» 504/&
2» INLET & OUTLET CONDITIONS AT A GLANCE. Save time on readings with temps and RH displayed in real time on control panel.
3» EASY CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE. Simply remove six bolts and slip off the housing. Lift out the heat exchange block and have full access to coils for cleaning. Pumpout is easy to maintain, too.
+PLLUS S TH HESE E BE ENEFFITS!! » Wireless monitoring compatible. Model
LGR 2800i (F410)
LGR 3500i (F411)
8 amps, 115 volts
10.5 amps, 115 volts
Water removal AHAM (80°F / 60% RH)
130 pints | 61.5 liters / day
170 pints | 80.5 liters / day
Water removal max (90°F / 90% RH)
200 pts. | 94.6 liters / day
240 pts. | 114.5 liters / day
Process air
Up to 400 CFM | 679.7 CMH
400 CFM | 679.7 CMH
Use weight $LUğOWHU
Track operating conditions from any Internet connection with the HygroTrac system (purchased separately).
» *KIJXGNQEKV[ƃQQTNGXGNQWVRWV GLUHFWVZDUPGU\DLUDFURVVűRRUV to accelerate drying – use with VMax for maximum results.
160 lbs. | 73 kg 0+$)ğOWHU'UL(D]SDUWQR)
Power cord
Detachable 25 ft. | 7.6 m
Rotomolded polyethylene shell
Circle 25 on the Free Information Card FIND OUT MORE AT
15180 JOSH WILSON ROAD | BURLINGTON, WA 98233 | 800-932-3030
XL Performance, Small Size
Dehumidifier Produces up to 110 Pints per Day AHAM for Large Restoration Jobs Powerful Blower Motor Delivers 350 CFM Thermostat Controlled Defrost Ensures Performance and Efficiency Ductable Intake and Exhaust Providing Drying Versatility Tough 12” Recessed Wheels Built for Durability and Space Maximization Easy Cleaning and Maintenance A member of KÄRCHER North America
Circle 3 on the Free Information Card
May Vol.50 No.5
Features & Columns 14
Postcards: Keep on Schedule, On Message and On Target By John Braun
Rx For Restoration The Disaster Division as a Separate Diversification – Part I By Jeff Bishop
To Your Success Building the Job Ticket- Part I By Steve Toburen
Building a Phenomenally Successful Business
Why Systems Are Critical to Your Business Success By Howard Partridge
Using Technology to Tackle Moisture Problems
Should You Hire a Salesperson?
The Gadget Man
By Grete Heimerdinger
By Dave DeBlander
The AFD: Your Latest Service Offering By Gordon Hanks
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Editorial Comment ICS eRants & Raves ICS eMedia In My Experience News, Views & Events How I Did It! New Products and Technologies Must See Products Gallery Advertiser Index Buyers’ Marketplace IICRC Chairman’s Corner CFI News PACR News CRA News SCRT News
ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST (ISSN 1522-4708) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media II, L.L.C., 2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 700, Troy, MI 48084-3333. Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. No charge for subscriptions to qualified individuals. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in the U.S.A.: $115.00 USD. Annual rate for subscriptions to nonqualified individuals in Canada: $149.00 USD (includes GST & postage); all other countries: $165.00 (int’l mail) payable in U.S. funds. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright 2011, by BNP Media II, L.L.C. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations. Periodicals Postage Paid at Troy, MI and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST, P.O. Box 2146, Skokie, IL 60076. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608. GST account: 131263923. Send returns (Canada) to Pitney Bowes, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON, N6C 6B2. Change of address: Send old address label along with new address to ICS CLEANING SPECIALIST, P.O. Box 2146, Skokie, IL 60076. For single copies or back issues: contact Ann Kalb at (248) 244-6499 or
[email protected].
Cleaning Specialist | MAY 2011
Our Story Rob and Wendy’s Carpet Care Our first company name should tell you all about where our roots are from. Today, you know us as Interlink Supply. Our companies are leading manufacturers of cleaning and restoration equipment and chemicals. We make the very best products for cleaning carpet, upholstery, rugs, wood, stone, and tile. We developed and patented Directed Heat Drying™ and changed the very way that water damage restoration is performed today. But we are still founded in our roots -- helping entrepreneurs grow their cleaning and restoration businesses with the best products, support, and training. Our business has grown and prospered because we have helped literally tens of thousands of cleaning and restoration companies grow and prosper their business. Our commitment to those same principles remains as strong as ever. We can’t wait to demonstrate that to you. To learn more about how our story can impact your story, visit www.interlinksupply.com, and click on the “Rob and Wendy’s Carpet Care” link.
Robert Hanks, President
thermal energy system
HOME by design TM
ZZZLQWHUOLQNVXSSO\FRPs Circle 13 on the Free Information Card
Editorial Comment By Jeffrey
Face Time: Worth Its Weight in Gold
t the Connections Conference and Exhibition last month in Clearwater, Fla., during one of the all-too-few moments when I was able to come up for air, I spent some time chatting with Al Bradham on all manner of things, business and otherwise. Al owns and operates Carpet Care Services and DisasterCare in Summerville, SC., and it’s no stretch to say he’s a pretty well-known guy in the industry. Always ready with an easy smile, Al’s one of those folks who seems to have been blessed from birth with the ability to make you feel like you and he have been lifelong friends 30 seconds after you first shake hands. My usual M.O. at any show or event, between managing the day-to-day affairs of the magazine, is to strike up a conversation with as many attendees who’ll stop and give me the time of day. And it’s definitely attendees, especially on Day One; a seasoned exhibitor can spot a non-buyer/editor at 20 paces, and the speed with which they flee is quite impressive. It’s pretty much what you’d expect: where are you from, what’s your company do, how long have you been in the business, yada yada yada. As you might guess, I’m also very interested in what they think of the magazine: the good, the bad and what might make it better. Meat and potatoes stuff, sure, but then I tend to stick with that chestnut of an axiom: if you want to know something, ask. In the midst of our conversation I mentioned this to Al, how I like the social engagements shows like Connections allow. We’d been riffing on the pros and cons of social media, online forums – the occasional meltdown posted at 2:45 a.m. on a Friday night can make for some mighty interesting reading – and the like, and Al said (by the by, the tape recorder was off and nestled deep in the pocket, and the memory’s a hazy place on a good day, so we’re using paraphrase to maximum effect here) how it was interesting that, with all the hype surrounding this new era of instant digital access to seemingly any detail about anybody, most of his relationships continue to be founded on good ole personal, face-to-face interaction. Be it trade show, association meeting, networking breakfast, community event or other social opportunity, the value of having the chance to shake someone’s hand, look them in the eye and take measure of them in person cannot be overstated. That’s why it’s perplexing how some people will drive six hours to a show (and others fly 2,500 miles) only to bury their heads in their smartphone or laptop for the duration. That face time, those opportunities to connect and reconnect? It’s priceless. It’s what successful relationships – and successful service businesses – are built on.
Group Publisher ] Phil Johnson, Publisher ] Evan Kessler Eastern Regional Manager ] Chris Dunham Western Regional Manager ] Jim Roy Editor ] Jeffrey Stouffer Sr. Art Director ] Rick Arvidson Art Director ] Manda Chan Production Manager ] Amy Levin CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jeff Bishop, John Braun, Dave DeBlander, Aaron Groseclose, Gordon Hanks, Stanley Quentin Hulin, Howard Partridge, Steve Toburen, Ruth Travis
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Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
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Circle 18 on the Free Information Card
ICS eRants & Raves Questions, Insights and Outbursts from ICSmag.com Bidding 70 Bank Locations with No Specs?
Groupon Re-visited (I Don’t Get It ) There is a competitor in my area today with a Groupon offering two rooms cleaned up to 250 square feet each with ScotchGard included for $59, which really is $29.50 for him. Come on, really? Unless you have serious add-ons, I can’t see this as profitable. They have 49 of these with one day to go. Seems like they will be spending the spring doing $29 jobs. As a side note - Is this company really putting down Scotchgard for up to 500 square feet in this offer?
– Greg D.
Security System for Drying Trailer
I have an opportunity to bid on approx 70 branch locations. I did a bid on their home corporate location and did not get it, I was at about $.06/ft. The problem is these “branches” are scattered all over the Chicago metro area, some up to 40-50 miles away. I know they will not pay much, but I am thinking of submitting a bid. I really don’t want to drive all over creation measuring these things out, so is it crazy to just throw out a number, such as a square foot rate and a travel charge or something to that effect? I may be able to get the dimensions, etc. from a contact I have that works for the company, right now no specs. – Brian M.
Can anyone suggest a solid security system for a drying trailer? I don’t have a higher than normal garage that I can park this in, and I’m concerned about the cost of downtime/replacement if stolen. I have insurance but still don’t want the hassle of dealing with stolen equipment. Maybe a GPS, geo fence, silent alarm if tampered with, etc.? – Rick A.
And Another One Bites
the Dust.....
Wow, I did NOT see this one coming! The largest cleaning and restoration firm in NW Wisconsin just closed their doors! They were based out of Eau Claire WI (the closest ‘big’ town we have) and had satellite offices throughout the area. I don’t know the specifics yet, but I have positive confirmation they are no longer in business and that everything they have (down to the last stapler) has been liquidated off! Strange, as owner/operators we often think ‘if I could just get big with techs and office staff, then I’ll have a solid, secure business’. But larger businesses face the same economic challenges smaller ones do. And if they aren’t watching the downward ‘trends’ in their numbers and production, they can fail just like smaller companies can!
$ervice Call Fees We are all used to being “challenged” by adjusters on our fees and charges, but lately I have noticed a new one from Allstate. They now are saying that they won’t pay for a Service Call during normal business hours. They say that since we are already working, the fee isn’t justified. I say BS! We haven’t backed down on the charge. We simply send them a copy of the description of the charge from Xactimate and tell them that not paying the charge is dishonest and it would be charged back to the insured. Anyone else seen this?
– Mike T.
– Aaron S.
Ideas and inspiration for the industry, by the industry. For more go to the ICS and CFC Bulletin Boards at www.icsmag.com. 8
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
Circle 8 on the Free Information Card
ICS eMedia An Offline Look at What’s Happening Online
For more go to www.icsmag.com
Truest Grit
Putting Pen
Construction and maintenance pros, do you have what it takes to takes to excel today? I’m not talking about aggressive cost cutting or crazy-efficient management techniques. Chances are you are already doing those things. I am asking what is below your surface, deep down inside you. Do you have an extra gear that will allow you to bravely lead your team into an uncertain future? Can you withstand undetermined months (or years) of a brutally slow construction economy? I have been thinking about this since running on a beach in Florida one evening and encountering a boat washed up on the shore, right where you would normally find sunbathers and sand castles. It was clearly out of place. Ironically, the boat was named “Perseverance.” — Tim Fausch, The ICS Blog Spot, 4/12/2011
Do you have your 2011 yearly goals written down? Do you have your 90-day goals written down? Your weekly goals? How about your daily goals? I dare say that the vast majority of business owners in our industry would have to admit that they do not have these written goals and therein lies a gigantic blunder. Did you know that upwards of eightyfive per cent of all written goals come to fruition? With that being the case, why don’t more owners use this incredibly powerful tactic? First off, most probably had no idea that was true and secondly most are living in a situation called the tyranny of the urgent. They are dealing with day to day situations all day long and never get to thinking about or planning for the future.
Proper Cleaning is
Green Cleaning
All cleaning is green cleaning, or at least, it should be. By definition, cleaning is the removal of unwanted matter including macro soils (those we can see) and micro soils (those we can’t see). This includes removing or eliminating harmful chemicals and other matter, and transforming people and processes that pollute into those that don’t. Cleaning, by its very nature and definition, is, or should be, green. Still, the rallying cry and focus of “Green Cleaning” has been an important wakeup call to remind us that too often we haven’t been cleaning, but polluting (e.g., spreading dust or germs rather than removing them, adding toxic substances to the air and the environment rather than ridding it of those). Thankfully, ‘Green Cleaning’ has prompted examination of products and processes to determine how they affect both built and other environments. “Green Cleaning” has moved our industry in a very positive direction indeed.
— Allen Rathey, The ICS Blog Spot, 4/11/2011
Be Open-minded With Your Choice of Technique When a major carpet mill was faced with a soft floor covering problem in the Anchorage, Alaska warehouse of one of their clients, they turned to Bob Reynolds and J&S Steamway Inc. to resolve it. Reynolds, a senior textile inspector, has been in the cleaning industry for more than 27 years. His company operates six vans with HWE truck-mounted systems, several portable extraction units and one low-moisture cleaning system. This last would seem easy to dismiss, save for one thing: at this writing, Reynolds is the only service provider in Alaska certified in low-moisture cleaning. J&S Steamway focuses primarily on the residential sector, but after this project, Reynolds says he may well shift his attention more toward the commercial side of the business.
— From “The Two-Pronged Approach: Cleaning in The Last Frontier” by Jon Whittaker
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
to Paper
— From “The Power of Written Goals” by Dave DeBlander
The ICSmag.com
Web Poll: The recent uptick in gas prices:
20% Is causing me to scale back my service area 13% Is making me cut spending in equipment and supplies 7% Is causing me to look at more fuel-efficient vehicles
60% Isn’t a problem; I’m able to pass it along to my customers
In My Experience…
Key Points to Consider With Callbacks
allbacks, or what we refer to as “reservices,” are a necessary evil in the cleaning industry, and one that all involved parties should strive to minimize; you can’t put an end to them, but you can do you best to limit them and the damage they can do. There are many different variables to consider when dissecting how they can be prevented. Customer requirements and expectations; technician attitude, personality, technical skill level and knowledge; equipment, technique and chemicals; the type of textile, and type of soil or stain are just some of the factors to scrutinize when investigating what went wrong at a job. It becomes apparent with experience that reservices are going to happen, even if you are the most-highly skilled technician. When receiving a call for a re-service, you must absolutely be sure to thank the
client for bringing the concern to your attention. The fact that the customer was even willing to call you back and give you a second chance is enormously important and should be encouraged. Thank them for providing the opportunity to correct the situation and restore their trust. Who knows how many of your customers may just call another company without ever giving you the second chance? Next, throw away any excuses that you or your employees may come up with to as why the re-service was called in. Accept that someone or something did not satisfy the needs of the customer, and focus on what’s important. Determine how this scenario will be prevented in the future. Learn new techniques. Become more personable. Educate the customer. Take the customer’s concern and put it to use. Customers are the best learning tools. Accept no excuses,
Marcus Taylor
only prevention. Additionally, consider rewarding employees who are doing well and receiving no or minimal re-service calls. All too often, we only act when negative situations arise. This creates a hostile environment. Try a bonus program or incentives for those who receive the fewest re-service calls. Make a big deal about these employees’ efforts in meetings, to show everyone that this is what they should be striving for. The most important thing you can do when handling re-services is to maintain honesty and integrity throughout the process. Be honest with your customers about the service, and with yourself and your employees about the job. Customers will forgive a mistake as long as all efforts are made to correct it, but they will not forgive dishonesty.
Marcus Taylor has been working in the industry for more than 5 years. Currently the cleaning department director for Modernistic, a large cleaning and restoration company in Troy, Mich., he is an IICRC-certified Journeyman Textile Cleaner, Journeyman Water Restorer and Journeyman Fire and Smoke Restorer. You can reach him at (800) 627-5080 ext.126
May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
News, Views & Events Fireline’s grand opening a resounding success Fireline Systems’ recently celebrated the grand opening of its new contents restoration training facility in Scottsdale, Ariz. “We would like to thank all the restoration companies and insurance industry reps who attended the opening,” the company said. “Our Open House event was followed up by our first Strategic Contents Restoration Workshop. We would also like to thank all those who attended this benchmark training event, and we look forward to supporting these companies as they expand their contents division capabilities.” Firelineinfo.com
Smoke Clean of New England marks 40th anniversary Pemberton, Wagner join RSA faculty The Restoration Sciences Academy announced the addition of Jim Pemberton and Lisa Wagner to its faculty to develop the new RSA Textile Specialists training program. “Jim and Lisa published a powerful article last year about the state of training in the industry,” notes RSA Manager Brandon Burton. “Their discussion about the current lack of textile specialist training available in the industry and their proposed fixes to the problem convinced us that they were the perfect choice to design a superior level of training for RSA.” Restorationsciencesacademy.com
Interlink Supply announces new Las Vegas location Interlink Supply announces the opening of the latest Interlink Supply location in Las Vegas, Nev. “We are excited to be entering into the Las Vegas market,” Tom Porter, Vice President of Operations said. “We look forward to assisting our traditional customer – the cleaning and restoration professional, along with having a staff specifically assigned to the enormous institutional market in the area. We are glad to be there from the ground up as the Vegas market recovers from the economic challenges of the past few years.” Interlinksupply.com
Calendar of Industry Events Conventions & Trade Shows
May 11-12: 2011 DRC Conference and Trade Show, Toronto. Call (905) 820-5215 or go to www.drctradeshow.com for more information.
May 16-20: 2011 Crawford Contractor Connection, San Diego, Calif. Go to www.contractorconnection.com/contractorconference for more information.
Aug. 15-17: ABRA 2011 Conference and Trade Show, Seattle, Wa. Call (888) 979-2272 or go to www.americanbiorecovery.org for more information.
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
Smoke Clean of New England, Inc., marked its 40th anniversary with the purchase of a new state-of-the-art facility in Warwick. Smoke Clean Vice President Mike Pomeranz said, “The fact that we were able to secure this larger, new facility, along with investing in the latest stateof-the-art cleaning methodologies and equipment reflects our strong regional growth over the past 40 years and our successful diversification in the commercial cleaning industry in New England.” Smokeclean.com
Ashkin Group selected as green cleaning resource for HFI The Ashkin Grouphas been selected as the sole provider of green cleaning information for The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI), an online resource for creating and maintaining clean, healthy indoor environments. “We selected The Ashkin Group because they are widely respected as the most authoritative, definitive source of information on green cleaning and sustainability,” said Allen Rathey, president of HFI. “They also share our vision of making the indoor environment a healthier place using science-based information, cleaning practices, and products.” Healthyfacilitiesinstitute.com
et’s face it: the past few years have been a bit bumpy, even for the most stalwart of carpet cleaning and restoration firms. It’s hard to navigate a stormy economic sea without taking on a bit of water; the companies that found a way to bail themselves out of dire straits, then, deserve some recognition. “How I Did It!” is a chance to share with your peers how your company found itself in a hole, and what you did to dig yourself out and start heading back down the path to prosperity. “I had $150 and a cell phone to my name when I started my commercial cleaning business; it was the only kind of company I knew that I could start with very little money. I knew I had to set myself apart from the competition, and quickly decided that my company would provide “green” cleaning services and market to healthcare facilities. “I did all the research I could on healthcare facilities and medical buildings, and the rules and regulations they are required to follow. I didn’t have my own computer or Internet access, so I set up camp at the public library and used the computer there. I didn’t mind, because I had no other option: I had to learn, and learn quick. Then I got a local phone book, opened up the Yellow Pages and began cold calling. I called every healthcare provider in the phone book and, when I reached the end, I started over again. I called all day, everyday, until I started getting appointments. “My first contract was $1,500 a month. I used that money to live, keeping my expenses as low as I could. Soon I booked another small job; luckily this place had equipment on site so I didn’t need to purchase any. As soon as I could, I started using some of the money to buy equipment. I had no car, so my then-girlfriend now-wife allowed me to use hers. I kept booking new jobs until I was working from 7:00 pm until 5:00 am every night of the week. “That was about 9 months ago, but it feels like a lifetime. Today we (I’ve got nine employees working for me now) do around $15,000 a month in contract work – that’s a long way from no car, no money and the public library! I guess I should be pretty happy. My father always told me “He who makes it while struggling made it the best.”
- Joseph Aiello, Environmental Cleaning Concepts
Is your tale worth telling? Go to icsmag.com, click on the “How I Did It!” interactive form and submit your story today.
May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
Postcards: Keep On Schedule, On Message and On Target By
he Internet is all the rage, yet tried and true advertising techniques are still very profitable for cleaning companies. One of the most effective advertising media for cleaners is a postcard. With postcards you can get your clients to clean more frequently and guard them from your competition. For gaining brand new clients, postcards can also work extremely well if you follow a few basic rules. Five essentials to get cleaning jobs with postcards: 1. Your target (who you send the postcard to) 2. Your key message 3. Your offer and call to action 4. Repetition gets you noticed 5. Get their attention
Your Target Everything you do should be centered on your target prospect. If you are
buying a mailing list, strongly consider which neighborhoods your ideal clients live in. Think about their income level. Think about the value of their home. You can buy a mailing list based around those criteria. You can target exactly the ideal client for your cleaning business. No other media will allow you to do this type of targeted marketing. Want to keep your clients calling you back? Want to get referrals? Perhaps the best single best way to keep in touch with your existing clients is with a postcard. Sure, email newsletters are great, but they are not a replacement for good old-fashioned snail mail. In fact, I recommend you mail to your current clients monthly or every other month at the very least. Do this even if you only have a few clients on your mailing list. These are people who have already raised their hand and said, “I have the money to afford your service and have a
John Braun owns Premium Carpet Care in Pensacola, Florida, and is the principal behind Hitman Advertising. To get a FREE advertising strategy guide for carpet cleaning companies plus a 19-minute audio on how to use these strategies, go to www.HitmanAdvertising.com or call toll free (888) 211-7702. 14
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
John Braun
1 2
Know your essential actions
Be clear, concise and consistent with your message
It’s all about repetition: one shot will not do it
Postcards: Keep On Schedule, On Message and On Target
need for cleaning.” Plus they already know you, so they’re five times more likely to use you again. Don’t rely on a refrigerator magnet to keep your company on their mind; mail to them often. Postcards work great for quick reminders about cleaning and to announce special offers. In fact, you can even incorporate your oversized postcard into a postcard/newsletter that really attracts attention.
do well. Also use postcards to cross promote your services. If you cleaned carpet for a client, send them a tile cleaning postcard the next month. If you did a water damage job for a client, tell them about your carpet and tile cleaning services with a different postcard. If you were even remotely in the market to buy new carpet and you saw an ad that said, “Buy New Carpet and Get a FREE $500 Lowe’s Gift Card,” this would likely interest you. It’s all in the offer. And when I talk about an offer, I don’t mean 10% or 20% or even 40% off. These type offers don’t do much because they’re not believable. Most often, your prospect just assumes you’re inflating your prices so you can offer discounts. Instead, arranging package deals or giving away extra premiums work much better. Once you make the offer, call the prospect to action! Ask for the sale. Simply tell them exactly what to do. Tell them to call “XXX-XXXX” and tell them who they’ll be speaking with. And let them know if you’ll be giving them an estimate on the phone or coming to their home for an exact quote. Take them by the hand and walk them through the process of doing business with you.
Your Key Message I look at a lot of postcards and ads for cleaning companies. The vast majority have little to no sales message whatsoever. I’ll suggest that mailing a postcard with a cute kid or puppy dog with a headline like “Got Dirt?” won’t get you many sales. Why? That headline has no benefit to the prospect. “Got Dirt?” isn’t something they want. You need to have a message that pulls the reader in and sets you apart from the competition. What do you do that’s different? Are your guarantees better? Is your cleaning more thorough? Do you clean healthier? Are your employees friendlier? Give them reasons why they should use you. Can’t think of anything? If nothing else, this can be done by having a simple bullet list of “5 Reasons Why….” This is often overused, but it sells. It helps you give reasons why your prospect should hire your company over the rest. Make sure your postcard has a unique benefit that is clearly explained in your headline and graphic.
Your Offer and Call to Action Your offer is perhaps the most important part of your postcard. The offer could literally make or break the postcard. It’s important to tailor your offer around your target. If you are mailing to a neighborhood of million dollar homes, the offer should be different than that aimed at the neighborhood of $200,000 homes. For current clients, your offers should be specific to your relationship with them. Offers that are truly “for clients only” can 16
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
Repetition Gets You Noticed When targeting new clients, mail a series of postcards. Notice I said “series.” Don’t mail one postcard and give up. In fact, realize that postcards take a series of messages to make an impact. The fact of the matter is you can’t tell your entire story in one postcard. It’s difficult to take a prospect from not knowing you at all to picking up the phone and calling you for cleaning. But sending a series of well-designed postcards with a great sales message will win them over. The huge flaw that crushes a postcard campaign is infrequent mailings. For new prospects, mail one postcard today, the next in 7 days, and the next in another 7 days. Then you can pause for a couple months and start the same sequence again with perhaps a new series of postcards.
For repeat clients, keep mailing to them every month or two for up to three years. How could they forget you? You’ll inspire more frequent cleanings, referrals, and lock in a client for life if you mail even a mediocre postcard campaign.
Get Their Attention One of the biggest things to remember in advertising is “Do something different.” You don’t want to be viewed as just another company sending out junk mail. Homeowners get lots of junk
mail every week. Getting a postcard from you doesn’t excite them—even if the offer is 10 rooms of carpet cleaning for $29.99. Make your offer personal. If you’re making a special offer to repeat clients, announce that your offer is strictly for repeat clients. If you’re mailing to new prospects in Ashbury Hills, put in the subhead that this offer is strictly for homeowners in Ashbury Hills. Make the reader feel like the message and offer is just for them. The competition is fierce. You’re competing with everyone else that sends your prospect mail. If you send something show-stopping, they’ll take a glance. They may even set all the other bills and junk mail to the side so they can sit down and read your postcard. Think out of the box. It will take your company to new levels. Your new prospects will be interested, and your current clients will stay interested.
Big Profits – FAST! 3M Scotchgard is an easy add-on sale that can quickly deliver big SURÀWVWR\RXUERWWRPOLQH,QIDFWRQHWHFKQLFLDQFDQHDUQXSWR DQKRXURUHYHQRYHUWKHFRXUVHRID\HDU²MXVWRQ Scotchgard sales alone!
Here’s how it works…
Selling Scotchgard just got EASIER!
How does an extra $39,000 a year sound? This kit has everything you need to close more protector sales – training videos, marketing support, cool visual aids, and simple sales tools that will wow the customer every time! For a limited time, we’re giving away a FREE Scotchgard Success Kit (a $110 value) when you purchase a case of 3M Scotchgard! Use promo code MKP-3MICS511 when placing your order. (Limit 1 free success kit per company. Offer expires on 05/31/2011.)
Wait - That’s not all! You’ll also get FREE SHIPPING on every order of a case or more!1RZWKDW·VDJUHDWGHDO&DOOWRGD\
800-586-7655 | www.jondon.com Circle 9 on the Free Information Card May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
Rx for Restoration
Jeff Bishop
Jeff Bishop is a 40-year veteran of the restoration industry. He teaches and consults internationally, and has published 13 books and videos on cleaning and restoration topics. This article is excerpted from his newly revised Fire’s Out!...Now What? For more information access www.CleanCareSeminars.net.
The Disaster Division as a Separate Diversification – Part I Commitment: The act of binding oneself to a given course of action; promising or pledging involvement.
erhaps the best illustration of commitment comes from the country philosopher who, when sitting down to a breakfast of ham and eggs, noted the difference between involvement and commitment. “The chicken was involved in this project,” he thought. “But the pig was committed!” You’ve heard the old saying, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well!” Good advice when it comes to any diversification, and this is especially true of diversifying into disaster services. Look 18
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
at it this way: one contact in your onlocation cleaning business is likely to result in a job totaling one to two hundred dollars that takes a few hours to process. Conversely, one contact in a disaster diversification could result in a $50,000 job that takes weeks of committed effort to accomplish. But if commitment to disaster services as a totally separate diversification within your company isn’t made (assuming a reasonable population base of 30,00040,000 within a 50-mile market area),
If you’re going to diversify, do it well
There are two ways to diversify; you need to understand each
Don’t shoot yourself in the foot with half-measures; commit totally
and chemicals, different procedures, substantially different surfaces, etc. It must be organized and operated within the confines of the parent organization, but distinctly separate (horizontally displayed on the organizational chart) from the original services upon which the business was established. If a restorer fails to provide distinct
separation between horizontal diversifications and insists on using all employees and company assets to react to the situations presented each day, then loyal employees become confused and disgruntled. Ultimately, the loss of those valuable employees may bring a business to a grinding halt. More on this subject next time…
not only will you be unable to process the work physically, but you’ll also cut off your very source of business, while destroying the morale of current, loyal employees. You’ll see what I mean as you read on. The problem that consultants in this industry frequently see is that many companies that have already “diversified” are struggling along, just barely making it, because they’re still making many of the mistakes this series will address.
Ways to Diversify There are two basic ways to diversify that merit review: vertically and horizontally. Vertical diversifications are made within the framework of an existing organizational structure – in the same market area, to the same customers, on the same vehicles, with the same personnel, and, basically, with the same equipment. Vertical diversifications may include such services as upholstery and drapery cleaning, carpet repair, minor deodorization and the like. Note that waterdamage restoration also may be considered a vertical diversification; it is a service that can be incorporated within the existing framework of an on-location cleaning business (processed by the same people, using basically the same chemicals and equipment with the same basic “carpet” expertise). Conversely, fire restoration is a horizontal diversification: it cannot be accomplished within the confines of an on-location cleaning service organizational structure. It involves totally different time scheduling, different equipment Circle 5 on the Free Information Card May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
To Your Success
Steve Toburen
Steve Toburen sold his carpet cleaning and restoration business and retired at the age of 38. He now serves as Director of Training for Jon-Don’s Strategies for Success program and created their Value Added Service for Technicians seminar. Jon-Don is the exclusive distributor for Steve’s “Winning on the Home Front” line of audio customer service programs. For more information call (800) 556-6366 or go to Jon-Don’s new information resource for all carpet cleaners, www. StrategiesForSuccess.com Steve welcomes your comments and/or questions at
[email protected]
Building the Job Ticket – Part I “The smell of profit is clean and sweet…” – Juvenal
he recession has not been kind to most cleaners. Remember that carpet cleaning is both a discretionary income expense and an emotionally driven event. So when homeowners feel poor, they postpone/cancel cleaning or reduce the amount of work done. Factor in skyhigh fuel prices, increasing competition and ever-present employee issues, and no one can blame the average carpet cleaner for feeling a bit hammered lately! The answer? Build the job ticket by giving every one of your clients the option to spend more money with you. This most emphatically is not the high-pressure, bait-and-switch sales pitch our industry is infamous for. Far from it: pressuring your customer in their inner sanctum, their home, is not only morally wrong, it is also ultimately counter-productive. Instead, you are just offering your customer the opportunity to get more done at the same time which will save them time and money! But two problems rear their ugly heads:
Problem No. 1 Falling into the trap of depending 20
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
on a young-overworked-and-constantly-running-behind technician to “upsell” more services. Not going to happen! Your young employees are scared and intimidated by homeowners that are twice their age and earn ten times what they do. So they will seldom even bring up the add-on sale. And if you are an owner-operator you are usually exhausted and running behind, which doesn’t exactly motivate you to ask for more work.
Problem No. 2 Yet another kiss of death is waiting until you are in the home to spring the “Do you want anything else done?” question. You are too late! Customers don’t like being surprised financially, logistically or time-wise. So if you try to build the ticket while you are actually doing the work, the homeowner feels blind-sided and pressured, and their knee-jerk reaction is to say “No!” This is especially so if they’ve had bad experiences before with a “bait and switch” carpet cleaner. Instead, pre-orient every customer on the additional services available to them.
Many of your long-time clients don’t even know you are much more than “just a carpet cleaner.” So in reality, you are not “selling” as much as you are “informing” the homeowner. This means to build your job ticket you must start long before the initial booking phone call. Now you will tactfully give your customer multiple opportunities to say “Yes” to more work. But never let them say “no.” Do this with the Customer Orientation Process (COP) starting with: Your website. You do have a professionally designed website, don’t you? If not,
It’s about options and opportunities
Don’t wait until you’re on-site to pop the question
Always have a Valid Business Reason to contact your client
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To Your Success
stop reading this article and contract with a web designer experienced in our industry to develop a site for you that will routinely convert tentative prospects into customers. Do it now! And don’t do it yourself! There is no better use of your marketing dollar than an effective and compelling website. Once you have your web presence, use your website as a launching pad to highlight your different services. Include a full menu on your front page linked to a separate page for each add-on service you offer. If you include customer’s video
reviews (not “testimonials”), have them mention any additional services you offer, such as tile and grout cleaning, etc. You can also highlight before and after still photos or videos of each service. Even better, do both! That is the beauty of having your own website. The more the material you host on your site the better, as long as it is organized logically and presented professionally. Your multifaceted website that profiles your different services will now provide a launch pad for a synergistic marketing approach that includes... Follow-up email. This is the doubleedged sword of carpet cleaning marketing. Yes, email gives you an unparalleled opportunity to reach out and contact your customer. But your email can get dumped into the world of SPAM and you will be forever scorned by your prospect. The secret here is to always have a Valid Business Reason (VBR) for emailing your client. Here is your first
big VBR: When finishing up your initial booking conversation just mention, “By the way, I’d like to email you a checklist on how to get ready for your carpet cleaning …” Yep, this “Getting Ready Checklist” is your VBR! (For the complete phone script go to http://tiny.cc/SFSea) Immediately email this checklist, but also include a “menu” listing out your other services, each linked to bring your client back to your website. Note: You can also include a discount offer if your customer does the extra work at the same time as the carpet cleaning. Now, with this emailed additional services menu, your customer can mull over their job options in a calm and nonadversarial atmosphere before you arrive. The videos and photos on your site will help the homeowner visualize your different services. With this new lowpressure COP, many homeowners will call or email in a request for additional
It’s tough out there.
You can graduate from the school of hard knocks if you don’t mind getting beat up. Or you can join SCRT and network with the cleaning and restoration industry’s leading experts in operations, management and marketing. One good idea from a seasoned veteran can change the course of your business or even your life. You don’t need to struggle alone. SCRT is here to help YOU. Learn more at
www.scrt.org or call 800-949-4728
It Pays P to Become a Member. Circle 28 on the Free Information Card 22
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
Circle 22 on the Free Information Card
work. The bonus for you? Now you can schedule extra time to do this work instead of fitting it in at the last minute! Of course, even after you implement this COP, don’t overlook … Traditional marketing. List your add-on work services on the sides of your vehicles, in your Yellow Page ad (if you still have one), in your regular newsletter mailings, on your reminder postcards and your “five-around” door hangers. Your goal is to actually have customers calling in saying, “I didn’t realize you also cleaned (fill in the blank)” Bingo! Of course, not all your customers are going to call primed to have additional work done. So now you must tactfully give them even more opportunities to spring for your extra services/ products. Do this on the initial phone call to book the work by using “Steve’s Fade Away Technique” that postpones any negative decision later in the job. For example, after booking the job, your phone dispatcher should mention, “Mrs. Jones, we can also re-apply your ScotchGard finish after the cleaning for an additional…” A surprising number of customers will say, “OK!” But if Mrs. Jones replies, “Oh, I don’t know. We’re thinking about replacing the carpets next year” your employee can smoothly interject, “Well, why don’t we just wait and see how the carpets clean up and you can decide on the protective finish then.” Hint: Offer your phone people a small (say 5%) bonus for add-on sales and watch your job tickets explode! But even when your client doesn’t book the add-on sale by “fading away,” you still have another chance with… Your onsite technician. I’m not against techs selling additional services. The problem is in the past you have depended solely on them to build the job ticket. But with your COP, even if you haven’t actually booked extra work, the homeowner is at least aware of the extra services your company offers. So now as your technician builds a professional relationship using the value added service steps your company is famous for (more on this next month) he or she has one last chance to build the job ticket (and make a nice bonus too!). As a quality carpet cleaner, you have likely focused on every step technically to make a carpet glow after cleaning. Congratulations! But which is more important to your long-term financial security: making a carpet glow, or developing a system that will dramatically increase your profits by giving your customer the no-pressure opportunity to spend more money with you? Implement the COP today and watch your sales, cash flow and net worth skyrocket! Circle 29 on the Free Information Card May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
Building a Phenomenally Successful Business
Howard Partridge
Howard Partridge started his carpet cleaning company (Clean As A Whistle) out of the truck of his car over 25 years ago and built it up to a 14 truck company that bills as much as $2.8 million per year. For over a decade he’s been helping carpet cleaners from around the world build phenomenally successful businesses through Phenomenal Products, Inc. In January he launched Clean As A Whistle Franchising, LLC., offering turnkey Clean As A Whistle franchises. To get Howard’s FREE Tip of the Week, free videos, webinars, and resources, visit www.HowardPartridge.com or call 281-634-0404.
Why Systems Are Critical to Your Business Success When a company is growing, your two biggest profit killers are lack of planning and lack of infrastructure.
y not having systems in place, your company loses good people, your production suffers and you must spend more money training a new employee. Systems are the only path to profitable growth.
They Keep Your Profit From Spiraling Down the Drain You spend more on the things needed to accomplish production because there is no planning. You buy things on the fly rather than evaluating where you are, and where you are going. Buying another truck just because “we need it” happens frequently. It’s a knee-jerk reaction. Since business is a game of margins rather than volume, one must evaluate every purchase and consider how it will affect the bottom line. 24
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
You may find that adding another truck would not actually add any profit. In fact, it may cause you to lose money because you didn’t consider that your inside sales people are already maxed out, so you will have to hire another person. You also didn’t realize that two of your technicians were on their way out and, since you didn’t have an infrastructure in place, it took you three months to replace them. Meanwhile, the new truck sits idle in the driveway. See how not planning and not having infrastructure in your business can hurt you financially? Now, take the scenario above and visualize yourself evaluating each move before you buy the truck. In your evaluation, you may discover that you will have to hire another sales person
and that you are at risk with your techs. You could then begin to ensure that your helpers could step in if one of your techs was out, or that you had a fast-paced training program in place.
Few things are worse than “buying on the fly”
Document, document, document!
Systems keep you from having to continually reinvent the wheel
The Butler System makes a great business choice. Quality and Reliability The Butler System is manufactured using only the highest quality components. No other cleaning machine offers as many features and benefits, is simpler to operate, easier to maintain, more reliable, lasts longer, quieter or has a greater resale value...none!
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Vehicle specifications and prices are available upon request. The Butler System price will vary when installed into cube vans and trucks. Prices exclude taxes, registration and documentation fees. Prices, rates, terms and programs are subject to change. The “Guarantee Buy-Back Program”* is limited to the continental United States. Additional terms, conditions, specifications and exclusions apply. Financing and lease programs are subject to credit approval. Lease programs may not be available in all states. GM and GMC are registered trademarks of General Motors Corporation. Ford is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. Approved for publication January 2011.
Circle 27 on the Free Information Card
Building a Phenomenally Successful Business
This is just a small example of how poor planning can eat up your profits. Growth by the seat of your pants will cost you more of your bottom line – guaranteed.
It’s the Only Way to Manage Effectively There comes a point in your career as a
cleaning and restoration business owner that you realize you can’t do it all. So you go out and find a “crackerjack” person to be “another you.” Well, sooner or later, this person doesn’t work out. Then you are back to square one. The most important aspect of building systems into your business is to realize that you do not build a system around people, you build people around the system. Build the system, and then plug the right people into it. Put the people with the right personality and outlook into the right role in the company. The second thing to understand about building systems is that everything in your company must be documented. If you don’t like paperwork, you will hate systems. Once you are disciplined enough to document everything, you will realize how much it helps you in management. It eliminates the negative emotions that happen with verbal communication. It is said that up to 80% of all verbal
Circle 19 on the Free Information Card 26
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communication is misunderstood to some extent. Surely you have seen this in your own business. You tell your technician how to do something step by step, only to find out that he did it completely different because he didn’t understand. By having written policies and procedures, and fully training your technicians to follow written procedures, you greatly reduce the chances of miscommunication. My favorite response when there is a question about how to do something in our company is “What’s the procedure?” Usually, there is procedure, but it seems easier for an employee to use up your time rather than looking it up in the manual. Train your people to use the system! If it is a new question that hasn’t been dealt with before, or you haven’t put a procedure in place, make note of it and write it up. If you have the mindset that “I’m only going to manufacture the solution to this particular problem once!”
you will build a great infrastructure. The natural destructive tendency is to solve the problem and move on without documenting it. More than likely, this situation will come up again, even if it isn’t very often. Document it, put it in the manual. Train it. That way, when it comes up again, you ask the question, “Don’t we have a written policy on that?” and get to answer, “Oh, yes we do. Here it is!” See how that works? Maintaining good, workable systems is the key to more-effective management.
Your Employees Perform Better It’s a fact that if your employee has specific procedures to follow, he or she will perform better. By being thoroughly trained and having written policies and procedures, they will be less likely to miss things. They will actually get more done, because they will not have to spend much of their time getting verbal information from you or the office. Since they know what they are supposed to do, how to do it, and exactly what their boundaries are, they can keep moving ahead.
You’ll Face Fewer Surprises It is difficult to predict what people will do, but having policies and procedures in your business will help you take the guesswork out for your employees. The reason that business owners have so many problems with employees is that they leave too many opportunities open. Don’t get me wrong. The other side of processes is people. We must have good people – thinking, willing people. But your employee may not make the same call that you would in a certain situation.
time, as discussed above, once that is accomplished, you will truly be able to work less hours. Simple as that. Why? Because once you have effectively documented how things are done, what the values and policies are, and you have put your strategies into a system where they happen day in and day out regardless of your personal presence, then it matters less whether you are there or not. In fact, some personality types get in the way, or violate the system when present, therefore infecting the employees that are accustomed to working within the system. So in some cases the business is more successful without the owner’s direct presence.
They Make the Company Saleable Let’s face facts. No one wants to buy a job. If your business revolves around you, then a potential owner would be buying your job. How much is your job worth? Anyone interested in buying a business wants to buy a turn-key business. Anyone with a significant amount of money to invest doesn’t want your 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week job! An investor simply wants a set of keys. He invests his money and he turns the key to start his new money machine. That’s all he wants. If it revolves around your controlling and directing every facet of the business, it is of no use to him as an investor.
They Keep the Owner “In Line” When you are operating your businesses on a verbal basis, you sometimes forget what you said, or decided on. By systematizing, you settle how something will be done once and for all. If it is ever changed, then it is changed in a formal way. In essence, the manual would be changed, a meeting would be held, and each employee that would potentially be affected, would be briefed and perhaps re-trained. They would get a copy of the change for their manual. There are so many policies and procedures required for a service company that it is impossible for the owner to keep up with everything verbally. By creating written, trained systems, one can simply refer to the manual to recall what was decided on.
They Free Up More of the Owner’s Time Although setting up systems takes an incredible amount of
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Using Technology to
Tackle Moisture Problems By
obody would worry about moisture in buildings were it not for the multitude of moisture-related problems, one of which is mold growth. Mold not only releases toxic particles into the air, mold actually “eats” building materials. The microorganism extracts the carbons out of building materials and uses them as nutrients to live; dry rot is a prime example of mold’s destructive capabilities. Like all living organisms, mold needs nutrients, air and moisture. All three ingredients are readily available in the building envelope. Of the three, people can most effectively control moisture.
Where’s All This Moisture Coming From? Many building materials contain moisture. They are hygroscopic, absorbing or releasing moisture until equilibrium with the surrounding air has been reached.
A newly constructed building already comes with a lot of extra moisture builtin, and drying continues even after the building is finished. Construction lumber installed at 19% will dry down, concrete slabs are still curing, the drywall could have too much moisture picked up during storage and transportation. During the first year a building is supposed to lose its extra moisture, and ventilation is necessary for a healthy start. Many moisture problems develop later on. Ground moisture could creep into the foundation and adjacent walls. Leaks from roofs or badly installed windows are another source of moisture problems. Floods and other disasters can catastrophically affect a building. Speedy drying-out after water intrusions is essential to avoid additional problems. Condensation is another dreaded source of moisture problems, as it’s of-
ten hidden in the structure and can cause considerable damage. Condensation occurs when warm air reaches cold surfaces. Buildings in climates that require heating in the winter are more likely to develop condensation problems, as heated air from the inside infiltrates wall cavities and condensates on colder exterior materials. For example, damage from condensate is often seen on windowsills. In severe cases the framing lumber and the siding around windows are also affected. When high moisture is allowed to remain inside a building, problems are unavoidable. Unfortunately, moisture problems often start where nobody can see them: behind walls, below carpets,
Moisture is the most effectively controlled ingredient
Reaction- and dry-times are essential for avoiding additional problems
Monitoring systems dramatically increase drying efficiency
Grete Heimerdinger was a science teacher in Stuttgart, Germany before moving to the United States, where she has been vice president of Lignomat USA for the past 30 years. Along with being actively involved in product development, she is a member of the ASTM task groups C11 for measuring moisture in gypsum, and ASTM F-2170 for measuring moisture in concrete. For more information visit Lignomat’s website at www.lignomat.com.
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
Grete Heimerdinger
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Using Technology to Tackle Moisture Problems
etc. Noticeable signs are buckling hardwood floors, lifting of linoleum floors, dry rot in wood, musty smells or mold growing on walls. Sometimes there will be complaints about lung irritation and unexplainable coughing. For successful repairs, the source of the problem has to be identified and eliminated. Otherwise, the same problems will come back. Handheld moisture meters and Thermo-Hygrometers are the instruments to use when tracking moisture problems. Pinless and pin meters are available to measure the moisture content in wood, sheetrock and other building materials. Accessories for pin meters allow for penetration deep into walls to locate problem areas. Thermo-Hygrometers can measure relative humidity
Circle 4 on the Free Information Card 32
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
and temperature; high humidity levels usually indicate a moisture source is close by. The latest generation of moisture monitoring equipment has the capability to record relative humidity and temperature or moisture content of wood, sheetrock, concrete and other building materials at intervals anywhere between 30 seconds and 24 hours. LEDs indicate when preset min/max limits are exceeded. These devices are designed to monitor crawlspaces, attics and other critical areas where moisture problems are suspected or leaks have been fixed. Some systems use multi-function wireless transmitters. The measurements from all transmitters in a test area are sent to a central collection hub. The hub collects the data in pre-set time intervals. On-site data retrieval is possible by connecting a PC and downloading the information. Remote Web-based data retrieval is possible using cellular, Wi-Fi or Ethernet technology. Following is an example of two moisture problems in a residence. A handheld moisture meter and a wireless monitoring system were employed. The monitoring system consisted of three transmitters and one collection hub. One transmitter was installed outside under the roof to record the outside relative humidity and temperature. The other two were mounted inside. The collection hub was placed in a cabinet in the upstairs living room. All readings were sent via cellular connection to a Web browser. Two problems were identified: Water was dripping from a leak in the roof into a window frame in the upstairs living room, discoloring the paint and living puddles on the window sill. A musty smell in the basement was constantly present, but there were not yet any visible signs of mold. The leak in the roof was fixed. One transmitter was installed inside the window frame to monitor the moisture content of the wood and to see if the leak repair was successful. More research was necessary to find the source of the musty smell in the basement. Possible intrusion points for the extra moisture included the foundation and the outside walls, which were partially under ground level. At first, a handheld meter was used to obtain moisture measurements from the sheetrock walls. Readings taken from the sheetrock on an inside wall close to the floor showed 0.7%. In
the opposite corner, moisture readings were over 2%. A series of readings was taken along all walls from the floor to the ceiling. Walls not facing outside showed acceptable values for sheetrock. All readings on the outside walls from 3 feet above the floor to the ceiling were in the normal range. Mapping readings from the 3-foot level down to the floor clearly indicated that the greatest moisture concentration was at the base of the two walls facing the outside. The carpet was also measured with the same meter: readings showed the moisture increased toward the two outside walls. To see if any changes in the high moisture levels occurred, the third transmitter was installed in the wettest corner of the room. The transmitter measured the relative humidity and the temperature, the moisture content of the drywall and the surface temperature. Moisture readings in the drywall stayed at a constant high level for months; relative humidity readings in the wet corner were always between 80%-90% and did not change much, even during the summer. The structure and the ground around the building had soaked up too much moisture during the wet winter. Proper drainage needed to be installed around the building, and the outside walls needed to be sealed to prohibit moisture
migration. Then the basement could be dried out successfully and hopefully will stay dry. To preserve the health of a building and of the people living inside, moisture problems need to be addressed as soon as they are noticed. It does not help – and in fact, only exacerbates – the problem to cover it with paint, install a new floor or perform any number of cosmetic fixes if the source of the excess moisture has not been removed.
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Should You
Hire a Salesperson? By
he decision to hire someone to do marketing for your company is never an easy one. It’s scary, because it will probably cost considerable money and the return is never guaranteed. On the other hand, to not hire someone may mean your company is potentially losing out on thousands of dollars of income. Let’s take a look at the issues involved.
What is the Downside Risk? Before I ever make any decisions, I always ask myself this question. In the case of hiring a salesperson, the downside risk is fairly obvious. Can you afford to lose a few months in salary if the person does not deliver the goods? It will take at least
two to three months to discover whether your salesperson is successful or not. In our industry, marketing is about developing relationships, so it usually will take a while for jobs to come in from the marketing efforts. Are you willing and able to pay a few months salary with no return if your person turns out to be a dud? The other question is whether you can afford not to hire a salesperson. Someone has to be doing sales work, and if not the owner, it has to be someone. There is too much work available to us via marketing and networking to referral sources, so someone has to be pounding the payment if you want to receive work from referrals.
Dave DeBlander is the owner of a turn-key carpet cleaning/restoration business in Pensacola, Fl. He is the author of “How to Get Off the Truck and onto the Beach (or wherever you want to be)” and “How to Develop a Turn-Key Business.” You can reach Dave at www.howtogetoffthetruck. com, www.carpetcarecoach.com and www.davedeblander.com.
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
Dave DeBlander
What Do I Pay Them? Good question, and the answer is different for different situations. It depends on the area that you live in, as income levels vary from city to city, so what is fair in my town might not be enough in yours. Most important, though, is the fact that the person you hire must be really good or even great. Average is the enemy of great, and an average salesperson is a waste of time. Why not hire someone who will be fantastic? You will have to pay a premium salary, though, for excel-
You have to weigh the upside and downside
What’s a great salesperson worth? It depends
It’s up to you to point them down the right path
Circle 26 on the Free Information Card
Should You Hire a Salesperson?
lent salespeople. I pay my salesperson a salary of $30,000, plus a bonus of 3 to 5 percent of the jobs she brings in. If you don’t pay the person a very good wage, you probably won’t get very good results. Of course, there are always exceptions; a straight commission pay scale is a fantastic way to motivate people to bring in the work.
You Must Give Them Direction Now that you have hired someone, you need to make sure they are working effectively and efficiently. That is your job, not theirs. Odds are, you know much more about the industry than they do, and you will have to guide them in the right direction. This takes hard work on your part and constant monitoring of the salesperson’s activity. Many a business has spent plenty of cash in a wasteful fashion because the owner did not work hand-in-hand with the salesperson. This is of utmost importance during the first two to three months of the salesperson’s time with the company. You should have a three-month plan drafted as to what you want your new hire to be doing. Let them put together the details of who, where and when they are going out into the field, but you must present them with the big picture.
You Must Give Them Goals This is vitally important, because the goals will determine the activity and the planning of the salesperson’s work weeks. First of all, give them a monthly sales goal of work to bring in so that they can aim for a figure. Do you want the salesperson to achieve $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 or more in monthly sales? Pick a figure and then determine how the salesperson is going to make the phone ring to bring in the goal. But just by picking a figure doesn’t mean that people are going to be knocking at your doors; now you want to decide what activities will work. Once you have in mind what referral sources will be worth visiting, it’s time to plan when to visit them. AfCircle 23 on the Free Information Card 36
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
ter you have done all this, you ought to have a weekly and daily planning regiment ready to go. Once this is done, the salesperson ought to review it with the owner so that any needed changes can be made and approved; then it’s time to get to work.
Proper Planning is Essential Don’t neglect this crucial aspect of the sales process. Our salesperson usually spends an entire week every quarter planning her strategies and daily activities for the next quarter. It is time well spent, and I don’t mind seeing her in the office for an entire week. Additionally, her quarterly goals are posted on an 8-by-4-foot dry erase board for all to see – and celebrate when she hits and exceeds them. Meet with your salesperson daily or at least weekly. If you have a large company, frequent meetings with the management team is very important. A good
company has systems, and the meetings can consist mainly of the management staff giving reports from company tracking systems. My salesperson has weekly reports of where she went daily, the results she had and where she is going the next week. Additionally, she gives me fairly complex quarterly strategy reports
every three months. Without these reports, we would not have effective meetings, and it would be very difficult to judge her results. If you do not have a salesperson, the job still belongs to someone, probably you. Even if you are a one-person operation, the above still holds true. You need to take your role as salesperson seriously; pretend as if you actually had hired someone, and make systems and strategies in order for your marketing to work. I find it fun, rewarding and, yes, difficult to perform all the tasks I have mentioned, but the results are amazing. Our salesperson consistently brings in $20,000 a month in new work, and we know that figure is only going to increase. Is it worth it? You bet, but it just doesn’t happen out of thin air. Make your determination that you are going to have an effective and vibrant marketing division in your business and then prepare, plan, produce, profit and play!
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Circle 2 on the Free Information Card May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
The Gadget Man
Gordon Hanks
Bridgewater Corp. CEO Gordon Hanks got the nickname “Gadget Man” as a result of his brainchild that developed into one of the industry’s leading cleaning and restoration accessories. The Gadget man series is about making life easier and improving profitability. For more information call (800) 658-5314 or e-mail
[email protected].
The AFD: Your Latest Service Offering As recently as 10 or even 5 years ago, most restorers would not expect to use an air scrubber or air filtration device on most of their jobs.
e were well aware of air pollution being unhealthy, but usually associated it with big factories belching smoke and particulates into the air or the exhaust from thousands of automobiles fouling the air of big cities. We were more concerned about scrubbing the walls, ceilings and contents on a fireloss jobsite, and on a water loss we were occupied with getting the structure dry before mold became an issue. Then we began to learn about microorganisms that could become airborne during restoration, remediation and even routine cleaning activities. We learned that tiny particles in the air following a structure fire were a health hazard. These particles could be a mix of toxic hydrocarbons, hydrogen cyanide, oxides of nitrogen and other particles in the 2 to 20 micron range that could be inhaled 38
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
deeply into the lungs, resulting in irritation and damage to the respiratory system. Asthma and other illnesses would be aggravated, and there could even be an increased risk of heart attack. The threats from these invisible particles threatened both technicians and building occupants; not something to be taken lightly. As restorers became better informed about the science behind air filtration, AFDs became more common not only on Category 3 water losses or mold remediation scenarios but on fire jobs and all water losses. The IICRC S500 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Water Damage Restoration states that restorers can install one or more air filtration devices, depending upon the AFD’s size and obstructions within the structure. AFDs provide additional airflow,
while simultaneously removing aerosolized soils or contaminants from the air within a room. AFDs are rated by the number of CFMs (cubic feet per minute) of air that can pass through the unit while still performing as intended. The volume of air within the air being treated is compared
The science of IAQ has come a long way
Some enterprising companies are using AFDs on carpet cleaning jobs
New technologies are allowing for many more opportunities
to the capacity of the AFD. One, two, or more air exchanges per hour may be appropriate according to circumstances. HEPA filters used in AFDs are usually sufficient to assure that air is healthy to breathe and the environment is left in a pre-loss (or better) condition. AFDs can also be used to create negative air pressure inside containment areas. When negative air pressure is maintained, air is trying to enter the contained area rather than contaminated air flowing out of the space.
These days, even professional carpet cleaners are adding AFDs to their regular cleaning regimen. It’s a great example of the higher level of service that many customers are looking for. Explaining to the customer that you offer this extra service, that you contain and remove airborne contaminants while cleaning, gives them an extra feeling of safety and security, as well as leaving their home fresh and odor free when the cleaning is done. With the advent of smaller AFDs and HEPA filters that can be added to an airmover, both drying speed and air can be enhanced at the same time. The recent release of US Department of Defense technology used to prepare for chemical and biological warfare, HAZMAT and anti-terrorism has opened new development doors for AFDs. There is, for example, a new system that utilizes air scrubbers, nanotechnology and earth mineral crystals for a fast, effective, non-invasive solution to odor problems. Earth minerals (metal oxides) have been used for years for odor control in large areas, but have been a problem for small structures and confined areas due
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39 4/9/10 5:07 PM
The Gadget Man
to the small surface area for the odors to be attracted and destroyed. Nanotechnology first solved this problem by crushing the minerals to increase the surface area. This, however, creates a problem of adding particulate to the air, which can add to the IAQ problem rather than solving it. The latest progression has been to actually grow minerals in such a way as to increase the surface area many fold, but not create a respirable particulate. An analogy would be something like using a kernel of popcorn before popping and after. Obviously, a popped kernel has a huge surface area compared to an unpopped kernel. This increased surface for the chemical reactions to destroy odor molecules is what makes the process that much more effective. Since the process removes and destructively absorbs airborne odor-causing molecules and retains them inside a cartridge, it is safer and “greener” than methods which
Circle 17 on the Free Information Card 40
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
generate or release chemicals into the environment. All odor control procedures should start with locating and removing the source, but as technology continues to advance, AFDs will become as crucial for the professional carpet cleaner to keep at hand as they’ve been for the restoration technician.
Do you know a true humanitarian Do Do You You Have Haveandan anrestoration Industry Industry Hero? Hero? in the cleaning industry? Ralph RalphBloss Bloss 1923-2003 1923-2003
th Now accepting nominations for the 9 Annual Now Nowaccepting acceptingnominations nominationsfor forthe the ICS Award ICS ICSCleaning Cleaning CleaningSpecialist Specialist SpecialistRalph Ralph RalphBloss Bloss BlossHumanitarian Humanitarian HumanitarianAward Award
The ICS Cleaning Specialist Ralph Bloss Humanitarian Award honors members of the floor care industry whose The TheICS ICS Cleaning Cleaning Specialist Specialist Ralph Ralph Bloss BlossHumanitarian Humanitarian Award Award honors members membersbenefi ofofthe thetsfloor floor care care compassion, self-sacrifi ce, leadership and creativity produce signifi canthonors and outstanding for mankind. industry whose compassion, compassion, self-sacrifice, self-sacrifice, leadership leadership and andcreativity creativity produce producetouched, significant significant and andoutstanding outstanding The industry award is awhose celebration of the life of Ralph Bloss, an individual who reached, counseled and inspired thousands of people in the fl oor care industry. benefits benefitsfor formankind. mankind.The Theaward awardisisaacelebration celebrationofofthe thelife lifeofofRalph RalphBloss, Bloss,ananindividual individualwho whoreached, reached,
touched, touched,counseled counseledand andinspired inspiredthousands thousandsofofpeople peopleininthe thefloor floorcar carindustry. industry.
hu·man·i·tar·i·an (hyo o-mănৣş-târৠŋ-ӂn) – Noun: a person devoted to promoting the welfare of humanity, especially through the elimination of painThese and suffering; philanthropist. These are areour our past pastwinners: winners: 2003 2003Barry BarryCosta Costaand andTom TomHill Hill
These are our past winners: 2004 2004 Randall Randall Linton Linton 2005 2005 Neil NeilHill Atkinson Atkinson2007 Steve Toburen 2003 Barry Costa and Tom 2006 2006 Al Al Bradham Bradham 2004 Randall Linton 2008 Karl Bohr, Sr. 2005 Neil Atkinson 2009 Cary Adler Nominations Nominationswill willbebereviewed reviewed and the therecipients(s) recipients(s)determined determined bythe the nomination nominationcommittee. committee.All All 2006and Al Bradham 2010by Bob Bonwell
members membersofofthe thefloor floorcare careindustry industrymay maysubmit submitnominations. nominations.The Thedeadline deadlinefor fornominations nominationsisisJune June30. 30. Nominations will be reviewed and the recipients(s) determined by the nomination committee. All members of Recipient(s) will willbe bepresented presented with withthe theaward award during during the theConnections Connections 2007 2007 Convention Convention and andTrade Trade the flRecipient(s) oor care industry may submit nominations. The deadline for nominations is July 8. Show ShowininLas LasVegas, Vegas,Sept. Sept.12-14 12-14. . Recipient(s) will be presented with the award during the Connections 2011 Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas, Sept. 7-9. Nominee’ Nominee’ s sName Name__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Company CompanyName Name__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Nominee’ Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Address Addresss________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name __________________________________________________________________________________ City City______________________________________________State ______________________________________________State __________________Zip __________________Zip __________________ __________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Phone ____________________________Fax ____________________________Fax __________________________E-mail __________________________E-mail ________________________ ________________________ City ______________________________________________State __________________Zip __________________ Phone ____________________________Fax __________________________E-mail ________________________ Your YourName Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Company CompanyName Name__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Your Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name __________________________________________________________________________________ City City______________________________________________State ______________________________________________State __________________Zip __________________Zip __________________ __________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Phone ____________________________Fax ____________________________Fax __________________________E-mail __________________________E-mail ________________________ ________________________ City ______________________________________________State __________________Zip __________________ Phone __________________________E-mail ________________________ Why Whyare are____________________________Fax you younominating nominatingthis thisindividual? individual?More Morespecific specific background backgroundinformation informationwill willbeberequested requested for fornominees nomineesbeing beingconsidconsidered eredbybythe thecommittee committee Why are you nominating this individual? More specific background information will be requested for nominees being considered by the committee
Complete Complete theform form and mail mail ititto: to: Complete thethe form andand mail it to:
ICS ICSCleaning Cleaning Specialist/Ralph Specialist/Ralph Bloss BlossHumanitarian Humanitarian Award, Award, 22801Ventura Ventura Blvd.Ste. Ste.Woodland 115, 115,Woodland Woodland Hills, CA CA91364, 91364, faxit itto:to:(818) (818)224-8042 224-8042 ICS Complete Cleaning Specialist/Ralph Bloss Humanitarian Award, 2280122801 Ventura Blvd.Blvd. Ste.115, Hills,Hills, CA 91364, or faxoritorfax to:(818) 224-8042 the form and mail it to: Nomination Nomination forms forms can can also also be be found found online online at at www.icsmag.com. www.icsmag.com. For For more more information information call call Evan Evan Kessler Kessler at at 303-255-1263. 303-255-1263. Nomination forms can also be found online at www.icsmag.com. For more information call Evan Kessler at 303-255-1263 or email at
[email protected]. ICS Cleaning Specialist/Ralph Bloss Humanitarian Award, 22801 Ventura Blvd. Ste. 115, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, or fax it to: (818) 224-8042 Nomination forms can also be found online at www.icsmag.com. For more information call Evan Kessler at 303-255-1263.
New Products & Technologies
2 4 6 3 Butler Corp. 1 Prochem Prochem introduces Power Burst SR Pre-Spray Prochem introduces the latest addition to their line of pre-sprays, Power Burst SR, a pre-spray designed to be safe for use on carpets with stainresistance warranties from the manufacturer. This enzyme pre-spray contains buffered builders and a solvent booster to “burst” through tough food and protein soils like meat fats and vegetable oils. Power Burst SR dissolves quickly, and is heat-stable with truckmount temperatures. Circle 253 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
2 Bullen Bullen takes on vegetation with TUMBLEWEED TUMBLEWEED is Bullen’s new “Inspired By Nature,” non-selective vegetation killer concentrate. Considered a “minimum risk pesticide” by the EPA, it is a special class of pesticide because of its ingredients, both active and inert, are demonstrably safe for the intended use. This product is a general use pesticide that is “ideal for use outside public buildings, schools, child care centers, pet care facilities, as well as zoos, entertainment parks and public areas.” Circle 252 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
Butler unveils Maximum Multi-Surface Cleaner A concentrated formula that will dissolve most hard to remove soils, dirt, grime, oil, soot and grease on contact, Maximum Multi-Surface Cleaner is “recommended for use on walls, appliances, countertops, fiberglass, rubber, vinyl, metal furniture, plastics, gas grills, gutters, etc. or anywhere there is tough, hard to remove soil,” the company said. Circle 251 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
5 CFR Carpets dry in 30 minutes With the Continuous Flow Recycling technology developed by CFR, along with the system’s moisture-controlled Rapid Recovery Atomization process, operators can recover up to 50 percent more moisture than traditional extraction tools. This prevents moisture from resting on the carpet or carpet backing, helping prevent mold and mildew from developing and making the CFR system one of the greenest extraction system on the market today. Circle 249 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
6 Amano Pioneer Eclipse 4 Sapphire Scientific One new rotary cleaning tool, three new truckmounts hit the market Sapphire Scientific has added three new truckmount extractors and a new rotary cleaning tool to its product line, demonstrating all four units at Legend Brands’ annual distributor’s meeting held in Nashville March 23–24. “This equipment rounds out Sapphire’s truckmount offerings,” said Sapphire President Bob Kline. “Whether it’s someone looking to launch a small residential cleaning business or a large commercial operation looking to diversify and enhance its revenue, Sapphire has the right setup.” Circle 250 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
APEC makes high-end features affordable APEC introduces the PE400BU Ultra High Speed (UHS) burnishers to its line of floor care equipment, designed to give floor care professionals the performance features of higher priced units in one durable, affordable package. The 28-inch machine maximizes floor coverage; the 21-inch machine improves maneuverability in tighter spaces. Both use an 18HP Kawasaki propane engine modified with the APEC Proprietary Propane Power System, creating a burnisher that is 34 percent more fuel efficient and requires 40 percent fewer oil changes than any others in its class. Circle 248 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
7 Carpet Cleaner America CCA cleaning system receives CRI SOA Carpet Cleaner America has earned the Seal of Approval for its deep cleaning system from the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI). “This eco-friendly system consists of counter rotating brush machines, a biodegradable, compostable cleaning compound called “natraDri” and “nKapper”, an encapsulating prespray,” the company said. “The system uses little or no water in the cleaning process, resulting in minimal or zero down time in areas cleaned.” Circle 246 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
8 W.W. Meyer Porta-Vac offers powerful and portable profitability With “more power than an electric unit and better mobility than trailer and truck mounted machines, Meyer’s Porta-Vac 23 is the right choice for entry-level contractors and seasoned veterans alike,” the company said. Features of the duct-cleaning vacuum include a 23 HP Kohler Command OHV CARB Compliant gas engine, a heat exhaust safety shield, a lightweight, but durable steel frame, and heavy duty 10” wheels. The vacuum is backed with a standard two-year warranty. Circle 244 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
Procter & Gamble Professional P&G ProLine Floor Care System hits the market The P&G ProLine Floor Care System is “a unique and complete product lineup of floor care solutions formulated to work together to deliver a brilliant shine that stands the test of time. The P&G ProLine Floor Care System features a low-odor floor finish stripper, seven new floor finishes and neutral-impact cleaners, all designed to work together to meet a customer’s unique needs,” the company said. P&G Professional’s latest innovation also features EPA Designed for the Environment (DfE)-certified floor finish and cleaner, which exceed the Green Seal’s GS-40 standards for industrial and institutional use. Circle 242 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
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Circle 24 on the Free Information Card
Circle 21 on the Free Information Card May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
New Products & Technologies
11 10
Nissan NV van solutions customized to fit your needs
9 Turboteck Supplies Turboteck unveils new high-powered portables Turboteck Supplies introduces “the most powerful portable extractors to the cleaning industry. The Titan X3HL extractor features 3 ultra high power 3 stage vacuum motors to develop an incredible 22”HG (300”WL) suction power. This is higher than most TMs can go. “In addition the 500 psi pump that comes standard with the machine ensures it is up to the task of tackling your worst cleaning challenges,” the company said. Circle 245 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
Knaack LLC and WEATHER GUARD Van Solutions announces customized van storage equipment for the new Nissan NV Commercial Van, featuring driver-friendly bulkheads and a wide range of shelving, specialty storage, roof rack options and more. “We have engineered hard-working storage solutions that deliver industry-leading security, unmatched durability and reliability, maximum organization and productivity, and superior cab comfort,” said Jeff Kotz, Senior Product Manager for WEATHER GUARD® Van Solutions. Circle 243 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
Looking for a HEPA Backpack Vac Beyond Compare? You Found It! EDIC’s Atlas™ 10-quart HEPA backpack vac cleans with 99.99% efficiency — better than HEPA!
• Lightweight design — only 10.8 lbs! — for comfortable operation • Meets EPA lead-safe and leadabatement requirements when used with a beater bar • Sonically welded ultrastat filters provide greater dust rentention and bag capacity FREE TURBO TOOL KIT WITH PURCHASE OF ATLAS HEPA VAC 9DOXH²5HTXLUHGIRUOHDGVDIHRSHUDWLRQ Simply bring this coupon to your distributor.* Go to EDIC-ICS.com to find a local distributor.† Call 888-475-2915 for more information. * Coupon must be presented for free Turbo Tool Kit. † Participating dealers only. Offer expires June 30, 2011.
The #1 Reference for Carpet/Floor Care & Restoration Professionals. START YOUR SEARCH TODAY!
www.EDIC-ICS.com Circle 6 on the Free Information Card 44
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
12 Shark Pressure Washers
11 Releasit
Shark introduces most userfriendly units to date
Go double-strength with BIO-ENCAP
Shark Pressure Washers unveils the new Aluminum Series. Durable and easy to handle, these pressure washers are ideal for commercial cleaners and rental facilities. The Aluminum Series “features an innovative frame shape, lightweight design, and ideal weight distribution that make them incredibly easy to push or pull, even through grass, gravel and mud. Say good-bye to the “ankle banging” experienced while pulling other machines. The adjustable handle provides ergonomic handling for operator comfort and space saving storage and transport. Simply fold the handle forward and these machines fit under most shelving and inside the trunk of a car.” Circle 240 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
BIO-ENCAP is a new double strength “green” encapsulation detergent from Releasit. BIO-ENCAP has the EPA’s DfE certification, and it is “ideal for accounts that require a ‘green’ certified product. BIO-ENCAP brings strong cleaning performance to a formulation that’s also good for the environment,” the company said. Circle 241 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
13 Powr-Flite Want power? Want heat? The PFX1380 from Powr-Flite is “the perfect carpet extractor for power and heat. This heavy-duty professional machine has adjustable pressure—50 to 500 psi—powerful enough to clean the most soiled carpets. And with patented Perfect Heat technology, users are assured of the hottest solution temperatures available in any portable carpet extractor,” the company said. The full-size 13-gallon capacity helps reduce refill/empty trips, improving worker productivity. Circle 239 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
Basic Coatings Contractor Toolkit web portal launched Basic Coatings has launched its new Contractor Toolkit web portal at http://www.basiccoatings.com/MarketingShop/Pages/ContractorToolkit.aspx.The Toolkit is a marketing program that provides several different opportunities for our contractors to create custom marketing resources. Marketing tools include custom brochures, yard signs, door hangers, direct mail, postcards, and mail stuffers. The Contractor Toolkit “offers a user-friendly, web-based system for creating the same marketing tools used by successful businesses across the country,” the company said. “And they can be customized to include personalized logos and messages!Circle 247 on the Reader Inquiry Card.
May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
MustSee Products Gallery The ICS Must See Products Gallery is a multimedia showcase designed to allow manufacturers and distributors an opportunity to introduce new products, programs and technologies through a variety of platforms. The information and claims found here are provided by the manufacturers; any questions or requests for more information should be directed to them.
Butler Corporation Butler customers appreciate our factory direct sales, service and support. Factory direct communication with our customers is first and foremost. We fully understand we must provide something extra and be competitively priced, for customers to purchase and receive service from a company perhaps thousands of miles away. It is apparent from the thousands of satisfied customers we serve throughout the United States, Canada and the U.S. Government worldwide, that this way of doing business has proven to be enthusiastically accepted. For details circle #101 on the Free Information Card.
Thornell Corporation Odorcide® - Now get “the one that works” for specific odor jobs. Odorcide® is now available in specific formulas for odors caused by Cigarette Smoke, Fire & Floods, Dumpsters & Chutes and Laundry. Just like the “Original” formula these new non-enzymatic products work instantly with no dwell time and are not affected by detergents and disinfectants. Application is easy using tank or bottle sprayers, hose applicators, fogging or simply adding to the cleaning operation as needed. All Thornell products use our unique proprietary formula that permanently eliminates, not masks, odors on contact. Ask you local distributor for “the one that works” - Odorcide®. For more detailed information or to request a sample visit us at www.odorcide. com For details circle #102 on the Free Information Card.
800-455-4278 • 334-983-8730 outside US or visit www.CleanCareSeminars.net for 2011 courses: • May 10-12: Rug Cleaning Technician (RC T) in Philadelphia, PA • June 8-9: Carpet Cleaning Technician (CCT) in Dothan, AL • June 10-11: Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician (UFT) in Dothan, AL • June 13-15: Rug Cleaning TEchnician (RCT) in Dothan, AL • November 2011: Applied Senior Carpet Inspector (ASCI) in Dalton, GA Need IICRC Continuing Education Credits (CECs) – or employee pre-training??? We have on-line, web-based training programs; no travel, at your convenience!
• Principles and Methods of Carpet Cleaning at www.CleanCareSeminars.net/PCCM • Practical Psychrometry: The Art of Drying at www.CleanCareSeminars.net/PPP • Microbial Contamination Remediation at www.CleanCareSeminars.net/MCR • WOOLSAFE® Fabric Care Specialist at www.CleanCareSeminars.net/WoolSafe
Check out our educational Books and Videos Visit www.CleanCareSeminars.net Circle 12 on the Free Information Card 46
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
Hydroforce The NEW and IMPROVED Hydro-Filter is an essential part of your business; the advanced polymer is designed to withstand impacts and high temperatures and allows you to impress your customers by showing them how much dirt is being removed - something not possible with opaque filters. The redesigned stainless steel filter protects your vacuum motor from harmful debris and maximizes your machine’s CFM output. Additionally, the screw on lid eliminates broken latches so you can focus on your work, not on repairs. For details circle #103 on the Free Information Card.
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Airx Laboratories ........................... 22
Phenomenal Products ..................... 40
800-533-7533 www.usephoenix.com
Phoenix Restoration Equipment ........ 26
888-881-1001 x104 www.connectionsconvention.org
Prochem ........................................ 3
Prochem ....................................... 56
Pro’s Choice .................................. 23
Rainbow International ..................... 33
11 SCRT ............................................ 22
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16 Sporidicin by Contec ....................... 43
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Cleanco Truckmounts...................... 35
Jon Don ........................................ 17
MasterBlend ................................. 55
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Clean Care Seminars ...................... 46
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May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
IICRC Chairman’s Corner
Paul Pearce
Paul Pearce, an industry veteran since 1973, is a Master Cleaner, Restorer and Instructor, as well as owner of Country House Carpet Care in England. He is a Past President of the National Carpet Cleaners Association (UK), for which he currently serves as technical director. He has also served as past chairman for the British Cleaning Council. You can reach Paul at
[email protected].
Evolving the IICRC’s Mission, Vision and Values During the past two years, the IICRC has been taking a critical look at the organization and examining how we can best evolve as an organization.
fter careful consideration and a review and approval process, the IICRC has updated its mission: The mission of IICRC is to identify and promote an international standard of care that creates and maintains the health, safety and welfare of the built environment. In addition to reviewing and updating the mission, we’ve been working as a group to determine where we want to be in the future and what the IICRC should look like... in 2020: IICRC has become highly respected and recognized internationally as the leading association in the industry, and has developed strong collaborative relationships with allied industry groups. It has been the driving force in building credibility and professionalism in the industry through its certification programs, elevated standard setting, consumer awareness and confidence efforts, consumer protection initiatives, and emphasis on the connection between clean50
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
ing services and improved health. It has grown to more than 100,000 registrants and has a strong membership of affiliated organizations and firms who are committed to the goals of the organization. It is the primary source for the growing body of knowledge in the industry, has helped to standardize the professional vernacular, does research on the science and best practices in the profession, and is the leading force in the “green cleaning” movement. Beyond the vision and mission statements, the IICRC also wanted to establish the core values that the organization will always strive to live up to: • Integrity - We will establish and maintain a culture characterized by honesty, high values and exceptional standards of conduct. • Respect - We will treat everyone we encounter in our interactions through IICRC in the same manner we would wish to be treated. • Responsible - We will work to assure that the obligations and stated goals of
IICRC are met in a timely fashion. • Excellence - We will accept nothing less than the best in leadership, quality and service. • Expert - We will continue to build IICRC’s reputation as the leading authority and source of professional knowledge in the industry. With an updated mission, new vision and values, the IICRC is preparing to enter its next phase as an organization.
A new mission statement to better reflect today’s industry
Core values with help strengthen the IICRC and the industry
It’s time to move into the next phase
CFI Report By Jack Freedman
Regional Education Day a Smash Hit
he CFI had a very successful Regional Education Day on Saturday March 19 at the Academy of Textiles and Flooring in Whittier. The event was free for all CFI members, and more than 50 attendees came from as far as San Diego and San Francisco to enjoy the day-long event, which included educational seminars from speakers Mike West, Noel Frank, Graham Bedwell, Mark Calvillo, and Lisa Wagner. The day began with industry legend Mike West, who presented a fitting tribute to the Academy’s late founder and industry legend, Carl Williams. In addition to great speakers, there was an on-going raffle throughout the day with great prizes, and a CFI swap meet where everyone had a chance to buy and sell their cleaning treasures. There was
great food and BBQ provided by Ann Bedwell and our friends at Chemspec, which was prepared and cooked by our very own chairman, Matthew Sanders, and our friends at the Academy of Textiles and Flooring. CFI would like to thank Bobbie Williams and her awesome staff at the Academy of Textiles and Flooring; Chemspec; ProChem; Pro’s Choice; MasterBlend;
StonePro and WestPakUSA; Central California Cleaning Supply; Foothill Vacuum and Janitorial, and CFI Insurance provider Driscoll & Driscoll. Special thanks to all the CFI members and attendees, and a very special thanks to CFI Orange County/Inland Empire Chapter Director Jason Hensley and the rest of the CFI Board who helped make this event one to remember!
Upcoming Classes 1. Spotting Class w/CTI’s Don Snider Pro Line, San Carlos (May 17, 8:30am -12pm; Members $25) 2. Spotting Class w/CTI’s Don Snider at Pro Line, Sacramento (May 25, 8:30am -12pm; Members $25) 3. Advanced Upholstery Class w/Mark Exner at Pro Line, San Carlos (June 8, 8:30am - 4:30pm Members $49) 4. Odor Control Class w/CTI’s Don Snider at Pro Line, San Carlos (June 22, 8:30am -12pm; Members $25) 5. Spotting Class w/CTI’s Don Snider at Pro Line, Sacramento (July 19, 8:30am -12pm; Members $25) 6. Area Rug Cleaning Class w/Aaron Groseclose at Pro Line, Sacramento (August 8, 8:30am - 4:30pm; Members $75) 7. Odor Control Class w/Aaron Groseclose at Pro Line, Sacramento (August 9, 8:30am -12pm; Members $37) 8. Anti Allergen Class w/Aaron Groseclose at Pro Line, Sacramento (August 9, 1pm - 4:30pm; Members $37) 9. Area Rug Cleaning Class w/Aaron Groseclose at Pro Line, San Carlos (August 11, 8:30am - 4:30pm; Members $75) 10. Odor Control Class w/Aaron Groseclose at Pro Line, San Carlos (August 12, 8:30am -12pm; Members $37) 11. Anti Allergen Class w/Aaron Groseclose at Pro Line, San Carlos (August 12, 1pm - 4:30pm ; Members $37)
May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
PACR News By Jillian Olson
Connections Hits a High Note for PACR
ACR members and the association’s Board of Directors and were excited to attend the annual Connections Conference and Exhibition in Clearwater Beach, Fla., April 13 -16. This event is one of PACR’s largest fundraisers of the year. PACR members who attended were able to take on “The Experience” at the beach, with one of a kind hands-on training and great relaxation and networking. We hope to see more PACR members at the Connections Convention and Tradeshow in Las Vegas, Nev., Sept. 7-9.
Upcoming Events
May 26 – PACR Annual Cleaning of Aurora Ronald McDonald House in Aurora, Colo. Professional Association of Cleaning & Restoration members will volunteer their time, equipment, products and energy to clean the Aurora Ronald McDonald House as a way to give back to our community. PACR members have teamed up together to clean the carpets at two local Ronald McDonald houses; the Denver House was cleaned on April 28. There is over 90,000 sq. ft. of carpet to be maintained, with a cleaning value of over $15,000. As a follow up, PACR members will take families staying at the RMH to a Colorado Rockies baseball game in August.
May 3-6: IICRC Applied Microbial Remediation Technician Certification (AMRT) at Interlink Supply, Denver, Colo. A 4-day course that provides restorers with the necessary tools to perform mold & sewage remediation. Mold contamination has been identified as a major contributor to building related illness & poor indoor air quality. Without proper mitigation of a water loss, mold can become a problem in less than 48 hours. In addition, the effects and handling of sewage backflow has become a major concern for the restoration industry. This course includes hands-on training. The AMRT/S Exam is offered at the conclusion of the course. Cost: PCUCA Members Early Registration $895/person or Non-Members Early Registration $995/person.
The Ronald McDonald Houses offer a home-away-fromhome to the families of seriously ill or injured children who are being treated at metropolitan area hospitals. These families come from all over the country, and we feel honored in being asked to take part in providing a service for a charity that has done so much for our community. If you have any questions about the Ronald McDonald House and their services, you can contact Pam Whitaker, Executive Director, at (303) 832-2667. For questions about the PACR, upcoming courses or the companies who volunteered, please contact Jillian Olson in the PACR office at (877) 447-2822 or email her at
[email protected].
Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
CRA News By Brandi Richardson
Brandi Richardson is Member Services Coordinator for the CRA. You can reach her at
[email protected] or call her at (916) 736-1100 ext 302.
CRA Seeing Success with Regional Meetings
he Cleaning and Restoration Association held its Northern California Regional Meeting on March 25 in Sacramento, Calif., which was a huge success! Karen Wells, the founder of “Success in Sneakers” was the presenter at this event. She discussed how to turn your staff into a Championship Team, helpful ways to take your business from invisible to successful, ways to blast through any sales objection with ease and confidence and more! Our CRA Regional Meeting turned out to be a great educational workshop as well as a wonderful networking opportunity. Thank you to all of our CRA Members and Non-Members who joined us. We look forward to presenting our next CRA Northern California Regional Meeting. CRA is holding our Southern California Regional Meeting in Los Angeles on May 26 with presenter Ed Cross. Ed will be speaking about “Cutting Edge Legal Strategies for the Restoration Professional.” Ed will present a lively, interactive look into new legal issues that have arisen in the restoration industry and innovative strategies to a avoid them, including:
• Contract drafting that will get you paid and keep you out of court • How to turn up the heat on a customer who pockets insurance proceeds • How to force a mortgage company to release insurance drafts • Mold Litigation: alive, dormant or dead? • New regulations for Mechanic’s Lien procedures • Risk Management in the New Age of Restoration and much more!
Upcoming Courses and Webinars May 9: Meet the Experts - Webinar Location: Online – FREE May 16-17: UFT – Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician Course Instructor – Steve Marsh, Location: Abatix Corp., Los Angeles, CA May 18-19: CCT – Carpet Cleaning Technician Instructor – Steve Marsh, Location: Abatix Corp., Los Angeles, CA May 23-25: TSC – Trauma Scene Clean-up Course Instructor: Kent Berg, Location: Sacramento, CA May 26 – 27: Methamphetamine Lab Residue Decontamination Course Instructor: Kent Berg, Location: Sacramento, CA If you have any questions, contact CRA Member Services Coordinator Brandi Richardson at (916)736-1100 ext 302 or
[email protected].
May 2011 | www.icsmag.com
SCRT News By Patti Savelle
Patti Savelle is administrator for the Society of Cleaning & Restoration Technicians.
SCRT Chapter to Hold Best Practices Forum
he NE Ohio chapter of the Society of Cleaning and Restoration Technicians (SCRT) will hold an open forum round table discussion on best practices for water restoration in the real world on May 17 at 6 pm at the Hampton Inn in Medina, OH. “We will discuss what to do when you get a large volume of calls for water losses, what to tell your clients they can do if they can’t get help right away and will cover safety issues to protect you, your employees, and
your clients. We will also cover how you can partner up with other reputable companies for mutual aid with equipment and manpower if needed.” The presenter/mediator will be Ron Valega of the TMC Group. The cost is $20 for SCRT members and $40 for non-members, and includes dinner. Attendees can receive credit for a 1/2 IICRC CEC. For additional information or to register for this event, contact Tom Sher-
man at (303) 262-0936 or tomemtb@ gmail.com.
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Cleaning Specialist | May 2011
The MASTERBLEND EL DIABLO has a 195,000 BTU Diesel heater for consistently high cleaning temperatures of 230˚F and higher with up to 2,000 psi cleaning pressure. Within 30 seconds you will achieve water temperatures of 200˚F plus from a cold start - achieve and maintain your desired temperature. With the El Diablo you get all the heat and power you need, no other truckmount has better heat - who says you can’t have it all!
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Ultra concentrated with our 32:1, super thick formula. Easily cleans the dirtiest, greasiest, filthiest traffic lanes you encounter. Extensively field tested with rave reviews by the cleaners who used the product. This product outperforms the competition and is safe to use on stain resist carpeting. You’re not buying water with this product!
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