Progress in Mathematics Volume 237
Series Editors H. Bass X Oesterle A. Weinstein
Petr P. Kulish Nenad Manojlovic Henning Samtleben Editors
Infinite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems
Birkhauser Verlag Basel • Boston • Berlin
Authors'. Petr P. Kulish St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute Rassian Academy of Sciences Fontaka27 191011 St. Petersburg Russia e-mail:
[email protected]
Nenad Manojlovich Departamcnto de Matematica Faculdade Ue Cicncias e Tecnologia Universidade do Algarve Campus de Gambelas 8005-139 Faro Portugal e-mail:
[email protected]
Henning Sanitleben Ilnd Institute for Theoretical Physics University of Hamburg Lumper Chaussee 149 22761 Hamburg Germany e-mail: henning s;imUeben(«)
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 14H15, I4H70, 17B37, 17B55, 17B67, 17B68, 17B69, 17B80, 17B81, 20GI0, 32V60, 32G15, 32G34, 33C70, 33C80, 35Q58, 37J35, 37K10, 46E20, 58B20, 5RFO7, 81R10, 81R50, 81U15, 8IU20, 81T10, 81T40, 82B20, 82B23
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ISBN 3-7643-7215-X Birkhauser Verlag, Basel - Boston - Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use whatsoever, permission from the copyright owner must be obtained. © 2005 Birkhauscr Verlag, P.O. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Part of Springer Science (-Business Media Printed on acid-free paper produced of chlorine-free pulp, TCF « Printed in Germany ISBN-10:3-7643-7215-X ISBN-13:978-3-7643-7215-fi 987654321
Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E. Frenkel Gaudin Model and Opers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring Integrable Models with Unstable Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models via Conformal Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kanehisa Takasaki Elliptic Spectral Parameter and Infinite-Dimensional Grassmann Variety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Takashi Takebe Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold Wess-Zumino-Witten Model. II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 L.A. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo Weil-Petersson Geometry of the Universal Teichm¨ uller Space . . . . . . . . . 225 V. Tarasov Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov and Dynamical Equations, and Hypergeometric Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Preface The workshop “Infinite dimensional algebras and quantum integrable systems” was held in July 2003 at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, as a satellite workshop of the XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Recent developments in the theory of infinite dimensional algebras and their applications to quantum integrable systems were reviewed in invited lectures and a number of contributions from the participants. This volume presents the invited lectures of the workshop. V. Kac and M. Wakimoto describe the representation theory of twisted vertex algebras obtained by quantum Hamiltonian reduction from affine superalgebras. They present a unified representation theory of twisted superconformal algebras. In particular this leads to unified free field realizations and determinant formulas. Examples include the Ramond type sectors and twisted sectors of the N = 1, 2, 3, 4 and the big N = 4 superconformal algebras. E. Frenkel reviews relations between the Gaudin model and opers. He introduces the Gaudin algebra to a Lie algebra g as a commutative subalgebra of U (g)⊗N that contains in particular the Hamiltonians of the Gaudin model. The spectrum of this algebra can be identified with the space of opers associated to the Langlands dual Lie group L G to g. Eventually, that allows to relate solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations to Miura opers and further to the flag varieties associated to L G. L. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo give a brief summary of recent work on geometrical structures on the universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1). They define a Weil-Petersson metric on T (1) by Hilbert space inner products on tangent spaces, compute its Riemann curvature tensor, and show that T (1) is a K¨ ahler-Einstein manifold with negative constant Ricci curvature. Several lectures are devoted to the applications to quantum integrable models, conformal field theory, and in particular the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations. A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev describe various constructions in the representation theory of classical and quantum groups that are inspired by the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method. Using the separation of variable method in the modern group-theoretical framework, they review recent results on the analytic continuation of Gelfand-Zetlin theory to infinite-dimensional representations of U (gln ) and present the generalization to the quantum groups Uq (gln ). They further demonstrate the applications to quantum integrable systems of Toda type.
H. Boos, V. Korepin and F. Smirnov present new results on correlation functions of the quantum group invariant XXZ-model. These results are based on the relation previously found by Jimbo and Miwa between XXZ correlators and solutions of the q-deformed Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations on level −4. These solutions are further related to level 0 solutions; the new formulae suggest the decomposition of general matrix elements with respect to states of the infrared CFT. Takashi Takabe in his lecture discusses the trigonometric Wess-ZuminoWitten (WZW) model. Based on the result that the trigonometric WZW model is factorized into the orbifold WZW models, he shows that it arises as degeneration of the twisted WZW model on elliptic curves. This is natural as the elliptic r-matrix describing the elliptic Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations likewise degenerates to the trigonometric r-matrix. The rigorous proof requires careful algebro-geometric arguments. V. Tarasov reviews the generalization of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations to the system of so-called differential dynamical equations. Both systems have a complete set of hypergeometric solutions. It is shown how the known (glk , gln ) dualities between the two systems of differential equations lead to nontrivial relations between hypergeometric integrals of different dimensions. Extensions to trigonometric and difference versions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov and dynamical equations are briefly discussed. Recent progress in the theory of classical integrable systems is reported by Kanehisa Takasaki. He analyzes new classes of integrable partial differential equations admitting a zero-curvature representation on algebraic curves of arbitrary genus. He first reviews how conventional soliton equations are treated in the Grassmannian perspective, considering as example the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy in great detail. Subsequently, recent results on the elliptic analogues of these systems are presented. Finally, O. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring present a lecture on two-dimensional quantum field theories with unstable particles. They review the main facts on analytic scattering theory of factorizable integrable models before presenting a new bootstrap principle that allows to include unstable particles in the spectrum. They describe the underlying Lie algebraic structure and the construction of an S-matrix like object characterizing the scattering between unstable particles. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (CEMAT) of the Instituto Superior T´ecnico, the Luso-American Foundation and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, project POCTI/33858/MAT/2000. We wish to express our gratitude to Jos´e Ferreira Pereira Ferraz, Vice-Rector of the University of Algarve, and Ant´ onio Ferreira dos Santos, CEMAT and Department of Mathematics of Instituto Superior T´ecnico, for their support. Finally, we would like to thank all the participants for creating an excellent atmosphere of the workshop, and especially the contributors of this volume for writing a wonderful set of lecture notes. P.P. Kulish, N. Manojlovi´c, H. Samtleben
Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 1–58 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Gaudin Model and Opers Edward Frenkel Abstract. This is a review of our previous works [FFR, F1, F3] (some of them joint with B. Feigin and N. Reshetikhin) on the Gaudin model and opers. We define a commutative subalgebra in the tensor power of the universal enveloping algebra of a simple Lie algebra g. This algebra includes the Hamiltonians of the Gaudin model, hence we call it the Gaudin algebra. It is constructed as a quotient of the center of the completed enveloping algebra of the affine KacMoody algebra g at the critical level. We identify the spectrum of the Gaudin algebra with the space of opers associated to the Langlands dual Lie algebra L g on the projective line with regular singularities at the marked points. Next, we recall the construction of the eigenvectors of the Gaudin algebra using the Wakimoto modules over g of critical level. The Wakimoto modules are naturally parameterized by Miura opers (or, equivalently, Cartan connections), and the action of the center on them is given by the Miura transformation. This allows us to relate solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations to Miura opers and ultimately to the flag varieties associated to the Langlands dual Lie algebra L g. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 17B67 and 82B23. Keywords. Gaudin model, Bethe Ansatz, oper, Miura transformation, Wakimoto module.
Introduction Let g be a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra over C and U (g) its universal enveloping algebra. Choose a basis {Ja }, a = 1, . . . , d, of g, and let {J a } the dual basis with respect to a non-degenerate invariant bilinear form on g. Let z1 , . . . , zN be a collection of distinct complex numbers. The Gaudin Hamiltonians are the following elements of the algebra U (g)⊗N : Ξi =
d (i) Ja J a(j) j=i a=1
zi − zj
i = 1, . . . , N,
Partially supported by grants from the NSF and DARPA.
E. Frenkel
where for A ∈ g we denote by A(i) the element of U (g)⊗N which is the tensor product of A in the ith factor and 1 in all other factors. One checks easily that these elements commute with each other and are invariant with respect to the diagonal action of g on U (g)⊗N . For any collection M1 , . . . , MN of g-modules, the Gaudin Hamiltonians give N rise to commuting linear operators on i=1 Mi . We are interested in the diagonalization of these operators. More specifically, we will consider the following two cases: when all of the Mi ’s are Verma modules and when they are finite-dimensional irreducible modules. It is natural to ask: are there any other elements in U (g)⊗N which commute with the Gaudin Hamiltonians? Clearly, the N -fold tensor product Z(g)⊗N of the center Z(g) of U (g) is the center of U (g)⊗N , and its elements obviously commute with the Ξi ’s. As shown in [FFR], if g has rank grater than one, then in addition to the Gaudin Hamiltonians and the central elements there are other elements in U (g)⊗N of orders higher than two which commute with the Gaudin operators and with each other (but explicit formulas for them are much more complicated and unknown in general). Adjoining these “higher Gaudin Hamiltonians” to the Ξi ’s together with the center Z(g)⊗N , we obtain a large commutative subalgebra of U (g)⊗N . We will call it the Gaudin algebra and denote it by Z(zi ) (g). The construction of Z(zi ) (g) will be recalled in Section 2. The key point is the realization of U (g)⊗N as the space of coinvariants of induced modules over the affine Kac-Moody algebra g on the projective line. Using this realization, we obtain a surjective map from the center of the completed universal enveloping algebra of g at the critical level onto Z(zi ) (g). The next natural question is what is the spectrum of Z(zi ) (g), i.e., the set of all maximal ideals of Z(zi ) (g), or equivalently, algebra homomorphisms Z(zi ) (g) → C. Knowing the answer is important, because then we will know how to think about the common eigenvalues of the higher Gaudin operators on the tensor products N i=1 Mi of g-modules. These common eigenvalues correspond to points of the spectrum of Z(zi ) (g). The answer comes from the description of the center of the completed universal enveloping algebra of g at the critical level. In [FF2, F2] it is shown that the spectrum of this center (more precisely, the center of the corresponding vertex algebra) is canonically identified with the space of the so-called L G-opers, where L G is the Langlands dual Lie group to g (of adjoint type), on the formal disc. This result leads us to the following description of the spectrum of the algebra Z(zi ) (g) of higher Gaudin Hamiltonians: it is the space of L G-opers on P1 with regular singularities at the points z1 , . . . , zN and ∞. We obtain this description from some basic facts about the spaces of coinvariants from [FB]. Recall that the space of coinvariants HV (X; (xi ); (Mi )) is defined in [FB] for any (quasi-conformal) vertex algebra V , a smooth projective curve X, a collection x1 , . . . , xn of distinct points of X and a collection of V -modules M1 , . . . , Mn attached to those points. Suppose that V is a commutative vertex
Gaudin Model and Opers
algebra, and so in particular it is a commutative algebra. Suppose that the spectrum of V is the space S(D) of certain geometric objects, such as L G-opers, on the disc D = Spec C[[t]]. Then a V -module is the same as a smooth module over the complete topological algebra U (V ) of functions on S(D× ), which is the space of our objects (such as L G-opers) on the punctured disc D× = Spec C((t)). Suppose in addition that each V -module Mi is the space of functions on a subspace Si of S(D× ) (with its natural Fun S(D× )-module structure). Then the space of coinvariants HV (X; (xi ); (Mi )) is naturally a commutative algebra, and its spectrum is the space of our objects (such as L G-opers) on X\{x1 , . . . , xn } whose restriction to the punctured disc Dx×i around xi belongs to Si ⊂ S(Dx×i ), i = 1, . . . , n. For example, if g = sl2 , then L G = P GL2 , and P GL2 -opers are the same as second order differential operators ∂t2 − q(t) acting from sections of the line bundle Ω−1/2 to sections of Ω3/2 . A P GL2 -oper on P1 with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN and ∞ may be written as the Fuchsian differential operator of second order with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN , N N ci µi ∂t2 − − , 2 i=1 (t − zi ) i=1 t − zi N satisfying the condition i=1 µi = 0 that insures that it also has regular singularity at ∞. Defining such an operator is the same as giving a collection of numbers N ci , µi , i = 1, . . . , N , such that i=1 µi = 0. The set N µi = 0 , ci , µi , i = 1, . . . , N i=1
is then the spectrum of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g), which in this case is the (i) polynomial algebra generated by the Casimir operators Ci = 12 a Ja J a(i) , i = 1, . . . , N , and the Gaudin Hamiltonians Ξi , subject to the relation N i=1 Ξi = 0. In other words, the numbers ci record the eigenvalues of the Ci ’s, while the numbers µi record the eigenvalues of the Ξi ’s. For a general simple Lie algebra g, the Gaudin algebra ZN (g) has many more generators, and its spectrum does not have such a nice system of coordinates as the ci ’s and the µi ’s in the above example. Therefore the description of the spectrum as a space of L G-opers is very useful. In particular, we obtain that common eigenvalues of the higher Gaudin Hamiltonians are encoded by L G-opers on P1 , with regular singularities at prescribed points. These L G-opers appear as generalizations of the above second order Fuchsian operators. Next, we ask which points in the spectrum of Z(zi ) (g) might occur as the N common eigenvalues on particular tensor products i=1 Mi . We answer this question first in the case when each Mi admits a central character: namely, it turns out that the central character of Mi fixes the residue of the L G-oper at the point zi . We then show that if all g-modules Mi are finite-dimensional and irreducible, then the L G-opers encoding possible eigenvalues of the higher Gaudin Hamiltonians in N i=1 Mi necessarily have trivial monodromy representation.
E. Frenkel
We conjecture that there is a bijection between the eigenvalues of the Gaudin N Hamiltonians on i=1 Mi , where the Mi ’s are irreducible finite-dimensional gmodules, and L G-opers on P1 with prescribed singularities at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ and trivial monodromy. Thus, we obtain a correspondence between two seemingly unrelated objects: the eigenvalues of the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians and the L G-opers on P1 . The connection between the eigenvalues of the Gaudin operators and differential operators of some sort has been observed previously, but it was not until [FFR, F1] that this phenomenon was explained conceptually. We present a more geometric description the L G-opers without monodromy (which occur as the eigenvalues of the Gaudin Hamiltonians) as isomorphism classes of holomorphic maps from P1 to L G/L B, the flag manifold of L G, satisfying a certain transversality condition. For example, if L G = P GL2 , they may be described as holomorphic maps P1 → P1 whose derivative vanishes to prescribed orders at the marked points z1 , . . . , zN and ∞, and does not vanish anywhere else (these orders correspond to the highest weights of the finite-dimensional representations inserted at those points). If the L G-oper is non-degenerate (in the sense explained in Section 5.2), then we can associate to it an eigenvector of the Gaudin Hamiltonians called a Bethe vector. The procedure to construct eigenvectors of the Gaudin Hamiltonians that produces these vectors is known as the Bethe Ansatz. In [FFR] we explained that this procedure can also be understood in the framework of coinvariants of g-modules of critical level. We need to use a particular class of g-modules, called the Wakimoto modules. Let us recall that the Wakimoto modules of critical level are naturally parameterized by objects closely related to opers, which we call Miura opers. They may also be described more explicitly as certain connections on a particular L Hbundle Ω−ρ on the punctured disc, where L H is the Cartan subgroup of L G. The center acts on the Wakimoto module corresponding to a Cartan connection by the Miura transformation of this connection (see [F2]). The idea of [FFR] was to use the spaces of coinvariants of the tensor product of the Wakimoto modules to construct eigenvectors of the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians. We found in [FFR] that the eigenvalues of the Gaudin Hamiltonians on these vectors are encoded by the L G-opers which are obtained by applying the Miura transformation to certain Cartan connections on P1 . More precisely, the Bethe vector depends on an m-tuple of complex numbers wj , where j = 1, . . . , m, with an extra datum attached to each of them, ij ∈ I, where I is the set of nodes of the Dynkin diagram of g (or equivalently, the set of simple roots of g). These numbers have to be distinct from the zi ’s and satisfy the following system of Bethe Ansatz equations: N λi , α ˇ ij αis , α ˇ ij − = 0, i=1 wj − zi s=j wj − ws
j = 1, . . . , m,
Gaudin Model and Opers
where λi denotes the highest weight of the finite-dimensional g-module Mi = Vλi , i = 1, . . . , N . We can compute explicitly the L G-oper encoding the eigenvalues of the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians on this vector. As shown in [FFR], this L G-oper is obtained by applying the Miura transformation of the connection N m αij λi − (0.3) ∂t + i=1 t − zi j=1 t − wj on the L H-bundle Ω−ρ on P1 . This L G-oper automatically has trivial monodromy. The Bethe vector corresponding to a solution of the system (0.2) is a highest N weight vector in i=1 Vλi of weight N m µ= λi − αij , i=1
so it can only be non-zero if µ is a dominant integral weight of g. But it is still interesting to describe the set of all solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations (0.2), even for non-dominant weights µ. While the eigenvalues of the Gaudin Hamiltonians are parameterized by L Gopers, it turns out that the solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations are parameterized by the (non-degenerate) Miura L G-opers. As mentioned above, those may in turn be related to very simple objects, namely, connections on an L H-bundle Ω−ρ of the kind given above in formula (0.3). A L G-oper on a curve X is by definition a triple (F, ∇, FL B ), where F is L a G-bundle on X, ∇ is a connection on F and FL B is a reduction of F to a Borel subgroup L B of L G, which satisfies a certain transversality condition with ∇. A Miura L G-oper is by definition a quadruple (F, ∇, FL B , FL B ) where FL B is another L B-reduction of F, which is preserved by ∇. The space of Miura opers on a curve X whose underlying oper has regular singularities and trivial monodromy representation (so that F is isomorphic to the trivial bundle) is isomorphic to the flag manifold L G/L B of L G. Indeed, in order to define the L B-reduction FL B of such F everywhere, it is sufficient to define it at one point x ∈ X and then use the connection to “spread” it around. But choosing a L B-reduction at one point means choosing an element of the twist of L G/L B by Fx , and so we see that the space of all reductions is isomorphic to the flag manifold of L G. The relative position of the two reductions FL B and FL B at each point of X is measured by an element w of the Weyl group W of G. The two reductions are in generic relative position (corresponding to w = 1) almost everywhere on X. The mildest possible non-generic relative positions correspond to the simple reflections si from W . We call a Miura oper on P1 with marked points z1 , . . . , zN non are in generic position at z1 , . . . , zN , degenerate if the two reductions FB and FB 1 and elsewhere on P their relative position is either generic or corresponds to a simple reflection. We denote the points where the relative position is not generic by wj , j = 1, . . . , m; each point wj comes together with a simple reflection sij , or equivalently a simple root αij attached to it.
E. Frenkel
It is then easy to see that this collection satisfies the equations (0.2), and conversely any solution of (0.2) corresponds to a non-degenerate Miura oper (or to an L H-connection (0.3)). Thus, we obtain that there is a bijection between the set of solutions of (0.2) (for all possible collections {i1 , . . . , im }) and the set of non-degenerate Miura L G-opers such that the underlying L G-opers have prescribed residues at the points z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ and trivial monodromy. Now let us fix λ1 , . . . , λN and µ. Then every L G-oper τ on P1 with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN and ∞ and with prescribed residues corresponding to λ1 , . . . , λN and µ and trivial monodromy admits a horizontal L B-reduction FL B satisfying the conditions of a non-degenerate Miura oper. Since these are open conditions, we find that for such z1 , . . . , zN the non-degenerate Miura oper structures on a particular L G-oper τ on P1 form an open dense subset in the set of all Miura oper structures on τ . But the set of all Miura structures on a given L G-oper τ is isomorphic to the flag manifold L G/L B. Therefore we find that the set of non-degenerate Miura oper structures on τ is an open dense subset of L G/L B! Recall that the set of all solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations (0.2) is the union of the sets of non-degenerate Miura oper structures on all L G-opers with trivial monodromy. Hence it is naturally a disjoint union of subsets, parameterized by these L G-opers. We have now identified each of these sets with an open and dense subset of the flag manifold L G/L B. Let us summarize our results: • the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonians of the Gaudin model associated to a simple Lie algebra g on the tensor product of finite-dimensional representations are encoded by L G-opers on P1 , where L G is the Langlands dual group of G, which have regular singularities at the marked points z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ and trivial monodromy; • if such an oper τ is non-degenerate, then we can associte to it a solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations (0.2), which gives rise to the Bethe eigenvector of dominant integral weight whose eigenvalues are encoded by τ ; • there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of all solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations (0.2) and the set of non-degenerate Miura opers corresponding to a fixed L G-oper; • the set of non-degenerate Miura opers corresponding to the same underlying L G-oper is an open dense subset of the flag manifold L G/L B of the Langlands dual group, and therefore the set of all solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations (0.2) is the union of certain open dense subsets of the flag manifold of the Langlands dual group, one for each L G-oper. Finally, to a degenerate L G-oper we can also attach, at least in some cases, an eigenvector of the Gaudin hamiltonians by generalizing the Bethe Ansatz procedure, as explained in Section 5.5. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 we introduce opers and discuss their basic properties. We define opers with regular singularities and their residues.
Gaudin Model and Opers
In Section 2, following [FFR], we define the Gaudin algebra using the coinvariants of the affine Kac-Moody algebra g of critical level. We recall the results of [FF2, F2] on the isomorphism of the center of the completed universal enveloping algebra of g at the critical level and the algebra of functions on the space of L G-opers on the punctured disc. Using these results and general facts about the spaces of coinvariants from [FB], we describe the spectrum of the Gaudin algebra. In Section 3 we introduce Miura opers, Cartan connections and the Miura transformation and describe their properties, following [F2, F3]. We use these results in the next section, Section 4, to describe the Bethe Ansatz, a construction of eigenvectors of the Gaudin algebra. We introduce the Wakimoto modules of critical level, following [FF1, F2]. The Wakimoto modules are naturally parameterized by the Cartan connections on the punctured disc introduced in Section 3. The action of the center on the Wakimoto modules is given by the Miura transformation. We construct the Bethe vectors, following [FFR], using the coinvariants of the Wakimoto modules. We show that the Bethe Ansatz equations which ensure that this vector is an eigenvector of the Gaudin Hamiltonians coincide with the requirement that the Miura transformation of the Cartan connection on P1 encoding the Wakimoto modules has no singularities at the points w1 , . . . , wm . Finally, in Section 5 we consider the Gaudin model in the case when all modules Mi finite-dimensional modules. We describe the precise connection between the spectrum of the Gaudin algebra on the tensor product of finite-dimensional modules and the set of L G-opers with prescribed singularities at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ and trivial monodromy.
1. Opers 1.1. Definition of opers Let G be a simple algebraic group of adjoint type, B a Borel subgroup and N = [B, B] its unipotent radical, with the corresponding Lie algebras n ⊂ b ⊂ g. The quotient H = B/N is a torus. Choose a splitting H → B of the homomorphism B → H and the corresponding splitting h → b at the level of Lie algebras. Then we will have a Cartan decomposition g = n− ⊕ h ⊕ n. We will choose generators {ei }, i = 1, . . . , , of n and generators {fi }, i = 1, . . . , of n− corresponding to simple roots, and denote by ρˇ ∈ h the sum of the fundamental coweights of g. ρ, fi ] = −1. Then we will have the following relations: [ˇ ρ, ei ] = 1, [ˇ A G-oper on a smooth curve X (or a disc D Spec C[[t]] or a punctured disc D× = Spec C((t))) is by definition a triple (F, ∇, FB ), where F is a principal G-bundle F on X, ∇ is a connection on F and FB is a B-reduction of F such that locally on X (with respect to a local coordinate t and a local trivialization of FB ) the connection has the form ∇ = ∂t +
ψi (t)fi + v(t),
E. Frenkel
where each ψi (t) is a nowhere vanishing function, and v(t) is a b-valued function. The space of G-opers on X is denoted by OpG (X). This definition is due to A. Beilinson and V. Drinfeld [BD1] (in the case when X is the punctured disc opers were first introduced in [DS]). In particular, if U = Spec R is an affine curve with the ring of functions R and t is a global coordinate on U (for example, if U = Spec C[[t]]), then OpG (U ) is isomorphic to the quotient of the space of operators of the form ∇ = ∂t +
v(t) ∈ b(R),
fi + v(t),
by the action of the group N (R) (we use the action of H(R) to make all functions ψi (t) equal to 1). Recall that the gauge transformation of an operator ∂t + A(t), where A(t) ∈ g(R) by g(t) ∈ G(R) is given by the formula g · (∂t + A(t)) = ∂t + gA(t)g −1 − ∂t g · g −1 . The operator ad ρˇ defines the principal gradation on b, with respect to which we have a direct sum decomposition b = i≥0 bi . Set p−1 =
fi .
Let p1 be the unique element of degree 1 in n, such that {p−1 , 2ρˇ, p1 } is an sl2 triple. Let Vcan = ⊕i∈E Vcan,i be the space of ad p1 -invariants in n. Then p1 spans Vcan,1 . Choose a linear generator pj of Vcan,dj (if the multiplicity of dj is greater (1) than one, which happens only in the case g = D2n , dj = 2n, then we choose linearly independent vectors in Vcan,dj ). The following result is due to Drinfeld and Sokolov [DS] (the proof is reproduced in Lemma 2.1 of [F3]). G (Spec R) is free, and each gauge Lemma 1.1. The gauge action of N (R) on Op equivalence class contains a unique operator of the form ∇ = ∂t +p−1 +v(t), where v(t) ∈ Vcan (R), so that we can write v(t) =
vj (t) · pj .
1.2. P GL2 -opers For g = sl2 , G = P GL2 we obtain an identification of the space of P GL2 -opers with the space of operators of the form
0 v(t) ∂t + . 1 0 If we make a change of variables t = ϕ(s), then the corresponding connection operator will become
0 ϕ (s)v(ϕ(s)) . ∂s + ϕ (s) 0
Gaudin Model and Opers
Applying the B-valued gauge transformation with
(s) 0 (ϕ (s))1/2 1 12 ϕϕ (s) , 0 (ϕ (s))1/2 0 1 we obtain the operator
∂s +
0 1
v(ϕ(s))ϕ (s)2 − 12 {ϕ, s} 0
2 ϕ 3 ϕ {ϕ, s} = − ϕ 2 ϕ is the Schwarzian derivative. Thus, under the change of variables t = ϕ(s) we have 1 v(t) → v(ϕ(s))ϕ (s)2 − {ϕ, s}. 2 this coincides with the transformation properties of the second order differential operators ∂t2 −v(t) acting from sections of Ω−1/2 to sections of Ω3/2 , where Ω is the canonical line bundle on X. Such operators are known as projective connections on X (see, e.g., [FB], Sect. 9.2), and so P GL2 -opers are the same as projective connections. For a general g, the first coefficient function v1 (t) in (1.3) transforms as a projective connection, and the coefficient vi (t) with i > 1 transforms as a (di + 1)differential on X. Thus, we obtain an isomorphism OpG (X) Proj(X) ×
Γ(X, Ω(di +1) ).
1.3. Opers with regular singularities Let x be a point of a smooth curve X and Dx = Spec Ox , Dx× = Spec Kx , where Ox is the completion of the local ring of x and Kx is the field of fractions of Ox . Choose a formal coordinate t at x, so that Ox C[[t]] and Kx = C((t)). Recall that the space OpG (Dx ) (resp., OpG (Dx× )) of G-opers on Dx (resp., Dx× ) is the quotient of the space of operators of the form (1.1) where ψi (t) and v(t) take values in Ox (resp., in Kx ) by the action of B(Ox ) (resp., B(Kx )). A G-oper on Dx with regular singularity at x is by definition (see [BD1], Sect. 3.8.8) a B(Ox )-conjugacy class of operators of the form
−1 ψi (t)fi + v(t) , (1.5) ∇ = ∂t + t i=1
where ψi (t) ∈ Ox , ψi (0) = 0, and v(t) ∈ b(Ox ). Equivalently, it is an N (Ox )equivalence class of operators ∇ = ∂t +
1 (p−1 + v(t)) , t
v(t) ∈ b(Ox ).
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Denote by OpRS G (Dx ) the space of opers on Dx with regular singularity. It is easy × to see that the natural map OpRS G (Dx ) → OpG (Dx ) is injective. Therefore an oper with regular singularity may be viewed as an oper on the punctured disc. But to an oper with regular singularity one can unambiguously attach a point in g/G := Spec C[g]G C[h]W =: h/W, its residue, which in our case is equal to p−1 + v(0). ˇ ∈ h, we denote by OpRS (Dx ) ˇ the subvariety of OpRS (Dx ) which Given λ G G λ ˇ − ρˇ) ∈ h/W , where is the consists of those opers that have residue (−λ projection h → h/W . In particular, the residue of a regular oper ∂t +p−1 +v(t), where v(t) ∈ b(Ox ), is equal to (−ρˇ) (see [BD1]). Indeed, a regular oper may be brought to the form (1.6) by using the gauge transformation with ρˇ(t) ∈ B(Kx ), after which it takes the form 1 p−1 − ρˇ + t · ρˇ(t)(v(t))ˇ ∂t + ρ(t)−1 . t If v(t) is regular, then so is ρˇ(t)(v(t))ˇ ρ (t)−1 . Therefore the residue of this oper in h/W is equal to (−ρˇ), and so OpG (Dx ) = OpRS G (Dx )0 . ˇ with a complex number. Then For G = P GL2 we identify h with C and so λ RS one finds that OpP GL2 (Dx )λˇ is the space of second order operators of the form ∂t2 −
ˇ λ ˇ + 2)/4 λ( − vn tn . t2
ˇ is a dominant integral coweight of g. Following Drinfeld, Now suppose that λ introduce the variety OpG (Dx )λˇ as the quotient of the space of operators of the form ψi (t)fi + v(t), (1.8) ∇ = ∂t + i=1
ψi (t) = tαi ,λ (κi + t(. . .)) ∈ Ox , κi = 0 and v(t) ∈ b(Ox ), by the gauge action of B(Ox ). Equivalently, OpG (Dx )λˇ is the quotient of the space of operators of the form ∇ = ∂t +
tαi ,λ fi + v(t),
where v(t) ∈ b(Ox ), by the gauge action of N (Ox ). Considering the N (Kx )-class of such an operator, we obtain an oper on Dx× . Thus, we have a map OpG (Dx )λˇ → OpG (Dx× ). Lemma 1.2 ([F3], Lemma 2.4). The map OpG (Dx )λˇ → OpG (Dx× ) is injective and its image is contained in the subvariety OpRS ˇ . Moreover, the points of G (Dx )λ ˇ which OpG (Dx )λˇ are precisely those G-opers with regular singularity and residue λ have no monodromy around x.
Gaudin Model and Opers
The space OpP GL2 (Dx )λˇ is the subspace of codimension one in OpP GL2 (Dx )RS ˇ . In λ terms of the coefficients vn , n ≥ −1, appearing in formula (1.7) the corresponding equation has the form Pλ (vn ) = 0, where Pλ is a polynomial of degree λ + 1, where 2 − v0 , etc. In general, we set deg vn = n + 2. For example, P0 = v−1 , P2 = 2v−1 RS the subspace OpG (Dx )λˇ ⊂ OpG (Dx )λˇ is defined by dim N polynomial equations, where N is the unipotent subgroup of G.
2. The Gaudin model Let g be a simple Lie algebra. The Langlands dual Lie algebra L g is by definition the Lie algebra whose Cartan matrix is the transpose of that of g. We will identify the set of roots of g with the set of coroots of L g and the set of weights of g with the set of coweights of L g. The results on opers from the previous sections will be applied here to the Lie algebra L g. Thus, in particular, L G will denote the adjoint group of L g. 2.1. The definition of the Gaudin model Here we recall the definition of the Gaudin model and the realization of the Gaudin Hamiltonians in terms of the spaces of conformal blocks for affine Kac-Moody algebras of critical level. We follow closely the paper [FFR]. Choose a non-degenerate invariant inner product κ0 on g. Let {Ja }, a = 1, . . . , d, be a basis of g and {J a } the dual basis with respect to κ0 . Denote by ∆ the quadratic Casimir operator from the center of U (g): 1 Ja J a . 2 a=1 d
The Gaudin Hamiltonians are the elements Ξi =
d (i) Ja J a(j) j=i a=1
zi − zj
i = 1, . . . , N,
of the algebra U (g)⊗N . Note that they commute with the diagonal action of g on U (g)⊗N and that N Ξi = 0. i=1
2.2. Gaudin model and coinvariants Let gκc be the affine Kac-Moody algebra corresponding to g. It is the extension of the Lie algebra g ⊗ C((t)) by the one-dimensional center CK. The commutation relations in gκc read [A ⊗ f (t), B ⊗ g(t)] = [A, B] ⊗ f g − κc (A, B) Rest=0 f dg · K,
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where κc is the critical invariant inner product on g defined by the formula 1 κc (A, B) = − Trg ad A ad B. 2 Note that κc = −h∨ κ0 , where κ0 is the inner product normalized as in [K] and h∨ is the dual Coxeter number. gκc . Let M be a gDenote by g+ the Lie subalgebra g ⊗ C[[t]] ⊕ CK of module. We extend the action of g on M to g ⊗ C[[t]] by using the evaluation at zero homomorphism g ⊗ C[[t]] → g and to g+ by making K act as the identity. Denote by M the corresponding induced gκc -module M = U ( gκc ) ⊗ M. U( g+ )
By construction, K acts as the identity on this module. We call such modules the gκc -modules of critical level. For example, for λ ∈ h∗ let Cλ be the one-dimensional b-module on which h acts by the character λ : h → C and n acts by 0. Let Mλ be the Verma module over g of highest weight λ, Mλ = U (g)U (b)Cλ . ⊗
The corresponding induced module Mλ is the Verma module over gκc with highest weight λ. For a dominant integral weight λ ∈ h∗ denote by Vλ the irreducible finitedimensional g-module of highest weight λ. The corresponding induced module Vλ is called the Weyl module over gκc with highest weight λ. Consider the projective line P1 with a global coordinate t and N distinct finite points z1 , . . . , zN ∈ P1 . In the neighborhood of each point zi we have the local coordinate t − zi and in the neighborhood of the point ∞ we have the local g(zi ) = g ⊗ C((t − zi )) and g(∞) = g ⊗ C((t−1 )). Let gN be coordinate t−1 . Set N the extension of the Lie algebra i=1 g(zi ) ⊕ g(∞) by a one-dimensional center g(∞) coincides with the above CK whose restriction to each summand g(zi ) or central extension. Suppose we are given a collection M1 , . . . , MN and M∞ of g-modules. Then the Lie algebra gN naturally acts on the tensor product N i=1 Mi ⊗ M∞ (in particular, K acts as the identity). Let g(zi ) = gz1 ,...,zN be the Lie algebra of g-valued regular functions on P1 \{z1 , . . . , zN , ∞} (i.e., rational functions on P1 , which may have poles only at the points z1 , . . . , zN and ∞). Clearly, such a function can be expanded into a Laurent power series in the corresponding local coordinates at each point zi and at ∞. Thus, we obtain an embedding g(zi ) →
N i=1
g(∞). g(zi ) ⊕
Gaudin Model and Opers
It follows from the residue theorem and formula (2.2) that the restriction of the central extension to the image of this embedding is trivial. Hence this embedding lifts to the embedding g(zi ) → gN . N Denote by H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ) the space of coinvariants of i=1 Mi ⊗ M∞ with respect to the action of the Lie algebra g(zi ) . By construction, we have a canonical embedding of a g-module M into the induced gκc -module M: x ∈ M → 1 ⊗ x ∈ M, which commutes with the action of g on both spaces (where g is embedded into gκc as the constant subalgebra). Thus we have an embedding N
Mi ⊗ M∞ →
Mi ⊗ M∞ .
The following result is proved in the same way as Lemma 1 in [FFR]. Lemma 2.1. The composition of this embedding and the projection N
Mi ⊗ M∞ H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ )
gives rise to an isomorphism N H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ) ( Mi ⊗ M∞ )/gdiag . i=1
Let V0 be the induced gκc -module of critical level, which corresponds to the one-dimensional trivial g-module V0 ; it is called the vacuum module. Denote by v0 the generating vector of V0 . We assign the vacuum module to a point u ∈ P1 which is different from z1 , . . . , zN , ∞. Denote by H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ , C) the space N of g(zi ),u -invariant functionals on i=1 Mi ⊗ M∞ ⊗ V0 with respect to the Lie algebra g(zi ),u . Lemma 2.1 tells us that we have a canonical isomorphism H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ , C) H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ). Now observe that by functoriality any endomorphism X ∈ Endgκc V0 gives rise to an endomorphism of the space of coinvariants H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ , C), and hence of H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ). Thus, we obtain a homomorphism of algebras Endgκc V0 → EndC H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ). Let us compute this homomorphism explicitly.
E. Frenkel First of all, we identify the algebra Endgκc V0 with the space g[[t]]
z( g ) = V0
of g[[t]]-invariant vectors in V0 . Indeed, a g[[t]]-invariant vector v gives rise to an endomorphism of V0 commuting with the action of gκc which sends the generating gκc -endomorphism of V0 is uniquely determined by vector v0 to v. Conversely, any the image of v0 which necessarily belongs to z( g). Thus, we obtain an isomorphism z( g) Endgκc (V0 ) which gives z( g) an algebra structure. The opposite algebra structure on z( g) coincides with the algebra structure induced by the identification of V0 with the algebra U (g ⊗ t−1 C[t−1 ]). But we will see in the next section that the algebra z( g) is commutative and so the two algebra structures on it coincide. Now let v ∈ z( g) ⊂ V0 . For any N Mi ⊗ M∞ )/gdiag H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ) x∈( i=1
take a lifting x to
Mi ⊗ M∞ . By Lemma 2.1, the projection of the vector x ⊗v ∈
Mi ⊗ M∞ ⊗ V0
N H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ , C) ( Mi ⊗ M∞ )/gdiag i=1
is equal to the projection of a vector of the form (Ψu (v) · x ) ⊗ v0 , where N Ψu (v) · x ∈( Mi ⊗ M∞ )/gdiag . i=1
For A ∈ g and n ∈ Z, denote by An the element A ⊗ tn ∈ gκc . Then V0 U (g ⊗ t−1 C[t−1 ])v0 has a basis of lexicographically ordered monomials of the form m Jna11 . . . Jnam v0 with ni < 0. Let us set Jan (u) = −
N i=1
J a(i) . (zi − u)n
Define an anti-homomorphism Φu : U (g ⊗ t−1 C[t−1 ]) → U (g)⊗N ⊗ C[(u − zi )−1 ]i=1,...,N by the formula m v0 ) = Janm (u)Janm−1 (u) . . . Jan11 (u). Φu (Jna11 . . . Jnam m m−1
According to the computation presented in the proof of Proposition 1 of [FFR], we have Ψu (v) · x = Φu (v) · x .
Gaudin Model and Opers
In general, Φv (u) does not commute with the diagonal action of g, and so depends on the choice of the lifting x . But if v ∈ z( g) ⊂ V0 , then Φv (u) Ψv (u) · x commutes with the diagonal action of g and hence gives rise to a well-defined N endomorphism ( i=1 Mi ⊗ M∞ )/gdiag . Thus, we restrict Φu to z( g). This gives us a homomorphism of algebras G z( g) → U (g)⊗N ⊗ C[(u − zi )−1 ]i=1,...,N , which we also denote by Φu . For example, consider the Segal-Sugawara vector in V0 : 1 a Ja,−1 J−1 v0 . 2 a=1 d
One shows (see, e.g., [FB]) that this vector belongs to z( g). Consider the corresponding element Φu (S). 1 Denote by ∆ the Casimir operator Ja J a from U (g). 2 a Proposition 2.2 ([FFR], Proposition 1). We have Φu (S) =
N i=1
∆(i) Ξi + , u − zi i=1 (u − zi )2 N
where the Ξi ’s are the Gaudin operators (2.1). We wish to study the algebra generated by the image of the map Φu . Proposition 2.3 ([FFR], Proposition 2). For any Z1 , Z2 ∈ z( g) and any points u1 , u2 ∈ P1 \{z1, . . . , zN , ∞} the linear operators ΨZ1 (u1 ) and ΨZ2 (u2 ) commute. Let Z(zi ) (g) be the span in U (g)⊗N of the coefficients in front of the monomiN g). Since Φu is an algebra homomorals i=1 (u − zi )ni of the series Φu (v), v ∈ z( G phism, we find that Z(zi ) (g) is a subalgebra of U (g)⊗N , which is commutative by Proposition 2.3. We call it the Gaudin algebra associated to g and the collection z1 , . . . , zN , and its elements the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians. 2.3. The center of V0 and L G-opers In order to describe the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) and its spectrum we need to recall the description of z( g). According to [FF2, F2], z( g) is identified with the algebra Fun OpL G (D) of (regular) functions on the space OpL G (D) of L G-opers on the disc D = Spec C[[t]], where L G is the Langlands dual group to G. Since we have assumed that G is simply-connected, L G may be defined as the adjoint group of the Lie algebra L g whose Cartan matrix is the transpose of that of g. This isomorphism satisfies various properties, one of which we will now recall. Let Der O = C[[t]]∂t be the Lie algebra of continuous derivations of the topological algebra O = C[[t]]. The action of its Lie subalgebra Der0 O = tC[[t]]∂t on O exponentiates to an action of the group Aut O of formal changes of variables.
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Both Der O and Aut O naturally act on V0 in a compatible way, and these actions preserve z( g). They also act on the space OpL G (D). Denote by Fun OpL G (D) the algebra of regular functions on OpL G (D). In view of Lemma 1.1, it is isomorphic to the algebra of functions on the space of -tuples (v1 (t), . . . , v (t)) of formal Taylor series, i.e., the space C[[t]] . If we write vi (t) = n≥0 vi,n tn , then we obtain Fun OpL G (D) C[vi,n ]i∈I,n≥0 .
Note that the vector field −t∂t acts naturally on OpL G (D) and defines a Z-grading on Fun OpL G (D) such that deg vi,n = di + n + 1. The vector field −∂t acts as a derivation such that −∂t · vi,n = −(di + n + 1)vi,n+1 . Theorem 2.4 ([FF2, F2]). There is a canonical isomorphism z( g) Fun OpL G (D) of algebras which is compatible with the action of Der O and Aut O. We use this result to describe the twist of z( g) by the Aut O-torsor Autx of formal coordinates at a smooth point x of an algebraic curve X, z( g)x = Autx × z( g) Aut O
(see Ch. 6 of [FB] for more details). It follows from the definition that the corresponding twist of Fun OpL G (D) by Autx is nothing but Fun OpL G (Dx ), where Dx is the disc around x. Therefore we obtain from Theorem 2.4 an isomorphism z( g)x Fun OpL G (Dx ).
The module V0 has a natural Z-grading defined by the formulas deg v0 = 0, deg Jna = −n, and it carries a translation operator T defined by the formulas a T v0 = 0, [T, Jna ] = −nJn−1 . Theorem 2.4 and the isomorphism (2.5) imply that g[[t]] of degrees di + 1, i ∈ I, such that there exist non-zero vectors Si ∈ V0 z( g) = C[T n Si ]i∈I,n≥0 v0 . Then under the isomorphism of Theorem 2.4 we have Si → vi,0 , the Z-gradings on both algebras get identified and the action of T on z( g) becomes the action of −∂t on Fun OpL G (D). Note that the vector S1 is nothing but the vector (2.4), up to a non-zero scalar. Recall from [FB] that V0 is a vertex algebra, and z( g) is its commutative vertex subalgebra; in fact, it is the center of V0 . We will also need the center of the completed universal enveloping algebra of g of critical level. This algebra is defined as follows. Let Uκc ( g) be the quotient of the universal enveloping algebra U ( gκc ) of g κc κc ( by the ideal generated by (K − 1). Define its completion U g) as follows: κc ( U g) = lim Uκc ( g)/Uκc ( g) · (g ⊗ tN C[[t]]). ←−
Gaudin Model and Opers
κc ( It is clear that U g) is a topological algebra which acts on all smooth g κc gκc -module such that any vector module. By definition, a smooth gκc -module is a is annihilated by g ⊗ tN C[[t]] for sufficiently large N , and K acts as the identity. κc ( g). Let Z( g) be the center of U × Denote by Fun OpL G (D ) the algebra of regular functions on the space OpL G (D× ) of L G-opers on the punctured disc D× = Spec C((t)). In view of Lemma 1.1, it is isomorphic to the algebra of functions on the space of -tuples (v1 (t), . . . , v (t)) Laurent series, i.e., the ind-affine space C((t)) . If we of formal n write vi (t) = n∈Z vi,n t , then we obtain that Fun OpL G (D) is isomorphic to the completion of the polynomial algebra C[vi,n ]i∈I,n∈Z with respect to the topology in which the basis of open neighborhoods of zero is formed by the ideals generated by vi,n , i ∈ I, n ≤ N , for N ≤ 0. Theorem 2.5 ([F2]). There is a canonical isomorphism Z( g) Fun OpL G (D× ) of complete topological algebras which is compatible with the action of Der O and Aut O. If M is a smooth gκc -module, then the action of Z( g) on M gives rise to a homomorphism Z( g) → Endgκc M. For example, if M = V0 , then using Theorems 2.4 and 2.5 we identify this homomorphism with the surjection Fun OpL G (D× ) Fun OpL G (D) induced by the natural embedding OpL G (D) → OpL G (D× ). Recall that the Harish-Chandra homomorphism identifies the center Z(g) of U (g) with the algebra (Fun h∗ )W of polynomials on h∗ which are invariant with respect to the action of the Weyl group W . Therefore a character Z(g) → C is the same as a point in Spec(Fun h∗ )W which is the quotient h∗ /W . For λ ∈ h∗ we denote by (λ) its projection onto h∗ /W . In particular, Z(g) acts on Mλ and Vλ via its character ϕ(λ + ρ). We also denote by Iλ the maximal ideal of Z(g) equal to the kernel of the homomorphism Z(g) → C corresponding to the character ϕ(λ + ρ). In what follows we will use the canonical identification between h∗ and the Cartan subalgebra L h of the Langlands dual Lie algebra L g. Recall that in SecL tion 1.3 we defined the space OpRS G-opers on D× with regular singularity L G (D) of RS and its subspace OpL G (D)λ of opers with residue (−λ − ρ). We also defined the subspace × OpL G (D)λˇ ⊂ OpRS L G (D)λ ˇ ⊂ OpL G (D ) of those L G-opers which have trivial monodromy. Here we identify the coweights of the group L G with the weights of G.
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The following result is obtained by combining Theorem 12.4, Lemma 9.4 and Proposition 12.8 of [F2]. Theorem 2.6. (1) Let U be the gκc -module induced from the g[[t]] ⊕ CK-module U (g). Then the homomorphism Z( g) → Endgκc U factors as Z( g) Fun OpL G (D× ) Fun OpRS L G (D) → End gκc U. (2) Let M be a g-module on which the center Z(g) acts via its character (λ + g) → ρ), and let M be the induced gκc -module. Then the homomorphism Z( Endgκc M factors as follows Z( g) Fun OpL G (D× ) Fun OpRS L G (D)λ → End gκc M. Moreover, if M = Mλ , then the last map is an isomorphism Endgκc M Fun OpRS L G (D)λ . (3) For an integral dominant weight λ ∈ h∗ the homomorphism Fun OpL G (D× ) → Endgκc Vλ factors as Fun OpL G (D× ) → Fun OpL G (D)λ → Endgκc Vλ , and the last map is an isomorphism Endgκc Vλ Fun OpL G (D)λ . 2.4. Example Let us consider the case g = sl2 in more detail. Introduce the Segal-Sugawara operators Sn , n ∈ Z, by the formula 1 a Sn z −n−2 = :J (z)Ja (z): , S(z) = 2 a n∈Z
where the normal ordering is defined as in [FB]. Then the center Z(sl2 ) is the completion C[Sn ]∼ n∈Z of the polynomial algebra C[Sn ]n∈Z with respect to the topology in which the basis of open neighborhoods of zero is formed by the ideals of Sn , n > N , for N ≥ 0. We have the following diagram of (vertical) isomorphisms and (horizontal) surjections 2) Z(sl ⏐ ⏐
−−−−→ Endgκc U −−−−→ Endgκc Mλ −−−−→ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐
Endgκc Vλ ⏐ ⏐
C[Sn ]∼ n∈Z −−−−→ C[Sn ]n≤0 −−−−→ C[Sn ]n≤0 /Jλ −−−−→ C[Sn ]n≤0 /Jλ
where Jλ is the ideal generated by (S0 − 14 λ(λ + 2)) and Jλ is the ideal generated by Iλ and the polynomial Pλ introduced at the end of Section 1.3.
Gaudin Model and Opers
× The space of P GL2 -opers on D nis identified with the space of projective 2 connections of the form ∂t − n∈Z vn t . The isomorphism of Theorem 2.5 sends Sn to v−n−2 . The relevant spaces of P GL2 -opers with regular singularities were described at the end of Section 1.3, and these descriptions agree with the above diagram and Theorem 2.6.
2.5. The Gaudin algebra Now we are ready to identify the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) with the algebra of functions on a certain space of opers on P1 . 1 L G-opers on P1 with regular singularities Let OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞ be the space of at z1 , . . . , zN and ∞. For an arbitrary collection of weights λ1 , . . . , λN and λ∞ , let 1 OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞
be its subspace of those opers whose residue at the point zi (resp., ∞) is equal to (−λi − ρ), i = 1, . . . , N (resp., (−λ∞ − ρ)). Finally, if all of the weights λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ are dominant integral, we introduce a subset 1 OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ ⊂ OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞
which consists of those L G-opers which have trivial monodromy representation. On the other hand, for each collection of points z1 , . . . , zN on P1 \∞ we have the Gaudin algebra G G Z(zi ) (g) ⊂ U (g)⊗N U (g)⊗(N +1) /gdiag , where the second isomorphism is obtained by identifying U (g)⊗(N +1) /gdiag with U (g)⊗N ⊗ 1. We have a homomorphism ci : Z(g) → U (g) → U (g)⊗(N +1) corresponding to the ith factor, for all i = 1, . . . , N , and a homomorphism c∞ : Z(g) → U (g)⊗(N +1) corresponding to the (N + 1)st factor. It is easy to see that the images of ci , i = 1, . . . , N , and c∞ belong to Z(zi ) (g). For a collection of weights λ1 , . . . , λN and λ∞ , let I(λi ),λ∞ be the ideal of Z(zi ) (g) generated by ci (Iλi ), i = 1, . . . , N , and c∞ (Iλ∞ ). Let Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ be the quotient of Z(zi ) (g) by I(λi ),λ∞ . The algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g) acts on the space of g-coinvariants in N
Mi ⊗ M∞ ,
where Mi is a g-module with central character (λi + ρ), i = 1, . . . , N , and M∞ is a g-module with central character (λ∞ + ρ). In particular, if all the weights λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ are dominant integral, then we can take as the Mi ’s the finitedimensional irreducible modules Vλi for i = 1, . . . , N , and as M∞ the module Vλ∞ . The corresponding space of g-coinvariants is isomorphic to the space
G N Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ i=1
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of G-invariants in
Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ . Let Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g) be the image of the G N in End V ⊗ V . λ λ i ∞ i=1
algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞
We have the following result. Theorem 2.7. (1) The algebra Z(zi ) (g) is isomorphic to the algebra of functions on the space 1 OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞ . (2) The algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g) is isomorphic to the algebra of functions on the 1 space OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . (3) For a collection of dominant integral weights λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ , there is a surjective homomorphism from the algebra of functions OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ to the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g). Proof. In [FB] we defined, for any quasi-conformal vertex algebra V , a smooth projective curve X, a set of points x1 , . . . , xN ∈ X and a collection of V -modules M1 , . . . , MN , the space of coinvariants HV (X, (xi ), (Mi )), which is the quotient N of i=1 Mi by the action of a certain Lie algebra. This construction (which is recalled in the proof of Theorem 4.7 in [F3]) is functorial in the following sense. Suppose that we are given a homomorphism W → V of vertex algebras (so that each Mi becomes a V -module), a collection R1 , . . . , RN of W -modules and a collection of homomorphisms of W -modules Mi → Ri for all i = 1, . . . , N . Then the N N corresponding map i=1 Ri → i=1 Mi gives rise to a map of the corresponding spaces of coinvariants HW (X, (xi ), (Ri )) → HV (X, (xi ), (Mi )). Suppose now that W is the center of V (see [FB]). Then the action of W (W ) → EndC M , where on any V -module M factors through a homomorphism U U (W ) is the enveloping algebra of W (see [FB], Sect. 4.3). Let W (M ) be the image of this homomorphism. Then HW (X, (xi ), (W (Mi ))) is an algebra, and we obtain a natural homomorphism of algebras HW (X, (xi ), (W (Mi ))) → EndC HV (X, (xi ), (Mi )).
If V = V0 , then the center of V is precisely the subspace z( g) of g[[t]]-invariant vectors in V0 (see [FB]). In particular, z( g) is a commutative vertex subalgebra of V0 . A module over the vertex algebra z( g) is the same as a module over the κc ( topological algebra U (z( g)) which is nothing but the center Z( g) of U g) (see [F2], Sect. 11). The action of Z( g) on any gκc -module M factors through the homomorphism Z( g) → Endgκc M . Let Z(M ) denote the image of this homomorphism. Recall that we have identified Z( g) with Fun OpL G (D× ) in Theorem 2.5. For each gκc -module M , the algebra Z(M ) is a quotient of Fun OpL G (D× ), and × hence Spec Z(M ) is a subscheme in OpL G (D× ) which we denote by OpM L G (D ).
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The space of coinvariants Hz(g) (X, (xi ), Z(Mi )) is computed in the same way as in Theorem 4.7 of [F3]: Hz(g) (X, (xi ), Z(Mi )) Fun OpL G (X, (xi ), (Mi ))
where OpL G (X, (xi ), (Mi )) is the space of G-opers on X which are regular on X\{x1 , . . . , xN } and such that their restriction to Dx× belongs to OpLMGi (Dx×i ) for all i = 1, . . . , N . Let u be an additional point of X, different from x1 , . . . , xN , and let us insert z( g) Z(V0 ) at this point. Then by Theorem 10.3.1 of [FB] we have an isomorphism Hz(g) (X, (xi ), (Z(Mi ))) Hz(g) (X; (zi ), u; (Z(Mi )), Z(V0 )). Hence we obtain a homomorphism z( g)u Z(V0 )u → Hz(g) (X, (xi ), (Z(Mi ))).
The corresponding homomorphism Fun OpL G (Du ) → Fun OpL G (X, (xi ), (Mi )) (see formula (2.6)) is induced by the embedding OpL G (X, (xi ), (Mi )) → OpL G (Du ) obtained by restricting an oper to Du . We apply this construction in the case when the curve X is P1 , the points are z1 , . . . , zN and ∞, and the modules are gκc -modules M1 , . . . , MN and M∞ . It is proved in [FB] (see Theorem 9.3.3 and Remark 9.3.10) that the corresponding N space of coinvariants is the space of g(zi ) -coinvariants of i=1 Mi ⊗ M∞ , which is the space H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ) that we have computed in Lemma 2.1. The homomorphism (2.7) specializes to a homomorphism Hz(g) (P1 ; (zi ), ∞; (Z(Mi )), Z(M∞ )) → EndC H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ).
Observe that by its very definition the homomorphism g)u → EndC H(M1 , . . . , MN , M∞ ) Φu : z( constructed in Section 2.2 factors through the homomorphisms (2.10) and (2.9). Hence the image of Φu is a quotient of the algebra Hz(g) (P1 ; (zi ), ∞; (Z(Mi )), Z(M∞ )) Fun OpL G (P1 ; (zi ), ∞; (Z(Mi )), Z(M∞ )), according to the isomorphism (2.8). Let us specialize this result to our setting. First we suppose that all Mi ’s and M∞ are equal to U (g). By Theorem 2.6,(1), we have OpL G (D× ) = OpRS L G (D). U(g)
Therefore we find that 1 Hz(g) (P1 ; (zi ), ∞; (U (g)), U (g)) Fun OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞ .
E. Frenkel Next, by Theorem 2.6,(2), we have U(g)/Iλ
(D× ) = OpRS L G (D)λ .
Therefore 1 Hz(g) (P1 ; (zi ), ∞; (U (g)/Iλi ), U (g)/Iλ∞ ) Fun OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ .
Finally, by Theorem 2.6,(3), we have OpLVλG (D× ) = OpL G (D)λ . Therefore Hz(g) (P1 ; (zi ), ∞; (Vλi ), Vλ∞ ) Fun OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ .
Moreover, in all three cases the homomorphism Φu is just the natural homomorphism from Fun OpL G (Du ) to the above algebras of functions that is induced by the restrictions of the corresponding opers to the disc Du . Now consider the homomorphism (2.10) in the case of the space of coinvariants given by the left-hand side of formula (2.11), 1 ⊗(N +1) /gdiag EndC U (g)⊗N , Fun OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞ → EndC U (g)
where the second isomorphism we use the identification of U (g)⊗(N +1) /gdiag with U (g)⊗N corresponding to the first N factors. It follows from the explicit computation of this map given above that its image belongs to G U (g)⊗N ⊂ EndC U (g)⊗N , and so we have a homomorphism 1 ⊗N G Fun OpRS . L G (P )(zi ),∞ → U (g)
By definition, the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) is the image of this homomorphism. Likewise, we obtain from formula (2.12) that the homomorphism (2.10) gives rise to a homomorphism G 1 Fun OpRS U (g)⊗(N +1) /gdiag /I(λi ),λ∞ , (2.15) L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ → whose image is the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g). Finally, formula (2.13) gives us a homomorphism N
1 Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ , Fun OpL G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ → EndC i=1
whose image is the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g). This proves part (3) of the theorem. To prove parts (1) and (2), it remains to show that the homomorphisms (2.14) and (2.15) are injective. It is sufficient to prove that the latter is injective. To see that, we pass to the associate graded spaces on both sides with respect to natural filtrations which we now describe.
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According to the identification given in formula (1.4), the algebra of functions 1 on OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ is filtered, and the corresponding associated graded algebra is the algebra of functions on the vector space RS C(z = i ),∞
Γ(P1 , Ω⊗(di +1) (−di z1 − . . . − di zN − di ∞)),
where Ω is the canonical line bundle on P1 . The algebra G U (g)⊗(N +1) /gdiag /I(λi ),λ∞ carries a PBW filtration, and the associated graded is the algebra of functions on the space µ−1 ((T ∗ G/B)N +1 )/G, where µ : (T ∗ G/B)N +1 → g∗ is the moment map corresponding to the diagonal action of G on (T ∗ G/B)N +1 . The two filtrations are compatible according to [F2]. The corresponding homomorphism of the associate graded algebras RS → Fun µ−1 ((T ∗ G/B)N +1 )/G Fun C(z i ),∞
is induced by a map RS , h(zi ),∞ : µ−1 ((T ∗ G/B)N +1 )/G → C(z i ),∞
that we now describe. Let us identify the tangent space to a point gB ⊂ G/B with (g/gbg −1)∗ −1 gng . Then a point in µ−1 ((T ∗ G/B)N +1 )/G consists of an (N +1)-tuple of points gi B of G/B and an (N + 1)-tuple of vectors (ηi ), where ηi ∈ gi ngi−1 ⊂ g such that N +1 i=1 ηi = 0, considered up to simultaneous conjugation by G. We attach to it the g-valued one-form η=
N i=1
ηi dt t − zi
on P with poles at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞. Let P1 , . . . , P be generators of the algebra of G-invariant polynomials on g of degrees di + 1. Then 1
RS . h(zi ),∞ ((gi ), (ηi )) = (Pi (η))i=1 ∈ C(z i ),∞
The space µ−1 ((T ∗ G/B)N +1 )/G is identified with the moduli space of Higgs fields on the trivial G-bundle with parabolic structures at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞, and the map h(zi ),∞ is nothing but the Hitchin map (see [ER]). The Hitchin map is known to be proper, so in particular it is surjective (see, e.g., [M]). Therefore the corresponding homomorphism (2.16) of algebras of functions is injective. This implies that the homomorphism (2.15) is also injective and completes the proof of the theorem. This theorem has an important application to the question of simultaneous diagonalization of generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians, or equivalently, of the comN mutative algebra Z(zi ) (g), on the tensor product i=1 Mi of g-modules. Indeed, the joint eigenvalues of the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians on any eigenvector
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in N i=1 Mi correspond to a point in the spectrum of the algebra Z(zi ) (g), which, 1 according to Theorem 2.7,(1), is a point of the space OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞ . If we assume in addition that each of the modules Mi admits a central character (λi + ρ) (for instance, if Mi is the Verma module Mλi ) and we are looking for eigenvectors in the component of N i=1 Mi corresponding to the central character (−λ∞ − ρ) with respect to the diagonal action of g, then the joint eigenvalues define a point in the spectrum of the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g), i.e., a point of 1 OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Finally, for a collection of dominant integral weights λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ , the G joint eigenvalues of the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians on ( N i=1 Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ ) is a point in the spectrum of the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g), which is a point of OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . A natural question is whether, conversely, one can attach to a L G-oper on 1 P with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ (and satisfying additional conditions N as above) an eigenvector in i=1 Mi with such eigenvalues. It turns out that for general modules this is not true, but if these modules are finite-dimensional, then we conjecture that it is true. In order to construct the eigenvectors we use the procedure called Bethe Ansatz. As shown in [FFR], this procedure may be cast in the framework of coinvariants that we have discussed in this section, using the Wakimoto modules over gκc . We will explain that in Section 4 and Section 5.5. But first we need to introduce Miura opers and Cartan connections.
3. Miura opers and Cartan connections By definition (see [F2], Sect. 10.3), a Miura G-oper on X (which is a smooth curve ), where (F, ∇, FB ) is a G-oper on X and or a disc) is a quadruple (F, ∇, FB , FB FB is another B-reduction of F which is preserved by ∇. We denote the space of Miura G-opers on X by MOpG (X). 3.1. Miura opers and flag manifolds A B-reduction of F which is preserved by the connection ∇ is uniquely determined by a B-reduction of the fiber Fx of F at any point x ∈ X (in the case when U = D, x has to be the origin 0 ∈ D). The set of such reductions is the Fx -twist (G/B)Fx = Fx × G/B = FB,x × G/B = (G/B)FB,x G
of the flag manifold G/B. If X is a curve or a disc and the oper connection has a regular singularity and trivial monodromy representation, then this connection gives us a global (algebraic) trivialization of the bundle F. Then any B-reduction of the fiber Fx gives rise to a global (algebraic) B-reduction of F. Thus, we obtain: Lemma 3.1. Suppose that we are given an oper τ on a curve X (or on the disc) such that the oper connection has a regular singularity and trivial monodromy.
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Then for each x ∈ X there is a canonical isomorphism between the space of Miura opers with the underlying oper τ and the twist (G/B)FB,x . Recall that the B-orbits in G/B, known as the Schubert cells, are parameterized by the Weyl group W of G. Let w0 be the longest element of the Weyl group of G. Denote the orbit Bw−1 w0 B ⊂ G/B by Sw (so that S1 is the open orbit). We obtain from the second description of (G/B)Fx given in formula (3.1) that (G/B)Fx decomposes into a union of locally closed subvarieties Sw,FB,x , which are the FB,x -twists of the Schubert cells Sw . The B-reduction FB,x defines a point are in relative in (G/B)FB,x . We will say that the B-reductions FB,x and FB,x position w with if FB,x belongs to Sw,FB,x . In particular, if it belongs to the open orbit S1,FB,x , we will say that FB,x and FB,x are in generic position. A Miura G-oper is called generic at the point x ∈ X if the B-reductions FB,x and FB,x of Fx are in generic position. In other words, FB,x belongs to the stratum OpG (X) × S1,FB,x ⊂ MOpG (X). Being generic is an open condition. Therefore if a Miura oper is generic at x ∈ X, then there exists an open neighborhood U of x such that it is also generic at all other points of U . We denote the space of generic Miura opers on U by MOpG (U )gen . Lemma 3.2. Suppose we are given a Miura oper on the disc Dx around a point x ∈ X. Then its restriction to the punctured disc Dx× is generic. Proof. Since being generic is an open condition, we obtain that if a Miura oper is generic at x, it is also generic on the entire Dx . Hence we only need to consider the situation where the Miura oper is not generic at x, i.e., the two reductions are in relative position w = 1. Let us trivialize the B-bundle FB , FB,x and FB,x and hence the G-bundle FG over Dx . Then ∇ gives us a connection on the trivial G-bundle which we can bring to the canonical form ∇ = ∂t + p−1 +
vj (t) · pj
(see Lemma 1.1). It induces a connection on the trivial G/B-bundle. We are given a point gB in the fiber of the latter bundle which lies in the orbit Sw = Bw0 wB, where w = 1. Consider the horizontal section whose value at x is gB, viewed as a map Dx → G/B. We need to show that the image of this map lies in the open B-orbit S1 = Bw0 B over Dx× , i.e., it does not lie in the orbit Sy for any y = 1. Suppose that this is not so, and the image of the horizontal section actually lies in the orbit Sy for some y = 1. Since all B-orbits are H-invariant, we obtain that the same would be true for the horizontal section with respect to the connection ∇ = h∇h−1 for any constant element of H. Choosing h = ρˇ(a) for a ∈ C× , we can bring the connection to the form ∂t + a−1 p−1 +
adj vj (t) · pj .
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Changing the variable t to s = a−1 t, we obtain the connection ∂s + p−1 +
adj +1 vj (t),
so choosing small a we can make the functions vj (t) arbitrarily small. Therefore without loss of generality we can consider the case when our connection operator is ∇ = ∂t + p−1 . In this case our assumption that the horizontal section lies in Sy , y = 1, means that the vector field ξp−1 corresponding to the infinitesimal action of p−1 on G/B is tangent to an orbit Sy , y = 1, in the neighborhood of some point gB of Sw ⊂ G/B, w = 1. But then, again because of the H-invariance of the B-orbits, the vector field ξhp−1 h−1 is also tangent to this orbit for any h ∈ H. For any i = 1 . . . , , there exists a one-parameter subgroup h , ∈ C× in H, such that lim p−1 −1 = fi . Hence we obtain that each of the vector fields ξfi , i = 1 . . . , , (i)
is tangent to the orbit Sy , y = 1, in the neighborhood of gB ∈ Sw , w = 1. But then all commutators of these vectors fields are also tangent to this orbit. Hence we obtain that all vector fields of the form ξp , p ∈ n− , are tangent to Sy in the neighborhood of gB ∈ Sw . Consider any point of G/B that does not belong to the open dense orbit S1 . Then the quotient of the tangent space to this point by the tangent space to the B-orbit passing through this point is non-zero and the vector fields from the Lie algebra n− map surjectively onto this quotient. Therefore they cannot be tangent to the orbit Sy , y = 1, in a neighborhood of gB. Therefore our Miura oper is generic on Dx× .
This lemma shows that any Miura oper on any smooth curve X is generic over an open dense subset. 3.2. Cartan connections Introduce the H-bundle Ωρˇ on X which is uniquely determined by the following property: for any character λ : H → C× , the line bundle Ωρˇ × λ associated to the H
ˇ corresponding one-dimensional representation of H is Ωλ,ρ . ρˇ Explicitly, connections on Ω may be described as follows. If we choose a local coordinate t on X, then we trivialize Ωρˇ and represent the connection as an operator ∂t + u(t), where u(t) is an h-valued function on X. If s is another coordinate such that t = ϕ(s), then this connection will be represented by the operator ϕ (s) . (3.2) ∂s + ϕ (s)u(ϕ(s)) − ρˇ · ϕ (s) Let Conn(Ωρˇ)X be the space of connections on the H-bundle Ωρˇ on X. When no confusion can arise, we will simply write ConnX . We define a map
bX : ConnX → MOpG (X)gen .
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Suppose we are given a connection ∇ on the H-bundle Ωρˇ on D. We associate to it a generic Miura oper as follows. Let us choose a splitting H → B of the homomorphism B → H and set F = Ωρˇ × G, FB = Ωρˇ × B, where we consider H
the adjoint action of H on G and on B obtained through the above splitting. The choice of the splitting also gives us the opposite Borel subgroup B− , which is the unique Borel subgroup in generic position with B containing H. Let again w0 be the longest element of the Weyl group of g. Then w0 B is a B-torsor equipped with a left action of H, so we define the B-subbundle FB of F as Ωρˇ × w0 B. H
Observe that the space of connections on F is isomorphic to the direct product ˇ ConnX × Γ(X, Ωα(ρ)+1 ). α∈∆
Its subspace corresponding to negative simple roots is isomorphic to the tensor product of i=1 g−αi and Fun X. Having chosen a basis element fi of g−αi for each i = 1, . . . , , we now construct an element p−1 = i=1 fi ⊗ 1 of this space. Now we set ∇ = ∇+p−1 . By construction, ∇ has the correct relative position with . Therefore the quadruple the B-reduction FB and preserves the B-reduction FB (F, ∇, FB , FB ) is a generic Miura oper on X. We define the morphism bX by ). setting bX (∇) = (F, ∇, FB , FB This map is independent of the choice of a splitting H → B and of the generators fi , i = 1, . . . , . Proposition 3.3 ([F2],Proposition 10.4). The map bX is an isomorphism of algebraic varieties ConnX → MOpG (X)gen . Thus, generic Miura opers are the same as Cartan connections, which are much simpler objects than opers. The composition bX of bX and the forgetful map MOpG (X)gen → OpG (X) is called the Miura transformation. For example, in the case of g = sl2 , we have a connection ∇ = ∂t − u(t) on t the line bundle Ω1/2 (equivalently, a connection ∇ = ∂t + u(t) on Ω−1/2 ), and the Miura transformation assigns to this connection the P GL2 -oper
−u(t) 0 ∂t + . 1 u(t) The oper B reduction FB corresponds to the upper triangular matrices, and the corresponds to the lower triangular matrices. The correMiura B-reduction FB sponding projective connection is ∂t2 − v(t) = (∂t − u(t))(∂t + u(t)), i.e., u(t) → v(t) = u(t)2 − u (t).
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3.3. Singularities of Cartan connections Consider the Miura transformation bDx× in the case of the punctured disc Dx× , bDx× : Conn(Ωρˇ)Dx× → OpG (Dx× ). ρˇ × be the space of all connections on the H-bundle Let Conn(Ωρˇ)RS Dx ⊂ Conn(Ω )Dx ρˇ Ω on Dx with regular singularity, i.e., those for which the connection operator has the form ˇ λ ∇ = ∂t + + u n tn . t n≥0
We define a map resh : Conn(Ωρˇ)RS D →h ˇ assigning to such a connection its residue λ. It follows from the definition of the Miura transformation bDx× that its restricRS ρˇ × takes values in Op tion to Conn(Ωρˇ)RS G (Dx ). Hence we obtain Dx ⊂ Conn(Ω )Dx a morphism RS
RS bx : Conn(Ωρˇ)RS Dx → OpG (Dx ).
Explicitly, after choosing a coordinate t on Dx , we can write ∇ as ∂t + t−1 u(t), where u(t) ∈ h[[t]]. Its residue is u(0). Then the corresponding oper with regular singularity is by definition the N ((t))-equivalence class of the operator ∇ = ∂t + p−1 + t−1 u(t), which is the same as the N [[t]]-equivalence class of the operator ρˇ(t)∇ˇ ρ(t)−1 = ∂t + t−1 (p−1 − ρˇ + u(t)), so it is indeed an oper with regular singularity. Therefore it follows from the definition that we have a commutative diagram b
x RS Conn(Ωρˇ)RS Dx −−−−→ OpG (Dx ) ⏐ ⏐ ⏐res resh ⏐
ˇ → λ ˇ − ρˇ and the where the lower horizontal map is the composition of the map λ projection : h → h/W . RS
Now let Connreg ˇ ⊂ ˇ be the preimage under bx of the subspace OpG (Dx )λ Dx ,λ RS × ˇ OpG (Dx ) of G-opers on Dx with regular singularity, residue (−λ − ρˇ) and trivial monodromy. By the commutativity of the above diagram, a connection in ˇ Connreg ˇ) + ρˇ for some element ˇ necessarily has residue of the form −w(λ + ρ Dx ,λ reg w of the Weyl group of G, so that ConnD ,λˇ is the disjoint union of its subsets x ˇ + ρˇ) + ρˇ. Connreg consisting of connections with residue −w(λ ˇ Dx ,λ,w
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The restriction of bx to Connreg is a map ˇ D ,λ,w x
bλ,w : ˇ
Connreg ˇ Dx ,λ,w
→ OpG (Dx )λˇ .
Let us recall that by construction of the Miura transformation b, each oper on Dx× which lies in the image of the map b (hence in particular, in the image of bλ,w ˇ ) carries a canonical horizontal B-reduction FB = Ωρˇ × w0 B H
(i.e., it carries a canonical structure of Miura oper on Dx× ). But if this oper is in the image of bλ,w ˇ , i.e., belongs to OpG (Dx )λ ˇ , then the oper B-reduction FB (and hence the oper bundle F) has a canonical extension to a B-bundle on the entire disc Dx , namely, one for which the oper connection has the form (1.8). Therefore the B-reduction FB = Ωρˇ × w0 B may also be extended to Dx . H
to a map Therefore we can lift bλ,w ˇ bλ,w : Connreg → MOpG (Dx )λˇ . ˇ ˇ D ,λ,w x
⊂ MOpG (Dx )λˇ be the subvariety of those Miura opers of Let MOpG (Dx )λ,w ˇ ˇ coweight λ which have relative position w at x. Then MOpG (Dx )λ,w OpG (Dx )λˇ × Sw,FB,x . ˇ
The following result is due to D. Gaitsgory and myself [FG] (see [F3], Proposition 2.9). Proposition 3.4. For each w ∈ W the morphism bλ,w is an isomorphism between ˇ the varieties Connreg and MOp (D ) . ˇ x λ,w G ˇ D ,λ,w x
Proof. First we observe that at the level of points the map defined by bλ,w ˇ ,w ∈ W, , w ∈ W , to MOp (D ) , is a bijection. Indeed, by from the union of Connreg ˇ x G ˇ λ Dx ,λ,w Proposition 3.3 we have a map taking a Miura oper from MOpG (Dx )λˇ , considered as a Miura oper on the punctured disc Dx× , to a connection ∇ on the H-bundle Ωρˇ over Dx× . We have shown above that ∇ has regular singularity at x and that its ˇ + ρˇ)+ ρˇ, w ∈ W . Thus, we obtain a map from the set of residue is of the form −w(λ points of MOpG (Dx )λˇ to the union of Connreg ˇ , w ∈ W , and by Proposition 3.3 Dx ,λ,w it is a bijection. It remains to show that if the Miura oper belongs to MOpG (Dx )λ,w ˇ , then ˇ the corresponding connection has residue precisely −w(λ + ρˇ) + ρˇ. ˇ Let us choose a ) of coweight λ. Thus, we are given a G-oper (F, ∇, FB , FB trivialization of the B-bundle FB . Then the connection operator reads ∇ = ∂t +
tαi ,λ fi + v(t),
v(t) ∈ b[[t]].
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Suppose that the horizontal B-reduction FB of our Miura oper has relative position w with FB at x (see Section 3 for the definition of relative position). We need to ˇ + ρˇ) + ρˇ. show that the corresponding connection on FH Ωρˇ has residue −w(λ This is equivalent to the following statement. Let Φ(t) be the G-valued solution of the equation
ˇ αi ,λ t fi + v(t) Φ(t) = 0, (3.5) ∂t + i=1
such that Φ(0) = 1. Since the connection operator is regular at t = 0, this solution exists and is unique. Then Φ(t)w−1 w0 is the unique solution of the equation (3.5) whose value at t = 0 is equal to w−1 w0 . By Lemma 3.2, we have Φ(t)w−1 w0 = Xw (t)Yw (t)Zw (t)w0 , where Xw (t) ∈ N ((t)),
Yw (t) ∈ H((t)), Zw (t) ∈ N− ((t)). ˇw (t)Yw (t), where µ ˇw is a coweight and Yw (t) ∈ H[[t]]. We can write Yw (t) = µ Since the connection ∇ preserves Φ(t)w0 b+ w0 Φ(t)−1 = Φ(t)b− Φ(t)−1 , the connection X(t)−1 w ∇Xw (t) preserves Yw (t)Zw (t)b− Zw (t)−1 Yw (t)−1 = b− , and therefore has the form ∂t +
tαi ,λ fi −
µ ˇw + u(t), t
u(t) ∈ h[[t]].
ˇ By conjugating it with λ(t) we obtain a connection ˇ+µ λ ˇw + u(t), t Therefore we need to show that ∂t + p−1 −
u(t) ∈ h[[t]].
ˇ + ρˇ) − (λ ˇ + ρˇ). µ ˇ w = w(λ
To see that, let us apply the identity Φ(t)w−1 = Xw (t)Yw (t)Zw (t) to a nonzero vector vw0 (ν) of weight w0 (ν) in a finite-dimensional irreducible g-module Vν of highest weight ν (so that vw0 (ν) is a lowest weight vector and hence is unique up to scalar). The right-hand side will then be equal to a P (t)vw0 (ν) plus the sum of terms of weights greater than w0 (ν), where P (t) = ctw0 (ν),ˇµw , c = 0, plus the sum of terms of higher degree in t. Applying the left-hand side to vw0 (ν) , we obtain Φ(t)vw−1 w0 (ν) , where vw−1 w0 (ν) ∈ Vν is a non-zero vector of weight w−1 w0 (ν) which is also unique up to a scalar.
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Thus, we need to show that the coefficient with which vw0 (ν) enters the expression Φ(t)vw−1 w0 (ν) is a polynomial in t whose lowest degree is equal to ˇ + ρˇ) − (λ ˇ + ρˇ), w0 (ν), w(λ because if this is so for all dominant integral weights ν, then we obtain the desired equality (3.6). But this formula is easy to establish. Indeed, from the form (3.4) of the oper connection ∇ it follows that we can obtain a vector proportional to vw0 ˇ by applying the operators α ,1λ+1 tαi ,λ+1 fi , i = 1, . . . , , to vw−1 w0 (ν) in some ˇ i order. The linear combination of these monomials appearing in the solution is the term of the lowest degree in t with which vw0 (ν) enters Φ(t)vw−1 w0 (ν) . It follows from Lemma 3.2 that it is non-zero. The corresponding power of t is nothing but ˇ + ρˇ)-degrees of the vectors vw−1 w and vw , i.e., the difference between the (λ 0 0 ˇ + ρˇ − w0 (ν), λ ˇ + ρˇ = w0 (ν), w(λ ˇ + ρˇ) − (λ ˇ + ρˇ), w−1 w0 (ν), λ
as desired. This completes the proof.
of connections on the HThus, we have identified the space Connreg ˇ Dx ,λ,w ρˇ × bundle Ω on Dx of the form with the space of Miura opers on Dx× such that the underlying oper belongs to OpG (Dx )λˇ and the corresponding B-reductions FB and FB have relative position w at x. The condition that the image under bλ,w of a connection of the form ˇ ˇ + ρˇ) − ρˇ w(λ + u(t), u(t) ∈ h[[t]], t is an oper without monodromy imposes polynomial equations on the coefficients of ˇ = 0 and w = si , the ith simple the series u(t). Consider the simplest case when λ ˇ + ρˇ) + ρˇ = α reflection. Then −w(λ ˇ i , so we write this connection as ∂t −
∇ = ∂t +
α ˇi + u(t), t
u(t) ∈ h[[t]].
Lemma 3.5 ([F3],Lemma 2.10). A connection of the form (3.7) belongs to Connreg Dx ,si (i.e., the corresponding G-oper is regular at x) if and only if αi , u(0) = 0.
4. Wakimoto modules and Bethe Ansatz In this section we explain how to construct Bethe eigenvectors of the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians. For that we utilize the Wakimoto modules over gκc which are parameterized by Cartan connections on the punctured disc. As the result, the eigenvectors will be parameterized by the Cartan connections on P1 with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ and some additional points w1 , . . . , wm with residues λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ and −αi1 , . . . , −αim and whose Miura transformation is an oper that has no singularities at w1 , . . . , wm .
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4.1. Definition of Wakimoto modules We recall some of the results of [FF1, F2] on the construction of the Wakimoto realization. Let Ag be the Weyl algebra with generators aα,n , a∗α,n , α ∈ ∆+ , n ∈ Z, and relations [aα,n , a∗β,m ] = δα,β δn,−m ,
[aα,n , aβ,m ] = [a∗α,n , a∗β,m ] = 0.
Introduce the generating functions aα (z) =
aα,n z −n−1 ,
a∗α,n z −n .
a∗α (z) =
Let Mg be the Fock representation of Ag generated by a vector |0 such that aα,n |0 = 0,
n ≥ 0;
a∗α,n |0 = 0,
n > 0.
It carries a vertex algebra structure (see [F2]). Let π0 be the commutative algebra C[bi,n ]i=1,...,;n<0 with the derivation T given by the formula T · bi1 ,n1 . . . bim ,nm = −
nj bi1 ,n1 . . . bij ,nj −1 · · · bim ,nm .
Then π0 is naturally a commutative vertex algebra (see [FB], § 2.3.9). In particular, we have bi,n z −n−1 . Y (bi,−1 , z) = bi (z) = n<0
Recall that V0 carries the structure of a vertex algebra. Its vacuum vector will be denoted by vκc . In the next theorem describing the Wakimoto realization we will need the formulas defining the action of the Lie algebra g on the space of functions on the big cell U of the flag manifold G/B+ . Here U is the open orbit of the unipotent subgroup N+ = [B+ , B+ ] which is isomorphic to N+ . Since the exponential map n+ → N+ is an isomorphism, we obtain a system of coordinates {yα }α∈∆+ on U corresponding to a fixed basis of root vectors {eα }α∈∆+ in n+ . For each χ ∈ h∗ we have a homomorphism ρχ : g → D≤1 (N+ ) under which the D≤1 (N+ )-module Fun U becomes isomorphic to the g-module Mχ∗ that is contragredient to the Verma module of highest weight χ.
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Explicitly, ρχ looks as follows. Let ei , hi , fi , i = 1 . . . , , be the generators of g. Then ∂ ∂ + Pβi (yα ) , (4.4) ρχ (ei ) = ∂yαi ∂yβ
ρχ (hi ) = −
∂ + χ(hi ), ∂yβ
∂ + χ(hi )yαi , ∂yβ
β(hi )yβ
ρχ (fi ) =
Qiβ (yα )
for some polynomials Pβi , Qiβ in yα , α ∈ ∆+ . In addition, we have a Lie algebra anti-homomorphism ρR : n+ → D≤1 (N+ ) which corresponds to the right action of n+ on N+ . The differential operators ρR (x), x ∈ n+ , commute with the differential operators ρχ (x ), x ∈ n+ (though their commutation relations with ρχ (x ), x ∈ n+ , are complicated in general). We have R,i ∂ ∂ + Pβ (yα ) ρR (ei ) = ∂yαi ∂yβ β∈∆+
PβR,i , Qiβ
for some polynomials in yα , α ∈ ∆+ . We let R,i −n−1 eR = aαi (z) + Pβ (a∗α (z))aβ (z). eR i (z) = i,n z n∈Z
Now we can state the main result, due to [FF1, F2], concerning the Wakimoto realization at the critical level. Theorem 4.1. There exists a homomorphism of vertex algebras wκc : V0 → Mg ⊗ π0 such that ei (z) → aαi (z) + hi (z) → −
:Pβi (a∗α (z))aβ (z):,
β(hi ):a∗β (z)aβ (z): + bi (z),
fi (z) →
:Qiβ (a∗α (z))aβ (z): + ci ∂z a∗αi (z) + bi (z)a∗αi (z),
where the polynomials Pβi , Qiβ are introduced in formulas (4.4)–(4.6). In order to make the homomorphism wκc coordinate-independent, we need to define the actions of the group Aut O on V0 , Mg and π0 which are intertwined by wκc . We already have a natural action of Aut O on V0 which is induced by its action on gκc preserving the subalgebra g[[t]]. Next, we define the Aut O-action on
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Mg by stipulating that for each α ∈ ∆+ the generating functions aα (z) and a∗α (z) transform as a one-form and a functions on D× , respectively. Finally, we identify π0 with the algebra Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D , where Conn(Ω−ρ )D is the space of connections on the L H-bundle Ω−ρ on D. Namely, we write a connection from Conn(Ω−ρ )D as the first order operator ∂t + χ(t), where χ(t) takes values in L h h∗ . Set αi , χ(t) = bi,n t−n−1 . bi (t) = ˇ n<0
Then we obtain an identification Fun Conn(Ωρ )D C[bi,n ]i=1,...,;n<0 = π0 . Now the natural action of Aut O on Fun Conn(Ωρ )D gives rise to an action of Aut O on π0 . To write down this action explicitly, suppose that we have a connection on the L H-bundle Ω−ρ on a curve X which with respect to a local coordinate t is represented by the first order operator ∂t + χ(t). If s is another coordinate such that t = ϕ(s), then this connection will be represented by the operator ∂s + ϕ (s)χ(ϕ(s)) + ρ ·
ϕ (s) . ϕ (s)
Proposition 4.2 ([F2], Cor. 5.4). The homomorphism wκc commutes with the action of Aut O. ∗
For a connection ∇ on the L H-bundle Ω−ρ , let ∇ be the dual connection ∗ ρ on Ω . Explicitly, if ∇ is given by the operator ∂t + w(t), then ∇ is given by the ∗ operator ∂t − w(t). Sending ∇ to ∇ , we obtain an isomorphism Conn(Ω−ρ )U Conn(Ωρ )U . Recall the Miura transformation bD× : Conn(Ωρ )D× → OpL G (D× ) defined in Section 3.3. Using the isomorphism Conn(Ω−ρ )U Conn(Ωρ )U , we obtain a map ∗ bD× : Conn(Ω−ρ )D× → OpL G (D× ) (4.9) which by abuse of terminology we will also refer to as Miura transformation. Consider the center z( g) of the vertex algebra V0 . Recall that we have g[[t]]
z( g ) = V0
Endgκc V0 .
Theorem 4.3 ([F2], Theorem 11.3). Under the homomorphism wκc the center z( g) ⊂ V0 gets mapped to the vertex subalgebra π0 of Mg ⊗ π0 . Moreover, we have the following commutative diagram ∼
π0 −−−−→ Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D ⏐ ⏐ . ⏐ ⏐ ∼
z( g) −−−−→
Fun OpL G (D)
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35 ∗
where the right vertical map is induced by the Miura transformation bD given by (4.9). This theorem implies the following result. Let N be a module over the vertex algebra Mg and R a module over the vertex algebra π0 Fun Conn(Ωρ )D . Then the homomorphism wκc gives rise to the structure of a V0 -module, and hence of a smooth gκc -module on the tensor product N ⊗ R. It follows from the general theory of [FB], Ch. 5, that a module over the vertex algebra Mg is the same as a smooth module over the Weyl algebra Ag , i.e., such that every vector is annihilated by aα,n , a∗α,n for large enough n. Likewise, a module over the commutative vertex algebra Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D is the same as a smooth module over the commutative topological algebra Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D× . Note that Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D× lim C[bi,n ]i=1,...,;n∈Z /IN , ←−
where IN is the ideal generated by bi,n , i = 1, . . . , ; n ≥ N . A module over this algebra is called smooth if every vector is annihilated by the ideal IN for large enough N . Thus, for each choice of Ag -module N we obtain a “semi-infinite induction” functor from the category of smooth Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D× -modules to the category of smooth gκc -modules (on which the central element 1 acts as the identity), R → N ⊗ R. Now Theorem 4.3 implies Corollary 4.4. The action of Z( g) on the gκc -module N ⊗ R is independent of the choice of N and factors through the homomorphism Z( g) Fun OpL G (D× ) → ∗ Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D× induced by the Miura transformation bD× . For example, for a connection ∇ = ∂z +χ(z) in Conn(Ω−ρ )D× , let C∇ = Cχ(z) be the corresponding one-dimensional module of Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D× . Then Mg ⊗ Cχ(z) is called the Wakimoto module of critical level corresponding to ∂z + χ(z), and is denoted by Wχ(z) . We will use below the following result. Lemma 4.5 ([FFR], Lemma 2). Let ∞
χ(z) = −
αi + χn z n , z n=0
χn ∈ h∗ .
The vector eR αi , χ0 = 0. i,−1 |0 ∈ Wχ(z) is g[[t]]-invariant if and only if ˇ 4.2. Functoriality of coinvariants We will construct eigenvectors of the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians using functionals on the space of coinvariants of Wakimoto modules on P1 . First we explain some general facts about the compatibility of various spaces of coinvariants. Following the general construction of [FB], Ch. 10, we define the spaces of coinvariants HMg (X, (xi ), (Mi )) (resp., Hπ0 (X, {xi }, (Ri )) ) attached to a smooth projective curve X, points x1 , . . . , xp and Mg -modules N1 , . . . , Np (resp.,
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π0 -modules R1 , . . . , Rp ). These spaces are defined in elementary terms in [FFR], Sect. 5, and in [FB], Ch. 13–14. We also define spaces of coinvariants for the tensor product vertex algebra Mg ⊗ π0 . We have a natural identification HMg ⊗π0 (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ Ri )) = HMg (X, (xi ), (Ni )) ⊗ Hπ0 (X, (xi ), (Ri )). The vertex algebra homomorphism wκc : V0 → Mg ⊗ π0 of Theorem 4.1 gives rise to a surjective map of the spaces of coinvariants HV0 (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ Ri )) HMg ⊗π0 (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ Ri )) and hence a surjective map HV0 (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ Ri )) HMg (X, (xi ), (Ni )) ⊗ Hπ0 (X, (xi ), (Ri )).
Now recall that in the proof of Theorem 2.7 we explained that since z( g) Fun OpL G (D) is the center of V0 , we have a homomorphism of algebras Hz(g) (X, (xi ), (Z(Mi ))) → EndC HV0 (X, (xi ), (Mi )).
In addition, we have an isomorphism Hz(g) (X, (xi ), (Z(Mi ))) Fun OpL G (X, (xi ), (Mi )),
where OpL G (X, (xi ), (Mi )) is the space of L G-opers on X which are regular on X\{x1 , . . . , xN } and such that their restriction to Dx× belongs to the space OpLMGi (Dx×i ) = Spec Z(Mi ) for all i = 1, . . . , N . We can describe the space of coinvariants Hπ0 (X, (xi ), (Ri )) for the commutative vertex algebra π0 Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D in similar terms. If R is a π0 -module, or equivalently, a smooth Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D× -module, let π0 (R) be the image of the corresponding homomorphism Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D× → EndC R. Let Conn(Ω−ρ )(X, (xi ), (Ri )) be the space of connections on Ω−ρ on i = X\{x1 , . . . , xN } whose restriction to Dx×i belongs to the space Conn(Ω−ρ )R D× xi
Spec π0 (Ri ). Then we have an isomorphism Hπ0 (X, (xi ), (Ri )) Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )(X, (xi ), (Ri )).
It follows from Corollary 4.4 that if Mi = Ni ⊗ Ri , then Z(Ni ⊗ Ri ) is the image of Z( g) FunL G (D× ) under the homomorphism b
D Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )D× → EndC Ri , FunL G (D× ) −→
where the first map is induced by the Miura transformation. Recall that in Section 3.2 we introduced the maps bU : Conn(Ωρ )U → MOpL G (U )gen ,
bU : Conn(Ωρ )U → OpL G (U ).
Using the identification Conn(Ωρ )U Conn(Ω−ρ )U , we obtain maps b∗U : Conn(Ω−ρ )U → MOpL G (U )gen ,
bU : Conn(Ω−ρ )U → OpL G (U ).
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The second map is the Miura transformation. In the case when U = X\{x1,...,xN } ∗ the Miura transformation bU restricts to a map Conn(Ω−ρ )(X, (xi ), (Ri )) → OpL G (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ Ri )), and hence gives rise to a homomorphism Fun OpL G (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ Ri )) → Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )(X, (xi ), (Ri )),
which does not depend on the Ni ’s. Now we have an action of the algebra OpL G (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ Ri )) on both sides of the map (4.10). The action on the left-hand side comes from the homomorphisms (4.11) and (4.12). The action on the right-hand side comes from the homomorphism (4.13). The functoriality of the coinvariants implies the following Lemma 4.6. The map (4.10) commutes with the action on both sides of the algebra OpL G (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ Ri )). Consider the special case where all modules Ri , i = 1, . . . , N , are one-dimensional, i.e., Ri = C∇i , where ∇i is a point in Conn(Ω−ρ )Dx× , and Ri is the reprei
sentation obtained from the homomorphism Fun Conn(Ω−ρ )Dx× induced by ∇i . In i this case we have the following description of the space Hπ0 (X, (xi ), (C∇i )) which follows from the general results on coinvariants of commutative vertex algebras from Sect. 9.4 of [FB] (see also [FFR], Proposition 4, in the case when X = P1 ). Proposition 4.7. The space Hπ0 (X, (xi ), (C∇i )) is one-dimensional if and only if there exists a connection ∇ on the L H-bundle Ω−ρ on X\{x1 , . . . , xp , ∞} such that the restriction of ∇ to the punctured disc at each xi is equal to ∇i , i = 1, . . . , N . Otherwise, Hπ0 (X, (xi ), (C∇i )) = 0. Suppose that such a connection ∇ exists and the space Hπ0 (X, (xi ), (C∇i )) is one-dimensional. Then the map (4.10) reads HV0 (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ C∇i )) HMg (X, (xi ), (Ni )). Composing this map with any linear functional on HMg (X, (xi ), (Ni )), we obtain a linear functional φ : HV0 (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ C∇i )) → C. The algebra z( g)u = Fun OpL G (Du ) acts on the space HV0 (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ C∇i )), and its action factors through the homomorphism (2.9) Fun OpL G (Du ) → Fun OpL G (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ C∇i )). According to Lemma 4.6, this action factors through the homomorphism (4.13). In our case Ri = C∇i , and so Conn(Ω−ρ )(X, (xi ), (Ri )) is a point corresponding to the connection ∇. It follows from the definition that OpL G (X, (xi ), (Ni ⊗ C∇i )) is also a point, corresponding to the oper which is the image of ∇ under the Miura ∗ transformation bX\{x1 ,...,xN } . Thus, we obtain:
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Proposition 4.8. The functional φ is an eigenvector of the algebra z( g)u OpL G (Du ), and the corresponding homomorphism Fun OpL G (Du ) → C is defined ∗ by the point bDu (∇|Du ) ∈ OpL G (Du ). 4.3. The case of P1 We will use Proposition 4.8 in the case when X = P1 , equipped with a global coordinate t. Consider a collection of distinct points x1 , . . . , xp and ∞ on P1 . As the Mg -module Ni attached to xi , i = 1, . . . , p, we will take Mg . As the Mg -module N∞ attached to the point ∞ we will take another module Mg generated by a vector |0 such that aα,n |0 = 0,
a∗α,n |0 = 0,
n > 0;
n ≥ 0.
As the π0 -module Ri attached to xi , i = 1, . . . , p, we will take the one-dimensional module C∇i = Cχi (z) , where ∇i = ∂z + χi (z), χi (z) ∈ h∗ ((z)) and as module R∞ attached to the point ∞ we will take Cχ∞ (z) . Thus, Mi ⊗ Ri is the Wakimoto module Wχi (z) for all i = 1, . . . , p. We denote the module Mg ⊗ Cχ∞ (z) by Wχ ∞ (z) . We have the following special case of Proposition 4.7: Proposition 4.9 ([FFR], Proposition 4). The space HMg (P1 ; (xi ), ∞; (Mg ), Mg ) is one-dimensional and the projection of the vector |0⊗N ⊗ |0 on it is non-zero. The space Hπ0 (P1 , (xi ), ∞; (Cχi (z) ), Cχ∞ (z)) is one-dimensional if and only if there exists a connection ∇ on the L H-bundle Ω−ρ on P1 which is regular on P1 \{x1 , . . . , xp , ∞} and such that the restriction of ∇ to the punctured disc at each xi is equal to ∂t + χi (t − xi ), and its restriction to the punctured disc at ∞ is equal to ∂t−1 + χ∞ (t−1 ). Otherwise, Hπ0 (P1 , (xi ), ∞; (Cχi (z) ), Cχ∞ (z)) = 0. Formula (4.8) shows that if we have a connection on Ω−ρ over P1 whose restriction to P1 \∞ is represented by the operator ∂t + χ(t), then its restriction × to the punctured disc D∞ at ∞ reads, with respect to the coordinate u = t−1 , is represented by the operator ∂u − u−2 χ(u−1 ) − 2ρu−1 . We will choose χi (z) to be of the form χi (z) = χi + χi,n z n , n≥0
and χ∞ (z) to be of the form χ∞ (z) = χ∞ +
χ∞,n z n .
The condition of the proposition is then equivalent to saying that the restriction of ∇ to P1 \∞ is represented by the operator ∂t +
p χi , t − zi i=1
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and that χi (t − zi ) is the expansion of χ(t) at zi , i = 1, . . . , p, while χ∞ (t−1 ) is powers of t−1 . Note that then we have χ∞ (u) = the expansion of −t2 χ(t) − 2ρt in p χ∞ /u + . . ., where χ∞ = −2ρ − i=1 χi . By Proposition 4.9, the spaces of coinvariants HMg (P1 ; (xi ), ∞; (Mg ), Mg ) and Hπ0 (P1 ; (xi ), ∞; (Cχi (z) ), Cχ∞ (z)) are one-dimensional. Hence the map (4.10) gives rise to a non-zero linear functional τ(xi ) : HV0 (P1 ; (xi ), ∞; (Wχi (z) ), Wχ ∞ (z) ) → C.
We normalize it so that its value on |0⊗N ⊗ |0 is equal to 1. The algebra z( g)u = Fun OpL G (Du ) acts on this space. By Proposition 4.8, τ(xi ) is an eigenvector of this algebra and the corresponding homomorphism Fun OpL G (Du ) → C ∗ bDu (∇|Du )
is defined by the point ∈ OpL G (Du ). Let us fix highest weights of g, λ1 , . . . , λN , and a set of simple roots of g, αi1 , . . . , αim . Consider a connection ∇ on Ω−ρ on P1 whose restriction to P1 \∞ is equal to ∂t + λ(t), where λ(t) =
N i=1
αij λi − . t − zi j=1 t − wj m
Denote by λi (t − zi ) the expansions of λ(t) at the points zi , i = 1, . . . , N , and by µj (t − wj ) the expansions of λ(t) at the points wj , j = 1, . . . , m. We have: λi (z) =
λi + ··· , z
µj (z) = −
αij + µj,0 + · · · , z
where µj,0 =
N i=1
αi λi s − . wj − zi wj − ws
Finally, let λ∞ (t−1 ) be the expansion of −t2 λ(t) − 2ρt in powers of t−1 . Thus we have ⎛ ⎞ N m λ∞ (z) = z −1 ⎝− λi + αij − 2ρ⎠ + · · · . (4.17) i=1
We have a linear functional τ(zi ),(wj ) on the corresponding space of coinvariants HV0 (P1 ; (zi ), (wj ), ∞; (Wλi (z) ), (Wµj (z) ), Wλ ∞ (z) ). In particular, this space is non-zero. The functional τ(zi ),(wj ) is an eigenvector of z( g)u = Fun OpL G (Du ), and its eigenvalue is the L G-oper on Du which is the 1 restriction to Du of the oper in OpRS L G (P )(zi ),(wj ),∞;(λi ),(−αi ),λ∞ given by the j Miura transformation of the connection ∂t + λ(t). We will now use it to construct an eigenvector of the Gaudin algebra.
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4.4. Bethe vectors By Lemma 4.5, the vectors eR ij ,−1 |0 ∈ Wµj (z) are g[[t]]-invariant if and only if the equations ˇ αij , µj,0 = 0 are satisfied, where µj,0 is the constant coefficient in the expansion of λ(t) at wj given by formula (4.16), i.e., the following system of equations is satisfied N ˇ αij , λi i=1
wj − zi
ˇ αij , αis s=j
wj − ws
= 0,
j = 1, . . . , m.
They are called the Bethe Ansatz equations. This is a system of equations on the complex numbers wj , j = 1, . . . , m, to each of which we attach a simple root αij . We have an obvious action of a product of symmetric groups permuting the points wj corresponding to simple roots of the same kind. In what follows, by a solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations we will understand a solution defined up to these permutations. Suppose that these equations are satisfied. Then we obtain a homomorphism of gκc -modules N i=1
Wλi (z) ⊗
V⊗m 0
Wλ ∞ (z)
N i=1
Wλi (z) ⊗
Wµj (z) ⊗ Wλ ∞ (z) ,
which sends the vacuum vector in the jth copy of V0 to eR ij ,−1 |0 ∈ Wµj (z) . Hence we obtain the corresponding map of the spaces of coinvariants. But the insertion of V0 does not change the space of coinvariants. Hence the first space of coinvariants is isomorphic to HV0 (P1 ; (zi ), ∞; (Wλi (z) ), Wλ ∞ (z) ) = H((Wλi (z) ), Wλ ∞ (z) ). Therefore, composing this map with τ(zi ),(wj ) , we obtain a linear functional τ(zi ),(wj ) : H((Wλi (z) ), Wλ ∞ (z) ) → C.
g)u = Fun OpL G (Du ), and its By construction, τ(zi ),(wj ) is an eigenvector of z( L eigenvalue is the G-oper on Du which is the restriction of an oper on P1 with singularities given by the Miura transformation of the connection ∂t + λ(t). Let U = P1 \{z1 , . . . , zN , w1 , . . . , wm , ∞} and Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ be the subset of Conn(Ω−ρ )U , consisting of all connections on Ω−ρ on P1 of the form ∂t + λ(t), where λ(t) is given by (4.15), such that their Miura transformation is a L G-oper in RS 1 1 OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ ⊂ OpL G (P )(zi ),(wj ),∞;(λi ),(−αi ),λ∞ . j
In other words, Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ consists of those connections ∂t + λ(t), where λ(t) is given by (4.15), whose Miura transformation is a L G-oper on P1 that is regular at w1 , . . . , wm . Thus, we have a map ∗
RS 1 b(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ : Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ → OpL G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ .
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Proposition 4.10 ([FFR], Proposition 6). There is a bijection between the set of solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18) and the set Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Proof. Applying the Miura transformation to the connection ∂t + λ(t), where λ(t) is given by (4.15), we obtain a L G-oper on P1 which has regular singularities at the points z1 , . . . , zN , and ∞ with residues (λ1 + ρ), . . . , (λN + ρ) and (λ∞ + ρ), respectively, and at the points w1 , . . . , wm with residues (−αij + ρ) = (ρ). But by Lemma 3.5, this oper is regular at the points w1 , . . . , wm if and only if the equations ˇ αij , µj,0 = 0 are satisfied, where µj,0 is the constant coefficient in the expansion of λ(t) at wj given by formula (4.16). These equations are precisely the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18). Now let w1 , . . . , wm be a solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18). Consider the corresponding connection ∂t + λ(t) in Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ , where λ(t) is of the form (4.15). Recall that the linear functional τ(zi ),(wj ) from formula (4.19) is an eigenvector of z( g)u = Fun OpL G (Du ), and its eigenvalue is the L G1 oper on Du obtained by restriction of the oper in OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ given by the Miura transformation of the connection ∂t + λ(t). Therefore we obtain that the action of z( g)u on the space H((Wλi (z) ), Wλ ∞ (z) ) factors through the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g), which acts on it according to the ∗ character corresponding to the L G-oper b(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (∂t + λ(t)). We wish to use this fact to construct eigenvectors of the algebra Z(zi ) (g) on the tensor product of Verma modules N i=1 Mλi . ∗ −1 For λ(z) ∈ h ⊗ z C[[z]] denote by λ−1 the residue of λ(z)dz at z = 0. Let λ(z) the subspace of a Wakimoto module Wλ(z) , which is generated from the W vector |0 by the operators a∗α,0 , α ∈ ∆+ . This space is stable under the action of the constant subalgebra g of gκc . It follows from the formulas defining the action λ(z) is isomorphic to the module M ∗ of gκc on Wλ(z) that as a g-module, W λ−1 contragredient to the Verma module over g with highest weight λ−1 . Likewise, the subspace W λ(z) generated from the vector |0 by the operators aα,0 , α ∈ ∆+ , is stable under the action of the constant subalgebra g of gκc and is isomorphic as the Verma module over g with lowest weight a g-module to the module M2ρ+λ −1 2ρ + λ−1 . Let M∗χ be the gκc -module induced from Mχ∗ , and let Mχ be the gκc -module induced from Mχ (see Section 2.2). The embeddings of g-modules Mλ∗−1 → Wλ(z) and M2ρ+λ → Wλ(z) induce homomorphisms of gκc -modules M∗λ−1 → Wλ(z) and −1 M2ρ+λ−1 → Wλ(z) . Thus, we obtain a homomorphism N i=1
M∗λi ⊗ M2ρ+λ∞ →
N i=1
Wλi (z) ⊗ Wλ ∞ (z) ,
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where λ∞ = −2ρ −
N i=1
λi +
αij .
This homomorphism gives rise to a map of the corresponding spaces of coinvariants H((M∗λi ), M2ρ+λ∞ ) → H((Wλi (z) ), Wλ ∞ (z) ). The composition of this map with the functional τ(zi ),(wj ) defined above is a linear functional τ (zi ),(wj ) : H((M∗λi ), M2ρ+λ∞ ) → C. But we have an isomorphism N N H((M∗λi ), M2ρ+λ∞ ) ( Mλ∗i ⊗ M2ρ+λ )/g ( Mλ∗i )−2ρ−λ∞ /n− , ∞ i=1
where the subscript indicates the subspace of weight −2ρ − λ∞ = m j=1 αij . Thus, we obtain an n− -invariant functional
N i=1
λi −
N im ψ(w1i1 , . . . , wm ):( Mλ∗i )−2ρ−λ∞ → C, i=1
or equivalently an n+ -invariant vector N
im φ(w1i1 , . . . , wm ) ∈ ⊗N i=1 Mλi
of weight i=1 λi − j=1 αij . Recall that τ(zi ),(wj ) is an eigenvector of the algebra z( g)u = Fun OpL G (Du ), and its eigenvalue is the L G-oper on P1 given by the Miura transformation of the im ) is also an connection ∂t +λ(t), where λ(t) is given by (4.15). Hence φ(w1i1 , . . . , wm eigenvector of z( g)u with the same eigenvalue. But we know from the proof of Theorem 2.7 that the action of z( g)u on the space of coinvariants H((M∗λi ), M2ρ+λ∞ ) factors through the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) and further through Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g). im ) is an eigenvector of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g), and the Therefore φ(w1i1 , . . . , wm eigenvalues of Z(zi ) (g) on this vector are encoded by the L G-oper obtained by the Miura transformation of the connection ∂t + λ(t), where λ(t) is given by (4.15). Let us summarize our results. Theorem 4.11 ([FFR], Theorem 3). If the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18) are satisfied, then the vector im ) ∈ ⊗N φ(w1i1 , . . . , wm i=1 Mλi is an eigenvector of the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g). Its eigenvalues define a point in 1 Spec Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ = OpRS L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ ,
which is the image of the connection ∂t +λ(t) with λ(t) as in formula (4.15), under ∗ the Miura transformation b(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ given by formula (4.20).
Gaudin Model and Opers
im The vector φ(w1i1 , . . . , wm ) is called the Bethe vector corresponding to a solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18), or equivalently, an element of the set Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . An explicit formula for this vector is given in [FFR], Lemma 3 (see also [ATY]): im ) φ(w1i1 , . . . , wm
= (−1)m
(j) (j) Fij Fij 1 2
p=(I 1 ,...,I N ) j=1
(j) . . . Fij aj
(wij − wij )(wij − wij ) . . . (wija − zj ) 1
vλ1 ⊗ . . . vλN .
Here the summation is taken over all ordered partitions I 1 ∪ I 2 ∪ . . . ∪ I N of the set {1, . . . , m}, where I j = {ij1 , ij2 , . . . , ijaj }. The fact that this vector is an eigenvector of the Gaudin Hamiltonians Ξi has also been established by other methods in [BaFl, RV]. But Theorem 4.11 gives us much more: it tells us that this vector is also an eigenvector of all other generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians, and identifies the L G-oper encoding their eigenvalues on this vector as the Miura transformation of the connection ∂t + λ(t). We recall that this last result follows from Corollary 4.4 which states that the central characters on the Wakimoto modules are obtained via the Miura transformation.
5. The case of finite-dimensional g-modules In this section we consider the eigenvectors of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) on the space N
G H((Vλi ), Vλ∞ ) = Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ i=1
(recall that Vλ denotes the irreducible finite-dimensional g-module with a dominant integral highest weight λ). Recall that the action of Z(zi ) (g) on this space factors through the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g), so that we have a homomorphism Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ → EndC
Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ .
The image of this homomorphism was denoted by Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g). Then the set G N of all common eigenvalues of the algebra Z(zi ) (g) acting on V ⊗ V λ λ i ∞ i=1 (without multiplicities) is precisely the spectrum of the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g). By Theorem 2.7,(3), the algebra Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g) is a quotient of the algebra of functions on the space OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ , so that its spectrum injects into OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Thus, we have an injective map Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g) → OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ .
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In other words, each common eigenvalue of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) that occurs G N V ⊗ V is encoded by a point of OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ , in the space λ λ i ∞ i=1 i.e., by a L G-oper on P1 with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞, with residues λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ at those points and trivial monodromy representation π1 (P1 \{z1 , . . . , zN , ∞}) → L G. We wish to construct an inverse map from OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ to the G N spectrum of Z(zi ) (g) on . i=1 Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ We start by a more intrinsic geometric description of OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . 5.1. Geometric description of opers without monodromy In order to simplify our notation, in this section we will use the symbol G instead of L G to denote our group. Suppose that we have a G-oper τ : (F, ∇, FB ) on a curve U . Consider the associated bundle of flag manifolds (G/B)F = F × G/B FB × G/B = (G/B)FB . G
The reduction FB gives rise to a section of this bundle. Now suppose that the monodromy representation π1 (U ) → G corresponding to this oper is trivial. Picking a point x ∈ U , we may then use the connection ∇ to identify the fibers of the oper bundle F at all points of U with the fiber Fx at x. ∼ Choosing a trivialization ıx : G → Fx of Fx , we then obtain a trivialization of the bundle F, and hence of the bundle (G/B)F . Let us fix ıx and the corresponding trivialization of F. Then the B-reduction FB gives rise to a map φτ : U → G/B. The oper condition may be described as follows. Define an open B-orbit O ⊂ [n, n]⊥ /b ⊂ g/b, consisting of vectors which are stabilized by N ⊂ B, and such that all of their negative simple root components, with respect to the adjoint action of H = B/N , are non-zero. This orbit may also be described as the Borbit of the sum of the projections of simple root generators fi of any nilpotent subalgebra n− , which is in generic position with b, onto g/b. The torus H acts simply transitively on O, and so O is an H-torsor. Define an -dimensional distribution TOp G/B in the tangent bundle to G/B as follows. The tangent space to gB is identified with the quotient g/gbg −1. The fiber of TOp G/B at gB is by definition its subspace [n, n]⊥ /b. It contains an open ◦
dense subset gOg −1 . We denote by T Op G/B the open dense subset of TOp G/B whose fiber at gB is gOg −1 . A map φ : U → G/B is said to satisfy the oper condition if at each point of ◦
U the tangent vector to φ belongs to T Op G/B. For example, if G = P GL2 , then the flag manifold is P1 , and a map φ : U → 1 P satisfies the oper condition if and only if it has a non-vanishing differential everywhere on X.
Gaudin Model and Opers
If τ is an oper, then the map φτ : U → G/B satisfies the oper condition (note ◦
that T Op G/B is G-invariant, and therefore this condition is independent of the trivialization ıx ). Conversely, if we are given a map φ : U → G/B satisfying the oper condition, then the triple (F, ∇, FB ), where F is the trivial G-bundle on U , ∇ is the trivial connection, and FB is the B-reduction of F defined by the map φ, is a G-oper. Thus, we obtain a bijection between the set of all G-opers on U with trivial monodromy representation and the set of equivalence classes, with respect to the action of G on G/B, of maps φ : U → G/B satisfying the oper condition. ˇ be a dominant integral coweight of G. A map D× → H is said Now let λ ˇ if it may be obtained as the composition of an to vanish at the origin to order λ × × ˇ : C× → H. We will say embedding D → C at the origin and the cocharacter λ ˇ that a map φ : U → G/B satisfies the λ-oper condition at y ∈ U if the restriction of φ to the punctured disc Dy× satisfies the oper condition and the corresponding ˇ map φDy× : Dy× → O H vanishes to the order λ. For example, if G = P GL2 , then we can identify the dominant integral weights of G with non-negative integers. Then a map φ : U → P1 satisfies the ˇ ˇ at y. λ-oper condition at y ∈ U if its differential vanishes to the order λ Recalling the definition of the space OpG (Dx )λˇ given in Section 1.3, we obtain the following result. Proposition 5.1. There is a bijection between the set OpG (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λˇ i ),λˇ ∞ and the set of equivalence classes, with respect to the action of G on G/B, of the maps ˇ i -oper φ : P1 → G/B satisfying the oper condition on P1 \{z1 , . . . , zN , ∞}), the λ ˇ condition at zi and the λ∞ -oper condition at ∞. In particular, the points of OpP GL2 (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λˇ i ),λˇ ∞ are the same as the equivalence classes of maps P1 → P1 whose differential does not vanish anywhere ˇ i at zi , i = 1, . . . , N , and to order on P1 \{z1 , . . . , zN , ∞}) and vanishes to order λ ˇ λ∞ at ∞. 5.2. From opers without monodromy to Bethe vectors Let τ = (F, ∇, FL B ) ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . By Proposition 5.1, we attach to it a map φτ : P1 → L G/L B. A horizontal L B-reduction on τ is completely determined by the choice of L B-reduction at any given point x ∈ P1 , which is a point of (L G/L B)FL B,x L G/L B (see Lemma 3.1). We will choose the point ∞ as our reference point on P1 . Then we obtain Lemma 5.2. For τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ the set of Miura opers on P1 with the underlying oper τ is in bijection with the set of points of (L G/L B)FL B,∞ L G/L B. Now suppose we are given an oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . We fix a trivialization of the fiber F∞ of F at ∞ and consider the corresponding map φτ : P1 → L G/L B. Then the value of φτ at ∞ ∈ P1 is the point L B ∈ L G/L B. Consider the Miura oper structure on τ corresponding to L B ∈ L G/L B, considered as a point in the fiber (L G/L B)FL B,∞ . This is the unique Miura oper structure on
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τ for which the horizontal Borel reduction FL B,∞ at the point ∞ coincides with the oper reduction FL B,∞ (which is the point L B ∈ L G/L B with respect to our trivialization). Let us suppose that the oper τ satisfies the following conditions: (1) φτ (zi ) is in generic position with L B for all i = 1, . . . , N ; (2) the relative position of φτ (x) and L B is either generic or corresponds to a simple reflection si ∈ W for all x ∈ A1 = P1 \∞. Then we will call τ a non-degenerate oper. Let τ be a non-degenerate oper in OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞. Consider the unique Miura oper (F, ∇, FL B , FL B ) whose underlying oper is τ and such that FL B,∞ corresponds to the point L B ∈ L G/L B (L G/L B)FL B,∞ . According to the above conditions, the reductions FL B and FL B are in generic position for all but finitely many points of P1 , which are distinct from z1 , . . . , zN , ∞. Let us denote these points by w1 , . . . , wm . Then at the point wj the two reductions have relative position sij . According to Proposition 3.3, to this Miura oper corresponds a connection on the L H-bundle Ωρ , and hence a connection ∇ on the dual bundle Ω−ρ on P1 \{z1 , . . . , zN , w1 , . . . , wm , ∞}. Moreover, by Proposition 3.4, the connection ∇ extends to a connection with regular singularity on Ω−ρ on the entire P1 , with residues λi at zi , i = 1, . . . , N , w0 (λ∞ + ρ) − ρ at ∞, and −αij at wj , j = 1, . . . , m. (Note that in Proposition 3.4 we described the residues of connections of the bundle Ωρ . Since now we consider connections on Ω−ρ which is dual to Ωρ , when applying Proposition 3.4 we need to change the signs of all residues.) Therefore, the restriction of ∇ to P1 \∞ reads ∇ = ∂t +
N i=1
αij λi − . t − zi j=1 t − wj m
Using transformation formula (3.2), we find that the residue of ∇ at ∞ is equal to −2ρ −
λi +
αij .
But by our assumption this residue is equal to w0 (λ∞ + ρ) − ρ. Therefore we find that N m λi − αij . (5.3) −w0 (λ∞ ) = i=1
In addition, the condition that the oper τ has trivial monodromy representation and Lemma 3.5 imply that if ∂t − αij /(t − wj ) + uj (t − wj ),
uj (u) ∈ L h[[u]],
is the expansion of the connection (5.2) at the point wj , then ˇ αij , uj (0) = 0 for all j = 1, . . . , m. When we write them explicitly, we see immediately that these equations are precisely the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18)!
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Thus, we have attached to a non-degenerate oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ a connection ∇ = ∂t + λ(t) on Ω−ρ and a solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations. By construction, the Miura transformation of this connection is the oper τ , and so we obtain the following Proposition 5.3. Suppose that all opers in OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ are non-degenerate. Then there is a bijection between the set of opers OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ and the set of solutions of Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18) such that the weight m N i=1 λi − j=1 αij is dominant. Thus, given a non-degenerate oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ , we obtain a solution of Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18). We then follow the procedure of Section 4.4 to assign to the above solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations an N eigenvector of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) in i=1 Mλi , which is an n+ -invariant m im ) of weight N vector φ(w1i1 , . . . , wm i=1 λi − j=1 αij . Consider its projection onto N i=1 Vλi . By formula (5.3), the weight of this vector is N i=1
λi −
αij = −w0 (λ∞ ),
and so it may be viewed as an eigenvector of the Gaudin algebra in the space N
G G V(λ = Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ . i ),λ∞ i=1
By Theorem 4.11, the eigenvalues of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) on this vector are encoded by the Miura transformation of the connection ∇, which is precisely the oper τ with which we have started. Therefore we obtain the following result. Lemma 5.4. The two opers encoding the eigenvalues of the Gaudin algebra on the Bethe vectors corresponding to two different solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations are necessarily different. Suppose that all opers in OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ are non-degenerate1 and that each of the Bethe vectors is non-zero. Then we obtain a map OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ → Spec Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (g) that is inverse to the map (5.1) discussed at the beginning of this section. Let us summarize our results. 1 It
follows from the results of Mukhin and Varchenko in [MV2] that for some λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ it is possible that there exist degenerate opers in OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ even for generic values of z1 , . . . , zN .
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Proposition 5.5. Assume that all L G-opers in OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ are nondegenerate and that all Bethe vectors obtained from solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18) satisfying the condition (5.4) are non-zero. Then there is a biG jection between the spectrum of the generalized Gaudin Hamiltonians on V(λ i ),λ∞ (not counting multiplicities) and the set OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ of L G-opers on P1 with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ and residues (λ1 + ρ), . . . , (λN + ρ) and (λ∞ + ρ), respectively, which have trivial monodromy. Moreover, if in addition the Gaudin Hamiltonians are diagonalizable and have G simple spectrum on V(λ , then the Bethe vectors constitute an eigenbasis of i ),λ∞ G . V(λ i ),λ∞ The last statement of Proposition 5.5 that the Bethe vectors constitute an G eigenbasis of V(λ is referred to as the completeness of the Bethe Ansatz. i ),λ∞ We note that the completeness of the Bethe Ansatz has been previously proved for g = sl2 (resp., for g = sln when all λi ’s are multiples of the first fundamental weight) and generic values of z1 , . . . , zN by Scherbak and Varchenko [SV] (resp., by Scherbak [S2]) by other methods. We will discuss the degenerate opers and the corresponding eigenvectors of the Gaudin hamiltonians in Section 5.5. 5.3. The case of sl2 In the case when g = sl2 , we identify the weights with complex numbers. The Bethe vector has a simple form in this case. We use the standard basis {e, h, f } of sl2 . Then (5.5) φ(w1 , . . . , wm ) = f (w1 ) . . . f (wm )vλ1 ⊗ . . . vλN , where N f (i) f (w) = . w − zi i=1 The Bethe Ansatz equations read N i=1
λi 2 = . wj − zi wj − ws s=j
If these equations are satisfied, then this vector is a highest weight vector of weight N λ∞ (with respect to the diagonal action), and it is an eigenvector in i=1 Mλi of the Gaudin algebra N
Z(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ = C[Ξi ]i=1,...,N / Ξi , i=1
where Ξi is the ith Gaudin Hamiltonian given by formula (0.1). Its eigenvalue is represented by the P GL2 -oper ∂t −
N λi (λi + 2)/4 i=1
(t − zi )2
N i=1
ci = (∂t − λ(t))(∂t + λ(t)), t − zi
Gaudin Model and Opers where λ(t) =
N m λi /2 1 − . t − z t − wj i i=1 j=1
In other words, the eigenvalue ci of Ξi on φ(w1 , . . . , wm ) is equal to ⎛ ⎞ m λj 1 ⎠. − ci = λi ⎝ zi − zj j=1 zi − wj
For g = sl2 , all opers all opers in OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ are non-degenerate for generic values of z1 , . . . , zN (for example, this follows from the results of [SV]). 5.4. Solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations and flag manifolds In Section 5.2 we considered only those solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equation for which N m λi − αij (5.7) i=1
is a dominant integral weight. The reason for that was that we wanted to construct N eigenvectors of Z(zi ) (g) in i=1 Vλi of weight (5.7). Since the Bethe vectors are N automatically n+ -invariant, we find that such a vector can be non-zero in i=1 Vλi only if this weight is dominant integral. In this case we may write it in the form −w0 (λ∞ ), where λ∞ is another dominant integral weight. Then the corresponding Bethe vector gives us an eigenvector of Z(zi ) (g) in the space N
G G Vλi ⊗ Vλ∞ . V(λi ),λ∞ = i=1
We have seen in Section 5.2 that these solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations are in one-to-one correspondence with the Miura opers on P1 such that the corresponding oper in OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ is non-degenerate, and such that the horizontal L B-reduction FL B coincides with the oper L B-reduction FL B at ∞. It is natural to consider more general solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations, i.e., those for which the weight (5.7) is not necessarily dominant integral. The first step is to relate these solutions to Miura opers. Suppose that we are given an arbitrary solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18). By Proposition 4.10, we attach to it the connection ∇ on the L H-bundle Ω−ρ on P1 whose restriction to P1 \∞ reads ∇ = ∂t +
N i=1
αij λi − . t − zi j=1 t − wj m
Recall the Miura transformation b(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ introduced in formula (4.20). Applying this map to ∇, we obtain a L G-oper τ . It has regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN and ∞, and is regular elsewhere on P1 (recall that the Bethe Ansatz
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equations ensure that the oper τ is regular at the points w1 , . . . , wm ). Around the point zi the oper connection reads λi + reg . ∇ = ∂t + p−1 − t − zi and by applying the gauge transformation with λ(t) we can bring it to the form (1.9). Therefore, according to Lemma 1.2, τ has no monodromy around zi , i = 1, . . . , N . Let us consider the point ∞. Since τ has no monodromy anywhere on P1 \∞, it cannot have monodromy at ∞ either. By Lemma 1.2, the restriction of τ to the disc around ∞ belongs to OpG (D∞ )λ∞ for some integral dominant weight λ. For notational convenience we represent λ in the form −w0 (λ∞ ). But then the commutative diagram (3.3) implies that the residue of ∇ at ∞ is equal to w (λ + ρ) − ρ for some w ∈ W . Writing w = ww0 , find that the residue is equal to w(λ∞ + ρ) + ρ. On the other hand, using transformation formula (3.2), we find that the residue of ∇ at ∞ is equal to −2ρ −
N i=1
λi +
αij .
Therefore we must have the equality N i=1
λi −
αij = w(λ∞ + ρ) − ρ
for some dominant integral weight λ∞ and w ∈ W . Thus, the oper τ belongs to OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ , and so ∇ is an element of Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . ∗
Recall from Section 4.2 that the Miura transformation b(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ may be lifted to a map 1 b∗(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ : Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ → MOpL G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ ,
where MOpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ is the space of Miura opers on P1 whose underlying opers belong to OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Recall from Lemma 5.2 that the space of all Miura opers on P1 corresponding to a fixed L G-oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ is isomorphic to the flag variety L G/L B. Let 1 MOpL G (P1 )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ ⊂ MOpL G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ be the subvariety of those Miura opers whose horizontal L B-reduction satisfies the conditions (1) and (2) of Section 5.2. We call such Miura opers non-degenerate. It is clear that this subvariety is open and dense. It follows from our construction that the image of the map b∗(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ is 1 contained in MOpgen L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Conversely, suppose we are given a Miura gen 1 oper in MOpL G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Then we obtain a connection on w0 (Ωρ ) =
Gaudin Model and Opers
FL B /L N , and hence a connection on Ω−ρ . It follows from Lemma 3.5 that this connection belongs to Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Moreover, in the same way as in the proof of Proposition 3.3 we find that thus constructed map 1 −ρ gen MOpgen )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ → Conn(Ω
is inverse to b(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Therefore we obtain Lemma 5.6. The map b∗(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ is a bijection between Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ 1 and MOpgen L G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Combining Lemma 5.6 and Proposition 5.1, we obtain Theorem 5.7. The set of solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18) is in bijection with the set of points of MOpL G (P1 )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ , where λ∞ satisfies (5.9) for some w ∈ W . Let us fix an oper τ . Then considering the value of the reduction FB at 1 ∞ ∈ P as in Lemma 5.2 above, we obtain an identification of the space
MOpL G (P1 )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ with an open dense subset of L G/L B which we denote by (L G/L B)τ . Furthermore, by Proposition 3.4, those elements of MOpL G (P1 )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ which satisfy formula (5.9) correspond to points that lie in the Schubert cell Sw = L Bw0 ww0 L B ⊂ L G/L B. Note that except for the big cell Sw0 , the intersection between the Schubert cell Sw and the open dense subset (L G/L B)τ ⊂ L G/L B could be either an open dense subset of Sw or empty.2 Theorem 5.7 may be made more precise as follows: Theorem 5.8. The set of solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations (4.18) decomposes into a union of disjoint subsets labelled by OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . The set of points corresponding to L G-oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ is in bijection with the set of points of an open and dense subset (L G/L B)τ of the flag variety L G/L B. Further, each of these solution must satisfy the equation (5.9) for some w ∈ W , and the solutions which satisfy this equation with a fixed w ∈ W are in bijection with an open subset Sw ∩ (L G/L B)τ of the Schubert cell Sw . Remark 5.9. In [MV1] (resp., [BM]), it was shown, by a method different from ours, that in the case when g is of types An , Bn or Cn (resp., G2 ) and z1 , . . . , zN are generic, the set of solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations satisfying (5.9) is in bijection with a disjoint union of open and dense subsets of Sw . The connection between the results of [MV1] and our results is explained in [F3]. In [F3] we obtained a generalization of Theorem 5.8 to the case when g is an arbitrary Kac-Moody algebra. 2 For
example, it follows from the results of Mukhin and Varchenko in [MV2] that for fixed λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ this open set may not contain the one point Schubert cell S1 ⊂ G/B even if we allow z1 , . . . , zN to be generic.
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5.5. Degenerate opers By Lemma 5.6 we have a bijection between the set Conn(Ω−ρ )gen (zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ and gen 1 an open subset MOpL G (P )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ of non-degenerate Miura opers in MOpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Now we wish to extend this bijection to the entire set MOpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . To any point of MOpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ we can still assign, as before, a connection ∇ on Ω−ρ with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ and some additional points w1 , . . . , wm . By Proposition 3.4, the residue of ∇ at zi (resp., ∞, wj ) must be ˇ i + ρˇ) + ρˇ (resp., −y∞ (λ ˇ ∞ + ρˇ) + ρˇ, −y (ˇ ˇ) for some elements equal to −yi (λ j ρ) + ρ yi , y∞ , yj ∈ W . Hence this connection has the form ∂t +
N yi (λi + ρ) − ρ
t − zi
m yj (ρ) − ρ j=1
t − wj
Considering the expansion of this connection at ∞, we obtain the following relation N
ˇ i + ρˇ) − ρˇ) + (yi (λ
ˇ ∞ ) + ρˇ) − ρˇ. (yj (ˇ ρ) − ρˇ) = y∞ w0 (−w0 (λ
Let Conn(Ω−ρ )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ be the set of all connections of the form (5.10) whose Miura transformation belongs to OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . Using Lemma 5.2, we then obtain the following generalization of Lemma 5.6 (see [F3]): Theorem 5.10. There is a bijection between the sets Conn(Ω−ρ )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞
MOpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ .
In particular, the set of those connections in Conn(Ω−ρ )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ which correspond to a fixed L G-oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λˇ i ),λˇ ∞ is isomorphic to the set of points of the flag variety L G/L B. Moreover, the residues of these connections must satisfy the relation (5.11) for some y∞ ∈ W . The set of those connections which satisfy this relation is in bijection with the Schubert cell L Bw0 y∞ L B in L G/L B. Consider, in particular, the unique Miura oper corresponding to an oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ in which the two Borel reductions coincide at ∞ (it corresponds to the one point Schubert cell L B in L G/L B). Let ∇τ be the corresponding connection in Conn(Ω−ρ )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . It has the form (5.10) and its residues satisfy the relation (5.11) with y∞ = w0 : N i=1
(yi (λi + ρ) − ρ) +
m j=1
(yj (ρ) − ρ) = −w0 (λ∞ ).
Gaudin Model and Opers
The oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ is degenerate if and only if either some of the elements yi are not equal to 1 or some of the elements yj have lengths greater than 1 (i.e., are not simple reflections). Observe that we can write yi (λi + ρ) − ρ as λi minus a combination of simple roots with non-negative coefficients, and likewise, yj (ρ)−ρ is equal to minus a linear combination of the simple roots with non-negative coefficients. It is instructive to think of the connection ∇τ corresponding to degenerate opers as the limit of a family of connections corresponding to non-degenerate opers, under which some of the points wj ’s either collide with some of the zi ’s or with each other (leading to the degeneracies of types (1) and (2), respectively). The resulting residues of the connection become the sums of the residues of the points that have coalesced together. Proposition 3.4 places severe restrictions on what kinds of residues (and hence collisions) can occur: namely, at the point zi the residue must lie in the W -orbit of λi , whereas at the additional points wj the residues must be in the W -orbit of 0 (under the ρ-shifted action of W ). We expect that if z1 , . . . , zN are generic, then for any τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ we have yi = 1 for all i = 1, . . . , N in the connection ∇τ . In other words, this Miura oper satisfies condition (1) from Section 5.2, but does not satisfy condition (2), that is at least one of the yj ’s is not a simple reflection. Suppose that τ is such an oper, so in particular we have N i=1
λi +
(yj (ρ) − ρ) = −w0 (λ∞ ).
Then we can still attach to the connection (5.10) an eigenvector of the genG eralized Gaudin hamiltonians in V(λ with eigenvalue τ by generalizing the i ),λ∞ procedure of Section 4.4. More precisely, suppose that the residue of λ(t) at wj is equal to yj (ˇ ρ) − ρˇ for some yj ∈ W . Then the expansion of this connection at wj is µj (t − wj ), where µj (t) =
ρ) − ρˇ yj (ˇ + µj,n tn , t − wj
µj,n ∈ h∗ .
The condition that the oper τ has no monodromy at wj (i.e., that the Miura transformation of the connection ∂t + µj (t) is regular at t = 0) translates into a system of equations on the coefficients µj,n of this expansion. We denote this system by Sj . Recall from Lemma 3.5 that when yj = sij there is only one equation ˇ αij , µj,0 = 0. To see what these equations look like, we consider the example when g = sln . The P GLn -opers may be represented by nth order differential operators of the form (5.13) ∂tn + v1 (t)∂tn−2 + . . . + vn−1 (t). n Let us identify the dual Cartan subalgebra of sln with the hyperplane k=1 k = 0 of the vector space span{k }k=1,...,n . Then an L h-valued connection has the form
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∂t + nk=1 uk (t)k . The Miura transformation of this connection is given by the formula ∂tn + v1 (t)∂tn−2 + . . . + vn−1 (t) = (∂t − u1 (t)) . . . (∂t − un (t)). (5.14) n The system of equations Sj is obtained by writing µj (t) as k=1 uk (t)k , substituting the functions uk (t) into formula (5.14) and setting to zero all coefficients in front of the negative powers of t in the resulting nth order differential operator. For example, if yj = sa sb , |a − b| > 1, then we have um,r tr , um (t) = −(δm,a − δm,a+1 + δm,b − δm,b+1 )t−1 + r≥0
and it is easy to write down the equations on the coefficients um,r corresponding to the regularity of the operator (5.14) at t = 0. The system of equations Sj also has a nice interpretation in the theory of the Wakimoto modules. Namely, consider the Wakimoto module Wµj (z) . Then it contains a g[[t]]-invariant vector Pj if and only if the system Sj of equations on µj (z) is satisfied. In the case when yj = sij and µj (z) = −αij z −1 + . . ., this is the statement of Lemma 4.5; this vector is given by the formula eR ij ,−1 |0 in this case. In general the formulas for these vectors are much more complicated. It follows from the definition that for our connection ∇τ the systems Sj are satisfied for all j = 1, . . . , m. Therefore each module Wµj (z) contains a g[[t]]invariant vector Pj . Then, in the same way as in Section 4.4, we obtain a homomorphism of gκc -modules N i=1
Wλi (z) ⊗ V⊗m ⊗ Wλ ∞ (z) → 0
N i=1
Wλi (z) ⊗
Wµj (z) ⊗ Wλ ∞ (z) ,
which sends the vacuum vector in the jth copy of V0 to Pj ∈ Wµj (z) . Therefore, composing the corresponding map of the spaces of coinvariants with the functional τ(zi ),(wj ) introduced at the end of Section 4.3, we obtain a linear functional τ(zi ),(wj ) : H((Wλi (z) ), Wλ ∞ (z) ) → C. By construction, τ(zi ),(wj ) is an eigenvector of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g), and ∗ the corresponding eigenvalue is given by the L G-oper b(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ (∇τ ) = τ . Continuing along the lines of the construction presented in Section 4.4, we N m obtain an n+ -invariant vector in ⊗N i=1 Mλi of weight i=1 λi + j=1 (yj (ρ) − ρ), which, according to formula (5.12), is equal to −w0 (λ∞ ) which is a dominant integral weight. The projection of this vector onto ⊗N i=1 Vλi gives rise to an eigenvector G with the eigenvalue corresponding to of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) in V(λ i ),λ∞ our degenerate oper τ . Thus, we have assigned to any oper τ in OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ such that the corresponding special connection ∇τ satisfies condition (1) that yi = 1, for all G with the i = 1, . . . , N , in (5.10), an eigenvector of the Gaudin algebra in V(λ i ),λ∞ eigenvalue τ .
Gaudin Model and Opers
The next question is what happens if ∇τ has yi = 1 for some i. In this case the above construction gives rise to an eigenvector of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) in the space n
+ (⊗N i=1 Myi (λi +ρ)−ρ )−w0 (λ∞ )
of the diagonal n+ -invariants of ⊗N i=1 Myi (λi +ρ)−ρ of weight −w0 (λ∞ ). Now recall that for any dominant integral weight λ and y ∈ W the Verma module My(λ+ρ)−ρ is a g-submodule of Mλ . Hence ⊗N i=1 Myi (λi +ρ)−ρ is naturally a N subspace of ⊗i=1 Mλi . It is also a gdiag -submodule of ⊗N i=1 Mλi which is contained in the maximal proper gdiag -submodule I(λi ) . The quotient of ⊗N i=1 Mλi by I(λi ) is V . We have thus associated to ∇ an eigenvector of the Gaudin isomorphic to ⊗N λ τ i i=1 algebra in ⊗N M with the eigenvalue τ , but this eigenvector is inside its maximal λ i i=1 proper gdiag -submodule I(λi ) . Some sample computations that we have made in the case when g = sl2 suggest that in this case the generalized eigenspace of the Gaudin n+ algebra in (⊗N i=1 Mλi )−w0 (λ∞ ) corresponding to the eigenvalue τ has dimension n+ G greater than one and that its projection onto (⊗N i=1 Vλi )−w0 (λ∞ ) V(λi ),λ∞ is nonzero. In other words, we expect that in this case there also exists an eigenvector G with the same eigenvalue τ . of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) in V(λ i ),λ∞ If true, this would explain the meaning of the degeneracy of the connection ∇τ at the point zi . Namely, for some special values of zi it may happen that some of n+ n+ the eigenvalues of the Gaudin operators in (⊗N i=1 Vλi )−w0 (λ∞ ) and in (I(λi ) )−w0 (λ∞ ) become equal. Then they may combine into a Jordan block such that the eigenvecn+ n+ N tor in (⊗N i=1 Vλi )−w0 (λ∞ ) is only a generalized eigenvector in (⊗i=1 Mλi )−w0 (λ∞ ) . If that happens, we can no longer obtain this eigenvector by projection from n+ (⊗N i=1 Mλi )−w0 (λ∞ ) (but we could potentially obtain it by considering the family of eigenvectors corresponding to small perturbations of the zi ’s). ⊗N -submodule of ⊗N Let ⊗N i=1 Myi (λi +ρ)−ρ be the smallest g i=1 Mλi in which n+ N the corresponding “true” eigenvector in (⊗i=1 Mλi )−w0 (λ∞ ) is contained. We be-
lieve that this is precisely the situation when the connection ∇τ develops a singularity with residue yi (λi + ρ) − ρ at the point zi . Let us summarize the emerging picture. As we explained at the beginning of Section 5, we have an injective map from the spectrum of the Gaudin algebra G to OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . We wish to construct the inverse Z(zi ) (g) in V(λ i ),λ∞ map, in other words, to assign to each oper τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ an eigenG . First, we associate to τ the Miura vector of Z(zi ) (g) with eigenvalue τ in V(λ i ),λ∞ oper in which the horizontal Borel reduction coincides with the oper reduction with the oper reduction at the point ∞. This Miura oper gives rise to a connection ∇τ ∈ Conn(Ω−ρ )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . It has the form (5.10), and the residues satisfy the condition (5.12). The simplest situation occurs if all elements yi in (5.10) are equal to 1 and all elements yj are simple reflections. This is the situation where Bethe Ansatz is applicable. Namely, as explained in Section 4.4, we assign to ∇τ a certain coinvariant
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of the tensor product of the Wakimoto modules, which gives rise to an eigenvector G of Z(zi ) (g) with eigenvalue τ in V(λ . This is the Bethe vector given by an exi ),λ∞ plicit formula (4.21). It was believed that this was in fact a generic situation, i.e., for fixed λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ and generic z1 , . . . , zN the connection ∇τ satisfies these conditions for all opers τ ∈ OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ . But recent results of Mukhin and Varchenko [MV2] show that this is not the case. Hence we analize possible degeneracies. The first type of degeneracy that may occur is the following: while all elements yi in (5.10) are still equal to 1, some of the elements yj are no longer simple reflections. We expect this to be the generic situation. In this case we can still G , as explained construct an eigenvector of Z(zi ) (g) with eigenvalue τ in V(λ i ),λ∞ above. A formula for this vector will be more complicated than the formula for a Bethe vector, but in principal such a vector can be obtained by an algorithmic procedure. The most general and most difficult case is when some of the elements yi are not equal to 1 and some of the elements yj are not simple reflections. In this case, as explained above, we still believe that there exists an eigenvector of G . But this eigenvector cannot be constructed Z(zi ) (g) with eigenvalue τ in V(λ i ),λ∞ directly by using the Wakimoto modules, as above. Indeed, our construction using the Wakimoto modules gives eigenvectors in ⊗N i=1 Mλi , but we expect that in this G most degenerate case the eigenvector in V(λ cannot be lifted to an eigenvector i ),λ∞ N in ⊗i=1 Mλi (only to a generalized eigenvector). However, one can probably obtain this eigenvector by considering families of eigenvectors corresponding to small perturbations of the zi ’s. Finally, there is a question as to whether all of the eigenvectors constructed by means of the Wakimoto module construction (including the Bethe vectors) are non-zero. It was conjectured by S. Chmutov and I. Scherbak in [CS] that the Bethe vectors are always non-zero. Hence optimistically one can hope that the more general eigenvectors that we have constructed (for yj not being simple reflections) are also non-zero. This optimistic view then leads to the following conjecture: Conjecture 1. For any set of integral dominant weights λ1 , . . . , λN , λ∞ and an arbitrary collection of distinct complex numbers z1 , . . . , zN there is a bijection between the set OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ and the spectrum of the Gaudin algebra Z(zi ) (g) in G (not counting multiplicities). V(λ i ),λ∞ A possible approach to proving this conjecture (which may be true even if some of the ingredients in the argument suggested above do not work out) comes from the geometric Langlands correspondence. As explained in [F1], to each L G-oper τ on P1 with regular singularities at z1 , . . . , zN and ∞ one assigns a D-module on the moduli space of G-bundles on P1 with B-reductions at the points z1 , . . . , zN , ∞ (this moduli space is isomorphic to (G/B)N /Bdiag ). This D-module is a Hecke eigensheaf whose “eigenvalue” is the flat L G-bundle on P1 \{z1 , . . . , zN , ∞} obtained by forgetting the L B-reduction of τ . Now if τ is in
Gaudin Model and Opers
OpL G (P1 )(zi ),∞;(λi ),λ∞ , then this flat L G-bundle has trivial monodromy and hence is isomorphic to the trivial flat L G-bundle. It is natural to expect that the corresponding Hecke eigensheaf “does not depend” on the B-reductions at the points zi and ∞, i.e., it is just the structure sheaf on (G/B)N /Bdiag (or a direct sum of copies of it). This is equivalent to the existence of a non-zero eigenvector of the G Gaudin algebra with eigenvalue τ in V(λ , as explained in [F1], and hence we i ),λ∞ obtain a proof of the conjecture. Acknowledgements This paper reviews the results of our previous works [FFR, F1, F3], some of which were obtained jointly with B. Feigin and N. Reshetikhin. I thank the organizers of the Workshop “Infinite-dimensional algebras and quantum integrable systems” in Faro in July of 2003 for their invitation to give a talk on this subject and for encouraging me to write this review.
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Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 59–87 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles Olalla Castro-Alvaredo and Andreas Fring Abstract. We review some recent results concerning integrable quantum field theories in 1 + 1 space-time dimensions which contain unstable particles in their spectrum. Recalling first the main features of analytic scattering theories associated to integrable models, we subsequently propose a new bootstrap principle which allows for the construction of particle spectra involving unstable as well as stable particles. We describe the general Lie algebraic structure which underlies theories with unstable particles and formulate a decoupling rule, which predicts the renormalization group flow in dependence of the relative ordering of the resonance parameters. We extend these ideas to theories with an infinite spectrum of unstable particles. We provide new expressions for the scattering amplitudes in the soliton-antisoliton sector of the elliptic sineGordon model in terms of infinite products of q-deformed gamma functions. When relaxing the usual restriction on the coupling constants, the model contains additional bound states which admit an interpretation as breathers. For that situation we compute the complete S-matrix of all sectors. We carry out various reductions of the model, one of them leading to a new type of theory, namely an elliptic version of the minimal SO(n)-affine Toda field theory. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 81U15, 81U20, 81T10, 81T40, 81R10. Keywords. Exactly and quasi-solvable systems, S-matrix theory, model quantum field theories, two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody.
1. Introduction The structure of integrable quantum field theories (IQFT) in 1 + 1 space-time dimensions has been unravelled to a very large extend. Many theories can be solved even exactly, that is to all orders in perturbation theory, in this context. However, We thank the organizers of the workshop on “Infinite-dimensional algebras and quantum integrable systems” (Faro, Portugal, July, 2003), especially Nenad Manojlovic, for their kind hospitality and untiring engagement to make things work.
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
the large majority of investigations concentrates on theories which involve exclusively stable particles, despite the fact that in nature most particles are unstable. Since of course one of the motivations to study IQFT is to reproduce realistic features, there is an apparent need to investigate also theories which have unstable particles in their spectrum. The aim of this talk is to review some recent results which deal with such theories.
2. Analytic scattering theory of factorizable integrable models Since not all participants of this conference work directly on integrable quantum field theories, we briefly recall some well-known facts on analytic scattering theories in 1 + 1 space-time dimensions. Having in mind to emphasize features related to unstable particles this will also be useful to the experts. As a starting point in every scattering theory one requires a complete set of asymptotic in and out states (t → ±∞). These states consist of operators Zµ (p) acting on the vacuum |0 and creating in this way a stable particle of the type µ with momentum p. Already at this point enters the fundamental difference between stable and unstable particles. Even though experimentally unstable particles with a very long lifetime can very often not be distinguished from stable ones, mathematically they are very distinct. They can never be associated to an asymptotic state, even when they have an extremely long lifetime, as by their very nature they will have decayed in the infinite future or were never produced in the infinite past. Then the scattering matrix is defined to be the operator which relates a stable n-particle in state to a stable m-particle out state
...µn (θ1 , . . . , θn )Zµ1 (θ1 ) . . . Zµn (θn ) |0in . Zµm (θm ) . . . Zµ1 (θ1 ) |0out = Sµµ11µµ22...µ m (2.1) Conveniently one parameterizes the two-momentum by the rapidity θ as p = m(cosh θ, sinh θ). Now there are some very special features happening in integrable (that means here there exists at least one non-trivial conserved charge) quantum field theories in 1 + 1 dimensions [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. There is no particle production and furthermore the incoming and outgoing momenta coincide
{θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θm } = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn }
with n = m .
In addition, the n-particle S-matrix factorizes into a set of two-particle S-matrices ...µn (θ1 , . . . , θn ) = Sµi µj (θi , θj ) . (2.3) Sµµ11µµ22...µ m 1≤i<j≤n
Obviously, this is a considerable simplification in comparison with the general situation (2.1), as it means that once we know the two-particle S-matrix, we control the entire scattering matrix. Because of this fact, we refer from now on to the twoparticle scattering matrix as the S-matrix. How does one construct this S-matrix? In general one is limited to the use of perturbation theory in the coupling constant. In particular in higher dimensions
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
that is essentially the only method available. In contrast, two dimensions are very special as they miraculously allow to determine S exactly to all orders in perturbation theory. This is one of the major successes of this area of research and one of the reasons for the continued interest in such theories. The original ideas which lead to explicit expressions for S go back to what is called the bootstrap approach [6, 1, 2]. It consists of using various properties for the scattering matrix, which one motivates by some physical principles in order to set up an axiomatic system for S in the hope that it might be so constraining that it determines S completely. Indeed, these hopes are not in vain. We recall the S-matrix properties: i) Lorentz invariance Dealing with relativistic scattering theories, we expect the scattering matrix to be Lorentz invariant, i.e., it should depend only on covariant combinations of the momenta. The Mandelstam variables are precisely such quantities, see, e.g., [7]. In 1 + 1 dimensions only one of them is independent, usually taken to be sab = (pa + pb )2 = m2a + m2b + 2ma mb cosh(θa − θb ). Hence, Lorentz invariance is simply guaranteed when S depends either only on sab or the rapidity difference θab := θa − θb Sab (pa , pb ) = Sab (θa , θb ) = Sab (sab ) = Sab (θab ).
Since sab admits the interpretation as the total energy in the center of mass system, θab has to be real for a physical process, such that sab ≥ (ma + mb )2 . ii) Hermitian analyticity As a central assumption of analytic S-matrix theory [7] one assumes that the S-matrix can be continued to the complex plane and depends on sab , θab ∈ C. Physical scattering amplitudes are then assumed to be real boundary values of analytic functions, which can be obtained from a generalization of Feynman’s iε prescription of perturbation theory physical = lim Sab (s + iε) = Sab (θ) Sab ε→0
s ∈ R, ε, θ ∈ R+ .
The choice of the signs is important and relates to causality. Since a two-particle wave function, having here plane waves in mind modulated by some enveloping √ function, will depend on the sum of the momenta, i.e., on sab , one has lost the single valuedness of the scattering matrix by an analytic continuation. This is remedied by branch cuts along the real axis at sab ≥ (ma + mb )2 and sab ≤ (ma − mb )2 , the latter being motivated by crossing see iv). Hermitian analyticity is now a postulate which states how to continue over these cuts [8, 9] lim Sab (s + iε) = lim Sab (s − iε)
Sab (θ) = [Sba (−θ∗ )] .
once more for s ∈ R, ε, θ ∈ R+ . The equivalence is due to the fact that the analytic continuation s + iε ↔ s − iε corresponds to θ ↔ −θ. Often one merely uses ∗ real analyticity Sab (θ) = [Sab (−θ∗ )] instead of (2.6), which only coincides when Sab = Sba , that is in parity invariant theories. This difference is very important
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
with regard to the theories consider below, which involve unstable particles as they unavoidably break parity invariance. Further support for (2.6) comes from perturbation theory [8], general considerations in analytic S-matrix theory [10, 7] and explicitly constructed examples. iii) Unitarity Assuming that the states in (2.1) are complete and orthogonal, the operator which maps them to each other has to be unitary SS † = S † S = 1 .
The combination of (2.6) and (2.7) leads to the simpler relation Sab (θ)Sba (−θ) = 1, which may also be derived from applying twice the Zamolodchikov algebra Za (θ1 )Zb (θ2 ) = Sab (θ12 )Zb (θ2 )Za (θ1 ). iv) Crossing symmetry Crossing symmetry can be motivated by the Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann (LSZ) formalism [11] and consists of the replacement of an incoming particle a by its anti-particle a ¯ with reversed momentum. A discussion of the anti-particle theorem can be found in [10]. The prescription amounts to the continuation of the Mandelstam variable sab to the variable tab = (pa − pb )2 lim Sab (s + iε) = lim Sb¯a (t − iε)
Sb¯a (θ) = Sab (iπ − θ) .
It is easy to check that the analytic continuation s + iε ↔ t − iε corresponds to θ ↔ iπ − θ. v) Yang-Baxter equation In (2.3) we already indicated that the conserved charge(s) of an integrable theory can be used to disentangle an n-particle scattering process into a consecutive scattering of two particles only. An additional consequence of this argument is that the order in which this takes place does not matter, such that two different orderings are taken to be equivalent. As in general the S-matrices do not commute, this leads to a new constraint. In other words this amounts to say that the operators Z in (2.1) obey an associative algebra. As a result of this one obtains the YangBaxter equation [12, 13] S(θ12 ) ⊗ S(θ13 ) ⊗ S(θ23 ) = S(θ23 ) ⊗ S(θ13 ) ⊗ S(θ12 ) .
cd For diagonal theories, i.e., when backscattering is absent, we simply have Sab (θ) → Sab (θ) such that (2.9) is trivially satisfied.
vi) Fusing bootstrap equation By the same reasoning as in v) integrability, i.e., factorizability, yields a further constraining equation, when two particles are allowed to form a bound state (what that means is discussed in vii)). For instance, the particles a, b fuse to a third particle c¯, i.e., a + b → c¯. One makes now a further assumption, sometimes referred to as nuclear democracy, namely that also the particle of type c¯ exists asymptotically.
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
Then, by integrability, it is equivalent if a third particle, say l, scatters with the bound state c¯ or consecutively with the two particles a, b. For S this reads b a Sl¯c (θ) = Sla (θ + i¯ ηac )Slb (θ − i¯ ηbc ).
b The η¯ac ∈ R+ are the fusing angles specific to the individual theory considered. It is clear that the assumption of nuclear democracy does not hold if c¯ is an unstable particle, such that (2.10) cannot be valid in the form stated for that case. We will now indicate the origin for the possibility to form bound states, which is the
vii) Pole structure In general, the S-matrix can have a quite intricate singularity structure consisting of poles of finite order distributed all over the complex s, θ-plane. A strong further constraint is to assume that all singularities which emerge in S admit a consistent explanation. As a slightly weaker assumption one could suppose that all explainable poles form a coherent system, in the sense that the bootstrap (2.10) closes etc., and allow some redundant poles. Single order poles are most important as they determine the particle spectrum of the theory. In the s-plane they might be on the real axis between the two branch cuts at s = m2c¯, interpreted as an on-shell bound state particle, or in the second Riemann sheet at s = (mc¯ − iΓc¯/2)2 corresponding to an unstable particle with finite lifetime τ = 1/Γc¯. The discussion is more conveniently carried out in the θ-plane, since S(θ) is a meromorphic function unlike S(s). Near the singularity S has to be of the form c iRab (2.11) Sab (θ) ∼ c + σc ) . (θ − iηab ab Depending on the location and signs of the residues we have the following interpretations c c c ∈ R+ , ηab ∈ R+ , σab =0 s-channel bound state: Rab c − c + c t-channel bound state: Rab ∈ R , ηab ∈ R , σab =0 c c c unstable particle: Rab ∈ R, ηab ∈ R− , σab ∈ R−
The relation between the poles in the s and θ planes are the Breit-Wigner (BW) equations [14] Γc2¯ 4 mc¯ Γc¯
mc2¯ −
c¯ c¯ m2a + m2b + 2ma mb cosh σab cos ηab
c¯ c¯ 2ma mb sinh σab sin ηab ,
which allow to express the mass mc¯ and decay width Γc¯ of the unstable particle as c¯ c¯ functions of ma , mb , ηab , σab . For the stable particle formation we have the following b c = π − ηab . relation between the fusing angles in (2.10) and the poles in (2.11): η¯ac Note further that for the unstable particle formation in (2.11) we made the definite choice that the unstable particle c¯ is formed in the process a + b → c¯
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
rather than in b + a, which is not equivalent to a + b. It is clear that parity has to c c be broken, as with the choice ηab , σab ∈ R− the amplitude Sb¯a (θ) will have a pole c c at iπ − iηab + σab , leaving in (2.13) the choice that either mc¯ < 0 or Γc¯ < 0, which is of course both non-physical. Below we will be particularly interested in the situation for large resonance c¯ , when the mass of the unstable particles can be approximated as parameters σab c ¯ √ (2.15) mc¯ ∼ ma mb e−σab /2 . In terms of perturbation theory in a coupling constant β, the pole (2.11) c (β 2 ), corresponding to a tree diagram. Similarly, would be of second order, i.e., Rab higher order poles admit interpretations in form of more complicated singular Feynman diagrams. In some simple theories, such as for example sine-Gordon, the highest order of the poles is two. In that context it was suggested [15] that such type of poles are of order β 4 and may be viewed as box diagrams. For quite some time higher order poles were ignored and also here we will not enter into a deeper discussion of them, which can be found for instance in [16, 17]. From what is said it is clear that such poles will not alter the particle spectrum. Nonetheless, one should be able to draw the relevant Feynman diagrams, which means one needs certain three-point couplings to be non-vanishing. Consequently this is a constraint c . on the existence of certain three point couplings Rab Remarkably, the constraints i)–vii) allow to determine the S-matrix exactly, that is to all orders in perturbation theory. However, one should say that the solution constructed this way is not unique, as there exists always the possibility to multiply with so-called CDD-factors [18]. To fix them requires additional arguments beyond the scheme outlined above, such as ultraviolet limits, certain inputs from Lagrangians, etc. 2.1. A proposal for a construction principle of unstable particle spectra We have seen in the previous section, that there exists a powerful construction principle for the spectrum of stable particles, consisting of solving the equations (axioms) i)–vii). For unstable particles we do not have yet such a construction tool, as by now they emerge rather passively as poles in the unphysical sheet as by-products in the scattering process of two stable particles. Furthermore, a description of the scattering process of an unstable particle with another stable or unstable particle is entirely missing in this context. Obviously, scattering processes involving unstable particles do occur in nature, such that the quest for a proper prescription is of physical relevance. In addition, one aims of course always at a description which has predictive power. From what has been said, it is clear that such a description can not be a scattering theory in the usual sense, since for that one requires the particles involved to exist asymptotically. Any unstable particle will vanish in this limit rendering such formulation meaningless at first sight. Nonetheless, some particles have extremely long lifetimes, and seem to exist quasi infinitely long from an experimentalists point of view. It appears therefore natural to seek a principle
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
closely related to the conventional bootstrap for stable particles. Inspired by this we proposed [19] the following construction principle: Let us assume that in the time interval 0 < t < τc¯ we can formally associate to the unstable particle some creation operator Z˜c¯† (θ), with limt→∞ Z˜c¯† (θ) = 1 if τc¯ < ∞. It is clear that these operators do not exist asymptotically, but for the stated time interval they can mimic an asymptotic state. Let us now further suppose that these operators satisfy a Zamolodchikov algebra Za (θ1 )Z˜b (θ2 ) = S˜ab (θ12 )Z˜b (θ2 )Za (θ1 ) (2.16) Z˜a (θ1 )Z˜b (θ2 ) =
S˜ab (θ12 )Z˜b (θ2 )Z˜a (θ1 )
(2.17) ˜ which can be used to generate an S-matrix type of amplitude Sab , describing the scattering of one unstable particle with a stable one (2.16) or the scattering of two unstable particles (2.17). We may proceed as before and ask which type of ˜ properties might be satisfied for S. i) Lorentz invariance As already indicated in (2.16), (2.17) it is natural to expect Lorentz invariance also for this amplitude such that S˜ depends only the rapidity difference θab S˜ab (pa , pb ) = S˜ab (θa , θb ) = S˜ab (sab ) = S˜ab (θab ). (2.18) ii, iii) Hermitian analyticity, unitarity We will not make any assumption on hermitian analyticity here and in fact we do not expect unitarity to hold, since the states formed with the Z˜ are not complete. However, applying (2.16) or (2.17) twice yields S˜ab (θ)S˜ba (−θ) = 1, (2.19) which also holds for S, derivable from combining (2.6) and (2.7) in that case. In fact, also for the construction of S it is really only the corresponding equation to (2.19) which is employed, rather than individually (2.6) and (2.7). iv) Crossing symmetry The validity of crossing can also be argued as before, but now we have to continue as lim S˜ab (s − iε) = lim S˜b¯a (t + iε) ⇔ S˜b¯a (−θ) = S˜ab (iπ + θ) , (2.20) ε→0
which in the θ-plane amounts to the same equation as the one for S. v) Yang-Baxter equation Supposing the algebra related to (2.16), (2.17) is associative we have by the same reasoning as for stable particles the Yang-Baxter equation ˜ 12 ) ⊗ S(θ ˜ 13 ) ⊗ S(θ ˜ 23 ) = S(θ ˜ 23 ) ⊗ S(θ ˜ 13 ) ⊗ S(θ ˜ 12 ) . S(θ (2.21) vi) Fusing bootstrap equation We commence with the fusing of two stable particles to create an unstable particle as in the process (2.14). To this process we can associate bootstrap equations
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
almost in the usual way. We scatter for this with an additional stable or unstable particle, say of type l, and obtain the S˜ bootstrap equations ¯ b a ¯ S˜la (θ − γ¯ca ) S˜lb (θ + γ¯bc ) = S˜l¯c (θ), (2.22) where γ¯ = ±iπ − γ, γ = iη − σ and also γ¯ → −¯ γ is not a symmetry. The angles should be measured anti-clockwise, which explains the signs. We also note that we c¯ c¯ do not assume parity invariance, such that in general γ¯ba = γ¯ab . With the help of (2.19), (2.20) one derives the bootstrap equations for the opposite parity and the ones for the crossed processes a + c → ¯b and b + c → a ¯ and from (2.22) S˜c¯l (θ) S˜l¯j (θ) S˜l¯ı (θ)
¯ a ¯ b = S˜al (θ + γ¯ca ) S˜bl (θ − γ¯bc ), ¯ b a ¯ a ¯ = S˜lc (θ − γ¯bc ) S˜la (θ ± iπ − γ¯ca − γ¯bc ),
= S˜lc (θ +
¯ b ˜ γ¯ca )Slb (θ
± iπ +
¯ b γ¯ca
a ¯ γ¯bc )
(2.23) (2.24) (2.25)
From the crossing relation for the “scattering matrix” and (2.24) or (2.25) one obtains some relations between the various fusing angles ¯
b c¯ a ¯ + γ¯ca + γ¯bc = ±iπ . γ¯ab
At first sight this looks very much like the usual bootstrap prescription, but there are some differences. As is clear from the scattering process of two stable particles c¯ is not purely complex any longer as it is producing an unstable one, the angle γ¯ab for the situation when exclusively stable particles scatter. As a consequence, this ¯ b a ¯ property then extends to the other angles γ¯ca and γ¯bc in (2.22), which also possess some non-vanishing real parts. Note that (2.26) implies that the real parts of the three angels involved add up to zero. At this point we do not have an entirely compelling reason for demanding that, but this formulation will turn out to work well. Of course the above equations are only a proposal, which needs to be put on more solid ground. Nonetheless, at this point our proposal gains support from self-consistency and its predictive power, which may be double checked: a) The bootstrap closes consistently for many non-trivial examples, which we calculated. As for stable particles this is never guaranteed and by no means self-evident. b) The bootstrap yields the amount of unstable particles together with their mass. This prediction can be used to explain a mass degeneracy of some unstable particles which can not be seen in a thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) analysis for the concrete example of the homogeneous sine-Gordon (HSG) models, see below. c) The bootstrap is in agreement with a general Lie algebraic decoupling rule, which we also present below, describing the behavior when certain resonance parameters tend to infinity. d) The bootstrap yields the three-point couplings of all possible interactions, that is, involving stable as well as unstable particles. 2.2. An example: The gk -HSG model The gk -homogeneous sine-Gordon models (HSG) [20, 21], with g being a simple Lie algebra of rank and level k, will be our standard example in what follows. In fact they have been the first models with a well-defined Lagrangian containing unstable particles which have been the subject of a systematic analysis [22, 23, 24,
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
25, 26, 27, 28, 19, 29]. They can be viewed as perturbed conformal field theories (CFTs)1 HGk -HSG = HGk /U (1) -CFT − λ d2 xφ(x, t) . (2.27) The underlying ultraviolet CFT is a Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten-Gk /U (1) -coset theory [31, 32]. The corresponding Virasoro central charge c is computed with standard arguments of [32] and the perturbing operator φ is identified with a primary ¯ One finds field of conformal dimensions ∆, ∆. c=
k h − h∨ k + h∨
¯ = ∆=∆
h∨ . k + h∨
Here (h∨ ) h is the (dual) Coxeter number of g. For simplicity we will drop in the following the explicit mentioning of the subalgebra U (1) which were indicated in (2.27). The scattering matrix for gk -HSG-models with g simply laced algebras was constructed in [22]. For k = 2 it can be brought into the simple form Sij (θ, σij ) = (−1)δij ε(σij )(σij , 2)Iij ,
1 ≤ i, j ≤
where I denotes the incidence matrix of g and ε(x) is the step-function, i.e., ε(x) = 1 for x ≥ 0, ε(x) = −1 for x < 0. It is convenient to use the abbreviation (σ, x) := tanh(θ + σ − iπx/4)/2 .
Let us now consider the concrete case SU (3)2 . We can start with the known part of the scattering matrix (2.29) for the stable particles, and leave the remaining entries which involve unstable particles unknown. From this we construct consistent solutions to the bootstrap equations (2.22), (2.24) and (2.25). We can fix the imaginary parts of the fusing angles by the requirement that for vanishing resonance parameters we want to reproduce the masses predicted by the Breit-Wigner formula. When choosing the masses of the√stable particles to be m1 = m2 = m, the one for the unstable results to m(12) = 2m. This argument does not constrain the real parts of the fusing angles, such that they are not completely fixed and still contain a certain ambiguity. The different choices of these parameters give rise to slightly different theories. First we consider the case σ21 > 0. u u H H α1 α2 For this choice of the resonance parameter, we then find the following bootstrap equations S˜l(12) (θ) = S˜l1 (θ + (1 − ν)σ12 + iπ/4)S˜l2 (θ − νσ12 − iπ/4) 1 For
the particular case of the SU (3)2 -HSG model it was shown [30] that it can be described alternatively as a perturbation of a tensor product of two minimal CFTs.
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
from which we construct ⎛
⎞ −1 −(σ12 , 2) −((1 − ν)σ12 , 3) ⎠ . (2.32) (σ21 , 2) −1 −(νσ21 , 1) S˜SU(3) (θ, σ12 ) = ⎝ −1 −((ν − 1)σ12 , 1) −(νσ12 , 3)
Here we label the rows and columns in the order {1, 2, (12)}. According to the principles outlined above, the S-matrix (2.32) allows for the processes 1 + 2 → (12),
2 + (12) → 1,
(12) + 1 → 2.
The related fusing angles are read off from (2.32) as (12)
γ12 = −
iπ + σ21 , 2
2 γ(12)1 =−
3iπ + (1 − ν)σ12 , 4
1 γ2(12) =−
3iπ + νσ12 (2.34) 4
and are interrelated through equation (2.26), which still holds even though the γ’s have non-vanishing real parts. We can employ these fusing angles and compute the masses and decay widths by means of the Breit-Wigner formulae (2.12) and (2.13). Taking again for simplicity m1 = m2 = m and in addition ν = 1/2, we obtain for the first process in (2.33) √ √ (2.35) m(12) = 2m cosh σ21 /2 and Γ(12) = 2 2m sinh σ21 /2 . Employing now also in the process 2 + (12) → 1 the Breit-Wigner formula, we reproduce in the limit σ12 → 0 the values m1 = m and Γ1 = 0. Likewise, in the last process in (2.33) we obtain m2 = m and Γ2 = 0. The asymptotic limit t → ∞ becomes meaningful when we operate on an energy scale at which the unstable particle has not even been created yet, i.e., Γ(12) → ∞ ≡ σ21 → ∞. In that case the theory decouples into two SU (2)2 -models, i.e., free fermions, with S11 = S22 = −1. This is a simple version of the decoupling rule (3.3). Next we consider a different theory with σ12 > 0. uH H
u α2
Taking also in this case for simplicity ν = 1/2, we find the following bootstrap satisfied S˜l(12) (θ) = S˜l2 (θ − σ12 /2 + iπ/4)S˜l1 (θ + σ12 /2 − iπ/4), (2.36) which yields the S-matrix ⎛
⎞ −(σ12 /2, 1) −1 (σ12 , 2) −1 −(σ21 /2, 3) ⎠ . S˜SU(3) (θ, σ21 ) = ⎝ −(σ21 , 2) −(σ21 /2, 3) −(σ12 /2, 1) −1
The S-matrix (2.37) allows for the processes 2 + 1 → (12),
1 + (12) → 2,
(12) + 2 → 1,
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
instead of (2.33). Now the fusing angles are read off as iπ 3iπ σ12 3iπ σ12 (12) 2 1 γ21 = − + σ12 , γ1(12) − , γ2(12) − (2.39) =− =− 2 4 2 4 2 and also satisfy (2.26). The masses and decay width are obtained again from (2.12) and (2.13) with σ12 → σ21 . As a whole, we can think of this theory simply as being obtained from the Z2 -Dynkin diagram automorphism which exchanges the roles of the particles 1 and 2. However, since parity invariance is now broken this is not a symmetry any more and the two theories are different. In the asymptotic limit σ12 → ∞, we obtain once again a simple version of the decoupling rule (3.3) and the theory decouples into two SU (2)2 -models. The next example, SU (4)2 -HSG, is more intriguing as it leads to the prediction a new unstable particle. Proceeding in the way as before we construct the ˜ for details see [19]. We found there the processes corresponding amplitudes S, 1 + 2 → (12), 3 + 2 → (23),
(12) + 1 → (23) + 3 →
2, 2,
2 + (12) → 2 + (23) →
1, 3,
which simply correspond to two copies of SU (3)2 -HSG. It is interesting to note that the amplitudes S˜(12)3 and S˜(23)1 contain poles at 3iπ 3iπ σ21 − 2σ23 σ23 − 2σ21 (123) − and γ(23)1 = − , 2 4 2 4 which yield the possible processes (123)
γ(12)3 =
(12) + 3 → (123), (23) + 1 → (123),
(123) + (12) → (123) + (23) →
3, 1,
3 + (123) → (12), 1 + (123) → (23).
An interesting prediction results from the consideration of the first two processes in (2.42). Making in the first process the particle (12) and in the second the particle (23) stable, by σ2 → σ1 and by σ2 → σ3 , respectively, both predict the mass of the particle (123) as (2.43) m(123) ∼ me|σ13 |/2 . This value is precisely the one we expect from the approximation in the BreitWigner formula (2.15). Note that in one case we obtain σ13 and in the other σ31 as a resonance parameter. The difference results from the fact that according to the processes (2.42), the particle (123) is either formed as (1 + 2) + 3 or 3 + (2 + 1). Thus the different parity shows up in this process, but this has no effect on the values for the mass. In [19] we presented more examples and remarkably we found consistency in each case. We take the closure of the bootstrap equations as a non-trivial confirmation for our proposal.
3. Lie algebraic structure for theories with unstable particles There exist some concrete Lagrangian formulations for integrable theories with unstable particles, such as the aforementioned HSG-models (2.27). Inspired by the
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
structure of these models, we present here a slightly more general Lie algebraic picture. We keep the discussion here abstract and supply below concrete examples. ˜ (possibly with For our formulation we need an arbitrary simply laced Lie algebra g ˜ ˜ a subalgebra h) with rank together with its associated Dynkin diagram (see for instance [33]). To each node we attach a simply laced Lie algebra gi with rank i and to each link between the nodes i and j a resonance parameter σij = σi − σj , as depicted in the following ˜g/ ˜h-coset Dynkin diagram σij σjk uH u ... u H u. . . u H H g1 g˜ gk gi gj
σlm σmn uH ... u H u. . . H H gn gl gm
Besides the usual rules for Dynkin diagrams, we adopt here the convention that we add an arrow to the link, which manifests the parity breaking and allows to identify the signs of the resonance parameters. An arrow pointing from the node i to j simply indicates that σij > 0. Since we are dealing exclusively with simply laced Lie algebras, this should not lead to confusion. To each simple root of the algebras gi , we associate now a stable particle and to each positive non-simple ˜ an unstable particle, such that root of g # of stable particles =
i ,
# of unstable particles =
˜ − 2) ˜(h . 2
From the discussion above, we expect that the σ’s will be associated to unstable particles, but we note that the # of resonance parameters =
˜ ˜ − 1) ( 2
˜ = ˜ + 1, e.g., for g ˜ = only agrees with the amount of unstable particles for h ˜ SU ( + 1). Since the resonance parameters govern the mass of the unstable particles, this discrepancy is interpreted as an unavoidable mass degeneracy. ˜ k -homogeneous sine-Gordon Concrete examples for this formulations are the g ˜ to be simply laced and g1 = · · · = models [20, 21], for which one can choose g ˜ to be non-simply laced g˜ = SU (k). This is generalized [34] when taking instead g ˜ . The choice g1 = · · · = and gi = SU (2k/α2i ), with αi being the simple roots of g g˜ = g with g being any arbitrary simply laced Lie algebra gives the g|˜ g-theories [35]. An example for a theory associated to a coset is the roaming sinh-Gordon model [36], which can be thought of as ˜g/ ˜h ≡ limk→∞ SU (k + 1)/SU (k) with g1 = · · · = g˜ = SU (2). It is clear that the examples presented here do not exhaust yet all possible combinations and the structure mentioned above allows for more combinations of algebras, which are not yet explored. One is also not limited to Dynkin diagrams and may consider more general graphs which have multiple links, i.e., resonance parameters, between various nodes. Examples for such theories were proposed and studied in [37].
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
3.1. Decoupling rule Of special interest is to investigate the behavior of previously defined systems when certain resonance parameters σ become very large or tend to infinity. The physical motivation for that is to describe a renormalization group (RG) flow, which we shall discuss in more detail below. Here we present first the mathematical set-up. Decoupling rule: Call the overall Dynkin diagram C and denote the associated ˜ C and gC , respectively. Let σij be some resonance Lie group and Lie algebra by G parameter related to the link between the nodes i and j. To each node i attach a simply laced Lie algebra gi . Produce a reduced diagram Cji containing the node j by cutting the link adjacent to it in the direction i. Likewise produce a reduced diagram Cij containing the node i by cutting the link adjacent to it in the direction ˜ C -theory decouples according to the rule j. Then the G ˜C = G ˜ (C−C ) ⊗ G ˜ (C−C ) /G ˜ (C−C −C ) . lim G (3.3) ij
σij →∞
We depict this rule also graphically in terms of Dynkin diagrams: σij → ∞ C ... u e ... e u. . . ⇒ gi gj ... u gi
C − Cji e ...
e ⊗
C − Cij ... e
u. . . gj
C − Cij − Cji e e ...
According to the GKO-coset construction [32], this means that the Virasoro central charge flows as cg˜C → cg˜C−Cij + cg˜C−Cji − cg˜C−Cij −Cji . (3.4) The rule may be applied consecutively to each disconnected subgraph produced according to the decoupling rule (3.3). Note that this rule describes a decoupling and not a fusing, as it only predicts the flow in one direction and the limit is not reversible. From a physical point of view this is natural as analogously the RG flow is also irreversible. The rule (3.3) generalizes a rule proposed in [26], which was based on the assumption that unstable particles are associated exclusively to positive roots of height two. More familiar in the mathematical literature is a decoupling rule found by ˜ from a given algebra Dynkin [38] for the construction of semi-simple2 subalgebras h ˜ . For the more general diagrams which can be related to the g ˜ k -HSG models the g generalized rule can be found in [39]. These rules are all based on removing some of the nodes rather than links. For our physical situation at hand this corresponds to sending the masses of all stable particles which are associated to the algebra of a particular node to infinity. As in the decoupling rule (3.3) the number of stable 2 The
subalgebras constructed in this way are not necessarily maximal and regular. A guarantee for obtaining those, except in six special cases, is only given when one manipulates adequately the extended Dynkin diagram.
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
particles remains preserved, it is evident that the two rules are inequivalent. Letting for instance the mass scale in gj go to infinity, the generalized (in the sense that gj can be different from A ) rule of Kuniba is simply depicted as ... u gi
C u gj
u. . . gk
mj → ∞
C − Cji ... u gi
C − Cjk u. . . gk
Clearly this cannot be produced with (3.3). 3.2. A simple example: The SU (4)2 -HSG model ˜ We illustrate the working of the rule (3.3) with a simple example. We take g to be SU (4), attach to each node simply an SU (2) algebra and to the links the resonance parameters σ12 , σ13 , σ23 . This corresponds to the SU (4)2 -HSG model. For the ordering σ13 > σ12 > σ23 the rule (3.3) predicts the following flow u
u u g = SU (4)2 ˜ c=2 α1 α2 α3 → σ13 u u ⊗ u u u g = SU (3)⊗2 ˜ 2 /SU (2)2 c = 1.9 α2 α1 α2 α3 α2 → σ12 u ⊗ u u g = SU (3)2 ⊗ SU (2)2 c = 1.7 ˜ α1 α3 α2 → σ23 u ⊗ u ⊗ u g = SU (2)⊗3 ˜ c = 1.5 2 α1 α2 α3 The central charges are obtained from (2.28) using (3.4). Choosing instead the ordering σ23 > σ13 > σ12 , we compute u u u g = SU (4)2 ˜ c=2 α1 α2 α3 u u ⊗ u → σ23 g = SU (3)2 ⊗ SU (2)2 c = 1.7 ˜ α1 α2 α3 → σ13 is already decoupled → σ12
u ⊗ u ⊗ u g = SU (2)⊗3 ˜ c = 1.5 2 α2 α3 α1 It is important to note the non-commutative nature of the limiting procedures. For more complicated algebras it is essential to keep track of the labels on the nodes, since only in this way one can decide whether they cancel against the subgroup diagrams or not. 3.3. A non-trivial example: The (E6 )2 -HSG model As by now we do not have a rigorous proof of the decoupling rule (3.3), we take the support for its validity from the working of various examples. We will check below the analytic predictions of the rule against some alternative method. As the
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
previous example was a simple pedagogical one, we will consider next a non-trivial one leading to an intricate prediction for the RG-flow. The confirmative double check below can hardy be accidental and we take that as very strong support for the validity of (3.3). We consider now the (E6 )2 -HSG model. In this case we have ˜ = 6, ˜h = 12 such that we have 6 stable particles, 30 unstable particles and 15 resonance parameters. From the 5! possible orderings for the resonance parameters we present here only two concrete ones, which will predict different types of flows and mass degeneracies. Note that this degeneracy is not the unavoidable one resulting from the difference between the number of resonance parameters and non-simple positive roots that is 30 − 15, as discussed for (3.1) and (3.2). The degeneracies discussed here are a consequence of the particular choices of the resonance parameters. The conventions for the labelling of our particles are indicated in the following Dynkin diagram: u α2 u α3
u α1
u α4
u α5
u α6
We choose first the ordering and values for resonance parameters as σ13 = 100 > σ34 = 80 > σ45 = 60 > σ56 = 40 > σ24 = 20 .
According to the decoupling rule (3.3), we predict therefore the flow: 36 7
E6 ⊗2
→ σ16 = 280
→ σ15 = 240
SO(10) ⊗ SU (5)/SU (4)
→ σ14 , σ36 = 180
SO(8) ⊗ SU (5) ⊗ SU (3)/SU (4) ⊗ SU (2)
→ σ12 = 160
is already decoupled
→ σ35 = 140
SU (5) ⊗ SU (4) ⊗ SU (3)/SU (3) ⊗ SU (2)
→ σ26 = 120 → σ13 , σ46 = 100
⊗ SU (3)/SU (3)
⊗ SU (3) ⊗ SU (2)/SU (3) ⊗ SU (2)
SU (4) SU (4)
⊗ SU (2)
→ σ25 , σ34 = 80
SU (3)
→ σ32 , σ45 = 60
SU (3)⊗2 ⊗ SU (2)⊗2
→ σ56 = 40 → σ24 = 20
SU (3) ⊗ SU (2) SU (2)⊗6
∼ 5. 14
⊗ SU (2) ⊗2
/SU (2)
34 7 ∼ 4. 86 319 70 ∼ 4. 56 61 14
∼ 4. 36
4.3 4 3.6 3.4 3.2 3
Note that eight particles are pairwise degenerate and we therefore expect to find 15−8/2 = 11 plateaux in the flow. The first step which corresponds to one of these degeneracies occurs for instance at σ14 = σ36 and we have to apply the decoupling rule twice at this point before we get a new fixed point theory.
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring Next we arrange the couplings as σ45 = 100 > σ34 = 80 > σ13 = 60 > σ56 = 40 > σ24 = 20 .
and compute from (3.3) the flow → σ16 → σ15 → σ36 → σ35 → σ26 → σ14 → σ12 → σ45 → σ34 → σ13 → σ56 → σ24
= 280 = 240 = 220 = 180 = 160 = σ46 = 140 = σ25 = 120 = 100 = 80 = σ32 = 60 = 40 = 20
E6 SO(10)⊗2 /SO(8) SO(10) ⊗ SU (5)/SU (4) SU (5)⊗2 ⊗ SO(8)/SU (4)⊗2 SU (5)⊗2 /SU (3) SU (4)⊗2 ⊗ SU (5)/SU (3)⊗2 SU (4)⊗2 ⊗ SU (3)⊗2 /SU (2)⊗2 ⊗ SU (3) SU (4) ⊗ SU (3)⊗3 /SU (2)⊗3 SU (4) ⊗ SU (3)⊗2 /SU (2) SU (3)⊗3 SU (3)⊗2 ⊗ SU (2)⊗2 SU (3) ⊗ SU (2)⊗4 SU (2)⊗6
36 7
∼ 5. 14
5 34 7 ∼ 4. 86 33 7 ∼ 4. 71 158 35 ∼ 4. 51 156 35 ∼ 4. 46
4.2 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.4 3.2 3
In this case we have only six particles pairwise degenerate and we expect to find 15 − 6/2 = 12 plateaux. In the next section we find that the predictions made here are confirmed even for this involved case.
4. How to detect unstable particles? In Section 2 we described several arguments which predict the spectrum of unstable particles and now we will present some methods which allow to test these predictions. In particular with regard to the bootstrap proposal this will be important, as it is not yet rigorously supported. Computing renormalization group (RG) flows will allow to detect the unstable particles. Roughly speaking, the central idea of an RG analysis is to probe different energy scales of a theory. We can flow from an energy regime so large that the unstable particle can energetically not exist to one in which it is formed. As a consequence, the particle content of the theory will be altered, which is visible in form of a typical staircase pattern of the RG scaling function. There are various ways to compute such scaling functions, such as the evaluation of the c-theorem [40] or an analysis by means of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) [41]. In the first case we have to evaluate the expression ∞ 3 dr r3 Θ(r)Θ(0) . (4.1) c(r0 ) = 2 r0
The main difficulty in this approach is to evaluate the two-point correlation function Θ(r)Θ(0) for the trace of the energy-momentum tensor Θ depending on the radial distance r. Most effectively, one can do this by expanding it in terms of
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
form factors, for a general recent introduction see, e.g., [42] and references therein. It is well known that for many, even quite non-trivial, theories such form factor expansions converge extremely fast, see [27] for the computation of (4.1) for the SU (3)2 -HSG model. Here we will concentrate more on the TBA, which is simpler to handle in most cases. As a prerequisite, one assumes to know all scattering matrices Sij (θ) for the stable particles of the type i,j with masses mi , mj . Besides this dynamical interaction one also makes an assumption on the statistical interaction between the particles, which are chosen here to be of fermionic type. The TBA consists now of compactifying the space of this 1 + 1-dimensional relativistic model into a circle of finite circumference R, such that all energies become discrete and functions of R. The function similar to (4.1), which scales now these energies takes on the form ceff (r) =
∞ 3r m dθ cosh θ ln(1 + e−εi (θ,r) ) . i π2 i
One identifies the circumference R with the inverse temperature T and introduces the scaling parameter r = m/T , with m being an overall mass scale. The εi (θ, r) are the so-called the pseudo-energies which can be obtained as solutions of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations [ϕij ∗ ln(1 + e−εj )](θ, r) . (4.3) rmi cosh θ = εi (θ, r) + j
Here the ∗ denotes the convolution of two functions (f ∗ g) (θ) := 1/(2π) dθ f (θ− θ )g(θ ) and the S (for the stable particles only!) enter via their logarithmic derivatives ϕij (θ) = −id ln Sij (θ)/dθ. The main difficulty in this approach is to solve (4.3), which are coupled non-linear integral equations and therefore not solvable in a systematic analytical way. Now it is clear, that the two functions (4.1) and (4.2) cannot be the same, but nevertheless they contain the same qualitative information. The functions will flow through various fixed points, at which the theory become effectively conformal field theories and the normalizations are chosen in such a way that the values of both functions coincide with the corresponding Virasoro central charges. When the theory is not unitary, (4.2) has to be corrected by an additive term to achieve this. Computing then a flow from the infrared to the ultraviolet, one passes now various CFT plateaux, where the changes are associated to the formation of unstable particles with mass (2.15). The challenge is of course to predict the positions, that is, the height and the on-set of the plateaux, as a function of the scaling parameter. The on-set is related to the energy scale of the unstable particles and thus simply determined by the formula (2.15). To predict the height is less trivial and the proposal made in [19] is that the decoupling rule (3.3) achieves this. It is important to note here that σ → ∞ in (3.3), which means in the RG context σ all other resonance parameters. In the following picture we present the numerical
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
computation for the (E6 )2 -HSG model, which precisely confirms our analytical predictions made by the decoupling rule in Section 3.3
Having confirmed the predictions of our decoupling rule with a TBA-analysis, let us now discuss how the results of this analysis are compatible with our bootstrap proposal with a simple example: We consider the processes (2.40), (2.42). In order to be able to interpret the BW-formula for the production of the particle (123) from (12) + 3 or (23) + 1 one has to “make” (12) and (23) stable, which is achieved when σ12 or σ23 is zero. One has to do that as otherwise the BW cannot be applied, it only makes sense for stable particles. The first not obvious result here is that the resulting mass for (123) turns out to be the same from both cases (2.42) (and in all other examples!!!). Looking at the outcome of the TBA calculation (see [19] for the numerics on this case) one finds precisely the value (2.43) reproduced by the TBA at the onset ln(r/2) ∼ −σ13 /2 = −(σ12 + σ23 )/2. Now apparently in the TBA analysis σ12 or σ23 are not zero, which seems to contradict the previous assumptions in the bootstrap analysis. To understand this, one should keep in mind the meaning of the steps in the TBA. The formation of the particle (123) takes place when its mass becomes greater than the energy scale of the RG-flow, i.e., when m exp(σ13 /2) > 2m/r. Let us chose for instance σ12 = 30, σ23 = 60, then exp(σ13 /2) ∼ exp(45) ∼ 3.49 × 1019 . To resolve the apparent contradiction, it is now important to note that the other unstable particles are formed several orders of magnitude below at exp(30) ∼ 1.06 × 1013 and exp(15) ∼ 3.72 × 106. This means in comparison to the formation energy scale of particle (123) the parameters σ12 , σ23 can be regarded as approximately zero, which is in agreement with the assumption in the bootstrap analysis! This is just the same picture as put forward in the decoupling rule: In the formulation we say σ13 → ∞, but inside the TBA analysis this is a milder statement and just means σ13 σ12 , σ23 . Further quite non-obvious confirmation
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
comes from the results when choosing the parameters differently, i.e., in the example discussed here σ12 → −σ12 . The two pictures completely coincide. With regard to previous studies, it is very important to note that the occurrence of the step at exp(σ13 /2) ∼ 2/r had no explanation at all before. Only the onsets at exp(σ23 /2) ∼ 2/r and exp(σ12 /2) ∼ 2/r could be explained as they correspond to the formation of unstable particles from two stable ones. The additional step (for other algebras there are far more) was a mystery pointed out first in [29]. In [19] we provided for the first time an explanation for this feature: We predict its height and on-set, thus explaining also why it is absent when the resonance parameters are chosen differently. For all other examples studied (not even all have been presented in this proceeding, see [19] for more) this picture is completely consistent.
5. Theories with an infinite amount of unstable particles We address now the question of how to enlarge a given finite particle spectrum of a theory to an infinite one. In general the bootstrap (2.10), which is the central construction principle for the S-matrix, is assumed to close after a finite number of steps, which means it involves a finite number of particles. However, from a physical as well as from a mathematical point of view, it appears to be natural to extend the construction in such a way that it would involve an infinite number of particles. The physical motivation for this are string theories, which admit an infinite particle spectrum. Mathematically the infinite bootstrap would be an analogy to infinite-dimensional groups, in the sense that two entries of the Smatrix are combined into a third, which is again a member of the same infinite set. It appears to us that it is impossible to construct an infinite bootstrap system involving asymptotic states, although we do not know a rigorous proof of such a no-go theorem. Instead, we will demonstrate that it is possible to introduce an infinite number of unstable particles into the spectrum. 5.1. q-deformed gamma functions and Jacobian elliptic functions In general, the S-matrix amplitudes consist of (in)finite products of hyperbolic or/and gamma functions. Here we will argue, that to enlarge the spectrum to an infinite number one should replace these functions by q-deformed quantities or elliptic functions. Let us first recall some mathematical facts in this section. We start with some properties of q-deformed quantities, which have turned out to be very useful objects as they allow for instance to carry out elegantly (semi)-classical limits when the deformation parameter is associated to Planck’s constant. Here we define a deformation parameter q and its Jacobian imaginary transformed version, i.e., τ → −1/τ , as q = exp(iπτ ),
qˆ = exp(−iπ/τ ),
τ = iK1− /K .
We introduced here the quarter periods K of the Jacobian elliptic functions depending on the parameter ∈ [0, 1], defined in the usual way through the complete
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
elliptic integrals K = lim
→0,ˆ q→1
K =
π/2 0
(1 − sin2 θ)−1/2 dθ . Then
K1− = π/2,
→0,ˆ q →1
K1− =
K → ∞ .
(5.2) It will turn out below that quantities in qˆ will be most relevant for our purposes and therefore we state several identities directly in qˆ, rather than q, even when they hold for generic values. The most basic q-deformed objects one defines are q-deformed integers (numbers), for which we take the convention qˆn − qˆ−n . qˆ − qˆ−1
[n]qˆ :=
They have the obvious properties lim [n]qˆ = n, [n + mτ ]qˆ 1 for m, m = 0 lim = n/n for m = m = 0 →0 [n + m τ ]qˆ
Next we define a q-deformed version of Euler’s gamma function ∞ [1 + n]xqˆ [n]qˆ . [x + n]qˆ[n]xqˆ n=1
Γqˆ(x + 1) :=
The crucial property of the function Γqˆ, which coins also its name, is lim Γqˆ(x + 1) = lim Γqˆ(x + 1) =
n n+x n=1
1+n n
x = Γ(x + 1) .
We can relate deformations in q and qˆ through 2
Γq (−y/τ )Γq (1 + y/τ ) qˆ(x+τ /2−1/2) Γqˆ(y)Γqˆ(1 − y) = . Γq (−x/τ )Γq (1 + x/τ ) qˆ(y+τ /2−1/2)2 Γqˆ(x)Γqˆ(1 − x)
Frequently we have to shift the argument by integer values Γqˆ(x + 1) = qˆx−1 [x]qˆΓqˆ(x) .
Relation (5.9) can be obtained directly from (5.6). As a consequence of this we also have Γqˆ(x + m) =
qˆx+l−1 [x + l]qˆ
Γqˆ(x − m)
m−1 l=0
qˆx−l−2 [x − l − 1]qˆ
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
Whereas (5.9)–(5.10) hold for generic q, the following identities are only valid for qˆ Γqˆ(1/2 − τ /2)Γqˆ(1/2 + τ /2) = 1/4 Γqˆ(1/2)2 Γqˆ(x) Γqˆ(x + 2τ ) = Γqˆ(y + 2τ ) Γqˆ(y) p p Γqˆ(xi )Γqˆ(xi ± τ /2) Γqˆ2 (xi ) = Γ (y )Γqˆ(yi ± τ /2) Γ 2 (yi ) i=1 qˆ i i=1 qˆ
Γqˆ(xi ± τ /2) = 1 if Γqˆ(yi ± τ /2)
(5.12) (5.13) if
xi =
xi =
p i=1
yi (5.14) (5.15)
x τ x τ (5.16) ∓ )Γqˆ(1 − ± ) = π for x = 0 2K 2 2K 2 Most of these properties can be checked directly by means of the defining relation (5.6). The singularity structure will be important for the physical applications. It follows from (5.6) that the Γqˆ-function has no zeros, but poles lim
qˆ→1 1/4
nm =mτ −n θ→θΓ,p
Γqˆ(θ + 1) → ∞
for m ∈ Z, n ∈ N .
Next we define tanh(θ − iπx + σ)/2 , tanh(θ + iπx + σ)/2
sc θ− dn θ+ sc θ+ dn θ− n=−∞ (5.18) with x ∈ Q, σ ∈ R and θ± = (θ ± iπx + σ)iK /π. We employed here the Jacobian elliptic functions for which we use the common notation pq(z) with p, q ∈ {s,c,d,n} (see, e.g., [43] for standard properties). We derive important relations between the q-deformed gamma functions and the Jacobian elliptic sn-function {x}σθ :=
x τ 1 Γqˆ( 2K ∓ 2 )Γqˆ(1 − 1 x Γqˆ( 2K )Γqˆ(1 − 4 1
{x}σθ, :=
− 2Kix
Γq ( 12 +
i 4
Γq (1
{x}σθ−n log q =
x τ 2K ± 2 ) , x 2K )
ix 1 ix 2K1− )Γq ( 2 − 2K1− ) − 2Kix1− )Γq ( 2Kix1− )
These relations can be used to obtain some of the above-mentioned expressions. For instance, recalling that sn(K ) = 1, we obtain (5.12). With (5.6) we recover from this the well-known identity sn(iK1− /2) = i/1/4 . The trigonometric limits π = sin(x) (5.21) lim sn(x) = lim sn(x) = →0 qˆ→1 Γ( πx )Γ(1 − πx ) lim sn(x)
lim sn(x) =
1 ix 1 Γ( 12 + ix π )Γ( 2 − π ) = tanh(x). ix i Γ(1 − ix π )Γ( π )
can be read off directly recalling (5.2), (5.7) and presuming that (5.16) holds. We recall the zeros and poles of the Jacobian elliptic sn(θ)-function, which in our
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
conventions are located at zeros:
lm θsn,0 = 2lK + i2mK1−
l, m ∈ Z
lm θsn,p
l, m ∈ Z .
= 2lK + i(2m + 1)K1−
We have now assembled the main properties of the q-deformed functions which we shall use below. 5.2. Generalizing diagonal S-matrices Here we follow [37] and propose a quite simple principle which introduces an infinite number of unstable particles into the spectrum. We note first, that in general many scattering matrices factorize in the following form min CDD Sab (θ) = Sab (θ)Sab (θ) .
min Here Sab (θ) denotes the so-called minimal S-matrix which satisfies the consistency relations i)–vii) of Section 2. The CDD-factor [18], only satisfies i)–vi) and has its poles in the sheet −π ≤ Im θ ≤ 0, which is the “physical one” for resonance states. We note now that the minimal part is of the general form Sab (θ) = {x}σθ , (5.26) x∈A
with A being a finite set specific to each theory. Then we may define a new Smatrix Sˆab (θ) = {x}σθ {x}σθ, (5.27) x∈A
and note that the additional factor in (5.27) is just of CDD-type. Therefore (5.27) constitutes a solution to the consistency relations i)–vii) of Section 2, and thus a strong candidate for a scattering matrix of a proper quantum field theory. Note that whereas (5.26) was a finite product of hyperbolic functions, the new proposal (5.27) contains, according to the identity (5.18) in addition elliptic functions, which lead to the desired spectrum of infinitely many unstable particles according to the principles outlined in Section 2. 5.3. Non-diagonal S-matrices We discuss now the elliptic sine-Gordon model, which may be related to the continuum limit of the eight-vertex model. The (anti)-soliton sector was studied many years ago in [44]. In [45] we demonstrated that it is possible to associate a consistent breather sector to this model. Let us recall the argument by recalling the Zamolodchikov algebra for the soliton sector Z(θ1 )Z(θ2 ) = ¯ 2) = Z(θ1 )Z(θ
¯ 2 )Z(θ ¯ 1) , a(θ12 )Z(θ2 )Z(θ1 ) + d(θ12 )Z(θ ¯ 2 )Z(θ1 ) + c(θ12 )Z(θ2 )Z(θ ¯ 1) . b(θ12 )Z(θ
(5.28) (5.29)
In comparison with the more extensively studied sine-Gordon model the difference is the occurrence of the amplitude d in (5.28), i.e., the possibility that two solitons
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
change into two anti-solitons and vice versa. Invoking the consistency equations i)–v) one finds [44, 45] ∞ ˆ 1+2k λ] 2 Γqˆ2 [−θˆ − 1+2k 2 λ]Γqˆ [1 − θ − 2 a(θ) = Φ(θ) (5.30) 1+2k 1+2k ˆ ˆ 2 2 Γ [ θ − λ]Γ [1 + θ − qˆ qˆ 2 2 λ] k=0
Γqˆ2 [θˆ − (k + 1)λ]Γqˆ2 [1 + θˆ − kλ] × Γqˆ2 [−θˆ − (k + 1)λ]Γqˆ2 [1 − θˆ − kλ] b(θ) c(θ) d(θ) Φ(θ)
sn(iθ/ν) a(θ), sn(iθ/ν + π/ν) sn(π/ν) = a(θ), sn(iθ/ν + π/ν) √ = − sn(iθ/ν) sn(π/ν)a(θ), Γqˆ[1 + τ2 ]Γqˆ[− τ2 ]Γqˆ[1 − θˆ + λ2 + τ2 ]Γqˆ[θˆ − λ2 − τ2 ] = . Γqˆ[1 + θˆ + τ2 ]Γqˆ[−θˆ − τ2 ]Γqˆ[1 + λ2 + τ2 ]Γqˆ[− λ2 − τ2 ] = −
(5.31) (5.32) (5.33) (5.34)
Here we used λ = −π/K ν, θˆ = iθ/2Kν with ν ∈ R being the coupling constant of the model.With regard to property vii), it is clear that it is important to analyze the singularity structure of the amplitudes (5.30)–(5.33) to judge whether there exists a breather sector. For this we appeal to the relations (5.17), (5.23) and (5.24) and find the following pole structure inside the physical sheet = 2mνK1− + i2nνK, θanm 1 ,p = 2mνK1− + i(π − 2lνK ), θblm 1 ,p lm θc1 ,p = 2mνK1− + i2lνK , = (2m + 1)νK1− + i2lνK, θdlm 1 ,p
θanm = (2m + 1)νK1− + i(π − 2nνK ), 2 ,p θblm = (2m + 1)νK1− + i2lνK, 2 ,p lm θc2 ,p = 2mνK1− + i(π − 2lνK), θdlm = (2m + 1)νK1− + i(π − 2nνK ). 2 ,p
We took l, m ∈ Z, n ∈ N and associated always two sets of poles θanm and θanm 1 ,p 2 ,p to a(θ), θbnm and θbnm to b(θ) etc. One readily sees from this that if one restricts 1 ,p 2 ,p the parameter ν ≥ π/2K all poles move out of the physical sheet into the nonphysical one, where they can be interpreted in principle as unstable particles. This was already stated in [44], where the choice ν ≥ π/2K was made in order to avoid the occurrence of non-physical states. This is clear from our discussion of property vii) in Section 2, as we would have poles in the physical sheet beyond the imaginary axis, which when interpreted with the Breit-Wigner formula leave the choice that either mc¯ < 0 or Γc¯ < 0, i.e., we either violate causality or we have Tachyons. The restriction on the parameters makes the model somewhat unattractive as this limitation eliminates the analogue of the entire breather sector which is present in the sine-Gordon model, such that also in the trigonometric limit one only obtains the soliton-antisoliton sector of that model, instead of a theory with a richer particle content. For this reason we relax here the restriction on ν and note that the poles = θcn0 θbn0 1 ,p 2 ,p
for 0 < n < nmax = [π/2νK ], n ∈ N
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
are located on the imaginary axis inside the physical sheet and are therefore candidates for the analogue of the nth-breather bound states in the sine-Gordon model. We indicate here the integer part of x by [x]. In other words, there are at most nmax − 1 breathers for fixed ν and . The price one pays for the occurrence of these new particles in the elliptic sine-Gordon model is that one unavoidably also introduces additional Tachyons into the model as the poles always emerge in “strings”. It remains to be established whether the poles (5.35) may really be associated to a breather type behavior. Let us now see if the poles on the imaginary axis inside the physical sheet can be associated consistently with breathers. We proceed similarly as for the sine-Gordon model [46], even though in the latter approach the following ansatz is inspired by the classical theory and here we do not have a classical counterpart. We define the auxiliary state ! 1 ¯ 1 )Z(θ2 ) . ¯ 2 ) + (−1)n Z(θ (5.36) Zn (θ1 , θ2 ) := √ Z(θ1 )Z(θ 2 This state has properties of the classical sine-Gordon breather being chargeless and having parity (−1)n . Choosing thereafter the rapidities such that the state (5.36) is on-shell, we can speak of a breather bound state lim
(p1 +p2 )2 →m2bn
Zn (θ1 , θ2 ) ≡
bn θ12 →θ+θ12
Zn (θ1 , θ2 ) = Zn (θ) .
bn is the fusing angle related to the poles in the soliton-antisoliton scattering Here θ12 amplitudes. We compute now with the help of (5.28) and (5.29) the exchange relation (5.38) Zn (θ1 )Z(θ2 ) = Sbn s (θ12 )Z(θ2 )Zn (θ1 ) , where
π sn( iθ iθ π 2π 2 ν − 2ν + nK ) Sbn s (θ) = a (5.39) sn + + nK [sn − 1]¯ π ν ν 2ν sn( iθ ν + 2ν + nK )
and Γqˆ2 [1 + θˆ + λ4 − n2 ]Γqˆ2 [−θˆ − λ4 − n2 ]Γqˆ2 [−θˆ + λ4 + n2 ]Γqˆ2 [θˆ + λ4 − n2 ] Γqˆ2 [1 − θˆ + λ4 − n2 ]Γqˆ2 [θˆ − λ4 − n2 ]Γqˆ2 [θˆ + λ4 + n2 ]Γqˆ2 [−θˆ + λ4 − n2 ] n−1 [θˆ − n2 + λ4 − kλ + l]2qˆ2 [−θˆ + n2 − λ4 − kλ − l]2qˆ2 ×Φ13 Φ23 [−θˆ − n2 + λ4 − kλ + l]2qˆ2 [θˆ + n2 − λ4 − kλ − l]2qˆ2 l=1
a ¯=
× ×
∞ ˆ [θ − n2 + λ4 − kλ]qˆ2 [−θˆ + ˆ n λ 2 ˆ k=0 [−θ − 2 + 4 − kλ]qˆ [θ +
n 2 n 2
n 2 n 2
[θˆ + n2 + λ4 − kλ]qˆ2 [−θˆ − ˆ n λ 2 ˆ k=0 [−θ + 2 + 4 − kλ]qˆ [θ −
− −
λ 4 λ 4
− kλ]qˆ2
λ 4 λ 4
− kλ]qˆ2
− kλ]qˆ2 − kλ]qˆ2
We abbreviate Φij = Φ(θij ) with θij being the difference of the on-shell rapidities. What is remarkable here and cannot be anticipated a priori, is that all off-diagonal
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
terms vanish, thus as (5.38) expresses in the soliton breather scattering there is no backscattering. Similarly, but more lengthy, we compute the scattering amplitude between the nth-breather and mth-breather Zn (θ1 )Zm (θ2 ) = Sbn bm (θ12 )Zm (θ2 )Zn (θ1 ) where
# iθ π + (n + m)K + Sbn bm (θ) = 1 − sn sn (5.41) ν ν ν
# " iθ sn(iθ/ν − π/ν + (n + m)K ) π + (n + m)K a ˜ × 1 − sn2 sn2 ν ν sn(iθ/ν + π/ν + (n + m)K ) and n −m n ˆ λ ˆ λ 2 Γqˆ2 (1 + m 2 + 2 + θ + 2 ) Γqˆ ( 2 − 2 − θ − 2 ) a ˜ = Φ13 Φ14 Φ23 Φ24 n −m n ˆ λ ˆ λ 2 Γqˆ2 (1 + m 2 + 2 − θ + 2 )Γqˆ ( 2 − 2 + θ − 2 ) ×
∞ n−1 [m + 2 k=1 l=1
× × ×
[m 2 +
∞ n−1 [m + 2 m k=0 l=1 [ 2
∞ m−1 [m + 2 m k=1 l=0 [ 2 ∞ m−1 [m 2 m [ 2 k=0 l=0
+ + +
n 2 n 2
− l − θˆ − k λ + λ]qˆ2 [ −m 2 − −m ˆ − l + θ − k λ + λ]qˆ2 [ 2 −
n 2 n 2
− l + θˆ − − l − θˆ −
n 2 n 2
+ l + θˆ − k λ]qˆ2 + l − θˆ − k λ]qˆ2
n 2 n 2
+ l − θˆ − + l + θˆ −
n 2 n 2
− l − θˆ − k λ + λ]qˆ2 [− m 2 − m ˆ − l + θ − k λ + λ]qˆ2 [− 2 −
n 2 n 2
+ l + θˆ − k λ]qˆ2 + l − θˆ − k λ]qˆ2
n 2 n 2
− l + θˆ − − l − θˆ −
n 2 n 2
+ l − θˆ − + l + θˆ −
λ 2 λ 2
λ 2 λ 2
− k λ]qˆ2 [− m 2 − −
k λ]qˆ2 [− m 2
− k λ]qˆ2 [− m 2 − −
k λ]qˆ2 [− m 2
λ 2 λ 2
λ 2 λ 2
− k λ]qˆ2
− k λ]qˆ2
− k λ]qˆ2 − k λ]qˆ2
The latter expression (5.42) is tailored to make contact to the expressions in the literature corresponding to the trigonometric limit. Also for this amplitude the backscattering is zero. The matrix Sbn bm (θ) also exhibits several types of poles: a) simple and double poles inside the physical sheet beyond the imaginary axis, b) double poles located on the imaginary axis, c) simple poles in the non-physical sheet and d) one simple pole on the imaginary axis inside the physical sheet at θ = θb = iν(n+m)K which is related to the fusing process of two breathers bn + bm → bn+m . To be really sure that this pole admits such an interpretation, we have to establish according to (2.11) that the imaginary part of the residue is strictly positive, i.e., −i lim (θ − θb )Sbn bm (θ) > 0 . θ→θb
The explicit computation shows that this is indeed the case, see [45]. Furthermore, it is very interesting to check if also (2.10) is satisfied for the fusing process bn + bm → bn+m . For consistency, all amplitudes have to satisfy the bootstrap equations Slbn+m (θ) = Slbn (θ + iνmK )Slbm (θ − iνnK ) ,
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo and A. Fring
for l ∈ {bk , s, s¯} ; k, m + n < nmax . Indeed, we verify with some algebra that (5.44) holds for the above amplitudes (5.39) and (5.41). Finally, we carry out various limits. Our formulation in terms of q-deformed quantities and elliptic functions is useful to make this task fairly easy. We state our results here only schematically and refer the reader for details to [45]. We find elliptic sine-Gordon
1/ν→2nK /π+2imK1− /π
− − − − − − − −→
| | →0 | ↓ sine-Gordon
m = 0, → 0 ↓ free theory ↑ 1/ν → i∞
− − − − − − − −→ 1/ν→n
elliptic Dn+1 -ATFT | | m = 0, → 0 | ↓ (1)
minimal Dn+1 -ATFT
Thus we can view the elliptic sine-Gordon model as a master theory for several other models. In the limit → 0 we recover now all sectors, including the breathers, of the sine-Gordon model. The diagonal limit 1/ν → 2nK /π + 2imK1− /π is interesting as it yields a new type of theory, which we refer to as elliptic SO(2n + (1) 2) ≡ Dn+1 -affine Toda field theory (ATFT). To coin this name for these theories seems natural as in the trigonometric limit we obtain from it the ordinary minimal (1) Dn+1 -ATFT.
6. Conclusions We reviewed the general analytical scattering theory related to integrable quantum field theories in 1+1 space-time dimensions. We made a proposal for a construction principle of an S-matrix like object which describes the scattering between two unstable particles or an unstable particle and a stable one. We tested this proposal with various examples and found a remarkable agreement with the outcome of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz in what concerns the particle content and the RG flow of the theories. We described the general Lie algebraic structure of theories with unstable particles and propose a decoupling rule which predicts the RG flow when some of the parameters in the theory become very large. Alternatively, we tested these analytical prediction with the TBA. Finally, we discussed how one can construct theories with and without backscattering which contain an infinite number of unstable particles. Acknowledgment We are grateful to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sfb288), for financial support. This work is supported by the EU network EUCLID, Integrable models and applications: from strings to condensed matter, HPRN-CT-2002-00325.
Integrable Models with Unstable Particles
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Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 89–131 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case Victor G. Kac and Minoru Wakimoto Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 17B55, 17B67, 17B68, 17B69, 81R10. Keywords. Twisted vertex algebra, quantum Hamiltonian reduction, superconformal algebra, Euler-Poincar´e character, free-field realization, determinant formula.
0. Introduction This paper is a continuation of the papers [KRW] and [KW] on structure and representation theory of vertex algebras Wk (g, x) obtained by quantum Hamiltonian reduction from the affine superalgebra g. The datum one begins with is a quadruple (g, x, f, k), where g is a simple finite-dimensional Lie superalgebra with a non-zero invariant even supersymmetric bilinear form ( . | . ), x is an element of g such that ad x is diagonalizable with eigenvalues in 12 Z, f is an even element of g such that [x, f ] = −f and the eigenvalues of ad x on the centralizer gf of f in g are non-positive, and k ∈ C. Recall that a pair {x, f } satisfying the above properties can be obtained from an s2 -triple {e, x, f }, so that [x, e] = e, [x, f ] = −f , [e, f ] = x. We associate to the quadruple (g, x, f, k) a homology complex C(g, x, k) = (Vk (g) ⊗ Fch ⊗ Fne , d0 ), where Vk (g) is the universal affine vertex algebra of level k associated to the affine superalgebra g, Fch is the vertex algebra of free charged superfermions based on g+ + g∗+ with reversed parity, Fne is the vertex algebra of free neutral superfermions based on g1/2 , and d0 is an explicitly constructed odd derivation of the vertex algebra C(g, x, k) whose square is 0. Here g+ (resp. g1/2 ) denotes the sum of eigenspaces of ad x with positive eigenvalues (resp. with eigenvalue 1/2), and we drop f from the notation since its different choices are conjugate. The vertex algebra Wk (g, x) is the homology of the complex (C(g, x, k), d0 ). The first author was supported in part by NSF grant DMS-0201017. The second author was supported by Grant-in-aid 13440012 for scientific research Japan.
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
In the present paper we begin with a diagonalizable automorphism σ of g with modulus 1 eigenvalues, which leaves invariant the bilinear form (. | . ) and keeps the elements x and f fixed. The automorphism σ gives rise to the twisted affine superalgebra gtw and the corresponding twisted vertex algebra Vk (g, σ), and tw tw to the twisted vertex algebras Fch and Fne , and we consider the twisted complex tw tw (C(g, σ, x, k) = Vk (g, σ) ⊗ Fch ⊗ Fne , dtw 0 ).
Its homology is the twisted vertex algebra Wk (g, σ, x), which is the main object of our study. In the case when σ = 1 we recover the “Neveu-Schwarz sector” Wk (g, x) studied in our previous papers [KRW] and [KW] (and earlier in [FF, FKW, BT, FB, ST], and many other works, see [BS].) In the case when σ = σR , where σR |g¯0 = 1 and σR |g¯1 = −1, we obtain the “Ramond sector”. This terminology comes from the fact that taking the smallest simple Lie superalgebra g = osp(1|2) and the only possible choice of x, we obtain as Wk (g, x) the vertex algebra associated to the usual Neveu-Schwarz algebra, and as Wk (g, σR , x) the twisted vertex algebra associated to the usual Ramond algebra. Likewise, taking g = s(2|1), s(2|2))/CI, osp(3|2) or D(2, 1; a), and x the suitable multiple of the highest root θ of one of the simple components of g¯0 , all possible choices of σ produce all possible twists of the N = 2, N = 4, N = 3 and big N = 4 superconformal algebras. This leads us to a unified representation theory of all twisted superconformal algebras, in particular to unified free field realizations and determinant formulas. As in [FKW] and [KRW], we construct also a functor M → H(M ) from the category of restricted gtw -modules to the category of Z-graded Wk (g, σ, x)-modules and compute the Euler-Poincar´e character of H(M ) in terms of the character of M . In a forthcoming paper [KW4] we shall develop a theory of characters of Wk (g, σ, x) using this functor.
1. An overview of twisted formal distributions Let R be a Lie conformal superalgebra. Recall that this is a Z/2Z-graded C[∂]module, endowed with jth products denoted by a(j) b, j ∈ Z+ , satisfying certain axioms [K4]. One associates to R a Lie superalgebra Lie (R) = R [t, t−1 ]/ Image (∂ ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ ∂t ) ,
(1.1) −1
endowed with the following bracket, where a(µ) stands for a ⊗ t ∈ R [t, t ] = R ⊗ C [t, t−1 ]: µ [a(µ) , b(ν) ] = (1.2) (a(j) b)(µ+ν−j) . j µ
Introducing formal distributions a(z) = a(µ) z −µ−1 , µ∈Z
a ∈ R,
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case one rewrites (1.2) as [a(z) , b(w)] =
j (a(j) b)(w)∂w δ(z − w)/j! .
One also has: (∂a)(z) = ∂z a(z) .
(The fact that Lie R is a Lie superalgebra and the distributions {a(z)}a∈R form a local system is encoded in the axioms of R.) Let now σ be a diagonalizable automorphism of R. We shall always assume for simplicity that all eigenvalues of σ have modulus 1. We have: R= Rµ¯ , where Rµ¯ = {a ∈ R|σ(a) = e2πi¯µ a} . (1.6) µ ¯ ∈R/Z
Here and further µ ¯ denotes the coset µ + Z of µ ∈ R. We associate to the pair (R, σ) the σ-twisted Lie superalgebra Lie (R, σ) = (Rµ¯ ⊗ tµ )/ Image (∂ ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ ∂t ) , (1.7) µ∈R
endowed with bracket (1.2) (except that now µ and ν are not necessarily integers). Denoting by a(µ) the image of a ⊗ tµ in Lie (R, σ), and introducing the twisted formal distributions atw (z) = a(µ) z −µ−1 , a ∈ Rµ¯ , (1.8) µ∈¯ µ
we get the twisted analogue of (1.4): j (a(j) b)tw (w)∂w δµ¯ (z − w)/j! , [atw (z) , btw (w)] =
where δµ¯ (z − w) = z −1
w µ µ∈¯ µ
is the twisted formal δ-function. Assuming that the C[∂]-module R is generated by a finite set Q, introduce a descending filtration of the Lie superalgebra L = Lie (R, σ) by subspaces Fj L = com {a(µ) |a ∈ Q, µ j}, and define a completion of its universal enveloping U (L) algebra U (L), which consists of all series i ui such that for each N ∈ R all but finitely many of the ui ’s lie in U (L)(FN L). The automorphism σ of R induces one of L and of U (L)com in the obvious way, which we again denote by σ. A U (L)com -valued twisted formal distribution is an expression of the form a(z) = a(µ) z −µ−1 , µ∈¯ µ
where µ ¯ = µ + Z, σ(a(µ) ) = e a(µ) and a(µ) ∈ U (L)com satisfy the property that for each N ∈ R, a(µ) ∈ U (L)(FN L) for µ 0 and all the a(µ) have the same 2πi¯ µ
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
parity, denoted by p(a) ∈ Z/2Z. It is clear that the derivative ∂z a(z) of a twisted formal distribution a(z) is also a twisted formal distribution. In order to define a normally ordered product of twisted formal distributions a(z) and b(z), we need to define a splitting a(z) = a(z)+ + a(z)− into creation and annihilation parts a(z)+ and a(z)− . For that we choose sa in the coset µ ¯ and let a(z)+ =
a(µ) z −µ−1 , a(z)− =
a(µ) z −µ−1 .
If a(z) is a non-twisted formal distribution, i.e., µ ¯ = Z, then one may choose sa = 0, so that ∂z (a(z)± ) = (∂z a(z))± , but for twisted formal distributions such a choice is impossible. After making a choice of sa , one defines the normally ordered product of twisted formal distributions in the usual way: : a(z)b(z) := a(z)+ b(z) + (−1)p(a)p(b) b(z)a(z)− . It is easy to see that this is again a U (L)com -valued formal distribution. As usual, one defines the normally ordered product of more than two formal distributions from right to left, e.g. : abc :=: a : bc ::. Denote by V (R) the subspace of U (Lie R)com consisting of all normally ordered products of formal distributions (1.3) and 1. This is one of the constructions of the universal enveloping vertex algebra of the Lie conformal algebra R [KRW] (cf. [K4], [GMS], [BK]). The infinitesimal translation operator ∂ of V (R) is defined by (1.5). The jth product a(j) b on V (R) is defined by (1.4) for j ∈ Z+ , and by a(−j−1) b =: (∂ j a)b : /j! for j ∈ Z+ . The automorphism σ of R induces an automorphism of V (R), and we have its eigenspace decomposition: V (R) =
V µ¯ (R) .
µ∈R/Z ¯
Likewise, denote by V (R, σ) the subspace of U (Lie (R, σ))com [[z, z −1 ]] consisting of all normally ordered products of twisted formal distributions (1.8) and 1. This is called a σ-twist of the vertex algebra V (R). (It is independent of the choices of sa used in the definition of normally ordered products.) The subspace V (R, σ) is σ-invariant, so that we have the decomposition into its eigenspaces: V (R, σ) =
V µ¯ (R, σ) .
µ∈R/Z ¯
The following result is well known. Proposition 1.1. The map a(z) → atw (z) (a ∈ Rµ¯ , µ ¯ ∈ R/Z) extends uniquely to a σ-eigenspace preserving vector space isomorphism V (R) → V (R, σ), a(z) →
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
atw (z), satisfying the following properties (a ∈ V µ¯ (R), b ∈ V (R)): 1tw
(∂a) (z) = tw
[a (z), b (w)]
(1.11) tw
∂z a (z) , j (a(j) b)tw (w)∂w δµ¯ (z − w)/j! ,
(1.12) (1.13)
j∈Z+ tw
: a (z)b (z) : =
sa (a(j−1) b)tw (z)z −j . j
A module M over the filtered Lie superalgebra L = Lie (R, σ) is called restricted if any vector of M is annihilated by some Fj L. Such an L-module can be uniquely extended to a module over the associative algebra U (L)com . Restricting this module to V (R, σ), we obtain, in view of Proposition 1.1, what is called a σ-twisted module M over the vertex algebra V (R). In the examples of Lie conformal superalgebras R that follow we use the λ j bracket [aλ b] = j∈Z+ λj! a(j) b. Due to sesquilinearity ([∂aλ b] = −λ[aλ b], [aλ ∂b] = (∂ + λ)[aλ b]), the λ-brackets of generators of the C[∂]-module R determine the λ-bracket on R. Recall also that an element K of R is called central if [Kλ R] = 0 = [Rλ K]. Example 1.1. (twisted currents and Sugawara construction). Let g be a simple finite-dimensional Lie superalgebra with a non-degenerate supersymmetric invariant bilinear form ( . | . ). The associated Lie conformal superalgebra is Curg = (C[∂] ⊗ g) ⊕ CK , where K is a central element and [aλ b] = [a, b] + λ(a|b)K ,
a, b ∈ 1 ⊗ g ≡ g .
Given a complex number k, denote by Vk (g) the quotient of the universal enveloping vertex algebra V (Curg) by the ideal generated by K − k. This is called the universal affine vertex algebra of level k. Let σ be a diagonalizable automorphism of the Lie superalgebra g, keeping the bilinear form ( . | . ) invariant. It extends to an automorphism of Curg, also denoted by σ, by letting σ(P (∂) ⊗ a) = P (∂) ⊗ σ(a), σ(K) = K. Let g = ⊕µ¯∈R/Z gµ¯ , where gµ¯ = {a ∈ g| σ(a) = e2πi¯µ a}, be the eigenspace decomposition of g for σ. Then the corresponding σ-twisted Lie superalgebra Lie (Curg, σ) is a twisted Kac-Moody affinization (gµ¯ ⊗ tµ ) ⊕ CK , gtw = µ∈R
with the bracket (a ∈ g , b ∈ g ): µ ¯
ν ¯
[atµ , btν ] = [a, b]tµ+ν + µ(a|b)δµ,−ν K ,
[K, gtw ] = 0 .
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
The formal distributions atw (z) =
(atµ )z −µ−1 ,
a ∈ gµ¯ ,
µ∈¯ µ
are called twisted currents. They generate (by taking derivatives and normally ordered products) the σ-twist V (Curg, σ) of the vertex algebra V (Curg). As in the non-twisted case, denote by Vk (g, σ) the quotient by the ideal generated by K − k; this is the σ-twist of the vertex algebra Vk (g). Choosing dual bases {ai } and {ai } of g, compatible with the eigenspace decomposition for σ, so that (ai |aj ) = δij , define the twisted Sugawara field in Vk (g, σ) (assuming that k + h∨ = 0): 1 (−1)p(ai ) : ai ai :tw (z) . Lg,tw (z) = 2(k + h∨ ) i Writing Lg,tw (z) = n∈Z Lg,tw z −n−2 , and using the non-twisted Sugawara conn struction and formula (1.13), we obtain that the Lg,tw satisfy the relations of the n Virasoro algebra with central charge c(k) = k sdim g/(k + h∨ ). Using formula (1.14), we can rewrite Lg,tw (z) in terms of twisted currents and numbers si = sai (see (1.10)): 1 g,tw i,tw (z) = (−1)p(ai ) : atw (z) : (1.15) L i (z)a ∨ 2(k + h ) i
s i − (−1)p(ai ) si [ai , ai ]tw (z)z −1 − k (−1)p(ai ) z −2 . 2 i i Example 1.2. (twisted neutral free superfermions). Let A be a finite-dimensional vector superspace with a non-degenerate skew-supersymmetric bilinear form . , . . The associated Clifford Lie conformal superalgebra is C(A) = (C[∂] ⊗ A) ⊕ CKA , where KA is a central element and [aλ b] = a, bKA . Denote by F (A) the quotient of the universal enveloping vertex algebra of C(A) by the ideal generated by KA − 1. Let σ be a diagonalizable automorphism of the space A, keeping the bilinear form . , . invariant. As above, it extends to an automorphism σ of the Lie conformal superalgebra C(A). Let A = ⊕µ¯∈R/Z Aµ¯ be the eigenspace decomposition for σ. Then the corresponding σ-twisted Lie superalgebra Lie (C(A), σ) is a twisted Clifford affinization tw = ⊕µ∈R (Aµ¯ ⊗ tµ ) ⊕ CKA A with the bracket tw ] = 0 . [atµ , btν ] = a, bδµ,−ν−1 KA , [KA , A
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
tw )com /(KA −1). The formal distributions We shall work in the Clifford algebra U (A Φtw (z) = (Φtµ )z −µ−1 , Φ ∈ Aµ¯ , µ∈¯ µ
are called twisted neutral free superfermions. They generate the σ-twist F (A, σ) of the vertex algebra F (A). Choosing dual bases {Φi } and {Φi } of A, compatible with the eigenspace decomposition for σ, we let Lne ,tw (z) =
1 (−1)p(Φi ) : Φi ∂Φi :tw (z) . 2 i
,tw −n−2 Writing Lne ,tw (z) = n∈Z Lne z , we obtain a Virasoro algebra with central n 1 charge c = − 2 sdim A. As in the previous example, using formula (1.14), we obtain: Lne ,tw (z) =
1 i,tw (−1)p(Φi ) : Φtw (z) : i (z)∂Φ 2 i
1 p(Φi ) si (−1) − z −2 . 2 i 2
Example 1.3. (twisted charged free superfermions). In notation of Example 1.2, assume that A = A+ ⊕ A− , where both A+ and A− are isotropic and σ-invariant subspaces. Choose a basis ϕi of A+ , compatible with the eigenspace decomposition of A+ for σ, and its dual basis ϕ∗i of A− , so that ϕi , ϕ∗j = δij , and define charge by charge(ϕi ) = 1 ;
charge(ϕ∗i ) = −1 .
∗tw The formal distributions ϕtw (z) are called twisted charged free i (z) and ϕi superfermions. Relation (1.17) gives rise to the charge decomposition:
F (A , σ) = ⊕m∈Z Fm (A , σ) .
For a collection of complex numbers (mj ) ∈ Cdim A+ we can define a Virasoro formal distribution mi : ϕ∗i ∂ϕi :tw (z) + (1 − mi ) : ∂ϕ∗i ϕi :tw (z) Lch,tw (z) = − i
with central charge
p(ϕi ) (12m2i −12mi +2). i (−1)
Lch,tw (z) = −
Using formula (1.14), we obtain
mi : ϕ∗tw (z)∂ϕtw i i (z) :
∗tw tw p(ϕi ) si + (1 − mi ) : ∂ϕi (z)ϕi (z) : + (−1) z −2 . 2 i i
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
2. The twisted complex Let g be a simple finite-dimensional Lie superalgebra with a non-degenerate even supersymmetric invariant bilinear form ( . | . ). Fix an even element x of g such that ad x is diagonalizable with half-integer eigenvalues, and let g = ⊕j∈ 12 Z gj
be the eigenspace decomposition. Let g+ = ⊕j>0 gj , g− = ⊕j<0 gj , g = g0 ⊕ g− . An even element f ∈ g−1 is called good if its centralizer gf in g lies in g , and the gradation (2.1) is called good if it admits a good element. We shall assume that the grading (2.1) is good and we shall fix a good element f ∈ g−1 (all good elements form a Zariski dense orbit of the group exp g0,even , hence nothing depends on the choice of f ). The most interesting good gradings come from s2 -triples {e, x, f }, where [x, e] = e, [x, f ] = −f , [e, f ] = x, which are called Dynkin gradings. However, there are many other good gradings. In the Lie algebra case they are classified in [EK]. An important role is played by the following bilinear form . , . ne on g1/2 : a, bne = (f |[a, b]) ,
which is skew-supersymmetric, even and non-degenerate. Fix an automorphism σ of g with the following three properties: (i) σ(x) = x, σ(f ) = f ; (ii) (σ(a)|σ(b)) = (a|b) for all a, b ∈ g; (iii) σ is diagonalizable and all its eigenvalues have modulus 1. We shall construct a twisted vertex algebra Wk (g, σ, x) depending on a complex parameter k. For σ = 1 this coincides with the vertex algebra Wk (g, x, f ) studied in [KRW] and [KW] (we shall drop f from the notation, since different choices of f give isomorphic algebras). Introduce the following 12 Z-graded subalgebra of g: g(σ) = ⊕j∈ 12 Z gj (σ) , where gj (σ) = {a ∈ gj |σ(a) = (−1)2j a} .
Choose a σ-invariant Cartan subalgebra h of the even part of g0 , and choose a triangular decomposition of g(σ), compatible with the gradation (2.3): g(σ) = n(σ)− ⊕ hσ ⊕ n(σ)+ ,
where hσ denotes the fixed point set of σ on h, such that the following properties hold: (i) n(σ)± are isotropic with respect to ( . | . ) nilpotent subalgebras normalized by hσ , (ii) f ∈ n(σ)+ , (iii) n1/2 (σ)+ := g1/2 (σ) ∩ n(σ)+ is a maximal isotropic subspace of g1/2 (σ) with respect to . , . ne ,
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
(iv) n1/2 (σ)− is a direct sum of a maximal isotropic subspace n1/2 (σ)− of g1/2 (σ) with respect to . , . ne and at most 1-dimensional subspace g01/2 (σ), normalized by hσ . Here and further we let nj (σ)± = n(σ)± ∩ gj (σ). We thus have the following decomposition:
g1/2 (σ) = n1/2 (σ)+ + g1/2 (σ)0 + n1/2 (σ)− ,
where (σ) := dim g1/2 (σ)0 1. Note that (σ) = 0 iff dim g1/2 (σ) is odd. Remark 2.1. Let g0 (σ)f be the centralizer in g0 (σ) of f ∈ g−1 (σ), and assume that there exists a semisimple element h0 in g0 (σ)f such that all eigenvalues of ad h0 on g1/2 (σ) are real numbers and the multiplicity of zero is at most 1 (it follows from [EK], Theorem 1.5, that such an h0 with all eigenvalues non-zero exists if g(σ) is a Lie algebra). Let m denote the minimal absolute value of the non-zero eigenvalues. Let H0 ∈ hσ be a regular element of g(σ) such that all eigenvalues of ad H0 are real, the eigenvalue on f is positive and their absolute values are smaller than m. Let n(σ)+ (resp. n(σ)− ) denote the span of the eigenvectors of ad (h0 + H0 ) in g(σ) with positive (resp. negative) eigenvalues. This gives us a decomposition (2.4) satisfying all properties (i)–(iv). It is because the bilinear form ( . | . ) is nondegenerate on g(σ) and the bilinear form . , . ne is non-degenerate and invariant on g(σ)1/2 with respect to g0 (σ)f . Let D = −Lg,tw . Recall that we have (a ∈ gµ¯ ): 0 [D, atµ ] = µ(atµ ) , [D, K] = 0 . As usual, we shall consider the extension of the Kac-Moody affinization (see Example 1.1): gtw . gtw = CD The decomposition (2.4) induces a triangular decomposition of the Lie superalgebra gtw (see Example 1.1): gtw = n− ⊕ h⊕ n+ ,
h = hσ + CK + CD , µ¯ (nj (σ)+ ⊗ t−j + g j ⊗ tµ ) , n+ =
j∈ 12 Z
n− =
j∈ 12 Z
µ∈R j+µ>0
(nj (σ)− ⊗ t−j +
µ∈R j+µ<0
gµj¯ ⊗ tµ ) .
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
As usual, we extend the (non-degenerate) invariant bilinear for ( . | . ) from h to h by: σ
(CK + CD|hσ ) = 0 , (K|K) = (D|D) = 0 , (K|D) = 1 . This bilinear form is non-degenerate, and we shall identify h and h∗ via this form. Denote by Ane the vector superspace g1/2 with the bilinear form . , . ne . Denote by A+ (resp. A− ) the superspace g+ (resp. its dual g∗+ ) with reversed parity, and let Ach = A+ ⊕ A− . Let . , . ch be the skew-supersymmetric bilinear form on Ach defined by A± , A± ch = 0 , a , b∗ ch = b∗ (a) for a ∈ A+ ,
b∗ ∈ A− .
The automorphism σ of g induces automorphisms of Ane and Ach , which we again denote by σ, that preserve the respective bilinear forms. Finally, fix a complex number k such that k + h∨ = 0. We shall associate to the data (g, x, f, k, σ) a twisted differential vertex algebra (C(g, σ, x, k), dtw 0 ). Consider the twisted Kac-Moody affinization gtw and Clifford affinizations tw and A tw (see Examples 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3). Let L be the direct sum of these Lie A ne ch tw + FN A tw . Let U (L)com be superalgebras with filtration FN L = FN gtw + FN A ne ch the completed via this filtration universal enveloping algebra of L and let Uk (L)com be the quotient of U (L)com by the ideal generated by K − k, KAne − 1, KAch − 1. Recall that twisted currents, twisted neutral superfermions and twisted charged superfermions generate (via taking derivatives and normally ordered products) the twisted vertex algebras Vk (g, σ), F (Ane , σ) and F (Ach , σ). We denote by F (g, σ, x) the twisted vertex algebra generated by the last two and by C(g, σ, x, k) the one generated by all three types of formal distributions. We have: F (g, σ, x) = F (Ach , σ) ⊗ F (Ane , σ) , C(g, σ, x, k) = Vk (g, σ) ⊗ F (g, σ, x) . By letting charge(Vk (g, σ)) = charge(F (Ane , σ)) = 0 and using (1.17), one has the induced charge decompositions: tw F (g, σ, x) = ⊕m∈Z F (g, σ, x)tw m , C(g, σ, x, k) = ⊕m∈Z Cm .
In order to define the differential dtw 0 , and for further use, choose a basis {ui }i∈S of g compatible with the gradation (1.1), the σ-eigenspace decomposition and the root space decomposition with respect to hσ . A part of this basis is a basis of gm (m ∈ 12 Z), and of g+ . As in [KW], we denote the corresponding subsets of indicesof S by Sm and S+ respectively. Define the structure constants cij by [ui , uj ] = cij u . Denote by {ϕi }i∈S+ , {ϕ∗i }i∈S+ the corresponding basis of A+ and its dual basis of A− , so that ϕi , ϕ∗j ch = δij , and by {Φi }i∈S1/2 the corresponding basis of Ane . We shall denote by {ui } the dual basis of g with respect to the form (.|.) and by {Φi }i∈S1/2 the dual basis of Ane with respect to the form ., .ne .
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
Recall that in the non-twisted case, i.e., when σ = 1, we defined d0 = Res z d(z), where d(z) is the following formal distribution of the vertex algebra C(g, 1, x, k) [KRW], [KW]: d(z) = (−1)p(ui ) ui (z) ⊗ ϕ∗i (z) ⊗ 1 i∈S+
1 (−1)p(ui )p(u ) cij ⊗ : ϕ (z)ϕ∗i (z)ϕ∗j (z) : ⊗1 2 i,j,∈S+ (f |ui ) ⊗ ϕ∗i (z) ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ ϕ∗i (z) ⊗ Φi (z) . +
Further on, for simplicity of notation, we shall omit the tensor sign. Note that in each summand of d(z), factors are commuting formal distributions. Hence the corresponding (via Proposition 1.1) twisted formal distribution dtw (z) of C(g, σ, x, k) is given by the same expression as d(z), where all factors ui (z), ϕ∗i (z), etc.are ∗tw replaced by utw (z), etc. (it is because : atw (z)btw (z) := (a(−1) b)tw (z) i (z), ϕi if a(j) b = 0 for j ∈ Z+ , by (1.14)). Since [d(z), d(w)] = 0, it follows that [dtw (z), tw dtw (w)] = 0. Hence the odd element dtw 0 = Res z d (z) has the property that tw 2 tw (d0 ) = 0. Note also that d0 is a derivation of all products of the twisted vertex tw tw algebra C(g, σ, x, k) and dtw 0 (Cm ) ⊂ Cm−1 . Denote the homology of the complex (C(g, σ, x, k), dtw 0 ) by Wk (g, σ, x). This σ-twisted vertex algebra is called the σ-twisted quantum reduction for the triple (g, σ, x). The automorphism σ of g obviously induces a diagonalizable automorphism of the vertex algebra C(g, 1, x, k), commuting with the operator d0 . Hence it induces a diagonalizable automorphism, also denoted by σ, of the vertex algebra Wk (g, 1, x). The most important formal distribution of Wk (g, σ, x) is the σ-twist Ltw (z) of the Virasoro formal distribution L(z), defined by (2.2) of [KW]: Ltw (z) = Lg,tw (z) + Lne ,tw (z) + Lch,tw (z) + ∂z xtw (z) , where the mi in (1.19) are defined by ui ∈ gmi . Recall that the building blocks of the vertex algebra Wk (g, x) are the following formal distributions [KW]: (−1)p(ui ) cij (v) : ϕi (z)ϕ∗j (z) : , J (v) (z) = v(z) + i,j∈S+
where v ∈ g and cij (v) is the matrix of ad v in the basis {ui }, i.e., [v, uj ] = c (v)u i . Using (1.14), we obtain the following formula for the corresponding i ij twisted formal distribution (v ∈ g): ∗tw (−1)p(ui ) cij (v) : ϕtw (2.10) J (v)tw (z) = v tw (z) + i (z)ϕj (z) : −
(−1)p(ui ) si cii (v)z −1 .
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto Theorem 4.1 of [KW] implies the following result.
Theorem 2.1. ¯ f (a) For each a ∈ (gµ−j ) , j 0, there exists a dtw 0 -closed twisted formal distri{a},tw bution J (z) in C(g, σ, x, k) of conformal weight 1 + j (with respect to Ltw (z)) such that J {a},tw (z) − J (a),tw (z) is a linear combination of normally ordered products of the twisted formal distributions J (b)tw (z), where b ∈ g−s , 0 s < j, the twisted formal distributions Φtw i (z), where i ∈ S1/2 , and their derivatives. (b) The homology classes of the formal distributions J {ai },tw (z), where {ai } is a basis of gf0 compatible with the 12 Z-gradation and σ-eigenspace decomposition, strongly and freely generate Wk (g, σ, x). (c) Wk (g, σ, x) is a σ-twist of the vertex algebra Wk (g, 1, x). (d) Wk (g, σ, x) coincides with the 0th homology of the complex (C(g, σ, x, k), dtw 0 ).
3. Modules over Wk (g, σ, x) Denote by S ⊂ S the subset of indices of the part of the basis {ui }i∈S of g, which is a basis of g mod hσ , and let S0 = S0 ∩ S . In the case when h = hσ , S can be identified with the set of roots of g with respect h, but it is larger otherwise. Recall that, given a diagonalizable automorphism σ of a vertex algebra V , so that V = ⊕µ¯∈R/Z V µ¯ is its eigenspace decomposition, a σ-twisted module M over −n−1 (a ∈ V µ¯ ) satisfying equations V is a linear map a → aM,tw (z) = n∈¯µ aM (n) z M (1.12)–(1.14), where a(n) ∈ End M and for any v ∈ M , aM (n) v = 0 if n 0. In other M,tw words, the collection of fields a (z) forms a σ-twist of the vertex algebra V . In this section we shall discuss the properties of σ-twisted modules over Wk (g, x) (= modules over Wk (g, σ, x)) obtained by the σ-twisted quantum reduction from restricted gtw -modules. h∗ by letting λ ∈ hσ∗ be zero on K, and we define We shall embed hσ∗ in ∗ δ∈ h by δ|hσ +CK = 0, δ(D) = 1. Recall that, given a triangular decomposition (2.6), a highest weight module over the Lie superalgebra gtw of level k and with ∗ tw g -module M which admits a non-zero vector vΛ , highest weight Λ ∈ h is a where Λ = Λ + kD, with the properties: (i) hvΛ = Λ(h)v , h ∈ h, Λ (ii) n+ vΛ = 0, (iii) U ( n− )vΛ = M . For this reason, in the definition (1.10) of the annihilation part of the twisted current ui (z) (i ∈ S ), we choose sui = min{n| ui ⊗ tn is non-zero and lies in n+ } , sh = 1 for h ∈ hσ .
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
Since each summand gj of the gradation (2.1) is σ-invariant, we have its σeigenspace decomposition: gj = ⊕µ¯∈R/Z gµj¯ , where gµj¯ = {a ∈ gj |σ(a) = e2πi¯µ a}. µ ¯i Hence for a basis element ui ∈ gm we can rewrite formula (3.1) for si = sui i (i ∈ S ) as follows: min{n ∈ µ ¯ i | n > −mi } if ui ∈ n(σ)+ , (3.2) si = −mi if ui ∈ n(σ)+ . µ i It is easy to see that for a dual basis element ui ∈ g−¯ −mi we have for s = sui :
si = 1 − si for all i ∈ S .
tw and A tw as follows: We extend this definition of annihilation operators to A ne ch sΦi = si (i ∈ S1/2 ) , sϕi = si , sϕ∗i = 1 − si (i ∈ S+ ) .
It is easy to see that we have sΦi = ∓1/2 if Φi ∈ n1/2 (σ)± , |sΦi | < 1/2 otherwise. sΦi + sΦi = δi,i0 , where Φi0 , Φi0 ne = 0. We write the generating fields in the form: ui,n z −n−1 , Φi (z) = Φi,n z −n−1/2 , ui (z) = n∈¯ si
ϕi (z) =
(3.5) (3.6)
n∈¯ si +1/2
ϕi,n z −n−1 , ϕ∗i (z) =
n∈¯ si
ϕ∗i,n z −n .
n∈−¯ si
tw and A tw has a unique irreducible modEach of the Clifford affinizations A ne ch tw tw ule, denoted by Fne and Fch , respectively, admitting a non-zero vector |0ne and |0ch , respectively, killed by all annihilation operators: Φi,n |0ne = 0 for n si + 1/2 ,
ϕ∗i,n |0
= 0 for n 1 − si . (3.8) ϕi,n |0ch = 0 for n si , Since these modules are restricted, they extend to the modules over F (Ane , σ) and F (Ach ,σ) (= twisted modules over the vertex algebras F (Ane ,1) and F (Ach ,1)), respectively), hence tw tw F tw = Fne ⊗ Fch is a module over F (g, σ, x) (= twisted module over the tensor product of these vector algebras, F (g, 1, x)). We let |0 = |0ne ⊗ |0ch ∈ F tw . Thus, given a restricted gtw -module M with K = kI, we extend it to a module over Vk (g, σ) (= twisted module over the vertex algebra Vk (g, 1)), then M ⊗ F tw becomes a module over C(g, σ, x, k) (= twisted module over the vertex algebra C(g, x, k)). Passing to the homology of the complex C tw (M ) = (M ⊗ F tw , dtw 0 ), we obtain a Wk (g, σ, x)-module (= twisted Wk (g, x)-module) H tw (M ). One has
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
the charge decomposition of C tw (M ) induced by that of F (g, σ, x) by setting the charge of M to be zero. This induces a decomposition as Wk (g, σ, x)-modules: H tw (M ) = j∈Z Hjtw (M ). Let ∆σ ⊂ hσ∗ be the set of non-zero roots of g with respect to hσ , counted with their multiplicities. We may identify ∆σ with a subset of S , which indexes root vectors attached to non-zero roots. (Then the remaining elements of S index a basis of h mod hσ .) Given one of the above basis root vectors eα , attached to α ∈ ∆σ , we let sα = seα . One should keep in mind that the sα corresponding to root vectors with the same α may be different (in the case hσ = h). ⊂ gtw Recall that the set of roots ∆ h∗ of the twisted affine Lie superalgebra re im is ∆ = ∆ ∪ ∆ , where: re = {α + (m + sα )δ| m ∈ Z , α ∈ ∆σ } , ∆ im = {mδ| m ∈ E0 \{0}} , ∆ where E0 = {µ ∈ R| e2πiµ is an eigenvalue of σ on h}, and the roots are considered + = ∆ re ∪ ∆ im of positive roots with their multiplicities. Then we have a subset ∆ + + corresponding to in ∆, n+ (see (2.8)), where σ re im ∆ + = {α + (m + sα )δ| m ∈ Z+ , α ∈ ∆ } , ∆+ = {mδ| m ∈ E0 , m > 0} .
re Introduce the following subset of ∆ +: re = {α + (m + sα )δ| α ∈ ∆σ , α(x) 0 , m ∈ Z+ } . ∆ ++ Proposition 3.1. (a) If M is a restricted gtw -module and v ∈ M is a singular vector, i.e., ntw + v = 0, then dtw 0 (v ⊗ |0) = 0 . (b) If M is a Verma module over gtw with the highest weight vector vΛ and v ∈ M − nα, where α ∈ ∆ re , then the is a singular vector with highest weight Λ ++ homology class of v ⊗ |0 in H0tw (M ) is non-zero. Proof. We have: dtw 0 = A + B + C + D, where (−1)p(ui ) ui,p ϕ∗i,q , A = µi i∈S+ p∈¯ q∈−¯ µi p+q=0
1 2
p∈¯ µk q∈−¯ µi r∈−¯ µj p+q+r=0
(−1)p(ui )p(uk ) ckij ϕk,p ϕ∗i,q ϕ∗j,r ,
(f |ui )ϕ∗i,1 , D =
p∈−¯ µi q∈¯ µi +1/2 p+q=0
ϕ∗i,p Φi,q+1/2 .
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
A summand of A does not annihilate v ⊗ |0 only if p si − 1, q si , hence there are no such summands since p + q = 0. A summand of B does not annihilate v ⊗ |0 only if p sk − 1, q −si , r sj , which happens only if p + q + r sk − si − sj − 1 −1, since sk si + sj when ckij = 0. Hence there are no such summands. If (f |ui ) = 0, then (f t|ui t−1 ) = 0, and since f t ∈ n+ , we obtain that ui t−1 ∈ ∗ n− and therefore si 0, by definition of si . Hence ϕi,1 is an annihilation operator (see (3.8)) and C(v ⊗ |0) = 0. Finally, if a summand of D does not annihilate the v ⊗ |0, then p si and q + 1/2 si − 1/2 and therefore p + q = −1, which is impossible since p + q = 0. This proves (a). The proof of (b) is the same as in the non-twisted case, see [KW], Lemma 7.3. Next, we study the formal distribution Ltw (z) of Wk (g, σ, x). Using formulas (1.15), (1.16) and (1.19) first three summands, we obtain an explicit ex for the −n−2 z . Note that the Ltw pression for Ltw (z) = n∈Z Ltw n n form a Virasoro algebra with the same central charge as in the non-twisted case. Examples 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 give the following important formulas. Proposition 3.2. Introducing the constants
k p(α) sα (−1) sg = − , 2(k + h∨ ) 2
sα 1 1 (σ) − (−1)p(α) , 8 2 2
we have Lg,tw 0 ,tw Lne |0ne 0
Ltw 0
1 2(k + h∨ )
sα + m α sα , 2
hi h −
= (sne + ann )|0ne ,
i∈S ch,tw L0 |0ch
sα α
+ sg + ann ;
= (sch + ann )|0ch ;
,tw = Lg,tw + Lne + Lch,tw − x, 0 0 0
where ann (resp. ann |0) denotes the sum of terms which annihilate any singular vector in a gtw -module M of level k (resp. annihilate the vacuum vector), and {hi } and {hi } are dual bases of hσ . Proof. We have: α∈S (−1)p(α) sα [uα , uα ] = i ai hi , where ai ∈ C. Hence ai = (−1)p(α) sα ([uα , uα ]| hi ) = (−1)p(α) sα α(hi ). α∈S
104 Hence
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
(−1)p(α) sα [uα , uα ] =
(−1)p(α) sα α.
The rest of the calculation is straightforward.
Corollary 3.1. Let v be a singular vector of a gtw -module M of level k such that σ σ∗ av = Λ(a)v, a ∈ h , for some Λ ∈ h . Then Ltw 0 (v ⊗ |0) = h v ⊗ |0, where 1 ((Λ|Λ) − (−1)p(α) sα (Λ|α)) − Λ(x) + sg + sne + sch . h= ∨ 2(k + h ) α∈S
Corollary 3.2. Let γ = 2 α∈S (−1)p(α) α ∈ hσ∗ , and let ρtw be the Weyl ρtw |αi ) = 12 (αi |αi ) for all simple roots αi of gtw ). vector for gtw (i.e., ( Then ρtw |hσ = −γ . Proof. By Proposition 3.2 we have in any highest weight gtw -module of level k with highest weight Λ ∈ hσ∗ : vΛ = Lg,tw 0
1 (((Λ|Λ) − 2(Λ|γ )) + c1 ) vΛ , 2(k + h∨ )
where c1 ∈ C is independent of Λ. On the other hand, the operator Lg,tw +D 0 commutes with gtw , hence equals c2 Ωtw + c3 , where c2 , c3 ∈ C are independent of Λ and Ωtw is the Casimir operator of gtw . But Ωtw vΛ = (Λ|Λ + 2 ρtw )vΛ (see [K3]) and DvΛ = 0, hence, comparing with (3.12) we obtain for any Λ ∈ hσ∗ : 1 ((Λ|Λ) − 2(Λ|γ )) + c1 = c2 (Λ|Λ) + 2( ρtw |Λ) + c3 . ∨ 2(k + h ) Comparing quadratic terms in Λ we obtain c2 = (2k + 2h∨ )−1 . Comparing linear terms in Λ, we get ρtw |hσ = −γ . Recall that the conformal weight 1 formal distributions of the vertex algebra Wk (g, x) are [KW]: 1 (−1)p(ui ) cij (v) : Φi (z)Φj (z) : (v ∈ gf0 ). J {v} (z) = J (v) (z) − 2 i,j∈S1/2
Hence, by Equation (1.14), the corresponding twisted formal distributions of Wk (g, σ, x) can be explicitly expressed via twisted currents and twisted ghosts. In the sequel we shall need the following formula, in the case when a ∈ hσf : 1 {a}tw =a− (−1)p(ui ) si cii (a) + (−1)p(ui ) si cii (a) + ann , (3.13) J0 2 i∈S+
where ann denotes an operator which annihilates any vector of the form v ⊗ |0 ∈ M ⊗ F tw . Formula (3.13) implies the following corollary.
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
105 {H},tw
Corollary 3.3. Under the conditions of Corollary 3.1, the eigenvalue of J0 (H ∈ hσf ) on the vector v ⊗ |0 is equal to 1 Λ(H) + (−1)p(α) sα α(H) − (−1)p(α) sα α(H) . 2 α∈S1/2
As in [KRW], define the Euler-Poincar´e character of H tw (M ) by the following formula, where h ∈ hσf and τ ∈ C, Im τ > 0: {h} tw (−1)j tr Htw e2πiτ L0 e2πiJ0 . chH tw (M) (τ, h) = j (M) j∈Z
The same argument as in [KRW] gives an explicit formula in terms of the character g,tw
chM (τ, z) = tr M e2πi(z+τ L0
, z ∈ hσ ,
of the gtw -module M : chH tw (M) (τ, h) = e2πiτ (sne +sch )
−α p(α) ˜ mult α × chM (τ, −τ x + h). (1 − p˜(α)e )
+ α∈∆ α(x)=0,−1/2
Here and further, in order to simplify notation, we let p˜(α) = (−1)p(α) , and for α∈ g∗ , we define α(τ, z) = 2πiα(z − τ D). The conditions of non-vanishing of chH tw (M) are similar to those in the nontwisted case [KRW]. Namely, the same argument as in [KRW], Theorem 3.2, gives the following result. Proposition 3.3. Let M be a restricted gtw -module of level k = −h∨ and assume that chM (τ, h) extends to a meromorphic function on the upper half space Im τ > 0, h ∈ hσ , with at most simple poles at the hyperplanes α = 0, where α are real even roots. Then chH tw (M) (τ, h) is not identically zero iff the gtw -module M is not locally nilpotent with respect to all root spaces g−α , such that α are positive even real roots satisfying the following three properties: (i) α(D + x) = 0 ,
(ii) α|(hσ )f = 0 ,
(iii) α(x) = 0 , −1/2 .
We shall use formula (3.14) and [KW2, KW3] to compute the characters of Wk (g, σ, x)-modules in a subsequent paper [KW4] (cf. [FKW, KRW]). Remark 3.1. A slightly more explicit form of (3.14) is as follows: chH tw (M) (τ, h) = e2πiτ (sne +sch ) ∞ p(α) ˜ mult α (1 − p˜(α)e−(n−sα )δ+α )(1 − p˜(α)e−(n−1+sα )δ−α ) × chM α∈S n=1 α(x)>0
˜ mult α (1 − p˜(α)e−(n−sα )δ+α )−p(α) (τ, −τ x + h) .
α∈S n=1 α(x)=1/2
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
¯ f Let a ∈ (gµ−j ) , j 0, and let J {a},tw (z) be the corresponding formal distribution of Wk (g, σ, x) (see Theorem 2.1). As in the non-twisted case [KW], its conformal weight with respect to Ltw (z) equals ∆a = j + 1. We therefore write Jn{a},tw z −n−∆a . (3.15) J {a},tw (z) = n∈¯ µ−∆a
Recall the isomorphism as gf ∼ = g0 + g1/2 given by [KW], (1.12). We shall identify g0 (and its subspace h ) with a σ-invariant subspace of gf , using this isomorphism. A Wk (g, σ, x)-module M is called a highest weight module with highest weight λ ∈ (hσ )∗ if there exists a non-zero vector vλ ∈ M such that: gf0 -modules σ
polynomials in the operators Jn{a},tw applied to vλ span M , {a},tw J0 vλ
= λ(a)vλ if a ∈ h , σ
{a},tw vλ = 0 if m > 0 or m = 0 and a ∈ n0 (σ)+ . Jm
(3.16) (3.17) (3.18)
The Verma module is defined in the same way as in [KW], and we have the following twisted analogue of Theorem 6.3 from [KW]. Theorem 3.1. If P is a Verma module over the Lie superalgebra gtw, then H tw (P ) = tw H0 (P ), and it is a Verma module over Wk (g, σ, x).
4. Modules over Wk (g, σ, θ/2), the free field realizations and determinant formulas Of particular interest are the vertex algebras Wk (g, θ/2) associated to a minimal gradation of g [KRW, KW] (cf. [FL]). In this case g is one of the simple Lie superalgebras s(m|n)/δm,n CI, osp(m|n) (= spo(n|m)), D(2, 1 ; a), F (4), G(3) or one of the five exceptional Lie algebras, θ is the highest root of one of the simple components of the even part of g, the bilinear form ( . | . ) is normalized by the condition (θ|θ) = 2, and x = θ/2. The corresponding 12 Z-gradation (2.1) looks as follows: g = Cf + g−1/2 + g0 + g1/2 + Ce , (4.1) where {e, x, f } form an s2 triple , and gf0 = {a ∈ g0 |(x|a) = 0} , Then
gf = Cf + g−1/2 + gf0 .
−σ σ g(σ) = Cf + g−σ −1/2 + g0 + g1/2 + Ce
is a minimal gradation of g(σ). Since gσ0 = (gσ0 )f + Cx, it follows that there exists an element h0 ∈ hσf of the Lie superalgebra g(σ) such that the eigenvalues of ad h0 are real, h0 is a regular element of gσ0 , and the 0th eigenspace of ad h0 on −σ g−σ 1/2 (resp. g−1/2 ) is Ceθ/2 (resp. Ce−θ/2 ) if eθ/2 is a root vector of g(σ). (Here θ/2 stands for the restriction of θ/2 to hσ .) Letting n+ (σ) (resp. n− (σ)) be the span of all eigenvectors of ad h0 with positive (resp. negative) eigenvalues and the vectors
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
f = e−θ and e−θ/2 (resp. e = eθ and e = eθ/2 ), we obtain the decomposition (2.4), satisfying the properties (i)–(iv). Note also that in the decomposition (2.5), h1/2 (σ) (resp. n1/2 (σ) ) is the span of all eigenvectors of ad h0 with positive (resp. negative) eigenvalues, and g1/2 (σ)0 = Ceθ/2 ∈ g(σ). Thus, (σ) = 0 iff θ/2 is a root of g with respect to hσ and σ(eθ/2 ) = −eθ/2 . Example 4.1. For the minimal gradation the numbers sα (α ∈ ∆ ⊂ h∗ ) are as follows (cf. (3.2)): (a) If σ = 1, then sα = 0 (resp. 1) for α ∈ ∆+ (resp. −α ∈ ∆+ ). (b) If σ|gj = (−1)2j , then sα = 0 (resp. 1) if α(x) = 0 and α(h0 ) > 0 (resp. α(h0 ) < 0), sα = −1/2 (resp. 12 ) if α(x) = 12 and α(h0 ) > 0 (resp. 0), sθ = 0 and sα + s−α = 1, α ∈ ∆. Recall that the (Virasoro) central charge of Wk (g, θ/2) is [KW]: k sdim g − 6k + h∨ − 4 , c(k) = k + h∨ and it is, of course, the same for the twisted vertex algebras Wk (g, σ, θ/2). Introduce the following vectors in hσ∗ : 1 1 p˜(α)sα α , γ1/2 = p˜(α)sα α . γ = 2 2 α∈S
Corollaries 3.1 and 3.3 give the following result, which will be used in the calculation of the determinant formula. Proposition 4.1. Let M be a restricted gtw -module of level k. Let v ∈ M be a singular vector of M with weight Λ ∈ hσ∗ . Then we have in the case of Wk (g, σ , θ/2): (a) The eigenvalue of Ltw 0 on v ⊗ |0 is equal to 1 ((Λ|Λ) − 2(Λ|γ )) − Λ(x) + sg + sgh , h= 2(k + h∨ ) where k 1 sg = − p ˜ (α)s (s − 1) , s = p˜(α)s2α . α α gh 4(k + h∨ ) 4 α∈S
(b) The eigenvalue of J
for H ∈ h
on v ⊗ |0 is equal to
(Λ − γ1/2 )(H) . Proof. Letting sgh := sch + sne , we have (see (3.10) and (3.11)): sgh = 1 ˜(α)(s2α + sα ). Since α ∈ S1/2 iff θ − α ∈ S1/2 , we obtain that α∈S1/2 p 4 1 p˜(α)sα = − (σ) . 2
1 8 (σ)
It is because sα + sθ−α = δα,θ/2 , which holds due to (3.6). This proves the formula for sgh . The rest is straightforward.
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
Proposition 4.2. For the 12 Z-gradation of g defined by ad x one has: (a) 2γ (x) = 1 − h∨ − 12 (σ). (b) γ = 2γ1/2 + γ0 − 12 (h∨ − 1)θ, where γ0 =
1 2
= 12 (γ − γ0 ). (c) γ1/2
Proof. We have: 1 1 2γ (x) = p˜(α)sα − 2 2 α∈S1/2
p˜(α)sα − 1 =
α∈S α(x)=0
p˜(α)sα α.
p˜(α)sα −
1 sdim g1/2 − 1. 2
Since sdim g1/2 = 2h −4 (see [KW], (5.6)), formula (4.2) completes the proof of (a). Similar calculations establish (b), and (c) is immediate by (b). In [KW], Theorem 5.2, we gave a realization of the vertex algebra Wk (g, θ/2) as a subalgebra of Vαk (g0 )⊗F (Ane ), where g0 is the 0th grading component in (2.1) and αk is the “shifted” 2-cocycle: αk (atm ,btn ) = ((k+h∨ )(a|b)− 12 κg0 (a,b))mδm,−n , where κg0 is the Killing form on g0 . The twisted version of this result is derived from [KW], Theorem 5.2, by making use of (1.14), Theorem 2.1, and the following identity for formal distributions a, b, c such that [aλ b] = a, b ∈ C, [aλ c] = a, c ∈ C, [bλ c] = b, c ∈ C: (4.3) : abc :tw (z) = : atw (z)btw (z)ctw (z) : −z −1 sb b, catw (z) tw p(a)p(b) tw +sa a, bc (z) + sa (−1) a, cb (z) . As in [KW], we keep the notation J {a},tw if a ∈ gf0 , but let G{v},tw = J {v},tw if v ∈ g−1/2 . Due to Theorem 2.1, the formal distributions J {a},tw , G{v},tw and Ltw strongly and freely generate the twisted vertex algebra Wk (g, σ, θ/2). Theorem 4.1. The following formulas define an injective vertex algebra homomorphism of Wk (g, σ, θ/2) to Vαk (g0 , σ) ⊗ F (Ane , σ): (−1)p(a) : Φα,tw (z)Φtw [uα ,a] (z) : 2 α∈S1/2 (−1)p(a) sΦα Φα , Φ[uα ,a] ne z −1 (a ∈ gf0 ) , − 2 α∈S1/2 G{v},tw (z) → : [v, uα ]tw (z)Φα,tw (z) : −(k + 1) (v|uα )∂Φα,tw (z)
J {a},tw (z) → atw (z) +
α∈S1/2 p(v)
(−1) − 3
(−1)p(v) + 3 +
: Φα,tw (z)Φβ,tw (z)Φtw [uβ ,[uα ,v]] (z) : sΦβ Φβ , Φ[uβ ,[uα ,v]] ne Φα,tw (z)
α,β∈S1/2 p(α)p(β) (−1) sΦα Φα , Φ[uβ ,[uα ,v]] ne Φβ,tw (z)
−1 + sΦα Φα , Φβ ne Φtw (v ∈ g−1/2 ) , [uβ ,[uα ,v]] (z) z
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
1 k+1 α,tw (−1)p(α) : utw (z) : + ∂x(z) α (z)u ∨ 2(k + h ) k + h∨ α∈S0 1 1 α,tw + (−1)p(α) : Φtw (z) : − (−1)p(α) sα α(z)z −1 α (z)∂Φ ∨ 2 2(k + h ) α∈S1/2 α∈S0
1 1 p(α) sα α p(α) sα + (−1) (−1) z −2 . κg0 (uα , u ) − 4(k + h∨ ) 2 2 2 Ltw (z) →
α∈S+ ∪S0
f ∨ (For gf0 simple, κg0 (uα , uα ) = 2h∨ 0 ,where h0 is the dual Coxeter number of g0 with respect to ( . | . ).)
In the case of Wk (g, σ, θ/2), Proposition 3.1 gives the following result. Proposition 4.3. Let M be a gtw -module satisfying the conditions of Proposition 3.1. Then the Euler-Poincar´e character of the Wk (g, σ, θ/2)-module H tw (M ) is not identically zero iff eθ t−1 is not locally nilpotent on M . Now we turn to the determinant formula for the Verma modules over Wk (g, σ, θ/2). To simplify notation, we let g = gf0 (resp. h = (hσ )f ), the centralizer of f in g0 (resp. in hσ ). Let λ → λ denote the restriction map hσ → h . Let S0 (resp. S−1/2 ) = {α ∈ S | α(x) = 0 (resp. α(x) = −1/2)}, and let ∆W,σ = {α | α ∈ S0 ∪ S−1/2 } ⊂ h∗ , the multiplicity of α being the multiplicity of α ∈ S . Note that ∆W,σ may contain 0 (this happens iff θ/2 ∈ ∆σ ). Define the set of roots ∆W,σ of Wk (g, σ, θ/2) as a subset of the dual of its Cartan algebra hW,σ = h CLtw 0 , defined as follows. We embed h∗ in h∗W,σ by letting α ∈ h∗ to be zero on Ltw 0 , and define δ ∈ h∗W,σ by δ |h = 0 ,
δ (Ltw 0 ) = −1 .
im Then ∆W,σ = ∆re W,σ ∪ ∆W,σ , where
∆re W,σ
= {(n + sα + α(x))δ + α | α ∈ ∆W,σ ,
∆im W,σ
= {nδ | n ∈ E0 ,
n ∈ Z} ,
n = 0} ,
where the multiplicity of a root (n + sα + α(x))δ + α is equal to the multiplicity of α ∈ ∆W,σ with given sα , and the multiplicity of nδ is equal to the multiplicity of the root nδ of gtw . Note that 0 is a root in ∆re W,σ of multiplicity (σ)( 1). We denote by ∆+ the subset of positive roots, which consists of the subset W,σ im ,+ im ∆W,σ of elements of ∆W,σ for which n > 0, and the subset ∆re,+ W,σ of elements of for which n ∈ Z . ∆re + W,σ
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
Define the corresponding partition function PW,σ (η) on h∗W,σ as the number of ways η can be represented in the form (counting root multiplicities): η= kα α , where kα ∈ Z+ and kα 1 if α is odd. α∈∆+ W,σ Remark 4.1. Denote by PW,σ (η) the partition function for the set ∆+ W,σ \{0}. Of course, PW,σ (η) = PW,σ (η) if (σ) = 0, but PW,σ (η) = 12 PW,σ (η) if (σ) = 1 and η = 0.
The definition (3.16)–(3.18) of a highest weight module M over the vertex algebra Wk (g, σ, θ/2) can be made a bit more explicit: the highest weight λ is an element of h∗W , and condition (3.17) can be replaced by {H}
vλ = λ (H)vλ , H ∈ h , and Ltw 0 vλ = hvλ ,
where λ denotes the restriction of λ to h and h is the minimal eigenvalue of Ltw 0 on M . We have the weight space decomposition of M : {H} tw M= Mµ , Mµ = {v ∈ M |J0 v = µ (H)v , H ∈ h , Ltw 0 v = µ(L0 )v} .
µ∈h∗ W,σ
The Verma module M (λ) over Wk (g, σ, x) is a highest weight module for which dim M (λ)µ = PW,σ (λ − µ) . In the case when (σ)(= dim g1/2 (σ)0 ) = 1 choose a non-zero vector e ∈ g1/2 (σ)0 and let f = [f, e ]. Rescaling e , if necessary, we may assume that [f , f ] = f . The vector f is a weight vector for h in g−1/2 with weight zero. Due to Theorem 2.1, we have the corresponding formal distribution in Wk (g, σ, θ/2): Gn z −n−3/2 . (4.5) G(z) := (−k − h∨ )−1/2 G{f },tw (z) = n∈Z
We have the following description of the highest weight subspace of M (λ): Cvλ if (σ) = 0 , M (λ)λ = Cvλ + CG0 vλ if (σ) = 1 . We shall need an explicit formula for the eigenvalue of [G0 , G0 ] on vλ ∈ M (λ), which we shall denote by ϕ0 (k, h, λ ). In order to compute the function ϕ0 , recall that Theorem 5.1(e) from [KW] provided an explicit expression for [G{u} λ G{v} ], 2 u, v ∈ g−1/2 , in Wk (g, θ/2). Unfortunately, the coefficient of λ6 in this expression is correct only when g = gf0 is simple. Here is a correct expression for this coefficient, which we shall denote by γk : βk (uα , uα ) γk (u, v) = −(k + h∨ )g(u, v)c(k) + g(u, v) +2
βk ([u, uj ] , [uj , v] ) ,
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
where βk (a, b) = (k + 12 h∨ )(a|b) − 14 κg0 (a, b), a, b ∈ g0 , g(u, v) ∈ C is defined by [u, v] = g(u, v)f , a stands for the orthogonal projection of a ∈ g0 on g , and S indexes a basis of g . If g is simple or, more generally, if κg0 (a, b) = 2h∨ 0 (a|b), a, b ∈ g , we have a much simpler formula: 1 ) (sdim g + sdim g ) . γk (u, v) = −g(u, v) k + h∨ c(k) − k + (h∨ − h∨ 0 1/2 0 2 In the case when u = v = f , so that g(u, v) = 1, we obtain from [KW], Theorem 5.1(e): [G{f
{f } ] λG
1 2
= −(k + h∨ )L : J {h } J {hi } : + i
: J {u } J {uα } :) + α
λ2 γk (f , f ) . 6
i Here {h i } and {h } are dual bases of h , and S0 is a basis of the kernel of the map ad f : α∈S Cuα → g−1/2 . 0 This formula is used to obtain: 1 − γ |2 (4.6) |λ + γ1/2 ϕ0 (k, h, λ ) = h − ∨ 2(k + h )
sα − |γ1/2 − γ |2 − (−1)p(α) βk (uα , uα ) 2 α∈S0
1 24(k + h∨ )
βk (hi , hi ) +
c(k) . (−1)p(α) βk (uα , uα ) − 24
Note that in the case when κg0 (a, b) = 2h∨ 0 (a|b), this using βk (uα , uα ) = βk (hi , hi ) = k + 12 (h∨ − h∨ 0 ). Then
formula can be simplified, (4.6) becomes:
1 |λ + γ1/2 − γ |2 (4.7) 2(k + h∨ )
sα h∨ + h∨ 1 1 0 − |γ1/2 − γ |2 + (−1)p(α) − (k + )2 2 2 2 2
ϕ0 (k, h, λ ) = h −
h∨ (h∨ − 1) 1 h∨ − h∨ 0 + − (sdim g0 + sdim g1/2 ) + 3 8 24 1 h∨ p(α) sα . (−1) + + 2 2 8 α∈S0
In order to define the contravariant bilinear form on a Verma module M (λ) over Wk (g, σ, x), we use the anti-involution ω of g introduced in [KW]; we shall assume that it commutes with σ. As in [KW], we have the following anti-involution {a},tw of the associative algebra A generated by coefficients Jn of formal distributions {a},tw (z), where a ∈ g ⊕ g−1/2 (see (3.14)), and the Ltw : J n {ω(a)},tw
tw {a},tw ) = J−n ω(Ltw n ) = L−n , ω(Jn
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
The contravariant bilinear form B( . , . ) on a Verma module M (λ) over Wk (g, σ, x) with highest weight vector vλ is defined in the usual way: B(avλ , bvλ ) = vλ∗ , ω(a)bvλ ,
a, b ∈ A ,
where vλ∗ is the linear function on M (λ), equal to 1 on vλ and 0 on G0 vλ and all weight spaces M (λ)µ , µ = λ. This is a supersymmetric bilinear form, which is contravariant, i.e., B(au, v) = B(u, ω(a)v), u, v ∈ M (λ), a ∈ A, and B(vλ , vλ ) = 1, and these properties determine B( . , . ) uniquely. Different weight spaces are orthogonal with respect to this form and its kernel is the maximal submodule of M (λ). Denote by detη (k, h, λ ) the determinant of the bilinear form B( . , . ) restricted to the weight space M (λ)λ−η , η ∈ h∗W,σ . This is a function in k, h and λ (see (4.4)) and it depends on the choice of a basis of M (λ)λ−η only up to a constant factor. → h∗ , defined by Consider the map π : ∆ W,σ π(α + mδ) = α + (m + α(x))δ , π(mδ) = mδ . It is easy to see that, counting root multiplicities, π induces a bijective map: ∼
re ∪ ∆ im ) → ∆ + \{0}. π(∆ ++ + W,σ tw Denote by mult 0 mδ the multiplicity of the root mδ in g (⊂ gtw ).
Theorem 4.2. Up to a non-zero constant factor, the determinant detη (k, h, λ ) is given by the following formula: (k + h∨ )(mult 0 mδ)PW,σ (η−mnδ ) ϕ0 (k, h, λ )(σ)PW,σ (η)
m∈E0+ n∈N ˜ ϕα,n (k, h, λ )p(α)
PW,σ (η−nπ(α))
re α∈∆ ++ n∈N
where the factor ϕ0 (occurring only when (σ) = 1) is given by (4.6), and all the remaining factors are as follows (α ∈ ∆σ , m ∈ E0 ): n ϕmδ+α,n =m(k + h∨ ) + (λ + γ1/2 − γ | α) − |α|2 if α(x)= 0, 2 ϕmδ+α,n = 2 1 1 n 2 |α| − (m + )(k + h∨ ) − (λ + γ1/2 − γ |α) h− ∨ k+h 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 + |λ + γ1/2 − γ | − (k + 1 − (σ))2 − |γ |2 − sg − sgh 2 4 2 2
(4.8) (4.9)
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
if α(x) = 12 , 2 1 n − (m + 1)(k + h∨ ) 4(k + h∨ ) 1 +2|λ + γ1/2 − γ |2 − (k + 1 − (σ))2 − 2|γ |2 − sg − sgh . 2
ϕmδ+θ,n = h −
(Formulas for sg and sgh are given in Proposition 4.1(a).) Proof. The proof follows the traditional lines, as in [KW]. First, let M be a Verma = Λ + kD, where Λ ∈ hσ∗ . Then for each module over gtw with highest weight Λ + and a positive integer n such that α ∈∆ + ρtw | 2(Λ α) = n( α| α)
− n under certain conditions (stated in Lemma 7.1 of [KW]), Λ α is a singular weight, of multiplicity at least mult α, of M . This follows from the determinant formula for gtw in [K2] (as corrected in Remark 7.1 of [KW]). tw Let h∨ = ( ρtw |δ) be the dual Coxeter number of gtw . We have: h∨
= h∨ .
∨ (see [K3], Exercise 12.20). Indeed, the Ltw n can be constructed for all k = −h But the central charge of Lg,tw is independent of σ and has singularity only at k = −h∨ . This implies (4.12). Hence for α = α + mδ, where α ∈ ∆σ , m ∈ E0 , (4.11) can be rewritten, using also Corollary 3.2, as follows: tw
2(Λ|α) − 2(γ |α) + 2m(k + h∨ ) = n(α|α) .
We decompose α ∈ hσ (= hσ∗ ) with respect to the orthogonal direct sum decomposition hσ = Cx + h : α = 2α(x)x + α .
Next, by Theorem 3.1, the Wk (g, σ, θ/2)-module H tw (M ) is a Verma module, and its highest weight is λ = hδ + λ , where h is given by Proposition 4.1(a), and (see Proposition 4.1(b)): . λ = Λ − γ1/2
− n By Proposition 3.1, each singular weight Λ α of M satisfying (4.11) and re ++ , gives rise to a singular weight of H tw (M ) (which is a Verma such that α ∈∆ module over Wk (g, σ, θ/2) with highest weight λ). This gives rise to a factor of detη . We now rewrite (4.13) in terms of k, h and λ . In the case α(x) = 0, substituting (4.15) in (4.13), we obtain (4.8). In the case α(x) = 0, we substitute Λ = 2Λ(x)x + λ + γ1/2 (obtained from (4.14) and
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
(4.15)) in the formula for h given
1 h= (Λ(x) − γ (x) − k + h∨
by Proposition 4.1(a) to obtain:
1 1 (k + h∨ ))2 + |λ + γ1/2 − γ |2 (4.16) 2 2 1 1 − (k + h∨ + 2γ (x))2 − |γ |2 + sg + sgh . 4 2
Substituting (4.14) and (4.15) in (4.13), we obtain: n 2α(x)Λ(x) = |α|2 − (λ + γ1/2 − γ |α) − m(k + h∨ ) . 2 Finally, substituting the obtained expression for Λ(x) in (4.16) and using Proposition 4.2(a), we get (4.9) and (4.10). The rest of the proof is the same as in [KW]. Remark 4.2. re is such that (α|α) = 0, the condition (4.1) becomes (a) If α + mδ ∈ ∆ ++ tw (Λ + ρ |α + mδ) = 0. Hence in this case the function ϕα+mδ,n (k, h, λ ) is independent of n. Since α + mδ is an odd root, we therefore can simplify the corresponding factor in the formula for detη (cf. [KW], Remark 7.2): p(α) n+1 PW,σ ; π(α+mδ) (η−π(α+mδ)) ˜ P (η−nπ(α+mδ)) ϕα+mδ,n W,σ = ϕα+mδ,1 . n∈N
Here PW,σ ; α stands for the partition function of the set ∆+ α} (i.e., we W,σ \{ reduce by 1 the multiplicity of α ). re re (b) If α + mδ ∈ ∆ ++ is such that 2(α + mδ) ∈ ∆++ , and n ∈ N, then condition (4.11) for the pair {2(α + mδ), n} is the same as that for the pair {α + mδ, 2n}, hence in this case we have ϕα+mδ,2n = ϕ2(α+mδ),n , and the corresponding factors in detη cancel as in [KW], Remark 7.2. (c) In all examples we have: ϕ0 = ϕ(−δ+θ)/2,0 , but we do not know how to prove this in general. We conjecture that this is always the case, i.e.,
1 1 1 2 2 2 |λ + γ1/2 − γ | − (k + ) − |γ | − sg − sgh . ϕ0 = h − 2(k + h∨ ) 2 2
5. Examples 5.1. Ramond N = 1 algebra Recall that the Neveu-Schwarz vertex algebra is Wk (spo(2|1), θ/2) [KW]. It corresponds to the minimal gradation of g = spo(2|1), which looks as follows: g = Ce−θ ⊕ Ce−θ/2 ⊕ Cx ⊕ Ceθ/2 ⊕ Ceθ , e−θ/2 = 12 (E31 − E23 ), x = 12 (E11 − E22 ), eθ/2 = E13 + E32 , where e−θ = eθ = 2E12 , h = Cx, and θ ∈ h∗ is defined by θ(x) = 1. Then ∆+ = {θ/2, θ}. Choose 1 2 E21 ,
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
the invariant bilinear form (a|b) = strab. Then h∨ = 3/2 and (eθ/2 |e−θ/2 ) = (eθ |e−θ ) = 1, (x|x) = 1/2. We have x = θ/2 under the identification of h with h∗ . We take f = e−θ . The only non-trivial automorphism σ that fixes f and x, also fixes e = eθ /2 and σ(e±θ/2 ) = −e±θ/2 . Then we have: (σ) = 1 , sθ/2 = 1/2 , s−θ/2 = 1/2 , sθ = 0 , s−θ = 1 . Hence we have: γ = −θ/2, γ1/2 = −θ/8, sg = −k/4(2k + 3),sgh = −1/16. In this case we have one twisted neutral free fermion Φtw (z) = n∈Z Φn z −n−1/2 , where [Φm , Φn ] = δm,−n and Φtw (z)− = n>0 Φn z −n−1/2 . The twisted vertex algebra Wk (g, σ, θ/2) is strongly generated by the Virasoro field −n−2 Ltw (z) = Ltw n z n∈Z
and the odd Ramond field Gtw (z) =
−n−3/2 Gtw , n z
so that the Ln and Gn satisfy the relations of the Ramond (N = 1) superalgebra [R] with central charge c(k) = 3/2 − 12γ 2 , where γ 2 = (k + 1)2 /(2k + 3) . In particular, we have: tw tw [Gtw 0 , G0 ] = 2L0 − c(k)/12 .
The free field realization, provided by Theorem 4.1, of this algebra is given bn z −n−1 , where [bm , bn ] = mδm,−n and in terms of a free boson b(z) = n∈Z b(z)− = n0 bn z −n−1 , and the twisted fermion Φtw (z). We have: 1 1 1 : b(z)2 : +γ∂b(z) − : Φtw (z)∂Φtw (z) : − z −2 , 2 2 16 √ 1 Gtw (z) = √ : Φtw (z)b(z) : + 2γ∂Φtw (z) . 2 In order to compute the determinant formula for the Ramond algebra we need the σ-twisted affinization gtw = m∈Z g¯0 tm + m∈1/2+Z g¯1 tm + CK + CD, re where g¯0 = Ceθ + Cx + Ce−θ , g¯1 = Ceθ/2 + Ce−θ/2 . The set ∆ ++ is a union of two subsets: 1 {mδ + θ/2| m ∈ + Z+ } and {mδ + θ| m ∈ Z+ } . 2 From (4.10) and Remark 4.2(b) we obtain that ϕmδ+θ/2,n (k, h) = h − hR n,2m+1 (k) (k), where and ϕmδ+θ,n = h − hR 2n,m+1
2 n 3 1 1 hR −m k+ . (5.2) − (k + 1)2 + n,m (k) = 2 2 16 4(k + 32 ) Ltw (z) =
It follows from (5.1) that the extra factor is equal to h − c(k)/24.
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
The set of positive even (resp. odd) roots for Wk (spo(2|1), σ, θ/2) is Nδ (resp. Z+ δ ). Hence PW,σ (η) = pR (η), where pR (η) is defined by the generat ∞ 1+qn ing series η∈Z+ pR (η)q η = n=1 1−q n . Hence, by Theorem 4.2, we obtain the following determinant formula for the Ramond algebra, where η ∈ N (cf. [KW]): c(k) pR (η) 2pR (η− 12 mn) ) (h − hR . detη (k, h) = (h − n,m (k)) 24 m,n∈N m+n odd
5.2. N = 2 Ramond type sector Recall that the N = 2 vertex algebra is Wk (s(2|1), θ/2). In this section the Lie superalgebra g = s(2|1) consists of supertraceless matrices in the superspace C2|1 , whose even part is C1 + C3 and odd part is C2 , where C1 , 2 , 3 is the standard basis. We shall work in the following basis of g: e1 = E12 , e2 = E23 , −[e1 , e2 ] , f1 = E21 , f2 = −E32 , [f1 , f2 ] , h1 = E11 + E22 , h2 = −E22 − E33 . The elements ei , fi , hi (i = 1, 2) are the Chevalley generators of g and h = Ch1 + Ch2 . The elements ei , fi (i = 1, 2) are all odd elements of g, both simple roots αi (i = 1, 2), attached to ei , are odd, and ∆+ = {α1 , α2 , θ = α1 + α2 }. Since g¯0 = C[e1 , e2 ] + C[f1 , f2 ] + h g2 , there is only one, up to conjugacy, nilpotent element f = [f1 , f2 ], which embeds in the following s2 -triple: {e = − 21 [e1 , e2 ] , x = 1 2 (h1 + h2 ) , f }. The minimal gradation of g, defined by ad x, looks as follows: g = Cf ⊕ (Cf1 + Cf2 ) ⊕ h ⊕ (Ce1 + Ce2 ) ⊕ Ce, . The invariant bilinear form on g is (a|b) = strab, and h∨ = 1. First consider the Ramond type automorphisms σa (−1/2 < a 1/2), defined by σa (e1 ) = e2πia e1 , σa (f1 ) = e−2πia f1 , σa (e2 ) = e−2πia e2 , σa (f2 ) = e2πia f2 . Then g(σa ) = g if a = 1/2 (resp. = g¯0 if a < 1/2), and we choose n(σa )+ = Ce2 + Cf1 + Cf , n(σa )− = Cf2 + Ce1 + Ce (resp. Cf and Ce) , so that in all cases (σa ) = 0, and sα1 = a , sα2 = −a , sθ = 0 , s−α1 = 1 − a , s−α2 = 1 + a , s−θ = 1 . In this case we have two twisted neutral free fermions Φ1n z −n−1/2 , Φtw Φtw 1 (z) = 2 (z) = n∈1/2+a+Z
Φ2n z −n−1/2 ,
where [Φim , Φjn ] = (δij − 1) δm,−n , Φtw 1 (z)− =
Φ1n z −n−1/2 , Φtw 2 (z)−
Φ2n z −n−1/2 .
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
The twisted vertex Wk (g, σa , θ/2) is strongly generated by the Vira algebra−n−2 tw tw −n−1 z , the current J (z) = J and soro field Ltw (z) = n∈Z Ltw n∈Z n z n ±,tw ±,tw −n−3/2 (z) = n∈1/2∓a+Z Gn z so that Ln , Jn (n ∈ Z) and two odd fields G G± (n ∈ 1/2 ∓ a + Z) satisfy the relations of N = 2 Ramond type superconformal n algebra with central charge c(k) = −3(2k + 1). The free field realization, provided by Theorem 4.1, of this algebra is given in terms of free bosons hi (z) = n∈Z hin z −n−1 (i = 1, 2), where [him , hjn ] = (k + 1)m(1 − δij )δm,−n , and the twisted neutral free fermions Φtw i (z)(i = 1, 2): 1 1 tw : h1 (z)h2 (z) : + (: Φtw 1 (z)∂Φ2 (z) : k+1 2
Ltw (z) =
tw + : Φtw 2 (z)∂Φ1 (z) : +∂(h1 (z) + h2 (z))) +
J tw (z) =
a2 −2 z , 2
tw −1 h1 (z) − h2 (z)+ : Φtw , 1 (z)Φ2 (z) : +az
G+,tw (z) =
tw (−k − 1)−1/2 (: Φtw 2 (z)h1 (z) : +(k + 1)∂Φ2 (z))
G−,tw (z) =
tw (−k − 1)−1/2 (: Φtw 1 (z)h2 (z) : +(k + 1)∂Φ1 (z)) .
+ = ∆ re ∪ ∆ im of positive roots of re = {(m + The set ∆ gtw is as follows: ∆ + + + a)δ + α1 , (m − a + 1)δ − α1 , (m − a)δ + α2 , (m + a + 1)δ − α2 , mδ + θ , (m + im 1)δ − θ| m ∈ Z+ }, where all roots have multiplicity 1, and ∆ + = {mδ| m ∈ N}, all having multiplicity 2. Next, γ = −aH, γ1/2 = −aH/2, where H = h1 − h2 , re is as follows: sg = ka2 /(k + 1), sgh = −a2 /2, and the set of roots ∆ ++ {mδ + θ| m ∈ Z+ } ∪ {mδ + α1 | m ∈ a + Z+ } ∪ {mδ + α2 | m ∈ −a + Z+ } . ∗ We have: hW,σ = CH + CLtw 0 , where H = h1 − h2 . Define α ∈ hW,σ by α(H) = 1, re ,+ α(Ltw 0 ) = 0. Then ∆W,σ = {mδ − α| m ∈ 1/2 + a + Z+ } ∪ {mδ + α| m ∈ im ,+ 1/2 − a + Z+ }, all of multiplicity 1, and ∆W,σ = {mδ | m ∈ N} of multiplicity 2. Let PNa =2 (η) , η ∈ h∗W,σ , be the corresponding partition function. Let h and j be tw the eigenvalues of Ltw 0 and of J0 respectively on the highest weight vector vλ . By Theorem 4.2 and Remark 4.2(a), we obtain the following formula for detη (k, h, j), conjectured in [BFK] (cf. [KM]):
PNa =2 (η−mnδ ) (k + 1)(h − hm,n (k, j)) m,n∈N
ϕm,− (k, h, j)PN =2;mδ −α (η−(mδ −α)) a
ϕm,+ (k, h, j)PN =2;mδ +α (η−(mδ +α)) ,
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
a2 1 (n − m(k + 1))2 − (j − a)2 − (k + 1)2 + , 4(k + 1) 2 a2 1 . ϕm,± (k, h, j) = h − (m2 + m)(k + 1) ∓ (m + )(j − a) − 2 2 hm,n (k, j) =
5.3. N = 2 twisted sector In this subsection we consider the involution σ = σtw of g = s(2|1) defined by: σtw (e1 ) = e2 , σtw (f1 ) = f2 , σtw (h1 ) = h2 . √ √ √ Let e√ = (e1 + e2 )/ 2 , e(2) = (e1 − e2 )/ 2 , f (1) = (f1 + f2 )/ 2 , f (2) = (f1 − f2 )/ 2 , H = h1 − h2 . Then (1)
g(σtw ) = Cf ⊕ Cf (2) ⊕ Cx ⊕ Ce(2) ⊕ Ce , and the only possible choice for n(σtw )± is as follows: n(σtw )+ = Cf (2) + Cf , n(σtw )− = Ce(2) + Ce . Note that n1/2 (σ)+ = n1/2 (σ)− = 0 and g1/2 (σ)0 = Ce(2) (see (2.5)), so that (σtw ) = 1. Note also that hσ = Cx, so that the set ∆σ (⊂ hσ∗ ) of non-zero roots of hσ in g is ∆σ = {±θ , ±θ/2}, where θ(x) = 1, the roots ±θ (resp. ±θ/2) being of multiplicity 1 (resp. 2). Thus the sa are as follows: sH = se(2) = sf (2) = 1/2 , se(1) = se = 0 , sf (1) = sf = 1 . (Note that here sa depends not only on the root, but also on the root vector.) The free field realization of the twisted vertex algebra Wk (g, σtw , θ/2), provided by Theorem 4.1, is given in terms of free neutral fermions −n−1/2 −n−1/2 Φ(1) (z) = Φ(1) , Φ(2)tw (z) = Φ(2) , n z n z n∈Z
where (j) j [Φ(i) m , Φn ] = (−1) δij δm,−n , −n−1/2 Φ(1) (z)− = Φ(1) , n z
Φ(2)tw (z)− =
and free commuting bosons x(z) = xn z −n−1 , n∈Z
−n−1/2 Φ(2) , n z
H tw (z) =
Hn z −n−1 ,
where 1 (k + 1)mδm,−n , 2 [Hm , Hn ] = −2(k + 1)mδm,−n , x(z)− = xn z −n−1 [xm , xn ] =
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case and H tw (z)− =
Hn z −n−1 :
1 1 1 (1) 2 tw 2 : Φ (z)∂Φ(1) (z) : : x(z) : − : H (z) : + k+1 4 2 − : Φ(2),tw (z)∂Φ(2),tw (z) : + ∂x(z) ,
Ltw (z) =
J tw (z) = H tw (z)− : Φ(1) (z)Φ(2),tw (z) : ,
1 G(1),tw (z) = (−k − 1)−1/2 : Φ(1) (z)x(z) : − : Φ(2),tw (z)H tw (z) : 2 (1) +(k + 1)∂Φ (z) , (2),tw
1 (z) = (−k − 1) : Φ(2),tw (z)x(z) : + : Φ(1) (z)H tw (z) : 2 −(k + 1)∂Φ(2),tw (z) , −1/2
where G(1),tw =
√1 (G+,tw 2
+ G−,tw ), G(2),tw =
√1 (G+,tw − G−,tw ). 2 re im ∆+ ∪ ∆ + of positive
+ = roots of gtw Furthermore, in this case the set ∆ re is as follows: ∆ + = {mδ + θ/2, (m + 1)δ − θ/2, mδ + θ, (m + 1)δ − θ| m ∈ 1 im Z+ } ∪ {mδ ± θ/2| m ∈ 12 + Z+ }, ∆ + = {mδ| m ∈ 2 N}, all having multiplicity 1. Note also that the roots mδ ± θ/2 are odd and all the other roots are even. We have: h = 0, sg = −k/16(k + 1), sgh = −1/16, and 1 re ∆ ++ = {mδ + θ| m ∈ Z+ } ∪ {mδ + θ/2| m ∈ Z+ } , 2 all of multiplicity 1. From (4.10) and Remark 4.2(b) we obtain that ϕmδ+θ/2,n (k, h) = h − htw n,2m+1 (k) where htw n,m (k)
and ϕmδ+θ,n (k, h) = h − htw 2n,m+1 (k),
2 1 2 − m(k + 1) − (k + 1) + . 2 8
1 = 4(k + 1) (2)
It is easy to compute that [G0 , G0 ] = −(Ltw 0 − c(k)/24), hence the extra factor equals ϕ(θ−δ)/2,0 (h, k) = h − c(k)/24 = h + (2k + 1)/8. The set of positive even (resp. odd) roots for Wk (s(2|1), σtw , θ/2) is 12 Nδ (resp. 12 Z+ δ ), all of multiplicity 1. Hence PW,σ (η) = ptw (η), where ptw (η) is tw defined by the generating series η∈ 12 Z+
ptw (η)q η =
∞ 1 + q n/2 . 1 − q n/2 n=1
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
Hence by Theorem 4.2, we obtain the following determinant formula for the N = 2 twisted superconformal algebra, conjectured in [BFK]: 2k + 1 ptw (η) 2ptw (η− 12 mn) detη (k, h) = (h + ) (h − htw . n,m (k)) 8 m,n∈N n odd
5.4. N = 4 Ramond type sector Recall that the N = 4 vertex algebra is Wk (g, θ/2), where g = s(2|2)/CI. We shall use the same basis of g and keep the same notation as in [KW], Section 8.4. In particular, the simple roots are α1 , α2 , α3 , where α1 and α3 are odd and α2 is even, all the non-zero scalar products between them being (α1 |α2 ) = (α2 |α3 ) = 1, (α2 |α2 ) = −2. The dual Coxeter number h∨ = 0. Consider the Ramond type automorphisms σ = σa,b of g, where −1/2 < a, b 1/2, defined by σ(e1 ) = e2πia e1 , σ(e2 ) = e−2πi(a+b) e2 , σ(e3 ) = e2πib e3 , σ(hi ) = hi . Note that (σa,b ) = 0. We consider first the case when a + b > 0. Then we have the following possibilities for n(σ)± : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
a, b = 1/2: n(σ)− = Ce, where e = e123 , n(σ)+ = Cf , where f = f123 ; a = 1/2, b = 1/2: n(σ)− = Ce + Ce1 + Cf23 , n(σ)+ = Cf + Ce23 ; +Cf1 ; a = 1/2, b = 1/2: n(σ)− = Ce + Ce3 + Cf12 , n(σ)+ = Cf + Ce12 + Cf3 ; a = b = 1/2: n(σ)− = span {e, e1 , e3 , f12 , f23 , f2 }, n(σ)+ = span {f, e12 , e23 , e2 , f1 , f3 }. In these four cases the sα are as follows: sα1 = a, sα2 = 1 − a − b, sα3 = b, sα1 +α2 = −b, sα2 +α3 = −a, sθ = 0 ,
where θ = α1 + α2 + α3 , and, as usual, s−α = 1 − sα . Consequently, we have: re ∆ ++
{(m + a)δ + α1 , (m + b)δ + α3 , (m − b)δ + α1 + α2 , (m − a)δ + α2 + α3 , (m + 1 − a − b)δ + α2 , (m + a + b)δ − α2 , mδ + θ| m ∈ Z+ } .
Next γ = 12 α2 , γ1/2 =
a+b 2 α2 ,
sg + sgh = −ab + (a + b)/2.
∗ We have: h = Ch2 , hence hW,σ = Ch2 +CLtw 0 . Define α ∈ hW,σ by α(h2 ) = 2, tw α(L0 ) = 0. Then
∆+ W,σ = {(m +
1 1 1 α α α + a)δ − , (m + + b)δ − , (m + − b)δ + , 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 α (m+ −a)δ + , (m+1 − a − b)δ +α, (m+a+b)δ −α, (m+1)δ | m ∈ Z+ } 2 2 is the set of positive roots of W (g, σa,b , θ/2), all having multiplicity 1, except for mδ which have multiplicity 2. We have: α1 = α3 = −α/2, α2 = α. Let PNa,b=4 (η) be the corresponding partition function. Let h and j be the {h2 },tw eigenvalues of Ltw on vλ , so that λ = 2j α. Formulas (4.8)–(4.10) give 0 and J0
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
the following factors of the determinant (we introduce a simplifying notation consistent with the map π): ϕm,n := kϕ(m−1)δ+θ,n , ϕm,−α/2 := ϕmδ+α1 ,1 = ϕmδ+α3 ,1 , ϕm,α/2 := ϕmδ+α1 +α2 ,1 = ϕmδ+α2 +α3 ,1 , ϕm,n,±α = ϕmδ±α2 ,n , where: ϕm,n (k, h, j) = 4kh−(n−mk)2+(a+b+j −1)2+k(k+1)+k(2a−1)(2b−1), k+1 1 2 1 (a + b + j − 1) + ϕm,±α/2 (k, h, j) = h − m + k± m+ 2 2 4 1 1 + a− b− , 2 2 ϕm,n,±α (k, j) = mk ∓ (a + b + j − 1) + n . By Theorem 4.2 and Remark 4.2(a), we obtain the following formula for detη (k, h, j) in the case a + b > 0: a,b ϕm,n (k, h, j)PN =4 (η−mnδ ) m,n∈N
a,b PN (η−(mδ −α/2)) =4;mδ −α/2
ϕm,−α/2 (k, h, j)
m∈ 12 +{a,b}+Z+
a,b PN (η−(mδ +α/2)) =4;mδ +α/2
ϕm,α/2 (k, h, j)
m∈ 12 −{a,b}+Z+
ϕm,n,−α (k, j)PN =4 (η−n(mδ −α))
m∈a+b+Z+ n∈N
ϕm,n,α (k, j)PN =4 (η−n(mδ +α)) .
m∈−a−b+N n∈N
The case a + b 0 is treated in the same fashion. The sα ’s in this case are the same as in the case a + b > 0, except for sα2 = −a − b. After the calculation, it turns out that the determinant formula in this case can be obtained from the above determinant formula by replacing a by a + 1 and b by b + 1 in all factors and by changing the range of m in the last two factors by exchanging Z+ and N. Some cases of this determinant formula were conjectured in [KR]. We shall omit the free field realization of the Ramond type sector of N = 4 and other remaining superconformal algebras as being quite long. On the other hand, as in the simplest cases of N = 1 and 2, they are straightforward applications of Theorem 4.1. 5.5. N = 3 Ramond type sector Recall that the N = 3 vertex algebra is Wk (g, θ/2), where g = spo(2|3). (To get the “linear” N = 3 superconformal algebra one needs to tensor the above vertex algebra with one free fermion, and the results of this section can easily be extended to the latter case as in [KW].) We shall keep the notation of [KW], Section 8.5. In particular, the simple roots are α1 and α2 , where α1 is odd and α2 is even, the scalar products between them being (α1 |α1 ) = 0, (α1 |α2 ) = 1/2, (α2 |α2 ) = −1/2.
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
Since θ = 2α1 + 2α2 , we have: α2 = −α1 = α2 . Recall also that S0 = {±α2 }, S1/2 = {α1 , θ/2, α1 + 2α2 }, S1 = {θ}. The dual Coxeter number h∨ = 1/2. Consider the Ramond type automorphisms σ = σa,b of g defined by σ(e10 ) = 2πia e e10 , σ(e01 ) = e2πib e01 , σ|h = 1, where a, b ∈ R are such that a + b ∈ 12 Z. We consider the following three cases: I (resp. II): a = −b, −1/2 < a 0 (resp. a = −b , 0 < a 1/2) , III: a + b = 1/2, −1/2 < a 1/2 . Note that (σ) = 0 in cases I and II, and (σ) = 1 in case III, when g1/2 (σ)0 = Ce11 in (2.5). We have the following possibilities for n(σ)± : I, II , a = 0, 1/2 : n(σ)− = Ce22 , n(σ)+ = Cf22 , I, II, a = 0 : n(σ)− = Ce22 + Cf01 , n(σ)+ = Cf22 + Ce01 , I, II, a = 1/2 : n(σ)− = span {e22 , e10 , f12 }, n(σ)+ = span {f22 , e12 , f10 }, III, a = 1/2 : n(σ)− = Ce22 + Ce11 , n(σ)+ = Cf22 + Cf11 , III, a = 1/2 : n(σ)− = span {e22 , e11 , f12 , f01 , e10 }, n(σ)+ = span {f22 , f11 , e12 , e01 , f10 }. In these cases the sα are as follows (up to the relation (3.3)): I. : sα1 = a, sα2 = −a, sθ/2 = 0, sα1 +2α2 = −a, sθ = 0; II. : the same as in I, except for sα2 = 1 − a; III. : sα1 = a, sα2 = 1/2 − a, sθ/2 = 1/2, sα1 +2α2 = −a, sθ = 0. One finds that in these three cases: a I. : γ = (a − 12 )α2 , γ1/2 = aα2 , sg + sgh = a(1−a) 4k+2 + 2 ; a = aα2 , sg + sgh = − a(a+1) II. : γ = (a + 12 )α2 , γ1/2 4k+2 + 2 ; 2
a III. : γ = aα2 , γ1/2 = aα2 , sg + sgh = − 4k+2 −
1 16 .
Consequently we have in these cases (m ∈ Z+ ): re = {(m− a)δ + α2 , (m+ 1 + a)δ − α2 , (m+ a)δ + α1 , (m− a)δ + α1 + 2α2 , I. : ∆ ++ mδ + θ/2, mδ + θ}, re = {(m+ 1 − a)δ + α2 , (m+ a)δ − α2 , (m+ a)δ + α1 , (m− a)δ + α1 + 2α2 , II. : ∆ ++ mδ + θ/2, mδ + θ}, re III. : ∆ ++ = {(m + 1/2 − a)δ + α2 , (m + 1/2 + a)δ − α2 , (m + a)δ + α1 , (m − a)δ + α1 + 2α2 , (m + 1/2)δ + θ/2, mδ + θ}. ∗ We have: h = Cα2 , hence hW,σ = Cα2 +CLtw 0 . Define α ∈ hW,σ by α = α2 |h , tw α(L0 ) = 0. Then we have in the three cases (m ∈ Z+ ): 1 I. : ∆+ W,σ = {(m−a)δ +α , (m+1+a)δ −α, (m+1/2+a)δ −α, (m+ 2 −a)δ +α, (m + 1/2)δ , (m + 1)δ }; II. : ∆+ W,σ = {(m+1−a)δ +α, (m+a)δ −α, (m+1/2+a)δ −α, (m+1/2−a)δ +α, (m + 1/2)δ , (m + 1)δ }; III. : ∆+ W,σ = {(m + 1/2 − a)δ + α, (m + 1/2 + a)δ − α, (m + 1)δ }. The multiplicities of these positive roots of W (g, σ, θ/2) are 1, except for the following cases: mult (m + 1)δ = 2 in cases I and II, mult (m + 1/2 ∓ a)δ ± α = 2
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
and mult (m + 1)δ = 3 in case III (m ∈ Z+ ). Note, however, that in case III we have, in fact, one even root and one odd root equal (m+1/2∓a)δ ±α, each having multiplicity 1, and an even (resp. odd) root (m + 1)δ of multiplicity 2 (resp. 1). We have: α2 = −α1 = α. Note that 0 is a (odd) root of ∆+ W,σ only in case III. Let PNa,b=3 (η) be the corresponding partition function. Let h and j be the {−4α2 },tw on vλ , so that λ = 2j α. respective eigenvalues of Ltw 0 and J0 Introduce the following notations for the factors of the determinant: ϕm,n = ϕ(m−1)δ+θ,n , ϕm,α = ϕmδ+α1 +2α2 ,1 , ϕm,−α = ϕmδ+α1 ,1 , ϕm,n,±α = ϕmδ±α2 ,n . Formulas (4.8)–(4.10) give the following expressions in case I: n 2 (j + 1)2 1 3 a 1 1 + (k + ) + , ϕm,n (k, h, j) = h − − m(k + ) − 4k + 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 3 a 1 2 1 ϕm,±α (k, h, j) = h − (m + ) (k + ) ± (m + )(j + 1) + (k + ) + , 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 1 n j+1 ϕm,n,±α (k, j) = m(k + ) + ∓ . 2 4 4 By Theorem 4.2 and Remarks 4.2(a) and (b) we obtain the following formula for detη (k, h, j) in case I (a special case of this formula was conjectured in [KMR] and partially proved in [M]): a 1 a 1 (k + )PN =3 (η−mnδ ) ϕm,n (k, h, j)PN =3 (η− 2 mnδ ) 2 m,n∈N
× ×
m,n∈N m+n even
m∈∓a+ 12 +Z+ a
ϕm,n,α (k, j)PN =3 (η−n(mδ +α))
m∈−a+Z+ n∈N
ϕm,±α (k, h, j)PN =3;mδ ±α (η−(mδ ±α))
ϕm,n,−α (k, j)PN =3 (η−n(mδ −α)) . a
m∈a+N n∈N
In case II the determinant formula is similar. It can be obtained from the above formula by replacing j + 1 by j − 1 and a by −a in all factors and by changing the range of m in the last two factors by exchanging Z+ and N. In case III we have: 3 1 n 2 j 2 k 1 + + , m k+ − ϕm,n (k, h, j) = h − − 4k + 2 2 2 4 4 16 1 2 1 k 3 1 j ϕm,±α (k, h, j) = h − m + ± m+ + + , k+ 2 2 2 2 4 16 1 n j ϕm,n,±α (k, j) = m k + + ∓ . 2 4 4
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto 2
j 1 The extra factor is ϕ0 = h + 16 (4k + 3 + k+1/2 ), which is computed, using formula (4.7) (in this case h∨ = −1/2). 0 By Theorem 4.2 and Remarks 4.1 and 4.2(a) and (b) we obtain the following formula for detη (k, h, j) in case III: a a 1 m,n∈N PN =3 (η−mnδ )+ m∈N PN =3;mδ (η−mδ ) k+ 2 a a j 2 PN =3 (η) 1 1 4k + 3 + × h+ ϕm,n (k, h, j)PN =3 (η− 2 mnδ ) 16 k + 1/2
m,n∈N m+n odd
ϕm,±α (k, h, j)PN =3;mδ ±α (η−(mδ ±α)) a
m∈ 12 ∓a+Z+
ϕm,n,±α (k, j)PN =3 (η−n(mδ ±α)) . a
m∈ 12 ∓a+Z+ n∈N
5.6. Big N = 4 Ramond type sector Recall that the big N = 4 vertex algebra is Wk (g, θ/2), where g = D(2,1; a). (To get the “linear” N= 4 superconformal algebra ([KL],[S],[STP]) one needs to tensor the above vertex algebra with four free fermions and one free boson [GS], and the results of this and the next section can easily be extended to the latter case as in [KW].) We shall keep the notation of [KW], Section 8.6. In particular, the simple roots are α1 , α2 , α3 , where α1 and α3 are even, and α2 is odd, the non-zero scalar products between them being (a = 0, −1): 1 , a+1 2 , (α1 |α1 ) = − a+1
a , a+1 2a (α3 |α3 ) = − . a+1
(α1 |α2 ) =
(α2 |α3 ) =
We shall slightly simplify notation of [KW] by letting e1 = e100 ,
e2 = e010 ,
e3 = e001 ,
f1 = f100 ,
f2 = f010 ,
f3 = f001 ,
e = e121 ,
f = f121 .
In this subsection we consider the Ramond type automorphisms σ = σµ,ν of g defined by σ(e1 ) = e2πiµ e1 , σ(e2 ) = e−πi(µ+ν) e2 , σ(e3 ) = e2πiν e3 , σ|h = 1, where µ, ν ∈ R are such that −1 µ ± ν < 1. We consider separately the following four cases: (++) : µ, ν 0; (−+) : µ < 0, ν 0; (+−) : µ 0, ν < 0; (−−) : µ, ν < 0. In all cases, (σ) = 0 and hσ = h. Since θ = α1 + 2α2 + α3 , we have: h = Cα + Cα , where α := α1 |h = α1 , α := α3 |h = α3 , and α2 = −(α + α )/2. Recall also that S0 = {±α1 , ±α3 }, S1/2 = {α2 , α1 + α2 , α2 + α3 , α1 + α2 + α3 }, S1 = {θ}. The dual Coxeter number h∨ = 0.
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
We have the following possibilities for n(σ)± : (i) µ = −1, ν = 0: n(σ)− = span {e, e2 , e011 , f1 , f3 , f111 , f110 }, n(σ)+ = span {f, f2 , f011 , e1 , e3 , e111 , e110 }; (ii) µ + ν = −1, ν = 0: n(σ)− = span {e, e2 , f111 }, n(σ)+ = span {f, e111 , f2 }; (iii) µ − ν = −1, ν = 0: n(σ)− = span{e, e011,f110 }, n(σ)+ = span{f, e110 ,f011}; (iv) µ = ν = 0: n(σ)− = span {e, f1 , f3 }, n(σ)+ = span {f, e1 , e3 }; (v) µ = 0, ν = 0: n(σ)− = Ce + Cf1 , n(σ)+ = Cf + Ce1 ; (vi) µ = 0, −1, ν = 0: n(σ)− = Ce + Cf3 , n(σ)+ = Cf + Ce3 ; (vii) in all other cases: n(σ)− = Ce, n(σ)+ = Cf . The sα are as follows: sθ = 0,
µ+ν µ+ν , sα1 +α2 +α3 = , 2 2 µ−ν µ−ν , sα2 +α3 = − = 2 2
sα2 = −
sα1 +α2
in all cases; the remaining sα (up to the relation (3.3)) are: sα1 = µ in cases (++) and (+−), sα1 = 1 + µ in cases (−+) and (−−); sα3 = ν in cases (++) and (−+), sα3 = 1 + ν in cases (+−) and (−−). 3 Using these data one finds that γ1/2 = − µα1 +να in all cases and that in 2
α1 + α3 , the four cases (, ), where each and 2 1 is + or − one has: γ = − 1 2 2 sg + sgh = − 4 (µ − 1) + (ν − 1) + 2 . Furthermore, let µ+ν µ+ν (1/2) δ + α2 , m + δ + α1 + α2 + α3 , ∆ ++ = { m − 2 2 µ−ν µ−ν m+ δ + α1 + α2 , m − δ + α2 + α3 |m ∈ Z+ } , 2 2
(0) in the four cases as follows (m ∈ Z+ ): and define ∆ ++ (++) : {(m + µ)δ + α1 , (m + ν)δ + α3 , (m + 1 − µ)δ − α1 , (m + 1 − ν)δ − α3 } , (+−) : {(m + µ)δ + α1 , (m + 1 + ν)δ + α3 , (m + 1 − µ)δ − α1 , (m − ν)δ − α3 }, (−+) : {(m + 1 + µ)δ + α1 , (m + ν)δ + α3 , (m − µ)δ − α1 , (m + 1 − ν)δ − α3 }, (−−) : {(m + 1 + µ)δ + α1 , (m + 1 + ν)δ + α3 , (m − µ)δ − α1 , (m − ν)δ − α3 } . (0) (1/2) re Then ∆ ++ = ∆++ ∪ ∆++ ∪ {mδ + θ| m ∈ Z+ }.
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto Next, hW,σ = h ⊕ CLtw 0 ,
and ∆+,re W,σ = ∆W,σ
∪ ∆W,σ ⊂ h∗W,σ , +(0)
where 1 µ + ν α + α 1 µ + ν α + α δ − , m+ + δ + , ={ m+ − 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 µ − ν α − α 1 µ − ν α − α m+ + δ + , m+ − δ − | m ∈ Z+ } , 2 2 2 2 2 2 +(1/2)
and ∆W,σ in the four cases is as follows (m ∈ Z+ ): (++) : {(m + µ)δ + α, (m + ν)δ + α , (m + 1 − µ)δ − α, (m + 1 − ν)δ − α } , (+−) : {(m + µ)δ + α, (m + 1 + ν)δ + α , (m + 1 − µ)δ − α, (m − ν)δ − α }, (−+) : {(m + 1 + µ)δ + α, (m + ν)δ + α , (m − µ)δ − α, (m + 1 − ν)δ − α }, (−−) : {(m + 1 + µ)δ + α, (m + 1 + ν)δ + α , (m − µ)δ − α, (m − ν)δ − α } . The multiplicities of all these roots of W (g, σ, θ/2) are 1. There are, in addition, roots mδ (m ∈ N), all of multiplicity 3. Let PNµ,ν =4 (η) be the corresponding partition function. Let h, j and j be the 1 tw tw tw respective eigenvalues of L0 , J0 and J0 on vλ , so that λ = 2 (jα + j α ). Formulas (4.8)–(4.10) give the following expressions for the factors of the determinant in the (++) case: ϕ(m−1)δ+θ,n
a(j + 1 − ν)2 1 (j + 1 − µ)2 (n − mk)2 + + 4k 4k(a + 1) 4k(a + 1)
k (µ − 1)2 + (ν − 1)2 + ; 4 4 2 j+1−µ 1 1 j + 1 − ν (β|α1 ) + (β|α3 ) m+ k+ h− k 2 2 2 +
a(j + 1 − ν)2 k (µ − 1)2 + (ν − 1)2 (j + 1 − µ)2 + + + 4k(a + 1) 4k(a + 1) 4 4
if β ∈ S1/2 ; ϕmδ+β,n
j+1−µ j + 1 − ν n(β|β) (β|α1 ) + (β|α3 ) − 2 2 2 if β ∈ S0 .
mk +
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
The factors in the remaining three cases are obtained from the above formulas by a shift of µ and ν as follows: (−+) : µ → µ + 2 , ν → ν ; (+−) : µ → µ , ν → ν + 2 ; (−−) : µ → µ + 2 , ν → ν + 2 . By Theorem 4.2 and Remark 4.2(a) we obtain the following formula for detη (k, h, j, j ): µ,ν (k 2 ϕ(m−1)δ+θ,n (h, k, j, j ))PN =4 (η−mnδ ) m,n∈N
P µ,ν
ϕmδ+β,1 (k, h, j, j )
N =4;(m+1/2)δ +β
(η−(m+1/2)δ −β )
mδ+β∈∆ ++
ϕmδ+β,n (k, h, j, j )PN =4 (η−n(mδ +β
(0) mδ+β∈∆ ++ n∈N
5.7. Big N = 4 twisted sector In this subsection we consider the involutions σ = σtw,b of g = D(2, 1; 1) = osp(4, 2) defined by: σ(e1 ) = e3 , σ(e2 ) = e−πib e2 , σ(e3 ) = e2πib e1 , σ(f1 ) = f3 , σ(f2 ) = eπib f2 , σ(f3 ) = e−2πib f1 , where b ∈ R, −1 b < 1. Introduce the following elements of g : e(1) =
√1 (e1 + 2 e−πib e3 ), f (1) = √12 (f1 + eπib f3 ), e(3) = √12 (e1 − e−πib e3 ), f (3) = √12 (f1 − eπib f3 ), e(110) = √12 (e110 + e−πib e011 ), f (110) = √12 (f110 + eπib f011 ), e(011) = √12 (e110 − e−πib e011 ), f (011) = √12 (f110 − eπib f011 ). We have the following eigenspace decomµ 2πiµ
position of g with respect to σ (here, as before, g = {a ∈ g|σ(a) = e g = g0 + g1/2 + gb/2 + g−b/2 + g(1+b)/2 + g(1−b)/2 , where
g0 = span{e(011) , f (011) , e, f, α2 , α1 + α3 }, gb/2 = span{e(1) , e111 , f2 } , g−b/2 = span{e2 , f (1) , f111 }, g(1+b)/2 = Ce(3) , g−(1+b)/2 = Cf (3) , g1/2 = span{e(110) , f (110) , α1 − α3 } . gtw are described in terms of α ˜ i = αi |hσ Then hσ = Cθ+C(α1 +α3 ) and the roots of (i = 1, 2) and δ, the non-zero inner products between them being (˜ α1 |˜ α1 ) = −1/2, (α˜1 |˜ α2 ) = 1/2. The union of the above bases of the eigenspaces of σ is a basis of g, compatible with the 12 Z-gradation and the root space decomposition with respect to hσ , which we denoted by S. Furthermore, h = Cα, where α = α1 = −α2 .
V.G. Kac and M. Wakimoto
We have: (σ) = 1, g1/2 (σ)0 = Ce(110) , and the following possibilities for n(σ)± : (i) b ∈ 2Z : n(σ)− = span {e, e(110) , f (1) }, n(σ)+ = span {f, f (110) , e(1) }; (ii) b ∈ 2Z + 1 : n(σ)− = span {e, e(110) , e2 , f111 , f (3) }, n(σ)+ = span {f, f (110) , f2 , e111 , e(3) }; (iii) b ∈ Z : n(σ)− = Ce + Ce(110) , n(σ)+ = Cf + Cf (110) . We consider separately the following two cases: (+): 0 b < 1 ; (−): −1 b<0. The si are as follows (in this case they depend not only on the root, but also on the root vector): se = 0, se2 = −b/2, se111 = b/2, se(110) = 1/2, se(011) = 0, se(3) = 12 (1 + b), sα1 −α3 = 1/2 in all cases; the remaining si (up to the relation (3.3)) are: se(1) = b/2 in case (+), se(1) = 1 + b/2 in case (−). Using this, one finds that b b 1 b2 ˜1 and sg + sgh = − ± in case (±) . γ1/2 = − α˜1 , γ = ∓ α 2 2 8 4 Furthermore, let (m ∈ Z+ ): b (1/2) = { m − b δ + α ∆ ˜2 , m + δ + (2α ˜1 + α ˜2 )} , ++ 2 2 (0) in cases (±) as follows (m ∈ Z+ ): and define ∆ ++ m+1∓b (0) = { m ± b δ ± α ˜1 , δ∓α ˜1} . ∆ ++ 2 2 mδ+θ re (0) (1/2) Then ∆ , mδ + θ | m ∈ Z+ }. ++ = ∆++ ∪ ∆++ ∪ { 2 tw Next, hW,σ = h ⊕ CL0 , and in cases (±) we have (m ∈ Z+ ):
∆+ W,σ = {
m±b m+1∓b 1 δ ± α, δ ∓ α, (m + 1)δ , (m + )δ } 2 2 2 1 + b 1 − b m+1 δ , m+ δ + α, m + δ − α} , ∪{ 2 2 2
the elements from the first (resp. second) set being even (resp. odd) roots, and the multiplicities of all roots being 1, except for (m + 1)δ , whose multiplicity is 2. Let PNb =4 (η) be the corresponding partition function. Let h and j be the tw,{−4α1 } respective eigenvalues of Ltw , so that λ = 2j α. Formulas (4.8)– 0 and J0 (4.10) give the following expressions for the factors of the determinant in (±) cases: ϕ(m−1)δ+θ,n = h − hn,m (k, j),
Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case where
(b ∓ 1)2 + 1 2 (j − b ± 1)2 1 n − mk − − k2 − ; 4k 2 4 8 2 k 2 j−b±1 1 1 (β|˜ α1 ) − m+ k+ =h− k 2 2 4 (j − b ± 1)2 if β ∈ S1/2 \{θ/2} , − 16 j−b±1+n , = mk − 4 j−b±1+n . = mk + 4
hn,m (k, j) = ϕmδ+β,1
ϕmδ+α˜ 1 ,n ϕmδ−α˜ 1 ,n
The extra factor is computed using formula (4.7) (in this case h∨ 0 = −1), which gives: (b ∓ 1)2 k 1 (j − b ± 1)2 + + + , 16k 8 4 8 This again confirms our conjecture made in Remark 4.2(c). By Theorem 4.2 and Remarks 4.2(a) and (b), we obtain the following formula for detη (k, h, j): b b ϕ(θ−δ)/2,0 (k, h, j)PN =4 (η) k PN =4 (η−mnδ ) ϕ(θ−δ)/2,0 = h +
m,n∈N b 1 PN =4 (η− 2 mnδ )
(h − hn,m (k, j))
m,n∈N m+n odd
b PN (η−(m+ 12 )δ −β ) =4;(m+ 1 )δ +β
ϕmδ+β,1 (k, h, j)
mδ+β∈∆ ++ β=α ˜ 2 ,α ˜ 1 +α ˜ 2 ,2α ˜ 1 +α ˜2 (1/2)
ϕmδ±α1 ,n (k, j)PN =4 (η−n(mδ ±α˜ 1 )) . b
mδ±α ˜ 1 ∈∆ ++ n∈N
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Quantum Reduction in the Twisted Case
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Victor G. Kac Department of Mathematics M.I.T. Cambridge MA 02139, USA e-mail: [email protected] Minoru Wakimoto Graduate School of Mathematics Kyushu University Fukuoka 812-8581 Japan e-mail: [email protected]
Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 133–156 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev Abstract. We describe new constructions of the infinite-dimensional representations of U (g) and Uq (g) for g being gl(N ) and sl(N ). The application of these constructions to the quantum integrable theories of Toda type is discussed. With the help of these infinite-dimensional representations we manage to establish a direct connection between the group theoretical approach and the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method based on the representation theory of the Yangian and its generalizations. In the case of Uq (g) the considered representation is naturally supplied g)-bimodule where ˇ g is the Langlands dual with the structure of a Uq (g) ⊗ Uq˜(ˇ to g and log q/2πi = −(log q˜/2πi)−1 . This bimodule structure is a manifestation of the Morita equivalence of the algebra and its dual. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 17B37, 33C80, 37J35, 81R50. Keywords. Infinite-dimensional representations of Uq (sl(N )), Whittaker modules, Gelfand-Zetlin representation, Toda systems, Modular double.
1. Introduction Since the early days of quantum mechanics, representation theory plays an important role as a succinct tool to describe and explicitly solve quantum theories. On the other hand, the problems in quantum theories serve as a source of new ideas in representation theory. The most notable recent example is the emergence of the notion of quantum groups [1], [2] from the algebraic formulation of the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method (QISM) [3], [4]. In this paper we describe several constructions in representation theory of classical and quantum groups inspired by our studies of the simple quantum integrable models. Our starting point was the desire to understand QISM in more standard representation theory terms. It was a surprise that one should instead invent new constructions in representation theory. It is well known to experts in integrable systems that there exist distinguished coordinates in which the descripExtended talk by the third author at the satellite XIV ICMP workshop: “Infinite-Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable systems”, July 21–25, 2003, Faro, Portugal.
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
tion of the quantum system, although non-trivial, is drastically simplified. Multidimensional nonlinear spectral problems are reduced to the one-dimensional case and the solution of the quantum theory may be constructed explicitly. The recent interest in this approach initiated by Sklyanin [5] leads to an explosion of activity connected with a search of the explicit transforms to such coordinates. This Separation of Variables method (SoV) may be considered as an extension/generalization of QISM. It was shown in [6], [7] that the separation of variables in the modern form has a clear group theoretic meaning and goes back to the natural parameterization of the regular group elements of the non-compact groups. This leads to the new construction of the representations of the universal enveloping of the Lie algebras in terms of the difference operators. A certain particular case of this construction leading to the finite-dimensional representations turns out to be the well-known Gelfand-Zetlin recursive construction of the representations of classical groups [8], [9], [10]. The explicit connection with the QISM approach appears through the closely related construction of the representations of the Yangian. Namely, let g be the Lie algebra gl(N ) and let Y (g) be the Yangian [11]. There is a natural epimorphism πN : Y (g) → U(g) compatible with the representation in terms of the difference operators. The constructed representation of the Yangian turns out to be a manifestation of the simultaneous existence of the RT T -type realization and Drinfeld’s “new” realization [12]. The distinguished maximal commutative subalgebra of the Yangian is a key ingredient in the explicit connection between these two constructions and may be described by the set of the commuting operators An (λ) , n = 1, . . . , N . In the special class of representations An (λ) act as polynomials in λ. The zeros of these polynomials provide the variables appearing in SoV. On the other hand, these variables are exactly the variables that appear in our generalization of the Gelfand-Zetlin construction. Note that Drinfeld’s “new” realization is known for the Yangian of an arbitrary simple Lie algebra and the generalized Gelfand-Zetlin construction of the representation of gl(N ) may be naturally extended to the case of the general simple Lie algebra. There is a further generalization of the construction providing the explicit infinite-dimensional representation of the quantum group Uq (g) for g = gl(N ), sl(N ). However, a new essential phenomenon appears in this case. The infinitedimensional representations of Uq (g) are naturally supplied with the structure of a Uq (g) ⊗ Uq˜(ˇ g)-bimodule where gˇ is the Langlands dual to g and log q/2πi = −(log q˜/2πi)−1 (for preliminary results in these direction see [13], [14], [15]). We give an explicit construction of this bimodule structure and show the natural appearance of the Langlands dual for Uq (g), when g = gl(N ), sl(N ). Note that in this paper we essentially use various rational forms of the quantum groups (see [16], [17] and references therein). Thus, the Langlands dual to the minimal (“adjoint”) rational form of Uq (sl(N )) turns out to be another form of Uq˜(sl(N )) in accordance with the fact that the Langlands dual to P SL(N ) is SL(N ) for the classical groups. Further study shows that the appearance of the Langlands dual in
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability
this construction is not accidental and is a manifestation of the Morita equivalence of certain two algebras naturally associated with Uq (g) and Uq˜(ˇg) (compare with [18], [19]). This formulation appears to be very close to the initial problem of the classification of the irreducible representations in the decomposition of the regular ˇ [20]. We are planning representation of the group G in terms of the dual group G to discuss this construction in full details elsewhere. The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we review the part of [6] concerning the analytic continuation of the Gelfand-Zetlin construction to the case of Whittaker modules of U (gl(N )). An explicit description of a Whittaker module is straightforward as soon as we have an explicit expression for the cyclic Whittaker vector. In Section 3 we generalize this construction to the case of quantum g)-bimodule and its connection with Langgroups. The structure of Uq (g) ⊗ Uq˜(ˇ lands duality is shortly discussed. In Section 4 we demonstrate the connection with SoV and QISM and describe the applications to the quantum integrable theories of Toda type. The results of these paper are based on the work that was done for the past few years by the ITEP group in Moscow and was reported in the series of papers [21], [22], [23], [15], [6], [7].
2. Whittaker modules in the Gelfand-Zetlin representation 2.1. The representation of U (gl(N )) Let us remind the construction of the paper [6], where an analytical continuation of the Gelfand-Zetlin (GZ) theory to infinite-dimensional representations of the universal enveloping algebra U (gl(N )) was introduced. ˆ be an associative algebra generated by γˆnj , βˆ±1 , n = 1, . . . , N − 1; 1 ≤ Let T nj j ≤ n, and γˆN j , 1 ≤ j ≤ N , subject to the relations [ˆ γnj , γˆml ] = [βˆnj , βˆml ] = 0 ,
[βˆml , γˆnj ] = iδmn δlj βˆml .
Theorem 2.1. Let Enm , n, m = 1, . . . , N be the generators of gl(N ). The following ˆ explicit expressions defines the embedding π: gl(N ) → T 1 γˆnj − γˆn−1,j , i j=1 j=1 n
Enn =
n 1 =− i j=1
1 = i j=1
(ˆ γnj − γˆn+1,r − r=1 (ˆ γnj − γˆns )
−1 βˆnj ,
(n = 1, . . . , N − 1),
(n = 1, . . . , N − 1).
i 2)
(n = 1, . . . , N ),
(ˆ γnj − γˆn−1,r + (ˆ γnj − γˆns ) s=j
i 2)
βˆnj ,
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev ˆ: Let us consider the following natural representation of the quantum torus T γˆnj = γnj ∈ C , n = 1, . . . , N , βˆnj = e ±i
i ∂γ∂ nj
1 ≤ j ≤ n,
n = 1, . . . , N − 1 , 1 ≤ j ≤ n ,
where γnj and e ∂γnj are considered as operators acting on the space M of meromorphic functions of complex variables γnj , n = 1, . . . , N − 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ n. The remaining γN 1 , . . . , γN N are considered as constants. Thus the complex vector γ N = (γN 1 , . . . , γN N ) plays the role of a label which determines the above representation. Let Z(gl(n)) be the center of U (gl(n)). We say that a U (gl(n))-module V admits an infinitesimal character ξ if there is a homomorphism ξ : Z(gl(n)) → C such that zv = ξ(z)v for all z ∈ Z(gl(n)), v ∈ V. It is possible to show that the U (gl(N ))-module M defined above admits an infinitesimal character and each central element of U (gl(n)) acts on M via multiplication by a symmetric polynomial in the variables γnj [6]. In the next subsection we calculate the explicit action of the central elements on M using the notion of Whittaker vectors. 2.2. Whittaker modules Let us now give a construction for Whittaker modules using the representation of U (gl(N )) described above. We first recall some facts from [24]. Let n+ and n− be the subalgebras of gl(N ) generated, respectively, by positive and negative root generators. The homomorphisms (characters) χ+: n+ → C, χ−: n− → C are uniquely determined by their values on the simple root generators, and are called non-singular if the (complex) numbers χ+ (En,n+1 ) and χ− (En+1,n ) are non-zero for all n = 1, . . . , N − 1. Let V be any U = U (gl(N ))-module. Denote the action of u ∈ U on v ∈ V by uv. A vector w ∈ V is called a Whittaker vector with respect to the character χ+ if En,n+1 w = χ+ (En,n+1 )w ,
(n = 1, . . . , N − 1),
and an element w ∈ V is called a Whittaker vector with respect to the character χ− if En+1,n w = χ− (En+1,n )w ,
(n = 1, . . . , N − 1).
A Whittaker vector is cyclic for V if U w = V , and a U -module is a Whittaker module if it contains a cyclic Whittaker vector. The U -modules V and V are called dual if there exists a non-degenerate pairing . , . : V × V → C such that Xv , v = −v , Xv for all v ∈ V, v ∈ V and X ∈ gl(N ). We proceed with explicit formulas for Whittaker vectors corresponding to the representation given by (2.2), (2.3).
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability
Proposition 2.1. The equations En+1,n wN = −i−1 wN ,
En,n+1 wN = −i
for all n = 1, . . . , N − 1, admit the solutions wN = 1,
wN = e
N −1
−1 γnj N
sn (γ n , γ n+1 ),
where sn (γ n , γ n+1 ) =
n n+1
γnk −γn+1,m i
+ 12
k=1 m=1
1 − γn+1,m + . i 2
(For the proof see [6].) The solutions (2.8), (2.9) are not unique. Indeed, the set of Whittaker vectors is closed under the multiplication by an arbitrary i-periodic function in the variables γnj . Hence, there are infinitely many invariant subspaces in M corresponding to infinitely many Whittaker vectors. To construct irreducible submodules, let us introduce the Whittaker modules W and W , generated cyclically by the Whittaker vectors wN and wN , respectively. An explicit description of a Whittaker module is straightforward as soon as we have an explicit expression for the Whittaker vectors. Namely let mn = (mn1 , . . . , mnn ) be the set of non-negative integers. The Whittaker module W = U wN is spanned by the elements N −1 n σkmnk (γ n )wN , (2.10) wm1 ,...,mN −1 = n=1 k=1
where σk (γ n ) is the elementary symmetric function of the variables γn1 , . . . , γnn of order k: γnj1 . . . γnjk . (2.11) σk (γ n ) = j1 <...<jk is spanned by the polynomials Similarly, the Whittaker module W = U wN wm = 1 ,...,mN −1
N −1 n
σkmnk (γ n ).
n=1 k=1
The Whittaker modules W and W are irreducible. Let us note that for any subalgebra U (gl(n)) ⊂ U (gl(N )), 2 ≤ n < N , the n−1 l σkmlk (γ l )wN module over the ring of the polynomials in γ n with the basis l=1 k=1
is a U (gl(n)) Whittaker module. One can calculate the explicit form of the action
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
of the central elements of U (gl(n)) on the space M . It is well known that the generating function An (λ) of the central elements of U (gl(n)) (the Casimir operators) can be represented as follows [25]: % $ (n) An (λ) = sign s (λ − iρ1 )δs(1),1 − iEs(1),1 . . . s∈Sn (2.13) $ % (n) . . . (λ − iρn )δs(n),n − iEs(n),n , (n)
where ρk = 12 (n − 2k + 1), k = 1, . . . , n and the summation is over elements of the permutation group Sn . It can be proved [6] that the operators (2.13) have the following form on a space of meromorphic functions M : An (λ) =
(λ − γnj ),
(n = 1, . . . , N ).
It remains to construct a pairing between W and W , and to prove that the Whittaker modules W and W are dual with respect to this pairing. Let φ ∈ W and ψ ∈ W . Define the pairing . , .: W ⊗ W → C by N −1 µ0 (γ)φ(γ) ψ(γ) dγnj , (2.15) φ, ψ = R
n=1 j≤n
N (N −1) 2
where µ0 (γ) =
N −1
(γnp − γnr )(e
n=2 p
The integral (2.15) converges absolutely. (For the proof see [6].) To construct the pair of the dual Whittaker modules, we should restrict the label of representation to the real values: γ N ∈ RN . Then the Whittaker modules W and W will be dual with respect to the pairing defined by (2.15). That is for any φ ∈ W and ψ ∈ W, the generators X ∈ gl(N, R) possess the property φ, Xψ = − Xφ, ψ.
This property will be important in the derivation of the wave function in Section 4.
3. Construction of the representation of Uq (g) In this section we outline an extension of our approach to the quantum groups. We start with the construction of the embedding of Uq (g) in the product of a commutative and non-commutative tori. The skew field of fractions constructed from Uq (g) coincides with the functions on the product of the tori invariant under the product of the symmetric groups. Then we describe explicitly the structure of the Uq (g) ⊗ Uq˜(ˇ g) bimodule.
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability
3.1. The rational forms of Uq (g) We start with the definition of the quantum groups following [16], [17]. Let q be an indeterminate, and let C(q) be the field of rational functions of q with coefficients in C. The associative C(q)–algebra Uq (gl(N )) is generated by the elements ±1 Knn , Enm ; n = m ; n, m = 1, . . . , N subjected to the relations1 : −1 −1 = Knn Knn = 1 , Knn Knn
Knn Kmm = Kmm Knn ,
−1 = q δnm −δn,m+1 Em,m+1 , Knn Em,m+1 Knn −1 Knn Em+1,m Knn = q δn,m+1 −δnm Em+1,m ,
En,n+1 Em+1,m − Em+1,m En,n+1 = δnm
−1 −1 Knn Kn+1,n+1 − Knn Kn+1,n+1 −1 q−q
together with quantum analogues of the Serre relations En,n+1 Em,m+1 − Em,m+1 En,n+1 = 0 ,
m = n ± 1 ,
2 2 En+1,n+2 − (q + q −1 )En,n+1 En+1,n+2 En,n+1 + En+1,n+2 En,n+1 = 0, En,n+1 2 −1 2 En+1,n+2 En,n+1 − (q + q )En+1,n+2 En,n+1 En+1,n+2 + En,n+1 En+1,n+2 = 0 ,
En+1,n Em+1,m − Em+1,m En+1,n = 0 ,
m = n ± 1 ,
2 2 En+2,n+1 − (q + q −1 )En+1,n En+2,n+1 En+1,n + En+2,n+1 En+1,n = 0, En+1,n 2 −1 2 En+2,n+1 En+1,n − (q + q )En+2,n+1 En+1,n En+2,n+1 + En+1,n En+2,n+1 = 0 .
We will also need the explicit description of the quantum group Uq (sl(N )). Note that there exist various rational forms of quantum groups [16], [17]. In the case of Uq (sl(N )) we have the following description. Let anm = 2δnm − δn,m+1 − δn+1,n be the Cartan matrix of sl(N ). Let Q and P denote the root lattice and the lattice of weights, respectively. The smallest rational form, the adjoint rational form UqQ (sl(N )), is the associative C(q)-algebra with generators En , Fn and Kn±1 , n = 1, . . . , N − 1, and relations Kn Kn−1 = Kn−1 Kn = 1 , Kn Em Kn−1
Kn Km = Km Kn , Kn Fm Kn−1
Em ,
En Fm − Fm En = δnm 1−a nm
" (−1)
r=0 1−a nm r=0
" r
1 − anm r 1 − anm r
Fm ,
Kn − Kn−1 , q − q −1
(3.3a) (3.3b) (3.4)
En1−anm −r Em Enr = 0, if n = m,
(3.5) Fn1−anm −r Fm Fnr
= 0, if n = m.
1 We will not use the Hopf structure of the quantum groups and, therefore, we omit the comultiplication formulas in what follows.
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
Here we have used the standard notations " # [m]q ! m , [m]q ! = = n q [n]q ![m − n]q !
q j − q −j . q − q −1
The largest C(q)–algebra, the simply-connected rational form UqP (sl(N )), is obtained by adjoining UqQ (sl(N )) the invertible elements Ln , n = 1 . . . , N − 1, toamn such that Kn = m Lm . The relations (3.3b) are now replaced by δnm Ln Em L−1 Em , n = q
−δnm Ln Fm L−1 Fm . n = q
Denote by M any lattice such that Q ⊆ M ⊆ P . A general rational form UqM (g) m is obtained by adjoining to UqQ (g) the elements Kβi = j Lj ij for every βi = j mij λj ∈ M , where λj are the fundamental weights. Note that various rational forms UqM have interesting applications to the construction of quantum integrable systems of Toda type. 3.2. Uq (g) in terms of the quantum tori ˆ q . Let T ˆ q be the We start with the definition of the quantum torus algebra T associative C(q)– algebra of the rational functions of invertible elements vnj , n = 1, . . . , N ; j = 1, . . . , n and unj , n = 1, . . . , N − 1; j = 1, . . . , n which are subjected to the relations vnj vmk = vmk vnj , unj vmk = q
unj umk = umk unj , δnm δjk
vmk unj .
Theorem 3.1. ±1 (i) Let Knn , Enm be the generators of Uq (gl(N )). The following explicit expresˆq sions define the embedding π: Uq (gl(N )) → T
π(Knn ) =
−1 vn−1,j ,
j=1 −1
q π(En,n+1 ) = − q − q −1
n+1 j=1
−1 vn+1,j
n j=1
n j=1
n+1 −3 vnj
2 2 (vnj − qvn+1,r ) r=1 2 u−1 nj , 2 ) (vnj − vns s=j
2 2 (vnj − q −1 vn−1,r ) n n n−1 1 −1 −1 r=1 unj . v v v π(En+1,n ) = nj n−1,j nj 2 − v2 ) q − q −1 j=1 (vnj ns j=1 j=1 s=j
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability
±1 (ii) Let L±1 n , Kn , En , Fn be the generators of Uq (sl(N )). The following explicit ˆq: expressions define the embedding π: Uq (sl(N )) → T n
π(Ln ) =
vnj ,
vN j = 1 ,
m ( vmj )amn , π(Kn ) = m j=1
q π(En ) = − q − q −1
−1 vn+1,j
2 2 (vnj − qvn+1,r )
−3 r=1 vnj
u−1 nj ,
2 2 (vnj − q −1 vn−1,r ) 2 unj . 2 ) (vnj − vns
n n n−1 1 −1 −1 π(Fn ) = v v vnj nj n−1,j q − q −1 j=1 j=1 j=1
2 − v2 ) (vnj ns
n−1 r=1
ˆ q is very close to the minimal skew field of fractions of Uq (gl(N )) The algebra T for which the inclusion of the universal enveloping algebra is possible. Consider the skew field of fractions D(Uq (g)) of Uq (g) which consists of the elements of the form u · v −1 or x−1 · y, where u, v, x, y ∈ Uq (g) (for more details see, e.g., [26]). It appears that the skew field of fractions D(Uq (gl(N ))) is obtained by partial ˆq symmetrization of the algebra T ˆ q )⊗N n=1 Sn D(Uq (gl(N ))) = (T
where, for n < N , the group Sn acts as: σ : vnj → vn,σ(j) ,
σ : unj → un,σ(j) ,
and the group SN acts as:
(3.15) σ : vN j → vN,σ(j) . This proposition can be considered as a generalization of the Gelfand-Kirillov theorem for U (g) [26]. 3.3. Uq (g) ⊗ Uq˜(ˇ g)-bimodule structure It turns out that the consideration of the infinite-dimensional representation of various rational forms (3.3)-(3.7) of quantum groups reveals new phenomena. Namely some representations of the quantum group Uq (g) poses a natural strucg)-bimodule where ˇ g is Langlands dual to g and log q/2πi = ture of a Uq (g) ⊗ Uq˜(ˇ −(log q˜/2πi)−1 . The key point is the interpretation of the appropriately defined centralizer of the image of Uq (g) in these representations in terms of the representation of Uq˜(ˇ g). The presence of the Langlands dual will be verified below in the case of Uq (sl(N )). It turns out that the centralizer construction leads to the
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
connection between various forms of Uq (sl(N )). In particular, when we start from the minimal (adjoint) form, we come to what may be called the maximal form over the quadratic extension, which is in agreement with the classical picture of the duality between SL(N ) and P SL(N ). Let us begin with the construction of a representation of Uq (gl(N )) generalizing the representation of U (gl(N )) described in Section 2. Let V be the space of functions of γnj with n = 1, . . . , N − 1; 1 ≤ j ≤ n and V s be the space of functions −1 of γnj invariant under the action of ⊗N n=1 Sn according to (3.14a). Let R be the algebra of rational functions of the exponents of the linear functions of γnj with n = 1, . . . N ; 1 ≤ j ≤ n and ∂γnj := ∂γ∂nj with n = 1, . . . N − 1; 1 ≤ j ≤ n and Rs be the algebra of rational functions of the exponents of the linear functions of γnj and ∂γnj invariant under the action of ⊗N n=1 Sn according to (3.14), (3.15). One ˆ has the following embedding : Tq → R (unj ) = eiω1 ∂γnj ,
(vnj ) = e
2πγnj ω2
(q) = e
2πiω1 ω2
Using Theorem 3.1 we obtain the representation of Uq (gl(N )) in terms of the difference operators. By an abuse of notation we shall also denote by the composition ◦ π. Proposition 3.1. The following expressions define a representation of Uq (gl(N )) with q = e
2πiω1 ω2
(Knn ) = e
(En,n+1 ) =
2π ω2
(En+1,n ) = −
n j=1
πiω1 ω2
γnj −
n−1 j=1
1 sin 2πω ω2
πiω1 ω2
γn−1,j n+1 r=1
1 2 sin 2πω ω2
n j=1
sinh 2π ω2 (γnj − γn+1,r − sinh 2π ω2 (γnj − γns )
iω1 2 )
e−iω1 ∂γnj ,
sinh 2π ω2 (γnj − γn−1,r + r=1 sinh 2π ω2 (γnj − γns )
iω1 2 )
eiω1 ∂γnj .
ˆ q˜ using the invertible elements v ˜ nj , n = Consider the dual quantum torus T ˜ nj , n = 1, . . . , N − 1; j = 1, . . . , n subjected to the 1, . . . , N ; j = 1, . . . , n and u relations ˜ mk = v ˜ nj , ˜ mk = u ˜ nj , ˜ nj v ˜ mk v ˜ nj u ˜ mk u v u (3.18) δnm δjk ˜ nj v ˜ mk = q˜ ˜ mk u ˜ nj . u v ˆ q˜ → R One has the dual embedding ˜ : T ˜(˜ unj ) = eiω2 ∂γnj ,
˜(˜ vnj ) = e
2πγnj ω1
˜(˜ q) = e
2πiω2 ω1
and the two actions of the torus and its dual on the same space of functions of γni mutually commute. Hence, we have the following
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability Proposition 3.2. The operators n−1 n ˜(Knn ) = e
2π −ω
˜(En,n+1 ) = −
˜(En+1,n ) =
2i e
γnj −
πiω2 ω1
2 sin 2πω ω1 πiω2 ω1
2 2 sin 2πω ω1
n j=1
n+1 r=1
sinh 2π ω1 (γnj − γn+1,r − sinh ω2π1 (γnj − γns )
iω2 2 )
e−iω2 ∂γnj ,
sinh 2π ω1 (γnj − γn−1,r + r=1 sinh ω2π1 (γnj − γns )
iω2 2 )
eiω2 ∂γnj ,
generate a representation of the dual quantum group Uq˜(gl(N )), where q˜ = e− The operators (Uq (gl(N ))) and ˜(Uq˜(gl(N ))) commute by construction.
2πiω2 ω1
Thus we have the structure of a Uq (gl(N )) ⊗ Uq˜(gl(N ))-bimodule. More precisely, this bimodule may be characterized by the condition (Knn ) = ˜(Knn )−τ ,
n = 1, . . . , N ,
where τ = ω1 /ω2 . We will discuss a better way to formulate this condition later in this section. Let us remark that we actually constructed the embeddings : Uq (gl(N )) → Rs and ˜ : Uq˜(gl(N )) → Rs . Consider the centralizer [D((Uq gl(N )))] of the algebras D((Uq gl(N ))) as a subalgebra of Rs . Then we have Theorem 3.2. [D((Uq gl(N )))] = D(˜ (Uq˜gl(N ))).
This Theorem is proved by direct calculation. Consider now the more interesting case of Uq (sl(N )). It appears that the centralizer of the minimal (adjoint) rational form of the quantum group Uq (sl(N )) is described in terms of the different forms of the same quantum group. This may be considered as an indication of the fact that the Langlands dual of P SL(N ) is SL(N ). One may conjecture that the Langlands dual quantum group Uq˜(ˇ g) may be generally obtained as a result of explicit calculations of the centralizer in the appropriate generalization of the above construction to arbitrary quantum groups. Below we give the explicit formulas for Uq (sl(2)). The adjoint rational form of the quantum group UqQ (sl(2)) is generated by elements K, K −1 , E, F subjected to the relations KEK −1 = q 2 E , KF K −1 = q −2 F , (3.23) K − K −1 . EF − F E = −1 q−q
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
The representation is given by (K) = e
4πγ11 ω2
, 2π 2i 2π iω1 iω1 −iω1 ∂γ11 ) sinh )e (E) = sinh (γ11 − ν − (γ11 + ν − , 2πω ω2 2 ω2 2 sin ω2 1 2πiω1 i eiω1 ∂γ11 , (q) = e ω2 . (3.24) (F ) = − 2πω sin ω2 1
This representation is obtained from those of Uq (gl(2)) by the restriction γ21 = −γ22 := ν. The centralizer in R is generated by the algebra of functions of the dual torus Tq˜ 1/2 : u ˜v˜ = q˜ 1/2 v˜u˜ , where ˜(˜ u) = e
iω2 2
˜(˜ v) = e
2πγ11 ω1
(3.25) ,
˜(˜ q) = e
2πiω2 ω1
The centralizer in R may be described as an image of the skew field of fractions of ˜ E, ˜ F˜ , K ˜ =L ˜ 4 over the quadratic extension the following algebra generated by L, 1/2 C(˜ q ): ˜, ˜ F˜ L ˜ −1 = q˜ −1/2 F˜ , ˜ E˜ L ˜ −1 = q˜ 1/2 E L L (3.27) ˜ ˜ −1 ˜ F˜ − F˜ E˜ = K − K . E q˜ − q˜−1 under the representation s
˜(L) = e−
2πγ11 ω1
2π 2π iω2 iω2 − iω2 ∂γ11 2i ) sinh )e 2 sinh (2γ11 − ν − (2γ11 + ν − , 2 ω1 2 ω1 2 sin 2πω ω1 iω2 i ˜(F ) = e 2 ∂γ11 . (3.28) 2πω 2 2 sin ω1
˜(E) = −
This algebra may be considered as a maximal form of Uq˜(sl(2)) over the quadratic extension C(˜ q 1/2 ). Let us stress that the reconstruction of the algebra from its skew field of fractions is not unique. Thus, in this example the same centralizer may be interpreted as the image of the skew field of fractions of the simply-connected form Uq˜P1/2 (sl(2)): ˜(L) = e− ˜(E) = − ˜(F ) =
2πγ11 ω1
2π 2π iω2 iω2 − iω2 ∂γ11 2i ) sinh )e 2 sinh (γ11 − ν − (γ11 + ν − , πω 2 ω1 4 ω1 4 sin ω1
iω2 i e 2 ∂γ11 . πω 2 2 sin ω1
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability
where the operators satisfy the relations: ˜ E˜ L ˜ −1 = q˜ 1/2 E ˜, L
˜ F˜ L ˜ −1 = q˜ −1/2 F˜ , L ˜ ˜ −1 ˜ = K −K E˜ F˜ − F˜ E , q˜ 1/2 − q˜ −1/2
˜ =L ˜ 2 . Moreover, there is an isomorphism of the algebras D(U P (sl(2))) and K q˜ 1/2 and D(Uq˜Q1/4 (sl(2))). This allows to reformulate the duality in a more symmetric 1 form. Taking p = eπiτ and p˜ = e−πi/τ with τ = 2ω ω2 one gets the duality between
algebra UpQ (sl(2)) and Up˜Q (sl(2)) which leads to the modular double considered in [13], [14]. Let us stress however that the dual quantum deformation parameters enter here in a non-standard way. Finally, consider the algebra UqP (sl(2)) such that D(UqP (sl(2))) = Tq := {v = e
2πγ11 ω2
, u = eiω1 ∂γ11 } with q = e
2πγ − ω 11 1
2πiω1 ω2
. Obviously, [D(UqP (sl(2)))] = Tq˜ := {˜ v =
2πiω − ω 2 1
e , u˜ = eiω2 ∂γ11 } with q˜ = e . In other words, the algebras D(UqP (sl(2))) 1 and D(Uq˜P (sl(2))) with q = e2πiτ and q˜ = e−2πi/τ , τ = ω ω2 centralize each other. Clearly to use the centralizers as a way to describe the Langlands dual pairs deserves additional structures on the representation space comparing to what was discussed above. We are going to consider these matters elsewhere. Let us also remark that the use of the continuous powers of the Cartan generators in (3.21) is not quite appropriate in our setting. A possible solution is to identify instead the actions of the centers of both algebras. It can be shown that the center is described in terms of the symmetric polynomials of vN i and thus the bimodule structure may be described equivalently as (vN j ) = ˜(˜ vN j )−τ .
If we consider log vN j as legitimate operators then the relations (3.31) make sense. However we believe that a proper description of the structure of this bimodule which solves this problem should be given in a different way. Let us notice that the description of the universal enveloping algebra in terms of the quantum tori has obvious asymmetry. The variables vN i are coordinate functions on the commutative sub-torus and thus there is no natural definition of the dual torus through the centralizer. Thus it is natural to guess that some generalization of the universal enveloping algebra provides the proper setting for the discussion of the Langlands duality for quantum groups through the centralizers. The most natural candidate is the quantum group analogs A(Gq ) of the differential operators on the group Dif f (G) and on the basic affine space Dif f (G/N ). This leads to the interpreˇ q˜)-bimodule as an explicit realization of the tation of the resulting A(Gq ) ⊗ A(G ˇ q˜). Preliminary results based Morita equivalence of the algebras A(Gq ) and A(G on the generalized Gelfand-Zetlin representation (see [27]) support this conjecture. We are going to discuss this approach in the future.
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
3.4. Whittaker modules Let us define the special class of the representations of Uq (gl(N ))⊗Uq˜(gl(N )), generalizing the Whittaker module for the classical algebras described in the previous section. The Whittaker vectors for Uq (gl(N )) ⊗ Uq˜(gl(N ))-bimodule are defined using the generalization of the definition in [15]. 2 Definition 3.1. The Whittaker vectors wN and wN are defined by equations
En,n+1 wN = E˜n,n+1 wN
N χn cnm −cn+1,m K Kmm wN , nn q − q −1 m=1
N χn ˜ nn ˜ cnm −cn+1,m wN , K K = mm q˜ − q˜−1 m=1
En+1,n wN =
N χn cnm −cn+1,m −1 K Kmm wN , nn −1 q−q m=1
˜n+1,n wN E =
N χn cnm −cn+1,m −1 ˜ nn ˜ mm K K wN , −1 q˜ − q˜ m=1
where ||cnm ||, ||cnm || are the N × N symmetric matrices such that cnm − cn+1,m , cnm − cn+1,m are integers, and χn , χn are arbitrary parameters. The direct calculations show that the following statement is true: Proposition 3.3. The defining equations (3.32), (3.33) are consistent with the full set of the Serre relations (3.2) and their dual analogues. The results of Section 2 can be naturally extended to the quantum group case. The structure of the Whittaker vectors and Whittaker modules remains essentially the same. In particular, the Whittaker vectors can be written in a form similar to equations (2.8), (2.9). For example, there is a solution to (3.33) which is unique up to multiplication by an arbitrary double-periodic function: wN
N c hn hm 1 2 n,m=1 nm
− ω πi ω
N −1
πi ω1 ω2
n p=1
2 γnp +
π(ω1 +ω2 )dn ω1 ω2
n p=1
where hn =
n j=1
γnj −
γn−1,j ,
and dn = 2n − cnn + 2cn,n+1 − cn+1,n+1 − 1. In the present example χn = (−1)dn . Let us denote by WN the Whittaker module with the cyclic vector (3.34). It can be proved that it is spanned by the symmetric polynomials of the variables 2 For the case of U (g), where g is an arbitrary simple Lie algebra, the construction of the q non-degenerate characters of nilpotent subalgebras was done by Sevostyanov [28]. However, the appearance of the bimodule structure reveals larger symmetry in the representation theory of quantum groups.
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability ±
e ω1 , e ω2 (compare with Section 2.2). The matrix elements of the particular group elements between the Whittaker vectors leads to the explicit expressions for the wave functions of the generalized quantum Toda theories and will be considered elsewhere.
4. The QISM’s eigenfunction via representation theory 4.1. An infinite-dimensional representations of the Yangian The aim of this section is to introduce a special type of infinite-dimensional representations of the Y (gl(N )). This allows to connect the QISM methods of the solution of the integrable system based on the representation theory of the Yangian and the solution based on the representation discussed in Section 2. We start with some well-known facts of the Yangian theory [11], [12] (see also the recent review [29]). The Yangian Y (gl(N )) is an associative Hopf algebra (r) generated by the elements Tij , where i, j = 1, . . . , N and r = 0, 1, 2, . . ., subject to the following relations. Consider the N × N matrix T (λ) = ||Tij (λ)||N i,j=1 with operator-valued entries ∞ (r) Tij λ−r . (4.1) Tij (λ) = λδij + r=0
Let (4.2) R(λ) = I ⊗ I + iP/λ , Pik,jl = δil δkj , be an N × N numerical matrix (the Yang R-matrix). Then the relations between (r) the generators Tij can be written in the standard form 2
R(λ − µ)(T (λ) ⊗ I)(I ⊗ T (µ)) = (I ⊗ T (µ))(T (λ) ⊗ I)R(λ − µ) .
The center of the Yangian is generated by the coefficients of the formal Laurent series (the quantum determinant of T (λ) in the sense of [4]): (N ) (N ) detq T (λ) = sign s Ts(1),1 (λ − iρ1 ) . . . Ts(k),k (λ − iρk ) . . . s∈SN (4.4) (N ) . . . Ts(N ),N (λ − iρN ) , (N )
where ρn = 12 (N − 2n + 1), n = 1, . . . , N and the summation is over the elements of the permutation group SN . Let X(λ) = ||Xij (λ)||ni,j=1 be an n × n submatrix of the matrix ||Tij (λ)||N i,j=1 . It is obvious from the explicit form of RN (λ) that this submatrix satisfies an analogue of the relations (4.3). The quantum determinant detq X(λ) is defined similarly to (4.4) (with the evident change N → n). The following way to describe the Yangian Y (gl(N )) was introduced in [11]. Let An (λ), n = 1, . . . , N , be the quantum determinants of the submatrices, determined by the first n rows and columns, and let the operators Bn (λ), Cn (λ), n = 1, . . . , N − 1, be the quantum determinants of the submatrices with elements Tij (λ), where i = 1, . . . , n; j = 1, . . . , n − 1, n + 1 and i = 1, . . . , n − 1, n + 1;
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
j = 1, . . . , n, respectively. The expansion coefficients of An (λ), Bn (λ), Cn (λ), n = 1, . . . , N − 1, with respect to λ, together with those of AN (λ), generate the algebra Y (gl(N )). The parts of the relations, which we use below, are as follows: [An (λ), Am (µ)] = 0 ; [Bn (λ), Bm (µ)] = 0 ;
(n, m = 1, . . . , N ), (m = n ± 1),
[Cn (λ), Cm (µ)] = 0 ;
(λ − µ + i)An (λ)Bn (µ) = (λ − µ)Bn (µ)An (λ) + iAn (µ)Bn (λ),
(λ − µ + i)An (µ)Cn (λ) = (λ − µ)Cn (λ)An (µ) + iAn (λ)Cn (µ). Let A(gl(N )) be the commutative subalgebra of Y (gl(N )) generated by An (λ), n = 1, . . . , N . It was proved in [31] that A(gl(N )) is the maximal commutative subalgebra of Y (gl(N )). There is another realization of the Y (gl(N )) introduced by Drinfeld [12]. The algebra Y (gl(N )) is generated by the coefficients of the formal series kn (λ) = λ +
kn(a) λ−a ,
en (λ) =
−a−1 e(a) , n λ
fn (λ) =
fn(a) λ−a−1 ,
subjected to the commutation relations [kn (λ), km (µ)] = 0 , em (λ) − em (µ) , λ−µ fm (λ) − fm (µ) [kn (λ), fm (µ)] = − i(δnm − δn,m+1 ) kn (λ) , λ−µ k −1 (µ)kn+1 (µ) − kn−1 (λ)kn+1 (λ) [en (λ), fm (µ)] = i n δnm , λ−µ [kn (λ), em (µ)] = i(δnm − δn,m+1 ) kn (λ)
(b) (b+1) [e(a+1) , em ] − [e(a) ]= n n , em (b) (b+1) [fn(a+1) , fm ] − [fn(a) , fm ]=
(a) (b) (b) (a) ı 2 anm (en em + em en ) , (a) (b) (b) (a) − ı 2 anm (fn fm + fm fn ) ,
(b) (b) (b) [e(a) n , [en , en±1 ]] + [en , [en , en±1 ]] = 0 , (c)
[fn(a) , [fn(b) , fn±1 ]] + [fn(b) , [fn(b) , fn±1 ]] = 0 , where anm = 2δnm − δn,m+1 − δn+1,n . The relation between two realization is given by kn (λ) = en (λ) = fn (λ) =
i(n−1) ) 2 , in An−1 (λ − 2 ) i(n−1) A−1 )Bn (λ n (λ − 2 i(n−1) Cn (λ − )A−1 n (λ 2
An (λ −
− −
i(n−1) ), 2 i(n−1) ). 2
Let us stress that Drinfeld’s realization is known for the Y (g), where g is any simple Lie algebra [11]–[12].
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability
There is a natural epimorphism πN : Y (gl(N )) → U (gl(N )) πN (Tjk (λ)) = λδjk − iEjk ,
(j , k = 1, . . . , N ).
Denote the images under πN of the generators An (λ) and Bn (λ), Cn (λ) by An (λ) and Bn (λ), Cn (λ), respectively. Note that the images are polynomials in λ of orders n and n − 1, respectively. To obtain the representation of the Yangian Y (gl(N )) we start with the construction of a natural representation of the Cartan subalgebra generated by kn (λ). It can be represented by the rational functions as follows: n
ks (λ − iρ(n) s )=
(λ − γnj ) ,
where ρ(n) = s
1 (n − 2s + 1) and n = 1, . . . , N. 2
Then the operators A(gl(N )) act by the polynomials An (λ) =
(λ − γnj ),
n = 1, . . . , N.
We resolve the rest of the Yangian relations and find the explicit expressions for the generators en (λ), fn (λ) (and Bn (λ) and Cn (λ)) in terms of the operators acting on the space of functions depending on the variables γnj , j = 1, . . . , n; n = 1, . . . , N . Theorem 4.1. The operators n
kn (λ) =
(λ − γnj −
fn (λ) =
n−1 j=1
en (λ) =
i(n−1) ) 2
(λ − γn−1,j −
λ − γnj −
n j=1
in 2 )
r=1 i(n−1) 2
(γnj − γn+1,r − (γnj − γns )
λ − γnj − i −
r=1 i(n−1) 2
e−i∂γnj ,
s=j n−1
i 2)
(γnj − γn−1,r + (γnj − γns )
i 2)
ei∂γnj ,
satisfy the complete set of relations (4.7) and, therefore, define a representation of the Yangian Y (gl(N )).
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev As a consequence we have An (λ) =
(λ − γnj ),
Bn (λ) =
n n+1 λ − γns i (γnj − γn+1,r − ) e−i∂γnj , γ − γ 2 nj ns r=1 j=1
Cn (λ) = −
n n−1 λ − γns i (γnj − γn−1,r + ) ei∂γnj . γ − γ 2 nj ns r=1 j=1 s=j
Note that we also obtain the representation discussed in Section 2 through the following integral formulas which express the generators Eij of the Lie algebra gl(N ) in terms of the Yangian generators & 1 En,n+1 = en (λ)dλ , (n = 1, . . . , N − 1) , 2π & 1 fn (λ)dλ , (n = 1, . . . , N − 1) , En+1,n = (4.13) 2π & 1 dλ 1 − (n − 1) , (n = 1, . . . , N ) . Enn = kn (λ) 2π λ 2 The non-simple root generators are defined recursively as Ejk = [Ejm , Emk ] for j < m < k and j > m > k. Here, the integrands are understood as Laurent series and the contours of integrations are taken around ∞. Let us finally remark, that there is a direct generalization of the Yangian to the case of quantum groups [30] and it is possible to extend the results of this section to the quantum group case. 4.2. The Toda chains and R-matrix formalism The quantum Toda chain is one of the popular examples of an integrable system. It is described by the Hamiltonian H=
N 2 p
+ exn −xn+1 ,
where [xn , pm ] = iδnm . There are two different ways to fix the boundary conditions: The choice of xN +1 = ∞ corresponds to the open (GL(N )) Toda chain; while the choice of xN +1 = x1 corresponds to the periodic (affine) Toda chain. The open and periodic Toda chains can be described, uniformly, by using the R-matrix formalism [32]. Introduce the Lax operators
λ − pn e−xn Ln (λ) = , n = 1, . . . , N , (4.15) −exn 0
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability
satisfying the following commutation relations R(λ − µ)(Ln (λ)) ⊗ I)(I ⊗ Lm (µ))
= (I ⊗ Lm (µ))(Ln (λ) ⊗ I)R(λ − µ)δnm , with the rational 4 × 4 R-matrix R(λ) = I ⊗ I +
i P. λ
The monodromy matrix
TN (λ) = LN (λ) . . . L1 (λ) :=
AN (λ) CN (λ)
BN (λ) DN (λ)
satisfies the equation R(λ − µ)(T (λ) ⊗ I)(I ⊗ T (µ)) = (I ⊗ T (µ))(T (λ) ⊗ I)R(λ − µ) .
In particular, the following commutation relations hold: [AN (λ), AN (µ)] = [CN (λ), CN (µ)] = 0 , (λ − µ + i)AN (µ)CN (λ) = (λ − µ)CN (λ)AN (µ) + iAN (λ)CN (µ) .
From (4.19) it can be easily shown that the trace of the monodromy matrix tN (λ) = AN (λ) + DN (λ)
satisfies [ t(λ), t(µ)] = 0 and is a generating function for the Hamiltonians of the periodic Toda chain: tN (λ) =
(−1)k λN −k Hk .
We formulate the spectral problems for the periodic Toda chain as follows: tN (λ)ΨE = tN (λ; E)ΨE ,
where tN (λ; E) =
(−1)k λN −k Ek .
(−1)k λN −k hk
On the other hand, the operator AN (λ) :=
N k=0
is a generating function of the Hamiltonians hk of the N particles open Toda chain.
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
The generating functions for the open Toda chains are connected by the recursive relations: AN (λ) = (λ − pN )AN −1 (λ) + e−xN CN −1 (λ) ,
CN (λ) = −exN AN −1 (λ) .
4.3. The spectral problem for the open Toda chain The main goal of this subsection is to apply the results from the Section 2 to the solution of the spectral problem of the open Toda chain. Denote x = (x1 , . . . , xN ). To solve the spectral problem we should find the common eigenfunction of the system of differential-difference equations: AN (λ)ψγ N (x) = AN −1 (γN j )ψγ N (x) =
(λ − γN m ) ψγ N (x) , m=1 i1−N e−xN e−i∂γN j ψγ N (x) ,
j = 1, . . . , N . It is worth mentioning that the system (4.27) is the quantum counterpart of the Flashka and McLaughlin [33] Darboux transform to separated variables (p, x) → (γ, θ). For the first time the system (4.27) was introduced and solved in the framework of QISM ([22]). Below we describe the representation theory solution of the system (4.27). Let W and W be the dual irreducible Whittaker modules and wN ∈ W , wN ∈ W be the corresponding cyclic Whittaker vectors. The representation of the Cartan subalgebra is integrated to the action of the Cartan torus, so the following function is well defined ' ( N (N )
ψγN 1 ,...,γN N = e−x·ρ
,e wN
xk Ekk
where x · ρ(N ) is the standard product in RN . Definition 4.1. The radial projections An (λ) of the generation functions An (λ) (2.13) of the central elements of U(gl(N )) are defined by ' ( N An (λ)ψγN 1 ,...,γN N = e−x·ρ
(N )
,e wN
xk Ekk
An (λ −
i(N −n) )wN 2
There is the relation between the operators An (λ) of different levels: An (λ) = (λ−pn )An−1 (λ) − exn−1 −xn An−2 (λ) ,
where n = 1, . . . , N and A−1 = 0, A0 = 1. Therefore the An (λ) is the generating function of the Hamiltonians of the n-particles open Toda chain. The following theorem identifies our construction of the matrix element (4.28) with the integral formula for the eigenfunction of the open Toda chain in terms of the Mellin-Barnes integrals [22].
Representation Theory and Quantum Integrability
Theorem 4.2. The matrix element (4.28) satisfies the set of equations (4.27). It remains to express the matrix element (4.28) in the integral form. Substituting the expressions (2.8), (2.9), and (2.2a) into (4.28), we obtain
ψγ N (x) = e
(N )
N −1
γnk −γn+1,m i
k=1 m=1
+ 12
γnk −γn+1,m i
+ 12 )
γns −γnp 2 Γ( i )
N (N −1) 2 R N
n n+1
dγnj ,
n=1 j≤n
where by definition γnj = 0 for j > n. In the study of the analytic properties of this solution with respect to γ N , it is useful to transform (4.31). Let us change the variables of integration in (4.31): i (N ) ρ , n s=1 s n
γnj → γnj −
(n = 1, . . . , N − 1) .
(4.32) N (N −1)
After the change of variables (4.32) we shift the domain of integration R 2 to the complex plane in such a way that the domain of integration over the variables γn−1,j lies above the domain of integration over the variables γnj . Thus, we arrive at the analytic continuation equal to: ψγ N (x1 , . . . , xN ) n n+1
N −1 k=1 m=1 C
(4.33) γnk −γn+1,m i
γnk −γn+1,m ) i
γns −γnp ) i
N n,j=1
−1 (γnj −γn−1,j )xn N
dγnj ,
n=1 j≤n
where the domain of integration C is defined by the conditions min{Im γkj } > max{Im γk+1,m } j
for all k = 1, . . . , N − 1. The integral (4.33) converges absolutely. Thus, we obtain the integral representation [22] for the eigenfunction of open Toda chain by purely representation theory methods. Finally, let us note that the Gelfand-Zetlin type representation may be generalized to the case of Y (g), with g being an arbitrary simple Lie algebra. This provides the uniform approach to the solution of the various integrable systems based on various (quantum) Lie groups. We are planning to discuss these results elsewhere.
A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
Acknowledgments The research was partly supported by grants CRDF RM1-2545-MO-03; INTAS 03513350; grant 1999.2003.2 for support of scientific schools, and by grants RFBR 03-02-17554 (A. Gerasimov, D. Lebedev), RFBR 03-02-17373 (S. Kharchev). We are grateful to M. Kontsevich, and M. Semenov-Tian-Shansky for their interest in this work and we are grateful to A. Rosly for useful discussion. D.L. is also grateful to IHES for warm hospitality and to organizers and participants of the ICMP workshop in Faro for the creation of the stimulating atmosphere. D.L. thanks to 21 COE RIMS Research Project 2004: Quantum Integrable Systems and InfiniteDimensional Algebras, where the paper was finished, for support and warm hospitality.
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A. Gerasimov, S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev
A. Gerasimov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow, Russia and Hamilton Mathematical Institute at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland S. Kharchev and D. Lebedev Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow, Russia
Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 157–173 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models via Conformal Field Theory H.E. Boos1 , V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov2 Abstract. We consider the quantum group invariant XXZ-model. In the infrared limit it describes a Conformal Field Theory (CFT) with modified energy-momentum tensor. The correlation functions are related to solutions of level −4 of the qKZ equations. We describe these solutions relating them to level 0 solutions. We further consider general matrix elements (form factors) containing local operators and asymptotic states. We explain that the formulae for solutions of the qKZ equations suggest a decomposition of these matrix elements with respect to states of the corresponding CFT. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 82B20, 82B23, 20G10, 14H70, 32G34, 17B37. Keywords. qKZ, XXZ model, CFT, correlation functions, quantum group.
1. Quantum group invariant XXZ-model Let us recall some well-known facts concerning the XXZ-model and its continuous limit. Usually the XXZ-model is considered as thermodynamic limit of a finite spin ⊗N chain. Consider the space C2 . The finite spin chain in question is described by the Hamiltonian: HXXZ =
1 2 3 (σk1 σk+1 + σk2 σk+1 + ∆σk3 σk+1 )
where the periodic boundary conditions are implied: σN +1 = σ1 . We consider the critical case |∆| < 1 and parametrize it as follows: ∆ = cos πν. 1 2
On leave of absence from the Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, 142284, Russia. Member of CNRS.
H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov
It is well known that in the infrared limit the model describes a Conformal Field Theory (CFT) with c = 1 and coupling constant equal to ν. The correlation functions in the thermodynamic limit were found by Jimbo and Miwa [2]. It is equally matter of common knowledge that the model is closely related to the R-matrix: ⎛ ⎞ a(β) 0 0 0 ⎜ 0 b(β) c(β) 0 ⎟ ⎟ R(β, ν) = ⎜ (2) ⎝ 0 c(β) b(β) 0 ⎠ 0 0 0 a(β) where a(β) = R0 (β),
b(β) = R0 (β)
sinh νβ sinh ν(πi − β)
sinh νπi c(β) = R0 (β) sinh ν(πi − β) ⎫ ⎧ ∞ πk(ν−1) ⎬ ⎨ sin(βk) sinh 2ν R0 (β) = exp i dk . πk ⎭ ⎩ k sinh πk 2ν cosh 2 0
The coupling constant ν will be often omitted from R(β, ν). The relation between R-matrix and XXZ-model is explained later. From the point of view of mathematics the R-matrix (2) is the R-matrix for 2 ). two-dimensional evaluation representations of the quantum affine algebra Uq (sl The latter algebra contains two sub-algebras Uq (sl2 ). Let us perform a gauge transformation with the R-matrix in order to make the invariance with respect to one of them transparent: 3
R(β1 , β2 , ν) = e 2 β1 σ ⊗ e 2 β2 σ R(β1 − β2 , ν) e− 2 β1 σ ⊗ e− 2 β2 σ R0 (β1 − β2 ) −1 eν(β1 −β2 ) R21 = (q) − eν(β2 −β1 ) R12 (q) 2 sinh ν(πi − β1 + β2 ) ν
where q = e2iπ(ν+1) . Adding 1 to ν is important since we the usual R-matrix for Uq (sl2 ): ⎛ 1 q2 ⎜ 0 R12 (q) = ⎜ ⎝ 0 0
will use fractional powers of q. Here R(q) is 0 1 1 q2 0 0
0 1 − q− 2 1 0
⎞ 0 0 ⎟ ⎟. 0 ⎠ 1 q2
We want to use this quantum group symmetry. Unfortunately, the Hamiltonian (1) is not invariant with respect to the action of the quantum group which is
Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models
⊗N by represented in the space C2 S3 =
3 σ1 4
· · · q−
3 σk−1 4
σk± q
3 σk+1 4
3 σN 4
A solution of this problem of quantum group invariance was found by Pasquier and Saleur [3]. They proposed to consider another integrable model on the finite lattice with Hamiltonian corresponding to open boundary conditions: HRXXZ =
N −1
√ 1 2 3 3 (σk1 σk+1 + σk2 σk+1 + ∆σk3 σk+1 ) + i 1 − ∆ (σ13 − σN ).
This Hamiltonian is manifestly invariant under the action of a quantum group on the finite lattice. After the thermodynamic limit one obtains a model with the same spectrum as the original XXZ, but different scattering (this point will be described later). The infrared limit corresponds to a CFT with modified energy-momentum tensor of central charge 6ν 2 c=1− 1−ν especially interesting when ν is rational and additional restriction takes place. In the present paper we shall consider the RXXZ-model. We shall propose formulae for correlators for this model showing their similarity with correlators for the XXX-model. The latter can be expressed in terms of values of the Riemann zeta-function at odd natural arguments. We shall obtain an analogue of this statement for the RXXZ-model. Let us say a few words about the hypothetic relation between the XXZ and RXXZ models in the thermodynamic limit. The argument that this limit should not depend on the boundary conditions must be dismissed in our situation since we consider a critical model with long-range correlations. Still we would expect that the following relation between the two models in infinite volume exists. The quantum group Uq (sl2 ) acts on the infinite XXZ-model and commutes with the Hamiltonian. Consider a projector P on the invariant subspace. We had the XXZvacuum |vacXXZ . We suppose that the RXXZ-model is obtained by projection, in particular: |vacRXXZ = P|vacXXZ . The correlators in the RXXZ-model are RXXZ vac|O|vacRXXZ
XXZ vac|POP|vacXXZ
which can be interpreted in two ways: either as correlator in the RXXZ-model or as correlator of the Uq (sl2 )-invariant operator POP in XXZ-model. This assumption explains the notation RXXZ standing for Restricted XXZ-model. So, we assume
H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov
that in the lattice case a phenomenon close to the one taking place in massive models occurs [12]. Let us explain in some more details the set of operators in XXZ model for which we are able to calculate the correlators in simple form provided the above reasoning holds. Under O we understand some local operator of XXZ-chain, i.e., a product of several local spins σka , a = 1, 2, 3. Under the above action of the quantum group these spins transform with respect to the three-dimensional adjoint representation. The projection POP extracts all the invariant operators, i.e., projects over the subspace of singlets in the tensor product of the three-dimensional representations. Let us explain more explicitly the relation between the R-matrix and the XXZ, and RXXZ Hamiltonians. Both of them can be constructed from the transfermatrix with different boundary conditions constructed via the monodromy matrix: R01 (λ)R02 (λ) · · · R0,N −1 (λ)R0,N (λ). In some cases it is very convenient to consider the inhomogeneous model for which the monodromy matrix contains a fragment: R0k (λ − λk ) · · · R0,k+n (λ − λk+n ). As we shall see many formulae become far more transparent for the inhomogeneous case.
2. QKZ on level −4 and correlators The main result of the Kyoto group [1, 2] is that the correlators in XXZ-model are related to solutions of the qKZ-equations [6, 8] on level −4. We formulate the equations first and then explain the relation. The equations for the function g(β1 , . . . , β2n ) ∈ C⊗2n are R(βj − βj+1 )g(β1 , . . . , βj+1 , βj , . . . , β2n ) = g(β1 , . . . , βj , βj+1 , . . . , β2n ) g(β1 , . . . , β2n−1 , β2n + 2πi) = g(β2n , β1 , . . . , β2n−1 ).
(5) (6)
For application to correlators a particular solution is needed which satisfies additional requirement: g(β1 , . . . , βj , βj+1 , . . . , β2n )|βj+1 =βj −πi (7) = sj,j+1 ⊗ g(β1 , . . . , βj−1 , βj+2 , . . . , β2n ) where sj,j+1 is the vector (↑↓) + (↓↑) in the tensor product of jth and (j + 1)th spaces. The relation of these equations to correlators is conjectured by Jimbo and Miwa [2]. It cannot be proved for the critical model under consideration as it was done for the XXZ-model with |q| < 1 in [1]. However, later arguments based on Bethe Anzatz technique were proposed by Maillet and collaborators [4, 5] which can be considered as a proof of Jimbo and Miwa conjecture.
Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models
Jimbo and Miwa find the solution needed [2] in the form: ∞ ∞ 1 −1 g(β1 , . . . , β2n ) = ζ (β − β ) dα · · · dα ϕ(αi , βj , ν) i j 1 n−1 β e j i<j i,j −∞
A2i − A2j
ai − aj q
D(a1 , . . . , an−1 |b1 , . . . , b2n )
⎧ ⎨
ϕ(α, β, ν) = exp
−(1 + ν)
α+β −2 2
∞ 0
⎫ πk(ν+1) ⎬ k) sinh sin2 ( α−β 2 2ν . dk ⎭ k sinh πk sinh πk 2ν
ζ(β) is some complicated function, we shall not need it. We use the notations: aj = e2ναj ,
bj = e2νβj ,
Aj = eαj
Bj = eβj .
D(a1 , . . . , an−1 |b1 , . . . , b2n ) is a Laurent polynomial of all its variables taking values in C2n . We shall not use explicit formula for this polynomial in the present paper. For application to correlators in the homogeneous XXZ-model one has to specify: πi β1 = β2 = · · · = βn = − 2 πi βn+1 = βn+2 = · · · = β2n = . 2 Then
πi πi πi πi g − ,...,− , ,..., 2 2 2 2 ∞ ∞ A2i − A2j 1 = dα1 · · · dαn−1 (8) −1 D(a1 , . . . , an−1 ) a − a q A + A i j i i i<j i −∞
1 , . . . , an−1 ). The trouble with this integral is with some Laurent polynomial D(a that it is an essentially multi-fold one. In our previous papers we have shown that the integrals can be simplified and essentially reduced to products of one-fold ones in the XXX case. For the moment we cannot state the same for XXZ-model, but we shall explain that the simplification can be done in the RXXZ case. Let us consider this in some more details. According to the understanding of the relation between XXZ and RXXZ models explained in the Introduction we expect that the correlators for the RXXZ model are related to certain solution of the same equations (6,7), invariant under the quantum group. In order to make the quantum group symmetry transparent we make the transformation: ν βj σj3 g(β1 , . . . , β2n ). g(β1 , . . . , β2n ) = exp 2
H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov
With this notation the equations (6,7) take the form: R(βj , βj+1 ) g (β1 , . . . , βj+1 , βj , . . . , β2n ) = g(β1 , . . . , βj , βj+1 , . . . , β2n ) 1
g(β2n , β1 , . . . , β2n−1 ) g(β1 , . . . , β2n−1 , β2n + 2πi) = −q − 2 σ2n and
g(β1 , . . . , βj , βj+1 , . . . , β2n )|βj+1 =βj −πi = i sj,j+1 ⊗ g(β1 , . . . , βj−1 , βj+2 , . . . , β2n )
(9) (10)
where sj,j+1 is the quantum group singlet in the tensor product of the corresponding spaces: 1 1 q 4 (↑↓) − q − 4 (↓↑). These equations respect the invariance under the quantum group. This fact is obvious for the first and the third equations. To see this in the second equation 1 3 one has to keep in mind that q 2 σ gives in the two-dimensional representation the element which realizes the square of the antipode as inner automorphism. From the Jimbo-Miwa solution (8) one can obtain a solution to (10, 11) by projection on the Uq (sl2 )-invariant subspace which will suffer of the same problems related to the denominators. The main goal of this paper is to show that at least in this case corresponding to the RXXZ-model another form of solution is possible.
3. QKZ on level 0 Consider the qKZ equations on level 0 which are the same as two out of three basic equations (axioms) for the form factors. We write these equations in Uq (sl2 )invariant form which corresponds to form factors of RSG-model [12]. Consider a ∗ co-vector f(β1 , . . . , β2n ) ∈ C⊗2n . The equations are f(β1 , . . . , βj+1 , βj , . . . , β2n ) = f(β1 , . . . , βj , βj+1 , . . . , β2n )R(βj − βj+1 ) 1 3 f(β1 , . . . , β2n−1 , β2n + 2πi) = −q − 2 σ2n f(β2n , β1 , . . . , β2n−1 ).
We need a solution belonging to the singlet with respect to the action of the Uq (sl2 ) subspace as has been explained in the level −4 case. The application to form factors imposes the additional requirement which connects sectors with different number of particles: 2πiresβ2n =β2n−1 +πi f(β1 , . . . , β2n−2 , β2n−1 , β2n ) = s ∗2n−1,2n ⊗ f(β1 , . . . , β2n−2 ) (1 − R(β2n−1 − β1 ) · · ·
· · · R(β2n−1 − β2n−2 )) . The difference with the level −4 case seems to be minor, but the formulae for solutions are much nicer. Many solutions can be written which are counted sets of
Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models
integers: {k1 , . . . , kn−1 } such that 0 ≤ k1 < · · · < kn−1 ≤ 2n − 2: f
{k1 ,...,kn−1 }
(β1 , . . . , β2n ) =
∞ ζ(βi − βj )
i<j k
× det Ai j
∞ dα1 · · ·
h(a1 , . . . , an−1 |b1 , . . . , b2n )
ϕ(αi , βj )
aj Aj
where h is a polynomial, skew-symmetric w.r. to the α’s. Notice that there are no denominators mixing the integration variables in the integrand, so, effectively the integral is reduced to one-fold integrals of the form: P | p =
∞ −∞
ϕ(α, βj ) P (A) p(a)aAdα
where p(α) and P (A) are polynomials. This is what we would like to have for the correlators! we do not describe explicitly the functions h which take values in ∗ ⊗2nAgain . As has been said they are skew-symmetric polynomials of a s. They are C also rational functions of b s with simple poles at bi = qbj only. But there is one important property of h which we need to mention. First, the integral (13) is such that the degree of any polynomial s(a) can be reduced to 2n − 2 or less. For the polynomials of degree ≤ 2n − 2 there is a basis (choice is not unique) sj (α), j = −(n − 1), . . . , (n − 1), deg(sj ) = j + (n − 1) with special properties described later. We shall not write down explicit formulae. Then h(a1 , . . . , an−1 ) = hj1 ,...,jn−1 det sjp (aq ) 1≤p,q≤n−1 j1 =0,...,jn−1 =0
and the skew-symmetric tensor h belongs to the subspace of maximal irreducible representation of the symplectic group Sp(2n − 2) of dimension
2n − 2 2n − 2 dim(Hirreducible) = − . n−1 n−3 Let J = 1, . . . ,
2n − 2 2n − 2 − . n−1 n−3
Consider the basis eJ in Hirreducible with components eJj1 ,...,jn−1 . Then we define hJ by hj1 ,...,jn−1 = hJ eJj1 ,...,jn−1 . J
H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov
Recall that h(a1 , . . . , an−1 ) takes values in the singlet subspace, so, it has components hI (a1 , . . . , an−1 ) where I counts the basis of this subspace:
2n 2n . I = 1, . . . , − n−1 n Notice that
2n 2n 2n − 2 2n − 2 − = − n n−1 n−1 n−3
which means that there is a square matrix hIJ defined by hIJ sJ (a1 , . . . , an−1 ) hI (a1 , . . . , an−1 ) = J
where sJ (a1 , . . . , an−1 ) are the following anti-symmetric polynomials: sJ (a1 , . . . , an−1 ) = eJj1 ,...,jn−1 det sjp (aq ) 1≤p,q≤n−1 . j1 ,...,jn−1
If we do not consider s0 (a) the degrees of the polynomials P (A) can be reduced to 2n − 3 or less. We consider a special basis Sj (A),
|j| = 1, . . . , (n − 1),
deg(S−k ) = 2k − 1, k = 1, . . . , n − 1,
deg(Sk ) = 2k − 2, k = 1, . . . , n − 1
which we do not describe explicitly, again. The most important property of the integrals Si | sj is the deformed Riemann bilinear relation: n−1 k=1 n−1
(Sk | si S−k | sj − Sk | sj S−k | si ) = δi,−j (Si | sk Sj | s−k − Sj | sk Si | s−k ) = δi,−j .
These relations and the properties of h(α1 , . . . , αn−1 ) imply that among f {k1 ,...,kn−1 } only dim(Hirreducible) are linearly independent which are spanned by action of Sp(2n − 2) on {1, 3, . . . , 2n − 3}. The basis in this space is denoted by j ,...,jn−1 eJ1 det Sjp (Aq ) p,q=1,...,n−1 . SJ (A1 , . . ., An−1 ) = j1 ,...,jn−1
The result is that the solutions are combined into a square matrix (there is the same number of solutions as the dimension of space): J FIJ = PIK HK
where HKJ is a polynomial function of βj , the transcendental dependence on βj is hidden in the period matrix PIJ which is defined as PIJ = S J | sI
Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models
where the notation has the obvious meaning: P1 ∧ · · · ∧ Pn−1 | p1 ∧ · · · ∧ pn−1 = det Pi | pj
1≤i,j≤n−1 .
4. New formula for level −4 from level 0 Recall that solutions to qKZ on level 0 are co-vectors while solutions on level −4 are vectors. Consider the scalar product for two solutions: f (β1 , . . . , β2n )g(β1 , . . . , β2n ) it is a quasi-constant (symmetric function of eβj ). So, we can construct singlet solutions of qKZ on level −4 from those on level 0. Indeed we have square matrix F : G = F −1 = H −1 P −1 . The matrix H −1 is complicated but rational function of βj . Due to the deformed Riemann relation it is easy to invert P ! Indeed −1 I P = S I | s†J J where s†J is obtained from sJ by replacing all sj −→ sgn(j)s−j . So, the transcendental part almost does not change, and we prove that the new formula for solutions on level −4 is possible: g {k1 ,...,kn−1 } (β1 , . . . , β2n ) =
∞ ζ(βi − βj )
× det
k Ai j 1≤i,j≤n−1
∞ dα1 · · ·
˜ 1 , . . . , an−1 |b1 , . . . , b2n ) h(a
ϕ(αi , βj )
aj Aj
˜ are skew-symmetric w.r. to the ai polynomials. Actually, they are polywhere h nomials in bj as well. The proof is based on the following calculation: H −1 = H ∗ (HH ∗ )−1 . The operator HH ∗ is nicer than H itself because it acts from Hirreducible to itself. We were able to calculate its determinant: 2n−4 ⎛ ⎞−((2n−4 n−2 )−( n−4 )) det(HH ∗ ) = Const ⎝ (bi − qbj )⎠ . i,j
Also the rank of the residue of H at bj = qβi equals the dimension of the singlet subspace in C⊗(2n−2) .
H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov
5. Cohomological meaning of new formula “Classical” limit: ν → 0 and βj are rescaled in such a way that bj are finite. In this limit ∞ ϕ(α, βj ) P (A) p(a)dα P | p = →
p(a) da c
where the hyper-elliptic surface X is defined by c2 = (a − bj ). The genus equals n − 1. The contour γ is defined by P . In particular, S−k ↔ bk ,
Sk ↔ ak .
Consider Symm(X n−1 ) the points on this variety are divisors: {P1 , . . . , Pn−1 }
Pj = {aj , cj } ∈ X.
Consider the non-compact variety Symm(X n−1 ) − D where D = {{P1 , . . . , Pn−1 }|Pj = ∞± , Pi = σ(Pj )}. This is an affine variety isomorphic to the affine Jacobian. The integrand of the classical limit of the invariant part of the Jimbo-Miwa solution (8) gives a (n − 1)-differential form (maximal dimension) on Symm(X n−1 ) − D of the kind: Ω=
F (a1 , c1 , . . . , an−1 , cn−1 ) da1 dan−1 ∧ ···∧ (a − a ) c cn−1 j 1 i<j i
where the polynomial F (a1 , c1 , . . . , an−1 , cn−1 ) vanishes when ai = aj and ci = cj . The question arises concerning cohomologies. Theorem (A. Nakayashiki) The elements of H (n−1) can be realized as Ωk1 ,...,kn−1 = det akpq
da1 dan−1 ∧ ···∧ c1 cn−1
where kq = 0, . . . , 2n − 2. Remark. Actually some of these forms are linearly dependent (mod exact forms), we do not describe all details.
Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models
6. Back to correlators Comparing with the Jimbo-Miwa solution one makes sure that the solution needed for the correlators is g {0,2,4,...,2n−4} so, it corresponds to “a-cycles”. We need to put πi πi + iδk , β2n−k+1 = λk + − iδk 2 2 and to take the limit δk → 0. The calculation of integrals is similar to the XXX case, the result can be expressed in terms of the function:
∞ ϕ(α − πi cos(αk) sinh πk(ν−1) d 2 ) 2ν log = i dk χ(α) = πk πk dα ϕ(α + πi ) sinh cosh 2 2ν 2 βk = λk −
(−1) (2m)!
∞ 0
sinh πk(ν−1) 2ν
πk sinh πk 2ν cosh 2
Finally for the correlator in the inhomogeneous case: g(λ1 − =
[ n2 ]
πi πi πi πi · · · λn − , λn + · · · λ1 + )1 ···n n+1 ···2n 2 2 2 2
n n+1 2n Qk11 k2 ···k (λ1 , . . . , λn ) χ(λk1 − λk2 ) · · · χ(λk2m−1 − λk2m ). 2m−1 k2m
m=0 k1 ,...,k2m
7. General matrix elements When we pass to the description of the XXZ-model in terms of particles a common phenomenon known nowadays as “modular double” [18] occurs. The essence of this phenomenon is that another quantum group with dual q enters the game. In a sense the RXXZ model is invariant with respect to the “modular double” which is a quite non-trivial, and not completely understood, combination of two quantum groups. The particle description of the model is as follows. For coupling constants not very far from 0 the spectrum of the model contains one particle (magnon). This particle is parametrized by the rapidity θ carrying momentum and energy:
1 πi dp(θ) . p(θ) = log tanh θ− , e(θ) = 2 2 dθ The particle has internal degrees living in isotopic space C2 . The S-matrix is given by ν S(θ1 − θ2 ) = R(θ1 − θ2 , 1−ν ).
H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov
This is where the second quantum group appears. The RXXZ model is invariant under the action of the two quantum groups: Uq (sl2 ) , Uq(sl2 ),
with q = e2πi(ν+1) , q = e 1−ν .
For the asymptotic states it means that they must be taken as invariant under the action of the second quantum group. All that is familiar from the consideration of massive models and its restrictions [12]. Consider the matrix elements RXXZ vac
| O | θ1 , . . . , θn RXXZ
where O is some operator of the type
E11 · · · Enn It can be obtained from the “Kyoto generalization” which is the function ⊗2m f(β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m ) ∈ C⊗2n ⊗ (C∗ )
which satisfies level −4 qKZ with R-matrix R(·, ν) (denoted by R(·)) with respect ν to β’s and level 0 qKZ with gauge transformed S-matrix R(·, 1−ν ) (denoted by S(·)) with respect to θ’s. Actually, both equations are slightly modified. In addition it must satisfy the following normalization conditions. All together we have: R(βj+1 − βj )f(β1 , . . . , βj+1 , βj , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m ) = f(β1 , . . . , βj , βj+1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m ) f(β1 , . . . , β2n−1 , β2n + 2πi, θ1 , . . . , θ2m )
2m 1 3 1 πi tanh =− β2n − θj + q 2 σ2n f(β2n , β1 , . . . , β2n−1 , θ1 , . . . , θ2m ) 2 2 j=1 f(β1 , . . . , β2n−2 , β2n−1 , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m )|β2n =β2n−1 +πi = s2n−1,2n ⊗ f(β1 , . . . , β2n−2 , θ1 , . . . , θ2m ) f(β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θj+1 , θj , . . . , θ2m ) = f(β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θj , θj+1 , . . . , θ2m )S(θj − θj+1 )
f(β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m−1 , θ2m + 2πi)
2n (18) 1 3 1 πi tanh =− θ2m − βj + f (β1 , . . . , β2n , θ2m , θ1 , . . . , θ2m−1 )q − 2 σ2m 2 2 j=1
Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models
2πiresθ2m =θ2m−1 +πi f(β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m−2 , θ2m−1 , θ2m ) = s ∗2m−1,2m ⊗ f(β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m−2 ) (19) ⎞ ⎛
2n 1 πi tanh × ⎝1 − θ2m−1 − βj + S(θ2m−1 − θ1 ) · · · S(θ2m−1 − θ2m−2 )⎠ . 2 2 j=1 The equations (14, 15, 17, 18) are slightly different from respectively level −4 and level 0 qKZ equations because of multipliers containing tanh’s. This difference, however, is easily taken care of by the multiplier 2n 2m
ψ(βi , θj )
i=1 j=1
where the function ψ(β, θ) = 2
− 34
β+θ − exp ⎝− 4
sin2 12 (β − θ + πi)k + sinh2
⎞ πk 2
k sinh πk cosh πk 2
dk ⎠
satisfies the equations: πi 1 ψ(β, θ + 2πi) = tanh (θ − β + )ψ(β, θ) 2 2 1 . ψ(β, θ)ψ(β, θ + πi) = β e − iθ For the function f (β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m ) in the XXZ-model Jimbo-Miwa give a formula of the following kind: −1 ν f (β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m ) = ζ(θi − θj , 1−ν ) ζ (βi − βj , ν) ψ(βi , τj ) i<j
∞ ×
dα1 · · · −∞
∞ dαn
∞ dσ1 · · ·
ai − qaj
ϕ(αi − βj , ν)
ν ϕ(σi − θj , 1−ν )
A2i − A2j Si2 − Sj2 i<j
si − qsj
1 − Sj2
× D(a1 , . . . , an |b1 , . . . , b2n )F (s1 , . . . , sm |t1 , . . . , t2m ) where we use the notations: aj = e2ναj , 2ν
sj = e 1−ν σj ,
bj = e2νβj , 2ν
tj = e 1−ν θj ,
Aj = eαj ,
Bj = eβj
Sj = eσj ,
T j = eθj .
The functions D, F are polynomials of their variables. For us the main problem with this formula is in the denominators. Here we are concerned not only about the denominators ai − qaj and si − qsj which are unpleasant for technical reasons as explained above. Our main trouble is in the denominators A2i − Sj2 because
H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov
due to certain physical intuition we would expect another kind of formula. Let us explain the point. At this point it would be more clear to talk about the lattice SOS-model instead of the RXXZ-model. These two models are equivalent due to the usual Onzager relation between 2D classical statistical physics and 1D quantum mechanics. The advantage of the lattice model is due to the fact that it allows intuitively a clear relation to Euclidian Quantum Field Theory. Our physical intuition about the general matrix element is based on the following picture:
Relativistic Massive Model Minimal Model of CFT
Critical Lattice Model
Let us give some explanations. Suppose we consider instead of the critical model the SOS-model out of criticality corresponding to the elliptic R-matrix. Suppose further that we are very close to the critical temperature. Then microscopically we have already critical lattice SOS-model. On the scales much bigger than the lattice size but much less than the correlation length we have massless relativistic field theory which is nothing but CFT with the central charge 6ν 2 . ν −1 Finally on scales of the order of the correlation length we have the massive relativistic field theory which is the RSG-model with coupling constant 1−ν ν . The role of the CFT is clear: it describes the infrared limit of the lattice model and the ultraviolet limit of the massive model. The local operators of the massive model are counted by the states of the CFT. These local operators are described by form factors in the asymptotic states description. On the other hand one should be able to consider the lattice critical model with boundary conditions corresponding to different states of the CFT. That is why we expect the following kind of formula c=1−
Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models
for the general matrix element: RXXZ vac|O|θ1 , . . . , θ2m
|θ1 , . . . , θ2m
where Ψ are states of the CFT, Ψ |θ1 , . . . , θ2m are the form factors of the local operator corresponding to Ψ in the RSG-model, RXXZ vac|O|Ψ are correlators of a local operator O in the lattice model (of the usual kind E11 · · · Enn ). The latter object requires a more careful definition, we hope to return to it in future. Notice that the formula (20) is in nice correspondence with the system of equations (14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) because passing from the Kyoto generalized correlator to the usual one we put βj = β2n−j+1 + πi, so, the θ in equations with respect to θj cancel, and we get the usual Form Factor Axioms. In our case of RSG-model a complete set of solutions to these axioms is known [15, 20], so, a formula of the kind (20) must hold. So, there must be a formula of the type: −1 ν ζ(θi − θj , 1−ν ) ζ (βi − βj , ν) ψ(βi , τj ) f (β1 , . . . , β2n , θ1 , . . . , θ2m ) = i<j
∞ ×
∞ dα1 · · ·
∞ dσ1 · · ·
ϕ(αi − βj , ν)
ν ϕ(σi − θj , 1−ν )
× M (A1 , . . . , An−1 |T1 , . . . , Tm−1 ) × h(a1 , . . . , an |b1 , . . . , b2n )h(s1 , . . . , sm |t1 , . . . , t2m ),
where M (A1 , . . . , An−1 |S1 , . . . , Sm−1 ) is a polynomial, skew-symmetric with respect to A1 , . . . , An−1 and T1 , . . . , Tm−1 , which depends on Bj , Sj as parameters. This polynomial must satisfy certain equations in order that the relations (16, 19) hold. We do not write down explicitly these bulky equations, but fortunately they coincide with the equations for similar polynomials for quite a different problem which is the calculation of form factors for massless flows [19]. The solution to these equations is not unique, but there is a “minimal” one which has minimal possible degree with respect to variables Aj and Sj . Our conjecture is that this is the solution we need. It satisfies all simple checks that we were able to carry out. Denote the sets S = {1, . . . , 2n}, S = {1, . . . , 2m}. The polynomial is: M (A1 , . . . , An−1 |S1 , . . . , Sm−1 ) =
2n n−1 (Ai − Aj ) (Si − Sj ) Bj Aj i<j
T ⊂S T ⊂S #T =n−1 #T =m−1
i=1 j∈T
(Ai + iBj )
i=1 j∈T
(Si + iTj )
H.E. Boos, V.E. Korepin and F.A. Smirnov ×
(Bi + Bj )
(Ti + Tj )
i,j∈S \T i<j
i,j∈S\T i<j
(Bi + iTj )
i∈T j∈S \T
i∈T j∈S\T
1 Bi − Bj
i∈T j∈S \T
1 Ti − Tj
(Ti + iBj )XT,T (B1 , . . . , B2n |T1 , . . . , B2m )
i∈T j∈S\T
where XT,T (B1 , . . . , B2n |T1 , . . . , B2m )
2 j∈T (Bip + Bj ) j∈T (Bip + iTj ) . = j∈S \T \{i1 ,i2 } (Bip − Bj ) j∈S \T (Bip − iTj ) p=1 i1 ,i2 ∈S\T
Obviously, the formula (21) is in agreement with the intuitive formula (20). After πi specialization βk = λk + πi 2 , β2n−k+1 = λk − 2 (21) will turn into a sum of form factors of the RSG-model with coefficients constructed via the functions χ(λi − λj ) which correspond to correlators of the RXXZ-model with boundary conditions. The identification of RSG-form factors with operators counted by the CFT is known at least to some extent [20, 21, 22]. So, it should be possible to make the correspondence between (21) and (20) more explicit, but this problem goes beyond the scope of the present paper. Acknowledgments HEB would like to thank Masahiro Shiroishi, Pavel Pyatov and Minoru Takahashi for useful discussions. This research has been supported by the following grants: the Russian Foundation of Basic Research under grant # 01–01–00201, by INTAS under grants #00-00055 and # 00-00561 and by EC network “EUCLID”, contract number HPRN-CT-2002-00325. HEB would also like to thank the administration of the ISSP of Tokyo University for hospitality and perfect work conditions. The research of VEK was supported by NSF Grant PHY- 0354683. This paper is based on the talk given by FAS at “Infinite-Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems” (Faro, Portugal, July 21–25, 2003), FAS is grateful to organisers for their kind hospitality.
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Connecting Lattice and Relativistic Models
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Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 175–203 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Elliptic Spectral Parameter and Infinite-Dimensional Grassmann Variety Kanehisa Takasaki Abstract. Recent results on the Grassmannian perspective of soliton equations with an elliptic spectral parameter are presented along with a detailed review of the classical case with a rational spectral parameter. The nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy is picked out for illustration of the classical case. This system is formulated as a dynamical system on a Lie group of Laurent series with factorization structure. The factorization structure induces a mapping to an infinite-dimensional Grassmann variety. The dynamical system on the Lie group is thereby mapped to a simple dynamical system on a subset of the Grassmann variety. Upon suitable modification, almost the same procedure turns out to work for soliton equations with an elliptic spectral parameter. A clue is the geometry of holomorphic vector bundles over the elliptic curve hidden (or manifest) in the zero-curvature representation. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 35Q58, 37K10, 58F07. Keywords. soliton equation, elliptic curve, holomorphic bundle, Grassmann variety.
1. Introduction Since the first proposal two decades ago by Sato [20], Segal and Wilson [21], the Grassmannian perspective of soliton equations has been successful for a variety of cases, even including higher-dimensional analogues such as the Bogomolny equation and the self-dual Yang-Mills equations [23]. The fundamental observation of this perspective is that a soliton equation can be translated to a simple (essentially linear) dynamical system on a subset of an infinite-dimensional “universal” Grassmann variety. Almost all of the cases thus examined, however, are equations with a rational zero-curvature representation, namely, equations whose zero-curvature equation is made of matrices depending rationally on a spectral parameter. The status of soliton equations related to an elliptic or higher genus algebraic curve has still remained rather obscure, though a few notable studies [4, 2] were done
Kanehisa Takasaki
on the Landau-Lifshitz equation (a typical soliton equation with a zero-curvature representation made of elliptic functions [22, 3]). Recent advances [1, 12, 14] have revealed the existence of a wide class of new integrable PDE’s with a zero-curvature representation constructed on an algebraic curve of arbitrary genus. These equations, too, may be called “soliton equations” in a loose sense, namely, without implying the existence of soliton or soliton-like solutions. The works of Ben-Zvi and Frenkel [1] and Levin, Olshanetsky and Zotov [14] both stem from the notion of the Hitchin systems [7], and aim to obtain an integrable PDE as a 1 + 1-dimensional analogue of the Hitchin systems. On the other hand, Krichever [12] uses the so called Tyurin parameters to construct Lax or zero-curvature equations on an algebraic curve. The notion of Tyurin parameters originates in algebraic geometry of holomorphic vector bundles over algebraic curves [26], and was applied by Krichever and Novikov in 1970’s to the study of commutative rings of differential operators [9, 10, 11]. Krichever and Levin et al. illustrate their general scheme with several examples related to an elliptic curve. These examples can be used as valuable material for case studies. One will naturally ask whether these new “soliton equations” can be understood in the Grassmannian perspective. An affirmative answer to this question has been obtained in the simplest case [24, 25], namely, a few examples that have a zero-curvature prepresentation with 2 × 2 matrices defined on an elliptic curve. Although this is indeed a case study, the upshot clearly shows that a similar result holds in a general and universal form. What distinguishes between the new and conventional soliton equations is the structure of a holomorphic bundle on the relevant algebraic curve. The aforementioned new equations are accompanied by a nontrivial bundle, which plays a central role in both the zero-curvature representation and the Grassmannian perspective. This article presents an outline of these results. This article is organized as follows. The first half (Sections 2, 3 and 4) of this article is a review on conventional soliton equations with a rational zero-curvature representation. The nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy is picked out for illustration. This system consists of an infinite number of evolution equations including the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger equation itself in the lowest 1 + 1-dimensional sector. One can reformulate this system as a dynamical system on a Lie group of Laurent series with factorization structure. The factorization induces a mapping to an infinite-dimensional Grassmann variety. The dynamical system on the Lie group is thereby mapped to a simple dynamical system on a subset of the Grassmann variety. This example shows a typical way the usual soliton equations are treated in the Grassmannian perspective. The second half (Section 5, 6 and 7) of this article presents the results on elliptic analogues [24, 25]. Two different types of elliptic analogues are considered here. The first case is an elliptic analogue of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy. This system is constructed along the line of Krichever’s scheme based on Tyurin parameters. The second case is concerned with the Landau-Lifshitz equation and an associated hierarchy of evolution equations. In both cases, a variant of the factorization is formulated as a Riemann-Hilbert
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
problem with respect to the holomorphic bundle structure, and used to define a mapping to an infinite-dimensional Grassmann variety.
2. Nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy The construction of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy starts from the first order matrix differential operator ∂x − A(λ), where A(λ) a 2 × 2 matrix of the form
λ u A(λ) = . (1) v −λ u and v are fields on the one-dimensional space, u = u(x), v = v(x), and λ is a rational spectral parameter. From the point of view of affine Lie algebras, it is also natural to express A(λ) as A(λ) = Jλ + A(1) , where
1 0 0 −1
A(1) =
(2) 0 v
u 0
Generalities and backgrounds of this kind of soliton equations can be found in Frenkel’s lectures [5]. 2.1. Generating functions The first step of the formulation of the hierarchy is to construct a 2 × 2 matrix of generating functions U (λ) =
Un λ−n ,
U0 = J,
that satisfies the differential equation [∂x − A(λ), U (λ)] = 0.
This reduces to the differential equations ∂x Un−1 = [J, Un ] + [A(1) , Un−1 ]
for Un ’s. One can, in principle, solve these equations, by a subtle procedure decomposing the equations into the diagonal and off-diagonal part; a similar procedure is used below to construct another generating function φ(λ). This, however, leaves large arbitrariness in the solution. Moreover, this is by no means an effective way. These problems are resolved by imposing the algebraic constraint U (λ)2 = I.
This amounts to finding U (λ) in such a form as U (λ) = φ(λ)Jφ(λ)−1 ,
Kanehisa Takasaki
where φ(λ) is another matrix of generating function φ(λ) =
φn λ−n ,
φ0 = I,
that satisfies the differential equation ∂x φ(λ) = A(λ)φ(λ) − φ(λ)Jλ.
Remarkably, if the existence of a solution of this equation is ensured, one can uniquely determine Un ’s by a set of recurrence relations as follows. Note that the algebraic constraint implies the algebraic relations 0 = JUn + Un J +
Um Un−m ,
n > 0,
that hold for Un ’s. Combining this with the differential equations ∂x Un−1 = JUn − Un J + [A(1) , Un−1 ], one obtains the relations 2JUn = ∂x Un−1 − [A(1) , Un−1 ] −
Um Un−m .
These relations take the form of recurrence relations, which enables one to calculate Un ’s successively. The first few terms read
1 1 0 u − 2 uv ∂x u 2 U1 = , U2 = , etc. v 0 − 21 ∂x v 12 uv The matrix elements of Un thus obtained are “local” quantities, namely, polynomials of derivatives of u, v. What is left is to prove that the second generating function φ(λ) does exist. The equations for the Laurent coefficients of φ(λ) read ∂x φn = [J, φn+1 ] + A(1) φn .
One can split this matrix equation into the diagonal and off-diagonal part. This results in the two equations ∂x (φn )diag = (A(1) φn )diag and ∂x (φn )off−diag = [J, (φn+1 )off−diag ] + (A(1) φn )off−diag for the diagonal part (φn )diag and the off-diagonal parts (φn )off−diag of φn . The first equation determines the diagonal part of φn up to integration constants. The second equation is rather an algebraic equation that determines the off-diagonal part of φn+1 from the lower coefficients φ1 , · · · , φn . One can thus construct a solution of these equations. Note that, unlike the aforementioned construction of Un ’s, the construction of φ(λ) is not purely algebraic (the outcome is accordingly “nonlocal”) and leaves
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
large arbitrariness. It is, however, φ(λ) rather than U (λ) that plays a more fundamental role in the passage to the Grassmannian perspective. 2.2. Formulation of hierarchy Let t = (t1 , t2 , . . .) be a sequence of “time” variables; the first one t1 is to be identified with the spatial variable x. The nth time evolution is generated by the matrix n An (λ) = Um λn−m = U (λ)λn + . (11) m=0
Here (·)+ denotes the polynomial part of a Laurent series of λ. Having introduced these matrices, one can define the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy as the system of the Lax equations [∂tn − An (λ), U (λ)] = 0
for n = 1, 2, . . .. Since A1 (λ) = A(λ), one can identify t1 with x. In many aspects, this formulation of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy resembles the formulation of the KP hierarchy [20]. For instance, as known in the case of the KP hierarchy, the system of Lax equations is equivalent to the system of zero-curvature equations [∂tm − Am (λ), ∂tn − An (λ)] = 0
for m, n = 1, 2, . . ., namely, one can derive one from the other. The zero-curvature equation for m = 1 and n = 2 gives the equations 1 1 ∂t u − ∂x2 u + u2 v = 0, ∂t v + ∂x2 v − uv 2 = 0, 2 2 which turn into the usual nonlinear Schr¨ odinger equation by rescaling the variables as u → eat u, v → e−at v, t → it (a = ±1) and imposing the reality condition v = u. Yet another formulation of the hierarchy is achieved by the system of differential equations ∂tn φ(λ) = An (λ)φ(λ) − φ(λ)Jλn . If one introduces the co called “formal Baker-Akhiezer function” ∞ ψ(λ) = φ(λ) exp tn Jλn ,
the foregoing equations turn into the auxiliary linear equations ∂tn ψ(λ) = An (λ)ψ(λ).
The Frobenius integrability condition of these equations yields the aforementioned zero-curvature equations. On the other hand, if one rewrites the definition of An (λ) as An (λ) = φ(λ)Jλn φ(λ)−1 (17) +
Kanehisa Takasaki
and insert it into the differential equations for φ(λ), the outcome is a system of nonlinear evolution equations for φ(λ) of the form ∂tn φ(λ) = − φ(λ)Jλn φ(λ)−1 φ(λ), (18) −
where (·)− denotes the negative power part of a Laurent series of λ. These equations may be thought of as the most fundamental because the Lax and zero-curvature equations can be derived from these equations.
3. Nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy as dynamical system on Lie group of Laurent series The nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy can be interpreted as a dynamical system on an infinite-dimensional Lie group. It is customary to formulate such a statement in terms of a loop group, namely, the set of a suitable class of (smooth, real-analytic or square-integrable) mappings from S 1 = {λ ∈ C | |λ−1 | = a} to SL(2, C). From an aesthetic point of view, however, fixing a circle is not beautiful; the circle is a kind of artifact that did not exist in the formulation of the hierarchy itself. A better approach is to use a Lie group of Laurent series that converge in a neighborhood of λ = ∞ except at the point λ = ∞. 3.1. Lie algebras and groups of Laurent series Let g denote the Lie algebra of Laurent series of the form ∞ X(λ) = Xn λn , Xn ∈ sl(2, C),
that converge in a neighborhood of λ = ∞ except at λ = ∞. In other words, the coefficients are assumed to satisfy the conditions lim |Xn |1/n = 0,
lim sup |X−n |1/n < ∞. n→∞
This Lie algebra has the direct sum decomposition g = g+ ⊕ g− ,
where g± are subalgebras of the form g+ = {X(λ) ∈ g | Xn = 0 for n < 0}, g− = {X(λ) ∈ g | Xn = 0 for n ≥ 0}. The direct sum decomposition induces a factorization of the associated Lie group G = exp g to the subgroups G± = exp g± , namely, any element g(λ) of G near the unit matrix I can be uniquely factorized as g(λ) = g+ (λ)−1 g− (λ),
g± (λ) ∈ G± .
Analytically, this is nothing but the so called Riemann-Hilbert problem. In geometric terms, g(λ) is the transition function of a holomorphic SL(2, C) bundle P over
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
P1 obtained by gluing trivial bundles over two disks D+ and D− , D+ ∪ D− = P1 , as P = D+ × SL(2, C) " D− × SL(2, C) / ∼,
where (λ, g+ ) ∈ D+ × SL(2, C) and (λ, g− ) ∈ D− × SL(2, C) are identified if g+ = g(λ)g− . Factorizability of g(λ) amounts to holomorphic triviality of P and of associated vector bundles. 3.2. Factorization method Let φ(λ) denote an arbitrary element of G− and consider the factorization problem ∞ tn Jλn = χ(t, λ)−1 φ(t, λ), (23) φ(λ) exp − n=1
χ(t, λ) ∈ G+ ,
φ(t, λ) ∈ G− .
Lemma 1. If t is sufficiently small, the factorization problem (23) has a unique solution. Proof. Since φ(t, λ) is expected to be a small deformation of φ(λ), one can assume it in the form φ(t, λ) = χ(t, ˜ λ)φ(λ),
χ(t, ˜ λ) ∈ G− ,
and convert the problem to the form ∞ φ(λ) exp − tn Jλn φ(λ)−1 = χ(t, λ)−1 χ(t, ˜ λ). n=1
If t is sufficiently small, the left-hand side is close to the unit matrix I, so that one can resort to the local factorizability of G. Suppose that the factorization problem (23) does have a unique solution. The second factor φ(t, λ) then turns out to give a solution of (18): Theorem 1. The second factor φ(t, λ) of the factorization problem satisfies the evolution equations (18) and the initial condition φ(0, λ) = φ(λ). Proof. If one rewrites the factorization relation as ∞ tn Jλn χ(t, λ)φ(λ) = φ(t, λ) exp n=1
and differentiate both hand sides by tn , the outcome reads ∂tn χ(t, λ) · φ(λ) =
∞ ∞ ∂tn φ(t, λ) · exp tn Jλn + φ(t, λ)Jλn exp tn Jλn . n=1
One can use the previous relation once again to eliminate φ(λ) and the exponential from this relation. This yields the relation ∂tn χ(t, λ) · χ(t, λ)−1 = ∂tn φ(t, λ) · φ(t, λ)−1 + φ(t, λ)Jλn φ(t, λ)−1 .
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Let An (t, λ) denote the 2×2 matrix defined by both hand sides of the last equation. This leads to the two expressions An (t, λ) = ∂tn χ(t, λ) · χ(t, λ)−1 and An (t, λ) = ∂tn φ(t, λ) · φ(t, λ)−1 + φ(t, λ)Jλn φ(t, λ)−1 of An (t, λ). The first expression shows that An (t, λ) takes values in g+ , so that one can replace the right-hand side of the second expression by its projection onto g+ . Since the first term ∂tn φ(t, λ) · φ(t, λ)−1 obviously disappears upon projection, one finds that An (λ) = φ(t, λ)Jλn φ(t, λ)−1 . +
These results show that φ(t, λ) does satisfy (18) as expected. Uniqueness of the factorization implies that φ(0, λ) = φ(λ). This result can be restated in geometric terms as follows. Evolution equations (18) define a dynamical system on G− . Factorizability of G implies that G− φ(λ)
→ G+ \G
→ G+ φ(λ)
is an injective mapping with open (and dense) image. The dynamical system on G− is nothing but the pullback, by (24), of the exponential flows ∞ G− g(λ) → G− g(λ) exp − tn Jλn
on the coset G+ \G. Moreover, the coset G+ \G may be interpreted as the moduli space of holomorphic SL(2, C) bundles over P1 equipped with trivialization over D− , elements of the form G+ φ(λ) being a representative of trivial bundles.
4. Nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy as dynamical system on infinite-dimensional Grassmann variety The forgoing dynamical system on G− can be mapped to a dynamical system in an infinite-dimensional Grassmann variety. In the literature, two different models of Grassmann varieties (or Grassmann manifolds) have been used for this kind of description. One is Sato’s algebraic or complex analytic model based on a vector space of Laurent series [20]; the other is Segal and Wilson’s functional analytic model made from the Hilbert space of square-integrable functions on a circle [21]. One should obviously choose Sato’s model in the present setting.
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
4.1. Formulation of Grassmann variety The Grassmann variety Gr to be used below is constructed from the vector space V of 2 × 2 matrices X(λ) of Laurent series of the form X(λ) =
Xn λn ,
Xn ∈ gl(2, C),
that converge in a neighborhood of λ = ∞ except at the point λ = ∞. This is almost the same thing as g but the coefficients Xn are now an arbitrary matrix; recall that gl(2, C) denotes the vector space (or matrix Lie algebra) of arbitrary 2 × 2 complex matrices. This vector space is a matrix version of the vector space V ana(∞) in Sato’s list of models [20]. As noted therein, this vector space has a natural linear topology. The Grassmann variety Gr consists of closed vector subspaces W ⊂ V satisfying an additional condition as follows: Gr = {W ⊂ V |
dim Ker(W → V /V− ) = dim Coker(W → V /V− ) < ∞}. Here V− denotes the vector subspace of V consisting of X(λ)’s that contain only negative powers of λ: V− = {X(λ) ∈ V | Xn = 0 for n ≥ 0}.
The map W → V /V− is the composition of the inclusion W → V and the canonical projection V → V /V− . The so called “big cell” of Gr consists of subspaces W ⊂ V for which this linear map is an isomorphism: Gr◦ = {W ∈ Gr | W V /V− }.
This is an open subset of Gr, namely, sufficiently small deformations of any element of Gr◦ remains in Gr◦ . 4.2. Vacuum and dressing Let W0 be the subspace of V spanned by nonnegative powers of λ: W0 = {X(λ) ∈ V | Xn = 0 for n < 0}.
The linear map W0 → V /V− is obviously isomorphic in view of the basis {Eij λn | n ≥ 0, i, j = 1, 2} for both vector spaces (Eij are the standard basis of gl(2, C)). Hence W0 is an element of the big cell Gr◦ . This special element of the big cell plays the role of “vacuum,” which corresponds to the vacuum solution u = v = 0 of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger equation. One can “dress” W0 by an arbitrary element of G− : W = W0 φ(λ),
φ(λ) = I +
∞ n=1
Lemma 2. W is an element of the big cell Gr◦ .
φn λ−n ∈ G− .
Kanehisa Takasaki
Proof. W is spanned by Eij λn φ(λ), n ≥ 0, i, j = 1, 2. By a triangular linear transformation, one can modify this basis of W to another basis {wn,ij (λ) | n ≥ 0, i, j = 1, 2} such that wn,ij (λ) = Eij λn + O(λ−1 ). More explicitly,
wn,ij (λ) = φ(λ)Eij λn φ(λ)−1 φ(λ). +
The linear map W → V /V− sends this basis to the standard basis {Eij λn | n ≥ 0, i, j = 1, 2} of V /V− , thereby turns out to be an isomorphism. The phase space G− of the dynamical system of the last section can be thus mapped, by the correspondence φ(λ) → W = W0 φ(λ),
M = {W ∈ Gr◦ | W = W0 φ(λ), φ(λ) ∈ G− }
to the set of these “dressed vacua” in (the big cell of) the infinite-dimensional Grassmann variety Gr. The problem to be addressed next is to describe the dynamical motion on this new phase space. ∼ Actually, the foregoing mapping G− → M can be understood in a slightly more general form. Namely, the mapping can be extended to G+ \G → Gr G+ g(λ) → W0 g(λ)
that sends the coset G+ \G into Gr. Note that this mapping is well defined and injective because g(λ) ∈ G+ ⇐⇒ W0 g(λ) = W0 (cf. Lemma 3). Thus, combined with the open embedding (24) of G− into G+ \G, ∼ the mapping G− → M is substantially the well known embedding of the “affine Grassmannian” G+ \G into the Sato Grassmannian [21]. 4.3. Dynamical system on space of dressed vacua For simplicity, the following consideration is limited to small values of t. The factorization problem (23) is thereby ensured to have a unique solution. The goal is to elucidate the motion of W (t) = W0 φ(t, λ) ∈ M. A clue to the answer is the following. Lemma 3. W0 χ(t, λ) = W0 . Proof. W0 is obviously closed under multiplication of two element. By construction, χ(t, λ) is obviously an element of W0 . Therefore W0 χ(t, λ) ⊆ W0 . On the other hand, the inverse χ(t, λ)−1 is also an element of G+ as far as t is sufficiently small, so that the same reasoning leads to the conclusion that W0 χ(t, λ) ⊆ W0 . Thus the equality follows.
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
If one rewrites the factorization relation (23) as ∞ φ(t, λ) = χ(t, λ)φ(0, λ) exp − tn Jλn n=1
and insert it into the definition W (t) = W0 φ(t, λ) of W (t), one finds that ∞ W (t) = W0 χ(t, λ)φ(0, λ) exp − tn Jλn n=1
∞ W0 φ(0, λ) exp − tn Jλn
∞ tn Jλn . W (0) exp −
Note that the lemma has been used in the first stage; the first factor χ(t, z) of the factorization pair is absorbed by W0 . Thus the motion of the point W (t) of M turns out to obey the simple exponential law ∞ (35) W (t) = W (0) exp − tn Jλn . n=1
One thus arrives at the following fundamental picture, which is an example of the Grassmannian perspective of soliton equations due to Sato [20] and Segal and Wilson [21]. Theorem 2. The nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy can be mapped, by the correspondence W (t) = W0 φ(t, λ), to a dynamical system on the set M of dressed vacua in the Grassmann variety Gr. The motion of W (t) obeys the exponential law (35). Conversely, given an arbitrary element φ(λ) of G− , one can derive a solution of the factorization problem (23) from this dynamical system. By Lemma 2, W (0) = W0 φ(λ) is an element of the big cell. If t is sufficiently small, the point W (t) on the trajectory of the exponential flows (35) still remains in the big cell, because the big cell is an open subset of Gr. This means that the linear map W (t) → V /V− , i.e., the composition of the inclusion W (t) → V and the canonical projection V → V /V− , is an isomorphism. Let φ(t, λ) ∈ W (t) be the inverse image of I ∈ V /V− by this isomorphism. Being equal to I modulo V− , φ(t, λ) is a Laurent series of the form ∞ φn (t)λ−n , φn (t) ∈ gl(2, C). φ(t, λ) = I + n=1
On the other hand, as an element of ∞ W (t) = W0 φ(λ) exp − tn Jλn , n=1
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φ(t, λ) can also be expressed as ∞ φ(t, λ) = χ(t, λ)φ(λ) exp − tn Jλn n=1
with an element χ(t, λ) of W0 . Taking the determinant of both hand sides of the last equality yields the equality det φ(t, λ) = det χ(t, λ), in which φ(λ) and the exponential disappear because they are known to be unimodular. Notice here that det φ(t, λ)
= 1 + (negative powers of λ),
det χ(t, λ)
= (nonnegative powers of λ).
Consequently, both hand sides of the determinant equality is actually equal to 1. This implies that φ(t, λ) ∈ G− and χ(t, λ) ∈ G+ , so that they give a solution of the factorization problem (23). This shows another aspect of the Grassmannian perspective. Namely, the Grassmann variety can be used as a tool for solving a factorization or RiemannHilbert problem. This point of view turns out to be useful later.
5. Elliptic analogue of nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy We now turn to examples with an elliptic spectral parameter. The first example is based on an example of Krichever’s general construction [12]. Let us briefly recall the background of Krichever’s work. It is well known, after the work of Zakharov and Mikhailov [27], that a naive attempt at the construction of a zero-curvature equation [∂x − A(P ), ∂t − B(P )] = 0,
P ∈ Γ,
on an arbitrary algebraic curve Γ is confronted with a serious difficulty that stems from the Riemann-Roch theorem. If the construction for Γ = P1 also works in the general case, A(P ) and B(P ) are matrices of meromorphic functions on Γ with fixed poles, say, Q1 , . . . , Qs of order m1 , . . . , ms for A(P ) and n1 , . . . , ns for B(P ). Choosing a suitable linearly independent set of meromorphic functions fj (P ), h = 1, . . . , M , and gk (P ), k = 1, . . . , N , one can expand A(P ) and B(P ) as A(P ) =
M j=1
Aj fj (P ),
B(P ) =
Bk gk (P ).
The (matrix-valued) coefficients Aj , Bk are interpreted as the field variables Aj = Aj (x, t), Bk = Bk (x, t), for which the zero-curvature equation induces a set of PDE’s. Part of these field variables can be eliminated by gauge transformations Aj → g −1 Aj g − gx g −1 , Bk → g −1 Bk g − gt g −1 . In the case where Γ = P1 , suitable gauge fixing leads to a determined system of PDE’s (i.e., a system of evolution
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
equations) for the reduced field variables. In contrast, if the genus of Γ is not zero, the Riemann-Roch theorem implies that the zero-curvature equation in a “general position” is an overdetermined system for Aj ’s and Bk ’s. This means that one has to assume some special structure in A(P ) and B(P ) to obtain a consistent system of evolution equations. An example is the Landau-Lifshitz equation (for which Γ is an elliptic curve). Krichever [12] pointed out that this difficulty can be avoided by allowing A(P ), B(P ) to have extra “movable” poles γs at which the solutions of the auxiliary linear system ∂x ψ(P ) = A(P )ψ(P ), ∂t ψ(P ) = B(P )ψ(P ) remain regular. This is reminiscent of the notion of “apparent singularities” in the theory of ordinary differential equations. The number of necessary movable poles turns out to be equal to rg, where r is the size of the matrices A(P ), B(P ) and g the genus of Γ. Moreover, to each movable pole is assigned a directional vector αs ∈ Pr−1 as an extra parameter. These pairs (γs , αs ), s = 1, . . . , rg, are called “Tyurin parameters” and now join the game as new dynamical variables. The elliptic analogue of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy amounts to the case where g = 1 and r = 2. 5.1. Matrix of elliptic functions parametrized by Tyurin parameters The first stage of construction is to choose a suitable counterpart A(z) of A(λ). This is a 2 × 2 matrix of elliptic functions on a nonsingular elliptic curve. The spectral parameter z is now understood to be the standard complex coordinate on the torus Γ = C/(2ω1 Z + 2ω3 Z) that realizes the elliptic curve. In addition to a pole at z = 0 (which corresponds to λ = ∞ in the case of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy), this matrix has two extra poles γ1 , γ2 , γ1 = γ2 , that depend on x and tn ’s. Two directional vectors α1 , α2 ∈ P1 are introduced as the other half of the Tyurin parameters. These directional vectors can be normalized as αs = t (αs , 1). The two fields u, v in the usual nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy also appear here. Thus one has altogether six dynamical variables u, v, γ1 , γ2 , α1 , α2 in the formulation of this elliptic analogue. The matrix A(z) is defined, indirectly, by the following properties: 1. A(z) has poles at z = 0, γ1 , γ2 and is holomorphic at other points. 2. As z → 0,
−1 u z + O(z). A(z) = v −z −1 3. As z → γs , s = 1, 2, A(z) =
β s t αs + O(1), z − γs
where αs and βs are two-dimensional column vectors that do not depend on z. αs is normalized as αs = t (αs , 1). Lemma 4. If α1 = α2 , a matrix A(z) of meromorphic functions on Γ with these properties does exists. It is unique and can be written explicitly in terms of the
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Weierstrass zeta function ζ(z) as
ζ(z) u t A(z) = βs αs (ζ(z − γs ) + ζ(γs )) + , v −ζ(z)
where 1 β1 = α1 − α2
−1 −α2
1 β2 = α1 − α2
1 α1
Proof. One can express A(z) as βs t αs ζ(z − γs ) + Jζ(z) + C, A(z) = s=1,2
where C is a constant matrix. By the residue theorem, the coefficients of ζ(z − γ1 ), ζ(z − γs ) and ζ(z) have to satisfy the linear equation β s t αs + J = 0 s=1,2
that ensures that A(z) is single valued on Γ. Solving this equation for βs leads to the formula stated in the lemma. On the other hand, matching with the Laurent expansion of A(z) at z = 0 leads to the relation A(1) = βs t αs ζ(−γs ) + C, s=1,2
which determines C as shown in the formula above. The final task is to fulfill the requirement on the auxiliary linear system. By Krichever’s lemma [12, Lemma 5.2], the auxiliary linear system ∂x ψ(z) = A(z)ψ(z) has a 2 × 2 matrix solution that is holomorphic at z = γs and invertible except at these points if and only if γs and αs satisfy the equations ∂x γs + Tr β s t αs = 0, ∂x αs + αs A t
where A
= κs αs , t
(37) (38)
denotes the constant term of the Laurent expansion of A(z) at z = γs ,
β s t αs (s,1) A = lim A(z) − , z→γs z − γs
and κs is a constant to be determined by the equation itself. 5.2. Generating functions The second stage is to introduce two generating functions ∞ ∞ n φ(z) = I + φn z , U (z) = J + Un z n n=1
as counterparts of U (λ) and φ(λ) in the case of the usual nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy. Recall that the point λ = ∞ of P1 corresponds to the origin z = 0 of the torus Γ.
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
The first generating function φ(z) is a Laurent series that satisfies the differential equation ∂x φ(z) = A(z)φ(z) − φ(z)Jz −1 ,
where A(z) is understood to be its Laurent expansion A(z) = Jz −1 +
A(n) z n−1
at z = 0. the same the usual The
One can construct a solution of this differential equation by essentially (but slightly more complicated) procedure as mentioned in the case of nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy. second generating function U (z) can be obtained from φ(z) as U (z) = φ(z)Jφ(z)−1 ,
which satisfies the equations [∂x − A(z), U (z)] = 0,
U (z)2 = I.
The Laurent coefficients are again determined by a set of recurrence relations: 2JUn+1 = ∂x Un −
[A(m) , Un+1−m ] −
Um Un+1−m .
5.3. Construction of hierarchy The third stage is to construct a set of generators An (z), n = 1, 2, . . ., of time evolutions. Just like A(z), they are 2 × 2 matrices of elliptic functions and characterized by the following properties. 1. An (z) has poles at z = 0, γ1 , γ2 and is holomorphic at other points. 2. As z → 0, An (z) = U (z)z −n + O(z). 3. As z → γs , s = 1, 2, An (z) =
β n,s t αs + O(1), z − γs
where β n,s is a two-dimensional column vector that does not depend on z. Lemma 5. If α1 = α2 , a matrix An (z) of meromorphic functions on Γ with these properties does exist. It is unique and can be written explicitly as An (z) = β n,s t αs (ζ(z − γs ) + ζ(γs )) (44) s=1,2
(−1)m m ∂ ζ(z)Un−1−m + Un . m! z m=0
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The vectors βn,s are determined by the linear equation βn,s t αs + Un−1 = 0
that ensures the single-valuedness of An (z) on Γ. In the following, the genericity condition α1 = α2
is always assumed; the matrices A(z) and An (z) are thereby determined. The elliptic analogue of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy is defined by the Lax equations [∂tn − An (z), U (z)] = 0
for the generating function U (z) and the differential equations ∂tn γs + Tr β n,s t αs = 0, ∂tn αn + t
αs An(s,1)
(s,1) An
for the Tyurin parameters. Here expansion of An (z) at z = γs , i.e., An(s,1)
= lim
= κn,s αs
denotes the constant term of the Laurent
β n,s t αs An (z) − z − γs
and κn,s is a constant determined by the differential equation itself. (48) and (49) are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the auxiliary linear system ∂tn ψ(z) = An (z)ψ(z) to have a 2 × 2 matrix solution that is holomorphic at z = γs and invertible except at these points. One can confirm that the zero-curvature equations [∂tm − Am (z), ∂tn − An (z)] = 0
are satisfied by any solution of the three equations (47), (48) and (49). This implies, in particular, the commutativity of flows generated by An (z). Actually, the following stronger statement holds as in the case of the usual nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy. Theorem 3. The system of Lax equations (47) and the system of zero-curvature equations (50) are equivalent under the equations (48) and (49) for the Tyurin parameters. As regards the status of (48) and (49), one can derive them from the zerocurvature equations [∂tn − An (z), ∂x − A(z)] = 0
assuming that (37) and (38) are satisfied. In this respect, (37) and (38) should be understood as part of the definition of A(z). Krichever’s construction of a hierarchy is rather based on these zero-curvature equations [12].
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
6. Elliptic analogue of nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy in Grassmannian perspective A technical clue to the Grassmannian perspective of the elliptic analogue of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy is again a factorization or Riemann-Hilbert problem. The situation is, however, far more complicated. First of all, the present case is concerned with the torus rather than the sphere. Moreover, whereas the usual Riemann-Hilbert problem on the sphere is based on the triviality of a holomorphic bundle (cf. Section 3.1), the present case is, by construction, related to a nontrivial holomorphic bundle in the Tyurin parameterization. As it turns out, what is relevant to the present setting is a Riemann-Hilbert problem with degeneration points; Tyurin parameters are nothing but the geometric data of those points. This kind of Riemann-Hilbert problems also appear in the work of Krichever and Novikov [9, 10, 11] on commutative rings of differential operators. Another clue can be found in the paper of Previato and Wilson [18]. They demonstrate therein a “dressing method” based on an infinite-dimensional Grassmann variety to solve a Riemann-Hilbert problem of the Krichever-Novikov type. Moreover, their paper shows what should be the “vacuum” that corresponds to a holomorphic vector bundle in the Tyurin parametrization. These ideas lead to a Grassmannian perspective of the elliptic analogue [24]. 6.1. Riemann-Hilbert problem with degeneration points In the following, t denotes the full set of time variables (t1 , t2 , . . .), in which x is identified with t1 . Moreover, any quantity that depends on t is written with its t-dependence indicated explicitly as A(t, z), An (t, z), γs (t), αs (t), etc. The Lax equations (47) and the zero-curvature equations (50) are associated with the auxiliary linear system ∂tn ψ(t, z) = An (t, z)ψ(t, z). The Riemann-Hilbert problem is concerned with two distinct solutions of this linear system. One solution is the Laurent series solution of the form ∞ ψ(t, z) = φ(t, z) exp tn Jz −n , (52) n=1
where the prefactor φ(t, z) is a Laurent series of the form ∞ φ(t, z) = I + φn (t)z n . n=1
This prefactor is nothing but the generating function introduced previously, but it is now required to satisfy the differential equations ∂tn φ(t, z) = An (t, z)φ(t, z) − φ(t, z)Jz −n
for n = 1, 2, . . . as well. Note that this Laurent series solution, by its nature, carries no information on the global structure of An (t, z)’s.
Kanehisa Takasaki Another solution χ(t, z) is characterized by the initial condition χ(0, z) = I.
This solution χ(t, z) turns out to carry global information. To avoid delicate problems, suppose that the solutions of the hierarchy under consideration are (real or complex) analytic in a neighborhood of the initial point t = 0. One can then expand it to a Taylor series in t. The Taylor coefficients of χ(t, z) at t = 0 can be evaluated by successively differentiating the differential equations as ∂tn χ(t, z) = ∂tm ∂tn χ(t, z) = ∂tk ∂tm ∂tn χ(t, z) =
An (t, z)χ(t, z), (∂t An (t, z) + An (t, z)Am (t, z))χ(t, z), m ∂tk ∂tm An (t, z) + ∂tk (An (t, z)Am (t, z))
+ (∂tm An (t, z))Ak (t, z) + An (t, z)Am (t, z)Ak (t, z) χ(t, z),
etc. Letting t = 0, we are left with a polynomial of derivatives of An ’s. One can deduce from these calculations that all Taylor coefficients of χ(t, z) at t = 0 are matrices of meromorphic functions of z on Γ with poles at z = 0, γ1 (0), γ2 (0) and holomorphic at other points. Since the order of poles at z = 0 is unbounded for higher orders of the Taylor expansion, the Taylor series of χ(t, z) has an essential singularity at z = 0. On the other hand, the poles at z = γ1 (0), γ2 (0) remain to be of the first order. More careful analysis [24] shows that the detailed structure of these first order poles: Lemma 6. As z → γs (0), s = 1, 2, χ(t, z) behaves as χ(t, z) =
β χ,s (t) t αs (0) + O(1), z − γs (0)
where β χ,s (t) is a two-dimensional vector. Another important property of χ(t, z) can be seen from the the linear system ∂x χ(t, z) = A(t, z)χ(t, z). Taking the residue at z = γs (t) yields the relation 0 = β s (t) t αs (t)χ(t, γs (t)), which implies that t
αs (t)χ(t, γs (t)) = 0.
Thus one finds the following. Lemma 7. det χ(t, z) has zeroes at z = γs (t), s = 1, 2. t αs (t) is a left null vector of χ(t, γs (t)). This result shows that χ(t, z) is exactly the solution mentioned in Krichever’s lemma [12, Lemma 5.2], namely a matrix solution of the auxiliary linear system that is holomorphic at the movable poles of A(t, z).
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
Since ψ(t, z) and χ(t, z) satisfy the same auxiliary linear system, their “matrix ratio” χ(t, z)−1 ψ(t, z) is independent of t, hence equal to its initial value at t = 0. One thus obtains the relation ψ(0, z) = χ(t, z)−1 ψ(t, z)
∞ φ(0, z) exp − tn Jz −n = χ(t, z)−1 φ(t, z).
or, equivalently,
This is the Riemann-Hilbert problem that plays the role of an intermediate step towards the Grassmannian perspective. The pair of φ(t, z) and χ(t, z) are referred to as a Riemann-Hilbert pair. Note that this Riemann-Hilbert problem has a few unusual aspects. Firstly, in addition to the pole at z = 0, χ(t, z) has extra poles at z = γs (0), s = 1, 2. Secondly, χ(t, z) degenerate (namely, det χ(t, z) has zeroes) at z = γs (t), s = 1, 2. Moreover, these degeneration points are movable as t varies. 6.2. Grassmann variety and vacuum Let V denote the vector space of all 2 × 2 matrices of Laurent series X(z) =
Xn z n ,
Xn ∈ gl(2, C),
that converges in a neighborhood of z = 0 except at z = 0, and V+ the subspace V+ = {X(z) ∈ V | Xn = 0 for n ≤ 0}.
of all X(z) ∈ V that are holomorphic and vanish at z = 0. Recalling that z amounts to λ−1 , this is essentially the same setting as the case of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy. The Grassmann variety Gr and the big cell Gr◦ ⊂ Gr are defined as Gr = {W ⊂ V |
dim Ker(W → V /V+ ) = dim Coker(W → V /V+ ) < ∞} and Gr◦ = {W ∈ Gr | W V /V+ }.
The following lemma shows the construction of a special point W0 (γ, α) of Gr◦ , which plays the role of “vacuum” in the present setting. This is a matrix version of the vacuum that Previato and Wilson [18] suggest to use for a holomorphic vector bundle in the Tyurin parametrization. Lemma 8. Let γ = (γ1 , γ2 ) be a pair of distinct points of Γ, γ1 = γ2 , and α = (α1 , α2 ) a pair of constants satisfying the genericity condition α1 = α2 . Then, for any integer n ≥ 0 and the matrix indices i, j = 1, 2, there is a unique 2 × 2 matrix wn,ij (z) of meromorphic functions on Γ with the following properties:
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1. wn,ij (z) has poles at z = 0, γ1 , γ2 and is holomorphic at other points. 2. wn,ij (z) = Eij z −n + O(z) as z → 0, where Eij , i, j = 1, 2, are the standard basis of gl(2, C). 3. As z → γs , s = 1, 2, wn,ij (z) =
βn,ij,s t αs + O(1), z − γs
where αs = t (αs , 1), and βn,ij,s is another two-dimensional constant vector. The subspace W0 (γ, α) = wn,ij (z) | n ≥ 0, i, j = 1, 2
spanned by (the Laurent series of ) wn,ij (z)’s is an element of the big cell. This vacuum W0 (γ, α) is “dressed” by a Laurent series to become a dressed vacuum: ∞ W = W0 (γ, α)φ(z), φ(z) = I + φn z n , φn ∈ gl(2, C). n=1
The set M = {W ∈ Gro | W = W0 (γ, α)φ(z), φn ∈ gl(2, C),
γ = (γ1 , γ2 ) ∈ Γ , α = (α1 , α2 ) ∈ C , γ1 = γ2 , α1 = α2 } 2
of these dressed vacua is the phase space for the Grassmannian perspective of the elliptic analogue of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy. 6.3. Interpretation of Riemann-Hilbert problem For technical reasons, the following consideration is limited to a small neighborhood of t = 0. The goal is to translate the Riemann-Hilbert problem to the language of the set M of dressed vacua. A clue is the the following. Lemma 9. W0 (γ(t), α(t))χ(t, z) = W0 (α(0), γ(0)). Proof. The following is an outline of the proof; see the paper [24] for details. Let wn,ij (t, z), n ≥ 0, i, j = 1, 2, denote the elements of the basis of W0 (γ(t), α(t)) defined in Lemma 8. wn,ij (t, z) has poles at z = 0, γ1 (t), γ2 (t), and behaves as wn,ij (t, z) =
β n,ij,s (t) t αs (t) + O(1) z − γs (t)
as z → γs (t). Upon multiplication with χ(t, z), the poles at z = γs (t) are cancelled out because t αs (t) is a left null vector of χ(t, γs (t)). Thus wn,ij (t, z)χ(t, z) turns out to have an essential singularity at z = 0, first order poles at z = γs (0), s = 1, 2, and is holomorphic at other points. The leading part of the Laurent expansion at z = γs (0) takes the form wn,ij (t, z)χ(t, z) =
wn,ij (t, γs (0))βχ,s (t) t αs (0) + O(1). z − γs (0)
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
These results show that wn,ij (t, z)χ(t, z) is an element of W0 (γ(0), α(0)). One can thus see that W0 (γ(t), α(t))χ(t, z) ⊆ W0 (γ(0), α(0)). A few more steps of consideration on the analytic properties of χ(t, z) lead to the conclusion that these two vector subspaces of V are equal. Thanks to this lemma, one can readily convert the Riemann-Hilbert problem to the language of dressed vacua. The Riemann-Hilbert relation yields the relation ∞ tn Jz −n . W0 (γ(t), α(t))φ(t, z) = W0 (γ(t), α(t))χ(t, z)φ(0, z) exp − n=1
The lemma shows that W0 (γ(t), α(t)) absorbs χ(t, z) to become W0 (γ(0), α(0)). The outcome is the relation ∞ W0 (γ(t), α(t))φ(t, z) = W0 (γ(0), α(0))φ(0, z) exp − tn Jz −n , n=1
which means that the dressed vacuum W (t) = W0 (γ(t), α(t))φ(t, z) ∈ M obeys the exponential law ∞ (63) tn Jz −n . W (t) = W (0) exp − n=1
Conversely, one can derive a solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem from these exponential flows as follows. (This is a variation of the dressing method of Previato and Wilson [18].) Given a set of initial values γ(0), α(0) and φ(0, z), one can consider the exponential flows sending W (0) = W0 (γ(0), α(0))φ(0, z) to W (t). If t is sufficiently small, W (t) remains in the big cell. This means that the linear map W (t) → V /V+ is an isomorphism. Let φ(t, z) ∈ W (t) be the inverse image of I ∈ V /V+ by this isomorphism. Being equal to I modulo V+ , φ(t, z) is a Laurent series of the form ∞ φ(t, z) = 1 + φn (t)z n . n=1
On the other hand, as an element of ∞ tn Jz −n , W (t) = W0 (γ(0), α(0))φ(0, z) exp − n=1
φ(t, z) can also be expressed as ∞ φ(t, z) = χ(t, z)φ(0, z) exp − tn Jz −n n=1
with an element χ(t, z) of W0 (γ(0), α(0)). Thus one obtains a Riemann-Hilbert pair. The associated Tyurin parameters (γs (t), αs (t)) are determined as the position of zeros of χ(t, z) and the normalized left null vector of χ(t, z) at those degeneration points.
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One thus eventually arrives at the following Grassmannian perspective in the present setting. Theorem 4. The elliptic analogue of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy can be mapped, by the correspondence W (t) = W0 (γ(t), α(t))φ(t, z), to a dynamical system on the set M of dressed vacua in the Grassmann variety Gr. The motion of W (t) obeys the exponential law. Conversely, the exponential flows on M yield a solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem. As a final remark, it should be stressed that the main characters of this story are all related to the geometry of holomorphic vector bundles over Γ. The Tyurin parameters (γ(t), α(t)) correspond to a holomorphic vector bundle that deforms as t varies. The subspace W0 (γ, α) ⊂ V can be identified with the space of holomorphic sections of the associated sl(2, C) bundle over the punctured torus Γ \ {z = 0}. φ(t, z) is related to changing local trivialization of this bundle at z = 0. Note, in particular, that the primary role (as a dynamical variable) is now played by the data of local trivialization. This differs decisively from the work of Previato and Wilson [18]; they take, in place of the data of local trivialization, a set of functions in Krichever’s “algebraic spectral data” [9] as main parameters. In this respect, the present setting is rather close to Li and Mulase’s approach [17, 15] to commutative rings of differential operators; they treat the choice of local trivialization as an independent data.
7. Landau-Lifshitz hierarchy in Grassmannian perspective The last example with an elliptic spectral parameter is the Landau-Lifshitz equation in 1 + 1 dimensions and the associated hierarchy (Landau-Lifshitz hierarchy) of higher time evolutions. This is one of the classical examples of soliton equations with an elliptic zero-curvature representation [22, 3]. As regards the Grassmannian perspective of this equation, studies from a very close point of view have been done by Date, Jimbo, Kashiwara and Miwa [4] and Carey, Hannabuss, Mason and Singer [2]. Actually, Date et al. developed a free fermion formalism rather than a Grassmannian formalism. Carey et al. presented two approaches to a factorization method for solving the Landau-Lifshitz equation. The first approach uses an infinite-dimensional Grassmann manifold (rather than a “variety”, because this is a functional analytic model). The second one is based on the geometry of a holomorphic vector bundle over the torus Γ = C/(2ω1 Z+2ω3 Z). This work is yet unsatisfactory because their usage of the Grassmann manifold fails to incorporate the bundle structure. The lessons in the preceding examples show that a clue is always the choice of a suitable “vacuum” (and of course a Grassmann variety that accommodates that vacuum). As the paper of Previato and Wilson suggests [18], a correct choice of vacuum is somehow related to the structure of a holomorphic vector bundle. The Grassmannian perspective of the Landau-Lifshitz equation (and hierarchy), too, can be reached along the same lines [25].
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
7.1. Geometric and algebraic structures behind Landau-Lifshitz equation The zero-curvature representation of the Landau-Lifshitz equation [22, 3] is based on the first order matrix differential operator ∂x − A(z) with the A-matrix of the form wa (z)Sa σa , (64) A(z) = a=1,2,3
where Sa ’s are dynamical variables (spin fields) and σa ’s denote the Pauli matrices. The weight functions wa (z) are defined by Jacobi’s elliptic functions sn, cn, dn as w1 (z) =
αcn(αz) , sn(αz)
w2 (z) =
αdn(αz) , sn(αz)
w3 (z) =
√ where α = e1 − e3 , ea = ℘(ωa ). The matrix A(z) has the twisted double periodicity A(z + 2ωa ) = σa A(z)σa ,
a = 1, 2, 3,
α , sn(αz)
where ω2 denotes the third half period ω2 = −ω1 − ω3 . This is a manifestation of the structure of a nontrivial holomorphic sl(2, C) bundle over the torus; A(z) is a meromorphic section of that bundle. The same bundle is known to play a fundamental role in the elliptic Gaudin model and an associated conformal field theory [13]. Compared with the equations formulated by Tyurin parameters, the LandauLifshitz equation is rather close to classical soliton equations with a rational zerocurvature representation, because one can treat this system by a factorization method based on a Lie group of Laurent series (or a loop group) with factorization structure [19, 2]. Geometrically, this fact is related to rigidity of the aforementioned holomorphic sl(2, C) bundle or of an associated SL(2, C) bundle [8]. To formulate the factorization structure, one starts from a Lie algebra with direct sum decomposition to two subalgebras. Let g be the Lie algebra of Laurent series ∞ Xn z n , Xn ∈ sl(2, C), (67) X(z) = n=−∞
that converge in a neighborhood of z = 0 except at z = 0. This Lie algebra has a direct sum decomposition of the form g = gout ⊕ gin ,
where gin and gout are the following subalgebras: 1. gin consists of all X(z) ∈ g that are also holomorphic at z = 0, i.e., Xn = 0 for n < 0. 2. gout consists of all X(z) ∈ g that can be extended to a holomorphic mapping X : C\(2ω1 Z+2ω3 Z → sl(2, C) with singularity at each point of 2ω1 Z+2ω3 Z and satisfy the twisted double periodicity condition X(z + 2ωa ) = σa X(z)σa
a = 1, 2, 3.
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Note that constant matrices are excluded from gout , so that gout ∩ gin = {0}. One can choose {∂zn wa (z)σa | n ≥ 0, a = 1, 2, 3} as a basis of gout ; the projection (·)out : g → gout thereby takes the simple form −n−1 (−1)n n ∂z wa (z)σa , (z n σa )out = 0, n ≥ 0. σa out = (69) z n! The direct sum decomposition of the Lie algebra g induces the factorization of the associated Lie group G = exp g to the subgroups Gout = exp gout and Gin = exp gin , namely, any element g(z) of G near the unit matrix I can be uniquely factorized as g(z) = gout (z)−1 gin (z),
gout (z) ∈ Gout ,
gin (z) ∈ Gin .
7.2. Construction of hierarchy The Landau-Lifshitz hierarchy can be obtained by the projection of the exponential flows ∞ g(λ) → g(λ) exp − tn Jλn (71) n=1
on G to Gin with regard to the foregoing factorization [6, 2]. The fundamental dynamical variable is thus a Laurent series of the form φ(z) =
φn z n ,
det φ(z) = 1,
that converges in a neighborhood of z = 0. The time evolution φ(0, z) → φ(t, z) is achieved by the factorization ∞ φ(0, z) exp − tn z −n σ3 = χ(t, z)−1 φ(t, z), (72) n=1
where χ(t, z) is an element of Gout that also depends on t. As demonstrated in the case of the usual nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy, one can derive the equations ∂tn φ(t, z) = An (t, z)φ(t, z) − φ(t, z)z −n σ3 , where An (t, z) = φ(t, z)z −n σ3 φ(t, z)−1 , out or ∂tn φ(t, z) = − φ(t, z)z −n σ3 φ(t, z)−1 φ(t, z)
(73) (74) (75)
as equations of motion of φ(t, z) ∈ Gin . (·)in denotes the projection g → gin . The zero-curvature equations [∂tm − Am (t, z), ∂tn − An (t, z)] = 0
follow from the auxiliary linear system (∂tn − An (t, z))χ(t, z) = 0 as the Frobenius integrability condition.
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
7.3. Grassmann variety and vacuum It will be reasonable to use the same pair (V, V+ ) of vector spaces as those for the elliptic analogues of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy. Actually, already at this stage, the present approach differs from that of Carey et al. [2]. Carey et al. use a vector space of two-component vectors rather than 2 × 2 matrices; this is not suited for treating the aforementioned sl(2, C) bundle structure. The next problem is the choice of a suitable subspace W0 ⊂ V that plays the role of “vacuum.” In view of the previous examples, W0 should be a vector subspace that absorbs the first factor χ(t, z) of the factorization pair. This will be the case if W0 consists of matrix-valued functions of z with the same analytic properties as χ(t, z). As a t-dependent element of Gout , χ(t, z) is a matrix-valued holomorphic function on C \ (2ω1 Z + 2ω3 Z) with twisted double periodicity. For this reason, let W0 be the subspace of V that consists of all X(z) ∈ V with the following properties: 1. X(z) can be extended to a holomorphic mapping X : C \ (2ω1 Z + 2ω3 Z) → gl(2, C). 2. X(z) has the twisted double periodicity X(z + 2ωa ) = σa X(z)σa ,
a = 1, 2, 3.
This resembles the definition of gout ; the difference is, firstly, that X(z) now takes values in gl(2, C) rather than sl(2, C), and secondly, that X(z) can be a constant matrix. As it turns out, this subspace W0 does not satisfy the condition in the definition of the Grassmann variety Gr that has been used in the previous case: Lemma 10. The following hold for the linear map W0 → V /V+ : 1. Im(W0 → V /V +) ⊕ sl(2, C) ⊕ Cz −1 I = V /V+ . 2. Ker(W0 → V /V+ ) = {0}. Proof. It is a (slightly advanced) exercise of linear algebra and complex function theory to confirm that W0 is spanned by I, ∂zn wa (z)σa , a = 1, 2, 3, and ∂zn ℘(z)I for n ≥ 0. ∂zn wa (z) and ∂zn ℘(z) have the Laurent expansion ∂zn wa (z)σa = (−1)n n!z −n−1 σa + O(z) and ∂zn ℘(z)I = (−1)n (n + 1)!z −n−2 I + O(z) at z = 0. This implies that these generators of W0 are linearly independent, and that the image of W → V /V+ are spanned by I, z −n−1 σa , a = 1, 2, 3, and z −n−2 I for n ≥ 0 among the standard basis {z −n σa , z −n I | n ≥ 0, a = 1, 2, 3} of V /V+ . What is missing are σa , a = 1, 2, 3, and z −1 I, which respectively span the subspaces sl(2, C) and Cz −1 of V /V+ . Thus the assertion on Im(W0 → V /V+ ) follows. On the other hand, one has Ker(W0 → V /V+ ) = W0 ∩ V+ . Any element X(z) of W0 ∩ V+ has the twisted double periodicity and a zero at all points of 2ω1 Z + 2ω3 Z; by Liouville’s theorem, such a matrix-valued function is identically zero.
Kanehisa Takasaki This lemma implies that dim Ker(W0 → V /V+ ) = 0,
dim Coker(W0 → V /V+ ) = 4.
Consequently, the Grassmann variety to accommodate W0 is not Gr but the following one: Gr−4 = {W ⊂ V |
dim Ker(W → V /V+ ) = dim Coker(W → V /V+ ) − 4 < ∞}. The subset Gr◦−4 = {W ∈ Gr−4 | W V /(V+ ⊕ sl(2, C) ⊕ Cz −1 I)}
of Gr−4 is an open subset, in fact, the open cell (or “big cell”) of a cell decomposition of Gr−4 . The foregoing lemma shows that W0 is actually an element of this open subset: W0 ∈ Gr◦−4 .
M = {W ∈ Gr◦−4 | W = W0 φ(z), φ(z) ∈ Gin }
The set of dressed vacua becomes the phase space of a dynamical system to which the Landau-Lifshitz hierarchy is mapped. 7.4. Interpretation of factorization problem The following consideration is, again, limited to a small neighborhood of t = 0. In this situation, one can prove the following in the same way as the case of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy. Lemma 11. W0 χ(t, z) = W0 . Using this lemma, one can repeat the calculations done for the previous cases to show that the motion of the dressed vacuum W (t) = W0 φ(t, z) ∈ M obeys the exponential law ∞ (83) W (t) = W (0) exp − tn Jz −n . n=1
The converse, namely, deriving a solution of the factorization problem from the exponential flows needs an extra effort because the definition of the big cell is different from the previous cases. This is also related to the fact that the leading term φ0 (t) of φ(t, z) is generally not equal to I. A clue here is the fact that W (t), as an element of the big cell, satisfies the condition that dim Im(W (t) → V /V+ ) ∩ gl(2, C) = 1.
The leading term φ0 (t) is picked out from this one-dimensional subspace; if t is sufficiently small, φ0 (t) is an invertible matrix. The rest of the construction is almost parallel to the case of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy; see the paper [25] for details.
Elliptic Spectral Parameter
The conclusion is that the Grassmannian perspective also holds for this case, but with a different Grassmann variety: Theorem 5. The Landau-Lifshitz hierarchy can be mapped, by the correspondence W (t) = W0 φ(t, λ), to a dynamical system on the set M of dressed vacua in the Grassmann variety Gr−4 . The motion of W (t) obeys the exponential law. Conversely, the exponential flows on M yield a solution of the factorization problem.
8. Conclusion A main conclusion of this case study is that the structure of a holomorphic vector bundle is the most important clue to the Grassmannian perspective of soliton equations with a zero-curvature representation constructed on an algebraic curve. This is also the case for classical soliton equations with a rational spectral parameter; the relevant holomorphic vector bundle therein is a trivial bundle. The two examples with an elliptic spectral parameters examined here are respectively accompanied by a bundle of its own particular type. The bundle for the elliptic nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy is naturally the one in the Tyurin parametrization. The bundle for the Landau-Lifshitz hierarchy is a rigid bundle. It is remarkable that the mapping to an infinite-dimensional Grassmann variety can be constructed in a fully parallel, almost universal way. Namely, the first thing to do is to choose a special base point W0 , called “vacuum,” of the Grassmann variety. This is determined by the relevant holomorphic vector bundle E. More precisely, one has to choose a marked point P0 of Γ, a local coordinate z in a neighborhood of P0 and a local trivialization of E in a neighborhood of P0 as extra geometric data. W0 consists of Laurent series that represent (via the local trivialization of E) a holomorphic section of E over Γ \ {P0 }. The vacuum W0 is then “dressed” by a Laurent series φ(z), which is related to changing the local trivialization of E. These geometric data are familiar stuff in the theories of algebro-geometric solutions of soliton equations, commutative rings of differential operators, etc. [9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21]. This geometric point of view is already enough to tackle more general cases. It is rather straightforward to generalize the result for the elliptic analogue of the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger hierarchy to higher genera, though explicit formulas of the A-matrices are not available therein. The work of Li and Mulase [17, 15], too, provides valuable material to this issue. Acknowledgements I would like to thank the organizers of the workshop, in particular, Nenad Manojlovic and Henning Samtleben, for invitation and hospitality. This work was partly supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 14540172) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology.
Kanehisa Takasaki
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Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 205–224 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold Wess-Zumino-Witten Model. II Takashi Takebe Dedicated to Professor Akihiro Tsuchiya on his 60th birthday.
Abstract. The sheaves of conformal blocks and conformal coinvariants of the twisted WZW model have a factorisation property and are locally free even at the boundary of the moduli space, where the elliptic KZ equations and the Baxter-Belavin elliptic r-matrix degenerate to the trigonometric KZ equations and the trigonometric r-matrix, respectively. Etingof’s construction of the elliptic KZ equations is geometrically interpreted. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). Primary 81T40; Secondary 14H15, 17B67, 17B81, 32G15. Keywords. Trigonometric degeneration; twisted WZW model; orbifold WZW model; factorisation.
1. Introduction This is a continuation of the paper [T]. We showed there that the trigonometric WZW model is factorised into the orbifold WZW models. Using this result, we show in the present article that the trigonometric WZW model is indeed the degenerate twisted WZW models on elliptic curves defined in [KT]. More precisely, we prove that there are locally free sheaves over the partially compactified family of elliptic curves, the fibre of which are the space of conformal blocks or the space of conformal coinvariants of the twisted WZW model at a generic point and those of the trigonometric WZW model at the discriminant locus, when all inserted modules are either Weyl modules (Proposition 4.2) or integrable highest weight modules (Theorem 6.1). c of the Japan Society This work is partly supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for the Promotion of Science, No. 15540014.
Takashi Takebe
Since the elliptic r-matrix (cf. [BD], [E]) describing the elliptic KZ equations degenerates to the trigonometric r-matrix, the above fact is naturally expected, though rigorous proof requires careful algebro-geometric arguments as in [TUY]. The paper is organised as follows. After reviewing the twisted WZW model on elliptic curves in §2 to recall basic notions and notations, we define family of elliptic curves with a singular fibre and a twisted Lie algebra bundle over it in §3. In §4 main objects of this paper, the sheaves of conformal coinvariants and conformal blocks, are defined and their coherence is proved. In particular when all the modules inserted to the curve are Weyl modules, they are locally free. To prove the locally freeness of the sheaf of conformal coinvariants for integrable highest weight modules, we examine its behavior at the discriminant locus. In this case the factorisation theorem, Theorem 7 of [T], is refined in §5. The proof of locally freeness in §6 follows the strategy of [TUY] and [TK]. Notations We use the following notations besides other ordinary conventions in mathematics. • N , L: fixed integers. N 2 will be the matrix size and L 1 will be the number of the marked points on a curve. • CN := Z/N Z: the cyclic group of order N . • When X is an algebraic variety, OX denotes the structure sheaf of X. When P is a point on X and F is an OX -sheaf, FP denotes the stalk of F at P . mP is the maximal ideal of the local ring OX,P . F |P := FP /mP FP , FP∧ = proj limn→∞ FP /mnP FP are the fibre of F at P and the mP -adic completion of FP , respectively. • We shall use the same symbol for a vector bundle and for a locally free OX module consisting of its local holomorphic sections.
2. Twisted WZW model on elliptic curves In this section we briefly review the twisted WZW model on elliptic curves. See [KT] for details. We fix an invariant inner product of g = slN (C) by (A|B) := tr(AB) Define matrices β and γ by ⎛ 0 1 ⎜ .. ⎜ . 0 β := ⎜ ⎜ . .. ⎝ 1
⎞ 0 ⎟ ⎟ ⎟, ⎟ 1⎠ 0
for A, B ∈ g. ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ γ := ⎜ ⎝
ε−1 ..
. ε1−N
where ε = exp(2πi/N ). Then we have β N = γ N = 1 and γβ = εβγ.
⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟, ⎠
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
Let E = Eτ be the elliptic curve with modulus τ : Eτ := C/Z + τ Z. We define a Lie algebra bundle gtw with fibre g = slN (C) over E by gtw := (C × g)/≈,
where the equivalence relations ≈ are defined by (z, A) ≈ (z + 1, Ad γ(A)) ≈ (z + τ, Ad β(A)). a −b
Let Jab = β γ
, which satisfies Ad γ(Jab ) = εa Jab ,
Ad β(Jab ) = εb Jab .
Global meromorphic sections of g are linear combinations of Jab f (z) (a, b = 0, . . . , N − 1, (a, b) = (0, 0)), where f (z) is a meromorphic function with quasiperiodicity, f (z + τ ) = εb f (z). (6) f (z + 1) = εa f (z), For each point P on E, we define a Lie algebra, tw
gP := (gtw ⊗OE KE )∧ P,
(7) (·)∧ P
where KE is the sheaf of meromorphic functions on E and means the completion of the stalk at P with respect to the maximal ideal mP of OE,P , the stalk of the structure sheaf. The Lie algebra gP is (non-canonically) isomorphic to the loop Lie algebra g((z − z0 )), where z0 is the coordinate of P . The subspace gP := (gtw )∧ ∼ (8) = g[[z − z0 ]] +
of gP is a Lie subalgebra. Let us fix mutually distinct points Q1 , . . . , QL on E whose coordinates are z = z1 , . . . , zL and put D := {Q1 , . . . , QL }. We shall also regard D as a divisor L on E (i.e., D = Q1 + · · · + QL ). The Lie algebra gD := i=1 gQi has a 2-cocycle defined by ca (A, B) :=
ca ,i (Ai , Bi ),
ca ,i (Ai , Bi ) := ResQi (dAi |Bi ),
i=1 L D where A = (Ai )L i=1 , B = (Bi )i=1 ∈ g , ResQi is the residue at Qi and d is the exterior derivation. (The symbol “ca ” stands for “Cocycle defining the Affine Lie algebra”.) We denote the central extension of gD with respect to this cocycle by ˆ gD : ˆ ˆ (10) gD := gD ⊕ Ck, D ˆ ˆ where k is a central element. Explicitly the bracket of g is represented as
ˆ [A, B] = ([Ai , Bi ]◦ )L i=1 ⊕ ca (A, B)k ◦
for A, B ∈ gD ,
where [Ai , Bi ] are the natural bracket in g . The Lie algebra g for a point P is (1) nothing but the affine Lie algebra ˆ g of type AN −1 (a central extension of the loop algebra g((t − z)) = slN C((t − z)) ). The affine Lie algebra gˆQi can be regarded as a subalgebra of ˆgD . The subi Qi algebra gQ (cf. (8)) can be also regarded as a subalgebra of ˆgQi and ˆgD . + of g Qi
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Let gout be the space of global meromorphic sections of gtw which are holomorphic on E except at D: gout := Γ(E, gtw (∗D)).
The residue theorem implies that we can regard gout as a Lie subalgebra of ˆgD by mapping an element of gout to its germs at Qi ’s. Definition 2.1. The space of conformal coinvariants CCE (M ) and that of conformal gQi -modules Mi with the same level kˆ = k blocks CBE (M ) over E associated to ˆ are defined by CCE (M ) := M/gout M, CBE (M ) := HomC (M/gout M, C), (13) L where M := i=1 Mi . The module Mi is referred to as “a module inserted at the point Qi ”.
3. Family of elliptic curves In this section we construct a family of elliptic curves E with a singular fibre and ˜ A twisted Lie algebra bundle gtw over the generic fibres of E is one its covering E. of the main representation theoretical data in the twisted WZW model but it does not directly extends to the singular fibre. Hence we pull it back to E˜ and trivialise it. The sections of gtw on the singular fibre is understood as sections of the trivial bundle on E˜ invariant under the action of the covering transformation group. The construction of E˜ is almost the same as that of the analytic fibre space of elliptic curves in [Wo]. We use N patches Uk (k ∈ Z/N Z): Uk := {(q, xk , yk ) | |q| < 1, xk yk = q, |xk | < |q|−1 , |yk | < |q|−1 }. We denote (q, x, y) ∈ Uk by (q, x, y)k . The universal curve E˜ is defined by 2 1 E˜ := Uk ∼,
k∈Z/N Z
where the equivalence relation ∼ is defined by (q, xk , yk )k ∼ (q, xk+1 , yk+1 )k+1 when xk yk+1 = 1.
We have an analytic fibre space π ˜ : E˜ → ∆ over ∆ = {q | |q| < 1}. The fibre over q = 0 is an elliptic curve C× /q N Z and the fibre over q = 0 is singular with ordinary double points (0, 0, 0)k ∈ Uk (k ∈ Z/N Z). 2 Let CN = {¯ 0, ¯ 1, . . . , N − 1} be the cyclic group of order N . The group CN = ˜ CN × CN acts on E from the right as follows: it is enough to define the action of 2 . the generators (1, 0) and (0, 1) of CN (q, xk , yk )k · (1, 0) = (q, ε−1 xk , εyk )k ,
(q, xk , yk )k · (0, 1) = (q, xk , yk )k−1 . (17) The universal curve E is defined set-theoretically as the quotient space of E˜ by this action: 2 ˜ N . (18) E := E/C
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
The canonical projection to ∆ is denoted by π : E → ∆. The fibre π −1 (0) is the singular curve with one ordinary double point.
q = 0
Figure 1. Degeneration of an elliptic curve and its N 2 -covering. The family of L-pointed elliptic curves and its covering are defined by X := E ×∆ S,
˜ := E˜ ×∆ S. X
Here the base space S is the fibre product of E’s without diagonals: L
3 45 6 S :={(q; Q1 , . . . , QL ) ∈ E ×∆ · · · ×∆ E
| Qi = Qj (i = j), Qi = [(0, 0, 0)k ] for any k.}, where Qi is the point of the ith E in the fibre product with π(Qi ) = q. We exclude the degeneration of the types Qi → Qj and Qi → (node). We denote the canonical ˜ → S and X ˜ → X by πX/S , π ˜ and π ˜ respectively. The projections X → S, X X/S
˜ and X over S0 := {(0; Q1 , . . . , QL ) ∈ S} are singular curves. fibres of X The section qi of X → S is defined by qi ((q; Q1 , . . . , QL )) := (q; Qi ; Q1 , . . . , QL ). We denote the divisor [q1 (S)] + · · · + [qL (S)] by D.
Takashi Takebe 2 ˜ naturally as covering transformation and on g by The group CN acts on X
(m, n) · A = (γ m β n )A(γ m β n )−1 .
The twisted Lie algebra bundle gtw X on X := X {singular points} is defined as the ◦
2 ˜ := X ˜ {singular points} → X: associated bundle to the CN -principal bundle X ◦
˜ 2 g. gtw X := X ×CN
It is obvious that the restriction of gtw X to a fibre of X at a point (q; Q1 , . . . , QL ) (q = 0) is the bundle gtw on the elliptic curve C× /q Z defined by (3). D Sheaf version of affine Lie algebras gP , gP gD (cf. (7), (8), (10)) are + , g and ˆ OS -Lie algebras defined by tw ∧ i gQ S := πX/S,∗ (gX (∗Qi ))Qi , tw ∧ gD S := πX/S,∗ (gX (∗D))D =
tw ∧ i gQ S,+ := πX/S,∗ (gX )Qi , L
i gQ S ,
tw ∧ gD S,+ := πX/S,∗ (gX )D =
i gQ S,+ .
Since we assume that sections Qi do not touch the singular point of the singular fibre, the definitions are the same as those for the non-singular case, (3.11) of D [KT]. The central extensions of gD S and gS,+ are defined by the cocycle (9) with the coefficients in OS : D ˆ ˆ gD S := gS ⊕ OS k,
D ˆ ˆ gD S,+ := gS,+ ⊕ OS k.
The Lie subalgebra of meromorphic sections gout ⊂ ˆgD , (12), would be replaced by πX/S,∗ (gtw X (∗D)) if there were no singularity, as was the case in [KT]. Taking the singular fibre into account, we modify this naive definition as follows: 2 ˜ CN , (g ⊗ OX˜ (∗D)) gX,out = πX/S,∗ ˜
˜ is the C 2 -orbit of the divisor D and (·)CN denotes the C 2 -invariant where D N N section of the equivariant locally free sheaf g ⊗ OX˜ . In other words, a g-valued ˜ s ) belongs to meromorphic function f (s, P ) (s = (q; Q1 , . . . , QL ) ∈ S, P ∈ E| gX,out if and only if it satisfies f (s, (1, 0) · P ) = Ad γ(f (s, P )),
f (s, (0, 1) · P ) = Ad β(f (s, P )),
2 on the fibre of where (m, n)· (m, n ∈ Z) is the left action of the generators of CN ˜ E defined by (m, n) · P := P · (−m, −n). (See (17).) Our construction is so explicit that we have an explicit basis of gX,out . In [KT] meromorphic functions wab (τ ; t) (a, b = 0, . . . , N − 1, Im τ > 0, t ∈ C) characterized by the following properties were introduced:
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
• Additive quasi-periodicity: wab (τ ; t + 1) = εa wab (τ ; t),
wab (τ ; t + τ ) = εb wab (τ ; t);
• As a function of t ∈ C, wab (τ ; t) has a simple pole with residue 1 at Z + Zτ . add Let us denote this function by wab (τ ; t). (The superscript “add” stands for “admul ditive”.) Let us rewrite it to a multiplicatively quasi-periodic function wab (q; u) as follows: mul (q; u) := wab
2πiua uN − 1
(q N −a εb u−N ; q N )∞ (q a ε−b uN ; q N )∞ , (28) (q N −a εb ; q N )∞ (q N u−n ; q N )∞ (q a ε−b ; q N )∞ (q N uN ; q N )∞ n where (x; q)∞ = ∞ n=0 (1 − xq ) is the standard infinite product symbol. The funcmul add mul add (q; u) is related to wab by wab (q; u) = wab (N log u/2πi, N log q/2πi) tion wab add when q = 0, that is, we replaced the arguments of wab by e2πiz = uN , e2πiτ = q N mul and used the product formula for the theta function. When q = 0, wab becomes a rational function of u: 7 (a = 0), 2πiua (uN − 1)−1 , mul (29) wab (0; u) = 2πi(1 − εb )−1 (uN − εb )(uN − 1)−1 , (a = 0). ×
mul add is that it inherits the quasi-periodicity of wab : The important property of wab mul mul (q; εu) = εa wab (q; u), wab
mul mul wab (q; qu) = εb wab (q; u).
˜ in terms of wmul : We define the function wab,i (P ) (i = 1, . . . , L) on X ab for (q, xk , yk )k ∈ Uk (cf. (14)), q = 0,
mul wab,i (((q, xk , yk )k , s)) := wab (q; q k−k xk /xk ).
Here s = (q; Q1 , . . . , QL ) ∈ S and we fix an index k to express Qi as a point (q, xk , yk )k in Uk . (The function wab,i is determined up to this choice.) This function is extended to the points with q = 0. (For example, wab,i ((0, x0 , y0 )0 ) is the rational function (29) of x = x0 /x0 when Qi is represented as a point (0; x0 , y0 )0 in U0 .) The main properties of this function are 2 • Quasi-periodicity with respect to CN -action: wab,i ((1, 0) · P ) = εa wab,i (P ),
wab,i ((0, 1) · P ) = εb wab,i (P ),
2 action. • All poles are simple and located at Qi modulo CN It is easy to see that any section of gX,out is a linear combination of Jab ⊗ wab,i (P )’s and their derivatives along the fibre.
ˆD Lemma 3.1. g gD S = gX,out ⊕ ˆ S,+ . ˆD Proof. The singular part of an element of g S can be expressed by a linear combination of Jab ⊗wab,i (P ) and derivatives in a unique way. Subtracting such combination which belongs to gX,out , we end up with a regular element of ˆgD S,+ .
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4. Sheaves of conformal coinvariants and conformal blocks In this section we introduce the sheaf CC of conformal coinvariants and the sheaf CB of conformal blocks and show their basic properties. Definitions of CC and CB are literally the same as those for the non-singular case, Definition 3.3 of [KT]. ˆ Definition 4.1. For any ˆ gD S -module M of level k (i.e., k acts as k · id), we define the sheaf CC(M) of conformal coinvariants and the sheaf CB(M) of conformal blocks by CC(M) := M/gX,outM,
CB(M) := Hom OS (CC(M), OS ).
ˆD We can regard CC(·) as a covariant right exact functor from the category of g Smodules to that of OS -modules and similarly CB(·) as a contravariant left exact functor. The goal of this paper is to prove that CC and CB are locally free. Since CB is the dual of CC, we mainly discuss about CC and briefly mention on CB when it is necessary. We assume that the ˆ gD S -module M are of the following type: M = OS ⊗
L i=1
Mi =
L (OS ⊗ Mi ),
i=1 ˆ
g-Weyl module M (Vi ) := IndgQi ⊕Ck Vi of level k where each Mi is a quotient of a ˆ Qi
ˆ+ g
for a finite dimensional irreducible g-module Vi . (See §6 of [T] or §2.4 of [KL].) To endow M in (35) with the ˆ gD S -module structure, we need to fix the coordinate of E and the trivialisation of gtw X , which is irrelevant to the statements of theorems below. In the concrete computations, we use the coordinates and the trivialisation obtained naturally from the construction in §3. Proposition 4.2. CC(M) is a coherent OS -sheaf. When all Mi ’s are Weyl modules, CC(M) is (and hence CB(M) is) locally free. Proof. Lemma 3.1 makes it possible to apply the same argument as the proof for the non-singular case, Corollary 3.5 of [KT]. In fact, if each Mi in (35) is a Weyl module M (Vi ), M is expressed as ∼
gD (V ⊗ OS ) ← US (gX,out ) ⊗OS (V ⊗ OS ), M = US (ˆ gD S ) ⊗US (ˆ S,+ )
by the Poincar´e-Birkhoff-Witt theorem (V = ⊗L i=1 Vi ). Here US (·) denotes the universal OS -enveloping algebra. Modding out by gX,out M, we have ∼
CC(M) = M/gX,outM ← V ⊗ OS , which means that CC(M) is locally free, in particular, coherent.
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
If Mi ’s are quotients of Weyl modules, M is a quotient of M (Vi ) ⊗ OS . Hence by the right exactness of the functor CC, CC(M) is a quotient of a coherent sheaf, and therefore coherent. In §6 we prove the locally freeness of CC(M) for integrable Mi ’s, examining the behavior of CC(M) at the boundary of the moduli space (S0 = {q = 0} ⊂ S) carefully.
5. Sheaf version of trigonometric and orbifold WZW model Everything in previous two sections can be restricted on S0 , namely on the configuration space of points on a singular rational curve with one ordinary double point. (As we have mentioned, the restriction of the functions wab,i needs special care.) Hence we can define the corresponding sheaves CC(M) and CB(M) which we denote by CC trig (M) and CBtrig (M). The subscript “trig” is put here because, as we shall see below, there are connections on them expressed in terms of the trigonometric r-matrix. In the proof of Theorem 6.1 we shall use the sheaf of conformal coinvariants of the orbifold WZW model, CC orb (M0 ⊗M⊗M∞ ) on S0 , where M∗ = M∗ ⊗OS0 for a ˆ g(∗) -module M∗ (∗ = 0, ∞). We shall recall the definition of the twisted affine algebras ˆ g(0) and ˆ g(∞) and the details of CCorb soon later. Here we only say that CC orb is defined exactly in the same way as CC trig (M) if we replace the degenerate elliptic curve (the fibre of E at q = 0) by the orbifold P1 /CN . Note that S0 can be regarded as the configuration space of points on P1 /CN . (See §3 of [T].) g(∗) -Verma module. Then Proposition 4.2 Let M be as in (35) and M∗ be a ˆ holds for CC trig , CBtrig , CC orb and CBorb as well. In fact, we can prove locally freeness under this assumption. Proposition 5.1. (i) The sheaf CC trig (M) and the sheaf CBtrig (M) are locally free OS0 -sheaves. (ii) The sheaf CC orb (M0 ⊗ M ⊗ M∞ ) and the sheaf CBorb (M0 ⊗ M ⊗ M∞ ) are locally free OS0 -sheaves. Proof. (i) The proof of the locally freeness for the non-singular case, Corollary 5.3 of [KT] is true also in this case: CC trig (M) is coherent as shown at the end of §4 and there is a connection and D-module structure on it, which implies that it is locally free OS0 -sheaf. The only difference is that we do not change the curve itself (the modulus q is fixed to 0) in the present case, and hence there is nothing corresponding to the connection in the direction of ∂/∂τ in [KT]. The connection in the direction of ∂/∂zi (zi is the coordinate of Qi ) is ∇i = ∂/∂zi − ρi (T [−1]) (cf. (5.14) of [KT]) as is well known, where ρi is the representation of the Virasoro algebra on Mi constructed via the Sugawara construction and T [−1] is one of the Virasoro generator, usually denoted by L−1 . (ii) We might proceed as the proof of (i) from the beginning but the short cut is to use the result of (i). The coherence of CC orb (M0 ⊗ M ⊗ M∞ ) having
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been proved, we have only to check that the above connection operators ∇i (i = 1, . . . , L) on CC trig (M) also define the flat connection on CC orb . What we need to check is orb • [∇i , gorb out ] ⊂ gout , • [∇i , ∇j ] = 0 on CC orb ,
which is proved in the same way as in the case of the ordinary WZW model, e.g., Lemma 4 of [FFR]. The connection on CC trig (M) mentioned in the proof of (i) is obtained by the degeneration q → 0 of the elliptic Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov connection in [E] and [KT]. They are expressed as the first order differential operators on V ⊗ OS0 in terms of the trigonometric r-matrix. In fact, by tracing the argument which leads to the explicit form (Theorem 5.9 in [KT]) of the connection, we have only to replace the functions wab (zj − zi ) there with wab,i (Qj ) which is expressed by the rational function of the form (29) on S0 . Hence the KZ equation for the WZW model on the degenerate elliptic curve is the trigonometric KZ equation. Lemma 5.2. (i) The fibre of CC trig (M) at s ∈ S0 , CC trig (M)|s , is isomorphic to CCtrig (M ), the space of conformal coinvariants of the trigonometric WZW model for the geometric data corresponding to s. (ii) The fibre of CC orb (M) at s, CC orb (M)|s , is isomorphic to CCorb (M ), the space of conformal coinvariants of the orbifold WZW model for the geometric data corresponding to s. See Definition 3.2 of [T] for the definition of CCtrig and CCorb . Proof. We can modify the proof of the corresponding statement for the nonsingular case, Corollary 5.4 of [KT]. For example, for the case (i), the isomorphism trig gX,out |s ∼ = gout is a consequence of the existence of the sections wab,i and their derivatives (cf. the end of §3) which span both gX,out |s and gtrig out . The rest of the proof can be translated to the present case without change. The proof of (ii) is similar. Combining Proposition 5.1, Lemma 5.2 and Theorem 5.1 of [T], we have the following isomorphism: ∼ (0) (∞) ι : CC trig (M) → CC orb (Mλ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Mλ˜ ), (38) λ∈wt(V )
L where V = i=1 Vi is the g-module generating M = i=1 Mi (recall Mi is a quotient of Weyl module M (Vi )), wt(V ) is the set of its weights, L
˜ := −λ ◦ (1 − Ad β −1 )−1 = λ ◦ (1 − Ad β)−1 ◦ Ad β, λ ˜ := −λ ◦ (1 − Ad β)−1 , λ
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
(∗) (∗) (∗) ˆ(∗) with the highest weight µ Mµ = Mµ ⊗ OS0 for a Verma module Mµ of g (cf. Definition 4.1 (i) of [T]). In §6 the modules Mi are assumed to be integrable highest weight modules. (cf. Chapter 10 of [K].) In this case the above result can be refined. For this purpose we recall the details of the orbifold WZW model defined in §3 of [T]. Let us denote the standard coordinate of P1 (C) by t. The cyclic group CN acts as t → εa t (a ∈ CN ) and the quotient Eorb = P1 /CN is an ordinary orbifold. The definition of the space of conformal coinvariants/blocks of the orbifold WZW model on Eorb is almost the same as that on elliptic curves, Definition 2.1, except that we also insert modules to the singular points 0 and ∞. The Lie algebra gout in (13) is replaced by gorb out which consists of g-valued meromorphic functions f (t) on P1 such that: (1) poles belong to {0, Q1 , . . . , QL , ∞}; (2) f (εt) = Ad γ(f (t)). Accordingly, the module inserted at 0 is the ˆg(0) -module and the module inserted at ∞ is the ˆ g(∞) -module, where ˆ CJa,b ⊗ ta+mN ⊕ Ck, (40) gˆ(0) = a,b=0,...,N −1 m∈Z (a,b)=(0,0)
g(∞) =
CJa,b ⊗ ta+mN ⊕ Ckˆ
a,b=0,...,N −1 m∈Z (a,b)=(0,0)
ˆ CJa,b ⊗ s−a+mN ⊕ Ck.
(s = t−1 )
a,b=0,...,N −1 m∈Z (a,b)=(0,0)
The cocycles which defines the central extension of g(0) and g(∞) are: ca,0 (A, B) :=
1 Rest=0 (dA|B), N
ca,∞ (A, B) :=
1 Ress=0 (dA|B), N
for A, B ∈ g(0) and A, B ∈ g(∞) respectively. (g(∗) is the loop algebra part of ˆg(∗) .) As Etingof showed (Lemma 1.1 of [E]), ˆ g(0) and ˆg(∞) are isomorphic to the ∼ (1) ordinary affine Lie algebra ˆ g of AN −1 type. Explicitly the isomorphism φ0 : ˆg(0) → ˆ g is defined by φ0 (Ei,i+1 ⊗ t) = ei ,
φ0 (Ei+1,i ⊗ t−1 ) = fi ,
φ0 (EN,1 ⊗ t) = e0 ,
φ0 (E1,N ⊗ t−1 ) = f0 ,
kˆ φ0 (Hi,i+1 ⊗ 1) = α∨ , i − N
ˆ = k, ˆ φ0 (k)
for i = 1, . . . , N − 1, where Eij is the matrix unit, Hij = Eii − Ejj , ei , fi (i = 0, . . . , N − 1) are the Chevalley generators of ˆg and α∨ i (i = 0, . . . , N − 1) are coroots of ˆ g. (cf. §6.2 and §7.4 of [K].) Since the positive powers of s (cf. (41)) kill (∞) the highest weight vector of the Verma module Mµ inserted at ∞ (cf. Definition (∞) 4.1 (i) of [T]), we identify ˆ g and ˆ g through an isomorphism which is essentially
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a composition of φ0 and the Chevalley involution: φ∞ (Ei,i+1 ⊗ s−1 ) = −fi , φ∞ (EN,1 ⊗ s
) = −f0 ,
φ∞ (Ei+1,i ⊗ s) = −ei , φ∞ (E1,N ⊗ s) = −e0 ,
kˆ φ∞ (Hi,i+1 ⊗ 1) = −α∨ , i + N
ˆ = k, ˆ φ∞ (k)
for i = 1, . . . , N − 1. Identified through φ0 and φ∞ , the Verma modules of ˆg(0) and ˆ g(∞) are Verma modules of ˆ g in ordinary sense. In this section, ei and fi denote the Chevalley generators of ˆg identified with the elements in ˆ g(0) or ˆ g(∞) by means of φ0 or φ∞ . Proposition 5.3. Assume that all Mi (i = 1, . . . , L) are integrable highest weight (∗) modules and that Mµ∗ (∗ = 0, ∞) is a Verma modules of ˆg(∗) . (0) (∞) Then CCorb (Mµ0 ⊗ M ⊗ Mµ∞ ) is 0 unless µ0 and µ∞ are dominant integral (0) weights of ˆ g identified with ˆ g and ˆ g(∞) . If µ0 and µ∞ are dominant integral weights, (∞) CCorb (Mµ(0) ⊗ M ⊗ Mµ(∞) )∼ (45) = CCorb (L(0) µ0 ⊗ M ⊗ Lµ∞ ), 0 ∞ (∗)
where Lµ∗ (∗ = 0, ∞) is the irreducible quotient of Mµ∗ . Remark 5.4. In physics context, this proposition is a consequence of the propagation of the null field. See §4 of [Z]. The author thanks Yasuhiko Yamada for this comment. Remark 5.5. Proposition 5.3 is in sharp contrast to the Weyl module case. See §6 of [T]. Proof. The following lemma shall be proved later. (∗)
Lemma 5.6. Let N∗ (∗ = 0, ∞) be a quotient of the Verma module Mµ∗ . Suppose vκ ∈ N0 is a singular vector of weight κ which is not a dominant integral weight. (The weight κ may possibly be the highest weight µ0 .) Then for any v ∈ M and v∞ ∈ N∞ , (46) vκ ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ ≡ 0 mod gorb out (N0 ⊗ M ⊗ N∞ ). The same is true for a singular vector vκ ∈ N∞ . The first statement of Proposition 5.3 is a consequence of Lemma 5.6. For example, assume µ0 is not a dominant integral weight. Let us show X1 [−n1 ] · · · Xl [−nl ]|µ0 ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ ≡ 0 mod gorb out ,
(∞) g(0) (Xi ∈ g, ni > 0), v ∈ M , v∞ ∈ Mµ∞ and mod gorb where Xi [−ni ] ∈ ˆ out denotes (0) (∞) mod gorb (M ⊗ M ⊗ M ). (This abbreviation shall be used throughout this µ µ 0 ∞ out −n1 n paper.) Let f1 (t) be an element of gorb such that f (t) ∼ X ⊗ t + O(t ) for 1 1 out sufficiently large n. (Such f1 exists due to the Riemann-Roch theorem. It is not
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
difficult to construct such a function concretely.1 ) Then we may replace X1 [−n1 ] by ρ0 (f1 (t)): X1 [−n1 ] · · · Xl [−nl ]|µ0 ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ =ρ0 (f1 (t))X2 [−n2 ] · · · Xl [−nl ]|µ0 ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ ≡ − X2 [−n2 ] · · · Xl [−nl ]|µ0 ⊗
L ρi (f1 (t))v ⊗ v∞ + v ⊗ ρ∞ (f1 (t))v∞ ⊗
(48) mod gorb out .
By induction on l, the problem is reduced to showing |µ0 ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ ≡ 0
mod gorb out ,
which immediately follows from Lemma 5.6. To prove the second statement of Proposition 5.3, assume that µ0 and µ∞ (∗) are dominant integral weight. Then the irreducible quotients of Mµ∗ are expressed as N −1 µ ,α∨ +1 (∗) = M / U (n− )fi ∗ i |µ∗ . (50) L(∗) µ∗ µ∗ i=0
See (10.4.6) of [K]. Therefore to prove (45), it is enough to show µ0 ,α∨ i +1
U (n− )fi
|µ0 ⊗ M ⊗ Mµ(∞) ≡0 ∞
mod gorb out ,
(51) (∗)
and a similar statement with the indices “0” and “∞” for µ∗ , Mµ∗ etc. interchanged. They are proved as above, namely by the arguments like (48) and (49), µ ,α∨ +1 because the weight of the singular vector fi ∗ i |µ∗ is not a dominant integral weight. Proof of Lemma 5.6. Since κ is not a dominant integral weights, there is an index i (0 i N − 1) such that κ(α∨ i ) is not a non-negative integer. By an easy calculation, we have eni fin vκ = cvκ ,
c = n!
n (κ(α∨ i ) − l + 1),
for any n ∈ N. Note that the constant c never vanishes. −1 n Let e(t) be an element of gorb out such that: (1) e(t) ∼ φ0 (ei ) + O(t ) for sufficiently large n; (2) ρ∞ (e(t))v∞ = 0 (i.e., e(t) has a zero of large order at t = ∞). Such an element can be constructed in the form X ⊗ F (t), where X = Ei,i+1 (i = 1, . . . , N − 1) or X = EN,1 (i = 0) and F (t) is a rational function. Hence we 1A
useful technique: for any g-valued function f (t) with poles in {0, Q1 , . . . , QL , ∞}, f (t) + Ad γ(f (ε−1 t)) + (Ad γ)2 (f (ε−2 t)) + · · · + (Ad γ)N−1 (f (ε−N+1 t)) ∈ gorb out .
Takashi Takebe
can rewrite vκ ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ modulo gorb out as follows (cf. p.479 of [TUY]): vκ ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ = c−1 ρ0 (eni fin )vκ ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ = c−1 ρ0 (e(t)n fin )vκ ⊗ v ⊗ v∞ ≡ (−1)n c−1
(53) L
n1 +···+nL
n! ρ0 (fin )vκ ⊗ ρj (e(t))nj v ⊗ v∞ . n ! · · · n ! 1 L =n j=1
Recall that ρj (e(t)) = ρj (X ⊗ F (t)) is locally nilpotent on Mj (Corollary 1.4.6 of [TUY]). Thus the right-hand side of (53) is 0 for large n, which completes the proof of the lemma. Because of the difference of the sign in (43) and (44) and the fact that Ad β ˜ is a dominant integral weight for ˆg(0) , λ ˜ is a is a Dynkin automorphism, if λ dominant integral weight for ˆ g(∞) and vice versa. (See (39).) Corollary 5.7. Under the same assumption as Proposition 5.3 we have (0) (∞) CCtrig (M ) ∼ CCorb (Lλ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Lλ˜ ), =
˜ λ∈wt(V ),λ:dom. int.
where “dom. int.” means “dominant integral weight”. Similarly the decomposition (38) becomes ∼ (0) (∞) ι : CC trig (M) → CC orb (Lλ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Lλ˜ ), (55) ˜ λ∈wt(V ),λ:dom. int.
where Lµ = Lµ ⊗ OS0 (∗ = 0, ∞).
6. Locally freeness The main theorem of this paper is proved in this section. We show that CC is locally free at the discriminant locus, S0 = {q = 0} ⊂ S, provided that all modules inserted are integrable highest weight modules. Thus, combining the result in [KT], we have locally freeness of the sheaf of conformal coinvariants and consequently locally freeness of its dual, the sheaf of conformal blocks. Corresponding statement for the Weyl modules has been proved in Proposition 4.2. The arguments in this section is parallel to those in §7.3 of [TK]. We assume the condition (35) for M. Moreover we assume that all Mi ’s are integrable highest weight modules. In particular, the level k is a non-negative integer. Theorem 6.1. The sheaf CC(M) and hence the sheaf CB(M) are locally free OS sheaves. The rest of the paper is devoted to the proof of this theorem. The main strategy of the proof is the same as that of [TK]. See also [SU], [NT] and [U]:
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
• Since CC(M) is coherent, it is sufficient to prove that each stalk CC(M)s (s ∈ S) is a free OS,s -module. • We proved the locally freeness of CC(M) on the non-singular part S S0 in [KT]. Thus we have only to prove the case s ∈ S0 . • When s ∈ S0 , we prove that the stalk of the completion of CC(M) at s is isomorphic to CC trig (M)s [[q]]. • CC(M)s is a free OS,s -module because of Proposition 5.1 and the faithfully flatness of the completion functor. We define completion of the sheaf CC(M) along the divisor S0 of S by taking ˆS/S be the completion completion of each ingredient of the definition (33). Let O 0 of OS along S0 : ˆS/S := proj lim OS /mnS . O (56) 0 0 n→∞
(mS0 is the defining ideal of S0 .) As an OS0 -module, it is isomorphic to the ring ˆS/S ∼ OS0 [[q]]. The completion of M = M ⊗ OS is of formal power series: O 0 = obviously ˆS/S ∼ 8 := M ⊗OS O (57) M MS0 [[q]], 0 = 8 naturally as where MS0 := M ⊗ OS0 . The OS -Lie algebra gX,out acts on M follows: a germ f (P ) of gX,out at (q = 0; Q1 , . . . , QL ) ∈ S0 is expanded at (q = ˜ in terms of the coordinates (q; xk , yk )k as 0; (0, 0, 0)k ; Q1 , . . . , QL ) ∈ X ∞
f (P ) =
m,n=0 ∞
n fk,m,n (s)xm k yk
fk,m,n (s)xm−n qn = k
m,n=0 ∞
fk,n,x (s, xk )q n =
fk,m,n (s)ykn−m q m
fk,m,y (s, yk )q m ,
where fk,m,n (s) ∈ g ⊗ OS0 (s ∈ S0 ) and fk,n,x (s, xk ) =
fk,m,n (s)xm−n , k
fk,m,y (s, yk ) =
fk,m,n (s)ykn−m . (59)
Note that the periodicity condition (27) implies Ad γ(fk,m,n (s)) = εm−n fk,m,n (s),
Ad β(fk,m,n (s)) = fk+1,m,n (s),
and hence fk,n,x (s, xk ) and fk,m,y (s, yk ) are meromorphic (rational) function on P1 with quasi-periodicity fk,n,x (s, εxk ) = Ad γ(fk,n,x (s, xk )), fk,m,y (s, ε−1 yk ) = Ad γ(fk,m,y (s, yk )), fk+1,n,x (s, xk ) = Ad β(fk,n,x (s, xk )), fk+1,m,y (s, yk ) = Ad β(fk,m,y (s, yk )),
Takashi Takebe
the poles of which are in the divisor ˜ 0 := ∗D
∗[εj Qi ] + ∗[0] + ∗[∞].
i=1 j∈Z/N Z
Therefore {fk,n,x (s, xk )}k∈Z/N Z and {fk,n,y (s, yk )}k∈Z/N Z , namely the nth coefficients of the expansion ∞ f (P ) = fn (P )q n , (63) n=0
define a section fn (P ) of gtw X |π −1
(S0 )
with poles at Q1 , . . . , QL , 0, ∞. See (23) and
8 (v ∈ M, g ∈ O ˆS/S ) is defined by (27). The action of f (P ) on v ⊗ g ∈ M 0 f (P ) · (v ⊗ g) :=
L ∞
ρi (fn (P ))v ⊗ q n g.
i=1 n=0
Here ρi denotes the usual action of the Laurent expansion of fn (P ) at Qi on Mi . 8 with respect to this action is the completion of The space of coinvariants of M CC(M): 8 8 X,out (M). 8 CC(M) := M/g (65) Lemma 6.2.
∼ 8 ˆS/S . CC(M) = CC(M) ⊗OS O 0
Proof. By definition, we have an exact sequence gX,out ⊗ M → M → CC(M) → 0.
ˆS/S we obtain an exact sequence Tensoring O 0 8 → CC(M) ⊗ O ˆS/S → 0. (gX,out ⊗ M)[[q]] → M 0
8 is It is sufficient to show that the image of the map (gX,out ⊗ M)[[q]] → M 8 defined by the action (64). This is almost trivial since f (P ) · v for gX,out (M) f (P ) ∈ gX,out and v ∈ M is expressed as f (P ) · v =
L ∞
q n ρi (fn (P ))v,
i=1 n=0
because of the expansion (63).
The next step is to make a completion of the isomorphism (55). For this purpose we need a lemma on Verma modules of ˆg(0) and ˆg(∞) . Note that the (∗) g(∗) (∗ = 0, ∞) is graded by the degree: Verma module Mµ of ˆ Mµ(∗) = Mµ(∗) (d), Mµ(∗) (d) := CX1 [−n1 ] · · · Xl [−nl ]|µ, (69) d≥0
n1 +···+nl =d (∗)
where |µ’s are the highest weight vectors of Mµ ni ∈ N).
ˆ(∗) (Xi ∈ g, and Xi [−ni ] ∈ g
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
Lemma 6.3. (0) (i) For any µ ∈ h∗ there exists a pairing between the Verma modules Mµ◦Ad β (∞)
and M−µ : (0)
× M−µ : (u, v) → u, v ∈ C, M 9 µ◦Ad β : which satisfies |µ ◦ Ad β, | − µ = 1 and
X[n]u, v + u, Ad β(X)[−n]v = 0, (0)
for any u ∈ Mµ◦Ad β , v ∈ M−µ , X ∈ g and n ∈ Z. ; < (0) (∞) (ii) Mµ◦Ad β (n), M−µ (n ) = 0 if n = n . (0)
(iii) The radical R(0) = {u ∈ Mµ◦Ad β | u, v = 0 for all v ∈ M−µ } is the largest (0)
proper submodule of Mµ◦Ad β . Similarly the radical in M−µ is the largest proper submodule. Hence the pairing descends to a non-degenerate pairing (0) (∞) between the irreducible quotients Lµ◦Ad β and L−µ . Proof. Let ν be the anti-isomorphism ν : Uˆ g(0) & X[n] = X ⊗ tn → −X ⊗ tn = −X[−n] ∈ U ˆg(∞) , (0)
ˆ = k. ˆ (72) ν(k)
This induces a linear isomorphism νβ : Mµ◦Ad β → HomC (M−µ , C) defined by νβ (x|µ ◦ Ad β) = −µ|ν(Ad β(x)),
(∞) ˆ(∞) -module HomC (M−µ where −µ| is the generating vector of the right g , C), normalised by −µ | −µ = 1. We define the pairing , by
v, v := νβ (v)v .
Straightforward computation shows that for x ∈ U ˆg(0) we have xv, v = v, ν(Ad β(x))v ,
which means (71) for x = X[n]. (ii) follows from the construction. (iii) is proved in the same way as Proposition 3.26 of [Wa]. Let {eλ,d,i } be a basis of respect to , .
(0) Lλ˜ (d)
and {eiλ,d } be its dual basis of
(∞) Lλ˜ (d)
Proposition 6.4. There exists an isomorphism 8 CC orb (Lλ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Lλ˜ )[[q]], ˆι : CC(M) →
˜ λ∈wt(V ),λ:dom. int.
ˆS/S -modules defined by of O 0 ˆι([v]) :=
=∞ λ
for v ∈ M.
> eλ,d,i ⊗ v ⊗
qd ,
Takashi Takebe
Proof. First we prove the well-definedness of (77), for which it is enough to show 8 the well-definedness of its component ιλ : CC(M) → CC orb (Mλ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Mλ˜ )[[q]], namely, ∞ eλ,d,i ⊗ f (P ) · v ⊗ eiλ,d q d ∈ gorb (78) ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Mλ ˜ ) out (Mλ d=0
for f (P ) ∈ gX,out and v ∈ M. Since ∞
i f (P ) · eλ,d,i ⊗ v ⊗ eλ,d q d ∈ gorb ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Mλ ˜ ), out (Mλ d=0
we have only to show that the left-hand side of (78) is equal to the left-hand side of (79), which is equivalent to an equation in Lλ˜ ⊗ Lλ˜ : ∞ ρ0 (f (P )) · eλ,d,i ⊗ eiλ,d + eλ,d,i ⊗ ρ∞ (f (P )) · eiλ,d q d = 0. d=0
Recall that the germ of f (P ) at 0 and the germ at ∞ is related by f (P )∞ = Ad β(f (P )0 ). See (27) of this paper or (18) of [T]. Hence using the expansion (58) and the invariance (71) of the pairing, we can show (80) in the same way as the proof of Claim 3 in the proof of Theorem 6.2.1 in [TUY]. Thus ˆι is well defined. Obviously the q = 0 part of ˆι is the isomorphism ι, (55). Therefore by termwise approximation (in analytic language) or, in other words, by Nakayama’s lemma (in algebraic language), ˆι is shown to be an isomorphism. With these preparations, the proof of the locally freeness of CC(M) goes as follows. As is mentioned after the statement of Theorem 6.1, it is enough to prove 8 that the stalk CC(M)s at s ∈ S0 is a free OS,s -module. Since CC(M) s is isomorphic ˆ to CC(M)s ⊗OS,s ⊗OS/S0 ,s (Lemma 6.2) and to ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Lλ ˜ )s [[q]] λ CC orb (Lλ (Proposition 6.4), we have an isomorphism ˆS/S ,s ∼ CC orb (Lλ˜ ⊗ M ⊗ Lλ˜ )s [[q]]. (81) CC(M)s ⊗OS,s O = 0 λ
ˆS/S ,s -module (Proposition 5.1 (ii) and The right-hand side of (81) being a free O 0 ˆS/S ,s over OS,s implies that CC(M)s is a Proposition 5.3), faithfully flatness of O 0 free OS,s -module. Thus Theorem 6.1 is proved.
7. Concluding comments We have proved locally freeness of CC(M) in two cases; Weyl module case (Proposition 4.2) and integrable highest weight module case (Theorem 6.1). A few comments are in order: • In the Weyl module case, CC(M) ∼ = V ⊗ OS as shown in the proof of Proposition 4.2 and the rank of CC(M) is dim V .
Trigonometric Degeneration and Orbifold WZW
• In the integrable highest module case, the rank is computed by further degenerating the orbifold. Degeneration of the type Qi → Qj should be considered in the same way as in [TUY] or [NT]. The final results of the degeneration is a combination of the three-punctured orbifold P1 /CN . In principle a Verlinde-type formula would be obtained in this way. • In [KT] we have shown that CC(M) has a flat connection. It has a regular singularity along S0 = {q = 0}, which is easily deduced from the explicit form of the connection, Theorem 5.9 of [KT]. Hence there is a one-to-one correspondence between flat sections around S0 and its restriction to S0 or, in other words, the “initial value” at S0 because of the locally flatness. Acknowledgments The author expresses his gratitude to Akihiro Tsuchiya who explained details of [TUY] and [NT], Toshiro Kuwabara who showed the manuscript of [TK] (the best guide to [TUY] for P1 case) before publishing, Michio Jimbo, Gen Kuroki, Tetsuji Miwa, Hiroyuki Ochiai, Kiyoshi Ohba, Nobuyoshi Takahashi, Tomohide Terasoma and Yasuhiko Yamada for discussion and comments. The atmosphere and environment of Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Moscow, Russia) and the conference “Infinite-Dimensional Algebras and Integrable Systems” (Faro, Portugal) were very important. The author thanks their hospitality.
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Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 225–233 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Weil-Petersson Geometry of the Universal Teichm¨ uller Space Leon A. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 32F60 (Primary) 32G15, 46E20, 58B20 (Secondary). Keywords. Universal Teichm¨ uller space, Bers embedding, Hilbert manifold, Velling-Kirillov metric, Weil-Petersson metric, Riemann curvature tensor.
1. Introduction The universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) is the simplest Teichm¨ uller space that bridges spaces of univalent functions and general Teichm¨ uller spaces. It was introduced by Bers [Ber65, Ber72, Ber73] and it is an infinite-dimensional complex Banach manifold. The universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) contains Teichm¨ uller spaces of Riemann surfaces as complex submanifolds. The universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) plays an important role in one of the approaches to non-perturbative bosonic closed string field theory based on K¨ ahler geometry. Namely, in the “old approach” to string field theory as the K¨ ahler geometry of the loop space [BR87a, BR87b], the loop space L(Rd ) is the configuration space for the closed strings, L(Rd ) = Rd × Ω(Rd ). The space Ω(Rd ) of based loops has a natural structure of an infinite-dimensional K¨ ahler manifold. The space of all complex structures of Ω(Rd ) is M = S 1 \ Diff + (S 1 ). The space M parameterizes vacuum states for Faddeev-Popov ghosts in the string field theory. The “flag manifolds” M and N = M¨ ob(S 1 )\ Diff + (S 1 ) Talk given by the first author at the workshop “Infinite-Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems” in Faro, Portugal, July 21–25, 2003. Detailed exposition and proofs can be found in [TT03].
L.A. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo
are infinite-dimensional complex Fr´echet manifolds carrying a natural K¨ ahler metrics [BR87a, BR87b, Kir87, KY87]. These manifolds also have an interpretation as coadjoint orbits of the Bott-Virasoro group, and the corresponding K¨ ahler forms coincide with Kirillov-Kostant symplectic forms [Kir87, KY87]. Ricci tensor for M is related to the problem of constructing reparametrization-invariant vacuum for ghosts. The natural inclusion N → T (1) is holomorphic (N is a leaf of a holomorphic foliation of T (1)), and the Kirillov-Kostant symplectic form at the origin of N is a pull-back of a certain symplectic form on the subspace of the tangent space to T (1) at the origin [NV90] (an avatar of the Weil-Petersson structure on T (1)).
2. Basic facts 2.1. Definitions Let D = {z ∈ C : |z| < 1}, D∗ = {z ∈ C : |z| > 1}. The complex Banach spaces L∞ (D∗ ) and L∞ (D) are the spaces of bounded Beltrami differentials on D∗ and D respectively. Let L∞ (D∗ )1 be the unit ball in L∞ (D∗ ). Two classical models of Bers’ universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) are the following. Model A. Extend every µ ∈ L∞ (D∗ )1 to D by the reflection
2 1 z µ(z) = µ , z ∈ D, z¯ z¯2 and consider the unique quasiconformal mapping wµ : C → C, which fixes −1, −i and 1, and satisfies the Beltrami equation ∂wµ ∂wµ =µ . ∂ z¯ ∂z The mapping wµ satisfies 1 = wµ wµ (z)
1 z¯
and fixes the domains D, D∗ , and the unit circle S 1 . For µ, ν ∈ L∞ (D∗ )1 set µ ∼ ν if wµ |S 1 = wν |S 1 . The universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) is defined as the set of equivalence classes of the mappings wµ , T (1) = L∞ (D∗ )1 / ∼ .
Weil-Petersson Geometry
Model B. Extend every µ ∈ L∞ (D∗ )1 to be zero outside D∗ and consider the unique solution wµ of the Beltrami equation ∂wµ ∂wµ =µ , ∂ z¯ ∂z satisfying f (0) = 0, f (0) = 1 and f (0) = 0, where f = wµ |D is holomorphic on D. For µ, ν ∈ L∞ (D∗ )1 set µ ∼ ν if wµ |D = wν |D . The universal Teichm¨ uller space is defined as the set of equivalence classes of the mappings wµ , T (1) = L∞ (D∗ )1 / ∼ . Since wµ |S 1 = wν |S 1 if and only if wµ |D = wν |D , the two definitions of the universal Teichm¨ uller space are equivalent. The set T (1) is a topological space with the quotient topology induced from L∞ (D∗ )1 . 2.2. Properties of T (1) 1. The universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) has a unique structure of a complex Banach manifold such that the projection map Φ : L∞ (D∗ )1 → T (1) is a holomorphic submersion. 2. The holomorphic tangent space T0 T (1) at the origin is identified with the Banach space Ω−1,1 (D∗ ) of harmonic Beltrami differentials, Ω−1,1 (D∗ ) = {µ ∈ L∞ (D∗ ) : µ(z) = (1 − |z|2 )2 φ(z), φ ∈ A∞ (D∗ )}, where A∞ (D∗ ) = {φ holomorphic on D∗ : φ ∞ = sup (1 − |z|2 )2 φ(z) < ∞}. z∈D∗
3. The universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) is a group (not a topological group!) under the composition of the quasiconformal mappings. The group law on L∞ (D∗ )1 λ = ν ∗ µ−1 is defined through wλ = wν ◦ wµ−1 and projects to T (1). Explicitly,
ν − µ (wµ )z λ= ◦ wµ−1 . 1−µ ¯ ν (w µ )z¯ For every µ ∈ L∞ (D∗ )1 the right translations R[µ] : T (1) −→ T (1),
[λ] −→ [λ ∗ µ],
where [λ] = Φ(λ) ∈ T (1), are biholomorphic automorphisms of T (1). The left translations, in general, are not even continuous mappings.
L.A. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo
4. The group T (1) is isomorphic to the subgroup of the group Homeoqs (S 1 ) of quasisymmetric homeomorphisms of S 1 fixing −1, −i and 1. By definition, γ ∈ Homeoqs (S 1 ) if it is orientation preserving and satisfies γ ei(θ+t) − γ eiθ 1 ≤ M ≤ γ (eiθ ) − γ ei(θ−t) M for all θ and all |t| ≤ π/2 with some constant M > 0. Remark 1. The closure of N in T (1) is the subgroup of symmetric homeomorphisms in M¨ ob(S 1 )\Homeoqs (S 1 ) satisfying the above inequality with M replaced by 1 + o(t) as t → 0. 2.3. Bers embedding and the complex structure of T (1) 2 2 Let A∞ (D) = φ holomorphic on D : φ ∞ = sup (1 − |z| ) φ(z) < ∞ . z∈D
and let S(f ) be the Schwarzian derivative, fzzz 3 S(f ) = − fz 2
fzz fz
2 .
For every µ ∈ L∞ (D∗ )1 the holomorphic function S(wµ )|D ∈ A∞ (D) and, by Kraus-Nehari inequality, lies in the ball of radius 6. The Bers embedding β : T (1) → A∞ (D) is defined by β([µ]) = S(wµ |D ), and is a holomorphic map of complex Banach manifolds. Define the mapping Λ : A∞ (D) → Ω−1,1 (D∗ ) by
1 1 1 2 2 Λ(φ)(z) = − (1 − |z| ) φ . 2 z¯ z¯4 By Ahlfors-Weill theorem, the mapping Λ is inverse to the Bers embedding β over the ball of radius 2 in A∞ (D). The complex structure of T (1) is explicitly described as follows. For every µ ∈ L∞ (D∗ )1 let Uµ ⊂ T (1) be the image of the ball of radius 2 in A∞ (D) under −1 the map h−1 µ = R[µ] ◦ Λ. The inverse map hµ = β ◦ R[µ] : Uµ → A∞ (D) and the ? ? maps hµν = hµ ◦ h−1 hν (Uν ) → hµ (Uµ ) hν (Uν ) are biholomorphic (as ν : hµ (Uµ ) @ functions in the Banach space A∞ (D)). The open covering T (1) = µ∈L∞ (D∗ )1 Uµ with coordinate maps hµ and transition maps hµν defines a complex-analytic atlas on T (1) modelled on the Banach space A∞ (D). The canonical projection Φ : L∞ (D∗ )1 → T (1) is a holomorphic submersion and the Bers embedding β : T (1) → A∞ (D) is a biholomorphic map with respect to this complex structure. Complex coordinates on T (1) defined by the coordinate charts (Uµ , hµ ) are called Bers coordinates.
Weil-Petersson Geometry
2.4. The universal Teichm¨ uller curve The universal Teichm¨ uller curve T (1) is a complex fiber space over T (1) with a holomorphic projection map π : T (1) → T (1). ˆ = C ∪ {∞} with the The fiber over each point [µ] is the quasi-disk wµ (D∗ ) ⊂ C ˆ complex structure induced from C and T (1) = {([µ], z) : [µ] ∈ T (1), z ∈ wµ (D∗ )} . The fibration π : T (1) −→ T (1) has a natural holomorphic section given by T (1) & [µ] → ([µ], ∞) ∈ T (1) which defines the embedding T (1) → T (1). The universal Teichm¨ uller curve is a complex Banach manifold modelled on A∞ (D) ⊕ C. 2.5. Velling-Kirillov metric on T (1) The Velling-Kirillov metric at the origin of T (1) is defined by υ
2 V K=
n|cn |2 ,
cn einθ
∂ ∈ T0 S 1 \Homeoqs (S 1 ) ∂θ
– the tangent space at the origin of a real Banach manifold S 1 \Homeoqs (S 1 ). (The series in the definition of υ 2V K is always convergent.) At other points the Velling-Kirillov metric is defined by the right translations. The Velling-Kirillov metric on T (1) is K¨ ahler with symplectic form ωV K . Remark 2. For the space S 1 \ Diff + (S 1 ) this metric was introduced by Kirillov [Kir87] and has been studied by Kirillov-Yuriev [KY87]. Velling [Vel] introduced a Hermitian metric for T (1) using geometric theory of functions, and in [Teo02] the second author extended Kirillov’s metric to T (1) and proved that it coincides with the metric introduced by Velling. The Velling-Kirillov metric is the unique K¨ ahler metric on T (1) invariant under the right translations [Kir87, Teo02].
3. Weil-Petersson metric on T (1) As a Banach manifold, the universal Teichm¨ uller space does not carry a natural Hermitian metric. However, it is possible (see [TT03] for detailed construction and proofs) to introduce a new Hilbert manifold structure on T (1) such that it has a natural Hermitian metric. Namely, define the Hilbert space of harmonic Beltrami differentials on D∗ by A ¯ φ holomorphic on D∗ : H −1,1 (D∗ ) = µ = ρ−1 φ, B µ 22 = |µ|2 ρ(z)d2 z < ∞ , D∗
L.A. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo
4 (1 − |z|2 )2 is the density of the hyperbolic metric on D∗ . The natural inclusion map H −1,1 (D∗ ) → Ω−1,1 (D∗ ) is bounded, and it can be shown that the family D, defined by T (1) & [µ] → D0 R[µ] H −1,1 (D∗ ) ⊂ T[µ] T (1), ρ(z) =
is an integrable distribution on T (1). Integral manifolds of the distribution D are Hilbert manifolds modelled on the Hilbert space H −1,1 (D∗ ). Thus the universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) carries a new structure of a Hilbert manifold. Similarly to the Banach manifold structure, the Hilbert manifold structure can be also described by a complex-analytic atlas. Let T0 (1) be the component of origin of the Hilbert manifold T (1), M¨ ob(S 1 )\ Diff + (S 1 ) ⊂ T0 (1). As a Hilbert manifold, the universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) has a natural Hermitian metric, defined by the Hilbert space inner product on tangent spaces. Thus the Weil-Petersson metric is a right-invariant metric on T (1), defined at the origin of T (1) by µ¯ ν ρ(z)d2 z, µ, ν ∈ H −1,1 (D∗ ) = T0 T (1). gµ¯ν = µ, ν = D∗
If υ=
cn einθ
∂ ∈ T0 M¨ ob(S 1 )\Homeoqs (S 1 ) ∂θ
– the tangent space to a real Hilbert manifold M¨ ob(S 1 )\Homeoqs (S 1 ) at the origin – then υ
2 WP =
(n3 − n)|cn |2 ,
The Weil-Petersson metric on T (1) is K¨ ahler with symplectic form ωW P .
4. Riemann tensor of the Weil-Petersson metric
−1 Let G = 12 ∆0 + 12 be (the one-half of) the resolvent kernel of the LaplaceBeltrami operator of the hyperbolic metric on D∗ (acting on functions) at λ = 12 . Explicitly G(z, w) =
2u + 1 u+1 1 log − , 2π u π
u(z, w) =
G(z, w)f (w)ρ(w)d2 w.
G(f )(z) = D∗
|z − w|2 . (1 − |z|2 )(1 − |w|2 )
Weil-Petersson Geometry
Theorem A. (i) The Weil-Petersson metric is a K¨ ahler metric on a Hilbert manifold T (1), and the Bers coordinates are geodesic coordinates at the origin of T (1). (ii) Let µα , µβ , µγ , µδ ∈ H −1,1 (D∗ ) T0 T (1) be orthonormal tangent vectors. Then the Riemann tensor at the origin of T(1) is given by Rαβγ ¯ δ¯ = −
∂ 2 gαβ¯ = −G(µα µ ¯δ ), µβ µ ¯γ − µα µ ¯β , G(¯ µγ µδ ). ∂tγ ∂ t¯δ
ahler-Einstein with the negative definite Ricci (iii) The Hilbert manifold T0 (1) is K¨ tensor, 13 ωW P . RicW P = − 12π
5. Characteristic forms of T (1) Let V = Tv T (1) be the vertical tangent bundle of the fibration π : T (1) → T (1). µ
The hyperbolic metric on w (D ) defines a Hermitian metric on V , defining the first Chern form c1 (V ) – a (1, 1)-form on T (1). Mumford-Morita-Miller characteristic forms (“κ-forms”) are (n, n)-forms on the Hilbert manifold T (1), defined by κn = (−1)n+1 π∗ c1 (V )n+1 , where π∗ : Ω∗ (T (1)) → Ω∗−2 (T (1)) is the operation of “integration over the fibers” of π : T (1) → T (1), considered as a fibration of Hilbert manifolds. Theorem B. (i) On T (1), considered as a Banach manifold, c1 (V ) = −
2 ωV K . π
(ii) On T (1), considered as a Hilbert manifold, κ1 =
1 ωW P . π2
(iii) The characteristic forms κn are right-invariant on the Hilbert manifold T (1) and for µ1 , . . . , µn , ν1 , . . . , νn ∈ H −1,1 (D∗ ) T0 T (1), κn (µ1 , . . . , µn , ν¯1 , . . . , ν¯n ) in (n + 1)! sgn(σ) G µ1 ν¯σ(1) . . . G µn ν¯σ(n) ρ(z)d2 z. = n+1 (2π) σ∈Sn
L.A. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo
6. Applications The Weil-Petersson properties of the universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) are “universal” in the sense that all curvature properties of finite-dimensional Teichm¨ uller spaces can be deduced from them. In particular, Wolpert explicit formulas [Wol86] follow from Theorems A and B by using an “averaging procedure”, based on a uniform distribution of lattice points of a cofinite Fuchsian group in the hyperbolic plane (see [TT03] for details). The K¨ahler potential for the Weil-Petersson metric on the universal Teichm¨ uller space T (1) – “the universal Liouville action” – is constructed in [TT04]. Acknowledgments The first author is grateful to the organizers of the workshop “Infinite-Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems” in Faro, Portugal, July 21-25, 2003, for their kind hospitality.
References [Ber65] L Bers, Automorphic forms and general Teichm¨ uller spaces, Proc. Conf. Complex Analysis (Minneapolis, 1964), Springer, Berlin, 1965, pp. 109–113. [Ber72] Lipman Bers, Uniformization, moduli and Kleinian groups, Bull. London. Math. Soc. 4 (1972), 257–300. , Fiber spaces over Teichm¨ uller spaces, Acta. Math. 130 (1973), 89–126. [Ber73] [BR87a] M.J. Bowick and S.G. Rajeev, The holomorphic geometry of closed bosonic string theory and Diff S 1 /S 1 , Nuclear Phys. B 293 (1987), no. 2, 348–384. [BR87b] , String theory as the K¨ ahler geometry of loop space, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 (1987), no. 6, 535–538. [Kir87] A.A. Kirillov, K¨ ahler structure on the K-orbits of a group of diffeomorphisms of the circle, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 21 (1987), no. 2, 42–45. [KY87] A.A. Kirillov and D.V. Yur ev, K¨ ahler geometry of the infinite-dimensional homogeneous space M = diff + (S 1 )/rot(S 1 ), Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 21 (1987), no. 4, 35–46. [NV90] Subhashis Nag and Alberto Verjovsky, diff(S 1 ) and the Teichm¨ uller spaces, Comm. Math. Phys. 130 (1990), no. 1, 123–138. [Teo02] Lee-Peng Teo, Velling-Kirillov metric on the universal Teichm¨ uller curve, J. Analyse Math. 93 (2004), 271–308. [TT03] Leon A. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo, Weil-Petersson metric on the universal Teichm¨ uller space I: Curvature properties and Chern forms, Preprint arXiv: math.CV/0312172 (2003). [TT04] Leon A. Takhtajan and Lee-Peng Teo, Weil-Petersson metric on the universal Teichm¨ uller space II: K¨ ahler potential and period mapping, Preprint arXiv: math.CV/0406408. [Vel] John A. Velling, A projectively natural metric on Teichm¨ uller’s spaces, unpublished manuscript.
Weil-Petersson Geometry
[Wol86] Scott A. Wolpert, Chern forms and the Riemann tensor for the moduli space of curves, Invent. Math. 85 (1986), no. 1, 119–145. Leon A. Takhtajan Department of Mathematics SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook NY 11794-3651, USA e-mail: [email protected] Lee-Peng Teo Department of Applied Mathematics National Chiao Tung University 1001, Ta-Hsueh Road Hsinchu City, 30050 Taiwan, R.O.C. e-mail: [email protected]
Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 237, 235–263 c 2005 Birkh¨ auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov and Dynamical Equations, and Hypergeometric Integrals V. Tarasov Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 17B37, 17B80, 33C70, 33C80, 81R10. Keywords. Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, dynamical equations, (glk , gl n ) duality, hypergeometric integrals.
1. Introduction The Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov (KZ ) equations is a holonomic system of differential equations for correlation functions in conformal field theory on the sphere [KZ]. The KZ equations play an important role in representation theory of affine Lie algebras and quantum groups, see for example [EFK]. There are rational, trigonometric and elliptic versions of KZ equations, depending on what kind of coefficient functions the equations have. In this paper we will consider only the rational and trigonometric versions of the KZ equations. The rational KZ equations associated with a reductive Lie algebra g is a system of equations for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ) of complex variables z1 , . . . , zn , which takes values in a tensor product V1 ⊗ · · ·⊗ Vn of g-modules V1 , . . . , Vn . The equations depend on a complex parameter κ , and their coefficients are expressed in terms of the symmetric tensor Ω ∈ U (g) ⊗ U (g) corresponding to a nondegenerate invariant bilinear form on g . For example, if g = sl 2 and e, f, h are its standard generators such that [e , f ] = h , then Ω = e ⊗ f + f ⊗ e + h ⊗ h/2 . The rational KZ equations are n Ω(ij) ∂u κ = u, i = 1, . . . , n , (1.1) ∂zi z − zj j=1 i j=i
where Ω(ij) ∈ End (V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vn ) is the operator acting as Ω on Vi ⊗ Vj and as the identity on all other tensor factors; for instance, Ω(12) (v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn ) = Ω (v1 ⊗ v2 ) ⊗ v3 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn .
V. Tarasov
All over the paper we will assume that κ is not a rational number. Properties of solutions of the KZ equations depend much on whether κ is rational or not. Equations (1.1) can be generalized to a holonomic system of differential equations depending on an element λ ∈ g : κ
n ∂u Ω(ij) = λ(i) u + u, ∂zi z − zj j=1 i
i = 1, . . . , n .
Here λ ∈ End (V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vn ) acts as λ on Vi and as the identity on all other tensor factors: λ(i) (v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn ) = v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ λvi ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn . System (1.2) is also called the rational KZ equations. Further on we will assume that λ is a semisimple regular element of g . Let h ⊂ g be the Cartan subalgebra containing λ , and let eα ∈ g be a root vector corresponding to a root α ∈ h∗ . We normalize the root vectors by (eα , e−α ) = 1 , where ( , ) is the bilinear form on g corresponding to the tensor Ω . In [FMTV] system (1.2) was extended to a larger system of holonomic differential equations for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ) on C n ⊕ h . In addition to equations (1.2) the extended system includes the following equations with respect to λ : (i)
(µ, α) eα e−α u , µ ∈ h, (1.3) 2 (λ , α) α i=1 where Dµ is the directional derivative: Dµ u(λ) = ∂t u(λ + tµ) t=0 . Equations (1.3) are called the rational dynamical differential (DD) equations. A special case of equations (1.3), when n = 1 and z1 = 0 , was discovered for a completely different reason. Around 1995 studying hyperplanes arrangements De Concini and Procesi introduced in an unpublished work a connection on the set of regular elements of the Cartan subalgebra h . The equations for horizontal sections of the De Concini -Procesi connection coincide with the rational DD equations. The same connection also appeared later in [TL]. De Concini and Procesi conjectured that the monodromy of their connection is described in terms of the quantum Weyl group of type g . For g = sl n this conjecture was proved in [TL]. If all g-modules V1 , . . . , Vn are highest weight modules, solutions of the KZ equations (1.1) can be written in terms of multidimensional hypergeometric integrals [SV], [V]. The construction of hypergeometric solutions can be generalized in a straightforward way to the case of KZ equations (1.2), see [FMTV]. Moreover, it is shown in [FMTV] that the hypergeometric solutions of the KZ equations obey the DD equations (1.3) as well. Generically, hypergeometric solutions of the KZ and DD equations are complete, that is, they form a basis of solutions of those systems of differential equations. An amusing fact about the hypergeometric solutions is that though systems (1.2) and (1.3) have rather similar look, and the variables z1 , . . . , zn and λ seem to play nearly interchangeable roles, the formulae for the hypergeometric solutions of the KZ and DD equations involve z1 , . . . , zn and λ in a highly nonsymmetric way. κ Dµ u =
zi µ(i) u +
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
While the variables z1 , . . . , zn determine singularities of integrands of the hypergeometric integrals and enter there in a rather complicated manner, λ appears in the integrands only in a very simple way via the exponential of a linear form. Such asymmetry suggests the following idea. Suppose that a certain holonomic system of differential equations can be viewed both as a special case of system (1.2) and as a special case of system (1.3), maybe not for the same Lie algebra g . Then one can get two types of integral formulae for solutions of that system, and solutions of one kind should be linear combinations of solutions of the other kind. Thus, this can lead to nontrivial relations between hypergeometric integrals of different dimensions. It turns out that the mentioned idea indeed can be realized in the framework of the (glk , gl n ) duality. This duality plays an important role in the representation theory and the classical invariant theory, see [Zh1], [Ho]. It was observed in [TL] that under the (glk , gl n ) duality the KZ equations (1.1) for the Lie algebra sl k correspond to the DD equations (1.3) (with n replaced by k and all z ’s being equal to zero) for the Lie algebra sl n . This fact was used in [TL] to compute the monodromy of the De Concini –Procesi connection in terms of the quantum Weyl group action. Systems (1.2) and (1.3) are counterparts of each other under the (glk , gl n ) duality in general as well, see [TV4]. Employing this claim for k = n = 2 , after all one arrives to identities for hypergeometric integrals of different dimensions [TV6]. One can expect that there are similar identities for hypergeometric integrals for an arbitrary pair k, n . There are various generalizations of the KZ equations. The function Ω/z , describing the coefficients of the KZ equations, is the simplest example of a classical r-matrix – a solution of the classical Yang-Baxter equation. Starting from any classical r-matrix with a spectral parameter one can write down a holonomic system of differential equations, see [Ch2]. The obtained system is called the KZ equations associated with the given r-matrix. For example, the standard trigonometric r-matrix is 1 Ω + ξa ⊗ ξa + eα ⊗ e−α , r(z) = z−1 2 a α>0 where { ξa } is an orthonormal basis of the Cartan subalgebra, and the second sum is taken over all positive roots α , cf. (3.1) for the Lie algebra glk . The trigonometric r-matrix satisfies the classical Yang-Baxter equation ! ! r12 (z/w), r13 (z) + r23 (w) + r13 (z), r23 (w) = 0 . The corresponding KZ equations are n ∂u (i) κ zi = λ u+ r(ij) (zi /zj ) u , ∂zi j=1 j=i
i = 1, . . . , n ,
V. Tarasov
where λ is an element of the Cartan subalgebra. They are called the trigonometric KZ equations associated with the Lie algebra g . System (1.2) can be considered as a limiting case of system (1.4) by the following procedure: one replaces the variables z1 , . . . , zn by e εz1, . . . , e εzn and λ by λ/ε , and then sends ε to 0 . The difference analogue of the KZ equations – the quantized Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov (qKZ ) equations – were introduced in [FR]. Coefficients of the qKZ equations are given in terms of quantum R-matrices – solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation: R12 (z − w) R13 (z) R23 (w) = R23 (w) R13 (z) R12 (z − w) . There are rational, trigonometric and elliptic versions of KZ equations, the corresponding R-matrices coming from the representation theory of Yangians, quantum affine algebra algebras and elliptic quantum groups, respectively. The rational qKZ equations associated with the Lie algebra g is a holonomic system of difference equations for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ) with values in a tensor product V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vn of modules over the Yangian Y (g) : −1 (1.5) u(z1 , . . . , zi + κ, . . . , zn ) = R1i (z1 − zi − κ) . . . Ri−1,i (zi−1 − zi − κ) × (e µ )(i) Rin (zi − zn ) . . . Ri,i+1 (zi − zi+1 ) u(z1 , . . . , zn ) , i = 1, . . . , n . Here µ is an element of the Cartan subalgebra and Rij (z) is the R-matrix for the tensor product Vi ⊗ Vj of the Yangian modules. There are also several generalizations of the rational differential dynamical equations. The difference analogue of the DD equations – the rational difference dynamical (qDD) equations – was suggested in [TV3]. The idea was to extend the trigonometric KZ equations (1.4) by equations with respect to λ similarly to the way in which system (1.3) extends the rational KZ equations (1.2), and to obtain a holonomic system of differential -difference equations for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ) on C n ⊕ h . The rational qDD equations have the form u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ + κω) = Yω (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ) u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ)
where ω is an integral weight of g , and the operators Yω are written in terms of the extremal cocycle on the Weyl group of g . The extremal cocycles and their special values, the extremal projectors, are important objects in the representation theory of Lie algebras and Lie groups, see [AST], [Zh2], [Zh3], [ST]. The ideas used in [TV3] were further developed in [EV] where a new concept of the dynamical Weyl group was introduced, and the trigonometric version of the difference dynamical equations was suggested. There is also the trigonometric version of the differential dynamical equations, which, in principle, can be obtained by degenerating the trigonometric difference dynamical equations. The explicit form of the trigonometric differential dynamical equations for the Lie algebras glk and sl k was obtained in [TV4] by extending the rational qKZ equations (1.5) by equations with respect to µ in such a way that
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
the result is a holonomic system of difference -differential equations for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; µ) on C n ⊕ h . The (glk , gl n ) duality naturally applies to the trigonometric and difference versions of the KZ and dynamical equations. Under the duality, the trigonometric KZ equations (1.4) for the Lie algebra glk correspond to the trigonometric differential dynamical equations for the Lie algebra gl n , and vice versa. At the same time the rational qKZ equations for glk are counterparts of the rational qDD equations for gl n . To relate the trigonometric qKZ and qDD equations, one has to employ the q-analogue of the (glk , gl n ) duality: the Uq (glk ) , Uq (gl n ) duality described in [B], [TL]. Hypergeometric solutions of the trigonometric KZ equations (1.4) can be written almost in the same manner as those of the rational KZ equations (1.1), see [Ch1], [MV]. Conjecturally, the hypergeometric solutions of the trigonometric KZ equations obey the corresponding rational qDD equations. For the Lie algebra sl k this claim was proved in [MV]. On the other hand, solutions of the rational qKZ equations can be written in terms of suitable q-hypergeometric Jackson integrals [TV1], or q-hypergeometric integrals of Mellin-Barnes type [TV2]. Thus, using the (glk , gl n ) duality, one can obtain solutions of a certain system of differential -difference equations both in terms of ordinary hypergeometric integrals and q-hypergeometric integrals of Mellin-Barnes type, and establish nontrivial relations between those integrals. For k = n = 2 this has been done in [TV7]. The obtained relations are multidimensional analogues of the equality of two integral representations for the Gauss hypergeometric function 2 F1 : 1 Γ(γ) uα−1 (1 − u)γ−α−1 (1 − uz)−β du 2 F1 (α, β ; γ ; z) = Γ(α) Γ(γ − α) =
Γ(γ) 1 2πi Γ(α) Γ(β)
0 +i∞−ε
(−z)s −i∞−ε
Γ(−s) Γ(s + α) Γ(s + β) ds . Γ(s + γ)
As it was pointed out by J.Harnad, the duality between the KZ and DD equations in the rational differential case is essentially the “quantum” version of the duality for isomonodromic deformation systems [H1]. The relation of the differential KZ equations and the isomonodromic deformation systems is described in [R], [H2]. From this point of view the rational qDD equations can be considered as “quantum” analogues of the Schlesinger transformations, though the correspondence is not quite straightforward. The paper is organized as follows. After introducing basic notation we subsequently describe the differential KZ and DD equations, and the rational difference qKZ and qDD equations, for the Lie algebra glk . This is done in Sections 2 – 5. Then we consider the (glk , gl n ) duality in application to the KZ and dynamical equations. In the last two sections we describe the hypergeometric solutions of the equations, and use the duality relations to establish identities for hypergeometric and q-hypergeometric integrals of different dimensions.
V. Tarasov
2. Basic notation Let n be a nonnegative integer. A partition λ = (λ1 , λ2 , . . . ) with at most k parts is an infinite nonincreasing sequence of nonnegative integers such that λk+1 = 0 . Denote by Pk the set of partitions with at most k parts and by P the set of all partitions. We often make use of the embedding Pk → C k given by truncating the zero tail of a partition: (λ1 , . . . , λk , 0 , 0 , . . . ) → (λ1 , . . . , λk ) . Since obviously Pm ⊂ Pk for m k , in fact, one has a collection of embeddings Pm → C k for any m k . What particular embedding is used will be clear from the context. Let eab , a, b = 1, . . . , k , be the standard basis of the Lie algebra glk : [eab , ecd ] = δbc ead − δad ecb . We take the Cartan subalgebra h ⊂ glk spanned by e11 , . . . , ekk , and the nilpotent subalgebras n+ and n− spanned by the elements eab for a < b and a > b , respectively. One has the standard Gauss decomposition glk = n+ ⊕ h ⊕ n− . Let ε1 , . . . , εk be the basis of h∗ dual to e11 , . . . , ekk : εa , ebb = δab . We identify h∗ with C k mapping λ1 ε1 + · · · + λk εk to (λ1 , . . . , λk ) . The root vectors of glk are eab for a = b , the corresponding root being equal to αab = εa − εb . The roots αab for a < b are positive. We choose the standard invariant bilinear form ( , ) on glk : (eab , ecd ) = δad δbc . It defines an isomorphism h → h∗ . The induced bilinear form on h∗ is (εa , εb ) = δab . For a glk -module W and a weight λ ∈ h∗ let W [λ] be the weight subspace of W of weight λ . For any λ ∈ Pk we denote by Vλ the irreducible glk -module with highest weight λ . By abuse of notation, for any l ∈ Z0 we write Vl instead of V(l,0,...,0) . Thus, V0 = C is the trivial glk -module, V1 = C k with the natural action of glk , and Vl is the l-th symmetric power of V1 . Define a glk -action on the polynomial ring C[x1 , . . . , xk ] by differential operators: eab → xa ∂b , where ∂b = ∂/∂xb , and denote the obtained glk -module by V . Then ∞ V= Vl , (2.1) l=0
the submodule Vl being spanned by homogeneous polynomials of degree l . The highest weight vector of the submodule Vl is x1l .
3. Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov and differential dynamical equations ⊗n For any g ∈ U (glk ) set g (i) = id ⊗ · · · ⊗ g ⊗ · · · ⊗ id ∈ U (glk ) . We consider ⊗n ith ⊗n U (glk ) as a subalgebra of U (glk ) , the embedding U (glk ) → U (glk ) being given by the n-fold coproduct, that is, x → x(1) + · · · + x(n) for any x ∈ glk .
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations Let Ω =
eab ⊗ eba be the Casimir tensor, and let
Ω+ =
Ω− =
k 1 eaa ⊗ eaa + 2 a=1 k 1 eaa ⊗ eaa + 2 a=1
eab ⊗ eba ,
eba ⊗ eab ,
so that Ω = Ω+ + Ω− . The standard trigonometric r-matrix, associated with the Lie algebra glk is r(z) =
z Ω + + Ω− Ω + Ω+ = . z−1 z−1
Fix a nonzero complex number κ . Consider differential operators ∇z1 , . . . , z1 , . . . , ∇ zn with coefficients in U (glk ) ⊗n depending on complex vari∇zn and ∇ ables z1 , . . . , zn and λ1 , . . . , λk : ∇zi (z ; λ) = κ
k n Ω(ij) ∂ − λa (eaa )(i) − , ∂zi z − zj a=1 j=1 i
j=i k n eaa zi (z ; λ) = κzi ∂ − ∇ r(ij) (zi /zj ) . λa − (eaa )(i) − ∂zi 2 a=1 j=1
z1 , . . . , ∇ zn ) are called the ratioThe differential operators ∇z1 , . . . , ∇zn (resp. ∇ nal (resp. trigonometric) Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov (KZ ) operators. The following statements are well known. Theorem 3.1. The operators ∇z1 , . . . , ∇zn pairwise commute. z1 , . . . , ∇ zn pairwise commute. Theorem 3.2. The operators ∇ The rational KZ equations associated with the Lie algebra glk is a system of differential equations ∇zi u = 0 ,
i = 1, . . . , n ,
for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , . . . , λk ) taking values in an n-fold tensor product of glk -modules. Similarly, the trigonometric KZ equations associated with the Lie algebra glk is a system of differential equations zi u = 0 , ∇ for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , . . . , λk ) .
i = 1, . . . , n .
V. Tarasov
λ1 , . . . , D λ with coeffiIntroduce differential operators Dλ1 , . . . , Dλk and D k ⊗n cients in U (glk ) depending on complex variables z1 , . . . , zn and λ1 , . . . , λk : Dλa (z ; λ) = κ
n k eab eba − eaa ∂ − zi (eaa )(i) − . ∂λa λa − λb i=1
b=1 b=a
2 λa (z ; λ) = κ λa ∂ + eaa − zi (eaa )(i) − D ∂λa 2 i=1 n
(eab )(i) (eba )(j) −
b=1 1i<jn
Recall that eab =
n i=1
k b=1 b=a
λb (eab eba − eaa ) . λa − λb
λ1 , . . . , D λ ) (eab )(i) . The operators Dλ1 , . . . , Dλk (resp. D k
are called the rational (resp. trigonometric) differential dynamical (DD) operators. Theorem 3.3. The operators ∇z1 , . . . , ∇zn , Dλ1 , . . . , Dλk pairwise commute. The theorem follows from the same result for the rational KZ and DD operators associated with the Lie algebra sl k , see [FMTV]. λ1 , . . . , D λ pairwise commute. Theorem 3.4. [TV4] The operators D k The statement can be verified in a straightforward way. Later we will formulate analogues of Theorem 3.3 for the trigonometric KZ operators and the trigonometric DD operators, see Theorems 4.1 and 5.1. They involve difference dynamical operators and difference (quantized) Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov operators which are discussed in the next two sections. The rational DD equations associated with the Lie algebra glk is a system of differential equations Dλa u = 0 ,
a = 1, . . . , k ,
for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , . . . , λk ) taking values in an n-fold tensor product of glk -modules. Similarly, the trigonometric DD equations associated with the Lie algebra glk is a system of differential equations λa u = 0 , D
a = 1, . . . , k .
for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , . . . , λk ) . Remark. Systems (3.5) and (3.8) are not precisely the same as specializations of the respective systems (1.4) and (1.3) for the Lie algebra glk . However, in both cases the difference is not quite essential and can be worked out. The form of the zi and Dλa given in this section, see (3.3) and (3.6), fits the best the operators ∇ framework of the (glk , gl n ) duality.
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
4. Rational difference dynamical equations For any a , b = 1, . . . , k , a = b , introduce a series Bab (t) depending on a complex variable t : ∞ s 1 . esba esab Bab (t) = 1 + j (t − e aa + ebb − j) s=1 j=1 The series has a well-defined action on any finite-dimensional glk -module W , giving an End (W )-valued rational function of t . The series Bab (t) have zero weight: ! for any x ∈ h , (4.1) Bab (t) , x = 0 satisfy the inversion relation Bab (t) Bba (−t) = 1 −
eaa − ebb , t
and the braid relation Bab (t − s) Bac (t) Bbc (s) = Bbc (s) Bac (t) Bab (t − s) .
Relation (4.1) is clear. Relations (4.2) and (4.3) follow from [TV3], namely from the properties of functions Bw (λ) considered there in the sl k case, see [TV1, Section 2.6]. In notation of [TV3] the series Bab (t) equals p(t − 1; eaa − ebb , eab , eba ) . Remark. The series Bab (t) first appeared in the definition of the extremal projectors [AST] and the extremal cocycles on the Weyl group [Zh2], [Zh3]. Consider the products X1 , . . . , Xk depending on complex variables z1 , . . . , zn and λ1 , . . . , λk : −1 Xa (z ; λ) = Bak (λak ) . . . Ba,a+1 (λa,a+1 ) (4.4) ×
n −eaa zi B (λ − κ) . . . Ba−1,a (λa−1,a − κ) , (i) 1a 1a i=1
where λbc = λb − λc . They act on any n-fold tensor product W1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Wn of finite-dimensional (more generally, highest weight) glk -modules. Let Tu be a difference operator acting on a function f (u) by the rule (Tu f )(u) = f (u + κ) . Introduce difference operators Qλ1 , . . . , Qλk : Qλa (z ; λ) = Xa (z ; λ) Tλa . They are called the rational difference dynamical (qDD) operators. zn , Qλ1 , . . . , Qλ pairwise commute. z1 , . . . , ∇ Theorem 4.1. The operators ∇ k
V. Tarasov
The theorem follows from the same result for the trigonometric KZ and rational qDD operators in the sl k case, see [TV1]. Theorem 4.1 extends Theorem 3.2, and is analogous to Theorem 3.3. In more conventional form the equalities zi , Qλa ] = 0 , [∇
[Qλa , Qλb ] = 0 ,
respectively look like zi (z ; λ1 , . . . , λa + κ, . . . , λk ) , zi (z ; λ) Xa (z ; λ) = Xa (z ; λ) ∇ ∇ Xa (z ; λ) Xb (z ; λ1 , . . . , λa + κ, . . . , λk ) = Xb (z ; λ) Xa (z ; λ1 , . . . , λb + κ, . . . , λk ) . The rational difference dynamical (qDD) equations associated with the Lie algebra glk is a system of difference equations Qλa u = u ,
a = 1, . . . , k ,
for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , . . . , λk ) taking values in an n-fold tensor product of glk -modules.
5. Rational difference Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations For any two irreducible finite-dimensional glk -modules V, W there exists a distinguished End (V ⊗ W )-valued rational function RV W (t) called the rational R-matrix for the tensor product V ⊗ W . The definition of RV W (t) comes from the representation theory of the Yangian Y (glk ) . The Yangian Y (glk ) is an infinite-dimensional Hopfalgebra, which is a flat polynodeformation of the universal enveloping algebra U glk [x] of glk -valued mial functions. The subalgebra of constant functions in U glk [x] , which is isomorphic to U (glk ) , is preserved under the deformation. Thus, the algebra U (glk ) is embedded in Y (glk ) as a Hopf subalgebra, and we identify U (glk ) with the image of this embedding. There is an algebra homomorphism ev : Y (glk ) → U (glk ) , called the evaluation homomorphism, which is identical on the subalgebra U (glk ) ⊂ Y (glk ) . It is a deformation of the homomorphism U glk [x] → U (glk ) which sends any polynomial to its value at x = 0 . The evaluation homomorphism is not a homomorphism of Hopf algebras. The Yangian Y (glk ) has a distinguished one-parametric family of automorphisms ρu depending on a complex parameter u , which is informally called the shift of the spectral parameter . The automorphism ρu corresponds to the automorphism p(x) → p(x + u) of the Lie algebra glk [x] . For any glk -module W we denote by W (u) the pullback of W via the homomorphism ev ◦ ρu . Yangian modules of this form are called evaluation modules.
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
For any finite-dimensional irreducible glk -modules V , W the tensor products V (t) ⊗ W (u) and W (u) ⊗ V (t) are isomorphic irreducible Y (glk )-modules, provided t − u ∈ Z . The intertwiner V (t) ⊗ W (u) → W (u) ⊗ V (t) can be taken of the form PV W RV W (t − u) , where PV W : V ⊗ W → W ⊗ V is the flip map: PV W : v ⊗ w → w ⊗ v , and RV W (t) is a rational End (V ⊗ W )-valued function, the rational R-matrix for the tensor product V ⊗ W . The R-matrix RV W (t) can be described in terms of the glk actions on the spaces V and W . It is determined uniquely up to a scalar multiple by the glk invariance, RV W (t) , g ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ g
= 0
for any g ∈ glk ,
and the commutation relations k k RV W (t) t eab ⊗ 1 + eac ⊗ ecb = t eab ⊗ 1 + ecb ⊗ eac RV W (t) . c=1
The standard normalization condition for RV W (t) is to preserve the tensor product of the respective highest weight vectors v, w : RV W (t) v ⊗ w = v ⊗ w . The introduced R-matrices obey the inversion relation (21)
RV W (t) RW V (−t) = 1 ,
where RW V = PW V RW V PV W , and the Yang-Baxter equation RUV (t − u) RUW (t) RV W (u) = RV W (u) RUW (t) RUV (t − u) .
The aforementioned facts on the Yangian Y (glk ) are well known. A good introduction into the representation theory of the Yangian Y (glk ) can be found in [MNO]. Consider the glk -module V , and let Vl ⊂ V be the irreducible component with highest weight vector x1l , see (2.1). We define the R-matrix R VV (t) to be a direct sum of the R-matrices RVl Vm (t) : R VV (t) v ⊗ v = RVl Vm (t) v ⊗ v ,
v ∈ Vl , v ∈ Vm .
It is clear that R VV (t) obeys relations (5.1) and (5.2), as well as the inversion relation and the Yang-Baxter equation.
V. Tarasov
Consider the products K1 , . . . , Kn depending on complex variables z1 , . . . , zn and λ1 , . . . , λk : −1 Ki (z ; λ) = Rin (zin ) . . . Ri,i+1 (zi,i+1 ) (5.5) ×
−eaa (i)
R1i (z1i − κ) . . . Ri−1,i (zi−1,i − κ) ,
acting on a tensor product W1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Wn of glk -modules. Here zij = zi − zj , (ij) and Rij (t) = RWi Wj (t) . Introduce difference operators Zz1 , . . . , Zzn : Zzi (z ; λ) = Ki (z ; λ) Tzi . They are called the rational quantized Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov (qKZ ) operators. The next theorem extends Theorem 3.4 and is analogous to Theorem 3.3. λ1 , . . . , D λ pairwise Theorem 5.1. [FR], [TV4] The operators Zz1 , . . . , Zzn , D k commute. The qKZ operators Zz1 , . . . , Zzn were introduced in [FR], and their commutativity was established therein. The fact that the qKZ operators commute with the λ1 , . . . , D λ can be verified in a straightforward way using relations operators D k (5.1) and (5.2) for the R-matrices. λa ] = 0 In more conventional form the equalities [Zzi , Zzj ] = 0 and [Zzi , D respectively look like: Ki (z ; λ) Kj (z1 , . . . , zi + κ, . . . , zn ; λ) = Kj (z ; λ) Ki (z1 , . . . , zj + κ, . . . , zn ; λ) , λa (z ; λ) Ki (z ; λ) = Ki (z ; λ) D λa (z1 , . . . , zi + κ, . . . , zn ; λ) . D The rational qKZ equations associated with the Lie algebra glk is a system of difference equations Zzi u = u ,
i = 1, . . . , n ,
for a function u(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , . . . , λk ) taking values in an n-fold tensor product of glk -modules.
6. (glk , gl n ) duality In this section we are going to consider the Lie algebras glk and gl n simultaneously. In order to distinguish generators, modules, etc., we will indicated the k n dependence on k and n explicitly, for example, eab , Vλ .
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
Consider the polynomial ring Pkn = C[x11 , . . . , xk1 , . . . , x1n , . . . , xkn ] of kn variables. There are two natural isomorphisms of vector spaces: ⊗n → Pkn , C[x1 , . . . , xk ] (p1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ pn )(x11 , . . . , xkn ) =
pi (x1i , . . . , xki ) ,
⊗k → Pkn , C[x1 , . . . , xn ] (p1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ pk )(x11 , . . . , xkn ) =
pa (xa1 , . . . , xan ) .
Define a glk -action on Pkn by k
eab →
xai ∂bi ,
xai ∂aj .
where ∂bi = ∂/∂xbi , and a gl n -action by n
eij →
k a=1
Proposition 6.1. As a glk -module, Pkn is isomorphic to ⊗k by (6.2). gl n -module, Pkn is isomorphic to Vn
by (6.1). As a
It is easy to see that the actions (6.3) and (6.4) commute with each other, thus making Pkn into a module over the direct sum glk ⊕ gl n . The following theorem is well known. Theorem 6.2. The glk ⊕ gl n module Pkn has the decomposition Pkn =
Vλ ⊗ Vλ .
The module Pkn plays an important role in the representation theory and the classical invariant theory, see [Zh1], [Ho], [N]. Consider the action of KZ, qKZ, DD and qDD operators for the Lie algebras glk and gl n on Pkn -valued functions of z1 , . . . , zn and λ1 , . . . , λk , treating the ⊗n space Pkn as a tensor product Vk of glk -modules, and as a tensor product n ⊗k of gl n -modules. If F and G act on the Pkn -valued functions in the same V k (i) n(a) k (i) way, we will write F G . For instance, eaa eii since both eaa k (i) and eaa act on Pkn as xai ∂ai .
V. Tarasov Introduce the following operators: k
Cab (t) =
k Γ(t + 1) Γ(t − ek aa + ebb ) , k Γ(t − ek aa ) Γ(t + ebb + 1) n Γ(t + 1) Γ(t − en ii + ejj )
Cij (t) =
n Γ(t − en ii ) Γ(t + ejj + 1)
Theorem 6.3. [TV4] For any i = 1, . . . , n and a = 1, . . . , k we have k
∇zi (z ; λ) Dzi (λ; z) ,
Dλa (z ; λ) ∇λa (λ; z) ,
zk (z ; λ) D zn(λ; z) , ∇ i i
λk (z ; λ) ∇ λn (λ; z) , D a a
Zzi (z ; λ) Ni (z) Qzi (λ; z) , Here n
Ni (z) =
Na (λ) =
n −1 Cij (zij )
Cji (zji − κ)
Na (λ) Qλa (z ; λ) Zλa (λ; z) .
i<jn k
Cba (λba − κ)
k −1 Cab (λab ) .
Equalities (6.6) and (6.7) for differential operators are verified in a straightforward way. Equalities (6.8) for difference operators follow from Theorem 6.4. Theorem 6.4. [TV4] For any a, b = 1, . . . , k , a = b , and any i, j = 1, . . . , n , i = j , we have k
Bab (t) Cab (t) Rab (t) ,
Rij (t) Bij (t) Cij (t) .
n k Fix vectors l = (l1 , . . . , ln ) ∈ Z0 and m = (m1 , . . . , mk ) ∈ Z0 such that n k li = ma . Let
Zkn [l, m] =
k kn (dai ) a=1,...,k ∈ Z0 dai = li , a=1
i =1,...,n
Denote by Pkn [l, m] ⊂ Pkn the span of all monomials
n i=1
D dai = ma .
n k a=1 i=1
dai xai such that
(dai ) ∈ Zkn [l, m] . Formulae (2.1), (6.1) – (6.4) and Proposition 6.1 imply that Pkn [l, m] is isomorphic to each of the weight subspaces k
(Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , . . . , mk ]
(Vm1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vmk )[l1 , . . . , ln ] .
The isomorphisms are described in Proposition 6.6.
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
Let vik, vjn be highest weight vectors of the respective modules Vlk , Vmnj . i For an indeterminate y set y [0] = 1 and y [s] = y s/s! for s ∈ Z>0 . For any k n [d ] xaiai ∈ Pkn [l, m] . d ∈ Zkn [l, m] set x[d] = a=1 i=1
Lemma 6.5. A basis of the weight subspace (Vlk ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vlk )[m1 , . . . , mk ] is given 1 n by vectors k
vd =
k k k [da1 ] k k [dan ] k ea1 ea1 v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn , d = (dai ) ∈ Zkn [l, m] . a=2
A basis of the weight subspace (Vmn ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vmnk )[l1 , . . . , ln ] is given by vectors 1 n
vd =
[d1i ]
v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗
n n[dki ] n ei1 vk , d = (dai ) ∈ Zkn [l, m] .
Proposition 6.6. The isomorphisms (6.1) and (6.2) induce the isomorphisms k
vd → x[d] ,
vd → x[d] .
(Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , . . . , mk ] → Pkn [l, m] ,
(Vm1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vmk )[l1 , . . . , ln ] → Pkn [l, m] ,
Since all KZ, qKZ, DD and qDD operators respect the weight decomposition of the corresponding tensor products of glk and gl n -modules, they can be restricted to functions with values in weight subspaces. Then one can read Theorem 6.3 as follows. Theorem 6.7. Let φ be the isomorphism of weight subspaces: k
φ : (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , . . . , mk ] → (Vm1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vmk )[l1 , . . . , ln ] , k
φ : vd → vd ,
d ∈ Zkn [l, m] .
Then for any i = 1, . . . , n and a = 1, . . . , k we have ∇zi (z ; λ) = φ−1 Dzi (λ; z) φ ,
Dλa (z ; λ) = φ−1 ∇λa (λ; z) φ ,
zk (z ; λ) = φ−1 D zn(λ; z) φ , ∇ i i
λn (λ; z) φ , λk (z ; λ) = φ−1 ∇ D a a
Na (λ) Qλa (z ; λ) = φ−1 Zλa (λ; z) φ .
Zzi (z ; λ) = φ−1 Ni (z) Qzi (λ; z) φ , k
Here Ni (z) , Na (λ) are given by formulae (6.9), (6.10).
V. Tarasov
Observe in addition that the restrictions of operators (6.5) to the weight subspaces are proportional to the identity operator: k Cab (t)(V k ⊗···⊗V k )[m l1
1 ,...,mk ]
n Cij (t)(V n⊗···⊗V n)[l m1
1 ,...,ln ]
mb t − ma + s − 1 , t+s s=1
lj t − li + s − 1 , t+s s=1
and are rational function of t . Theorem 6.7 can be “analytically continued” with respect to l1 , m1 . Namely, the theorem remains true if l1 , m1 are complex numbers, while all other numn k bers l2 , . . . , ln , m2 , . . . , mk are still integers, and li = ma . In this case i=1
the modules Vlk and Vmn1 are to be irreducible highest weight modules with 1 highest weight (l1 , 0, . . . , 0) and (m1 , 0, . . . , 0) , respectively, and the definition of Zkn [l, m] remains intact except that d11 can be any number. Formulae (6.11) and (6.12) make sense because they do not contain d11 , and Lemma 6.5 holds. Formulae (6.18) and (6.19) for a < b and i < j make sense for complex l1 , m1 as well, which is enough to obtain Nin(z) and Nak (λ) by (6.9), (6.10). The “analytic continuation” of Theorem 6.7 will be useful in application to identities of hypergeometric integrals of different dimensions.
7. Hypergeometric solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov and dynamical equations In the remaining part of the paper we will restrict ourselves to the case of the Lie algebra gl 2 , which corresponds to k = 2 in the previous sections. n l i = m1 + m2 Fix vectors l = (l1 , . . . , ln ) and m = (m1 , m2 ) such that i=1 and m2 ∈ Z0 . Let Z [l, m] =
n n di = m2 , (d1 , . . . , dn ) ∈ Z0 i=1
Given d1 , . . . , dn , set d
i−1 j=1
D di li if li ∈ Z0 .
dj , i = 1, . . . , n .
Consider the weight subspace (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ] . It has a basis given by vectors [d ]
[d ]
vd = e211 vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ e21n vln ,
d = (d1 , . . . , dn ) ∈ Z [l, m] ,
where v1 , . . . , vn are respective highest weight vectors of the modules Vl1 , . . . , Vln .
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
Define the master function Φr (t1 , . . . , tr ; z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l) = e × (λ1 − λ2 )−r
(zi − zj )li lj
li zi −(λ1 −λ2 )
r n
r a=1
(ta − zi )−li
a=1 i=1
(ta − tb )2 ,
and the weight function wd (t1 , . . . , tr ; z1 , . . . , zn ) = Sym
" di n i=1 a=1
n where d = (d1 , . . . , dn ) ∈ Z0 , r=
1 ta+d
# ,
di , and
Sym f (t1 , . . . , tr ) =
f (tσ1 , . . . , tσr ) .
Fix a complex number κ . Define a (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ]-valued function Uγ (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ) by the formula Uγ (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) 1/κ Φm2 (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l) =
γ(z1,...,zn ;λ1 ,λ2 )
wd (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , . . . , zn ) vd d m2 t .
d∈Z [l,m]
The function depends on the choice of integration chains γ(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ) . We assume that for each z1 , . . . , zn , λ1 , λ2 the chain lies in C m2 with coordinates t1 , . . . , tm2 , and the chains form a horizontal family of m2 -dimensional homology classes with respect to the multivalued function Φm2 (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , 1/κ . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l) , see a more precise statement below and in [FMTV]. Theorem 7.1. For any choice of the horizontal family γ , the function Uγ (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) is a solution of the KZ and DD equations, see (3.4), (3.8), with values in (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ] . The theorem is a corollary of Theorem 3.1 in [FMTV]. For the KZ equation at λ1 = λ2 the theorem follows from the results of [SV], [V]. There exist special horizontal families of integration chains in (7.1) labelled by elements of Z [l, m] . They are described below. To simplify exposition we will assume that Re (λ1 − λ2 )/κ > 0 and Im z1 < · · · < Im zn .
V. Tarasov Let d = (d1 , . . . , dn ) , r =
n i=1
di . Set γd (z1 , . . . , zn ) = C1 × · · · × Cr , where
C1 , . . . , Cr is a collection of non-intersecting oriented loops in C such that di loops start at +∞ , go around zi , and return to +∞ , see the picture for n = 2 : r z2
r z1
tr td1+1
td 1 t1
Picture 1. The contour γd . One can see that for any d ∈ Z [l, m] the family of chains γd is horizontal. Therefore, the function Ud (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = Uγd (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) is a solution of systems (3.4) and (3.8). A univalued branch of the integrand in (7.1) is fixed by assuming that at the point of γd where all numbers ta+d
−2π < arg(ta − zi ) < 0 ,
−π < arg(ta − tb ) 0 ,
for i = 1, . . . , n , j = i + 1, . . . , n , a = 1, . . . , m2 , b = a + 1, . . . , m2 . The solution Ud (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) is distinguished by the following property. Theorem 7.2. Let Im (zi − zi+1 ) → −∞ for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1 . Then for any d ∈ Z [l, m] one has Ud (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m)
1/κ = (2πi)m2 eπiξd (l)/κ Ξ d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) ×
j −1 n d
j=1 s=0
where ξd (l) =
Γ(−1/κ) vd + o(1) Γ 1 + (lj − s)/κ Γ −(s + 1)/κ
li dj and
Ξ d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = κ
n i=1
zi (li −di )+λ2
zi d i
di (li −di ) × (λ1 − λ2 )/κ i=1 (zi − zj )(li −di )(lj −dj )+di dj . n
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
Theorem 7.2 implies that the set of solutions Ud , d ∈ Z [l, m] , of systems (3.4) and (3.8) is complete, that is, any solution of those systems taking values in (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ] is a linear combination of functions Ud . There is a similar statement for asymptotics of Ud (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) with respect to λ1 , λ2 . Theorem 7.3. Let Re (λ1 − λ2 )/κ → +∞ . Then for any d ∈ Z [l, m] formula (7.2) holds. The proof of Theorems 7.2 and 7.3 uses the following Selberg-type integral e
(−sa )−1−l/κ
(sa − sb )2/κ d ms
= (−2πi)m ν m(l−m+1)/κ
Γ(1 − 1/κ) , Γ 1 + (l − j)/κ Γ 1 − (j + 1)/κ
C D where Re ν > 0 , γm = (s1 , . . . , sm ) ∈ C m | sa ∈ Ca , a = 1, . . . , m , and C1 , . . . , Cm are non-intersecting oriented loops in C which start at +∞ , go around zero, and return to +∞ , the loop Ca being inside Cb for a < b , see the picture: r 0
sm s1
Picture 2. The contour γm . A univalued branch of the integrand in (7.3) is fixed by assuming that at the point of γm where all numbers s1 , . . . , sm are negative one has arg(−s1 ) = . . . = arg(−sm ) = 0 and arg(sa − sb ) = 0 for 1 a < b m . The construction of hypergeometric solutions of the trigonometric KZ equations (3.5) and the difference dynamical equations (4.5) is similar. We describe it below. Define the master function Ψr (t1 , . . . , tr ; z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) =
n i=1
r a=1
l (λ1 −m1 +li /2)
zi i
(zi − zj )li lj
taλ2 −λ1 +m1 −m2 +1
r n a=1 i=1
(ta − zi )−li
(ta − tb )2 ,
V. Tarasov
and a (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ]-valued function δ (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) U 1/κ = Ψm2 (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) δ(z1 ,...,zn ;λ1 ,λ2 )
wd (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , . . . , zn ) vd d m2 t .
d∈Z [l,m]
The function depends on the choice of integration chains δ(z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ) . We assume that for each z1 , . . . , zn , λ1 , λ2 the chain lies in C m2 with coordinates t1 , . . . , tm2 , and the chains form a horizontal family of m2 -dimensional homology classes with respect to the multivalued function Ψm2 (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , 1/κ , see a more precise statement below and in [MV]. . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) Theorem 7.4. For any choice of the horizontal family δ , the function Uδ (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) is a solution of the trigonometric KZ and rational qDD equations, see (3.5), (4.5), with values in (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ] . The theorem is a direct corollary of results in [MV]. Another way of writing down hypergeometric solutions of the trigonometric KZ equations is given in [Ch1]. There exist special horizontal families of integration chains in (7.5) labelled by elements of Z [l,m] . They are described below. To simplify exposition we will assume that Re (λ1 − λ2 )/κ is large positive and arg z1 < . . . < arg zn < arg z1 + 2π , that is, all the ratios zi /zj for i = j are not real positive, and z1 , . . . , zn are ordered counterclockwise. Recall that all z1 , . . . , zn are nonzero. n di . Set δd (z1 , . . . , zn ) = C1 × · · · × Cr , where Let d = (d1 , . . . , dn ) , r = i=1
C1 , . . . , Cr is a collection of non-intersecting oriented loops in C such that di loops start at infinity in the direction of zi , go around zi , and return to infinity in the same direction, see the picture for n = 2 : tr
z2 0 r
z1 r Picture 3. The contour δd .
td 1 t1
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
One can see that for any d ∈ Z [l, m] the family of chains δd is horizontal. δd (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = U Therefore, the function U is a solution of systems (3.5) and (4.5). A univalued branch of the integrand in (7.5) is fixed by assuming that at the point of δd where all ratios ta+d
i = 1, . . . , n,
a = 1, . . . , di ,
−π < arg(zi − zj ) − arg zi < π , −2π < arg(ta − zi ) − arg zi < 0 , −π < arg(ta − tb ) − arg ta < π ,
for i = 1, . . . , n , j = i + 1, . . . , n , a = 1, . . . , m2 , b = a + 1, . . . , m2 . Recall, it is assumed that arg z1 < . . . < arg zn < arg z1 + 2π , There is an analogue of Theorem 7.2 which describes asymptotics of the d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) as zi /zi+1 → 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1 . The functions U d corresponding formulae are similar to (7.2), but more involved. Asymptotics of U with respect to λ1 , λ2 are as follows. Theorem 7.5. Let (λ1 − λ2 )/κ → +∞ . Then d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) U
d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) 1/κ = (2πi)m2 eπiξd (l)/κ Ξ ×
j −1 n d
j=1 s=0
where ξd (l) =
Γ(−1/κ) vd + o(1) Γ 1 + (lj − s)/κ Γ −(s + 1)/κ
li dj and
1ijn n
d (l −d +1) d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = (λ1 − λ2 )/κ i=1 i i i Ξ ×
n i=1
(λ1 −m1 )(li −di )+(λ2 −m2 )di +((li −di )2 +d2i )/2
(zi − zj )(li −di )(lj −dj )+di dj .
The construction of hypergeometric solutions of the qKZ equations (3.5) and trigonometric DD equations (3.9) goes along the same lines as for hypergeometric solutions of the KZ and rational dynamical equations, but instead of ordinary hypergeometric integrals it employs q-hypergeometric integrals of Mellin -Barnes type, see [TV2].
V. Tarasov Define the q-master function ˆ r (t1 , . . . , tr ; z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l; κ) Φ (r/2 +
= λ1 ×
(zi li −l2i /2)−
r n a=1 i=1
ta )/κ (r/2 +
ta )/κ
Γ (ta − zi )/κ Γ (ta − zi + li )/κ 1a
(λ1 − λ2 )−r/κ
Γ (ta − tb + 1)/κ , Γ (ta − tb − 1)/κ
the rational weight function
w ˆd (t1 , . . . , tr ; z1 , . . . , zn ; l) =
× Sym
" dj n j=1 a=1
1 ta+d<j − zj + lj
n , r= where d = (d1 , . . . , dn ) ∈ Z0
ta − tb ta − tb − 1
1p<j n j=1
Wd (t1 , . . . , tr ; z1 , . . . , zn ; l) =
× Sym
" dj n j=1 a=1
ta+d<j − zp ta+d<j − zp + lp
ta − tb − 1 ta − tb
# ,
dj , and the trigonometric weight function sin π(ta − tb )/κ sin π(ta − tb − 1)/κ
sin π(ta+d<j − zp )/κ e π i(zj −ta+d<j )/κ sin π(ta+d<j − zj + lj )/κ 1p<j sin π(ta+d<j − zp + lp )/κ sin π(ta − tb − 1)/κ # × . sin π(ta − tb )/κ 1a
For simplicity of exposition from now on we assume that κ is a real positive number and the ratio λ2 /λ1 is not real positive. For any d ∈ Z [l, m] define a (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ]-valued function =
d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) U
ˆ m2 (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l) Wd (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , . . . , zn ; l) Φ I(z1 ,...,zn ;l)
w ˆp (t1 , . . . , tm2 ; z1 , . . . , zn ; l) vp d m2 t ,
p∈Z [l,m]
the integration contour I(z1 , . . . , zn ; l) being described below. For the factors (λ2 /λ1 ) ta/κ in the integrand it is assumed that 0 < arg(λ2 /λ1 ) < 2π .
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
The integral in (7.8) is defined by analytic continuation with respect to z1 , . . . , zn and l = (l1 , . . . , ln ) from the region where Re z1 = · · · = Re zn = 0 and Re li < 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n . In that case C D I(z1 , . . . , zn ; l) = (t1 , . . . , tm2 ) ∈ C m2 | Re t1 = · · · = Re tm2 = ε where ε is a positive number less then min(− Re l1 , . . . , − Re ln ) . In the considered region of parameters the integrand is well defined on I(z1 , . . . , zn ; l) and the d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) can be anintegral is convergent. It is also known that U n alytically continued to a value of l in Z0 and generic values of z1 , . . . , zn , if d ∈ Z [l, m] at that point, and the analytic continuation is given by the integral C over a suitable deformation of the imaginary plane (t , . . . , tm2 ) ∈ C m2 | Re t1 = 1 D · · · = Re tm2 = 0 , see [MuV]. d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) is Theorem 7.6. For any d ∈ Z [l, m] the function U a solution of the rational qKZ and trigonometric DD equations, see (5.6), (3.9), with values in (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ] . The part of the theorem concerning the qKZ equations is a direct corollary of the construction of q-hypergeometric solutions of the qKZ equations given in [TV2], [MuV]. The part of the theorem on the trigonometric DD equations is obtained in [TV8]. d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) of systems (5.6) and (3.9) is distinThe solution U guished by the following property. Theorem 7.7. Let Re (zi − zi+1 ) → +∞ for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1 . Then for any d ∈ Z [l, m] one has d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) U
d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) 1/κ = (−2i)m2 m2 ! eπiζd (l)/κ Ξ dj −1 n
Γ (s − lj )/κ Γ 1 + (s + 1)/κ × dj ! vd + o(1) . Γ(1 + 1/κ) s=0 j=1 where ζd (l) =
dj (2lj − dj + 1)/2 , and
i=1 n
(zi (li −di )−l2i /2 +d2i /2)
d (z1 , . . . , zn ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = λ i=1 Ξ 1 n
× (λ1 − λ2 ) i=1
di (li −di )
di (zi −li +di /2)
(li −di )(lj −dj )+di dj −li lj (zi − zj )/κ
Recall that κ is assumed to be a real positive number.
V. Tarasov
d , d ∈ Z [l, m] , of systems Theorem 7.2 implies that the set of solutions U (5.6) and (3.9) is complete, that is, any solution of those systems taking values in (Vl1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ Vln )[m1 , m2 ] is a linear combination of functions Ud . The proof of Theorem 7.2 uses the following Selberg-type integral
Im (l)
Γ(sa ) Γ(−sa − l/κ)
m Γ(sa − sb + 1/κ) m d s Γ(sa − sb )
a,b=1 a=b
= (2πi)m (−x) (m−1−2l)m/2κ (1 − x) m(l−m+1)/κ m−1 Γ (j − l)/κ Γ 1 + (j + 1)/κ , × Γ(1 + 1/κ) j=0 where −π < arg(−x) < π and −π < arg(1 − x) < π . The integral is defined by analytic continuation from the region where κ is real positive and Re l is negative. In that case Im (l) =
C D (s1 , . . . , sm ) ∈ C m | Re s1 = · · · = Re sm = − Re l/2 .
In the considered region of parameters the integrand in (7.10) is well defined on Im (l) and the integral is convergent, see [TV1].
8. Duality for hypergeometric and q -hypergeometric integrals In this section we consider the (glk , gl n ) duality for the case of k = n = 2 , and apply the results of the previous sections to obtain identities for hypergeometric and q-hypergeometric integrals of different dimensions. Further on we fix complex numbers l1 , m1 and nonnegative integers l2 , m2 such that l1 + l2 = m1 + m2 . Set l = (l1 , l2 ) and m = (m1 , m2 ) . Let Vl be the irreducible highest weight gl 2 -module with highest weight (l, 0) and highest weight vector vl . The weight subspace (Vl1 ⊗ Vl2 )[m1 , m2 ] has a basis given by vectors vb (l, m) =
1 (m −b) e 2 vl1 ⊗ eb21 vl2 , (m2 − b)! b! 21
b = 0, . . . , min(l2 , m2 ) ,
provided that l1 is not a nonnegative integer or m2 l1 . Otherwise, the vectors v0 (l, m), . . . , vm2 −l1 −1 (l, m) equal zero and the basis is given by the rest of the vectors vb (l, m) . Say that b is admissible if vb (l, m) = 0 . The weight subspaces (Vl1 ⊗ Vl2 )[m1 , m2 ] and (Vm1 ⊗ Vm2 )[l1 , l2 ] are isomorphic. The isomorphism φ : (Vl1 ⊗ Vl2 )[m1 , m2 ] → (Vm1 ⊗ Vm2 )[l1 , l2 ] , cf. (6.13), sends the vector vb (l, m) to vb (m, l) .
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
Given an admissible integer b let d = (m2 − b, b) and d = (l2 − b, b) . Consider (Vl1 ⊗ Vl2 )[m1 , m2 ]-valued functions Ub (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = Ud (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) Ub (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) = φ−1 Ud (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) ,
where the functions Ud and Ud are defined in Section 7, cf. (7.1) and Picture 1. Theorem 8.1. [TV6] For any b = 0, . . . , min(l2 , m2 ) one has Ab (l, m) Ub (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = Ab (m, l) Ub (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l)
where Ab (l, m) = (−2i)−m2 κ(m1 +1)m2 /κ e−πi(m1 +m2 −b)m2 /κ m2 −b−1 m 2 −1 Γ 1 + (l1 − s)/κ 1 . × sin π(s + 1)/κ s=0 Γ(−1/κ) Γ 1 + (s + 1)/κ s=0 The idea of the proof of the statement is as follows. By Theorems 7.1 and 6.7 the functions Ub (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) and Ub (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) are solutions of the rational differential KZ and dynamical equations (3.4) and (3.8). Theorem 7.2 implies that the functions Ub (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) with admissible b’s form a complete set of solutions, which means that the functions Ub (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) are their linear combinations. The transition coefficients can be found by comparing asymptotics of Ub and Ub as z1 − z2 goes to infinity, see Theorems 7.2 and 7.3. Remark. Equality (8.1) holds for vector-valued functions. That is, it contains several identities of the form: a hypergeometric integral of dimension m2 (a coordinate of Ub ) equals a hypergeometric integral of dimension l2 (the corresponding coordinate of Ub ). Consider (Vl1 ⊗ Vl2 )[m1 , m2 ]-valued functions and
b (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = U d (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) U (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) U b l 2 −1 Γ (z1 − z2 + s − l1 )/κ d (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) , φ−1 U = Γ (z1 − z2 + s + 1)/κ s=0
d , U d are defined where d = (m2 − b, b) , d = (l2 − b, b) , and the functions U in Section 7, cf. (7.8), (7.5) and Picture 3. Theorem 8.2. [TV6] For any b = 0, . . . , min(l2 , m2 ) one has b (l, m) U b (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) = A b (m, l) U (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) A b
V. Tarasov
where b (l, m) = (2πi)−m2 A
2 −1 m Γ 1 + (l1 − s)/κ Γ(1 + 1/κ) sin π(l1 − s)/κ , Γ 1 + (s + 1)/κ s=0
m2 −b−1 s=0
and b (l, m) = (2πi)−l2 eπi(−b2 +b(l2 −l1 )+l1 m2 −l2 m1 −m2 (m2 −1)/2)/κ) A b−1 l 2 −1 Γ 1 + (m1 − s)/κ Γ −(s + 1)/κ 1 . × Γ(−1/κ) sin π(s + 1)/κ s=0 s=0 The idea of the proof is similar to that of Theorem 8.1. By Theorems 7.6 and 7.4, b (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) and U (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) are solutions of 6.7 the functions U b the rational qKZ equations (5.6). Theorem 7.7 implies that the functions Ub (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) with admissible b’s form a complete set of solutions over the field of κ-periodic functions of z1 , z2 ( λ1 , λ2 are treated as parameters in the present consideration). Therefore, the functions Ub (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) as functions of z1 , z2 are linear combinations of Ub (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) with periodic coefficients. The coefficients can be found by comparing asymptotics of Ub and Ub as z1 − z2 goes to infinity, see Theorems 7.7 and 7.5. b (z1 , z2 ; λ1 , λ2 ; l, m) Though one does not need the fact that the functions U (λ1 , λ2 ; z1 , z2 ; m, l) solve the trigonometric DD equations (3.9) in the proof and U b b (l, m) of Theorem 8.2, this fact is reflected in formula (8.2) – the coefficients A and Ab (l, m) do not depend on λ1 , λ2 . Remark. Similar to (8.1), equality (8.2) contains several identities of the form: a b ) equals a hyperq-hypergeometric integral of dimension m2 (a coordinate of U ). geometric integral of dimension l2 (the corresponding coordinate of U b For l2 = m2 = 1 formula (8.2) yields the classical equality of integral representations of the Gauss hypergeometric function 2 F1 . For instance, taking b = 0 and the coordinate at v0 (l, m) , one gets after simple transformations: Γ(γ) 1 2πi Γ(α) Γ(β)
(−x)s −i∞−ε
= (1 − x)
Γ(−s) Γ(s + α) Γ(s + β) ds Γ(s + γ)
Γ(γ) Γ(α) Γ(γ − α)
Γ(γ) Γ(α) Γ(γ − α)
+∞ tβ (t − 1)α−1 (t − x)β−γ dt 1
uα−1 (1 − u)γ−α−1 (1 − ux)−β du = 2 F1 (α, β ; γ ; x) ,
where α = −l1 /κ ,
β = (z1 − z2 − l1 )/κ ,
γ = (z1 − z2 − l1 + 1)/κ .
Duality for Knizhinik-Zamolodchikov Equations
Here it is assumed that Re γ > Re α > 0 , Re β > 0 , 0 < ε < min(Re α , Re β ) , and −π < arg(−x) < π , −π < arg(1 − x) < π . The second equality is obtained by the change of integration variable u = (t − 1)/(t − x) . Theorems 8.1 and 8.2 exhibit the (glk , gl n ) duality for hypergeometric integrals for k = n = 2 . The proofs of the theorems essentially involve explicit formulae for Selberg-type integrals (7.3) and (7.10). Those integrals are associated with the Lie algebra sl 2 . To extend the duality of hypergeometric integrals to the case of arbitary k, n one needs to know suitable generalizations of the Selberg integral associated with the Lie algebras sl k for k > 2 . For k = 3 the required generalizations were obtained in [TV5], and similar ideas can be used to construct the required Selberg-type integrals associated with the Lie algebras sl k for k > 3 . Acknowledgements The author was supported in part by RFFI grant 02 – 01– 00085a and CRDF grant RM1– 2334 –MO – 02.
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