Life of the Past
James O. Farlow editor
Edited by Peter Larson and Kenneth Carpenter
Indiana Unit ersity Press B Io
omin gton
6 lndi an ap oli s
This book is a publication of lndiana University Press 601 North Morton Streel Bloomington, lN 47404-3797 USA
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All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The Association of American tJniversity Presses' Resolution on Permissions constitutes the only exception to this prohibition The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for lnformation Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Mateild1 ANSI 239.48-1984.
Manufactured in the United States of Ameilca Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tyrannosaurus rex, the tyrant king / edited by Peter Larson and Kenneth Carpenter. (Life of the past) p cm.
lncludes index. ISBN-13: 978-0-253-35087-9 (cloth: alk. pape) 1. Tyrannosaurus rex-Research. L Larson, Peter L. Il. Carpenter, Kenneth, date QE862.S3T977 2008
567.912'9-dc22 2007045376
On" Hundred Years of Tyrannosaurus rex:The Skeletons
Wyoming's Dynamosaurus imperiosus and Other Early Discoveries of Tyrannosaurus rex in the Rocky Mountain West
How Old ls T. rex? Challenges with the Dating of Terrestrial Strata Deposited during the Maastrichtian Stage of the Cretaceous Period
Preliminary Account of the Tyrannosaurid Pete from the Lance Formation of Wyoming
Taphonomy of the Tyrannosaurus rex Peck's Rex from the Hell Creek Formation of Montana
Taphonomy and Environment of Deposition of a Juvenile Tvrannosaurid Skeleton from the Hell Creek Formation (Latest Maastrichtian) of Southeastern Montana
One Pretty AmazingT. rex
Variation and Sexual Dimorphism in Tyrannosaurus rex
_ Y A
10 167 4.1
Why Tyrannosaurus rex Had Puny Arms:An Integral Morphodynamic Solution to a Simple Puzzle in Theropod Paleobiology MARTIN LOCKLEY, REIJI KUKIHARA, AND LAURA MITCHELL
Looking Again at the Forelimb of Tyrannosaurus rex CHRISTINE LIPKIN AND KENNETH CARPENTER
Rex, Sit:
.l 't I
205 |
233 ltA
l+ 245
.lr I
255 vi
Digital Modeling of Tyrannosaurus rexat Rest
rex Speed Trap
Atlas of the Skull Bones of Tvrannosaurus rex PETER LARSON
Palatal Kinesis of Tvrannosaurus rex HANS C, E, LARSSON
Reconstruction of the Jaw Musculature of Tyrannosaurus rex RALPH E, I\4OLNAR
Vestigialism in a Dinosaur
4a II
18 307
_ 19 355
_ 20 371 14
Tyrannosaurid Pathologies as Clues to Nature and Nurture in the Cretaceous BRUCE IV, ROTHSCHILD AND RALPH E. MOLNAR
The Extreme Lifestyles and Habits of the Gigantic Tyrannosaurid Superpredators of the Late Cretaceous of North America and Asia GREGORY S. PAUL
An Analysis of Predator-Prey Behavior in a Head-to-Head Encountlr between Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops JOHN HAPP
A Critical Reappraisal of the Obligate Scavenging Hypothesis for Tyrannosaurus rex and other Tyrant Dinosaurs THOIMAS R, HOLTZ
Tyrannosaurus rex: A Century of Celebrity
William L. Abler, 1200 Warren Creek
Arcata, CA 95521, USA.
Art Anderson, Virtual Rd., Suite 16,
Surfaces lnc., 832 E Rand Mt. Prospect, lL 60056, USA.
Brent H. Breithaupt, Geological Museum, University
of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071,
Kenneth Carpenter, Department of Earth Sciencet Denver Museum
Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO 80206, USA.
Kraig Derstler, Department of Earth and Environmental
University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148, USA.
Donald F. Glut,2805 N Keystone
lohn Happ, 3889 Chestnut
St., Burbank, CA 91504-1604, USA
Hill Rd., Harpers Ferry, WV 25425, USA.
William H. Harrison, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciencet Northern lllinois University, Dekalb, lL 60115, USA Michael D. Henderson, Burpee Museum of Natural History, 737 N Main St., Rockford, lL 61103, USA.
Thomas R. Holtz Jr., Department of Geology, university of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA. John R. Horner, Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA
Kirk lohnson, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO 80206, USA. Reiji Kukihara, Dinosaur Tracks Museum, University of Colorado at Denver, P.O. Box 173364, Denver, CO 80217, USA. Neal L. Larson, Black Hills lnstitute of Geological Research lnc., P.O. Box 643, Hill City, SD 57745, USA.
Peter Larson, Black Hills lnstitute of Geological Research lnc., P.O. Box 643, Hill City, SD 57745, USA. Hans C. E. Larsson, Redpath Museum, McGill University, 859 Sherbrooke St. W, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6, Canada. Christine Lipkin, University of Chicago, Chicago, lL 60637, USA.
Martin Lockley, Dinosaur
Tracks Museum,
Univertty of Colorado
at Denver, P.O. Box 173364, Denver, CO 80217, USA
Phillip L, Manning, Tne Manchester t,4useum, lJniversity of
r,1arc.:s::'. Ot'crs ?cad,
l',4anchester, M13 9PL UK.
Neffra A. Matthews, Geological Museum, lJniversity of Wyoming, Laramre, WY 82071, USA. Laura Mitchell, Dinosaur Tracks Museum, University of Colorado at Denver, P.O. Box 173364, Denver, CO 80217, USA. Ralph E. Molnar, Museum of Northern Arizona, 3101 N Fort Valley Rd., Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA.
lohn M. Myers, Department of Geology,
108 Thompson Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
Gregory S. Paul,3109 N Calvert
St., Side,
Baltimore MD 21218, USA
Bruce M. Rothschild, Arthritis Center of Northeast Ohio, 5500 Market, Youngstown, OH 44512, USA
Elizabeth H. Southwell, Geological Museum, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 82071, USA.
Mary Higby Schweitzer, Department of Mailne, Earth and Atmospheric Sciencet North Carolina Stafe University, Raleigh NC 27695, USA. Kent
A. Stevens, Department of Computer and Information
Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA
Eric D. Wills, Department of Computer and lnformation \rionra I tnivar
lennifer L. Wittmeyer, North
Carolina Museum of Natural Science. Raleigh, NC 27695, USA.
The archetvpal dinosaur, TyrannosaurlLs rex, celebratecl its l00th anniversarl' in 2005. This occasion was observed bv a conference, i00 Years of Ttrannosaurus rex: A S1'mposium, hosted at the Black Hills Institute of Geoiogical Research in Hill City, SD, June I0-11,2005. The symposiun brought together an international cast of dir-rosaur paleontologists who presented the results of their research to the general public. The paleontologists all agree, hou'ever, that the n'rost enjoyable and intellectuallv stirnr-rlating time was spent ir-r the basement storage room of the Black Hills Institr,rte, snrrounded by bones and casts of Tyrannosaurus. There, indiviclual bones could be examined during the many long hours of discr,rssion and debate abortTvrannosaurus. These debates undoubtedly had an influence on the chapters comprising the resulting volume. The editors, Peter Larson and Kennetl-r Carpenter, thank the authors for their cor-rtributions. To fill out this volume, a ferv additional cl-rapters were solicited, and lve thank these authors as w'ell.
We also tl-rar-rk the n'ranv indil'iduals of the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, the N,1[an-rn-roth Site of Hot Springs, the Hill City Public Schools, the fourney Museum, the Kirby Science Center, and numerous businesses and the local residents for their assistance in makirre the svmposium possible
'fhanks to Robert Sloan, editor at Indiana Universitv
for his
support of tl-ris volume, and to James O. Farlorv, editor of the Life of the Past series for the press. N{arion Zenker (BHI) and Deborah Longhofer {DMNS) provided clerical sr-rpport.
American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Hill City, SD Natural History Museum, London, England Burpee Museum
Carnegie Museum
Cleveland Museum
Denver Museum
Field Museum
Natural History, Rockford, lL
Natural History, Pittsburg, PA
Natural History, Cleveland, OH
Nature & Science, Denver, CO
Natural History, Chicago lL
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Palaeoanthropology, Beiiing, China Natural History Museum
Angeles County,
Angeles, CA
Lance Dinosaur Project, New Orleans, LA The Manchester Museum, Manchester, England
The Science Museum of Minnesota, St. PauL MN
Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
North Carolina Sfate Museum of Natural Sciencet Raleigh, NC New Mexico Museum of Natural History, Albuquerque, NM Paleontological lnstitute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russra
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Royal Saskatchewan
Mountian Museum, Birmingham, AL
Museum, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
Museum of Geology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD
Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA The Children's Museum, Indianapolis, IN University of Cailfornb, Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, CA
.' :- :-_:: ;csea.cn Collection, Chicago, IL UN,lNH Uta^ './-t:-- :-'..:..a Htstory, l.)niversity of utah, Salt Lake City, UT -S','.' ',i:.-. '.luseum of Natural History, Smithsonian 's :-itan, Washington, DC -- , P UWGM
University of Utah Vertebrate paleontology, Salt Lake City, UT University of Wisconsin Geology Museum, Madison, Wl
Yale Peabody Museum
lnstitute of Palaeabiology of the Polish Acadamy of Sciences, warsaw, poland
lnstitutional Abbreviations
Natural History, New Haven, CT
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1905, Henry Fairfield Osborn, of tl-re American Museum of Naturai Historl', published the narne Tyrannosaurus rex for a large theropod discovered bv Barnum Broi,vn rvithin the Upper Maastrichtian Hell Creek
Formation of N{or-rtana. Later,Dynamosdurus imperiosus Osborn 1905 and 2 cervical vertebrae described as Manosportdylus gigas (Cope I892) were inciuded in the species (Osborn l9l6). The most comple te T. rex skeleton,
5027, was aiso excavated by Barnum Browrr from the Hell Creek Formation of Montar-ra in 1908. Because there were so few specimens, most people belier,'ed thatT. rex \4ras rare.
A dinosaur renaissance beginnir-ig in the
1960s ir-rspired many paleontologists to seek out nelv and more complete specimens. Since 1965, 42 skeletons (5% to 80% complete b1' bone cor-rnt) of T. rex have been excavated from the \\'estern Interior of North America. To date, T. rex has been
found in the uppermost cretaceous terrestrial rocks fron-r central Alberta to sor-rthern Ner'v Mexico, ard from north-central South Dakota to central Utah. These skeletons, along lvith innurnerable numbers of bones and teeth, have been discovered, excar,'ated, displaved, and written about rn numerous scientific and popular books and publications.
The discoverl,' of the Trrannosaurus specimen knou,n as Sue and its subsequent publicitv (Glut 2000; Fiffer 2000; Larson and Donna' 2002)
rll.ors of Sue's value lured dozens of anrateur paleontologists and untrair-red fortune hunters into the field. Although nost knelv r-rothing about collecting or caring for fossils once thel,were discovered, people u'ere looking for dinosar-rrs in areas that no one had e'er searched. within tl-re last l5 years, most exposures of the Hell creek and reignited this renaissar-rce. The
Lance Formations have been explored, resulting in many nerv specimens ofTyrannosaurus a.d other dinosaurs being discovered. These new Tyrcnnosaurus specinens hal'e l'ielded more information about T. rex than was once thotight possible, as evider-rced by this volume. Much has norv been learned about the respiratorl', digestive, ar-rd reproductive systems, feedirrg habits, range? sex, lifesir'les, ir-ijuries, and diseases of tl-re tyrant-lizard king. These neiv specimens have provided data on arn and jarv strength, speed, ar-rd grow,tl-r rate, and findings have bolstered the finding of a close relationship of bird and theropods. Because of these neu discor.eries, the once-rare T, rex is now one of the rnost abundant large theropods in many museum collections. An ar-rnotated catalog of these specirne.s is presented below.
One Hundrec /?ars offytannosaurus rex
1.1 . Site map for Tyrannosaurus rex discoveries. See text and Table 1.1 for number
Tyrannosaurus rex Specimens
Brief descriptiorrs follow each of the more coniplete Tyrannosaurus rex specirnens recovered to date. Each listed specirnen has a minimum of l0 associated skeletal bones frorn several parts of ihe bodv or a fairll, con-rplete skull. The list exciudes specinens consisting of onlv a braincase and/or a few skull bones, or on11'foot bones, or onli' caLrdal bones, as r'vell as the countless specimens of T. rex teeth and isolated bones. Altl-rough there rna1, be some omissions, the total number of skeletons is particularly impressive rvhen considering that rnost of tl-rese specinens have been found in the last l5 I'ears. Considering tl-re r,r'ide geographic range of the specimens, and assuming there is onlv one North American species, the paleogeographic rar-rge of T rex was imn'iense-possiblv larger than that of most other large
theropods (Fig. l.l).
Altliough some authors have consideredNanotyrannus lancensis (Bakker et al. 1988) s,"-nonymor-rs rvith T. rex (Calr 1999; Carr and Williarnson 2004; Hoitz 2004; Glut 1997, 2000, 2001, 2006), others (Bakker etal. 1988; Cr-rrrie 2003; Larson this volurne) do not agree. Tooth count, bone shape, and foramen placernent and size, along with manv other skeletal differences, seem to clearh' separate the 2 genera. Because there is so r-nr.tch evidence separating Nanotyrannus from T. rex, I have exclucled Nanotvrannus from the follou'ing list of T. rex specimen s. AtLhlysodon molnari Pavl, 1988 (=Stlgivenator molnarl Olshevsk'',, Ford, and Yamamoto, 1995), was excluded for similar reasons. The follou'ing Tyrannosaurus rex skeletons har''e been assigned a percentage of completeness on the basis of the number of bones four-rd rvith each skeleion. Tl-re totai nurnber of bones ir-i a skeleton of T. rex is approxirnatelt
300 (Appendix). A11 identifiable bones, u'hether complete or incomplete, are counted as bones in the totals. For uanl' skeletclr-rs, some bones r'r"ere fragmented or eroded, and others rvere fragrnented before br,rrial. In most tttstances, if the incomplete bones can be positivelr,identified, thev are treated as complete bones for the prlrpose of calculating the percer-rtage of completeness for each skeletor-r. Ever,v effort was made to ai'oid inflating the count (for instance, rib heads u'ere counted but rib shafts i.r,ere not, unless the1, coulcl be proved to be from separate ribs alreadr,counted). The completeness of a skeletor-r u'as then derived bl dividing the nun-rber of bones found lvith each specimen by the total number of bones in a skeleton. I atterrpted to locate and list all Tyrannosauru.s specimens collected fronr the upper Maastrichiian terrestrial rocks of North Arnerica. A11 specirnens are listed, whether they are in private hands or pubiic institutions. Anv errors or omissions are solely'my responsibilitr'. All knorvn ir-istitutions, repositories, ancl privaie collectors that ma1'haveTyrannosduruE rex skeletal elements rrr
their collections were contacted for data, and most \\,ere cooperative. The following specimens are listed chronologically'and alphabeticall,v b1'their catalog number and/or their nickname or moniker. The vear of excavation is given ratl-rer than the year of discovery becattse some of them were not excavated
until many
Neal L. Larson
decades after they r'r'ere initiall,v found (Table 1.1).
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The years 1900 through 1909 markecl the dan n of our understanding of Tyrannosaurus rer. This decade includes the initial discoverl'and description of Tyrannosaurus rer Osborn 1905. Four incornplete skeletons of T rex were unearthed durir-ig tl-ris tirne, ancl each one u'or-rld contribute tremenclouslv to the knorvledge of this magr-rificent dinosaur (Osborn 1905, 1906, 1912, 1916). Nearly 60 years rvould pass before any other skeletons rvere collected, and it would be nearly, $Q more years before ideas of holr' they lived, acted, and u,alked lvould change.
BMNH W994 (OriginallyAMNH
(Holotype of Dynamosaurus imperiosus Osborn 1905) DISCovERED: The year 1900, Barnr-rm Brorvn, a professional collector
employ'ed bv A\,INH.
Mile Creek, \Veston Count,v, WY (Fig. l.l, site I).
FoRMATIoN: Lance Forrnation. EXCAVATED:
American I\4useurl erpedition r-rnder Barnun-r Brorvn, 1900.
REPosIToRY: Natural History Museunr, London, England, UK. AceuISITIoN: Purchased frorn the American N{useurn of Natural Histor,v, 1960. DESCRIBED: Osborn (1905, 1906); New'man (1970); Carpenter (1990);
ofboth palatines and both dentaries. T'he postcranial skeleton has all l0 cervical vertebrae, plus 9 left and 4 right cervical ribs. The first 5 dorsal and the 5 sacral vertebrae are also preseni, along rviih the right ilir-rn, the left ischiurr,
sKELETAL REN{AINS: The skull consists
and the right femur. CoN{PLETENEsS: Forty bones, or I}% of a skeleton bi'bone count.
oN DISpLAy? Yes, according to Phillip Manning (persor-ral communication 2005); some parts, the dentar,u-, and maybe another bone or til'o, are displaved at the Natural Historv I\'{useum, London, England, UK. coN,IluEN'I's: Th.isTyrannosdurus rex specimen had the first articr,rlated neck ri'ith cervical ribs. It q'as discovered with numerous scutes of rvhat is norv knorvn to be from an Ank,-losaurus (Carpenter 2004). The species was s-vnonvmized r,vith Tl,rarLnosaurus rex b-v Osborn (1906) in his second contribrrtion onTyrannosaurus.
(Originally AMNH 973) (Holotype of Tyrannosaurus rex Osborn 1905) DISCovERED: The vear 1902, Barnun'i Brown, a professional collector
emploved by AMNH. LocATIoN: Frorn Quarry'No. I, near )ordan, Carfield Countl', NrIT (Os-
born 1905) (Fig. I.l, site 2). FoRNIATtoN: Hell Creek Formation, 220 feet above tire Bearpaw Shale.
Neal L. Larson
[.xcA\ATED: American N{uscum erpedition, under Bamum Bronn,
1902-r905. REposIroRy: Carnegie N{useum of Natural Historr, Pittsburg, P-\. ACQLTtsITION: Purchased frorn the American Nluseum of Natural His-
DESCRIBED: Osborn (190i, 1906, 1912, 1916);Carpenter (1990); Gltrt
(1ee7) sKELETAL RE\,IAINS: The partial skeleton cottsists of the right tnaxilla,
both lacrimals, left scpran'iosal and ectopterr goicl. both dentaries, ancl the left surangular. It also has I cervical. dorsals, and 5 sacral iertcbrae; 3 gastralia; right scapula and lelt hr-itrertts; both ilia, pubes, and ischia; the left fenur and part oi thc right tibial ancl 3 metatarsals (N{clnbsh 1981).
Figure 1 .2. CMNH 9380, skeleton on display. Photo by Peter Larson.
5027, skeleton on display Photo courtesy
AMNH library.
Co\'IPLETENEss: 'l'hirtv-four bones, or lI% of a skeleton by bone count. oN DISpLAy? \Vas on clisplav at the Carnegie Nluseum of Natural Histon,, Pittsburg, PA, since the earlv 1940s. In 2005, the skeleton n'as disrnantlecl, br-rt it is scheduled to be fresl-rl1.'restored, remounted, ancl back on displal'sometime late 2007.
coll\IENTS: The American N4useurr of Natural Historl' sold the skeleton soon rfter tire beginning of World \nVar II. It has often been stated that it ri'as necessarv to ensure that aTl,rannosdurus rex rvor-ild survive in the er.'ent of a bombing. Because the skeletal pose had not been reclone sir-rce it r.vent on clisplay' in the 1940s, the Carnegie NIuseurn of Naturai Historv is r-rorv in the process of conserving and renrour-iting the original skeleton.
Neal L. Larson
DISCovERED: The year 1902, Olaf Peterson, a professional collector ern-
ployed by Carnegie Museum.
LocArIoN: Snyder Creek, Niobrara County, WY (Fig. l.l, site
FoRMATIoN: Lance Fornattott. EXCAVATED: Olaf Peterson and Carnegie Museum expedition, i902. REposrroRy: Carnegie Museum of Natr,rral History, Pittsburg, PA.
DESCRIBED: Partially described
(l98l) noted that CN{ 1400 contains the
left maxilla, premaxilla, and pter,vgoid, the nasals, and the braincase. The postcranial skeleton consists of2 cervical ribs, I dorsal vertebrae, I dorsal rib, 3 chevrons, the left ischir-rrn, ancl both pubes (incornplete). coMPLETENEss: Th'enty-nine bones, or l0% of a skeleton bv bone count. ON DISPLAY? NO.
coMMENTS: Because the Carnegie was in possession of this large tl-reropod specimen, it encouraged Osborn (1905) to publish onTyrannosdurus rex earlier than he originall,v ir-rtended (http://paleo.arnnh.orgl pro
DISCovERED: The year 1908, Barnum Brotl,tl, a professional collector
emploved by
LocArIoN: Near Dry Creek, McCone County, MT (Fig. Ll, site 4). FoRMATIoN: Hell Creek Fort.nation, 220 feet abo.",e the Bearpat' Shale. EXCAVA:I'ED: American Museum field creu'under Barnun-r Brot'n, 1908. REPosIToRY: American Museum of Natural History, Ne"r,York. DESCRIBED: Osborn (1912, 1916). sKELETAL REMAINS: The specimen boasts the first cornplete skull, all
the cervical, dorsal, and sacral vertebrae, ph-rs l8 caudal vertebrae and 7 chevrons; 9 cervical ribs fron-r the right side; 20 dorsal ribs; both ilia, iscl-ria, and pubes. COMPLETENESS: A total 0f I43 bones, or 48%, of a skeleton bv bone count. oN DISPLAY? Yes, at the American Museunr of Natural Historl', Nerv York. coMNIENTS: This specimen of Tyrannosourus rex r.vas the classic one, the best T. rex skeleton on view, anyrvhere r-rntii Sue and Stan \\'ere prepared in 2000 and 1995, respectivel,u-. The skull and much of tl-re skeleton were articlrlated, but the skeletor-r lacked legs, feet, fore-
limbs, and the distalend of the tail. With l4J bones, this u'as the most completeT. rex skeleton until 1990 n'ith the excavation of MOR 5t5 (146 bone$ and a T. rex named Sue (219 bones). In 1996, the skeleton, which had beet-r mounted in an upright position, u'as remounted into a more natural pose. There are casts of the skull and of the skeleton in r-r.rttseum coilections throtrghoLrt the u'orld.
Hrtre..' ..;.c
nfTvrannosaurus rex
Figure 1.4. MOR 008, cast of skull. Photo by Ed Gerken.
0-1 959
Wars, mmors of i,r,ars, and the Great Depression kept manv paleontologists out of the field and in the lab frorn the 1910s tl-irough the 1950s. Although there n'as onlr'' some dinosaur collecting fron [Jpper Cretaceous formations
undertaken during this period in the United States, tl-rere rvas substantial coilecting in Car-rada. Solre paleontologists, such as the Sternberg familv ancl Barnum Btolvn, did ertcnsive collecting in Alberta, helping to build tl-re collections and displar,s in the n-rajor rnLlselll-ns of Canada, Europe, and the Unitecl States. It u,as also dr-rring this time that Rov Chapmar-r Andreu's discovered an entirely nen' Late Cretaceotrs clinosaur fauna in N4ongoha, n'hich rvould later include tl-re ,,\sian tvrannosanrid ,Tarbosaurus.
ir-r the rnid 1960s, neu'clinosaur finds once agair-r began to iure more people into tlie fielcl, ar-rcl manl' amateurs u,ould make imporiant discoveries. Nen'discoveries in Ntlontana rvould begin to establish the Museurn of the Rockies and Los Ar-rgeles Cour-rtv N{useum as major repositories for dinosaurs. For tl-re first tirre, non-East Coast nuseurns u,ould possess original specirnens of the tvrant-lizard king. Disco."'eries of Deinonl,chiis ancl tlie resr-rltar-rt revolutionar,v concepts about dinosaurs b-v fohn Ostrom (Yale LJnir,ersit-v) u,ould help to change the way \ve looked at dinosaurs. Mar-rt'n-rodern researchers n'ould use Ostrorn's
Neal L. Larson
brilliant research
as a springboard to presenlTtrarutosaurus and other dinos:tlrs as active,',r'arm-blooded, birdlike animals instead of cold-blooded, lizarcllike creatures (e.g., Bakker 1986; Paul this volurne).
MOR 008
In 1967, bv Dr. Williarn N4acN4annis, an archeologist from Nlontana State Universitv (Larson and Donnan 2002). LocAr'IoN: Carfield Countr,, N'lT (Fig. l.l, site 5). FoRN{ArtoN: Hell Creek Formation. EXCA\ATED: A teanr from the Nlluseurr of the Rockies, 1967. REPoSIToRY: Vluseurn of the Rockies, Bozeman, MT. DESCRIBED: Partial description in N4olnar (1991). sKELETAL REN{AINS: The skull is rnissing or-r}y the left premaxilla, the riglrt pllrtirre. the riglrtepipterrgoid. arrd tlre torner. Tlre louer jau is missing the splenials, the coronoids, the right dentary, and the left DISCo\IERLD:
atlas is al'o preseut.
Co\'IPLETENESS: Fortv-sir bones, or 15% of a skeleton by bone count.
oN DISILAv? A cast of the skull is on display at the Black Hilis Museun-r of NaturalHistorl', Hill Citv, SD. coM\{E\rs: T}re specimen consists of only an articulated skull and the atlas of a ven'large (Sue size), robust adult. It was on display at the Nluscurn of the Rockies until 1990. wher-r it was moved to the collections. Portions of this skull rvere molded and cast to supplernent the r-nissir-rg portions of \{OR 555 (a gracile Tyrannosaurus rex).
LACM 23844 DiscovERED: 'l'he vear 1966, Harlet,Garbani, plumber and arnateur paleontologist (Dingus 2004). LocA'r'IoN: L. D. Engdahl Ranch, Garfield Cour-ri1', MT (Glut 2002) (F-ig. 1.1, site 6). FoR\,tA'f IoN: Hell Creek Forn-ratior-r.
LACN{ field crerv, 1967-1969 (Glut 2002). REPoSIToRY: Natural Historr' \4useun of Los Angeles Count\', Los Angeles, CA. DESCRIBED: Partial clescription of the skr-rll in Nlolnar (1991); see also EXCA\,ArED: J. R. N,{cDonald and
N,Iolnar (this volun-re). sKELETAL RENIAINS: 'l'he skull consists of the right prernaxilla, maxilla, postorbital, squarrosal, and ptervgoid; both jugals, both iacrirnals, the left quaclrate ancl cpraclratojugal; nasals; frontals and the occipital; both surangulars, dentaries, articulars, and angulars; the left spienial; and
prearticrrlar.'fhe postcranial skeleton consists of2 cervical, 7 dorsal, ar-rd
4 caudal vertebrac; 5 ribs; 10 chevrons; the right scapula, fentur, both ischia, left tibia, 4 netatarsals, and l0 pes
arrcl astragalus; and
pl-ralanges. tr'{ani'of the bones are incomplete rClut 2002). CoN.IPLETENESS:
Seventr.four bones, or 25% ofa skeleton by bone count.
nf Tvr:n1653g1'95
Figure 1.5. LACM 23844, skull. Photo by Dick Meier, courtesy Natural History Museum of I
n< A nnolo< Cnt tntrt
oN DISPLAY? Yes, at the Natural History Museum of Los Arrgeles Countv, Los Ar-rgeles, CA. coMMENrs: The skull and partial skeieton lvere disarticr,rlated and provided the first detail for rnanv of the bones (Molnar i991). The specimen rvas excavated over the span of severai field seasons. The rancher assisted bv bullclozing the overburden a\vay (Dingus 2004). There are several casts of this skr,rll on displav throughout the r,vorld.
LACM 23845 (Holotype of Albertosaurus megrdgracilis Paul 19BB and of Dinotyrannus megragrdcilis Olsheysky et al. 1995) DtscovERED: The year 1969, Harle1'Garbani, plumber and arnateur paleontologist (Dingus 200'1). LocArIoN: L. D. E,ngdahl Ranch, Carfield Countl', MT (GlLrt 2002)
site 7).
FoRx,IATIoN: Heil Creek Formatiorl. 12
Neal L. Larson
EXCAvATED: Harlev Carbar-ri and the
t,AC\l field creri', 1967 (Dingus
2004). RtjPosIToRY: Natural Histon' Mnsenm of Los .\ngeles Countr", Los Angeles, CA. DESCRIBED: N{olnar (1980); Paul (1988); Olsherskv et al. (1995); L:rrsou
and Donnan (2002); Carr and Williamson (2004). sKELETAL RE\'IAINS: 'l'he skull consists of the right
marilla, right lacri-
mal, frontals, nasals, p:rrietals, both dentaries, right coronoid, and right surangular. The postcranial skeleton has the rigl-rt scapula, coracoid, and ulna; both iscliia; the right fernur, tibia, and astragalus; a nearlr conrplete right foot (missing metatarsals I and IV and tl-re piialanges from the first toe); and there are also 2 phalanges fron tl-re left foot (R. Farrar, personal comrrunication 2005). co\lPLETENESS: Thirt\.seven bones, or 12% ofa skeleton bv bone cotrnt. ON DISPLAY? No.
'l'his specin-ren is a juvenileTt-rdnnosdttrus rex (P. Larsor-r, pcrsonai cornnrunication 2005; Carr and Willianrson 2004). It u'as discoverecl about 2 feet abor''e LACN{ 27844, in scrap piles that u'ere created il,hile bullclozirtg the overburclcn alr'av from the lou'er T rex. Bccause of bulldozing, niuch of the skeleton r'r'as fragnrentarr'(Diir-
gtrs 2004).
Sevcral ncn and inrportant skeletons u'ere founcl cluring this decacle. The frlstTyrannosdurus skeletons fronr South Dakota, Nen'Nlexico, and A1berta irrcreasecl the knonr-t range of T. rex bt'hundrecls of miles in all directions. (X,Ianospondt'lus gigas Cope, 1892, n'as collected frorn South Dakota, but that specirnen consisted of onh' 2 cervical vertebrae.) Tori'ard the e nd of this decade. one of the Alberta T. rer skeletons n'or,rld become the first originai T rex skeletons to tour the n'orlcl.
The 1980s
SDSM 12047 (Mud Butte T. rex) DISCovERED: 'I'he vear 1980, Jcnnings Floden, rancher and al.rateur fossil collector (Larson ancl Donnan 2002).
Loc:\TIoN: fennings F'loclen Ranch, near Zeona, Btrtte Countr', SD (Fig. 1.1, site 8).
oRuATIoN: Hel1 Creek Forrration. EXC.l.vAIED: Phil Bjork, Jennings Floden, ancl neigl'rbors 1981; Floden ancl neighbors I981. REPosIToRy: N'lusenrrr of Geologr', South Dakota School of Mines and 'l'echnologr', Rapid Citr,. DESCRIBED: Partial clescripiior-r bv Bjork (1982); Carpertter (1990). sKh,Lli'rAl RENIAINS: Ne:rrlr'cornplete skull, ntissing ortli'the prernaxil1ae. The lon'er jan'has both dentaries, thc right :rngular. and the right coronoid. The postcranial skeleton ir-rclLrcles parts of J ribs ancl F
.a's of Tyrannosaurus
gure 1 6. SDSM 12047,
s<,i on drsplay
:'a:a c.
of Geology. Peter Larson.
has a conrplete section
oftail fron the i5th to the l4th cauclal (in-
cluding chevrons). CoNIPLETENESS: Eight1.61e bones, or 27% of a skeleton b1' bone cour-rt. ox nlspley? Yes, the skull is on display' in the N{user-rrr of Geologl',
Rapid Citl', SD.
initial digging in 1981, the Sor-rth Dakota School of Nlines hacl found the skull, some.n'ertebrae, and sorre ribs. Floden beliei,'ccl that more of the skeleton li,as still in the grourld and recruited neighbors to reopen tlie dig. 'fhev unco."'ered the skull n'ithin a ferv clavs. T\,1,o 1,ears later, thev discovered articulated tail vertebrac ar-rcl the seconcl lolr'er iar,',' (Smith-Hill 1983). Associated rl,ith tl-re skeleton n'ere elements frorn a gar (Lepisosteus'),2 turtles (inclucling a baenid), 2 crococliles (Branchycharnpsa and Leidyosuclrus1, CharnpsosdurLLs, ancl the teeth frorn the iheropod Nanotyrannus (Bjork 1982). The skull and skeleton are currentlv being preparecl, ar-rd a description of the specir-nen is also plannecl.
coNINIENTs: After the
RTMP.8l.12.t (Huxlet: T. rex) DISCovF,RED: 'I'he 1,'ear 1946, Charles
\,{. Sternberg,
a profession:rl
paleontologist. LoC.\rIoN: Near tl-re tou'n of Huxlev, along the Red Deer River, Alberta
1.1, site 9).
FORNIATIoN: Scollard Forrnation.
Neal L. Larson
Phii Currie rvith the Provincial \luseum of Alberta. Ed-
monton, in l9BL REposIToRy: Royal T1''rrell Museum of Palaeontologr, Drr-rmheller,
Alberta. ACeuISITIoN: Transferred from the Provincial \luseurn of Alberta ir-i Edmonton. DESCRIBED: Partial description by Cr-rrrie (1991). sKELETAL REMAINS: From the skr,rll, onlr" a righi postorbital exists. The postcranial skeleton consists of B anterior caudals, 5 anterior chevrons, part of the sacrr,rm, 7 anterior dorsal vertebrae, I rib, both ilia, left ischium, left pubis, both femora, both tibiae, both fibulae, right astragalus and calcaneum, the 2 right tarsals, I netatarsal, and 7 pes phalanges from the right foot (A. Neuman, rvritten commttnication February 1994). CoMPLETENESs: Forty-nine bones, or 16% ofa skeleton by bone count. oN DISpLAy? Yes, at the Royal lvrrell Museum of Palaeontologv, Drumheller, Alberta. coMMENrs: Sternberg found the specimen halfu'av dou,n a steep cutbank or-r the Red Deer River in Alberta. He believed that the specimen was mostly gone, so he clid not atternpt to excavate it. Cr,rrrie, while investigating some of Sternberg's earlier finds, detennined that itlvor,rld be worth excavating to see rvhether there rvas more of the skeleton (Currie l99l). At 52' north latitude, this is the norti-rern-
=a's ofTyranrosaurus rex
Figure 1 .7 Huxley-rex, RTMP 81.6.1, mixture of real bones and cast, with oilginal pelvis in foreground. Photo hv Pofar I ar
.8. Black Beauty
RTMP Bl .6.1, cast skull. Ph^f^ h\/ tsd ( -arkan
RTMP 8I.6.I (Black Beauty; Cowlet T. rex) DISCovERED: T'he y'6a1 1980, Jeff Baker, a l-righ school student (Currie 1993).
LocATIoN: Ncar the confluence of tl-re Cron'snest and Willoli'Rir,'ers (Crou'snest Pass) in southr.r'estern Alberta (Fig. I.l, site l0). FoRIIATIoN: Willoq' Creek Formation. EXCA\ArED: Phil Currie rvith tl-re Provir-rci:rl Nlluseum of Alberta. Edrnonton, in 1981. REPoSIToRY: Royal T1,'rre1l Nluseum of Palaeontologl', Drurnheller, Alberta AcQUISIIIoN: Transferred frorn the Provincial Nrluseurl of Alberta in Edrnonton. DESCRIBED: Partial description b1, Carpenter (1990) and Currie (1991). SKELETAL REMAINS: Accorclir-rg to Ctrrrie (1993), tlie specimen consists of a r-rearll' con.rplete skull but onh' partial lon'er jau's (it has both dentaries, tlie left splenial, and the right angular). It also has 5 cervical and 7 dorsal vertebrae; 2 cervical ancl B clorsal ribs; a right humenls; a nlanus phalange; both femora; both tibiae; the left fibr-rla,
Neal L. Larson
calcaneun, and astragalus; 4 metatarsals; and 5 pes phalanges (A. Neum:rn, n'ritten coinrnunication Februarr 1994). Co\{PLETENEss: Eigl-rti-fir,'e bones, or 28% of a skeleton b1' bone count. oN DISII,AI? Yes, the skull is on clisplav at the Roval lvrrell Mr-rser-im of Palaeontologv, Drun-r1-reller, Alberta. The skeleton has been part of an international trar.'eling exhibit. cox,INIENrs: Black Beautv got its name from its beautifully coiored black bones. It n,as discovered w'hen Jeff Baker took a break fron-r fishing and n'ent ri alking in the hills. This u,ould be the first T. rex to receir,e :r nicknarne. but it r.r'oulcl not be the last. It fras an articulated skrill sholving minor distortion. It becarne the first Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton to go on tour, spending considerable time traveling across Canacla ancl Japan. This specirnen is the rvesternmost Tyrannosaurus rer, found at 114' i,r'est longitude.
MOR 009 (Hager rcx) DISCovERED:'l'he i'ear 19EI, N{ick Hager, forrner director of the N{useum of the Rockies (Larson and Donnan 2002). LocA'rIoN: Garfield Cotrntr', NiT (Fig. l.l, site Il). I,'oR\iA'f IoN: Hcll Creek Fomration. EXCA\A'I'ED: \,luscun-r of the Rockies field crerl,, 1981. REposIToRy: \'lusenm of the Rockies, Bozeman, NIT. sKELE'IAL RENTATNS: 'l'he skeleton consists of the right dentarv, parts of 4 ribs, 22 cauclal vertebrae, and 7 che','rons; the right ilia, both ischia, ancl botl-r pubes; both fernora (left incon-rplete), tibiae (incomplete), the right fibula ancl astragalus; and 4 metatarsals and 7 pes phalar-rges (P. l,arson, personal comrrnnication 2005). coNrPLErENEss: Fiftl-eight bones, or 19% ofa skeleton by bone count. ON DISPLAY? No.
CoNIuENrs: There is a good possibilitl that n.rore of the specimen rer-nains uncollectecl (N,{ick Hagar to P Larson, personal communica-
tion 2005).
NMMNH P-IOI3-I DISCOVERIID: 'l'he r,ear 1982, D. Staton and J. l,aPoint, amateurs. LoCA'l'IoN: 'l'he east side of Elephant Butte Reservoir, near Truth or
Conscquences, NNI (Fig. I.1, site l2). F'oR\,IAt'IoN: tlall Lake N{ember of the \'{cRae Forrnation. EXcA\A't'LtD: Cillette ancl staff fror-n tl-re Neri' \{exico Nlluseurn of Natural Histori' 1983; Tom Williarnson, September 2003. REposIToRy: Nen' N,lerico \'{useuni of Natural Historr', Albuqr-rerque,
Wil\\/illianson (200-ltr and Williamson and
DESCRIBED: Partial clescription bv Gillette et al. r1986); Carr and
lian.rson (2000); Carr and
Carr (2005).
/ears ofTyrannosaurus
SKELETAL RE\tAINS: The specirnen consists of a left dentarv, an incomplete palatir-re (originalli, identified as an articular), a right prearticu-
lar, some incomplete teetl-r, and a nearlv complete chevron (Gillette et al. 1986); a right squamosal and postorbital; an articular, splenial, and at least 2 cl-revrons; and some tooth fragrnents (Ton-r Williamson, personal communication 2005). coMpLETENEss: Ten bones, ot )% of a skeleton by bone count. oN DISpLAy? Yes, the loli,er iau' is on displav at the New Mexico NIuseum of Natural Historv, Albuqr,rerque, NM. CoMMENTS: ThisTtrannos(llLrus rex extendecl tl-re known range in the northern Creat Plains south IJ00 km nearly to the Mexican border. The specin-ren rvas found in an area that is normalll'subrnerged beneatl-r the Elephant Butte Reservoir. It r,"'as discovered I,vhile D. Staton and J. LaPoint u'ere taking a break frorn a saiiboat outing (Gillette ei ai. 1986). T'he lon' level of the reservoir in 2003 gave Wiiliamson the opportunitv to return to the site and collect more bones sorre 20 vears after its irritial excavation. 'l'his specimen is the southernmostT. rex at lJ" north latitude.
The 1990s
1990s became the decade for the rnost incredible'fyrannosaurLLs rex discoveries, with nearly til'ice as many' specimens found and excavated than in all of the -vears before. With the J n-rost conplete T. rex skeletons excavated ir-r the first 2 ,vears, rvl-ro could have expecied that there would be so manv more specimens found? And rvho could have anticipated all of the ptiblicitl,and controversies that some of these dinosaurs would generate (e.g., Dal'ies 1997; Donnan and Cotrnter 2000; Glut 2000, 2002; Fiffer 2000; Larson and Dor-rnan 2002)?
(Wankel rex; Devil rex) DISCovERED:
'fhe l'ear I988, Cathl'Wankel, novice.
LoCATIoN: From tl-re sor,rth side of Fort Peck Lake, NlcCor-re Countr,, MT (Fig. 1.1, site l3).
FoR\{ArIoN: Hell Cieek Fornation. EXCAVATED: Pat Leiggi ar-id N{useum of the Rockies field crew, REPoSI'I'oRY: Museum of the Rockies, Bozernan,
DESCRIBED: Partial description bv Horner ancl Lessern (]993); described bv Carpenter ar-rcl Smith (2001).
SKELETAL REN,{AINS: The skull cotrsists of a conplete braincase, right dentarr; left maxilla, nasals, vorner, both squarnosals, both postorbitals,
both cluadrates and quadratojugals, both jugals, both lacrimals, botl'r pten'goids, and both epiptervgoids. The skeleton consists of both scapulae ar-rcl coracoids, the left arm ancl most of the left hand (rnissing onlr' 3 bones), conplete legs and left foot (minus I phalange), plus the right II, III, and V rretatarsals. Also collected vn'ere a cornplete pelvic girclle (including the sacmn), nearh'all of the dorsal and cervical vert8
Neal L. Larson
tebrae (rnissing onli'tl-re atlas), the first 14 caudal vertebrae pltrs 1 additional, 6 cl-revrons,'[ dorsal ribs, and 5 ceri'ical ribs. coNIPLETENESS: Fourteen bones, or 49% of a skeleton bv bone cotrnt. ox orspr-,qv? Yes, a portion of the skeleton u'ent on displav in 2005 at the
N{useum of the Rockies, Bozemar-r, NIT.
rnanv othe rs. A bronze casting of this clinosaur mav also be vie"r''ecl outside the \,,luseun of the Rockies, Bozeman, N'lT.
BHI 2033)
DISCovERED: T'he vear 1990, Susan l{endrickson, arnateur archeologist
and paleontologist. LocA'rroN: Nlaurice Williams Ranch, north of the tou'n of Iraith, Ziebach Cor-u.rtr', SD (fig. 1.1, site 14). I.oR\IA't'IoN: Hcil Creek F'orrration, about I5 feet aboi'e the contact lr'ith the For Hills F-omation (P Larson, personal cotrmttnication 2006). EXCA\ArED: Black Hills Institute fielcl cren from Ai-rgust 14 to September
REposITORy: Field l,Iuser,rm of Natural Historr. Chicago, IL. .\CQLTISITIoN: Sothebr"s Auctiorr, 1997. DESCRIBED: A full description of tlie skull and skeleton u,as publishecl bv Brochu (2003); it ri'as also partially'describe d br Larson (i994, 2000); c)np H'1.
": ' a.r. ofTvrannosaurus rex
Figure 1.9. MOR 555, cast of skeleton. Photo by Ed Gerken.
co\'lxtENrs: This clinosar-ir n'as discor''ered n'hile Catht'\\/ar-rkel u'as hiking on a butte in thc Hell Creek Formation on the south sicle of Fort Peck Lake ul-rile tl're rest of her fanilv u'as fishing (Homer and Lesserr 1993). Some resin casts of tiris skeletor-r rt.rav be seen at the Dallas N{Lrsetrn of Natural Historl', Houston N,lluseurn of Nattrre ar-rcl Science, tJniversitl of California Nftiseum of Paleontologl, N{useunr of the Rockies, and Black Hills \,{usettm of Natural [{istort', among
(Sue, formerltt
F g-'e 1 1a Sue FMNH PP.2ABi during excava-
lian tA.); skull during preparation with Terry Wentz (B), on display at the Field Museum (C). Photos. (A, C)Peter Larson; (B) Ed Gerken.
Donnan ancl Connter (2000); Carpenter and Smith (2001); Larsorr and Dor-tnan (2002);and L:rrson and Rigbt'(2005). \vEB sI't'lt: http://u'u'lr,.fieldmuse urr.orglsue/ and http://lvr,r'r,r.bhigr.com/ pa ge s /i n foli n fo_su e. htm. SKI;LETAL REN,IAINS: A conpiete skull, 61 r,ertebrae (9 cerr,ical, 11 dorsal, 5 sacral, 36 cauclal),2i che',,rons, lJ cervical ribs, both proatlas, 19 dorsal ribs. It also has both scapulae and coracoids, the furcula. thc rigl'rt arn and nrost of the right hand, a cornplete peh,ic girclle, both legs, both calcar-iea ar-rd astragali, a tarsal, a nearll'corrplete right
foot (missing 2 bones), and a single pcs phalange frorn the left foot (Brochu 2003). CONTPLETENESS: A total of 2 19 bones, or 7)% of a skeleton bi' bo[re count. ox olspley? Yes, in 2000, Sue li,'ent on clisplav at the Irield Museum of Natural Historv, Chicago, IL. CoNIN{EN'I'S: 'l'he dinos:mr u'as named in honor of its discoverer, Sue Hendrickson. Tl-re skeleion'ur,as found along u,ith the rernair-rs of 3 other theropods (a partial iibia ald fibula from a\,rannosaurlts rex subadult, a frontal from a iu','er-rile T. rex, and a iacrin'ral from Nano-I'hescelosaurus, trrannus), several skeletal elements of stornach contents of FldmontosaurrLs, a turtle skull and scntes, crocodile teeth and p.rrtr. fish teeth and vertebrae, a r.aranid, abundant plants, and nolL-rsks.
No other dinosaur has provokecl so rnuch attention as a dinosaur groLrps, inclucling Black Hills Institute ancl the
naned Sue. Several Neal L. Larson
U.S. federal gol'ernrrent, laid claim to the bones {see Davies 1997; Dorrnan and Counter 2000; Larson and Donn:rn 2002; Fiffer 200[,. The Field Museurn of Natural Historr ir-i Chicago, aided by \Valt Disnev World, Ronald N{cDonald Hor:se. ancl other sources, ac-
quired Sue from Soihebv's Auction in 1991. The rights to the Sue tradernarked naffre \vere given to the Field \ltrseurr b-v BHI in 1999. On May 17, 2000, the Field Museum unr,eiied the prepared and mounted skeleton of Sue to the public. The Fieid N'luseum also developed 2 traveling exhibits around casts ofthe Sue skeleton.
BHI 2033 (Sue) and several other specirnens were used by Stephan Pickering in an r-rnpublished rlanuscript (Glut 1997) to establish a second species of Tyrannosaurus. Althougl'r there mav be reasot-is to erect a second Tyrannosaurus species from tl-re Late Maastrichtian of North American (Larson and Donnan 2002; Bakker, personal communication; Paul l9B8; Larson this',,olune), both Sue and Stan compare favorably rvith the type of T rex. As a side note, Pickering came to the BHI to str,rdy'some of the specirrens
usecl to fustifv the ner.r" species.
BHI3033 (Stan\ DISCovERED: The year 1987, Stan Sacrison, amateur paleontologist.
LocArIoN: The Niemi Rancl-r, near Buffaio, Harding Cottntv, SD (Fig.
i.l, site I5). FoRMATIoN: Hell Creek Forrnation, 16 m beneath the K-T boundarr.' (K. Johnson, written communication 2000). EXCAVATED: Black Hills Institute field creu'fron-i April 14 to NIay 7,1992; a few more skeletal elernents were collected in 1993 ar-rd 2003. REposIroRy: Black Hills h-rstitute of Geological Researcl-i, Hill Citv, SD. DESCRIBED: Partialll described in Donnan and Counter (1999); Larson (2000); Larson and Donnan (2002); Hurum and Sabath (2003); P. L.
Larson (this volurne); Larsson (this volun-re); Stevens et al. (this l'oh,rme).
wEB sIrE: http://wrvu,.bhigr.corn/pages/info/info-stan.htr-n. sKELETAL REMATNS: The skeietal elements collected r,vith Stan include: a
nearly complete skull (missing the rigl-rt articrrlar and the left coronoid); 59 vertebrae (9 cervicai, 14 dorsal, 5 sacral, 31 caudal); 24 cher. rons; 14 cervical ribs (including the proatlas); l2 dorsal ribs; a nearli.' complete pelvic girdle (the distal ends of both ischia and pubes $'ere weathered awav); left femora; both tibiae; the left fibula; both calcanea and astragali;
left metatarsals; ar-rd li pes phalar-rges.
coMPLETENESS: A total 0f 190 bones, or 67%
ofa skeleton bv bone
oN DISpLAy? Yes, since 1996 at the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research,
Hill City, SD.
coN,IMENTS: Stan u,as the first of
nany Tyrannosaurtls
t"ex skeietons
found in Harding Countv, SD. It was nat.t-iecl in honor of Stan Sacrrsor-r, its discoverer. Soon after Stan founcl tl.ris clinosaur, he became discor-rraged because he was told that this skeleton u'as jttst another
/ears offyrannosaurus rex
Figure 1.11. Stan BHI 3033, during excavation (A), disarticulated skull with Terry Wentz (B); on display at Black Hills lnsti-
tute, with Brenda Larson C). Photos: (A, B) Ed Gerken; (C) Larry Shaffer.
articnlated Triceratops. Tl're bor-res lav in the groi-rucl r-rrtil I992. when BHI bec:rme au'are of the skeleton and began excavation. Stan rvas found rvith Z r-ron-?] rex bones: atEdmontosaurus i.'ertebrae ar-rd an acid-etched'lriceratops tibia n'ith botl-r ends rnissing, bitten (Larson and Donnan 2002), ancl innumerable well-preservecl leaves
(fohnson 1996). Preparatior-r of this skeleton n'as conipleted in
1995, and Stan r.r'ent on tour in Japan ur-rtil )une 1996 as part of the T rex \Vorlcl Tor-ir. Because Star-r's skull u'as disarticulated and so rvell preserved, it pror.,iclecl much nen informatioli on the osteologl'and rnechanics of tvrannosaurid skulls (Donnan ancl Cor,rnter 1999; Larson 2000; Larson and Donnan 2002; Hurtrrr and Sabath 2003; P. Larson
this volurne; Larsson tl-ris r.olume). Nlore than J5 cast Stan skeletons and 50 Star-r skulls are on displar,' in public and private institr-rtions worlclrvide, including: the Snithsonian hrstitr,rte, Washington, DC; Oxford Uni'n,ersitr; Oxford, Englancl, UK; North American N{useurn of Ancient Life, Lehi, U'll Kenosha Public \luseurn, Kenosha, WI; ancl National Science N{usetrm, Tokvo.
Neal L. Larson
Samson (Z-rex, NIr.
Z, Mr. Zed)
DISCovERED: The r,ear 1987, NIike Zimrnershied, landowner's son, amate ur.
LocA'lIoN: Donald Zimrnershied Ranch, near the )ump-off, Harding Countr', SD (F-ig. 1.1, site
FoRNIATIoN: Hell Creek Fornration. EXc.\\ArED: Irred Nuss, Alar-r Deitrich, Steve and Stan Sacrison, 1992. REPost'foRY: Pri|ate, Grahan Lacey'. ACQuISITIoN: Purchasecl in 2004 frorn Fred Nr-rss :rnd Alan Deitrich for ar-r undisclosed arnourn. DESCRIBED: Partialh'describecl in Clut (2002); Larson and Donnan (2002) wLt B
strE : htip://ivri'lr'.carnegiemnh.orgiditil'/paleolab/samson/index.htrn.
sKELETAI, REuAINS: According to Dale Rr-rssell (personal communica-
1997), the skeleton has a nearh'con-rplete skull, 9 cervical and 7
clorsal vertebrae, 2 cervical and 10 dorsal ribs, 17 caudals, at least 4
chevrols, both femora, lcft fibula, abr-rndant tibia pieces, 3 metatarsals, ancl
pes phalanges.
co\{pr,ErENESS: A total of I2l bones, or 40% ofa skeleton by bone coulrt. oN DISPLAY? Yes, cr,rrrentlv at the Carnegie N{ttsettm Paleo Lab il,hile undergoi n g preparation. coN,I\IENTS: 'l'lre landon'ners knen' that this lr'as a of a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton as earlr'as 1987. In I992, professional collectors Fred Nuss ancl .\lan Deitrich, fron Kansas, contracted ivith the landowr-rer and procccded to ercar,ate the skeleton. They named it"Z-rex" for the first lettcr of the landorr'ner's last nan-re. The skeletor-r and skr,rll u'ere
one H'tr
.a.< n/ Tvrannosaurus rex
Finrrro 1 'l 7 (:mcnn (Z-rex); anterior view
of skull block (A); side view of skull (B). Photos courtesy Dale Russell.
then transportecl to Kansas for storage. It was repeatedly'offered for sale over the next dozen vears. Z-rer becarne the first T. rex olfered for sale over the Internet and r'"as offered for sale in the Wall Street foun-ral on April 27,1999 (GlLrt 2002). The specin'ren r,r'as acquired by international businessman, Graham Lacev, r.vho changed its narne fron Z-rex to Sanrson and transported to the Carnegie Nltrseurn in Pittsburgh, ll'here it is currentlr, undergoing preparation. Sarnson's preparation can be observed in the Carnegie Museum Paleo Lab. N{ore inforn-ration on Samson carr be obtained from Glut (2002, p. 578).
DISCovERED: The vear 1992, Charlie Fickle and his dog, both an-rateurs.
LocArIoN: A housing developrnent, Littleton, CO (Fig.
site l7).
F'oRN{ATIoN: Lolver part of the Denver Formation.
EXCA\ArED: Collected b1' the Denver Museum of Nature under the clirection of Kennetl-r Carpenter, 1992.
& Science
REPoSIToRY: Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Denver. CO. DESCRIBED: Carpenter and Yotrng (2002). SKELETAL REN{AINS: Carpenter and Young (2002) reported that the par-
tial skeleton consisted of a left femur, ilium, scapula, and coracoicl; right tibia. fibr-rla.
astragalrs; a distal caudal vertebrae, ribs, and
3 teeth. CoMPLHTENESs: Twelve bones, or 4% of a skeletor-r by bone count. oN DISPLAY? 1'es, some of tl-ris specin-ren can be seen at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. CoMN,IENTS: TltisTyrannos(turus rex has the clistinction of being the onlv dinosaur discovered bv a dog (K. Johnson, personal communicatiorr
2005). It is also the onh'T rex found to date in Colorado (although teeth ivere previouslr,knor','n) and the onlv T rex with a street adclress (K. Carpenter, personal communication 2005). DN4NH 2827 r,ias scattereci before burial and li,as also danaged b;'earth-moving equipment before discoven, (Carper-rter and Young 2002).
Bowman DIScovERED: November I992, Dean Pearson, amateur. LocArIoN: Near Rhanle, Bon'man Courltv, ND (Fig. I.1, site lB). FoRMATIoN: Hell Creek Formation, JZ n-r belorv the K:l'boundary (Dean Pearson, notes r,r,itl-r specin-ren). E xCAVAT E D : Pioneer Tra il s Regional \,luseu rn, volunteers, 1992-199 4. REPoSIToRY: Pioneer Trails Regional Museurn, Bou'man, ND. SKELETAL RENIAINS: According to Dean Pearson (notes ivith specirnen),
there rvere 45 bones of the skeleton collected. They cor-rsisted of ribs, rertebrae, both pr-rbes, the distal encl of tl-re scapr-rla, and gastralia (Don Wilkening, personal communication 2005).
Neal L. Larson
'€ l
,:t!,. .#
'l,h '
Figure 1 .13 DMNH 2827, left scapula and coracord (A), left ilium in medial (B) and lateral (C) views, left femur rn anterior (D) and lateral (E) views; right tibia and astragalus tn anterior view (F); right fibula in lateral (G) and medial (H) vtev'ts.
=:rs of Tyrannosaurus rex
CoNIPLETENESS: Less than '15 bones (because sorrre are gastralia), or less
ofa skeleton bv bone count.
ON DISPLAY? No. CoNT]{EN'fs: 'I'he nrtrseum has nei.'er given the specimen a collection or
an acquisition number. 'l'he bones are still in plaster jackets, and thev are also er-rcased in a liard concretion that makes preparatior-r difficult. Becanse of that, it is r-rot knon n when the specimen n,ill be preparecl (Don Wilkenir-rg, personal cominunication 2005).
BHI4IOO (D"ff,r) DISCovERED: The r,'ear 1993, Stan Sacrison, amateur paleontoiogist. LocArIoN: John, Bettr, and Darid Niemi Ranch, near Buffalo, Harding Cotrntl; SD, abor-rt a quarter n-rile from the Stan excavation site (Fig. I, site l9). F oRtIArIoN: I'lell Creek Forrration, estirrated to be about l6 rr beneath Figure 1 14. Duffy, BHI 41 00, dudng excavation. Pn^f^
nt/ Fd t-arvan
the KIT boundarr' (Johnson 1996). EXCA\ArED: Black Hills Instittrte field crerv, suinmers of 1991, 1994, 1996. and 2006.
Neal L. Larson
REpoSIroRy: Black Hills Institr:te of Geological Research, Hill Cit\', SD. DESCRIBED: Partiallt,described by Counter (1996), Larsor-r ancl Donnan (2002) sKELETAL REMAINS: Most of the skull and a portion of the skeleton n'as
recovered. The skr-rll consists of: both maxillas, right prerraxilla, nasals, both lacrin.rals, left postorbital, both qriadrates, boih 1ugals, left squamosal, both quadratojugals, left pterygoid, both palatines, left ectopterygoid, right epipterygoid, both dentaries, rigl-rt surangular, rigl-it prearticular, tlie right splenial, right coronoid, a partial braiiicase, and 49 loose, rooted teeth. The skeleton has both scapr,rlae ancl coracoids, I astragaius; the right ischium; 8 caudals; I3 dorsals and cervical vertebrae; 9 dorsal ribs; anC 6 chevrons. About 50 loose
teeth lvere found alor-rg u'ith the specimen. coMPLETENESs: Seventv-six bones, or 25% ofa skeleton by bone cottnt. oN DISpLAy? Yes, some portions are on dispiav at the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Hill Citv, SD, and a bronze cast of the left sicle of the skull is on the outside of their building. The skull bones L,,r rost of tlre skeletol rerrrains unnrenared. --^ -.^^--^l drL y'LP4r\u. coMMENrs: Duffv u'as named for atton-rey' Pat Duffi,, n,ho was tl-re defense attornev for BHI in the Sue case (see Larsot-t and Donnar-t 2004). The skull and partial skeleton of Duffy'u'ere disarticulated ar-rd scattered or,'er a large area. This prorrpted Black Hills Institute to use a Bobcat to assist u'itl-r tl-re discoverv of the bones. This grour.rd-penetrating Bobcat r,vas used to scrape thin layers of tl-re qllarry floor arvay'during mr,rltiple passes, u'hich ied to the discover-v of much of the specirnen. The final dir-nensior.rs of tl-re quarrv were approximately 55 feet br'70 feet. The Black Hills Institute originallv excavated durir-ig I99)-1996, then returned in 2006 and remo-,'ed the hills aronnd the specimen. Within 3 dat's, thel'had excavated 3 additional skull bor-res and several other unidentifiable bones.
UWGNI I8I DiscovERED: NIike Pallett, Universitv of Wisconsin geologv student, 1997.
LocArIoN: Near Ekalaka, Carter Countl', N,IT (Fig. Ll, site FoRMATIoN: Hell Creek Formation. EXCAVATED: University of Wisconsin lrield Crerv, 1993.
REPoSIToRY: Unir,ersity of Wisconsir-r, Geologv N{user-rm, N1adison, sKELETAL REMAINS: A partial, fragrnentarv skull u,ith
associated verte-
brae. According to Ricl-rard Slaughter, director of the
Geology', the follorving skull elernents are represented: left dentart',
right dentarv; right sr-rrangular, splenial, right narilla, left postorbital, right postorbital, right frontal (lvith attacl-recl prefrontal, parietal, and laierosphenoid), right jugal, right quadratojugal. rigl-it quadrate, and, tentativel); partial pterygoid, squamosal, and prearticular (not sided) coMPLETENESS: Tq,entv bones, or 7% of a ske le ton bv bone cottnt. ON DISPLAY? No,
CoN,tN{ENrs: "This specin-ren is reallv broken up,
.15. Scotty,
2523.8., during excavation (A); skull on display at the RSM Fossil Research Station (B). RSM
li,ith close to I00 small pieces that har,'e not been identifiecl to elerlient t,et" (R. Slaughter,
\\'ritten cornr.nnnication 2005).
Phafn< rnt trfacrt Rnttal
RSM 2523.8
(Scotty) DISCo\TERED: The r,ear 1991, Robert Gebhart, schoolteacher.
LocATroN: Near Eastend, southern Saskatchenar-r (Fig. 1.1, site 2l). FoRNIATIoN: Frenchntan Fornation. EXCA\ArED: Ro,val Saskatcher,""an N4useum field crer.v 1994 through 2001. REPoSIToRY: Royal Saskatcltervan N{useunt. SKELETAL REN,TATNS: l-he skull is nearlv complete.
It is n-rissing both palthe splenials, the coronoids, the left angtilar, and about a third of the teetl-r. N'lost of the skull bones are incomplete. The postcranial skeleton is less knori n because nrost of rt is still unprepared. There are more than 40 cervical, dorsal, and caudal (but no sacral) r'ertebrae, 16 dorsal ribs (at least), 1 scapula, I r-nanus phalange, and the right fernur, tibia, and fibula, along rvith both ilia, ischia, and pubes. There is also at least I netatarsal and several pes phalanges (Phil Currie, personal con']munication 2005). coN{pLErENEss: Abor,ri I20 + bones to clate. or at least 40% of a skeletorr bi'bone count. oN DISPLAv? Yes, the skull is on displav and severai portions ofthe skeleton can be seen undergoing preparation at the T. rex Discovery' Centre in Eastend, Saskatcheu,an. Col,IMENTS: This skeleton ri'as discoverecl bv Robert Gebhart as he accon-rpanied Tin'r Tokarvk and John Storer on a field trip for the Ror al Saskatchen'an lu{user:rr. The specimen li'as nicknarned Scottv after a bottle of spirits corrsumed in the field bv the discoverers. Preparation is trnderu'av at the T re.r Discoverv Centre in Eastend, Saskatche'"1'an (ovnned and operatecl bv the Roval Saskatcheu'an atir-res, tl're epiptervgoicls,
Neal L. Larson
Nlusetrrn). The skull and skeleton u ere clisarticulated and spread out over a l:rrge area (Clut 2003). Scottr is a large adtltTyrannosaurus re.x skeleton r",ith a femr-rr length of ll90 nrnr (P Cr-rrrie, personal corrrnunication 200i).'l'here are still rears of n'ork ahead to finish
prep:rration because of the hard encasing rock, so eventually more of
thc skeleton mav be discovered.
BHI6219 (007, Double-O-Sewn) DIScovERED: The vear 1994, Bill Garstka, professional collector. LocArIoN: Near \'Iarnrouth, Slope Countv, ND (Fig. 1.1, site 22). FoR\'lA'r'IoN: Heil Cieek Forrnation. EXcA\ArED: Collected bi Warfielcl Fossils field crer,v (led by Rick Heb-
and Bill Garstka) in 1994 and 1995. REposIToRy: The skull bones rvere sold to a private collecior in Nerv York, the foot bones to another collector, and the remaining portions rverc o'entualll,, purchased bv Black Hills Institute in 2005. clor-r
.\CQuISITIoN:'l'hror-rgl-r purchase. sKELETAL RENIAINS:'l'l-ie skull consists of both maxillae, both premaxil1:re, and parts of the dentarr'. Tl-re skeleton consisted of I vertebrae, I dorsal rib, I n'retatarsal, I pes phalange, the distal end of left l-runerus. lud plrts of a tibia and fibula (Rick Hebdon, personal com-
munication 2005). co\lPLllr'ttNEss: 'Iu'elve bones, or 7% of a skeleton bv bone count. ON DISPLAY? No.
co\'INIENTs: According to Rick Hebdon (personal communication 2005), rnost of tiie skeleton rvas fotrnd ileatliered out in an arrolio; the remainir-rg portions uere under a hard sar-rdstone ledge. Tl-re field crew j:rckhaniniered on the sanclstone leclge for 6 r.r'eeks in 1994 and came back ir-r 1995 and clvnal-ritecl the ledge. Not rnuch of the skeleton n.as found, but the hun'iems and a large fragnient of tooth indicate tlrat it is prob,ibl, l robrrst rrrorplrotr pe.
BHt 6249 (Stercn) DISCovuRED: 'f}'re vear I995, Steve Sacrison, an arnateur paleontologist. LocA'rtoN: John, Bettr', and David Niemi Ranch, near Buffalo, Harding
Countr', SD, about a qr-rarter mile south of the Duffi' excavation site
1.1, site
!'oRNrArroN: Hell Creek Fornation. estimated to be 6 to 10 m beneath the K-T boundarr (P Larson, personal communication 2005). EXcA\A'IED: Black Hills hrstitute field creri sunrrrie r of 1995. REposlroRy: Black Hills h-rstitute of Geoiogical Researcl-r, Hill Cit-v, SD. DESCRIBED: Partialh.'described bv Larson and Donnan (2002). .\ceuISI'f toN: Collectecl bv Black FIills Institute field cren'. sKuLtt'i'Al Ru\{AINS: Skeletal eiernents collected s ith Steven are a nearlv
Hu"::'=: ':a.s
ofTyrannosaurus rex
B : g-.e
1 16
iAl found
Sie"/en, BHI 6249, Ph^t^<
(At Ed Gerken.
complete right femr-rr, 6 dorsal r,ertebrae (mosth' incomplete), 5 dor*:L^ I -L^r."---, '-l Jdl I lUJt r yl rclldrr
LDP#977-2 (Pete) DISCovERED: The vear 1995, Rob Patchr,rs, a gradr-rate student fron'r Unir,'ersitv of Neu' Orleans.
LocArIoN: Suanson Ranch, Niobrara Countr,, WY (Fig.
1.1, site 24).
FoR\tA'rIoN: Lance Forrnation, abor-rt 800 feet belorv the KIT contact. EXC.\\'ArED: Lance Dinosaur Project field creil'in the summer of I995. REposIToRy: Stored at the University of Neu' Orleans, Neu, Orleans, LA. DESCRIBED: Derstler and Ml'ers (2005, this','olume). SKELETAL RETIAINS: According to Derstler ancl Mvers (2005), the skeletor-r contains 2 short strings of articulated cervical ar-rd dorsal verte-
Neal L. Larson
brae along with son-re ribs and gastralra tirai are heavilv iveathered. 'fhere are also parts or fragments oi the hrnd lirnbs, pelr,is, ribs, ar-rd vertebrae rveathered dor'vnslope from the specinen.
coMpLErENEss: Estimated to be bet$'een lt)l to Ii% of a skeleton bv bone cour-rt. ON DISPLAY? No. CoN,tN'IENrs: Pete was narned in honor of Rob s grandfather, Pete Patcl-ius, and for Pete Larsor-r. Pete is ur-rdergoing preparation at UNO but is not yet on pr-rblic displav. Hurricane Katrina (.\ugrist 2005) interrupted the rvork b1' putting the specimen off limits for more than 9 nlonths. As a result, neither the records r-ror the specinen cor-rld be worked on, investigated, or in'"'entoried (Derstler, personal communication 2005).
Barnum DISCovERED: The year 1995, Bruce Hamilton and Leon Theisen, profes-
sional collectors. Sever-r Mile Creek, north of the Cheyenne River, Niobrara Count,v, WY (Fig. l.l, site 25). FoRN.{ATIoN: Lance Formation. EXCAVATED: Collected b1'Japh Bol'ce and R I B Rockshop field crew in 1995 and 1996. REPosITORY: Siatus unknolvn. wEB sIrE : http://rvu'w.factmonster.com/spot/dino-bargaintrex.html. ACeuISITIoN: Undisclosed inr''estors pr-rrchased Barnum at a Bonhams and Butterfields auction in Mav 2004. sKELETAL RE\,IAINS: The skull consists of incomplete bones, includir-rg both n-raxillae, left jugal, left ectopten'goid, riglit squan-rosal, left der-rtari', surangular, ar-rd articuiar. Tl-re skeleton aiso has mostly incomplete bones consisting of I cervical, 4 dorsal, and J car-rdal verte-
LocArIoN: Near the headwaters of
brae; 9 dorsal ribs, sorne gastralia; 6 metatarsals, 3 pes phalanges; left iliurn, left ischium, both pubes (right incomplete), both femora (right incomplete), left tibia, fibula, astragaius, and calcaneum; par-
tial left scapula, left hurnerris, and nanus clarv. CoNIPLETENESS: Forty-seven bones, or 16%
ofa skeleton by bone count.
coMN,IENrs: Accordir-rg to Japh Boi'ce (personal commur-rication 2005), he named the skeleton in honor of Barnr-rm Brown, 'nl,ho had discor. ered the first T1'rannos durus rex bor-res (described as Dynamosdurus imperiosr-ts Osborn 1905) not far from this site. Bo,vce originally
claimed that this specimen was the rest of the holotvpe skeleton (BN{NH R7994, formerlr" AMNH 5866; see above), br-rt according to Carpenter (personal communication 2006), if that r"'ere true, there u'or-rld be I femurs for the type instead of ? According to faph Boyce, he sold the specimen to a group of investors knor,vn as Tyrex in 2000. Soon alter tfiis, 'l\'rex brought a case against Bovce, claiming lack of clear title. -\fier Boyce demonstrated a clear title, the specin'ren $'as auctrnned off for $90,000 bv
d;,# !6'
3, b:
-'.1 ,p,
gure 1.17. Fox, BHI R) lPft dcnfarv st ihe excavation, with fe<ar Tmith Phnfn
Bonhams and Btrtterfields, ;rn allction house, in N{:rr' 2004 to unknou'n in'u'estors (fapii Bovce, personal comrnunication 2005).
Ed Gerken.
BHI4I82 (Fox; Foxy Lady; County rex) DISCoVERED:
'fhe vear
1994, t,lor.d Fox, rancher.
LocArIoN: Land belor-rging to Hardir.rg Cor-rntr', located u,ithin the pasture of Llovd, Eunice, and Russeil Fox, near Redig, Short Pine Hills, Hardir-rg Countr', SD (Fig. Ll, site 26) FoR\,IA'f IoN: Hell Creek Formation. EXCA\ArED: Black Hills h-rstitute field creu', slulrrers of 1996, 1997, and 199E.
DESCRIBED: Partiallr, described b1' Larson and Donnan (2002).
REposIroRy: Black l-lills Institute of Ceological Researcl'r, Hill Citv, SD. sKELET'AL RENTATNS: The skull consists of the left postorbital, right qua-
right ectopterl.'goid, both dentaries, both surangulars, both articulars, both prearticulars, both angulars, both splenials, both coronoids, and 43 ioose, rootecl teeth. The postcranial skeleton u':rs for.rnd u.ith 2 cervical, I clorsal, ar-rcl J caudal vertebrae, 5 dorsal clrato ju ga1.
ribs. ancl 2 cervical ribs.
co\tPLLI E\Ess: 'lb
clate, 29 bones, or I0% of a skeleton bv bone count. DISeLAI? Yes, the left dentan' is on displal'at the Black Hills N{u-
seLrnr of Natural Histori,, Flill Cit\', SD. Cou\tE\TS: Llovd For discol'ered aTl,rannosaurus rex,later namecl Fox, in hor-ror of Llovcl, in 1994 on a parccl of Harding Conntr'l;rnd. Black
Hills Institute of Ceological Research received permission fron'r the Neal L. Larson
corlntv commissioners to begin ercalatror in 1996 T'he specir.nen was u,iclelv scattereci; n-rore probabh'renrain. buriccl at the site. Portions
the skull and skeleton indicate that it i: a robLrst n-rorphot-vpe.
(Peck's Rex) DISCoVERhtD: 'l-he vear 1997, Lou Tren.rblar, bioiogr teacher.
LocA'l'IoN: \'lcCor-re Cour-ttl, N{T (fig. FoR\IATIoN: l{ell Creek Formation.
site l7).
Collectcd frorn 1997 through 2004 by'several clifferent grollps, including different parties led br J. Keith Rigbv, Nate N'lurphr', and Kraig Derstier (see Derstler and M\,ers this r,olurne). REPosI'roRY: \{use um of the Rockies, Bozeman, N'IT, on loan to the F-ort Peck Paleontologl'Field Station at Fbrt Peck, N{ontana. DESCRIBED: Furcula br,'Larson and Rigby'(2005); Lipkin ancl Carpenter this r,olurne. sKEL!tlAL RhtN{AINS: The skull consists of a braincase, both maxillae ancl prenasillae, incorrplete nasals (most of the right), right postorbital, right 1ugal, both lacrin-rals, both quadrates, both quadratolugals, both cler-rtaries, left splenial, left prearticular, right surangular, and the right artictrlar. The forelirrbs include the furcula, both scaprilas, I coracoid, both hunreri, met:rcarpal III, ar-rcl 3 rnanus phalanges. Its hind lirnbs ar-rd peli.'is include a complete right ieg u,ith calcaneurn, astragaltts, ar-rd I mctatarsal; a complete left iliurn, partial right iliurn, both pubes, both ischia. and the sacral vertebrae. 'l'he skeleton also has sotne dorsal and cen'ical r,'ertebrae, a string of 9 or I0 anterior caudal ."'ertebrae (n-rost lvith chevrons), manv dorsal ribs, some cer','ical ribs, and quite a felr, gastralia (N. N{urphr', personal comrrunication 2005). coN{PLETENEss: Thcre }ras not vet been a corrplete skeletal inventorr'. It is estimatecl to be about lZ0 bones, or 40% con-rplete b.,'bone count. oN DISeLAv? Cast of the skeleton is on clisplay at Fbrt Peck h-ite rpretive Center. Fort Peck. EXC.A.vA'I't1D:
Figure 1.18. Peck's Rex,
MOR 980, cast of skeleton at the Fort Peck lnfprnrpfi\/a apnfar ( A t
cast of skull (B). Photos a6t !rfa
CoN{}lENTS: Peck's Rex u'as another Tyrannosaurus rex involved in contror,'ersr,. T'he property'rvas originalll' private, but the federal government foreclosed the land because of an unpaid loan. A California teacher discor.'ered theT. rex n'l-rile exploring for fossils as an Earth
Watch volunteer, under the supervision of J. Keith Rigbi', r,l'ho began the ercavatior-r. After the Earth W'atch gror-rp closed the quarrl,', later that vear, the originai landowners returned and tried to excavate the dinosaur thernselves. The governmcnt seized the specimen, and eventuallv the specinen rvas pr-rt under the care of ttre Museum of
thc Rockies (http://rvrvu'.r-rd.edu/-ndrr-ia
ail}}T l igbvrex.htrrl).
The specimen received its nicknarne after nearbv Fort Peck Lake. 'fhe excavation of this specimen il'as unusual because several different groups particip:rtecl. J. Keith Rigbl'of Notre Dame Universihi along n itl-r Earth Watch volunteers, the original landorvners, Nate Murphv from the Judiih River Dinosaur Institute, and Kraig Derstler frorn the Universit)'of Ner.v Orlearrs n'ere all involvecl ivith the reco."'erv of the skeletor-r. For ftrrther discussion, see Derstler and N,ll'ers (this volurne).
Tinker DISCovERED: The .,'ear 1997, N{ark Eatman, professior-ral collector.
LocA'rIoN: Harding Countl,Land, SD (fig. 1.1, site 28). t'oR\{ArIoN: Hell Creek Formation. EXCA\ArED: Mark Eatrnan in 1997. and N,like Farrell in I99B (Glut 2002). REPOSITORY:
None, as ofvet.
DEScRIBED: Partiallv described
in Glut
to Barrr.' James (personal conmunication 2005), the specirnen has rnost of a skull (aithough some bones are onll,pieces and fragnents) consisting of the both pren-raxillae, left maxillae, both quadratojugals, right palatine, left jugal, cluadrate, squamosal, pterygoid, a parietal, :rnd part of I nasal. The lowers consist of left dentar_v, both articulars, both coronoicls, right suranglrlar. the left prerrrticular. anqtrlar. arrci splenirl. The skeletori is made up of 20 partial caudal ."'ertebrae and 12 chevrons; 5 dorsal and 2 cervical ribs and nllrrerous rib fragn'rents; both pubes, both ilia (incompiete), and the left ischia; parts of both scapula, the right coracoid, both hurneri (left complete); and a r-nanus ancl a pes claw. CoNlPLETENEss: Sever-rty-three bones, or 24% of a skeleton bv bone SKELET'AL REN,IAINS: Accordir-rg
cotiltt. ON DISPLAY? No.
coN'rMENrs: Because of the status of thc land, its ownership has beer-r tied up in litigation for several years. Bakker (personal coinmunication 2002) has vieu,'ed this specimen, and is certain that it is a jur.'e-
nile T rer. He is also convinced that this specimen offers imporiant information on growtl-r rates for T. rex and will finallv settle the differerrce s bett'een juven ile Ty rannos aur us and Ndnot.I, rdnnLLS. .\ccording to B. Jarnes (personal corrrrunication 2005), the Neal L. Larson
specimen $,as found u'ith a right n-rarilla and jugal from a iarger individual, along u'ith a dentar'r'from another theropod. He believes that there are perhaps 3 different indir idual T rer specirnens from the site. The specirnen rvas heavih'rieatfrered and broken. The initial collecting rvas done without glr:e or plaster, so manv of the bones u'ere fragmented. In addition toT. rex bones, there were also a number of Edrnontosaurus skeletal elements, plants, rnolluscs, and crocodile teeth four-rd w'ith the specimen (Glut 2002).
Ollie (Rex A) DISCovERED: October 1998 by Craig Pfister, a professional collector. LocAT'IoN: Southeast of Ekalaka Carter County; MT (Fig. 1.1, site 29).
!'oRMATIoN: Hell Creek Formation. EXCAVATED: Craig Pfister, 1998 and 1999. REPoslroRy: Currentlr, housed at Great Plains Paleontologl,, Madison, Wiscor-rsir-r.
sKELE'l'AL RE\'rArNS: The skull consists of the left maxilla, both premax-
illae, both postorbitals, both quadrates, left jugal, both ptervgoids, arrd a partial braincase. The skeletorr consi:ts of both fernora, both tibia, both fibula, both astragali ancl calcanea,2 metatarsals, several
I ischia, the left pubis, right iliurn, right scapuia, both humeri, right radius, right ulna, sel,eral cerr,ical vertebrae, r-nuitiple dorsal and caudal vertebrae, manl'cerl,ical and dorsal ribs, and se'". eral chevrons (Craig Pfister lvritten colnmunication 2005). coN,rpLErENESS: A total of l2,f bones, or 4I% of a skeleton to date (Crarg phalanges,
Pfister, rvritten con-imunication 2005). oN uSPllY? No. co\'I\,IENTS: 'l'he site rreasllres 20 m b1' 17 rr . \,lanl'of the bones shor,r, evider-ice of scar,enging (Craig Pfister, n'ritten commnnication 2005).
Rex B (Tricerato
p s- AIIey
T. rcx)
DISCovERED: 'l'he r,ear I998 bv
Bill Allel; rancher and amateur collector. LocArIoN: Northeast of Isabel, Corson Countv, SD (Fig. 1.1, site 30). FORNIATIoN: Hell Creek Formatior-i. EXCAVAT'uD: Bill Allei,, l99B through 2000. REposIroRy: Cr,rrrentlr'l-ror-rsed at Black Hills Institr-rte of Geological Research, Hill Citr.,, SD, for cleaning, restoration, ancl casting. sKEt,ErAL REN{AiNS: The skull consists of the left marilla, left premaxilla, left qrradrate. left qrradratolrrgal. botlr lrcrirrrl'. rraials. left ectoptengoid, and a braincase u'ith disarticulated, nonfused frontals. The skeleton consists of onh,the right scapula, right coracoid, ancl I rib. There are also numeroLrs fragmented bones w,ith this speciuren, and ser,eral
other r:nprepared skull bones n'hose identification cannot
be made.
ffiWw **ry A Figure 1.19. Rex Q maxilla and premaxilla
(A), pes phalanges
B CoNIPLETENEss: 'llventv-four bones, or 8% ol a skeleton to date.
oN orspr,ey? No. coNINIErirs: This specinrcn is of the gracile fornr trearir, as large as Stan. 'Ihe bones lvere scatterecl, ri'ith preservation ranging from good to poor. This is one of tire most eastern T rex specimens, at 101.5'n'est longitr-rcle.
Rex C
'l'he vear 1999 bv Bill Aller; rancher :rncl arnatertr collector. LOCATIoN: Northeast of Isabel, Corson Countr', SD (Fig. 1.1, site 3l). F oRNIATION: Flell Creek Forn-ration. r.xcA\ArED: Bill Allev, 1999. DisCovERI.tD:
sKELETAL REliAINS: The skrill consists of the right maxilia, right pre-
rnaxilla, right sr:rangr-rlar, right articular ancl the right spler-iial. 'l'he skeleton cor-rsists of the right (?) tibia ancl astragalLrs (calcaneurr ?), both fibula, 3 pes phalanges, right ischia, I cerr.ical r.ertebrae, 1 dorsal ','ertebrae,2 caudal r,ertebrae, I chcvron, and ser,eral boxes of uniclentified parts. Co\IPLETENEss: Eighteen bones, or 6% ol a skeleton to date. oN orsplev? No. Co\i\triNTS: 'l'he rnaxilla and pes phalanges of this TlrannosduruE rex are quite large, sinrilar in size to Sue. Bone preseri'ation is excellent. One of t1're pes phalanges has sorre severe pathologies, perhaps frorr a healecl break. 101.
is anotl.rer easternnrost
rex snecirren et
5' u,cst longitudc.
Tlre ercar,ations of Tyrannosaurus rex contrnuecl into the 2lst centurr'. Althotrgir sorne of these discoveries n'ere nrade in the 1990s, there u,ere qtrite a rrr-rrnber of'1. rex ske]etons found since 2000. There ]rar.e been ser. eral teievision specials about some of these discol'eries, such as Discoverl' Clrarrnel's \lallet of the T rer, n'hich highliglit rnanv of tl-re r-rei,"'discoveries r-r.racle br the Nluseum of the Rockies near Hell Creek, south of Fort Peck Lake, N.lT.
Neal L. Larson
BHI6248 (E. D. Cope) DISCovERED: The vear 1999, Bucky Derflinger, rancher, amateur fossil
LocArIoN: Wade Derllinger Ranch, near Usta,
Perkir-rs Courlty, SD (Fig. siie 32). IToRMATIoN: Lower portion of the Hell Creek Forrnation. EXCAVAI'ED: Black Hills Institute field crew sunmer of 2000. REPoslroRy: currentlv stored at Black Hiils Institute of Geological Re1.1,
Hill City, SD.
DESCRIBED: Partial description by Larson and Donnan (2002). SKELETAI. REI,{ArNS: To date, E. D. Cope consists of a naxilla, dentarl,
ectopterl'goid, angular, other ur-rdetermined skull bones, some vertebrae, ribs, and concretion-encased bones. other tha' the left max-
illa, the preparaiion of the specimer-r has not t,et begr-rn. CoN{PLEI'ENEss: About l0% ofskeleton bv bone count. oN DISILAv? The left maxilla is on displav at the Black Hills Museun of
Natural History', HillCitv, SD. Di-rring the excavation, a nunrber cf centra rvere discovered piled on the surface. It appeared that some time ago, someone had intentionall,v piled these bones up. Larson ancl Donnan (2002) speculated that tl-ris could possibly be the site irom ri hich Edward Drinker Cope had collected 2 vertebrae ironr a partial Tyrannosaurur; rex l-re described as LLanospondylus gisa,. L-nfbrir,rnatelv, this
/:ars ofTyrannosaurus rex
Figure 1 .20. E. D. Cope, BHI 6248, excavation site Photo by Dan Counter.
question remains unsolr,'ed. Cherrical analy,sis might ansil'er the questton.
This specir.nen n'as scattered over a large area like Duffi', Stevcn, ancl Fox. And like Stel'en, it appears that it u'as also cannibalizecl (Larson and Donnan 2002). N'Iost of the skeletal elernents are encased in sideritic and phosphatic concretions, rnaking it difficult to prepare and recognize thc bone clements. N4ore of the skelctor-r could be buriecl at the sitc.
Monty DIScovERED: Tiie vear 1999, anonynrous lanclow'ner. LocA'1'IoN: Northern Niobrara Cor-rntr,, \\'Y (Fig. 1.1, site 33). FORN'IATION: Lance Forrl]auorr. EXCA\ArED: Collected bv Craig Sundell, Fred Nuss, and crew in 2000.
REposIroRy: Babiarz hrstitute of Paleontological Studies (BIOPSI), N4esa.
SKELETAL REN{AINS: Babiarz (personal cornrnunication 2005) reports
that tlie skull consists of a braincase; nasals; the right rnaxilla, lacrirnal, postorbital, quaclratolugal, and the squamosal; both quadrates, both ptervgoicls; the left premaxilla, jugal, ancl surar-rguiar. T'he skeleton consists of4 cervicals, 2 clorsals, J cauclals, l2 dorsal ribs,4 gastralia. I pubis, a partial ilium, I pes phalange, an ulna(?), and serr eral bones sti1l in jackets.
coN{pLErENEss: Fiftr-three bones, or 18% (to date) ofa skeleton br,bone colrnt. oN DrspLAy? Ye s. uarts at Arizona State LJnir,'ersitv. F gure 1.21 . Monty, right maxilla dur-
ing excavation. Photo by Craig Sundell.
Neal L. Larson
coNIN{ENTS: The specinten u'as nanted after the landou'ner's first nante
Montv. It
l-ras a
fairli'good braincase frorn uhich an endocast
being produced.
Figure 1 .22. B-rex, MOR 1125, cast of skull on display at the Museum
of the Rockies. Photo by Peter Larson.
MOR r125 (Bob; B-rex) DISCovERED: The r,ear 2000 bv Bob Harrnon, a professional preparator
for tl-re \luseum of tl-re Rockies. LocA'rIoN: Near the Fort Peck Lake, Charles \1. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, Garfield Countv, N,IT (Fig. I.1, site 34). FoRNIATtoN: l,oner half of the Hell Creek F'orrnation. EXCA\ATED: Bob Harmon, Nels Peterson, and 2r \luseurn of the Rockies field crcri, 2001-2003. REPoSIToRY: \lluseum of the Rockies, Bozenran. \l'l'. DUscRIBED: L)escription of dinosaur skin tissuc tront the femur in Schn'er-
Hu.:':: tars of Tyrannosaurus
tzer et al. (2004) and in the rnedullarv bone fron-r the same femur bv Schrieitzer et al. (2005). See also Schn'eitzer et al. (this volurne). SKELEIAL RENIAINS: 'fhe skeleton has a fairly complete vet disarticulated skull that is rnissing both premaxilla ar-rd a dentary, ph-rs a few other skull bones.'l'here are J cerr,'ical,4 dorsal, 5 sacral, and 12 caudal vertebrae, along ivith 7 chevrons,4 cervical, I3 dorsal ribs, left scapula and coracoicl, the furcula, left ulna, both femora, tibiae, and fioulae, right calcanelrm and astragalus, and ll pes phalanges (P. Larson, personal communication 2005). coMpLETENESS: A total of I I I bones, or f7% of a skeletor-r by bone
count. oN DISPLAv? Yes, the furcula, ulna, a portion of the femur (showing the structure lvithin the bone) ar-rd a cast of the skull are on dispiay at the Museurn of the Rockies, Nlontana State University, Bozeman, MT. coN,IN.{ENrs: This specinien has rnade headlines u,ith the discovery of medullary bone in the right fen'rur inclicating that it r,vas an egg-producing female (see Schlr'eitzer et al. 2005, this volume), provir-rg that ,vou can sex a rex, or at least some of them. It has also been referred to as Bob, after the discoverer, Bob Harmon, before it il'as determined to be female. It is of the robust morphotvpe.
MOR I126 (C-rex\ DISCovERHD: The year 2000, Celeste Horner.
LocArIoN: South of the
F-ort Peck Lake, Carfield Countl', site 35). FoRMATIoN: Lo'nver half of the Hell Creek Formation.
MT (Fig. i.l,
Bob Harmon, Ioe Coolie, and a N{useum of tl-re Rockies field creu'. 2000-2001. REposIToRy: Museum of the Rockies, Bozen-ran, N{T. EXCAVATED:
SKELEIAL RENIAiNS: The skeleton consists of a left prearticuiar and surangular, 20 dorsal ribs of varving completer-ress, 3 partial dorsal lertebrae, and a chevron (P. Larson, personal comrrunication 2005). CoN,IPLETENESS:
Til'enty-six bones, or 9% of a skeleton bv bone count.
coMN{ENTS: C-rex was named in honor of Celeste Horrrer. after the first letter in her name. Beginning in 2001, the Museum of the Rockies began naming (or referring to) each of their different Trrannosaurus rer specirnens after the first letter of the first name of its discor,erer.
Although most of tl-rese T rex specin-rens are rnade up of onll' a bone or two, some (such as B-rex, C-rex, complete.
G-rex) are rruch more
PV1, as
DISCovERED: The vear 1950 (or earlier), Zerbst famil,v (Arlene Zerbst,
left arm, hand scapula, coracoid, and furcula u ndergoi ng p repa rati on
on Schneider Creek, a branch of the Chevenne River, Niobrara Countl,', WY (Fig.
(B). Photos:
bi'a field crew'led bv Paul Sereno, Ur-iiversitl,of Chicago, students, and Project Exploration 200i. REPosIroRy: Universitv of Chicago Research Collection, University of Chicago, Chicago,lL. DESCRIBED: Furcula ar-rcl pectoral girdie bv Lipkin and Sereno (2004). EXCA\ArF;D: Collected
SKELETAL REN{AINS: Par-rl Sereno (r.vritten communication) relaies tl-rat "tl-re skeleton preserves a cornplete, articulated and in-the-ror,rnd
torso including botl-r pectoral girdles and forelimbs (including the frrrctrla). gastral basket, ribcage, and the cervical-dorsal colurnn.
Onll'fragments of the hindlimbs, folded urrder the torso, remain. A bodl'outline can be seen in cross-section, rviih the inside of the torso fillecl il'ith finer-grained siltstone than the outside (mediun-r-tocourse sandstone)." CoNlPI,ErENEss: Estimated 60 bones. or 20% of a skeleton bv bone
count. ON DISPLAY? No.
coMN,tENrs: Originalh published as UCPC Vl. l'he body portior-r of ar-r articulated T\.rannosaurus rex skeieton ri as knorvi.r for man,v 1'ears before an','one identified that it was anr thing rrore than just another duckbill skeleton. It lav or-i a parcel of BL\ I land n'ithin the pasture of Leor-rard Zerbst, ar-rd often became the stop tbr geological field trips to r ierr r dinosrrrrr irr the rotrgh.
Taylor; (B) Paul Sereno.
1.1, site 36). oRN{ATIoN: Lance Formation.
/ears offyrannosaurus
.23. UCRC
found in large,
weathered blocks (A);
personal communication 2005), but not identified as aTyrannosaurus Tex skeleton until 1997 bv Craig Derstler (P Larson, personai
comrnnnication 2005). LocArIoN: A feu' kilorneters south of tl-re Zerbst ranch
Figure 1 .24. UMNH 110000, left dentary on display at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History.
Accorcling to Parrl Sereno (u,ritter-r conrrnunication), "the speci-
rren lar,on its side in a large, extremelv hard, sideritic, sandstone concretiorr. The earliest photo (in a 1952 rancl-rer's gazette) shou,s a complete concrction set atop a footing of sotter siltstone. The specinren \\'as thought to be a duckbill tts F)dn'Lontosaunrs is comnron irr the area. Since that time, the concretion broke into about 5 pieces, the largest containing thc intact torso. "There is no evicier-rce that the skull il,as el,er prescnt, as traces should have been found in the flat terrain surror-rnding the concretion. A 20cm-diameter trce trunk and erodecl hadrosaur bones are preser."'ed loclged against the torso; the inclir,idual appears to have fallen suclclenlv inio a channel. With partial preparation, it u.:rs possible to identifr,the specirnert asTyranrLosdlLrLts rex, an indir,.idual approximatelt'66% the size of 'Sue,'FMNH PR2081."
DISCOvIIRED: The r,ear 2001 bv Rose Difler' (student) and
ratian (technician) frorn the Unii.,ersiti'of tJiah (San.rpson and
Loeuen 2005). LOCA I
IoN: Near Price, Carbon C)ountr,, UT in the
\{anti La-Sal Na-
tional Forcst (Fig. l.l, site 37). FOR\tA1'to\: North Hon'r Formation.
t.\c.\\Ar ro: Collected bv the
Utal-r Nluseum of Natural Historr, fielcl cres.1001. REposrroRr: Utal-r lluseurn of Natural Historv; Salt Lake Cit)', UT. DESCRIBED: Sarnpson and Loen,en (2005).
Neal L. Larson
SKELETAL REMATNS: The skull is ven'ir-rconrplete, consisting of a right
postorbital and squamosal. The skeleton consists of 2 cer','ical 3 sacral and a series of 6 n-ridcaudal vertebrae, along ri ith 6 chevrons and a rib. Pelvic girclle elernents inch-rde: the left pubis and iscl-rium and the distal blade of the right iliurn. There is a partialleg consisiing of the left
tibia, fibula, and the astragalus (San-rpson and Loer,ven 2005). CoMPLETENEss: Trr,'entv-six bones, or about 9% of a skeleton, by bone
couilt. oN DrspLAy? Yes, at the Utah Museurr of Natural Historl,', Salt Lake
City, U'll coMN,IENrs: This discover-v ertended the known geographic range of ?1'ranno:iaurus rex n'estrvard into central Utah. This indicates thatT. rex spannecl "habitats from wet lowland coastal plain environments to
cooler alluvial plain settings and semi-arid, upland intermontar-re basins" (San-rpson and Loelven 2005). Because Alamosaurus has been for-rrd in the same formation, Sarnpson and Loewen (2005) sr-rggested tl-rat perl-raps T. rex rtay have exploited this potential food source.
TCM 2001.90.1 (Bucky; formerly BHI 4960) DISCovERED: The year I998, Buckv Derflinger, rancher, arnateur fossil
LocArIoN: \\'ade Derflir-rger Ranch, originai Usta towrr site, Perkins Countr', SD (F'ig. l.l, site 38). FoRMATIoN: Hell Creek Formation. not far above the contact of the Fox
Hills Formation. Black Hills Institr-rte field crew, sllmrner of 2001 and 2002.
REPosIToRY: The Chiidren's N4user-rm, Indianapolis, IN.
Lipkin and Carpenter (tl-ris r,olurne); partial description of excavation and eiements
DESCRIBED: Furcula by Larson and Rigby (2005) and
by Clr,rt (2006). ACQUISITIoN: Purchased fron-r tl-re Black Hills Institute of Ceological Research. 2001.
One HundreC Years ofTyrannosaurus rex
.25. Bucky,
TCM 2001.90.1, por-
tion of the large Bucky excavation (A), skeleton as mounted (B).
SKELETAL RE\'{AINS: There n'ere r-ro skull elerner-rts or rrajor leg bones
found n'ith the skeleton.'fhe skeletor-r consists of 8 cen'ical,9 dorsal, i sacral, ancl 15 car-rdal vertebrae; 14 chevrons; Il cen,ical ribs; l6 dorsal ribs; 24 gastralia; a cornplete 1,et pathological fr-rrcula; botlr scapulas, right coracoid, left ulna, 2 manus pl-ralanges; boih iiia, 1 ischia, 4 rretatarsals, and 9 pes phalanges. coN.rpLErENESS: A totai of I0l bones, or 74% of a skeletor-r bv bone count. oN DISpLAy? Yes, the original Bucki'skeleton is mounted, along u'ith a cast of St:rn, as ifattacking aTriceratops skeleton (Kelsev). CoNiNtFlNl's: Bucki Derflinger discovered a pes phalange frort this fi'rrznnosaurus rer ri'hile he u'as breaking in a vonlrg horse on his father's ranch about B miles east of the original Sr-re dig site. 'firis could be consiclereci the first cliscor,erv of aT. rex bv a horse. Thc specimen nas named Buckl' in honor of its discoverer, btrt as fate wor-rlcl har.'e it, this is a robust morphotvpe and therefore most likelr'female. Tl're carcass origir-rallv lav or-i the ground, decomposing, and becanre clisarticulated. Soon after, it n'as transported br,u,ater anci cleposited in a lori', shallo*'rallei'.'l'he size of the ercavation is cnormous, about I50 feetbv 30 feet, and u,ith l2 to 30 feet of or,'erburden. The skeleton n'as discor,'ered along lr,ith numerous bones frorn an F)dmontosaurrrs (u'itl-r bite marks in the sacmm), ser,'eral Tricera/ops bones, turtle elenents, a cli.,'erse Late Cretaceous fauna of fish, reptiles, mamrrals, dinosar-rrs, and plants.
MOR ll28 (G-rex) DISCovERED: 'l'he r"ear 2001, Creg
\\'ilson, then a studeni at LJr-riversitr,' of California, Berkeler,. LocArIoN: Near the Fort Peck Lake, Garfield Countl', NIT (fig. 1.1, site l9). FOR\'IA'l IoN: Hell Creek Fon-nation.
EXCA\ArED: Nels Petersor-r ancl the Nlluseum of the Rockies fielcl crerq 2001. REPoSIToRY: N{user-rm of the Rockies, Bozernan, N'lT. SKELETAL RE\IAINS: The skeleton consists of an incontplete dentarr,, 7 robust ribs, 4 dorsal and I cauclal vertebrae, 3 chel'rons, a partial scapula, both ischia, both pubes, the left fenur, and left tibia (P
Larson, personal corrmLrnication 2005). CoN{PLETENEss: 'liventy-three bones, or 8% of a skeleton bv bone count. oN DISPLAY? A single tooth fron'r the specimen is all that is currentlv or. displav (Bob Ham-rorr, pcrsonal communication 2005).
(F-rex) DISCo\TERED:'l'he vear 2001 bl, Frank Stewart. LocA'rIoN: Near the Fort Peck Lake, Garfield Count'u', \.,'IT (Fig. 1.1, siie 40).
Neal L. Larson
FoRriArIoN: [,ou'er half of tl're Hel] Creek Fornration. EXCA\.A'I'ED:
N{useurr of the Rockies fielcl crcu.1001.
RIIPoSI'l'oRY: N4nseunr of the Rockies. Bozeilan.
SKFILEI'AL REN{AINS: The skeleton consists of a leg. pelvis, posterior ribs, sorne posterior dorsal l'ertebrae (all hear
ilr rieathered), a metatarsal, vertebrae, 4 7 caudal and cher.'rons. CONTPLETENESS: A total of 25(?) bones, or Et?)% ol a skeleton br bor-re couDt. ON DISPI,AYT NO,
coN,INIENrs: The legs, pelvis, ancl ribs are heavilv rveathered and fragmentecl.
Otto DISCo\TERED: The vear 2001 b1'Craig Pfister, a professional collector.
LocArIoN: Ncar Ekalaka, Carter County, MT (fig. l'oRNIA'rtoN: Hell Creek F-ormation.
1.1, site 41).
EXCA\ArED: T'he 1'ears 2001 and 2002 bv Craig Pfister. REposIroRy: Currentlv housed at Great Plains Paleor-rtologi.', Madison,
wt. SKELETAL RE\'IAINS: According to Craig Pfister, the skeleton consists
both femora, both tibia, 2 netatarsals, 1 fibr-rla, rr-rultiple cervical and dorsal ribs, and multiple caudal vertebrae. coNIPLl,t:f I.tNIiss: 'f hirtl.tn,o bones, or I0% of a skeleton bv bone count ON DISPI,AY? NO.
Thc sitc llas a point bar deposit and measured 40 m bl' 32 rn ancl 15 nr decp (Craig Pfister, u'ritten connnnication 2005).
N{OR/USNM (N-rex) DISCovERED: The vear 2001, Nathan Nlvhrvold, computer businessman,
enthusiastic amatenr, Hell Creek Project undern'riter. LocA'I'IoN: South of Fort Peck Lake, Charles \'1. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, Carfield Countr', N{T' (F-ig. 1.1, site 42). FoRNIATION: Hell Creek Forrnation. EXCA\ATED: N,Iichael Brett-Surrnan and a Smithsoiiian Institr-rtion field creri', 2002, 2003. RFtPoS
IToRY: Accorcling to N,{ichael Brett-Surman (personal comrnunica-
tion 2005), the specirnen is currently still held bi'the N,luseurn of the Rockies, but it is in the process of being transferred to the National N{useurr of Natural Historl', Sn'ritl-isor-rian h-rstitution, Washingtor-r, DC. sKELEI'AL RE\lAINS: The skeleton consists of iin irrconrplete dentary, an angular, I cervical 'u'ertebrae, 2 ceri,ical ribs. I clorsal spirres, 2 dorsal ribs, J caudal r'ertebrae, 3 chel'rons, an iliurr tneathered), ischium, pubis, right leg, and articulatecl foot (nearh cornplete). Co\rPLE-i'ENEss: About 40 bones, or l3% of a skeleton bl bone cor-rnt.
Figure 1.26. Wyre4 BHI 6230, excavation (A)' skin impression (B); left tot pol)
ot tu
cals /C), right pes (D)
oN orspr,,q,y? No.
coNIt{ENrs: T'his
skeletor-r u,as named for first initial of the discor,'erer's name. Nathan Mvhn'old n'as n'orking as a volunteer lvitli the Museum of the Rockies in 2001 u'hen he four-rd the skeleton. 'fhe Smithsonian Institr-rte, rvhich has only a cast of Stan or-r displar', has been trving to obtain an origir-ral skeleton and is ii'orking on acquiring this specirren from tl-re Museum of the Rockies; thus, at this tirre, it has no catalog nnmber.
BHI6230 (Wyrex) DISCo\TERED: T'he r.ear 2002, Dan Wells, policeman and amateur collec-
tor, and Don W,\'1isl<, landorvner, rancher, and amateur collector. LocAl'IoN: Don ar-rd Allison Wvrick Ranch, north of Baker, Fallon Count\', N'IT'(Fig. l.l, site 43). FoRN{ATIoN: Hell Creek Formation. EXCAVATED: Dan Wells 2002 and 2003. Black Hills Institute field crerv 2004. REPosi'roRy: Currentlv housed at the Hor-rston Museum of Nature and Science, Houston,'l'X. DESCRIBED: Partial descriptior-r bi,'Larson and Donnan (2004). SKELETAL RENlAINS: The skuil consists of a partial braincase, the right
squamosal, postorbital, jugal, surangr-rlar, articular, prearticular, and angular. The postcranial skeleton consists of 2 nearlv complete legs and feet (lacking to date onlr,the left tibia, astragalus, calcaneum, I left tarsal, both metatarsal I, and 5 pes phalanges from the righi
foot).'l'here are 22 vertebrae (5 dorsal, I cervical, and ll caudal), 20 ribs (5 cen,ical and 15 dorsal), both ischia, right pubis, and right
Neal L. Larson
iliurn. It also has a left scapula, coracoid. t'iumerus, ulna, carpals, and all 3 inetacarpals. Seventeen gastralia hare been found rvith the skeleton to date. co\,rpLErENESS: A totai of I14 bones (to dater. or J8% of a skeletor-r by bone count. oN DISpLAy? No, but preparation of the skeieton mav be viewed at the Black Hills Institr-rte of Geological Research, in Hill Cit\', SD. coN,IlIENrs: Intrigued by'the find, \Vells took a bone to the Black Hills Institute for identification. He returned to the site the next sumrrer and began to excavate in earnest. Dor-r Wr.'rick realized the importance of the find u'hen legs, foot bones, and vertebrae started appearing. He called a halt to the digging, contacted the Black Hills Institute, and arranged to har,'e them fir-risl-r the exca.,'ation.'fhe name "Wvrex" is a combination of tire first Z letters of Don's last r-rane and "rex." In N{a1'2004, Biack Hills Institr-rte began the first live online Tyrannosaurus rer excavation. With dailv reports, photos, and video segnents of the dai's digging, this dinosaur excavation extended far beyond the quarrl,and into schools, homes, and businesses for the next 3 r.r'eeks. Thousands of people a da1, 11'sn1 to the Web site to see rvhat nerv bones or discoveries had been rnade. To date, 22 tr-rrtles (Plesiobaena antiELa) have been unearthed at this site, frorn complete to disarticulated and fragmentary shells. \Vl'rer w'as buried on the edge of ar-r ancient pond or lake, and these turtles had perhaps been feeding on the carcass. It is unknorvn at this point vn4rat caused the death of either the T. rex or tl.re turtles. Son're of the exciting discoveries u,ith \Vy'rex are carpals along n,ith 3 rretacarpals frorn the left hand (see Lipkin and Carpenter this i'ol-rme), and 2 nearli,'complete feet. During preparation, several patches of skin (Fig. 1.268) u'ere found with the skeletor-r. Most of the skin patches (rnore than a clozen) ivere for-rnd on the bottom side of the articulatecl tail. The iliscoven' of skin il'ith W)'rex is a first for T rex. Plans are currenth, underlr,a)'for further excavation at the site ir-r l-rope of finding rnore of the skeleton. The preparation of the skeleton mav be r"ieu,ed bv the public at Black Hills Institr-rte of Ceological Research in Hill Citt', SD. Ou'nersl-rip of the specimen is currenth' being transferred the Houston Nlh,rseurn of Nature and Scier-rce, r.rfiere it is scheduled to be on display bv 2009.
LACM 7509trr0r67 (Thomas) DISCovERED: Tl-re vear 2003, Bob Curry, scl-roolteacher and amater-rr fos-
sil collector.
I-ocArIoN: BLM land near Ekalaka, Carter Countr',
FoRMATIoN: Hell Creek Formation. EXcA\ATED: An ir-rten-rational creu'from the Los Angeles Countr', 2001-2005.
\atural Historv
REPosIToRY: 'l'he Natural Historv Nluscurn of [,os Ar-rgeles Cour.rt-v, Los
.21 T^c^as,
LACM 75A9:tC157, durrng exca,a: cn tA); right fer'-' g,rrnQ eXCd-
vatto. B,,igntdentary 'C. P'rcros.'tA) Doug Goodreau; (B) Ursula Goelich, (C) Gary Takeuchi. All photos courtesy Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.
Angeles, CA. SKELE'rAL REN{AINS: Frorr Liiis Chiappe
(l'ritten comrnunication
"'I'he skuli consists of a complete braincase, postorbital, both jugals, scprarrosal, quadratojugal, quaclrate, lacrimai, both frontals, both rnax-
illae, ectoptervgoid, both clentarics, ancl at least one set ofarticulated skull bones but in jackets but thei' cannot be identified at tliis time). There are also 30-35 loose teeth ancl a feu,rnore in sittr. The skeleton consists of complete legs ancl feet postcler-itarv bones (there are other
I r.netatarsal and sorne phalanges, a feu dorsals, the sacrun, about 20 caudals, along lr.'ith rnanv ribs and gastralia. Thc pelvis includes both ilia and ischia. Both scapula ancl coracoids are presen,ed although no forelimb elements are knor,,'rr at the nrornent." coNrPLETENliss: Atotal of ntore than 110 bones (to date). or more than 1t-o/.
of a skeleton by bone cour-rt.
ox nrspley? No. naned'fhornas br,tire discor,erer, Bob Currr'. in hr.,nor of his brother. Frankie fackson of N{ontana State lJniversitv informecl l,uis Chiappe (director of the Dinosaur Institute at the L,\CN'I) of the cliscoverr'. The cxcavation took 3 seasons, during rrhich ther collectecl about 130 blocks, sonre containing several eleme nts. \luch of the specinen remains trnpreparecl, so the num-
CoNINIENTS: Tl're clinosaur nas
ber of rccognizccl elements is likeli to increase (Lr,ris Chiappe, rvrittcn conrn.unication 2005).
Neal L. Larson
Figure 1.28. lvan, during excavation showing scap u I a -co racoid, ri bs, and other bones. Photo courtesy Gary Olson.
Wayne DISCovERED: The vear 2004, Gary'Olson, professional collector. LocATIoN: Sor:th of Rhame, southr.r,est Borvman County, SD (Fig.
site 45).
I,-oRMArIoN: Hell Creek Formation. EXCA\A'I'ED: Gary Olson and Alan Komroskr', 2004-2005. REPosIToRY: None; currentlv in possession of tl-re collector, Fargo, ND sKELETAL REN{AINS: This incomplete specirnen consists of 19 caudal and I dorsal vertebrae, 2 chevrons, several rib (and/or gastralia) segments, plus some other unidentified parts (Garr.'Olson, personal
commur-iication). CoNlPLETENEss: Tlver-it-v-four bones, or B% of a skeleton by bone count. ON D]SPT,AY? NO.
coMNIENrs: A disarticulated. u,eathered skeleton. Ivan DISCovERED: 'l'he 1,ear 2005, Gary Olson, professional collector. LocArIoN: North of Br-rffalo, r-rorthwest Harding County', SD (Fig. 1.1, site 46).
FoRNIATIoN: Hell Creek Forn-ration. EXCAVATED: Gar,v Olsor-r ar-rd Alar-i Kornroski; 2005.
currentlf in possession of the collector, Fargo, ND. SKELETAL REMAINS: Gar,v Olson (persoral communication 2005) relates REPoSIToRY: None;
that the skeleton consists of a nearly complete pelvis, with paired ilia (top half eroded), paired ischia, and paired pubes articr-rlated to the sacrurl. Ivan has one leg, consisting of a femur, tibia, fibr-rla, and astragah-rs. The feet contain 2 metatarsals ancl 6 pes phalanges. The body has a fusecl scapula coracoid, an estin.rated l5 cenicai and ciorsal vertebrae, and approxir-nately 25 cervical and dorsal ribs (this rib colrnt mav aiso include some gastralia), approrimately 25 caudal vertebrae, and an estin.rated l0 chevrons.
r'ears of fyrannosaurus rex
coNrpr.r,rE\ESS: A total of II6 bones, or )9% of a skeleton bv bone count (Carr Olson in'u'entorv). oN lrspr,.*'? No. coNIuENt s: Ca11,Olson n,as hunting for fossils r,i'hen he l-rappenecl upon several bones of a large theropocl r.veatherir-rg out of the hillside. Exposecl nere tlie fermr, tibia, metatarsals, pes phalanges, and large number of rib and bone scraps. He planned to ciub it Ivan the Terrible, but ur-rfortunatell', the specirnen il'as not for-rnd n'ith a skull, scr he called it just Ivan. Olson explair-ied that he dug all aror_rnd the skeleton, but it appears that if Ivan u'as origir-rally buried u'ith its skull, it ri'e:rthered or-rt long ago. Tl-re preservation is excellent.
Additional lmportant Specimens
The lrolotr,pe ol
N4arLospondylus gigus Cope, 1892, consisted of 2 large theropod cerr.ical vertebrac (onl1' I vertebra is knori'n to exist toda_v). It rvas later disctrssed and reclcfined asTtrannosdurus rex by Osborn in 1916. In 1905, Barnr,rrr Broun collected anotl-ier, r,erv partial, Tyrrlnnosar-Lrtrs rex specimen frorri Hell Creek, N4l'. According to Osborn (1906), the specimen (A\'INH 5881) consistecl of the left fernur, both tibiae, left fibtrla, and 4 rlrctatarsals. Bron'r-r in 1908 collected a braincasc of aT. rex in NIT (AN{NH 5029 = CN,I 9379); it also has a splenial, articr-rlar, and a prearricular. 'l'he Arnerican N'Iusenm has another indir,idual T rer braincase (A\INH 5l17), collected bv Sternberg and figured bi,Osborn (1912). 'l'he N'luseuur of Palcontologl; University of Califomia, Berkeler., has several clifferent'lf,ranttosaurus rex specinrens, one a nraxilla (UCNiP 118742), the other a maxilla u,ith dentaries (UCN4P 13l5El), both fronr N{ontana. 'l'he Science N,'luseunr of N,linnesot:r has the anterior uortion of a brainc:rse from South Dakot:r (N{N4S 5l-2004) (\,lolnar 1991;. T}re Nlr-rseum of the Rockies collected a portior-r of a braincase in NIOR l13l (also referred to as J-rex). There is also a large partial the ropod specinen from the Tornillo Forrration of \\'est Texas that u,as described as T. rex (Lar','son 1976), but Carpente r (1990) thought that it rl'as norphologicallv too different to include it in the species (although Carr and Willian-rson 200,1 believe it i$. Williarnsor-r and Carr (2005) reportecl on an adclitional, vet fragrrentary, Tyrarntos(luruE rex specirnen (u,ith dentarr) frorn the Naashoibito N4enber of the Kirtland liormation in Nen, N'lexrco. There ale reports of 2 aclditionalT. rex skeletons cliscor,'ercci cluring the slrrrrner of 2005 frorn the Hell Creek Forrration in Harding Countr'. Althotrgh I ha'n'e seen a fen'bones frorn these specirlens, it is still premature to providc ani,'details on their completeness or significance. Tlrere arc nllrrerous less coirrplete Tt'rcntnosourus rex specirrrerrs rro bones or fen'er) in r.arious collections across North Arnerica and Europe (e.g., Natural Historr,Nluseum, l,ondon, Englancl, UK) that have not been inchrdecl in this srrmmarr'. It certainlv appears probable that more T rex discoveries l ill be rliade ir-r tl-re near futr,rre. With so manv ne\\'specinens to stuclr', there is still the potential to learn ntuch more about the nrost far-norrs of all tlie clinosaurs , T. rex.
Neal L. Larson
No. of
of Skeleton Sue FMNH PR20B1
Stan BHI 3033
Table 1.2. Twenty Most
Complete Tyrannosaurus Rex Ske/etons
Note.-See text for detarls.
N/loR 555
* The bone count was
AMNH 5027
provided by others, or the number is estimated
Scotty RSM 2523.8*
Samson (Z-rex)*
Wyrex BHI 6230
MOR 1125
37 o/o+
Black Beauty RTMP.8'l .6.1
SDSN/ 12047
Duffy BHl4'100
LACM 23844
Tinker SD rollerted bv Fatman and Ferrel*
MOR 009
Pecks rex MOR
Thomas LACM 7509/1
Bucky TCM 2001.90.1
the preparation
not yet complete. For some specrmen5, Ine actual bone count may go up (with further preparation) or down (if gastralia were identified as ribs). is
From all of the inforrnation ttrat could be learned from contacting people personallr', visiting rrulseLlrns, reading publicatiorrs, and rese arctring on the Internet, it trppears that there are currenth,46 knorin Tt,rarLrLosaurus rex specirnens n'ith l0 bones or rnore (Tablc l.i). As can be seen frorr Figr-ire I.1 and Table 1.1, ntosl'I1,76171116sdurus rex skeletons were collected just south of Fort Peck Lake, near the tl'pe of Flell Creek Forniation, n'itli a second large conglonreration near the border of N'lor-rtana, North Dakota,
and Soutli Dakota. Tlie exposures of tl-re Hell Creek Forn-ration are
tensive ancl ri'ell exposed in these regions, r,vhich most likelr, is the reason for the discoverv of so rnanv specirnens from these areas. Although felr,er specimens are knon'n from other regions, there is cverv reason to belier.e tl-rat
aclditional specirrens n'ill be found. In snntrnarv, then, the range of T
rex is tl-rerefore knon n to inciude nearlv tl-re entire Western Interior.
Thcre is aluavs nruch discussion as to uhich is tlie rnost cornplete 'l\'rannosaurtLs rex skeleton, or lr'here each skeleton lies according to the arnount of completeness. For that reasor-r, the 20 rnost complele T. rex skelctor-rs are sLurmarizecl in Table 1.2.
Thanks to Peter Larson and Robert Farrar for proi idrng me ri ith quite a bit of this information ancl also for the rnuch-nee cle d cditorial he$ during the clrafting of this chapter.'l'lranks to Kennetli C.irp.:rtcr and Peter Larson for
their patience, editing, and tl-re organization of this publication.'fhanks to the Black Hills \'fi-rseum of Natural Historl'for organizing the 100 Years of Tyrannosattrus rex S1,n-rposium in June 2005.'l'hanks to John Babiarz, Japh Bo1,'ce, Kenneth Carpenter, Luis Chiappe, Phil Currie, Kraig Derstler, Bob Harmon, Rick Hebdon, Barrv James, Christine Lipkin, Nate N4urphv, Cary Olson, Scott Sampson, Richard Slaughter, Craig Sundell, Tom Williamson, and the Black Hills Institute for providing r-r-re w'ith muchneedecl information on the specimens. Larry Sl-raffer helped by cleanrng up and organizing the manv photos of T. rex. Thanks to all of the different photographers, lr'ho are credited in the figure captions. And finally, a brg, special thank vou to each and everv one of the landowners (ir-rcluding the U.S. and Canadian governrnents), lvho allow'ed access to the discoverers and the collectors of these rvoirderful ar-rcl fascinating creatures.
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rarrrcl rers d i g d
Neal L. Larson
The nr-rmber of bones in an adult'lyrdnnrt,'titirtL' rer skeleton is estinated at 100. Of these, 55 are skull bones, r'hich inclLrde JI cranial and 14 rnandible elen-rents. The cranial elernents consist of pairecl premaxillae, maxillae, nasals (fused), lacrimals, jugals, postorbitals. scluamosals, quadrates,
Appendix. The Skeletal Elements of Tyrannosaurus rex
quadratojr,rgals, palatines, ptervgoicls, ectoptcrr goids, epiptervgoids, the unpaired vorner, and the braincase.'I'he braincase consists of the unpaired
basioccipital, supraoccipital, basisphenoid, and parasphenoid, along ri,ith the paired parietals (fused), exoccipital-opisthotics, prootics, laterosphenoids, and fror-rtals. 'f he loil'er jai,r's consist of paired der-rtaries, coronoicls (also referred to as "supradentaries" bv sonre other authors), splenials, angu-
lars, surangulars, prearticulars, ancl articulars. Hvoids remain undescribed in t1'rannosarrrids, although there w,ere probablv at least 2 i:nTt,ramtosaurus rex. Teeth are not coltnted because thel'are shed.
'l'he axial skeleton (rninus the skull) contains ll.[ bones. It consists of l0 cen'ical vertebrae,2 proatlas, I8 cervical ribs, 13 dorsal l,ertebrae,72 dorsal ribs (the l2th and llth clorsal'"'ertebrae clo not have ribs), 5 sacral vertebrae, 44 caudal ','ertebrae (estinated, the actual caudal collnt for Tl. raTnosdurus rer is vet unknon'n), and .{0 to 42 chevrons (estirnated). Osborn (1916) estimated thatT. rex had 56 car,rdals, N{aleev (1974) estinated 40 and 45 in the Asian tvrannosaurid,'farbosaurus, Holtz (2004) belier,ed thattyrannosarlrs had fron 35 and 44 caudals, and Par-rl (1988) estiinatecl that there are J9 caudals in T. rer. The inost complete tail, FNiNH PR208l (Sue), has J6 caudal \rertebrae and w':rs restored u,'ith 47 caudal vertebrae (Brochu 2003). 'fhe nurnber of T. rex chevrons is also unknou'n because this nr-rrnber ultimatelv relies on the caudal count. Chei'rons probabl1, begin with tlie second caudal vertebrae, and they ma)' or rrav not have exter-rded to the last caudal r.,ertebra. The placen-rent of the first cher,'ron varies in living crocodilians and nonavian dinosaurs, and tl-re cher.'ron count varies as \\,ell (Erickson et al. 2005). I consider gastralia as derrnal elements and have not incltrded thern in this bone cotrnt. FN{NH PR2081 has a fairlv complete set of gastraiia of i3 pairs (Brocl-u,r 2003). Both TCN{ 2001.90.1 (BLrcky) and N{OR 980 (Pecks Rer) also have fairlv con-rplete gastralia baskets. Some T. rex gastralia are as large as dorsal ribs and are ofter-r confusecl or misidentifiecl as dors:rl ribs. The appendicuiar skeleton contair.rs 89 bones. 'l'he forelimbs har,'e 3l bones consisting of the furcr,rla,4 shoulder girclle (paired scapulae and paired coracoids), 6 forelimb (paircd huneri, paired ulnae, and paired radii), 4 rvrist (2 paired carpals), 16 mantrs bones (6 netacarpals and l0 manlls pl-ralanges-i.e., 5 in each hand). On the basis of N,,IOR 980 (Peck's Rex) and BHI 6230 (WYREX), Tyrannosar.rus re.t had 3 metacarpals in each hand, as in Daspletoscurus (Russell 1910r. r e t onlr 2 functional fingers on eacl-r l-rand (see Lipkin and Carpente r this r olurne). 'l'he hind lirnbs consist of 5lJ borres. rilrich irrclrrde tlre follourrrg: b pehic.rpaired ilia. pubes, and ischia), 6 leg (paired femora, tibiae . fibulae t, 8 ankle (paired calclnea. astragali. arrd ?-puired trrrsals,. arrl lr '' rr. . irr tlrc fcct ri prrirs of rnetatarsals and 14 pairs of pes phalangesr. I ir. trith rretatarsal \vas apparentlv nonfunctional and had no phalanges.
-; ..::L.;* :.
'',', |,,/
4;'/ i.'
" f.'liiffl'f: l=".*-
Figure 2.1 . Tyrannosaurus rex skeletal drawing (by W. D. Matthew) from Osborn (1905), based on a skeleton not fully collected or prepared from Montana.
Figure 2.2. Tyrannosaurus rex skeletal drawing (by L. M. Ster-
ling) from Osborn (1906), based on skeletal remains from Wyoming and Montana (AMNH 5886, AMNH 973, and AMNH 5881).
i-r{ I
l I
DISCOVERIES OF TYRAN NOSAU RUS REX IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN WEST Brent H. Breithaupt, Elizabeth H. Southwell, and Neffra A. Matthews
The first remains of t1'rannosaurids in Nortl-r Anerica u'ere discovered
1855, when the farrous rvestern explorer, Ferdinand V. Havden, found
sorre large teeth in the Cretaceor-rs units of N{ontana. The foilowing year, Philadelphia paleontologist loseph Leid1,' (1856) described these teeth as tlrose of the carnivorous dinosaur Deinodon horridus ("horrifi'ing terrible tooth"). Cr:rrer-rtlv, most of these teeth represent the Late Cretaceous theropod Albertuaurus.
The discoverl'of ihe best-knou'n representative of the tr,'rannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus rer, dates back to 1874, w'hen Coloraclo schoolteacher Arthur Lakes found a "Fossil Saurian Tooth" (YPM 4192) in the Late Cretaceous Denver Formation near Colden, CO (Carpenter and Young 2002, p.239). This specirnen u'as sent to Yale paleontologist Othr-riel C. Marsh, and although it ivas not clescribed by hirr, it still resides in the collections at ihe Yale Peabodv Museum ir-r Ner,r'Haven, CT. From this same site ir-r the Denver Basin, mention is made bv geologist George L. Cannor-r of a large theropod jarv in 1888 (Cannon lB88), but further information and the specimen are unavailable. Over the vears, other specirnens (later to be identified as Tyrannosaurus rex) ll,oulcl be n'rade a','ailable to N,larsh by his collector, John B. Hatcher, from the uppermost Cretaceous of Wi,omirrg. These and subsequent discoveries are presented below.
In 1890, Hatcher founcl a partial right metatarsal IV (USNM 2110) in tne Lance Formation fron Lance Creek, Converse County (now Niobrara County), WY (Nlarsh lB90). The follorving vear, Hatcher continued to collect in ihe latest Cretaceous ur-rits of eastern \\'voming. Along Alkali Creek, he found a left femur, tibia, and partiai fibula (USNM 8064) at one locality, and (r,vith the help of A. E. Sullins) a right ilium (USNM 6lB3)at another site along this clrainage (N4arsh I892r. \larsh (1896) identified all
Dynamosaurus and other Tyrannosaurus Specimens
of tl-rese Wvorning specimens as representing a large iornt of Ornithomimus
(O. grandis). This "grand bird-rnin-iic" was "one of tl.re rnost destructive enemies of the herbivorous Ceratopisidea," accordiirg to \,{arsh (1896, p. 206). At the same time that Marsli's collectors u e re erploring the Rock1.
Nlountain West, Niarsh's archrival, Edn'ard D. Cope of Philadelphia, u,as also collecting in similar areas. While in South Dakota in 1892, Cope discovered in the Upper Cretaceous Ceratops Beds (see N,larsh l896; Hatcher 1893; Hatcher et al. 1907), trvo large, n'eatherecl, r'ertebral fragnrents (ANINH 3982) that he narred ManospondthLs gigas, "giant porous vertebra" (Cope 1892). Although he believecl these r,ere from one of tl-re large agathar,rrnid ceratopsians that I're hacl studied previouslr (Breithaupt 1999), the single specin-ren currentll'residing in at the American Nluseunr of Natural History in Neu'York, a dorsal r,'ertebral centrur.n (AN{NH l9E2) is fronr aTtrarLnosaurus rex (see N. L. Larson this voltrne). The ]ure of the Ceratops Beds of the \Vest ri'oulcl leacl to some of the rrost irnportant discoveries of Tyrannosaurrs rex in the earlr' 1900s. In 1900, paleontologist Henry'F. Osborn sent famecl clinosanr hunter Barnum Brou'n to the Cretaceous Ceratops Beds to Enrl'lriceratofs specimens for clisplav at tl-re American N'luseum of Natural Historr, in Ne',i' York. Broli.'n, H. N4.
Smith, and their cook, Arrrstrong, explored the siruilar areas of eastern Conin eastern \Vvoming, as had Hatcher previously. After getting off the trair-r at hidgemont, SD, thev trareled r-rp the Chey'enne River to the junction uith Alkali Creek. In the Cretaceor-rs or,rtcrops of this area, ther' ',1'ere successful in finding sorne fraginentarr, Triceratops remains. Continr-ring up a srnall tributan' of Sei'en Nlile Creek, Brorvn and crerv found in the latest Cretaceous deposits of thc arca leaf verse Countv (now Niobrara Countv)
inrpressions, a fossil turtle, ancl aTriceratops pr-rbis, as w'ell as a disassociated partial skeleton (approximatel,t' I3% complete) of a large "Ceratosaurus-hke" carnir''orous dinosar,rr, according to Brou'n (see Osborn I905).
'fhis specirnen (AMNH Field 12) corrsisted
of the lon'er jari's and teeth, various cervical and dors:rl vertebrae, ribs, and portions ofthe hips and linrbs (forrnerll,AMNH 5866, nou BN4NH R7995; see N. L. Larson this r.olunie), as rvell as numerolrs clermal plates (B\4NH R8001; see Carpenter 2004). N{ixed in n'iil-r this skeleton n'ere the teeth ancl jan' of a haclrosatir, the frill of a ceratopsian, and the teeth of ar-r ar-rkr'losaur, as r,i'ell as the scales of fish and other undeterminecl bones, "all eviclence of the animals last rreal," ac-
cording to Brolr,n (see Bror,r'n and cre'"r, opened trp a 4 bi l2 m (14 b1'40 foot; qllarr\,in the soft, fir-red-grained clavstones and siltstones ir-r the Lance Forrnation, approxim:rtely'4 km (2.5 niles) north of Chevenne Rir,'er (not 6 milcs in Weston County; as noted bv Osborn 1905; see Breithaupt et al. 2006). Osborn (1905) naned this partial skeleton D),narnosaunrs imperiosus ("powerful inperial lizard"), in particular because of the osteoderms (novn knorvn to belong to an ankf iosaLrr-see Carpenter 200,1). Osborn (1905) also narned TyrarLnosaurus rex ("king of the tvrant lizards") for a partial "Deinodon-like" skeleton (forrrerll AN'INH 971, nou CN{ 9380) found rn the upperrnost Cretaceous Hell Creek Forrnation of N,Iontana br. Broil'n in 1902 (see N. L. l,arsor-r this r,'ohrme). Osbom n'as spurreci to publish l-ris 1905 paper on Cretaceous carnivorous dinosaurs before all of his rnaterial had been fulll collected and prepared (1I%) fror-r-r tl-re l-rard concretionarr' sandstone rr-iatrix because the Carnegie N,Iuseun vn,as also preparing a partial (9%) skeletor-r of a large tl'reropod at the same tirne). This specimen (C\l 1-100), rvhich included parts of tl-re skull and loner jari's, r,arious 58
Rrant l-.1 Rraithat vP( t^t at )l r( vr,
vertebrae, ribs, and hip and limb bones. as r,.cjr ls r.arious ornithischran fragments, n'as also foi-rnd in the Lar-rce Fornr.rtioit of Converse Courrri,,
(nou' Niobrara Countv, WY) along Schneider Creek bv former AN,INH emplovee Olaf A. Peterson in 1902 (N{clntosh 1951: see N. [,. Larson this volume). Because the Carnegie specirnert n as thought to include a skull,
Osborn \\,as concerned that Peterson rr'o.ld pLrblish o. this large carnivorous clinosaur before hin (Breithaupt et al. lt-)l)6 i. Once the \Vi.on-ring and Nlontana rnaterial had been prepared (bv Richard S. LLrll and bl'Paul Miller and Peter Kaisen, respectivelv), Osborn (1906) svnonvmized Dynamosaurus imperiostrs n ith Tyrannosdurus rex, utilizing botl-r specin-rens in his clescriptions ancl figures (Fig. 2.2). Horvever, even as late as 1916, Osborn still contencied that the derrral scures of the "Dytamosdurus imperiosus" specirren r','ere unlike those of any ornithischian, and he believed that tl-rev mal l-rave exter.rded dolr'r-r the back ar-icl along the sides of T. rex, "the rnost superb carnivorous mechanism among the terrestrial Vertebrata, in il'hich raptorial destructive power and speed are cornbined" (Osborn 1916, p. 762). Interestingll', close examination of thesc osteoderms shou,s a series of depressiorls that resernble bite marks from a large theropod. In fact, these anklyosaurian scutes mav have represented the last meai of the D. imperiosus speclmen. Brorvn continued to u'ork in N,,{oniana, and in 1906, he uncovered ar-r even rrore conplete skeleton of T. rex in N{ontana (Osborn 1912), inclucling the first complete skull and most (45%) of the skeleton (AMNH 5027).
After tl're 1908 field season, the Arnerican N,luserrm of Natural Histor,v had 2 fairlv corlplete skeletons olTyrannoscLLLrLLS rex, n'hich thev planned to nonnt in a drarnatic, interacting pose (see Osborn 1913). Hou,er,er, because of the high cost, onh' the specirnen (AI'INH 5027) found in 1906 rvas exhibitecl (see Osborn l9l6). B,"" 1912, the museum had obtained a total of 8 specimens of Tl,rannosdurus rex frorn Wr,'oming ancl N'lontana. Hon'er,'er, rnar-rv of the best specirrens were later sent to other mrlsellms. The tvpe specirnen (A\,fNH 971) of 'fyranrLosaurus
$':rs solcl to Pittsburgl-r in l94l (CN4 9380) and in 2008 '"er remountecl for displar'. The tvpe skeleton olDynamosatLrus imperiosus (AN,INH 5866), along n'ith parts of ANINH 97),5027, and 5881, u,ere sold
to the Britisir N{useum (Natural Historr,) (BN'INH R799) in 1960. The D. imperiosus rraterial rvas used ir-r a' interesting half-rriour-rt displav of tliis dinosatir, w'here it exhibited one of the first state-of-the-art poses (i.e., a shorter tail carried in the air) bv Barne_v Nervman (1970). In addition, D. imperiosus \\'AS one of the first T rex specir'rens to undergo bone histologrcal stucly (Reid I984). After being or-r displar'for a nur'ber of years, most of the composite half-mo.nt skeleton is norv in tl're research collections of the Natural Historr,N4r-rseum, although one dentarv rer.nains on displav. In 1996, a partial (12%) skeleton u'as found in \\reston Cor,rntl', WY Althorrgh it n'as touted as being more of the "Dlncno sdurus imperiosus" specirnen (Bonhans and Butterfields 2004) found br Brorvn, it u'as actually found manl niiles north in a different countr of e astern W1'orning (see N. L. Larson this voh-rrre).
1..'amosaurus imperiosus
Building on the for-rr-iclational research done in the late 1800s and earlyI900s, continued ll'ork in the r-rppermost Cretaceous formations of the \Vestern Interior has produced rnanv irnportant additior-ial specimens of Tvrannosdurus rer. Currentl,v knot'n from dozens of skeletons frorn tl-re Western Tyrannosaurus rex was Interior (surnmarized bv N. L. Larsorr this "'olume), to clearlv one of the rnost impressir.'e creatures ever n,aik onr planet. After over a century ofresearch, discoveries during the last 15 l'ears provide interesting insighis about this dinosaur, and illustrate hoq' science progresses and ho',1.'our ideas on prehistoric beasts change through time as ner.r' inforrnation, technolog\,, and interpretations become available (e.g., Schrveitzer et al. 2005; Paul 2000; Hutchinson and Garcia 2002; Horner and Lessem 1993;
Farlon'at al. 1995; Carpenter 1990; BrochLr 2003). Although n-ruch has
been r,r'ritten abotrt this r,''ell-knoil'n dinosattr, nanr, questions stili remarn. Althouglr Tyrannosaurus rex itself is extinct, ideas regarding its life and times
continne to evolve.
References Cited
Bonlrarns and Btrtterfields. 2004. Catalogue of Natural Histort AtLction. San Francisco. Breithaupt, B. H. 1999. 'l'he first discoleries of dinosar-rrs in the Arnerican West. P. 59-65 in Gillette, D. D. (ed.). Yertebrate Paleontolog,- in Lltah. Utah Geo-
logical Surver' \iliscellaneous Publication 99(1). Breithatrpt, B. H., Southu'ell, E. H., and N,Iattheus, N. A. 2006. DynamosaurtLs imperiosus and the earliest cliscoveries of 'h'rannosaurus rex in Wr on-ring arrd the \Vest. P. 257-Z;8. Lucas, S. G., and Sullivan, R. (eds.). Late Cretaceous Yertebrates from the \\lestent Interkr. Ner'r' Nlexrco N'lttsettm of Natural Historv and Science J5. Brochu, C. A. 2003. Osteologl of Tl,rannosatLnrs rer: insights from a nearh'complete skeleton and high-resolution computed tomographic anall'sis of the skull. /ournal of Yertebrate Paleontologt, N'len.roir 7. C:rnnon, G. t,. 1888. On the Tertian Dinosauria tbund in Denver beds. Colorado Scientific Societt' Proceeclings 3: 140*147. Carpenter, K. 1990. \/ariatior-r irTlrannosaurus rex. P. 141-14) in Carpente r, K., and Currie, P i. (eds.). Dinosaur Ststenntics: Perspectit,es and Approaches. Can.rbridge Llnir,ersitv Press, Carrbridge. 100+ Redescription ol Artk,-losaurus magrLittentris Brou,r-r 1908 (Ank1' losauridae) fron.r tl-re Upper Cretaceous of the Western Interior of Nortli - Anerica. Canadian lotLrnal of Earth Sciences 41: 961-986. C:rrpenter, K., and Young, D. B. 2002. L,ate Cretaceous dinosaurs from the Denr,er B a s i n, C olo rado. Ro c ky \7 o utt ain G e olo g,r' 37 ( 2) : 217 -25 4 Cope, E. D. 1892. Fourth note on the Dinosauna of the Laramie. American Nafrzralist 26: t- i6-7 i8. Farlor.v, J. O., Snith, NI. B., and Robinson, J. \{. 199t. Bodv mass, bone strength indication, and cr.rrsorial poter-rtial of Tv-rdnnosdurus rex. lountal of Yerte.
brate Paleontoloy 15 6 1: 7 13 -7 25. Hatcher, J. B. 1893. The Ceratops Beds of Conr.'erse Cottntl', \\'1'oming. Anrerican lotLnnl of Science (ser. 3) I45: 135-144. Hatclrer, I. B., N{arsh, O. C., ancl Lull. R. S. 1907. Tlrc Ceratopsia. U.S. Geologrcal Survev Nlonographs 49. Horner. J. R., and Lesserr, D. 1993. The Cornplete Tl ra.t. Sirnon & Schuster,
Rrant l-J Rraithzt t^f af
l. R., and (]arcia,
N,L 2002.
Tlrdnr...::.-r,,- uas not
a fast nrnner.
Nature 415:1016-1021. Leidy, J. 1856. Notice of the rernains of ertinct reptrle: and fishes, discor,erecl br, Dr. F-. \l Hal,clen in the badlands of the JLrclith Rirer, \ebraska "lerritorr'. Academt, ofNatural Sciences, Proceedings l5i6: -l--l Marsh, O. C. 1890. Description of nes'dinosaurian reptiles. AmericanlotLrnal of' Science 39:
1892 Notice of neu,reptiles fronr the l,aranrie Forrl:rtion. American lournal of Sciertce 143: 449-453. -. 1896. The dinosaurs of North Anierica. Annttal Report, Llnited States Ceological Surler' l6: I+i-214. -. Mclntosh, J. S. 1981. Annotated c:rtalogue of the clinosaurs (Reptilia, Archosar,ria) in the collections of Carnegie \{use urn of Natural Historr.. Carnegie Museunt of NatLLral Historl'Bulletin 18:67. Neu'rrran, B. I-1. 1970. Stance ancl gait in the flesh-eating Tlrannosaurus. Biological lountal of tlrc Linnean Society 2: II9-123. Osborn, H. F. 1905. 'l),rannosaurus attcl other Cretaceous c:lrnivorous clinosaLrrs. Bulletfu of tlrc American Ntlusettm of N atural Historr 2I: 7.59-265 1906. Ttrannosaurus, L.lpper Cretaceous carnivorous dinosaur. Bulletin of the Arnerican Museum of Natural Histort 7-2:281-296. -. 1912 Crania of Tlrannos(llLrus and AllosatLrus. \'lentoirs of the American MuseLLm of Natural Histort, 1n.s.) 1:l-10. -. 1913 'In'rannosauruq restoration and nrodel of the skeleton . Billetin of the Anrerican Nluseun of Natural Histort, 32: 91-92. -. 1916. Skeletal adaptations of C)rnitholestes, StrtLthionirnus,Trrannosaurus. Bulletin ctf the AmericanMusetnt of NaturalHistort 35:773-7 t-1. -. Paul, G. 2000. Limb design, function and nrnning perfornrance in ostrich-mimics and tr,rannosaurs. P 251-270 in P6rez-Nloreno, B. P, Holtz, T. |., Sar.rz, J. L., and \Ioratalla. J. (eds.). Aspects oiTheropod Paleobiologt. Caia: Revista de Geociencias, NIusetL Nacional de Historia Naturc/, Lisbon, 15. Reid, R. E. I.l. 198.+. The histologv of dinosaurian bone, and its possible bearir.rg on clinosaurian phl siologt. Zoological Societt, of London Stn'rposia 57: 629-663. Schu'eitzer, N,l. H., \\,'ittnreler, J. L., Horner, J. R., and'lbporski, J. K. 2005. Softtissrre and cellular presen'artion inTyrannosatLrus rex. Science 307: "'essels
Intense interest inTyrannosaurus rex atxl other dinosaurs of the Heil Creek, Laramie, Lance, Scollard, Willolr,Creek, Frenchrnan, Denver, and Ferris forrnations (the Triceratops fauna) raises the obr.'ious question of the age ancl cluration of these formations. At the present time, this is a surprisingly difficr-rlt question to ansi,l'er. It is useful to divide the questior-r ir-r half: Over what time spar-r did these dinosaur-bearing formations form? And rvhat are the ages of specific dinosaur fossils? Because several of these forn-rations span the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-
T) bounclarv, and because no in situ nonavian dinosaurs are knorvn
above the K-T boundari', a definiiion of the K:T boundarl.serves as a usable
mininrtrm age for tlte Triceratops fauna. The K:f borindar,v is based on a stratotype in Tiu-iisia and is radiometrically' dated at 65.5 + 0.7 N,{a. The K-
T boundary can be recognized in terrestrial rocks of the Great Plains and Rocky N{ountains bv a combination of criteria, including disappearance of tlre palvnological Wodehouseia spinata Assemblage Zone, presence of iridium and shocked mineral anomalies, and reversed magnetic polaritv (elaborated in Hartn'ran 2002; Hicks et al. 2002; Nichols and Johnson 2002; fohnson et al. 2002). Al1 ofthese rnethods require laboratorv analvsis but can resoive the stratigraphic position of the bor-rndarv to a feq'millir-neters. Age resoh,rtion rvithin Nlaastrichtian rocks is much less precise and involves the use of rnagnetostratigraphy', radiometric dating, pollen/spore,
mammal, and ammonite biostratigraphy. The Maastrichtian Stage (final
t 0.6 Ma, on the basis of correlation of its stratotvpe in a qllarr)' in southvn'est F'rance to the rnarine strontiun-r isotope curve, and encls at the K:T bor-rndarv. Parts of fir'e geomagnetic polarity subchrons occlrr in the Nlaastrichtian (part of C29R, Cl0N, C30R, CllN, and part of CllR). Because Cl0R is brief (-10 kr), the 5.1 Ma of the siage of the Cretaceous) begins at70.6
Maastrichtian is essentiallv represented bt'a normal interval bor-rnded
2 reversals. Great Plains N{aastricl-rtian stratigraphr is complicated b,v the Bearpaw marine transgression, rvhich resr-rlts in a section that is marine at its base and terrestrial at the top and to the uest. Because rnagnetostratigraphv and radion-retric dating can be applied to both marine ancl terrestrial strata, correlation shor-ild be possible. Horvever. onli tor-rr.\r+')/le radiometrrc How Old
/s T. rex?
Dating the I rex Beds
dates are knor,vn from forrnations that contain theTriceratops faur-ra: 66.56
+ 0.1 Ma from the Kneehills Tuff lust belou tlic Scollarcl F'ornation il Alberta (45 m belon'the Kjl');66.8 t 1.2 Nlla from tl-re upper N4eeteetse Formation (belou'the Lance Fomration and 200 n belou'the K-T) in Elk Basirr, Wl and 65.73 + 0.lJ and 65.96 + 0.21 N'Ia fron the Denver Forrnation (5 and 20 m belou'the K-Tboundarr', respectiiell'). N{eanuhile, ttre vonngest dated arninonite zones are Baculites grandis at 70.15 t 0.65 N{a and B. clinolobatus at 69.57 t 0.17 \'la, both from Red Bird. WY Thus, there is a gap of at least 2.77 NIzt in tlic n-riciclle N,Iaastrichtian n,here no radion-retric dates are knon,rr.
This gap coincides lvith the rrid-N'laastrichtian polariti'normal (C3()Ni so rnagnetostratigraphr,does not help resolr'e the isstre. There are onll' two pall'nostratigraphic zones in the N'laastricl-rtian, one in the very, early part (Aquilapollenites striatuslZ) ancl or-re ir-r the verr'late part (\\/ode hotLseia spinata AZ). These palvnological zones are onlv knou, in superposition in tr'vo cores in the Denver Basin. N'Iarrrrals of the Lancian North An-ierican Land \"{ar-r-rmal age co-occur u,ith the Triceratops faLrna, so thev share its poor time resolr,rtion rather than resolving it. A short-iern soltrtion l-ras been to trse the duration (frorr marine o'clostratigraphr') and thickness of polaritl'subchron C29R to project an age moclel clownsection frorn the
Kjl'bor-rnclarl'to clate N4aastrichtian fossils ancl fornations. 'l'iris nethod I'ields ar-r age range of 66.86 to 68.0 NIa for the base of the Hell Creek l.'ornration in Nortlr Dakota and N'Iontana, and 68 to 69 N{a lor the Triceratopsbearing Lararliie Formation in the Denver Basin. This t1,pe of projcction is prone to inaccuracl because the K-T bounclarv and the tclp of C29R are separated in several sections b),a thickness that is -10% ofthe tliickness of the Hell Creek Formation. Thus, small errors coulcl bc grcatlv magr-rifiecl the dist:rnce to a much more distant poir-rt. Clearlt', rnore radiometric dates near the basc of the Triceratops lattna are needed to refine age rnodels for N{aastrichtian terrestrial fossils. The search for volcanic tuffs and bentonites near the base of the Hell Creek and in the top of the underlving For Hills Sandstone is a prioriti'for future rvher-i using t',1'o closelv spacecl points to extrapolate
References Cited
Hartman, J. H. 2002. l{ell Creek Formation and the earll picking of the CretaceonslTertiarv boundarr,in the Williston Basin. P. 1-7 in Hartman, l. H., lohnson, K. R., and Nichols, D. J. (eds.). The Hell Creek Fornntion and the CretaceotLs-Tertiart, fiorrr4orl in tlrc Nortlrcrn. Creat P/ains. Geological Society of America Special Paper 361. Hicks, J. I.'., Johnson, K. R., Obradovich, ). D.,'Iaure, L., and Clark, D. 2002. Nlagnetostratigraphr,and geochronologl ofthe Hell Creek and basal Fbrt Union Formations of southu'estern North Dakota ancl a recalibration of ihe age of the CreiaceousJertiarv boundarv. P. i5-55 in Hartnan, J. H., iohnson, K. R., and Nichols, D. J. (eds.). Tlrc llell Creek Formtttion rmd the Cretaceousllertiary Boundart in the Nctrtlrcrn Great Pkirrs. Geological Socie tv of \rrrerica Special Paper 3(rl. Jol.rnson, K. R., Nichols, D. J., and Hartirial, j. H. 2002. Hell Creek Fbrrna-
Kirk Johnson
tion: A 2001 svuthesis. P. 501-510 in Hartnan, J. H., Johnson, K. R., and Nicl.rols, D. J ieds.). 'I'he Hell Creek F-ormation and tlrc Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundart' in the Northern Great P/alns. Geological Societr,of Arnerica Special Paper 361. Nichols, D. J. ancl Johnson, K. R. 2002. Palvnology'and microstratigraphv of Cretaceous-Tertian boundarv seciions in southriestern North Dakota. P. 95-143 in l'lartrnan, J. H.. lohnson, K. R., and Nicl.rols, D. J. (eds.). The HelI Creek Fornntion and tlrc Cretaceous-Tertiary BotLndart' in the Northern Oreat Plains. Ceological Societr,of ,\rnerica Special Paper 361.
How Old
/s T. rex?
Figure 4.1 . Discovery site for LDP 977-2.
N o
40 km
ro /. ) \tratiorsnhir occurrence of LDP 977-2
LDP ffi77-2
Lance Point Bar/ Meandering Channel Sands
Kraig Derstler and John M. Meyers
During the 1997 expeditior-r of the Lance Dinosaur Project, Rob Patchus discor,'ered a tvranuosanrid skeleton in the Lar-rce Forrnation of eastern
Wyonting. Nicknarred "Pete" to honor both Peter Larson and Rob's late grandfather, the skeleton n,as ercavated in Jr-rl1,and August 1997. The next slrnrmer, Peter l,arson anil several'u'olunteers helped K.D. bulldoze the site in an unsuccessful effort to locate additionai bones. Presentlr,, the fossil, LDP 977-2, is housed at the Universitt'of Neu Orleans, ri'ith some portions on loan to Kansas State University, Nlanhattan, u,here J.NI. is preparir-rg and studving it as part of his gradr-rate research progrant.
The specirnen u'as cliscor'ered in a small br-rtte on the Su'anson Rar-rch in northern Niobrara Counti', WY (Fig. 4.1). The butte n,as remor.'ed in the course of the ercavation but r,r'as a prominent fcature of the local terrane; it lay u'ithin 200 m of an outlook rvhere contemporarv ranchers scan the regior-r for range fires. The precise location is available frorn K.D.
The t,vpe for the Lance Formation in northern Niobrara Countl'and southern Weston Countl is roughlr 710 m 12360 feet) thick (Clenens 1960).'l'he formation dips nearlr' 1u rvest. Unfortunately', u'ith such a srnall angle of dip, it is not possible to clirecth'rneasure the thickness of the l,:rnce (and w'e are not arvare of anr, cornplete cores or useful well logs for thrs pr-rrpose). As a result, it is necessarvto nse geometric constructions of the stratigraphic cohrrnn. Stratigraphic positions must ther-r be expressed as percentages above the base or beloli,the top of the forilation. \\"hen this technique is used, and if n'e assune 720 rn tl-rickness, LDP 977-2 occurs 460 rn (6)%) al>ove the base of the Lance, or 460 m belor.v the top of the forrnation (fig. a.2). At the site, approrimately J m of Lance are exposed. All but the upper 30 cm consist of light bror,r'n, friable, n-rediurn-grained sanclstor-re, with 10-80 cm crossbed sets and scattered pieces of carbonizecl nood. LDP 977-2 occurrecl ir-r the upper 50 crn of this sancl. T'he outcrop u'as capped bv a l0-cm-thick laver of dark bro*'n, nell-cemented, n.reclium- to fine-grained sandstone that had 5-10-cm crossbe ds arranged as clinbing ripples. This sandstor-re bodr,' u'as elongate nortir-soutli and, despite the r.veathering, thinned noticeablv to the east and rr e st. Thc contact betrveen the underlving light-colored sanclstone and the d.rrk one above is obscured
ihe fact that the dark sand u'as concreted and the zone of heavv cement exiended dorvn into the fossiliferous sandstone. The tops of nany of the bones r,vere cemented witl-rin this concreiecl zorre. The bone-bearing sandstone is interpreted as point bar and meandering channel deposits. The hard cap rock is interpreted as a surviving segrnent of a braided stream deposit forrr-red during the dry season on the rnuch larger rneandering charlnel sands. This is not to say that the rocks necessarilv represent a sir-igle wet-drv seasonal cor-rplet. One of us (K.D.) has observed similar concreted, braided-strearn segments thror-rghout the thicker meandering channel sands of the Lance and contemporaneolls Hell Creek deposits of \Vvorning, the Dakotas, and Montana. When thev $'eather out, thev are frequentlv rnisidentified as petrifiecl logs bv nongeologists. Occasionalli', a bit of the original anastomosing pattern of a braided stream is preserved. The outcrop contained too little information to deterrnine u,hether the bones specificallv accumulated on a point bar or came to rest u'ithir-r the channel of the meanderir-is stream. b,v
The exca'n'ation covered roughlv 150 m: (Fig. a.3). The entire set of in situ bones came fron-r the north-central l0 m2. A huge debris field extended from the exposed edge ofthe outcrop and continued for at least 100 n'r into a deep canvon east of the or-rtcrop. Tens of thousar-rcls of bones scraps were
recovered, but onh'a snall percentage rvas osteologicallf identifiable.'l'he bones are sliglitly,' perrnineralized ivith calcite and traces of pvrite, which is tvpical ofbones from the Lance. As shon'n in Figure 4.1, the fossil includes 2 short segrnents of serri-
articulated cervical ancl dorsal vertebrae contair-ring 5 vertebrae each. An llth isolated vertebra was also recovered. T'he outcrop also produced at le:rst I cervical rib, 10 dorsal ribs, and 4 gastralia. In the field, crew memFigure 4.3. Bone map of LDP 977-2. Only the upper portion of the
debris field is shown.
Kraig Derstler and John M. Meyers
bers identified fragn-rents of numerous dorsal ribs and gastralia, at least 2
Figure 4.4. Distribu-
proxirral caudal vertebrae, i distal caudal vertebra, dorsal/cervical r.'ertebrae, the shaft of a l-rind limb long bone, and several heavy pieces of the
tion of bones found
pectoral girdles. No skull elements or teeth r,vere ider-rtified. The distribution of identified bones is shorvn in Figr-rre 4.4. Interestingly, all of the ribs appear to have their ventral ends broken before final burial. 'fhe dorsoventral height of the last cer','ical is 72 cm, whereas the anteroposterior thickness of the second dorsal centrun-r is Il cm. 'l'hese measLlrements are three-fourths the size of those corresponding to FMNH PRZOBI (Sue). Thr-rs, Pete was probabl.v an anirnai 9.4 n (ll feet) long. Until LDP 977-) is prepared, the fossil will be difficult to identify beyond noting that it is alarge tvrannosaurid. The bones cliffer in no significant n'ay from those of defir-ritive specirn ens of Tyrannosdurus rex (e.g., CM 9380, MOR 555, and MOR 980, BHI 3033). As sr-rcl.r, the specimen is tentatively identifiecl asT. rex.
Drawing modified from Derstler (1 994), scaled to an animal with a
LDP 977-7 n as found in a region of the Lance Creek area knorvn to have been examined by several early paleontologi expeditions. Hatcher collected in the region for O. C. Marsh in the late lB00s and for the Carnegre Musenm in the earlv 1900s. Although he did not keep notes on the areas
Hatcher's niap rFrs.
-foot length; 80-cm1
tall human for scale.
istorical Consideration H
he prospected dr,rring the initial exploratior-rs of the Lance dinosaur fields, it is possible to reconstruct this infonnation fbr each vear (lBB8-1892) by noting the 1,'ear of collectior-i for each of the ercavation sites he placed on his hand-drawn map (Hatcher et al. 1907). -\lthough these rnaps cannot be compleiely reconciled n'ith nore recent utaps. it is possible to approxi-
mately locate LDP 977-2
Pete (LDP 977-2).
. Fron-r this, Hatcher
ie Cr.
891 Greasewood Cr.
DP# 97V{2
Cow Cr.
O\ Jil ()l
- 1890
c0 I
20 &23
889 .sk-3
I {
t) l)
Figure 4.5. Hatcher's Lance fieldwork for Yale Peabody Museum,
reconstructed from museum records by year. Base map modified from an unpublished handdrawn map in Hatcher's
handwriting found in Yale Peabody Museum
files. Shaded polygons oneln<e
nearl1'reached LDP 977-2 during each of his last 2 seasons, I891 and 1892,
but passed slightil'
I895, San'ruel Williston lead an expedition into the f,ar-rce. He brieflr'carnped at Hatcher's 1890 canpsite and collecting 2 miles furtl-rer north (Clemens 1963). Williston reportedh trar,'elecl nuch farther north rvhile prospecting, but it n'ould be ar-r exaggeration to claim tl-rat Wiliiston barelv missed LDP 97i-2. Hatcher returned to the Lance in I900 to collect for the Carnegie Museurn of Natural Historl (Clenrens I963). Hc limitecl his u,ork to Marcus Dra$r, as shorin in Figure -1.6. This time, he barelv n-rissed
9 t-7-2
tl-re sorrthn,est.
In 1900, Barnum Brou,r-r, r,r,ho t'as on the Williston trip, also r,entured into ihe Lance Formation, collecting for the Arrerican N{useum of Natural Historl, (Clenens 1963). He prospectecl along Alkali and Ser.en \Iiles Creeks. Although there is no evidencc that he got closer than 15 krn (9 mile$ to the northeast of LDP 977-2,it is n,orth noting that Bron,n did collect the tr,'pe specime n lor Dynamosaurus irnperiosus along Ser.'en N,Iiies Creek at this tirre (see N. L. Larson this r,'oltrrre). By piecing together information from rnuseunr labels and sketcin'published accounts (e.g., Sternberg 1990, 1991), it is possible to reconstruct the area prospected by'the Sternberg famil1' during the 3 r'ears tl-rat thei' worked in the Lance, 1908 through 1910. This information is presented in Figure 4.7. Thev r'vorked further north and n'e st. 'l'her, too alnost venturcd inio the vicinity of LDP 977-2.
Kraig Derstler and John
Doeqie Cr. y,
.11 "
zo Greasewood
97 .2
Cow Cr.
o1 L . ?,1
- 1890
r20 & 23
.sk-3 .sk-4
"r-t'5:oq/,/ V// ./
.8. Qu.
' .2
-/ Figure 4.6. Hatcher's Lance fieldwork for Carnegie Museum of Natural History in 7900. Map as in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.7. Sternberg family fieldwork, combining the years 7908 through 1910. Base map modified from BLM Lance Creek Surface Management Map, 1:100,000 scale, 1991 edition.
LDP #977-2 F--------ldrm------------
Figure 4.8. Photograph of LDP 977-1 outcrop
Althor-rgh other paleontologists passed near l,DP 977-2 betrveen l9l0 and 1997, u'e are onlv arvare of one other near miss. In the late I940s, a field partv frorn the Unir,ersitr,of \\'r,'oming camped roughlv half a mile to the north-northeast lvhile thev excar.'ated an aclult Edmrn'Ltosaurus annectens on another nearbl, ranch (Leonard Zerbst, personal commr-rnication to K.D. 1995). 'l'here is no recorcl of an'u' prospecting bv this crew. Naturallv tliere are i.,arious sollrces of uncertaintl,'in the places reached b".each erpedition. Withir-r these bounds, it appears that Hatcher, Williston, Brolr'n, and the Sternbergs approached close to the location of LDP 977-2 u,ithor:t actuallv reaching it. It seems likely that an,v fossil prospector in the area lr'otrld har,e searched the precise spot where LDP 977-2 lar,. As rnentioned above, the discoverv butte ri'as a proninent part of the local landscape (Fig. a.B) and it lat' n'ithin a felr' hundrecl rneters of the best lookout in tl-re area. It is an easv spot to reach, so the site rvould have been irresistible to an1'one searcl-ring for dinosaurs. \\'e do not have any d11..1 information on the amount of tirne that LDP 97 i--2 rvas exposed to erosion. Horvever, the size of the debris field suggests that the skeleton originallv cor-rtained manv intact bones and that it u'eathcred for a considerable period of time. Perhaps n.rore importantlr,', comparison betu.'een photographs of nearbv Lance outcrops taken b1.' Ler i Sternberg in 1908 (Sternberg 1990) and the rnodern terrane shou'that
and the western skyline before excavation in July 7997.
hard sandstone caprocks and the softer sar-rds imrnecliateir,'r,rnderlying har,'e changed little in 95 r'ears. This strongir,'suggests that the similar caprock
Kraig Derstler and John M. Meyers
and softer sands associated u ith LDP 977-2 have existecl for n.ell or,er a centurl'. In sirort, tl-re skeleton u as almost certainlv erposecl n hen Hatcher, Brolvn, and tl-re Sternbergs explored the Lance. \Ve find it fascinating to inragine how the l-ristorv of Tyrannosaurus rax research night hale differed if Hatcher had provided N,Iarsh (or hrs successors) r'r,ith a good skeleton in the earlr'1890s, or if he had done the same for Carnegie's r-nuseum in 1900 (r,'ears before thei' purchased one frorn AN{NH), or if the Sternbergs had been able to sell ar-rother skeleton to Osborn in 1908.
\\'e thank Rob Patchus,
n4ro discovered the fossil, and the other nembers
of the 1997 Lance Dinosaur Expedition: Ron Francis, Marcus Eriksen, and Joev Masters. We also thank Stanlev and Gloria Su,anson, Rol'Rassbach, and the tor.vn of Neu,'castle, \VY. \\'e gratefulll, acknorvledge tl-re assistance of Peter L:rrson and his r.'olnnteers, ilfio helpecl bulldoze the overbr-rrden at the site in 1998. Finallr', Larrv and foy'ce 'fuss, Winifred, \,'l'f, gracioush'hostecl us n{-rile r','e prepared t}iis chapter in ihe afterrrath of Hurricane Katrina.
Clenens, \\1 A. 1960. Stratigraphv of the tr. pe Lance Forrnation. Report of the XXI Internationdl Ceological Congress (Norden), PartY (Proceedings of Section 3 I h e C r e t ac e o u s -Te r t i ar t, B o ut d a n) : r- -I3 -" 1963. Fossil mar-nmals of the tvpe Lance Formation, Wvoming. Part I. Introduction and nultituberculata. Llniyersitt of California Publications irt -. Ceological Sciences 48: l-105. Derstler, K. i994. DinosaLrrs of the L:rnce Fbrmation in eastern \Vr,oming. P 127-\46 in Nelson, G. E. (ed.). Fortt,-fotLrth Artnual Field Conference Cuideboofr. \\'vomin g Geological Association, Casper. Hatcher, J. 8., N,{arsh. O. C., and t,ull, R. S. 1907. Tlrc Ceratopsia. Unitecl States Geological Sun'er, Nlonograph 49. Sternberg, C. H. 1990. The Lilb of a Fossil Hunter. 1908. Indiana Universitv
References Cited
Press, hrdianapolis.
i991. Hunting Dinosaurs in tlrc Badlands of the Red Deer Riter, Alberta, Canada. l9lZ. Ne\\'est Press. Edrnonton. Alberta.
Preliminary Accor,tL
of the Tyrannosaurid Pete 73
Wolf Point t--l
(D uon-ego
r ,
20 Miles
Figure 5.1. Location map for MOR 980 (Peck's Rex)
Figure 5.2. Stratigraphic section. (Left) Measured section (information from Rigby et al. 2001). (Right) Measured section within the MOR 980 quarry.
"Duane Clay"
- overbank
Hell Creek
sideritic Sano
./ -/'- bonebed
"Rex Sand"
- oxoow
silt"BBQ 5and"
meandering/ braided channel
Kraig Derstler and John M. Meyers
During summer
1997, rvhile excar,'ating a hadrosaur skeleton frorr tlie HelI Creek Formation in McCone Count1,, N4! a field creu,'led bv Keith Rigby discovered the clisarticr-riated remair-rs of a large tvrannosaurid. Occurrirrg
near the eastern shore of l,ake Fort Peck, tl-ris theropod quickly became known as Peck's Rex. (The name is traden-rarked bv Fort Peck Paleontologv Inc., Fort Peck, NI'l'.) That autumn, a local resident looted part of the skeleton. Within a ferv',r,eeks, federai agents recovered the looted material and conducted a salr,'age excavatiorl at the site. Resultant hostilities hampered sr-rbsequent piecemeal excavatior-r bv Rigbv ancl associates. It n'as r-rot until 2004 that ive, aidecl bv a field cren', essentialh'completed the excavation. The skeleton is cataloged bv the N!-rseum of the Rockies in Bozemarr, Ml as MOR 980, and it is on loan to Fort Peck Paleontology'lnc. (FPPI), Fort Peck, N,{T. Ntla jor portions of the skeleton have been prepared bv staff and volunteers of FPPI. Damaged portions u'ere restored and the missing elernents reconstmcted bv FPPI in 2001-2004. Sr,rbstar-rtial portions of the fossil remain unprepared, including vertebrae embeclded tiihin concretions and rnost of the bones collected in 2004. Nevertheless, as of June 2004, casts of Peck's Rex had been mounted for exhibit in Fort Peck, M! and Baltimore. N{D. The humeri u'ere later prepared ar-rd studied by us at the Universitv of Nei,v Orleans. Other portions of tl-re skeleton are being studied in different iaboratories, and sorne observations are presented elservhere in thrs volume. Hon'ever, the purpose of this chapter is to consider the events betr,r'een death and final burial for N{OR 980.
The quarry,for MOR 980 is located on federal land adrliinistered b1,'the U.S. Arml'Corp of Engineers, approximatelr' 12 km (20 rniles) sor-rtheast of the Fort Peck Darr in McCor-re Countl', N{T (Fig. 5.}). It lav approximately
I n-rile u'est of State Route 24. Ntlore specific localiti' information is ar,'ailable fron-r us and the staff at F'PPI. The skeleton was collected from the upper part of the upper Maastrichtian Hell Creek Formatior-r, 6 m belou the top Gig. 5.2,left). The quarr! lay imnediatelv abor,e the informallr named BBQ Sand (Rigbv et
Peck's Rex
al. 2001). Details of the stratigrapl-ri', inclucling a con.rposite neasurecl section and a photograph of the localitr,, can be found in this reference. In the rneasured section presented here (Fig. 5.2 right;, Peck's Rer lay near the base of the local Rer Sand, a 0.1-1.8-m-t1-rick sancl and silt unit tl-rat is particularlr,rich in sideritic noclules. In tum, it is or,erlain bi' the Duane Cla1,'. 'fhe base of the Rex Sand is erosional, n'here:rs the upper contact is conforrrable but heavily bioturbated bi'large (ceratopsian?) footprints.
In general, the bones are permineralizecl u'ith calcite ancl ninor amonnts of pvrite. A feri' bones are permineralized ri'ith siderite instead of calcite. Betlr,een one-third ar-rd or-reJralf of the bones ii'ere embedded in large (0.3-2.0 m) siltv limestor-re concretions. MOR 980 inch-rdes rvell over 85% of ihe skeleton, rnostlr, disarticr-rlated. Holvever, a string of 11 distal caudal r.'ertebrae lal in articulation near ihe eastern edge of the excar.ation. All of the teeth are rootecl, inclicating tl-rat they fell out of the dentaries, naxillae, ancl premaxillae as the carcass disintegrated. 'fhe fossil ir-rcludes a number of seldorn-seen eleuents-for example, a third inetacarpal, the ftrrcula, and both hurneri (see l,ipkin and Carpenter this volurne). On the otl-rcr l-rar-rd, tl-re right leg is ahnost er-itirelr, n-rissing. Virtualli'all rretatarsals are also rnissing fronr the collection, although tn'o nore lvere obserr"ed in situ (N. Nlurphl, person:rl comrrunications to K.D. 2003 and 2004). None of the bones are distorted bi' cornpaction, although rranv shou' signs of postrrortern rotting ancl prebtrrial breakage . Picces of indil'idual bones are scattered, and the breaks are r-rot crisp. 'fhese obserr.'ations indicate that at least some of the bones u'ere softened, presurrablv br prebr-rrial
rotting, then fell to the lake bottom as indiridual pieces n'ere shed fronr the carcass. Modesi urovernent of the carcass n'ithin the lake. ratirer than water florv, rr-ral,explain the scattering.
Excavation Maps
The quarr,v and bone rnaps generated clurir-rg 2004 br,K.D. are shon'n in Figures 5.1 and 5.4. Individual bones are ker,ed to inventorr,'lists on files lvith K.D. and FPPI. As excavation proceedcd, it becar-ne apparent that tl-rc Rex Sand was deposited on a high-reliefsurface. Several dozen elevations wrere measllred to the nearest centineter on this surface trsing an arbitrarr, base elel'ation. A contour n-iap of this surfacc is sho',1'n as Figure 5.5 using IO-cm contour intervals. Althoug}r information is not available for excavations before 2004, it is ai>parent that N1OR 980 n'as concentrated in the cleepest part of tire oxbon'.
for pre-2004 ercar,atior-ts are sketchv at best. For exanrple,
lr'e are not arvare of any maps that il'ere proclttcecl cluring the 1997 looting or the follon-up salvage excavatiott. In 2002, Bill \Vagner reconstrttctecl a bone map for all of the areas excavated up to tliat tinre using old pl-rotographs, sketch maps, preparation maps for several largc bone-bearing concretions, and personal recollections. He proi'ided K.D. lrith this rnap, Kraig Derstler and John M. Meyers
cst lor stradgraphi( sect;on pre2004 backfill
1'-+!d--r-_r 10
Figure 5.3. The 2004 quarry map. Ltghter gray
areas are portions of the exposed Rex Sand that were left in place. P indicates old plaster on the side wall of previous excavation. Edge of
outcrop and edge of old excavauon are mapped only where observed. The 1997 talus was rden-
tified by Duane Sibley and others present during that year's excava-
tion. The area includes debris produced by all 3 excavations that year. O.iginal
Figure 5.4. Bone map for 2004 excavation of MOR 980. Unexcavated portions of the Rex Sand are /ess than 5 cm thick and judged unlikely to contai n add itional bones.
'P !L:r
i-- -!-'_ -
I rlr
C i nd i cates bo
n e-
bea ri ng
meston e co ncretio ns; +, survey grid points.
Peck's Rex
map c:
case of the Small dots
Rex 5a-J -*^ ql//:): ^t^,^*;^^ I >Ld. :tcvdLrut
tlor,s Contour rnterval
m fsrhanizod lan< v,.,iihin the Rex Sand are 1A
shovtn in solid black.
copies of his original clata, ancl another field rnap produced during the 2003 season. We combined all of this ir-iformation onto a single, pre-2004 bone rnap, but trnfortunatelr,, n,e coulcl not correlate this ll,ith the 2004 nap. This correlation n'as macle possiblc bv uncol'ering about 9 rn of the old excar':rtion to usc as a datum for linkir-rg the old and ne*,maps. Plaster splatters or-r the exhurned excavations also helpecl align tl-re tw,o. The resulting composite map is shon'n in Figure 5.6.
Bratded channel sands
from the
Rex Sand within the underlying BBQ Sand are shown as
ray areas. O rientation and flow direction of asymmetrical ri pples i n g
a basal layer of the Rex Sand are shown by bear-
ing symbol attached to a directional arrow. Other information taken from Figures 5.3 and 5.4.
The or1r,prorninent vertebrate fossils in the Rex Sand are Peck's Rex and a partialli' articulated hadrosaur. The l:rtter apparentlr' lav several rneters southn'est of N{oR 980 on a higher part of the sarne depositioral surface. We are not alr,arc, hol.,'ever, of anv maps or other written records for the condition of this hadrosaur or its precise location. A fer,r, bones and tendor-rs from the haclrosaur r'vashed clou'n into the deeper area and *,ere r'ixed rrr with Peck's Rex. Understandabh'. none of the Tj.rarntorarrrrs bones i,vashed upn'ard to commingie lvitl-r tl-re hadrosaur.
Onli' rare
scraps of other anirnals \\'ere recovered fron the Rex Sand. ir-rclude a feu'intemal molcls of nondescript snails, ser,eral sl-tedLeidosuchus teeth, a large shed tootl-r frorn a large drornaeosanrid, some gar and
other fish debris, one baer-rid turtle fragment, ancl ror-rndecl fragrnents of Kraig Derstler and .lohn M. Meyers
.,u& tN
Triceratops bones and teeth. Unusuallv; the Rex Sand contained no soft-shel1
turtle ren'iains. Although animal fossils are sparse, plant ren-rair-rs are abundant and often rvell preserveci. 'l'het'include carbonizecl wood, seeds, arnber droplets, and foliage representing a diverse assernblage of dicots, palms, ancl conifers. The Rex Sand cont:rins no obr,ious trace fossiis other than tlie dinosaur tracks at the contact ri'ith the overlving Dnane Clar' (see belou).
The Rex Sand is ir-rterpreted as an oxbor.v lake filling. It occr,rpies a channel tl-rai u as cut into the underlving BBQ Sand, and it grades uprvard into overbank siltv clavstone (dubbed the Dr,rane Cial'). The upper surface of the Rex Sand is pianar and subhorizonal. The thickness of the Rex Sar-rcl corresponds to the depth of tl-re underh,ing depositional surface. Interr-rallr, the Rex Sancl can be dil'ided into I subunits. The lorvest is a several-certimeter-thick series of thin-bedded, r'ellorv-green, siltr.', fine-grained sandstones. Each lai,'er contains asvmmetrical ripples thai indicate current
flo"ving tolvard the south-southeast. 'l'he second unit contains the bones of Peck's Rex. It is a 5-70-cn-r-thick, orange-broun, siltl,sand, n'ith small shale chips, rranr, pieces of carbonized u'ood, otl-rer plant debris, small linestor-re nodules, and occasional p-vritic or sideritic concretions. Some Taphonomy
Peck's Rex
Depositional Model Finrrra ( 6 Cnmnncifa
bone map. Pre-2004 maps and information compiled by Bill Wagner. Dashed figures on old beari ng concretions. Note
the articulated stilng of caudal vertebrae near the eastern edge of the map.
of the sideritic concretions l-rave a linrestone core.'l'he unit is massive bui poorlv ccrnented. occasional inbricated pebbles inclicate current flo'',tou'ard the south-southeast. Hori'ever, tl-re lack of obvious bone orientation
that the currents rvere r.r'eak. 'fhe uppermost subur-rit is a 60-100crr-tl-rick, mecliun-beclcled orange sand, n'ith rnultiple lavers of sideritic concretions ancl occasiorral large pieces of carbor-rized rvood. It contains fen' other fossils ancl no internal sedirnentar-v structures. Ir-r general, it is bellcr cerrrcrrted tlrrrr tlre bone-bearirrg lar er. 'fhe i:r-rderlving BBQ Sand is a neanclering channel-and-point-bar unit deposited bv a sizable rneandering streant. Reflecting wet-drv seasonalitv in the regior, tlie BBQ Sa'd co.tains a fe*'braided cha'nel sands depositeci cluring tlie dr1' seaso.. These braidecl cha.nels, their internal sr.rggests
crossbeds, and crossbeds rvitl-rin the meandering portions of the BBQ Sand east (Fig. 5.5).
ali inclicate n'atcr flon,ing to the
In contrast, the Rex Sand has consistent indicators sholr'ins that the r,vater) noving to the sor-rth-southeast. N,'Iost reasonablr', this infilling is not related to the deposition of the r:rderlving BBQ Sar-rd. Insteacl, it mar., be tied to the sane stream that cut and oxbon'filled rvith sedirnent (and
then abandoned the oxbow channel. Despite the presence of flo',r' indicators u,ithin the Rex Sand, several pieces of evidence indicate that the oxbon, lr'as generall_v stagnar-rt. The lack of aquatic fauna, particularli'soft-sheil ttrrtles, sr.rggests hosiile aquatic conclitions. Preservation of plar-rt rraterial (particuiarlv abr-rndant, diverse, n'ell-preserved foliage in the base ofthe bone-bearing part ofthe Rex Sand) indicates that a.oxia pre'ertecl the leaves fron deca'ing. Final\,, the siclerite four-rd
tl-rroqghout the Rex Sand strggests that the bottom of the lake was chen.ricallv reclucing, again consistent u'ith the ar-roxia and stagnant water hypotheses. Presun-rablr', orvge'ated *ater and sediment reached the oxboq'episodicallr', durir-rg floods. Betu'een floods, tl-re oxbow rvaters were inhospitable to life. Peck's Rer entered the fossil record through this setting.
There is presentll' no rneaningful informatioii on the cause of death for NIOR 980 or hori' it entered the Rex Saird oxbor.r,. Hon'ever, it seems reasonable to suggest tl-rat it er-rtcred as a relativelv intact carcass. The high degree ofskeletal cornpleteness, the articulatecl caudals, anci the presence
of the bones th:rt usr,ralh' disappear earh' ir-r postn.rorten l-ristory (nanus, distal caudals, gastralia) all support this hvpothesis. The prepared portions of the skeleton do uot shor'r,anv solid e'ide'rce of postmortem scavenging marks. This is cor-rsistent ri'ith the nearly con-rplete absence of shed teeth of poter-rtial scavengers ir-r the Rex Sand.
bor-res are concentrated in the deepest portion of the oxborv rvhere ll'atcr u'as at least 1.5 rr deep (based on the thickness of sedin-rents). The lack of bor-res on the oxbolr, sheif to the n'est indicates that this area r,r,as tor-r shallori for the carcass. Thereforc, the skeleton arrived as a bloated carcass in the dcepest part clf the oxbou, and rvas nnable to move into shallolv areas, or it rias actuallv grourdecl there. In either case, tl-re bones dropped from the carcass to the lake bottom as thev rotted free.
Kraig Derstler and lohn M. Meyers
N'Iani of the bones are broken, n,ith the pieces found rreters apart. Sr-rch
broken edges are ne.,'er sharp, and ther,'usuallr'frave rnatrix injected
into thc trabecr-rlae. Strch bones had to be softer.r before breakage so that thel'simpll'fell apart. In short, manv of the bones u'ere rottecl before thel fell frorn the carcass. Consistent u ith this hvpothesis are hundreds of theropod bone shards scattered throughout the rridclle portion of the Rex Sar-rcl. 'fhese represent bones that rotted to the point u'here ttiev sin-rpl1, disintegrated. The nissing 15% of the skeleton cannot be explained as loss due to rnoclern rveathering because none of the skeleton r,r,as exposed at tl're tinre of discoverv. Ratl-rer, the specimen u,as accidentall,v cliscor,ered in the course of excai.,ation of a hadrosaur skeleton. 'fhere are fel,r' alternatives to explain the missing portions. Perhaps a feil'smaller bones rer-nain in the thin. unexcavated areas of the Rex Sand. Possibl1.a fel'n'are hidden li,ithin the unprepared concretions, or a fen srnallcr bones rrav have rotted cornpleteh' before buriai. Finallv, sorne of tl-ie bones corild hal'e bcen clestroved or othern'ise lost during looting and the salr'age erc:rvation. Whatever the explanation, \\,e are surprised that N{OR 980 is uot more complete because there seems to be no 6b1,is11s 11'21' to clispose of the missing bones.
We thank the staff and volunteers at FPPI and their counterp:irts at the tJ.S. Arrm' Corps of Er-rginee rs, particularh Dtrane Siblcl, l,oLr Tren-rbler', and Bill Wagner. \\''e also ackr-rou,ledge the erceptior-ral field assistance of Douglas and Arcl'r Var-r Belle., Dorv Tr-rrnipseed, Teresa Logudice , Steven Luton, Dana Hensler,, and Ruth Ebert. Bob Richter arranged for and dclir. ered :r great deal of field equipment. Nat \{urphv and Bill Wagner provicled infonnation on the occurrence and historl of N,IOR 980. Peter I-arson \\:as an enclless sorlrce of inforrnation ancl enthusiasm concerning'I't-ran-
nos(ilfius rer. Finalli, Larrv and Jovce'l-uss, \\/ir-rifred, N{'l , hosted us u'hile preparing this cl-rapter in the extencled aftern-rath of Hurricar-re Katrina.
Rigbv, j. K., l,inford, C. B., and Rigbv, j. K., Jr. 2001. Geologr,of the McRae Springs Quaclrangle, NIcCone Countr', northeastern N{ontana. Geologl, Studies, Brigham Young Unirersity 16: l5-91.
Taphonomy of Peck's
Reference Cited
Fiarra A 1 RA/lP
P20A2.4.1 (Jane) on dis-,t;
tt f ha Rt trnaa A,4t t:c n nf l\lzft trzl LJictnrtt ll -^ ^ 'ztarr'l
Henderson and William H. Harilson
MONTANA Michael D. Henderson and William H. Harrison
Extensir,'e outcrops of the Hell Creek Forniation (uppermost Maastrichtian) occur in eastern N{or-itana. Tl-re formation is r.videlv regarded as har.
ing been deposited in a low'lar-rd flr,rviolacustrine sl'stem; these sections consist of a stacked series of fining-uprvard seclimentarr,seqllences forn-red by cl-ranneis rneandering across a lowland floodplain (Kirk fohnson, personal comrnunication). The soft texture of the Hell Creek strata, conbined with the sporadic rainfall in the nortl-rern Great Plains, has resulted in the developrnent of extensive bacllands throughor,rt its outcrop area. These badlands contain an abundant and diverse fossil flora and fauna, including clinosaurs.
In 2001, an expeditior-r frorr the Btrrpee Nllnseum of Natural History, with perrnission from the Br,rrear-r of Land Management (BLM) to survey, for vertebrate fossils, discoi,'ered several foot and lou'er limb elenents of a theropod dinosaur lveathering from an exposure of the Hell Creek Formation in Carter Cotrnt\,, N'IT. After initial evaluation, the site was u'interized and an application made to the BLM to open a quarry the follor.ving year. In the summer of 2002, a field creu' returned to excavate tl-re specimen. During the course of the excavation, a sizable quarry i.r,as created, which yielded rrajor portions of the skeleton of a tvrannosaur (BN4R P2002.4.1), nickr-iamed fane, approximatell'7 n'r in length (Fig 6.1). In addition to Jane, manv associated plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate fossils rvere recovered from the quarrv.
Lack of fusion of the r-reurai arches to their respective centra in the vertebral column indicates that Iane is a iuvenile animal. Examir-ration of histoiogical sections from a rib, fibula, ancl metatarsal indicates that at death, fane l1 years old and stillin a phase of rapid gror,vth (G. Erick"vas son, personal comrnunication 2003). Recovered skull bones and teeth of fane (BMR P2002.4.1) bear a close resemblance to those of CN{NH 7541, a controversial tr''rannosaurid skull that has been interpreted as belonging to eitlrer a juveniie Tyrannosaurus rex (Carr 1999; Carr and Williamson 2004) or a separate taxon, Nanotyrannus lancensis (Bakker et al. 19BB;
u ve n
Ty ra n
n osa u r i d Ske/eton
Cnrrie 2003a,20003b; Cr-rrrie et al. 2003). Research is currentlr'ongoing into tiie s1'stematic position of both specimens. h-r spite of manv taxa of dinosaurs knon'n fiom the Hcll Creek Formation, most finds consist of isolated bones (Pearson et al. 2002). 'l'he discor. err.'of a substantial portion of a jur,er-rile tvrannosauricl skeleton in the formation is so unusual that the circumstances of its burial and preserr,ation nerit careful ar-ral1'sis so that like environrnents can be erplorecl.
Extensive exposrlres of the Hell Creek Formation occur in southeastern \Videll' regarded as a prograding, clastic ri,edge associated n,ith the retreat of the \\'estern Interior Sea, the Hell Creek prinrarilr corrsists of poorll'cemented channel ancl crer.'asse splar,'sandstones, overbank rrrrdstones and siltstones, paleosols, carbonaceous clavstoncs, and thin and N,'Iontana.
sparse lignite becls deposited dr-rring the iast l'ears of the Cretaceor-rs Periocl
':,,e 5.2. Jane Quarry ' :^: re/i Creek Forma: r- ,iesi l\/laastrichtian) ' 'a.:n'lvestern carter . ?:-^ty,
(Nlurphv et al. 2002; fohnson this i'olunre). Near its tvpe section in Garfield Countr', north-central N'{ontana, the Hell Creek Forrnatiolr is I70 m thick (lohnsor-r et al. 2002). Its thickncss in soutlieastern N{ontar-ra is estir-r-ratecl to be 150 n; hon,ever, no conrplete sections of tl-re forrnation are erposecl. 'l'he nearest complete scctions are in south',r'estern North Dakota (aboLrt 100 km frorn the qtrarrrJ, n'here the formation is approrimatell' 100 m thick (N,h,rrphr ct al. 2002). Unfortunatelr', no identifiable marker beds occtrr in thc Hell Creek, r,r'ith the exception of the top and bottor.r-r contacts. Within tl-re formation, there is little lateral continuitr of beds and bentonitic snrface iieatherinq obscures
Figure 6.3. Stratigraphic section of the Hell Creek Formation exposed in the lane Quarry, Carter County, MT.
sandy mudstone-contains yertically orienled root casls
rop otquarry sandslone laminaled siltslone
siltstone sandslone sillstone cross bedded $andslone laminaled siltstme wilh abundant Prslia conuoata Clayball snglomerale (Tf rannosaur beanng unit) n{as$ive $andstare wilh weak cross beds
bedding (Jol-rnson et al. 2002). Consequentlv, the exact stratigraphic placernent of Jane t,ithin the formation is con-rplicated. Pollen and plant rnegafossils from the fane Quarrv correlate u,itli a stratigraphic level in southll'estern North Dakota that is 28 to 35 m below' the top of the forr rratiorr.
The Jane Qtrarn' is located on the northern side of an elongate eastr,vest-trending ridge in northwestern Carter Countr; M f (Fig. 6.2); the exact localiiy is ar,ailable fiom us. 'fhe tr,rannosallr \\'as discovered r,r'eathering or,rt near the base of the butte. The far.re Quarn'section exposes a fining-upward sequence of clastic sedirnents approximateh'8 m thick (F'ig. 6.3).
At the base of the section is nrassive, poorh' cerrented, clirty; tanbron'n, crossbecided sanclstore. Its total thickness is unknorvn because it is inconpletelr'exposed. Abundant ivood and coniferous and deciduous leaf impressions are present on or near the upper strrface of the sandstone. Decidncrus leaves recove recl fron-r this unit are identified as belonging to Dryophyllum nLblalcatum and "l'ltls" stantoni. The onlv vertebrate fossil encountered in the ur-rit u'as a single midseries cervical vertebrae of a large azhdarchid pterosaur (Henclerson and Peterson ir-r press). A clav-ball conglomerate cornposed of poorlv sorted sand, silt, ar-rcl rounded greenish-colored clar,clasts overlies the sandstone (Fig. 6.4). This unit is lentictrlar, shoi,ving rapid lateral variation ir-r thickness (12-40 cm). The tvrannosaur skeleton u'as discovered in the lori er part of this conglornerate, at its contact r.iith the ur-rclerl_ving s:rnclstone. Diageneticallv proL
-. ?nite Tyrannosaurid Skeleton
: o-.e
6 4. Thin section
o' ine clay-ball conglomo,- L|dt lul/Lol//gu = +,,--^^^--,,t 11ir Lyt dtu tv)qur jQVf ^^;/^ ( B l\4
R P2002.4.1 ).
(t/c /-^^ Jdt tc
indicate siderite and a clay ball. Scale bar = 1 cm.
cluced siderite nodules occur n'ithir-r the conglomerate and partly'encased several bones of B\"IR P2002.4.1. Plant fossils recovered frorn this unit include n'ood and bark irrpressions, conifer cones and ueeclies, and numerous srnall, roturd to oval seeds, preserved as internal casts. In addition, an abunclant, cliverse, :rnd r,r'e11-preserved palynoflora occurs in siderite noduies and clai'balls ri'itlrin the conglor-r-rerate. To clate, 5l genera of pollen, spores? and cr,sts hai'e been recor,ered. These indicate the presence of a diverse flora of flori'ering plants, conifers, ferns, c1'cads, and pahns. Poller-r of Cunnera, a herbaccous plant, is especiallv common. Recovered poller-r and spores are tvpical ol the Aquilapollenites pall'nofloral province, rvhich is found in Upper Cretaceous rocks from rvestern North America westward into r-rorihe astern China. hn'ertebrates are representecl b1'poorly preserved inten'ial casts of unionid bivalr,es (2 species) and high-spired gastropods (l species). Remains of r,ertebrates (clinosatrrs, lizards, freshwater fish, croco-
dilians, champsosaurs, turtles) are common and represented bv disarticulated skeletal elernents randornh,distribr-rted lvithin the r-rnit. Preserv:rtion of these bones and teeih range from pristine to significantll, won-r. A 2- to 4-cnr-thick lal'er of siderite caps the conglomerate. Above tl-rc siclcrite cap is a siltstone. The basal l0 to 35 cm of the siltstor-re is finelv larninated ancl contains extremel,v abundant fossils of aquatic monocots, prirrcipallr,a kind of u'ater lettuce, Pistia corrugafrz, many preservecl as u'hole plants (F ig. 6.5). A seconcl 2- to 4-cn-r stratum of siderite caps the Plstiabearing lavers. Higher in the unit, sporadic sandstone lenses (up to 1.5 rn thick) occrrr. Crossbeciclir-rg u.'ithin the sand units indicates water floiv from
Michael D. Henderson and William H. Harrison
sorltli to north.'fhe top 0.5 nr of the qLlarrv is sandl siitstone, ri,hich is not laminated, :utcl iontains verticalh' oriented root casts.
Tl-rc Jane Quarrv section appears to be a tvpical floodplain seqllence. We interpret the nrassive, crossbeddecl sandstone on lvhich the tlrannosaur lal as
point bar sancl. The clar.ball conglomerate that contained the juvenile t1. r:rnnosallr records a nuclflot'from a flood event, or a bank collapse. Abor,e fane, the lan-rinated siltstone containing reecls ancl Pisfla inclicate a strear-rr avuision ancl tfre strbsequeirt do'elopnent of an oxboli'lake on the site, lvhile
Environment of Deposition
sandstone lenses higher in tl-ie section are thought to have been prodr-rced bv
rundern'ater dunes nrigrating througfr the lake during times of high w'ater n'hen the abandonecl channel uas ternporarilr,reconnected to the rir,er svs-
terr. Verticallr oriented root casts present at the top of the cprarrf indicate
Figure 6.5. Leaves
er,entuallr siltcd up and vegetation w'as established. Fossils of plants and animals associated n'ith Janc (BN,IR P2002.4.1) corresponcl closelt'u'ith those collected in association w'ith a TlrrunrlosdLLrus rex (Peck's Rex) fron-r the upper Hell Cre ek Formation of N,lcCone Countl; NIT
laminated siltstones above the tyrannosaurbearing unit.
tl-rat the lake
(Derstler and N'lvers this a'cl aroiher T rex (knou n as Scottr) fro.r 'ol'rne), the contemporaneoLls Ftenchrnar-r Fbrnration of southw'estern Saskatcher,al, Canada ('lbkarlli and Brl'ant 2004). The eni'ironment of cleposition of all these specimens inclicates burial took place on a \\,arm, net, lor,r,land floodplain.
All t'u.rannosarir skele tal elcments recovereci fron the Jane Quarrv are consis- Taphonomy tent rvith deri'ation from a single indi'iclual. 'l-he 1-15 bones, representirrg approxirrratel
of the skeleton, ilere collecte d trom
i L',, e rt
4 m: area (Fig. 6.6).
Tyra n nosa u rid S keleton
tia corrugata from the
-n ,-7'
Figure 6.6. Quarry map showing distribution of skeletal elements of BMR
P2002.4.1 (Jane). Dotted lines indicate field jackets. Sca/e bar = 1 m.
'fl-re ty'rannosaur 1a1'on its rigl-rt side u'hen buried. Portions of the right foot remained in articr-rlation. Skull bones r,vere disarticulated but concentrated in a lin-rited area over the hips. A segrnent of 16 proxirnal caudal vertebrae, rvith their associated hernal arches, u'as found arcing over the back.'l'his drs-
tribution of bones ir-idicates that after death, shrinkage of rntrscle
s ar-rcl
rnents along tl-re vertebral column contortecl tl-re carcass into the classic dinosaur-avian death pose. Loose teeth from the right dentary'u'ere found north
of it in a pattern consistent with rnovement b."' u'ater or nrud from south to nortl'r. Manr,of fane's ribs and presacral vertebrae n'ere scattered or rtissing. This could be the result of movement bi, lr'ater or mucl, bloating then bursting of the carcass, or scavengir-rg of the carcass. The right hurnerus n'as found about a rreter from the main bone concentr:rtion, ttpstream from inferred paleocurrent direction and in direct contact with a shed tvrannosatir tooth. The context suggests scar,'enging, but the cornpleteness of the skeleton and concentration of bones indicate scavenging rvas not extensive . No tooth rrarks t'ere observecl on oresen'ed bones. BB
Michael D. Henderson and William H. Harrison
The bone preseru'ation of Jane is excellent, u,ith no signs of postrnortern weatherir-rg. 'l'l-ris ir-rdicates that tl-re skeleton ll,as not erposed on the point bar for an exter-rded period of tine. Rapid burial of fane's skeleton b1' a mudflow appears to be the kel' event responsible for its completeness. The finelv laminated siltstones of the orbon' lake deposited on top of the remains pior.'ided furtl-rer protectior-r fror-n d isturbance.
'fhe seqtrence of events leading to burial
2. 3.
ma-v be
surnmarized as follorvs:
A juvenile tvrannosaur died. At the time of death, or shortlr thereafter, its bodv can're to rest on the point bar of a cl-rannel on a forested, lou'land fl ooclplain. Shrinking rnuscles and ligarnents contorted the tvrannosaur s corpse into the classic dinosaur-avian death pose concurrent n ith, or soolr after, n-rinor scavenging of the corpse occllrred. As decav proceeded, disarticr-rlation of the skeleton reached an advanced stage. Ligaments rerr-iaining aiong the hips, base of the tail, arrd feet kept these eleurents in place. Burial ri'as accornplisfred bv a viscous mudflou'composed of poorl,v sorted sand, silt, and clal'balls. Entrained in these sediments u,ere pieces of r,','ood, seeds, leai.'es, and a varietv of .n'ertebrate bones ar-id teeth. Possiblv, burial r',,as related to a cutbank failure triggered by a flood event. Sorre skeletal elements rvere mor,ed by tl-re mudflolv. After depositior-r, diager-retic siderite nodr-rles forn.red around some of tl-re clinosaur's bones and in tl-re conglornerate. The meancler channel r.r'as abandoned and becarne a deep oxborv lake. Under qr-riet water conditions, aquatic plants flourished and larninated silts n'ere deposited.
Peter Larson (Black
Hills Institute) generouslv provided advice and assistance Jol-rr-rsor-r (Denver Museum of Natr-rre & Science) r'isitecl the tvrannosaur qllarrv site and provided assistance in inierpreting tl-re strata exposed there and helped identifi.,plant remains. Doug Nichols (USGS Denver) provided assistance in identifying the palvnoflora associated u'ith the tvrannosaur. Reed Scherer and f . N{ichael Parrish (Northerr-r Illinois Universitr,) read ancl comrnented on a draft of this chapier. John Warnock (Nortl-rern Illinois University) prepared the stratigraphic column
in collecting the tyrannosaur. Kirk
and Molll'Holman (Burpee Museum) produced the skeietal drarving of Jane. A number of staff and volunteers frorn Burpee N{useum assisted ir-r the excavation ancl preparation of Jane's skeleton, including: Melissa Birks, Dave
Carlson, Ler,l Crampton, foseph De La Morte, Shannon Farley-Maconaghli Chris Garnhart, Jill and Richard Hertzing, Lisa Johnson, Jim Keller, Cl-rrissy \'{ajero',visz, N{irian-r Michaelis, Deborah Nloar-rro, Brian Ostberg, Holli Pahner, )oseph E. Peterson, Sheila, Richard, and \anci,Ran'lings, Scott Santoyo, N'lelissa Sciirock, Ernie and Sue Srnith, \like Spiachello, Mindy Thornpson, Katie Tremaine, Carol and Hazen Tirck. and Scott Wiiliarns. .
te Tyrannosaurid Skeleton
References Cited
\\rillians, \1.. and Currie,
P. 1988. Nanotlrarirus. zr ne\\ gqnu\ of the latest Cretarceorrs of N'lontan:r. Huteria I: l-10. Carr, T. D. 1999. Craniofacial ontogenv in'l\'rannosauridac (Dinosauria, Coelurosarrrial. lourrnl of Yertebrttte Pttleontoktgv 19: '197-520. Carr,'l'. D., and Williamson, T. E. 200'+. Dir,ersitv of late \iaastriclrtian'1\'rannosauridae (Dinosaurra: Theropocla) fror-n uestern North Anrerica. loological lounnl oi tlrc Lintrcan Societt 112: 4 t-9-573 Currie, P. 2003a. Allonretric grouth in tvrannosaurids (Dinosauria: '1'heropoda) frorrr the lJpper Cretaceous of \orth Arlerica and r\sia. Oarnditut lotu'ncLl of Earth Sciertce 40: 651-665. 2003b Cranial anatonn.of tlrannosauricl clinosaurs fronr the late Cretaceotrs Alberta, Canacla. Acta Palaecnftologica Polonica |E: l()1-726. -. Cr.rrrie, P., Hurunr, J. I{., and Sabath, K. 2003. Skrrll strLrcture :rnd clolutiou irr tvrarrnosaurid d inosau rs. Acta Pal ae ontolo gic a P olo ic a 4E : 22i -23 1. Henclerson, NI. D., and Peterson. J. Ir. hr press. -,\n Azhdarchicl Pterosaur cerlical vertel;ra from the Hell Creek F'orr-nation (Latest \Iaastrichtian) of southeasterrr Nlontana. I ounlal oi \re rtebrate Pal e ontol o gt'. Johnson, K. R.. Nichols, D. J., and Hartman, J. H. 2002. llell Creek F'oruration: a 2001 svnthesis. P. 503-510 in Hartrran, J. H., Johnson, K. R., and Nichols, D. J. (eds.t. Tlrc Hell Creek Fornntion and tl'Le Cretttceous-Tertiart Boutdttrt ut the Northern Creat Plains: Art Integrated Continental Record of tlrc F,nd of tlrc Cretaceous. Cleological Societl of America Special Paper 361. N'lurphr', E. C., Hoganson, J. W, and Johnson, K. R. 2002. Lithostratigraphr of the Hell Creek Formation in \orth Dakota. P t03-i]0 in Hartrnan. i. H., Johnson, K. R., and Nichols, D. J. (eds.). The Hell Creek Forntatiort ttnd the CretaceotLsllertiart, Boundart, in the Northern Crettt PIains: i\tt lntegrttted Cctntinental Record of the End oi the Cretaceous. Clcological Societl of Arrerica Special Paper 361. Pearson, D. A.. Scl.raefer, T., Johnson, K. R., Nichols, D. J., ancl llunter, J. P 2002. \'ertebrate biostratigraphr,of the Hell Creek Forrnation in southu,estern North Dakota and northnestern South Dakota. P ;03-510 in Hartmarr. ). FI., Johnson, K. R., and Nichols. D. J. (eds.). The Hell C)reek L'ormatktt and the Cretaceous-Tertiart Boutdart' ht the Northent Creat Plairts: Att hiegrated Continertal Record of the End oi the Cretaceoas. Cleological Societv of America Special Paper 361. Tokartk, T.'l'., and Brvant, II. N. 2004 The fauna from the Tlrrlnnosd.urus rex ercavatiorr, Frenchnran Fornration (Late Nlaastrichtian), Srlslra/c/reu'an. Saskatchwan Ceological Surlel.', Surnm art, of Inyestigalions I : l-1 2.
Bakker, R. T..
r:orn lr-!5rr11 r\ LdTILLUJLTLUT rl
Michael D. Henderson and Wrlliam H. Harrison
Figure 7.1 . Medullary bone in extant laying hen. (A) Gross cross section of femur of actively Iaying hen shows extensive medullary bone formation. New bone is ranr'lamltt arianfad
much more porous than overl yi ng co rti ca I bone. (B) Low magnification and (C)high magnification of histological section of demineralized bone from laying hen. Chem i ca I d if fere nces be -
tween cortical and medullary bone are indicated by d iff e renti a I respo nse of each bone type to hematoxylin and eosin /a\ )cPdr -+-l^;^^tv. ilt^t \r/t -^^-.- d)Ldtuu
tion of the medullary bone from cortical bone is seen as sectionrng artifae | | aroo m, tlfint trla^+^) dteu
-"^ d/c
ible around bone
blasts align along preexi
tive in deposition of new bone. Abbreviations: CB, cortical bone; MB, med'
tllar,t hnna Fl R anda<-
teal laminar bone; OCL, ^
l;rr tnaa OC
osteoclast, OB, osteoblast. Scales as indicated See color version of this figure in the accompany-
ing CD-ROM.
Mary Higby Schweitzer et al
ONE PRETTY AMAZING T. REX Mary Higby Schweitzer, Jennifer L. Wittmeyer, and John R. Horner
Determining ser in ertinct aninals is difficult because nost features commonlv usccl to assign sex are lost in the process of fossilization. Despite thrs difficultr', manv bonv feattrres of dinosaurs have been interpreted to be ei iclence of senral dimorpliisrn, inclucling degree of robustness in sauropocls
and thcir close relatir.'es (\\'eishampel and Chapman 1990; Galton 1997; Ben-
ton et al. 2000), theropods (Carpenter 1990; l,arsor-r 1994; Smith 1998) and protoceratopsids (Tereschenko and Alifanoi'2003); horn core size in ceratopsids (Godfrer, ancl Hohres 1995); or presence or absence of thc first cauclal chevron (Larson and Frev 1992; Larson 1994), to nanlc a fen'. Hou,ever, even if such feattrres conld definitivelv be shovn'n to be products of sexual clifferentiation, it re mains in-rpossible to assign a particular feature unambiguouslr'to a specific sex (e.g., tl-re robust morph being fernale; Carpenter 1990; Larsorr I99'+). At best, assigning sex to a specific morphotvpe of dinosaurs has fiillen lvitl-rin the realrn of speculation. What is neecicd is an unambiguous nreans of assigning a particular sex to rliale and fen.rale rnorphs. One possibilitr,rs il-re iclentification of medullarv bone in dinosaurs. N{cclullarr,'bone is an ephemeral reproductive tissue that is present ir-r living iara ar-rcl that is found excltrsir.eh, in ferrale, actir,eli' reproducirrg birds. This bonv tissue lines the mcclullarr.cavities of thc long bones of extant bircls; it is chernicallv and morphologicallv clistinct from other bone tt.pes. Special characteristics of corrposition ar-rd structrtre contribute to the high netabolic rates of nedr-rllarr.bone. In fact, it is capable of beirrg metabolizcd 10 to 15 times faster than cortical bone (Simkiss i96l; Dacke ct al. 1993), and it ser','es as an easilv nobilized calcium storage tissue for the prodr-rction of calcareous eggshell (Strgii.'an-ra and Kusuhara 2001). Its presence in dinosaurs n'oulcl indicate sex, support phvioger-retic proxirnirr., suggest sl'rared rcproductive phl'siological strategies u'ith extant bircls, and iLrdicate reprocluctive phase at the tin.re of death.
In:rdclition to protection and support of vitai internal organs, bone plavs an inrportant role in calciun n-retabolism in r,'ertebrates, inchrding al1 avian taxa (Nliller and Bou.'man 1981). [,ong bone formation in extant birds procedes n.u-rcl-r the sarre as in other i'ertebrate tara through endochondral ossification of preexisting cartilage rnodels (\Vhiteheacl 2004;'far'k;r et al. 1971). Bone
Comparison of Medullary and Cortical Bone Characteristics
elongation involi,cs periostcal deposition, ancl concurrent endosteal osteoclastrc re sorption at tiie nretaplx'seal region, resulting in or erall maintenance of bole morphologv and thickness cluring longitudinal grou th {Tallor et al. l97l).
One Pretty Amazng T.
In both fonnation ancl elongation, bone production invoh.'es 2 phases, n'l-rich reflect the composite nature of bone rnaterial. In the first, the bone-
forrning cells (osteobiasts) secrete organic rnatrix (osteoid) ('la1'lor et al. l97l; McKee et al. 1993). This matrix primarilv consists of the fibror,rs helical protein collagen I ancl the accessor)'collagen V; the noncollagenoris proteins osteocalcin, osteopontin, and osteonectin (Bonucci and Gherardi 1975; N{cKee et al. 1993; Gerster-rfeld et al. 1994; Sr-rgivan-ra and Kasuhura 2001; Wang et al. 2005), and bone sialoprotein (Cerstenfeld et al. 1994; Robey 1996 and references therein); serum proteitis, including hemoglobin and alburrin (NltcKee et al. 1993); and various g1r,'cosaminogll,cans (Bonr-rcci and Gherardi 1975; Dacke et al. 1993; Arias and Fernandez 2001; Wang et al. 2005) . Therefore, cortical and trabecular bone have specific, characteristic, ancl defineable chemical and lnolecular profiles. However, in female birds, a trnique bone t-vpe is forrned as the result of a sllrge in blood estrogen levels at tl're onsct of sexual rnaturitr'(Bonucci and Gherardi 1975; Kr-rott and Bailel' 1999; Dacke et al. 1993; \Vhitehead 2004). N{edullarv bone does not occur naturally in any other taxon (Else\ and Wink 1986; Dacke et al. 1993), and it is present onl1'during tl-re reproductive periocl in all living female birds, filling the rnarrolr' cai,'ities of manv skeletal elements (Wiison and Thorpe l99B; Var-r Neer et al. 2002). It is produced br specialized osteoblasts that lie w'ithin the endosteum, a thin connective trssue layer that lir-res the n'rarrow surfaces of the bones (Van Neer et al. 2002). N4edullary bone exists onlv to offset the effects of bone resorption during sheiling bv serving as an easilv mobilizecl sottrce of calciltm, and it has no direct biomechanical function (Bonucci and Gherardi l9i5; Wilson and Thorp 1998). It is chemicallv and rnorphologically distinct from other bor-re t1'pes. Although medullary bone has been assrtmed to be present in extar-rt paleognaths, it has not been prer"ior-rslv imagecl or studied, and no data exist regarding the morphologv or chemistr,v of this bone tvpe in ratites. Tl-re r-r-rineral phase of both n-redullarv and cortical bone is prirnarill' hl,droxl'apatite (Ca,o(POo)n(OH), ), bui the ratio of mineral to organics is
higher in medullart'bone (Ascenzi et al. 1963; Tavlor et a1. 1971; Dacke et ai. 1993), and n-redullary bone incorporates a higher proportion of calciun carbonate (Pelligrino and Blitz 1970) than other bone tvpes. Medullary bone is not only more highlr, mineralizecl than cortical bone, but also the distribuiion of minerais is different betrveen the 2 bone types. In cortical rneasr-rrably
bone, the rrineral crystals are regularlv distributed at the heacl of the A bancls of collagen molecules (Ta,vlor et al. 1971), but in rnedullary'bone, rnineral distribr-rtior-r ar-rd orientation is much more ranclom, with mineral cr,vstals additionally deposited in intrafibrillar spaces (Ascenzi et al. 1963; Taylor et al. 197l). In additior-r, rnedullarl'bone does not exhibit birefringence because
of the random arrangement of both collagen fibrils and mineral, u'hereas other bor-re types are ar-risotropic in polarized light (N'Iiller and Borvrnan lg8I; Wilson and Thorp 1998). Finallli the mineral crvstals incorporated inio rreclullarv bone are somewhat larger than the microcr,vstalline apatite of other bone ty'pes (Ascenzi et al. 1963), producing a greater crvstallinitr'' index.
The organic phase of rnedtrllarl bone differs significanth' frorn that of cortical and trabectrlar bone. Collagen makes up a greater proportion of the Mary Higby Schweitzer et al.
organic matrix of cortical bone, whereas the percentage of noncollagenous proteins to collagen is far greater ir-i n-redullarv bone, cornprising approximatelv 40% of the total organics (Knott and Bailey 1999). The concentration of .",arious glvclosarninoglycans is greater in medullary tl-ian cortical bone, and it incorporates different anino sugars (Bonucci and Gheraidi 1975). Hexosamine and keratan sr,rlfate are much more prevalent in medullary thar-r cortical bone ('la-vlor et al. 1971; Wang et al. 2005), which incorporates chondroitin sulfate instead. In addition, relatively high concentrations oftartrateresistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), an enzyme involved in digestion of bone (Sugiyama ancl Kusuhara 2001), are found in rnedullary bone. These chernical differences are reflected in the differential response ofthe 2 bone tvpes to various histochernical stains (Fig. 7.1; Tavlor et al. l97l; Sugiyama and Kusuhara 2001; Wang et al. 2005).
Unlike other bone types, rneduliary bone has no biornechar-rical or other supportive function. It exists solell,as a calcium storage tissue that aids in minerai mobilization to the shell gland during la1'(Dacke et al. 1993;Wilson and T'horp l99B; Whitehead 2004). As rnentioned prer,iouslv, n'iedullarv bone formation in birds is triggered by increased levels of both estrogen and androgens that accompany ovulation, activating osteoblasts to begin secretion of osteoid u,hile inhibiting osteoclast activitv (Dacke et al. i993; Whitehead 2004). The formation of medullary bone begins approximatelv I or 2 n'eeks before lav. It is maintained during the full la'",ing q'cle, and it rnay persist up to
after lay before resorption is complete (Reynolds 2003).
Medtillarv bone osteoclasts in fernale birds are specialized to contain estrogen receptors in their cell menbranes, u'hich, when triggered bv rising repro-
ductive hormones, increases the efficiency of mobilizing stored calciurn (Miller 1981). Although evidence of medullary bone rnav be found in virtuallr,all skeletal elernents of extant birds, it is most abundant in the fernur and tibiotarsus of most birds studied (Revnolds 2003), and, consistent with rts function as a source of rapid calciun mobilization, it is infused rvith abundant vessels and blood sinuses. In fact, up to 40% of the calciurn used in eggsl-reli fornation comes directh'from the resorption of rnedullary bone (Mueller et al. 1969; Dacke et al. 1993). Although it is r-rot known to serve a direct mechanical function, in redr,rcing the resorption of cortical and trabecuiar bone, it may aid in maintaining integritl.and strength of structnraliv important bone (Whitehead 2004), and incleed, ihe presence of n-redullar),bone in long bones oflaving birds has been shou'n to increase fracture resistance of these elements (Fleming et al. 1998). l,ike birds, rnost reptiles, ir-icluding crocodiies and alligators, also produce calcareous eggshell, but apparently do not produce medullarv bone (Elsei' and Wink 1986; Dacke et al. 1993). This may bs because of different rrechanisrns ofshelling (fackson et al. 2002) and overall greater bone density that can offset the calcium drarv without requirir-rg additional bone storage sorlrces. 'fhus, extant nonavian archosaurs undergo bone resorption during lav, but the structural integrity and biornechanical function of tl-rese organisms is apparently not compromised during shelling. One Pretty Amazing f . rex
Function of Medullary Bone
Although nieduiiarl bone iras not been previouslv observed or clcscribed in dinosaurs, it n'as proposecl that reproducing dinosaurs, at least in the theropod lineage most closelr'relatecl to avian clinosattrs, t'ould possess this ephemeral tissue (N{artill et al. 1996; Chinsanr,and Barrett 1997). 'l'1-re failure to obser',,e or identifv these fragile reprodr-rctive tisstrcs in dinosaurs previouslv nav be due to a nurnbe r of taphonomic and/or biological factors, or observational bias. First, n'e clo not irave atn'ri'av of estimating the length of the reproductive cvcle in theropods. The re is a u ide range of reprodtictive strategies among lil'ing birds, and tl-re extent ancl clistribution of r-nedullarl' bone in these tara differ corresponclinglr (Scliraer and Hunter 19B5). If theropods reprocluce seasonallr', ther. n:rt'onlr'possess the tisstre for a rraximurn of a month or less. Second, because of the relativelv tl-rick, clense corter, the need for medullari bone rnal'be less in these animals, so the medullarl' laver mat bc qLute thin. 'fliircl, in ertant birds, tlre tissue is quiie fragile, and separaies easilv frorr the overlvirtg cortex (Fig. 7.1B, C). It mav be that the tissues are iost, either durir-rg fossilization or dr-rring subscquent recoverv ancl preparation. Third, it mav be that n.reclttl-
larl' bone differs sufficientlv fron-r that of extant dcrived birds so th:rt it i: not recognized. A fourth factor rral be the failure to cxatnine bones for its presence becatrse of collection techr.riqttes requiring bor.rc to be conservcd,
and not broken to erpose ir-rterior fragmertts.
Medullary Bone in T. Rex
At the end of field season in 2002, a r,ell-preserled specirlen ofTt'ranrn' sdurLts rex (NIOR Il2>) rvas found as an association of disarticulated elernents. The site u,as located ai the base of the Hell Creek Forrnation (Lancian), about 8 m above the For Hills Sanclstone. Soft, li'ell-sortcd satrclstones derived from an estuarine or fltn'iai setting surrottnded the skeletal clemcnts. Some of the elements evidencecl slight crusbing, but overall preservatior-r rvas ercellent. N,{OR 1125, nicknarned Bob-rex after its discoverer,
Bob Harrnon, is a relativelr sn-rall but fullv adult Tl rex. In comparison n'ith another T rex, FNINH PR2081, u'ith a fernur length of about 111 crn, the femur of N{OR 1125 is onlr'107 cm in length. Bv ttse of lir-res of arrested gron,th, NIOR 1125 r.r'as calculated to bc about 18 r'ears olcl atthe titue of death (Horner and Padian 200'1). The remote region u'here NIOR 1125 r'vas recoverecl hacl no roacls into the site, so a helicopter u'as requirecl to transport field jackets to the \lOR laboratories. Hor,r'ever, the jacket containing tfre fen-rur arrcl other elen'ients n'as too heavv to be airlifted out, and the jacket and bones tliey contained u,ere broken and rejacketed for removal. In the process, rrar-rv interr-ral fragments that u'ere visuallv free of preservative or consolidants r'r'ere coilected for analr,'ses. When these fragrrents n'ere exautined in hartd sample, a bonv tisstte lining the endostcal stirface of the bone could be seen tliat n'as clistinct in texture, appearance, and distribution fror-n other describccl dinosaur bone tvpes. The rlorphological similarit-v of the nerv tissues to avian meclttllan' bone r,vas irnrrediatelv apparent (Schn'eitzer et al. 2005b). Figure 7.2 shon's fresl-r-fracttrre irnages of T\,rannosaurus rex endosteal iissr-res (Fig. 7.2A, B), Mary Higby Schweitzer et al.
Figure 7.2. Fresh fracture
of tibiae of MOR 1125 (A, B), ostrich (C), and emu (D). Morphology and mi-
crostructu re of m ed u I I a ry bone is observed in all cases as distinct from overlyi ng co rtica I bon e. Medullary bone rs /ess organized and more vascular. Large vascular sinuses can be seen in the medullary bone, and in SOme caset large eroston cavities (*) are visible at
cornpared rvith medr,rllarv bone tissues in reproducing ostrich (trig.7.2C) and emu (Fig. 7.2D). The hallmark traits of medullary bone-dense \rascularitv ancl randorn, rvo.,,en bone pattern-are clearly' visible in all samples. Large erosion cavities are visible in all meclullarv tissues (indicated w'ith an asterisk in figures), indicating that calcium mobilization has occurred.
Dernineralization of extant bonl' tissues is commonlv used to rnore clearlv observe microstructural characteristics, such as fibril orientation; and rvhen mineral is remo."'ed, the primarill,'collager-ror-rs protein matrix rs exposed. Conventional w,isdom has held that u,hen fossilized dinosaur bone is subjectecl to the same treatrnent, the bone nould dissolve corlpletely because ito proteinaceous naterial r,vould persist over the course of geological time (Hoss 2000). In orcler to deterrnine characteristics of presun-red nredullarl,'tissues, rve prepared a partial demineralization designed to etch mineral enough to expose r-rnderlf ing patterns. At this point, rve discovered an unexpected ancl nor"el characteristic to this bonr,tissue. As minerals were dissolved from the medullari'bone, the sarnple did not disintegrate, but, sirnilar to extant borre, tissues remained (Schu'eitzer et al. 2005a). Furtherrnore, these dinosaur tissues exhibitecl apparer-rt original flexibilit,r,i comparable to that seen in extant ratites. Hou'ever, these characteristics are not germane to this chapter and r,vill be discussed elsewhere.'fhe retention of a pliable and fibror-is matrix after dernineralization speaks to unusual pr.r"r,,rtio.r in this dinosaur n'raterial ar.rd suggests that perhaps theorized modes of fossilization mar.need to be reevaltrate
the interface between medullary and cortical bone and in the medullary bone itself, indicating some resorption of bone has occurred. ln emu (D), a large elongate erosion
room is infilled with new medullary bone with c h a ra cte r ist i c co r r u g ate d textu re. Abb reviati
ns as
in Figure 7.1 . T, trabecular spicule. Scales as indicated. see color version of this figure in the accompanying CD-ROM.
The enclosteallt,derir,ed bone tissr,res observed in this specirnen of TyrannosdurrLs rer (N4OR 1125) have all of the n-rorphological characteristics of n-reclullan,bone, a distinctive aviair reproductive tisstte. Although not identical to published accounts of extant neognaths, ihe dinosaur tissues fall r.r'ithin tl.re rar.rge of morphological variation observed in ratites. This bone tissrre is clerii'ecl from the endosteum, is highly'r,'ascular, ar-rd exl-ribits the
Figure 7.3. Demtneralized
random, n'oven bone arrangement consistent with ver,v rapidly deposited bone. In addition, it has been iclentified on the endosteal surfaces ofboth femora ancl one tibia, the only bones exarnined for the presence of this trssr-re. 'l'l.re clistribution is consistent rvitl-r tl-rat seen it-t extant birds and suggests an orgar-rismal, rather than pathological, response. Pathologies of the enclosteum are relativell' rare and localized, and thev are trsuallv accompaniecl bv cortical bone anomalies in the affected regions. No anornalies u,ere observed, either grossl-v or microscopicallv, rn NiOR 1125. In light of the fact that the relationship betrveer-r theropod dinosaurs and birds is robr-rstlv supported (e.g., Cauthier l9B6; Sereno 1997; Holtz 2004), it is rlost parsirnonions to conclude tl-rat this novel tissue seen in N,IOR I125 is medullary'bone, and its presence in theropocls not only adds independent sr-rpport to thc robtrstly'dernonstrated relationship betn'een theropods and birds, but aiso suggests that these organisrns had sirnilar reproductive phl siological strategies. In additior-r, its presence pro-
fragments of medullary bone from emu (A) and MOR 1125 (B). The fibrous, woven pattern of bone matilx is visible in both cases, and the relatively lacy appearance results from penetration of the bone by blood vesse/s. Scales as
cated. For methods on demineralization, see Schweitzer et al. (2005a), supplemental online information. See color version of this figure in the accompanying CD-ROM.
With careful examir-ration, other, less epl-remeral rnorphological traits nav be ider-rtified in this specirnen that can be appliecl to differentiate r-ionreproducing vicles a means for ur-rarnbiguotis assignment of sex in dinosaurs.
females in this lir-reage.
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A rrorphor.netric anal', sis of AllosatLrus. lotLrnal of Yertebrate
Paleontolog,t, l8( I ):
Sugivama, T., and Kusuhara, S. 200i. Avian calciun metabolism ar-rd bone function. Asian-Australian lournal of Animal Science 14: 82-90. Tar4or, T. G., Sirrkiss, K., and Stringer, p. ,1 l9;1. The skeleton: its structure and metabolism. P. 621-640 in Freeman, B. NI. (ed.). Physiolo$ and Bioclrcmistry of tlrc Domestic Fou'/. Vol. 2. Acadelr.ric Press, Ner.v York. Teresclrenko, V. S., and Alifanor,, \1 R. 2003. Bainoceratops efrenrovi,2r ne\l protoceratopsid dinosaur (Protoceratopiclae, Neoceratopsia) fronr the BainDzak local itr, (south Nlon golia). Paleoriolo gt, I ournal 37 : 793 -707.. Van Neer, \tr'., Noven, K., ar.rd DeCupere, B. 2002. On the use of endosteal lar. ers ancl medull:rrv bone frorn domestic forvl in archaeozoological studies. lountal of Archeological Science 79: 123-134. Wang, X., Ford, B. C., Praul, C. A., and Leach, R. \1. 2005. Characterization of the non-collagenous proteins in avian cortical and medullari'bone. Conzpdrdtit)e Biochemistr,t and Physiolog,t B I+0: 66i->72. Weishan.rpel, D. B., and Chaprnan, R. E. 1990. Nlorphorretric stuclv of P/aleosaurus from Trossingen (Baden-Wurttemberg, Federal Republic of Gerrnanv). P. 4l-51 ir-r Carpenter, K., and Currie, P J. (ecls.). Dinosaur Systematics: Approaches and Perspectites. Canbridge Universitt Press, Cambridge. Whitehead, C. C. 2004. Overvieri.'of bone biologv in the egg-lavir.rg hen. Poriltr,t Science 83:193-199.
Wilson, S., and Thorp, B. H. 1998. Estrogen and cancellous bone ioss in the fou,l.
C alc ifi ed T i ssue
Mary Higby Schweitzer et al
Internati onal 62: 506-5 I ..
t:eue W *, ,ei*
The science of paleontologl has often been accusecl of being more art than science. This assessn-re nt sterrs frorn the probler.r-rs e ncounterecl ri'hen dealing n,ith the patrcitl, and incorriplcteness of the fossii rccord. Not the least of the problems confronting paleontologists is the scarcitv of specirnens. To date, '{6 specimens (\. L. Larson this volurne) consistiirg of more than a fer." associated bor-res have been assigned to'I'yrannosaurus rex Osborn (1905, 1906). Although this is a robust representation for ertinct theropods, r.r'hen conrparecl n'ith extaut populations, this nLrnrber seems ertremcll inadequate. Fbr erample, BLrss (1990) reported a 1973 cor-rnt of 14,109 African clepharfis (Loxodonta ttfricana) in the 3840 kmr (1481 rnir) Kabalega Falls National Park in Uganda. On its face, 46 specimens scerrs a palrrv nurrber from q hich to de finc a specie s, lct alone :rtternpt to identifv males ar-rd females. Yet that is eractlr,t'hat this stuclv attenrpts. The use of modern taxonomic nrcthods rnav be used to identifi anomolons morphological characters and to remove qucstionable specinrens fiom a t:rron to u'hich thet,have been urrnaturallr joined (nrorc belon). Taken even further, rrorphometrics, phi'siologr, ar-rd pathologr,can be used to help separate ancl defi rtc scr rr rorpl rotr'pe:. For this studr', J,l specimens attributeci to'l\,rannosatLrus rex, including specimens listed as Ttrrrnnosriurus "x" lncl Nanotr-rannus (considerecl as specirnens ofT. rer br Carr 1999), li'ere examined. In addition, 2 specimens assigned to TarbosatLrtLs bdtdctr, one assigned to Corgosattnrs and another to Albertosauru.s, \\/ere eramined as or-rtgroups. These specirnens are listed in Table 8.1.
In arv pop.l:rtion, indi'idual n'ithin a species n,ill occur. This 'ariation variation is clue to ontogenr', nutrition, genetic variance, p:rthologr; and, of corlrse, sexual climorphisrr-r. Thus, it is inrperative that these factors be excluded n'hcn examining the cluestion: "Have rescarchers inclr-rded specimens w'ithir-r the species T rer, ri ith variation ber,ond that expected n,ithin a living population?" Extant phvlogenetic bracketing tecl-rniques (Witmer 1995) li'ere tlsed to evaluate the characters used in this studi for the purpose of isolating those :rttributable to ir.rtraspecific rariation.
Vanation and Sexual Dimorphsm
Figure 8.1 . (Left) Tyran-
"x' (AMNH 5027). (Right) Tyra nnosaurus rex (BHl 3033). nosaurus
Figure 8.2. Medial view of right dentary of the type Tyrannosaurus rex CM 9380. Note the incisiform first dentary tooth. Figure 8.3. Left and ilght first dentary teeth of
Tyrannosaurus rex BHI 3033. (A) Lateralview, (B) Posterior view. Note that both serrations are exposed in the posterior view, creating the typical ty ra n n osa u ri d D -sh a ped cross section.
Table 8.1. Specimens I lcad in tha (.tt trh,
Tyrannosaurus CM 93BO
Nanotyrannus Outgroups
AMNH 5027
BMR P2002.4.1
MOR 008
CMNH 754,1
LACM 23844
SDSM 12047
BHt 6235
LACM 2345
LACM 28411
Tarbosaurus BHt 6236
MOR 009
MOR 1128
MOR 1125
BHt 6234
MOR 555 MOR 980 FMNH PR2OBl BHt 3033 BHt 4100 BHI 4182 BHI 6232 BHt 6231 BHt 6233 BHr 6230
BHt 6242
TCM2001.90.1 RTMP 81.12.1 RTMP 81.6
BMNH R7994 NHN/ R8OO1 USNM V6183
Ontoger-ietic variation rna,v include aspects other tl'ran the ob',,ious increase in size. For example, it mav also include an increase in the nurrber of alveoli, or tooth positions (e.g., Edn'LontoEdurus annectens; personal obsenation). In certain groups (i.e ., namrnals), gron'th to ach,rlthood mav also inciude modi-
fication of tooth n-rorphologl', along with an increase in the number of tooth positions (Romer 1966). Iror manr.,r,'ertebrates, ontogeny' also includes an increase ilr bodv size at a faster rate than for the brain, e1,es, and skull (Locklel' et al. this volr-rrne). Nutritional variation mav rnanifest itself as smaller bodv size ar-id smaller body mass-differences that are not generally cor-rfused witl-r taxonoinic characters. Genetic variation mav be rronitored by' using extant populations as examples (Darrvin 1868). Pathologic specimens shoi,ving eviclence of disease or healed injurl are relativelv easily recognized, and are generall,v not reproducible from specimen to specimen in a form that lr'ould be noted as a taxonomic character. Finally, sexual dirnorphism lvill be discussed in depth near the end ofthis chapter. Peter Larson
More than 25 I'ears ago, Robert Bakker (personal cornmunication) made the case for dil'iding the North American genu,sTttrannosdurus into 2 species, T. rex ancl what he refers to asTyrannosaurus "x" (Fig. E.l). Bakker's reasoning',vas based on a peculiar variation in the anterior dentition of the dentary. The type of Tyrannosaurus rex (AMNHg71. = CM 9lB0) possesses a single incisiform tooth occupf ing the anterior position in the dentar1,. This tooth is morphologically reniiniscent of the teeth of the premaxilla, is D shaped in cross section, and is substantiallr,'smaller tl-ran those directly posterior to it (Figs. 8.2 and 8.3). Bakker also noted thatAMNH 5027 ap-
The Case for TyrannosauraJs
pears to possess 2 incisors ir-r each dentarv. For lack of specimens, his vier.vs were never published. Paul (1988) and Molnar (1991) have both also con-
sidered the possibilitv of a seconcl species of Tyrannosaurus. A quarter of a ceniurv later, there now' exist at least I5 reasonablv complete Tyrannosaurus skulls. Three of these specin-rens (MOR 008, SDSM 12047, and Samson) share certain characters, including the double lower incisors, with ANINH 5027 (Figs. 8.4 and 8.5). Because tl'rese "incisors" are ei-
ther missing or were restored on all 4 specimens, i,r'ithout cornputed tomographic scans to look at unerupted teeth, the D-shaped morphology of these "incisors" is in question. The apparent differences seem to be best expressed by con-rparing the size of the second dentarl'tooth rvith that of the third, ar-rd because the teetl-r then-rselves r.vere not alu'a)'s available to n-reasure, the length of the second ancl third alveoli were measured and compared. The results of these rreasurements are founcl in Tbble 8.2.
Although all 4 skulis seem short r,hen compared rvith fr,rll-grown ir-rdividuals (i.e., BHI 3033 and FMNH PRZ()BI = BHI 2033), ontogenetic variation mar,'be ruled or-rt becatrse other individuals of approxirnately the same skull length do not share this character. One of the specimer-rs, Sarnson, has a femur (length, 129 cm) of comparable length to Stan (BHI 3033; length, i11 cm), but r,r,hose skull is less tl'ran 80% as long (104 crn). A shorter skull and variation in lorver jaw clentition is unlikeli to be caused bl,differences in nutritior.r. Pathologv mal'be ruled out becar-rse of the lack of ar1' associated n'ranifestation of healed injr-rrl. Genetic variance also seems in-rprobable because no modern correlates exist. A case could be rnade for the differences in the dentition being attributable to sexual din'iorphisn.
Specimen T.
(mm) Ratio of DT3 to DT2
f\40R 555
MOR 980
BHt 3033
BHt 4182
MOR 008
Table 8.2. Comparison of Lengths of Second (DT2L) and Third Dentary Tooth or Alveolus (DT3-L)
From the holotype.
Variattan and Sexual Dimorphism
R$ \E g E*3
w x
gure 8.4. Dorsal view of
the anterior portion of the left dentary of Tyran-
nosaurus rex CM 9380 preserving small first dentary tooth DTl and ls
ra a <aran r-l rl a nf
a rt
tooth DT2.
Although there arc moclern exarnples of semal dirriorphism in the canines of some prir-nates (Nlartin et al. 199'1) and in the canines or incisors of ri alrus, elepl-rants, bush pig, ar-rd hippopotan'rus (Lincohr 1994), serual dinrorpl-risrr expressed as differences in clentition ir-r extant tara seems to bc restricted to marrmals. Any dental e\pression of sexual cliurorphism remains ttndocumentecl for crocodilians, extinct tootl-recl birds (ertant plnlogenetrc brackcting), or other ertant reptiles. Can the differcnce in the teeth be attributable to speciation? Although stratigraphic information for the 4 specirnens is r-rr-rai'ailable, tiiere are gooci records available for Ti'rannosaurus rex. BHI 2031 n'as coliected l6 m belon' tl-re Kjl'boundarv in the Hell Creek Formation (the Hell Creek in the area, near Buffalo, SD, is approximatelr' 150 m thick). A second indisputable specinen of ?yran nosdurlLl rex (BHI 4182) ivas collected nearbr', frorn n ithin I0 rn of the base of the fornratiorr, and it represents perhaps the oldest knon'n recorcl of 'li'rannosaurus from Norih America (Kirk Johnson, personal cornrrunication). Geographic distribution is also not a factor, because 'f. rex cooccrlrs u'ith
Peter Larson
Dentarv and rnaxillan,tooth (alveoli) counts also seem to var)'between the 2 "species." Tl'ris is particularlv evident in the dentarl; lr'ith ll or 14 for 'fyrarLnosourus rex ancl 14
15 for
T 'r."
The distribution of all of these
characters, vithTarbosatLrus hataar as an outgroup, are listed in Tbble B.l. A fourth character separating the 2 forrrs is the relatir,e size of the lateral
pneumatic lachrvrnal foranien. Specimens referablc to T 'x" l-rave relatively snraller lateral pneumatic lachri.'rnal for:rrr-rina th:rn those of 'li,rannosaurus rex (Fig.8.6). when me'surecl .nd plottecl as lach^'mal forarnina length's. laclrrl,n-ral length (Fig. E.7),7\'ranrrcsd.urus "x" cl.sters separateli,, frontT. rex
Figure 8.5. Dorsal view
the anterior portion of the left dentary of Tyran-
nosaurus "x" (Samson) preservi ng sm a I I a lveol i for DTI and DT2 and a large alveolus for the
third dentary tooth DT3.
(as do GorgosaunLs anclNanotyranntts). Ho*e'er, it should be notecl that the size of the lachrv'ral forarnira in Allosaurus is extre'rely and this 'ariable, difference betn'een 'I'. rex a''d T 'i" mar r-rot be statistically'significa't, espe-
cial\, gil en the sample size ( Kenneth
Skull Character
Car penter. p.rro,-r"L .o,-,-,rnunicationl.
Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus Tarbosaurus rex
Lateral lachrymal pneumatic foramina
Maxillary tooth count
Dentary tooth count
Dentary incisor count
Very small
Table 8.3. Comparison Skull Characters
Var'arion and Sexual Dimorphism
Figure 8.6. Lateral view
of the left lachrymals of (A) Tyrannosaurus "x" AMNH 5027 and (B) Tyrannosaurus rex BHI 3033. Note the larger lateral pneumatic foramen on T. rex.
B Are these 4 cranial characters enougl'r to erect a new species? (No significant postcranial characters r.vere noted.) Becanse r,ve are dealing with ar-t extinct group, cloir-rg so at this tirne rnight be premature. Although it is likell tlrat a second North Arnerican Latest Cretaceous species of Tyrannosaurus exisis, all of the specirnens in questions are in need of further preparation that rvill perrnit a more thorough conrparison ri'ith tl-re t1'pe (ANINH 973 =
9380) and other referred specimens. Fortur-iateh', preparation of 2 of the specinrens (SDSM 12047 and Sarnson) is alreadv nnderrva\'. The ultimate disposition of Tyrarutosaurus "x" mav soon be resolied.
ls Nanotyrannus
lancensis a Juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex?
'fl-re genus Nanotrrannus r,vas erectecl bv Bakker et al. (1988) for the ti'pe specirnen (CN{NH 7541\ of Corgosaurus lancensis Gilmore (1946). This specirnen (fig. 8.8) consists of a relatir.,el,v cornplete skull preservecl with
the jau's
occlusion, n'ith verl'little distortion and no associated postcra-
Lachrymal Length vs Lachrymal Foramina Length
Figure 8.7. Lachrymal
length vs. lachrymal foramina length.
Jo o4o '=
BHI 3033.
P35 L
E.< o
aTMP 81.61
aBHt 4r@ MOR Ooe
Lachrymal Length
F;;-;t-la;;na t0B
Peter Larson
nial rlaterial. Bakker et al. (i988) argtrecl tlrat certain derived cliaracters,
inciuding thc constnrction of the basicranium, the angle of the occipital
men of Nanotyrannus lancensis CMNH 7541 .
condvle, tlrc marillarl'tooth count, the over:r]l tootli morphologi,, tl-ie reiative narron,ness of tire snout,:rncl tl-re erpansion of the tenpor:il region of
the skull cleariv separatecl tl-ris specimen from other tvrannosaur clades (Gorgosaurtts, Albertosaurus, L) aspletosaurus, and Tl,rannosatLrus'). .\lthotrgh the characters discussecl bv Bakker et al. (1988) clearh., separated this specinren from its earlier assignnrent to ()orgosaurus, its distancc fron.r the T\,rannosaurtLs clacle seerned less clefined. Thev both "achieved the highest degree of potential stereoscopv kno\\'n among large theropods,"
and thel agree irr characters, inclucling the orientation of the occipital cor-rd11e (Bakkcr et al. 19EE, p. 25).'l.hev also acldress the question of the skull being that of a jur,enile : "The sutures betn'een the lachrl'n-ral and prefrontal have thoror-rghli.'coalesced inNanotyram?us,
as have
the sutures
beti,veen frontals and prefrontals. . . . Without question, the tvpe of Nano-
tyrannus ll'as fullr.aclult and had reached the urarirnilm size the individual rvould frave attainecl if it had lir ecl longer" (Bakker et al. I988, p. I7). Carpenter (1992, pp. 259, 260) disagreecl \\'ith Bakker et al. (l9BB) when he noted tl-rat "tl-rc coalescence of cranial bones is knoun to be r"ariable in dinosaurs" bringing ulrder suspicion "its Lrsabilitv to 'age"' dinosaurs. Carpenter furtlier noted that "the oval shape of the orbit" rnav rvell
\,ia.,aiion and Sexual Dimorphsm
be a juvenile character. He concluded that Nanof yrdnnus lancensis covld be a jur,'enile T. rer. Carr (1999) expanded this possibility. On the basis of 17 specirnens
referred to Albertosaurus libratus, Carr erected an ontogenetic series of (l-3). From bor-re texture, lack of fusion, shape of the orbit, and overall skull morphologr', Carr placed CMNH 7541 into his stage l, ihe voungest in his ontogenetic series. Carr then declared Nanotl,rannus Iancensis to be a juvenile T),rannosaurus rex.In later argurnents (Carr and Williamson 2004; Carr et al. 2005), this designation lr'as used io establisl-r gror'vth stages
grorvth series for
rex, establishing a sequence ofchanges
fron the srriall
juvenile LACN'I 28471, follorved b_v the juvenile CMNH 7541 (stage I), through sr-rbadults LACN{ 23845 and AMNH 5027, to the full1'grou'r-r adults LACNI 2)844 and FMNH PR208l (BHI 2013). Although Carr (1999) preser-rted a compelling and thoughtful argurnent, not ali paleontologists agree with his assessment. Currie (2003, p. 223) pointed out that "rnost of the characters used to demonstrate that Nanotyrannus and Tyrannosaurus are synonvmous are also characters of Tarbosaurus andDaspletosdurus." Bakker et al. (l9BB; personal comrnuuicatior-r) noted the discrepancl,' ir-r tooth cor-rnts- l5 maxillary teeth in Nanotyrannus and 1l or I2 ir-r TlrannosarLrus rex-and the lack of tooth recluction ontogeneticallt, in tire maxill:r of anv extant species. The primitive compressed n:rture of l\anotyrannus teeth (Bakker et al. 1988) as conpared u'ith the derived inflated teeth seen in T. rex and evidence of feeding behal'ior differences also argue for the ur-riqr,reness of CNIINH 7541 (Larson I999). Because the groli'th series argnment of Carr is rooted in the assumptior-r tlrat NanotyranntLs is a juvenil e T. rex, rnuch of Carr's concept of ontogenetic change and ontogenetic stages irt T\,rannosaurlts rex is in question (Jorn Humm, personal communication). I agree w'ith Carr and Williamson's (2004) assessment of LACN4 28471 (the so-callecl Jordan theropod)u,ith CN'INH 7541 (the tvpe of Ncnottrannus)), ar-rd u,ith the designation of the subadult LACM 2)845 asTyrannosaurtLs rer. Horvever, I disagree ',i'ith the subadult designation of AMNH 5027, which groups as a full adult r,r'ith TyrannosaurtLs "x" and rvith Nrcnotyrannus as a juvenile T rex. An isolated left lachrvn-ral (BHI 6235) comparable ir-r size and r-norphology to CMNH 7541 u,as found associated n'ith Sue (FNINH PRZOBI) and erroneously identified as a juvenile T. rex (L,arson 1997). It, too, should be referred to l\anotyrannus. Finall,v, the recent cliscoverv of a fourth specimen (BI,lR P2002.4.1) is clearl,v referable toNanotyrannus. Tl-ris specirnen, nicknarned Jane, in addition to many ur-rcnrshecl and w'ell-preserved skull elen-ients with a nearlv conplete der-rtition, also preserves much of the postcranial skeleton. Although this subject is discussed in cletail elsenl-rere (Cr-rrrie 2003; Currie et al. 2003; Larson in press), a list of characters separating Nanotyrannus fron'fyrannosaurus is presei'rted in Table 8.4. For pr,rrposes of comparison as outgroups, those characters are also listed for Tyrannosaurus " x," T arb ct s aur u s, C or go s auru s, a nd Alb e r to s aur u s.
Peter Larson
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Is it possible to recognize sexual dimorphisnr in Tyrannosaurus rex? 'l'he subject of sexual clinrorpl-rism in nonavi:rn iheropods has been eranined bv a nunrber of autl-rors over the vears (e.g., Paul 1988; Colbert 1989, 1990; Raath 1990; Chinsamv 1990; Cat, 20051. 'i'he subject of sexual dinrorphisn"r in TrrannostturtLs rer has surfaced repeatedlr' sir-ice Carper-rter first broached the subject in 1990 (N,Iolnar 1991; Larson ar-rd Frer.' 1992; Larson 1994, 1995,2001; Horner ancl Lesserr 1993; Carpenter and Srnith 2001; Larson and Donnan 2002; Brochu 2003; Molnar 2005). These authors
Sexual Dimorphism
in Tyrannosaurus rex
have also explored the possibilities of identifi'ing, or at ]east separating, the
of iarious theropod species on tl-ie basis of differences in cranial ornamentation (Larson 1994; Nlolnar 2005), pelvic construction (Carpenter 1990; I.arson 1994,1995,2001; Larson and Donnan 2002), erosion ofthe femur to liberate calcitrm for egg production (Chinsaml' 1990), presen,ation of n'redul1ar1. bone (Schu eitzer et al. 2005 ), differences in hei-r'ral arci-r (chevron) morphologr (Larson and lirei 1992; Larson 1994,1995; Erickson et al. 2005), the presence of eggs r.rithin thc pelr,ic arc (Sato et al. 2005), and skeletal n'rorph (i.e., gracile vs. robLrst morphs) (Paul 19BB; Carpenter 1990; Raath 1990; Chinsamr' 1990; Larson and Frev 1992; Larson 1994, 1995, 2001; Larson ard Donnan 2002; Carpenter and Smith 200l). Serual dimorphisrn in ertant animals is il'eil clocumer-rted. We recognize this in mamrnals as the presence of antlers in male cervids; longer and more massive tusks in male elephar-rts, suicls, and ri'alrus; larger horr-rs in male bor.'ids; the presence of canines in rnale eqtrids; and a generalh'larger rnale bod-v size (e.g., N,'{acdonald 1984). This semal size dir-norp}risrn can be quite impressii.'e, reaching as much as a 7:l (3500 kg : 500 kg) ratio of nrale to fenale body rrass in the soutliern elephant seal,Nlirounga leonina (Lindenfors et al. 2002). Interestingll', for nanr, rrarrnals, ihe onh, obvious sexnal clinorphism, ercluding geniialia, is expressed in adult size, r.l'ith males or-rtr.r'eighing fernales (N{acdonald i984). Nlar-rv reptile groups (e.g., crococlilians; Bellairs 1970) seern to follorv thrs mamtaalian pattern of sexual size dimorphism. Hor,r'e'u'er, it is not ain'avs the males u,ho otrtn,eigh the females. In turtles and snakes (Fitch 1981), and even in a fer,r't.narrmal groups like baleen lr'hales (N'Iinasian et al. 1984) ar-rd h'u'er-ias (Estes 1991), sexual size climorphism is expressed br,fenales being larger than males. Species of invertebrates, to offer other exarnples, are often quite sexualll'size dimorphic, u'itl-r the female, almost uithout exception, being the larger. In fact, tl-re n'orld record holder for the rnost sexnallv size-dimorpl-ric anirnal is the blanket octopus, TrernoctoptLs violaceus, r,i,here fernales may or-rtlr,eigh nales b1,'as much as 40,000 to 1 (Norrnan et al. 2002). sexes
Birds, the closest living relatives to non:rvian theropods, are often quite sextralh'dimorphic. 'fhis dinrorphism may be expressed as differences in
coloraiion (the ostrich, Strutlio cameltLs), plurnage (the cornmon peafowl, Payo cristatus), ker:itinous structures (the rl-rinoceros hornbill, Buceros rhinoceros)1, fleshv head ornarnentation (the common tr-rrkei', Meleagris gallopavo), or even inflatable fleshv stnrctures (the greater prairie chicken, Tympanuchus cupido). Unfortunatell', because none of these features is likel1,to be preserved in the fossil record, thev arc not mnch use in recognizing sexi-ral dimorphisrn in extinct theropocls. Serual size dimorphisn, \/at altan and Sexual
hor'vever, is effective in separating rrales from females in some bird species
(Brad [,iveze'"., personal coinmLlnication). Sexual size climorphism mav also prove recognizable in nonar,ian theropods like T'l,rorznosaurus rex. For manv birds, sexual size diurorphisrn is measnrable. It mar-rifests itself as males larger thar-r females in gr-rlls (lngolfsson 1969; Schnell et al. 1985; Bosch 1996), steamer ducks (Livezev and Humphrev l9B4), sparrori's (McCillivra-v and Johnston l9B7), and skimrners and terns (Coulter 19E6; Quinn 1990), among otl-rers. Sexual size climorphisn also occurs n,ith fernales larger than rnales in spotted orvls (Blakeslei'et al. 1990), ospre):s (Schaadt ancl Bird 1993), sandpipers (Sandercock 1998), erurs (Nlalonel,'and Dali'son 1993), and so forth. N{orphometric anair sis, perfonned br, skeletal rleasurerrenrs, l-ras proven effective in separating sex $,hen the clifference in mass is over 67o (Schnell et al. 1985). It has even been possible to separate the sexes ofrrature ir-rdividuals through n-rorphonetric examination (bl using bil1, r,r,ing, and tail
measurenlents) ll,l-ren mass differences betu'een the seres u,as insignificant or even indiscenrible (Winker et al. 1994).
Altliough researchers
ferred to the presence of robust ancl grac-
ile n-rorphotvpes, N4olnar (2005) points out tl-rat to date, these rnorphotvpes have not been adequatell' quantifiecl, but rather are generallv based on visual assessments. Is it possible to recognize and quantifi'sextral size dir.norplrism, and clearlv classifi.'individual T),rannosaurus specimens as robust or graciie morphs? To answ'er this, I have taken measurements of select elements from 25 specimens of TyrannctsaurLLs rex. Nlleasurerrents rvere also
taken for 2 outgroup specirnens assigr-recl bv this studt' to Nanottrannus lancensis (CN,INH 7511 and BNIR P2002.4.1) and one to Gorgctsdurus sp. (TCM200l.89.l). Even though this studl' consiclers 'Ittrannosaurus 'r" to be tlre sarne genus as T. rex a:nd hence shoulcl be separable in a consistent manner, I of these specimens (AN4NH 5027, Samsor-r, and NIOR 008) also appear as outgroups. Measuremer-rts from element to element and "'aried consisted of lengths, rvidths, heights, and/or circumference, as sho,"vn rn Figr-rre 8.9; the values are found in Tables 8.5 and 8.6. Clustering on graphs is assurned to separate serual size din-rorphs. The results n'ere then compared lr'ith a l'isual ar-ralvsis that dir,ided robust rnorphs frorn gracile. Some elements failed to provided significant results (e.g., dentarr, length vs. tooth rorv length). For other eiernents, there rvas sirrplr'r.rot enough data to ;,ield rneanir-rgful results (e.g., metatarsal II length vs. circurnference, Fig. 8.11; iliurn ler-rgtl-r vs. height, Fig. 8.12; and humerus length r.s. circumference, Fig. 8.13), although visual examination rvas able to separate them, indicating that the human eve can see apparent differer-rces (as in Fig. 8.10). Elements that provided too few' data rnav vet prove useful for quar-rtifiable analvsis rvhen aclditional specirnens are disco'"'ered. Elements that ivere abundant, such as the fen-rur (Fig. 8.la)and hunenrs (Fig. B.l3), vielded clear resuits, w4rich confirn-red their scparation by visual inspectior-r: robtrst plottecl individuals look n.rore robr-rst. Fron.r tlre resr-rlts of the analvsis, 2 morphs of T,rrannosauruls are apparent, a robust and a gr:rcile morph. Neither geograpl-ric r.ror stratigraphic distribution can erplain these differences. Therefore, because both crocodiles anci birds shorl'sexual size clin-rorpl-rism, extant phl'logenetic bracketing tells t1n
Peter Larson
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Figure 8.9. Examples L
t"2l l-rr<-) (J 1l itr\/ rymar --l ==^l
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i \""'* I /( ILr) I
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that the rnost parsimonious explanation for the presence of these 2 morphs The formr-rla developed bl'Anderson et al. (1985) was used to estirnate the nass of the robust and graciie morphs frorn femur dianieter. 'l'he rveight estimates (Table 8.7) shot, a maxirnurr n'eight for the gracile rrorphs of 4.0 metric tonnes, il'ith a mean of 3.5 metric tonnes (6 inr,rs
is serual size dirnorphisn-r.
dividuals); :rnd a narimum rveight of 5.6 n-retric tonnes ancl a mean of 4.7 rnetric tonnes for robust n-rorphotl'pes (9 individual$.
Civen that the presence of 2 morphs has been established forTyrarLnosau- Male rus rex, can \\:e cleterrnine tl-re sex of the morphotvpes? Carpenter (1990) suggested that, on the basis of the greater divergence of ischiun (Fig. 8.17), the robtrst forrn u,as femaie. Larsorr and Frev (1992) agreed rvith Carpenter, and thev further suggested that the location ancl morpholog,v
Vartailon and Sexual
nt tech n iq u es
or Female
Figure 8.10. Anterior view of right metatarsal tl of (A) gracile (BHt 3033) and (B) robust (TCM 2001.90. ) morphotypes. 1
!1fi IN
of the first chevron nright also be used to l,ield the samc result. Hon'elcr, this method has proven unreliable (E,ricksoir et al. 2005). Elsewhere, I (Larson 1994, 1995) have suggested that the r.r ider pelvic arch ancl he:rlecl injuries of the proxirrial caudal vertebrae (consistant n'ith injuries potentiallv inflicted bv a mounting male during copulation) n'ere rcstrictecl to robust rnorphotr,pes. I (Larson 2001; l-arson and Donnan 2002) sLrpportecl Carper-rter's (1990) conclusion that robust inclividnals n,ere fernale. But because of the tenuous nature of these conclusions, I liave specr-rlated that one wav to positii'eli' recognize a lemale is to locate medu]larv bone n'ithin the skeleton (Larsoi'r and Donnan 2002). N,{edullarr,bone is onlv deposited riithin the medr.rliarv cavitv in the long bones of feniale birds dtrring ovr-rlation, as an aid to the quick nobilization of calcium for egg Peter Larsan
Metatarsal ll Length vs Circumference 320
Srnsma 300
a Mv!( )f)
MOR 980
a rvevvr.oy.
aBMRPzmz41 140
Length a cracile I Robust Figure
1. Metatarsal ll
length vs. circumference
Figure 8.12. llium length vs. height.
llium Length vs Height 650
w' I !
TCM200I 89 I
1BMRP2002a I 2@
a Gracile I Robust L
:' '' ^.
\ennl Dimornhism
GSA ,.,r'arr.
.!i!. ."!,.
il fi CM
I lmm
Figure 8.13. Anterior view of (A) left humerus of
gracile (BHl 6230 and (B) right humerus of robust (FMNH PR2081)
productior-r ('l'aylor 1970; \Velti'and Baptista 1988; Schri'eitzer et al. this volume). Although the absence of nedullarv bor-re is inconclusive (it is not
founcl in males and nonovulating females), its presence rrr-requivocally identifies a fernale.
Medullart'bone has not been docurnented in or,ulating female crocodilians. Although ovulating birds have meclullarv bone. there \\ere no guarantees that ancestral nonal'ian theropods shared this character. What rvould be the chances of finding the fossil of an ovulating female Tyranno-
sdurus rex, preser"'ing the meclullarv bone, exposing the inside of the med-
ullarv catitr', and recognizing ancl then verifving that the tissue is meduliary bone? LInbelier,abl1,, that is exactll rifiat Schu,eitzer et al. (2005, this 120
Peter Larson
Figure 8.14. Anteilor view of (A) left femur
gracile BHI 3033) and (Bt right femur of robust (TCM2001.90.1)
volunre) dicl. Sclnveitzer et al. have r''erifiecl the presence of rnedr-rllarv bone
rvithirr the fernur of a specimert o{ T|rannos(tLLrus rex bv cornparison n ith medr.rllarv bone extractecl from laling chickens (,CalhLs gallus) and ostriclres (.Struthio can'Lelus). Bv plotting infom-ration fronr the fenrur front rihich tl-rc n-rcclullarr bone 'ni'as found (N,IOR 1125t, it n'as fonncl that the specirnen clustcrs n'ith robust rnorphotr,pes fFig. 8.18), therebr pror.iding independent supporting evidence that the robLrst morphotl,pes are nost
Variailan and Sexual
Table 8.7. Calculated Mass for Tyrannosaurus Specimens and Outgroups, Nanotyrannus and Gorgosaurus
Femu r
cM 9380
BMNH R7994
MOR 1125
f,/oR 555
Wankel rex
MOR 980
Peck's Rex
BHt 3033
BHt 6232
BHt 6233
BHt 6230 BHt 6242 RTMP 81.12
RTMP 8'1 6.1
Back Beauty
USNM V6183
LL 12823
"x" Samson
BMR P2002.4.1
A hh,^,,i^+i^^-. nuutcvtoLtut
certainl,v females. We na1, therefore asslrrre that the gracile morphotvpes are males.
G, gracile; R, robust * Mean, 4.1.
'l'his study examined
3'1 specimens that have been assigned b),r'arious autlrors to Tyrannosaurus rex. This list also includecl speciurens ascribecl by' some atrthors to Nanotyrannus lancensis btit svnor-rvnrized by others r,l'ith T
rex.B,v use of shared ar-rd derir,ed characters, these specimens (CN,,{NH 7541, LACM 28471, BMR P2002.4.1, and BHI 6235) may clearly be removecl fronr the clade, thus r,alidating the u'ork of Gihlore (1946) and Bakker et al. (1988). Also of contention is a group of 4 specimens (ANINH 5027, N4OR 008, SDSNI 12047, and Samson) that ha'n'e been referred to as 'fyrarLnosczrirus "r. " Again, b-v use of taxonomic characters, there is ample evidence to remove them from
tlre species rex, but rnaintain thern n ithin the genus Tyrannosaurus. 81' use of morphometric ar-ralysis, gracile and robust morphs are confirmed to be present u,ithin the clade Tyrannosaurus rex. Extant phvloge-
netic bracketing (comparison ri ith lir,ing crocodiles ancl bircls) leads r-rs to concltrde that the existence of these 2 morphs most parsirnoniouslr.repre122
Peter Larson
Humerus Length vs Circumference
BHI 6231 170
o o o o
CM 9380
I o MoR so
TWal 6t
C) 130
Length acracile lRobust l Nano O
Figure 8.15. Humerus length vs. circumference
Fioure 8.16. Femur lenoth vs. circumference
Femur Length vs Circumference @0
MvK I lzol FMNHPR2O8l I P81.12.1 CM 9380 I
I I:--- ---- a MOR 1125 .BHJ6Z30 I
^ ltnp om
et.0. t
.E 400 C)
Length O
Robust L Gorg/Nano
'y'ariation and Sexual DimorphBm
o* .n.. a---'-"
l1 ll
t I
l ,
\ \ \ \ \ r\ t.t
Figure 8.17. Overlay
the ischia of (A) CM 9380; (B) RTMP 81.61, and (C)AMNH 5027 (after Carpenter 1990).
sents sexual dimorpl'rism. 'l'he discoverr,' of medullarv bone n'ithin the rnedtrllarv cal'itv of a robust specirnen of T. rex established N{OR ll25 as female (Schn'citzer et al. 2005), and therefore all other robust T re.r specirnerrs are, in all probabilitv, also female.
I thank Larn'Sl-raffer of Black Hills Institute for preparation of the figures and tables, ar-rcl Neai Larson for some of the pl-rotograpl-n,. I anr extrenelv grateful to Phil Currie, Bill Simpson,'I'irn Tokarrk, Phil Fraler,, Torn Williamson, Chris N{orrorn, Phil N{annir-rg, Kenneth Carpenter, N'Iike Henderson, and Scott Willian-rs, w,ho grabbed their tape measures ancl supph'ed rnissing data at:r nroment's notice. Conversations n,ith Kennetli Carpenter,
Ralph NIolnar, Thonas Carr, \'{ike Henderson, Phil Currie, forn Hururn, Creg Erickson. Bob Bakker, ancl:r host of others have pror,ided insight.'l'he 124
Peter Larson
Femur Length vs Circumference nD
MOR ll28
I A*.*
lt 1
cM 9380
BrlI6232. 480
.By::z:z o lzF o"tt ui'olo* *o
BHr6z33. n MoR l
FlvfNH PR2081
at o
I .!
280 240
I CMZU{)1.E9.r
a Gracile
Robust A
conrpii:rtion of clata n,ould not have been possible \'\'ithout the access, help, and paiience provicled bv the curators, collection rranagers, and preParators at all the irrstitutions I u'orked r,r.'ith, especiailv gill Simpson, Jack Horner, Carrie Herbel, N,llark Norel], [,uis Chiappe, and Ntatt Lamanna. Last, but certainli'r-rot least, thanks to all the discoverers and collectors rvho saved the specimens that pror.'ided mv data.
Anderson, ). F'., Hall-\lartin, A.. ancl Russell, D. A. 1985. l,ong-bone circumfererrce arrd ueigl rt irr rrrarrtrnLlr. birtl'. arrd ditro'attrcr. lorrntal of theZoological Societl' ofL,ondon A 207: 53-61. Bakker, R. T., Williams, \{., ancl Currie, P 1988. Nanotrrannus, a new genus of pvgrrv tlrannosaur. fron-r the Latest Cretaceous of \{ontana. Hunteria l(,5): I-7.6. Bellairs, A. 1970. '|he Life of Reptiles. Llniversal Books, Ner,r, York. Blakesle-v, J. A., Franklir.r, A. B., and Clutierrez, R. J. 1990. Sexual dirnorphisrn in northern spottcd ouls fron.r northu,est California. lotLnnl of Field Ornithol-
Figure 8.18. MOR 1125, a
female Tyrannosaurus
rex' clusters with other robust individuals
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K. 2002. Rex Appeal: TIrc AmazingStort of Sue, the Dinosaur that Changed Science, the Law and NIt'Li/Z. Inr.'isible Cities Press, N4ontpelier, VT. Larson, P. L., and Frer', E. 1992. Sexual dinorphisrn in the abundant Lipper Cret:rceous theropod, Ty rannosaurus rer (abstract). l ourn al of \;ertebrate Paleontologt, Abstract of Papers, 38a. Lincoln, G. A. 1994.'l'eeth, horns and antlers: the rveapons of ser. P 131-159 in Short, R. \1, and Balaban, E. (eds.). The Differences between the Sexes. Can.rbridge Universitv Press, Cambridge. Lir.rder.rfors, P,'hrllberg, B. S., and Biu'"r', \1. 2002. Phr{ogenic analvses of sexual selection and semal size dimorphism in pir.rnipeds. Behavior, Ecology, Sociobiologr 52: 188-191. Lir.ezer', B. C., and Hurnphrev, P S. 1984. Sexual dimorphisrn in continental stearner-ducks. The Cooper Ornithological Societr'. Condor vezer..(86): 368_377.
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Osborn, H. F. 1905. Tt,rannosaurtrs rex and other Cretaceous carnir,orons dinosatrs. Arnerican Nluseun of Natural Histort, BtLlletin 21: 259-296. 1906. Tyrannosaurus ra.r, Upper Cretaceous camivores dinosaur (second cornmrrnication). Anrcrican Nluseum of Natural Histort, Bulletin 27:
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1970. Hon an egg shell is nrade. Scientific American 222(3): 88-95. Weltr,, T. C., ancl Baptista, L. 1988. The Life of Birds.4th ed. Saunders College Publications, F-ort \\/orth, 'fX. Winker, K., \/oelker, C. A., ancl Klicka, J. T. 1994. A morphometric exarnination of sexnal clinrorphisnr in the ll1/oplzilus,Xenops, ancl an Aulomolus fronr sotrtlrern \/eracruz, l\lexico. lotLrnttl of Field Ontitlrclog1,65(3): 307-323. Witrner, L. \,'1. 199t. 'l'he extant phrlogenetic bracket ancl the irnportance of reconstructing soft tissue in fossils. P l9-33 in Thonason, J. J. (ed.). Func tiotnl N'Iorphologl, in Yertebrate Paleorttologt. Canrbriclge LJniversitv Press,
Peter Larson
H. sapiens
o @
o o
o1. =
A, afarensis time of transition from juvenile to adult period (in years) 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.5 5.0 predicted age of eruption of molar tooth (in years)
Figure 9.1 . The compensation principle is well ttlustrated by the hominid
skull, which demonstrates a reciprocal relationship between cranium and jaw if one is peramorphic, the other is paedomorphic, and vice versa. Nofe that the main evolutionary trend is toward cranial enlargement (e ncepha I izati o n or a nten). After M cN a (1997). mara ri o ri zatio
Martin Lockley et al
Tl-re pnrpose of this chapter is to shorv that the reason Tyrannosaurus (and
Carnotaurus) had miniature arms may be surprisinglv simple as n'ell as consistent u'ith the broad rnorphological context of theropod and saurischian grorvth d\,namics ancl heterochrony. Inherent, or formal, morphodr,namic groli,th irends (sensu Gould 2002) lead to strong anteriorization (of the head) in derived, large (mainil' perarnorphic) members of varions theropod, saurischian, and dinosaur clades, as well as in other r,ertebrates. These seem to be of no obvious functional sigr-rificar-rce (sensu Gould 2002), ieading to il-re inference that we sl-roulcl pav more attention to these r-norphocll'narnic trends as part of the inherer-it structure of veriebrate organization. For example, in arnphibians (salarnanders ."'ersus frogs), pterosaurs (rhamphorvhnchoids \rersus pterodacty'loids), sauropodomorphs (pro-
sauropods versus brachiosar-rrs), orr-rithischians (primitive th-vreophorans versus derived ceratopsiar-rs), and primates (monkevs versus honirricl$, the latter (deril'ed) groups ahval's show more anteriorization (encephalization) than their prirritive relatir,es. There is also a compensatory reduction or loss
ofthe tail.
Liken'ise, in derived forms, tire inner (proximal) portions of the limb (fernora and hr,rmeri) are typicallv more developed than the distal portions. Tl-ris differentiation of proximal and distal limbs and feet or hands gives rise to diverse rnorphologies that have been interpreted as being of functional utilitl'-for exampie, grasping theropod hands or slashing raptor clarvs. However, such developrnental exaggeration or ernphasis in one organ or region of the bodv inevitabh,' results in underdevelopmer-rt in adjacent organs, as required bv the principle of corlpensation, also knou'n as heterocl-rronic trade-offs (sensu McNarnara 1997). Nlor,rnting er.,idence from evolution of development str-rdies (Carroll 2005)-populariy knorvn as evo-devo-suggests tirat organs must be looked at holistically (i.e., in the context of the rvhole bod,v) and that formal cler elopmental patterns and rr-rorphologies reiterate fractally and conr.ergelrih througl-rout the ',,ertebrate r'r,orld, and indeed in the biosphere in gene ral. T. rex is undoubtedlv one of tl-re most popular. iascinating, and controversial dinosar-rrs. Although iis iarge head and ferocious teeth have ob.",ious WhS
rex Had Puny
lf grasping hands and long arms generally typify theropods, how does one explain the outrageously d i m i nutive forelimbs of Tyrannosaurus
andCarnotaurus....lt not at all clear why these animals indepen-
dently miniaturized their arms.
Fastovsky and Weishampel 2005, p. 283
ftrnctional rrse in fostering its repr-rtation as tlie king of the preclators (or an uncliscrinrinatirrg bone-crunching scavcnger or scavenger-predator), its tint' arn'rs star-rcl out as an Lrlrllsllal or anonalous rnorphological feature. Incleed, thc forelinbs are described as "outrageousll'climini-rtilc" bi'leading experts in the latest tertbooks (c.g., Iiastoi'skr.. ancl Weishantpel 200i, p 283). Cliven the prevalcnce offunctional explanations generatecl br,the Danvinian paradigrri (Goulcl 2002), it is not surprising that paleontologists have pondered the usc of such smali and apparentlv iestigial organs. A1though Darri inist-n tr.picallr, demands or at least prefe rs fur-rction:rl explanations, biologv gener:rllr' accepts that some organs arc llore functional than otl-iers, and the llsc of terms like vestigial acknonleclges the fact that function mav hal'e bccr.r lost or dimir-rished in some org:lns, as Paul (1988) inferred in the casc of tlrannosanrids. \\/e n'ill return to the specific case of T. rex forclinbs once \\'e iiave presented a broader contert in uLrich to develop our Llnderstanding of tl'reropod lirnbs. Functioniil argrlrncnts c:rn onh.take us so far because tl.rer,ignore inherent, intrinsic, or fornal grori'th ancl developn-rent. Hi'o-devo pronrises to gre:rtlr' subsrlrne and reorient the functional Daru inian paradignr. But evo-devo is not ne'"r,; it is rnerelv the rediscovert' of the sr-rbdisciplines of
heterochronl and rnorphocllnanics (Gould 1997; N{cNarrara I995, 1997) bi'biologists. This intrinsic, fomral approach has been knorvn for decacles, although undenrtilizecl, and can be traced as far back as Wolfgang Goethe ancl Ceoffror,Saint-IIilaire in the late 1700s ancl earlr'1800s (LeGLlader 2004). 'l'hese approaches are holistic and internallr'corrsistent, and, as current cxciterrent aboLrt evo-de\,o shon's, ther help denronstrate that n,e can reaci clevelopmental patten-rs in the fossil record, even though some biological (genetic :rnd nrolccular) er,'idence is not directli'available. We ner,'ertl-reless see the same patterns of rnorpliological erpression in :rncient and rnodern forms :rncl can thus unifr.,biologi'and paleontologv nore thoroughlr'. Incre:rsingll', it is possible to clemonstrate that these organizational trends or patterns repeat in manl groups in an ordered, lau.,ful n'av. 'l'he rnain thrust of this cliapter is therefore 2-fold. First, r,r,e rnakc the case that norpholog\,is not rrecess:.rri1r'cornpletelv or uholli erplicable ir-r terms of function because intrinsic growth clr,nanics, rihich Goulcl (2002) describes as forn'ral (and related to intrinsic generation of fonl), plav an irrportant role , as recclgnized bv stuclents of heterochronr' (NlcKinner.and \lcNarrara 1997; il.,lcNanrara 1997) and evo-clo,o (Carroll 2005). Second, an understancling of these formal dvnamics rer,eals that shifts in the tining or inorphological cler,elopment produces a cascade of cornpensating effects throughout the bodv so that if one organ gror.r's large, one or nrore adjacent organs u.,ill be reducecl in size and vice versa.
We arguc that T rer and other tvrannosar-rrids had srrall forclirnbs because thev had such large heacls-or nrorc accnr:rtelr', ne stress the nrorphodr,nan-ric cornpensation bet\\,een heacl ancl forelirr-rbs. 'l'hus, anterior grou th blpassecl other anterior orgalls :urd concentrate cl in the heac1. This is in contrast to the patterns observed in other relatecl theropod dinosaurs (cocluros:rurs), snch as tlic ornitliornirnicls, n'hich dereloped lorrg front
linbs and necks but hacl snrall 132
Martin Lockley et al.
In such anirnals, anterior gron'th
concentrated in the forelimbs and neck (as n e ll as the anterior organs), but ner.'er becarne exaggerated in the head. Strpport for such a h1'potl-resis rs derived from an overvier,r,of recurrent morphological trends in the Theropoda as a rvl-role, and in the Saurischian clade to ri'hich thel'belong. Fractal or recursive trends mean that thev repeat at different le','els or scales of organization rvith similar br-rt not identical patterns (see Bird 2004 for definrtions). For example, as noted below, in manv tl-ieropods, includingT. rex, short forelin-ibs are associated lr'ith relaiively'long hind limbs. As poir-rted out bl'Locklel'and Kukihara (2005) and Locklev (in press), dimorphisrn in tl-re r,r'ell-knorvn dinosaur Coelophtsis reveals similar compensatior-rs (srnall forelimbs = large head, and large forelirnbs = small head) at the species level. (There is also a patten-i of compensation betrveen large forelirnbs and sn-rali hind limb, or vice versa, and corresponding cornpensations throughout the rvhole bod1,'.) 'fhese are larvful in the sense that the1, can be shown to recur fractallv at man.", differer-rt taxonornic levels ivithin the r,ertebrates, and so nust represent sone inherent pattern of biological organization. For exarnple, just as tl-rere is a polaritv betn'eer-r the 2 Coelopliysis dirrorphs or the primitive and derir"ed coehrrosaurs (ornithomirnids versus derived tvrannosaurs), so too there is a similar polaritv betneen prinritive and derived ceratosaurs (e.g., Coelophysis versus CantotatLrusi). In tlre latter case, the convergence betrveen Carnotaurus and T re.r in respect to forelirrb-head compensatior-rs is striking. We argtre that tl-re implications of this rnorphodl'namic approach are far-reaching. For exanple, it has long been knor.r'n that theropods had their hands free, trnlike other clinosaurs, and so rvere not o\rerspecialized or committed to qr,radrupedal locoi.r-rotion, like most other dinosaurs ancl the maiority of terrestrial vertebrates. How,ever, rve take this argument further b)'strggestir-rg that not onh' did the anterior limbs of tiieropods der.'elop phvsical fexibilitr., lrfiich in turn helps support a phvsical or bionechanical connectior-i lr'ith n'ing der,'elopment in birds, but also a close relationship existed betrveen the respiratorv svstent as an anterior organ and the anterior lirnbs. Thr-rs, it is inportant to think in terms of hor.v the aforernentioned morphod1'r-iamic der,elopment in lirrbs, neck, or head is closel,v integrated r,vith de-
velopment of ph1'siological svstel-ns like respiration. \\'e knori' that marn' theropods (coeiurosaurs and oviraptos:mrs) and birds hacl a fundarrentalli inportant relationship with the air (i.e., air sacs, feathers, wings, and fliglit), and we argue that this represents an emphasis on the anterior part of the middle s\,stem (pulmonarv svstem, anterior torso, and forelimbs). For example, Carrano and O'Connor (2005) describe the vertebrae and srnall ribs of the neck region of Ontitlrcmimus as being perforated bv the pulrnonarv svsteilr, although in larger, nrore peranlorphic theropods, like Tyrannosaurus ancl Carnotaurus, sor-natic grou'th eviclentlv bvpassecl the forelimbs and u,as concentrated in the head. These large forrns also frequentl,v developed extensive pneun-raticitr,-not just in the neck region, but often throughout the rl,hole bodv (Xu et al. 2004). The same pattern is seen rnost rnodern birds. Thus, small birds rra,v shon' less pneumaticitv than large ones. This is not directlv correlated \\'ith flight because some large birds, such as the ostrich, are flightless. Therefore, one n'iight argue that rn thc larger theropods, as rs Why T.lratr osaurus rex Had Puny
the case in large birds, the nfiole boclr hacl become like an enlargecl hu-rg. Feathers are also a llleans of incorporating air ri'ithin the boundaries of the phl,sical bodr. One rriight argr-re, therefore, that feathered forrrs n'ith little skeletal pnetrrnaticitv ha','e a nrore outnard relationstrip ilith the air than large forrris u,itl-r rvell-cler,elopecl internal pneum:rticitv but no feathers. Agairr. llris is arr erarrrple of corrrpcrrsrrliort. Before preser-rting the data that support these morphological comparrsons and inferences, it is necessarr,to outlirie the morphodl'nanic paradignr and its stronglv heterochronic flavor.
T\l'o generations before Darri,in introchrcecl the concept of natural selectior-r, u'ith all its functional inrplications, the German founders of moclern biologr', incluclir-rg Goetl-re, n'l'ro introduced the term morphologt, thought in terms of dvn:rnic processes. The recent introduction into the English langtrage of the verb to morph emphasizes both this dvnarnic connotation ancl tlre resLrrsence of strch process thinking. (fhe OxfordEnglishDictionary defines this verb as to "change srnoothlv and gracluallv from one image to another.") hrterestir-rglr', this trsage is intirnatel-v associatecl n'ith the drnanic field of anirnation. 'l'his clvn:rrnism contrasts n'ith the mincl-set of
Morphodynamic Paradigm
spatial coordinates, rneasurements, and discrete character attribr-ites associatecl
lr'ith n:rnr, tarononric, anatorrical, nrorphornetric, and cladistic
proaches that follon,ecl. Although these are ali useful to varving degrees, rnanr,of the contributior-rs of the carlv Gerrnan biologists (e.g., Coetl're and Ernest Haeckel) n'ere often oi'erlooked li'hiie attention r',,as directed to tl-re u'eli-established tradition of monographic description of anatoml' for clas-
sification purposes. In effect, our concept of rrorphologv becarre frozen, and species vn'ere mostl'n' described on the basis of adult forms that representccl tl-re final n-ranifestation of thc dvnamic proccss of ontogenr.. Such cataloging, althorrgh important, has sometines been characterized as rnere st:rmp collecting, ancl it shifts our mind-set au'ar,'from tlie dt,namic, org:rnic process. In the contert of the dvnamic nature of the gron'th process, this charge is r.rot n'l-rollv ur-rjustified. For exarnple, as notecl by Arthur (2006), onlr,a feri, 20th-centun,biologists r,r'orking betvn,een 1900 and 1975 u'ere realh' focused on thc cl1'namic relationships betr.r'een evolution and dei.'elopn-rent; among these u'ere Juliar-r Huxlel', Cavin de Beer (1940), and Dl{rct,Thorrpson, ri'hose classic On Crowth and Form (1917) has been cited as an exarrple of "the tlieorl of transforrnations" (Arthur 2006, p. 401) dealing u'ith the tvpes of macronrorphological clr,r-ran-rics n,e discnss here. Hori.'ever, despite the freezing of tire concept of morphologr.', lvhich ivas originallr,' closelv allied to the cll'namic concepts of rretamorphosis ancl transmutation (the latter:rn e arlr' 19th-centnrv svnonvm for evohrtion), Gernran biologists sucir as Hacckel (li,ho coined the term biology) \\'ere at the forefront of embri,ological rescarcir, thus maintaining a foctrs on cltnamic processes. Haeckel (1866) also coined the term heterochrony, and he developed the famous biogenetic lzrr','that "ontogenv rccapitulates phr. logenr." 'l'hus, an anteriorization trend (P-A) in ontogenv m:rv parallel one in phr logenr (as seen inTrrannosaunrs; see belou). Despite the shortcom1)/
Martin Lockley et al.
ings in this lan' if taken too literallr', its general relevance in linking indir,idual clevelopment and evolution has rrerit. hrdccd, the recent emergence of the evo-cievo field is in itself stror-rg validation of the rener,ed interest in this approach (Arthur 2006). There are even clairrs of a reverse biogenetic
law'(Suchantke 1995), u'hich can be characterized as er reverse rnorphodr nanic moverrient (i.e., an anterior-posterior [A-P] tiend in one organ mav be compensated for br,a P-A trend in another). What is of fr-rr-rdanental importar-ice here is to note tl-rat heterocl-rrorr-v is not some specialized branch of biologv. Indeed, a compelling case can be made that it is essentiallv a svnonym of the original dvnarric concept of morphological dei,elopment as process, which emphasizes the highil,' organic natllre of changing or morphing of anatorn, through time. Nloreover, the dir-ramic processes are driven b1, internal oniogenetic forces. Although such dvnamics nere recognized in the biometric sense b1' such concepts as allornetrl'or nonlinear gror.r'th, thev ha.,'e been overlooked bt,the Darrvinian notion that the organism is too rnuch under the spell of external influences tl-iat force it to passiveh,adapt to the environmer-rt. Gould (2002) clearl.,, recognized the difference betu'een the forn-rer intrinsrc
Coethean (or forrnal) perspectir,e of the Gern-ranic school and tl.re latter extrinsic Darr,r'iniar-r (or functional) perspective of the English school. It is onlv noli,'that the Darri'inian and neo-Darq,'inian (genetic) paradign-r l-ras been explored to the poini t'here deficiencies in ftrnctional explanatiorrs are evident that the intrinsic or formal paraclign-r is cornir-rg back intcr voglre arnong rnainstreanr biologists. Ccnetics, in its earlv davs, ain-red to support the selectionist Darwinian paradigm br,using mathematical populatior-r-base cl st:rtistical rnodels (harking back to l9th-centurv social Darn,inisn-r and Malthus's icleas of populations competir-rg for scare resources). Ironicallr, nrodern cleveloprrental genetics ancl er.o-devo nou. inforn ns that form and species dii,ersit)'is generated bi'ir-rternal processes tl'iat are most
d','nanic and complex in the verv earlv formative stages of ontoger-ry. Put sin'rplv, focus has shifted from the paracligm of a passi.,.e Darr,','inian organism, pushed around bv the erternal environrnent and competing to snrvive bl.functioning properll', to an active rrodel of clvnamic organisms generating form throtrgh complex internal or fornal organization. Despite tl-re prer,'ior,rs strong focus of nainstrearr biologl' and evolutionarv studies on Daru'inian selection paradigrrs, a number of norkers have kept alternative perspectives alive. Anorrg the rnost relevant studies are those that have explored the cl1'namics of heteroclironv (Goulcl 1977; N{cKinnev and il,IcNan-rara l99l; N{cNanara 1997). The latter studv introcluced the irnportant concept of l'reterochronic trade-offs that are, in fact, basicallv a st'nonvm of thc compensation principle ir-rtrocluced by Goethe (1795). This principle essentiailr' tells us that no organ can develop rvitl-rout a reciprocal effect on an adjacent organ. N'lcNanara (1997) gives the exceilent example of the tracle-off betrveen the large hunan craniurrr and srnall jari'ancl contrasts it rvith the opposite oi reciprocal case of the srrall craniurn and large jan', as seen in the chirrp or certain primitive honrinicls (Fig. 9.1). In such a case, the larger organ is peramorphic (exhibiting ntore grou'th) ancl the srraller one is paedomorphic (erhibiting less grori th). It seems that sucl'r Wht f\'a'.csaurus rex Had Puny
cornpensations are follnd universaill'throughout the organic w'orld and thai they are an integral factor in the evolutionarv process. In this regard, lve may r-rote the recent resnrgence of interest ir-r the work of Geoffrov Saint-Hilaire (l8ZZ). Endorserrents b1'Thoni (1975), Gould (1985), DeRobertis and Sasai (1996), and LeCuyader (2004), among others, ciearly demonstrate Saint-Hilaire's profound understanding of ir-rtegrated organization in organic s1'stems as early as the 1790s. Thus, Saint-Hilarre recognized and endorsed Goethe's compensation principle, which he called tl-re "lau' of balancement of organs," and tried to encourage French anatomists such as George Cuvier to understand its fr-rndamental in-iportance and pa,v more attention to the higher level of biological tl-rinking going on rn Cermanv (Lenoir 1987). Despite ihe rejection of ihis svstem of thinking bi, Cuvier and later by n-rost Darr.vinians, rvl-io labeled the school "transcendenial Nature Philosophv," Saint-Hilaire has been proved right in his thesis that ail organisn-rs displav a fundanental unitv of compositiorr and unitv of organization. Thus, he realized that clifferences in rnorphologl'between organisms r,vere only superficial and the result of different ernphasis of organs durir-rg cleielopment. 'fhis is essentiall,v the central message of heterochrony; whicl-r is still paid too little attention todav. Saint-Hilaire give explicit examples of differential development, noting ihat if a bone did not del'elop in one species, it could be shorvn to l-rave been arrested at an earlv stage, when it r,vas
still tissue or cartilage. N{ore pertinent to the present stucll; Saint-Hiiaire noted that bod1, plans repeat again and again in what todav rve u'ould call a recursive or fractal pattern, lvhich he variouslv called "r-rnity of organization," "unit,v of plan," and "unitv of cornposition." Thus, rvhen "der.elopmer-rtal genetics . . . arrived on the scene like a thunderbolt" (LeGu1'ader 2004, p.244), it became clear that horneotic genes (Hox genes) of the homeobox shorved the same A-P or-
ganization as the macrornorphologl'-exactly as Sair-rt-Hilaire frequentl,v noted in his principle of connections (or theorv of analogues). This is norv call,ed colinearily (Duboule and N{orata i994). It is outside the scope of this chapter to delve further into Saint-Hilaire's prescient observations, except to note that his claim that arthropods lvere organized like upside-down vertebrates, although long scornecl bv Cuvier and many subsequent generations
of ar-ratornists, has been shoun to be genetically correct: that is, "tu'o major
directions . . . the that r.vith dorsal expression in the vertebrate and vice versa!" (LeGuvader 2004, p. 252). The r-nessage is tl-rat it is dangerous to dismiss prescient holistic thinkers because their ideas are perceived to be too general, too complex, not obviouslv applicable to specific cases' or otheni,'ise hard to follow. Sair-it-Hilaire, like his contemgenes have been discovered rvhich intervene in antagonistic
insectt gene ivith ventrai expression is the
san-re as
porarv Goethe, lvould have been quite at hon-re discussing the compensation principle, antagor-iistic genes, and tl-re balancernent of orgar-rs n'itl-r an1'or-re versed in modern heterochronic and developmental studies. Like modern students of heterochrony (McNaniara, personal communication), Goethe and Saint-Hilaire n'ould likely have been surprised to learn that developmental genetics claims that rnar-n'of these insights are new in prir-rciple, r.vhen in fact such insights were around at tl-re birth of biologr', and since then, devel-
Martin Lackley et al.
opmental genetics has beer-r n-rostly concerned n'ith rediscoverv of these principles and explar-ration of details and mechanrsms. 'i'he fuller potential of such approaches is brilliantll'realized in tl're lr,ork of Schad (1977) on Man and Mammals, n,hich u,as brieflv strmmarized bv Riegr-rer (1985, l99B) ar-rd Locklev (1999a) and applied to dinosaurs (Lockley 1999a, 1999b,2001, in press). In these and a few other related str-rdies, the tern morphodttnamics has been introduced partly as a rreans of redvnarnizing the concept of morphology so as to reflect its original process meaning, but also as a convenient n'ay of stressing that there are morphodi/namic trends in the evolution of varior-rs clades, such as increasing anterior or posterior developnental emphasis. These cephalo-caudal or caudo-cephalic trends have been known for many years, and a substantial literature on the topic exists, especiail,v in the field of phvsical anthropology (Kingsbun' 1924; Verhulst 2003). In recent years, developrnental microbiologl'has been ror-rtinelv preoccupied with horv A-P axes and polarities develop (e.g., Wallenfarrd and Se1dorrr 20007. Possibl-v the best-known and most obvior:s example of a recursive anteriorization trend is that referred to as cephalizctiorz, lvhich is seen in vertebrate clades and in vertebrates ir-r general (Fig. 9.1). Other examples include the polaritv betneen prirnitive arnphibian organization, as seen in tl-re salamander morphotvpe (characterized by a long tail and small head), and frog morphology (large head and no tail). Everl'schoolchild knows the stori' of tadpole-frog metamorphosis. Liker,vise, we see the same trends u-i prirnates (from monkevs to hominids). The sarne trend is also obvious ir-r many dinosaur clades such as ceratopsians, and here \ve point to the reiteration of the trend in theropods. Such anteriorization trends can generalll' be classed as correlated progressions, i,vhich refer to the reiteration of directional trends in evolution that follorv repeated or fractal variations on a theme (sensu Kemp 1999). This concept is essentially sirnilar to the concept of colinearitl, (LeGuvader 2004). Schad's genius u,as to recognize that the expression of ph1,'sical exaggera-
tion of anterior or posterior organs in anr animal (man-rrnals in his
studv) rnust be seen as onl,v one side of a compensatorv relationship w'ith phvsiological processes. Phr.'siologically, for example, r-rngulates (r,vhich are predominar-rtlr,'large, placid, longJived, derived, and evoiutionarilv specialized) have rvell-developed posterior digestive (or metabolic) slstems (rnultrcharnbered stomacir) ancl iimbs designed for sustained (long distance) loco-
rrotor efficienc\,. Horvever, the main ph1'sical exaggeration is seen in the anterior regions (horns, shoulders, manes, bearcls, front limbs ofter-r larger than hir-rcl). In striking contrast, the predominantly small and evoh,rtionarill unspecializecl rodents shou'tl-ie opposite, or reciprocal phvsical and phvsiological organizatior-r. They are phl'siologicallv dominated (anteriorly) b1' overactive sensorv and nervous svstems (sense-ne1,e en'iphasis) ancl are behavior-
allv frenetic and shortlived, u'ith u'eak, lon.endurance lirnbs, but
express their rnaxirnurn or exaggerated ph1'sical clevelopment in the posierior part of the body (long tail and hind limbs longer than front limbs). The carnivores represent a middle or central gror-rp (trpicalh intermediate in size),
r,r4rich the anterior and posterior physical and phrsiological svsterns are
Why fyra^rcsaurus rex Had Puny
Ftgure 9.2. A holistic viev. of 3 major groups of placental mammals (after Schad 1997; Lockley t999a). The rodents, carnivores, and ungulates express d if fe re nt e m p h a sis of the physiological organ systems, i.e.,
ci rcu I ato
respi rato
/r'l i n a< t i t n\
m eta I i
af tha nncfa-
rior, central, and anteflol physi cal
em pha -
organization reveals many fractally re peated ( i te rativd g rad i ents such as, small (pae-
srs. Such
dom or p h ic-sho ^^-+^+in^ lul t 9c)LdL/ut )/-A^.+
I^-^l l-lwtol
centers of gravity (em-
metabolic limb orientation
rhythmic orientation
nerve sense
tT{ VU
.,., /f\\
.. t
'f) (r\tt
\/ 4 roES
5 TOES \
range) and large (peram o rp h i c- | o n g I ived - | o ng
Later evolutionary development
evolutionary development
estation-wide ra nge). These gradients also cor-
nd to
ry trends from primitive to derived. Moreover, the morphology of the tracks respo
evo I utr
o na
also show the posterior
to anterior shift, with progressive loss of heel in Iarger forms. Thus, the track-body size relationship cannot be interpreted functionally, but i
relative shifts in the development of proximal and distal portions of the limb.
less cxaggeratecl (more balanced) ancl tl-rc cler,elopmental emphasis is
centered in the circulatori'and respiratorr,sl'stens (he:rrt and lung rhvthrnrc athleticisn) (Fig. 9.2). Thus, ther,'rhvthrnicallr'alternate betri'een intense
frenetic and placid bchaviors
as an expre ssion of
the strong ir-rfluence of their
rhr thmic organs. 'l'l-re clistribution of incisor, canine, and
nolar teeth also reiterates the outn'ard-inn,ard and A-P polaritt'of rnamrnal organization. Bec:rtrsc the jan's are analogous to the limbs of the head, thc r.r'rolar teetl-r correspor-rd to a greater der,elopnrent of the inner or proxirn:rl jari; paralleling the inner liurbs of the ungulate, ufiereas the incisors correspontl to the distai or ottter regiolr. As previouslv r-rotecl, the essential lressage of Schad's work has beert strnrrnarized bv Riegner (198t, 1998) ancl Seamort, and Zajonc (1998), and (Locklcr 1999a, 1999b). Although this n.rorpliodvnanric approach is not let u'iclelv appreciatecl, is higl'riv holistic in that it accornrnodates rriorpl'rologi', phvsiologr', heterochror-rr', fractal orgahas been applied to dinosaurs
Martin Lockley et al.
nizatior-r, and even color patterns. All r-najor ar-rirral groups are re.,'ealed to be complex svstelrs il'ith the t1'pe of organized and compensatorr polarities outlined above. The rodent pole (i.e., small, predoniinanth,paedornor-
phic forms r.vith posterior orientations: long tails and hind limbs) is rnore ollt$'ard and connected to the environrnent ancl its stimr,rli, u,hereas the trngulates are more inlvard and emancipated from the environment. 'l'his is literalll' trtre in terms of size, but it also affects behavior such as home range, aggressior-r, social strtrcture, and need for nesting protection (see Schad 1977, 1992,for detailecl explanations). T'here is also a polaritv of organization betleen sn-rall, predorninar-rtlv paedon'rorphic clades, such as rodents, u'hich are verv dir,'erse (in species ricl-rness) br:t not disparate in form, and large perar-norphic clades, sllch as ungulates, which are less diverse in species but mr-rch rnore disparate in forrn. Thus, in the san-re r,i.a1, that the individual r-rngulate takes up more physical space than the rodent, tl're ungulate is also further separated frorn other ungulates in terrns of its n-rorphospace characteristics (sensu Foote l99l). Again, these characteristics indicate ar-r organization tl-rat is fractal and recrlrsive, in that the general stnlcture of taxonomic groups repeats at all hierarchical levels rvith an almost endless, staggered seqllence of ninor variations or-r the general therne (see Bird 2004 and Carroll 2005 for discussion of the inherentiv fractal and recursive organization of orgar-ric svstems, and the use and definitiorr of terrr-rs like iteration, recursion, and staggered sequences). Conwav (2003) also stresses the rarnpant convergence in nature that points to inherent organization ratl'rer than randonness. An excellent exampie of sucl-r fractal organization nas demonstrated br" Portmann (1964), r,r4ro sholr'ed that in mammals, r-rngulates hal'e large forebrains relative to hind brair-rs, in con'iparisor-r lvith rodents, ',vl-ricl-i have
the reverse organization. He called this the 'heo-pallial index," rvhich is a rneasrlre of the relative size of the forebrain or neocortex. It is small in rodents, intemediate in carnivores, and large in ungr,rlates. So ungulates (e.g., rurrinants) manifest more complex social behavior and are percei','ecl as being inclined to mrninate inu'ardh'. Thus, the distribr,rtion of physical brain niass in these rnaior mamnal groups is a fractal reiteration of ivhole body A-P organization. This general trend in vertebrate brains has been confirmed by subsequent stuclies of reptiles (Hopson 1977, 1979; Jerison 1969), nonavian theropods (Chatteijee 1997; Larssor-r et al. 2000), and mammals (Kaas 2000). The same is true of feet and footprints (large posterior emphasis in rodents and more anterior emphasis in large r,rngr-rlates; Locklev 1999a). In tl-re case of brain mass distribr,rtion, tl-re in*'ard-anterior characteristics of tl-re ungr,rlate neocortex rnirror the inward or proxirlal characteristics of the molars. With this background, we can trlrn to the er.o-devo paradign'r, n'hich is highly convergent u'ith the Schadian paradigr-n. It shor,r's that the organization and influence of Hox genes lead to sin.rilar morphological expressions in related organisms that are higl-rlv recursire or fractal, leading to endle ss forms that are variations on a universai or courmor-r thene or organization. (Organization iiterally means "an ordere d sequence of organs.") However, before being completelv sedr-rced bl the compelling er.idence for Why
rex Had Puny Arms
tl're organrzational role plaved
gene s
in controlling, driving, or ex-
plaining nrorpliologr, n'e sirorrld note that Schad (1977) and others, such as
Portmann i1964), rnust be given credit
pioneering bioiogists n'ho rec-
ognized these orgar-rizational patterns iu macronorphologr', phvsiologv, behavior, ancl color patterns before tl're sane organizational patterns and strtrcturc u'ere clemonstrated in the microscopic lvorld of rriolecules and Ho.r genes. It is nori iime for a svnthesis, and it is in paleontologv, n,here macromorphologv is available but genes are not, that
can effect a mar-
riage of these rnacro ancl rriicro (evo-devo) fielcls (Carroll 2005).
evo-clevo paradigm (Carroll 2005) is sirnilar to that outlinecl above as the rrorphoclr,namic paradigm. N'lolecular ancl cellular
The Evolution of Development, or the Evo-Devo Paradigm
In rnan.,,respects, the
biologists have in recent r.'ears studiecl the honeobox (secluence s of horneotic genes in regular repeated segnents or boxes) and have show'rr that diverse inr,'crtcbrate and vcrtebrate species share an orderlv A-P arrangenrent
of tl-rese clei'elopnental ger-res knor,r'n as Hor genes r,i'ithir.r tlie homeobox. N'{oreover, the arrangement of these Hor gcnes is in the sarne, or sin-rilar, A-P order as thel'appear in the organs of the bodr (Fig. 9.3). Thus, the sequence or orcier of cieveloprnental Hox genes is iike a nicrocosm of the rvhole boclr'. implvir-rg a highlv fractal or recursive forrn of organization. Such n'ork shou,s tl-rat not onll do individual Hox genes develop from anterior to posterior in earlv embrl'ogenesis, but this san're A-P directionalitv recurs in ihe der,'elopment of the 7 rhonbomeres of the hincl brain, and
Figure 9.3. The homeobox demonstrates a parallelism between the A-P organization of Hox genes and the A-P organization of actual body organs. Modified after Carroll (2005).
t I l
----j-d **---t-*
sex combs
labial probiscpedia deformed reduced antennapedia ultrabithorax
il::,j.t-.;; ., , r:T1 "nilix$ w 140
Martin Lockley et al.
abdominal b
w - "sw, -l-
in the development of somites throughout the
u ]role bodt, ancl
in limb for-
natiorr (fig.9.l). As srirrmarizecl bv Carroll t2005, p. 100), n'e knoi.r'eractly i,r'hicl-r Hox genes are involved in the erprcssion of these stages of celltrlar and sornatic developn-rent and can characterize thenr as "the staggered expression of the Hox genes" (see Fig. 9.4 for cletails). This clearlr inplies a sequence of development that is heterochronicallv controllecl or timed. Moreover, in the case of the developrnent of body somites, Hoxc6 is associated rvith the bor-urdarv betn'een cervicai and thoracic vertebrae and is there fore closell' associated n ith the point of origin of anterior limbs. Carroll (2005), like other e'".o-clevo biologists, stresses that all de',,eloprnent is strongl-v controlled bi' the timing of Hox gene expression, n'hich ir-r tnrn rs controlled bv corlipler genetic s'"vitches. Again, tiie importance of heterochronic tinrir-rg in ger.rerating morphologv is emphasized. Slight differential changes at earlv stages in development can ha'ne profound effects and have nnequivocalll,been shou.'n to cler,elop different races (rnorphotr.pe$. Carroll (2005) goes on to stress that ail el'olution can be unclerstood tlrrorrglr lhc epplit atit.rrr of tlris llaradigrrr. Srich r,vork sholi's that although incliviclual ontogen\,is a conrplex heterochronic process, the general arrangement of Hox genes is repeated fractallt' or recursi','elr,throughout tl-re organic r,iorld. Thus, it appears that all organisms har"e the same general patterns of organizatior.r, but t]rer" are different in cletail ou'ing to subtle shifts in the tirning of development and n-rorphologv frorn cell to cell, organ to orgar-r, indir,idual to indir,'idr-ral, species to species, and clade to clade . (For a discussion of terms hke iteratiott and recursion and the application of corripleritt. and chaos concepts to el'olutionan' theorl; see Bird 2004.) In short, we can non' be increasingil' confident that the evoiutionan,relationships n'e perceile in related clades (e.g., ceratosaurs, coelurosaurs, and other groups n ithin tl-ie theropods, or :lniong related clades such as noclern birds) can be understood in tenns of these A-P morphodvnarnics and lleterochronl; u'hich have been sholr,n to applv consistentlr,to a u,ide rattge of exlarrl r ertebrate clades.
As indicated abor,e, there is gron,ing evidence to suggest tl-rat organisrn growtl-r (morphogenesis) is nruch nore ordered than previouslr'thought. For exarliple, Sfrubin and Alberch (1986) demor-rstrated that the lirnbs of rnost higher vertebrates follou,sir-nilar grou'th patterns or programs. Similar
in l-ris study of prirnates. These str,rdies shou'that durring earli,ontogenv, tl're distal limb der..eiops first (A-P direction; Fig. 9.4). Later, the proxin-rai lirrb develops at an accelerated rate, relative to the foot, especiallr, in large peran-rorphic species (N'lcNarrara 1995; Long ancl N,lcNarnara I995, 1997; Locklev in press). T'l-iis is, therefore, a posterior-anterior (P-Al clistal-proximal or cauclo-cephalic) cie','elopmental direction for the limb as a n'hole. In differer-rt species, as differential (heterochronic) gror th retards or prolongs developrnent, the ratio of disial to proxirnal lirnb proportions u'ill r,'arr,'considerablv and u'ill shor.r'a strong rel:rtionship to size observatior-rs have been n-rade bv Verhulst (2003)
Limb Construction and Morphological Organization in Theropods and Related Vertebrates
L lTnn tn h^t-
tom) Dynamic A-P (or west-east) flow di rections in Hox genes, hind brain rhombomere, wholebody somite, and limb develo p ment. Proxi mal distal orientations in the limb correspond to A and P, respectively.
lndividual Hox Gene
%_: Fore r-------.
Hind Brain Development
Somite Formation
Htno Eraln
Hox b3 Hox b4
i t-l
Whole Body
Rhombmeres of
Hox b1
Shift in Hox Gene Expression
after Carroll (2005)
Hox b2
Anterior - Posterior
Poslerior Expression
rrtiI I _**____i --fI-r-r--l L ru
L -,
Cervical lThoracic Hox co
Limb Formation
: --e\
inlerdigital tissue dies early = early distal = Paedomorphic
Some Hind Limb Proportions T'he distal-proximal differential is particularll'obvious ii'r the saurischian clade. If rve compare small, primitive theropods with large, derived sattropods, u,e find that tl-ie former have relativeil'large feet (distal organs) and short inner (proximal) limb bor-res (fernora and hurneri), whereas the reverse is true in the sauropods (Figs. 9.5,9.6).li-r general, the theropod-sauropod polaritv is also a P-A polarity: that is, theropods are bipedal, hind lirnb rvalkers, u'hereas sauropods moved ar-rteriorl,v into quadrupedal postr-rres rvith iong anterior necks (Lockley 1999a, in press). The sarne posterior (biped)-anterior (quadruped) polaritl' repeats in manl' other dinosaur clades and is related to many factors, including size and phvlogerry' (primiti'n
e l'ersus derirred characters).
If r,r'e narrorv our focus to tl-reropod lin-rbs, rve can look at both printitive and derivecl clades. Among the ceratosaurs, it appears that srnall, gracile forms like Coelophysls and Elaphrosaurus ha','e relati','elv short fernora cornpared li,ith larger robust forms like Ceratosaurus (Fig. 9.7).
Maftin Lockley et al.
Figure 9.5. The principle of distal versus proximal emphasis in saurischian
limb elements (after Lockley and Jackson in press; Lockley in press). From left to right, each
row shows a theropod, prosauropod, and a sauropod. (Top)Dilophorus (A), Anchisaurus
sau (B),
and Apatosaurus (C)
are all relatively primitive re p resentatives of th e i r respecttve g rou ps. (Bot-
tom) Tyrannosau rus (D), Plateosaurus (E), and Brachiosaurus (F) are re d erived re p rese nta tives of their respective groups. Cf. Figure 9.6. mo
In the rnore deri'ed coelurosatirs, which include the tyrannosaurs and ornithornirnids, *,e fincl similar patterns. 'l'he gracile ornithomimids suggest a contrast lvith ihe robust tvrannosatrrids. The relative proxirnal lirrb (femora) lengths are somervhat shorter thar-r in the tvran'osauricls and therr distal li'ib elements (metatarsals) are longer, thus fitting the general trend tou'ard distal emphasis in smaller, predomi'antlr paedomorphic forms
(Fig e.B). within the 'li'rar-rr-rosauroidea, taxa like Dilong and Albertosaurus j;,veniles tencl to have shorter femora than large foms like Ttrannosaurus. rn Why T'1ra.,.osaurus rex Had Puny Arms
Figure 9.6. The principle of distal versus proximal emphasis in saurischian I i mb elements i I lustrated by a display in the American Museum (after Norell et al. 1995). Genera from left to right are Diplodocus, Apatosaurus, and 2 Allosaurus. Cf. Figure 9.5
Figure 9.7 Hind limb proportions i n Ceratosau rs. ll oft\ Cna Coe lop
a nh
n i cl aa
hysis (A),
Li I ie n -
sternus (B), and Dilophosaurus (C). (Right) Ceratosauroidea
Elaphrosaurus (D) and Ceratosaurus (E).
Figure 9.8. (Left) Hind limb proportions of Col eu rosa u rs.
O rn
misaurs. juven i le G a I I i m i mus (A), Ornithomimus (B), Struth i om i m us and Gallimimus (D). (Rig
Tyra n nosa u ri ds
hypoth etica I j uven i I e A l -
bertosaurus (E), Dilong (F), adult Al bertosaurus (G), and adult Tyrannosaurus (H). Shown are their proportions when scaled to the same limb
Dilong (Xu et al. 2004), the feet (phalanges) are significantlv lor-rger thar-r in the larger taxa. Long and McNamara (1995) inferred important developmental shifts during tyrannosaur ontogenr'. 'fhus, jur,'enile Albertosaurus pr,rrportedh' has a relativelr, long foot (distal lirnb) and short femur compared with an adult. (Note, hou'ever, that the reconstruction of the jr,rvenile Albertosaurus was h1'pothetical fRussell 1970, figs. B and 9 therein], and so must be further tested before inferences are dral'n'n.) It is nevertheless interesting that Russell (1970) and Long and N'{cNamara (1995) depicted the jr,n'enile ivith strong posterior er-nphasis, with long tail and relativelv small head cornpared w'ith the adr-rlt (fig 9.9). This n'hole-bod1,'A-P polaritl'appears to r-nirror the pattern seen in other vertebrate groups discussed abol.e, and is further conparable to the proxinal-distal polaritv seen in limb elements. 'Ib clarifr: il-ris poir-rt, we stress that vectors of A-P (or cephalo-car-rdal) grou'th for the r.r'hole body follorv a }'read-trur-rk-tail direction along the vertebral column. Holr'ever, appendicular organs such as the lirlbs ar-rd the jaw are better described ir-r terms of their proximal-distal elements or orientations. So the hind foot rs posterior relative to the ufiole f6fl1', br,rt also distal relative to the n-rore proxin'ia1 (ar-rterior) location of the fernur. The san-re proximal-clistal orier.rtation rs evident in forelirrbs ancl the jau's, althor-rgh it is clear that these organs are more closelr,' connected to anterior organs of the axial bodl'. h-r tl-re case of the jaw, especiallv in mammals lr,here incisor-canine-rnolar heterodontl' rs rvell developed, these teeth are situated distaih, medialll', and proximallv relatir,e to the cranium. Holvever, because jari s protrude anteriorlv relative to the axial bodl', the terms anterior medial and posterior could equallv lvell be used. As noted belolv, the respecti."'e A-P or prorinral-distal polarity, betrveen cranium and jar.',, is proving important in sttrdies of tvrannosaur sn.rali fornrs like
rex Had Puny Arms
Figure 9.9. Whole-body roportio ns of hy poth eti cal juvenile Al bertosaurus (A) (after Russell
1970), Dilong (B), adult Albertosaurus (C), and ad u It Ty ra n n osa u r u s (D) scaled to the same body size. Modified after Mc-
Namara (1995).
ontogenr' (Carr i999). It is :rlso noterl'orthy'that upper jarv nraintains a fixecl cranial (anterior-proxin-ral) orientation i'r'hile tl-re lolr'er jar'", can move in a posterior (distal) clirection.
\Ve provicle a feri further theropod hind limb examples to help stress nature of this pattern. First, anong the large allosaurids ar-rd related forms (Fig. 9.10), n,e see :r sir.nilar ernphasis on the development of the inner limb (fenora). Bv contrast, in the srnall dromaeosaurids, rve see a much greater ernphasis of the distal lirrb (tibia and fibtrla: Fig. 9.11). This, of coursc, can be partialll'explained bv the effects of scaling (Pike et al. 2002), but such singie explanations do not negate the inherent proximaldistal lirrib compensations discussecl herein. For exarnple, thc repetition of the large prorirri:rl 'u'ersus srnall distal elerlient polaritv in large species and its opposite or reciprocal (small proxinal versns large clistai) elements repeats not onlv in dinosar-rr linibs used for lvalking, but also, as discussed tl-re r'i'idespread
Martin Lockley et al.
0 Hind limbs o{
a | | osau
ri ds
a nd selected ropods P i atn iz-
kysaurus (A), Allosaurus (il, and Gigantosaurus (C).
below, in u,ings of pterosaurs and bircls n'ith entirelv clifferent functions (Kellner 2003; lliddleton and Gatesr' 2000, respectir.eh). Some Forelimb Proportions
As noted bt,Middleton ancl Gatesl' (2000), in comparison r,vith T),rannoscurus and Carnotaurus, the forelirnbs of most theropods are nell cler,'eloped (cf. Fastoi'sk1 and \d/eisharrpel 20{J5). We havc alreadr, established that the proximal portion of the hind lirrbs is inore cleveloped in large t1 rannosaurids than in juveniles, but the sarne :rppears to be true of the forelin-rbs. Tlre hurnerus makes up abofi 50% of tl-re length of the limb. The lrunreral proportion is even more exaggerated in Carnotaurus, comprisirrg nrore than 60% of the lirrb lengtl'r. Compare this iiith the humerus proportion of less thar-r 40% lor StruthiomhntLs andOrnithon'Lirnus (Fig. 9.12), arrd the comrnent of Hutt et al. (2001, p.2291that the relativeiy small tvrannosallr Eotyrannus has a "manus proportionalh long tcligit II c. 95% of hunerr-rs length)." It is cle ar that the same dvnar-nics att?ct the front ar-rcl hind limbs in all these forrns. The consistencv in developmental dvnarnics
Figure 9.1 1. Deinonychosaur hind limbs Bambirapto r (A), Velocoraptor (B),
and Deinonychus
(C). Note short proximal
limb in Bambiraptor. Figures 9.7 and 9.8.
across these rnr,rltiple organs and across multipie tl-reropod clades can hardly be attribr,rted to soleiy to function. Middleton ar-rd Catesy (2000) have shon'n similar patterns in the forelirnbs (ivings) of birds. For exarrple, srnall, predominantlv paedomorphic
flying birds such as passerines have short proximal humeri and long distal lvings, r.vhereas large (mostly perainorphic) ground birds have long l-u-rn-reri and short distal n,ings (Fig. 9.13). The same trends in proxin-ral-distal lirnb proportions are seen in comparing srnall, primitive (paedonorphic) rharnphorhyr-rchoicl pterosaurs and large, deril'ed pterodactyloids (Kellner 2003;
Ntitchell and Lockley',
preparation). Here rve stress the point made bv all
heterochrorric strrdies te.g.. \lcNamara l99Ttthatcorrrperrsatiorrs or tradeoffs rrake rnost organisms a rnixture of paedon-rorpl-ric ar-rd peramorphic characteristics. Thus, a small or large animal mav onlv be paedomorphic or peramorphic ir-r tl-re ger-reral sense of body size (less or r-nore grorvth, respectivell').'l'hns, we see the sal-ne or similar patten-is in sn'rall (primitire) ancl large (derived) marnrrals (Schad 1977) and in primates (!'erhr-rlst
Martin Lockley et al.
Figure 9.12. Dinosaur forelimbs. (Top left) Juve-
nile Gallimimus (A), Or-
nithomimus (B), Struthiomimus (C), and Gallimimus (D). (Top ht) Tyra n nosa u roid ea :
hypothetica I j uve n i I e Al -
bertosaurus (E), adult Albertosaurus (F), and
ar a\
(Lower left) Dei nonychoM
sau rs: Ba m bi ra pto r (H), Velociraptor (l), and
Deinonychus rig
(J). (Lower
ht) Ceratosa u roi d ea :
ph rosau rus (), Cera tosaurus (M), and Carnotaurus (M. Cf. Figures 9.7, 9.8, and 9. 11 for E la
correspond i ng 2nd
aT Fldt tra I
h i nd I i mbs I < 7Ar
bird forelimbs.
2003). In si-rort, it is a characteristic of all these major groups of vertebrates that tl-re more derived and more obviouslv peran-rorphic forms have proxima1 rather than distal limb ernphasis. Put another wa)', the inner organs are more developed.
It is irnportant to stress that compensation principles, balancernent of organs (or heterochronic trade-offs) evidently apply' at manl' different levels of morphological organization. Thus, n'e can move from comparing proxin'ral versus distal organs r,vithin the hind limb or forelimb in differer-rt species (cf. Miclclleton and Catsel'2000), or to comparison of limb proporiions at different stages of development (Reisz et al. 2005). This inevitably leads to comparisons of adjacent organs such as head, neck, and forelimbs. Whl for example, anong manv saurischians and some birds do we get verv long-r-recked forms with relativell'srnall heads? Wh1'are such morphologies less u,ell developed in tl-ie vast majoritl, of ornithischian dinosaurs and rnammals? Put another u'a)', u'hy do some saurischian (notabll,theropods like T. rex) hal'e ar-r opposite or rec\;rocal organization (large heads ar-rd relatively'short necks)? And why do some forn-rs have sr,rcl-r diminutir.'e forelirnbs, yet lvell-developed hind limbs? Given that clevelopmentaliv the forelinrb bud originates at the junction betu'een the neck and trunk (cervicals and dorsals; Carroll 2005), the possibilitv of a developrnental explanation must be explored. According to Russeil (1970) and Long and \ Ic\amara (1997), the anterior part of the jr-rvenile tvrannosaur bodt'is relatirelr small. The juvenile
Relationships between Head, Neck, Front Limbs, and Other Anterior Organs in Theropods
head is relatively small compared u'ith the adult head. and the front lirnb is Why T'1r2nq5lurus rex Had Puny Arms
portions of proximal and distal wings rn modern birds, after Middleton and Gatesy (2000). Note polarity between small (paedomorphic) forms with distal emphasis and large (peramorphic) forms with proximal emhhrcrc
I f
)))))) lt @@@@@@@@@@ panot Murre
Osrich Krwi Rlca
Swa.llow Swift
relativell sm:rll cotnparecl n ith the hincl linb. Assuming this reconstructiorr has sorne nterit, the situation is the reverse or adult organization, shon'ing hon'tl-rere \\'as a progressive :rnteriorization of grou,th. or shunting of grou'th frorr rnore posterior to more anterior organs (Fig. 9.9). [{on'ever, this reconstruction of a jur.cnile is entirelr'fu'pothetical, :rnd ri,e can gain better irsight into tvranrtosaur ontogeni frorr recent studies bt Carr (1999) and Currie (2003). For example, the lightlr built albertosaurines have "longer, tibiae, longer nretatarsals ancl longcr toes" (Currie 2003, p. 663). These all point to cnrphasis of clistal linb elerrents in the snraller, lighter, more gracile group, as conpared r.i'ith proximai limb elements in the robust tvrannosaurines. Carr (1999) studied onlr"the cranial morphologr" btrt ner,crthelcss shon'ed
the shift froln a narro\\', elongatc gracile skull in earh' ontogenr' (stage I) to one that is robtrst, shorter, and clccpcr in latcr stages (stages 3 and 4).'l'hrs shift is :rccornpanied bv the loss of rostral (distal) end of the marilia and a n'iclening of the proximal portion of the skull, all of n'hich l-rave far-reacl-rir-rg implications for tvrannosaurid taxonornr' (Carr I999). As noted prer.'iotrsh; such shifts fall uncler the general label of anteriorization (or enrphasis of proximal organs) tr,pical of large clerived fomrs rrr rrrost r.ertebratc clacles (Lockler' 1999a, in press). Incleecl, Carr (1999) goes
hint a re capitulation br, corrparing jur,enile tvrannosar-rrs u ith othcr ruore distantll relatecl prir-nitile theropods, u'l-rich had long ancl narv611' (rather tlian broacl and deep) skulls. This gener:rl pattern is clearlv so far as to
supportecl bi' the discoveri of sniall, gracile, long-snouted basal tvrannosauroicls ltke DilorLg (Xtr et al. 2004) and ()uanlong (Xu et al. 2006). TliLrs, it is perhaps no strrprise that as derir,ed tvrannosaurs, ceratosaurs, brachiosaurs, ornithopocls, ceratopsians, and pterosaurs became larger than their
ancestors, thev cleveloped large heads atrcl exaggerated heaclgear as their er,olutionarv ci.'cles culminatecl. Obserr,ations br, Hone et al.(2004) liar,e rer.i',.ecl the idea of Cope's rule and the increase in evolutionari'tenclencl' touard l:rrger size through tinic. hrdeecl, it appears that tl'ris tendeno rs prevaler-rt in manv differcnt clinosaur groups? and is "r'rot liniited to arn
particular subclacle" (Hone et al., 2004, p. >90). These autl-rors note that the tencleno, is particularlv pronotrnced in the Sauriscl-ria, and thel single out the ti'rannosaurids as a prol]ounced example. We infer that the correlation bctncen largc size ancl largc heads is notetorthr', so there is likelv a
connectiorr betri'een Cope's role ancl pronouncecl anteriorization. As s'e follor,r'these ritrole$odv anteriorization trends, n'hich have the most obviorrs manifestations in the heads of the large clerivecl species, it is
Martin Lockley et
necessarv to keep track ofsirnilar fractal patterns that affect the individual organs such :rs linrbs, ar-rcl their inner (prorirnali ancl outer (distal) elements
(Figs. 9.5-9.13). In tliis regard, it is no coincidence that tirere is a distalless gene that controls or affects the der.elopment of clistal lirrbs in a n'icle rarrge
of anirnals species, and that it is so named because it inliibits the grori'th of distal lin'rb elernents n'hen mutated (Carroll2005). This is the opposite of the rnalfornations caused bv the fertilitv drug thalidomide, ri'l'rich often attackccl the prorimal portion of the limb during a critical gron,th stagc of the fetus-that is, 20 to 36 clar,s after conceptior-r (Gilbert 2000). Because the relatir.e gron'th of distal portions of the limb is dependcnt on n'holebodl'size-as shou'n in the case of the sauriscl-rians-n'e can infer that the rclative importancc of a distalless organizing principle (or its equi','aleirt gene) is correspondinglr.,erpressecl. It is assumed that the rranifestation of nlorc or less distal gronth is linked to heterochronic der,elopn-rental dr. nalrics. Srich clvnanics are directlt' ar-rcl ir-rclirectlr,, explorecl in a recent studv of prosalrropod errbrr,os bv Reisz et al. (2005). Thev concluded that the jui'eniles had largc hcads ancl forelimbs, but that negative allornerrv cluring postnatal clevelopment reduced forclimb grow'th and grow'th of the head (relatir.'e to the neck). Indeed, thev sl-row,ed that relative io the femur (taken as the standard), the tibia anci dorsal vertebrae gren' isometricallr', but that there n,:rs strong positii e allometrv in cervical 'n'ertebrae and negative allonietrv in the skull.'l'his stresses tlie dr,,namic grori'th compensation betu'een thc neck and the skuli. as discussecl herein for coelLrrosauriaus. Strch dvr-ramic corrpensations ha','c far-reaching irnplications.'l'hus, Reisz et al. (2005) inferred ihat giant sarlropods likelr,evolved :rs a result of the opposite process in li'hich forelimb gronth n'as not suppressed-that is, through paedorriorphic retentioli of earlv ontoger-retic features in the ailult (cf. Bonaparte ancl Vince 1979). Thus, the sauropod mar,shon' manr.features of an o\rergro\\:n prosarlropod embrvo. The poiaritv betneen lorrgnecked sauropocls n,ith small hcacls ancl long forelinrbs, and shorter-necked prosauropocls n,ith shorter forelimbs ntav be developmentallr. convergent r.r'ith the polarities seen irr theropocls. We hai'e alreadv arguecl that tl-re head is the rnost anterior organ of the bodl'and is cl-r:rracteristicallv largest in highlv derirecl forn'rs tl'rat shon'extrerne encephalizatior-r. Here some qualification is necessarl'to distinguish betu'cen absolutc and relative head and/or brain size. For examole. absolute head encephalization is generallv less pronounced in tl-ie saurischian than in the ornithischian dinosaurs (Locklev 1999a), as seen in a con-rparison betu,een sauropocls and ceratopsians. Holr,ever, as shourr bv the fanrous erample of encephalization inTroodon (Russell ancl Seguin 1982), a small animal ma)'have a relatir,elr'large head ancl/or brain relative to bodr sizc, e\,en if the absolute size is not large in comparison u itl-r other, mucll larger dinosaurs. As noted above, there is a polaritv in he:rd-neck relationships in manv dinosaur groups (r'ithin the tl-reropods, u'ithin saurischians, ancl u'ithin the Dinosauria as a u'hole). T'his suggests a fractal recursion of grou'th dvnamics and/or subsequcni functional adaptations. For eranrple, arnong certailr grorlps of Sauriscl-ria, (e.g., the srlaller, gr:rcile tireropods, ontithoninids, and sauropodorriorphs), the neck can be verr der e loped {elongate) nfiile the
LARGA HEAD Short neck
Small head
Short Arms
Figure 9.14. The polarity between small (paedomorphic) taxa with small heads and long necks and forelimbs and large (peramorphic) taxa with reci p roca I or co m pensatory organ ization (large head and short neck and forelimbs) is well demonstrated by the respective ce
ri a n
s (Coe I o -
physis and Carnotaurr t<) anrl fhe ra
e u
rians (O rn i -
thomimus and Tyrannosaurus).
head remains relativeli'snrall. T1-ris characteristic is also t-vpical of uranv bird grolrps (as cliscussed belou' in relatior-r to Hoxc6). Bv contrast, the neck rs never hvperdeveloped in the large ornithischians, although it is urore developecl in large haclrosaurs and iguanodontids than in other groups, ancl e'n'erl
in srraller forms, it does not reach exaggerated proportions. 'fhus, the n'hole tendenc,r' torvard anteriorization is less developed in the sar-rrischian heacl than in that of on-rithischians (Lockiel' 1999a), although in conpensatiort, tt is more clevelopecl in the saurischian neck.
If n'e just limit our vien'to the theropo
If ii'e limit onr vierv to the morphological variatiorr lr'ithin the genus Coelophysis (Colbert 1989), r,vhere 2 din-rorphs are recognized, rve find that the largeJ-reacled, robust form has relativelv shorter forelirrbs, n'hereas the sn'raller, gracile form has relativel1, longer forelirlbs (Lockle1'and Kukihara 2005; Fig. 9.15 herein). Note here that the differences betrveen 2 clin-rorphs of the same species are much less tl-ran betneen different genera nithin larger clades. Also, given the similarit,v in size (Table 9.1), actual sizes are given rather than relative proportions, except ir-r the case of tl-re cervical/ dorsai ratio.'I'hese corripensatort' relationships betu'eett adiacer-rt organs in Coeloph,tsis extend throughout the u'hole body so th:rt the robust form has lor-rger hii-id legs and a shorter bodr', lr,l-rereas the gracile forrr has a longer bod-v and shorter hind lirrbs. As pointed out bl Locklev (1999a), srr-ra}ler, n-rore primiti'n'e clinosaurs n'ith posterior er-r'rphasis have narrorv, elongate bodies and short limbs, u,hereas larger forms n'ith ar-rterior en'rphasis ty'picalh' have foreshortcned bodies ancl longer limbs. This generalizatiott corresponds to the case of the Coelophysis clirnorphs and appears to be supportecl bi'the obsen'ations of Bakker and Bir (2004, p. 303), ivho noted exactl,v the samc trends in "progressive shorter.ring of the torso" in the sequertce Ceratosaurus-Allosaurus-
Martin Lockley et al.
Figure 9.15. Morphodynamics of Coelophysis dimorphbm based on comparison of the robust from (AMNH 7223) and the gracile form (AMNH 7224). Note the alterna-
tion of long and short organs (i.e., natural body
haacl narL
trunk, tail, limb, foot)
Coelophysis baud AMNH 7223 and MCZ 4327 robust
showing an organized, reciprocal pattern of heterochronic compensation. Ultimately the robust form has more anterior emphasis and longer limbs, and the gracile form has posteilor emphasis and short Iimbs. Thus, one is the perfect reciprocal of the other (after Lockley in press)
Coelopttysis baun AMN H 7 224 gracile
Corgosaurus and correlated it rvith "ir-rcreasingly sharp S flexure of the neck," wl-rich is also a n'ranifestation of foreshortening.
Clearll; changes
morphological development in
an1, organ have a
cascade effect throughor,rt the body, ancl thev certainll'have a compensa-
tory effect in adjacent organs. This is the dvr-rarnic essence of the morphodynamic paradigm. It has been shou'n that specific Hox genes plal'a role in these changes or sl-rifts. 'fhe anterior expressiorr of Hoxc6, for example, plavs a pivotal role in defining the transition frorn cervical to thoracic vertebrae. This bour-rdary is closely associated rvith the grorvtl-r of forelimbs. As sr-rmmarizecl by Carroll (2005), the rr-rouse, chicken, and goose have short, medium, and long necks rvith T, 14, and 17 vertebrae, respectively. Each, it can be argr-red, has increasinglv r,r'ell-developed fore limbs. Bv contrast, according to Carroll (2005), the snake has no cervicai vertebrae and hence no neck or forelirrbs. It is all head anci exaggerated thorax (Fig. 9.16). These shifts in organization in the central and anterior part of the vertebrate body' may give us clues to the rnorphodvnamic organization rn saurischian dinosaurs ar-rd the likely relationship to Hox gene expression. Thus, the polaritv betr,r'een the theropods s itli short necks, large heads, and small forelimbs is contrasted u'itl-r the sauropods that have long necks and forelimbs but small l-reads. T. rex,like rnost theropods, has 10 cervical
-,')^' -SaJrus
rex Had Puny Arms
Skeletal Element
AMNH 7223 (Big Head)
AMNH 7224 (Small Head)
Skull-spine to caudal 17
1838 mm
1761.5 mm
Skull length (mm)
265 long
222 shorl
Neck (cervicals)
485 long
405 short
Trunk (dorsals)
425 short
455 long
Cervical/dorsal ratio
Long neck (1.14), short body
Short neck (0 89), long body
Proximal tail (caudals 19)
291 long
279 shorl
Midtail (caudals 1'l-17)
Distal tail
Forelimb total
354.9 short
412.9 long
Scapu la-coracoid
156 long
134 long
Radi us
65 short
89 long
Metacarpal 3
35.9 short
40 9 long
Hind limb total
559 long
549 short
148 long
209 long
203 short
221 shorl
Metatarsal 3
126 long
125 short
in the sauropods, there are
Table 9.1. Measurements
tvt tvtalvt vt 9qr t) vt z
cervicals ancl9 to 14 thoracics (Fig. 9.16; \L'eisharnpel ct al. 2004). 'l'his polaritl' (long neck-long forelimb-small head versus short necksl-iort forelinb-large head) recurs fractallv ri ithin the coehrrosaurian theropocls (tvrannosarlr versus ornithorrimicls) :rnd n'ithin the sauropocls (diplodocids versus brachiosaurids). Hou'ever, it is irrqtortant to note that ri'ithin tlre nonar,.ian theropods, the number of cerr.'ical and dorsal r.,ertebrae do not varr mtrch. On the basis of analogy n'ith rrodem reptilcs, birds, and nramnrals, n'e corrld assrlme tl-rat the expressiorr of Horc6 is constant n'ithin the theropods (althoLrgh it is knori'n to varv in birds). Hori'evcr, among the satrropods, we can infer that Horc6 erpression is more variable becausc of the greater rariabilitr (disparity) in number of neck vertebrae (Fig. 9.16). \\1e speculate that this is consistcnt n'ith the model of greater disparitr,of form in large, clerived clades such as sauropocls, as compared r.i'ith le ss clisparate bLrt rnore dir,erse clades such as theropods. Fbr exarrple, \\/eishampel et al. (2t10.1) list 2 n'ell-knon'n theropod genera for each knorl,n sauropod genus. Recent finds
Coelophysis Dimorphs
Note.-Data from Colbert (1eBe).
13 thoracic'",ertebrae, n'hereas
have also tencled to emphasize sauropod disparitr', as in the case ofAnzclrgo-
s(lurus, r'ihich has an ertraorclinarv eraggeration of the neck in tlie forrn of bifurcated neural spines (Salgado zrncl Bonaparte 1991), and the short-necked sauropocl Brachttrachelopan (Raul-rut et al. 2005). As alreadr, noted br., Lockler, (1999a), these are rracromorphoiogical A-P
polarities that are obr,iouslv convergent li ith the Schadian rnodel for manrlals. N'loreorer, thei'provicle stror-ig strpport for the idea that saurischians (especiallr theropocls) are closel'n'relatecl to birds, becanse it is n:rinlr.'in this
Martin Lackley et al.
goose theropod short neck Diplodocus
long neck
group, not in ornithischians, tl.r:rt the r,ariation in r-reck and forelirnb developrrient is so pronounced. Bv contrast, in general among ornithischians, the
Figure 9.16. The relationship between the cervi-
necks are sl-rort (as fen,as 7-8 cen,icals in prirnitir,e forrns ar-id np to no more
cal -thoracic verteb ra I
than l0 in most other forrrs, ercept in the iguanoclontids and hadrosaurs, u'here the nnrrber nrav reach 1l-15), but it is in the l-reads that we see the
boundary in modern snakes, mammals, and birds as a reflection of the anterior expression of Hoxc6 (modified after Carroll2005), with inferred arrangement in
n'iost enl:rrgement and elaboration, especialh., in deril'ed forn'rs.
'l'hus, ri'e have a plausible explanation for the small arms olT. rex and the long ne cks ancl forelirrbs of coelurosaurs and sauropods that is entirely consistent ri ith the broader pattern of Hox gene (Hoxc6) expression ihror-rghout 3 ma jor classes of extant vertebrates: rnarrmals, birds, and reptiles (sensu Carroll 2005). Although it is tenpting to credit Hox genes u'ith providing the ultimate explanation for sr-rch distinctir,'e rnorphological traits, r,r'e have alreadl' strggested that Hoxc6 does not provicle a compeliing causal explanatiolr for tl.re long-neck versrrs short ne ck polaritv within the theropods. Evo-der.'o propone nts aclmit that the actual cause of tl-re switcl-ring on and off of honeotic genes like Hoxc6 is still a cor-nplex nvstery. The gene has a pivotal relationship in dcfinir-rg the morphoiogical boundary betiveen 3 organs (neck, fore limb, and thorar or torso). but is only or-re of n-rany dynanic factors that influence the nrorpl-rologl of these organs. Nlloreover, Hoxc6 is depenclent on other genes to snitch it on or off. If n'e are correct in ir-rferring the role of this gene in inflriencing ditferential orgar-r development betlr,een tl-reropods and sauropods, and n ithin satiropods, br-rt noi w'ithin tireropods, \\:e can ask u'hether tl'ris ge ne plavs a role in the de",elop-
saurischian dinosaurs
(theropods and sauropods), based on vertebral formu I a, for com pa rison. Theropod formula (10c + 13d) is constant, but sauropod formula varies between short-neck and
long-neck extremes. Numbers at the base of the 4 right columns indicate head, neck, and thorax totals for dinosaurs. Numbers in the 4 leftmost columns are after Carroll(2005).
ment of the srnall arrns ofT. rex (andCantotaurus). For cor-rsistency, \\re can point to the recursive natnre of the morphological changes seen lvithin the theropods (and in the birds, r,,'here Horc6 cloes plal'a role in differentiating the vertebral morphologv of major gror-rps) and infer that some sirnilar rnfluence is at work (Fig. 9.16). These argun'rents favor an understanding of dinosaur rnorphologl,in the context of the developrnental morphodvnamics that affected these organs.
Viewed from the abor''e perspective of linbs as organs in complex s1,stems, rve must tr1'to understand their morphoiog,v in relation to adjacer-rt organs. Thr-rs,
Interpretations of T. rex Forelimbs
given the broad perspective demancled bl,modern biological thinking, the idea that T. rax forelimbs served sorne specific indir,'idual pllrpose lnily rlow be questionable. Ner.'ertheless, as pointed out bv Carpenter and Smith (2001),
the qtiestion "What, if anvthing, did TyrannosatLrus do n'ith its punv front legs?" has beer-r asked on nanv occasions (Gould 1980). Thr-rs, althor-rgh tl-re
question remains w'hl ihe arrls are "outrageouslr"' putr1, (Fastol'skv and Weishan'rpel 2005, p. 2Bl), it is likeh'the rvrong question, at least frorn the developn'rentrl 1,lg11,point. Preferabll; n e should be thinking about how inl-rerer-it morphody'namic organization leads to exaggeration of some organs and reduction of others, ar.rd hon'these patterns ma1; fs recognized as a staggered or organized seqllence of morphologies u'ithin clades. Nllanl, ths611. s of T. rex arm functiorr have essentiaiii' been negative il the sense that the-v point out that the arrrs could not function to reach their
mouth, or \l,ere unlikely to be of much use to push themselves up from a prone position (e.g. Neu,r-nan 1970; Fastor,skl,ar-rd Weisharnpel 2005). Positive functional theories include the iclea that the arrns were strong and useful for ch-rtching prel'(Carpenter and Srrith I995, 2001), or ihat thel servecl sorne sexual function (Osborn 1906).
(l9BB, p. 120) statecl that "much specr,rlation has been clirected towards the use of these forelimbs . . . fbr-rt that] . . .this obsession is rnisplaced. Tl-rev rvere not inportant to their o\,\,ners, so ther,should not be irnportant to ns." Frorr a functionai perspective, \,r'e agree, but n'e hold that frorl tfre perspective of the con-rpensation clvnamic, the sn-rail size is der,elopmentalll' significant. Paul (1988, p. 320) also noted that "in Tyrannosaurus and even more so in Albertosaurus the forelimbs became er,'en smaller with time and were on their u'av to complete loss." This statement suggests some sort of intrir-rsic biological dvnar-nic in the T\'rannosauridae, although no explicrt cause is suggested. (Complete loss offorelimbs does occur in reptiles funakesl Par-rl
in conjnnction rvith an excessivelv anterior expression of Hoxc6.) It has also been noted in other tetrapods, from Paleozoic lepospond,vls to Mesozoic and modern squamates (Caldrvell 2003, p. 573), u,'here it is clearlv been tied to "developrnental genetic models . . . associated n,ith morphogenesis" and not prirnarilv to function. Paul's avoidance of a functional explanation is perhaps sy'n-rptonatic of the evider-rt difficulties encor,rntered u'hen trf ing to find one that is corrpelling. 'fhis ma-v accourrt for the fact that even some popular treatments olT. rex largell'avoid the subject (Horner ar-rd Lessern 1993).
Martin Lackley et al.
Ali interesting strggestion r,vas made br Fastovskr, ancl Weishampel (2005) that the sinall anns helpecl to balance the big head and prevent the anin-ral from tipping forn'arcl. '['his bionrec]ranical suggestion cloes ini'olr,e the principle of comper-rsation, br-rt it is distir-rct from our strggestion that the conpensation is clue to the inherent (formal) increase in anterior er.nphasis rvithin tl-re head as another example of a cephaiization trencl.'l'he ide:r of biomechanical functior-r is trncor-tvirtcing because aninals are not rnachines, ard to be consistent, the sarne argnment n,oulil need to be applied to all -l'hus, other dinosatrrs anci their organs. bipcclal animals n'ith large forelimbs (inclucling nost other theropods) might be interpreted as having clevcloped such limbs in orcler to compensate for srrall heacls so as to avoicl falling backu'ard. Given the realitv of anterioriz:rtion trencls, it seems rnore parsirrolliotls to sin-rpll,infer th:rt some species \\'ere l-nore anteriorl' de'cloped tha' others, and that thc expression of morphological dir,ersiti' is an inherent propertl' of dcvelopment ri ithin a cornplex organic sr.stem such as :r cladepossibly a tvpe of t'ithin-clade homeostasis. When rl'e do this, and rihen n'e consider hoi'n'these various degrees or stages of development rlould be expresseci in clifferent organs of the bodi' rlhile obeving thc conrpcnsation principle, r'r'e quicklr' find that \\,e are looking at ihe t1'pes of morphologicai variation that ne find in nature-in this case, aurong theropods ancl saurischians (Fig. 9.1't).
Locklev (1999a), the Schaclian morpl-rod."'namic paradign allor,r's us to draw some compelling inferences about saurischian behavior and phlsiologt; ancl to understand their biological organization ri ithin tf ie contert of the irlrole clacle. For exarrple, srnall, prirrritive tl-reropods such :rs Coelopht,sis tl'picallv have short limbs and long, narron,bodies, tails, ancl feet. 'l'heir morphoger-resis inherentli'crnphasized the posterior organs; er,'en the ir teeth are l:rterallr'compressed and posteriorlr,'recun'ecl. Footprints and tracku'avs are also inherentlv r-rarrou,, and thev sometimes sholv ei'idence of the animals sitting back on their posterior organs (metatarsals and ischia).'l-rackri'avs also sr-rggest that thev rroved quicklr,' (Farlon' i98i) but li'ere t1'picallv not gregarious. Thel probabl-v hacl large er,es and relativeh'large brains, perhaps riith hincl brain ernpl.rasis. All these characteristics are convergent n'ith rodents to varving degrees, ar-rcl although thev do not suggest a close biological affinin', thel'suggest a nrorphoclr'rurmic, and presumablr'genetic, organization that was con\rergent u'ith and corrnected to characteristicallv srriall bodv size. Aclditionallli their predonrinanth paedomorphic characteristics probablv indicate tirat tl'rev had relatir,elv short life spans. Bv contrast. largc preclominantll' peranrorphic) derived theropods like 'I'. rex har-e generated much debate regarcling their locomotor capabilitres (speed), diet, nretabolisn-r, and aggressive, predator\, and/or scar,enging behaviors (Paul l9E8; Horner and Lessern 1993t. \lorpliologicallr, thev tend to be longer lirnbecl (hincl lirnbs) sl-rorter. n iclcr torsos and some\\'hat "r,itl-r shorter tails (Bakker and Bir 200'l). Their teeth are also much n'ider (less narror,r), and in sorne large theropods, there is er ide nce of a li'ider trackn,ay' (Locklel' 2001). Thev also derelopecl larger head.. sonietinres uith srnall As noted by
crests or lrorris (as inCarnotaurus). There is also much evidence from healed and resorbecl bor-re that tl-rer., had active metabolisn-rs, nfiich mav u'ell have permittecl them to scavenge old meat. All these characteristics place large forms like T. rex at w'hat Schad (1977) calls the rnetaboliclimb encl of the theropod spectrum. Horvever, \\'e can go one step further and sav that n ithir-r
the coeh-rrosaurs, it appears that the tr,'rannosaurids represent the nore nretabolic exaggeration ancl the ornithomin-ricls express the greater lirlb ernphasis. Hone et ai. (2004) even infer that there mav be an ideal rrean dinosaur
bodr,size (rvhich ther,'specifi' as 7.6 m in length) abor,e u'hich il-rere is a strong tendenc-v torvard Cope's rule. Thev even use tire chaos theorv netaphor ofa possible "attractor" for such "an apparent stable equilibrium body size" (p. 594). Thus, thc-v not onlv impl1' that nrorphologv u'ithin clinosaur clacles ar-rd subclacles has plastic ar-rcl cli'nanic clualities that express consider-
dil'ersity of forrn during the course of dei'elopment and e',,olution, but thel,also infer that there mav be sorne sort of larger organizational patterning arouncl hon-reostatic equilibrium, or an attractor. In the context of our disctrssion, Jl rex, like rrost large derir,'ed tvrannosaurids, is on the large peralrorphic side of the equilibrir,rrn poini, r'"{rereas n.rost small gracile ornithomir-nrespect to overall size. ids are on the srnall paedorlorphic size "r'ith A brief perspective on sauropod characteristics provides a sense of the ablr,'
polaritr inherent in the lrorpl-rocivnamics of saurischians as a ufiole. Sauropods n'ere all large ancl qr-raclrupedal, n'ith long necks. Thev r,ere predominantll,perarlorphic as a resr-rlt of acceleratecl gror,r,th (sensr.r Erickson et al. 2001, 2004) and 1ikel1, long lired. Thev mav hal'e been derived heterochronicallv fron prosauropods bv retention of jr-rvenile prosauropod proportions
durir-ig prolor-rged grou,th (Reisz et al. 2005). Smaller primitive forms such as the diplodocicls had a nore posterior and narrorv en-rpl-rasis (iong tails, sr-r-rall forelinbs and skr-ills, and narron,trackwar"s), derii'ed forms like "r4rereas the brachiosaurs and titanosaurs had greater anterior ernphasis (short tails,
longer necks, somen,hat larger skulls, longer forelin-rbs, and u'ide trackrvays; Farlou' 1992; l,ocklel'et al. 1994b). All appear to har.'e been gregarious ancl u'ere vegetarian, r,r'ith rounded teeth. In comparisor-r r.l'ith their theropod cousirrs, the sar-rropods u'ere larger or,erall (rnore peramorphic), ri'ith greater
en-rpl-rasis (r,egetarians
li,'ith erect limbs), thus suggesting con-
\iergence r'vith ungulates. ('fhis rnorphodvnamic trend ton'ard ungulate con\iergence becornes even more pronounced in clerived ornithischiar-rs; Locklel'
I999a.) Sar-rropods also reveal a longJimb, short-foot design, compared lr,ith the relativelv short-lirab, long-foot design arnong rnost tl-reropods, especiallv the rnore primitive forms (Fig. 9.5).
'l'he irnportance of eniph:isizing these polarities and inherent cornpensations in the context of heterocl-rronic langu:rge is to stin-rulate interest and
observation ofthese recursive fractal patterns, and to obsern'e dinosaur clades as con'rpiex organic systeins, like cells or rvhole individuals, but on larger scales. Agair-r, as scier-rtific language evolves, dr,namic terr-r'is like morplnlogical equilibriunt point or attractor n'ia1, replace the ntore static concepts of mean or (l\terage and allou'r-rs to see clacles more like dr''nan-ric or homeostatic superorganisms, and less like a classification of separate, inclir,iclualll'ciifferent fornrs. The evo-devo paradigrn supports such holistic morphodinamic
Maftin Lockley et al.
thinking, but it essentialll'proceeds from the bottorn up (molecules to cells and embryonic rnorphologie$. The fossil record offers a clifferent tvpe of macromorphological evidence that requires us to u'ork from the top dolvn. This is where the n-rorphodl,'nan-ric paradign-r can be most r-rseful if sufficiently understood. Not onlv does ii help us ur-rderstand the inherent, fomral growth dynamics that lead to differential organ ernpl-rasis (e.g., heads, necks, and limb$, but it also gives valuable clues to horv these relate to phy'siology and behavior.
Hou'can lve make
sense of all tl-rese parallel and equal and opposite directional morpl-rodynarnic grovn'th trends? There are clear recursil'e patterns. During or-rtogen,r,; manv growth trends proceed in the A-P direction, also known as the cepl-ralo-car-rdal directior-r (sensu Kingsbury 1924; Verhulst 2003), and by definition, as an organism grol\rs, it gets older. Does this mean that growth in the opposite direction (P-A) somehow represents a juvenilization process? There are many lines of evidence that suggest that during phylogen,v, descendar-rts often begin to look more like juveniles representatives of their ancestors. Thus, embryonic apes look hr-rinan (Verhulst 2003), and rnanv birds resemble juvenile theropods. There has been much debate on this topic (Could 19 r'7, 2002), which is or-rtside the scope of this chapter to deal r,vith in cletail. Nevertheless, the large head is characteristic of early embryological development in most vertebrates, which sr-rbsequently have to grow into their bodies, so that tl-reir heads get relatir,ell'smaller during ontogenv, even though they grorv larger in absolute terrns. Thus, the long-term evolutionarv trer-rcls (correlated progressions, sensu Kemp 1999), which have led to an anteriorization or encephalization in manv groups, suggest a ty'pe of progressive juver-rilization (Sr,rchantke 1995). Given the forrnative importance of early ernbr,vonic development ir-r sl-raping tl-re morphologv of ach-rlts, it makes sense to consider that the heterochronic shifts that allow increased developn-rental activitl'earlv in ontogeny n,ill allorv for greater evolutionary flexibilitv and novelty. The stiggestion that such jtrvenilization (paedornorphosis) has played an important role in evolution is familiar to str-rdents of heterochrony and n'rorphody'namics (Gor-rld 1977; Schad 1977; N4cKinney and McNamara I99l; N{cNarnara 1997; Verhulst 2001). We conclude that such morphocll,narric trends likelt' influerced dinosar-rr phvlogenr,i as the_v have been inferred to have done ivith other vertebrate groups. Given that all species display a mixture of perarnorphic and paedorrorphic characteristics (McNamara 1997), as in the case of the ostricl-r, which is peramorphically large in terrns of its rvhile bodv but pedon-rorphic in terrns of its juvenile plurnage ar-rd partial nakedness, it could be that T rex was the coelurosaurian version of tl-ris "overgrou,'n babr"' phenomenon: i.e., peramorphic in or.'erall size but paedomorphic in the sense that it had a big skull. We r-rote in the case of tr,rannosaurids that recent studies make increasing reference to }'rypern-rorphosis (Carr 1999). peramorpl-rosis (Xu et al. 2004), and acceleration (Carr 1999; Erickson et al. 200,1). We suggest that this rer-rerved interest in heterochrony is a healtlir sigr-r that we are beginning to better understand the developmental clvr-ramics of an extinct group of animals whose biologv cannot be studied clire ctlr.
N{ost functional interpretations of T rer forelin'rbs are sinplistic or Llnconvincing. No one has rnacle a conrpelling case tl-rat the arrrs r,iere usecl for rnating, ciutching, or getting r-rp from a prone position. Likelr,ise, the suggestion that small arrrs provided sone kind of biomecl-r:rnicai bal:rncing
nrechar-risrr to cornpensate for a large head is hard to prove. Honer,er, ne agrec that during all r.ertebrate dcl'eloprncnt. there is good evidence for the
so-called balancenent of organs. This prinarr. or formal developrnent:rl dr,namic nrar'lead to the sccor-rclar\,appcarance or rranifestiition of a furrctional or biomecliar-rical compensation. Nlorphocll'namic studies of mamrrals and diiios:rLrrs suggest that ue can trace A-P andior P-A currents of macromorphological grori ih expressed as relatir,e eraggeration or reduction of organs. Sucl-r rnorphodvnamic organization is inhcrer.rtlv heterochronic ancl generalli,emphasizes posterior clevelopnrent in snall hnainli paedomorphic), prinritive organisrns and anterior emphasis in large (predominantlv perarnorphic), derived fornrs. On tlre basis of such a paradigtn,T. rex atxl Carnotaui"us \\,ere the largest ancl rnost clcrir,ccl (ar-rteriorizecl) taxa in their respectir.'e clades (coelrrrosaurs and ceratosanrs), and ther,can be comparecl rvith their nore primitive relatir.es in these sarne clades lr'here morphological enphasis is centered more in the neck and forelirnbs. We use the compensation principle, n,hich is also inhcrentlv lieterochronic, to argue that the small l-read, long neck, and long forelin'rb versus large head, shori neck, and short forclimb polaritr, repeats :rt rr:rnr' ler.els in the taxonomic hierarchv of saurischians (ancl other ciades), and it is thus an example of lauful or ordered patterning in rrorphodvnamic svstems linked to P-A encephalization. 'fhe evo-devo paradigm, ancl especialh' tl-re pivotal role of Hoxc6 nt defining the cen,ical-tl-roracic bor-rr.rclan'and forelimb budding, is cornpelling er,iclence tli:rt u,e can begin to understand differential theropod ar-rcl saurischian morphologv fronr these formal, cler,elopmental perspectives. During ontogcnv of vertebrates, tl-re w,hole bodv ar-rd its organs generalli' grou.'fronr anterior to posterior, although grorvtl-r ratcs r,'arr.from species to species and organ to organ. Hon'ever, during er.olution (phr'logen1 ), tl-iere are man'n,trends in the opposite (posterior to anterior) ciirection. 'fhrs is seen bv sorre authors as a juver-rilization trend. Recent ptrblishecl u'ork on tvrannosaurids frequentlv refers to 'u,arious forms of peranorphosis (acceleration and hl,permorpl-rosis) as irrport:rnt developrnental dr,'namics that help us integrate our underst:rr-rcling of thrs popular and ivell-studied group. S'1e suggest that these same clvnarnics recur fractallt'o'cn r,r,itl-rin species, but most r,isiblv tliroughout the Coelurosauria, Theropocla, Saurischia, and Dinosatrria, thus allou,ing ns to see these dvnanrics in a broader contert.
Thanks to the Biack Hills Geological Institute for the inr,itation to participate in the 100 Y'e ars of TvrannosdurLLs rer Svnrposiunr (June 10-l i, 2005). Tl-ranks also to Kenneth Carper-rter, Denver N4usenn-r of Nature & Science, for sr-rggestions regarding references, ancl his corrrrnents on the hvpothe tiMartin Lockley et al.
c:rl jtrverrile Albertosaurus restoration of Rr-rssell (1970). \d/e also thank Wolfgang Schacl (Witten-Hcrclecke Unir ersitr I and Ken McNamara (Western Ausiralia Nluseun-r) for helpful discussion of heterochronv and morphodr.narnics. We also thank Ken McNan-rara, Kenneth Carpenter, and Peter l,arson for their helpfr-rl and at tines challenging revien's of the chapter in manuscript.
2006. D',\rc' Thornpson and the theon, of transfornations. Na/ure
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Martin Lockley et al
11 s116 Kennelh Carpenter
Christine Lipkin and Kenneth Carpenter
The large theropod T\,rannosaurtLs rexis the archetvpe carnivorous dinosaur ever since it'"i'as narned in 1905 (Osborn 1905). Even its nane, "tvrantlizard king," ir-n'okecl it as a top pre dator. Recent cl-raller-rges to its title as the largest terrestrial carnivore (e.g., Sereno et al. 1996; Calvo and Coria 1998) have not
dirrinished its popularitr,. Osborn reasoned IltatTyrannosdurus was a predator on the b:rsis of its teeth. Coprolitic material, some containing fossilized soft tissue, srrpports a carnivorous diet (e.g., Chin et al. 2003), as does toothgrooved bones of prer'(Erickson and Olson 1996) and evidence of a failed attack on a haclrosaur (Carper-rter 1998) and ceratopsian (Happ this volurne). Although Osborn (1905, 1912) lr'as clear that he considered Tyrannos(tlLrus a predator, Larnbe (1917) dissented, consiclering t1'rannosaurids to
be scavengers instead, prinrarilr' becatrsc of the apparent absence of tooth w'ear. T\'rannosauricls as obligatorl,sca\,engers never gained popularitv un-
til recentlr; u'hen the hvpothesis
bl Horner and Lessent
(1993). Bv arid large, thougl-r ,'l),rannosaurus has been consiclered an active predator, although tl're mocle of attack rerrains controversial and includes
flank bite and nrn (Patrl 19E7), opportunistic (Farlorv 1994), and r-reck or snout crtrshing (Nlolnar 1998). 'l'he method of killing is assr-uned to have been the jan's, ancl the bite force has been variously'calculated or estimated to have been I 1,400 N (Rar field et al. 2001), 6400-11,400 N (Erickson et al. 1996), or even 183,000-215,000 N (I,Ieers 2002). As N,{eers has noted,
thc high forces are consistent n'ith either sca.,'enging or predation. In arguing against predation, Horner ancl Lesserr (1993) cite the shortness of tl-re forelimbs as being useless for
pre1.. h-r
support of this posr-
tion, Lingharr-Soliar (19981 considered head shaking as a means of flesh remor.al from srnall prev ar-rcl clirect ripping of flesh from large prel: Carpenter (2002) has shorvn that u'ithor-rt exception, no theropod could extend its forelirnb berond the snout, thus liniiting its usefulness as a prey-grasping organ before the rrouth',r'as engaged (fig. I0.l). Does this mean, holvever, that the forelinrbs olT\'rannosaurus \\,ere as useless as portraled? Paul (1988, p. 320) considers such the question irrcler,':rnt: "the reduced size of the forelinlt shor.l's thev n'cre not important to their o\\'ncrs, so thev should not be important to r-rs." This position, supportecl bv Lockler et al. (this volume), is based on an urrsubstantiatecl assurnption ("n'ere not inrportant to their olvners"), ufiich is just ;rs useless as the untestable spectrlations of Lockley et al. (this volurne). In point of fact, Carpenter ancl Sn-rith l00l) conch,rded that the forelinb u as pon,erful, an interpretation prelioush made bi'Brown (19i5, p. 271;: "front limbs cxcceclinglv snrall but set for a polr erftrl cltrtch."
' :. ta "J
Anain at thp Fnrclimb
Figure 10.1 . Comparison
of maximum forelimb motion in 3 well-known theropods. None of the dinosaurs can reach its manus to tts mouth as a result of constraints in the shoulder (see Carpenter 2002). Note that Ty-
rannosaurus has the greatest range of retraction. Not to 167
our reassessing the forelimb of Tt,rannosaurus, and a stronger case is rnade for forelimb use during predation. Sorne of thrs nelr, material displal's pathoiogies, lr'hicl-r is irrportant because thev are a reflection of lifestvle behaviors (Rothschild and N,lartir-r 1993). As Paul has r-roted (this volume), Tyrannosaurus rrlL-.st have hacl a rough, active life. The materials used in this stud-v are as follon's: scapula of BHI 3031, DMNH 2827, and MOR 555; furcula of FMNH PR2081, N{OR 980, and TCN'{ 2001.90.1; hr,rrnerus of BHI 6210, FMNH PR208l, and NIOR 555; ulna and radir-rs of FMNH PR208l, N4OR 555, and MOR 980; and manus of FN,INH PR208l, MOR 555, \IOR 980, and BHI 6230.
New Information on the Pectoral Girdle and Forelimb
has led to
The pectoral girdle and forelimb of Trrannosaurus have been described by Carpenter ancl Snith (2001) and bv Brochu (2002). Since then, the furcula has beer-r described (Larson and Rigbr'2005), the third metacarpal and semih-rnate carpal have been found (described belorv), and neu'inforrnation is available for tl.re scapula and coracoid. To date, no ossified sternal plates are knolvrl, but these are predicted to resemble those of Gorg osdurus as described bv Larnbe (1917). BrochLr (2002) has discussecl the possibilitv of ossified sternal plates in Tyrannosaurus but came to no conclusion.
Furcula T'he fr-rrctrla of Tyrannosaurus, thc presence of lvhich lvas predicted by Carpenter and Srnith (200i), is non,knolr,r-r for several specimens (Larson and Rigby 2005). It is broadl,v U or boorrer:rng shaped (Fig. 10.2), with a rougl-rened sutural scar (acrominal facet) on the epicleidiurr for a ligamentous attachmer-it to tl-re acromion of the scapula (Fig. 10.3; see also belou). In birds, tl-re rami of the furcula have a nearh' circular or laterallv cornpressed cross-sectional geornetn' that alloivs then-r to act as a sprir-rg, u'ith laterally directed tensiorr added on the dor,','nstroke and medial directed recoil on the upstroke (Jenkins et al. 1988; Boggs et al. i997; Hr-ri 2002). In Tltrannosaurus, horvever, the furcula is clearlt'desigr-iecl to resist extrerne lateral forces: (l) the rami are anteroposteriorlr'flatter-red (cf. Fig. 10.2R G), thr-rs prohibiting laterornedial springlike action; (2) the rami cliverge, thus directing lateral stresses dou'n the shaft (Fig. 10.4A; and (3) the rarni cleepen distallv frorn tire epicleidiun-r and the furcula is deepest (thickest vertically ir-r the anatornical position) near the midline to counter the stresses directed do',vn the rami. In most theropods, tl-re furcula is nearl,v uniforn throtighout its length (see Chure and Madser-i i996, fig. 2, 3; Makovickl'and Cr-rrrie 1998, fig. l; Cr-rrrie et al. 2005, fig. 16.8; Larson and Rigbl' 2005, fig. 12.7). 'l'herefore, the great depth of the Tyrannosaurus fttrcula is unnsual and is clearlv adapted to resist stress. T'hree of the 5 knon,n T\trannosaurus furctrlae are pathologic (Fig. 10.2) and n,ere exarnined by cornputed tomographic scanning and X-ray. T\,"'o of tl.rern are missing portions of a ramus (FN,{NH PR20Bl fFig. 10.2A, Bl and TCN{ 2001.90.1 [Fig. 10.2E, F]), and 2 shoiv localized si,vellir.rg of the cortical bone (MOR 980 [Fig. 10.2D1 and TCN{ 2001.90.1 lFig. 10.2F]). Christine Lrpkin and Kenneth Carpenter
G Figure 10.2. Furcula
Tyrannosaurus rex inrlt trla
thologies, including fractures (black arrows) and localized exostosis of stress fractures (white arrows). FMNH PR2081 in posterior (A) and anterior (B)views, MOR 980 in posterior (C) and anterior (D) views, TCM 2001 .90.1 in posterior (E), anterior (F), and lateral (G) views. Scale in cenilmeters.
Figure 10.3. Close-up
the epicleidial facet (arrow) on the dorsal edge of the scapula DMNH 2827 (A) and lateral view with the furcula articulated (B).
' ' '.o
Aodin at fha Forclimf
r,.",ere broken in life, n'ith subsequcnt ren-rodeling of the fracture surface. Surprisinglr', none shon a pseudoarthrosis joint at the site of the break, ihus indicating significar-rt displacenent of the broken portion, possiblv due to the contraction of the \,1. supracoracoideus brevis, ll'hich probablv inserted alor-ig tl-re ramlls. 'fhe anount of force needecl to break a ranus il,as calculated from the largest furcula, TCN,'I 2001.90.1. The fracture is 2.5 cru rr ide; hori ever, the bone is renrodeled on tl-re anterior ar-rd posterior sides so as to eraggerate
The missing sectiorrs of the rarni
the origin:il thickness of the bone. Therefore, the anterior-posterior tliickness is approximated from the r-uidarraged rarnrls, u,here it is has the sanre n'idth, ufiich gives:r thickness of LJ5 cm. The rarnus can be inodclcd as an ellipse; therefore the area of the break is gir,en bl the folloning:
or 2.6 cn-i:, u'here A, is the radius of the ramus u'idth and B, is the radius of the
thickness. Gil'er-i that the shear strength of living cortical bone is conser\,:l-
tivelr'-l0r N/cm:
(Cr-rrrev 2002), abor-rt 26,000
(i.e., 2652 kg of force) \\'as re-
quired to break the furcula. As seen bl cornputed tomographl, trabecular bone occupies a srriall portion of the norrnal ranlus, so it u as not considerecl in the calculations because it ri'ould hal,e recluced the fracturing force onlr,'slightlv. T\l'o of the pathologic furculae also shon'a characteristic bonv callus from a healed stress fracture (Rothschild 1988) located on the posterior side (Fig. 10.2D, F; Fig. 10.5). Stress fractures occrlr as a result of repetitive
loading on bone, u'hicli leads to mechanical failure and microfractr,rring (Resnick 2002; Rothschild ancl tr{artin I993; Rothschild 1988). Rothschild and Tanke (2005) and Rothschild and Nlolnar (this volr-inre) r-rote a high incidence of stress fractr,rres in the manual elements of tvrannosaurids. They also note,'Active resistance of prei'is required to or.'erstress the ntanus," r,vhich u'ould also essentiallr' include the rest of the forelirr-ib and pectorai girdle. Because a stress fracture is a partial fracture, the amourt of force inust be less than the maxirnurn required to completelv break the bone. Again, the furcr,rla of TCN4 2001.90.1 rvas used to calculate the force. The normal portion of the furcula corresponding to the pathological portion measures 4.5 cm clorsoventralli'and L7 crn anteroposteriorh,. Assuming the regions of the stress fracture rvere approxirrateli the sarne diniensions, then the force must har.e been less than 60,080 N (612B ke of pressure), resulting from ecluation l.
'fhe scapula or T. rer rvas mostlv described b1, Carpenter and Smith (2001). Neu'inforrnation is available based on DMNH 2827. Tlie acrornion is a thin plate that is often darraged or lost in other specimens (e.g., NIOR 555). Forttrnateh; this region is presen,ed in DN'{NH 2827 and shorvs a small facet for tl-re epicleiclium near the scapulocoracoid sr-rture (Fig. 10.3). Thrs epicleidial facct measures 4.8 cn br, I.1 cm. Placement of the furcula connecting the epicleidiai facets ofthe left and right scaptrla shon, hou' close
Christine Lipkin and Kenneth Carpenter
Figure 1 0.4. Reconstruction of the pectoral girdle
and forelimb of Tyrannosaurus showing (A) the distribution of force
from the scapula
(a ar-
rows), through the furcula (b arrows), which results in cumulative force (c arrow) at the middle of the furcula. Resisting force c explains why the furcula is deepest at the midline, which is unlike any other theropod furcula. The range of motion for the forelimb segments (B), angle represented by arc a = 40',
Figure 10.5. Evidence for stress fracture
in the fur-
cula of TCM 2001.90.1 is the prominent callus (A), seen clearly in dorsal
view (B) and in close-up showing periosteal reactive bone (C). The region is X-ray opaque because of the greater deposit of bone (D, between arrows) Scale for A in cenumeters.
Lcoking Again at the Forelimb
i\ \{
togethertl-recoracoidsreallvriereinlifetFig. 1{J.4A,Fig. i0.6),apositior-r
Figure 10.6. Position
supported bv a nearlv uncrushed T'rannosaurLLs chest region found in situ that is currentlr, uncler studv (Lipkin and Sereno 2004). A sin-rilar close
the furcula relative to the
is :rlso knor,rr in haclrosaurs (e.g., Osborn l9l2), suggesting that coracoicls n e re closeh' placed in all clirrosaurs (including sauropods), as has
been cliscusscd elsen'here (Carpenter 20021 Carpenter et al. 1994). D\,INH 2827 also sholis rur Lrnrisual patl-rologv of the glenoid, which rs partialli collapsed as a result of l'entroposterior rotation of the coracoid. A1though the glenoid n'as partiallv d:rmaged during preparation (the bone rn the region rvas crun'rblr), it is clear tl-iat the 2 bones u'ere initially darnaged before co-ossification because the 2 bones are no\\r firrnh'fused bv remodeled bone (Fig l0 7).'fhe rotation is less near the acrornion and greater near the glenoid, suggesting that great rotational forces r'"'ere applied to the coracoicl in a posteroventral clirection, therebv partiallv collapsing the glenoid. Althor-rgh the claniage mav have resulted fron a fall onto tiie chest, the direction of rotation also corresponcls to the vector for the M. coracobrachialis brer,is ventralis (although the tern-rir-rologt' is retained for "dorsal" r'ersus
sca p
u Ia -
co ra
coids as seen
in a mounted skeleton of
Tyrannosaurus (cast of BHl3033). Human (Neal L. Larson) for scale.
Figure 10.7. Partial collapse of the glenoid in DMNH 2827 as seen in
lateralview (A), with close-up (B); in medial view (C), with close-up (D); and ventral view showing the telescoping that occurred between the arrows. Sclerotic bone overhangs the lateral surface. The amounr
of deformation decreases dorsally to about the level of the coracoid foremen and indicates a posteroventral rotation of the coracoid due to great stress.
r-r-r-T*r] -:c
"ver-rtrai" rruscles, \ve are anare that the more l'ertical position of the humerus in Tyrannosaurus indicates a need for n-rodified terminology). It rs Figure 1 0.8. Comparison of normal right humerus of MOR 690 and its pathological left in anterior (A, D), lateral(8, E), and
posterior (C, F) views. Note spur at dart in (E), perisoteal reactive bone opposite arrow in (F), with close-up in (G). Region between darts in (F) are shown in lateral view in (H) and in close-up in (l). See text for discussion Scale in centimeters.
therefore possible that the clamage occurred lr'l-ren the individr-ral was voung and the forelin-rbs were pullir-rg struggling prev toward the chest. Unfortunately; so little of the skeleton u'as recovered (see N. L. Larson this volumel that ihe extent and location of damage to other bones is r:nknorvn (e.g., right scapula-coracoid, humems, gastralia). The distribution of pathologies elsewhere on the skeleton might resolve betrveen the 2 possibilities.
Humerus Several additional humeri are now known, incltrdir-rg n.rore wiih pathologies that reflect behavior. Overall, tl-rese specin.rens resemble those described b1'Carpenter and Smith (2001), differing only in minor detail. Two of tl're new specimens are of gracile rnorphs (e.g., MOR 980 and BHI 6210), nhich are probably male (P Larson this volume). The robust morph (e.g.,
Christine Lipkin and Kenneth Carpenter
Figure 10.9. Muscle maps cvd cbv.
scc v dc hr D
Imn td
for humerus in Tyrannosaurus, Alligator, and Gallus. Top row is anterior, bottom row is posterior. Muscle map based on scars (A, F) Tyrannosaurus. Map for Alligator (8, G) and predicted for Tyrannosaurus (C, D)
of Alligator humerus. Map based on deformatton
for Gallus (D, l) and predicted for Tyrannosaurus (E, J) based on deformation of Gallus humerus. Note that predicted scars for deformed
ffi L
(C, H) are a
better match for the scars of Tyrannosaurus (A, F). This prediction is also supported by the
pattern of avulsion seen in a Tyrannosaurus human t< (l( I i 9aa Fint tro
FN4NH PR2081) is broader proximallr,'than the gracile rnorph (cf. Carpenter and Smith 2001, fig. 9.4, ri'ith F-ig. 10.8). As noted b1' Carpenter :rnd Srrith (2001), the humerus of FMNH PR208l shows several pathologies, as does the neri ieft htrrnertrs of NIOR
10.13 and
980 (e.g., Fig. I0.8). This latter humerus shon's an extensir.'e juxtacortical pathologi,located prorirn:rllr'on the anterolatcral, lateral, ancl posterolateral sides of the cliaphvsis, u'hich I'ras all but obliterated the deltopectoral crest (Fig. I0.8D, E).'l'he pathologv shon's extreme dismption of the cortical bone and irregular patches of sclerotic bone that strggest uner,en loss ancl regrou'tl-r of tl're periosteurn. The resulting pcriostitis inrplies extensir,e ir-rflammation of the region.'l'he region of the pathologv corresponds riith the crocodile hurnetus to the insertions of the \1. pectoralis, the conrnon insertion for the M. snpracoracoideus corr-ipler, \4. deltoideus clavicularis, common insertion for tl-re \I. teres major and N,I. latisirnus clorsi, ancl origins of the N{. brachialis, N{. hun'reroradialis, and part of thc triceps brevis cranialis (cf. Figs. 10.9B \\'ith 10.9K, G u'ith L). T'here is also a juxtacortic:rl lesion on the posterior side that, in the crocodile, corresponds n'ith the origir-r for the proxinral part of the NI. triceps brevis intermedius (Fig. 10.8F-, C; corrrpare 9C ri'ith L). Nlore distalli, there is a sn'rall spur on the posterior side as n'ell (Fig. l0.BIi, R H, I) Tl-rese 2 lesions blend n.ith the cliapl-x sis prorirnallr'but have sl-rarp, overiranging margins distallr that ma1'be due b oste oblastic response to the extensor motiorr of the or,erlving N{. triceps grorrp. 'fhe large patliologr,on the prorimai end is irregrilar or knobbl'. Supcrficiallv, it suggests a n'ralignant neoplasrn or ertensrre osteomlelitis, but as Dor-urellv et al. (1999) have notccl, site location i: inrportant for differential ,:<
ng Again at the Forelimb
text for further
diagnosis. iocation ancl extent of the pathologv is most probabl-v due to avulsion of nruscles in the r,icinitl of the cleltopectoral crest, and the posterior pathologies cl-re to periostitis frorn trauma to the periostenrr associated r,i'ith the event that car.rsed the avulsion. 'l'he aggressii,e appearance of the
proxinral pathologr', caused bv bone resorption resulting in a li,'tic appearance of bone, is cliaractcristic of a healing avulsion ancl can mimic the appearance of osteor.r-n'elitis or skeletal E'"r,ing sarcoma (Ster,'ens et a1. 1999). An ar,uisior-r is a failure of bone at a tenclinous or apclneurotic insertion of rnuscle ('lbhrar-rzadeh 1987; El-Khourr,et al. 1997). A'ulsions can either be actrte (the result of extreme, abnormal muscle contractions) or chronic (the resr,rlt of rcpeated n'iicrotrauma or overtrse) (Stevens et al. 1999), ."r,here reoccurrence of the injur-v is more freclucnt than the abilitv of the tissue to repair rtself (El-Khour','et al. 1997). 'l'he presence of a stress fracture in the furcula associated n'ith this specinren suggests that repetitive overlrse ofthe forelinlb ma,v have been a
major factor leading to the avr-rlsion. A seconclarl'factor mav
have been a violent stress on the arm because so rrany different rnuscles r'r'ere
apparentlv affected. Such stresses ri'ould be generated in the stidden pr-rll of the arrn tou,ard the chest at the salre tirne prev n'as stnrggling in the opposrte direction. It mav not be incidental that N{OR 980 is a votrng adult because 'lbhranzadeh (1987) noted that the inciclent of avulsion is highest in vounger hurnan indii'iduals. Regarclless of the cause, these pathologies support the h1
pothesis of forelimb use in fi,rcirnosdurl6.
Manus Tl-rc ir-rcorrplete manus olTyrannosauruE \\'as described b1'Carpenter and Smith (2001). Nen,specimer-rs, N{OR 980 and BHI 6210, provide nen,information, ir-rcluding a carpal ancl netacarpal III (F igs. 10.10, 10.1l). 'l'he carpal (fig. l0.lOA-F) is distal carpal I ("semilur-rate") and shori,s a facet on tl-re
proximal surface fbr the n'rissing radiale. 'l'his carpal shorvs that the damaged, incomplete one describecl br,Carpenter and Sn-rith (2001) is in fact a distal carpal I. Ventrallr', the r-rer,i carpal is facetecl ancl fits snuglv betu,een the proxin.ral ends of rretacarpals I and II (Fig. 10.11C), rather than across therr as in Deinortrclrus (Carpenter 2002). N{etacarpal III is slender, posteriorl'u' cun,ing, and tapering, ancl lacks a distal cond',.Ie, so it thus liad r-ro phalanges. NIOR 980 is frorn a larger ir-rclii'idual than BHI 6210, and tl-re differences betlr'een them are probablv ontogenetic. Thcse metacarpals strggest that as the indir.idual gren', the metacarpal becarne rnore robust and the proxirnal end formcd a broader attachrr-rent to metacarpal IL All of the nelr'inforr-nation on the forelirnb n'as used to create a new, vieu'of the pectoral girdle ancl forelin-rb of Tyrannosaurus (F-ig. 10.12) and r'r'as used in follolr,ing biomechanical studt'.
Reconstructing Forelimb Musculature
Nlathern:rtical rrodels for scavengers not u'ithstanding (e.g., Ruxton and Houston 2003), nr:rnr,of the sane criteria ancl assumptions for scavenging theropocls also hold for predaton'theropods as u'el1 (see Holtz this r,oltin're). In realitr, there are too manv unknou'n variables (e.g., population densities,
Christine Ltpkrn and Kenneth Carpenter
Figure 10.10. Distal carpal
of Tyrannosaurus in multiple views: (BHI 6230)
proximal or dorsal (A); distal or ventral (B), anterior (C); posterior (D); extensor side (E); palmar side (F). Metacarpal lll of BHl6230 in lateral (G) and extensor side (H). Metacarpal lll of MOR 690 in lateral (l) and extensor side (J). Scale in
energentics, locornotion capabilities ofboth predator and prel) to ever have testable results. With so nany assullptions built on assuniptions, a house of cards results. Our approach is to rninimize assurnptions (including minin-iizing untested "common sense," referred to by Ruxton ar-rd Hor-rston 2003) and to rell'on evidence ar-rd testable r-nodels. Although r,r,e have attempted to minimize or-rr assurnptiolls, sorre are required as a result of the nature of fossilized rernains. We assume the fol-
lorving: (1) The pon'er outpr-rt of muscles of ertinct tetrapocls is comparable to that of extant tetrapods-that is, muscles \\'ere not ri'eaker or stronger than they are todat'. (2) Scars on fossilized bone that are clearlv not pathological (e.g.,lack of obvior-rs remocleling; see Rothschild anclN'lartin 1993) indicate insertion or origin for nr-rscles or for ligaments tbut see belolv). (3) Homoiogous origin-insertiorr scars, as determined br ertant phr logenetic bracketing, identifl'each mnscle (but see belou). (4) 'l'he ertent of the joint surface can be determined frorn the snooth surfaces of the joints, ri hich are separated -co
Figure 10.11. Distal carpal and metacarpals in articulation (BHl 6230). Proximal (A), digit I side (B), extensor side (C),
digit lll side (D). Scale in centtmeters.
Figure 10.12. Articulated
pectoral girdle and forelimb of Tyrannosaurus in lateral (A) and anterior (B)views.
Christine LtpLtn and Kenneth Carpenter
bi a rim or abrupt textural transition, and denote the area capped b1. joint cartilage. (5) The movernent of the joints rvas less than the area covered bt'the cartilage cap (based on dissections ofbircis) (Carpenter 2002). \{11}r these basic assurnptions, r,r'e reanalvze tfre foreli'b of Tt'rannos,lurits belo$. A testable of predicti'g rntrsculature patter's for the forelimb '-rethod elernents ofT\,ranno"aurus is presented that uses extant phr,'logenetic brackfron-r the diaphl'sis
cting, u'hich is based on comparable eleme'rts of the crocodilian ancl bird. Prer,iouslr', Carpentcr and Smith (2001) had preser-rted muscle maps for the forelirrb of Ttrannosaurus, the results of *'hich partially criticized by 'r,ere Brocl*r (2002). 'l'he foreli'b nrap was adrrittedly'influe'cecl too greatll, bv thc phi logcnetic placernent of T),rannosdurus as closer to n-rodern birds than to rnoclerr crocodilians (e.g., Brochu 2002). It r,vas believed that the rrruscle patterns should reflect this phylogenetic closeness, thus resulting in a loss of oblectir.'it1, from the start (the loss of objectivity in theropod studies rl'as subsequentlr,criticized bv Carpenter 2002, pp. 7Z-73).
'l'lre scapula and coracoid of'fyrannosau'rs
(ar-id di'osaurs in ger-reral) clifficult elements on rvhich to map muscles because feu.,rruscle scars are present and the shape of the coracoid differs; these issr-res harnper the application of pl-rvlogenetic bracketing. Ner,ertheless, the scapula and coracoid are cruci:rl ir-r rnuscular reconstructions because the rrr:scle origrrr patterns affect the nruscle patterns for the rest of the forelimb. Although nrr:scle sc:rrs rerlain the chief means for mapping muscles, strpplernental information is needecl in the case of the scapula ancl coracoid. This supplemental information, as a testable h1'pothesis, is obtained bv deforming the scaprrlocoracoids of both a crocodile (Alligator ancl bird (.Calltrs)to approxrare the rrost
Figure 10.13. Deformation of a crocodilian and avian scapula and cora-
coid (SC) to approximate that of Tyrannosaurus. Wavy vertical lines show direction and degree of
morphing. This method allows for the prediction of the position and shape of various muscles on the
Tyrannosaurus 5C (see text). (A) Tyra n nosa u rus d used as the end point to morphing of the (B) crocodilian and (E) avian pectoral girdles. Note that 2 possible scenarios (C, D) occur in the morphing of the crocodilian 5C depending on what portions of the crocodilian scapula is morphed into the acromion process of the Tyrannosaurus sca pu la - cora coi
e--^, 'l^ LvldLrvt I ^-^+;^^ ^{ ^)raPuto. I vt dt-
tual muscle scars (G). Abbreviations: bb, M. biceps
n-rate tlrat of TtrannosaunLs (,Fig. 1{J.13).
(continued) brachit c-M. costocoracoideus, cbd,
co racob rach ia I is b revis
dorsalis; cbv, M. coracob rach i a I is brev is ventra I is, ce, M. coracobrachialis
externus; ch, M. coracohumeralis; dc, M. deltoideus clavicularis; ds, M. deltoideus scapuIaris; l,
sults can then be usecl to determine nhich of the 2 rnuscle patterns, crococlilian or a.,'ian, is rrost like that seen on the bones of T\'rtrnnoE(iurus.
All loratnr
M. rhomboideus superfiA' >uPI -,,^.^-^-^ -L tvl. -;^l:-. )ut ltoilJ, dtwt a-
coideus brevis; sc, M. sca pu
h u me ra
is cra
n ia
scapulohumeralis -^ rvt. -,,r,--^^ -^,,)^l:-. )ct lduuau)t ^t )uu)ldP' ularis externus; si, M. lis, scd,
racoideus i nte rmedius; svc, M. subscap-
su p raco
la ris ventra I is cra nial is;
svt, M. serratus ventralts +L^.--;-. Lt M Otl)t
+ A, +-^^^-;,,-' Lt tVt. LI dPEZIU)l
tbclps, M. triceps brachii; caput longus pars scapularis, tll, M. ticeps longus lateralis, tm, M. terres major. Figure (B) and ter-
minology adapted from Meers (2003), figure (E) a nd term i nol ogy ada pted
from Yasuda (2002). Although the terminology is retained for "dorsal" versus "ventral " muscles (e 9., m.c.b. ventralis), the more vertical position of
the humerus in Tyrannosaurus indicates a need for modified terminology.
The technicl-re cloes not invohe nrorpliing of one scapulocoracoicl to another becarrse the sciipulocoracoicl of TyrannosatLrus is not used as one encl point. Althougli tlie te chnique uses a Cartesian grid, it does not atternpt to explain homologous points of 2 forms in the rranner used br, DArcl''l'honrpson (1961). Instcacl, the technique atternpts to predict the nuscle origirr ar-rcl ir-rse rtion patterns of the scapulocorac oid of Tyrannos(lurus as it n'ould be if the scaprrlocoracoicl of the crocodile or bir
'['he technique begins b1'scanning scapulocoracoicl otrtlines on r','hich the rnuscles have becn mapped (fig. 10.138, E). \,{inin-rurn thickness of the scaptrlar neck ri.'as selected to standardizc the scapulocoracoids of the Alligator, Callus, and'ffrannosaurus (Figs. l0.1lA, B, L,) because of ttie pecuhar shape ofthe avian coracoid precluded scapula-coracoid length as the stanclard. The N'le sh \\1arp fcaturc of Corel PhotoPaint 7 n as trsecl to cleforn-r the images using a l0 bv l0 grid. Bi'n-ranuallr'moving each intersect of the gricllines (node), a small area of the scapulocoracoicl surrouncling eacli node could be deforrned. The deforrnation vn'as snooth, meanir.tg that no sharp angles ar.rcl lines resultecl, thus approxin-rating changes in a biological structure. Nocles n'ere moved until the outline of the scaptrlocoracoid closelv approxinrated the that of 'Ij,rannoscttLrrrs (cf. Fig. l0.l3A and 10.11C, D. F). Because rnoving the nodes also rnor.ecl the cor-rtents of each gricl, the result is a prediction of llhat the resultant muscle pattern u'ould be like. As r-rsecl, N{esh Warp is not mathenaticallr' as rigorous as the thin plate spline of Bookstern (1991) because measurir-rg the change in lancln'rark positior-r is irrelel'ar.rt. 'livo versions are presentecl for tl-re cleforLncd crococlile sc:rpulocoracoid, ri.ith results clifferir-rg in the acrornion. Figure 10.13D :rssunles the dorsal pronrirtence just anterior to the scapular neck of the crococlilc is hon-rologous to the posterodorsal corncr of tl-re acror-r-rionirtTyrannosdrLrLLsl n'hereas Figtrre 10.13C does r-rot. This is tested belou'.
The n.ruscle patterns of the defomed crocodile and avian scapulocoracoids u'ere then conrpared against the feu.'muscle scars on the sc:rpr-rlocoracoid of T\,rdnnosrlurus (DNiNH 2827). As can be seen in Figure 10.13G, serreral nrtrscle scars on the scapulocoracoid of Tyrannosaurus seem to be r.i ith the origins for the N.'{. costocoracoidcris, NI. triceps longus lateralis, ar-rd 1,1. supracoracoideus intermedius on tl-re defomred crocodilian scapr:locoracoid, than u'ith anr,muscle origin on the scapulocoracoid of the bircl. We rrav infcr, then, that the other rruscles, for u'hicl-r scars are not evr-
dent on the scapulocoracoid, \\'ere more hornologor,rs n'ith those of tl-re crocodile than of the bird. The large depression or fossa on the acromion of 'l\,rannosdurrLE seems to better match tl-rc pattenr for the NI. supracoracoideus interrredius in Figure i0.1lC thar-r for the rnultiple muscles irr this region, as seen
in Figure
10.13D. This suggests
thatthe dorsal pronir-rence of
crococlilc is not horriologous to the posteroclorsal corner of the acronion in 'l ,--rdnnosaurus. Sonrr inclepencleut support for the shoulder of Tt'rannosaurus having tl-re crococlilian muscle pattern rat]-rer than tl.re avian pattern is seen in the Christine L'pl.'n and Kenneth Carpenter
sc dc
Figure 1 0.14. Resultant muscle map for the humerus of Tyrannosaurus based on actual muscle scars and those inferred from Figure 10.13. Some
differences between actual and predicted include relative sizes of scars (e.9., m. deltoideus clavicularis), as well as position (e.9., M. terres major + M. latissimus dorsi). Where muscle scars are ambiguous, the
hr tbi
prediction was used as a
guide constrained by unambiguous scars (e.9., M triceps brevis). Abbreviations: b, M. brachialis, cb, M. coracobrachialis brevis; cbd, M. coracobra-
scaptrlar blade. In a ranclonr sarnple of various bircl skeletons (DN4NH ai'ian
collection, including Aechntophorus, Buteo, CtgrLus, Cortus, AELila, Gttnr-Logtps, CalltLs, and Struffilo), a faint lor-rgituclir-ral tror,rgh is preser-rt in the distal half of the scapr-rlar blacle. h-rterpreted ar-rother r,r'ar', there is thickening of the scapular surface alor-rg the origins of the M. terres rnajor and l,l. rhomboideus superficialis; the trougtr is the unthickened bonc betrveen these origins. In contrast, the crocodile l-ras a single longitudinal thickening or riclge on the scapular surface that corresponds roughlv to the cornrron rnargin of the \{. terres major and N{. deltoideus sc:rpularis.'l'l're scapula of 'l.i,rannoscurus also has a similar ridge, not the trough seen in birds. The clefornation rnetirod outlir-recl above n'as applied to the hurnerus (Fig. 10.9B-E, C-J) ancl testccl against the rnuscle scars (Fig. 10.9A, F). Overall, the pattern most closeh' resembles that of the crocodile, u'ith notable erceptions. Aside from differcnces in relative proportior-rs of some nruscles betn,e en the actual ancl the predicted (cf. Fig. 10.9A and C, F- and H), there are :rlso son're positior-ral differences. For example, the cornnon insertion for the N{. terres n-rajor and N{. latissirnus clorsi is lot,er on the cliaphvsis arrcl nrore centrallr, located inTyrannosaurus (cf. fig. 10.9F, G, and H). Ftrrthernrore, there seerns to be a clistinct scar on all'I-t,rannosaurus hunieri, suggesting that the NI. supracoracoideus longus had a separate ir-rsertion slightll'beloiv the peak of the deltopectoral crest (Fig. 10.10)-eitlier that or the pectoralis insertcd niore lateral to the deltopectorai crest than medial, but that seerrs irighlv unlikeir'. As noted above, the patl-rolog1' on NIOR 980 better matches the muscle patten-r of the crocodile than the bird. \\/ith this information, it is possible to reconstmct the nusclcs of the pectoral girdle and antt of TrraruTosdlLrus (Fig. 1i) 151.
,':cring Agatn at the
chialis brevis dorsalis; dc, M. deltoideus clavicularis hr, M. humeroradialis; p, M. pectoralis; sb, M. supracoraco i d eus b rev is; sc, M. scapulohumeralis cra-
nialis, sc, scapulohumerat;- rouuou)t -^,,s^t:-, )LL/ )uPldtr) co raco i deus co m p
M. supracoracoideus longus, tbi, M. triceps brevis i
s (+ cra n ia I is?),
tm, M. terres major.
minology adapted from Meers (2003).
Forelimb lBl
Figure 1 0.1 5. Reconstruction of forelimb and pectora I
g i rd
le muscu I atu re
in Tyrannosaurus based nn ra
anterior (B) views; intermediate rnuscles in lateral /a\ ^^.J /n\ ^^+^.i^. tu ar t Lcr tvr \u/ \\/ qr
views, surficial muscles in lateral (E) and anterior (F) views. Scale in centimeters. Abbreviations: b, M. brachialis; bb, M. biceps brachii, cb, M. coracobrachialis brevis; cbd, M. coracobrach i a I is brevis dorsalis; dc, M. deltoideus clavicularis; ds, M. d elto i d eus sca pu I a
M. humeroradialis, ld, tendon for M. latissimus rlnrci n A,4 nartar>li<
:c ".i sucracoracaldeus :':, i ia. '.1 scapulo' --'a'a
;s cranralts, scd, ,^^,^1;- tau-^,, )lotutvt,i^4,tutttctatr) AI --; -,,^.^-^-tvt. uoli >uPr alvr d^^1,-)/ )L//
coideus intermedius; sl, M. su p racoracoid eus I on gus, tbi, M. triceps brevis
intermedius; tll, M. triceps longus lateralis; tm, M. terres major. Termi-
nology adapted from Meers (2003).
Christine ..pL :n
Kenneth Carpenter
In this sectior-r, rve do a reanalvsis of Carpenter and Sn-rith (2001)
ar-rd an extensiorr of the biornechanical properties of the forelimb tn TyrarLnosaurus rex based rnostll'on FMNH PR208l. hr order to rvork out the forces
acting on the forelirnb, rve start by n-rodeling the forelirnb as a third-class lever (Fig. I0.16). In a tl-rird-class lever, the effort force (N{. biceps rnuscle) is applied betu'eer-i the fulcrr-im (elborv foint) and the resistance force. The elbor,l' joint is a hinge rvhere the humerus, ulna, ancl radius articulate. Of all of the nuscles coordinating and controlling the rrol'ement of the elbolr,, the M. biceps is the rnost powerful flexor of the elbou' joint (Ozkar,a and Nordin 1999). Our moclel assumes tl-rat the M. biceps is the rnajor ffexor ar-rd tl-rat the line of action (the tension) at the biceps is vertical. Anatomical ineasurements were used to derir,e the motive force arn (MFA) and the resistive force arn-i (RFA) (Table 10.1). For the ulna, the N{FA was r-neasured from the signoid notch to the rnidscar of the insertion pornt for the M. biceps (n'rotive force, MF), and the RFA lr'as derived from rneasuring the ulna frorn the sigmoicl r-rotch to the clistal end (F-ig. 10.16). To obtain ihe MIrA of the radius. we measured from the radial head to the rridscar of the insertion point for the M. biceps and frorr-i the radiai head to the distal end to determine the RFA. A tenclor-r ter-rsile strength of I00 MPa, the global n-rear-r across all species, was used to estimate the tendon tensile strengtl1inTl,Tannssaurus (Nigg and
Herzog 1999). The safetv factors in tire values of bird tendons range from i.19 to 4.10 (Van Snik et al. 1994;Alexander 19Bl). A safetv factor of 3 n,ill be used ir-r this studl'. The normal working range (NWR) is one-third the safetv factor (Carpenter and Smith 2001). Although the size, sl-rape, ar-rd tl-re biomechanical behavior of each tendon differs, the basic structure of tendons and tl-reir rnechanical properties are sin-rilar (Jdzsa and Kannus 1997). The size of the cross-sectional area ofa tendon is clirectlv related io the size ofthe load that can be carried before failure (Butler ei al. 1978). 'fhe srrrface area of the scar for the insertion of the \,1. biceps rs 122.11 mn-rr on the radius and 192 nmz on the uh-ra. The conversion for the tendon strength, expressed as MPa, is I MPa = 1,000,000 Pa, u.'ith l Pa = I N/mr. Therefore, I NIPa = I N/rnmr. The maximum i,vorkir-rg range (N{WR) and the NWR are calculated from the tensile sirength of the tendon.'fhe formula for estirnated tendon tensile strength is as foliows:
tendon tensile strength/area2 x surface area of the scar for insertion of the M. biceps = estimated tendon tensile strength
Biomechanical Analysis of the Forelimb in Tyrannosaurus rex
Figure 10.1 6. Free-body diagram (sinplified model) of the forelimb of FMNH PR2081. Abbreviations: MF, motive force; MFA, motive force arm,' RF, resistive force; RFA, resistive force arm.
Tendon tensile strengih for the radius is 100 N/mm2
122.11 mm2
where NIIWR is 12,211 N/3 = 4070 N, and
= 12,211 N
is 4070
N/l = 1357 N
Tenclon tensile strensth for the uina is:
100 N/mm2
192 mm2
= 19,200 t
ooking Agarn at the Foreltmb
Table 10.1 . Power Analysis
Radi us
15.2 mm (0.0152 m)
45.8 mm (0.0458 m)
166 2 mm (0.166 m)
186.6 mm (0.187 m)
177.6 mm (0.178 m)
171.6 mm (0.178 m)
343.8 mm (0.344 m)
364.2 mm (0.36a m)
Abbreviations.-MFA, motive force arm; RFA, resistive force arm.
including manus
rvhere N{WR is 19,200 N/3 = 6400 N, and NWR is 6400 N/3 = 2lll N. 'fhe values for the MWR and NWR represent the estimatecl strengtir of the iei-rdon at the insertion of the NI. biceps and are ttsecl as the NIF in the analvsis of the poiver of Ihe TyT6lnnosdurus forelirnbs. Tl-re follolving equations are nsed to estimate the amount of force the arrn of Tyrannosau' rus can resist (resistive force, or RF):
Measurement of the Inanlls (177.6 rnm) n'as taken front a cast of to tl're prorimal end 2081, from the proximal end of the "r'rist of the claws. It n,as then aclded to the RFA (166.2 nm).
N{WR for the radius of
re.r is as follorvs:
4,010 N x 0.0152m= 61.86 Nm RFx0.1418m=61.86Nm RF = 179.91 N (or 18.36 kg) NWR for the radius of T. rex is as follo"vs: 1,357 N x 0.0152 m = 20.63 Nm
RFx0.3438m=20.63Nm RF
MWR for the uina of T
= 60.0'1 N (or 6.12
rex is as foliou's,
6,400 N x 0.0458 m = 293.12 Nm
RFx0.3642m=293.12Nm F = 804.83 N (or 82.13 kg) NWR for the ulna of T. rex is as follou,s: 2,133 N x 0.0458 m = 97.69 Nm
RFx0.3642m=97.69Nm RF
= 268.23 N (or 27.37 kg)
Adding the resistive forces of the radius and ulna results in 984.76 N \4WR (no safetv factor) ancl 318.24 N
(100.49 kg or 221.10 por-rnds) for the
Christine Lipkin and Kenneth Carpenter
(13.a9 kg or 77.70 pounds) for the NWR (u,ith safetv factor). The conversion factor for kilograrrs to ner,r'tons is 1 kg = 9.8 N.'l'hese results are sunrrarized
in Table 10.2. An a','erage strength of
5 kg/cm2 per cross-sectional area of muscle u'as deterrnine the cross-sectional area of the M. biceps in TNrannosaurus (Carpenter and Smith 2001). The NWR of the tendon tensile strength for the
rrsecl to
and ulna nere added together to get the MF: 1357 N + 2lll N = +490 'l'he formula used to determine the cross-sectional area of rruscle is N,{F (kg)Atrength (kg x cni t) = ctoss-sectional area (cnr). Thus, radir-rs
(356.12 kg).
the estirrated cross section of theT\,rannosduruE M. biceps is 356.12 kg/5 kg x cnr I = 71.224 crrf . 'fhis translate s into a diameter of 9.52 crn. Of course the N'1. biceps is r-rot the onh'arrn protractor. In fact, b\,r,rsing half the estirnated cross-sectional area of the upper arn-r (based on a diameter of 2j cni), the arriount offorce generated is estimated to have been around l l 50 kg, or I 1,270 N. Of this, the biceps generated aboti40%, and tl-ius'"r,as a major muscle.
A small lever arn'i requires greater nuscle tension to balance a load. Therefore, n'hile resistir-rg pre\,or holding prer; it is clisadvantageous to ha'u'e a rruscle attacl.rment close to tl-re elbon' joint. The advantage to having the rruscle attachment close to elborv joint is that it il,ill have a larger range of motion of
Mechanical Analysis of the Forelimb in Tyrannosaurus rex
tl're elbon flcxion-extension. and therefore the hand can nrove faster toward
the upper arm or sl'roulder (Ozkar,'a and Nordir 1999). 'I'he rnechanical advantage is the amount of force a given effort can procluce. It can be expressed as a ratio ofthe resistive force to the N{F, or as a ratio of tlie NIFA to the RFA (Kreighbaum and Barthels 1985). Both of the equatior-rs produce the sarr-ie result.
TheTtrannosrzurus forelimb is found to have a n-iechanical advantage of the 0.09 (RFA rneasurenrent including the hand) ar-rd 0.18 (RFA measurenent excluding the hand). The rlechanical advantage of a humarr forcarm is 0.07 (RFA n-reasurernent inclucling the hancl) ar-rd 0.13 (RFA measurement cxcluding the hand). Next n'e er,aluate the force at the elborv joint. The sum of the tr{Fs (NWR + \'l\\1R) at the radius (138.3 kg) and the ulna (217.5 kg) rninus the RF'at the rranus (33.5 kg) nust equal the force at the elbou'for a static con'|38.3 fiqrrratiort. I lrcrefore, T1'ranrtosaurus has a force of + 2l-.; - 33.; = joint liZ.lUgat the elbor.r, for the NWR. This cornpares with a force of about 128.25 kg at tl-ie elbo'nv joint of an average adult rnale human for the NWR.
Table 10.2. Power Analy-
U Ina
Abbreviations.-RF, resistive force; MWR, maximum workrng range; NWR, normal working range.
Lccking Again at the Foreltmb
Frorn the torcpre of the forearrn, the force that could be applied at the manus and the resultant force at the elbou joint ri'erc determined. Wc non estimate the acceleration that could be generated at the clan's using the nontent of irrertia. The fleshed-out versiorr of ihe arm olTl,rannosaurus (Figs. 10.1510.17) rvas converted to a closeh'packecl series of elliptical o'linclers.'l'he cross sections of each
elliptical o'linder nere deterrnined from Figure
Assurnir-rg a clensitv of 1000 kg/n'r: for tissue, t}'re dat:r frorn these o'linders resr-rlt ir-r a mass of 1.8 kg for the fore arm plus nlanrls. The integral of the densitr'
times the perpendicular distance to thc pii'ot point results in a moment of inertia of 0.06 kg mr. Becar-rse the \\\rR torquc of thc forcarnr and I'rand to be 118.J Nm, the angular acceleration (torclr-re divided bv the morncnt of incrtia) is l98l s 2. Tl-re angular acceleration can be conr.'ertecl to a linear acceleratior-r bv rriultiplving it b1'the distance (0.154 m) frorn the pivot point to the clan's, n'hich results in a linear acceleration of 702 nis r. This is likeh' an ot'erestimate because the skin and the clat'sl-reatli are not factored in. Aiso, this onlv gives the initial acceieration. The force fiom uruscles is krton'n to rapidlv recluce at high speeds
As rve have shou n, the forearm of Tvrannosaurus \\'as capable of resisting large forces and rnor,ing at high accelerations. These results strcr-igthen the hvpotl-resis that the forelimbs n'crc ttsed during predatior-r. Hon,cver, because of the small size of the forelimb relative to the bodi'size, it is unlikeh that the T\'rannosaurtLs lr'oulcl use the nranlls for striking pre\', as discussed in Carpenter (2002). Rather, thc forelimbs mar'have been usecl to cling to pre\,. Our results of finding large fcrrces at the elbou' joint and possible signs
of injr-rn at the furcula fr,rrther support tltis l-n'pothcsis. Fir-ralli', in contrast to the belief of l,ocklev et irl. ttl-ris volun-rc) that "no usefrrl ftrnction is plausible" to explain the forelirrb of 'It,rctnno"aurus, our results support the prer,'ious assertion tiiat tlie forclin-rb plavcd a functional role in predation. Bv iniplication, the short forelinrbs of other tl.rannosau-
Figure 10.17. A 3-D representation of the forearm and manus in the
Tyrannosaurus rex FMNH PR2081. In (A)
lateral, (B) anterior, and (C) reaching views.
Chilsilne Ltpktn and Kenneth Carpenter
Figure 10.1 8. Compailson of forelimb length to
hind limb length shows that a progressive reduction in forelimb length does not occur in the
Abbreviations; Gu,
Guanlong (basal 50%
tyrannosauroid); Go,
Gorgosaurus; Da, Daspletosaurus; Ab,
20% 10% 0%
Gu age {mya)3 -156
rids had a similar function. In strpport of this, n,e note that a progressir,'e reduction in tl-re forelinb does not occur in tl're Ti'rannosauridae (Fig. 10.18), contrarv to Paul (1988; and l,ockler et al. (this l'olurre). In point of fact, once the shortened forelirrb of the tvrannosar-rrids ivas established, it remained proportionallr stable relative to hindlimb length.
We are honclred to contribute to this r.olume. and n'e thank Neal Larsorr and Peter Larson for the organization of the sl,rrposiurr that preceded it.
We are indebted to Bill Sin'ipson and Peter \'{akor,ickr.,for access to ITN4NH PR 2081. and C.L. rvotricl like to thank Paul Sereno for access to the cast of FN,{NII PR 2081, ar-rcl N{icl-rael Benton, Paul Sereno, Gordon, }iirgen Kriu,et, Simon Braddt', Lorrie NlcWhinner', ancl Don Henderson for helpful discussions. K.C. tlianks fohn Daggett, Bill Sirrpson, and Pcter Larson for loans of specin-rens or casts, and N{att Srriith for our previons joint r,r'ork
onT. rex forelinb analvsis. C'l'scans are br.Steven White, Kaiser Perrnanente, Denr,er.
Alerander, R. \{cN. 19E1. I,irctors of safetr,in the structLrre of anirnals. Science
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Chisilne Lipktn and Kenneth Carpenter
Figure 11.1 . Ray Wilhrte using an Immersion M icroscri
d ig
itizer on
elements of the
pelvic glrdle of Tyrannosaurus rex specimen BHI 3433 6tan). Photo cour:-"s;, Ray Wilhite and Vir'
lual Surfaces lnc.
A. Slei,ens et al.
Kent A. Stevens, Peter Larson, Eric D. Wills, and Art Anderson
The great tl-reropod TrrannosaurtLs rex is usuallv depicted in an active, brpeclal pose, perhaps in purstrit of prei'or lacing off ar-r opponent. Some artists, e.g., Lau,rence Lan.rbe (19i7), Cregorl. S. Paul (1988), John Sibbick (Non-nan I991, p. 72), and N'Iichael Skrepnick (Currie et al. 2004), hale providecl vieri's of these animals in other, less active postures, includir-rg h-
ing prone or squatting. Presurnabl',' the anirral ri'ould rest',vith a substan-
tial portion of its bodr n-rass supported bv the pronrinent pubic boot. Trace fossils of small crouching theropods shot' both tarsal and pubic-iscl-riatrc ir-rpressions (e.g., Cierliriski et al. 2005). In the great theropods, descending
from a standir-rg pose to a rest position \\'as presllmablv a straightforivard matter of squatting, a process cor-rsiderablr less involr,ed than the complex sequencing of folding movenents that sorre modern large quadrupeds, sttch as camelids (Cauthier-Pilters and Daag I981)ancl bovids, nse to lorver tlreir nrass to the ground . Tyrannosar-Lrus rer might sin-rpli' have settlecl vertrcalh' in one continuons flexiorr mor,enrent inr,olving the hip, knee, and ankles.
It is in risirig front a prone or sqtratting rest position that some concent for the mechanics of the tvrannosauricl frarre might present itself. Hou' could the center of mass (CO\I) be controlled so that the anirnal lr'as stable lr4rile rising? Was there strfficient rnechar-rical adr.'antage in the rnajor extensor rnnscles to provicle a clirect ascent tl-rat retraces the trajectorr, follor'ved in descending to the ground? Were the forelimbs uscful in stabilizing the boclv and in providing thmst cluring the initial stages of the ascent? To address sone of these questions, a fullr articulated digital rnodel of 7l'rdnnosaurLrs rex \\,as created ri'here limb nror,.ements are delirnited by ar-ratomicalll' based estirnates of achiei'able range of motiorr, and the position of the instar-rtaneous CON{ of the anin-ral can be visualized in order ro judge balance and stabiliti'. Extant bipeds that lnight serve as analogs for str-rdving the sitting and standing movenents ol'I'. rex, include members of the N,Iacropodoidea, notablr,' tlre large red kangaroo (Nlauopus rufus) and a varietv of birds, particularlv the large ratites sr-rch as the emu (Drontaius not,aehollandiae) and tlie ostricl-r (Struthio carnelus). As anin-ral rrass increases, muscular strategies cannot be erpected to scale indefinitelv (Alerander 1989); the effortless rise of a small passerine fron rest to a bipedal stance rnight require rnr.rltiple, nlore cleliberate stages of limb ertension in a bipecl of ser. eral orders greater seight. 'l'he biorrechanical principles governing tfre Rex. 5lt
choice oi:trategr', particularll as regards.cairi; nith bodv tnass, are not il'ell unde rstood. Nlotion stuclies have conc cnir.rte d on capturing relativelv steadr-state locornotion (e.g., N{ulbridge 159v; Jenkins etal. 19BB), notthe transient bociv rnovements associated n ith :ittinq or st:rnding. 'lb examine tlre potential movernents that take the anirnal frorli standing to sitting. and vice ',,ersa, it is important to begin il ith an estirnation of the tl picai stand and sit postures. N{or"enrents that srnoothlr,'transition betn'een tliese extrerres can then be proposed and analvzed. In their analysis, it is irnportant to r-rnderstand hoii'tlie CO\l translates during the rrovemer-rt. Longitudir-ral (caudai-cranial) pitcliing ntovements in particular lvould produce instabilitv tl-rat i,l'ould have to be correctccl at risk of injurr' to the great theropod. It is also irnportant to exauine range of motion issues tl-rroughout the sit-stand moventents and the rnechanical leverage of large mnscle groups for pror,iding the necessar\, rnor"ements. Proposals have beer-r offered for horv T. rar could sit dorvn on its pubic boot, then rise bv first using the forearms as props to help anchor the front of the bodl' u'hile the rear legs n'ere straightened. 'l'he r-rpper bodv would then be tiltecl back to regain an upright standing posture (Nervman I970). This idea is but one of the poteniial uses proposed for tl-re forelinibs (Osborn i906; Horner and Lessem l99S; Carpenter and Smith 200i; Carpenter 2002). In tl-ie follou'ing, an articulated, J-dimer-rsional cligital reconstruction is used to explore alte rnatir,'e hvpotheses regarding the sit-stand mot'ernents of this dinosaur. The process of descending and then ascencling is amena-
ble to quantitative modeling, taking into consideration the distribution of rnass in the anirnal and the flexibiliti' of those joints involved in the rnovernents, particularh'the ankle, knee, and hip ri ithin the hind iimb, and the potential role of the forelinbs in the process of rising. Qr,rickTirre video sholr'ing the action is available in the supplemental CD-RON{.
Creating an Articulated Digital Model
DinoNlorph softn'are
(Ster.'ens 2002) provides a frameu'ork lvitl-r u'l-ricl-r to create and pose a cligital nrodel of T1'rattlosdurus rex.'lhe softrvare can accept 3-dirrensional data representing bone rnorphologr' (e.g., from corn-
puted torriographic fCTl scan or hand cligitization), as n,ell as more schernatic and sinrplified representations. In this str-rdr', the Tlrannosaurus rex specimen BHI l03l (Stan) at the Black Hills N,{useun of Natural Histor-v u'as used as the source for the digital nroilel. Tl'ie articrilation of the apper-rdicular skeleton and tire morphologv of the peli'ic ancl pectoral girdles n'ere of particular importance, so thel' u,ere specificallv for this studi.' (Fig. 11.1). Digitization data of the liead r,ias provided from an earlier CT scan macle b1'Virtual Srirfaces Inc. and the Black Hiils Institute. 'f he ren-rainder of the axial skelcton',i'as nrodeled schematicalh', lvith centra, nettral spines, iateral processes, chevrons, and ribs in a dimensionallv accttrate br-rt simplifiecl forrri 1Fig. 11.2). 'l'he nert step n'as to estimate the relative placement of each bone ivithir-r the olerall skeletal framen'ork. -\long tire presacral axial skeleton, the interlertebral separations and oi'era11 crtrr';rture u'ere deterrnined frorr-i Kent A. 5t?,'ens et al.
measurements ar-rd photographs ir-r lateral vielv. Likeu,ise, the rib cage \\'as formed by' painstakingll, adjustir-ig each digitallv represented dorsal rib to match the curvature, dimensions, and placement of its counterpart in reference photographs that were unclerlaid ivithin DinoN4orph as background images (Fig ll.3). To refir-re the 3-dimensional skeletal n.rodel, tl-re trr-rnk was successivelv r,ie',r,ed in anterior, dorsal, and lateral orientations, and for
each vierv, the cun'ature and placement of the ribs q,ere adjusted so that the digital ribs superirnposecl precisely'over their phoiographic counterparts. The pelvic girclles, complete u'ith furcula, r.vere then placed or-r the
thev are rnounted on Stan (Larson and Rigby 2005). Next, those DinoMorph parameters governing the position and orientation of all appendicular joints r.vere adjusted to create a neutral standir-rg
rib cage
pose, the starting point for this study. Tl-ren, for the major apper-rdicular joints in-rportant to this stud\', a range of motioir rvas deternined on tl-re basis of an estimate of the tl-rickness and extent of the intervening cartiiage in modern avians and direct manipulation of the casis (Kennetl-r Carpenter and Yoshio Ito, personal connunication June 2005). Direct rnanipr-rlation assisted in deterrnining, for example, the axis of rotation of the femur head
ivithin the acetabulurn, and in the forelimb the orientation of the fully
BHI 3033 (Stan). The appendicular skeleton and hoarl rttara diaitizar'l ,^,4^.^^+A^ -,.;-l )^-1,^i ' vvt tct cd) Lt tc d^tdl FT6h tlt2< ranra
schematic form, .'.,:' important drmenstc.s (e.9., centru m e ngir,, neural spine height, anci I
nterverteb ra I se p a ra tions) d i me nsio na I ly accurate. (B) The axial skeleton was laid out with reference to measurei
ments taken from the mount and photographs (see text). Scale bar indicates an overall length of
In analvzing poiential sit-stand strategies of a theropod dinosaur rveighing several metric tonnes, it is important to track the trajectorv undertaken bv the CO\{ clurir-rg hvpotl-resized rror.enrent. The CONI is computed in DinoNiorph br assigning both a volunre and a densih'to eacir Rex, Sit
1.2. (A) Dino-
Morph model of Tyrannosaurus rex specimen
11.2 m.
tendecl forelirnb u'ith respect to the pectoral gircllcs.
Figure 11.3. (A) Screen image showing the reconstruction of the trunk superimposed on a reference photograph of an assembly of casts of the Stan specimen. Background image courtesy Black Hills lnstitute of Geologic Research. (B) DinoMorph model
shown with addition of digitized pectoral gi rdles (i ncl u d i ng f u rcu I a), forelimbs, and pelvic girdle, all based on Stan.
discrete segment of the skeleton, such as each inten'al of the axial skeleton associated rvith an ir-rdiiiclual r"ertebra. Fittecl cor-rical and elliptical c,vlrnders are used as a first-order approrirliation to the bod,v cross-sectior-ral area,
Figure 11.4 (opposite). (A) Visualization of the distri-
bution of body mass, based on a parametric
to segments of body cross section of the axial and appendicular skeleton. (B) Computed COM visua I ized j ust
nteri or
pubis, and above pes, as required for static bipedal balance.
governed br,' adjustable parameters (Fig. II.4). The densitv (i.e., specific gravitv) associated n'ith each segn-rent nas adjusted to rougl-rh'reflect cranial and axiai pneumaticit-v, air sacs, and lungs. The CC)N4 n'as con-rputed by sumnating the gral'iiational noments associated w'ith each segment tl-rroughout the skeleton. By assigning densities of 0.8-1.0 to presacral regior-rs and 1.0 to segrnents of the appendicular skeleton and car,rdal vertebral series, the overall CO\,tl rvas located jr-rst anterior to the pubic shaft (see Fig. ll.'fB), consistent u'ith estimates b1' Henderson (i999) and Hutchinson and Carcia (2002). Srnall br-rt potentiallv significant shifts in the instantaiieous COVI during movements could be detected visuall1,'as the movenent unfolded. F-or this studl', a litl-re recor-rstmction of tl-re cross sections of soft tissr-re associated n'itl-r each segment of the skeleton n'as chosen to corresponding to recent computations by one of us (P. L.). The resulting overail mass for BHI l0l3 (Stan) u as estimated as -4400 kg., or about 807 of the n-rass estimated for the rrore robust specimer-r FNINH PRZ081 ( Sue t bi usir-rg the san-re techniques { Stevens et al., in preparation). Although it ri as possible to esiimaie as little as 1800 kg for the san're skeletai KentA.
"s et a/.
stmcture br,progressir,'elv redtrcir-rg bodv bulk, particularlr' in the peh,rc region, for this studl', the position of the CON{ u,as of greater irr-rportance tl-ran the rnagnitude.
It is reasonable to assume thatTyrannosdurus rex, and other theropods n'ith distallv expanded pubic boots, lor,i'erecl itself until the majority' of its rnass bore clou'n on the pr,rbis. Upon ground contact, the orientation of pelvrc girdle u.'ould have shifted slightll,'so that the elongate ventral surface of the pubis laid generalh.parallel to the horizontal ground. The elongate pubic shaft of T rer places the r.entral surface of the pubic boot just belolr, the knee, perrnitting sirnultaneous ground cor-rtact at the knees and along the pubic boot (Figs. ll.5-6). The pubis thr-rs likelv provided a stable rneans to offload the great najoritr,' of tl.re anirnal's rieight, limiting pressure on the respiratorr,slstem, and to perrr-rit repositioning of the hind linrbs rvitl-rout requiring a shifting of u,eight. The limit of hip flerion (femoral protraction) is difficult to estimate because it was governed br soft tissnes, but it iikell' '"vas sr-rfficient to pern-rit achieving the protraction shou'r-r in F'igr,rre 11.5A so that the tarsus coulcl lie flat on the grorind. The limits of knee and ankle flexion are lnore obr.ious in the osteologi'. It is notetorthv that in a full
Rex, Sit
Reconstructing a Sitting Movement
Figure 11.5, DinoMorph model of T. rex Stan demonstrating that the pubic shaft is sufficiently long that, with the animal's weight resting on the pubic boot, the hind limb is free to assume a broad range of positions from (A)crouch, to (B) kneelto (C) moderate extension
the hip and knee, to full leg extension when stretched behind the hips
Reconstructing Standing Movements
(not shown). Note that in the<e ? imana< f he far
limit of flexion, in (A) and (B), the knee rs is near the
fully flexed. Observe that he knco
deternrined that a descent rrol,ement coulcl be perfornre
In rising, Trrdnnosaurus rex has to cope n'ith lifting the CON{ br,approunatel1, l.'l m verticailr'starting u'ith tl-re pubic boot in ground contact and ending in the neutral stancling pose, as seen in Figure 11.4. This could be achieved in principle br pure nusctrlar exertion of the large ertensor muscle groups of the hind lirnb, particuiarlv the N{. car,rdofernoralis longtrs, the largest contributor to fernoral retraction, and secondarill'the knee and tarsus extensors. 'l-he I,{. cauclofernoralis longus, hon'er,cr, is simultane-
squat (Fig. ll.5A), $hich brings the pubic boot in contact u'itl-r the grotrnd, the kr-ree and ankle are nearl.",fullr' flexed. To visualize the descent from a ne ntral standing pose to a squat, DinoMorph n,as used to interpolate betr.i'een these 2 ettrernes of pose. Br. constraining all joints to rnovements u'ithin their respective ranges of motion, it
rcf rloar< fhc
arat rnrl a< if
laboration with Yoshio lto and Kenneth Carpenter.
ousl1,'in significant stretcl-r (roughll' 115% of that ri'hile stancling), and the mornent (or lever) arm is greatlv foreshortene d (Fig I I.7). Depending or
the particuiar position of the femur in this deep scluat, the rnoment arrr rnav be less than 40% of that provided nfien stancling. l\,rannosaurLts rer, n'hile resting on the pubis, could fre eli'retract one or both ferlora (Figs. ll.5 and 11.6) and hence var\,the stretch on the N{. caudofenroralis. Optinial mechanical aclvar-rtage occurs u'hen the fenrur is roughh. vertical (i.e., associated rvith the thrrist phase in ]ocornotion). Although the fernoral position pror,iclir-rg greatest muscle mornent r,r'ould correspond tcl roughll'that in Figure ll.58, the placement of the pes in Figure II.iA n'ouid appear better suitecl for eler,ating bipedallr because the hind feet are then under tl-re CONI. If T. rex n'ere not to slon'lr' rise r erticallr, into a stationarl standing position, but instead accelerate diagonallr'frorn the squat in Figr-rre I L5A, then, pror ided the hind limbs direct the grouircl reaction force diagonallr through the CON,{, no net pitching monrent nould be created as the animal
Kent A. Steyens et al.
sprinter begins a race accelerating and rising graduallv out of the blocks, it is not inconceivable IHatT. rex could har,e accelerated diagonally uprvard from sittir-rg into forward loconotion. Although it is rrore iikel1,'an rose.
as a
option for light voung tvrannosaurids, it rernains a matter of qtrantitative ntocleling to estirnate r,r,hether tl-rat u'as achier,'able bl an adult.
If the fernoral retractor muscles u'ere not ir-r an adr,antageous state for liftingTyrannoselLrlLs rex r,erticalll' out of a squat into a balairced star-rdirrg position, rvhat rvere the alternatives? One suggestion (Phillip N,Ianning, per-
1.6. With the
DOOy mass
suppor:ai ..,
the pubic boot, /,*A-^ ^^ -, tU) oPPCdt
ttt t
LU t ]d I
been able to shift frorn (A) a sitting position (with hip flexed)to (B) kneeling on one knee or
(C)both knees, without
sonal communication June 2005)borrou's from modern analogr,res. In ratites
having to lift the body
in particular, the
weight off of the pubic boot. Although the axislike insertion of the femur head within acetab-
gastrocnemius cornes into pla1,: the Achilies tendorr
stores energr,'n'hen in a state of stretch, li,hich is trapped lr,hen the anirnal's
weight bcars clou'n on the tarsus ivhile sitting. Bv leaning foru'ard onto the its knees, the tendon is released, and the hind limb receives a passive boost. Whether recoverv of stored mechanical ellergv r,iould scale to be of significarrt value in helping bo ostTNrannosaurus rex frorn sitting to standing n'oulcl require quantitatir,'e stud",. One further concern, bevond the rlatter of scalir-rg to be effective on a 4000-kg anin-rai, is u,hether the stored energv lr'ouid dissipate during the period of rest as the Achilles tendon r.r,oulcl stretch. Another approach is to enlist the forelimbs, as suggested bv Nen'man (1970), as a potential use for these appendages. When sitting, thev are close to the ground and are brought into contact b1'a slight tipping of the pelr'is about theprepubis(Fig. ll.E).T'hey66sl6l l-rar,'ebeeninstrumentalinrisingbackinto a standing position. As shou'r-r in Figure II.9, although the forelirrb range of
ttlt tm
femoral abduction was possible, there was likely suff i ci e nt fl exi bi I ity to provi d e I ate ra I sta b i I ity. M oreove
e poste ro I at-
eral angulation of the acetabular axrs caused fhe knees to splay ',t'ii1'1
femoral protracrco aga -
aidi ng stabi lity aga I nst
Iateral tipping in addition to clearing the rib cage as necessary tn
Figure 11 .7. ln ascending from repose, the M. caudofemoralis longus is in
stretch (-115o/o) and the moment arm is greatly fo resh orte n ed com pa red with its neutral state when standing, thus providing poor mechanical advantage. Rex, Sit
F ig u re 1 1 .8 . When resting on the pubis, the forelimbs are near ground level. They are n'a oh, aln<ar fn nrnt tnrl
.- c :( ) ann
f rom
this rest-
rg oose. A modest tipping of the body, by pivaf ina shar tt f ha rt rrrtorl a
nte rove nt ra I su
rface of
the prepubis, would have shifted the overall COM a nteri o rly a n d retu rn ed the point of balance to between the hindfeet. In fha nrnra<<
fha fnra-
limbs would have been available to assist in stabilizing, if not actively
contributing toward raising, the body, by pushing against the ground.
Frgure 11.9. (A)Reconstruction of the pectoral
girdles and forelimbs based on CT data kxcept for the radiale and distal carpal, which were reconstructed withi n D i noMorph). Three superim-
rnotion is curiouslr' linritccl (Carpenter :rnd Sniith 2001), n hen each forelirrb is extended laterallr, n'ith elbon'straight and nianus extended as u'cll. the arrangerrent resen.rbles a jack stand (or a pair of bio'cle kick stancls). Thc stout forelirrbs, fullr crtended arrcl acting as stnrts anchore d into the grouncl br strong rrrilrrLr:rl unguais (rvhich :rre also n ell orienteci for this anclioring task), are ricll placecl for stabilizing thc anterior of this giar-rt theropod in preparation for rising. As the animal shills its ri'eight, ground rcaction forces n,orrlcl have been directed ncarlv perpendicularlr, into the cup shape of the glenoid fossa; the cornprcssive loacl ri,oulcl then distribute alor-rg the scapulocoracoid over a spari of ribs. If thc stout forelimbs ri'ere incleed involvecl in stabilizing the bodr', it is noteriorthr that the ground reaction forces norild have cornrrunicatecl directlr to tlrc vicinitv of the acrorrion process of the coracoicl, and therefore place the ftrrcula, u.hich is dircctlv alignccl n'ith this force r,ector, rrncler sigrificant bending stress. As notecl bv others (Larson 2001; l,arson and Rigbr 2005; Lipkin and Carpenter this l'olune; Rothschild and \'lolrar this volurnc), the frrrcrila is frequenth found n'ith eviclence of healecl stress fractures and breaks. The sprint start cliscussed earlicr u'ould havc been assistccl br braced and stabilizimg thc anterior portion of the boch, b1' holcling the forelinibs strutlike . Indeecl. the resertrblance of the initial pose to that of :r liunan sprinte r is striking (Fig. 11.10). Alternativeh; n'ith tl-re forelirnbs serving to anchor the animal, the posterior rnusculature of the hind iin-rbs could conic into plar n'rore graduallr'to elevate thc CON4 even thougl-r itn'as locatecl :rhead of the hind f-eet. \Vith the animal's rieight positione d fractionallr betn'e e n anchored forelirnbs and ertending hind lirnbs, the CON'{ cotrld be cler,ated ri'itli the aclclition:rl mechanical aclvantage of a second-class lever. Thc anirral ri'oulcl remain in a stable cy-r:rdrr-rpedal stance during this initial stage of elelation, ancl progressivelr, as the f-emora ancl knee corne out of the clecp crouch, the nicchanical :rdvantage oithe iarge fenoral retractors ancl knee extensors uor-rlcl have increasecl. Ii not intencling a sprint start. bLrt urerelv w'ishing to regain a stanclKent
A S:=.:'s et al.
ing posture, the great theropod rvould likell hal'e (1) tipped forr,r,ard slightlv, pivoting about the prepubis, trntil (2) the forelimbs u,ere in ground contact ar-rd helping to anchor the giant, then (3) it r,r,or,rld har.'e first raised its rurnp, much as large herbivores do todal', then (4) either step into forn,ard rnovernent or ascencled s1''rnrnetricallf into a standing posture.
Unlike qr-radrupeds such :rs bovids, the disparity betu'een forelimb and Irind lirirb length in 'll,rannosaurtLs rex limited the extent to rvhich it could ascend rurnp first r,r'hile nraintaining a purchase on the ground n,ith the forelimbs. Before achieving fr-rll extension of the hind limb, the anin'ral would l-rave had to break contact bett'een its forelinbs ar-rd tl-re ground, and eitiier take a step w'ith one hind limb in order to regain its balance, or remaln syrninetricallv posed on 2 hind lirnbs, and bv means of momentum, bodr,' moverrents, and strer-rgth, bring the COM back betu'een the hind feet. Perhaps the furcula ir-rjuries refleci rnishaps that occurred rvhile attenrpting to regain its balance, particularlr'u,hen larne as a resr-rlt of other injuries, or thev rna,v reflect the amount of stress imposed on the shoulder girdle during these
rlaneuvers. In the e.,'ent of a n-risstep or other failure to achieve balance between tl-re hindfeet, 4 or more metric tonnes falling on the forelirnbs could
^^-^A ^^-^. poseo poses are a5i--a: symmetilcally by left anc right forelimbs. With elDOWS and manus extended, the forelimbs can
l^-1, -+^^)ru +^ -+^ dL t d) d /dLn JLdr LU >Ld-
bilize the body during ascent, but the line of action of the ground reaction force would have placed the furcula under significant bending strest consEtent with commonly observed healed fractures. Forelimb range of motion estimated i n collabora -
tion with Kenneth Carpenter.
have precipitated such fractr-rres.
The great bulk of an aclult -fi)rdnnosduruE rex \\:as capable of being gracefully lor'r'erecl until it settlcd its weight on the elongate pubic boot, freeing the animal to adjr,rst its legs mnch as a sports spectator r.r'ould use a portable oneleggecl stool. When it carre to rising again to a bipedal stance, the options, particularll'for a sn-rall tvrannosaurid, would be a sprint start u'ith or u,ithout assistance fror-r.r the forelirnbs, or a more gradr,ral elevation usir-rg the hind limbs during u'hich the forelimbs plaved an essential role. 'l'he latter w,as en-
ergeticalh'rrore efficient and nright have been preferable for the adult. The forelimbs rvere literallv pii'otal in this operation, and mishaps rnight have resultecl in transmissiorr of enormous compressive forces on the pectoral girdies
and the delicate furcr-rla that spanned the :icromion processes. Although it was perl-raps ungainlr for the t1'rant king to rise rr.rmp first, its ascent u'as likeli' rnore elegant than th:rt of rrodern bor,ids rising irorl repose. Rex, Sit
Kent A. Stevens et al
We are gr:rteltrl b Rav Wilhite for digitization of T rer bones usecl ir-r tl-rrs studg ar-rd to the Black Hiils Instiiute of Geologic Research for hosting the 100Years ofTtrarntosctrLrusrex51 n.rposiurnandforprovidingaccesstospecimens. 'l'hanks also to Phillip \Ianning, Yoshio Ito, ar-rd Kenneth Carpenter for helpful sugge stiorrs regarcling range of motion and rnovements.
Alerander, R. N{cN. 1989. Dr.namics of Dinosaurs and Otlrcr Extinct Ciants. Colunrbia University Press, Neri \brk. Carpenter, K. 2002. Fbrelirlb biornechanics of nonavian theropocl dinosaurs in predation. S e ncke nb er giana Lethae a 82: 59 -7 6. Carpenter, K., and Smith, NI. 2001. Forelimb osteologr,and biorr.rechanics of T)'rannosatLrus rex. P.90-116 in Tanke, D., and Carpenter, K. (eds.). Mesczoic Yertebrate Life. Indiana Unir.ersitl Press, Indiana. Cr-rrrie, P. J., Koppelhus. E. B., Shugar, NI. A., and \\,tight, J. L. 200,1. Feathered D ragotts. Ind iana LIn iversrtl Press, Bloon-rin gton. Cauthier-Pilters, H., and Daag, A. I. 1981.T|rc CarneL ltsEcologt.Behayior and Relationship to I'Ian. Unir ersitv of Chicago Press, Chicago. Gierliriski, G., l,ockler; NI., ancl N1ilner, A. R.C. 2005. Traces of earlv Jurassic crotrchrng dinosaurs. P. l inTiackingDinosaur Origins: TlrcTriassicllurassic
References Cited
TerrestrialTransition Abstract\lolunte. Dirie State College, St. George, LIT. Estinating the masscs and centers of nrass of extinct arrinr:rls br' 3-D niathernaiical slicir.rg. Paleobiologt 25: 88-106. Horner, l. R., and Lessenr, D. 1991. The Complete T rsx. Simon & Schuster, Neu,York. Hutchinson, J. R., ancl Garci:r, NI. 2002. 'I\'rannosaunts u'as not:r fast runner. Nature 115:1018-1021. lenkins, F. A., Dial, K. P., and Goslou, G. E. 1988. A cineradiographic analr,sis of bird flight: the rr ishbone is a spring. Science 241: 1495-1.198. L:rnrbe, L. N4. 191;. The Cretttceous Theropodous Dinosaur Corgosaurus. Canacla Department of \lrnes, Ceologic Surver.of Canacla, Nlenioir 100. Larson, P L. 2001. Paleopathologies in Tlrannosdurus rex (in Jap:rnese). Dino Henclerson, D. N{. 1999.
i: 26-1i.
Larsorr, P. L., and Donnan, K. 2002. Rex Appeal: The Amazing Stort of Sue, the DinosatLr that Changed Scierrce, the Law artd NLt,Life. Invisible Cities Press,
Nlontpelier, \/T. L,:rrson, P L., and Rigbr', K., Jr. 2005. Tfre fr-rrcula of'firarntosaurus rex. P.24 t-255 in Carpenter, K. (ecl.l. Caniyorous DinosatLrs. Lrdiana L.lniversitr.Press, Bloonrir-rgton.
Nltrlbridge , E. 1899. Arimals in \.Iotiott. London: Chapman & Hall. Dover re-
Nervnran, B. H. 1970. Stance ancl gait in the flesh-eating dinosaur Ttrannosaurus. Bioktgical lounnl of tlrc Linnean Societt 2: Il9-123. Norm:rn, D. 1991. Dinosar-Lr! Prentice Hall Cleneral Reference. Nen York. Osborn, H. F. 1906. Ti,rannosaurus, Upper Cretaceorrs carnil'orons dinosaur. Bulletin of the Anrcrican N[ttsetLnt of Natural Histort 22:281-296. Paul, Cl. S. 1988. Predatorr Dinosaurs of the \\rorld. Ncri \brk Acaclernv of Sciences. Ne\\,York. Steverts, K. A. 2002. L)inoNlorph: parametric modcling of skeletal structures. Senckenbersiana Letl'Laea 82( l): 23-34.
Rex, Sit
Figure 1 1 .10 Ele tar o' the posteriar whtle archoring the anrer,o. cc:.. by the forelimb1 creatrng a pose much like a sprtnt
start. The mechantcal advantage of a secondclass lever is provided during extension of the hind ilmbs in raising the COM. With sufficient elevation ach ieved, the animal could push back and regain bipedal balance, and complete its -+-^J;^^t9 o)LEr /( (u a- )Ldtluil
ra 1) 1
Crn<< <ertion
through digits of a tridactyl Middle lurassic theronarl frarlz frnm tho laltF o rm ation, Wh itby, UK. Scale bar = 5 cm.
v/ | c k
L Manning
Phillip L. Manning
Tl-re underlving assumpticln of manv track interpretations is ihat lr,hat is preserved represents a surface trace. Track geometrv and rnorphologl, (e.g., irack lengtl-r lFLl and track n'idth IfW], digit length, number of digits, ir-r-
terdigital angles) are based on lr,hat is visible, often recorded as a 2-dirnensional (2D) feature. The pages of this vol,rrre recorcl inforrnation on conplex 3-dirner-rsional (3D) bones, but fossil bones are defined bv obi'ior-rs boundaries. 'liacks are not. The tracks of dinosaurs are trull' the icebergs of the ichnological u'orlcl, rvith the majoritv of the structure expressed bclolv the track surface horizon. The fossil record rarelv offers n'rore than a 2D slice of this corrpiex mtiltitiered structure (fig. 12.1). Although this surface trace provides an opportunitl,to rnap the track (another source of error rvhen defining r.r'hich part of a surface to neasure), it is the relationship to underlving transrnitted track surfaces that is the ke1,to unlocking tlris 3D pttzzle. A fossil track is rrore than a simple 2D outline; the1, s1. conplex 3D structures that har,e vohrne that can be visualized as 3D failure envelopes (Nlargetts et al. in press). Laboratorv track sirnulations can provide son-re insight to the complex strbsurface sedimer-rt deforn'ration associated rvith track forr-r-ration (Allerr 1989, 1997; Gatesr,'et al. 1999, 2005; N,{anning 2004). The recoverv of subsurface la1'ers provides insigl-rt to irack morphologt'relatir.'e to the tnre surface track. When corrpared with fossil tracks and the tracks of ertant al.ian
theropods (bircl$, a rnore con-rplete understanding of tracks and tl-reir formation can be undertakerr. The tracks and tracku'a-vs of theropod dinosaurs are conmon in the Nllesozoic ancl can provide useful data on the locomotor abilitv of large preclators. Hower,er, speed estirnates calculatecl from the tracku'at's of large tl-reropods can potentiallr, under- or overestirrate the speed (u) at i"'hicl'r an anirnal u'as trar,'eling, if the FL (used to calculate hip heiglit) is misinterpreted. I exanine track maker anatomv and gait, fossil and laboratorv-sinulateci tracks, the con-rplexities of track formation, track preservation, and lvhat understar-rdir-rg can be gained frorr this dynamic sor,rrce of information.
stud1, of vertebrate tracks and traces, r,'ertebrate paleoichnologv, has
largell'conceniratecl on describing a trace, often u'ith little or no interpretation of the forrnation or preservation of that trace. It is surprising hor,i'sucl-r an important and revcaling area of trace fossil interpretation is so sparsell' represented in past literature. Hor,r'ever, seek and rou shall find!
T rov (naori l.rrn
Historical Tracks
Figure 12.2. Edward l.lite hrnrlz
Cnt trfocrt af
the Pratt Museum, Amherst College, Massachusetts.
\\,'illiam Buckland '"r'as thc first to ur-iclertake laboratorv experiments to help interpret the origin of a fossil trackn'ar (Sarjeant 1974; Pen-rberton and Gingris 2003). Buckland's "culin:rrr"' approach to cieciphering the iclentitv of ti-re track maker n:rs sirnple. Ile persuaclecl a crocodile and theil a tortoise to liaik:rcross:l soft piecnrst (presuurablv macle of clough) and then over u'ct sancl and soft clar'. 'l'he rcsulting inpressiorrs left Buckland in no cloubt that a tortoise had left tlie fossil trackn ar'(Duncan 1831), r'ielding the first of rnanl ichnospecie s, 'l'esttLclo duncarLi (Sarjcant 1990; Pemberton and Gingris 2003). Irclu'arcl Hitchcock (Fig. 12.2) shoulcl be consiclere cl tl'rc father of dinosaur ichnolog\', even thor-rgh he thought his tracks nere traces of ancient giant birds. Ilonever, it is quite ironic that in the Zlst centurr', Hoxdl2 lnd Hoxdl3 genes fVirrgas and Fallon 2005)have provecl hin partialli'right. Phillip
L Manntng
Hitcl-icock macle manl' smart observations on the presen,atior-r of tracks Lor,i'er Jurassic rocks of the Connecticut Vallev, USA. The n'rost actrte of his observations i,i as that he recosnized transrnitted tracks and illustrated a stacked sequence of tracks lHitchcock IB58). 'fhese repeated echoes of tl-re surface trace in successi."'e subsurface lavers q'ere founcl cornnlonlv anong the Colinecticut Valle,v tracks. He referred to these lavers, often phvsicallv bound together like sionv books, as his "fossil volumes" (Hitchcock 18i8). These volunes rvere recogr-rized as a dy'r-ramic record of rlovement, as Hitchcock rerrarkecl on the anterior travel of transnrittecl tracks relative to the surface track. It rvould take over a hundred 1,ears before ichnologists u'ould begin to recognize the significance of what Hitchcock (1858) hacl correctlv interpretecl.
fron the
'friassic tracks fron'r N,lilford, NJ, led Baird (1957) to conclude that tracks and trackr,vavs u'ere not just a sin'rple record of anatornt', but one that belal's
the nor,'erlent of the foot on, and in sone cases thror-rgh, sediment. Baird sau' track formation as a dvnamic ir-rteraction that rvas in tnrn controllecl bv srrbstrirle
Alien (1989) used the mechanical inclenter theorr' (Calladine
al. 1982) to interpret fossil tracks, supported bv cornplementarv scaled laboratorv experintents. He usecl a circr-rlar indent or-r 1971; fohrrson et
lan-rinated piasticine anci sectioned the restrltant tracks to display the distribtrtion of sr-rbsurface track features. He noted that the undertraces in his experiments \\:ere a sr-rbstantiailr' less perfect record of the shape and size
of the face of the indenter, and concluded that ger-reral indenter theori; complernented bv laboraton'erperiments, cor-rld proi'ide insight to the forr-nation and preserr':rtion of ',,ertebrate tracks and trackwat,s.
The most conrprehensive studv on the rnechanics of the forntatiorr, presenation, ancl the clistribution of vertebrate tracks r,vas also unclertaken b1'Allen (1997). Tl-re studr, looked in detail at subfossil mammalian tracks frorr Fiandrian deposits in the Severn Estuarr', Southu,est Britain. Allen (1997) suggested that understanding tl-re nechanics of track making and the taphononv of traccs has continuecl to lag behind the descriptions of anatomical aspects ar-rd the distribution of tracks, despite its reler,ance in taxonom'1'and ecological interpretations. The 2 approaches used in interpreting the rnechanics of track forrnation can be dir,ided into tl-rose that use live anirrials w'alking over preparecl substrates (NIcKee 19,17; Iiarlor,i, 1989; Padian and Olsen 1984, l9B9) and the application of indenter theory as first undertaken br,'Allen (1989). Allen (1997) continued the experimer-rtal laboratorl'approach to a theoretic:rl mechanic:rl n-rodel as a rneans of interpreting and understanding vertebrate track preserr,'ation and l'rorphologl'. He suggested that the model of mechanical theory offered a liumber of insights into the likely' character of animal tracks in the field. He found that the use of an indentecl plastic rnaterial in laboratorv tests u'as supported br,results that qualitativeh, reproduced all the essential feaiures ofreal tracks. The distribution and presenation of subfossil tracks in the Seven-r Estuarv are presentecl in outcrop in several different rnocles as undertraces of varving degrees of cletail, as overtraces frorli a range of le','els in the shafts, T rov (nood Tr:n
emptied shafts, and as tracks. Allen (1997) iroted that onll'a small proportion of tracks ir-r tl-re area rvere capable of y'ielding unchallengeable taxonomic inforrration about the animais that made then-r. The indenter n-rodel, cor-rpled rvith laboratory and field experin-rents, provided a robr,rst means to test the inforn-iation recoverable from the fossil track record; horvever, it was suggested that furtl-rer study was reqr-rired to perrnit more solid taxonomic, ecological, and environmental inferences about ertinct as
species (Allen 1997). Reviews on the historv of vertebrate track ichnologv can be for-rnd in Sarjeant (i974) and Thulborn (i990). Although tl're use of laboratory studies to interpret the formation and preservation of dir-rosaur tracks has been limited, the multidisciplir-rarv approach Padian and Olser-r (1984) suggested, i,vhich uses anatom,v, kinernatics, and the nature of the sr-rbstrate to
interpret tracks, should have been ernbraced b,v the ichnoiogical rvorld. It was not, trntil r,er)'recentlr,-. Excellent progress is norv beir-rg n'rade with computer-aided ichnologl'. Stephen Gatesy's work brings ichnology firmlf into ihe 21st centurr,(Gates1, 2001, 2003; Cates.v et al. 1999, 2005). He recognized the complex surface relief of Triassic tracks frorn East Greenland could replay the movements of the limbs that created the tracks (Gatesy et al. 1999). We will return to Gatesy's splendid r.vork later ir-r this chapter. While I r,r,as happilv cl-rasing emu, generating experimental tracks and hunting vertebrate traces irr the field, jesper Milin was doing likelvise in Denmark. His research (Mildn 2003; MilSn et al. 2004) clearlv demonstrates the value of experimental work when interpreting fossil tracks. Although laboratorv tracks are r-rseful, it n'rust not be forgotten that their ftrnction is to aid tl-ie interpretation of fossil ones. It is a little stirprising, but giver-r that vertebrate icl-rnology' has close to 2 centuries of historr', tvrannosaur tracks are conspicLlolls bv their raritv.
rex Tracks
Trrannosaurus tracks are rare in the fossil record. N{anv tracks initially identified as being rnade b1'7. rexhave subsequentll'been icler-rtified as belonging to their prev: l-radrosaurs! Tracks that n'ere allegedly made bv T rex from tl-re Mesa Verde Group of Carbon Countv, UT, r.r'ere given the suitable ich r-rospe cies Tyrannos auro pu s ( Haubold 1 97 1 ). Horvever, subsequent research (Lockley and Hunt 1995) has shon,n this ichnospecies could not lrave been niade b1' T. rex.'lhe N{esa Verde Group is too old (Campanian) to have the iracks of T. rex, and rnost workers agree that the large tridactyl tracks found belonged to a hadrosar-rr. However, ttie ichnospe ciesTyrannosauropus stands-an unfortunate assignment for a l-iadrosar-rr track. Tl-re tracks of T. rex (Fig. 12.3.) har,'e been described from the late Cre-
taceous Lararnie (Colarado) and Rator-r Fbrnrations (Northern Mexico), namecl \,rannosauripus pillmorei (Lockiel' and Hunt 1994). The Raton Formation track displavs several features that n-iight be expected for one made b1'7. rex-length (0.85 rn long) that exceeds width and a clear hallux irnpression-ancl to date, 'I'. rex is the onlv large theropod tl-rat fits this track in the late Cretaceor,rs (Lockley and Hur-rt 1994). 'l'he existence of a'1. rex Phillip
L Manning
track is irrportar-rt for ichnologists, br-rt unfortunatell; it is verr,mr:ch in the singtrlar. A trackn'av ol a T. rex had not been identified until recently. The Biack Hills Institute of Geologic Research has recognizecl a series of theropod trackrvavs in the Lance Formatior.r (N,laastrichtiar-r, Upper Cretaceor,rs) of \V1'oming. Sorne of the tracku,ar.s have been ir-rterpreted as being nade bv a tvranno.aur (Peter Larson, personal communication). The large (0.83 m FL) tridactl'l tracks har,c lon'relief, almost certainlr,represent trar-rsnitted features, and are preserved in fine- to mediunr-grained sandstone (Fig. 12.1A). T'her are associated (on tl-re same bedding plane) rn,itlr srnaller oviraptorid-tvpe tracks (Fig. l2 48) and large hadrosatrrine tracks (fig. 12 aC), displaling concentric shear failure (N4anning 1999, 2004) Tl-ie Lance Forn-ration tracks, althotrgh important, do not ha'"'e anv of the ar.rin'rals breaking into rults, merelv lvalking across the substrate. These tracki,r'avs lvill be the focr:s of future research and rvill certainlv add rliore
T. rex Speed Trap
Figure 12.3. Tyrannosauri pus pi I I mo rei (Lockley and Hunt 1994). Footprint (eft) and cast
(right). Scale bar = 50 cm.
Figure 12.4, (A) Tyrannosaurus rex track? (B) Oviraptorid dinosaur track (C) Hadrosaur track d isplayi ng concentric shea r fa I u re. Lance Formation, Wyoming. Scale bar = 5 cm. r
Figure 12.5. Mongolian theropod trackway. Trackway on left with
to or,rr knolr'ledge of this dinosaur assemblage. Althor-rgh tracks of rnediun'r to large theropocls attair-ring significant speeds are rare, thev are krioir,n
latex cast of trackway on
right. Courtesy of Yoshiki Koda.
Anatomy of Locomotion
(Farlow l9B1; Viera and'lbrres 1995). Ar-r additionai series of theropod trackn'avs recentlv for-rnd in \'{ongolia sr,rpport il-rat some mediumJarge theropods were capable of rr-rnning at rnoderate to higl-r speeds (Fig. 12.5). The fossil tracku,avs of the theropod thip height fhl I.27-I.71 rr) from lnr-rer N,Iongolia potentiallv shon's an anirnal rrovirlg at 7.15-10.6 mls (25.t--38 km/h)-relativell'fast for sucl-i a large anirr-ral! Is it possrble thatT. rex rright also have achieied such speeds? The follou'ing sections rvill begin to unpick a con-rplicated stort' of anatomy, lirnb rrovernent (kinematic$, and substrates, a storl'that holcls n'ianv clues to unraveling some of the secrets locked r.l'itfrin tracks and trackrvavs oftheropods and other bipedal dinosaurs.
The running abilitv of T rex has had a checkered histon'that is based on body fossil eviclence, frotn a sprinting, cr-irsorial preclator (Paui 1998; Sellers and Manning, in preparation) to a graviportal scavenger (Horner ar-rd Lessen-t 1993). The running abilitl'of ar-ry organism is intimatelt,tied to the anatomv of the anirnal. The relaiionship betlveen anatomv and locon.rotion was rec-
Phillio L. Mannino
ognized as far back as the fifth centur1,e.c., bi Aristotle (Padian 1995). The forrn of r.'ertebrate skeletor-rs l-ras a direct infuence on lirlib ftrr-rction because bones pror,ides the ar-rchor poiilts for the tendons, musculature, and ligaments that drive locor-notion and delineates the degree of movernent. The body,'fossil record preserves inforn'iation on the skeletal altatoill\,, size, and inferred gait (basecl on joint articulation and geometrv) of sorne dinosaurs. 'l'his has enabled n'orkers to generate functional rnodels and to reconstruct tlre loconrotion for soine dinosaurs (Romer l9B, 1927,1956; \\/alker 1977; Tarsitano 1983: Alerander 1996; Jol-rnson ancl C)strorr 1995; Farlon'et al. 2000; fones et al. 2000; Bier,r,ener 2002; Hutcliinson and Garcia 2002; Carrano and Hutchinson 2002; Hutchinson 2004). T. rex, alo:ngn,ith all theropods, riere obligator_v bipeds.'l'he majorit,v of theropods u'alked on 3 toes (tridactr'l), but some retained i,estigial digits I and V. The phaiangeal forrnulae rernain remarkablr.,conservati\re for the group and its descendants, tlie bircls (l prefer the tern't aviarL theropods). Like rnanv other dinosaurs, theropods stood, lr,alked, ran, and jurnped on their toes (digiiigrade),like reptilian prima ballerinas, u'ith bite! The metaiarsi varied considerabl,v in forrn, ultimatel,v fusing in the derived ar,'ian
condition (tarsometatarsus). The tl"reropod skeleton shares manv features among tetrapocls, such as the common possession of specific bones in the manus (hand) and pes (foot). Some of these features prol'ide useful homologor:s characters u,hen tracing theropod evolution, as \\'ell as the associated evolution of the locornotor trends in more clistant grorlps (Parrish l986). Analogotls charzlcters sl-rared bv distinct groups with separate evolutionarl, lineages can also provide trseful conparative inforrnation on the forrn and function of indepenclenth' evolved characters (Gates1, and Biervener 1991).
The prin-rarv corrrponents of the tetrapod skeleton concerned u'ith locornotion are the limbs and their attachments. Hor,vever, before n'e discuss the lirnbs, it is i,i,orth considering storage of energv rvithin an organism in relation to locomotion. I,Iuscular energy is of prime importance contributing to locomotiorr, but the r,'ertebral column and the flexibiliti' of bones ir-r almost the r,vhole skeleton are an important passir,'e conponent (Alexancler et al. 1985).'l'he r,'ertebrai collunn of rnarrrnals is quite different fron-r ihat of rei;tiles, but git'en the similarities in gait ar-rcl posture to dinosaurs, it seerns quite likelv that their vertebral coir-rrrn (as in all tetrapocls) plar.'ed an inportant role ir-r locomotion. 'fhe tendons that braced the backs of manv dinosaurs r'vould have plaved a crucial role ir-r storing energy for ]ocorr.rotion, as thev do todav for mammals, from shreu's to elepl-rants (Sellers and N,fanning, in preparation 2006). It has been suggested that back tendons account for about 70% of the total strain energv stored in the vertebral column, muscles con-
tribute about 10%, and the elasticity'of tl-re vertebrae themselves accounts for abort 20% (McGo',r,ar-r 1999). Pr-rt sirrpl1,, bones provicle a framenork for nruscles to delir,er their u'ork, but to fullv understand the energr, inputs to locomotion, a ri'hole-organism approach is ideal. 'l'he phi sical and rrechanlcal prope rties of bone, muscle, tendon, ligament. keratin, and other biomaterials ail ha'u,e a role to plav and nrust be accounted for ivhen unraveling the locomotorv abilities of extilict anin-rals. I rov \noad
Figure 12.6. Tyrannosaurus Stan. Stan shows a typical skeletal layout for many large theropod dinosaurs.
'l'heropod skeletons displar tr,pical form erpected for a terrestrial cursorial tetrapod (albeit a biped), but thc postrrre of the lin'rbs is not tvpical for rcptiles, bv the degree of adduction of the hind linrb, alloning an erect, or p:rrasagittal, posturc ancl resuitant gait (Fig. 12.6).'fhe crcct posture, in ri,hich the plane of the lcgs is perpendicular to the pl:rne of thc torso, has the limbs slung under the boclr in a tvpicallv avian or u:rmmali:rn postttre.
Tracking Extant Avian Theropods
Theropod descer-rdants, the birds, fom-r a diversc dcrived group. but the anatornv of their feet ancl lirribs renains relativeh.'conscrr':rtive and similar to their ancestors. I'loriever. the loss of the dinosauri:rn tail ar-rd thc cleveloprlient of flight resulted in rrajor reorganization of the peli'ic girdlc (Hutcliinson 2001). The manr.outcottres of tliis reorganization incltrde :rn :rnterior shift in the center of m:rss ancl alterecl linrb kinerrratics to corriperrsate for thc o'oltrtionan,changes (Catesl 1990, 1991, 199it. Bircls hai'e adoptecl tlie derived kneeJrased retraction mech:rnism for locon-rotion (Gatesv 1990, 1991, 1995r Catcsv and Bicn'cncr l99i), naking
thern poor analogLres for calculating the position, articulation, and rel:rtrr,e lirlb angles of theropod dinosaurs. Hon'ever, lnrnrans have aclopted a hipbased rctraction rnechanisrn, functionalli corrip:rrable u ith most large theropocls (Gatesr' 1990, i991, 1995; Gatesi'ancl Bien'ener 1991). The lirnb angle positions, relative to the grotrnd, fbr a human varv frorn 73"-> to 74" at heeldon,n phase to I18"-> to 124" at toe-off phase of thc step clcle. The lirrb posture for the hip-based retraction mechanism of htrrnans has been used to sinrulate the linib posture angles in laboratorr.sinulated dinosatrr tracks (N,Ianning 1999.2004). Fbssil tracks can clisplav evidence of a 3-phase distorted force bulb, inferring a heel-dou.n, roll forri'ard, and toe-off phase during track fornration, supporting a hip-b:rsed retractor mechanism for some theropocls. Triassic theropocl tracks from (]reenland (Clatesr et al. 1999) also clenronstrate that track rrorphologv can eltrcidate the tnoveuent of the step ci,cle tl.rat created tfrem.
Theropods: A Moving Experience 212
The step crcle of a hurnan c:rn bc evaluatecl bt'our brains, given tlrat ne are quite fanriliar u'ith the gait and nrove ntcnts adopted
Phillia L. Mannrno
ou n species.
Dinosatrr gait ancl mor,'ement are problematic, given thet' are predominantlr,based on fragrnentan,fossil ei.,idence. Hot'e\,er, r-noverrent is a function of the organism's linb anatomr., joint articulation, der,'elopment and disiribution of musculatnre, and geometrr'. Constraining the limb kinematics for a particr-rlar dinosaur is fraught nith difficulties, not least of rihich is the fact that no lir.,ir-rg relative qr-rite n'alks the n'alk of a dinosaur (Nlanning et al. 2006). It might be possible to infer sone of the loconotor abilitr', gait, and so on by appli'ing the principle of extant phvlogcr-rtic bracketing (EPB) (Witrner 1995). N{ight it then be possible to bracket the potential range of locornotor sti'les and abilities of dinosaurs? Given that clinosaurs fall in the EPB of extant birds and crocodilians, this teclinique infers the locomotor str'les and abilities, like anaton'iv, phvsiologi,', and biologr', r'nigl-rt also be constrained bv the extant group. Reconstnrctions of the pell'ic and hind limb n-rusculatue of T. rex (Carrano and Htrtchinson 2002) have proven how,useful the EPB is rvhen unraveling complex soft tissue relationships. Combining EPB u'ith obseri.'ations of theropod anatorrn' (Carrano and Hutchinson 2002) ancl track data (Gatesl et al. 1999; N'Iannir-rg 1999, 2004) indicates that it is possible to reconstruct gait patterns anci mor,ement. Once gait pattern and lirrb rrorrernelit are constralned, it is possible to begir-r tl-re process of resurrecting a ti-reropod step cvcle and the processes that result in track forrnation. The par t of an aninral's step o'cle r.vhere the foot is in contact rvith tl-re ground is knon'n as the support pl-rase (Gatesv and Bien'ener l99l). It is during the support phase of loconotiorr that a track is forned. 'l'he initial angle at lr.'hich the foot makes contact n,ith the ground aliers, increasing as the ar-iirnal's bodr.rnoves ovcr the foot to the toe-off phase of the step cvcle. The foot-don'n and toe-off phase of the step o'cle hai.'e been strrdied bv several n'orkers (Clark and Alexander 1975; NtlcN{ahon 1984; Tl'rulborn and Wade i989; Padian ancl Olser-r l9B9; Gatesl' 1990; Gatesl'and Bieu,ener 1991) for different species of anirral, inch-rding humans and ratite avian theropods. T-he knee flexion in birds functions similarly to I'rip extension in hurrans, providing the principal angrrlar joint displacement by rvl-rich the bodv is moved foru'ard (Cracraft l97l; Jacobson and Holh'dav 1982). The angle of the action of force acting on a foot at the heel-dolvn phase of a linib cycle appears renarkably sirnilar ar-nong living bipedal anrn-rals (Catesv and Biewener I99i), u,'ith r.'ariation betr,"'een 56'-> ar-rd 73' to tl-re ground, depending on the tvpe of anirnal and the speed at u,hich it -l'l-re was traveling. angle to n,hicl-r the limb rotates forward before the toeoff pl-rase of the step c),cle also sholr,s little variation betu'een ser,'eral iiving bipedal animals, betu'eerr 106"-> to 138" to the gror-rnd. Variatior-r in the step cvcle limb position angles r,r'as greatest in birds, ranging frorn 56o-> to 63" at heel-dow'n to 106'-> to IJ8'at toe-off phase of the step o'cle. 'I'he relative position of an aninal's center of mass to the angle of the action of force acting on the foot results in variation in the distribtrtion of pressure over the sole of the foot during a step o'cle. Can this variation in pressure possibll'be one of the kevs to alk-ni the kinernatic information stored rvitl-rin a track to be unlocked?
T. rex Speed Irap
A Critical Eye for Walking
Experin-rental i.r,ork on tracklr,ays, coupled ivith considerations of
linb ki-
nematics and substrate conditions, permits the rnost robust inferences abor,rt track maker's and fossil footprint data (Padian and Oisen 1984, 1989; Manning 1999, 2004). It is logical that similar trackrval,s indicaie analogous kinernatics in rnany large theropods (Padian and Olsen l989). Horvever, Gatesv (199i) questioned the resoiution at r,vhich details of limb-segrner-rt orientation, kinematics, rnuscuiar anatom,v, and neuromuscular control cor-rld be addressed by means of Padian and Olsens (1989) techr-rique. He suggested that footprints coulcl not be equallv inforrlatir,e about all locornotor categories, even iftrackrvavs have helped confirm that birds retair-red the obligaiorv, digitigrade bipeclalism and l-righly addr,rcted limb postrire of their tl-reropod ancestors. Cates,v (1995) concluded that rt u'as quite possible that such bipeds could make alrnost identicai footprints even if thev differed in several locorrotor categories. He rnaintained tl-iat trackwai,'s could not provide enough detail to discrin-rir-rate betrveer-r l-ripbased (primitive theropod) and knee-based (avian theropod) limb-retraction mechanisnis. The track rnorphologv of tl-re iargest living ground birds (ratites), such as eu-u-r (Padiar-r and Oisen 1989; Nlanning 1999; N'lildn 2003; Milin et al. 2004) and ostricl-res (Farlorv 1989), allou, comparison of track morphologv generated by either avian knee-based or hip-based (primitive theropod and hr-rrnan) retraction mechanisrns b-v using laborator,v-simulaied and fossil tracks (Nlar-rning i999, 2004). Observations on the distribution of pressure across ratite feet wl-rer-r walking, inferred frorli track morpl'rologi' (Thulborn and Wade I9B9; F'arlorv 1989; Mar-rning 1999, 2004), indicate the presstrre distribution across the foot of a knee-basecl retraction nechanisir differs from a track ger-rerated bl'a hip-based retractor rrechanism. The distinct heel-dor'vn phase in laboratorv-simulated tracks aiid fossil tracks is almost abser-rt from emu and ostrich tracks (Farlow I9B9; N,{annin g1999). 'I'he l-reeldorvn phase is replaced by what can be described as a contact phase. In the contact phase, an avian theropod tests the groulrd to assisi motor control for the cornpleted step cycle (Gatesv and Biewener l99l). This enables an animal to accommodate for substratun-r heteroger-reitv during locornotion in a natural environment (Clark I9BB; Gaiesv and Bien'ener l99l), rvithout committing its u'hole mass over the foot, as with a heel-dor,vn phase of a hip-based retractor r-nechanisrn. The knee-based retraction mechanisrn appears to combine the heel-dorvn phase and rotation phase of the step o,cle (contact phase), r'i'ith the greatest force exerted at ti-re distal end of digits at the pushoff phase of the step cvcle. The variation in the distributior-r of pressr-ue across
the foot is essentiallv a bl.product of the relative positior-r of tl.re animal's center of rlass dr-rring a step cycie, as the bodl'moves over each foot and step, respectively. Tl-ris suggests, contrary to Gaiesr' (199i), that it is possible to differentiate betrveen hip- and knee-based retractor s1'sten-is from track geometrl', given that track relief (sr-rrface and subsurface) is a function of the distribution of pressure. The center of mass of a theropod dinosaur is also reflected ir-r the distribution of the animal's u,'eight on its 2 limbs. If the center of rlass is directly over the limbs of a biped, each iirrb will support an equal amount of 214
Phillip L. Mannino
r,ieight (u'her-r the animal stands stiil). Tl-re posture of a theropod clinosaur had to account for the rclative position of the center of mass to be stable, or, il4ren
ivalking, to be dy-ramicalli unstable (see Stel,ens et al. this volun're). The difference in the position of the center of rnass u,ould certainl','have had an effect on all theropod loconiotion, inclucling sitting, standing, n'alking, running, ancl junping. 'l'he distribution ofprcssure exerted across the sole ofa foot can vary with subtle directional changes in the load applied during a step cvcle (N,'lanning 1999). Laboratori track sirnulations ar-rd force-plate (optical pedobaragraph) experirrents can vield useful informaiion on the substirface rr-rorphologv of tracks ancl tl-re clistribution of pressures across the sole of a foot (N,f annin g 1999,2004). 1'he varving degree to n'l-rich a digit or cligrts n'ere transnritted to deeper successil e lavers correlates lr'itfr the distribution and rnagnitude of pressure acting on the sole of a foot. Experimer-rtal pressure plate svstens have been used to track the r,ariation in the center of pressrlre during a step cvcle, rnaking it possible to correlate r.'ariatior-r in load rn'ith the restrltant distribution of pressures over time throLrgh a step cvcle (N'lanning 1999, 2004). 'l'he inplication of beir-rg able to infer the kinenatics of a step ci'cle frorn a fossil track, coupled r,r'ith the size of the anirnal and speed at rihich it n'as trar.cling, could i'icld important ir-rformation on the locomotion of all dinosaurs. The lD subsurface track record of the relatii'e magnitucle ancl distribution of pressr-rre across a foot can assist in assigning theropod tracks to a primiiive (hip-based) or derived (knee-based) locomotor s),sterr. This coulcl provicie usefr-rl data on el olutiolarl trends in theropod locomotion in the fossil track record, thus supporting the evider-rce from the bodv fossil record (Catesr 1990, 1991, 1995). It mav no\\'be possible to differentiate from L,ate Cretaceons avian theropod and bipeclal ornithopod tracks on the b:rsis of subsurface deforrnation bv the presence or absence of a heel-dori n phase di-rring locomotion. A N,Iiddle furassic theropod track frorn the Scalbl' F'ornation, Yorkshire, UK, provides an ex:rmple of a 3-phase track ('l'hulborn and \Vade I989) (Fig. 12.7), u'ith features ti'picall1'erpectecl for a hip-based limb retractior-r mechanisrr (Nfanning 2004). The cross section along the meclian 1ir-rc of digit III shon's a region of clot,nriarped sediment ir-r the heel area (A), r'vhich delineates the clefomration carrsed at the l-reel-donn phase of the step o'cle (Fig. 12.7). 'fhe briclge of the foot (B) of the section of digit III delineates the seconcl forw'ard rotation phase of the step cycle (Frg. 12.7). 'l-he third and n-rost distinct point of the step cl'cle, the toe-off phase (C), is clearlv deiineatcd b1'a severelr,dou'n'nr,arped area of sedirnent larrrnae, couplcd u'ith liquefaction failure (Fig. I2.7).'fhe track displavs all 3 pl-rases of a step o,'cle (Tl'rulborn ancl \\'ade 1989) that n'ould be expected for a hip-based retractor rrechanisrr, tvpical of a N{iddle Jurassic theropod clinosaur (N,'lanning 1999, 2004). 'lb test tlris h1'pothesis further ivoulcl require the sectior-ring of manl' coniplete fossii tracks from the Jurassic and Cretaceous, to compare and contrast the distribution ofpressure across the foot in relation to subsurface featr-rres, n4rich n,ill (curators n'illine) be the subject of future rvork.
T. rex Speed Trap
Figure 12.7. Cross section along medial line of digit lll from a Middle Jurassic theropod track, Scalby Formation, Burniston, lll( Araa< A f^ a ranro<enf nh:cp< nf fha
10 cm.
Firm Grounding to Build On
Did the Earth Move
for You?
Prer.ious u'ork or-r dinosaur trackr'r'ays has tended to concentrate on identifi -
ing the aniural that may have produced the track, and the speed, gait, and size of the animal. The'"vav in u'hich sediments bel-rave before, dr-rring, ancl after a track is formed and the subsequent processes that mav further noclif1', enhance, or clisgtiise a track has been much neglected. 'I'he poor fossil record for T rex tracks ar-rd tracku'a1's suggests that eiiher rrore tracks must be found, or an alternative to fossil tracks be generated to studv r,r'hat potential traces might look like. A corabir-ration of laboratory'-cor.rtrollecl track sin-rulaiions, cor-rpled lvith field observations, can provide a nore corrplete understar-rding of hon' tracks are formed and preserved (Padian and Olsen 1989; Allen 1989, I997; N'larrning 1999,2004; NIihn 2001; N'lilAn et al. 2004). T'he uorphologi'of snrface and subsurface tracks rnust be studiecl n ith a r,ieil'to treating tracks as cl1'namic records of movement ancl not just static traces.
A footfall of a dinosar-rr rnechanicali',' makes dense tl-ie sedin.rent beneatl-r its foot, sornetimes resulting in failure, preser','ed as tracks. For ur:rnv vears, ichnologists have nan'ied track species (ichnospecies) at an alarrring raie using qualitative characters tliat l,ar-v greatll'from one footfall to tl-ie r-rexi. Ferv ichnospecies are sr-rpported by' laboratorr-controlled erperinients to cluar-rtif1'and qr,ralif,v interpretations of the fossil tracks. Resr-rltant ichnospecies are 2D shador,vs of what\\,'as a more cornplex JD track structure. The mechanical properties of substrate clearh'inflnence the response ancl resultant features associated w'ith a footfall. To understand the fomation and preserr.'ation of dinosaur tracks, it is essential to understand the mechanics of soils. The word soll has different meanings to n'orkers from r,'arious disciplines. The definition I r-rse here is an engineering one, defined as anv loose sedirnentarl'deposit, such as gravel, sand, clar', or a mixtr:re of these materials (Smith 1981). The size and distribution of particles that forrn a soij, corrbined rl.'ith tl-ie air or rvater occupving l'oids betr,r.'een the solid particles, affects the rnechanical properties of that soil, as does its porositl'and permeabilitl'. For example, silt-v fine- to rnediurr-grained sands have little resistance to shearing rvhen clr,v, but u,hen rnoisture content increases, so too cloes shear strength (N{anning 1999, 2004). An increase in moisture content effectir''elv increases the bulk clensitv of a sedirnent as lr"ater replaces the air contained in the voids betu,een soil particles. The denser a soil becornes,
L Mannrng
the greater its sl-rear strength (Karafiath and No'nvatzki l97B). Horve',,er, if the n-roisture content increases be1'or-rd the soil's critical saturation point (critical hydraulic graclient), rvhere the soil particles r-ro longer come into contact as a result ofpore-rvater pressllre, the soil fails. Boussinesq (1883) solved the problern of preclicting the distribution of stress at an1, point in a hornogeneous, elastic, isotropic niedium as the result of a point load applied at the surface. Boussinesq's elastic analvsis is represented by the follon'ing equatior.r:
o,='!-rn*fd' (1) Bor-rssinesq's equation shou's a point load (P), ivith o the vertical stress at point deptli e belor.v the load at a horizontal distance r frorn the line of
action. N{annir-rg (1999, 2004) applied Boussinesq's eqr-ration to help provide insight to the distribution of pressure n'ithin a',,olume of sediment, f ielding track features. The nraxin-mm zone of deformation (N{ZD) marks the zone of influence (or failure envelope) in track fornation, and Boussinesq's equation pror,'ides the theoreticai distribution of actual pressLlre in a i'olurne of sediment. Hou'ever, Boussinesq's theorr, relates to the distribution ofa static load at depth. A track is the resuit ofa dvnarnic load; therefore, the application of Boussinesq's theon, has its lirnitations. N{anning (2004), lvho usecl a reconstructed fbot to indent constnrcted sediments. shol','ed that the use of laboratorv-generated tracks can vield important inforrnation on dl,namic sediment faih-rre.
Laboratorv-simulated tracks can provide a quantitative approach to interpreting the morphologv and spatial distribr:tion of failure in a volunre of sediment, and the associatecl secliment cor-rditions and properties at the tirre of track formation (Allen 1997; Gatesl et al. 1999; N4anning 1999, 2004; \,tlildn 2003; N4il6n et a1. 2004). Thev might also help confirm or disprove track ancl track maker relationships, given the benefits of a closed svstem and knou'ing the experimental paraneters. A quantitative test for fossil dinosaur tracks is a difficult benchmark to achieve, giver-r there are rlanv r,ariables to account for, inch-rding moisture
Making Tracks in the Laboratory
content at the tine of track forrr-iation, n'eight of the dinosaur, trtre morphology of the dinosaur's foot, ancl the exact gait of dinosaur at the time of track formation. Althougl-r these variables can be rneasured in controlled laboratorv track sirnulations, a method to preclict these variables from a fossil track has i'et to be devised. This neans that the track data produced from laboratorl,sin-rrlations can onlv be used as a qualitative guide to the conditions prevailing, and the foot rrorpfrologv of the track naker, at the tirrie of track forrnation.
A sirrple erperimental setup can proi'ide a l-rr-rge ar.nount of data on the formation, presen'ation, and sr-rbseqnent morphologv of tracks. Man217
L) ffiry$i*i:: F
Eure l2.8. Track gener-
aiecl tn a saturatecl (31
2% moisture con-
ning (i999, 2004) derelopecl a series of erperiments to cltaractcrize and reconstruct a number of sediments to indent ri'ith a standardized, recolr-
'l'hc resultant tracks coulcl be dissected and surfacc lavers conrpared to anv subsnrfzrce cieforrnation (trallsmitted strr-rcted tridactvl theropod foot.
nd. /Ai Ottarnrinf r>ut .,,.{^-^ (rdLA 1^-+,,,^ ilt9 talc +,--1. /gd(ulg, (B) Track at -1.3 cm. (C) f i ne -g ra
at -3.5 cm. (D) at -4.9 cm. (E) Track at -6.3 cm. (F) Side view of constructed sediTrack
ment. All scale bars tn centimeters.
tracks) (Fig. 12.8). Fron-r tl're clata recor,'erecl frou'r the erpcrinrents, it uas possiblc to plot (lr'ith Petrel softn are) tracks in 3L) shou ing the spatial relationship of surface and subsr-rrface defomation 1F'ig. I2.9;. 'l'he \lZD on each track sur-
face (Fig. 12.9A) and the relatir,e position of digiis (Fig. 12.9B) \\'ere recorclecl ancl plottecl (see \'lanning 2004). With Petrel or other sLritable r.isualization packages, it ri':rs possible to clearlv shori the spatial relationship of the track lavers n'ithin :r lolunte of seclinent for the first tir-re. 'I he erpe rinental tracks indicated that the magnitude of the N'IZD and related sedinrentarv features is in proportion to thc load applied to an isotropic seclirner-rt (\{ar-u-ring 1999, 2004). Thc N{ZD n-rarks the naximum extent of deformation t'ithin a voluure of seclin-rent. A cross section of strch dcforrnation produces a distorted onion-sh:rped force buib of inflr-rence. 'l'he deformation of tl-re force bulb is a function of the dr,n:uric nature of track fornration, providing evidence of thc direction of loacl applied to a sediruent. The clistorted force bulb can be unclistortccl br plotting the cross section of a laboratorr-sirnLrlated or fossil track ort a nornralized axis (\{an1999). 'l'he resultant cross section through the force bulb resenrbles failure trpical of a static load, in effect conforrning thc Boussinesci (1883)
indenter theorr'.
Phillip L. Mannrng
Laboratorr-gerrerated tracks can shoil'the potential for errors in the interpretation of fossil track n'rorphologv and geornetrv. This is ritost evldent il'hen using trackrvat's to calculate the speed at ivhich the track n-raker r'r,as rnor''ing at the time of track formation, n4ren tising crucial parameters clerived from track geonretrr,.
Alexander (1976) devised a rrethod to estirriate an animai's speed from its tracks that used the knou'n parameters of stricle length ()"), and estimated parameters such as hip height (h). His fonnula could then be applied to fossil tracku'avs. Alexander used a nondinensionai parameter, the Froude nurnber, to allorv ureaningful comparisons betr,r'een aninals of varl'ing size bv means of ph1'sical similariti theorr'(Dr,rncan 1953). Phvsicai simrlaritv theon,predicts that the movernents of anirnals of geornetricalli'sinrilar forrn, but of different sizes, u'ill be geornetricallv sinilar onlv r.vhen thev mo,"'e lvith the sarne Froude nunber (i.e., r',ten the squares of their speeds are proportional to their lir-rear dimensions). Geometricallv similar rnovements require equal i alues of )"//i-that is, stride length rnust also be proportional to their linear dinrension. Alexander (1976) used stride length (),) as the distance betu'een corresponding points on snccessive tracks of the sarle foot. His equation can be u'ritte n so that speed (u) can be estimated frorn the knor,r'n 'n'altres of l" and h can be rneasured accuratelv fron.r tracks. Hip height (h) rias estimated frorn Fl,, multiph,ing Fl, bi,4 to give h. u(D\0
25s0.5\11"1 67\h-1 17\
of Speed
Holl'el'er, he recognized that in manr bipedal dinosaurs, h clicl not conform to the rule of 'tFL; some were 3.6FL to 4.3FL (Alexancler 1976). Er,'en n'ith the potential pitfalls of Alexander's (1976) nethod, it has been adopted bv nanr' (Tucker and Burchette 1977;'l'hr-rlborn and \\/ade i979; Farlor,r, 1981;
Tracks as a Measure
Thulborn 1981, I98Z; Har-rbold 198+; Lockler.et al.
The assun-rption that a dinosaurs foot has a constant relationship to h rs possiblv u'rong for J reasons. First, the ft/FL ratio is unlikelv to account for T rov \noart Tran
Fiatro 1) Q Pafral nlat< of experimental tracks clearly show the 3D surfaces that combine to create a track. (A) MZD
nlnt< /R) D;^;t
showi ng spatia I
re I ati on
ship of digit position with depth.
variation in geometrv betrveen dinosaur taxa (Thulbom 1990). Second, the fi/FL ratio u'ould l-rave char-rged cluring grou'th, a function of allornetry (Thulborn 1990). Third and finallv, the h/FL asslrmes that i.r'hat is rneasured from the track represents the anirnal's actual foot length, something I will discuss further shorilv. Alexander (1976) did indicate that if h were overestimated by l0%, u rvotrld be underestir-natedbv ll%. However, to create even larger discrepancies is not difficr-rlt. For example, a fossil FL of 0.10 m would give a liip height (h) of approxirratel,v 0.4 m. Ho'uvever, if the true foot length were 0.07 m, h nould be calculated as 0.28 m, rreaning the speed (u) from a trackrvav rnight be underestimated by more than 25%. Sr-rch a discrepar-rcy can easilv arise from how a track is measr-rred or by being a transmitted feature rnisinterpreted as a sr-rrface trace. Laboratory track sirlir-rlations (Manr-ring 1999, 200'1) shou' that the length and rvidih of a track can vary within an individual track, n,ith the original sllrface track feature often less rvell defined than those transn-iitted. Overprir-rt (Thulborn 1990) features can also alter track parameters ln comparison to the original surface on lvhich the anirnal left its irace. Given that dinosaur FL, and in some cases FW, are key'pararreters used to calcr-rlate l-iip height in calculations of speeds from trackrvavs, here lies a prob-
lerr (Alexand er 1976; Lockley et al. 1983; Wliat is the tme track (foot) length?
Sanz et al. l9B5; Thr-rlborn 1989).
The variation in FL is a function of the relative position of a track laver to the force bLrlb (N1ZDifailure envelope) transnitted rvithin a vcrlttme of sedirnent. The deformation of sediment beneath a foot initiall-v expands then dininishes with depth, and u'ith it the track geometry and morphology alters rvith depth. Edward Hitchcock (i858), as discussed earlier, made an enonnolrs contribution to the earlv science of vertebrate ichnology,bv recognizing transmrtted tracks. His "fossil volumes" (Hitchcock I85B) still provide useful clata u'hen comparing laboratory-simulated tracks u'ith fossil tracks. The experrrr-rental tracks shorv clearlv holr, deforned tracks are transrnitted and drstorted, as \\'ere many of Hitchcock's tracks (Fig. 12.10). FL clecreases from a-c, increases fron'r c-d, and then decreases again fron-r d-f (Fig. 12.10). The red line (Fig. I2.10) follous this irend and gives clues to that illusive parameter, true foot lengtl-r, giver-r FL is a function of true foot length. Tracks a-c represent the entrance and exit traces ofthe foot as it sunk into to the sediment forming the surface track. 'Iiack c, alihough the smallest, is closet to the origir-ral sedimer-rt-foot interlace (the floor of the footprint) and r-night represent most closell' the original foot lengtir of the track maker. Tracks d and f are transmitted tracks, conforrning to the behavior expectecl for a force bulb, increasing and then decreasing in size beneatl-r irr-ipact of the foot (F-ig. IZ.l0). Civen thai the surface track (track a) featr,rre is r-iearly )7% larger than the potential true foot length (track c), there is significant room for error, depending on which track horizon lvas used to calcr,rlate foot length, hip height, and speed of the track maker. 'fhe critical parar-neter of FL needs defining to be useful to ichnologists. FL was defined as the distance between the rnost anterior point and the rnost 220
Phillio L. Mannrna
k ffi e.
-dffi M
a {.|: >+:
:ot t3g
{l){U €;nt
Track layer depth {mm} posterior point of the tr:rck, measured parallel to the long axis of the track (Leonardi 19E7; Thulborn and Wade l9E4). The eristing definition r-rnfortr-rnatelv has the greatest l'ariation in its pararneters with deptli because the N,IZD represents the maxinum erter-rt of a track. Hon'ei'er, if theropod FL r,vere defined as the length of digit III (Nlanning 1999, 2004), a closer approxirnation can be made of the true length of digit III, and in turn, a calcr-rlation of the total FL can be made. Hou'ever, this relies on an individual recorcling FL frorr surface tracks that displar,a clearly definable middle digit
(digit III) or clear skin inipressions (Currie et al. 1990), or can be defined bv the relative position of the track's force bulb (as discussed earlier). Laboraton'track sirnr-rlations have demonstratecl that FL variation is as much a ftrnction of sedin.rent as it is of the track rnaker's foot morphology ancl size (N{anning 1999, 200'+). For example, the Tbble l2.l charts the resuits from 11 laboratorr-gencrated tracks (N'Ianning 1999). The actual length of foot (template) is a knon'n quantitr', as are the sediment characteristics and condition at tlie time of track forrration. The same amount of force \\ras applied to the foot on each track run in the sarrie step cl'cle. The percentage variation from actual foot (template) length r'"'as calculated for the maximum and ninirriun track size recovered frorn strrlace and subsurface tracks. Tl're i'ariation in track paraneters n'ith depth lr,as dependeni on the noisture content and sedinent used. Track Il (Table 12.2) and Track 10 (Table 12.3) u'ere generatcd br the same experinrental setup and sedirrent, i,vith the onl1'r,ariation being moisture content. The fine-grained sand used for both experiments il'as inclented drv (n.roisturc content 1%1 and saturated
track (' fossi I vol u me" ). Trark< a-h r-d
botto m s u r f a ces, respectively, of 3 layers that combtne to create a
single track volume. The
plotted track outlines (af) show variation in FL with depth. The gray line (tracks a and f) marks the posteriormost point of the track, with the arrow (track f) indicating the degree of anterior travel of the track feature with increasing depth.
Track ll (satnrated sediment) shon'ed a large variation in FL frorr surface laver I to basal laver 11 (Table 12.21. ftorn 17.5 to 9.0 crn, respectivelv, a r,ariation of some I9+.4%. The length iFl,) of track l1 rl,as then usecl to calculate fi. Accordinq to Alexander 19-6t. h was 36-65.2 cm, Irap
snd a-f
represent the top and
lnroistrrre corrterrt 1071.
T. rex Speed
pus g raci I io r transmitted
Digit lll
Maximum Minimum Variation Comoared Maximum Minimum Variation Compared (cm)
with Actual
with Actual
13 5
Table 12.1. Variation in
Maximum Zone of Deformation (MZD) Track Length (FL) and Digit III Compared with True Track Length (Length of Foot Template) from lndivi d u a I Track 5i m u lations
Note.-The actual length of the foot template was 12.5 cm. The actual
length of digit lll was
.1-91 .3
Tl-rnlborn (1990) gives h as 405-99.97 ctn, and Locklev et al. (1983) give fi as 45-105 cr-n-a poteniial variation of 291.6%, depending on nhich track layer was used. 'l'his poter-rtial variation is clearly not restricted to laboratorv-generated tracks but is present in fossil tracks (Fig. 12.10). Track l0 (drv sediment) also exhibited a large variation in FL frorr surface layer 1to basal layer II ('fable 12.3), from 21.5 to 7.5 cm, respec, tivelv, a variation of sorne 286.6%. 'l'he length (FL) of track l0 n,as tlen used to calculate fi. Accorcling to Alexancler 0976), h ranged 30-81.6 crri, Thulborn (1990) gives h as ]3.7-122.i cm, and Lockler,et al. (1983) givc h as ]7.5-129 cm-a potential variation of $0%, r,vhich clepends or-r ri.hich track laver and h estirnate method are used. If a fossil trackivav erposed relativelv deep, transrnitted tracks, equir.'alent to la-ver II of track sirnulation l0 (Table 12.3), and the FL n,as usecl to calculate /i and in turn the speed at ivhich the ar-iinal was traveling (h1,-pothetical stride length of 2 m), then the follou,ing results are obtained:
L 2.
Using lon,er linrit estination of hip height (Alexander 1976) of 30 cm, Equation 2 gives a speed of 10.29 rn/s. Using the upper limit estimatior-r of hip height (Locklev et al. 1983) of 45 cm, Equaiion 2 gir,es a speed of 6.,1 rn/s.
if the fossil trackrval exposed tl-re equivalent of lar.er 5 of track sin.rulation l0 ('lbble l2.l) and the FL n,as used to calculate /z ancl il Hower,er,
tum the
spe ed at u'hich the animal u'as tra',,eling, the hvpothetical striclc length of Z m nou, reduces to 1.86 rn as a result of tl-re increased foot length encroaching into the stride length (Fig. l2.ll) nould gir.e the follori'ing
L Manning
Dry Fine-Grained Sand
h in Relation to
FL (cm)
h (cm) =
l. 2.
Lockley et al. (1983) h (cm) = FL5-6
Depth (cm)
('1976) Thulborn
h (cm) = FL4 5*5.7
Using lou'er linit estimation of hip height (Alexander 1976) of 86 cn, Equation 2 gives a speed of 2.65 mA. Using the upper limit estimation of hip height (Locklev et al. 1983) of 129 cm, Equation 2 gives a speed of 1.65 m/s.
A fossil trackrl,al', with tracks sirrilar to those transrnitted in track simulation 10 (Fig. 12.11), creates the potential difference in speed from varl'ing track laver depths from 1.65 m/s to 10.29 n-r/s, depending on r'vhich layer and hip height values are applied. 81'comparir-rg the NIZD foot length data frorn laboratorv track simtrlations (Manning 1999, 2004), there is significant variation in track geometrv between surface ai'rd transmitted tracks. Tiack sin'rulation 10 l-ras a','ariation of up to 286.6% and simulation li a variation of up to 194.4%. 'I'he onlv paraneter altered betu,een tl-re Z r','as rroisture content; sedirnent, foot morphology, force, etc., remained constant. The higli rnoisture content 01.2%) of track simuiation I1 ir-rclicates that the MZD is reduced with higher rnois-
ture contents; effectivelr,', the sediment's bulk densit_v is higher as a result of the increased rnoisture filling the pore spaces, increasing the shear strength. It is clear that a controlling factor in the forn-ration of track features is the re-
Track 10, Dry Fine-Grained Sand (E)
h in Relation to Alexander (1976)
FL (cm)
Table 12.2. Vailailon rn Hip Height (h) Due to
Depth and Method Chosen for Estimating Hip Height (h) for Laboratory Track Simulation 11
Abbreviation.-FL, foot length.
Table 12 3. Variation in
Hip Height (h) Due to Depth and Method Chosen for Estimating h for La bo ratory Track Si m u I a -
Abbreviation.-FL, foot length.
Lockley et al. (1983)
h(cm)=FL4.5-5.7 h(cm)=frS-O
T. rex Speed
4.7 cms
Figure 12.1 1. Cross sec-
tion of trackway showing variation of FL and stride length with depth. Data from track simulation 10 (Table 72.3).
lationship betweer-r moisture ar-rcl density'that prevails in a volurne of sedinrent at the time of inclentation. FW car-r also be r,rsecl to calculate hip height (Thulborn and Wacle 1984; Lockle-v et al. 1986; Thulborn 1990). Horvever, FW also varies il.'ithin indirelation to the relative position to the trr-re track sr.rrface. Anall' sis of dinosaur tracks also indicated FL rvas more variable than IiW (Thulborrr and Wade 1984), and that FL i',as the least reliable indicator of foot size. FL and FW data (N,Ianning 1999) agreed rvith that of Tliuiborn and
l'idr,ral tracks
Wade (1984), thus sr,rpporting sinallelu'ariation in FW n'hen compared u'ith FL ('l'able i2.'f). It is clear that FW rather than FL could be r-rsed q'hen calculating the speed of a clinosaur oIr the basis of measttred paraneters from tracku'avs. The use of F-W can be fi-rrther justified if a clear relationship betrveen FW ar-rcl hip height can be established. 'l'hulbonr and Wade (1984) proposed an index of footprint size (SI), r.r,hich thev calculated bv r-rsing the FW and F L of a fossil track (expressed in the sarne units of measurernell: 5l = (FL x FW)o
Thulborn and Wacle (l984t applied their index of footprint size to 57 fossil trackr,r'ays (Wintonopus) frorn tl'ie Middle Cretaceotts, Winton Formatiorr, Qr,reer-rs1and, Australia. Thev concluded that the footprir-rt size index (SI), based or-r tl-ie sarnple the sanplc of 5 t- \Yhionoprrs tracki.r'avs, \\:as the rnost reliable guide to estimating the size of track niaker. 'l'he data frorn laborator]-simulatecl tracks provides the ttt-tttsual situation il'here both the track size frorr eaci'r laver of a single track volttme and the actual foot length (ten-rplate length) of the track rnaker lr'ere knorl'n 224
L Manning
Variation Compared with
Maximum Minimum Compared with
188.8-50 4
FL (%)
naker-ir-r tl-ris case, a prosthetic theropod dinosaur foot. The inclex of footprint size (SI) u'as applied to both the maximun'r (SI.l) and minimum (SI.2) N,IZD FL and N4ZD FW data frorn N{anning (1999) (Table I2.4). The SI ri'as calcr-rlated usinq the follou,ing equations:
= (maximum MZD FL x maximum MZD FW)0s $l.l = (mininlrrn N,{ZD FL x minin'rum N,IZD lrwli'; Sl 1
The SI results for the maximnm (SI.1) and rrinimum (SI.2) were not as close to actual SI foot size as predicted bv Thulborn and Wade (1984) (Table 12.5). Horvever, if the SI.l and SI.2 l'alues n'ere treated as maxirnum and mininum 'u.alues from a trackli av ar-rd fed back thror,rgh the SI formr-rlae, a different picture emergecl. SI.l and SI.2 in effect prol,ide an index of footprint size (SI) for ar-r inclividual track (SI.3): Sl.3 = (S1.1 x Sl.2)o
qtrantities (N{anning 1999). 1'his makes it possible to test u'hether the ir-idex of footprint size (SI) rnore closelv reflects the foot geometrv of the track
Table 12.4. Vailation in
Maximum Zone of Deformation (MZD)Track Length (TL) and Track Width (TW)Compared with the True Track Length within lndividual Track Simulations
Note.-The actual foot length template T8 is 12.5 cm, The actual foot width TAmnl2TA tXt< t/ 4am
The estirnated value of SI.3 provided a closer estimate to the original track maker's foot size (Table I2.5). Because the true foot length and foot lvidth rvere knorvn for the terrplate that il'ere used in the laboratorv simulations, it rl'as also possible to calculate tl're true index of footprint size SI (true SI), for comparison lr,ith SI.l, SI.2, and SI.3 (Table 12.5). SI.3 represented tlre footprint size index for a]l track lavers from an individual track and could be used to estirnate hip height fron a multitiered fossil or laboratorr,.5i-.rirt.d tracku,ar,' (if all track la1'ers u'ere recor,erable).
T. rex Speed Trap
FL (%)
Table 12.5. lndex of Footprint Size for Laboratory-
Track Simulation (cm)
Simulated Tracks Based on Data from Table 12.4
sr.2 +
st.3 s
| |.)L
o i40
Abbreviations,-FL, track length; FW, track width. - FL = t2,5 cm; FW = 12.4 cm.
True Sl of T8 = (12.5 x 12.4)0.5 = 12.45 cm. f True Sl of TB = (12.5 x 12.4)0.5 = 12.45 cm. 5 True Sl of T8 = (12.5 x 12.4)0.5 = 12.45 cm.
J. )z+
The index of footprint size for the MZD fL (SI.1) shou,ed a percentage variation from the irr.re foot length of ITi.Z%-fi1.I7o, conparcdwith 76%197.6% variation in FL. The index of footprint size for the minirrr-rm MZD FL (SL2) shou,ed a percentage variation from the tnre foot length of 10.6%1I4.9%, con-rpared ,xith25.8%-162.9% variation in FL. However, the revised inethod for index of footprint size SL3, usir-rg the i,'alues for SI.l and SI.2, gave a percentage variation of only 64.8%-179.8% compared u'ith the tnre foot iength. The application of the index of footprint size (Tliulborr-r and Wade l9B4) to tl-re data from this studv suggests that it provicles an estimate for the percentage variation in track size in a sequence oftracks. Ifthe tracku'al'is a series of transmitted track features, u,ith tracks represented by the maximum size of the MZD, the /z generated u,ill be too high and the speed calculated fron-r the tracku'ai' too loll'. Hon ever, if the tracks are from a horizon that represents the minimum developrnent of the NIZD, it is possible that h u'ill be underestimated, and the speed calcr-rlaied ivould be too high. Bv cornbining the laboratorv-simr,rlated track data from SI.l and SI.2 to calculate SI.l (Table 12.5), a closer estin'rate of the track size can be made, allorving nearer estimates of /r. The FL generated using SLI (Table 12.5) gave an average of 18.6 cm, and for SI.2, tl-re average FL u,as 9.8 cn; horver.'er, SI.3 ga\re an average FL of ll.Z7 cm, the closest to the true SI FL (12.45 crn). The index of footprint size (SI) is onlv acclrrate if the tracks fron-r u,hich the rneasurements are taken closelv resernbie in size and proportion the original track rnaker's foot size parameters. Hou'ever, bv using the revised iechnique of SL3 (Table 12.i), it mav be possible to estirnate h frorn transrnitted tracks and sr:bseqr,rentlv calcr-rlate the speed from a trackr"'ay more accurately. The speed at r,vhich a dinosaur u'as traveling is an inportant variabie to assess ifthe potential ofthe 3D preservation oftracks is to be fully'utriized. The speed at nhich an anirnai travels directli" affects the tin-re a foot
L Manning
remains on the grollnd (dr-rty factor) and the intensiil'and distribution of the load transrnitted in that gil,en time. 'l'hulborn (1990) suggested it u'as irrpossibie to calculate the duty factor for a dinosaur directly from its trackwa1'; hou,ever, a 3D approach to track subsurface cleformation cor-rld possiblv alter tl-ris. The anterior displacement of track features 'uvith increasing depth (F ig. 12.1 1) is a result of the phvsical properties of sedinent and the
dvnanic load encour-itered during track formation. The distribution of presslrre (load) over the sole of a foot correlates with the resultant subsurface track relief. If the track and associated features allow an estin-rate of
the cor-rditions prevailing at the tirne of track forn-ration, the subsurface deforn'iation could be coupled r,r'ith the calculated speed of a trackwar,- to enable an estimate of the dutv factor. 'l'he subsurface relief (contours) of the fossil track could provide a means to reconstruct the dynamic pressure distribution or,er the sole of a dinosaur's foot. This, coupled n ith a knor,vn speed, might provide insight into the amount of tine a dinosar:r's foot remainecl on the qronnd (dutv factor) dr-rring locon'rotion.
is clear that the use of
FL in calcr-rlations of speed frorn
a trackrva,v (Al-
erander 1976) should account for transmitted track features because ihey' can potei'rtiallv r,an'speed estimates bv I0-fold. The use of dinosaur tracks in corlparative mtrltivariate studies should be restricted to surface track features for comparisor-r ',vith otl'rer surface track features. f'he inclusion of transrnitted tracks in such studies invaliclates anv taxorrorric or osteological reiationships inferred as a result of the ciisparitv beti'"'een surface and subsurface track rnorphologi. Anv multivariate studv based on n'rorphological variabilitv in tracks and tracku'ay,s can onh'be viable if the lD variabilitv
of track rnorphologv is ur-iderstoocl. Iir:ture multivariate studies must approach the task of ur-rderstanding the 3D cornponents of a track before valid comparison can be n-rade u,ith other tracks li'itl-rin a JD franervork.
This chapter has opened a possible ichnotaxonornic can of rvorms. The shifting sands of time har.e disguised so rnuch of the process of track formation and preseru'ation tliat potentiallv verv little of a track rnakers foot norphologv might be faithfuliv locked in stone (Mar-rning 2004). Vertebrate ichr-rotaxa shor,rld reflect the n'iorphological differences resulting from behal'ior, not the affiniil,of an alleged track rnaker or artifacts of track forrnation and presenation (Nlanning 2004). What is clear is that the interpretation of fossil tracks requires the application of more robust quantitatir,e methodologies. I hope tl-iat if an illusive tracku'av of a trotting or rlrnning 7. rer is for-rnd in the future, its documentation and interpretation will r-rot fall into the potential traps disci-rssed in this chapter. Who knorvs-the ichnospecies could even be narred after a haclrosaur!
I thank Peter f,arson, Neal Larson, and Bob Farrar of tl-re Black Hills Institute of Ceologic Research (BHIGR) for organizing the 100 Years ofTyrantlosdltLls rex Si'rriposiurn in Hill Citv (2005). l'he BHIGR personnel u'ere perfect hosts and providecl access to their rionderfirl collections. A speciai T. rex Speed
thanks to Chris Ott, rvho
the instigator of tlie il{-role rex s'n'rrpositrm. Many thanks to Whitel' Hagadorn (Anrherst Coilege) for access to the Hitchcock fossil track collection (Pratt N{useun-r). Also rnanv t}ianks to ri,'as
Amherst College for their generous grant from the General Eastn-ian Fr-rnd to assist in mv research trip to the Pratt N{useum. I thank the Unir,'ersitv of Sheffield for a Hor-ne/EC Bursari'that made the research possible, and aiso N4ike Romano ancl Nlartin Whr,te. N'lan-v tfranks to Ernma Schachner for permissior-r to use the line drau.'ing of T. rex and to Richard Hartlel'for redrar,i'ing Figure 12.11. Thanks to Emma Finch for squeezing and rnanipulatir-rg data into Petrel. N4anr,'thanks to rn1 n'ife ancl clzrr-rghters, r.i'ho perrnit me the tin're to undertake this research. F inalli', a special thanks to N4arion Zenker (BHIGR), rvho kept chasing this chapter and finallr'fotrnd a strategic place to insert a rocket for rne to get it finished.
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T. rex Speed Irap
Peter Larson
Tyrannosaurus rex was described bi,'Osborn in a series of papers at the beginning of the last century,(1905, 1906, 1912, 1916). His rvork r,"'as prirnarily based or-i 3 specirnens: the holotvpe (AN,{NH 973, nor,v CN4 9379), the holotl'pe for Dlnantosaurus (AN{NH 5866, norv BMNH R7994), rvhich u'as
svrronl'mized ivith ?l rex in 1906, and AN'INH 5027, which provided mr,rch of tl-re description of the skull. Interestir-rg1r,, the designation of AMNH 5027 has recentlv come under scrutinl,; it nav actualll,'represent a second, unnarnecl species ofTyrannosaurus (P. Larson this volume). Molnar's (1991) treatise on the skull added greath'to Osborn's earlier descriptive work, and it also contained a section on arthrologl'. Nlolnar studied LACNI 23844, AMNH 5027, NIOR 008, and SDS\,I 12047.|n 1998 and in this volume, Molnar increased our understanding of skull rnechanics and musculature. This u'as follou'ed by Brochu's (2003) description of FMNH PRZOBl, including computed iomographv of the articulated skull, presented significant ner'v data and interpretations. Severai other inportant contributions to the skull of tyrannosaurids include Carr (1999) on craniofacial ontogenv, Cr-irrie (2003) on cranial anatorry of tvrannosaurid dinosaurs (particularlv Corgosaurus and Daspletosaurus), Currie et al. (2001) on skull structure, Hurrrm ancl Sabath (2003) on a comparison of Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosdurus, Carr and Williarrson (2004) on tr,'rannosaurid diversitv, and Carr et al. (2005) on a description of a new tyrannosar,rrid frorn Alaban-ra. Althor-rgh several new'fl,rannuaurus rex skulls are no\\r avaiiable for study', bv far the most significant is the disarticulated, undistorted skull of BHI l0l3 (see N. L. Larsorr tl-ris volume). For the first tirne, the individuals bones of the sktrll car-r be described and illustrate d for TyrannoEduruE rex. Tl-ris specimen n'as discnssed bl Hururri ancl Sabath (2003) in their comparison of TyrannosauruE rex and Tarbosaurus bataar. Smith (2005) also utilized BHI l0l3 in his n'ork describing the heterodont dentitior-i of7. rex. This sr,rbject r,r,as also discussed in some detail in Osborn (1916), N{olnar (1991), and Brochu (2003). P Larson (this volume) has utilized this specrrren in iris discr:ssion of an avianlike kinetic palate in T. rex. Here, I present the first ir-r-clepth supplemental description of the skull bones and illustrate them in rnultiple vier.vs in the supplemental CD-ROM, basecl prin-rarilv on Bl{l 1013, n'ith observations of other specir-r'rens.
Pren-raxillae:'fhe prerliaxillae of BHI 3033 are tvpical for Tyrannosauridae and for Trrannosat-LrtLs rer, bearing 4 alveoli. Details r-iot discrissed by OsAtlas
of the Skull
Dermal Skull Bones
born (1905, 1906, 19t2), \4olnar (1991), Broclru (200i), auci Hurum and Sabath (2001), br-rt r,isible ili BHI 3033, include a scallope d region of riclges on the articular surface shared b1'the iiglit and left prernaxillae. This scalloped region is centrallr'located dorsoverttralh'and is at the anterior border of the sutr-rre. Although nearll B0% of tl-ris strture is snooth, ligarnents attached to the scallopecl area cor-rld have restricted lateral movement along
this surface, in effect bonding the 2 prerraxillae into a single strttctural unit. Belor.v this scalloped area, the prenarillac separate, leaving a cleft in the articulation.'l'he significance of this cleft is unclcar, and it is not seen in the articulated FN,{NH PR20El (Brochr-r 20031, a robttst norphoti'pe (P Larson this voltin-re). The right premaxilla shon's erosiot't sttrrounding tl-re anterior portion of the fourth alveolus. This erosion is associated lr"ith tl-re deposition of spong)'bone. Osteomvelitis is the probable cattse of this pathologv. The palatal surfaces of the pren-raxillae:rlso bear a featurc analogous to the interdental platcs Osborn 1912) of the n'raxillae:rncl dentaries. Tliese rnterdentai plates are found at t1-re junctions of the alr'eoli. Ther are clepressed frorn tl're palatal surface of the prer-naxillae and separated frorn one another at the base br'large nutrient foramina. The articular srtrface of the prernaxillarrnr:rxillart'suture is srnooth, interrupted (in the ccnter of tl-ie lateral aspect) or-r11'bt the opening for the sr:bnarialis foramen (Carr 1999; Brochri 2003), r'r'hose borcier is shared b1' the 2 elements. 'l'l-re premaxillarv-rtasal articr,rlation is also quite srrooth, allorving dorsoi'entral rnol,ernent ri'hile rcstricting anteroposterior nloven-rent. It is probable that the pren-raxillae ttnit u'as at least passivelv kinetrc, r-r-rovable relative to the n-raxillae and nasals, providing shock-absorbing benefits for the premaxillar-v teeth. N,IAXILLAE: The rnaxillae of BHI 30ll bear 11 ah'eoli. This nunber is slrared with N{OR 980, althougl-i to d:rte, all other TNrannosaurus re.x specimens have 12 (P Larson this l'olume). The 2 maxillae of BHI 303J articulate near the front of the palate in a series of overlapping ridges rtot mer-rtioned br'' N{olnar (199i) or Brochr-r (2001). This is sirlilar to the conditioninTarbosaurusbataar (Hurum and Sabath 2003). lnTlrannosaurus, the antorbital fossa is a verv deep depression itt even the smallest individuals (i.e., BHI 'fl00 and LACN'I 23'15). 'l'he ventral border of tl-re alitorbital fossa and tl-re antorbital fenestra are coincident along rnr-rch of the ventral borcler of the antorbital fenestra. In most tvrannosaurs, like Gorgosaurus (TCN{ 2001.E9.1; Carr 1999),
Daspletosaurus (K|N'IP 91.16.500; Cttrrie 2007), Appalachiosaurus (RN'{N'I 6670;Cal:. et ai. 2005), ancl Nanohrarzirrrs (CN'INH 75'11, BN{RP 2001.'1.1; Bakker et al. 1988; L,arson in press), the ar-rtorbital fossa is shallorver thar-r T
rex, and a thin ridge of bone (the ventral antorbital naxillar1' ridge) rises along the dorsal rnargin of the postero'n'entral extension of the rnaxilla. It extends well past the last alveoltrs ancl passes under the jtrgal nhere it articulates to tl-re maxilla. In Gorgosaurus, Daspletosaunts, Appalachiosaurus, and Nanotl,ranrLus, the ventral borcler of the antorbital fenestra ancl the antorbital fossa are not coincident. The cor-rstriction at the base of the ','erltral antorbital
Peter Larson
naxillary ridge forn-rs the r,entrai border of the antorbital fossa, and the iop of the ridge is tl-re','entral border of the antorbital fenestra (Larsor.r in press) The n-raxillarv fenestra (the second antorbital fenesira of Osborn 1912) in Tyrannosaurus BHI 3033) and Tarbosaunts (Hururn and Sabath 2003) contacts the anterior and posterior border of the antorbital fossa. An additional opening betr.veen the maxillarv and antorbital fenestrae is found on both nraxiilae of BHI 3013, but is not seen in other specimens ofT. rex. A sirnilar openir-rg is seen in a Tarbosaurus specimert, ZPAL MgD-l/4, described by Hurun ancl Sabath (2001). This opening mav be the result of predepositional rveathering and breakage of an extremelv ihin area of bone. A iong, narro\r', and deep abrasion is ir-rcised into the lateral aspect of the left maxilla. This gouge is oriented dorsoventrally and is directlv above the third rraxillarl' tootl-r near the center of the mass of the maxilla. The abrasion ireasrires 12 cm lor-rg by 2 crr u'ide and is approximately I cnr deep at the center of the scar. There is evidence of neq,,bone grorvth, especiall1' near the ventrai end of the gouge, demonstrating that this rnark lvas made some days or rveeks before death. Several perforations rnar the anterior palatal shelf of the right rnaxilla. It could be that these are a result of postmortem rveathering or a fur-rgal infection. They do not seem to har,'e been cai-rsed by osteornl'elitis becar-rse
cancellous bone is not evident. The nasal-maxillarv suture is highlv scalloped on BHI 10J3. Interlocking fingers of bone prevent anv anterioposterior movement along this articulatior-r. l'here is, horvever, the possibilitv of lateral moven'ient, rvith tl-re nasal-maxillarv suture acting as a hinge, allor.ving the ventral portion of the maxilla to srving outu,ard. If such rnovement u'ere to occur, the interlockir-rg ridges of the rraxilla-rnaxilla palatal contact n'ould l-rave spread apart. Srich kinetic rnovemer-it rvould enhance the shock-absorbing abilities of the maxillae and teeth. Movement is also possible at the jugal-maxillary suture. Here the bones are joined b1,a tor-rgue (jugal) and groove (rnaxilla) joint. This loint allolvs anterioposterior slippage. LACHRvMALS: One of tl-ie characters uniting Tltrannosaurus ivith Tarbosaurus, but separating it frorr other tvrannosaurs, such as Daspletosaurus, CorgosatLrus, and Albertosdurus, is the abser-rce of a corneal process on the lachn'mal (Carr 1999; Carr ancl Williarnson 2004). Tl-ris character also separates Tyrannosaurus fronr Nanotyrannus (Larson in press). An additional character is the shape of the lachrymal: it is an inverted L shape ir-r Tyrarutosaurus, as it is inTarbosaurus, and T shaped irt Albertosar_rrus, ()orgosourusl Daspletosaurus (Carr et al. 2005), and Nanotyrannus (Larson in press).
In addition to the pneurnatic "lateral forarnen" mentionecl by Molnar BHI 3033 possess I additional pneumatic openings. The first of these pneumatopores lies anterior to the lateral foramen, near the froni of the lachrr.n-ral. It is on the dorsal rnargin of the antorbital fenestra and opens 'n'entrally. In n-redial l ieri', the lachrvrrals of BHI 1033 (1991), the lachn'mals of
expose 2 more pneun'ratic foramina. The rnedial lachrvmal pneumatopore (Larson in press) opens anterior to and at the dorsal rnargin of a thin ridge
Atlas of the Skull Bones
that descencls cliagonallv across the vertical ramus. This ridge terninates at the r,entral, anterior border of the vertical ratrus. fiinalli', a fourth pneumatopore (also nedial) mal' be found at the front of the horizontal ramus.
This pr-ieumatopore opens anteriorh'. The lachn'mals bareh'touch the ascending rarnus of the maxil1a, thus allou'ing rrovernent. Hot evet, the nasallachrl,mal articulation locks quite firmlv, rvith a somen'hat scallopecl surface on the meclial aspect of the horrzontal ranus of the lachrvrnal and a cleft on the lateral aspect of the horrzontal ranr-rs that receives tl're lachrl,rnal process of tire nasal (Hururn and Sabath 2003). The posterior srtrface at the junction of the liorizontal and i'ertical rami is sornervhat ball shaped. This ball inserts into a socket in the anterior sr-rrfacc of tlie frontals, strggestir-ig possible prokinesis, or lifting of the n'rtrzzle (Larsor-r and Donnan 2002). NASALS: As is the case n,ith all tvrannosar-rricls, the nasals of BHI l0l3 are fusecl. This fr-rsion, as lr'ell as latcral arching ar-icl the consistent thickness of the bone (2 clr.r or rrore over nearl)'ttre entire length of the nasals), provides an extremeh' strong structure for the dissemination of stress dei,'eloped dtrring feeding (see Ra1'field 2004). 'fhe nasal-frontal suture is a tongue (frontal) and groove (nasal) joint that allon's fore-ancl-aft uovement and nould
r.rot precl-rde prokinesis. posroRBI't-ALs: The niedial aspects of the postorbitals shou'a sl-rallorv centrai depression, or fossa. Other TtranrTosdurus specimens (BHI 't812, N,IOR 55t, ancl N4OR 9E0) also shou,tl-ris feature. N'Iuch deeper fossae are seen in Corgosaunts (TCNI2001.89.1), Daspletosaurus (Currie 2003), and
NanotNrarutus (Larson in press). 'lil'o paired, isolated osteodenns r'r'ere found associated n'ith the skull of BHI 3033 (Larson et al. I99B). T'hese derrnal elernents are analogous to the "postorbital rugositr'" noted as fusecl to the postorbitals of some robust Trrannosaurus specimens bv N,{olnar (1991), Larson (1994), and Brochu (2003). T),rannosaurus specimens n'ith fused postorbital rugosities include
N{OR 008,
F\'INH PR208l, BHI4182, and UWGNI
(NS 1565.26). On
3031, these loose postorbital nrgosities articulate rvith the postorbitals
on the lateral surface directlv aboi'e the orbit. The anterior snrface of the postorbitals (above the orbit) and the posierior surface of the horizclntal ramus of the lachryn'ials articr-rlate rvith p1'ramiclalll,shaped osteodemrs, or horns. T'hese l-rorns rvere fottnd as isolated elenents in BHI 3031. Thev u'ere noted bv Brochu (2003) as fused to the postorbitals in FN{NH PR2081 and u'ere thouglrt to be part of the postorbital rugositl' of N'lolnar (1991). It is clear from BHI 3033 (a set of isolated horns
found u'ith \'lOR 1125) that the','are independent dermal elements. These horns bridge the gap beti.veer-i the postorbital and tl-re 1ac1'rn'rr-ral. The postorbital-frontal sutr-rre is interfingered and allon's no movement. 'l'he joint betrveen the postorbital and the jugal is srnooth and plarvas also
nar, allovn'ing ciiagonal slippage. The postorbital-sqttan'iosal joint is ar-r expancling tongue ancl groove, rvhich allorl s fore-and-aft separation, altlior-rgh kinesis at this point is difficult to reconstruct. sQUANlosALS: The celitral portions of the anterior aspect of the sqr.ramosals are perforated bt' a large pneurnatopore (most clearl1'seen in BHI
Peter Larson
4100). This pneurnatopore is also present inTarbosaurus (Hururn and Sabath 2003), but it is absent inCorgosaurtLs,Nanottrannus (Larson in press), ancl Daspletoscurus (Currie 2003). f ust anterior of center, the lateral ventral borders of the V-shaped squarnosais are marked b,v a deep fold. This fold corresponcls to a cleep concavitr,on the sqtramosal process noted b1,'Molnar
(1991) on ihe qr-radratolugal.'l'hese 2 surfaces cotrld have been the origrn and insertion for a liganent connecting the 2 elen-rents (see Quadrato;r-rgals, belorl.). The articulation of ilie squarnosal rvith the exoccipital is fair\' flat and rnav have allou'ed lirnited sliding rnotion. The squamosal-quadrate joint is ivell cleveloped and is a double ball-in-socket (quadrate-in-sqlrarnosal) joint. The 2 balls are side b1'side ancl are connectecl bv a saddle that is reversed in tlie scluamosal. This joint gii,es great flexibilitv fore and aft, but
lirrits lllcral JUGALS:
Both jugals have pathological, healed puncture rvour-rds (Lar-
son 2001). These may har,e been the result of face-biting behavior described bi"Ianke and Currie (1998). The injurl'to the left jugal is a circr-rlar hole, 1.5
b1'2.5 crr, that penetrates at a point near thc origin of the cleft that receives the quadratojugal (here the jugal is approximatelv 4 crn thick). h-i me-
dial aspect, the perforation emerges, leavir-rg an opening 2.7 cm by I.5 crn. The injuri'to the right jrigal is locatecl just anterior of center of the ascending ramus, at the ventral terrliination of the postorbital-jugal joint. 'fhe lateral oper-ring measllres 2 crn br'2.5 cm. The medial exit is larger (3.5 cm bv 6.5 cm) and somer,r'hat triangular in sl-rape. N{oh'rar (1991) shorved that there is pnenmatic sinus in this area (also seen in BHI 3033) that separaies the lateral la1'er frorn the rnedial laver of bone. The larger exit hole mav be explained b1' tl-re thinness of that medial laver. Tl-re jugal-ectoptervgoid joint is snrooth, allon'ing palatal kinesis (see Larsson this volun're). The articr,rlation of tl-re lugal and the quadratojtrgal is also smooth, rriarkecl b1'the cleft mentioned above. A horizontal ridge on the laterai aspect ofthe jugal process ofthe quadratojugal fits into this cleft. Fore-ancl-aft movement of the qr-radratojr-rgal along this foint, with tire firn-rlr':rttached qr-radrate (see belorv) rockir-rg on the double ball-and-socket sqr,ramosal-quadrate joini described abol'e, lr,ould prodr-rce streptostvly. euADRAroJUGarS: '['he left quadratojugal is isolated, and the right one is firn'ilr' attached to the quadrate. Although Molnar (1991, p. 161) presurned that "no articulation n'ith the squamosal existed," there might have been a ligamental attachment (see Squamosals, above) that joined the 2 elernents. This ligamerrt could have acted as a tensile spring, returning tl-re quadrate-cpadratojugal to rest position after a streptostl4ic extension. Tlie quadratojr-rgal-quadrate articulation is somen'hat edentate, creating a nonmovable 1oint. This sr,rtnre also accor-rnts for the firm attachn'rent of the right quaclratojugal to the right quadrate in BHI 303J and other disarticuiated skulls (i.e., N4OR ll25). QUADRATES: The quaclrates of BHI 30ll are both preserved u,ith a small notch (l cm in diameter') on the dorsal eclge of the squarnosal process. This notch lies just anierior to the articulation n ith the quadrate. The notch probablv corresponds to a much larger notch (several centimeters in
A|ES 0l tne >Kuil
dianreter) for-rnd in Corgosaurus, Nanoh'rannus (Larson in press), Albertosdurus, and Daspletosaurus (Currie 2003).
The quadrate-pterygoid joint sr,rrfaces are smooth, allou'ing streptostyiy (hinted at bv Molnar 1991).The proximal end has a double articular surface (see Squamosals, above). This is sirnilar to the situation in Gorgosaurus (TCM 2001. 89. 1) and D aspletoscturus (Currie 2003), wherea s AlbertosaunLs (BHI 6214) and Nanotyrannus have only a single ball-in-socket articr-rlation. Although all t1'rannosaurs exhibit the capacitl'for streptostl'ly, it seems that it u.'as accoinplished in different rva,vs. The double condl'lar surface of the qr-radrates at the qtradrate-articular joint is oriented in such a \\'a)' that it forrns a kind of screr.v on the surface of the main joint for the opening and closing of the jarvs. As the jaws opened, this screw'lvould, in effect, widen the gape of the jaws by forcing the articulars awav frorn each other. Likewise, this screw r.vould bring the rear ofthe jaws back together again as the jau's closed (N{olnar l99l).
Palatal Complex
PTERycolDS: Both pterl'goids are complete.'l'he articulation u'ith the quadrate is discussed abol'e. The rear of the paiatal plate wraps over the basisphenoid, limiting posterior movement. Although the dorsal sr-rrface of the palatal plate of the ptervgoid is fairly smootl-r, little rnovement probably
occurred at the ecioptervgoid-ptervgoid joint, and the folding of ti-re quadrate process of the pter,vgoid blocked the ectopterygoid from movir-rg posteriorh' relative to the pter,vgoid. The folded posterior pterygoid-palatine foint allowed fore-and-aft novement but restricted lateral rnovernent. The snooth anterior pter;,goid-palatine joints allor,v fore-and-aft rnovement. The vomerine process of the ptervgoid is a smooth vertical blade that touches the palatine or-r its lateral surface ar-rd the \,'orrler on its medial surface The ptervgoid-vomer suture is bounded bv lateral extensior-rs of the bifurcate stern. These l-cm-deep lips lirnit foru'ard movement of the ptervgoid relative to the vomer. See Larsson (this volume) for a discussion of palatal kinesis. EPIPT'ERYGoIos: The epipiervgoids artictrlate on the anterior surface of the vertical quadrate process of the pierygoids. The epipter,vgoids of BHI )077 are similar to those described for Daspletosaurus (Cvrie 2003). The angle of the inverted V in BHI 3033 is, hou'ever, slightll'greater than that of Dasplatosaurus, and the concavity at the base, mentioned bv Currie (2001), is rnuch deeper inTyrannosaurus rex to such an extent that the 2 arms of the V are actuallv bifurcatecl. The nore rnedial n ing of the epipterygoid butts against the anterior nredial edge ofthe qtiadrate process of ihe pterygoid, continuing the curr,e, established bv the n'redial edge of the quadrate process. This butt joint restricts movement (other than folding) at the epipterygoicl-ptervgoid 1oint. Tfre rnore dorsal epipterl'goidlaterosphenoid articr,rlations are srnooth and i,vould allow rroven-rent dr-rring pala-
ial kinesis.
EcroprERycorls: The hook-shaped ectoptervgoicls of BHI J0Jl are perforated r.vith a large pneumatopore tvpical of theropods (NIoinar l99l). Carr et al. (2005) noted that the thick lip that bounds the pnetrn'ratopore 238
Peter Larson
linb of the ectoptervgoid contacts the ver-rtral rredial surface near the center of the jugal. The sr-nooth ectopterygoid-1ugal joint is critical for palatal kinesis (see Larsson this',,olume). pALAT'INES: The palatine u'as incompletelv described b1'Nlolnar (1991). Although both palatir-res are cornplete in BHI 3033, they u,ere someu,hat rveathered before burial, rnakir-rg a cornplete assessment difficult. BHI 4100, hor.vever, does ir-rclude an exceptionallv rvell-preserr.ed right palatine that aicls in the interpretation of BHI 3033. This palatine has a large pneumatopore on the central lateral sr-rrface near the articulation with the maxilla, which opens into a vast chamber. There is also a cleep pneumatic fossa directlv anterior to this pneurnatopore and of near-equal size. The palatines of Tyrannosaurus are much rnore inflated than those of Daspletosaurus (Cr-rrrie 2003; Carr etal. 2005),Albertosaurus (Carr etal. 2005),Gorgoscurus (TCN,I 2001.89.1),:rnd Nanoflrcnnus (BN'IRP 2002.4.I). However, their sinrilarity to Tarbosaurus (Hururr-i and Sabath 2003) coulcl ir-rdicate that this inflaiion is a was a character for Tyrannos(7urus. The anterior
fur-rction of size
'l'he palatine-maxilla joint
is slightlv grooved, with corresponding low tongues on tl-re opposing bones. This joint u'ould allow limited rrovernent fore ancl aft and would not preclude lateral rnoven-rent of the rnaxillae. The
palatines aiso contact the anterior rnedial surface of the lugals and the ventral rredial surface of the lachrl'rnals in a smooth joint that u'ould not restrict palatal kinesis or lateral nol'ernent. voNIER: 'l'he vorner of BHI lOJ3 rnatches Nlolnar's (1991) reconstructed description. The anterior rhomboid plate ir-r BHI 1033 is convex in dorsal aspect and concave ventrallr'. This rhomboid plate also sports a srnall healed puncture rvonnd near the base (Larson and Donnan 2002).
BHI j033 has a relativeli'con-rplete braincase that is n-rissing onl1,'the ventral portion of tl-re basicraniurn (as a result of predepositional weathering). As in FMNH PR20BI, the prefrontals are firmly affixed to the frontals (Brochu 2003). The subadr-rlt N'{OR1125 has loose prefrontals, and a mature individual of T. rex A (see N. L. Larson this l'olurne) preserves both frontals as disarticulated elernents. A l-realed puncture wound is located near the center of the supraoccipital crest of the left parietal. This 3-cm-diarneter hole perforates rvhat il'as originally 3 crl of dense bone. Imn-rediately above the perforation, a I2 cn bv 5 cr-n fragmer-rt of bone is rnissing fron-r the edge of the supraoccipital crest, presumabiv the result of the sarne incident causiltg the perfora-
Braincase, Including Skull Roof
tion (Larson 2001; Larson and Dor-rnan 2002).
Only the left articular was recovered fronr BHI 30ll; it was tightll, articulated to the left surangular. The articular surface of the ex-
posed right articular-surangular suture shon's a great deal of interfi:rgering,
elininating the possibilitl'of rnoveruent at this suttrre. l,ikeu'ise, the nature of the articnlation lvith the prearticulars reveals that the articr-riar rvas firmly'locked into position in life. Atlas of the Skull Bones
PREARTICULAns: The prearticulars
mm in lateral
thin anteriorlv to approxin-ratelv
for the fir-ral thircl of their length. although thev
measllre an average of 8 cm in n,idth. Botlr of the prearticulars shon'srnail (several millirneters), possibli pathologic perforations near their anterior
terminations. ANGULARS: The angtrlars of
30J3 niatch N'loh'rar's (1991) descrip-
tion. The left angular shou's some minor remodelir-rg or-r the anterior most surface, correspor-rding to a puncturc r,r,ound (u'l-rere it articulates) on the left surangular. The spatulate posterior nediai surface articulates ri'ith the surangr,rlar dorsalll' and the prearticular ventralli'. Anteriorlv, the anguiar thins dorsoventrally and is sandri,'iched betri,een the dentar-v (laterallr') and the splenial (r'nedialh). A11 these surfaces are smooth and allorv fore-and-aft lnovelTlent. SURANGULARs: Both clarr-shaped surangulars shon' liealecl putrcture rvounds. The right slrrangular has a large, remoclelecl perforation just anterior to and tl're sarne size as the surar-rgular fenestra; a secor-id perforation is on the anterior eclge of this surangrilar. The left surangular is even more pathologic, u'ith 4 large perforations. A11 siron' evidence of healing. Thel' are rounded and thickened at the edges bv rernodeling. This is not unttsnal
forTyannosaurus, and perforations of this large, thin elernent are for,rnd ir nearh'everv preservecl surangular. FN{NH PRZO8l (Larson 2001), LACN'l 23844 (N{olnar 199}), ANINH >027 (Osborn 1916), N'{OR 555 (Horner and Lessern 1993), N,'IOR 008, N{OR 980, BHI 4E12, and BHI 6230 all sport extra perforations, thought to be er,idence of face biting (Tanke and Currie l99B; Larson 2001; Rothschilcl and N'loln:rr this voltrnte). DENTARIES: The dentaries each have l3 ah'eoli. Thev also botl-r exhibit pathologies. The right dentarr has a healed puncture, and a healed puncttrre and tear near the posterior rrargin.'l'here is also a 4.5 cn'r br' 1.5 cm erosior-r located 5 cm belon,the fifth alveolus. This erosion on the right der-rtarl'sl-iolr,s no l-realing or spong)'bonc and nav be er.idence of a fungal infection. The left dentarv sholr's a 4 crr br,' 1 cm abrasion locatecl 5 cm below the lJth alveolus. This abrasion does shou' evidence of nen,bone growth. Tl-re skull of Tyrannosaurus (and otl'rer theropocls) are often reconstructed lr,ith the svrlphr,sis of the lou'er jaris rvideli'separated, sometimes by as mr-rch as 30 cm (i.e., LACN.'I 27844). This seerns to be an attenipt to force the teeth of the lou'er jan,s to occlude n'ith those of the upper. Of corlrse, theropods are not crocodiles, and their teeth did not occltrde in life. Rather, tl-re teeth of the lolr'er jau's pass rnedial to those of the upper jau's as the jar,vs close. Evidence for this is presented bv \{olnar (1991, p. I43), r.vho noted, "The rnedial face of the maxilla bears a number of shailoiv depressions . . assnned to hal'e acconrnrodatcd the tooth cron,ns lof the dentari,'l when the rnor-rth lr'as closeci, as in alligaioroids." Thus, the s1'mph1'sis of the lou'er iarvs r'"'ere joinecl b-v a ligamentous attachmer-rt that allowed onii' limited no','ement for the purpose of absorbing the shock of teeth hitting bone. seLENIALS: Both splenials of BHI J0l3 are presened as separate elements shon'ing the lateral surface n'hich articulates against the dentarr''. A Peter Larson
ridge on the dorsal anterior surface of the splenial fits into and becomes part of the Meckelian groove of Osborrr (1912). This seems to indicate that there is no movement betr.r,een the dentan' and spler-rial. The dorsalrnost portion of the splenial covers the coronoid, jtist posterior to tl're last alveolus of the dentarl,'. CoRoNoIDS: Only the right coronoid nas recovered, but it was prein its entiretv. Molnar (1991, p. 155) accepted Osborn's (1912) interpretation of the coronoid as "a srnall triangular plate laving at tl-re antidorsal angle of the N{eckelian fossa." Horvever, because the coronoid passes belrind the splenial in AN,{NH 5027 (and in other articulated Tyrannosaurus lou'er jarvs), Osborn's interpretation n'as incorrect. The coronoid actuserved
ally cor-rtinues behind the splenial and or.'erlaps the interdental plates of the dentary in rvhat Osbonr (1912) called tl-re supradentary. Currie (2003), noting that the splenial and suprader-itary i.vere joined, and called the entrre structure a "coronoid-sr-rperdentary" in his description of Daspletosaurus. Hurun and Sabath (2003) referred to it as a "superdentarl'/coronoid." Brochu (2003) provides a long discussion about rvhether this elen.rent is a single bone (the coronoid) or 2 separate bones (the coronoid and sr,rpraden, tary) that fused cluring ontogenv. His argument tl-rat no immature tvrannosaur individuals displav these as separate elements seems to indicate thai thrs is a single elernent and there is no supradentarv. Certainlt,rnTyrannosaunrs
(BHI 3013, BHI 4812, N{OR 1125, FMNH PR208l, etc..J, DaspletoEd.urus (Currie 2003), Corgosaurus (TCM 2001.89.1), and Tarbosaurus (ZPAL MgDIi4; Hurum ancl Sabath 2003) the "coronoid-supradentarl/'is a single bone. The same is true for other theropods like Acroccnthosaurus (NCSN,l 14345) and the allosauroid Sinraptor (Cr-rrrie and Zhao 1993, p. 2055) rvhere this elernent is illustrated as a "ceratobranchial." Even irr the prosauropod Plateosaurus it has been interpretecl bl'Galton (1990) as a single element: the coronoid. Likervise, Romer illustrates the medial aspect of the lor,r,er jaw's of Labidosaurus (1956a), Kotlassia, Diadectes, Bradysaurus, Python, Peloneustes, Dimetrodon, andEdaphosduruE (1956b) as all possessing a coronoid ivith a thinning anterior projection that passes over the medial aspect of n-ruch of the tooth rou'-t}'re sane situation seen in theropods. It is for these reasorrs that the "coronoicl-supradentan " shoulcl sirnplv be referred to as the coronoid. The coronoid for BHI 303J closelv resembles tl-rat of Tarbosaurus, d,escribed b1'Hurun and Sabath (200i).
'fhe disarticulatecl
skr-rll olTvrannosaurus
rel speciinen knorvn
preserves n-ran_v details not seen ir-r other specirnens. A close examinatior-r reveals details of tl-re air sac system that invade or leave its impressions on
uranl'of the bones of the skull. Pathologies-evidence of disease or healed injuries-found on some of the cranial elernents provide insight into behavior, slrch as intraspecific conibat (face biting) ancl the corrmonalitl, qf certain pathogens such as osteoml'elitis. And finallv, the exquisite preser\ration of the crar-iial joint surfaces on BHI 3033 opens the door to a more conplete analvsis of the capacitv for cranial krnesis irtTyrannosaurus rex.
Atlas of the Skull
[,inritecl discr,rssions of some aspects cranial kinesis inT. rex mal be found in Larson and Donnan (2002) and Larssorr (this r.'oiume).
I thank Neal Larson for taking the photographs of the indiviclual elements and Larr-v Shaffer for pl-rotographs of the assernbled skull and for tr.rrning them all into illustrations. The hours of labor involvecl in this process are rnan\', and mv talents leave much to be desired. Also l','orthr,of m1'r-rndving gratittrde are m\r colleagues, lvho protided :rccess to all the T. rex specimens involved in this research ar-rd I,r.'ho patientl_v tar-rght rne tyrannosaur osteologr'.
References Cited
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Brochn, C. A. 2003. Osteologv of Tlrarunsau.rus rer; insights frorn a nearlv cor-nplete skeleton and high-resohrtion corrrputed tomographic analr,sis of the skLrll. /ournal of\/ertebrate Paleontologt Ilemoir 7: i-l18. Carr, 'I'. D. 1999. Craniofacial ontogenv in 'll rannosauridae (Dinosauria, Coelurosarrria). I our nal of Ve r tebrate Pale ontologl, 9( I ) :'f 97-5 20. Carr, T. D., and Williarrson, T. tr. 2004. Diversitv of Late N4aastrichtian Trvrannosauridae (Dir-rosauria: Theropoda) from u,estern North Arnerica. ZoologicaL lotLrnal of the Linneatt Societl, 142: 479-5?'.1. Carr, T. D., Williamson, T. E., and Schu irnnrer, D. R. 200i. A net,genus of tlrannosauricl fror.n the Late Creiaceous (\liddle Campanian) Denropolis Form:rtiorr of Alabarna. loLLrnal of \lertebrate Paleontologt 2;(1): 119-143. Currie, P I. 2003. Clranial anatornl'of t1'rannosaurid dinosaurs fronr the Late Cretaceous of Alberta, Canada. Acta Palaeontologia Polonica48(2): 19l-226. Currie, P J., and Zhao, X. J. 1991. A neu carnosaur (Dinosauria, Theropoda) fron the Jurassic of Xinjran, People s Reprrblic of China. Canadian lournal ofEarth Sciences 30: 2007-2081. Currie, P. |., Humnr, i. H.. ar-rd Sabath, K. 2003. Skull structure and er,olution in tvra nnosaurid d inosaurs. Acta Pal ae ontolo gi a Polonic a 48 (2) : 227 -23 L Galton, P. N'I. 1990. Basal Sauropodonorpha. P.720-144 in Weishampel, D., Dodson, P, ancl Osmlska. H. (eds.). The Dinosauria. Universitl'of 1
California Press, Berkelev. Horner, J. R., ancl l,essen, D. 1993. The Complete
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Atlas of the Skull
Figure 14.1. Palatal as-
pect of Corvus with palatal bones labeled. Modified from Bock (1964,
maxilla-palatine palatine
jugal bar pterygoid
Hans C. E. Larsson
Hans C. E. Larsson
Cranial kinesis is n'iclespread throughout Gr-rathoston-rata. Although this clade is diagnosed br.'a cranial-mandibular joint, taxa as dil'erse as tiger sharks and tiger bitterns have complex cranial articulations that allow for intracranial kinesis. Onl1' a ferv taxa have con-rpletell' lost cranial kinesis,
such as amphibians, mammais (n'ith the exception of rabbits), turtles, and crocodiles. Crar-rial kinesis has at least 2 mechanical benefits. N1arrv chondricthvans l-rave hvostr.,lic jau's that l-rave a rnobile articulation onlv r,vith a h1'ornandibr-rla, lr'hich in turn l-ras a rnobile articulation rvith the braincase. 'I'hese articulations allow'for jarv protrusion frorr the neurocranium. N4ost osteichthr,an fishes have a sirnilar splanchnocranial kinetic jarv suspension. Hor,vel'er, tlieir dermatocranial bones augment jau,kinesis rvith maxillae that are free from the circumorbital bones and mobile lvith respect to thern and, in neoteleosts, a protrusible premaxilla (\Vestr-reat 2004). These derrnatocranial joints allow'the maxillae and premaxillae to be nanipulated in complex l-din-rensional excursions ar-rcl provide the range of jail' mechanics that reflect tlie high diversit), of teleost fishes. 'l-etrapods, on the other hand, appear to ha'"'e started life on land rl,ith relatir.'elv akinetic skulls. Nlost Paleozoic and all modern arrphibians appear to har.'e little to no cranial kinesis. Svnapsida continued this trend io the fused skuils exhibited b1'n'rodern mamnrals. The akinetic mammalian skull rlav har,'e been the result of providing a solid framervork for por.verfr-rl and complex masticatorl' muscles (revieu'ed in and references founcl rn Carroll l9B8). Presence of complex jarv rnr,rsculature has been cited as one correlate for the er..olution of the complex tooth nrorphologies present in
manmals. Reptiies are generalh' more conservative in tooth rnorphologri Ntlost have sirnple conelike teeth that range frorn straight conical ieeth to sl-rarply recurved, bladelike teeth. Notable exceptions include the manv herbi'"'orous and durophageous taxa.'I'he relativelv sirnple teeth of manv squarliates contrasts rvith sorne of the forms of cranial kinesis that thel' present. Nlost sqr:arrates have a kinetic quadrate that hinges on the undersurface ofthe squanosal. Presence of a mobile qr-radrate is called streptostyil'. A classic studv on varanids illuminated the cornpler motions the quadrate nakes dr-rring jarv opening:rnd closir-rg (Smith 1980). Quadrate rotation is translated into a series of other cranial rnotions that modify the position of the snout and palatal bones. Extreme 'u'ersiorrs of streptostr'lv are present in manv snakes, rvhere each quadrate can rlove independer-rtly of the other, providing a walkirrg
Palatal Kinesis
ratchet motion that lielps tractor prel'tonard their esophagus
uith palatal
teeth (Cundall 1983). Modern birds also erhibit streptost,vlic quadrates. Birds use quadrate rotation to provide the forces required to movc their upper jans in a sagittal piane independentlv from tlieir braincase.'l'he uppe r jarv is hinged or-r either nobile joints or over thin bone bridges that can bencl. 'l'he iocation ancl number of these joints varr', but the result is that the upper beak can mo\,e in either complex motions, as in nut-eating parrots, or sl'rock absorption. as in n'oodpeckers (Beecher 1957,1962: Bock 1964).'flie diversitv of beak krnesis in birds is onlr,'beginning to errerge, but research suggests that it is broad (Zr,rsi 1984).
The rnechanical driver for bird beak kinesis is a rotarv quadrate, similar to the streptostvlic condition of nost squamates, and a kinetic palate (Bock 1964). 'l'he pter,vgoicls contact the quacirates and receive parasagittal forces fron the quadrates to slicle the ptert'goid bones along a lnobile joint over an elongate basiptert'goid processes. The ptervgoids contact the palatines, n'hich
in turn contact the vorler to translate this propalinal n-rotion throughout tlre palate, and in turn to the r-naxillae and prerrarillae (Fig. 14.1). T'he palatir-res and vorner have a kineiic contact u'ith the paraspl'renoid. 'l'he distal quadrates also contact thin, elor-rgate jtrgal bars to translate rotational vectors of the quadrates directlt'to the lateral rnargins of the maxillae . The mechanical forces are generatecl and controllecl bv a complex set of ian' and palatal nuscles (Bock 1964).
Paleognathous ancl neognathous palates of nrodern bircls have long been used to diagnose ratites frorn all oil-rer birds, respectivelr' (NlcDon'ell 1948; Bock 196l; Gussekloo ancl Zu'eers 1999). Ratites are characterized bl' having large, robust palatal bones that appe ar nlore simiiar, in sotne respects, to a generalized repiile in n-rorphologl'than the gracile and elongate neognathor,rs palate. N1ajor clifferences betn'een the 2 palate fornis include the presence ofelongate posterolateral processes ofthe palatines to fortn the onlv contact li'ith the pterl'goid bones lateralh'in paleognaths. Neognaths have a n-rore tvpical paiatine-pteri'goid contact in the miclline of the palate. In botl-r forms, the vomer contacts the palatines, but the vomer of paleognaths is rela-
tivelv larger and rrore robust. Because of the osteological differences ancl some in 1'11'6 6f5s11'xlions, rnanv researchers have long suggcsted that paleognathous bircls have ur-rique cranial kinesis that is associatecl ivitl-r tl-reir pala-
tal rnorphologv (Hofer 1954; Simor-retta 1960; Bock 1963). Cussekloo and colleagues (2001) exanined clifferences bet'ni,een paleognathous and neognathous bird cranial kinetic patterns br calcr-rlating displacemer-rts of markecl joints ri,ithin intact bircl heads. Dispiacenents rvere calcr-rlated for a sei of paleognathotrs and neognathons bircls u'itl'r
closed bills and upper bills that ri'ere clorsali,v flered approxinatelv l0' from the horizontal plane. This rilngc \\,as use d to estinate the linkage arrangements r.vithin the norrnai range of upper bill kinesis. The results strggested the kinetic inotions r'i'ithin the entire set of paleo- ar-rd neognathous birds were qualitativelv sirnilar. The marked cliffcrences in palatal rnorphologl' betn'een the 2 avian clacles u'as not associated u'ith anv obr"otts difference in the linkages of bones uithin their skulls during palatal and 246
Hans C. E. Larsson
upper iaw kinesis (()ussekloo et al. 2001). The sirniiar kinetic patterns rvithin paieognathous and neognathes suggest their kinetic skulls evolved from a cornilron ancestor. The cornmon ancestrl' of modern bird crar-rial kinesis has been hvpothesized before, and some have suggested that fossii forms, such as Hesperornis, exhibited rhynchokinetic skulls that mav be ancestral to the diversity of niodern bird cranial kir-resis (Zr.r'eers et al. 1997; Zw.eers and Vanden Berge 1997). 'l'he evolution of the ar,ian kinetic skull frorri nonavian ancestors has never been explored. Part of the reasor-r mav be that adequateh preserr.'ed material is rare, and there are significant challenges to reconstructing biornechanical hvpotheses for fossil taxa. 'fo date, the possibilities of cranial kinesis ir-r dinosaurs have oirlv beer-r explorecl inlguanodon (Norrnan 1984) and iradrosatirs (Cuthbertson 2005). These studies strggested a remarkable mechanisrn of a laterai ercursion of the rnaxillae to efficientlv process tough plant
material. 'l'he imn'iediate ancestrv of birds lies rvithin theropod dinosar-rrs (Gauthier 1986; Sereno 1999). No nonai,'ian theropocl has been lii'potliesized to har,'e sigr-rificant crar-rial kinesis. Hou,ever, N,{olnar (1991) did acknoi,vledge thatTyrarLnosdurus rex mav har.e had lirnited streptost','lr'.
The purpose of this chapter is to explore a hvpothesis that T rex rnav have been capable of crar-rial kinesis, and to exarnine to nhat degree that kinesis rvas similar to the kinesis of birds. Previous lvorkers have suggested that T. rex nav have been capable of limited streptostr'lr' (N{olnar 1991). That streptostvlv is evinced bv the presence of an articular condt,le on the prorirnal end of the quadrate. Hon,er,er, the quadrate is integrated into the lorver temporal and palatal bones and reqi-rires further examination to describe rts possible role in being streptostvlic.
Tlre nrost complete and u'ell-preserved skull ofT. rex is housed in the Black Hills Institute (BHI). BHI l0ll has been given the vernacular title of Stan. The head skeleton is lacking onl,v a right articular, is virtuallr'undistorted, and is completelv disarticulated. N,{ore research casts of tl-ris specimen exrst in the u,orlcl than anv other theropod, u'hich has led Philip Currie to refer to this specimen as the Stan-dard of theropod cranial osteologr' (Currie, personal conrnunication 2005).
Exarnination of the infraterrporal region of BHI 30ll reveals a plausible case to begin modeling streptostvly for the specirnen. T\,rannosaurs and manv other theropods feattrre an arcuate anteroventral process on the quadratojugal (Fig. la 2A). This process articulates laterallv into a sir-nilarl1' arcnate prong and trougl-r on the posterior ramus of the jugal. Although this type of slot loint is commolt in reptile skulls, tl-re arcuate sl-rape of the joint is of particular ir-iterest. 'fhe ;oint is in close proxir-nitv to the qr:adrate. The dorsal head ofthe quadrate features a saddled surface that articulates r'vith tl-re surface of the sqr-rarr-rosal ri'ith probably a sl,novial joint. A "'entral synovial joint bet.,l'een the quadrate ancl squarnosal is present in most squamates, all birds, and e\,en in earlr.stage crocodr'li:rn embrvos (Larsson, rn preparation). 'fhe sin"rilar anatornv found in nonalian dinosaurs suggests Palatal Kinesis
Anatomy of T. rex Palatal Kinesis
Figure 14.2. Right lateral aspect of Tyrannosaurus rex (BHl 3033) as reconstructed f ro m d i g i tized casts (A) and a detail of the right infratemporal region (B). Darker circle and radius represents the length of the
quadrate and its distal excursion path. Lighter circle and radius are the same as the darker curves but translated to overla p the a p p roxi mate axis of the anteroventral ramus of the quadratojugal.
the presence of a sy'novial joint in these taxa during life
well. If tlie
quadrate is hypothesized io hal'e at least lirlited streptostvly, then the distal quadrate must s',l,ing with a circular excursior.r 'nl'itl-i a radius equivalent to the ler-rgth of the quadrate. If a circular excursior-t path is cor-rstructed r'vith such a radius and shifted to overlap the quadratojugal-jr-rgal contact, then the circle closelv foilows the arcr,rate path of the prong-and-trough articulation (Fig. 14.28). The congruence beti,l'een the qr-radrate's circular excursion and shape of the quadratojugal-jugal arcr-rate articulation suggests tl-rat if the quadrate u'ere streptostf iic, its motion could be accommodated b1'a n'robile joint r,vith the fugal. N,Ioreover, the articulation betlveen the quadratojugal and squamosal is never fr-rsecl ancl is ir-rsteacl a simple broadly'' overlapping planar joint, The thinness of the quadratojr-rgal in tl-ris regior-r suggests that this articulatior-r ma1'also have been mobile.
The possible
rnobility of the quadratojr-rgal with respect to the scluamosal and jugal effeciively isolates anv streptost\'lic motion of ihe quadrate to onh' the quadratojugal on the external surface ofthe skull. Internally; the quadrate articulates n'ith the pterygoid (Fig. 14.3). The articuiar surfaces betlveen the quaclrate and ptervgoid are broadl-v overlapping with robust grooves and ridges that rvor-rlcl probabll' }'rave been rather in'rmobiie in life.'fhe articulation is further stiffened b1'a modest groove on tire ventrolateral margin of the quadrate flange of the pterl'goid to recerve the ventral edge of the pterygoid flange of the cluaclraie. The ptery'goid articttlates witl-r tl-re braincase on the basipterrgoid processes. These processes are
Hans C. E. Larsson
Figure 14.3. Palatal as-
pect of Tyrannosaurus rex (BHl 3033) as reconstructed from d igitized
t1 ,.^.
.. _,i
casts. Palatal bones are
darkened from remainder of skull.
{ fi i,,.
basipterygoid process
eliiptical and i.r'or,rld have been capped n'itl-r cartilage. The pterygoids fit over the basipterygoid processes u'ith a rnitt-shaped cotvle that is open posteriorll'. The open end and loose fit of the articulation suggest some anteropostenor mobilit,v that would hal'e been osteologicalll' unlin-riied in the anterior direction. The pterygoids contact the ectopten'goids lateralll'and palatines anterioiaterallr'. Both these articr-rlations appear to be irnn-robile if the force on the contact rvas from a posterior vector. 'l'he ectoptervgoid rests in a saddle on
the lateral surface or-i the pterygoid that rvoulcl have lirnited anv posterior motion of the ectoptervgoid relatir,e to the ptervgoid. The posteron-reclial regior-r of the ectoptervgoid exhibits a robust process that butts into a receivirrg concavitl, near the anterior surface of the basiptervgoid cotyle of the ptervgoicl. There is no evidence of the articr-rlation retair-ring the ectoptervgoid in place should the pterygoid have been displaced posteriorlr'. In fact, tl-re artrcular surface is not rvell defined, suggesting that the ectopter_vgoid rnal'have had son.re degree of mobilitli perhaps swinging between somervhat dorsolateral to ventrolateral positions r.vhile remaining in contact r.vith the pterl'goid mediallri Laterally; the ectoptervgoids contact the rnedial surface of the jugals. 'I'his contact is does not exhibit any scarring on the jr-rgal and suggests
the capacity of some sliding motion betu'een the 2 bones. The palatines contact the ptervgoids in a blind-ended prong in groove foint. The contact provides a buttress from uhich the pter,vgoid n'ray hal'e pushed tl-re palatine :rnteriorlri Hou,'ever, like the ectopter,vgoid, there are Palatal Kinesis
appears to be
little osteologv keeping the palatinc in this tight articulation
shor-rld the pten goicl be clisplacccl poste riorl1. Anteriorh , the palatines contact the rnarillae in an approxin:rtell, 30o:rngle posterolateral to the sagittal plane (fig. 14 3) This contact is composed of broad striate riclges that extencl the length of the contact anci are parallel to one another. The delta-shapecl profile of the anterior rrargirr of both piil:rtines nedges against the maxillae. 'l'he vomer contacts thc antcrior ramus of the pterl,goids ri'ithin a tall
peg-in-socket joint. Tl're contact is sagittallv elongate, n ith the cor-icave pocket on the vonrer rcceir,ing the anteriorh'convex :rnterior rar-nus of il-re pterl'goid. Thc contact appears braced to har,e received anteriorlv directecl forces from the pterr,goids to mor,e the vorner anteriorlr,. Houer,er, like the other palaial contacts, the ptervgoid-\'onrer contact cloes not appear kr have a joint n,itli rluch strcngth to pull the r.oner posteriorlr'.
Tlre palatal bones of T. rex <1o not appear to bc rigidlr, corrnected to anr.' other bor-re in tl-re skull, n'ith the exception of the quadrates. The relative
isolation suggests some kinesis ma'n'have been possible. Palatal kinesis appears to ha','e been limited in a horizontal plane and in a sagittal vector. On the basis of osteological anatorn\', anterior notion seems plausible. The ptervgoicl-basiptengoicl process articulation appears to havc been capable of propalinal motion. Tl-re ectopteri goid-ltrgal contact shorvs no inclication of sutures and suggests a dl'nanic articulation. The palatine-maxilla contact is delta shaped, and the surfaces contact along longitr-rdinal striae that do not seem to har.'e hindered a sliding motion. 'I'he vorner underlaps the palatal shelves of the rnaxillae r.r ithout sutnres or anr, other morphologr. that n'ould suggest irnn-robilitr'. Posterior triotion n'ould be necess:lr\,, of course, to return the palate to its posterior position. 'I'his rrotion does not have strong bone signatures and buttressing. Hon'ever, if less force n,as inflicted on the palatal joints,
thel' nav have remainecl in contact lr,ith the aid of ligan-rent attachments. If the quadrate u,as incleed capable of even limited streptost1l1,, then the anteroposterior excursion of the clistal quadrate appears to be accornrnodated bl. relativeh, loose-fitting quadratojugal-sqr-ran-rosal-jugal contacts and a palate that appcars to be capable of propalinal kinesis. All niodenl birds have streptostr'lic cluadrates that drir,e a palate n,ith propalir-ral kinesis.
Although birds lack an ectoptervgoid and hal,e significar-rtli,different skeletal anatomies of the ptervgoid, palatine, and voner, their palaial kinesis appears sinilar to the kinesis lrvpothesized for T. rex. Although this studv is irr no lva1,a test of palatal kir-resis in'1. rex, it does dernonstrate tl-iat the osteological anatomv of the quadrate and palate appears to have been capable of accommodating a kinetic palate sliding ir-r a propalinal vector. Further rvork is under r.r'a'n' to cxan-rine tliis rnodel u'ith l-dir-r-rensional kinematic rrodels to detemrine nhat effects a kinetic palate mav l-rar,e in the skull (Larsson and Larson, in preparation). The snor.tt probabiy' did not rno,"'e in a sagittal plane, as in birds, but perhaps other kinetics resultecl. The possibiliti'of palatal kinesis inT. rex has significant evolutionarv irnplications. Should at least son-ie of the kinenratic functions be homologons 250
Hans C. E. Larsson
(i.e., fotrnd to be present in the comrnon ancestral lineage) betu'een T rex kinetic bircl palate t'ill have had a lengthr,historv of origin. Such a deep histon' of bircl cranial kinesis has r-rot beer-r proposed before and deserves attention. Previous authors have suggested earlv birds strch as Hesperornis and Paralrcsperornis (Biahler et al. I9B8) and el'en Archaeopteryx (Verslur,s I9l2; Sirrpson 1946; Bock 1964) rnav have had an ancestral forn'r of noclern avian cranial kinesis. Others, hou'ever, har,e hr,pothancl n-iodern birds, then the
esized that Archaeoptertx possessed an akinetic skull (Simonetta 1960; Beecher 1962). Although some n'orkers had addressed the earlv stages of avian cranial kinesis r,r.'itl-rin birds (Zr,r'eers and Vanden Berge 1997; Zu'eers ei al. 1997), little attention has been paid to examining the e'u'olutionarv ongin of ar.ian cranial kinesis. Certainlr', as is generallv true for rlost paleontologicai questions, furthcr n'ork on u'ell-preserr.,ed fossils uill aid reconstructions of tl-re evolutionarl,origins of avian cranial kir-resis.
This ivork
l-ias been the prodr-rct of rnanv conversations on the topic r.vith Pete Larson, Phil Currie, Jorn Hururn, and stuclents in mv lab (the Deep Time Speciaiist$. 'fhis rvork lr'as supported bv funding from Canada Researcl-r Chairs, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Fonds qr-r6b6cois de la recherche sur la soci6t6 et culture.
\\i J. 1951. Feeding adaptations and sr,stematics in the avian order Piciformes. lotLnrcI of the Washington Acadetnl, of Science 43: 293-299. 1967. J'he bio-rrechanics of the bircl skull. Bulletin, Chicago Academt of
References Cited
Science l1: 10-31. -. Bial'rler, P, \.{artin, L. D., ancl Witnrer, L. \1. 19E8. Cranial kinesis in the Late Cretaceorrs birds Hesperornls ar.rd Parahesperontis. Aulr 105: I1I-I77.. Bock, W. J. 1963. The cr:rnial evidence for ratite affinities. P.79-i1 in Siblev, C. Cl., llicker,, ). J., and Hicker'. NI. B. (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th Internation
O rnithologic
C on gress.
American Ornithologists' Union, B:rton
RoLrge, F'L.
1964. Kinetics of the avian skull. /ournal of Nlorphobgy II4 I-42. Carroll, R. L. 1988. \tertebratePaleontologl,andEvohLtion. \\1. H. Freeman, New
Cunclall, D. 1983. Actir itv of head nuscles during feeding bt snakes, a cornparaIire rlrrdr. Anterican T,ooloyiql ]3: ?b3-396 Cuthbertson, R. 2005. IleconstiLrctirrg Bracltvlophosaurus canadensis (Haclrosaurin:re): nrorphological rer,ision ancl insight into hadrosaurs cheri'ing. P. 18 in Branian, D. R., Therrien, F., Koppelhus, E. B., ar.rd Tar,lor, \!l (eds.) Dlnosaur Park Stmposium. Special Publication of the Roval T\'rrell N1useum, l)mrnheller, Alberta, Canada. Gauthier, J. 19E6. Sar-rrischian nronophrlv and the origin of bircls. Pl-55 in Padian, K. k-d.t. The Origin of Birds and the Etolution oi Flight. N'lenroirs of the California Acadernr" of Science E. Gussekloo, S. \\i S., VosseLnan. NI. G., and Bout, R. G. 2001. Three dimensiorral kinenatics of skeletal elements in avian prokinetic and rhr,nchokinetic skulls cleterrninecl bv roentgen stereophotogrammetr\'. lournal of Experintental Biolog,r 204: \ i-35-L"44.
Palatal Kinesis
\\l S., and Z'"r'eers, G. A. 1999. The paleognathous ptervgoid-palatinum conpler. A true character? Netherland lournttl of Zctology 49:29-43. Hofer, H. 195'1. Neue Untersuchungen zLrr Kopf \lorphologie. P 104-i17 in Portnrarrrr, A., ar.rd Sutter, E. (eds.). Acfa Xl Congressus lnternationalis Ornithologici. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel. NtlcDon,ell, S. 1948. The bonv palate of birds. I. T'he Paleognathae. Auft 66:520549. Nlolnar, R. E. 1991. The cranial anaton-rv ofTyrannosaurus rex. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 217: 11 t--176. Non.nan, D. B. 1984. On the cranial n.rorphologv and evohrtion of ornithopod dinosaurs. S),rrpotir*, Zoological Societ y- of London 62: 521-546. Sin.ror.retta,A. NL 1960. On the mechanical inrplications of the ar,ian skull and their bearing on the evolutior-r and classification of birds. Quarterb Reviet,. of Biology 16 706*220. Gussekloo, S.
Simpson,G.G. 1946.Fossilpengr-rins.BulletinoftheAmericanMusetLmcfNatural History 87: 1-100. C. 1999. The ei'olution of dinosaurs. Science 281: 7137-2I1 ,-. Smith, K. K. 1980. llechanical significance of streptostvlr,in lizards. Nature 281:778-779. Westneat, M. Wl 2004. Evolution of levers and linkages in the feeding rnechanism of fi shes. Inte gratite and Contparative Biologt, 44 : 37 8-389. Verslu,vs, I. 1912. Das Streptost-vlie-Problem ancl die Bervegr-rng irn Schaclel ber Sereno. P.
Sanropsida. Zoologia I ahrbtLch, Sup pleme rt 15 (2) : 5 45 - ;- |6. Zusi, R. L. 1984. A functional and evolutionary an:rh'sis of rhvnchokinesis in birds. Srnilhsonian Contributions to Zoolog,t 395: l-'10. Zlr,eers, G. A., and Vanden Berge, J. Zoology 100: 181-202.
1997. Birds at geological boundaries.
Zweers, G. A., Vanclen Berge, J. C., and Berkhoudt, H. 1997. Er.olutionarv patterns of a'n'ian trophic diversification . Zoology 100: 25-57.
Hans C. E. Larsson
5.1. Restoration
of the M. adductor manu lae extern us su perf i cialis et medialis of Ty-
d ib
rannosaurus rex. J, jugal; postorbital; PO, QJ, qua-
Abbreviations: d ratoj uga
l, S, squa mosa |;
SA, surangular.
Ralph E.
Ralph E. Molnar
Tl-ris studt'is part of a series on the craniai norphologv olTyrannosaurus rex that originallv forn-red m1' Ph.D. dissertation at tl-re University of Cali-
fornia, l,os Angeles, tt I973. 'l'he descriptive and structr-rral analvtical parts have alreadv been published (N{olnar 1991, 2000) and present information relevani to this work. Since I973, a total of I reconstructions of the cranial mtrsctrlature of T. rex have appeared: Horner and l,essern (1993), Ushiyarna (1995), and Farlor,r'and Molnar (1995), the first 2 likelv done independentlv of the l97l dissertation. These reconstructions agree rvith that presented here. But no account of the reconstruction of the cranial n-rusculature of T. rex has appeared since 1971, although such a reconstruction had appeared more than 80 years ago (Adams l9l9). Paul (1988) published a reconstrtrction of the superficial musculatve of Alloscturus fragilis, inciucling the superficial jarv rruscles, and brieflr'discussed the jau'rruscuiature of theropods in general. The onli'other accourlt of the disposition and function of the jar,v musculatr:re of a large theropod is that of Mazzetta et al. (2000) for Carnotaurus sastrei. \'IATERIAL: Of the specimens of T. rex exarnined for tl-re dissertation (given in N4oh.rar 1991), onlv ANINH 5027, LACN4 2V844, and N{OR 008 proved useftrl for this studr'. AMNH 600 (.Allosaurus fragilis) ard AMNH 5747 (Corgosaurus libratus) also proi'ided significant inforn.ration. Further specimens were exarrined for this chapter: BHI 1031, BHI 4100, and BHI 6230, as n'ell as casts of N{OR 555, }lOR 980, and ZPAL MgD-l/4. The use of tlre ternt fenestra follou's that of \,{olnar (1991) in referring onll. to an apertnre, not also to the excavation (fossa) that mav surround cranial fenestrae. \'{ETHoDS: For modern organisms, description of the arrangement of muscles and the ir bonr,' attachrnents is a matter of carefnl dissection: it is
conceptually straightforward, ifrather less so in practice. For extinct tetrapods, the reconstruction of rnusculature is rnore difficult (unless one is so lucky as to have avail:rble one of the extrernely rare speciilens in wiricli some trace of the rnusculature is aciually preserved). Irnportant comments regarding the reconstructior-r of nrusculature in extinct organisrns are gil'en by Ostrom (1961). Before the 1970s, rruscles of extinct organisms were reconstructed bv analogv n'ith the arrangement of muscles ir-r seleciecl modern analogs. Basically this involr'ed conceptuallr locating the muscle attachments on the fossil rvith reference to selected points or landrnarks of
Jaw Musculature
Add. mand. ext. sup. med.
Smooth surfaces on squamosal and quadratojugal
Surangular facet
Add. mand. ext. prof.
Supratemporal fossa
Analogy with crocodilians
Add. mand. post.
Analogy with crocodilians and lizards
Analogy with crocodilians and lizards
Supratemporal fossa: analogy with birds and lizards
Ptorvnnidorr< rni
Analogy with crocodilians
Analogy with crocodilians and lizards
Ptpr\/nnidarq nnqt
Analogy with crocod,lians
Dep. mand.
Smooth surfaces on paroccipital
Smooth concavities on articulars
laDle | ). | . Ktnos of LVtdence Used in Establishing Attachment Area
the norphologv of the appropriate bones; mriscle scars, lr'here thev can be discerned, are the best landrnarks (Table I5.i). Where mrtscle scars could not be discerned, rnuscles \\,ere asslrmed to att:rch to correspolrding parts of homologous elements. If, for example, a muscle extended frorn tire suprater-rporal fenestra to the clorsal margin of the surangular in the moclern analog, tl-ren this n,as its corlrse r'r'hen reconstructecl in the fossil (Table
The critical feature is the selectior-i of appropriate analogs. 'l'here seerns iittle difficultv in extrapolating muscle strr.rcture among phr'logeneticallr,'closelv relate d forrns-sar', Alligator mississippiensis to Crocod,-lLLs porosus, and probablv to forn'rs as phr'leticallr. distant as Sebecus icaeorhinus. Hor'r'evcr, arbitrarv clccisions are inr,'olvecl lr'here the mnsclc scars are inclistinct, imperceptible, or substantiallr'clifferent in forrr. Tl-irs, for morpl-iologicallv clifferent or more distanth'related forrns, this rnettrod becomes
problerratic. In atterrpting to ertrapolate from A. mississippiensis to the dornestic dog, for example, tl-re r-rumber of arbitran.decisior.rs becornes nnrnar-rageablv large, the confidence in the result corresponclingh' small, so it nust be concluded that the one is not an acceptable rnodel for the other.
Thus, the ciroice of a rnodem ar-ialog rriust rel1, on ha','ing a sufficicnt nurrber of indepencler-rt osteological features in common to give cor-rfidence that the structure in cl,restion-l-rere the cranial skeleton-did in life function
as analogs to some desired level of sin'rilaritr'. In the case of ti'12trnosallrs and crocodilids, tiiese features inclucle sl-iarpll' pointed teeth, snouts long rclative to tl-re postorbiial part of the skull, ancl cliapsid postorbital cranial structure (probabli'more than a single feature). After choosing a nrodern analog, the muscle attachments are located, and it is ascert:tinecl r'r'hether or not nuscle scars (i.e., char:rcteristic indications on the surfaces of the bones to r'r'hich uuscles attach) are present, and if present, the positions and forms of these scars. In rr1'experience, muscle scars are often more casill,recognizecl bl'toucl-r (bv changes in the surface texture of bone) than bv sight. If scars are not present (or r-rot obvious)-rn other u,orcls. if the surtace r-rf the bone has:r texture that is unifonr across
Ralph E.
the area of attachment and continues rvithout change into regions where other muscles or otirer tissues attach-then one can only appr6xillate the attachment site bv referer-rce to nearbr'landrr-iarks. If the n-roderr-r ar-ralog is judiciousl-v chosen, those scars seen on the fossil should be similar in posrtion and form to those of the analog. Ceneralli,; not all of the attachn-rent areas u'ill l-rave easih' recognizable scars, and some approximation of the location of the areas bv other landrnarks ivill be necessar\'. h-r principle, a second, logically ir-idependent course is to compare the forms of the indii'idual mnscle scars. 'lb use them in an independent fashion requires comparisorr of the forns of the scars, rather than the patterr-t of their placement. For exarnple, a straplike muscle n,ill leai,e scars that are long and narrow. Therefore, to reconstruct the position of a straplike mr-rscle, one needs to find relativelt.long, narron, scars for the origin and insertion. If scars of some other forrn are found, then either the muscle is placed in the rvrong position, or it is incorrectlr,' reconstructed as straplike. This method asslrmes tl-rat one alrcadt' has some notion of the nr-rscular form that car-r be r-rsed to identifl'the muscles that attached to the scars. Used rn isolation, this rrethod u'ould indicate where rruscles u,ere present, but it would proi'ide no clear guide as to their arrangernent. In other rvords, attachment sites might be four-rcl on different elements, br-rt wl-rich site on one elerrent corresponds to lvhich on the other reurains unknorvn. As pointed outbl'N4cCorvan (1986, and citations therein), italso sr-rffers frorn tl-re disadvantage that rliuscle scars are not aln'al's present or recognizable, even if the bonv surfaces are rvell presened. Tlius, at best, this n-retl-rod can be used as a partial check on the previous one, but it canr-rot itself provide a reconstruction of the rnusculature. So in reconstructing the rnusculature of an extit-rct tetrapod, sorle guidance from modern analogs is necessarr'. Lizards and crocodilians \\'ere n,idel,v considered as rnodels for dinosaurs before the 1970s. The relationship of theropod dinosaurs to bircis implies that these, too, rnav be poteniial models. Hor,r'er,er, the cranial structrrre of bircls is rnuch modified from those of large theropods, el'en those as closell related to birds as tvrannosauroids. 'l'he paitern of muscle scars ma)r be compared i,l'itl-r the pattern of muscles seen ir-r birds, crocodilians, or lizards to determine wllich is more similar to that olTyrannosauruE rex. For example, the M. addr,rctor rnandibulae externus profundus takes origin in lizards from the region of the posttcn-rporal fenestra, but in crocodilians from the region of tl-re supratemporal fenestra. In theropods, the posttemporal fenestra tends to be closed and lacking clear inclication of muscle attachment. However, there are inclications of rnr,rscle attachrnent arouncl the supratemporal fenestra. 'l'hus, here, crocodilians r,r'ere selected as the nrore appropriate model. On the other hand, tlie crocodilian NI. pseuclotemporalis originates from the laterosphenoid r,'entral to the sr-rpratemporal fenestra. In sorre birds (e.g., CepphtLs grylle, Gallus domesticus; Lakjer 1926), the NI. pseudoten-rporalis originates anterior to the N'1. acld. n-rancl. prof. fron-r tl'ie lateral side of the braincase in the region that is presurnablv hon-roiogous to the rnediai r.vall of the char-inel leaclir-rg to tl-re supratemporal fenestra in their theropocl ancestor. Thus, the N{. pseudoten-rporalis is located anterior to the M. add. law Musculature 257
mand. prof. As described in the appropriate section, inT. rex, the subdivision of the supratemporal fenestra suggests tl-rat the M. psei-rdotemporalis arose from this region anterior to the N{. add. mand. prof., and hence was located anterior to thai muscle. Here the pattern of these birds (and some lizards) seerns the more appropriate model. Bv rreans of such considerations, the 1aw rnuscle pattern of crocodilians \\,as chosen as a generallr.' appropriate guide, although the patterns seen in lizarcls (ancl birds) also pror ide rrsefrrl cornparisorrs. In tl-re living crocodilians, as in otl-ier tetrapods, the jarv musculature sometimes lear.'es characteristic muscle scars. Fleshv attachments are generalll, 611o smooth, flat, or nearl-v flat sttrfaces of bones. Such scars are sonetimes set off from the general surface bv a distinct rim or angr-rlation (as in the case of the M. adductor n'iandibtrlae externus superficialis et n-redialis insertion) and sometirres not (as r.vith the M. adductor n-randibu1ae posterior origin). Tendinous attachmenis tencl to arise from ridges along the sr-rrface of tl-re bone (as u'ith the crocodilian A tendon; Iordanskv 1964) or frorr sharp ridges of the element (as rvith the strrface tendon of the N{. pterl'goideus posterior). Bv r,rsing tl-rese indications of rnuscle attachrnent, together u ith the patterns of mr-rscle origin and insertion in living crocodilians, the jan, musculature of T. rex ltas been reconstructed. Reconstructions of the individual muscles and the musculature as a whole are presenied in a series of figures, u'hereas the text deals r.vith the ratior-rale for the reconstructions, the comparisons with living fonns, and the form and position of the muscle scars. McGoi,van (1986, and citations therein) found considerable variation in the pattern of muscles in the lr,ings and hind lirnbs of birds. Specificallv, he found that some muscies u'ere developed to different degrees on different sides of tl-re animal, or ir-r some cases, even absent on one sicle, as lvell as differentlv developed in different indivicluals of the same species. Exarnination of lacertilian cranial material in the Northern Arizona Universitr Quaternarl Studies Program collection showed that muscie scars of sin-rilar form r'r'ere present in conparable positions across a range of species (Chamaeleo calyptratus, C. melleri, C. oustaleti, C. parsoni, Ctenosaura pectinata, Furcifer pardalis, Hl,drosaurus amboensis, Iguana iguana, Polychrus gutturosus, and Tupinambis teguixin). However, thev ma1, var\, in details of form and degree of development, are nore prominent on larger specimens, and are not seen on specirnens smaller than 50 mm in length. The sinilarit,v of the muscle scars of both sides of the cranial skeletons of T. rex, exanined iogether r.r'ith consideratior-rs of feeding efficac1,, sr:ggests that individual variation u'as not a problem ir-r this str-idl'. Hor'"'ever. onlr' 3 specimens of T. rex lvere exarnined, ard so these resr-rlts should not be extended to other specimens u'ithout appropriate exarrination. The data on the origin ar-rd insertions of lacertilian jarv muscles are taken largelr from Lakjer (1926), Bolk et al. (1938), and Oelrich (1956). Some of the attachments u'ere verified in specimens of lguana iguana, Ctenosaura pectinata, and Yaranus kotnodoensis, but most of the data are from the literature. The data for the crocodiliar-r jarv musculature attachments are taken largelv from rry ou'n dissections of Alligator mississippien-
Ralph E.
M. abductor mandibulae externus M. abductor mandibulae externus supereficialis et medialis (M. add. mand. ext. sup. med.) M. abductor mandibulae externus profundus (M. add. mand. ext. prof.) M. abductor mandibulae posterior (M add. mand. post.) M. abductor mandibulae internus M. pseudotemporalis M. pterygoideus anterior M. pterygoideus posterior M. intramandibularis
sls and Paleosuchus trigonatus. This has been supplerlented ',vith data on other genera taken fronl Iordansk,v (1964).
TERMINoLocv: The rnuscle terrrinologv r,rsed is that of Tage Lak;er
Table '1 5.2. Terminology Used in Description of Jaw
(1926) for crocodilians, but lr'ith slight n'rodificatior-rs. I n'as unable to distin-
guish betu'een the NI. adductor rnandibulae externus superficialis and the M. aclductor r-nanclibulae externus nredialis in mv dissections of Alligator mississippiensis and Paleosuchus trigonatus. Even in lizards, these parts fuse and are thus difficult to distinguish (Oelrich 19>6; Fisher and Thru-rer 1970). Tlrese rruscles do not appear to have separate attachrnent scars in T. rex (aI-
thouglr tlrel' do in Allosaurus fragilis). Hence, I shall refer to this n'ruscle as the N,{. adductor niandibulae externus superficialis et rnedialis. The strr-rcture of the ptervgoid-quadrate region of the skull of T. rex differs cor-rsiderabll' from that of the crocodilians, and as a resuit, it is not feasible to treat the M. pterygoider-rs as divided into 4 portions, as Lakjcr did.'l'hr-rs, onl1, a N'{. p1s11. goideus anterior and a M. pterl'goideus posterior n'ill be distinguished here. The terminology that rvill be used for the jau' adductors (abbrel,iations used foilou'the full r-rame) is listecl in ]-able 15.2. Iordansky (1964) has pr-rblished a thorough description of the jar,r'mlrsculature and the associated tendons of the Crocodrlia. Previous r.r'orkers (Lakler 1926; Anderson 1936) had r-roted the existence of the zr,vischensehne (a large iendon sheet associated u,ith t}-re insertion of the M. pterygoideus anterior, N{. pseudotemporalis, and M. intramandibularis of crocodilian$ but had not condr-rcted the thorough, detailed investigation of the tendinous structure that lr,as r-rndertaken bl'lordanskv. Although reference u,ill be made to these structures, a descr\rtion of the tendons and tiieir terninologr,'li ill not be presented here because there is no el,idence for their occrlrrence inT. rex.
(rrc. r5.r): Arnong living lizards, these 2 portions are distinguishable (but
Reconstructed Musculature
sonetimes n,ith difficulty: Oelrich 1956; Nash and Tanner 1970; Ai,ery ancl 'l'ar-rner l97l).'fhei,'usuall,v arise from the r,entral and internai surfaces of the supraten-rporal arch, and fibers also arise from the quadratojugal and the an-
terior surface of tlie quadrate (Lakler 1926; Oelricli 1956;
isher and Tanner
law Musculature
Figure 15.2. Cross section
through the anterior margin of the squamosal (dorsal) process of the quad ratojugal of Tyra n nosaurus rex in a plane perpendicular to the anterior margin (as indicated by line A of the lower d rawi ng). Ante ri o r is to the left. The anteroI atera I -faci ng su rface of the quadratojugal, between the diagonal bars, is that possibly giving origin to a part of the M. srlrl mand aYf
med. Abbreviations: lTF, reg ion of i nf rate m po ra I fenestra; L, lateral surface; M, medial surface.
1970; Nash and Tanner 1970; Averl,and'l'anner 1971). Among living crocodilians, these 2 portions cannot be easill'distingr-rished (cf. Iordansky' i964) and are here considered as a single muscle. In the crocodilians, tl-ris n-mscle originates frorn the ventral surface of the quaclratojugal just above the infratemporal fenestra, with some fibers corning fron'i the posterior rvall (formed bv tl-re quadrate) of the channel ascending to the supraten-rporal
lnTyrannosaurus rex (AMNH 5027 and LACNI 27844), the concave anterior margin of the qr,radratojugal, rvhich bounds the posterior extensiorr of the ventral portion of the infraternporal fenestra, bears along the ver-rtral nrargin of the upper ramus a smooth surface extendir-rg posteriorlv frorr the margin of the fenestra over onto the lateral face of the elernent (Molnar 1991, pl. I, fig. 5). This surface is posteriorlv bounded b1' an abrupt rim (fig. 15.2). In N{OR 008, this rim bears mgosities, ar-rd in MOR 980, it is raised into a low but distinct lateral sl-relf. 'l'he rim separates the smooth surface adjacent to the fenestra from the roughened external bone surface. Uniquely, the quadratojugal of MOR 980 has a distinct rostroventralll'facing facet on the lorver rnargin of the upper ramus, r,l'hich, like the lateral shelf, is more marked or-r the right elernent. Because these features are on the lateral wall of the adductor cl-ramber, sirnilar in position to the area of origin of this rnuscle in rnodern crocodiiians, it is believed to represent part of the area of origin of the M. add. nrand. ext. sup. rned. The central portion of the squarnosal also posteriorll'bounds the posterior extensior-r of the upper portion of the infraternporal fenestra. Around the apex of this part of the fenestra, there is a srnooth surface on the squamosal Ralph E.
extending frorn the margin of the fenestra over onto the lateral face of the -l'hrs element (Fig. I5.3), sirnilar to that of the rnargin of the quadratojugal. region is bounded posteriorh'bv marked, 16s,, obtuse ridges on both squamosals in AMNH 5027. as well as on those of N{OR 008 and N{OR 555. In BHI 1031, BHI 4100, and BHI 6210, the ridge on the dorsal ramus is developed ir-rto a sharp crest, forming tl're surface into a shallow r.'entrally facing trough. In MOR 555 (and ZPAL NIgD-ll4,Tyrannosaurus bataar), the crest has become a pronrinent lateral shelf. Because of the similarity in form to the quadratojugal feature just described, ancl because of its appropriate location, these features are also considered to be part of the origin of the Nll. add. nand. ext. sup. rnecl. The internal surface of the squamosal of MOR 4100 has a lou', oblique ridge parallel to the ventral edge of the upper rarrus, about I cm frorn the edge. This presumab\,marks the n-redial edge of the rruscle attachrnent. These features suggest that some fibers, presumabll' of the M. add. nand. ext. sr-rp. rned., mav aiso have originated from the rnedial surface of ihe quadratojugal-squamosal flar-rge betn,een the dorsal ar-rd ventral posterior extensions of the infratemporal fenestra. Or again, the mr-rscle may have been separated into dorsal and ventral parts. A structure roughly sirnilar
Figure 15.3. The origin scar
ae exte rn us su -
perficialis et medialis on the squamosal of Tyrannosaurus rex, left and
right sides.
the attachment area in diagonal hatching. Some af fhi< raninn nn fho
right side appears to have been reconstructed in plaster. Photos of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History cast of AMNH 5027.
to this surface is also found on the quadratojugal of Allosaurus fragilis (AMNH 600) and arnong the other tl,rannosaurids, u'here it is r-rot as marked. (Because distinct scars that can be interpreted as representing both the M. add. mand. ext n.red. and the NI. add. rrand. ext. sllp. ma), be seen on the skuli ofA. fragilis in addition to this quadratojugal feature, the latter presumabiy does not mark the origin of or-re of these 2 portror-rs.1 The proposed area of origin of the M. add. rnand. ext. sup. nrecl. is based on the recognition of featnres tl-iat appear to be rnuscle scars and are in an approximately homologous position (posterior part of the lateral rvall of the adductor chanber) to the area of origin in living crocodilians. Thus, the M. add. rrand. ert. sup. med. in T. rer is assnmed to have arisen from the squan-rosal ai the posterodorsal corner of the infratemporal fenestra, as rveli as froni the internal surface of the supratemporal arch. This situation is essentialll'sirnilar to that described in hadrosaurs (Ostrom 1961). Additional fibers rr-ia1' have originated from the medial surface of the squan-rosal-quadratojugal flange and fronr the anterior rrargin of the quadratoiugal. These fibers u'or-rld be shorter than those originating fron the more dorsal infratenporal region ancl hence capable oflesser percentage exten-
Jaw Musculature
of the M. adductor
m a nd i bu
Figure 15.4. (A) Stereo-
nhnfnnranh af the in<ertion scar of the M. adductor mandibulae o\ tarnl t<
small inset shows the location of the scar on the mandible.
sion, in keeping n'itl-r thc decreased clistance betn'een the areas of origin and insertion, relatir.,e to that of the more dorsallr' attaching fibe rs. In the lir ing crococlilians, the NI. add. rnand. ert. sup. n-recl. inserts onto flat facet on the dorsal margir-r of the surangular. This is located jtist antea rior to the glenoid. Anrong the living lizards, fibers of these muscles insert both onto the bodenaponeurosis and the clorsal n-rargin of tl-re sr-rrangular, as n'ell as or-ito acljacer-rt bones (Lakjer 1926 Oelrich 1956; Fisher ancl Thnner 1970; Nash ancl 'lhnner 1970;Aven'and Thnner 1971). 1'lie clorsal margir-r of the sr,rrangular of T rex (A\'INI-I 5027, BHI 1033, BHI 4100, BHI 6230, L,ACM 2)814, and N'IOR 008) bears an anteroposteriorlv elongate facct (F'ig. 15.'f). This facet is bounclecl :rnterolateralh'by a lor,'' btrt distinct ridge and is composed of 2 ahrost-plane subfacets. The n-redial of thcse subfacets is alrrost horizorrtal in transverse section ancl slightll'convex upu,ard in parasagittal section. The lateral subfacct faces dorsolaterallr, and is sin'iilar to the medial in forrn. The angulation separating theni becomes indistinct posteriorl-v so that the subfacets fuse togetirer. Tl-ris feature probably represer-rts the area of insertion for the Ni. add. rrancl. ext. sup. mecl., ar.rd tl-re eristcncc of
the subfacets suggcsts that this nnrscle had a bipartite strncture anteriorli'. I{ou,e'"'er, the surangulars of BHI 'f100 and \tOR 008 do not shou, these subfaccts; instead, this region is sn'roothli convex. In BHI 3031, BHI 4100, and \,IOR 008, the rnedial edge of the fircet rises into a sharp crest, perl-raps indicating the cxistence of a tendor-r. This proposecl arca of insertion is basecl on tl're sirnilaritr,of botl-r the position and form of the putative nuscle scar to those seen itr modern crocodilians. Ralph E. Molnar
In ihe liF ing crocodilians, tliis muscle originates frorn around and wiihin the sr-rpraternporal fenestra, r,vhereas anong the lil'ing lizards, it originates frorn the region of the posttemporal fenestra (Lakler 1926; Oelricl-i I956; Fisher and Thrrner 1970; Nash and Tanner 1970; Avert'and Tanner 1971). In Tyrannosaurt$ re\ the snpratemporal fenestra is surrounded br'' a ror-rgl-rl1' bowl\,I. ADDUCTOR N,IANDIBULAE F,X'|ERNUS PROFUNDUS (rrC. r5.5):
shaped, smooth-surfaced supraternporal fossa, and the posttemporal fenestra
This is sirnilar to the condition in crocodilians, shallower ancl less borvllike in forrn. InT. rex, the suprateniporal fossa is deepest over the parietals, shallowing abruptlf in the frontal region. The parietal portion of the supratemporal fossa, as rvell as the snooth anterior face of the supraoccipitai crest, presurnabll'forrned the area of origin of the N,l. :rdd. rrancl. ext. prof. No clear delirniting rnark for ihis muscle could be found on the supraoccipital crest, although the rugose texis almost completely closed.
although there, the fossa
Figure 15.5. Sketch of the
left squamosal in dorsal view, based on BHI 4100. The proposed area of origin of the M. adductor ma nd i bu I ae extern us p ro fundus, based on BHI 3033 and 8H14100, is to the right of the dashed line. Anterior is to the right, Iateral to the top.
ture along the dorsal margin strggests that this r,r'as not part of the area of flesl-rv origin. In ml'dissertation, I suggested that this muscle rnav also have taken origin from a flat surface on the dorsr-rm of the squarnosal. This seems to be correct, but not in the ser-rse intended in the dissertation, lr'here I had believed that the entire dorsal face n'right har.e given attachrnent to the muscle. N{ost of the dorsum appe ars to be too rough in texture for a muscle scar. Hoil'ever, Tom Carr (personal comnlunication) observed a crescentic smooth surface mediallv adjacent to the rnargin of the supratemporal fenestra on tl-ie squarnosals of BHI 3033 (and less clearlv on BHI 4100) that appears to have been a muscle attachrnent. Thr-rs, it seerris likelv that a portion of the M. add. nand. ext. prof. took origin frorn the dorsum of the sqtramosal.
N4ediallr', the parietals rise to forrn a sagittal crest that is mr-rch lou,er than the supraoccipitai crest. Hence, it rvoulcl seem that the antimeres of
this n-ruscle probabii'rnet across this crest.'l'he lateral surface of the parretal is sr-r-rootl-i all the riav to its ventral margin. This smooth surface continues dolvn across rnost of the posterodorsal portion of tl-ie lateral surface of the laterospher-roid and the anterodorsal corner of tl-re lateral surface of the prootic 1Fig. I i.71. The supratemporal fossa consists of 2 parts: first, the shallor'r'er frontal excavation anterior1.",, and second, a deeper posterior excavation bounded bi the parietal, the supraoccipital crest, and the arch
-. ,' ,'E "
' t:
' '::
: !:';1
11,.:;. .
$#"iir"....:*fu'.' ; '.: *srffiF.;.: .
Figure 15.6. Oblique anteroventrolateral view of the braincase of Tyran-
nosaurus rex, AMNH 51 17. Most of the lateral
-,,,{^-^ ^l +1,^ ^^.;^+-l )ur /o!E ut LI lc yat IcLat
(labeled "Pa." on the
' '-t
believed to have given rise to the M. adductor ma nd i bu I ae extern us
fundus. This region is marked by diagonal hatching on the inset. The orthogonally perpendicular hatching on the frontal indicates the proposed origin of the M. pseudotemporalis.
separating the strpra- and infratemporal fenestrae. This bipartite structure sr,rggests that 2 rnr-rscles took their origin in the fossa. I believe that the M.
pseudotemporalis arose frorri the anterior portion for reasorrs presented rn the section on that muscle. Thus, the M. add. nand. ext. prof. probably originatecl only f161l the more posterior portion, from tl-re lateral surfaces of the parietal and iaterosphenoicl (and possibll'fron-r the medial face of the sqr-ramosal, rvhich was not available for inspection). There is no discerr-rible feature separating the areas of origin ventrallr'.
Ralph E.
Figure 1 5.7. Restoration
of the M. adductor man-
u I ae extern us prof u n dus of Tyrannosaurus
d ib
rex. Abbreviations: J, jugaL PO, postorbital; QJ, quadratojugal; 5, squamosal; 5A, surangular.
ffiii The proposed position of the area of origin of this mr-rscle is based oir analogy il ith its position in modern crocodilians and the inferred position of the N,I. pseudotenrporalis. The NI. add. mand. prof. inserts onto the zu,ischensehne in the living crococlilians and into the bodenaponeurosis, as u'ell as onto the rredial surface of the surangular, and sometimes the coronoid, in living lizards (Lakier 1926; Oelrich 1956; Fisher and 'fanner 1970; Nash and Tanner 1970; Al,ery' and Tanner 1971). The zr,'",iscl'rensehne of the living crocodilians inserts in turn into that portion of tl-re angr-rlar forn'iing the ventral margin of the Meckelian fossa. The insertion is marked b1' a prominent, ror,rghly sign-roid ridge along the medial surface of the angular, bordering and extending just below the ventral margirl of the N,leckelian fossa (lordanskv 1964). The bodenaponer-rrosis of lizards leaves a sin-rilar feature alor-rg tl-re anterior margin of the \,Ieckelian fossa and the posterior rnargin of tl-ie coror-roid process in those forms exarrirrcd (Ctenosaura pectinata,
Jaw Musculature
5.8. Restoration
of the M. adductor mandibulae posterior of Ty-
rannosaurus rex. The surficial elements of the skull are rendered as tra nspa re nt a n d i nd icated by dashed lines in the d rawi
\ t
ng. Ab b rev i ati ons :
AR, articular, BC, braincase; E, epipterygoid; Q, quadrate; QP, quadrate process of the pterygoid.
) QP
Iguana iguana, VarantLs komodoensis, and Varanus sp.). This margin is continuous frorn the fossa up onto tl-re coronoicl process and sholvs slight
in both Varanus and Ctenosaurc. No such evidence l-ras been fourid for a zwischensehne in T. rex, and it is assumed to have been absent. The M. add. mand. ext. prof. is thr-rs presumed to have inserted onto the smooth n-redial surface of the surangr,rlar (Molnar 1991, pl. 15, fig. l), together w'ith the M. pseudoternporalis and the M. ptervgoideus :rnterior. In the living crocodilians Alligator and Paleosuchus, the l,{rr. ptervgoideus anterior, pten'goideus posterior, and add. mand. post. all firse together at rr-rgosities
Ralph E.
Figure 1 5.9. Restoration of the M. pseudotemporalis of Tyrannosaurus rex. Abbreviations:
quadratojugal; S, squamosal; SA, surangular.
1.., tri::
I r'., lri
ri.:l'ij,:l: .llr l
their insertion onto the n-ranclible. Because there are no separate insertion scars discernible on the rnedial surface of the surangular, it seenrs likely that a sirnilar condition existed inT. rex. In vieu,oftire absence ofevidence for a zrvischensehne in T. rex, the proposed insertion area of this muscle is based solely on analogy u'ith the insertior-r or-r the rnandibular bones (as opposed to that on the bodenaponeurosis) in living lizards. M. ADDUCTOR N,{ANDIBULAE POSTERIOR (r'rC. i5.B): In t}re li|ing crocodilians, the N,4. add. mand. post. originates frorr the ventral surface of the posterior portion of the qr,radrate as n'ell as from 2 tendons (the A and B tendons of Iordanskr' 1964) originating fror-n the quadrate. An'rong lii'ing lizards, this muscle takes origin from the anterior surface of the quadrate, sonetines via an aponeurosis, and also sometirres additionalh'frorn the
Jaw Musculature
Figure 15.10. (Top) Dorsal view of the braincase of T. rex, AMNH 5117. The abrupt change of level of
the inner surface of the fenestra, believed to indicate the boundary between the areas of oilgin of the M. pseudotemporalis (left) and the M. add ucto r ma nd i b u I ae externus profundus (right), is clearly visible. These aroA< Ara inr'liratar'l htr r'li-
agonal hatching in the inset
outline sketch. (Bot-
tom) Dorsolateral view of th e su p ratem po ra
fe n es-
tra of Tyrannosaurus rex, AMNH 5027. This also shows the proposed scars of origin of the M. pseud otem pora I is (left) and the M. adductor ma n d i bu lae
fundus tight). The outline inset indlcates these 2 areas. Photo of Los Angeles County Museum of hl^+, '.^l 1\QlutQt
tU;-+^r,, TJLVIy
-^?+ ld)1,
prootic (Lakjer 1926; Fisher and Tanner 1970; Nash and Tanner 1970; A'er'"'and Tanner 1971). The quadrate of 'I\,rannosatLrlrE rex differs fronr those of the lir,ing crococlilians and lizards in that it has a cleep, flat, platelike pteri'goid proce ss projecting anteromedialiv from the corpr.rs quadrati. Unlike the qtradrates of nodern crocodilians, that of T rex (LACNI 2381+) does not shon' anr,marked ridges of the form from ri4rich the A and B tendons take origin. Hence, presumabll'7. rex did not have sr-rch tencions. As in rnodern crocodili:rns, tl-re c1-radrate of L,{CN{ 23844 does not shou' arrv clear n-rarks that rrigl-rt cielirrit the area of origin of this rnuscle. Presumabll' this n'itrsclc took origin frorn tlic anterior surface of the qr-radrate ar-rd possiblv also frorn the lateral surface of the ptervgoid process. The surfaces of both the anterior facc oftlre quaclrate and the lateral face ofthe pterygoid process are smootl-r, as is the surfacc of origir-r for thc N{. add. mar-rd. post. of lir.ing crococlilians. In both lir ing crocodilians and lizards, this rntrscle takes origin from the posterior wall of the :rdductor charnber, and bv analogy rvith this, it is proposecl also to take origin there in T. rer.In the living crocodilians, this n'nrscle
E Molnar
Figure 15.11. Restoration
inserts onto the ventral rnargin of the Nleckelian fossa and the anterior face of the articuiar. In most lir"ing lizards, the area of insertion is basicaliy the same (Lakjer 1926; Fisher arcl Tanner 1970; Nash and Tanner 1970; Averv arid Tanner 1971). The anterior face of the articr-rlar of T. rex u'as sheatlied b1'a thin process of bone frorn the rredial surface of sr,rrangular. 'I'he N4. add.
of the M. pterygoideus a nte ri or of Ty ra n n osa u rus rex. Abbreviations: J, juga| L, lachryma| M,
mand. post. presumably'inserted onto this, probabli in addition to inserting onto the adjacent portions of the nedial face of the surangular. As t ith the origin, the proposed insertion is based soleh' on analogv u,ith the positions of the insertions in living crocodilians ancl lizards. Nl. PSEUDo'I'E\{PoRALIS (rrc. r5.9): In the living crocodiiians, the M.
pseudoten-rporalis is a unipartite muscle arising from the external surface of the laterosphenoid. It is a rnultipartite rnuscle in living lizards, taking origin from the anterior and rnedial lvalls and nrargins of the supraten-rpo-
ral fenestra and fron-r thc upper portions of the epiptervgoid (Lakjer 1926; Oelrich 1956; A'erl and T:rnner 1971), although in sorne lizards, it is not reported at all (e.g., Fisher and Tanner 1970; Nash ancl Tanner 1970). The area of origir-r ir-r bircls is sirnilar (Lakjer 1926), s ith some fibers arising from
Jaw Musculature
maxilla; PO, postorbital; QJ, quadratojugal; S, squamosal; SA,
EN \ ()--'
NrG Figure 1 5.12. Antorbital fossa of Tyrannosaurus rex, AMNH 5027 (cast; above) and LACM 23844 (also cast; below). The
outline insets indicate the antorbital fossa.
the quadrate (George and Berger i966). So there are Z potential guides to reconstructing the N'I. pseudotemporalis of Tyrannosaurus rex, either according to the crococlilian or to the avian-lacertilian pattern. As described in the section on the N{. add. rnard. ext. prof.. the snpratemporal fossa rs dil,ided dorsallv into 2 parts, suggesting that 2 muscles took origin here (Fig 1510). This is roughly similar to the condition among hadrosaurs (Ostrom 196l) and some Triassic ornithischians (Thulborn l97l). Nledially, the fossa consists of a shallou,excal'atior-r of the frontals (rvhich forrrs the "lobes" discussed b1''vValker 1964), n'hereas lateraliy', the area of origin seems to have extended onto a rnedial shelf of the postorbital sloping rnedioventralh', and seems to have l-rad a smooth surface texture quite unlike that of the external surface of this elen"rent (N{olnar 1991, pl. 4, fig. 2). Becar-rse it is sitr-rated anterior to the N{. acld. mand. ext. prof. in tl-ie living forrns, the M. pseudoten'rporalis presumablv originated fron-r the anterior part of tl-re fossa, bv analogy r.r'ith lizards and birds. The M. pseudotemporalis inserts onto the dorsal strrface of the z"r"ischensehne in the living crocodilians, and into the bodenaponeurosis and onto the coronoicl in lizards (Lakjer 1926; Oelrich 1956;Avery'and Tanner l97l). As rrentioned previousl,r,; there is no e','idence of a zr.vischensehne in T. rex and no indication of muscle attachment on the coronoids. and thus this
Ralph E. Molnar
rnuscle presumabl-v inserted into the n-redial surface of the surangr-rlar along
with the Mrn. add. mand. ext. prof. and pterygoideus anterior. 'fhe proposed insertion is hvpotfretical and is based onll'on the assurnption that in the absence of the zwischensehne, the M. pseudotemporalis would attach to the element to which the zwischensehne attaches in living crocodilians. M. prERycoIDEUS ANTERIon
The M. pterygoideus anterior
of the living crocodilids arises from the internal surface of the rnaxilla, the
dorsal sr,rrfaces ofthe palatines and pterygoids, the posterior surface ofthe fascial partition separating the orbital region fron-r the nasal capsule, and the interorbital septum. The M. pterl'goideus arises from the ventral surface of the ectopter,vgoids and fron-r the',,er-rtral and lateral sllrfaces of the pterygoids in lizards (Lakfer 1926; Oelrich 1956; Fisher and Tanner 1970; Naslr and'lhnner 1970; Avery and Tanner l97l). In Tlrannosaurus rex, the lateral face of the maxilla is relatively smaller in area than among the crocodilids because the antorbital fenestra occr-rpies a sizable portion of tl"re lateral sr-rrface of the snout. This surface of the maxilla is covered with lou' rugosities that are not continued into the antorbital fossa. At the edge of the depression, the typical surface sculpture abruptlv terminates, and low, curvecl ridges approximatelv perpendicular to the border of the fossa extend onto the sr:rface of the fossa for about I crr-r, there fading into a smooth surface (Fig. ll.l2). This surface mav have given origin to some of the fibers of the M. pterygoideus anterior. The dorsal surfaces of the palatal processes were not examined because the,v are eitl-rer not exposed or not preserved in any of the specimens available. It n'ray be assumed that the M. ptervgoideus anterior took origin fron-r these areas, as it does among crocodilians. The dorsal surface of the palatal plate of the pterygoid seems largely occupied by the ectopterygoid articulation, br-rt the free surface rs srnooth ar.rd rnay have afforded an area of flesh,v origin for this mr-rscle. Such of the dorsai surface of the ectopterygoids as may be examir-red (in LACM 2)844 and MOR 008) is also smooth and may have also contributed attachment area. h-r adclition, those soft areas from which this muscle takes origin in crocodilids mav have also served similarly inT. rex. The proposed origin of the M. ptervgoidetis anterior is based on analog1' with its origir-r from the lateral wall of the rostral cavitl' aird dorsum of the hard pal:rte in living crocodilians. This muscle inserts chiefly into the zrvischensehne in living crocodilians and to a lesser extent onto the anterior face of the articular. As merrtioned previor,rsly, this nuscle fuses with several of the other adductors at its inseriion. The insertior-r area in lizards is on the n-redial and ventral surfaces of tl.re posterior part of the mandible (Lakjer 1926; Oelrich 1956; Fisher and Tanner 1970; Nash and Tanner 1970; Avery and Tanner l97l). Again, i'nT. rex, there is no clearly defined insertion area, but presumably this muscle attached to the medial surface of the surangular along with the Mn-r. add. rnand. ext. prof. and pseudoiemporahs. The rationale for the proposed ir-rsertion is the same as for the M. pseudoiemporalis. M. PTERYGOIDEUS PoSTERton: This muscle originates from the pos-
Jaw Musculature
terior edge of the ptervgoid ii'ing ir-i the living crocodilians ancl is often not distinguishe d from the N,I. pterygoideus anterior for lizards (Oelrich 1956; Fisher and Tanner 1970; Nash and T.anner 1970; Averv and Tanner 1971). InTlrannosaurlts rexl the pterygoid u'ing is made up chiefl1'br,the ectoptervgoid, not bv the pteri'goid, as in the living crocodilians and lizards, ancl is a relativelv snaller structure thar-i in those forrrs. There is no clistinct mark left bv the NI. pterl'goideus posterior on the posterior edge of the n ing in crocodilians, nor is anv such mark cliscernible on tl-re eclge of that of AN,{NH 5t127. The N'I. pterl'goideus posterior rnav ha'"'e originated there, but there is no clear evidence for sr-rch an origin otl-rer than b1'analogv lr,ith the cor-rdition of other reptiles. The proposed origin for this muscle is based on structural analogv u'ith rrodern crocodilians, assuming the ectoptervgoid part of the pter,vgoid rving inT. rex fur-rctioned in a sin.rilar fashion to the pterl'goid portion of the pter,vgoicl rving in lir,ing crococlilians. Ostrorr (1969) has suggested that a portion of the N{. pten'goideus posterior in Deinorn,cltus antirrhopus took origin from the concave lateral side of the ectoptervgoid.'l'he surface of the ectoptervgoid of LACN{ 21844 is quitc smootl-r here, but there is no clear eviclence of a rmscle origin. The base of the jugal ranus of this ectoptervgoid shoivs a iou, obtuse ridge roughlr similar to those delirriting the posterior margin of the area of origin of the N'I. add. rnand. ext. sup. rred. on the squanrosal: this supports Ostrorr's strggestion and snggests that a portion of the N,l. pterl"goideus mav har,e originated here inT. rex also. Holr,er,er, the cluadrate process irtT. rex is a flat, r'ertical plate on the pterygoicl just posterodorsal to ihe region of the pteri'goid n,ing (Molnar 1991, fig. 6). This process extends posteriorlv to artictrlate u'itl-r the quadrate. The anterolateral face of this plate mar' have seru'ed as a rnuscle origin. The muscle originating here nav l-iave been the N'1. pten,goideus posterior, rvhich rrav have migrated Llp posterodorsalh'fron'r its presuned prirritive position. It ma1, also ha','e been part of, or derii'ative fron'r, the N,{. add. rnar-rd. post. or the M. ptervgoideus anterior, or tl-re NI. ptery,goideus posterior may not have differentiated from the N,L ptervgoideus anterior in'1. rex. In the crocodilians, this muscle u'raps arouncl the posteroventral portion of thc rnandible to insert on both the inner and outer surfaces of the mandible. The lateral insertior-r forms a smooth surface on the surangnlar and prearticular, set off fron-r the sculptr:red lateral n-randibtrlar surface by a nrarked ridge. In T. rex, to indication could be found that clearh,implied anv insertion on the lateral surface of the mandible. This muscle presurrablr' insertecl onto the nredial surface of the surangular ancl possiblv also or-rto the ventral rnargin of the rranclible (onto the prearticular).'I'here is, holl'ever, no clear indication of this on the preartictrlar. fust n{rere this rrr-rscle inserted inT. rex is unclear: the onl1' rationale for proposing anv insertion area is analogv li,ith the condition of lil ing crocodilians. Ho\l'ever, in crocodilians, the mandibular bones are in tight contact, sorretimes interlocking, permitting no rnotiorr betu'een them. In LAC\I 2)814, the onlr' firrn contact betu.'een postdentarv bones is tl-rat betu'een the sr-rrangular and articular, although in N'IOR 008, the surar-r-
Ralph E.
guiar :rnd prearticular are-as far as could be
r,r'ithout atten-rpting to disarticulate therr-fr-rsed, suggesting that this contact, too, ntav have been irnmobile (at least in some indil iduals). Other contacts, especialli'that betn'een tl-re surar-rgular and angular, ha.",e left no trace on the surfaces of tl-re bor-res (N'lolnar 1991), suggesting that sorne mobilitv betu'een these elements mav ha'ne occtrrred in life. Tl-re in-rplications of this for the insertion of the VI. ptery'goideus posterior are obscure, but it deterr-r-rir-red
is clear that the nrechanical situation r.ias cprite different from that ur crocodilians (ancl iizarcls). In crococlilians, the NI. pterl'goideus posterior ererts a force on the ar-rgular that is transr.ritted undirninished via the firrn joir-rts to
the clentarv and on to the tips of the teeth. InT. rex, anv force er-
d on the angular could result in rnovernent of that element on the surangtrlar, thus dirrinishing the force transrnittecl on to the other posterte
Finr rra 1( 1? (farannhn-
+^^,^^l-. LVgt ^{ +h^ ^,^^ ^1 Apt r) vr Lr tc at co vl
M depressor mandibulae of Tyranorigin of the
nosaurus rex, AMNH vt
nal hatching on the outline inset. Photo of Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History cast of
AMNH 5027.
onll'living tetrapods to
intranandibularis knorvn to Lakyer (1926), although Bolk et al. (1938) rnention such in Struthio camelus. If this report is correct, ther-r it lvouid seern likclv (a tl'pe I inference in the terms of \\/itmer 1997) that this muscle n,as lr,idespread among ertinct archosaurs. Horvever, tl-rere is no eviN,'1.
dence for such a rnuscle inTyT4nn6tdurus rex, although this rnuscle leaves no easill'discernible traces in the nodern crococlilians, so no evidence of it rright be expected inT. rex if it occupied a homologor-rs position. Tl-re M. intrarnar-rclibularis, if preser-rt, might have acted to operate an ir-itranrandibular loint (if such existeci inT. rex) if, for example, it originatecl from the surangular and insertecl onto the dentarl'. But such attachmer-its are purelv livpothctical: in living crococlilians, it originates frorn the zr,vischensehne and inserts onto tlie lr'alls of the Nleckeliiin canal. Alternatir.'elr,, it nrigl-rt also l-rar.'e acted to resist anteriorlv directed forces on the jaw,exerted bi,'the prev. T'his rnuscle has been largeii'ignorecl bt'moclern fur-rctior-ral morphologists and paleobi-
ologists, and so far as I have been to determine, its ftrnction in crocodilians and ostriches is unknorvrr. t\I. DLpRLSSoR \r \N Dr BU LAE (F rc. r s.t; r: ht tlrr lir ing crocodililns. the N'I. depressor mandibulae originates frorn the ventral portion of the posterior face of the scluamosal ;rnd the posterior portior.r of the lateral tip of the exocJaw
^.^ Ptvcess, indicated by diago-
than in crocodilians. N{. INTRAN,TANDIBULARIS: Crocodiliar-rs are the
^{ +t-^ ^^.^--;^;+-l vt Lrtc yorvrttPtLat
dent:rrv elenreirts, then orr to the dentary'(again via a possiblv rrobile joint; N'Iolnar 1991) and thcn on to the teeth, a seerningll' less effectii'e sittratiolr
l-rave a
is visible at the distal end
Figure 1 5.14. Stereophotograph of the posteilor surface of the right articu lar of Tyra n nosa u rus
rex, MOR 008. The whole surface presum-
ably represents the area of insertion of the M. depressor mandibulae.
cipital. The area of origin is roiighll'crescentic. Lizards show a rather differet-it area of origin, along the parietal or from the clorsal cerr,ical fascia (Oelrich 1956; Fisher and Tanner 1970; Nash and'l'anner 1970; Averv ar-rd Tbnner I97l). In Tyrannosaurus rex, the distal tips ofthe exoccipitals bear flat, dorsoventrally elongate facets, lvide at the top and narrou,ing to the boiton (Fig. 15.13). This surface is set off bv an obtr,rse angulation aior-rg its mcclial nargin frorr the rest of the posterior face of the exoccipital. This facet is considerecl to be the area of origin of the M. depressor mar-rclibulae. The proposecl origir-r for this muscle is based on analogv of both the position ar-rd the fon-n of the mr-rscle scars to lrfiat is seen in lir,ing crocodilians. In these forms, this nruscle inserts onto the dorsal surface of the retroarticular process. In lizards, it also attaches to tl-re retroarticular process (Oelrich 1956; Fisher and Tanner 1970; Nash and Tanner 1970; A'erv ar-rcl Tanner l97i). T. rer lacks a retroarticular process. Thc posterior surface of the articular is a smoothlv surfaced concar,'itv ancl into this concavitv the M. depressor rnandibr-rlae probably inserted (fig. 15.ia). The proposed insertion of the NI. dep. rrandibulae is hvpothetical and is basecl on the consideratior-r that a retroarticular process is absent. Hou' ever, the presence of a suggestive concavit-v of the articular in the expected position of that process inplies that the nruscle lr'ould most likelv ir-rsert as close to the expected positior-r as possible. 'fhis would not give significant leverage in depressing the r-nandible, br-rt given the expected ri,eight of a mar"rdible nearlr,'a n'reter in length, muscular exertion r,r,or-rld not be necclecl in opening the rrioutl-r. Once the mouth was openecl, the muscle couid act to open it more u'idely (to about 90", if that u,ere pernitted at the joinr7, and hence this insertion is functionallv sensible.
'lb mv knorvledge, onl1, one reconstruction of the
musculature of
large theropod hacl been n-racle before the research reported here n'as carried out. 'l'his report u'as b-v Adans (1919) for TyrannosaurtLs rex. His ternri-
nolog1'ofthe jarv adductors has not gained general acceptance. In general terrns, Adarns's reconstruction is sirr-rilar to that presentecl l-rere. Adan-rs, horver,er, did not recognize the existence of the N{m. add. mand. post. or
Ralph E. Molnar
5. Restoration
of the M. depressor mandibulae of the left side of Tyrannosaurus rex.
psendotemporalis in either Alligator or hrannosaurus. He also assumed that the Ntl. pterygoideus anterior inserted onto the mandible b1'rvrapping around the posteroventral rnargin. He thus analogized the lateral ridge of the surangular in T. re.r *'ith the delirniting ridge of the area of the N{. ptervgoideus insertion on the angr-rlar and surangular of the living crocodilians. Hou'e'u'er, in the crocodiliar-rs, it is the M. ptervgoideus posterior and not the N{. pterygoideus anterior that inserts b,v ivrapping arouncl the jaw (as Adams did indeed recognize). There is no e'n idence of a mr-rscie insertion or-rto the lateral face of the surangular in T rer. Witmer (1997) has argr-red that the antorbital fossa r,r'as occupied bv an antorbital sinus ca."'itv rather than a jaw muscle. He reportecl that reconstruction of a rnuscle in this region r,r.,as based on biomecharli.sl l11,pothesis. Here, it is based on tl-ie similarity of tl-re bone surface texture to that seen at muscle scars ir-r crocodilians, and other presumed rnuscle scars rn T. rex. Nonetheless, Witmer mav be correct. Histological examination of tl-re superficial bone at the proposed muscle attachrlient in the antorbital fossa might rel eal indicatior-r of Sharpev's fibers, rvl'rich lvould support the hvpothesis of mr-rscle attachn'rent, but pending such examirration, it seems best to consider both hlpotheses as possible. The form of the antorbital fossa varies in clifferent archosaurs, so it mav be that different structures occupied the fossa in different tara.
Jaw Musculature
Figure 15.16. Restoration of the jaw musculature and other cranial structures of Tyrannosaurus rex. This and the next 5 figures represent the assumed cranial anatomy as it would appear were the head available for dissection. The shape of the tympanum and the shape and exact location of the nares are arbitrary. The tympanum is located so as to give a minimum length to thesfapes. Abbreviations: AEP, M. add. mand. ext. prof., ALP, possible area of origin of M. levator pterygoideus; ANG, angular; AP, M add. mand. post.; APS, area of orrgin of M. add. mand. ext. prof., AS, articular sinus; ASM, M. add. mand. ext. sup. med.; B, brain; BA, basipterygoid articulation; BSS, basisphenoid sinus; C, ventral entranceof canal for internal carotrd; DM, M. depressor mandibulae; E, eyeball, EPI, epipterygoid, ET, eustachian tube, FO, fenestra ovalis; lN, internal naris; LD, nasolachrymal duct; LP, M. Ievator pterygoideus, N, nostill; NC, nasal capsule, OC, occipital condyle; P, pterygord; PA, M. pterygoideus anterior, PT, M. pseudotemporalis; PTS, area of origin
of M. pseudotemporalis; PW, pterygoid wing; Q, pterygoid process of the quadrate, QF, quadrate foramen; QS, quadrate sinus, RS, possible area of insertion of M. levator pterygoideus,5 stapet SPA, passage to articular and quadrate sinuses; SPB, passage to basisphenoid sinus; !PE, passage to ectopterygoid sinuses; SPl, passage to jugal sinus; SPL, passage to lachrymal sinus; SPM, passage to maxillary sinuses; T, tympanum, X, mobile ioint of skull or mandible.
Ralph E.
Figure 15.'17. Lateral view
of the head of Tyrannosaurus rex, with the cheek elements removed to reveal underlying structure. 5ections th roug h the m u scu I atu re are dotted, those through bone are diagonally lined. The posterior squamosal region is not shown because it has not been possible to examine the squamosal. Abbreviations as in Figure 15.7 6.
The reconstruction of tl-re jaw musculature of Tyrannosaurus
rex presenred here is based or-r exarnination of muscle scars seen on the various cranial and rnandibular elernents, interpreted bv analogv with the jaw rnuscr-rla-
ttrre of living crocodilians, lizards, and birds. Reconstructions of the indil5.l (M. add. mand. ext. sup. med.), 15.7 (M. add. mand. ext. prof.), l5.B (N{. add. mand. post.), i5.9 (M. pseudoternporali$, l5.ll (NI. pterygoideus anterior), and I5.15 (M. depressor mandibulae). Unequivocal evidence of the existence and positions of the Mm. pterygoideus posterior and intramandibularis was not found. The jaw mr-rscles, as they are believed to have appeared in the head of 'l'. rex, are presented in a series of 6 figures (Figs. I5.16-15.21). The first of these sho'nvs the external form of the skull, lvith the superficial musculature drawn in place. Rationale for the various details of the figure is presented in the captions. 'fhe sr,rcceeding figures shorv the musculatr:re at increasingly deeper levels of the head, in addition to tire major kinetic joints of the skull.
vidual mtrscles are presented in Figures
Figure 15.18. The same
view as in Figure
but with the surangular and M. adductor manu I ae exte rn us su pe rf i cialis et medialis re-
d ib
moved. The section through the quadrate is slightly medial to that in Figure 5.1 6. Abbrevia-
linnc :c in Fint rra 14
I an'r grateful to the follon'ing people for their assistance in r,arious aspects of this stuch': the late E. C. Olson (University of California, Los Angeles), P. P Vaughn (then at UCLA), L. Dre',v (then at the N{user-rrn of tire Rockies), E. S. Gaffner'(Anrerican Museum of Natural Histon), W. Langston Jr. (Universitr"of Texas, Austin), N. L. Larsor-r and P. Larson (Black Hills N'{riseurn of Natural Historr'), J. A. Nlacisen Jr. (then at Unir,ersity of Utahl, B ] K N4oh-rar, N'1. J. Odano (then at the Los Angeles Cor-rntv Museirrn of Natural Historv), f. H. Ostrorn (then atYale Universitr,), the late S. P. Welles (Unir,ersitv of Califorr-ria, Berkelet), T. Carr (Carthage College, Kenosha), f. N4eade, and S. L. Su'ift (Laboratorv of Qr,raternar,v Paleontolog,v, Northern Arizona Universitv, Flagstaff).
References Cited
Adanrs, L. A. 1919. A memoir on the phvlogenv of the jau r.nuscles in recent and fossil r,ertebrates. Annals of the New York Acaderny oi Sciences 28: l-166.
Ralph E. Molnar
Figure 15.19. The same
view as in Figure 15.18,
but with the Mm. pseudotemporalis and adductor mandibulae externus profundus, and the posterior portion of the mandible removed. The M. adductor mandibulae nn
Ievel of the ventral border of the pterygoid process of the quadrate. The possible M. levator pterygoideus scar (RS) marked with a dotted line is on the medial surface of the pterygoid. A M. pterygoirlat rc nn< nat
been included. The rla< hpr'l
I i
ra n ra
the boundary of the area of origin of the M. add u cto r ma n d i bu lae exte rnus profundus. The postenor Squamosal structure and the central portion of the quadrate sinus have not been included because these areas could not be examined. Abbreviations as in Figure 15.16.
Anderson, H.
The jari musculature of the phvtosa::r,Machaeroprosopus.
lorLnnl of Nlorphologl' 59:
,\'crv, D.
\\i \\l
I971. Er.'olution of the iguanine lizards (SaLrria, Iguanidae) as determined br.' osteological and rlvological characters. BrigharnYoung Science Bulletin 12: l-79. Bolk, L.. Gdppert, E., Kallius, I-., and l,ubosch, W 193E. Handbuch Der Yergleichenden Atntonie DerWirbeltiere. Vol. 5. Llrban & Schrvarzenberg, Berlin. Colbcrt, E. H. 19'+6. The eustachian tubes in the Crocodiha. Copeia 1946: F., ancl
1l-14. Colbert, E. I{., and Ostronr, J. H. 1958. Dinosaur stapes. Anreric an N,Iuseunt Novitates 2016: l*20. Farlou', J. O., and Nlolnar, R. York.
1995. Tlte Creat Hunters.
Franklin Watts. Nerv
Fisher, D. L., ancl'lhlner, W \\i. 1970. Osteological and m_vlogical fslcl conrparisorrs of the heacl ancl thorax regions o{ Crrcnidophorus tigris septentriorzalls Burger and Atneiya undulata parla Barbour and Noble (familv TeirclaeJ. BrighamYouttg Llniyersitt' Science Bulletht I I: I-4L
Jaw Musculature
Figure 15.20. The same
view as in Figure 15.19, ht i
+ha aninl'ant-
goid, pterygoid, quadrate, and associated re moved. Th e eustachian tube, middle
stru ctu res
+,,|f^1 -^^ -^\"+t, ^ar tovtLy, artu LyrrtPocat
num have been restored by analogy with those of crocodil ians. Ihe stapes
after that of Dromaeosaurus alber-
is taken
tensis as figured by Col-
bert and Ostrom (1958). The ocular muscles have
haan amiffod Tha ava-
ball is positioned dorsally in the orbit because it would presumably have been near the nasolachrymal canal, which opens high on the lachrymal. Abbreviations as in Figure 15.16.
Ceorge, J. C., and Berger, A. J. 1966. A,-ian M1'olog,t Acadenric Press, Ner','York. Horner, l. R., and Lessern, D. 1993. '[he Conplete T rsx. Simor] & Schuster, Neu'York. Iordanskr', I. I. 1964. The jarv r.nuscles of the crocodiles and soure relating structnres of the crocodilian skull. Anafonlsch.er Anzeiger 115: 256-280. l,akjer, T. 1926. Studien iiber die TrigemintLs-versorgte KaurnusktLlatur der Sauropsiden. C. A. Reitzel, Copenhagen. N4azzetta, G. V, Farifia, R. A., and Vizca(no, S. F. 2000. On the palaeobiologv of tl-re South American horned theropocl Carnotaurus saslrai Bonaparte. P 185-192 in P6rez-Moreno, B. P, Holtz, T. J., Sanz, J. L., and Nloratalla, l. (eds.). Aspects of Theropod Paleobiolog,t. Caia: Revista de Ceociencias. \"hr seu Nacional de Llistoria Natural, Lisbr,nt, 15. N,lcGot,:rn, C. 1986. 'fhe n'ing nuscttlatrtre of tl-re \\teka (Callirallus austrdlis), a flightless rail er.rdernic to Neu' Zealand. lournal rtf Zoologt' A 210: l0i*146. \"Iolnar, R. E. 1973. 'fhe Cranial Nlorphology and N'lechanics ofTt'rannosaurus rex (Reptilia: Saurischia). Ph.D. diss., Llniversitl' of California, Los Angeles.
Ralph E.
Figure'l 5.21. Sagittal section through the head of Tyrannosaurus rex. The cervico-occipital musculature has not been included. The brain is essentially that of an alligator modified to conform to the endocranial cavity of T. rex. The posterodorsal corner of the splenial and the pterygoid-vomerine contact are not known and have hence been omitted. The I e represe nts the general form described in the discussion
n asa I ca psu
1991. The crar.rial morphologr,' ofTyrannosaurus rex. Palaeontographica A 2t7t r37*t76. 2000. Mech:rnical factors in the design of the skr,rll ofTyrannosaurus rer (Osborn, 1905). P 193-218 in P6rez-Nloreno, B. P, Holtz, T. f., Sanz, |. L., - and N4oratalla, (eds.). Aspects rf Theropod Paleobiology. Caia: Revista de J. Geociencias, Museu Nacional de Historia Natural, Lisbon, 15. Nash, D. F., and Tanner, W. \\i 1970. A comparative studl'of the head and thoracic osteologv and mvologv of the skir.rks Eumeces gilberti van Denburgh and Eumeces skiltonianus (Baird and Girard). Brigharn Young Llniversitt,
secuon oT rarsons (t959) fitted into a tyrannosaur skull. The passages from the resptratory tract to the various cranial sinuses are sketched as following the shorfest routes to the sinuset with some guidance from the system of Al I igator m ississi ppi ensis (Colbert 1946). 15.16.
Oelriclr, T. N'1. 1956. The Anatom,t of the Head of Ctenosdura pectinata (Iguanidarz). Museum ofZoolog1,, Universitv of Michigan Miscellar.reous Publicatior.r 94.
H. 1961. Cranial n.rorphologv of the hadrosaurian dinosaurs of North Arnerica. Bulletin of tlrc American Museum of Natural History lZ2:13-186. 1969. Osteologv of Deinontchus antirrhopus, and unLrsual theropod froni tlre Lorver Cretaceous of Nlontana. Bulletin, Peabodl, N[useum of Natural -. History 30: 1-165. Parsons,'ll S. 1959. Studies on the comparative ernbrvologv of the reptilian nose. BrLlletin of the Museum of Conrparatite Zoology \20: 101*277. Patrl, G. S. 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Sirnon & Schrrster, Neri, Ostror.r.r, J.
York. 1971. Tooth u'ear ancl jau,action in the Triassic ornithischian dinosaur FabrosatLrus. lounnl of Zoologl, 164: 165-179. Ushiyanra, T. 1995. Ttrannosatrrus. P. f4*43 in NHK Special Project Team (ecl.;. This Is tlrc Dinosaur! Neu Aspects of Dinosaurs Based on the Scientific Ap, proach (h Japanese). Shinchosha, Tokyo. Walker, A. D. 1964. Triassic reptiles fror.n the Elgin area: Ornithosuchus and the ori gin of carnosaurs. PAilosop hic al Transactions of the Roy al S o ci ett of London B 21E: 53-134. Witmer, t,. N,l. 1997. The evolution of ihe antorbital cavitv of archosaurs: a study ir-r soft-tissue reconstruction in the fossil record uith an anallsis of the function ofpneunraticitr'. Societl ofYertebrate Paleontologt, Nlemoir 3: I-77.
Thulborn, R. A.
Jaw Musculature
breviations as in Figure
w *g#
*"'! mnt
Figure 16.1. Ampullae in the serratrons of Tyrannosauildae. (A) Albertosaurus. Two ampullae are visible. Note that the ampullae (arrows) are round, clearly defined, and neaily as large as their serrations. Each is connected to the surface by a straight, well-defined gap that is accurately centered on its ampulla. (B) Tyrannosaurus rex (FMNH PR2081). Ten dark ampullae are visible beneath the serrations of T. rex. The ampulla at left is neaily round (arrow) and is connected to the surface by a gap, confirming some relationship to Albertosaurus. But the gaps are reduced to cracks which are also visible in other ampullae, are not centered, and do not appear to have retained any protective function. The ampullae themselves show a clear trend from round and well defined (left), to comma shaped and diffuse (right). See text for
Vestigialisrn is a rvell-knou,n mechanism in biology. It occurs when sone structure in a living organism is no longer r,rsed and has become reduced in size, differentiation, or function, over evolutionary time. The most famorls example of vestigialism is the sightless eves of cave-dwelling fishes and salamanders. In the total absence of light, the once-functional eves have becorne srnall and have lost tl-re pou'er of sight. Another example is the immobile dew ciarv high on the leg of a dog. In a remote ancestor of the clog, a structure having the sarr-ie embrvonic source as the dew claw was a fr-rnctioning toe on a much shorter foot. Vestigialism allorvs us to directly see the consequences of evolutionarl,' processes. Darwin (1859) interpreted vestigial structures as evidence of descent u'ith modification. Theropod tooth serrations, with their linear rows of discrete, repetitive objects, are as close to controlled conditions as is possible in nature. In ihen-r we can see the developing process of vestigialisn-r frozer-r in iime in tl-re ampullae beneath the serrations in a tooth of Tyrannosaurus rex. The findings reported here are based on a thin section of a tooth, a destrr,rctive procedure. Because of the precior-rs nature of all T rex material, the resulting observations ar-rd conclusions are based on a single sample. The observed vestigialism might thus result from any of 3 causes. First, it rnight represent pathologt'. Second, it might vary depending on the location along the tooth rorv. Last, it might be ty'pical of all T. rex teeth. The observations that follow asslrme the vestigial ampullae were typical and the comments appll' to l'estigial structures. But the precise importance of the observations reported here must remain tentative until rnore material can
16 lntroduction
be examined.
Serrations in the teeth of Albertosaurus exhibit flask-shaped voids called ampullae (Abler 1992). I have suggested (Abler 2001) that the ampullae are a stress-relief mechanisrn similar to that used in technology to prever-rt the propagation of a crack through a hard materiai such as an airplane surface or a telescope lens. In Albertosaurus, neighboring serrations do not touch one another. Instead, they are separated bv a narrorv gap that extends dorvn into the interior of the tooth and terminates in the flask-shaped ampulia. This structure distributes stress around its perin.reter rather than concentratirrg it at a single point. h-r Albertosaurus, the serrations, the gaps betu'een then-r, and the ampr-rllae at the ends of the gaps are large and remarkably t11ifort.r.t in shape and in size. By contrast, serrations in the teeth of Tyrannosaurus rex are comparatively crucle. The erternal surfaces of the serraiions are similar to those of Vestigialism in a Dinosaur
Albertosaurus. but T rex teetl-i lack some of the fine cletail, sucl-r as lobes on tl-re serration bodies, or ihe elevated tail that in sone cases continlles onro the surface of the tooth. But it is in the inte rior structures seen in the tootli sample that the real differences appear. Inste ad of svstematic gaps betu'een adjacent serrations, tlie enanel serratiorr caps form a continuous sr-rrface. Insteacl of gaps between serrations, there are cracks in the enamel caps of the serrations. T'he cracks mav extencl perpendicular to the tooth, as in A/bertosaurus, or ma\; be angled. In sonre cases, there is no crack at all. The an-rpullae, in the interior of the tooth belon' and bet'"l,een adjacent serra-
tions, forrn a ciear progression frorn round and centralized, as in Albertosdurus, to ler-rticular, cliffuse, and eccentric (fig. l6.l).
Vestigialism Compared with
tion of other functional structures seen in the tootl-r set of a carnivotons
progrcssir,e loss of a precise shape and function in tlie slots and amptrl-
lae ofthe
rex serrations contrasts
sliarpll'with the progressive differentia-
narrrrrral such as the dog (Canis familiaris).'l'l-re serrations on theropod teeth are cliscrete, linearl,v arranged structures, u'here each successi'n'e structure tends to resemble the preceding. Thus, teeth and serrations offer a unique opportunitv to see in a single compound object the kind of structural trar-rsforrnations thai might take place in a sequence of species over er.olutionarv time, or that il'ould othern,ise recprire us to compare a number of fossils anci species u'hose relationship mav be in doi-rbt. For erarrple, the teeth on a single jail, of a dog fornr an anatomical progression (Thompson 1966) from front to back. Posteriori-v along the tooth rou', each rrore posterior tooth can be forn-red from the one ahead of it bv enlarging the stmcture at the anterior end of that tooth (Abler 2005). The canine tootl-r is a spike, sin-rple except for a sn-rall ridge that circles tl-re base of tl-re tootl-r, and :rscends to the point. The prenolar is forrned fiom the canine br" enlarging the anterior part of its basal ridge. The carnassial is formed frorn the premolar b1'enlarging a sr-rall ridge on the anterior part of the pren'rolar. Anci tl-re molar is fornrecl frorr tl-re carnassial br, enlarging a small anterior table on the carnassial. 'l'he details are ilrore cornplicated, but the teeth har"e a relationship that is sequential and substantialll' taxononric in character. The individual serrations in the TtrrannosaurlLE rex tooth have a similar relationship that is sequential and quasi-taxonornrc. But insteacl of shou.ing sequential differentiation, the serrations, and specificallr, the arrpullae, shou' seqtrential deterioration. If it is tvpical, r'estigialism in the arnpullae of the present Tyrannosaurus rex tooth confirms their ftrr-rctional status in Albertosaurus. 'l'l-re presence in T,t-rannudurus rex of a structure otherilise knor'r'n orrlv fronr the earlierA/bertosaurus tends to confirnr a taronomic relationship betrveer-r the 2 species. But in Albertostrurus, the arrpullae have such ftrnctional r,alue that their sin-rple presence in the later 1l rer might have been a case of evolutionan'convergenLe It is the vestigial natr-rre of the amptrllae in tl-ris T. rex specimen that nr.rr rule out a functional connection artd cortfinrr tlte tirr.onornic orte.
William L Abler
The overall function of tooth serrations seems to be a shiftir-rg balance betw'een cutting. tlie collection ancl deliver-v of infectious bacteri:r, and pro-
tection against breaking (Abier 1992, 2001). For its part, Tlrctnnosdurus rex appears to have abandoned rretabolically expensive structural specialization and refinement in fai.'or of obtainir-rg maxinurn size (Erickson ei al. 2004). N{ore generallr, because l'estigial structures do not arise as a resuli of thcir selective advar-rtage, tl-re1' are free frorn suspicior-r of convergence n'ith earlier, sirnilar structures ancl are a more reliable ir-rdicator of common inheritance.
I thank P Ctrrrie ancl P. N{akor,'icky for access to specin-rens; and W. Sinip- Acknowledg ments son, L. Bergri'all-Herzog, I. Classpool, and N. Hancoca for technical assrstance.
\\i L. 1992. 'l'he serrated
teeth of tvrannosaurid dinosaurs, and
References Cited
strrrctrrres in other anirn:rls. Paleobiologt, 18: 16l-1E3.
2001 A kcrf- and clrill model of t',r:innosaur tooth serrations. P. 84-89 irr 'larrke, I). H., and C:rrpe ntcr, K. (eds.). Nlesozoic \,rertebrate Life.lndiana LJniversitv Prcss, Bloonr ington. 2005 StnLcture of Itlatter, Structure of Nlind. Pensoft Scientific Publishers,
Sofia. -Darn,in, C. 18t9. Ott the Origut of Species.
John N'Iurrat, London. Flrickson, Cl. \'1., N,Iakovickr', P j., Currie. P j., Norell, N{. A., Yerbr,, S. A., ard Brochu, C. A. 2004. Gigantisn and conrparatrle life-hiskrrv parameters of l\ ra)nro)irrrid dirror:rrrrr. \alrrre -l3U: Thornpsorr, D.\\r. 1966. On Grov,tlt and F'orm. Abridgecl ed. Bonner, J. T. (ed.) Carnlrridge L.hrilersitv Press, Carnbridge.
'/estigialism in a
T7 1.
Lateral vrew
javt of Tyrannosaurus Flv4 NH PR2081). Multiple holes with partially
2; ,
healed margins.
Bruce M. Rothschrld and Ralph E. Molnar
TH E CRETACEOUS Bruce M. Rothschild and Ralph E. Molnar
Patl-rologv may be
nore common in tr,rannosaurids thai'r anv other dino-
saurs. Larsor-r (2001a, 200Ib) statecl that healed fractures or disease was lnvariabiv present in Tyrannosaurus rex if more than I0% of the skeleton was
present. '['he current anall'sis r,vi]l be divided into 4 components: cranial (skuli and mandible) pathologl', postcranial pathologl,', nontr.rannosaurid evidence for predation, and netabolism and phvsiology. \Ve rvill r-rot discuss tl-reropods in general but instead limit ourselves to those tl'rannosaurids u'here sufficier-it skeletal material was available for assessment. Brochtr (2003) lists tvrannosaurids as A/ecfrosaurus olseni, Eotyrannus lengi, Siamotyrannus isanensis, N anott,rannus lancensis, D aspletosatLrus torosus, Alb er to s aur
u s s ar c o p h a gu
s, C or go s aur
s lib rat
s,'f arb o
aur us
at a ar, an
Alioramus rernotus. Paul (1988) adds Chingkankousdurus, Deinodon, Dinotyrannus, and Maleeyosdurus, and places Alioramus in the Aublysodontidae. Holtz (2001) lists Au blysodon molnari, Alectrosaurus olseni, Alioramus remotus, SharLshanosaurus, Corgosaurus libratus, Albertosaurus sarcophagtLs, Daspletosaurus torosus, Tyrannosaurus bataar, Ttrannosaurus rex, and the Kirkland Aubl'losodoniine and Tivo N{edicine'll,'rannosaurine, listirrg Siamotyrannus isanensis outside the 'li,'ranr-rosauridae. Appalachiosaurus, Eotyrarmus, Dilong, Ayiatt'rannis, and Stoftesosaurus are more or less recently described plesiomorphic tvrannosar-rrids. Of the T1,'rannosauridae, only Alb
e r
s, D
p I e to
s, G o r go s aur
s, Tarb
aur us, and Ty r an
nosdurus have a large enough sample size to be consider ltere. Dr,-ptosaurus, although plausibly regarded b,v son-re to be a plesiomorphic ty1x11rrosaurid, is too incomplete a specimen to be consiclered here. Paleopathologies sin-rilar to rnodern pathologies rray,result from injtrry or disease. Here w'e consider onll' the former categorl.. In autecological
terns, injuries mav conceivablv result from several categories of
aggression, prey capture, cor-rrtship and mating, and accident. 'fhe kinds of injuries resulting frorn these w'ould not all be the san-re. Aggression here results from 2 causes of injurv: conflict with conspecific individuals over food, territory, and mates; ancl conflict with other predators, usualll' over food. These kincls of injr-rries rnav involve trauna from being stmck w'itl-r a
blunt instrument, such
as a
kick or blou'from a tail; being bitten; or beirrg
injr-rred b1'claws.
Injuries acquired during prev capture l.,,ou1d presumably inciude onlv the first of these (being strtrck) because the prer' ','"'ould not ha',,e teeth or
Ty ra n
n osa
u rid
Pat h o I og i es
Bite marks
u ri
Alectosaurus Daspletosaurus
-^-^^-^,,-,,^ uu,9u)dul u)
Table '171 . Distribution Pa
eop ath
og i es
the Tyrannosauridae
Note.-Data f ro'n Anonymous (1997); Currie (1997); Erickson (1995); Harris ('1997); Lambe ('1917); Larson (2001); Molnar (2001); Rothschtld (1997); Rothschild et al (2001); Tanke (1996a, 1996b); Tanke and Currie (1995, 1998); Webster (1999); W iamson and Carr (1999).
clarvs capable of inflictirtg serious injtrrl' (althor-rgh ornitl-ror-r.rimosatlrs iltav be an cxception; this au.aits discoverl'of peclal material). Injurv fronr preY
ceratopsian horns could be considered but are highli' characteristic irt appearance (Rothschild and 'l'ar-rke 1997). Injurv ma1'also be erperiencecl
cluring courtship. Bears, n'alri:s, and raccoons frecluentlv have baculutu fracttrres. Hon'ever, in oras (Varanus kornodoensis), fer.r.raies u'ill not rnate q.'ith malcs that cannot ph-vsicalli'subdtre them (Auffenberg 1981). Injurv mav be inflicted during this process. Presun'rabl1'this w'oulcl not be a serious injurv because it u'ould not benefit the fen.rale's reproductive prospects to be seriouslv injured, and ive have seen no reports of injuries reiated to prei' captr.rre ln oras. Hon. much this rright applt' to tvrannosatrrids, if at all, is ttnclear, but this tl'pe of nrate selection cloes select for large bodv size. It coulcl conceir' ablt'be involr'ed in the incre:rse of body size in the tvrannosaurid lineage. hrjuries clue to accident u'ouid be predorninantlv tire result of falls and should be clistinguishablc from thosc that restrlt frorl the other categories of injr,rrr'. The clistribution of pathologies arnong the t'n rannosaur ids is shou'n irr
cRANIAL: Dentigerous n'ounds u'ere described fi AlbertosdurlLs (\'lolnar and Cr.rrrie 1995). A punctured, infected DaspletosatLrus ectopterrgoid n'as reported bv Willianson ancl Carr (1999). Nlolnar (2001) describcd a
Skull Pa
Fractures Abnormal Teeth
leopatholog ies
clentarv fracture in Corgosaurus libratus (RTN,IP 91.16.t00). f,arson (2001a) illtrstratcd r-nandibular pathologv in Trrannosalrrus rex (F N'lNH PR2081, aka Sue). J'hese l-roies (Fig. 17.1) u'ere mistakenlv attribtrted b1' Reg:i ancl Brochu (2003) to a fungal infection. The holes actu:rlh'are srnooth n,ailecl ',i ith ingror'vth of neu' bone. That appearance is inclistirtguishable fron healing trephination ancl :rcttrallr'represents partial healing of bone-penetrating injuries. \'lolnar (l9c)1) reported a possible p:rtl-rological angular in N{OR 008, as u'ell as a tooth punctttre of its strrangular. A similar pathologv also occrtrs ir-r the strrangular of LACNl2]844. Keiran (1999) reported a right dentar-v of Gorgosaurus (RT\IP 91.36.500) n'ith a rricller-rgth, dorsoventral vellou'ish discoloration. It contrasts u'ith the rtor-
Bruce M. Rothschild and Ralph
E Molnar
mal medium brown color. This halo of color surrounds a face-bite lesion, but the cause of this discoloration is unknown. Unilateral loss of the occipital crest inT. rex Stan (BHI 3033; Larson and Donnan 2002) appears unique and may be related to rnaiing or intraspecific combat: dominance behavior or love bite? DENTAL ABNORMALTTTns: Tooth abnorrnalities are comIrton, with 47% of broken premaxillary teeth having wear facets, in contrast to 8.4%
of broken lateral teeth (Mongelli et al. 1999). Abler (1992) figures a tooth mark occasionally found on teeth of Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurid dinosaurs from Alberta, Canada. He suggested it possibly occurred during aggressive intraspecific interactior-rs. Abler (1997) reported an r,rnidentified tyrannosaurid tooth (RTMP 83.98.90) from the Can-rpanian Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta, Canada, with normal shape but multiple rows of supernlllrerary serrations on the sides of the crown, parallel to the long axis. Erickson (1993a) reported a tyrannosaur (presunably albertosaurid) tooth in Upper Cretaceous sediments (Prince Creek Formation) fron-r the North Slope of Alaska. The anterior carina row was split, and an extra carina segment was present on the posterior face of the tooth. Darren Tanke (Tanke and Rothschild 2002) examined hundreds of isolated Late Cretaceous tyrannosaur teeth ar-rd several intact dentitions in hopes of documenting further instances of such anomalies. Approxirrately l0% hacl some degree of carina splitting; 0.4% had extra serration rows. Ty'rannosaurids with split carina includedTyrannosdurus, Daspletosaurus sp., Albertosaurus sp., Alectrosaurus olseni, and possibly 3 other tyrannosaurs. Similar examination of nontyrannosaurid carnosaur taxa, with exception o{ Allosaurus fragilis (Erickson 1995), revealed no such pathologies. 'frauma, aberrant tooth replacen-rent, and genetic factors are possible callses. Erickson (1993b) reported 12% of 993 shed tvrannosaur teeth from Montana, Alberta, and Alaska, with pathologies affecting Tyrannosaurus, Albertosaurus sp., DaspletoEdurus sp., and Alectrosaurus olsoni. Split carinas were found in both premaxillarv and lateral teeth, and were randomly distributed in intact dentitions. Lack of wear on the extra carina segments suggests this anomaly probably ha
spoNDyLosIS DEFoRN{ANS: Moodie (1919) and Brochu (2003) accurately recognized spondvlosis deformans in Tyrannosaurus, a phenomenon that is often mislabeled as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis has been erroneouslv diagnosed in dinosaurs because of semantic conftrsion (Rothschild 1990;
Rothschild and Martin 2006). Osteoarthritis is diaqnosed on the basis of Tyran nosa
urid Pathologies
F gure 17.2. Lateral view of thoracolumbar spine of Tyrannosaurus
(FMNH PR2)B|). Over-
growth of vertebral margins form osteophytes, spo
dyl osis
d efo
rma ns.
osteophvies at the articr-rlar sttrfaces. Confr,rsion arises because ihe ternr osteoplryte is also used to describe ol'ergrou.'th of vertebral centra, a condition knou'n as sponcll'losis deformans (F-ig. 17.2) that is unrelated to osteoarthritis (Resnick 2002; Rothschild and N{artir-r 1993). Although spondylosis deformans is occasionallr' notecl in large theropod dinosattrs, osteo:irthritis has not (Rothschild 1990). Diffuse idiopathic skeletal l-ri'perostosis (DISH, a clisorder cfraracterizecl b), ossification of spinal longitudir-ral ligaments; Rothschilci and Bern-ran l99l) has I'et to be reported. INJURIES: Fractures are comlnonll'reported (Anonvnlous 1997; Currie 1997; Dingus 1996; Larnbe 1917; Larson 2001a, 2001b; Tanke ar-rcl Currie 1998) and have been quantified b1"l'anke (1996b), ufio reported healing tvrannosaur fibula fractures, similar to that for-rnd in T1'rannosaurus, FN,llNH PRZ081 (L,arson ancl Donnan 2002), in l0%-Ii% of specinens it-r Ror,al
Nltiseum collections.
r''er1' large (>8 m 1or-rg) Corgosaurus (TN{P94.12.602) rvith fractured ar-rd healed right fibula ar-rd u'ell-healed dorsal ribs, as did Russell (1970) in G.Iibratus ancl as seen inT. rex (IrN'{NH PR2081, F ig. U.3). Roughened and thicker-red bone near the distal end of the left fibtrla of a Corgosaurus (Lal-rbe 1917) sr-rggests a healed bone fracture. Heaied midshaft fracture of the right fibula rvith good alignment r'r'as also r-roted ir-r TNIP91.36.500 (G.Iibratus). A possiblc r'i'ellhealed ur-tilateral clentari'fracture and a fractr,rred and rvell-l-realed right fibr-rla u'ere
Cnrrie (1997) reported a
Bruce M. Rothschild and Ralph
E Molnar
also founcl in that specimen (Keiran 1999; Tanke I996a). The freqtienci,' of fibular fr:rctures suggests that these are not fron-r falls, unless the anrmals n,ere less coordinated than at least one of use (R.NI.). More likelr',
the fractures resulted from conspecific interactions, but are less likelv frorr tail impacts. Tr,'rannosauricl tails are too high off the grour-rd, althougl-r possible injurl,from a prev nnimal (e.g., sauropod tail u,hip) could
Figure 17.3. Oblique ante-
rior view of leg of Tyrannosaurus (FMNH PR2081). Partially healed
fracture with possible infection.
be cor-rsiderccl. INTERAC'I'IoNs: Dingus (1996), Brochu (2002), and Rega and Brochr-r (2003) reported rib fractures in TyrannoscLuruE (Fig I7.4) and by Molnar (2001) in an urdescribecl t'n'rannosanrid (r'hich also had a humeral fracture). Fractnres har.e been reported ir-r gastraiia by Larnbe (1917) in Gorgosaurus ancl b-v Grierson (1998) in an unspeciated tl'rannosaur (TNIP97.12.229) frolr
Dinosaur Provencial Park, Alberta. Although fractures are br, definition tranura rclatecl, the specific source of the trarun:r in F-IVINH PRz08l ('l'. rer)
in an injured rib of a tooth fragrrent from a conspecific (Larson 2001a, 2001b). Fracture healing rnav result in limb element shortening r','ith malpositioning of eler-r-rents, as exenplified bv shortening in Albertosaurus (NIOR 3079) u'as revealecl b1'the presence
the specimen reported bv N{oh-rar (2001) nientioned abor,e. Pseudoarthro-
Tyra n
nosau ri d Pat holog ies
Figure 17.4. Lateral view
of Tyrannosaurus (FMNH PR2081)thorax. Rib fractures.
irerein the fracture components do not fuse but rather form a false joint, rvas noted in a Corgosaurus gastraiiun-r (RTN'IP 91.36.500; Keiran 1999). sis, n
Other evidence of injury incltrdes exostoses (Fig. 17.5), wherein a portion of the bone is spalled free at one end. Growth frorn the retained base produces an external bony overgrou'th, the exostosis. Rothschild and Tirnke (2005) reported hr:meral exostosis on FMNH PR20B1. The dan'iage has been variously attributed to avulsion of the teres rnajor or triceps humeraiis (Larson 2001a, 200lb; Carpenter and Smith 2001). Exostoses are found rn the scapulocoracoid FMNH PR208l (Larson 2001a, 2001b). Although
they'rvere originally attributed to osteoarthritis, ihese have been reclassrfied as exostoses because they are not at the joint surface. Rather, thev are at sites of rnuscle attachment. Molnar (2001) described exostosis in rretatarsal IV ofA. sarcophagus. Russell (1970) reported a distal humeral pathol-
in Daspletosourus torus. The roughened surface of the left metatarsal IV in Gorgosdurus (RTMP 91.16.500) suggests trautna, perhaps prey interaction fronr an event similar to that which restrlted in a srlall, mtrshroomlike hvperostosis on a right pes, amorphouslv shaped, digit III r,rngual (Larnbe 19l7). 'I'his pathologv, referred to as an osteocl-rondroma, was aiso found in a Corgosaurus pedal phalanx (RTMP 91.36.500, Rothschild and Tanke 2005). Rothschild og1,
Bruce M. Rothschild and Ralph E. Molnar
Figure 17.5. En face view
of Tyrannosaurus (FMNH PR2081 ) humerus. Surface disruption with bone spur.
Tyra n
nosa u rid Patholog ies
gure '17.6. Anteilor oblique vrew of Tyrannosaurus rex proximal pedal phalanx. Bump F
.^,,^^l- J/tc -+.^--:+^ u/ ^{ JLtE)) /Evudl)
and Tanke (2005) described pe
nar 2001).
In F\INH PR208l, scarring on the hurnertts (Fig. 17.5)-suggesting torn tendons, a bacllv broken and healed fibula, crushed ancl healed caudal vertebrae, a broken ancl irriproperly healecl cervical rib, ar-rd tl-re injurres present in the skull-suggest that Sr-re "lecl a vigorotls, \.erv actile, :rnd sorren'hat nastv life" (Anonr,ntotts 1992, p.80). Currie (1997, p. 3) described articulated distal car,rdal vertebrae of FNTNH PR208l shouing "exostotic evidence of a healed break," although only' the 2 anteriorntost are actuaih'involved. Brochu (2003) described fracture' in tl-rc I5-22 presacral, cliffusel'n'arnong gastralia, in the right coracoid, and in tl-re right fibula of FNINH PRZ08l. sTRESS FRACTURL,s: Stress or fatigue fractures are cause cl bv strenrtotts
repetitive activities (Resnick 2002; Rothschild and N.{artin 1993), in contrast to ihe fractures liste d above tl-rat lr'ere the result of acute tratlma. Stress fractures have a highl,v characteristic aPPearance (Resnick 2002), seen as an osseous bunp (Fig. 17.6). The norrnal plasticitv of bone in responding to repetitive stresse s is respor-rsible for the bone remodeling. Whcn the resorptive response to stresses is greaier or faster thart the reniodeling component, disrr-rption occurs in the forrr of stress fractures (Griffith et al. Bruce M. Rothschild and Ralph E. Molnar
2005; Resnick 2002). Such fractures are present across the spectrurn of theropod size (Rothschild et al. 2001). The1,'rvere easil'n'distinguished fron'i osteon-ryelitis (bone ir-rfection) because of lack of bone destruction (Resnick 2002; Rothschild and Martin 1993). Stress fractures affecting the manus are comrron (Rothschild and Tanke 2005), providing further er.'idence that tvrannosaurs, at least at tirnes, pr-rrsued predatory behavior. Active resrstance of prev is required to overstress the manus. Perhaps separation of scavenging and predatior-r is more a matter of degree and sernantics (Holtz this vol-rrne; Paul this volume). Stress fractures in the feet ar-rd even the fr,rrcula (Lipkin and Carpenter this volume) suggest running in pursuit of prel,rather than of competitors or rivals. Catching food is necessarv and ma,v involve prolonged chases, whereas scaring off rivals requires sl-rort cl-rases only sufficientli' long enor-rgh to indicate that ihe rival is not lvelcorne. Another consideration is theropod copulation. However, considering that FMNH PR2OBI is a fernale, injuries compatible with rnaiing are hard to identify. This contrasts with the occipital defect of BHI 3033 (Stan), lvhich rnay suggest a bite during n-iounting. Copr:lation can probabl,v be elininated on theoretical grounds, in that creatures that consistentlf injured thernselves durir-rg copulation u'ould either become extinct or ivotrld n'rodify their sexLlal activities so that the injurv is eliminated. The exception is of course bears, for which fractured baculun-r is allegedlv the most common pathologl' (Bartosie',r,ic 2000). Repetitive stress activities in this case are to blame. The behavioral quesiion is tlrerr io iderrtifl ilrose actii ities. PLASTIC DEFORN.{ArION: The tern plastic deformation is shared bv the rneclical and paleontological n'orlds, but ivith rvholll' different irnplications. For the paleontologist, the terrn is often applied to postmortem taphonomrc alteration of bones. 'fhe medical, and hence pathoiogical, implication is
quite different: Criffith et al. (2005) describes the response of immature human bone to the rernoval of excessive force. The return to normal appearance is referred to as elastic deformation. If the excessive force does not actuallv fracture the bone ar-rd it does not return to its pre-forced condition, tl-ie
third alterative pertains: persisience of
excessive force-incluced deformatior-r,
or plastic defonnation. Plastic deformation occurs wher-r the elastic limiis of bone are not exceeded sufficiently to actually fullv fracture, but it appears to be the resrilt of tubular bone longitudinal cornpression. Slip lir-res or nicrofractures appear at an angle of J0' to the degree of bowing (Chamav 1970).
This gives rise to r'r'hat has been called extrinsic-toughening along and bridging the crack. It allegedlv increases ihe compliance of the region sr-rrrouncling the crack (Nalla et al. 2005). Such mechanisms are the main source of tougher"ring in brittle rraterials The rnost coi'nmonly affecied bones in hurnans are the radius and ulna, follorved by the femur (Griffith et al. 2005; Resnick 2002).
Femoral angulatioi-r ir-r aclult T. rexhas perhaps been overiooked as an example of plastic deformation (Fig. U.7). Surface alteratior-rs at the site of angr-rlation perhaps have been cor-rsidered siies of mr,rscle-tendorr attachnents (Fig. 17.B). Exarnination of the postcranial skeleton of San-rson (currentlv being prepared at the Carnegie Museurn), hor'vever, revealed focal
Ty ra n n
u ri
Pat h o I og i es
Figure 17.7. Anterior
oblique view of Samson's (Tyra nnosau rus) femu r. Deformation of distal
Figure 17.8. Close-up of area at deformation of
Figure 17.7. Plastic deformatrcn yersus stress fracture.
bilateral alterations of fernoral surface bone more sr-rggestive of stress fractures. Examination of ontogenetic series lvill be required to assess the significance of this alteration, its species specificity, and bionechanical irnplications. VERTEBRAL CENTRA FUSIoN: The fused appearance ofvertebrae in tyrannosaurids (Dingr-rs 1996; Rothschild 1997) appears to represer.rt 5 pl-renomeua: normal; homeobox congenital abnornaiit_v; trauma; infection; and ligamentotrs fusion. Dingus (1996) described fused Tyrannosaurus neck vertebrae, sr-rbsequently documented as a normal phenomenon (B.M.R., r-rnpublished observatior-rs) resulting in rnore sr.rperior positioning of the head. It is responsible for the acute angulation at the cervical-thoracic junction. The vertebral end plates lack the otherwise norrnal orientation, producing the convex (with respect to the corpus) orientation of the vertebral colurln at that point as seen in cervical l0-dorsal I of AMNH 5027 (Tyrannosdurus; see Osborn 1916, pl. 27). Vertebral centra fusion is occasionally noted at other locations in tvrannosaurids. Radiologic examination of dorsals 7-8 of AMNH 5027 rel'eals no sign that the 2 r'ertebrae ever existed inclependentll, and it confirrns that this pathologv represented a lailure of vertebral segmentation in ontogeny, a homeobox phenor-nenon. It is distinguishable from DISH because of absence of iigamentotrs ftision, and from spondvloarthrop-
Bruce M. Rothschild and Ralph E. Molnar
Martin 1993). DISH ligamentous fusiorr, reported bv Larson (200Ia, 2001b) in FMNH PR2OBI, rvas also noted in Kl'MP 81.10.1 (Trrannosaurus)).
ath,v because of absence of segrnentation (Rothschild and
Archer and Babiarz (1992) reportecl damage in tyrannosaurid caudals, perhaps related to trauma. Brocl-ru (2000) and Rega and Brochu (2003) describecl caucial fusion in the F-NINH PR20Bl, rvith sr-rrface reaction documenting infectioir, perhaps related to a bite. INI'EC t'IoN: Infections are predorninantly reported as isolated phenornena at biie sites, inchrding skull, vertebrae, scapula, ilium, ischir,rrn, fibula, hurnerus, and pedal and manus phalanges (e.g., infected phalanx; RTMP 71.17.1) (Larson and Donnan 2002; Rothscirild 1997; Tanke and Rothschild 2002; \\'elles 1984; Williarnson and Carr 1999). Infection in the FMNH PR20Bl \l'as rnore generalized (B.NI.R., personal observation), with Brochu (2000) and Webster (2002) specifically commenting on left fibr-rlar osteonyelitis and catrdal 26-27 fusion (whicl-r B.M.R. attribr-rtes to osteornyelitis). Rega and Brochu (2003) described mandibular holes originally attributed them to a fungal ir-rfection.'l'hese mandibular holes have subsecluer-rtly l-rave been classified sirnply as he:rling bone-penetrating wounds. Their appearance is indistinguisl-rable frorn l-realii-rg trephination. The 2.5 cn'i by 3.5 cm hole in the iliac blade of A. sarcophagus (ROM 807) rnay represent trauma or ir-rfection (Molnar 2001).
cou'I': Gollt is a metabolic disorder in ',vhich r-rric acicl crl'stals accurnulate in and aronnd the joint as nasses, producing bone erosion that is characterized bl, overgrorvth at its margins (Resnick 2002; Rothscl-rild and Martin 1993). Sr-rch lesior-rs u,ere founcl in netacarpal I and II of FMNH PRZ08l and in an r:nspeciatecl tyrannosauricl peclal phalanx frorn RTMP
Tyra n nosa u
rid Pathologies
Figure 17.9. Oblique view
of tyrannosaurid manus phalanx. Lytic area with overhanging edge.
'fhe latter
Figure 17.10. Tangential
92.76-728 (Figs. 17.9, 17.10, Rothschild et al. 1997).
X-ray view of phalanx in Figure 17.9. Spherical lytic area with overhanging edge.
of 82 Daspletosaunts or Albertosaurus phalanges exarnined (Rothschilcl and Martin 2006).
Nontyranosaurid Pathologies in Support of Predatory Activity
A series of healed fractures in Edmontosaurus caudal nerrral spines
Metabolism and Physiology
represer-rts I
gests attack b1'a large predator belier,'ed to have beenTyrannosaurus (Car-
penter 19981. Tricerafops healed horn ar-rcl squamosal injriries have aiso been attributed toTyrannos(7lrrus (Happ this voinme). Healing documents predatorv rather than sca.",enging activitl', and tooth puncture marks identifv tl-ie predator (Carpenter 1988, l99B).
ENDoTHERMv oR HoN{EornBRr'ty? Sr,rrface alterations and those recog-
nized radioiogicalll' offer a limited perspective of the occasionally' phenomenal qualitl'of tissue preservation. Marv Schrl,eitzer has documented extraordinarilv preserved pristiire bone u'it}'r fullv intact, nonfossilized microscopic structure (Schn'eitzer 1993; Schrveitzer and Cano 1994; Scl-ru'eitzer et al. 1996, 2005a, 2005b; Schu'eitzer ancl Horner 1999; Schrveitzer et al. this volume). One apparenth' intravascular strncture ma1' even be a recl blood cell on the basis of iron content. Despite tl-ris extraor-
dinary histologic presen'atior-r, chernical stmctnre preservatior-r, at least of DNA, has let to be cler-nonstrated. 'l'he report of extraction of ancient DNA from a dinosaur (Woodrvard et al. 1994) proved actuallv be the result of contamination by hun'ians handling the specimen (Hedges and Schr'i'eitzer 1995).
Although DNA might not be presen'ed, less complex molecules sr,rch as calciurn phosphate apparentll'sufficientlv prescn,ed to allou' intriguit'tg insights.'fhe isotopic forrn of ox1'gen preserved in bone is deterrr-rinecl b-v Bruce M. Rothschild and Ralph E. Molnar
that of the ingested r,vater (ir-r equilibriun-r n'ith the individual's body water) and by the bod,v tenperature dr-rring bone forrn:rtion. Examination of isotope values of bone frorr central (e.g., thoracic vertebra) and peripheral (e.g., tibia) body locations seems to distinguisl-r endotherms (e.g., rnammalian metabolisn'i) fron-r ectothernis (e.g., reptilian metabolisrr). Barrick and Shorvers (1994) found less tl-ran a 4"C clifference in isotope content in u'ellpreserved Tyrannosaurus rex bones, suggesting that this species was at least hon-reothemic, inpl,ving a relativeh, high rretabolic rate similar to that noted irr endotherms. LoCoN{orION PHYSIOLocY-rHEoRErlc.qr: Alexander (1996), Farlow et al. (1995), anci Erickson et al. (1995, 2004) suggested that Tyrannosourus probabll'did not rr-rr-r fast, speculating that a large and heavv animal such as Tyrannosaurtis u,ould seriolrslv injure or accideirtally' kill itself if it fell rvhile runnirrg at high speed (hon'ever, see Paul this volume). Predisposition to falling r,vould be ex:rcerbated b-v the ctlindrical hip structure, lvhich provides less ability,to adjr-ist for uneven ground (Hotton 1980). The literature on speed estirnation is confusing, at least to one of us (B.N,{.R.). Hutchinsor-r ar-rd Garcia (2002) suggested a speed of II-20 mA (40J2 km/h) because rnuscle force is proportior-ral to bocly mass and 4l% of bod,v niass is required in extensor nuscles to run qr,rickly. Farlor,v et al. (1995) suggesied 7.5-ll mA (27-40 km/h), as in the white rhinoceros. Erickson et al. (1995), anal-vzing a gracile 7. rex (NIOR 555), estimated body rnass as approximateil,'6000 kg ar-rd muscle strength as 7.5-9.0 n-r2/giganewton. Proposed dinosar-rr speecls, however, are difficult to interpret in view of n'ork bv Branble and Lieberman (2004). They reported thai human elite sprinters can achie'n'e burst (less than 15 seconds) speeds of 10.2 rnA (36.7 krn/h), contrasted rvith several-n-iir-rute bursts of 15-20 mA (54-72knll-t) for horses, greyhounds, and pronghorn antelopes. Gait in humans srvitches to rttnnir-rg at the intersection of u.'alking-running metabolic cost of transport cnrves (Brarrble and Liebemran 200'1). This occurs at 2.3-3.5 mA 18.3-12 6 krrr/lr; beciLrrse of the rrrrrss-spring rrreclranisnr of running in whiclr legs flex more. Hurnan speeds are 2.)-6.5 rrA (8.3-23.4 km/h), depencling or-r elite running statr-rs. T'his is high relative to mass, con'rpared u,ith qr,radrr,rpedal trotting (3.1 niA) and the troi-gallop transition (4.4 mrs/ speeds of 110-500-kg horses. Calloping speed is r-.7 nls for a 65-kg quadrr-rped, ranging to 8.9 m/s fcrr up to I0 kn bt'elite horses. Canidae and hvaenidae frequer-rtly trar.'el l0-19 km per da1'. Brarnble ancl Lieberman (2004) notecl that human and canid running reqttires approximatelv tu,ice as Innch energv per nuscle Irlass as other manmals. This appears to be in spite of confounding factors: the springlike leg tendons of hurnans (corrpared li'ith apes) are lnore efficient in generating force, reducing n-retabolic cost bv 50%, and the pahnar arch contributes an additional 17%. Another factor that affects speed is stride length. Humans incre:rse stride length, rvhereas l.rost quaclntpecls increase rate (Brarrble and Liebern-rar-r 2004). Long legs also increase grouncl contact tin're, which rnverseh,'correlates il,ith energv costs. As distal rrr,rscle mass is reducecl, the en-
ergy required in endurance running is reduced bi'its square root ofthe distance to the l'rip. Lirnb orientation also affects nlrscle m:lss requirernent.
Ty ra n n
u ri
Pat h o I og i es
More posterior center of balance (of the leg relative to tl-re trunk), shorter extensor muscle fibers, and increased moment arns reduce that required for a given increase in speed. Coon'rbs (1978) noted that faster-running animals have longer lower (tibia + metatarsal) than upper (femur) lin-rb bones. That is opposite of tyrannosaurids (Farlow et al. 1995; but see Holtz this volume). LOCOMOTION PHYSIOLOGY-PATHOLOGIC EVIDENCE: Many assumptions used in predicting tvrannosaurid speed from normal bones have not yet been adequately analyzed to allow defir-ritive concltrsions. However, pathologies provide another perspective. I)arren Tanke found Z healirrg fractures w,ith prominent callus development positioned about 23 and 29 cm distal to the n-ridline articulation of gastralium in unspeciated tyrannosaur TMP97.l2.Z29 (Grierson 1998). The pathology suggests that falls by tyrannosaurids did indeed occur, in contrast with the suggestion of Farlow et al. (1995). Healed fractures are present on the right third dorsal rib, and the right I3th and l4th gastral ribs of Gorgo.scurus (Lambe l9l7). Thus, whatever tl-re speed, it rvould appear that it was sufficient for tyrannosaurids to rnake belly landings, given their short forelirnbs.
Tl-re str-rdy of tvrannosaurid bones provides an opportunity not only flesh out the body msrth.type, but also to r-rnderstand their physiology and environrr-rental interactions. The future of our trnderstancling appears limitecl only by our ability to develop testable hvpotheses. The frequency ofgout and the rarity of tl,rar-rnosar-rrids precludes statisticai assessrtent of changes
over time. In contrast, isolated teeth are corlrrlon enough for statistical studies of tooth carina pathologies. Bony manifestations of gout occur onlv rarely among humans with gout (Rothschild and Heathcote 1995), so many more individuals of t)'rannosauricls are required for the epidemiology of gout in that taxon. It will be interesting to see teeth carina pathologv related to placement in the jaw and to other jaw pathology. The patterns of pathologv must be rnapped out ir-r all specirnens to understand the behavior and environment of tyrannosauricls. If bridge is according to Hoyle, then paleopathologv is according to Doyle's Sherlock Holmes: once the impossible has beer-r eliminated, whatever remains, r-ro matter hon' improbable, must be the answer.
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Bruce M. Rothschild and Ralph E. Molnar
Figure 18.1 . Tyrannosau-
rid skeletons to same scale. Scale bar = 2 m. (A) A. libratus AMNH
5448 (2.3 tonnes), juvenile AMNH 5664 (700
sarcophagus ROM 807, RTMP 81 .01 .1, etc. (2.5 tonnes). (C) Daspleto-
saurus torosus AMNH 5438 and NMC 8506 (2.4 tonnes). (D) Subadult T. bataar PIN 551-3 (2.1 to n nes), j uve n i les ZPAL
MgD-l/3 (760 kg), and PtN
552-2 (510 kg).
Tyrannosaurus rex Iargely as preserved,
from top to bottom; BHI 3033 (gracile, 5.6 tonnes), AMNH 5027 hrecilp STfonno<) hog! ,e' rJ, lotype CM 9380 (robust morph, -5.7 tonnes), FMNH PR2081 skulldistorted (robust, 6.1 tonnes).
Gregory S. Paul
Gregory S. Paul
'I'he 2- to rnore than 6-tonne tl rannosaurids, which appeared near the end of tl-re dinosaur era and'"vere restricted to North Ar-nerica and Asia, were ln manv respecis the culminatior-r of approxirnatelv 100 rnillion vears of er,'olution of gigantic predatorl' dinosaurs. No other group matched their advanced combination of size, killing po\\'er, and speed. Although the classic tvrannosaurids l'n,ere anatomicallv sophisticated, thev rvere conservative rn sharing a consistent bodv forrn (fig. 1B.i). Heads r.r'ere large and massivelr, constmctecl b1'r-rorn-ral avepod (bird-footed theropods, sensu Paul 2002) standarcis, tenrporal boxes rvere enlarged, fields of vision overlapped to varf ir-rg degrees, and teeth ivere large and tended to be more conical than those of their relatives.'fhe S-curved necks were stout, boclies \r'ere compact, and distally,, tails n,ere reduced relative to other large theropods. 'fhe arms were reducecl. The peh'is n'as large; the legs u,ere elongated, especiall,v distally, and laterall-v compressed. This unique suite of features gave the tyrannosaurids a progressive, intricate appearance that other giant avepods lack; the latter appear crude in cornparison. Tvrannosaurids lived in a r,l'orld of sinilarly gigantic potential prer'. Unarmed and unprotected hadrosar-rrs and armored ankvlosaurs, sorne r,vith tail clubs, r,r'ere evervr,r,here. Horned ceratopsids rvere lirnited to u'estern North America, u,'hereas therizinosaurs and deinocheirians were linited io Asia. Gigar-rtic sauropods existed over rnuch of the superpredator's rar-ige, but they r,r'ere largell'absent in the eastern coastal plain of the lvestern North America. A rnajor question is rvhether tyrannosaurids, and bv general sin-rilaritv other gigantic predator-v avepods, activelv l-iunted the large prev they'lived arrong. A feiv har.'e argued that big tvrannosaurids rvere slolv-rroving scavengers that largelv or entirely avoided active hr,rntirrg (Larrbe l9l7; Colinvar-rx l97B; Halstead ar-rd Halstead l9B1; Barsbold 19Bl; Horner and Lessern 1993; Horner 1994; Horner and Dobb 1997). Br-rt rrost researchers have conch-rded or presr-rned that ther, rvere active hr,rnters (Osborn 1916; Russell 1970,1977,1989; Farlon 1976,1994; Bakker 1986; Paul 1987a, 1988a, 2000; Farloiv et ai. 1991. 199>, 2000; Molnar 1991. 2000; Abier 1992, 1999; Holtz 1994, 2002, l1-r{l+. this volune; Coombs 1995; Larson 1997; Carpenter 2000; Currie l0lrl . l{)03; Hurum and Currre : ' ireme Lifestyles and Habits
Tyrannosaurus is the m
5u perD ca r n
tvorou s
mechanbm among the te rrestri a I Ve rte brata, i n w h i ch ra ptoria I d estruc-
tive power and speed are
Osborn (1916, p.762)
Table 18.1. Glossary Terms
Avepods whose adult forms exceen approximately
ton ne Bradyenergetrc
Basal and resting metabolic rates, aerobic capacity, and energy budgets do not exceen pertilian maximums
Basal and resting metabolic rates, aerobic capacity, and energy budgets exceed reptilian maximum.
2000; Carpenter and Srnith 2001; Christiansen 2000; Farlon'and I-loltz 2002; Hutchinson and Carcia 2002; Larson and Donnan 2002; N4eers 2002; Van Valkenburgh and il{olnar 2002; Snivelv and Russell 2001; Hururn and Sabath 2003; Henclerson and Snively 2004; Hutchinson 2004b;
Ralfield 2004; Currie et al. 2005; Sampson and Loerven 2005; Tl-rerrien et ai. 2005). Within this majoritr', there is considerable diversitv of opinion on the details of tl'1s1norrl.rrid predation. In one vieiv, giant adults lr'ere highrisk predators tl-rat attacked prel' at speeds rnatching or exceeding those of rhinos and possibl,v approaching those of field horses, engaging equall1, enormous running herbivores in battles to the death on a size scale not seen on land toda.v. In another vieu', the adults u'ere safetv-conscious kiliers that noved nuch slor'r,er thar-r their own progen)r, and perl-raps not uttcl't faster than elephants. Perhaps giant tyranr.rosaurids onlv attacked prer,that was small, rveak, or disabled bv injurl', disease, or age. In all models, tl'rannosatirids scavenged n'hen the opportunitv arose. Like other giant ar''epods, t1'rannosaurids r.vere radicalll'different in forrn ar-rd size from anv living predators (Par-rl I988a; Van Valkenburgh and tv'lolnar 2002). The onlv Cenozoic predator analogs are the phorusrhacid birds, but thev lr,ere much sn-raller ar-rcl l-racl beaks rather tl-ian teeth. Thei':.rre also extinct. It lvor-rld therefore seen to be difficult to restore the life n-rode of t,vrannosaurids. Hor'r,ever, in recent )'ears, an astonishing anrount of information has become ar,ailable regarding ti'rannosaurid biologv. Witliin the lirritations inherent to paleobiologr', these data allolv us to conficlentlv restore the dinosaur's lifestyles and habits to a clegree difficult to irnagine at the end of the 20th century. It is nou' r-rnderstood that tvrannosaurids grei.v rapidh, and apparently died remarkably ,vorlng. Strcir a life strategv fits u'ith and is consistent with tyrannosaurids leading sr.rch dangeror-rs li'u'es that ther,had to reach sexual maturity'ancl breed rapidlv before thev died. T'he rnost plausible agent for causirtg early death on such a regular basis is frequent, intense con-rbat u'ith large, rvell-armed prev at dangerous speeds.
Direct evidence for active preclation br aclults on strong adult prei' rs found in tl-re forrn of healed bite marks or.r mature hadrosar-rrs and ceratopsids, u'hich nere healthv'enotrgh to escape or e\en fend off the attack. T1rannosaurids n'ere capable ofvelocities tar in ercess ofihose ofelephants, and sinrilar to those of rhir-ios and perhaps irorse s. Such speeds \\'ere necessarv because hadrosaurs and ceratopsid-. coLrld run as fast as rhinos. Vision ar-rd olfaction riere important sensots. Thc. .ole kiliing weapon consisted of tl-re j:rns. shich were specializedlor clelirering deep bite u,ounds. Foreanas clicl not p)ar a significant role. The c:rcrgetics of tvrannosaurids and
'z -
their prey is nrost similar to those of birds in featuring l-righ aerobic exercise capacitv. But behar,ior was reptilian in being more stereotvpical and less cornplex and variable than in bigger-brained birds. N,{ajor questions, some probabli, unansn'erable, surround manl' of these issues. 'lbble 18.1 proi'ides a glossarv of terms used in this chapter.
Gigantic tvrannosaurids, ufiich evolvecl in the last stages of the N4esozorc, r""'ere restricted to North Arnerica and east-central Asia; elseu,l-rere, abehsaurs were dominant. Albertosaurines \\'ere probabll, limited to the nestern North American peninsula. '['his enormous area ranged fron iolr'er tem-
Biogeography and Habitats of Tyranosaurids
perate io polar latitudes, and from coastal floodplains to highland basins. Weather varied fron-r seasonallv hot and drv to ternperate, rvinterlike condi-
tions. In all cases, rainfall u'as sufficient to support enough vegetation to feed a suitable large herbivorous pret'population. In some areas, vegetation rnav har,e been dense. There is no evidence that individual tvrannosaurids rr-iigrated long clistar-rces (snmrnarv based on Russell I977, 1989; Paul 1988a, l9B8b; Horner and Lessern 1993; Farlon 1994; Holtz 2004; Lehman 2001; Larson and Donnan 2002; Sampson and Loerven 2005).
Several researchers have concluded that the rerrains of a number of srnall individuals represented those of lesser-sized, adult tvrannosauricl taxa (Russell 1970; Bakker et al. 1988; Paul 1988a; Currie 2007:P. Larson this volurne). Others ]rave deternrined that all sniall specinens (Fig. 18.1A, D; fron-r North America and from tlie tarbosaur bearing Nernegt ar-rd relatecl beds are the juveniles of large taxa (Rozhdestvenskv 1965; Carr I999; Henderson and Harrison this voltrne). The faih-rre to find specimens that are clearll,'assignable both to Nanotyrannus and to T. rex inthe same size range in the sarne beds suggests that Nanofrrannus is the juvenile of the latter. It is questionabie w,hether A/ ectrosaurus ancl Alioramus, w'hich appear to l-rave been medium sized as adults, belong to the'I\'rannos:ruridae (Holtz 2004). If the,v did not, and if all sn'rall specimens r,vithin the farnii,v are juver-riles, tl-ren all adult tvrannosaurids ',1'ere gigantic. The use of proxinal limb bone diameters (as i.rsed bv Anderson et al. 1985; Erickson et al. 2004; Bvbee et al. 2006; P. Larson this r,olume) to estimate the mass of extinct anirnals is inl'rerentlv ur-rreliable rvhen applied to extinct forms lr'hose anatorny does not closelv n-ratch living forms (Paul 19B8a, 1997; Seebacher 2001). Bodv rnass varies bl' a factor of 2 among anr-
rrals of differing forrr-is with the same leg element diameters because of greatlv varving locomotory' adaptations, an:rtornical cor-rfigurations, tissue coinpositior-r, and safetv factors. The use of bone diameters as the primarv means of estimating mass is highh'inappropri:rte because il'ide differences in rrass-bone din'rensions and in limb loading are srlppressed. Nor has rt been shor',,n by large samples of lvild ratites and kangaroos that mass consistentlv correlates closely rvith bodv mass ir.r rnode rn bipeds either in general, or even rl'ithin populations of single specie s. It is plausible that bone strength and robustness-mass relationships r arr t itliin a species in differ| ,',ama L"Lr./'Lr I ifacntla< anrl Llah;1.
Adult Masses, and the Juvenile Versus Small Adult Problem
ent locatron. rncl/or tinres, or betu een the seret. as a result ofdiffering
preference. or otfrer factors. Therefore, bone clrnrensions cannot be relied on to nrake -itraightfort'ard bodr,' mass estimates that assume tl-rat gracile tara or nl(,rplr\ Jre correspondingll'' lighter in total mass than robrist exanples. It i: nore probable that the gracile nrorphs have more slencler bones relatile to total mass tfian the robust eranrpies, r'ith the 2 forrns possessing similar total masses u'l-ren overall dirnensions are similar. When restoring exotic extinct animals, actu:rl or high-resolution virtual voh,rmetric nrodels based on rigoror-rsll'restorecl skeletols in multiple viei,r's have, despite their lirriitations and ihe effort involr,ecl in proclucing then-r, a rnuch smaller range of error t}'ran inherentlv unreliable bone clinensior-tbased estirrates (Paul 1988a. 1997,2002; Flenderson 1999; Seebacher 2001).
When scientificall,v restored rrodels are consistentlv sculpted follorving the same standards, tliev are especialll valuable ir.r proclucing a set of mass esti-
rrates that can be conpared relative to one :rnother, providing an independent test of mass-bone dimension relationships.'l'he possible presence of air sacs does not greatlv affect sr,rch n-roclels because these respiratorv spaces are ai'"r'avs a rnodest rninoritl'' of toial volume even in tnodern birds, and there rs a narro\v zor-re of plausible variation in t1'rx116tr,rricls. Their skeletclns il'ere
significanill' less pneumatic than those of birds, so t'u'rantrosartrid air
probablv less capacious (Paul 1988a, 1997, 2002). Because the air sacs rvere integral to respiratorl,capacitv and perforrrance, it is r-urlikeh'that their volume varied substantiallv betu'een individr-rals. The dedication of large vn'ere
portions of total volun'ie to locornotor rnuscles also limited the potential for r,ariatiorr in internal air voitime. It is improbable that the specific gravitv of tyrannosaurids n,as mnch above or belolv 0.85-0.80 (the first value is usccl here), and it is esser-rtialh'in-rpossible for it to har.'e been belolr'0.7, the mini-
rnun obsen'ed in fl1,'ing birds
(PaLrl 2002).
Volr,rrnetric models indicate tl-rat adtrlt Albertosaurus l=Corgosaurusl), Daspletosaurus,T. bataar, andT. rex specimens erceeded 2 tonnes in total mass, and none exceeded the 6-tonr-re range (Fig. 18.i; Paul l988a, 1997).
Significantlr'lorver estinates
per Bakker I986; Christiansen 2000; Er-
ickson et al. 2004) are not possible because such lon tissue volumes relative to the correctlv sized skeletal frarreu,ork require that the subjecis either be emaciated to starvation levels, or to assurne irnpossibll'lou, specific gravrties clue to r-rr-rrealisticalll' 121t. air sac capacity. Albertosauirus \\'as no nlore nassive than living estllarine crocodiles, u'hich reach abor,rt I tonne (N,lattlrer'vs and lVlcWhirter 1992). Because the fenrora of -1.5-tonne Allosaurus were irore robust tlian those ofA/bertosaurus, fen'mr strength-based mass estirnates restrlt in Allosaurus as beirrg heavier than the Albertosaurus (,Erickson et al. 2004; B1'bee et al. 2006), even though albertosaurine skeletor-rs are abut 20%larger than those of allosauricls (Par:l 1988a, 1997). In realiq', AlbertosatLrus a:rrcl Daspletosaurus r'r'ere in the 2- to J-tonne rar-rge. There is no partictrlar evidence that the total vollintes ancl masses of the robustiv constructecl Daspletosaunls \\'ere significanth greater than those of tlre
rrore lightlr builtAlbertosaurus (h'ig.15 I \-tl pletosaurus appear to hal'e been more hear mass than tfrose of gracile AlbertosatLrtLs.
S Pati
Rather, the bones of Das-
ih constructed reiative to their
T. bataar skulls approach in size, but do not quite match, tl-rose of T rex, and fu]lv mature skeletons cannot be conpared becar-rse postcrania of the largest Asian specirrens har''e not vet been describ ed. T. bataar and T. rex were 2 to 3 tiines heavier Ihan Albertosaurus and Daspletosaurus. Some lriglr estimates for the mass of the iargest T. rex (Pattl I988a) rvere based on incorrect data on the size of the largest specimens. Adult Tl bataar and es-
peciallv T. rex were robustlv constmctecl, although again, tl-re exact degree of stoutness of the Asian form cannot be assessed becar:se no descriptions of the largest specirrens have been rlade. The strong divergence in bodv mass scalir-igs estimated by P. Larson (this volume) for the 27. rex morphs are not supported bl' the skeletal restorations of large specimens and their volumes (Fig. 18.1E; Paui l98Ba, 1997). That the gracile femora are solretimes longer than much more robust femora suggests that the latter indi viduals i,vere not heavier in total rnass than the former, bnt rvere stronger boned. The volumetric nass estimates of big aclults ch:ster in a narrow zone of a little belou' and above 6 tonnes, regardiess of the morph. Tl-ris pattern suggests that tyrannosar.rrids, u4'rose grou'th appears to have beer-r deterrninate (Erickson et al. 2004), u'ere geneticalll,prograrnn'red to reach a consistent adtrlt r-nass. It is not clear u'l-retl'rerT. bataar and'1.. rex rvere scaled-up versions of hthe Albertos(lurlls or stouter Daspletosaurus. The increase in robustness is associated with tl-re sheer increase in rlass, br-rt the exact ilranner is which din'rensions scale with increasing size to rnailitain constanc,v of locomotor and predatorv perforrlance is still not er.rtirelr understoocl (Paul 2000). Nor are the 2 tl,rannosaurid taxa of the 4- to 6-torlne range, but that have differing skeletal robustness similar to that seen ir-r AlbertosatLrus and Daspletosaurus, available for comparison to tl-re smaller rnorphs.
The grorvth and adulthood of tvrannosauricls
unusual in a number of
key respects.
Bradyenergetic continental reptiles aln,avs gror'v sloul-v, including the largest extinct freshlr'ater crocodilians (Case I978a; Paul 1994, 2002; Erickson ancl Brocl-ru 1999). Tachvenergetic land ar-rimals are capable of rnuch faster gror,r'th and can acl-rieve great bulk in correspondingll'shorter time spans (PaLrl 1994; Paul and Leahl' 1994; Erickson et al. 2001; Padian et al. 2001). Grou'th rates as neasured by'cotinting lines of arrested growth show that tvrannosaurids and ailosaurids grew as fast as namnals of sinr-
Growth, Life Spans, and Their lmplications
lar size (Erickson et al. 2004; Horner ancl Paclian 2004; Bl'bee et al. 2006). If anl'thirg, the modest gronth rates Erickson et al. (2004) estirnated for Daspletosaurus and especialli' Albertosaurus are too lou'as a result of the mass underestimates thel'used, as tl-rey acknoriledged u'as possible. When corrected adult rrass values are used, all tvrannosaurids as w'ell as allosaurids exhibit narirnum sustained grou'th rates sirnilar to those of giant mammals and u'ell above those seen ir-r equallr large nonrnarine reptiles (fig. 18.2). For the purposes of ihis studr, I assume that the tachyenergetrc tyrannosaurids and other predatorv mega-avepods had high aerobic exercise capacity broadlr similar to those of groLrnd birds and large mammals, 3,
-.ama I ifa<^/lo< anrl llahit<
NONDINOgAURS O - Delndsucllus
- alllgttot - eeluarlne crocodlle T - gianl lorloiae M - red kangaroo (remale & rnale) H - human A C
I l-.
o = E,
(5 l-Troodon t-iyrannosauride u-
thuvuuta 2- Allosaurus
y - Synteraug
. . rmall omllhopodS
BODY MA$S kg Figure 18.2. Daily growth rate as a function of
adult body mass in nonmarine amniotes. Data sources include Case (1978a), Erickson and Brochu (1999), Erickson et al. (2001, 2004), Padian et al. (2001), Paul (2002), Horner and Padian (2004), and Bybee et al. (2006).
well as total vearlr'energv budgets rvell above reptilian levels, although tl-reir er-rergv budgets and resting rnetabolic rates may have been in the lor,ver avian-rliammalian range (Paul and Leahv 1994; Paul 1998, 2002). N,{odern giant animals have lor-rg life spans in tl-re wild (Case 1978a; Nowak 1999). The longest living large land animals are bradvenergetic tortoises, which rnay survir,'e for a century'or more if thev live on predatorand disease-free islands. Arnong tachyenergetic continental iand giantsas
hippos, rhinos, and elephants-normal life spans are about 4 to 6 decades
(Owen-Smith 1988). 'l-he mature period of life after the conipletion of groivth is itself a number of decades. Past speculations on the life spans of giant dir-rosaurs ranged frorn many clecades to centr-rries (Case 1978b). For megapredators (rnega is more than 1000 kg, as per Oiven-Srrith 1988) living on danger-filled continents, it is inherer-rtlr unlikel,v that they rvoulcl lir e much lor-rger than elephanis. Few r,vould har e predicted that age estirrrates u ould indicate that no tyrannosaurid, inclucling the biggest knou'n. lir ed past about 3 decades according to 2 independent studies (Erickson e t a1. lil0'{; Padian et al. 2001), or
that death occurred onh'a decade or less atter the completion of growth. In other rrords. tvrannosaurids greu fast and reached fr-rll adr-rlt mass at 312
the sarne time as eqtrallv large manmals, but then consistently died without experiencing exter-rded adulthoods. 'l-he sarne pattern is obserr,'ed in allosaurids (Bybee et al. 2006), but the grou,th pattern in other megaabor-rt
avepods is not vet docur-nented. Tl-re conrbination of short lives and tl're ab-
sence of extended rlatr,rritv is unknown in large lir.'ing animals (OlvenSmith l98B; Nowak 1999) and is aberrational, at least bv modern standards. Such a radical tern'rir-ration of adulthood after a short juvenile periocl indicates an extren'ie lifestl'le that ei'olr,ed under exceptionai selective pressures. The dangers faced bv tvrannosaurs are recorded in their skeletons as traurna-indr-rced injr,rries (Hanr-ra 2000; Rothschild et al. 2001; Tanke and
Currie 2000; l,arson and Donnan 2002; Brochu 2003; Rothschild and Tanke 2005; Rothschild and N4olnar this volume). Many'aninals have short adult reproductive periods follorved bv death, but these are mostly invertebrates, such as sqr-rid and butterflies, ar-rd certain fish, such as salnon. It is more cornrrlon for large tetrapods to have extended sexuai maturitv in order to maximize reproductive sllccess, 'uvhether in numbers of offspring createci or care that car-r be given to the voung. That tyrannosaurids \l'ere more like salnlon thar-r elepl-rants indicates that thev rvere prevented frorn follorving a more tvpical life pattern for land giar-its. The most plausible causal agent is that adult mortalitl rvas consistently'so high that feu' ir-rdividuals ll'ould have lir,ed to old age. In thrs situation, it il,ould be reproductively ad',,antageous to dedicate resources tow'ard rnaximizing replication in the brief period before death and to forgo placing resources into maintaining health ir-rto old age. The statistical likelihood that t1'rannosaurids woulcl clie I'our-ig should therefore have irnposed selective pressures on tvrannosaurids to be geneticallv preprogrammed to do so. That the srnall-brained tvrannosaurids liveci fast and died,vour-rg is compatible u,ith their chronicallv lil'ing closer to the edge of danger and death, and har,ir-ig correspondinglr' loiver anatomical safety factors, such as leg bone strer-rgth relative to running performance, than do big-brained, slo',r.breeding giant herbivorous mammals. As tvrannosaurids grerv up, the-v experienced significant, fairl,v straightforrvard allornetric changes, with juveniles beir-rg gracile and adr-rits significantll'stouter (Fig. l8.l; Russell 1970, Par-rl l9BBa, 2000; Christiansen 2000). This differed from some other dinosaurs, such as hadrosaurs ancl sauropods, which u,ere mnch more isonetric in trunk and leg climensior-rs regardless of life stage (Christiar-rser-r 1997). But increasir-rg robustness witl-r grou'th allon-retrv is common iir large iand tetrapods. The allometry in leg proportions is broadlt'sirnilar in tyrannosaurids and ungulates, u'ith the distal elemer-rts moderatelv less elongated relative to the fer-r-rur nith increased size. A degree of skull strengthening br ir-rcreasiirg tl-re robustness of the eler-r-rents occurred as size increasecl.'l'l-re jugal process of the postorbital ter-rded to invacle the orbit rvith an ossified projection. Grorving t,vrannosaurids exhibitecl an unusual change in skr-rll proportions in r,rfiich the rostrun deepened riith nrattrritv. fuveniles hacl lon, long-snouted, gracile skuils con-rpared nith the deeper rostrums of adults (Paul 1988a; Carr 1999; Currie 2003). This is the opposite of the usual ontogenetic pattern, in n'hich the snout begins short and deep and elongates : ':'eme Lifestyles and Habtts
Figure 18.3. Adult megaavepod skulls in lateral and dorsal view, reproduced to a constant Iength to facilitate comparison of element pro-
portions. (A) AI losaurus (B) Al be rtosau rus I i bra tus AMNH 5458/RTMP 85.62.1. (C) Daspletosa u rus torosus holotype NMC 8506. (D)Tyrannosaurus bataar holotype PIN 551-1 with some details from ZPAL MgD-1/4 (E) T.
rex AMNH 5027.
(A) and (E) include ventral view of upper tooth arcades with cross secfion
of a premaxillary tooth.
r,vith grouth. The teeth of juveniles \\ere more bladelike than tl-rose of adr-rlts ancl rlar' have been more llunrerolrf . in at least some cases (Carr 1999) but not others (Currie 2003). The ch.rnges appear to have been most extrenre in T. rer.'fhe oniogeny of sktrl1 proportior-rs is therefore another
unusual leature of the t1'rannosaurids. I ht nrost dramatic grouth ch:rnges
appear to havc occurrecl i:nT. rex in part because the species experienced the largest size change. Horvever, T. bataar did not undergo corr.rparablv extensive alterations in forrr, especiallv in the teeth (Hr-rrurr and Sabath 2003), er,en thor-rgh it ahnost rnatched its An-rerican relation in adult size.
T1'rannos:mricls retained the basic head and bodv forr characteristic of other preclaceous mega-avepods (e.g., allosauroids, rnegalosaurs, abelisanrs, spinosaurs, and ceratosaurs, and ciistinct fron-r the herbivorous tl-rer-
izinosaurs; Figs. I8.3, 18.4). The skull u'as large relatii'e to tl-re body (Van Valkenburgh and N'lolnar 2002) and long and lou', witl-r exceptions to tfre standard being the shorter, deeper, relativeli.' smaller skulls of abelisaurs and the hvperelongatecl, shallorv skulls of spinosaurs. Eves u'ere large in absolute terns (the iilusior-r thev lr'ere small being an allometric scaling effect; Paul 19BBa; Holtz this volume). Erpanded olfactory'bulbs of the brair-r and large nasal posterior nasal passage capacitv indicate that olfaction was rveil developed (Brochu 2000; Franzosa and Rowe 2005). Brains rvere simple and reptilian in form and organization (Brochu 2000; Larsson et al. 2000; Paul 2002; Franzosa and Rorve 2005). Necks n'ere rnoderate in length, flexibilitl', and S cur','ature. The bodl'rvas r-iot elongated aird r'vas fairly rigicl, as inclicateci b1'partial ossificatior-r of interspinal liganents. TLre tail r.r'as long ancl supple. Arms r.vere mnch too short for use in loconotion. T'he pelvis rvas large, and it anchored long, birdlike, tridactyl legs, including a small, unreversed hallur. Allonetric scaling of bodl'proportions, in particular abbreviation of the bodv and tail, assisted large theropods in maintainir-rg reasonable turning abilitv despite their increasing inertial mass and horizor.rtal bodl,posture (Henderson and Sr-rivell' 2004; Paul 2005). Extensive pneumaticitr,of the skeleton and a number of featr-rres of the rib cage indicate the presence ofa uell-developed, preavian air sac lung ventilation system (Paul 1988a, 2001, 2002; Leahr. 2000; Perrv 2001; O'Cor-rnor and Claessens 2005). In most ar,epocls, tl-re rims of the bones irnmecliatelr, lateral to the tooth rows \\'ere sharp edged, and the teeth n'ere closelr' spaced. This arrangement is more similar to lip-bearing an-rpl-ribians and lepidosaurs than to crococlilians, rvhich are unusual in lacking tooth coverings. In crocodilians, the rims of t}'re jau,margir-r tend io be rounded, and most teeth are set in u'idelv spaced sockets. h-i most theropods, the maxillarv teeth rvere moderate in size, and tl-re lateral ron'of foran-rina on the dentarv is set immediatelr,- belolv the tooth rorv. hr ceratosaurs and tr,rannosauricls, the teeth were longer and the lateral rolv of foramina set lon'er on the clentary'. The reiationship betn'een naxillari,tooth lengtir ancl clentarr,'forarnina position is not erplicable if lips w'ere absent, but is logical if the rnandibular lip pocket was deeper in ceratosaurs and tyrannosaurids in order to accornrrodate tl-reir longer teeth (F'ig. i8.5). The crocodilian-like dentition of spinosaurs suggests ther,'rvere lipless, at least along the anterior tooth ror.v. Bakker (1986), Paul (1988a), N{olnar (1991,. Larson (1997), Larson and Donnan (2002) and f,arssor-r (this l'olurre) restore tr.rannosaurids and other mega-avepods u.ith rarving degrees of cranral kinesis. Even in mature j t-raffia I ifo
Anatomical Assessment and
Figure 18.4. Skeletons of Iarge avepods reproduced to a constant body mass to facilitate comparison of skeletal pro-
portions. (A) Ostrich
ithom i mid Struth i o mimus. (C) Juvenile Albertosaurus. (D) DasO rn
pletosaurus. Abel
isa u
Ca rn
u r u s.
(F) Ch a rcha rodontosa
ri d
allosauroid Giganotosau rus. (G) Allosaurus. (H) Si n ra ptorid a I losa u -
roid Yangchuanosaurus. (l) Ceratosaurus.
Figure 18.5. As in all tyrannosaurids, killing power was concentrated entirely in the enormous head of Tyrannosaurus rex, which took the group's cranial adaptations to an extreme. The posterior temporal box was greatly expanded laterally, enlarging the volume of jaw and neck muscles, and rotating to orbits anteriorly so the eyes had large visual overlap. The teeth were l^,^^ ?+^t,+ -^.1 rU )LVULt IAt 9C Ol
^^/.1 AI tU
formed D-shaped antenor arcade.
skulls, mar-rv of the sutures are sufficientlv open that sorne skulls lr,ere presened disassernbled or have been easilv disassenrbled after preparation. leai'ir-rg open the possibilitv of considerable mo',,ement in life. Hon,ever, if skull rnobilitv r;ias present in tvrannosaurids, it mar,'have been less developed than in mega-ai'epods r.vith rnore lightlv built skulls. The t1'rannosaurids' more robust skull roof, extensive scluamosal-quadratojugal contact, ar-rcl broad voner-preilraxilla-rraxilla contact may have inhibited or prer.'ented cranial mobilitr'. T\'rannosaurids, like other theropod dinosaurs, lacked the push-pull quadrate-ptervgoicl articulation integral to ai'ian kinesis (Parrl 20{J2). But the sarre r,r'as true of Archaeopter,vr (Paul 2002), i'r,hose reducecl or absent postorbital-jugal cor-rtact suggests the presence of some degree of kinesis. Hon,the cranial u.rr-rscnlature might have oper:rted
an1'such prear.ian kinetic svstem also rcrn:rins poorlv understood. Possiblv
intracranial n-robilit1' r',,as largei-v or entireh passrve. Srrall basal tl rannosauroids possessed sinrple feathers (Xu et al. 2004), but patcl-res of mosaic scales are preserved on sonre large t1'rannosaurid speci-l merrs (Cr-rrrie, personal con-imunication . here is no evidence that au' predatorr nrega-avepod sported an extensir e t-eather pelage (Paul 2002). In nranl respects, tvrannosanricls \\ -re alrong the rrost distinctive n'rega-ar.epods. Other giant predaceous :" e Dods shared the follor.r'ing u.'ith tyrannosaurids: skulls were nlore lightir . :. .':Lrcted because cranial fenesGreoorv
trae lr'ete large, beir-rg set betn'een rather slender interr,ening bars (Figs. 1B.lA, 18.4E-l), and the roof of the skull abor,e the posterior antorbital fossa was rernarkabll'rveaklv constrtrctecl (F'ig. l3 3\, E). Skulls were narrow, with the temporal box not mr-rch broader than the rostrum. As a conseqlrence, the eyes had at rnost lirnited foru arcl vision. 'l'eeth $'ere modest il size and stronglr, bladed, except for spinosatrrs. The trunk u'as fairly long, ar-rd tl-re tail n'as c1-rite long ancl hear'1'(Fig. 1S.-tE-l). Arms rvere usuallv r,vell cleveloped in n-rost cases, and had 3largc. clanecl fingers. The exception n'as tl-re abelisaurs' atrophied arms ri ith clegenerate irands. The pelr is was r.nodest in size, the legs vu'ere rnoderateh long. distal elen-rents were rnoderatelv elongatecl, and the feet r.l'ere onlr nroderately' laterally conpressed. Abelisaurs are agair-r the exception:
pclr'es i,vere proportion-
ailv larger than the nornr, lrrd the legs \\err l, l,:-r. ! , -'oma I ;fo
Adult ti rannosaurids shared the follori ing corrpared r"'ith other rnegathe skull rvas heavilr'constructed tFig. 18.3B-E), and the interfenestral bars n'ere strengthened at the expense of the fenestrae, whose size nas recluced. In particular, the squarnosal-quadratojugal bar was enlarged until it almost, but not quite, split tl-re lateral ternporai fenestra into 2 small openings. The skull roof above the antorbital fenesira rvas strouger in t1'rannosaurids than in equal-sized relatives (Fig. 18.3A, E).'li,rannosaurid palates were unusualiv strongly built.'l-he parietal crests betu'een and posterior to the superior ternporal fenestrae were er-rlarged. The temporal box was broader, both relative to the size of the skull and relative to the rostrurn (Fig. IB.5). The nandibles were deeper, both at tire dentarv and especially posteriorly. The tvrannosaurid dentarv was constructed more stronglv (Therrien et al. 2005). The overall result was to make the skull markedly stronger and more resistant to impacts as r.vell as to torsional ar-rd other bending forces (Paul l987a, 1988a; Molnar 199i, 2000, this volume; Farlor.v et al. 1991; Abler 1992, 1999; Erickson and Olson 1996; Erickson et al. 1996; Hurum ar-id Cr-rrrie 2000; Farlow and Holtz 2002; Ra1'field et al. 2002;Holtz 2002; Meers 2002; Rar'field 2004; Therrien et al. 2005). The same researchers concur that the lateral expansion of the temporal bor, tlre enlargement of parietal crests, deepening of the posterior n-randible, and the rnassive construction of the skr-rll indicate that the iaw mr,rsculature was significantlv larger and more po\\'erfui than that of other rrega-avepods. Tl-re enlargenent of the posterior face of the broadened braincase is indicaiive of enlarged muscies in the neck. 'li'rannosar-rrid teeth tended to be fer.ver in nunber, larger, and more conical (Paul 1987a, l988a; Molnar 1991, 2000, this volume; Farlow et al. l99l; Abler i992, 1999; Erickson and Olson 1996; Erickson et al. 1996; Holtz 2002, 2004; Meers 2002; Ravfieid 2004). A particr-rlarly distinctive feature is tl-re D-shaped cross section of the prenaxillarv teeth, which collectivel-v formed a more rounded arcade that may have formed a scooplike cookie-cutter n'ound-inflicting device (Figs. 18.3A, tr; 18.5; Paul 1987a, I9B8a); it may also have been used to help clean flesh frorr bone (Holtz 2002). The skull, tooth, neck, and rnuscle adaptations combined io give tvrannosaurids a poil'erfu1 punch-pull biting action. These feaiures also seern to have rendered tl'rannosaurids better able to hold onto and n-rar-ripulate prev rvith tl-reir nouths (Therrier-r et al. 2005). T1'rannosaurid orbits face more anteriorly thar-r those of otfrer megaavepods (Figs. 18.3, 18.5), a stmcture that has often beer-r presun-red to indicate a greater degree of binocular vision (Stevens in press). Hor'vever, the lateral expansion of the temporal box forced the anterior rotation of the orbits, and it is possible that the tyrannosauricls'overlapping fields of vision were an incidental side effect of enlargenrent of the iaw tnusculatllre rather than a prirnarv selective adaptation. -\lternatelr', the expansion of the posterior part of the skr-ill mav have allot ed tvrannosaurids to enjov the benefits of orerlapping visual fields denied other. narror'ver skr-rlled mega-avepods in ir hich the orbits had to face lateralh. Olr the other i-rand, birds rvith overlapping fields of vision often hare markedlv less stereoscopic depth perception than the external position oi the eves suggests (Molnar 1991; N'lartin and Katzir 19951. The tvrant.t,,..,'rtd'' limited netrral capacity casts ar,'epocls:
sonle doubt on \\'hether their optic lobes could process true stereor,'ision. The tl rannosaurid brain \\,as about 50% larger than those of other megaavepods, suggesting it had slightlv better mental capabilities (Broclir-r 2000; Larsson et al. 2000; Paui 2002; Franzosa and Rone 200;). Whether t,vrannosaurid brains u ere in the r,rpper reptilian or lou er ar iarr size ranges is not clear because ofuncertainties in ertrapolating the ar,ian and reptilian data to the size of the rnegadinosaurs (Larsson etal. 2000; PaLrl 2002). The ol-
faciorv lobes appear to have been better developecl than in other rriegaa\repods (Brochtr 2000; Frar-rzosa and Ron,e 20051, although comparative data on the olfactori apparatr-rs of i'arious tvrannosaurids are not currenth,' available. It is possible that the enlargement of the brain vu'as partlv or largelv ciue to the neecls of processing the inforrliation received frorr the olfactorr'lobes. Conr,erselv, tl-re expansior-r of brain size nav have allon,ed the irnprovenent in olfaction. In mega-al'epocls, the orientation of the occiput frorn the clorsal rim to the basitubera ranges fron rroderatelv dorsal to moderatelr'r'entral (Fig. 18.6; Coria and Currie 2002). T\'rannosaurids fit into the latter categorv (fig. lB.6C-C). '1'he basitubera tend to be more anteriorh,placed relative to the basiptervgoids in the tvrannosaurids, but the difference frorr other giant theropods is nodest (Fig. I8.6). 'l'hese featr-rres indicate that the tr'rar-inosaurid head rv:rs often helcl sorren'hat ventroflexed at the end of the S-curved neck. In the adult tvrannosauricl postcrar-riai skeletor-r (Figs. lE.l, i8.4C, D), the neck rv:rs stouter, the trunk \\'as rrore conpact, and tl-re distal part of the tail shorter and ntore gracile than in eqtral-sized a\iepods. T\.rannosaurids are fame d for haviirg arrns that rvere severe lv reduced, r,i ith jtrst 2 flexible fingers bearing rnoclest clari s. Tl-re reduction of tlre forelin-rbs progressir-ig distallf inclicates der,elopmental atrophr rLocklev et al. this .u'olume), br-rt the arms \\,ere not n,ithered to the point of total nonfunction (Carpenter and Smith 2001; Lipkin ancl Carpenter this volume). 'l\'rannosaurid pelr,es n'ere proportionalh, large, incl-rding the arc.r of the prorimal ischial plate. 'fhe legs n'ere utore elongated tlian tho:e oi most other rneg:l-avepods, especiallr the clistal elements (Coonrb, l9-!: Patrl 1987a, 1988a; Holtz 1994, 200-1; Farlon et al. 2000). Eren 1. rer had a tibia/fernur ratio :,-')no
I ifand l-Jahit,
Figure 18.6 Pra:, e; braincases rn left taie.a wew drawn to a consta.:
height to facilitate comparison of the position of the basitubera (bt) relative to the basipterygoid (bp) (A) Sinoraptor IVPP
10600. (B)Allosaurus UUVP 5583. (C)Alberto-
saurus libratus TCM 2001.89.1. (D) A. sar-
cophagus RTMP 81 .10.1 (E) Daspletosaurus sp. RTMP 94.143.1 . (F) Tyran-
nosaurus bataar ZPAL MgD-1/4. (G)7. rex AMNH 5117 wlth sc-: details from 52A7 5: -'::.tnctuQe usDorn |
'9 -
Madsen (197Q, Ba. .:' : al. (1988), Currle ano Zhao (1993), Hurum and Sabath (2003), and Currre (2003).
sirriilar to that of horscs. Tiie metatarSus \\ J: iurLrsrtallt' comprcsscd laterallv as a rcsult oithe arctometat:rrsalian conciitron tHoltz 199'l; Snivelv and Russell 2001). The ai'epocl dinosaurs ri ith tmnks, tails, and legs nost sinrilar to those of tvrannosaurids rierc tlie ratiielike ornitliorninrids. T\'rannosaurids therefore differed frorn ali other large preclatorl dinosattrs br focusirrg rnass, especialli' that of rruscles. into the head ancl ihc legs at the expense of the arms and distal portions of tire tail. As a resr-rlt, killing pon'er u,as concentratecl in the l-read, to the point that the arms atrcl l-rands no longer plaved an offensive rolc to the de gree secti in bigger-armed megaavepods. The other group that abandonecl arlns as irnpottant \\'eapons n'hile ernphasizing leg po\\'er \\':1s tl-re abelisaurs. Thcir arnts appear to have been e.,'en less functional, but the skull ri'as not proportionallr as large, robust, or large toothed, the distal p:rrt of the tail nas not rcclttced, and the legs n'ere not as r',ell aclaptcd for speecl becattse the distal elernettts n'ere not as laterallr,cornpressecl. Nor n'ere the tvrannosauricls' fcet major killing \\,eapons because tl-rc clan's u'ere blLtntecl ancl ntore stritable for running. 'l'he concentration of rrntscle mass into the hincl lirnbs and the elongation and lateral cornpressiori of the distal segments rnean that tl'ranttosattrids n'ere better adaptecl for running that arti other gigantic avepods. Onlr' sorne abelisaurs approachecl ttrem in these regards.
Tyrannosaurid Leg Power, Posture, anci Speed
It is not possible to volumetricallr model the precisc percentage of bodv n-rass dedicated to a gir,en bodr p:rrt (Pattl 1997, 2002), so estimates are limited to probable range s con"rpatible n ith the an:rtomical proportions of extinct taxa and ertrapolatecl frorn uoderu analogs. The leg rrusclcs of ratites are one-quarter to for-rr-tentl-rs of total bodl nass (Alerander et al. I979; Patak and B:rlclri in l99J;Abourachid and Renotts 2000; Hutchinsorr 2004a), aboft70% of ri'l-rich are leg extcrtsors. \{ost of the mttsculattirc ts concer-rtrated proxirralll,in the tliigh and the calf btrncllc in'rnecliatelv belor,r, the knee. The ilia1 plates of tvrannosaurids are not proportionallr as large as those of ground birds (Fig. 18.4A, C, D). I'lon'ever, ratites lack the clinosaurs' large tail-basecl catrdofemoralis, u'hich retainecl a stottt ciiudal base for ancl-roring this large ferrioral retractor nitrscle . Although difficult to quantitatir,'e1r'rneasure in dimer-rsion:rl terrns, the area of thc combined ilir-rm and proxinal part of the tail is approrirnatelr'comp:rrable in ratites
and tvrannosauricls. The length of the tenur relativc to the nrass of the bodv is sinrilar in ratites ancl tvrannosaurids according to i olunretric nrodels. Therefore. the cornbined proxinral linrb mrrsctrlature of the tvrannosatrrids shoulcl have been comp:rr:rble in proportional r.oluue to those of ratites. The large cnen-rial crcstof tvrarrrrosaurids is indic:rtire of a ri'cll-der,eloped "dmn.rstick."
Iri both ti.rannosattrids and
ratite s. ovcrall ntass is or u'as reduced br'
the pre sence of extensive air sacs, and ljttle rlrilss occllrrecl in tlie forelimbs. Ratites constantlv carrl a load of gastrolithcs. cotrstttttecl foclder. and feces
that can ercced I0% of total tnass iHcrd .tnd Dan'sort 19t4; \\Iings 200'1, personal cor.rrrnunication). Thc belh r'l .i lttritgrr', hurttirtg tvrantrosaurid notrld h.r.e becu eniptr'.'fhe reclucecl Jr'te1 partof the tail ntaclc r-rp onlr' 320
Greqo:. S
a fen'percent of the mass of a tvrannosanrid.
\'erv probabll at least a fifth
of tl-re total mass of tvrannosatrricls consisted of lcg muscles. Othern ise, the
hind lirnb nrusclcs n'ould be :rtrophied relativc to tfre large legs and the :rvailable area of locomotor mnscle attachrnents. It is more probable that leg rruscles nr:rcle up one-cluarter to one-thircl of the total nrass, and fourtenths is plausible. Paul (1987b, 1988a, I99E) and Christiansen (2000) restorecl giant tr' r:rnnosaurids t,ith flered knees on anatomical grounds. Hutchinson and Carcia (2002), Hutchinsor-r (2004b), Hutchinson et al. (2005), and Hutchinson ancl Gatcsr, (2006) arglred that the kncc hacl to be essentialh'straight as a result of the demalids of bearing great mass. As knees become increasinglv straight in uramrnals, knee orientation changed draniaticallr,in orcler
to accotnmoclate the ch:rnge in
postr-rre; sauropocls ancl stegosaurs have adaptations that alloli their knees to ftrllv straighten (PaLil 1987b, 2000). 'l'hc knees of avepod clinosaurs, regardless of size, are remarkablv uniforrli
in rrorpholog\', ar)d are essentialh'avian. As in rrodern bircls, straightening the knec clisarticulates the n'eclge-shaped lateral fen'roral conchle from the tibia ancl fibula. This leaves the condr'le ri'ithout anv fnnction at this stage of the step c\.clc, and ilcreascs the knee's lulnerabilitr to dislocation bv longitu
viable lcg posture lor T\,rrtnnosaurus. The result includccl a stronglr'flexed knee simil:rr to thc postnre arrii'ed at bl Paul ( 198;b, l98Ba, 2000). '['his is not sr:rprising n'hcn it is realizecl that horizontal bipeds with a center of mass significanth anterior to the acetabLrlLrnr. iike theropods, must place the fbot sirrilarir foru ard of the hip joint. and thai requires that the fernur slopc anteroventrallr ancl th:rt the knee be llercd. \'ertical-bodiecl bipecls like hurrans c:rn hale a vertical f-ernrrr ancl straicht kne e becanse the center of rttlt*s i: clircctlr ()\er llre ilcetirl)ulunr. - , -..ma I ifa
If lon kiiee flerion
reduces tl-rc need
ior large leg muscles, then
straight-kneecl hun'rans should har.'e snaller leg extensors than fleredkneed ostriches. Hon,ever, the data in Hutchinson (200'1a) shor.r'that the leg extensor/total boclv mass ratio in hurrans and ostriches is the san-re. As explained belol. even leaving aside critical anatorrical errors, the unccrtainties surrounding calculating force requirenrents for locorrotion are still too extensir.e to allori the rnethod to be the critical factor in restoring lirnlr posture. Thcre is no question that tvrannosaurids had the highlv flexible ankles recprirecl to achieve a running gait (Paul 1987b, I988a, 2000). T'hulborn (1982) and Coornbs (1978) concluded that voung. gracile ornithorriimids, and b." inference juvenile tvrannosaurids, \\'ere not as sr.', ift as ratites. Hutchinson and Garcia (2002) estinrated that a fast-running ju'nenile tvrannosar-rricl needed far largcr lcg mtrscles than are present in some sirnilar-sizecl ratites to run at the same speccl. Tl-ris serious oi'erestirrate casts doubt on the studv's methoclologr'. Othenlise, there is n'ide agreer.r.rcrit that the small, gracile tvrannosaurids riere high-r'elocitv runners able to approach or rratch the specds of the sirrilarlr,'designecl ornithomirrids, and bi'inference ratites (Russeli 1977, 1989r Bakker 1986; Paul 1987a, 19E7b, i988a, 2000; Holtz 1994, 2004; Christiansen 2000; Currie 2000; Farlolr'et al. 1995, 2000; Hutchinson 2004b). \{anv researchers presrrnre that bisser tvrannosaurs rart sloner (Rr-rssell 1977; Coombs 1978; Christiansen 2000; Currie 2000; Farlon'et al. 1995, 2000; Htrtchinson and Garcia 2002; Hutchir-rson 2004b; Hutchinson et al. 2005). But NIcNIahon ancl Bonner (1983, p. 151) obseri'ed that speecl potential rises r""ith increasing size, so it is as if the largest ":rnimals hacl the opportunitr to be tl-re fastest as u'ell as the biggest but didn't care to trr'." Bakker (1986) and Paul (1987a, 1988a, 2000) suggesteci that tl,rannosaurids maintainecl consisterrth higlr speeds ls llrer greu gigarrtic. The ir-rfluence that proportional leg muscle mass has on running performance is anbiguous. Even though hurrans and ostriches of sinilar mass appear to share sirrilar leg muscle/total bodr,rnass ratios, the bird can mn rruch faster. The bird rvith tl-re largest 1eg rnuscles observed to date is the triclactr'l-footed ernu, not the ostrich (Hutchinsor-r 2004a), even though the seniuniclactvl ratite is probablr'a faster nlnner (Alexander et al. lc)79). It is ilrerefolc pr'ssible tlrat ollrer lrutornicll ldlptatiorrs lllou torrrc artirnals to better exploit the pori er potential of locornotor muscle s in terrns of speed, and that such adaptations are at least as important for restoring top attair-rabie speed as is con-rputer analr,sis of locornotor muscle rnass. Animals ofter-r eiolve extremc adaptations in ordcr to achievc extrerne performance, such as the flight of the biggest pterosaurs and teratornes, the spcecl of cheetahs, and the deep dir,ing abilitr of sonie tnaritre birds and marnmals. If giant t1'rannosar-rrids ran at high r,elocitie s, and if ertrerre aclaptations \\'ere necessarl'for thern to clo so. then evolutionan'selective pressures ri'onlcl have had pushecl biologv to thc
neecle d to achier,e
the pertbrmance , and it canr-rot bc assumecl that thev possessecl ar.'erage le'n'els of biological perfon-nance. The problerns oire liabh'extrapolating and restoring the qtrantitative factors necessarr. lbr rcstoring the locornotion of gigantic tyrannosaurids are being explored br Sellcrs and Paul (2004) bv using el'o-
lutionarl.robotics. On thc basis of genetic algorithrns that learn to n'alk ar-rd run (Sellers et a1. 2003), initial results suggest tliat if the leg muscles consisted precloninantlr, of fast-hvitch fibers optin'iized for proclucing n-raxirral burst anaerobic po\\ier, then the largest tvrannosarlricls lr,'ere capable of a full, suspended phase mn at speeds sirnilar to those of rhinos, and lr,ell in excess of those elephamts. These estimates are conserr.'ative ir-r tl-rat energl.storing and -releasir.rg tendons ancl bones and othcr speed-enhancing adaptations have not vet been factored into the simulation. It is possible that giant tvrannosatlrid leg tendons and ligarlents n'ere stretchecl so taLlt th:rt n'her-r the legs rl'ere folded to sit clor.r'rr, the anirnals' mass \\'as barell'sr-rfficient to hold the bodr, dorvn. Such a springlike loading of the legs could l-rave reduced the r.r'ork needed to hold the body up lrtren running, allori'ing more of the locomotc.rrv muscle po\\'er to be converted into speed and endurance. In orcler to fullv investigate the athletic potential of flexedlimbed dinosaurs, future sirliulations should inclucle a range of plausible values for bioiogical factors that range from average to the highest that are i'iablc. 'l'hat u,ill increase the probablilitl' of capturing the maxirrurrn speecl potential, ancl the latter is likeh' to be closest to representing the performance of tr,rannosauricis because their skeletons appear to har,'e been better adapted for running than lir ing rnarrrrnals of tlrc sarrre size. Modern rliir-ros evolr.ed frorn terrestrial nrnning ancestors. Thev retain flexecl legs ivith flerible ar-rkles that, despite being quite short and not verv lateralll cornpressed, allon them to gallop. Columnar, unflexecl legs u'ith inflexible ankles and short feet prevent elephants frorn reaching a full nrn, thus lirriting thern to a top speed of about 25 kmih (Paul 2000; Hrrtchinson et al. 2003). Elepl-rants are slon not because thel are gigantic-even jtn,e nile elephants are no f:rster than the adults-but because ther,'are anatornicallr,' adapted to be slou,; a result of h:rving clescended fron-r sen'riaquatic herbivores and lir.'ing in a n'orld free of gigantic predators. A major portion of ihe mass of mannalian megaherbivores (sensu Ori'en-srnith 1988) is concentrated in the plant-fermenting gut. About l0% to 20% of a iarge, healtl-rv herbivore's mass consists of forage and feces (Robertson-Bullock 1962; Short 1963). Because rhino legs are so short, the small loconrotor rr-iuscle mass is apparentlv a large portion of total n'lass. The lin-iited ai'ailable data suggest that elephants
do not have large
(Robertson-Bullock 1962), and their lin-rb anatomr, is not able to effectir,eli convert their poner into speed. Adult ti'rannosarlrids descended frorn and gre\\' up from fast runners, and tllev w'ere probablr emptrbelliecl, flercdlimbed preclators n,ith rnobile ankles that ernphasized nonlocomotor u.'eigl-rt redtrction in favor of expanded leg rr-itrscles. The l- to 3-tonne A/bertosaurus and Daspletosaurus hacl much longer, more distallv gracile, birdlike legs than similar-size d rhinos, and thev were the most speeci aclapted tetrapods ir-r their size class. It is irlprobable tirat thev nere slon'er, ancl mal have been actuallr faster, than rhinos. T bataar and T rer t'ere onlt' 2 or 3 tirnes heavie r than A/berios durLLs and Ddspletosattrus, and thei possessed the same ratitelike nrnning adaptations. Hence, the speecl pote nti:ri of giant tvrannosaurids ri as not lol',,er than therr lesser relatives on a rrorphological basis. and ther nere uniquelr,speed aclapted for their size class. The anatomi of T rcr ri .rs :rdapted to exploit the 1eg muscles
: '..ne
I ife
maxirllunr piactical po\\'er prochlction of its enonnous leg mr-rscles, ri eighiLrg betr,r'een l.l and 2.4 tonnes, to procluce speecl. Therc is simplr no cotrparison betneen the locomotor apparatus of the sirnilar-sized giants.
conclr-rsior-r bv Halstead and Halstead (1981),
Thulborn (1982), A1-
exander (1989. 1996), ancl Hutchinson and Garcia (2002t that thc most speed adaptecl of giantanirrals, Jl rex, uas little, if anr', fasterthan one of the least
correspondinglr illogical. If T rex was Garcia 2002, p. l02l), then tvrannosauricls of increasilig size should have beconre incre asinglv and dranraticalll anatonicallv aclapte d for slon'speeds (Paul 198Ea). Instead, tvrannosaurids of all sizes rl ere rematkabll uniforrn in har,ing been the most anatomicallv speecl aclapted land animals in thcir size classes. \\'hat changcs thcre are are rnodest, and are liniited largeli' to changing proportiolrs in terrrs of increasing robustness:mcl clistal shortening of distal segtnents ri'ith increasing bulk. Lorler lirr-rb gracilitr ancl segment ratios do not trecessarilr indicate slorver speccl outside the same size class. The tvrannosauricls' size-related changes in lin-rb proportions are of the orcler obseried in ungulatcs that maintain a constant absolute top speed as thev rnatrtre. Therefore, thc stouter construction of T rer: cloes r-rot, a priori, inclicate a loss of speecl, atn tnore thatt the heavier build and shorter distal limb elcnrents of an aduit zebra indicate that it is slor.r,er than the much norc gracile foal, ri liich is no faster than it parent. It is tl-rerefore not a gilen that giant tr,rannosattrids lost speed as thei matttred speed adapted of animals, elephants, is
a "slo."r'nurr-rer, at best" (l{ritchinsor-r and
or evolved grcater size. Hutchinson ancl Garcia (2002) and I.lutchinson (200'+b) considered -40 krn/h to be :r plausible peak relocitv for T. rex (in broacl agreement uith Coombs 1978 and Christiansen 2000), a pacc sirriilar to that of galloping rhinos and far faster than tliat oi elephants. F'arloq ct al. 11995) alloued for speeds up to -55 kn/h, n'hich probablv m:rtches tridactvl-footed ratites. The comprehensive field sr-rrvev of ungulate speeds founcl that none cxceede cl -50 kni/h (Alexander et al. 1977). 'Io boost giant tvrannosaurid speed r-r-iost
20% to the 50 kn/h consiclered plausible bv Paul (1988a, 2000) ri ould reqlure boosting muscle poner bv thc sarne amount, a f:rctor u'ithin the error zone of quantitative biomechanical estirrates (Sellers and Par-rl 2004). It is probable that othcr gigantic avepods n'ere able to mn :rt speeds u,ell above those of eiephants (Paul 1988a; Blanco and l,{azzetta 2001), albeit pcrliaps sornen'hat lon'er than those reacl-recl bv thc rnore speed-adapted t."'rannosaurids. Hutchinson and Garcia (2002) and Hr-rtchinson (2004b) cited the slou' speeds of potential adult tvrannosauricl prev as a reason for the latter beir-rg sirnilarli' slou'. Hon,cr,cr, Alcrancler f 1989), Paul and (lhristiansen (2000),
and Christiansen and Paul (2001) denronstrated that giant ceratopsicls of all sizes n'erc anatonricalli adapted fcrr rhinolike speeds in terms of limb anatonv and function, skeletal strength, ancl ar.rilable nruscle pori'er. Although ceratopsids n ere probablv rtot as fast:rs tlrc rttore gracile tvrauttosattrids, their area for lirrb n'iuscle attachment is rerrtark.tbh larqe.'l'l-re1 had longer linbs
than rhinos, snggesting that thev posscrrccl art evel] greater charging pon'er than ihe l:rtter. A dctailed locorrotor strrdr i: not:rvailable vct for hadrosaurs, but ther appear have bccn at least as i.t:t .r, thc tnore robust ceratopsicls. The area lbr leg mr-rscle attachrncnt is less in li,rclrosaurs than in tvr:rntrosattrids, 2)/
Gregort S Datl
sllggesting that hadrosaurs \\'ere not as sri iti. Slon prev cannot be used to limit the rnarir*rrn speed of their potential killers (see Holtz this The central concentration of mass due to the abbreviation of 'ol.rne). the neck, bodr', and tail ancl red'ction of the arrns sho.ld ha'e impro'ed the maneu-
verabilitv of tvrannosauricls cornpared u ith lor-iger-bodied, longer-an'ned n-rega-avepods (Henclerson and Snivelr. 2004; Paul 2005). Hon,ever, the urore massive head of t'"'rannosaurids mav have countered this n-iass corrcentration sorneu'hat, although hou, mr-rch is difficult to assess because of uncertain clifferences in pneurraticitv in mega-al'epod heads. Sr-rivelv and Russell (2003) concludecl that the arctornetatarsalia. foot also inpro'ed the agilitl' of t1'rannosaurids.
T\,rannosaurids r,"'ere strikinglv uniform (Figs. 18.1, I8.3), to the point that the r.'ariation r'l'ithir-r the famill' u'as sirrilar to that seen ii,ithin rrodern
carnivore genera such as Canis, Panthera, and Fells, and is less thar-r that present it YarantLs and Ursus (Par-rl I988a). Even so, there are in.rportant clifferences betrvcen the know,n taxa. The more roblrst skeleton of DaspletosdtLnts compared \\'ith A/barfoscurus of similar mass is ri.ell know'n. The skull is increasinglv more stronglv constmcted fron Albertosaurus, DaspletosaurtLs, T. bataar, to T. rex. The difference in skull robustness r' Albertosdurus verslrs similar-sized Daspletosaurus, and inT. bataar versus T rex indicate that this robustness uas not a size-related feature. It is in tlie skull that the greatest clifferences are found u'ithir-r the group. Among tvrannosauricls (Fig. I8.1, i8.1), the ternporal bor r.','as narrou,,est in Albertosaurus, so that the er,es faced less strorgh,for*.ard, and the breadth of tl-re posterior face of the braincase r,as less than in other mernbers of the gror-rp. In'I'. hataar. and e'en rnore so inDaspletosai;rus, the posterior of the skull r'r'as broader and the e'es faced more anteriorlr,'. 'l'his condition *,as taken to an extreme inT. rex. A clorsal (basecl on rnv photo'ieri'restoratior-r graphs) of the skull of the holot'p e of7. hataar (Fig. 18.]D), rvhich is almost as large as those of adult T. rex, agrees ll.ith Hurun and Sabath (2003) that
Similarities and Differences between Tyrannosaurid Taxa
the posterior part ofthe skull a.d posterior face ofthe braincase ofthe Asian species is rrarkedlv n:lrro\r'er than that of the North American counterpart. Ho*'e'er, N4olnar (1991, 2000) ard Hr-rnrm and Sabath i2003) restorecl the posterior ten'iporal boxes of T rex andT. bataar, respecti'elr,, as too triangtrlar
judging from a *rmber of skr-rlls botfr articulatecl and restored in dorsal 'ien', frorr uncrushed clerre'ts (F-ig. 18.3D, E; Paul 1988a, Carr 1999). Hu^rm and Sabatl'r (2003) restored the rostrun olT. bataar much too co'':lrro\,v parecl ii'ith the least cnrsl'recl articulated skulls (cf. Hunrn and Sabath 200l, figs. 1B and 2AZ b fig. i5A). The neclial palatalshelves of the'raxillae a'd tlre anterior part of the vomer of T bataar are just as broad as those of other ti'rannosaurids. Because the rostrurn renained lairlv consistentlr,broad rn tr.rannosauricls, the grcater disparit'betlr'een the breadths of the anterior and posterior halves of the skull present in sorne tvrannosar-rrids lr.'as clne r.nainli to the broadening of the aft section. 'l'he i'creasi.g breadth of the posterior portior-r of the skull docs appear to ha'e been size relatecl. other gigantic 'ot avepods lack the feature. Daspletosatrus had a broader skr-rll than similarExtreme Lifestyles and
sizedA. libratus. and the even bigger'I'. bclttt,ir lnd juvenile T rer: (=\61176tyrannus) skr-rlls hacl exceptionalh, broacl tenrporal borcs (Carr 1999), although apparentlv not as broad as in the large specimens. \rariations in the breadth ofthe posterior part ofthe skull ancl the braincase platc probablv reflect corresponding relatirc differences irr the ternporal ian aclchrctors artd anterior ccrvical muscles. 'l'hese n,ere least clevclope d in A. libratLts ancl nost por",'erful in'I'. rex.lt is possible that onlr, the lattcr cotrld crtrsh bones (Erickson ancl Olson 1996; Erickson ct a1. 1996; \/arricchio 2001; Nleers 2002; Ralfield 2004), a h1'pothesis supported bv maceratecl bortes in a coprolrte
(Chin et al. 1998). Hurtrrn and Sabath (2003) detailed differences in the skulls of tvrannosaurids, n'ith enrphasis on T bataar ztnrl T. rex. Different artictrlatiorts betri,'een the nasals, lacrimals, and frolrt:rls inclicatc differing abilrtics to handle prel'u ith clii,erge nt corrbat abilities (the suture patte rn restorecl for the tvpe T. bataar in F'ig. 18.3D differs sornen'hat fron-r that ior ZPAL NIgDl/'1 in Hurunt and Sabath 2001). As usual T rer appears to l'rave the skull best adapted to absorb high-stress loacls, evetr r,,'hert its large sizc is taken into accotrnt. In accorcl lvith this pattern, teeth getrerallr'becar-ne fen'er irt rrnrnber, larger, and norc conical progressing front Albertosaurus, to Daspletosaurtts, to T. batartr, to T. rex. Bakke r et al. (1988) ill-istratecl A. libratus ri ith a standard :rvepodian r.entral braincase in u'hich the basitubcra nas positiorte
G; Bakker et al. 1c)88). But tl-re difference relativc to Albertosaurus and Daspletosaunrs (Fig. 18.6C-E) is not exteusive, being lttore a rnatter of degree. 'l'he occiput of A. libratus tual' havc been less ventr:rllr oriented tl-rar-i tl'rose of other tvranrrosaurids and that olT. rex rnorc so (Fig. i8.6CG), reflectins possible differenccs in l'entral flexion of the head.'I'he differences seenr nrodest, and a larger sarnple is recluirccl for verification and to confirm a consistent pattern in the grotrp. The basic features of the head that clistinguished ti rannosauricis frorn other giant avepods becarre iricrcasinglv extreme starting tt'ith Albertosaurus ancl progrcssing through Daspletosaurus and 'l'. bataar,:tncl tlier,reach tlreir extrene inT'. rex (Fig. 18.3). Tl rer also lias the largest nrouth ancl is capable of a bite I m long (Paul l9BEat. Postcraniallr', differences among
ihe tvranrrosaurids are feri (Fig. 18.4), uith r\Ibertosaurus being the r-nost gracile, Daspletosaurus and 'l-. batrtcrr intermecliate, and T. re.t the uost massivelv constructecl. The slenderrress oi the albertosattrine fetrtttr is e speciallr rrol:tble, lrrrtitisuotkrrourrrilt. llrertlri'lrsttriqttetlrr()rqrtregaavepods.
Linb bone strengtlis
tvere lon e r itt :ilbe rtosaurines atlcl
T rer than
l)aspletctsaurus alrd T. bataar (Clrri:tiansert 2000). ,\lbertosaurus u'trs sornerrhat lrlore compactlv built tlian l)cr:plctosdrLrus (F'ig. l8.lA-C), and shor-rld l.rave been a littic nrore agile t h.re is sone variation irt the relatt"'e size of thc arrns in tvtannos:rurid spe cinrcn-s. br-rt thev are never large, and
S Datl
thev clo not appear to har.e either progressii'elv cliniinished or greatlv enlarged during the o,olution of the grotrp {Currie 20031.
I-lealccl bite rnarks on gigantic haclrosarrrs (Carpentcr 2000; Wegr,veiser et al. 200'11 an
Direct Fossil Evidence
Tyrannosaurid Predation and Other Interactions
n'ottnds that indicate combat betri een allosaurs ancl stegosaurs. Thon-ras ancl Iiarlovn' (1997) conclLrded that the fanrous 'lbras theropocl-s:trropocl trackr,ar, records iin act of pred;rtion. Research of the tracknarrs unr-rsual footfall pattern during the constrr-rction of full-sized sculptures representing thc incident (N{arrlamd Science Center) cansed sculptor Hall Train and rne to agree that the preclator probablr,bit the base of the tail of the sar-rropod. If the slou'er, n'eaker-skulled allosauroicls involved in these cases \\'ere activc preclators, it
urlikcli'that the more pon'erfullv armed, fastcr tvrannosaurids u'ere not. T\'rannosarrrid skeletons trpicallv bear thc rrarks of numerous injnries, sorne apparentlv caused br other dinosaurs (Hanna 2000; Rothschild is
et al. 2001; Tanke and Crrrrie 2000; Larson and Donnan 2002; Brochu 2003; Rothschild ar-rcl Tanke 2005, Rothscl-iild and \lolnar this r,olume). Some are not:rttributable to spccific tara anci ma\.represent clamage erpe ricnced during preclation. conflicts or.cr possession of carrion, or durirrg intraspccific dispLrtes, n'hile others are iclentifiable as har,ing been inflicted bi ollrer tr rarrroslrrrrids. 'lo date, surprisinglv fen footprints or tracku'avs har.e been attributed to tvrannosarrrids (Locklo,and H.rt 1994; \la'ning this T'his 'ol"re). lack of clata hinclers attempts to rcconstruct the habits of these dinosaurs.
Predation and Scavenging
currcntlv at lcast onc large terrestrial camivorc scavenges little or not at all lsee Holtz this'oltrn-re). cheetahs are too delicatelv constnrctecl to compete oi.er c:trcasses n'ith othcr big cats, canicls, and hr,enas (Caro 1c)94). 'l'here is nothing in the fbssil recorcl th:rt cstablishes that tvranrosaurids sca\renged, so it is possible that all carc:lsses thel fed Llpon \\.ere killed clurirrqactirc plcdutiorr. llorrcrcr. beclrrsc tvrlrrrrro';nrricls rrerc tl re top predators in their habitats, therc is no reason to concluclc that thev n'oulcl have ttrrned dot'n a free nreal. Scalenging is so probable that it should be as-
Lifestyle Reconstruction
surned to har.c occr-rrred unless conpelling eviclence inclicates otheru'ise. No living lancl carnivores are limited to pure scavenging, although all gain a significant portion of their energv ancl ntrtrition from scavengirg
(Houston 197c); \oriak 1999). Pure sc:lvengers have not been positii.'elr. iclentificd ,.ro1rg Cenozoic fossil or qr,"d birds. 'l'he abse'ce
of a corollarv ir-r itself casts doubt on the concept of scar.'enging-onlv tvrannosaurids. \\ alking scavelrgers mav uot be able to find sufficient carcasses to sun'ive ri ithor-it l-runting, and onlv soaring scavengers have the r''isrial range and speed ancl energv efficiencv to scout out and reach distant carcasses to make it energeticalli' n orkable (Houston I979). Flon'ever, Ruxton anci Houston (2002) concluclecl that terrestriai scavcnging is not inherentlr' energv ineffcctii'e, unless competing aerial sca\:engers are present. T'ire
onli' known large fliers of the latest Cretaceous, the giant azdarchid ptero-
ill suitecl for scalenging, jLrdging frorn their slender, nonhooked beaks and light skeletons (Kellner and Langston 1996). N'{arabou storks u,ith stor.rter, tapering beaks scavenge, but thei' relv on hook-bcaked vultures to open the carcasses and rriostlt'intinidate the smaller vultttres into dropping w'hat ther have cut or-rt of the carcass (Hot'o et al. 1992). Azclarcl-ricls u'ould have enjoved none of these adi'antages. Instcad, the delicatelr' saurs, \\,ere
built pterosaurs
vn,oulcl have
been vulnerable to preclation bv contpeting
t'n,rannosauricls unless thev uscd a hiclclen cleterrertt, sLtch as unpalatable
is therefore conch-rded that tvrannosaurids did nclt suffer frorn con-rpetition from scar,cnging pterosatirs. Even so, the concept of lancl creatr-rres livir-rg b1'pure scarenging retrtains speculative in the absence of flesh.
knor'vn exan-rples. T\,'rannosaurids lived anid a dense popui:rtiort of potential victims (Farlou, 1976,1991; Rurton ancl Horiston 2002). If the adults had the abilitv to hurlt prev, then it is irliprobable that thet'n'ottld have failed to kill u'hat
thev needed lvhen carcasses \\'ere not ai'ailable. N{ature tvrannosattrids rvoulcl onlv have scavenged
iacked the aclaptations needed to hturt.
This raises another problem concernit-tg thc lack of knou n extant obligate sca\,engers. Without such exarnples, it is difficult to determine the atratourical and other characteristics expected in such forrns. This is especiallv true becanse aclaptations for predation and sca','enging in moclerrt httnters are highlr.'iariable, and aclaptations ttsecl for scalenging can also be usecl for predation and r,ice versa. One attribute that can be projected for a gigantic obligatorv scar,'enger rvould be a iolr'top speecl, conrparable to that of elephants, ar-icl lon' rnaneuverabilitv becatrse of the lack of need to pursue prev and the lack of a need to escapc otl'rer predators. An obligate scavenging tvrannosaurid could clo rvithout a selective evoltttionan' need to move fast or be agile, r,r,hiie enl-ranced safetr.'factors ri,or-rlcl select for :r lorl' top speecl. As a result, there ',ior,rld be no concentr:rtion of mass avn'av fron-i the ends of the boclv ancl into the legs, or elongation of the lcgs, as discussed above. 'l'hat the tvrannosaurids' n'ell-developecl ntnning and turning aclaptations \\'ere better dei'eloped than those of giant avepod dinosaurs is not onlr compatible u,ith their being actile pursuit preclators, but also suggcsts that ther,scai,engecl less than otlter rnega-avepods. Carpentcr and Srrith (2001) and l,ipkin and Carpcnter (this volume) have suggeste d tl-rat the forelimbs of tvrannos:ri:ricls ',r'ere tlsed to I'rold prei' dr-rring the irttack. 'l'he ertreme srnallness of the arms rnakes it difficult to see
hon tl.ro could have been used to re rch
ancl engage prev of anv size
though the arms rvere strongcr and urorc pouerfulh'muscled than human arns. relativc to tlie size of thcir o\\'ner: .rtrcl potential prer', tl'rev appear to Gregory
S )ati
ha'e been too ri'eak to be of i'rportant practical .se. The absence of por.verful, raptoral forelinrbs has been citecl as eviclence against active predation (Horner ancl Lessem 1993). In this vierv, grappling limbs are a necessary aditrnct for catchi'g and dispatching prev in the nranner of cats a'd raptoral birds. This hvpothesis nav be discarded on the basis of the absence of grap-
pling appendages in ca'ids, hr.aenids, a'd th'lacires, as l,n'ell as a large .unber of extinct narnmalian carnivores (see Holtz this voh,rme). Well-developecl olfaction has been citecl as a specialization for scarenging (Horner and Lessern 1993; Horner 199,1; Horner and Dobb 1997). 'l'he abiliti,to sn-reil u'ell is corrpatible r,r,ith and usefr-rl for discovering carcasses that are not visuaih detcctable. Holvever, the h1'pothesis that highlevel olfaction is lin-rited to scavengers cannot be tme: oras, canids, and l-r1'enas possess this feature (Auffenberg 1981; Kruuk 1972; Schaller I97Z; Nonak 1999). As docurnented bv Holtz (this volurne), tvrannosaurids did not har,e deficient vision, n,hich ri'otrlcl hinder predation. In anv c:rse, sca\. engers need and har.'e visual acuitv to spot carcasses at a distance. Farlolv (1994) noted that the ,1- to 6-n'r height of a rearing adult t',,rannosaurid r,r,or-rld have improved its abiliti'to spot carrioir, especiallr.in a habitat lacking acrial scavengers r,r'hose clescent ir-rdicated the location of carrion. 'l'he bone-crushing abilitv of aclult tvrannosatrrids, especiallr, of T. rer, n'ould hai.'e been a useful adaptation for sca\/e ngers, and is a feature shared b)'l-rt'enas. 'l'he adaptation is also ad'n'antageous for predators, both in providing cxtre'e biting pon'er for killing prel'ancl sr-rbsequentlr,consulnirrg
it effiticrrth. as prover bi lrrrrrtirrg hrcrrar. The abbrer.iated life spans of tvrannosaurids indicate that ther. lived dangerous lives. Attacking simiiarlr, large lierbir ores lr,ould hai'e pror.,ided tl-re requisite le'el of da'ger. Feeding on herbi'ores after they no longer posed a threat explains the short liies of the ti'rant avepocls. The anatorrr.,, and life historv of all tvrannosatrricls, from the smallestto the largest, are ir-r r-ro regard incompatible r'l'ith acti'e predation, and ir-r all respects are erther con-rpatible r.iith or indicatir,e of active predation. hr anv case, the scavenging \rersus predation clebate is effe ctivelt' moot in the face of l-realecl bite n'otrncls inf icted bv the biggest knorvn tvrannosaurid on the bones of adult hadrosaurs ancl ceratopsicls. 'fhe could har.'e occurred onlv if 'arks the theropocls engaged in combat *'ith the l-rerbi'ores u'hen the pre\r \vere living (Carpenter I99E; Wcglr'eiser et al. 2004; Happ this volume). Ttre cFrestion, therefore, is not n,l-rether giant tvrannosaurids, as li,ell as nont\. rannosauricl rnega-avepods, \\,ere active predators. Rather, the question concerns the detail of tl-reir preclatorv acti'n ities. These activities rvere po, tentially complex because clifferent tl'rannosaurid taxa and populations may [xt'" exhibited clramaticallv different preclaton, habits depending on anatomical adaptations, :tge, sex, behavioral genetics, prer. al'ailabilitl,, and habitat structure. 'l'he infomation provided bv the healecl bite nrarks goes bevond tl-re fundarliental conclusion that actir,e predation occurred. 'l'hat the herbil'ores surl'ivecl and lived for a long tirre after the attacks shorvs tl-rat those indivicluals n'ere healtll'enough to successfulh cope *'ith the assault. It is er.'en possible that thc horned dinosaur kille d it: attacker. 'fherefore, adult :.,ireme Lifestyles and
giant tl.rannosauricls n'ere :rctir,c big-game predators that repcateclli' at-
18.7. Reconstruc-
;'cn of a successful attack procedure by Ty-
rannosaurus to hunt Tr i ce rato ps. Su rp ri sed from behind, the horned dinosaurs have been fnrrad
fn )lt6m^l
flee, exposing their vulnerable rears and flanks to the tyrannosaurids. As a T. rex runs alongside if< ehn
Tha nraiarl'arl
results of the wound are shown in the inset. The
disabled herbivore can then be dispatched more safely. Whether the giant, small-brained predators h u nted g reg a riousl y
rlsfiva Fnr a ro
failed encounter between T. rex and Triceratops, see Happ (this votumq.
tempted to kill sirrilarll rrassive, ancl irr some cases potentiallv clar.rgerous, prer'. ()iant tvrannosaurids did not consisterith'target inclivicluals that ri'ere too sn'rall, or too n,eak fronr ilhress, mahutrition, injurl or age, to sriccessfullr flee or defend theniselves. Because thc healccl nounds docunrented br Carpentcr (1998), \\Icgn'eiser et al. 200'1), and Happ (this volunrc) ri'crc deliverecl in f:riled att:rcks, thel'nar, not represent normal, successfril tactics. It is cspcciallv unlikeiv that t1'rannosaurids regularlr engagecl hornecl ceratopsids head-to-head because doing so nould marinrize danger u'hile minimizinq the chance of a snccessfnl kill, as the strrvival oi the Triceratops shon's. Biting a horn is not a productir,e rrode of killing, ancl the act suggcsts that the T rer u':rs tn'ing to protect itsclf frorn being n'ounded in an attack th:rt hacl gone bad for the predator. Charging hornccl ccr:rtopsids of 1.5 to perhaps 9 tonnes (all rrass estirnates in this section bascd on Paul 1997) riere probabll the most challenging and dangeroLrs prev for tlrannosauricls. The prer.r'ision appears to have been mode st, u ith eves set lori'ancl possiblv unablc to sec foru'ard. Veri' large nasal cavities sugge st that the sensc of srrell ri as u'cll cleveloped. The example of the'Iriceratops clocumentecl br Happ (tlris volurrie) inclicates that ceratopsids r,rsecl their horns for active clefense, so these strtrcturcs n'erc not exclusivelr'rrsed for interspecific iclentification :rnd intraspecific clisplar or conflicts (partl1 contra Sampson et al. 1c)97; (]oodt in et al. 2006). The usc of I'rorns for defense is not strrprising. It occrrrs atnong modern hornecl ungulates, cspcciallv catile-tvpe bovicls ancl rhinos. These anirrals are heftv enough to put up a stont fight, and ther'lack the spcecl needed to readih flee (Schaller Ic)72; Orien-Snrith 1988; Noii'ak 1999). Asian rhinos aiso use their incisors to f?ncl off preclators (Ori'en-Sn'rith 1988), and ceratopsids could irave trsecl their parrotlike beaks to bite attackers. Armed defense u'as probabh'necessar\,, considering the siow'speed of
these ornithiscliian. The rneans bi'ri'hich thc n,icle rarietv of ceratopsicls utilized their highlr divergent horn arravs to defend against pred:rtors is little studied, perhaps as :r resnlt of an overemphasis on investigating the
evolution of the stnrctures for iniraspecific actii'ities. Centrosaurs n'ith long, erect nasal horns mar'have used upuard labbing head nrotions intenclecl to clamage the chest or belh of a prcclator from belon'.'l'he t','r:rnnosar:ricls's gastralia rrav have pror icle cl sone protection against ventral thmsts. Chasmosaurines rl'ith long, :rnteriorlr directecl brou' horns rnav straight-in charge to thc lllnks of the attacker. Even n,ithrn Triceratops, horn use rnal har,e cliffe re d be ts e en the 2 morphs (1ong snout, short nasal horn, big bron, horn versr-rr cieeper snont, longer nasal horn, shorter bron' honr). Boss-nosed Pctcln rltirto'atLrus and Aclrcloscturus (assuning their bone bosses dicl not anchor ker.rtinous horns), hook-horned Einosdurus, and the short-horne ci Chostrirr,.::, r:. , r rt:tt hat'e be en the rrost prone to biting, br-rt the r:rmnring effect of th.lr hlLrnt ri eapons. backecl bv totrnes of bodr mass. u'ould have been fonritl-,1'1. .rr n.ell. The poorli'dcr.'eloped har"e preferred a
horns of 1r-rver-riles (San'rpsor-r etal. 1t)',-: (' ,oclirirr etal. lU()6)suggestthat ther too usecl tl-reir beaks, in aclditir:. . flceing or relving on aclults for protection. -\lthough cranial frilis ari.. : : r()rns iind hornlets that ceratopGreoo,. S Daul
have evoii'ed mainlr'for interspecific and intraspecific identification and displai'functions, the strLrctures also servecl to heip protect the ne ck. The posterior ribs of cer:rtopsids u ere tightlr' packecl togcther ar-rcl articulatccl n'ith the prepubis (Paul ar-rd Cl'rristiansen 2000), foming sids often bore
that provideci protcction to the abclomen. The lori-sltrng, clttaclrr-tpeclal ceratopsids nay ha'u'e been able to out-trtrn the lor-rger linrbed, 2leggeci tvrannosaurids. Consiclcrir-rg tlreir subst:rntial cranial n eaponrr', the optirnal clefensive ln:lneu\:er uas to face attacking tvrantrosattricls, n'hicl-r
a cuirass
rnav have deterred and abortecl an attack. Converselr', t'n'rannosattricls the potcntiallv dangerous horns and beaks ancl attack frorn the rear,',r'l-rere ther,' coulcl clisable the ceratopsid bv biting the thigh or tl're caudofemoralis (Fig. 18.7). A rear assault coulcl bc achieved either bv ambtrshing the homed dinosatrrs or bv intimid:rting the homed dinosaurs intcr fleeing. Paul (1988a) and Nleers (2002) concluded that the biting force of r-reedecl to ar oicl
a single T. rel u'as srifficier-it to
a Triceratops.
Sauropocls n'ere :rlso dangerous prev as a re sLrlt of their conibirtation of enormoLrs bulk (abor-rt l0 to 20 tonnes for the titanosattrs presettt in tvrantiosauricl habitats), ton ering height (n'hich rnade it dilficult to reach the vrilnerablc neck and heacl). elongated, stronglv musclccl tail. :rncl long, chrb-footecl legs. For eranrple. the tail of a 15-tonne titatro:atir
leighed about
a/.ireme Lifestyles and Habits
tonne (Paul 1997) and n.as capabie of clclirering a por','erful blori'. Vision n'oulcl hare been enhanced br,the great height of the head. It is difficLrlt to cleternine thc best strategr for attacking sauropocis. Although a sar-rropod is nuch too slon' to outrun a tvrannosaurid, it couid tn' to mor,e au'a1,'rihile using its tail to cover its rear. A'oiding tl'rc tail n'ould appear to be pnrclent, but the Texas trackr.r'al discr-rssed above suggests an attack on the tail base during a rather slou' (due to deep r.nucl) pursuit, probabli,to disable the caudofcmoralis hincl limb retractor. An attack on tlre flank risked kicks froi'n thc clan'ed hincl feet, and frontal attack rrav involve kicks fron the forelimbs. The ground sloth-like therizinosaurs, u,hich n'eighed up to 3 tonnes, u'ere too slou,to escape tlrannosatrrids. Insteacl, ther,probabll'stood thcir grouncl and fought n'ith their long arrns bearing enornous cian's. Large sclerotic rings shorv tl-re eves \\,ere large, so vision shoukl irave been good. 'l\'rannosauricls should har.e preferred to approach from the rear. It is more difficult to assess the defensc of the poorlr knon.n deinocherians, lr'hich mar, have reached 6 tonnes. It is not knon,r'r u'hcther thev lvere fast enough to attempr to flee, or i,r,hether thev had to face tvrannosaurids ancl fight thern off n,ith their long, big-clan ed arms. Again, a rear attack n'as most advantage ons. In ankr'losaurs, r'isior-r does not appear to have been lvell clevelopecl, anci vision u.'as liinclerecl bi the lori position of the head. Olfaction appears to have been goocl, judging frorn the 1:rrge, often complcx nasal pass:rges. Their rnassir,'e arnror is additional evidence that mega-avepocls lr,ere preclators becanse such ertensive protection is unlikelr. to evolve unless it is needed to protect against pou'erful enemies. Weighing in at 2 to 6 tonnes, the lou.slung ankr'losaurids n,ere armed n'ith a large tail club that cotrld damage the lo',r'cr legs of tvrannosaurids (Coorrbs 1995). l'hese armored dinosaurs, ii'hich uere too slolv to outmn the avepods, lacked large defensir,e spines protecting the bocll' and neck; arrnor formed a passive defense but u.'as nell cler,eloped. If tl,rannos:ruricls chose to attack ankr'losaurids, then a frontal approacfi to ar,oid thc tail club rvas called for. The ankr,losauricl probablv tried to present its posterior to the attacker, either spinnirrg arouncl to do so, or fleeing n,hile the cl-rb su'ept back ancl forth to clear the tr"rannosauricl fron-i its rcar. I,-leeing into hear,r'brush lvhen ai'ailable could har,'e been an effectir,e defensive stratcg\'for these lolr-profile, heavr-bodied herbii'ores. Nodosaurids, u.hich tr picallv n,cighed about Z tonnes ancl rvhich n'ere too slow, to reaclih' escape pursuit, lackecl a tail club or other posterior clefcnsive \\'eapons. 'I'herefore, presenting the rear to the enerrrv u'as not beneficial. L:rrge lateral spikes prote ctecl the neck and shoulciers. O.e clefe.si'e tactic ha'e been to lie o. the gro.'d and relr or pas'rav sive defensc, u,ith the anterior spikes protecting the neck. An altcrnative rvas to present the fror-rt to the prcclrrtor. pcrh.rps assisted bv short rushes ivith the shoLrlder spikes. The necd to cnrphasize a frontal deferrse explains the extrcme arnoring of tlrc noclosaLrrrd he acl. rihicl-r includes ossificatior-r
ofthe cheek
Hadrosaurs, uhose rieight rangecl ir, ,rr I to l0 tonnes or more, lacked major defer-rsivc n'eapons or ilrmor. l,argc :.lcrotic rings inrplr,good vision that coLrlcl bc boosted bv rearing to sce jir rirt dist;rnce. TI-re size and colnplexitr of thc nasal passirgcs irnph th.r .:r.tron rnav have been',l,ell cte332
velopecl. Although ther' lacked even the tl-rumb spikes of their iguanodont
onll significant phl'sical defensive action was to kick rvith their pou'erful, heai,r.footed hind linbs, or to srr ing the tail. 'fhe modest length, lateral flattening, and stiffening of a rhon-rbic lattice of ossified tendons suggest that the hitting reach and pori'er of the tail u'as lirnited. Duckbills couid bite . but the defensive effectir"eness of the broad predecessors, their
beaks is problernatic. Because ornithopods hacl a large lumbar region that lacked lor-rg ribs, the abdon-ren vn'as vulnerable. The rteck r.'n'as lightl-v constnrcted ancl set lolr' on the anirnal. A fe rl' hadrosaurs \\'ere so gigantic tl-rat sheer size should have conferred some degree of protection. Otlrenl'ise, tlre
onh'apparent option available to haclrosaurs n'as to flee at maximttm speecl u,hile attempting to land anv kicks that thev could, even thougl'i thev rvere probabl1, not able to easiiv outrun the even urore pou'erfuliv anci longer limbed tyrannosar-rrids. Hadrosattrs, u'hich n'ere able to use the ir forelimbs for locomotit-tn, nla\'liave becn able to ottt-tttrn the bipecial tvrannosaurids. H:iclrosaurs appear to have been gregarior-rs (Horncr and Dobb I997), and losir-rg oneself in the herd woulcl have been a prioritr'. Fleeing into dense brush rrigl-rt have beer.r aclvantageous, bccattse hadrosaurs rl'ere somewhat lon'er slung than tlieir aitackers and coulcl use their forelimbs to help push the bodv throrigh heal'r' r.egetatiolr. Heavv vegetation n'otlld have also rnade it more difficult for the preclator to positior-r itself to deliver effeciive bites. Prirnar-v targets for attacking tvrannosauricls u'ould l-rar'e been tl-re caudofernoralis on the tail and tire thigh muscles in orcler to disable to locornotor svstem, tl're vulnerable abdomen to eviscerate the victim, and the neck, ufiich cotrld hai'e resulted iIr the most rapid death bv cutting the trachea ancl rr-rajor blood vessels (Ntlolnar 2000). Among srnaller prer.', ornithomimids of 50 to 500 kg and nonhadrosattr ornithopocls of 50 to 100 kg, lacked substantial n'eapons. Ther.could kick r.r'ith their legs, and srnall ornithopods cor-rld bite ri'ith their unl-iooked beaks. 'l'heir best defense ri'as flight. Ercellent vision, inclicated bv large sclerotic rings ancl tall hcight, gave ornithomimids exceptional earlv warning. The-v mar,ha.",e been the onll nonpreciators able to otrtpace pltrstring tvrannosauricls. Sn'rall ornithopods mav have been a little slon'er tl-ran the e\,en more gracile linbed tlrannosauricls, so escaping into dense brush r,r'oulcl have been a goocl tactic. Or"iraptorosaurs \\,cre fairl1'lvell armed ii'ith .l'hev probhand clarvs, but ther,probabh did not pose an extrcme clanger. abll'tried to flee like small ornithopods and fougl-rt onlr''nvhen cornerecl or captured. Escaping into dense vegetation could h:rve been effective for the lou.slung, lie:rvilv bLrilt pachvcephalosaurs. The dorneheads uav h:rve also adopted an offcnsive defer-rse bv using their ireavilr'' cotistrttcted skull roofs, backed bv their bulkv bodies, to ran-i the flanks of tvrannosaurids. 'fhe latter therefore nral'have preferred a rear attack. Even rrore clangerous prev \vere protoceratopsids of 50 to 200 kg. T'hev could have ttsed their large parrot beaks to bite attackers (as recordecl bv the famotts fighting Protocera' tops an
and suggest anv such cooperative behar.ior ri a: limited in sophistication. The production of large nLrrnbers of offspnnr PaLrl 199,1) also suggests that ari'parental dcfense rias less intcnsc than anrorrg slolvcr-breecling rnamnals of similar size. 'l'he possibilitv that horne d dinosaurs formed a protective rir-rg around the voung, a rare prirc tic e r\ erl .llnong big-brained, homed ungulates (Ori'en-Srriith I988; Nolrak lc)t)c)t. nmst be rated as lon..'fhe hercls of giant dinosaurs mav hai'e been trnorganized collections of jur,eniles and adLrlts n'lio randorrh associated u'ith one another in order to enjov the passive protection pror,ided bl large numbers (Paul 1998). It n'as to the benefit of t."'rannosaurids to eithcr attack an isolatcd iucliridual, or to cull one an'av fronr tlie hercl. One defense tactic that \\::ls not likelr,to strcceecl n'as retreatillg to n.ater. 'l\,rannosar-rrids n,crc probablv as good or bctter su irnmcrs than their prer (Bakke r 1986; Paul 1988a), and irngulates that flee into u'ater are usualh'killed bl'l-rvacn:rs :rnd canids (Kruuk 1972; Nelson and N'Iech 198'1). 'l'he nreans bv rihich tr.'rannosaurids initiated attacks is clifficult to restore because tbc tactics thev Lrsed dependecl on nllrlerous, oflen uncert:rin, l'ariables (Paul 1988a). Presurnablv pre\,\\:as cletected :rnd tracked bv a corrbination of ercellent r,ision and oltaction, sr-rpplerrented br good hearing. Rearing n,ould hai,e hclpcci locatc clistant prei, br-rt had to be utilized carefullr to rrir.rirnize exposlrre. 'l'he exceptionai olfactorv perforrlance ri'as especialh useful for sensing loli'profile prev in hear.,ilr' ','egetated areas. Potential herbivore prev counterecl t'ith varvir-rg arravs of the same senses to perceive attackers. The degrcc to n'l.rich the predators iind their prer,u'ere camouflaged in order to niinirnize their detectabiliti is not knon,r-r. Smell to detect prcv u'or-rlcl causccl tvrannosatrrids to approach pre'u,
don,nu ind, thus nrinir.nizing the chance of being cletected too earlr'.
\\lhether reptilian-brainecl predators :rre knou'leclgeable enotrgh to cleliberateiy avoid being up',r'incl of their targets is not cert:rin (the abilitv of oras to circurn'ent the cletection of their oclor is not clcar; Auffenberg 1981). 'l-he te ncleno, of herbivores to voc:rlize whe n in herds or n'hile breeding,
defending territorr', and the like w,ould have aidccl long-distance detection bv predators. Tire great size and long, birdlike legs of adult tvrannosaurids clo not appear to have been concltrcive to catlike stalking tactics. Horr'e'n'er, adopting a slo\\', plantigraclc gait ri'ouicl have reducccl the height profilc. Plantigracle a\,epod trackn'avs are surprisinglr. cornnon (Kuban 1986). and birds son-retimes stalk flat footed (Paul lc)88a) A stealthr, ciose approach n'oulcl have been most feasiblc if vegetation nas sufficientlv dcnse. Alternatelr., tvr:rnnosaurids :rpproached their prer n iih minimal stalking, as clo canicls ancl hvenids. Big cats can s'ni'rtch be tri e e n stalking prev ancl runnirrg at it, depending on circumstances (Schaller l9ll); the salre ma\,have been trtte of tvrannosaurids. Certainlr,tho did not stop ancl roar at their victims, as corrrrnonlr portraved in cablc clocunrerrtarics these dals. Thchr crcrgctic tvrannosanricls cotrlcl h.ri c had thc liigh acrobic exercise capacitv rrcccle cl to chase prcv o\,er long dr:t.rnccs. but ri'hether ther,actuallv did so depenclecl on rm,ological celhrllr trctors that are clifficult to assess n'ithout sofl tissue. If giant adults reqLtire d irigh pon'er densitr, short-burst leg muscle fibe rs in order to nln. thcn thrr ,.r rre all short-distance anibush Gregory
predators. If the adults clid not need short-burst muscles to mor,e fast, then a nuniber of options are possible: thev could have been long-range pursuit predators por,r'cred bt' highlr aerobic, sustained pou'er leg nruscles, or tl-rev rrav har,e been configr.rred for short-range pursuit, or some taxa rnar'' have bee n extencled-range runrlers and others nav have been optimized for brief daslres. If the latter mixture of pursuit tt'pes vu'as true, then gracile Albertosdurus rrav qnalifl' as a longer-r:rnge rllnner than stor,rter Daspletosaurus, u'hich mav have emphasizcd a burst of speed over shorter distances. Hear.il-v built T bataar andT. rex nat'have be en short-range rtlnners, but long-range pursuit performance cannot r et be rulecl out. T\'rannosaurids usecl their speed both as a neans to catch prev and to avoicl being injured br,'tl-re victinr. Nlega-avepods probablv clid not contact to'nr,ard it at high-collision speeds because cloing so n'ould have resulted in serious injurr to the predator. Predators attempt to rratch thc spe ed and cadcnce of their victim in order to minimize the speed clifferential at the noment of attack, rraximizing the predator's safety'and its abilit-v to applv its r',eapons optimallr'(Thon-ras and Farlorv 1997). A tr,rannosaurid n'ottld continue to rttn fast lvhile assaulting its victirr onlf if tlie latter u'ere also rror,ing fast and parallel to the predator. If the conflict turned into a turning dogfight, the speecl n'ould drop because ir-rcrtial forces pre'n'ent large , fast-moving obiects fron.r turnit'tg quicklv, and because of the clangers of acciclental collision or irippir-rg. The predator ',r'ould e speciallr desire to avoid an acciclent during li'hai is a normal feeding event, rvhereas the prer'' n'or-rld be uore pressed to take risks dr.re to the potentiallr terminal nature of the situation. High aerobic exercise capacitv shoulcl have given t1'rannosaurids the abilitr.,to engage in leugthv corr-rbat when necessaty. Hor'r,ever, because of tl're d:rngers associatecl n'itl'r combai and n'ith falling (PaLil i987a, 1988a; Farlon,et al. I995), it mav have been to the advantage of tvrannosaurids to rlininrize phvsical contact ancl extenclecl, close-in struggles il,itl-r sirnilarlr sized prer', especi:rllr,the n'ell-arnecl ceratopsicls ancl sauropods. Hit-andmn tactics in u'hich the inega-avepods dashed in to deliver crippling pr,rnch-and-puil or toxic bitcs, folloned b1 a qr:ick retreat, ',r'ould har.'e best utilized the speed of tvrannosanricls (Fig. 18.7; Paul 1987a, 1988a). Some sharks use hit-and-run attack nodes ('liicas ar-rcl McCosker 1984; Paul 1988a; Klinlo, 1994), :rs do oras n'hen assaulting large ungulates (Ar-rffenberg 1981). T\.r:rnnosaurid attacks could have been quickll'repeated until the desirecl effect r,,,as achier,ed. Nlininrizing the high risk of direct-contact struggles is ir-r lir-re rvitl-i tl-re rather loiv strcngth factor of tvrannosaurid legs, especiallv albertosaurines and Tl rer, particr-riarlr the gracile morph. Such a modus oper:rndi is also logical considering the exceptional polr,er of the bite of tr,ranr-rosauricls, r'i,hich rray have beer.r an adaptation for ninin'rizing the contact tirne required to criticallv iniure prer'. Overlapping fields of i'ision uav have ftrrther optimized the precision ancl rapiditv of the bites. Attacks on limb tlttscles riould have been effectile at slou'ing the prev dou,n or even cripplir-rg it, rendering it easier to reapprorcharrd:afertorcallitckrFiq. I8.-r.Altcnr.rlirch.theattackerrrtay hate n'aited for the long-terrn effect of nounds to set in. The latter tactic is used
prel' w'hile running
Extreme Lifestyles and
bv oras, u hose bites are l-righlr septic (Auffenbcrg 1981). If tr.rannosaurids had lips able to harbor copiorrs amounts of bacterialader-r salvia, then ther, mav have been able to deliver virr-rler-rtlv int:ectious bites. Abler (1992) suggested that the dinosaur's tooth serrations harbored decar,ing, bacteria-breecling flesh. The se ptic bite hr,pothesis is not verifiable. It u'ould be underniined if fossil soft tissr-res establish that tvrannosaurids lacked moisture-retainirrg lips. 'fhe eviclence for infection of healed bitc u,ounds (Carpenter 2000; Wegu'eiser et al. 2004) mav be cor-npatible ri'ith the septic bite hvpothesrs. but it does not verift, it because the infections n'ere not vinrlent enough to kill the prev, and because anr' ',vound woulcl become infected to sone degree. Septic bites can take dal,s to sicken the prer'. This n'ould be acceptable for predators as big:rs tvranr-rosar,rrids, n.ho r,vould normallr'not feed for rlialv dal's betn'een rneals (Paul 1988a). Infectious bites rvould hal'e been espe-
cialh' efficacious in dealing ri'ith the arrnored dinosatrrs because a surall lr,ound could be lethal. Venonoi-rs bites could har,e also been advantageous to tvrannosarrrids. Fry et al. (2006) reported that r,aranicls have fast-acting torins in their saliva. This adaptation l-ias arisen u.ithin tl-re scluarrate clade. There is no osteoiogical evidence tl-rattheropods evoh,ed or:rl torins, butthe same is true of r,enomolls varanicls. If thesc clinosaurs lacked lips, then oral venon r'"ould appear unlikeh'. If ther. possessed s:rliva-retaining lips, ihen toxic bites are piarrsible brrt sper'r r lrrtivc.
In an'n'casc, n,aiting for riounded prev to n'eaken increases the risk of other tvrannosaurids taking over the operation. It is therefore possible that big tvrannosaurids quickli, killed prer, in one bout of combat, ancl tl-rer-r corrsumecl it before other tvrannosaurids coLrld get in on the proceedings. The rnassive-headecl, strongJeggecl daspletosaurs appear best suited for this tactic. When targeted prev n'as not large enough ancl u,as too u'eakh' annecl to pose :r serious danger, tr,rannosauricls probabll,utilizecl their abilitr,, to bite, holcl, and nranipulate prel lvitl-r the jan's to quickh,and ser,erelr, injure and kill it. Rapid lethalitv is especiallr,'likeh.ul-ren attacking the relativelr, n'eaklr, protected hadrosaurs, r.hich could have been Lrastilr. dispatched r,r,ith a bite to the rreck. 'l'he tvrannosaurids'superior abilitv to grab ancl rnanagc prer,'ii,ith the head nrav har,e cornpensated for the lack of the large arms other mega-avepods used for hancllirrg prei'. In aciditio' to availabilitr,, prev selection rvoulcl I'ra',e dependiirg '.aried on tvrannos:lrrici taron, age, and perhaps sex and population. Russell (1970, l9E9), Lehrnan (2001), Sampson et al. (2003), and Sampson and Loen'en (2005) observed that contenporirrt. Albertosaunrs and Daspletoslurus r','ere fairlv cliverse ancl provincial, strggesting a degree of specialization. 'l-he robust Dcspletosaurus nrav have preved on ceratopsids and ankr'losatrrs rrore often than the rnorc lightlr constrr-rcted AlbertosatLrtLs, u,hich could liave specialized ir-r ttrc more r rrlnerable hadrosatrrs (Russell 1970, 1989; Paul 1988a). Russell (19;0. 195S further noted thatAlbertosatLrus anci haclrosaurs u,'ere both confnon re iatile to Daspletosarirus and ceratopsids. respecti','e11'. On the basis of bonc bite marks in an AlbertosaurusDaspletosatLnrs liabitat, Jacobson (199\ concluded tl-iat tvrannosauricls fed on haclrosaLrrs I times more oftcr-r than orr ceratopsids. 336
Gregory 5. Paul
T. bataar did not erpericnce cor-rpetition as top predator, nor dicl this rloderatelr,heavilv constnrcted dinosaur have to cope rr ith cer:rtopsids. Its prinrarv pre\. \\':rs probablr' hadrosaurs, althotrgh Scntrolophus and S/rantuttgosaurus u'ere cxceptionaliv large, rl,ith prel, supplementecl br ankvlosarrrs alrd sauropocls (Hunrnr and Sabatl-r 2003). Like'I'. bataar, but unlike earlier North American tvrannosar-rricls, T rer lacked competition in its adr-rlt size cl:rss. The n'ide range of habitats and herbir.ore fatrnas it lived arnong suggest that it nas a generalist predator despite its liighlr specialized anatorlr' (l,ehnran 2001; Sarrpson and [,oen'en 2005). Because Trlcerdtops \\'as common, it n as probabli' an in-rportant portion of tl-rc cliet, but cxactlv l'rori irnportant relative to tlie clther connlon prev iterr, the more l'ulnerable ednrontosaurs, has not been docLrrnented bv a bone rnark surr,ev. Gigantic Anktlosattrus and snraller Edrnontonia n'cre too rare in 7. rer habitats to be an inrportant p:rrt if its foocl intake. The major diffcre nccs in lirnb bone strength sr-rggested from the 2 morphs of']'. rex suggcsts dirergent prcclation habits. This is tme if the 2 norphs (or tara) represcnt clifferent lr'eigl-rt classes, ancl it is even more probable if the 2 tr.pes r,r'ere simrlar in total rnass br,rt differecl in bone strength. In eitlier case, the robust morph appears better suited for battling n'itl-r ccratopsicls than its gracile counterpart. The specialized adaptations of 'll re.t for hurtting the horned giants is nost cornpatible r,r ith it being an actir,e predator. Although the eviclcnce sholvs that ther. did ass:ult healthv giants, large
tvrannosaurids probablv fcrllori,ed the standard predator tactic of prcfcrentia1l1'targeting individuals that n,cre not in prirrie condition. 'h'ranrrosauricls r'vere most likell' opportunists tl-rat attackecl and constttned anv prel item n'ithin their abilities to capturc and kill. l,argc cxtant preclators often fee d on small ancl jur,enilc tctrapocls, inclucling preclators, ancl cannibalisnr of 1'or-rng occllrs (Schaller l97l; Auffenberg l98l; Non'ak 1999). Bonc bite rnarks, gnt contents, and coprolite contents derronstrate that adult tr rannosauricls often fed on small and voung dinosaurs (Chin et al. 1998; Jacobson 1998;Varricchio 2001; L:irson and Donn:rn 2002). 'li.rarrnosauricls mar have been canr-ribals, as lias been clocun-rentecl for another rlega-ar,epocl (Rogers et al. 2003), even ifthev practiced parenting (as do lions; Schailer 1972), but anv cannibalisnr rias relatireli'r:rre :rccording to the results rrr Iacobson (1998). If the gracile juvenile tr.ralinosauricls, as n'ell as anl small-bocliecl aclults, rvere independent hunters, then their l.runting practices can be expcctcd tr-r har''e differecl clramaticallr fror-r those of the nnrch larger, more nrassivelr' constructecl gigantic adults (Russell 1970; Paul I988a; Farlori' 1976; Farlori and Holtz 2002, 2004). Thc rnorc delicatelv built ancl toothecl small-bodiecl tlrannosanrids, n'hether adults or juveniles, riere less adapted for combat ',vith polverfullr'armecl prer than ri,ere thc gro\\'n-ups. Suitable prer' for tfre su,ift, srnall-bocliecl tvrannosaurids riould be the similarli' fast ornithonrirnids, as n'ell as oviraptorosarrrs:rncl snrall ornithopods. Pachr,cephalosaurs ancl protoceratopsicls u ere probablv targctccl on occasiott. as u.'ell as iulenile hadrosarlrs and ceratopsids. Again, prcv segrcgatiort rnav h:lve occrtrred bct',r'ccrr srnall arrd juvenile tvrannosauricl t:.rra. Fbr cranrplc. if juvcnileA/bertosdurus \\'as nrore gracile than DaspletosattnLs of eclLrir alcnt groii'th size, thelr the
I ifactvla< an.] Hahtr. -- ,'t| !l,lttrmo L,,LJl/l
former mal'har,e be en more prone to hunt lighter, faster prev than tl-re latter. It is not possible to clirectly assess the predatorv habits of the sn'rallest, posthatchling tvrannosaurids bccause rerrains are lacking. Because thev n'eighed onlv a fen' kilograrrs, thev presumablv the fed on inr,eriebrates and srrall vertebrates. from insects to birds. 'fhere is no er,idence that tvrannosaurids, li,hich lacked the long, slender snouts of spir-rosaurs, of anv age \\'ere aclapted for or particularlv pror-re to feeding on aquatic organisrns, although thev rnal' have done so on occasion. Adtrlt ti'rannosauricls m:rr, har.e preved on srraller crococlilians along shorelines. llon'er,er, the gigantic North Anerican deinosuchians ',r'ere the onlr, predators that posecl a potential threat to aclult tvranr-iosar-rrids bv anbushing ar-rci pulling the clinosaurs into the ri,ater and drou'nirrg them (Schu'imrner 2002). Hence, tvrannosaurids rnav have been carefr,rl u'hen near l:rrge bodie s of n'ater, at least r'",here giant crococlilians u.'ere conrmon enor-rgh to pose a serious tlireat. Considering that footprints are trsuallr, preserved on shorelines, fear of supcrcrocs rnar, lrelp erplain the perplexing paucitv of tvrannosaurid trackn'ar,s. Altenratir,elr', I har,e elsenhere specnlated (Paul 1988b1 that the tachvenergetic tvrannosaurids could turn the tables on the bradvenergetic deinostrchians at high latitudes rihen uinter left the crocodilians torpid, n'hich rriar,'explain the absence of crocodilians fronr arctic 'nr,atercourses :rt that tin-re. .\ssurr-iing tl-rat "Nano/r,rcinnus" is a juvenile T rex, tl'ren the rnorphological changes during grou'th, including alteration of the teeth (Carr 1999), nat'reflect clianges in the prev selected during ontogen.,'. Tl-re prei,' of ','oung 7l rex presumablv consisted largeli' of fairh, safe ostricl-r rrirnics, small on-rithopods, and jui'enile herbivores. Br adr-rlthoocl ,'I'. rex engaged in corlibat n ith elephant-sizecl, l-reavilr.' armed, rhino-speed ceratopsids. Everi n'hile gron,ing, T. bataar clid not erpcrience an ecprivalent prel transforrnation in its ceratopsicl-free habitat, so its form ciicl not need to undergo the sane degree of rnoclification. An extraordinarv anatorrical ontogenetrc alteration irtT. rex forced bv its ontogenetic shift in victinrs nav be obscuring recognition of the jur.enile status of tvrannosaurid specimens fron the late \laastrichtian of ',r'estern North America.
Mental Performance and the Question of Organization during Hunting The modest enlargenent of tr,rannosauricl brains implies thai their tu-rnting behar.'ior \\'as nlore complex than that of sn-raller brained rnega-avepods. T'he problcrr of hunting the fast ancl dangerous ceratopsids rrar.have posecl an exception:rl mental challenge. It is difficult to con-rparativell'assess and to restore hunting in the 2 grollps because there are so rlanv Llncertainties. The sophistication of tr,rannosaLrricl hunting tactics ri,as probabll'lirnitecl. 'l'heir neural netu'orks u'ere :till reptiliar-r in organization, and nruch smaller than those of predaceous birds aucl manrmals. The dinosaurs' predatorr behar,ior should I'rave bctn corresponclingh,restrictecl in scopc, as u.ell as stereotvped cornprrre,cl rirtlL r.rptors and nrantmalian carnir.'orcs. r(lontrarr,to the corrrrnon inrpr...r, ,n. predators are not generallr.'
bigger brained than their prer. Indeed, the opposite mav be tme, as rn phorr,rsrhacids cornpared u,'itli their mamnalian victims; Paul 1988a.) The question of rnental capacitr.affects another problern: n'hether tvrannosaurids norr.nalli huntecl singlr', in packs, or both. An-rong moclern preclators, closelv related taxa or even populations n'ithin a species can exl-ribit dran-raticalh' different hunting nrodes. Tigcrs are solitarr.' hunters, whereas lions usuallv live in prides that cleplor cooperatir,e prev capture tactics (Schaller 1972; Non'ak I9991. Hou'ever, the sophistication of lion group hunting t:rctics shoulcl not be exaggerated (Schalicr i972). Cor,oies usuallr,'solitarr', but ther,Lrse grollp hunting tactics on occasiorr, especiallr, u'hen n'oh'es are absent in tiie area (Bckoff 1978). Similar inconsistencr.' mav have occurred al-nong n'rcga-al'epocls. Monospecific bone becls of tl.rannosaurid and nontvrannosauricl rnega-avepod ofdiffering age classes, and gregarious tracku,ar,s ofthe latter ha'n,e been presented as ei'idence of grotrps that huntccl as packs or evelr familv groups (Larson i997; f,arson ancl Dorrnan 2002; Currie 2000; Farlor,i' and Holtz 2002, 2004; Cr-rrrie et al. 2005; Coria and Currie 2006). Strch group tactics t'otrld have rrr,rltiplied the offensive porver of predatorv zln'epods, allori'ing tl-ren-r to bctter overconrc the clefensii.'e porver of prev taxa. Currie (2000) further suggcsteci th:rt tvrannosaurids of cliffering ages plaved clifferent roles during group hunting: the faster jul'eniles are postulated as herding prer,'tou.,ard tl-re slor,r'er, more pow'erful adults. Hon'ever, it is not certain n'hether such a marked speed differential betr.ieen jur.'eniles and adults u'as present. Nor is it clear that sniall, lightl1' built jui'eniles cor,rld have intimidated large herbiiores into fleeing in the clesired direc-
tion. If group hunting llas a sirnple rnatter of the pack or family attacking en nasse, then the disparate fighting pow'er of the jr-n'eniles ar-rd the aclults could pose problems if the prer ri'ere large, pon'erfui adrilts. The exceptional killing pon'er of individual tvrannosaurids, as suggested br, N'leers (2002), ma'u'have rcduced tlieir r-reed to r,r'ork in groups. It is problen-ratic lr,hether tire small-braine d tvrannosaurids and other mega-avepocls r:i'ere nentallr capable of using tmlr, cooperative hunting tactics. Er,en if thev did har.e tlie ncntal acuitr to form organized packs, thev rnav not havc clone so. After ail, er,en big-brainecl preclators can be solitarv I'runters, as are nost cats and raptors. The tvrannosauricls u,'ould seem capable of nore cornpler social and parenting behavior than other, sn-raller brain mega-avepods, but this does not guarantee that thev dicl so. Also casting doubt on the depth or existence of parent-offspring rnteractions is the unusu:rl ontogenetic deepening of the ti,rannosaurid skulls. This is the opposite of the pedon'rorphic pattern expected in anrmais that parent tl'reir 1'oung. Insteacl, the long-snouted, manr,'toothed juvenilcs appear u'ell suited for fending for therlselves (Paul 1988a). Therrien et al. (2005) conclucleil tliat the juvcniles' jan's u'cre as n,ell adapted for feeding as thosc of the adults. Juienile tlr:rnnosauricls rvere probablr' able to sun'ir,'e on their o\\'n elen if thev normallr.receir,ecl some deqree of parenting.
Extreme Lifestyles and
Reproduction and Parenting Potential The sanre niodest lo'cls of mental capacitr that prob:rbll placed constraints on ty,rannos:rrrrid preclatior-r shoulcl l-rar,'e limite d the erient and sophistication of ar-n social organization, including parenting, that thev rrav hale practicecl, if thev practiced anr at all. It is questionablc nlrcther such srnallbruincd;rrrirrr,rl' riorrld luie cared For llreir progt'rrr otcr ilre ntan\ \eJ15 that thel'appear to have renrained juvenilcs. In some mammals (Noriak 1999) and especiallv in reptiles, sexual nr:rturitv is reached ri ell before final adult size. For eranrple, oras are sexr-rallr, matrrre ritren jLrst a fen i'ears olcl ancl at a srlall fraction of adult mass (Ar-rffenberg 19811. According to thc claia in Schueitzer et al. 12005, this rolurre), 'aT. rex that u'as about I'ralf of its rn:rximurn mass, in its 1:rte teens, and about 5 r'cars slrort of reaching final nrass (Erickson ctal.200-l) nas senalh rnature (cleph:rnts often become scruallv natute in their tcens; Noriak 1999). \\lhether tvr:rnnosanricls nere sexualh'nrature considerablv carlier than the specirren reported bv Schri,eitzer et al. is not vet knon n. A larger srlrvev of tvrannosauricl spe cimens n ill, I hope, :lns\\'er this important qrrestion. Aniong the shortlivecl tlrannosauricls, it rias selectiteli adrantageorls for reprocluction to begin n'ell before gron.th ri'as completed in ordcr to rnarirnize the reproductive span, buteven then, ihe reprocluctive periocl ri'oulcl hare beert unr,rsr-rallv brief for such large anirnals. It ri'onld har.e also been selectivelv ach'antageous to cornpensate for the sl-rort reproductivc span br iu'esting resolrrces in rapid reproduction. Altl-rougl-r the nodc of reprocluction is currentlv not docurncntccl bl clircct fossil eviclence in this particular group, it nas probablr'bv rnodest-sized, harcl-shcilecl cggs (Par-rl 199'1. 2002, Larsorr 2000). Because it n,as able to cleposit large numbers of eggs each r.ear, and becausc it lired in clangerfilled habitats, it follori s that tvrannosaurids n crc probablr fast-breecling rstrategists (Paul lc)94). If so. then tlicir population should hiive been cloniinated br juveniles, and the energr.inefficient tachvcr-rergetic adLrlts should har.e bccn rarer than adult nrarnrnals of sinrilar size.'l'he probable production of large numbers of eggs ancl the lirnitccl brcecling period of the shortlii'ed adrrlts further suggcst ihat parcnting ri,as lin-rited or absent. It is therefore possiblc that n-ronospecific adLrltjrn'enile bone bccls clo not recorcl parent-offsprirrg interactions. Jui'enile tvrannosauricls niav have been independerrt hunters frour hatching on. Sonrc juvcrriles mav har,e associated n'itl-r u'l-ratever adults ri'ere available iu order to bcnefit from regular scar. enging of the kills of the latter. A partial modern analog is the arctic for. 'l'he little canicl often folloli's polar bears and uolves in order to obtarn carrion (Non'ak 1999); at other tirnes, it hunts on its on'n. 'l'he remora is another erarnple of an associ:rtion of a sm:lll pred:rtor ri'ith a rluch larger one. The T rer juveniles lnav haie errjored a degree of passive protection bt'being near adults. Horiever, nhetlrcr tlrcr rrerc rclated or not, juvenile tvrannosaurs mal have been in dangcr,ribring cclnsr-rniccl bv aclults thev associatecl ri'ith. If jul'cnilcs u ere nrarke dh iaster than the adults, then tliis speccl nrav have proviclecl their nrcan: oi c\cape. Thc superior agilitv of sn-rall inclivicluals n,ouicl h:rve proliclccl tlrcnr ri ith some protection. Of all
avepod dinosanrs, r'oung tvrannosaurids w'ere, because of their short arms, tl-re least suited for escaping adults ancl other predators bi' clirrbing into brr.rsh and trees, like jur,enile oras (Paul 2002). It is possible that parent-offspring relationsl-rips r"aried among tyrannosanricls, rangilig from none in sonte to extensive in others. Sorne or all
tvrannosaurids mav sirnph'har.'e deposited their eggs in the grourrd, then abandoned then.r. Or ther,built rnore elaborate nests that thev ther-r left, or that thel naintained and guarded. There is no evidence that tr,rannosaurids created the ring-sl-rapecl nests common to nrore birdlike dinosar,rrs (Larson aircl Donnan 2002; Paul 2002). No clata are cttrrentlv available on the nesting behavior of tvrarurosaurids. Direct incubation of partll exposed eggs, as inferred in srraller avepod dinosattrs (PaLrl 2002), is improbable because eggs u,ould har"e been cmshed, and because adults lacked tl-ie extensi'u'e feather pelage needed to insulate
therl (contra Larson and Donnan
2002). Instead, incubation ofburied eggs uould have been bv indirect solar l-reating of the soil, and perhaps fermentation of plant naterials. The great
size clisparitr, betri'een aclults ancl I'ratchlings n'ould have posed seriotts problerls for parenting t)'ranuosattricls. The voung r'"'ould have been in serious clanger of being stepped on bv adults, nho u'ould hal'e had trouble keeping track of a brood of such snrail charges, and iuver-ri1es u'eighing just a feii,kilograrrs n'ould hale been hardflessed to keep up u'ith n-rultitonne adults. It is possible that some or all posthatchling t'n'rannosatrrids intnecliatelv left the nest antl le d solitart'lii es. Or some or all posthatchlings rnay' have forrned juvenile pocls that lii'ed separateh' frorn larger jr-rr.'eniles and adults, u'ho in tum mar'har,e hunted the sniall juveniles r.ihen the opportunity arose . Agair-r, there are no available fossil clata on the matter. 'l'he extensive, apparentlr intraspecific injuries obserr.'ecl in tyrannosaurids indicate that thel'u'erc often violent among thenselves. 'fhis is not sltrprising because pred:rtors are cornnronlr' aggressive tor'','ard one atlother (Kruuk 1972; Schaller 1972;Auffenberg I98l; Nor'r'ak 1999). It is not currentlr' possible to deternrine r,,,hether the injuries occnrred during social dispLrtes rvithin organize d groups, over territorial and breeding contests, or lvhile contending for carcasses. Somc conrbination of the above is probable.
N'Iuch is non,kno'nr,n about tvrannosaurid biologl. There is no reason to doubt that ther' fcd on c:lrcasses on a regul:rr basis, but ther, were not specialized for scar.enging. No other similar-sized preciaceous dinosalrrs concentrated so rruch rrass irr the heacl or legs, and i,r'ere as n'ell adapted for rurrning. Healecl bite narks on adult haclrosatrrs and ceratopsids shou' that tr.rannosaurids activeh'hunted giant l-rerbilores healthl', fast, and powerflll enough to either flee or fight off their attacker. 'il rannosauricls lr,ere tachl. energetic, experiencecl a period of rapicl gron th. and thet'lived onll'abor-rt
3 decades at nost.
If the ol'iparorrs tvrannosaurids n'ere r-straiegists, tl'ren thev were
cies u'liose high rates of reprodr.rction, rapid gros th, and abilit-v as juveniles
to sun'ive on their o\\'n gave them a greater population recoverv potential than giant nranrnals, w'hich are big-brained. slot.breeding K-strategists :':'eme
Lifestyles and Habits
u'ith ertendcd parental care
(PaLrl 1994r. Rapid reproduction and gron'th hare alloried tvrannosaurids to replace the high rate of losses that '"vould resulted from dr ing so vollng. Unlikc slori.-breeding, giant rnamnals that acqtlire large knou'ledge bases ancl invest in lor-rg lires, the presurnablv fast-reprodrrcing tvrannosauricls n'hose reptilian brains stored limitecl ir-rfomration appear adapted for short lives of extreme danger in nhich safetv u'as not a primary selective factor. Gigantic tvrannosaurids can tl-rerefore be confidentll' assessed as fast-grou'ing preciators u'ho lii ed in the er-rergetic and locomotor fast lanes, engaging in high-risk combat n'ith ec1uallr, large prer, at ungulatelike speeds, and consequentlv dr ing voung. This extrerne lifestl'le n'as neither reptilian nor fullv man'inialian. A partial nodern analog is the mor-tntain goat, rifiich risks death n'ith r irtuallr' er.'en'step takcn on tou'ering cliffs. Another analog is the cheetah, n,hich are erceptionallv fast predators. Tl're spe ed is achieiecl at the cost of a lightlv built bocli that is r.'ulnerable to damage, and elen a sliglit injurr,can disable the cats'speed to the degree that thei' cannot successfullr, hLrnt. Wild cheetahs do not norrnallv live as long as other big cats (Caro 1994).
T'he probabilitv that tvrannosaurids lived high-risk lives u ith lon safetv factors further corrplicates attempts to assess their athletic abilities bv trsing
bone dirnension and strength factors relative to bodr. mass. 'li'rannosaurid ntass estimates extrapolatcd from correlations of bone dianreters in living bipeds mav be too lou, if the ti rannosaurids n ere anatonicallv aclapted to accept higher loss rates during locomotion ancl cornbat. Converselr.', estir-nates of speed that are based on lirnb bonc strength and risks of falling (A1exande r 1989, 1996; Farlor,i et al. 1995, 2000; Christianse n 2000) n'ra1'be too lou'for the san're reason (Alerander 1996; Paul 2000). Albertosaurine tyrannosar:rids shoulcl have been. if anlthing. faster thar-r allosauricls, r'et the latter have the rnore robust ancl apparentlr'stronger ferrora (Christiansen 2000). Likeu'ise, speed estimates that are based on the risks associated n,ith falling u'hen rttt-tnittg ma',' be too lon. Furthern-rore, although fast rr-rnning n as itself dangerous for giants, the use ofa high-spcecl attack rcduced the danger that the prev notrlcl ir-rjure the predator, and it also reduced the risk that ihe prer, n'or-rld escape or sttrvive tl-re attack. Tlie shortlir,ed, combatir,e tyr:lnnosallrids mav hai'e been under strong seiective pressrlres to reduce safetl'factors to a mittitnurn clcspite their colossal size. This trend appears to have been takeli to an ertrcme in tire slencler-legged albertosaurines and huge 'I'. rex, in n'hicl-r the lirnb strength factors are the lonest. If so, the snrall-brainecl but gigantic-boclied tr.'rannosaurids might be r ieri,ecl as readili' repiacecl, thron. au'av preclators.
As rruch as \\'e no\\; knorv abor-rt tr rannosaurids, much else remains uttcertain. It is not knori'n w'hether their bites u,ere septic, toric, or neither. The presence or clcgree of cranial kine sis is unclear. 'l'he oft-citecl overlapping fields of vision na\: or m:l1.not hale provicled trtre stereoscopic vision. Nor is it knon n r.r'hether the forlvarcl-facing eles er.olved under direct selective pressnres, or r,iheti'rer ther,n'ere a beneficial or incicler-rtal secondarv effcct of lateral erpansion of tire jas rnir.cle accorrrr-iodating tl-re temporal box. It is not knon'rt n.hether the supcrprcclators hunted bv da)., at night, or both. \lodern prcclators often htrnt.rt.rll hours of the dar'(Kruuk 1972;
Schaller 1972; Nor,ak 1999), and Molnar (1991) suggested that the tyrannosaurids' overlapping visior-r fields may have aided nocturnal predation. Limited n.rental capacitr. and size dispariti' problems consirained the con'rplexity of u'hatever gregarious interactions that rnar,' have occurred and may l.ravc preventecl corrplex social activities. Virtuallv nothing is known about i-resting or the care, if an1.', of eggs, hatchlings, and sn-rall juveniies.'l'he tyrannosanrids' nnusual ontogenetic skull allornetrv suggests that parenting rvas not well developed or was absent. Single-species skeletal accurnulatiorrs mav record true soci:ility bctn ee n agc classes, or alternativeh,, it rrav indicate that juveniles taggecl along r.r'ith aclults, hoping to picking up leftor.'ers.
If juveniie tr.'rannosaurids
largelv or entirelv ir-rdeper-rder-rt l-rtrnt-
ers, thel'n'ould have corr-rpeted ',i'ith adult deinonvchosaurs, ancl thev rnav
have suppressecl the cleinonvchosaurs' populatiorr sizes and influenced their evolution (Paul l98Ba).'fhere was a general size decrease in flightless drornaeosatrrs in the late Cretaceor-is (Par-rl l988a, 2002). Jur,eniie tvrannosauricls, with larger brains, overlapping fields of vision, and better nrnning perfornlance, mav have posed rnore serions cor-r-rpetition than the voung of other meg:r-avepocls.However, because thel' were ultimately configurccl to bccorne enornlous adults, the anatomv of juvenile tvrannosaurids coulcl not be optinrized for their size, so their body forrr \\'as a comprornise betrveen the needs of smali predators and the need to gror'v into giants. Deir.rollvchosarlrs ll'cre selectil'elv optiniized for their size class. In addition, because they descenclecl fron-r ance stors u.'itl-r a historl'of clirrbing and flight (Paui 1988a, 2002; N'lal r et al. 2005), the birdlike, larger-brained, strong-armed, large-claneci, ancl agile cleinonvchosaurs, r,vhich may have been nore social and parental than other clinosaurs (Par-r} 2002), u,ere adapted for huntir-ig in a manner clran-raticallv ciifferent frorn 1'oung tvrannosaurids. Dromaeosaurs may ha'"'e e'n'en been able to kill proportionallr' larger prel'(Paul 1988a; 'l'herrien et al. 2005). Deinonvchosaurs m:rv there fore have enjoved selectil'e ad','antages over equal-sized t1'1611t-rorarricls ir.r
nanr, circumstances. If juvenile tyrannosaurids clid have
a strong effect on deinony'chosaurs, it nrav have bccn because adult tyrannosaurids flooded tl'rc habitats r.r'ith so nany volurg that thev cotrld not help but adverselv affect the deinonl'chosaurs. In cornparison to tvrannosaurids, other mega-avepods n ere not as fast, as agile, or as por'"'erful at a gir.en size. 'l'heir sense of snell rvas also less developed, perhaps bec:ruse it is not ciifficult to find large sauropods in the clrier, rr-rore open habitats. Nontr.rannosaurid rnega-avepocl heacls wcre nore suited for slashing soft tissues n ith long rou,s of blacled teeth porvered
b\,r,r'eaker jan'rnuscles. Less overlap of visior-r ficlds suggests bites were ap-
pliecl lcss precisell'. In these examples, part of the attack r,i,as delivered bv
porverful, large cl:ru'ed arrns. The abilitr to inflict crippling or killing n'ounds appears to have been less tl-ran that of tvr:rnnosaurids, so attacks mav have taken iolger to be effectir.'e. Nontvrannosarlrid mega-avepods appear to be better car-rcliclates than the rrore pon,erfull1, jall'ed, conicaltoothecl tvrannosauricls tbr har ing septic or venonlous bites. Nontl,rannosaurid nega-avepocls comrnonlv liled arnong sauropods, and thev probabir used nediurn-spec<1, slashing attacks on the much larger herbivores Extreme Lifestyles and Habits
(Ttromas and Farlou,' 1997; Paui 1987a, 1955a: \ovas et al. 2005). The extreme sizc ol carcharodontosaurs mav have e voh e d to facilitate preving oir especiallr'cnonlroLrs titanosar-rrid sauropocls. Some tyrannosar-rrids lived rn regions that lacked prev significar-rtli' larger than themseh'es. T'he less extrerne bulk of tvrannosaurids, higher spe eds, and purlch-pull attack rnode nrar" har"e evolr,ed to cope
u'ith these
less nrassive, faster herbir,ores.
hvpothesis is cornplicatecl br, the consistent presence of sauropocls in the habitats of tarbosaurs, ar-rci later in some 'I'. rex hal>itats (e.g., tl-re North Horn Forrnation of Utarl. Anothcr crplanation for thc differer-rt aclaptations of nontr,rannosaurid mega-avepods and tvrannosauricls is their different evolutionarv heritages. h-r this scenario, the tvrannosauricls descended fron-r coelurosaurs rnore advanced than thc basal ancestors of other rnega-avepods. This led thc 2 groups to el'olr.e clifferent suites of adaptations that accomplishecl tl.re same need to kill large prev. It is possible that differing evolutionarr,'histories ar-icl clifferent prel'characteristics con-rbinecl to distinguish tvrannosar-rrids fronr other nega-ai'epods. It is interesting that the onlv other n-rega-avepods that rir,aled tr,rannosauricls in arn redr-rction and speed enhancement-certain abelisaurs-appeared at about the sarne tinre. Allosaurids sho'"r,that at least some other mega-avepods aiso led brief, danger-filled lives. Whether anv rrontvrannosaurid rnega-avepods Lrad skeletal safetl factors as loi,v as that seen in albertosaurines ar-rcl T rer is not r,et certain. Sonie aspe cts of tvrannosanrid hunting techniques can be restored ri.'ith strbstantial conficlence. Other aspects remain highlr, speculative, br-rt the tactics probablv varied rvidell depending on factors sucl-r as t1'rannosartrid taron, agc, scx, habitat, and prer,tvpe. The ur-usual speed of tvranr-rosaurids, ceratopsicis, ancl hadrosaurs, the upgracling of u'eaponrr. in tvrannosaurids and ceratopsids, and the upscaling of tl-re size of the last tvrannosaurids, ceratopsicls, and ankr'losaurids mav represent a Red Queen arms race, aided bv
the erpansion of the resorlrce base as the interior sea\\'av retreated from North An.rerica (Sanpson et al. 2003). Osborn's (1916) vien'that T rex combine cl a unique lelel of size, killing polver, and running speed an-rong knori.'rr terrestrial predators is verified by the results of this studv. Hou' the descendants of T. rex and its prer,' could liave evolved u'ith aclclitional tirle is unknon'n because the KIT crisis abortecl the er,oltrtior-rarr exuerinrent.
I acknorvlcdge the assistance and discussion over nanv vears of Philip Currie, Kenneth Carpenter, Thomas Holtz, Peter Larson, Jorn Hunrrn, Janies Farlon,, Blaire Van Valkenburgh, Williarn Sellers, Per Christiansen, John Flapp, N.Iarr, Schu'eitzer, Hall Train, Oliver \\'ings, ancl nnmerous others.
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Grpnnrt \ Pertl
ancl eviclence for protofeathers
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Frgure 19.1 . Rostral portton of left supraorbital horn core of Triceratops SUP 9713. (A) Left lateral view. Shadow is right supraorbital horn core. (B) CT image from left lateral view showrng sagittal plane passing through midline of horn core. (C) Dorsal view of second mark. (D) Ventral view of horn break showing first mark. Areas of pronounced osteoproliferative changes are enlarged. Scale bars = 2 cm (A), 1 cm (8, C, D).
John Happ
Evidence from ancient examples of predator-prev relationships can provide insight ir-rto the ecologv and bel-ral'ior of ancient anirnal populations (Bisliop I975; Erickson arid Olsor-r 1996; Happ and Nlorro'"v 1997;Jacobsen 1998; F'arlorv and Holtz 2002). When predators attack their prel', the_v can potentially
enduring er,idence of thcir bel-ravior in the fossil record. 'l'he pattern of predator danrage tliat is seen in fossil anirnal bones correlates with the type lear.e
of carnivore (Havnes 1980, 1981). Fbr exarnple, theropods can sometirres be identified to the far-rily,or genlls level bv n-ratc1-rii-rg spacing betu'een parallel tooth rnarks on bone n,ith intertooth clistances of specific tl-reropocl skulls.
size ancl sl-rape of a tooth rnark provide additional diagnostic inforn-ration (Currie and Jacobsen 1995; )acobsen 1995; Erickson and Olson 1996). Predation marks are inflicted b1,' predators before or at the tin're of cleath; sca."'enging n-rarks are inflictecl onlv after cleath. The distinction bet'"r'een the 2 fecding behaviors is often irlpossible to discern fron the fossil record (Brain 1981; Horner and f,esserl 1993; Currie and Jacobsen 1995; Jacobsen 1995, 2001). Evidence of predation is more clear riher-r tooth
nrarks are accornpaniecl bl,healing (Rogers 1990; Williarnson 1996). For exarnple, bolre regror,vth is observed in tooth n.rarks of Trrarntosdurus rex
left in caudal vertebrae of F,dmorLtosaurus anrrcctens (Carpenter i998). In addition, healing of tooth-marked bor-re requires tl-rat the bitten specimen survive the encountcr for at least the time requirecl for neu,bone to forn-r. ]-his is illustrated in rel-realed tooth-strike trauma in crar-rial n-raterial of Herrerasaurus ischigtLalasterrsis (Sereno ancl Novas 1997), Sinraptor dongi, Gorgosaurus librattLs, andDaspletosaurus torostLs (Tanke and Currie I998), rvhere the bite rnarks provide er,.iclence of ir-rtra- or interspecific bitirrg
among tlrcropods. Here, I anall'ze bite n-rarks on the skull of Triceratops tlrat are attributed to predation b,t,Ty74n71otoun6 rex (Happ 2003) to estirnate the position of tl-reir heads at the tirne of the encounter and to consicler behavioral consequences inferrecl fron-r their posiiion.
A partial skr-rll of Tricerafops sp., SUP 9711, n,as collected in 1997 fronr the r,rpper portion of the Hell Creek F-onnation (upper Maastrichtian, Upper Predator-Prey Behavior in T. rex and Triceratops
Description of the Iriceratops Skull 355
Cretaceous) near Jordan, Garfield Countr', N{T (exact localitv inforn'ration on file at Shenandoah Llnii'ersiti). The skull la'n'ir-i a grav siltstone ir-r u'hich tlie dorninant clav rninerals n'ere mixedlar'er snectite-iilite, as deternined bv Fastovskl (1987), ul-ro interpretecl these facies as floodplain deposits. '['he 'liiceratops skr-r1l ri,as burie d during a flood in fine-grained sedimelit that preserr,'ecl clctails of camivore clamage. Br,rrial occurred soon after death, but before the l-rorn sheath and its r-rnderiving cornplcx netu'ork of blood vesscls could decar'(Happ and N{orron'2000). As a resr-rlt, there rl,as rlinimal rveathering of the skull surface. The skull, u'hich'"l,as approximateh'70% cornplete, ri,as found invertecl rvitli both sr-rpraorbital horn cores detached. The right horn core rvas lving against the right side of the skull, ar-rcl the left horn core n'as w'ithin 8 crn of the maxilla. Additional cranial elernents included, the rostrum, prenaxillarl, rnaxillari', nasal hont core, nasal, left jr:gal, right sqr-ra-
nos:rl, fragmented parietal, fragmented left squamosal, and the region surror-rncling tl-re brain car.itr'. The large relative size and degree of coossification of skull elerrents indicate that the specimen l','as an adult at the time of death. Fbr erample, the nasal horn core measllres l0 cm from the ve ntral surface of the r-rasal to apex of tl-ie Lrorn core and represents the largest ol 4I Triceratops nasal l-rorn cores measrlred. No postcrar-rial rnaterial of SUP 971J n'as found at the
Description of Injuries
quarrv site.
The skull
shorvs evidence of in juries to botl-i the
left supraorbital horn core
and left squamosal. T'lie right sr-rpraorbital horn core is compiete and is approxil-ratell'600 nrn long. The left horn core is damaged, and the rentatt-ting portion is about 160 nln long. If both horns were of coinparable sizc before tl-re clan'rage, then the left horn core',r'ottld be rnissing or-ie-third (240 n'rrn) of its original length. The hon'i rvas broken diagonallv for 120 mrn in the rostral direction to the dorsal side (Fig. 19.1A). On the edges of the
clamaged area on opposite sides of the horn are 2 synrmetricail,v opposing conical clepressions. Both lie in a sagittal piane that passes through the rridlir-re of the l-rorn (Fig. 19.lB). The first depression (Fig. I9.1B, first mark; is J3 mn insicle the break on the ventral side, and is I5 nrrl n'ide and 12 n-rrn deep. The opposir-rg depression (Fig. 19.lB and 19.lC, second rrark)
occllrs l1 n'rrn outside the break on tl-re dorsal surface. and is 18 mm ivide and 16 mm deep. Both depressions preserve smooth edges, presurnabll' from osteoproliferative changes. Or-r the surface of the break, neu reactive bone grou,th has procluced sniooth larncllar bone n'ith numerolls conflttent, snall perforations resulting in a fine filigree textttre (Fig. 19.1D).'l'he surface of thc break is also characterized b-v additional rugose oi'ergrolvtlis of bone (fig. 19.1D). This pattern is not obserr,ed in tl-re broken portion of 7 aclclitional supraorbital horn cores in the collectior-r at Shenandoah Unir.ersitv that shovn' no signs of healing. Tliree surface iacerations that are s1'mmetricallr'lir-rear and parallel appear on the rostral portior-r of the left squaurosal ciose to the ciepressions prei,'iouslv clescribed (fig. 19.2A). The first is 60 rnrn \ong,22 mrn u'icle, and prominent:rnd is 65 nrrn frorn the second mark, r.l'hich is 95 mnl long, 6 rrrr rviclc, and more superficial. The second n-rark is 6l rnrtt from the John Happ
third, u'hich is 90 mm long, 6 mm n icle, and faint. At the first rnark, bone fibers are expar-rded and interlace the length of the n-rark, producing a disfigr-rrerrent (Fig. 1t).2Ct. Rugose overgrolvth of bone ertends I mnr abor,e its normal surface (Fig. 19.2D). The rcmaining 2laceration marks are elongate, gentll.curr.ing in cross section, ancl have ragged n-rargins. Tl-re internal strllcture of both left horn and squamosal r,r.'as analvzecl br,con.rputed ton-rographr'(CT) n'ith a C'fi-GE scanner. Areas of ir-rcreased racliodensitv tliat reflect :rccunulation of higher densiti' bone exter-rcl subperiostealll in CT scans at both injuries. The first scar or-t the scluamosal is detectecl in C'f images to a depth of l2 mrn, and the second scar is
in CT
'l'he size and configuration of the depressions on the supraorbital horn
Finrrro 19 ''J" -
score marks circled. (B) Radiograph of same vrew
showing higher radiodensity at first score mark. (C) Enlargement of first score mark. (D) Lateral view of periosteal new bone or involucrum at first score mark. Scale bars = 2 cm (A, B), 1 cm (C, D).
suggest that thev n,ere caused bv blou's fron blunt objects, such as ieetli. The depressions are tlpical of large tl-reropod tooth-strike traurri:r (lacobPredator-Prey Behavior in T. rex and Trrceratops
tion of left squamosal of Triceratops SUP 9713. (A) Dorsal view with parallel
of Damage
60 mm
+----------> sagittal plane
sagittal plane
Figure 19.3. Left supraorbital horn of Triceratops (A) Left lateral view caudal direction to the right. Questions marks sig nify possible tooth marks. (B) Caudal view of cross section of horn showing displacement of tooth marks in different transverse planes.
sen 1995), and their morphologv is consistent rvitl-r the peglike shape of stout tvrannosauricl tccth (Farlou'et al. l99l; Abler 1992). In Figure 19.lB, the second depressior-r cornpares to the apical portion of the crou,n of a nrarillarr'lateral tooth of an aclult T rex (Erickson and Olsen 1996, fig. 3). Thc svnrmctricalh,opposing positions of the depressions on ihe dorsal and r.'entral surfaces of the horn that pass through a comnlon sagittal plane through the nicllinc of the horn and clisparate directions of tooth penetration (Fig. 19.1B) stronglf impll'that the punctures resttlt frorn a single bite. Because the horn core is composed of a thick outer iaver of cornpact bone at thc points of penetration, tl-re clarnage requires a bite of ttnusttal force. Analvsis of cranial design and function in tvrannosatrrids indicates that the jan's are capablc of ger-rerating crushirg bites (Hurur-n artd Currie 2000; N,{eers 2002; Rar'field 200'1; Ral.field et al. 2001). In fact, Erickson et al. (1996) estimatecl tl-rat'I'. rexha<\a bite force that rivals the largesi bite force rneasnred for anv modern taron. Ar-ral1'sis of bone fragments in a coprolite attribrrted IoT. rex provides additional e.,'iclence of its bone-crushing abilitv (Chin et al. I99B). Therefore, the depressions and break in the horr-r of Triceratops are attribr-rtecl to a bone-crnshing bite of T. rex. Irregular pits or-r the short, bosslike supraorbital horn cores or exhibit irregular depressions abo',,e the orbits rather than rvell-formecl supraorbital lrorrrs occur in certain chasmosaurine taxa (Chasrnosdurus belli, C. russelli, C. in e ne n sis) an cl c entros ar-rri ne taxa (,S tt raco s aur us, P ach,t- rhino aur u s, k iniosaurusi) (Sampson et al. 1997; Holmes et al. 2001; Doclson et al. 2004). The process responsible for the horn core erosiorr remains unkrtou'n (Salipsor-r et al. 1997). lnTriceratops, Chttsmosaurus mariscalensis, Pentaceratops, and s
other chasn'rosaurincs that are cliaracterized b-v long ancl r,r,cll-formed supraorbital horns, tl-rese depressions are absent (Holmes et al. 2001). In fact, the presence of these depressions trtOhasmosaurus irvinensis is one of the clefinir-rg clraracters that clistinguisl'res C. irvinensis hon Triceratops and otl-rcr chasmosaurines. In addition, pits in other ceratopsian horn cores are irrcgtrlar ancl asvtntnetric (flohres et al. 2001; L)odson ct al. 2004), t'here:rs the ones irr Tiiceratops described above sholr' a patterr-r of svmmetrr'. 'l'hev are si mrretricalh' sitllatcd in opposing positions on the dorsal and ','entral surfaces of the horn ancl lie in a comrrlon sagittal plar-re that passes through the midline of the hcirn. 'l'herefore , because the erosional pits observed in cen-
John Haao
Maximum lntertooth Distance (mm)
AMNH 5027
RTMP 81.6
SDSM 12047
TACM 23844
BHt 3033
SUP 9713
Table 19.1 . lntertooth Drsta nces of Tyra n nosa u rus
Distance between 3 squamosal marks 63, 65
trosaurinc ancl certain other ceratopsids appcar in an irregular pattenr and clo not occnr in'liiceratops, the puncturc rnarks on the SLJP 97lJ horn corc are rrore easih erplaincd as rcsulting from a tvrarurosaurid bite. 'l'he laceration ln:rrks on the sclu:rmosal resernblc large theropocl tooth scr:rpes over bone, and their rnorphologr, is also consistent lr'ith the sh:rpe of tvrannosaurid teeth (Jacobsen 1995). Bccause the scparnosal u'as lacerated bi teeth from just a singlc jaw, tl-re nounds do not shon,the degree of bone cnrsl'ring proclucecl b1,both jan's in the horn bite. 'fhc clistance bctrveen linear ancl parallel narks (63 and 65 mn) corresponds to the nraximrrrn intertooth distance of 8 specirnens of T. rex (Table 19.1). Tl rex is the onlv theropocl from this fornration n'ith an intertooth distance of this size. Thc ncrt largest intertooth distance recordcd for a theropod frorn this forrnatiorr is for Rlcardoestesia sp. and is lcss than 10 mnr (Jacobscn 1995). Lacking a taxon of the size of T. rex in collections or in thc litcr:rture, the l:rceration rnarks on the squarnosal as l,r,ell as the closclv associatecl pnncture m:rrks on the horn core are attribr-rted to the same source: T rer.
Reactir,e bone formation is detected in the injuries to the horn ancl sqtra-
rnosal. Tboth puncturcs in unhealed bone tvpicallv have sharp, raggecl eclges ('lanke ancl Currie 1998, fig. 5; Binfcrrd 1981, figs. 1.01 and 3.02). But for SUP 9713, rough edges of the tooth rnarks hai,'c been rounded over br. apparent osseous tissue developrnent. Smoothing of the ptrncture nrarks br.n'eathering or other taphonornic causes is ur-rlikelt'bec:ruse of the u'ellpreservecl fine stnrcture of the skull that lr'as buried sooll after death. Additional fine structure related to the original traumatic injuri,, such as traces of tooth carinae, l'ral'e been obscured bv osteoproliferatir.e changcs. 'l'he rtrgose grclu'th and disfigurcrneni of nerl' bone in both thc honr break and sqtrarriosal laceration marks are an indication that bone infection, or osteorrvelitis, :rccornpanied the ope n bolrc n'ouncls. 'l'he smooth larncliar bone u'ith numerolls conflnent small perforations that appears in the supraorbital iiorn brcak inatches thc filigree tvpe of bone reaction obserr.'ed in the broken supraorbital hom core of the chasmosaurineArzchlceratops clcscribccl -lirnke (1992,fig.6). b1'Rothschild ancl Figure 1c).2D shon's a mound of reac-
Predator-Prey Behavior ln T. rex and
Evidence of Healing and Infection
tivc bor-rc tissue or involncrnrn at the n'orrnd site on the sqrrarnosal. The presence of the involr-rcrtrm inclicates that osteornvelitis had progressed to strbperiosteal :rbscess forrratiorr ancl is an adclitional cliagnostic featurc of bone infection (lluether and \IcCance 2000). Racliographs (Fig. 19.2B) and CT inagcs furtl'rer highlight subperiosteal regions of increased radiodensit,v n'ound sites. The n ound rcpair process can lav don'n neu' corupact lamellar bone of higher clensitv than surronrrding bone, causing reduced radiolr-rcence. Areas of increased racliodensitv are not the restrlt of postnrortem nrrneral percolation of heavier elements snch as irort or lranganese. A clear postrnortern breakage area elseu.here on the squamosal clocs not sl-ror'r'this effect in racliographs or CT irnages. Thus, the increased raclioclensiti'is helpful in examining the subsurface ertent of bone infection. Fungi, parasites, r'ituses, ancl bacteria can ail catrse bone infectiou. One source ofinfectiorr occtrrs nhen an aniinal inoculates buccal bacterial flora into skin or bonc during a septic bite. As an crarnplc, the bite of an extant \Iararu.Ls konncloensis (Konroclo monitor) is notorioush.' infectious (Auffen-
berg I9E11. Because of similaritics in stnrctr.rre bet',i'een tl'rannosaurid teeth ancl thosc of tlie living Konrodo monitor, Abler (1992) proposecl that the brte of tvrannos:rurs ri'as likeli,' to have been ertrenelv infectious as u'c11. The trapping of meat clcbris. especiallr frorn c:irrion, in the tooth ron's of tvrannosaurids mav h:rve acted to protnote the gron'th of bacte ria, as in the Konrodo nronitor. Tanke ancl Curric (i998) providecl oidcnce that the bite of the tvrannosavidGorgosatruslibratus n'as septic.'l'herefore, a septic bite b,v T. rex ts a probablc car.rse of the osteon-rvelitis in the norrnds on SLIP 971r.
Orientation of the Heads
An interpretation of the orientation of the heads during the bite to the supraorbital horn sfrould conform to thc position of tooth puncttrres. Both of the opposing teeth rnarks lie in the san.re sagittal plane passing through the niclline of tl-re l.rom: one occnrring on the dorsal surface and the other on the ventral surface (Fig. 19.3). FIo',rcvcr, thev lie in different transverse planes :rnd are displacecl bi'60 mm in the sagittal plane. The position of puncttrres in the horn should also conform to arr:rngemerrt of teetl-r in the jau's of T rer. \\ihen its jaris ri'ere closed, teeth of the lon'er tooth rou' nested inside those of the r-rpper jan' (Farlon' and Brinkinan 1994; \'leers 2002). Although the lori'er jan'r'as rather rigicl, ri'ith
little rnor,ernent
at the
intrarrandibular joint (Ilurum and Currie 2000t. tlie upper jari nar ha.,'e been slightlv rnobile at the n-raxilla-jLrgal contact (Ravfield 2004). h-r an-v casct a tootl-r
rlark bl
tl-re r-rpper
jan'shoulcl be clisplacecl fron-r one b1'the
lori.'er jari,:rnd ther should not directlr.occluclc tooth to tooth, as in mamrnal tecth. Postrriortern bites niav not necessarili' require marirnun bite force because the carrrivore can concentrate on soft tissuc. But l-rere, the bite marks nere producecl before death on tough bone of a large, rrobile prer. So thc bite is likelv to have recl-rirecl ncar to the rraxir-nal force of rifiich the prcclator rr,as capable. Because of the potential to exert higher forces fion teeth sittratcd closer to thc region of rntrscle attachment to the jari's (\'loinar 199E, tliis vohrme), a bite frorn a rnore caudal portion of the
jari' n'oulcl be more capable of crushing the compact bone of the horn. John Haan
iqr oll/1 ot t .v
Tn'o possible configurations of the head of T rex prodricing different :rrrangenrents of teeth rrarks in the horn of 1-riceratops are illustrated ir Figrrrc I9.4. I assume that the Triceratops head r',,as upright because the puncture marks nere centered on the dorsal and ventral sides of the horn. It is also:rssnmed thatT. rex usecl its upper jar,v to make the dorsal mark and its lou'er jalv to rnake tl-re ventral rnark. The first orientation of the head of T. rex is one in r.r'hich the sagittal plane of its head is perpendicular to that of tlre Triceratops horn (Fig. I9.4B). In this orientation, marks from the
right naxillarv and clentarv teeth lr'ould form or.r tl-re dorsal and ventral surlaces of the horn. Punctnres made bv the left jarvs rvould not be prescrved. The rnark on the horn's dorsal surface shor,rld be more caudallv oriented than tl're one on the opposite side because of the displacement of jar,vs. But this is not obsen'ed. Therefore, the punctures could not have
Figure 19.4. Position of heads of Triceratops and T. rex during bites. (A)
Sagittal and transverse planes of left supraorbital horn. (B) Perpendicular sagittal planes of horn and skull of T. rex. (C) Parallel sagittal planes o{ horn and skull of T. rex. (D) Bite of squamosal.
been maclc u'ith the heacls in this configuration.
If the
heacl of'1. rex w'ere turned 90" to the right
a second orienta-
tion, then the bite lvould be rnade bv the left rnaxillarv and lateral rorv of dentari' teeth (Fig. 19 4C). Because teeth of T 7"er were continually being replaccd ancl r.,ariecl greatli. in height along ihe jarv, some teeth may not have rnade contact q'ith bone. If the first puncture mark on ihe ventral side of the hom is frorn a larger tooth in the dentarr' :rnd the second rnark on the ventral side is fronr a iarger one in thc marilla, then the bite coulcl result in the naxillan'tooth mark occurring more rostrall,v and the dentary' tooth nark nore caudalh,than obsenecl.'fhe 2 marks on the horn were Predator-Prey Behavior in T. rex and
Figure 19.5. Encounter
between T. rex and Trice r ato ps as reconstru cted from cranial injurres preserved in SUP 9713. lllus-
trafinn htr Creaarv \
separated in the sagittal plane b-r'60 rnrr. That distance is consistent ri,ith the intertooth distances of 6J and 65 rnnr obser','ed betu'een score tnarks on tfie squanrosal. The second position of the heads is consistent ri'ith the locatior-r of ptu'rcture narks in the horn, as well as arrangenent of teeth in the T. rex jau's. In tl-ris orientation, the sagittal plane of tl-rc l-reacl of T re.x
li'ould be approxinateh, parallel to that of the supraorbital irorr-r, and anirnals ri,ouid be alrnost face to face (Fig. I9.5).
tl-re 2
The score rnarks on the dorsal surface of the left squamosal n'ere made asT. rex scraped teeth from the upper jau along the bone. Nlarks from the lon'er jau did not appear on the opposite side of the sqtramosal. Vlost likelt; tiie raking n-iarks n'ere n-rade br, either larger caniniform teetir of tl-re n-raxilla or smaller incisiform teeth of tl-re anterior portion of the r-raxilla and prcn-raxilla. 'fhe other, rnore rredial, premarillarv teeth t'ere too short to make contact lr,ith bone. Therefore, these marks lvere made n'iren the sagittal planes of the heads of both anin'rals r,r,ere either parallel r','hen heads vn,ere face to face, or counterparallel u4rcr-r the heacls r.r'ere facing in the sane clirection (Fig. 19.4D).
Inferred Behavior
Antipredator Behavior When confrontcd lvith a modern rramnal predator, tliere are 3 primarl clefensive responses bv antlered or hon-red prei': flee, remain ir.r place, or approach the predator and fight (Nlech and Peterson 2003; Estes l99l). Speed and agilitr,'are a clefense for snraller prer.:rble to run frorn a predator. Larger prev nla),' also choose flight, but it more often chooses to face the preclator and stand its gror-rnd, remaining rnotionless anci staring constantlv at the predator. fust the appearance of aggressiveness can often deter attack. A thircl option for pre1,possessing antlers or horns as u'eapons is to approach the preclator and fight (N,Iech and Peterson 2003; Estes 1991). 'fhe antipredator behavior of moden'r nar-nnials r-na1' pror,ide clues to
John Haaa
the defer-rsive sirategies oll'riceratops. Because its flank il'ould be exposed to potential danger rvhile rtrnning (Paul l98B), flight ma1'have been a less successfrrl option. In addition, the running abilitv of 'Iiiceratops is debatable (Bakker 1986). An alternative defense rvould l-rave been to stand its grouncl n'itl-r the appearance of aggressir,er-ress. Ostrom and \\'ellnhofer (1986) sug-
for'friceratops is one in nfiich the head is lon'ered so that both the nasal hom and bror.r'horns point fon'i,ard tou'ard the aggressor and the neck frill is raised for a more impressive upright displal'. Such an gest tlrat a defensive pose
aggressir,e displa-v rnav have potentialh deterred a predator attack (Dodson
Anotlrer possibie optior-r available to 'lriceratops is to fight r-rsing its horns :rs \\,eapons for stabbing. 'fhe horns have long been describecl as defensive \\'eapons (Hatcher et al. 1907; Lull l9]3). Ho'"r'ever, t]ris fr,rnction has been questioned more recentlr, bl,Alerancler (1989). On the basis of comparisons of horn cross-sectional area versus bodl' mass in T'riceratctps ancl lrorned bovicis, Alexander concluded that the Triceratops brorv horr-t lr,as relativeh'short, tl-rir-i, and neak for its bodv mass t4ren engaging tire base of its horn in intraspecific horn n,restling. Whcn trsir-rg the tip in stab-
bing, holr'ever, the bron'horn of'friceratops does not neecl to be as strong because in-rpact forces are transrritted directly thror-rgh the l-rorn's longittidinal axis rather than at an obliqtre angle. Farlolr (1990) points out that ttic horn to nrake stabbing contact at the same tirne, therebv reducing stresses to the 2 supraorbital horns. This seems e\ielr more reasonable considering the large size of tl-re nasal horn of SLlP 9713. In addition, the I horns il'ould ha','e penetratecl soft tissue rather than engaging other horns in intraspecific horn ii restling. At an\,rate, n'he n facccl ir,ith a lifethreatening confrontatiorr, it seems reasonable that'I'riceratoos r,r'ould use its horns for defense. aggressi',,e pose caLrses the r-rasal
Predator Behavior A lir.'e and aggressir''e Triceratops nav not have been the preferre d food source
for T. rex. A studl' of tooth-marked dinosaur bones from ti-re Dinosaur Park Forrration shon's a relatir,elv high percenta qe (I4%1 of tootl-r-narkecl tiaclrosaurid bones reiative to 5% of tooth-rrarked ceratopsid bones (Jacobsen 1998). Although this suggests a prev preference bi,'ludithian tr,rannosaurs for hadrosaurs, it ma1'also reflect a preservational bias. Jacobsen suggests that tl-re l-rorr-red ceratopsians \\'ere more capable of protecting themselves against tyrannosaurs bl'using their frills and horns and u'ere eaten less frequenth'as a result. Although unconfirmed, a sirnilar feeding preference is expected br, Maasirichtian tvrannosaurids in the Hell Creek Formation. Big cats mav strangle prel,b1'holding closed the nostrils ancl mouth or trachea of the prev until the animal strffocates (Schaller I972).If 'l'. rex approached Triceratops from tl-re front ancl r.rsed this techniqr-re of strffoc:rtion, ther.r evidence should be preser-rt ir-r the pren-raxilla or nasal regions. Because the premaxilla and nasal of SUP 9713 rvere free of pathological marks, attempts at suffocation b-r'obstructing the muzzle did not occur. In addition, a fror-rtal approacl'r lvould place T. rex precariouslr' close to the
Predator-Prey Behavtor ln T. rex and Triceratops
lrorned \\,e:ipons of'lriceratops. In anv vertebrate, the neck is a vu]nerable point. T'anke and Ctrrrie (1998) observe unhealed tvrannosatirid tooth marks in hadrosaur cr:rnial elernents, indicating that tvrannosaurs grabbecl their victirrs by the heacl or neck region w'ith crushing biies. Attack from above to the neck ofTriceratops rvoulcl seen to have been less effective because of the large protective frill (N'lolnar 1998). Botl-r from a logistic standpoint and potential peril to the predator, frontal attack seems unlikelr'. Modern predators often attack l'rorned prcv from the rear and rarell. froru the front (Mech 1970). In a rear approach, they are out of vieu,of the pre1.'and are further fron'r thc horns, rvhich are potential u'eapons. There is evidence of this rnocle of attack bv'T;-rannosauru.s tor'vard Edmontosaurus atnectens. Carpenter (1998) attribr:tcs danage to 4 neural spines in the tail of this haclrosaur to a quick bite b1' 'flrannosaur us in an approach from the rear. Bone regror,r'th after the event indicates that the hadrosaur survir,ed the biie. Usuall1., darnage to iveight-bearing bones of noclern nanrrials is fatal (Branclu,'ood et al. 1986; Bulstrocle et al. 1986). Nlolnar (2001) fir-rds that the lack of sun'ivable pathologies in rear n'eight-bearing elements such as the fernr,rr, tibia, and sacrlrrl of bipedal dinosaurprey indicates that injuries to these areas \\'ere also seldon survir"able. Finding e.,'idence of rear attack is difficult becatise of a bias against prcscrvation of postcranial elements of Triceratops. No postcranial rnaterial of SUP 971J ri as found at the quarry site. The normal course of disarticulation of moclenr large manmal carcasses often begins lvith separation of tl-re skull frorn the bod1, because of the relatir,'e rrobilitr, of the skull on the atias ('lbots 1965; Dodson l97l; Havnes I98l). Dismemberment of tire carcass bl predators and scavengers concentrates on postcranial portions ofthe body. wlrere soft tissue is nrore abur-rdant. Tlie crar-rial elements of Triceratops were rrore difficult to disrnember ancl sr,r,'alloil'because of their size and hardness.
Therefore, it is not unusual that onl,v the skr,rll u,as found at the quarrv srte (Kruuk 1972; Jacobsen 1995, 1998). Unforttrnatelli anv eviclence of pathologies to postcranial rriaterial is lost in the case of SUP 9711, and an attack bv 'I'. rex to the flank or rear cannot be confirmed or denied. Aggressive Prey Behavior
'l'here are various reasons v'ht,Triceratops night respond aggressir.'ely ton'ard a threatening approach ofTyranrLosaurus. Ifthe actions ol'lriceratops resenrbled rroclern rnarrmalian herbi',,orcs (Estes 1991), they lr,ould be expected io activelv defend tl-rcir territory or protect their voturg, family, harem, herd, or nesting sites. On the other hand, it is also possible th:rt a passive T rer ivas reacting to a direct assault by an aggressive Triceratops. Accorclingly', the data presented do not preclude tlie possibility thzttT. rex ii,as not the aggressor in the encounter.
This chapter is an atten'rpt to make reasonable inferences about aspects of the encounter on tlie basis of avaiiable data. It seerns reasonable and appropriatc arrtiprcdator bel-ravior for Triceratops to face its aggressor, and
John Haoo
indicate IhalTriceratops u'as facing T rer n,hen its left horn n'as bitten. har-rcl, this places T. rexin the unerpected and unfortrrn:rte positiolr of facing the remaining horns of Triceratops. 'fhis is not an adr.antageorrs position for a predator.lf T. rex usecl long-distance pursuit r:rther tlian ambush as a hunting strategi', as sone have sr-rggestcd iPaul 1988; Van Valkenburgh and N'tolnar 2002), then 'fricerrttops nav have had sulficie nt u arning of a rearu'arcl approach to tum and face the predator. When T. rex darraged the left horn, it disabled a rrajor \\'e:rpon of Triceratops ancl lefi 'Iiiceratops in a niore l'uhrerable state. At that same rrorlent, thc right supraorbital horn and nasal horn of Triceratops \\iere near to the unclersiclc of 'f. rex. II is likeh thatTriceratoEs u'as capable of a pou,erful thmst (Bakker I986), and it nrav have atten-rptecl to use its rernaining horns for clefense. Wlratcvcr happenecl next,Triceratops rvas not fatalll, iniurecl. 'li'rannosaurids lr'ere successful carnir.'orcs that u'ere not in the habit of nraking bad decisions. Thercforc, T rer rna,v have cleciclecl to abandon the fight because its positiorr lvas not favorable. clata
On tire other
I tl-rank Christopher N,'lorrou', Jason Kellev, Stanlev Snl,der, Randi Clifton, ancl foalne Happ for their hefu in fieldlr'ork and preparation. I appreciate the help of N,larty \{onroe and Winchestcr N'{cclical Center staff for provicling conrputed tornograpln'and Winciiester C)rthopacclic Associatcs for X-
an gratcful to folin ar-rcl Srlvia'liumbo, and the Burean of Larrd N{anagerrent (pcrmit M79223) for permitting access to the land and its fossils. Financial support for this research',r'as provided br,grants from tire Ohrstrorn Foundation, the Little River Foundation, ancl Shenarrrav pliotographv. I
cloah [Jniversitv.
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Predator-Prey Behavtor in T. rex and Triceratops
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John Happ
A 7
20't. l,4orphomet-
r c c,nensions measured for this analysrs. (A) Skull of juven i le Go rg osau rus
libratus, after Carr (1999). BL, skull base
length, QL, skull quadrate length. (B) Dentary tooth of Tarbosaurus bataar, after Maleev (1
974). Abb reviatio
ns :
length; BW, base width,' CH, crown height. See text for discussion.
Thomas R. Holtz
The biologt' of tl-ie giant latest Cretaceous coeluros:r:rr Tyrannosaurus rex and its kin, the Ti'rannosauridae, i-ras been of great intercst to botl-r paleontologists and the general public. Of particular interest is the ecological behavior of these dinosaurs: specificallr', nere tr,rant dinosaurs predators or
Arrong modern camir,ores (that is, anirnals tliat derive the majoritv of their food requirements in the forrn of flesh), both scar.er-rging (obtaining food fron animals alreacll.dead b1'other means) and predation (killing other anirrials for food) are founcl. Indeed, large-bodied animals thai obtarn their foocl solell,fron one or the clther behavior seem to be vanishinglv rare (DeVault et al. 2003). Crocuta crocuta (the spotted hvena) \\'as once thought to be primariiv a scar.'enger (e.g., Walker 1964), btrt direct fielci observatior-rs rer.'ealed that thev obtair-r much of their food br,' preclation (KruLrk 1972;
Holekarnp et al. 1997), although the srnaller Hyaena hl,aena and H. brr.utnea (th.e striped and brown hvena, respectii'elr') do obtain more food br, scaverrging than bv killing (Krr-ruk 1976; On'ens and On'ens 1978). Panthera leo (the lion), the archetvpal nan-rrnalian predator, obtains approxrrnatelr, l0% ol its food bv scar,enging (N4ills and Biggs 1993). It is therefore difficult to define a scavenger \.ersus a predator. It might be rlore accurate to sa1'that there erists an ecologic:rl categorv called carnivore, and that carnivores var."' in terrns of the clegree of scavenging ar-icl preclation behar. iors bv u'hich they obtain foocl. Deternrining thc relative frequeno'of scavenging versus predation is extraordinarilv difficult er,en for rrodern preclators. Of several clifferent field techniques (stonach ana11'sis, fecal anali,'sis, tracking spoor, opportur.tistic encoulrter, radio location, ancl direct observation), the least biasecl nethod, and the one in n'hich such factors as prev selection, kill frequencies, ar-rd consurrption rates c:rn be nieasured, is direct obsen'ation (N{ills 1996; Radloff ancl Drflbit 2004). Of corlrse, direct fielcl observation of t'r' rannosauricl food acquisition behal'ior is impossible for paleontologists. Frrrllrermore. recogrizirrga scavenqirrgeventfrorn a srrccessfrrl pre
rnaterial. Possible clues that the food itenr n':rs scavenged bv a partictriar predator tvpe (e.g., a tr,rannosauricl) ratlier tlran prcdated nright inclucle the follor'l'ing: tyrannosaurid tooth rnarks that cut across prer''iousl,v existir-rg tooth rnarks of sorre oiher carnivore, nhich n'ould have necessaril-v been feedir-rg there firsi (lvhether the nontvrannosarlr lr'as a predator or scavenger llotrld remain a separate issue for investigation); ty,rannosaurid tooth rnarks that cross-cut traces of clecar' (c.g., inr,ertebrate or fungal trace fossils) or u'eathering; and eviclence of lethal initrries to the food itenr not produccd bv a t.,,rannosaur (e.g., extrernell'traumatic trample marks). I-lowever, the debate concerning tvrannosaurids has not consistecl of tlie rclativc frcqtieno' of sc:rvenged versus preclatecl meat in their cliet, but rather r,r'lietlrer tvrant cl inosaurs ir r general, or Ty rannos aurus rex irt particular, n'ere capable of acquiring prel,at:ril. In oiher i,vords, the hy'pothesis oFfcred is that t1'rannosaurids r'r'ere obligate scavengers. The concept that tvrannosaurids nrar'havc been incapable ofhunting has been suggcstccl sincc the 19l0s (Lambe 1917; Halstead and Halstead 19B1; Barsbold 1983). Hor.ver,er, n'iost of these versions of tl-ris concept w'ere not framed as testable, scientific hvpotheses. Soue i,r'orkers rvho have organizecl their hy'potheses in a testable frarr-ielr'ork are Colinvaux (1978) and Horner (),994,1997; I-lomer and Lessern l99l; F{orner and Dobb 1997). Colinr,:rux's argnments wcre concerned prinrarill'n'ith theoreticai ecologl' and har,e been reexar-nincd elseil,here (Farlor.v 1993). Horner and his collcagues have been primarily cconrorphological-that is, thel'concern the
anatorliical features of tvrannosatirids and their interaction u'itl-r e n\ilroltmellt.
Ser'.eral different aspects of tr,rannosanrid ecornorphology ha"'e been offered to suggest that tliey, u'ere incapable of routinelv killing other anirrals (ancl thtrs obligating ihern to a scavenging behavior). 'Ihese inclucle the apparently'snall sizc of the eve socket relatir.'e to the size of the skull; tl-re comparativelv short length of the tibia to the fen-rur; tl-re extraorclinarilv reduced forelirrb length; and the observation that tvrannosaurid teeth, trnlike those of typical theropods, are not flat and bladelike, but instead havc a nuch r'vider cross section (Horner and Lesseni 1993; Horner I994, 1997; Horner and Dobb i997). These observations and their inrplications are exarrined in this studl'. Larson ancl Donnan (2002) have previoush'in-
dependentll'examined several of these same ideas.
Methods and Materials
Each of the claims (concerning orbit size, hind lirnb proportions, arm lcngth, ar-rd tooth stmcture) n'ill be examined separatel,v. In each case, 2 important cluestiorrs will be exaninecl: is tl'rc size of tl-rc stnrcture involved unerpectedlv small in tvrannosaurids, relative to otl-rer forns of comparable size? Ancl ivoulcl the particular state of that featrtre in fact prohibit tr r:lnnosaurs from acquiring pret'? The first aspect can be ansu,ered bv morphotnetric meaus: measuritrg the obscrvcd dirnensions for the structure at hand, in a number of t.v-'rannos:mricl and nontvrannosaurid specirnctrs, :rnd plotting these dimensions l'ersus body sizc (or sonre proxv thereof). ln the case of tl-rc orbit, the srnall372
Thomas R. Holtz lr.
est dian-reter across the tqtpe r portior-r of the orbit n'as used as the largest effective diaineter of the e1'e (see Chure 2000 for a discussion of the position of the eyeball ir-r the orbit of theropods n'ith a noncircular orbital foramen). Orbit diameter \\'as compared lvith Z different proxies of bodl size in theropods: the skull base length, defined as the linear measrlrernent frorn the anteriorrrost tip of the prerr.raxilla to the posteriorrnost point of the occipital condy'le; and tl-re skuil quadrate ler-rgth, defined as the linear measllreilent parallel to tl-re skull base length from the anteriorrnost tip of the premaxilla to the posteriorrnost point of the mandibular articulation of the quadrate (Fig. 20 lA). (Skull length lr'ould make a poor proxv for
bodv size across diverse clinosaur clades. For exarnple, Pachycephalosaurus and Diplodocus migl-rt have comparable skull lengths, but tl-rei, liave bodv sizes different bi' o1d.tt of rnagnitlde. Hor.t'eyet, the theropods examined
here har"e comparable bodl,shapes, so skull length night sen'e as an approxin'rate estir-nate of total size.) In the case of n'rost coelophl'soids, ceratosaurs, basal tetanurines, and carnosarirs, the skull quadrate length is greater than the skull base length; in the case of coelurosaurs aad some coelophvsoids, the reverse is true (Holtz 2000). The data examined u,ere coliected directlv from specirnens as u,ell as fronr the literature. Theropods of variotrs sizes, from Scipiott,t,xtoT,t,rannos
dur us
rnd Ci ganotos
rvere exarn ined.
For lirrb proportions, the marimurn linear dimension parallel to the
rrain shaft of the fenlur, tibia, or metatarsal III in anterior vien,u'as rneasured for a varietv of theropod taxa. 'fhese data n'ere derii.'ed primarill' from Holtz (199;), Gatesy'and Nlliddleton (1997), and Farlorv et al. (2000), br:t also include sel'eral corrections and additionai specirnens. Femur length r,r,'as used as a proxv of bodi size (ers in Holtz 1995). Irrom the total database, only theroPocls lr'ith a femoral length of 200 or greater n,ere 'rm exarnined in this stuclr,. Aclditionalll', the same ilreasllrements rvere taken ceratopsians, hadrosaurids, and othe r bipedal ornithischiar:m (Thescelosaurus and pachvcephalosaurs) of the Late Cretaceous of n,estern North Arrerica for corrparison n,ith the Arnerican tvrannosanr data. 'l'hese rneasurements include data from the literature. fror-t-r
For tooth data, the prin'rarl measurements taken u'ere those used bv Van Valkenburgh and RLrff (1987) and Farlorv et al. (1991): fore-aft (r'nesialclistal) base length; the base (labiolingual) u'idth, and the cronn height
(Fig. 20.18). Fore-aft base length and base w'idth ri'ere measr,rred at the basal lirnit of tfre enarnel-coverecl part of the tooih for isolated specimens, and at the lei'el of the tooth socket for in situ teeth. Tooth cror,l'n height lvas the vertical distance frorn the base of tl-re tooth cron'n to the top of the
tooth tip rneasured perpendicular to fore-aft base lengtl-r (and thus disregards tootl-i curvature). T'hese data \\'ere measlrred directll'frorn both isolated teeth and from teeth still articulated in dentaries and maxillae. Premarillarv teeth u'ere not exanrined in this analvsrs.
Beady Little Eves?
Horner (1994) observes that tl,rannosanrs look
thev' had "beady
el'es," unlike thc large er.es of forms such as Velociraptor,
he considers
to be predators. Altl-rough Horner admitted that he clicl not knou'u4iether or not this i'r'as a significant feature, it serves as a potential case stuclv in erarnilring the relative size of a feature in anirlals of rluch different size. T\l'o questions might be :rsked cotrcerning tlie size of tvraunosaur e\.es: were tliel'unexpectedly srrall for their size? And hon'does their sizc
relative to il-re skull compare n'ith their size relative to tlieir function? 'ltr ans\\,er the former, \\re rrra\'' use the tcc]rniqucs of allornetric anah'sis. As has long been observecl, not all body parts of an organisrli grolv at the s:rrnc rate (for rer.'ier'r,'s, see Schr-r'ridt-Nielsen 1984; and N{cGou.'an 1991). 'l'his clifference in grou'th rate, or allorretr\', can be manifcsted in 2 different lval s: positive allometri', r"'here thc body part in question grows faster than the other factor eramined; and negative allometrv, lvhere the bodv part in qriestion does not gro\\' as fast as the other factor. When n'c compare a babr. hun'ian rvith an adult, u'e see that head gror.vs u'ith nega-
Figure 20.2. Plot of orbit diameter against skull base length (A) and skull
quadrate length (B) for
various theropod taxa. Symbols: +, basal thero-
pods (Eoraptor, herrerasau ri ds), o pen sq ua res, rnalnnhv
980 E ,g ^^ oou
Je qf\J
anan friennlo<
120 )
saurs; open circles, non-
ithom i mosa u r, no ntyrid coel u rosa u rs kom psog nath i ds, the r i zi nosau roi ds, ovi ra ptoro o rn
5aur5, dromaeosaurt; solid circles, ornithomimosau rs; so I i d tri a ng I es, ty ra n nosa u ri ds. Abb rev ia -
tions: Dil., Di lophosau-
rus wetherilli; Gig Giganotosaurus.
Skull Base Length (mm)
ra n n osa u
:^^ ts
odu E
||AA AA a
l'n- tr
.9 oou^^ =
.rd, Aar
'jP 9dFt@ _
A Gig
6 U-0
Skull Quadrate Length (mm)
B Thomas R. Holtz Jr
orbit diameter against skull base length (A) and skull quadrate length (B). Symbols as in Figure 20.2
log Skull Base Length (mm)
r) UV +n d iA
4l| L-]
U" mE) "fl-
rA v
log Skull Quadrate Length (mm)
tive allometrv relati',,e to total body height, n'hile leg length grov,'s at positive allonetrl'. Plotting tl-re orbit diarneter verstrs the skull base length (Fig. 20.2A1 and skuli quadrate ier-rgth (Fig. 20.28) shorvs that orbit size increases as skull size increases. Furthermore. it can be seen that the orbit dian-reter size of tyrannosaurids is not at1'picallv snall, but is instead comparable to that of other large theropods (carnosarirs and ceratosaurs) of the same skull lerrgths. (The immense carnosarlr Ciganotosaunrs and the coelophl'soicl Dilophosaurus wetherilli, holr'er,er, do have orbit diarneters that plot rvell below those of other tl-reropocls of comparable skull length, and these taxa migl-it u'ell be characterized as beadl'-e1'ed.) Plotting the base l0 logaritl-rrns of orbit diarneter and skr-rll lengths (Fig. 20.3) allon,s for the calctrlation of the allonetric equation for these data. If the slope of the regression line of the plottecl clata is less than 1.0, the featr-rre in quesiion demonstrates negative allonetrv relatir,e to tl-re fcattrre against r,vhich it is plotted. The reduced major aris regression lines for theropod orbits have siopes of 0.44 (r'vhen plotted against skull base length) ancl 0.48 (rvhen plotted against skull quadrate length). Thus, orbit size has a fairll'large ObligateScavengrngHypothesis 375
negati\re allon'ietrv cornpared il,ith skull size
to put it a different r'va1; the
rest of tl-re skull grou's faster than the orbit size. Sin-rilar patterns can be seen
in the grori,th of inclii,iclual species of various dinosaurs (e.g., Carpenter et al. 1994; Horner and Currie 199'1; l,ong and \'Ic\amara 1995,1997; Carr and Williarnson 2004). Thus, tl-re orbits of tvrannosaurids are not r-rr-rexpectedly' sn'rall, brrt their srnaller relative size corrpared lvith those of Velociraptor (for example) is a product of allornetrr,. Additionallr', the e-ve functions as a photon-catchir-rg device. Although the orbit of a tvrannosauricl is srnaller in relative terrrs conpared n'ith skull length than in sn.r:rller theropods, it is still a much larger opening in absolr-rte ternrs. Indeed, the orbit diarneter of the largest measnred specimen of a tvrannosaurid, (TtrannosdurTts rex, F\'INH PR208l) is 120 rnr-n. Even though the actual aperture (pupil) oitheir e1'es',l,ould be srnaller than this I20-nrrn dianeter. tr rannosaurid e) es potentialll' had large light-catching surraces.
Hind Limb Proportions find a p:.rrticttlar ecological significance to the small e1,es of |'rannosaurus, he is clear r.r'itl-r l-ris functional interpretaiion of the hir-rcl lirnb proportions of tvrant dinosaurs. Horner and col-
Although Horner (1994) could
leagues (Horr-rer 1994, \997; Horner and Lessem 1993; Horner and Dobb 1997) observe that tr,rannosatrrids, unlike srnall theropods sttch as dromaeosanricls, have tibiae that are onll' as long or shorter than their femora. In moclern animals, a tibia/fernur ratio that is greater than I is often associated u,itli anim:rls adapted to mnning (Hildebrand i974; Coon'ibs 1978), u'hereas lon'er r.'alues are associated i,r"ith anirnals incapable of rur-rning. Horner and colleagues (Horner 1991, 1997; Horner and Lesserr 1993; Horner and Dobb 1997) argue that if t1'rannosaurs \vere incapable of rr-rn-
ning, thel' n'ould be ir-rcapable of chasing dow'n lil'e prev, and thr-rs n ould have been restricted to being sca\rengers. Before examining the tyrannosaurid cor-rclitior-r ir-r partictrlar, it should be pointed out that although there is a ger-reral trend for elongation of distal elerrents in more cursorial animals. tire absolute value of thc ratio or the
rnetatarsus/femur ratio does not scale directl1, u'ith speed across clades (Garland and janis 1993; Carrano 1999). For exan'iple, modern species of Equus tvpicallv har.e tibiae that are as short or shorter thar-i their femora (r'alues ranging fron-r 0.84 to I.00, average 0.92, for lB individuals; Holtz 1995), r'et thev are undeniabll'cursorial animals. In the present analisis, 2 aspects of tyrannosaurid lirnb proportions ri'ill bc examinecl. First, hou'do t1'rannosauricl hind limb proportiotts compare n,ith those of other theropods, particr-rlariv u'ith regards to a]lornetr\'? Seconcl, ho'uv do tt'rant dinosaur hind limb proportions conpare rl'ith those of their poter-rtial pre','itens, large-bodiecl ornithischians sttch as hadrosattrids and ceratopsids? Theropod limb proportions have been srtbiect to a number of previous str.rdies (Coombs i978; Gatesr' 1991; Holtz 1995; Gatesv and N'liddleton 1997; Christiansen 1997, 2000; Carrano 1999; Farlon'et al. 2000). Of par-
Thomas R. Holtz
Figure 20.4 Plot of tibial
femur ratio against femur length for various theropod d i nosa u rs. Symbols. solid triangles with apex u pwa rd, ty ra n nosa u r i d s; sol id circles, orn ithom i mosaurs; open squares,
other theropods.
ticular interest are the stuclies of Holtz (1995), Gatesy and Nliddlctor-r (1997), Carrano (1999), and Firrlor.r' et ai. (2000), in rvhich tl-re hincl ]irnb proportions of different clades of theropods were colnpared ri,'ith each other. The prescnt anali'sis trpclatcs aspects of these w,orks. Figure 20.4 plots the ratio of the tibia length to fernur length ('l7F) agairrst femur length (r-rsed as a prox\r for bodv size) for r,arions theropod clinosaurs. Anong nonavian theropods, there is a decre:rse in T/F as fenrur ler-rgih increases (as noted by Gatesv 199i; Holtz 1995; and Carrano I999).
The hvpothesis that t1'rannos:mrids hai'e tibiae that are onlv
as lor-ig or shorter than their femora is not supportecl bv tl-re clata: this is tme for larger specirnens, bLrt not for srraller individuals of tvrant dinosatrrs. Indeed, the sn'rallest tvrannosaurs had T/F r,'alues as high as those of ornithomimosaurs (ger-rerallv regarded as anrong the sr,r,iftest of dinosatrrs; Barsbold and C)sm61ska i990) of the sar-ne fenroral length and higher than those of other
nontvrannosaur, nonornithomimosaur theropods of the sarne bodl'size. In fact, even the largest individual
phenonenon is courmon to rranl'groups of anirnals, including ungulate, carni'u'erous, and marsupial n-iammais, and manv groups of flightless birds
(lloltz 1995). For a given feniur lengtli, houever, tvrannosauricls and ornrthornirrids have a longer absolute (and thus relative) tibia and rretatarsus length than those ofother theropods. ObligateScavengingHypothesis
Figure 20.5. Plot of tibia (A) and metatarsus (B)
lengths against femur length for various thero-
pod taxa. Symbols as
Figure 20.4.
000 8oo
Oann .g
600 800
Femur Length (mm)
^la Ala a lF':t r-41 r-l n
cd tr
[n_ Lr t_r-
zuv 100
600 800 1000 1200 Femur Length (mm)
hr other r'r,ords, for a given femur iength, tvrannosauricls l-rave a longer clistal limb length than thosc of most otl-ier theropods. Sirrilarlt', tvrannosaurids and ornithomirricls of tlie sarre femur length irave cornparablc tibia ancl nretatarsal lengths. 'l'hr:s, for a given angle of rrotion of the fcmur, a tr,rannosaur coulcl cover more clistancc than an allosauroid, ceratosat1r, or other large-bodied tlieropod of the samc femur length. Becaltse clistancc cor"ered per r-rnit of time is the clefir-ritiorr of speed, all other things being equal, tl'rannosaurids shoulcl have been faster than artl' other coniparablv sizcd theropod (see also Carr:rno 1999). (Note that this does not consider, or c\,en require, a fully'sr-rspended phase during this fen-roral nlotion; Farlou' et al. 1995, 2000; Hritchinson and Garcia 2002; Hutchinson 200'1) These dzrta are consistent i'i'ith a nroclel in lvhich tl'rallnosattts ll'ere sri ifter than other potcntial competitors. Of more important col]cern, horvever, is hon' the lirnb proportions of tr,rannosaurids corrpare r'i'itli those of tlieir potential prcl'. Examittation of 378
Thomas R. Holtz lr.
Figure 20.6. Plot of tibia/
femur ratio against femur length for various western North American Late Cre-
taceous dinosaur taxa. Symbols: solid triangles
+ .g tr
with apex upward, tyran-
nosaurids,' +, hadrosaurids
and other bipedal ornith-
i sch ia
AIF ,.,A^
A+ ++
-XX ++x *,&Y A
Figure 20.7. Plot of tibia (A) and metatarsus (B)
lengths against femur for various western North American mid- to upper Campan ian d nosau r taxa Symbols as in Figure 20.6. r
3 6
x, ceratopsians.
ns (pachyce ph a lo-
rs, Thesce I osa u ru
Obligate Scavenging Hypothesis
Figure 20.8. PIot of tibia (A) and metatarsus (B)
lengths against femur for various western North Am eri ca n M aastri chtia n dinosaur taxa. Symbols as in Figure 20.6.
it',rr^+ ^-r4 +
,+a 600
Femur Length (mm)
i j
soo +oo
E o
Femur Length (mm)
the TiF ratios of lvestern Nortl-r Arnerican f,ate Cretaceous ceratopsids, l-raclrosauricls, ancl other nonankr'losaurian ornithischials (Fig. 20.6) shor,r,s that these herbivores ha",e as lorv or lolve r'lJF scorcs as sl,mpatric tr''rannosaurids of the sarne ferntrr length. Indeed, the values for large haclrosauricls tencl to cluster u'ithin tlie clustcr of large tr,rant dinos:nrr specimens, ri'hiie ceratopsians have considerabiv sl.rorter T/F ratios. F igure 20.7 plots the tibia ancl metatarsus against femnr lengtl-r of ornithischians and tvrannosatrrids from the rnid- to upper Carnpar-rian stagc Judith River Group ancl its southr.r,estern U.S. stratigrapl-ric equivaler-rts. Figure 20.8 sholr,s the same for the younger N{aasirichtian stage fatu-ras of u'estern North America (e.g., Horseshoc Canvon, Hell Crcck, an
ral ler-rgth. Fnrtherrnore, the netatarsi of tvrannosaurids are rnuch lor-rger than those of ornithischians of the same bod1, size. 'fhr-rs, the total distal
linb lergth f
h;rr r cor
of tyrannosaurids is at least as long, anci t-vpically rruch longer, rlerrrnorarv orn itl r isclr ilrrs.
Thomas R. Holtz
)l I I
PIAt 6t f tht)
(A) and metatarsus (B) 1200
lengths against femur for various western North American Late Cretaceous dinosaur taxa (combination of data from Figures 20.7 and 20.8). Symbols as in Figure 20.6.
J .! i=
600 400
c E
E a
-rl.fiiJ r T 'T
I f-^f rr
AA a
+ +xdx
B From this evidence, it is clear that tvrannosauricls ',vor,rld cover more ground for the sarre angle of femur motion than hadrosaurids and ceratopsids of the same body size. In other words, thev r,vould travel furtl-rer per unit of time (i.e., r,r'oulcl be faster) than their potential prev. Again, as before, ihis cloes not require a suspended phasc oir the part of tl-re tvrannosaurid. Linib proportions do not disn'riss the possibilit)'that t)'rannosaurids could or.ertake conternporary herbivores, ancl incleed they are consistent ',vith a model in which tvrant dinosaurs were faster than their potential prev. (Note that the above cliscussion does not take into acconnt the great disparity betn'ecn forelimb and hind lirnb length in cer:rtopsians. This might indicate that ceratopsids were necessarilr'slor.i'er than a ful\'bipedal dinosaur of similar hind iimb proportions, unless the forelinrbs noved r.vith faster steps than the hind limbs in order to keep pace.) To put ii another 11,21,, if (as Horner argues) the lorv T/F values of TyrcnnosdurtLs and its kin i,r'oulcl hinder them fron runnir-rg to catch tl-reir pre1,, the equally lou' or er.en lower T/F r,alues of hadrosaurids ancl ceratopsids',voulcl even more greath,hinder the abilitl'of these ornithischians in rururirrg fronz a pursuing tl,'r:rnnosaurid. Additionally, tvrannosaurids possessed an arctometatarsus, a moclifi cation of the foot that bion-rechanical :rnaivsis suggests \r'as rrrore effective at Obligate Scavenging Hypothesis
Figure 20.10. Tyrannosaurid arctometatarsus (A) compared with more primitive metatarsi of other theropods (B) and ornithischians (C, D). (A) Right pes of the tyrannosaurid Tarbosaurus, sh owi ng g raci I e p ropo rtions and pinched third metata rsa I co nd iti o n. (B) Right partial pes of the carnosaur Acrocantho-
saurus, showtng more primitive unpinched condition and broader foot. (C) Right pes of the hadrosaurid Edmontosaurus. (D) Right pes of the ceratopsid Centrosaurus. Scale bar = 100 mm
the distribution of forces of loconotion (Holtz I995) (Fig. 20.10). Recent analvses b1'Sr-rivelr'and Russell (2002, 2003) and Snivel)'et al. (2004) have dernonstrateci that this adaptation night additionalh' serve to resist torsional forces, allow'ing tl-rem to turn rrore rapidlv than thev might othern'ise rvithotrt risking mechanical failure of their narrow rnetaiarsi. Ceratopsids ancl l-raclrosaurids lack this adaptatiorr, or other morphological correlates n'ith rrore cursorial function (Coombs 1978; Carrano 1999). Short Arms T\,rant clinosaurs are characterized br,greatlv redr-rced ams (Russell 1970; N{olnar et al. 1990; Carpenter 1992; Holtz 2001, 2004; Lipkin and Carpenter this r,'olurne). Indeed, tvrannosaur arms are greatli' recluced in 2 different senses. First, all knolr,n tl,rannosaurids are functionallv didactvl: the1,possessed onlv 2 fingers. N'lore importantlv, the overall arrr length is quite sniall compared n'ith the bodr.,size. Iior example, the humerus of tvrannosaurs rs onlr, 0.26 to 0.10 times as long as the fer.nur, compared \\'ith 0.19 tn Allosaurus (Ciln-rorc 1920) and Afrovenator (Sereno et al. 1994), and 0.44 in Dilophosaurus (\Velles 1984). The giarrt allosauroicl AcrocanthosauruE lias a humerus/ferrur ratio of 0.29 (Cr-rrrie ancl Carpenter 2000). At present, the forelirnb of the largest allosauroids, Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus, are unknon'n or undescribed, so lve cannot determine rvhether tvrannosauricl arms are uncharacteristicalll' short cornpared t'ith other camivorons tlreropods of this size. (The theropo ds Deinocheirus andTherizinosaurus, both of the Nernegt Fornration of N,{ongolia, are large theropocls u,ith long forelinrbs. Hot'e','er, the forrrier is probabh'an ornithornimosaur and the latte
r a therizir-rosauroici, clacles of coehrrosarlr vu'hich n'ere n-rost likelv herbivo-
lRussell ar-rd Dong 1993; Barrett 2005; Kirkland et al. 2005].) Regardless of u'hether the arrrs of tvrannosaurids are uncharacteristi-
call1' sl-rort, the argnments of Horner and colleagues (Homer 1994, 1997; Horner and Lessem 1993; Horner and Dobb 1997) rernain r''alicl. Given the
reducccl size of these structures. it is difficult to envisiot't a rlettrod ir-r lvhich the forelinrb n'iight have been deployed in prev capture. Carpenter and Srrith (2001) and Carpenter (2002) denonstrate, on bionrechanical grounds, that these limbs r'r,ere forcefulh'clesigned btrt had a rrore limited rarrge of rnotion compared with Allosaurus ai-rd Deinont'chus.
Thomas R. Holtz
Accepting that the forelinbs of T. rex or anl,tvrannosauricl make unlikely ippl6ments for seizing prev items, does this support tl-re argument of obligate scavcnging in the tr,rant dinosaurs? 'l'he rnechanics of predation can be dii,ided into 2 rliain components: prei,' acquisition and prel' dispatch. Amor-rg modern terrestrial predatorl'rrarnrnals, there are sonte taxa that use the forearrns ir.r prev captlrre (e.g., felid$, w'hile others clo not (hvaenids, canids). Feiids use clar,i's to accluire tl're prer.' and jan,s to clispatch them. The latter forn'is use the jari.'s as the primarv \\'eapons of prei capture as \\'ell as pre)'dispatch; tfre forelintbs, if trsecl at all, are primarilv used ir-r stabilizing the prey item nhile the jan's inflict the prirnarl,u'or-rnds. Carpenter and Smith (2001) support this fur-rction in the por.erful but sl-rort forel i nbs of Tt ranno s aur tt s. N'Iodern predator\,birds do not use their forelimbs (u'ings) as the primar\, wcapon of prev capture or dispatch. Instead, their hind lirrb is used as a prilnarv \\'eapon of prel'capture and dispatch (except for falcons, lvhicli during prel dispatci-r use their talons to hold the prer, but the beak to ser,'er the r.'ertebral colurnn) (Brou,'n and Amadon 1968; Cade 19E2; Hertel 1995). Ho',l,evet, the predatorl' techniques of flr'ing raptorial birds are ditficult to colrpare directlr u,ith those of ground-bouncl ar-rimals such as carniverous nammals or theropod dinosaurs. Thc extir-rct flightless carnivorous birds sucli as Diatryma and the larger pl'ronrsrhacids, horvel'er, rnight be nsed as more informative models
for tvrannosaurids. In Diatryma, the forelimb is extraordinarilv redtrcecl (Ntlatthen, and Grangcr 1917); in at least sorne of the phorusrhacids, the forelimb is short but apparentl,v qr-rite nrassi','e11, constructed ancl bore a clar,v (Chandler 1997). If thesc fcrrrrs ll'ere incleed predator\,, it is unlikell' that thel coulcl l-rar,'e used their forelirnbs in prev acqtrisition, and in Dlatryma, thet' r','ould hale becn r:nlikelr,to have been useful in prel'dispatch as lvell. Hon,ever, as lvith nonavian theropods, direct field obsen,ation of tl-re pred:rtor,v techniques (if an1') of tl-rese forms is clenied us. AltfioLrgh tr,rannosaurid arms mav have been used to stabilize the food iten'r (prel' or scavenged) rvhile feeding, thev seerli to have been too sl-rort to be used to capture prer'. Hor.r'ever, sone modern terrestrial predators (hvaenids and canicls) are capable of acquiring prev ll'ithout usir-rg therr forelimbs. Sirrilarlr', if Diatryma and phorusrl-racids n'ere predators, thev rlost likell'used their skulls alone rather than the forelinbs in prev capture. Thus, a forelimb incapable of prev capture does not obligate a carnlvore to a scavenging lifestvle, although it does eliminate sonie strategies for prev acquisition.
Incrassate Teeth
Tl,rannosaurid teeth are distinct from those of other tlpes of theropods, contra Feduccia (1996). N4ost theropod teetl-r have a nanow, lens-shaped cross section at the base, and the rnesial anci clistal carinae (bearing the serrations) ertencl up the front edge and cloiin the rear edge ofthe tooth. This condition is known as the ziphodont (sri'ord-toothed) conditior-r in the paleocrocodilian literature (e.g., Farlon'et al. 1991; Busber, 1995). 'I\,ran-
adigate Scavenging
nosallricls, hor.r'ever, have lateral (r'narillari' ancl clentart') teeth that are exp:rnded basallv side to side, ancl tl-rcir carinae are offset fron-r the fror-rt ancl rear edges of the tooth. Such dentition has been terrned incrassate (Holtz. 2001, 2001, 2004), after the Latin incrassatus, "thickened." (One of rrany specics narnes Cope proposed for isolated tr,rannosauricl teeth ll'as Laelaps tncrdssdtus.)
Florner (1997) sr-rggestecl that t1'rannosaurids' incrassate tooth form nrav have been more associ:rted u'ith bone-cmnching abilitv, uhich l-rc correlated rvith scavengiirg, than rvith slashing flesh, ri'hich he associatecl il'ith predation. Other authors consider bone cnrnchilrg, or at least bor-re biting, to have been part of the feecling repertoire of tyrannosaurs but do not disrniss the possibilitv of :r predatorv life stlle for these theropods (Bakker 1986; Farlolr'and Brinknan 1987, 1994; Bakker et al. 1988;Abier 1992, 2001; Erickson and Olson 1996; Erickson et al. 1996; N{eers 1998, 2003; Carpenter 2000; Hururn alrd Currie 2000; Hurum ancl Sabatli 2003; Schubert and L.lngar 2005; Therrien et al. 2005). Confirrnation of the bonc-crutrching nature of tvrannclsaurid iarl's is revealecl in a coprolite from the latest N{aastricl-rtian Frenchman Fornatior-t of Saskatcheu'an (Chin et al. 1998). This specimen, almost certainlr'generatccl b-v T\,rannosaurus rer, contains the broken fragments of bortes of a medirrn.r-sizcd ornithischi:ur dinosaur. Furthcrmore, specinens ofEdmontosatLrus ctnnectens (Carpenter 2000) and Triceratops (Erickson and Olson 1996; Erickson et al. 1996; Happ this volune) clemonstrate T1'ranrnsattrus bite ruarks in u'hich a portion of ihe bone of the herbivore rvas remo'n'ed. Hyaenicls are bone-crunching specialists among thc large-bodied carnil'orons rnammals of tl-re rnodern u'orld, but as discussed above, all modern hr.aenicls are knou,n to
prel', and the largest (Crocuta
crouia) obtains the
niajoritl, of its food in this r.nanncr. Bone cmnching is accomplished bv the rnolars and premolars in hl'aenicls (trlver l99E), but sr-rch a feecling rnode u'orild result in potentialli'risk to their canincs. Incleed, h1,2.tr'Ot do have thicker caninc tectl-r than found in nodern non-bone-cmnching dogs, but felids har,e canines of comparable morphorretric proportions to hvaeliids. Van \hlkenbr,rrgh and Ruff (1987) interpret the sirrilaritt' in canine dimensions of hr''aenids and felids not to similar feecling behaviors per se (big cats have not been obscrved to habituallv feecl on bones to the sanre degree as hvaenicls), but as aclaptations to resist contact r'vith bone during pre1,'capture or clispatch as lr,ell as cluring feeding. Furthermore, Van Valkenburgh and Ruff (1987) demonstrate that the bites of hvaenicls and felids ger-rerate grcater forces than those of ciinids, and thus teeth that are thicker (and, consecluently, more resistant to benclir-rg) would be less likell to fail as a rcsult of loads in
ant'direction rvould have
a selective adr,antage.
Thc rccent discor,erl' of theropods of comparable size to t)'rannosaurids allor.vs a comparison of giant ziphodont aud incr:rssate teeth. The subconical teeth ofspinosaurid theropods (tloltz 2003), u4rich also differ frorn the ziphodont condition, are considcrecl a third categorl'for this anal1'sis. Nllorphometric plots confirm that ty'rannosauricl and spinosaurid teeth differ from ziphoclont theropods ir-r l-raving greater base r.r'iclths compared u'ith
fore-aft base lengtl-r (Fig. 20.11A) and crou'n height (Fig. 20.llB). 384
Thomas R. Holtz
Figure 20.1 1. Plot of tooth
width against forelength (A) and crown height B) for various theropod taxa. 9ymbase
^la ^
35 E
.l -A .-I
I 1r
bols: solid triangle, tyrannosaurids; x, typical
ziphodont theropods; open circle, spinosaurrds.
Fore-Aft Base Length (mm)
A 45 4A
^ f rl
a^a a
a ts^{
Ezo o
Srs 10
Crown Height (mm)
B Van \hlkenburgh ar-rcl Ruff (1987) and Farlon, et al. (1991) converted tooth measr-rrernents into bending strength indices using beam theorl'. 'l'he present analysis follorved the calcuiations of Fariorv et al. and nsecl a rectangular cross-sectional moclel rather than an oval model for ziphodont ancl tvrannosaurid teeth. These values do not represent actual strength values, br-rt rather indices comparing the relative resistance of teeth to loads of r-rnit valLles.
When both the anteroposterior (AP: Fig. 20.12A) and rrediolateral (N'l[,: Irig. 20.128) ber-rding strength index are plotted against cron'n height, it is founcl that t\,'rannosar-rrid and spinosaurid teeth u,ere more resistant to
bending in either directions than ziphodont teeth. 'Ihis u,oulcl be consistent ii'ith a h\raenidlike bone-crunching habit for t1'rar-rt dinosaurs, but r,i oulcl also be consistent li ith the pattern seen in felicls compared u.,ith canids: a more poi,r,erful bite in tl'rannosaurs than in typical theropods, and better chance of accidental contact betr',,een tooth and bone. That tvrannosaurid teeth contactecl bone during feeding is evidenced bv various bones with deep furrou,s or punctures gene ratecl by tvrant clinosaur teeth (Horner and Lesserr 1993; Eirickson and Olson 1996; L,rickson a
bl ig
ate Scaveng i ng Hypothesis
Figure 20.12. Plot of teroposterior (A) and me-
(B)bending strength indices against crown height for vailous theropod taxa. Symbols as in Figure 20.11. Tyrannosaurid teeth typicalty have higher bending strengths than those of other theropods with the diolateral
3 E 3
A oo
^^lo ^
l\ 4^:1'^
same toath height. 0
A 180
Iao !^^ oou E
ir A1^
ox ^^
20 0
Crown Height (mm)
B et al. I996; Carpenter 2000; Happ this volune) ancl bv the Frenchmarr coprolite (Cl'rin et al. I998). Horvevcr, the incrassate teeth of tyrannos:nlrs r.nav have also functior-recl during pre,v capture ancl dispatch. Hon-rer and colleagr-res (Horner 1994, 199i; Horner and Lessem 1993; Horner ancl Dobb 1997) argue that bec:ruse the forelirlbs of tr"rannosaurs cor-ild not be tused to capttrre prcv, the on11,' other likelf inrplernent to seize a victinr u'ould be the jar,r.'s-a viell'l fincl reasonable. Hor.r'er,'er, Horner fr,rrther argues that the teeth of tvrant dinosatrrs u'oulcl be likelv to fail during the stresses generated cluring prer. capture. As shor'vn here, the teeth of tr,rannosaurids lr,ere mechanically stronger than those of other tl-reropocls. Fr-rrthermore, Erickson et ai. (1996) have dernonstrated that tr,'rirnnosaurid teetli cotrlcl r,vithstand considerable stressful contact ivitli bone (see also Nleers 1998, 2003; Ra1'field et ai. 2001; Rai field 2004). 'flius, the data suggest that the teeth of TirarulosdLLrl$ rex and its kin rvor-rld have sufficient strength to absorb the rlechanical stresses generated bi' prev capture. It is n'orth noting that the tooth roots of tvrannosanrids ancl spiliosauricls are considerably' longer than those of ziphodont theropods. Whereas
Thomas R. Haltz.Jr.
ziphodonts iypicalll' have roots that are subequal to the crou'n height, t1' rannosaurids ancl spinosaurids have roots typicall y 150% to 200% of cror,vn height. These may serve to better anchor the teeth ancl clistribute stress against the lateral forces generated during predation and/or feeding that has a greater torsional component than vertical slicing.
As seen above, none ofthe features previouslv proposed as evidence ofan obiigate predatory life habit {or'I\,rannosaurus and other tvrant dinosaurs is in fact an indicator of such iimitatior-rs. 'l'he tr,'rannosaurid eve l-nay appear to be sn-rall in relative terms, but its apparent small sizc is drie to the allometrically faster grorvth of the rest of the skull. In fact, the absolute srze of the tl'rar-rnosaurid orbit is large. T\'rannosaurid linrb proportions do not indicate a necessarily slon'speed for these dinosaurs. Instead, tibia/ferr-rur
ratios in these dinosar-rrs are higher than those of other large theropocls, and as higl-r as or higher than tl-reir potential prey. F-urtherrnore, the longer
distal limb length of tvrannosaurs conlpared with duckbills ar-rd horned dinosaurs of the same fen'rrr length stronglv suggests that tvrannosaurs were faster than these herbilores. Regardless of whether tvrannosarrrids were capable of a fully srlspended rurrrirrg phase or not, the el idence sugcould cover more ground per stricle than their potcntial pret, and so could overtake them in a chase. The greatlv reducecl forelirribs of t)'rannosatrrids most likell' served no function in prer,. capture, but could have been rlsed to stabilize the prey cluring dispatch. Holvel'er, some rnodern (hr,aenids and canids) do not use their limbs to captr-rre their prer', but insteacl seize thern ancl clispatch thern r.vith their jaws alone. The incrassate teeth of tyrannosaurids mav indicate a bone-crunching habit for ty'rant dinosaurs, but bone cmnching and predation are not mutuall_v exclusive behaviors in rrodern carnivores. Additionalll', strong teeth arc also for-rnd in rnodern predators as an adaptation to u'ithstand forceful bites and the gests that they
during precl:.rtion. Although this reanall'sis of the proposed obligate scavenging correlates does not support that h1'pothesis, it excludes certain pred:rtor_v behaviors frorn the tyrannosaurid repertoire, and it is cor-rsistent r.vith the findings of others. A catlike model, in which the forelimbs arc used in prev capture and a cornbination of il'ouncls generatecl by the raking hind limbs and a suffocating bite (Seidensticker and McDougal i993; Tirrner and Anton 1997), is exciuded because of the irnprobabilitv that t1'rannosaurids cotrlcl seize prel'll'itir their (relativelv) tinv arrns. Such a behar.ior rvould be more consistent il'ith dromaeosaurid dinosaurs, and indeecl nav be recordecl in the fanrous "fighting clinosaurs" specimens (Jerzvkielvicz et al. 1993, fig. ll; L-lnrvin et al. 1995; Carpentcr 2000; Holtz 2003). Siniilarli', a hau,klike moclel of predation, in lvhich the clau,'ecl talons lr,ere the prirnarv method of killing, is uniikelv because botl-r tl-re fore- and hind clan's of tvrannosaurids are relatively straight (Holtz I994, 2004). The han'klike forelimb clar.vs stresses generatecl
of allosauroid s,Tort,osatLrus, DryPtosatLrus) and sorne other large theropocls indicate that the clalr's nrav har.e served a sirnilar function, althougl-r these taxa presurrabll'lr,ould have also used their jaws in prer dispatch.
Obl igate Scavenging Hypothesis
T\'rannosauricl anatonrl,' is consistent ri'ith sone rnodels of predation, hou,ever. The relativeh' elongate legs of tvrannosar-rrids suggest that tl'rev rvere faster than ttreir potential prer,., altl-rotrgh absolute speecls wotrld be difficult to deterrrine 'nvithor,rt a trackr,r'av recorcl. L,r'en though tl-re fore]irlbs of tr.rannosaurids li'ere srnall, their skr-rlls n'ere large ar-rd pori'erfulli'
built, and
(as shon,n abol'e) their teeth u'ere proportionall',, stronger and more resistant to ber-rclir-ig in r,arious directions than those of other theropocls. 'l'hesc clata are cor-rsistent rvith canid or ]'ryaenid models for tvranno-
saur predation: forms that run clor,r'n their prev anil use the jalvs for both prev captrrre and prev dispatch, and that use the forelin-rbs onh'for stabilization dr-rring prer,' dispatch and feeding, if at all. (Tl-ris arralogv clescribes the behar,'ior of hur-rtir-rg bv canids ar-rd hi'aenids against relatir''el1' large prer.. While pr-rrsuing small items, such as arthropods and small rodents, strch predators u'ill use their fcrrelimbs r.vhile pouncing on their victims. Horver,'er, even the rr-iost ardent supporter of active tl'rannosaurid predation noulci be unlikelv to suggest a co-votelike pounce ir-r the predator\,- reper-
toire of TyrarLnosaurus rex! ) Additional support for tl're hypothesis that t1'rannosaurids u'ere canidor hyaenidJike j:rn.capturir-rg predators can be four-rd in the roof of tvrant dinosaur rnotrths. T\''rannosaurids differ frorn other large-bociied theropods, r,iih the erception of spinosaurs (Taquet and Russell 1998; Sereno et al. 1998), ir-r thc possession of :r substantial ossified secondary palate (Holtz 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004;. Busber.(i995) has denionstrated biorneclianicaill' that the development of a large bon,v seconclan' palatc in tire skulis of crocodilians resulted in a morphologv more resistant to torsional forces tl'ran those of the ancestral crococlvlomorphs, rvhich had ziphodont teeth and a theropodJike skull forn.r (Russell ar-rcl Wu 1997). Sin ilarlr'', a tvpical theropod skull would be relatir,'eiv strong in r,ertical corrpressive loacls, but it rvoulcl lack solid support to resist strong torsional loads. 'l'he solid bonl'palate of tvrannosaurids, forn-red bv tl-re medial exter-rsions of the rliaxillae and prenraxillae and the greatlr,'expanded diamond-shaped anterior end of the vomer, lr,ould allow for greater resistance to torsional loads. As Moh-rar (2000) argues, horvever, the verticallv oriented niaxillae of trrannosaurids, as opposed to the rrore horizontally oriented maxillae of crocodilians, indicates that the primarv loading in these skulls ri'as still conrpressive. N{echanical (Erickson et al. 1996), theoretical (}leers 2003), and compnter-aiclecl mathematical (Ray,fielcl et al. 2001; Ra1'field 2004; Snivelr et al., personal corrrrunication) models of the skull olTl,r4nnotourus sr-rpport a por,i,erful bite for this theropod. Altl-rough the data are cor-rsistent u'ith this particular rnodel, thev dcr not derronstrate that tr,'rannosaurids lr'ere active predators. As noted previoush', such dernonstration is difficult evcn for extant carnir''ores, except bv direct observation. Adclitionallv, as noted above, a successfttl predatior-r attempt n,ould be difficult, if not inpossible, to distinguisl-r from a scavenging event on a carcass, particularlv if il-re traunas that produced the victirn's cleatl'r lvere not recorded in tl-re hard tissr-res. Hor.r'ever, there does appear to be direct fossil er"ider-rce for at least somc unsuccessftri predation events b1't,u-rannosatrrids. Carpenter (2000) Thomas R. Holtz
has clescribed :r specimen of thc hadrosatrrid EdmontosarLrrLs dnnectens frorr.r the Hel1 Creek Forrnation of Montana.'l'his specimen demonstrates a pathological trarrrna in the caudal region: se','eral consecutir,'e neural spines are damaged and the central one shearecl off. Tl're shape of the lr,onnd rnatches tire shape of a theropod snout, and pits along this traurna are consistent in size, shape, and position with large theropod teeth. The hadrosaurid survir,'ecl this traurna, as evidenced bv subsequent regror,r'tli of bone in this region. 'l'his regrou,th ir-rdicates that the dtrckbill n'as alive at the tine of the attack. F1app (this r,olume) shorvs sinilar evidcr-rcc in the skr-rll of a specimen ofTriceratops horridus. At present, Trrannosaurus rex is the or-r11.knot'n iarge theropocl froni the Hell Creek Forrnation. It is conceilable that the n'ouncl w'as generatecl bv an as-vet-nnknou'n giant nontl,rannosaurid theropocl fronr the latest N{aastrichtian of n'cstern North Ame ric:r, but at pre sent, an adtrlt T. rex s the onl,l likely'cancliclate to have generated this trar-rma. Althotrgh this represents a tinl'sarrple size, these specirrens implv that a tyrannosaurid attackecl a livir-rg hadrosauricl and a living ceratopsid in separate instances. 'l'he data for tr.'rannosaurids rrav not support ths hl,pothesis for obligate scavengir-rg, but thev do not reject scavenging entirely from the behai. ior of t1'rant dinosaurs. Indeed, as Horner and colleagLres (Horner 1994, i997; Horner and Lessen 1993; Horner and Dobb 1997) and DeVault et al. (2003) correcth'poir-rt out, carrion represcnts a food resource that cloes not reqrlire the cnergy, spent in prev capture and dispatch. Furthermore, tvrant dinosarlrs \\,ere in an ercellent position to be effectil'e scavengersan excellent position literallr,, in that their great hcight rvould allorv them a mtrch rrore ertensive vieu,of the lanclscape in r,i'hicl-r to fir-rd carrion tl-ran rvor-rld srnaller carnivores (Farlor, 1994); and an ercellent position metaphoricallr', as their much larger boclv size migl-rt allolv thcn-r to easilv chasc the sn.raller dromaeosaurids, trooclontids, alcl other contenporarv carni\/ores a\vay frorn carcasses. Additionallr,, it rriar. be that different grou'th stages of tr,rannosauricls had diffcrent life habits (Russell 1970). Perhaps jui'enile tvrannosauricls \\'ere more acti."c prirsuit preclators, lr'liile adults obtained rrost of thcir foocl as c:irrion. Furtherrnore, the relatil,e frequcncv of predation to scilr. cnging niight har,'e ."'ariccl regionalh. Kmrrk (1972) obsen'ed that )2% ol the food of Serengeti populations ol CroctLta crocnta r.r'as frorn scavenged carcasses, ri,hile Ngorongoro populations of the same species sca',,cnged on|1,7% of tl-reir food.'l'here r.na1'have been seasonal variatior-r in the freqllencv of scavenging r,vithin species of tvrannosaurids: for cxanple, scavengilg might becone nore iniportant during drv seasons, or during seasons of ornithischian rnigrations. F-inalll', it rnav bc tl-rat certain species of t,vrannosaurid reliecl more on carrion than prev than did other species, as (for example) the living species of Hyaena has a greater fraction of carrion in their cliet than does the related Crocuta. I-loliever, these l-rypotheses perhaps require direct field obscrvatior.rs to test, ar-rcl thus the1, lgtnrrn speculations outsicle of currentlr, possible scientific inquir','. Finalh', although this short studv does not sr-rpport the hr,pothesis of obligate scavenging in t1'rannosaurids as currentlv framed, this hvpothesrs
igate Scaveng ng Hypothesis r
onll provisionallv rejected. Aclclitional lines
of evidence
nav indeed sup-
port the idea that tvrant dinosallrs \{:ere incapable of routinelr. killing to provicle thenseli'es with food. Untii such time, horvever, there is r-ro evidence to suggest that tvrannosarlrs \\'ere radicallv different ir-r diet fron-r living l:rrge-bodied carnivores, r.vhich obtain food both predation and scavenglng.
The hvpothesis of obligate scaverrging i:nT,-rannosaurus rex and other t1r;rnt dinosaurs is provisionallr' rejected. Previous morphological features suggested as cclrrclates of this hvpothetical life habit were not for-rnd to reject tl-re possibilitl'of predation in t-vrannosauricls. 'l'he apparent srnall size of tvrannosaurid orbits is an artifact of ailometru'; the hind iimbs of ti'rannosaurids are (rnlike their portral.ai in the obligate scavenger model) consistent u,ith a greatcr locomotor abilitv in these theropods than in their potential prel'; the short ams of tvrannosauricls mav have not been usccl ir-r prer,capture, but several living predator groups are kno'nvn to use their jau,s in seizing prel,; and the stont incrassate teeth of t1'rannosarlrs mav not havc bcen effective slashers, but w'ere n,ell briilt to rvithstand pou,erful loads. Tl-re ar-ratoml'of tvrant dinosaurs is inconsistent rvith cat- or hau'klike predator',, behaviors (ivhich necessitate the use of ciarvs in prev capture), but is consistent rvith canicl- or hl,aenidJike jan-capture rnodels. T'ire strong teeth and bonv palate of tvrant ciinosaurs u,ould allou' these dinosaurs to resist stronger tr."'isting loads, ancl occasional contact ith bone, "l than allosaurids or other tr,pical theropocls. Limited fossil evidence clocuments probabie unsuccessful predation attempts of this stvle bv tvrannosaurs. Although obligate scavenging is rejected as a nodel (pending additional evidcncc), tr,rannosaurids u'ouid be effective sca\rengers. It n:rv be that certain groivth stages, or regional or seasonal variations n'ithin species, or even lr,hole species, of tt'rant dinosaur relied rnore on scavenged food than killed prer,, but barring clirect field observation, testing these hvpotheses seerrrs irnpossible.
I thank the organize rs of the 100 Years of TJ,rannosaurus rex Sr,'mposium for inr,'iting rne to participate. I h:rve had (far too nanr'?) discussions on tr,rannosatrricl paleobiologv oi,er the vears n'ith r':rrious other lvorkers, and I n'oulcl like to acknon'ledge, among others, Bob Bakker, Kenneth Carpentcr, Philip Currie, Greg Erickson, fim Farlor,r,, Raiph N{ohrar, Scott Sanrpson, and Jack Ilorncr. Although our intcrpretatior-rs of the data rrav differ, such cliscussions have helped me to frame ml' studies of the tvrant dinosaurs. As ahr.':r1's, I acknon,ledge the researchers and other staff at various museurns for access to specimens in their collection o.,'er tl-re last decade ancl a half: Ted Daescl-rler, Acadernl' of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; VIaik Norell ancl Charlotte Holton, American N{useum of Natural Histon'; Peter Larson :rnci Neal L. Larson, Black Hills \,{useum of Natural Historr'; Nlichael l-lenderson and Scott Wi]liams, Br-rrpec N'h,rseum of Naturai Histoi1,; Kieran Shephard, C:rnadian N'Inseum of Nature; N'{ichael Williams, Thomas R. Holtz
Cleveland N{useurrr of Natural Historl'; Ker.rneth Carpenter, Dcnr.cr NILrseurl of Nature & Science; Williarri Simpson, Fielcl N{useum of Natural Historr'; David Whistler and Samuel N{cl-eod, l,os Angeles Countv N'ltrseum; N{ichael Brett-Surrran and the late Nichoias Hotton III. National Museum of NatLrral Historl,; N4akoto N,{an:rbe, National Science Nluseurn; Angela N{ilner ancl Sandra Chapman, the Natural Histori,N,Iusetrm; HansDieter Sues and Kevin Sevmour, Roval Ontar'o N{useum; Don Brir-rknan, Philip Currie, anci Jackie Wilke, Ror,al T\'rrell N'{useunr of Palaeontologl.; Sankar Chatterjee, N'Iuseum of 'l'eras Tech LJniversiti,'; N,lari' Ann 'l-urner and Cl-rristine Cliandier, Yale Peabocli' N.'luseum of Natural Historr'.
Abler, W L. 1992. The serrated teeth of tvrannosaLrricl dinosaurs, and biting structures of other auinrals. Paleobiologt' l8: 16 l -1 83. 2001. A kerf-ancl-clrill nodel of tlr:rnnosatrrid tooth serrations. P. 8.1-EC) in Tanke, D., and Carpenter, K. (eds.). \'l.esozoic\lertebrate Life. Indiana LIni-. versitv Press, Bloonrirrgton. Bakker, R. 1'. 1986. The DinosatLr Heresies. \\/illiam & \lorrou. Nerr,York. Bakker, R. T., \\rilliaLns, N{., and CLrrric, P J. 1988. Nanotyrannus, a ne\\.genus of pr"gmv tlrannosaur, from the latest Cretaceous of Nlontana. Htnteria 1(5):
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bl ig ate Scaveng t ng Hy pothesis
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beh:rr,ior in large carnivores. lournal of' Zoologt' 212: 319-39 ,-. \\Ialker, F,. P i964 \Icrmtnals oitlrc\\hrld. Johns l{opkins Universitv Press, Baltimore, NID. \\'e lle s, S. l'. 1984. Diloplnstmrus v'etlrcrilli (Dinosarur ia, Theropoda): osteologr'
and cor npariso us. Palae
Thomas R. Haltz Jr
ict grapl'Lic
Abte i lLng
i E0.
gure 21 .1 . Henry Fair:ield Osbarn's second F
:-^) )KC/ctdl -^ /)cu -1,^l^+^l /-^cj-^^u 'ct - ]- st-tct on of Tyrannosaurus rex teversed for conparison vtith Fig. 21.2), drawn by L. M Sterlino hased mosflv on AMNH 973 (now CM J|''
9380) and including parts of AMNH 5866 (now BMNH R7994). Af-
ter Osborn (1906).
'lbdav the nane TlrdnnoEdurus rer is part of onr er,erlclar. lericon, as u,ell knor'r'n to tl-re public :rs the narnes of rrianv hunran celebrities. Chilclren not vet cognizant of the identitr,of persorrs in tl-re public eve often kno'nr,, and can even spell, the narne of this gigantic theropod clinosaur. Given paper ar-rcl pencil or modeling clar,, ther,c:rn even produce a recognizabie approxirration of T rex. h-or n'ell ovcr a clecade, onc of the most popular and belovecl rolc models alrong volrnger chilclrcn is a ptrrple, singirrg, dancing T),ranrLosatLrtLs rramecl Barner,, a character created for thc Public Broaclcasting St,steni. Incleecl, the fe:rrsorlie r.et charisnratic T rex h:rs
into a rr-rodcrn-clai' nultinedia icon. Or,er thc past centnrr', the fanriliar inage of TtrannosctLLrlts rex-atgrlablv the best knor.','n and most poprilar of clinosaurs among lavnren, as u'el1 as one of the clinosaurs rnost studiccl br, p:rleontologists-has appeared in l'irtuallr.o'erv popular \,enrle, incl:ding prose fiction, poetrr', rnotion prctures, radio ar-rcl television prograrns, theatrical presentations, comic books, evolr,'ecl
park exhibits, displar posters, tovs, g:rmes, nrodcl kits, foocl, and aclr,.ertrsirrg. \\'lrcrever tlre irrraqe of an rrrrinrrrl carr be rrsrd. T. re.r lrrs rrott likelr been there (e.g., sec Horner ancl f,cssem lggl; GlLrt 2001). Hon,er,er, before the rriidclle of the first decadc of the 20th centurr'. Tyrannosdt-rrus rer \\,:rs unknon'n.
1905, Her-rrr Fairfielcl Osborn, a professor and forrnder of the depart-
tnent of r.crtebrate paleor-rtologr at the Anrerican N,luseum of Naturai Historr' (AN'INI1), named the giant, Late Cretaceous carnivorous dinos:rur Tlrannoscu.rus rer (Osborn 1905). It ri,as founded on a partial skeleton chscovered in 1902 during a fielcl expedition r-rnder thc clirection of thc n-rusetum's chief fossil collector, Barnurn Brou'n, in the tlpper Cretaceous (N'laastrichtian) Hell Creek Fbrnation (then callecl Laramie Fbrmation) of D:rn,sorr Connti', irr northern \,{ontana. The same r,ear this initial paper n:rs n,ritten and ptrblishecl, addition:rl portior-rs of the specirren n.ere still being excar.atecl (Osborn 1905). Although both jari's and portions of tire
Lull, u'ho u as in chargc of the specir-nen's preparation, had not vet corr-ipletecl riork on those elctrtents. Consequentir', Osborn (190t) did not inclucle anr,cranial characters in his diagnosis of the ne\\' genus and tvpe spccies, nor did he figure the skull in detail. 'l'he next vear, Osborn ( 1906 ) publishecl a second paper on ll re.t, thrs one provicling better figures of tlre collectecl naterial. It r','as one of these illustratior-rs, as I ri'ill sl-rou belori', that constitr-rted thc basis for the first life skr,rll hacl alreadv been collected, Richard Sn'anrr
A Conn trtt af Colahritv
21 Introduction
restoratiorr of Ttrannosaurus rex in a stunnir-rg arrcl visuallv pou,erful painting that n'orrld gracltrallr' be reproclucccl in seenringlv countless popular
ptrblications, thcrcbr,shaping the public's conception of T. rex. This single n,ork of art n'otrlcl, for ahrost 3 decacles and belond, constitutc the acceptecl inragc of this clinosairr in the public eve. Iior a generation of people intcrcstecl in clinosaurs, this image wasTtrannos(1urus rex. Over the decades that folloil'ed, there u'otrlcl come a varietv of net' restoratiorrs, sorne based on e:rrlier artistic interpretations and sone more or less accurate than those that can'rc bcfore. All of those iniages contributed in shaping thc public's icleas as to iion'Jl rer m:rv have :rppearecl and :rlso hori, this giant c:rrnir,orous dinosaur
T. Rex in the
Public Eye
mal have behaled.
Bv 1905, the pr-rblic t,as alreadr,sa\'\'\'concerning the ongoing discoi,'eries of often spectacular dinosaur specimens, particul:rrlr those from the late 19th and earlr,20th centurics in North Anrerica. Houever, until thai vear, relativch'little information w'as ai'ailablc to scientist or lavr.nan conccrning vcrv large carnivorons clinosaurs. Ollv 2 r'err large North Anrerican theropods had bv that tirne been naned and clescribccl on thc basis of rcasonablv cornplete fossil nraterial: Lrtelaps (named bv E. D. Copc 1866, but latcr rcnamecl Dryptctsaurus) and A//osaurus (named bi'O. C. N,{arsh 1877). Consequentll,, tlre cliscovcrv olTtrannosaur"us, arl animal larger and more spectacular than the geologicallr olcler Allosaurus, \\'as a ne\\'s\\'orthv event. Clearlr', Osborn (1905, p. 2591 nas impressed bt"lt,rannosarirus '"r'hcn iic notcd that its size "gre:rth erceecls that of :rnv carnivorotrs lancl :rninal hitherto ciescribecl."
Osborn offered onlr a preliminarv clescription of T. rex, as n'ell as a brief, and bv todiir"s standards barelf infornrative, diagrosis basecl mostlv on size-related features. T\r'o of tlic feattrres \\'crc presuilrabll on observations made bv Banrurri Bronn: hnntems (unknori'n at the time) large and elongatc, artcl absence of dernral plates erroneotrsli' thought to be present ir Dt'namosatLrus intperiosis (nori'a junior svnolrvm of 7'. rex1. The :rrticle also provided the first, sonrcuh:rt conjectural skeletal reconstruction of T rer (Osborn I905, fig. 1) clran,n bi'Aurerican \'luseum of Natur:rl Flistorv p;rlcontologist Williarr Diller Nlatthen' (see Colbert 1992), a former prot6g6 of Osborn. 'l'he figure shon'ed the'L ren skeleton upright in left lateral vien,, :rlong n,ith the skeleton of Horno sapiens fcrr size corrparison. Al-
though the partiallr,preparecl skull cc,ruld not vet be figurecl in cletail, Osbonr did-perhaps significantlr, as I n,ill shori belori -rne ntion the alreaclr' prep:rrccl "supraorbital portion =lacrinral] of tlie frontal bone, extremeh, mgose, constituting:r horn above the orbit ren'sinrilar to that seen in A/f
losaurus" (C)sboni I905, p. 26);cl. Nladscn 1976, pl. 1). The prelirrinarv skull reconstructior-r inclucles a nunrber of in:rccuracies. N'lost notablr', the skull qas ciran,tr triangrrlar in profile, rather than rcctangtrlar, as shou'n bv later discor,crics. Thc triangular shape',ras partli' thc rcsult of the clcntarv being dr:rn'n too sl-rallon' cauclallr' (perhaps patternccl after thc
the antorbital fenestra. Other inaccuracies in N{atthen"s drau'ing included the too-short neck and short cervical neural spines. Osborn (1906, fig. I) later presentccl a rer,'ised versiorr of the skull. 'fhis
illustration corrected se',,eral rnistakes, inch:ding deepening the latter por-
tion of tlie dentarr" ancl repositioning the lacrirnal. The orbit nas clrar.r,n lvith the verticallv narro\\' shape knoivn toda1,' (see also C)sborn's 1912 descripiion of the more complete skull of referred specimen AN,{NH
rvhich u,as discovered in 1905 and excavated bl,tlie American N,{useunr rrr I908). Osborn (1906, pl. 39) also incltidecl a revised skeletal reconstnrction (Fig. 21.1) dran,n br.L. N'I. Sterling, basecl on both AN,INH 971 and the refcrrccl specimen AN1NH 5866 (non'BN4NH R7994). In this version, the cervical vertebrae u.,ere correctlv depicted, adding ler-rgth ancl bulk to the neck. Assunring, albeit iircorrectlv, thatTyrannosdurus \\,as closell,related to tlre large L:rte Jr-rrassic carnosaur Allosaurus, a fine skeieton (ANINFI 4753) of rvhich had alreadv been nounted at the Arrerican \4useurn, Osborn (1905, 1906) based sorne of the rnissing parts on that genus ir-r both of his skeletal reconstmctions. Amor-rg Osborn's aims, as head of the nelr,lv established department of vertebrate pale ontologl', n,ere to enrich the Anerican N.,Iuseum's r,ertebrate fossils collections and to disseminate information about these extinct animals to the public. Because lavrnen do not, as a rule, read technical articles, Osborn sought another rneans of rnaking such inforrnation generalil, available. Osborn selectecl Charlcs R. Knight. n,ho u'as regarded as the prcrnier artist of ertinct life. Knight n'as colrnrissioned to recreate in painting ancl sculpture the various anirnals rvhose skeletons were being erl-ribited in the rnuseurn's'u'ertebrate fossils halls (e.g., see Dingus 1996). Knight, rvho had honed his skills under the guiclance of tr. D. Cope, n':rs a conscientious, fine artist, ancl also an amateur paleontologist. After Cope's de atli, Knight soon founcl hirnself under tire rrentorship of Osborn and rvorking closelv u,ith Barnnm Bron,n (Czerkas and Glut 1982). Irr arr attempt to quickh' make his cliscover], of Tyrannosatzrus knorvn to the public, Osborn had thc pelvis and legs of ANINH 973 mounted tbr displav (Anonvmor-rs 1910). fo acconpanv this erhibit, Osborn hacl Knight prepare a painting (Fig. 21.2) that ii'ould convev to rrruseurr visitors hou' this grcat anirral looked in life. Hou'ever, the skeletal reconstructions available to Knight published bv Osborn (1905, i906), incltrdecl errors: rnost notablr', the tail u,as too long (r,r'hen later mounted, the tail ofANlNH 5027 u':rs too long bv approrin.r:rtelr' 3 n, as pointed out bv Nen'rnan in 197u1. Also, the then unknou'lr r-nanlls n'as reconstructed as irt Allosaurus, n'ith l functional digits rather tlian tlie correct 2 (" g., Lanbe 1914; Carpenter and Smith 200i). Later, Osborn (1916), follor,r,ing Lan.rbe (1914) and also the i,erbal opinion of Charles Whitnev Giln-rore, agreed that the 'l-yrannosdurus nanus could eventualli' pror''e to be fr,rnctionalli' didact1,l lr'ith a r.estigial D III (see Lipkin and Carpenter this volurne). Although AN4NH 5027 ri,'as firsi mountecl u'ith a 3-fingered hand, it n'as reduced to 2 li'l-ren the skelcton u,'as renountecl in 1927 (R. A. l,ong, personal comnunic:rtion 2006; also photograpl-rs in Dingus 1996).
A Century of Celebrity
.*"':,r-,# t&,
resto rati o n
Ty ra n n o
saurus rex, painted by Charles
R Knight in
tA A..^mnAnv
tha firct
mnt tnfor'l
this dinosaur, based on Osborn's 1 906 published ske I eta I reco nstru ctio n.
Courtesy Department
brary Servlces, American Museum of Natural Lr
Clearlr', Knight basecl his 1906 paintirig of T. rer clirecth on tire figllre published bv Osborn that same ve:rr, becallse the painting :rpproximates a fleshed-or-rt rrirror image of the skeletal drari ing, complete ri'ith tridactr'l hands and o\.erh'long tail. As in the Sterling reconstruction (Osborn 1906), the tail is alrnost at gror-rncl lei'e I ancl the left leg is positioned slighth'back. F urthe rmore, the anirral is clepictecl in a ratl-rcr stationari', alrnost lcthargic position, appearing almost disinterestecl as it, significantlr' (see belolr.), tace s clcrri'n a f:rmilr of the horned dinosaur Triceratops (probabl1, because parts of a Triceratops frill had becr-i iound uith A\'{NH j866). Ctrriorrslr,, Knigl-it paintecl tl-re e1'e of'llrannoscturus a]rrost directh'below
the lacrim:rl hom. \\1h','Knight, nho n'orkccl closelr ',r'ith thc scientists and knerr aninral anatonn'u'e11, n'or:ld m:rke such an error is puzzling. It secrns unlikcll'that Knight, alreaclr,firrnlv r.rnder the mentorship of Osborn and u'orking closelr,n,ith Bron,n, u'or-ild hal'e folloried his former mcntor Cope in rrisiclentifving the theropod antorbital opening. C)nc suggestion for Knight's error is that the artist had refbrred to Osborn's (1905) original statement regarcling tl-re lacrirnai of T rer being positionecl above tlie orbit, and that no ore-Knight, Osborn, or Bron n-had noticed the error until the painting \\'as on exhibit.
Donald F Glut
Nonetheless, both Knight's painting ancl the skeletal clisplal'had an inn-rediate iinpact on the public rvhen the exhibit opened in 1910. A Nrew YorkTimes headline announced "'l'he Prize Fighter of Antiquitv Discorered and Restored" (see Horner ancl Lessem i993). Visitors to the exhibrt n'ere confronted b1' the partial remains clf a carnivorous animal that had never before been seen, ar.rcl the Knight painting conve.,.ed the irnage of this fantastic and spectacular beast, u'ith a hr-rge head, muscular bocl,v, ancl eaglelike hind feet-an animal suggesting a dragon or,rt of rn1'tir. hrdeed, visitors to the musenm found thernsell'es gaz.i.:.gat the partial remains and life restoration of a gigantic, terrifr,ing denizen of another age, r'et one, b1' virtue of its beir-rg extinct, that u'as non' a harrnless attraction.
The experience u,as heightened inrmensel-v u'hen, in 1915, the referred skeleton of T. rex, AMNH 5027, r,r.'as rliounted in an in-rposing vertical pose, and rvitl"r the hands, as in Knight's accompanl.ing painting, sporting 3 fingers (Fig ZLI).'l'he rnounted skeleton usecl a cast of the skull because the original n'as too heavv to be rnounted and so rvas displal'ed separatell,. 'l'he mount also trsed a cast of the lirnb elernents frorn AN{NH 973. As Osborn (1916, p.
762) stated, "Tyrannosaurus is the most superb carnir,orous mechanisrn among the terrestrial Vertebrata, in lvhich raptorial destructive pon,er and speed are combinecl; it represents the clin-rax in the evolutior-r of a series which began n'ith the relativelv small and slencler'liiassic carnivore Anchisdurus." As far as the public \\:as concerned, this skeleton, rl'ith its sktrll tou'eriiig almost to thc rnuseurn hall's ceiling, and u'ith Knight's painting reinforcing the terror, T rer was a real monster-albeit a safe one, as, being lor-rg clead, it was no longer a threat-ancl therein, I suggest, lal.this dinosaur's appeal.
A Century of Celebrity
Figure 21 .3. Skeleton
(AMNH 5027) as it was mounted and photonranhcrl in 191 5 Notc the i nco r rect u p ri g ht postu re, 3-fingered hands, and oveily long tail. Courtesy nanArtmanf nf lihrerv Services, American Museum of Natural Hrstory.
PhntnhvA F Andar
Figure 21 .4. Cover for the book America Before Man (1953) featuring L. b. rails s verston or Knight's 1906 Tyrannosaurus. Courtesy of the Viking Press.
sY*$f,ro'! *i!e"r lsfl;f.
tirre of its cornplctior-r, Knight's trrriqne: it constituted the onli' life restoratio:n of 'ltranrLoscLttrus rex available to the scientist or the pr-rblic. Indeed, to rnanv pcoplc, cspeciallv those',r'ho n,ould never stand in the presence of thc skeletal r-nount, tl-re painting n'oulcl constitute their onli,' r"isual irriprcssion of T rer. As a r','ork of art, the p:rinting c:tnnot be criticized, except for the :rlre ach.st:rtecl errors. Nonetheless, this image-of the presunabh' slou-ruoving, 3-finHon'er,er, it rnust be stressed that at the
gered, arrd long-tailed T\,rctnnosaurus, n'itir its rrisplaced eles-bccatne, for clecacles, tlrc inage of this dinosaur. Osborn (1917) included n'hat seerrs to har,e been the first photographic rcprodrrctiori, in black ancl uhitc, of Knight's TlrrutnostttLrrLs p:rinting ur
Donald E Glut
The Origin and Eyolution of Lilb, a book conrprising a collection of that author's lectnres (also including photographs, taken in 1915 br A. L,. Anderson, of the mor,rnted AN,INH 5027; sce Osborn 1916, fig. l7). Science Press is credited in the book as havir-rg published these lecttrres the previolrs vear; hon'ever, thev apparentll' did not inchrde tlie Knight image (R. A. Long ancl f . S. N{clntosh, personal comrntiniczrtions 2006). Knight's painting rias republished nurnerous tirres over the succeecling vears ln both technical ancl popular articles (e.g., Brou'n 1919), textbooks (e.g., Schucl-rert ar-rcl Dunbar 1937), popular books (e.g., Colbert 19'15), books targeted at jr.rr,enile readers (e.g., Rcecl 1930), encvclopedia entries (e.g., Anonymous 1954), and elsen'here. Edn'in H. Colbert (1980, 1989), a proiific autl'ror and n'redia consultant as n'ell as a i'ertebrate paleontologist, authored nLurerolls technical papers and popular books about dinosaurs cluring his lengthl career. His first use of thc 1906 Knight painting n,as in I'he DinosaLLr tsooft, pr-rblished in 194j, n,hich, including a nnrrber of reprints, becarre a rliinor best seller, remaining the most popular and often-read book on the subject available to thc public into the earlr' 1960s. Colbert, in fact, continuecl to use that saine 1906 image as representative of ll rex in a nnmber of subsecltrent popular rn'ritings (e.g., see Colbert 1953, 1961). E'n'en as late as 1983, uanr'\'ears after the errors in Knight's paiirting had been recognized and correctecl in other restorations, Colbert included Knight's famous painting in one of his books. Particularlr cluring the l9i0s and i960s, Colbert n,as n'ell knon,n ancl u'ell regarclecl ar-nong clinosaur-informccl lavmert as the authoritl' on dinosaurs. His popular publications n,ere readilv ar,ailable ir-r bookstores, lnrlsellilr shops, and the public librarr', ancl his name \\'as well knori'n as authoritative outside of scientific circles. Consequentlr., inaccrrracies notn'ithstanding, Colbcrt's trse of thc Knight restoration g:rr,e it an implied ,.r.-,--^ .-..--*^. ,^dr. I ^f dlJlrru\ JLdl rrP vr Aside froni Colbert, r-nanv other w'riters frequentlr, ir-rcluclecl reclrann (and inferior) copies of Knight's 'I\,rannosatLrtLs (e.g., C. B. Fails for Baitr 1953), son-retimes u'ith onlv subtle changes (e.g., heacl or tail turned; Figs. 21.4 and 21.5). Not el'ervone, hon,evcr, rcacl books or articles abotrt dinosaurs,
Figure 21 .5. The geoI ly d isp laced Tyrannosaurus based on
g ra p h i ca
Knight's 906 painting, 1
accom pa ny i ng
" D i nosau r Hunting in the Gobi Desert," a popular article written by Roy Chapman Andrews for the November 1954 issue of Boys'
Life magazine.
A f anlt trv nf f alahrittt
Figure 21 .6. Knight's
1906 Tyrannosaurus nsinfinn rame< ln lifa courtesy of sculptor Mar ral f'laln;r'ln )n/'l .f^^-
motion animator Willis O'Brien, in the 1933 classic motion picture King Kong. Courtesy RKO Radio Pictures.
cr,cn those issued bv the popular press. Neverthelcss, Knight'.s imagerl,profouncllr' inflrrencecl icleas about T\'rannosatLrus rex in other r,enues. Perl-raps most inflrrentialh, the 1906 painting \\'as the sonrce naterial for sculptor N{arcel Delgado il'hen, arotrncl 1911, he n'as cornnrissiorecl bl RKO Radio Pictrrrcs to create a flcshecl-or-rt'Ilrannosar-rtLs ntodel that s'as to be brought
to lifc bi'special effccts naster Willis O'Bricn bi'stop-motion :rnination. The aninratiolr \\':ts intended for a nrotion pictr-rre entitled Creation. Althorrglr Creatknt n'as prerraturelv abortecl before Delgado's T rer could go through its anirrated nror,erncnts, ihc moclel n.as salvagecl for another RKO tolossrrl lrroiecl. KingKrnrqrl()13r.arrrovietirathctnrrtcrtrtirnrredi:rtelrrrl bor-office slrccess (e.g., see Goldner and Turner 1975; Glut 1978; Bern'
2002).'l'hanks to rrumerous tlieatrical ancl television rcissLres of the fih'r'r, and later throtrgh vicleotape ancl DVD releases, this secminglv lir,ing incarnation of Kniglrt's painting of T rex-mispiaced ere, 3-fingcrecl h:rnd, and all-bat-
tling the inraginarv giant prehistoric gorilla, Kong, has become a
motion-picturc seqllence. Indeed, to man.,'pcoplc, this drarnatic image of 'l re.t-hissing, biting, and su ishing its tail like sorne gigantic scrpent-constrttrtes the \.erv essence of this great theropod dinosaur (Fig. 21.6). Although r.ariations on Knight s 1906 n,ork continuecl to appear and can 1et be sccn cvcrt toclav in varions rredia- and rnerchandise-rel:rted incarnations, it n'as anotlrer painting, created sorre 2 decades latcr b1,thc same artist, that hacl equal, if not rrore profotind, effect on popular culture. Betn,een 1926 Donald
and I911. Knightu'as commissioned by.the Field l,,ltrser-rm of Natr-rral Histon (r-ron' the Field \,{useum) to paint :r series of iarge murals portrar.,ing life through tirnc for the exhibit hall n'here sorne of its vertebrate fossil specirnens il ere displavecl. Arrong this se ries-regarded b_v both Knight ancl his ach.nirers as his magnum opus-\\'as a Late Cretaceous scene, compieted bi' 1928 (N. Currrnings, personal cornrrunication 2006) and perliaps the most farrous dinosatrr pairrting er.'er executed, depicting'hrc nnoEcLurus confronlingTriceratops (Czerkas and Glut 1982). This time, holle','er, there n'ere inrportant cliffererrccs from the 1906 l.ersion of T. rex. Knight portraved T rex n,ith its ei,es correctlr,placed, its hancls bcaring Z rather than 3 fingers, and, propheticalll, it seens, ih bodr'hclcl in a horizontal posture ri'ith the stil1 too long tail off the grouncl (a second T rex inclir,idual in the backgrotrnd is proppecl np in the stand;rrcl subvertical pose still fashionable at the time). N,{oreover, the scenario l-rad:rlso altcrecl. No longcr tl-re rather lethargic animals dcpicted in 1906. this
Figure 21 .7. Late Cretaceous mural, painted by Charles R. Knight circa 1928 for the Field Museum of Natural History,
featuring the classic Tyra n n osa u rus versus Trice rato ps sce n a ri o, possibly the best known and influential of any T. rex life restorations. Courtesy the Field Museum, negative CK9T. Photo by Ron
Figure 21 .S Tyrannosau-
UM,.IK, TNQACED 3V Ol-lrRO',3 tvff .rAcgs T!"{g rraCCtC,JS TVRAN SFiCLT HfflDTD -.-
rus based on Knight's Field Museum mural as it appeared in a comic book adaptation of the 1940 \1
motion picture One Mil-
tl I
in the Reg'lar Fellers
lion s.c. (1940), published comic book.
L/" A:'
\ P' .\',
\ A Century of Celebity
Figure 2'1 .9. Another Tyrannosaurus Dased on
Knight's Field Museum mural hlong with an Apatosaurus and caveman) AnnDArAd
th fna
,,.b," ..'4 tq 'of, ,'$1
science fiction motion
picture, Dinosaurus! Co u rtesy U n ive rsa | - I nte rnational Prctures.
T\,rdrLnosaurtLs ttncl'liiceratops \\'ere painted activelv charging touarcl olre an-
otlier in ri'hat pronised to be a violent conflict (F-ig. 21.7). Like its earlier pre de cessor, Knight'sT1,rorr,rntourus verslls Triceratops rntrral had lasting imp:rct on the public. The Field NlttseLtm solcl postcarcls of the painting, rcprocluced first in black and ufiite and, in later rears, full color. Not onlr.rioulcl rcproductions of this p:rinting beconre the nortn itt books about cxtir-rct anirnals (e.g., Knight's orin book, Bef-ore the Dawn of Historr, 1935 ), largelv supplanting the 1906 image in popLrlaritr', but it also rlculcl also becorre the image of T. rex niost often copiecl bv other artists and adapted to other rredia. Knight's ncn'arrci rnore accuratc Tl rer u'as soon recognizable in a varietv of publications, including popular dinosaur books, nrainstre arn ni:rg:rzines, ancl comic books (fig. 2l.8), ancl also tvran-
ro\ilrrr\ portrlrrt'd irr rrrotior pitlrrres'Fig. 11.9, An.rong such publications r,iere the cl-reapli printecl ancl purchasecl pulp nr:rgazines, ri'hich n'ere nass-clistribr:ted perioclicals clisplalcd at novsst:rnds n'ith luricl covcrs during the 1930s and 19'10s. Prolific pulp artist J. Allen St. fohn aclaptecl Kr-right's Field N.,{useum Tyrannosaurus lo rnanv of his rnagazine paintings and dran,ings during thosc clccaclcs, primarih' illustrating the fantastic fiction scribed bv adventure author Edgar
Rice Burroughs, the creator of Tarzan and other larger-thanJife heroes. T'his tradition of copving Knight u'as later inherited bv such St. John succcssors as Frank Frazetta in the 1960s and bel'ond (Glut I980, 2001). Some publications eve n created their ori n chirncras bv melcling ele rncnts fronr cliffcrcnt Knight paintings to create a ncn'u,hole ir-r.rage. \\'. \\l Robinson's (1934) childrcn's book, for erample, corribinecl Irene Robinson's redrari'tt (arrd reversed) head of Knigiit's F'ield N'lr-rscunt'li'rdrLnoscurrus u'ith the bodv of the one paintecl for the Arnerican N{useurn, again n'ith 3-fingcred hands (Fig. 21.101. Surelr', the Field \{usennr mural affected popLrlar cultLrre trcrrtcnclorrslr, rrot onlv in its phvsical portraval olTvrannosaurus, but also in its Donald F Glut
Figure 21 10 lrene Robinson combined the head from Knight's Field Museum Tyrannosaurus mural with the body from his 1906 Tyrannosa u rus pa i nti ng, resu lting in this composite image far W. W. Robinson's child ren's book Anci e nt
Animals of America (1934). Courtesy the Ward Ritchie Press.
in the public consciousness that this dinosaur ancl Tricerdlops were natural enerries that encountered, probablv frecluentlr', one establislrn-rent
battle (see Happ this volurre). Inadvertcntlv, the mural also led to a tlrird depiction olTyrannosaurus, u'hich, like its Knight inspiration, woulcl also have considerable influence on popular cr,rlture. hi 1933-1934, Chicago pla1,ed host to tl-re \Vorld's Fair. Dubbed A Centurv of Progress, the 2-r'ear errent r;i as held on grounds located u,itl-rir-r lr'alking clistance of the Fielcl N,hise unr. Arnong tl-re attractions u'as the Sinclair Dinosaur Exhibit, featuring life-size, rrechanicall'"'moving, 3-dimensional recreations of the figures based dircctlv on Knight's murals. Designed bv P. C. Alen for the Sinclair Refinir-rg Companr'(Anonl'mous 1966) under the another
Figure 21 11. Based directly on Knight's Field Museum mural, this lifesize mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex figure appeared in the Sinclair Dinosaur Exhibit at the 1933-1934 Chicago World's Fair (A Century
of Progress).
,!); *,r&;8r.
A Century of Celebrity
Figure 21 .12. The Sinclair
Dinosaur Exhibit Tyran-
nosaurus as photo-
.-dd: sd-' '
graphed in its highly inf I u e nti a I th ree - q ua rte
$ ff,,d*
technical consnlt:rtion of Barnurrr Bron'rr. this suite of Nlesozoic charactcrs inclLrclecl, of conrse, the poptrlar Trrannosauruslfriceratops conflontation (althorrgh lhe'l)rannosaurus :rgain sported a 3-fingcrccl liand). h'i profiie, the Sincl:rir ll rer reserrbled its Z-clirricnsional inspir:rtion at the Field N'ltrsettni (Fig. 21.11). Hou'ever, it n':rs a three-c1r-rarter-r'iet photogr:rph (f ig. 21. I2) of the Sinclair T1'rarnrosaurus th:rt soon began appearing in r':rrious \renucs, including a series of sourcrtir Irerrspapers atrcl postcards from the \\Iorld's Fair. Seen in this aspect, hori'ever, the figure took on its ou'n tmiqtre and odcl appearance that der.'iated in variorts n'avs from Klight's profile vieil. N{ost notablr,, thc dinosaur lookecl unr-tstt:rllr' iiide in the hips ancl hincl legs, rihereas the heacl, seen front this angle, assurnecl a horselike shape. Nlore significantlv, that photograph ',i as the basis for a painting executed bi' artist Jan-res E. Allen for The Sinclair l)inosatLr Book, a free booklet (Fig. 21.13) promoting the oil cornp:rur.and providing inforrration abor.rt dinosattrs, revievn'ed and perhaps autitorecl bv B:rrtlrtrr-t Brou.'rr in 1914 (see listing in Chure and Nllclntosh 1989). The book u.'as sent out to schools and other targeted attcliences, altd eventualli'became a highlv collectible itern. Like the Knight mur:rl that inspirecl it, t-tt-trnerous copies of Allens painting (nanus again correctlr didactr'l) nere also re414
.#'';.'\ " Ift H
d$".\,d'r-,' '*(?,
,,,!il: ,.gl:l:
#' , ffi--
prirrted in nuine rotrs otl-rer pLrblicatio's. Again TrrannosatLrus
abotrtto engage its b''.r,,'tradition.l foelTriceratoEs, in corrbat. Also, ii'itl-i Knight's versio', Alicn's renditior of T. rexbecame foclder for
?ltl :lrt"tlt
including St. John, n,ho aclaptecl it to their ori,n needs (Ghrt
1980). oddly, some artists like St. John, portra'als of 7'. rex, basecr them on
later illtrstrating their ou n'side-
Alle''s three-quar-ter-"rp..tprint'ie\\' ing, res'lting in distorteci clepictions that onr' superficiarrr, ,.r.,i'trt.a
Knight's original lateral vieu. (F'ie. 2l.14t.
Neri'artistic orT. ix,.s.,alrr ri ith 3 fi'gers ancl basecl either 'ariatiors on the Alien painting or thrce-cprrartcr-r ierr photogrrpl,, of the worlcl,s Fair rnodel, subseqtrertlr cleb.ted in othcr ri icieh, acce ssibre
Amorrg tllese urts tlrc J\'rarrrrr,,s.lrrrirs prcscrrlccl irr tlrc rrritl_19?0s 'e^les. aI Dirrosarrr park in Rapid Citr, SD, on: ol1-syite of such figures made bv local sculptor FllnrettA Sulliran (F-ig 21.i5). cercbratedirs thc first fuli-scale cli,,orr.,, figures e'er rrade i'the L.rnitecl States for perrranert clisplar, tire
Park Tt'rannudLLrLLE ard kin inrprcssecr ,'iiitnrs if orr' for tireir size, u hile at the sarle tirrc boosting the Black Ilills toLrrist tracle.
r,r'ere also issr,red
br,thc Sinciair Refini'g conpar^.,
r':irious children's books, pulp rragazines, ancl conric books (sce Gltrt l9g0) that boasted r.'ariatio.s on Allen's ri,ork. co.rtecl a.ronq
the m'riacl iter's
A Century of Celebrity
Figure 21 .13. James
Allen's painting of Tyrannosaurus rex, based on th ree - q ua rte r-vi ew
oto -
graphs of the Sinclair Dinosaur Exhibit figure, prepared for The Sinclair
Dinosaur Book. This image was widely seen during the 1930s through 1 9 50s. Cou rtesy Si ncla ir Refining Company.
Figure 2'i .14. J. Allen St. John based this
Tyrannosaurus rex on James E. Allen's threeq ua rte r-vi
ew pa i nti ng,
producing, for a pulp magazine (1942), a new si d e
-view i nterp retatio n
that only slightly resembled Knight's original. Cou
rtesy Zi ff- Dav is
lishing Company.
inspired bv r\llen's painting n'ere, along with other prehistoric anirnals, the rex figurines tFig. 31.16) first issued circa 19'17 br Sell Rite Giftri,are (SRG) of 1'Nen York (see Cain ancl Fredericks 1999). Prirriarilv sold in nruseunr gift shops :rncl througli rnail-orcler adr,ertisernents printed in rnagazines, such as the Anerican N4trsetrnr's Natttral History, tlrese grecriislr, perenniallv poptrlar TrrdrtrtosdrLrtLs figurcs constitutecl, fcrr nearlv a ciecade, r'irtuallr.'the onlr' J-dinrensional incarnations of the clino-
healr; bronzc-coated leadT.
sarrr a"'ailable to the public. Tlie.u'n'ere availablc in botl-r large and sn-rall sizes,
again possessing 3-fingcrecl hancls but assuming a rather sqr-rattv posturc. 'l'hese figures, lr.llich u'ere :rlso put out in ceranric ancl plastic lersiotts, cottlcl still be purchased in recent vears ancl arc highlv collectible toclar'. Into the earlr' 1950s, those 3 most inflnential images ol'f\rarntosaurus
rer-the 2 Knight paintings 412
and the Ailen painting-continued to pen'ade
popular culture. Bv that time, Knight (1942,1946), as both artist and author, had alreadi'pnblisl-rcd nc\\'dcpictions of T\,rannos(tLLTLLS in the popular National Ceographic MagazirLe and his book Life through the Ages. Knight's illustration in the latter, in r,i,hich 27. rex indivicluals n,alk sicle bv sicle, or-rc crouched, both apparentlr,readl to strike at eacl-r other, seeninglv echoes Osborn's (1913) aborted plan to rrount both ANINH 973 and AN4NH 5027 as if about to fight frrr possessiou of a carcass. Althotrgh Knight clid not significantli'cler,iate frorn his r.nnr:rl in regarcls to thc phvsical look of TyrarLnosaurus, he no'nv portraved the anin-ral in conflict w'ith anotlrcr of its kind rather than n'itli the ubiquitous Triceratops. 'l'hese r,r'onderful pieces of art, portrar,i:ngT. rex as a considerabll,more acti'u'e anirnal than suggestecl br,the 1906 painting,',r,ere n'iclelr.seen ancl iirfluential in their on'n right. Hon'ever, these later irnagcs clid not affect the public as strongll as had Knrght's e:rrlier w'orks. Incleed, the nrain inflnence on the public conscionsness regarding li. rcLnnos(TurLLl r"er c:lnre neither frorri Krright nor anvone associated ri ith Sinclair, but frorn Yale Univcrsitl. During the 19'10s, ariist Rudoiph F. Zallingcr. w'ho had been taught about extinct life bv p:rleontologists Richard Sn'ann
Ajfred S. Ronrer,
n,as persuacled to p:rint an erpansir,'e
Figure 21 15. Full-scale statues of Tyra n nosa u rus and its traditional foe, Triceratops, based on
the works of both Knight anrl Allan <ettlnfod htr
Emmett A. Sullivan for permanent display at Dinosaur Park in Rapid City, SD. Courtesy Travel Drvision, South Dakota De-
partment of Highways.
rrural, non'
knon'n as thc Age of Reptiles, to adorn an ernptv lvall of the r-rnir,ersitr,'s Peabodr'\'ftrsetrrn of Natural Historr'. T\,rannosaurtLs u'ould be featured prornlnentlv in the Cretaceous portion of the ilork. Zallinger u,orked on this mur:rl for about 5 r'ears, finishing it in 1947 and garnering a Pulitzer Prize for his visuallr'stunning cfforts (see Scullv et al. 1990; Debtrs and Debus 2002).
Figure 21 .16. The largesize Tyrannosaurus rex
figure put out during the
late 1940s by sRG (Sell Rite Giftware) and sold mainly through museum gift shops. Courtesy Mike Fredericks and Prehistoric Times magazine.
Zallinger's versiorr of T. rex cler,iatecl significantli' fronr Knight's versiorrs irr a nunrber of u avs. Nlost notablr., it had a sotuen'hat triangular head
and a potbellt,. The forclimbs, tiren knon'n onlv frorn the hturertts, r'nere restored too sn-rall, as ri'otrld be er''iclenced br future discoveries (Carpenter and Srnith 2001; Lipkin ancl Carpenter this volurric). Also, the giant c:rrni\'orc \\';rs shori'n standing:rs if motionless, t:ril on the grottncl, disinterestecl in the ntrnrerous Cretaceous aninrals sttrrounding it (F ig. 2l. U). Neverthe1css, it u as Zailinger's T. rex that inparted the strongest influence on popular ctrlttrre during the late 19iOs ancl earlr, 1960s, nrostlv thanks to a peri-
the ertrenrelr popular Life \Iagazine included a
re'u'crsc-image (or floppecl) full-color reproduction of the sn-rall prelin'rinarr.
rtrrtlr Zrrllirrger p:rirrletl of tlre r\gc oF Reptiles irr its Septe rrrber - issrre. l lre :rctual mural could not be photographecl because sorne of the rluseum's rrrorrnted dinosaur skeletons obstructecl the caner:r's vien'. Llfa N'LJgctzurc uas prorninentlv displaved on virtu:rlh' ever\, nen'sstancl in the L.lnitecl
rrvriaci re aciers brought Zallinger's u'ork, 'I\'ranrLosatLrLL.s inclucled, into their hones. Again, a n ork of art rapidlv shapecl ancu' thc pr-rblic's an'areness of T rer, ri ith reproductions of Zallinger's painting (or portions of it) being pLrblishecl e lseu he re . \'alc profe ssor Carl O. Dunbar in 1955 incltrclcd both the Tallingcr '.i". rer ancl Knight's 1906 original in the neri eclition of his classic tertbook, Historical Ceology. N'lore significantlr', in tcnrrs of :rffe ctins public arvarcncss, Zallinger's \'rannosaurtLs u'as the tenrplatc for cotrntless other incanr:rtioris of this dinosaur during the 1950s ancl I960s, nranv of tlrern in conric books such as Dell Publishing Conpanr"s Turol<, Son of S/one ancl ACIG s (American Coniics Group) Forbidden \\'orlds (fig. 21.18), sorretimes, as had hapirenecl u'ith Allen's painting, recortstructing the original im:rgc as vicri'ed frorr diffcrent perspectives. Zallinger's restoration is easilr recognizable in the forrr of pe rfortner Tim Sml th rl'e aring :rn rrncorrvirrcirr g'I\'ranrLoscttLrus costrune {F ig. 21.19) macle br the BLrd \\IestSt:rtes, so
,l ***i'
,.R!". $1.
r.ore riakeup shop in the notior-r picture Trrc Lancl LrnkrLow,,releasecr br Universal-hrternation:rl in 1957. other preliistoric creatures i1 the ,r'otioi picturc, as r.r'ell as o'erali set design, *.cre also basecl o' the yale r''rar (cllirt 198']1, 2001; Ber^ 2002t. pcrriaps nost siqrificantlr; it w.as the rnoclcl for the first comrre rciallr' ,,,.rr-pro.l,r"e.l cri,ruia,r, tor s, ri.hich appearecr r' 1956, courtes'of the N{iller (Fig. 2r.20) ancr Marr (Fig. 2r.21) iompanics
Freclericks r999). These rrerpe'si'e sr'all prastic
fig'res, *'hich could be p.rchased in cli'c stores arcl other places thnt solcl tor''s, alloried chiidren to inr,ent their ori.n preiristoric scenarios s:rnte tirtre being eclucatecl.
- othcr pop.lar,
at tire
often-reprodLrcecl ir'ages of ret r-tate also influe'cecl otrr c.lt.re (Debus a'cl Deli.s 2002), although ri,itho't tirc "of sarne irnpact as th.se of K'iglit, ,{ilc'. and zaringer. one these is the
Figure 21 .17. Tyrannosaurus rex dominates the Late
us po rti o n
mural completed in 1947
by artist Rudolph F. Zallinger {or yale University's Peabody Museum of Natural H istory. Cou rtesy Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University.
rto.ochrorrc rcstoratiorr br British artist \.ear.e parker during the 1950s, first macle a'ailablc as a series of postc:rrcls iss.ecl br the Britiir N{.seurrr
A Century of Celebrity
C retace o
of the Age of Reptiles
Figure 21 .18. Zallinger's Ty ra n n osa u ru s i nspi red
many copycat drawings annearinn in enmir
Af,PEOYE' &Y Tl{*
t*rarc* r$.lE
books during the 1950s
through 1960s. This version is revised to a threent tArf6r ttiortt Cat trl:actt
American Comics Group.
j,i; -**-*t..-.;<''r
'')!.',.:, ,', ', Str*Y?,,^;:t.l.rr' I -tdil",i",".r,'r* .",f:;-\1 :;ir; .', 1 ;::. "ll.J"fit
L -=,:;Yqffi
i It (Natr-rral I{istorv) (non tlic NatLrral Iliston'\lirseLrm, London), and srrbse qtrentlr incluclccl br \\1. E. Sn inton (lc)62) in his poptrlar-science book Dil1os(trLrs.
Anothcr ricll-knonn inrage is thc painting nradc bl Czech:rrtist
Zclenek Btrrian in 1938, first pubiishecl decades l:rter br.Joseph August:r (1960) and then published ag:rin, slightlr re'n.isecl iAugusta 1912). .\lso rccciving nruch rlcclia attention ri'as the full-scale, totalli' r-rpriglrt, rnechanized (the lori'er jau rnovedl TlrautosaurrLs (Fig. 21.22) built
for tlie Sinclair Oil Corrpanr"s Dinoianci crhibit at the lc)6'1 Neri lbrk Worlcl's Firir bv the fonas Stuclios (Artonvurorts 1966; Cllut 1980; Debus :incl Debus 2002). A11 of the Sinclair clinosaur figtrres, like their 1930s prectrrsors. \\'ere nraclc ri'ith thc te chnical :rclvice of Barntrni Brou n shortlr before
Tr*riweelM[Sm w,t{}*tr
$fi$wtr $r$iT#
J*i;t{ Se#*iirY t il i t::::;:: :::,! ii!,r 1i:rti:l LLr":tl 1..:'t'. i !liUi 1: '_
his death in i963, and *'ith adclitional ontologist John H. Ostrorn. Scaled
from peaboclr,\4trset', pale-
rr'corrpan'ori'er Louis pa'l l.rras,
this 7l rex subseqLrentl'took on its'adc or.r'n irnpressi'e lifc d.ring the 1960s, creatirg arrother l'a'e of T'rrlrltlosd.urLLE infl.erce o, poptrlar .i,1t,.,r.. constit.t_ ing rifiat todar' *o.ld be called an ideal photo op, trr. h.,g" fig.re becaurc a farniliar prop' ri'ith photographers posi,,g their lrun-ran ,,rn,tl, beforc tlie tou'ering giant. Aclr'ertisi'g agcncies .sed either photographs or art*.ork based on fonas'\\brld's Fair dinosaurs-u-rost often, tlie ,lr-irriornrrus rex_to pro_ rnote arrlthing from the Encv-clopedia Britannica (Fig. zr.27) to.raco bell
(Fig. 21 24). Sinclair pror.nire'tl'featured
'r. rex in sittclair ancJ the
Excitingwortd of Dinos(tLffs,,rriiclr,,.s ilr'stratecr *ith paintings that *,ere based on the Jonas statucs. 'l-he panrphlet *'as take. Lo,,re b, co-'ntiess'isi_ tors to the fair cluring 1964-1965 (l'ig. 21.25). plastic nodels of the .l rex solcl bl'r'ending rnachines at the fair and lat", i,r stores countr'r,,,icle soo' replacecJ in the older Alle'- and Zalli'ger-basecl fig.res made bi, SRG, \,Iiiler, ancl Ntlarr (l'-ig. 21.26). Additio'allr., copies of the r rex atrcrotler fig'res (also the snall-size protot'pe figtrres scufuted bi,Louis paul nJe clistrib'ted
Figure 2'1 .19. Tyrannosaurus rex awkwardly de
redacio us
ive rsa | - I nter-
national Pictures.
tuallv carne to reside at the fiimous Lori,er cretaceous clinos:rnr tracksite near Glen Rose, TX' Fbr :r bricf tirre d,ri'g the i960s, the ir'age of T rex rriost seen b1'the public n'as that providecl br the |onas Studios. A Century of
Age of Reptiles mural.
fonas) among rnlrselllr)s and parks e'er ber.oncl LI S. borders (e.g., the calgart,zoo Prelristoric Park; see Glut iaS0t. 'l'he original \\brlcl s F'^i
behavior in this scene from The Land IJnknown. The prehistoric animals in this 1957 motion picture, as well as the flora, were based on imagery from Zallinger,s
Figure 21 .20. Waxy plas-
tic Tyrannosaurus rex hacad nn Tallinnar'< painting. Made by the Miller Company and originally issued in 1956, this and other prehistoilc animal figures in the Miller set constituted the first m ass- proo u ceo, co m me rcially sold toy dinosaurs. Cou rtesy M ike Fredericks and Prehistoric Times magazine.
Figure 21 .21. Made by the Marx Company, this Za | | i n ger- i n spi red, p lasti c Tyrannosaurus toy (known affectionately among collectors as the " potbe I I i ed Ty ra n n osa u rus rex") debuted in otme stores tn t956. Courtesy M i ke Fredericks
and Prehistoric Times magaztne.
Conseqtrentil', these varions versiorrs of T. rex inspired their share of nen,incarnations in the media and in merchandise. Although these T. rex restorations offerccl their ou,'n ar-ratomical inaccuracies, as pointed out br, Paul (1488t. ther rrere visuallv pon'erful, clranratic, ar-rcl kir-retic, ancl for those reasons strikingll' distinct fron-r tl-re rrore stoic lvorks preceding therrr. For such re:rsons, I (Glut 1972) selected the Parker T. rex as the clust jackct illLrstration for The Dinosattr Dictionary. The Parker, Burian, ancl fonas versions of Tlrannosdurus rex r,vere portraved ir-r the old-fashioned, inpossiblv upright-posed, tail-dragging modes.
Figure 21 .22. The Jonas Studios' towering Tyra nnosaurus rex mooet, scaled up from a sculpture by Louis Paul Jonas, tn a p hotog ra ph ta ke n sho rtl y
before bei ng transported from the Catskills to the 1964 New York World's Corporation.
A Century of Celebrity
THE MAGrc n00Rltrom The Tyrs.nt lfin{ Whri
is hsppoting? Did
dsud? No, it's somo&ing
tht run xrdderdy alip tehind
a bugt
uu& rtraiger tiaro tb*t. Il'a a hr:ge
rrd bulgqy tyrrmo*aw-the biggeai.mat-eating dinooau thai srsr valked th* Earth! It wa* longer thrn a rcbool bus, Aid n'hsn it dood on itg hind leg& ita bcad leae ro high above the ground ilsi it eould lool over sall tillq. When n tyrannooaur, rometimer called f;rnrnroraxr?s rer, wat
llmgry, ii r*a hungry enough and big enougb to tat
dboeaur! lte jnwe were buge, and ita teolh wole sharp sith jaggod edg€6.
wlranevu duq\ ocamed
1rl come ruddoniy or a cloud of tbe culr, all of tho other dimeaur* probahly skrtad runnhg, Tley tnew that a buge tyranno*er:r raigbt bc loonirg up nearby and *uiiisg oui the gunlighi. And when they wera clo*e eaough ta nr to oee ita long ahailo*, they rrare tod clo..l ao,
seamsd to hide the
Figure 21 .23. Advertise-
ment, which appeared in newspapers during the m i d - 9 60s, i ncorporati n g 1
the Jonas Studios' rnter-
pretation of Tyrannosaurus rex.
Not until relativel,v recent \''ears have life restorations of T rex been lurore al-latol-nicallv accurate, r,r,ith tl're bod,v posed horizontallv and taii off tl're grour-rcl. An'rong the first such restorations, if not the first, was the sculp-
ture bv Sr'lr,ia Nlassev (norv Czerkas) created during the late 1970s (Fig. 21.27) under tl-re gr-ridance of paleontologists RobertA. Long and Ralph E. Moh-rar (see Clut 1980, 19E2). Strbsequentlv, a ne\v breed of modern paleoartist-e.g., Robert T. Bakker, Stephcn A. Czerkas, Brian Franczak, John Cr,rrche, Mark Hallett, Douglas Her-rderson, Gregorv S. Paul-created rrrore correctly' restored versions of horv T. rex appeared and possibly beThese versions gradr-rallv replaced the older and outdated models,
not onlf in technical and popular publications, but also in merchandising (inch,rding a plethora of scientificalh accurate model assembly kit$ and other venues. Perhaps more than those of anv other paleoartist, Par-rl's (Fig. 21.28) ntrmerous life restorations of'I'. rex-dyn arnic as \\'ell as scientifically accur:ite -became the norrr, influencing a nen'generation of paleoartists, r.vhose draq'ings, paintings, and sculptures leave no question as to their rnain source of inspiration (see PaLrl I987). Without doubt, the single most impacting image on our culture by 'Iyrannosaurus re.x \\:as that portravecl in tl-re motion picture lurassic Park (1992) (Fig. 21.29), ll'hich',i,as based on the novel bv Michael Crichton. Procluccr-clirector Steven Spielberg raisccl the paradigrn for dinosaurs on screen br,brir-rging a consultant paleontologist, fohn R. Horner, onto the project. Horner $'orked closelv r,vith the special effects artists and iechrticians to enslrre tl-rat tl-re filn-r's Mesozoic anirnals rvere oresented rvith rea-
Donald E Glut
Sl'[email protected] TsC.e€'8rJS'Grl5: C-rs.a-
t,-: Oi€t
.4.: EilrO,l yaarg iq
Ftgure 21 .24. Another
Start your own authentic fossil $ollsctisn fmm TAC0 fALt
advertisement from the
nid-l960s based on the onas Stu d ios' saurus rex. J
Tyra n n o -
m$r**,"** sonable acclrrac\'. Thanks both to the lifelike anim'tronics clesignecr arcr built b' Stan winston and his tearn arcl to the proces, of .urrrp,,i.r-generated irragc^; the bar r'r'as sigrificantl'raised in nro'ie special effectf ri,rth the lurassic Parlr dirosatrrs seerrirglr,co'ring to life. Allou ing for a lust {e*,
rrinor cliscrepa'cies (nrostl'for clra'ratic efiect), tlre ,'o'ieirargerr, p"ul-
irispired T. rex arxl otfrer dinos,.rs airpearecl closer to ll{rat paleoiitologists belier.e abotrt di'osaurs tha' those of a'r. r'otion pict.re ,racle up 'tori rrrrtil llut lirrre. lurassic P,rrft u':rs an enormolls s.ccess
its first clal.of release arcl release. Ine',itablr,, 't'allr. the fihri iaunched a series of hit seq'els, as ri,eil as a pletrrora of authorized ancl irnitatior-r publications arcl merchandise. N,roreo'er, rts proneering special-effe cts u'o'k le d, either directh'or indirectlr; to s.cfr later *,ell-recei'ecl rvas e'e
b' millio's of
ieri ers
A Century of Celebrity
rus rex
.25.Tyra n nosa u -
painted for the
pamphlet Sinclair and
the Exciting World of Dinosaurs, a souvenir item from the 1964 New York Woilds Fair. Courtesy Sinclair Refining Company.
Figure 21 .26. Miniature
reproduction of the Jonas Studios' Tyrannosaurus rex. These waxy plastic figures were originally sold in vending machines at the 1964-1965 New York World's Farr. Cou rtesy M i ke Fredericks
and Prehistoric Times magaztne.
Figure 21 .27. Sculpture by Sylvia Massey (now Czerkas) of Ty ra n nosa u -
rus rex made during the late 1970s, possibly the first modern life restoration of this dinosaur. Cou rtesy Sylvia Czerkas.
Photograph by Robin Robrn.
Donald E Glut
/ | )x
t lfa
tion of Tyrannosaurus rex by the highly influential paleoartist Gregory S. Paul, prepared
book Predatory Dinosaurs of the World: A Complete Illustrated Guide (1988). Courtesy of Gregory S. Paul.
Figure 21 .29. Tyrannosaurus rex (life-size animatronics model by the Stan Winston studios), the first of its kind to be based on modern interpretations, as it appeared in lha nrnt tnr]hroakinn motion picture J u rassic Park (1992). Courtesy Universal Pictures and MCA. A Century of
Figure 21 .30. The Tyran-
nosaurus rex skeleton (FMNH PR2081) known as 5ue, as mounted in 2000 at the Field Museum. Cnt rrfactt tho Fialr'l Alt t-
seum, negattve GN89677_47c. Photo by
lohn Weinstein.
projects as the 1999 Irnax motion picture T-Rex: Bctck to the Cretaceous, shon'n on enomrous screens in l-D, and the BBC s Wa//rlrLgwithDinosours (1999) and the Discoveri' Channel's When Dinosaurs Roarned Anrcrica (2001) telei'ision programs (see Berrl' 2002). As a resLrlt of ltLrassic Pcrft, r'ier,r'ers experienced, rnost of thern for the first time, a tnrer-to-realitl'idea of hon,T rex :rppe:rred in life (at least as far as it is understood todal), hou'the animal mav hat e molecl, arrcl ho',r' it could have behai'ecl. Thus, tl-ie public u'as alreadv primed to experier-rce the spectacular remains of the authentic anirnal ri'hen, after se'n,eral r'cars of ertensive legal ri'rangling and rredia coverage, Sue (e.g., see Latson ancl Donnan 2002)-the largest and best-preserr,ed, and one of the rrost complete, 'li rer Donald
(I.'N{NH PR208i) r'et discor e red-lr as unle ilccl on tr{av
in the Field \'4useuur's grancl Stanle\ Field Hall rfig. 21.30).'l'his
2000, u'as the
first tin're that an individual 'I\,rannosdtLrus spccimen :rrose to true celebritv status. Stre ir-nmediatelv became one of Clric:rgo's rnain tourist attractions. Thc ri orlcl :rncl its cultures are constauth changing. Also changing ovcr
tlie ccr-rttrn' after its discor,erf is T. rer. \\'ith the release of lurassic Park, ancl also thanks to the strbsequent imagerl it inspired, couplecl r,r'ith thc nori' global superstar notorietl of Sue, urost tomrer conceptions ofTyrannosar-Lrus rer (once so po\\,erfrll and scemingll, irnmutable) hai'e been erasecl. 'fhe ptrblic an,areness of this tvrant-lizard king has char-rgecl
I sincerelv th:rnk the following people ri.tro contributecl to, or in sorne other r.i,at'provided assistarce, rlaterials, or aclvice in, the r,,'riting of this chapter: Kenneth C:rrpenter, Den'u'er N'{useum of Nature & Science: Luis NI. Chiappe, Dinosaur Irrstitute, Natural Historv N.Iuseurr of Los Angele
Cotrntr'; Nina
Cumnings ancl Jerice Barrios, Photographv Departrnent, The Fielcl \'{riseurn; Alirn A. DebLrs, Hell Creek Creations; N{ike Frcclericks, Prelistoric Tinrcs magazinc; facques Cautl-rier, Pcabodv N4tiseum of Natural Historr; Yale Uni\rersit); Dean Hannotte; RobertA. Long; John S. \,lclntosh; Cregori'S. Paui; and :rlso the librarl; Nati-rral Historv Nilnseum of Los Angeles Countr'.
Anorrvrrcrrrs. 1910. The T),rannosattrus. lournal of the American N'Iuseun of Nat-
ural I'Iistort 10: 3-8.
-. -
i9t4. Tt'rtuutosaurus. P. 8679-8680 in Nlorse, I. 1,. ted.). Universal Stattdard Enct,clopedla. L.lniconr Publishers, \en York. 1966. A Creat Name in OiL Shrclair throtLgh !'ifit Years. F. \\l Dodge Cornparn'/\{cGrau Hill, Neu York.
Angnsta, J. 1960. Prel'Listoric Anirnals. Paul Hanilvu, London. 1972. Lifb before,\Iarz. American Fleritage Press, Neu'York. Baitr, E. C. l9;1. America belbre NIan. Viking Press, Ner.i York. -Bern', \'1. F. 2002. Tlrc Dirrcsaur Filntographt,. NlcFarland, Jefferson, NC. Bron,n, B. 1919, Hunting big ganie of other davs. Nafuonal Ceographic \,Iagazine 3 r=:401-429. 1934 'l'he Sinclair Dinosaur tsooft. Sirrclair Refining Companr'. D., Cair, ancl l"reclericks, NI. 1999. Dhtosaur Cctllectibles. Antique'frader Boor<s,
Carpenter, K., and Snrith, NI. 2001. F'orelinrb osteologv and biomechanics of Tlrannosaurus rex.P.90 l16 in'lanke, D., ancl Carpenter, K. 1cds.1, ,\,Iesozoic Yertebrate Llfa. Indiana Llniversitl Press, Bloomington. Chrrrc, D. ]., ancl N'lcinbsh, J. S. 19E9. ABibliogrttpht of theDinosauria (,Exchtsite of the At'es1, 1677-1986. \'Iuseurrr of \Vestern Colorado, Paleontologv Serics L Colberi, Fl. H. 1945. Tlrc DinosatLr Boolr. Arnerican N.luseurn of Natural Historr,,
Neu York.
-. -
l9tl. Dinosaurs. Science Guide 70. American N'lLrseum of Natural Historv, Neu York. . 1961. DlnosarLrs:TlrcirDiscot'erl andTheir\\'ctrld. E. P Dutton, Neri York. 1980. AFossil-HtLnters Nofebooft. E. P Dutton. Neu York. 1983.
Dhnsaurs: Att lllustrated Histort.llarnrnoncl, \{apleri'ood, NJ.
A Century of Celebrity
References Cited
1989 Diggiitg into tlrc Past: An Autobiographt. Denrbner Books, Ner,r'York. 1992. William Diller Matthew, Paleontctlogist:'lhe Splendid Drama Ob-. seryed. Colunrbia Llniyersitv Press, Neri \brk. -. Cope, E. D. 1866. Rernarks on dinosaur rem:rins frorn N-e."v jerse1,. Proceedings of the Acadetnl of N atural Sciences of
Pliladelphia I8:
Czerkas, S. N{., and Cllut, D. F. 1982. Dinosaurs, \'Iarnmoths and Cayemen: The Art of Charles R. Knight. E. P Dutton, Nen lbrk. Debtrs, A. A., and Debus, D. tr. 2002. Paleoimagert,: Tlrc Evoluticut of Dinosaurs ln Ar1. N4cFarland, Jefferson, NC.
Dingus, L., 1996. Nerl of Kln. Rizzoli, Neri'York. Dunbar, C. O. 1955. HistoricalCeologl,.lohn Wiler,& Sons, Nes'York. Gltrt, D. Fl 1972. 'fhe Dinosaur Dictionary. Citadel Press, Secaucus, NJ. 1978. Classic NIovie Monsters. Scarecro'"r' Press, Nletucl-ren, NJ. 1980. The Dinosaur
he Citadel Press:
Scrapbook.'f Secarrcus, 1982.'fhe Neu Dinosaur Dictionarr,. The Citadel Press, Secauctrs, NJ. 2001. lurassic Classics. N{cFarland & Corripanl,, Jefferson, NC. -Colclner, O., ancl Turirer, G. E. 197t. Tlrc Makhtgof KingKong. A. S. Barnes, - Cranburr', N). NJ.
Horrrer, J. R., ancl Lessen, D. 1991. The Complete T. Rex. Sirnon & Schr-rster, Nerv York.
Knight, C. R. 1935. Before the Dav,n of Historr. NIcGrarv-Hill Book Cornpany,, Nen York. 1912. Paracle of life through the ages. Natiotnl Ceographic Nlagazine 8I:
Lilb throush tlrc Ages. A. A. Knopf, Neu'York. On the forelinrb of ir carnir.orous dinosaur from the Beliv River -. Forrnatiorr of Alberta, and a nerr genus of Ceratopsia from the sarne hori-. zon, u'ith renarks on the integurrent of sone Cretaceous herbivorous dinosaurs. C)/tau,a Naturalist 2t-: I29-I35. Larson, P, arcl Donnan, K. 2002. Rex Appeal:'lhe Amazing Stort of Sue, the DinosatLr tlnt Changed Science, the Law, and NIy Life. Inr,'isible Cities Press, \{ontpelier, VT. \,ladsen, J H., ]r 1976. Alktsaurus fragilis: A Revised Osteologt. Utali Geological 19:16.
and \{iner:rl Survey Bulletin 109. \{arsh, O. C. 1877. Characters of the Oclontornithes, ri'ith notice of a ner,v allied gems. Arnerican lounrcl of Sciences, ser. l, 14: 85-87. Ner.r'man, B. H. 1970. Stance and gait in the flesh-eating TrrannosarLrus. Biological I oLLrnal of the Linnean Societt 2: I 19-123. Osborn, Fi. F. 1905. TyrannosatLrus and other Cretaceous carnivorous clinosaurs. Bulletin of the Americ an Musetnn of N atr-Lral History 2I: 259 265. 1906. Tlrd:tnosanLrus, llpper Cretaceous carnivorous dinosaur (second cornmrrrricartion). Bulletin ctf tlrc American Nluseurn of Natural Histort, 22:
-. -
l9l 2 Crania of ?j'ra nnosaurus ancl A1/osourus . Nlemoirs of the Amer ican \,Iuseun of Natural Histort, n.s., l: l-J0. 1913 'I't'rannosauruy restoration and rnodel of the skeleton.BulletirLof the Arnerican Nluseunt ctf Natural Histort, 12: 9I-92. 1916. Skeletal adaptations of Ornitholestes, Struthiomintus, Tyranrtosaurus.
of the Arnerican Museum ctf Natural Histort'7i 761-77ir -. Bulletin 1917. 'I'he Origin and Et,cthttion of Life: On the'I'heort of Action, Reaction and lnteractiotl of Lnerg1,. Charles Scribner's Sons, Nerv York. -. Paul, G. S. 1987. The science and art ofrestoring the life appearance ofdinosaurs:rnd their relatives. P.4-19 in Czerk:rs, S. J., and Olson, E. C. (eds.).
Donald F Glut
Dhnsaurs Past ttnd Presen.t, r'o1. l. \atrrr.r1 Hi:torr ,\hrseum of Los Angeles Cnrrrrtr. l,o. \rrgele'. 1988 Predatort' Dinosaurs ol tlrc \\|rld: -\ Corttplete llhLstrrtted Gttide. Sinron & Schuster, Neu York. -Reed. \\i N'I. 1930. Tlrc Earth Sam. H:rrcorrrt. Bracc, Neri York. for Rolrinson, \\l \\l l9l'+. Ancient Anintals of'Antcrica \\':rrd Ritcliie Press. l,os ,,\ngeles. SchLrchcrt, Cl., and Dunbar, C. O. 1937. Outlirrcs of Historical Geciogt. John \\/ilev & Sons, Noi \brk.
\'l,7allinger, R. F.. Hicker., 1,. J., and f)stronr, J. H. 1990. The Age of Reptiles: Tlrc Great Dinosaur l"hLral at Yale. Pcaboclv Nhrseurn of Natural I Iis-
\eri Haven, CT. \\l E. 1962. I)irLostn-Lrs. -ltLrstees of the British N.,luseurn
(Natural FIrs-
torr'), London.
A Century of
Achelosaurus,330 Acrocanthosaurus,24l, 382 Afrovenator,3S2
Coelophysis, 133, 142, 144,
153, 154
Crocodylus porosus, 256
Albertosaurus,5T, 103, 104, 109-
111, 143, 145, 146, 149, 156, Daspletosaurus,55, 109, 110,233, 235, 238, 239, 284-286, 289, 234, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 291, 293, 299, 310, 311,316, 241, 287-289, 298, 310, 311, 325,326, 335-337; A. libra314, 319,323, 325-327,335337, D. torosus, 287, 292, 306, tus, 110, 306, 314, 319, 326; A.
megragracilis, 12; A. sarcoph- 314, 355 agus,289, 294, 296, 300, 308, Deinocheirus,3B2 Deinodon, 58, D. horridus, 57, 321 287 Alectrosaurus, 288, 309; A. olDeinonychus, 10, 148, 149, 166, seni,287,289 176, 382, D. antirrhopus, 272 Alioramus, 309, A. remotus, 287 Dilong, 143, 145, 146, 150, 287 Allosaurus, 107, 144, 147, 153, Dilophosaurus, 143, 144, 382; D 166, 310, 312, 314,316, 319, wetherilli, 374, 375 382,400,401, A. fragilis, 255, 259,261,289 Dinotyrannus,287, D. megragraAmargosaurus, 155 cilis, 12 Anchiceratops, 361 Diplodocus, 144, 373 Anchisaurus, 143 Dromaeosaurus albertensis, 280 Ankylosaurus,6, 337 Dryptosaurus,2BT, 387,400 Apatosaurus, 143, 144 Dynamosaurus imperiosus, 1, 6, Appalachiosaurus, 234, 287 57-59,79, 233,400 Archaeopteryx, 242, 31 B Aublysodon molnari, 2, 287 Edmontonia, 337 Aviatyrannis, 287 Edmontosaurus,20, 22, 35,42, 44, 382; E. annectens,72, Bambiraptor, 148, 149 104,298,355,364,384,389 Brachiosaurus,
143 155
Eotyrannus, 148, E. lengi,2B7
Carnotaurus, 131, 133, 147, 149, 152, 158, 160, 315; C.
255 Centrosaurus,3S2
Ceratosaurus,5S, 142, 144, 153, 316,
Gallimimus, 145, Giganotosaurus,
149 147,
375, 382
Gorgosaurus, l03, 104,
Chasmosaurus, 330, 358; C. belli, 358, C. russelli,35B, C. irvenensis, 358, C. mariscalensis,
358 Chingkankousaurus,2BT
114-116, 119, 122, 153, 168, 233-239, 241, 288,291,292, 294, 300, 310; G. lancensis, 108; G. libratus 255, 287, 2BB, 290, 355, 360, 370
Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis, 355, 377 429
Tyra n nosa u ri pus pi
Hesperornis, 247, 251
morei, 208,
lguanodon, 247
Tyrannosauropus, 208 Tyrannosaurus, 1, 2, 11, 30, 78,
Laelaps incrassatus, 384, 400
109, 131, 134, 143, 145-147, 149, 152,166,168, 170, 173,
75, 248, 286, 373, 425, 1
Maleevosaurus, 287
Manospondylus gigas, 1, 13, 37, 50,58 14, 20, 34, 103, 104, 107, 108, 115, 116, 234239, 309, 326, 338; N. Iancensis, 2, 83, 149, 110, 111, 112, 122,287
1 76, 178-1 82, B4-1 87, 212, 234-236, 239-242, 1
291-294, 296-298, 307, 381,
1-3, 6,
69, 73, 83, 87, 93, 96,98, 1031 08, 1 0-1 7, 20-1 22, 24, 132, 133, 156-158, 160, 167, 1 69, 170, 192-195, 197-199,
Protoceratops, 333 Ricardoestes ia, 359
Saurolophus, 337 Scipionyx, 373 Shanshanosaurus, 287 Shantungosaurus, 337 S i a motyra n n us isa ne nsis, 287
leyT. rex, 16, Devil rex,
Sinraptor dongi, 241, 319, 355 Stokesosaurus, 287
Styracosaurus, 358 110,
237, 241, 382; T. bataar 103, 107, 111, 112, 233,234, 235,
239, 287, 288,370 Therizinosaurus, 382 Thescelosaurus, 20, 373, 379 Triceratops, 22, 44, 57, 63, 64, 78, 298, 327, 330, 331, 354-359, 361-365, 384, 389, 402, 407411,413
Duffy,4, 26, 27, 38, 51, E D Cope, 5, 37; F-rex, 5,44, Fox,
Struthiomimus, 145, 147, 149, 315 Styg ive nato r mo I n a ri, 2
254, 255, 257-278, 281-285, 287, 2BB, 294, 295, 299, 306, 309*31 1, 314, 316, 319, 323327, 329-331, 335, 337, 338, 340, 3s8-36s, 371, 372, 376, 377, 383, 384, 386, 388-390, 398-400, 402-41 6, 41 7-425, "007," 29; B-rex, 5,39, 122, Barney, 399; Barnum, 4, 31,' Black Beauty, 3, 16, 17, 51, 122, Bob, 39, 40, 96, Bowman, 4, 24, Bucky, 5,43,44, 51, 55, Crex, 5,40, County rex, 32, Cow-
Plateosaurus, 143, 241
Tarbosaurus, 10, 55, 104, 107,
201, 209, 210, 211, 213, 216, 227, 233, 238, 245, 247-250,
rus, 37 3 Pachyrhinosaurus, 330, 358 Parahesperornis, 242 Pentaceratops, 358 Pa chyce
11, 13, 15, 17, 18,
20-24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34-37, 40-44,47, 50, 51, 55-60,63, 1
Ornithomimus, 57, 133, 145, 149, 152, O. grandis, 57
bataar, 261, 306, 314, 319, 325, 326, 335, 337, T. rex, T.
4, 32, 35, Foxy Lady, 32, lvan, 5, 49, 51; Jane, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, BB, 89, 110, 294, G-rex, 5,44; Hager rex, 3, 17, Henry, 122,' Huxley, 14, 15, 122; Monty, 4, 38, Mr. Zed, 23, Mr. Z, 23; Mud
Butte T. rex, 13, N-rex, 5, 44,' Ollie, 4, 35, 51, Otto, 5, 44, Peck's rex, 4, 33, 34, 51, 55, 74-76, 78, 79, 87, 122, Pete,4, 30, 31, 67, 69; Rex A, 35; Rex B,
4, 35,
C,4, 35, Samson, 4,
23, 51, 104, 105, 107, 108,
115, 122, 295, Scotty,4, 28, 51; Stan, 4,9, 21, 22, 26, 36, 44,
194,195, 196, 198, 212,247, 289,295, Sfeven, 4, 29,30,38,Sue 3,9, 46, 51, 105,122,192,
21,44, 51, 55, 69, 774, 122, 196, 2BB, 425, Thomas, 5,47,48, 51; ker, 4, 34, 51, Triceratops-Alley T. rex, 35, Wankel rex, 3, 122; Wayne, 49; Wyrex, 5, 46, 47, 51, 55, 122, Z-rex 23,
:' '22,7. x,103, 104,105, ',, ^07, 108, 110, 111, 112, ": :i6, 122
17, 19, 20,
294,424, Tin18,
Velociraptor, 148, 149, 333, 374, 375
Wintonopus, 224 Yangchuanosaurus, 316
Peter Larson is founder and president of the Black I lills Institute of Geological Research in Hill Citv, SD. He and his staff have :rrnassed tlic largest rcsearch collection ol T. rex specinrens, incitrding "Stan," casts of n hich are seen ln mllseums arorrnd the uorld.
Kenneth Carpenter is the clinosaur paleontologist fbr the Denr,er N,lr-rseurrr of Natrrral Histort. He is autl-ror of F,ggs. Nests, andBrthyDinoscturs i2000), cclitor of 'l'lte Carnitorous DinosdlLrs (2005) andThe Armored DhtosatLrs (
), ancl co-ecl itor of T h utder -Li z ards : T he
p o donrcrph
D ino
cnt r s
(riith Virginia Tiduc11,20(15) and l,Ieso:oic)lertebrate LilZ (nith Darrcr-r H. Tanke, 2{J0l). all n'ith hrcliarra LLiiversitr Press. He is also co-eclitor of Dinosaur Ststenntics; Dinosaur Eggs and Babies; and Tlrc Upper lurassic Nlorrison Fornrctiort.
'li'rannosaunls rcx, the'Ilrant Kiirg nas designccl at hrdiana LJnir.crsitr, Press br famison Cockerharn arrcl set in tr pe bv Nlike Kelsev at Inari Information Services. Junc Silar rias the projcct eclitor ancl Robert Sloan n'as tire sponsoring eclitor. J'he tert trpe is ltlectra, designccl br'\\'illianr,\. Dniggins in 1915, and the clisplav tr pe is F'rutiger, clesigned br Aclrian Frutiger in 1975. This book u'as printed br Sheridan Books, Inc.
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