat/jof 94-gil/kle-1 94-gil/kle-1 30-tan/mas 49-mic/wij 49-mic/wij 96-est/tru 25-hol/ott 30-tan/mas 49-mic/wij 49-mic/wij 53-wha/lup 67-kal/mil 30-tan/mas 49-mic/wij 49-mic/wij 96-est/tru 25-hol/ott
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 120.00 3.120 ± 0.112 83-goo-1 140.00 3.287 ± 0.116 83-goo-1 160.00 2.792 ± 0.106 83-goo-1 180.00 2.419 ± 0.098 83-goo-1 200.00 2.139 ± 0.093 83-goo-1 _________
T K 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 443.00 447.15 450.00 473.15 473.15 473.15 478.00 533.00 573.15 573.15 573.15 573.15 585.00 635.00 673.15 673.15 684.00 731.00 773.15 773.15 777.00 831.00 876.00 923.15 924.00 975.00 1024.00 1073.15 1223.15 _________
T K 220.00 240.00 260.00 273.15 273.15 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.71 ± 0.04 0.83 ± 0.20 0.88 ± 0.20 0.99 ± 0.03 0.58 ± 0.20 0.84 ± 0.04 1.00 ± 0.10 0.99 ± 0.12 0.87 ± 0.03 0.84 ± 0.01 0.59 ± 0.20 0.62 ± 0.20 0.61 ± 0.12 0.76 ± 0.03 0.95 ± 0.30 0.65 ± 0.01 0.69 ± 0.20 0.57 ± 0.20 0.90 ± 0.30 0.59 ± 0.01 0.55 ± 0.20 0.71 ± 0.20 0.85 ± 0.30 0.37 ± 0.00 0.66 ± 0.20 0.57 ± 0.20 0.53 ± 0.20 0.83 ± 0.30 0.69 ± 0.20 0.52 ± 0.20 0.33 ± 0.20 0.78 ± 0.30 0.75 ± 0.30
30-tan/mas 49-mic/wij 49-mic/wij 53-wha/lup 72-osb 30-tan/mas 96-est/tru 25-hol/ott 53-wha/lup 67-kal/mil 72-osb 72-osb 25-hol/ott 53-wha/lup 60-lec 67-kal/mil 72-osb 72-osb 60-lec 67-kal/mil 72-osb 72-osb 60-lec 67-kal/mil 72-osb 72-osb 72-osb 60-lec 72-osb 72-osb 72-osb 60-lec 60-lec
MW = 28.01
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.994 ± 0.090 1.861 ± 0.087 1.665 ± 0.083 2.640 ± 1.000 1.781 ± 0.100
83-goo-1 83-goo-1 83-goo-1 31-tow/bha 52-mic/lup cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Carbon monoxide (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 273.15 1.378 ± 0.100 280.00 1.577 ± 0.082 298.15 1.950 ± 0.500 298.15 2.280 ± 1.000 298.15 1.674 ± 0.100 298.15 1.439 ± 0.100 300.00 1.444 ± 0.079 323.15 1.591 ± 0.100 323.15 1.526 ± 0.100 _________
Carbon dioxide
52-mic/lup 83-goo-1 29-sco 31-tow/bha 52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup 83-goo-1 52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 230.00 3.916 ± 0.500 87-hol/hal 240.00 4.968 ± 0.500 87-hol/hal 250.00 5.681 ± 0.600 87-hol/hal 260.00 5.819 ± 0.600 87-hol/hal 262.65 4.300 ± 0.300 64-but/dad 270.00 5.883 ± 0.600 87-hol/hal 273.15 5.608 ± 0.400 35-mic/mic 273.15 12.040 ± 2.400 50-mac/sch 273.15 4.300 ± 0.300 64-but/dad 280.00 5.363 ± 0.600 87-hol/hal 280.00 5.165 ± 0.155 90-dus/kle 283.15 4.400 ± 0.300 64-but/dad 290.00 5.236 ± 0.500 87-hol/hal 298.15 4.500 ± 1.400 80-kat/ohg 298.15 6.000 ± 1.400 80-kat/ohg 298.15 4.905 ± 0.500 87-hol/hal 298.15 5.664 ± 0.100 88-pat/jof 298.20 4.931 ± 0.400 35-mic/mic 299.65 4.350 ± 0.300 64-but/dad 300.00 4.914 ± 0.070 80-hol/wat 300.00 4.968 ± 0.070 80-hol/wat 300.00 4.946 ± 0.070 80-hol/wat 300.00 4.963 ± 0.070 80-hol/wat 300.00 4.927 ± 0.500 87-hol/hal 300.00 4.753 ± 0.140 90-dus/kle 303.05 5.160 ± 0.400 35-mic/mic 303.15 4.250 ± 0.043 55-pfe/gof 303.15 4.350 ± 0.043 55-pfe/gof 304.19 5.112 ± 0.400 35-mic/mic 304.19 4.800 ± 0.196 90-glo _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 348.15 348.15 373.15 373.15 398.15 398.15 423.15 423.15 _________
T K 305.23 309.65 313.25 320.00 320.00 320.00 322.86 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 333.15 340.00 343.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.41 353.15 363.15 372.92 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 398.15 398.15 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.444 ± 0.100 1.283 ± 0.100 1.339 ± 0.100 1.197 ± 0.100 1.264 ± 0.100 1.031 ± 0.100 1.259 ± 0.100 1.073 ± 0.100
52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup 52-mic/lup
MW = 44.01
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 4.902 ± 0.400 4.100 ± 0.300 4.987 ± 0.400 4.423 ± 0.400 4.360 ± 0.130 4.381 ± 0.035 4.928 ± 0.400 4.390 ± 0.087 4.000 ± 0.300 4.208 ± 0.400 4.128 ± 0.100 4.290 ± 0.186 3.950 ± 0.300 3.996 ± 0.120 3.600 ± 0.300 3.670 ± 0.350 3.948 ± 0.100 3.740 ± 0.175 4.429 ± 0.400 3.450 ± 0.300 2.950 ± 0.300 4.154 ± 0.400 3.165 ± 0.063 2.650 ± 0.300 5.850 ± 0.290 3.254 ± 0.300 2.720 ± 0.080 3.320 ± 0.166 3.200 ± 0.320 3.400 ± 0.320
35-mic/mic 64-but/dad 35-mic/mic 87-hol/hal 90-dus/kle 92-web 35-mic/mic 50-mac/sch 64-but/dad 87-hol/hal 88-pat/jof 90-glo 64-but/dad 90-dus/kle 64-but/dad 87-hol/hal 88-pat/jof 90-glo 35-mic/mic 64-but/dad 64-but/dad 35-mic/mic 50-mac/sch 64-but/dad 67-ku /dod 87-hol/hal 88-pat/jof 90-glo 82-ohg/nak-1 82-ohg/nak-1 cont.
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Carbon dioxide (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 398.15 2.923 ± 0.250 398.15 2.644 ± 0.080 398.15 2.900 ± 0.158 398.16 3.623 ± 0.400 412.98 3.044 ± 0.400 418.20 3.084 ± 0.400 423.15 0.600 ± 0.300 423.15 2.658 ± 0.200 423.15 2.586 ± 0.080 423.15 2.640 ± 0.153 423.20 4.265 ± 0.441 _________
87-hol/hal 88-pat/jof 90-glo 35-mic/mic 35-mic/mic 35-mic/mic 64-but/dad 87-hol/hal 88-pat/jof 90-glo 66-vuk/mas
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 80.00 -22.56 ± 20.00 70-pry/str-2 85.00 -13.55 ± 20.00 70-pry/str-2 90.00 -7.75 ± 20.00 70-pry/str-2 95.00 -4.02 ± 20.00 70-pry/str-2 100.00 -1.62 ± 3.00 70-pry/str-2 105.00 -0.11 ± 3.00 70-pry/str-2 110.00 0.84 ± 3.00 70-pry/str-2 115.00 1.41 ± 3.00 70-pry/str-2 120.00 1.74 ± 3.00 70-pry/str-2 125.00 1.90 ± 0.50 70-pry/str-2 130.00 1.97 ± 0.50 70-pry/str-2 135.00 1.98 ± 0.50 70-pry/str-2 140.00 1.95 ± 0.50 70-pry/str-2 145.00 1.89 ± 0.50 70-pry/str-2 150.00 1.83 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 155.00 1.76 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 160.00 1.69 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 165.00 1.62 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 170.00 1.56 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 175.00 1.50 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 180.00 1.44 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 185.00 1.39 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 190.00 1.34 ± 0.03 70-pry/str-2 _________
T K 423.29 448.15 448.15 473.15 473.20 523.20 573.20 623.20 673.20 723.20 773.20 _________
T K 195.00 200.00 205.00 210.00 215.00 220.00 225.00 230.00 235.00 240.00 245.00 250.00 255.00 260.00 265.00 270.00 275.00 280.00 285.00 290.00 295.00 300.00 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 3.046 ± 0.400 2.444 ± 0.200 2.466 ± 0.080 -2.150 ± 0.300 2.585 ± 0.307 1.675 ± 0.234 1.230 ± 0.198 1.060 ± 0.185 1.090 ± 0.187 1.240 ± 0.199 1.485 ± 0.219
35-mic/mic 87-hol/hal 88-pat/jof 64-but/dad 66-vuk/mas 66-vuk/mas 66-vuk/mas 66-vuk/mas 66-vuk/mas 66-vuk/mas 66-vuk/mas
MW = 38.00
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.30 ± 0.03 1.26 ± 0.03 1.22 ± 0.03 1.19 ± 0.03 1.16 ± 0.03 1.13 ± 0.03 1.10 ± 0.03 1.08 ± 0.03 1.06 ± 0.03 1.04 ± 0.03 1.02 ± 0.03 1.00 ± 0.03 0.99 ± 0.03 0.98 ± 0.03 0.97 ± 0.03 0.96 ± 0.03 0.95 ± 0.03 0.95 ± 0.03 0.95 ± 0.03 0.95 ± 0.03 0.95 ± 0.03 0.95 ± 0.03
70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2 70-pry/str-2
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Sulfur hexafluoride
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 257.42 -36.848 ± 2.379 88-hae/ker 257.42 7.162 ± 15.000 88-hae/ker 268.86 -12.601 ± 3.854 88-hae/ker 268.86 12.423 ± 5.500 88-hae/ker 271.61 18.640 ± 0.190 72-sig/sil 273.15 101.310 ± 15.000 51-mac/sch-1 282.61 14.760 ± 1.785 88-hae/ker 282.61 19.699 ± 8.800 88-hae/ker 298.31 28.811 ± 1.500 88-hae/ker 298.31 32.703 ± 8.200 88-hae/ker 298.32 33.628 ± 0.974 88-hae/ker 298.32 34.584 ± 7.050 88-hae/ker 307.34 19.920 ± 0.400 55-cle/row 307.34 15.702 ± 0.226 69-mea/ros 308.12 19.120 ± 0.360 72-sig/sil 318.04 37.168 ± 0.897 88-hae/ker 318.04 35.440 ± 4.000 88-hae/ker 321.15 16.860 ± 0.500 92-gil/kle _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 55.75 0.880 ± 0.500 07-onn/bra-1 60.34 0.820 ± 0.500 07-onn/bra-1 65.25 0.505 ± 0.020 25-hol/ott 68.46 0.680 ± 0.500 07-onn/bra-1 77.89 0.560 ± 0.500 07-onn/bra-1 90.15 0.663 ± 0.020 25-hol/ott 90.35 0.590 ± 0.500 07-onn/bra-1 98.15 0.503 ± 0.020 59-mic/deg 103.15 0.511 ± 0.020 59-mic/deg 109.02 0.520 ± 0.500 07-onn/bra-1 113.15 0.506 ± 0.020 59-mic/deg 123.15 0.463 ± 0.020 25-hol/ott 123.15 0.519 ± 0.020 59-mic/deg 133.28 0.420 ± 0.500 07-onn/bra-1 138.15 0.516 ± 0.020 59-mic/deg 153.15 0.480 ± 0.020 59-mic/deg 169.59 0.430 ± 0.500 07-onn/bra-1 173.15 0.369 ± 0.020 25-hol/ott 173.15 0.459 ± 0.020 59-mic/deg 198.15 0.414 ± 0.020 59-mic/deg 223.15 0.350 ± 0.020 25-hol/ott _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 323.01 323.01 323.15 323.15 323.55 328.15 333.15 337.73 337.73 348.01 348.01 348.10 370.33 370.33 373.15 373.15 404.45 404.45 _________
T K 223.15 248.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.16 293.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 _________
MW = 146.06
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 18.710 ± 0.370 14.545 ± 0.205 41.075 ± 6.100 16.580 ± 0.500 17.870 ± 0.230 16.040 ± 0.500 15.880 ± 0.500 24.169 ± 12.170 24.497 ± 25.000 15.720 ± 0.310 13.201 ± 0.170 15.380 ± 0.330 13.910 ± 0.280 12.333 ± 0.144 23.800 ± 3.600 12.120 ± 0.130 12.390 ± 0.250 11.359 ± 0.112
55-cle/row 69-mea/ros 51-mac/sch-1 92-gil/kle 72-sig/sil 92-gil/kle 92-gil/kle 88-hae/ker 88-hae/ker 55-cle/row 69-mea/ros 72-sig/sil 55-cle/row 69-mea/ros 51-mac/sch-1 72-sig/sil 55-cle/row 69-mea/ros
MW = 2.02 Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.406 ± 0.020 0.388 ± 0.020 0.305 ± 0.020 0.250 ± 0.200 0.260 ± 0.500 0.423 ± 0.030 0.923 ± 0.060 0.415 ± 0.020 0.389 ± 0.020 0.340 ± 0.500 0.250 ± 0.200 0.020 ± 0.500 0.350 ± 0.500 0.662 ± 0.030 1.162 ± 0.060 0.405 ± 0.020 0.356 ± 0.020 0.425 ± 0.100 0.693 ± 0.030 1.109 ± 0.060 0.397 ± 0.020
59-mic/deg 59-mic/deg 25-hol/ott 26-ver 31-tow/bha 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 59-mic/deg 07-onn/bra-1 26-ver 29-sco 31-tow/bha 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 59-mic/deg 77-mih/sag 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou cont.
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Hydrogen (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 323.15 0.323 ± 0.020 323.15 0.334 ± 0.050 348.15 0.530 ± 0.030 348.15 1.417 ± 0.060 348.15 0.393 ± 0.020 348.15 0.295 ± 0.020 348.15 0.247 ± 0.050 373.15 0.713 ± 0.030 373.15 0.965 ± 0.060 373.15 0.384 ± 0.020 _________
T K 373.15 373.16 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 _________
59-mic/deg 77-mih/sag 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 59-mic/deg 77-mih/sag 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.290 ± 0.020 0.220 ± 0.500 0.692 ± 0.030 1.501 ± 0.060 0.371 ± 0.020 0.296 ± 0.020 0.755 ± 0.030 1.409 ± 0.060 0.354 ± 0.020 0.280 ± 0.020
59-mic/deg 07-onn/bra-1 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 59-mic/deg 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 41-mic/gou 59-mic/deg
41-mic/gou: 1st value, 3 term fit pmax =5 MPa; 2nd value, 4 term fit pmax = 5 MPa; 3rd value, 3 term fit pmax = 23 MPa
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 24.0 1.207 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 25.0 1.402 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 26.0 1.580 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 27.0 1.627 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 28.0 1.612 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 29.0 1.615 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 30.0 1.600 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 31.0 1.585 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 32.0 1.550 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 33.0 1.516 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 34.0 1.466 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 35.0 1.426 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 36.0 1.377 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 37.0 1.331 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 38.0 1.290 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil 39.0 1.252 ± 0.05 64-goo/dil _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 98.15 0.426 ± 0.02 59-mic/deg 103.15 0.447 ± 0.02 59-mic/deg 113.15 0.349 ± 0.02 59-mic/deg 123.15 0.494 ± 0.02 59-mic/deg 138.15 0.463 ± 0.02 59-mic/deg 153.15 0.450 ± 0.02 59-mic/deg _________
T K 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0 48.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 95.0 100.0 _________
T K 173.15 198.15 223.15 248.15 273.15 273.15 _________
MW = 2.02
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.209 ± 0.05 1.144 ± 0.05 1.091 ± 0.05 1.046 ± 0.05 1.005 ± 0.05 0.964 ± 0.05 0.889 ± 0.05 0.838 ± 0.05 0.785 ± 0.05 0.743 ± 0.05 0.726 ± 0.05 0.694 ± 0.05 0.659 ± 0.05 0.636 ± 0.05 0.624 ± 0.05 0.609 ± 0.05
64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil 64-goo/dil
MW = 4.03
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.439 ± 0.02 0.442 ± 0.02 0.410 ± 0.02 0.419 ± 0.02 0.706 ± 0.04 2.250 ± 0.10
59-mic/deg 59-mic/deg 59-mic/deg 59-mic/deg 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 cont. Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Deuterium (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 273.15 0.395 ± 0.02 273.15 0.363 ± 0.02 298.15 0.775 ± 0.04 298.15 0.948 ± 0.10 298.15 0.390 ± 0.02 298.15 0.349 ± 0.02 323.15 0.793 ± 0.04 323.15 2.139 ± 0.10 323.15 0.383 ± 0.02 323.15 0.330 ± 0.02 348.15 0.815 ± 0.04 348.15 2.338 ± 0.10 348.15 0.370 ± 0.02 _________
T K 348.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 _________
41-mic/gou-1 59-mic/deg 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 59-mic/deg 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 59-mic/deg 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.322 ± 0.02 0.829 ± 0.04 1.898 ± 0.10 0.364 ± 0.02 0.335 ± 0.02 0.848 ± 0.04 1.815 ± 0.10 0.358 ± 0.02 0.304 ± 0.02 0.870 ± 0.04 1.727 ± 0.10 0.345 ± 0.02 0.329 ± 0.02
59-mic/deg 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 59-mic/deg 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 59-mic/deg 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 41-mic/gou-1 59-mic/deg
41-mic/gou: 1st value, 3 term fit pmax =5 MPa; 2nd value, 4 term fit pmax = 5 MPa; 3rd value, 3 term fit pmax = 23 MPa
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Cexp ± δC Ref. K 103 cm6 · mol-2 75 0.52 ± 0.04 78-mil/lie-1 100 0.50 ± 0.03 78-mil/lie-1 150 0.44 ± 0.03 78-mil/lie-1 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 343.20 -1056.00 ± 300.00 52-mcc/pen 348.15 -439.00 ± 90.00 88-eub/jof 353.20 -60.00 ± 500.00 52-mcc/pen 360.65 -342.00 ± 64.00 88-eub/jof 363.20 770.00 ± 500.00 52-mcc/pen 373.15 -270.00 ± 45.00 88-eub/jof 373.15 -323.00 ± 100.00 88-eub/jof 373.20 1462.00 ± 1000.00 52-mcc/pen 385.65 -217.00 ± 32.00 88-eub/jof 398.15 -170.00 ± 22.00 88-eub/jof 398.15 -183.00 ± 25.00 88-eub/jof 410.65 -132.00 ± 16.00 88-eub/jof 423.15 -103.00 ± 11.00 88-eub/jof 423.15 -101.00 ± 15.00 88-eub/jof 423.15 -334.50 ± 6.34 89-kel/mcl _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 200 250 300 _________
T K 423.15 435.65 448.15 448.15 448.15 448.15 448.15 448.15 460.65 460.65 473.12 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 _________
MW = 6.03
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.41 ± 0.02 0.38 ± 0.02 0.38 ± 0.02
78-mil/lie-1 78-mil/lie-1 78-mil/lie-1
MW = 18.02
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 -354.70 ± 6.55 -77.40 ± 8.00 -88.90 ± 15.00 -65.00 ± 12.00 -57.70 ± 6.00 -56.20 ± 10.00 -81.97 ± 3.82 -84.74 ± 3.85 -41.80 ± 4.00 -41.70 ± 7.00 -10.00 ± 7.00 -49.80 ± 10.00 -37.30 ± 8.00 -29.80 ± 3.00 -31.80 ± 6.00
89-kel/mcl 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 68-kel/mcl 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof cont.
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Water (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 473.15 -39.40 ± 3.39 473.15 -40.76 ± 3.41 473.17 -23.00 ± 6.00 473.18 -27.00 ± 15.00 485.65 -21.50 ± 2.00 485.65 -20.50 ± 5.00 498.15 -15.50 ± 5.00 498.15 -16.10 ± 4.00 498.15 -15.00 ± 1.00 498.15 -15.30 ± 4.00 498.15 -18.31 ± 1.74 498.15 -18.27 ± 1.74 498.16 -11.00 ± 2.00 498.16 -7.00 ± 5.00 523.15 -10.18 ± 5.00 523.15 -6.50 ± 0.70 523.15 -7.79 ± 1.60 523.15 -7.76 ± 1.60 523.15 -10.19 ± 0.60 523.15 -10.19 ± 0.61 523.15 -8.78 ± 0.10 523.17 -5.80 ± 0.20 523.18 -6.50 ± 0.30 523.20 -6.93 ± 0.20 523.21 -8.56 ± 0.20 548.15 -2.02 ± 0.30 548.15 -3.49 ± 1.55 548.15 -3.42 ± 1.54 548.18 -1.73 ± 0.14 548.18 -2.02 ± 0.09 548.19 -1.71 ± 0.08 573.14 0.39 ± 0.16 573.14 0.12 ± 0.07 573.15 -3.47 ± 5.00 573.15 0.43 ± 0.09 573.15 -0.43 ± 0.05 573.15 -0.44 ± 0.05 573.15 -0.43 ± 0.05 573.15 -0.41 ± 0.03 573.15 -3.47 ± 0.21 573.15 -0.55 ± 0.10 598.15 0.56 ± 0.09 598.15 0.42 ± 0.05 598.15 0.43 ± 0.05 598.17 0.75 ± 0.05 598.17 0.79 ± 0.05 _________
T K 623.14 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.20 623.21 648.12 648.15 648.15 648.16 653.15 653.15 673.15 673.15 673.15 673.15 673.16 698.15 698.15 698.21 698.21 723.15 723.15 723.15 723.19 723.19 723.20 723.21 748.15 748.15 773.15 773.15 773.15 823.15 873.15 923.15 973.15 1023.15 1073.15 1123.15 1173.15 _________
89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 88-eub/jof 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 67-vuk/tra 88-eub/jof 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 93-abd/baz 93-abd/baz-1 96-abd/baz 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 65-kel/mcl 65-kel/mcl 88-eub/jof 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 67-vuk/tra 88-eub/jof 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 93-abd/baz 93-abd/baz-1 96-abd/baz 88-eub/jof 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.86 ± 0.07 -0.52 ± 2.00 1.27 ± 0.17 0.84 ± 0.05 1.03 ± 0.08 1.12 ± 0.08 -0.41 ± 0.07 -0.52 ± 0.03 0.64 ± 0.10 0.74 ± 0.20 1.15 ± 0.20 0.96 ± 0.06 1.30 ± 0.08 1.26 ± 0.08 1.28 ± 0.14 2.46 ± 0.11 2.19 ± 0.20 0.69 ± 0.80 1.11 ± 0.04 1.31 ± 0.08 1.45 ± 0.08 1.01 ± 0.06 1.41 ± 0.08 1.26 ± 0.08 0.99 ± 0.06 0.91 ± 0.05 1.09 ± 0.40 1.28 ± 0.08 1.33 ± 0.08 0.89 ± 0.04 0.84 ± 0.05 1.12 ± 0.20 1.11 ± 0.20 1.26 ± 0.08 1.21 ± 0.08 1.16 ± 0.20 1.18 ± 0.08 1.14 ± 0.08 1.07 ± 0.20 0.95 ± 0.20 0.82 ± 0.20 0.71 ± 0.20 0.62 ± 0.20 0.55 ± 0.20 0.49 ± 0.20 0.44 ± 0.20
68-kel/mcl 67-vuk/tra 68-kel/mcl 88-eub/jof 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 93-abd/baz 93-abd/baz-1 96-abd/baz 65-kel/mcl 65-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 93-abd/baz 96-abd/baz 67-vuk/tra 68-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 67-vuk/tra 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl 65-kel/mcl 65-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 67-vuk/tra 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 67-vuk/tra 67-vuk/tra 67-vuk/tra 67-vuk/tra 67-vuk/tra 67-vuk/tra 67-vuk/tra 67-vuk/tra
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 423.15 -351.5 ± 7.1 89-kel/mcl 423.15 -375.2 ± 7.3 89-kel/mcl 448.15 -62.6 ± 3.9 89-kel/mcl 448.15 -67.0 ± 3.9 89-kel/mcl 473.15 -40.8 ± 2.3 89-kel/mcl 473.16 -40.0 ± 8.0 68-kel/mcl-1 473.17 -35.0 ± 7.0 68-kel/mcl-1 498.14 -13.4 ± 1.7 68-kel/mcl-1 498.14 -18.0 ± 1.3 68-kel/mcl-1 498.15 -18.2 ± 2.0 89-kel/mcl 498.15 -19.3 ± 2.0 89-kel/mcl 523.14 -6.6 ± 0.9 68-kel/mcl-1 523.15 -7.4 ± 0.4 68-kel/mcl-1 523.15 -8.0 ± 1.8 89-kel/mcl 523.15 -7.9 ± 1.8 89-kel/mcl 548.14 -1.0 ± 0.4 68-kel/mcl-1 548.15 -3.1 ± 1.7 89-kel/mcl 548.15 -3.2 ± 1.7 89-kel/mcl 548.15 -3.1 ± 1.7 89-kel/mcl 573.14 -0.4 ± 0.3 68-kel/mcl-1 573.14 0.3 ± 0.1 68-kel/mcl-1 573.15 -0.1 ± 0.1 89-kel/mcl 573.15 -0.5 ± 0.1 89-kel/mcl 573.15 -0.1 ± 0.1 89-kel/mcl 598.09 0.7 ± 0.2 68-kel/mcl-1 598.09 0.9 ± 0.2 68-kel/mcl-1 598.15 0.7 ± 0.1 89-kel/mcl 598.15 0.7 ± 0.1 89-kel/mcl _________
Hydrogen sulfide
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Cexp ± δC Ref. 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 350.00 5.14 ± 0.40 85-liu 375.00 5.54 ± 0.40 85-liu 393.00 10.26 ± 0.50 68-lew/fre 400.00 6.80 ± 0.40 85-liu 413.00 6.05 ± 0.03 68-lew/fre 433.00 4.91 ± 0.07 68-lew/fre _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 623.15 623.15 623.21 623.21 648.14 648.14 648.15 648.15 673.15 673.15 673.16 673.16 698.15 698.15 698.23 698.23 723.15 723.15 723.19 723.20 748.15 748.15 748.17 748.17 773.15 773.15 773.17 773.17 _________
T K 450.00 453.00 473.00 493.00 500.00 _________
MW = 20.03
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.7 ± 0.1 1.6 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.1 1.5 ± 0.1 1.3 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 1.3 ± 0.1 1.3 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.1
89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl-1 68-kel/mcl-1 68-kel/mcl-1 68-kel/mcl-1 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl-1 68-kel/mcl-1 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl-1 68-kel/mcl-1 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl-1 68-kel/mcl-1 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl-1 68-kel/mcl-1 89-kel/mcl 89-kel/mcl 68-kel/mcl-1 68-kel/mcl-1
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 7.03 ± 0.40 2.89 ± 0.05 2.41 ± 0.08 1.52 ± 0.10 5.11 ± 0.40
332 Ref.
85-liu 68-lew/fre 68-lew/fre 68-lew/fre 85-liu
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 238.15 1.10 ± 0.09 90-glo 238.15 50.00 ± 40.00 90-glo 323.15 6.00 ± 0.50 77-ada/sch 323.15 5.00 ± 0.28 90-glo 323.15 13.00 ± 10.00 90-glo 348.15 6.00 ± 0.50 77-ada/sch 348.15 6.60 ± 0.36 90-glo 348.15 7.70 ± 0.69 90-glo 373.15 5.90 ± 0.50 77-ada/sch 373.15 5.90 ± 0.33 90-glo 373.15 6.25 ± 0.61 90-glo 398.15 5.10 ± 0.50 77-ada/sch 398.15 5.00 ± 0.28 90-glo 398.15 5.05 ± 0.55 90-glo _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.59 -302.000 ± 60.000 46-kis/kee 1.70 -252.000 ± 50.000 46-kis/kee 1.84 -181.000 ± 35.000 46-kis/kee 1.93 -146.000 ± 30.000 46-kis/kee 2.04 -108.000 ± 20.000 46-kis/kee 2.34 -53.000 ± 10.000 46-kis/kee 2.58 -32.850 ± 3.300 35-kee/kra 2.73 -18.000 ± 3.500 46-kis/kee 3.10 -12.350 ± 1.200 35-kee/kra 3.33 1.000 ± 0.500 79-ber 4.22 -1.500 ± 0.150 35-kee/kra 4.22 1.200 ± 0.300 79-ber 4.23 1.265 ± 0.069 80-gug/mic 4.24 1.330 ± 0.450 88-kar/bog 4.92 1.040 ± 0.080 88-kar/bog 5.17 1.255 ± 0.020 88-kar/bog 5.38 1.226 ± 0.020 88-kar/bog 5.55 0.869 ± 0.143 80-gug/mic 5.91 1.062 ± 0.020 88-kar/bog 6.84 1.220 ± 0.400 88-kar/bog 6.86 0.922 ± 0.040 88-kar/bog 7.20 0.900 ± 0.300 79-ber 7.20 0.811 ± 0.054 80-gug/mic 8.91 0.765 ± 0.030 88-kar/bog _________
T K 405.70 405.70 423.15 423.15 423.15 448.15 448.15 473.15 473.15 498.15 523.15 573.15 598.15 _________
T K 10.01 13.00 13.82 15.15 17.02 20.27 20.35 20.58 24.65 27.17 28.82 33.00 35.10 40.09 45.10 50.09 55.00 60.03 65.15 69.00 75.01 80.02 83.15 83.15 _________
MW = 17.03
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 4.70 ± 0.27 4.74 ± 0.44 4.20 ± 0.40 4.23 ± 0.24 4.21 ± 0.41 3.60 ± 0.40 3.62 ± 0.21 3.10 ± 0.30 2.93 ± 0.18 2.70 ± 0.30 2.40 ± 0.20 2.10 ± 0.20 2.00 ± 0.20
90-glo 90-glo 77-ada/sch 90-glo 90-glo 77-ada/sch 90-glo 77-ada/sch 90-glo 77-ada/sch 77-ada/sch 77-ada/sch 77-ada/sch
MW = 4.00
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.666 ± 0.372 0.489 ± 0.020 0.392 ± 0.258 1.063 ± 0.020 0.721 ± 0.340 0.318 ± 0.045 0.410 ± 0.020 0.388 ± 0.074 0.346 ± 0.069 0.107 ± 0.079 0.445 ± 0.088 0.333 ± 0.066 0.156 ± 0.031 0.283 ± 0.014 0.259 ± 0.012 0.164 ± 0.008 0.108 ± 0.005 0.108 ± 0.003 0.253 ± 0.020 0.097 ± 0.003 0.073 ± 0.002 0.026 ± 0.001 0.190 ± 0.010 0.175 ± 0.010
80-gug/mic 88-kar/bog 80-gug/mic 25-hol/ott 80-gug/mic 80-gug/mic 25-hol/ott 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 80-gug/mic 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 25-hol/ott 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 60-whi/rub 70-hal/can 88-pat/jof cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Helium (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 90.04 0.011 ± 0.001 90.15 0.205 ± 0.020 100.02 0.007 ± 0.001 103.15 0.170 ± 0.010 103.15 0.168 ± 0.010 113.15 0.170 ± 0.010 113.15 0.159 ± 0.010 123.15 0.189 ± 0.020 133.15 0.182 ± 0.054 133.15 0.172 ± 0.010 133.15 0.182 ± 0.010 133.15 0.112 ± 0.010 143.14 0.159 ± 0.053 143.14 0.175 ± 0.010 143.14 0.159 ± 0.010 143.15 0.147 ± 0.002 158.15 0.156 ± 0.053 158.15 0.164 ± 0.010 158.15 0.156 ± 0.010 158.15 0.113 ± 0.004 173.15 0.194 ± 0.020 183.15 0.150 ± 0.053 183.15 0.149 ± 0.010 183.15 0.150 ± 0.010 183.15 0.124 ± 0.002 223.13 0.108 ± 0.052 223.13 0.122 ± 0.010 223.15 0.181 ± 0.020 223.15 0.108 ± 0.010 223.15 0.118 ± 0.002 223.15 0.134 ± 0.004 273.15 0.076 ± 0.005 273.15 0.091 ± 0.005 273.15 0.116 ± 0.052 273.15 0.116 ± 0.010 273.15 0.118 ± 0.010 273.15 0.112 ± 0.002 273.15 0.115 ± 0.004 273.15 0.130 ± 0.030 273.15 0.130 ± 0.030 273.15 0.111 ± 0.100 293.15 0.120 ± 0.100 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 311.65 313.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 330.00 348.15 348.15 348.15 353.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 473.15 498.15 523.15 523.15 523.15 673.15 723.15 773.15 _________
60-whi/rub 25-hol/ott 60-whi/rub 70-hal/can 88-pat/jof 70-hal/can 88-pat/jof 25-hol/ott 63-can/lel 64-hoo/can 64-hoo/can 83-bar-5 63-can/lel 64-hoo/can 64-hoo/can 71-pro/can 63-can/lel 64-hoo/can 64-hoo/can 71-pro/can 25-hol/ott 63-can/lel 64-hoo/can 64-hoo/can 71-pro/can 63-can/lel 64-hoo/can 25-hol/ott 64-hoo/can 70-bla/hal 78-dil/wax 41-mic/wou 41-mic/wou 63-can/lel 64-hoo/can 64-hoo/can 70-bla/hal 78-dil/wax 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 92-zha/sch 92-zha/sch
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.072 ± 0.005 0.097 ± 0.005 0.120 ± 0.010 0.120 ± 0.010 0.105 ± 0.001 0.105 ± 0.001 0.110 ± 0.001 -0.028 ± 0.001 0.108 ± 0.005 0.109 ± 0.100 0.072 ± 0.005 0.098 ± 0.005 0.102 ± 0.003 0.106 ± 0.004 0.111 ± 0.007 0.074 ± 0.100 0.095 ± 0.005 0.089 ± 0.005 0.106 ± 0.010 0.087 ± 0.100 0.091 ± 0.005 0.080 ± 0.005 0.115 ± 0.006 0.110 ± 0.020 0.110 ± 0.020 0.094 ± 0.005 0.072 ± 0.005 0.114 ± 0.004 0.110 ± 0.005 0.070 ± 0.005 0.143 ± 0.031 0.090 ± 0.013 0.090 ± 0.010 0.100 ± 0.010 0.094 ± 0.007 0.093 ± 0.010 0.143 ± 0.073 0.100 ± 0.014 0.100 ± 0.010 0.100 ± 0.010 0.100 ± 0.010 0.100 ± 0.010
41-mic/wou 41-mic/wou 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 55-pfe/gof 55-pfe/gof 55-pfe/gof 57-kra/mil 67-ku /dod 92-zha/sch 41-mic/wou 41-mic/wou 70-bla/hal 78-dil/wax 81-man/hal 92-zha/sch 41-mic/wou 41-mic/wou 88-pat/jof 92-zha/sch 41-mic/wou 41-mic/wou 67-ku /dod 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 41-mic/wou 41-mic/wou 81-man/hal 41-mic/wou 41-mic/wou 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 88-pat/jof 81-man/hal 88-pat/jof 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1 78-kel/mcl-1
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.52 -16.124 ± 10.000 55-kel-1 1.82 3.975 ± 2.000 55-kel-1 2.16 -0.328 ± 0.600 55-kel-1 2.99 1.718 ± 0.500 55-kel-1 3.33 1.954 ± 0.020 88-kar/bog 3.50 1.808 ± 0.030 88-kar/bog 3.75 1.723 ± 0.030 88-kar/bog 3.79 1.132 ± 0.500 55-kel-1 3.99 1.640 ± 0.050 88-kar/bog 4.21 1.563 ± 0.030 88-kar/bog 4.24 1.524 ± 0.030 88-kar/bog _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 223.15 3.075 ± 0.010 78-dil/wax 223.15 3.709 ± 0.100 88-pat/jof 273.15 3.130 ± 0.125 54-wha/sch 273.15 1.760 ± 1.000 66-tra/was 273.15 2.460 ± 1.000 66-tra/was 273.15 2.544 ± 0.020 78-dil/wax 273.15 2.928 ± 0.100 88-pat/jof 273.16 2.757 ± 0.050 52-bea/bri 298.15 2.612 ± 0.050 52-bea/bri 298.15 1.790 ± 1.000 66-tra/was 298.15 2.240 ± 1.000 66-tra/was 323.15 2.260 ± 0.050 52-bea/bri 323.15 3.000 ± 0.120 54-wha/sch 323.15 1.750 ± 1.000 66-tra/was 323.15 2.040 ± 1.000 66-tra/was 323.15 2.126 ± 0.010 78-dil/wax 323.15 2.258 ± 0.100 88-pat/jof 348.15 2.076 ± 0.050 52-bea/bri 348.15 1.730 ± 0.800 66-tra/was 348.15 1.860 ± 0.800 66-tra/was 373.15 2.570 ± 0.090 54-wha/sch _________
T K 4.48 4.94 5.07 5.35 5.39 5.88 6.85 7.51 8.90 13.00 _________
T K 373.15 373.15 373.16 398.15 398.15 398.17 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.18 448.20 473.15 473.21 498.23 523.25 548.26 573.15 573.28 673.15 773.15 873.15 _________
MW = 4.00
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.450 ± 0.030 1.290 ± 0.030 1.444 ± 0.120 1.209 ± 0.060 1.234 ± 0.030 1.170 ± 0.040 0.998 ± 0.030 1.195 ± 0.240 0.820 ± 0.030 0.610 ± 0.040
88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog 88-kar/bog
MW = 83.80
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.520 ± 0.800 1.710 ± 0.800 1.942 ± 0.050 1.430 ± 0.500 1.620 ± 0.500 1.842 ± 0.050 1.960 ± 0.085 1.350 ± 0.500 1.520 ± 0.500 1.759 ± 0.050 1.671 ± 0.050 1.755 ± 0.075 1.583 ± 0.050 1.637 ± 0.050 1.626 ± 0.050 1.569 ± 0.050 1.355 ± 0.115 1.613 ± 0.050 1.260 ± 0.150 1.055 ± 0.150 0.760 ± 0.170
66-tra/was 66-tra/was 52-bea/bri 66-tra/was 66-tra/was 52-bea/bri 54-wha/sch 66-tra/was 66-tra/was 52-bea/bri 52-bea/bri 54-wha/sch 52-bea/bri 52-bea/bri 52-bea/bri 52-bea/bri 54-wha/sch 52-bea/bri 54-wha/sch 54-wha/sch 54-wha/sch
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 126.83 3.350 ± 0.500 24-onn/van 128.69 3.470 ± 0.500 24-onn/van 131.62 3.240 ± 0.500 24-onn/van 133.15 3.100 ± 0.355 63-can/lel 133.15 3.119 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 133.15 3.100 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 141.88 2.880 ± 0.500 24-onn/van 143.14 2.920 ± 0.346 63-can/lel 143.14 2.920 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 143.15 2.645 ± 0.030 25-hol/ott 143.15 2.914 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 143.15 2.889 ± 0.060 66-cra/son 151.96 2.690 ± 0.400 24-onn/van 155.89 2.540 ± 0.200 72-roe 158.15 2.414 ± 0.321 63-can/lel 158.15 2.530 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 158.15 2.414 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 163.15 2.392 ± 0.050 66-cra/son 170.90 2.090 ± 0.400 24-onn/van 173.15 2.125 ± 0.030 25-hol/ott 181.86 2.070 ± 0.200 72-roe 183.15 2.132 ± 0.307 63-can/lel 183.15 2.119 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 183.15 2.132 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 192.05 1.760 ± 0.400 24-onn/van 192.64 1.980 ± 0.200 72-roe 203.15 1.837 ± 0.030 66-cra/son 204.61 1.900 ± 0.200 72-roe 204.61 1.870 ± 0.200 72-roe 218.87 1.810 ± 0.200 72-roe 218.87 1.790 ± 0.200 72-roe 222.89 1.350 ± 0.400 24-onn/van 223.13 1.636 ± 0.282 63-can/lel 223.13 1.850 ± 0.050 64-hoo/can 223.13 1.636 ± 0.040 64-hoo/can 223.15 2.048 ± 0.030 25-hol/ott 234.05 1.680 ± 0.200 72-roe 248.54 1.640 ± 0.200 72-roe 248.54 1.610 ± 0.200 72-roe 249.53 1.540 ± 0.300 24-onn/van 263.08 1.590 ± 0.200 72-roe 269.30 1.480 ± 0.100 92-zha/sch 273.15 1.040 ± 0.300 24-onn/van 273.15 1.674 ± 0.030 25-hol/ott 273.15 1.800 ± 1.000 26-ver 273.15 1.537 ± 0.050 34-mic/wou _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 276.94 283.15 290.00 290.00 291.41 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 300.00 300.00 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 310.00 311.65 313.15 313.15 320.00 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 330.00 348.15 348.15 348.15 350.00 353.15 373.15 373.15 _________
MW = 28.01
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.427 ± 0.650 1.319 ± 0.060 1.416 ± 0.271 1.573 ± 0.040 1.416 ± 0.040 1.455 ± 0.075 1.440 ± 0.100 1.500 ± 0.200 1.442 ± 0.075 1.590 ± 0.060 1.400 ± 0.100 1.460 ± 0.200 1.200 ± 0.300 1.550 ± 1.000 1.429 ± 0.075 1.420 ± 0.100 1.315 ± 0.050 1.405 ± 0.650 1.063 ± 0.060 1.550 ± 0.060 1.443 ± 0.050 1.485 ± 0.045 1.485 ± 0.045 1.495 ± 0.045 1.429 ± 0.110 1.417 ± 0.075 1.520 ± 0.100 1.360 ± 0.100 1.385 ± 0.069 1.406 ± 0.075 1.350 ± 0.100 1.435 ± 0.050 1.302 ± 0.030 1.219 ± 0.050 1.375 ± 0.650 1.157 ± 0.060 1.405 ± 0.075 1.300 ± 0.100 1.320 ± 0.100 1.257 ± 0.050 1.334 ± 0.650 1.115 ± 0.060 1.220 ± 0.100 1.290 ± 0.100 1.286 ± 0.030 1.079 ± 0.050
34-ott/mic 51-mic/lun 63-can/lel 64-hoo/can 64-hoo/can 88-dus/kle 92-zha/sch 72-roe 88-dus/kle 84-izu 92-zha/sch 72-roe 24-onn/van 26-ver 88-dus/kle 92-zha/sch 34-mic/wou 34-ott/mic 51-mic/lun 84-izu 89-bru/hwa 55-pfe/gof 55-pfe/gof 55-pfe/gof 57-kra/mil 88-dus/kle 88-pat/jof 92-zha/sch 67-ku /dod 88-dus/kle 92-zha/sch 89-bru/hwa 25-hol/ott 34-mic/wou 34-ott/mic 51-mic/lun 88-dus/kle 92-zha/sch 92-zha/sch 34-mic/wou 34-ott/mic 51-mic/lun 92-zha/sch 92-zha/sch 25-hol/ott 34-mic/wou cont.
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Nitrogen (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 373.15 1.336 ± 0.650 373.15 1.092 ± 0.060 373.15 1.517 ± 0.025 373.15 1.195 ± 0.059 398.15 0.963 ± 0.050 398.15 1.277 ± 0.650 398.15 1.038 ± 0.060 _________
Nitrous oxide
34-ott/mic 51-mic/lun 66-cra/son 67-ku /dod 34-mic/wou 34-ott/mic 51-mic/lun
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 273.15 5.92 ± 0.5 62-sch/mas 298.15 5.64 ± 0.5 62-sch/mas 323.15 4.99 ± 0.5 62-sch/mas 348.15 4.40 ± 0.5 62-sch/mas _________
T K 373.15 398.15 423.15 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 44.00 0.610 ± 0.036 69-gib 46.00 0.556 ± 0.034 69-gib 50.00 0.475 ± 0.030 69-gib 55.64 0.900 ± 0.300 19-cro/mar 60.00 0.463 ± 0.029 69-gib 60.08 0.483 ± 0.300 19-cro/mar 65.06 0.534 ± 0.300 19-cro/mar 65.25 0.563 ± 0.050 25-hol/ott 70.00 0.396 ± 0.026 69-gib 73.08 0.523 ± 0.300 19-cro/mar 90.56 0.510 ± 0.300 19-cro/mar 90.65 0.442 ± 0.050 25-hol/ott 123.15 0.309 ± 0.050 25-hol/ott 131.94 0.749 ± 0.300 19-cro/mar 170.15 0.929 ± 0.300 19-cro/mar 173.15 0.199 ± 0.050 25-hol/ott 223.15 0.228 ± 0.050 25-hol/ott 273.15 0.580 ± 0.030 15-onn/cro 273.15 0.256 ± 0.050 25-hol/ott _________
T K 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 473.15 573.15 673.15 _________
T K 273.15 273.15 273.15 293.15 298.15 298.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 348.15 348.15 373.15 373.15 373.15 398.15 398.15 423.15 423.15 473.15 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.094 ± 0.030 0.694 ± 0.050 1.278 ± 0.650 1.036 ± 0.060 1.028 ± 0.030 0.883 ± 0.030 1.130 ± 0.030
25-hol/ott 34-mic/wou 34-ott/mic 51-mic/lun 25-hol/ott 25-hol/ott 25-hol/ott
MW = 44.01
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 3.88 ± 0.5 3.42 ± 0.5 2.98 ± 0.5
62-sch/mas 62-sch/mas 62-sch/mas
MW = 20.18
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.220 ± 0.100 0.225 ± 0.010 0.246 ± 0.010 0.388 ± 0.020 0.221 ± 0.010 0.233 ± 0.010 0.180 ± 0.100 0.224 ± 0.010 0.234 ± 0.010 0.224 ± 0.010 0.236 ± 0.010 0.432 ± 0.050 0.224 ± 0.010 0.238 ± 0.010 0.205 ± 0.010 0.217 ± 0.010 0.197 ± 0.010 0.208 ± 0.010 0.335 ± 0.050
55-nic/sch 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 15-onn/cro 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 55-nic/sch 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 25-hol/ott 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 60-mic/was 25-hol/ott
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 85.00 -21.462 ± 15.00 70-web 90.00 -12.764 ± 15.00 70-web 95.00 -7.058 ± 15.00 70-web 100.00 -3.326 ± 4.00 70-web 100.00 -15.250 ± 5.00 84-wag/ewe 105.00 -0.904 ± 4.00 70-web 110.00 0.644 ± 4.00 70-web 110.00 -3.530 ± 3.00 84-wag/ewe 115.00 1.609 ± 4.00 70-web 120.00 2.187 ± 1.00 70-web 120.00 0.716 ± 1.50 84-wag/ewe 125.00 2.507 ± 1.00 70-web 130.00 2.659 ± 1.00 70-web 130.00 2.150 ± 1.00 84-wag/ewe 135.00 2.702 ± 1.00 70-web 140.00 2.677 ± 0.10 70-web 140.00 2.515 ± 0.10 84-wag/ewe 145.00 2.611 ± 0.10 70-web 150.00 2.522 ± 0.04 70-web 150.00 2.492 ± 0.04 84-wag/ewe 155.00 2.423 ± 0.04 70-web 160.00 2.320 ± 0.03 70-web 160.00 2.318 ± 0.04 84-wag/ewe 165.00 2.219 ± 0.03 70-web 170.00 2.122 ± 0.03 70-web 170.00 2.128 ± 0.03 84-wag/ewe 175.00 2.031 ± 0.03 70-web 180.00 1.948 ± 0.03 70-web 180.00 1.951 ± 0.03 84-wag/ewe 185.00 1.871 ± 0.03 70-web 190.00 1.801 ± 0.03 70-web 190.00 1.798 ± 0.03 84-wag/ewe 195.00 1.738 ± 0.03 70-web 200.00 1.680 ± 0.03 70-web 200.00 1.670 ± 0.02 84-wag/ewe 205.00 1.628 ± 0.03 70-web 210.00 1.580 ± 0.03 70-web 210.00 1.565 ± 0.02 84-wag/ewe 215.00 1.537 ± 0.03 70-web 220.00 1.498 ± 0.03 70-web 220.00 1.479 ± 0.02 84-wag/ewe 225.00 1.461 ± 0.03 70-web 230.00 1.428 ± 0.03 70-web _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 230.00 235.00 240.00 240.00 245.00 250.00 250.00 255.00 260.00 260.00 265.00 270.00 270.00 273.15 273.15 273.15 273.15 275.00 280.00 280.00 285.00 290.00 290.00 293.15 295.00 298.15 298.15 300.00 300.00 320.00 323.15 323.15 323.15 340.00 360.00 373.15 380.00 400.00 420.00 440.00 460.00 480.00 500.00 _________
MW = 32.00 Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.408 ± 0.02 1.397 ± 0.03 1.368 ± 0.03 1.350 ± 0.02 1.342 ± 0.03 1.317 ± 0.03 1.302 ± 0.02 1.294 ± 0.03 1.273 ± 0.03 1.261 ± 0.02 1.253 ± 0.03 1.234 ± 0.03 1.227 ± 0.02 1.030 ± 0.20 1.560 ± 0.06 1.230 ± 0.06 1.189 ± 0.06 1.217 ± 0.03 1.201 ± 0.03 1.198 ± 0.02 1.186 ± 0.03 1.172 ± 0.03 1.172 ± 0.02 0.960 ± 0.20 1.160 ± 0.03 1.163 ± 0.06 1.300 ± 0.06 1.149 ± 0.03 1.150 ± 0.02 1.114 ± 0.02 1.068 ± 0.06 1.146 ± 0.06 1.290 ± 0.06 1.085 ± 0.02 1.061 ± 0.02 0.906 ± 0.06 1.041 ± 0.02 1.023 ± 0.02 1.008 ± 0.02 0.994 ± 0.01 0.981 ± 0.02 0.969 ± 0.02 0.959 ± 0.02
84-wag/ewe 70-web 70-web 84-wag/ewe 70-web 70-web 84-wag/ewe 70-web 70-web 84-wag/ewe 70-web 70-web 84-wag/ewe 23-kuy/onn 25-hol/ott 54-mic/sch 54-mic/sch 70-web 70-web 84-wag/ewe 70-web 70-web 84-wag/ewe 23-kuy/onn 70-web 54-mic/sch 54-mic/sch 70-web 84-wag/ewe 84-wag/ewe 25-hol/ott 54-mic/sch 54-mic/sch 84-wag/ewe 84-wag/ewe 25-hol/ott 84-wag/ewe 84-wag/ewe 84-wag/ewe 84-wag/ewe 84-wag/ewe 84-wag/ewe 84-wag/ewe
4. Inorganic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 273.15 6.760 ± 0.600 54-mic/was 273.15 6.260 ± 0.600 54-mic/was 273.15 -8.507 ± 1.250 55-wha/lup 289.80 6.343 ± 0.200 51-bea/bar-1 298.15 6.069 ± 0.200 51-bea/bar-1 298.15 5.660 ± 0.600 54-mic/was 298.15 6.550 ± 0.600 54-mic/was 303.15 6.080 ± 0.600 54-mic/was 313.15 5.630 ± 0.500 54-mic/was 323.15 5.306 ± 0.200 51-bea/bar-1 323.15 5.040 ± 0.500 54-mic/was 323.15 5.240 ± 0.500 54-mic/was 323.15 0.395 ± 0.240 55-wha/lup 348.15 4.635 ± 0.200 51-bea/bar-1 348.15 4.470 ± 0.500 54-mic/was 348.15 4.670 ± 0.500 54-mic/was 373.15 3.950 ± 0.400 54-mic/was 373.15 3.550 ± 0.400 54-mic/was 373.15 4.620 ± 0.175 55-wha/lup _________
T K 373.16 398.15 398.15 398.17 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.18 448.20 473.15 473.21 498.23 523.25 548.26 573.15 573.28 673.15 773.15 _________
MW = 131.29
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 4.115 ± 0.200 3.460 ± 0.300 3.250 ± 0.300 3.739 ± 0.200 2.970 ± 0.300 3.100 ± 0.300 4.650 ± 0.155 3.469 ± 0.200 3.240 ± 0.200 4.700 ± 0.260 3.031 ± 0.200 2.869 ± 0.200 2.686 ± 0.200 2.526 ± 0.200 2.650 ± 0.100 2.423 ± 0.200 2.330 ± 0.210 1.130 ± 0.155
51-bea/bar-1 54-mic/was 54-mic/was 51-bea/bar-1 54-mic/was 54-mic/was 55-wha/lup 51-bea/bar-1 51-bea/bar-1 55-wha/lup 51-bea/bar-1 51-bea/bar-1 51-bea/bar-1 51-bea/bar-1 55-wha/lup 51-bea/bar-1 55-wha/lup 55-wha/lup
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.1 C1 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
5 Tabulated Data on Third Virial Coefficients of Organic Compounds 5.1 C1 Organic Compounds Trifluoroiodomethane
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 278.15 50.2 ± 5.0 97-dua/zhu 283.15 41.5 ± 4.0 97-dua/zhu 288.15 34.0 ± 3.0 97-dua/zhu 293.15 27.7 ± 3.0 97-dua/zhu 303.15 17.8 ± 2.0 97-dua/zhu 313.15 10.6 ± 1.0 97-dua/zhu 323.15 5.5 ± 0.5 97-dua/zhu _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 203.15 9.320 ± 0.500 70-lan/ste 223.15 9.645 ± 0.300 70-lan/ste 243.15 8.660 ± 0.100 70-lan/ste 271.61 7.620 ± 0.040 72-sig/sil 273.15 7.003 ± 0.700 51-mac/sch-1 273.15 7.070 ± 0.100 70-lan/ste 273.16 7.100 ± 0.500 61-dou/har 298.15 6.070 ± 0.500 61-dou/har 303.15 -1.596 ± 0.032 67-kal/mil 308.15 5.900 ± 0.500 61-dou/har 308.21 6.440 ± 0.500 72-sig/sil 313.15 6.030 ± 0.125 70-lan/ste 323.15 5.578 ± 0.600 51-mac/sch-1 323.15 5.380 ± 0.500 61-dou/har 323.55 5.500 ± 0.240 72-sig/sil 348.10 4.190 ± 0.240 72-sig/sil 348.15 4.870 ± 0.400 61-dou/har 368.15 4.890 ± 0.150 70-lan/ste 373.15 4.259 ± 0.400 51-mac/sch-1 373.15 3.253 ± 0.065 67-kal/mil _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 333.15 343.15 353.15 363.15 373.15 383.15 393.15 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.8 ± 0.5 -0.8 ± 0.5 -2.6 ± 0.5 -3.9 ± 0.5 -4.7 ± 0.5 -5.2 ± 0.5 -5.5 ± 0.5
T K 373.15 373.16 398.17 423.15 423.18 448.20 473.15 473.21 498.23 523.15 523.25 548.26 573.15 573.15 573.27 598.28 623.29 673.15 673.15 773.15
MW = 195.91
97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu 97-dua/zhu
MW = 88.01
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 4.580 ± 0.100 4.490 ± 0.400 4.210 ± 0.400 5.305 ± 0.500 3.980 ± 0.400 3.810 ± 0.400 4.371 ± 0.087 3.660 ± 0.400 3.540 ± 0.350 3.477 ± 0.300 3.440 ± 0.350 3.350 ± 0.350 3.422 ± 0.300 4.114 ± 0.082 3.250 ± 0.350 3.180 ± 0.350 3.100 ± 0.350 2.563 ± 0.300 3.661 ± 0.073 4.668 ± 0.093
72-sig/sil 61-dou/har 61-dou/har 51-mac/sch-1 61-dou/har 61-dou/har 67-kal/mil 61-dou/har 61-dou/har 51-mac/sch-1 61-dou/har 61-dou/har 51-mac/sch-1 67-kal/mil 61-dou/har 61-dou/har 61-dou/har 51-mac/sch-1 67-kal/mil 67-kal/mil
5.1 C1 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 303.15 -55.10 ± 30.00 68-zan 323.15 -19.10 ± 20.00 68-zan 338.05 18.10 ± 2.10 93-dem/koh 348.15 -9.20 ± 15.00 68-zan 358.26 17.20 ± 2.00 93-dem/koh 373.03 15.78 ± 1.80 93-dem/koh 373.15 -1.80 ± 10.00 68-zan 388.20 14.58 ± 1.70 93-dem/koh 398.15 0.50 ± 10.00 68-zan _________
T K 303.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 323.15 323.15 333.15 333.15 343.15 343.15 353.15 353.15 363.15 363.15 368.15 373.15 383.15 393.15 _________
T K 451.71 471.86 492.25 502.44 ________
MW = 86.47
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 13.76 ± 1.60 4.50 ± 8.00 12.11 ± 1.50 11.29 ± 1.40 10.47 ± 1.30 9.87 ± 1.30 9.20 ± 5.00 9.79 ± 1.20
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 368.07 29.0 ± 6.0 86-sin 389.71 27.0 ± 5.0 86-sin 411.65 26.0 ± 4.0 86-sin 431.68 24.0 ± 3.0 86-sin _________
T K 408.20 423.15 423.22 433.01 458.07 472.99 473.15 488.00 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 243.15 15.00 ± 1.00 70-lan/ste 243.15 5.88 ± 1.50 75-tim/kho 253.15 16.96 ± 1.50 75-tim/kho 258.15 16.47 ± 1.50 75-ras/pet-1 263.15 16.37 ± 1.50 75-ras/pet-1 263.15 16.91 ± 1.50 75-tim/kho 268.15 16.23 ± 1.50 75-ras/pet-1 273.15 15.70 ± 0.18 70-lan/ste 273.15 15.83 ± 1.50 75-ras/pet-1 273.15 16.03 ± 1.50 75-tim/kho 278.15 15.05 ± 1.50 75-ras/pet-1 283.15 14.80 ± 1.50 75-ras/pet-1 283.15 15.05 ± 1.50 75-tim/kho 293.15 13.73 ± 1.50 75-ras/pet-1 293.15 14.17 ± 1.50 75-tim/kho 298.06 13.14 ± 1.50 75-ras/pet-1 299.06 12.94 ± 1.20 75-ras/pet-1 300.15 12.89 ± 1.20 75-ras/pet-1 303.15 12.60 ± 1.20 75-ras/pet-1 _________
93-dem/koh 68-zan 93-dem/koh 93-dem/koh 93-dem/koh 93-dem/koh 68-zan 93-dem/koh
MW = 70.01
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 13.28 ± 1.50 11.63 ± 0.10 11.52 ± 1.20 12.40 ± 1.50 10.54 ± 1.20 11.67 ± 1.50 9.66 ± 1.20 10.93 ± 1.50 8.87 ± 1.00 10.25 ± 1.50 8.33 ± 1.00 9.61 ± 1.50 7.70 ± 1.00 9.17 ± 1.50 8.41 ± 0.25 7.11 ± 1.00 6.62 ± 1.00 6.23 ± 1.00
75-tim/kho 70-lan/ste 75-ras/pet-1 75-tim/kho 75-ras/pet-1 75-tim/kho 75-ras/pet-1 75-tim/kho 75-ras/pet-1 75-tim/kho 75-ras/pet-1 75-tim/kho 75-ras/pet-1 75-tim/kho 70-lan/ste 75-ras/pet-1 75-ras/pet-1 75-ras/pet-1
MW = 84.93
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 23.0 ± 2.5 20.0 ± 2.0 18.0 ± 1.5 17.0 ± 1.0
86-sin 86-sin 86-sin 86-sin
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.1 C1 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 268.00 26.300 ± 2.000 94-def/mor 273.00 27.000 ± 2.000 94-def/mor 283.00 27.400 ± 2.000 94-def/mor 290.00 34.100 ± 5.000 96-zha/sat 293.00 26.800 ± 2.000 94-def/mor 293.15 24.000 ± 2.000 95-fu /han 298.15 46.859 ± 20.00 72-kuz/los 300.00 30.500 ± 5.000 96-zha/sat 303.00 25.600 ± 2.000 94-def/mor 303.15 25.000 ± 2.000 95-fu /han 310.00 27.500 ± 4.000 96-zha/sat 313.00 24.200 ± 2.000 94-def/mor 313.15 25.300 ± 2.000 95-fu /han 320.00 24.800 ± 4.000 96-zha/sat 323.00 22.600 ± 2.000 94-def/mor 323.15 22.338 ± 10.00 72-kuz/los 323.15 26.900 ± 2.000 95-fu /han 330.00 22.400 ± 3.500 96-zha/sat 333.00 20.900 ± 1.500 94-def/mor 333.15 20.500 ± 2.000 95-fu /han 340.00 16.250 ± 0.500 94-sat/sat 340.00 20.300 ± 3.000 96-zha/sat 343.00 19.300 ± 1.500 94-def/mor 343.15 15.362 ± 5.000 72-kuz/los 343.15 16.600 ± 2.000 95-fu /han 348.15 14.274 ± 1.710 72-kuz/los _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 350.00 350.00 350.15 351.15 353.00 353.15 353.15 360.00 360.00 363.00 363.50 370.00 370.00 373.00 373.15 373.15 380.00 390.00 398.15 400.00 410.00 420.00 423.15 448.15 473.15 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 323.15 341.00 ± 82.00 77-man/hal 323.15 64.68 ± 5.70 81-man/hal 323.15 59.18 ± 10.00 81-man/hal 348.15 97.40 ± 23.00 77-man/hal 348.15 39.65 ± 2.70 81-man/hal 348.15 24.34 ± 10.00 81-man/hal 373.15 25.20 ± 6.00 77-man/hal 373.15 19.60 ± 0.60 81-man/hal 373.15 23.59 ± 8.00 81-man/hal 398.15 18.20 ± 4.40 77-man/hal 398.15 15.38 ± 0.30 81-man/hal _________
T K 398.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 448.15 448.15 448.15 473.15 473.15 473.15
MW = 52.02
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 14.310 ± 0.400 18.500 ± 2.500 14.450 ± 3.000 14.976 ± 3.000 17.800 ± 1.500 13.397 ± 2.800 13.700 ± 2.000 13.250 ± 0.400 16.800 ± 2.000 16.200 ± 1.000 13.400 ± 2.000 12.260 ± 0.350 15.300 ± 2.000 14.900 ± 1.000 11.394 ± 2.500 12.400 ± 2.000 11.130 ± 0.350 10.340 ± 0.300 7.878 ± 1.390 9.646 ± 0.300 9.418 ± 0.300 8.480 ± 0.250 7.348 ± 2.000 5.995 ± 2.000 6.985 ± 2.000
94-sat/sat 96-zha/sat 72-kuz/los 72-kuz/los 94-def/mor 72-kuz/los 95-fu /han 94-sat/sat 96-zha/sat 94-def/mor 95-fu /han 94-sat/sat 96-zha/sat 94-def/mor 72-kuz/los 95-fu /han 94-sat/sat 94-sat/sat 72-kuz/los 94-sat/sat 94-sat/sat 94-sat/sat 72-kuz/los 72-kuz/los 72-kuz/los
MW = 50.49
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 16.17 ± 3.00 14.50 ± 3.50 13.67 ± 0.20 12.47 ± 2.00 11.90 ± 2.90 12.76 ± 0.20 13.40 ± 2.00 9.80 ± 2.40 11.63 ± 0.20 11.76 ± 2.00
81-man/hal 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 81-man/hal 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 81-man/hal 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 81-man/hal
5.1 C1 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 273.15 29.09 ± 0.60 52-mic/vis 273.15 29.09 ± 0.60 52-mic/vis 297.75 21.49 ± 0.40 52-mic/vis 298.15 18.35 ± 0.40 52-mic/vis 298.38 20.24 ± 2.40 93-dem/koh 303.22 19.13 ± 2.20 93-dem/koh 313.52 16.63 ± 2.00 93-dem/koh 317.43 16.06 ± 1.90 93-dem/koh 320.58 15.50 ± 1.80 93-dem/koh 322.75 15.95 ± 0.30 52-mic/vis 323.15 12.92 ± 0.30 52-mic/vis _________
T K 330.57 333.15 339.23 347.91 348.15 372.77 373.15 397.64 398.15 422.70 423.15 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Cexp ± δC Ref. 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 126.58 -20.400 ± 2.800 73-pop/cha 131.93 -13.600 ± 12.000 68-hoo/nag 135.99 -1.497 ± 0.290 73-pop/cha 147.58 1.950 ± 0.640 73-pop/cha 155.89 3.720 ± 0.500 72-roe 158.91 3.580 ± 0.110 73-pop/cha 167.67 4.190 ± 0.300 72-roe 173.15 4.900 ± 0.100 71-ng 173.49 4.381 ± 0.050 73-pop/cha 180.00 4.406 ± 0.250 92-hae/kle 181.86 4.260 ± 0.300 72-roe 186.00 4.319 ± 0.250 92-hae/kle 189.00 4.264 ± 0.250 92-hae/kle 190.55 4.232 ± 0.250 92-hae/kle 191.06 4.700 ± 0.500 68-hoo/nag 191.10 3.990 ± 0.130 73-pop/cha 192.64 4.230 ± 0.100 72-roe 193.00 4.181 ± 0.250 92-hae/kle 193.15 4.300 ± 0.100 71-ng 196.00 4.114 ± 0.250 92-hae/kle 199.83 5.060 ± 1.000 74-pom/spu 200.00 4.400 ± 0.400 68-hoo/nag 200.00 4.021 ± 0.250 92-hae/kle 203.16 2.818 ± 1.500 74-pom/spu 203.16 4.518 ± 0.500 74-pom/spu 204.61 3.930 ± 0.100 72-roe 207.00 3.855 ± 0.250 92-hae/kle 213.15 3.860 ± 0.100 71-ng ________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 13.99 ± 1.70 11.86 ± 1.45 11.10 ± 1.60 12.93 ± 0.30 10.43 ± 0.20 11.30 ± 0.20 8.51 ± 0.20 9.47 ± 0.20 7.15 ± 0.10 7.45 ± 0.10 6.15 ± 0.10
T K 213.16 215.00 218.87 220.00 223.16 223.16 225.00 227.60 233.15 233.16 234.05 240.00 240.00 243.16 248.16 248.54 250.00 253.15 253.16 255.38 260.00 263.08 263.16 273.00 273.00 273.15 273.15 273.15
MW = 34.03
93-dem/koh 93-dem/koh 93-dem/koh 52-mic/vis 52-mic/vis 52-mic/vis 52-mic/vis 52-mic/vis 52-mic/vis 52-mic/vis 52-mic/vis
MW = 16.04
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 2.620 ± 1.500 4.169 ± 0.200 3.550 ± 0.100 3.552 ± 0.250 2.537 ± 1.500 4.256 ± 0.500 3.240 ± 0.300 4.091 ± 1.000 3.450 ± 0.090 1.833 ± 1.500 3.300 ± 0.100 3.508 ± 0.100 3.147 ± 0.250 2.147 ± 1.500 3.515 ± 0.500 3.010 ± 0.100 2.840 ± 0.200 3.050 ± 0.090 3.081 ± 1.500 3.458 ± 1.000 2.834 ± 0.250 2.790 ± 0.100 3.311 ± 1.500 2.661 ± 0.200 2.677 ± 0.200 3.047 ± 0.300 2.870 ± 0.290 2.710 ± 0.150
74-pom/spu 68-hoo/nag 72-roe 92-hae/kle 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 96-tru/wak 74-pom/spu 71-ng 74-pom/spu 72-roe 68-hoo/nag 92-hae/kle 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 72-roe 96-tru/wak 71-ng 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 92-hae/kle 72-roe 74-pom/spu 88-mic/sch 88-mic/sch 35-mic/ned 36-mic/ned 58-sch/mas cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.1 C1 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Methane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 273.15 2.880 ± 0.150 273.15 2.620 ± 0.020 273.15 2.669 ± 0.050 273.15 2.700 ± 0.080 273.15 2.605 ± 0.050 273.15 3.280 ± 0.500 273.15 2.635 ± 0.150 273.15 2.590 ± 0.200 273.15 2.659 ± 0.060 273.16 2.626 ± 0.050 273.16 2.674 ± 0.100 273.16 2.820 ± 1.500 273.16 2.619 ± 0.500 275.00 2.530 ± 0.100 283.15 2.565 ± 0.060 283.16 2.456 ± 0.500 286.65 2.440 ± 0.200 291.41 2.490 ± 0.100 293.15 4.524 ± 0.100 293.15 2.600 ± 0.080 293.15 2.477 ± 0.060 293.16 2.958 ± 1.500 294.27 2.368 ± 0.300 298.00 2.406 ± 0.200 298.00 2.440 ± 0.200 298.15 2.624 ± 0.260 298.15 2.620 ± 0.260 298.15 2.510 ± 0.150 298.15 2.720 ± 0.150 298.15 2.370 ± 0.020 298.15 2.391 ± 0.100 298.15 2.390 ± 0.800 298.15 2.450 ± 0.870 298.15 2.322 ± 0.050 298.15 2.322 ± 0.150 298.15 2.460 ± 0.150 298.15 2.310 ± 0.200 298.15 2.800 ± 0.100 298.15 2.700 ± 0.200 298.15 2.341 ± 0.075 298.16 2.314 ± 0.050 298.16 2.366 ± 0.100 298.16 2.094 ± 0.500 300.00 2.394 ± 0.050 300.00 2.410 ± 0.005 300.00 2.290 ± 0.100 303.15 2.320 ± 0.020 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 303.15 303.15 303.16 310.00 310.94 313.15 313.15 313.16 320.00 320.00 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.16 323.16 323.16 323.16 325.00 327.60 333.15 333.16 344.27 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.15 348.16 348.16 350.00 _________
58-sch/mas 64-dou/har 68-hoo/nag 71-ng 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 79-tra/was 88-kle/dus 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 96-tru/wak 88-kle/dus 74-pom/spu 79-tra/was 72-roe 31-fre/ver 71-ng 88-kle/dus 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 88-mic/sch 88-mic/sch 35-mic/ned 36-mic/ned 58-sch/mas 58-sch/mas 64-dou/har 70-hol 70-lee/edm 70-lee/edm 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 77-mih/sag 79-tra/was 80-kat/ohg 80-kat/ohg 93-sta/hou 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 89-bru/hwa 96-hou/hol 96-tru/wak 64-dou/har
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 2.292 ± 0.050 2.396 ± 0.060 2.295 ± 0.050 2.160 ± 0.100 1.956 ± 0.300 2.390 ± 0.080 2.319 ± 0.060 2.306 ± 1.500 2.205 ± 0.050 2.257 ± 0.010 2.430 ± 0.240 2.370 ± 0.240 2.310 ± 0.150 2.450 ± 0.150 2.150 ± 0.020 2.193 ± 0.100 1.780 ± 0.400 1.900 ± 0.120 2.156 ± 0.050 2.191 ± 0.150 2.340 ± 0.150 2.090 ± 0.200 2.247 ± 0.060 2.096 ± 0.050 2.125 ± 0.100 2.537 ± 0.500 1.582 ± 0.500 2.100 ± 0.100 1.749 ± 0.300 2.250 ± 0.070 1.855 ± 1.500 1.558 ± 0.300 2.410 ± 0.240 2.335 ± 0.230 2.170 ± 0.150 2.300 ± 0.150 1.975 ± 0.020 2.039 ± 0.100 1.960 ± 0.500 1.400 ± 0.420 1.913 ± 0.050 2.038 ± 0.150 2.280 ± 0.150 1.930 ± 0.200 1.971 ± 0.050 2.033 ± 0.100 1.960 ± 0.100
74-pom/spu 88-kle/dus 74-pom/spu 85-mol-1 74-pom/spu 71-ng 88-kle/dus 74-pom/spu 89-bru/hwa 96-hou/hol 35-mic/ned 36-mic/ned 58-sch/mas 58-sch/mas 64-dou/har 70-hol 70-lee/edm 70-lee/edm 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 77-mih/sag 79-tra/was 88-kle/dus 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 96-tru/wak 74-pom/spu 71-ng 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 35-mic/ned 36-mic/ned 58-sch/mas 58-sch/mas 64-dou/har 70-hol 70-lee/edm 70-lee/edm 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 77-mih/sag 79-tra/was 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 96-tru/wak cont.
5.1 C1 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Methane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 353.15 2.140 ± 0.070 360.94 1.540 ± 0.300 373.15 2.232 ± 0.220 373.15 2.144 ± 0.210 373.15 2.030 ± 0.150 373.15 2.010 ± 0.150 373.15 1.834 ± 0.020 373.15 2.120 ± 0.070 373.15 1.803 ± 0.050 373.15 2.526 ± 0.500 373.15 1.961 ± 0.150 373.15 1.810 ± 0.200 373.16 1.915 ± 0.100 373.16 1.871 ± 0.050 373.16 1.866 ± 0.100 373.16 1.505 ± 0.500 375.00 1.840 ± 0.100 377.60 1.513 ± 0.300 393.15 1.880 ± 0.070 394.27 1.468 ± 0.300 398.15 1.750 ± 0.180 398.15 1.999 ± 0.200 398.15 1.880 ± 0.140 398.15 1.800 ± 0.140 398.15 1.727 ± 0.020 398.15 1.696 ± 0.050 398.15 1.797 ± 0.150 398.15 1.730 ± 0.200 398.15 1.900 ± 0.190 398.15 2.000 ± 0.190 398.16 1.732 ± 0.050 398.16 1.767 ± 0.100 398.17 1.818 ± 0.150 410.94 1.466 ± 0.300 423.15 1.656 ± 0.170 423.15 1.767 ± 0.180 423.15 1.760 ± 0.140 423.15 1.560 ± 0.140 423.15 1.640 ± 0.020 423.15 1.605 ± 0.050 423.15 1.595 ± 0.150 423.15 1.670 ± 0.200 423.16 1.658 ± 0.050 423.16 1.590 ± 0.100 423.16 1.462 ± 0.500 423.18 1.735 ± 0.150 _________
T K 427.60 444.27 448.15 448.15 448.16 448.20 460.94 473.15 473.15 473.16 473.16 473.16 473.21 477.60 494.27 498.15 498.15 498.16 498.23 510.94 523.15 523.15 523.15 523.15 523.15 523.16 523.25 548.15 548.15 548.16 548.26 573.15 573.15 573.15 573.15 573.15 573.16 573.28 598.15 598.15 598.16 598.29 623.15 623.15 623.15 623.15 _________
71-ng 74-pom/spu 35-mic/ned 36-mic/ned 58-sch/mas 58-sch/mas 64-dou/har 71-ng 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 79-tra/was 70-hol 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 96-tru/wak 74-pom/spu 71-ng 74-pom/spu 35-mic/ned 36-mic/ned 58-sch/mas 58-sch/mas 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 79-tra/was 82-ohg/nak-1 82-ohg/nak-1 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 70-hol 74-pom/spu 35-mic/ned 36-mic/ned 58-sch/mas 58-sch/mas 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 79-tra/was 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 70-hol
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.475 ± 0.300 1.451 ± 0.300 1.585 ± 0.020 1.532 ± 0.050 1.566 ± 0.050 1.669 ± 0.150 1.457 ± 0.300 1.514 ± 0.020 1.479 ± 0.050 1.501 ± 0.050 2.071 ± 0.500 1.384 ± 0.500 1.611 ± 0.150 1.437 ± 0.300 1.426 ± 0.300 1.465 ± 0.020 1.415 ± 0.050 1.419 ± 0.050 1.562 ± 0.150 1.401 ± 0.300 1.420 ± 0.020 1.358 ± 0.050 1.325 ± 0.500 1.325 ± 0.500 1.150 ± 0.040 1.352 ± 0.050 1.520 ± 0.150 1.385 ± 0.020 1.319 ± 0.050 1.312 ± 0.050 1.483 ± 0.150 1.360 ± 0.020 1.293 ± 0.050 1.337 ± 0.225 1.336 ± 0.200 1.470 ± 0.010 1.282 ± 0.050 1.450 ± 0.150 1.345 ± 0.020 1.275 ± 0.050 1.267 ± 0.050 1.420 ± 0.150 1.330 ± 0.020 1.241 ± 0.050 1.274 ± 0.160 1.274 ± 0.100
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 70-hol 74-pom/spu 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 70-hol 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 70-hol 74-pom/spu 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 93-abd/baz 93-abd/baz-1 96-abd/baz 74-pom/spu 70-hol 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 70-hol 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 93-abd/baz 93-abd/baz-1 96-abd/baz 74-pom/spu 70-hol 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 70-hol 64-dou/har 74-pom/spu 93-abd/baz 93-abd/baz-1 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.1 C1 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Methane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 623.15 1.650 ± 0.100 623.16 1.243 ± 0.050 623.30 1.393 ± 0.150 648.15 1.242 ± 0.100 648.15 1.700 ± 0.050 _________
96-abd/baz 74-pom/spu 70-hol 93-abd/baz-1 96-abd/baz
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Cexp ± δC Ref. 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 308.10 -16000.0 ± 2400.0 84-bic/pie 356.15 -3160.0 ± 474.0 84-bic/pie 356.95 -2740.0 ± 411.0 84-bic/pie 362.75 -2380.0 ± 357.0 84-bic/pie 363.25 -2400.0 ± 360.0 84-bic/pie 373.15 1069.3 ± 214.0 93-sha/naz-2 383.17 -994.5 ± 60.0 89-olf/sch 398.15 89.6 ± 17.9 93-sha/naz-2 398.16 -433.9 ± 60.0 89-olf/sch 413.10 -207.0 ± 31.1 84-bic/pie 413.25 -261.9 ± 60.0 89-olf/sch 413.31 -275.5 ± 60.0 89-olf/sch 423.15 45.8 ± 9.2 93-sha/naz-2 423.16 -174.0 ± 5.0 69-kel/mcl 423.16 -188.0 ± 4.0 69-kel/mcl 433.10 -175.0 ± 26.3 84-bic/pie 433.13 -152.2 ± 60.0 89-olf/sch 448.15 7.9 ± 1.6 93-sha/naz-2 448.16 -64.1 ± 1.6 69-kel/mcl 448.16 -65.6 ± 0.9 69-kel/mcl _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 648.31 653.15 653.15 673.15 673.31 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 1.369 ± 0.150 1.242 ± 0.150 1.240 ± 0.010 1.850 ± 0.080 1.346 ± 0.150
T K 453.10 473.10 473.15 473.16 473.16 473.16 473.16 493.10 498.15 498.16 498.16 503.10 513.10 513.15 523.10 533.10 543.10 553.10 563.10 573.10 _________
70-hol 93-abd/baz 96-abd/baz 96-abd/baz 70-hol
MW = 32.04
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 -41.5 ± 6.3 -21.7 ± 3.3 0.8 ± 0.2 -15.3 ± 0.7 -15.7 ± 1.9 -19.9 ± 0.3 -18.3 ± 0.5 -1.8 ± 0.3 3.8 ± 0.8 -7.1 ± 0.5 -7.6 ± 0.6 2.5 ± 0.4 9.4 ± 1.5 0.5 ± 0.1 8.9 ± 1.5 8.6 ± 1.4 7.5 ± 1.2 7.2 ± 1.2 7.0 ± 1.2 6.3 ± 1.0
84-bic/pie 84-bic/pie 93-sha/naz-2 69-kel/mcl 69-kel/mcl 69-kel/mcl 69-kel/mcl 84-bic/pie 93-sha/naz-2 69-kel/mcl 69-kel/mcl 84-bic/pie 84-bic/pie 93-sha/naz-2 84-bic/pie 84-bic/pie 84-bic/pie 84-bic/pie 84-bic/pie 84-bic/pie
5.2 C2 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
5.2 C2 Organic Compounds 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethene
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 273.00 31.20 ± 1.00 80-kle/bor 283.00 32.00 ± 1.00 80-kle/bor 293.00 27.80 ± 1.00 80-kle/bor _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 260.00 -1099.0 ± 49.0 91-goo/mol-1 275.00 -563.0 ± 25.0 91-goo/mol-1 290.00 -277.0 ± 12.0 91-goo/mol-1 305.00 -121.0 ± 5.0 91-goo/mol-1 320.00 -357.0 ± 3.0 91-goo/mol-1 335.00 10.8 ± 2.0 91-goo/mol-1 _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 330.00 340.00 350.00 363.15 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 235.00 -255.00 ± 9.00 90-goo/mol 245.00 -153.00 ± 5.00 90-goo/mol 260.00 -64.10 ± 2.00 90-goo/mol 275.00 -17.20 ± 1.00 90-goo/mol 290.00 7.40 ± 1.00 90-goo/mol 300.00 16.70 ± 1.00 90-goo/mol 310.00 22.50 ± 1.00 90-goo/mol 320.00 25.90 ± 1.00 90-goo/mol 320.00 -33.32 ± 2.00 92-qia/sat _________
T K 363.00 373.00 393.00 413.00 433.07 453.00 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 280.00 20.82 ± 0.60 95-boy/web 290.00 25.56 ± 0.60 95-boy/web 300.00 27.58 ± 0.60 95-boy/web 310.00 27.96 ± 0.60 95-boy/web 320.00 27.37 ± 0.60 95-boy/web _________
T K 303.00 313.00 323.00 _________
T K 330.00 330.00 340.00 340.00 360.00 380.00 400.00 420.00 440.00 _________
MW = 100.02
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 21.30 ± 1.00 22.97 ± 1.00 27.72 ± 1.00
80-kle/bor 80-kle/bor 80-kle/bor
MW = 152.93
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 46.5 ± 2.0 51.0 ± 2.0 53.7 ± 2.0 52.1 ± 2.0 48.7 ± 2.0 44.9 ± 2.0
91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1 91-goo/mol-1
MW = 120.02
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 26.31 ± 0.60 24.97 ± 0.60 23.54 ± 0.60 21.80 ± 1.00
95-boy/web 95-boy/web 95-boy/web 95-boy/web
MW = 102.03
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 27.70 ± 1.00 -34.40 ± 2.00 28.50 ± 1.00 -31.79 ± 2.00 28.00 ± 1.00 26.40 ± 1.00 24.40 ± 0.70 22.30 ± 0.70 20.50 ± 0.70
90-goo/mol 92-qia/sat 90-goo/mol 92-qia/sat 90-goo/mol 90-goo/mol 90-goo/mol 90-goo/mol 90-goo/mol
5.2 C2 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 354.85 30.0 ± 1.5 64-per/dia 375.13 43.0 ± 2.2 64-per/dia _________
T K 353.15 353.15 359.98 360.00 363.15 363.15 373.15 373.15 380.00 380.00 383.15 393.15 399.98 400.00 403.15 420.00 440.00 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 30.0 ± 1.5
T K 443.15 443.15 460.00 463.15 480.00 500.00 520.00
Ref. 64-per/dia
MW = 84.04
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 33.67 ± 4.00 26.40 ± 3.00 34.70 ± 4.00 254.60 ± 24.00 31.13 ± 3.00 21.70 ± 3.00 28.70 ± 3.00 28.30 ± 3.00 214.58 ± 20.00 30.50 ± 3.00 17.70 ± 3.00 17.30 ± 3.00 27.40 ± 3.00 182.58 ± 18.00 12.40 ± 3.00 156.68 ± 18.00 135.49 ± 19.00
MW = 133.40
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 403.15 1105.0 ± 25.3 94-war 418.25 1041.0 ± 200.0 89-olf/sch 423.15 999.0 ± 20.0 94-war 423.15 1017.0 ± 20.9 94-war 432.65 590.0 ± 60.0 89-olf/sch 433.05 615.0 ± 60.0 89-olf/sch 433.15 936.0 ± 16.8 94-war _________
T K 398.98 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 250.01 8.60 ± 10.00 97-gil 260.00 729.05 ± 80.00 95-giu/kum 276.15 41.64 ± 4.00 96-web/def-2 280.00 571.45 ± 60.00 95-giu/kum 283.15 44.09 ± 4.00 96-web/def-2 289.96 51.70 ± 5.00 97-gil 293.15 45.39 ± 4.00 96-web/def-2 300.00 456.57 ± 40.00 95-giu/kum 303.15 44.96 ± 4.00 96-web/def-2 313.15 43.45 ± 4.00 96-web/def-2 319.44 45.80 ± 5.00 97-gil 320.00 370.78 ± 35.00 95-giu/kum 323.15 41.32 ± 4.00 96-web/def-2 333.15 38.87 ± 4.00 96-web/def-2 339.91 39.80 ± 4.00 97-gil 340.00 305.37 ± 28.00 95-giu/kum 343.15 36.27 ± 4.00 96-web/def-2 _________
96-web/def-2 97-nak/fuj 97-gil 95-giu/kum 96-web/def-2 97-nak/fuj 96-web/def-2 97-nak/fuj 95-giu/kum 97-gil 97-nak/fuj 97-nak/fuj 97-gil 95-giu/kum 97-nak/fuj 95-giu/kum 95-giu/kum
MW = 41.05
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 653.0 ± 2.7 810.0 ± 10.5 425.0 ± 50.0 442.0 ± 7.9 428.0 ± 50.0 327.0 ± 40.0 226.0 ± 30.0
94-war 94-war 93-dem/koh 94-war 93-dem/koh 93-dem/koh 93-dem/koh
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.2 C2 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 223.15 2.364 ± 0.200 81-lev/has 233.15 5.044 ± 0.200 81-lev/has 238.15 7.350 ± 0.548 76-dou/har 243.15 7.800 ± 0.570 76-dou/har 243.15 7.927 ± 0.200 81-lev/has 243.60 8.400 ± 2.000 76-lee 247.10 8.700 ± 1.500 76-lee 248.15 7.960 ± 0.578 76-dou/har 251.10 8.900 ± 1.500 76-lee 253.15 8.090 ± 0.585 76-dou/har 253.15 7.125 ± 0.200 81-lev/has 254.30 9.100 ± 1.500 76-lee 256.97 -3.734 ± 0.706 88-hae/ker 256.97 4.912 ± 4.550 88-hae/ker 258.15 8.220 ± 0.591 76-dou/har 258.90 9.300 ± 1.000 76-lee 263.15 7.500 ± 0.300 64-but/dad 263.15 8.180 ± 0.589 76-dou/har 263.15 7.783 ± 0.200 81-lev/has 266.60 9.400 ± 1.000 76-lee 268.15 8.020 ± 0.581 76-dou/har 268.87 6.661 ± 0.596 88-hae/ker 268.87 8.178 ± 5.050 88-hae/ker 270.40 9.400 ± 1.000 76-lee 271.80 10.337 ± 1.000 27-cro/wat 273.06 8.363 ± 0.840 27-cro/wat 273.15 1.906 ± 0.100 36-mic/gru 273.15 8.091 ± 0.400 42-mic/gel 273.15 7.400 ± 0.300 64-but/dad 273.15 -7.250 ± 0.360 66-tho/zan 273.15 8.155 ± 0.150 75-tra/was 273.15 7.900 ± 0.575 76-dou/har 273.15 7.775 ± 0.360 79-wax/dav 273.15 7.665 ± 0.200 81-lev/has 273.16 5.784 ± 0.300 74-pom/spu 273.80 9.300 ± 1.000 76-lee 278.15 7.760 ± 0.568 76-dou/har 278.80 9.200 ± 1.000 76-lee 279.15 7.952 ± 0.150 75-tra/was 282.35 7.640 ± 0.562 76-dou/har 282.60 12.452 ± 0.070 88-hae/ker 282.60 11.143 ± 0.580 88-hae/ker 283.10 9.100 ± 1.000 76-lee 283.15 7.350 ± 0.300 64-but/dad 283.15 -4.780 ± 0.240 66-tho/zan 283.15 7.600 ± 0.560 76-dou/har 283.15 7.720 ± 0.436 90-ach/bos ________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 283.15 283.33 283.65 285.65 288.15 288.15 288.80 289.15 292.60 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.15 293.34 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.16 298.32 298.32 299.65 303.00 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 310.00 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.16 318.04 318.04 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 _________
MW = 28.05
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 7.920 ± 0.654 11.023 ± 1.100 7.695 ± 0.150 7.423 ± 0.150 7.580 ± 0.559 7.640 ± 0.432 8.800 ± 1.000 7.024 ± 0.100 8.600 ± 1.000 -0.860 ± 0.045 6.747 ± 0.100 7.390 ± 0.550 7.580 ± 0.429 7.712 ± 0.640 9.439 ± 0.940 2.535 ± 0.130 7.644 ± 0.400 7.453 ± 0.400 9.790 ± 2.600 14.300 ± 4.900 6.664 ± 0.100 7.200 ± 0.540 7.165 ± 0.320 6.900 ± 2.000 5.600 ± 1.200 7.420 ± 0.421 5.404 ± 0.300 8.613 ± 0.406 9.544 ± 1.080 7.150 ± 0.300 6.940 ± 0.397 1.680 ± 0.085 6.533 ± 0.100 7.040 ± 0.532 7.245 ± 0.607 6.630 ± 0.400 6.950 ± 0.300 3.320 ± 0.170 7.082 ± 0.596 5.134 ± 0.300 8.389 ± 0.466 8.593 ± 2.000 1.832 ± 0.090 6.743 ± 0.300 6.658 ± 0.300 6.750 ± 0.300 4.460 ± 0.220
93-mce/fan 27-cro/wat 75-tra/was 75-tra/was 76-dou/har 90-ach/bos 76-lee 75-tra/was 76-lee 66-tho/zan 75-tra/was 76-dou/har 90-ach/bos 93-mce/fan 27-cro/wat 36-mic/gru 42-mic/gel 42-mic/gel 70-lee/edm 70-lee/edm 75-tra/was 76-dou/har 79-wax/dav 81-ohg/miz 81-ohg/miz 90-ach/bos 74-pom/spu 88-hae/ker 88-hae/ker 64-but/dad 90-ach/bos 66-tho/zan 75-tra/was 76-dou/har 93-mce/fan 85-mol-1 64-but/dad 66-tho/zan 93-mce/fan 74-pom/spu 88-hae/ker 88-hae/ker 36-mic/gru 42-mic/gel 42-mic/gel 64-but/dad 66-tho/zan cont.
5.2 C2 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Ethene (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 323.15 7.050 ± 0.400 323.15 7.500 ± 1.500 323.15 5.584 ± 0.100 323.15 6.540 ± 0.507 323.15 6.560 ± 0.280 323.15 6.580 ± 0.379 323.15 6.567 ± 0.560 323.16 5.169 ± 0.250 333.15 6.450 ± 0.300 333.15 6.420 ± 0.549 343.15 6.150 ± 0.300 348.15 0.739 ± 0.040 348.15 5.999 ± 0.300 348.15 5.883 ± 0.300 348.15 5.980 ± 0.800 348.15 6.320 ± 0.470 348.15 6.589 ± 0.100 348.15 5.870 ± 0.474 348.15 5.960 ± 0.348 348.16 4.830 ± 0.200 348.16 5.885 ± 0.260 353.15 5.800 ± 0.300 363.15 5.400 ± 0.300 373.15 0.004 ± 0.010 373.15 5.464 ± 0.300 373.15 5.302 ± 0.300 373.15 5.150 ± 0.300 373.15 4.490 ± 0.220 _________
70-lee/edm 70-lee/edm 75-tra/was 76-dou/har 79-wax/dav 90-ach/bos 93-mce/fan 74-pom/spu 64-but/dad 93-mce/fan 64-but/dad 36-mic/gru 42-mic/gel 42-mic/gel 70-lee/edm 70-lee/edm 75-tra/was 76-dou/har 90-ach/bos 74-pom/spu 79-wax/dav 64-but/dad 64-but/dad 36-mic/gru 42-mic/gel 42-mic/gel 64-but/dad 67-ku /dod
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Cexp ± δC Ref. 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 242.78 -188.40 ± 150.00 97-gil 273.13 24.70 ± 5.00 97-gil 289.95 49.20 ± 5.00 97-gil 300.13 53.50 ± 5.00 97-gil 309.99 54.00 ± 5.00 97-gil 329.95 49.80 ± 5.00 97-gil 349.99 43.60 ± 4.00 97-gil 360.00 30.48 ± 2.00 92-tam/sat-2 369.98 37.70 ± 4.00 97-gil _________
T K 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.16 373.16 373.16 373.16 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.16 398.16 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.16 423.17 448.15 448.17 473.15 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 5.211 ± 0.100 5.320 ± 0.446 5.400 ± 0.320 4.385 ± 0.200 4.169 ± 0.200 4.751 ± 0.200 5.280 ± 0.240 1.096 ± 0.050 4.990 ± 0.200 4.703 ± 0.200 4.631 ± 0.100 4.820 ± 0.421 4.600 ± 0.460 4.700 ± 0.460 4.347 ± 0.200 4.820 ± 0.220 1.831 ± 0.090 4.670 ± 0.200 4.827 ± 0.200 2.650 ± 0.300 4.340 ± 0.100 4.460 ± 0.403 3.813 ± 0.200 4.410 ± 0.200 4.120 ± 0.386 4.140 ± 0.190 -0.200 ± 0.300
T K 370.00 380.00 390.00 399.96 400.00 410.00 420.00 430.00 440.00 _________
75-tra/was 76-dou/har 90-ach/bos 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 79-wax/dav 36-mic/gru 42-mic/gel 42-mic/gel 75-tra/was 76-dou/har 82-ohg/nak-1 82-ohg/nak-1 74-pom/spu 79-wax/dav 36-mic/gru 42-mic/gel 42-mic/gel 64-but/dad 75-tra/was 76-dou/har 74-pom/spu 79-wax/dav 76-dou/har 79-wax/dav 64-but/dad
MW = 66.05
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 29.56 ± 2.00 27.44 ± 2.00 25.95 ± 2.00 30.90 ± 3.00 24.76 ± 1.00 22.45 ± 1.00 21.29 ± 1.00 19.57 ± 0.50 16.81 ± 0.50
92-tam/sat-2 92-tam/sat-2 92-tam/sat-2 97-gil 92-tam/sat-2 92-tam/sat-2 92-tam/sat-2 92-tam/sat-2 92-tam/sat-2
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.2 C2 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 294.25 -7750 ± 1000 66-str-3 310.85 -3240 ± 600 66-str-3 327.55 -1300 ± 300 66-str-3 _________
Ethanoic acid
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 548.33 548.33 574.08 _________
T K 298.15 298.15 298.16 298.16 298.20 298.32 298.32 298.35 298.35 300.00 303.15 303.15 305.45 305.45 306.06 308.00 310.94 310.94 311.10 312.00 313.15 316.00 320.00 320.00 322.75 322.96
66-str-3 66-str-3
MW = 60.05
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 848 ± 425 934 ± 470 482 ± 240
MW = 44.05
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 -560 ± 200 -270 ± 60
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 209.53 -58.700 ± 20.800 73-pop/cha 215.00 -71.100 ± 7.100 66-hoo/lel 215.00 -71.100 ± 7.000 68-hoo/nag 238.77 3.704 ± 0.480 73-pop/cha 240.00 -2.570 ± 0.100 66-hoo/lel 240.00 -2.570 ± 0.100 68-hoo/nag 254.81 8.504 ± 0.786 73-pop/cha 256.71 -4.044 ± 2.214 88-hae/ker 256.71 5.813 ± 11.500 88-hae/ker 269.19 7.097 ± 0.457 88-hae/ker 269.19 7.073 ± 3.620 88-hae/ker 273.15 10.607 ± 0.500 54-mic/van 273.15 11.372 ± 0.100 68-hoo/nag 273.15 10.360 ± 0.698 73-dou/har 273.15 10.360 ± 0.055 73-pop/cha 273.15 10.467 ± 0.700 74-pom/spu 273.15 10.470 ± 0.500 87-jae 273.16 11.847 ± 0.500 74-pom/spu 273.20 10.607 ± 0.500 54-mic/van 282.84 9.088 ± 0.277 88-hae/ker 282.84 10.312 ± 2.150 88-hae/ker 293.15 10.240 ± 0.400 87-jae 298.14 10.738 ± 0.500 54-mic/van 298.15 10.600 ± 0.710 73-dou/har 298.15 10.312 ± 0.600 74-pom/spu 298.15 10.900 ± 1.800 80-kat/ohg _________
T K 344.25 360.95 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 473.65 22780 ± 10000 96-bic/neu 496.72 7118 ± 3500 96-bic/neu 525.34 1323 ± 650 96-bic/neu _________
96-bic/neu 96-bic/neu 96-bic/neu
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 13.500 ± 3.600 11.840 ± 0.300 14.247 ± 4.000 10.377 ± 0.500 9.852 ± 0.500 12.344 ± 0.207 12.321 ± 1.920 12.181 ± 0.145 11.458 ± 1.120 10.614 ± 0.010 10.400 ± 0.700 9.921 ± 0.600 13.177 ± 0.426 12.507 ± 2.750 10.030 ± 0.559 9.300 ± 0.300 9.100 ± 2.000 8.486 ± 1.000 9.811 ± 0.500 8.900 ± 0.300 9.720 ± 0.400 8.800 ± 0.300 9.641 ± 0.070 9.733 ± 0.010 9.671 ± 0.500 7.408 ± 0.278
363 Ref.
80-kat/ohg 93-sta/hou 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 88-hae/ker 88-hae/ker 88-hae/ker 88-hae/ker 96-hou/hol 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 88-hae/ker 88-hae/ker 73-pop/cha 76-str/tsu 52-dav/ham 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 76-str/tsu 87-jae 76-str/tsu 92-web 96-hou/hol 54-mic/van 88-hae/ker cont.
5.2 C2 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Ethane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 322.96 7.394 ± 1.291 323.15 9.650 ± 0.663 323.15 9.070 ± 0.500 323.15 9.430 ± 1.800 323.15 9.555 ± 0.050 323.16 11.377 ± 4.000 323.16 10.212 ± 0.500 323.20 10.123 ± 0.500 333.15 9.030 ± 0.400 344.27 8.300 ± 2.000 344.27 7.649 ± 1.000 344.49 9.061 ± 0.500 347.65 8.576 ± 0.400 348.15 8.660 ± 0.613 348.15 7.907 ± 0.500 348.15 7.920 ± 1.800 348.15 8.554 ± 0.070 348.16 10.509 ± 4.000 348.16 9.918 ± 0.500 348.20 9.832 ± 0.500 353.15 8.280 ± 0.400 372.38 6.508 ± 0.500 372.52 7.709 ± 0.400 373.15 7.720 ± 0.566 373.15 6.989 ± 0.500 373.15 6.240 ± 1.800 373.15 7.729 ± 0.050 373.16 9.649 ± 4.000 373.16 9.053 ± 0.500 373.20 8.985 ± 0.400 377.60 7.400 ± 2.000 377.60 7.347 ± 1.000 394.05 6.218 ± 0.500 397.84 7.001 ± 0.350 398.15 6.960 ± 0.528 398.15 6.119 ± 0.500 398.15 8.280 ± 1.600 398.15 6.984 ± 0.040 398.16 8.727 ± 4.000 398.16 8.695 ± 0.500 398.20 8.248 ± 0.400 _________
T K 410.94 410.94 422.70 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.16 423.16 423.20 444.27 444.27 448.15 448.15 448.15 448.15 448.16 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.16 477.60 477.60 498.15 498.15 498.16 510.94 510.94 523.15 523.15 523.16 548.15 548.15 573.15 573.15 598.15 598.15 623.15 623.15 ________
88-hae/ker 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 87-jae 52-dav/ham 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 87-jae 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 52-dav/ham 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 6.600 ± 2.000 6.634 ± 1.000 6.376 ± 0.300 6.260 ± 0.493 5.506 ± 0.500 8.390 ± 1.400 6.534 ± 0.040 7.268 ± 4.000 7.953 ± 0.500 7.279 ± 0.400 6.000 ± 2.000 5.881 ± 1.000 5.680 ± 0.464 4.902 ± 0.500 6.530 ± 1.200 5.952 ± 0.060 7.066 ± 4.000 5.290 ± 0.445 4.174 ± 0.500 6.510 ± 1.000 5.480 ± 0.040 8.138 ± 4.000 5.400 ± 2.000 5.070 ± 1.000 4.840 ± 0.422 3.776 ± 0.500 8.406 ± 4.000 4.700 ± 2.000 4.773 ± 1.000 4.500 ± 0.405 3.125 ± 0.500 8.712 ± 4.000 4.130 ± 0.387 2.797 ± 0.500 3.860 ± 0.373 1.969 ± 0.500 3.540 ± 0.357 1.040 ± 0.500 3.270 ± 0.344 0.479 ± 0.500
52-dav/ham 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 54-mic/van 52-dav/ham 74-pom/spu 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 74-pom/spu 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 77-man/hal 81-man/hal 74-pom/spu 52-dav/ham 74-pom/spu 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 52-dav/ham 74-pom/spu 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu 73-dou/har 74-pom/spu
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.3 C3 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
5.3 C3 Organic Compounds 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane
MW = 170.03
MW = 152.04
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 357.39 33500 ± 4000 92-sal/wan _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 267.15 -1580.6 ± 1000.0 97-gil 277.84 -718.5 ± 500.0 97-gil 288.70 -281.5 ± 200.0 97-gil 299.30 -71.1 ± 60.0 97-gil _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 311.37 -206.4 ± 150 97-gil 329.43 -10.4 ± 20 97-gil 350.01 57.2 ± 10 97-gil _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 370.00 399.96 ________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 348.15 15.12 ± 0.5 65-bre 348.16 15.86 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu 373.15 15.70 ± 0.5 65-bre 373.16 14.31 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu 398.15 14.75 ± 0.5 65-bre 398.16 12.99 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu 402.40 14.23 ± 0.5 65-bre 402.41 12.11 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu 408.15 13.50 ± 0.5 65-bre 408.16 12.26 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu _________
T K 320.76 342.43 356.04 376.90 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 75.1 ± 10.0 90.9 ± 10.0 83.3 ± 10.0 67.4 ± 10.0
T K 413.15 413.16 418.15 418.16 423.15 423.16 448.15 448.16 473.15 473.16
97-gil 97-gil 97-gil 97-gil
MW = 134.05
Cexp ± δC 103cm6 · mol-2 70.8 ± 10 62.2 ± 10
97-gil 97-gil
MW = 40.06
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 13.42 ± 0.5 13.26 ± 2.0 13.15 ± 0.5 13.68 ± 2.0 13.90 ± 0.5 13.90 ± 2.0 13.35 ± 0.5 14.07 ± 2.0 13.04 ± 0.5 15.44 ± 2.0
65-bre 74-pom/spu 65-bre 74-pom/spu 65-bre 74-pom/spu 65-bre 74-pom/spu 65-bre 74-pom/spu
5.3 C3 Organic compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 277.60 -74.12 ± 50.00 74-pom/spu 294.27 34.37 ± 7.00 74-pom/spu 298.15 14.07 ± 0.70 53-mic/was-1 298.15 13.36 ± 2.00 74-pom/spu 298.16 17.10 ± 4.00 74-pom/spu 310.94 26.76 ± 5.00 74-pom/spu 318.15 15.80 ± 0.80 53-mic/was-1 318.15 12.92 ± 2.00 74-pom/spu 323.15 16.13 ± 0.80 53-mic/was-1 323.15 9.94 ± 2.00 74-pom/spu 323.15 30.18 ± 6.00 74-pom/spu 323.16 17.15 ± 4.00 74-pom/spu 327.60 19.04 ± 4.00 74-pom/spu 344.27 18.00 ± 4.00 74-pom/spu 348.15 13.75 ± 0.70 53-mic/was-1 348.15 7.80 ± 2.00 74-pom/spu 348.15 25.72 ± 5.00 74-pom/spu 348.16 9.79 ± 4.00 74-pom/spu 355.38 16.56 ± 3.00 74-pom/spu 360.94 14.53 ± 3.00 74-pom/spu 364.56 14.88 ± 4.00 74-pom/spu 373.15 12.51 ± 0.60 53-mic/was-1 373.15 6.35 ± 2.00 74-pom/spu 373.15 15.08 ± 3.00 74-pom/spu 373.16 11.99 ± 3.00 74-pom/spu 377.60 13.81 ± 3.00 74-pom/spu 380.13 15.05 ± 0.05 78-war/wie-1 380.13 16.04 ± 0.05 78-war/wie-1 393.20 15.14 ± 0.05 78-war/wie-1 393.21 14.82 ± 0.05 78-war/wie-1 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 353.52 16.0 ± 0.8 64-per/dia 372.40 20.0 ± 1.0 64-per/dia _________
T K 393.21 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.15 398.16 407.51 407.51 410.94 423.00 423.00 423.15 423.15 423.15 423.16 444.27 448.15 448.16 473.15 473.16 477.60 498.15 498.16 510.94 523.15 523.16 548.16 573.16 _________
T K 401.11 422.88 _________
MW = 42.08
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 15.38 ± 0.05 11.27 ± 0.60 5.73 ± 2.00 13.41 ± 3.00 12.00 ± 1.20 13.00 ± 1.30 10.59 ± 3.00 13.98 ± 0.05 14.45 ± 0.05 12.18 ± 3.00 13.31 ± 0.05 13.75 ± 0.05 10.85 ± 0.50 4.90 ± 2.00 12.70 ± 3.00 3.99 ± 3.00 10.39 ± 2.00 11.83 ± 2.00 8.36 ± 3.00 10.86 ± 2.00 5.57 ± 3.00 7.22 ± 2.00 10.33 ± 2.00 4.55 ± 3.00 6.45 ± 2.00 10.04 ± 2.00 3.22 ± 3.00 5.75 ± 3.00 6.06 ± 3.00
78-war/wie-1 53-mic/was-1 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 82-ohg/nak-1 82-ohg/nak-1 74-pom/spu 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 74-pom/spu 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 53-mic/was-1 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 112.99
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 16.0 ± 0.8 2.0 ± 0.1
64-per/dia 64-per/dia
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.3 C3 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 298.15 64000 ± 6400 68-and/kud 323.15 38200 ± 3800 68-and/kud 348.15 19700 ± 2000 68-and/kud 373.15 9100 ± 910 68-and/kud 393.10 -14 ± 10 89-olf/sch _________
Methyl ethanoate
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 413.18 423.12 433.05 _________
T K 373.16 375.00 380.96 393.19 393.19 393.19 398.15 398.15 398.16 398.16 407.43 407.43 407.50 407.50 407.50 422.97 422.97 422.97 423.02 423.15 423.16 423.16 448.15 448.16
68-and/kud 89-olf/sch 68-and/kud 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch
MW = 74.08
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 68.4 ± 4.0 93.0 ± 6.0 94.8 ± 6.0
MW = 58.08
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 5100 ± 510 88 ± 10 3000 ± 300 45 ± 10 123 ± 20
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 225.00 -108.40 ± 2.0 96-tru/wak 250.00 -22.20 ± 2.0 96-tru/wak 275.00 7.50 ± 2.0 96-tru/wak 300.00 17.60 ± 2.0 96-tru/wak 303.16 62.76 ± 60.0 74-pom/spu 323.15 22.47 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu 325.00 20.20 ± 2.0 96-tru/wak 343.15 19.16 ± 1.5 82-tho/har 348.15 19.09 ± 1.50 82-tho/har 348.16 29.98 ± 15.0 74-pom/spu 350.00 20.10 ± 2.0 96-tru/wak 353.15 19.78 ± 1.5 82-tho/har 358.15 19.91 ± 1.5 82-tho/har 363.15 20.00 ± 1.5 82-tho/har 365.15 19.82 ± 1.5 82-tho/har 368.15 20.35 ± 1.0 82-tho/har 369.15 20.30 ± 1.5 82-tho/har 369.97 19.45 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu 373.15 19.12 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu 373.15 20.30 ± 0.4 78-war/wie-1 373.15 21.40 ± 0.5 78-war/wie-1 373.15 19.95 ± 1.5 82-tho/har 373.15 24.78 ± 0.5 88-patjof 373.16 19.12 ± 2.0 74-pom/spu _________
T K 398.15 418.00 423.15 433.10 433.10 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Cexp ± δC Ref. 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 383.05 26.0 ± 3.0 89-olf/sch 393.16 41.4 ± 3.0 89-olf/sch 403.13 63.3 ± 4.0 89-olf/sch _________
89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch
MW = 44.10
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 15.89 ± 2.0 18.90 ± 2.0 18.29 ± 2.0 17.83 ± 0.4 18.60 ± 0.5 16.22 ± 0.5 16.92 ± 2.0 18.25 ± 1.5 17.16 ± 2.0 15.55 ± 2.0 17.07 ± 0.4 17.56 ± 0.5 16.38 ± 0.4 17.29 ± 0.5 12.58 ± 0.5 15.76 ± 0.4 16.10 ± 0.5 12.13 ± 0.5 16.20 ± 0.4 16.27 ± 1.4 16.80 ± 1.5 14.96 ± 2.0 14.80 ± 1.3 14.62 ± 2.0
74-pom/spu 96-tru/wak 74-pom/spu 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 88-patjof 74-pom/spu 82-tho/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 88-patjof 78-war/wie-1 78-war/wie-1 88-patjof 78-war/wie-1 82-tho/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 82-tho/har 74-pom/spu cont.
5.3 C3 Organic compounds - Third Virials
Propane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 473.15 13.40 ± 1.3 473.16 15.43 ± 1.0 473.16 14.37 ± 2.0 498.15 12.40 ± 1.2 498.16 13.09 ± 2.0 523.15 11.50 ± 1.1 523.16 12.78 ± 2.0 526.38 13.84 ± 1.0 _________
82-tho/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 82-tho/har 74-pom/spu 82-tho/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 373.15 -702 ± 35 67-mor/mck 373.15 -669 ± 30 67-mor/mck 398.15 -439 ± 20 67-mor/mck 398.15 -312 ± 12 67-mor/mck 398.15 -264 ± 12 67-mor/mck 423.15 -83 ± 4 67-mor/mck _________
T K 423.15 448.15 448.15 473.15 473.15 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 423.15 471.29 ± 94.40 93-sha/naz-2 448.15 151.32 ± 30.40 93-sha/naz-2 473.55 23.04 ± 4.71 93-sha/naz-2 _________
T K 548.15 548.16 570.46 573.15 598.15 609.32 623.15 _________
T K 498.15 523.15 537.15 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 10.80 ± 1.0 12.63 ± 2.0 12.54 ± 1.0 10.10 ± 1.0 9.41 ± 0.9 9.37 ± 1.0 8.78 ± 0.9
82-tho/har 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 82-tho/har 82-tho/har 74-pom/spu 82-tho/har
MW = 60.10
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 -76 ± 4 -9 ± 2 -17 ± 2 24 ± 2 28 ± 2
67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck 67-mor/mck
MW = 60.10
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 0.93 ± 0.29 -3.54 ± 1.00 -2.73 ± 1.00
93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds Octafluorocyclobutane
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 388.38 46.40 ± 2.20 59-dou/moo 398.16 45.30 ± 2.18 59-dou/moo 423.16 41.90 ± 2.13 59-dou/moo 448.16 38.50 ± 2.08 59-dou/moo 473.16 34.70 ± 2.02 59-dou/moo 498.16 31.40 ± 1.97 59-dou/moo _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 473.16 498.16 523.16 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 323.11 -19.00 ± 0.95 64-per/dia 348.18 -3.00 ± 0.15 64-per/dia _________
T K 360.00 380.00 400.00 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 377.60 21.3 ± 5.0 74-pom/spu 410.94 19.5 ± 5.0 74-pom/spu 444.27 18.5 ± 5.0 74-pom/spu 448.16 24.8 ± 5.0 74-pom/spu _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 300.00 -628.0 ± 500.0 97-def/car 320.00 -195.0 ± 150.0 97-def/car 340.00 -20.5 ± 15.0 97-def/car _________
T K 523.16 548.16 573.16 598.16 623.16
T K 373.26 396.86 _________
MW = 200.03
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 28.10 ± 1.92 25.80 ± 1.89 23.50 ± 1.85 21.60 ± 1.82 20.10 ± 1.80
59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo 59-dou/moo
MW = 202.05
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 46.5 ± 10 68.3 ± 7 71.2 ± 7
97-def/car 97-def/car 97-def/car
MW = 56.11
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 22.9 ± 5.0 21.4 ± 5.0 20.6 ± 5.0
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 92.57
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 6.00 ± 0.30 13.00 ± 0.65
64-per/dia 64-per/dia
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 250.00 -716.00 ± 72.00 88-ewi/goo 260.00 -485.00 ± 48.00 88-ewi/goo 270.00 -324.00 ± 33.00 88-ewi/goo 280.00 -210.00 ± 21.00 88-ewi/goo 290.00 -129.00 ± 13.00 88-ewi/goo 300.00 -71.00 ± 8.00 88-ewi/goo 310.00 -30.00 ± 4.00 88-ewi/goo 310.94 346.17 ± 34.62 74-pom/spu 310.94 610.76 ± 61.08 74-pom/spu 310.94 243.39 ± 24.34 74-pom/spu 320.00 2.00 ± 1.00 88-ewi/goo 325.00 26.63 ± 5.00 97-gup/eub 327.60 382.17 ± 38.22 74-pom/spu 338.72 303.56 ± 30.36 74-pom/spu 344.26 30.00 ± 20.00 62-con 344.27 361.49 ± 36.15 74-pom/spu 344.27 141.23 ± 14.12 74-pom/spu 350.00 32.15 ± 3.80 97-gup/eub 360.93 35.50 ± 5.00 62-con 360.94 378.40 ± 37.84 74-pom/spu 366.49 258.77 ± 25.88 74-pom/spu 368.25 37.24 ± 4.00 74-pom/spu 373.22 37.27 ± 4.00 74-pom/spu 375.00 35.00 ± 2.80 97-gup/eub 377.59 38.00 ± 20.00 62-con 377.60 383.21 ± 38.32 74-pom/spu 377.60 72.64 ± 7.26 74-pom/spu 378.18 42.83 ± 4.50 74-pom/spu 394.26 39.40 ± 8.00 62-con 394.27 345.08 ± 34.51 74-pom/spu _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 251.00 -287.0 ± 25.7 91-ewi/goo-1 260.00 -211.0 ± 18.1 91-ewi/goo-1 270.00 -147.0 ± 11.7 91-ewi/goo-1 280.00 -98.0 ± 6.8 91-ewi/goo-1 290.00 -61.0 ± 3.1 91-ewi/goo-1 294.27 448.4 ± 225.0 74-pom/spu 300.00 -32.0 ± 4.0 91-ewi/goo-1 310.00 -9.0 ± 2.0 91-ewi/goo-1 310.94 1022.8 ± 510.0 74-pom/spu _________
T K 394.27 398.14 400.00 406.87 410.93 410.94 422.05 423.14 423.16 425.00 444.16 444.27 448.16 448.18 449.83 450.00 473.16 473.21 477.60 477.60 498.16 498.20 505.38 510.94 523.16 533.16 560.94 573.16 588.72 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 188.94 ± 18.89 33.45 ± 4.00 37.29 ± 0.50 39.00 ± 8.00 38.50 ± 7.00 37.80 ± 3.78 40.55 ± 4.06 28.75 ± 3.50 40.40 ± 4.00 36.07 ± 0.30 34.00 ± 7.00 26.13 ± 2.61 32.90 ± 3.50 44.34 ± 4.50 41.33 ± 4.13 32.79 ± 0.10 30.96 ± 3.20 40.32 ± 4.50 38.52 ± 3.85 14.97 ± 1.50 28.42 ± 3.00 37.26 ± 4.00 34.56 ± 3.46 11.89 ± 1.19 26.52 ± 2.80 35.40 ± 3.54 36.21 ± 3.62 20.13 ± 2.20 39.45 ± 3.94
T K 320.00 327.60 344.26 344.27 360.93 360.94 377.59 377.60 394.26
MW = 58.12
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 97-gup/eub 62-con 62-con 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 97-gup/eub 62-con 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 97-gup/eub 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 58.12
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 8.0 ± 2.0 52.6 ± 30.0 24.0 ± 10.0 189.9 ± 100.0 30.5 ± 10.0 240.9 ± 120.0 33.5 ± 8.0 317.9 ± 160.0 34.5 ± 7.0
91-ewi/goo-1 74-pom/spu 62-con 74-pom/spu 62-con 74-pom/spu 62-con 74-pom/spu 62-con cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
2-Methylpropane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 394.27 293.3 ± 150.0 406.87 34.0 ± 8.0 410.93 33.5 ± 7.0 410.94 60.6 ± 30.0 423.16 26.4 ± 13.0 444.26 29.0 ± 6.0 444.27 23.9 ± 5.0 448.16 25.0 ± 12.5 _________
74-pom/spu 62-con 62-con 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 62-con 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 473.15 166.38 ± 33.50 93-sha/naz-2 498.15 35.01 ± 7.20 93-sha/naz-2 523.15 2.63 ± 0.73 93-sha/naz-2 _________
Diethyl ether
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 548.15 573.15 _________
T K 413.20 433.50 _________
T K 418.18 433.25 _________
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 74.12
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 3.48 ± 0.90 5.49 ± 1.30
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 403.12 109.2 ± 20.0 89-olf/sch 403.15 84.8 ± 10.0 89-olf/sch 418.16 18.6 ± 8.0 89-olf/sch
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 23.1 ± 11.5 27.5 ± 4.0 22.4 ± 11.2 26.3 ± 4.0 21.2 ± 11.0 19.6 ± 10.0 16.4 ± 10.0
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 373.30 -92.3 ± 20.0 89-olf/sch 393.25 99.1 ± 20.0 89-olf/sch _________
T K 473.16 477.60 498.16 510.94 523.16 548.16 573.16 _________
93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2
MW = 74.12
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 75.4 ± 20.0 121.6 ± 20.0
89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch
MW = 73.14
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 26.3 ± 10.0 91.1 ± 10.0
89-olf/sch 89-olf/sch
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 303.15 282.0 ± 14.0 67-sil/lin 303.15 900.0 ± 300.0 79-ewi/mar 303.16 652.1 ± 489.0 74-pom/spu 303.16 7487.0 ± 5615.0 74-pom/spu 303.22 8.6 ± 0.4 64-per/dia 318.15 500.0 ± 300.0 79-ewi/mar 323.15 151.0 ± 7.6 67-sil/lin 323.16 447.7 ± 336.0 74-pom/spu 323.16 2412.7 ± 1810.0 74-pom/spu 323.23 1.3 ± 0.1 64-per/dia 346.15 200.0 ± 600.0 79-ewi/mar 348.11 -1.5 ± 0.1 64-per/dia 348.15 108.0 ± 5.4 67-sil/lin 348.15 13.0 ± 2.0 73-daw/sil 348.16 37.5 ± 5.0 74-pom/spu 348.16 304.6 ± 228.0 74-pom/spu 348.16 447.1 ± 335.0 74-pom/spu 373.15 91.0 ± 4.6 67-sil/lin 373.15 41.3 ± 2.0 73-daw/sil 373.16 42.1 ± 5.0 74-pom/spu 373.16 284.3 ± 213.0 74-pom/spu 373.16 338.0 ± 254.0 74-pom/spu 373.21 4.4 ± 0.2 64-per/dia 397.70 1.5 ± 0.1 64-per/dia 398.15 77.0 ± 3.9 67-sil/lin 398.15 46.2 ± 2.0 73-daw/sil 398.16 44.5 ± 4.0 74-pom/spu 398.16 190.2 ± 143.0 74-pom/spu 398.16 132.8 ± 96.0 74-pom/spu _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 260.00 -11550.0 ± 2000.0 92-ewi/goo 270.00 -4620.0 ± 300.0 92-ewi/goo 280.00 -1990.0 ± 200.0 92-ewi/goo 290.00 -883.0 ± 100.0 92-ewi/goo 300.00 -400.0 ± 60.0 92-ewi/goo 310.00 -182.0 ± 50.0 92-ewi/goo 320.00 -82.5 ± 20.0 92-ewi/goo 323.15 506.0 ± 25.0 67-sil/lin 323.16 504.5 ± 378.0 74-pom/spu 348.15 364.0 ± 18.0 67-sil/lin _________
T K 423.15 423.15 423.16 423.16 423.16 433.75 433.75 433.76 434.65 434.65 434.66 434.66 448.15 448.15 448.15 448.16 448.16 448.16 473.15 473.15 473.15 473.16 473.16 498.15 498.15 498.16 523.15 548.15 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 65.0 ± 3.3 47.1 ± 2.0 42.0 ± 3.5 106.2 ± 80.0 94.1 ± 71.0 49.8 ± 2.0 47.4 ± 4.0 38.1 ± 3.0 59.0 ± 3.0 49.8 ± 2.0 73.2 ± 55.0 64.2 ± 48.0 54.0 ± 2.7 46.4 ± 2.0 39.1 ± 3.0 34.4 ± 3.0 59.6 ± 30.0 58.2 ± 29.0 44.0 ± 2.2 41.5 ± 2.0 34.4 ± 3.0 32.8 ± 3.0 42.2 ± 21.0 37.6 ± 2.0 31.3 ± 3.0 30.1 ± 3.0 29.3 ± 3.0 27.1 ± 3.0
T K 348.16 373.15 373.16 398.15 398.16 423.15 423.16 448.15 448.16 448.16
MW = 72.15
67-sil/lin 73-daw/sil 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 73-daw/sil 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 67-sil/lin 73-daw/sil 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 67-sil/lin 73-daw/sil 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 67-sil/lin 73-daw/sil 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 73-daw/sil 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 72.15
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 445.5 ± 334.0 239.0 ± 12.0 273.1 ± 205.0 151.0 ± 7.0 188.9 ± 142.0 97.0 ± 4.0 135.0 ± 101.0 67.0 ± 3.0 109.8 ± 82.0 61.2 ± 6.0
74-pom/spu 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
2-Methylbutane (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 461.65 56.0 ± 2.0 461.66 86.8 ± 65.0 473.15 49.0 ± 2.5 473.16 70.8 ± 53.0 473.16 33.5 ± 4.0 477.60 43.5 ± 4.0 498.16 32.6 ± 4.0 _________
67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 67-sil/lin 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 270.00 -7220.0 ± 289.0 89-ewi/goo 280.00 -3050.0 ± 122.0 89-ewi/goo 290.00 -1350.0 ± 54.0 89-ewi/goo 300.00 -625.0 ± 25.0 89-ewi/goo 310.00 -300.0 ± 12.0 89-ewi/goo 320.00 -149.0 ± 6.5 89-ewi/goo 330.00 -76.0 ± 4.0 89-ewi/goo 344.27 2682.6 ± 2012.0 74-pom/spu 360.94 581.3 ± 436.0 74-pom/spu 373.15 -3.2 ± 4.0 86-kur/vas 377.60 326.4 ± 245.0 74-pom/spu 398.15 57.7 ± 20.0 86-kur/vas 410.94 135.6 ± 102.0 74-pom/spu 423.15 82.0 ± 40.0 86-kur/vas 444.27 52.3 ± 26.0 74-pom/spu 448.15 96.7 ± 45.0 86-kur/vas 448.16 51.0 ± 5.0 74-pom/spu 469.65 89.0 ± 45.0 86-kur/vas 473.15 86.9 ± 40.0 86-kur/vas _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 473.16 473.16 477.60 498.15 498.16 498.16 510.94 523.15 523.16 523.16 548.15 548.16 548.16 573.15 573.16 573.16 598.15 623.15 648.15 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 498.20 110.1 ± 11.0 69-dou/har 516.74 101.0 ± 10.0 69-dou/har 523.22 98.1 ± 10.0 69-dou/har 548.23 86.9 ± 9.0 69-dou/har _________
T K 505.38 523.16 533.16 548.16 560.94 573.16 588.72 _________
T K 573.25 598.26 623.26 _________
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 46.4 ± 4.0 34.5 ± 4.0 44.8 ± 4.0 37.1 ± 4.0 43.9 ± 4.0 39.5 ± 4.0 45.3 ± 4.0
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 72.15
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 53.1 ± 5.0 46.3 ± 4.0 16.0 ± 4.0 75.3 ± 40.0 44.9 ± 4.0 37.9 ± 4.0 28.6 ± 7.0 65.7 ± 35.0 39.8 ± 4.0 31.3 ± 4.0 55.7 ± 30.0 36.6 ± 4.0 28.6 ± 4.0 47.3 ± 30.0 34.7 ± 3.0 26.0 ± 3.0 44.2 ± 25.0 42.6 ± 25.0 40.8 ± 25.0
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 86-kur/vas 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 86-kur/vas 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 86-kur/vas 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 86-kur/vas 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 86-kur/vas 86-kur/vas 86-kur/vas
MW = 186.06
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 76.6 ± 8.0 67.4 ± 7.0 59.7 ± 6.0
69-dou/har 69-dou/har 69-dou/har
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 395.00 150 ± 15 70-tay/ree 410.81 150 ± 15 70-tay/ree _________
T K 433.17 451.01 _________
2,3-bis(Trifluoromethyl) perfluorobutane [354-96-1] Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 414.62 190 ± 19 70-tay/ree 433.22 160 ± 16 70-tay/ree _________
T K 450.36
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. T Cexp ± δC Ref. K 103 cm6 · mol-2 395.56 250 ± 25 70-tay/ree 415.48 230 ± 23 70-tay/ree ______________________________________
T K 432.68 451.55 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 298.15 -1070.30 ± 104.0 85-abd/dzh 298.15 -1070.20 ± 100.0 85-abd/dzh-1 323.15 -646.37 ± 82.3 85-abd/dzh 323.15 -646.37 ± 60.0 85-abd/dzh-1 348.15 -365.16 ± 68.3 85-abd/dzh 348.15 -365.16 ± 40.0 85-abd/dzh-1 _________
T K 441.70 454.63
T K 373.15 373.15 398.15 398.15 423.15 423.15
70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree
MW = 338.04
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 210 ± 21 200 ± 20
70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree
MW = 338.04
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 180 ± 18 170 ± 17
MW = 338.04
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 140 ± 14
Undecafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)pentane [355-04-4] Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 417.39 200 ± 20 70-tay/ree 433.13 180 ± 18 70-tay/ree
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 130 ± 13 120 ± 12
MW = 300.05
70-tay/ree 70-tay/ree
MW = 96.10
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 -197.00 ± 59.9 -197.00 ± 200.0 -91.72 ± 16.4 -91.72 ± 9.0 -14.78 ± 11.0 -14.78 ± 1.0
85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 cont.
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Fluorobenzene (cont.) Table 1. (cont.) T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 448.15 35.77 ± 11.8 448.15 35.77 ± 4.0 473.15 60.18 ± 13.0 473.15 60.18 ± 6.0 498.15 64.04 ± 13.2 498.15 64.04 ± 6.0 523.15 61.30 ± 13.1 523.15 61.30 ± 6.0 548.15 54.89 ± 12.7 548.15 54.89 ± 5.0 548.16 49.50 ± 5.0 560.08 48.00 ± 5.0 _________
85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 58-dou/moo 58-dou/moo
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 323.15 0.020 ± 0.002 50-bax/enu 333.15 0.013 ± 0.001 50-bax/enu 343.15 0.006 ± 0.001 50-bax/enu 353.15 0.002 ± 0.000 50-bax/enu 493.20 39.000 ± 2.00 60-con/kan 513.20 41.000 ± 2.00 60-con/kan 533.20 40.500 ± 2.00 60-con/kan 553.20 39.200 ± 2.00 60-con/kan 562.66 28.440 ± 5.00 74-pom/spu 563.16 27.830 ± 5.00 74-pom/spu _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 47.92 ± 12.4 47.92 ± 5.00 45.80 ± 5.0 41.45 ± 12.1 41.45 ± 4.0 41.70 ± 5.0 31.37 ± 11.6 31.37 ± 3.0 39.80 ± 5.0 22.44 ± 6.1 22.41 ± 2.0
T K 573.16 573.20 583.16 593.16 603.16 613.16 623.15 623.16 628.16 _________
T K 498.00 523.00 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 423.00 -2330 ± 230 74-ker/ant 448.00 -1090 ± 100 74-ker/ant 473.00 -650 ± 65 74-ker/ant _________
T K 573.15 573.15 573.16 598.15 598.15 598.16 623.15 623.15 623.16 648.15 648.15 _________
85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 58-dou/moo 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 58-dou/moo 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1 58-dou/moo 85-abd/dzh 85-abd/dzh-1
MW = 78.11
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 26.734 ± 5.00 36.800 ± 2.00 27.983 ± 5.00 31.896 ± 5.00 34.714 ± 5.00 32.625 ± 5.00 27.730 ± 0.20 31.269 ± 5.00 30.505 ± 5.00
74-pom/spu 60-con/kan 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 96-abd/baz 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu
MW = 84.16
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 -290 ± 20 -270 ± 10
74-ker/ant 74-ker/ant
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 498.16 52.07 ± 13.0 74-pom/spu 523.16 51.54 ± 12.9 74-pom/spu _________
T K 548.16 _________
T K 549.16 561.16 573.15 573.15 573.16 623.15 663.15 _________
MW = 86.18
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 34.73 ± 17
MW = 86.18
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 57.16 ± 29
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 513.16 64.31 ± 48.0 74-pom/spu 523.15 69.77 ± 52.0 74-pom/spu 523.15 69.61 ± 0.6 96-abd/baz 523.16 49.10 ± 25.0 74-pom/spu 525.16 56.07 ± 28.0 74-pom/spu 537.16 49.59 ± 25.0 74-pom/spu 548.15 64.67 ± 49.0 74-pom/spu 548.16 53.58 ± 27.0 74-pom/spu _________
T K 548.16 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 523.16 31.22 ± 16 74-pom/spu _________
T K 548.16 _________
MW = 86.18
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 54.05 ± 13.5
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC K 103 cm6 · mol-2 523.16 57.50 ± 29 74-pom/spu _________
T K 548.16 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 523.16 43.89 ± 22 74-pom/spu _________
MW = 86.18
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 20.15 ± 5
MW = 86.18
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 43.00 ± 22.0 42.38 ± 21.0 65.13 ± 49.0 58.51 ± 0.3 47.96 ± 24.0 55.29 ± 0.3 42.72 ± 0.3
74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 74-pom/spu 96-abd/baz 74-pom/spu 96-abd/baz 96-abd/baz
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
5.4 C4 - C8 Organic Compounds - Third Virials
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 473.15 546.12 ± 119.0 93-sha/naz-2 498.15 423.88 ± 94.8 93-sha/naz-2 523.15 326.28 ± 75.3 93-sha/naz-2 548.15 56.18 ± 21.2 93-sha/naz-2 _________
Table 1. Experimental values with uncertainty. Ref. T Cexp ± δC 3 6 -2 K 10 cm · mol 493.20 170.0 ± 8.0 60-con/kan 513.20 180.0 ± 8.0 60-con/kan 533.20 179.0 ± 8.0 60-con/kan _________
Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/21A
T K 573.15 598.15 610.15 _________
T K 553.20 573.20 623.15 _________
MW = 102.18
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 7.29 ± 5.0 -4.77 ± 2.0 -6.93 ± 2.0
93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2 93-sha/naz-2
MW = 114.23
Cexp ± δC 103 cm6 · mol-2 170.0 ± 8.0 156.0 ± 8.0 115.0 ± 1.0
60-con/kan 60-con/kan 96-abd/baz
References Reference codes are those used in the TRC SOURCE database. A reference code consists of the year prior to 1900, or the last two digits of the year after 1899, the first three letters of the first author, the first three letters of the second author. An additional sequence number is used when more than one reference in the database has an identical code. 1897-led/sac 05-ray 07-onn/bra-1 10-onn/cro 12-deh 15-onn/cro 19-cro/mar
Leduc, A.; Sacerdote, P.; C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. 125 (1897) 397. Rayleigh, L.; Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, A. 204 (1905) 351. Onnes, H. K.; Braak, C.; Communs. Phys. Lab. Univ. Leiden 100b. (1907). Onnes, H. K.; Crommelin, C.-A.; Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 13 (1910) 614. Dehaas, W. J.; Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 15 (1912) 295. Onnes, H. K.; Crommelin, C.-A.; Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 18 (1915) 515. Crommelin, C.-A.; Martinez, J. P.; Onnes, H. K.; Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 22 (1919) 108.
23-kuy/onn 24-onn/van 25-hol/ott 25-nij/kee 25-van/onn 26-ver 27-cro/wat 27-key/bur 28-bar/cup 28-mic/gib 28-nij/kee 29-euc/mey 29-gib/tan 29-sco
Kuypers, H. A.; Onnes, H. K.; Arch. Neerl. Sci. Exactes Nat., Ser. 3A. 6 (1923) 277. Onnes, H. K.; Van Urk, A. T.; Commun. Phys. Lab. Univ. Leiden. 33 (1924) 33. Holborn, L.; Otto, J.; Z. Phys. 33 (1925) 1. Nijhoff, G. P.; Keesom, W. H.; Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 28 (1925) 963. Van Agt, F. P. G. A.; Onnes, H. K.; Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 28 (1925) 674. Verschoyle, T. T. H.; Proc. R. Soc. London, A. 111 (1926) 552. Crommelin, C.-A.; Watts, H. G.; Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 30 (1927) 1059. Keyes, F. G.; Burks, H. G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 49 (1927) 1403. Bartlett, E. P.; Cupples, H. L.; Tremearne, T. H.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 50 (1928) 1275. Michels, A.; Gibson, R. O.; Ann. Phys. (Leipzig). 87 (1928) 850. Nijhoff, G. P.; Keesom, W. H.; Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 31 (1928) 410. Eucken, A.; Meyer, L.; Z. Phys. Chem., Abt. B. 5 (1929) 452. Gibby, C. W.; Tanner, C. C.; Masson, I.; Proc. R. Soc. London, A. 122 (1929) 283. Scott, G. A.; Proc. R. Soc. London, A. 125 (1929) 330.
30-bea/law 30-tan/mas 31-coo/maa 31-fre/ver 31-kva/gad 31-tow/bha 31-wie/gad 33-caw/pat 33-euc/par 33-glo/ful 33-glo/roe 34-joh/wei 34-mic/wou 34-ott/mic 35-kee/kra 35-mic/mic 35-mic/ned 35-van-2 36-lon/gul 36-mic/gru 36-mic/ned
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Keesom, W. H.; Walstra, W. K.; Physica (Amsterdam) 7 (1940) 985. Roper, E. E.; J. Phys. Chem. 44 (1940) 835. Alexander, E. A.; Lambert, J. D.; Trans. Faraday Soc. 37 (1941) 421. Aston, J. G.; Kennedy, R. M.; Messerley, G. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 63 (1941) 2343. Kennedy, R. M.; Sagenkahn, M.; Aston, J. G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 63 (1941) 2267. Michels, A.; Goudeket, M.; Physica (Amsterdam). 8 (1941) 347. Michels, A.; Goudeket, M.; Physica (Amsterdam). 8 (1941) 353. Michels, A.; Wouters, H.; Physica (Amsterdam). 8 (1941) 923. Beattie, J. A.; Ingersoll, H. G.; Stockmayer, W. H.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 64 (1942) 548. Beattie, J. A.; Stockmayer, W. H.; J. Chem. Phys. 10 (1942) 473. Hirschfelder, J. O.; McClure, F. T.; Weeks, I. F.; J. Chem. Phys. 10 (1942) 201. Michels, A.; Geldermans, M.; Physica (Amsterdam). 9 (1942) 967. Schaefer, K.; Foz Gazulla, O. R.; Z. Phys. Chem., Abt. B. 52 (1942) 299. Aston, J. G.; Finke, H. L.; Bestul, A. B.; Pace, E. L.; Szasz, G. J.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 68 (1946) 52. Kistemaker, J.; Keesom, W. H.; Physica (Amsterdam). 12 (1946) 227. Ruehrwein, R. A.; Powell, T. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 68 (1946) 1063. Keesom, W. H.; Walstra, W. K.; Physica (Amsterdam). 13 (1947) 225. Scott, D. W.; Waddington, G.; Smith, J. C.; Huffman, H. M.; J. Chem. Phys. 15 (1947) 565. Pace, E. L.; Aston, J. G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 70 (1948) 566. Carr, E. M.; Clarke, J. T.; Johnston, H. L.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 71 (1949) 740. Kanda, E.; Sci. Rep. Res. Inst., Tohoku Univ., Ser. A. 1 (1949) 157. Lambert, J. D.; Roberts, G. A. H.; Rowlinson, J. S.; Wilkinson; Proc. R. Soc. London, A 196 (1949) 113. Michels, A.; Wijker, Hub.; Wijker, Hk.; Physica (Amsterdam). 15 (1949) 627. Schneider, W. G.; Duffie, J. A. H.; J. Chem. Phys. 17 (1949) 751. Scott, D. W.; Waddington, G.; Smith, J. C.; Huffman, H. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 71 (1949) 2767. Waddington, G.; Knowlton, J. W.; Scott, D. W.; Oliver, G. D.; Todd, S. S.; Hubbard, W. N.; Smith, J. C.; Huffman, H. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 71 (1949) 797. Waddington, G.; Smith, J. C.; Scott, D. W.; Huffman, H. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 71 (1949) 3902.
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MacCormack, K. E.; Schneider, W. G.; J. Chem. Phys. 18 (1950) 1269. Scott, D. W.; Finke, H. L.; Hubbard, W. N.; McCullough, J. P.; Gross, M. E.; Williamson, K. D.; Waddington, G.; Huffman, H. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 72 (1950) 4664. Beattie, J. A.; Barriault, R. J.; Brierley, J. S.; J. Chem. Phys. 19 (1951) 1222. Casado, F. L.; Massie, D. S.; Whytlaw-Gray, R.; Proc. R. Soc. London, A. 207 (1951) 483. Kretschmer, C. B.; Wiebe, R.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 73 (1951) 3778. MacCormack, K. E.; Schneider, W. G.; J. Chem. Phys. 19 (1951) 845. Michels, A.; Lunbeck, R. J.; Wolkers, G. J.; Physica (Amsterdam). 17 (1951) 801. Scott, D. W.; Finke, H. L.; McCullough, J. P.; Gross, M. E.; Williamson, K. D.; Waddington, G.; Huffman, H. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 73 (1951) 261. Scott, D. W.; McCullough, J. P.; Williamson, K. D.; Waddington, G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 73 (1951) 1707. Allen, P. W.; Everett, D. H.; Penney, M. F.; Proc. R. Soc. London, A. 212 (1952) 149. Beattie, J. A.; Brierley, J. S.; Barriault, R. J.; J. Chem. Phys. 20 (1952) 1615. Beattie, J. A.; Douslin, D. R.; Levine, S. W.; J. Chem. Phys. 20 (1952) 1619. Beattie, J. A.; Levine, S. W.; Douslin, D. R.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74 (1952) 4778. Casado, F. L.; Massie, D. S.; Whytlaw-Gray, R.; Proc. R. Soc. London, A. 214 (1952) 466. David, H. G.; Hamann, S. D.; Pearse, J. F.; J. Chem. Phys. 20 (1952) 969. Francis, P. G.; McGlashan, M. L.; Hamann, S. D.; Mcmanamey, W. J.; J. Chem. Phys. 20 (1952) 1341. Guthrie, G. B.; Scott, D. W.; Hubbard, W. N.; Katz, C.; McCullough, J. P.; Gross, M. E.; Williamson, K. D.; Waddington, G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74 (1952) 4662. Hamann, S. D.; Pearse, J. F.; Trans. Faraday Soc. 48 (1952) 101. Hubbard, W. N.; Finke, H. L.; Scott, D. W.; McCullough, J. P.; Katz, C.; Gross, M. E.; Messerly, J. F.; Pennington, R. E.; Waddington, G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74 (1952) 6025. McCullough, J. P.; Pennington, R. E.; Waddington, G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74 (1952) 4439. McCullough, J. P.; Scott, D. W.; Finke, H. L.; Gross, M. E.; Williamson, K. D.; Pennington, R. E.; Waddington, G.; Huffman, H. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74 (1952) 2801. Michels, A.; Lupton, J. M.; Wassenaar, T.; de Graaff, W.; Physica (Amsterdam). 18 (1952) 121. Michels, A.; Visser, A.; Lunbeck, R. J.; Wolkers, G. J.; Physica (Amsterdam). 18 (1952) 114. Scott, D. W.; Finke, H. L.; Hubbard, W. N.; McCullough, J. P.; Oliver, G. D.; Gross, M. E.; Katz, C.; Williamson, K. D.; Waddington, G.; Huffman, H. M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74 (1952) 4656. Fogg, P. G. T.; Hanks, P. A.; Lambert, J. D.; Proc. R. Soc. London, A. 219 (1953) 490. Hamann, S. D.; Mcmanamey, W. J.; Trans. Faraday Soc. 49 (1953) 149. Hamann, S. D.; Mcmanamey, W. J.; Pearse, J. F.; Trans. Faraday Soc. 49 (1953) 351. McCullough, J. P.; Scott, D. W.; Finke, H. L.; Hubbard, W. N.; Gross, M. E.; Katz, C.; Pennington, R. E.; Messerly, J. F.; Waddington, G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 75 (1953) 1818. McCullough, J. P.; Sunner, S.; Finke, H. L.; Hubbard, W. N.; Gross, M. E.; Pennington, R. E.; Messerly, J. F.; Good, W. D.; Waddington, G.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 75 (1953) 5075. Michel, A.; Wassenaar, T.; Louwerse, P.; Lunbeck, R. J.; Wolkers, G. J.; Physica (Amsterdam). 19 (1953) 287. Whalley, E.; Lupien, Y.; Schneider, W. G.; Can. J. Chem. 31 (1953) 722. White, D.; Hu, J.-H.; Johnston, H. L.; J. Chem. Phys. 21 (1953) 1149.
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