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© RMIT University 2004 All rights reserved. Except under the conditions described in the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, duplicating or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Contact Landlinks Press for all permission requests. National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Protecting the future: stories of sustainability from RMIT University. Bibliography. ISBN 0 643 09065 7 (paperback). ISBN 0 643 09215 3 (netLibrary eBook). 1. Sustainable development – Victoria. 2. Economic development – Environmental aspects – Victoria. I. Caswell, Tricia. II. Holdsworth, Sarah. III. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. 338.9945 Published by and available from CSIRO Publishing 150 Oxford Street (PO Box 1139) Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia Telephone: Local call: Fax: Email: Web site:
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Front cover Footprints, Tuross Heads, NSW, by Adele Flood
Set in 10.5/13 Adobe Minion Cover design by Jo Waite Design Typeset by Desktop Concepts Pty Ltd Printed in Australia by Ligare Printed on recycled paper, from sustainable forests
Introduction Sarah Holdsworth and Tricia Caswell 1
Learning about sustainability in the field: ‘Farming the Future’ Amaya Alvarez and Judy Rogers
Queen Victoria Market – communicating sustainable design solutions about rubbish! Edmund Horan
vii 1
Shifting the ground – sustainable engineering at RMIT Roger Hadgraft, Peter Muir, Margaret Jollands, Jenni Goricanec, Allison Brown and Andrea Bunting
Home among the gum trees: RMIT Hamilton Kaye Scholfield
Melbourne Youth Learning Opportunities project – sustainability story Glenn Bond and Trish van Lint
Solving salinity with the power of the sun John Andrews
Supermodern Gorgeous! Anthea van Kopplen
Memory and an artist’s view Adele Flood
Mercury stole my fire Anitra Nelson
10 Facilitating sustainable building: turning observation to practice Dominique Hes
11 Rats in the labyrinth: a sustainability story from Vietnam David Wilmoth
12 Sustaining Ormond’s vision of RMIT Robyn Oswald-Jacobs
13 Rubbish, students, passion and the greening of RMIT Donna Noonan
Introduction Sarah Holdsworth and Tricia Caswell
Transformation of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and cultural landscape since the industrial revolution has resulted in the emerging global recognition and pursuit of sustainable development. Global sustainability is one of the fastest-growing concerns around the world. Demands for greater accountability and transparency are increasing daily from government, corporations and civil society. Globalisation and revolutions in communication and information have driven the emergence of global networks and the quest for global knowledge. Greater environmental and social awareness is pressing leaders, citizens and communities alike to view the future in very different ways. Organisations of all kinds are increasingly aware that their future may well depend on their ability to create solutions to economic, environmental, social and cultural as well as governance issues. Over the past 50 years societies have begun to recognise that they are not isolated from the environment; the relationships are interrelated and complex. This reinforces the idea that humans and the environment are interdependant and that human domination does not ensure social and industrial advancement. The ideals of sustainability and sustainable development pose many challenges for today’s society, including the clarification of language, meaning, authority and legitimacy. The terms themselves are contested – ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development’ mean different things to different people – but economic, environmental, social, cultural and governance dimensions emerge from their definitions and provide pathways to begin to understand the key emerging, leading-edge ideas, practices, dynamics and trends. Sustainability and sustainable development are dynamic concepts that will continue to evolve and grow as we begin to appreciate the complex and interrelated nature of the challenges they pose. The social and environmental consequences of traditional development programs are being questioned. This has resulted in a fundamental shift in vii
global politics. Ideas of development and economic growth that enhance social and environmental well-being have emerged from rigorous debate and discussion within the international community. Under the auspices of the United Nations, international political frameworks have evolved which actively promote the development of the sustainability agenda and its implementation globally.1 In 1972 the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm, Sweden. The international community met to consider the global environment, the effects of industralisation, and development needs. The conference exposed the beginnings of a rift between the developed and the developing world’s exploitation of natural resources in a way that not only degraded the environment but also perpetuated the unequal distribution of wealth. In 1983 the United Nations created the World Commission on Environment and Development as an independent body and appointed Dr Gro Brundtland as head. In the Commission’s report, Our Common Future2 we find the seminal definition of sustainable development, as development ‘that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. The report demonstrated the fundamental links between environmental, economic and cultural concerns, and called for the reordering of global priorities. Economic, social and cultural and environmental dimensions are interconnected, with intragenerational and intergenerational consequences. The concept of sustainability includes social reform. It acknowledges the need for a reorientation of the international community towards the balancing of economic viability with ecological health and human well-being. The 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development, or ‘Earth Summit’, explored how the planet’s environmental problems are linked to economies and to social justice issues. Some historic achievements at the conference included the development of the Rio Declaration, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Framework Convention on Climate Change and a plan for achieving Sustainable Development, Agenda 21. These initiatives publicly acknowledged that sustainable development was advancing as the central principle for planning and action for the future, recognising the primary place of the environment, the planet and its ecosystems.3 Ten years later, the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002 reaffirmed many of the decisions and texts adopted at viii
Rio. It reconfirmed an expanded global commitment to sustainable development. It also heralded the inclusion of many diverse sectors of society like business, industry and social justice groups not active in past earth Summits.4 Universities and their role in sustainability
Universities can play an important role in working towards a sustainable future by educating present and future generations about the relevance of sustainability issues to their particular disciplines and potential careers. Immense potential exists for the education sector to align itself in all aspects of its operations – infrastructure management as well as its core business of teaching, learning and research – with a vision of global sustainability. Universities have the opportunity to teach future professionals to engage in activities that sustain rather than degrade the environment, enhancing our communities and overall well-being, living within the limits of natural systems. Universities play a crucial role in creating and disseminating knowledge, skills and values that can influence policies and practices in government, companies and NGOs, shaping the society in which we live.5 Universities are places with unusual and diverse relationships with and among students, staff, business, government and community organisations at both local and international levels; universities are thus well positioned to comment on, question and challenge ideas, to develop new ideas and to encourage innovations in relation to an emerging field of knowledge. Working within the pursuit of a sustainability vision means critical engagement with the concept, tracking how it could be implemented and measured. Universities comprise their own unique communities, founded on traditions of scholarship and research. However, they also operate within a broader societal context and have the potential to contribute to the social dynamism, economic security and environmental sustainability of the communities with which they interact. But universities are institutions bound by tradition founded in disciplines mostly hundreds of years old. Their reputations and those of their scholars depend on disciplines with longstanding boundaries and credentials. These traditional disciplines, together with outdated inflexible structures and systems, contribute to the lack of university engagement with issues concerning sustainability, which are complex and cross over traditional boundaries. Consequently, much of the leading scholarship around sustainability has been ix
developed outside universities in purpose-built institutions and organisations that have the flexibility to adapt to multi-disciplinary considerations and responses to sustainability. In order to move beyond traditional academic paradigms and disciplines we need a greater emphasis on collaboration and cooperation. We need thinking that is systemic and multidisciplinary. This is no threat to the existing disciplines – we need their history and depth – but we must also work across and sometimes outside and around them. Sustainability challenges require multidisciplinary responses, but collaborations of this nature are not the norm in universities. Cross-disciplinary approaches require a deep cultural shift. Whilst this is difficult to achieve it could lead to profound institutional change. Universities can and do achieve much more than their traditional scholarship. All parts of the university system are critical to achieving change. Universities are large physical institutions with many buildings and services to run. Their architecture and the way they use resources have many impacts across all dimensions of sustainability. There are trends for more and more universities to use sustainability principles and practices in all their physical operations. One of the ways to capture people’s understanding, commitment and action in their professional and personal lives is through storytelling. Storytelling is an ancient and traditional way of passing on all sorts of complex, multifaceted information and ideas – information and ideas that are not easily captured, categorised or shared by formal methods of storing and are not referenced. There are many different styles of stories. In this book, we present stories that share the knowledge and experiences of RMIT staff; stories that communicate the issues, ideas and progress that we face in the development and application of sustainability in RMIT and elsewhere. The authors of these stories reflect on sustainability, sometimes professionally, sometimes personally, sometimes both, in their own individual voices. These stories help us to explore and define how we might collaborate – work together – to make a difference inside RMIT no matter what our formal role might be. We hope others can learn from our experiences, and that our stories can inspire and edify. As Anthony deMello suggests in one of his one-minute meditations, ‘… the deepest truth is found by means of a simple story’.6 x
This collection of stories from RMIT University describes ways in which academic and operational staff have examined their working and personal lives and reflected on their contribution to a sustainable world. We hope the stories provide insights into how we can individually and collectively translate knowledge into action in pursuit of sustainability. Stories on teaching and learning explore: • •
how to teach students about issues of sustainability in regional Victoria, Australia how teaching engineering students about sustainability concepts affected their understanding and led to a shift from traditional teaching methods to a more innovative and interactive approach what changes would be needed in engineering curriculum to incorporate sustainability and how such change might impact on programs and graduate capabilities across the faculty how RMIT Hamilton, an educational, research and cultural centre, was established to provide the south-west of Victoria with a sustainable teaching and learning model, to conduct regional research, and to include international and urban students as part of its community engagement how an innovative education project was designed to engage disconnected and marginalised homeless youth who frequent the Melbourne CBD.
In relation to research and innovation we have present: • a story about a partnership between RMIT, an engineering firm and a salt producer in north-east Victoria demonstrating and potentially commercialising a novel system using solar ponds to generate heat and produce commercial quantities of salt, thus reducing salinity in local soil • the personal and professional experiences of an RMIT fashion designer and lecturer that have led to the exploration and development of a sustainable design and teaching methodology • thoughts on how artists can make explicit and provide us with a means to understand significant contemporary issues like sustainability. Visual arts and creative writing provide links across the global community. Ways, means and objects related to sustainability xi
were showcased in the RMIT global sustainability exposition ‘The Piece and the Practice’7 a story describing how unsustainable practices and ecological crises can only be understood if an interdisciplinary community-centred approach is adopted reflections on the quest to understand ideas and translate them into practice in the teaching of sustainable building design, using the reallife case of a civic centre as a focus.
Stories in the operations and infrastructure area describe: • the development of the RMIT Vietnam campus in Ho Chi Minh City as a potentially sustainable facility providing environmental, economic, educational and social benefits to the people of the region • issues faced by RMIT Property Services Groups responsible for aging infrastructure at a time when Environmentally sustainable design are being promoted, illustrated by a building renovation on RMIT’s city campus • a story about how campus-greening initiatives are gaining momentum in universities worldwide, and how student enthusiasm for rubbish, recycling and problem solving has helped to drive environmental change at RMIT since the 1990s. EF Schumacher, the celebrated author of Small is beautiful and founder of the Intermediate Technology Development Group, posed a challenge for educators when he wrote: ‘Education which fails to clarify our central convictions is mere training or indulgence. For it is our central convictions that are in disorder, and, as long as the present anti-metaphysical temper persists, the disorder will grow worse. Education, far from ranking as [our] greatest resource, will then be an agent of destruction.’4 In working on and teaching about sustainability, the contributors to this book of stories have risen to Schumacher’s challenge. References and further reading Brundtland report, see World Commission on Environment and Development. de Mello A, ‘One minute meditations’, Spiritwalk, no date, viewed 21 May 2004,
. Global Sustainability Institute, RMIT University, . Schumacher EF, Small is beautiful – a study of economics as if people mattered, Harper, New York, 1973. xii
World Commission on Environment and Development 1987, Our common future (the Brundtland report), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
Notes to the Introduction 1
Kelly, T, ‘Building a sustainable learning community at the University of New Hampshire’, The Declaration 6(2), 2003: 18–25.
World Commission on Environment and Development, Our common future (the Brundtland report), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
For more information on the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development see . The World Conferences: Developing priorities for the 21st century – briefing papers home page.
For more information on the 2002 UN World Summit on Sustainable Development see the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development website .
Cortese, A, ‘The critical role of higher education in creating a sustainable future’, Planning for Higher Education, March–May 2003: 15–22.
Excerpts from de Mello’s meditations and other writings are available on the Spiritwalk website at (viewed 21 May 2004).
‘The Piece and the Practice’ was held on 16–22 October 2002. To find out more about this and about the ‘triple bottom line plus one’ approach, visit RMIT’s Global Sustainability Institute website at .
EF Schumacher, Small is beautiful – a study of economics as if people mattered, Harper, New York, 1973, p. 94.
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1 Learning about sustainability in the field: ‘Farming the Future’
Photo: Jessica Benjamin
Amaya Alvarez and Judy Rogers
Protecting the Future
Over a long weekend 45 students from across RMIT University in Melbourne leave the city for a four-day field trip into rural Victoria.
Learning About Sustainability in the Field: ‘Farming the Future’
Developing and teaching an RMIT University elective course, ‘Farming the Future’, about sustainability in rural Victoria, we found ourselves shifting from an investigative approach using practical, on-the-ground examples of implementation to an interpretative approach exploring the multiple ways in which sustainability is contested and understood. Developing an interpretative approach to ‘Farming the Future’
Farming the Future is an elective course taught at RMIT University. Students need to complete two of these electives as part of their undergraduate degree. The aim of the electives program is to provide students with opportunities to customise their degree to reflect their own needs and interests. Framed by the concept of sustainability, this elective was designed as a way of engaging students in ‘real’ socio-environmental problems. Farming the Future, as the name suggests, is intended to give students insights into issues facing and challenging the future of farming and land management in rural Australia. The specific objectives of the course are to develop: • •
• • •
an awareness of the complexity of the term ‘sustainability’ an awareness of some of the complexities involved in land management strategies at micro (farm implementation) and macro (legislation and funding) levels an ability to critically evaluate differences in land management practices – e.g. native animal reintroduction and habitat preservation versus herbicide use for primary production – by identifying the values of diverse interest groups an ability to assess the viability of integrating habitat rehabilitation with primary production an understanding of how and why land use dictates infrastructure change within a community an understanding of the idea of ‘degradation’ and how it relates to production.
Over a long weekend 45 students from across RMIT University in Melbourne leave the city for a four-day field trip into rural Victoria. The initial focus of these trips was to apply definitions and concepts of sustainability to real world problems and issues: the students would explore whatever environmental or social issue – such as salinity, land degradation, water management or rural decline – seemed the most pertinent for people on the 3
Protecting the Future
land. Within the investigative approach we had adopted at the outset, the role of the teacher is to provide information and assist in structuring the investigation of real world problems. Consequently, we provided students with a definition of sustainability and identified ‘real world’ field examples for them to investigate, to find out how sustainability, as we had already defined it, was being implemented in a particular community or region. Initially, then, we tried to frame the experience as an investigation of ‘what was going on out there’. What kept emerging, however, were anecdotes, arguments and narratives – i.e. interpretations. These made it increasingly clear that, at the local level, what is considered by some in the community to be ‘sustainable’ is often seen by others to be the opposite. This shift to an interpretative approach occurred over a number of field trips. (The field trips have been running for over five years now and there have been 15 trips in that time.) It happened partly in response to the way in which students reacted to the messiness of the issue on the ground. Many felt ill equipped to investigate what could not be pinned down to one definition or a straightforward explanation – ‘Here is sustainable farming’ – and partly through the interrogation of our own teaching, finding ourselves unable to provide the background or context to explain their responses. Initially we started to reframe the questions we were asking them to explore, from ‘In what ways are these sites sustainable?’ or ‘How are farmers responding to sustainability issues?’ to ‘How is sustainability understood here?’ and the more difficult ‘Sustainability of what and for whom?’ We now begin from the position that sustainability is not self-evident and are explicit about this. What we are exploring are multiple interpretations of sustainability, and that in such an approach sustainability is best understood as a discourse. (See box opposite.) In order to explore a range of interpretations, we now introduce students to a local issue through conversations with community members. Such issues could range from water and water management or native vegetation retention or conservation farming, for example, to the relationship between globalisation and the viability of communities and their industries. Within this approach the emphasis is less on investigating sustainability than on interpreting the various ways in which sustainability is captured, understood and disputed through the experience of people on the ground. Here the role of the teacher is to provide the opportunity for students to listen to, identify and engage with diverse points of view. The teacher thus develops with students 4
Learning About Sustainability in the Field: ‘Farming the Future’
Approaches to sustainability
The most commonly used definition of sustainability and sustainable development is ‘development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.1 Because this definition is so broad and ambiguous it can be interpreted in a whole range of ways in practice. Much of the work on sustainability can be characterised by three key approaches. The first is concerned with definitions of sustainability – where they have emerged from; what they attempt to achieve; and to a lesser extent, how they apply to the lived world. The second approach is more concerned with ‘getting on with it’ than with endless discussions over meanings and definitions, and argues the need to focus on the task of implementation: this is the world of checklists, indicators and ecological footprints. The third approach characterises sustainability as a discourse – a way of defining and hence controlling the agenda for change and development across the globe. These three approaches lead to different understandings of sustainability. 1
World Commission on Environment and Development, Our common future (the Brundtland report), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
their capacity to interpret; to critically reflect on how such conversations have transformed their understandings of sustainability and of community; and, most importantly, to be unafraid of the process of interpretation. In the interpretative approach, sustainability is not a self-evident concept. Rather than investigating (pre-defined) sustainability as it is applied on the ground, this approach acknowledges that interpretations of sustainability emerge out of a particular context. The disorder and complexity implicit in the interpretative approach becomes explicit when we consider the example of the introduction of the blue gum industry into the southern Grampians region. Finding out whether blue gum plantations constitute a sustainable land practice
Blue gums were introduced into the southern Grampians region of the State of Victoria to provide pulp for Japanese markets through the port at 5
Protecting the Future
Portland in the late 1990s. The introduction of the new industry into the region was heralded as a sustainable new land practice by industry, government and many in the environmental movement. Timbercorp’s stand
Timbercorp1, one of the largest investors in blue gums in the region, was keen to represent itself as environmentally responsible and the industry as a sustainable one that would provide socio-economic benefits for the community. Their key evidence was that they planted on existing farmland, offered attractive prices for land and brought in new jobs. Furthermore, the industry argued, blue gums were well suited to the rainfall and soil types of the region and contributed to the diversification of land use. Then there were the broader benefits to their investors that included both initial and ongoing tax incentives and the possibility of carbon credits. At the same time, Timbercorp acknowledged that expanding the industry might affect the local community, and made a commitment to manage the changes sensitively through allowing ‘community participation’, being ‘a good neighbour’ and providing ‘longer-term benefits’ to the regional economy.2 Timbercorp represents itself as a responsible corporation with an eye on both its environmental responsibilities and its role in the community.3 Conservationists’ views
But for many rural conservationists the move away from ‘traditional’ farming practices such as wool production to blue gums has simply meant the replacement of one monoculture for another, adding nothing to their efforts to preserve and enhance biological diversity. Other rural conservationists spoke about blue gums as a fire hazard or as using too much surface water, and pointed to large-scale plantings which are insensitive to the topography of the land. Such criticisms contrast with Low and Gleeson’s claims that ‘[p]lantations of eucalypts are arguably better for the land than the European-style agriculture that the plantations replace’ and consequently will probably ‘improve’ the environment.4 Low and Gleeson focus on what is best for the forest: the question of timber and how best to produce it. Their concern is with the degradation of old growth forests, not the consequences of creating new ones. For the conservationists, by contrast, the critical point is how to assess what is better for the land: their assessments of the blue gum industry incorporate the myriad of layers of the landscape – 6
Learning About Sustainability in the Field: ‘Farming the Future’
Figure 1.
A Timbercorp eucalypt plantation. Photo: Jessica Benjamin.
soil, waterways, topography, vegetation and even the look of it: the landscape’s aesthetic. Other community members’ concerns
Other community members, particularly those living in proximity to blue gum plantations, expressed concern about the closing in of an open landscape, about landscape change. The arrival of the blue gums had unsettled them and challenged their sense of not only how the land should be used but also what it should look like. As the story continued to unfold it became evident that the concerns being expressed were not just about the look of the place. What was being challenged by the arrival of the industry was the sustainability of the farmer. Plantations require a different kind of worker: not a farm- or householdbased family business but itinerant off-site workers to operate machines, spray herbicides and plant seedlings. They need lots of workers with a particular skill at particular times but not on site, not in place. Plantations – if managed well – can be owned by someone somewhere else, by large corporations that employ a diverse and often transient workforce. This changes 7
Protecting the Future
not only the landscape but also the structure and arrangement of the community. Fears about depopulation emerged as farmers sold up with the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of getting good money for their land. Given that the average age of a farmer in Australia is about 51, many were seeing retirement and the money they could have to safeguard their old age and their children’s on-going education. This shifting of people was destabilising. It challenged the understanding of the way the community had been for a long time. Cheers and Luloff argue that such shifts are occurring anyway as the younger generation’s attitudes to the farm, their education and the life they envisage for themselves (and, often, the life their parents envisage for them) are changing.5 Yet the community’s response was based on something else as well. When speaking of sustainability many people in the community wanted things to stay the same, or for things to remain unchanged. Even when change was essential for a community to be viable, and even when the community’s social, work and educational aspirations created the conditions for change, people didn’t want it. Here sustainability was a form of nostalgia, and a powerful one. In such a context any change could be viewed with hostility regardless of what it might deliver. In response to these concerns, blue gums arriving in the district could be read as a story of a large corporation arriving and threatening the sustainability of a local community. However, it didn’t take long for the students to have this story challenged: the story of industrial takeover was constantly destabilised by other stories. For other people in the community – many of them farmers with young children – the introduction of blue gums added much needed impetus to small struggling towns. While ‘old’ families capitalising on the sudden rise in value of their land may have moved away, many new families arrived to work in the industry. Their arrival had flow-on effects: the local school increased enrolments, the local store and pub generated more business and empty houses in the townships began being occupied again. The nursery manager’s view
In town a nursery was set up with the latest high tech equipment to produce blue gum seedlings as efficiently and as fast as possible. When challenged by students about his involvement with an industry that students felt was ‘a bad thing’, the manager responded candidly. He wasn’t any more convinced than 8
Learning About Sustainability in the Field: ‘Farming the Future’
the next person that blue gums were sustainable or that they were good for the land, but he pointed out that if he wasn’t producing the seedlings they would be shipped over from Western Australia where blue gums were already well established. He couldn’t stop the industry. At least this way, he reasoned, he was creating local jobs. His business employed five locals who had children and mortgages and a stake in the local economy. When asked about the sustainability of his business he stopped and smiled wryly. He reflected that there might be a good ten to fifteen years in the industry. But if and when there was a drop in demand, well at least he was set up to expand into other seedling production, and perhaps – and at this point his smile turned wicked – it might be in seedling production for revegetation work on former plantation land! The argument he was making recognised that in a regional community you had to seize what was available when it arrived and to build on that because, as he pointed out, he could never have built up a state-of-the-art nursery without corporate dollars. The bottom line for him was that his ambivalence did not prevent his involvement with the industry. Here the manager was not just rationalising and defending his choices. He was trying to get students to understand that, for him, if not for all landholders, the reality of staying afloat, of seizing a niche while it was available and of delivering local jobs seemed a reasonable and reasoned choice. Multiple stories, competing discourses
From seeing the blue gum industry initially as a case of sustainability being imposed from the outside (by big bad government, industry or global forces) on to the local community, students shifted to a position where they began to understand that the introduction of blue gums to the region was neither simply good nor bad, right nor wrong. It was just complex. What we were seeing and hearing, as the bus swept past row after row of newly planted blue gum seedlings marching in neat formation over huge areas of pastoral land, was something more than one industry supplanting another, or global forces overtaking local communities. What we were seeing was the contested nature of sustainability expressed by and through multiple stories. When we looked back on these experiences (for there was more than one field trip where blue gums were keenly argued over) we realised that our intentions of showing students examples of sustainable land practice had been challenged – and completely – by the stories on the ground. What we had found 9
Protecting the Future
was a powerful interplay among discourses – scientific, social policy, planning, global – woven through with discourses of other kinds – personal narrative, anecdote, local wisdom and a strong sense of rural identity. How could sustainability be defined in this context? Clearly no single definition would do. Following the trail of the blue gum industry exposed that the rightness or appropriateness of the industry, as well as its sustainability, was contested across and within the communities of south-western Victoria. And the questions were not just about the industry itself – whether the trees would provide an economically and environmentally sustainable and viable resource for the region – but also about what introducing widespread farm forestry did to the culture of the place. People questioned how such an industry changed social relations – destabilising certain taken-for-granted social networks and structures in the process – and what it did to the look and feel of the place – how it turned a taken-for-granted pastoral landscape into something else. From another angle, going out and discussing blue gums with a range of people also challenged students’ assumptions about ‘local’ communities – that they would be somehow homogenous and harmonious. So asking the question: ‘Is the blue gum industry sustainable?’ involved, for us and the students, much more than measuring incomes generated in the towns, growth rates, yields and so on; it was also about power and politics, discourses and language, trade-offs and compromises, opportunities and things lost. And much of this learning came from informal conversations. Rather than teaching about sustainability we became facilitators of a process in which students began to be able to recognise the messy and complex reality of sustainability on the ground and to be aware that the communities into which these ‘sustainability solutions’ were embedded were also diverse and divided. The interpretative process also highlighted the way in which relationships between community and land are interwoven in ways that are not easy to acknowledge in the community itself and are even harder to identify from the outside. Preparing students for the interpretative approach
A critical part of our role as teachers involved preparing students in a number of ways. First, we prepared them to shift from an investigative approach to an interpretative one. To do this we worked through with students how sustainability might be read, defined and understood in different ways. We discussed what they think is required in order for them to benefit 10
Learning About Sustainability in the Field: ‘Farming the Future’
from going ‘out there’ to learn ‘in place’: things that have relevance and extend beyond the single learning experience. And we asked them to interrogate and reflect on their assumptions about sustainability and regional communities. Secondly, we prepared them for ‘engagement’ with the communities through which they were travelling. Here the learning involved identifying, through readings and discussion, the kinds of skills required to do interpretative work. These skills include the ability: • • •
• •
to listen carefully, assess, analyse and question to be open to the possibility that useful or important knowledge is not the preserve of experts or paid professionals to recognise that ordinary people, making sense of and attempting to negotiate change in their lives, communities and the places where they live, have insights to share that are of immense value to see a community in all its complexity and not expect a simple position or response to be held by all to understand how people can commit to a change for reasons other than the ones the policy makers or the students feel they should – to see the gray in things, not simply the black and white.
In relating how our teaching shifted we hope to have shown how the way of teaching and learning described here has relevance beyond a single issue, for the story of the blue gums is not an isolated one. The introduction of wind farms, building of new pipelines and creation of catchment management bureaucracies, the viability of rural university campuses and the survival of rural towns – small town sustainability – all contain their share of stories of hostility, hope, caution, opportunism and plain on-the-ground messiness. Stories like these require an ability to interpret and interrogate approaches to and understandings of sustainability being applied by different voices and levels of power as they articulate new formulations and responses to sustainability to further interests and to make sense of changes in the world around them. So how did students respond to this way of presenting sustainability? We conclude with some of their comments. ‘I hear a lot about sustainability at work, university, on documentaries and now on this study tour. I do not believe that my 11
Protecting the Future
definition of the word has changed a great deal during this time. The importance of it, to me, is now on a much deeper level. Being a person who has always lived in the city, I never had motivation to inform myself about land management issues, a problem in itself. I find myself now with a small burning inside asking – why don’t we do a little more to make our future sustainable?’ ‘After this weekend I’ve learnt that sustainability is a far more complex issue and is quite hard to define. Key concepts can be pinpointed from observations and the thoughts of various speakers. It seems as though there is one cornerstone. That is balance.’ ‘I have always known the cut and dry definition of sustainability, but never had the chance to dissect it and understand what it really means.’ ‘…sustainability is quite simple, but coordinating people and politics and communities in order to be sustainably productive is where it gets difficult. Power, responsibility, communication, cooperation all play a huge part …’ ‘Sustainability is a highly complex topic, something that I only realised over the course of the weekend. Though it is complex it is something that we all need to understand and embrace.’ References and further reading Bird R, ‘A short history of the western district of Victoria: landscapes, exploration, settlement, flora, fauna and land degradation,’ unpublished notes for RMIT field trip, 2000. Cheers B and Luloff AE, ‘Rural community development’ in S Lockie and L Bourke (eds), Rurality bites: the social and environmental transformation of rural Australia, Pluto Press, Sydney, 2001, pp. 129–42. Hedditch K, Land and power: a settlement history of the Glenelg Shire to 1890, Katrina Hedditch, Geelong, Vic., 1996. Low N and Gleeson B, Justice, society and nature: an exploration of political ecology, Routledge, New York, 1998, p. 13. Timbercorp, no date, viewed 21 May 2004, .
Learning About Sustainability in the Field: ‘Farming the Future’
Notes to Chapter 1 1
The company’s activities are described on Timbercorp’s home page: Timbercorp Limited is Australia’s leading agribusiness investment manager, committed to creating investor wealth through substantial after-tax returns for sustainable export-based plantation forestry, timber and horticulture … Timbercorp currently manages more than 74,000 hectares of eucalyptus plantations, 12.5% of Australia’s total. The company also manages the largest single managed almond orchard in Australia, and has established one of the world’s largest olive groves on a single site … no date, viewed 21 May 2004, .
See Timbercorp, no date, viewed 21 May 2004, .
N Low & B Gleeson, Justice, society and nature: an exploration of political ecology, Routledge, New York, 1998, p. 13.
B Cheers & AE Luloff, ‘Rural community development’, in S Lockie and L Bourke (eds), Rurality bites: the social and environmental transformation of rural Australia, Pluto Press, Sydney, 2001, pp. 129–42.
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2 Queen Victoria Market – communicating sustainable design solutions about rubbish!
Photo: Adele Flood
Edmund Horan
Protecting the Future
Design is a kind of magic. It has always, somehow, had to take into account the issues of functionality and aesthetics and lots in between. Now it has an important new challenge: sustainability. An unusual project for environmental engineers was to design sustainable solutions for waste generated at the Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne and then communicate them by making a series of posters. In the 21st century, engineers not only need to make the sustainable solutions; we need to be able to explain them to all kinds of people.
Queen Victoria Market – Communicating Sustainable Design Solutions About Rubbish!
The engineering profession generates the concepts for development projects, which include freeways, dams, airports, and water supply. It is the engineer’s responsibility to design these facilities, then construct and operate them. Society, in general, is supportive of progress and development. However, over the last couple of decades our society has begun to question unbridled development because of adverse impacts that have become visible within the environment and community. We are currently experiencing significant societal concern over the science and medical health sectors in areas such as genetic engineering and cloning because society has unanswered questions about future impacts of these technologies. To ensure that concerns and questions that the community has raised, and will continue to raise, are considered, we engineers need to take a holistic approach to development – to consider the impacts and consequences of our designs. We need to design for, and assume responsibility as a profession for managing, sustainable development. For many environmental problems, engineering technology exists today to alleviate many of the impacts. Often the implementation of technological solutions relies on changes in human behaviour, but because the need for change is not communicated clearly and appropriately, human behaviour remains the same. While engineers are problem solvers, the profession often comes under criticism for not communicating the technological solutions in an easily understandable format. Engineers mostly prefer to progress to the next problem to be solved, rather than review and reflect on the previous activity. Engineers and the engineering profession need to improve their communication methods to their colleagues, their clients and their community. The need to improve communication capabilities across the profession has recently been raised by Engineers Australia (EA). As the environmental engineering coordinator at RMIT University and an engineer for the past 30 years, I have been developing engineering students’ communication capabilities. This happens in the design subject, because engineers can – and tend to – design and construct without considering how the rest of society views their work. Most young people decide to study engineering because they want to do something for the betterment of society. Engineers need to communicate this. Engineers also need to practise sustainable engineering design, which considers all aspects of the problem being considered, and to communicate 17
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this process to the wider community. Such communication can only be good for the credibility of the profession. The suite of courses in environmental engineering design provides a common thread through all four years of the program. They present an introduction to the design process and allow students from their first year to practise engineering design solutions. These courses are based on students undertaking problem-solving activities around real world problems. It is apt for students within the engineering degree to reflect on the design process and what designing for sustainability means for them, and also on what the environmental and community impacts might be. Students enjoy these experiences and the project work sets a backdrop for them to learn traditional engineering practices. What design means for engineers
Design can be viewed in the broad sense as a problem-solving exercise. A problem exists, or a need arises, and an engineering solution is required. This need results in the engineer applying a range of skills such as research, option generation, public consultation, communication with colleagues, technical application and decision making. From a more technical viewpoint, there are two fundamentals of the design spectrum: • •
aesthetic design: e.g. arrangements of shape and colour in the form of a painting on a canvas. problem solving/functional design: e.g. a functional engineering design to solve a problem.
These two fundamentals merge towards the functional in, for example, architecture, where the very functional structure such as a building may have an envelope which demonstrates an exterior aesthetic, and the internal form is influenced by interior design. An example of the aesthetic end of the design spectrum is the fashion industry, where the activity of designing haute couture for men and women often tends towards the more aesthetic, rather than the problem-solving, aspect of clothing: the main function of which is to protect or keep the human body warm. Another example of the aesthetic–functional aspects of design can be demonstrated in the transport arena, where the problem-solving issue of linking two areas by a road can be viewed as a very pedestrian form of 18
Queen Victoria Market – Communicating Sustainable Design Solutions About Rubbish!
design. Yet if we consider the recent City Link toll way project in Melbourne, we see examples of highly technical functional engineering design and aesthetic design. Part of the approximately $2 billion project terminates at the north of the city. At this location about 30 red needles, each a metre square, rise about 30 metres into the air. These needles do not perform any transport function, yet they have been designed as a component of the toll way and their aesthetic sculptural form has become a symbol for the whole project. Communication and sustainable solutions
If we have sustainable design solutions to help remediate and resolve many of the environmental problems, why aren’t we using them? One possible answer is that the lack of action reflects a lack of public awareness. Community awareness and the resulting activity and action shape the political imperative; political decisions become policy, legislation and regulation which are then translated into action at the functional or problem-solving level. As the community becomes aware of an issue, say for example salination or algal blooms, the community expresses concern through letters, talk-back radio, protests etc. This concern can become a political issue. Governments then react and seek professionals such as engineers to solve the problems, i.e. to design solutions. This response at the problem-solving level then translates into government policy and eventually into functional action where the problem exists. In the case of algal blooms, it may be physical construction such as measures to divert, collect and treat effluent from agricultural areas to remove them from the waterways. A recent example of raising community awareness can be seen in the positive responses at the local level in Melbourne relating to the care and conservation of our water resources. A combination of community concern and political innovation saw the placing of restrictions on water use. Financial incentives were also provided for householders to install water-conserving appliances and rainwater storage tanks. Television advertising and promotional material in printed form were produced. Industry followed, with new water-saving products being developed for the market. All these factors, combined with a presence in the news media and segments on talk-back radio, contributed to further increase community awareness and peer group pressure. If we look back a couple of years, water conservation was not a major issue for the Melbourne community. Now, with community awareness raised, 19
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because of perceived crises we are engineering progress towards sustainable solutions for our water resources. Learning about communication and design: the environmental engineering design course
The environmental engineer has a role to play in all aspects of sustainability. In response to a particular problem, sustainable engineering design needs to take a holistic approach. Earlier attempts at environmental problem-solving by cleaning up the mess at the end, or end-of-pipe solutions, are not sustainable. They treat the symptom and do not attend to the core problem. For example, let us consider a factory process producing a hazardous waste as a by-product of the production process. We expend significant resources collecting the waste material, separating the hazardous component, transporting it to a special hazardous waste treatment facility and then transporting the treated or partially neutralised material to a hazardous waste disposal facility. The waste then lies in this containment facility and we hope that its effects are limited to that site. What needs to occur is a holistic approach, which considers the product itself and what its function is. How can the same function be achieved by producing a different product, which does not have the same toxic waste byproduct? Alternatively, how can the original product be produced with a different or modified process that does not produce the hazardous by-product? Students learning about sustainable solutions represents one aspect of classes. However, students need also to gain an appreciation of their possible communication role through lessons and activities. The project within this design subject for the course in first year focuses on an environmental issue at the Queen Victoria Market (QVM). This exercise uses a sustainable design project as a problem-solving activity for students to learn about sustainability and to practise communication skills. The QVM is the largest retail food and produce market in Melbourne, with outlets selling a great diversity of products. A significant amount of waste is generated by market activities; in particular, organic waste from the fruit and vegetable stalls. The students have to develop a system to collect the waste and transport it to a facility where a composting treatment is designed to process it into soil products. The aim of the project is to develop a waste collection, handling, recycling and processing system for the QVM concentrating on the prominent waste stream – food organics – and also to communicate the solutions to the community. 20
Queen Victoria Market – Communicating Sustainable Design Solutions About Rubbish!
Figure 1.
Produce waste at Queen Victoria market. Photo: Adele Flood.
Communication skills are developed through group activities, report writing and oral presentations, but the project involves the students taking communication one step futher: they have to directly relate their sustainability solution to the community. Components of the communication strategy include the use of visual media such as a poster display for exhibition in public places. Students from senior years of the program are also involved and act as mentors to the first-year students. Students contributing in a local context Students learning in a context which is relevant to industry is an important underlying philosophy of the environmental engineering program at RMIT University. Part of our continual improvement program is to redevelop educational programs for continued relevance to industry and the community. The project at QVM provides an industrial and community backdrop to which students are continually referred. The waste management issue at QVM is important for various industry sectors and organisations including:
the City of Melbourne which has a responsibility for sustainable economic development of the city’s assets 21
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• • •
the traders who are running their businesses at the market the waste management contractors who are cleaning the market and aiming to run a profitable business the customers who see the manner in which waste can be strewn around the lane-ways of the market.
To provide an educational context to the problem to be solved the students are exposed to many different situations. These situations extend their experiences beyond the traditional teaching classroom through: • • • •
inspection of sites for problem review and identification inspection of a waste management facility for engineering process evaluation sessions by consultants and experts in related areas sessions taken by senior students who demonstrate a leadership role.
The opportunity arose for students to be involved in an exposition of student and educational projects to demonstrate initiatives, and the practice of teaching and learning, with a focus on sustainability. ‘The Piece and the Practice’1 brought to public attention the informed contributions we as educators are making to increase student awareness of vital issues of global sustainability. The exposition provided a chance to allow my students to create a poster display for the Melbourne Central shopping plaza exhibition. Consequently, the requirement to develop a poster for public display was included as part of the project brief for the QVM design project. By producing the posters, students would reflect on the problem and their solutions. It would be one thing to derive the solution. However, students would also need to convey their sustainable solutions in a simple graphic expression, thus learning how to communicate about their solutions. Communicating engineering technology visually
Engineers generally confine themselves to producing functional technical design. However, this project included communicating sustainable solutions to the public because community awareness and support are crucial to successful implementation. Humans are very visual beings. Advertisers respond to this visual receptiveness by creating awareness about products and services through visual media such as billboards and television commercials – so the poster was chosen as a useful medium of communication for engineers to raise community awareness of sustainability. 22
Queen Victoria Market – Communicating Sustainable Design Solutions About Rubbish!
In designing a poster it is critical to be able to convey the message, usually pictorially, in a simple and readily understandable way. To ensure students were aware of some concepts about visual representation and visual impact, a member of the Department of Fashion and Textiles ran a session on visual communication. The presentations included examples of her students’ work in developing designs from a basic concept through to the final design representation for the finished garment, current trends in graphic communication, visual shapes, contemporary fonts etc. This segment was far from the normal type of learning exercise for engineering students. Leadership roles by senior students
The students in the first year of the program have little or no exposure to computer graphics packages. As designing a poster was a component of the project a lead role was taken by a senior student who presented hints on working with graphics packages, and the different types of colour, fonts etc. that work well. She made a presentation to the class outlining basic aspects that would provide some consistency of format for all the posters. Students were directed to the relevant software packages. Students put together photos, graphic images and text in a draft form showing how they wanted their poster to appear. The senior student assisted by fine-tuning the draft poster into a polished design fit for public display. Another final year student also gave a presentation to the class. She has work experience in undertaking waste audits and introducing waste sorting and recycling systems to the University. Her final year design project was also in the waste management field. Communicating a sustainable solution
There were seven student groups; each was to produce a poster. Every poster was to depict a different component in the sustainable solution. An eighth poster was prepared by the class manager to describe the educational aspects of the student exercise. Students took a general class discussion period to analyse the overall sustainability issue at the QVM; they defined the problem, the solution and the process and set these out in seven different components: •
market activities 23
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• • • • • •
waste generation problems with traditional waste disposal waste separation possibilities waste collection and transport composting process sustainability benefits of composting.
Students were posed the questions: What is the issue? Why does it exist? Futher class sessions and student research developed these basic components. The main aspects of each component are set out below under the relevant poster headings. Poster 1: Market activities
The waste problem at QVM results essentially from urbanisation. As human settlements have developed from hunter-gatherer societies, so has the need to farm and distribute fresh produce to those settlements. The produce market has developed from this logistical necessity. Produce markets exist in many forms today, from roadside fruit or vegetable stalls to mega-supermarkets in extensive and elaborate shopping centres spread over many hectares. Traditional produce markets such as the QVM are busy with activities. The fresh produce on display and lively interchange between stallholders and customers are often attractions in themselves, which bring people to shop there. Poster 2: Waste generation
Stallholders are also continually preparing and trimming produce for sale. Amidst this preparation and selling, they have little time and space other than to throw off-cuts, unsaleable produce and packaging material into a small access lane between the rows of stalls or into dump bins. Poster 3: Traditional waste disposal
Landfills impact on the environment. They generate methane, leachate, odour, wind-blown litter and vermin. They also consume potential resources in the form of wastes. In addition to these waste disposal issues, some of the waste organic material at markets often ends up being hosed into drainage pits, resulting in the eventual disposal of nutrients into waterways. 24
Queen Victoria Market – Communicating Sustainable Design Solutions About Rubbish!
Figure 2. ‘Market Activites’. Poster by RMIT students James Morgan, John Trethewie and Amuthan Rajendran. © James Morgan, Najah Onn and RMIT University. 25
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The energy and resources expended in the collection, transfer and disposal of organic waste material from markets is another issue for efficiency and sustainability. Poster 4: Waste separation and sorting
A fundamental issue with processing organic material is the quality of the end product: soil or potting mix. This must be free from contamination or unsightly material such as pieces of plastic, glass and metal. Consequently, organic material for composting must be carefully separated from other waste materials. There are two crucial requirements for proper separation: first, stallholders need a suitable receptacle to receive the organic material; second, stallholders have to separate the waste. Students’ solutions for separation and collection include the standard 240 L wheelie bin, which is suitable for regular collection by a refuse collection vehicle, and the larger 1m3 four-wheeled dumpster. Educating the stallholders and motivating them to ‘do the right thing’ was also a consideration in producing the posters. Poster 5: Waste collection and disposal
The off-cuts, unsaleable produce and packaging material are collected manually and by large street sweeper/suction machines. This waste and other material which has made its way into bins around the site is then transferred to a large garbage compaction vehicle. This vehicle then transports the waste, either large distances directly to a landfill in an urban fringe or semirural location, or to an urban transfer station where it is subsequently transferred to a large truck and trailer vehicle for transport and disposal to a distant landfill. In the case where the material is to be composted, the organic waste can be collected in traditional waste collection receptacles and then transported directly to the composting facility. Poster 6 The composting process
The composting process is the natural one of decomposition and relies on several different factors: • 26
size reduction: grinding and shredding the material to form smaller particles, making it easier for microbiological action to occur
Queen Victoria Market – Communicating Sustainable Design Solutions About Rubbish!
Figure 3. ‘End Product and Uses’. Poster by RMIT students Edward Hayden, Annabel Sandery and Ritsuko Maeda. © Najah Onn. 27
Protecting the Future
• • • • •
mixing: combining with other organic material if necessary, to achieve the correct carbon/nitrogen ratio for optimum processing aeration: turning the material regularly or aerating it to provide oxygen moisture content of the material: maintaining the correct moisture level temperature monitoring: to check that processes are occurring correctly screening: to remove any large or foreign matter.
If these components of the composting process are monitored and maintained over several weeks, an excellent soil amendment product can be produced. Poster 7: Sustainability benefits of composting
Composting has numerous beneficial aspects that contribute to sustainability. These include: • • • • • • •
making use of a natural microbiological process to decompose waste material converting a waste product into a valuable resource providing an opportunity for natural organic material to be returned to the soil as an amendment in place of artificial fertilisers acting as a disease suppressant for plants improving plant growth enhancing the quality of soil to which it is added. diverting organic material from landfill, hence reducing the negative impacts that this material can have on the environment.
The poster collection The posters were displayed initially at the Melbourne Central shopping plaza in RMIT’s global sustainability exposition ‘The Piece and the Practice’. Students were able to stand with the collection and discuss relevant points with the public during the exposition. When students were not minding the display, passers-by could still view the work and go through the various aspects of the sustainable design. The posters are now permanently housed within the school and are displayed at University Open Days as examples of student project work. They 28
Queen Victoria Market – Communicating Sustainable Design Solutions About Rubbish!
are also used to demonstrate an example of sustainable design to current students. Industry support
To have the posters printed and laminated in a form for public presentation is an expensive exercise. It was through the sponsorship of two external organisations, the Waste Management Association of Australia and Nolan ITU, that the posters could be professionally printed. The WMAA is the peak national body representing the waste management industry and one of its aims is to promote sustainable forms of waste management and resource utilisation. Nolan ITU is an environmental engineering consultancy operating principally in Victoria and New South Wales. One of its major fields of consultancy is in waste management. The firm also employs graduate environmental engineers. The sponsorship of both organisations was mentioned on each poster and their logos were displayed. The sponsorship and involvement of the association and the consultancy company gave the students an added sense of purpose to their work. Summary Environmental engineers put sustainability into practice by solving environmental problems. This project uses an example of sustainable design in combination with various communication techniques to demonstrate sustainability in practice and raise community awareness about sustainable design solutions. The students enjoyed the exercise. The skills they demonstrated in producing the posters made them positive about their ability to communicate. The Queen Victoria Market project remains an integral component of the sustainable waste management module in the first-year environmental engineering design course, and feedback often refers to it as the module that the students appreciate the most during the semester. Notes to Chapter 2 1
‘The Piece and the Practice’ was an exposition of global sustainability at RMIT held on 16–22 October 2002. To find out more about this and about the ‘triple bottom line plus one’ approach, visit RMIT’s Global Sustainability Institute website at .
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3 Shifting the ground – sustainable engineering at RMIT
Photo: Adele Flood
Roger Hadgraft, Peter Muir, Margaret Jollands, Jenni Goricanec, Allison Brown, Andrea Bunting
Protecting the Future
Young engineers might have to negotiate with governments in Africa, partner with NGOs in Australia, design for zero emissions in Europe, do a life cycle analysis of the impacts of new infrastructure for power sources and manage the team to make it happen. Engineering has been a critical player in the Industrial Revolution and has always been a central part of teaching, learning and research at RMIT. In the 20th century, engineering had to look at its role anew. Sustainability – environmental, social and cultural, and economic – provides a conceptual key to examining how engineering might change. RMIT Engineering is up for the challenge. This story tells you where we are up to – facing the challenge of sustainability in the 21st century.
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
RMIT University provides professional, vocational education and training and outcome-related research that addresses real issues. Consistent with this vision, the university’s teaching and learning strategy promotes community engagement, recognises the need to prepare students for careers in an unknown future, and is driving the transformation of all degree programs from a traditional content-based curriculum to curricula based on the development of graduate capabilities. 1 The Faculty of Engineering was among the first to embark on program renewal. Part of the reason was that the accreditation of programs became based on capabilities rather than on content; Engineers Australia (the Institution of Engineers, Australia) has recognised sustainability as a key attribute since 1999. RMIT also recognised that our graduates will face unforeseeable challenges, in a turbulent environment – subject to policy changes by government, interconnectedness between organisations, high levels of competition and information overload – and that our industry partners expect graduate employees to be able to act effectively in this dynamic environment. Working with industry partners to gain a contextualised perspective of engineering for the 21st century, we found the traditional view of the engineer as technical problem solver with economic, social and environmental awareness was challenged in favour of a clear focus on sustainability, highlighting the need for trans-disciplinary2 approaches. Thus, sustainable engineering is now at the centre of our efforts, and is reflected in innovative projects and approaches hosted in the faculty and with partners. A key teaching strategy to achieve this new, broader focus is the development of understanding of the sustainability agenda and its principles, which can be applied and tested in project-based and problem-based learning. Our approach is based on the premise that students grappling with whole problems will come to understand the complexity of the challenges facing engineering and will see the need for a systems approach. In this chapter we review some of our experiments in sustainable engineering research and discuss how these ideas are being embedded in the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum. These newer developments rest on work over the last decade and a half at RMIT University in environmental awareness and sustainability. 33
Protecting the Future
The sustainable engineering agenda
The accreditation manual of Engineers Australia lists 10 attributes graduates should have. Sustainable development and design are featured among them in the following terms: •
• •
understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of the professional engineer, and the need for sustainable development; understanding of the principles of sustainable design and development; understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities and commitment to them …3
In industry forums we found a more profound focus on sustainability as a core requirement. We also derived from the consultation further generic capabilities related to sustainability: •
• •
a focus on adaptive planning (i.e. a qualitatively different approach to planning); including scenario planning – to define the range of possible futures which have to be planned for an understanding of, and a focus on, ‘whole systems’, trying to adapt with their environment positioning strategies (e.g. designing to purpose/solution, not product).
This chapter reflects on aspects of the program renewal process and includes stories from the engineering schools – Civil and Chemical; Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing; and Electrical and Computer – both within their programs, undergraduate and postgraduate, and also extending outside engineering in a cross-university Masters program. Introducing capability-based curriculum
The capability approach is both future focussed and action oriented: it is based on what a graduate will be required to do. A traditional approach is based on the identification of teaching inputs: a concern for the ‘right’ lecturers and textbooks. By contrast, the capability approach is based on the identification of performative outputs: a concern for understanding the situations and contexts that an engineer will be required to take effective action in, after graduating. 34
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
The capability approach is fundamentally holistic in intention. It places priority on the integration of knowledge, action and learning across personal, professional, community and academic domains. In treating the graduate as a ‘whole’ person, the capability approach typically extends the scope of the curriculum. Where the traditional curriculum might be expected to focus largely on the transmission of theoretical/technical knowledge within narrow specialisations, the significantly broader capability curriculum encompasses a student’s capacity to reflect upon their actions (performance) and use theoretical frameworks and models of practice to make context-sensitive judgments. The shift in approach raises two distinct, but interdependent, questions for designers of an engineering degree. What situations are graduates likely to confront across multiple domains, and what constitutes effective action in these domains? To answer, we must first understand the direction and dynamics of the environment that engineering graduates are likely to encounter as professionals and citizens, now and into the future. Only then is it possible to identify what capabilities graduates will need, to actively and productively fulfil their responsibilities as engineers and citizens. A socio-ecological approach4 was used as the theoretical framework on which the viability and sustainability of engineering programs at RMIT were assessed. The theory provides a set of concepts and methods on which the identification of a necessary and sufficient set of capabilities can proceed. 5 The community engagement process
This section describes the first stage of a process where stakeholders – staff, employers, graduates and students – participate in identifying desirable capabilities of graduates. The process is based on the socio-ecological systems theory that planners – in this case curriculum designers – confront ‘turbulent’ or highly complex and dynamic environments, and that to produce a viable and sustainable program in this environment requires an ‘Active Adaptive’ approach to learning and planning. The principles of this approach, developed by Emery and Trist, are that it is participative, values based, coordinated, integrated, and ongoing. 6 The faculty team working on program renewal first began meeting around April 2002. It was made up of the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) and the Directors of Teaching and Learning in each of the three 35
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engineering schools – Civil and Chemical; Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing; and Electrical and Computer. A qualitative methodology employing the focus group technique was adopted to find out from people within an industry how they thought we could produce engineering graduates better equipped for their future within that industry. Several industry forums were organised. These included members of existing committees, senior industry figures and several recent graduates. The purpose of the consultations was to engage as many stakeholder groups in the industry as possible and identify the whole range of their views – but not to elaborate or evaluate particular points, for the focus was on breadth, not depth. All points of view were recorded on butchers paper or electronic whiteboard as lists or mind maps. Staff were invited to attend the sessions. They were asked to probe responses but not to judge or impose their own interpretations on the views and perceptions of external participants. To help participants to think more clearly about the capabilities required of graduates in their business, each meeting aimed to address some key questions: • • • •
What emerging trends in the environment will have an increasing impact on your organisation? What attributes will organisations, yours included, require if they are to survive and thrive in this environment? How are you, and your organisation, currently dealing/coping with the pressures to survive and thrive in this environment? In light of your answers to those questions, what capabilities will employees – specifically, graduate (chemical, natural resources or civil) engineers – require if they are to effectively contribute to their work organisations and communities into the 21st century? What can or should be done to ensure that engineers from RMIT are better prepared to meet the demands in their lives as professionals and citizens?
As a result of the consultation process we developed our own list of attributes or graduate capability outcomes, more comprehensive than the list in the Engineers Australia accreditation manual, with explicit reference to the environment that engineering graduates in a specific industry will face. 36
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
Chemical Engineering
The first industry group meeting was with a group of chemical engineers representing several industry segments. While there is some optimism among this group, the trends are mixed. Under the all-pervading influence of neo-liberal economic policies, chemical engineers work in a highly competitive environment, beset by demands for increasing quality and regulations within a globalised marketplace. However, globalisation also brings higher social and community expectations for global citizenship and, concomitantly, a philosophy of sustainability. Broadly, chemical engineers face great and increasing uncertainty, with constant and complex change at a global level requiring a focus on adaptive planning, which implies a qualitatively different approach. This involves keeping abreast of the external world through monitoring the environment and through intelligent knowledge management, and scenario planning to define the range of possible futures that have to be anticipated. This, in turn, requires an understanding of, and a focus on, ‘whole systems’, trying to adapt to and with their environment. This in turn places a premium on: • • •
positioning strategies, such as designing to purpose or solution, not product management of global–local tensions, such as diversity; multicultural staff, allies and customers; and external relationships thinking outside the box – developing skills in ‘collaboration and creativity’.
Also, the high rate of change and waves of uncertainty sweeping Australia and its competitors make the relative position of manufacturing in Australia more problematic, and make it harder to come to grips with the balance between mature and emerging markets. At a more specific level, the capacity to meet demands in these areas was seen as important: • • • • •
cost management Information Technology/Information Systems and intellectual property sustainable development outsourcing and casualisation of the workforce teams and alliances 37
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making quality and customer focus ‘real’: currently quality is seen as reactive and compliance driven, rather than proactive and strategic. Quality should be justified on the basis of adding value, and Quality Assurance does not necessarily produce customer focus achieving distinctive competence – very difficult in such a dynamic environment.
Generic capabilities are becoming more important than specialist capabilities as an expression of what it means to practise as an engineer. Engineers need to see themselves first as engineers and then as chemical engineers. From the data, it appears that a limited range of initiatives have already emerged in response to these demands: •
• • •
attempts to develop more sophisticated approaches to environmental scanning and monitoring where acceptance of change and capacity to anticipate the issues and problems becomes critical limited attempts to addressing problems from a ‘whole system’ perspective: a focus on, e.g., understanding and managing intra- and inter-organisational relationships (such as interdisciplinary boundaries or organisation–supplier boundaries), rather than on how whole systems can sustainably adapt within a highly dynamic, unpredictable, ‘winner-takes-all’ global environment systematic attempts at managing diversity – cultural or educational thinking about the management of global–local tensions thinking about the management of external relationships.
Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
During 2002, John Andrews of the Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing school undertook a three-month project to investigate options in consultation with key stakeholders, and began to assemble relevant information and other resources for incorporating global sustainability matters into RMIT University’s undergraduate engineering degree programs. The report7 noted that •
there is increasing interest in sustainability within governments in Australia
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
more and more corporations are adopting sustainability as a key objective of governance, as well as practicing triple bottom line accounting – social, environmental and financial – practices in reporting to their boards, shareholders and the general public RMIT itself has ‘a strong and public commitment to global sustainability and measures its performance through social, financial, environmental and governance indicators’ (RMIT, 2002). RMIT signed the Tailloires Declaration in 1995 in which universities commit themselves to engaging in a range of activities to promote sustainable development and global sustainability and has created Global Sustainability @ RMIT to lead and coordinate these activities.8
The key recommendation of this research and consultation, supported by specific recommendations on ‘how to’, was to make sustainable engineering a central theme in all RMIT undergraduate engineering programs. Electrical and Computer Engineering
The challenge the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering recognised was to renew and revitalise programs in each of its streams – electrical, electronic, communications and software and networks – given the pressure on staff of high workloads, the pressure on resources, and the changing nature of students’ needs. Renewed programs would be: • • • •
responsive to industry educationally up-to-date focussed on the development of graduate capabilities responsive to student stakeholders.
As a first step the school began to research the needs of stakeholders, both industry and student, during 2002. Forums of staff and industry were organised, to gather information about trends in the environment and in the respective industry that imply changing requirements of these programs from an employers’ perspective. The electrical industry forum reflected the increasing requirement for an understanding of sustainability as government requirements of the industry change. One example is the regulation of the energy industry to achieve the 39
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mandatory requirement of all energy suppliers to provide a proportion of energy using renewable energy sources by 2010. Sustainability was further reflected in the increasing need to consider different stakeholders’ needs and values when developing intrusive infrastructure such as power stations and wind farms, and the need to take into account the social and environmental, as well as financial/economic, consequences of innovation – the triple bottom line. The communications and software and networks forums were less specific about the sustainability agenda, but they were equally pointed about the need for flexibility and adaptability of graduates to the changing needs of employers and industry. Consistent themes across the forums were also the changing role of the engineer; the ability to learn how to learn in the face of change and huge amounts of information; the ability to work both locally and globally; and the ability to work across disciplines and in groups. These are all consistent with sustainable practices both now and in the future. Student views were gathered via a two-step process: a number of focus groups were used to develop themes of interest to the students; then a survey based on these themes was conducted. Themes identified were: • • • •
• • • • •
that there is increasing complexity and a more complicated world that there is increasing need for adaptation that the technology is increasingly fast-moving and is becoming smaller and more expensive, more quickly that engineering is increasingly results oriented – short-term focussed, more business-minded, cost-focussed, etc, with an increasing need to see the big picture but still know what to do that in engineering there is not much time to make the connections, but there is a need to be proactive, to work for yourself that there is less industry involvement in the professional development of engineers that increasingly engineers need to have qualifications and/or experience beyond the graduate level to get the job that experience continues to be valued and is increasingly sought by industry (and that job ads ask for experience) that increasingly industry wants ‘big picture’ people to cope in this dynamic world
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
• • •
that engineers are becoming managers, either as project managers or as traditional managers that the trend is for engineers to start at the bottom and become managers and that there is a need for adaptation to changing roles that the degree ‘is only a piece of paper’ and that it doesn’t show your capability.
These themes point to the students’ felt need for capabilities beyond the traditional technical, as well to the sustainability agenda in respect of engineering and engineering education within the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The survey results confirmed these conclusions. During 2003 and beyond, the school continues to • • • • • • • • • •
research stakeholder needs (industry, staff, student, other RMIT portfolios, accreditation bodies, industry associations etc.) identify the overall program goals and graduate capabilities work as a team to critically review all our classes develop appropriate learning objectives related to program goals develop conceptual streams of courses related to industry trends remove redundant material ensure not too much content is crammed into courses develop support materials/activities for students with particular needs identify professional development needs for teaching staff undertake professional development in educational methods and research
– and thereby ensure that the programs of the School are sustainable and that the graduates of these programs develop sustainable practices. Experiments in sustainable engineering Environmental engineering
The environmental engineering degree was first introduced at RMIT in 1991 after thorough industry consultation in 1989–90. It was one of the first such programs in Australia. The program has been built on the strengths of the civil engineering and geological engineering disciplines within which it was developed. Areas of strength include land contamination and remediation, 41
Protecting the Future
mine rehabilitation, catchment management, groundwater management, waste management, composting, and transport impacts. More recently, the amalgamation with the chemical engineering discipline to form a new School of Civil and Chemical Engineering has strengthened cooperation in the area of pollution control, cleaner production, and water and wastewater treatment, including the design and evaluation of wetlands. Mechanical engineering
The Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy (Energy CARE) group within the mechanical and automotive engineering discipline have developed several courses and modules relating to sustainable energy and other environmental issues. Two courses on renewable energy are now offered as engineering electives to students in the final year of the mechanical engineering course. One of these courses, Remote Area Power Supply, has been offered since the late 1980s. This course deals with the design of stand-alone, small-scale power generation systems incorporating photovoltaics, wind turbines, diesel generators and battery systems. The second course, Renewable Energy Systems, was developed in 2001. This course is also offered as a general elective to all students across the university, and in RMIT’s engineering program in Singapore. Because of the high level of demand, the course is offered twice a year. Renewable Energy Systems focuses on large-scale, grid-connected solar and wind power systems, solar water heating, and solar radiation geometry and shading. Students also study the social, environmental and economic aspects of renewable energy systems. For example, they undertake a case study on planning controversies over wind farm siting. They also investigate the development of the renewable energy industry in Australia. Academics from the Energy CARE group have also developed two modules on sustainability, which are taught in the professional experience program in the first and third years of the mechanical engineering program. In the first year, students study sustainability principles and practice. A major part of this module is the study of topical and controversial issues in sustainability. Students are formed into groups and required to debate an issue in class. In the third year, students are introduced to triple bottom line (economic, social and environmental) assessment, and required to apply this to a case study of their choice. These modules have proved valuable in raising 42
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
students’ understanding of sustainability principles and assessment techniques and their application in a range of areas. Civil and infrastructure engineering
In 2003, a new program in civil and infrastructure engineering was created that explicitly addresses the shift in Western economies from designing new infrastructure (buildings, roads, water supply, wastewater treatment, etc) to the maintenance and refurbishment of existing infrastructure. Costing must be done over the whole life cycle and graduates must be skilled throughout the facility life cycle of planning, design, construction, operations, maintenance, refurbishment, repurposing and demolition. Thus, the systems approach of sustainability and the triple bottom line are a natural fit to this whole of life cycle view of civil infrastructure. The new program uses project-based learning to introduce students to the complexity of civil infrastructure problems. This happens as early as semester one of first year. At this stage, students are encouraged to grasp the breadth of the discipline and begin to identify their own future role in it. In semester two of first year, students study environmental principles for sustainable design and perform a small design task where they must put these principles into action. In year two, students focus on economic principles and project evaluation. In year three, they design an eco-home, applying the full range of sustainability principles and the triple bottom line. In year four, they tackle an infrastructure project (rather than just a design project) as well as an investigation project, which might also explore sustainability issues. Electives in infrastructure issues are also available. Thus, sustainability and the triple bottom line have become the decisionmaking framework for projects within the new civil and infrastructure program. Traditionally, students have used only technical and economic criteria for decision making. Chemical engineering
As mentioned earlier, Engineers Australia has refined its required graduate capabilities for all accredited engineering programs to include appreciation of global sustainability issues. In Britain, the Institution of Chemical Engineers has made similar refinements to its requirements for curriculum content.9 In response to these changes, staff teaching chemical engineering at 43
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RMIT collaborated with staff at RMIT’s Global Sustainability Institute to develop new curriculum content. Two examples of developments follow. The first development was introduced into the first year of the chemical engineering program. The concept and practice of sustainable development was introduced in a course called Professional Engineering. This course aims to introduce the students to professional engineering practices by developing skills that complement technical knowledge, such as computing, giving presentations, writing reports, working in teams, and engaging in research and reflection. The course also aims to develop the students’ ideas about the roles and responsibilities of a chemical engineer in industry and society, including occupational health and safety and global sustainability. A lecture was given on global sustainability, including its history, definitions, the triple bottom line and outcomes of the Earth Summit in Johannesburg, 2002. A case study of a development agency’s work in Cambodia was also reviewed. Students were asked to work in pairs on an assignment on sustainable development that linked to a previous field trip to Carlton United’s brewery in Abbotsford, Melbourne. They were asked to use the triple bottom line approach to compare siting a brewery in a large metropolis such as Melbourne with siting it in a remote region of north-west Australia. The aim of the assignment was for the student to develop a concept of sustainable development and apply it to the building of a chemical plant such as a brewery, and also to develop skills in research and report writing. The object of working in pairs was to promote teamwork and encourage the students to discuss and develop their viewpoints together. The outcomes were positive for both the lecturer and the students. Feedback from the students at the end of the semester indicated that they found this assignment useful. The lecturer was also pleased with the quality of work submitted. The average mark for the assignment was distinction (75%). The majority of reports contained thoughtful and detailed analyses of the issues from an economic, environmental and social point of view, indicating that the students had engaged with the set task, undertaken wide research and developed interesting viewpoints and ideas. The second development was introduced into the fourth-year Design Project within the chemical engineering program. The design project seeks to synthesise all students’ learning from previous courses in the whole program and involves the application of a wide range of knowledge and skills. These include chemical engineering fundamentals, data gathering, 44
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project management, safety considerations, environmental considerations, economic evaluation, leadership and membership of teams, report writing and project presentation. Students work in groups of five or six to design a plant for a given process. The Institution of Chemical Engineers issued detailed guidelines about how to introduce the concept of sustainable development in the design project10 and it was agreed to implement these in the current class. A further development, designed in collaboration with RMIT’s Global Sustainability Institute, was to recognise the contribution of other disciplines to evaluation of the triple bottom line for a new chemical engineering plant; this was introduced into one group only, as a test case. Students from the RMIT environmental science program were asked to volunteer to join one of the design project groups and to help the group to develop a sound environmental evaluation of their particular project. The experiment was a success. Although it was difficult to match the assessment needs/timelines of the two different student cohorts, the group benefited from their diversity of backgrounds and were able to investigate parts of their project in more depth than other groups. An emerging concept – Master of Sustainable Practice
RMIT University recognises that: •
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less-recent engineering graduates and graduates of other disciplines will not necessarily have developed the types of attributes articulated by Engineers Australia or the additional capabilities developed from our own consultations, and undergraduate programs may not have taken a ‘whole person’ approach the environment in general, and for organisations in particular, is highly complex, dynamic and ‘turbulent’ professionals work in this turbulent environment and face the types of trends identified in the industry meetings organisations need all their professional staff to have an understanding of sustainability and a sustainable practice capability, to have a ‘whole’ system perspective, and to work together across the disciplines.
Consequently, the university is exploring the development of a postgraduate qualification for professionals, the Master of Sustainable Practice. 45
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This program, as envisaged, will draw on the resources of the whole university and is consistent with RMIT’s strategy of dissolving the boundaries – internally and externally. We will use the active adaptive planning approach to further articulate the concept, as well as to design the program, with the range of relevant stakeholders (both external and internal). The Master of Sustainable Practice has the potential to be designed from scratch rather than by modifying an existing program. There is also the opportunity to develop user-centred teaching and learning practices and to transfer these into undergraduate programs. The attributes of ‘ecological learning’ compared to traditional practice are shown are shown in the following table, which extracts some key concepts from Emery’s Summary Table.11 Traditional teaching
Ecological learning
The approach Transmission of existing knowledge
Discovery of universal in the particular
Teacher–student; competition of students
Co-learners; co-operation of learners
Lecture theatre
Community settings
Textbooks; standardised laboratory experiments
Reality-centered projects
Paying attention; rote practice; memorising
Discriminating; differentiating; creating
Pedagogy – the ‘mirror’
Discovery – ‘the lamp’
The experience Work: serious drudgery
Active leisure: ‘exciting, frustrating’
Dependency; fight/flight
Conformity; bullying; divorce of means and ends; cheating; self-centredness; hatred of learning (and swots)
Tolerance of individuality; depth and integration; homonomy12; learning as living
Research: Energy CARE
Research related to the environment has been a feature of RMIT for more than a decade. The Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy (Energy CARE) group in the mechanical engineering discipline comprises four academic staff. The group has been involved in a range of technical research projects. 46
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
Some of these projects involved productive use of low-grade heat, which would normally be wasted. One recent project, which received significant funding from the Australian Greenhouse Office, was the development of a solar pond in conjunction with industry partners. A 3000 square metre pond was constructed in northern Victoria to provide low-grade heat for use in salt production. The solar pond is also part of a salinity mitigation scheme – soil salinity is a major environmental problem in inland Australia. Another area of research is in heat pipe studies. Heat pipes are sealed tubes containing a small quantity of working fluid. When the pipe is heated at one end the fluid evaporates, enabling rapid heat transfer to the other end. Because of their high effective thermal conductivity, heat pipes are particularly useful in heat transfer applications over long distances or where temperature differences are small. The Energy CARE group has used the heat pipes in a number of industrial projects involving the recovery of low-grade waste heat. The group is also involved in research in engineering management. One current project involves addressing institutional barriers to the uptake of wind power, and the creation and management of niches for wind power. The Energy CARE group has also constructed a renewable energy park to demonstrate a range of renewable energy technologies. These include a small-scale solar pond, a small wind turbine, grid-connected and standalone photovoltaic systems, a micro-hydro demonstration unit and solar hot water systems. Conclusions
RMIT Engineering is redesigning all its degree programs around graduate capabilities (outcomes) rather than content. These capabilities are based on those developed by Engineers Australia and are similar to those developed by the Baltimore-based Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and other bodies.13 A central component of these lists of capabilities or outcomes is sustainability. However, it is traditionally a small component listed after ‘fundamentals of science’ and ‘technical competence’. It is fair to say that many, if not most, engineering programs are still trapped in the ‘teach the fundamentals’ model, relying on physical sciences and mathematics as these fundamentals. 47
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Accepting sustainability and the triple bottom line as central to engineering decision making, surely the fundamentals must now also include biology, ecology, psychology, sociology, economics, finance, etc? It will be necessary to drag our engineering programs out of their nineteenth-century patterns based on linear, deterministic technical systems. Chaotic, socioecological systems are with us for the foreseeable future. We must prepare our graduates for the challenge. To make this clearer, we would reorganise and rewrite Engineers Australia’s accreditation guidelines to say graduates from an accredited program should have the following attributes: •
• • •
understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of the professional engineer, and the need for sustainable development ability to undertake problem identification, formulation and decision making using a systems approach that weighs up the technical, economic, environmental and social consequences ability to function effectively as an individual and in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams, with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member ability to communicate effectively, not only with engineers but also with the community at large ability to apply knowledge of basic science and engineering fundamentals in at least one engineering discipline ability to learn independently throughout their careers, with a focus on personal and professional development.
This is a new style of engineer for the twenty-first century. RMIT has begun to adapt its programs through its program renewal project. Sustainability is a central part of the new Civil and Infrastructure program and it will be adopted across all the new engineering programs. New graduates will shape engineering with a new outlook focussed beyond the technical equations of their forefathers (for they were, sadly, mostly men). We have an opportunity to truly implement a change of culture as requested by Engineers Australia’s 1996 review of engineering education.14 References and further reading ABET – see Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. 48
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc., ‘ABET Accreditation policies and procedures’, ABET, Baltimore, MD, 2003, viewed 8 Dec 2003, . American Society of Civil Engineers, Draft report on 21st century body of knowledge, ASCE, 2003, viewed 8 Dec 2003, . ASCE – see American Society of Civil Engineers Barnett R, ‘Supercomplexity and the curriculum’, Studies in Higher Education, 25(3), 2000: 255–65. Bell D, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, Heinemann, New York, 1973. Bowden J & Marton F, The University of Learning: beyond quality and competence in higher education, Kogan Page, London, 1998. Emery FE & Trist E, ‘The causal texture of organisation environments’, Human Relations, 18, 1965: 21–32. Emery FE & Trist EL, Toward a social ecology, Plenum, London, 1973. Engineers Australia – see Institution of Engineers, Australia Faculty of Engineering, ‘Renewal of the Bachelor of Engineering 2002–2004 project plan’, internal document, RMIT, Melbourne, 2002. Hadgraft R & Muir P, ‘Defining graduate capabilities for chemical engineers at RMIT’, paper prepared for Australasian Association for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Melbourne, 29 Sep–1 Oct 2003. IchemE – see Institution of Chemical Engineers IEAust – see Institution of Engineers, Australia Institution of Engineers, Australia, Changing the culture: a review of engineering education in Australia, Institution of Engineers, Canberra, 1996. ——— Accreditation manual, IEAust, Canberra, 2002, accessed 7 April 2003, . Institution of Chemical Engineers, London, IChemE Accreditation guidelines, 2002. Lines R, ‘The university framework for a capability driven curriculum’, paper adopted by the Teaching and Learning Strategy Committee, RMIT, Melbourne, 2001. RMIT University, Building a sustainable RMIT: strategic plan and direction to 2006, RMIT, Melbourne, 2002. RMIT University, Teaching and learning strategy 2000–2002: quality learning tailored for students and clients, for employment, leadership and career-long learning, 2000, viewed 14 April 2003, . Schon DA, Beyond the stable state, Temple Smith, London, 1971. Sommerhoff G, ‘The abstract characteristics of living systems’, in FE Emery (ed.), Systems thinking, vol. I, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1969, pp. 147–202. –––— ‘Hierarchies of goals and subgoals’, in FE Emery (ed.), Systems thinking, vol. II, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1981, pp. 269–276. Stephenson J & Yorke M (eds), Capability and quality in higher education, Kogan Page, London, 1998. Toffler A, Future shock, Pan, London, 1970. 49
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Trist ER, Emery FE & Murray H (eds), The social engagement of social science: a Tavistock anthology, vol. III – The socio-ecological perspective, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1997. Vickers G, Freedom in a rocking boat, Basic Books, New York, 1970.
This paper is the result of many meetings within the Faculty of Engineering, as well as several industry forum meetings. The inputs of Associate Professors John Ball and Peter Hoffmann and the many industry representatives are gratefully acknowledged. Notes to Chapter 3 1
‘Students are being prepared for careers in an unknown future that will depend on their capability to deal effectively with new situations. This requires students and staff to focus on “how” learning occurs as well as “what” is learnt’ — RMIT University, Teaching and Learning Strategy 2000–2002: Quality learning tailored for students and clients, for employment, leadership and career-long learning, 2000, viewed 14 April 2003, . See also J Bowden & F Marton, The university of learning: beyond quality and competence in higher education, Kogan Page, London, 1998.
‘Transdisciplinarity dissolves the boundaries between disciplines and creates a hybrid which is different from each constituent part’ — M Somerville & D Rapport (eds), Transdisciplinarity: recreating integrated knowledge, EOLSS Publishers Co, Oxford, 2000, p xiv.
The complete list of attributes is as follows: • • • • • •
• • • •
ability to apply knowledge of basic science and engineering fundamentals; in-depth technical competence in at least one engineering discipline; ability to undertake problem identification, formulation and solution; ability to utilise a systems approach to design and operational performance; ability to communicate effectively, not only with engineers but also with the community at large; ability to function effectively as an individual and in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams, with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member; understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of the professional engineer, and the need for sustainable development; understanding of the principles of sustainable design and development; understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities and commitment to them; and expectation of the need to undertake lifelong learning, and capacity to do so.
— Institution of Engineers, Australia, Accreditation manual, Canberra, 2002, accessed 7 April 2003, . 50
Shifting the Ground – Sustainable Engineering at RMIT
ER Trist, FE Emery & H Murray (eds), The social engagement of social science: a Tavistock anthology, vol. III, The socio-ecological perspective, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1997.
This is discussed in more detail in R Hadgraft & P Muir, ‘Defining graduate capabilities for chemical engineers at RMIT’, paper prepared for Australasian Association for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Melbourne, 29 Sep–1 Oct 2003.
FE Emery & EL Trist, Toward a social ecology, Plenum, London, 1973.
J Andrews, Toward Sustainable Engineering at RMIT, RMIT, 2002.
RMIT, Building a sustainable RMIT: strategic plan and direction to 2006, RMIT, Melbourne, 2002; the Tailloires (pronounced Tal-whar) Declaration was ‘[c]omposed in 1990 at an international conference in Talloires, France’ and ‘is the first official statement made by university administrators of a commitment to environmental sustainability in higher education. The Talloires Declaration (TD) is a ten-point action plan for incorporating sustainability and environmental literacy in teaching, research, operations and outreach at colleges and universities. It has been signed by over 300 university presidents and chancellors in over 40 countries’ — . That web page links to the text of the TD.
Institution of Chemical Engineers, London, IChemE Accreditation guidelines, 2002.
10 Institution of Chemical Engineers, London, The Sustainability Metrics, 2003, available as: http://www.icheme.org/sustainability/metrics.pdf (accessed 7 July 2004). 11 F Emery, ‘Educational paradigms: an epistemological revolution’, Participative design for participative democracy, Australian National University Centre for Continuing Education, Canberra, 1993, p. 83. 12 In humanistic psychology, homonomy refers to the experience of being part of a larger whole, the sense of belonging or the integration of self with others and with the environment: see . 13 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc., ABET Accreditation policies and procedures, 2003, viewed 8 Dec 2003, ; American Society of Civil Engineers, Draft report on 21st century body of knowledge, 2003, viewed 8 Dec 2003, . 14 See Institution of Engineers, Australia, Changing the culture: a review of engineering education in Australia, Institution of Engineers, Canberra, 1996.
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4 Home among the gum trees: RMIT Hamilton
Photo: Southern Grampians Development and Tourism Unit
Kaye Scholfield
Protecting the Future
This story is about how revolutions in the wool industry helped develop a different sort of regional campus. When the wool industry in the Western District of Victoria was under threat in the 1990s, the locals became creative, inviting RMIT’s international students to experience life in rural Australia. The community saw the need to change. They began to understand some of the issues of sustainability. Were their land use practices environmentally sustainable? Were their lifestyles, businesses and country sustainable? Out of many discussions came the RMIT Hamilton campus – and these questions: what should it be that would be sustainable, and what kind of model might it provide for other places in rural Australia or rural anywhere?
Home Among the Gum Trees: RMIT Hamilton
In Good news for a change: hope for a troubled planet, Suzuki and Dressel say: One of the first things we discovered was that groups offering good news tend to mirror the fact that natural systems … change every few miles or so on this planet. Groups working on sustainability therefore seldom conform to constructs like nation-states or global marketing groups. They are always locally based or working in close contact with local people. Our research showed again and again that the people in the best position to know what will really work over the long term in a given area – and also the only ones who have a long term self-interest in making sure the area remains healthy – are locals committed to that area, people who have no plans to move away… But we also discovered that as soon as people make that local commitment – they aren’t going anywhere, and they want to stay and leave something for their families – they begin coming up with strategies for sustainability pretty quickly.1 These sentiments sum up the motivations of a group of farmers in southwestern Victoria who, in 1993, sought ways to address the impact of global change. As part of a wool-growing community, they suffered from the crisis in the wool industry in which incomes were slashed up to 65% virtually overnight. The subsequent uncertainty had a direct social and economic impact on this close-knit rural community. How RMIT came to be involved with the local community
The community of Woodhouse/Nareeb lies in western Victoria on the eastern boundary of the Southern Grampians shire, about one hour’s drive from the coast. It is part of the volcanic plains, well known for its productive grazing capacity. Woodhouse/Nareeb was a soldier settlement area settled by returned servicemen and their families after World War 2. It is an outward looking community in many respects. The soldier settlers had come to the area from many backgrounds and experiences. They were twentieth-century pioneers, beginning with almost no amenities or equipment when they first settled there in the late 1940s. Their first homes were garages and they worked together to fence, and clear the area of rabbits, before they could begin farming. It was this common bond, developed over two generations, 55
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which enabled the community to mobilise – to become agents of change, rather than its victims. In 1993, wool prices had hit their lowest point in 50 years. The community felt powerless to act. How could they help themselves? Responsibility for wool marketing is usually the province of the industry bureaucrats. Political decisions such as the withdrawal of the wool floor price are obviously made in Canberra, and global economic fluctuations are beyond anyone’s control. Some of the farmers formed the Woodhouse Woolgrowers group and undertook a number of activities to tackle the crisis: political action, information sessions and local functions to keep the community spirit alive. The group contacted the Melbourne College of Textiles (which later became part of RMIT University) and offered to host the college’s international textiles students. This action was to have far-reaching and unexpected consequences. The idea was that by forming a relationship with the college and its international students, long-term awareness of wool as a textile of value could be developed. Any wool promotion to international students was a long shot, but the returns turned out to be rich – though not in financial terms. International students spent weekends on local farms, learning about the area and experiencing Australian farming life, and family life, first hand. Visits by the international students engendered a new pride and direction. Whilst community members appreciated the value of tertiary education and research, they had felt isolated from it. Most families ‘lost’ their children to education in larger centres – a trend that continues. District farmers, who in the main are willing, even eager, to embrace new knowledge, felt it was being developed in isolation from the level of practical application. So, the idea of a link with a tertiary institution had much appeal. The connection with RMIT happened because one of the students who joined that first visit was an RMIT student. She relayed her enthusiasm back to RMIT’s international student advisor, who was keen. Further contact was initiated, and the relationship that then developed between RMIT and the community was the beginning of the RICE program. RMIT intercultural student exchange
The RMIT intercultural student exchange (RICE program) was launched as a partnership between community and university in 1996. Visits by students, from over 55 countries to Woodhouse/Nareeb and surrounding communities, built goodwill and new understandings. Concerts, barbecues and talks around the kitchen table were all part of it for families and students alike. 56
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From 1996 to 2000 a huge range of activities took place, which helped to consolidate networks between the region and sections of the university. Other RMIT links in the area strengthened the relationship. Projects came to include research, youth activities, international students in local schools, and landscape projects. These involved a complex network of local schools, community members, organisations, and staff and students from RMIT. One of the benefits of the university’s interest in the community was that ‘ordinary’ people committed to their region, as Suzuki and Dressel point out, were able to voice their aspirations and their knowledge of their area. The benefits of a partnership are mutual. However, a challenge for the partners’ proponents at that stage of the relationship was to try to consolidate the partnership at the ‘centre’ of both the local community and the university, and so guarantee its durability. RMIT Hamilton takes shape
Joint consultation among Southern Grampians shire (of which the small city of Hamilton is the municipal centre), community organisations and RMIT continued from 1996 to 1999. As discussions progressed, so did planning for the future. The shape of what is now RMIT Hamilton emerged. In 1999 the decision was made to develop a full Bachelor of Nursing degree there – very exciting news for a town that had been particularly proud of its hospital nurse training before the transition to university-based nursing education. A significant donation made by local benefactors enabled the development of a learning site at Hamilton. Together with a substantial funding allocation from the State Government, some funding from the Commonwealth Government and local shire support, the future for a university presence in Hamilton became possible. This university presence was to pilot new learning technology, foster regional and rural research, expand educational opportunities for young people and potentially become an international student centre. It was a very exciting prospect. RMIT Hamilton, however, has moved a long way since then. Questions of sustainability
What does the idea of sustainability mean in relation to a story like this? Does it mean a sustainable university–community partnership? Does it mean the sustainability of RMIT Hamilton? Given the international links that marked the beginnings of RMIT Hamilton, what place does the question of global 57
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sustainability have? Or perhaps it simply means the sustainability of a region? RMIT Hamilton is concerned about the sustainability of rural communities. It has developed its philosophies and responses in parallel with similar developments at RMIT in Melbourne, particularly the Global Sustainability Institute. If we think of sustainability as a regional issue, then there are also many ways of looking at that. Does it mean the environmental sustainability of the region, and what the implications of environmental sustainability are for local industries? If so, then changing land practices will impact on land use. If the industry base changed, then so would the existing social structure. Does it mean social sustainability? Of course socially the region has already changed from pre-white history until today. Regions have long suffered from a rural-to-urban population drift. In most rural communities, the outlook is a diminishing and ageing population. External links such as the Internet, contact with young people who move to urban centres, reliance on the global economy for the sale of regional commodities and provision of services such as call centres and increasing international tourism all guarantee an interest in global sustainability. The slow march of soil and water salinity, and changes in land use, inexorably tie environmental sustainability into the mix. In a changing policy environment, how does a hybridised version of a university exist, let alone become sustainable? I use the word ‘hybridised’ because RMIT Hamilton is a combination of goals, roles, activities and relationships. It does not fit with the usual definition of a ‘university campus’. These and other questions of sustainability are the concerns of those who are working to develop RMIT Hamilton today. Staff at RMIT agree with Suzuki and Dressel: it is committed long-standing locals who know and value the potential of their place and will work with the land to make it sustainable. Activities underway at RMIT Hamilton reflect the diverse nature of any small rural community, and how education can take place in many ways. Rural communities have limited local access to post-secondary learning opportunities, particularly higher education and research, so it is not simply a matter of inserting a campus into the community and having it instantly staffed and pupilled. It has taken time for the community to understand what the limitations and opportunities are, and how the university will ‘work’. In a shire with a population of about 17 000 people, there were possibly 17 000 different understandings of what RMIT Hamilton would be. 58
Home Among the Gum Trees: RMIT Hamilton
University and community – working together
A combination of relevant programs and a long community engagement process are clarifying the ‘vision’ of the university–community partnership. For local RMIT staff, the dual roles as community members and university staff are challenging as they seek to balance conflicting expectations with university and policy realities. It is becoming apparent that a rural–urban partnership can produce exciting opportunities for all concerned At RMIT Hamilton, the strategic planning process undertaken in 2003 has clarified priorities and is cementing the community role in the university. Community involvement is embedded as a value at RMIT Hamilton. Not only will the university remain relevant to the community, but the community also recognises a responsibility to work with the university. This is important for many reasons. It relates back again to what Suzuki and Dressel are saying – that communities have a stake in their own future. They understand best their own environment and their own community. The university contributes its objectivity and expertise as an external but very involved partner. In terms of sustainability, the relationship is dynamic – lively. It is still fledgling special. RMIT Hamilton was not intended to be an ordinary campus. Instead, it aims to respond to community needs and aspirations – where it has the capacity to do so – and it brings the outside world into a rural environment. In order to fulfil this role, RMIT Hamilton is a flexible education environment, not confined to its own boundaries. Although staff work as a team, each area of activity is accountable to different portfolios. Flexibly delivered courseware is provided, staff are flexible in their work roles, and the rooms and facilities are multi-purpose. Technology is crucial and needs to be responsive, efficient and up to date. Staff need to understand it, to promote its use, but at the same time they need to be able to offer the face-to-face learning. Infrastructure needs to be upgraded and maintained, and readily supported by accessible and reliable technological skills. Supplies of qualified staff, and reliable infrastructure, are not guaranteed in a rural environment. Management of RMIT Hamilton presents other interesting challenges. Students have the option of 24/7 (24 hours, seven days a week) access to the university. In developing an efficient, flexible, yet accessible learning centre, a security system was installed which is operated from RMIT in Melbourne, as is the heating and cooling. Student services and the library are accessible by telephone or Internet. Finding the best mix of services to students 59
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without compromising either the financial viability or the quality of education and support is not always easy. Three years after the commencement of programs, however, protocols and systems are well in place and constantly reviewed. How RMIT Hamilton sits with the ‘triple bottom line plus one’ accountabilities adopted by RMIT University2 is being examined. The range of programs includes postgraduate, undergraduate, certificate and diploma levels, short courses, conferences and seminars. Research is also a strong area of activity at RMIT Hamilton. Operating in rural areas means that numbers attending sessions are quite low. Reasons are many and include smaller populations, single owner–operators and owner–managers of businesses and organisations, the age of the workforce, and the lack of a perceived career path. For programs to ‘break even’ financially is a significant challenge. A couple of dozen people attending a course might, as a proportion of population, equate to a couple of thousand people in Melbourne. Yet the absolute costs of delivery are just as high, if not higher, in a rural area, meaning that the delivery cost per rural student is far higher. How can equity of access to professional development for rural people be achieved if course delivery has to always break even or, more ambitious still, turn a profit? This question is of critical importance to the ongoing sustainability of RMIT Hamilton and has implications for regional sustainability. The Bachelor of Nursing program at RMIT Hamilton is a full undergraduate program. By the end of 2003, three classes have graduated, with most finding positions at local hospitals helping to stem the local shortage of rural nurses. The nursing program is the same as that offered at RMIT’s campus in Sale as well as at RMIT’s Melbourne campus at Bundoora. Two staff are located at Hamilton to support the students, who learn by mixed mode including online, practicals, placements and video-conferencing interaction. The Hamilton nursing staff work as a team with the RMIT nursing staff located in Melbourne and Sale to deliver the program in a collegial and supportive academic environment. It is anticipated that experience gained by staff in the Bachelor of Nursing will be very useful to other programs looking to deliver through Hamilton – or any other rural centre. The community identified access to quality and affordable professional development programs as a particular concern: professional development was too expensive, too far away or not relevant. To fill this gap RMIT Hamilton established a Professional Development Centre in 2003. The centre has 60
Home Among the Gum Trees: RMIT Hamilton
undertaken a wide range of programs, from education to allied health to public relations and business. RMIT as a working model
Any snapshot of RMIT Hamilton reveals a small staff engaged in a staggering variety of activities, which includes research; assisting in setting up links for conservation surveys; bringing in retired municipal councillors to work with planning students; developing partnerships within the community; and establishing short courses such as art programs. All this is about building social capital. Its relevance is on several levels. First, it is a way of expanding and enhancing awareness of lifelong learning and educational involvement in the general community. Second, it maximises the available resources in the community through collaboration rather than isolated silos. Third, the community has much to teach future graduates. Fourth, there are opportunities for applied learning. RMIT regards applied learning as important, and in a community–university partnership this is achievable. From a community point of view, it reduces stereotypes of universities operating in an ivory tower environment removed from the realities of everyday life. Both the university and the community have considerable resources to bring into play, as the following examples illustrate. Young professionals network
Community concern at the difficulty of attracting and retaining suitably qualified staff to work in regional organisations resulted in a network of local employers and RMIT staff, the Southern Grampians Graduate Network. A community member was appointed as chair. Research revealed social isolation was the biggest reason why young graduates are reluctant to move to country areas, and why they frequently leave after only a short time. In response, the Young Professionals Network developed. This is an email network facilitated at RMIT Hamilton but overseen by a committee of these local young professionals. An astonishing array of professions is represented, which now provides numerous opportunities for interaction, reducing social and professional isolation. Solar car project
The Solar Car Project grew out of local enthusiasm for the Aurora 99 solar car, winner of the 1999 World Solar Challenge, which was brought to 61
Protecting the Future
Hamilton for the local ‘Show Us Your Toys’ expo. A local enthusiast joined the Aurora team, assisting with new developments and participating in subsequent races in Australia, Japan and Europe. A wide range of ages and professional groups, including secondary school students, skilled trades people, farmers and retired engineers, are in the local team. Local businesses have become sponsors. Following the car’s rehabilitation, the local team represented Southern Grampians in the 2003 Darwin to Adelaide World Solar Challenge. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the Southern Aurora Solar Car team at Hamilton is that it is directed and supported by the community. Master of Education
The Master of Education by project has been another exciting initiative. Students participating in the program from Warrnambool and Hamilton represent an array of organisations from health to education, libraries to agriculture. As the students work in clusters with peer support, this program has provided much professional and personal enrichment. The program uses action research methodology, which in turn is introduced into the workplace, resulting in improved outcomes on a number of levels, particularly the upskilling of community practitioners. The flexibility of the program is particularly suitable for busy, mature-age students. Centre for Rural and Regional Development
Recognising the particular challenges, opportunities, strengths and obstacles in a rural environment, RMIT established its Centre for Rural and Regional Development (CRRD), with Associate Professor John Martin as Director based in Hamilton. There is no comparable research centre in Hamilton: the Pastoral Veterinary Institute focusses on agriculture, whereas the CRRD has a broader focus on social and economic issues. Combining impartial researchers with empathic locals who have an affinity for place yields the potential for applied, relevant, research. Having local collaborators involved as partners in research ensures that deep learning will stay in the community. Rural and regional issues – whether local, national or international – now have a prominence at RMIT in Melbourne. CRRD’s regional and rural focus and its international research responsibility give validity to notions of pathways from local to global sustainability. Clearly the regional, national and international links are of critical importance to RMIT as a 62
Home Among the Gum Trees: RMIT Hamilton
university producing relevant teaching and learning and research in a global environment. Why does any of this matter – and particularly, why is it relevant to sustainability? Partnerships in sustainability
One of the features of RMIT Hamilton staff is their connection to their rural community. Again echoing Suzuki and Dressel, they are committed to their area. This provides the potential for RMIT’s regional commitment to move well beyond an urban university’s token rural presence and connection. RMIT’s social obligation – and indeed reputation – is strong. When far fewer people in rural than urban areas can access high quality education activities; when few rural practitioners can access relevant research; when graduate numbers choosing a rural practice are low; and when the teaching agenda is firmly urban driven and thus arguably closely interwoven with urban values and experience – then it is apparent why this partnership between a rural community and an urban university is important. There are examples elsewhere in the world of university–community partnerships. Many universities in Europe and the USA are in regional settings. The interesting aspect of the RMIT partnership is its capacity to bridge urban–rural gaps, and, further, to link with the university’s international community. It is this dialogue that holds potential for exploration of real, interconnected sustainability issues. Improved awareness and understanding will result in improved application of sustainability practices. If the people who have to implement such practices have a role in determining both cause and solution then surely we can hope for better results. When well over half of the world’s poor live in rural areas, and most of the world’s natural resources are located in rural areas, it becomes clearer that global sustainability is inextricably bound up with regional and rural issues. Of course there is a world of difference between the rural communities of south-western Victoria and those of other countries, particularly developing countries. But there are many consistent principles that applied learning, research and engagement in a rural community can teach us, including maintaining a high-profile agenda at the university. Indeed, it is a positive step towards global sustainability that a large university committed to innovation and to making a difference has undertaken. 63
Protecting the Future
References Global Sustainability Institute, RMIT, web site . Suzuki D & Dressel H, Good news for a change: hope for a troubled planet, Allen & Unwin, NSW, 2002, p. 4.
Notes to Chapter 4 1
D Suzuki & H Dressel, Good news for a change: hope for a troubled planet, Allen & Unwin, NSW, 2002.
To learn about the ‘triple bottom line plus one’ approach and RMIT’s commitment to global sustainability visit RMIT’s Global Sustainability Institute web site at .
5 Melbourne Youth Learning Opportunities project – sustainability story
Photo: Adele Flood
Glenn Bond and Trish van Lint
Protecting the Future
There are young people in inner-city Melbourne who are out of school, out of work, and homeless. It can be more than dangerous. The city is particularly popular with young people at a loose end because there are places to go to meet; there are movies, shops, clubs and drugs – lots of action. RMIT is part of that place and culture so perhaps it could help! For our societies to be functional we need ways of sustaining our young people, to develop their interests and skills to be productive engaged citizens/societal helpers. This is part of the social and cultural dimension of the sustainability agenda, and part of RMIT’s responsibilities. The Melbourne Youth Learning Opportunities Project was developed at RMIT and engaged many of these young people. But it struggles to be more than a pilot, and it too needs to be supported to be sustainable.
Melbourne Youth Learning Opportunities Project – Sustainability Story
Towards the end of 2000, RMIT was confronted with the negative effects of an escalating problem of illicit drug use in Melbourne’s central business district. We were not alone. The impact on the institution was twofold. Staff found people shooting up in the alleyways, nooks and crannies of the city campus – and had to call an ambulance for an OD victim on too many occasions – or found themselves on the receiving end of the crime that usually accompanies a problem of this dimension. Either way it was a negative experience for many people, and one that they faced frequently in the workplace and as habitués of the CBD. It excited concern and compassion among many in the RMIT community. Individuals began to explore various positive responses that might be appropriate for RMIT as an institution and for themselves as people, as citizens. RMIT through its Community and Regional Partnerships group had the structure to address the concerns of staff, and the director convened meetings. Very quickly these expanded to involve members of the wider CBD community. A basic tenet of the Community and Regional Partnerships ethos is to work with the community – and the City of Melbourne was identified as a significant partner. The Vice Chancellor allocated $30 000, and the scope document for the ‘Disaffected Young People in Melbourne’s Central Business District’ project was drawn up. It articulated a vision that has remained the key to MYLO: ‘To develop and implement a strategy for access to learning for Melbourne’s marginalised young people. It is anticipated that this will include an emphasis on technology-related facilities and in contexts beyond the normal physical facilities of the university.’1 Community consultation through 2001 and 2002 identified additional partners – the Salvation Army and Melbourne City Mission’s Frontyard Youth Services and the Department of Education and Training. These consultations culminated in a search conference for interested persons from RMIT and the CBD community. More than 50 people participated. A reference group made up of RMIT personnel and community partners was formed, as was a project team. The project was officially named Melbourne Youth Learning Opportunities (MYLO). Consideration of the following case studies of three young people who participated in the recent 12-month MYLO pilot – names have been changed to protect anonymity – gives some insight into the lives of the young people who connect with MYLO and how it changes their lives. 67
Protecting the Future
Peter had just turned 20. Family breakdown had led to homelessness, and he was residing in a short-term youth refuge. Obviously bright and apparently very capable, Peter was unsettled and restless. Participation in the group unearthed dramatic change in his confidence and communication skills. Within a very short time Peter was among the most active participants in the group. A generous contributor of time and energy, he was central to the success of their project. He developed a new sense of optimism. With extensive one-to-one support pathways, barriers were overcome and a manageable plan of re-entering formal education was formulated. With the assistance of a Job Placement Employment and Training (JPET) service and the MYLO worker, Peter secured enrolment in a community services certificate course. He has since blossomed in his course and field placements and recently secured casual work! He is proud and appreciative of his work and success as a member of MYLO. Paul
Paul was 17 and highly transient with very complex needs. Paul did not successfully make the step into pathways planning, nor has he found a formal education opportunity that suits him. He was, however, successfully engaged in a calm, respectful group environment where he has demonstrated extraordinary progress in his communication and self-confidence. As he was a detached and often unhappy young man, involving Paul in any learning opportunity presented a challenge. In the MYLO environment, however, he became willing to listen to others, wait his turn and contribute an opinion without fear of criticism. He also attempted to consider personal development pathways that might help him progress to independence. Whilst not as tangible as other outcomes for MYLO clients, the success of the MYLO model as an intervention in Paul’s life is still valuable. He is proud of his participation and is stronger as a result. Mary
Mary was 17 years old when she first arrived. Complex circumstances had led her to homelessness, and she had only just 68
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secured housing support through a youth housing program. Having been frustrated by secondary school, she had dropped out midsemester. Although shy and obviously frustrated by her circumstances, she found MYLO welcoming and supportive. She found the opportunity to meet new friends in a safe environment a real benefit. Mary participated in the group project and took up the opportunity for one-to-one pathways support. She was quickly able to express her learning needs. She wanted to complete her VCE in an adult environment where her lifestyle and relative maturity would be advantages rather than disadvantages. After much support and advocacy, securing financial assistance and attending enrolment interviews, Mary was able to convince an adult education provider that she was bright enough and responsible enough to secure an adult place in spite of her age. She is now well on the way to successfully completing her VCE studies. From an early stage the MYLO team was committed to working with homeless young people. It recognised that being homeless makes it difficult for young people to connect with formal educational institutions, especially secondary schools. We also suspected that the emphasis had to be on learning – informal learning – rather than education or training. To engage these young people there had to be real empowerment, ownership, and no fear of failure. It would be impossible to deliver this in a formal education or training regime, however benign. This suspicion was borne out by the responses from young people in the city. This was the focus of the research: to engage with young people in the CBD and to find out from them what they would like to see in a learning environment. Some basic human needs were identified – warmth, food and safety – as well as negotiated rules, curriculum and timing. The afternoon was preferable to the morning and mid-week was better than Monday or Friday. Given that the lives of MYLO’s young people are often complicated and difficult, it was suggested that there should be no penalties for missing sessions. Flexibility and choice about how individuals might contribute was equally important, as was the ability to change goals as the group or individuals decided. Regular breaks would also be necessary. Most important of all was the ownership of the group and the learning sessions by the participants themselves, not by the workers or by RMIT. 69
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The consultation results also gave very strong advice about what MYLO needed to avoid if it were to succeed. Care should be taken to distance the MYLO learning model from the secondary school style, including not having a physical space that resembled a classroom, not having formal assessment processes and not having the teacher–student relationships common to the school system. Preferences for topics and learning styles were explored. Participants preferred a combination of styles and topics that could change over time or work at the same time as each other. One young person might be interested in personal development through drama, and the MYLO worker would seek an opportunity for this activity. Others were very enthusiastic about moving straight into a group project. Still others were very keen on exploring the Internet and the potential that email communication opened up for them. A parallel consultation was undertaken with the agencies and individuals already working with young people in the CBD. This consultation largely bore out our conclusions. Partnerships were formed at this time with various youth services and with JPET programs in Fitzroy and Collingwood, which were critical to MYLO. At the same time a conversation between the Department of Education and the Melbourne City Council led to an approach to RMIT to conduct a pathways program for out of school young people in the CBD. Participation in this project was carefully considered by the reference group and project team, as we did not want to compromise the direction that participants had over the program. It was decided that individualised pathways planning could be incorporated into the MYLO model on a voluntary basis: It could become one of the learning streams. The MYLO model
The MYLO platform forms the primary learning opportunity for young people. Based on a ‘peer learning’ approach, it includes a regular meeting of young people determining their own learning needs and being supported by guest presenters, group activities and rewards for ongoing participation. It is in this environment that the elements of appropriate practice that the consultation highlighted are delivered. At the weekly meeting the rules for the conduct of the group are negotiated and group projects are decided. Activities that arise from the project are usually scheduled during this meeting time. Individual contact with MYLO workers occurs outside this time. Consistent ongoing contact between 70
Melbourne Youth Learning Opportunities Project – Sustainability Story
Information Technology
Pathways Planning
MYLO PLATFORM · · · · · · · Personal Development
Figure 1.
weekly peer group meetings appropriate venue incentives & rewards self-determination flexible attendance personal learning group learning project Email and Web Support
The MYLO model
workers and participants, for the purpose of pathways planning and support and development of individualised learning plans, has been a feature of MYLO in operation. Specific learning needs of individuals, identified within the context of basic learning plans developed in negotiation with the MYLO worker, may then be met outside the regular MYLO group, by organised referrals to specific task groups. Examples are literacy or specific IT capability development. The MYLO model has been implemented twice since 2000. Resources allocated to the original project by RMIT allowed for a 16-week trial. This was critical. Subsequently, funding was sought and obtained from the RE Ross Trust for a pilot over a 12-month period. MYLO has operated at two CBD locations – at the Salvation Army’s Urban Heart Centre in Bourke Street, and recently at Frontyard Youth Services in King Street. The MYLO trial
The voices and stories of the young participants have always provided the most powerful testimonials for MYLO. On personal goals: ‘Getting into work and getting back into school were my biggest achievements. I didn’t know where to start’ 71
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‘Getting my article in the magazine and making new friends’ On what was good: ‘Meeting people. Making new friends’ ‘Getting to know people. Being able to see past the ‘toughness’ of some of them’ ‘The chance to have something constructive to do. It’s what everybody is looking for … something that interests them’ ‘Getting my work to an audience, I guess, but also the personal opportunities MYLO presented’ On the atmosphere: ‘I am quiet person and was a bit nervous, but the way the group was run was good. There was respect and this made all the difference. It wouldn’t have worked other wise’ MYLO’s popularity surprised everyone involved during the trial. Over 40 young people participated, with an average of nine participants at each weekly session. Eighty per cent, of those who came once, came twice or more; more than half participated in the email support group; and almost half played a role in the group project. The platform sessions worked as the first point of engagement and many young people were then supported with pathways planning. Outcomes for many of these participants included enrolment in further education, finding work, returning to school and undertaking creative arts and/or personal development programs. The identifiable gap left by its closure contributed to the determination of the project team to secure funding for a 12-month pilot. The trial had provided us with a clear, careful, documented process. We were able to draw up a realistic budget and make optimistic predictions about what could be achieved. Some three months after the initial trial the RE Ross Trust agreed that the MYLO model was worthy of more time and committed funds for a 12-month pilot of the program. 72
Melbourne Youth Learning Opportunities Project – Sustainability Story
The Ross Trust pilot
Based on learnings from the trial, a few changes were necessary. Weekly sessions remained the basis in 2003. The participants chose group projects and activities, and support was provided outside these sessions for personal learning and development. The email support group remained. The other learning streams were absorbed into the pathways-planning role played by the two MYLO workers. MYLO continued where it had left off, proving popular and accessible to homeless and other unemployed young people who had not accessed learning programs. Over 100 disadvantaged young people participated in the 40 weekly sessions during the pilot. A major group project once again provided focus for the platform sessions. In this instance a website was designed by and for young people. As in the trial, approximately 80% of those who came once were seen to come back again and over 60% of participants took part in the email support group. Approximately 40% took the substantial step into pathways planning with the MYLO workers. Personal learning outcomes were many and varied, and included enrolment in formal education, work opportunities and a range of similarly productive results. A number of conclusions may be drawn from the success of the MYLO pilot. First, providing appropriately designed group sessions leads to clear improvements in self-esteem, confidence and a sense of community for the highly disadvantaged young people MYLO meets. Second, the way in which MYLO operates, specifically group ownership and separation from formal education, consistently reaches and engages those young people most excluded from mainstream learning opportunities. Third, and perhaps most important, the MYLO model effectively provides a step into pathways support for young people who are in crisis and who have had negative experiences of education. MYLO members’ living arrangements
It is of great interest to the MYLO program to understand the living circumstances of young people when they first make contact. Such a study offers insight into the program’s effectiveness at reaching the target group. As can be seen from the following table of 100 participants, a total of 71 were homeless, living in emergency accommodation, sleeping rough, squatting, in unstable housing or staying temporarily (‘surfing’) with relatives or friends. A further 16 were living in either transitional housing or 73
Protecting the Future
supported housing – programs to which access is generally granted on the grounds of homelessness. Only 11 of the 100 young people suggested they enjoyed secure housing conditions. Two young people declined to provide details of their living arrangements. Living arrangements
No. of participants
Emergency accommodation (refuges and hostels)
Sleeping rough/squatting e.g. no formal shelter
Relatives or friends e.g. staying temporarily (surfing)
Transitional housing or youth housing program
Unstable housing e.g. at risk of homelessness
Office of housing e.g. permanent lease in public housing
Stable housing e.g. accommodation regarded as stable
The future for MYLO
The project team, the reference group and community partners strongly believe that MYLO should and could have a place in the inner Melbourne community. It is our hope that the strong evidence base created by the documented results increases the likelihood of this occurring. MYLO does not duplicate any existing education and training services; rather, through the pathways-planning and personal development support it offers, it acts as a conduit into those services at providers such as the CAE and TAFE colleges. The partnerships with people and organisations described earlier in this story have been integral to the success of MYLO. They have provided a youth-friendly venue for the MYLO sessions, access to technology, and resources which have enabled many individuals to move into formal education and training. The contribution of different perspectives has made the reference group a dynamic tool of the program. Applying lessons learnt through the experience of the trial and the pilot has been a feature of MYLO in practice. The program has been fine-tuned when necessary, to maximise the return from available resources. It is important to document success, and equally so to demonstrate self-reflection and development. This has been facilitated by the action research principles under which MYLO is managed, which call for constant review and
Melbourne Youth Learning Opportunities Project – Sustainability Story
analysis at all levels of project activity, and the active role the reference group has played in supporting this approach. The project team are continuing to work to secure a long-term, permanent, future for MYLO. We would also settle for an alternative funding source and a short-term future, because it would have a positive impact on the lives of the many young people with whom it would connect. The process of securing a future is a gradual one. MYLO has taken many small steps on the journey that began with a confronting issue, an idea and a small conference over three years ago. MYLO can demonstrate affordability and ‘value for money’. This is linked to the partnerships that have supported the delivery of the MYLO model during the trial and the pilot; tasks have been shared and the duplication of services and facilities avoided. In the context of this discussion is it worth reflecting on the right of all young people to access public spending on education, and the related question around the value of informal learning as a re-engagement strategy for young people with particular barriers and needs? Note to Chapter 5 1
This is quoted from the vision statement contained in the project scope document, p. 1 (unpublished).
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6 Solving salinity with the power of the sun
Photo: RMIT University
John Andrews
Protecting the Future
In the middle of northern Victoria near Pyramid Hill there is a solar pond with rings on the surface. As you go deeper it gets warmer. Its heat is used for making locally produced salt into a commercial product. The experiment is a collaboration between RMIT’s Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy (Energy CARE) group with Pyramid Salt and Geo-Eng (now part of GHD) with support from the Commonwealth Government. It works using salinised land and solar. Now the challenge is: can it be fully commercialised?
Solving Salinity with the Power of the Sun
Scenes of skeletal trees and glistening salt pans in the middle of formerly green paddocks are all too familiar in rural Australia. Rising salinity levels are resulting in lost agricultural production with a value of more than A$130 million annually as dryland salinity is ruining 2.5 million hectares of land. Groundwater levels are still rising over large areas, and the area of land affected by salt continues to increase.1 Meanwhile rural industries and towns rely on electricity, gas and oil obtained from non-renewable fossil fuels located far away. Electricity used in northern Victoria is produced from brown coal at power stations in the Latrobe Valley, some 500 km distant. These power stations have relatively high emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of electrical energy generated, and some 10–15% of the energy produced at the power station is lost in transmission en route to regions like this one. Over 10 years ago, Professor Aliakbar Akbarzadeh of RMIT University realised that the use of ‘solar ponds’ in salinity-affected areas could help tackle both problems – salinity and unsustainable energy supply to rural areas – in a truly sustainable manner. The Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy (Energy CARE) group in RMIT University’s School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in research and development, consultancy and tertiary education in the areas of energy conservation and renewable energy technologies. The group, led by Professor Aliakbar Akbarzadeh, comprises four academics and a number of PhD and Masters students. It has specialised in solar pond, waste-heat recovery, and remote area power supply technologies. A solar pond is a body of saline water several metres deep, set up so that salinity increases with depth. The bottom layer is concentrated brine. Layers of brine with progressively reducing salinity are introduced one by one on top of each other, a little like making a colourful multi-layered cocktail. The top layer is kept as fresh water by surface flushing. Solar radiation entering the pond is transmitted to the lower layer where it is stored as heat. A solar pond can store solar heat much more efficiently than a normal body of water of the same size because the salinity gradient prevents convection currents (Figure 1). The heat in the bottom layer, which can reach temperatures above 80°C in summer while still being around 50°C in winter, is then available on a 24-hour basis for heating and other applications year-round. 79
Protecting the Future
Pond height
5–10% salinity Daily average ambient temperature
100 Temperature (oC) 30 Salinity (% by wt.)
Figure 1. In a solar pond, the lower convective zone (LCZ) contains concentrated brine. Salinity decreases progressively with height through the non-convective zone (NCZ). The upper convective zone (UCZ) is flushed with low-salinity water. Convection in the central zone is suppressed so that solar heat is stored in the bottom zone of the pond.
Solar ponds are actually a natural phenomenon, though not very commonly occurring. As we know when bathing in the sea, the temperature of shallow water is very much the same at the surface and the bottom; in deeper water, temperature falls with depth, the very opposite to the case in a solar pond. In fact, a number of special conditions have to be met for a natural solar pond to be formed. A freshwater stream flowing onto the surface of a body of water may be made saline by contact with dissolved salts from rocks or soil. The first scientific account of the solar pond principle was given at the end of the nineteenth century. It was part of an explanation of the unexpected increase in temperature with depth observed in several natural salt lakes in Transylvania, a region of Romania.2 Since then natural solar ponds, or ‘heliothermal lakes’, have been identified in many locations, including Venezuela and even Antarctica. Kalecsinsky was the first to suggest, in 1902, that the heat from artificial solar ponds could be harnessed as an inexpensive energy source whether or not the sun was shining, in winter or in summer.3 It was not until the late 1950s that a group of Israeli scientists began to study and build artificial solar ponds, with the construction near Bet Ha Arava in the northern part of the Dead Sea of the largest solar ponds ever 80
Solving Salinity with the Power of the Sun
Figure 2. Bet Ha Arava 5 MWe solar pond power station, in the Dead Sea in Israel, overlooking the pond windbreaker. Photo courtesy of Ormat, Israel.
constructed.4 The two solar ponds in this installation – one of them 50 000 m2 in area and the other 200 000 m2, a total of 250 000 m2 – were used for thermal energy input to a 5 MWe electrical power station in the mid-1980s (Figure 2).5 Solar pond development in Australia commenced in 1964 and commenced in the US in 1973, with numerous research groups working on the science, modelling performance, and monitoring the parameters of experimental solar ponds.6 RMIT Bundoora ponds
The RMIT University solar pond program was initiated by Professor Akbarzadeh in 1986, with studies being conducted using small ponds in aboveground swimming pools. In 2000 a 50 m2 pond was constructed at the Bundoora East campus of RMIT. It was circular with a diameter of 8 m and depth of 2.5 m (Figure 3). It was partly above ground, equipped with an observation window to observe water clarity. The salt gradient was maintained by feeding salt (NaCl) through a cylindrical charger to the bottom layer at a height of 80 cm from the pond floor. Continuous surface washing maintained the salinity of the top convective layer at a low level. Floating rings were developed to limit surface wave action due to wind, and hence reduce the thickness of the upper convective zone. 81
Protecting the Future
Figure 3. RMIT’s experimental 50 m2 solar pond at its Bundoora East campus, Melbourne. The west-facing window facilitates the visual observation of pond phenomena including water clarity at different depths. The floating rings and salt charger are clearly shown.
A novel element in this pond has been to maintain clarity using brine shrimps. The shrimps swim in the pond feeding on algal populations and detritus, which are the main sources of turbidity. It is essential to keep the solution in the pond clear so that as much as possible of the solar radiation falling on its surface reaches the bottom layer of the pond. Conventionally, acidic chemicals have been used to prevent algal growth. There have been problems in keeping up the required population of shrimps: this biological control method promises to be a much cheaper and less labour-intensive method. In early 2000, the program received an enormous boost when the university formed a partnership with two private Australian companies, Pyramid Salt Pty Ltd, a commercial salt producer for domestic, agricultural and industrial markets, and Geo-Eng Australia Pty Ltd, an environmental engineering consulting firm. The ‘Solar Pond Project’ was to demonstrate and commercialise solar pond systems for heating, electricity generation and 82
Solving Salinity with the Power of the Sun
combined heat and power. Stage 1 of the project was to focus on solar ponds for industrial process heating, in particular the drying process required in salt production. Importantly, the project partners received a A$550 000 grant over two years (February 2000 to January 2002) from the Australian Greenhouse Office’s Renewable Energy Commercialisation Program to carry out this first stage of the project. The partners themselves agreed to contribute at least an amount equal to the grant, so that the combined project was worth over $1.1 million. The goal was to make solar pond technology available in Australia and overseas as an economically attractive alternative for industrial process heating and other heating applications in regional areas remote from the natural gas distribution system. A central activity was the design and construction of a demonstration solar pond supplying process heat for commercial salt production at Pyramid Salt’s site in Pyramid Hill, northern Victoria. Pyramid Salt is an established commercial producer of salt from saline groundwater (3% salinity). The water is pumped to the surface and evaporated as part of a salinity mitigation scheme. The preparation of brines of various concentrations was carried out in Pyramid Salt’s existing evaporation ponds. To maintain the salinity profile, concentrated brine is periodically added to the lower layer of the pond. Thus the solar pond is itself using some of the salt that was originally in the groundwater that has been pumped to the surface. The solar pond was incorporated as the first pond in a sequence that progressively concentrates the saline water pumped from underground. This saline water is first used for surface flushing of the solar pond, increasing its salinity, before it passes into the first of the sequence of evaporation ponds (Figure 4). The demonstration solar pond, which is able to produce usable heat energy, has been integrated into the overall salinity mitigation process. The demonstration solar pond at Pyramid Salt’s works at Pyramid Hill in northern Victoria has now been constructed and is operating successfully (Figure 5). Its performance is being continuously monitored. The demonstration facility was officially opened by The Hon. Dr Sharman Stone, MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Federal Minister for Environment and Heritage, on Tuesday 14 August 2001. Gwen Andrews, Chief Executive, Australian Greenhouse Office, also spoke at the opening (Figure 6). 83
Protecting the Future
Pump 3–5% salinity 5m3m2/yr
Gravity 5–10% salinity
Gravity 15–20% salinity
Accumulated crystalline salt for removal
Evaporation ponds
Return 0.2m3/m2/yr saturated brine 25–26%
Figure 4. Incorporating a salinity-gradient solar pond (SGSP) into a salinity mitigation scheme involving pumping of groundwater to the surface and evaporation in a series of ponds to produce usable crystalline salt, as done by Pyramid Salt at its Pyramid Hill plant in northern Victoria.
Figure 5.
The 3000 m2 demonstration solar pond constructed at Pyramid Hill.
Solving Salinity with the Power of the Sun
Figure 6. The Hon. Dr Sharman Stone, MP, turns on the heating system at the opening of the Pyramid Hill solar pond in August 2001. Main group (from left to right): Sharman Stone, Peter Wood (Managing Director, Geo-Eng Australia), Professor Aliakbar Akbarzadeh (RMIT Energy CARE Group), Gwen Andrews (Chief Executive, Australian Greenhouse Office), Dr Fouad Abo (Technical Director, Geo-Eng), John Ross (front, Director, Pyramid Salt), Dr John Andrews (Manager, Solar Pond Project).
The demonstration solar pond has a surface area of around 3000 m2 and is just over 2 m deep. It is lined with Nylex Millennium liner and is insulated beneath the liner to reduce heat loss to the ground. The design of the pond was undertaken by RMIT University, in close collaboration with Geo-Eng and using its civil and environmental engineering expertise. A grid of plastic rings floating on the surface of the pond is used to suppress wave action that could cause mixing and disturb the salinity gradient, as trialled at Bundoora (Figure 4). Water clarity is maintained using brine shrimps that feed on the algae, as also trialled at RMIT’s experimental solar pond at Bundoora. The system supplies hot air for use in the final crystallisation phase in the commercial production of high-purity ‘flake salt’. Heat is extracted by circulating fresh water through a heat exchanger located in the hot bottom layer, and then passing this heated water through a second heat exchanger 200 m 85
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SUNLIGHT Cold air Hot water
Hot air for commercial salt production Figure 7. Schematic of a solar pond supplying heat for salt production, as at the Pyramid Hill solar pond.
away to deliver heat to the application (Figure 7). The heat extraction, transfer and delivery system was designed using a computer model developed by the RMIT Energy CARE group. Pyramid Salt installed the required ducting and heat exchanger in its salt production facility. Heat supplied by the solar pond substitutes for electricity. The electricity demand in the salt production process is thus reduced, with consequent financial savings and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. A monitoring system has been designed and installed by Geo-Eng Australia to measure and record the following: • • • • •
temperature at various depths in and beneath the pond heat flux under the pond groundwater pressure under and adjacent to the pond area meteorological parameters such as dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation and rainfall instantaneous thermal power and cumulative energy delivered to the application.
The operation commenced in early 2001 when the first layers of saline solution were added, and the system started to deliver process heat in June 2001. The maximum rate of heat delivery to the application achieved so far is 50 kW in mid-December 2001. It is confidently expected that the design output of 60 kW (annual average) will be attained as the pond heats up 86
Solving Salinity with the Power of the Sun
over the next few years and its operational and management procedure is optimised.7 The economic analysis conducted to date indicates a commercial onehectare solar pond heating system at an appropriate location is likely to be economically competitive over 10 years compared to LPG or electricity from coal-fired power stations in Australia. The unit cost of heat delivered by such a system is estimated to be about A$23/GJ, under half that typical for electric heating, and just below that for LPG at A$24/GJ.8 No natural gas is available at the Pyramid Hill site. The corresponding simple payback periods for the solar pond heating system are just over three years against electricity and just over seven years against LPG. Further cost reductions for heat supplied by solar ponds are expected as commercialisation proceeds. The prices of electricity, LPG or other fuel against which a solar pond heating system competes will of course vary from location to location, and will almost certainly increase over time, while the costs of solar ponds should fall as commercialisation proceeds. The costs of constructing a solar pond heating system will also vary from site to site due to factors such as differences in terrain, soil type, the availability of brine/salt, the cost of flushing water from bores, and the distance between pond and heating application. Insolation – the amount of solar radiation received at a particular site – will also vary. Therefore it will generally be necessary to conduct a site-secific economic evaluation of solar pond heating systems to make a realistic appraisal of economic viability. The 0.3 hectare demonstration solar pond heating system at Pyramid Hill will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation by almost 900 tonnes per year, and almost 18 000 tonnes over a 20-year lifetime. A one-hectare pond will reduce emissions by some 3760 tonnes/year. On a projection that over a five-year period from 2003 the annual rate of installation of solar pond heating systems rises linearly to 0.1 km2/y in 2008, the annual greenhouse gas savings in 2008 would be around 87 000 tonnes per year, and the cumulative savings over the five-year period would be some 0.2 Mtonnes. Work is continuing on the evaluation of the market potential and hence the greenhouse gas reduction potential of solar pond heating systems in Australia. Pyramid Salt Pty Ltd, and MPW Development Pty Ltd (which took over Geo-Eng’s solar pond interests following Geo-Eng’s amalgamation with GHD Consulting Services in 2002), in conjunction with RMIT University, 87
Protecting the Future
are now in a position to offer a range of solar pond technologies and systems, and associated services, to prospective clients on a commercial basis. Future plans for stage 2 of the Solar Pond Project are to extend the commercialisation of solar pond technologies from process heating applications to electricity generation and the provision of combined heat and power for rural industries such as mining, dairy products, vegetable products, and fruit and grain drying, as well as salt production and salinity mitigation. In addition, solar ponds can be used in multi-stage flash desalination systems, to recover fresh water from salty brines – the ultimate in cleaning up the problem left by the unsustainable agricultural practices of the past, and all achieved by the sustainable power of the sun. References Andrews J & Akbarzadeh A, Solar Pond Project: Stage 1 – Solar Ponds for Industrial Process Heating, end-of-project report for project funded under Renewable Energy Commercialisation Program, Australian Greenhouse Office, RMIT, Melbourne, 2002. Assaf G, ‘The Dead Sea: a scheme for a solar lake’, Solar Energy, 18, 1976: 253. Assaf G, ‘Segregated solar pond’, US Patent No. 4 475 535, Oct. 9 1984. Golding P, ‘Meromictic water reservoir solar collectors’, Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society, Perth, Australia, 1981. Kalecsinsky A, ‘Ueber die ungarischen warmen und heissen Kochsalzseen als natürliche Wärmeaccumulatoren, sowie über die Herstellung von warmen Salzseen und Wärmeaccumulatoren’ Ann. Physik IV, 7, 1902:408. National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, Australia’s salinity problem (factsheet), 2001, Frequently asked questions (factsheet), 2001, and National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality (brochure downloadable as PDF or Word file), 2001, viewed 31 May 2004, . Rabl A & Nielsen CE, ‘Solar ponds for space heating’, Solar Energy, 17, 1975:1. Tabor H, ‘Solar ponds’, Solar Energy, 27, 1981:181. Ziegler G, ‘An den Herausgeber des Prometheus: absonderliche Temperaturehaltnisse in einem Solbenhalter,’ Prometheus, 9, 1898:79 and discussion 9, 325.
Notes to Chapter 6 1
National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, Australia’s salinity problem, factsheet, 2001, Frequently asked questions, factsheet, 2001, and National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, brochure, 2001, National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry & Department of the Environment and Heritage, viewed 31 May 2004, .
Solving Salinity with the Power of the Sun
G Ziegler, ‘An den Herausgeber des Prometheus: Absonderliche Temperaturehaltrisse in einem Solbenhalter’, Prometheus, 9, 1898:79 and discussion 9, 325.
A Kalecsinsky, ‘Ueber die ungarischen warmen und heissen Kochsalzseen als natürliche Wärmeaccumulatoren, sowie über die Herstellung von warmen Salzseen und Wärmeaccumulatoren’, Ann. Physik IV, 7, 1902:408
H Tabor, Solar ponds, Solar Energy, 27, 1981:181.
G Assaf, ‘The Dead Sea: a scheme for a solar lake’, Solar Energy, 18, 1976: 253, and G Assaf, ‘Segregated solar pond’, US Patent No. 4 475 535, Oct. 9 1984.
P Golding, ‘Meromictic water reservoir solar collectors’, Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society, Perth, Australia, 1981; A Rabl & CE Nielsen, ‘Solar ponds for space heating’, Solar Energy, 17, 1975:1.
J Andrews & A Akbarzadeh, Solar Pond Project: Stage 1 – Solar Ponds for Industrial Process Heating, end-of-project report for project funded under Renewable Energy Commercialisation Program, Australian Greenhouse Office, RMIT, Melbourne, 2002.
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7 ‘Supermodern gorgeous!’ Anthea van Kopplen