Writings from the Ancient World Society of Biblical Literature Simon B.
General Editor
Associate Editors Jo Ann Hackett A. Jr. Peter Machinist Patrick D. Jr. William J. Murnane David LOwen Robert K. Ritner Martha T. Roth
Volume B and Edited by Susan Tower Hollis
Hymns, Prayers, and Songs An Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Lyric Poetry
by John L. Foster
Edited Susan Tower Hollis
Scholars Press
The of Biblical Literature a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to underwrite certain editorial and research \Af ... t-u"'y,,, from the Ancient World series. Published results and neices,salwy represent the view of the Endowment.
of ancient !-',0',,,nt1!ln Susan Tower Hollis. p. cm. IWrtt'If'Hl'o;z from the ancient world no. 8) Includes blt)hc)graplrucal references and index. ISBN 0~7885~0157~7 : alk. -ISBN 0~7885-0158~5 alk. '-,0"",>1,,'" poetry - Translations into I. Foster, ,!lUTrpnC'PI 1930. II. Hollis, Susan T. HI. Series. ant:nolo~:y
Printed in the United States of America on acid~free paper,
Series Editor's Foreword
cnlrOJ101o£llcal Table
J::!,xlPlalnatlon of
I: The lta:nstlguratJLOn of the from The Texts
1. 2. 3,
15 19 21 21 22
4, 5. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10.
23 24
25 26 26 27 28
11. 12. v
vi 13. 14.
29 29
15, 16. 17. 18. 19.
30 30 31
32 33
21. Archaic
39 41 41 42 44
24. 25.
26. 27.
45 III.
1-1","" ..,,:,
V ..... 'uA1rc
to Osiris: The Earth KeJll£J.on
28. The Great
of Amenmose. Louvre TT
urn 1'"\(1
to Amun-Re: The
48 48 53
of Ancient 55
30. To Amun as Sun God the Stele of BM i. To Amunas ii. To Amun as Aton iii
31. The Cairo 32.
and HOI.
56 56 57 57 58
1-1, ...........
65 Leiden 1350 vi. The Gifts of the Creatures to God vii. The Goddess and Thebes ix. at Sunrise V'.:1r,"1'"11C
68 68
69 69
x. The to Amun-Re as HOlralchty xx. xxx. Defeat of the Enemies of Amun-Re xl. The Self -Creation of God I. The Power of God lx. God's lxx. God's lxxx. xc. The Creation c. The Birth of God cc. The Forms of God: His UnrmlPre:sellce ccc. The d. God as the Divine Warrior dc. for God's Nature dccc. the Place of Truth
75 76 76 77 78 78 79
from The Book
71 71
72 72 73 73 74
34. Intlrod1uctcory 35. Intlrod1uctcory
36. Intlrod1uct4orv 37. lntlrodluctcorv 38. Intlrod1uctcorv
87 89 91
95 97 98 99
42. 43. IntlrOQiuctcory
44. VI. Amarna: The Heretical Interlude of Aton
45. Akhenaton's
to Aton
..... " .. r ...1"C!
102 102
to Other Deities: The Riches of 108
46. 47.
Harris I] and Osiris
~aI(hnlet, rra;n-~)OI<:ar.
of Horemheb in New of Horemheb in New to Thoth and Maat
48. 49. 50.
111 112 113 114
51. Us'tra(:on Deir el-Medineh
53. 54.
to Hathor as Goddess of Love Chester I]
VIII. The Nature of the
KA'tr........ rt.
123 of
m. iv. v.
for Life in the Afterworld Ve:SC1~lblln2' the Afterlife ~utcoblog1raphy: His Claim of Rectitude
129 130
and Praises to Pharaoh: The Divine
56. Ode to Senusert I The Tale oj 57. of the Princesses for L.lf~mc:!n(:y 58.
132 132
The Tale
to Senusert III "'~1""'l' ..tH! Kahun i. The ii. A iii. The Greatness of the
134 134
134 135 136
136 137
his First IUDtUeie} 61. In Praise of Ramesses II as a Warrior Anastasi II] 62. In Praise of as a Warrior Anastasi 63. In Praise of MC!relnp1tah 64. A Letter of
Anastasi 66. In Praise of the Delta Residence of Ramesses III P~1""'I.T"llC Anastasi
140 140 141
X. From the ;::'CI10QIIDC)¥ Miscellanies: KeJl,2UlUS Tradition
on the 145
67. 145 146 147 147 148 149
150 150
74. 75.
Anastasi 76. In Praise of Amun 77. In Praise of Amun
151 151 152
Anastasi Anastasi
In Praise of Life
78. From the Tomb of 79. From the Tomb of 80, Three H!1'r"n",'r'
154 154 156
157 157 158 160
iii, Third
XII. Love
In Praise of Love
81. 82.
163 163
83. f P!1n'tTrnc 84.
164 164 165 Ua~ughte~r.
I J.,l"tr.u,.... .,
Harris of the Birdcatcher's UaLughte~r. iii IP'2n'tT1r"l1C
88. Harris
of the Birdcatcher's lJaLu,2.hte:r, vi
XIII. Other Poems of Weni
Museum Stele the Battle of Kadesh. 1275 in Praise of the Teacher Sources
167 168 170 172 178 184
Series Editor's Foreword
from the Ancient World is defngrled to Dr~c)VJ,ae UD-IO-Q<3lre. readhn,glJ,sh translations of 'UTrfh ..,t'YC! recovered from the ancient Near East. The series is intended to serve the interests of geller,al r."<:JI'1.-rC! stllde:nts, and educators who wish to the ancient Near Eastern roots of West,u.....~«~,UJ.>l, or compare these earliest written of human '.lrr"'lnr'u with from other of the world. It should also be useful to scholars in the humanities or social sciences who need clear, reliable translations of ancient Near Eastern materials for comparative purposes. in areas of the ancient Near East who need access to texts in the and of other areas will also Given the wide range of materials translated find these translations in the different volumes will to different interests. But these translations make available to all readers of J:.Dlglllsn the world's earliest tratu C!r"""T reliditions as well as valuable sources of information on world. etc. in the The translators of the various volumes in this series are sp.eClau:s:ts in the l.atn2:uaJ~es and have based their work on the the most recent research. In their translations much as of the texts in a Int:rOtClutctllons. notes, maps, and ChlrOfllOl()glCal aim to nr,,",'U1il'1.- the essential information for an of these ancient documents. from the invention of UTr'lrt1"l,cr 3000 down co'nquests of Alexander the Great the ancient Near East northeast Africa and southwest Asia. The cultures represented within these limits include '-''''I-.I,-,'''J.CUJ. Hittite, \Nrtru,CJ'c! from the Ancient World will trans\Nrd'U''\t'YC!
n!1 ... r11'· . . . ." ..
Series Editor's Foreword
lations of most of the many different genres attested in these cultures: letters-official and law colre(:or'Gs. to mention but a few. The prepar,aticln in a generous I:'rc)gr,amls of the National Endowment for the Humanities. the "''''''~''''~''U of Biblical Literature. In aO
Simon B. Parker School of
Chronological Table
When rulers ove:rlao
of rnT1''\.:l1011r'lT
there was a co~regency.
3150-3050 S.C.E.
Narmer II.
3100-2907 2907-2755
2755-2680 2737-2717 2680-2544 2680-2640 2638-2613 2603-2578 2578-2553 2544-2407 2544-2532 2532-2516 2428-2407 2407-2250, 2407-2395 2395-2360 2357-2350 2350-2260 2250?-2230 2230-2213
Sabure Vnis VI
Teti I
Merenre II VII VIII xiii
Table IX- XI I~..G~.J- "'V~VI
2213-ca. 2175 2175-ca. 2035 ca. 2075 2134-1991 2061-2010
nr.... '."r'"
MIDDLE KINGDOM ·."'r.. ' XII Amenembat 1 Senwosret I Amenembat II Senwosret II Senwosret III Amenembat III Amenembat IV
1901-1866 1869-1862 1862-1843 1843-1795 1795-1786 1786-1782 1782-1668
& Middle :SeCl(mell~re
Ta 0
Tutbmosis 1 Tutbmosis 11 Tutbmosis III Ilm4mbcJtep II Tutbmosis IV Ilmcmbc)tep III
XII-XllI 1963-1782 1963-1933
l" ....
}u.... ,u!r"lr
1720-1665 1688-1560 1610-1569 1665-1565 1668-1570 1591-1576 1576-1570 XVIII-XX 1570-1293 1570-1546 1551-1524 1524-1518 1518-1504 1504-1450 1503-1483 1453-1419 1419-1386 1386-1349
1350-1334 1336-1334 1334-1325 1325-1321 1321-1293 1293-1185 1293-1291 1291-1279 1279-1212 1212-1202 1185-1070 1182-1151
Smenkare Tutankbamun Harembab XIX
Ramesses I Seti I Ramesses II
Psammeticbus I XXVII
Darius I Xerxes I Artaxerxes XXVIII (in XXIX XXX
Nectanebo I Nectanebo II XXXI
1070-946 946-712 946-912 828-772 760-712 772-656 753-713 XXVI-XXXI
685-525 664-610 525-404 525-522 521-486 486-466 465-424 404-399 399-381 381-343 381-362 360-343 343-332 335-332 332-323
nrOfnOIIOQ!ical Table
XI. PTOLEMAIC PERIOD 1Jtr./,/:>""l\l
II III Ptl'\l."'""I\I IV Lle()patra VII Ptr.I./:>",,1\1
Last text written in hiero~:lYJ:)hs: 'H."''''''
323-30 323-305 305-282 285-246 246-222 222-205 52-30 30 B.C.E.-330 C.E. 30 B.C.E.-14 C.E. 284 c.E.-305
394 C.E.
Mediterranean Sea
THEBES {Theban Nec:rooolisle-: MEDINET
from map of Oriental Institute apl=>ear'inR Oriental!nstitute Institute Communications
Explanation of Signs
brackets [ ] enclose restorations. A row of dots (..... ) indicates gaps in the text or untranslatable words.
I The and prayers of a are its conversation with the Sometimes there were many sometimes, as in later there was one. Over the span of their recorded hH!rnT"IT with many chc~a(:~I·s,andJurlsalct:lOn$.
was not supreme. and among the other of all He was called Amun-Re in the New but in the mind of the individual person, the best translation would be our word "God." The for the interlude of Arnarna Akhenaten in the mid-fourteenth never felt it necessary to move De,rontO did not need to reduce the richness of the many to the and t"u one; for that would have done God's creation. When an or wrote down. his or conversation with his of attitudes and emotions could exhibit in the creation and over the of human or it could express a for a simor it could of a thankfulness for divine or for divine interference in the for course of human as a for the favorfor aid in court of the weak from the hands 'U<:1t' ....
of the for aid with with advancement in a pr()tessl1on, or for of heart and power to serve the well. In other words, the entire of emotions and attitudes seen in the and prayers of later or there in the poems. The answer to this sets that civiWhat was the lization from all the others of its time; for the looked forward to a afterlife in the presence of and under the of the Death had to be to be sure; and sometimes death was an enemy. But the literature shows an almost oV4ervvh.elnling faith in the of in the presence of communion with him while viswhose beams lit the faces of tllfO'U2n the underworld toward his new birth at dawn. The ancient were not a somber IJ'-',JIJJ.'-'. as mlSCClnc:et)tion has it. life could be Imlpre~SS].on stems more from what has been from those ancient built their tombs of matetimes than from rials because those tombs were their "houses of and their souls would dwell there. as well as in the realm of the afterlife would tend to call "...."'''''';rl'Ort have a purpose-a house-were built of more friable r"",,_,0'1:"'''' .,rn,":.JTHV mtlO-IOrtCK: evcem:uauv turned to dust. what has endured to our own time are the stone tombs and the where God was to be forever. The ovrarmClIS at the rock -cut tombs in the Theban ... the coffins and the endless mummies-all eXlpe<:ta't!on of eternal ancient in the of civilization The time span was from before the turn of the third millennium 3100 down to the classical world of Greco-Roman times. flourished and was a center of civilization from about 3100 to 1100 B.C.E. _ ...'.. AU"'" it reached three of culture and the and New after the eleventh century B.C.E. did it its power and to other, younger civilizations. endured for the better of another but a diminished role. The details of this span can be read in the histories of some of which appear in the at the end of this volume. The prayers, and songs were all in this earlier world: David of Israel came to his throne about 1000 but in this volume (eXCel)t lC\Ylfrn,,,,",rl"n
UJ, ... £\oj, ........ ,
for poem No. his and some of it nium or more. The and prayers from the of and 6 were cut into the walls of who lived twelve or thirteen centuries written to celebrate and assist before David. And those in the can still be seen on the walls of their tombs.
n civili2:ations, was a one. The reJ1L~1(mS are allowed but not subsi oel~celDtl()nS of lite a young itinerant scholar could see down the Nile on the as he boat tor Mc~mlPhlS; or the Ramesside to the Nile" could end in the small of verse known as "the Quc:st).onm~ of the and lite after nu ..n''' .... is not clear since appear otten in COJrlJUlnctlon with material the traditional In some ot the -pc~sslmlst]lC literature" "The Debate Between a Man Tired of Life and His the mood will sink to
"".... "1 in the modern world is a result of the scientific re,'ollLltilon, which for SUJ:r01un4::1mlg air of its invisible For the ancient snlr1T~~-l[ne g04[1S--WI~re there . .u,l'I..n;;\.,;',-,. one way to consider the ancient view ot his deities is to think of them as one divine .. some of it materialized and some of it Int:an,glt,le. When the creator Re, the universe, he aooe,are:mng of the world. But even Chaos itself was a an,'_I"-lllln Atum as the Nine Great Gods of HellOl)OllS Great Gods of NermopIOUlS-,UI divine stuff. The presence of this unseen divine stuff the of become connected 'lITn"C1hiln""ti deities. VI'1g1.nal1Y, into, the natures of -strorl~er, before the unification of Menes about 3100 B.C.E. the CXI.JLaJtlation the r"" ...... '~~'T was a series of more or less autonomous smaller the of the Nile, each with its local or Ancient secular state of the modern
As the or cultural units became over time. the local and the weaker the ..,'"'..., .."......." deities came into conflict with each was subordinated to the The lesser often became absorbed into the nature of the str.;)ni~er. but his name would become an epl,tnc~t or alternate name for the latter Thus Tatenen. an ancient became an of the of the M4em,pflllS, Ptah. Or Khentiamentiu, a at became absorbed into the nature of conof the nected with the luc:!-eJOn,am::lng "f ......... '~ the the an1CastOnlst; Isis is seen with the of compafiSlcm and ae'llot:l0J1. whether to her husband or child. Amun is the "hidbut he is often a of power and CO:OQlue:n Uo·we:nn~. On the other hand, the terlaf~ncy amlalJl:aIIla1:JlOn can be seen eSI)eclalllv in the creator or supreme For instance. in most accounts the solar Atum is the author of creation. But in time. as the Re became more and more the supreme was called the ultimate A similar convisible Re was fused Hation occurred in the New with the Hidden into the supreme a COlmr:'OUlno name. of course, were invisible, not present to human apprehension. But on occasion the wished to appear to human and would become manifest to human The would materialize from the invisible divine human eyes. The ~rr'tTnt-'''n The first of these terms is ValrlOlUSlV as -a-,:.pearClLnce," or "form." It would perne:lp.s be best to use the word "incarna"'..........n,""· his invisible divine tion" for this process. The essence in a that can be appr(~nfmClea human eyes; and the specHic form chosen is ............. many incarnations. The Re chooses to appear as the sun disk but he can 1-I"" .. "ll"h+,. the Falcon of the Two Horizons, or of Atum as an old man to his rest at the end of All three are of the sun Horus in the Re himself the sun goes to rest. The kbai of a refers more to the SplenCJOr that appearance than to the of the at that time. The could appear to human in various that 1nS,lstIU which is called vision. or in a dream. or a statue or icon invested with the power and sometimes carried in a reJJL21()US 4 ......
'un'~!lIl'T by means "the appearance of the or of an oracle. Ramesses II, as he prays to his "" ....".......... describes how the came to save him in battle and to him as if stanatn~ behind him Or the man from el Kab whose tomb a detailed of the who is within the human breast In these several ways the powers of the invisible divine realm made contact with the human world.
m nXlcern: for the interlude of monotheism under Akhenaten in the second half of the fourteenth S.C.E., the rell£l.on of the ancient .... 0".Tn,i'"1!llnc:: was pOlytneJlStlc. and of all of prc::>m.lnc:mc:e and power. "lesser" gOi(]S--CC:lUIO be hunted and eaten in the communion meal ettectin~ Yet in the same there is mention of a so awesome that his name cannot be named. The of has been but the did de\relclo pe:rcePtllon of their many deities. Not all fit or cosmogony. The of several a there is a central have not been made clear to of and there are two The is the nnneaa, the Nine Great Gods of the most wide.splrea.d ... ,...... 7'1',f".~ view of the creation and de'velopmc:mt JSe~~lmrun,g, a hillock out of the surgwateriness of Chaos and on that hill the .. ., •• ",11", called Atum. He then the universe either thI'ou£h cOllghlng and .....
tence. The result was the first divine ...v,...... dess Tefnut in turn Pf()dllCed as the next Nut and Geb were then re~;pCmS;lDJ,e for Isis. Neohth,rs and Seth. in a distinct Osiris and Isis have the child Horus. SUl:l-S;!'OO as the This Helllot:)olltan par~tnc~on ret:>Jac:ea Atum as creator it was Atum. But when the in the Ptah was substituted I1. ..... ,
the Mc:!mpnlte tn4:!OloglaI1lS as the creator the universe ljeglIlnl.ng was the 'Jlf~._""'··\. he had the idea in his and it came to be. .....,J:::U"-"a.u of is The second cosmogony, different and offers a quaSl.~S(:lelrlt1t1c ev()lutlolnar'Y account of the creation nrl.[J'lnlll disorder-there were four male-female of deities. Nun and Naunet the nr1trn~"'U;:l ocean; Kuk and Kauket Huh and Hauhet rpt',rpC1P't,f" J)ouna1C~ssness. and Amun and Amaunet ret:)re:serlt air. These divine "eledisorder set themselves in motion and created the ments" in the UU]I(Uldl hillock mentioned in connection with the cosmogony. with the appearance of the where the stands to the cosmogony takes over. .... c ...-.",,,.,, there were two with the Re as its focal as its central of resurrection and the blessed but the terns were to harmonize them into a Re was the creator snlnln:g down from the heavens and Osiris was lord of the afterworld and a eternal Hfe. Outside of the of creation and the formation of the J::!.nneaa, the C01'lCf:rnmg Re dealt with his ","u, ..",,,,... the sun disk. His incarnations as HClrraJent:y pu:ShJflg the sun been mentioned. He was also of as a across the heavens much as the scarab-beetle pmme:a over the Re would cross the Bark then sink to rise once more in the east at the next dawn. This was as the the realm of darkness-the afterworld of the blessed dead "the upon the faces of all those them with the rays which had shone upon them while on earth. this the Bark-the Re who had into Atum at sunset was rejlL1Vf~nated the Divine Child or Divine Youth of the new Re and his encountered the cosmic of chaos or disorder called or and a battle between order and disorder .... n· ....... r The followers of Re had defeated the issue had never been new dawn was a miracle. a of the forces of and the matins of the of renewed in Splen(lOr 1A111'nA'tT
a cOI'oll,a.ry that does not harmonize with the earth rellgU)n--t.hle blessed dead his the and ar~lWJtn2 his rel1g1Io n,-a still earlier strand of almost lost in n.,.~-n1'!o:. Impulg1ng upon the of historical times-the dead went Orion and Sothis and became stars in the to be with the Remnants of this subordinate theme and lTT'1!Hl''''''''U can be seen in relIgion centered on Osiris. Like whose resurrection each a sense of recurrence, and renewed eX.i:1lml)le, defeated death and demonstrated that all persons into a new and eternal life. the New of ancient civilization-the n'lT1'"\C+'"'''' at death had become "an osiris." The individual emueXclmlPle of the death and on into conof Osiris is seen in its most articulated form in the stele of Amenmose of conand scattered the m()Urnulg. searched for and her power to work miracles breathed life reunited Because he had Osiris could not return to this back into his world: but he was made of the ruler of the otherworld. He also Isis with Horus the Child. When Horus was Isis Seth. took him into seclusion to raise him and also to escape the When Horus came of age, Isis took him to the conclave of the Ennead in the hall of so that Horus could be from Seth and be as his inheritance from Osiris and Geb. The divine tribunal him "true of voice" -that is. his claims were vindicated--and Horus was for his as the heir of Osiris. of death and resurrection fuses with another This ~Q'V01[-lme rule of the land. For was a He was ac(:or 0lf112' to the dictates of Maat (a fusion of the !-in':1",,"'''''' felt to be divine ......., .......... ,. ...,41,,..
he had become "an osiris" or been arrlal~~arna1:eo the next world; and at his death his eldest son, the crown V"'J.~'-''-', became the new to his father's ot>:seQruu~s and aS~mnll1n,g the leaderof the Two Lands. In this way the of resurrection became a pow-
erful for the proper succession of power in also goes back in written sources to the PV11"!1n"ltti in which Horus __ O. ____ services for his father,
in the
IV deserve the resoec:t need to for us to aP1pre:neno the richness and of the ancient rell~lion, Modern monotheistic too often look down on the nrl!n'l'"''l''''' and and this does a disvarious pOlYl:ne:lSlns service to what is --~-----r there and to be savored from the ancient ian sources, Part of the is an arrogance in toward humankind's earlier att:eIIlpt:s to and the cosmos; but also is the lack of readable translations of the ancient literature, The become more unaerstanaa,b!e:-t:nc.u~:n alien to us-when their stories. and activities come down to us in a form which our Im_:lgl1oations can grasp. A third of the is the of the ancient as in the belief that deities had animal heads or were is not true. deities were with divine animals. This animal heads or as animals: their their were represented thus so that the behind the could be 2rasoe:d the visual But the or the statue was not the even it could have the power of the it. God is as in the unseen; and no one knows God's later monotheistic rell~10ns. lIl0c:!e(l, rell~l;on. there are the character and attributes of the ancient I-i .....'rnh <:In Amun-Re of the New In aO(11tlon. we read the individual or prayer from an sense that there is no other besides the one addressed. These poems merit close with the and prayers of the tradition. The
v The authors of these prayers, and songs are unknlC)W]n: have become anonymous after the millennia. l.:Jene:raIJly, the authors of the
wisdom of ancient maxims and moral-instruction texts-had names to their work: Kaires. and many others. But with the one must be content with the result alone. We can say that these authors were from and rrulrrl'1T ClClCles; "',....''' ... :r..... Havnril!ln literature is not a folk literature but rather exhibits the many intricacies of a craft in the le,U'n,mJg. And the writers were all almost male. There is very little overt evidence for female it must have existed to some among the at court and the in the teIlnp),es. The audience also was constituted of members of the court and as we add the institution of the scribal where young training in and hieratic form of the written laIllguag4:J and were introduced to the the tradition. In the scribal schools nected to the and staffed the most slgmtllcallt and best-loved were nr"·Qpr'lTP·l'1 ....u .. J;:;,.~ sttl
.. t
VI The literature of ancient belles lettres, as we would say in order to this uT1·.h ..... CY from more utilitarian material like historical m~;crlp1tlons, , . . . ""....... accounts, and such-is written in verse, as nn.F"f-r'IT· and it took three fundamental or fell into three basic genresnarrative, and and structure were used for stories and a broader range and were constituted of instructional and material such as malXllns, and testaments. This genre the wisdom or LY'ITt"\r __ 1rc.<
-PtlllC)SOPh'y" of the culture. The third main genre was the the of ..........r ...•..."r
prayers • of the sur~
torav4erst or ter'mlnOl0Sl~Y can sometimes be C01UU,sInl}1; -~~--~" rather than -",y _ _ ,_n'"
of secular
Ancient all genres-are written in of verse lines that tOi!tetller up a sentence or a of a sentence. The structure of the verse is each COlllst:ltllttll':l}1; one line of verse, make up the sentence; and of those both can be lnClepenj\lerlt (a or one can be on the other COJUpleX serltelllcc:~). 4 ""V"'JO.£~ there are some variations and quatrains to vary the sentence and this is the basis of ancient In there is a marked attention the author to matters of likeness and difference-in terns and clause constructions. in sound ret)etJ.tlons. is the familiar to students of biblical nn,F'tr"U"· it is a thousand years older. The flavor of ancient can be hinted at to the rhetoriwithout the meter or on the other, to the free-verse of Walt WhitThe result is what can be called the ancient A word should be said about this translation. The been what is called "a smooth literal translation." One reason ancient ian literature is not well known is that so many of the current translations are too literal: are intended for and both cOllltlnu:tty and overall are sacrificed to word-for-word accuracy. It must be understood that these are not but are not at all h ...... and their rebuffs both the curiinteUige:nt, and in other fields who are not in the At the other end of the of translation is the lit?' .....·"
1"1 .......... '>t'1'A
Introduction erary
OD1DOfjea to reinvi~c'ra1te
translation. This is where the translator the words in all the rich annaIF..,.,,.....'''''I'''',-I ....... of ti~urc:lti,re um~:ua~e, word Imagllna:uv'e aura of the .t:.nJ~l1sn. The literal
that was never there in the "Ft."""""" as used to be a sort of middle way. But what translator and reader alike need to remember is in the mind of the ancient these prayers. and songs were meant to be poems. r.rllglllSll
Translations = = = = =
The Transfiguration of the King Hymns and Prayers from
The Pyramid Texts
Texts are the world's earliest substantial of rellgUJUS were carved and in the chambers of the last 5 and several of the of 6
...",.,.. "".,,,,trl
a As one reads the uo'waJ~d thrust of ancient reHas the location of the afterworld the is felt to be somewhere in the is cOlmp'leted, aided the cosmic the renewed life with his peers for """"" ..nHr'!.T
1. The Resurrection of King (lnas VHr;;Hnln
Heaven stars Ols;ap1pe~tr, celestial bowmen are shaken, bones of the eaJrrn-~c.as tremble. are all for have looked upon Unas, the Whose soul shines forth as a among his ancestral fathers; he is comforted ancestral mothers. 15
This is Unas, the possessor of secret unC!rl.~rn whose very mother knows not his hidden Namel The of Unas the heavens, smenS~tn the cm:lmlg and once he had borne him, was the son more than his father. Unas's masculine powers hover about him, his feminine powers at his feet; His unleus-~oaaet)s p:reCieac;~s
him: "Watch over his SouU Be effective, 0 Oner The powers of Unas all are pr()te(:t1nl~ him!
bull of heaven, This is Unas. the with in his heart, Who feeds on the incarnation of each who eats the organs of those Who come-their bellies full of powerfrom the Island of Fire. iv the renewed. reJ()tnm~ his blessed Unas shines forth as this Great owner of he sits, and his back is toward earth.
This is
v This is Unas, the beside One whose Name must be hidden on that Slau2Jt1terml2 the firstborn. nrC\U1t"'fpr of nti'""r1,"n This is Unas, the who ties the rope. himself the sacrifice. This is Unas, the who eats men, feeds on possessor of tribute victims, swift }uCllgrrlen,t.
The rarlstlQUratllon of the
vi It is Seizer of ~c.ami-IOfCKS. who lassoes them for Unas; It is He of the Head who hobbles them for him, ,rr them in to It is He who oversees Blood Rites who binds for him; and Wanderer overpowers these divinities To slit their throats for Unas, rAf'YU'\ltn ... their vitalsthis is the Unas sends for the execution. It is of wine, who butchers them for Unas. cooks for him the of them in his kettles for the meal. llUV"'I'\..CHdILl.
rt ... ' .....
vii This is the who eats down their .. p.,........"'.. power. swallows their vital force: Their ones are for his ....... their middle~sized are for .... u .....' .. , Their small ones for his meal at ni~httall, and their old men and women-sticks for his K:InlaUn~1 The Great Ones of northern skies his fires under the SH~W*1001:S oonltaU1In,g them, the of their eldest. Those in the heavens about I:!AI"'\l1n,a cot' . .• ... .." .... his kettles with of their women. All the Two Heavens revolve round about him and the Two Banks of serve. 1"1...... " ... 11'
viii This is Unas. the a power of powers among those with This is Unas. the as a fiercest of forms of the Great Hawk. he finds in his way, he eats him down without palLlSlnlr. His proper is as CnlleI1CaUl. before aU the eminent in the K,n,,, ... This is the a
older than """,rU1nIr
on:enng to him. citation as "Great God" the father of ix Unas has risen into the heavens, his shines as Possessor of heaven! He has shattered the bones of the vertebrae. seized on the hearts of the He has dined upon blood, swallowed down the fresh Unas is nourished of the wise ones, content with the life from their hearts power as well. up the ""lr,Arlln broth, The divine flesh thrivestheir power is within him! No more shall the honors of Unas be he has swallowed the
x The time of his limits, are forever, this power of his to do what he likes, not what he does not, Within the realm of the Land of the Blessed for and forever.
xi of Unas, in the their sut>jec:t to nrc'u'<1'1"\ this his communion of cooked for the from their bones. So, their souls are to Unas. and their Shades are gone from their forms. Unas is free from them a1ll
from him-
of the
Risenf Risen I Evil-doers no have power to the beloved house of Unas among the on this our earth for ever and ever more.
2. Archaic Prayers to Nut In behalf of King Pepi V\/1~;,.nr\l1'l
o Nut,
out over your son, the osiris that you may conceal him from Seth. Protect 0 he who comes to you; may you conceal your son. who comes to you InClleejCl, may you this Great One. ii
bend over your son. the osiris
o this Great One who is among your oUsp:nn2.
the is yours, And the power was yours from the of your mother, before ever you were born. you to life and dominionand thus he cannot die. iv Powerful is your heart. you move back and forth in the in your Name of
of your mother
20 v
You are the da1ugltlte:r, ...."u1Acrtnl you transltlglJre and thus he cannot die.
within you;
o Great One who came to be in the since the power is yours. and the is yours. you have filled with your loveliness. All earth is under your sway; take it for your ownf You have the world in your em.braLce, all He within your arms; And you have this for your sake as an indestructible star within you. vii Sel)arare:Q you from Geb in your Name of 1 have united all earth to you. viii Be
above earth! Yours be the zenith of your father, Shuf Be him!
To enstar them all among the never to be driven away from you among the distant stars. o let not be tar from you One. in your Name of ix
the haven at the zenith for osiris
of the
for the Horus beloved of the Two of the for the For the Two Ladies, beloved of the for the Golden Hn.rl1'CPCl For the heir of Geb. and one he for the beloved of all the "'....., ..... I ... dominion. health. and forever. '[T
3. Prayer to Nut Text
Hail, 0 who strews the 2re:enstone, malachite. and tUI'QUOlS~e of the starsf ree:O-I)JallI greens and flourishes!
4. Prayer of King Onas to Nut ....u'r:a ...nll''l Text I come to you, 0
Un as comes to you, 0 Nut. I have my father to the and I have left Horus behind me. of a grow like the my double is like the hawk's. soul has brc,u~l:lt me, and my power as a has renewed me.
You shall take your seat in the amidst the stars of heaven, for you indeed are the Lone COlnpanllon of Hu. You shall look down on Osiris as he governs the tra,nS1t12111re:C1 souls-
it is you srano:m,R there above him. You are not down there among nor shall you ever be with them.
5. Prayer to the King to Rise Up V1./lr"",nnU"l
Ohol Oho! Raise '('1"\111r<:'""lt Teti! Take back your your bones; Collect your limbs. shake the earth from your flesh; Receive your food which does not stale, your drink which does not sour. You shall stand at the which bar mere ..... "',r"'1lc and ___h.,e_L:lC:ynlermt4et shall come to you To grasp your hand and take you to the your father. to And Geb will in your COlffiUtl,R; and he will stretch out his arms to you. And kiss you. and hold you. And he will you first among transjtl,Rl:Jre:Q and stars, and those from hidden seats will The Great appear that the ,RWUOlan is threshed andemmer Served at your mCtntJtlly t""ctnl''.llc served at your mid-month feast All this as ordered your father Geb. Rise up, Tetil You have not died!
of the
6. Triumphal Hymn of Ascension .....urAI"nII'1
Text 5111
Geb shakes with lau~hlter, Nut shouts for go forth to heaven! res;ounos, earth l.J.vJlIU..hlv'::>, and hail rains down for me as I roar out like Sethi
before me,
of open the of heaven to me that I may stand on Shu, the air. For me the stars are blotted out the laIlUlllJ;t of that I may cross the heaven like an arrow; Sothis has three times the tnt'ones, and I have OIl'l"1t1IPi1 of dawn.
The Cow who crosses the waters prepares my made, To me toward the Great Throne which the which Horus created and Thoth Isis take me, may me, that I may sit on the Great Throne which the Let the Dawn come to me with rel()lCllng and the with veneration; Let the Horizon-dwellers come their faces and the stars in obeisance. Let me receive the altar-stone and attend upon the sacrifice. I have shouldered the means of life and sustained the earth with This arm of mine holds the my left sustains the earth ... "''''' .... ,..•• naoomt:~ss. Let me find a fare to summon the Guard at the Gate of OsirisOne who hates to any who is cannot pay pa:)sa~e-m()fle:v:
24 Let me breathe in the breath of life that I for my own sake breathe be overfilled with abundance of And I have indeed breathed air! bathed the north content among shall be skilled as the greate.st of Skilled Ones foremost before the twin shrines of I shall strike with the staff and rule with the rod; I shall the memory of me before the and love of me among the that which should be SOC)i{e'n. and do not what is not true; for God detests words: you not misname mel I am your sonl I am the Heritorl
7. Hymn of Triumph on the King's Ascension VUlr::::lnrur1 Text
Geb is in uproar; The earth has been hacked and the before me-who am immortal!
A1'I· ..... , ..... O'
I shall betake .. "'....,.. v ... '"
of life and dominion,
Traverse the ne~lveinlV and ae~;trc,y I shall betake upon feathered I shan be cleansed within be wr'ilO[)ea
of the
I shall betake among the indestructible stars; sister is my is the star; and hold my hand as we go toward the Field of
with its its feet like the hooves of the Great Wild BulL I shall raise up on my throne in the space between the two my papyrus in hand, And I shall lift my hand toward the SUI1l101k, and the shall come to me bO'Wl1112': shall be watchful beside them find me among the Two Enneads r.H·..... i' .... Judlgnlertt. of all thus of me; ott:enng to me among the l"T
8. Hymn of Ascension to V\Flr~l'"1n"'l
Teti, let me take my sacred
in the
let my beautiful
Let me take my sacred station in the bow of the Bark of The sailors ..r.""I.H~,ty Re are and it is who will row me also. who convey Re about the I-In... "',........ , It is and will convey me also about the Horizon. mouth is unsealed I nose is un~cloggledl
command a
Re cleanses me and me from any who would do evil
9. Hymn to the Risen King V'\I,r:::.nntl'1
"Chaos in heavenl We have seen a new so say the and the Ennead. "Horus the shines like the sun!" thus those with divine natures him. The two Enneads serve him who seats himself on the throne of the Lord of AU. takes heaven for his own. the vault of the He is,.. ........ "" .... then rests alive in the and those below attend him. Then he £leams, renewed. in the and the envoy of chaos comes to him Give 0 to the older than the Great he is the power behind his throne. He assumes is him, and wisdom sits at his feet. Praise be to him! He has taken heaven for his own! nA'll1.-"n
to. Hymn to the Risen King as Osiris V,\llrRnnlrT
shouts. earth tembles. in terror of you. Osiris, as you ac(:onlpllsh resurrection! you cows here. cows you
The ral1lsti(luratic>n of the for him! Circle about himl Shriek out for him! Mourn for him! As he his resurrection, as he arrives in the among his brothers. the
11. Hymn to the King as a Primordial God Text Hail. n1".rn/:l'u
punUine:Q with Not carried off because of a not taken away before maLRi~)tr.ates. enemies shall not be victorious. I shall not be poor; nails shall not grow nor the bones in me be broken. Should 1go down to the Osiris will raise me up. the Two Conclaves of will shoulder me, 1J,I,,I,,U1Q,1,,,",lH1Vi>.
and And Re will me his hand to take me wherever a may dwell. And should I go down into Geb will raise me up. the Two Conclaves of will shoulder me, And Re will me his hand to take me wherever a may dwell.
12. Prayer to the Celestial Ferryman V\f,r",n""rt
you awake in peace, o you of the back~turned o you who watch of the in peace, o of
in peace, in peace,
in peace. Unas. have come to you that you may me in this t ....... ul"r.c'tin which you the I have come to your side as a come to your side; I have come into your presence come. asa I,
There are none alive who none of the dead accuses me; No creature denounces me; no four-footed beast "'VjlUi-'·'AJ,J;I~. Should you vO!un,elt fail to take me. of Thothand he will r ...,rt-!1lnl,r take me across to the other side!
of the
13. Hymn of King (lnas Ferrying across the Sky .....vlr~ I'1rnt1 Text
14. Song of the Royal Menial ""111"l2""""" Text
and I sit before open his boxes, Unseal his decrees, seal up his ................., l,)lsp,atcn his never weary. I do whatever he tells me to do.
15. Hymn to the King As a Flash of Lightning Text 261]
This is the who startles the far-stretched across the a Dllnollng This is the a flame before the wind. to the limits of heaven, the ends of until his Dla.ztn.2: bolt is gone. The treads the air. strides over kisses the waters of the hilL Those at the zenith open their arms to him; and he stands on the of the eastern He has reached the end of his 1ru,.r1"'lPUI This is the the messenger of storm.
16. Prayer of the King As a Star Fading in the Dawn Text L'UlrgnnlrJ
I have come to you, a
I'\,J.,. .... hrh,TC'
I have come to you, Sun Bark of I have come to you, You who are in the l(ejldc~nln2:; I have come to you, Stars of the Northern remember me. Gone is Orion, the nnrlp'f"UJ'n'f"lrl yet cleansed and alive in the KP't1r.,r>r1· Gone is the unrlp'f"UIArlrl
of the
cleansed and alive in the Kt'!'V'Olnl1. Gone am I. the I1nnp'ruT,nrln yet cleansed and alive in the Ke'lfOI1a. It is well with me, with it is for me, for Within the arms of my within the arms of Atum.
17. Prayer of the King to R6 V\nr::lnnirl
pure one, in peace. Awake in peace, 0 in peace. Awake in peace, 0 Eastern Awake in peace, 0 Soul of the East, in peace. Awake in peace, 0 Horus of the in peace. in the For you are the one who watches over the and there is no to watch over you.
father of take me to you, with you to live with your m()tner, Who for me will open the of heaven and throw open the doors of the firmament. Let me come to you to make me live forever. Command me to sit at your side or him who from the Horizon. o my command Meskhaat beside you to a for me at the Great Staircase under the Commend me to Him who has the son of to forme, for he has pn)mtsed me a seat in heaven. Commend me to the ::>nJnlfl2 One. beloved and son of To on my behalf
that he maintain my ntt'pr1lna upon earth. For I indeed am one from these four uuamute:t,andveoellsene'weI and who watch over
-out of your grasp, mankind, and up like a bird. In the of a falcon I tear my hands from your power; of a kite I break free of you. t am safe from any who would fetter my feet to earth; I am free of all who would hold me.
18. Prayer of the King As He Offers Incense V\llr;:tnnu1 Text
fire and fire brtgh1tens; incense on the fire and incense tragrtilfic:e comes to me, 0 incense; tragnmc:e come to you. Your aromas come to me, 0 let my aromas come to you. I be with you all. 0 and may you be with me. I live with you, 0 and may you live with me. The loves you, you love him. The wafer is and the is which came from the knee of Horus. He who had gone away comesr He comesf He who has risen comesr He comesl He who has flown up comesl He comesf " " \ . I I ReI:H¥'
I ascend upon the of Isis; I climb up upon the of Neon1tnvS:
of the
And my father Atum takes my hand to inte1l1,geJlt and wise, the Iml)erlSnaOJle Stars.
19. Prayer of the Royal Son to his Father VUlraMnirf Text
Rise up for me, 0 Fatherf Rise up for me, Osiris! It is I. Your son. I am Horus. I have come to you to cleanse you, to make you pure, to you To up your to preserve your moisture, and to you what has been severed. lam and I have struck down the one who would strike you; I have shielded you, 0 Osiris the from him who would cause you I have come to you as envoy of Horus, for he has you, 0 Osiris the the throne of Re-Atum that you may the sun folk. Betake
'tTnc,. . . .
into the Bark of Re
Merenre has gone down into itf He is Re himselH You are seated upon the throne of Re that you may pronounce the of the For you indeed are come forth from who bears the Sun each reborn like Re each the of your father Geb Take to before the Nine Great Gods of He:llopOl1S.
and "Who is like him?" say the two Enneads who stand before the Souls of nel1OPOl1s. conclaves youpre~slcle in the Field of Reedsupon the throne of whom fathered. Shu on your eastern side have and Tefnut on your west, Nu on your south and Nenet on your north To you toward their thrones, so beautiful and pure, which had made for Re him there.
let them cause you to liver you reach the years of 1-I,.,...... lrht·u created his Name in the far over the utter for you these chants did for who shines each on their thrones precedlmsz all his throne! come into He who Becomes. in this his Name of you arise for them like Re in this his Name of the Sun. you turn aside from their faces like Re in this your Name of Atum.
0 The Two Enneads in near to you, 0 Osiris the "Our brother comes to us!" say the Two of Osiris the 0 Father, "One of us comes back to usl" say the Two of you, 0 Osiris the "The eldest son of his father comes back to us!"
of the
say the Two of you, 0 Osiris the "Eldest son of his motherl" Osiris the say the Two Enneads, of you, 0 "The one hurt his Seth. comes back to usf" say the Two Enneads. of you. 0 Osiris the you up for ","",.r.... t"", so say Osiris the Raise YOlLlrs:eu up. 0 You are alivel
r.nlnealOS. of you. 0
Osiris the
20. Hymn to Geb V'\flranr\lri
son of this is Osiris the Your mother's heart trembles for you in your Name of Geb. eldest of Shu, his firstborn.
Atum has
you his to you the Ennead entire. With Atum himself among those his eldest twin children He has looked upon you, splencuo. grf~at··ne:ar1:ea in your Name of Clever of ............,..,."...,. Guider of you stand upon earth to make before the Ennead. Your fathers and mothers are more eminent than and you are above any Come to Osiris the to him from his enemy. Gebl Clever of "'v .....,"".C<.
and Make him live means of the K111gfml1P. health and in himFor you are lord of all earth. among the Ennead and all drive off each evil from Osiris the Nor let it ever return to him in your name of the Horus who never rej:lealCS his actionsfor you are the of all them to vo'unieU so that you may preserve And as you cause them to to live. cause Osiris the You are The
came forth from your head the Crown of the South; as Great of The came forth from your head the Crown of the North. as Great of Horus has been your COlmt:'anlOIl, he has loved you As you shone forth as r\l',",upr'tnl among all the
21. Archaic Hymn To Egypt as the Eye of Horus, Horus being the King .... "'r""nrnn
Hail to you, Atum! Hail to you, who came into on his own! You are exalted in this your Name of HPtO't'I,'" You show in this your Name of He who Becomes. Hail to you, of Horus. which he has restored with his own two handsf He will not allow you to listen to \Npct'",' ..n,"'rc nor listen to na:S1:e][nc::rs,
of the
Nor listen to Southerners, nor listen to NOfrtrlernel~S Nor listen to those in the middle of the earththus you will listen to Horus. It is he who restores you, he builds you up, he for youSo do for him all that he told you in every where he appears: You shall offer him the waters which are in you and the waters which shall come to be in you. You shall offer him all the trees which are in you and aU the trees which shall come to be in you. You shall offer him the food and drink which are in you and the food and drink which shall come to be in you. You shall offer him the which are in you and the which shall come to be in you. You shall offer up to him all that is in you and all that shall come to be in you; And you shall take these to him to every his heart desires to be. The
upon you are like the Pillar of his Mother: there is no them for the Westerners, No them for the ~aste:rn4ers openJln~ them for the "t..,..... ,.,"" ..'.... "",.. '" no openJLn£ them for those in the middle of the earth.
open for Horusf It is he who created raised them up; Protected them from P<'u;", ..,,'th1,nO' harmful which Seth them. For it is he who settled you in this your Name of Settlements. you It is he who comes and goes in this your Name of But
It is he who PfC)telcted you from every sort of ill which Seth would have done you. Go back, go back. 0 Nutl Geb has commanded that you go back in this your Name of
all tbe verses above to
You shall listen to You are not to
the It is he who created you. the Wicked One.
22. Hymn to the Sun·God, Re Vu,r::on",.rt
Hail to you. Great One and son of a Great One! The walls of the Shrine of the South are eager for you and the Shrine of the North attends you; The doors to the windows of heaven open for you and the ways of the are loosened. Hail to you. \..IUl\..lUI~ One. who continue steadfast each Horus comes! The far~strider comes! The Powerful One comes from the reS!lorlS Kev(:ln(1. fTU.Tht'Uamong the
Hail to you, o Soul within that firef one rnln"I"rC;:1Ina wise one who counsels Who takes his throne in the of in the where your heart dwells at peace. You stride across the to your enCOlmplaS:Sln.j:! both North and South in your pr()CeSSl~on.
of the
knows this He who who acts upon these ~lnJ'1nCr~ He will be known to Re and be a comrade to is one who knows this he follows these ~!:nJr1n(JO;: Thus he will indeed be known to Re and be indeed a comrade to Ho'ra}~hty. o take the the hand and up to heaven entiour,age of ReI
23. Prayer to Atum To Bless the King, His Pyramid, and His Pyramid City ""fir", "'..... n Text
you who came into on the hill of creation with a blaze like the Phoenix in the Benben Shrine at
C01LlgClea out your arm round about and your was in them,
like the arm of a
your arm thus about about this about this n'T'r~nr'.. rt So that the to An.rt.l,... ncr for ever and ever. o Atuml Place your over this over this over this work of to him for ever and ever Let no evil to Shu and Tefnut, as you gave your
o Isis, Ne:phth"s Children of Atum. stretch out his heart to his child the Stretched Ones. in your Name of the Nine
Let the turn from you and toward Atum that Atum this Protect this of and this work of his From the hands of the from the hands of the and evil from him for ever and ever.
o Horusl This This work, it is Osirisl This to himf Reveal
Thoth has
he is Osiris I Osiris!
in your Name of Kemwer. under your lurtS(llctllon neclltl1tV and and Demaa.
And Horus is your in his Name of Horus has the he has made them mount on stone to your face in the Palace of
Hymns and Prayers to Re The Sky Religion
The four at Mc:~ml)hlS, solar religllDn,
in this section, taken from a tomb at Thebes and a tomb to the end of 18, reflect the beliefs of the rp1'ltprina focus on the
Horemheb was a became pnara.on Akhenaton. He ""'C!f'r.'r'.t"Icr order to the land after the Amarna interlude and "n'"T""'''''''''"' of 19, the first Ramesside
n ..I"''',rl ....,tT
24. Hymn to the Rising Sun of TT 1
Praise of Re in the mClrnlLng as he rises in the horizon of the the mayor. confidant of Horus, Lord of the steward of the estate of the chief herald of the V1fl014cat,eO, who says: Hail to Re in your concealed as Amun in your You shine down from your mother's back. o:l1'l1"'\Po:l,"1'M,a £JlorlLouSly as of the Ennead. Nut at your appearance; the arms of Maat you and 41
to rest,
and You traverse the with and the Lake of the Two Knives is at peace; For the Rebel is his arms fettered. hacked with knives, his backbone broken, Unable to your enemies are down on their field of slaughte~r. The hearts of the Bark. and you shall have a breeze; the Bark has delstn)ved him who attacked it. You traverse your two heavens trt1tJmlpn.ant! with the Nine Great Gods ac<;:ornpan'VU1l£ you; UOUflSnJLng wherever you have been. steward of the Justlueo, who says: Let me you, with your in my heart. and may your Power grow fruitful in my breast.
25. Hymn to the Setting Sun of TT 1 \J\Ir.r
Hail to you, lord over forever! You have with the horizon of the Glorious in the West as Atum of evc~nln~. come in your power, freed of the LAULAlJ.V.
You rule the as rea,cnllng both your heavens with in your heart. You have driven away the douds and ter:np4est to go down within the of your mother.
to Re
of the Western While your Mountain and those in the Underworld without ce'lSlltl£. For see their lord of the wlide··stIlollnj:t to()ts1:eps. Amun-Re, ruler of all mankind. Welcome in 0 you who tread the Two Landsl You have gone to the arms of the Western Mcmntailtl. And your has the allotted time to custom, moored With the arms of your mother a pr()tectlon about you and the £U':lfOlans oeleatmg The Western Souls draw you the in the Sacred Land to Underworld To hear the of him in the and raise up those on their side in the grave. You feed on Truth beside the one who it, refresh your nostrils with what is in it, and are raised it to a throne. You care for those who become their vital fires renewed COlnpletielY '-''-''U.U,.u);. as ;:)UltlOl.SK, Controller of Heaven, yet nelplI11£ to rule in the realm of the dead. Splen4JOr thIOUliZh()ut the ...... ,;.....·u'.....,.. lrl
You reach out to them in your of who the At dawn reborn as the Divine the colorful Easterner amid his creaHon. Who appears from his mother's womb without ce,iSlltl£, to rest within her until his time ....
Hail. you who are Re in his Atum to rest. as I watch your Let me take the to..,;vrc,oe sail with you each
the [.
26. Hymn to Re Tomb of
.] Horemheb, who says: I have come to you that I may and honor your
UTi"'... " " " ....
you take the Horemheb. to you in heaven. him with those honored in your his name be read the the lector of the Lord of he be in that company which draws Re to the West; he rise and may he set while he watches Re's h"",n,r'tT· he be with Him in heaven and in the Underworld when Re's mother birth each morfllnS:!. Present as one of the Ennead in Kosetau, atten,:JlnS:! Him. among the blessed Let me enter and go tnl~ou:)m the entrance of my tomb; Let me sit in his SUllUJ~nt wanaennS:! the banks of the lake each forever. Then my soul shall flutter down upon the branches of your trees.
The Foremost of the Westerners. Lord of the Sacred Land. aSS:1J~rlea you all your duties while you were on earth. conSlllmpn,on of upon the altar before the
to Re
while you are there in the And all your while upon earth, the entry to the at the Sacred While you are there within your nellololflg Re.
at the altar of
of heaven
Your heart will to the of your desire as when you were on earth. Your soul will be refreshed in your you will Re from dawn until his ... _ .........,.... as you serve in his retinue. You will take the of the as Re in his descent With the Westerners "Welcomef Welcomer" as he opens up the Underworld: And then he shall the aarKnc~ss, up at his aplprOtaCl[]. and those who will com}:)anll01[], master of the secrets of the supreme of the "",,",0,
For the heI'edlltary
the osiris Horemheb, ,ustlIJ.eo.
27. Hymn to Re, Thoth, and Maat
the 'UTC1,r~I'\tn
of Re to
Tomb of ..... ,....:,...::> ....' n ...
him at his
says: Hail to you, you who are
and ,. ..."."t"""r4
o As you rise
from the horizon of ne,lven. are yours from the mouths of everyone, tse,aut:Ullll, fresh as the sun disk from the arms of your Hathor. Rise in splen
The Two Shrines of come to you in obeisance to offer at your
How beautiful you are on the horizon of heavenand the Two Lands are suffused with tUI'ouoisel This is the Divine who pI()creat:eo nmlSeJll, chief over desert and realm of the dead; Who came to be in the waters. drew himself forth from Nun, b[()u~~nt himself up made his illustrious. who the Nine Great Gods The whole world is
at your
!lnl,,\p!:ltr1rI0' for them. Glorious lord of ""r"' ..n ...·u The Horizon-dwellers row you, those in the Bark sail you, The Souls of the East invoke you, and the Souls of the West you
You are the who neJu:!nterlS the beautiful of this world. who tints the Two Lands and A a lord weal-i.ov,ea.
o ariser from eastern horizon, OlSpeJ:ler of darkness from far ends of earth, Each eye is filled with awe as it offers at your appe.anln~, As it watches the Primal One with reJ()1Cln~; and those who accompany you kiss the earth. You who go to rest in the western nonz1on, spJ:ea,ClU1lg darkness over all is born at your COInU1l~ earth darkens when you go down to your
to Re
whom Ptah created, dlstmj~U1snc:~a above all the You came forth as the Falcon, commander, with the two , ................. t"C!
of forever. Oellovea. and your eyes enJtl$!j'lten the earth. And you are Re-aU all Oeltni1"Sall come to exalt you: Your mother Nut awe in the Two Lands that double their of you. to the far end Bark,
the nODle::~m.an, tic.relllneD, who says: Let me you. with your in my eyes, and may your fill my breast ch.almt:)lOflS Truth each
Hymns and Prayers to Osiris The Earth Religion
The earth centered on Osiris, murdered revived his sister-wife and installed with honor as Lord of the Afterlife. The theme in this strand of ancient ideas is death and resurrection. The for a eternal a COln.C~~Pt among the ancient civilizanrrl'.lCY"U 18 and now in the tions. The stele of Amenmose, the most extensive of Osiris and his son, Horus. This a in the succession to the of became Osiris, and his son took the throne as the Horus, and the nn.ru....F'n' ruled land of The from the tomb of Kheruef is an eX
28. The Great Hymn to Osiris of Amenmose: Louvre
the Overseer Born to the He says:
Hail to you, lord of "'f'"......... f','
of the 48
to Osiris
names, with awesome visible
A SPlc~nOIO Receiver of in the ancestral home of first in in He:110POIIS; Who remembers down in the Hall of Two a secretive yet lord of the underworld caverns; Sacred in White-Wall, Soul of the whose remains rest in Heralcle'OP,Oll,S; Lavish his from the Tree which sprang into life to lift up his Soul: Lord of the tor~eve:rf
first in r" "vu" ""distant his throne in the Land of the Dead: nn,aurm,~ his name in the mouths of the of time, to all mankindforemost of the Nine Great most among the divinities. ii
It was for him Chaos JJV'I.JJ.'I,.''-' forth its waters. for him northwind blew UP,strlearn; would make breeze for his nostrils so that his heart could find peace;
of heaven were openeo: Receiver of adored in the northern ne,lveln: The stars were under his gUloanc,e, and the unwe:ar,V"in,Q" stars were his
And he went forth in peace the and the Nine Great Gods gave him Those in the underworld kissed
those in the desert bowed. saw him. Past geltlel~atllonlS fC!!jO:lcea when those in the were in awe of And the Two Lands united offered him adoration at the advent of his Effective leader. foremost of the honored ones, whose endures, whose rule is est:abllsltle(j, Beneficent power of the Ennead. loved any who see him; Who awe of himself among all the nations so Whose memory is dear, whether of heaven or earth; unenllm,g the at festivalthe Two Lands as one. iv First-ranked of his divine brothers. noblest of the Ennead, Who made order tnr'Oll:i2:n()ut the Two Banks. a son upon his throne, Praised his father. Geb. beloved of Nut. his m()tner: With hand. he threw down the rebel. with arm, he slew his opponent, Put the fear of himself on his enemy. reached the far borders of evil. heart, he tralmplea their forces. with
v He inherited from Geb the KU1lgsinlp of the Two Lands when Geb saw his mastery. He gave him his kUl2:(ioIn to the world to a successful future. And he delivered this land into his handits waters. its air, its and pa~itUl~es, up, all who All of its creatures. all who its creepers and crawlers, and its wild desert tnln~sAll were to the son of and the Two Lands were with it.
Vr",,,,,,.,.. ,,,
to Osiris
vi And he rose upon the throne of his like Re when he shines from the '"'''',... '7,,......... He on the face of darkness after he had the sun with his double And he flooded the Two Lands with abundance like the sundisk at break of dawn. the His crown became a brother to stars. He was a for each effective at gover'n11ng; Praised the Nine Great whom the Lesser Ennead loved. vii His sister served as his pf()te~ctort drove off the enemies, a to the misdeeds; power of her Removed the ~Olae:n-ltOl'1l~tllea, her beneficent Isis. who rescued her brother. She searched for him, would not in to her weariness, wandered about this land in m()urnung, Would not take rest until she had found him, She made him shade with her ~"""'f",",,"'''C'' made breeze Danced the Dance of Last MC)Or:ln2 for her brother. ternpl~rea the weakness of Him who was weary of heart; She received his an heir. on)Us;mt up the child in solitude could not be Introduced with his arm grown into the court of Geb. viii And the Ennead relCIlced, we:lC()m,e, Horus. son of Firm-hearted and true of voice.
son of Isis and heir of Osiris!" The Tribunal of Truth assembled for the Nine Great Gods and the Lord of The Lords of Truth were 2at:ne:rea there. those who turn their backs upon evil. sat themselves down at the court of Geb to offer the to its owner and the to whom it beJ.on2ecj. And determined for Horus, his voice was true; and his father's was to him. ix
And he went forth the mace of Geb. and he took the sce:pt(~r of the Two Banks, and the crown was firm on his head. The earth was allotted him to be his po:sseSSl,on, heaven and earth were under his care; Entrusted to him were the pe4)Ple, and nobles, and sunfolk. The dear land of the middle ISlC:lmaS; whatever the sundisk circles was under his The northwind, the River, the flood. the and all veJ~etahc)n. And and And everyone was tnC)Ulln1:S were
hearts were sweet, and each face showed x
all gave for his 2010aJles,s: "How sweet is the love of say wef His kindliness, it has encircled the is the love of him in every person. And offered this song to the son of Isis: "His is fallen because of his otl:en.se, for evil acts the He who commits retribution comes upon himas the son of Isis, who his father.
.... " . T U '. . .
to Osiris
and exalted, his name!
are open; pe'llce:!U! are the Two Banksl In),ustlce is paliSlrl,g The land is at peace under its master; Truth stands firm for her lord; the back is turned on l1"ut'YI11f"ul" xi Good health to your you who were the son of Isis has taken the crownl t\ctJuCl,ge:ct to him is his father's within the court of Geb. Re Thoth wrote it and the Divine Tribunal was p1t::as ect, your father Geb in your favor( And did as he said, 1
29. Hymn to Osiris of TT
to Osiris. the earth for we:nn~e!c~r man, mayor, sole friend of the Lord of the Two Lands. trusted chief steward of the .., .....' . .J ..... ,
of the Sacred exalted in the are:I ~c:ro'wn dreaded. master of s:>r&........ 't"u lord of Maat, relc::nc:tn,g Comfortable upon the one the when see him. To whom those in the Underworld come rejlOlClOjZ. and Sunfolk kneel foreheads to the eYrr........ ""
and your heart be in your KUljtsnll), your rule the throne for your son, your successor upon earth after he seized the Two Lands in trilJmlph.
overseer of the estate. ""u""", ...n",,>, vlru::ll1catect. who says: Hail to you, Wennefer, son of Nut. heir of M,lgnuhcellt and Ulelll,",'::'!,.l\,. in the hearts of mankind. One who mSipllres nnuTI'l'rhll in
the redeemed. and the dead.
Let me come and go among the who are in the of your And let me feast upon the of your as is the custom of each
Hymns and Prayers to Amun-Re The Apogee of Ancient Egyptian Religious Thought
i. First
The of Amun when he rises as the Overseer of the Herds of Amun. and the Overseer of the Herds of Hor. say: Hail to you, Re, beautiful each one who rises every dawn and does not cease, o wearied with toilYour rays shine upon the face are not understood. finest nO!fll.n2: to your .vL~UI
Your sPlerlo()r is the sp,lenloc,r your features are more than the colors of the You across above with each face you, you leave as one who hides himself from You offer at dawn each the voyage which bore your has been su(:ce:ssltul; you cross unnumbered .fhrm:l2:h the short and rivers. and each moment is within your care. itself passes and you go to rest; and you endure the hours of as wellmeasllnrlg them all. You make your way nor is there ...:"", ........"'" from your labors. All eyes see means of you and cease not when you go to rest; You are up to shine upon the morrowis your opens the creatures' eyes; And you go to rest in the Western Mountain that may a as calm as death.
57 ii. Second
To Amun as Alan
Hail to you, Aton, Sundisk of who have fashioned all
and made them to
born, Who came to existence all Elder Horus in the midst of the Offered shouts of who created and formed the earth; Khnum who fashioned lU(l"U",,'U'~' and small; who seized the Two Lands most blessed of Craftsman with Great One grown weary cre:a'[]ln~ -and are eniCUe:ss; Brave Protector who tends his who is their ,)l ....~L\. Runner who measures the course, alstmJ~Ul:sne:a of birthof ...,L.
Primeval One who created nunsc~u, who oversees all his creation. Who reaches the ends of the earth each in the of all those who walk on it; Who shines from the whose visible form is the sun to make seasons and mcmtns, With heat as he wishes and cool as he 'UT1,cn,,'C and he makes bodies weak in order to nurture them. at his each Each land is him. in order to
The overseer of I was in
and the overseer of of your
. . . "<1.,,,",
who say:
........""""":.'r"C1 and
Made for you your son, whom you love, life. Lord of the Two lord gave me the keleplln~ for he knew that I was And I exercised firm control over them, one who did Because I knew that you were Please~a and that you advanced the one who pr,lctlce:Q it on earth. it and you advanced me, me favors upon earth in IDe=I-S,UL While I was in your whenever you ap1pe.llre,Q. I was a man who detested wrong with no in evil words or Spt~aK:tn~ -As for my one like took ple:aS1Jre in his C01Jnf;:el, for he had come from the womb with me on the same and The Overseers of the Herds of Amun in the Southern Harim. I in of the western side and he of the eastern side, both of the monuments in foremost of the Amun. to me an old age in your you that I may see your Splen(lor may the earth in the of content. I be to the honored ones who f1"""\;)f"t".f1 in peace; and may you me the sweet breeze at mc'on.n£ and on the of festival.
31. The Cairo Hymns to Amun-Re
In Praise of Amun-Re, Bull in the heart of He:llo'pOllS. aU1tnc,nty over all the and to all the beautiful creatures.
.... "fTlr"'"
to Amun-Re
Lord of the Throne of the Two Lands. of~~~~ ...~_, IVl()tnler. first in his ~r"~r!·tn,"'r foremost in Southern lVl~;UIc:LY and ruler of Punt, eldest of heaven, firstborn of earth, Lord of what is, who established all unpalrauelf:O among the Ine:£-~JuLthe
Handsome Bull to the nnne,ao, "' ...·n....,......" over aU deities. Lord of Truth, father of who created formed the creatures, Lord of what is, grower of U}(}(]-DI';;ln£s_ who created that cattle live. Handsome and one fashioned divine Child handsome to love. To whom the who created the lower and upper heavens as he first gave to the Who ferries across the in peace, and Lower Re the Trj.unlptlanlt. of ru over the Two Lands. 'lt1t· .... " ....
chief who created the entire world; \Vhose counsel is res:pecre:a at whose 20,Oali1e~iS To whom followers make in the Shrine of the South, who appears in in the Shrine of the North; Whose the love as he comes from Punt. Chief of when he sends out the handsome his face when he comes from the God's Land. ''''I£''-;''11'.1,(T
as their Master;
ovc~rvllhc~lnling. CY.lnrfnltC
in his ..... £."'..,....
Praises to you, who created the raised up the laid the 2'r()uftd.VIlOI'k of earth, ii
Be wakeful and be ne~Uttlly lord ev~erlast:mJit. who created ·.rnft'u Receiver of WClrSlllO as foremost one in Karnak. with horns and handsome and t'nUllPrin{'f Who wears the crown of double plUmes, sPlenlCUd dla,oern, exalted in the White p ....
these £Oddes~)es are at his brow.
the nemes, and the kn,epJ~eSjl1. Handsome as he receives the a[f~r -c:ro'wn beloved of the crowns of South and North; Master of power as he takes the mace, lord of the bearer of the Glorious ruler, in the White CrownLord of the sunbeams, who created One to whom the songs of whose arms embrace the one he Who sends the enemy chieftains to the for his fells those who rebel ""F.~U""'"'' himShe strikes her spear in him who tries to drink Nun torClnl2' the to up aU he swallowed,
0 Re. Lord of the Amun hid in his shrine Lord of the master in the sacred who ordered that be when first apIPeaLre(], who formed uu;•• u ..... uu... ,
. " . • • " " ...... I.,
H\f ..... r.~
to Amun-Re
d15ftU1lgullstled their natures, made them made their features differ one from the other. Who hears the prayer of the one in dls:tre:ss. is kind to whoever calls on Saves the fearful man from the hand of the .u.""v..,,-, .... , between the wretched man and the affluent. Lord of the Mind and Utterance, who makes his pr<)n()UI1Cf~mjent:s comes forth for love of Pleasant and sweet, with Iar'-reaclrunlg lovefor each creature made from the Splen(lOr of who bro1u£'Jlt In whose see him. their hearts come alive when iv
who has established the .:"l.U:£fl,·aav and LWlce-mOntnJV prosper, be ne.altJtlVI who gaze at him in the world "",,,,,,,rnfl,('1 chief over mankind and the realm of the Hidden his name more than his oUSOJnn2the Hidden. that is, in his name of v
Praises be yours, who dwell in contentment. lord of in power. double pl'tlmes, Possessor of the Crown, with with tall in the White Crown. The of you is cherished the the Double Crown firm on your the Two Lands With love of you in the eye.
Mankind is beautiful at your and beasts grow in your beams, the southern Your love your sweetness aU the northern heavens. Your takes the heart, your love the arm, Your of appearance makes hands use:less, the mind all else at of you. Sole Perfection who made all that is. ""rrnTIT" who forth all existence, From whose eyes mankind came at whose command the Who creates the for the animals and for",~,uu'4H'w, Who for fishes in the River and for birds who mount the Who offers breath to all who are unborn. life to the oUsprm.g of the worm, Provides for insects and fleas as :'Ulc>pl1es the fieldmice in their burrows and cares for all the in the trees. vi Praises to you, who created all this I alone, the the wakeful for all who must sec~Klng out what is for his creatures. "0 Amun, who established all Atum, Horus of Two HorizonsPraises to so aU of them say; tlo,mc':tge to you because you are wearied for us. We reverence you because you have made us. vii Thanks be to you from all the creatures, pr
to the of the Great Green Sea! Gods bow down to your countenance. to the one of power who made in the nearness of him who them. to you, "Welcome in uvIIJI.Jc,l"
Father of fathers of all who raised up the and laid down the Who created what is and fashioned existence. prosper, be and chief of the Let us power inasmuch as you have creation is yours for you have us; let us offer you thanks because you are wearied for us. viii
Praises to you, who made all Lord of Truth and father of Who created mankind and fashioned the anllffic:llS, Lord of the nrclvlc:tes for the creatures of torel~:n bull with the handsome countenance.
rrlr,r1ru,c in House of the tselnb.en. With many fillets in tieuopous, who between the two Enemies in the Chief of the Great Ennead.
Hel101DoJ.1tan, at the head of his Ennead, HOlflz;on-cs,,velJer, Eastern Horus. were crc~atlea, For him the lands of silver and and lazuli for love of Balsam and frankincense from the land of the Mp·rt1!li'{T for his nncrr.lc. fresh Handsome of face when the come, He is Lord of the Throne of the Two
Sole ... V L
names, that cannot be distinstuished. ix
One who rises from the eastern goes down content in the west, Who overthrows his enemies ac(:or,ctml2 to his custom: Whose eyes have raised up Thoth that he may him peace tnl'OU2n In whose peflectlon whom the baboon exalts in his reJOl(;mj~. "r",-o'7,"\",
Lord of the Bark and the which carry you across the floods of Chaos With your OlS;UI1lguISI1leO crew eXll.lltllnst as watch You fell the Wicked OneHis limbs are cut to with the knife and fire has eaten tn()rOlustnl~ than his ~ntast(:ml:st are controlled.
is safer the enemy of Atum has gone downl is safe and He.lloJ)olJLS re~lOH:esl The her heart is well at easethe enemy of her Lord has fallenl Gods arms in the field and those safe in their shrines kiss the earth when see his flood tide of power. lDe~t~;::)ut
x Power behind the Lord of Karnak leI1[lOlethe in your Name of Maat, Creator of
Lord of abundance. hr{,\lH,ht
aU that is into oeJ.n2'-
in your Name of Great Falcon. with ornamented with handsome face and ",,,,o,,,,,,,,,,.u ..,,,,, Perfection of creation. with crest. uraei at his To whom the hearts of aU mankind are drawn, for whose return the sun folk """",.4."''', at his Be beloved of his
Lord of the throne of the Two when he shines.
32. Hymn to Amun-Re (Credo of a High Priest of Thebes)
Cairo This
Lord of all Lord of the thrones of the Two ::>pJlenl\lld Soul who came to be in the tse:~U'1ml1ng, God who dwells in Primordial God who en:~e]lac::!rea tnl~OUl£n whom every Most n_."".,._ of the UU.ll"lU!!;">, the world back in the First Whose features are ............""""'. his appearances. and there is no vn'","UT1,nn how he flowed
to the world at the creat:l01rl, Sundisk who the sunbeams; Who offers himself so that all men may about above without wearied;
riser whose ways endure, one who rises at dawn with the Reaches the ends of circles about the traverses the Below to the world he had created. The God who fashioned himself on his own, who created heaven and earth to his Eldest of old ones, most eminent of the eX(lLlte,d, (Yr"''3t'~''r than all the Virile Bull with the Name the Two Lands tremble; at whose arrives under his power, who reaches the far end of tnt'AUAr. Great God who Existence. who seized the Two Lands his strlen~~tn.
lord of a his enemies; Ancient Nun who revealed himself in his own time to to life what came forth from his wheel; Who across the traverses the underworld, at dawn his of the before. in power, sacred in ...... ~..A'~,."r secret the contours of his His eye and his left eye are the sun and moon, heaven and earth are united his SntnlI1lg ..... Beneficent or ... _ .... From whose sacred eyes mankind came and the very are from his sp4:!a1i~mJ~. 1Vl1.rYl"\"·U
Who food and ordered sustenance, created all that master of ~"~!rn''''', Who leads forth the years, and yet there are no limits to his Old one grown young who reaches At'''''rn1'!'U one his
r U I n I I ....
to Amun-Re
With thousand eyes and ears, who the millions when he shines; Possessor of Life who offers his who encompasses the world within his care; Who ordered forth creation. and not one amissnO[nln~. of all he has pel Hill.eu. With name and "'" ... "'t",. .... all men are up to pray to Yet terrible and awesome. in str'en~tl1. and every goes in the tear of subdues his ad'ver'srurle:s, Bull who grows young whose arm strikes down his enemies; the universe his oeC::lSl,ons, This the Soul ot the world shines forth from his two which took on the sacred one with none who knew him. ,{T
This is the who created and united the lands the commandments he had Gods and bow to his Power thrloujl~h the of his ~. __., ___ , One who came first, he endures to the the Whose Form is there is no Irn,"'\'UT1Incr who conceals himself from all the Who hides himself in the there is no cOlrnr:1relhelldJng who masks himself even from those who em,erJ:~eo Fire in the »UJLUJ'__ G.J.U"" .........""".. ,,,..,.. bngh1tne~ss. whose what is nlCloen; Who without and at dawn prays to Glorious when he appears within the tnneao, his is like every Waters flow north and northwind blows uDstrealn from the of this mv'stc:~ri()us Who his orders to the what he has laid down shall not be reInOVe(l; With resonant voice and excellent COlrIlI1naI10,
and without failure in his Who a term on doubles the years of one he harbors for one who him in his heart, and builds for all pt"p'rn1'tu
33. The Leiden Hymns
Leiden 1350 vi. The
the Creatures to God
is in awe of you, your ...... ".1'"'[,. even those in the Underworld Your name is exalted and your power ........ ,rvhf·u hu:phlratc~s and the ocean dread you; makes to you when he arrives on earth and among the islands in the Great Green Sea. Deserts and mountains descend to you, and land lies in fear of you.
of Punt come to you, and the land blossoms for love of you; Dfln£JIn£ gums and resins t"prnnllp t]ra£rarlt with aromas of festival. And incense trees. and abundance of which waft to you sweet odors to with baked and nonevt"n1'nO'IP
Oils and aromatic roots mixed with resins to distill the which are put about your for your countenance. and ladanum for your brow. Cedar trees grow tall for you. . . . . to decorate your Userhat Mountains of stone flow down to you to elevate the your saIlctuairy I l'llle-;SnllDS and of the open sea are out on the waters laden and headed for your presence.
the entire
to Amun~Re
is your domain.
The Goddess
and Thebes
She is the one who removed the affliction from ThebesSUll-~iOa(leSS, mistress of cities. who takes Two for her own; Effective for the Lord of the of of Re. Who makes Thebes victorious over every that she may offer this earth to the one Lord tnl:-OUl2n her grasps the arrowno occurs near her because of her C'f" ..,"", ........ f"A
Each grows in her nameit is she is their Ruler. than
rest is Ix.
at Sunrise
The Nine Great Gods are come forth from Chaos to to see you, 0 of n"\~'t... Lord of who fashioned himself Lord of the Goddesses-He is the Lordf (!r·\F._
Those who were dr(~anlln.g, he shines for them aU to their faces in another of his 21c~arrlmlg:, his ears are Ils1ten.lnJg:, is clothed in is like the fl1"1f'1"1l"'V!li waters are lazuli and the Southland is as he rises among them. The their ternp.les are open. and n ....r.nll'" appear, to marvel and look at him.
and The trees sway their bodies before turned toward the One. their arms wide with bIOtssc:>ms; The ones dart about in the water, come out of for love of The small beasts birds dance with extended The creatures all know him at his loveliest momentit is life to them to see him each are in his hand. with his seal, and never a shaH open them for his I\A ~11"",~r'" There is created without the life of the Ennead.
x. The
Thebes is the for every both waters and land came from her in the tseJgmnu1g; Then sands came to underlie fields and form her foundations on the helgh1ts become And then faces within her in its true Nameac<:oridinlg to its purpose A """nru".,.'u of Thebes, the of Re. Her
came down as the and nrt"'H:rIPr'lna to the world her to the At peace, alit to dwell in Isheru in her form of Sakhmet. Mistress of the Two Lands. "How she is. said about her. "in her Name of Waset. Dominion. the t'rclspercms in her Name of t'lrotc~ctmv divine in the Sun-disk before the face of her Lord. gUJ,dlflg from her throne ID(::[-~;U[-one without yyL. .... '£j,L.
Each carries her to make itself like Thebes. She is the n'3i'r"" .. ·1"\
to Amun-Re
xx. How sp.lellIOlICl1} you sail the skies. your task of ye:ste:rd8lY You who create the years, months tOii!~etller and hours occur aC4colrclln2 reillve~na1ted far above yel,telrday. en1terllng the darkness you '-'''''L ..... .,'.... Sole one awake-for you detest slumber-
who circles the world in a moment-no secrets are from you: Who sails across traverses the the on each which moves among men, All are in awe of your countenance with mankind and "Welcome!"
:::.elrpent, who falls to God's those who wreak Slau2Ihte:r, He death in the hearts of his enemies so that as outcasts forever. He has caused that their be his op,pOfne~ntS, his own heart eXUltlnJ~. to the Mflrrht",r One cellebrates, The shrine of God is Re is there are no enemies of his; The Bark of Millions of Years has the divine crew reJiOlc:mJ~. their hearts filled with 2lclorless. Felled is the of the Lord of no enemy of his exists in heaven or on earth. HelloPOilS, Underworldtheir inhabitants deJl12tlt in their aelLtles;
the sword!
xl. The
God crafted himself. none know his nature; his features came into means of He sn'1Pe:a form his into existence from the ....... I"'~~,'~ of the mystery; And his Form came into pH:~aSltng at birthhe finished himself to perlectIon. a Craftsman in " ... nn,.nn
I. The Power
[...... J The Sundisk's beams streamed from the because of your face, from his cavern because of your presence; Earth was established because of your ne~lvelruy vo~va).l~mJ~; and to you, all that Geb nurtures. Your Name is I-'V'."' ..... your power pn~enrun:ent; even mountains of iron cannot withstand your Divine Falcon with extended SelZlIllg in a second whoever attacks Hidden Lion with war-cry, who to himself whatever comes under his claws; lion over his I-''''''''''V'''-. Bull over his CUJ'.ctunn his tail at whatever annoys him. Earth shakes when he forth his cry; all that exists is in fear of his ...... 'u""",.",
to Amun-Re
He is t:"n1.rrkt,,'lT there are none of his kindpe)~le(:tlo'n of for the Ennead.
Ix. God's
To him De.lOfl£S the Southland as well as the for he took them, alone, for his own, in his str4enSl~tn; His boundaries were set while he was still upon wider than all earth, than heaven. From him the their necessitiesSU1:>plles from his stores. Owner of arable and new landto him each title-deed in his From to end of the stretched cord he measures all earth with his countenance. For him the foundation-rite was and to him the cubit for stone. He stretches the cord over the of the e:n)UI1C1. Or()Vl~c!mtQ' the Two Lands with his abundance of houses and ternpJles. t"",.,.1 C!1"1"'I"
Each lies in his shade that his heart may walk about as it plc:~ases. Praises to him come from every each endures in its love for him. consecrate the to te~;tnral. For him and is awake amid the beauties of His presence moves about over the ro()UOpS, and his are the while it is dark. The
receive sustenance from his God is one who pn)tects:-to
lxx. God's
He is one who U1'."H,".~~", t:"nfCu::• .,',r drives off Clu;ease, a who cures the eye without
Who opens the vision, aids the [........ ] 'Vho rescues the one he loves he be down in the Underworld who from the hand of fate the one he would offer his heart. To God ,...... llnnrr eyes, and ears as he is a face on his every for one who loves him; He hears the of the one who cries out to lOf;tantly comes from afar to the one who summons him. He lets life be or wreaks havoc within it, nevona compare to the one who loves him. his Presence is over the waters of Chaosis Death the Crocodile is when God's name is sP()ken. The winds contend, a rebel wind blows backyet the one is content to remember God. Words will work in the moment of terror, and breezes are sweet for who calls upon him, the Rescuer of the weary. A
God is
r n .....r t ' t . . 1
r .. """r,:nr. .. rh,u
his is the one who bows to him while he is there. Effective is he above millions for one who him in his heart; brave one, sole one of his Name, hundreds of thousands. Who nt'r"r... ,('rc the in very truth, effective, who seizes the moment, with none to oppose him.
Great Gods were your first incarnation COlmtHelCe this world, while you were one alone. Your was hidden among the oldest pnm()rClllal . . . "".,,,.,.. ...., for you had concealed as Amun from the face of the
You fashioned your form as
and """'''''''0'1'''' to
to birth back in your nr11T1p'u~1 time. the first to bull of Your comeliness was honored as J:'l.c1I,UUil.\..;!., his mother; you distanced VOlurs:elt to the midst of .... '"'~.. ""',u. remained as the sun, Came as the fathers who their sons; and a inheritance was left for your OUSPJnn~. You there was no there was no Void: The world was from in the tieJgmlnlltlgi all other came after.
rest is
xc. The Creation
All the Nine Great Gods came from your and your for each was based on your You flowed forth when you as who concealed his nature from
form. ago,
Oldest of the The toes of whose were who rose shlnmlg as Re from chaos that he
Ibr~Du~:ht I Shu and Tefnut tOjl[etrler
means of his Power.
himself to the Kmlgslt'up torieve:r. to the end of "",h,,'...t'uiru sale Lord. was his incarnation in the Jje,~ll1lntnjl[; all existence was hushed in awe of him. Then he screeched the cry of the Great Shrieker above the districts which he had formed. alone.
and He
from within the .:;> ... u.u ....,,;,.:;>, it see; He sounds while the world was siIentand his encircled the earth. f Ie gave birth to eX:lstlln£
offer them
caused all to know the Their hearts live when see himfor He is the ,...1£" .., ..." . ., One.
The Birth
Creation with the First Occasion. Amun came to be first of all-and none know his means of ...... I".·lT...."'... No
became before him, nor was other with him there when he forth his There was no mother to him that she have created his nature, no father of his to the one who said. "It is II" He fashioned the egg of himself all Divinest of who came into all came to be after he
The Forms
sn':lpe~a his own .... "" .......". on his ownwith himself.
God: His
He is one whose nature is and his of wonders with forms. All boast that come from himbut to exalt themselves in his and holiness. Re himself is in his and he is the Fashioner dw'ell:ln2' Whatever is said of Tatenen is to and Amun who came forth from chaos-that is God's above.
His His appearances.
No ntr'f'111'p
ccc. The
and which cares for these for the of The divine are answered from Thebes. and the oracle comes forth as if from the EnneadAll that comes from his mouth is U"""'''''''''''' so the administer for him what is commanded. The message is sent: it can kill or make livelife and death for each one on it. God reveals himself or One the Three united.
d. God as the Divine Warrior
The rebels a2:,Unl)t him are down on their faces, there are none who attack him; The land in the midst of his enemies, quarI'elc~rs cannot be found before him. Fierce lion who rends with his claws. drinks down in an instant the power and blood of attackers; bull, with hooves on the neck of his enemy, his breast; Bird of prey on whoever attacks him, who knows how to crush his limbs and his bones. Who takes to battle his "'''''.'''1'''\'''''''"'_ mountains tremble beneath him when he rages: Earth when he utters the war-cry, all creation is in fear and terror of him. Woe to the one who faces he who likes a taste of his victimfor he is with his horns.
God's Nature
His heart is Mind and his its tXPfC:!SS,10I1. is all that exists because of his tOI:l2:1Je; makes the twin caverns under his and the Nile comes forth from the aelpre~SSllon beneath his sandals. nQU'\,.lJ,.l}:;.
.... u r n r..'
to Amun-Re
His Soul is space and his the moisture. and he is Falcon of Twin Horizons in the midst of neclve:n; His eye is the and his left the and it is he who faces down every way. His
is Nun, and birth to all His hot breeze is the breath for every ••".,,"' .... J,•• and fate or fortune for all are under his care. His wife is the fertile field which he Imlpre:gnates, his seed is the his fluids the
is who are in his presence custom; Their faces are turned toward him as mankind and both say. "He is dccc.
the Place
And so one moors as one of the in district of of silence. Worthless ones cannot enter there, the Place of the boat. It of will not cross for the 1H',\1[J.1'"r1"I"\"(1' How it is to moor within then shall one become a divine soul like the Ennead. Thebes-She Who Is Before the Face of Her Lord-is ennobled to rest within COrlCejiillrtg her
and is the One in the his is the faces of the ennobled dead in the Underworld.
rest is
Hymns and Prayers from
The Book of the Dead (New Kingdom and Later]
The Book of tbe Dead is a collection of prayers. and directions to the deceased on his or her .r......... "" .. to the afterworld. It was, in effect, the successor to the VIIQ-l\.ln:golom 1-1'lF1f'!ln,,\frt the use of which had been limited to the and the MiddleKllrlg(iorn Coffin a similar collection more disseminated but still limited to the upper In the New anyone who could afford it could have a Book tbe Dead. The Book was divided into ....... '... p""" .. ,"'. and the owner of the still alive, had his or her copy made to order, which of the many PO:SSIJt>le selections were necessary or desirable. In the Book tbe Dead can be seen the characteristic fusion of the of Re and the underworld of Osiris. This is evident when Ktnl)!:Olom of Osiris, the realm of the dead.
34. Introductory Hymn to
of Praise of Re at the time of his from the eastern horizon of the the osiris. scribe of the divine ntlf"" .. "nt1rc for all the Ani, who says: Be
you who are come as who came to be as creator of the You rise and shine down from the back of your mothe:r.
The Book
aplpeBI.nr1lSU~lOrJLOuslY as of the Your mother Nut raises her arms to you,
The Western Mountain receives you in peace, and Maat embraces you and Re
the power and strenjittn COlnlrt2: forth as a
redeemed under Osiris. And he says:
o all you
of the
of the
one, who created o Enneads of the North, West, and EastGive to Lord of the ne.ivens. the prosper, and be who created TT'EII'-''''''''"V
WClrSJ110 him in his beautiful as he rises splencllCl
those who are above WOfrSlllO may those who are below you; Thoth and Maat write for you every serpeIlt-c~nemy be to the
do not exist. The House of the Ruler is there is sound of reI4JICJ!n2: and the of For have seen Re apl)ealnnll! his rays UOIOClJlnl! The of this moves forward and the land of Manu unites with him. Earth with his birth each once he has returned to his of ye1>telrday.
you be at peace with me, and may I see your on earth! Let me strike the \'PClphlS as he actsf aDI(]1Ul-u:sn. its moment come to be; the bulti-fish its oec:onunJ'!:, while gUJLOUlg I For I have seen and Thoth and Maat with him there; And I have seized the of the Bark Bark. he allow me to see the sundisk and the moon without every And may my Soul come forth to walk about in every it and may my name be called that I may find the of ntt."'r1rI0'C;:· sustenance be me in the presence of the Followers of maya be made for me in the Bark on the when the ferries over; And may I stand in the presence of Osiris in the Land of the Redeemedf For the soul of the
35. Introductory Hymn to
of M/I"'... "'I"' ..... of Rt when he rises in the eastern horizon of u the merchant who says:
Praises to you, Rt in Atum in your brilliant Shllnllrlg! Risel Riser Gleam! Gleam!at break of dawn aPlpetllnrlg The of the OOUDlle-l)lUme as you
....... v"""tL.
the osiris,
to you,
The Book
the Dead
Bark cte:)tf(}VS those who attack Him.
comer Your sacred bark is tfllUmtpntan.tl And that vile causer of his head is se~,erled: Their hearts are for their Lord at the rebel's faIL The crew of Re is at peace, and HehOI)ollS n:~J01I:es. And the merchant '-"""lUl,Q., vmcl1Cclte'l, says: Let me come to you, Lord of the Hc.rallc.hty let me rise up to Truth! I know that your life is there: let me be one of your favored ones in of the Great God. One's name is called out; he is and he is commanded to ....]. The oar of the Bark is £f(lSplect and the boat moves peclceJtuU I see Re when he makes ottenng his enemies felled at the I see Horus as nellml)m,an, the Oarsman .. with his arms. IT"",,. . " " ' " LV
I see the aDlU-Illsn. and may I gllInp~)e cOlnlflg to be, while gUl.dlflg the canoe on its lone waterway. Blessed is he who is free from evil acts which him from the Lr'OSfnnlZ. Who does not rend another man because of what he who does not drive a man away to take his father's n"l'"\n", .. Who does not lie. is the Blessed Lord of And the merchant V""lHI.Q.,
v 1lllUil.... clLI.~\.J,
Praises to you, pre~errl1nc~nt.
with pal"twolore
You are your is down! you cross the skies with life and power, the Bark in and ti1£1'nft,,_ your heart sweet, the Uraeus in at your bow! 36. Introductory Hymn to Re, II
of \Aln...
"t" .... of Re when he rises from the eastern horizon
osiris, the merchant
vindicated. who says:
Praises to you, who rise out of Nun and illumine the Two Lands at your r r . ....... ..,'iY forth. The Enneads in unison in you, the Two Ladies and the Followers have nursed you, a beautiful divine beloved when you rise. The common n"",,...nll"" Sunfolk The Souls of him, the Souls of Pe and Nekhen lift him veneration to Baboons and with one voice small creatures Your Uraeus visits havoc on your enemies, those in the Sun Bark in you, your crew is victorious.
The Book
Bark has united with you and your heart is 0 Lord of the Those you have fashioned offer you ad()ratlolll, with Nut blue beside you, And Nun with you as you shoot your rays. you likewise illumine me that I may see your pelrte,ctl_0n. I am the the merchant "-' ........... Vlfldlc:::at,ed, pn)Sp1enU2 on earth: WCtrsJh.lO to your beautiful countenance as you rise from the horizon of the And honor the sundisk when it goes to rest upon this its mountain, caluslng the Two Lands to live. Words sP()ken
the merchant _"',HAL"", vmCllcc;ltecl, who says:
you shine and shinef come forth from the chaos of Nun renewed, as is your custom, who came to be of hlfnSc~lt. Divine without insemination You have illumined the your rays snl.nll1lg nun,gle:d And Punt aromas of your sweet lra,gnmc:e to the of your nostrlls; And you shine like bronze in the the two firm on your brow. The Lord of the Two Lands has allotted all nOilormg you. and all The
the merchant _ .....
37. Introductory Hymn to Re
of \AI,.,... "' ........
of Re when he rises from the eastern horizon of the U4 ..U ... ':............. who says:
86 Praises to you, Re in your Atum to rest. Riser Risef Shinel Shine! you who appear as
lord of It is you who are lord of the who created the stars above and those who are who came to be in the lSe;g-1I1lnulg. fashioned humanIty, Who created the created the nr'irn,p'lT,~l waters. fashioned the Who created the caused those who are in them to knitted the mountains, made men and beasts appear. Heaven and earth you traverse the above in of heart, with the Lake of the Two Knives at peace, The his arms cut away, breeze. the heart of the One in his shrine. who appears as the Power of the The Effective One come forth from chaos. he is heir of pr"'r""tru ",,,,,,,.,,t-t',,, .. who caused his own birth. Sole one, who cares for creation. of the world. ruler in He1l0POUs. At'".r ..... t'", wise in the ways of foreverthe Ennead is because of your Sflllflling. The horizofl~dweller ferries across, the one in the Bark exalts you. LLl'UUlIIJ".a.ll'L.
Praises to you, Amun~ Ref ...,..,'t'1rl,1"Ir in Maat as you across above. "",.pr"t,rn",p watches you as you grow; and your travels on with your rays in all faces. There is no Kn,O~lln,Q' to describe the likes of you.
The Book
you are like [ . .] so that honor to your name; And swear oaths means of you as the one to whom their faces turn, You are the one who attends with your ears, and you see millions across the There is not an Asiatic there from whom you would draw as you watch over them, in your heart. ..,a.",,,,,,",.. ,
is beautiful because of your name, your course is far-millions upon millions of milesf you across it in tnlJmlPh, of your desire. bound for the waters at the You this in a little moment and go to rest once you have COJmp~lel:ea the hours.
the osiris. steward of the Lord of the Two who says: We:lC()me. my who traverses PTI"rf"l1t"u whose existence is WeJlCOlme, 0 lord of the sun.Ugtlt. You shine and everyone livesl Allow me to see the Lord of the Dawn each the osiris, the scribe. overseer of the 1"""'rn ....
of Seti I. Hunefer.
38. Introductory Hymn to He V:::"r'\H'~lU;' of Wc>rsJl1P of Re
scribe and geller.al of the army,
risen from the horizon of the Praises are yours from the mouths of everyone. beautiful renewed in the sundisk in the arms of your Hathor.
who says:
foreverf come in nomalge £rc:~etlln£ at your LJ14earmnlg from the horizon of the you suffuse the Two Lands with turquoIse. This is the divine heir of p.rJ"rntr'tr himself and bore nmlsen, Chief over the districts of who came out of the waters. Drew himself forth from Nun, nursed nunS4eu, and sanctified his birth.
who loves every soul, may you shine forth as of the Nut has offered before your countenance. and Maat embraces you both and is yours from those who attend upon you, bow to the earth at your aplDHJ'aCll."
who fashioned the The Ennead rel()lCC~S your rays.
to gaze on your pelrte~:tl()ns As you across the to your custom, safe and sound your mother, Nut You cross the in of heartthe Lake of the Two Knives is at peace, The and his arms tnlrOlJI2n his vertebraeand Re continues on Spjlen,01
The Book
The it is finished r11"~IU.T1ncy north. west, and east are you, o of earth. who came to be himself. Nephth'\'s honor you, cause you to appear in in the two divine barks; their arms you. The souls of the Easterners follow you, the souls of the Westerners for you.
The ser'oent-delmOln and your heart is Your mother Nut ac~~nc'wled!~es you ... _', ........,"'"
39. Two Hymns to the Rising and Setting Sun
of Adoration of Re in his from the horizon until he comes to rest in life. Words the osiris, the scribe Ani:
Be pralse O, i
with my eyes, surlli~tht come to be within my breast. pf()ce:ea in your own peace in the breeze within the rrClC::!l:1Incy of the skies among the dead with all your enemies fallenl The stars to you, the indestructible stars adore youYou who go to rest in the horizon of the Western Mountains. beautiful as the Sun each De,aUl:lItU, ~.U}i;., as my Lord. nl"lrtl".r-t1{'\nc::
and ii
0 Re in your Atum to rest. You are beautiful as you shine from the breast of your m(}tnter, ~n1np~r1noin of the Be
•• v.u"."" ... before you, and Maat embraces you both
You cross the in of heartthe Lake of the Two Knives is at peace, and his arms The the knife has cut thl~OUl2h And Re continues on with tnlln'tllY .... rr breezethe Bark has those who attacked him. Southerners and Northerners draw you while Westerners and Easterners who ....... c'ht forth the forms of who raised his voice when the earth was flooded with silence; Sole One who came to be in the midst of the before there was or mountains; ~nepnera. sole Lord, who created all that exists, whose fashioned the Ennead of his Who nursed the seeds of all that is in the waters whence you emerj:1~ea on the bank of the Lake of Horus. Primal
£. . . .
Let me breathe the breath which comes from your nostrils and the northwind which comes from your mother! you my make sacred the osiris. my soul! Be in 0 Lord of the be exalted in the midst of your wonders! Pour your rays over my breast like the t1~\Tlt,crhtl The osiris and scribe of accounts of the ritual .nt"l''''' .....·u'." overseer of the Two Granaries of the lords of the district of Ta-wer. the genuine whom he loves, vindicated and tri1umtphtant.
The Book
40. Hymns to the Rising Sun
Praise of Re at dawn when he rises from the eastern horizon of the with those who are in his t ...... II ...... the osiris. vindicated. who says; '1IT1rl• .,.
Hail. 0 "" ... ,,,....,"'..... lord of the sunbeams. who rises from the horizon each in the face of the Virldijcat.ed; you let him adore you at let him go forth with you to the That he may command in the endure in the and the incles1trucW,le, umNe;'LrVling starsf The osiris Ani and vindicatedmay he say that he honors his the Lord of "''-'''''''''1.-'' ii
Praises to you, 0 Horus of Two HOiflz,ons, "'''.'''''1-''''',1" that is, who came to be himself, How beautiful is your from the horizon to illumine the Two Lands with your surUl~:nt, With all the of the ne,!lvens: when With the the at your browshe has taken her before you: With Thoth ahead of your sacred bark de:strjDvj,n2' aU your enemies; you, With those in the underworld come forth to to see this beautiful I have come to you, and I am with you, to see your sundisk each let me not be turned Let me not be
and let my limbs be renewed at your peJrte'Cti4e>n, like all those you have nOlrlO['ea, for I am one you treasured on earth. Now I have reached the land of I have the land of evc~rl.:tstln2; and you indeed have commanded it for me, my Lord. priO'rnfT'tr
iii the osiris Ani. vindicated and
who says:
Praises be to you, when you rise from your horizon as at peace in Maat as you cross the With every face you concealed from their VOlurs:eU at the dawn and the aaJ~kentl'1l2 how fortunate are who voyage with your -----1---' Your beams shine in the but there is no undelrst,in(lmg the brilliance of fine is to your own. have been described in the of Punt can be eXlplc'recj; were concealed when you created. for your Word.
But you one alone,
ocean. Your first incarnation was Nun, the and he would make his movements follow yours; Nor does he make a like your the is the Millions upon millions of miles, yet a little moment and you have lI''Ulrn,A't'
You have gone to rest. and, same as in the
the hours of
to your custom. once more as over the horizon. acc:ol~aln2
iv The osiris, the scribe Ani. VlrtOllcateO, who SP(~aKS:
The Book
you in your Snllnllng.
you be up for the of your visible may you shine in the wealth of your 0 Traveller. You fashioned your own without as Re who shines down from the
o let me reach the heaven of
the district of those who are honored; I the most favored in the
of the
and let me go forth with them to see your pelrteiCtlc:Jn. you shine in the I"'VI"'n1ncr after you have traversed your m()tn,er, Na.unet: you turn my face to the my arms in adoration at your to rest as one For you indeed created pr.:>,rn,rrul Be as you go to rest in Nun. Let me you in my heart, o you without weariness, more divine than the v
The osiris
vtrldl1cated, who says:
Praises to you, who rise _'-',. __ .. ugJntlng the Two Lands with because of your birth. Your mother you forth upon her and you illumined all the sun disk circlesThe who rose out of Nun. who marshals followers from out the waters, Who makes the districts of the cities rich with 1'... .,1'.'(1,'11., lord of pr()Ce~;SlClns, prcltects ttlf01Jgh your pelrle(:tl()oSblossoms forth in food and sustenance; strc:mi!:est of the oO'wertu!l. who arms your throne agcun:st Awesome in appearance in the your is Iar-reacltlll1lg Bark.
you the osiris rescued from the grave, and may you let him be there in the You who are free of evil. may you Place me as a blessed among your ones that I may the in the Sacred Land And sail about the Field of Reeds ac(:orIOIn:2 to command from the Lord of the
the scribe
vindicated. vi
You shall go forth to the travel across the be brother to the stars. Praises are offered for you in the SUI1811l10, and you are summons to the Bark. You shall see Re within his "'~~J'UJ.'''', and you shall his sun disk every For you have seen the bulti-fish in all its forms upon the Sea of TUlrquoise, and you have seen the time has comeThe evil one is fallen as toretC)lCl, for I have had the knife cut thJ~ou:szh And Re shall the him who would attack it, Ie\! t'l"nl"'l.T
The heart of the Mistress of Life is glGlOClenlea for the of her Lord is overthrown! You shall see Horus with the and with Maat in his arms,
the osiris, the scribe of otlterlnj;~S for the Lords of '" ..,,_'-' ' ' .... with them.
The Book
the Dead
41. A Hymn to the Setting Sun
of ,,\ut·notepet
1"n'l"C!'-"''''1'''C! of the underworld: the lSS:U1I1i2 Another forth in secret from the realm of the dead to see the Sundisk when he goes to rest in the the adoration of him and in the underworld; and the of the soul in the presence of Re-to to exalt it it its rltn'f'Ht''I' it to be attentive to()ts1tep,s. and to it learn to see when it is with the Great God, which he has it shall go forth into the ri!l1IrlH:rht in any form that it may wish, and it shall be among the of the underworld so that shall it as one of them and so that it may enter in all its power into the secret 0'>11'pur>1v.
Ml1t-JrlOltet:.et, vindicated: for you, in your movements. beautiful and 21c.nc,us. When you go in the sacred pn~Clltlct of the western mountain that you rest in your field which is in Manu, you. your of the rushes \Alr,,,,C!I"tn
Praises to you as you go to rest in peace, you are united with the of The their about your flesh as you touch down on earth. You have ferried across the sunbeams and the of heaven and earth come to you n£,\'\J.TI,ncr· offer you adoration each and the of the West in your pe:rIecuons; you, those in the Bark row you; And the Souls of the East sink down at your "Welcome, you who come in for you, There is o lord of heaven and ruler of the West I
Your mother, Isis, has Of()tecte~d you that she may see her son in you As lord of awe, exalted in ...... when you go to rest, I:>e"on.a the threshold. And your father lifts you up, Tatenen of 0 ..... " .... ,
as you rest within the Western Mountain. You have me as one honored before Osirisr o come to me, Re-Atumf Let me you; may you show love for me; let me be vindicated the Ennead. You are be,aut:ltllll, 0 Re, in your horizon of the West, lord of exalted in awe, you do, SUl~palSsllng in your love of those in the underworld. You illumine the faces of all those over there and all who have withdrawn the horizon. You the to Rosetau, of the underworld. the way to Shu and you have You the thrones within their terool,es, and are as his household propers pe,aC(~tullY when Re goes down.
o you
of the West who 'tur... clr"ttn and you who offer at his ap1Jr0 aCll, seI'oent-enerrlv of hnlPI.OY the arrows of the fallen aJl'.,...u ••" .. oppose him who would wreak destruction on Osiris! The of the West of the as take the For have come in tfllum,ph to voice the Truth of the whose in the West are hidden. 1
who vindicated Osiris a£,un:s[ his enemies. vindicate Mtlt-ltl01te[let. whose voice is true, ag~un~)t her enemies;
The Book
\pJ:>rO,ilcn the
tribunal Lord of life. who is in the sundisk shall aPlOro.aCll1. Protector of his Wennefer-re. And Osiris shall go to rest the souls Below. Praise be to you, come as come into as maker of the Praise be to you, come as bun of one within the horizonf Praise be to you, more effective than the who illuminate the underworld with your Praise be to you, who voyage on with your transltlglLlre:(1 the Sailor in his sundisk.
42. Hymn to the Setting Sun
Dublin 4] Adoration of e·tlor'akltlty in his
Praises to you, Re, in your
to rest in the western horizon ot the
to rest.
onme:val one, the first who came into Praises to you, who created the who raised up the that his eyes Who created earth to be the broad hall for his SUfloeam,s, each man to consider his ",""tX-.l.llU\,.;'J.. Bark shouts orallseBark is the have crossed Nun for you vic:to:rious, and your crew is The Effective One has felled your enc~mlles. for you she the to()tslte1JtS and she is beautiful as Re each The
Your mother, pelrlec:t in your
and There is in the horizon of the Western Mountain, and the illustrious dead are 2'la~aaenea. You shine forth there for the ruler of ....."'....... t-,' And the in their cavernstheir arms are raised in adoration of your "''''''''C'L''\,'''' And offer you all their pel:1t1()nS once you shed And the lords of the ..... ri""'..uT,r. .. lri for you have made clear the splen
43. Introductory Hymn to Osiris Wennefer
att,alIllng millions of years as his duration; First son of the womb of Nut, whomGeb the Lord of the double crown, ennobled the White smrer,euzn of and men. He has received the crook and flail and the sce:ptt:~r of his fathers. Glad is your heart. in the Western ~rClunayour son, Horus, is established on your throne.
The Book
While you shine forth as Lord of as the ruler who is in For you the Two Lands flourish in vindication in the presence of the Lord of All. .&J ...."' ...... .;>.
He has ushered in the one who has not come to be in his Name of He has the Two Lands clean once more in this his Name of he who Cleanf;es; l\A"rYh~""T and matgnUl(:ent, IftSp:LnOt£
Praises to you, and lord of Who took the Two Lands for his own in the womb of Nut and ruled the of the With Tn"",,"_CT,rur.
now he is in the sacred Ktn,20,om Let me be gl()r1()US in the Tr'lve~lil1l{l
downstream to Busiris as a UPs1tre,ilffi to as a without hindrance of the underworld,
""''''... n r.....
water and OUier1l12S A burial "'... ,......... ""'" with emmer and there. For the soul of the osiris. the scribe Ani. 44. Litany to Osiris of the Lord of Forever:
modes of
Ptah-Sokar. Atum in HellOpouS, of PtahLord of the ""4.J.,t UJ.'''', who mer£e:a who govern the I1n,rf~lru7l"rJ.rl· Dr()tel:t you when you go to rest in Naunet Isis wraps you in her peace, the is driven from your You have turned your face toward the West that you may the Two Lands with fine The stand to look at you that may breathe the air. your as the Sundisk from his nO:r1Z IDn, their hearts are with what you have created. For it is you who are eternal and ev~=nClL:sun~. Praise be to say the stars in the Sunfolk in ancient You are Wenti, diviner than the the hidden one in tte:uopous. Praise be to say ancient deities of Iwn-des. You are the Great HO~raJ'nt:y UT1.rt"" .• .,t-t't".,nrr when he crosses heavenYou are indeed HorcU~ht'yl Praise be to You are the Soul of ......."'............., the Ram who dwells in ................... Wennete:r, son of NutLord of the realm of the dead! Praise be to you, in your rule of the Great Crown firm on your you are the one who is his own prc::>tectlon as you go to rest in Busiris. Praise be to you, nome, one who Sokar lord of the on his drives off the rebel who does and the to rest where it ne:lOI1I,2S. Praise be to you, in your power. and rnt,rrhf·u foremost in master of time and ... r.,...."'lr"· it is you who are lord of He,calcJeopol1s. K-:>!....·ulinn
4 ... '
The Book
the Dead
Praise be to you, at rest in it is you who are lord of who has the Sacred Land with your you are the one who hates falsehood. Praise be to you, in the midst of your sacred you fetch his cavern, one on whose dead he is the one in H14era:KonpiOlllS. Praise be to you, creator of and Lower of vindicated, who founded the Two Lands with his this is he. lord of the Two Banksf you make mea that I may pass on in peace. I am one who is and true. I did not nor did I do an evil
Osiris, acts:
Amarna: The Heretical Interlude of Aton
Akhenaton of was the first known monotheist in He was a who abolished the traditional of and substituted for it his of the creator and whom he called Aton. Akhenaton left Thebes to build and live in a new called el-Amarna, where he could his without the or of the other Aton was a benevolent and not the creator of the cosmos but also the nurturer of aU creatures. His shone forth in the sun, whose and warmth made life There are several to Aton in the tombs of the courtiers of Akhenaton at Amarna; the finest of them, from the tomb of is here. ...... " h r i - ' h " ' ..........
45. Akhenaton's Hymn to Aton
of In Praise of the who reJ()lCC~S the divine which is in the Sundisk. and forever, the livGreat One who is in the "'""c,t'nr.,1 Lord of all the sundisk . . . U.'-l~i:). Ne'ilvel!l. Lord of Lord of the Two
Mistress of the Two Lands, Nefer-neferu-aten necUUllY, UOUnSJnU1l~ forever and He says:
f'l..IAt"A .. i-.i-,
21ctrictus]fy in the horizon of the Arisen from the eastern hOJrlZton, you have filled all earth with your SpJlenaor; You are exalted above each your rays encompass the lands to the limits of all which you have created; you reach to their D01Un(larleS There in the And
you are your rays are over the and you are in the faces of those who watch your
You go to rest in the western no:rtZ4;)n and earth is in a darkness like With the in heads coveredthe eye cannot discern its co]m):>anll01!l; All their be carried offt
lion comes forth from his insects and snakes bite and Darkness earth is silenthe who created them is at rest in his tomb. ";"'''¥'UT'Cl'tT
Dawn rises
on the nOrlZl;)n, from the sun disk as You scatter the bestow your sunbeams. and the Two Lands offer thanKs~lvU':l~ ~le:arrls
for you have raised them up; on their clo,tll1nR'. Their bodies are U"'\,~J.""'\"l, their arms raised in at your ap1pe'!lfllrl2. rhl~OU2h<)ut the land take up their work.
iv The herds are at peace in their meadows, trees and the grow green, Birds from their nests, their wide in of your Person; All the small beasts about on their and all who up or settle to rest live because you have shone upon them. go downstream or as each lies open because of your presence: The fish in the River dart about in your and your beams are in the Great Green Sea. v
It is you who create the seed in women, the fluids into human ..,....".. Make the son alive in the womb of his mother, soothe him, his tears. Nurturer from the womb to those breath to into life all that he has created. He descends from the womb to breathe on the of his And you open his mouth, determine his nature. and minister to his needs. JJ;. ....
vi in the so you him breath within it to succor him; And you have to him his allotted time so that he break out from the egg To come forth Oele0102" at that time and move about upon his own two feet when he emerges from it. The tleclgl:mg
How various are the and are all f'''''ir~r.''r1''''t o sole God, without another of your
you created the world to your desire, while you were With mankind and cattle and every sort of small all those upon land, those who go upon feet, upon their Those who are on the lands of Khor and Kush. and all that to viii
each person his and you for his Each one has his sustenance. and his lifetime is reckoned for him. "lolt1gtleS are words. the natures of persons as And their skins are made different so you can the pecJcpl.es. ix
in the Underworld at your desire, to nourish the Oe()Olle. as you create them for 'U"t11"C~plt Lord of them who is weary for o Lord of all who shines for awesome in 10rel~:n lands are far away, you make their lives PO!SSll)le. For you have a in the that he come down upon themJ.YU'I,l\.U,I}; waves upon the mountains like those of the Great Green Sea to water the fields in their x
to the small beasts of each land who go upon feet. And comes from Below to beloved as well.
while your rays are ..... rct ....... each meadow. You shine. and grow for you; You fashion the seasons to make all your creation flourishthe winter for COOUU2 and the heat which And you have made the far off in order to shine down from it, to watch over all you have created. xi You are one sn:mlng forth in your visible Form as the
You create the numberless visible forms trom 'trn'lrc,,,,lt you who are one alonetowns, the the River; and each eye looks to you as its ShlnlIll$:t e:!(anaple: You are in the sun-disk of overseer of wherever you go and whatever shall For you fashion their so that you may be COlmpfletecelebrate with one your creation. xii
And you are in my there is no other who knows you for your son, Ne:telr-kheper-re Wa-en-re. Let him be wise with your counsel, your ctr."".....CYth that the world may your condition as when you created it. You have risen. and are alive: you go to rest, and die. For you are the measure of Time one lives means of you. until your setUn2; shall be filled with all labor is set aside when you go to rest in the West. Then rise I Let creatures of thrive for the
And let me hasten on with every to()tsl~ep I since you founded the world. And raise them up for your son who came forth from your very and Lower who lives on Lord of the Two Wa-en-re. son of the who lives on Lord llIc:::tlrne; and the Great Nefer-neferu-aton ""IDo~""""'''' "who lives and
Hymns and Prayers to Other Deities The Riches of Polytheism
At the center of consciousness was the He1l01POllto Re and Osiris and their stodes. But there were many Hathor was a 201doc~ss with many aSl)ec:ts. sometimes as the mother of Horus, sometimes as a and sometimes as the of love and intoxication. Thoth was the of wisdom, scrivener to the preserver of the and pf()tectc)r of scribes. Ptah was the creator of than but he was also the of craftsmen and artisans, in flood. the energy that return of the waters each year. unseen and without Maat is a case of she from the head of Re as a values of and Order. 1"h."r..lr"YH
46. Hymn and Prayer to Ptah Harris I]
Usermaatre Meramun. the under his South of his Wall, lord of the life of the exalted in the double with the Handsome of Face upon the Great Throne: 108
to Other Deities
The (jreet:lm~s
to you. exalted ancient one,
o Tatenen, father of the Eldest
of the time, snclpe:Q mankind and formed the 1:SeICOrnml)! as the first f'l1"1T'nP'UllJ every event that occurred came after him. Who created the to what his heart Imagllne:a and raised it up like one lifts up a teatnc::r; Who founded the world as his own creation, circled it about with Ocean and the Great Green Who made the for the "11'..." ....... "'" Re to sail across below to comfort them as Ruler of Lord of Forever. who causes throats to Dn~atne, Lord of who offers air to every ~"""""'''.Lj''', who lets all live tnl:oU2:h his Time, and fortune are under his dominionwe live that which issues from his mouth. Who created the for all the when he embodied himself as waters. Lord of is under his carehe breathes out life for everyone. And the to his Throne of the Two Lands. n ..,"''''T1C!H",.nC!
The I am your son, whom you installed as
on the throne of my father, pe'!lCe~IUJtlY; And I am upon your waters, your counsel is with me. for me you double while I am upon earth. you draw me toward rest at your side in the West of heaven as you do for aU the hidden of the otherworldA friend of your Enneads in your secret prC~Cllrlct like your who is at your side.
Let me swallow contentment from your nU"""'rl:nO'c_ the and wine. within the Sacred Realm; and let me see you as your two Enneads do. But while I am Ruler upon earth as lord of the Beloved Land, let me not my heart from zealousness for you.::>eleKln{! out all that is useful for your splencllO dViielljnllZ, 1!0'lermrll! well before you in your
Ramesses I I I will
41. Prayer to Ptah, Sakhmet, Ptah-Sokar, and Osiris
of Horemheb in New A
of the
to Ptah South of his Wall. ~a~mrrlet, beloved of and lord of Rosetau:
you all allow my Soul to come forth in the to see the Sun disk: every whom you made so er.n..... n.' • .,· And may you have me follow you both and as one of those you honor, Because I am one who has been true to God since first I was on earth. Let me Truth, every for I have turned my back on evil in his presence, nor has there been occasion since my birth, For
I am one who is benevolent under
wise and who listens to the truth. Let me be among the crew in the bark of Osiris celeblratllng in the district of of the het'edlLtary Sole Friend. scribe. t10~relnneD, vindicated.
for the
to Other Deities
48. Hymn to Thoth of Horemheb in New
Worsh.io of
beautiful lord of appearthe mayor. fanbearer on the commander in chief of the armies, scribe. No.relnneo, vindicated. He says: Praises to you, 0 moon. in its sacred pre~culct. bull of One who clears the way for the knows the relJL21()uS m}l'stf~ne:s, writes down the statements of the Who one from another like it and evaluates each person; Skilled to the Bark of Millions of Years; courier for the Sunt()lk. Who knows a man and measures the deed a2~lln:S[ the doer. Who attends on ascends to the presence of the sale Lord to inform him of all that has nal:>pf~neaEach dawn he an aC(:OUlntl.n2 and he does not nej~le';t Who the Bark ne,llttllV and makes the Bark pe<;lCeJ[Ul, His arms unhindered in the prow of the Cle:ar·'selemlil when he has taken the rope of the of the Bark the celebration when it crosses the Who overthrows the KeJ[)el-~C~rplen[ and calculates the .......... u,'F. on the Western While the Ennead in the Bark offers to him, 'HaiH Hail! 0 you whom Re favors as you compose the paeans to the re-echo what your wishes to the destination of the Bark. as you open a you sacrifice that cut his head
1"\£'10 .. 1'7""...
annihilate his soul. and throw his on the for you are the who slau~llte:rs him. There is done without your kn~DW1ng as the Exalted who came forth from her Protector of Mc.raJCnty, with entree to the lore of HellOPol1s. who created the of the Who knows the sacred M,rstenes, u",t-"",.,.,,.,,,,'t-,,,,,. of their words.
plllmoune which is true in the center of the oallance, receives the one who does not lean toward crime. Vizier who words, who uproars into peace, scribe of records who the Who the the one in chains, ---------J of arm, wisest of the Ennead. back all torl~otten nel!PtlJl to one who has gone Who recalls the moment, who on each hour of the aaJrkfleSS; Whose words will last foreverwho has entree to the Underworld. "£,\1,171",,0' all those and who records them. each ac(:or,ClUlLi! to his name. .;)'-LVU.;),
49. Prayer to Thoth of Horemheb in New to Thoth, lord of the sacred ur,..t-.r\O'C! lord of HerAn of the mc>pOrllS, who determines and who ferries Re in the Bark. you cause that the .""'~..'.. ~~ words be accurate: I am one tn .. t-hr',O'I'," each prC)Dllem and my tOfl$:!llte
en()U2:n to set it
... " . " r.. ",
to Other Deities
I am one who upnOlClS
who instructions to the 1"'''1'''''',,,,,,,,,, wise in my of which I am 19n:orC:lnt. lamonewho who each man to know his way, and I do not what is in my _AU_F._' I am one who advises the Lord of the Two who of what my Lord has said. I am one who .. 1~'" and I do not For the vindicated. D .... A
50. Hymn to Thoth and Maat Museum Stele 551 ]
Praises to you, Lord of He:rmLop1011lS, who came to be of not Sole who governs the underworld. who instruction to the WesternersThose who are in the retinue of Rcand who among the of all the lands. H(llrelnnel), the to flourish at his side as you are beside the Lord of as you nurtured him when he came forth from the womb. And
to Maat. our of the ro...lrI........."u" ... ,-; who opens the nostrils of the and who air to the One in the midst of his bark. Allow Prince Horemheb to breathe the breezes born of heaven as the of Punt breathes her aromas from the Lake of you allow my from the Field of and let me be OrC)VUlea there from the Field of UI:[erllngs,
from the altars of the Lords and receive the of He,llOI)OllIS: And let my heart be in the from the Ne'cf()p()l1S to the pure islands of the Field of Reeds. you open wide to me the blessed and my road before me, and may you me in the retinue of Sokar before the of the fie'VOllCl.
No'reInneo, vindicated. possessor of blessedness.
51. Khety's Hymn to the Nile
Praises to you, one who from the earth, come to save With hidden features. a darkness to whom his followers Who waters the created to life to each kind of small creature; Who satisfies the the the water's and he is the very dew. as it falls from ne,lveln: Beloved of the one who who makes the crafts of Ptah flourish. ii
Lord of the who makes wildfowl southand no birds fall command of the winds-
But let him be ",Iurrrrf",n up. then every face is po,ve:rty'-stncKen; If one the ottenn.e:'-ca.k:es then millions are peJ~lSrleCl
to Other Deities
Who creates the raf)aCI0tlS man to trouble the landBut
when he draws near, when Khnum fashions him on his wheel. Let him rise, then earth is then every Backbones have taken to laulghter. each tooth is bared. iv Who food and abundant who himself creates all his .."....:1.1"".," . .'... , IJ~agrallt of aromas, one is at peace when he comes. Who to be for the cattle OrC)v1(leS the sacrifices for each He is in the heaven and earth are under his and he takes the Two Lands for his own, the the ,.,...........,........... , LlL'-J'V ...'U."-'Lh7.
Who makes each desirable tree flourish so that one shall never lack for it; Who makes ShlPPln2 pOSsIJble means of his force so the will not sink like a stone. Bluffs are seized in his sUlrglll1g, yet he cannot be seen. Who works he cannot be 2:o'v-ernej:.1. he is well-versed in the rC!f"~ One cannot know the where he is nor spy his source from the I'\II ..
.... ".C!
vi Floodwaters cut thI:OU,2h the Vllla2eS·-H:lel:e wander and no gUl,amlg of the young accompany
stoppiln2 them-
him with honors like a and Whose ways are who comes in his season, who fills both Lower and eye is moistened him who an excess of his vii Poised at the entrance. he comes forth and every heart reJ10lces; Who conceived Sobek, child of the tloC:1d,waters J:.nneaa. which is from him, sails over his u ...,....Hug."n... ..... r'...' " "'11"'1..... '" to all mankind: Makes one man oo~.vel·tuJ and there is no contt:=n<::un£ AJr;;.A","""~ He makes his own peace. will not be tnI'ealcenea, lets no boundaries be set for him. viii
Who illumines those who go forth in darkness with the tallow of AU that has come to be is rh.·".""",h his strc:!nj;!:tn, no district of the Who clothes mankind with the weaVf!r-iJ'od to his work; of orchards with his gu ms so that Ptah can fasten with his Who r ..... ] for !\.nc;!pnall workers come into All to the words of God papyrus. ix Who enters the underworld. emerges r",,<'P,!!Ip, .. who comes forth with secrets. But should he lie his are fewthe food of that year is de!~tf(}Ved. Then one may see Thebans like womeneach man his Implc~m1ent:s;
.... . , ........ r .."
to Other Deities
There is no thread for Pf()\l'llCt;s, there is no cloth for clO tnln£, There is no the children of the rich, no cosmetics for their The trees have been ruined for lack of himthere is no ""' .....h"rni, ... anyone. i
x Who
firm in the hearts of mankind would lies of the among mIngles tOil~etller with the Great Green Sea but does not try to control its waters; Who to all the crClsslln~ his no man One cannot eat food comes before prc:>st:)erltv:
songs to the chantresses their of the young shout for him, a of retainers is for himAnd he returns decorates this makes the features and flesh of mankind Nourishes the tOC)Ugllts of women with child. ae:Slflng multitudes of all creatures. xii He rises among CitIzens, and are satisfied with his fruits of the fieldsFresh greens for the u ..." ......,.... lotuses for the noseand all over the land. Each Good is strewn tm'ougn this entire land is aaJ1Cln£1
surges, and OIJ:enng is made to for him cattle are slaughtc~rejd; For him For him lions are out in the for him beautiful are nrf".'utrf""rl And make to each like what has been done for Finest incense. short- and lOrl£-jnOlrnc;~o burnt nttprlnO'_ and down in his secret cavern, is Do'wertu,l. Yet his name cannot be known in the nnrl .... t"urr.rlrl nor can the very reveal it. xiv AU mankind extols the Nine Great who stand in awe of that ~'--"---T Which aids his divine son. Lord of to make green the Two Banks of the Nile. o then you will come! Thrive. then you will cornel thrive. then you will come! Come back to 0 you who satisfaction and peace, green the Two Banks of the Nile. Give life to mankind and the creatures thl~OUi2h your from the T-A,,,,,,,t-..,,,,<,,'rl.,.1 o thrive, then you will comer then you will come! o then you will comer ULQAJe"'F.
52. Ramesside Hymn to the Nile l<:tt"r".,..',... ...
Deir el-Medineh
to Other Deities
Father of ......... . And every heart rel()lCt~S at this COlnp,en:satlOn for his years of hesitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his ii
He has come forth from his rrn;r",r/~r1£...n'" cavern; And he rages on his UTt'nrt1tnn COInlI1l2 to rest upon the n12:ne:5t m .." n n r t . _ Wave and earth is in chaos. like Nun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . dread: for he is like a lion who has sprung forthl is awakened. its is All the creatures celebrate when he greens the Two Banks of the When he pours forth abundance among the old and the young alike.
the lotus. whose blossoms dot the flood that may tell the to come: Each cre:epm£ dance on air or buzz upon the banksannounce the birth of cm.loren, and the booms for nalPPlLne:ss. Faces are and take to cnieel~mJ~. iv To the ends of the land it grows green. there is so much food one wearies to see it; Good are strewn in the n"ih.,.""""",·
and and abundance surfeits the stomach. Teeth are sweet with dates and comes The back turns away from '-VI'UI-"lalJIUIJt~ and unbounded ha:ppmf~SS \.I1.::1'I-'\#,l'" tribulation. v All hearts fashion
The reeds and rushes are SPl,enlCl1O and the Blossoms are at their best and all the trees are tln,11r'l..:t'I,lrtA':1'· The staff-of·Hfe have offered their fruit and cannot hide their Ira,graLnce, vi Ears breathe in OeICK()ntngs. hearts receive messages. The small do not curse the OlstmgUllsh,ed, the low show tor the The young offer and the chasten the boastful. The governance ot the Residence is like what had been before in the oa,(acewith Maat in the mouths of the maglstra1tes. prc~211arlt with wine, The and teeth are to fine The eyes ot the curious gaze and limbs are clothed in red linen. vii The
are splen lOlO with services. otl:erllng:stake at the Double doors wide tor the Lords of
H\I ...... r'C!
to Other Deities
and the are content. The torches flare on the and the homes of the are brigh1tened. . . . . . . . . . . . . the blessed dead. viii of the Audience Chamber is to and the Book of has been found. Crocodiles rage, about to their heart's desire, and the waters are fresh with their The fish are swollen with roe which are set free in the flood. ix of the I-i!l1'tTl11rY"1 lakes Wildfowl halt on the or havens on the earth-mounds of the The Delta-Northland will become their ne:Stll12-1Place; the feathers of the ro-geese Fowlers snare, their arrows catch
x be.:trU1t2 their seeds. are down with their stalks. see their tnl'CKc:~tS. young animals nurse at their mothers, All of birth to and are filled with cream, The small beasts of the The ostrich his ott:sprin2 xi
The poor are like the of the and the are like the nUmr)le; attains to power
so that he
and the bees are xii
do not be slow! And do not be OODre~SSlve. les:seltUl1l1! to his nose when you come; do not sink into the 1!rCluno; There are no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his prayers. Your is here before us that we may turn back to your Kec~plng; and the are near.
53. Hymn to Maat of Amun at ""I_t'"unlc!
A recitation ever: Maat
Lord of the Two son of Re, who lives forto her fathers. Amun-Re and Ptah.
of Praise to you, consort of whom Ptah The one who adorns the breast of Thoth. who fashioned her own nature, foremost of the Souls of HellOPOUS; Who the two falcon her filled the Per-wer shrine with life and dominion; Skilled one who forth the from herself [)f()Usmt low the heads of the enemies; nrr,\'utl"1pc for the House of the All-Lord, oljtermj;~S for those who are on M~l1!1111t1lcerlt her throne before the lUCIQ'esand she consumes the enemies of Atum.
.-." . . u ....
to Other Deities
She is and there is no in the Son of Re, who lives forever. Shu with Thothwith mankind his is and Amun of Hibis. which he offers to And the Great Ennead is nr."IT....·tul in the House of the Prince in HellopOl1S. Rise splen
o Maat, build your throne in the of the Son of who lives foreverf in Re his father you make heaven and earth from whom I, the have come forth. you rise from him on this beautiful in this your divine Name of She who appears in And may your beautiful face peace to this lord of the Two son of the Sun and forever.
54. Prayer to Hathor as Goddess of Love ..... ,...-"n'rJ.'" Chester I}
Let me the Golden One to honor her and exalt the of HI'·~u.F"n· Let me adoration to Hathor and songs of to my nei:IVelruv Mistressl her to hear my pet:1t1()ns that she send me my mistress now!
And she came herself to see mer that was when it nalPplenieOl What a
I was from the moment look at herr here she comes!" -and the young men I"\"":.7O..,,f1' tnI'OUQ'n their enormous for her.
Let me consecrate breath to my Goddess that she me my Love as a now I have in her name; It is four let her be with me
I I 1============ The Nature of the Beyond The Prayers of Pahery
v~r"\Pt'''u' lived earlier 18 and was mayor of el-Kab and Esna. The walls of his tomb at el-Kab offer the most extensive characterization of the afterlife that survives from ancient From his prayers and del5criotiorts we can see the function of his tomb and the of regunt1~pr1fno'~ to sustain his soul. We also follow his vision of what life with Osiris would be like and of the for back and forth between this world an invisible ous It is also mtere:sting to note the presence in prayers of the of "the within" the human breast.
55. The Prayers of Pahery i
to the Gods
which the makes:- to Amun, Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, of lord of t".. double beJtoretilmes. grealtef;t of Ancients of "",,,,,m,,.,,,,,> without creator of men and flame which rose out of chaos in order to the :su:nlc)lk; 'p",.", ..
To Osiris, Foremost of Westerners. Lord of in To mistress of desert """.'I"1Al"'" fearless among the To Ptah~Sokar. lord of , n ,..rUT' lord of Ko;setau~ J:mneaas. the Greater and Lesser:meat, and a thousand of bread, ollter:tnjl~S of .... r.""ut"'."', .... '" ""fl'''''t'',rHlrct of every which flourishes upon earth, And a thousand of and pure which is offered in the presence of the All-Lord. And may receive the bread and drink which is before the Lord of and the milk which appears upon the onef),ng table. And the water which forth from hle~ph,antme, and the northwind which over the At the festivals of the Month, the Sixth the Great Procession, the of The feast of of of the First Birth of of Isis. The Procession of Min, the Procession of the Fourth the the of the River. aC(:orIClm.£ to their
""",""'Tfl"1"" for you a sacred robe of finest linen from those taken from the limbs of the anoint you with sacred oil, may you drink the water that is left upon the altar, And may you receive from what is upon it, as one honored among the foremost of the blessed.
For the Soul of the of el-Kab. the scribe filled with devotion to his Lord,
The Nature of the
if in the
you come and go, while with heart favor of the Lord of With a fine burial in old age, after your of years has come. you take your in your sal~COPl1.a£USt
over Which may take as falcon or ~tJ.o~,ertul
PJ1!oeJl1X or as you wish.
you across without hindrance and sail upon the waters of the flood. your life return once moreyour never your your be among the tranSJ:tglJreICl, and may the blessed hold converse with you; Your likeness is there among them in heaven while you are your on earth. you have power over water, breathe air, drink whatever your heart def;ires; you be your eyes to see your ears for whatever is Your mouth for ..... ,~Q.A.u.}I;., and your feet to walk. your arms move for you, and your shoulders. your flesh be your muscles t'n .. you have of all your members whole and welL and count your ·1"(1'1 ........ •
No evil is accountable to you, Your mind is yours as f'nrrnp'rl,,(T as you go forth to the you the afterworld in whatsoever you shall desire.
And may you and the
oIl:efllng;s in His presence for the Lord of the Sacred Land.
For the Soul of the of Counter of Grain from Denderah to The administrator free of wr'OnltrO()ln2:. the scribe vindicated. ""L-o.,,"alLr.
iii the
you eat the loaves in the presence of God the Great Staircase of the Lord of the i:'..nl:1eaOj you turn from there to the where he is in the midst of the tribunal of ,--'r.--' you move about among a friend to the Followers of Horus. you come and go unhindered and not be turned back from the doors of the otherworld; the of heaven be to you, and the very doorbolts unlock of thf:m~>el"es; you enter the Hall of Two Truths and the who is in it honor you. you be at ease in the underworld. travel about in the of your heart have in your plc.u2:1Ufl2: in your in the Field of your reach what has been set for you and the harvest arrive full of the be taut in the ,."" ......"t,,"",1"_ Sail to your heart's desire I you go forth from the tomb each dawn and find your way back each ev~~mm!. kindle a for you at
The Nature of the
until the sun shines on your breast. Let them say to you, -Wlelc4Dme, to your of the p'I""'r_lnl1rHl'l'" you gaze upon Re in the circuit of Heaven and Amun when he shines; you be mindful of each may all that you be driven to you in of heart esteemed who is within you. -Your heart is with you, it will never abandon you; and your orlDV1Slc,ns endure in their For the soul of the
His Claim
He says: I was a nODl(~m,an. effective for his wise, not ne~~l1~~eI1lt. orcDc<~eClea on the which I and came to understand the I reckoned up the farthest limits in those urrli-lr\cyC! which dealt with actions of the And all the affairs of the t'lr",xn'l"'tY to the Great Green Sea. were smooth as voice was skilled in lul~tnenng 1JGJ.D.U..... Ul.}:'.
pen made me talnous; it made my voice heard among the And it enhanced my rep,ut"ltic.n so that I outdistanced noblemen.
[. . . . . , ...J me in the rreSeI'llce. and my character elevated meSummoned as one unbiased and in the UQ.I,All''''''''. I as one esteemed and without taint. I came and went with my heart my sole co:m):)aI'lllOln, I did not to another person. who dwells in humankindand thus dlS,tln,gulsn from another. as COlnnlanloea, I acted did not confuse I did not the langu.:tge nor consort with those of little character. I was one who attained oeln.e'V'OJence. one who came forth favored from the womb. The mayor of el-Kab. be~!ot1ten of the Prince's tutor, the Scribe .rp"_T""'''' vtnCltCCUelCl, and born to the Mistress of the
v to the He says: listen, all you who have now come to let me to you without eq1ulv'ocauonl o ones. you who nobles and commons who are upon the earth, Servants of hallowed in their """',"
The Nature of the .....".."1"....,,,.. so, may you recite the in the manner found in the ulrt1"1r\0'(;! And the invocation as those dead as it came from the mouth of God. who shall here bend his arm shall grow in the counsels of nght(~Ollsn,es:s; To act to tradition is to bear witness before this gr.ivc:~st~Dne: Your thousand of bread, your thousand of beer, your hundred-thousand of true. and pure, For the osiris. mayor of el-Kab. mayor of Esna, treasurer on the southward voyage, the scribe excellent at vindicated. to you all, you to understand: This is a recitation without excesses or ex,agJ~eI'at],On$there is no slander, no in it, There is no with another person, no some poor man in his Let me
These are sweet words of consolationr The mind cannot be surfeited with themr The breath of the mouth can never be used upthere is no no weariness in this. Goodness is yours when you it for discover it While I was on earth among the no toward were counted me. and I became a blessed Ohl I have furnished my house in the realm under and my share is me in "'"u.....'urh.".. .... Yet I shall not fail to answer a prayera dead man is father to any who aid He does not one who pours water to honor him. It is for you to consider this.
Hymns, Prayers, and Praises to Pharaoh The Divine King
Whereas the and prayers of the Texts were entln~Jv concerned with the dead resurrection. the tollo'UJlna songs of and prayers are directed to the The first several poems reflect the era of the Middle KU1~(10rn, the later New the Ramesside taste the flavor of the adulation offered the y.4''''''' ..,'"'SL apl::>ropnate for the to receive such
56. Ode to Senusert I The Tale
He is a without an no other came to be before A master of wisdom. excellent in COlLlnliel. brilliant in his use of words. and are at his CO]nmlan~cJ. and it is he subdues the Ioreuz:n His father is within the so he to him what he decides shall naJ,Jpt::n . too. with arm, vi~~orous, there are none like him. .... rUIT"' ..·tttl
and Praises to Pharaoh He can be seen as he descends upon the once he has entered He bends the bow, weakens enemy rebels cannot group for 0PPO:SltlOn. And he is tprr1hlp Slmasnllng Ioren<~aas;
He is 1' ..... _<"1',... rt" .... ..., Sn()otlOg tU{lrttl'vesno is there for one who turns the back to him. Steadfast at the moment of assault, he faces never turns bis back. Stouthearted he observes the mUllti1tudles. allows no in his neJLghlbOirhloo~d; Bold to fall on easterners, Im1pat:leIlt to the Iorelgnelrs Let him but seize his gear for "'V;"U_'A~, he need not raise his arm a second time to There are none who can flee his arrow, none who can draw his bow. t'olrell~nc:!rs scatter all before him as from the angry power of the I\.Jh,rrt'\f'''u Goddess. t'lS1:htJmg in his absence endshe cannot for the residue. Yet he is
full of sweetness. of the land his attc:!ctlon; Citizens love him more than their own in him more than their own local Husbands and wives pass in him because he is He took while still in the womb, his face on the KII1tgSJrup since the he was born. He ensures that r..1'1'·" ...·r."'''' he is one This land in his dominionhe is the one to broaden its borders. He shall seize tor his own the lands of the he need never think twice about the lands of the north.
He was born to strike down Asiatics and to the desert wanderers into dust.
5 7. Prayer of the Princesses for Clemency The Tale
Your lot is more than 0 who wear the emblems of the of Heaven; The Golden Goddess offers life unto your "n"'''rfl",. and the of the Stars you; The White~Crown Goddess travels the Red goes south. t()2etn(~r with the utterance of your M is upon your brow. You have saved the poor from 1"n~.t:' r'lT. you have Lord of the Two Landsor2lise~s to you, and to the Mistress of the World as welU !lI1PC!f"IT'
Slacken your down your arrow, breath to one who suffocates I ~a·,mc:!n"I Son of the !'..11"1'''''''''''',nri a bowman born in our beloved land. He took to for fear of you, he fled the land in terror of you. But yet, no face should ever blanch at yours. no eye should fear to gaze upon you.
58. Songs to Senusert III
Kahun LV. 1I
For the Horus. Ne~tCjnelrlUleJ)er'u the Two Ladies. Netchermesut. the and Lower Khakaure. son of Golden Horus. ~"4"""""""'" Senusert-who takes the Two Lands in tntlm'ph: i. The
to you, L'"U."'."'........ our Horus who embodies the
and Praises to Pharaoh
widens its bo.rOf~rs, Protects the and conquers Iorel~n "-J~"LU.l~ the Two Lands thriOUll!h I SUbOll1nJIZ I the tore12n and shoot an arrow without nT~n.XT1nlY Who instills the tribesmen in their lands with terror and the Nine means of Whose cause the deaths of thousands among those tribes who try to cross his borders, ::>nootmill! arrows like ::>aJl(:nlnet, ovc~rtnr()wmg thousands who The of his overawes his very words scatter the Asiatics. Sole over his bo:roe:rs, Who does not allow his servants to weary but lets the rest till dawn While his young folk take their his heart is their pr<)te~ctor; His decrees have marked out his Dounaanes, his word has the Two Banks toS:'!;ettler.
if. A
How are the for you have maintained their oU:en,njtsl How are your children. for you have established their domain! How are your fathers who were for you have increased their .... r.r~.," ... , How are in your strc;!n~:tn, for you have the ancient ",,,,,.·.~"tyAI How is mankind under your On'JPTn11"IO for your power has received their lives unto itselff How are the Two Banks in awe of you, for you have increased their po.sse:SSllonSI OJ ... , , " '.. '....
How are your young men of the army. for you have allowed them to pf()spterl How are the old and ve:neJratlle, for you have caused them to feel young How are the Two Lands in your "' ................ for you have their citadels! Refrain:
o Horus who broadens his bo.rd.f~rs. may you go on forever. iii. The Greatness
How is the Lord of his He is exalted a thousand times over; other persons are small. How is the Lord of his He is a dike which holds back the its flood of water. How is the Lord of his He is a cool room which lets each man until dawn. How is the Lord of his He is a with walls of copper from Sinai. How is the Lord of his He is which does not lack his nelPlrl)! hand. How is the Lord of his He is a fort which rescues the fearful man from his enemy. How is the Lord of his He is a sunshade to cool in summer. How is the Lord of his He is a warm nook in winter. How is the Lord of his He is the mountain which blocks the storm in a time of How is the Lord of his He is Sakhmet the enemies who test his borders.
He came to us to seize the Southland, and the Double Crown was firm on his head.
and Praises to Pharaoh
He came, he united the Two Lands, he the and the Bee. He came, he ruled the I-tecte:d the Two oajClIlteO the Two Banks. He came, he nourished the .... 0"lTnt1!ln he their troubles. He came, he saved the ~"ViV",","', he let the throats of the commoners breathe, He came, he the tor,elg:ner's. he struck down the tribes who did not fear him. He came, he descended to his lro,ntller:s, he rescued those who had been InJliJred. He came. his arms for what his power had 1:)!()U~mt He came, us our \,,111,1,""',,",", we have buried our elders
59. To Pharaoh Coming to Thebes for His Jubilee
Us.tralcon Wilson
Praises to you, 0 divine one who comes to Thebes for her. The districts celebrate with cries of satisfactionour prayers are heard the One who lUllmllnes; The House of the her fame and the son of Re rel 01ces. The memorial stelae reach to the because of this of him who is divine overlord; The Great Gods are bowed, their arms bent in J.IVUJ.Q,J".'"" their mouths directed downwardall their is for the One. 1
that you may be renewed that you may forth more than np1-fp,"t Praises are chanted for you in the Palacehow beautiful is all that is ordered in your Name!
The Two Lands entire are bound to your person, the Nine Bows are under your feet. And
say. "0 divine Ruler prosper, and be ne,altltlYJ you who love you who love I klngshllp 1There are none who can a consequence oppre~SSI.on of falsehood:
there is no
",t- ... tr."...,.
o You who make the downstream
pe,icetul fivefold-
let health be to you, Let life in abundance be yours. and us also renewal each
60. Hymn to Ramesses II his First ..... ... ,v ..",,,,
In Praise of the Great Inundation for the first of the Horus. Usermaat-re, son of Re. Ramessu life-when the Nile reached cubits The dikes cannot stand before He reaches the mountainsf Lord of the fish. abundant with all his rnc::>u'i!:n1CS are sweet. and the very make celebrationf We:lH)le.ase:(1 is the heart of in your timer the Black Land shall offer sacrifice There is no dearth of to satlstaC1:t0Il, and the whole world has come to your throne. The Ennead of has gat:nerea I"\r",,,,,,t"., like the
and Praises to Pharaoh
Incense and your It is like the mouth with cakes that Father Amun bakes for Your excellence is in His and the heart of every
and ~o~aClc~ss
in your
rec:ount1n~yourac(;OrnpJ[lstlm!enlts, and their peace of mind rests in your 20jDCllles:s, You are the who wields his """',rTh .."" who knows how to use his hand. in his power for those who follow him.
61.10 Praise of Ramesses II as a Warrior Anastasi II)
in his power. Divine who came forth from child of the Bull of He.llOJ)OillS;
means of his He made the Two Lands bow to his counsel, and the Nine Bows are trodden under his feet. their r ... lr.., .1-", All lands are drawn to him aU nations on a The chieftains of the rebel lands are become like cattle in their terror of He enters in among them like the Son of and lie due to his breath. slaugJhte:r. fallen to his strlemnn is him for ever and ""'r.......... "r'trl His power enfolds the mountainso Ramesses Mer-amun lord of of his army.
"""""',"""Irc:: and
62. In Praise of Merenptah as Warrior """,",I,.,.HI"IIC:: Anastasi II]
lions; .... ~ .. '''' ...J" ..... encompasses each land. He crosses mountains to seek out those who would attack his war~cry in their hearts. fear in their faces. Perfect effective in his counsel. may he make his Name victorious the world As of Lord of the Two Lands. like the rn ~I1P
63. In Praise of Merenptah Anastasi II J who lives on Maat, smrerlelQ'n beloved of the Precious son of descendant of the Bull of He:l1opOI1S, Falcon who enters in the child of Isis. Horus, The of sent to appear in and the land faUs into its proper .. h,.th,rn The
How very is Ba-en-rc~ how very his counselsf Whatever he says is like Thoth. all he succeeds. He is like one the way before his army,
and Praises to Pharaoh
whose words are a wall. How beloved is he who bends his back to him, to Beloved of Amun The victorious army has returned after it has in and power_a,"" .. fire on the land of Isderektiw bUI'nlrl2: the of the The ;::,n~eroen, whom you carried off your pltlO(jlen~a the tribes of the lands. r""tl1r." .... to Thebesyour chariot is weu!'f1tea Their chieftains are tied as in front of you, and you shall soon send them on to your Amun Bull of his Mother. AU"
64. A Letter of Homage to Pharaoh Merenptah Anastasi U]
and health! This is for information of the Beloved of Maat, the two horizons of Re wherein he
dwells. Attend to me, 0 ;::,nl,nlrlg who the Two Lands with his loveliness I Sundisk of the Sunfolk who drives darkness from the Black LandI You are like the of your who shines down from the ne'lvens: even the underworld Your rays and no lacks your The affairs of each country are told to you while you are at rest in your And you hear the of all nations for you have millions of ears. H.r.,n-ht",r your eye than the stars of neclveln. for you can see more than the sundisk itself. If one a voice from the underworld-
it reaches your ear; If one does it is concealedyour eye will still observe it. o Ba-en-re Meramun Lord of c.,;UllIl}Jla::>:Slun who fashions the breath of life.
65. In Praise of Merenptab
Anastasi Ba-en-re Meramun a club for be,atlI112.
is the foremost
of the
He came down from the was born in He:ll0pohs, and he has led to u.r1"nr'u in every land. How beautiful the is near you. how welcome is your voice in spceal<:mJ~, As you build the House of Ramesses Meramun at the southern border of each L""'L"'''F.,'' at the far north of With its beautiful windows and 21c;~anrunl£ balconies of lazuli and LUJ,\.fU'V'i:)\'-. It is the to drill your to field your armies, To moor your seaborn bowmen who you tribute. rh""'.r'\f"f"'U
Praises to you, as you a01DrC)aCn with your of archers with fearsome faces and hot ttn2eJrS Who go out upon the ways of battle a Ruler who is to after The mountains cannot stand before himare terrified before your awful presence, o Ba-en-re Meramun. You will exist while exists. and exists while you
and Praises to Pharaoh you dwell se<:urlely on the throne of your the Horus of Twin Horizons.
66. In Praise of the Delta Residence of Ramesses III
Anastasi II] tsejglnnU1lg of the Recital of the Power of the Lord of built himself a rA'f1n1r."'u mansion, of Power its name; It is between Phoenicia and the Delta and is filled with food and Or()Vl:SclOns. Its
is like Thebes of and it will outlast the House of Ptah in M€~ml)nlS. The Sun rises over its horizon and goes to rest within it; All abandon their home districts and settle in its On its western side is the on the south is the Astarte appears on its east and to the north. The Residence within it is like the two horizons of the Ramesses Meramun dwells there as a Montu of the Nations is his Re of the Rulers is vizierand descends on The one beloved of Atum is the mayor. and the land has settled into its familiar ways. The
chieftain of Khatti writes the chief of V,"",'....n •• lU. that we may hie to has halPpc~n(~ar to say. ·A miracle of
And offer to User-maat-re that he may the breath of life to those he loves." Each land exists love of Khatti is within his awful powerGod will not receive its ,.,.tlt"".. ,..... "r'" nor can it spy the rain, For it is in the power of User-maat-re our bull who loves valor.
From the Schoolboy Miscellanies Passing on the Religious Tradition
cOJ.lectlvetv known as "the scrlOOIOC~V r ... which seem to have been intended for instruction of scribes in the schools. are indeed a miscellaneous from proper Ipf'tpr_'UIr1i"llf'\a to of the to accounts of how much harder life was in aU other than that of scribe, to and prayers to and like those in this section. Much of this material is hummuch of it is the staff to the young stupr()tesslon to which were hmN'e~,er. often of school and and at times the are of Thoth in these poems is due to his role as of urr'tf'U"'Ifa of the sacred and of scribes and the scribal pf()te:ssllon. i
'tU . . .
67. Prayer to Ptah "Longing for Memphis" Anastasi See how my heart runs It flies to a it upstr,ealu to see House of the and I wish I were with itl my heart back But I sit here so it can tell me how it is in Mc:~ml;)h],s. 145
of Ptah-
and No work can be done my my mind cannot concentrate. o come to me, to carry me off to Mt:~ml}hlSI Let me look about unhinderedf I would the but my heart is l1stless; mind will not in my and seizes all of my limbsl eye is exhausted with ..... "".. U<,"" my ear, it will not be filled. my voice is hoarse and words become tumbled. o my Lord, be at peace with mef me to rise above aU these
68. Hymn to Thoth Anastasi III]
Praises to you, Lord of the Manor, baboon with mane,
To him contentment-for he is Thoth who overwhelms the earth with hp~Uf"'[rl His headdress is red his is caI~nellal[1; Love out from his pVI"'nr'{'\,\l;rc: as he opens his mouth to is sweet since the creature entered it. It has and is well furnished since my Lord set foot therein. pn'trunT
you of my ne:l2t1LDO,rnIOOeJI you all be for me, all my nelSZf1LDO,fSI Behold my lordf He made me what I am and my heart to him. o for me you are more than a charnlpilonj I shall never fear what you do. "'-vIV"''",v
From the ;::,cnoou:.ov Miscellanies
69. Prayer to Thoth Sallier!]
Chief of the ~"""~""U"~J'<J of the archives, Ameneminet. of the UeaSl.lry of writes to the scribe, Pentaweret. This letter is br()u~mt to you as follows: u ...........v,.~.
o Thoth, take me to HermloP'ol1s, your
where it is to live, ........,,,,'"1 ....... '" for my needs of food and drink WBltCJ11nlg over the words I utter. If
Thoth would be near me tomorrowf "Cornel" sayAnd I go into the presence of the Lords of I come forth vindicated I
cubits doum the one with nuts upon it. With fruit within the nuts and water in the fruit:-
o you who can
water from a faroft come, rescue me, a tn()U~~ntlUl manr o a well is sweet when a man is in the desert: It is sealed to one who uncovers his mouth UnW1.SeIV but open to the man. Let the man come that he may discover the well for the hot~headed man. And you shall be filled.
70. Prayer to Thoth For Wisdom in His Service Anastasi V:::'ln\lI", fC:
Scribe of letters to the Ennead. exalted in HellopOl1S! Come to me that you may counsel and make me wise in your affairs, Your is C1nl.,.n,("11" above any otherit makes for ~re~atlless; to form a dls.ttrl~lllistled I have seen the many men you ta\l'orled. and officials, seated on the Council of the because of what you do; and it is you who gave them wisdom. And it is you who counsel to him without a mother; fate and fortune are in your hand.
o come to me that you may
me wisdom! I am a devotee of your domain, Let me recount your deeds wherever I may be, Then shall the multitudes of "Great are the their children, them to your service. The service of the Lord of Power is pelrIelCW[)nI And he who is allowed to follow it. nrlnO'llna
71. Prayer to Re-Horakhty
Anastasi (I] Corne to me, 0 so that you may me wisdom, You are the one who aC(:onlpllsnes; no one acts without your KnOWleCl2'eyou act with him.
From the ;,:,c:nOiOlDfOV Miscellanies it is you are the Splenj::Uo heart is gQne to He:l1QPQl1S; my have fallen away, my heart is and my
Hear my prayers: my entreaties of each and my in the pe1tltl()nS shall be increased in my mouth, are heard this
o no other here is like himf Guardian of his nunorecl-trlollsanos, prcltec:tQr 'Of any who shall call tQ himl
o Lord 'Of HeJllot)Oll,S. I am a man whQ does nQt know hunsc;,U, a persQn without a heart 'Or C'r",An,rrl-h Who fQllows his own dictates like an ox fodder. As for my in [.....J I take
rest is
72. Praise of Amun-Re Anastasi II J
vizier of the PQQr. He does not take bribes from wrongoioelrs nor with 'One who bears nQr him who makes easy pc<)mtses.
Amun-Re the earth with his and his words shall rest in the heart; He the and sends him on to the Place of Fire; man goes to the West.
73. Prayer to Amun Supplication in a Year of Need
"''''''''''"''''' Anastasi Come tome, preserve me in this year of 1'ntlt::pr'lll The sun is up but does not winter has come summer, Months backwards and the hours are IUI'l['lOI.ea. The eminent cry to you, the humble are you; And those in the arms of their nurses say, "Give us our air, 0 Amun!" Amun find how to come here in peace with the sweet breeze before him! Or may he let me grow of on>tectlon like those his ClrtT_c',\tn the herders in i"nl!lni'ru<:!.t1""
74. Prayer to Amun
Anastasi you find that Amun acts as you desire in his hour of benediction As you are praLlseO within the circle of the ma£lstrates and well in the Place of Truth.
flood overwhelms the with many birdsand all the poor are fed.
o lord of
From the ;:,c.nO'DIO'OV Miscellanies
the eminent in the seats of the eminent and the in the seats of the And the Scribe of the lreaSl.lry, . .,....1"'....., .... who is your Truth. before
75. Prayer to Amun Of a Man on Trial Anastasi
Amun. your ear to one who is alone in court: he is and without power. The court extorts him with silver and for the scribes and for their followers. that Amum transform himself into a vizier. this humble man go forth free! And let it be found that the humble man becomes a man, and let the humble man surpass the . . . r.u7"'...+•• 1
76. In Praise of Amun Anastasi II J who knows the waters, that is a ste:entn£ oar for the food to the one who has not, One who who the servant of his house to prosper.
I do not take
a man as pf(>te,ctolr. with the men of means; nr.'~""",,,, under the arm household.
Amun. who knows what kindness is and hears the one who cries to of the Bull who in his power.
11. In Praise of Amun
Anastasi Make the heart of Amun in your heart that he may lead you to a fine old age. And may you a lifetime of such service until you reach the state of blessedness. Your your limbs Iar-gC:lZllrlg. and your fine. You shall a staff of within your grasp. A chariot of your own with all new llttln$l~S and to With Southlanders you have aC'~Ullred before you. You shall embark and travel in your of cedar, decked out from prow to stern. rr1',,,ntT at your villa which you 'l1("\'l1rC:plt
Your mouth shall be filled with wine and With oxen outCf1ler4eO, wine and sweet in your presence. Your chief shall anoint with rich pelrtumes, your chief of lands Your overseer of farmers offer and your fishermen fish. Your shall return from Khor laden with every sort of spI.enl010
From the
;:,c.n010UJi OV
Your pens be filled with young, and your weavers nounSnl.flR. You shall prosper and your enemy fall, the one who you be no And you shall enter in the conclave of the Nine Great Gods and come forth blest!
Harper's Songs In Praise of Life
songs are difficult to in the ancient for diem theme, "seize the celebrate life in this ple~aSl.lre while one can; for the end of life is the grave, not a blissful afterlife with Osiris. Their occurrence is puz;zJ.lnJ~, not because of in the statement of their theme-that death is the end is clear-but because are in tombs with other and prayers which are traditional in eXl::>reSSlnj! in the of The from Inter s tomb tna,U£JU to go back to the Middle the 1\.Ul£(]Orn. The three songs from Nelerno'rep tomb are palrtlCUlc:lrI} Neternotep CO!nplaU1S ..."...."' .. 1" of the tra~Cllt10n;
of the ":ArT''-'''''
78. From the Tomb of King Intef U'''" ,n\ Harris II"
in the tomb of
. .,'
vindicated. in front of the with the
He is pf()spennj!, death is a 154
passes, another behindsuch has it been since the men of ancient times. The of ago rest in their PVlranlUlS. and the and blessed likewise lie buried in their tombs. Yet those who built mansions, their are no more. What has become of them all? 1 have heard the words of ImlrlOtep, and Ho,rOJeOc:!l too, in their narrations. now? Where are their Their walls are down, Their gone. like SOlnetntUir that has never been. There is no return for them to their pre~sellt To say how it is with to our hearts until we hasten to the
have gone.
let your heart be fade from your tn()u~~nts. and follow your heart's desire while you liver
Put own pelrtumes, up your nalDDJtne~ss. and let not your heart become weary. Follow your heart's desire and what you find act on your own behalf while on earthf And let not your heart be troubledthat of for you must come; And will not hear their Wal1l11rl2. we:eo:tnQ' does not save the heart from the grave.
79. From the Tomb of Inherkhawy Tomb
a that your name may encJUJ'e l)eC,lUs:e Count up your
Be not troubled at heart over all that nalPpeo,s, let there be smgUllg Recall not the but
and true, content with your lot. not evilLet your heart be drunk on the of the until that comes when you anchor. fJo." .....4.' .. ,
80. Three Harper's Songs From the Tomb of Neferhotep
Tomb i. First
the Chanted vindicated:
with the
for the God's Father of Amun, Neter-
o all you excellent eminent dead, 0
~n.,o.u, 0 of Life in the hear what has been com}:)os:ea To the of the God's Father in nononng his what is neJlPtlLll for the excellent dead man Now that he is a for ""h::..........."u elevated in the West. these words become a memorial in future to anyone who passes .L..r. .
I have heard those songs in the tombs of ancient and what say, Hfe on earth and the of the dead. is this, which is It loathes Cllsorcler; and no one a,rms himself a nelgrlD()r in this land without a rebel.
All our ancestors have come to rest within it of time; since the wastes at the And those who shall come to millions on millions, aU go there. There is no Itnap'r1na in our Beloved not one fails to arrive And the span of what was done on earth is the flicker of a dream when say, safe and soundr" to the one who reaches the West.
ii. Second tleJ~innirlg
of the song: of ...... ,.,."" ............ in the minds of all who shall be buried! it none escape. and weak are in the same condition: whether travel up or down the River it is there moor at last.
o God's Father, what a fine lot is yours that you have the lords of p.h··rrutul How is your name forevermore as one in the Land of God. The you followed when you were aliveyou have the entree to them face to are to receive your preserve your honors, mtlltl1Dlv the works of your your and maintain the altar to your person. each with his .... A.· ... ,.,'n And say to you, "Welcome in peace, 0 to our -For the God's Father I'-IPTPrnn'l"pn be~wtten of the noble man, Ameneminet.
o God's Father, let me hear your ...... of btermty:
r ••
before the Lords
say, "He has drawn the bark of Sokarl" you the halitelnmL2 shlnmlg breast. and circle the "' .... T>_.-.... ".. . " at his "He has raised up the. taken the hoe on the Recited the ritual of Busiris." Blessed be your existence with the You shall be remembered for your ac<:oflnpllisttmlen1:s; and it is you who can enter Hel1opohs, Irr",",UT'lnO' - For the who satisfies the heart of J"C.<-'--L"':tdl
o God's Father. your soul advances and your coffin passes Anubis seeks you out, his arms about you; the Two Sisters embrace you; The rites are once for you. for you are now entrusted with the labors of prs:;....... 11''l'' the likeness of a anointed the hands of Shezemu, Clothed the labors of with the Sons of Horus as your whole pr()te,ctijDn. For you the Twin Kites sit at the Twin Gates to cry out lamentations in your Name. your life on earth is beneficial to your Lord o God's Father of vindicated.
o God's
the memory of you endures in Hellopolls, your remains in Thebes. Never can it be that you are lost all .,.1'"........1''1. nor shall your Name be goneBecause you are one who was in the House of who could enter face to face at the Great appearances, in the Irn,(">ul'lpc10'P of time and of prp·.. n1ru one Be raised up. 2Ic.nc)Us o honored Neterlhot:ep. whose enemies are overthrown for all pf:p· .. n1f:'l1'
160 iii. Third
the God's Father of
who is in the tomb of the osiris and vindicated. He says:
How restful is this man( What had to come has turned out well! Generations have on since the time of the and the young come into their Re offers himself at dawn, and Atum sinks to rest in the Western Mountain. Men women conceive, and every nostril inhales the breeze. At dawn are born one after another. then aU go on to the set aside. Live
0 God's Father! Take fine to your nostrils. With lotuses, and berries at your breast. with your who is in your heart, at your side. Put and music before you; turn your back on every sadness Remember of that wherein one moors until the In the land that loves silence where the heart of the Son who loves Him never wearies. the vindicated, o God's Father. excellent, with pure hands! I have heard the nappenea to those of former their homes gone. had never been since the time of the As if abandoned what are now your OC(:UPles their posse:ssl.ons. fi .. ' .... their waters and reJ:re:snl,n~ your heart. I;,j","
Offer bread to him who is without his land that a name may be yours in future and pt",.rn·itu The eyes of their look to you-
Raise up their sacred to the throne of ReI Their cry out in their fTlt,::!pr'lT' cannot do while to their and counts off his Awaken situationthe wretched man who must be servant to his Shade.
bere on tbe text is
Love Songs In Praise of Love
The love songs of the New are different in flavor from all the other selections in this volume; for are secular. the moods of and adulation are there; but in this case the is not a but a sometimes a man or a woman. These since the modern reader a {!:u:mtlse attitudes of young lives full of pa~)Sl(m love and sadness. These few love are them-show another side of the voice of ancient kind of to the of the ancient as for could be further from the truth. The ancient love the and the while a in the heart for one or more human creatures.
to do to me? about it? me stand at the door of her house while she herself insidel
.......,,"" . . . 11'..
Love Not even
"Have a nice homef" she dammed up her ears the whole
V;:or'\\lIrt Ie
82 Chester
do you your heart? After her! I say. Take her in your arms! it's me at you, For my tunic over my shoulder!
83 Chester
love is one alone, without her beautiful above all women. See like the of the ..... year. at the bej~mmr:lg
1"1...... " .........
star in Splen(lOr
With c1az,zlulg with that are sweet in Spl~aIianJ~, With and not a word too much; :stI:al~~llt her neck and white her and her tresses like Her arms are more .........,............. ... her like lotus bIClsSc)ms, With l'11'nnna bel.gbten her Her is as she treads upon earth; and she fastens my heart in her embrace. She makes the necks of the young men round about to see her.
is he who can embrace herhe is first of all the young loversf look at her as she walks One alone! like that
84 Chester
heart was mtenlalI1t~ to go and see Nefrus and sit awhile at her But I found down the road with his band of young men. I did not know how to escape him in order to him unhindered. Oh lookl the is like the Riverthere is no to my feet! heart is so foolish: avoid Oh, if I go near him I shall tell him my heart. "I am 1 would say to him. And he would shout out my name And me away in the finest harem of all those meant for his servants.
85. The Memphis Ferry
I am
downstream on the under the of the caCltalJO, my bundle of old clothes on my shoulder.
love I am headed for Mf~mJ)his, and I shall say to "Give mea The water is full of vej~etat1on Ptah is the reeds. Sakhmet the lotus shoots. The of dew is the lotus buds. and Nefertem the Dlc.ssc,ms, [. . . . . . .]
offered the
of berries of the handsome face.
86 Harris
I shall go lie down at home, and I shaH sickness.
Then the will enter to look at me, and my love will come with them. She will force the doctors to leave defeatedfor she knows my ..... <31 <3r1"1
87. Songs of the Birdcatcher's Daughter, ii Harris
The voice of the wild goose cries out, his n!lt'r_'UTorrn' And love of you ensnares mel do not know how to work free.
my nets; but what in shall I tell Keltuflnml£ to her each loaded down with my catch? I shall be sett:ln£ I am taken m\!rSeII-·nv I must
88. Songs of the Birdcatcher's Daughter, iii Harris
The wild goose flies up. then settles, into the np,rrf1,,\...,· Birds scurry about like lizards. and I calm Deann£ my love for you, for I am aloneThis heart of mine is to your own; I shall never be far from your charms.
89. Songs of the Birdcatcher's Daughter, vi ..... ",''"'Ufl'. H;;'
The voice of the swallow is .......... "Land is cease your chattennQ: for I found my love in his bed; And my heart was r.'U~"1"li"...'rp·rt when he said to me, "I shall never be far: But hand in hand we shall and I shall be with you in each He me first of his favorite -he would never my heart. u ....... '
Other Poems
This final section is' devoted to three small poems which do not convefit elsewhere. The first is a song a rntl1r~lr'u 'utrrnr"U' It appears in the 6 tomb of Weni and is because of its and because it is one of the earliest verse structure (a to have survived. The prayer of Ramesses II to his is an from the "Battle of ...............,'u .. , poem in its own And there is the .. .-",rnT_''''',.. teCllcn:er, at the same time how different the ancient Fa'lTnt,2n coJllell~e or
90. Victory Song of Wenl Museum Stele
This army returned in trtlLlm,pn after the land of the oe
the tens of tn()Usanas; after This army returned in tnlJmph after a multitude of the therein as And I was prallsea
91. Prayer of Ramesses II At the Battle of Kadesh, 1275 B.C.E.
What is this with you, my Father Amun? What sort of father his son? ~o without you. Have I not gone and listened for your voice that I the counsel which you Lord of \"'Vl,la ..
.........r'Ynf... ,
IOI:el,~n(~rs encroach upon his landslWhat is on your mind? These Asiatics are scoundrels l£nlor.mt of
Have I not constructed for you many monuments? Did I not fill your with my of war? Did I not build for you my House of Millions of Years and you all my as '£OCT">""'" Did I not govern for you each land entire in order to ""''1'''",.".,-1"" Did I not n'l"'P'C;!Pt",f"
in order to comJ,:Helce Did I not raise you n"l1.[)'ht'tT and set their Did I not you obelisks from Abu? And it was I who furnished workers skiUed in stoner Did I not over from the Great Green Sea in order to convey to you the work of lands?
Other Poems
One consider then a small deed in favor of the one who trusts himself to your Do to him who counts on you; then he you with a heart of love!
I have cried out to you, my father amidst a multitude of enemies I do not know. The lands assembled me, there is no other with me. has gone, nor did a charioteer look back at me as I cried out to Not one heard me as I called to them. for me But then I found Amun above a million soldiers, a hundred thousand ch.anotc;~er,s. More than ten thousand men, comrades and children, united in of heart. not the work of multitudes of Del:lDleAmun is than I learned these from your own U"'....'U\.I". 0 Amun; and I did not exceed your counsel. at the far end of the world. and my voice echoed thl:OU.gh . . .....~LJ"".;>, And I found that Amun would come once I cried out to him. He his hand in mine and I was And he called as if behind me, "Go forwardf I am with I am your my hand is in I am than hundreds of thousands of menf I am the Lord of Lover of I
And I found that my heart was Ste.aOlea, and my mind was filled with All I was turned out well. and I attacked like Montul
v .. "",\l.... ,re
92. A Litany in Praise of the Teacher
You have skilled hands the censer before the Lord of the Gods each time he appears. You are a God's Overseer of the M'lirc:t'I"r11"C: r!:11"r'U111'\0' the fan in your hand and the linen in your with the Hand-of ~Shu in your grasp to your Lord. You are an in the of Ptah, one wise in all the secret of the House of the Prince. You are of ,n.~.l1U..u..\;J., Greatest of Seers of Re at prc!si(jin,~ over his ouenn~s. You are Wloe··stlrlomsz one adlmlt:tlI1I.2 nan'.... la the flail. Your arms are skilled at "''''~trn'''l'Y ouen.fi.2libations, CetlSlln~,
to your lord who bears
first to invoke in the You are the one who embraces the of Mut, Mistress of Heaven, of tprrU1inO' her about within her pf(~CU1Ct on the first of Asheru. You are the one who draws the water for Khonsu in on the of the in the House of the Prince. You are wise in counsel, in spl~a~anj~, 100'KII1l2' ahead-and whatever you do succeeds. of hearts-like the divine Ibis: and Ear. Nile. You are rich in Or()VlSlons. l£1'\t"\Ul'I1'\O' Olspellse them to all whom you love like a sw,elllnu sea.
You are an eminent, evc:!n-ternp4ered man, ottsprm~ of the
Other Poems
beloved of all who bear the favor of the You have been of station since your and your hall is flooded with abundance. You are rich in with wen~stocked XIC:Lnanc/); has accrued to you since the of your birth. You are blessed with horses, with sails; your like red on the flood. You have many crews wise in na'{1~,atl~C)n, carry and load. their words are 1-''''....',..'''.'''.... You are careful in your answers; you have hated coarse since your birth. You are nalno:sorne, pl(~asan'tly Iormeo. and love of you fills everyone like a Nile. You are in skilled in what is whatever you say is accurate-and you hate You sit ma~Jestlc,aUji your servants answer "'I-"~"""'U)l Those who pour the ale pour .. "".,n"" ........ and all who see you are festive with nalPPJLne~SSI You serve your lord well, you all that comes from your mouth is ple~aSl,n~ You are one when you the De~er-1IUQ' beloved of Him who drives the cattle at the And you direct the Festival for the Sovelrei!~n,He who the Nine Bows at his feet and cares for his army. £'\t't'A ...........
Text: Sethe 1908: 1:205-16. Translations: Faulkner 1969: 80-84; Lkhtheim 1973: son,
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
..L ....1\.J-Ju.
and Wente 1973; Foster 1992: 19-23. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:426-32. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 141-43. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:292-93. Translations: Faulkner 1969: Lichtheim 1973: 1:41. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:137-38. Translations: Faulkner 1969: Lkhtheim 1973: 1:32-33. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:358-62. Translations: Faulkner 1969: 123-24: Lkhtheim 1973: 1:41-42. Text: Sethe 1908: 2:142-49. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 187-88. Text: Sethe 1908: 2:127-31. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 184-85. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:387-91. Translations: Faulkner 1969: Lkhtheim 1973: 1:43-44. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:161-66. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 67. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:280-81. Translations: Faulkner 1969: Lkhtheim 1:40-41. Text: Sethe 1908: 2:80-83. Translations: Faulkner 1969: Lkhtheim 1973: 1:47-48. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:199-202. Translations: Faulkner 1969: Lkhtheim 1973: 1:35-36. 172
Sources 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
29. 30.
Text: Sethe 1908: 1:181-83. Translations: Faulkner 1969: Lichtheim 1973: 1:34-35. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:253-54. Translations: Faulkner 1969: Lichtheim 1973: 1:39. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:174-75. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 70. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:85-86. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 43-44. Text: Set he 1908: 2:308-13. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 228-229. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:195-99. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 76-77. Text: Sethe 1908: 2:389-97. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 250-51. Text: Sethe 1908: 2:358-60. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 243. Text: Sethe 1908: 2:344-55. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 238-41. Text: Sethe 1908: 1:474-79. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 151-52. Text: Sethe 1908: 2:372-77. Translation: Faulkner 1969: 246-47. Text: The 1980: PI. 20. Translations: Wente 1980: 38; Assmann 1975: 162-64 Text: The 1980: PI. 7. Translation: Wente 1980: 30-32. Text: Martin 1989: PI. 25. Translation: Martin 1989: 33-34. Text: Martin 1989: Pis. 21-22. Translations: Martin 1989: and Daumas 1980: 122-124 and 352-53 Assmann 1975: 165-69 Text: Moret 1931: 725-30 and Pis. I-III. Translations: and Daumas 1980: 91-97 Assmann 1975: 443-48 Lichtheim 1976: 2:81-86: Foster 1992: 40-46. Text: The 1980: PI. 19. Translation: Wente 1980: 37. Text: Edwards 1939: 22-25 and PI. xxi; Sethe 1927-30: De Buck 1963: 113-15. Translations: and Daumas 1980: 187-91 Assmann 1975: 209-12 Lichtheim 1976: 2:86-89.
174 31.
Text: Mariette 1872: 2: PIs. xi-xiii. Cf. G ......v,u ..... , Hieratiscbe Lesestucke 2: PIs. 33-34 (Sec:tlOJ1S Translations: K'!llrnrrr and Daumas 1980: 191-201 Assmann
Text: Golenischchev 1927: 169-96. Translations: K""'111""rr and Daumas 1980: 255-61
1975: 199-207
Assmann 1975:
308-12 33.
and Daumas 1980: 206-29 J<.J.t:.,~"',"". selections Foster 1992: 34. 35. 36.
Assmann selections.
Text: 1910; 1:1-3. Translation: Faulkner 1985: 27; Assmann 1975: 133-35 Text: 1910: 1:3-5. K!lrlllrrr and Daumas 1980: 168-69 Translation: In Text: 1910: 1:6-7. Translation: and Daumas 1980: 170-72 Text: 1910: 1:7-9. .....""" .......... and Daumas 1980: 174-77 Assmann 1975: 'TT'llL£-".H,
38. 39.
40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
Text: Translation: None. Text: 1910: 1:36-38. Translations: Faulkner 1985: and Daumas 1980: 172-74 Assmann 1975: 135-37 Text: 1910: 1:40-45. Translations: Faulkner 1985: 41-44; Assmann 1975: 139-44 Text: 1910: 1:45-48. Translation: None. Text: 1910: 1:48-50. Translation: Assmann 1975: 150-51 Text: 1910: 1:12-13. Translation: None. Text: 1910: 1:38-40. Translations: Assmann 1975: 137-39 Faulkner 1985: 40-41. Texts: Davies 1908: 6: PIs. 27 and Sandman 1938: 93-96. Translations: Lichtheim 1976: Assmann 1975: 215-21 Foster 1992: 5-10. Text) Erichsen 1933: 49-50. Translations: oalrUC:Q Assmann 1975: 414-15
Sources 47. 48. 49, 50.
52. 53. 54.
55. 56.
Text: Heick 1955-58: 2090-91. Translation: Lichtheim 1976: 2:101. Text: Heick 1955-58: 2091-94. Assmann 1975: 463-65 Translations: Lichtheim 1976: Text: Heick 1955-58: 2089-90. Translations: Lichtheim 1976: 2:101. Text: Martin 1989: PI. lines 18-25. Translations: Martin 1989: 31; and Daumas 1980: 352-53 Assmann 1975: vv. 69-93 Text: Van der Plas 1986: 2: Eclectic Text: Foster 1975: 1-29. Translations: Van der Plas Lichtheim 1973: 1: Foster 1992: 47-52. Text: Posener 1938-80: 3: PIs. 81-84a. Translation: Fischer-EIfert 1986: 31-62. Text: Davies 1953: 3: Pl. 12. Translation: and Davies 1980: 461-64 Text: Gardiner 1931: PIs. XXIV-XXIVA. K" .. ,,,r-rt and Daumas 1980: Lichtheim 1976: ~lnlPSOn, tlnlpSOn, tlnlpSOn, ralJl1KIler, and Wente 1973: Foster 1992: 104. Text: Griffith 1898: PIs. I-IV, Translations: Assmann 1975: 476-80 Lichtheim 1973: L"'..I~."'.i.U. ~lnlpSOn, l"'alJllkIler, and Wente 1973: 279-84. Text: Foster 1994: 87-97. Translation: Foster 1994: 94. Text: and Gardiner 1957: PIs. and Oriental Institute ·h'_~ ...." Ostracon 19265 (unlpubl1:sru;~d). Translation: and Daumas 1980: 504-6 Text: Gardiner 1937: 13. Translation: Caminos 1954: 40-43. Text: Gardiner 1937: 14. Translation: Caminos 1954: 43-44. ..L •.
59. 60.
61. 62.
176 63, 64.
65. 66. 67.
Text: Gardiner 1937: 14-15. Translation: Caminos 1954: 44-47. Text: Gardiner 1937: 15-16. Translations: Caminos 1954: and Daumas 1980: 488-89 Assmann 1975: 497 Text: Gardiner 1937: 28-29. Translation: Caminos 1954: 101-3. Text: Gardiner 1937: 12-13. Translation: Caminos 1954: 37-40. Text: Gardiner 1937: 39. Translations: Caminos 1957: Foster 1992: 60. Text: Gardiner 1937: 25. Translations: Caminos 1954: and Daumas 1980: 360-61 Text: Gardiner 1937: 85-86. "'~.· and Daumas 1980: Translations: Caminos 1954: 359-60 Assmann 1975: 384-85 Lichtheim 1976: 2:114. Text: Gardiner 1937; 60. Translations: Caminos 1954: and Daumas 1980: 36263 Assmann 1975: 356-57 Lichtheim 1976: 2:113. Text: Gardiner 1937: 18-19. Translations: Caminos 1954: 60-63; and Daumas 1980: 145-46 Assmann 1975: 380 Text: Gardiner 1937: 2, 16. Translations: Caminos 1954: and Daumas 1980: 253 Assmann 1975: 379 Lichtheim 1976: 2:111. Text: Gardiner 1937: 45. and Daumas 1980: Translations: Caminos 1954: 254-55 Assmann 1975: 382 Foster 1992: 59. Text: Gardiner 1937: 45-46. Translations: Caminos 1954: 174-76; and Daumas 1980: 255 Assmann 1975: 383 Text: Gardiner 1937: 17. Translations: Caminos 1954: 56-58; and Daumas 1980: 253-54 Assmann 1975: 379 Lichtheim 1976: 2:111. Text: Gardiner 1937: 17-18. Translations: Caminos 1954: and Daumas 1980: 254 Assmann 1975: 380-81 Lichtheim 1976: 2:112. Text: Gardiner 1937: 37-38. Translation: Caminos 1954: 137-43. -L.Jlc.l-.JoL.
.. rrY
Sources 78. 79. 80.
Text: Fox 1985: 378-80. Translations: Lichtheim 1973: Text: 1930: PIs. Translations: Lichtheim 1945: Text: Had 1985: PIs. XXVI. Translations: Had 1985: i: pp. heim 1976: 2:115-16
1973: 306-7.
ii: pp. 14-15; iii; pp.
Translations: Lichtheim 1976: 2:188 Wente 1973: 324-25 82.
90. 91. 92.
::smlpson, ralllKller, and Translations: Lichtheim 1976: 2:188 Wente 1973: 324 Foster 1974: 9; Fox 1985: 74 Text: Gardiner 1931: PI. 1-9. Translations: Lichtheim 1976: ........."............. , and Wente 1973: 315-16 Foster 1974: 45-46; Fox 1985: 52 Text: Gardiner 1931: PI. 4-9. :SlnlPson, ra1.UKIICr, and Wente Translations: Lichtheim 1976: 1973: Foster 1974: 50-51; Fox 1985: 53 Text: Fox 1985: 372. Translations: Lichtheim 1976: 2:189 :smlPson. ralUKIler, and Wente 1973: 299-300 Foster 1974: 71; Fox 1985: 11-12 Text: Fox 1985: 372-73. :SmlPson. Faulkner, and Foster 1974: Text: Fox 1985: 375-76. :StnlPson . .t'alUKIler, and Foster 1974: Text: Fox 1985: 376. Translations: Lichtheim 1976: 2: 190 ::smlPson. l:'alllkJler and Wente 1973: 303 Foster 1974: Fox 1985: 20 Text: Fox 1985: 377. ........................ , and Translations: Lichtheim 1976: 2:190-91 Foster 1974: Fox 1985: 23 Wente 1973: 304-5 Text: Sethe 1933: 103-4. Translation: Lichtheim 1973: 1:20. Text: Kitchen 1975-90: 2:34-44. Translation: Lichtheim 1976: 2:65-66. Text: Gardiner 1937: 112-15. Translations: Caminos 1954: Lichtheim 1976: 2:173-75.
t:,)!'vPtUl11's. New York: Thames & Hudson. Thomas ...... '-'VLJ;:;'-' 1960 The '-',.,."' ....... v. Oriental Institute J:'11;,OUlcatloflS Press. Annual 1947L. M. J. Zonhoven et al. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Oosten. since now throu~m 1992. und Gebete. Zurich and Munich: Artemis l(e.tl)!tOn: Re, Amun and tbe Crisis t'OI'VtDle:lS1n. Trans~ntnony Alcock. London and New York: Paul Inter-
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179 L ' ........... '-',
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or tbe Theban Recension of tbe Text Edited Numerand Chaldea KeJ>rU1lt, AMS
Caminos, Ricardo A. 1954 Miscellanies. London: Oxford Inf""'''C1fT'lT Press. lanJ:51ilV and Alan Gardiner 1957 Hieratic Ostraca. Oxford: Oxford Universi1:v Press. Davies. Norman de Garis 1908 The Rock Tombs of el Amarna. Part VI.-Tombs UCjne()lOJ~lc,al .,.;·....... ''''*''r of Mc~tr1oP1oWtan
Museum of Art
A. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het
Oosten. Edwards. I. E. S. 1939
Stelae etc. Vol. 8. London: British
The Tomb tions 102. .......
4 .. ""a1".'-"
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4.44.. "'...........
J. aan Amon 'Van Leiden I recto. Oudheid· Kuno1Lge Me~dedeJin~~en uit het KijJ[{snluseulD van New Series XXVIII. Leiden: Het van Oudheden.
Abdju-fish. Unidentified fish, mentioned in the context of Re's 1nnrnJ"u in the Bark and ac,;:ornpanleCi the int-fish bultiWatches for the appearance of proper, near the Abu. The town of in the far south of
for the grave of whose it is. Destination for both the and the dead. Afterworld. Translation of word duat, the realm that the individual reaches at death. Also translated as "otherworld" or "underworld," Akhenaton [Akhenaten). One of the last of ac(:or1dm,g to traditional about in Middle Akhenaton for the .. '''... '''1'' ..... Ameneminet. Official the end of B.C.E. Several of his letters to Pentaweret survive on 13th V<1T"nrr.u' SaUier I. Amenmose. "Overseer of the cattle of Amun." Lived 18. Owner of stele known as Louvre Stele 286 on which appears the most extensive account of the Osiris known from .... ~ .........'"'., .• _ Op'pOliea to times. Amun [Amon). Chief of from the Middle KlflgClom nates in Thebes and becomes prc:>m,lnc~nt 184
185 pnnc(~s
unite a divided and become the pnaniLUIlL~ of 11 and 12. He is "the Hidden One." of Amun-Re (Amon"Rel. The supreme the as a fusion of the divine pe.rscmalUtles visible sun Hidden and Re of the Delta at Busiris. AndjeU. "He of the town of Precursor of Osiris. of The Book the Dead. Ani .. Owner of one of the finest and fullest Lived at the end of 18. Anubis. God of emballmlrl.2: Apis. of Memp.nls. of Connected with Apophis (Apepl. Cosmic v .....'.........,t- of disorder. which attacks Re his in the ~p(J.pnlS and the followers of Re occurs he is defeated but cannot be annihilated. Should he be victorious. the universe would slide back to chaos. Hence the of the songs to the Sun. Asiatics. General term for the east and northeast of Often of
the New KlIl.2:(lOIU and functions as a or()tectc)c Atef. See Crowns. Aton (Aten). The conceived of the monotheistic A version of the traditional "'''''''T"r'<1n SUII-l!loa. maniand warmth of the sun's disk. testm,j! himself in the Atum. The to the ........ """" ... of yy
which constituted the central of ancient Atum-Horakhty. Atum as he was identified and fused with Horus of the Two the of the sun of the new Cel)t14::>n. Re himself was the sun as seen the and Atum was the or sun. Atum..Khepri. Atum as he was identified with the cosmic scarab beetle
18. He became the death of to its traditional ways. Amarna tomb contains the finest copy of Akhenaton's to Aton. I"",nnrr
asr'eclts of the human pel:SOlnallty, ac(:or1oml£ to the
19 who at times is "''''''''''':>u,"",rI as a baboon. The creature is often shown with its arms raised wo,rstllplln£ the morn~ sun. Babylon, Ancient. The town of 1-f1"~,I_n"n south of ancient HellOPOUS. Not the Mc~sopotarntan Bark. Re's .,.1...,,, .... ".. '" in which Bark of Millions of Years. Name of the he traverses the underworld at to rise at the next dawn. Bark of Re. The Bark or the on the context. Battle of Kadesh. Battle Ramesses II in his fifth year ag,un:st the Hittites at the town of on the Orontes River in It was, in effect. a defeat for the but the valor of the was celebrated in a TT'I1n1~pn'lr poem, "The Battle of Kadesh. which survives in \..VIJJ,,,,.,. both on and on monuments. The condition or process of into notnltn$l~nc~ss. Often a materialization or appearance of a The cosmos "becomes" when Atum creates it. Bee. The heraldic creature of Lower the Delta. Benben. A sacred stone in the obelisk in the at Hel1opous.ltwasth()u~~ht ..""'.."..""' . . ""'' " .. the initial form of the sun when he first rose out of chaos on the hillock from which he created the universe. Beyond. A translation for the of the afterlife. eSJ)eclall,v the black soil of its fertile Black Land. A for A reference to terrain. not to V'" ''''v Book of the Dead. The collection of rell£l()US and prayers and divided into the cn,loters of a k ....""n+'1 "' .., c who could afford it would select the ters that to them. A copy was buried with them and used as a to the afterworld. Bull of Heaven. The and of the bun as a cosmic Bull of Heliopolis. The Mnevis. ancient sacred bull of Heuopous. espeBaboon. Animal sacred to
4 ....
187 prc)mln(~nt in the New Klltl~(JOIn and later. Mediator for the sunsource of oracles. Bulti-fish. Translation for the int-fish. See Abdju-fish. Busiris. Ancient town in the middle of the "House of Osiris." Ret)Utc~d to be the of the in re1:l~l()US prc:ml:stonc northern texts. Known as K1nl~OtOm before the unification Cartouche. The oval in which the fourth and fifth names prenomen and of the are written. in Celestial Cow. A of the heavens who aids the deceased attj,un:m~ his proper Celestial Ferryman. In the 1-"1:71,..,"'''Urt who is to row the to his new life in the ne'VOltlO. Chaos. The before creation It was, in characterized as a darkness. Coming Forth. The emergence of the deceased from the tomb after death as an invisible but vital upon earth. In that resurrection. Council of the Thirty. A high JUdtlCl.a1 Crocodile. The creature that often sl~n1l1es death. Crowns. There were several worn on various occasions the There the Red Crown of was the White Crown of the Double Crown, a combination of the Lower first two, which the union of the Two the a first worn version of the White Crown with two feathers at the the Blue Crown and others. Darius. Persian 27. Day Bark. The the
Day of Mooring. of death. Debty (Djebaty]. "The in his coffin." ~plltnc~t of Osiris and other Dedja. Unidentified or bUlllctln~. (esSetltl.11I~ that north of modern Delta. Northern or Lower where the Nile fanned out into several branches in antiquity. times. With the southSite of an or DUlllOln~.
tTly",,". ",n town 1""'",....
there is one of the best nr"'·~".r'Vi"·rt in
Divine Tribunal. Name for the Ennead
in conclave to administer
Divine Youth (Divine Child). Re as the dawn sun, after he has gone below the horizon and been the so as to reappear renewed and in the m()rl1ltnJg. Djed .. pillar. A or of uncertain as a of power. "endurance." Djehuty. Name for the Thoth. Djoser IZoser). 3 and owner of the his famous architect Duamutef. One of the four pnltectln£ the call1ODtC with the deceased's internal organs. Duamutef the stomach. Eastern Horus. Horus as the sun and thus of lands to the east of Easterners. Here, deities or the blessed dead who have gone to the in death. and rise like Re to renewed life. Eight Great Gods. The of of male-female pr:mC:1PleS re(:ec.ta,:le for the cosmos. space, and motion. EI .. Hibis. Locale in the Oasis in the western desert. Site of the Hibis ~"'lJn""Jl"'" n!3,.'lrnpl;:l;:
Nekhbet. Elder Horus. The ancient cosmic Horus, "whose eye is the sun and whose left is the moon. Not Horus the son of Isis and Osiris. Elephantine. at the south of near the of Aswan. Enemy. for the cosmic of disorder. Ennead. The Nine Great Gods of the the creator formed Shu united to Pf()OllCe four deities of the Osirian Enneads, Two. The Greater and the Lesser. The Greater consists of the nine of the while the Lesser stems from Horus, child of Isis and Osiris. When the two are of tO~:etrler. all of the are meant. Esna. south of modern Luxor. Site of the of Khnum. Euphrates. The waterway of Mt~sOPo1tanlia.
Eye of Mutt Eye of Atum, etc.
as it serves various
in a
11era}WflpC)US. Some-
Form. appearance, or incarnation power, Geb.
2:ojaol:!ss of love. np:lthcet of various gOdC1jeSses. In it is a Wrt. "The Great One." Great Green Sea. best understood as "the open sea." It seems to have referred to both the Red Sea and the Mediterrean Sea. Great Shrleker. The cry of the creator either as a divine falcon or as the celestial goose who laid the egg of the universe. Great Staircase. The locale in the Afterworld where the blessed congreRe or Osiris. The foot of the throne. to Great Wild Bull. A celestial in the form of a and power. Divine bulls in various manifestations were all over Greatest of Seers. The Priest of a Hall of the Two Truths. The of the deceased in the where the heart was welQ'l1leO in the balance agcunl,t the feather of Maat. or Truth. Golden One.
np:ltn.~t e:spc:~clc:Uly
Hall of Truth. Hand-of-Shu. Ritual carried Hapy. (1) The of the Nile River; pel:solilllication
made it rise each year to flood and fertilize the Nile. cOIltal,nlflg the Hapy. (2) One of the four the caflOPlC re~;pcmSlDle for embalmed internal organs of the deceased. the Harper's Songs. A small group of poems found in IUrter,ary which express the theme. "Seize the life while it lasts and not of the Ine~Vll:aDU1t death. All this runs t111".""rf"llu oc>n1:ral'y ideas. Hathor. Mc:mV'~Iacel:eo g04aoc~ss. Ua1ugtlter of A'-",I"\U',nl'T
Heart, Will, Mind. From the U1'.III1.-.tT
near the 9 and 10 in a divided
Center for the the First Inter-
who became Hermes in the Greco-Roman I-I ..." ..v ..... the source of the the Great Gods who rel)re:selnte~a tnc:OlO£Y of from that of He:l1O'DOl1S. Hlerakonpolls. Ancient on the west bank of the Nile in ODIDm;tte el-Kab. Center for of the cosmic Horus, the pe:rmtps the center of late pre........,.n"'" ,.."to",... civilization. The Followers of Horus seem to from this locale. HIli of Creation. The mound that rose of itself out of Chaos and upon which the creator stood to create the universe. Hor. Brother of and co-owner of a stele with a sun Time of III Horakhty. Horus of the Two HOlnz,ons, of Re, the .,........ ",r." HordJedef. 4. and
becomes the last traditional ways of Ramesside of Horizon.
to the
One went to or over the Horizon at
death. Horizon-dwellers. The blessed
who often come to welcome new
arrivals in the Afterworld. ancient Lord of the and pf()tect()r of the cOlntlJlSejj) with This is the cosmic Horus and is sometimes fused Horus the Child, son of Isis and Osiris. In either COlnCC:mt:l0Jl, of
Horus of Two Horizons. HOiralchty. House of Ptah in Memphis. The
of of Karnak .
than the .He:110pOllS, used for J ......,"'... House of the Scepter. The
which in its
House of the Spirit of Ptah. Hu. Here, an
for the
for the SllIl-Q'loa. pelrson1tlcatl0,n of divine or authoritative spc~ecn from the of a or Hunefer. Owner of a papyrus of the Book of the Dead from Thebes. Time of Sed I at the of 19. Overseer of Sed's tenl01e. Hypselis • .... ,.n ............... ::'fJlrls/Jiotep. near Assiut in Middle Town of Seth. laru. For "the Field of of the blessed dead. someimes took. ,,,YT>n.,c'u of whose form the Ibis. A bird sacred to Thoth's wisdom and JUCllcl0u:sn(~ss. Igret. for the ne<:rOIc>ollS for the realm of the dead. Imhotep. Flourished the nr'f"\!3<:!T"tl' 3. Architect of the sage. author of a book of wisdom so that he was deified in later OYlrlaS;nes. Imsety. One of the four COJrlt8.1Olng the responslDle for embalmed internal organs of the deceased. the liver. Imy-Kehau. "The " an otherworld Inherkhawy. Foreman of one of the teams on the tombs in the of the at Deir el-Medineh. Time of Ramesses III and IV 20. aD(J1U-IlSn aC:CQ1mJ)anJes and the Bark of Re a~cun:sr Intef (Inyotef). Name for 'vn.astles 11 and 17. The name is attached to the fine aOIc>ealrtflt2 on Harris 500. Ipet-Sut. H'Ul.lall:1~S known as Karnak in Thebes. Isis. The mother wife of Osiris and mother of Horus in the HeUOPOJlltaln ccc>srnOJ,o~y, s,rmlC>OllC mother of the Has immense SUI)erna1tural power. When Osiris is murdered she the of his dismembered reunites them. and his resurrection. He then her with Horus and goes to rule the kUlgaom of the Dead. She is central to one of the of death and resurrection.
Island of Fire (Isle of Flames). The hillock or mound where the came into and created fire Itef-reri. Father of of el~Kab. Iwn-des. A In the Eastern Desert? Iwn-mutef. "Pillar of his Mother. of the young Horus as prc)tectc>r of his mother. an of the Iyty. "He is come." Pun on the function of the son. who attends on his the now fused with Osiris. Jubilee. The beb-sed festival celeblratl.n~ renewal of the power and ..IJ.,,, .....,,,"""'. ne •• "II'I1' first held after years on the throne and then each three years thereafter. Justice. Maat as the word is translated in JuClIICl,al or moral contexts. See Truth. with the aeunea. tn()U2:n it seems to function as a kind of "double" of the person, who as if it were for the person in the next world. Kagabu. A Scribe of the ueaS\Jry in which he has a short prayer to Amun Kam. Mother of Bull of his Mother." Kamutef. L.t1J,~",LJ,''''''' enl~erlae:rtl1t~ power of the personage is to be erntpnlaSllZej;;I. Karnak, Temple of. The at constitutthe center of "'O'1LTnt-.~n relllR:l()US ~rt-1nT1t-'u from the Middle KlJ['l~(:10In on. Vital for two thousand years. Kemwer. The Great Black One. The bull of Athribis in the Delta. Also an eplltnc:!t of Osiris of Athribis. hTn !:JC!t'u 12. Khakaure. Prenomen of Senusert HI Khatti. The land of the Hittites, north of ~Ylna··t'a,lestlne, r(~ttc... ""I'T
Khayt. "She Who Rises in ~plenclor. a name for of Truth. Khenty-menutef. A celestial who takes the deceased to Geb. ep]lUlc~t of Horus. name in the or Golden of Senusert of ,'I,. . .,",,!.,' 12. Khepri. The sun and creator in scarab-beetle of espeas the sun or as the divine beetle which the
194 Kheruef. Scribe and Steward of the Great
III and IV in 18. to the Nile" and other hr&l·r'.:lr"u' works. A Ramesside scribe calls him the of the writers. Lived 12. in Don:ejr~Q'~[)a. who forms creatures on his in the cataract of the south and reguwheel. He is lates the Nile in association with at Ele~ Phan't1ne. he also has a at Esna. Khonsu. Moon at Thebes. Son of Amun and Mut. Khor. name tor King of the Sedge and the Bee. of the his fourth name in the the Nomen or nsw-bit name. Kush. name for the countries to the south of that is, Nubia. L.p.h. Abbreviation for the nIlj~U::in translation of the follows mention of the prosper, be nec;UtrlY Lake of Horus. Unidentified. In his to the and .,el:Uflll:! Sun" Ani or Horus. were out of chaos to creas if ate the world. Lake of Myrrh. \.PI,ar'ently a locale down the coast of East Africa in or near the land of Punt. lP()DJ:US is Lake of the Two Knives. A DatUe2rC)Ufl.O in the aeltea1tea{) Also, a lake near He:rrrlot:1011lS. Land that Loves Silence. The ne,crC)PC.llS and the Afterworld. Lesser Ennead. A second group of nine with Horus at their head. the When the Greater and the Lesser Enneads are mentioned entire of is meant. Libya. As now, the land to the west of Litany. A or prayer with a refrain at intervals. Lord of Abydos. Osiris. Lord of All. The supreme Re, or Amun. on the Lord of the Sacred Land. Osiris in his caJ)aclty as of the Dead. Lord of Thebes. Amun or Amun-Re. Lower Egypt. The Delta in the north. Maat (Ma'at]. The word for the root corlcel:n: IHz,at1 on, ret:)re:seI1ltiI1l~ a fusion of our corlCeptS Time of
Khety. Author of the
IJ'-Jl .. 'V·......
Manu, Land of. The
sun and,
extension. the realm
of the dead. domas Mehenu. A snt]lke~.20iddess who, like Nekhbet and Buto functioned as a uraeus to the Mehy. Character aplpeCllnrl.2 OCCCllSl()nCllU:y in the New Kl1t1.2(jOln love songs, nl'l!n··Dc~rn or a or arbiter for lovers. Memphis. The first southwest of prc~selnt-(lav Cairo, It was the Kllt1,g
XUfter,ary papyrus
Nakht. Name"An
Stg:ntl1lcallt than or "character"; what oth~
ers think of one. Naref. Unknown Naunet. Female COlLln1terpalrt
the counter-heaven. Nebmaatre. Prenomen of
Father of Akhenaton. His court was POSSl1t:>ly cernetiery, "the was indeed laid out with streets and "houses of _t-"........ 't-... Nefer-kheperu-re Wa..en-re. The prenomen and nomen in the tituof Akhenaton Nefer-neferu-aton. Name of Wife of Akhenaton. Neferhotep. Priest of Amun-Re and owner of Theban Tomb 50 in the of Western Thebes. Time of Horemheb Necropolis. Term for the
6. almost one hundred years. Nefertili. and wife of Akhenaton of the Amarna Period. Nefrus. Girlfriend of the of the love poem. Nehebu-kau. "He who awards distinction. of various divinities, of the BUrl-gloa. Nekhbet. Vulture of el-Kab. Mistress of the White Crown of and of the headdress or head-cloth of material over the head and over the shoulders. Nenet. Variant of Naunet. female of the counter-heaven. Nephthys. :tOl102est 1!oClde:;s gelrlel:an,on in the Hell0'oollltan and Seth. Functions rn '" I'u as a with Isis. An or a version of Osiris. or "Horus," name of Netcherkheperu. The Senusert III n:r""''''''~''lT 12. of f .....
Ladies. name of Senusert HI
Netchermesut. The of
Nine Bows.
the SUl!1-g'Oa Atum. Nine Great Gods. The Ennead of He1101:JOI1S created of Nine Peoples. Those of as SuIJ1U2a1:eCl
for a proper name to be added Book of the Dead or the Texts. the
nC' •• ",ll!u
in either the
He:110POJllta,n c~OSrnOJlO~V. Consort to the earth, and mother of the Osirian of Ogdoad. The conclave of the Great Gods of HermlOp~O!llS. Conceived the re<:eo1taas male-female de for the cosmos, space, oalrKrless, tn(:1Plenlt motion. Orion. The constellation pelrsonitleCl astral He is obsured the dawn and reappears at Osiris. One of the of the resurrection after death. His reanimation. offices of his sister/wife Isis. after his murder and dismemberment his brother became the to all that would. after continue existence in a eternal life in the company of Osiris himself. Osiris, An. As as the Old the that the at reenact the death and resurrection of the so, he became an osiris. Pahery. Scribe of the and in ear18 earlier fifteenth 1""".",..'....", in the fullest C::Ju''Ui,iTlnn rI,PCl"r1r\T1£'.n of what life in the next world was to be like. Pentaweret. with the official Ameneminet. S.C-E. Several of of late thirteenthth the letters between the two have survived in Sallier 1. Pepi. There were of 6 with this name, Both had Texts carved in their tombs. hT ....,"'''',.'"
was tnl)uj~nt to be of Osiris at where the buried and where his festival was celebrated. with pr-nsr. the national shrine of Lower at Per..new Shrine. Buto. with pr-nw. the national shrine of Lower at Per-nezer Shrine. Buto. Per-wer Shrine. The national shrine of at el~Kab. Phoenix..The benu-bird of He110POJl1taln n~li~~ioll1, connected to the SUI1-gOa there. Also identified with the Re and the benben-stone in the re~pr(;~Selltirl~ the Lo:ng··llvea. it reconstituted thus oel:ornm,2 C!u..nn,"'ll of renewal and ............... .... itself from its Peqer. The
U ..... - L f H . U .
in the
sed-festival or lut'l.lee. Place of Fire. Unknown; the redness of the dawn of as fire and a of the COJlte:xt). Place of Truth. General for but the ne,crC)PC)l1S of western Thebes and Deir el-Medineh. Pomegranate Tree. The sacred tree honored in He~raJ:CleoPol1s. Ptah. The creator of who out and ation into existence. A to Atum and Re of He:llO'Po.llS self the in both cases the remainder of the COl)mIOlo.~v was the same. A cosmic universal but also of crafts and craftsmen. He coalesces with Tatenen. Ptah·Sokar. Ptah in his identification with the necropolis. Punt. A and romantic country south on the east coast of source of exotic commodities times. Often invoked in the love songs. Pyramid Texts. A series of O1e:rOj~lVpnIC .... lflScrtP'tlOlns ,UJ;:;.4V ... '"
prayers, the resurrection of the dead pn.araon. Qebehsenewef. One of the four prc)te:ctln2the~Aj'lVI~l~
199 at the
name o.f the
20. Last thJ:o.U2h mo.st o.f
the o.nj~lnal creato.r o.f He:Uo.oo.Us. sundo.wn in his acro.ss the Re..Horakhty. Re as he is co.nceived o.f as the sun o.f the co..!l1esclng with Ho.rus o.f the Two. Ho.rizo.ns. Re..Atum. Re as he co.alesces with the o.lder
Rebel .
site o.f the co.urt and
Saamu-plants. Unidentified soc;~cu~s Sa..mehyt. "So.n o.f the 1\Jr..rrt"I"'lnc1
o.f the
in the Middle Klf12ao.m nelcrC)OC,llS o.f a to.wn; but mo.re the afterwo.rld o.r nn,;p"'l:IT£'I,,.Ic1 ruled by Osiris. Sakhmet. "The o.f Re and in the famSacred Land. gel[lel~aHy,
llon-fleaaelC), with the fierceness o.f the
o.f beetle which is o.ften seen o.f the co.smic the sun acro.ss the Cut fro.m vario.us sto.nes, the served fo.r use as amulets and the latter o.ften with hu::ro.JlT.IVPh:LC co.mmemo.for ae.Ull1l2 with the burial o.f the
12, The
Senusert III. 12. Serpent. The co.l)ra-2Ctaaess aOl)ealrlrll2 as the uraeus o.n the bro.w o.f the Serpents, Two. The do.uble uraeus, oe:rn.lllOS
desses o.f bo.th and Lo.wer czpr'lrtn,O' the same functio.n as the
Seth. God of confusion, the desert wastes, and
lands. Son of Geb and Osiris. Rival of Horus for rule of the land of He is the loser the Grand Tribunal of the Ennead, and Horus is awarded the Two Lands. Like resents a prlLnClp.l.e of an unknown desert beast with upl~12rlt tail. llan:>J,au:::u,
like the shadow or Shedeh. A kind of wine. Sherden. A from the Mediterranean of the ca. 1400-1200 B.C.E., from outside and later r ....~n"'.H.: connected with Sardinia. Shetyt. The ore'Cln4ct of the Me:m"hl1te nlecr!DPCHlS.
but some·
and of wine and aromatic oils. on the other. Shrine of the North. Per-nezer at Buto. Shrine of the South. Per-wer at el-Kab. t1eUOpollltan ODsrnoJ02'V: one of the first two deities with created Atum, the creator Sidelock·Wearers. Four male divinities of the eastern who aid the in his resurrection. Sinai. The desert east of across the Red Sea. In ph.ar'lOl'UC times. a and site of copper mines. Sinuhe. Title character in one of the finest ancient works of fiction. A official who flees into exile under threat of so'vel'eijt!n, Senusert I. he his life in welcomed back into Shezemu. A
Mc:~ml)hlS, hawk-headed. Seems to funcsyrnOOll:ZIn.2 the resurrection from death. UC;:)1,K.U4LC;:) Seth rather than Osiris. ;:)opeiJU, a of the northeast Delta....."""'4"".. , in the mid Texts, the child of Sothis and the resurrected prc)tectln2' the embalmed internal organs of the deceased: Duamutef. and l..leOeillsc:mewe:t. Sothis. Goddess of Sirius, the Star. Its heliacal of the Nile and the corn1f1t2' inundation
201 cOlnponent of in addition to the Souls of Heliopolis (of Iwnw). Deified nr"'rh1'n!1~:t-u' relll2'l()US center of sun wafrsrUD. Souls of Nekhen. Deified "".."'.1"1"........,... "" rulers of the southern KUlgclOnrl, the ancestors as pr<)te,ctc.rs. Souls of pe. Deified "" ...~r1 .. " .... rulers of the northern KlIlgclOnrl, the liv-
Soul. In this
Southern Harim. Spirit. In this
of the peJ'sollalit~
and name.
Staff-of-life-plants. UC:>lXlllal.:tVn th()Uiimt of as in the retinue of the SUil-flOG, Sunfolk. The blessed Suty. One of the Dr()tn~erSf with owners of a stele with a
to the sun which shows some palranelS of to the Amarna of the next Time of Syria. lJeslglnatlon tine Ta..cJjeser. "The Sacred Land" or the nelcrofpol1S. \,i.,!-,\,i'-.lA.l.l of Ta-mery. "The Beloved that is, Ta-wer. The district or nome of This and f'\OVOI[)S. Tatenen. An ancient of the fertile land out of the Nile coalesces with Ptah as a creator Tayt. Goddess of for the cloth with which to wrap the mummified Tefnut. Goddess of moisture; one of the first with made the creator Atum. She and her consort are the first to ret)re;serlt COllcepts of male and female in the cosmos. of 6 in the Old K1I1tgdc::>m. sen ted a at ~a~:tq~u-a Thebes. One of the two greatest with Memthe ... h ..·"' ...",.h," .....
of the often as a baboon or an ibis. Connected with He:rrrlO}:'OlllS and the '-""' .......,0."-". Transfigured Spirits. the word the transllg-
ured or -erll1J!~htlenced" souls of the dead as appear in all their in the afterlife. True of Voice. The deceased is 1--.... -- "true of voice" or "vindicated" once he or she has tJo.o".;,."" .... the Last before where the heart is weultted or Truth. If the the soul is allowed to pass on into the afterlife. Truth. One of the words used to translate the Maat. the root conand fundacivilization. It is a very cto,nt'r'lnnn a fusion of our of "truth," oelpell01lnS?; on the context. djerty, which means both "kite" and "female mourner.'" The Twin Kites are thus Isis and as mourn, Osiris and then any other deceased person. Two Banks. for the two sides of the Nile River. Two Ladies. The heraldic go,jde~ssc:~s Nekhbet of orc)tecct both of Lower 'Pf'1"'\pnt"c: of the double Uraeus. seen as the union of the two prc~hlstclnc klflS?:CI:OltlS of north and south and Two Sisters. The 2:0(loe~ssc:~s Ne:phth,rs prmlartly in their ca.>actlY as mourners for the oe~ce.:llSeICl. whether their brother Osiris or any other of the dead. Onas (Wenis). . ""... ..:.u-' ...:.... 5 and the first 'LH
carved in n1f~rOQnrnrlS Onderworld. Translation of Opper Egypt. Southern Or-god. for the of creation in the various names at different times, but ~eIler.'Ulj known as Atum. Oraeus. The COjl:)r<Jt-~cJa,je~;s on the brow of the nr,)tectl.n2: him and Oe:strl[,)Vl0Q' his enemies. Oser-maat-re. Here, to Ramesses II rather than Ramesses Ill. The former 1279-1212 S.CE. 19. Oser-maat-re Mer-Amun. Prenomen and Nomen of Ramesses III of 20. Oserhat. Name for the Bark of Amun.
203 Vindicated. Another translation for "true of
the deceased has the trial of the Last Juclgnlel'1lt. Visible Form. A technical term the manifestation or visible appearance of a an 11l\,~cl1jl1dl.1Ulll, tleetln2: or more One of the incarnations of Akhenaton's Aton. for instance. is the sun. Vizier. The official who in power is second to the and who in effect administers the country. Wadjet. of Suto in Lower also as the uraeusUC:;::l)lXUdUUll
for ancient
the western
Waters, Your. A
a to announce to the To be on his waters means to be under his pf()te,etlcon. Weary-Hearted. for the murdered inert and weary in death to his resurrection. WedJat. The of Horus, that is, "The One." .... 'urnnr.l_ izes health. Weni. An official of the of l, and Merenre. His tomb hit"'\ar!lnhv survives and nr,(,\,U'lrI .. source of information about the later Old KUlgC10I'10. Wennefer. "He Who Was Good" or "He Who Was Perfect." lJesu!nation of Osiris. Wennefer-re. Osiris in his fusion of power and with Re. Wentl. The name of a here to Osiris. "The One who Exists" or "The Inumph,ant West. the afterlife. Western Mountain. setttn,g sun meets the horizon and where the dead dwell. Western Souls. The blessed dead. Westerners. The blessed dead. White Wall. of ancient Me~ml)nlS. enclosed in white walls at the time of its establishment founder of a united in ·
I. Winding Waterway. A ge()grapluc.ill feature of the afterworld. Yonder. the afterworld.
Indexes (Ke:ter'enlces below are to text numr)ers, not
1. Deities Advet'saI'V 33,xxx. 44 All~Lord, 53, 55.i Amun, XIII. 24, 3 Lviii. 33.lxx, 33Jxxx, 33.cc, 33.ccc, 55.i, 55.iii. 60. 74. 76. BO.ii Amun~Kamutef, 31.ix, 63 Amun of Hibis, 53 Amun-Re, IV, 25, 3Li, 3l.viii, 31.x. 32. 33.xxx. 53, 72, ru 28.i Anlta~:on.lst, 3Lix Anubis, 7, 55.i, BO.ii 46
Crocodile. 33Jxx, 52,viii 33.dccc Divine Child, 3 Li Divine Falcon, 33.1 Divine Tribunal, 28.xi Divine Youth, 25, 74
Duamutef. 17
i t JlC:'L L
Eastern Horus, 17, 31.viii Easterner, 25 Easterners, 33.cc Great Gods, 33.lxxx, 33.cc, Elder Horus. 30ji 25, 28.vii, 40.vi Ennead, VII. 9, 20. 23, 24,26. 28.iv. 2B.viii, 3Li. 31.viii. 33.1,33.ccc, 3B, 41. 48. 51.vii. 33.dccc, 35. 66,70.BO.i Enneads,19,36,46 Enneads, the Greater and Lesser, 55 Enneads of the South. North. West. and East. 34 Evil one, 40.vi 20, 3l.ii. 33.x. 41. 44 of Atum. 33.vii. 41 of Horus. 11.21 of Mut, of Re, 33.vii, 33.x
Astarte, 66 Aton, IV, VI. 30.ii, 45.i, 45.ix, 45.xi Atum, Lii, 16, 18, 19,20.21. 23, 25, 3Uii, 3Lvi, 3Ux. 33.cc. 35, 39.ii, 41. 44,53, 66. BO.iii 1\t\lm-Horaxmy 27, 3B, 39,i, 42
Bull of heaven, 1,iii Celestial 12 Chaos, 9, 11. 2B.ij, 3Lix, 33.ix, 33.lxx Chaos of Nun. 36 Children of Atum, 23 Cow, 6
Falcon. 4, 17,27. 30.ii, 3Lx, 35. 63 Falcon of Twin Horizons. 33.dc 52.vii Falcon Fashioner. 33.cc 12 Followers, 36 Followers of Horus, 34. 55.iii Foremost of the Westerners. 26 Geb. 2.iii. 2.vii. 2.ix. 5, 11, 19. 20, 21, 23. 28.iii. 28.iv. 28.v. 28.vii. 28.viii. 28.ix. 28.xi, 29, 33.1, 43, 5l.i God who dwells in humankind. 55.iv God who is within you, VIII, 55,iii Golden Goddess. Golden One. 54 Great Ennead. 31.viii, 53 Great of 20 Great Shrieker. 33.xc Great Wild Bull. 7
VII. 17, 3Uii. 33.vi. 33.1. 33.dc. 44, 45.x. 5U. 5Lxiii, 5Lxiv. 52.i, 52.xii, 55.iii, 55.iv. 60 Hathor, VII, 27. 38, 54. 55.i Hel101Polita:n, 31.viii Hidden God .. 33.cc I-il".r!lllrht'u 13.19.22. 33.xx, 34, 35,44, 45.48 Horus. III, VII. 2.ix, 4,6, 9.19,20,21, 22, 23. 24. 28.viii. 28.ix. 29, 34. 35. 40.vi, 41,43, 58.i, 58.H, 60, 61, 62. 63 Horus of the Horizon, 17 Horus of Twin Horizons. 65 Horus of Two Horizons. 3Lvi. 40.H Hu. Ibis, 70, 92 Im]pertsh,abJle Stars. 18 U U y - . '• ..., ... au.
Iwn-mutef,21 23 Kamutef. 3U, 33Jxxx, 92 53 herltyrnermte:t 5 9, 19,21. 30.i, 30.ii, 3Uii. 32, 34, 35, 40.ii, 5Lviii. 63 Khnum, 30.ii. 5Uii Khonsu.92 of Heaven. 54 of Life, 3l.ix of the Uraeus. 40.ii Lesser Ennead, 2B.vi Lion, 33.1, 33.d. 45.ii, 5Lxiii Lone Star, 4 Lord of 26 Lord of AU, 9, 2B.viii, 33.vii. 33.xxx. 33.cc. 43. 5l.xiv Lord of 27. 45.x 3l.x Lord of the Sacred Land, 26 Lord of the Throne of the Two Lands, 3U. 3l.viii. 3l.x, 32. 55.i Lord of the Two Lands, 30.iii. 49, 53 Lord of Truth, 3U, 3Uii, 3l.viii, 41 Lords of BO.ii Lords of Truth, 2B.viii Maat. VII, 24, 29. 30jii, 34, 37. 3B, 39,ii. 40jii. 40.vi, 45. 50. 52. vi. 53, 62. 63 Creator of Truth, 31 Mehenu,3Ui Meskhaat. 17 Goddess, 56 Min,55.i Min-Amun,3l.ii Montu,66,91 Mut,30ji
Indestructible stars. 7, 39.i Indestructible, stars, 40,i !m:xtJlng:uif;hable stars, 5 Isis. III. 6. 18.23, 28.vii, 2B.viii. 3B. 41, 44, 55.i, 63
Naunet, 25. 39.ii. 40.iv, 44 Nehebu-kau, 13 Nekhbet. 3Ui. 55.i. 55.v Nenet,19 !\J",nh·rh •• ", 6, 16. 18,23, 3B
28.ix,51.i Nine Great Gods, 19,24,27, 28.i. 28.vi, 33.ix, 33.xc, 51.xiv. 77 Northerners. 21 Nun, 19,25,27,32, 33.dc. 35, 36, 38. 40.iii, 40.iv, 40.v, 42, 46 Nut. 2, 2.ix,,19,21.23,24. 27, 28.iv, 28.v, 29, 30.ii. 34, 35, 36, 38, 42.43,44 ,31.iv Orion. 1, 16 Osiris. III. V, VII, VIII. XI, 2.i. 2.ix, 4, 6. 7,,26, 28.i, 28.xi, 29. 34. 36.37, 39.ii. 40.i. 40-iv, 40.v, 41. 42, 43,44,47, 55.i. 55.v, 78. 79. 80.iii 19.20 Osiris. 'JJ;,.''''VQ,...
Primal 39,ii Primeval One. 30.ii, 42 Primeval 22 Primordial God, 32 Procreator.30,i Ptah, VII. 17,27, 32.i. 33.xc, 33.ccc. 45, 47, 5U. 5 Lviii. 53. 67 Ptah-Sokar, 44, 47, 55.i 17 of Heaven, 57
33.vii Ram, 44 Re, II, V, VII. 2.vii. 2.ix. 8.11,13.17. 19, 22.24,25.26.27. 28.vi. 28.xi, 30.i, 3U. 31.iii, 31.ix. 33.xxx, 33.xc. 33.cc, 33.ccc, 33.dccc, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. 39,i, 39.ii, 40.i. 40jii, 40.iv. 40.vi, 41, 42, 46. 48,49.50. 5U, 53, 55.iii, 55.v. 57,59, 61. 62. 64. 65, 66, 80.iii Re-Atum. 19,41 l/p_J-InY!lvhru, 71 Rebel. 24 Ke;oel-serpc:mr. 39.ii. 48 Red-Crown Goddess. 57
Sun. 24 Sakhmet, 33.x. 47. 58.i, 58.iii Lvi Seizer of :Serperlt, 33.xxx :SeI'oellt-cleIIllon, 31.it 35, 37, 38 41 19.21, 23 Shezemu, Lvi. 80.ii Shu. 2.viii, 6,,23. 33.xc, 41 Sidelock-wearers, 13 Sobek. 5 Lvii Sokar, 43, 44,50, 80.ii, 92 Sole God. 45.vii Son of Nut. 61 Son of Isis, 28.x. 28.xi Son of Re, Sons of Horus, 80ji Sothis,6, 13.16,17, 55.i Souls of 19, 36. 53 Souls of the East. 27. 41 Souls of the West, 27 Souls of Pet 36 Souls of the Easterners, 38 Souls of the Westerners, 38 Southerners. 21 of God. 33.x BuU. 3U. 33.1 Sunfolk. 7.19. 28.ix, 3lx. 36, 44, 45.iii, 48,55.i,64 Tatenen, 33.lxxx. 33.xc. 33.cc. 34. 41. 46 80ji Tefnut, 2.iii. 19.23. 33.xc. 41 Thoth. VII, 6,12.23. 28.xi. 31.ix, 33.ccc, 34. 40.H. 40.vi. 41. 48. 49,53, 55.i. 63. 68,69.70 41 Tribunal of Truth. 28.viii Twin Kites. 80.ii Two Enneads. 7.9,19,46 Two Ladies. 2,ix. 36. 58.i Two Sisters. 80,ii Two conclaves. 11 Two falcon 53 Two 27
Indexes One,3Lvi 15 Uraei,31.x Uraeus. 35, 36 Ur,leuS-j!004;]es:s, Lii 57,66 We.uV-He,uteo,78
33.x Wennefer,29,43,44 Wennefer-Re, 41 Wenti,44 Western Souls. 25 Westerners, 21. 26.50 Wicked One. 31,ix
2. Persons Akhenaton, II, IV, VI. 45, 45.xii Ameneminet, 69, 80.1i Amentlotc~p
III, II Amenmose. III, 28
Ani. 34, 39.H. 40.i, 40.iv, 40.v VI, 45
Neferkcue, 23 Wa-en-re. 45, 45.xii Nefer-neferu-aton Nefertiti, 45 Nefer-neferu-aton,45.xii f"le.[erlrlOtep, XI, 80.i, 80.ii, 80.iii Neferkcue, 23 Nptpr1rttv 45, 45.xii
Ba-en-re Meramun, 64, 65 Darius, 53 Hor. IV, 30j, 30,iii HOI:die,det, 78 Horemheb, n. 26, 27. 47, 48, 49, 50 Hunefer,37
Intef, XI, 78 h4Jo:.a.vU, 74 Khakaure, 5Ri Kheruef. II. 24, 25. 29 51
84 Meramun, 62, 63 Merenptah,62,63,65 Merenre.19 Mutho1tepc::t.41 Nakht.38 Nebmaatre, 30.iii
VIII, 55.i. 55.ii, 55.iii. 55,iv. 55.v Pentaweret, 69 2,11,17 35,36 Ramesses II, IV, XIII. 60, 61 Ramesses III, 46, 66 Ramesses Meramun, 60.61. 66 ,;:')a-meinv£ 57 Senusert It 56 Senusert III. 58 Seti I. 37 IV. 30.i. 30.iii
Teti, 3. 5 II
4, 12, 13 Unas, 1.1 User-maat-re, 60 User-maat-re Meramun. 46 Weni, XIII. 90
Indexes 3. Places
Abu, 91 7,2B.29,35,43,44,55.i Afterworld, I. 55.H. 79 Amarna. II, VI Asheru. 33.x, 92
J:SaJWlon. 44 Beloved Land, 46. BO.1 41. 43, 45.x uv,'vu!u.l.viii. 13. 16.22. 2B.iii. 31.iv. 50 Black Land. 60, 64 Busiris. 29, 43. 44, BO.ii Buto,31.ii of the Wall. 46
HeJrak.le01POl:LS, 2B,i, 44 Hel~mopoIls, 2B,i, 4B. 49, 50, 69. 70 Hle~rak:onlpOl1tS. 44 Hill of creation. 23 31.ix, 34, 36, 39.i. Horizon, 1, B, 40.ii. 40,iii. 41. 45.i House of Fire, 72 House ot Ptah. 66. House of Ramesses Meramun, 65 House of the Benben. House of the Ka, 33.cc( House of the Prince, 92 House of the Ruler, 34 House of the House of the HUf'I.;:,"I1.;: 2B.i
23 Delta, 52. 66 Demaa.23 31.viii. 31.1x,
45.vii. 45.x. 65,66
Isderektiw.63 Island of Fire. !.iii Iwn-des.44
EI-Kab. VIII, 55.ii bleph'lntj,ne, 55,i Esna, VIII bU1Phr'ate:s, 33.vi
Karnak, 3!.ii Khatti,66 Khor. 45. vii, Kush, 45,vii
52.ix Field of Otter:tn~s. 50 Field of Reeds, 19. 40.v,
Lake of Horus, 39.ii Lake of 50 Lake ot the Two Knives, 24. 3B, 39,ii Land of the Blessed, l,x Land of the Dead. Land of Manu, 34 61 Lower and 5 Lvi Lower and upper heavens, 31.1
50. 55.iii
God's Land. 31.i, 33.vi Great Green Sea, 31.vii, 33.vi. 45.iv. 45.ix, 46, 51.x. Hall ot Truth. 35 Hall of Two Truths. 2B.i, Heaven, 26 Hell0pc:>l1S, VII, 11. 19, 31.viii, 31.1x, 33,xxx, 33.dccc, 43, 70.71. BO.ii
Manu, 41
Indexes Ne<:rolPoli$, 26, 50 Nekhen,36 Nile, VII, 33.dc, 37, 45.ix. 51. 5l.xiv, 52, 60 Nubia.5B.i Ocean. 33.vi. 46 Palace of 23 47 Per-wer shrine. 53 Phoenicia, 66 Place of Truth, 33.dccc, 74, 79 Punt, 3U, 33.vi. 36, 40.iii, 50
Ta-wer.39.ii of Amun.66 of Karnak, 3U of Ptah, 44 of Re.14 of Seth. 66 Thebes, 30.iii, 33.vii, 33.xxx.33.cc. 33.ccc, 33.dccc, 59. 62. 63, 66. BOji This, 55.i Two Banks. l.vii, 2B.iv. 2B.ix. 2B.x, 44, 5l.xiv, 52.ii. 5B,i, 58.ii, 5B,iv Two Heavens. l.vii Two Lands. 2.ix, 25, 27, 2B,iii, 2B.v, 29, 30.ii. 3l.v. 31.x. 32, 33Jx. 36, 3B, 40.ii, 40.v, 43, 44. 45,iiL 5l.iv. 5B.i. 5B.iv, 61. 62.64
Realm of the dead. 25. 27, 41 Realm under 55.v River, 2B.ix, 31.v. 33,vi, 45.iv, 45.xi, 55.i, 5B.iii, 73, BO.ii Rosetau, 26,41. 47. 55.i
Underworld, 25, 26. 27. 2B,iii, 29, 33.vi. 33.xx. 33.xxx. 33.lxx, 33.cc. 33.dccc. 40.ii, 41. 42, 43. 44. 45.ix, 4B, 5Ux. 55.iii 17
Sacred Land, 25. 29, 40,v, 55.ii Sacred Realm, 46 Sea of 40.vi Shrine of the North, 22. 3U Shrine of the South, 22, 31.i Sinai. 5B.iii Southern Harim. 30.iii 77
Waset. 33.x West. 9. 25,26, 30Jii, 3Ux, 33.cc. 40-iv, 40.v, 41, 44, 45.xii, BO.i Western Land. 55.ii Western Mountain, 25, 30.1, 39,i,41, 42,BO.iii White-Wall. 2B.i
1 a-4cuelser.
43 92
l'\D,CI1U-I1s.n. 34. 35, 40.vi Afterlife, VIII, 55.iii 55.v to the Ascension, 6, 7, B Asiatics. 37, 56, 58,i Atef crown. 27, 29, 3 Ui
Ba,43 Baboon. 3Ux. 36, 6B
Yonder. 25
Bark of Millions of Years, 33.xxx. 48 Bark of Re, B, 19 Bee,2.v Be~tinJ1in.g. 32, 33.x. 33.lxxx. 33.xc, 72 Benben Shrine. 23 u<::,"u,·..... VIII. 1.viii. 13, 16, 22. 2B.iii. 3Uv.50 Bird of prey, 33.d
210 Blessed 55.v Book of the Dead. V Book of 52.viii Bull. 31.i, 32, 33.d, 41, 48, 52.x, 76 Bull of 61, 63 Bulti-fish. 34, 35 diem. XI Car touche, 63 CiI'cumJ:~ol,lf stars, 28,ii Coffin Texts, V ,""ViIUUil};:; Forth, 34, Communion, 1.xi Council of the 70 Craftsman. 30.ii. 33.xl Creation. 32, 33.xc. 33.c. 45.xi, 46 Crown. 31.v Crown of the North. 20 Crown of the South, 20 Crown of 31.ii Crowns of South and North. 31.ii Bark. 17, 3l.ix, 34, 35. 39.1. 40.i, 40.v. 40.vi. 42. 48 of 80.ii Delta Residence. 66 IX UI(~(]-I)Ul'lf 80ji Double Crown, 31.ii. 31.v. 43, 58,iv
Fire, 18 First Occasion. 33.c First Time. 32 Form. 32, 33.ix. 33.xl. 45.xi Formlessness. 31.m Go forth into the 41 God's Father, 80.i, 80.H. 80jii Golden Horus. 58 Golden Horuses. 2,ix Great Staircase. 17. 55.iii Great Throne. 6, 34, 80.ii Greatest of Seers of Re. 92
Hand-of-Shu.92 Harim.31.viii songs. XI 79 Hawk. 4 Heron. 43 Priest of Thebes. 32 Horizon-dweller. 6, 27. 31.viii. 37 Incarnation, 1.iii. 33.xc, 40.iii Incense, 18 Int-fish.40.vi 59,60 30.m. 51.x Ka,23 and the Bee, 2.ix of the Two Lands. 46 of and Lower 20. 31.i. 44. 45.xii. 58.i. 62 n.u"o"...p, III. 20 Knee of Horus. 18 65.66 lazuli, 31.viii. 33Jx. 43. 51.x, 65 IV, 33 45.i
3l.iv.31.vii, Live. prosper. be 34.59 "-'Vll~Ul~ for Mc:~mlphjs". 67 Love. 54 Love songs. XU 31.i. 31.viii, 73 Millions of Years, 61 Mind. 3 Liii. 33.dc Monotheist. VI M",cct.> ... ".cc 33.cc. 41. 48. 5l.v, 80.ii Name. Lii, 1.v. 19.21. 23. 32. 33.x, 33.1, 33.1xx. 33.cc. 33.ccc. 45.i. 51.xiii, 59, 62.80.ii Nemes,3Lii
Bark, 17.24,26.27, 3l.ix, 34. 35, 37.38,39.1. 39.ii, 40.i. 40.v. 41, 42,48. 49 Nine Bows. 23.59, 61 Nine 58.i NN,42 Nubians, 33.vi Osiris, an, 34 Person. 45.iv Pharaoh. I, IX. 59 Phoenix. 23 1-'('\IVr-n,pl~m VI. VII t'olnejgrana1te Tree, 28.i Potter's wheel, 32. 5Uii Pre-Amarna. IV Primal waters. 38 Primeval time. 33Jxxx Primeval waters, 11 I-"I.Tr!lmli1 Texts, I,V Residence, 52.vi, 66 Resurrection. IX, 1 Ko··gec~se. 52.ix Son. 19 Sacred Throne, 26 49 Sacred :SaI~CO]pn'lgus, 55.ii Scarab. 30.ii Scribes, X :SCllOQ,U>CIV miscellanies. X Secular. XII. XIII
Shade, l.xi, 80.iii Shedeh,46 Sherden.63 47,55.i Shrine. 33.xxx 33.xxx. 33.dccc ... "'Ii, .... ILV Soul, l.xi. 22, 28.i. 32, 33.cc. 33.dc. 34. 39.ii. 40.i, 44, 47 1.xi, 13,20,23, 28,i. 32, 33.vi. 33.lc, 33.cc, 33.dc, 33.dccc, 34, 40.v, 41, 49. 55.ii Staff-of-life 52.v Star. 16, 33.xx, 35. 37, 44 Sun-bark. II, 14,34 Sundisk,25 £', ...
Table of Osiris. 55,ii Tale ot Sinuhe, 56, 57 ThceG):'hames. 3U. 3l.iv. 32 Time. 45.xi Truth. 17,25.27, 28.x, 31.viii, 32. 33.dccc. 35. 41, 44, 45.xi. 49. 59 and Order, VII Truth. Two Shrines, 27 Underworld relIgIon. III unwe:ar'Vln.Q" stars, 28.ii. 39.i Userhat, 33.vi Utterance. 3 Uii Vindicated. 36, 37, 40.i. 40.v. 41, 43, 69. 78.i, 79. 80.ii White Crown. 3l.ii. 31.v, 43 Word,40Jii
Writings from the Ancient World
""[IT">C ."ro
eOltlo:n. 1998.
MeS'oPOitaml~a. LlrloenDC~r~(:r
Ancient Aramaic
J. MUlrn
in 1996.
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