Let us examine now the invariants Ad* for Q(G): F 1 (Y),···,F N (y),
8F 1(y) 0Yi
of N(Y) Xi"'"
8 Yi
we should take shifts of these invariants along a vector a where a is taken from 8G*, then after shifting functions (2) along the vector a, we, obviously, obtain functions (1) and the latter, as we know, are functionally independent. The theorem has been proved in full.
In the same way as for the complex operators the following theorems can be proved. THEOREM 18.3 Let function h be a function which is functionally dependent on the family offunctions mQ(G u than the Euler equations x = a(x, dhJ, x E Q(GJ* are a completely integrable Hamiltonian system on all the orbits in general position of the coadjoint representation of the Lie group Q(ffi u), associated with Q(G.).
THEOREM 18.4 Let Gu be a compact form of a comple1' semi-simple Lie algebra, x = a(x, qa, b, D)(x» the Euler equations on Q(G u )*, with compact series operators qa, b, D): Q(GJ* --+ Q(G u ). Then this system is completely integrable in the Liouville sense on all the orbits in general position of the coadjoint representation Ad* of the Lie group Q(ffiu),
associated with the Lie algebra Q(G u). Or, more precisely, let F(x) be any smooth function on Q(G u)* invariant with respect to Ad*(Q(GJ u)), then all the functions F(x + Aa) are integrals of the Euler equation for any AE IR. Any two such integrals F(x + Aa) and H(x + fla) are in involution on all the orbits with respect to the Kirillov forms. From the mentioned set of integrals one can choose functionally independent integrals equal in number to half the dimension of an orbit in general position of Ad*(Q(ffiu))' We shall examine now the construction of integrals of the Euler equation with the "normal" operator series. PROPOSITION 18.1 Let f(x) be a function, invariant with respect to the coadjoint representation of the Lie group Q(GJ.). Consider functions h)x) = f(x + Aa)lu(G")*' Then the functions h). are, for any AE~, first integrals of the Euler equation x = a(x, qa, b)(x)) on Q(G II )*, where qa, b) is a "normal" series operator, a E iH~, b E iH~ + BiH~. Proof Suppose that we have a differential df(x + Aa) in Gil' then dfk(x + Aa) is an orthogonal projection df(x + Aa) on Gil' In the case Q(G,,) = G" + BG" we obtain df(x + Aa) = v1 + w 2 , Vi E Gil (i = 1,2) and dflu'G")(x + Aa) = n(v 1 ) + en(v2) where n is an orthogonal projection on Gil with respect to the Cartan-Killing form. Then
+ Aa), a(x, Cx» = (dflu(G"ix + Aa), [Cx, x]) = (n(vd + t:n(v2), [Cx, x]) = (v 1
[Cx, x]);
as [Cx, x] E Gil' it is possible, therefore, to add any term to the first factor, orthogonal to G". We have thus:
+ Aa), a(x, Cx» = (df(x + Aa), [Cx, x]) =
as has been proved already in the case ofthe "compact" series operators. Proposition 18.1 has been proved. PROPOSITION 18.2 Any two integrals of Proposition 18.1 "normal" series type are in involution on all the orbits Ad* ofthe Lie group Q(GJ n ) with respect to the Kirillov form. Moreover, the number offunctionally independent integrals, given by Proposition 18.1 is equal to half the
dimension of an orbit in general position ofthe coadjoint representation Ad* of the Lie group n(m n ), associated with Lie algebra n(G n ). Proof We reduce all cases to that of a semi-simple "normal" series of operators. We have G" c Gu • Let f(x) be an invariant of Gu , then on Gn the complete set of functions in involution (see [89], [90]) can be obtained as the restriction to Gn of functions f(x + Aa). Applying to these functions the (~l) algorithm, one finds a complete set of functions in involution on n(Gn )*. These functions have the form fey + Aa)/Gn (as the operations of restriction and substitution are commutative) and (ofk(Y + Aa)/oy;)x;. Let us check that those functions are identical to the functions mentioned in the proposition. According to Theorem 13.1 the n(G u) invariants have the form fey) and (af(y)/8y;)x i • It is clear that the shifts of these functions along a suitable a after restriction to n(G.) will give the necessary results. Thus, the algorithm (~) leads to the necessary set of functions, which proves the proposition. The results are summarized in the following theorem. THEOREM 18.5 Let Gn be a normal compact subalgebra in a complex semi-simple Lie algebra G; x = a(x, C(a, b)(c)). The Euler equations on n(G.)* with the operators of the "normal" series C(a, b): n(G.)* --> n(G n ) are a completely integrable system in the Liouville sense on all the orbits in general position of the coadjoint representation of the Lie group n(m n), associated with the Lie algebra neG,,). Or, more precisely, let F(x) be any smooth function on n(Gu )*, invariant with respect to Ad*(nCmJ), then all the functions F(x + Aa)1 Q(G,) are integrals of the Euler equations for any A E IR. Any two such integrals F(x + Aa), H(x + Ita) are in involution on all the orbits Ad* n(m,,). One can choose from the indicated set of integrals a set of functionally independent integrals equal in number to half the dimension of an orbit in general position of the representation Ad* n(m n ). In a way similar to the complex case the following theorem can be proved. THEOREM 18.6 Let function h be functionally dependent on the functions of the ty(n(Gu))IQ(G,) family, then the Euler equations x = a(x, dh x ), x E n(G.)* are a completely integrable Hamiltonian system on all orbits in general position of the coadjoint representation Ad* of the Lie group nem n), associated with Lie algebra n(G n).
18.2. Complete integrability of a geodesic flow on T*Q(ffi)
Let G be a complex semi-simple Lie algebra, with compact form, Gu and G. a normal compact subalgebra in G. Let n«(I)), n«(I)u), n«(I).) be Lie groups corresponding to the Lie algebras neG), n(G u), n(G.). Consider the cotangent bundles T*n«(I), T*n«(I)u)' T*n«(I).). Let quadratic forms <
Proof Let us use the non-commutative form of Liouville's theorem (see 3.2). First we need a lemma. LEMMA 18.1 The Hamiltonian flow on T*n«(I), T*n«(I).), T*n(<».) corresponding to a quadrat~c form H, is completely Liouville-integrable in the non-commutative sense.
Proof Let i) be n«(I), n«(I)u) or n«(I).). Then, since i) acts symplectically on Wl = T*i), a finite-dimensional Lie algebra of integrals Vi exists on T* i) which is isomorphic to Tei). Above we pointed out that the commutative Lie algebra of integrals Va (dim Va = 1(dim T"i) - ind Tei) exists for the operators C(a, b, D) on the orbits of Ad*(i). Extending these functions to left-invariant functions on T* i) in a manner similar to 3.2 we obtain a commutative Lie algebra of functions Va on T* i), which commutes with Vt. The proof of the lemma can now be obtained by verifying that dim T*i) = dim(Vo + Vi) + ind(Vo + Vi). As we proved in 3.6, the commutative Liouville theorem follows from the non-commutative one, provided that a complete involutive set of functions exists on (Vo + Vi)*. Above we have constructed a complete
involutive set offunctions on vt; hence, such a set exists on (Vo + J.t)* as well. Since Vo is an Abelian Lie algebra, we can select any basis in Vo as a complete involutive set offunctions on Vo* (any element of Vo is a linear function on Vo*).
18.3. Extensions of il(G) for low-dimensional Lie algebras
In this section we shall consider Lie algebras over the field IR with dim G ::::;; 5, as well as nilpotent Lie algebras with dim G ::::;; 6. We call these Lie algebras low-dimensional Lie algebras. Our aim is to show that on nu(G)* it is possible to construct a complete involutive set of functions. The full classification of such Lie algebras is known and the list of them, together with the invariants of their co adjoint representations is given in [106] (we shall use the notation given in [106]). 18.3 Let G be a low-dimensional Lie algebra; then the orbits of G are separated by invariants in the sense of Definition 13.1.
The proof can be obtained by a calculation of the rank of the matrix II qjXk II with the use of the tables given in [106]. 18.4 Let G be a low-dimensional Lie algebra; then it satisfies Condition (FJ) from 3.6 .
. Proof We can construct a complete involutive set of functions on G*
using one of the following methods: (a) as shifts of the invariants of the representation Ad* (see Section 11); (b) as semi-invariants of Ad* (see Section 11); (c) through chains of subalgebras of the Lie algebra under consideration (see Section 12). Shifts of the invariants give the complete set of functions in involution for the following Lie algebras: A 3 ,4' A 3 ,6' A 3 ,s, A 3 •9 , A 4 ,1' A 4 ,s, A 4 ,10' A S ,I' A S ,2, A S ,4' A S ,10' A S ,40' A 6 ,1' A 6 ,2' A 6 ,3' A 6 ,16' A 6 ,20' A 6 ,22' We do not have enough shifts of invariants for the rest of Lie algebras. For those Lie algebras A6,d1 ::::;; i ::::;; 22) which are affected by this lack of the invariants, we can use the chain of subalgebras H c G (H is an Abelian subalgebra). For the rest of the Lie algebras we need to use semiinvariants. We omit minor details of the calculations because of their complexity. This completes the proof.
THEOREM 18.8 Let G be a low-dimensional Lie algebra and let f be any function which is functionally dependent on the functions constructed by applying the algorithm (m:) of Theorem 13.2 to the functions on G* which were given in Proposition 18.4. Then on the space Qa(G)* there exists a complete involutive set of functions, giving 83 infinite series of Lie algebras for which the Euler equations = a(x, dfJ, x E Qa(G)* are completely integrable in the classical sense on all orbits in general position of the representation Ad* QAGl).
The proof follows directly from Theorem 13.2 and Proposition 18.3.
Let us take a canonical H-invariant (or a linear combination of such functions) as the Hamiltonian V: G* --+ R, see Section 14. Then, any linear function on H* is an integral. Besides, functions similar to V are integrals, if they satisfy the conditions of Theorem 14.1. These integrals may be enough for "complete integrability. THEOREM 19.1
Ifwetake All: (su(n), su(n - 2));
B II : (so(2n
+ 1), so(2n-
ell: (sp(2n), sp(2n - 2)); D II : (so(2n), so(2n - 2))
as a pair (G, H), together with the Cartan-Killing form as the invariant 2-forms, then the corresponding Hamiltonian systems x = s grad V, V = L IXii WP X(i), XUl)kk are completely integrable. REMARK For pairs of Lie algebras (so(n) EB 1Rn, so(n - 1), (so(n + 1), so(n - 1)), (su(n) EB C", su(n - 1)), (su(n + 1), su(n - 1)), the following more general result holds, namely the functions
i,j= 1,2
form an involute set.
+ Pij(W 2p- 1 X(i),XUl)]
A similar statement holds for the pairs (su(n), su(n - 1)), (so(2n), so(2n - 1)), (so(2n + 1), so(2n)). However, these examples are of minor interest because, first, there is a "redundancy" of the integrals, i.e. the first integrals which are independent in Theorem 19.1, are now functionally dependent and, second, the resulting Hamiltonian systems are linear ones. REMARK
The results of this section were obtained by A. V. Belyayev.
The series Dn, Bn. We consider a pair (so(n), so(n - 2)). The adjoint action ofthe algebra so(n - 2) on the algebra so(n) splits as a direct sum of invariant subspaces: so(n - 2), IR" - 2, IRn - 2, IRI, bases of the latter we denote by X, X', Z. Taking the restriction of the Cartan-Killing form as an invariant 2-form, we obtain four kinds of canonical invariants, in matrix notation xw2eXI, x,w 2eX'I, XW 2e Xt, X'W 2e + I X t (the same invariants can be obtained using the form P = {Xi' X;}; in what follows it will become clear why it is necessary to use this form). Note that matrix W is skew-symmetric. In these expressions for the canonical invariants the parity of the exponent of the matrix W is essential because, in the expansion of wn in lower powers, only powers of W with the same parity as n are present. In any case, Theorem 14.1 proves involutivity only for the kinds of invariant described above. It can be verified that the Poisson bracket of canonical invariants which are not similar (for example, X'W 2e X t and X'W 2e + 1 X') is not equal to zero. Thus, the following set of functions is an involutive one:
Vo = V2p --
Lxf + (X2 LX? + (X3 LXiX; + (X4L {x;,x;},
2PX t
+ (X 2 X'W 2PX + (X 3 X'W 2PXI + (X 4 X'W 2 p-1 x t ft
(similarly with L {x;, x;}, the functions are of the form X'W 2 P-I XI because Fo = L {X;, x;} = X'PX t and hence, F
= 2p
X'W 2PPX t
XW 2p-1
L. i
{W. x.})
The number of similar invariants which are functionally independent on the orbit (so(n)) (as well as of the invariants which are independent, with linear integrals w ij , 1 ~ i, j ~ n - 2) is [en - 1)/2]. The proof of the mnctional independence is given below in Theorem 19.4. The dimension of the orbit of the general position of the algebra so(n) is dim so(n) [n/2]; the rank of the algebra of first integrals which is isomorphic to the
direct sum of so(n - 2) and [R[(n -1)/2] is n - 2. According to Section 3, we have an integrable case of a Hamiltonian system since dim so(n) -
[~J = dim so(n -
+ [n ;
(the right-hand side is the sum of dimension and index of the algebra of integrals). Series All' C n • The expansion of the algebra su(n) as an su(n - 2)module to submodules in an appropriate basis is given by the following expression: Xl
Xn - 2
Xn - 2
-X n -2
-X n - 2
Provided that (1) holds, the irreducible invariant subspaces (apart from su(n - 2» are V= {Xl'''' ,Xn -2}, V' = {X~, ... ,X~-2}, {z},{z'},{z"} plus their complex-conjugates. Canonical invariants are of the following form: XWeX, X'WeX', X'WeX, XWeX'. Since in the expansion W" = Li ai Wi, an -1 = 0 (from which it follows that a priori it is unknown whether, for example, {X wn X, X X n -1 X} = 0), the involutive character of the invariants differing from each other only by a power of the matrix W, does not follow directly from Theorem 14.1. To prove this, we need to use a non-standard expansion all wn = W"-2 - Li~l ai Wi. From similar integrals which are functionally independent on the orbit, we can select n - 1 (see Theorem 19.4) which, in tum, are functionally independent with integrals wij (1 ~ i, j ~ n - 2). We can easily get an integral z + z" considering that Tr(W) = 0 and the whole matrix (1) has a trace equal to zero. PROPOSITION 19.1 {z + z", F} = O.
Let us show that for integrability to be complete, the first integrals already available are enough. The dimension of an orbit of the algebra su(n) is n 2 - n; the dimension of the algebra of integrals is
dim su(n - 2) + (n - 1) + 1 and the index of the algebra of integrals is rk su(n - 2) + n = 2n - 3. Thus, we have a complete integrability following from the non-commutative Liouville theorem. REMARK Since the dimension of orbits in general position for the coadjoint representation of the algebras su(n) and u(n) coincide, we have constructed above the integrable set for the pair of algebras (u(n), su(n - 2)). In the case ell we have similar arguments, though we should add that the dimension of the orbit of the general position of the algebra sp(2n) is dim sp(2n) - n; (dimension) + (index of algebra of integrals) = dim sp(2n - 2) + 3n - 1 and dim sp(2n) = dim sp(2n - 2) + 4n - 1. REMARK According to 3.6, for Liouville integrability to be attained, it is enough to show that the algebra of integrals satisfies Condition (FJ). If from the algebra of integrals we can split off a commutative direct summand, it is enough to prove the fulfillment of Condition (FJ) for the non-trivial summand. For all completely integrable sets (in the noncommutative sense) which have been considered in this section, the algebra H of the pair (G,H) is semi-simple and hence satisfies (FJ) (see Section 16 where the entire involutive family of functions on H* is constructed) and is a non-trivial summand. 19.2. Integrable systems in a non-compact case. Multi-dimensional Lagrange's case Theorem on isomorphism of algebra pairs
For non-compact algebras H, the volume form and the symplectic form for the Lie algebra sp(2n, IR) are natural invariant forms. To be able to apply the previous constructions to non-compact Lie algebras we need the following statement to be valid: THEOREM 19.2 Let (G 1 , H 1) and (G 2 , H 2) be pairs of real Lie algebras, such that G1 ® IC and G2 (8)1C are isomorphic and that the isomorphism induces an isomorphism. H 1 ® IC ~ H 2 ® IC. Then, a complete involutive set of one pair (G i , HJ maps into a complete involutive set of the other pair. Proof We might consider the problem of involutive and functional dependence of polynomial functions on (G i )* in terms of the Lie algebra
Gi ® IC but from this point of view G I ® IC and G2 ® IC would be indistinguishable. Let us consider as an example the pair (sl(n, IR), sl(n - 2, IR)) together with the pair (su(n), su(n - 2)) it satisfies the condition of Theorem 19.2. The splitting of the Lie algebra sl(n, IR) into sl(n - 2, IR)-submodules can be expressed by the following matrix:
W (2)
Xn - 2 YI
Comparing (1) and (2) we obtain involutive sets YWeX, Y'WeX', Y WeX ' , Y' weX. If we did not consider the "compact" case, it would be difficult to get these, because the bilinear transformation B: (X, Y) -+ Y X is not a bilinear form on the invariant subspace generated by the vectors Xl' ... ,X. _2' YI, ... , Y. _ 2. Note incidentally, that the complex involutive sets are quite useful because they allow us to obtain the real ones; for example in this case Y' we X, Y we X' follows from X'WeX, XWeX'.
Volume form
Let H = sl(n, IR), V, V', ... , v(m) be H -submodules; isomorphic to each other and corresponding to a minimal representation of sl(n, IR) in IRn, G = sl(n, IR) EB (V + V' + ... + v(m). Then, the functions det(X Wi!, ... , X' Wi., ... , X" Wit) are H -invariants. det(XW\ . .. ,X'Wi" . .. ,X"Wi" .. .). Let us write W·· ..• W (k times) instead of the matrices W k in the expression for the function F I, enumerating all the resulting copies of W We then enumerate all row vectors x(m) in the expression for F 2. Let F I be X WY (a); X = X(k) W', k and r being dependent on a; W being the matrix with the number a; y(a)=det(X,X', ... ,X(k), ... ,W) is a column; F 2 = x(m)z(fJ), x(m) being the row vector with the number /3; Z(/l) = det(X, X', ... , X(k), ... , W) is a column. Then {F 1,F 2}
LXi Yj { w ij , xlm)}Z)/l) ~./l
I x./l
Xi yr) Asrijx~m)zl/l)·
Direct computation gives ASlij
= 15s/jli.
{F 1,F2} =
X Z(fl) x(m)y(»
Now it is easy to verify that Statements 19.2, 19.3 and 19.4 are valid. Thefunctionsdet(X,Xw, ... ,XWk"XI,X'W, ... , , 2) are in involution on 2, X', . .. , x H EB (V + V') provided that kl < k2 < [(n - 1)/8]. A similar statement can be easily obtained for H EB (V + V' + V"). PROPOSITION
X'W e,) and det(X, Xw, ... ,XWk
19.3 Functions Fp = det(X, Xw, ... , XWP, X', X'W, ... , xwn- -2), p = 0, ... , [(n - 2)/2J together with linear functions w ij ' x;, 1::::; i, j ::::; n form a complete non-commutative set on H EB (V + V'). PROPOSITION p
19.4 Functions det(X, ... , X Wio, ... , X', ... , X' Wi" ••• , x(m) Wi .. ) are invariants of the algebra H EB (V + ... + v(m») .;rovided that is = [n/(m + 1)J + (1 + 1)/2, Ls is + m + 1 = n.
The proof is a trivial one and thus can be omitted. Multi-dimensional Lagrange case
The equations of the motion of multi-dimensional rigid body can be written in Hamiltonian form in the dual space of the algebra so(n) + ~ •. Let us take as coordinates on (so(n) + ~n)* linear forms w ij ' x; which are bases of so(n) and ~n respectively. Let us choose these linear forms so that {w ij , Wjl} = WiI' {w ij , xj} = xj. Then the Hamiltonian in terms of these variables is w?I) V = -1" L. + "L. rix;. 4 i,j (oc i + ocj ) i
The vector field s grad V is then given by
The Lagrange case follows from (3) provided that ri
= 0,
OC i
= C,
1 :::; i :::; n - 1, a" = kc, r" #- O. The corresponding Hamiltonian system involves a set of linear integrals OJij' 1 :::; i, j :::; n - 1, the latter form a Lie algebra which is isomorphic to so(n - 1). The Hamiltonian for a symmetric body is V = 21 Tr(W2) + 22 L xf + A3 z , where Xi = OJ ni , x~ = Z and the factors 2i depend on C, k and r". Evidently, the Hamiltonian is a linear combination of canonical so(n - I)-invariants (z = 1/(n - 1) Li {x;, xJ), and hence we can write down an involutive series of the first integrals Fp = ..1.1 Tr(W 2p+2) + 2 2XW 2PX t + 2 3 X'W 2P-l XI. The proof of the conclusion that the integrals obtained form a completely integrable set is given in [13]. The motion of a multi-dimensional rigid body in an ideal fluid
As we know already, the equations of such motion are given on (so(n) EB !R")* as a quadratic Hamiltonian. The following canonical invariants are available: XW 2e X t , X'W 2e X'I, X'W 2e Xr, X'W 2e +1 XI and hence, for the family of Hamiltonians V{.<;} = 21 Tr(W2) + 22 L xf + 23 L X;2 + 24 L X;Xi we can obtain involutive sets of first integrals. Formally we can extend this family V{.<;} =
21 Tr(W2)
+ 22 I
+ 23 LX? + 24 LXiX; + 2SZ2
since I~ ~ f x? + z2 is an invariant of the coadjoint representation. The proof of the completeness of this set is the same as in the previous case. We can obtain the integrable case for the series given in [103J assuming 24 = O. REMARK
Theorem of integrability for non-semi-simple Lie algebras
We recognize a similarity between the examples of integrating the pairs (so(n + 1), so(n - 1» and (so(n) EB !R", so(n - 1»; and this is no surprise: the "contraction" construction (see Section 15) transforms the algebra so(n) into a direct sum and "commutes" with the construction of involutive sets according to the given algorithm. Therefore, a transformation like
212 (so(n
+ 1), so(n
- 1))
(so(n) EB !Rn , so(n - 1))
is practicable for other Lie algebras as well, e.g. (su(n + 1), su(n - 1)) (u(n
1), su(n - 1))
(sl(n + 1, !R), sl(n - 1,!R)
(su(n) EB en, su(n - 1))
(u(n) EB C", su(n - 1))
(sl(n,!R) EB !R", sl(n - 1, !R».
For all right-hand pairs we can construct entire involutive sets of functions. Let us formulate this in a way similar to Theorem 19.1. THEOREM 19.3 Let 0: G --+ GB be the contraction of the algebra G. If we take (so(n)EBW,so(n-l)), (su(n)EDcn,su(n-l», (u(n) ED cn, su(n - 1», or (sl(n,!R) EB !Rn, sl(n - 1,!R)) as a pair (G B, H), then the Hamiltonian systems are given by x = s grad 0* V, the Hamiltonian V = L (IXij(X(i)WP, XU»kk + PijP(X(i)W(p), X(j» being constructed for the pairs of the algebras (so(n + 1), so(n - 1», (su(n + 1), su(n - 1», (u(n + 1), su(n - 1», (sl(n + 1, !R), sl(n - 1, !R». We can prove this theorem following the standard technique given above and using as well the dimension of the orbits in general position of coadjoint representation of semi-direct sums, in connection with this see [118].
19.3. Functional independence of integrals
Note that the functions in the set ¢ = {Fi' i = 1, ... , rk W, /; E (H*)*, 1 ~ i ~ dim H}. where the Fi are similar functions are functionally independent on the space G* dual to the algebra G. Functional independence can be proved in two ways: either (a) by showing that the invariants defining the orbits are functionally independent of the functions in the set ¢; or (b) if this cannot be done, for obvious reasons, by proving that the skew gradients of the set of functions ¢ are linearly independent almost everywhere. The semi-simple case
In 19.2 examples of Hamiltonian systems on semi-simple algebras are
j i
considered. As is known, in this case the orbits of the (co )adjoint representation of the group Exp G are given by traces of powers of the (co )adjoint representation of Lie algebra G. It is enough, then, to show functional independence within the set cp, when the Fi are canonical Hinvariants. It is clear that then the similar linear combinations of invariants included in the set cp as the functions Fi will comprise a functionally independent set. THEOREM 19.4 The following sets of functions cp are functionally independent on orbits in general position of the coadjoint representation of the corresponding Lie algebras: (1) so(2n): cp = {elements so(n - 2) viewed as linear forms on so(n - 2)* and either (a) XWZPX t, or (b) X'WzpX't, (c) X'WzpX't or (d) X'W 2p - 1, o ~ p ~ n - 1}; (2) so(2n + 1): cp = {elements of so(2n - 1) viewed as linear forms on so(2n - 1)* and either (a) XWPX' or (b) X'WzPX't, (c) X'WzPX t , 0 ~ p ~ n or (d) Z,X'WZp-1X t , 0 ~ p ~ n - 1}; (3) su(n): cp = {elements of su(n - 2) viewed as linear forms on su(n - 2)* and either (a) Z, XWPX or (b) Z",X'WPX', (c) Z' + Z', XWPX' + X'WPX, o ~ p ~ n - 3}; (4) sp(2n): cp = {elements of sp(2n - 2) viewed as linear forms on sp(2n - 2)* and either (a) XWZX or (b) XW Zi + 1X}. LEMMA 19.1 Let Vi: H* ~ IR (1 ~ i ~ rk H) be functionally independent invariants of the coadjoint representation of the group Exp H. Then the projections of the gradients grad Vi' 1 ~ i ~ rk H = r on the subspace ltj = {Wli' ... ,wnJ c H are linearly independent at points in general position.
In order to prove (1)(a-d), (2)(a-d) and (3)(a--c) it is enough to apply Lemma 19.1 to enveloping algebras of pairs (G,H). Statement 3 of Theorem 19.4 can be proved by direct calculation of skew gradients of functions from set cp.
The non-semi-simple case
As an example we shall consider the non-commutative set of functions, corresponding to the volume form. Direct calculation leads to sgrad Fp = {Fp,X} = Li':g(P+Z) JiX'W, 0 ~ p ~ [(n - 4)/2]. Vectors X, Xw, ... ,XWi are, in general, linearly independent, therefore the s grad F p are linearly independent too. It is not difficult to see also that the F P are functionally independent on an orbit in general position in
sl(n, ~) EB (~n EB ~n) with linear integrals w ij ' x;, 1 ~ i, j ~ n. And,
dim(sl(n,~) EB (~n + ~)) -
(1 + n - 2[~J)
= dim(sl(n, ~) EB ~n) + [n-2
2J + 1 + [n-2-- 2J
(the left-hand side ofteh equation is the dimension of an orbit in general position in sl(n, ~) EB (~n + ~n) and the right-hand side is the sum of the dimension and the index of the algebra of integrals). Note that the number oflinearly independent skew gradients gives a lower bound the dimension of an orbit of the coadjoint representation of the algebra sl(n, ~) EB (~n + ... + ~n) and Proposition 19.4 gives an upper bound for this dimension.
Let G be a Lie algebra, G* its dual space, I(G*) the set offunctions on G* invariant under Ad* (invariants of Lie algebra G). For any element a E G* we shall define a set of functions la = la(G*) = {J;.,/;.(x) = f(x + Aa), fE/(G*)}. As we know, la is an involutive set with respect to the standard bracket {f, g} on G* (see Section 11): {f, g}(x) = <x, [dxf, dxgJ>. In the case ofa reductive Lie algebra there is an invariant identification of G with G*. Thus the notation la = la(G) makes sense for a E G as well. Let 0 c G* be an orbit of the representation Ad* of the group (fj associated with G. We shall call an involutive set of functions on completely involutive if after restriction to an orbit 0 in general position it gives! dim 0 independent functions. It was proved in [89], [90] that for the compact form Gu of a complex semi-simple Lie algebra G the set la is completely involutive when a E Gu is an element in general position. In addition, if Gn is a normal compact subalgebra in Gu , the set [a for an element a E Gu with a.l Gn is completely involutive for an element a in general position, where [a = la I Gn· The sets la and t;, are called the compact and normal series integrals. The Euler equations (1)
are completely Liouville integrable for Hamiltonians f functionally dependent on the sets la or fa as these sets are completely involutive. It will be shown below (Theorem 20.2) that, in the case of G u = su(m) for any element a the sets la and fa can be extended to complete involutive sets. Therefore the system (1) is integrable for singular elements a too. It is interesting to note that for many affine Lie algebras complete involutive sets on G* may be constructed using translates of singular invariants (Theorem 20.4), whereas for elements a E G* in general position it is impossible to extend the involutive sets la(G*) to complete involutive sets. We prove, as an auxiliary result, that the restriction of the set la(su(m)) to any singular orbit 0 gives!- dim 0 independent functions for a certain fixed element a E su(m) (independent of the orbit). This result is similar to the result ofDao Chong Thi [21] in whose proof, however, there are . . some maccuracles. The results of this section are due to A. V. Brailov. 20.1. Completely involutive sets of functions on singular orbits in su(m)
Let Iii E gl(m, C), (Ii) .. = J;rJjs, P~,q be homogeneous polynomial functions, defined uniquely by the following identity: (J=l)S Tr(x
+ a)S = L
= n. Let su(m) = {x EgI(m, C), x = _xt, trx = O}; u(m) = {x EgI(m, C), x = -xt}; so(m) = {x EgI(m,C), x = x = -xT
THEOREM 20.1 Let a Eso(m), a=L;n=-llaa(Ii,i+l-Ii+l,i)' ai,#O (1 :::; i :::; m - 1). Then the restrictions of polynomials p:,q to any orbit 0 in su(m) give !-dim 0 independent functions on it. Proof It is possible to select x E 0 for any orbit 0 in such a way that
x = diag(J=1x l , . , . ,J=1xm), where Xl :::; . , . :::; x m ' G~ c gl(m, C) be the subspace, generated by the vectors E],i+q
= (J=1)q+l(1},i+q + (-1)q1}+q,),
= G\
For any real or complex subspace W c gl(m, C) we define the following linear subspaces in gl(m, C): wq = W n Gq, W! = W n G~, Let also G± = E9 q ;;.o Gi, Gi = E9o<;p<;q Gi and for an-y W: W± - W n G±,
= W n Gi. Let T = 1',,0 be the tangent space to the orbit O. The direct calculation of the differential ofthe polynomial p:,q at a point x as a function of (su(m»* leads to: m-q
"L. Cqja ( )Uqn-t,j d Xj+q,j + + Rn,q a'
dx P an,q --
where Xj~ is the linear function on (su(m))* arising from the element E/j Eu(m); q(a) = (q + l)aj'''aj+q+t; Urj = Lko+ "'+kq~iXJ~"'XJ:; R:,q E Gq-t. We shall show that dxp:,q E su(m): . First let x be a point in general position. Then by considering the sequence of identities + t x] = [d x pn,q x] we obtain dx pn,q E su(m)q. + For singular x we [dx pn,q a' a' a obtain dxP:,q E su(m)q+ from continuity. As a consequence R:,q E su(m);_t. Let d~P:,q be the projection of dxP:,q on We shall show below that the d~P:,q generate T't for q ~ 1. Taking into account that dxP:,q E su(m)q+ we obtain that d[P:,q, the projection of the differentials dxP:,q onto T, generates T+. As dim T+ =-!-dimO, the theorem is proved.
Let us prove in addition that the differentials dip:,q generate (q ~ 1). As R:,q Esu(m)q+_t,
dip:,q = L q(a)U~_t,jEj:j+q,
q(a) '# O.
It is enough therefore to show that the matrix vq, V;j = U'l,nU) is nonsingular, where n(1) < n(2) < ... < n(mq) is a maximal sequence of indices such that xnV} < xnV} + q (it follows from the definition of the sequence n(j) that mq = dim T't).
LEMMA 20.1 Let Yt"",YN be indeterminates, for 1 ~j, p ~N, j + p ~ N, let ~f(Y) be the homogeneous component of i in the formal series Uj.P: JtjP(y) = (1 - y)-t"'(I_ Yj+p)-l. Let WP be the (N - p) x (N - p) matrix of these polynomials 0 ~ i ~ N - P - 1, 1 ~ j ~ N - p. Then det WP(y) = (Y P+2 - Yt)(Y p+3 - Yz) ... (YN - YN_p_ddet Wp+l(y). Proof We carry out on the matrix WP the following elementary transformations: we subtract the second column on the right from the rightmost one, then the third on the right from the second on the right, etc. As a result we obtain a matrix WP in which-with the exception of the first column-all the columns consist ofterms (from top to bottom)
l-liJ + 1 = {term
of degree i of the series WjP},j ~ 1. As (W01 ' W 02 " ' " Wo,N-p-d = (1,0,0, ... ,0) and WjP = (Yj+p+1 - Y) WjP + 1 , we have
WjP+ 1 WjP+ 1 -
H,jP+ 1 -
= det
(Y p +2 -
(YN -
LEMMA 20.2 Let Xl ~ ... ~ xm; 1 ~ q ~ m; n(l) < ... < n(mq ) be a maximal sequence of indices, such that XlIV) < xnU)+q and r(l) < ... < r(m~) be a maximal sequence of subscripts amongst sequences satisfying the condition x'U) = X'U+1) = ... = x,u+s) ~ S ~ q. Then x"U)+s = xrU+s) where j = 1, ... , mq , S = 0, ... , q.
Proof Let k(O) = 0, Xk(1)+l
= ... = k(i)
= ... = x k(1) = A1 , =
A 2 ,··· ,Xk(t-1)+1
= min(q, k(i) - k(i -
= ... =
i= 1, ... ,t; i
k(O) =0,
kU) =
s= 1
We can check directly that xrU+s) = Ap, where the subscript p has been determined from the inequality f(p - 1) < j + s ~ f(p). On the other hand if ~ s ~ q, X"U)+S = /c p • Whence x"U)+s = xrU+s)' The lemma is proved.
Now everything is ready for calculating the determinant of the matrix V • Let Yj = xr(j)' then V;j = U'!,nU) = {the component of degree i of the formal series (1 - x,,(j) -1 ... (1 - XliV) +q) -1} = {the component of degree i oftheformal series (1 - Xr(j» -1 ... (1 - XrU+q» -1} = W;j(y). As q det wm -1 = 1, applying induction, we obtain det v = det wq #- 0. The theorem is proved. q
THEOREM 20.2 (i) For any element X E su(m) the set IAsu(m» can be extended to a completely involutive set. (ii) For any element X E su(m) orthogonal to so(m) the set [Aso(m» can also be extended to a completely involutive one.
Proof (i) Let Gu = su(m), Gil = so(m), G~ = {g E Gu ; [g, x] = O} the centralizer of x in Gu , in the same way let G~ be the centralizer of x in Gn . As x is a semi-simple element, G~ is a reductive subalgebra in Gu and the rank of G~ is equal to the rank of Gu • We may take
As G~ is a reductive Lie algebra, there can be found on G: an involutive set fl' ... 'h compnsmg k = -!(dim G: + rank G:) independent functions. Extend the functions h on G u by taking them to be constant along vectors orthogonal to These extended functions we shall denote by h too.
LEMMA 20.3
The set I x is in involution with the set {II" .. ,h}.
Proof Let fey) = J(y + AX), J EI(G.). Then {f, J;}(y) = (y, [dyf, dyh])
= -A(x, [dyf,dyh]) = l([x,dyh],dyf) = 0 as dyh E G~. It is known that dxl a = dal x (for any set offunctions ~, by definition dx ~ = {linear span dx f, I E ~}). Let 0 be an orbit passing through x, as follows from Theorem 20.1 it is possible to select an element a in such a way that dim nT(dxl a) = t dim 0 and therefore dim nT(dal x) = tdim 0
= t(dim Gu - dim G~)
too. Therefore we can choose from the set I x functions h + l ' . . . , h +s where s = !(dim Gu - dim G~), so that nT(daD (i = k + 1, ... , k + s) generate T +. As T+ C T = T"O 1. G~ and dah E G~ (i = 1, ... , k) all the functions II' ... 'h +s are also independent. Their number is equal to k
!(dim G~
+ rg G~ + dim Gu -
dim G~) = !(rg Gu
+ dim Gu ).
Therefore this is a completely involutive set on G u • Statement (i) of the theorem is proved. (ii) W~dd=Ei1G~I+l. For any subspace WcG let W~dd = W" GO;:d. It has been proved in Theorem 20.1 that a vector a E su(m) can be chosen from so(n) such that the projection of the differential dxl a on T is nT(dxla) = T+. As dx1a = da1x
nT(da1x) = T+.
We claim that -t(dim G~ + rg G~) = dim(G~)'1d.
Proof As G~
= soCk!) $ ... $ so (k t ) ,
s(u(k 1 ) $ .. ·$u(kt
= (su(kd EB· .. $
it is enough to show that i(dim soCk) + rg so(k» = dim(su(k»~dd but this was proved in [90]. The lemma is proved. It is possible to construct on G~ an involutive set fr, ... ,1". consisting of k = -t(dim G; + rg G;) independent functions. In the same way as in (i) we shall extend the functions J: to Gn taking them to be constant along vectors orthogonal to G;. As in (i) we have {Ix,];} = o. And indeed,
= (y, [dyJ:,dyJ;J> _
- (y, [z(dyf;.
+ dyf-.J,dyJ;])
= -A(X, [-t(d y!;. -
= A([x,dyJ:J,-t(dyf" -
as dyJ: E G~. It has been shown above that it is possible to select from set functions 1". + 1> •.• ,1". +s in such a way that
7tT ,odd(da C{" + l' . . . , he +s}) = T~dd. As T~dd 1- G: all the functions fr, ... ,1". +s are independent. Their number is k + s = dim T~dd + dim(GX)~d = dim(G u)'1d. But, as was noted above, dim(Gu)~dd = !(dim Gn + rank Gn ). Therefore the set fl, ... ,he+s together with the set I X U{1".+l' ... '1".+s} form a completely involutive set. The theorem is proved.
20.2. Completely involutive sets of functions on affme Lie algebras
Let G be a Lie algebra and let G = H EB V where H is a subalgebra and V is a commutative ideal. Let p = ad v H be the adjoint representation of H on V. G in fact is the split extension of Lie algebra H determined by the representation p. Such Lie algebras are called affine Lie algebras.
For any representation p of a Lie algebra H in a vector space V the number ind p = {the codimension of an orbit in general position} (i.e. of an orbit ofthe action ofthe group ~ corresponding to the Lie algebra H) is called the index of the representation. The index of the coadjoint representation ind G = ind ad * is called the index of the Lie algebra G. Let G be a Lie algebra, W c: G a vector subspace, x E G* an element of the space dual to G. We define the vector subspace WX = AnnO'V, x) = {g E W, ad; x = O} c: W. If W is a subalgebra in G, then W X is a subalgebra too. We shall need, when calculating the index of an affine Lie algebra. THEOREM 20.3 (see [118J) Let G be an affine Lie algebra which is the split extension of Lie algebra H determined by a representation p of the algebra H on V. Then for an element x E G* in general position the equality ind G = ind H X + ind p* holds, where p* is the representation of H on V*, dual to p.
Proof Let x E G*, x = X H + xv, X H E H*, XV E V be an element such that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) ind p* = dim H dimH x ; (b) indHxv=inf{indHY,YEV*}; (c) dim Ann(HXV,xiwv) = ind HXv. All such elements x constitute a non-empty Zariski-open set in G*. Thus: the general position elements in G* satisfy the conditions (a}-(c). Therefore, in order to prove the theorem it is enough to check that the equation dim GX = ind H X + ind p* follows from (a}-(c). Let 9 = 9H + 9v E G X , then
+ ad:v(x v) = 0 ad:H(x V ) = O.
It follows from (3) that gH E H X ' . Consider the restriction of equation (2) to HXV: (ad:v(xv),HXV)
= 0;
(ad:H(x H), HXV) = (x H, ad:H(HXV» = (xHiw v, ad9H(HXV» = (ad;H(xHi wv), HXV);
so, restricting (2) to HXv we find (ad:H)(xiw v ) = O. Let 7tH be the projection from G onto H along V. We have proved that 7tH(G X ) c: Ann(HXV, xiw v). On the other hand, let gH E Ann(HXV, xiwv). Then
equation (3) holds automatically. We shall show that it is possible to choose gv E V in such a way that equation (2) holds too. LEMMA 20.5 If YEH* and Ylw v = 0, then there is gv E V such that Y = ad:v(xv). Proof We have shown above that (ad yv )* xvlw v = 0, therefore it is sufficient to check that dim(ad v)* Xv = dim{y E H*, ylw" = o}. Clearly dim{y E H*, Ylw v = O} = dim H/Hxv. On the other hand, dim(ad v)* Xv = dim V/Vxv. Let L(x, y) = (xv, [x, yJ) be a bilinear skew-symmetric form on G. It is easy to check that H and V are isotropic subspaces under the form Land HXV EB VXV = Ker L, from which it follows that dim V/Vxv. , , The lemma is proved.
As «ad yH )* xH)lw v = 0 we can choose, on the strength of the lemma, gv in such a way that (ad yH )* XH + (ad y )* Xv = O. Hence it follows that gH E 7tH(G X) and 7tH(G X ) = Ann(HXv, xlw). We now evaluate the dimension of a fiber of the projection 7tH : GX -+ 7tH(G X ). It follows from equation (2) that dim(7tH)-l(gH) = dim Vxv, From which dim GX
= dim Ann(HXV, xl w,.) + dim Vxv.
Note now that dim Vxv = dim V - dim V/vxv. It was proved above that dim V/Vxv = dimH/Hxv, therefore dim VXV = dim V - dim H + dim HXv = ind p* . Now from the condition (c) we obtain dim GX = ind HXV + ind p*. The theorem is proved. Let a E G* and al v = O. As V is an ideal, V c: Ga. As V is a commutative ideal, it follows from Lemma 20.3 that IaCG*) u V is an involutive set on G*. The following theorem gives conditions sufficient for this set to be a completely involutive set of functions. THEOREM 20.4 Let G be an extension of Lie algebra H determined by a representation p of H on V. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) the number of independent polynomial invariants of the Lie algebra G is equal to its index ind G; (b) for an element y E V* in general position Lie algebra HY also has a number of independent polynomial invariants in I(HY*) equal to its index ind HY and for an element a' E HY* in general position the set I a.(HY*) is completely involutive. Then for an element a E H X in general position the set I a( G*) u V is completely involutive.
Proof We shall show further that dim(d,Ja(G*) + V) = !(dim G + ind G) from which it follows, of course, that Ia(G*) u V is a completely involutive set of functions. We shall need the following algebraic redefinition of the differential dx1a(G*).
LEMMA 20.6 Let G be any Lie algebra satisfying condition (a) of the theorem. Let I = I(G*), x,aEG*, Ia = Ia(G*) and qJxa:G ~ G be the partial many-valued operator qJx.a = ¢;I¢a' where ¢a(~) = ad: a. Then for a sufficiently large N and for x E G* in general position, dx1a = (qJx.at(G X). Proof Let f be a polynomial invariant. We shall define a polynomial .faq by equation deg!
+ a) = I
deg faq
= deg f -
For the polynomials f q = faq the identity (ad dxf q+ 1)* X = (ad dxfq)*a holds and, therefore, dxfq + 1 E qJx.a(dx fq). Whence dxfq E (qJx,a)q(G X ) and dxlac(qJx.a)N(G X ) for N~max{degIl, ... ,degf2}' where 11' ... , f,. is any complete set of polynomial invariants. The reverse inclusion (qJx,a)N(G x) C dx1a follows from the fact that for x E G* in general position, dxI = GX and that the ambiguity of the operator qJx.a coincides with GX and, consequently, with dxI too. The lemma is proved. LEMMA 20.7
Let xEG*, aEH*, x' = xlw v' a ' = alw v' Then 7r H(dJa(G*» = dx,Ia,((HXV)*).
Proof Let Ia = Ia(G*), I~, = Ia,((HXV)*), qJ = qJx.a' qJ' = qJx',a" It is enough to show, on the strength of Lemma 20.6, that for k ~ 0:
7rH(qJk(GX» = (qJ')k(Ann(HXV, x'».
By virtue of Lemma 20.6 it is enough to show that for k 7rH(qJk(GX» = (qJ')k(Ann(HXV, x'».
It has been shown above that 7r H ( GX) = Ann(HXV, x'), hence the equation
(5) is true for k = O. Let us suppose that we have proved (5) already for some k ~ 0 and
qJk(G X )
(qJ')k(Ann(HXV, x'» EEl V,
gk = g~ + gi, g~ E (qJ')k(Ann(HXV, x'», gi E V. We want to prove that
7r:H(CP(gk» = cp'(g~) a consequence of which is the equation (5) for k According to the definition of the operators cp and cp' we obtain cp(gk) = {gk+l, (adl+ 1)* x = (adg k )* a}, cp'(g~)
{g~ +1,
(ad H g~+ 1)* x' = (ad H gk)* a'}.
Let gk+ 1 E cp(gk), which means that the following equations hold: (adg~+l)*
+ (adgVl)* Xv =
= O.
We obtain from (7) g~+1 E HXv, from which it follows that «adg~+l)* xH)lw v = (adg~+l)* x'. As for g~, g~ E HXV so that «adgt)*a)lwv=(adgt)*a'. In addition, «adgt+ 1)*x v )iw v =0, therefore restricting elements of G*, which appears in (6) to HXv, we get (ad g~ +1)* x' = (ad g~)* a'. Thus, if gk +1 E cp(gk) then 7r:H (gk+l) = g~+l Eo/(g'). On the other hand, let g~+l Ecp'(gk), then it is possible to choose gk +1 E o/(gk) in such a way that 7r: H(gk +1) = g~ +1 . And indeed, it follows from g~+ 1 E cp'(gk) that «adgt)* a - (ad gt+ 1)* xH)lwv =
Therefore (Lemma 20.5) there is an element g} +1 such that (adg}+l)* Xv = (adgt)*a - (adgt+l)* x H . Hence gk +1 = g~ +1 + g} + 1 E cp(l) and 7r: H(l +1) = gt +1 . Thus 7r: H(cp(gk)) = cp'(g~) and equation (5) has been proved for k + 1. The lemma is proved. We obtain from Lemma 20.7 therefore dim(dJa
+ V) = dim dx,I~, + dim V =
~(ind HXv
HXV + ind HXV) + dim V
+ dim G + dim HXV + dim V
- dim H).
Note now that ind p* = dim V - dim H/Hxv, therefore dim(dx1a
+ V) = t(ind HXv + dim G + ind p*) = !Ond G + dim G)
in accordance with Theorem 20.3. That means that fa completely involutive set on G*. The theorem is proved.
V is a
Let G be the extension of a compact Lie algebra H determined by a representation p: H -+ gl(V). Then for an element a E H* in general position the set fa(G*) u V is a completely involutive set. COROLLARY
Proof For any y E V* the subalgebra HY is reductive. Therefore, fa.(HY) is a completely involutive set for an element a' E (HY)* in general
position. That polynomial invariants exist follows from the fact that [G, G] = G.
The stabilizers HY of elements y in general position have been studied, for example, in the work [31]. This makes it possible to build completely involutive sets on extensions of some non-compact semisimple Lie algebras too. The possibilities of using Theorem 20.4 are not restricted to extensions of semi-simple Lie algebras only. It gives the existence of completely involutive sets on some Lie algebras with noncommutative radicals too. REMARK
In this section we give the results of Le Ngok Tyeuyen. We will use here the method of constructing involutive sets given in Section 13. Let mbe a connected Lie group, G its Lie algebra and G* the dual space G. We shall use, for the sake of simplicity, the notations Ad: f = 9 x f, gEm, f E G*, adt f = ~ x f, ~ E G, f E G*. The number r = ind G = dim G* - SUPjEG* dim O(f) is called the index of Lie algebra, where O(f) is the orbit of the coadjoint representation passing through f E G*, r = ind G = inf dim G(f) where G(f) = g E G Iadt f = ~ x f = o}. The point f E G* is called a point in general position if dim O(f) = dim G* - r or, equivalently, dim G(f) = r. Let the Lie algebra G be decomposable as the direct sum of an ideal Go and an Abelian subalgebra H: G = Go + H, let (fjo and ~ be the connected Lie subgroups of (fj corresponding to Go and H. We obviously have (for a given decomposition) that G~ is isomorphic to the subspace G~
of G*, G~ = {f E G* I flH = O} and H* is isomorphic to jj* = {h E G* I hi Go O} c G*. We can therefore consider G~ and H* as subspaces of G*. The representations Ad*: mo --+ GL(G~) and ad*: Go --+ End(G~) are defined. We introduce the notations Ad: f = g ® f if g E mo, f E G~ and adt f = e ® f if e EGo, f E G~. Thus, if fEG~cG*, gEffiocffi, eEGocG then exfEG*, e®fEG~, g x f E G*, g ® f E G~ and, generally, e x f and e ® f as well as g x f and g ® f do not coincide in G*. Let 7to be the projection of G* onto G~ along H* (7tH the projection of G* onto H* along G~), then we obtain the following simple relations
LEMMA 21.1 Let hE H*, f E G*, then O(f + h) = O(f) + h, i.e. the orbit of the coadjoint representation passing through the point f + h can be obtained by a translation of the orbit passing through f along the vector h.
Proof Wehaveg x (f+h)=g x f+g x h,gEffi,fEG*,hEH.As H is a commutative subalgebra and Go an ideal in G, g x h = h for all gEm, i.e. O(h) = {h}. It follows from that fact that g x (f + h) = g x f + h which was to be proved. COROLLARY 1 Let the space HJ in G* be obtained by translating space H* along the vector f, i.e. f' E Hy if and only if 7t o(f') = f Then O(f) n Hy is a subgroup with respect to addition in HJ. Indeed, if f + hi E O(f), hi E H*, i = 1,2 then it follows from the lemma that f + hI + h2 and f - hI belong to O(f). COROLLARY 2 It follows from the lemma that f E G* is a point in general position if and only if 7t o(f) is a point in general position for G*. Because the set of all points in general position for any Lie algebra is open and everywhere dense, it is not difficult to deduce, using this fact, that there is an open and everywhere dense set Wo in G~ such that for any f E Wo, f is, at the same time, a point in general position both in G* and G~. Let f E Wo c G~, i.e. f is a point in general position both for G* and G~, and let Oo(f) be an orbit of the coadjoint representation of ffio on G~, i.e. Oo(f) = {ffi ® fig E ffio} = ffio ® f Then the tangent space to Oo(f) at the point fis the space TfO(f) = {e ® fl e EGo} = Go ® f On the strength of equation (1) we have
A. T. FOMENKO AND V. V. TROFIMOV Oo(f) = 1t0(u(f)),
u(f) Go ® f
= {g
x fig E (£)o} == (£)0 x f,
= TfOo(f) = 1to({ ~ x f, ~ EGo}) = 1t O(G O x f)·
LEMMA 21.2 Let f E Wo C G~, h EH*. Then if ~ x for all the t E IR: (Exp t~) x f = f + tho
f = h, ~ E Go then
Proof If h = 0, then our assertion follows from the definition; we can thus assume h =I O.{ In addition, it is enough to prove the lemma for the case when dim H = 1, as the general case can be reduced to this by supposing G* = GT + IR . h (i.e. by considering a new decomposition of G as the direct sum of an ideal G 1 and a one-dimensional subalgebra). Let y(t) = Exp(t~) x f be a curve in G*. We have to prove that y(t) = f + tho It follows from the condition ~ x f = h, ~ E Go and equation (2) that ~ ® f = 1t o(h) = 0, therefore (Exp t~) ® f = f, t E 1R1, Exp t~ E (£)0. But 1to[(ExO t~) x f] = (Exp t~) ® f, therefore y(t) = (Exp to x f E Hi. The latter means that y(t) = f + rx(t)h, rx(t) E IR. Let t 1, t2 E IR, then y(tl
+ t 2) = [EXP(tl + t2)~]
= (Exp tl~)
f = (Exp tl~) x [(Exp t2~) x f] [f + rx(t 2 )h] = f + rx(tl)h + rx(tz)h X
because (Exp tI~) x h = h. Therefore rx(ti + t 2) = rx(td + rx(t2)' Moreovery(t)lt=o = hord(t)lt=o = 1, therefore rx(t) = t,which was to be proved. COROLLARY Let f E Wo C G6, then (£)0 x f => {f where ffio is the Lie group corresponding to Go.
+ (Go
n H*)}
LEMMA 21.3 There is a subspace Vo* c H* such that Vo* = Go x f n H*, f E J¥t where J¥t is open and everywhere dense in G6' In particular, Vo* c OU) n Hi for any f E WI·
Proof We shall prove the lemma using the method of induction. Let G be decomposable as a direct sum of an ideal Go and an Abelian su balgebra H, dim H = 1: G = Go + H. Consider the restriction of the coadjoint representation on G* to (£)0' then G* is partitioned into the orbits of this action(£)o x f, f E G*. Similarly to Corollary 2 of Lemma 21.2 we have: f E G* is in general position «£)0 x f has maximal dimension) if and only if 1to(f) is in general position for this action. This means that there is in G6 an open everywhere dense set W' of points in
general position for the action of &0 on G*. Let W1 = Wo n W'. It is obvious that J.ti is open and everywhere dense in G~ also. Let us take any two vectors i1, 12 E W1, then 11,12 are in general position both for G~ and G*, i.e. dim(G o x Id = dim(G o ® 12) and dim(G o x Id = dim(G o x 12)' Suppose that Go x 11 n H* f= 0, thus G 1 x 11 n H* = H* as dim H* = 1. According to (2) we have: l£ o(G o x 11) = Go ® I implying dim Go ® 11 = dim Go x 1- 1, therefore dim Go 0
12 = dim Go 0 11 = dim Go
11 -
1 = dim Go x
12 -
but Go 012 = l£ o(G o x 12), thus Go x 12 n H* = Go X 11 n H* = H*, which means that there is a subspace Vo* c H* (here either Vo* = 0, or Vo* = H*) such that Go x In H* = Vo* for all the IE W1 · Suppose we have proved the lemma for the case dim H = m. Consider the decomposition G = Go + H, Go an ideal, H an Abelian subalgebra, dim H = m + 1. Let us choose in G a basis e 1 , e2 , ••• , ejo' ejo+l, ... ,ejo+m+l for H. We denote the conjugate basis by G* as el, ... ,eio+m+l where ei(e) = oj, i,j=l, ... ,jo+m+1. Consider G 1 = Go + (eio +1 " " ,ejo+m> = Go + Hl where (eio +1 " " ,eio +m is the subspace of H with basis eio +1 "" ,eio +m' It is obvious that G1 is a Lie algebra which can be decomposed as the direct sum of an ideal Go and an Abelian subalgebra H 1, dimB 1 = m. In accordance with the inductive hypothesis, there is Vo* in H* = (e io + 1 , ••• , eio +m such that Go x (ld n H! = Vo* where ~ x (1) I denotes the action of the vector ~ E Go on the vector I E ~ c G6 under the representation of G1 in G!, where ~ is an open and everywhere dense set in G6. According to the construction, we have a decomposition
where G 1 is an ideal in G, H 2 an Abelian subalgebra, dim H 2 = 1. In the same way as when dim H = 1, we find in G6 an open and everywhere dense subset W' such that dim(G o ® Itl = dim(G o ® 12), dim (Go x 11) = dim(G o x 12) for all the 11,12 E W', but Go ®;; = l£ o(G o x /d, i=1,2, therefore dim(G o x/lnH*)=dim(G o x/2nH*) for all 11'/2 EWe G6· Write J.ti = W' n ~, then w;, is the open and everywhere dense set in G6. Let 1£1 be a projection of G* on G! along H!, then from relation (2) we obtain:
Go x Il)/; = (GO
o)D n Ht = 1t 1[(G O X
1tl (GO X /;),
n H*],
i = 1,2, 11'/2 E
We have the following equations: dim[(G o
It> n H*] = dim[(G o x 12) n
[(Go X(1)/;) nHt]
= 1t1[(G O x
/;) nH*],
i = 1,2;
dim[G o x (1)/1) n Hi] = dim[(G o x (lJi2 n Ht] = dim Vo* for any 11,12 E »t. But H* = Ht + H! and dim H! = 1, therefore it follows from these equations that there is a subspace Vo* of H* such that Go x In H* = VO* for all I E WI' which was what we had to prove. We introduce the notation k = dim Vo*, where Vo* = Go x In H*, IE »t. REMARK It follows from Lemma 21.3 and Corollary 1 of Lemma 21.1 that for lEw;. there is a basis e1, ... ,ejo ' ejo+ 1, . . . ,en of G such that Go = (e u e2"'" ejo H = (ejo+1"'" en> and
ffio x In H*
I +
wherek = dim V*doesnotdependon/and:L7=1IRejo+1 = Vo*.Let,as before, G be expanded as the direct sum of an ideal Go and an Abelian subalgebra H:G = Go + H, let ffi,ffio,f) be the connected Lie groups corresponding to these Lie algebras. Consider the restriction of the coadjoint representation ffi to G6, so that ffi acts naturally on G6. We denote by ffi ® I for IE G6 the orbit of the point I under this action. Obviously, ffio ® I contains the orbit Oo(f) = ffio ® I of the coadjoint representation of <»0 on G6. According to equation (2) we have ffi ® 1= 1to(ffi ® I). There is in G6 an open and everywhere dense set W2 of points in general position for the action of ffi on G6. We denote its intersection with WI by W: W = WI n W2 • Then W is also an open and everywhere dense set in G6. In a way similar to Lemma 21.3, the follbwing lemma can be proved. LEMMA 21.4 There is in the space H* a subspace V*(V* dim V* = k + I such that for all lEW we have:
·G x In H*
Vo*) ,
It follows, obviously, from Lemma 21.4 that V* may be written as a direct sum of two subspaces V* = Vo* + l'1*, where Vo* is as constructed
in Lemma 21.3, dim = l. Let G be any Lie algebra, n = dim G, r = ind G. Let m smooth functions be defined on G*: F I (f), . .. ,Fm(f), Fj(f) E COO(G*), 1 ~ i ~ m. We remind the reader that such a set of functions is called a completely involutive set for G, if the functions F 1 , .•• ,Fm are mutually in involution on all orbits, i.e. {F i (!), Fj(f)} 0, 1 ~ i, j ~ m, rk(dF I (f), ... , dF m(f) ~ (n + 2)/2 on all orbits in general position. Let G = Go + H, and let functions F(f) be defined on G6 c G*, then P(f) can be extended to functions F(f) on G* by setting F(f + h) = F(f), where! E G6, h E H* (see Section 12). The following theorem is the main theorem of this Section.
THEOREM 21.1 Let G be a Lie algebra decomposable as a direct sum of an ideal Go and an Abelian subalgebra H: G = Go + H. Let FI(f), ... ,Em(f) be a completely involutive set of functions on Go. These functions FI' . . . , Fm can be naturally extended to functions F I ' ... , F m on G* (see Section 12). Then we claim that the class of functions F l ' . . . ,Fm is a completely involutive set for the Lie algebra G. Proof According to Lemma 21.4 there are in H* subspaces V* and Vo* such that V* =:J Vo*, dim Vo* = k, dim V* = k + 1= s (V* = Vo* + VI*' dim VI* = I), G x f n H* = V*, Go x f n H* = Vo* for any fEW, where W is an open and everywhere dense subset in G6' As the functions Fl ' ... , Pm are mutually in involution, their extensions F I ' ... , Fm to G*, as proved in [127] (see also Section 12) are in involution on G*, i.e. 0 = {Fj(f), Fj(f)} for all i,j. Obviously, dFj(f) = dFj(f) E Go for any f E G6, 1 ~ i ~ m, therefore rk(dF I (f), ... ,dFm(f» = rk(dF l (f), ... ,dFm(f» = q. According to the hypothesis of the theorem we have g ~ Uo + ro)/2 = M 0, where jo = dim Go and ro = ind Go. In order to prove the theorem it is necessary to check the inequality
rk(dF 1 (f),··· ,dFm(f))
n+2 2 - (n - jo - s)
- n+r-
+ 2j 0 + 2s
2j 0
+ 2s + r -
for which it is enough to show that
M0 =
+ ro 2
2jo + 2s + r - n --'-'--2---
We shall prove the inequality (4) using induction. Let us prove it first for
S = 0 and S = 1. Let S = 0, i.e. G x III H* = 0 for any lEW As lEW, I is in general position both for G~ and G*. For linear subspaces Go ® I and Go x Iwe obtain from equation (2): Go ® 1= 7t o(G o x I)(G o ® f is the tangent space to the orbit Oo(f) of the coadjoint representation of (fjo in G~). As Go x III H* = 0, we have dim Go ® I = dim Go x f and dim Go ® I = dim Go x I ~ dim G x 1= n - r. Therefore Mo =jo
= 2jo - dim Go ® I ;:: 2jo + r - n 2 2 2
and the inequality (4) is proved. Let s = k + 1 = 1; consider the two cases: (a) k = 1, 1 = 0 and (b) 1 = 1, k = O. In the first case dim(G o x III H*) = 1, but Go ® 1= 7t o(G o x I), therefore dim(G o ® I) = dim Go x 1- 1 ~ n - r - 1. In the second case dim(G x III H*) = 1, dim (Go x III H*) = 0, therefore dim Go x I ~ dim G x 1- 1. And, as a consequence, dim Go ® 1= dim Go x I ~dim G x 1- 1 = n - r - 1. Thus in both cases (a) and (b) we have Mo = !(2jo - dim Go ® I);:: !(2jo but !(n
+ r)
+ r + 1-
is an integer, therefore, !(n - r) is an integer too, hence Mo;:: -t(2jo
+r +2
- n) = !(2jo
+ r + 2s -
and in this case the inequality (4) is proved also. Suppose that the inequality (4) has been proved for all s < So (so;:: 2) and let us prove it now for s = So. Let So = ko + 10 ; consider the two cases: (a) ko '" 0, (b) ko = 0, 10 = So '" O. The first case. We choose for G a basis e 1 , e2, ... , ejo' ejo +1, ... , en such that G = Go + H, H = (e jo + l ' ... , en), Go = (el, ... ,ejo )' Let H*=(ejo+I,· .. ,e:), e:EGox/IlH*. Write G?=(el, ... ,ejo,ejo +1 ' ... , en-I)' HI = (en), G = G I + HI then GI may be decomposed as a direct sum of an ideal Go and an Abelian subalgebra H 2 = (ejo+l,·.·,en-I); G I =G O +H 2 • Let G I x(1d be the coadjoint representation of Lie group (fjl in GT. In accordance with equation (2): Go x (1) 1* = 7tG! (Go x I), where 7tG! is the projection of G* on GT along HT and Go x(1d IlH! = 7t G!(G o x III H*). The construction is such that H! = (e:) c Go x III H*, therefore dim(G o x (1) III
Hn = dim(G o x III H*) -
1 = ko - 1.
Similarly, from the fact that G1 x (1) f = n G , (G 1 X f) it follows that dim[(G I X(I)f) n
Hn =
+ ko
- 1 = So - l.
Therefore, according to the inductive assumption, we have Mo;;::: -t(2jo + 2(so - 1) + '1 - nd, n1 = dim G 1 , '1 = ind G 1 but n 1 = n - 1; -dim(G l x(1)f);;::: -dim(G x f) + 1, therefore '1 = nl - dim GI x(1)f;;::: ,. Thus, Mo;;::: !(2jo + 2(so - 1) + r - n) +!. Having noticed that M 0 and !(2jo + 2(so - 1) + r - n) are integers we obtain M 0 ;;::: !(2jo + 2s + r - n). Likewise, for the second case, when ko = 0, 10 = So: Ht = <e:> c G x f nH*, dim(G o x(1d nH 2 ) = ko = 0 and dim(G l x (1) f n H!) = 10 - 1 = So - 1. The inequality (4) is proved. COROLLARY Let G be a Lie algebra of the "radical" type, i.e. G may be decomposed as the direct sum of a nilpotent ideal Go and an Abelian subalgebra H: G = Go + H, then there is a complete commutative set of functions on G.
Proof It has been shown in [134] that for any nilpotent Lie algebra there is a completely involutive set of functions F 1 (f), ... ,Fm(f) (m = !(n o + ro»; the corollary follows from this assertion and from our theorem. Let G be any Lie algebra of dimension n, r = ind G, and let 11' ... ,lr be a complete set of invariants for G (i.e. Ii is invariant under the coadjoint representation). It is obvious that for any F(f) E CO(G*): {F(f),IJJ} = 0, i = 1, ... ,r. This means that if a set of smooth functions F 1 (f), ... ,Fm(f) on G* is complete and commutative, then the set F I' . . . ,Fm' II'" . , Iris commutative. From Theorem 21.1 immediately follows the theorem: THEOREM 21.2 Let the Lie algebra G be decomposable as the direct sum of an ideal Go and an Abelian subalgebra H: G = Go + H and let 11 (f), ... ,1r(f) be a complete set of invariants for G(r = ind G). Let F1 (f), ... , Fm(f) be a completely involutive set of smooth functions on G~. Then the set F 1 (f), ... ,Fm(f), 11 (f), ... ,I,(f) is a completely involutive set on G, where F 1 (f), ... ,Fm(f) are the liftings of functions Fl ' . . . , Fm to G*. COROLLARY 1 Let G be decomposable as the direct sum of a nilpotent
ideal and an Abelian subalgebra: G = Go + H.lfthere is a complete set of invariants for G, then a completely involutive set of functions on it exists. COROLLARY 2 Let G = Go + H, Go a nilpotent ideal, H an Abelian subalgebra and r = ind G = 0, then a completely involutive set of functions on G exists. COROLLARY 3 Let BG be a Borel subalgebra in a semi-simple complex Lie algebra G. It is obvious that BG = Go + H is the direct sum of a nilpotent ideal Go and an Abelian subalgebra H. It follows from Corollary 2 that there always is a completely involutive set offunctions on G for Borel subalgebras BG. THEOREM 21.3 (Trofimov, V. V., [126], [127]). Let G be the semisimple complex Lie algebra, BG = EEli !Rh i EB La>o !Rea be a Borel subalgebra in G, Wo be the element of the group Weyl of the maximal height (see [11]). If 0 be the orbit of the maximal dimension of the coadjoint representation, then codim 0 = ! card A, where A = {a E Lli ( - wo)a #- a}; Ll be the set of the simple roots of the Lie algebra G. Remark The completely involutive set of functions for Borel subalgebras of semi-simple Lie algebras is given explicitly in [126], [127]. The set of functions constructed here differs from the set of functions given in those papers. 21.2. Lie algebras of triangular matrices
Let F be a smooth function on the dual space Lie algebra G. We recall that F is called semi-invariant if F(Ad: f) = X(g)F(f) for any 9 E 6j, f E G* where X(g) is a character of the group 6j and Ad* is the coadjoint representation of the group 6j in G*. Recall also the main properties of semi-invariants from [10]. If F is a semi-invariant for G, then s grad F(f) = - F(f) dX for any f E G*, dX E G* (see Section 11). Therefore, any function ¢(f) is in involution with a semi-invariant F(f) if and only if (dX, d¢(f» 0 for all f E G* (d¢(f) E G). Let the semiinvariants F(f) and ¢(f) of the algebra G be in involution {F(f), ¢(f)} 0, f E G*, then for any hE G* and any A, J.l E!R the functions FA,h(f) = F(f + Ah), ¢I',h(f) = ¢(f + J.lh) are also in involution {F A,h(f), ¢/l,h(f)} o.
Let {el' ... , ell} be a basis in G; let j be the structure tensor of the Lie algebra G with respect to this basis. Denote by (/1 ,f2, ... , f,,) the system of coordinates in G* relative to (e 1, e2, ... , e") where ei(ej ) = £5~, i, j = 1, ... , n (e 1 , • •. , en) is the conjugate basis in G*. Then for any vector f E G* we have dim 0(/) = rk II ct.h II ' where O(n is the orbit of i the coadjoint representation passing through f, and f = 1 J;e gives f with respect to the basis (e 1 , e2 , ••• , e"). Let M(n, Iffi) be the space of all matrices with n rows and n columns. Define the matrices Ii ojo by Iioio = (£5 iio £5 jjo )' i,j = 1,2, ... , n. Then the Ii j , i,j=1,2, ... ,n form a basis for the space M(n,Iffi): M(n, Iffi) = L7,j=1 IffiIij' Let 7;, be the space of all upper-triangular matrices 7;. = Ll ~i~j~1I IffiIij' 7;. is a Lie algebra. Using the scalar product (x, y) = T,.(x, y), x, Y E M(n, Iffi) it is possible to identify the space 7;,* with the space of all lower-triangular matrices Ll ~j~i~1I IffiIi j . We shall consider therefore that 7;.* = Ll ~j~i";l1 IffiIi j . Let x E M(n, Iffi) be the
matrix, let
x( ~1' i.2" .. ,i:)
be the minor at the intersection of the rows
numbered i 1 , . . . , ip and the columns numberedj1"" ,jp in the matrix X. Consider the following functions on 7;.*
S (x)= p,k
1 , ...
,i p ,n-k+1, ...
12k . ,
,ll,o .. ,lp
p~O,k;::O.p+ 2k~n
So,o(x) = 1, x E 7;.* then Sp,k(X), p = 0, 1, 0 ~ k ~ [en - p)/2J are semiinvariants of the coadjoint representation and are mutually in involution (see [10]). Moreover, if A E 7;.* is a point in general position (in particular A = Xo = 7;,,1 + 7;,-1,2 + ... + 7;.-[11/2]-1,[<1/2]) then the coefficients of the terms in A of the polynomials Sp,k(X + AA), p = 0, 1, o ~ k ~ [en - p)/2J form completely involutive set of functions (see [IOJ). Consider Lie algebras of the following form: L = V + Ll ~i<j~,. IffiIi j , where V is any subspace of the n-dimensional space of diagonal matrices VeL? = 1 IffiIii' It is obvious that L is a Lie subalgebra of 7;. and L* = V + Ll ,,;j
functions; (b) Pi(X ap ) = Xii + xjj,i = 1,2, ... , [(n - 1)/2J,j = n + 1 - i, Pk(X ap ), k > [(n + 1)/2] does not depend on the variables Xaa ' IX = 1,2, ... ,no Proof By properties of the Poisson bracket, we have {F l, F IF 3} = {Fl,F2}F3 + {Fl,F3}Fl for any three functions F l ,F 2 ,F3' It follows from this that if F l' F 2, ... , F m is a completely involutive set offunctions on T,.* then the set of functions F 1, ... ,Fm where Fi = Fi for ~ny i =1= io, i = 1, ... ,m and either Fio = Fi o + D{a)e{l,2, .... m) Fa or Fi o = Fi o - D{ale{l. 2 •... ,m) Fa will satisfy the same condition. Let us take Xo = T,.,l + ... + T,.-[n/2]+l,[n/l]· The coefficients of terms in A. of the polynomials Sp,k(X + Axo), P = 0, 1,0::;:; k ::;:; [(n - p)/2] have the desired properties. The lemma is proved.
Let L be a Lie algebra of the form L = V + LI <>i<j<>n IJU;j' where V is a subspace of the space of diagonal matrices V c Ii= 1 lRT;i' Then there is on L* a set of polynomials ql, ql,' .. ,qm, m = -t(dim L + ind L) which are mutually in involution on all the orbits of the coadjoint representation of the Lie group belonging to the Lie algebra and they are independent at points in general position in L*. THEOREM 21.4
Proof According to Lemma 21.5 we have a set of polynomials P = {Pi(X ap )} on T,.*, such that Pi = Xii + Xjj, i = 1,2, ... , [(n + 1}/2J, j = n + 1 - i and Pk(XaP)' k > [(n + 1)/2J does not depend on the variables X aa ' IX = 1,2, ... ,n. In addition, {Pi' Pj} 0 for all i,j = 1,2, ... ,M = -t(dim T,. + ind T,.). Consider in the subalgebra L of the algebra T,. the element Xo = T,..I + ... + T,.-[n/l]+I,[n/2] EL*. As this element Xo E Tn* is in general position in this space, ind 7;, = cork II C~Lox~v II where C~p,yo are the structure constants of 7;, with respect to (T;), 1 ::;:; i ::;:; j ::;:; n; letting (x~J denote the coordinates of Xo in 7;,* we have the following formulas:
CaP, yO
= «(jpy(j~(j~
- (jao(j~(jp)(1 - (jpy(jaO)
= C~LoX~v = «(jpy(j:tJ
- (jaO(j~:J)(1 - (jpy(jao)·
We shall prove the theorem for an even n = 2m, say the case of odd n can be proved in the same way. Let L = V + Lhi<>j<>n lRT;j, dim V = K and 'ta =
Ii=l ~ai T;i' IX = 1,2, ... ,k form a basis in
V. As Xo EL* one may
consider the matrix II C~P.y6X~V II, where C~P.Y6 are the structure constants of L with respect to the basis (T;j' 1 ~ i < j ~ n, fx~' IX = 1, ... ,k), rkIIC~il.Y9x~vll = dim O(x o), where O(xo) is an orbit of the coadjoint representation of the Lie algebra L. It follows from (5) that
corkIIC~p.y6X~vll where the matrix A
= corkllC~p,y611 = cork A, has the form (n = 2m): 1- 1
1- 1
T2 • 2
1- 1
Tm,.. A = Tm+l ,m+l T2m ,1
1- 1 1- 1
0 0 1- 1
It is obvious that cork A = ind T" = m. In addition cork II C~P.y6X~v I corkll Cap ,y611 = cork B where the matrix B has the form:
ft.l B=
t,k T2m , 1
Tm + 1 • m
and C = (C"'!.t,Oy), 1 ~ IX ~ k, m + 1 ~ b ~ 2m, y = 2m + 1 - b. As T;,,, = =1 ~~i T;i' each row s of the matrix C is a linear combination of rows
of the matrix D, where A = ( set g~i}' 1 ~ IX
with coefficients taken from the -D 0 ~ k, 1 ~ i ~ n. Let sl , " " Os, (I = rk C) be the 1 linearly
independent rows of this matrix (1 ~ Sl" .• ,Sl ~ k). Let ((x. p ), 1 ~ P < Cl ~ n, (x .. ), Cl = 1,2, ... ,k) be a system of coordinates in L* and for ~ S ~ k, S =1= Si' ~ i ~ 1 suppose Os = CliOs, By dint of the construction of the matrices D and C we have:
Cli(eS,i o - esJ )
SiO -
e sjo '
For each Os consider on L* the first degree polynomial qo, = Cl,Xs,s, - xss then it follows from (6) that
qo, =
Pi(X ii
+ Xn+l-i.n+l-i)'
i= 1
As the polynomials Pk(X.p) for k > [(n + 1)/2] = m on T,,* do not depend on the variables x •• , 1 ~ Cl ~ ~, one may take these polynomials to be defined on L*: Pk(X.P) = qk(X.P)' Thus we have defined on L* a set of polynomials {qo,(Xll' ... , Xnn)' S =1= Si' i = 1,2, ... ,1; qk(X.P)' k> [(n + 1)/2] = m}. It follows from (7) that these polynomials are mutually in involution on L*, that they are independent at all points in general position and that there are !(dim L + codim O(xo» of them. But !(dim L
+ codim O(x o»~ 1(dim L + ind L).
Thus the theorem is proved.
This section is devoted to some more precise results and extensions to those of Section 16. These results are due to A. V. Brailov (see [199],
[201]). 22.1. Integrability of Euler's equations on orbits 0 intersecting the set tH R , t EC
Let G be a semi-simple Lie algebra. An element a EGis called semisimple if the endomorphism ada is semi-simple. In this case G = [G,G] EEl Ga, where Ga is the centralizer of a in G. The restriction adal [G.G] is invertible. Thus the mapping ad a- 1 : [a, G] --+ [a, G] is well
defined. Let bE Ga , then (adb)([a, G]) c [a, G] and therefore the mapping ada- 1 ad b : [a, G] -+ [a, G] is defined. Let D: GU -+ Ga be an operator symmetric with respect to a non-singular Ad-invariant form Q. We define operators CfJabD by the matrix
_ (ad a- adb 0 D
(see Section 7) with respect to the decomposition G PROPOSITION 22.1
The decomposition G
= [a, G] ffi Ga.
[a, G] EB GU is orthogonal.
PROPOSITION 22.2 Let Q be a non-singular symmetric bilinear invariant on the Lie algebra G, a E G being a semi-simple element. Then the restriction of Q to the centralizer GU of a is also a non-singular form. PROPOSITION 22.3 Suppose that the hypotheses of Proposition 22.2 are satisfied, and that bE Ga and D: Ga -+ Ga is an operator symmetric with respect to Q, then the operator CfJabD: G -+ G is symmetric with respect to Q also. LEMMA 22.1 Let G be a Lie algebra, a EGa semi-simple element, Q an invariant symmetric bilinear form on G, Ga the centralizer of a, Cent Ga its center, D: Ga -+ Ga an operator symmetric with respect to Q, Q the restriction of Q to GU , and 11 (y), ... ,.h(y) integrals (in involution) of the equation of motion Y = [Y,D(y)], Y EGu. Then (a) if bEG a , Euler's equations of motion x = [x, CfJabD(X)] , X E G have integrals J(x + Aa) where J El(G), A E IR; (b) if bE Cent GU, the functions heX) = heY), where Y is the projection of x onto Ga along [a, G], are integrals of the equation of motion; (c) all the above-mentioned integrals of the equation of motion x = [x, CfJabD(X)] , X E G are in involution with respect to the Kirillov bracket transferred to the Lie algebra G using Q. Let (J be an involutive automorphism of the Lie algebra G, G* the space dual to G, (J* the automorphism of G and G* arising from (J and (J* (see Section 11). Let <X, Y) be a non-singular Aut(G)-invariant symmetric bilinear form on G. Then <X, Y) is invariant, in particular with respect to (J and, using <X, Y) to identify G with G*, Gt; is identified with Go, GT with G1 , where G 1 is the orthogonal complement of Go. LEMMA 22.2 Let G be a Lie algebra, <X, Y) a non-singular symmetric bilinear form on G invariant under Aut(G), (J an involutive automorphism of G, G = Go EB G 1 the decomposition of G arising from
let f, 9 be invariants of G, a E G 1 , A, Il E IR; let h,u(x) = f(x + Aa), gll,u(x) = g(x + Ila) be their translates, h,u, gll,u the restrictions of h,u, gll,u to Go, Ga the centralizer of a, Cent Ga its center, Go = Ga n Go, D: Go ---+ Go an operator symmetric with respect to the restriction (X, Y) of (X, Y) to G~, fl(Y),'" ,,h(Y) integrals in involution (under the Kirillov form transferred to Go by (X, Y) ) of the equation of motion Y = [Y,D(Y)], Y EGo. Then we claim that (a) if bEGa n G1 , then functions J(x + Aa), J E J(G), A E IR are integrals of the equations of motion i=[X,IPubD(X)], XEG o; (b) if bEGa n G 1 , the functions J;(x) =J;(Y), where Y is the projection of x onto G~ along [a,G 1 ] are also integrals of x = [x, IPabD(X)], x E Go; (c) all the above-mentioned integrals of the equation x = [x, IPubD(X)]: J(x + Aa) and /;(x) (for bE (Cent(G n Gd) are in involution on Go under the Poisson bracket, which corresponds to the restriction of (X, Y) to Go. CT;
The proof of these statements is standard and we omit it. We note a further property of the center of the centralizer Ga. LEMMA 22.3 Let G be a real or complex semi-simple Lie algebra, a E G semi-simple element, G the centralizer of a, Cent Ga its center, (X, Y) an invariant non-singular symmetric bilinear form which we use to identify G with G*, fl""',h generators of J(G), the algebra of invariants. Then the differentials dfl (a), ... , d,h(a) generate Cent GU. U
Proof (1) The complex case. Let H be a Cartan subalgebra of G. Then, as is well known, the restriction mapping j: J(G) ---+ S(H) where S(H) is the algebra of polynomial functions on H, is an embedding j(J(G» = S(H) W where S(H) W is the subalgebra of S(H) comprising the elements invariant under the Weyl group W. Let bE Cent G wa the stabilizer of a in W, W b the stabilizer of b in W. We have then wa C W b . Let {aI' a1 , . . . , an} be an orbit of a under the Weyl group. We choose a positive function 9 on H in such a way that dg(a) = band dg(a;) = 0 for ai =I- a. Let g = n LWEWg' w. Then dg(a) = band g E S(H) w, Therefore, f = rl(g) is an invariant ofG such that df(a) = b, Thus we have shown that if fl""',h are generators of the invariants of the algebra G, f = P(fl' ... , j,J for a suitable polynomial p, Therefore, b = L~=1 oP/o/;d/;(a), which was what we had to prove, (2) The real case. Let G be a real Lie algebra. Consider the complexification Gc of G. Then G is a real form of Gc ; let CT be the conjugation on G. Let r = rk G and fl"'" fr be generators of U
J(G). Let gl = 11 + 11 a, ... ,gr = fr + fr a, gr+l = (~)-I(fl - 11 0 a), ... , g2r = (j=1)-1(f2 - fr 0 a), where the line denotes complex conjugation. Then 9 l' . . . , 9 2r E J (G c) and all of these are real on G, therefore their restrictions to G, which we also denote by gl" .. , g2" are invariants of G. Let 9 be an invariant of G. Let gc be the complex extension of 9 to Gc . Then 9c is an invariant of Gc and gc = P(fl,'" .J2) for a suitable polynomial P. As 11 = 91 + j=1gr+1,"" fr = 9r + vI-lg 2r' gc and 9 are polynomials in 9 l ' . . . , 9 2r' Let G~ be the centralizer of a in Gc and Cent G~ its center. Then Cent G~ = Cent G" + vI-l Cent Ga and any element bE Cent Ga is a linear combinations of differentials dfI (a), ... , dfr(a) with complex coefficients by dint of (1), therefore, b is a linear combination of differentials dg 1 (a), . .. , dg 2r (a) with real coefficients which was what we had to prove. Let G be a semi-simple Lie algebra over the field k = ~ or C; H a splitting Cartan subalgebra of G; R = R(G, H) a root system of the split Lie algebra (G,H). Forany root a ERlet G a = {x E G: [h,xJ = a(h)x for all the hE H}; the dimension of each of the vector spaces Ga , [G a, G -aJ is equal to one. For any root a E R the space [Ga, G - aJ is contained in H an element H a E [Ga, G - aJ is uniquely defined by the condition a(H,) = 2. We define the real subspace H ~ in H in the following way H~ = ~Ha' Note that in case of k = ~ we have H" = H. algebra
THEOREM 22.1 Let (G, H) be a split semi-simple Lie algebra over the field k = ~ or C; 0 an orbit of G, intersecting the .set tH ~ where t E k; let a E G be a semi-simple element, Ga its centralizer, b E Ga, Q a nonsingular invariant symmetric bilinear form on G, D: Ga --+ Ga a symmetric operator with respect to Q. Then Euler.s equation of motion
x = [x, lPabD(X)J,
has integrals in involution J(x + .!ca), J E J(G), .!c E ~, from which it is possible to choose independent functions on the orbit 0 equal in number to half of its dimension for any general position element a in G. We need, further, the following result, due to B. Kostant (see [26J). LEMMA 22.4 Let G be a semi-simple Lie algebra with rank r, H a splitting Cartan subalgebra, R = R( G, H) the root system, B a basis of R, h an element of H such that a(h) = 2 for any a E B. Suppose h = LaEB a,H a' For any root a E B denote by ba and Ca scalars such that
let x,EGa, x_,EG-a, where [x"x_,]=H" U = LOEB b,x" v = L,EB c,x_" S = ku + kh + kv. We claim that (a) [h,u] = 2u, [h,v] = -2v, [u,v] = h, with dimG u = dimG v = r; (b) consider G as an S-module under the adjoint representation. Let G = Al $ ... $ An be some decomposition of this module as a direct sum of simple S-modules of dimensions VI + 1, ... , vn + 1, where VI ~ ••• ~ Vn . Then n = r; (c) let J I' . . . ,Jr be homogeneous algebraically independent generators of the algebra of invariants J(G) of degrees m 1 + 1, ... ,mr + 1, where ml ~ .•. ~ mr • Then Vi = 2m, for any 1 ~ i ~ r; (d) differentials of functions J 1, ... ,Jr are linearly independent at any point in the set u + GV. For the element h of this lemma all the eigenvalues of the endomorphism ad h are even. For an integer n let G n be an eigenspace of adh for the eigenvalue 2n. This subspace is called the n-th diagonal ofthe Lie algebra G (with respect to basis B). We have b,c,=a,
(2) Let R+(B) (and, respectively R_(B» be the set of positive (negative) roots in the basis B. Let a E B; the height of the root a in basis B is the number lal = LpEB mp, where mp are integers such that IX = LPEB mp . p. From the definition of the diagonals of the Lie algebra G it follows that for any integer n '1= 0 we have Gn = EB1'I=n G'. For any element x of the Cartan subalgebra H of G and basis B of the root system R we define the following subsets of R: RO(x)
= {IXER: IX(X) = a},
BO(x) R~(x,B)
B n RO(x) ,
= R + (B) n
RO(x) ,
R'(x) B'(x)
R - RO(x),
B n R'(x) ,
= R±(B) n
Let C = {x E H R: IX(X) ~ 0 for all a E B}, the closure of positive Weyl chamber, tEk and xEtC. Then any root IX in R~ = R~(x,B) is an integer linear combination of roots in BO = BO(x) and for R'+ = R'+ (x, B) we have ail embedding (R'+
+ B) nRc R'+ .
LEMMA 22.5 Let (G, H) be a split Lie algebra over k, R the root system, B a basis of R, t E k, C the closure ofthepositive Weyl chamber, x EtC, 0 an orbit in G passing through x, T = T"O the tangent space, Tn = Tn Gn the intersection of T with Gn, the n-th diagonal of Lie
algebra G. Then: (a) T = ffi nEZ Tn; (b) ad x : Tn ~ Tn is an isomorphism; (c) (adaHTn) c Tn + 1 for a = L~EB x~ and elements x~ as in Lemma 22.4.
Proof (a) The equality T = ffinEz Tn follows from the fact that T = [x, G], x EH = GO and from formula (2). (b) adA Tn) c Tn as a consequence of formula (2). As the endomorphism ad x is semi-simple, ad x : T ~ T is an isomorphism. It follows from this that ad x : Tn ~ Tn is also an isomorphism. (c) This follows from formula (3). The lemma is proved. Let J l, . . . , J r be algebraically independent generators of the algebra of invariants leG), m l + 1, ... ,mr + 1 their degrees, ml ::::; ... ::::; m r • The numbers ml , . . . , mr are called the indices of Lie algebra G. Let a be an element of G. We define polynomial functions J{,a (i = 1, ... ,r; j=0, ... ,mi+1): mi+ 1
JJx + Aa)
= L
i= 0
As J l' . . . ,Jr are invariants
+ Aa,gradJi(x + Aa)]
= O.
We obtain from (4) and (5) mi+ 1
Ai([X, u{] + [a, u( l])
= 0,
where u{=gradJl.a(x) (i= 1, ... ,r; j= 1, ... ,m;+ 1), U;-l =0 (1 ::::; i ::::; r). As J~t lex) does not depend on x, U,!,i + 1 = 0 and we obtain, as a result, the following chain of equalities (see [89], [90]):
[x,u?] = 0 [x,u;]
+ [a,u?] = 0 (7)
+ [a,u,!,,-l] = 0
[a, u,!,,] = O. LEMMA 22.6 Let (G, H) be a split semi-simple Lie algebra, R its root system, B a basis for R, G l the first diagonal of the Lie algebra G, x E H, a E Gl ; J l, ... ,Jr homogeneous algebraically independent generators of the algebra of invariants leG) of degrees m1 + 1, ... ,mr + 1, where
242 m1 ~
are the indices of the Lie algebra G, J{,a homogeneous polynomials from the decomposition JJx + Aa) = Lj~~1 AiJI.Ax) (i = 1, ... ,r); u{ = grad J{,a(x) their gradients, v" = v,,(x, a) the linear span of the u{ such that i = 1, ... , r,j = 0, ... ,po Then Vp C GO + ... + GP. .•.
Proof Suppose, first, that x
is a regular element of G. In this case the centralizer GX ofthe element x is equal to H. As u? = grad Ji(x) E GX , Vo C GX = H = GO and for p = 0 the lemma is proved. We proceed by induction. Suppose that Vp -1 C GO + ... + GP-1 . As a consequence of Lemma 22.5(c) [v,,-1' a] C G1 + ... + GP, consequence offormulas (7) and Lemma 22.5(b) we obtain
v" c
(Kerad x)
+ (G 1 + ... + GP).
As x is regular, by hypothesis, v" c GO + ... + GP. Thus for regular x the lemma is proved. For arbitrary x E H the lemma follows from the continuous dependence of the gradients grad J{,a(x) on x. The lemma is proved. Note that Dao Chong Thi proves (and then uses) the assertion that v" c GP which is not, in general, true (see [21J). LEMMA 22.7 Under the hypotheses of Lemma 22.6 suppose that a = LaEB xa where for any 0( E B the element Xa #- 0 and Xa E Ga. Let Gp = GO + .. , + GP, Ga be the centralizer of a, G; = Gp n Ga. Then
G; c v".
Proof Note that U'('i = grad J~~(x) = grad J;(a). Let ~ be the linear span of those U i for which m i ~ p. As a consequence of Lemma 22.4(a)(d) we have dim Ga = r and the gradients grad Ji(x) generate Ga, therefore the gradients U'('i = grad Ji(a) (1 ~ i ~ r) are linearly independent. Therefore dim ~/~-1 = m{p) where m(p) is the number of indices mi of the Lie algebra G equal to p. Let A l' ... , Ar be simple modules as in Lemma 22.4, where S = ku + kh + kv and u = a, Al = A1 n GP, ... , Af = Ar n GP. As GP is an eigenspace of the endomorphism ad h , GP = Al EB" . EB A~ and GP n Ga = EB~; dAf n Ga). Note that Af n Ga #- 0 only if mi = P and then dim(Af n Ga) = 1. Hence dim(GP n G") = m(p). Therefore, dim ~ = dim G;. By dint of Lemma 22.6 Wp c G;, whence Wp = G~. Finally, G; = ~ c v". The lemma is
proved. LEMM'A 22.8 Let us assume the notations and hypotheses of the previous Lemmas 22.5, 22.6, 22.7. Then TV c v".
Proof If p is greater than all the indices m1 , ••• , m, then TP = 0 and the lemma is proved. Let r:x be a root of height p and r:x(x) # O. As a consequence of Lemma 22.5(a) for any x~ E Ga we have [x~, a] E TP+ 1. As a consequence of Lemma 22.5(b) there is a U E p+ 1 such that [u,x] + [x"a] =0. Suppose, by induction that p+l c v;,+1' then ,"p+l j j h j I d epend'mg on u. U smg . u = '", L."i = 1 L."j = 1 Ci U i , were Ci are sca ars formulas (7) we obtain [u,x]
Ltl :t:
C{utl, a]
= o.
Therefore, x~ - Li = 1 LJ~ l c{ut 1 EGa. As x~ E P and ut 1 E G P for all the i = 1, ... , r andj = 1, ... , p + 1 (by dint of Lemma 22.6) then also x~ - Li = 1 LJ~ l ul- 1 E As a consequence of Lemma 22.7: c Vp. Hence x> E Vp. Therefore TP c v;,. The lemma is proved.
Proof of Theorem 22.1 Let B be a basis of the root system R = R( G, H), (X')'EB a set of non-zero elements x~ E G>, a = L>EB X" X E tH R nO. As the Weyl group acts transitively on the Weyl chambers, we can assume, without loss of generality, that x EtC where C is the closure of the positive (with respect to B) Weyl chamber. Let J 1, ... , J, be homogeneous algebraically independent generators of the algebra of invariants of G of degrees m 1 + 1, ... ,m2 + 1, JI,uCx) the functions found in the decomposition Ji(x + Aa) = Lj~"ol AjJI,.(x) for i = 1, ... ,r and j = 0, ... , m i ; let V(x, a) be the linear span of their gradients grad JI,.(x) (1 ~ i ~ r, 0 ~j ~ mJ, T = TxO the tangent space; for any integer p: TP = Tn GP, T+ = EBp>o TP. As a consequence of Lemma 22.8 we have T+ c V(x, a). As dim T+ = ! dim 0, it is possible to choose independent functions on the orbits 0 equal in number to half its dimension among the functions J(x + Aa), where J is any invariant of G, A E ~. The assertion about the independence of a sufficient number of these integrals for a general position element a in G follows from the algebraic dependence ofthe functions J(x + Aa) on the parameter a. The rest of the theorem follows from Lemma 22.5(a). The theorem is proved. THEOREM 22.2 Let Gu be a compact semi-simple Lie algebra, Q a nonits singular bilinear symmetric invariant form on Gu , element a E Gu , centralizer, bEG:, D: G~ --+ G~ an operator symmetric with respect to Q, o an orbit in Gu • Then Euler's equations
[x, IPabD(X)] ,
are Hamiltonian on the orbit 0 under the Kirillov symplectic structure, given by form Q and have the motion integrals in involution J{x + Aa), where J E J(G u ), A E IR. For a general position element a in Gu it is possible to choose among these integrals independent functions, equal in number to half the dimension of the orbit O. Proof Let Gc be the complexification of the Lie algebra Gu' H a Cartan subalgebra of Gc , R = R(G c , H) the root system, (XaLER a Weyl basis for Gc modulo H. As all the compact real forms Gc are isomorphic, we assume, without loss of generality, that
The space Hu = J=1HIl is a Cartan subalgebra of Gu • Therefore, the orbit 0 intersects Hu' Let Oc be the orbit ofInt(Gd, containing O. As 0 intersects H u' Oc intersects H u = J=1H II' According to Lemma 22.1 we can choose 1 dime Oc = 1 dim II 0 independent functions among the complex-value polynomial functions J(x + Aa), where J E J(G), A E C for any element a E Gc from a Zariski-open non-empty subset of Gc. Since manifold 0 x Gu is a real form of the manifold Oe x Gc (more exactly: o x Gu is a connected component of the set of fixed points in Oc x Gc under conjugation, defined by the real form GuofGd it is also possible to choose among the functions J(x + Aa), where J E J(G.), A E ~,! dim II 0 independent on 0 functions for any element a E Gu in a non-empty subset of Gu open in the Zariski topology. The assertions that J(x + Aa) where J E J(G.), A E R are motion integrals of equation (8) and that they are in involution follow from Lemma 22.1. The theorem is proved. Equations (1) and (8) are Hamiltonian with the Hamilton function equal to habD(X) = 1Q{x, qJabD(X)), The quadratic form habD{X) in Theorem 22.1 in the case of the field ~ is neither positive nor negative definite if b =f. 0, and for regular semi-simple b there are always at least ~1(dim G - rg G) "minuses" and as many "pluses." In Theorem 22.2 the form habD(X) may be positive definite. REMARK
22.2. Integrability of Euler's equations
[x, fPabD(X)] for singular a
Let G be any Lie algebra, Q a non-singular invariant symmetric bilinear form on G. The integer rk G equal to the codimension in G of an orbit 0
in G of maximal dimension is called the rank of the Lie algebra G. An involutive set of functions (relative to Q) on G is called complete if it contains independent functions, equal in number to -t(dim G + rk G). THEOREM 22.3 Let G be a compact semi-simple Lie algebra, Q a nonsingular invariant symmetric bilinear form on G; a E G, Ga the centralizer of a in G, Cent Ga its center; D: Ga ~ Ga an operator symmetric with respect to Q, f1 (y), ... ,J,.(y) an involutive (under the restriction of Q to Ga) set of motion integrals of the equation
a) For any bE Ga the functions J(x motion integrals of Euler's equation
[y, D(y)] ,
[x, lP.bD(X)] ,
+ Aa), where J E J(G), A E IR are xEG.
b) For any b ECent Ga , 1 :::::; i :::::; k the functions g;(x) = .t;(y), where y is the projection of x onto Ga along [a, G] are motion integrals of the equations (10). c) The above-mentioned integrals of the equations of motion (10) form an involutive set (in relation to Q) and, d) this set is complete, if the set f1' ... ,J,. is complete. Proof The assertions (a), (b) and (c) follow from the statements (a), (b) and (c) of Lemma 22.1. In order to prove statement (d) let us consider the orbit 0 passing through the element a. Let T = T. 0 be the tangent space to the orbit. As T = [a, G], we have a Q-orthogonal splitting G = T EB Ga (because of Proposition 22.1).
LEMMA 22.9 (see [89], [90]) Let x E G; let V(x, a) be the linear span of gradients grad J(x + lea), where J is any invariant of G, A E IR an arbitrary number. We have then V(x, a) = V(a, x). Proof As the algebra of invariants J(G) is generated by homogeneous invariants, we may assume that J is a homogeneous invariant of degree n. We have
where for the function cjJ(x, a) in two variables x and a (x, a E G), grad x cjJ(x, a) (respectively grad.
4J(x, a) viewed as a function of x (respectively a) alone. Hence Vex, a) = Yea, x). The lemma is proved.
As a consequence of Theorem 22.2 (the role of element a in Theorem 22.2 being played here by the element x) for a general position element x E G the projection VT(a, x) of the space Yea, x) onto T along Ga has dimension dim VT(a, x) = ! dim T. By Lemma 22.9 yea, x) = vex, a), therefore, for a general position point x E G in G it is possible to select -t dim T independent functions on the set x + T among the functions J).,a(x) = J(x + A.a), J E leG), A. E IR. Let these be the functions gk + l' ... , gk +s' where s = ! dim T. As the gradients of functions gl' ... , gk at any point G belong to GU and Ga is Q-orthogonal to T, the functions gl"" ,gk+s are functionally independent on G. Let us compute their total number k + s. As fl, ... , h. are independent on Ga we have, according to the definition of a completely involutive set, k = !(dim Ga + rk Ga ), As any Cartan subalgebra H, containing the element a is a Cartan subalgebra of Ga, rk Ga = dim H = rk G. Therefore k + s = -t(dim Ga + rk Ga) + 1 dim T = 1(dim Ga + rk G) + 1 dim T = 1(dim Ga + dim T + rk G) = 1(dim G + rk G). We have therefore proved that gl, ... , gk +s is a completely involutive set on G. The theorem is proved. COROLLARY 1 Let G be a reductive Lie algebra, G = Cent(G) EEl S, where Cent(G) is the center of G, S = [G,G] a semi-simple ideal. Suppose that the ideal S is a compact semi-simple Lie algebra. Then there is a completely involutive set of polynomial functions on G. Proof Let Q be an invariant form on G, Xl'" . , Xk a basis for Cent(G), .fl,'" ,j~ linear forms on G, .h(Y) = Q(xi,y) (i = 1, ... ,k). Let
be a completely involutive set on S, s = -t(rk S + dim S). As rk G = rk S + k and dim G = dim S + k, then !(rkG+dimG)=k+s. Therefore .fl""'h.+s is a completely involutive set on G. h.+l""'h.+s
22.3. Integrability of Euler's equations x = [x, CP.bD(X)] on the subalgebra Gn fixed under the canonical involutive automorphism (J: G ...... G for singular elements a E G
Let G be a complex semi-simple Lie algebra, H a Cartan subalgebra in G; let R be the root system; G",H"H'i/, as in 22.1. Let (X')'ER be a Weyl basis for G modulo H. We shall define Go
= H'i/, EB (EB
G = -i=lH'iI.
EB (
IRX,) ,
L,)) EB (EB ~-i=l(x, ~ER+
- x -a)),
where R+ is a set of positive roots in some basis B of the system R, Gn = Go n G u , V = Go n -i=lG u • We have Go = G. EEl V the Cartan decomposition. Let a E V. Then [a, Gn ] C V, [a, V] c Gn and for the centralizer Go of a in Go we have Go = G~ EB va, where G: = Go n G., v" = V n Go. Whence we obtain the following decompositions Go =
EB [G n , a] EB v· EB [V, a] ,
G. = [a, V] EEl G~.
Let Q be a non-singular symmetric bilinear form on Go, invariant under all automorphisms of Go. Then Vis the Q-orthogonal complement of G. in Go and Go is the Q-orthogonal complement of [a, Go] in Go (Proposition 22.1). Whence it follows that all the subspaces involved in expansion (11) are mutually Q-orthogonal and the restriction of the form Q to them is non-singular. In the following theorem the restriction of the form Q to G n and G: is used to determine the involutivity of the functions on G. and G~. THEOREM 22.4 Let Go be the above-mentioned real semi-simple Lie algebra, H'i/, a Cartan subalgebra, Q an invariant form on Go, a E H'i/" Go the centralizer of a in Go, Cent(Go) its center, bE Cent(G'O) n V, D: G~ -+ C~ an operator symmetric with respect to Q, f1 (Y), ... ,j~(Y) a completely involutive set of independent motion integrals of Euler.s equation
[y, D(y)] ,
Then Euler's equations on Gn
[X, <"PabD(X)] ,
have motio n integrals J(x + Aa), where J E leG), A E IR and motio n integ rals gi(X) = .fly) where Y is the proje ction of x onto G~ along [a, V). These integrals comp rise a completely involutive set. LEMMA 22.10 Let B be a basis of the root system R = R(G , o H ~), aEH~; X±= L2EB X±" x=x + +x_ ; y;= x +(-1 )1,l x _, for any 2 root E R of heigh t For any integ er p ~ 0 we define F~=E8121=plRy;, F~=O, F~=H~, F:=F~EB···EBF~. Let J l ' . . . ,J, be homo geneo us algebraically indep enden t gener ators of the algeb ra of invar iants of Go of degrees m + 1, ... ,my + 1, m :::; •.. 1 1 :::; m 2; functions J{,a (1:::; i :::; rand 0:::; j :::; m;) are defin ed by the expan sion Ji(a + h) = L;;" 1 AjJ{j a) for any integ er p ~ 0; let ~ = ~(a, x) be the linea r span of the gradi ents grad JUa) such that 1 :::; i :::; rand 0 :::; j :::; p. Then Vp C F; .
Proo f Supp ose, first, that a E H ~ is a regul ar eleme nt of the Lie algeb ra Go. For such a we have Vo c Go = H ~ = F O. We proce ed by induc tion. Supp ose that Vp - 1 c F;-l ' As x E F~ it follows that [x, V - ] c As p 1 a E H ~ = F~, we obtai n Vp C F; using formu las (7) from 22.1. For regul ar a the lemm a is proved. For singu lar elements a E H ~ the lemm a follows from the conti nuou s depen dence of gradi ents grad J{,x(a) on a. The lemm a is prove d.
LEMMA 22.11 Let (G,H ) be a split Lie algeb ra, R = R(G, H) the root system, B a basis of R, for any integ er n let G" be the n-th diago nal of G. Let Y E G, y = ~ co Yi' where Yi E Gi is called the diago nal comp onen t of Y of degre e i. If Yi :f. 0 and Yj = 0 for allj > i (respectively < i), then Yi is called the maxi mal (respectively minim al) diago nal comp onen t of y and the numb er i the maxi mal (respectively minimal) diago nal degree of y. We suppo se furth er that all the hypo these s of Lemm a 22.10 are satisf ied. Let D~ = grad Jf x(a) - grad Jf x (a). Then eithe r the maxi mal ± (respectively minimal) diago nal degree of D~ (respectively D~) is no more (respectively no less) than p - 1 (respectively -(p - 1» or D p± -- 0 .
Proo f Let us prove the lemm a for D~. The proof for D~ is the same as for D~ after chang ing at appro priate places ( + ) for ( - ) and vice versa . By formu las (7) from 22.1 we have [gradJ~+l(a),a]
+ [gradJ~t(a),x+]
Subtracting one equation from the other we obtain [D~+l,a] = -[D~,x+] - [gradJ~(a),L].
Suppose, by induction, that the maximal diagonal degree of D~ does not exceed p - 1 (for p = 0: D~ = 0 and the lemma is proved). As a consequence of Lemma 22.10 the maximal diagonal degree of grad J~(a) does not exceed p, therefore the maximal diagonal degree of [grad J~(a), L] does not exceed p - 1. By induction the maximal diagonal degree of D~ does not exceed p - 1, the maximal diagonal degree of [D~, x +] does not exceed p. Thus, the right-hand side of the equation (14) consists of two terms, each of maximal diagonal degree not exceeding p. Therefore, this is also true of the left-hand side of (14) which is [D~+l ,a]. Suppose that a EHIR is a regular element of Go, then Ker ada = Hiland ada (Gi) = Gi (for j -:f. 0), therefore, D~+ 1 has maximal diagonal degree no greater than p. By continuity, we deduce that the same is true for any a E H IR. By induction, we see that the lemma is true for any p ~ o. LEMMA 22.12 We keep the notations of Lemmas 22.10 and 22.11. Let T = [a, bo], for any integer p ~ 0 let V/ be the projection of Vp = Vp(a, x) onto T along Go. We have then Tn F; = V/. Proof For p = 0 we have Tn F; = 0 and ~T = 0 and the lemma is proved. Suppose, inductively, that F;-l n T = V/- 1 • By Lemma 22.8 Tn GP c Vp(a, x +). Therefore, the maximal diagonal components (of degree p) ofthe gradients grad Jf.xJa), where 1 ::::; i ::::; r generate T n GP. By Lemma 22.11 the same is also true of the gradients Jf.Aa), where 1 ::::; i ::::; r. Therefore, for any root ex of height lexl = p with ex(a) -:f. 0 we have x, = C~gradJf.Aa) + M, where M, has maximal diagonal degree no greater than p - 1. As a consequence of Lemma 22.10 Jf.Aa) E F;, therefore the minimal diagonal degree of the sum C~gradJf.x(a) is equal to (-p) and the minimal diagonal component of this sum (of degree (- p)) is equal to - ( -1)px _,. Therefore the minimal diagonal degree of M a is also equal to - p and the minimal diagonal component of M, (of degree - p) is equal to (-1)Px_ a • Recall that y,- = x, - (-l)px_,. It follows from the above that y,- = = 1 C~ grad Jf.x(a) + N a where N, E F;_ 1 . Projecting all the components of this equation onto T along Go, we obtain y; = C~gradT Jf.x(a) + N;, where grad T Jf.x{a) (respectively N;) is the
projection of grad Jf,Aa) (respectively of N a) on Talong G~. As F;-I = (F;-I nT)EB(F;-I nG and NaEF;-I' N;EF;_I nT. By induction Tn F;-I = ~-r:.I(a,x), therefore N~ E ~~I(a,x) and Y; E V/(a, x). As we supposed at the beginning that IX was any root of height p such that lX(a) #- 0, it follows that Tn F; t C ~T(a, x). As a consequence of Lemma 22.10 l';.(a, x) c F;t therefore Tn F; = ~T(a, x). By induction the lemma is proved for any integer p ~ O.
LEMMA 22.13 Let Go and Gn be Lie algebras as in Theorem 22.4, r = rk Go, rk Gn be the rank of Gn; let m t , ... ,mr be the indices ofthe Lie algebra Go. Then the rank of Gn is equal to the number of odd indices among m t , ... ,mr •
Proof It is enough to prove the lemma for simple Lie algebras Go only. Suppose, first, that Go is a simple Lie algebra with the root system of type AI' Br (r ~ 2), C r (r ;;::: 2), Dr (r is even and r ~ 4), E 7 , E 8 , F 4 or G 2 . Then all the indices m t , ... , mr are odd (see [11]). Therefore an automorphism of HR equal to (-1) belongs to the Weyl group [11]. Therefore the canonical automorphism (J: Go ~ Go equal to ( -1) on H R and mapping Xa into x -a for any root IX is an inner automorphism. As Gn coincides with the set of fixed points of (J, it follows that rk Gn = rk Go = r. As all the indices mI , ... ,m. are odd, for these Lie algebras Go the lemma is proved. Let us consider the remaining simple Lie algebras Go case by case. The series of roots of A. (r ;;::: 2). Indices: 1,2, ... ,r; Gn = so(r + 1). For even r the number of odd indices is equal to r/2 and rk so(r + 1) = r/2. For odd r the number of odd ipdices is equal to (r + 1)/2 and rk so(r + 1) = ~(r + 1). The series of roots of Dr (r is odd, r;;::: 3). Indices: 1,3,5, ... ,2r - 3 and r - 1. The number of odd indices is equal to r - 1, Gn = so(r) EB so(r) and rk Gn = r - 1. The series of roots E 6 • Indices: 1,4,5, 7,8, 11; Gn = sp(4) number of odd indices is equal to 4 and rk Gn = 4. The lemma is proved. The following lemma supersedes the argument in [90]. LEMMA 22.14 Under the hypotheses of Theorem 22.4, assume (Go, H R) is a real split semi-simple Lie algebra. Let R = R(G o , H R) be the root system, B its basis, R+ the system of positive roots, ROdd the set of
roots of odd height, R~d = R + n Rodd. For any finite set M let Card M be the number of its elements. Then !(rk G. Proof We have G.
+ dim Gn) =
= EElaER+
+ x-a)
and dimG. = CardR+.
Therefore it is enough to prove that rk G. = 2 Card(R~d) - dim Gn
= 2 Card(R~d) - Card(R +) = =
L m(2i + 1), i~O
where Re;en is the set of roots of even height and m(2i - 1) the number of indices of the Lie algebra Go equal to 2i + 1. This is exactly what was proved in Lemma 22.13. The lemma is proved. LEMMA 22.15 Again under the hypotheses of Theorem 22.4 we remind the reader that a is an element of H II , Go its centralizer, G~ = Gn n Go. Let R = R(G o, H II ) be the root system of the split Lie algebra (Go, H II) and B a basis such that for any root a E B we have a(a) ~ O. Then t(rk G:
+ dim G:) = Card(RO n
where RO is the set of roots a E R, equal to zero on a and R~d the set of roots a E R positive (with respect to B) and of odd height. Proof As the element a is semi-simple in Go (see [26]) Go is a reductive
Lie algebra. Let Cent Go be its center, S = [Go, Go] is a semi-simple ideal in G~. Then G~ = (Cent G~) EE> S. We have HI! C G~ and the normalizer of H II in Go coincides with H II' Therefore Cent Go c Hiland Hs = HII n S is a split Cartan subalgebra in S. Let R = R(S,Hs) be the root system of the split Lie algebra (S, H s), R' the set of roots a E R not equal to zero on a. We have G~=HI!EE>(EElaERoGa) and S = Hs EE> (EElaERo Ga). Hence it follows that associating with each root aERo its restriction to Hs we obtain a one-to-one mapping ofthe set RO onto R. Let BO = B n RO = (a?, ... ,a~), aERo. Then for suitable integers nl" .. , nk we have a = L~= 1 nja? Let Y E Rand y = a/H s. Then y = L~ = 1 n;{3 j where /3i = a? /H s for every 1 ~ i ~ k. Therefore jj = (/31' ... , /3,,) is a basis of R and the height of root aERo with respect
to B is equal to the height of the root y = C1./H s E R with respect to B. Let Sn = S II Gn. By Lemma 22.14 -t(rk Sn + dim Sn) = Card R~d, where R~d is the set of roots PER of odd height and positive with respect to B. It follows from these considerations that Card(R~d) = Card(RO II R~d). Note that Sn = EBaER~ ~(xa + La) = G~, where R~ is the set of positive roots C1. in RO. Therefore -t(rk G~ + dim G~) = Card(RO II R~d). The lemma is proved. Proof of Theorem 22.4 The functions specified in the theorem are integrals in involution for equation (13) as a consequence of Lemma 22.2. Let V(x, a) be the linear span of the gradients grad J(x + Aa) where J E /(G o), ). E R and the functions J(x + Aa) are viewed as functions of the variable x E Go, let V(x, a) be the linear span of the gradients gradn J(x + Aa) where J E/(G o), A E lR and the functions J(x + All) are viewed as functions of the variable x E Gn- Then for any x E G.: V(x, a) is the projection of V(x, a) onto G. along V. As a consequence of Lemma 22.9 V(x, a) = V(a, x). Let VT(a, x) be the projection of V(a, x) onto T= [a, Go] along G~ and VT(a,x) = JIT(x,a) the projection of V(x,a) = V(a, x) onto Til Gn = [a, V] along G~, F- = F;, where the space F; is defined in Lemma 22.10 and p is greater than all the indices of the Lie algebra Go. As a consequence of Lemma 22.12 we have VT(a, x) = Til F- for x = L~EB (xa + x-a), given the basis B such that for any C1. E B the value C1.(a);;::: O. Therefore, VT(x, a) = VT(a, x) = Til FOdd, where FOdd = LO:ER,:dd lRY2 (for the definition of Ya see Lemma 22.10, here R".;'d is the set of positive roots of odd height). We have, further, dim pdd = Card(R' II R".;'d) where R' is the set of roots C1. E R such that C1.(a) -# O. As (fl' ... ,j,,) is a completely involutive set on G~, then k = -t(rk G~ + dim G~). Since grad gi(X) E G~ (1 ~ i ~ k) we have
dim( V(x, a) EB
C~ ~ grad 9i(X»)) + -t(rk G~ + dim G~) = Card(R' II R~d) + Card(RO II R~dd) =
II R~d)
= Card(R~d) = -t(dim Rn + rk G.). Here we use Lemmas 22.14, 22.15. The set of integrals, therefore, is complete. The theorem is proved.
INTEGRABLE SYSTEMS ON LIE ALGEBRA 22.4. Integrability of Euler's equations for an n-dimensional rigid body
Consider an n-dimensional rigid body with fixed point outside the zone of any forces. Let Xl' . .. , X" be the coordinates in a rigid system of coordinates connected with it rigidly; let 7;j denote the elementary n x n matrix with zeros everywhere except for a one at the intersection of the jth row andj-th column; let Eij denote the elementary skew-symmetric matrix E'j = 7;j - 1j,. Let us suppose that a rigid body revolves with an angular velocity 0 in a moving system of coordinates which has a corresponding elementary skew-symmetric matrix E'j. In this case the p(x)(x; + xJ)d"x, kinetic energy T is given by the formula T = 1 where p(x) is the density function of the distribution of the mass in the body, and d"x is the n-dimensional volume element. We introduce the constants a, = S· .. Sp(x)x;dnx (1 ::::; i ::::; n) which depend only on the distribution of mass in the body. Then the kinetic energy of our rigid body revolving with an arbitrary velocity 0 = L'<j OJijE,j equals 1 OJ~(a, + aj ). Hence we find an expression for the kinetic moment M = A(O), A(O) = 10 + 01, where I = diag(a 1 , ... , an). The Euler equations have the following form, M = [M, OJ, where M = A(O). The matrix I is called the inertia tensor of the rigid body.
J... J
THEOREM 22.5 Let Q be an invariant symmetric bilinear form on so(n) with respect to which the basis (Eij)l ",<j"n has been made orthonormal, let I = diag(a 1 , •.• , an) be the inertia tensor of the rigid body, and M = A(O) be the kinetic moment of the body in a moving system of coordinates where A(O) = 10 + 01, a = 12, b = I, so(nt is the centralizer of a in so(n). Then, a) for an appropriate operator symmetric with respect to Q, D: so(n)a ...... so(n)a we have A-I (M) = CfJabD(M) b) the functions tr(M + ).J2)k (k = 2, ... ,n, A E IR) are the integrals of motion of the Euler equation M = [M, A-I (M)] c) the set of these functions can be extended into a complete involutive (with respect to Q) set of integrals of motion of the equation M = [M, A-I (M)] by including polynomial functions which depend only on the Q-orthogonal projection of M onto so(nt. Proof Without loss of generality, we assume that a 1 ~ ~ an > O. Let Y1, ... , Y. be numbers such that
a1 = ... = aq, = Yl > aq, +1 = ... = aq, = Y2 > ... >aqs-l +1 =···=aq, =y s'
Yl > ... > Ys'
Then so(n)" = so(pd EEl' .. EEl sO(Ps) where PI = ql' P2 = q2 - Q1' ... , P. = Q. - q. -1' Let the operator D: so(n)a --+ so(n)a be multiplication by I'ion SO(PI) (i = 1, ... ,s). Then it is easily verified that A -1 (n) = Cf'abD(n). Let G = sl(n, ~), Gn = so(n) in Theorem 22.4. The functions tr Mk (2 ~ k ~ n) are algebraically independent homogeneous generators of the algebra of invariants of sl(n, ~). Thus, if we give a completely involutive set of integrals of the equation
[Y, D(Y)] ,
Theorem 22.5 is proved as a corollary of Theorem 22.4. Since [Y, D(Y)] = 0 for any Y E so(n)", any set of functions on so(n)a is a set of integrals of motion of equation (15). Therefore we can take any completely involutive set on so(n)a as a completely involutive set of integrals of motion of equation (15). Such sets exist, in view of Corollary 1 of Lemma 22.9. The theorem is proved.
The first part of this section gives the constructions of some completely integrable geodesic flows on symmetric spaces, flows which are generated by sectional operators Cf'ab (see Sections 6 and 8). The second part is devoted to a generalization of non-commutative complete integrability (see Sections 4 and 3). All the results set out here are the work of A. V. Brailov (see [198], [199]). 23.1. Integrable metrics dS;bD on symmetric spaces
Let the Lie group ij) with the Lie algebra G act smoothly on a manifold M. In this case to each element 9 E G corresponds vector field g on M. The action of ij) on M induces a symplectic action of ij) on the cotangent bundle T* M of M. This symplectic action corresponds a moment mapping P: T*M --+ G* (see [1]), which in the given special case is defined as follows:
= <x,g(m» where x E T':(M) and <X, Y> on the left-hand side denotes the pairing of G* and G, while on the right-hand side it denotes the pairing of T': M and TmM. As was noted in [88] every moment mapping P has the following property which is very important to us: for any two smooth functions I and 9 on G* we have the equality
= {J,g}oP
where the braces {X, Y} on the left-hand side of the equation denote the standard Poisson bracket on T":M and those on the right-hand side denote the standard Poisson bracket on G* corresponding to the Kirillov form on the orbits of the coadjoint representation of (fj in G*. Lete there be on G a non-degenerate invariant symmetric bilinear form Q. By identifying G* with G with the help of Q we shall examine the moment mapping
Q(P(x), g) = <x, g(m» where 9 E G, X E T': M. It is clear that for the moment mapping P = P Q the property (1) also holds if we use the Poisson bracket {X, Y} corresponding to the form Q, on the right-hand side of the equation. Given the fixed point mE M the moment mapping P is linear along x E T': M. Therefore, ifthe operator l.{JabD has been defined on G (a and b may be elements of the Lie algebra which contains G), then HabD(X) = 1Q(P(x), l.{JabD(P(X))) is a quadratic function on T*M. If a quadratic function HabD(X) is a positive definite non-degenerate quadratic form, then it induces a corresponding Riemannian metric dS;bD on M (this correspondence is defined in the general case and is called the Legendre transformation (see for example [1])). The metrics dS;bD are called the metrics of the moment mapping P. THEOREM 23.1 Let M be a globally symmetric Riemannian manifold, rk M its rank, (fj the connected component of the unit in the isometries of M, G its Lie algebra, where Q is an Aut(G)-invariant symmetric nondegenerate bilinear form on G. We shall assume that (fj is a compact semi-simple Lie group. a) If rk M = rk G, l.{JabD' is an arbitrary positive operator on G (a and b may be elements of a larger Lie algebra), and if 11 (x), ... ,f,.(x) is the completely involutive set of independent integrals of Euler's equation
x = [X, IPabD(X)]
(X E G), k = ~(rk G + dim G) then k = dim M and the functions j~ (P(x)), ... ,J;.(P(x)) are independent integrals in involution of the geodesic flow on T* M of the Riemannian metric dS;bD of the moment mapping P: T*M -> G
b) If rk M < rk G, a, bEG, IPabD is a positive operator, then the geodesic flow on T* M of the Riemannian metric dS;bD of the moment mapping PQ : T*M -> G has an involutive set of integrals of motion J(P(x) + Aa), J EI(G), A E ~ and for an element a E G in general position in G we may choose from this set functions that are independent on T*M equal in number to the dimension of M. Proof (a) We fix any point mE M. An isometry of M which leaves point m fixed and which moves the geodesics passing through m, defines an involutive automorphism of (I) (see [48]). This automorphism of (\j defines an automorphism of the Lie algebra G, which we denote by a. Let G = H EB V be the decomposition of G such that the automorphism a equals Ion Hand ( - 1) on V. For the point m we have P(T':(M)) = V. Since rk M = rk G, we can choose a Cartan subalgebra K in G so that K c V. In view of the compactness of the Lie algebra G it follows that every orbit of G> in G intersects V. As is well known, the action of G> on T* M under the moment mapping corresponds to the coadjoint action on G (see for example [1]); therefore G = P(T*M). Consequently, the functions fl (P(x)), ... ,J;.(P(x)) are independent on T* M. Their involutivity is implied by formula (1). Thus all that remains to be proved is that dim M = ~(dim G + rk G). Let a be an arbitrary element of V, where Ga is the centralizer of a in G, H a = H n Ga, va = V n Ga. Since [H,H]cH, [V,V]cH, [H,V]cVand aEV, Ga=Ha+va. We define on G a skew-symmetric form La(X, Y) = Q(a, [X, Y]). Since Q is invariant with respect to Aut(G), it is also invariant, in particular, with respect to a. Therefore H and V are Q-orthogonal complements of each other in G. It follows from this that H ~ = V + Ha, V ~ = H + va where H~ and V~ are skew-orthogonal complements to H and V in G with respect to La' Consequently the quotient La on GIG" = HIH a EB VI V" is non-degenerate and realizes a pairing of the spaces HIHa and Viva. Consequently, dim HIH a = dim Viva. Let K be a Cartan subalgebra in G such that K c V and a E K is an element regular in G. Then Ga = va = K, H a = O. We have:
!(dim G + rk G) = l(dim G + dim Ga)
= l(dim H + dim V + dim va) = l(dim
H - dim H a + dim V - dim va) + dim va
= dim V I va + dim
= dim V = dim M .
b) Let K be a Cartan subalgebra in G such that K v = K n V is the maximal commutative subspace in V. In this case dim Kv = rk M. For an element a e Kv in general position in K v we have va = K v , therefore for the orbit 0 of the group (fi in G which passes through point a, we have
1- dim 0 = 1- dim GIGa = !(dim HIH a + dim
= dim Viva.
It follows from Theorem 22.1 that the set of functions (l(x + Aa», 1 e /(G), AE IR contains! dim 0 functions independent on O. Since the invariants of G are constant on 0 but are not constant on K v, then by using Lemma 22.3 on the image of the mapping P, i.e. on P(T*M), we shall get ! dim 0 + dim K v independent functions in the set 1 A,a' le/(G), AEIR. Consequently, there are at least !dimO+dimK v functions independent on T*M among the functions l(P(x) + Aa). Further:
1- dim 0
+ dim K v
= dim VI va + dim
= dim V = dim M.
The functions l.l.,a(x) are integrals of motion in involution of the Euler equation x = [x, <PabD(X)] , which is Hamiltonian on the orbits of (ij in G with the Hamiltonian habD(X) = 1Q(x, <PabD(X», In view of formula (1) we find that the functions l(P(x) + Aa) are integrals of motion in involution of the Hamiltonian system on T* M with the Hamiltonian HabD(X) = habD(P(X». Since the Hamiltonian HabD is a Hamiltonian of the geodesic flow on T* M of the metric dS;bD' and since the set of integrals of motion l(P(x) + Aa) contains functions independent on T* M equal in number to the dimension of M, the theorem is proved.
23.2. The metrics dS;h on a sphere S"
Let S" = {y E IRn + 1 : yi + ... + y; + 1 = I} be a sphere; let SO(n + 1) be the special orthogonal Lie group consisting of (n + 1) x (n + I) matrices g such that ggt = E and det g = 1 where gt denotes the transposed matrix, E = diag(I, ... , 1); let so(n + l)betheLiealgebraof
the group SO(n + 1), consisting of (n + 1) x (n + 1) matrices x, such that x = _Xl. In the standard way the group SO(n + 1) acts on the sphere sn: the element 9 E SO(n + 1) sends the point Y E sn to the point (9IY, where 91 is the matrix product of matrix 9 and of the matrix 1 which is the transpose of the row matrix Y = (Yl' ... , Yn + d. THEoREM23.2 Let a,bEgI(n+l,IR), a=diag(al, ... ,a n +d, b=diag(b 1 ,· .. ,bn + 1 ), a 1 > .. ·>an + 1 >0, b1 > .. ·>bn + 1 ; where Q(X, Y) = -1 tr(XY) is the invariant symmetric non-degenerate bilinear form on glen + 1, IR), positive definite on so(n + 1) c glen + 1); let ({Jab = ad a- 1 ad b be symmetric with respect to Q; the group SO(n + 1) acts in a standard way on the sphere sn = {yf + ... + + 1 = I}, P = PQ : T*sn --+ so(n + 1) is the corresponding moment mapping; dS;b is the Riemannian metric on sn that corresponds (under the Legendre transofrmation) to the quadratic Hamiltonian H ab , where Hab(q) = 1Q(P(q), ((Jab(P(q))) for q E T*sn. Then:
a) the geodesic flow on T*sn of the Riemannian metric dS;b has n independent quadratic integrals in involution H l ' . . . , Hn, where Hk(q) = 1Q(P(q), ((Ja,a.(P(q))), ak = diag(a~, ... , a~ + d and q E T*sn; - b = diag(a 1 1 , . . . , a;+\), then with the substitution Yi = xd (i = 1, ... , n + 1) the metric dS;b becomes a metric b) if
[2a 2+ ... + anx 2+ J-1 (dX1 + ... + dx Xl
n+ 1 -2-
2 n + 1)
that is conformally equivalent to the standard metric dxi of the ellipsoid
+ ... + dx; + 1
Proof (a) Let c = diag(c1' ... , Cn+ d, hac(X) = !Q(x, ((Jac(X)) for X E glen + 1, IR). As follows from the results of [89], the quadratic function hac(X) is a linear combination of the functions J(X + A.a) where J is the invariant of glen + 1, IR}, A. E IR. As a corollary of Lemma 11.3, the
quadratic functions hac> where hac is the restriction of hac to so(n + 1) c gl(n + 1, 1R1) are pairwise in involution for any diagonal matrix C E gl(n + 1, 1R1). As an involutive automorphism a, whose set of fixed points is so(n + 1), we may take the automorphism a(X) = - Xr. As a corollary ofthe fundamental property ofthe moment mapping (formula (1) from 23.1), the functions H 1" .. , Hn are pairwise in involution on T*sn. In order to prove the independence of these functions we shall need to have their explicit calculation in local coordinates. Let sn+ be the hemisphere given by the inequality Yn +1 > 0. The functions Y1' ... ,Y. are local coordinates on S"t, while Yn +1 = yf + ... + Let Z1' ... ,Zn be the corresponding impulse variables on T*S"+. Then (Z1"" ,zm Yl"" ,Yn) is a system of coordinates on T*sn+ and the standard symplectic structure is ill = I7=1 dZi 1\ dYi.The matrix X = Ilxijll Eso(n + 1) has a corresponding vector field on S" which in the local coordinates Y1' ... ,Yn equals
.I . ~ Xij Yi~ - YFa-. +.I Xi.n+lYn+l~· ,=1 )=,+1 Y y, ,=1 y, Thus, P(z,y) = IIPij(z,y)ll, where Pi}z,y) = ZiYj - ZjYi provided that J
i, j ~ n, and Pi,n + 1 (z, y)
= Zi Yn + 1 provided that 1 ~ i ~ n. Hence we
find that
~ Ci L... + i=1 a Let Yo = (0, ... ,0, 1). Then
From this we find the Jacobian
cn + 1
i -
an + 1
2 2
Zi Yn+1 .
•...• I)
1 at
+ an + 1
ai + a 1a,,+1 al"+ a n-l 1 a,,+1
a Z +a,,+1
+ ... +" all + 1
2 + aZa,,+1 + a,,+1
n 1 a 2 - a ,,+1
+ ... + a"11+1 1
a" + an + 1 2
+ a" a" + 1 + an2 + 1 an"+ an,,-1 a" + 1 + . . . +" all + 1 all
To calculate the determinant of this matrix we make the following (n - 1) elementary transformations. The first transforml'tion consists of subtracting the (n - l)-th row, multiplied by all + l ' from the n-th row. The second transformation consists of suh~racting the (n - 2)-th row, multiplied by a" + 1> from the (n - l)-th row, and so on. The last transformation consists of subtracting the first row, multiplied by an + 1, from the second row. We carry out all these transformations in the order shown. The result is the matrix: 1 1 1 a1
a" "
whose determinant, the well-known Vandermond determinant, is nonzero, in view of the fact that a 1 > ... > an' Thus, the involutivity and independence of the functions HI"'" HII has been proved. These functions are integrals of the geodesic flow of the metric d:);h' since the Hamiltonian Hah which corresponds to this metric is a linear combination of HI' ... ,H" for any diagonal matrix b. b) Let -b=diag(al1, ... ,a,~)d. Then I
H ah (z'Y)=-2
a:- 1
L ) _
i~1 j~i+l
a.- 1 I
-1 2 ]
+ an+1Yn+l i~l ai II
_ 1[n -1 2 ) 2 -I 2 n -I z·a· "a.I-1 z·~2 (" "a.) y. - " y.I 2 ,l..J ,i..J ) .~ a·I I I 1=1
J=I n
- I L
(aiaj)-lziZjYiYj +
L (aia;)-lziZiYiYi i=1
n ] + all + 1 Yn + 1 i~l ai Zi
= !Z(A
- y)zt,
where Z = (Zl' ... , ZII) is a row matrix, A = diag(al 1e, ... , all-Ie), C = Lj~f aj-1yJ, Y = IIYijll, Yij = (aiaj)-lYiYj' Whence we obtain the expression for the Lagrangian 2(y, y) corresponding to the Hamiltonian Hab: 2(y, y) = !y(A - Y) -1 Ywhere.V = (Yb' .. '.Vn)' But this is, obviously, the Lagrangian of a free particle on a sphere with metric dS;b = (dy)(A - Y) -l(dyy, where (dy) = (dYl" .. ,dYn)' The only expression left to calculate is (A - y)-l. We have (A - y)-l = (A(E - A-1y))-1 = (E - A-1y)-lA- 1
=A- 1 +A-1YA- 1 +A-1(YA-1)YA- 1 +A-1YA-1YA-1YA- 1 + .... Note that
(Y A-I Y)ij =
(aia k) -1 Yi Ykakc -1 (aka j) -1 Yk Yj
where L = c- 1 Lk=1 ak- 1yf. From which we obtain (A - Y) -1 = A-I
+ A-I Y A-I + LA -1 Y A-I + IJ A-I Y A-I + ...
=A- 1 +
1 A- 1YA- 1 . l-L
Proceeding further:
1 _ "n L..,k=1 ak
-- -
1- L
"~+1 a:-ly~
L..,J = 1
"~+1 a:-ly~
Hence we obtain
dS;b=c-l[ia;(dYi)2+a~+1 i
As (dYn+l)
Yn + 1
i.j = 1
J Yt +"'+Yn = Yl dYl + ... + Yn dYn , Jyi + ... + Y; 2
we obtain n
an+l(dYn+l)2 = a;+1 L YiyjdYidYj' Yn+l i,j=1
The change of variables Xi = metric dS;b taking the form
Ja; Yi (i = 1, ... ,n + 1)
leads to the
conformally equivalent to the metric (dXl)2 ellipsoid
+ ... + (dx. + 1)2
263 on an
2} Xl2 X.+ l -+ ... +--= 1 . { al
a.+ l
23.3. Applications to non-commutative integrability
Let (M,w) be a symplectic manifold, OJ a Lie group with a Poissonian action on M (see, for instance [IJ); let P: M --+ G* be the corresponding moment mapping. Let ~ E G*, and let OJ~ stabilizer of ~ under the coadjoint representation; denote by M~ = P-l(~) level surface. As the moment mapping P maps the Poissonian action of OJ on M onto the coadjoint action on G* , and the stabilizer OJ~ leaves the level surface M ~ invariant. If the level's surface M ~ is a smooth manifold and the factor set N~ = M~/OJ~ has the structure of a smooth manifold such that the canonical projection n: M~ -+ N~ is a smooth fiber bundle (such a smooth structure is uniquely defined), then the symplectic structure w induces a symplectic structure w~ on the manifold N~. The symplectic manifold (N~, w~) is called a reduced symplectic manifold. Let H be a Hamiltonian on M, invariant, under OJ, and let G be the algebra of the Hamiltonian system (M, w, H). Let X H be a Hamiltonian vectorfield, related to the Hamiltonian H, i.e. X H = s grad H; let XH/M~ denote the restriction of this vector field to M ~ (note that X H is tangent to M~). As the vector field XH/M~ is invariant with respect to OJ~, it is projected onto a uniquely defined vector field X H on N~ which, as one can easily check, is Hamiltonian on N~ with Hamiltonian H~(y) = H(x), where Y E N~ is the projection of x. Let OJ~ be the subgroup OJ~ leaving each point X E M ~ fixed. OJ~ is, obviously, a normal subgroup in OJ~. Let OJ~IT = OJ~/OJ~ be the effective stabilizer of ~. It can be shown that for a general position point ~ E P(M) in P(M) the connected component ofthe unit of the group OJ~IT is commutative (for compact Lie algebras G the entire stabilizer OJ~ and, therefore, OJ~ also are connected Lie groups). From which it follows that the reduced Hamiltonian system (N~, w~, H~) is quadrature equivalent to the initial Hamiltonian system (M, w, H) for any point ~ E P(M) in general position in P(M) (the mapping n is considered to be given by known functions). Suppose that the stabilizer OJ~ acts locally transitively on a surface M ~ in general position in M. Then for a general position point ~ E P(M) in
P(M) we have dim N~ = 0 and the reduced Hamiltonian system (N~, w~, H~)
is trivially integrable. The initial system, therefore, (M, w, H) is integrable in quadratures for general position initial conditions in M. It is said in this case that the system (M, w, H) is noncommutatively integrable with integral algebra G. If the integral Lie algebra G is commutative, then the non-commutative integrability with integral algebra G is the normal full integrability in the Liouville sense. REMARK This definition of non-commutative integrability coincides with the definition in [84] and is somewhat weaker than that used earlier in this book (see Chapter 3 and also [88]) where it was required in addition that the linear generators of integral algebra G be functionally independent. This non-commutative integrability with a Lie algebra of functionally independent integrals we shall call non-commutative integrability in the strong sense. One special case of non-commutative integrability in the weak sense (i.e. with functionally dependent integrals) was examined in Section 3. In Section 3 we discussed in detail the connection between non-commutative integrability in the strong sense and full integrability in the Liouville sense. THEOREM 23.3 Let the Hamiltonian system (M, w, H) be noncommutatively integrable (in the weak sense) with compact integral Lie algebra G; let P: M --+ G be the corresponding moment mapping. Then the Hamiltonian system (M, w, H) has motion integrals in involution of the form J(P(x) + Aa), J EI(G), A E IR and it is possible to select among these functions independent functions equal in number to half the dimension of M for a general position element a E G.
Proof We shall show that the codimension of a general position orbit o in P(M) is equal to the dimension of M~, EO. Let ~(P(M))1. be the intersection of the kernels of all functionals 1"/ E ~(P(M)); let ~ 01. be the
intersection of the kernels of all functionals 1"/ E ~ O. The codimension of o in P(M) is equal to dim ~01./~(P(MW. On the other hand, ~01. is the Lie algebra of ffi~, and ~(P(M))1. is the Lie algebra of ffib. Since ffi~ acts locally transitively on M ~ we have
r = dim ~ 01. /~(P(M))1. = dim ffi~ff = dim M ~. By Theorem 22.2 the set of functions J(x + Aa), J E J(G), A E IR for a general position element a E G in G contains ! dim 0 independent functions on o. Adding r more invariants G (the existence of r independent invariants on P(M) follows from Lemma 22.3) we obtain
+ ! dim 0 independent functions in the set J(x + Aa), J E J(G),
265 A E IR!
on P(M). Hence we have the same number of independent functions in the set J(P(x) + Aa), J E J(G), A E IR!. We have only to count their number. We have ! dim 0
+ r = !(dim P(M)
- r)
+ r = !-(dim P(M) + r)
= !(dim P(M) + dim M~) = !- dim M. The theorem is proved.
In conclusion we give now a simple and~from the physical point of view~natural condition for the Lie algebra of integrals of a Hamiltonian system (M, OJ, H) to be compact. Note that this condition is somewhat weaker than the Lichnerowicz condition, where the compactness of the entire manifold M is the condition for compactness of integral algebra (the proof is based on invariance of a positive definite certain scalar product (f, g) = JM fgdi, where k = ! dim M). THEOREM 23.4 Let (M, OJ, H) be a Hamiltonian system, G an integral Lie algebra. Suppose that for any h the iso-energetic surface M h = {x EM: H(x) = h} is compact. Then G is a compact Lie algebra. Proof Let g E G, and let
be the corresponding Hamiltonian vector field on M. The vector field Xg is tangent to Mh for any h and is, therefore, complete on M (i.e. the integral trajectories of the field can be extended indefinitely). Therefore an action of the connected simple-connected Lie group G> belonging to the Lie algebra G on the manifold M is defined. This action is Poissonian as, by the definition of vector field x g , it is a Hamiltonian vector field with Hamiltonian g. Let P: M -+ G* be the corresponding moment mapping, P(x)(g) = g(x). As G is the integral Lie algebra of the Hamiltonian system (M, OJ, H), the iso-energetic surfaces are invariant under the action of G> and their images P(M h) are invariant under Ad* for any h. As, by hypothesis, Mh is compact, P(Mh) is compact too. Let g E G be a nilpotent element in the Lie algebra G. Then ad; is a nilpotent endomorphism of G* and the mapping t -+ Exp(ad~) x is polynomial for any x E G*. Since P(M h) is invariant for x E P(Mh) this mapping is a mapping from IR! to P(Mh). As P(M h) is compact and the mapping t -+ Exp(ad~) x polynomial, it is constant, Exp(ad~) x = x for all t. Therefore, for any x E P(M) we have ad; x = O. Therefore any nilpotent element g lies in Z the center of G. Let R be the solvable radical of G. Then [R, R] consists of nilpotent elements and, therefore, Xg
[R, R]
c Z. As a consequence the entire radical R consists of nilpotent elements and, therefore, R = Z. Thus, G is a reductive Lie algebra. Let S = [G, G] be its semi-simple ideal. As S (1 Z = 0, there are no non-zero
nilpotent elements in S. Therefore, S is a compact semi-simple Lie algebra. Therefore, G is a compact Lie algebra. The theorem is proved. Theorem 3.3 is a consequence of Theorem 23.4.
In this section we briefly discuss the elements of the new "Morse-type theory" of integrable Hamiltonian systems, which has recently been constructed by A. T. Fomenko. (See details in [149], [150].) 24.1. The four-dimensional case
Recently many new cases of the Liouville integrability of important Hamiltonian systems in the symplectic manifolds M 2n have been discovered. In this connection the problem of detecting stable periodic solutions of integrable systems is particularly urgent. It is found that when n = 2, on the basis of, at most, the data on the group H 1 (Q, Z) of one-dimensional integral homologies (or the data on the fundamental group), using the fixed three-dimensional surface Q3 of constant energy in which this system is integrable, we can sometimes guarantee the existence of at least two stable periodic solutions of the system on this surface Q3 c M4. These solutions can be effectively obtained by examining the minima and maxima of the additional (second) integral, defined on a separate constant-energy surface. Thus, this result not only gives the existence of two stable solutions, but also enables them (in principle) to be obtained. This statement follows from A. T. Fomenko's more general classification statement on the canonical representation of the surface Q in the form of an amalgamation of the
elementary manifolds of the four simplest types. At the same time it is assumed that the system v has a second smooth "Morse-type" integral in Q, i.e. such that its critical points on the surface Q3 are organized into non-degenerate smooth critical submanifolds. In this connection Fomenko develops Morse's specific theory of integrable systems, which differs from Morse's usual theory and which uses the well-known Bott theory of functions with degenerate critical points (these functions could be called "Bottian" or Bott functions, see R. Bott, Non-degenerate critical manifolds, Ann. of Math., 60 (1954), 248-261). At the same time there is also a natural development of some of the important ideas of S. P. Novikov [96J, V. V. Kozlov [59J, R. Bott (R. Bott, Nondegenerate critical manifolds, Ann. of Math., 60 (1954),248-261), D. V. Anosov (D. V. Anosov, Typical problems of closed geodesics, Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. Mat.,46, no. 4 (1982)) and S. Smale (S. Smale, Topology and mechanics, Invent. Math., 10, no. 4 (1970), 305-331; The planar n-body problem, Invent. Math., 11, no. 1 (1970),45-64). It appears later than the non-singular surfaces of constant energy of integrable Hamiltonian systems have specific properties which isolate them from all the threedimensional manifolds. Hence we obtain new topological barriers to the integrability of Hamiltonian systems in a class of Morse-type functions. Thus, suppose the Hamiltonian system v = s grad H is specified in M4, where H is a smooth Hamiltonian. Consider the fixed non-critical surface Q3 of constant energy, i.e. Q = {H = const} and grad H :f. 0 in Q. Suppose the system v is integrable on Q using the second independent smooth integral f, which commutes with H on Q, but generally does not necessarily commute with H outside Q. In other words, if Q = {H = O}, then {H, f} = A.H, where A. = const. This equation is more common than {H,f} = O. 24.1 The integral f is called Morse-type (or Bottian) in Q if its critical points form non-degenerate critical submanifolds in Q, i.e. the Hessian d 2f is non-degenerate in the subspaces that are normal to these submanifolds. DEFINITION
The class of these integrals is wider than the class of analytic integrals. Accumulated experience of investigating specific mechanical systems shows that most ofthe integrals which have already been discovered are Morse-type. 24.2 Suppose y is a closed integral trajectory ofthe system von Q3 (i.e. a periodic solution). We will say that y is stable if some of its
tubular neighborhood in Q as a whole is stratified into two-dimensional tori which are invariant with respect to the system v. The integrable system cannot have stable periodic solutions. Example: the geodesic flow of a Euclidean two-dimensional torus. It appears that a simple connection exists between the following three items: (a) the Morse-type integral f on Q, (b) the stable periodic solutions of the system v on Q, and (c) the group of integral homologies H 1 (Q, Z) or the fundamental group 1t1 (Q). THEOREM 24.1 (A. T. Fomenko) Suppose v = s grad H is a Hamiltonian field in the smooth symplectic four-dimensional manifold M4 (compact or non-compact), where H is a smooth Hamiltonian. We will assume that the system v is integrable on some kind of single nonsingular compact three-dimensional surface of the level Q of the Hamiltonian H using the Morse-type integral f on Q. Then, ifthe group of homologies H 1 (Q, Z) is finite cyclic, v has no less than one stable periodic solution on Q; and if H 1 (Q, Z) is finite and integral f is orientable (see below), v has no less than two stable periodic solutions. At the same time f reaches a local minimum or maximum in each of these trajectories. This criterion is effective, since a verification of the Morse-type character of the integral f and a calculation of the rank H 1 (Q, Z) is usually easy. In specific examples the surfaces Q of constant energy (or thei'r reduction) are often diffeomorphic either to the sphere S3, the projective space IRp 3, or S1 x S2. For example, after appropriate factorization, for the equations of motion of a heavy solid in a zone of large velocities we can assume that Q ~ S1 X S2. In the problem of the motion of a four-dimensional solid with respect to inertia with a fixed point we have Q ~ S1 X S2. In the integrable (three-dimensional) Kovalevskii case, we can' assume that some Q ~ S1 X S2. If the Hamiltonian H has an isolated minimum or maximum point in M 4 , all the rather close surfaces of level Q are spheres S3. PROPOSITION 24.1 Suppose the system v = s grad H is integrable using the Morse integral f on some single surface of constant energy Q, homeomorphic either to S3 or IRp3, or to S1 x S2. Then the system v has at least two stable periodic solutions on S3 and at least one stable periodic solution on IRp3, S1 x S2. In the case orientable integral we' have at least two such solutions in all three cases.
In particular, as we shall see, the integrable system has two stable periodic solutions on not only the small spheres surrounding the minimum or maximum point H, but also on all the "remote" expanding surfaces of the level, while they are geomorphic to S3. The criterion of Theorem 24.1 is accurate in the sense that examples are known when the system has exactly two (and no more) stable periodic solutions on Q = IRp3. Suppose R = rank 11:1 (Q), that is the least possible number of generatrices of the fundamental group of the surface Q. THEOREM 24.2 (A. T. Fomenko) Suppose the system v is integrable on some non-singular compact surface Q3 of constant energy in M4 using the Morse integral f If R = 1, then v has no fewer than one stable periodic solution on Q, on which f reaches a local minimum or maximum. Ifthe rank of the group HI (Q, 2) ~ 3, then v can generally not have stable periodic solutions in Q. In the case of the integrable geodesic flow of a plane torus T2 we have: Q = T 3 , the rank HI (Q, 2) = 3 and all the periodic solutions of this system are unstable. From the well-known results of Anosov, Klingenberg and Takens (see D. V. Anosov, The typical properties of closed geodesics, Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. Mat., 46, no. 4 (1982), and W. Klingenberg, Lectures on Closed Geodesics, Springer-Verlag, 1978, Grundlehren des Mathematischen, Wissenschaften, 230) it follows that an open and everywhere dense subset of flows without stable periodic trajectories exists in the set of all the geodesic flows in smooth Riemannian manifolds. Thus, the property of the flow does not have stable trajectories-a property of the general position. COROLLARY 1 Consider a two-dimensional manifold which is diffeomorphic to a sphere with a Riemannian metric of the common location, i.e. without stable closed geodesics. Then the corresponding geodesic flow is non-integrable in the class of smooth Morse integrals on each separate surface of constant energy. QUESTION Can any three-dimensional manifold be a surface of constant energy of an integrable system? COROLLARY 2 Not every three-dimensional smooth compact closed orientable manifold can play the role of a surface of constant energy of a Hamiltonian system, integrable using the Morse integral (on this surface).
We can give a clear meaning to the words "not every." We shall not discuss this here. Thus, the topology of the surface Q serves as an obstacle to integrability. All the results follow from the general Theorem 24.3 (see below). If f is a Morse integral on Q, then the separatrix diagram peT) is connected to each of its critical submanifolds T, i.e. the set of integral trajectories of the field grad f, which enter Torleave T. We will call the integral I orientable if all its separatrix diagrams are orientable. Otherwise we will call the integral non-orientable. Consider the following simplest three-dimensional manifolds, whose boundaries are the two-dimensional tori T2. (1) The complete torus Sl x D2. (2) The cylinders T2 x DI. (3) The direct product (we shall call it the oriented saddle) N 2 x SI, where N 2 is a disk with two holes. (4) Consider the non-trivial fibration A3-+N 2 Sl with the base SI and the fiber N 2 • The boundary of the manifold A 3 is the two tori T 2 • It is clear that A 3 (we will call it a non-oriented saddle) is implemented in [R3 in the form of a complete torus, from which the second (thin) complete torus, which twice passes around the axis of the large complete torus (dual winding), is drilled. (5) Consider the non-trivial fibration K3 ~Dl K2 with the base K2 = Klein bottle and the fiber DI = interval. The boundary of K3 is the torus T2. THEOREM 24.3 (A. T. Fomenko) (Fundamental classification theorem in dimension 4) Suppose v = s grad H is a Hamiltonian system which is integrable on some single non-singular compact threedimensional surface of constant energy Q3 c M4 using the Morse . integral f Suppose m is the number of periodic solutions of the system v on the surface Q, on which the integral I reaches a local minimum or maximum (then they are stable). Then Q = m(SI x D2) + p(T2 X DI) + q(N 2 X SI) + seA 3) + r(K 3 ), i.e. Q is obtained by splicing m complete tori, p cylinders, q orientable saddles, s non-orientable saddles and r non-orientable cylinders using some diffeomorphisms from the boundary tori. If the integral I is orientable, then s = r = 0, i.e. there are no non-orientable saddles and cylinders. 24.2. The general case
Suppose v = s grad H is a smooth integrable system in M 2 n and F: M 2n ~ [Rn is a mapping of the moment, i.e. F(x) = (ft (x), . .. , f,,(x) , where J; are commuting smooth integrals and II = H. The point x E M is regular if the rank dF(x) = n and it is critical otherwise. Suppose
N c M is a set of critical points and 1: = F(N) is a set of critical values
(bifurcation diagram). If a E 1R"\1:, then the compact fiber Ba = F -l(a) c M2n consists of Liouville tori. For the deformation a outside 1:, the fiber Ba is transformed by means of the diffeomorphisms. If the curve y, along which a moves, meets 1:, then the fiber Ba undergoes topological rearrangement. Problem: describe these rearrangements. It appears that a complete solution of the problem exists in the case of the common location. If dim 1: < n - 1, then all the fibers Ba, where a E IRn \1: are diffeomorphic. The basic problem is when dim 1: = n - 1. Consider five types of (n + I)-dimensional manifolds. (1) We shall call the direct product D2 x r -1 a dissipative complete torus. Its boundary is the torus Tn. (2) We will call the product Tn X Dl a cylinder. Its boundary is the two tori Tn. (3) Suppose N 2 is a two-dimensional disk with two holes. We shall call the direct product N 2 x r -1 an oriented torus saddle. Its boundary is the three tori r. (4) Consider all the nonequivalent fibration Aa -+N2 Tn -1 with base the torus Tn-l, with a fiber N 2 • They are classified by the elements (XEH 1 (T n - 1 ,Z2) = ZZ-l. N 2 X Tn -1 when (X = 0 is a special case. If (X =F 0, the fibration Aa is nontrivial and all manifolds Aa are diffeomorphic. The manifolds Aa when (X =F 0 will be called non-orientable torus saddles. They have a boundary-the two tori r. (5) Let us consider the manifolds = Tn /G a' where Tn is the torus, (X = 0, 1, and Ga is the group of the transformations defined as follows (this action was introduced by A. V. Brailov and V. T. F omenko):
_ {( -al' a 2 + 1, a3, ... , an), Ra (a) 1 ) (a2,a 1,a 3 +"2,a 4 , ... ,an ,
(X=O , (X= 1,
where a = (a 1, . .. , an) E IR"/zn = Tn. Here n ~ 2 in case (X = 0 and n ~ 3 in case (X = 1. Then K: = Ko x r- 2 , K~ = Ki x T n- 3 and Ki = K2 x Sl. Let us consider the two-fold covering p: P -+ K: and let K;+l = K;,:l is the cylinder of the map p. It is clear that OK;+l = Tn. We will describe five types of rearrangement of the torus P. (1) The torus P, implemented like the boundary of the dissipative complete torus D2 X Tn-l, contracts to its "axis," the torus T n-l (we will put P -+ Tn -1 -+ 0). (2) The two tori Tt and Ti-the boundaries of the cylinder P x Dl moves in opposite directions and merge into one torus Tn (i.e. 2P -+ r -+ 0). (3) The torus Tn-the lower boundary or the oriented torus saddle N 2 X Tn -1 rises upward and, in accordance with the topology N 2 x P -1 , splits into two tori Tt and Ti (i.e. Tn -+ 2 Tn).
(4) The torus Tn-one of the boundaries Aa rises with respect to Aa and is rearranged in its "middle," becoming once more a single (twice wound) torus (i.e. Tn --+ Tn). These rearrangements are parametrized by the nonzero elements (X E HI (Tn -1 ,1'2) = 1''2- 1 • (5) Let us realize the torus Tn as the boundary of K; + 1. Let us deform Tn in K n+ 1 and collapse Tn on K~. We obtain p: Tn --+ We shall fix the values ofthe last n - 1 integrals 12" .. ,In and shall consider the resulting (n + I)-dimensional surface xn + 1 . Limiting in it 11 = H, we obtain the smooth function I in xn + 1 . We will say that the rearrangement of the Liouville tori, which generate the non-singular fiber Ba (assumed compact), is a rearrangement of the common location if, in the neighborhood ofthe rearrangement the torus Tn, the surface xn + 1 is compact, non-singular and the restriction I of the energy 11 = H on xn + 1 is a Morse function in the sense of Section I in this neighborhood. In terms of the diagram L, this means that the path y along which a moves, transversally intersects L at the point C, whose neighborhood in L is a smooth (n - 1)-dimensional submanifold in IRn , and the last n - 1 integrals 12" .. ,In are independent on xn + 1 in the neighborhood of the torus Tn.
THEOREM 24.4 (A. T. Fomenko) (Theorem of the classification of the rearrangements of Liouville tori) (I) If dim L < n - I, then all the non-singular fibers Ba are diffeomorphic. (2) Suppose dim L = n - 1. Suppose the non-degenerate Liouville torus Tn moves along the common non-singular (n + I)-dimensional surface of the level of the integrals 12" .. ,In, which is entrapped by the change in value of the energy integral It = H. This is equivalent to the fact that the point a = F(Tn) E IRn moves along the path y in the direction ofL. Suppose the torus Tn undergoes rearrangement. This occurs when and only when Tn meets the critical points N ofthe mapping of the moment F (i.e. the path y at the point C transversally pierces the (n - I)-dimensional sheet L). Then all the possible types of rearrangement ofthe common location are exhausted by the compositions of the above five canonical rearrangements 1,2,3,4,5. In case I (the rearrangement Tn --+ T n- t --+ 0) as the energy H increases the torus Tn becomes a degenerate torus Tn-I, after which it disappears from the surface of the constant energy H = const (the limiting degeneration). In case 2 (the rearrangement 2Tn --+ Tn --+ 0) as the energy H increases the two tori Tr and T2 merge into one torus Tn, after which they disappear from the surface H = const. In case 3 (Le. Tn -+1% 2Tn) as H increases the torus "penetrates" the critical energy level and splits into two tori 7;," and T2
on the surface H = const. In case 4 (i.e. Tn --+a Tn) as H increases the torus Tn "penetrates" the critical energy level and once more becomes the torus Tn (a non-trivial transformation of a double coil). In case 5 the torus P merge into the manifold and disappears from the surface H = const. Changing the direction of the motion of the torus rn, we obtain five inverse processes: (1) the production of the torus T" from the torus Tn, (2) the trivial production of the two tori Tt and T2" from one torus T", (3) the non-trivial merging of the two tori Tt and T; into one torus P, (4) the non-trivial transformation ofthe torus Tn into the torus P (double coil), (5) the transformation of into the torus P. The previously known rearrangements of two-dimensional tori in the Kovalevskii case and in the Goryachev-Chaplygin case (see M. P. Kharlamov, A topological analysis of classical integrable systems in solid body dynamics, DAN SSSR, 273, no. 6 (1983), 1322-1325) are special cases (and compositions) of the rearrangements described in Theorem 4. When changing H, the torus Tn drifts along the surface xn + 1 of the level of the integrals f2'" . ,f". It can happen that Tn contracts to the torus T" -1. These limiting degenerations emerge in mechanical systems with dissipation. If we introduce small friction into the integrable system, we can assume, to a first approximation, that the energy dissipation is modelled using a decrease in the value Hand causes, consequently, a slow evolution (drift) of the Liouville tori along X n + 1. An answer to the question-What kind of topology is the topology of the surfaces X" + 1 ?-is given by the following theorem.
THEOREM 24.5 Suppose M 2n is a smooth symplectic manifold and the system v = s grad H is integrable using the smooth independent commuting integrals H = f1' f2' ... ,f". Suppose X" + 1 is any fixed nonsingular compact common surface of the level of the last n - 1 integrals. Suppose the restriction H on xn + 1 is a Morse function. Then
L s.(Aa) + L r.K~.~
i.e. a splice of boundary tori (using some ditTeomorphisms) of the following "elementary bricks" is obtained: m dissipative complete tori, p cylinders, q torus oriented saddles, s = Sa torus non-oriented saddles and r = ro + r 1 non-oriented cylinders. The number m equals
the number oflimiting degenerations of the system v in xn+I, in whichH reaches a local minimum or maximum. Theorem 24.3 follows from Theorem 24.5 when n = 2. All the above results also hold for Hamiltonian systems permitting "noncommutative integration." In these cases the Hamiltonian H is included in the noncommutative Lie algebra of G functions on M2n, such that the rank G + dim G = dim M2n. Then the trajectories of the system move with respect to the tori yr, where r = rank G. When proving the above results we use the following statements. LEMMA 24.1 Suppose in the singular fiber Be there is exactly one critical saddle torus Tn-I. (1) Suppose the integral f is orientable in X n + I and a < c < b, where a and b are close to c. Then C b = (f ~ b) is homotopically equivalent to Ca = (f ~ a), to which the manifold Tn -1 X Dl is attracted with respect to the two non-intersecting tori 71n,; 1 and T;,; 1. (2) Suppose the integral f is non-orientable. Then Cb is homotopically equivalent to Ca, to the boundary Ba of which, using the torus Tn -1 , is attracted the n-dimensional manifold yn which has the boundary T" -1 and which is a fibration ~D' T"-I, which 1 corresponds to the nonzero element IX EZ'2- =H 1 (T n - 1 ,Z2)' (3) Further, each of the tori Tt,;I, T2~;I, 7;,n-l always realizes one of the generatrices in the group of homologies H n -1 (7;,n, Z) = zn -1 . If any of these (n - I)-dimensional tori are attached to one and the same Liouville torus 7;,n, they do not intersect and they realize one and the same generatrix of the group of homologies H.-l (7;,., Z), and therefore they are always isotopic in the torus 7;,n.
We will provide one more description of the three-dimensional surfaces Qof constant energy of the integrable (using an oriented Morse integral) systems on M4. Let us suppose that all critical manifolds of integral fare orientable. Suppose m is the number of stable periodic solutions of the system in Q, on which f reaches the minimum or maximum. Consider the two-dimensional connected closed compact orientable manifold M; of the genus g, where g ~ 1 (i.e. a sphere with g handles) and take the product M; x SI. We shall separate an arbitrary finite set of non-intersecting and self-non-intersecting smooth circles lXi in Mi, among which there are exactly m contractible circles (the remainder are non-contractible in M;). In M; x S2 the circles lXi determine the tori I? = lXi x SI. We will cut out M; X SI with respect to all these tori, after which we will inversely identify these tori using
some diffeomorphisms. As a result we obtain a new three-dimensional manifold. It appears that the surface Q has precisely this form. PROBLEM Find an explicit convenient corepresentation of the group 7r1 (Q), where Q3 is the surface from Theorem 24.3. Give an explicit classification of the surfaces of constant energy of the integrable systems of arbitrary dimension. How can we make an upper estimate of the number of complete tori (i.e. stable periodic solutions) in Q3, in terms of the topological invariants Q (homologies, homotopies) in the general case. Discuss the complex analytical analog of the Morse theory of integrable systems constructed above. Does an integrable foliation to the two-dimensional (in a real sense) complex tori exist in the analytical manifold M4? Probably, we can obtain these obstacles in explicit form in examples of surfaces of the K3 type. 24.3. New topological invariant of integrable Hamiltonians
In this section we describe the topological invariant, which was introduced by A. T. Fomenko on the basis of his Morse-type theory of Bottian integrals. Let M4 be a symplectic manifold, v be a Hamiltonian system with Hamiltonian H; v is completely integrable on the compact regular isoenergetic surface Q3 = (H = const); f: Q --+ R is a second independent Bottian integral on Q. The critical submanifolds of fare non-degenerate in Q. The Hamiltonian H will be called non-resonance if the set of Liouville's tori with irrational trajectories of v is dense in Q. The set f - 1(a) is the set of tori in the case when a E R is regular. THEOREM 24.6 (A. T. Fomenko) There exists a one-dimensional graph Z(Q, f), two-dimensional closed compact surface P(Q, f) and the embedding h: Z(Q,f) --+ P(Q, j), which are naturally and uniquely defined by the integrable non-resonance Hamiltonian H with the Bottian integral f on Q. The triple (Z, P, h) does not depend on the choice of the second integral f This means that if f and l' are two arbitrary Bottian integrals of a given system, the graphs Z and Z' are homeomorphic, the surfaces P and P' are homeomorphic, and the diagram h:Z--+P
2 h': Z'
l P'
is commutative. Consequently, the graph Z(Q), surface P(Q) and the embedding h(Q):Z(Q) --+ P(Q) are the topological invariants of the integrable case (of Hamiltonian H) proper. The triple Z(Q), P(Q), h(Q) allow us to classify the integrable Hamiltonians corresponding to their topological types. In particular, we can now demonstrate the visual difference between the invariant topological structure of the Kovalevskaya case, Goryachev-Chaplygin case and so on. The subdivison of the surface P(Q) into the sum of the domains is also the topological invariant of the Hamiltonian H and describes its topological complexity. The graph Z*, which is dual to the graph Z on the surface P, has the vertices of the multiplicity no more than four. The collection of the graphs Z(Q), surfaces P(Q) and embeddings h(Q) is the total topological invariant (topological portrait) of integrable Hamiltonian H. Let us construct the graph Z(Q, f). If a is a non-critical regular value for J, then fa is a union of a finite number of Liouville's tori. Let us represent these tori by the points in R 3 lying on the level a. Changing the value of a (in the domain of regular values), we force the points to move along the vertical in R3. Consequently, we obtain some intervals, viz. the part of the edges of our graph Z. Let us suppose that the axis R is oriented vertically in R3. If the value a becomes critical (we denote such values by c), the critical (singular) level of the integral f becomes more complicated. Let !c be a connected component of a critical level surface ofthe integral. We denote by Nc the set of critical points of the integral f on !C. Let us consider two cases: (a) Nc = !C, (b) Nc c!c. In Section 24.2 A. T. Fomenko gives the complete description of all cases and the topological structure of !C. (See [149], [150].) Let us consider case (a). Here only three types of critical sets are possible. The "minimax circle" type. Here Nc =!c and this set is homeomorphic to a circle Sl. The integral f has a minimum or maximum on S1. The circle Sl is the axis of the filled torus which foliated into non-singular two-dimensional Liouville's tori. We represent this minimax circle by the black point (a vertex of the graph) with one edge (interval) entering the point or emerging from it. The "torus" type. Here Nc = !C. This set is homeomorphic to a twodimensional critical torus. The integral f has a local minimum or maximum on this torus. The tubular neighborhood of this torus in Q is
homeomorphic to the direct product T2 x Di. We represent this minimax torus by the white point (the vertex ofthe graph). Two edges of the graph Z enter this vertex or emerge from it. The "Klein bottle" type. Here Nc = !c. This set is homeomorphic to a two-dimensional Klein bottle K2. The integral f has the local minimum or maximum on this manifold. The tubular neighborhood of K2 is homeomorphic to the skew product of K2 and the interval Di. We represent this minimax Klein bottIe by a white disc with a black point at the centre (the vertex of graph Z). One edge of the graph Z enters this vertex or emerges from it. Let us consider case (b). Here N c c: !c and N c ¥- !c. Here N c is a union of non-intersecting critical circles in !c. Each of these circles is a saddle circle for f We shall call the corresponding connected component !c a saddle component. Each saddle component !c is represented by a flat horizontal square in R3 on the level c. Some edges of the graph Z enter the square from below (when a -+ c and a < c). Some other edges of graph Z emerge upwards from the square (when a> c). Finally we define some of graph A which consists of the regular edges described above. Some edges enter the vertices like the three types described above. Graph A is a subgraph in graph Z. Graph A was obtained from the union of the edges which are the traces of the points representing the regular Liouville tori. Let us define the graphs 7;. We consider a vector field w = grad f on Q. Let us call by separatrices the integral trajectories of w which enter the critical points on critical submanifolds (or emerge from them) and call their union the separatrix diagram of a critical submanifold. Then we consider the local separatrix diagram of each saddle critical circle Si . Let us consider two regular values c - e and c + e which are close to c. They define the regular Liouville tori above and below !c. The separatrix diagrams of critical circles meet these tori and intersect them along some smooth circles. These curves of intersection divide each torus into the sum of two-dimensional domains which will be referred to as regular. Each inner point of a regular domain belongs to the integral trajectory of the field w, which is not a separatrix. The trajectory goes upwards and leaves aside the critical circles on the level !c. Then the trajectory meets some torus on the upper non-singular level !c+,. We obtain a certain correspondence (homeomorphism) between regular domains on the levels !c-, and !c+ •. Let us consider the orientable case, when all separatrix diagrams are orientable. Since each regular torus is
represented by a point on graph A, we can join the corresponding points by arcs which represent the bundle of parallel integral trajectories. Consequently we obtain some of graph 7;,. All edges of the graph 7;, represent the trajectories of single regular domains of Liouville's tori. The tori break down into the sum of single pieces, then these pieces are transposed and joined into new tori again. Each upper torus is formed from the pieces of lower tori (and conversely). The ends of the edges of the graph 1'.: are identified with some ends of the edges of the graph A. Graph 7;, demonstrates the process of transformation of lower tori into upper tori after their intersection with a saddle critical level of the integral. Let us consider the non-orientable case when we have the critical circles with non-orientable separatrix diagrams. Let us consider all Liouville's tori which are in contact with the level surface fc with a nonorientable separatrix diagram of some critical circles on fc. Let us mark by asterisks all regular domains on these tori which are in contact with non-orientable separatrix diagrams. We mark by asterisks the corresponding edges of the graph. Finally we double all edges of the graph (preserving the number of its vertices) and denote the resulting graph as 7;,. Finally, we define the graph Z as the union Z = A + 7;" where {c} are the critical values of f Let us construct the surface P(Q, f). This surface is obtained as the union P(A) + P(7;,) (here {c} are the critical values of f) where P(A) and P(7;,) are two-dimensional surfaces with boundary. Here P(A) = (A x SI) + I D2 + I 11 2 + LSi X Dl. Here A = Int A, I D2 denotes the non-intersecting 2-discs corresponding to the vertices of the graph A, which have a "minimax circle" type; I 11 2 denotes the non-intersecting Mobius bands, corresponding to the vertices of the graph A, which have a "Klein bottle" type; I SI x Dl denotes the non-intersecting cylinders, corresponding to the vertices of the graph A, which have a "torus type". The corresponding boundary circles of Ax SI are identified with the boundary circles of D2, 1l2, SI X Dl by some homeomorphisms. Let us construct the surfaces P(7;,). Let us consider the orientable case. Fomenko proves (see Section 24.2 and [149], [150]) that in this case the surface fc is homeomorphic to direct product Kc x SI, where Ke is some graph. The graph Ke is constructed from several circles, which are tangent in some points. Such circles can be realized as a cycle on the
torus contained in !C. This cycle intersects with a critical circle on !c only in one point. The surface !c is obtained as a two-dimensional cell-complex by the union of several species of two-dimensional tori along some circles. The tori stick together along the critical circles realizing a non-trivial cycle on the tori. The critical circles do not intersect and they are homologous in !C. They cut !c into the sum of flat rings. Consequently, the circle y (non-homologous to zero) is uniquely defined on a critical level surface !C. We can choose the circle a which is a generator on the torus contained in !C. The circle a is complementary to y. We obtain the set of circles a which are tangent to one another at points on critical circles. Each circle a will be called oval. The ovals can be tangent to one another at several points. The graph Kc is the union of all ovals. The surface P(T.,) can be realized as "normal section" of a small neighborhood of a critical level surface!c in Q. The intersection of P(T.,) with !c is the graph Kc. To realize the surface P(T.,) in Q, we must consider the small intervals on the integral trajectories of the field w = grad J, which intersect the graph Kc. This definition is correct in all non-critical points on Kc. Let us consider the vertices ofthe graph K" i.e. the critical points of the integral f on !C. Then we consider the small squares orthogonal to the critical circles on !C. The surface P(T.,) is the union of these squares and the bands, which are formed from the small intervals defined above. Finally, we identify the boundary circles of the surface P(A) with the boundary circles of the surfaces P(T.,). The graph Kc is embedded in the surface P(T.,). We obtain some graph K as the union of all graphs Kc and all boundary circles, described above. THEOREM 24.7 (A. T. Fomenko) The graph Z(Q,J) is conjugate to the graph K(Q,f) in the surface P(Q,J). Consequently, the graph Z(Q,f) is embedded in the surface P(Q, f). The surface P(Q, f) does not embed (in general case) in the surface Q. The construction of the triple Z, P, h is finished. Theorem 24.6 states that this triple does not depend from the choice of the Bottian integral f PROPOSITION Let f and l' be two arbitrary Bottian integrals of a system v. Then the homeomorphism h:Z(Q,f) -+ Z(Q, 1') (see Theorem 24.6) transforms the subgraphs T., into the subgraphs T.,'. The asterisks of the graph Z(Q, f) are mapped into the asterisks of the graph
Z(Q, /'). The vertices of the types "minimax circle" and "Klein bottle" on the graph Z(Q, f) are mapped into the vertices of the same type on the graph Z (Q, /'). The vertices of the "torus type" on the graph Z (Q, f) may change their type and be mapped into the usual inner points of some edge on the graph Z(Q, /,). Conversely, some usual inner points of the edges on the graph Z(Q, f) can be mapped into the vertices of the "torus type" on the graph Z(Q, 1'). This event corresponds (from the analytical point of view) to the operation f --+ f2 (square offunction) or, (square root). conversely, to the operation f --+ If a non-resonance Hamiltonian H is fixed, we can consider all its nonsingular isoenergetic surfaces Q. This set consists (in concrete cases) usually of a finite number of triples (Z, P, h). We formulate the new definition based on Theorem 24.6.
We shall call the triple Z(Q), P(Q), h(Q) an invariant topological portrait of a non-resonance integrable Hamiltonian H on a fixed isoenergetic surface Q. The discrete set of all triples {Z, P, h} will be called the total topological invariant portrait of the integrable Hamil tonian. We shall obtain the following corollary from Theorem 24.6. If two integrable systems have non-homeomorphic topological portraits, then there exists no transformation of coordinates which would realize the equivalence of these systems. So, the systems with non-homeomorphic topological portraits are non-equivalent. On the other hand, nonequivalent systems with homeomorphic topological portraits do exist. Practically all the results listed above are also valid in the multidimensional case. These results will be described in a separate paper by Fomenko. DEFINITION
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Selective key to the notation used
Ill-the set of all real numbers. C-the set of all complex numbers. Z-the set of all integers. Q-the set of all rational numbers. [Rn-n-dimensional real linear space. W t 1\ w 2 -the exterior product of differential forms W t and W 2 . Xl, XT-the matrix transpose of a matrix X. Tij-the elementary matrix: (7;)pq = (c5 i/jjQ ). Eij = 7;j - 1}i-the elementary skew-symmetric matrix. li,jl = 7;j + 1}i-the elementary symmetric matrix, adt(x) = (ad ~)* x = a(x,~) where ~ E G, X E G* is the coadjoint representation of the Lie algebra G in the space G* dual to the Lie algebra G. R(X, Y}--the Cartan-Killing form. <X, Y )-pairing between the space V and the space V* that is dual to it. COO(M}--the space of all smooth functions on smooth manifold M. H(M)-the space of all Hamiltonian vector fields. A(W)-the space of analytical functions on space W. V(M)-the Lie algebra of all vector fields on a smooth manifold M under the commutator of vector fields. Exp-the exponential mapping Exp: G -+ ffi of the Lie algebra G into the Lie group ffi. F(M)-the full commutative set of functions on a symplectic manifold M. Reg(G)-regular elements of Lie algebra G. Exp G-the Lie group corresponding to the Lie algebra G. Qk(M)-the space of the differential k-forms on the manifold M.
j j j j j j j j j j j j j
Adjoint representation, 18 Affine Lie algebras, 219 Algebra with Poincare duality, 162 Algebraic variety, 8 Argument translation, 137 Bifurcation diagram, 271 Bounded domain, 8 Canonical H-invariants, 168 Cartan-Killing form, 20 Cartan subalgebra, 20 Case of Steklov, 85 Chain subalgebras, 144 Coadjoint representation, 18 Compact series, 75 Complete torus, 270 Complex semi-simple series, 71 Condition (FJ), 48 Configuration space, 5 j-connective vector fields, 52 Contraction of the Lie algebra, 174 Cylinders, 270 Dissipative complete torus, 271 Dynamic tensor, 56 Embedding of the dynamic system into a Lie algebra, 55 Equations of magnetic hydrodynamics, 89 Euler's equation, 55 First case of Clebsch, 84 Fubini-Studi metric, 7
Functions in involution, 30 Geodesic flow, 10 Hamiltonian field, 8 Index of the Lie algebra, 33 Integral, 12 Invariant, 27 Kiihler manifold, 7 Kirchhoff integrals, 83 Lagrange case, 210 Lie algebra, 17 Lie group, 17 Locally Hamiltonian vector field, 9 M-condition, 169 Morphism of symplectic manifolds, 53 Morse-type integral, 267 n-dimensional rigid body, 61 Non-oriented saddle, 270 Non-resonance Hamiltonian, 275 Normal nilpotent series, 75 Normal series, 75 Normal solvable series, 75 One-parameter subgroup, 17 Oriented saddle, 270 Poisson bracket, 11
Realization in a symplectic manifold, 54 Reduction of a Hamiltonian system, 37 Regular element, 20 Root, 21 Second case of Clebsch, 84 Sectional operator, 68 Sectional operators on symmetric spaces, 104 Semi-invariant, 27 Similar functions, 168
Simple root, 21 Skew-symmetric gradient, 2 S-representation, 142 Stable trajectory, 267 Submersion, 52 Symplectic atlas, 4 Symplectic coordinates, 3 Symplectic manifold, 1 Symplectic structure, 1 Toda chain, 62