Lecture Notes in Mathematics Editors: J.-M. Morel, Cachan B. Teissier, Paris
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Fondazione C.I.M.E., Firenze C.I.M.E. stands for Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo, that is, International Mathematical Summer Centre. Conceived in the early fifties, it was born in 1954 in Florence, Italy, and welcomed by the world mathematical community: it continues successfully, year for year, to this day. Many mathematicians from all over the world have been involved in a way or another in C.I.M.E.’s activities over the years. The main purpose and mode of functioning of the Centre may be summarised as follows: every year, during the summer, sessions on different themes from pure and applied mathematics are offered by application to mathematicians from all countries. A Session is generally based on three or four main courses given by specialists of international renown, plus a certain number of seminars, and is held in an attractive rural location in Italy. The aim of a C.I.M.E. session is to bring to the attention of younger researchers the origins, development, and perspectives of some very active branch of mathematical research. The topics of the courses are generally of international resonance. The full immersion atmosphere of the courses and the daily exchange among participants are thus an initiation to international collaboration in mathematical research. C.I.M.E. Director Pietro ZECCA Dipartimento di Energetica “S. Stecco” Universit`a di Firenze Via S. Marta, 3 50139 Florence Italy e-mail:
[email protected]
C.I.M.E. Secretary Elvira MASCOLO Dipartimento di Matematica “U. Dini” Universit`a di Firenze viale G.B. Morgagni 67/A 50134 Florence Italy e-mail:
[email protected]
For more information see CIME’s homepage: http://www.cime.unifi.it CIME activity is carried out with the collaboration and financial support of: – INdAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica) – MIUR (Ministero dell’Universita’ e della Ricerca)
Stefano Bianchini Alexander Mielke
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Eric A. Carlen C´edric Villani
Nonlinear PDE’s and Applications C.I.M.E. Summer School, Cetraro, Italy 2008 Editors: Luigi Ambrosio Giuseppe Savar´e
Stefano Bianchini SISSA-ISAS Via Beirut 2-4 34014 Trieste Italy
[email protected] Eric A. Carlen Rutgers University Department of Mathematics Hill Center Frelinghuysen Road 110 Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 USA
[email protected]
Alexander Mielke Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics Mohrenstr. 39 10117 Berlin Germany
[email protected] C´edric Villani University of Lyon Institute Henri Poincar´e Rue Pierre et Marie Curie 11 75230 Paris, Cedex 05 France
[email protected]
ISBN 978-3-642-21718-0 e-ISBN 978-3-642-21861-3 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21861-3 Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York Lecture Notes in Mathematics ISSN print edition: 0075-8434 ISSN electronic edition: 1617-9692 Library of Congress Control Number: 2011934805 Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 35-XX, 49-XX, 46-XX, 53-XX c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Violations are liable to prosecution under the German Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Cover design: deblik, Berlin Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com)
This volume collects the notes of the CIME course Nonlinear PDE’s and applications held in Cetraro (Italy) on June 23–28, 2008. The school consisted in 5 series of lectures, delivered by Stefano Bianchini (SISSA, Trieste) Eric A. Carlen (Rutgers University) Alexander Mielke (WIAS, Berlin) Felix Otto (Bonn University) Cedric Villani (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon). They presented a broad overview on some deep results and new exciting developments concerning in particular optimal transport theory, nonlinear evolution equations, functional inequalities, and differential geometry. A brief (and largely incomplete) account of the main topics considered here involves optimal transport, Hamilton–Jacobi equations, Riemannian geometry, and their links with sharp geometric/functional inequalities, variational methods for studying nonlinear evolution equations and their scaling properties, the metric/energetic theory of gradient flows and of rate-independent evolution problems. The course aimed at showing the deep connections among all these topics and at opening new research directions, through the contribution of leading experts in these fields. Stefano Bianchini gave a course on Transport rays and applications to Hamilton–Jacobi equations showing new recent results and applications of geometric measure/ disintegration theory to Hamilton–Jacobi equations and optimal transportation. The tools developed here lie at the core of new relevant achievements concerning the existence of transport maps for general Monge problems, leading eventually to a general solution of Monge’s problem in Euclidean spaces, in the case cost=distance, when the distance is induced by an arbitrary norm. v
The course of Eric Carlen on Sharp functional inequalities and nonlinear evolution equations discussed in a unified perspective the interplay between sharp functional inequalities (as the ones of Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev, Onofri, BrascambLieb) and the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to certain evolution equations. Many different techniques, involving rearrangement, symmetrization, entropy dissipation, gradient flows, and calculus of variations, enter as a crucial tool in the arguments and shed new light on this fascinating subject. Alexander Mielke presented in his course Differential, energetic and metric formulations for rate-independent processes a general theory covering a wide spectrum of rate-independent problems arising in dry friction, elastoplasticity, magnetism, and phase transformation models. The notes cover many different approaches to this kind of evolutionary phenomena, starting from the “energetic” point of view, based on a recursive minimization of suitable quasi-static functionals driving the evolution. Different kind of solutions are then considered and the so called “viscous” approach leading to the recent notion of BV -solution has been investigated. Felix Otto delivered a series of lectures on Scaling laws by PDE methods dealing with the problem of obtaining sharp asymptotic estimates on the evolution of suitable macroscopic quantities in some classes of nonlinear time-dependent problems. Even though the problems under consideration are quite different (Cahn–Hilliard equations, convection-diffusion RayleighBernard equations, Kuramoto-Sivashinsky evolution), in all cases lower bounds are obtained, which are sharp or almost sharp for generic solutions. Cedric Villani gave a course on Optimal transport and curvature presenting the main results of optimal transport theory in Riemannian manifolds and their geometric counterparts. In particular, the link between lower bounds on Ricci curvature and the displacement convexity of integral/entropy functionals in the space of probability measures has been analyzed: it allows to prove stability of the lower Ricci curvature bounds with respect to measured Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and it leads to a synthetic formulation of lower Ricci bounds for metric measure spaces. The second part of the course has been devoted to the regularity theory of optimal transport maps, a theme now under active investigation, with deep links with the geometry of the ambient manifold: its cut-locus, its sectional curvature, and more. This series of lectures attracted more than 80 participants, largely PhD students or post-docs, but also senior researchers; even though it is impossible to give a comprehensive account of the main themes of nonlinear PDE’s, which cannot be exhausted in any kind of school or concentration period, we
believe that this CIME course has been rich of useful suggestions and ideas for inspiring new researches and developments in the near future. We wish to thank all the lecturers for their active participation and their valuable contribution, Alessio Figalli, Matteo Gloyer, and Riccarda Rossi for their worthwhile assistance in preparing the present volume, and the CIME foundation, in particular the director Prof. Pietro Zecca and the secretary Prof. Elvira Mascolo, for their helpful support and for the organization of such a remarkable event in Cetraro. November 26, 2009
Luigi Ambrosio Giuseppe Savar´e
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stefano Bianchini and Matteo Gloyer 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Disintegration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hamilton–Jacobi Equation and Monotonicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Regularity Properties of L-Conjugate Functions and Optimal Rays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Rectifiability Property of Jumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Some Approximations .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Fundamental Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Divergence Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Jacobian Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Disintegration of the Lebesgue Measure .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Regularity of the Jacobian and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Divergence Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional Inequalities and Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.A. Carlen 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 The Sharp Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Duality and Functional Inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 A Limiting Case of the HLS Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 The Two Dimensional Energy Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 The Logarithmic HLS Inequality for d = 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 The Dual of the Sharp HLS Inequality for R2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 The Legendre Transforms of SM and JM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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2 Some Evolution Equations for Which These Sharp Functional Inequalities Are Relevant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 The Keller-Segel Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Consequence of the Logarithmic HLS Inequality: No Blow-Up for M < 8π .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Evolution of the Second Moment: Blow-Up for M > 8π . . . . . . 2.4 Equilibrium Solutions for M = 8π . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 The Critical Fast Diffusion Equation as Gradient Flow of an Entropy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Monotonicity of the Logarithmic HLS Functional Under Critical Fast Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Competing Symmetries: A Dynamical Proof of the HLS Inequality and More .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Rearrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 The Riesz Rearrangement Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 The Main Ideas of Competing Symmetries as Applied to the HLS Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 A General Competing Symmetries Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Application to the HLS Inequality .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Cases of Equality .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Other Applications of Competing Symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Generalized Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 The Brascamp-Lieb Inequality with a Gaussian Reference Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 A Brascamp-Lieb Inequality the Sphere .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 A Brascamp-Lieb Inequality the Permutation Group . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities and Entropy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Proof of the BL Inequality on the Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Slow Diffusion Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 About the Thin Film Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Equipartition of Energy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 For Which Class of Solutions?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexander Mielke 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Basics of Rate-Independent Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Definition of Rate Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Differentiable Formulations and the Decomposition into Elastic and Dissipative Parts .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Some Canonical Examples .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 The Basic a Priori Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Energetic Formulation of Generalized Gradient Flows . . . . . . . .
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2.6 Solution Concepts in the One-Dimensional Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Infinite-Dimensional Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Energetic Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Abstract Setup of the Problem .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 The Time-Incremental Minimization Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Statement of the Main Existence Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Jump Conditions for Energetic Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 On Compatibility Conditions (C1) and (C2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Proof of Theorem 3.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Γ -Convergence for Sequences of Rate-Independent Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Rate-Independent Systems in Banach Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 The Basic Banach-Space Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Differential, CD, and Local Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Systems with Convexity Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Parametrized Solutions Via the Vanishing-Viscosity Approach .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 BV Solutions and Optimal Jump Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Weak BV Solutions and Time-Varying Dissipation Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Metric Formulations .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Metric Velocity, Slope, and Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Parametrized Metric Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Metric BV Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Optimal Transport and Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alessio Figalli and C´edric Villani 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bits of Metric Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Length Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Geodesics.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Riemannian Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Riemannian Distance and Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Differential and Gradients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Geodesics in Riemannian Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Exponential Map and Cut Locus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 First Variation Formula and (Super)Differentiability of Squared Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Hessian and Second Order Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 Variations of Geodesics and Jacobi Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.12 Sectional and Ricci Curvatures .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13 Interpretation of Ricci Curvature Bounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 Why Look for Curvature Bounds? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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2.15 Stability Issue and (Measured) Gromov–Hausdorff Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Solution of the Monge Problem in Riemannian Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 The Monge Problem with Quadratic Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Existence and Uniqueness on Compact Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 c-Convexity and c-Subdifferential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Sketch of the Proof Theorem 3.2 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Interpretation of the Function ψ¯ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Synthetic Formulation of Ricci Bounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 The 2-Wasserstein Space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Geodesics in P2 (M ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Approximate Geodesics in Wasserstein Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Reformulation of Ric ≥ 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Application: Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Smoothness Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 The PDE .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Obstruction I: Local Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Obstruction II: Topology of the c-Subdifferential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Conditions for the Connectedness of ∂ c ψ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 The Ma–Trudinger–Wang Tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Invariance of S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Relation to Curvature .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 The Ma–Trudinger–Wang Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 Local to Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 A Smoothness Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Recap and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 The Curvature-Dimension Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Open Problem: Locality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Ricci and Diffusion Equations .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Smoothness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Selected References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 Links Between Optimal Transport and Ricci Curvature . . . . . . 7.2 Optimal Transport and Ricci Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Discrete Ricci Curvature .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Smoothness of Optimal Transport, Cut Locus and MTW Tensor .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
183 185 185 185 186 187 190 191 191 191 192 193 194 195 196 196 197 198 201 204 204 205 206 209 211 211 212 212 213 213 214 214 215 215 215 215
List of participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Stefano Bianchini SISSA,
[email protected]
Eric A. Carlen Department of Mathematics, Hill Center, Rutgers University, 110 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019, USA,
[email protected] Alessio Figalli Department of Mathematics, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, C1200, Austin, TX 78712-1082, USA, fi
[email protected] Matteo Gloyer SISSA, via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste, Italy, mgloyer@gmail. com Alexander Mielke Weierstraß Institut f¨ ur Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Mohrenstraße 39, 10117, Berlin,
[email protected] C´ edric Villani Institut Henri Poincar´e, Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France, cvillani@umpa. ens-lyon.fr
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations Stefano Bianchini and Matteo Gloyer
The aim of these notes is to introduce the readers to the use of the Disintegration Theorem for measures as an effective tool for reducing problems in transport equations to simpler ones. The basic idea is to partition Rd into one dimensional sets, on which the problem under consideration becomes one space dimensional (and thus much easier, hopefully). Two main problems arise. On one hand, one has to verify that the partition under consideration satisfies the assumptions of the Disintegration Theorem: we say in this case that there is a Borel quotient map from Rd into [0,1]. On the other hand, the reduction on the one dimensional sets of the partition should preserve the absolute continuity of the Lebesgue measure: the weak derivative w.r.t. a singular measure has no meaning, in general. We thus have to check that the conditional probabilities are absolutely continuous, and this is an additional requirement on the quotient map. These notes contain the main part of the course held in Cetraro, summer 2008.
We consider a σ-generated probability space (X, Σ, μ) and a partition X = ∪α∈A Xα , where A = X/∼ is the quotient space, and h : X → A the quotient map. We give to A the structure of a probability space by introducing the σ-algebra A = h Ω, where Ω are the saturated sets in Σ (unions of fibers of h), and m = h μ the image measure such that m(S) = μ(h−1 (S)). S. Bianchini () · M. Gloyer SISSA, via Beirut 2-4, I-34014 Trieste, Italy e-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected] S. Bianchini et al., Nonlinear PDE’s and Applications, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2028, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21861-3 1, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
S. Bianchini and M. Gloyer
Remark 2.1 A is the largest σ-algebra such that h is measurable. The following example shows that even though Σ is σ-generated, A in general is not. Example 2.2 Consider in ([0, 1], B) (Borel) the equivalence relation x∼y
x − y = 0 mod α,
for some α ∈ [0, 1]. If α = p/q, with p, q ∈ N relatively prime, then we can take 1 ,B . (A, A) = 0, q If α ∈ R \ Q, then A is a Vitali set. If μ = L1 |[0,1] , then m = h L1 |[0,1] has only sets of either full or negligible measure. Assume by contradiction that {an }n∈N generates A. Since h−1 (x) = {x + nα mod 1 : n ∈ N} ∈ B, it follows that each a ∈ A belongs to a generating set of measure 0. But this leads to a contradiction: ⎞ ⎛ 1 = m(A) = m ⎝ an ⎠ ≤ m(an ) = 0. m(an )=0
m(an )=0
ˆ m) We now define the measure algebra (A, ˆ by the following equivalence relation on A: a1 ∼ a2 iff m(a1 a2 ) = 0. ˆ It is easy to check that Aˆ is a σ-algebra and m ˆ is a measure on A. ˆ m) Proposition 2.3 (A, ˆ is σ-generated. Aˆ is isomorphic to a sub-σ-algebra of Σ. Remark 2.4 More generally, if (X, Σ, μ) is generated by a family of cardinality ωα , then each sub-σ-algebra A ⊂ Σ is essentially generated by a family of sets of cardinality ωα or less. This is a particular case of a deep result, Maharam’s Theorem ([7], ˆ μ 332T(b)), which describes isomorphisms between probability spaces: if (Σ, ˆ) is a probability algebra, then ˆ μ (Σ, ˆ)
Ji {0, 1}
ci {0, 1} , Ji
ci = 1,
is the measure space obtained by throwing the dice Ji times.
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations
Definition 3.1 We introduce the following relation on A: a1 ∼ a2 iff the following holds: ˆ a1 ∈ Aˆ iff a2 ∈ A. ˆ for all Aˆ ∈ A, The equivalence classes of this relation are the atoms of the measure m. In particular, we can define the measure space ˆ m). (Λ = A/∼, A, The σ-algebra is isomorphic to the σ-generated Aˆ constructed in the previous section. Definition 3.2 The disintegration of the measure μ with respect to the partition X = α Xα is a map A → P (X),
α → μα ,
where P (X) is the class of probability measures on X, such that the following properties hold: 1. for all B ∈ Σ, the map α → μα (B) is m-measurable; 2. for all B ∈ Σ, A ∈ A,
μ(B ∩ h−1 (A)) =
μα (B) dm(α). A
It is unique if μα is determined m-a. e. Remark 3.3 1. Since we are not requiring the elements of the partition Xα to be measurable, in general μα (Xα ) = 1 for those Xα which are measurable. In this case we say that the disintegration is not strongly consistent with h. 2. For general spaces which are not σ-generated, sometimes a disintegration nonetheless exists, but in general there is no uniqueness. 3. The disintegration formula can easily be extended to measurable functions:
f dμ = X
f dμα dm(α).
We now state the general disintegration theorem.
S. Bianchini and M. Gloyer
Theorem 3.4 Assume that (X, Σ, μ) is a σ-generated probability space, X = α∈A Xα a partition of X, h : X → A the quotient map, and (A, A, m) the quotient measure space. Then the following holds: 1. There is a unique disintegration α → μα . ˆ m) is the σ-generated algebra equivalent to (A, A, m), and p : 2. If (Λ, A, A → Λ the quotient map, then the sets Xλ = (p ◦ h)−1 (λ) are μ-measurable, the disintegration μλ dm(λ)
μ= Λ
is strongly consistent p ◦ h, and μα = μp(α)
for m-a. e. α.
Definition 3.5 R ⊂ X is a rooting set for X = α∈A Xα , if for each α ∈ A there exists exactly one x ∈ R ∩ Xα . R is a μ-rooting set if there exists a set Γ ⊂ X of full μ-measure such that R is a rooting set for Γ =
Γα =
Γ ∩ Xα .
Proposition 3.6 If μ = A μα dm(α) is strongly consistent with the quotient map, then there exists a Borel μ-rooting set. Example 3.7 Consider again x∼y
x − y = 0 mod α.
If α = p/q with p, q relatively prime, then the rooting set is [0, 1/q), so that we know that the disintegration is strongly consistent with h. One can check that 1q q−1 n μ= . dα δ x−α− q 0 n=0 If α ∈ R \ Q, then we know that ˆ m) {λ}, {∅, {λ}}, δλ , (Λ, A,
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations
so that μ=
dm μ.
Hamilton–Jacobi Equation and Monotonicity
In the following we consider the Hamilton–Jacobi equation ut + H(∇u) = 0, u(0, x) = u ¯(x), ¯ ∈ L∞ (Rd ). We assume that H : Rd → R is C 1 where (t, x) ∈ R+ × Rd and u and convex. We denote by L = H ∗ the Legendre transform of H and assume that it has at least linear growth, L(x) ≥
1 (|x| − c), c
and is locally Lipschitz. By the properties of the Legendre transform, L is strictly convex. For example, we can consider H(x) = L(x) = 12 |x|2 . The viscosity solution is given explicitly by x−y d u(t, x) = inf u ¯(y) + tL :y∈R . t Remark 4.1 The following properties can easily be checked: 1. Finite speed of propagation: u(t, x) depends only on the values of u ¯(y) for |x − y| ≤ c. 2. Uniform Lipschitz continuity: For fixed y, the function u ¯(y)+tL((x−y)/t) is uniformly Lipschitz in x for |x − y| ≤ c. Hence u(t, x) is uniformly Lipschitz in x for all t > 0. 3. Semigroup property: For t > s > 0, we have that x−z : z ∈ Rd . u(t, x) = min u(s, z) + (t − s)L t−s 4. If D2 H ∈ [1/c, c]I, then D2 L ∈ [1/c, c]I, and thus u(t, x) − c|x|2 /2t is concave in x. Hence u(t, ·) is quasi-concave for t > 0. We can solve the backward problem
vt + H(∇v) = 0, v(1, x) = u¯(1, x).
S. Bianchini and M. Gloyer
Then v has the same properties as above for t < 1, and the following duality holds: u(1, x) = min v(0, y) + L(x − y) , v(0, y) = max u(1, x) − L(x − y) . We say that u(1, x) and v(0, y) are L-conjugate functions. Definition 4.2 The couple [y, x] ∈ Rd × Rd such that u(1, x) = v(0, y) + L(x − y) is called an optimal couple. The corresponding segment (1 + t)y + tx : 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 is called an optimal ray. Remark 4.3 Due to the strict convexity of L, two rays cannot intersect anywhere except at their end points. Remark 4.4 In general, the duality of u(1, x) and v(0, y) does not imply that u(t, x) = v(t, x) for 0 < t < 1. Example 4.5 In the case H(x) = L(x) = |x|2 /2, the optimal rays are the graph of the maximal monotone operator x → y(x) = ∂x
|x|2 − u(1, x) . 2
It follows from Minty’s Theorem ([2], p.142) that the map x → tx + (1 − t)y(x) is surjective. Since the rays do not intersect, it follows that for all 0 < t < 1 and all z ∈ Rd , there exists a unique optimal couple [y, x] such that z = (1 − t)y + tx. Hence, using the explicit formula for the optimal ray, we obtain u(t, x) = v(t, x)
for all t ∈ [0, 1], x ∈ Rd .
Hence the solution is both (2t)−1 -concave and (2(1 − t))−1 -convex, thus u ∈ C 1,1 .
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations
The set y(x) is convex, therefore the rays departing from a given point form a convex set. The example can be generalized to the case H(x) = 1/2x, Ax by a linear change of variable. Example 4.6 A more difficult case is D2 H, D2 L ∈ [1/c, c]I. One can use that v(0, y) + |y|2 /(2c) is convex to compute the optimal rays for t 1: z−y u(t, z) = min v(0, y) + tL t |y|2 |y|2 z−y − . + tL = min v(0, y) + 2c t 2c The last two terms together are convex for t < c−2 , so that the minimizer is given by z−y = ∂ − v(0, y), ∇L t where ∂ − v(0, y) denotes the subdifferential of v at y:
∂ f (x) =
f (x + h) + f (x) − ph p : lim inf ≥0 . |h|
Similarly, we can introduce the superdifferential ∂ + f (x) =
f (x + h) + f (x) − ph ≤0 . p : lim sup |h|
These sets are convex, but in general they are empty. We thus obtain z = y + t∇H(∂ − v(0, y))
for 0 ≤ t 1.
The strict convexity implies that the map z → y is single-valued and Lipschitz. For t 1, the projections of the rays z(y) are still convex sets. However, in general the rays do not extend to t = 1. Example 4.7 Taking
L(x) = 3|x| + x1 |x|, 0 0 , ,L x− u(1, x) = min L x − 1 1
and computing the corresponding v(0, y), one can prove that there is a gap between the rays, i. e. there exists a region inside of which one has u(t, x) > v(t, x).
S. Bianchini and M. Gloyer
Example 4.8 In the general case, when L is only strictly convex, there is no notion of subdifferential or superdifferential. One then has no quasi-concavity or quasi-convexity, hence no BV regularity. The graph of the optimal rays [y, x] is in general full of holes, and there is no interval where one could prove C 1,1 regularity.
Regularity Properties of L-Conjugate Functions and Optimal Rays
We consider a pair of L-conjugate functions u, v ∈ L∞ ∩ Lip, u(x) = min v(y) + L(x − y) : y ∈ Rd , v(y) = max u(x) − L(x − y) : x ∈ Rd , where as before L : Rd → R is strictly convex and has at least linear growth. We define the set F = [y, x] ∈ Rd × Rd : [x, y] optimal couple and its projection F (t) = z : z = (1 − t)y + tx for some [y, x] ∈ F . By the duality, we know that F (0) = F (1) = Rd . On the set F (t) we define the vector field pt (z) = (1, pt (z)) = (1, x − y),
where [y, x] ∈ F such that z = (1 − t)y + tx.
We also introduce the set-valued functions y(x) = y : [y, x] ∈ F , x(y) = x : [y, x] ∈ F . From the fact that u and v are L-conjugate, we obtain the following lemma. Lemma 5.1 The set F and its projections F (t) are closed, and the set-valued functions x(y), y(x) have locally compact images.
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations
In particular y(x), x(y) are Borel measurable, because the inverse of compact sets is compact. Example 5.2 When ∇u, ∇v exist, then they are related to p by ∇v(y) = ∂L(p0 (y)), ∇u(x) = ∂L(p1 (x)). If we consider for example 1 2 |x| + |x1 |, 2 −1 1 , ,L x − u(x) = min L x − 0 0 L(x) =
then it is easy to check that u(0) has no subdifferential or superdifferential.
Rectifiability Property of Jumps
Define the sets 1 Jm = x ∈ Rd : there exist y1 , y2 ∈ y(x) such that |y1 − y2 | ≥ m and J=
Jm .
Lemma 5.3 Jm is closed and countably (d − 1)-rectifiable, i. e. it can be covered with a countable number of images of Lipschitz functions Rd−1 → Rd . The lemma can be proved by applying the rectifiability criterion [1], Theorem 2.61. The proof is analogous to Lemma 3.4 in [4]. In a similar way we obtain the following proposition: Proposition 5.4 The set Jk =
k Jm
= x ∈ Rd : m∈N
there existy1 , . . . , yk+1 ∈ y(x) s. t. B
1 0, ⊂ co{y1 , . . . , yk+1} m
is countably (d − k)-rectifiable, i. e. it can be covered with a countable number of images of Lipschitz functions Rd−k → Rd .
S. Bianchini and M. Gloyer
Some Approximations
To prove the estimates on the vector field pt or pt , we need an approximation technique. The following proposition will be an essential tool. Proposition 5.5 Assume that ¯(y), u ¯n (y) → u
Ln (x) → L(x)
locally uniformly, and that we have the uniform bound Ln (x) ≥
1 (|x| − c) c
for all n ∈ N,
where c does not depend on n. Then the conjugate functions un (1, x), vn (0, y) converge uniformly to u(1, x), v(0, y), and the graph Fn converges locally in Hausdorff distance for a closed subset of F .
Fundamental Example
Let {yi : i ∈ N} be a dense sequence in Rd , and define uN (x) = min u(yi ) + L(x − yi ) : i = 1, . . . , N . We can split Rd into at most N open regions Ωi (Voronoi-like cells), inside which we have uN (x) = u(yi ) + L(x − yi ), x ∈ Ωi , together with the negligible set ¯i ∩ Ω ¯j . Ω i=j
The boundary of each region is Lipschitz, and inside each region the corresponding directional field pN is given by pN (x) = x − yi ,
x ∈ Ωi .
Divergence Estimate
In the points x where the field p(x) is single valued, the approximate pn (x) converges to p(x). This implies that pn (x) → p(x)
Ld -a. e.
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations
Using this fact we can prove the following proposition: Proposition 5.6 div p is a locally bounded measure satisfying div p − dLd ≤ 0. Proof. The approximating fields satisfy the bound, thus by the above convergence we get the bound for div p. It is a measure because positive distributions are measures.
Jacobian Estimates
As in the previous section, we take a dense sequence {yi : i ∈ N} in Rd . For a fixed time t ∈ (0, 1), we consider the approximation with finitely many points at t = 0, x − yi : i = 1, . . . , N . uN (t, x) = min u(0, yi ) + tL t Take a compact subset A(t) ⊂ F (t). We denote by AN (s) the push-forward of the set A(t) along the approximating rays pN (t, x). Then we get Ld (AN (s)) ≥
s d t
Ld (A(t))
for s ≤ t.
Up to a set of measure , we can assume that pN (t), p(t) are continuous and pN (t) → p(t) uniformly on A(t). Then AN (s) is compact for s ≤ t, and it converges to A(s) in Hausdorff distance. Since Ld is upper semicontinuous with respect to the Hausdorff distance, this implies that Ld (A(s)) ≥
s d t
Ld (A(t))
for s ≤ t.
By repeating the above approximation with finitely many points at t = 1, one obtains the corresponding estimate Ld (A(s)) ≥
1−s 1−t
d Ld (A(t))
for s ≥ t.
We thus obtain the following estimate for the push-forward of the Lebesgue measure. Lemma 6.1 Let
μ(s) = [z + (s − t)p] Ld .
S. Bianchini and M. Gloyer
Then μ(s) = c(s, t, z)Ld |F (t) , with s d 1 − s d c(s, t, z) ∈ , t 1−t
d d 1−t t c(s, t, z) ∈ , 1−s s
for s ≤ t, for t ≤ s.
Proof. By the previous estimates, we have for s ≥ t,
1−t 1−s
d t L (A(s)) ≤ L (A(t)) ≤ Ld (A(s)). s d
By the definition of the image measure, Ld (A(t)) = μ(s)(A(s)). Thus the result follows. The function c(s, t, z) is the Jacobian of the transformation.
Disintegration of the Lebesgue Measure
Using Lemma 6.1, we now apply the Fubini-Tonelli theorem to a measurable set A = t {t} × A(t) ⊂ t {t} × F (t) to obtain
dt × Ld =
dt A(t)
c(t, s)Ld
dt L
dt c(t, s)χA(t,s) ,
where A(t, s) is the image of the set A(t) by A(t, s) = (z + (s − t)p(z))(A(t)).
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations
Remark 6.2 In the new coordinates, dt c(t, s) is concentrated on a single optimal ray. Since the rays do not intersect, we can disintegrate the Lebesgue measure along rays, Ld × dt|F = dm(α)μα . We can parametrize the rays by the points of the plane t = 1/2, then the support of μα is the optimal ray passing through α ∈ F (1/2). Using the previous formula, we obtain the following theorem: Theorem 6.3 The disintegration of the Lebesgue measure on the set of optimal rays F is dm(α)μα , with 1 c t, dt, 2 0 −1 1 1 1 dt dt, c t, c t, μα = 2 2 0
m(α) = Ld
where c t, 12 is the Jacobian along the ray α + (t − 1/2)p(α). Remark 6.4 By Fubini’s Theorem,
1 0
1 dt < +∞ c t, 2
Ld -a. e.,
therefore the formula makes sense. In the following we denote c(t, α) = c(t, 1/2, α).
Regularity of the Jacobian and Applications
Lemma 6.5 c(t, α) ∈ Wt1,1 , and there exists a Kd > 0 such that 0
d c(t, α) dt ≤ Kd . dt
Proof. Since d d c(t, α) + c(t, α) ≥ 0, dt 1−t
S. Bianchini and M. Gloyer
we can estimate 12 12 d d d c(t, α) dt ≤ c(t, α) + 2 c(t, α) dt dt 1−t 0 0 dt 1 2 1 , α + 4d c(t, α) dt, ≤c 2 0 and similarly
1 1 2
1 d c(t, α) dt ≤ c 1 , α + 4d c(t, α) dt, dt 1 2 2
Hence Tot.Var.(c(·, α)) ≤ 4d + 2c
1 ,α . 2
In particular the limits lim
t→0+ ,1−
c(t, α)
exist. From the normalization
1 0
and the estimate
c(t, α) dt = 1
1 ,α , c(t, α) ≥ min 2d |t|d , 2d |1 − t|d c 2
it follows that there is Kd such that 1 c , α ≤ Kd , 2 so that by (1) there is Kd such that Tot.Var.(c(·, α)) ≤ Kd Corollary 6.6
1 d c ∈ L1loc (dt dx). c dt
Divergence Formulation
Proposition 6.7 We have the following relation between c and the divergence of the vector field p:
Transport Rays and Applications to Hamilton–Jacobi Equations
1 dc div(1, pχF ) = dt dz . c dt F From
1 dc ∈ c dt
d d − , 1−t t
it follows that it is an absolutely continuous measure. Proof. Take a test function φ ∈ Cc1 (F ). Applying the disintegration along the rays, one obtains
φ(t, z)div(1, pt χF (t) ) dt dz
1 0
χF (t) (z)φt (t, z) + pt (z) · ∇φ(t, z) dt dz
dm(α) 0
= Rd
dt c(t, α) φt (t, (1 − t)y +tx)+(x−y) · ∇φ(t, (1−t)y +tx)
1 0
dt c(t, α)
dt 0
1 dc c dt
d φ(t, (1 − t)y + tx) dt
dc (t, α)φ(t, (1 − t)y + tx) dt φ(t, z)dt dz.
References 1. L. Ambrosio, N. Fusco, D. Pallara, Functions of bounded variation and free discontinuity problems (Oxford Mathematical Monographs, 2000) 2. F. Aubin, A. Cellina, Differential inclusions, set-valued maps and viability theory (Springer, New York, 1984) 3. S. Bianchini, C. De Lellis, R. Robyr, SBV regularity for Hamilton–Jacobi equations in Rd , Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 200, 1003–1021 (2011) DOI: 10.1007/s00205-010-0381-z 4. S. Bianchini, M. Gloyer, On the Euler–Lagrange equation for a variational problem: the general case II. Math. Z. 265, 889–923 (2010) DOI: 10.1007/s00209-009-0547-2 5. P. Cannarsa, A. Mennucci, C. Sinestrari, Regularity results for solutions of a class of Hamilton–Jacobi equations. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 140, 197–223 (1997) 6. D.H. Fremlin, Measure Theory, vol. 3, Measure Algebras. (Torres Fremlin, 2004) 7. D.H. Fremlin, Measure Theory, vol. 4, Topological Measure Spaces. (Torres Fremlin, 2006)
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics Eric A. Carlen
Abstract We give a survey of recent results on functional inequalities and evolution equations focusing on the relations between these two subjects. We discuss the use of evolution equations to prove sharp functional inequalities, as well as the use of sharp functional inequalities to prove precise results about the behavior of solutions of evolution equations. These note are based on a series of lectures given by the author at the C.I.M.E. Summer School in June 2008.
Functional inequalities play a crucial role in the investigation of dynamical systems and evolution equations, and at the same time, many functional inequalities can be proved in their sharp form by employing a properly chosen dynamics to evolve an arbitrary trial function into an extremal function. Moreover, a dynamical approach often yields a very transparent analysis of the cases of equality. In these lectures we will discuss a number of examples taken from recent research that provide a perspective on this interplay between research into functional inequalities and into dynamical systems and evolution equations. A number of recent results will be proved, and a number of open problems will be posed. Although work with many of my collaborators will be presented, my long term collaboration with Michael Loss will feature particularly prominently, and much of the perspective that I present here has been developed in the context of that collaboration. E.A. Carlen () Department of Mathematics, Hill Center, Rutgers University, 110 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway NJ 08854-8019, USA e-mail:
[email protected] S. Bianchini et al., Nonlinear PDE’s and Applications, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2028, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21861-3 2, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
E.A. Carlen
We begin with some examples of the sorts of functional inequalities with which we shall be concerned. The examples in this section are all very closely related to one another: They are: (1) (2) (3) (4)
The The The The
sharp Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality sharp Sobolev inequality sharp Logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality Euclidean Onofri inequality
Inequalities (1) and (2) are dual to one another, as are (3) and (4). Also inequality (3) is a limiting case of inequality (1), and (4) is a limiting case of (2). On account of these relations, the cases of equality in all of these inequalities are closely related: Equality holds in each of them only for functions f (x) that are up to multiples, translations and scalings, of the form (1 + |x|2 )p for some power p (Actually, the power of (1 + |x|2 ) becomes a logarithm of (1 + |x|2 ) in case (4).) However, the connection runs even deeper than this: All of these inequalities are conformally invariant, as we shall explain later on. In fact, this conformal invariance shall be fundamental to the proofs we shall give of these inequalities. Interestingly, there are other classical inequalities whose sharp versions have powers of (1 + |x|2 ) as their cases of equality, but which are not conformally invariant: Certain GagliardoNirenberg inequalities, whose sharp form was established only recently by Dolbeault and Del Pino are our prime example here. We shall see in the second section of these notes that these GagliardoNirenberg inequalities are in fact closely connected to the inequalities (1) and (2) through certain dynamical considerations that yield another proof of at least certain cases of inequalities (1) and (2). Indeed, Sects. 2 and 3 present three examples of dynamical systems whose equilibria are the functions yielding equality in inequalities (1)–(4). The examples in Sect. 2 involve evolution equations (in the form of partial differential equations), while the example in Sect. 3 involves a discrete-time dynamical system. In Sect. 2 we shall discuss certain applications of the inequalities (1)–(4) to the study of the evolution equations introduced there, while in Sect. 3 we shall apply the discrete-time dynamics introduced there to prove the inequalities themselves. The remaining sections further develop the themes introduce in the first three, but in the context of other examples. Our goal in the rest of this section is to introduce the inequalities (1)–(4), and to explain the close relations between them, going carefully into all of the details. The effort shall be rewarding; this is a subject in which the details are extremely beautiful.
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
The Sharp Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Inequality
For two non-negative measurable functions f and g on Rd , d ≥ 1, and a number λ with 0 ≤ λ < d, define the functional Iλ (f, g) by 1 Iλ (f, g) = f (x) g(y)dxdy, (1) |x − y|λ Rd Rd and for 1 ≤ p < ∞, let f p denote the Lp norm of f defined by f p =
1/p f dx . p
The HLS inequality provides an upper bound on Iλ (f, f ) in terms of f p(λ) where 2d p(λ) = . (3) 2d − λ 2d is determined by the scale invariance of the The value p(λ) = 2d − λ functional Iλ (f, f ): For s > 0, define f (s) by f (s) (x) = f (x/s). Then one computes Iλ (f (s) , f (s) ) = s2d−λ Iλ (f, f )
f (s) 2p = s2d/p f 2p .
An inequality of the form Iλ (f, f ) ≤ Cf 2p with finite C is possible only if both sides scale the same way. Hence 2d − λ = 2d/p which yields the value of p(λ) given in (3). There is another way to view the computations we have just made. Define the functional Φλ by Iλ (f, f ) Φλ (f ) := . (5) f 2p(λ) Then by (4), f → Φλ (f ) is invariant under the transformation f → f (s) . Invariance properties of functionals, also referred to as symmetry properties of functionals play a basic role in the theory of functional inequalities. This invariance under scale transformations is the first of many symmetry transformations we shall encounter. Another one, quite obvious for the functional Φλ , is translation invariance, f (x) → f (x − x0 )
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for some x0 in Rd . And of course, for any c > 0, Φλ (cf ) = Φλ (f ). The remaining symmetries, or invariance properties, of Φλ are less obvious. However, they will be crucial to the story. We are now ready to state the sharp form of the HLS inequality: Theorem 1.1 [27] For all non-negative measurable functions f with f p(λ) < ∞, Iλ (h, h) Iλ (f, f ) ≤ 2 f p(λ) h2p(λ) where
h(x) =
1 1 + |x|2
d/p .
There is equality if and only if for some x0 ∈ Rd and s ∈ R+ , f is a non-zero multiple of h(x/s − x0 ). This theorem is due to Elliott Lieb [27]. Hardy and Littlewood had treated the case d = 1 without proving the sharp constant, and Sobolev had treated d > 1, also without proving the sharp constant; see [27] for more background. By Lieb’s Theorem, the sharp constant is Cλ,d where Cλ,d :=
Iλ (h, h) , h2p(λ)
so that we have the sharp inequality Iλ (f, f ) ≤ Cλ,d f 2p(λ) .
The explicit value of the sharp constant Cλ,d can be computed by directly p(λ) computing the integrals Iλ (h, h) and hp(λ) . However, there is an easier and more instructive way that makes us of the Euler–Lagrange equation satisfied by h: Since by Lieb’s Theorem, knowing that h maximizes Φλ , we may take any g ∈ Lp(λ) (Rd ), and we have Φλ (h + g) ≤ Φλ (h). Expanding the left hand side through first order in , we find:
|x − y|
Since for large |x|,
Iλ (h, h) 2−p(λ) h(y)dy = hp(λ) hp(λ)−1 (x). h2p(λ)
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
|x − y|−λ h(y)dy ∼ h1 |x|−λ
hp(λ)−1 (x) ∼ |x|−λ ,
we deduce Cλ,d = h1 hp(λ) . Now computing the two norms, one finds (since the integrals defining the norms readily convert to beta integrals, and hence Gamma functions): Cλ,d = πλ/2
λ/2−1 Γ (d/2 − λ/2) Γ (d/2) . Γ (d − λ/2) Γ (d)
Duality and Functional Inequalities
The functionals on both sides of (7) are continuous convex functions defined on all of Lp(λ) (Rd ). (The continuity of the right hand side is obvious, and the continuity of the left hand side on Lp(λ) (Rd ) is a consequence of the HLS inequality itself.) In such circumstances, even with only lower semicontinuity, there is an equivalent dual inequality obtained by computing the Legendre transforms of both sides of the inequality. Two real Banach spaces E and E ∗ are said to be a dual pair if there is a bilinear form ·, · on E ∗ × E such that for each non-zero f ∈ E, ·, f is a non-zero continuous linear functional on E ∗ , and likewise, each non-zero u ∈ E ∗ , u, · is a non-zero continuous linear functional on E. For example, consider E = Lp (Rd ) and E ∗ = Lq (Rd ) where 1/p + 1/q = 1, and define
u, f = 2 u(x)f (x)dx, (10) Rd
which is easily seen to have the required properties. Then, if ϕ and ψ are two lower semicontinuous convex functions defined on E, the Legendre transforms of ϕ and ψ are the functions ϕ∗ and ψ ∗ on E ∗ defined by ϕ∗ (u) = sup { u, f − ϕ(f )} f ∈E
ψ∗ (v) = sup { v, g − ϕ(g)} , (11) g∈E
and ϕ∗ and ψ ∗ are automatically convex and lower semicontinuous on E ∗ , possibly taking on the value +∞. On account of ϕ and ψ being lower semicontinuous, one has ϕ(f ) = sup { u, f − ϕ∗ (u)} u∈E ∗
ψ(g) = sup { v, g − ϕ∗ (v)} . v∈E ∗
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Having recalled these facts concerning the Legendre transform, we now state the following theorem: Theorem 1.2 Let E and E ∗ be a dual pair of Banach spaces. Let ϕ and ψ be two lower semicontinuous convex functions on E, and let ϕ∗ and ψ ∗ be their Legendre transforms on E ∗ . The the following two inequalities are equivalent: ϕ(f ) ≤ Cψ(f ) for all f ∈ E (13) and
ϕ∗ (u) ≥ Cψ ∗ (u/C)
for all u ∈ E ∗ .
in that if either one true for some positive constant C, then the other is also true for the same constant C. In particular, the least value of C for which (13) is true is the same as the least value of C for which (14)is true. Proof: Suppose that (13) is true. Then, for all f ∈ E, for all u ∈ E ∗ ,
u, f − ϕ(f ) ≥ u, f − Cψ(f )
and taking the supremum over f , we conclude that (14) is true. Indeed,
u, f − Cψ(f ) = C
(u/C), f − ψ(x) ,
from which the form of the right hand side of (14) readily follows. Next, suppose that (14) is true. Then for all f ∈ E and all u ∈ E ∗ ,
u, f − ϕ∗ (u) ≤ u, f − Cψ ∗ (u/C). Taking the supremum over u, we have from (12) that ϕ(f ) ≤ Cψ(f )
for all f ∈ E,
where we have used the fact that
u, f − Cψ(u/C) = C
(u/C), f − Cψ (u/C) .
To apply this result in the case at hand, we fix some p with 1 < p < ∞, and choose E = Lp (Rd ) and E ∗ = Lq (Rd ) where 1/p + 1/q = 1, and with the dual pairing given in (10). Consider the continuous convex function ψ on E given by ψ(f ) = f 2p. To compute ψ ∗ , note that by H¨ older’s inequality,
u, f − ψ(f ) ≤ 2f puq − f 2p = u2q − (f p − uq )2 ≤ u2q ,
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
and by the conditions for equality in H¨ older’s inequality, there is equality if and only if 1 f= |u|q−1 sgn(u). uq−2 q Thus,
ψ ∗ (u) = u2q .
Next, pick some λ with 0 < λ < d, and specialize to the case p = p(λ) consider the functional f → Iλ (f ). A standard Fourier transform argument shows that the quadratic form Iλ (f ) is positive definite, and thus strictly convex. Moreover, the HLS inequality says that it is continuous on E = Lp(λ) (Rd ). In the interest of being as concrete as possible, we shall focus on the familiar case λ = d − 2. Recall that for d ≥ 3, the kernel K(x, y) = |x − y|−(d−2) is, up to a constant, the kernel for (−Δ)−1 . More precisely, with |S d−1 | denoting the surface area of the d − 1 dimensional unit sphere in Rd ,
f, (−Δ)−1 f L2 (Rd ) =
1 (d − 2)|S d−1|
f (x)
1 f (y)dxdy. |x − y|d−2
Since (−Δ)−1 is a positive operator, the left hand side is a convex function of f . Thus, Lieb’s Theorem gives the sharp constant in the inequality
f, (−Δ)−1 f L2 (Rd ) ≤ CS f 2p(λ) , where CS :=
4 Cλ,d = |S d |−2/d . (d − 2)|S d−1 | d(d − 2)
Therefore, for d ≥ 3, let us consider the continuous convex functional ϕ on E given by 1 ϕ(f ) = d−1 Id−2 (f, f ). |S | To compute ϕ∗ , we complete the square (remembering the factor of 2 in (10)):
u, f − ϕ(f ) = 2 (−Δ)1/2 u, (−Δ)−1/2 f L2 (Rd ) − (−Δ)−1/2 f 22 = (−Δ)1/2 u22 − (−Δ)1/2 u − (−Δ)−1/2 f 22 ≤ (−Δ)1/2 u22 = ∇u22 .
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There is equality if and only if −Δu = f , and so ϕ∗ = ∇u22 .
Now, since (17) can be written as ϕ(f ) ≤ CS ψ(f ) for all f on E, we have from Theorem 1.2 that ϕ∗ (u) ≥ CS ψ ∗ (u/CS ). By (16) and (20) this reduces to CS ∇u22 ≥ u2q(λ) ,
which is the classical Sobolev inequality. Moreover, by the equivalence asserted in Theorem 1.2, the constant CS given in (18) is also best possible in (21). Not only are the optimal constants in the two inequalities the same; there is also a complete correspondence among cases of equality. To see this, suppose the u is some function giving equality in (21); i.e., satisfying ϕ∗ (u) = CS ψ ∗ (u/CS ).
As we have seen in the computation of ψ ∗ , there is a unique f ∈ E so that CS ψ ∗ (u/CS ) = u, f − CS ψ(f ),
and this f is a multiple of uq(λ)−1 = u(d+2)/(d−2). Then, with this choice of f and u, we have ϕ∗ (u) ≥ u, f − ϕ(f ) ≥ u, f − CS ψ(f ) = CS ψ ∗ (u/CS ),
where the final equality is (23). But then by (22), all of the inequalities in (24) must be equalities, and in particular, it must be the case that ϕ(f ) = CS ψ(f ). That is, f must be an optimizer for the HLS inequality, and since, up to a harmless constant, f is a multiple of uq(λ)−1 , we see that for u to be an optimizer for the Sobolev inequality (21), uq(λ)−1 must be an optimizer for the HLS inequality for λ = d − 2. Similar reasoning applies in the other direction, and one concludes:
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
u saturates the Sobolev inequality ⇐⇒ u(d+2)/(d−2) saturates the HLS inequality for λ = d − 2 Thus, once we have determined the cases of equality in the HLS inequality for λ = d − 2, we shall have determined the cases of equality in the Sobolev inequality for the square integral of the gradient. This has advantages as we shall see. However, the sharp value of the Sobolev constant, and all the cases of equality, were first worked out directly by Aubin [1] and Talenti [33].
A Limiting Case of the HLS Inequality
The case λ = 0 of the HLS Inequality is a triviality since I0 (f, f) = and p(0) = 1. Thus, for λ = 0 we have the identity
2 f (x)dx
I0 (f, f ) = f 21 . This is not without interest: Whenever a parameterized family of inequalities reduces to an identity, we get a new inequality by differentiating in the parameter. Starting from the sharp HLS inequality Iλ (f, f ) ≤ Cλ,d f 2p(λ) , and subtracting I0 (f, f ) from the left side, and f 21 from the right side, and dividing both sides by λ, one obtains Cλ,d f 2p(λ) − f 21 Iλ (f, f ) − I0 (f, f ) ≤ . λ λ Formally taking limits under the integral sign, Iλ (f, f ) − I0 (f, f ) lim f (x) ln(|x − y|)f (y)dxdy. =− λ→0 λ Rd Rd Also, since p(0) = C(0) = 1, and since d 1 p(λ) , = dλ 2d λ=0 lim
d = Cλ,d dλ
Cλ,d f 2p(λ) − f 21
1 f 21 + f 1 d
λ Rd
f ln f dx − f 1 ln f 1 .
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Thus defining Cd =
d Cλ,d , dλ λ=0
which we shall be able to explicitly compute using (9), we formally deduce the Logarithmic HLS inequality
d f ln f dx − f 1 ln f 1 + f (x) ln(|x−y|)f (y)dxdy ≥ −dCd f 1 . f 1 Rd Rd Rd (27)
However, the limit and the integral in (25) require some care. The reason, of course, is that for f non-negative and measurable, the integrands in the integral defining Iλ (f, f ) are non-negative, and so the integral always yields a well defined, though possibly infinite, value. However, ln |x − y| is unbounded above and below, so non-negativity of f does not suffice to guarantee that the integrals in (27) makes sense. This problem is also present for the entropy functional, Rd f ln f dx: Mere integrability of f ≥ 0 does not guarantee that either the positive or the negative parts of f ln f are integrable. We therefore pause to make precise sense of the functionals involved in the inequality (27). We do this in full detail in the most interesting, and most subtle, case d = 2.
The Two Dimensional Energy Integral
It is easy to see that if the measurable function f is bounded and has compact support, then the integrals in 1 f (x) ln(|x − y|)f (y)dxdy (28) J(f, f ) := − 4π Rd Rd converge, and so (28) defines a quadratic form on a dense subset of L1 (R2 ). The integral defining J(f, f ) is frequently referred to as the energy integral of f because of various physical interpretations. These are all based on the familiar fact that if f ∈ C0∞ (R2 ), and u is defined by 1 u(x) = ln |x − y|f (y)dy, (29) 2π R2 then Δu(x) = f (x). On this basis, one might be tempted to conclude that 1 1 − f (x) ln |x − y|f (y)dxdy = f, (−Δ)−1 f L2 (R2 ) 4π R2 2
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
for all f in some dense subset of L1 (R2 ). This would imply that J(f, f ) can be defined as a positive definite quadratic form on L1 (R2 ), and hence convex. However, this line of argument would be erroneous. To see why, suppose f ∈ C0∞ (R2 ). Then with u defined in terms of f by (29), we have 1 1 f (x)u(x)dx = (−Δu(x))u(x)dx. J(f, f ) = 2 R2 2 R2 So far, so good. Next, one might be tempted to integrate by parts, writing (−Δu(x))u(x)dx = |∇u(x)|2 dx, R2
and the right hand side is another object frequently referred to as an energy integral. The problem with this calculation is that for large |x|, 1 1 x f (x)dx + O ∇u(x) ∼ , 2 2π |x| |x| R2 and so ∇u is not square integrable unless R2 f (x)dx = 0. In particular, for f (x) ≥ 0, ∇u is not square integrable except in the trivial case that f (x) = 0 everywhere. Summarizing, while (30) is valid at least for f ∈ C0∞ (R2 ) with R2 f dx = 0, we are interested in the case that f is a probability density, for which (30) is not generally valid. Therefore, let us back up and consider the integral defining J(f, f ) in (28) and ask: Under what conditions is this integral well defined? Clearly we need some growth condition on f to tame the logarithmic growth of the negative part of the kernel − ln |x − y| for large |x − y|. Since ln |x − y| ≤
1 [ln 2 + ln(1 + |x|2 ) + ln(1 + |y|2 )], 2
the integral defining J(f, f ) is well defined, though possibly infinite, for f in the set of non-negative measurable functions with f (x) ln(e + |x|2 )dx < ∞. R2
Therefore, let E denote the Banach space L1 (R2 , ln(e + |x|2 )dx). If we define J + (f, f ) =
1 4π
f (x) (ln |x − y|)− f (y)dxdy 1 J (f, f ) = 4π −
f (x) (ln |x − y|)+ f (y)dxdy, (32)
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where (·)− and (·)+ denote the negative and positive part, respectively, so that J(f, f ) = J + (f, f ) − J − (f, f ), we have from (31) that f → J − (f, f ) is strongly continuous on E. Moreover, if {fn } is a sequence of non-negative functions in E that is strongly convergent to f , then by considering an almost everywhere convergent subsequence, and then using Fatou’s Lemma, one see that J + (f, f ) ≤ lim inf J + (fn , fn ). n→∞
Thus, f → J + (f, f ) is lower semicontinuous on the positive cone in E. Putting the pieces together, we see that f → J(f, f ) is lower semicontinuous on the positive cone in E. This takes care of the definitions and continuity properties of the functional J. To obtain convexity, we must further restrict the domain of J. Definition 1.3 for E > 0, define EM to be the set of non-negative functions f in E with f dx = M. R2
Then on E define the functional f → JM (f, f ) by
JM (f, f ) =
J(f, f ) ∞
if f ∈ EM if f ∈ / EM
The functional f → JM (f, f ) is convex as well as lower semicontinuous. In fact, since we have already seen that it is lower semicontinuous, the convexity will follow once we show that for all f1 , f2 ∈ EM , JM (f1 , f1 ) + JM (f2 , f2 ) ≥ JM 2
f1 + f2 f1 + f2 , 2 2
In showing this, it obviously suffices to consider the case in which JM (f1 , f1 ), JM (f2 , f2 ) < ∞. A simple truncation and monotone convergence argument then shows that we need only consider the case in which f1 , f2 are bounded with compact support. Then with g := f1 − f2 , JM (f1 , f1 ) + JM (f2 , f2 ) − JM 2
f1 + f2 f1 + f2 , 2 2
= J(g, g).
Now, since R2 gdx = 0, and since g has compact support, the identity in (29) applies, and we see that J(g, g) ≥ 0. This proves that for each M > 0, the functional f → JM (f, f ) is convex on E.
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
However, notice that to obtain the convexity, we have had to fix the total mass M , and have lost the homogeneity of f → J(f, f ): While for all s > 0, J(sf, sf ) = s2 J(f, f ), JM (sf, sf ) can be finite for at most one value of s. Finally, we turn to the other functional in (27), the entropy functional: Definition 1.4 For M > 0 the entropy functional is the functional f → SM (f ) defined by
SM (f ) =
f ln f dx
if f ∈ EM if f ∈ / EM
In the special case M = 1, we have the standard Shannon entropy functional on probability densities, and in this case will often write simply S(f ) in place of S1 (f ). Note that our sign convention for the entropy is the one frequently encountered in information theory, but never in statistical mechanics, where entropy would be given by − R2 f ln f dx, and would therefore be concave. It is easy to see that for each M > 0, f → SM (f ) is well-defined, lower semicontinuous and convex on E: The key point is that to belong to the weighted L1 space E, f must decay sufficiently fast at infinity that f (ln f )− is automatically integrable. This follows from a standard relative entropy argument: First, to prepare the way, we reduce to the consideration of densities f ∈ EM that are bounded. To do this, fix and f ∈ EM , and define the function g by
f (x) if f (x) < 1 g(x) = , C if f (x) ≥ 1 where C is a constant chosen so that g ∈ EM . Clearly whenever the set {x : f (x) ≥ 1} has positive measure, C has a uniquely determined value, and C ≥ 1. In the other cases, the value of C is irrelevant, and anyway, f is already bounded by 1. Either way, we have g(ln g)− = f (ln f )− . Therefore, it suffices to show that g(ln g)− is integrable. Here is where the relative entropy comes in: For each M > 0, introduce the function hM defined by 2 M 1 . (35) hM (x) = π 1 + |x|2 It is easy to see that for each M > 0, hM ∈ EM . Then by Jensen’s inequality
g hM
g hM
hM dx =
g[ln g − ln hM ]dx.
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The integral on the left side of (36) defines the relative entropy of g with respect to hM . By the definition of E, g ln hM is integrable. By the definition of g, g(ln g)+ is integrable. But then by (36),
g(ln g)− dx ≤
g(ln g)+ dx −
g ln hdx < ∞.
Thus, for f ∈ EM , f (ln f )− is integrable, and so SM (f ) is always well defined, though possibly infinite (like JM (f, f )). The convexity and lower semicontinuity of f → SM (f ) now follow easily from the convexity and continuity of the function t → f ln t on R+ . The arguments we have made about JM and SM for d = 2 are easily extended to all d > 2, however, the applications we shall discuss here only concern the case d = 2.
The Logarithmic HLS Inequality for d = 2
We are now ready to give a precise statement of the sharp logarithmic HardyLittlewood-Sobolev (log HLS) inequality. The inequality itself is simply a restatement of (27) for d = 2, using the definitions and notation of the previous section, and an explicit calculation of C2 . Theorem 1.5 (Logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality) Let f be a non-negative function in E = L1 (R2 , ln(e + |x|2 )dx). Let R2 f dx = M , so that f ∈ EM Then 8π J(f, f ) M
CM := M (1 + ln π − ln M ).
SM (f ) + CM ≥ with
There is equality with both sides finite if and only if for some x0 ∈ Rd and s ∈ R+ , f (x) = s−2 hM (x/s − x0 ). One can prove the inequality by showing that the formal limits that led to (27) make sense when f ∈ EM , and directly calculating the constant Cd defined in (26). However, there is an easier, more direct, way to calculate CM , once we know that hM minimizes the functional f → SM (f ) −
8π J(f, f ), M
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
which is what Theorem 1.5 asserts. Parts of this computation will be useful later on, in working out the Legendre transform of JM , so we explain this now: Knowing that hM is a minimizer, the Euler–Lagrange equation for the minimization of the functional in (39) says that 4 ln hM (x) + M
ln |x − y|hM (y)dy = KM
for some constant KM . Since for large |x|, up to constant order, ln hM (x) ∼ ln M − ln π − 4 ln |x| and
4 M
ln |x − y|hM (y)dy ∼ 4 ln |x|,
we deduce KM = ln M − ln π. Now, multiplying both sides of (8) by hM , and integrating, one obtains
4 hM (x) ln hM (x)dx+ M 2 R
hM (x) ln |x−y|hM (y)dxdy = M (ln M −ln π).
R2 R2
A direct calculation shows that hM (x) ln hM (x)dx = M (ln M − ln π − 2),
and so we conclude that 4 hM (x) ln |x − y|hM (y)dxdy = 2M, M R2 R2 JM (hM , hM ) = −
M2 . 8π
or equivalently, (43)
From here, we see that CM = M (1 + ln π − ln M ), as claimed. In summary, once we have shown that the only minimizers of the functional (39) are translates of scalings of hM , we shall have proved all of Theorem 1.5. It is also worth noting at this point that JM (hM , hM ) = J(hM , hM ) is negative, so f → J(f, f ) is manifestly not a positive quadratic form on any dense subset of E, as might be suggested by a naive argument using the two dimensional Green’s function for the Laplacian. So, how does one prove that the only minimizers of the functional (39) are translates of scalings of hM ? Given the derivation of the log HLS inequality as a limiting case of the HLS inequality, it is easy to guess and check that hM yields equality in the log HLS inequality, and hence so would all of its
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translates and scalings. After all, we know from Lieb’s Theorem that the HLS is saturated by, and only by, multiples, translates and scalings of
1 1 + |x|2
d/p(λ) .
Going through the limiting argument, one arrives at the conclusion, checkable by direct calculation, that hM does saturate the log HLS inequality. However, whenever one proves an inequality by such a limiting process, it is not a priori clear that additional cases of inequality do not “sneak in” through the limit. Thus, a separate proof is required for the statement that there are not other non-trivial cases of equality, apart from translates and scaling of hM , where by a non-trivial case of equality, we mean one in which both sides are finite. A proof of this was given Carlen and Loss [17], and at the same time by Beckner [5]. The proof in [17] is dynamical in nature, based on the competing symmetries method that shall be explained later in these lectures. In fact, this method give a simultaneous proof of all aspects of the theorem – the inequality itself, and the determination of all of the cases of equality. However, before we come to that, let us investigate the log HLS inequality from a dual point of view, using Theorem 1.2.
The Dual of the Sharp HLS Inequality for R2
The Logarithmic HLS Inequality is particularly interesting for R2 , and this is why we have focused on this dimension. One reason is this: As we have seen for d ≥ 3, the case λ = d − 2 of the HLS inequality is equivalent by duality the sharp Sobolev inequality for Rd : u22d/(d−2) ≤
Cd−2,d ∇u22 . (d − 2)|S d−1 |
For d = 2, d − 2 = 0, and 2d/(d − 2) = ∞. But as we have seen, I0 (f, f ) ≤ C0,d f 21
is a triviality. Even worse on the dual side, standard examples show that even when u has compact support in R2 , ∇u2 < ∞ does not imply that u∞ < ∞ – and so the d = 2 case of (44) is not even trivial; it is just plain false. The log HLS inequality in R2 gives us a nontrivial replacement (45), and its dual gives us a true replacement for (44), valid for functions on R2 . To find this replacement, we simply have to calculate the Legendre transforms of SM and JM , and apply Theorem 1.2.
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The result is: Theorem 1.6 For all functions η on R2 such that for some finite constant C, |η(x)| ≤ C ln(e + |x|2 ) almost everywhere, and such that the distributional gradient of η is locally square integrable. M 2 M ln eη dx −M ln M + (ln hM−η)hM dx ≤ |∇ (η−ln hM )| dx. 16π R2 R2 R2 (46) There is equality if and only if for some s > 0 and some x0 ∈ R2 , η(x) = ln hM (x/s + x0 ). This inequality is a Euclidean version of Onofri’s inequality for functions on the two dimensional sphere S 2 in R3 . Onofri’s Theorem [30] states that ln S2
eu dσ
udσ ≤
1 4
|∇u|2 dσ.
Here dσ denotes the uniform probability measure on S 2 . For a proof of an equivalent version, see [16]. A fundamental fact discovered by Onofri is that the functional 1 2 u u → |∇u| dσ + udσ − ln e dσ 4 S2 S2 S2 is invariant under an action of the group of conformal transformation of S 2 . We shall return to this point, and the relation between Onoffri’s inequality and (46) later. Before turning to the proof of Theorem 1.6, we first make an observation about a special case of (46). Suppose that R2 eη dx = M so that g := eη is a density of total mass M . Then hM hM ln gdx =: H(hM |g), (η − ln hM ) hM dx = g g R2 R2 the relative entropy of h with respect to g. Thus, the Euclidean Onofri inequality can be written as 1 2 |∇ ln g − ∇ ln hM | ≥ H(hM |g), 16π R2 which holds for all densities g on R2 with total mass M . This inequality can be viewed as an unusual sort of logarithmic Sobolev inequality – unusual in
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the sense that the roles of the reference density hM and the variable density g are interchanged: A standard sort of logarithmic Sobolev inequality would give an upper bound on H(g|hM ), not H(hM |g), in terms of an integral of a quadratic form in ∇ ln g. We shall explain certain applications of Theorem 1.6 later. Now, however, let us turn to its proof. For this, we must compute the Legendre transforms of SM and JM . We do this in the next section in some detail, as the results are of independent interest, and the calculations require some care.
The Legendre Transforms of SM and JM
The first step in the computation of the Legendre transform is to specify the dual pairing. Let E ∗ denote the Banach space of measurable functions ϕ on R2 with |ϕ(x)| < ∞. ϕE ∗ := esssupx∈R2 ln(e + |x|2 ) (Notice that this time there is no factor of 2 included on the right hand side; it would be less convenient here.) Then it is easy to see that with the dual pairing
ϕ, f =
ϕ(x)f (x)dx,
E ∗ and E are a dual pair. We begin with the entropy functional SM (f ); the analysis here is easier and more standard. Recall that for f ∈ EM , f ln hM and f (ln f )− are integrable, so that SM (f ) is at least well defined. Theorem 1.7 For all ϕ ∈ E ∗ , and all α > 0,
f ∈EM
ϕf dx − αSM (f )
= αM ln
dx − αM ln M.
In particular, the theorem says that the Legendre transform of the entropy ∗ on E ∗ given by function SM is the functional SM ∗ (ϕ) SM
= M ln
e dx − M ln M. ϕ
It is a good exercise to check directly that in fact for all f ∈ E SM (f ) = sup
ϕ∈E ∗
ϕf dx −
∗ SM (ϕ)
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and in particular that the right hand side is infinite if f ∈ / EM . While this follows from the general properties of Legendre transforms, the exercise is instructive. Proof: First of all, we need only consider f ∈ EM , since for f ∈ / EM , SM (f ) = ∞, and such an f is irrelevant to the computation of the supremum. Next, for any ϕ ∈ E ∗ and any f ∈ EM , ϕ ϕ e f e ϕf dx − f ln f dx = f ln dx = M dx. ln f M f 2 2 2 R R R {f >0} By Jensen’s inequality, the right hand side is less than or equal to f eφ dx = M ln M ln eφ dx − M ln M {f >0} M f R2 ≤ M ln eφ dx − M ln M,
with equality if and only if φ = ln f + C for some constant C, and f > 0 almost everywhere. Altogether, ϕf dx − f ln f dx ≤ M ln eφ dx − M ln M. (49) R2
Conversely, for each n > 0, define M eϕ(x) , eϕ(y) dy {|y|≤n}
fn (x) = 1{|x|≤n}
and note that fn ∈ EM for each n. Direct calculation now yields R2
ϕfn dx −
fn ln fn dx ≤ M ln
eφ dx
− M ln M.
From (49) together with (50) and the Dominated Convergence Theorem, we obtain ϕ ϕf dx − SM (f ) = M ln e dx − M ln M. (51) sup f ∈EM
Finally. for any α > 0, φf dx − αSM (f ) = α R2
From this and (51) we obtain (47).
ϕ R2
f dx .
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We now turn to the computation of the Legendre transform of f → JM (f, f ). To efficiently state the main result, we first make some definitions. First, let us use the convenient notation 1 ln |x − y|g(y)dy = G ∗ g, (52) − 2π R2 for non-negative g ∈ E, or more generally, whenever the integral is well defined. This is the potential of g. Let PM be the class of functions defined by PM = { G ∗ g : g ∈ EM }. For any function ϕ ∈ E ∗ , we define 1 |∇ϕ − ∇u|2 dx u∈PM 2 R2
DM (ϕ) = inf
provided the distribution gradient of ϕ is locally square integrable, and we define DM (ϕ) to be infinite otherwise. The Legendre transform of JM will consist of two parts: One is DM , and the other is the functional EM defined as follows: For all ϕ ∈ E ∗ , 1 EM (ϕ) = 2
2 M2 ∇ ϕ − M ln hM dx + ϕh dx + , M 8π 8π R2 R2
provided the distribution gradient of ϕ is locally square integrable, and we define EM (ϕ) to be infinite otherwise. It is useful to observe that since ∇ ln hM is independent of M , E∗M (M ϕ) = M 2 E∗1 (ϕ).
We shall discuss the distinguished role of the log HLS optimizers hM in this definition after we have proved the following theorem: Theorem 1.8 For all ϕ ∈ E ∗ ,
f ∈EM
ϕf dx − JM (f, f )
= EM (ϕ) + DM (ϕ).
Moreover, for all f ∈ E and ϕ ∈ E ∗ , R2
ϕf dx ≤ JM (f ) + EM (ϕ)
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with equality if and only if ∇ϕ = ∇G ∗ f.
Proof: For any M > 0, and f in the domain of JM , note that JM (f, f ) = J(f, f ) = J(f − hM , f − hM ) + 2J(f, hM ) − J(hM , hM ). (58) The point of this is that since R2 (f − hM )dx = 0, J(f − hM , f − hM ) is a positive definite quadratic form in f − hM , while J(f, hM ) is linear in f , and J(hM , hM ) is independent of f . In (43), we have already determined that J(hM , hM ) = −
M2 . 8π
To deal with the linear term, note that by (8) 1 − 2π
M M (ln π − ln M ) ln hM (x) + . 8π 8π
ln |x − y|hM (y)dy =
Therefore, JM (f, f ) = J(f −hM , f −hM )+
M 8π
f (x) ln hM (x)dx+
M 2 (ln π+ 1−ln M ) , 8π
and so R2
ϕf dx − JM (f ) =
M M 2 (ln π + 1 − ln M ) ln hM f (x)dx − J (f − hM , f − hM ) − . 8π 8π (60)
Now define M ln hM ψ = ϕ− 8π Then since
g = f − hM .
M ln h [g + hM ] , ϕf = ψ + 8π
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ϕf dx−JM (f, f ) =
ψf dx−J(g, g)−
M 2 (ln π+1−ln M ) 8π
ψ [g +hM ] dx−J(g, g)−
ψgdx−J (g, g)+
1 ψgdx − J (g, g) = 2 2 R
ψhM dx−
1 |∇ψ| dx − 2 2 R 2
where the integration by parts is justified since Therefore, R2
ϕf dx − JM (f, f ) ≤
1 2
|∇ψ|2 dx +
M 2 (ln π+1−ln M ) 8π
|∇ψ − ∇G ∗ g| dx, g(x)dx = 0.
M 2 (ln π+1−ln M ) 8π
ψhM dx −
M2 M 2 (ln π − ln M ) − 8π 8π (62)
with equality if and only if ∇ψ = ∇G ∗ g.
Rewriting this in terms of ϕ, we have R2
ϕf dx − JM (f ) ≤
2 M 1 ∇ ϕ − M ln hM dx + ϕ− ln hM hM dx − 2 R2 8π 8π R2 M 2 (ln π + 1 − ln M ) . 8π
Now, a direct calculation shows that Δ ln hM (x) = −
8π hM (x) M
The condition for equality (63) amounts to Δψ = g, and so by (65), Δϕ = Δf , and so the condition for equality (63) can be rewritten as ∇ϕ = ∇G ∗ f. Also note that by (42) and (43) M 2 (ln π + 2 − M ) M , hM ln hM dx = − 8π R2 8π
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and so (64) becomes 2 2 M M 1 ∇ ϕ− ln hM dx+ ϕhM dx+ ϕf dx−JM (f, f ) ≤ 2 R2 8π 8π R2 R2 (67) with equality if and only if (57) holds.
We are now ready to prove Theorem 1.6: Proof of Theorem 1.6: Let us write the log HLS inequality in the form
M M CM SM (f ) + ≥ JM (f, f ). 8π 8π Then of course M M CM SM (f ) − ≤ ϕf dx − ϕf dx − JM (f, f ). 8π 8π R2 R2 Taking the supremum over f ∈ EM we then conclude, using (47) and (56), M2 ln 8π
M CM M 2 ln M − ≤ e8πϕ/M dx − 8π 8π 2 R 2 2 1 M M ∇ ϕ − ϕhM dx + (68) ln hM dx + 2 R2 8π 8π R2
To simplify this, use the explicit expression for CM , and introduce the new variable 8π η= ϕ. M We obtain: M2 ln 8π
M 2 (1 + ln π) ≤ e dx − 8π R2 2 M M M2 1 2 |∇ (η − ln hM )| dx + ηhM dx + (69) 8π 2 R2 8π R2 8π η
Next, using (42), M 8π
ηhM dx =
M 8π
(η − ln hM )hM dx +
M 2 (ln M − ln π − 2) . 8π
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Therefore, (69) can be rewritten as
1 1 2 eη dx ≤ |∇ (η−ln hM )| dx + (η−ln hM )hM dx+ln M, 16π R2 M R2 R2 (70) and this is equivalent to (46).
A number of other functional inequalities shall come up later in these lectures. However, the ones that we have introduced here: the HLS inequality, the Sobolev inequality, the log HLS inequality and the Euclidian Onofri inequality, are our core examples. We have seen that they are closely related to one another, and that the sharp HLS is in some sense the “master inequality” of this set, as all of the others can be deduced from it. However, we have not yet proved any of these inequalities starting from first principles. We now turn to our examples of dynamical systems whose connections with these functional inequalities shall be investigated here. ln
Some Evolution Equations for Which These Sharp Functional Inequalities Are Relevant The Keller-Segel Model
We now give some examples of the sorts of evolution equations and dynamical systems with which we shall be concerned. These are chosen to relate to the examples of sharp functional inequalities that we have given in the last section. The first example comes from the work [7] of Blanchet, Dolbeault and Perthame. The Keller-Segel system is a model of chemotaxis, describing the evolution of the population density of a colony of bacteria that is diffusing across a two dimensional surface; see [7] for more references and discussion. As the bacteria move across the surface, they continually emit a chemical attractant, which diffuses across the surface. The bacteria themselves also diffuse across the surface, but with a drift: The bacteria tend to move towards higher concentrations of the attractant, and this induces a drift term tending to concentrate the population, and countering the spreading effects of the diffusion. • The key point of mathematical interest in this model is the competition between the concentrating effects of the drift induced by the chemical attractant and the spreading effects of the diffusion. If ρ(x) denotes the population density on R2 , and c(x) denotes the concentration of the chemical attractant, also on R2 of course, the system of equations is
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⎧ ∂ρ ⎪ ⎪ (t, x) = div [∇ρ(t, x) − ρ(t, x)∇c(t, x)] ⎨ ∂t −Δc(t, x) = ρ(t, x) , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ρ(0, x) = ρ0 (x) ≥ 0
t > 0 , x ∈ R2 , t > 0 , x ∈ R2 , x ∈ R2 .
Here we take c(x) to be the particular solution of −Δc(x) = ρ(x) given by c(x) = −
1 2π
log |x − y|ρ(y)dy =: G ∗ ρ ,
G being the green’s function for −Δ on R2 , as in (52). The initial data will be assumed to satisfy ρ0 ∈ L1 (R2 ), and we define the total mass M by R2
ρ0 (x)dx = M .
Because of the divergence form structure of the system, the solutions conserve the total mass M . Insight into the behavior of solutions to the system can be gained by rewriting it in gradient flow form: Introduce the free energy functional F on non-negative integrable functions ρ on R2 and such that f (x) ln f (x) and f (x) ln(1 + |x|2 ) belong to L1 (R2 ): F(ρ) =
ρ(x) ln ρ(x)dx +
1 4π
ρ(x) ln |x − y|ρ(y)dxdy.
(As we have seen in the first section F is well-defined on this set.) At this point we remark that we have something very precise in mind when we refer to Then, 1 δF (x) = (ln ρ(x) + 1) + ln |x − y|ρ(y)dy. δρ 2π R2 Thus, solutions ρ(x, t) of the KS system satisfy δF ∂ρ (t, x) = div ρ(x, t)∇ (x, t) . ∂t δρ It follows, at least formally, that along solutions, d F(ρ(·, t)) = − dt
2 δF ρ(x, t) ∇ (x, t) dx. δρ R2
In particular, t → F(ρ(·, t)) is monotone non-increasing.
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At this point we remark that we have something very precise in mind when we refer to an equation of the form (73) as describing gradient flow for some functional in place of F. The notion of gradient flow requires the specification of a metric, and (73) describes gradient flow for the functional F with respect to the 2-Wasserstein metric. Felix Otto [31] has shown that mass transportation arguments and other tools associated with the 2-Wasserstein metric can be very powerful tools for constructing and analyzing evolution equations of the general form (73), especially when the functional F has good convexity properties (which, alas, it lacks in the case at hand). We shall not go into this aspect of the study of (73) here, but much information can be found in [31,35]. However, whenever we use the term “gradient flow” in these notes, we mean an evolution equation of the form (73) for some functional in place of F. We now return to the case at hand, with F given by (72). Recall the Logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Inequality: if f is a nonnegative function in L1 (R2 ) such that f (x) ln f (x) and f (x) ln(1+|x|2 ) belong to L1 (R2 ), and M := R2 f dx, then 2 f (x) log f (x)dx + f (x) log |x − y|f (y)dxdy ≥ − C(M ) , M R2 R2 ×R2 with C(M ) := M (1 + ln π − ln M ). There is equality if and only if f (x) =
c (a + |x − x0 |2 )2
for some a, c > 0 and some x0 ∈ R2 . Now observe that we may write 2 M f (x) ln ρ(x)dx + ρ(x) log |x − y|ρ(y)dxdy F(ρ) = 8π M R2 R2 ×R2 M + 1− ρ(x) ln ρ(x)dx 8π R2 M M ρ(x) ln ρ(x)dx. (74) ≥ − C(M ) + 1 − 8π 8π R2
Consequence of the Logarithmic HLS Inequality: No Blow-Up for M < 8π
It follows from (74) and the monotonic decrease of F(ρ(·, t)) for solutions ρ(x, t) of the KS system with M < 8π R2
ρ(x, t) log ρ(x, t)dx ≤
1 F(ρ0 ) − C(M ) , 8π (8π − M )
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and thus, the entropy R2 ρ(x, t) log ρ(x, t)dx stays bounded, uniformly in time. This precludes the the collapse of mass into a point mass for such initial data. The use of the sharp logarithmic HLS inequality to show that for M < 8π diffusion wins over the attractant effects, so that no concentration into a point mass occurs, is due to Blanchet, Dolbeault and Perthame. Previous work in this direction, by Luckhaus and J¨ager used one of the Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequalities to show this, but their results only prove regularity for masses below a threshold that is strictly less than 8π. However, as explained next, Blow-up does occur for M > 8π.
Evolution of the Second Moment: Blow-Up for M > 8π
That 8π is the actual critical value at which diffusive and concentrating effects are balanced can be seen by computing moments. When the initial data has a finite second moment, and M > 8π, such collapse, or “blow up” does indeed occur in a finite time. To see this, we first note a weak formulation of our the KS evolution equation. Let ψ be any test function; i.e., ψ ∈ Cc∞ (R2 ). Then d dt
ψ(x)ρ(x, t)dx = 1 − 4π
Δψ(x)ρ(x, t)dx
(∇ψ(x) − ∇ψ(y)) ·
x−y ρ(x, t)ρ(y, t)dxdy |x − y|2
Fixing any a ∈ R2 and taking ψ(x) = a · x, we see that the center of mass is conserved: d xρ(x, t)dx = 0. dt R2 More interestingly, taking ψ(x) = |x|2 , we find d 1 2 M 2 . M = 4M 1 − |x| ρ(x, t)dx = 4M − dt R2 2π 8π Thus, if M > 8π, the lifetime of a smooth solution whose initial data ρ0 a finite second moment cannot exceed 1 2π |x|2 ρ0 (x)dx, (M − 8π) M R2 since after this time, the second moment would become negative, which of course is impossible.
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Equilibrium Solutions for M = 8π
When M = 8π, the critical mass, (74) shows that the functional figuring in the log HLS inequality is nothing other than F. By (73), it follows that the minimizers of the log HLS functional (for M = 8π) are stationary solutions of the KS system. By the sharp log HLS inequality, these translates of the densities 8λ λ > 0. (75) ρλ,∞ (x) := 2 (λ + |x|2 ) It is natural to ask: Are these stationary solutions stable? Do they have basins of attraction, and if so what are they? These questions are not so easy to answer by a direct analysis of the rate at which the KS evolution dissipates F, in part at least because F is not a convex functional: It is a difference of two convex functionals of different orders. (The entropy term involves no derivatives, while the energy term involves the inverse Laplacian.) However, there is another evolution equation for which the ρλ,∞ whose asymptotic behavior is much easier to analyze on account of the convexity properties of the functional that it dissipates. This is the critical fast diffusion equation in R2 . It shall turn out that there is a surprisingly close connection between the KS system and the critical fast diffusion equation, and this connection can be used to answer the questions we have raised about the stability of the ρλ,∞ for the KS system, and moreover, to give a proof of the sharp log HLS inequality itself. In the next section we introduce the critical fast diffusion equation.
The Critical Fast Diffusion Equation as Gradient Flow of an Entropy
The porous medium equation on R2 has the form ∂ u(x, t) = Δum (x, t). ∂t We are interested in the fast diffusion case, which corresponds to 1/2 ≤ m < 1, and especially in the critical fast diffusion case m = 1/2. (The critical nature of m = 1/2 shall be explained shortly.) We will also look at the rescaled version, with a restoring drift ∂ u(x, t) = Δum (x, t) + κdiv(x u(x, t)), ∂t
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where κ is a positive constant. If we introduce the entropy functional H(m) (u) H
(u) = R2
|x|2 1 m u (x) + κ u(x) dx, m−1 2
we find that (76) can be written as ∂ δH(m) , u(x, t) = div u(x, t)∇ ∂t δu
which shows that the evolution equation (76) is gradient flow for H(m) , and that for solutions of (76), ∂ (m) H (u(·, t)) = − ∂t
δH(m) 2 dx. u(x, t) ∇ δu R2
Hence the evolution drives the solutions towards minimizers of H(m) . Since H(m) (u) is a strictly convex function of u, it is easy to determine these: The Euler equation is m |x|2 um−1 + κ +C =0 m−1 2 where C is a Lagrange multiplier for R2 u(x)dx, which is conserved. Solving for u, one finds that C > 0, and u(x) =
κ 1−m C + |x|2 m 2
−1/(1−m) .
In the case m = 1/2, this reduces to 2 −2 2 2C 2 . u(x) = + |x| κ κ
For C=
λ 8
2 κ= √ , 8λ
we finally obtain u(x) =
8λ = ρ∞,λ (x). (λ + |x|2 )2
One readily checks that u = ρ∞,λ is a steady state solution to (76) with √ κ = 2/ 8λ. However, in the limiting case m = 1/2, the integrals in the definition of H(m) (u) do not converge for u = ρ∞,λ (x): The square root of
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ρ∞,λ (x) is not integrable, and ρ∞,λ (x) does not have a second moment. (No such difficulty arises for 1/2 < m < 1.) The cure is a simple renormalisation of H(1/2) : The concavity of the square root implies that √ 1 √ (u − ρ∞,λ ), 2 u ≤ 2 ρ∞,λ + √ ρ∞,λ and so u →
√ 2 √ u − ρ∞,λ 1 √ (u − ρ∞,λ ) − 2 ρ∞,λ = √ √ ρ∞,λ ρ∞,λ
defines a strictly convex function minimised at u = ρ∞,λ . Integrating this gives us our re-normalised entropy functional. Indeed, 2 √ √ u(x) − ρ∞,λ (x) 8λ λ + |x|2 − 2 u(x) + = u(x) √ √ ρ∞,λ (x) λ + |x|2 8λ √ 8λ |x|2 1 1 = u(x) √ − 2 u(x) + √ u(x) + + √ u(x). 2 λ + |x| 8λ 8λ 8λ
(1/2) . The The first term in brackets on the right is the integrand in H √ 2 next term, when integrated over R yields the constant M/ 8λ, which is unchanged under variations of u that fix the total mass M . Thus we may discard this term. The final term is not integrable on R2 . However, it is independent of u, and therefore irrelevant to our variational problem. Thus, we may discard it too. This leaves us with the re-normalised entropy functional: 2 √ √ u − ρ∞,λ Hλ [u] = . √ ρ∞,λ R2
It is easy to check that for m = 1/2, (76) can be written ∂ δHλ , u(x, t) = div u(x, t)∇ ∂t δu and the solutions satisfy d Hλ [u(t)] = − dt
δHλ 2 dx. u(x, t) ∇ δu 2
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
Monotonicity of the Logarithmic HLS Functional Under Critical Fast Diffusion
At this point, we have introduced two evolution equations, namely the KellerSegel system and the critical fast diffusion equation. We now turn to the relation between them. First, note that both have the gradient flow form δG ∂ , u(x, t) = div u(x, t)∇ ∂t δu
but for two quite different specifications of the functional G that they dissipate. Also, as we have noted, they both have the ρ∞,λ as equilibrium solutions. The connection turns out to run much deeper: Each of these evolution equations dissipates the other evolution equations driving functional, providing it with a second Lypunov functional. There is no obvious reason to expect this. A priori, all that the functionals have in common is their common set of minimizers – the ρ∞,λ . Moreover, as we have pointed out, the KS functional is not even convex, so that one might expect it to have other local minima besides the global minimizers described by Theorem 1.5. However, as we now show, this is not the case. What follows is fully developed in a paper by myself, Carrillo and Loss [11], and we shall only provide a sketch here. Consider the functional F(u) figuring in the Log HLS inequality 2 F (u) = M
u(x) ln |x − y|u(y)dxdy +
u(x) ln u(x)dx
where M=
with the domain of definition specified in Theorem 1.5. We shall now show that F (u(·, t)) is monotone decreasing when u(x, t) is a solution of ∂ u(x, t) = Δ u(x, t). ∂t (Since the functional u → F (u) is scale invariant the rescaling term κ∇ · [xu(x, t)] is irrelevant in this context.) d We now formally compute F(u(·, t)). The result, with u = u(·, t) is dt 8π −1 1/2 ln uΔu1/2 dx. − u, (−Δ) Δu L2 (R2 ) + M R2
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This reduces to 8π M
1 dx − 2
|∇u|2 dx. u3/2
Making the change of variables f = u1/4 , one has u3/2 dx = f g dx R2
f 4 dx = M
|∇u|2 dx = 16 3/2 R2 u
|∇f |2 dx.
This quantity is strictly negative by particular case of the GagliardoNirenberg inequalities for which the sharp form was recently found by Del Pino and Dolbeault [23], unless, up to a multiple and a translation, f coincides 1/4 with ρ∞,λ for some λ > 0: Theorem 2.1 For all functions f on R2 with a square integrable distributional gradient ∇f , 2 4 |∇f | dx |f | dx ≥ π |f |6 dx, (83) R2
and there is equality if and only if f is a multiple of a translate of (ρ∞,λ )1/4 for some λ > 0. Because of the good convexity properties of Hλ , one can show that for all reasonable initial data u0 with Hλ (u0 ) < ∞, the solutions to (80) tend to ρ∞,λ , as was first done by Lederman and Markowich [25]. (An earlier analysis of the long time behavior of solutions of the porous medium equation by Otto [31], using different methods, can be extended to the critical case m = 1/2, but this was not done in Otto’s paper.) One concludes F(u0 ) ≥ F(ρ∞,λ ). From here, simple approximation properties lead to a proof of the sharp Log HLS inequality, and proceeding with a little more care, one can prove the full Theorem 1.5, including the statement about cases of equality. See [11] for details. Proving the Log HLS inequality in this way gives us interesting new information about the functional F – i.e., that is has no strict local minima despite being non-convex. However, since it relies on the sharp GagliardoNirenberg inequality of Theorem 2.1, one might ask how that can be proved. The original proof of Dolbeault and Del Pino [23] was a direct argument in the calculus of variations. However, it is possible to give a dynamical proof of Theorem 2.1 which reveals it as an entropy–entropy dissipation inequality
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
for the critical fast diffusion equation. Such a proof is implicit in the work of Carrillo and Toscani [21] on the long time behavior of solutions of the porous medium equation in which they used an entropy–entropy dissipation argument generalizing the well known Bakry-Emery [2] argument for the Fokker-Planck equation; i.e., the case m = 1. For more details on this, we again refer to [11], where it is also shown that this approach yields not only the sharp Log HLS inequality, but all of the cases of HLS inequality with λ = d − 2. Since as explained in Sect. 1, these cases are dual to the corresponding Sobolev inequalities, this yields a dynamical proof of these Sobolev inequalities, However, it is not clear how to prove Lieb’s theorem in full generality by such methods. We close this section by commenting on a complementary result: For each λ > 0, the functional Hλ is decreasing along solutions of the KS system, (Of course this is only interesting if Hλ is finite for the initial data, and since finiteness of Hλ evidently entails specific behavior at infinity, this can be true for at most one value of λ. Hence what we are about to show gives one additional Lyapunov functions for the critical mass KS system, and not a whole family of them.) To see why this is the case, we formally compute: Let ρ(t, x) be a sufficiently nice solution of the PKS system. Then, with G denoting the Green’s function for −Δ on R2 , as in (71),
δHλ [ρ] δFPKS [ρ] div ρ(x, t)∇ dx δρ δρ R2 δFPKS [ρ] δHλ [ρ] ·∇ dx ρ∇ =− δρ δρ R2 1 1 =− ρ∇ √ − √ · ∇ [log ρ − G ∗ ρ] dx ρ∞,λ ρ R2 √ 1 √ xρ + ∇ ρ · ∇ [log ρ − G ∗ ρ] dx =− 2λ R2
∂ Hλ [ρ(t, ·)] = ∂t
Now, integrating by parts once more on the term involving the Green’s function,
1 √ ∇ ρ · ∇ [log ρ − G ∗ ρ] dx = 2 2 R =
1 2
|∇ρ|2 + ρ3/2
|∇ρ|2 − ρ3/2
x · ∇ρdx = −2M
ρΔG ∗ ρ
ρ3/2 dx.
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and symmetrizing in x and y, R2
x · ∇G ∗ ρdx =
1 4π
(x − y) ·
x−y M2 . ρ(t, x)ρ(t, y)dxdy = 2 |x − y| 4π
Using the last three calculations in (84), we find ∂ 1 Hλ [ρ(t, ·)] = − ∂t 2
|∇ρ|2 + ρ3/2
1 ρ3/2 dx + √ 2 2λ R
2M − M 2 4π
Notice that the constant term vanishes in critical mass case M = 8π. Thus, the following lemma tells us that the right hand side of (85) is non-positive for M = 8π. Lemma 2.2 (Dissipation of Hλ ) For all densities ρ mass M = 8π, −
1 2
|∇ρ(x)|2 dx + ρ3/2 (x)
ρ3/2 (x)dx ≤ 0,
and moreover, there is equality if and only ρ is a translate of ρ∞,λ for some λ > 0. The proof is, of course, another application of Theorem 2.1. This second Lyapunov function may be used to prove the stability of the equilibrium solutions ρ∞,λ of the critical mass KS system, and to prove the existence of basins of convergence for them. This is done in [6], making full use of the convexity properties on Hλ . It turns out to require considerable effort to make the above formal calculations rigorous, but again this is a subject in which the details are beautiful, and worth the effort. For the details, we refer to [6]. Let us close this section with a brief summary: We have introduced two dissipative evolution equations with the same equilibrium solutions. We have then seen a surprising connection between them: Each dissipates the functional associated to the other. We have seen how this has two types of applications. On the one had, one may use this to give a dynamical proof of certain functional inequalities – in this case the Log HLS inequality, or the λ = d − 2 cases of the HLS inequality. On the other hand, one can use the second Lyapunov functional provided by this circumstance to prove result about the long time behavior of solutions of one of the equations. As we shall see, later in these notes, there are other interesting and natural examples of this phenomena, and a natural scenario in which it arises has been investigated by Mathes, McCann and Savare [29]. However, our example here does not fall into the scope of the [29]. As indicated above, there is a dynamical approach to proving certain special cases of the HLS inequality using the porous medium equation for fast diffusion. At present, it is not known how to give such a PDE based proof
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
in general. However, going to a discrete time dynamics, there is a dynamical proof of the full sharp HLS inequality, as we explain in the next section.
Competing Symmetries: A Dynamical Proof of the HLS Inequality and More
The functional Φλ (f ) given by Φλ (f ) =
f (x)|x − y|−λ f (y)dxdy f 2p(λ)
with p(λ) = 2d/(2d − λ) has a large symmetry group, the extent of which went undiscovered until Lieb’s work of 1983. As we have already noted, it is invariant under the scaling transformations f (x) → f (x/s), and in fact, this invariance determines the value p = p(λ) = 2d/(2d − λ). Also, it is even more obviously invariant under translations f (x) → f (x − x0 ). But much less obviously, it is invariant under the full conformal group. To see this, it suffices to check that Φλ is invariant under the inversion f (x) → |x|−2d/p(λ) f (x/|x|2 ). This is easy to check directly, but a somewhat roundabout route provides more insight. Let (s1 , . . . , sd , sd+1 ) =: (s, sd+1 ) denote a generic point in S d , the unit sphere in Rd+1 . The stereographic projection S from S d to Rd ∪ {∞} is the bijection given by s . S[(s, sd+1 )] = 1 + sd+1 The inverse is S−1 [x] =
1 2x, 1 − |x|2 . 2 1 + |x|
In the case d = 1, these definitions reduce to S[(s1 , s2 )] =
s1 1 + s2
S−1 [x] =
1 − |x|2 2x , 2 1 + |x| 1 + |x|2
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Let s denote (s, sd+1 ), a generic point in S d . For s and t in S d+1 , let x and y be given by x = S−1 (s) and y = S−1 (t). Then a straightforward calculation yields |s − t|2 =
4 |x − y|2 . (1 + |x|2 )(1 + |y|2 )
The Jacobian of the stereographic projection is readily computed, and one has d 2 dx dS = 1 + |x|2 where dS is the uniform measure on S d induced by the embedding of S d in Rd+1 . For any p with 1 < p < ∞, the point transformation S induces an isometry between Lp (Rd ) and Lp(S d ) through the identification F ↔f
F (s) = f (x(s))
2 1 + |x(s)|2
−d/p .
|F (s)|p dS =
Now define w(x) :=
|F (s(x))|p 2 1 + |x(s)|2
2 1 + |x|2
dx = Rd
|f (x)|p dx.
so that F [s(x)] = f (x)w−1/p (x).
f (x)|x − y|−λ f (y)dxdy =
[f (x)w(x)−1/p ]
× w−1/p (x)|x − y|−λ w−1/p (y) [f (y)w−1/p (y)]w(x)dxw(y)dy
Now recalling |s − t|2 = we see that provided we have
4 |x − y|2 (1 + |x|2 )(1 + |y|2 ) 1/p = λ/2d,
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
f (x)|x − y|−λ f (y)dxdy =
Since with p(λ) =
2d , 2d − λ
F (s)|s − t|−λ F (t)dS(s)dS(t). Sd
1 λ = , we have: p (λ) 2d
f (x)|x − y|−λ f (y)dxdy = f p(λ)2
F (s)|s − t|−λ F (t)dS(s)dS(t) . F p(λ)2
This calculation, due to Lieb [27], reveals the conformal invariance of the HLS functional: In the from on the right, it is obviously invariant under rotations on the sphere, which are of course conformal. While the obvious symmetries – translation and scaling – make it non trivial to prove existence of minimizers, the larger full conformal symmetry can be used to both prove existence of minimizers and identify them. This shall be done by a competing symmetries argument, due to Michael Loss and myself, which uses the symmetries to construct a dynamics that drives trial functions to the optimizers while increasing the functional. (We are seeking a sharp upper bound.) The original paper developing these ideas is [15]. Additional applications, including one to the Euclidean Onofri inequality, and hence by duality to the Log HLS inequality in on R2 were given in [16]. Further developments were made in [17] and [18], and it is this last reference that we shall follow here. A key ingredient in the definition of the discrete dynamics is a rearrangement operation that we discuss next.
For a non-negative measurable function f on Rd that vanishes at infinity, define f ∗ to be the radial decreasing function such that L({x : f (x) ≥ t }) = L({x : f ∗ (x) ≥ t }) for all t > 0, where L denotes Lebesgue measure. From the very definition, f and f ∗ have the same distribution function, and so for any continuous increasing function ϕ on R+ with Φ(0) = 0,
ϕ[f (x)]dx = −
ϕ(t)dL({x : f (x) ≥ t }) =
In particular, for all 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, f p = f ∗ p .
ϕ[f ∗ (x)]dx.
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For f in Lp (Rd ), define V f = |f |∗ . As we have just seen, V f p = f p. Less obvious, but also true is that f → V f is a contraction on Lp (Rd ). That is, for f, g ∈ Lp (Rd ), V f − V gp ≤ f − gp. We shall need a little more than this, so let us look at why it is true first in the special case p = 2 and f, g ≥ 0: We can then write ∞ ∞ 1{f (x)>t} dt and g(x) = 1{g(x)>t} dt. f (x) = 0
Thus, Rd
f (x)g(x)dx =
∞ 0
1{f (x)>t} 1{g(x)>s} dtds dx.
Now use Fubini’s Theorem and observe that 1{f (x)>t} 1{g(x)>s} dx = L [{x : f (x) ≥ t } ∩ {x : g(x) ≥ s })]
≤ min L ({x : f (x) ≥ t }) , L ({x : g(x) ≥ s }) , (87)
since, after all, for any two sets A and B, A∩B is contained in both A and B. Indeed, for this reason, unless either A ⊂ B or B ⊂ A, there will be strict inequality in (87). Replacing f and g by the rearranged functions f ∗ and g ∗ , we will have equality, since, both {x : f ∗ (x) ≥ t }) and {x : g ∗ (x) ≥ t }) are centered balls, so one of them is contained in the other. Thus,
∗ ∗ 1{f ∗ (x)>t} 1{g∗ (x)>s} dx = min L({x : f (x) ≥ t}), L({x : g (x) ≥ s})
= min L({x : f (x) ≥ t}), L({x : g(x) ≥ s}) ≥
1{f (x)>t} 1{g(x)>s} dx,
where the second equality is the equimeasurability. Thus, 1{f (x)>t} 1{g(x)>s} dx ≤ 1{f ∗ (x)>t} 1{g∗ (x)>s} dx Rd
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and there is equality if and only if for almost every s and t, one the sets {x : f (x) ≥ t } and {x : g(x) ≥ s} is contained in the other. Since f − g22 = f 22 + g22 −
f (x)g(x)dx, we see that
f − g2 ≥ f ∗ − g ∗ 2 with the same condition on cases of equality as just above. The condition for equality can be made explicit in case g = g ∗ and for each R > 0, there is a t > 0 so that {x : g(x) ≥ t} = {x : |x| ≤ R} =: BR . In this case
f − g2 = f ∗ − g ∗ 2
f∗ = f
Indeed, under these conditions, the statement that for almost every s and t one the sets {x : f (x) ≥ t } and {x : g(x) ≥ s } is contained in the other becomes: For almost every t and R, either {x : f (x) ≥ t } ⊂ BR
⊂ {x : f (x) ≥ t }.
Evidently, this forces {x : f (x) ≥ t } to be a centered ball, so f = f ∗ . This argument is easily extended to Lp norms (and beyond) and one has Theorem 3.1 For all 1 < p < ∞, and all f and g in Lp (Rd ), f ∗ − g ∗ p ≤ f − gp . If furthermore g = g ∗ and for each R > 0, there is a t > 0 so that {x : g(x) ≥ t} = {x : |x| ≤ R} =: BR , then
f − gp = f ∗ − g ∗ p
f∗ = f
The inequality has been proved by a number of authors, including Crandal and Tartar, and Chiti. The statement about cases of equality is from [15], where the full Theorem is proved.
The Riesz Rearrangement Inequality
For three non-negative functions f , g and h on Rd , the Riesz Rearrangement Inequality.
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If f ∗ denotes the spherical decreasing rearrangement of f , then we have as a special case of the the Riesz rearrangement inequality say that f (x)g(x − y)h(y)dxdy ≤ f ∗ (x)g ∗ (x − y)h∗ (y). Rd
The cases of equality here are quite subtle, but have been completely determined by Almut Burchard [10]. However, in our application (and many others) the “middle function” g is already rearranged, and have every ball as a level set. In this case, there is a straightforward statement one can make about cases of equality, which is due to Lieb [26]: Theorem 3.2 Suppose that g is a non-negative function on Rd such that g = g ∗ and for each R > 0, there is a t > 0 so that {x : g(x) ≥ t} = {x : |x| ≤ R} =: BR ,
f (x)g(x − y)f (y)dxdy =
f ∗ (x)g(x − y)f ∗ (y)
implies that f ∗ is a translate of f ; i.e., there exists an x0 ∈ Rd so that f ∗ (x) = f (x − x0 ) almost everywhere.
The Main Ideas of Competing Symmetries as Applied to the HLS Inequality
Putting together what we have learned about rearrangements, Rd
f ∗ (x)|x − y|−λ f ∗ (y)dxdy ≥ f p(λ)2
f (x)|x − y|−λ f (y)dxdy , f p(λ)2
and there is equality if and only if f ∗ is a translate of f . This tells us we need only look at trial functions f for which f = f ∗ . However, this reduction by itself does not help so much: There is no uniqueness result for the Euler–Lagrange equation 2−p(λ) |x − y|−λ f (y)dy = Cλ,d f p(λ) f p(λ)−1 (x) Rd
in the class of radial decreasing functions f . Indeed, there do exist spurious solution that are almost in Lp (Rd ); see [27]. However, there is a way to get more out of the rearrangement using the identity
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
Φλ (f ) =
f (x)|x−y|−λ f (y)dxdy = f p(λ)2
Rd Rd
F (s)|s−t|−λ F (t)dS(s)dS(t) . F p(λ)2
S d Sd
Consider an f0 that is already rearranged (we done that). Then “lift” f up to the sphere using the stereographic projection, getting F0 . Recalling −d/p 2 F0 (s) =: f0 (x(s)) , 1 + |x(s)|2 we see that since f0 is rearranged, its level sets are centered balls. It follows that F0 is constant in the slices of S d consisting points that have the same distance from the “north pole” (0, . . . , 0, 1) ∈ S d . Now rotate F0 , and then project it back down to Rd . For d > 1, use the rotation that takes the north pole to somewhere on the equator. Call the result U F0 . Now define U f0 by U F1 (s) =: U f0 (x(s))
2 1 + |x(s)|2
−d/p ,
Observe that all of the new rotated slices cut across several of the original slices, and the one at the rotated equator cuts across all of the original slices. It follows that unless F0 is constant, it is impossible for U f0 to be rearranged (or even radial). • We can now further increase the HLS functional by rearranging U f0 , so define f 1 = V U f0 . Iterating this two-step procedure, we get the discrete time dynamics introduced in [15]. In more detail, it is this: Starting from any trial function f and defining f0 = f ∗ , we inductively define the sequence {fn }n≥0 through fn = V U fn−1 , and we have Φλ (fn ) ≥ Φλ (fn−1 ). Here is what this is good for. Suppose that this sequence converges strongly in Lp (Rd ) – due to some compactness property. Then, as we shall show, g := lim fn n→∞
must be a fixed point of both U and V .
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This allows us to identify g: Since g is fixed under V , g is rearranged. Since g is fixed under U , it follows that both g and U g are rearranged. As we have observed before, this means that G is constant, where G(s) = g(x(s))
2 1 + |x(s)|2
−d/p .
Therefore, g(x) is a constant multiple of h(x) :=
2 1 + |x|2
−d/p .
From this, and the very nice convergence and uniformity properties of the sequence {fn }n≥0 , we shall be able to show that Φλ (h) = Φλ (g) = lim Φλ (fn ) ≥ Φλ (f0 ) ≥ Φλ (f ), n→∞
which proves the inequality Φλ (h) ≥ Φλ (f ) for arbitrary f .
A General Competing Symmetries Theorem
The application to the HLS inequality that we have indicated above is just one application of the competing symmetries scheme, and so we now formulate a general version. While it will be useful to keep in mind the specific example that we have just introduced, the proof of convergence will be simpler if we free it from this specific context. We work in the following setting: Let B denote a Banach space of real– valued functions on a topological space M . Its norm is denoted by · and the cone of nonnegative functions by B+ ; we suppose the norm is such that B+ is closed. The ordering g ≥ f means that g − f ∈ B+ . The applications that we shall make concern the case in which B is Lp (Rn ). Our goal is to construct a “dynamics” on these spaces which carries any given trial function onto a small “attractor” on which a search for the extremals of some functional can be readily accomplished. In particular, this is the case if the attractor consists of a single point, which as we have indicated, is the case in the application to HLS. We shall construct our dynamics using operators which share certain standard but useful properties; we refer to operators with these characteristics as properly contractive. Definition 3.3 (Properly contractive) An operator A on B is called properly contractive provided that:
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
A is norm preserving on B+ , i.e.,Af = f for all f ∈ B+ , A is contractive on B+ , i.e., for all f, g ∈ B+ Af − Ag ≤ f − g, A is order preserving on B+ , i.e., f ≤ g → Af ≤ Ag for all f, g ∈ B+ , A is homogeneous of degree one on B+ , i.e., A(λf ) = λAf for all λ ≥ 0 and f ∈ B+ .
Note that we do not require linearity. The examples of properly contractive operators relevant to our applications include rearrangements – which are not linear – and the isometries induced by certain point transformations – which are linear. The next definition contains the essential conditions which will enable us to prove the convergence of our iteration procedure. In the definition, and what follows, R(T ) denotes the range of the operator T . Definition 3.4 (competitive operators) Given a pair of properly contractive operators U and V , it is said that U competes with V if for f ∈ B+ f ∈ R(V ) ∩ U R(V )
U f = f,
i.e., that f is a fixed point of U .Here R denotes the range. The example to keep in mind here is the one we have explained above: V is the symmetric deceasing rearrangement, and U is the isometry induced by the conformal transformation that maps the “north pole” onto the some point on the “equator” of S d , identified with Rd ∪ {∞} via the stereographic projection. Theorem 3.5 (competing symmetries) Suppose U and V are properly contractive operators, V 2 = V , and that U competes with V . Suppose further ˜+ ⊂ B+ and sets KN with ˜ that there is a dense set B N KN = B+ such that U KN , V KN ⊂ KN and V KN is compact in B. Finally suppose that there exists some function h ∈ B+ with U h = V h = h and such that for f ∈ B+ V f − h = f − h ⇒ V f = f. Then for any f ∈ B+
T f ≡ lim (V U )n f n→∞
exists. Extended to all of B, T is properly contractive and its range is invariant under both U and V , i.e., U T = T,
Furthermore T KN ⊂ T KN which is compact for all N .
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Remark 3.6 Since h is invariant under V and since V is contractive it follows automatically that V f − h ≤ f − h. The condition V f − h = f − h ⇒ V f = f. says that if f is not invariant under V , then it moves strictly closer to h under V . This enables us to use the distance to h as a “Liapounov–function” for our dynamics given by (V U )n . ˜+ . Then f ∈ KN for some N and fn = Proof: First suppose that f ∈ B n (V U ) f is a compact sequence in B+ . The next point to note is that the sequence {fn } moves simultaneously closer to all functions in B+ invariant under both U and V . For ω ∈ B+ with U ω = ω and V ω = ω one has fn+1 − ω = V U fn − V U ω ≤ U fn − U ω ≤ fn − ω by “peeling off” the operators V and U . This has the consequence that if for a subsequence limk→∞ fnk = ω with ω invariant as above then the whole sequence converges to ω. Next consider D = inf fn − h n
Since {fn } is compact there exists a subsequence fnk with limk→∞ fnk = g and D = g − h. Since U and V are continuous V U g = limk→∞ fnk +1 and thus D ≤ V U g − h ≤ U g − h ≤ g − h = D – again, this a “peeling off” argument, using that U h = V h = h. Thus V U g − h = U g − h and by the strict contraction property of V ; i.e., V ϕ − h = ϕ − h ⇒ V ϕ = ϕ, applied with ϕ = U g, V U g = U g. •This shows that U g is invariant under V , and hence U g ∈ R(V ). Next we shall show that U g ∈ U R(V ). Recall that since U and V compete, U g ∈ R(V ) ∩ U R(V )
U 2 g = U g,
and hence this will have the consequence that • U g is invariant under U . To see that U g ∈ U R(V ), observe that since g = limk→∞ fnk and since V is continuous, V g = limk→∞ V fnk . But by construction, fn ∈ R(V ) for all n.
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
Then, since V 2 = V , V g = lim V fnk = lim fnk = g. k→∞
Thus, g ∈ R(V ). But then tautologically, U g ∈ U R(V ). In summary so far, • U g is invariant under both U and V . Now, by the initial observation made in the proof, ⇒
lim fnk = g
lim fn = g.
Then since U and V are continuous, g = lim (V U )n f = lim V U (V U )n f = V U g = U g. n→∞
Thus, • g itself is invariant under both U and V . ˜+ , so that in the above Now define T f = limn→∞ (V U )n f for f in B notation, T f = g. As we have seen g is invariant under U and V , so UT = T
and V T = T.
It is obvious that T thus defined is properly contractive and that T KN ⊂ KN since U and V map each KN into itself.
Application to the HLS Inequality
Let U and V be the transformation that we have introduced above in connection with the HLS inequality. To apply the theorem to this pair U and V , we may choose for KN the set of nonnegative functions f with f (x) ≤ N h(x) with h(x) = n/p 2 n −1/p . Functions in N KN are dense in Lp (Rn )+ . The |S | 2 1+|x| desired compactness comes from the Helly selection principle, and the facts that V KN ⊂ KN and U KN ⊂ KN are clear. Now we can apply the theorem and obtain Theorem 3.7 (conformal rotations of Rn compete with rearrange– ments) For any f ∈ Lp (Rn )+ , V, U as above we have that lim (V U )n V f = f p · h
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with the convergence taking place in Lp (Rn ). If f is contained in KN for some N , then so is each (V U )n V f . To conclude, we must show that lim Φλ (fn ) = Φλ (f h) = Φλ (h).
This follows from the order preserving properties of U and V , and the Dominated Convergence Theorem since fn (x)|x − y|−λ fn (y) ≤ N 2 h(x)|x − y|−λ h(y), and the right hand side is integrable.
Cases of Equality
By Lieb’s Theorem [26] on the cases of equality in the Riesz rearrangement inequality, along the sequence {(V U )n f0 }n≥0 we have:
fn (x)|x − y|−λ fn (y)dxdy ≥ f p(λ)2
fn−1 (x)|x − y|−λ fn−1 (y)dxdy f p(λ)2
with strict inequality unless fn is a translate of fn−1. But if for each n, V acts by translation – which is conformal – then, each fn is a conformal transformation of f0 . Since {(V U )n f0 }n≥0 converges strongly to d/p 2 f0 p |S d |−1 , 1 + |x|2 it must be the case that f0 is a conformal transformation of this last function. That is, f0 must have the form −d/p c a + |x − x0 |2 for some c, a > 0, and some x0 ∈ Rd . Indeed, it is easy to see that this class of functions is conformally invariant: Invariance under scalings and translations is obvious, and it is easy to check invariance under inversion: f (x) → |x|−2d/p(λ) f (x/|x|2 ). Since the operations generate the full (global) conformal group, our class of functions is invariant under it in general. Thus, this is all of what you get by acting on h by conformal transformations.
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
Evidently, if f0 is one of these functions, i.e., one of the HLS optimizers, the sequence {(V U )n f0 }n≥0 generated by our dynamics simply moves across “submanifold” of optimizers, finally reaching the one we have singled out, that is, f − 0p h. This particular optimizer was singled out when we set up the stereographic projection: We picked an origin and a scale in doing so. The following theorem may be used to settle all the cases of equality in various minimization problems. This result is applicable to a broader class of functionals that those to which one can apply Lieb’s Theorem [26] on cases of equality in the Riesz rearrangement inequality. For example a theorem of Brothers and Ziemer [9] characterizes those functions f for which ∇f 2 = ∇f ∗ 2 : The level sets of f must all be balls, but they need not be concentric. Theorem 3.8 Let f be an integrable non-negative function on Rd , d ≥ 2, such that for every conformal transformation U , all of the sets {x : U f (x) > λ}
λ > 0,
are equivalent to balls. Then for some a, c > 0 and x0 ∈ Rd , f is of the form f (x) = c(a2 + |x − x0 |2 )−d . The proof, which is given in [18], is somewhat intricate, but the starting point is worth mentioning: Any non negative measurable function f all of whose level sets are balls has a natural lower semicontinuous version f˜ f˜(x) =
∞ 0
χλ (x)dλ
where χλ is the characteristic function of the open ball to which {x : f (x) > λ} is equivalent. In fact, as is easy to see, f˜ is the pointwise maximal lower semicontinuous version of f . Note that since U is order preserving U˜f = U f˜; i.e. the choice of this version is conformally invariant.
Other Applications of Competing Symmetries
While a number of other applications have been given in the papers [15– 18], let us emphasize, with reference to the inequalities discussed here, that one can use this method to prove the Logarithmic HLS Inequality [17], and the Euclidean Onofri inequality [16]. This finally brings us to a proof of Theorem 1.5 – including the determination of all of the cases of equality. (Recall that the inequality itself could be deduced by a differentiation procedure for the HLS inequality.)
E.A. Carlen
Another interesting example is a multilinear HLS inequality, due to Beckner, and applied by Morpurgo. The simplest form involves the functional f (x)|x − y|−μ f (y)|y − z|−μ f (z)dxdydz. f → Rd
Generalized Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities
In this section, we shall give dynamical proofs by PDE methods of another class of functional inequalities: The Brascamp-Lieb inequality [8] is a generalization and a sharpening of the classical Young’s inequality [36, 37], which is the following: For non-negative measurable functions f1 , f2 and f3 on R, and 1/p1 + 1/p2 + 1/p3 = 2, f1 (x)f2 (x − y)f3 (y)dxdy R2
f1p1 (t)dt
1/p1 R
f2p2 (t)dt
1/p2 R
f3p3 (t)dt
1/p3 .
Define the vectors a1 , a2 and a3 in R2 by a1 = (1, 0)
a2 = (1, −1)
and a3 = (0, 1).
Then (89) can be rewritten as ⎞ ⎛ 1/pj 3 3 p ⎝ fj (aj · x)⎠ d2 x ≤ fj j (t)dt . R2
For a long time it was an open problem to find the sharp constant C in Young’s inequality, where C is given by ⎧ " ⎫ 3 ⎨ R2 f (a · x) d2 x ⎬ j j j=1 C = sup , "3 ⎩ ⎭ j=1 fj pj again with 1/p1 + 1/p2 + 1/p3 = 2, which must hold on account of scaling if C is to be finite. Let q be the index dual to p3 , so that 1/q = 1 − 1/p3 . Then 1/p1 + 1/p2 = 1 + 1/q,
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
and we then have the convolution inequality f1 ∗ f2 q ≤ Cf1 p1 f2 p2 . The problem of determining the sharp value of C was solved in 1975 simultaneously by Brascamp and Lieb [8] on the one hand, and Beckner [4] on the other hand, using very different methods. Brascamp and Lieb proved a more general inequality, concerning more than three functions, based on an analysis of the following optimization problem: For any N ≥ M , let a 1 , a 2 , . . . , aN be a set of N non zero vectors spanning RM . Let f1 , f2 , . . . , fN be a set of N non negative measurable functions on R. Given numbers pj with 1 ≤ pj ≤ ∞ for j = 1, 2 . . . , N , form the vector p = (1/p1 , 1/p2 , . . . , 1/pN ), and define
D(p) = sup
j=1 fj (aj · x)d "N j=1 fj pj
& : fj ∈ L (R) pj
j = 1, 2, . . . , N
The Brascamp-Lieb Theorem reduces the computation of D(p) to a finite dimensional variational problem: Let G denote the set of all centered Gaussian function functions on R. That is, g(x) ∈ G if and only if 2
g(x) = ce−(sx)
for some s > 0 and some constant c. Define DG (p) by
"N & N j=1 gj (aj · x)d x RM : gj ∈ G j = 1, 2, . . . , N . DG (p) = sup "N j=1 gj pj The Brascamp-Lieb theorem says that D(p) = DG (p), and hence
N RM j=1
fj (aj · x)dN x ≤ DG (p)
fj pj .
This can be used to explicitly compute sharp constants in certain cases. For instance, when M = 2 and N = 3, DG (p) may be evaluated, and this gives the sharp constant in the classical Young’s inequality for convolutions. In fact, in this case one may return to f1 ∗ f2 q ≤ Cf1 p1 f2 p2 , and see what one gets using centered Gaussians where both sides are easily computed.
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Although the computation of DG (p) is a finite dimensional problem, for N > 3 it is still quite non-trivial: It is quite non-trivial even to determine the full set of vectors p for which this quantity is finite, and when a Gaussian optimizer exists. In the present context, this problem was solved only recently by Barthe [3]. Of course, there is the obvious scaling condition N ' 1 = M. p j j=1
This must hold for exactly the same reasons (3) must hold in the HLS inequality. Brascamp and Lieb showed that whenever one also has that every set of M vectors chosen from the {a1 , . . . , aN } are linearly independent, a Gaussian maximizer exists. Lieb [28] later further generalized Young’s inequality by replacing the maps x → aj · x by
x → Aj x
where Aj is a linear transformation from RM to Rmj , and of course then fj is to be a non-negative measurable function on Rmj . However, one if free to consider much wider generalizations: One is not restricted to linear transformations, or even Lebesgue measure on Euclidean spaces: Definition 4.1 Given measure spaces (Ω, S, μ) and (Mj , Mj , νj ), j = 1, . . . , N, not necessarily distinct, together with measurable functions φj : Ω → Mj and numbers p1 , . . . , pN with 1 ≤ pj ≤ ∞, 1 ≤ j ≤ N , we say that a generalized Brascamp-Lieb inequality holds for {φ1 , . . . , φN } and {p1 , . . . , pN } in case there is a finite constant C such that N Ω j=1
fj ◦ φj dμ ≤ C
fj Lpj (νj )
holds whenever fj is non negative and measurable on Mj , j = 1, . . . , N . In the next three section, we give three examples.
The Brascamp-Lieb Inequality with a Gaussian Reference Measure
Theorem 4.2 Let V1 , . . . , VN are N non zero subspaces of Rn , and for each j, and let dj denote the dimension of Vj . Define Pj to be the orthogonal
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
projection of Rn onto Vj . Given the numbers pj , 1 ≤ pj < ∞ for j = 1, . . . , N , there exists a finite constant C such that
Rn j=1
f ◦ Pj (x)γn (x)dx ≤ C
p fj j (y)γdj (y)dy
holds for all non negative fj on Vj , j = 1, . . . , N , if and only if n ' 1 Pj ≤ I p j j=1
and in this case, C = 1. This theorem is proved in [13].
A Brascamp-Lieb Inequality the Sphere
Now let {e1 , . . . , eN } denote the standard orthonormal basis in RN , and define φj (x) on S N −1 by φj (x) = ej · x. Then: Theorem 4.3 For all non negative functions fj on [−1, 1], j = 1, . . . , N
S N −1 j=1
fj (ej · x)dμ ≤
n j=1
S N −1
fjp (ej
1/p · x)dμ ,
for all p ≥ 2. Moreover, for any p < 2 it is possible for the left hand side to be infinite, while the right hand side is finite. Finally, for p ≥ 2, and N ≥ 3, there is equality if and only if each fj is constant, or one of the fj is identically zero. This theorem is proved in [14].
A Brascamp-Lieb Inequality the Permutation Group
Let SN denote the symmetric group on N letters; i.e., the group of all permutations σ of {1, . . . , N }. Let μ denote the uniform probability measure on SN so that if g is any function on SN , 1 ' g(σ)dμ = g(σ). N! SN N σ∈S
E.A. Carlen
We may identify vectors in CN with complex valued functions on {1,. . . ,N } as follows: If f : {1, . . . , N } → C, let f be the vector in CN whose jth entry is f (j). Conversely, given a vector f in CN , define the function f by setting f (j) equal to the jth component of f . For 1 ≤ k ≤ N , define the function φk : SN → {1, . . . , N } by φk (σ) = σ(k). If f : {1, . . . , N } → C, then f ◦ φk : SN → C. Theorem 4.4 For all N ≥ 2, given non-negative measurable functions f1 , . . . , fN , on {1, . . . , N }, ⎛
⎝ SN
⎞ fj ◦ φj ⎠ dμ ≤
fj ◦ φj Lp (SN ) .
for all p ≥ 2. For every p ≥ 2 and N ≥ 2, there is equality if and only if some function fj vanishes identically, or else each fj is constant. This theorem is proved in [14]. It may be reformulated as an inequality about permanents: Let {f1 , . . . , fN } be any N complex valued functions on {1, . . . , N }. For 1 ≤ j ≤ N , let f j denote the corresponding vector in CN , and let F denote the N × N matrix whose jth column is f j . Then
N SN j=1
(fj ◦ φj )dμ =
1 perm(F ). N!
Let · p denote the Lp norm on (SN , μ), and note that √
N fj ◦ φj 2 = |f j |,
where |f j |2 denote the sum of the absolute squares of the entries of f j . Therefore, we can rephrase the Brascamp-Lieb inequality on the permutation group as a statement relating the size of perm(F ) to the size of the columns of F , analogous " to Hadamard’s inequality for determinants which states that | det(F )| ≤ N j=1 |f j |. For permanents, the result is: Theorem 4.5 For any vectors f 1 , . . . , f N in CN we have the inequality |perm(F )| ≤
N N! |f j |. N N/2 j=1
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For N > 2, there is equality in (91) if and only if at least one of the vectors f j is zero, or else F is a rank one matrix and, moreover, each of the vectors f j is a constant modulus vector; i.e., its entries all have the same absolute value. Consideration of such bounds arises naturally in combinatorics, and Alex Samorodnitsky [32] has also obtained a proof of this, among other things, at about the same time. Our interest in it as an example of a Brascamp-Lieb inequality is this: Formally, the BL inequality on SN and the BL inequality on S N −1 are very similar, and may be proved in the same way, using a non linear heat flow – as we shall see. However, for S N −1 there is no finite constant for p < 2, while obviously for SN there must be. Finding the sharp constant as a function of p for p < 2 is a problem of considerable interest.
Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities and Entropy
The original motivation for proving the Brascamp-Lieb inequality on S N −1 was to better understand a result on the subadditivity of the entropy on S N −1 . Given a probability density f on some measure space (Ω, B, μ), define the entropy S(f ) by S(f ) =
f ln f dμ Ω
provided f ln f is integrable. Now let φ : Ω → R be measurable. Let ν be a Borel measure on R, and define f(φ) to be the probability density on (R, B, ν) such that for all bounded continuous functions ψ on R, ψ(φ(x))f (x)dμ(x) = ψ(t)f(φ) (t)dν(t). (92) R
In other words, the measure f(φ) dν is the “push–forward” of the measure f dμ under φ: φ#(f dμ) = f(φ) dν, and can be thought of as a “marginal”. The entropy of S(f(φ) ) is defined just as S(f ) was, except with (R, B, ν) replacing (Ω, S, μ). Now take Ω = S N −1 , and let μ be the uniform probability measure on N −1 S . Then take ν to be the probability measure on R that is the law of u · x, where u is any unit vector in Rn , so that for all continuous functions φ, ψ(u · x)dμ(x) = ψ(t)dν(t). S N −1
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(By the rotational invariance of μ, this does not depend on the choice of u.) Now let {e1 , . . . , en } denote the standard orthonormal basis in Rn , and define φj (x) on S n−1 by φj (x) = ej · x. Then one has: Theorem 4.6 For all N ≥ 2, given any probability density f on S N −1 , let f(φj ) be the jth marginal of f , as above, for j = 1, 2, . . . , N . Then n '
S(f(φj ) ) ≤ 2S(f ) ,
and the constant 2 is best possible. This was proved in [14]. That the constant 2 is cannot be reduced can be seen by considering a density f strongly concentrated near the “north pole”. To see that the inequality is true with the 2, we deduce it as a simple consequence of the BL inequality on the sphere. Here is a short argument that provides the passage from the BL inequality to subadditivity: Let f be any probability density on S N −1 , and let f(1) , f(2) , . . . , f(n) be its n marginals, using the shorter notation f(j) in place of f(φj ) . Then define another probability density g on S n−1 by g(x) :=
n 1 1/2 f (ej · x) C j=1 (j)
C := S n−1
f(j) (ej · x)dμ.
Then by positivity of the relative entropy (Jensen’s inequality), we have ⎛ ⎞ n ' f 1/2 ⎝ ln ln f(j) ⎠ f dμ + ln C f dμ = S(f ) − 0≤ g S N −1 S N −1 j=1 1 = S(f ) − 2 = S(f ) −
1 2
S N −1 n '
⎛ ⎞ n ' ⎝ f(j) ln f(j) ⎠ dμ + ln C j=1
S(f(j) ) + ln C.
Finally, the BL inequality implies that C=
S N −1 j=1
f(j) (ej · x)dμ ≤
n j=1
S N −1
1/2 f(j) (ej · x)dμ(x) =1
since each f(j) is a probability density. Thus, ln(C) ≤ 0. This argument may give the impression that the BL inequality is a “stronger” inequality than
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the subadditivity inequality, but as we shall see, this is not the case, as was shown in later work by myself and Dario Cordero-Erausquin. The subadditivity inequality on S N −1 may be compared to the familiar subadditivity of the entropy inequality on RN : Let G be any probability density on RN with respect to the unit Gaussian measure dγN , and let gj denote its j marginal, which is obtained by integrating out all of the variables except the jth. In this case, there is no relation among the coordinate functions. Hence
N RN j=1
so that H = inequality,
"N j=1
gj dγN =
gj dγN
= 1,
gj is another probability density on RN . Then by Jensen’s
G ln GdγN −
G ln GdγN −
G ln HdγN
N ' j=1
G ln gj dγN ,
and there is equality if and only if G = H. Defining the entropy S(G) of a density G relative to dγN by S(G) = −
G ln GdγN , this says N '
S(gj ) ≥ S(G)
with equality if and only if G = H. Note the difference between the Gaussian case and the spherical case: The latter requires an extra factor of 2 on the right, independent of N . This is due to the dependence of the coordinate functions vj resulting from the constraint (N 2 j=1 vj = 1. The difference between Gaussian case and the spherical case is striking given the close relation between dμ and dγN . The inequality in Theorem 4.6 does not depend on the radius of the sphere, since the uniform measure is normalized, and so Theorem 4.6 says that there is a dimension independent departure from the equivalence of ensembles as measured by subadditivity of the entropy.
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This dimension independence would not be guessed by linearizing the inequality in Theorem 4.6 about the F = 1; it is a non-perturbative effect. The natural perturbative calculation would suggest that the difference between the Gaussian case and the spherical case “washes out” with increasing N , as we now explain. Consider a probability density F on S N −1 of the form F = 1 + εH where H is bounded and orthogonal to 1 in L2 (S N −1 ). Then fj = Pj F = 1 + εhj where hj = Pj H, and Pj is the orthogonal projection onto functions depending only on the jth coordinate. (So Pj f is the jth marginal of f , except that now an operator notation is advantageous.) Of course hj is also orthogonal to 1 in L2 (S N −1 ). A simple and frequently encountered computation gives us S(F ) =
ε2 H2L2 (S N −1 ) +O(ε3 ) 2
N '
S(fj ) =
ε2 hj 2L2 (S N −1 ) + O(ε3 ). 2
Since hj 2L2 (S N −1 ) = Pj H, Pj HL2 (S N −1 ) = H, Pj HL2 (S N −1 ) , if we define the operator P =
N 1 ' Pj , N j=1
we have that (N j=1
S(Pj F )
S(F )
H, P HL2 (S N −1 ) + O(ε). H2L2 (S N −1 )
(N An optimist might then hope that the infimum of j=1 S(Pj F )/S(F ) taken over all probability densities F would be given by CN where
CN = inf
H, P HL2 (S N −1 ) 2 N −1 : H ∈ L (S ), H, 1L2 (S N −1 ) = 0 . H2L2 (S N −1 )
The computation of the infimum is an eigenvalue problem, and has been done by myself, Carvalho and Loss. The result is CN = 1 +
3 . N +1
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The surplus over 1, namely 3/(N + 1), measures the “departure from independence” as a function of N . Thus, if one considers densities F that deviate only slightly from the uniform density, one gets a correction term to the constant 1 in the Gaussian entropy inequality that “remembers” the dependence of the coordinates on the sphere, but which vanishes as N → ∞. The precise size of this “departure from independence” as a function of N is crucial in some problems of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The computation of CN was at the heart of recent progress in computing the rate of relaxation to equilibrium in kinetic theory by direct consideration of an N body system, as proposed long ago by Mark Kac. The fact that for more general densities F , the correction term to the Gaussian entropy inequality does not vanish as N → ∞ complicates the estimation of rates of relaxation in entropic terms for N body systems in kinetic theory.
Proof of the BL Inequality on the Sphere
Finally, we prove the BL Theorem for S N −1 using a non-linear heat semigroup. Related heat flow proof of the other examples of generalized BL inequalities may be found in the references cited above, and the case we treat here is quite representative. Here is the strategy: For 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N , i = j let Li,j = vi
∂ ∂ − vj . ∂vj ∂vi
The Laplacian on S N −1 is the operator Δ=
' i<j
L2i,j =
1' 2 Li,j . 2 i =j
The normalization of the gradient on S N −1 implicit in this is convenient; for smooth functions f and g, we write ∇f · ∇g =
' i<j
Li,j f Li,j g =
1' Li,j f Li,j g. 2 i =j
and |∇f |2 = ∇f · ∇f . Now fix any p ≥ 1. For any smooth, non negative function g in Lp (S N −1 ), and any t > 0, define 1/p . g(v, t) = etΔ g p (v)
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The first thing to observe is that g(·, t) will be smooth for all t > 0, and the Lp (S N −1 ) norm of g is conserved under this evolution: g(·, t)Lp(S N −1 ) = gLp (S N −1 ) for all t ≥ 0. The second thing to observe is that: • If g depends only on vj for some j, so does g(·, t). The reason is that g depends only on vj if and only if g is invariant under all rotations that fix the jth coordinate axis, and these rotations commute with the Laplacian. We write g(vj , t) to denote the evolution of such a function. The third thing to observe is that the evolution, though non-linear, has the semigroup property: For all s, t > 0, 1/p g(v, s + t) = esΔ g p (v, t) . The fourth thing to observe is that lim g(v, t) = gLp (S N −1 )
uniformly in v. Finally, a simple computation shows that for any smooth, non negative function g on S N −1 , 1 |∇g|2 ∂ = g 1−p Δg p = Δg + (p − 1) g(v, t) . ∂t p g t=0 Lemma 4.7 Consider any N non negative functions g1 , g2 , . . . , gN in L2 ([−1, 1], dνN ). Use p = 2 define gj (vj , t) as above. Then by the smoothing properties of the heat equation, the function φ(t) defined by φ(t) =
N S N −1 j=1
gj (vj , t)dμ
is differentiable for all t > 0, and is right continuous at t = 0. Moreover, introducing the functions hk and G defined by hj (vj , t) = ln gj (vj , t)
k = 1, 2 . . . , N
1 d φ(t) = dt 2
gj ,
' S N −1 i =k
[(Li,k hk ) − (Li,k hi )] Gdμ.
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
Proof: The statements about smoothness and continuity require no justification. Taking p = 2 and g = gk (vk , t) in ∂ 1 |∇g|2 g(v, t) = g 1−p Δg p = Δg + (p − 1) ∂t p g t=0 we have
∂ |∇gk (vk , 0)|2 gk (vk , t) . = Δgk (vk , 0) + ∂t gk (vk , 0) t=0
Hence, suppressing the arguments on the right, ⎛ ⎞ N N ' d ⎝ |∇gk |2 Δgk + gj (vj , t)dμ⎠ = dt gk S N −1 j=1 S N −1 t=0 k=1
g dμ.
=1, =k
The integral on the right can be written as
N '
S N −1 k=1
(Δgk )
N ' |∇gk |2
g dμ +
=1, =k
S N −1 k=1
g dμ.
=1, =k
Clearly, the second integral on the right is non negative. We therefore examine the first integral. Observe that Li,j gk = 0 unless either i = k or j = k. Therefore,
N ' S N −1 k=1
N ' S N −1 k=1
(Δgk ) ⎛ ⎝
g dμ =
=1, =k
L2i,k gk +
⎞ L2k,j gk ⎠
g dμ
=1, =k
Integrating by parts, N ' '
S N −1 k=1
N ' '
S N −1 k=1
L2i,k gk
g dμ =
=1, =k
Li,k gk Li,k gi
N =1, =i,k
g dμ.
E.A. Carlen
Using the notations hj (vj , t) = ln gj (vj , t)
k = 1, 2 . . . , N
gj ,
the integral on the right side of above is −
N ' '
S N −1 k=1 i
(Li,k hk Li,k hi ) Gdμ.
Doing the same integration by parts on the j > k terms in the identity at the top, and substituting i for j, we have:
N ' S N −1 k=1
(Δgk )
g dμ = −
=1, =k
S N −1 i =k
(Li,k hk Li,k hi ) Gdμ.
Going back to the positive term, and writing it in terms of the hj and G, we obtain N ' |∇gk |2
S N −1 k=1
S N −1 i =k
g dμ =
=1, =k
1 (Li,k hk ) Gdμ = 2 2
N '
(∇hk )2 Gdμ
S N −1 k=1
') * (Li,k hk )2 + (Li,k hi )2 Gdμ.
S N −1 i =k
Altogether, we have ⎛ ⎞ N ' 1 d ⎝ 2 gj (vj , t)dμ⎠ = [(Li,k hk ) − (Li,k hi )] Gdμ. dt 2 N −1 N −1 S S t=0 j=1 i =k
Proof of Theorem 4.3: By the lemma above, the difference between the right and left hand sides of the BL inequality for S N −1 is 0
⎝d dt 1 2
N S N −1 j=1
⎛ ⎝
⎞ gj (vj , t)dμ⎠ dt = '
S N −1 i =k
This proves the inequality.
⎞ 2 [(Li,k hk (vk , t)) − (Li,k hi (vi , t))] Gdμ⎠ dt ≥ 0.
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
Also, it is now clear that for all t > 0, each hk is smooth and bounded, and G is strictly positive, so that there is equality if and only if 2
[(Li,k hk ) − (Li,k hi )] = 0 for all t > 0, all v and all i = k. Fixing t, i and k, this requires vi hk (vk ) = −vk hi (vi ) for all vi and vk . Applying ∂2 ∂vi ∂vk to both sides, we obtain hk (vk ) = hi (vi ). From here, the analysis is easy.
There is yet another dynamical approach to the proof of generalized BL inequalities due to coredero-Erausquin and myself [12]. This turns on a duality argument showing that generalized BL inequalities are equivalent by duality to certain generalized subadditivity of entropy inequalities. The later may then be proven by a direct linear heat flow argument. We refer to [12]. for details on this.
The Slow Diffusion Equation
The slow diffusion equation has the same form as the fast diffusion equation ∂ u(x, t) = Δum (x, t) + κdiv(x u(x, t)), ∂t
expect now we take m > 1. In Sect. 2, we examined a remarkable relation between the critical mass Keller-Segel system and the critical fast diffusion equation. This may have seemed very special, but in this section we shall discuss another interesting case of such a relation between a pair of evolution equations. In this case, the companion equation is the thin film equation, which we now introduce.
About the Thin Film Equation
The thin film equation ∂ u = − (un uxxx)x , ∂t
x ∈ R, t > 0,
with u(x, 0) = u0 (x) ≥ 0,
x ∈ R,
and where we are using subscripts to denote partial derivatives on the right.
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We shall be concerned with the n = 1 case. Let us first rewrite it in gradient flow terms. Define the energy functional E0 by 1 |ux |2 (x)dx, E0 (u) = 2 R and then the n = 1 case of the thin film equation becomes ∂ u= ∂t
δE0 (u) u . δu x x
This has the consequence that for solutions u(·, t), E0 (u(·, t) is monotone decreasing in time. Moreover, the equation is also a conservation law: The total mass M = R u(x, t)dt is conserved. Furthermore, this equation has a scale invariance, and self–similar solutions. If one introduces v(x, t) = α(t)u(α(t)x, β(t)), where α(t) = et
and β(t) =
e5t − 1 , 5
it becomes vt = (xv − v n vxxx )x , v(x, 0) = v0 (x),
x ∈ R, t > 0, x ∈ R.
This rescaled equation has a unique steady state, found by Smyth and Hill: 2 1 2 (96) v(∞) (x) = R − |x|2 + , 24 where g+ indicates the positive part of g, and where R is determine through the conservation of mass As the solutions v(x, t) approach these steady states, the corresponding solutions u(x, t) approach to the corresponding self–similar solutions. For the investigation of the rates at which this takes place, it is important that the rescaled equation also describes a gradient flow: Introduce the energy functional E(v) where E(v) =
(|vx |2 (x) + |x|2 v(x))dx.
Then, the rescaled equation can be rewritten as δE(v) vt = u . δv x x
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
Formally then, for any solution v(x, t) of the rescaled equation E(v(·, t)) is non increasing in t. Define E(v|v (∞) ) = E(v) − E(v (∞) ) where v (∞) is the stationary solution with the same mass as v. This relative energy controls the H1 (R) distance from v to v (∞) , so a rate on its decay yields a rate on this convergence. Differentiating, along for strong solutions v(x, t) of the rescaled equation, d E(v(·, t)|v(∞) ) = −DE (v(·, t)) dt where the energy dissipation DE (v) is given by 2 DE (v) := v (vxxx − x) dx
If one had a good lower bound for DE (v) in terms of E(v(·, t)|v (∞) ), one could estimate the rate of decrease quantitatively. This seems hard to do in the present case, though one can get such estimates for an analogous problem in which R is replaced by a compact interval. Results here have been obtained in [19] and also by Tudorascu [34]. However, the methods used there do not apply in the unbounded domain case. The starting point for the developments in the rest of this section the discovery of Carrillo and Toscani [22] that the rescaled thin film equation has a second, unexpected, Liapunov functional: This is given by H(v) =
|x| v(x) +
2 3/2 v (x) dx. 3
This is an entropy that had been introduced into the study of the porous medium equation by Otto [31]. As above, one defines the relative entropy H(v|v (∞) ) = H(v) − H(v (∞) ). Carrillo and Toscani [22] have proved that d H(v(·, t)|v(∞) ) ≤ −DH (v(·, t)) dt where the partial entropy dissipation DH (v) is given by 1 DH (v) := 2
|x|2 √ 1/2 |x|2 dx. + 6v 2
E.A. Carlen
Here is where this comes from: For m > 1, the slow diffusion case of the porous medium equation ∂ u = Δum , ∂t has scaling solutions that are of the general form (C − a|x − x0 |2 )r+ . In one dimension one can make the constants match v (∞) =
1 (R2 − |x|2 )2+ 24
by choosing m = 3/2. Then the rescaled porous medium equation with the Smythe-Hill steady state 1 (R2 − |x|2 )2+ v (∞) = 24 is
2 √ 1/2 |x| ∂ u=− u + 6u . ∂t 2 x x
This is gradient flow the functional H(u) =
|x| u(x) +
2 3/2 u (x) dx. 3
Unlike the critical fast diffusion equation that came discussed in Sect. 2, this fast diffusion equation is particularly nice: Both terms in the entropy are “displacement convex” – convex along geodesics in the Wasserstein space – and the second moment term is strictly displacement convex. As Felix Otto showed [31], this leads to an entropy–entropy dissipation bound for solutions of this equation: 1 H(v|v (∞) ) ≤ DH (v). 2 This has the consequence that solution of the rescaled porous medium equation satisfy H(v(·, t)|v(∞) ) ≤ e−2t H(v0 |v (∞) ). The remarkable result of Carrillo and Toscani is that this porous medium entropy is also monotone for the rescaled thin film equation, and that the dissipation functional for the rescaled thin film equation dominates the one for the rescaled porous medium equation. Thus we can replace u by v in the inequalities above.
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
There is also a Csiszar–Kullback type inequality for H(v(·, t)|v(∞) ), namely v − v (∞) L1 (R) ≤
16 3
1/2 + v(∞) dx H(v(·, t)|v (∞) ).
In this way, they proved strong L1 (R) convergence, at an exponential rate, to the Smythe–Hill steady state. They raised, but left open, the question of H1 (R) convergence. This was addressed in [19].
Equipartition of Energy
The main idea is very simple: We can use a zeroth order entropy (no derivatives) to control a first order entropy (involving first derivatives) because of an equipartition of energy phenomenon. To explain, consider any smooth solution with finite energy E(v(·, t)). Define 2 α(v) = |x| v(x)dx and β(v) = |vx |2 (x)dx R
so that E(v) = α(v) + β(v). By a simple computation, d α(v(·, t)) = −2α(v(·, t)) + 3β(v(·, t)). dt It follows that
2α(v(∞) ) = 3β(v (∞) ).
Define α(v|v (∞) ) = α(v(·, t)) − α(v (∞) ) and
β(v|v(∞) ) = β(v(·, t)) − β(v (∞) ).
Then one also has d α(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) = −2α(v(·, t)|v(∞) ) + 3β(v(·, t)|v(∞) ). dt It is shown in [19] that for classical solutions to the rescaled thin film equation, lim (2α(v(·, t)) − 3β(v(·, t))) = 0. t→∞
E.A. Carlen
Using the results of Carrillo and Toscani, together with moment estimates, it is easy to show that consequently lim [α(v(·, t)) − α(v (∞) )] = 0.
We then have that lim [β(v(·, t)) − β(v (∞) )] = 0 and hence that t→∞
lim E(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) = 0.
This argument explains the term equipartition, but there is an even more direct way to take advantage of d α(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) = −2α(v(·, t)|v(∞) ) + 3β(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) : dt Since E(v(·, t)|v(∞) ) = α(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) + β(v(·, t)|v (∞) ), this mounts to d α(v(·, t)|v(∞) ) = −5α(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) + 3E(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) : dt Now for T > 0, integrate both sides from T to 2T . Since E(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) is monotone decreasing, we obtain α(v(·, 2T )|v (∞) )−α(v(·, T )|v (∞) )+5
α(v(·, t)|v (∞) )dt ≥ 3T E(v(·, 2T )|v(∞) ).
By the results of Carrillo and Toscani on L1 (R) convergence, together with moment bounds from [19], one has that α(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) tends to zero exponentially fast, Then α(v(·, 2T )|v
)−α(v(·, T )|v
α(v(·, t)|v(∞) )dt ≥ 3T E(v(·, 2T )|v (∞) )
shows that E(v(·, 2T )|v (∞) ) decays at essentially this same exponential rate, and thus we have the exponential H1 (R) convergence. Another approach, with some advantages, to the exponential convergence has been made recently by Mathes, McCann and Savare [29]. However, the equipartition mechanism described here is of interest in its own right as well.
Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
For Which Class of Solutions?
The theory of the thin film equation is not yet in a well developed state. Basic issues of existence of strong solutions and uniqueness remain open. So for which class of solutions can all of these formal calculations be made precise and rigorous? A very natural framework is the discrete time version of Wasserstein gradient flow due to Kinderlehrer, Jordan and Otto [24]: Pick a small time step τ > 0, and then given v0 , define , v1 = argmin τ E(v|v (∞) ) + W22 (v, v0 ) . In the same way, inductively define vn in terms of vn−1 for all n > 1. The Euler–Lagrange equation for this variational problem, as shown by Otto [31], is that the optimal map ∇ψ that pushes v1 forward to v0 satisfies ψx (x) = x + τ [x − (v1 (x))xxx ]. Now define ρt for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 by ρt = ((1 − t)Id + t∇ψ)#v1 so that ρ0 = v1 and ρ1 = v0 . Then for any displacement convex functional H(ρ), H(ρ1 ) ≥ H(ρ0 ) +
δH δρ
[ψx (x) − x]ρ0 (x)dx. x
But this is H(v0 ) − H(v1 ) ≥
δH δv1
[ψx (x) − x]v1 (x)dx. x
This applies in particular for α(v(·, t)|v (∞) ) and higher even moments of v. Moreover, by adding and subtracting ψ.x (x) = x + h(x +
√ √ 6( v)x )
which is the corresponding transportation plan for the porous medium equation, one easily derives the Carrillo-Toscani result in the discrete setting. In fact, the whole convergence argument may be developed in a transparent way along these lines. This JKO scheme is what is used in [20] to construct a class of solutions for which the equipartition argument can be rigorously proved.
E.A. Carlen
We close this section by remarking that in [29], there is a very interesting geometrical explanation given for why the m = 3/2 slow diffusion equation and n = 1 thin film equation dissipate each others driving functionals. However, this explanation does not apply to the cases of the Keller-Segal system and the critical fast diffusion equation. It would be interesting to find such an explanation for this “coincidence”. This concludes our survey of dynamics and functional inequalities, and although we have surveyed a number of aspects of the interplay between these two subjects, there is much, much more that could have been included in a longer survey – and there is much, much more waiting to be discovered. Acknowledgements Work partially supported by U.S. National Science Foundation grant DMS 06-00037.
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Functional Inequalities and Dynamics
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Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes Alexander Mielke
In these notes we want to give an overview of the recently developed theory for rate-independent systems. Such systems are used to model hysteresis, dry friction, elastoplasticity, magnetism, and phase transformation, and they are characterized by the fact that the changes of the state are driven solely by changes of the loading. More specifically, if the loading profile is applied with a factor α faster to the system, then rescaling the solution with the same factor α gives again a solution. General energy-driven systems, also called generalized gradient systems, are characterized by a triple (Z, I, R) where Z is the state space and I : def [0, T ]×Z → R∞ = R ∪ {∞} is the energy functional. We use Z to denote a general topological state space, but we use Z if it is a Banach space. For simplicity we restrict the introduction to the latter case. The dissipation potential R : Z×Z → [0, ∞] allows us to write the evolution equation in the form 0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(z, z) ˙ + ∂ z I(t, z) ⊂ Z ∗ , (1) where ∂ z denotes a suitable subgradient of I(t, ·), while ∂z˙ R(z, ·) denotes the convex subdifferential of R(z, ·). The generalized gradient system (Z, I, R) is rate independent if R(z, ·) is positively homogeneous of degree 1, since this implies ∂v R(z, αv) = ∂v R(z, v) for all α > 0. We then call (Z, I, R) a rateindependent system, shortly RIS. Hence, system (1) is necessarily nonsmooth. In fact, the convex subdifferential ∂v R(z, ·) : Z ⇒ Z ∗ is not continuous and set-valued. A. Mielke () Weierstraß Institut f¨ ur Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Mohrenstraße 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected]
S. Bianchini et al., Nonlinear PDE’s and Applications, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2028, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21861-3 3, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
A. Mielke
However, the main difference to the usually studied generalized gradient flows is that R(z, ·) has at most linear growth, and we cannot guarantee continuity of the solutions z : [0, T ] → Z. Thus, there is a need to study the question under what conditions we can guarantee absolute continuity, in such a way that (1) makes sense, see Sect. 4.3. In fact, this is only true under strong convexity assumptions, and we mainly discuss the question, how the strong differential form should be weakened to allow for solutions with jumps. To motivate the main structures of the different solution concepts for RIS, we start from the Fenchel equivalence η ∈ ∂v R(z, v)
R(z, v) + R∗ (z, η) ≤ η, v,
where R∗ (z, ·) is the Legendre-Fenchel transform of R(z, ·). While the statement on the left-hand side of this equivalence is a force balance, the statement on the fight-hand side is given in terms of energy rates. Using −η = ξ(t) ∈ ∂ z I(t, z(t)) and a chain rule, we find that (1) is equivalent to the scalar, upper energetic inequality T ˙ + R∗ (z(t), −ξ(t)) dt I(T, z(T )) + 0 R(z(t), z(t)) T ≤ I(0, z(0)) + 0 ∂t I(t, z(t)) dt.
The particularity of RIS is that R∗ (z, −ξ) only takes the two values 0 and ∞, viz. R∗ (z, −ξ) = 0 if and only if 0 ∈ ∂v R(z, 0) + ξ. Thus, the energetic inequality (2) can be rewritten in terms of two conditions local stability
0 ∈ ∂v R(z(t), 0) + ∂ z I(T, z(t)) a.e. in [0, T ],
energy inequality
I(T, z(T )) + DissR (z, [0, T ]) T ≤ I(0, z(0)) + 0 ∂t I(t, z(t)) dt,
t ˙ ds is the energy dissipated during the where DissR (z, [r, t]) = r R(z(s), z(s)) time interval [r, t]. The local stability condition is a purely static concept and does not involve any time dependence, which shows that RIS are very close to static systems. In particular, if the loading does not change on a time interval [t1 , t2 ], then the solution may also be constant. Relation (3b) is a simple scalar energy inequality, which in fact should hold as an identity and also for all times t ∈ [0, T ] and not just for t = T . In all the different solution concepts discussed below we have these two different principles, namely (a) a static stability condition and (b) an energy inequality. However, a crucial point in the definitions of solutions to RIS is always that the stability condition and the energy inequality interact in such a way that the stability condition implies a lower energy estimate on all subintervals of [0, T ], which together with the upper energy estimate (3b) provides energy balance on all subintervals.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
These arguments apply to all our notions of solutions except for the local solutions, which ask for local stability and an upper energy estimate like (3b) on each subinterval [r, t] ⊂ [0, T ]. This notion was introduced in [69], and it turns out that all solutions considered here fall into this class. In fact, we distinguish two important concepts, namely energetic solutions and BV solutions. The former were introduced in [50, 62] and surveyed in [42]. This notion is essentially the same as the notion of irreversible quasistatic evolution introduced and studied in [17, 21, 24, 25] in the context of crack or damage evolution. Since these solutions allow for jumps, the infinitesimal dissipation potential R is replaced by the more general dissipation distance D : Z×Z → [0, ∞], which is obtained via def
D(z0 , z1 ) = inf
1 r=0
R(z(r), z(r)) ˙ dr z ∈ W1,1 ([0, 1]; Z), z(0) = z0 , z(1) = z1 .
The local stability condition (3a) is replaced by the global stability condition (S), and the energy balance (E) is obtained from (3b) by replacing the dissipation functional DissR (z, [r, t]) by def
DissD (z, [r, t]) = sup
D(z(sj−1 ), z(sj )) N ∈ N, r ≤ s0 < s1 < · · · < sN ≤ t ,
see Definition 3.1. The notion of BV solutions, introduced in [59, 60], is quite different from energetic solutions, since BV solutions jump as late as possible while energetic solutions jump as soon as possible, cf. Example 2.3. The BV solutions are constructed via the so-called vanishing-viscosity limit by adding a small viscosity to (1), namely 0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(z ε , z˙ ε ) + εVz˙ ε + ∂ z I(t, z ε )
⊂ Z ∗,
and studying the limits of the viscosity approximations z ε for ε → 0, see Sects. 4.5, 4.6, and 5.3. Hence, BV solutions contain the set of approximable solutions, which are defined as all limit points of this procedure, see [19, 34, 37, 69]. While the notion of approximable solutions is simply defined by all possible limits, the set of BV solutions is characterized by the local stability condition (3a) and an energy estimate using a dissipation functional Dissp,I that is supplemented by additional terms involving the viscous effects in jumps. The new structure is the vanishing-viscosity contact potential p(z, v, ξ) = inf{ Rε (z, v) + R∗ε (z, ξ) | ε > 0 }, def
A. Mielke
BV Solutions
CD Solutions Differ. Soln.
Viscous Approximations
Local Solutions
Energetic Solutions
Parametrized Solutions
Solutions to RIS
Fig. 1 Overview on the different solution types for RIS
where Rε (z, v) = R0 (z, v) + 2ε Vv, v is the sum of the rate-independent dissipation potential R0 and the small viscosity term 2ε Vv, v. The supplemented dissipation distance then reads 1 def p( z (r), z˙ (r), −DI(t, z(r))) dr Δ(t, z0 , z1 ) = inf r=0 z ∈ W1,1 ([0, 1]; Z), z(0) = z0 , z(1) = z1 . A useful tool for the understanding the vanishing-viscosity limit is the notion of parametrized solutions, which was studied in [22, 53]. Here the def solutions z ε : [0, T ] → Z are parametrized in the extended state space ZT = [0, T ]×Z such that (t, z) = (τ ε (s), Z ε (s)) with τ˙ ε (s)+ VZ˙ ε (s), Z˙ ε (s)1/2 = 1 for a.a. s ∈ [0, S ε ]. Under suitable conditions, see Sect. 4.4 and 5.2, it is then possible to show that S ε stays bounded and that the parametrized curves converge to a limit (τ, Z) : [0, S] → ZT , namely the desired parametrized solution. Moreover, from this we obtain in a natural way BV solutions by taking any z : [0, T ] → Z, such that for all t there exists s ∈ [0, S] such that (t, z(t)) = (τ (s), Z(s)). Figure 1 summarizes the solution types we are discussing in this work. We emphasize that all these notions satisfy the natural conditions for multivalued evolutionary systems, namely the concatenation and restriction property. In these notes we concentrate on the main ideas and techniques for the different solution concepts for RIS. Thus, we refrain from giving an overview of the whole theory and application of RIS, which can be found in the forthcoming monography [48]. In particular, we refer to [18, 19, 23, 27, 41] for RIS describing the evolution of microstructure via Young-measure valued internal variables. For variational characterizations of solutions for RIS we refer to [14, 45, 49, 66].
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Basics of Rate-Independent Systems
Definition of Rate Independence
Since we develop quite abstract notions of solutions, we give a definition of rate independence that does not use differential equations. RIS occur as limit problems in many physical and mechanical systems, if the interesting time scales are much longer than the intrinsic time scales of the system. RIS are sometimes also called quasi-static systems, however, the term “quasistatic” is often used in a more general sense, namely if the inertial terms in a system are neglected but viscous effects might still be present. This survey only considers systems which satisfy the following exact definition of rate independence. The definition is formulated in terms of input functions : [t1 , t2 ] → X and the set O([t1 , t2 ], q0 , ) of possible output functions q : [t1 , t2 ] → Q with q(t1 ) = q0 . The usage of input and output functions is necessary, since RIS have no own dynamics; they rather respond to changes in the input. Definition 2.1. A input-output H is called a rate-independent system with input data q0 ∈ Q and ∈ F0 ([t1 , t2 ]; X), if the output set O([t1 , t2 ], q0 , ) ⊂ F1 ([t1 , t2 ]; Q)∩{q(t1 ) = q0 } (where F0 and F1 denote suitable function spaces) satisfies, for all strictly monotone and continuous time reparametrizations α : [t1 , t2 ] → [t∗1 , t∗2 ] with α(t1 ) = t∗1 and α(t2 ) = t∗2 , the relation q ∈ O([t1 , t2 ], q0 , )
q ◦ α ∈ O([t∗1 , t∗2 ], q0 , ◦ α).
We call the system a multi-valued evolutionary system, if the following additional conditions hold: Concatenation: q ∈ O([t1 , t2 ], q1 , ), q ∈ O([t2 , t3 ], q(t2 ), ), q(t) for t ∈ [t1 , t2 ], =⇒ q ∈ O([t1 , t3 ], q1 , ) with q(t) = q(t) for t ∈ [t2 , t3 ],
t1 ≤ t2 < t3 ≤ t4 and q ∈ O([t1 , t4 ], q1 , ) =⇒ q|[t2 ,t3 ] ∈ O([t2 , t3 ], q(t2 ), ).
To compare this notion with the RIS (Z, I, R) discussed previously, we let I(t, z) = U(z) − (t), z and find the equation 0 ∈ ∂v R(z(t), z(t)) ˙ + ∂U(z(t)) − (t), where we explicitly see the input . Assuming an existence result for this differential inclusion, it is then clear that the concatenation and restriction properties hold.
A. Mielke
RIS are used to model hysteresis, which is often associated with memory effects (cf. [11, 35, 70]). Here we take a different approach using suitable internal variables that carry all memory information. This fact is the content of the concatenation property. If on Q = Y×Z we consider a RIS we can easily obtain a system with memory by association with (q0 , ) the output set OY ([t1 , t2 ], q0 , ) given by { y ∈ F1 ([t1 , t2 ]; Y) | ∃ z ∈ F1 ([t1 , t2 ]; Z): (y, z) ∈ O([t1 , t2 ], q0 , ) }. Clearly, the concatenation and the restriction properties are then lost.
Differentiable Formulations and the Decomposition into Elastic and Dissipative Parts
The typical situations, which are the basis of this work, are differential inclusions of the form 0 ∈ ∂q˙ R(q, q) ˙ + Dq E(t, q),
where the state q lies in a Banach space Q. The functional R : Q×Q → def [0, ∞] is called the dissipation potential and E : QT = [0, T ]×Q → R∞ the energy functional. Thus, (5) can be interpreted as a force balance in Q∗ where the dissipative force ∂q˙ R(q, q) ˙ must equilibrate the potential restoring force −Dq E(t, q). Such systems are generalizations of the so-called doubly nonlinear systems considered in [13,15], where the special case R(q, q) ˙ = Ψ (q) ˙ is studied. In many applications the state space Q decomposes into two parts, namely an elastic part Y and a dissipative part Z, i.e. we have q = (y, z) and Q = Y ×Z. The distinction comes about because the functional R depends only on the z-component as follows: R(q, q) ˙ = R(z, z) ˙ and R(z, z) ˙ = 0 ⇒ z˙ = 0.
In that case (5) takes the form of a coupled system, namely 0 = Dy E(t, y, z),
0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(z, z) ˙ + Dz E(t, y, z).
Hence, the two components y and z need to be treated differently. In particular, often we study the reduced problem by minimizing with respect to y, viz. I(t, z) = min{ E(t, y, z) | y ∈ Y }. (8) Since this means that we have satisfied the first relation in (7), we are left with the reduced problem
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(z, z) ˙ + Dz I(t, z).
Moreover, we can go backward from (9). If z : [0, T ] → Z solves (9), we may choose y : [0, T ] → Y such that y(t) ∈ Arg min E(t, ·, z(t)), then q : t → (y(t), z(t)) solves (7). These systems also include classical gradient flows of the form G(q)q˙ = −Dq E(t, q), if we choose R(q, v) = 12 G(q)v, v. However, rate independence now means that the mapping v → ∂q˙ R(q, v) is positively homogeneous of degree 0, i.e. ∂q˙ R(q, γv) = ∂q˙ R(q, v) for all γ > 0. We generally say that a mapping f : X → Y is p-homogeneous, if it is positively homogeneous of degree p, i.e. f (λx) = λp f (x) for all x ∈ X and all λ > 0. Thus, R(q, ·) : Q → R∞ has to be 1-homogeneous, which implies that R(q, ·) either is identically 0 or it is not differentiable at v = 0. Thus, from now on all dissipation potentials are assumed to satisfy R(z, ·) : Z → [0, ∞] is convex, lower semicontinuous and satisfies R(z, 0) = 0.
The derivative of R with respect to v is the set-valued convex subdifferential ∂z˙ R(z, v) = { η ∈ Z ∗ | ∀ w ∈ Z : R(z, w) ≥ R(z, v) + η, w−v }. If R is 1-homogeneous, then the triple (Q, E, R) is called a rate-independent system (RIS). Very often we also look at rate-dependent versions of (5), i.e. we consider a potential Rsl such that Rsl (q, ·) is superlinear (whence not 1-homogeneous) and still assume (10). Note that the rate-independent case can be recovered by slowing down the loading rate. In fact, if we replace t in (5) by ετ and let z(τ ) = z(εt), then z solves the equation ε (z, v) = 1 Rsl (z, εv). ε ( z , z ) + Dz I(τ, z), where R 0 ∈ ∂z R ε ε (z, v) R0 (z, v) for ε → 0, By classical convexity arguments we have R where R0 is 1-homogeneous again. The limit passage ε → 0 for the corresponding solutions z ε is called the vanishing-viscosity limit and will be discussed in some detail in Sects. 4 and 5.
Some Canonical Examples
(1) The simplest example is obtained in the scalar case z ∈ Z = R with the dissipation potential R(z, v) = |v| and the energy functional I(t, z) =
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Fig. 2 Multivalued signum function Sign = ∂| · |
Fig. 3 The play operator associated with (11)
1 2 z 2
− (t)z. We obtain the equation 0 ∈ Sign(z) ˙ + z − (t),
where Sign is the multi-valued Signum function depicted in Fig. 2. We observe that we always have |z(t) − (t)| ≤ 1. Moreover, |z(t) − (t)| < 1 implies z(t) ˙ = 0, whereas ±z(t) ˙ > 0 implies z(t) = (t) ∓ 1. We obtain the so-called play operator, where q follows with a play of size 1, see Fig. 3. (2) An infinite dimensional generalization leads to the most classical example of a rate-independent process formulated in a Hilbert space Q with a quadratic energy E(t, q) = 12 Aq, q − (t), q and a dissipation potential Ψ : Q → [0, ∞]. This situation is studied under the name sweeping process, see e.g. [36, 56]. The differential form reads 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (q)+Aq− (t). ˙ The input is considered as the center of the moving set C(t) = (t)−∂Ψ (0) and the solution needs to satisfy Aq(t) ∈ C(t). Nowadays the name play operator is used for this process, cf. [11, 35, 70]. (3) The motivation of the above sweeping process was the classical problem of linearized elastoplasticity, see [30,55]. For a body Ω ⊂ Rd the state q consists of the displacement u ∈ Y = H1Γ (Ω; Rd ) = { u ∈ H1 (Ω; Rd ) | u|Γ = 0 } and the plastic strain tensor z ∈ L2 (Ω; Z) with Z = { z ∈ Rd×d | z = z T, tr z = 0 }. The total energy contains the elastic energy, the hardening energy and the external loading: E(t, u, z) =
1 (e(u)−z):C:(e(u)−z) Ω 2
+ 12 z:H:z − u·fext (t) dx,
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
where e(u) = 12 (∇u+∇uT ) is the infinitesimal strain tensor, and C and H are positive definite fourth-order tensors for elasticity and hardening, respectively. The dissipation potential reads R(z, z) ˙ = Ω σyield |z(x)| ˙ dx. The subdifferential formulation then reads
− div C:(e(u)−z) = fext ,
0 ∈ σyield Sign(z) ˙ + C:(z−e(u)) + H:z.
For more details and general small-strain models we refer to [2, 31]. (4) Elastoplastic models with finite strain lead to highly nonlinear rateindependent models. We refer to [40] for a discussion of the mathematical and mechanical background involving the associated Lie groups and to [39] for existence results for energetic solutions in the PDE context. Here we consider the simplified material-point mechanics, which applies to bodies that are deformed homogeneously. The deformation gradient F = ∇φ is treated as an element of the general linear group Y = GL+ (Rd ) = { F ∈ Rd×d | det F > 0 }, and the plastic tensor P is taken from the special linear group Z = SL(Rd ) = { F ∈ Rd×d | det F = 1 }. The energy takes the form E(t, F, P ) = Welast (F P −1 ) + Whard (P ) − Σ(t):F, where the multiplicative decomposition of the strain tensor F = Felast P gives rise to the geometric nonlinearity Felast = F P −1 appearing in Welast . Here Σ(t) ∈ Rd×d is the applied stress. Because of plastic invariance the dissipation potential takes the form R(P, P˙ ) = ψ(P˙ P −1 ) with ψ(η) = σyield |η|. Thus, the dissipation potential depends intrinsically on the internal state. This and the strong geometric nonlinearity give rise to solutions with jumps, cf. [39, 40].
The Basic a Priori Estimates
To understand the main difficulties in modeling RIS (Q, E, R), we give the basic estimates, which follow from the differential formulation (5). This part is formal and needs proper justification for the construction of solutions. At the moment we just motivate some basic concepts. We first provide a basic property of subdifferentials of 1-homogeneous functions. Lemma 2.2. Let Ψ : Q → [0, ∞] be lower semicontinuous, convex and 1homogeneous. Then, we have ∂Ψ (v) = { η ∈ K | Ψ (v) = η, v },
where K = ∂Ψ (0).
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Moreover, we have the characterization 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (v) + g
0 = Ψ (v) + g, v ≤ Ψ (w) + g, w for all w ∈ Q.
Using the characterization of ∂q˙ R(q, ·) we see that (5) is equivalent to ∀ v ∈ Q : Dq E(t, q), v + R(q, v) ≥ 0,
˙ + R(q, q) ˙ = 0.
Dq E(t, q), q
Differentiation E(t, q(t)) we see that (12b) is equivalent to the energy balance
E(t, q(t)) +
R(q(s), q(s)) ˙ ds = E(r, q(r)) +
∂s E(s, q(s)) ds,
where ∂t E denotes the usual partial derivative with respect to time, which has the physical meaning of the power induced by the temporal changes in the system. This identity now holds for all r, t with 0 ≤ r < t ≤ T . Throughout we assume that the power ∂t E can be controlled by the energy itself, namely ∃ λE > 0 ∀ (s, q) ∈ QT with E(s, q) < ∞ : E(·, q) ∈ C1 ([0, T ]) and |∂t E(t, q)| ≤ λE E(t, q) for all t ∈ [0, T ].
Using (13), (14), R ≥ 0, a Gronwall estimate gives the basic estimates
E(t, q(t)) ≤ eλE t E(0, q(0)) and
R(q(s), q(s)) ˙ ds ≤ eλE t E(0, q(0)).
The first estimate is useful, since we always assume that E(t, ·) is coercive. The second estimate controls the temporal behavior. First, we must take into account that R only controls the dissipative part z of q = (y, z) ∈ Y ×Z and that this control may only be valid in a weaker norm, namely R(y, z, y, ˙ z) ˙ = R(z, z) ˙ ≥ cR z ˙ X. Second, the 1-homogeneity only provides a bound in W1,1 ([0, T ], X). However, since in this space the unit ball is not weakly closed, we have to work with the space BV([0, T ], X), i.e., we have VarX (z, [0, T ]) ≤
1 cR
T 0
R(q(t), q(t)) ˙ dt ≤
1 λE T e E(0, q(0)). cR
This a priori estimate is essential to obtain temporal compactness and allows us to use a suitable version of Helly’s selection principle for z. Yet, this
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
estimate does not give control over the temporal behavior of y. Moreover, we have to be aware of the possibility of jumps, which occur in limit procedures. The above estimates can be improved under suitable convexity assumptions. For this we use (12) as follows. We fix τ ∈ ]0, T [ and consider γ(t) = Dq E(t, q(t)), q(τ ˙ ) + R(q(t), q(τ ˙ )). We have γ(t) ≥ 0 and γ(τ ) = 0 from (12a) and (12b), respectively. Thus we conclude γ(τ ˙ ) = 0, which gives
D2q E(τ, q(τ ))q(τ ˙ ), q(τ ˙ ) + Dq R(q(τ ), q(τ ˙ ))[q(τ ˙ )] = − Dq ∂t E(τ, q(τ )), q(τ ˙ ). Thus, assuming uniform convexity of E(t, ·) : Q → R∞ and that Dq R is sufficiently small, we obtain a bound of the type q(τ ˙ )Q ≤
1 ∂t Dq E(τ, q(τ ))Q∗ , κ−ρ
if the joint-convexity condition κ>ρ
holds, where κ > 0 and ρ ∈ [0, κ[ are such that
D2q E(τ, q(τ ))v, v ≥ αv2Q
|Dq R(q, v)[v]| ≤ ρv2Q .
In Sect. 4.3 we discuss how these estimates can be used to prove the existence of differentiable solutions in the convex case.
Energetic Formulation of Generalized Gradient Flows
The starting point of the modeling are generalized gradient systems (V , I, R), which are not necessarily rate independent. The state space V is a Hilbert space, I : VT → R∞ is the energy functional, and the dissipation potential R : V ×V → [0, ∞] satisfies (10). The evolution equation is given in the form 0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(z, z) ˙ + Dz I(t, z). The classical gradient flow is obtained, if R is given in terms of a Riemannian tensor G(z) : V → V ∗ , which is symmetric and positive definite, viz. R(z, v) = 12 G(z)v, v. Then, we have 0 = G(z)z˙ + Dz I(t, z) ⇔ z˙ = −∇I(t, z) = −G(z)−1 Dz I(t, z). Rate-independent systems are special generalized gradient flows, namely those for which R(z, ·) is 1-homogeneous, i.e. R(z, αv) = αR(z, v) for α > 0.
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Before going into more detail we discuss some equivalent formulations of generalized gradient flows. Let V be a Hilbert space and F : V → R∞ a proper, lower semicontinuous, and convex function. Its Legendre-Fenchel transform F ∗ : V ∗ → R∞ is defined via F ∗ (ξ) = supv∈V ξ, v − F (v). The Fenchel equivalences for subdifferentials read ξ ∈ ∂F (v)
v ∈ ∂F ∗ (ξ)
F (v) + F ∗ (ξ) = ξ, v.
Moreover, by the definition of F ∗ we always have the lower bound F (v) + F ∗ (ξ) ≥ ξ, v
for all v ∈ V and ξ ∈ V ∗ .
Using the equivalences in (16), our subdifferential equations can be written in three equivalent ways: Force balance Rate equation
0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(z(t), z(t)) ˙ + ξ(t) ⊂ V ∗ ; ∗
z(t) ˙ ∈ ∂ξ R (z(t), −ξ(t)) ⊂ V ;
(18a) (18b)
˙ ∈ R; (18c) Energy balance R(z(t), z(t)) ˙ + R∗ (z(t), −ξ(t)) = −ξ(t), z(t) where in all three formulations the additional condition ξ(t) ∈ ∂ z I(t, z(t)) ⊂ V ∗ is imposed. The last relation can be combined with a chain rule, namely d I(t, z(t)) = ξ(t), z(t) ˙ + ∂t I(t, z(t)). dt
Applying the chain rule and integrating (18c) over the time interval [0, T ] we obtain the integral inequality T ˙ + R∗ (z(t), −ξ(t)) dt I(T, z(T )) + 0 R(z(t), z(t)) T ≤ I(0, z(0)) + 0 ∂t I(t, z(t)) dt with ξ(t) ∈ ∂ z I(t, z(t)),
which holds in fact as an equality. We call (20) the energetic formulation of the problem defined via (18). The point of importance is that already the integral inequality (20) is equivalent to the fact that the three formulations in (18) hold a.e. in [0, T ]. To see this we use the lower estimate (17) and the chain rule (19) to obtain
−ξ(t), z(t) ˙ ≤ R(z(t), z(t)) ˙ + R∗ (z(t), −ξ(t)) a.e. on [0, T ], T T R(z(t), z(t)) ˙ + R∗ (z(t), −ξ(t)) dt ≤ 0 −ξ(t), z(t) ˙ dt, 0 which immediately implies (18c) a.e.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
A major advantage of the formulation as an integral inequality is seen for parameter-dependent dissipation potentials. Then, defining the functional
Mε (z, v, η) = 0
Rε (z(t), z(t)) ˙ + R∗ε (z(t), η(t)) dt,
we want to pass to the limit ε → 0 in equations of the type
I(T, z ε(T )) + Mε (z ε , z˙ ε , −ξ ε ) ≤ I(0, z ε(0)) +
∂t I(t, z ε (t)) dt.
If the solutions z ε converge to a limit z, we can use then Γ -limit arguments to find a limit version of an integral inequality for z in the form
˙ −ξ) ≤ I(0, z(0)) + I(T, z(T )) + M0 (z, z,
∂t I(t, z(t)) dt,
In this limit passage it is important to maintain the subdifferential property, i.e. we need a closedness of the subdifferential in the following form: ξ ε (t) ∈ ∂ z I(t, z ε (t), z ε ; z, ξ ε ; ξ
ξ(t) ∈ ∂ z I(t, z(t)).
Moreover, the limit functional M0 has to be such that it still interacts properly with a suitable chain rule, which allows us then to obtain the opposite inequality. If R(z, ·) is 1-homogeneous, the generalized gradient system (V , I, R) is a RIS. Then, R∗ has a very specific form, namely R∗ (z, ξ) =
0 for ξ ∈ K(z), ∞ otherwise,
where K(z) = ∂v R(z, 0) ⊂ V ∗ .
T Thus, the term 0 R∗ (z(t), −ξ(t)) dt contributes to the right-hand side in (20) either the value 0 or the value ∞, where the latter case would violate the validity. Hence, the term only acts as a side condition asking that −ξ(t) ∈ K(z(t)) for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ]. In conclusion, (20) can be rewritten as follows def
z(t) ∈ Sloc (t) = { z∈Z | 0∈∂v R(z(t), 0)+∂ z I(t, z) } a.e. on [0, T ], T T ˙ dt ≤ I(0, z(0)) + 0 ∂t I(t, z(t)) dt. I(T, z(T )) + 0 R(z(t), z(t))
The first line constitutes a local stability condition that does not involve any time derivative and thus is a purely static condition, while the second condition is the usual upper energy estimate. As before, the chain rule applied to t → I(t, z(t)) implies that the two lines provide an exact energy balance.
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The problem with RIS is that in general we cannot expect solutions to be absolutely continuous with respect to time. Hence we derive notions of solutions that allow solutions with jumps. It is a common feature of all these notions that they consist of a static stability condition and an energy inequality, which we often formulate directly as an energy balance.
Solution Concepts in the One-Dimensional Case
Here we introduce the different solutions concepts for a very trivial situation, namely the case Q = Z = R, i.e. we work directly with the reduced functional I. The aim is to discuss their mutual relations already in this easy context, where functional analytical questions do not yet show up. We let R(z, z) ˙ =
r+ (z)z˙ for z˙ ≥ 0, r− (z)|z| ˙ for z˙ ≤ 0;
and I(t, z) = U(z) − (t)z,
where r+ , r− BC(R), r± (z) ≥ ρ > 0, and the function will be specified in the different examples. With the local dissipation metric R we associate the dissipation distance D defined via
z1 D(z0 , z1 ) =
zz00 z1
r+ (z) dz for z0 ≤ z1 , r− (z) dz for z0 ≥ z1 .
All definitions for solutions are for general I, but for examples we use (22) with the nonconvex potential U and the initial datum z0 given via ⎧1 ⎨ 2 (z+4)2 for z ≤ −2, U(z) = 4− 12 z 2 for |z| ≤ 2, ⎩1 2 2 (z−4) for z ≥ 2;
and z0 = −5.
If : [0, T ] → R is specified, the RIS (Z, I, R) is fully given. We now introduce the main solution concepts, which are somewhat less involved in the present one-dimensional setting. Note that in all cases the solution z : [0, T ] → R is defined for all t, while some conditions need to hold only a.e. in [0, T ]. (1) A differential solution z : [0, T ] → R is defined via z ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ]) and 0 ∈ ∂R(z(t), z(t)) ˙ + Dz I(t, z(t)) for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ]. (2) A CD solution z : [0, T ] → R (for ‘C’ontinuous ‘D’issipation) is defined via
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
cont. dissipation t → DissD (z, [0, t]) is continuous, local stability 0 ∈ ∂R(z(t), 0) + Dz I(t, z(t)) for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ]; energy balance ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : t ˙ ds, E(t, z(t)) + DissD (z, [0, t]) = E(0, z(0))− 0 (s)z(s) where DissD (z, [r, t]) = sup N j=1 D(z(tj−1 ), z(tj )) with the supremum taken over all finite partitions r ≤ t0 < t1 < · · · y < tN −1 < tN ≤ t. (3) A local solution z : [0, T ] → R is defined via local stability 0 ∈ ∂R(z(t), 0) + Dz I(t, z(t)) for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ]; energy inequality ∀ r, t with 0 ≤ r < t ≤ T : t ˙ ds. E(t, z(t)) + DissD (z, [r, t]) ≤ E(r, z(r)) − r (s)z(s)
(4) An energetic solution z : [0, T ] → R is defined via, for all t ∈ [0, T ], global stability I(t, z(t)) ≤ I(t, z) + D(z(t), z) for all z ∈ Z; t energy balance E(t, z(t)) + DissD (z, [0, t]) ≤ E(0, z(0)) + 0 ∂t I(s, z(s)) ds.
(5) An approximable solution z : [0, T ] → R is defined as a pointwise limit of a sequence (z εk )k∈N with εk → 0 of solutions z ε of the viscous problems 0 ∈ ∂R(z˙ ε ) + εz˙ ε + Dz I(t, z ε (t)) for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ]. Approximable solutions are also called vanishing-viscosity solutions. (6) A pair ( t , z) : [0, S] → [0, T ]×R is defined to be a parametrized solution, if ( t, z) ∈ W1,1 ([0, S], R2 ) and if for a.a. s ∈ [0, S] we have (i) t(0) = 0, t(S) = T, t (s) ≥ 0, (ii) t (s) + | z (s)| = 1, z (s), z (s)) + Dz I( t(s), z(s)), (iii) 0 ∈ ∂z R( v) = R(z, v) for |v| ≤ 1 and ∞ otherwise. where R(z, (7) A BV solution z : [0, T ] → R is defined via z ∈ BV([0, T ]) and (i) 0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(z(t), 0) + Dz I(t, z(t)) a.e. in [0, T ]; (ii) for all t ∈ [0, T ] we have I(t, z(t)) + DissD (z, [0, t]) + JmpI (z, [0, t]) = I(0, z(0)) +
t 0
∂s I(s, z(s))ds
where JmpI is defined via the jump set J(z) = { t | z not contin. in t } as def
JmpI (z, [r, t]) =Δ(r, z(r), z(r+ )) + Δ(t, z(t− ), z(t)) + s∈J(z)∩]r,t[ Δ(s, z(s− ), z(s)) + Δ(s, z(s), z(s+ )),
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z where Δ(t, z0 , z1 ) = | z01 dist(−Dz I(t, z), ∂z˙ R(z, 0)) dz| and z(t± ) denotes one-sided limits, see (49). For the general definitions for these solutions types we refer to Definition 4.5 for differentiable, CD, and local solutions, Definition 3.1 for energetic solutions, Definitions 4.11 and 5.4 for parametrized solutions, and Definitions 4.21, 4.26, and 5.7 for BV solutions. The above definition (7) for BV solutions is very implicit, but it highlights the similarity to the other solutions concepts in relying on a (i) static stability concept and (ii) an energy balance. The discussions in Sect. 4.5 shows that (ii) asks that along jumps from z(t− ) to z(t+ ) the driving force Dz I(t, z) is sufficiently large, e.g. for z ∈ [z(t+ ), z(t− )] we must have −Dz I(t, z) ≤ −r− (z) z(t+ ) and Δ(t, z(t− ), z(t+ )) = z(t+ ) Dz I(t, z)−r− (z) dz. We now comment on the relation between the different solution concepts. The first fact is that the notion of local solutions includes all the others. Differential solutions may not exist, but if they do then they are also BV solutions. All approximable solutions are BV solutions, but the opposite is in general not true. If energetic solutions are differentiable, then they coincide with differential solutions. If energetic solutions have jumps, then they jump as soon as possible, whereas BV solutions jump as late as possible. So these two solutions types should be seen as two opposite extremes in the set of all local solutions. For both these extremes we have a rather complete existence theory, see Sects. 3 and 4.5, respectively. Parametrized solutions are special, since they are defined as curves in def the extended space ZT = [0, T ]×Z given in arclength parametrization. In fact, they are in correspondence to BV solutions. Under suitable technical assumptions, the latter can be turned into parametrized solutions by filling in the jumps and arclength parametrization. Vice versa, every parametrized solution generates a BV solution via σ(t) = inf{ s ∈ [0, S] | t (s) = t } and z(t) = z(σ(t)). The following examples show that these notions are genuinely different. In Examples 2.3–2.6 we have (Z, I, R) as defined in (22) and (23) with r+ = r− ≡ 1, but changes from case to case. In Example 2.7 we consider varying r± . Example 2.3. We consider (R, I, R) according to (22) with r+ = r− ≡ 1, and (t) = t for all t ≥ 0. We claim that the approximable, the parametrized, and the BV solutions on [0, ∞[ are essentially unique and coincide. However, the unique energetic solution is different. Moreover, we show that there is a uncountable family of different local solutions. With direct calculations, one sees that the energetic solutions take the form z(t) = t−5 for t ∈ [0, 1[ ,
z(1) ∈ {−4, 4},
and z(t) = t+3 for t > 1.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
√ Choose any t∗ ∈ [1, 3] and any z∗ ∈ 3+t∗ , 3+t∗ + min{2, 4 t∗ −1} . Then, ⎧ ⎨ t−5 for t ∈ [0, t∗ [ , z(t) = z for t ∈ [t∗ , z∗ −3], ⎩ ∗ t+3 for t ≥ z∗ −3, is a local solution. Note that the starting point of the jump at z(t− ∗ ) = t∗ −5 can be chosen in a full interval. Moreover, for a fixed t∗ ∈ ]1, 3] we still have the possibility to choose the ending point z∗ = z(t+ ∗ ) of the jump in a full interval. All the other solution types essentially lead (up to definition in one point) to the same solution. The approximable and BV solutions read ⎧ ⎨ t−5 for t ∈ [0, 3[ , z(t) = z for t = 3, ⎩ ∗ t+3 for t > 3, where z∗ ∈ [−2, 6] is arbitrary. The associated arclength-parametrized solution takes the form ⎧ s s
⎨ 2 , 2 −5 for s ∈ [0, 6], t(s), z(s) = (3, s−8) for s ∈ [6, 14], ⎩ s s 2 −4, 2 −1 for s ≥ 14. Example 2.4. We take (R, I, R) as in Example 2.3 but with (t) = min{t, 4−t} and obtain the differential solution zdiff , which is different from the energetic solution zenerg , namely ⎧ ⎪ t−5 for t ∈ [0, 1], ⎪ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ t−5 for t ∈ [0, 2], ⎨ t+3 for t ∈ ]1, 2[ , zdiff (t) = −3 for t ∈ [2, 4], zenerg (t) = 5 for t ∈ [2, 4], ⎩ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1−t for t ≥ 4; 9−t for ]4, 5[ , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 1−t for t ≥ 5. Thus, even the existence of a differentiable solution does not guarantee that this is also the energetic solution. Example 2.5. In this example we show that not all BV solutions are approximable solutions. Again, (R, I, R) is as in Example 2.3 but with def (t) = min{t, 6−t}, i.e., the loading reduces exactly when the solution reaches the jump point. It is easy to see that there are two different BV solutions: z1 , which jumps at t = 3, and z2 , which does not jump. We have ⎧ t−5 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ 6 z1 (t) = ⎪ 11−t ⎪ ⎩ 3−t
for for for for
t ∈ [0, 3[ , t ∈ ]3, 5] , t ∈ [5, 9], t > 9;
⎧ ⎨ t−5 for t ∈ [0, 3], z2 (t) = −2 for t ∈ [3, 5], ⎩ 3−t for t ≥ 5.
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For ε > 0 the viscous solution q ε of the differential inclusion 0 ∈ Sign(z) ˙ + εz˙ + U (z) − (t),
z(0) = −5,
is unique and can be found by matching solutions of linear ODEs. We find ⎧ ⎨
t−5+ε(e−t/ε −1) for t ∈ [0, 3], z (t) = z∗ε for t ∈ [3, tε∗ ], ⎩ −(t−tε∗ )/ε −1) for t ≥ tε∗ , 3−t+ε(e ε
where z∗ε = q ε (3−) −2 and tε∗ = 3 − z∗ε 5. Thus, we have z ε (t) → z2 (t) for every t ≥ 0 as ε ↓ 0. Hence, z2 is a vanishing-viscosity solution, whereas z1 is not. As a general principle, we conjecture that viscosity slows down solutions and thus approximable solutions tend to avoid jumps if there is a choice. Example 2.6. Here, we study the parameter dependence of solutions under the loading δ (t) = min{t, 6+2δ−t} for t ≥ 0, where δ is a small parameter. In the case δ = 0 we have two BV solutions z1 and z2 , see Example 2.5. But only z2 is an approximable solution. For 0 < δ < 1 there is only one BV solution, which is then also the unique approximable solution, namely ⎧ ⎨ t−5 for t ∈ [0, 3[ , δ z (t) = t+3 for t ∈ ]3, 3+δ] , ⎩ 6+δ for t ∈ [3+δ, 5−δ]. Taking the limit δ → 0+ we see that the pointwise limit of the approximable solutions z δ is z1 , which is not an approximable solution for δ = 0. Thus, the set of approximable solutions is not upper semicontinuous with respect to variations of the data. Example 2.7. Here, I(t, ·) is uniformly convex, in fact even quadratic, but R depends on z such that the joint convexity condition (15) does not hold. As a consequence we obtain solutions with jumps. For γ > 0 we let 1 I(t, z) = z 2 −tz 2
and R(z, z) ˙ = μ(z)|z| ˙ with μ(z) = max{1, min{2−γz, 3}}.
For z ∈ [−1/γ, 1/γ] the joint convexity condition α > ρ (see (15)) holds for ρ = γ < 1 = α. Thus, for γ > 1 solutions have to jump across the region [−1/γ, 1/γ], since there are no locally stable points. We start from the initial condition z(0) = z0 = −3. Then, the energetic solution zenerg and the BV solution zBV are different, namely
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
zenerg (t) =
t−3 for t ∈ [0, 2[ , t−1 for t > 2;
zBV (t) =
t−3 for t ∈ [0, 3 − 1/γ[ , t−1 for t > 3 − 1/γ.
Infinite-Dimensional Examples
Here we provide the simplest and most canonical infinite-dimensional example of a RIS (Z, I, R) including also a viscosity term. It is used in each of the abstract sections to discuss the different solutions concepts. We first give an abstract Banach-space setting and afterwards present a special case which connects the theory to a particular PDE. Example 2.8 (Standard semilinear example). We consider a Banach space X and two Hilbert spaces Z and V , which are densely and continuously embedded as follows: Z V ⊂ X, where “” denotes compact embedding. The different Banach spaces and their norms · Z , · V , and · X are associated with the energy functional, the viscous dissipation, and the rate-independent dissipation, respectively. We further assume that there are symmetric, bounded linear operators A ∈ L (Z, Z ∗ ) and V ∈ L (V , V ∗ ), which are invertible with bounded inverses. Without loss of generality (after choosing an equivalent Hilbert norm) one may assume that they equal the corresponding Riesz isomorphisms. The problem under investigation is the doubly nonlinear equation 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (z(t)) ˙ + εVz(t) ˙ + Dz I(t, z(t)) 1 with I(t, z) = 2 Az, z + Φ(z) − (t), z.
Here, Φ ∈ C2 (Z; R) is a non-quadratic potential of lower order in a sense to be made precise below. The function : [0, T ] → V ∗ is the loading. We assume that there exists c, C > 0, an interpolation exponent θ ∈ ]0, 1[, and a growth exponent q ≥ 0, such that for all v, z, w ∈ Z we have Z V ⊂ X with dense embeddings;
1−θ ; vV ≤ CvθX vZ
≤ Az, z ≤
Cz2Z ,
= Vv, v;
Ψ : V → [0, ∞[ convex, 1-homogeneous, cvX ≤ Ψ (v) ≤ CvX ;
Φ(z) ≥ 0, Φ : Z → R is weakly continuous;
DΦ ∈ C (Z; V ), D Φ(z)vV ∗ ≤ C(1+zZ ) vZ ;
∈ W1,p ([0, T ], V ∗ ) for some p ≥ 2.
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Condition (25f) on DΦ can be weakened by replacing V ∗ with an interpolation space [V ∗ , Z ∗ ]η , η ∈ ]0, 1[, see [53]. We stay with V ∗ for notational simplicity. We introduce additional Hilbert spaces Z1 = { z ∈ Z | Az ∈ V ∗ } def
Z−1 = V
with z1 = AzV ∗ ,
with z−1 = VzZ ∗ .
(26a) (26b)
We obtain a scale of four Hilbert spaces Z1 Z V Z−1 ,
and AZ1 = V ∗ ,
VZ−1 = Z ∗ ,
with dense and compact embeddings. Moreover, the scale is equally spaced in the sense of interpolation, namely [Z1 , V ]1/2 = Z and [Z, Z−1 ]1/2 = V . (If we compare to classical evolution triples V ⊂ H ∼ = H ∗ ⊂ V ∗ with a linear selfadjoint, positive definite operator A : D(A) ⊂ H → H and V = D(A1/2 ), we obtain the corresponding scale D(A) ⊂ D(A1/2 )=V ⊂ H ∼ = H ∗ ⊂ V ∗ .) This abstract setting can be applied to specific problems involving PDEs as they occur in modeling of hysteretic materials, like in magnetism, elastoplasticity, ferroelectricity, or shape-memory alloys. We refer to [42, 43] for surveys on these applications. For the simplest application we consider a smooth and bounded domain Ω ⊂ Rd and let Z = H10 (Ω) V = L2 (Ω) ⊂ X = L1 (Ω). We have V ∗ = L2 (Ω) Z ∗ = H−1 (Ω), and the operators A and V are given by −Δ and id, respectively. This leads to the additional spaces Z1 = H2 (Ω) ∩ H10 (Ω) and Z−1 = H−1 (Ω). The functionals take the form
|v(x)| dx,
Ψ (v) =
I(t, z) =
2 1 2 |∇z(x)|
+ φ(z(x)) + f (t, x)z(x) dx,
where f ∈ W1,p ([0, T ], L2(Ω)) defines the loading. The function φ ∈ C2 (R; R) is assumed to satisfy 0 ≤ φ(s) ≤ C(1+|s|)q with q < ∞ for d ≤ 2 and q < 2d/(d−2) for d ≥ 3. Further, we assume |φ (s)| ≤ C(1+|s|)q/2 and |φ (s)| ≤ C(1+|s|)q/d . Then, all the conditions of the abstract theory are satisfied, cf. [53].
Energetic Solutions
In this section we consistently work with a state space Q = Y×Z with states q = (y, z), which has its reason in applications in continuum mechanics, where the z-component is dissipative while the y-component is not, cf. [43].
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Whenever possible we write q instead of (y, z) to shorten notation. The state Q
space Q is equipped with a Hausdorff topology, and we denote by qk → q, Y Z yk → y and zk → z the corresponding convergence of sequences. Throughout it is sufficient to consider sequential closedness, compactness and continuity. For notational convenience, we will not write this explicitly. A main tool for the analysis of such systems is the interplay between the full RIS (Q, E, D) and its reduced version (Z, I, D), where the reduced energy I : [0, T ]×Z → R∞ is defined in (8). We define energetic solutions to (Q, E, D) and (Z, I, D) in such a way that each solution q = (y, z) for the former system gives rise to a solution z for the latter. Vice versa each solution z for (Z, I, D) can be made to a solution q = (y, z) by a suitable choice of y. We emphasize that it is not enough to choose an arbitrary y(t) ∈ Arg min E(t, ·, z(t)), since further restrictions arise. At first glance, it might seem reasonable to first consider the reduced system (Z, I, D) and establish an existence theory there and then derive the desired existence result for the full problem (Q, E, D). However, it turns out that in the reduction process certain natural properties (like differentiability in t) are lost. To compensate for that, stronger assumptions would be necessary, which can be avoided by working on the full system instead. Thus we present the existence theory for (Q, E, D), which is also more natural in material modeling, cf. [43].
Abstract Setup of the Problem
The first ingredient of the energetic formulation is the dissipation distance D : Z×Z → [0, ∞], which is an extended quasi-distance. Here ‘extended’ means that the value ∞ is allowed and ‘quasi’ means that we do not ask for symmetry. The following conditions are the main assumptions on D. Extended quasi-distance: (i) ∀ z1 , z2 , z3 ∈ Z : D(z1 , z3 ) ≤ D(z1 , z2 ) + D(z2 , z3 ), (ii) ∀ z1 , z2 ∈ Z : D(z1 , z2 ) = 0 ⇐⇒ z1 = z2 ;
D : Z×Z → [0, ∞] is lower semicontinuous.
Here (D1) says that D is a distance except for the symmetry and the fact that the value ∞ is allowed. Relation (i) is the triangle inequality, and (ii) is the positivity. The unsymmetry is needed in many applications like in elastoplasticity or damage. For curves z : [0, T ] → Z we define the dissipation functional DissD via def
DissD (z, [s, t]) = sup
N j=1
D(z(tj−1 ), z(tj )) N ∈ N, s = t0 < t1 < · · · < tN =t .
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Further we define the following set of functions: def
BVD ([0, T ], Z) = { z : [0, T ] → Z | DissD (z, [0, T ]) < ∞ }.
The functions are defined everywhere and changing them at one point may increase the dissipation. Moreover, the dissipation is additive: DissD (z, [r, t]) = DissD (z, [r, s]) + DissD (z, [s, t]) for all r < s < t.
Later on, we sometimes use the notation D(q0 , q1 ) instead of D(z0 , z1 ) where qj = (yj , zj ). This slight abuse of notation never leads to confusion, since D as a function on Q = Y×Z still satisfies all assumptions but one has to remember that D satisfies the positivity (D1) only on Z and not on Q. The second ingredient is the energy-storage functional E : QT → R∞ . Here t ∈ [0, T ] plays the role of a (very slow) process time which changes the loading. The following conditions form the basic assumptions on E: Compactness of sublevels: ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : E(t, ·) : Q → R∞ has compact sublevels;
Energetic control of power: ∃ λE > 0 ∀ (t, q) with E(t,q) < ∞ : E(·, q) ∈ C1 ([0, T ]) and ∂s E(s, q) ≤ λE E(s, q) for all s ∈ [0, T ].
Condition (E2) implies dom E = [0, T ]×dom E(0, ·), i.e. dom E(t, ·) is independent of t. From (E2) and Gronwall’s inequality we easily derive E(t, q) ≤ E(s, q) eλE |t−s| and |∂t E(t, q)| ≤ λE E(s, q) eλE |t−s| .
Most typically, Q is a closed, convex and bounded subset of a reflexive Banach space (like W1,p (Ω, Rm ) or Lp (Ω, Rm ) with p ∈ (1, ∞)) equipped with its weak topology T. Then, lower semicontinuity of E and D in (Q, T) is the same as the classical weak lower semicontinuity in the calculus of variations. Definition 3.1 (Energetic solution). A function q = (y, z) : [0, T ] → Q = Y×Z is called an energetic solution of the rate-independent system (Q, E, D), if t → ∂t E(t, q(t)) is integrable and if the global stability (S) and the energy equality (E) hold for all t ∈ [0, T ]: (S) q(t) ∈ S(t); t (E) E(t, q(t)) + DissD (z, [0, t]) = E(0, q(0)) + 0 ∂t E(τ, q(τ )) dτ . Condition (S) means global stability, because the set S(t) of stable states at time t is defined such that all q ∈ Q are considered as competitors:
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
S(t) = { q ∈ Q | E(t, q) < ∞, E(t, q) ≤ E(t, q)+D(q, q) for all q ∈ Q }. (31) We shortly call S(t) the stability set at time t. The properties of the stability sets turn out to be crucial for deriving existence results. The definition of energetic solutions is such that we obtain a rateindependent multi-valued evolutionary system in the sense of Definition 2.1, in particular we have the concatenation and the restriction property. It is clear that the stability condition (S) has the restriction and concatenation property. To see that (E) also shares these conditions we define Er (t) = t E(t, q(t)) + DissD (q, [r, t]) − r ∂s E(s, q(s)) ds. Then, (E) simply states that the function E is equal to the constant value E(r) on the whole interval. This constancy certainly remains true after restriction. When concatenating two solutions q1 and q2 , the condition q1 (t2 ) = q2 (t2 ) guarantees that the two constants are the same. Rate independence manifests itself by the fact that the problem has no intrinsic time scale. It is easy to show that q is a solution to (Q, E, D) if and only if the reparametrized curve q : t → q(α(t)), where α˙ > 0, is a solution to D) with E(t, q) = E(α(t), q). In particular, the stability (S) is a static (Q, E, concept, and the energy balance (E) is rate-independent, since the dissipation defined via (27) is scale-invariant. Before discussing the question of existence of solutions we want to point out, that the concept of energetic solutions provides a priori bounds on the solutions. For the time-continuous problem these bounds are easy to derive, and the main structure becomes more transparent. Of course, similar estimates are crucial in the time-discrete setting. Using the assumption (E2) the energy balance (E) gives
E(t, q(t)) + Diss D (z, [r, t]) ≤ E(r, q(r)) +
λE E(s, q(s) ds
for 0 ≤ r < t ≤ T . Omitting the dissipation and applying Gronwall’s lemma yield E(t, q(t)) ≤ E(0, q(0)) eλE t . Inserting this into (32) we estimate the dissipation via DissD (z, [0, T ]) ≤ E(0, q(0))eλE T , since E(t, q(t)) ≥ 0 by (E2).
The Time-Incremental Minimization Problem
The most natural approach to solve (S)&(E) is via time discretization using the fact that incremental problems exist, which are minimization problems. It is then possible to find their solutions as global minimizers of certain lower semicontinuous functionals on Q. For this we make use of the lower semicontinuity assumptions (D2) and (E1).
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For the time discretization we use the notation Part([r, s]) for all finite partitions of the interval [r, s] ⊂ R, i.e. def
Part([r, s]) = { (t0 , t1 , ..., tN ) | r = t0 < t1 < ... < tN = r }.
For a partition Π ∈ Part([r, s]), we define NΠ as the number of subintervals and φ(Π) as its fineness, namely as the length of its largest interval: def
φ(Π) = max{ tk −tk−1 | k = 1, . . . , NΠ }.
Note that φ(Π) = 2 maxt∈[0,T ] dist(t, Π). In particular, always dist(t, Π) ≤ φ(Π). Having fixed a partition Π = (t0 , t1 , ..., tN ) ∈ Part([0, T ]), we seek for some qk , k = 1, ..., NΠ , which approximate the solution q at tk , i.e., qk ≈ q(tk ). Our energetic approach has the major advantage that the values qk can be found incrementally via the incremental minimization problem (IMPΠ )
For q0 ∈ S(0) ⊂ Q find q1 , . . . , qN ∈ Q such that qk minimizes q → E(tk , q)+D(qk−1 , q).
We briefly write qk ∈ Arg min{ E(tk , q)+D(qk−1 , q) | q ∈ Q }, where “Arg min” denotes the set of all minimizers. The following result shows that (IMPΠ ) is intrinsically linked to (S)&(E). Without any smallness assumptions on the time steps, the solutions of (IMPΠ ) satisfy properties, which are closely related to (S)&(E). Proposition 3.2 (Estimates for the incremental problem). Let (D1) and (E2) hold. All solutions of (IMPΠ ) from (35) satisfy the following properties: (i) For k = 1, . . . , NΠ we have that qk is stable at time tk , i.e., qk ∈ S(tk ). (ii) With ek = E(tk , qk ) and δk = D(zk−1 , zk ) we have, for k = 1, . . . , NΠ , tk tk−1
∂s E(s, qk ) ds ≤ ek − ek−1 + δk ≤
tk tk−1
∂s E(s, qk−1 ) ds.
(iii) If (D2) and (E1) hold additionally, then solutions of (IMPΠ ) exist. Proof. Ad (i). The stability follows from minimization properties of the solutions and the triangle inequality. For all q ∈ Q we have E(tk , q) + D(zk , z) = E(tk , q) + D(zk−1 , z) + D(zk , z) − D(zk−1 , z) ≥ E(tk , qk ) + D(zk−1 , zk ) + D(zk , z) − D(zk−1 , z) ≥ E(tk , qk ).
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Ad (ii). The first estimate is deduced from qk−1 ∈ S(tk−1 ) as follows: E(tk , qk ) + D(zk−1 , zk ) − E(tk−1 , qk−1 ) tk = E(tk−1 , qk )+ tk−1 ∂s E(s, qk ) ds+D(zk−1 , zk )−E(tk−1 , qk−1 ) tk ∂s E(s, qk ) ds. ≥ tk−1 Since qk ∈ Arg minQ E(tk , q) + D(zk−1 , z), the second estimate follows via E(tk , qk ) − E(tk−1 , qk−1 ) + D(zk−1 , zk ) tk ∂s E(s, qk−1 ) ds. ≤ E(tk , qk−1 ) − E(tk−1 , qk−1 ) + D(zk−1 , zk−1 ) = tk−1 Ad (iii). The minimizers are constructed inductively. In the k-th step, qk−1 def is known and any minimizer y has to satisfy Jk (y) = E(tk , q) + D(zk−1 , z) ≤ E(tk , qk−1 ) = Jk (qk−1 ), since q = qk−1 is a candidate. Using D ≥ 0 it suffices to minimize the lower semicontinuous functional Jk on the compact sublevel E(tk , ·) ≤ E(tk , qk−1 ). Hence, Weierstraß’ extremum principle provides the existence of a minimizer qk . Now we use assumption (E2) to obtain a priori bounds on the energy and the dissipation for the solution of (IMPΠ ). Combining (E2), (30) and the upper estimate in (ii) of Proposition 3.2 give
ek + δk ≤ ek−1 + ek−1 eλE (tk −tk−1 ) − 1 = ek−1 eλE (tk −tk−1 ) .
Using δk ≥ 0 induction over k leads to ek ≤ e0
k j=1
eλE (tj −tj−1 ) = e0 eλE tk for k = 1, . . . , NΠ .
Summing (37) from k = 1 to n we find, after cancellations and using (38), en +
j=1 δj
n ≤ e0 + j=1 ej−1 (eλE (tj −tj−1 ) − 1) n ≤ e0 + e0 1 (eλE tj −eλE tj−1 ) = e0 eλE tn .
For each incremental solution (qk )k=1,...,N of (IMPΠ ) associated with a partition Π = (t0 , t1 , ..., tN ) ∈ Part([0, T ]), we define the piecewise constant interpolant qΠ with def
q Π (t) = qk−1 for t ∈ [tk−1 , tk [ and k = 1, ..., N, and q Π (T ) = qN ,
which is continuous from the right. Corollary 3.3. Assume that (D1) and (E2) hold and let Π ∈ Part([0, T ]). Then, for any solution (qk )k=0,...,NΠ of (IMPΠ ) the interpolant q Π : [0, T ] → Q satisfies the following relations.
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(i) (S)discr For t ∈ Π we have q Π (t) ∈ S(t). (ii) (E)discr For s, t ∈ Π with s < t we have the energy estimate E(t, q Π (t)) + DissD (z Π , [s, t]) ≤ E(s, q Π (s)) +
t s
∂τ E(τ, q Π (τ )) dτ.
(iii) For all t ∈ [0, T ] we have the a priori estimate E(t, q Π (t)) + DissD (z Π , [0, t]) ≤ eλE t E(0, q0 ).
Statement of the Main Existence Result
The existence theory developed below is based on the incremental minimization problem (IMPΠ ) and the a priori estimates derived above. Choosing a sequence of partitions whose fineness tends to 0, we obtain a sequence of approximations and need to extract a suitable subsequence that converges. This can be done for the z-component only, since the dissipation provides an a priori estimate of BV-type, which allows for an application of a suitable version of Helly’s selection principle as stated in Theorem 3.13. Since the y-component allows for no control of the temporal oscillations, it has to be handled differently. We could use a technique developed in [21, 26], which chooses additional subsequences for each t ∈ [0, T ] and thus is relying on the axiom of choice. Instead, we rely on a metrizability assumption of the underlying topology, which guarantees the existence of measurable solutions. This idea uses the fact that for stable states q = (y, z) the energy E(t, ·) depends only on the component z. In particular, for the reduced functional I defined in (8) we have I(t, z) = E(t, y, z)
for all (y, z) ∈ S(t).
We also define the reduced power via def
Pred (t, z) = sup{ ∂t E(t, y, z) | y ∈ Arg min E(t, ·, z) }.
The important new observation is that along all energetic solutions the reduced power Pred (t, z) is realized, see (44). After having identified a subsequence and a limit function, it is necessary to show that this limit is an energetic solution. For this we need further conditions on the functionals E and D expressing a certain compatibility between these two functionals. To define these conditions, we introduce the notion of a stable sequence (tk , qk )k∈N via sup E(tk , qk ) < ∞ k∈N
∀ k ∈ N : qk ∈ S(tk ).
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
The compatibility conditions between E and D rely on convergent stable sequences and read as follows: Q
∀ stable sequences (tk , qk )k∈N with (tk , qk ) →T (t, q) it holds: ∂t E(t, q) = lim ∂t E(t, qk ),
q ∈ S(t).
Condition (C2) is called the closedness of the stability set. Condition (C1) is called conditioned continuity of the power of the external forces. Note that in the limit in (C1) the time is fixed to t, although qk ∈ S(tk ). These central conditions are discussed more in detail in Sect. 3.5. We now state our existence result for energetic solutions. After preparing a few intermediate results, the proof is completed on pp. 122–124 below. Theorem 3.4 (Existence of energetic solutions). Assume that E and D satisfy the assumptions (D1)–(D2), (E1)–(E2), and the compatibility conditions (C2) and (C1). Further assume that the topology of Q restricted to compact sets is separable metrizable.
(i) Then, for each q0 ∈ S(0) there exists an energetic solution q = (y, z) : [0, T ] → Q to the RIS (Q, E, D) with q(0) = q0 . Moreover, q : [0, T ] → Q is measurable and ∂t E(t, y(t), z(t)) = Pred (t, z(t)) for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ].
(ii) If Π l ∈ Part([0, T ]) is a sequence of partitions with fineness φ(Π l ) → 0 for l → ∞, and q Πl is the interpolant of any solution of the associated l
(IMPΠ ), then there exist a subsequence qk = qΠlk and a solution q = ( y , z) to the initial-value problem (Q, E, D, q0 ) such that the following holds: Z
∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : zk (t) → z(t);
z , [0, t]); ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : DissD (zk , [0, t]) → DissD (
∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : E(t, qk (t)) → E(t, q(t));
∂t E(·, qk (·)) → ∂t E(·, q(·)) in L1 ((0, T )).
(iii) If additionally the functional E is such that for each stable point q = (y, z) ∈ S(t) the functional E(t, ·, z) has the unique minimizer y, then Q
the convergence in (45a) can be improved to qk (t) → q(t). We also provide an easy applicable version of the existence result, where we strengthen the assumptions considerably, but still allow for a big variety
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of applications. By making D continuous on Z, it is possible to decouple the assumptions on E and D completely, and the compatibility conditions (C2) and (C1) can be established easily. Theorem 3.5 (Simplified existence result for energetic solutions). Assume that (Q, E, D) satisfy (D1), (E1), (E2), (43) as well as the following conditions: D : Z×Z → [0, ∞[ is continuous;
∗ ∃ CE > 0 ∀ q ∈ Q with E(0, q) < ∞ : ∗ |t−s|E(0, q). E(·, q) ∈ C1 ([0, T ]), |∂t E(t, q)−∂t E(s, q)| ≤ CE
Then, all assumptions of the main existence result Theorem 3.4 are fulfilled and, hence, existence of energetic solutions to (Q, E, D) is guaranteed for all initial conditions q(0) = q0 ∈ S(0). Proof. Clearly, (46) implies (D2). To establish the compatibility conditions we use Corollary 3.9, since our present assumptions (46) and (47) are exactly the conditions (54) and (56) imposed there.
Jump Conditions for Energetic Solutions
Here we discuss some basic properties of solutions. Let q : [0, T ] → Q be an energetic solution to (Q, E, D). First, we exploit the energy balance to show that q satisfies simple a priori estimates for the energy and the dissipation. For this, we use that (E) holds for all intervals [s, t]. Omitting the nonnegative dissipation in (E) and employing (30) in the power term give E(t, q(t)) ≤ E(s, q(s)) eλE (t−s) for all 0 ≤ s < t ≤ T . Inserting this into the right-hand side of the energy balance yields E(t, q(t)) + DissD (q, [s, t]) ≤ E(s, q(s)) eλE (t−s) for 0 ≤ s < t ≤ T.
Second, we derive a simple lemma, which implies continuity a.e. in [0, T ] of the z component. For f : [a, b] → Y we use the following definition of one-sided limits: def
f (t+ ) = limh→0+ f (t+h), f (b+ ) = f (b), def def f (t− ) = limh→0+ f (t−h), f (a− ) = f (a).
To analyze the behavior at jump points, first note that DissD (z, [0, T ]) < ∞ implies that δ : t → DissD (z, [0, t]) has at most a countable number of jump points. At a continuity point of δ we have
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
D(z(t−ε), z(t)) + D(z(t), z(t+ε)) ≤ DissD (z, [t−ε, t+ε]) → 0 for ε → 0. Because { z(t−ε) | 0 < ε < ε0 } lies in a compact sublevel, we may assume Z
z(t−εj ) → z∗ . By the lower semicontinuity (D2) we find D(z∗ , z(t)) ≤ lim inf j→∞ D(z(t−εj ), z(t)) = 0. Using (D1) we conclude z∗ = z(t). By uniqueness of the limit we find z(t− ) = lim z(t−ε) = z(t). Similarly, we have z(t+ ) = z(t). Hence, we conclude that z : [0, T ] → Z is continuous at every continuity point of δ. Moreover, at every jump point of δ the lefthand and right-hand limits z(t− ) and z(t+ ) exist. In general, the three values z(t− ), z(t), and z(t+ ) may be different. Since the jump conditions are most easily formulated in terms of the reduced system (Z, I, D) we define the reduced stability sets def S(t) = { z ∈ Z | I(t, z) < ∞, ∀ z ∈ Z : I(t, z) ≤ I(t, z) + D(z, z) }.
Lemma 3.6 (Jump conditions for energetic solutions). Assume that (D1), (D2), (E1), (E2) and (C2) hold. Let q = (y, z) : [0, T ] → Q be an energetic solution to (Q, E, D). Then, for all t ∈ [0, T ] we have the relations I(t, z(t)) + D(z(t− ), z(t)) = I(t, z(t− )),
I(t, z(t+ )) + D(z(t), z(t+ )) = I(t, z(t)),
I(t, z(t− )) = lim− I(τ, z(τ )),
I(t, z(t+ )) = lim+ I(τ, z(τ )),
D(z(t− ), z(t)) + D(z(t), z(t+ )) = D(z(t− ), z(t+ )).
τ →t
τ →t
S(t) ⊂ Z for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Moreover, we have z(t− ), z(t), z(t+ ) ∈ Proof. We consider only the first statement for t > 0, since the second works analogously for t < T . We subtract the energy balance for τ < t from that of t and use (29) to obtain I(t, z(t)) + DissD (z, [τ, t]) = E(τ, z(τ )) t + τ Pred (s, z(s)) ds. Passing to the limit τ → t− , the last term disappears, and we find I(t, z(t)) + D(z(t− ), z(t)) = limτ →t− I(τ, z(τ )). We claim I(t, z(t− )) = limτ →t− I(τ, z(τ )). By the lower semicontinuity Z
(E1) we know I(t, z(t− )) ≤ lim inf τ →t− I(τ, z(τ )) as z(τ ) → z(t− ). The opposite inequality follows from stability of z(τ ) with respect to z(t− ), namely I(τ, z(τ )) ≤ I(τ, z(t− )) + D(z(τ ), z(t− )). Using D(z(τ ), z(t− )) ≤ lims→t− DissD (z, [τ, s]) we obtain D(z(τ ), z(t− )) → 0 for τ → t− . This implies lim supτ →t− I(τ, z(τ )) ≤ I(t, z(t− )) + 0, and (51a) and (51c) are established. Assertions (51b) and (51d) are obtained analogously.
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To establish the last statement fix t ∈ ]0, T ] and consider qn = q(t− n1 ) ∈ S(t− n1 ). Using (E1) and (C2) there exists a convergent subsequence such that Q qnm → ( y , z(t− )) ∈ S(t), i.e., z(t− ) ∈ S(t). Analogously, we show z(t+ ) ∈ S(t). To establish (51e) it suffices to show “≤”, since the triangle inequality S(t) and test with z(t+ ) to (D1) implies “≥”. For this we use z(t− ) ∈ obtain I(t, z(t− )) ≤ I(t, z(t+ )) + D(z(t− ), z(t+ )). Inserting (51a) and (51b) the desired estimate follows.
On Compatibility Conditions (C1) and (C2)
The central condition that makes the whole theory working is the conditioned closedness of the stability set (C2). For this, the interplay of the chosen topology and the properties of E and D are essential. The main philosophy of this condition is that stable sequences behave better than usual sequences. In many applications the power continuity (C1) is really a condition on E alone, namely if ∂t E : { (t, q) | E(t, q) ≤ E } → R is continuous for all E > 0. Such cases typically occur if the space Q is a reflexive Banach space equipped with the weak topology and if the loading of the problem is lower order or even linear. However, there are also important applications where the full generality of (C1) is needed, in particular, if D is not continuous. A fairly general way of establishing the crucial closedness condition (C2) is given in terms of finding a joint recovery sequence ( ql )l∈N : Q
T ∀ stab.seq.
(tl , ql ) → (t, q) ∀ q ∈ Q ∃ql → q : lim sup E(tl , ql )+D(ql , ql )−E(tl , ql ) ≤ E(t, q)+D(q, q)−E(t, q).
We also provide two stronger conditions, namely Q
T ∀ stab.seq.
(tl , ql ) → (t, q)∀ q ∈ Q ∃ ql → q : lim sup E(tl , ql )+D(ql , ql ) ≤ E(t, q)+D(q, q);
qk → q, qk → q and supk∈N E(t, qk )+E(t, qk ) < ∞
=⇒ D(qk , qk ) → D(q, q).
Since the following results are straightforward, we refer to [48] for a full proof. Proposition 3.7 (Sufficient conditions for (C2)). Assume (E1). Q
(i) If for each stable sequence (tl , ql ) →T (t, q) there exists a sequence ( ql )l∈N such that lim supl→∞ E(tl , ql )+D(ql , ql ) ≤ E(t, q), then the energy converges along stable sequences, i.e.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes Q
∀ stab.seq. (tl , ql ) →T (t, q) :
E(tl , ql ) → E(t, q).
In particular, (53) implies (55). (ii) We have the implications (54) =⇒ (53) =⇒ (52) =⇒ (C2). (iii) If (E2) holds additionally, then the conditions (52) and (53) remain the same if E(tl , ·) is replaced by E(t, ·). Concerning the conditioned continuity of the power, we mention that often the case is considered that Y is a weakly closed subset of a reflexive Banach space Y equipped with the weak topology. Moreover the energy takes the form E(t, q) = Φ(q) − (t), y, where ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ], Y ∗ ); then it is easy to establish (C1) even without using the stability. The following abstract result establishes the continuity of the power (C1) under more general conditions. It purely relies on semicontinuity properties, is independent of a linear structure, and goes back to an idea in [21] for showing that the stresses in nonlinear elasticity converge weakly, if the functions y n as well as the energy converge. The following result is an abstract and much simpler version of this fact, see [42, Prop. 5.6] for the proof. Proposition 3.8 (Sufficient conditions for (C1)). If E satisfies (E1)– (E2), then (56) implies (57): ∀ E > 0 ∀ ε > 0 ∃ δ > 0 ∀ t1 , t2 ∈ [0, T ] ∀q ∈ Q : E(0, q) ≤ E, |t2 −t1 | ≤ δ =⇒ ∂t E(t1 , q)−∂t E(t2 , q) ≤ ε, Q (tm , qm ) →T (t, q) and =⇒ ∂t E(t, qm ) → ∂t E(t, q). E(tm , qm ) → E(t, q) < ∞
Together with Proposition 3.7 we obtain the following result. Corollary 3.9. Assume that (D1), (D2), (E1), (E2), (53), and (56) hold. Then both compatibility conditions (C1) and (C2) are satisfied.
Proof of Theorem 3.4
The proof follows the main steps in [26], however it includes a new argument, namely a precise characterization of the power, see (44) and Proposition 3.11. This approach allows us to simplify the assumptions considerably in the case that Q satisfies the metrizability condition (43). The proof of the main existence result makes extensive use of the reduced energy functional I : ZT → R∞ , since the stability condition (S) as well as the energy balance (E) can be formulated easily for the reduced RIS (Z, I, D). For this recall the reduced stability set S(t) defined in (50). Clearly, we have q = (y, z) ∈ S(t) if and only if z ∈ S(t) and y ∈ Arg min E(t, ·, z). The only difficulty in reducing from Q to Z is that in general I(·, z) is no longer
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differentiable. Thus, we define energetic solutions z : [0, T ] → Z of the reduced RIS (Z, I, D) via the reduced power Pred defined in (41) as follows: (S)red
z(t) ∈ S(t),
I(t, z(t)) + DissD (z, [0, t]) = I(0, z(0)) +
t 0
Pred (s, z(s)) ds.
Because of (44) each energetic solution q = (y, z) : [0, T ] → Q gives rise to a reduced energetic solution z : [0, T ] → Z for (Z, I, D). The next lemma shows that the opposite is also true. Each solution z for (Z, I, D) can be made into a full solution q = (y, z) for the RIS (Q, E, D) by selecting a suitable measurable y-component. Lemma 3.10 (Selection of the y-component). Assume that (D1), (D2), (E1), (E2), (C2), (C1), and (43) are satisfied. Let z : [0, T ] → Z be measurable S(t) for each t ∈ with DissD (z, [0, T ]) + supt∈[0,T ] I(t, z(t)) < ∞ and z(t) ∈ [0, T ]. Then there exists a measurable function y : [0, T ] → Y such that for all t ∈ [0, T ] we have (y(t), z(t)) ∈ S(t) and Pred (t, z(t)) = ∂t E(t, y(t), z(t)). Proof. Our proof is based on a variant of Filippov’s selection theorem, which we use here with the complete measure space ([0, T ], S, μ) with S = the σ-algebra of the Lebesgue measurable subsets and μ = L1 (·) the onedef dimensional Lebesgue measure. For given (t, z) ∈ ZT we define M (t, z) = Arg min{ E(t, y, z) | y ∈ Y }. For the given measurable z : [0, T ] → Z we compose a set-valued mapping G : [0, T ] ⇒ Y via G(t) = M (t, z(t− )) ∪ M (t, z(t)) ∪ M (t, z(t+ )) ⊂ Y ⊂ Y, def
where Y is a compact subset of Y, which exists due to (E1). Using assumption (43), we know that the topology on Y is complete, separable and metrizable. Using (E1) each M (t, z) is nonempty, and hence each G(t) is nonempty. Employing (C2) we show that the graph Gr(G) = { (t, y) | y ∈ G(t) } is closed in [0, T ]×Y and hence is measurable. Indeed, consider (tk , yk ) ∈ Gr(G) with + tk → t∗ and yk → y∗ , then there exists zk = z(tνk ) with tνk ∈ {tk , t− k , tk } such that yk ∈ M (tk , zk ). Using the last statement in Lemma 3.6 (which is valid for every measurable z : [0, T ] → Z with z(t) ∈ S(t) and not only for energetic solutions), we conclude (yk , zk ) ∈ S(tk ). After taking a subsequence (not Z
relabeled) we may assume zk → z∗ and (C2) provides (y∗ , z∗ ) ∈ S(t∗ ), which implies y∗ ∈ M (t∗ , z∗ ). Moreover, (t∗ , z∗ ) lies in the closure of Gr(z) ⊂ ZT , + which means z∗ = z(tν∗ ) with tνk ∈ {tk , t− k , tk }. Thus, we have established y∗ ∈ G(t∗ ) as desired.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
The set-valued mapping F : [0, T ] ⇒ Y is defined via F (t) = M (t, z(t)). Clearly, F (t) is nonempty and closed for each t. Since z is continuous outside an at most countable set J(z) ⊂ [0, T ], we have F (t) = G(t) for t ∈ [0, T ]\J(z). Thus, F is a measurable set-valued mapping as well. We now define the function g : Gr(F ) → R via def
g(t, y) = ∂t E(t, y, z(t)) − Pred (t, z(t)) for t ∈ [0, T ] and y ∈ F (t). For fixed t ∈ [0, T ] the function g(t, ·) : F (t) → R is continuous because of (C1). Since E has compact sublevels by (E1), g is Borel-measurable. Moreover, z : [0, T ] → Z is Borel-measurable, since it is continuous except for a countable number of points. Thus, for each h ≥ 0 the functions γh : [0, T −h]×Y → R; (t, y) → E(t+h, y, z(t)) are (L ⊗ B(Y ), B(R))measurable. Since g is the difference of the pointwise limit of the measurable difference quotients h1 (γh − γ0 ) and t → Pred (t, z(t)) (which is measurable), it is measurable as well. Hence, the restriction of g to Gr(F ) is measurable. Next we show that for each t there exists y ∈ F (t) with g(t, y) = 0. Indeed, by (E1) the set M (t, z(t)) = Arg min E(t, ·, z(t)) is a nonempty compact set. Choose a sequence (ym )m approaching the supremum in the definition (41) of the reduced power, viz., Pred (t, z(t)) = sup{ ∂t E(t, y, z(t)) | y ∈ Y
M (t, z(t)) }. Taking a subsequence, we may assume ymn → y∗ ∈ M (t, z(t)). Since (ymn , z(t)) ∈ S(t) we have a stable sequence, and (C1) gives Pred (t, z(t)) = limn→∞ ∂t E(t, ymn , z(t)) = ∂t E(t, y∗ , z(t)), as desired. We are now able to apply Filippov’s theorem (cf. [5, Thm. 8.2.9+10] and obtain the desired measurable selection y : [0, T ] → Y with y(t) ∈ F (t) and g(t, y(t)) = 0. We next present a lower energy estimate that is valid for all stable processes. The fact that stability implies such a lower energy estimate was first observed in [51]. Here we use a stronger version that replaces the work of the external forces on the right-hand side by the integral of the reduced power Pred . Since the left-hand side in (59) does not depend on the y-component of the stable process (see (40)), it is clear that the lower bound on the righthand side should also be expressible in terms of z alone. It is this seemingly simple observation that allowed us to simplify the assumptions of the main existence result. Proposition 3.11 (Lower energy estimate). Assume that (D1), (D2), (E1), (E2), (C2), (C1), and (43) hold. Let q = (y, z) : [0, T ] → Q be measurable with supt∈[0,T ] E(t, q(t)) + DissD (z, [0, T ]) < ∞, and q(t) ∈ S(t) for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Then, for all 0 ≤ r < s ≤ T we have the lower energy inequality E(s, − E(r, q(r)) sq(s)) + DissD (z, [r, s]) s ≥ r Pred (t, z(t)) dt ≥ r ∂t E(t, q(t)) dt.
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Proof. We use the fact that the left-hand side is independent of the ycomponent, viz. (40). By the stability of q(r) and q(s) it can be written as I(s, z(s)) + DissD (z, [r, s]) − I(r, z(r)). Thus, it suffices to show the first inequality in (59), since the second one follows directly from the definition (41) of the reduced power, namely ∂t E(t, q(t)) ≤ Pred (t, z(t)) for all t ∈ [0, T ]. By Lemma 3.10 we may choose y such that we have equality. Hence we assume now that q satisfies this equality, i.e. ∂t E(t, q(t)) = Pred (t, z(t)). Take any partition Π = (t0 , t1 , . . . , tN ) ∈ Part([r, s]). For each tj−1 ∈ Π we use q(tj−1 ) ∈ S(tj−1 ) to obtain E(tj−1 , q(tj−1 )) ≤ E(tj−1 , q(tj )) + D(q(tj−1 ), q(tj )), which is the same as E(tj , q(tj ))+D(z(tj−1 ), z(tj ))−E(tj−1 , q(tj−1 )) ≥ E(tj , q(tj ))−E(tj−1 , q(tj )). Summing over j ∈ {1, . . . , NΠ } we find E(s, q(s)) + DissD (z, [r, s]) − E(r, q(r)) NΠ D(z(tj−1 ), z(tj )) − E(r, q(r)) ≥ E(s, q(s)) + j=1 NΠ tj
NΠ ∂ E(τ, q(tj )) dτ E(tj , q(tj ))−E(tj−1 , q(tj )) = j=1 ≥ j=1 tj−1 t s Π = r ∂t E(τ, q (τ )) dτ, where q Π is the left-continuous interpolant with q Π (t) = q(tj ) for t ∈ ]tj−1 , tj ]. Since the partition Π was arbitrary, we can apply Lemma 3.12 to obtain the desired result. Lemma 3.12. Let the conditions (E2), (C1) and the metrizability condition (43) hold. Moreover, assume that q : [0, T ] → Q is measurable, and there is a C > 0 such that for all t ∈ [0, T ] we have E(t, q(t)) ≤ C and q(t) ∈ S(t). Then, for all r, s ∈ [0, T ] with r < s we have
sup Π∈Part([r,s])
∂t E(τ, q Π (τ )) dτ ≥
∂τ E(τ, q(τ )) dt.
Proof. Since each function t → E(t+h, q(t)) is measurable, the power τ → ∂τ E(τ, q(τ )) is measurable as well, because it is a pointwise limit of measurable difference quotients. Moreover, there is a constant c0 > 0 such that |∂t E(t, q Π (t))| ≤ c0 λE . Using (43) we may apply Lusin’s theorem to q, which takes values in a compact set since the energy is bounded. For ε > 0 we find a compact set K ⊂ [r, s] with c0 L1 ([r, s] \ K)λE < ε, and q|K : K → Q is continuous. This implies
s r
∂t E(t, q Π (t)) dt ≥
∂t E(t, q Π (t)) dt − ε for all partitions Π.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
We now construct a sequence of partitions (Πn )n that allows us to prove the assertion. Let tn0 = r and define the other points inductively, namely as long as tnj < s we set
max{ t ∈ K | tnj < t ≤ tnj + min{tnj + n1 , s}
1 n
} if K ∩ tnj , tnj + n1 = ∅, else.
On the one hand, there cannot be two adjacent intervals that are small: if tnj+1 < tnj + n1 , then K ∩ tnj+1 , tnj + n1 is empty. Now, if tnj+1 < s, then tnj+2 exceeds min{tnj + n1 , s}. Hence, Πn has at most 2(s−r)n+1 intervals, and by construction the fineness satisfies φ(Πn ) ≤ n1 . On the other hand, the choice of the nodes in Πn is such that for t ∈ K we always have τ Π (t) ∈ K as n n n well. Indeed, tj+1 ∈ Π\K occurs only, if tj , tj+1 has empty intersection with K. Thus, we have shown τ Πn (t) ∈ K and τ Πn (t) → t+ for n → ∞ for all t ∈ K. Recall q Πn (t) = q(τ Πn (t)) and use the stability of q to conclude that (τ Πn (t), q Πn (t))n∈N is a stable sequence converging to (t, q(t)) Πn because of (60). Exploiting (C1) we find ∂t E(t, q (t)) → ∂t E(t, q(t)) and Πn limn→∞ K ∂t E(t, q (t)) dt = K ∂t E(t, q(t)) dt by Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem. In summary we have s s supΠ r ∂t E(t, q Π (t))dt ≥ lim supn→∞ r ∂t E(t, qΠn (t)) dt Πn ≥ −ε + lim ssupn→∞ K ∂t E(t, q (t)) dt = −ε + K ∂t E(t, q(t)) dt ≥ −2ε + r ∂t E(t, q(t)) dt. Because ε > 0 was arbitrary, this is the desired result.
The existence theory developed below builds on the (IMPΠ ) and a priori estimates. The general strategy for constructing solutions to (S)&(E) is to choose a sequence of partitions Π m with φ(Π m ) → 0, to extract a convergent m subsequence of (z l )l∈N of (z Π )m∈N , and then to show that the limit z : [0, T ] → Z solves (S)&(E). The existence of a convergent subsequence is guaranteed by the following version of Helly’s selections principle, see [38,58] for a full proof. Theorem 3.13 (Generalized version of Helly’s selection principle). Let D : Z×Z → [0, ∞] satisfy (D1) and (D2) and let K be a (sequentially) compact subset of Z. Then, for every sequence (z l )l∈N with z l : [0, T ] → K and supl∈N DissD (z l , [0, T ]) ≤ ∞, there exist a subsequence (z ln )n∈N and functions z∞ : [0, T ] → K and δ∞ : [0, T ] → [0, C] such that the following holds: def
(i) δln (t) = DissD (z ln , [0, t]) → δ∞ (t) for all t ∈ [0, T ]; Z
(ii) zln (t) → z∞ (t) for all t ∈ [0, T ]; (iii) DissD (z∞ , [t0 , t1 ]) ≤ δ∞ (t1 ) − δ∞ (t0 ) for all 0 ≤ t0 < t1 ≤ T .
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We are now ready to prove the main existence result stated in Theorem 3.4. Proof (of Theorem 3.4). We divide the proof into 6 steps. Step 1: A priori estimates. We choose an arbitrary sequence of partitions Π m whose fineness fm = φ(Π m ) tends to 0. The time-incremental minimization problems (IMPΠ ) are solvable and the piecewise constant interpolants q m = (y m , z m ) : [0, T ] → Q defined in (39) satisfy the a priori estimates DissD (z m , [0, T ]) ≤ CD
and ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : E(t, q m (t)) ≤ CE ,
where CD and CE are given explicitly in Corollary 3.3. Step 2: Selection of subsequences. Our version of Helly’s selection principle in Theorem 3.13 allows us to select a subsequence of (z m )m∈N that converges pointwise and that makes the dissipation converge as well. Moreover, the functions P m : t → ∂t E(t, q m (t)) form an equibounded sequence in L1 ((0, T )). Thus, by choosing a further subsequence (q mk )k∈N we may assume the following convergence properties for k → ∞, where we write qk as shorthand for q mk and pk for P mk : pk pweak in L1 ((0, T )), def
∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : δk (t) = DissD (zk , [0, t]) → δ(t) and zk (t) → z(t). Since the limit z : [0, T ] → Z satisfies DissD (z, [0, T ]) ≤ δ(T ) ≤ CD < ∞, we know that z is measurable and that it satisfies the energetic bound I(t, z(t)) ≤ CE . Thus, Lemma 3.10 provides a measurable y : [0, T ] → Y such that y(t) ∈ Arg min E(t, ·, z(t)) and ∂t E(y(t), z(t)) = Pred (t, z(t)),
and y(0) = y0 , where q0 = (y0 , z0 ) is the given initial value with q0 ∈ S(0). By construction z(0) = z m (0) = z0 such that y(0) = y0 is an admissible choice satisfying the first relation in (61) but not necessarily the second. Step 3: Stability of the limit function. We use the compatibility condition (C2). For fixed t ∈ [0, T ] we define τk to be the largest value in Π mk ∩ [0, t] such that qk (t) = qk (τk ). Then, qk (t) ∈ S(τk ), τk ≤ t, and τk → t. By Q
y , z(t)). choosing a further subsequence, if necessary, we obtain qkl (t) → q = ( In particular, (τkl , qkl (t))l∈N forms a convergent stable sequence. Now, (C2) yields q ∈ S(t), whence y ∈ Arg min E(t, ·, z(t)). However, this also implies q(t) = (y(t), z(t)) ∈ S(t), since for all q = ( y , z) ∈ Q we have E(t, q(t)) = I(t, z(t)) = E(t, q) ≤ E(t, q) + D(z(t), z).
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Step 4: Upper energy estimate. We define the functions def
ek (t) = E(t, qk (t)), def
E(t) = E(t, q(t)), def
wk (t) = W (t) =
0 0
δk (t) = DissD (zk , [0, t]), e∞ (t) = lim inf ek (t), k→∞
Δ(t) = DissD (z, [0, t]),
δ∞ (t) = lim δk (t), k→∞
∂s E(s, qk (s)) ds = 0 pk (s) ds, t ∂s E(s, q(s)) ds = 0 Pred (s, z(s)) ds,
where by construction ek (0) = E(0) = e∞ (0). Employing Corollary 3.3(ii) and the boundedness of ∂t E by C1 λE (use (E2) and Step 1) give ek (t)+δk (t) ≤ E(0) + wk (t) + C1 λE φ(Π mk ). Since E and DissD are lower semicontinuous (cf. Theorem 3.13(iii)) and since by weak convergence we have w∞ (t) = t limk→∞ wk (t) = 0 pweak (s) ds, the limit k → ∞ leads to E(t) + Δ(t) ≤ e∞ (t) + δ∞ (t) ≤ E(0) + w∞ (t) = E(0) +
t 0
pweak (s) ds. (62)
The next step is now to relate pweak and Pred (·, z(·)) using the compatibility condition for the power (C1). As in Step 3 we choose a subsequence of (qk (t))k Q
such that S(τkl ) ! qkl (t) → q and pkl (t) → psup (t) = lim supk→∞ pk (t). Thus, (C1) is applicable and we find pkl (t) = ∂t E(t, qkl (t)) → ∂t E(t, q) = psup (t) ≤ Pred (t, z(t)), where the latter estimate follows from q = ( y , z(t)) ∈ S(t) (use (C2)) and t the definition of Pred . Fatou’s lemma gives w∞ (t) ≤ 0 psup (s) ds, and we conclude the upper energy estimate E(t) + Δ(t) ≤ e∞ (t) + δ∞ (t) ≤ E(0) + w∞ (t) ≤ E(0) + W (t).
Step 5: Lower energy estimate. Because of our construction of the function q : [0, T ] → Q, we are able to apply Proposition 3.11 and obtain the lower energy estimate E(t) + Δ(t) = E(t, q(t)) + DissD (z, [0, t]) ≥ E(0, z(0)) + t ∂ E(s, q(s)) ds = E(0)+W (t). Thus, we have shown that the limit function 0 s q : [0, T ] → Q satisfies stability and energy balance for all times, whence it is an energetic solution. Step 6: Improved convergence. Finally we show that the convergences (45) stated at the end of the theorem hold. The convergence (45a) is already shown. The lower and upper energy estimate imply E(0)+W (t) ≤ E(t) + t t Δ(t) ≤ e∞ (t)+δ∞ (t) ≤ E(0)+ 0 pweak ds ≤ E(0)+ 0 psup ds ≤ E(0)+W (t). Hence, all inequalities are in fact equalities. Using E(t) ≤ e∞ (t), Δ(t) ≤
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δ∞ (t), and pweak ≤ psup ≤ Pred we conclude Δ(t) = δ∞ (t) and E(t) = e∞ (t), which proves the convergence statements (45b) and (45c). Moreover, we also find pweak (t) = psup (t) = Pred (t, z(t)) a.e. in [0, T ]. Since the weak limit and the pointwise limsup of the sequence pk coincide, the strong convergence (45d) holds, cf. [26, Prop. A2]. Thus, Theorem 3.4 is proved.
Γ -Convergence for Sequences of Rate-Independent Systems
We now consider sequences of rate-independent systems ((Q, Ek , Dk ))k∈N and study the question under what assumptions energetic solutions qk : [0, T ] → Q converge to a limit, which is an energetic solution to a limit system (Q, E∞ , D∞ ). As already revealed in [58], this theory is still very close to the existence theory for energetic solutions above, so the proof of Γ -convergence follows essentially the same six steps of the proof of Theorem 3.4. The notion of Γ -convergence, introduced by De Giorgi [20], exclusively applies to functionals. It is sometimes also called variational convergence or epigraph convergence, cf. [4, 5, 10, 16]. Here we just give a brief outline that is sufficient for our purposes. We consider a metrizable topological space Q, which means for our application that we restrict to a compact sublevel and use the metrizability assumption (43). For a sequence (Jk )k∈N of functionals Jk : Q → R∞ we are interested in the behavior for k → ∞, which reflects the behavior of minimizers. In particular, the Γ -limit J is defined in such a way Q that if qk minimizes Jk and qk → q∞ , then q∞ minimizes J. Definition 3.14 (Γ -convergence). A sequence (Jk )k∈N of functionals on a metrizable topological space Q Γ -converges to J : Q → R∞ , written J = Γ Γ -lim Jk or Jk − → J, if k→∞
(Γinf ) Γ -liminf estimate: Q qk → q =⇒ J(q) ≤ lim inf k→∞ Jk (qk ), (Γsup ) Γ -limsup estimate or “existence of recovery sequences”: Q q ) ≥ lim supk→∞ Jk ( qk ). ∀ q ∈ Q ∃ ( qk )k∈N with qk → q : J( The sequence ( qk )k∈N is called a recovery sequence for q since (Γinf ) and (Γsup ) imply Jk ( qk ) → J( q ), i.e., qk recovers the correct energy level. The following results are fundamental in the theory of Γ -convergence. Proposition 3.15. Under the above assumptions we have the following: (i) J = Γ - lim inf k→∞ Jk is always lower semicontinuous. (ii) For J, Jk : Q → R∞ with J = Γ -limk→∞ Jk , set α = inf Q J and αk = inf Q Jk . Assume α ∈ R and that there exist δ > 0 and a compact set
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
C ⊂ Q such that all sublevels { q | Jk (q) ≤ α+δ } are contained in C. Then, αk → α and for each sequence qk with qk → q and lim supk→∞ Jk ( qk ) = α we have J( q ) = α, i.e., q is a minimizer of J. In particular, if qk are minimizers of Jk , we conclude that all accumulation points of (qk )k are minimizers of J. It is surprising that Γ -convergence can be used in a rather easy way for energetic solutions of RIS. This is certainly due to the fact that the evolution is strongly governed by the static stability condition. Applications of Γ -convergence occur naturally in space-time discretizations [33, 47, 57] or homogenization [52] of rate-independent material models. See also [6, 28] for applications in fracture or [8, 44] for damage. We now list the assumptions on the rate-independent systems (Q, Ek , Dk ), def k ∈ N∞ = N ∪ {∞}, which are sufficient for our convergence theory. They are in complete analogy to the assumptions in the existence theory above; however, certain assumptions need to be uniform in k, while other assumptions are only needed for the limiting system with k = ∞. Since we are already dealing with a sequence of problems and we have to choose subsequences several times, we need to adjust the notion of stable sequences. The stability sets Sk (t) are defined for (Q, Ek , Dk ) as in (31). A sequence ((tl , qkl ))l∈N is a stable sequence (abbreviated as “stab.seq.” further on), if qkl ∈ Skl (tl ) for all l ∈ N
supl∈N Ekl (tl , qkl ) < ∞.
Note that (qkl )l∈N denotes a subsequence to indicate the index kl for which we have stability. As in the previous sections, we say that ((tl , ql ))l∈N is a stable sequence for (Q, E, D∞ ) if ql ∈ S∞ (tl ), and we shortly write “stab.seq.∞ ” in that case. We collect all our assumptions and comment on them afterwards. Quasi-distance: ∀ k ∈ N∞ ∀ z, z, z ∈ Z : z , z). Dk (z, z) = 0 ⇔ z = z and Dk (z, z) ≤ Dk (z, z) + Dk (
Lower semicontinuity of Dk : ∀ k ∈ N∞ : Dk : Z×Z → [0, ∞] is lower semicontinuous.
Lower Γ -limit for Dk :
Q Q tl , qkl ) →T ( t, q) : ∀ stab.seq. (tl , qkl ) →T (t, q) and ( D∞ (q, q) ≤ lim inf Dkl (qkl , qkl ).
Compactness of energy sublevels: For all t ∈ [0, T ] and all E ∈ R we have (i) ∀ k ∈ N∞ : { q ∈ Q | Ek (t, q) ≤ E } is compact; ∞ (ii) k=1 { q ∈ Q | Ek (t, q) ≤ E } is relatively compact.
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Separability and metrizability: The topology restricted to sublevels of E(t, ·) is compact, separable and metrizable.
Uniform control of the power ∂t Ek : ∃ λE > 0 ∀ k ∈ N∞ ∀ (t, q) with Ek (t, q) < ∞ : Ek (·, q) ∈ C1 ([0, T ]), |∂t Ek (t, q)| ≤ λE Ek (s, q) for s ∈ [0, T ].
Lower Γ -limit for Ek :
∀ stab.seq. (tl , qkl ) →T (t, q) : E∞ (t, q) ≤ lim inf Ekl (tl , qkl ).
Conditioned semicontinuity of the power: ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : Q
∀ stab.seq. (tl , qkl ) →T (t, q) : lim sup ∂t Ekl (t, qkl ) ≤ ∂t E∞ (t, q),
∀ stab.seq.∞ (tl , ql ) →T (t, q) : lim inf ∂t E∞ (t, ql ) ≥ ∂t E∞ (t, q). l→∞
Conditioned upper semicontinuity of stability sets: Q
∀ stab.seq. (tl , qkl ) →T (t, q) :
q ∈ S∞ (t).
Assumptions (64a)–(64c) mainly concern the dissipation distances Dk : the first two correspond to the earlier conditions (D1) and (D2), whereas (64c) is the new Γ -liminf condition. Assumptions (64d)–(64g) are mainly on the stored-energy functionals Ek : the first two correspond to the earlier (E1) and (E2), whereas (64g) is the new Γ -liminf condition. Conditions (64j) and (64h)–(64i) correspond to the compatibility conditions (C1) and (C2), respectively. Γ It may seem strange that we do not ask the Γ -convergences of Dk − → D∞ Γ and Ek (t, ·) − → E∞ (t, ·) for k → ∞. In fact, we do not need this in general, because the compatibility conditions (64h), (64i), and (64j) implicitly provide the Γ -limsup estimates when restricted to the stability sets S∞ (t). In fact, condition (64j) is almost identical to the compatibility condition (C2). Hence, the construction of joint-recovery sequences in Sect. 3.5 applies equally here. Γ Γ Whereas in many practical applications Dk − → D∞ and Ek (t, ·) − → E∞ holds, the importance of the interlinked assumptions is that we are automatically forced to consider Γ -convergence in the intrinsic topology, namely the one induced by convergence of stable sequences. We present two convergence results and refer to [58] for the proofs. The first result concerns exact solutions qk of the RIS (Q, Ek , Dk ), and we already assume that these solutions converge. This is not a restrictive assumption, since from the proof it becomes clear that any sequence of solutions has a subsequence for which the z-component pointwise converges, and that is the only important assumption.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Theorem 3.16 ((Q, Ek , Dk ) converges to (Q, E∞ , D∞ )). Assume that (64) holds and that qk : [0, T ] → Q are energetic solutions of (Q, Ek , Dk ). Q
Let us further assume that, for all t ∈ [0, T ], we have qk (t) → q(t) and Ek (0, qk (0)) → E∞ (0, q(0)) for k → ∞. Then q : [0, T ] → Q is an energetic solution of (Q, E∞ , D∞ ), and for all t ∈ [0, T ] we have Ek (t, qk (t)) → E∞ (t, q(t)), Dissk (qk , [0, t]) → Diss∞ (q, [0, t]), ∂t Ek (·, qk (·)) → ∂t E∞ (·, q(·)) in L1 ([0, T ]). Next we show that even incremental solutions of (Q, Ek , Dk ) for a given sequence (Π k )k∈N of partitions with fineness φ(Π k ) → 0 have subsequences converging to solutions of (Q, E∞ , D∞ ). Thus, we do not need exact solutions of each (Q, Ek , Dk ) to guarantee that the limiting functions are solutions. For the partitions Π k = (0 = tk0 , tk1 , . . . , tkNk −1 , tkNk = T ), we use the fully implicit Πk
incremental minimization problem (IMP)k
k Given q0k ∈ Q, for j = 1, ..., Nk find qjk ∈ Arg min Ek (tkj , q) + Dk (qj−1 , q) . q∈Q
For each solution ((tkj , qjk ))j=0,1,...,Nk we define the piecewise constant interpolants q k : [0, T ] → Q as in (39). The following result states the convergence of subsequences of the solutions q k to energetic solutions of the limit system (Q, E, D). k
Theorem 3.17 ((IMPΠ k ) converges to (Q, E∞ , D∞ )). Let conditions (64a)–(64j) hold. Let the sequence of partitions Π k satisfy φ(Π k ) → 0, and let the sequence of initial conditions q0k satisfy Q
q0k → q0
Ek (0, q0k ) → E∞ (0, q0 ) ∈ R.
Then, each (IMP)k has at least one solution q k : [0, T ] → Q and there exist a subsequence (q kl )l∈N and a measurable, energetic solution q : [0, T ] → Q for the RIS (Q, E∞ , D∞ ) with q(0) = q0 , such that (i)–(iv) hold: (i) ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : Ekl (t, q kl (t)) → E∞ (t, q(t)), (ii) ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : Disskl (q kl , [0, t]) → Diss∞ (q, [0, t]), Z
(iii) ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : z kl (t) → z(t), (iv) ∂t Ekl (·, q kl (·)) → ∂t E∞ (·, q(·)) in L1 ([0, T ]).
Moreover, any q : [0, T ] → Q obtained as such a limit is an energetic solution of (Q, E∞ , D∞ ), if additionally y(t) ∈ Arg min E(t, ·, z(t)) for all t and ∂t E∞ (t, y(t), z(t)) = P∞ red (t, z(t)) a.e. in [0, T ].
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Rate-Independent Systems in Banach Spaces
In Banach spaces we have two important additional tools deriving from the linear structure. First, the functionals at hand may have differentials or subdifferentials such that it is possible to formulate force balances and rate equations rather than comparing energies, as in the energetic formulation. Second, we can employ convexity and duality methods like the LegendreFenchel transform as indicated in Sect. 2.5. In Sect. 4.2 we discuss several weakened versions of the subdifferential problem 0 ∈ ∂q˙ R(q(t), q(t)) ˙ + εVz˙ + ∂ q E(t, q(t)), (67) with ε = 0 and provide some comparison to energetic solutions. Using convexity arguments we derive temporal continuity properties in Sect. 4.3. Finally the vanishing-viscosity approach considers first ε > 0 and then the limit ε → 0 is used to derive new types of solutions, namely the notion of parametrized and BV solutions.
The Basic Banach-Space Setup
Before starting with details we explain the usage of the different Banach spaces X, V , C, and Q = Y ×Z. The smallest space Q is a reflexive Banach def space, such that E : QT = [0, T ]×Q → R∞ has bounded and weakly closed sublevels. For E : QT → R∞ (similarly for the reduced functional I : ZT → R∞ ) we make the following assumptions, which are used without further mentioning in the sequel: ∃ c, C > 0 ∀ (t, q) ∈ QT :
E(t, q) ≥ cq − C;
∃ λE > 0 ∀ (s, q) ∈ QT with E(s, q) < ∞ : E(·, q) ∈ C1 ([0, T ]) and |∂t E(t, q)| ≤ λE E(t, q) for all t.
Then, the basic energy estimate, cf. Sect. 2.4, shows that all solutions and approximations of interest lie in a bounded set in Q, which is useful for extracting subsequences that weakly converge in Q. The function space X is chosen to make the dissipation coercive, i.e. R(z, v) ≥ cvX . The space C is used to provide uniform convexity properties like D2q E(t, q)w, w ≥ cw2C . Finally, the Hilbert space V is used for measuring viscosity, e.g. in the small viscosity approximation we use the dissipation potential Rε (z, v) = Ψ (v) + 2ε v2V . Throughout we assume that the embeddings Q ⊂ C, Z ⊂ X, and Z ⊂ V hold. Having in mind the PDE version of our standard Example 2.8, namely 0 ∈ Sign(z) ˙ + εVz˙ − Δz + Φ (z) − (t, x),
(t, x) ∈ [0, T ]×Ω,
z(t, ·)|∂Ω = 0,
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
we have Rε (z, v) = vL1 + 2ε v2L2 and I(t, z) = Ω 21 |∇z|2 + Φ(z) − (t)z dx. This leads to the typical choice Z = H10 (Ω) V = L2 (Ω) ⊂ X = L1 (Ω). A major difficulty for rate-independent systems arising in applications in continuum mechanics is that the rate-independent norm of X is usually given in terms of a (weighted) L1 norm. Thus, in general X is not reflexive and does not enjoy the Radon-Nikodym property, which would provide differentiability of Lipschitz functions. In principle, it would be possible to ∗ use the weak* derivative h1 (z(t+h) − z(t)) z˙ in a bigger space X0 which contains X as a closed subspace and is the dual of a separable space, e.g. M(Ω) ⊃ L1 (Ω). However, we are able to avoid this concept by using the dissipation Diss in derivative-free form. Another way to handle the missing weak closedness of X is discussed in Sect. 5, where X is treated as a complete metric space. Example 4.1. A typical example for X = L1 (R) is obtained by the functions z(t) = χ[α(t),β(t)] , where α, β ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ]) with α ≤ β a.e. Letting f (t) = ˙ |α(t)| ˙ + |β(t)| we obtain z(t2 )−z(t1 )L1 ≤ |α(t2 )−α(t1 )| + |β(t2 )−β(t1 )| ≤ t2 f (t) dt. Hence z lies in AC([0, T ], L1(R)) but not in W1,1 ([0, T ], L1 (R)), t1 1 ˙ since z(t) ˙ = β(t)δβ(t) − α(t)δ ˙ α(t) is a Radon measure but not in L (R). The linear Banach space structure allows for the usage of subdifferentials. For the dissipation potential R we always use the convex subdifferential ∂v R(z, ·) for the convex function R(z, ·) : X → R∞ . For the energy functional E(t, ·) : Q → R∞ there are several possible choices of subdifferentials. For simplicity we restrict to the limiting subdifferential used in [64], also called Mordukhovich differential. It is a suitable closure of the Fr´echet subdifferential ∂qFr E(t, q) = { η ∈ Q∗ | E(t, q+w) ≥ E(t, q) + η, w + o(wQ )z→0 } def
and is given in the form ∂ q E(t, q) = { η ∈ Q∗ | ∃ (qn , ηn )n∈N : ηn ∈ ∂qFr E(t, qn ), qn q in Q, def
ηn η in Q∗ , supn∈N E(t, qn ) < ∞ }. For the sum of a convex function J1 and a C1 function J2 we have the sum rule ∂(J1 +J2 )(q) = ∂J1 (q) + DJ2 (q). (69) Of course, most definitions and some of the results can be transferred to other subdifferentials, but this would complicate the presentation unnecessarily. The difficulty in finding a suitable notion of subdifferential lies in the two opposite requirements. First, we want the subdifferential to be sufficiently large, such that it has good closure properties. If approximations satisfy ηn (t) ∈ ∂ q E(t, qn (t)) a.e. in [0, T ], qn ; q, and ηn ; η, we want to be able to
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conclude η(t) ∈ ∂ q E(t, q(t)) a.e. in [0, T ]. Second, we want the subdifferential to be not too big, such that we still can show a counterpart to the classical d chain rule dt E(t, q(t)) = Dq E(t, q(t)), q(t) ˙ + ∂t E(t, q(t)). As a start, we define a suitable generalized chain rule, which will be useful in the following sections. Here Y is a general Banach space, which can play the role of R×Z for time-dependent functionals. Definition 4.2 (Chain rules). Let Y be a Banach space and J : Y → R∞ a functional with (sub)differential ∂J : Y ⇒ Y ∗ . We say that the triple (Y , J, ∂J) satisfies the chain-rule equality, if for all y ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ]; Y ) and all measurable η : [0, T ] → Y ∗ the following holds: if supt∈[0,T ] J(y(t)) < ∞,
T 0
y(t) ˙ Y η(t)Y ∗ dt < ∞,
and η(t) ∈ ∂J(y(t)) a.e. in [0, T ], (70)
then t → J(y(t)) is absolutely continuous and d J(y(t)) = η(t), y(t) ˙ a.e. in [0, T ]. dt
We say that (Y , J, ∂J) satisfies the chain-rule inequality, if for all y ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ]; Y ) and all measurable η : [0, T ] → Y ∗ we have if supt∈[0,T ] J(y(t)) < ∞,
T 0
y(t) ˙ Y η(t)Y ∗ dt < ∞,
and η(t) ∈ ∂J(y(t)) a.e. in [0, T ], T then 0 y(t), ˙ η(t) dt ≥ J(y(0)) − J(y(T )).
The chain rule holds for functionals E ∈ C1 (QT ), but also in much more general situations, see e.g. [64]. We apply the chain rules to the space Y = R×V , and we always assume classical differentiability of I with respect t ∈ [0, T ]. Hence we have to be careful only with respect to ∂ z I and usually T split off the work of the external forces 0 ∂t I(t, z(t)) dt. We now provide a few more examples for the Banach-space setting. They are rather degenerate and will serve as counterexamples. Example 4.3. We let Ω = ]0, 1[ ⊂ R1 , X = L1 (Ω), and Z = L2 (Ω). Hence, Z is not compactly embedded in X. The functionals are Iα (t, z) = Ω Φα (z(x))−(t+x)z(x) dx, Rε (z, z) ˙ = Ω |z(x)| ˙ + 2ε |z(t)| ˙ 2 dx, and z0 (x) = 0. We consider the case α ∈ [2, ∞] and Φα (z) =
1 α α |z|
for |z| ≤ 1 and Φα (z) = 12 |z|2 +
1 α
1 2
for |z| ≥ 1.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
The point of this example is that we are able to calculate the solution by solving uncoupled scalar differential inclusions for each x ∈ Ω, namely 0 ∈ Sign(z(t, ˙ x)) + εz(t, ˙ x) + Φα (z(t, x)) − t − x,
z(0, x) = z0 (x) = 0. (72)
Because of Φα (0) = 0 we see that z0 is locally stable at t = 0. For ε = 0 we obtain the solution zα (t, x) = Mα (max{0, t+x−1}) where Mα (σ) = σ 1/(α−1) for σ ∈ [0, 1] and Mα (σ) = σ for σ ≥ 1. For α = 2 the abstract theory of uniformly convex problems gives z ∈ CLip ([0, T ], L2 (Ω)). However, using the explicit formula ⎧ ⎪ 0 for t + x < 1, ⎨ − α−2 1 α−1 z˙α (t, x) = α−1 (t+x−1) for 1 < t + x < 2, ⎪ ⎩ 1 for t + x > 2, . In particular, p = 1 we find z˙α ∈ L∞ ([0, T ], Lp(Ω)) whenever p > α−1 α−2 is always possible, and we are able to write down the abstract differential inclusion 0 ∈ ∂R0 (z˙α (t)) + Dz Iα (t, zα (t)) ⊂ L2 (Ω) = Z ∗ , (73) since ∂R0 (z˙α (t)) ∈ L∞ (Ω) = X ∗ ⊂ Z ∗ . The limit case α → ∞ is more interesting, because it leads to the degenerate convex limit potential Φ∞ (z) = 12 max{0, |z|2 −1} and the limit solution z with ⎧ ⎧ 0 for t + x < 1, ⎨ ⎨ δ1−t for t ∈ ]0, 1[ , z(t, x) = z(t) ˙ = χ]2−t,1[ for t ∈ ]1, 2[ , 1 for 1 < t + x ≤ 2, ⎩ ⎩ t + x − 1 for t + x ≥ 2; 1 for t > 2 Thus, we have z ∈ CLip ([0, T ], X) with X = L1 (Ω), but the derivative only exists in the weak* sense, namely z˙ ∈ L∞ w∗ ([0, T ], M(Ω)) with M(Ω) = C0 (Ω)∗ . We are no longer able to give any sense to the subdifferential inclusion (73), since after extending R : X → R∞ to R◦ : M(Ω) → R∞ via the weak* lower semicontinuous hull, the subdifferential ∂R◦ (z˙α ) needs to be treated in M(Ω)∗ which is no longer comparable to Z ∗ . Thus, we do not have a differential solution, but z is still a CD solution in the sense of Definition 4.5. For completeness and later reference, we also give the viscous approximations for the case α = ∞. The solution z ε reads
z (t, x) = U (t+x)
⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨
0 for (τ −1)/ε for with U (τ ) = ⎪ 1 for ⎪ ⎩ τ −1+εe−(τ −2)/ε −ε for ε
τ ≤ 1, 1 ≤ τ ≤ 1+ε, 1+ε ≤ τ ≤ 2, τ ≥ 2.
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Obviously, we have z ε (t, ·) → z(t, ·) in Z. For each ε > 0 we have z ε ∈ CLip ([0, T ], Lp (Ω)). However, the Lipschitz bound blows up for ε > 0 if p > 1. Only in the case p = 1 we obtain a uniform bound. Example 4.4. This example uses exactly the same function spaces as the previous Example 4.3, but the potential defining I is replaced by the nonconvex function Φnc : z → U(z) with U from (23). For the viscous problem (72) with the initial condition z0 (x) = −4 we obtain the unique solution z ε (t, x) = V ε (t+x) with
V ε (τ ) =
⎧ ⎪ ⎨
−4 τ −5−ε 2εe(τ −3−ε)/ε −τ +1−ε ⎪ ⎩ τ +3−ε−(4+δε )e−(τ −3−ε−δε )/ε
for for for for
τ τ τ τ
∈ [0, 1+ε], ∈ [1+ε, 3+ε], ∈ [3+ε, 3+ε+δε ], ≥ 3+ε+δε ,
where δε = ε log(2/ε) + O(ε) for ε → 0. For ε → 0, the solutions z ε (t, ·) converge to z strongly in Z = L2 (Ω), where z(t, x) = V 0 (t+x) a.e. in Ω, with V 0 (τ ) = max{−4, τ −5} for τ < 3 and V 0 (τ ) = τ +3 for τ > 3. As in the previous example, the functions z ε have a uniform Lipschitz 1 bound (namely 8), if the values are considered √ in X = L (Ω). However, the 2 total length in Z = L (Ω) tends to ∞ like 1/ ε. More important is the fact, that the limit function z ∈ CLip ([0, 5]; X) ∩ C0 ([0, 5]; Z) does not satisfy the simple energy balance. All quantities can be calculated explicitly, and we find I(t, z(t)) + DissΨ (z, [0, t]) + (t) = I(0, z(0)) +
t 0
∂s I(s, z(s)) ds
with (t) = max{0, 16 min{t−2, 1}}. This means that in the time interval t ∈ [2, 3], which is exactly where z jumps from −2 to +6, there is an additional limit dissipation from the “infinitesimal viscous jumps”. However, these jumps are distributed continuously in time such that z remains continuous in time as a function with values in Z = L2 (Ω). This example will be reconsidered in Example 4.27 to highlight the difference between strong and weak BV solutions.
Differential, CD, and Local Solutions
To define solutions concepts that avoid derivatives we use the special feature of the subdifferential for 1-homogeneous dissipation potentials given in Lemma 2.2, i.e. the rate-independent differential inclusion (67) is equivalent to q(t) ∈ Sloc (t) = { q = (y, z) ∈ Q | 0 ∈ ∂v R(z, z) ˙ + ∂ q E(t, q) }, t t E(t, q(t)) + R(z, z) ˙ ds = E(0, z(0)) + ∂s E(s, z(s)) ds. 0
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
However, the point is that the derivative of z in the energy balance can be replaced by using the dissipation functional DissD . This leads to a derivativefree formulation. Thus, we consider compatible pairs (R, D) which satisfy ∃ cR , CR > 0 ∀ z ∈ Z, v ∈ X : cR vX ≤ R(z, v) ≤ CR vX ,
∀ z, v ∈ Z : lim+ 1ε D(z, z+εv) = R(z, v),
∀ z ∈ W1,1 ([r, t], X)∩Cw ([r, t], Z) : t ˙ ds = DissD (z, [r, t]). r R(z(s), z(s))
As usual we assume the Banach-space structure Q = Y ×Z with continuous and dense embedding Z ⊂ X. Then, ∂z˙ R(z, v) ⊂ X ∗ ⊂ Z ∗ can also be embedded into Q∗ by putting 0 in the component Y ∗ . The main problem in the notions of solutions to RIS arises from the fact, that we want to allow for solutions q = (y, z) : [0, T ] → Y ×Z which are not necessarily differentiable, maybe not even continuous. In this section, discontinuity is only allowed for local solutions, while the other solution concepts ask for weak continuity. Definition 4.5 (Differentiable, CD, and local solutions). Consider (Q, E, R) with compatible D. A function q = (y, z) : [0, T ] → Q = Y ×Z is called (i) a differential solution to (Q, E, R), if q ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ], Q) and 0∈
0 + ∂ q E(t, q(t)) ∂z˙ R(z(t), z(t)) ˙
for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ];
(ii) a semi-differential solution to (Q, E, R), if (75) holds, q ∈ Cw ([0, T ], Q), and z ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ], X); (iii) a CD solution (for ‘C’ontinuous ‘D’issipation) to (Q, E, R), if t → DissD (q, [0, t]) is continuous and if for all t ∈ [0, T ] we have 0 + ∂ q E(t, q(t)) and ∂z˙ R(z(t), 0)
E(t, q(t)) + DissD (q, [0, t]) = E(0, q(0)) +
∂s E(s, q(s)) ds;
(iv) a local solution to (Q, E, R), if 0 + ∂ q E(t, q(t)) ∂z˙ R(z(t), 0)
for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ] and
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E(t2 , q(t2 )) + DissD (q, [t1 , t2 ]) ≤ E(t1 , q(t1 )) +
∂s E(s, q(s)) ds
for all 0 ≤ t1 < t2 ≤ T. (77b) Referring to Definition 2.1 we note that the solution types in (i)–(iv) define possibly multi-valued evolutionary systems in the sense that the concatenation and restriction properties hold. The restriction property will fail, if we replace (77b) by the weaker global energy inequality with t1 = 0 and t2 = T . The point is that the local stability condition is not strong enough to provide a lower energy estimate unless additional continuity properties are assumed. The notion of differentiable solutions can be rewritten as the following evolutionary quasi-variational inequality, which is often used in the literature, see e.g. [7, 35]: ∀a.a. t ∈ [0, T ] ∃ η(t) ∈ X ∗ ∩ ∂ q E(t, q(t)) ∀ v ∈ X : ˙ ≥ 0.
η(t), v−z(t) ˙ X ∗ ×X + R(z(t), v) − R(z(t), z(t))
The important fact about the definitions of CD and local solutions is that they do not assume any differentiability of the solution. To see that the notions are genuinely different, we refer to Example 4.3, where for I∞ we have a solution z ∈ C([0, T ], Z) ∩ CLip ([0, T ], X) which does not lie in W1,1 ([0, T ], X). Thus, we have a CD solution which is not a differential solution. If a suitable chain-rule condition holds for E, we see that the above notions of solutions are ordered from strong to weak and that we are able to go backward, if the solutions have the appropriate temporal behavior. Proposition 4.6. Assume that (Q, E, R) and D satisfy (74) and the chain rule (70). Then, q ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ], Q) is a differential solution if and only if it is a CD solution. Proof. Assume that q is a differential solution. Obviously, (76a) holds by Lemma 2.2, which characterizes the subdifferentials of 1-homogeneous functionals. To establish the energy balance, take a measurable selection η with η(t) ∈ ∂ q E(t, q(t)) a.e. in [0, T ]. Then, η = (0, ζ) with ζ ∈ L∞ ([0, T ], Z ∗ ), because (74a) implies ζ(t)X ∗ ≤ CR and X ∗ ⊂ Z ∗ continuously. The same lemma also gives R(z(t), z(t)) ˙ = − ζ(t), z(t). ˙ Using the chain rule (70), integration, and (74c) give (76b). If q is a CD solution, we choose η = (0, ζ) ∈ ∂ q E(t, q(t)) according to (76a), which implies −ζ(t) ∈ R(z(t), 0). Using (76b), (74c), and (70) gives R(z(t), z(t)) ˙ = − ζ(t), z(t). ˙ With Lemma 2.2 we obtain the subdifferential formulation (75).
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Under reasonable assumptions it is possible to show that all local solutions that are also continuous are in fact CD solutions. For this one needs to show that local stability together with continuity provides a lower energy estimate. The next result shows that continuous energetic solutions are in fact CD solutions. Proposition 4.7. Assume that (Q, E, R) satisfies (74). Then, an energetic solution q with q ∈ Cw ([0, T ], Q) is a CD solution. Proof. Since the energy balance is common in both formulations it suffices to show the local stability. For t ∈ [0, T ] let J( q ) = E(t, q) + D(z(t), z). From the global stability (S) (see Definition 3.1) we see that (y, w) = q(t) is the global minimizer, which implies 0 ∈ ∂J(q(t)). Moreover, with (74a) and (74b) we find ∂J(q(t)) = ∂E(t, q(t)) + (0, ∂z˙ R(z(t), 0))T , which provides the desired result. As a corollary we obtain a first existence result for CD solutions. Theorem 4.8. Assume that Z is compactly embedded into X, and that R(z, v) = Ψ (v), with Ψ : X → [0, ∞[ being coercive and strongly continuous. Moreover, let E : [0, T ] → Q → R∞ satisfy (E1) and (E2) with respect to the weak topology on Q. Moreover, assume ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : E(t, ·) : Q → R∞ is strictly convex; ∗ ∃ CE ∀ q with E(0, q) < ∞ : E(·, q) ∈ C1 ([0, T ]), ∗ |t−s|E(0, q). |∂t E(t, q)−∂t E(s, q)| ≤ CE
Then, for each q0 ∈ S(0) there exists an energetic solution q that is also a CD solution to (Q, E, Ψ ) with q(0) = q0 . Proof. We first employ Theorem 3.5, which provides the existence of an energetic solution. Using the strict convexity of E(t, ·) we conclude that y(t) is uniquely defined from z(t) as minimizer of E(t, ·, z(t)). Moreover, the reduced functional I with I(t, z) = miny∈Y E(t, y, z) is still strictly convex with respect to z. Thus, the mappings Jt,z : z → I(t, z) + Ψ (z− z ) are strictly convex as well. Lemma 3.6 states that the left limit z(t− ) (in the strong X-topology) is globally stable as well. Hence, it is a minimizer of Jt,z(t− ) . By the jump relations (51), z(t) is a minimizer as well, which now must coincide with z(t− ) by continuity. Similarly, z(t+ ) must coincide with z(t). Hence we have shown z(t− ) = z(t) = z(t+ ), which implies strong continuity in X and weak continuity in Z. By uniqueness of the minimizers of E(t, ·, z(t)) we also obtain y(t− ) = y(t) = y(t+ ), where limits are taken weakly in Y . We use here that weak limits of minimizers are minimizers because of the weak lower semicontinuity. Thus, q ∈ Cw ([0, T ], Q) is established, and Proposition 4.7 provides the CD solution.
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Systems with Convexity Properties
The temporal continuity results from the previous section can be improved under stronger convexity assumptions. For this we introduce a possibly larger function space C such that Q is continuously embedded into C. We consider general energetic solutions to (Q, E, D) under the following uniform α-convexity condition: ∃ α ≥ 2, E > 0 ∃ c∗ > 0 ∀ θ ∈ [0, 1] ∀ t, q0 , q1 with E(t, q0 ), E(t, q1 ) ≤ E : E(t, qθ ) + D(z0 , zθ ) + c∗ θ(1−θ)q1 −q0 α C
≤ (1−θ) E(t, q0 )+D(z0 , z0 ) + θ E(t, q1 )+D(z0 , z1 ) ,
where qθ = (1−θ)q0 + θq1 . Here α = 2 is the case of classical uniform convexity. Clearly, this property is satisfied, if E(t, ·) is uniformly α-convex and D : (z0 , z1 ) → Ψ (z1 −z0 ) is merely convex. As a second assumption we need that the power ∂t E is Lipschitz or H¨ older continuous with respect to the same norm · C , namely, ∃ β ∈ ]0, 1] ∀ E > 0 ∃ C∗ > 0 ∀ t, q0 , q1 with E(t, q0 ), E(t, q1 ) ≤ E : |∂t E(t, q1 ) − ∂t E(t, q0 )| ≤ C∗ q1 −q0 βC .
Before stating the main time-regularity result, we emphasize that in smooth cases the convexity condition (79) with α = 2 and C = Q is essentially the same as the joint convexity condition (15). In fact, for E ∈ C2 and R(·, z) ∈ C1 condition (79) implies q , q + Dz R(z, z)[ z ] ≥ 2c∗ q 2C for all q ∈ Q.
D2 E(t, q) The following result is taken from [67, 68], where more details and some applications are given. Theorem 4.9 (Lipschitz and H¨ older continuity). Let (Q, E, D) be a RIS satisfying the power control (E2), (79) and (80). Then, for every energetic solution q : [0, T ] → Q there exists C > 0 such that q(t)−q(s)C ≤ C|t−s|1/(α−β)
for all s, t ∈ [0, T ].
Proof. We choose E = sup{ E(t, q(t)) | t ∈ [0, T ] } and obtain c∗ , C∗ > 0 from (79) and (80). Exploiting the uniform α-convexity we derive an improved stability estimate. Indeed, using q(s) ∈ S(s) and (79) with q0 = q(s) and q1 = q(t) where s < t we obtain
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
E(s, q(s)) ≤ E(s, qθ ) + D(z0 , zθ ) (where qθ = (1−θ)q(s) + θq(t) )
≤ (1−θ)E(s, q(s)) + θ E(s, q(t))+D(z(s), z(t)) − c∗ θ(1−θ)q(t)−q(s)α C. Subtracting E(s, q(s)), dividing by θ, and taking the limit θ → 0+ lead to E(s, q(s)) + c∗ q(t)−q(s)α C ≤ E(s, q(t)) + D(z(s), z(t)),
which is the desired improved stability estimate. Employing the dissipation estimate D(z(s), z(t)) ≤ DissD (z, [s, t]) and the energy balance we obtain c∗ q(t)−q(s)α C ≤ E(s, q(t)) + D(z(s), z(t)) − E(s, q(s)) ≤ E(s, q(t)) − E(t, q(t)) + E(t, q(t)) + DissD (z, [s, t]) − E(s, q(s)) t t = s ∂r E(r, q(r)) − ∂r E(r, q(t)) dr ≤ s C∗ q(t)−q(r)βC dr. t Letting η(τ ) = t−τ q(t)−q(r)βC dr for τ ∈ [0, t−s] leads to η (τ ) ≤ (C∗ η(τ )/c∗ )β/α . Since η(0) = 0 we find η(τ ) ≤ C1 τ α/(α−β) and, thus, q(t)−q(s)C = η (t−s)1/β ≤
C∗ c∗
1/α C∗ C1 1/α η(t−s) ≤ c∗ (t−s)1/(α−β) ,
where C1 depends only on C∗ , c∗ , α, and β. This is the desired result.
Since Q ⊂ C and Q is reflexive, the solutions studied in Theorem 4.9 lie in Cw ([0, T ]; Q) and thus are CD solutions, cf. Proposition 4.7. If α = 2, β = 1, and C = Q we even obtain differential solutions. Corollary 4.10. Let the energetic system (Q, E, D) satisfy (79) and (80) with α = 2 and β = 1 and some reflexive space C such that Q embeds into C continuously. (A) If the space C equals Q, then every energetic solution is a differential solution. (B) If there exists C > 0 such that vX ≤ C(0, v)C for all v ∈ Z, then every energetic solution is a semi-differential solution. Proof. Theorem 4.9 gives q ∈ CLip ([0, T ], C), which implies q˙ ∈ L∞ ([0, T ], C) by reflexivity of C. Now, (A) follows by employing Propositions 4.6 and 4.7. Part (B) follows similarly using that q ∈ L∞ ([0, T ], Q) and that q ∈ CLip ([0, T ], C) implies q ∈ Cw ([0, T ], Q) and z ∈ W1,∞ ([0, T ], X). We finally mention some results where existence of solutions is established in cases of uniform convexity and smoothness properties, and thus are independent of any compactness arguments. In [51, Thm. 7.1] the case E ∈ C3 (QT ) satisfying (E2) and the uniform convexity D2z E(t, q)w, w ≥ αw2Q and Ψ ∈ C0 (Q) being 1-homogeneous and convex (no coercivity needed) is studied. It is shown that the RIS (Q, E, Ψ ) has for each stable initial condition
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a unique differential solution q, i.e., we have 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (q(t)) ˙ + Dq E(t, q(t)) for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ].
Clearly the joint convexity condition (15) holds, since ρ = 0. In [36] existence was derived for the case of quadratic energies in a Hilbert space H, namely I(t, z, ) = 12 (z|z) − ( (t)|z), where (·|·) denotes the scalar product in H. The dissipation distance is formulated in terms of the sets K(z) = ∂z˙ R(z, 0). The joint convexity now reads ∃ ρ ∈ ]0, 1[ ∀ z1 , z2 ∈ H : dHausdorff (K(z1 ), K(z2 )) ≤ ρz1 −z2 H . The definition of I gives κ = 1, and it is easy to see that the last condition implies |R(z1 , v)−R(z2 , v)| ≤ ρz1 −z2 H vH , but it is unclear whether the existence result of [36] holds under this weaker condition. Finally we want to comment on the possibility to use convexity and smoothness to obtain uniqueness results. We follow the simpler result in [51] and refer to [7] and [46] for generalizations. We again consider (82) with the same specifications for (Q, E, Ψ ) as there. Comparing two differential solutions q1 and q1 , we can use the monotonicity of ∂Ψ and obtain, for a.a. t ∈ [0, T ], the estimate def
μ(t) = Dq E(t, q1 (t))−Dq E(t, q2 (t)), q˙1 (t)−q˙2 (t) ≤ 0.
For γ(t) = Dq E(t, q1 (t))−Dq E(t, q2 (t)), q1 (t)−q2 (t) uniform 2-convexity gives γ(t) ≥ κq1 (t)−q2 (t)2 . Moreover, γ(t) ˙ = μ(t) + D2q E(t, q1 )q˙1 −D2q E(t, q2 )q˙2 , q1 (t)−q2 (t) + τ (t), where τ (t) = ∂t Dq E(t, q1 )−∂t Dq E(t, q2 ), q1 −q2 . The smoothness E ∈ C3 gives |τ (t)| ≤ Cq1 −q2 2 ≤ Cγ/α. Subtracting 2μ(t) ≤ 0 and rearranging the terms we find γ˙ ≤ ξ1 , q˙1 + ξ2 , q˙2 + Cγ/α where ξj = Dq E(t, q3−j ) − Dq E(t, qj ) − D2q E(t, qj )(q3−j −qj ). From qj ∈ CLip ([0, T ], Q) we know that q˙j is bounded, and differentiability of E implies ξj ≤ Cq1 −q2 2 ≤ Cγ/κ. Thus, γ˙ ≤ C∗ γ and Gronwall’s lemma provide q1 (t) − q2 (t)Q ≤ Cq1 (0) − q2 (0)Q eC∗ t , which gives the desired uniqueness result. In [7, 46] the uniqueness results are generalized to RIS in a Hilbert space H with a dissipation potential R depending on z ∈ H. The key is 1 to use the auxiliary function
B(z, ξ) = sup{ ξ, v − 2 R(q, v) | v ∈ H }, 1 where 2 −B z(t), −Dz I(t, z) measures the distance of Dz I(t, z) from the
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
boundary of ∂R(z, 0). Under restrictive assumption it is then possible to derive estimates of the type Γ (t) ≤ CeC∗ t Γ (0) for the combined quantity def
Γ (t) =
γ(t) + B z1 (t), −Dz I(t, z1 (t)) − B z2 (t), −Dz I(t, z2 (t)) .
Parametrized Solutions Via the Vanishing-Viscosity Approach
A main challenge in modeling rate-independent processes is the appearance of jumps. Since rate independence is a limit for systems under vanishing loading rates, we expect solutions of rate-independent systems to occur as limits of systems with relaxation times that are very small compared to the changes in the loading. Thus, we expect the solutions to occur as pointwise limits of time-continuous solutions. In particular, in a nonconvex situation solutions change slowly by following the loading for most of the time, but in-between there are sudden transitions from one stable regime to another one. Here we define notions of solutions that are associated with the socalled vanishing-viscosity approach. For rate-independent processes this was proposed in [22] and further analyzed in [37, 53, 59, 60]. In particular, we use the idea of arclength parametrization of solutions developing jumps, which was established earlier for systems with dry friction and small viscosity, see [9, 29, 54, 61]. For simplicity we restrict the presentation in this and the following sections to the reduced case, since the vanishing-viscosity approach does not help to control the non-dissipative component y ∈ Y in the limit. Reasonable theories could be obtained in the case that E(t, ·, z) has a unique minimizer y = Y (t, z) such that for the reduced energy functional I(t, z) = E(t, Y (t, z), z) the power ∂t I(t, z) = ∂t E(t, Y (t, z), z) is well defined. For superlinear dissipation potentials Rsl we define the rescaled potential Rε (z, v) = 1ε Rsl (z, εv), where the small parameter ε > 0 is the quotient obtained from dividing the time scale induced by the loading by the relaxation time due to viscosity (which is inverse to the viscosity). For parametrized solutions, the dissipation potential R must have the special form Rε (z, v) = R(z, v) + 2ε V(z)v, v, where R is the rate-independent part and 2ε V(z)v, v the small viscous part. Thus, we are led to study the differential inclusion ˙ + εV(z(t))z(t) ˙ + ∂ z I(t, z(t)), 0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(z(t), z(t))
z(0) = z0 .
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We simplify further by assuming that V is independent of z and denote by
1/2 , i.e., V : V → V ∗ is a V the Hilbert space with norm wV = Vw, w norm-preserving bijection. Under reasonable assumptions (see e.g., [13, 15, 63, 65]) one obtains solutions z ε of (84) satisfying the energy identity I(t, z ε (t)) +
t 0
R(z ε (s), z˙ ε (s))+εz˙ ε(s)2V ds = I(0, z0 ) +
t 0
∂s I(s, z ε(s)) ds.
Using the coercivity R(z, w) ≥ c0 wX and the coercivity of I provides the a priori estimates VarX (z ε , [0, T ]) + εz˙ ε 2L2 ([0,T ];V ) + z ε L∞ ([0,T ];Z) ≤ C.
Clearly for ε > 0 the solutions satisfy z ε ∈ H1 ([0, T ]; V ) ⊂ C0 ([0, T ]; V ). Thus, solutions are not able to jump over potential barriers as it is the case for energetic solutions. Even in the limit ε → 0 the potential barriers remain active and delay possible jumps. These a priori bounds allow us to take the limit ε → 0, if we assume that the embedding Z ⊂ X is compact. Using the bound on the variation in X, we are then able to apply Helly selection principle (cf. Thm. 3.13)) to extract a subsequence (z εn )n∈N with εn → 0 such that z εn (t) z(t) in Z for some limit z : [0, T ] → Z. This limit is then called a V-approximable solution of the RIS (Z, I, R), cf. [12, 34, 69]. We proceed further by deriving equations that characterize such limit solutions. For this we introduce the concept of parametrized solutions that should be seen as a helpful, intermediate tool in understanding the limit procedure. The idea for resolving jumps in rate-independent systems is to consider the graph of the viscous solutions in the extended phase space ZT and to study the limit of the whole graph. The advantage is that jumps do not shrink to a single point at jump time t, but provide a jump curve lying in the plane {t}×Z. In [22] it was observed that the scaling invariance of RIS can be effectively used for parametrizing these graphs. For a viscous solution z ε : [0, T ] → Z we consider the graph def
Graph(z ε ) = { (t, z ε (t)) | t ∈ [0, T ] } ⊂ ZT . We use an arclength parametrization that is based on the viscous norm, t namely s = σ ε (t) = t + 0 z ε (r)V dr, which has the inverse t = τ ε (s). The choice of the V -norm is crucial to maintain the structure of a generalized gradient flow. Introducing the rescaled function Z ε (s) = z ε (τ ε (s)) we observe that it is a solution of the transformed problem ⎫ ˙ ⎬ τ˙ (s) + Z(s) τ (0) = 0, Z(0) = z0 , V = 1, and (86) ε ˙ ˙ 0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(Z(s), Z(s)) + VZ(s) + ∂ z I(τ (s), Z(s))⎭ ˙ 1−Z(s) V
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
for a.a. s ∈ [0, S ε ], where S ε = σε (T ). For this, it was essential that ∂R(z, ·) is 0-homogeneous. The main observation is that the viscous term with ε as a prefactor is again a subdifferential, namely of the potential def
Vε (w) = εg(wV ) with g(ν) =
− log(1−ν) − ν for ν < 1 ∞ otherwise.
Such a potential only exists because we used the norm ·V for parametrizing ε (z, w) def = R(z, w)+Vε (w) we can the graph. Thus, defining the potential R ε (Z, Z) ˙ + ∂I(τ, Z). rewrite the second equation in (86) in the form 0 ∈ ∂Z˙ R ε converges monotonously to the limit functional Moreover, R 0 (z, w) def R =
R(z, w) for wV ≤ 1, ∞ otherwise.
In the case V ⊂ X the convergence is even a Mosco convergence, 0 (z, ·) : V → [0, ∞] is weakly lower semicontinuous on V . We and R 0 (z, w) and observe that we have the sum rule for the let RV (z, w) = R subdifferentials 0 for wV ≤ 1, ∂z˙ RV (z, w) = ∂z˙ R(z, w) + ∂V0 (w), where V0 (w) = ∞ otherwise. 0 (z, ·) must be extended to V via ∞ In the case X ⊂ V , the functional R outside of X. In general, R0 (z, ·) is not weakly lower semicontinuous and we set 0 (z, wk ) | wk w in V }, 0 (z, ·) : w → inf{ lim inf R RV (z, ·) = wlscR k→∞
where “wlsc” denotes the weak lower semicontinuous hull. Taking the formal limit ε → 0 in (86) we are led to the following definition. Definition 4.11 (Parametrized solutions). Let the RIS (Z, I, R) and X be given such that (74a) holds. Moreover, let V and V be given as above. Then, a pair ζ = (τ, Z) : [0, S] → ZT is called a V-parametrized solution, if (τ, Z) ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ], R×V ) and the following equations hold: ˙ τ (0) = 0, τ (S) = T, τ˙ (s) ≥ 0, τ˙ (s)+Z(s) V =1 ˙ + ∂ z I(τ (s), Z(s)) 0 ∈ ∂z˙ RV (Z(s), Z(s))
a.e. on [0, S].
We also say that ζ is a parametrized solution to the RIS (Z, I, R, V).
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The present definition follows [22] and hides the rate-independent nature def by asking for a strict arclength parametrization in VT = [0, T ]×V ⊂ R×V , where we use the extended norm (t, v)VT = |t| + vV . Following [59, 60], the parametrization may be kept free by replacing the last two relations in (87) by ˙ τ˙ (s) + Z(s) V = α(s),
1 ˙ 0 ∈ ∂z˙ RV (Z(s), α(s) Z(s)) + ∂ z I(τ (s), Z(s)),
where the parametrization function α ∈ L1 ([0, S]) satisfies α(s) > 0 a.e. in [0, S]. Clearly, a rescaling of the graph does not change the problem. Moreover, a rescaling of the time dependence of I can be compensated by a rescaling as follows. If I( t, z) = I(φ( t), z) and ζ : [0, S] → VT is a parametrized solution to (Z, I, R, V) with parametrization function α, then ζ : t → ζ(φ( t)) is a parametrized solution to (Z, I, R, V) with parametrization function α : t → α(φ( t))φ ( t). The main feature of parametrized solutions can be seen by discussing the subdifferential of RV , which is done using the polar R◦ (z, ·) of R(z, ·), where the polar Ψ ◦ of a convex potential Ψ is defined via def Ψ ◦ (ξ) = sup{ ξ, v | Ψ (v) ≤ 1 }. Along the arclength parametrized solutions we can distinguish three different dynamical regimes: ˙ Sticking: We have Z(s) = 0 and τ˙ (s) = 1, i.e. the potential forces ξ(s) ∈ ∂ z I(ζ(s)) are so small that the state does not change, namely R◦ (z(s), −ξ(s)) ≤ 1 or equivalently 0 ∈ ∂R(Z(s), 0) + ξ(s). ˙ V < 1 and 0 < τ˙ (s) < 1, i.e. the Rate-independent slip: We have 0 < Z state changes so slowly that the rate-independent friction is strong enough ˙ to compensate the driving force, namely 0 ∈ ∂R(Z(s), Z(s)) + ξ(s), which ◦ implies R (z(s), −ξ(s)) = 1. ˙ V = 1 and τ˙ (s) = 0, i.e., the motion is faster than Viscous jump: We have Z the loading scale, and the system moves in a jump-like fashion. During this ˙ ˙ jump phase the driving force ξ(s) satisfies 0 ∈ ∂R(Z(s), Z(s)) + λ(s)VZ(s) + ◦ ξ(s) for some λ(s) ≥ 0, which implies R (z(s), −ξ(s)) ≥ 1. From this we also find another equivalent formulation of (87), namely ⎫ ˙ τ (0) = 0, τ (S) = T, τ˙ (s) ≥ 0, τ˙ (s)+Z(s) V = 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎬ ˙ ˙ 0 ∈ ∂z˙ R(Z(s), Z(s)) + λ(s)VZ(s) + ∂ z I(τ (s), Z(s)) a.e. on [0, S]. ⎪ ⎪ ⎭ ˙ λ(s) ≥ 0, λ(s)(1−Z(s) ) = 0 V Using the chain rule for I we obtain an energy balance in the form s 2 ˙ ˙ + λ(s)Z(s) I(ζ(s2 )) + s12 R(Z(s), Z(s)) V ds s2 = I(ζ(s1 )) + s1 ∂t I(ζ(s))τ˙ (s) ds,
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
˙ 2 to the total dissipation that which shows the viscous contribution λZ V remains in the vanishing-viscosity limit. Passing from arclength parametrized solutions to the limit ε → 0 we may arrive at limits ζ : [0, S] → ZT that are not properly parametrized but satisfy ˙ τ (0) = 0, τ˙ (s) ≥ 0, τ˙ (s)+Z(s) V = α(s) ∈ [0, 1] ˙ 0 ∈ ∂z˙ RV (Z(s), Z(s)) + ∂ z I(τ (s), Z(s))
a.e. on [0, S].
The following lemma states that reparametrization of the graph then leads to an arclength parametrized solution again. Lemma 4.12 (Reparametrization). Assume that ζ ∈ Cw ([0, S]; ZT ) sats ˙ (S). If S > 0, then the isfies (90). Let σ (s) = 0 τ˙ (r)+Z(r) V dr, S = σ reparametrization ζ :
→ [0, S] ZT ; s → ζ(σmin ( s))
s) = inf{ s ∈ [0, S] | σ (s) = s } (91) with σmin (
VT )∩Cw ([0, S], ZT ) and is a V-parametrized solution. satisfies ζ ∈ CLip ([0, S], Proof. Since the result is more or less standard, we sketch the arguments and refer to [60, Lem. 4.1] and [59, Prop 6.10] for more details. Clearly, ζ is well-defined, and for 0 ≤ s1 < s2 ≤ S we have s1 )−ζ( s2 )V def s1 )−Z( s2 )V ζ( τ ( s1 ) − τ( s2 )| + Z( T = | ≤ ζ(σmin ( s1 )) − ζ(σmin ( s2 ))VT ≤ σ (σmin ( s2 )) − σ (σmin ( s1 )) = s2 − s1 . ˙ ˙ s)V = 1 a.e. on [0, S] Thus, ζ exists almost everywhere, and we obtain ζ( T by the standard chain rule. The existence theory for parametrized solutions is a delicate matter depending on the choice of the space V . If we choose V such that X ⊂ V , then we have wV ≤ CR(z, w), and the a priori estimates (85) imply that S ε = T T + 0 Z˙ ε (t)V dt ≤ C. Thus, it is easy to extract a converging subsequence. ε (Z ε , Z˙ ε ) towards However, it is difficult to control the convergence of ∂ R V ∂R . In the opposite case V ⊂ X the convergence of the subgradients of ε to ∂RV follows easily from the Mosco convergence, but it is unclear ∂R whether the arclength S ε of the curves stays bounded. Example 4.13. In fact, Example 4.3 with α = ∞ provides a case with V = L2 (Ω) ⊂ X = L1 (Ω) for which S ε → ∞ and hence S = 0. For t ∈ [ε, 1] we have √ z˙ ε (t)L1 = 1 and z˙ ε (t)L2 = 1/ ε. Hence, the L2 parametrized viscous solutions (τ ε , Z ε ) satisfy τ ε (s) → ∞ and Z ε (s) → 0 for all s > 0.
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In the rest of this section, we reduce the discussion to our standard Example 2.8. The main reason for this restriction is that we need to show that S ε remains bounded. This is trivial in the finite-dimensional cases treated in [22, 59], where X = V . For infinite-dimensional cases with V X this problem is solved only in the semilinear setting discussed below. The first step towards the existence theory is a general convergence result for the vanishing-viscosity limit in the case V ⊂ X. The proof is based on the energetic formulation of generalized gradient systems as introduced in ε to R 0 and the chain-rule Sect. 2.5. We employ the Mosco convergence of R ∗ inequality (71). Since Rε (v) = Ψ (v) + εg(vV ) and Ψ (ξ) = 0 for ξ ∈ ∂Ψ (0) and ∞ otherwise, the Fenchel transform reads ∗ (ξ) = min{ εg ∗ ( 1 ξ−κV ∗ ) | κ ∈ ∂Ψ (0) } R ε ε where g ∗ () = supr≥0 r−g(r). In the limit ε → 0 we find the Γ -limits 0 (v) = Ψ (v) + V0 (v), and R ∗ (ξ) = M V (ξ) def R = min{ ξ−κV ∗ | κ ∈ ∂Ψ (0) }, 0 Ψ
where V0 (v) = 0 for vV ≤ 1 and ∞ otherwise. Proposition 4.14 (Vanishing-viscosity limit). Let (Z, I, Ψ ), X, and V be given as in Example 2.8. Assume that ζ ε = (τ ε , Z ε ) : [0, S] → ZT satisfy (86) on [0, S] with Z ε (0) = z0 ∈ Z. Then there exist a subsequence (εn )n∈N and functions ζ : [0, S] ∈ CLip ([0, S], V ) and α ∈ L∞ ([0, S]) such that (90) ∗ and the convergences ζ εn (s) ζ(s) in Z for all s ∈ [0, S] and ζ˙εn ζ˙ in L∞ ([0, S]; VT ) hold. S ˙ If S = 0 τ˙ (r)+Z(r) V dr > 0, then the reparametrization ζ : [0, S]×ZT defined in (91) is a V-parametrized solution. Proof. We have uniform a priori bounds in CLip ([0, S]; V ) and L∞ ([0, T ]; ZT ) for ζ ε . Thus, we find a ζ ∈ CLip ([0, T ]; V ) ∩ L∞ ([0, T ]; ZT ) such that (i) ζ ε → ζ in C([0, T ]; VT ), ∗ (ii) ζ˙ε ζ˙ in L∞ ([0, T ]; VT ), ∗ (iii) Z ε (t) Z(t) in Z for all t ∈ [0, T ]. along a suitable subsequence (not relabeled). For (iii) note that ζ ε ([0, S]; VT )∩ L∞ ([0, S]; ZT ) implies ζ ε ∈ Cw ([0, S]; ZT ). The uniform bound Z ε (s)Z ≤ C for all ε > 0 and s ∈ [0, S] implies that for each fixed s∗ ζ εj (s∗ ) ζ∗ in ZT . Since, we know ζ ε (s∗ ) → ζ(s∗ ) in VT we obtain (iii). For ξ ε (s) = Dz I(ζ ε (s)) we use (25) and the bounds on Z ε to conclude that ξ ε is bounded in L∞ ([0, T ]; Z ∗ ). Choosing a further subsequence (not ∗ relabeled) we find ξ ε ξ in L∞ ([0, T ], Z ∗). The semilinear structure (25) of Dz I(t, ·) : Z → Z ∗ implies weak continuity, which gives ξ εn (s) ξ(s) = Dz (ζ(s)).
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
In the limit ε → 0, we easily obtain the upper line of conditions in (90). To obtain the differential inclusion in the lower line, we use the equivalent formulation via the Legendre-Fenchel duality of the lower line in (86), namely S I(ζ ε (S)) + Mε (Z˙ ε , −ξ ε ) = I(0, z0 ) + 0 ∂t I(ζ ε (s))τ˙ ε (s) ds, S ∗ (ξ(s)) ds. ε (V (s)) + R where Mε (V, ξ) = 0 R ε
∗ for ε ∈ [0, 1] to Z ∗ by ∞ outside of V ∗ . By the definition (92) We extend R ε and direct calculation we obtain the liminf estimates ε (V ε ), 0 (V ) ≤ lim inf ε→0 R V ε V ∈ V =⇒ R ε ∗ ∗ (ξ) ≤ lim inf ε→0 R ∗ (ξ ε ). ξ ξ ∈ Z =⇒ R 0 ε 0. ε to R In fact, by [4, Sect. 3.3.1] this is equivalent to Mosco convergence of R 2 2 ∗ Hence, Mε weakly Γ -converges to M0 on L ([0, S]; V )×L ([0, S]; Z ), and we can pass to the limit ε → 0 in (93) and obtain ˙ −ξ) ≤ I(0, 0, z0 ) + I(ζ(S)) + M0 (Z,
S 0
∂t I(ζ(s))τ˙ (s) ds,
where we use τ˙ ε τ˙ in L∞ ([0, S]) and ∂t I(ζ ε (·)) → ∂t I(ζ(·)) in L1 ([0, T ]) ˙ the linearity of ∂t I(t, z) = − (t), z. ∗ (ξ(·)) ∈ ˙ ξ) < ∞ implies ξ(·) ∈ L1 ([0, S]; V ∗ ), since R Note that M0 (Z, 0 ∗ (ξ) + k0 with k0 = sup L1 ([0, S]) and ξV ∗ ≤ R κ∈∂Ψ (0) κV ∗ < ∞. Thus, 0 ˙ exploiting Z(s) V ≤ 1 a.e., we can use the chain-rule inequality (71) for the limit function ζ and find ˙ ξ) = M0 (Z,
S 0
0 (Z(s)) ∗ (−ξ(s)) ds ≤ ˙ R +R 0
S 0
Z(s), −ξ(s) ds.
˙ By the definition of the Legendre-Fenchel duality we have Z(s), −ξ(s) ∗ (−ξ(s)) and conclude equalities. We obtain 0 ∈ ∂ R 0 (Z(s)) 0 (Z(s)) ˙ ˙ +R + ≤R 0 ξ(s), which gives the desired differential inclusion on the lower line in (90). Our main existence result for parametrized solutions uses the spaces Z1 Z V Z−1 ,
and V ⊂ X,
as defined in Example 2.8. Theorem 4.15 (Parametrized solutions). Let all assumptions of Example 2.8 and (25) hold for (Z, I, Ψ, V) and the spaces Z V ⊂ X. Then, for each z0 ∈ Z1 there exists a parametrized solution ζ = (τ, Z) : [0, S] → ZT with Z(0) = z0 , which further satisfies ζ ∈ Cw ([0, S]; ZT ) ∩ BV([0, S], ZT ).
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The proof of this result relies on the convergence result established above together with an estimate on S ε . The latter is based on higher-order a priori estimates. It is a surprising feature of rate-independent systems that certain a priori estimates are independent of the dissipation functional R. We are in the case of translationally invariant dissipations R(z, v) = Ψ (v), where Ψ is assumed to be convex, 1-homogeneous, and continuous on V . The three a priori estimates we will use derive from the following basic properties of Ψ : (i) ∂Ψ (v), v = Ψ (v), (ii) “ D2 Ψ (v)[w], v = D2 Ψ (v)[v], w = 0 ”, (iii) ∂Ψ (v1 )−∂Ψ (v2 ), v1 −v2 ≥ 0. Here the first relation is 1-homogeneity, and the third is simply monotonicity. The middle relation was put into quotation marks, since D2 Ψ does not exist; however, by 0-homogeneity of ∂Ψ the directional derivative ∂Ψ (v) in the direction v is 0. We first state the corresponding a priori estimates that are obtained from 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (z(t)) ˙ + εVz(t) ˙ + Dz I(t, z(t))
by assuming smoothness and (i) by applying ·, z, ˙ (ii) by differentiation with respect to t and applying ·, z, ˙ and (iii) by differentiation with respect to t and applying ·, z¨: Ψ (z) ˙ + εz ˙ 2V + Dz I(t, z(t)), z ˙ = 0,
ε Vz, ˙ z¨ + D2z I(t, z)z, ˙ z ˙ + ∂t Dz I(t, z), z ˙ = 0, ε¨ z 2V
D2z I(t, z)z, ˙ z¨
+ ∂t Dz I(t, z), z¨ ≤ 0.
(95b) (95c)
The next result presents sufficient conditions on the solution such that these relations can be proved rigorously. Lemma 4.16 (A priori estimates). Let the assumptions (25) hold, then for each initial value z0 ∈ Z there exists C > 0 such that for all ε ∈ ]0, 1[ and all solutions z of (94) with z(0) = z0 we have: (A) If z ∈ H1 ([0, T ], V ) ∩ Cw ([0, T ], Z), then (95a) holds a.e., and we have the energy balance I(t, z(t)) +
t s
2 Ψ (z(r)) ˙ + εz(r) ˙ V dr = I(s, z(s)) +
t s
∂r I(r, z(r)) dr. (96)
(B) If z ∈ H1 ([0, T ], Z) ∩ H2 ([0, T ], Z−1), then (95b) holds a.e., z˙ ∈ C([0, T ]; V ), and 2 ε maxt∈[0,T ] z(t) ˙ V +
T 0
2 2 z(r) ˙ ˙ Z dr ≤ C(1 + εz(0) V ).
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
(C) If z ∈ H1 ([0, T ], Z1 ) ∩ H2 ([0, T ], V ), then (95c) holds a.e., z˙ ∈ C([0, T ]; Z), and 2 maxt∈[0,T ] z(t) ˙ Z +ε
T 0
2 ¨ z(r)2V dr ≤ C(1 + z(0) ˙ Z ).
Proof. Part (A) follows simply by using the chain rule. For Part (B) we set g(t) = εVz(t) ˙ + Dz I(t, z(t)). By (25) we have g ∈ H1 ([0, T ], Z ∗ ). From (94) we have 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (z(t)) ˙ + g(t), and the characterization of ∂Ψ (v) in Lemma 2.2 gives
g(s), z(t) ˙ ≥ −Ψ (z(t)) ˙ = g(t), z(t) ˙ for all s, t ∈ ]0, T ] . The left-hand side attains its global minimum at s = t. If additionally s = t is a point of differentiability of g, then the left-hand side is differentiable with respect to s with derivative 0 at s = t, i.e., 0 = g(t), ˙ z(t). ˙ This is the desired relation in (95b). The a priori estimate (97) follows by standard arguments using (25), cf. the proof of Proposition 4.17. For part (C) we use the monotonicity of ∂Ψ and obtain 2 ˙ z(s) ˙ ≤0 εz(t)− ˙ z(s) ˙ V + g(t)−g(s), z(t)−
for all s, t ∈ [0, T ]. By the assumptions we have z, ˙ V−1 g ∈ H1 ([0, T ], V ), thus we can divide by (t−s)2 and pass to the limit a.e. This provides (95c), and the a priori estimate (98) again follows by standard arguments using (25). The following result relies on parabolic estimates, which essentially use the semilinear structure. For Galerkin approximations, we are able to exploit the above a priori estimates, which then survive in the limit. An essential novel feature is the derivation of an estimate that is invariant under rescaling. This estimate then allows us to derive upper bounds for S ε . For more details and applications to quasilinear problems see [53]. Proposition 4.17. Let assumptions of Example 2.8 and (25) hold for the RIS (Z, I, Ψ ) and the spaces Z V ⊂ X. Then, for each z0 ∈ Z (94) has a unique solution z ε ∈ H1 ([0, T ], V ) ∩ Cw ([0, T ], Z) with z(0) = z0 , which satisfies z ε ∈ L2 ([0, T ]; Z1 ). If additionally z0 ∈ Z1 , then there exists a constant C > 0 independent of ε such that z ε lies in H1 ([0, T ], Z) and satisfies the a priori estimate 0
z˙ ε (t)Z dt ≤ C εz˙ ε (0)V +
˙ ∗ Ψ (z˙ ε (t)) + (t) dt . V
Proof. We first construct solutions for z0 ∈ Z1 , which means Az0 ∈ V . Then, from the equation we find z(0) ˙ ∈ V . We consider approximate solutions zN by using some Galerkin projector PN which commutes with V and A,
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i.e., Av, PN w = APN v, w and Vv, PN w = VPN v, w and has finitedimensional range XN = PN Z = PN V . (Such a PN can be constructed using the eigenpairs (λj , φj ) of Aφ = λVφ, which exist due to Z V .) Now take zN ∈ H1 ([0, T ], PN Z) as the unique solution of zN (0) = PN z0 and
PN∗ Z ∗ ! 0 ∈ PN∗ ∂Ψ (z˙N ) + εVz˙N + AzN + DΦ(zN ) − (t) .
This inclusion can be inverted to z˙N = MN (−PN (AzN +DΦ(zN )− )), ∗ → XN is the Lipschitz continuous inverse of the strictly where MN : XN ∗ monotone mapping XN ! v → PN (∂Ψ (v)+εVv) ⊂ XN . Since on XN the norms of Z and V are equivalent, we conclude zN ∈ W2,p ([0, T ], XN ). For these finite-dimensional approximations we are now able to exploit the assumption z0 ∈ Z1 , which gives z˙N (0)V → z(0) ˙ V < ∞. Thus, the a priori estimate (97) provides boundedness of (zN )N ∈N in H1 ([0, T ], Z). We obtain a weakly converging subsequence (not relabeled) zN z in H1 ([0, T ], Z). It is easy to see that z is a solution of (94) with z(0) = z0 . To show uniqueness we consider two solutions z1 and z2 in H1 ([0, T ], Z). Using (25f) and (25g) we find zj ∈ L2 ([0, T ], Z1 ). Setting w = z1 − z2 , the monotonicity of ∂Ψ gives 2 0 ≥ εw(t) ˙ V +
1 d
Aw(t), w(t) + H(t)w(t), w(t) ˙ 2 dt
1 with H(t) = 0 D2 Φ(z2 (t)+rw(t)) dr, where H(t) ∈ L (Z, V ∗ ) by (25f). Because of (25c) we may assume without loss of generality that the norm in Z is given via z2Z = Az, z. Thus, with (25f) we obtain εw ˙ 2V +
1 d w2Z ≤ CwZ w ˙ V ≤ εw ˙ 2V + 2 dt
2 C ε wZ .
Applying Gronwall’s lemma we arrive at z2 (t)−z1 (t)Z = wZ ≤ eCt/ε w(0)Z = eCt/ε z2 (0)−z1 (0)Z ,
which implies the desired uniqueness if z0 ∈ Z1 . Hence, we conclude that the full sequence zN converges weakly to z. To obtain existence and uniqueness for the general case z0 ∈ Z we proceed as follows. Using the same Galerkin approach as above we obtain uniform a priori estimates for zN in H1 ([0, T ], V )∩Cw ([0, T ], Z). Note that the Gronwall estimate (101) holds for the finite-dimensional approximations as well and that the constants are independent of N . Thus, we can pass to the limit along subsequences, obtain solutions of (94) with z(0) = z0 , and that these solutions still satisfy the Gronwall estimate, which implies uniqueness. It remains to establish the a priori estimate (99). For this return to the Galerkin approximation zN , which satisfies
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes d ε z˙N (t)2V dt 2
˙ + z˙ N (r)2Z ≤ Cz˙N (t)Z z˙N (t)V + (t) V ∗ z˙ N (t)V
a.e. on [0, T ], where here and in the rest of this proof the constant C may take different values but is independent of ε and N . We let ν = z˙N V , ˙ ζ = z˙N (t)Z , ψ = Ψ (z˙N ), and λ = (t) V ∗ , then with (25b), (25d), and ϑ = 1/(1+θ) we find εν ν˙ + ζ 2 ≤ Cν 1−ϑ (ψ θ ζ 1−θ )ϑ ζ + λν ≤
1 2 ζ 2
+ (Cψ+λ)ν.
1 Using ν ≤ Cζ we find εν ν˙ + 2C νζ ≤ (Cψ+λ)ν. Without loss of generality we √ may assume ν > 0 (otherwise take ν 2 +δ, which satisfies the same estimate, and let δ → 0+ afterwards). Dividing by ν > 0 and integrating gives 1 2C
T 0
z˙N (r)Z dr ≤ εz˙N (0)V +
T 0
˙ CΨ (z˙N (r)) + (r) V ∗ dr.
T Estimate (99) follows with N → ∞ if we show limN →∞ 0 Ψ (z˙N (r)) dr ≤ T Ψ (z(r)) ˙ dr. Indeed, this equality follows by passing to the limit in the 0 energy balance (96), since convergence in H1 ([0, T ], Z) implies I(t, zN (t)) → I(t, z(t)) and ∂t I(t, zN (t)) → ∂t I(t, z(t)) for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Thus, we find T 0
Ψ (z˙N (r)) dr +
T 0
εz˙N (r)2V dr →
T 0
Ψ (z(r)) ˙ dr +
T 0
2 εz(r) ˙ V dr.
Together with the weak lower semicontinuity of each of the integrals we obtain the desired convergence and the proof is complete. We are now ready for stating the major existence result for parametrized solutions, which is obtained via the vanishing-viscosity approach. We emphasize that the result is not optimal, in the sense that we have to assume too much regularity for the initial condition. This is also seen in the a priori estimate (99), where we obtained the higher Z-norm, but we actually only need the V -norm. The existence result is obtained by combining Proposition 4.17 and the vanishing-viscosity theory of Proposition 4.14. Proof (of Theorem 4.15). For each ε ∈ ]0, 1[ we can construct a solution z ε ∈ H1 ([0, T ]; Z) of (94) satisfying the rate-independent a priori estimate (99). t The latter implies that for σ ε : [0, T ] → t + 0 z˙ ε (r)V dr, the total length S ε = σ ε (T ) of the graph of z ε in VT stays bounded. We let S = lim supε→0 S ε and choose a subsequence εj such that S εj → S. We parametrize the graph of z ε in VT by arclength to obtain the Lipschitz functions ζ ε = (τ ε , Z ε ) : [0, S] → VT , where we set ζ ε (s) = ζ ε (S ε ) for s > S ε . Since all functions ζ εj have Lipschitz constant 1, the Arzel`a-Ascoli theorem allows us to choose a further subsequence ζ εn as in Proposition 4.14. The limit ζ satisfies (90) and additionally τ(S) = T , which follows from T = τ εn (S εn ) and |τ εn (S εn )−τ εn (S)| ≤ |S εn −S|.
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Thus we are able to do the reparametrization (91) and the desired solution ζ is constructed. It remains to show that Z lies in BV([0, S], Z). For this we recall the rate-independent estimate (99) for each z ε . The right-hand side T there is bounded independently of ε. For 0 Ψ (z˙ ε (s)) ds this follows from the energy balance and for εz˙ ε (0) this follows from 0 = wε (0) + εVz˙ ε (0) + Az0 + DΦ(z0 ) − (0), where wε (0) ∈ ∂Ψ (z˙ ε (0)) is bounded in V ∗ by (25d). Thus, z0 ∈ Z1 and (25f) imply εz˙ ε (0)V ≤ C. Since the BV norm is scaling invariant, we have VarZ (Z ε , [0, S ε ]) = VarZ (z ε , [0, T ]) ≤ C. In the limit εn → 0 this estimate still holds by lower semicontinuity of the variation. Remark 4.18. In [53] it is additionally shown that the limit ζ obtained in the middle of the above proof is nondegenerate in the sense that there exists a ˙ α0 > 0 such that τ˙ (s)+Z(s) V ≥ α0 . It is still an open problem, whether the arclength parametrization remains preserved in the limit ε → 0. A positive result was obtained in [22] under strong conditions. Moreover, the metric approach in Sect. 5.2 is such that the arclength parametrization is preserved.
BV Solutions and Optimal Jump Paths
The drawback of parametrized solutions is that we need to deal with functions in the extended state space ZT . Thus, it is not easy to compare this notion to all the other solution types, which are defined for functions z : [0, T ] → Z only. Thus, for each parametrized solution ζ we consider all associated projections z : [0, T ] → Z defined as follows. For ζ = (τ, Z) : [0, S] → ZT with τ (0) = 0 and τ (S) = T and τ monotone, we define P(ζ) to be the set of functions z : [0, T ] → Z such that for all t ∈ [0, T ] there exists s ∈ [0, S] such that (t, z(t)) = ζ(s) = (τ (s), Z(s)). We first show that such projections lead to local solutions, see (77). Then, we derive the notion of BV solutions in such a way that we can show that all these projections are BV solutions. Thus, we are able to study convergence of the viscous approximations z ε ∈ H1 ([0, T ]; V ) solving (84) towards BV solutions z. Recall the a priori estimate (85), which allows us to find a limit z ∈ BV([0, T ]; X) ∩ L∞ ([0, T ]; Z). This limit passage was used in several applications already, see e.g. [12, 19, 34, 37, 69]. The aim of this section is to characterize these limits, also called approximable solutions, as good as possible. In particular, we need to derive conditions that characterize the jumps occurring in the vanishing-viscosity limit. We follow [59], where the finite-dimensional case is treated in full detail. We first motivate our definition of BV solutions by referring to parametri– zed solutions. Then, we give some more motivation by doing the vanishingviscosity limit directly in the energetic formulation, which leads to a new central object called vanishing-viscosity contact potential p. It leads to a supplemented dissipation distance Δ in a natural way, which includes the
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
rate-independent contributions to the dissipation as well as the contributions from the vanishing viscosity. The associated dissipation functional Dissp,J then leads to the notion of BV solutions that are defined to satisfy a local stability condition and the energy balance with the new dissipation functional. Finally, we present the convergence results (i) for the vanishing-viscosity limit z ε → z and (ii) for the time-discrete incremental approximations given by h zih ∈ Arg min I(hi, z) + Ψ (z−zi−1 )+ z∈Z
N 2 ε 2h z−zi−1 V
In the latter case convergence of subsequences to BV solutions follows if ε, the time-step h, and the quotient h/ε tend to 0. We start with a few facts about BV spaces. For a Banach space Y we let def
BV([a, b]; Y ) = { y : [a, b] → Y | VarY (y, [a, b])< ∞ } with N N ∈ N, VarY (y, [a, b]) = sup j=1 y(tj )−y(tj−1 )Y a ≤ t0 < t1 < · · · < tN ≤ b . As usual in evolutionary problems the functions in BV([a, b]; Y ) are defined everywhere on [0, T ] and the variation is sensitive to changing a function at a single point. Clearly, BV([a, b]; Y ) is a Banach space equipped with the norm yBV([a,b];Y ) = y(a)Y + VarY (y, [a, b]). Moreover, BV([a, b]; Y ) ⊂ L∞ ([a, b]; Y ) with y(t)Y ≤ yBV([a,b];Y ) for all t and VarY (y, [t1 , t2 ])+ VarY (y, [t2 , t3 ]) = VarY (y, [t1 , t3 ]) for y ∈ BV([t1 , t3 ]; Y ). Finally, for y ∈ BV([a, b]; Y ) and each t ∈ [a, b] the right limit y(t+ ) and the left limit y(t− ) (cf. (49)) exist in the strong norm topology of Y . For a given parametrized solution ζ we consider z ∈ P(ζ), then VarX (z, [0, T ]) ≤ C VarV (z, [0, T ]) ≤ C VarV ([0, S], Z) ≤ CS < ∞, since Z has Lipschitz constant less than 1. For z ∈ BV([0, T ]; X) we define the continuity set C(z) and the jump set J(z) of z by C(z) = { t ∈ [0, T ] | z(t− ) = z(t) = z(t+ ) }
and J(z) = [0, T ] \ C(z),
where left and right limits exist in X and where J(z) is countable. For each t ∈ J(z) the monotone function τ : [0, S] → [0, T ] may have plateaus [at , bt ] with bt > at , such that τ ([at , bt ]) = {t}. Outside of all these intervals we are either in the sticking regime or in rate-independent slip. Hence, there exists ξ(s) ∈ ∂ z I(ζ(s)) with 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (0) + ξ(s). Thus, we obtain the local stability condition 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (0) + ∂ z I(t, z(t)) for all t ∈ C(z).
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Using (89) and λ(s) ≥ 0 we easily see that z also satisfies the energy inequality (77b). Thus, we have proved the following result. Corollary 4.19. If (τ, Z) is a parametrized solution of (Z, I, Ψ, V), then each z ∈ P((τ, Z)) is a local solution, see (77). The important addition to make local solutions into BV solutions is the careful analysis of the jumps. For each plateau [at , bt ] ⊂ [0, S] associated with t ∈ J(z), we denote by y t ∈ CLip ([0, 1]; V ) the normalized jump curve y t (r) = Z(at +r(bt −at )). The point is that each such jump curve is an optimal curve in a specific sense. We first calculate the dissipation D(t) along the jump curve associated with t, namely D(t) =
V ˙ Ψ (Z(s))+M Ψ (−Dz I(t, Z(s))) ds =
p(y˙ t (r), −Dz I(t, y t (r))) dr 0
where p(v, ξ) = Ψ (v) + vV MΨV (ξ) with MΨV from (92). Here we have ˙ used that the arclength parametrization enforced Z(s) V = 1, while the t t t normalized jump curve satisfies y˙ (r)V = b −a . Thus, the factor in front of MΨV appeared because of the reparametrization only. However, the important effect is that the integrand now is 1-homogeneous in v, which reflects the rate independence nicely. Another way to arrive at the same integrand gives the following definition. Definition 4.20 (Vanishing-viscosity contact potential). Given a superlinear dissipation potential Rsl : X → [0, ∞] we set Rε (v) = 1ε Rsl (εv). The vanishing-viscosity contact potential p : X×X ∗ → R∞ is defined via def p(v, ξ) = inf Rε (v) + R∗ε (ξ) = inf 1ε Rsl (v) + 1ε R∗sl (ξ) . ε>0
The contact set p is given by Cp = { (v, ξ) | p(v, ξ) = ξ, v }. For our choice Rsl (v) = Ψ (v) + 12 v2V we have R∗ε (ξ) = find p(v, ξ) = Ψ (v) + vV MΨV (ξ).
1 V 2ε MΨ
(ξ)2 and
The motivation for the definition of the vanishing-viscosity contact potential is obtained by the following lower bounds for the dissipation integrals
Iε = t1
Rε (z) ˙ +
R∗ε (ξ) dt
p(z, ˙ −DI(t, z(t))) dt.
It turns out that this lower bound is sharp in the limit ε → 0 along the jump curves.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
We find the following important properties for p and Cp : rate independence
p(λv, ξ) = λp(v, ξ),
lower bound
p(v, ξ) ≥ ξ, v,
separate convexity
p(·, ξ) is convex
and p(v, ·) has convex sublevels, (v, ξ) ∈ Cp ⇐⇒ ξ ∈ ∂v p(v, ξ)
v = 0 or ⇐⇒ v = 0 and ξ ∈ ∂Ψ (v) +
contact set
(103d) V MΨ (v) Vv. vV
Using the contact potential p we are now able to define a supplemented distance between points z1 and z2 involving both the dissipation due to Ψ and the possibly additional dissipation arising from fast viscous transitions: p(z˙ (r), −ξ(r)) dr z ∈ AV (z1 , z2 ), ξ(r) ∈ ∂ z I(t, z(r)) a.e. in [0, 1] def where AY (z1 , z2 ) = { z ∈ CLip ([0, 1]; Y ) | z(0) = z1 , z(1) = z2 }. def
Δ(t, z1 , z2 ) = inf
1 0
Note that Δ is defined with time t as a frozen parameter. Clearly, we have the triangle inequality Δ(t, z0 , z2 ) ≤ Δ(t, z0 , z1 ) + Δ(t, z1 , z2 ) and the lower estimate Δ(t, z1 , z2 ) ≥ Ψ (z2 −z1 ). The crucial observation is that the lower estimate (103b) and the classical d chain rule dr I(t, z(r)) = ξ(r), z(r) ˙ imply the estimate I(t, z2 ) + Δ(t, z1 , z2 ) ≥ I(t, z1 ) for all z1 , z2 ∈ Z.
Thus, we define optimal jump paths by enforcing equality in this estimate: def
OJP(t, z1 , z2 ) = z ∈ AV (z1 , z2 ) Δ(t, z1 , z2 ) = I(t, z1 )−I(t, z2 ) = p(z˙ (r), −ξ(r)) and ξ(r) ∈ ∂ z I(t, z(r)) for a.a. r ∈ [0, 1] . Clearly, these equalities imply that a.e. along the whole jump path the lower bound (103b) has to be an equality, i.e., the solution must lie in the contact set, viz. (z(r), ˙ −ξ(r)) ∈ Cp , which is again equivalent to 0 ∈ ∂p(·, −ξ(r))(z(r)) ˙ + ξ(r) and implies (see (103d)) 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (z(r)) ˙ + λ(r)Vz(r) ˙ + ξ(r) with λ(r) ≥ 0 and Ψ ◦ (−ξ(r)) ≥ 1. (106) For the definition of BV solutions we use the associated supplemented dissipation functional Dissp,J defined on functions z ∈ BV([0, T ]; X) ∩ L∞ ([0, T ]; Z). It takes into account the rate-independent friction via Ψ and
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the viscous friction at possible jumps: − Dissp,I (z, [t1 , t2 ]) = ContΨ (z, [t1 , t2 ])+Δ(t1 , z(t1 ), z(t+ 1 ))+Δ(t2 , z(t2 ), z(t2 ))
+ t∈J(z) Δ(t, z(t− ), z(t))+Δ(t, z(t), z(t+)) , − ContΨ (z, [t1 , t2 ]) = DissΨ (z, [t1 , t2 ]) − Ψ (z(t+ 1 )−z(t1 )) − Ψ (z(t2 )−z(t2 ))
− t∈J(z) Ψ (z(t)−z(t− ))+Ψ (z(t+ )−z(t)) . (107) Thus, Dissp,I (z, [t1 , t2 ]) consists of the classical dissipation DissΨ (z, [t1 , t2 ]) on continuous parts of z, while at jumps the integration of p(z, ˙ −ξ) = Ψ (z)+ ˙ z ˙ V MΨV (−ξ) along jump paths contains the rate-independent dissipation (which may be strictly larger than Ψ (z2 −z1 )) and the viscous contributions via z ˙ V MΨV (−ξ).
Definition 4.21 (BV solutions). A function z ∈ BV([0, T ]; X) is called a BV solution of the RIS (Z, I, Ψ, V), if z ∈ L∞ ([0, T ]; Z) and (108) hold: def
∀ t ∈ C(z) : z(t) ∈ Sloc (t) = { z ∈ Z | 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (0) + ∂ z I(t, z) };
t ∀ t∈[0,T ]: I(t, z(t))+Dissp,I (z, [0, t]) = I(0, z(0))+ ∂τ I(τ, z(τ )) dτ. (108b) 0
The function z is called a connectable BV solution, if additionally the following holds: ∀ t ∈ J(z) ∃ z t ∈ OJP(t, z(t− ), z(t+ )) ∃ rt ∈ [0, 1] : z(t) = z t (rt ).
Note that the energy inequality (77b) in the definition of local solutions differs from the energy identity (108b) exactly by replacing Δ(t, z(t− ), z(t+ )) by Ψ (z(t+ )−z(t− )). This also allows us to give precise formulae for the energy drop at jump points, which are in full analogy to (51) for energetic solutions: I(t, z(t))+Δ(t, z(t− ), z(t)) = I(t, z(t− )), I(t, z(t+ ))+Δ(t, z(t), z(t+ )) = I(t, z(t)), I(t, z(t− )) = lim I(τ, z(τ )), τ →t−
I(t, z(t+ )) = lim+ I(τ, z(τ )), τ →t
Δ(t, z(t ), z(t)) + Δ(t, z(t), z(t+ )) = Δ(t, z(t− ), z(t+ )). The existence of optimal jump paths is not needed for general BV solutions. If the RIS has the property that the infimum in the definition of Δ(t, z1 , z2 ) is attained for all locally stable z1 , z2 ∈ Z (i.e., 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (0) +
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
∂ z I(t, zj )), then every BV solution is also connectable, as we may concatenate the optimal jump paths from z(t− ) to z(t) and from z(t) to z(t+ ) to obtain an optimal jump path from z(t− ) to z(t+ ). The following corollary states that all BV solutions are local solutions, which is an easy consequence of the definitions, and that parametrized solutions give rise to connectable BV solutions. This also provides an existence result by employing Theorem 4.15. Corollary 4.22. Let the RIS (Z, I, Ψ, V) be given. (A) If (τ, Z) ∈ CLip ([0, T ]; VT ) is a parametrized solution, then every z ∈ P((τ, Z)) is a connectable BV solution. (B) Let the RIS (Z, I, Ψ, V) be the standard Example 2.8 and z0 ∈ Z1 . Then, there exists a connectable BV solution z with z(0) = z0 . (C) Every BV solution is a local solution, cf. (77). We now use the advantage that BV solutions are defined as functions from the time interval [0, T ] into the state space Z like the viscous approximations. Thus, the natural question is how the solutions z ε converge to BV solutions. This question was first answered in [59] for the finite-dimensional setting. Here we give a similar result for our standard Example 2.8. Theorem 4.23 (Pointwise convergence to BV solutions). Let the RIS (Z, I, Ψ, V) and the spaces Z1 Z V Z−1 ⊂ X be given as in Example 2.8. Choose any z0 ∈ Z1 and consider viscous approximations z ε ∈ H1 ([0, T ]; V ) ∩ Cw ([0, T ]; Z) solving (24) with z ε(0) = z0 . Then, there exists a subsequence (z εn )n∈N with εn → 0 and a limit function z ∈ BV([0, T ]; V ) such that ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] :
z εn (t) z(t) in Z;
z is a connectable BV solution to (Z, I, Ψ, V). Moreover, any pointwise limit z of a subsequence of (z ε )ε>0 is a BV solution. The last statement shows that in this case all approximable solutions are BV solutions. Proof. The result follows by using the convergence of parametrized solutions once again. Given the sequence z ε we define the associated parametrized solution ζ ε ∈ CLip ([0, S ε ]; VT ). As in the proof of Theorem 4.15 we obtain a subsequence (ζ εj )j∈N that converges pointwise to a limit ζ = (τ, Z) (which is possibly not arclength parametrized). For this ζ we consider all z : [0, T ] → Z with z ∈ P(ζ). The value of z is uniquely defined at all t ∈ [0, T ] \ P , where the countable set P is the image under τ of the plateaus of τ . We first claim that z εj (t∗ ) z(t∗ ) for all t∗ ∈ [0, T ] \ P . To show this we use that τ εj converges to τ uniformly on [0, T ]. Since t∗ is not in the image of a plateau of τ , the pseudo-inverse σ : t → min{ s | τ (s) = t } is continuous
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in t∗ . Moreover, there is a unique s∗ with τ (s∗ ) = t∗ and s∗ = σ(t∗ ). Thus, for each δ > 0 there exists ρδ > 0 such that |σ(t)−σ(t∗ )| ≤ δ for |t−t∗ | ≤ ρδ . In particular, there is a jδ such that τ εj −τ L∞ ≤ ρδ for j ≥ jδ . Now choose sj ∈ [0, S] such that τ εj (sj ) = t∗ = τ (s∗ ), then |τ (sj )−τ (s∗ )| = |τ (sj )−τ εj (sj ) ≤ ρδ and we obtain |sj −s∗ | ≤ δ for j ≥ jδ . With this we find z(t∗ )−z εj (t∗ ) = Z(σ(t∗ ))−Z εj (s∗ )+Z εj (s∗ )−Z εj (sj ) = Z(s∗ )−Z εj (s∗ )+wj , where wj V ≤ |sj −s∗ | ≤ δ. Since Z εj (s∗ ) Z(s∗ ) in Z, we obtain z εj (t∗ )−z(t∗ )V → 0, and the desired weak convergence follows by the a priori bound in the Hilbert space Z. It remains to establish pointwise convergence in the possible jump points. However, P is countable, so we may choose a further subsequence to obtain weak pointwise convergence for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Proceeding as above, it is not difficult to show that the limit z(t◦ ) for t◦ ∈ P satisfies z(t◦ ) = Z(s◦ ), where s◦ lies in a plateau [a◦ , b◦ ] on which τ (s) = t◦ holds. Clearly, the pointwise limit satisfies z ∈ BV([0, T ]; V ) and it is a connectable BV solution. To show that every pointwise limit point must be a BV solution, take any pointwise converging sequence (z εn ) and denote the limit by z. By choosing a further subsequence as above, we obtain a BV solution z as limit of the further subsequence. Obviously, z = z, and we are done. We want to emphasize that in general the convergence result may fail in the infinite-dimensional setting. For this we refer to Example 4.4, where the pointwise limit z of the viscous approximations z ε is a local solution but not a BV solution. In fact, the solution z : [0, T ] → Z = V is strongly continuous, i.e. there are no jumps, but the energy balance does not hold because of missing viscous contributions. We heal this remedy in the next section by introducing the notion of weak BV solutions. In general it is not clear whether BV solutions can be completed to parametrized solutions. We need an additional condition, which is certainly satisfied in the finite-dimensional setting discussed in [59], namely ∃ C > 0 ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] ∀ z1 , z2 ∈ Z with 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (0) + ∂ z I(t, zj ) : y ∈ OJP(t, z1 , z2 ) =⇒ VarV (y, [0, 1]) ≤ CΔ(t, z1 , z2 ).
We conjecture that this condition also holds for the standard Example 2.8, which is suggested by (99), where the term involving ˙ disappears and, at least formally, z(0) ˙ = 0, since z1 is locally stable. Proposition 4.24. If the RIS (Z, I, Ψ, V) satisfies (110), then for each connectable BV solution z ∈ BV([0, T ]; V ) there is a parametrized solution (τ, Z) ∈ CLip ([0, T ]; VT ) such that z ∈ P((τ, Z)).
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Proof. The graph of z has finite length T + VarV (z, [0, T ]) in VT . For each t ∈ def J(z), we now add the graphs Y t = { (t, y t (r)) | r ∈ [0, 1] } of the optimal jump paths. By assumption (110) we know that the length of this curve is bounded by CΔ(t, z(t− ), z(t+ )). Using the energy balance (108b) we see that the total length of all these added curves is finite. By construction G(z) ∪ ∪t∈J(z) Y t is a connected curve of finite length in VT that can be reparametrized with respect to arclength, which provides the function ζ = (τ, Z) : [0, S] → VT . We still have to show that ζ satisfies (87). The conditions in the upper line are trivial. For s ∈ [0, S] such that ζ(s) ∈ Y t we have τ˙ (s) = 0 and the differential inclusion in (87) holds because of (106). In the other case we have local stability, namely 0 = ∂Ψ (0) + ξ(s) with ξ(s) ∈ ∂ z I(ζ(s)). However, in these points the energy balance together with the chain rule provides ˙ ˙ 0 = Ψ (Z(s)) + ξ(s), Z(s), which implies the desired differential inclusion by Lemma 2.2. We conclude this section with a result concerning time discretizations. Time-incremental minimization techniques are the central tools in generalized gradient flows as well as for energetic solutions, see Sect. 3.2. In our vanishingviscosity approach, we are especially interested in the interaction between the smallness of the time steps and the smallness of the viscosity. It turns out that BV solutions are easily obtained by a joint limit. For simplicity we again study a RIS of the form (Z, I, Ψ, V) for small viscosity ε. We also discretize the time interval in the form Π = (t0 , t1 , ..., tNΠ ) ∈ Part([0, T ]) with fineness φ(Π) = max{ tk −tk−1 | k = 1, ..., NΠ }, see (34). The incremental minimization problem for the viscous problem reads as follows: zk ∈ Arg min{ I(tk , z) + Ψ (z−zk−1 ) +
ε z−zk−1 2V | z ∈ Z }. tk −tk−1
We denote by z Π,ε : [0, T ] → Z the piecewise constant interpolant, see (39). Then the following result was proved in [59] for the finite-dimensional setting. A corresponding convergence result of incremental problems to parametrized solutions was also obtained in [22]. We expect that a similar result holds in infinite dimensions, in particular for our standard Example 2.8. Theorem 4.25 (Convergence of viscous time discretizations). Assume that all Banach spaces are finite-dimensional, that I ∈ C1 (ZT ) and that the RIS (Z, I, Ψ, V) satisfies the standard coercivity assumptions. Take any sequence (Πn )n∈N of partitions and any sequence (εn )n∈N of viscosities such that εn φ(Πn ) → 0, εn → 0, → ∞. (111) φ(Πn ) def
For an initial value z0 ∈ Z construct z n = z Πn ,εn : [0, T ] → Z. Then, there exist a subsequence (z nl )l∈N and a BV solution z for (Z, I, Ψ, V) such that
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∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : z nl (t) z(t) in Z for l → ∞. Moreover, any pointwise limit of a subsequence of (z n )n∈N is a BV solution.
Weak BV Solutions and Time-Varying Dissipation Distances
Here we introduce a slightly more complicated rate-independent dissipation which allows us to define a weaker version of BV solutions. As a generalization to the definition of Δ(t, z0 , z1 ) in (104) we now define a dissipation distance I : ZT ×ZT → [0, ∞]. It measures I in the extended phase space ZT , i.e. D D p p the minimal dissipation needed for moving from a point z0 to a point z1 I (t0 , z1 , t1 , z1 ) = ∞ and during the time interval [t0 , t1 ]. For t1 < t0 we set D p for t0 < t1 we let I (t0 , z0 , t1 , z1 ) D p 1 def ˙ = inf p(Z(r), −ξ(r)) dr (τ, Z) ∈ AVT ((t0 , z0 ), (t1 , z1 )),
τ˙ (r) ≥ 0 and ξ(r) ∈ ∂ z I(τ (r), Z(r)) a.e. in [0, 1] . I (t, z0 , t, z1 ) = Δ(t, z0 , z1 ), D I (t0 , z0 , t1 , z1 ) ≥ cΨ (z1 −z0 ) Clearly, we have D p p and the triangle inequality I (t0 , z0 , t2 , z2 ) ≤ D I (t0 , z0 , t1 , z1 ) + D I (t1 , z1 , t2 , z2 ). D p p p The associated dissipation functional for curves z : [0, T ] → Z reads DissIp (z, [r, s]) = sup
N !
I (tk−1 , z(tk−1 ), tk , z(tk )) N ∈ N, D p
r ≤ t0 < t1 < · · · < tN −1 < tN ≤ s . From the definitions, it is immediate that this dissipation is greater or equal I we are to Dissp,I defined in (107). With the new dissipation functional D p now able to define a new notion of BV solution. Definition 4.26 (Weak BV solutions). Let the RIS (Z, I, Ψ, V) be given. A function z ∈ BV([0, T ]; X) ∩ L∞ ([0, T ]; Z) is called weak BV solution, if
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes def
∀ t ∈ C(z) : z(t) ∈ Sloc (t) = { z ∈ Z | 0 ∈ ∂Ψ (0) + ∂ z I(t, z) };
t ∀ t ∈ [0, T ] : I(t, z(t))+DissIp (z, [0, t]) = I(0, z(0))+ ∂τ I(τ, z(τ )) dτ. (113b) 0
The following example shows that DissIp (z, [0, T ]) may be bigger than Dissp,I (z, [0, T ]) even for continuous curves. Moreover, it states that the vanishing-viscosity limit in Example 4.4 provides a weak BV solution that is not a BV solution. Example 4.27. We reconsider the setting of Example 4.4 where X = L1 (Ω), V = Z = L2 (Ω) with Ω = ]0, 1[ , p(v, ξ) = vL1 +vL2 max{|ξ(·)|−1, 0}L2 , I(t, z) = Ω U(z) − (t+x)z dx. The vanishing-viscosity limit z obtained there jumps from −2 to 6 along the line t+x = 3. It can be shown that for 2 ≤ r < t ≤ 3 we have 9(t−r) = Ψ (z(t)−z(r)) = Dissp,J (z, [r, t]) I (r, z(r), t, z(t)) = DissI (z, [r, t]) = 25(t−r).
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Metric Formulations
Here we discuss the notions of parametrized and BV solutions in a metric setting by generalizing the ideas from Banach spaces to general metric spaces. Thus, the theory becomes more general in the sense that, as in Sect. 3 for energetic solutions, we dispose of the linear structure. However, in contrast to the previous section we have to restrict to the case that the viscous dissipations is proportional to the square of the rate-independent dissipation, i.e., the theory of this section includes all the results of the previous one, if we assume Rε (v) = Ψ (v) + 2ε Ψ (v)2 . Thus, the standard Example 2.8 can not be treated with the methods developed below. The theory is based on the abstract approach to evolutionary problems in general metric spaces. We refer to [1, 3, 63] for general reading and to [60] for more details on the results presented here.
Metric Velocity, Slope, and Evolution
In this section we recall results presented in [1], starting from a complete metric space (Z, D), where we again use the letter Z (instead of Z) to indicate that Z does not need a linear structure. Moreover, we now assume that D : Z×Z → [0, ∞[ is a true metric distance, i.e. in addition to the assumptions above it is also symmetric and assumes only finite value. (It is expected that the theory can be generalized to extended quasi-distances, cf. [63].) A curve z : [0, T ] → Z is called absolutely continuous (written as z ∈ t AC([0, T ]; Z)), if ∃ m ∈ L1 ([0, T ]) such that D(q(r), q(t)) ≤ r m(s) ds for 0 ≤ r < t ≤ T. Theorem 5.1 (Metric velocity). If z ∈ AC([0, T ], Z), then for a.a. t ∈ def [0, T ] the metric velocity z˙ (t) = limh→0 h1 D(z(t), z(t+h)) exists. Moreover, t z˙ (t) ≤ m(t) a.e. and DissD (z, [r, t]) = r z˙ (s) ds. The dot ˙ and the norm · in the notation z˙ ∈ L1 ([0, T ]) are used only to indicate that the metric velocity relates to the norm of a velocity in the classical case. In fact, if Z = Z, D is defined via a rate-independent dissipation potential R in the sense of (74), and z ∈ W1,1 ([0, T ), Z), then z˙ (t) = R(z(t), z(t)). ˙ We emphasize that the metric concept is even useful in the case of nonreflexive Banach spaces X which we then equip with the distance induced by the norm. For instance, we may consider Z = L1 (R) with D(z0 , z1 ) = z1 −z0 L1 . In Example 4.1 the curve z lies in z ∈ AC([0, T ]; L1 (R)) but not in ˙ W1,1 ([0, T ]; L1 (R)). The metric velocity exists, namely z˙ (t) = |α(t)| ˙ + |β(t)|. For a functional J : Z → R we define the metric slope ∂J ∗ (z) of J in the point z via
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
∂J ∗ (z) = lim sup z →z
max{J(z)−J( z ), 0} . D(z, z)
For functionals I : ZT → R we write with a slight abuse of notation def
∂I ∗ (t, z) = ∂I(t, ·) ∗ (z). Again the sign ∂ and the dual norm · ∗ in the notation ∂J ∗ are formal only and should indicate that in the classical case the metric slope relates to the (dual) norm of (sub)gradient. In fact, if J ∈ C1 (Z) and D is given via R as above, then ∂J ∗ (z) = R◦ (z, −DJ(z)), where R◦ (z, ξ) = sup{ ξ, v | R(z, v) ≤ 1 }. As a major assumption on our RIS (Z, I, D) we impose the following chainrule inequality: z∈AC([0, T ]; Z), t→ ∂I ∗(t, z(t)) measurable,
z˙ (t) ∂I ∗(t, z(t)) dt < ∞
t → I(t, z(t)) is absolutely continuous on [0, T ] and d dt I(t, z(t))
+ z˙ (t) ∂I ∗ (t, z(t)) ≥ ∂t I(t, z(t)).
Clearly, such a chain-rule inequality holds in the classical setting since d I(t, z(t)) dt
− ∂t I(t, z(t)) = Dz I(t, z), z ˙ ≥ −R(z, z) ˙ R◦ (z, −DI(t, z)).
For a lower semicontinuous, convex function ψ : [0, ∞[ → [0, ∞[ we can now define metric solutions to the evolutionary systems (Z, I, D, ψ) in analogy to the energetic formulations in Sect. 2.5. Definition 5.2 (Metric evolution, ψ-gradient flow). Let (Z, I, D) satisfy the chain-rule inequality (114). A function z ∈ AC([0, T ], Z) is called a metric solution of the ψ-gradient flow, also called a metric evolutionary system (in the sense of De Giorgi) (Z, I, D, ψ) if T I(T, z(T )) + 0 ψ( z˙ (t))+ψ ∗ ( ∂I ∗ (t, z(t))) dt T ≤ I(0, z(0)) + 0 ∂t I(t, z(t)) dt.
As in Sect. 2.5 the chain-rule inequality implies that (115) is equivalent to d I(t, z(t)) dt
+ ψ( z˙ (t)) + ψ ∗ ( ∂I ∗ (t, z(t))) = ∂t I(t, z(t))
a.e. on [0, T ].
So far, the theory of metric evolutionary systems relies heavily on the absolute continuity of z. In the case of RIS we would like to choose ψ(ν) = ν, which led to ψ∗ (ξ) = χ[0,1] (ξ). Then, any approximation procedure leads to a priori estimates for z˙ in L1 ([0, T ]) only, which would not be enough to pass to the limit since jumps may develop.
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Parametrized Metric Solutions
As in the Banach-space setting we introduce viscous approximations via 1 ψε (ν) = ν + ε2 ν 2 . The Legendre transform is ψε∗ (ξ) = 2ε max{ξ−1, 0}2. The associated metric evolutionary system reads d I(t, z ε )+ψε ( z˙ ε (t))+ψε∗ ( ∂I ∗ (t, z ε (t))) ≤ ∂t I(t, z ε (t)), dt
z ε (0) = z0 . (116)
Using the standard energy bounds we find the a priori estimates I(t, z (t)) ≤ e I(0, z0 ), ε
ψε ( z˙ ε (t))+ψε∗ ( ∂I ∗ (t, z ε (t))) dt ≤ eCT I(0, z0 ).
The classical existence theory in [1, 3] works for the cases ψ(ν) = ν p /p, whereas [63] treats the case of general convex and superlinear ψ, covering our case ψε (ν) = ν + ν 2 /ε. Thus, for each ε > 0 we obtain a solution z ε ∈ AC([0, T ]; Z) with the estimates z˙ ε L1 ([0,T ]) ≤ C
√ and z˙ ε L2 ([0,T ]) ≤ C/ ε.
As in Sect. 4.4 we introduce an arclength parametrization t of the graph of z ε , namely { (t, z ε (t)) | t ∈ [0, T ] } ⊂ ZT via sε (t) = t + 0 z˙ ε (r) dr and the inverse functions t = τ ε (s). The good message here is that we immediately have an upper bound for the total length S ε by using (117). Thus, we define the arclength parametrized solutions as ζ ε (s) = (τ ε (s), Z ε (s)) ∈ ZT with Z ε (s) = z ε (τ ε (s)). We introduce the function Mε (α, ν, ξ) =
αψε (ν/α) + αψε∗ (ξ) for α > 0, ∞ otherwise,
ε 2 which explicitly means Mε (α, ν, ξ) = ν + 2α ν + The rescaling of (116) leads to the relations
α 2ε
max{ξ−1, 0}2 for α > 0.
τ ε (0) = 0, τ ε (S ε ) = T, τ˙ ε (s) ≥ 0, τ˙ ε (s) + Z˙ ε (s) = 1, d I(ζ ε (s)) + Mε (τ˙ ε (s), Z˙ ε (s), ∂I ∗ (ζ ε (s)) ≤ ∂t I(ζ ε (s))τ˙ ε (s) ds
" (118)
a.e. on [0, S ε ]. On [0, ∞[3 it is easy to see that the functions Mε converge to M0 : (α, ν, ξ) →
ν max{ξ, 1} for α = 0, ν + χ[0,1] (ξ) for α > 0,
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
in the sense of Γ -convergence. In fact, we have the following liminf estimate for the associated functionals, which is an application of Ioffe’s theorem [32], see [60, Lem. 3.1]. It uses convexity in (α, ν) and monotonicity in ξ. S Proposition 5.3 (Lower semicontinuity). Let Mε (α, ν, ξ) = 0 Mε (α(s), ν(s), ξ(s)) ds for ε ≥ 0 and assume that the sequence ((αε , ν ε , ξ ε ))ε>0 satisfies ≤ lim inf ε→0+ ξ ε (s) a.e. on [0, S], and ν ε ν in L1 ([0, S]) and ξ(s) αε α ≤ lim inf ε→0 Mε (αε , ν ε , ξ ε ). α, ν, ξ) then we have M0 ( We now define parametrized metric solutions by using the functions M0 in place of the small viscosity functions Mε . Without loss of generality we only consider arclength parametrized solutions. Definition 5.4 (Parametrized metric solutions). A function ζ = (τ, Z) : [0, S] → ZT is called parametrized metric solution of the RIS (Z, I, D), if ζ ∈ CLip ([0, S]; ZT ) and if for a.a. s ∈ [0, S] we have τ (0) = 0, τ (S) = T, τ˙ (s) ≥ 0, τ˙ (s) + Z˙ (s) = 1, d ˙ ds I(ζ(s)) + M0 (τ˙ (s), Z (s), ∂I ∗ (ζ(s)) ≤ ∂t I(ζ(s))τ˙ (s).
Since M0 (α, ν, ξ) ≥ νξ, the contact set Ξ of M0 plays a central role: def
Ξ = { (α, ν, ξ) | M0 (α, ν, ξ) = νξ } The explicit form of M0 gives three distinct regimes: Ξ = Ξ stick ∪ Ξ slide ∪ Ξ jump with Ξ stick = { (α, 0, ξ) | α ≥ 0, ξ ≤ 1 }, Ξ slide = { (α, ν, 1) | α, ν ≥ 0 }, Ξ jump = { (0, ν, ξ) | ν ≥ 0, ξ ≥ 1 }, see Fig. 4. Using the chain-rule inequality (114) and the last line of (119) we conclude that for a parametrized metric solution we have (τ˙ (s), Z˙ (s), ∂I ∗ (ζ(s))) ∈ Ξ
for a.a. s ∈ [0, S].
This leads to an alternative equivalent definition for parametrized metric solutions, which highlights these different regimes more clearly. Lemma 5.5. A function ζ = (τ, Z) : [0, S] → ZT is a parametrized metric solution of the RIS (Z, I, D) if and only if for a.a. s ∈ [0, S] we have τ˙ (s) ≥ 0
τ˙ (s) + Z˙ (s) = 1;
τ˙ (s) > 0 =⇒ ∂I ∗ (ζ(s)) ≤ 1;
A. Mielke
Fig. 4 The three different regimes for parametrized metric solutions
Z˙ (s) > 0 =⇒ ∂I ∗ (ζ(s)) ≥ 1; d I(ζ(s)) ds
+ Z˙ (s) ∂I ∗ (ζ(s)) = ∂s I(ζ(s))τ˙ (s).
The last condition in the above lemma says that if a solution moves, then, it moves along a gradient flow curve. Moreover, integrating the last relation we obtain the energy balance I(ζ(s)) +
Z˙ (s) + γ(s) ds = I(0, z0 ) +
∂r I(ζ(r)) dr
with γ(s) = Z˙ (s) max{ ∂I ∗ (ζ(s))−1, 0}, which is analogous to (89) for parametrized solutions in the Banach-space setting. Thus, we again see an explicit term arising in jump paths that is needed to lead to a correct energy balance. The next result shows that under quite general assumptions we have convergence of parametrized solutions in the vanishing-viscosity limit and thus obtain existence of parametrized metric solutions. In contrast to the Banach-space setting we have much more general initial conditions and we are able to show that the arclength parametrization is inherited by the limit. In the additional conditions on I we use the topology on Z that is induced by the metric D. Theorem 5.6 (Vanishing viscosity, parametrized metric solutions). Let the RIS (Z, I, D) satisfy the assumptions from above and I(t, ·) : Z → R has sequentially compact sublevels, ∂t I : ZT → R is continuous, ∂I ∗ : ZT → [0, ∞] is lower semicontinuous.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Choose any z0 ∈ Z. Then, for any family of parametrized metric solutions ζ ε : [0, S] → ZT of (118) with ζ ε (0) = (0, z0 ) there exist a subsequence (εk )k∈N with εk → 0 and a limit function ζ = (τ, Z) ∈ AC([0, S]; ZT ) such that ζ is a parametrized metric solution with ζ(0) = (0, z0 ), ζ εk → ζ in C0 ([0, T ]; ZT ); ∗ ∗ τ˙ εk τ˙ , Z˙ εk Z˙ in L∞ ([0, S]).
Proof. Since the functions ζ ε have the uniform Lipschitz bound 1 and all ζ ε lie in a sequentially compact sublevel of I, we can apply the Arzel` a-Ascoli theorem and obtain a sequence converging uniformly. Since τ˙ ε and Z˙ εk are bounded by 1, we may also assume the weak* convergence to limits μ and η, respectively. Obviously, μ+η ≡ 1 and it is easy to see that μ = τ˙ . From D(Z(s1 ), Z(s2 )) = limk D(Z εk (s1 ), Z εk (s2 )) s s ≤ lim inf k s12 Z˙ εk (s) ds = s12 η(s) ds, we find Z˙ (s) ≤ η(s) a.e. on [0, S]. From the assumptions in (121) we obtain I(ζ(s)) ≤ lim inf I(ζ εk (s)), ∂t I(ζ(s)) = lim ∂t I(ζ εk (s)), k
ξ(s) = ∂I ∗ (ζ(s)) ≤ lim inf ξ k (s), where ξ k (s) = ∂I ∗ (ζ εk (s)). k
We can now pass to the limit in the integrated version of the last line in (118) and, using Proposition 5.3, we obtain I(ζ(S)) + M0 (τ˙ , η, ∂I ∗ (ζ(·))) ≤ I(0, z0 ) +
S 0
∂t I(ζ(s))τ˙ (s) ds.
For the convergence in the last integral note that the integrand is the product of a strongly and a weakly converging sequence. In the following estimates we first use the chain-rule-inequality (114), then νξ ≤ M0 (α, ν, ξ), next Z˙ ≤ η and monotonicity of M0 (α, ·, ξ), and finally (122): I(ζ(0)) − I(ζ(S)) +
S 0
∂t I(ζ(s))τ˙ (s) ds ≤
S 0
Z˙ (s) ∂I ∗ (ζ(s)) ds
≤ M0 (τ˙ , Z˙ , ∂I ∗ (ζ(·))) ≤ M0 (τ˙ , η, ∂I ∗ (ζ(·))) S ∂t I(ζ(s))τ˙ (s) ds. ≤ I(ζ(0)) − I(ζ(S)) + 0
A. Mielke
We conclude that all estimates are equalities. In particular, we find the second line of (119), and the strict monotonicity of M0 (α, ·, ξ) implies Z˙ (s) = η(s) a.e., which implies τ˙ + Z˙ (s) = 1 a.e.
Metric BV Solutions
Like in the Banach-space setting it is desirable to define a solution concept that is closely associated with parametrized solutions, but that avoids the artificial arclength parametrization. Our definition follows the spirit of Sect. 4.5, which is simpler than the original approach in [60]. The function space BV([0, T ]; Z) contains functions z : [0, T ] → Z defined everywhere and such that VarD (z, [0, T ]) = DissD (z, [0, T ]) < ∞. As before, left and right limits z(t− ) and z(t+ ) exist for each t ∈ [0, T ]. Moreover, the set of jump times J(z) is well defined and countable. We again define a supplemented dissipation measure ΔM (t, ·) : Z×Z → [0, ∞] via def
ΔM (t, z0 , z1 ) = inf{
1 0
M0 (0, z˙ (r), ∂I ∗ (t, z(r))) dr | z ∈ A(z0 , z1 ) },
where A(z0 , z1 ) = { z ∈ AC([0, 1]; Z) | z(0) = z0 , z(1) = z1 }. Definition 5.7 (Metric BV solutions). Let the metric RIS (Z, I, D) be given. Then a function z ∈ BV([0, T ]; Z) is called metric BV solution if (123a) and (123b) hold: ∀ t ∈ C(z) : ∂I ∗ (t, z(t)) ≤ 1;
t ∀ t∈[0, T ] : I(t, z(t))+DissD,I (z, [0, t]) = I(0, z(0))+ ∂τ I(τ, z(τ )) dτ. (123b) 0
The metric BV solution z is called connectable, if additionally ∀ t ∈ J(z) ∃ z t ∈ OJP(t, z(t− ), z(t+ )) ∃ rt ∈ [0, 1] : z(t) = z t (rt ).
Again the set of optimal jump paths is defined via OJP(t, z1 , z2 ) =
z ∈ A(z1 , z2 ) ΔM (t, z1 , z2 ) = I(t, z1 )−I(t, z2 ) = M0 (0, z˙ (r), ∂I ∗ (t, z(r))) for a.a. r ∈ [0, 1] .
In [60] the following two results concerning existence, convergence and time discretization are derived.
Differential, Energetic, and Metric Formulations for Rate-Independent Processes
Theorem 5.8 (Convergence and existence of metric BV solutions). Assume that (Z, I, D) satisfies the assumption of Theorem 5.6. Then, for each z0 ∈ Z with I(0, z0 ) < ∞ there exists a metric BV solution z with z(0) = z0 . Moreover, if z ε ∈ AC([0, T ]; Z) are solutions of the viscous metric evolutionary system (116) with z ε (0) = z0 , then there exist a subsequence εk → 0 and a metric BV solution z such that z εk (t) → z(t) for all t ∈ [0, T ]. For a partition Π = (0 = t0 , t1 , . . . , tN = T ), the time-incremental minimization problems with small viscosity read zj ∈ Arg min{ I(tk , z) + D(zk−1 , z) +
2 ε 2(tk −tk−1 ) D(zk−1 , z)
| z ∈ Z }.
Defining the piecewise constant interpolants z Πε as before, we obtain the following result. Theorem 5.9 (Convergence of time discretizations). Assume that the RIS (Z, I, D) satisfies the assumption of Theorem 5.6. Assume further that for sequence Πk and εk we have εk → 0,
φ(Πk ) → 0,
εk /φ(Πk ) → ∞.
Then there exist a subsequence (not relabeled) and a metric BV solution z such that z Πk ,εk (t) → z(t) for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Acknowledgements The research was partially supported by DFG via Research Unit FOR 787 MicroPlast (Project Mie 459/5, Regularizations and relaxations of time continuous problems in plasticity). The author is indebted to Toma´ aˇs Roub´ıˇ cek, Riccarda Rossi, Giuseppe Savar´e, Marita Thomas, and Sergey Zelik for helpful and stimulating discussions. He thanks Olga Kuphal and Riccarda Rossi for their careful proofreading and for improving the English. Finally, he thanks Luigi Ambrosio, Giuseppe Savar´e, and CIME for organizing the wonderful Summer School on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications in Cetraro.
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Optimal Transport and Curvature Alessio Figalli and C´ edric Villani
These notes record the six lectures for the CIME Summer Course held by the second author in Cetraro during the week of June 23–28, 2008, with minor modifications. Their goal is to describe some recent developments in the theory of optimal transport, and their applications to differential geometry. We will focus on two main themes: (a) Stability of lower bounds on Ricci curvature under measured Gromov– Hausdorff convergence. (b) Smoothness of optimal transport in curved geometry. The main reference for all the material covered by these notes (and much more) is the recent book of the second author [40]. These notes are organized as follows: • In Sect. 2 we recall some classical facts of metric and differential geometry; then in Sect. 3 we study the optimal transport problem on Riemannian manifolds. These sections introduce the basic objects and the notation. • In Sect. 4 we reformulate lower bounds on Ricci curvature in terms of the “displacement convexity” of certain functionals, and deduce the stability. Then in Sect. 5 we address the question of the smoothness of the optimal transport on Riemannian manifold. These two sections, focusing A. Figalli () Department of Mathematics, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, C1200, Austin, TX 78712-1082, USA e-mail: fi
[email protected] C. Villani Institut Henri Poincar´ e, Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France e-mail:
[email protected] S. Bianchini et al., Nonlinear PDE’s and Applications, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2028, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21861-3 4, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
A. Figalli and C. Villani
on Problems (a) and (b) respectively, constitute the heart of these notes, and can be read independently of each other. • Section 6 is devoted to a recap and the discussion of a few open problems; finally Sect. 7 gives a selection of the most relevant references.
Bits of Metric Geometry
The apparent redundancy in the title of this section is intended to stress the fact that we shall be concerned with geometry only from the metric point of view (rather than from the topological, or differential point of view), be it either in some possibly nonsmooth metric space, or in a smooth Riemannian manifold.
Let (X, d) be a complete separable metric space. Given a Lipschitz curve γ : [0, T ] → X, we define its length by N L(γ) := sup d(γ(ti ), γ(ti+1 )) 0 = t0 ≤ t1 ≤ . . . ≤ tN +1 = T . i=0
It is easily checked that the length of a curve is invariant by reparameterization. In an abstract metric space the velocity γ(t) ˙ of a Lipschitz curve does not make sense; still it is possible to give a meaning to the “modulus of the velocity”, or metric derivative of γ, or speed: |γ(t)| ˙ := lim sup h→0
d(γ(t + h), γ(t)) |h|
For almost all t, the above limsup is a true limit [1, Theorem 4.1.6], and the following formula holds: L(γ) =
T 0
|γ(t)| ˙ dt.
Length Spaces
In the previous section we have seen how to write the length of curves in terms of the metric d. But once the length is defined, we can introduce a new
Optimal Transport and Curvature
distance on X:
d (x, y) := inf L(γ) γ ∈ Lip([0, 1], X), γ(0) = x, γ(1) = y .
By triangle inequality, d ≥ d. If d = d we say that (X, d) is a length space. It is worth recording that (X, d ) defined as above is automatically a length space. Example 2.1. Take X = S1 ⊂ R2 , and d(x, y) = |x − y| the standard Euclidean distance in R2 ; then d (x, y) = 2 arcsin |x−y| 2 , so (X, d) is not a length space. More generally, if X is a closed subset of Rn then (X, d) is a length space if and only if X is convex.
A curve γ : [0, 1] → X which minimizes the length, among all curves with γ(0) = x and γ(1) = y, is called a geodesic, or more properly a minimizing geodesic. The property of being a minimizing geodesic is stable by restriction: if γ : [0, 1] → X is a geodesic, then for all a < b ∈ [0, 1], γ|[a,b] : [a, b] → X is a geodesic from γ(a) to γ(b). A length space such that any two points are joined by a minimizing geodesic is called a geodesic space. Example 2.2. By the (generalized) Hopf–Rinow theorem, any locally compact complete length space is a geodesic space [4]. It is a general fact that a Lipschitz curve γ can be reparameterized so that |γ(t)| ˙ is constant [1, Theorem 4.2.1]. Thus, any geodesic γ : [0, 1] → X can be reparameterized so that |γ(t)| ˙ = L(γ) for almost all t ∈ [0, 1]. In this case, γ is called a constant-speed minimizing geodesic. Such curves are minimizers of the action functional A(γ) :=
1 2
2 |γ(t)| ˙ dt.
More precisely, we have: Proposition 2.3. Let (X, d) be a length space. Then d(x, y) =
inf γ(0)=x, γ(1)=y
2 dt |γ(t)| ˙
∀ x, y ∈ X.
Moreover, if (X, d) is a geodesic space, then minimizers of the above functional are precisely constant-speed minimizing geodesics.
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Sketch of the proof. By (1) we know that d(x, y) =
|γ(t)| ˙ dt
γ(0)=x, γ(1)=y
∀ x, y ∈ X.
By Jensen’s inequality, 1
|γ(t)| ˙ dt ≤
1 0
2 dt, |γ(t)| ˙
with equality if and only if |γ(t)| ˙ is constant for almost all t. The conclusion follows easily.
Riemannian Manifolds
Given an n-dimensional C ∞ differentiable manifolds M , for each x ∈ M we denote by Tx M the tangent space to M at x, and by T M := ∪x∈M ({x} × Tx M ) the whole tangent bundle of M . On each tangent space Tx M , we assume that is given a symmetric positive definite quadratic form gx : Tx M × Tx M → R which depends smoothly on x; g = (gx )x∈M is called a Riemannian metric, and (M, g) is a Riemannian manifold. A Riemannian metric defines a scalar product and a norm on each tangent space: for each v, w ∈ Tx M |v|x :=
v, w x := gx (v, w),
gx (v, v).
Let U be an open subset of Rn and Φ : U → Φ(U ) = V ⊂ M a chart. Given ∂ ∂Φ 1 n x = Φ(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ V , the vectors ∂x i := ∂x (x , . . . , x ), i = 1, . . . , n, i ∂ constitute a basis of Tx M : any v ∈ Tx M can be written as v = ni=1 v i ∂x i. We can use this chart to write our metric g in coordinates inside V : gx (v, v) =
n i,j=1
∂ ∂ , ∂xi ∂xj
vi vj =
gij (x)v i vj ,
∂ ∂ ij where by definition gij (x) := gx ∂x the i , ∂xj . We also denote by g ij ij −1 coordinates of the inverse of g: g = (gij ) ; more precisely, j g gjk = δki , where δki denotes Kronecker’s delta: δki =
1 if i = k, 0 if i = k.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
In the sequel we will use these coordinates to perform many computations. Einstein’s convention of summation overrepeated indices will be used systematically: ak bk = k ak bk , gij v i vj = i,j gij vi v j , etc.
Riemannian Distance and Volume
The notion of “norm of a tangent vector” leads to the definition of a distance on a Riemannian manifold (M, g), called Riemannian distance: d(x, y) =
inf γ(0)=x, γ(1)=y
γ(0)=x, γ(1)=y
gγ(t) γ(t), ˙ γ(t) ˙ dt gγ(t) γ(t), ˙ γ(t) ˙ dt
∀ x, y ∈ X.
This definition makes (M, d) a length space. A Riemannian manifold (M, g) is also equipped with a natural reference measure, the Riemannian volume: vol(dx) = n-dimensional Hausdorff measure on (M, d) =
det(gij )dx1 . . . dxn .
This definition of the volume allows to write a change of variables formula, exactly as in Rn (see for instance [40, Chap. 1]).
Differential and Gradients
Given a smooth map ϕ : M → R, its differential dϕ : T M → R is defined as d ϕ(γ(t)), dϕ(x) · v := dt t=0 where γ : (−ε, ε) → M is any smooth curve such that γ(0) = x, γ(0) ˙ =v (this definition is independent of the choice of γ). Thanks to the Riemannian metric, we can define the gradient ∇ϕ(x) at any point x ∈ M by the formula ∇ϕ(x), v x := dϕ(x) · v. Observe carefully that ∇ϕ(x) is a tangent vector (i.e. an element of Tx M ), while dϕ(x) is a cotangent vector (i.e. an element of Tx∗ M := (Tx M )∗ , the
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dual space of Tx M ). Using coordinates induced by a chart, we get gij (∇ϕ)i v j = (dϕ)i v i
(∇ϕ)i = g ij (dϕ)j .
Geodesics in Riemannian Geometry
On a Riemannian manifold, constant-speed minimizing geodesics satisfy a second order differential equation: γ¨ k + Γijk γ˙ i γ˙ j = 0,
where Γijk are the Christoffel symbols defined by Γijk
1 = g k 2
∂gj ∂gi ∂gij + − ∂xi ∂xj ∂x
Exercise 2.4. Prove the above formula. 1 Hint. Consider the action functional A(γ) = 12 0 gγ(t) γ(t), ˙ γ(t) ˙ dt for a geodesic γ and, working in charts, make variations of the form A(γ + εh), d |ε=0 A(γ + εh) = 0 and the with h vanishing at the end points. Then use dε arbitrariness of h.
Exponential Map and Cut Locus
From now on, by a geodesic we mean a solution of the geodesic equation (2), and we will explicitly mention whether it is or not minimizing. We also assume M to be complete, so that geodesics are defined for all times. The exponential map exp : T M → M is defined by expx (v) := γx,v (1), where γx,v : [0, +∞) → M is the unique solution of (2) starting at γx,v (0) = x with velocity γ˙ x,v (0) = v. We observe that the curve (expx (tv))t≥0 is a geodesic defined for all times, but in general is not minimizing for large times (on the other hand, it is possible to prove that expx (tv) is always minimizing between x and expx (εv) for ε > 0 sufficiently small). We define the cut time tc (x, v) as tc (x,v) := inf t > 0|s → expx (sv) is not minimizing between x and expx (tv) . Example 2.5. On the sphere Sn , the geodesics starting from the north pole N = (0, . . . , 0, 1) with unit speed describe great circles passing through the
Optimal Transport and Curvature
south pole S = (0, . . . , 0, −1). These geodesics are minimizing exactly until they reach S after a time π. Thus tc (N, v) = π for any v ∈ TN M with unit norm. By homogeneity of the sphere and time-rescaling, we get tc (x, v) = |v|πx for any x ∈ Sn , v ∈ Tx M \ {0}. Given two points x, y ∈ M , if there exists a unique minimizing geodesic (expx (tv))0≤t≤1 going from x to y in time 1, we will write (with a slight abuse of notation) v = (expx )−1 (y). Given x ∈ M , we define the cut locus of x as cut(x) := expx tc (x, ξ)ξ | ξ ∈ Tx M, |ξ|x = 1 We further define cut(M ) := {(x, y) ∈ M × M | y ∈ cut(x)}. Example 2.6. On the sphere Sn , the cut locus of a point consists only of its antipodal point, i.e. cut(x) = {−x}. It is possible to prove that, if y ∈ cut(x), then x and y are joined by a unique minimizing geodesic. The converse is close to be true: y ∈ cut(x) if and only if there are neighborhoods U of x and V of y such that any two points x ∈ U , y ∈ V are joined by a unique minimizing geodesic. In particular y ∈ cut(x) if and only if x ∈ cut(y).
First Variation Formula and (Super)Differentiability of Squared Distance
Exactly as in the computation for the geodesic equations (Exercise 2.4), one can compute the first variation of the action functional at a geodesic: let γ : [0, 1] → M be a constant-speed minimizing geodesic from x to y, and let x x + δx to y y + δy be perturbations of x and y respectively. (When δx ∈ Tx M with |δx| 1, x + δx is an abuse of notation for, say, expx (δx), or ˙ for h(1), where h(s) is any smooth path with h(0) = x and h(0) = δx.) The formulation of first variation states that A(γ ) = A(γ) + γ(1), ˙ δy y − γ(0), ˙ δx x + O(|δy|2 ) + O(|δx|2 ). Here γ can be any curve from x to y , geodesic or not, the important point is that γ be a C 1 perturbation of γ. Below is a more rigorous statement: Proposition 2.7. Let γ : [0, 1] → M be a constant-speed minimizing geodesic from x to y. Consider a C 1 family of curves γ ε : [0, 1] → M ,
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ε ∈ (−ε0 , ε0 ) with γ 0 = γ, and let X be the vector field along γ defined by X(t) = (d/dε)|ε=0 γ ε (t). Then d A(γ ε ) = γ(1), ˙ X(1) y − γ(0), ˙ X(0) x . dε ε=0 The proof of this fact is analogous to the proof of the formula of the geodesic equation, with the only exception that now the variation we consider do not vanish at the boundary points, and so when doing integration by parts one has to take care of boundary terms. We can now compute the (super)differential of the squared distance; the result is most conveniently expressed in terms of the gradient. Fix x0 ∈ M , and consider the function F (x) := 12 d(x0 , x)2 . Proposition 2.8. If x0 and x are joined by a unique minimizing geodesic, then F is differentiable at x and ∇F (x) = −(expx )−1 (x0 ). Sketch of the proof. Let γ : [0, 1] → M be the unique constant-speed minimizing geodesic from x0 to x, and let xε x+ εw be a perturbation of x. Let γε be a minimizing geodesic connecting x0 to xε ; so γε (t) = expx0 (tvε ) for some vε ∈ Tx0 M . Up to extraction of a subsequence, γε converges to some minimizing geodesic, which is necessarily γ, and vε converges to (expx0 )−1 (x). So γε (t) is a C 1 perturbation of γ, and the first variation formula yields ˙ w x+O(ε2 ) = F (x)−ε (expx )−1 (x0 ), w x +O(ε2 ). F (xε ) = A(γε ) = A(γ)+ε γ(1), In case x0 and x are joined by several minimizing geodesics, the above argument fails. On the other hand, one still has superdifferentiability: there exists p ∈ Tx M such that F (x ) ≤ F (x) + p, δx x + O(|δx|2 ). Proposition 2.9. For any x ∈ M , F is superdifferentiable at x. Sketch of the proof. Let γ : [0, 1] → M be a constant-speed minimizing geodesic from x0 to x. Then, for any perturbation x x + δx of x, we can perturb γ into a smooth path γ (not necessarily minimizing!) connecting x0 to x . The first variation formula yields ˙ δx x + O(|δx|2 ), F (x ) ≤ A(γ ) = A(γ) + γ(1), so γ(1) ˙ is a supergradient for F at x.
By the above proposition we deduce that, although the (squared) distance is not smooth, its only singularities are upper crests. By the above proof we also see that F is differentiable at x if and only if x0 and x are joined by
Optimal Transport and Curvature
a unique minimizing geodesic. (Indeed, a superdifferentiable function F is differentiable at x if and only if F has only one supergradient at x.)
Hessian and Second Order Calculus
Let ϕ : M → R be a smooth function. The Hessian ∇2 ϕ(x) : Tx M → Tx M is defined by d2 ϕ(γ(t)), ∇2 ϕ(x) · v, v x := 2 dt t=0 where γ(t) = expx (tv). Observe that, when we defined the differential of a function, we could use any curve starting from x with velocity v. In this case, as the second derivative of ϕ(γ(t)) involves γ¨(0), we are not allowed to choose an arbitrary curve in the definition of the Hessian.
Variations of Geodesics and Jacobi Fields
Let us consider a family (γθ )−ε≤θ≤ε of constant-speed geodesics γθ : [0, 1] → M . Then, for each t ∈ [0, 1], we can consider the vector field ∂ J(t) := γθ (t) ∈ Tγ(t)M. ∂θ θ=0 The vector field J is called a Jacobi field along γ = γ0 . By differentiating the geodesic equations with respect to θ, we get a second order differential equation for J: ∂ k γ¨θ + Γijk (γθ )γ˙ θi γ˙ θj = 0 ∂θ gives ∂Γijk i j J¨k + J γ˙ γ˙ + 2Γijk J˙i γ˙ j = 0. ∂x This complicated equation takes a nicer form if we choose time-dependent coordinates determined by a moving orthonormal basis {e1 (t), . . . , en (t)} of Tγ(t) M , such that e˙ k (t) + Γijk (γ(t))ei (t)γ˙ j (t) = 0 (in this case, we say that the basis is parallel transported along γ). With this choice of the basis, defining J i (t) := J(t), ei (t) γ(t) we get J¨i (t) + Rij (t)Jj (t) = 0.
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For our purposes it suffices to know that Rij is a symmetric matrix; in fact one ˙ ei ) · γ, ˙ ej , where Riem denotes the Riemann can show that Rij (t) = Riem(γ, tensor of (M, g). We now write the Jacobi equation in matrix form: let J (t) = (J1 (t), . . . , Jn (t)) be a matrix of Jacobi fields, and define Jij (t) := Ji (t), ej (t) γ(t) , with {e1 (t), . . . , en (t)} parallel transported as before. Then ¨ (t) + R(t)J (t) = 0, J where R(t) is a symmetrix matrix involving derivatives of the metric gij (γ(t)) up to the second order, and such that (up to identification) R(t)γ(t) ˙ = 0.
Sectional and Ricci Curvatures
The matrix R appearing in the Jacobi fields equation allows to define the sectional curvature in a point x along a plane P ⊂ Tx M : let {e1 , e2 } be an orthonormal basis of P , and consider γ the geodesic starting from x with velocity e1 . We now complete {e1 , e2 } into an orthonormal basis of Tx M , and we construct {e1 (t), . . . , en (t)} as above. Then the sectional curvature at x along P is given by Sectx (P ) := R22 (0)
Remark 2.10. The sectional curvature has the following geometric interpretation: given v, w ∈ Tx M unit vectors, with (non-oriented) angle θ,
σ cos2 (θ/2) 2 d expx (tv), expx (tw) = 2(1 − cos θ)t 1 − t + O(t4 ) , (3) 6 where σ is the sectional curvature at x along the plane generated by v and w. Thus the sectional curvatures infinitesimally measure the tendency of geodesics to converge (σ > 0) or diverge (σ < 0). We observe that formula (3) implies Gauss’s Theorema Egregium, namely that the sectional curvature is invariant under local isometry. The Ricci curvature at point x ∈ M is a quadratic form on the tangent space defined as follows: fix ξ ∈ Tx M , and complete ξ to an orthonormal basis {ξ = e1 , e2 , . . . , en }. Denoting by [ei , ej ] the plane generated by ei and ej for i = j, we define Ricx (ξ, ξ) :=
n j=2
Sectx ([e1 , ej ]).
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Another equivalent definition consists in considering the geodesic starting from x with velocity ξ, take {e1(t), . . . , en (t)} obtained by parallel transport, and define Ricx (ξ, ξ) = tr R(0) .
Interpretation of Ricci Curvature Bounds
In this paragraph we give a geometric interpretation of the Ricci curvature. For more details we refer to [40, Chap. 14] and references therein. Let ξ be a C 1 vector field (i.e. ξ(x) ∈ Tx M ) defined in a neighborhood of {γ(t) | 0 ≤ t ≤ 1}, and consider the map Tt (x) := expx tξ(x) . We want to compute the Jacobian of this map. Think of dx Tt : Tx M → TTt (x) M as an array (J1 (t), . . . , Jn (t)) of Jacobi fields. Expressed in an orthonormal basis {e1 (t), . . . , en (t)} obtained by parallel transport, we get a matrix J (t) which solves the Jacobi equations ¨ +RJ = 0. Moreover, since T0 (x) = x and T˙0 (x) = ξ(x), we have the system J ⎧ ¨ + RJ = 0, ⎨J J(0) = In , ⎩˙ J(0) = ∇ξ, where ∇ξ is defined as d ∇ξ · ei , ej := (se ) , e (se ) , ξ exp exp i j i x x ds s=0 expx (sei ) and ej expx (sei ) is obtained by parallel transport along s → expx (sei ). We now define J (t) := Jacx Tt = det J (t). Then d log J (t) = tr J˙ (t)J (t)−1 dt ˙ as long as det J(t) > 0. Let U (t) := J(t)J (t)−1 . Using the Jacobi equation for J , we get U˙ (t) = −R(t) − U (t)2 . Taking the trace, we deduce the important formula d tr U (t) + tr U (t)2 + Ricγ(t) (γ(t), ˙ γ(t)) ˙ = 0. dt
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Remark 2.11. The above formula is nothing else than the Lagrangian version of the celebrated Bochner formula, which is Eulerian in nature: −∇ · (ξ · ∇)ξ + ξ · ∇ ∇ · ξ + tr (∇ξ)2 + Ric(ξ, ξ) = 0. Assume now that U (0) is symmetric (this is the case for instance if ξ = ∇ψ for some function ψ, as U (0) = ∇2 ψ). In this case, since R is symmetric, U and U ∗ solves the same differential equation with the same initial condition, and by uniqueness U (t) is symmetric too. We can therefore apply the inequality 2 1 tr U (t) tr U (t)2 ≥ n (a version of the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality). Combining all together we arrive at: Proposition 2.12. If Tt (x) = expx t∇ψ(x) , then J (t) = Jacx Tt satisfies d2 1 log J (t) + 2 dt n
2 d log J (t) + Ricγ(t) (γ(t), ˙ γ(t)) ˙ ≤ 0. dt
From this proposition, we see that lower bounds on the Ricci curvature estimate the averaged tendency of geodesics to converge (in the sense of the Jacobian determinant). The above proposition can be reversed, and one can prove for instance d2 log Jacx expx (t∇ψ(x)) ≤ 0 ∀ψ, dt2 (4) where ψ is arbitrary in the class of semiconvex functions defined in the neighborhood of x, such that Jacx expx (t∇ψ) remains positive on [0, 1]. A more precise and more general discussion can be found in [40, Chap. 14]. Ric ≥ 0 throughout M
Why Look for Curvature Bounds?
Sectional upper and lower bounds, and Ricci lower bounds, turn out to be very useful in many geometric applications. For instance, Ricci bounds appears in inequalities relating gradients and measures, such as: • • • • •
Sobolev inequalities Heat kernel estimates Compactness of families of manifolds Spectral gap Diameter control.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
For example, the Bonnet–Myers theorem states Ricx ≥ Kgx , K > 0
diam(M ) ≤ π
n−1 , K
while Sobolev’s inequalities on n-dimensional compact manifolds say that, if Ricx ≥ Kgx for some K ∈ R, then f L(n−1)/n (dvol) ≤ C(n, K, diam(M )) f L1 (dvol) + ∇f L1(dvol)
∀ f.
Stability Issue and (Measured) Gromov–Hausdorff Convergence
Sectional and Ricci curvatures are nonlinear combinations of derivatives of the metric g up to the second order. Therefore it is clear that if a sequence of Riemannian manifolds (Mk , gk ) converges (in charts) in C 2 -topology to a Riemannian manifold (M, g), then both sectional and Ricci curvatures pass to the limit. However much more is true: lower bounds on these quantities pass to the limit under much weaker notions of convergence (which is an indication of the stability/robustness of these bounds). To make an analogy, consider the notion of convexity: a C 2 function φ : n R → R is convex if and only if ∇2 φ ≥ 0 everywhere. In particular if a sequence of convex functions φk converges to a φ is C 2 -topology, then φ is convex. However it is well-known that convexity pass to the limit under much weaker notions of convergence (for instance, pointwise convergence). In a geometric context, a powerful weak notion of convergence is the Gromov–Hausdorff convergence: Definition 2.13. A sequence (Xk , dk )k∈N of compact length spaces is said to converge in the Gromov–Hausdorff topology to a metric space (X, d) if there are functions fk : Xk → X and positive numbers εk → 0, such that fk is an εk -approximate isometry, i.e. ⎧ ⎨ |d(fk (x), fk (y)) − dk (x, y)| ≤ εk ∀ x, y ∈ Xk , ⎩
distd (f (Xk ), X) ≤ εk .
Here distd (A, B) denotes the distance between two sets A, B ⊂ X measured with respect to d, namely distd (A, B) = max(sup inf d(x, y), sup inf d(x, y)). x∈A y∈B
y∈B x∈A
A. Figalli and C. Villani
One pleasant feature of the Gromov–Hausdorff convergence is that a limit of length spaces is a length space, and a limit of geodesic spaces is a geodesic space. The key property is summarized in the following: Exercise 2.14. Let γk be a geodesic in Xk for each k ∈ Xk . Prove that, although fk ◦ γk is a priori a discontinuous curve in X, up to extraction fk ◦ γk converges to a geodesic in X. Hint. Argue by contradiction. In a Riemannian context, by abuse of notation one will say that a sequence of compact Riemannian manifolds (Mk , gk ) converges to a Riemannian manifold (M, g) if (Mk , dk ) converges to (M, d), where dk (resp. d) is the geodesic distance on (Mk , gk ) (resp. (M, g)). It is remarkable that sectional curvature bounds do pass to the limit under Gromov–Hausdorff convergence [4]), however weak the latter notion: Theorem 2.15. Let (Mk , gk ) be a sequence of Riemannian manifolds converging in the Gromov–Hausdorff topology to a Riemannian manifold (M, g). If all sectional curvatures of (Mk , gk ) are all bounded from below by some fixed number κ ∈ R, then also the sectional curvatures of (M, g) are bounded from below by κ. A slightly weaker notion of convergence takes care not only of the distances, but also of the measures; it is the measured Gromov–Hausdorff convergence, introduced in the present form by Fukaya (related notions were studied by Gromov): Definition 2.16. A sequence (Xk , dk , μk )k∈N of compact length spaces, equipped with reference Borel measures μk , is said to converge in the measured Gromov–Hausdorff topology to a measured metric space (X, d, μ) if there are functions fk : Xk → X, and positive numbers εk → 0, such that fk is an εk -approximate isometry, and (fk )# μk converge in the weak topology to μ. By abuse of notation, we shall say that a sequence of compact Riemannian manifolds (Mk , gk ) converges to another Riemannian manifold (M, g) in the measured Gromov–Hausdorff topology if (Mk , dk , volk ) converges to (M, d, vol), where dk and volk (resp. d and vol) are the geodesic distance and volume measure associated to (Mk , gk ) (resp. (M, g)). After these preparations, we can state the stability result on Ricci lower bounds, which will be proved in Sect. 4 using elements of calculus of variations, optimal transport, and its relation to Ricci curvature. The following statement is a particular case of more general results proved independently in [25] and [35, 36]: Theorem 2.17. Let (Mk , gk ) be a sequence of compact Riemannian manifolds converging in the measured Gromov–Hausdorff topology to a compact Riemannian manifold (M, g). If the Ricci curvature of (Mk , gk ) is bounded below by K gk , for some number K ∈ R independent of k, then also the Ricci curvature of (M, g) is bounded from below by K g.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Solution of the Monge Problem in Riemannian Geometry The Monge Problem with Quadratic Cost
Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold, d its geodesic distance, and let P (M ) denote the space of probability measures on M . The Monge problem with quadratic cost on M is the following: given μ, ν ∈ P (M ), consider the minimization problem d(x, T (x))2 dμ(x). inf T# μ=ν
Here the infimum is taken over all measurable maps T : M → M such that the push-forward T# μ of μ by T (i.e. the Borel probability measure defined by T# μ(A) := μ(T −1 (A)) for all Borel subsets A of M ) coincides with ν. This problem has a nice engineering interpretation: if we define c(x, y) = 1 2 2 d(x, y) to be the cost to move a unit mass from x to y, then the above minimization problem simply consists in minimizing the total cost (=work) by choosing the destination T (x) for each x. It is also possible to give an equivalent probabilistic interpretation of the problem: inf E[c(X, Y )] | law(X) = μ, law(Y = ν) , so that we are minimizing a sort of correlation of two random variables, once their law is given. Example 3.1. If c(x, y) = −x · y in Rn × Rn , then we are just maximizing the correlation of the random variables X and Y , in the usual sense.
Existence and Uniqueness on Compact Manifolds
In [29], McCann generalized Brenier’s theorem [3] to compact Riemannian manifolds (see [11] or [40, Chap. 10] for the case of more general cost functions on arbitrary Riemannian manifolds). McCann proved: Theorem 3.2. Let (M, g) be a compact connected Riemannian manifold, let μ(dx) = f (x)vol(dx) and ν(dy) = g(y)vol(dy) be probability measures on M , and consider the cost c(x, y) = 12 d(x, y)2 . Then (1) There exists a unique solution T to the Monge problem. (2) T is characterized by the structure T (x) = expx ∇ψ(x) for some convex function ψ : M → R.
d2 2 -
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(3) For μ0 -almost all x, there exists a unique minimizing geodesic from x to T (x), which is given by t → expx t∇ψ(x) . f (x) (4) Jacx T = g(T μ-almost everywhere. (x)) In the sequel of this section we shall explain this statement, and provide a sketch of the proof; much more details are in [40, Part I].
c-Convexity and c-Subdifferential
We recall that a function ϕ : Rn → R ∪ {+∞} is convex and lower semicontinuous convex if and only if ϕ(x) = sup x · y − ϕ∗ (y) , y∈Rn
ϕ∗ (x) := sup x · y − ϕ(x) . x∈Rn
This fact is the basis for the definition of c-convexity, where c : X × Y → R is an arbitrary function: Definition 3.3. A function ψ : X → R ∪ {+∞} is c-convex if ∀x
ψ(x) = sup ψ c (y) − c(x, y) ,
ψ c (y) := inf ψ(x) + c(x, y) .
Moreover, for a c-convex function ψ, we define its c-subdifferential at x as ∂ c ψ(x) := y ∈ Y | ψ(x) = ψ c (y) − c(x, y) With this general definition, when c(x, y) = −x · y, the usual convexity coincides with the c-convexity and the usual subdifferential coincides with the c-subdifferential. Remark 3.4. In the case of the Euclidean Rn , a function ψ is and only if ψ(x) +
|x|2 2
d2 2 -convex
is convex.
The following facts are useful (see [40, Chap. 13]): Proposition 3.5. Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold. Then 2
(a) If ψ : M → R is d2 -convex, then ψ is semiconvex (i.e. in any chart can be written as the sum of a convex and a smooth function).
Optimal Transport and Curvature
(b) There exists a small number δ(M ) > 0 such that any function ψ : M → R 2 with ψC 2 (M) ≤ δ(M ) is d2 -convex. (c) If ψ : M → R is a
d2 -convex 2
function of class C 2 , then
2 ∇2x d x, expx (∇ψ(x)) ≥ 0, ∇ ψ(x) + 2 2
where ∇2x d(x, y)2 denotes the second derivative of the function d2 (x, y) with respect to the x variable. Remark 3.6. A natural question is whether condition (c) is also sufficient for d2 -convexity (at least for C 2 functions). As we will see in Sect. 5.5, this is the 2 2 case under a suitable (forth order) condition on the cost function d2 .
Sketch of the Proof Theorem 3.2
There are several ways to establish Theorem 3.2. One possibility is to go through the following five steps:
Step 1: Solve the Kantorovich Problem
In [17, 18], Kantorovich introduced a notion of weak solution of the optimal transport problem: look for transport plans instead of transport maps. A transport map between two probability measures μ and ν is a measurable map T such that T# μ = ν; while a transport plan is a probability measure π on M × M whose marginals are μ and ν, i.e. h(x) dπ(x, y) = h(x) dμ(x), h(y) dπ(x, y) = h(y) dν(y), M×M
for all h : M → R bounded continuous. Denoting by Π(μ, ν) the set of transport plans between μ and ν, the new minimization problem becomes
! d(x, y) dπ(x, y) . 2
inf π∈Π(μ,ν)
A solution of this problem is called an optimal transport plan. The connection between the formulation of Kantorovich and that of Monge is the following: any transport map T induces the plan defined by (IdX ×T )# μ which is concentrated on the graph of T . Conversely, if a transport plan is concentrated on the graph of a measurable function T , then it is induced by this map.
A. Figalli and C. Villani
By weak compactness of the set Π(μ, ν) and continuity of the function π → d(x, y)2 dπ, it is simple to prove the existence of an optimal transport plan π ¯ ; so to prove the existence of a solution to the Monge problem it suffices to show that π ¯ is automatically concentrated on the graph of a measurable map T , i.e. y = T (x) for π ¯ -almost every (x, y). Once this fact is proved, the uniqueness of optimal maps will follow from the observation that, if T1 and T2 are optimal, then π1 := (IdX ×T1 )# μ and π2 := (IdX ×T2 )# μ are both optimal plans, so by linearity π ¯ = 12 (π1 + π2 ) is optimal. If it is concentrated on a graph, this implies T1 = T2 μ-almost everywhere.
Step 2: The support of π ¯ is c-Cyclically Monotone
A set S ⊂ M × M is called c-cyclically monotone if, for all N ∈ N, for all {(xi , yi )}0≤i≤N ⊂ S, one has N
c(xi , yi ) ≤
c(xi , yi+1 ),
where by convention yN +1 = y0 . The above definition heuristically means that, sending the point xi to the point yi for i = 0, . . . , N is globally less expensive than sending the point xi to the point yi+1 . It is therefore intuitive that, since π ¯ is optimal, its support is c-cyclically monotone (see [14] or [40, Chap. 5] for a proof).
Step 3: Any c-Cyclically Monotone Set Is Contained in the c-Subdifferential of a c-Convex Function
A proof of this fact (which is due to Rockafellar for c(x, y) = −x · y, and R¨ uschendorf for the general case) consists in constructing explicitly a c-convex function which does the work: given S c-cyclically monotone, we define sup c(x0 , y0 ) − c(x1 , y0 ) + ψ(x) := sup N ∈N {(xi ,yi )}1≤i≤N ⊂S
c(x1 , y1 ) − c(x2 , y1 ) + . . . + c(xN , yN ) − c(x, yN ) ,
where (x0 , y0 ) is arbitrarily chosen in S. We leave as an exercise for the reader to check that with this definition ψ is c-convex, and that S ⊂ ∂ c ψ(x) := ∪x∈M ({x} × ∂ c ψ(x)).
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Step 4: π ¯ Is Concentrated on a Graph
Applying Steps 2 and 3, we know that the support of π ¯ is contained ¯ Moreover, as said in in the c-subdifferential of a c-convex function ψ. 2 Proposition 3.5, c-convex functions with c = d2 are semiconvex. In particular ψ¯ is Lipschitz, and so it is differentiable vol-almost everywhere. Since μ is absolutely continuous with respect to vol, we deduce that ψ¯ is differentiable μ-almost everywhere. This further implies that, for π ¯ -almost every (x, y), ψ¯ is differentiable at x. Now, let us fix a point (¯ x, y¯) ∈ supp(π) such that ψ¯ is differentiable at x ¯. To prove that π ¯ is concentrated on a graph, it suffices to prove that y¯ is uniquely determined as a function of x ¯. To this aim, we observe that: ¯ we have (a) Since the support of π ¯ is contained in the c-subdifferential of ψ, c¯ ¯ x), and this implies that the function x → ψ(x) + c(x, y¯) is y¯ ∈ ∂ ψ(¯ subdifferentiable at x ¯ and 0 belongs to the subdifferential . (b) As shown in Sect. 2.9, c(x, y¯) = 12 d(x, y¯)2 is superdifferentiable everywhere. (c) ψ¯ is differentiable at x ¯. The combination of (a), (b) and (c) implies that c(x, y¯) is both upper and lower differentiable at x = x ¯, hence it is differentiable at x¯. Since x¯ was an arbitrary point where ψ¯ is differentiable, this proves that ¯ ∇ψ(x) + ∇x c(x, y) = 0
for π ¯ -almost every (x, y).
By the first variation formula and the discussion in Sect. 2.9, this implies that ¯ there exists a unique geodesic joining x to y, and ∇ψ(x) = (expx )−1 (y). Thus we conclude that, for π ¯ -almost every (x, y), ⎧ ¯ (in particular y is a function of x), ⎨ y = expx ∇ψ(x) ⎩
¯ is the unique minimizing geodesic between x and y. t → expx t∇ψ(x)
Step 5: Change of Variable Formula
Here we give just a formal proof of the Jacobian equation, and we refer to [40, Chap. 11] for a rigorous proof. Since π has marginals μ and ν, and is concentrated on the graph of T , for all bounded continuous functions ζ : M → R we have ζ(y) dν(y) = ζ(y) dπ(x, y) = ζ(T (x)) dμ(x), M
A. Figalli and C. Villani
that is T# μ = ν. Recalling that μ = f vol and ν = gvol, we get, by change of variables, ζ(T (x))f (x) dvol(x) = ζ(y)g(y) dvol(y) M
ζ(T (x))g(T (x))| det(dx T )| dvol(x).
By the arbitrariness of ζ we conclude that f (x) = g(T (x))| det(dx T )| μ-almost everywhere.
¯ Interpretation of the Function ψ
The function ψ¯ appearing in the formula for the optimal transport map has an interpretation as the solution of a dual problem: " ψ (y) dν(y) −
sup ψ
# ψ(x) dμ(x) .
The above maximization problem has the following economical interpretation: ψ(x) is the price at which a “shipper” buys material at x, while ψ c (y) is the price at which he sells back the material at y. Then, since ψc (y) = inf ψ(x) + c(x, y) = sup ϕ(y) | ϕ(y) ≤ ψ(x) + c(x, y) , x
this means that ψ c (y) is the maximum selling price which is below the sum “buy price + transportation cost”, that is the maximum price to be “competitive”. In other words, the shipper is trying to maximize his profit. To prove that ψ¯ solves the above maximization problem, we observe that: ¯ (1) ψ¯c (y) − ψ(x) = c(x, y) on supp(¯ π ) for an optimal plan π ¯. (2) For any c-convex function ψ, ψ c (y) − ψ(x) ≤ c(x, y) on M × M . Combining these two facts, we get
ψ¯c (y) dν − M
¯ dμ = ψ(x)
¯ ψ¯c (y) − ψ(x) d¯ π (x, y)
c(x, y) d¯ π (x, y) M×M
Optimal Transport and Curvature
ψ c (y) − ψ(x) d¯ π (x, y)
ψ c dν −
= M
ψ dμ, M
and so ψ¯ is a maximizer.
Synthetic Formulation of Ricci Bounds
As we have seen in the last section, the optimal transport allows to construct maps T (x) = expx ∇ψ(x) , with ψ : M → R globally defined. Moreover it involves a Jacobian formula for T . For this reason, it turns out to be a natural candidate for a global reformulation of Ricci curvature bounds. More precisely, Ricci curvature bounds can be reformulated in terms of convexity inequalities for certain nonlinear functionals of the density, along geodesics of optimal transport. This fact will provide the stability of such bounds, and other applications.
The 2-Wasserstein Space
Let (M, g) be a compact Riemannian manifold, equipped with its geodesic distance d and its volume measure vol. We denote with P (M ) the set of probability measures on M . Let ! 12 d (x, y) dπ(x, y) .
W2 (μ, ν) :=
min π∈Π(μ,ν)
The quantity W2 (μ, ν) is called the Wasserstein distance of order 2 between μ and ν. It is well-known that it defines a finite metric on P (M ), and so one can speak about geodesic in the metric space P2 (M ) := (P (M ), W2 ). This space turns out to be a geodesic space (see e.g. [40, Chap. 7]). We denote with P2ac (M ) the subset of P2 (M ) that consists of the Borel probability measures on M that are absolutely continuous with respect to vol.
Geodesics in P2 (M )
Given μ0 , μ1 ∈ P2 (M ), we want to construct a geodesic between them. In general the geodesic is not unique, as can be seen considering μ0 = δx and
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μ1 = δy , where x and y can be joined by several minimizing geodesics. Indeed if γ : [0, 1] → M is a geodesic form x to y, then μt := δγ(t) is a Wasserstein geodesic from δx to δy . (Check it!) On the other hand, if μ0 (or equivalently μ1 ) belongs to P2ac (M ), this problem has a simple answer (see [40, Chap. 7] for a general treatment): Proposition 4.1. Assume μ0 ∈ P2ac (M ), and let T (x) = expx ∇ψ(x) be the optimal map between μ0 and μ1 . Then the unique geodesic from μ0 to μ1 is given by μt := (Tt )# μ0 , with Tt (x) := expx t∇ψ(x) . Proof. To prove that μt is a geodesic, we observe that d expx s∇ψ(x) , expx t∇ψ(x) dμ0 (x) W2 (μs , μt )2 ≤ M
= (s − t)2
|∇ψ(x)|2x dμ0 (x) = (t − s)2 W2 (μ0 , μ1 )2 .
This implies that W2 (μs , μt ) ≤ |t − s|W2 (μ0 , μ1 ) for all s, t ∈ [0, 1], so the length of the path (μt )0≤t≤1 satisfies L (μt )0≤t≤1 ≤ W2 (μ0 , μ1 ). But since the converse inequality is always true, we get L (μt )0≤t≤1 = W2 (μ0 , μ1 ), so that μt is a geodesic. The fact that μt is the unique geodesic is a consequence Theorem 3.2(c), together with the general fact that any Wasserstein geodesic takes the form μt = (et )# Π, where Π is a probability measure on the set Γ of minimizing geodesics, and et : Γ → M is the evaluation map at time t: et (γ) := γ(t) (see [40, Theorem 7.21 and Corollary 7.23]). Remark 4.2. One can write down the geodesic equations for P2 (M ), which has to be understood in a suitable weak sense (see [40, Chap. 13]): ⎧ ∂μt ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ∂t + div(μt ∇ψt ) = 0, ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ∂ψt + |∇ψt | = 0. ∂t 2
Approximate Geodesics in Wasserstein Space
A key property of the Wasserstein space is that it depends continuously on the basis space, when the topology is the Gromov–Hausdorff topology. The following statement is proven in [25, Proposition 4.1]: If fk : Mk → M are
Optimal Transport and Curvature
εk -approximate isometries, with εk → 0, then (fk )# : P2 (Mk ) → P2 (M ) are ε˜k -approximate isometries, with ε˜k → 0.
Reformulation of Ric ≥ 0 ⎧ ⎨
Let H(μ) := Hvol (μ) =
ρ log(ρ) dvol if μ = ρvol,
This is the Boltzmann H functional, or negative of the Boltzmann entropy. As shown in [34] (as a development of the works in [9, 33]), the inequality Ric ≥ 0 can be reformulated in terms of the convexity of H along Wasserstein geodesics: Theorem 4.3. Let (M, g) be a compact Riemannian manifold. Then Ric ≥ 0 if and only if t → H(μt ) is a convex function of t ∈ [0, 1] for all Wasserstein geodesics (μt )0≤t≤1 . More generally, Ric ≥ K g if and only if, for all μ0 , μ1 ∈ P2ac (M ), H(μt ) ≤ (1 − t)H(μ0 ) + tH(μ1 ) − K
t(1 − t) W2 (μ0 , μ1 )2 2
∀t ∈ [0, 1], (7)
where (μt )0≤t≤1 is the Wasserstein geodesic between μ0 and μ1 . Sketch of the proof. Let us consider just the case K = 0. By using the Jacobian equation (Theorem 3.2(d)), we get H(μt ) =
ρt (x) log ρt (x) dvol(x)
ρt (Tt (x)) log ρt (Tt (x)) Jacx Tt dvol(x)
ρ0 (x) log
= M
= H(μ0 ) − M
ρ0 (x) Jacx Tt
log Jacx expx (t∇ψ) dμ0 .
Then the direct implication follows from (4). The converse implication is obtained also from (4), using Proposition 3.5(b) to explore all tangent directions by minimizing geodesics in Wasserstein space. Details appear e.g. in [40, Chap. 17].
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Application: Stability
Let us give a sketch of the proof of Theorem 2.17; we refer to [25] and [40, Chaps. 28 and 29] for details. First of all, we reformulate the inequality Ric(Mk ) ≥ K gk in terms of the convexity inequality (7); the goal is to prove that the inequality (7) holds on the limit manifold M . Let μ0 = ρ0 vol, μ1 = ρ1 vol ∈ P2ac (M ), and define on Mk the probability measures μk0 :=
ρ0 ◦ fk volk ρ0 ◦ fk dvolk
μk1 :=
ρ1 ◦ fk volk ρ1 ◦ fk dvolk
where fk : Mk → M are the approximate isometries appearing in the definition of the measured Gromov–Hausdorff convergence. Let (μkt )0≤t≤1 be the Wasserestein geodesic between μk0 and μk1 . Up to extraction of a subsequence, (fk )# μkt converges, uniformly in t ∈ [0, 1], to a geodesic μt in P2 (M ) between μ0 and μ1 (recall Exercise 2.14). It remains to show that the inequality (7) passes to the limit. Let us consider separately the three terms in this inequality.
The Term Hk (μk0 ) Passes to the Limit
By an approximation argument, it suffices to consider the case ρ0 ∈ C(M ). Then Zk := ρ0 ◦ fk dvolk = ρ0 d(fk )# volk −→ ρ0 dvol = 1, Mk
so that (with obvious notation)
Hk (μk0 ) =
ρ 0 ◦ fk Zk
ρ0 ◦ f k Zk
ρ0 ◦ fk log(ρ0 ◦ fk ) dvolk Mk
ρ0 log(ρ0 ) d(fk )# volk −→
= M
The case of Hk (μk1 ) is analogous.
ρ0 log(ρ0 ) dvol = H(μ0 ). M
Optimal Transport and Curvature
The Term W2 (μk0 , μk1 )2 Passes to the Limit
This follows from the fact that (fk )# are ε˜k -approximate isometries, and the Wasserstein distance on a compact manifold metrizes the weak convergence: so W2 (μk0 , μk1 ) W2 (fk )# μk0 , (fk )# μk1 −→ W2 (μ0 , μ1 ). 4.5.3
The Term Hk (μkt ) Is Lower Semicontinuous Under Weak Convergence
This comes from the following general property: If U : R+ → R is convex and continuous, then dν is a convex lower semicontinuous • P2 (M )×P2 (M ) (μ, ν) −→ U dμ dν functional.
d(f# μ) dμ • U d(f# ν) ≤ U dν for any function f : M → M . d(f# ν) dν Combining these two facts, we get H(μt ) ≤ lim inf H(fk )# volk (fk )# μkt ≤ lim inf Hvolk μkt , k→∞
which is the desired inequality.
The Smoothness Issue
Let (M, g) be a compact connected Riemannian manifold, let μ(dx) = f (x)vol(dx) and ν(dy) = g(y)vol(dy) be probability measures on M , and consider the cost c(x, y) = 12 d(x, y)2 . Assume f and g are C ∞ and strictly positive on M . Is the optimal map T smooth? A positive answer to this problem has been given in the Euclidean space [5–7, 10, 38, 39] and in the case of the flat torus [8], but the general question of Riemannian manifolds remained open until the last years. Only recently, after two key papers of Ma, Trudinger and Wang [27] and Loeper [21], did specialists understand a way to attack this problem; see [40, Chap. 12] for a global picture and references. There are several motivations for the investigation of the smoothness of the optimal map: • It is a typical PDE/analysis question. • It is a step towards a qualitative understanding of the optimal transport map.
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• If it is a general phenomenon, then nonsmooth situations may be treated by regularization, instead of working directly on nonsmooth objects. Moreover, as we will see, the study of this regularity issue allows to understand some geometric properties of the Riemannian manifold itself.
Starting from the Jacobian equation det(dx T ) =
f (x) , g(T (x))
and the relation T (x) = expx ∇ψ(x) , we can write a PDE for ψ. Indeed, since ∇ψ(x) + ∇x c(x, T (x)) = 0, differentiating with respect to x and using the Jacobian equation we get % & = det ∇2 ψ(x) + ∇2x c x, expx ∇ψ(x)
f (x) . g(T (x)) det(d∇ψ(x) expx )
(Observe that, since ψ is c-convex, the matrix appearing in the left-hand side is positive definite by Proposition 3.5(c).) We see that ψ solves a Monge–Amp`ere type equation with a perturbation ∇2x c x, expx ∇ψ(x) which is of first order in ψ. Unfortunately, for Monge– Amp`ere type equations lower order termsdo matter, and it turns out that it is exactly the term ∇2x c x, expx ∇ψ(x) which can create obstructions to the smoothness.
Obstruction I: Local Geometry
We now show how negative sectional curvature is an obstruction to regularity (indeed even to continuity) of optimal maps. We refer to [40, Theorem 12.4] for more details on the construction given below. Let M = H2 be the hyperbolic plane (or a compact quotient thereof). Fix a point O as the origin, and fix a local system of coordinates in a neighborhood of O such that the maps (x1 , x2 ) → (±x1 , ±x2 ) are local isometries (it suffices for instance to consider the model of the Poincar´e disk, with O equal to the origin in R2 ). Then define the points A± = (0, ±ε),
B ± = (±ε, 0)
for some ε > 0.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Take a measure μ symmetric with respect to 0 and concentrated near {A+ } ∪ {A− } (say 3/4 of the total mass belongs to a small neighborhood of {A+ } ∪ {A− }), and a measure ν symmetric with respect to 0 and concentrated near {B + } ∪ {B − }. Moreover assume that μ and ν are absolutely continuous, and have strictly positive densities everywhere. We denote by T the unique optimal transport map, and we assume by contradiction that T is continuous. By symmetry, we deduce that T (O) = O. Then, by counting the total mass, we deduce that there exists a point A close to A+ which is sent to a point B near, say, B + . But, by negative curvature (if A and B are close enough to A and B respectively), Pythagore’s Theorem becomes an inequality: d(O, A )2 + d(O, B )2 < d(A , B )2 , and this contradicts the c-cyclical monotonicity of the support of an optimal plan (see Step 2 of Theorem 3.2).
Obstruction II: Topology of the c-Subdifferential
Let ϕ : Rn → R be a convex function; its differential ∂ϕ(x) is given by ∂ϕ(x) = y ∈ Rn | ϕ(x) + ϕ∗ (y) = x · y = y ∈ Rn | ϕ(z) − z · y ≥ ϕ(x) − x · y
∀ z ∈ Rn .
Then ∂ϕ(x) is a convex set, a fortiori connected. If we now consider ψ : M → R a c-convex function, c = Sect. 3.3)
d2 , 2
then (see
∂ c ψ(x) = y ∈ M | ψ(x) = ψ c (y) − c(x, y) = y ∈ M | ψ(z) + c(z, y) ≥ ψ(x) + c(x, y) ∀z ∈ M . In this generality there is no reason for ∂ c ψ(x) to be connected – and in general, this is not the case! Following the construction given in [27, Sect. 7.3], Loeper showed that under adequate assumptions the connectedness of the c-subdifferential is a necessary condition for the smoothness of optimal transport [21] (see also [40, Theorem 12.7]): Theorem 5.1. Assume that there exist x ¯ ∈ M and ψ : M → R c-convex such that ∂ c ψ(¯ x) is not (simply) connected. Then one can construct f and g, C ∞ strictly positive probability densities on M , such that the optimal map T from f vol to gvol is discontinuous.
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Conditions for the Connectedness of ∂ cψ
We now wish to find some simple enough conditions implying the connectedness of sets ∂ c ψ.
First Attempt
Let us look at the simplest c-convex functions: ψ(x) := −c(x, y0 ) + a0 . x). Then the function ψ(x) + c(x, y¯) Assume that x ¯ ∈ cut(y), and let y¯ ∈ ∂ c ψ(¯ achieves its minimum at x = x¯, so x ¯ ∈ cut(¯ y) (see the argument in Step 4 of Theorem 3.2) and −∇x c(¯ x, y0 ) + ∇x c(¯ x, y¯) = 0. y ) (see Sect. 2.9), which implies y¯ = y0 . In Thus (expx¯ )−1 (y0 ) = (expx¯ )−1 (¯ conclusion ∂ c ψ(¯ x) = {y0 } is a singleton, automatically connected – so we do not learn anything!
Second Attempt
The second simplest example of c-convex functions are ψ(x) := max −c(x, y0 ) + a0 , −c(x, y1 ) + a1 . Take a point x ¯ ∈ cut(y) belonging to the set {−c(x, y0 )+a0 = −c(x, y1 )+a1 }, and let y¯ ∈ ∂ c ψ(¯ x). Since ψ(x) + c(x, y¯) attains its minimum at x = x ¯, we get ¯) , 0 ∈ ∇− x ¯ ψ + c(·, y or equivalently
−∇x c(¯ x, y¯) ∈ ∇− ψ(¯ x)
(recall that by Proposition 3.5(a) ψ is a semiconvex function, so that its subgradient ∇− ψ(¯ x), which is defined in charts as the set {p | ψ(¯ x + δx) ≥ ψ(¯ x) + p, δx + o(|δx|)}, is convexand non-empty). From the above inclusion we deduce that y¯ ∈ expx¯ ∇− ψ(¯ x) (see Sect. 2.9). Moreover, it is not difficult to see that ∇− ψ(¯ x) = {(1−t)v0+tv1 | t ∈ [0, 1]},
vi := ∇x c(¯ x, yi ) = (expx¯ )−1 (yi ),
i = 0, 1.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Fig. 1 Property (3): the mountain grown from yt emerges exactly at the pass between the mountains centered at y0 and y1
Therefore, denoting by [v0 , v1 ] the segment joining v0 and v1 , we have proved the inclusion ∂ c ψ(¯ x) ⊂ expx¯ [v0 , v1 ] . The above formula suggests the following definition of c-segment : x). Then we define the c-segment Definition 5.2. Let x ¯ ∈ M , y0 , y1 ∈ cut(¯ from y0 to y1 with base x ¯ as [y0 , y1 ]x¯ := yt = expx¯ (1 − t)(expx¯ )−1 (y0 ) + t(expx¯ )−1 (y1 ) | t ∈ [0, 1] . In [21], Loeper proved (a slightly weaker version of) the following result (see [40, Chap. 12] for the general result): Theorem 5.3. The following conditions are equivalent: (1) For any ψ c-convex, for all x ¯ ∈ M , ∂ c ψ(¯ x) is connected. (2) For any ψ c-convex, for all x ¯ ∈ M , (expx¯ )−1 ∂ c ψ(¯ x) \ cut(¯ x) is convex. (3) For all x ¯ ∈ M , for all y0 , y1 ∈ cut(¯ x), if [y0 , y1 ]x¯ = {yt }t∈[0,1] does not meet cut(¯ x), then d(x, yt )2 − d(¯ x, yt )2 ≥ min d(x, y0 )2 − d(¯ x, y0 )2 , d(x, y1 )2 − d(¯ x , y 1 )2 (8) for all x ∈ M , t ∈ [0, 1] (Fig. 1). (4) For all x ¯ ∈ M , for all y ∈ cut(¯ x), for all η, ξ ∈ Tx¯ M with ξ ⊥ η, 2 d2 d2 d expx¯ (tξ), expx¯ (p + sη) ≤ 0, 2 2 ds s=0 dt t=0 where p = (expx¯ )−1 (y).
A. Figalli and C. Villani
Moreover, if these conditions are not satisfied, C 1 c-convex functions are not dense in Lipschitz c-convex functions. Sketch of the proof. We give here only some elements of the proof. x) \ cut(¯ x) is convex, it is connected, and (2) ⇒ (1): since (expx¯ )−1 ∂ c ψ(¯ so its image by expx¯ is connected too. (1) ⇒ (2): for ψx¯,y0 ,y1 := max −c(·, y0 ) + c(¯ x, y0 ), −c(·, y1 ) + c(¯ x, y1 ) we have (expx¯ )−1 ∂ c ψ(¯ x) ⊂ [(expx¯ )−1 (y0 ), expx¯ )−1 (y1 )], which is a segment. Since in this case connectedness is equivalent to convexity, if (1) holds we obtain ∂ c ψx¯,y0 ,y1 = [y0 , y1 ]x¯ . In the general case, we fix y0 , y1 ∈ ∂ c ψ(¯ x). Then it is simple to see that x) ⊃ ∂ c ψx¯,y0 ,y1 (¯ x) = [y0 , y1 ]x¯ , ∂ c ψ(¯ and the result follows. (2) ⇔ (3): condition (8) is equivalent to ∂ c ψx¯,y0 ,y1 = [y0 , y1 ]x¯ . Then the equivalence between (2) and (3) follows arguing as above. (3) ⇒ (4): fix x¯ ∈ M , and let y := expx¯ (p). Take ξ, η orthogonal and with unit norm, and define y0 := expx¯ (p − εη),
y1 := expx¯ (p + εη)
for some ε > 0 small.
Moreover, let h0 (x) := c(¯ x, y0 ) − c(x, y0 ),
h1 (x) := c(¯ x, y1 ) − c(x, y1 ),
ψ := max h0 , h1 = ψx¯,y0 ,y1 . We now define γ(t) as a curve contained in the set {h0 = h1 } such that γ(0) = x ¯, γ(0) ˙ = ξ. (See Fig. 2.) Since y ∈ [y0 , y1 ]x¯ , by (3) we get y ∈ ∂ c ψ(¯ x), so that 1 h0 (¯ x) + h1 (¯ x) + c(¯ x, y) = ψ(¯ x) + c(¯ x, y) 2 1 ≤ ψ(γ(t)) + c(γ(t), y) = h0 (γ(t)) + h1 (γ(t)) + c(γ(t), y), 2 where we used that h0 = h1 along γ. Recalling the definition of h0 and h1 , we deduce 1 1 x, y1 ) − c(¯ x, y), c(γ(t), y0 ) + c(γ(t), y1 ) − c(γ(t), y) ≤ c(¯ x, y0 ) + c(¯ 2 2 1 so the function t → 2 c(γ(t), y0 ) + c(γ(t), y1 ) − c(γ(t), y) achieves its maximum at t = 0. This implies
Optimal Transport and Curvature
1 d2 c(γ(t), y0 ) + c(γ(t), y1 ) − c(γ(t), y) ≤ 0, 2 dt t=0 2 i.e.
1 ∇2x c(¯ x, y0 ) + ∇2x c(¯ x, y1 ) − ∇2x c(¯ x, y) · ξ, ξ ≤ 0 2 x, y) = 12 ∇x c(¯ x, y0 )+∇x c(¯ x, y1 ) ). Thus the function (here we used that ∇x c(¯ η → ∇2x c x ¯, expx¯ (p + η) · ξ, ξ
is concave, and proves (4). The above theorem leads to the definition of the regularity property: 2
Definition 5.4. The cost function c = d2 is said to be regular if the properties listed in Theorem 5.3 are satisfied. To understand why the above properties are related to smoothness, consider properties (3) in Theorem 5.3. It says that, if we take the function ψx¯,y0 ,y1 = max −c(·, y0 ) + c(¯ x, y0 ), −c(·, y1 ) + c(¯ x, y1 ) , then we are able to touch the graph of this function from below at x¯ with the family of functions {−c(·, yt ) + c(¯ x, yt )}t∈[0,1] . This suggests that we could use this family to regularize the cusp of ψx¯,y0 ,y1 at the point x¯, by slightly moving above the graphs of the functions −c(·, yt ) + c(¯ x, yt ). (See Fig. 1.) On the other hand, if (3) does not holds, it is not clear how to regularize the cusp preserving the condition of being c-convex. By what we said above, we see that the regularity property seems mandatory to develop a theory of smoothness of optimal transport. Indeed, if it is not satisfied, we can construct C ∞ strictly positive densities f, g such that the optimal map is not continuous. The next natural question is: when is it satisfied?
The Ma–Trudinger–Wang Tensor
As we have seen in Theorem 5.3, the regularity of c =
d2 2
is equivalent to
d2 d2 c expx (tξ), expx (p + s˜ η ) ≤ 0, 2 2 ds s=0 dt t=0
for all p, ξ, η˜ ∈ Tx M , with ξ and η˜ orthogonal, p = (expx )1 (y) for some y ∈ cut(x).
A. Figalli and C. Villani
Fig. 2 Proof of (3) ⇒ (4); y belongs to the c-segment with base x and endpoints y0 , y1 ; ξ is tangent to the local hypersurface (h0 = h1 )
Introduce a local system of coordinates (x1 , . . . , xn ) around x, and a system (y , . . . , y n ) around y. We want to express the above condition only in terms of c, using the relation ∇x c(x, y) + (expx )−1 (y) = 0. By the definition of gradient (see Sect. 2.6), this relation is also equivalent to 1
− dx c(x, y) = (expx )−1 (y), · x .
∂c We now start to write everything in coordinates. We will write cj = ∂x j , cjk = ∂2c ∂2c i,j , c = , and so on; moreover (c ) will denote the coordinates i,j ∂xi ∂y j ∂xj ∂xk of the inverse matrix of (ci,j ). Then (10) becomes
−ci ξ i = gjk pj ξ k
∀ξ ∈ Tx M.
Differentiating at y in a direction η ∈ Ty M we get −ci,j ξ i η j = gij [(dp expx )−1 (η)]j ξ i . Thus we get a formula for −d2x,y c : Tx M × Ty M → R: − ci,j (x, y) = gik (x)[(dp expx )−1 (η)]kj ,
y = expx (p).
As shown in [20], −d2x,y c defines a pseudo-metric on Tx M × Ty M , which coincides with g along the diagonal {x = y}, and it is possible to interpret the regularity condition for the cost in terms of this pseudo-metric.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Rewriting the Orthogonality Condition
The operator −d2x,y c can be used to transport tangent vectors at y in cotangent vectors at x, and viceversa. In particular, if we consider the covector η˜i := −ci,j ηj (η ∈ Ty M ), the orthogonality condition gx (ξ, η˜) = 0 appearing in the definition of the regularity of the cost is equivalent to η˜i ξ i = 0, i.e. 0 = −ci,j ξ i η j . η ). (Note: η is not the Thanks to (11), we have the formula η = dp expx (˜ parallel transport of η˜ along the geodesic expx (tp)!) In particular, if the sectional curvature of the manifold in non-negative everywhere, then the exponential map is 1-Lipschitz, and so |η|y ≤ |˜ η |x .
Rewriting the Ma–Trudinger–Wang Condition
Equation (9) can also be written as ∂2 ∂2 c(x, y) ≤ 0. ∂p2η ∂x2ξ
The meaning of the left-hand side in (12) is the following: first freeze y and differentiate c(x, y) twice with respect to x in the direction ξ ∈ Tx M . Then, considering the result as a function of y, parameterize y by p = −∇x c(x, y), and differentiate twice with respect to p in the direction η ∈ Ty M (see the discussion in the next paragraph). By the relation pi = −ci (x, y) we get ∂pi ∂y k k, . Then, using −ci,j and −ci,j to raise ∂y j = −ci,j , which gives ∂p = −c k k,l and lower indices (η = −c ηi , etc.), it is just a (tedious) exercise to show that the expression in (12) is equal to
(cij,kl − cij,r cr,s cs,kl ) ξ i ξ j η k η l ,
where we used the formula d(M −1 ) · H = −M −1 HM −1 . We can now define the Ma–Trudinger–Wang tensor (in short MTW tensor ): S(x,y) (ξ, η) :=
3 (cij,r cr,s cs,kl − cij,kl ) ξ i ξ j η k η l . 2 ijklrs
In terms of this tensor, the regularity condition for the cost functions becomes S(x,y)(ξ, η) ≥ 0
whenever (x, y) ∈ (M × M ) \ cut(M ), − ci,j ξ i η j = 0.
A. Figalli and C. Villani
Invariance of S
By the computations of the last paragraph, we have seen that S is constructed by the expression in (12). Since that expression involves second derivatives (which are not intrinsic and depend on the choice of the coordinates), it is not a priori clear whether S depends or not on the choice of coordinates. On the other hand, we can hope it does not, because of the (intrinsic) geometric interpretation of the regularity. To see that S is indeed independent of any choice of coordinates (so that one does not even need to use geodesic coordinates, as in (9)), we observe that, if we do a change of coordinates and compute first the second derivatives in x, we get some additional terms of the form Γijk (x)ck (x, y) = −Γijk (x)pk (x, y) = Γijk (x)gk (x)p (x, y). But when we differentiate twice with respect to p, this additional term disappears.
Relation to Curvature
Let ξ, η ∈ Tx M two orthogonal unit vectors, and consider the functions 2 d expx (tξ), expx (sη) F (t, s) := . 2 ∂ ∂ |s=0 F (t, s) and ∂t |t=0 F (t, s) identically vanish, we have the Taylor As ∂s expansion F (t, s) At2 + Bs2 + Ct4 + Dt2 s2 + Es4 + . . .
Since F (t, 0) = t2 and F (0, s) = s2 we deduce A = B = 1 and C = E = 0. Hence by (3) we recover the identity S(x,x) (ξ, η) = −
3 ∂ 2 ∂ 2 F (t, s) = Sectx ([ξ, η]), 2 ∂s2 s=0 ∂t2 t=0
first proved by Loeper [21]. This fact shows that the MTW tensor is a nonlocal version of the sectional curvature. In fact, as shown by Kim and McCann [20], S is the sectional curvature of the manifold M × M , endowed with the pseudo-metric −d2xy c. Combining the above identity with Theorems 5.1 and 5.3, we get the following important negative result: Theorem 5.5. Let (M, g) be a (compact) Riemannian manifolds, and assume that there exist x ∈ M and a plane P ⊂ Tx M such that Sectx (P ) < 0.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Then there exist C ∞ strictly positive probability densities f and g such that the optimal map is discontinuous. After this negative result, one could still hope to develop a regularity theory on any manifold with non-negative sectional curvature. But such is not the case: as shown by Kim [19], the regularity condition is strictly stronger than the condition of nonnegativity of sectional curvatures.
The Ma–Trudinger–Wang Condition
Definition 5.6. We say that (M, g) satisfies the MTW(K) condition if, for all (x, y) ∈ (M × M ) \ cut(M ), for all ξ ∈ Tx M , η ∈ Ty M , η |2x S(x,y) (ξ, η) ≥ K|ξ|2x |˜
whenever − ci,j (x, y)ξ i η j = 0,
where η˜i = −g i,k (x)ck,j (x, y)η j ∈ Tx M . Some example of manifolds satisfying the Ma–Trudinger–Wang condition are given in [12, 20–22]: • Rn and Tn satisfy MTW(0). • Sn and its quotients satisfy MTW(1). • Products of spheres satisfy MTW(0). We observe that the MTW condition is a nonstandard curvature condition, as it is fourth order and nonlocal. Therefore an important open problem is whether this condition is stable under perturbation. More precisely, we ask for the following: Question: assume that (M, g) satisfies the MTW(K) condition for K > 0, and let gε be a C 4 -perturbation of g. Does (M, gε ) satisfy the MTW(K ) condition for some K > 0? The answer to this question is easily seen to be affirmative for manifolds with nonfocal cut-locus like the projective space RPn (see [23]). Moreover, as proven by Rifford and the first author [12], the answer is affirmative also for the 2-dimensional sphere S2 . The next property, called Convexity of Tangent Injectivity Loci, or (CTIL) in short, is useful to prove regularity and stability results [12, 23]: Definition 5.7. We say that (M, g) satisfies CTIL if, for all x ∈ M , the set TIL(x) := {tv ∈ Tx M | 0 ≤ t < tc (x, v)} ⊂ Tx M is convex.
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As shown by the second author [41], if CTIL is satisfied, then the MTW condition is stable under Gromov–Hausdorff convergence: Theorem 5.8. Let (Mk , gk ) be a sequence of Riemannian manifolds converging in the Gromov–Hausdorff topology to a Riemannian manifold (M, g). If (Mk , gk ) satisfy MTW(0) and CTIL, then also (M, g) satisfies MTW(0). The proof of this result uses that, under CTIL, MTW(0) is equivalent to the connectedness of the c-subdifferential of all c-convex functions ψ which solve the dual Kantorovich problem (see Sect. 3.5).
Local to Global
Under CTIL, one can prove that the MTW(0) condition is equivalent to the regularity condition (8) (see [41]). Here we want to show that an “improved” MTW condition allows to prove an “improved” regularity condition, which in turns implies (H¨ older) continuity of the optimal map. Definition 5.9. Let K, C ≥ 0. We say that (M, g) satisfies the MTW(K, C) condition if for all (x, y) ∈ (M × M ) \ cut(M ), for all ξ ∈ Tx M , η ∈ Ty M , η |2x − C ξ, η˜ x |ξ|x |˜ η |x , S(x,y)(ξ, η) ≥ K|ξ|2x |˜ where η˜i = −g i,k (x)ck,j (x, y)η j ∈ Tx M . We observe that the second term appearing in the right hand side vanishes if −ci,j (x, y)ξ i η j = 0. Moreover, by the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and S(x,x) (ξ, ξ) = 0, we must have C ≥ K. Next, if MTW(K, C) holds for some K > 0, then the sectional curvatures are bounded from below by K, and so by Bonnet–Myers’s Theorem the manifold is compact. We finally remark that, in a subset of M ×M where c is smooth, a compactness argument shows that MTW(K) implies MTW(K, C) for some C > 0 [23, Lemma 2.3]. So the refinement from MTW(K) to MTW(K, C) is interesting only when the cost function loses its smoothness, i.e. close to the cut locus. Example 5.10. As proved in [12], the sphere Sn and its quotients satisfy MTW(K, K) for some K > 0, and C 4 -perturbations of S2 satisfy MTW(K, C) for some K, C > 0. We now show that MTW(K, C) with K > 0 implies an “improved” regularity inequality. For simplicity, here we give a simpler version of the lemma, where we assume that (M, g) satisfies CTIL (otherwise one would need to apply an approximation lemma proved by the authors in [13]). (See Fig. 3.)
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Fig. 3 Lemma 5.11: p0 , p1 are tangent vectors at x ¯; qt , q¯t are tangent at yt = expx pt
Lemma 5.11. Let (M, g) satisfies CTIL and MTW(K, C) with K > 0. For any x ¯ ∈ M , let (pt )0≤t≤1 be a C 2 curve drawn in TIL(¯ x), and let yt = expx¯ (pt ); let further x ∈ M . If |¨ pt |x¯ ≤ ε0 d(¯ x, x)|p˙t |2x¯ ,
then there exists λ = λ(K, C, ε0 ) > 0 such that, for any t ∈ (0, 1), d(x, yt )2 − d(¯ x, yt)2 ≥ min d(x, y0 )2 − d(¯ x, y0 )2 , d(x, y1 )2 − d(¯ x, y1 )2 + 2λt(1 − t)d(¯ x, x)2 |p1 − p0 |2x¯ . (14) This result, first proved by Loeper and the second author [23], and then slightly modified by Rifford and the first author [12], is a refinement of the proof given by Kim and McCann [20] for the implication (4) ⇒ (3) in Theorem 5.3. Sketch of the proof. Define the function h(t) := −c(x, yt ) + c(¯ x, yt ) + δt(1 − t), 2
x, x)2 |p1 − p0 |2x¯ , if λ is with c = d2 . We want to prove that, for δ = λd(¯ small enough then h(t) ≤ max h(0), h(1) . The idea of the proof is by the ¨ > 0 whenever h˙ = 0, this will imply maximum principle: if we show that h the result. Define qt := (expyt )−1 (x), q¯t := (expyt )−1 (¯ x), η := qt − q¯t . Then, since y˙ ti = ci,j p˙ j , y¨ti = −ci,k ck,j c,r cj,s p˙r p˙ s − ci,r p¨r ,
A. Figalli and C. Villani
(everything being evaluated at (¯ x, yt )), after some computations one obtains ˙ x, yt )η i y˙ tj + δ(1 − 2t), h(t) = −ci,j (¯ ¨ = − [c,ij (x, yt ) − c,ij (¯ h(t) x, yt)] − η k ck,ij (¯ x, yt ) y˙ ti y˙ tj + ci,j η i cj,r p¨r − 2δ. (15) We now observe that the first term in the right hand side can be written as qt ) − dq¯t Φ · (qt − q¯t ), Φ(qt ) − Φ(¯ with Φ(q) := c,ij expyt (q), yt y˙ ti y˙ tj ; therefore it is equal to
1 0
2 d2 Φ(sqt + (1 − s)¯ qt ) ds = − 2 ds 3
1 0
S(yt ,xs ) (y˙t , η) ds
with xs := expyt sqt + (1 − s)¯ qt , and we get ¨ = 2 h(t) 3 ≥
1 0
S(yt ,xs ) (y˙ t , η) ds + ci,j ηi cj,r p¨r − 2δ
2 2 K|˜ η |2yt |y˙ t |2yt − C ˜ η , y˙ t yt |y˙ t |yt |˜ η |yt + ci,j (¯ x, yt )η i cj,r p¨r − 2δ, 3 3
where η˜ := (dpt expyt )−1 (η) = (dpt expyt )−1 (qt − q¯t ). To understand now why the result is true, we remark that for δ = 0 the condition h˙ = 0 means ˜ η , y˙ t yt = −ci,j (¯ x, yt )η i y˙ tj = 0, which gives ¨ ≥ 2 K|˜ h(t) η |2yt |y˙ t |2yt + ci,j η i cj,r p¨r , 3 ¨ > 0. and thanks to the assumption of smallness on |¨ p|x¯ one gets h ˙ In the general case δ > 0 small, the condition h = 0 gives |ci,j (¯ x, yt)η i y˙ tj | ≤ δ, and using that |˜ η |x¯ ≥ |η|yt ≥ d(x, x¯) (since the sectional curvature of the manifold is non-negative) one obtains the desired result. Remark 5.12. This local-to-global argument can also be used to give a differential characterization of c-convex functions (see Proposition 3.5). More precisely one has: assume that (M, g) satisfies MTW(0) and CTIL. Then ψ ∈ C 2 (M ) is c-convex if and only if ∇2 ψ(x) +
2 ∇2x d x, expx (∇ψ(x)) ≥0 2
∀ x ∈ M.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
A Smoothness Result
Theorem 5.13. Let (M, g) be a (compact) Riemannian manifold satisfying MTW(K, C) with K > 0. Assume moreover that all TIL(x) are uniformly convex, and let f and g be two probability densities on M such that f ≤ A and g ≥ a for some A, a > 0. Then the optimal map between μ = f vol and ν = g vol, with cost function c = d2 /2, is continuous. As shown by Loeper [21], this theorem can be refined into a H¨ older regularity for the transport map. The argument of the proof, originally due to Loeper, has been simplified first by Kim and McCann [20], and then by Loeper and the second author [23]. The argument we present is borrowed from [23]. Proof. By Theorem 3.2, we know that the optimal map T can be written as expx (∇ψ(x)), so it suffices to prove that ψ is C 1 . Since ψ is semiconvex, we need to show that the subgradient ∇− ψ(x) is a singleton for all x ∈ M . The proof is by contradiction. Assume that there is x ¯ ∈ M and p0 , p1 ∈ ∇− ψ(¯ x). Let y0 = expx¯ p0 , y1 = expx¯ p1 . Since the cost is regular, we have yi ∈ ∂ c ψ(¯ x) for i = 0, 1, that is % & ψ(¯ x) + c(¯ x, yi ) = min ψ(x) + c(x, yi ) , i = 0, 1. x∈M
In particular x, yi ) ≥ ψ(¯ x) − ψ(x), c(x, yi ) − c(¯
i = 0, 1.
x) as follows: Dε consists of the set of For ε ∈ (0, 1), we define Dε ⊂ TIL(¯ points p ∈ Tx¯∗ M such that there exists a path (pt )0≤t≤1 ⊂ TIL(¯ x) from p0 to p1 such that, if we define yt = π1 ◦ φH x, pt ), we have p¨t = 0 for t ∈ [1/4, 3/4], 1 (¯ |¨ pt |yt ≤ εη0 |y˙ t |2yt for t ∈ [1/4, 3/4], and p = pt for some t ∈ [1/4, 3/4] (this is like a “sausage”, see Fig. 4). By uniform convexity of TIL(¯ x), if η0 is sufficiently small then Dε lies a positive distance σ away from the tangent cut locus TCL(¯ x) = ∂ TIL(¯ x) , with σ ∼ |p0 − p1 |2x¯ . Thus all paths (pt )0≤t≤1 used in the definition of Dε satisfy |y˙ t |yt ≥ c|p0 − p1 |x¯
∀ t ∈ [1/4, 3/4].
x, x) ≥ ε. By simple Moreover condition (13) is satisfied if η0 ≤ ε0 and d(¯ geometric consideration, we see that Dε contains a parallelepiped Eε centered at (p0 +p1 )/2 with one side of length ∼ |p0 −p1 |x¯ , and the other sides of length ∼ ε|p0 − p1 |2x¯ , such that all points y in this parallelepiped can be written as
A. Figalli and C. Villani
Fig. 4 Proof of Theorem 5.13: the volume of the ball B(¯ x, ε) is much smaller than the x) is the volume of the “sausage” with base x ¯, endpoints y0 , y1 and width O(ε); TCL(¯ tangent cut locus at x ¯
yt for some t ∈ [1/3, 2/3], with yt as in the definition of Dε . Therefore L n (Eε ) ≥ c(M, η0 , |p0 − p1 |x¯ )εn−1 , measure on Tx¯ M . Since Eε lies a positive with L n denoting the Lebesgue distance from ∂ TIL(¯ x) , we obtain vol(Yε ) ∼ L n (Eε ) ≥ c(M, η0 , |p0 − p1 |x¯ )εn−1 ,
Yε := expx¯ (Eε ).
We wish to apply Theorem 5.13 to the paths (pt )0≤t≤1 used in the definition of Dε . Since p0 , p1 belong to TIL(¯ x) but not necessarily to TIL(¯ x), we first apply the theorem with (θpt )0≤t≤1 with θ < 1, and then we let θ → 1; in the end, for any y ∈ Yε and x ∈ M \ Bε (¯ x), d(x, y)2−d(¯ x, y)2 ≥ min d(x, y0 )2−d(¯ x, y0 )2 , d(x, y1 )2−d(¯ x, y1 )2 +λε2 |p0−p1 |2x¯ , for some λ > 0. Combining this inequality with (16), we conclude that for any y ∈ Yε ,
y ∈ ∂ c ψ(x)
∀ x ∈ M \ Bε (¯ x).
This implies that all the mass brought into Yε by the optimal map comes from Bε (¯ x), and so μ(Bε (¯ x)) ≥ ν(Yε ). x)) ≤ Avol(Bε (¯ x)) ∼ εn and ν(Yε ) ≥ avol(Yε ) εn−1 , we obtain Since μ(Bε (¯ a contradiction as ε → 0.
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Recap and Perspectives
In these notes, we have seen two different connections of optimal transport to curvature: 1. Ricci curvature: the optimal transport is a way to give a synthetic formulation of lower Ricci curvature bounds. 2. Sectional curvature: a regularity theory for optimal transport on a manifold depends on the MTW condition, which reinforces non-negative sectional curvature. We remark that, in both cases, the optimal transport goes well with lower bounds only. A good thing is that in both cases there is a “soft” reformulation in terms of optimal transport: Ric ≥ 0
t → H(μt ) is convex, ∀ (μt )0≤t≤1 geodesic in P2 (M );
S ≥ 0 ⇐⇒ ∂ c ψ(x) is connected, ∀ψ solution of the dual Kantorovich problem. Observe that these reformulations have the advantage of being very stable, and at the same time can be used to generalize some differential concepts out of the Riemannian setting.
The Curvature-Dimension Condition
As we already said, while the sectional curvature gives a pointwise control on distances, the Ricci curvature gives an averaged control, and is related to Jacobian estimates with respect to a reference measure (which in Sect. 4 was always the volume measure). For this reason, a natural general setting where one can study Ricci bounds is the one of measured metric spaces (X, d, ν) (see Sect. 2.15). As an example, consider the measured metric spaces (M n , g, e−V vol), with V ∈ C 2 (M ). Modify the classical Ricci tensor into RicN,ν := Ric + ∇2 V − ∇V ⊗∇V for N ≥ n (where by convention 00 = 0, and N plays the role of an N −n “effective” dimension). Then the curvature-dimension condition CD(K, N ), classically used in probability theory and geometry, consists in RicN,ν ≥ K. Exactly as Ric ≥ K, also this more general condition can be reformulated in terms of optimal transport. Up to minor variations, the following definition was introduced independently by Sturm [35, 36] and by Lott and the second author [25, 26] (recall the definition of H from Sect. 4.4): Definition 6.1. A compact measured metric space (X, d, ν) is said to satisfy CD(K, ∞) if, for all μ0 , μ1 ∈ P2 (X), there exists a Wasserstein geodesic
A. Figalli and C. Villani
(μt )0≤t≤1 between μ0 and μ1 such that Hν (μt ) ≤ (1 − t)Hν (μ0 ) + tHν (μ1 ) − K
t(1 − t) W2 (μ0 , μ1 )2 2
∀t ∈ [0, 1].
A similar definition for CD(0, N ) is obtained by choosing K = 0 and replacing the nonlinearity r log r by −r1−1/N . There is also a more complicated definition which works for the general CD(K, N ) criterion [36, 40]. 2
Example 6.2. (Rn , | · |, e−|x| /2 dx) satisfies CD(1, ∞); (Rn , · , dx) satisfies CD(0, N ) for any norm · . Ohta [30] recently performed some exploration of Finsler geometry along these lines.
Open Problem: Locality
A natural question is whether the above definition of Ric∞,ν ≥ K is local or not. As shown in [35, 36] and [40, Chap. 30], this question has an affirmative answer if geodesics are non-branching, but it is open in the general case. The answer would however be affirmative if the following (elementary but tricky) conjecture from [40] were true: Conjecture 6.3. Let 0 < θ < 1, 0 ≤ α ≤ π, and assume that f : [0, 1] → R+ satisfies f (1−λ)t+λt ≥ (1−λ)
' (θ (θ sin λα|t−t | sin (1−λ)α|t−t | f (t)+λ f (t ) (1−λ) sin α|t−t | λ sin α|t−t |
for |t − t | small. Then the above inequality holds true for all t, t ∈ [0, 1].
Ricci and Diffusion Equations
The non-negativity of the Ricci curvature is important to get contraction properties of solutions of the heat equation on a manifold. Indeed the following result holds (see [32–34]): Theorem 6.4. (M, g) satisfies Ric ≥ 0 if and only if, for all μt and μ ˜t solutions of the heat equation, W2 (μt , μ ˜ t ) is non-increasing in time. Another way to state this theorem is to say that Ric ≥ 0 if and only if (etΔ )t≥0 is a contraction in P2 (M ).
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Recalling that Ric ≥ 0 is equivalent to the convexity of the entropy functional H(μt ) (see Sect. 4.4), the above equivalence if formally explained by the Jordan–Kinderlehrer–Otto theorem [15]: the heat flow is the gradient flow of H in P2 (M ). A generalization of the above result has been given McCann and Topping [28] (see also [24]): Theorem 6.5. A family of Riemannian metric g(t) are super-solutions of t the backward Ricci-flow ∂g ˜t ∂t ≤ 2Ricgt if and only if, for all μt and μ solutions of the heat equation in (M, gt ) (i.e. ∂t μt = Δgt μt ), W2 (μt , μ ˜t ) is non-increasing in time. Let us also notice that Lott [24] and Topping [37] have recently studied properties of the Ricci flow with the help of the optimal transport, and they can for instance recover Perelman’s monotonicity formula.
A natural question in probability theory and statistical mechanics is how to define a notion of curvature on discrete spaces. The optimal transport allows to answer to this question: the idea is to “discretize the synthetic formulation”: - Replace length space by δ-length space, etc. - Allow for errors, either in the heat formulation (Markov kernels, etc.) as done by Ollivier [31] and Joulin [16], or in the optimal transport formulation as done by Bonciocat and Sturm [2]. Example 6.6. Consider the metric space {0, 1}N endowed with the Hamming metric (i.e. each edge is of length 1). Then Ric N1 at scale O(1) (see [31, Example 8]).
Regarding the smoothness of the optimal transport map, two main questions arise: - Find further examples of manifolds satisfying the MTW conditions. (Recall Sn and its quotients, RPn and its perturbations, perturbations of S2 , products of spheres.) - Find results yielding regularity in terms of the MTW condition, the shape of the cut locus, assumptions on μ and ν... As an example, the following theorem was proven by Loeper and the second author [23]: Theorem 6.7. Let (M, g) be a compact Riemannian manifold such that there is no focalization at the cut locus (i.e., dtc (x,v)v expx is invertible for
A. Figalli and C. Villani
all x, v). Assume that (M, g) satisfies MTW(K) for some K > 0, and let f and g be two probability densities on M such that f ≤ A and g ≥ a for some 1 A, a > 0. Then the optimal map T is C 0,α , with α = 4n−1 . Examples of manifold satisfying the assumptions of the above theorem are the projective space RPn and its perturbations, and a challenge is to understand what happens when one removes the “no-focalization” assumption. The following conjecture was formulated in [23]: Conjecture 6.8. MTW implies CTIL. This conjecture has been proved by Loeper and the second author [23] under MTW(K) with K > 0, and the no-focalization assumption. Using a variant of the MTW condition, Rifford and the first author proved the following result [12]: Theorem 6.9. If (M, g) is a C 4 -perturbation of S2 , then CTIL holds. Through these considerations we see that the MTW condition, originally introduced as a way to explore the regularity of optimal transport, turns out to give a new kind of geometric information on the manifold (compare with the Bonnet–Myers theorem, or with classical theorems on the rectifiability or local description of the cut locus).
Selected References
This section provides a list of references which seem to us the most significant. To this list should be added the book [40], which is attempts at providing a synthetic overview of all the links between geometry and optimal transport.
Links Between Optimal Transport and Ricci Curvature
The reference [33] by Otto–Villani may be considered as the founding paper for this topic. A body of technical tools was developed by Cordero-Erausquin– McCann–Schmuckenschl¨ ager [9] to make progress on these issues, and solve open problems stated in [33]. At that time the emphasis was rather on applications from calculus of variations and functional inequalities. Later the interest of these links for geometric applications was realized, and explicitly noted by von Renesse–Sturm [34]. The synthetic theory of Ricci curvature bounds in the general setting of metric-measure spaces was developed independently by Sturm [35, 36] and by Lott–Villani [25].
Optimal Transport and Curvature
Optimal Transport and Ricci Flow
The links between these objects were suspected for some time, and hinted for by a preliminary result by McCann–Topping [28]. Finally this link was made precise in contributions of Lott [24] and Topping [37].
Discrete Ricci Curvature
This theory is in construction with preliminary works by Joulin and Ollivier; one may consult in particular [31] by the latter.
Smoothness of Optimal Transport, Cut Locus and MTW Tensor
After the landmark papers by Ma–Trudinger–Wang [27] and Loeper [21], the theory was partly simplified and rewritten by Kim–McCann [20]. Applications to the geometry of the cut locus were first investigated by Loeper–Villani [23], and further developed by Figalli–Rifford [12].
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11. A. Fathi, A. Figalli, Optimal transportation on non-compact manifolds. Israel J. Math. 175(1), 1–59 (2010) 12. A. Figalli, L. Rifford, Continuity of optimal transport maps on small deformations of S2 . Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 62(12), 1670–1706 (2009) 13. A. Figalli, C. Villani, An approximation lemma about the cut locus, with applications in optimal transport theory. Methods Appl. Anal. 15(2), 149–154 (2008) 14. W. Gangbo, R.J. McCann, The geometry of optimal transportation. Acta Math. 177(2), 113–161 (1996) 15. R. Jordan, D. Kinderlehrer, F. Otto, The variational formulation of the Fokker-Planck equation. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 29(1), 1–17 (1998) 16. A. Joulin, A new Poisson-type deviation inequality for Markov jump process with positive Wasserstein curvature. Bernoulli 15(2), 532–549 (2009) 17. L.V. Kantorovich, On mass transportation. C. R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS (N.S.) (Reprinted) 37, 7-8 (1942) 18. L.V. Kantorovich, On a problem of Monge. C. R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS (N.S.) (Reprinted) 3, 2 (1948) 19. Y.H. Kim, Counterexamples to continuity of optimal transportation on positively curved Riemannian manifolds. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, Art. ID rnn120, p.15 (2008) 20. Y.H. Kim, R.J. McCann, Continuity, curvature, and the general covariance of optimal transportation. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 12, 1009–1040 (2010) 21. G. Loeper, On the regularity of solutions of optimal transportation problems. Acta Math. 202(2), 241–283 (2009) 22. G. Loeper, Regularity of optimal maps on the sphere: The quadratic cost and the reflector antenna. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. (to appear) 23. G. Loeper, C. Villani, Regularity of optimal transport in curved geometry: the nonfocal case. Duke Matk. J. 151(3), 431–485 (2010) 24. J. Lott, Optimal transport and Perelman’s reduced volume. Calc. Var. Part. Differ. Equat. 36(1), 49–84 (2009) 25. J. Lott, C. Villani, Ricci curvature via optimal transport. Ann. Math. 169, 903–991 (2009) 26. J. Lott, C. Villani, Weak curvature conditions and functional inequalities. J. Funct. Anal. 245(1), 311–333 (2007) 27. X.N. Ma, N.S. Trudinger, X.J. Wang, Regularity of potential functions of the optimal transportation problem. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 177(2), 151–183 (2005) 28. R.J. McCann, P. Topping, Ricci flow, entropy and optimal transportation. Amer. J. Math. 132, 711–730 (2010) 29. R.J. McCann, Polar factorization of maps on Riemannian manifolds. Geom. Funct. Anal. 11(3), 589–608 (2001) 30. S.-I. Ohta, Finsler interpolation inequalities. Calc. Var. Part. Differ. Equat. 36, 211–249 (2009) 31. Y. Ollivier, Ricci curvature of Markov chains on metric spaces. J. Funct. Anal. 256(3), 810–864 (2009) 32. F. Otto, The geometry of dissipative evolution equations: the porous medium equation. Comm. Part. Differ. Equat. 26(1-2), 101–174 (2001) 33. F. Otto, C. Villani, Generalization of an inequality by Talagrand and links with the logarithmic Sobolev inequality. J. Funct. Anal. 173(2), 361–400 (2000) 34. M.-K. von Renesse, K.-T. Sturm, Transport inequalities, gradient estimates, entropy, and Ricci curvature. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 58(7), 923–940 (2005) 35. K.-T. Sturm, On the geometry of metric measure spaces. I. Acta Math. 196(1), 65–131 (2006) 36. K.-T. Sturm, On the geometry of metric measure spaces. II. Acta Math. 196(1), 133–177 (2006) 37. P. Topping, L-optimal transportation for Ricci flow. J. Reine Angew. Math. 636, 93–122 (2009)
Optimal Transport and Curvature
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List of Participants
1. Al-hassem Nayam University of Pisa, Italy alhassem
[email protected] 2. Ancona Fabio University of Bologna, Italy
[email protected] 3. Barbagallo Annamaria University of Catania, Italy
[email protected] 4. Bianchini Stefano S.I.S.S.A., Italy
[email protected] 5. Bigolin Francesco University of Trento, Italy
[email protected] 6. Bonforte Matteo Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain matteo.bonforte 7. Brancolini Alessio University of Bari, Politecnico, Italy
[email protected] 8. Calvez Vincent Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, Paris, France
[email protected] 9. Caravenna Laura S.I.S.S.A.-I.S.A.S., Italy
[email protected] 10. Carlen Eric Rutgers University, USA
[email protected] S. Bianchini et al., Nonlinear PDE’s and Applications, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2028, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21861-3, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
List of Participants
11. Carvalho Maria Conceicao CMAF, University of Lisbon, Portugal
[email protected] 12. Cavalletti Fabio S.I.S.S.A., Italy
[email protected] 13. Ciomaga Adina CMLA, Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, Cachan, France
[email protected] 14. Coclite Giuseppe University of Bari, Italy
[email protected] 15. Coglitore Federico Albert-Ludwigs Univesity, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
[email protected] 16. Crasta Graziano University of Rome I, Italy
[email protected] 17. Daneri Sara S.I.S.S.A, Italy
[email protected] 18. Dolera Emanuele University of Pavia, Italy
[email protected] 19. Donadello Carlotta S.I.S.S.A-I.S.A.S, Italy
[email protected] 20. Esposito Pierpaolo University of Rome III, Italy
[email protected] 21. Fedeli Livio, S.I.S.S.A, Italy livio
[email protected] 22. Figalli Alessio CNRS University of Nice, France
[email protected] 23. Fonte Massimo RICAM - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
[email protected] 24. Franek Marzena Westf¨ alische Wilhelms University M¨ unster, Germany
[email protected] 25. Gallouet Thomas Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, Lyon, France
[email protected]
List of Participants
26. Gelli Maria Stella University of Pisa, Italy
[email protected] 27. Ghiraldin Francesco Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
[email protected] 28. Gigli Nicola Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
[email protected] 29. Gloyer Matteo S.I.S.S.A, Italy
[email protected] 30. Grillo Gabriele University of Torino, Politecnico, Italy
[email protected] 31. Helmers Michael University of Oxford, United Kingdom
[email protected] 32. Iagar Razvan Gabriel Universidad Aut´ onoma de Madrid, Spain
[email protected] 33. Kurtzmann Aline Mathematical Institute, Oxford, United Kingdom
[email protected] 34. Langer Andreas RICAM, Austria
[email protected] 35. Lazzaroni Giuliano S.I.S.S.A, Italy
[email protected] 36. Lisini Stefano University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy
[email protected] 37. Loreti Paola University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy
[email protected] 38. Lussardi Luca University of Brescia (Italy), Italy
[email protected] 39. Maas Jan TU Delft, Netherlands
[email protected] 40. Mainini Edoardo Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
[email protected]
List of Participants
41. Malusa Annalisa University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy
[email protected] 42. Marcati Pierangelo University of L’Aquila, Italia
[email protected] 43. Marcellini Francesca University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
[email protected] 44. Marigonda Antonio University of Pavia, Italy
[email protected] 45. Marson Andrea University of Padova, Italy
[email protected] 46. Mascolo Elvira Universit` a of Firenze, Italy
[email protected] 47. Matthes Daniel Universita of Pavia, Italy
[email protected] 48. Mielke Alexander Weierstrass Inst. Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany
[email protected] 49. Monti Francesca University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
[email protected] 50. Morandotti Marco S.I.S.S.A-I.S.A.S., Italy
[email protected] 51. Muntean Adrian TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
[email protected] 52. Natile Luca University of Pavia, Italy
[email protected] 53. Nguyen Khai University of Padova, Italy
[email protected] 54. Otto Felix University of Bonn, Germany
[email protected] 55. Ouyang Shun-Xiang Bielefeld University, Germany
[email protected]
List of Participants
56. Paronetto Fabio University of Salento, Italy
[email protected] 57. Pass Brendan University of Toronto, Canada
[email protected] 58. Petrov Adrien Weierstrass Inst. Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany
[email protected] 59. Pezzotti Federica University of L’Aquila, Italy
[email protected] 60. Pietra Paola IMATI, CNR, Pavia, Italia
[email protected] 61. Pisante Adriano University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy
[email protected] 62. Pisante Giovanni Second University of Naples, Italy
[email protected] 63. Priuli Fabio N.T.N.U, Norway
[email protected] 64. Pulvirenti Mario University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy
[email protected] 65. Recupero Vincenzo University of Torino, Politecnico, Italy
[email protected] 66. Rossi Riccarda University of Brescia, Italy
[email protected] 67. Savar´e Giuseppe University of Pavia, Italy
[email protected] 68. Sch¨ o nlieb Carola-Bibiane University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
[email protected] 69. Shao Jinghai Beijing Normal University and University of Bonn, Germany
[email protected] 70. Solombrino Francesco S.I.S.S.A., Italy
[email protected]
71. Spinolo Laura Valentina Northwestern University, USA
[email protected] 72. Stojkovic Igor Leiden University, Netherlands
[email protected] 73. Tonon Daniela S.I.S.S.A., Italy
[email protected] 74. Tubaro Luciano University of Trento, Italy
[email protected] 75. Ulusoy Suleyman University of Oslo, Norway
[email protected] 76. van Gennip Yves Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
[email protected] 77. Veneroni Marco Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
[email protected] 78. Villani Cedric Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, Lyon, France
[email protected] 79. Volzone Bruno University of Naples, Italy
[email protected]
List of Participants
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